
kylemmsoreau what was i aspost to post again?00:00
kylemmmy screen proze00:00
mkanyicychrome_: use ntfs00:00
kylemmsoreau: sorry my screen forze what do i post again?00:00
soreaukylemm: Your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file. Here is a command you can use to get a link to it:  sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us00:01
BiPolahBelias: Is the URL correct?00:01
magicianlorddoes debian use upstart00:01
rwwmagicianlord: not by default, no00:02
rwwmagicianlord: next time you have a Debian question, though, ask #debian.00:02
BeliasBiPolah: let me check00:02
BiPolahBelias: Ah, it rejects wget connections, hence why you had the -U. wget -r -nc -U Firefox www.tutorialsforblender3d.com00:03
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family00:03
kylemmsoreau: okay can i PM you the link?00:03
kylemmsoreau: http://sprunge.us/ehEZ00:04
hiexpohola all00:05
mkanyicyhola hiexpo00:05
soreaukylemm: You need to install your graphics driver in sys>admin>additional drivers00:06
soreaukylemm: Or go to #nouveau and see why the open driver isn't working00:06
kylemmokay i will install it, but it always says system error or something ill tell you what it says when its finished00:06
soreaukylemm: The nouveau drivers only support certain cards for 3D since nvidia wont release hardware specs to the public00:07
kylemmsoreau: so most likly my drivers wont let me do the effects?00:07
soreaukylemm: You probably should just install the proprietary nvidia driver00:08
soreaukylemm: From sys>admin>additional drivers00:08
kylemmsoreau: the one that says recommended?00:08
soreaukylemm: yes00:08
pinkeywhen I install a package with software-center, where does it store the .deb file it downloaded?  (I would like to install it on multiple machines w/o re-downloading)00:08
hiexpokylemm, install the propiorty drivers00:08
xangua!aptoncd | pinkey00:08
ubottupinkey: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:08
pinkeyisn't there just a directory where it puts them?00:09
kylemmi can choose between two. NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173), or NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended].  Should i install both or just the recommended00:09
soreaukylemm: Install the one that says recommended00:09
kylemmokay. it always says an error when its finished, i dont remember it so i will install it and tell you what it says00:10
hiexpopinkey, install bleachbit and you will see exactly where it is at than you can go to that folder and just grab the deb without having to use aptoncd00:10
mkanyicypinkey: i think /var/cache/apt/archives00:11
doodlenoxhello.. im wondering which download to get for use on my 6 year old dell laptop00:13
Desg_xdanyone help me install my network card drivers so i can use wireless00:13
k1rkdoobien, specs?00:13
kylemmsoreau: when its done installing driver it says SystemError: install Archives() failed and it doesn't install it00:13
magicianlorddoodlenox: regular ubuntu 10.1000:13
k1rkerm I meant doodlenox00:13
magicianlorddoodlenox: 32bit gnome00:13
k1rkmagicianlord, assuming he has enough ram.00:14
hiexpodoodlenox, i would get 10.04 lts 32bit00:14
soreaukylemm: You probably have a repo issue. Does 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' return without errors?00:14
wechataptitude download <package>00:14
Desg_xdBCM4321 my networks cards chip00:14
magicianlordkirk: it's the better choice, no matter what. lxde and xfce dont differ much with ram usage than gnome00:14
magicianlordthat is a myth00:14
wechatlubuntu liter00:15
kylemmsoreau: its asking me if i want to continue00:15
k1rkdoodlenox, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements00:15
soreaukylemm: How are you going to find out if it returns without error if you do not continue?00:15
* soreau doesn't understand some of these people sometimes00:15
soreauI ask for 'glxinfo|grep renderer' and they're telling me the output is "glxinfo isn't installed." Is it that hard to just read and think for two seconds?00:16
kylemmsoreau: well its at %6 now00:16
vulpine_I need some help; What would be the best way to convert a PAL dvd to an NTSC one?00:16
doodlenoxthank you00:16
soreaukylemm: Good. Now let it finish updating your system, then try again00:16
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:16
doodlenoxis there a torrent place where i can download it quicker00:17
kylemmokay, im running this off of a USB, so it will not affect my computer right?00:17
xanguadoodlenox: ubuntu.com00:17
soreauvulpine_: Just rip it and use devede to recreate it00:17
magicianlordkylemm: no, as long as you dont formt anything00:17
hiexpodoodlenox, there is a torrent click alternative download00:17
k1rkdoodlenox, on the Ubuntu download page, to the bottom left "Alternative downloads"00:17
soreaukylemm: You are doing all of this in a live session or is ubuntu installed to the usb stick?00:18
vulpine_soreau: But wouldn't that eliminate the original DVD menu?00:18
Chriss_Hey peeps is it possible to recover a file on my hdd using ubuntu even if I already erased my windows xp00:18
soreauvulpine_: yep.00:18
kylemmits in a live session on a USB00:18
vulpine_soreau: so then isn't there a way to rip it with the dvd menu?00:18
offsenseis there any way installing ubuntu unity in lucid lynx??00:18
doodlenoxwhats the differce between i386 and AMD00:18
soreauChriss_: Depends on how well you erased it and what exists in it's place on the drive now00:18
doodlenoxwhich sould i go for00:19
hiexpoChriss_, unlikely00:19
soreauvulpine_: I have no idea00:19
vulpine_soreau: alrighty, well thank you :D00:19
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity00:19
kylemmits funny because this operating system runs faster then my windows vista that has 1TB hard drive and 6GB ram00:19
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ElderDryaskylemm: why didn't you say it was a live cd hours ago?00:20
magicianlordkylemm: vista is slow. the ram doesnt affect it much, beyond 1gb00:20
doodlenoxso which is it i386 for an old dell laptop or amd00:20
wechatoffsense: sudo aptitude install unity (or google for another PPA)00:20
hiexpokylemm, well sure it does linux uses very little resources00:20
magicianlordkylemm: you can even tweak ubuntu to be faster, if you know how00:20
Chriss_really is it not possible to just mount the drive00:20
kylemmi didn't know it would affect anything if is live or not00:20
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magicianlordkylemm: live is just to try it out.00:21
kylemmya. i mainly got this to test out the desktop effects00:21
* ElderDryas decides to quit and just go get supper00:21
kylemmif the desktop effects are good ill get it00:21
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest18873
offsensewechat: let me try, thnx00:21
magicianlordkylemm: if you have an nvidia card, you would need to install the nvidia drivers for hte effects to work00:21
magicianlordintel or ati, not so much00:22
kylemmit doesn't let me install the recommended one00:22
prakash_I'm running 11.04 and sudo works with my password in a terminal, but my password is not accepted on the desktop for admin purposes, eg synaptic package manager - any ideas?00:22
hiexpokylemm, there are a lot of things you are not going to be able to do useing the live system but it gets better00:22
kylemmsays system error00:22
doodlenoxshould i download the ati or amd for a dell laptop00:22
soreaukylemm: Why are you trying to get compiz working on a live usb? Why not just install it to the hard drive and actually use it (since every time you reboot, all your changes are lost)00:22
magicianlordkylemm: installing the drivers is best to do after the install. what is your graphic card?00:22
magicianlordsoreau: he may not feel safe yet with replacing Vista00:22
jrib!11.04 | prakash_00:23
ubottuprakash_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.00:23
kylemmwell i dont want to lose all my files on my other opeating system. This is just to test it out. If its good ill prob get dsi00:23
soreaumagicianlord: He has 1TB hdd, I don't think he needs to replace anything00:23
kylemmim running this on a 8GB USB stick00:23
righteousRathas anyone in here ever been investigated by the fbi for hacking?00:23
rww!ot | righteousRat00:23
ubotturighteousRat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:23
magicianlordsoreau: it's not about space. its aboutcompatibility and knowing how to navigate00:24
soreaukylemm: The only way to get proprietary nvidia drivers working on a live cd is to restart X. So after installing nvidia-common package, log out to restart X00:24
VCooliodoodlenox: if it's an older laptop i386, not amd (this is cpu related); ati is videocard00:24
soreaumagicianlord: How do you know what he wants?00:24
righteousRatrww sorry about that...i just figured a room full of smart people would be the proper place to ask that question00:24
magicianlordsoreau: it's obvious00:24
hiexpounix will run on anything doodlenox00:24
kylemmso soreau is that all i have to do?00:24
kylemmthis thing im running is at %8000:24
wechatoffsense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/InstallationGuide00:24
soreaukylemm: Yes, and it may not even work. You're better off installing it to a partition on your hdd00:25
kylemmso do i need to complete this installation?00:25
prakash_ubottu: is there an easy way to downgrade or should I reinstall?00:25
kylemmits at %8100:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:25
soreaukylemm: Or install ubuntu to the usb drive, depending on how big it is00:25
rww!downgrade | prakash_00:25
ubottuprakash_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.00:25
doodlenoxis that good?00:25
doodlenoxfor old dell laptop00:26
soreaukylemm: If you have 6GB of ram, it shouldn't run out of space quickly so it should be fine00:26
doodlenox5 years00:26
BiPolahDoodlenox: That is the latest stable version of Ubuntu, 32-bit.00:26
hiexpoprakash_, you can not downgrade do a fresh install00:26
soreaukylemm: In a live session, the entire system is running in memory00:26
kylemmsoreau. It says the recommeneded driver is activated but not in use00:26
BiPolahDoodlenox: I imagine your laptop could support it. I don't imagine there'd be any great problems in running it unless the hardware is unsupported00:26
xanguadoodlenox: define old, if you go for text installer yes00:27
magicianlordkylemm: log out and log back in00:27
soreaukylemm: That's because it's installed but not loaded. You need to log out in order to restart X00:27
kylemmokay so can i cancel this terminal?00:27
kylemmthat was installing sheit?00:27
magicianlordsoreau: what is the default log in pas on the live session00:27
soreaukylemm: Just let it finish00:27
soreaumagicianlord: nothing00:27
hiexpoit doesn't matter kylemm it's only live so don't matter00:27
magicianlordsoreau: maybe00:28
kylemmthis linux is so fast00:28
kylemmin my school class we were building computers and installing dual boot ubuntu and windows xp so thats how i found out about this and got a live usb00:28
cryptodirawhat file/command causes the sound slider to live on the top panel?  indicator applet does NOT create it... just mail and display.00:28
VCooliodoodlenox: that's alternate install, you want that? see if you like netbook edition for your laptop, else just use desktop version00:28
wechatgood shcool00:28
gordonjcpcryptodira: mixer applet, maybe00:28
soreaukylemm: I would also install compizconfig-settings-manager, simple-ccsm and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra so you can configure compiz after it's working00:29
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hiexpokylemm, but remember when you install the extra tweeks to make things kool it will get slower somewhat but still much faster than windoz00:30
kylemmokay :D00:30
ElderDryassoreau: how does live cd remember that you have installed the NVIDIA drivers after you install (you have to reboot afterall)00:30
kylemmsoreau okay i will do so :D00:30
soreaukylemm: Meh, compiz is fast.00:30
kylemmthis stuff is just unpacking00:31
soreaukylemm: don't need to worry about slow down unless you're doing something really extreme00:31
magicianlordextra effecst is not really slower. use it. i use extra effects on a netbook00:31
kylemmthis is so fast lol.00:31
kylemmokay sreau00:31
soreauElderDryas: You don't reboot, you just restart X00:31
magicianlordkylemm: you can press the windows key and tab or win plus A for some cool effects00:31
* ElderDryas slaps forehead and decides more beer is needed00:32
soreaumagicianlord: After he gets his drivers loaded and compiz running00:32
* soreau gives ElderDryas more beer00:32
kylemmall this stuff is just unpacking00:32
el_monsterofake irc beer sucks.. maybe not sucks.. but not as good as cold real beer00:32
kylemmokay how do i logout?00:32
hiexpolinux is a much more stabble and safe operateing system than windoz   if it was not why would nasa   and other big companys use it most servers are linux   red hat   linux is safe   and very stable  i don't even have a virus scanner00:33
soreaukylemm: Yea, just let it finish now since it's already going. It will get you latest official updates with bug fixes etc00:33
kylemmdamn still not done00:33
soreaukylemm: Log out in sys>00:33
ElderDryasel_monstero: but it's free (as in beer not speech)00:33
kylemmits at update-initramfs00:33
cryptodiragordonjcp,  grepping for mixer applet only returns a .png and text document...  i think i am looking for something along the lines of the nm-applet.... so that the slider will be made00:33
soreaukylemm: You may have to completely restart gdm, not sure.. but to completely restart X, do Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty and then type 'sudo service gdm restart' and it should automatically load the nvidia driver00:34
magicianlordkylemm: use the button in the top right corner00:34
soreaukylemm: That is, if sys>log out doesn't work00:34
righteousRatanyone want to chat about firewalls00:34
kylemmsoreau so after this is done do that? or just log off00:34
kylemmokay okay00:34
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kylemmso try logout first00:34
wangxiyueuse: exit or logout00:34
soreaukylemm: After it's done. You don't want to interrupt the package manager while it's updating your system00:35
kylemmso many updates lol00:36
soreaukylemm: Did you see my private message?00:36
magicianlorddid you install it?00:37
kylemmthis thing is still updating00:37
magicianlordit's gonna take a while to update00:37
magicianlordare you in the live sessions stil00:37
soreaumagicianlord: I didn't know he was on a live cd so I had him update :p00:37
magicianlordyou dont need to update on the live00:37
magicianlordi would just stop the update for now00:37
soreaumagicianlord: Nah, it could mess up the system00:38
kylemmmess up my whole system00:38
kylemmor just my usb?00:38
magicianlordit wont mess up anything00:38
soreaumagicianlord: Bad habit to make too - stopping the package manager in the middle of updating00:38
magicianlordit's gonna take it half an hour to update it00:38
magicianlordwhat's the point on the live00:38
wangxiyuewhen install os that will need updata00:38
soreaumagicianlord: No it wont, the packages are already d/l'd and he has a reasonably fast system00:39
kylemmafter im done trying out ubuntu, and i format my usb to take this stuff off00:39
itaylor57yea but he will have to reoboot and lose the changes00:39
kylemmwill things still be on my internal hardware00:39
magicianlordit's all running in memory/RAM00:40
offsenseanyone here confirming that unity-desktop run slower comparing to normal desktop?00:40
kylemmokay well hopefully it doesn't screw around with my vista os00:40
soreaukylemm: In a live session, the entire system is operating in memory so after you reboot, it's like it never even happened00:40
ElderDryassoreau & magicianlord :  Just did some checking...it looks like there is a Persistence File (?) you can create if you make a boot USB from the Live CD.  Would this save changes like the NVIDIA drivers one adds and use them the next time?00:41
soreaukylemm: It's not going to mess with anything unless you tell it to00:41
kylemmokay. so when i reboot its like NOTHING happened?00:41
kylemmmight as well scroll around on hackforums for a bit and try to buy some XBL microsoft points lol00:41
soreauElderDryas: I am not familiar with that option but my guess would be that it suspends to ram but writes it to the usb stick00:42
magicianlordElderDryas: i dont think so. it would just give you a separate "disk" in nautilus to save extra files to.00:42
magicianlordElderDryas: not cetain about os chagnes though, bec i never used that option00:42
kylemmokay i think its done00:43
kylemmits now showing ubuntu@ubuntu:-$ rectangle00:43
magicianlordjust log out00:43
soreaukylemm: You will know it's done when it gives you bask a prompt - yes, like that00:43
soreaukylemm: Now sys>log out00:43
kylemmill be bak :D00:43
bsmith093is there a way to tell apt to uninstall everything ive installed the last 3 days or so?00:44
kylemmwhere is logout lol00:44
soreaubsmith093: Like a system restore point? Not sure..00:44
soreaukylemm: In the System menu00:44
kylemmsystem>admin> login screen00:44
soreaukyentei: No, system>Log Out00:44
soreaukylemm: No, system>log out00:45
soreau! who | kylemm00:45
ubottukylemm: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:45
kylemmall i see is system> prefferences, administration, help and support, about gnome, abount ubuntu00:45
wangxiyueuse teminate00:45
kylemmsoreau: thats all i see :D00:45
magicianlordkylemm: upper right corner of panel, there is a powr button. click it and choose logout00:45
soreaukylemm: Maybe it's different on the live session. Try going to Ctrl+Alt+F1 tty and entering (you better write this down)  sudo service gdm restart00:46
Loshkibsmith093: I only know the hard way: read /var/log/dpkg/status to see what was installed in the last 3 days, and then manually uninstall them...00:46
soreau! tty | kyl00:46
ubottukyl: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.00:46
nowarninglabelis it possible to copy the home directory of a user from one ubuntu install to another, and presuming the same apps are installed, all the settings will load up as expected in applications?00:47
soreauoh crap00:47
soreauI guess he figured it out00:47
soreaunowarninglabel: sure00:47
magicianlordor he can't get back in becaus there is a log in pass and name00:47
nowarninglabelthis is my plan b, since i can't find a drive big enough to clone the whole current drive to00:47
soreaunowarninglabel: Should work as long as it isn't vastly different versions of ubuntu00:47
soreaumagicianlord: lol00:47
magicianlordi had thatproblem with 9.10 i thnk on the live session00:48
nowarninglabelsoreau: Ok, think 9.10 -> 10 will work ok?00:48
soreaumagicianlord: I think it counts down to 10 and auto logs in, or if you hit enter it will log in right away00:48
soreaunowarninglabel: Probably. Try it and find out00:48
magicianlordi dont htink he knwos that00:48
soreaumagicianlord: Well it's kinda obvious with the time out thing.. if anything the nvidia drivers probably just exploded on him00:49
nowarninglabelsoreau: Yeah will do. Thanks. Wish I could find a way to just clone the drive on to a smaller drive, but so far research on that route has been for naught00:49
kylemmsoreau: hey00:49
Loshkinowarninglabel: how big are your source and destination drives?00:49
soreaunowarninglabel: If something isn't working right, just rm or mv the relevant config dir out of the way to reset to defaults and see if it's the problem00:49
soreaukylemm: hi00:49
nowarninglabelsoreau: ok00:50
soreaukylemm: What happened?00:50
kylemmsoreau: when i logged out, it had me login with a user and pass, and i dont have one.00:50
kylemmsoreau: so i had to restart comp00:50
soreaukylemm: On a live session, it should be auto login after 10 secs or you just press enter without typing anything00:50
nowarninglabelLoshki: source is 150GB drive, destination is 80.3GB. But I only am using 70GB on the source (but yes I know it isn't like you can't just copy the used portion, wish I could)00:50
ubluntui just finish installing buntu netbook edition on my netbook and when i book it halt and free with this message,[40.119754] phy0  --> rt2800pci_mcu_status: error - Mcu request failed, no response from hardware speech-dispatcher disabled; edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher , how can i edit this file if i cant login ?00:50
soreaumagicianlord: failsauce :)00:50
kylemmokay ill try just pressing enter then00:50
kylemmlemme reinstall deiver00:51
soreaukylemm: Try it right now again before installing the drivers00:51
kylemmokay lol00:51
magicianlorddont update00:51
magicianlordjust do the nvidia driver00:51
soreaumagicianlord: I'm having him test the gdm login again00:51
soreauhopefully, just enter will work00:51
nowarninglabelall this is because I am switching jobs and new job is forcing me to use a Mac, at least I can still use an Ubuntu VM, but ugh00:52
mkanyicynowarninglabel: you can use 'tar'00:52
soreaunowarninglabel: ow, that sucks :)00:52
mkanyicynowarninglabel: but thats not ideal00:52
Loshkinowarninglabel: well actually you should be able to just copy the 70GB that's in use.00:52
nowarninglabelWell I thought maybe there is a way, but I want to create a bootable clone if possible, and so far haven't found a way00:52
mkanyicynowarninglabel: partimage? tried that out?00:53
nowarninglabelmkanyicy: interesting, can you point me towards any docs on trying it with tar?00:53
magicianlordnowarninglabel: you can install ubuntu on a usb drive plugged in00:53
nowarninglabelmagicianlord: i did a direct dd of the drive to a 250GB usb external drive, but it didn't copy the mbr00:53
mkanyicynowarninglabel: 'man tar', lol00:53
nowarninglabelmagicianlord: so can't boot off of it00:53
kylemmsoreau: Authentication failure. had to restart again00:53
njerohi all, I am trying to get my usb tv tuner card to work and having trouble. It is a avermediatvhd volar max (h826DU) and it is supported. The card is recognized and w_scan picks up the channels... but I can't play them00:53
nowarninglabelmkanyicy: hehe ok ill give that a shot as well00:54
mkanyicynowarninglabel: i used to use that back in the day, with bzip2, though00:54
mkanyicynowarninglabel: it was hell of a hack00:54
soreaukylemm: wtf. Ok, now lets set you a password so you can login. Run 'passwd' and set a password for the ubuntu user00:54
edwardteachin the terminal what is <<< ? i am familiar with < and << never came across it until today .00:54
Loshkinowarninglabel: it can still be done, but the new copy will need to have /etc/fstab edited, and also the grub boot files, as various file paths will have changed...00:55
nowarninglabelthanks #ubuntu at least gives me something to try00:55
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
mkanyicyedwardteach: can you give an example?00:55
kylemmsoreau: it says changing password for ubuntu. (current) UNIX password: and i cant type anything00:55
soreaukylemm: You are typing (it is listening)00:55
mkanyicyedwardteach: where did you came across that today?00:55
nowarninglabelLoshki: Yes, hehe unfortunately I will admit I do not have that expert level domain knowledge for that00:55
soreaukylemm: It just doesn't show what you type (security feature)00:55
soreaukylemm: So press backspace a bunch then just press enter00:56
joshiehey, is this the best place to ask about sound issues?00:56
edwardteacherm it was this morning i will see if i can find it !00:56
kylemmsoreau: Passwd: Authentication token manipulation error.   passwd: password unchanged00:56
mkanyicyjoshie: maybe it is00:56
ubluntuanyone can help me with my issue, buntu netbook edition freeze on load up at "phy0 - rt2800pci_mcu_status: Error - MCU request failed, no response00:57
ubluntufron hardware"00:57
soreaukylemm: Are you sure this is a live session and you didn't actually install ubuntu to the usb?00:57
soreaukylemm: It should look something similar to this behavior https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu+boot+password.gif00:57
kylemmsoreau: im pretty sure because when i restart comp i have to reinstall this chat thing00:57
sean_wCan anyone show me a fresh main.cf postfix config file? I broke mine :(00:57
Loshkinowarninglabel: someone here can probably help you with it...00:58
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kylemmit doesn't look like that00:58
kylemmsoreau: is that 10.10?00:58
soreaukylemm: On the gdm login screen, it should have a 10 second timeout and the password should be blank00:58
kylemmsoreau: im running 10.04 or something like that00:58
soreaukylemm: Probably 10.0400:58
soreauoh hm00:58
joshiemkanyicy: heh, ok i'll give it a shot.  I booted into my ubuntu partition, and the sound is gone.  It worked last time I used ubuntu (about 3 months ago), but now it isn't and I have no idea how to go about troubleshooting it.00:58
kylemmit says username but does not say will login in00:58
soreaukylemm: Why not get the latest version of ubuntu to test with? nouveau might be working (which means compiz would work OOTB)00:59
nowarninglabelLoshki: Is there a place I should start? I'm guessing I should start by burning a grub cd for the computer I'm moving it to00:59
kylemmi cant get the 10.10 working00:59
soreaukylemm: Why not?00:59
kylemmsome file does not transfer properly to the usb or something00:59
kylemmor the dl file was incomplete00:59
sinisterstufjoshie, is the sound muted?00:59
kylemmit will take like 2-3 more hours to dl the latest version01:00
g_0_0joshie, open terminal and type - alsamixer - check the if the channels are muted - M at the bottom- and check the volumes of each channel01:00
magicianlordkylemm: what do you want to do01:00
kylemmdo you think that is the only way to get it to let me logout?01:00
CruelCsudo apt-get nomoreirc01:00
kylemmand log back in01:00
joshiesinisterstuf:  nope.  i have a thinkpad x61t with sound buttons above the keyboard that were working when sound was working.01:00
CruelCsudo apt-get killtheinternet01:01
Jack-iseth0 connection fails, all DHCP, how can I attempt in terminal to seewhat happens?01:01
sinisterstufjoshie, the sound buttons no longer work either?01:01
joshieg_0_0:  josh@jAg-Tablet:~$ alsamixer01:01
joshiecannot open mixer: No such file or directory01:01
kylemmsoreau: is there any trick to let me login? :D01:01
g_0_0!alsa | joshie01:02
sinisterstufjoshie, what has no file or directory?01:02
ubottujoshie: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:02
CruelCsudo apt-get install kill-ubuntu01:02
joshiesinisterstuf: not sure if the buttons work and sound is dead, or if the buttons functionality is also broke01:02
sillykoneHello, I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu, but I'd like to decrypt my home folder before I do.  How should I go about this?  Deleting the .ecryptfs folder?01:02
naptasticCan the 10.10 live image be set up for booting over a network? I am having a hell of a time getting a non-corrupted boot device (USB or CD) and am sick of trying...01:02
jack_naptastic: i think only the alternate installer is available for pxe boot01:03
joshieubottu: how do i open the volume applet?01:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:03
* CruelC kills ubottu01:03
naptasticjack_, I can work with that!! Where do I find the alternate installer?01:03
joshiesinisterstuf: no idea.  that's what the terminal returns when i type alsamixer01:04
jack_naptastic: gimmie one moment01:04
rwwCruelC: Hi, #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please move your "funny" jokes to #ubuntu-offtopic.01:04
CruelCubottu package-info simutrans01:04
jack_naptastic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto01:04
CruelCubottu: package-info simutrans01:04
naptasticjack_, thank you!!01:04
joshieg_0_0: what?01:05
jack_rawfull rww01:05
sinisterstufjoshie, which version of ubuntu are you using?01:06
joshiesinisterstuf: 10.1001:06
NoobuntuAre firefox crashes common in ubuntu? I've been using it for a few days now and when I start firefox the whole OS crashes01:06
kylemmis there anyway to login using a command or something01:06
mkanyicyNoobuntu: not common01:07
righteousRatNoobuntu des firefox get all gray?01:07
sinisterstufjoshie, at the top of the screen is an icon that looks like a speaker, that is the volume applet01:07
Noobunturighteousrat: yes01:07
jack_kylemm: wat01:07
righteousRati noticed that started happening after they released version 3 of firefox01:07
righteousRatuse google chrome noobuntu01:07
jack_Noobuntu: yes. i switched to chrome because it was happening too often. although i think its actually flash that crashes firefox.01:07
righteousRatfirefox 3 just fails01:07
Noobuntuit's weird I was on firefox this morning01:07
kylemmjack_: im running on a USB live edition and when i try to logout it makes me login with a user and pass and i cant login.01:07
=== _______________ is now known as ExplodingPiglets
joshiesinisterstuf:  no speaker icon in my 'tray'01:08
NoobuntuWell how am I supposed to download google chrome without a browser?01:08
sinisterstufNoobuntu, I recommend chromium browser, it's in the repositories01:08
jack_kylemm: when you try to logout it makes you login?01:08
joshiesinisterstuf:  is there a path to the volume applet?01:08
jack_Noobuntu: i think its in the repo01:08
righteousRatNoobuntu shockwave player seems to crash in chrome alot too however, i think google threads chrome so that not even your browser will crash..it just displays a message saying that the player has crashed01:08
sinisterstufjoshie, has your problem been for only this session? or is it solved by logging out and in again?01:08
Noobuntuby repository you mean.?01:09
jack_also note that chrome cos with flash built in. chromium does not01:09
joshiesinisterstuf:  problem persists after reboots01:09
jack_Noobuntu: sudo apt-get install chrome01:09
righteousRatNoobuntu    "sudo apt-get install konqueror" then use that web browser to download chrome01:09
nathwillnoobuntu - ubuntu software center or what jack said ^01:09
xanguaNoobuntu: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser01:09
sinisterstufjoshie, try /usr/bin/gnome-volume-control-applet01:09
mkanyicyNoobuntu: do NOT install konqueror on ubuntu01:09
jack_Noobuntu: sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable01:10
kylemmjack_: i need to logout to get my vision effects to work. and when i logout i have to use a login username and pass to login but i dont got one01:10
NoobuntuI'll go with that01:10
mkanyicyrighteousRat: yes?01:10
righteousRatwats wrong with konqueror on ubuntu?01:10
jack_kylemm: haha. i would say try again :P before you logout set a password for the live user01:10
jack_righteousRat: it's made for kde. i think it still works though01:10
g_0_0joshie what is the result of - cat /proc/asound/cards01:10
mkanyicyrighteousRat: why do you suggest to install a KDE browser so as to install another one?01:10
jribkylemm: password is blank (empty)01:10
joshiesinisterstuf:  no joy.  more info to follow01:11
jribkylemm: username is ubuntu01:11
mkanyicyrighteousRat: konqueror will pull many kde libraries into gnome01:11
joshiesinisterstuf: josh@jAg-Tablet:~$ /usr/bin/gnome-volume-control-applet01:11
joshie** (gnome-volume-control-applet:12191): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...01:11
needlezanyone got any idea how to keep connect after running this script?? http://pastie.org/155773301:11
righteousRatmkanyicy lol because i just couldnt for the life of me figure out how to install chrome thru the terminal lol but you guys just showed me how to01:11
jack_yeah, i think installing kde applications installs a bunch of junk you dont need01:11
jack_you could also use elinks01:11
Noobuntu"sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable" returns E:  Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable01:11
righteousRattrue but you can remove it01:11
sinisterstufjoshie, and /usr/bin/gnome-volume ?01:11
jack_Noobuntu: try 'apt-cache search chroe'01:12
itaylor57sometimes its better if you don't know to just be quiet and let someone who knows say something01:12
kylemmthanks hack that worked01:12
mkanyicyrighteousRat: yeah, but not everyone knows how to01:12
jack_it will let you know the packag ename01:12
righteousRatya it installs all the dependencies..including alot of kde crap01:12
kylemmjack_: thanks that worked to login01:12
jack_kylemm: w0rd01:12
sillykoneHello, I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu, but I'd like to decrypt my home folder before I do.  How should I go about this?  Deleting the .ecryptfs folder?01:12
joshiesinisterstuf: $ /usr/bin/gnome-volume01:12
joshiebash: /usr/bin/gnome-volume: No such file or directory01:12
mkanyicyrighteousRat: k, at least we understand each other, :)01:12
kylemmalot of people say like people use linux to hack or something. Is this some urban legend lol?01:13
mkanyicyjoshie: what do you want to do?01:13
righteousRatkylemm no01:13
g_0_0joshie, result of - cat /proc/asound/cards  ??01:13
righteousRatheres why01:13
mkanyicyjoshie: you want gnome-volume-properties?01:13
jack_kylemm: there are lots of tools available for linux that allow you to 'hack' :/01:13
joshieg_0_0: $ cat /proc/asound/cards01:13
joshiecat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory01:13
righteousRatlinux is open source and also designed for computer scientists...they have easy access to their os and its capabilities which makes it very powerful01:13
NoobuntuA smart hacker would use Linux :P01:13
kylemmthere is alot for windows too01:13
kylemmso is windows a OS for hackers too? :D01:14
joshieg_0_0:  this semms like a good reason for sound to fail01:14
naptastic(there ARE a lot for Windows)01:14
righteousRatu just dont have those capabilities with windows and macs01:14
jack_Noobuntu: a smart hacker would spend his time submitting kernel code :P01:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:14
kylemmwell then would u say the majority of linux users only use it for hacks?01:14
WACOMaltWhen logged in as my user "wacomalt" I do not have sudo access. wacomalt is in the Admin group, and the admin group is listed in the sudoer file. I am on 10.04 Server01:14
jack_how do i put ubottu on ignore?01:14
kylemmas im not a hacker. i just use it for funs01:14
joshiemkanyicy:  i want to get sound working again...01:14
righteousRata hacker is really just a computer scientist gone bad01:14
iceroot_jack_: /ignore ubottu01:14
Noobuntujack_: damn, now I gotta find out what that is too01:14
jack_kylemm: i dont think that's true.01:14
jack_righteousRat: i dont think thast true either01:15
[thor]jack_ /ignore ubottu ALL01:15
mkanyicyjoshie: was it working before?01:15
righteousRatthe word actually disgusts me, hacker01:15
joshiemkanyicy: it looks like my sound card is no longer recognized by the OS01:15
[thor]jack_: here's the real test01:15
joshiemkanyicy: yes, last time I logged in.  about 3 months ago.01:15
alpha7anyone tried  controlling ubuntu using psx controller >>>?????/01:15
righteousRatjack_ not true?01:15
righteousRatwhy not?01:15
WACOMaltAnyone able to help me pinpoint my user not having sudo acces, when he is in the sudoers file?01:15
[thor]!ot > jack_01:15
jack_righteousRat: i'd say a hacker was anybody who liked to get into the how stuff works and adjust to their own needs. but such knowledge can be used for evil01:15
ubottujack_, please see my private message01:15
iTechmanthis is a big irc chatroom01:16
mkanyicyjoshie: have you rebooted lately? or upgraded at least?01:16
righteousRatya thats true01:16
kylemmsoreau: are you here?01:16
nerdistmonkHello, why is GCFE Ultra so slow? (The Nintendo Emulator)01:16
righteousRatany good computer science major has the potential to be a very powerful hacker if they wanted01:16
xanguanerdistmonk: try another emulator01:16
drag0nzhey guys, im trypt to apt-get something and its stuck on "0% [Connecting to ch.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:620:0:8::20)]"01:16
rwwrighteousRat: This conversation is offtopic for #ubuntu. Please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic.01:16
righteousRatoops sorry01:17
drag0nzany ideas why its doing that?01:17
g_0_0joshie, result of - lspci | grep -i audio  ??01:17
soreaukylemm: I am now01:17
righteousRatdrag0nz check yout internets01:17
nerdistmonkummm well there is no others in the repo01:17
xanguadrag0nz: tried to use the main server¿01:17
joshiemkanyicy:  rebooted: yes, when i realized sound wasn't working.  i also had to reboot after I updated the system, but I don't remember the system playing the tartup sound when I logged in that first time, either.01:17
drag0nzrighteousRat, it works fine01:17
jack_righteousRat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker01:17
drag0nzxangua, what is the main server?01:17
xanguanerdistmonk: last time i check there were a lot01:17
kylemmsoreau: okay i figured how to log back in and i did so. what should i install now?01:17
wodKaHey guys, I'm still having this freezing problem on 10.10 even with all newest patches, have had the problem since 9.04, where everything freezes until i move the mouse or hit a key or something, then it's fine. any suggestions/solutions?01:17
xanguawell not a lot, but some01:17
kylemmu said compiz or smtin01:17
nerdistmonkNot for the origina lnintendo01:17
rwwjack_: As I just told your conversation partner, offtopic for #ubuntu. Go to #ubuntu-offtopic.01:18
joshieg_0_0: $  lspci | grep -i audio01:18
joshie00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:18
righteousRatnah jack_01:18
nerdistmonkjust 2 emus for NES01:18
jack_rww: how do i ignore people again?01:18
jack_ah. there we go. nvm01:18
xanguadrag0nz: sowtware centre>edit>software sources01:18
jack_wodKa: isn't that how a machine is intended to work?01:18
drag0nzxangua, thanks, that worked01:19
soreaukylemm: Yea, it's user: ubuntu password:01:19
g_0_0joshie, can you pastebin the result of - lsmod | grep -i snd01:19
schutzstaffelwodKa, i am suffering same problem here, i tried everything i know but i can not find any solution.01:19
needlezanyone know how to keep a connection to my wpa2 network while i run this script? http://pastie.org/155773301:19
kylemmsoreau: i logged out then back in and it says the driver is still not active01:19
jack_wodKa: if you're not see any refreshing at all, i would think you're having a problem with xserver01:19
joshieg_0_0: sorry, pastebin?01:19
kylemmsoreau: it says its activated but not in use01:19
frnkI need some ideas from you for invoking a command line in a "secure" way01:19
wodKajack_: that was what it said in the one thread i found on it, any ideas on how to fix it?01:19
nathwillneedlez, part of that script involves disabling your wlan card, so no.01:19
soreaukylemm: Ok now try to restart gdm by going to a tty (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and entering 'sudo service gdm restart'01:19
wjlafrance_S67Hello! I'm trying to set up Ubuntu on a touchscreen kiosk, it says Allen-Bradley VersaView 1500P on the front. Can anyone offer me a point in the right direction? Trying to use the touchscreen as a mouse.01:19
NoobuntuI just got back from resetting my system and... I think whoever said the crashes might be related to flash I think they were right01:19
soreaukylemm: Now that you can login there's a few other things we can try too01:20
jack_wodKa: it sounds like a bug within xserver. im not sure how you would fix it. I would also suggest checking your video drivers. which drivers are you using?01:20
NoobuntuAlthough.. I can't have my browser crashing everytime I go on a site that uses flash01:20
sktqsdwhere does ubuntu software center apps save01:20
joshieg_0_0:  lsmod | grep -i snd01:20
g_0_0joshie, go here http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and paste the result01:20
frnkrdesktop -u <user> -d <domain> -p <password> <ip> will be just fine. But i don't want to put the password in plaintext in the command01:20
nerdistmonkSo any reason for why the emulator for an 8bit videogame system is slow? (Lets assume I have a big system and i got video drivers in)01:20
[thor]sktqsd: /var/cache/apt/archives01:20
jack_frnk: i think rdesktop has a gui frontend if you have gui01:20
naptasticHow much hard drive space would I need to do an apt-mirror for just Maverick x86-64?01:20
schutzstaffeljack_, iam using nvidia geforce go 610001:20
[thor]sktqsd: for the .deb packages, anyway..01:20
joshieg_0_0: done.01:20
soreauNoobuntu: That's not good.. did you install flash?01:21
jack_schutzstaffel: cool01:21
frnkjack_: I'm looking for some way to do it securely: rdesktop -u <user> -d <domain> -p `decrypt a pw from the keyring with my logon pw` <ip> ... you get the idea...01:21
jack_schutzstaffel: oh. you suffer from the same issue? which driver is it using?01:21
alpha7anyone tried  controlling ubuntu using psx controller >>>?????/01:21
joshieg_0_0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566501/01:21
NoobuntuI've been using flash for a while now, I had to install it of course but I hadn't had that problem in the past01:21
wodKajack_: tried using all the available drivers, proprietary and whatever ubuntu found on its own. it's a gateway laptop with the radeon 2600 gfx card01:21
NoobuntuI did install some updates earlier today01:21
needleznathwill: if you look what I want it to do is for the card to go down change mac go back up get new IP. my only thing is that with wpa, wep, wpa2 or any network that requires auth it cant connect again just because the mac changed it has nothing to do with the card goin down. And I thought wpa_supplicant could do such things01:21
schutzstaffeljack_, not cool actually :) maverick freezing here!01:21
=== Guest18873 is now known as LjL-Temp
soreaunerdistmonk: You would have to use some kind of profiler to find out why it's slow or find the devs of the emulator and ask them01:21
jack_schutzstaffel: which drivers are you using?01:21
NoobuntuI'm not sure what they were for there was a list of them01:21
frnkjack_: i have a x server installed and rdesktop is cmdline only afaik01:22
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mkanyicyi unzipped an archive and now i have a filename with unknown character like a <?> and i cannot do anything to that file, how can i fix this?01:22
wallisonHow do you change the default minimum password length in 10.04?01:22
^Mikemkanyicy: What do you mean you cannot do anything to that file?01:22
nerdistmonkwell good to know i have no support at all (Even though its part of ubuntus official repos)01:22
schutzstaffeli don't understand you jack_ , ubuntu installing graphic drivers itself i just making one click that's all01:22
jack_frnk: i think you can get a gui frontend for it if that'll help your issue. perhaps not though. i dont use rdesktop that often01:22
frnkjack_: i just put in a twoliner in /usr/bin/ which basically says: #1: #!/bin/bash and 2: rdesktop ....01:22
jack_schutzstaffel: try using hte drivers from nvidia.com01:23
g_0_0joshie, try - modprobe snd_intel8x001:23
nwillems90hello ubuntu - I think I have found a bug in the /etc/init.d/ script of tomcat, can I verify my bug with someone or should I "just" fix it, if so where do I find a manual on doing that?01:23
sktqsdthor: what bout the rest01:23
frnkjack_: I'm not looking for a gui, just for a secure way not to have to enter my pw all the time and not have to specify the pw in the invocation line of rdesktop01:23
Kazillai would submit it to tomcat nwillems9001:24
[thor]sktqsd: you mean where do the binary files get installed?01:24
schutzstaffeljack_, thank you01:24
frnkjack_: + "...in plaintext"01:24
jack_frnk: could you add the password to a script and then call it with $(cat /path/to/file)?01:24
sillykoneHi, I'm a user abc and I'd like to decrypt /home/abc.  How should I go about his?  Thanks.01:24
[thor]sktqsd: probably in /usr/bin01:24
joshieg_0_0:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/566502/01:24
nwillems90Kazilla, so it's the tomcat guys that makes the .deb package for ubuntu?01:24
Logan_WPnwillems90: #tomcat01:24
mkanyicy^Mike: the file has a black diamond with a ? inside01:24
nathwillneedlez: i don't know of any reason it would not reconnect after you bring the card back up, but it WILL disconnect when you take the card down01:24
^Mikemkanyicy: you should be able to specify the filename on the command line though01:25
mkanyicy^Mike: and I cannot 'rm' that file01:25
sktqsdthor: no i want to no where the software center keeps the files it downloaded01:25
kylemmsoreau: hey when i did ctrl+alt+f1 my screen froze and i restarted01:25
delinquentmedoes the browser connecting to a website ( chrome in this case ) influence whether a SSL connection is established01:25
nathwillneedlez: maybe try increasing the length of the cycle, 30 seconds may be too short for it to auth w/ the DHCP server.01:25
frnkjack_: sure but the pw would still be in plaintext at some point. I've been looking into the ubuntu architecture and the keyring concept seems to fit. I just don't know how I store or access any data into or from the keyring.01:25
^Mikemkanyicy: you might have to do rm "./<?>" or something, but it should work01:25
mkanyicy^Mike: I think it is a character set problem01:25
jack_delinquentme: i think SSL is only over port 443.01:25
Kazillanwillems90: i dont know what version you use but apache tomcat guys will respond fast to you01:25
WACOMaltOver VNC I get a ton of issues trying to use "unlock" on any system setting01:25
nathwillneedlez: i also hope you've set a static IP, or you're going to exhaust avail leases from your dhcp server01:25
frnkjack_: afaik the keyring is basically encrypted and is being decrypted with your logon pw at logon time01:25
g_0_0joshie, sorry I meant - sudo modprobe snd_intel8x001:26
^Mikemkanyicy: oh, I see... well, I /think/ you can just copy and paste the text, even if it didn't display properly01:26
jack_frnk: yeah im unsure how you implement that into rdesktop.01:26
Logan_WPKazilla: except for that, in the description of their channel, it says "SLOW MOTION CHANNEL: Ask your question including your TC, Java, & OS versions, then wait; check back for answers."01:26
soreaukylemm: Well that sucks. Can you use Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then get back with Ctrl+Alt+F7? (F1-6 should be tty's and 7+ are for x servers)01:26
WACOMaltFailed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManader was not provided by and .service files01:26
soreaukylemm: ie. does it work before installing the driver01:26
delinquentmeJack_ so then does changing browsers actually establish a legit SSL connection?01:26
soreau! tty | kylemm01:26
ubottukylemm: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.01:26
nwillems90Kazilla, I'm using the tomcat6 package - which I guess is 6.0.1801:26
frnkjack_: just looking for some cmdline utility for accessing the keyring, it would be a simple rdesktop [...] -p `access-keyring #store` or whatsoever01:26
jack_delinquentme: SSL connections are established when you connect to a site via 443 instead of 80. i think https:// sites do this auto-magically01:26
soreau! pm | Noobuntu01:26
ubottuNoobuntu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:26
mkanyicy^Mike: even if I right-click it and delete it, ubuntu says 'file does not exist' while it exists01:27
needleznathwill: ok, thank you for pointing that out might have to do that01:27
WACOMaltI am using xfce and cannot figure out how to auto login with a user. the login settings application will not allow me ot unlock it01:27
^Mikemkanyicy: oh, in nautilus (the graphical file explorer)?01:27
jack_soreau: that guy has been trying to get a hold of you in chat for like 10 minutes.01:27
kylemmalt +F7 gets me back01:27
kylemmsoreau: okay so what do i do?01:27
joshieg_0_0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566505/01:27
delinquentmeJack_ ok makes sense ... sooo im getting a crossed out https: in the URL bar of chrome .. soo would switching browsers  ACTUALLY change it to a legit SSL01:27
mkanyicy^Mike: something equivalent to that, Im on kubuntu, so dolphin01:27
sillykoneAnyone know about decrypting home folders? Let's say I'm a user abc and I'd like to decrypt /home/abc.  How should I go about his?  Thanks.01:27
=== jack_ is now known as JackWat
=== JackWat is now known as jack_
^Mikemkanyicy: I see... that sounds like a bug! But you can try deleting it from a terminal01:28
soreaujack_: Oh ok01:28
mkanyicy^Mike: I've tried terminal, and it failed01:28
g_0_0joshie, can you paste the result of - dmesg | tail01:28
WACOMaltCan anybody help me? I simply cannot unlock the "Login Screen Settings" window01:28
kylemmsoreau: do i press ctrl + alt+ f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f601:28
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as Freidrick_Engels
jribsillykone: login.  Home is automatically decrypted01:28
jack_delinquentme: im ntos ure what it means when it is crossed out. perhaps it's using a self-signed cert or something01:28
^Mikemkanyicy: show me the output of `ls /path/to/dir` please01:28
[thor]sktqsd: when you install something in the software center, it saves the installer package to /var/cache/apt/archives01:29
mkanyicy^Mike: it looks like the filename has unrecognizable character01:29
Logan_WP!repeat | WACOMalt01:29
ubottuWACOMalt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
jack_WACOMalt: can you get it with sudo?01:29
soreauNoobuntu: Well all I can suggest is to remove flashplugin-nonfree package for now and see how things go. Some sites like youtube are leaning toward html5 these days01:29
^Mikemkanyicy: ls -l would be better, actually01:29
frnkjrib: I suppose he can't login and just wants to decrypt the home from a livecd or some chrooted environment01:29
=== Freidrick_Engels is now known as Friedrich_Engels
soreaukylemm: You hold down Ctrl+Alt and hit the F keys separately01:29
WACOMaltif I do that I get the error Failed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by and .service files01:29
joshieg_0_0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566506/01:30
WACOMaltI am on xfce01:30
sillykonejrib: I'm wanting to permanently decrypt it.01:30
* jrib does not suppose01:30
frnkIs it possible to make a file executable for everyone but not readable?01:30
jribsillykone: then copy the data somewhere once it's decrypted and disable encryption01:30
kylemmsoreau: it did nothing but freeze my screen.01:30
mkanyicy^Mike: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566508/01:30
jribfrnk: sure01:30
waldirhey guys. I'd like to add a bug to launchpad suggesting that when installing package A, if B is already installed, A-B should be installed too (e.g. php5, curl, and php5-curl). What search terms should i use to make sure it hasn'e been submitted before>01:30
cryptodirajoshie, do you have the speaker icon in the top bar?01:30
^Mikemkanyicy: which one do you want to nuke?01:30
sillykonejrib: I'm wondering how to disable encryption.01:30
joshiecryptodira: nope.01:31
jrib!encryption | sillykone01:31
ubottusillykone: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory01:31
UmeaboyIs there no Live-iso for the latest stable release of Ubuntu?01:31
Kazillasillykone: this may help you : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138563101:31
cryptodirajoshie, do you know how to create it there?01:31
frnkjrib: http://docsrv.sco.com:507/en/man/html.S/chmod.S.html01:31
^MikeUmeaboy: of course there is01:31
jribsillykone: it's very important you copy your data somewhere first, then you just delete the .ecryptfs stuff with it decrypted01:31
jribfrnk: what?01:31
frnkjrib: so just 00001?01:31
Umeaboy^Mike: Where?01:31
xanguaUmeaboy: ubuntu.com01:31
soreaukylemm: Well crud. I guess the nouveau module is screwing things up. Try booting with nouveau.modeset=0 as a kernel parameter01:31
joshiecryptodira: nope.  can you please tell me?01:31
^MikeUmeaboy: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download01:32
jack_soreau: kylemm: you have to blacklist it with modprobe01:32
jribfrnk: erm, if that's what you want, sure01:32
mkanyicy^Mike: the pdf and xlsx01:32
sillykoneI already have my directory encrypted.  I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu.  Last time I did it, my home directory wasn't readable because it was encrypted with ecryptfs.  This time I want to decrypt my home folder before I reinstall so that I can easily migrate my files.01:32
cryptodirajoshie, do you have the mail and display icons on the top bar?01:32
danielhow do i find out wwhat drivers i need for my eithernet card01:32
soreaukylemm: Actually I want you to blacklist the nouveau module but I can't remember the syntax to do it at boot time as kernel param01:32
WACOMaltHow can I auto log in as a user useing XFCE?01:32
FloridaGuydoes ppa or backports have a newer kernel then the
soreaujack_: It's a live session he's testing01:32
jribfrnk: why not tell us what you want to accomplish?01:32
jack_soreau: uh ugh01:32
soreaujack_: I don't know why kylemm wont just install it already ;)01:32
joshiecryptodira: yes01:32
xanguaWACOMalt: you can try to ask in #xubuntu or #xfce a long time since i use it01:33
kylemmsoreau: i got a lot of important files on my HDD01:33
WACOMaltkk thanks01:33
danielhow do i figure out what drivers i need for my eithernet card01:33
jack_daniel: what type of card is it?01:33
KazillaWACOMalt: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=auto+log+in+as+a+user+useing+XFCE01:33
WACOMaltjoin #xubuntu01:33
soreaukylemm: That doesn't matter. ubuntu installs into a completely separate partition01:33
[thor]FloridaGuy: last kernel version that i have had pushed to me from the ppa is
kylemmits so hard just to enable effects. LOL01:33
soreaukylemm: It's not going to do anything to your windows install that you don't tell it to01:33
frnkjrib: yes, I'm still looking for some way to place a executable script in /usr/bin/ that invokes rdesktop with the parameter -p (for password). Unfortunatley I'm unable to find some way to access the keyring (like -p `access-keyring-for-pw`) to store it in an encrypted way.01:33
^Mikemkanyicy: rm /path/to/dir/Caf?VIVA_08FEB2011.{pdf,xlsx}01:34
danieljack, ugh idk its for my dell vostro 1000 it wont detect my cable and idk if i have the drivers01:34
kylemmwell i only got like 100GB left of the 1TB01:34
g_0_0joshie, try this - sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound201:34
jack_kylemm: ya people need to start writing better video drivers for linux :)01:34
soreaukylemm: It's *way* easy with intel and radeon. nvidia is the trouble here because they don't cooperate with open source community so we have better drivers01:34
jack_daniel: `lspci` from the terminal should tell you01:34
ElderDryaskylemm: only on the live cd...install ubuntu for real and it's relatively painless01:34
frnkjrib: so my second approach is to let it be there (rdesktop -p <plaintext pw>) but only let people execute it. Not read it.01:34
^Mikemkanyicy: ? is a wildcard that means 'any single letter'... so you won't need to know what that character is in reality01:34
soreaukylemm: ie. with intel and radeon, you don't have to install a driver, 3D justworks right out of the box01:34
joshieg_0_0: just to make sure, that's one giant command?01:34
jack_soreau: nvidia has good propriety drivers for linux and IMO nvidia cards work the best on linux. i had to scrape all my ati cards cos the linux drivers are garbage01:35
FloridaGuy[thor]: ok thanks01:35
kylemmmy 10 year old computers at my school prob have intel01:35
g_0_0joshie, yep01:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:35
jack_intel usually work out of hte box with no accelerated graphics.01:35
mkanyicy^Mike: that is not a ? for a question mark, thats a ? for unknown character01:35
soreaukylemm: nouveau is the open nvidia driver but it sucks because nvidia wont release their hardware specs so the nouveau devs can write a real driver without having to reverse engineer it01:35
joshieg_0_0: engage!01:35
kylemmso u guys think i wont be able to get these visual effects to work on LIVE CD01:35
^Mikemkanyicy: yep, in bash, ? is a special character that means 'one-character wildcard'... if you want a real ? you need \?01:35
kylemmsoreau: oh01:36
Desg_xdanyone help me download java onto ubuntu?01:36
xangua!java > Desg_xd01:36
ubottuDesg_xd, please see my private message01:36
jack_kylemm: just go ahead an install man. heh. google your card to see if anybody else got it working01:36
soreaukylemm: You can get them to work, but you need to pass something to the kernel at boot time to so the nouveau module wont load01:36
frnkjrib: the most elegant way would be to store the password in the keyring of every user I want to have access to the password and then use -p `access-users-keyring-for-password` in the rdesktop invocation script. But I'm unable to figure out how this may be accomplished01:36
bastidrazorDesg_xd: you'll need to enable the partner repository..01:36
=== N3hxs_ is now known as n3hxs-lt
bastidrazorubottu: tell Desg_xd about partner01:36
ubottuDesg_xd, please see my private message01:36
jack_soreau: kylemm: i blieve its rblacklist=nouveau or rdblacklist=nouveau01:36
jribfrnk: you don't want the users to know the password?01:37
cryptodirajoshie, good deal then..... here is what worked for me to get the speaker icon back in place...  open 'add to panel'  choose custom application launcher....hit add... the next window that opens.... put volume slider in name.... choose browse for command.... go to /usr/bin  and select gnome-volume-control-applet01:37
ElderDryaskylemm: is there any reason you don't just install ubuntu...you appear to like it a lot?01:37
nathwillneedlez: what exactly is the goal of that script, anyways?01:37
itaylor57Desg_xd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java01:37
frnkjrib: exactly.01:37
kylemmsoreau: jack_: should i try one of those codes in terminal? O.o01:37
mkanyicy^Mike: i know about regex and bash a pretty much, but that is not not a wild card: check it out: http://img171.imageshack.us/i/cafeviva.png/01:37
jack_kylemm: they have to be used at boottime01:37
kylemmElderDryas: im not sure yet01:37
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:37
BiPolahcryptodira: Indicator applet gives back the sound and mail icons. Notification area gives back network connections01:37
frnkjrib: actually It's for my home environment. I don't want to place passwords in plaintext anywhere.01:38
kylemmjack_: wtf? so when the code sheit is running across my screen when i hit rub off of usb?01:38
BiPolahdroidftw: You can also download java with the ubuntu restricted extras alongside flash01:38
Flannellmvc: No.  You need to purchase MATLAB01:38
cryptodirajoshie, then hit ok.... the custom app icon is now in the top bar.... and the slider icon will be next to mail/display..... remove the custom application icon and you are good to go01:38
needleznathwill: to randomize your mac address for reverse of stopping aircrack-ng... seeing as how mac filtering won't work to stop some ppl01:38
BiPolahand other things01:38
^Mikemkanyicy: no, you misunderstand me. It is a wildcard when used in the bash shell... so you don't need to know what that weird character is, it will be matched01:38
jribfrnk: right, so the user would be able to discover the password if he can access the keyring, right?01:38
kylemmokay im never going to figure out how to do it lawl01:38
Desg_xdi couldnt find it in synaptic so i thought something was wrong01:38
jack_kylemm: im not sure how to set kernel parameters at boot for the livecd. soreau? any insight?01:38
frnkjrib: I want to access my business laptop via rdesktop and #1 don't have to enter the pw every time and #2 don't want to store the pw in plaintext anywhere. The best option would be to store it in the gnome keyring which is encrypted, and decrypted during logon01:38
BiPolahKylemm: What are you trying to figure out how to do?01:39
frnkjrib: yes, this would be: me *g*01:39
jack_kylemm: just install! you can probably get it work >_<01:39
joshiecryptodira: the only thing in that folder that starts with 'vo' is volname.01:39
mkanyicy^Mike: can i give you the .zip file with these 2 files and try it out yourself?01:39
cryptodiraBiPolah, that is correct for most folks... it failed for me... so i found a different workaround01:39
soreaukylemm: When you go to boot, you need to get to the grub menu (by pressing Esc or Shift) then edit the boot line by highlighting it and pressing 'e' then where it says linux and root (this is the kernel line) you append rdblacklist=nouveau such as it will look like ...ro quiet splash rdblacklist=nouveau01:39
^Mikemkanyicy: When you say "rm /path/to/dir/Caf?VIVA_08FEB2011.{pdf,xlsx}", what bash understands is "rm /path/to/dir/Caf<one_letter>VIVA_08FEB2011.pdf /path/to/dir/Caf<one_letter>VIVA_08FEB2011.xlsx"01:39
kylemmBiPolah: i have to set kernel paramaters at boot for livecd or something01:39
jribfrnk: I see01:39
soreaujack_: Just press esc and e like normal01:39
ElderDryasBiPolah: install NVIDIA drivers on a live cd01:39
BiPolahcryptodira: OpenJDK Java 6 failed?01:39
jack_soreau: gotcha01:39
joshieg_0_0: just finished.  should I test it out on a youtube video, or do i need to do something else before it should work01:39
BiPolahElderDryas, Kylemm: Are they completely failing to install, or are you installing them and they're not there when restarted (they're not supposed to save on a LiveCD)01:40
cryptodirajoshie, you want to find.... 'gnome-volume-control-applet01:40
Kazillado ecuadorians not have access to google01:40
jack_Kazilla: i think they're forced to use bing01:40
kylemmsoreau: so when i click run off of usb and code is going acros my screen i press esc or shift and edit it?01:40
^Mikemkanyicy: no, there's no need for that - bash will let you delete the filenames if you know how to pronounce them in a way bash understands. I just showed you how.01:40
soreaukylemm: I know it seems like a lot but this all would be *way* easier if you would just install ubuntu.. you can even install ubuntu to a usb stick so it doesn't touch your hard drive01:40
kylemmBiPolah: im trying to get visual effects to work and have to do like rblacklist=nouveau01:41
frnkjrib: do you have any ideas? google just throws out hits of resetting or deleting the keyring file, which I definitely don't want ;)01:41
mkanyicy^Mike: that worked01:41
soreaukylemm: Yea if you see a running man at the bottom of the screen when it first starts loading, press esc there01:41
^Mikemkanyicy: good :D01:41
kylemmWTF A RUNNING MAN?01:41
BiPolahKylemm: As people have said before, if it's just a LiveCD why do you need them to work? They won't work next time to boot off it.01:41
BiPolahIt's a man and a keyboard, is it not?01:41
jack_kylemm: you know... the aol guy!01:41
soreaukylemm: I think it's rdblacklist, not rblacklist01:41
cryptodiraBiPolah, indicator applet only gave me mail.... notification did NOT give me networking... so i had to find where the applets lived and do the custom application addition to the top panel as outlined to joshie.01:41
jack_let me check that01:41
Kazillaah aol.. i nostalga'd01:42
BiPolahCryptodira: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?01:42
jribfrnk: no, I don't know how to access the keyring from a terminal.  I haven't used gnome in a while so I don't even know what the keyring is really.  If it's some gnome thing, you could check gnome doc (library.gnome.org) and APIs there01:42
ElderDryassoreau: I thought it might be a governator icon:)01:42
frnkdoes aol still exist?01:42
BiPolahFrnk: I believe so, yes.01:42
frnkjrib: alright, thanks anyways :)01:42
jack_soreau: kylemm: its rdblacklist01:42
[thor]aol keyword obsolete01:42
kylemmokay so lemme get this straight. I see a running stick man, and i press esc or shift, and edit boot line by highlighting and pressing e where it says linux and root.(kernel line) i append rdblacklist=nouveau01:42
cryptodiraBiPolah, 10.04 amd/6401:42
mkanyicy^Mike: but still cannot open these files other than deleting them01:42
jack_kylemm: sounds correct to me01:43
jribfrnk: is it gnome-keyring?  apt-cache search  returns lots of keyring hits including a python-keyring which seems to give access to gnome-keyring01:43
soreaujack_: Thanks, I need to make a note of that ;)01:43
BiPolahCryptodira: Perhaps the sound icon as part of the indicator applet is an aspect of 10.1001:43
kylemmwhat is the line i gotta edit01:43
mkanyicy^Mike: that <?> correspond to '\202' character ... whatever that is01:43
frnkjrib: yes, gnome-keyring, let me check, 1s01:43
kylemmwill it be similar to rdblacklist01:43
joshiecryptodira: found it and added it to the raskbar (for lack of better term), but all running it does is cause the icon to explode and fade outward01:43
soreaukylemm: When you boot, you highlight the entry then press e to edit, then edit the kernel line and append it at the end where it says ro quiet splash, then Ctrl+X to boot it with that option, one time only01:44
BiPolahJoshie: Panel, not taskbar (;01:44
frnkjrib: "python-keyring-gnome - store and access your passwords safely - Gnome-Keyring backend" seems to fit, thanks!01:44
cryptodiraBiPolah, you are probably correct... i have no way of knowing.01:44
^Mikemkanyicy: you can use the same technique to open or rename the files from bash01:44
frnkjrib: although I have not the least knowledge of python, google wil fix that ;P01:44
joshieBiPolah: ty01:45
BiPolahWhat is gvfsd?01:45
cryptodirajoshie, whoa.... bummer...i have not seen that behaviour.01:45
mkanyicy^Mike: ok, will try renaming them the same way01:45
mkanyicy^Mike: thanks01:45
LucidGuyLooking for a linux hosting comp.  Any recommendations?  Preference.. Linux,LAMP,wordpress01:45
kylemmsoreau: so i will see somewhere it says ro quiet splash, and after that i put a space and enter in rdblacklist=nouveau. So it becomes  ro quiet splash rdblacklist=nouveau. Then press CTRL X01:45
jribfrnk: yeah, python is pretty straightforward anyway if you know any other language01:45
BiPolahLucidGuy: Shared hosting service?01:45
joshiecryptodira: D:  why couldn't i get a normal problem like rm-rf /01:45
soreaukylemm: That is right.01:45
LucidGuyBiPolah, yes..01:45
kylemmsoreau: okay and if i mess up, it will only mess up files on my USB drive?01:46
soreaukylemm: But that's all the way at the end of the kernel line, it will say stuff like linux and root=01:46
LucidGuyBiPolah, < $20  a month.01:46
soreaukylemm: If you mess up, nothing will happen. You just have to start over01:46
BiPolahLucidGuy: I myself use HostGator. Unlimited bandwidth, email accounts, ftp accounts, drive space, only $8.95 per month ($15 initial fee) and are generally pretty reliable01:46
cryptodirajoshie, the normal problems are no fun.... this way you get to learn  ;)01:46
frnkjrib: will look into that and maybe bother you any time soon with stupid questions ;P thanks! :D01:46
kylemmnow i gotta write shit on a paper01:46
jribfrnk: no problem01:46
gpc!language | kylemm01:46
ubottukylemm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:46
cabezamuygrandehostgator is the best01:46
LucidGuyBiPolah, thanks .. Ill look into them.01:46
joshiecryptodira: :D01:46
PoshieI'm on Dual OS and windows can connect to the internet but ubuntu can't. The settings - password and connection type, etc. is the same. It was working a few days ago. I've tried restarting the router and everything.01:46
sjuxaxWhat options do I pass the kernel to make the Live CD use VESA/other generic video output? Because KMS/ATI goes all artifacty and broken for me.01:47
Fluttershy<frnk> does aol still exist?01:47
Fluttershy<BiPolah> Frnk: I believe so, yes.01:47
BiPolahBiPolah: They have WordPress and a number of other blog services, among other things, available through Fantastico01:47
LucidGuyWhats the story with GodDaddy?01:47
kylemmsoreau: so i will see something like linux and root= and at the very end i will then see the splash thing01:47
Fluttershythey just bought huffpost for $315M01:47
LucidGuyhaha .. GoDaddy01:47
rwwubottu: ot | Fluttershy, LucidGuy01:47
ubottuFluttershy, LucidGuy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:47
soreaukylemm: yes and it will even tell you 'Ctrl+X' to boot at the bottom01:47
jack_Fluttershy: aol still exists. they bought out time warner, but i think they've split off again.01:47
kylemmsoreau: okay i will try this and come bak to this chat01:47
joshierestarting to complete update, be back soon to either thank you guys or ask for more help...01:47
kylemmsoreau: jack_: BiPolah: Thanks01:48
frnkFluttershy: /j #ubuntu-offtopic for aol discussions :D I'll explain it there01:48
soreaukylemm: ok np01:48
kylemmdamn now i gotta get paper -_-01:48
soreaukylemm: Yes :)01:48
=== Friedrich_Engels is now known as Lenin_Cat
BiPolahLucidGuy: Their hosting plans look fairly decent and cheap, but with HostGator you've got unlimited drive usage (within fair limits) and bandwidth, should you need more than other hosting companies offer, without rising fees01:48
Logan_WP!offtopic | BiPolah01:48
ubottuBiPolah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:48
jack_kylemm: use the following command to see what it is currently `cat /proc/cmdline`01:48
BiPolahLogan_WP:Just answering a guys question quickly01:49
PoshieWhat could possibly be the reasons for Ubuntu not connecting to the internet but Windows being able to?01:49
jack_BiPolah: no answering questions!01:49
cryptodiraBiPolah, what would make you think OpenJDK Java 6 failed in regard to top panel applets problems?01:49
jack_Poshie: are you connected to the local network?01:49
BiPolahPoshie: Perhaps your ethernet/wifi controllers aren't recognised, or your network settings are incorrect01:50
LucidGuyBiPolah, cool.. will check them out.01:50
kylemmjack_ okay 1 sec01:50
Poshiejack_: Not, it's totally not connecting.01:50
jack_Poshie: is it wireless or wired?01:50
PoshieBiPolah: But like I said, the wireless was working a few days ago.01:50
Poshiejack_: wireless01:50
BiPolahCryptodira: That was in response to you saying java via ubuntu restricted extras failed, which is OpenJDK Java 6. You mentioned it at some point.01:50
jack_Poshie: so you cannot connect to your router at all?01:50
g_0_0joshie, any luck ?01:51
Poshiejack_: correct01:51
BiPolahPoshie: Perhaps you've changed settings for network manager?01:51
jack_Poshie: did you perform any updates recently? your wifi drivers are usually in the kernel01:51
PoshieBiPolah: how is thatpossible if connecting with windows still works?01:51
Poshiejack_: nothing at all.01:51
jack_Poshie: what happens when you try to connect to the wifi?01:52
BiPolahPoshie: I mean nm-applet in Ubuntu, not on your router.01:52
jack_Poshie: sometimes i've seen problems with the key not being accepted. Try removing the saved key and re-typing it when you try to connect01:52
Poshiejack_: It says it's connecting, then it "disconnects."01:52
jack_Poshie: what type of authentication?01:52
Poshiejack_: WPA or WPA2?01:52
cryptodiraBiPolah, looks like maybe conversations got crossed (easily done here with the high volume) i have not ever specified java anything directly.... i try not to use it... i think it is poorly behaved.01:53
PoshieBiPolah: So I type in nm-applet in terminal?01:53
jack_Poshie: is it possible to disable authentication on the router temporarily to see if you can connect?01:53
jack_Poshie: network manager is the little icon in your notification area01:53
huoshengGood morning, everyone.01:54
kylemmjack_: bash: cat/proc/cmdline: no such file or directory01:54
BiPolahPoshie: End the process first, then restart it01:54
Poshiejack_: I can connect using windows though.01:54
BiPolahCryptodira: Indeed it seems they have, my mistake.01:54
PoshieBiPolah: Sorry, how do I do that?01:54
jack_kylemm: cat /proc/cmdline01:55
chriss_hey guys a little help pls in ubuntu when tryin to mount my windows files I get an error in terminal it says device /dev/sda1 doesnt have a valid ntfs. what does that mean01:55
cryptodiraBiPolah, np  ..... Thank YOU for your continued presence and help.  :)01:55
jack_Poshie: i know. to help identify the issue with ubuntu, you could disable authentication to see if its an authentication issue on the ubuntu side.01:55
kylemmjack_: noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz splash -- BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz01:55
jack_chriss_: are you running the moutn command with -t NTFS?01:55
wjlafrance_S67I'm working with an integrated computer and I'm not sure what mouse the touchscreen is. Any pointers?01:56
wjlafrance_S67(no pun intended)01:56
jack_kylemm: that is /proc/cmdline?01:56
chriss_yes I am01:56
jack_Chrisie: try without it01:56
jack_Chrisie: mt01:56
jack_chriss_: try without it01:56
g_0_0joshie, any luck?01:56
jack_kylemm: kk then add rdblacklist parameter at the end of it hwen you reboot01:56
Poshiejack_: I'm not sure how to do that....01:56
joshieg_0_0:  yes!01:56
g_0_0joshie, excellent01:56
kylemmend of what?01:57
kylemmend of where it says splash?01:57
jack_Poshie: that would be done on your router. if you cant do it I would suggest going into the network manager, finding your saved wireless network, editing it and removing the saved password then re-trying to connect01:57
huoshengAny browser for ubuntu other than firefox, chrome?01:57
joshieg_0_0: i thought thought that audible chunk a speaker makes when a connected component turns on could sound so good!01:57
kylemmjack_: end of where it says splash?01:57
jack_kylemm: end of the line. as we spoke about earlier01:57
joshieg_0_0: ** I never thoguht01:57
jack_kylemm: for example01:57
g_0_0joshie, enjoy01:57
xanguahuosheng: opera, lynxt, blablabla01:57
joshieg_0_0: thank you so much.01:57
xangua!browser > huosheng01:57
ubottuhuosheng, please see my private message01:57
bastidrazorchriss_: are you sure sda1 is the ntfs partition?01:57
jack_kylemm: when you hit 'e' to edit the boot line, it'll say 'noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz splash -- BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz' just add 'rdblacklist=nouveau' to this01:57
akagi82_anyone know how to enable ics in starter?01:58
g_0_0joshie, you're welcome01:58
BiPolahHuosheng: Epiphany, Opera, Seamonkey Navigator(?), Arora01:58
jack_kylemm: so it will say 'noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz splash -- BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz rdblaclist=nouveau'01:58
BiPolahto name a few01:58
joshieg_0_0: if i may bother you for a few more minutes, why did you think that would fix my problem, and how did you look up the correct command?01:58
Poshiejack_: have you realised that I won't be able to save my network without entering a password?01:58
jack_Poshie: what?01:59
g_0_0joshie, your alsa was borked01:59
chriss_bastidrazor its the only partition my windows crashed and I can't get into it01:59
Poshiejack_: I can't remove my saved password, or else it won't "save"01:59
jack_realy. hmm01:59
joshieg_0_0: alsa?  time to go wikipedia-ing.02:00
jack_Poshie: delete the whole thing02:00
jack_Poshie: then reconnect to it02:00
g_0_0joshie, there you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture02:00
huoshengBiPolah: Is there any chrome version for ubuntu?02:01
jack_huosheng: there is a chrome for ubuntu. i use it02:01
xanguahuosheng: there is chromium abd chrome02:01
PoshieYess! jack_ It worked!!! Thanks!02:01
jack_Poshie: no problem /flex02:01
jack_^take that rww02:01
bastidrazorchriss_: if windows crashed it may have the drive locked, in a sense. if you can you would need to boot in to safe mode then do a normal shutdown02:02
chriss_ok tried taking out the -t but still not working02:02
jack_chriss_: are you certain you're specifiying the correct disk?02:03
chriss_I can't boot windows at all I have a feeling that windows could have been erased if so would ubuntu be able to mount it still02:03
chriss_jack yes I am02:03
kylemm_soreau: jack_: when i restart comp. go to boot menu and click my usb drive. I then click run ubuntu from USB. and txt comes on screen. I try to press esc or shift and i cant edit or do ntin02:03
jack_chriss_: try mounting with the '-v' maybe you'll get more information02:04
jack_kylemm_: thats a soreau question. im unsure exaclty how to adjust the boot paramater from the livecd02:04
jack_kylemm_: oh. ther ehe is now02:04
bastidrazorchriss_: sudo fdisk -l   :this will list how ubuntu sees the drive.02:04
jack_soreau: kylemm_ cant get to the boot line02:04
kylemm_soreau: hey buddy :O02:05
jim_reapercan someone help me with a hard drive permissions problem i'm having?02:05
chriss_bast I did that and it lists as /dev/sda102:05
soreau_kylemm_: hey02:05
jack_what is the NTFS equivalent of a superblock? do they have superblocks? heh02:05
akagi82_anyone know how to get a usb broadband modem working?02:05
jack_jim_reaper: whats up?02:05
BiPolah!ask | jim_reaper02:05
ubottujim_reaper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
soreau_kylemm_: How far did you get?02:05
jack_chriss_: moutn with the '-v' trigger and see if you get any better error messages02:05
kylemm_soreau: when i restart comp. I go to my comp boot menu, and click my usb drive. I then click run ubuntu from USB. i try to press esc or shift to edit, and i cant edit nothing02:05
kylemm_soreau: screen comes across screen and within 10 seconds ubuntu loads and i sign in02:06
soreau_kylemm_: You're supposed to press e to edit02:06
soreau_kylemm_: 'e'02:06
jim_reaperWell i've just formatted a 320gb internal hdd to ext3 and i can't copy anything to it, i don't have permission.02:06
kylemm_soreau: okay so when i click run from USB i click e and look for that specific line?02:06
jack_jim_reaper: how did you format it?02:06
jim_reaperjack, i used gparted02:06
kylemm_soreau: ro quiet splash02:06
jack_jim_reaper: ok. how did you mount it?02:06
jim_reaperjust in gparted02:07
soreau_kylemm_: What screen was it on? To select Install or Try without making any changes to your computer?02:07
bastidrazorjim_reaper: change the mount point ownership to your username.02:07
psusijack_, boot sector02:07
jack_psusi: ya yes.02:07
BiPolahjim_reaper: You'll need to set permissions for the drive's root directly so that your user can edit/own it02:07
kylemm_soreau: i clicked run from USB02:07
jack_jim_reaper: are you able to write to it at root?02:07
kylemm_soreau: so try wthiout changes02:07
jim_reaperi tried chown username /media/sdd1 but then i can't open files inside it after i copied them there as root02:07
jack_jim_reaper: try 'chown -r user:user /media/sdd1"02:08
psusijim_reaper, then chown the files, or don't copy them as root02:08
BiPolahJim_reaper: Do it recursively. Owner of those files will be root.02:08
bastidrazorjim_reaper: sudo chown $USER /media/sdd1    :that exact command will change it to your user.02:08
jim_reaperill give it a shot02:08
kylemm_soreau: so after that some txt runs on screen, and then in liek 20 seconds ubuntu loads02:08
jack_kylemm_: i love those fast boot times02:09
kylemm_jack: lol02:09
matureIf I typed Chinese, could anyone read it?02:09
soreau_kylemm_: Ok, try pressing e to edit02:09
bastidrazormature: they could in #ubuntu-cn02:09
kylemm_soreau: okay lemme restart02:09
BiPolah!chinese | mature02:10
ubottumature: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:10
jack_mature: i think chinese people could02:10
doodlenoxive successfully installed ubuntu on my old laptop.. BUT when i try to click on the buttons along the left side, they dissapear and things pause for a second or two02:10
jack_doodlenox: what buttons?02:10
jim_reaperbastidrazor, that seems to have worked. thanks a lot guys02:10
doodlenoxwell im niot sure02:10
doodlenoxcant clikc them to find out02:10
bastidrazorjim_reaper: you're welcome.02:10
jack_doodlenox: what do they look like?02:11
doodlenoxjack_ -- firefox and the ones below02:11
BiPolahdoodlenox: Down the left side of the screen, or at the left side of the top panel?02:11
doodlenoxleft side02:11
jack_doodlenox: the ones in the menu?02:11
doodlenoxwhen i hover02:11
doodlenoxthey dissapear02:11
doodlenoxthen there is a second or two02:11
doodlenoxand they come bak02:11
jim_reaperbastidrazor, so i'm assuming the $user changed the ownership to the current user? is that how it worked?02:11
FloodBot3doodlenox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
jack_can you still click even though youc ant see them?02:11
drag0nzis there an arabic ubuntu channel?02:11
jack_jim_reaper: try 'echo $USER'02:11
BiPolah!arabic | drag0nz02:11
ubottudrag0nz: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية02:11
bastidrazorjim_reaper: it changed it to the user issuing the command, yes02:11
BiPolahDrag0nz: Thus, we find out.02:12
jack_jim_reaper: its an environmental variable02:12
jim_reaperjack_, yeah it shows i'm the current user02:12
doodlenoxjack - no02:12
kylemmsoreau: lol i press e and it mixes in with the codes going across the screen02:12
jim_reaperbastidrazor, cheers mate.02:12
doodlenoxjack - i can clikc on top buttons fine02:12
jack_jim_reaper: you can also use `whoami`02:12
bastidrazorjim_reaper: you're welcome.02:12
BiPolahDoodlenox: Just remove the left panel?02:12
kylemmsoreau: within 10 seconds a big pink screen comes up and ubuntu loads02:12
jim_reaperjack_, that's pretty nifty02:12
frnkkylemm: I had the pink one, too until i fixed the nvidia-drivers02:13
kylemmsoreau: i dont see anything related to linux and root=,    or ro quiet splash02:13
jack_kylemm: what exactly are you trying to do? i blacklist nouveau so i can load up the nvidia drivers, but i believe that still requires a reboot.02:13
soreau_kylemm: Gah. What was wrong with 10.10 again?02:13
doodlenoxany ideas on how to fix my problem with the left menu dissapearing?02:13
frnkdoodlenox: multi-monitor setup?02:13
kylemmsoreau: when i try to do 10.10 some file is lost or smtin02:13
BiPolahDoodlenox: Try removing it and replacing it02:13
kylemmsoreau: i think becuz it wasn't fully downloaded im not sure02:14
doodlenoxfrnk - no just one02:14
jack_doodlenox: the whole menu disappears? you mean where it says 'applications'? that text disappears? or the menu closes after you click it? or when you hover over icons in the menu they're removed?02:14
BiPolahKylemm: Sure your install CD for 10.10 wasn't defective? Attempting to customise a Live CD is foolish; nothing will be saved02:14
soreau_kylemm: Did you check the md5sum for the image of 10.10 you have?02:14
frnkdoodlenox: add it, logout, login -> gone?02:14
kylemmjack_: im trying to edit boot line thing to blacklist nouveau to do visual effects02:14
chriss_ok jack it says something about it may be the wrong device or the whole disk instead of partition02:14
jack_kylemm: i dont think that'll allow you to do that. are you using nvidia?02:14
kylemmjack_: ya02:14
soreau_kylemm: Really though, I would recommend to focus your efforts on getting the latest ubuntu working, and installed02:14
jack_chriss_: can you copy and paste the error line into the chat?02:14
kylemmsoreau: hmm02:15
frnkjack_: hopefully _one_ error line :D02:15
BiPolahI'm running 10.10 with nVidia, all visual effects are working fine here.02:15
kylemmsoreau: can i install on a USB drive, with like 2GB space. Then when i format the USB stick it uninstalls?02:15
jack_kylemm: you'll have to install the nvidia drivers to get it working most likely. this has to be done without xserver running to begin with. doing this in a livecd is going to be a pain in the ass02:15
chriss_I cant but I could paste on pastebin02:15
jack_also, 10.04 is an LTS and I still use it. it works great02:15
jack_chriss_: sure02:15
frnkjack_: what?02:15
soreau_kylemm: obviously if you format it, the data will be gone02:15
frnkjack_: why a livecd?02:16
kylemmsoreau: when i install on USB will it mess with my comp or 1TB hardrive or anytin?02:16
doodlenoxjack_  frnk - i can see 12 things from firefox to recycle bin at bottom.. when i go to click on them, they disappear while i hover and the screen goes purple(the background) and then comes back to original02:16
jack_frnk: what? kylemm is using the livecd. im not sure why he wont just install heh02:16
BiPolahKylemm: No it won't, unless you tell it to.02:16
kylemmjack_: some1 said partitioning can screw u up02:16
BiPolahKylemm: If it makes you feel better, you can install it into a USB without any other hard drives connected to your computer02:17
jack_kylemm: unmount the drive if you're worried02:17
jack_kylemm: unplug them internally02:17
frnkjack_: he wants to install the drivers into a livecd environment?02:17
jack_kylemm: do you currently have a windows installation?02:17
kylemmBiPolah: jack_: i dont know how to open my comp lol02:17
jack_frnk: yes02:17
kylemmjack_: windows XP02:17
BiPolahKylemm: Just dismount them then02:17
kylemmjack_: windows vista actually02:17
jack_kylemm: do this. screw livecd. boot into winxp and then download wubi. install ubuntu with that. reboot and get into your linux environment. do your testing there.02:18
jack_problem solved02:18
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kylemmwell its liveUSB :D02:18
frnkI don't get the point where he shouldn't just install linux02:18
jack_kylemm: http://wubi.sourceforge.net/02:18
kylemmfrnk: i got years worth of files i cant risk being messed with02:18
jack_kylemm: ^ use that02:19
BiPolahKylemm: dismount the drives before installing Ubuntu then02:19
frnkkylemm: everyone wants restore, noone wants backup... ;P02:19
jack_kylemm: also, backup your stuff or you'll be sorry. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life02:19
frnknuff said02:19
danny_Is there a guide to installing Ubuntu server so that Gnome DOES NOT get installed? I don't want a gui. The machine is going to be headless02:19
kylemmi dont know how to take apart my comp tho02:19
frnkjack_: *5* ;P02:19
BiPolahDanny_: I was under the impression that server installs without any GUI?02:19
jack_danny_: does gnome get installed? i thought it was by default no gui02:19
jribdanny_: ubuntu server does not install gnome02:19
pnormandanny_: When I installed it, it had no GUI02:19
jack_danny_: ^02:19
doodlenoxdo i need to reinstall??02:20
soreau_kylemm: As I told you several times before, linux isn't going to do anything you don't tell it to. If it's on a usb stick, that's where it exists. While it's running, you have the ability to read/write to the drive but that's not going to happen by itself..02:20
danny_The ubuntu server 10.10 alternate AND the regular iso's both threw gnome on it02:20
frnkkylemm: you don't have to take apart your computer - just put in a fucking usb hdd and backup the data02:20
jack_doodlenox: i doubt it. you've got a crazy issue02:20
danny_I was not impressed02:20
gpc!language | frnk02:20
ubottufrnk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:20
frnkarr, sry02:20
jribdanny_: no, that's not possible.  You didn't use the server disc or you told it to install gnome somehow.  The server install does not even install X by default02:20
jack_danny_: cant you switch it to boot into runlevel 3?02:20
kylemmfrnk: my usb has most of the files on it02:20
jack_frnk: nazi imo02:20
jribdanny_: note.  Alternate disk is not the server install.02:21
jack_gpc: http://www.vidarholen.net/contents/wordcount/02:21
jribdanny_: here you go: http://www.ubuntu.com/server02:21
chriss__ok jack it is called sda1 ok thanks pastebins02:21
gpcjack_: if you don't like our channel policies you are welcome to /part.02:22
kylemmjack_: what do you mean i will be sorry lol02:22
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jack_gpc: i like to stick around till i get kicked. (usually)02:22
danny_it is when its the one of the SERVER page. http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download is where I got the file from02:22
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
danny_When it was finished installing GNOME FIRED UP02:22
danny_I'm trying to keep it from doing that02:22
jack_kylemm: drives fail. its the way it is. you should backup anything that is important always02:22
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest47378
jack_danny_: what does /etc/lsbrelease say?02:22
jribdanny_: no, you probably burned the wrong iso or mixed up CDs02:23
chriss__hey jack I lost connection did you get my post02:23
KB1JWQkylemm: Assume any given building will at one point burst into flames.  Back your data up accordingly.02:23
sjuxaxWhat options do I pass the kernel to make the Live CD use VESA/other generic video output? Because KMS/ATI goes all artifacty and broken for me, cannot see teh screen.02:23
danny_Can't access it right now as I'm in the expert install mode over SSH now.02:23
jack_chriss__: i dont think so02:23
frnkkylemm: The moment you temper with your hard drive, you have to expect data loss. Especially when installing an os. Imho the safest way is to have a full backup of your data before you continue. That was all I was saying02:23
danny_I'll go check the disc again but I'm positive that it's the server install disk02:23
chriss__jack I post on pastebins the file is called sda102:23
kylemmJack_: KB1JWQ: if my house gets on fire, im runnin with my comp02:24
KB1JWQIt's a good thing you've got a robust backup policy in place and can restore from backups though!  A lot of people with insufficient experience and bad administrative habits would not be in such a good position. <-- I will definitely say this to anyone who blows away their only copy of anything important. :-)02:24
BiPolahdanny_: If it's installing gnome, then it's not the server iso.02:24
jribdanny_: unless you put an asterisk next to a task that installed X, you wouldn't have X on the server disc02:24
kylemmfrnk: i have not tempered with my hard drive only my USB stick :D02:24
jack_kylemm: what if the drive just fails? :P heh02:24
jack_chriss__: i need the link02:24
kylemmjack_: then i have some of the files on my USB stick02:24
KB1JWQkylemm: Assuming that you're home at the time.02:25
jack_kylemm: alright if you say so :)02:25
danny_some weird crap happening here... I hate VMs02:25
frnkkylemm: if you install, you're going to be02:25
KB1JWQkylemm: The point is, assume your drive will explode, and possibly take out anything else in the same case as it through weird power surges.02:25
jack_danny_: is this a windows host?02:25
KB1JWQkylemm: You can back up your data, or you can take your chances.  Expect no symptathy / support with the latter.02:25
jack_danny_: theres your problem! haha02:25
danny_I know.02:25
danny_I wish I could do my set up differently Jack but it doesn't like running the other way around.02:26
kylemmi have no money to buy a atleast 20GB USB stick or hard drive to back stuff up02:26
danny_Windows screws up and takes Ubuntu with it02:26
KB1JWQchriss__: Does fdisk -l show that as an NTFS partition?02:26
chriss__jack yes it does02:26
frnkkylemm: there's one thing I tell all my clients and friends: consider unbackupped data just gone02:27
frnkkylemm: as hard as it sounds...02:27
BiPolahKylemm: It's not that expensive. You can get an external enclosure for ~$10, then a standard 3.5" 1TB drive for ~$5002:27
jack_chriss__: that looks like its unable to read the filesystem table to identify the filesystem type. what happens if you dont specify -t ntfs?02:27
chriss__jack it shows as HPFS/NTFS02:27
chriss__if I don't specify it fails02:27
pnormanI need to get a USB flash drive for my parents to back stuff up onto02:27
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danny_Jack here we go again for a third attempt at the installation. I should probably just give up and go to sleep or something.02:28
jack_chriss__: with the same error?02:28
jack_danny_: you'll feel better and more clear headed after getting some rest. also, try virtualbox. its the shit.02:28
jack_(well for now... hopefully oracle doesnt destroy it)02:28
BiPolahJack_: Now now, language...02:28
kylemmBiPolah: 500GB Is $7002:28
jack_BiPolah: http://www.vidarholen.net/contents/wordcount/02:28
frnkkylemm: what?!02:29
kylemmfrnk: at my local store 500GB is $7002:29
frnkyou just live in the wrong county...02:29
BiPolahKylemm: Where are you looking?02:29
BiPolahKylemm: Ah, I'm talking USD from the likes of newegg02:29
jack_i saw a 1TB disk for $100 at bestbuy02:29
chriss__ijack it says I need to specify file system type02:29
kylemmwell i cant order stuff online lol02:30
frnkin germany, 1.5TB is like 85$02:30
pnormankylemm: Try NCIX, they might have a local store02:30
danny_jack_ I am using VirtualBox... But on a Windows host. When I had Ubuntu hosting windows, it would start the windows vm on boot (I wanted it to because my stupid phone is windows or mac only). That worked for 24 hours. After that the Windows machine started locking on boot. And of course it would freeze up all 8 cores and all 12GB of ram. So the system freezes solid.02:30
jack_chriss__: kk that means it cant read the filesystem type. specifying it probably wont help :P. mount command is pretty smart. are you able to use that filesystem in windows?02:30
kylemm1.5TB $10002:30
jack_danny_: ah i see.02:31
chriss__jack I can't do anything in windows it wont boot up and I get no option for safe mode I get the splash screen and then a flashing cursor02:31
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jack_chriss__: it sounds like your NTFS filesystem is corrupt.02:31
BiPolahKylemm: Overpriced. Look on Newegg. 1Tb 3.5" 7200RPM is only $6002:31
jack_im not sure if linux has a fsck for ntfs02:32
jack_chriss__: ^02:32
kylemmlol. Too bad i cant order online02:32
BiPolahWhich should be cheaper in USD.02:32
BiPolahKylemm: Why not?02:32
kylemmno cc02:32
fridgeratoranyone know what the dock bar a lot of people use where you have links to your computer and all your home folders is called?02:32
danny_does GParted do disk repair?02:32
pnormankylemm: If you're in Vancouver or Toronto, try ncix.com.02:32
BiPolahKylemm: Use a debit card? Ask a friend to do it for you then give them the money02:32
kylemmnear toronto02:32
rurufufussanyone have an idea why my irc can't connect to freenode, but webchat.freenode.net works?02:32
chriss__jack what does that mean __:02:33
rurufufusslike irssi and xchat just says "network is unreachable"02:33
frnkjack_: you certainly _don't_ want to temper with anything else than the chkdsk from MS for ntfs volumes02:33
kylemmBiPolah: mayb02:33
kylemmpnorman: mayb02:33
arandrurufufuss: are you behind a restrictive firewall?02:33
frnkbtdt ;)02:33
rurufufussarand: I managed to connect to other ircs though02:33
BiPolahDanny_: Yes it can. Dismount the drive then you can run a check02:33
abc_piranabig uo02:33
rurufufussarand: you mean my ISP would block freenode?02:33
kylemmim mad :(.  I have been trying to do a simple visual effects thing for about 4hours lol and i cant do it on this live usb ;)02:34
danny_BiPolah maybe GParted could help with chriss__'s problem?02:34
frnkkylemm: which card?02:34
kylemmatleast i gain $50 from my report card02:34
kylemmNVIDIA OR smtin02:34
arandrurufufuss: I know mine blocks irc in general, I don't think they would block fnode in particular though, so your problem is likely something else...02:34
BiPolahdanny_: I'm unsure what Chriss' problem is.02:34
frnkkylemm: invoke "lspci | grep -i nvidia" and paste it02:35
danny_kylemm what do you need? A drive to back up to?02:35
fjgjIs it normal that gcalctool does not remember its settings?02:35
BiPolahAlso, trying to run gparted from terminal, get the message "Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon". Anyone else think that sounds a bit arcane?02:35
rurufufussarand: I see.. but nmap irc.freenode.net shows open irc channels though02:35
kylemmnvidia corporation G9802:35
kylemmdanny_: idonno i prob wont persue02:35
frnkBiPolah: this just means that noones has to fsck with your drive than uid=0 (usually  root), which is GOOD02:36
* ElderDryas decided to go to bed and come back tomorrow morning to see how the NVIDIA/LiveCd Saga is coming02:36
BiPolahfrnk: I know, I just thought the message it gave me sounded a bit funny.02:36
fridgeratoranyone know what the dock bar a lot of people use where you have links to your computer and all your home folders is called?02:36
arandrurufufuss: YOu could try connecting to a prticular server I guess02:37
danny_kylemm I have a 320GB drive and I'm near Toronto.02:37
jack_frnk: why is that?02:37
danny_I *could* sell it.02:37
arandrurufufuss: http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml02:37
jack_chriss__: what did you do that that partition? it needs to have a fuck run against it to check for corruption02:37
rurufufussarand: thanks, will try that in a sec02:38
rww... *facepalm*02:38
rurufufussarand: but wait, xchat seems to be trying different servers though02:38
kylemmi wish there was a way to try out the visual effects in LiveUSB o well02:38
frnkjack_: because the ntfs file system structure that certainly has not been reverse engineered entirely by the ntfs-3g project02:38
jribkylemm: you can...02:38
rurufufussoh yeah, whats the easiest way to install tor on ubuntu?02:38
rurufufussmight give irc over tor a try02:39
kylemmjrib: ive been trying to a few hours and cant seem to do it02:39
danny_if I have SSH is it worth using Landscape for backups? Or should I just automate?02:39
chriss__jack if it is currupted is there a way to get the files off of it or fix it02:39
jribkylemm: well install nvidia drivers, make sure module is loaded, restart X02:39
danny_by backups I meant updates02:39
danny_I really should just go to bed! lol02:39
kylemmjrib: when i relog, the drivers still are not u know02:39
jribkylemm: I have no idea what you just said02:40
arandrurufufuss: freenode over tor is a hassle, use it only if you really need to.02:40
kylemmjrib: i activate the driver, but when i restart X its not running02:40
rww!tor | rurufufuss02:40
ubottururufufuss: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl02:40
jribkylemm: you need to load the nvidia module02:40
danny_Wow... jack_ you wanna laugh?02:41
kylemmjrib: how do i do that sir?02:41
rurufufussarand: I see, is it because its annoying to set up?02:41
rwwdanny_: considering that he's been removed from the channel, this would be somewhat non-trivial.02:41
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.02:41
jribkylemm: modprobe nvidia02:41
kylemmjrib: so i install the drive. and in terminal type that, then restart X and it should be running?02:42
aromanhey guys, I'm trying to remaster an Ubuntu ISO, and I'm getting this error running my remaster script: cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab02:42
aromani'm convinced that's what's causing me to drop to Busybox when I try and boot the remastered ISO02:42
danny_well we could all use the laugh I guess.... I made sure 4 times that I had used the correct iso... In the end... No I wasn't using the correct one... even though I looked at it 4 times02:42
arandrurufufuss: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en#ubuntu to get a tor version02:42
jack___chriss__: sorry. i somehow got disconnected it seems. frnk suggests doing NTFS fsck from the windows side. not sure how you're goign to go about donig htat02:42
aromanam I wrong?02:42
rurufufussarand: ta, I got it installed02:42
jribkylemm: no, the second step is loading the module, not just typing stuff (i.e. if your command does not succeed for whatever reason, it would not work)02:42
rurufufussarand: I think I'll try to probe around a bit more and see later02:43
chriss__well I'm gonna leave it for now thanks any way jack I appreciate it02:43
jack___chriss__: no problem. what'd you do it to?02:43
arandrurufufuss: You need to request your freenode account to be setup appropriately by freenode staff02:43
kylemmjrib: okay well im going to try.02:43
arandrurufufuss: At least that's what I had to02:43
chriss__not sure I didn't a friend did just don't know how02:44
arandrurufufuss: And you will get a distincly more unstable/laggy connection02:44
sarah1Hello, does anyone want to troubleshoot ripping DVDs with me?02:44
alejandrohow do i get out of fullscreen mode virtual box?02:44
danny_alejandro what host OS?02:44
rurufufussarand: I see.. which channel should I go to for that?02:44
danny_alejandro try right ctrl+c02:45
alejandroit just says capture02:45
Philip__alejandro hit esc.02:45
danny_sorry I meant ctrl + f for fullscreen02:45
alejandrodanny_, ok and ctrl + f to exit?02:45
arandrurufufuss: Hmm, reasing that page now it seems that the registering process is no longer required02:46
danny_that's right...02:46
kylemmjrib: u there? it says FATAL: Module nvidia not found02:46
danny_it will capture and then release to a smaller screen02:46
danny_then you can just mouse out and click on whatever you want02:46
arandrurufufuss: #freenode is likely the most appropriate for this02:46
piercedwaterCan anyone help me resolve slow write issues with my hard drives on Ubuntu 10.0.4?02:46
jribkylemm: you need to install it first02:46
BiPolahPiercedwater: Perhaps something else is trying to access the disk too, or your drive is failing.02:47
kylemmjrib: do u know the command to install it02:47
piercedwaterIts a brand new drive02:47
jribkylemm: you can use Additional Drivers02:47
BiPolahPiercedwater: Doesn't mean it's certainly not broken.02:47
kylemmjrib: is it Interact with the EFI Boot Manager02:47
danny_FINALLY! thanks jack__ for insistance I was a ____ - up. It was the wrong disk... I don't know how I managed to do that.... 4 times02:47
jribkylemm: no?02:47
kylemmlol i dont get it02:47
rurufufussarand: thanks, they were saying I need to connect using nicknames, I thought irc programs already do that automatically?02:48
danny_and by instance I meant insisting.02:48
jribkylemm: then just install ubuntu, then you can restart02:48
kylemmim trying to do it without installing02:48
SeanInSeattleHey all.  How should I change my path environment variable?02:48
kylemmi cant install without having backups02:48
SidewaysHi, not sure i'm in the right place, Ubuntu 10.10, asus p8p67 pro, wired nic worked fine, stopped working. only wireless connects.tried defaults, etc. E2000 liksys rtr-set static ip, was able to ping rtr-not net though. that stopped working as well. shows as ip. anyone have an idea what I should be reading?02:49
arandrurufufuss: I don't actually know02:49
kylemmstupid liveUSB02:49
kylemmcant do the function lol02:49
rurufufussarand: thanks anyways!02:49
arandrurufufuss: But I guess in irssi it's a simple matter of /set nick etc.02:50
kylemmhas any1 sucessfully got the visual effects to work on a LIVECD or LIVEUSB, with Nvidia drives?02:50
danny_kylemm why do you want to see visual effects so badly? It's cool. It works. That's all you really need to know about it. Are you worried about it lagging your system?02:51
kylemmdanny_: no02:51
kylemmdanny_: the visual effects are the main reason i wanted to try this :D02:52
bastidrazorSeanInSeattle: you're wanting to add something to your path?02:52
danny_is it that you're considering making the switch to Ubuntu? Currently on windows?02:52
doodlenoxi still cannot access the menu down the left side of the screen!02:52
kylemmim never going to switch from windows. But i might put this on a USB or external02:53
danny_why not dualboot? Or just try it in VBox?02:53
rbqI  don't know.02:53
kylemmVbox is run by microsoft02:53
kylemmthey think linux is illegal02:53
Isakk"Linux is a hacker tool."02:54
SidewaysI have been using winX because i was a graphic designer/web programmer. always liked GNU, trying to use as main OS.02:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:54
kylemmdualboot i dont want any possible messing with my files02:54
KB1JWQkylemm: Not true.02:54
trippshow do I manually unsuspend a device that was auto suspended (laptop mode tools)? I've tried catting values to /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbhid/<deviceid>/power/level and /wakeup and /suspend ad nauseum but nothing seems to work.02:54
KB1JWQkylemm: VirtualBox is an Oracle product.02:54
danny_Dude... seriously.... Oracle VM VirtualBox. That's what I'm using. The only thing you're going to notice is grub on bootup if you dual boot02:54
DaGeek247anyone know of a good fast flash plugin for ubuntu?02:54
danny_they stay completely separate.02:54
kylemmshould i do virtual box?02:54
danny_try it in virtual box.02:55
danny_It's free and it acts like a full system.02:55
danny_You get to try the infamous 7 click install02:55
danny_with no risk02:55
kylemmbut it acts like dual boot tho right02:55
kylemmbcuz it takes ram from me02:55
kylemmand sheit02:55
danny_yes it will take ram and processor to run it.02:55
kylemmit takes space from my hard drive02:55
danny_Not when you delete it02:56
BiPolahKylemm: It's not dual booting. It's running it on a virtual platform.02:56
kylemmits like basically installing linux to my hard drive tho02:56
danny_No. It installs Linux to a file02:56
danny_a .vdi file02:56
lightayou could just set your usb with permanent sys wich enable you to edit it02:56
gartral|cr48ok, what is not essential for ubuntu.. i'm trying to trim down the install to an absolute bare minimum.. say... 2.5-30 gigs..02:57
kylemmwell i gotta go shower02:57
kylemmill be bak in 15min02:57
RedXIIIHey, I'm trying to move data off a HDD I imaged to another drive. GParted is saying it can't check the partition because of some /etc/mtab issue, does anyone have insight?02:57
BiPolahGartral|cr48: I don't think default Ubuntu uses that much even without "trimming".02:57
DaGeek247What is the best fast flashplayer for ubuntu?02:58
gpcgartral|cr48: why not install using the !minimal cd?02:58
danny_have a good one all. I'm outta here.02:58
kylemmwhat happens if i open my hard drive in my computer thats for windows in this liveCD version.02:58
BiPolahDaGeek: You can get flash, java and mp3 functionality, among other things, with ubuntu restricted extras02:58
gartral|cr48gpc: see my username. I'm on a cr|48 it's a dance and a half just booting it.02:58
BiPolahKylemm: It displays the files on that drive.02:58
DaGeek247i have flash running. its rediculously slow. where is a faster player?02:58
BiPolahDaGeek: Put this in your terminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:58
kylemmBiPolah: will it mess with anything if i like double click  a game :D02:59
gpcgartral|cr48: get rid of openoffice,evolution,games...02:59
BiPolahDaGeek; Uninstall the current player you have installed before installing restricted extras02:59
aromanhey guys, I'm trying to remaster an Ubuntu ISO, and I'm getting this error running my remaster script: cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab. i'm convinced that's what's causing me to drop to Busybox when I try and boot the remastered ISO Am I wrong?02:59
BiPolahKylemm: It won't work. You could get WINE and run it and it might work.02:59
DaGeek247BiPolah, i'e told people to do that in this channel before. :)02:59
DaGeek247i have the restricted extras.02:59
BiPolahDaGeek: Well if the adobe plugin (flashplugin-installer) isn't working right, uninstall it and try out Gnash or something03:00
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/03:00
Philip__I've tried GNASH, didn't work.03:00
Philip__Still fails to play YouTube Videos03:01
DaGeek247i wanna get stuff on (onemorelevel.com) to work faster.03:01
BiPolahPhilip_: I had to help a guy yesterday that was having problems with Gnash. Got him to switch to adobe flash player and it worked fine03:01
BiPolahDaGeek247: Is it running slowly or just loading slowly?03:02
Philip__Yeah I switched to Flash, Alot better, atleast it works. May be buggy (Due to OpenGL not being as polished as DirectX mind you) But, It works.03:02
* psusi wonders when youtube will quit using craprobat flash03:02
DaGeek247running slowly03:02
Philip__psusi once they finish updating HTMl5 etc.03:02
fnuserhello,  anyone knows of a simple way to rename the default right click entries(copy, remove, etc) in thunar?03:03
DaGeek247psusi, what other multiplatform software would it use?03:03
psusiPhilip__, what do either opengl or directx have to do with it?  those are for 3d, not 2d03:03
Philip__Flash is 3D>03:03
psusiDaGeek247, standard format video files and leave the software that plays it up to the client03:03
alejandrodanny_, are u there?03:03
Philip__It REQUIRES 3D acceleration support.03:03
psusiyoutube videos aren't 3d03:04
truepurpleWhen I go to download ubuntu 10.10 64bit, it has "amd" right before "64" Why?  Is it saying that its only for AMD CPU's or something?03:04
Philip__psusi while the Videos may not be 3D the Application itself requires 3D Acceleration for proper loading.03:04
BiPolahtruepurple: The 32bit has i386, 64 bit has amd6403:04
psusimpeg and avi files played just fine long before adobe made flash... never understood why everyone started using flash to play video03:05
Starminntruepurple: Intel borrowed AMD's technology for 64-bit because Intel's implementation wasn't good.03:05
Philip__truepurple AMD created 64BIT first. So, It's named after AMD.03:05
rwwtruepurple: amd64 will work fine on Intel x86_64/EMT64/Intel64 processors03:05
DaGeek247psusi, mpeg would work, but avi has problems.03:05
psusitruepurple, no, it is because amd designed the architecture, and now intel licences it from them03:05
StarminnBiPolah: Mine's i686 and 32-bit03:05
Philip__Exactly what rww said.03:05
psusiPhilip__, what for?03:05
Philip__psusi for proper video playback.03:05
truepurplePhilip_ a i5 760, that is one of those?03:06
rwwUbuntu has an odd tendency to use i386 when they mean i686 :\03:06
nowarninglabelWhat are the logical steps to follow when after installing lynx, the drive is not being recognized/booted on startup?03:06
psusiPhilip__, actually intel did it first, they just chose a different architecture that was not backwards compatible, which never saw widespread adoption03:06
Philip__TruePurple, that supports 64BIT fine.03:06
BiPolahStarminn: All the .iso's I've downloaded were i38603:06
psusiPhilip__, video playback != 3d rendering03:06
lmvcDoes anyone knows how to open a pdf file by using the terminal (commands). Trying to get some practice with the command line terminal. Please help me03:07
truepurpleAnd it works with everything that supports 64bit?03:07
Philip__Yes Truepurple.03:07
StarminnBiPolah: $ uname -a (gives me this:) Linux robert-Dell-DME510 2.6.35-25-generic-pae #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 19:01:46 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux03:07
Philip__Any modern CPU will support the 64 bit Arc.03:08
bastidrazorlmvc: evince    .. or you can use 'gnome-open file'03:08
BiPolahStarminn: Linux ABarbour-Ubuntu 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux03:08
StarminnBiPolah: Why or how, I don't know, but all I know is I see an i686 in there. Beyond that, you've got me. :)03:08
rurufufuss_guys, is there a reason why changing the cursor through the "appearances" thing doesn't work?03:08
BiPolahStarminn: The iso I've got is 386, how quaint. What's the -pae thing after generic on yours?03:08
lmvcThanks Bastidrazor03:09
=== rurufufuss_ is now known as rurufufuss
bastidrazorubottu: tell BiPolah about pae03:09
ubottuBiPolah, please see my private message03:09
StarminnBiPolah: Physical Address Extension. It's used for addressing more than 4GB of physical RAM03:09
StarminnBiPolah: Oh, ubottu's got you03:09
truepurpleIs it true that you need a fat16 FS to do a ubuntu live CD from flash drive? It won't work with say fat32 or other more advanced FS?03:09
bastidrazorlmvc: you're welcome. gnome-open is handy for when you don't know what program to use to open a file03:09
BiPolahStarminn: Oh right, that.03:09
rwwBiPolah, Starminn: Ubuntu labels their ISOs i386. As of Ubuntu 10.10, all 32-bit x86 Ubuntu kernels/repositories/etc. are actually i686, despite the ISO filename.03:10
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
rwwbefore that, I think they were i586 or something.03:10
i4ba1how to show grub on boot menu?03:11
i4ba1after fixmbr for my windows03:11
i4ba1the grub not show on boot menu03:11
Starminnrww: Aha! Makes sense. And I suppose before that i386. (i386->i586->i686) Thank you for clearing that up03:11
rwwGiven that practically all x86 processors fast enough to run Ubuntu are i686 anyway, this is not a notable difference ;)03:11
i4ba1i have dual boot, windows and ubuntu03:11
i4ba1can you help me guys?03:12
alejandroin virtualbox how do i start windows xp so that i do not have to install it each time i run it?03:12
trenchi4ba1: boot with a recovery cd or usb03:12
psionis there a command to put the computer to sleep/hibernate?03:12
lmvcThanks for your help <bastidrazor> just joined to Ubuntu society. Feeling so good.03:12
brandon420whats the best audio visualization?03:12
rwwStarminn: I don't think Ubuntu ever actually supported i386 processors. Debian stopped supporting them in Sarge. They still call their x86 architecture stuff i386, though, and I guess the name stuck.03:13
bastidrazori4ba1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:13
|Long|need some help i forgot mysql password how can i recovery?03:13
rww(Debian still supports i486 and higher, iirc.)03:13
Starminnrww: Oh.  Well, that's how things go. Names stick and who's to be the wiser? :)03:13
trench!mysql ||long|03:13
ubottu|long|: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:13
bastidrazorlmvc: you're welcome.. here are some links you may find interesting :: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal  http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:14
scott__I'm having problems getting my iPhone 3GS to be recognized in Pinguy OS 10.10.  Does anybody know of any websites I can check out?03:15
trenchhow do you change stuff in the bot?03:15
icedteaanyone know an undelete command for linux?03:15
BiPolahtrench: bot as in robot, or bot as in bottom panel?03:15
rwwscott__: #ubuntu doesn't support unofficial derivatives of Ubuntu. /join #pinguyos for support with it.03:16
scott__Also, does anybody know if it's official that the global menu in natty will support Firefox and Openoffice/Libreoffice03:16
scott__thanks rww03:16
i4ba1bastidrazor, do you have simple way to solve my problem?03:16
rwwtrench: the basic form to submit a factoid suggestions is: /msg ubottu !no, factoidname is <reply> new text here03:17
rwwtrench: /msg ubottu !bot links to the full command list that includes more complicated ways03:17
trenchand whokey03:17
speedywuz up peeps03:18
t73netHey all. I'm looking for someone to help me troubleshoot some domain name issues using Webmin/Bind Dns Module. PM me for info please03:18
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:18
t73netIs there a better solution for backend management instead of Webmin?03:19
techbreakI am stuck with java installation in ubuntu .. help please03:20
BiPolahtechbreak: How so?03:21
bazhangtechbreak, enable partner repo and install from there03:21
trench|Long|: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset03:21
SvenDSquuezeHello all. It seems that Alsa OSS emulation has been dropped. Is there any easy way to get that back? I need the midi emulation layer (access  to /dev/midi00), not dsp (like padsp would allow).03:21
bazhang!partner | techbreak03:21
ubottutechbreak: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:21
JavaAtomdumb qeustion: running Arch linux and want to put the 10.10 netbook iso onto a USB drive. Is Unetbootin the best way to go about doing that?03:22
techbreakBiPolah, I installed java jre 6 now I need to install jdk, I am stuck03:22
bazhangJavaAtom, sure03:22
BiPolahThe easiest way to install java is to just get it with ubuntu restricted extras, else there's a number of packages you need to get individually03:22
techbreakbazhang, thanks.. trying03:22
BiPolahsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:22
JavaAtombazhang: Is there a more direct way? (e.g. w/o unetbootin?)03:22
bazhangJavaAtom, manually03:22
bazhang!usb | JavaAtom03:22
ubottuJavaAtom: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:22
=== Guest47378 is now known as LjL-Temp
bazhangJavaAtom, check the first link03:23
truepurpleDoes someone know about installing ubunutu from live CD usb flash drive?03:23
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest37333
JavaAtombazhang: Doh. Thanks.03:23
bazhangtruepurple, yes, ask a question03:23
JavaAtomtruepurple: Done it before -- what do you need?03:23
truepurpleI need to know if fat16 is required03:24
trench!mysqlpass is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset03:24
BiPolahTruepurple: We certainly don't. None of here actually use Ubuntu, we don't understand it.03:24
bazhangtruepurple, what have you tried so far03:24
truepurpleStuff online does not speak of needing fat16, and actually makes unetbootin sound compatible with it. But someone here yesterday said it doesn't work03:25
techbreakbazhang, says command not found "apt-get-repository"03:25
bazhangtruepurple, please answer my question03:25
JavaAtomaha. Found `usb-creator` for my distro03:25
bazhangtechbreak, thats not the command03:25
doodlenoxshould i post my problem in some of the forums - the issue where i cant access the left side menu column03:25
truepurpleI tried downloading and installing at the same time with unetbootin on a fat32 formated USB drive, but something didn't work. It could have been my running out of HDD space on my main drive03:26
bazhangBiPolah, /msg ubottu please03:26
trench!mysql is a fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL database server. It is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. Read more about it here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/mysql.html03:26
rwwtechbreak: it's add-apt-repository03:26
bazhangJavaAtom, unetbootin.sourceforge.net should have one as well03:26
techbreakrww, bazhang oops.. ok ok03:26
lmvcBecause my computer is very old, I decided to run Ubuntu under it. Ubuntu is working so amazing, but I still have a problem. When I open a pdf file, it makes everything slower. I dont know if this happens because of the pdf reader that was intalled by default. Does anyone know how to fix this, maybe there exist other pdf reades under ubuntu. Thanks in advance03:26
BiPolahDoodlenox: What version are you using?03:26
bazhangtrench, please do that in /msg ubottu03:26
truepurpleI am trying to download the ISO now, it wont leave me much room, and for some reason the download is insanely slow03:27
bazhangtruepurple, could be a bad 'burn'03:27
BiPolahWhat exactly does bogofilter run with?03:27
trenchtruepurple: why download the full iso?03:27
techbreakrww, bazhang once again the full command please03:27
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:27
BiPolahTruepurple, if directly download is taking a long time  you can try the torrent03:27
truepurplebazhang: Is fat16 a required FS? Or can I use fat32?03:27
BiPolahTruepurple: Why do you need to use FAT, why not ext3 or ext4?03:28
=== wsirc_7783017 is now known as stevie
bazhangtruepurple, required? never heard of 'required'03:28
truepurpleWell, I can't format ext from XP...03:29
psycho_oreosyou let ubuntu do that03:29
doodlenoxbipolah i am using the latest - netbook03:29
truepurpleWhy should I need ext4 on a USB flash drive anyway?03:29
doodlenoxBiPolah - ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso03:30
=== SvenDSquueze is now known as SvenDMaverick
trenchminiiso | truepurple03:30
skutr3hey i have no sound on ubuntu 10.10 can anyone help me?03:30
trenchskutr3: what kind of error?03:31
trenchskutr3: sure your sound is not muted?03:31
skutr3trench: no errors just no sound songs will play without audio03:31
truepurpleSo I can use fat32 to base my turning a USB flash drive into a "live cd"?03:31
skutr3trench: pretty sure03:31
BiPolahI assume bogofilter works with Evolution?03:31
LeifAm I the only one having issues with the recent flash update?03:32
LeifOr is anyone else having issues?03:32
BiPolah!spanish | tijani03:32
ubottutijani: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:32
trenchskutr3: gome-volum-control says?03:32
skutr3trench: havent tried that yet03:33
BiPolahLeif: There was a guy earlier having issues, but apart from that most people have had no problem.03:33
trenchskutr3: see if it's muted03:33
BiPolahLeif: Running 10.10 with flashplugin 10.2?03:33
LeifBiDOrD, Mmm...okay.03:33
LeifBiPolah, Yes03:33
skutr3trench: command not found03:33
truepurpletrench what do you mean by miniiso?03:33
Starminnskutr3: gnome-volume-control03:33
skutr3oh lol03:33
Starminnskutr3: His hand just missed a few keys. :) Typos happend to us all03:33
trenchyeah sorry03:33
StarminnIncluding mine just now. "happend" meant to be happen*03:34
trenchtruepurple: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:34
skutr3trench: Starminn: nothing muted03:34
LeifBiPolah, So, is there anything I can do?  (As I doubt an uninstall/reisntall) would help.  Perhaps getting it from adobe's website?03:34
trench!sound | skutr303:35
ubottuskutr3: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:35
BiPolahLeif: I don't think there is. We couldn't get it to work for the previous guy, although it's working for other people on Maverick. It could be a conflict with another package you have installed, but I've no idea what.03:35
skutr3trench: ive been to these too no luck03:35
truepurpletrench so its another name for netinstall?03:36
Starminnskutr3: If your audio player's volume up? Have you tried other sound-emitting things (i.e. YouTube) to see if it's jus that program? I assume everything is plugged in? (Beyond that check ubottu's suggestion)03:36
skutr3Starminn: yes03:36
trenchtruepurple: yes03:36
LeifBiPolah, Mmm..okay.  Thanks anyway. I'll see what I can do.03:36
truepurpletrench do I need fat16 to do miniiso/netinstall from a USB flash drive?03:37
doodlenox<doodlenox> BiPolah - ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso03:37
u2meping irc.freenode.net03:37
trenchtruepurple: why are you conserned about fast16?03:38
gpc!list > u2me03:38
ubottuu2me, please see my private message03:38
truepurpleBecause that is what someone told me here yesterday03:38
DareDevil01Hey guys is there anyway to play Blue Rays in Ubuntu?03:38
BiPolahDoodlenox: Sorry about that. I just thought you might've been using 11.04 and it was a bug. I can't help you, so yes post on the forums if you want.03:38
DareDevil01I cannot watch a Blue Ray movie with my Blue Ray player03:38
u2meubottu: how to see it03:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:38
Starminntruepurple: Why the obsession with FAT16? You stick it on a bootable medium and pop it in. Let Ubuntu take car eo fthe formatting. I believe the default is ext4, and usually defaults are good. :)03:38
truepurpletrench is it true or not? And please repeat back the inquiry in your own words so I can know your understanding what I am talking about03:38
Jackalopei have a question when i scroll sometimes it looks like my screen is in pieces03:39
Starminntruepurple: Told you about what? What needs to be in FAT16?03:39
ZeroAdamDareDevil01: friend of mine has same problem, his install doesn't even see the drive03:39
Jackalopelike overlaps as well03:39
trenchDareDevil01: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD03:39
BiPolahDareDevil01: Try sudo apt-get install dumphd03:39
truepurpleStarminn the usb flash drive perhaps?03:39
truepurplestarminn I don't have ubuntu yet!03:39
aerofly5I need advice about changing my Operating System03:39
DareDevil01let me see03:39
trenchaerofly5: shoot03:40
truepurplestarminn that is why I need the bootable flash drive!03:40
|Long|have anyone here run glftpd on ubuntu 10.10? there is a 10 second delayed when i connect thru ftp how do i fix this?03:40
aerofly5I have a dual boot with Ubuntu and WinXP on seperate hard drives but want to replace xp with Server 2003.03:40
trench|Long|: ask in glftpd on efnet about stuff when it comes to glftpd03:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:40
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
cyberseekerubuntu is a whole different universe. r u ready?03:41
truepurpleTo make a bootable flash drive for the purposes of installing ubunutu from it, do I need the flash drive formated in fat16???03:41
Starminntruepurple: You are making it from WIndows, correct?03:42
BiPolahTruepurple: No.03:42
bazhangcyberseeker, #ubuntu-offtopic for that03:42
truepurpleFrom XP03:42
Starminntruepurple: And you are doing Desktop version of Ubuntu? (Not netbook)03:42
trenchaerofly5: just upgrade then, but you most likely have to install grub again03:42
truepurpleBiPolah how sure are you? I had someone who was absolutely positive you needed fat16 that I talked to last night03:42
Starminntruepurple: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Go to step 2, choose USB stick, choose making it from Windows, thensay "Show me how"03:42
truepurpleStarminn desktop 10.10 64bit03:43
FloodBot3stevie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
Starminntruepurple: So choose 64-bit on step 1 as well.03:43
taintedwhere do i set environmental variables03:43
bazhangtruepurple, sounds like you had a bad 'burn' or a corrupt iso md5 the iso, and try again03:43
taintedwhere do i set environment variables03:43
bazhang!md5 | truepurple03:43
ubottutruepurple: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:43
trenchtainted: now they are in /etc/default03:43
aerofly5I have a dual boot with Ubuntu and WinXP on seperate hard drives but want to replace xp with Server 2003. I need to know whether wiping the XP disk and adding the server 2003 MBR will corrupt my grub bootloader (especially since I installed grub on the XP disk) and if so how to repair it03:44
truepurplebazhang more like I ran out of HDD space03:44
Starminntruepurple: So follow the wonderful step-by-step with screenshots on how to do it, and you'll be golden. If it doesn't work after you slpit the ISO, follow what people are saying about the MD503:44
bazhangtruepurple, then not really an ubuntu issue03:44
taintedtrench: how do i set them?03:44
bastidrazortainted: you could export them your ~/.bashrc03:44
Starminntruepurple: That's not anyone's fault then. IF there's no HDD space we cannot do anything about that.03:44
trenchtainted: what do you want to set?03:45
taintedI'm really new to linux03:45
arandaerofly5: Yes, installing windows will likely overwrite the mbr part of grub, though it should be easily restores from a livecd03:45
taintedI'm trying to set a SYBASE environment variable for FreeTDS03:45
bazhang!grub2 | aerofly5 please have a read03:45
ubottuaerofly5 please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:45
sacarlsonaerofly5: as long as your ubuntu disk data is untouched there are procedures to reload grub mbr03:45
aerofly5thanks all03:45
truepurplestarminn bazhang I didnt say it was, I said the person last night said I needed the usb drive formated fat16, I didnt ask for fault, I asked if this is correct or not, if you say it is not, are you sure? You have referance to back it up?03:45
taintedthe docs are asking me to set SYBASE=/usr/local/freetds03:46
Starminntruepurple: I gave you the reference, buddy. On the official UBuntu site, giving you a step-by-step.03:46
bazhangtruepurple, they said it was an option, not default03:46
Sidewaysintermittent wored NIC03:46
truepurplestarminn I see nothing on that page about FS03:46
trenchtainted: http://www.freetds.org/userguide/envvar.htm03:46
truepurplebazhang what are you talking about?03:47
Starminntruepurple: Seeing as they do not mention anything about requiring a FAT16 formatted USB stick on that page, you can assume you don't need one.03:47
Starminntruepurple: It's hard to prove a negative. Did you expect to see, "You don't need a FAT16!" No, do you see "You need FAT16" no, so you don't.03:47
truepurplestarminn I would think so too, but the person last night was so sure, said that there were many conversations in IRC to prove it, if I didnt mind spending hours combing through logs03:48
trenchtruepurple: you worry to much just try it :P03:48
truepurpletrench: Ok then, how is the universal USB installer better then unetbootin?03:48
Starminntruepurple: Never know till you try then, eh?03:49
bazhangtruepurple, just try them03:49
Sidewaysworked at install, after installing configuring system, boom.03:49
truepurpleEach try takes a long time though, because of my situation and current crappy computer.03:49
gratnam11hey guys can someone tell me why it takes me so long to load a web page03:49
Starminntruepurple: If something doesn't work, try something else, alright? We obviously don't know everything you DON'T need for Ubuntu -- just what you DO need.03:49
gratnam11each pages take like a minute03:50
trenchtruepurple: you are not gone die tomorrow right?03:50
Starminntruepurple: If it won't work, try formatting it as FAT1603:50
trenchtruepurple: if not then just try and learn03:50
truepurpleStarminn: Would you please help me compare that usb installer to unetbootin anyway?03:50
BiPolahIs it possible to use workspaces without having the workspace switcher on a panel?03:50
gratnam11hey guys03:50
gartral|cr48gratnam11: there could be a million reasons..03:50
gratnam11my cable is good03:51
gratnam11and i have highspeed internet03:51
dragonz696have you checked your with you checked with speed.com ?03:51
gratnam11what could be causing it03:51
StarminnBiPolah: CTRL+ALT+<left or right arrow key>03:51
gratnam11let me check03:51
truepurpleAny of you know both  unetbootin and universal USB installer?03:51
robertzaccourdoes anyone know where I can get the crunchbang xfwm for ubuntu?03:51
sacarlsontruepurple: from my reading I think the usb boot disk is created with dd (direct dump) and it creates it's own format,  I'm unsure what format it becomes, but you don't need to format before install03:51
StarminnBiPolah: The dock I have now (Avant) has a thing that shows workspaces as well if you'd prefer a dock, perhaps.03:51
BiPolahStarminn: I know that I can switch using those, it just doesn't work if I don't have the applet on a panel.03:52
dragonz696could be alot of traffic or at least thats what i keep getting told03:52
robertzaccourI really like the theme but want it for Ubuntu (xfce)03:52
bazhangtruepurple, yes. try them and decide. Please dont poll which is !best03:52
icedteaanyone know what program to read /sys/kernel/debug files?03:52
truepurpleI said each try talks a long time03:52
StarminnBiPolah: Oh. Well I use Avant. and it works. Never tried without either. Sorry. :(03:52
bazhangtruepurple, then keep at it. could take a few times03:52
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BiPolahStarminn: Ah, okay, I'll have a fiddle with it03:53
eddoisgreatAnyone know how to install ubuntu with virtual machine???03:53
truepurplebazhang: So if someone can help me know the pros and cons, that would help alot, are you against helping me? Or do you just not know?03:53
bazhangeddoisgreat, yes03:53
xanguarobertzaccour: ask some one who uses crunchbang to give it you03:53
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:53
bazhangrobertzaccour, ask in the #crunchbang channel for their theme03:53
StarminnBiPolah: I killed my dock and removed the workspace switcher on panel, it works for me.03:54
bazhangtruepurple, this is not the channel for polling. please try them and decide which is best for yourself03:54
Khedroneddoisgreat: which VM03:54
StarminnBiPolah: Could also be because I have Compiz, though.03:54
Starminn!best | truepurple03:54
ubottutruepurple: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:54
BiPolahStarminn: I removed it and re-added it, it works now. Just a random problem before then03:54
truepurpleubuttu I am not polling, I am asking what are the pros and cons for each03:54
StarminnBiPolah: Glad to hear.03:54
uRockubottu is the best tool for the job03:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:54
sasori2501hey guys, i have a new 64gb usb drive, which gives me this error when ejecting.  how do i fix it????03:55
bazhangtruepurple, that is polling. please try and decide for yourself03:55
sasori2501Error detaching: helper exited with exit code 1: Detaching device /dev/sdb03:55
sasori2501USB device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1)03:55
sasori2501SYNCHRONIZE CACHE: FAILED: No such file or directory03:55
Starminntruepurple: ubottu said "Ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots" is you insist on not trying it yourself.03:55
sasori2501(Continuing despite SYNCHRONIZE CACHE failure.)03:55
FloodBot3sasori2501: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
sasori2501STOP UNIT: FAILED: No such file or directory03:55
dragonz696sorry i guess that was speedtest.net03:55
Starminn!enter | sasori250103:55
ubottusasori2501: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:55
truepurplebazhang you might call it polling, but webster would disagree with you03:55
bazhangtruepurple, please dont argue about this.03:55
Starminntruepurple: Stop it. This channel is not for polling, so you may not do so here.03:55
truepurpleI am not polling in the first place!03:56
gratnam11speedtest gives me 24 mbits and 5 mbits upload03:56
truepurpleI am asking a question a single person could answer03:56
gratnam11why is the browser so slow03:56
truepurpleThat is not a poll!03:56
Khedrongratnam11: try dns03:56
gratnam11i don't have dns installed though03:56
gratnam11i dont have bind installed03:56
uRockquit arguing and ask the question, then don't get mad when nobody answers03:57
ShidellAnyone have a good reference for a n00b win developer to learn about Git? I'd like to see a visual representation of the source trees, but that seems.. unavailable, period?03:57
taintedtrench how do i persist that after restarts?03:57
sacarlsontruepurple: in simple terms the boot install will reformat the usb flash disk, what ever format you put on it will be reformated with what it wants03:57
Khedrongratnam11: no dns is something you use, try namebench, not sure if it's in the standard repos though03:57
robertzaccourtruepurple, whats the question?03:57
Starminntruepurple: *sigh* You are asking "What is best." As ubottu tells you, "Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors." Please abide by that, and realize that because of this, no one will be able to answer you properly. As a result of it being "up to you to choose" you must do just that -- try and choose.03:57
gratnam11what is that03:57
boxbeatsyhi, how do i go about making my external hard drive bootable? i'm trying to install a dual boot on my machine but have no CD ROM drive03:58
Khedrongratnam11: if you're getting that speed, it aint your connection slowing you down, probably dns servers03:58
truepurple, I asked how do unetbootin and universal USB installer compare in features, I am not asking in a general sense "best" I am asking specifics on what each has and doesnt have03:58
lukyjayboxbeatsy, you need to load the boot selection menu, or BBS when your computer boots then select your harddrive03:59
gpctruepurple: look them up and compare features for yourself03:59
truepurpleHighlights are fine, the important stuff03:59
uRockUnetbootin is the most widely supported, that is about all I can tell ya truepurple03:59
truepurplegpc but I won't know what to look for03:59
boxbeatsylukyjay: do i need to clear my hard drive of all other files besides the windows files?03:59
Starminnboxbeatsy: Typically you can make things bootable through the BIOS. Not sure of external harddrives, but it may fall under "USB" if it connects via USB03:59
gratnam11well the thing is03:59
uRockI use the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator in the system admin menu03:59
martich2i need to make a usb device work without having to sudo every ime i want to use it. how can i do this?03:59
gratnam11when i plug in my mac computer03:59
sacarlsontruepurple: there are some new ones that will let you put multiple iso boots on a single usb flash so you can pick from many,  that is one cool one03:59
gratnam11it works fast03:59
gpctruepurple: you are looking for the best feature set for you. WE don't know what you are looking for either.03:59
boxbeatsyit does connect via USB, but will my computer know where to find hte windows OS files?03:59
gpctruepurple: Now please stop polling the channel.04:00
lukyjayboxbeatsy, are you installing to or from the harddive?04:00
boxbeatsydonti  need to specially format it somehow?04:00
gratnam11the computers that have linux seems to bee slow04:00
pksadiq!enter | gratnam1104:00
ubottugratnam11: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:00
boxbeatsyfrom the harddrive04:00
truepurplegpc plus I often don't understand many said features in the first place04:00
bazhangtruepurple, then time to do some reading04:00
Starminnboxbeatsy: Do you have only Windows installed currently or both? You said you wanted to make it a dual-boot?04:00
boxbeatsyi have ubuntu installed04:00
boxbeatsywnat to dual boot with windows thoguh04:00
lukyjayboxbeatsy, do you have a USB stick? its much easier to install from than a portable harddrive04:00
uRockAre there any Linux drivers for Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller?04:00
Khedrongratnam11: buy a new one of those then04:00
boxbeatsyi dont :\ although i could go buy one if it's a lot easier i guess04:01
dragonz696lol ummm mine turns out at 1.18 mb/s    and  .59 mb/s upload04:01
boxbeatsyhow would i do it with a usb portable drive?04:01
truepurplesacarlson Could that allow me to put that grub installer and a ubunutu live on one usb flash drive?04:01
lukyjayboxbeatsy, in windows use unetbootin04:01
sacarlsontruepurple: there are also suposed to be usb flash installers that can install persistant installed systems meaning you can reboot and save what you last had from previose boot04:01
Starminnboxbeatsy: (This is directed to others) COuldn't he just edit GRUB to list the other HD?04:01
boxbeatsyi'm looking at unetbootin right now.  it seems like it's only to create linux bootable drives?04:02
gratnam11khedron buy new what04:02
truepurplesacarlson not much use to me, I don't plan to run the OS off the USB flash drive04:02
sacarlsontruepurple: yes they all have to put grub2 and the system on it,  that's included in all of them04:02
boxbeatsyi dont have windows installed on the other hard drive, i just have an image of a windows boot CD04:02
Khedrongratnam11: the things it works great for you on04:02
truepurplesacarlson So a ubunutu live install on  a USB flash drive could easily repair grub after windows destroys it?04:03
sacarlsontruepurple: all you do is pick the iso and what usb flash to put it one and push install done deal04:03
gratnam11wat the hell04:03
sacarlsontruepurple: yes if your bios supports boot from usb04:03
tman_im running an ubuntu network install with the 10.04 alternate cd and the minimal cd of 10.04 also but it gives me an error that says no kernel modules found. is there anyway to fix this?04:03
boxbeatsyaah found a resource guide: http://jaxov.com/2009/09/install-windows-7-from-usb-stick-easily-unetbootin/04:04
lukyjayboxbeatsy, why don't you backup everything on the harddrive then use unetbootin to partition and write a bootable ubuntu image to it? that'd be the way to go!04:04
truepurplesacarlson what are you talking about when you say "all you do is pick the iso and what usb flash to put it one and push install done deal" ?04:04
boxbeatsythanks guys!04:04
Starminngratnam11: What is it that you are asking? That computers with Linux seem to be slow? This is typically because people want to get the msot from their computers, and the alternatives are usually too hardware-demanding. So, khedron suggested to buy a new computer I believe. (If I followed correctly)04:04
=== Sideways is now known as Guest33997
xanguatruepurple: try it and find out...04:04
boxbeatsylukyjay: well i still need to figure out how to get windows on my main machine though04:04
truepurplexangua try WHAT???04:04
sacarlsontruepurple: download the ubuntu iso install file, down load the usb flash installer if you don't already have a ubuntu running and run it and...04:05
uRocktry what you were just talking about04:05
truepurplexangua I can't try what someone is talking about, if I don't know what they are talking about in the first place04:05
leapy0yofor my netbook, i have disable mouse while typing, but the delay from having it disabled to turning it back on is not long enough becauswe i still hit it and the mouse clicks on something when i dont want it to04:05
xanguatruepurple: from unetbootin, you have been talking about it all nigh!! oh my....04:05
gratnam11starminn, my computers very new though04:05
tensorpuddingi'm finally going to try and figure out why it is that my sound craps out randomly04:05
sacarlsontruepurple: ubuntu has a preinstalled usb flash installer System>Administration>Startup Disk creator04:06
truepurplesacarlson: what is this usb flash installer you were talking about earlier?04:06
gratnam11i cant seem to understand why it would be making it slow down04:06
truepurplesacarlson No good, I don't have ubuntu installed04:06
uRockinstall it04:06
uRockbest thing since sliced bread04:06
truepurpleI can't without a method04:06
sacarlsontruepurple: there are windows and other system installers also04:06
lukyjaygratnam11, perhaps thats why it is slow? maybe you're using new hardware that ubuntu has poor support for04:06
ChipzzzI have an ATI r2400 video card that works fine for days at a time. Suddenly it will catch a fit and I'll see [drm:r600_audio_bits_per_sample] in the kernel log. After that, the x server goes bonkers. Any suggestions?04:07
trenchtruepurple: now i have installed two computers with ubuntu while you have been talking here :P04:07
gratnam11maybe my network cards sucks?04:07
Starminngratnam11: It could be a hardware incompatibility issue, then. Regarding discerning what that might be I can't help with as I'm not very knowledgable in that field; however from my personal experience Linux runs faster. If your computer is very new, though, also keep in mind that the developers may not have had a chance to write up the compatability for your hardware.04:07
gratnam11i grapped it out of my oldbox04:07
truepurplesacarlson: what is this usb flash installer you were talking about earlier that can have multiple boots in it?04:07
sacarlsontruepurple: uRock: yes unetbootin  is free and runs on windows just download it and the ubuntu iso and install the unet.. and run it04:07
gratnam11because it works great with windows04:07
truepurpletrench meaningless04:07
trenchtruepurple: but true :P04:08
sacarlsontruepurple: that version isn't avalable on windows sorry04:08
truepurpleName anyway please04:08
Starminngratnam11: You could always try running an Internet search of "Linux compatible <your network card>"04:08
* uRock knows how to install via every mode except using a PXE server04:08
gratnam11okey thanks04:09
demonsporkwhat is that cloud based OS04:09
Starminngratnam11: Actually "Linux problem <your network card>" might be better.04:09
demonsporkI think it is based on Ubuntu04:09
brophati am going to install ubuntu and am going to use encryption do i or should I do a special install that would be beneficial for encryption maybe such as a special partition setup?04:09
Starminndemonspork: Run a search on ChromeOS to see an example.04:09
tensorpuddingit seems that pulseaudio is running, and it is connected to clients, but no sound comes out of the speakers, even though the volume is unmuted04:09
sacarlsontruepurple: there are many ways to do it this is one http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/create-bootable-iso-with-multiple-linux.html04:09
truepurplesarcarlson works with windows and linux on the same USB flash drive too?04:10
demonsporkStarminn, I have a cr-48 in front of me04:10
sacarlsontruepurple: but you should stay focused on your original problem and look at this http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/04:10
kayzargperdon con las mayusculas04:10
kayzargpero tengo un problemita04:11
truepurpleBeen there, but I just want a name for the future sacarlosn04:11
Starminndemonspork: Ah, lol. Just do some research into how it works then. Basically everything is done in "the Cloud" (a.k.a. the Internet on some remote server somewhere, other than your computer)04:11
Starminn!es | kayzarg04:11
ubottukayzarg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:11
kayzarginstale segun mi taarjeta grafic a04:11
sacarlsontruepurple: I don't know how to install windows on a flash usb, your asking the wrong guy for that04:11
Dice-Mankayzarg: tr04:11
Dice-Manarf sorry04:11
=== cannonfodder is now known as righteousRat
truepurplesacarlson so that multiple boot was linux only?04:12
tensorpuddingthe alsa sinks show up in paman, and they're unmuted too04:12
Dice-Mankayzarg: este canal es por ingles ayuda solament04:12
sacarlsontruepurple: I don't know anything about making iso boot for windows,  I have no idea if it works or not04:12
demonsporkStarminn, I am trying to find a _specific_ cloud based OS that I heard about recently, I just can't figure out the name. It started with an F04:12
cabbrick1243Hey I'm a noob with Ubuntu server. I just setup dovecot-postfix for mail but it won't send to my gmail..04:13
tensorpuddinghmm, got some messages in /var/log/messages04:13
Dice-Mankayzarg: tiene que ir en #ubuntu-en04:13
tensorpuddingratelimit.c: N events suppressed04:13
bazhangdemonspork, try in ##linux or ##ubuntu-offtopic04:13
truepurpleIf I make unetbootin create a live cd or netinstall on a USB flash drive, does that mean I can't put anything else on that partition?04:13
Dice-Mankayzarg: disculpa me #ubuntu-sp04:14
mayoi was here earlier and i was getting help finding drivers for my ralink 3090 wireless adapter04:14
m4vDice-Man: #ubuntu-es rather04:14
mayohowever when i installed it still doesn't work04:14
Mean_Adminhey so I am stupid;  I didn't mean to but started repartitioning a hfs+ partition as a ext4. I interrupted the process before it actually wrote over data or anything but now the partition is marked as unknown04:14
Dice-Manfrench to spanish is buggy04:14
m4vkayzarg: por favor entra a #ubuntu-es para soporte en español, este canal es solo en inglés.04:14
taintedhow do i make environment variables persist on reboots?04:14
truepurplesacarlson If I make unetbootin create a live cd or netinstall on a USB flash drive, does that mean I can't put anything else on that partition?04:15
mayoi was attempting to install a driver and it failed04:15
mayocan someone help me04:15
Mean_AdminSo I tried mounting the up-until-recenlty-hfs+ partition but no go, anything else I can try ?04:15
anirudhrHello. My monitor blinks when I have a browser running, any browser. Could someone help me figure out what is wrong?04:16
cabbrick1243can anyone help me?  I just setup dovecot-postfix on Ubuntu server 10.04 and It will send locally but not to my gmail04:16
sacarlsontruepurple: I'm not sure if you can change the partition table after the unetbootin is installed,  you might want to try it or google it04:16
mayosomeone can you pm help me?04:16
leapy0yodo i have karmic or lucid?04:16
xangua!ask > mayo04:16
ubottumayo, please see my private message04:16
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: is this your first mail service ?04:16
xangualeapy0yo: system>about ubuntu04:17
sacarlsontruepurple: I think I see the feature in unet.. but I'm not sure it works to setup a data area04:17
tensorpuddinghow do you make it so that ratelimit.c in pulseaudio doesn't suppress error messages?04:17
brophatto create encryption at installation do i still need to use the alternate cd or does the live cd to it now as well?04:17
cabbrick1243Mean_Admin: yes, Im a noob to ubuntu server04:17
xanguaoor lsb_release -a  leapy0yo04:17
Starminnbrophat: The regular LiveCD gives the option to encrypt the Home directory04:17
mayocan some one helped me....i asked a question yet you are ignoring...once again, i need help installing a driver04:18
truepurplesacarlson I am lost on what your talking about, perhaps you might tell me what I am asking about?04:18
Starminn!someone | mayo04:18
ubottumayo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:18
bazhangmayo, what driver04:18
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: you need to setup a smtp server address04:18
brophatStarminn and the alternate lets you encrypt the entire disk drive>?04:18
mayoralink 309004:18
Starminnbrophat: I wouldn't know, I'm sorry.04:18
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: you need to find the smtp address of your current ISP04:18
bazhangmayo, wired wireless or what04:18
weecoli dont have one my self04:18
mayoi tried installing and it still doesn't recognize my wireless adapte04:18
brophatanyone know04:19
mayothanks guys04:19
Starminnbrophat: http://superuser.com/questions/33514/how-to-setup-disk-encryption-with-ubuntu04:19
cabbrick1243Mean_Admin: As in not on my server?04:19
brophatthanks Starminn04:19
sacarlsontruepurple: you want to use the space that's left on the usb flash,  I'm sure there is a way, I'm just not sure that the windows installer will support it04:19
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: as in, your server will forward the mail to the smpt server of your ISP and it will go to the Interweb pipes from there04:19
bazhangmayo, installed from where04:19
mayoi got the driver from here https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt309004:19
weecolany development channels04:19
sacarlsontruepurple: you may need to install ubuntu then make a reinstall to your usb flash that includes the use of the free space04:20
bazhangmayo, from a PPA ?04:20
LinuxNoobcan i turn my desktop that is fully working(but has no monitor, into a server or something that could be usefull to me?04:20
mayoyes...i think so04:20
truepurplesacarlson but normally the rest of the space on the partition is unavailable?04:20
bazhangmayo, how did you add the ppa04:20
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: baiscally spam protection for ISPs04:20
mayothrough terminal with the method provided on that site04:20
brophatthanks Starminn that link answered my questions04:21
bazhangmayo, and does ifconfig show anything more than lo04:21
sacarlsontruepurple: it can be made available but just maybe not with unet.. it's a limited installer04:21
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: they're afraid you're a malicious spammer sending stuff from his mail server04:21
mayoone second04:21
Starminnbrophat: Glad to have helped/ Happy encryption. :)04:21
doodlenoxwhat is the exact term for the left side of the screen where th buttons for firefox, cut and paste and recycle bin are04:21
brophatthanks hahaahah04:21
cabbrick1243Mean_Admin: Ah ok, so are you meaning that my ISP doesn't allow the SMTP server other than their own? I see what you mean.04:21
sacarlsontruepurple: there is no limits what you can do in the ubuntu/linux world with usb flash disks04:21
mayono nothing more than eth0 and l004:21
cabbrick1243Mean_Admin: I guess I'll go look for at&t uverse's SMTP address then04:22
bazhangmayo, is there a hardware switch for that device04:22
weecolwould be a wlan if it was there yea04:22
Mean_Admincabbrick1243: yep :)04:22
mayoyeas...it's turned on04:22
bazhangmayo, also try sudo ifup wlan004:22
cabbrick1243Mean_Admin: Thanks04:22
weecolcheck out if it's not up04:22
doodlenoxis it the applications menu04:22
righteousRathey so why do you guys use linux?04:22
truepurpleSacarlson that is too vague to mean anything to me04:22
weecolhi rat04:23
xangua!ot | righteousRat04:23
ubotturighteousRat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:23
weecolI use it as a cheaper alternative to ms but i still use ms :(04:23
rwwrighteousRat: That's not really a support question. I think you know what that means ;)04:23
bazhangrighteousRat, not the right place to ask04:23
=== Guest37333 is now known as LjL-Temp
Chipzzzmayo, did you set it up in /etc/network/interfaces?04:23
righteousRatya ill move to the other channel lol04:23
mayonothjing has happen04:23
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest35904
weecolor are you using it with network manager and ther rest04:24
mayochipzzz how?04:24
truepurplesacarlson if you make a USB flash live CD, is it normal for the rest of the space on that partition to be unnaccessable?04:24
bazhangmayo, is this a dual boot by chance04:24
bazhangtruepurple, yes.04:24
mayono dual boot04:24
doodlenoxchipzz the menu on the left side of my unbuntu is not clickable04:24
doodlenoxany ideas04:24
weecol2 terminals to connect to the internet and also triage the wireless04:24
bazhangtruepurple, please do some reading on this. you can make it persistent, but you seem to be asking about how to make windows boot from a pendrive in addition to ubuntu04:25
kylemmwhat is the program that lets me run window programs04:25
bazhangkylemm, wine04:25
joshiehi guys, is this the right place to ask for help getting my thinkpad's audio buttons to work?04:25
weecolwine kylemm04:25
mayoi am still here04:25
truepurplebazhang pendrive=usb flash drive?04:25
sacarlsontruepurple: maybe you need pictures to understand? http://radu.cotescu.com/ubuntu-usb-stick/04:25
weecoldos programs have a nother program dos emu04:25
Chipzzzmayo, man interfaces04:26
bazhangkylemm, check the appdb and there is #winehq for specifica pp support04:26
bazhang!appdb | kylemm04:26
ubottukylemm: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:26
mayowhat about them...thats a nice word04:26
Mean_Adminso anyway to have a partitioned marked as hfs+ without actuallty formating the partition ?04:26
mayotell something good..04:26
alejandrohow do i update wine/04:26
Chipzzzdoodlenox ??04:26
alejandroeasiest way04:26
mayotell me something good04:26
weecolwhen was the last time anyone used freedos04:26
sacarlsontruepurple: but like I said you need ubuntu installed to do it04:26
mayoi am still here04:27
alejandromayo, mustard is good04:27
doodlenoxChipzzz - have installed the latest netbook unbutu - ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso and everything works except when i hover on the left side menu where the firefox trash can etc are.. the screen flashes blank, they dissapear then reappear about 10 seconds later... meaning i cannot click on them at all..04:27
cabbrick1243alejandro: You could build it from source or use PlayOnLinux04:27
mayoi understand nothing about linux...lets get that cleared up04:28
weecolhi doodle04:28
bazhangmayo, sounds like you need to restart with the hw switch set to on.04:28
weecolmayo i have some exp04:28
mayoit is  not an analog switch04:28
tycableHello, what is the meaning of rc in 'rc.conf', please?04:28
mayoit is a button that only works if the computer is alrewady on04:28
alejandrocabbrick1243, Play0nLinux04:29
mayoplease dont give suggestions if they may not work, lets talk this out04:29
truepurplebazhang I didn't ask anything about making windows boot from a pendrive, I only asked that earlier when duel boot was mentioned04:29
rwwtycable: Run Commands04:29
Chipzzzdoodlenox, sorry, I have no ideas04:29
rwwtycable: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_Commands )04:29
mayoweecol, can you help04:30
doodlenoxanyone else?04:30
weecolhow are you doinbg04:30
tycablerww, thanks04:30
bazhangtruepurple, then you want some other os installer on there? you can make it persistent (save changes on it) usb stick= pendrive but otherwise yes the rest of the stick is unusable. Please do some basic reading on this.04:30
cabbrick1243alejandro: Yes, its in the repos... Just search for it in the Software Center.  basically it is just a bunch of scripts that help you install various windows applications04:31
weecolbtw does quassel do mdi windows anyone#04:31
weecolshould be in kde but I'll ask here04:31
mayowhat happen?04:31
weecolmayo i am just looking to juggle windows04:31
weecolmind a pm session04:32
mayono thats fine04:32
sacarlsontruepurple: and yes with the unet.. standard installed it would be normal for the rest of the space to be unnaccessble, it does a dd install that only sets up the needed partition for the boot04:32
syphirxI have a question, I've been having a minor (but extremely annoying) problem. What is causing Pithos (and  other things) to lag? I mean, it's like it freezes for a fraction of a second then continues on fine. Nothing is eating up my processing power, nothing is using a ton of RAM, I don't have a ton of stuff installed or running and thing problem just started a day ago.04:32
robertzaccourcan i install gtk themes in xubuntu?04:33
mayois my situation helpless?04:33
xanguarobertzaccour: yes04:33
robertzaccourxangua, oh ok thanks :)04:33
Chipzzzmayo, type man interfaces and check your file04:34
doodlenoxanyone any ideas about -  have installed the latest netbook unbutu - ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso and everything works except when i hover on the left side menu where the firefox trash can etc are.. the screen flashes blank, they dissapear then reappear about 10 seconds later... meaning i cannot click on them at all..04:34
alejandrocabbrick1243, i installed it through synaptic, how can i update that way?04:34
syphirxThis is really annoying me, it seems that everything is fine, but the sound lags (lets say on 1:39) then lags for a second, no sound, then continues at 1:42 or whatever04:35
Starminndoodleknox: I hate to say it, but if you haven't done anything on it yet you may consider just reinstalling.. :/04:36
syphirxThis problem isn't just just with Pithos, but with other things like Banshee and Rythembox04:37
cabbrick1243alejandro: those are rarely updated, but in the case that they are then type04:37
cabbrick1243"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" which is a whole update... The only way I know of to get the latest is to build from source. What are you trying to run with wine anyway?04:37
BeeBuuhow can i make a ubuntu machine become a usb gadget device?04:38
robertzaccourI have a 64 bit processor but its single core and have 2 GB DDR3 RAM. Would 32 bit Ubuntu perform better than 64?04:38
=== RobotCow is now known as ProtoAnalyzer
rwwrobertzaccour: For almost all normal uses, 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Ubuntu are indistinguishable performance-wise.04:39
storytellerxDguys im new at linux everything perfect till now but i have a problem with my 5.1 sound i mean i configured and everything seems to work but it is like a trash sound when i put 2.0 everything ok any idea?04:39
=== ProtoAnalyzer is now known as RobotCow
mayodid anyone find anything to help me?04:39
mayoi cant use wireless internet04:39
robertzaccourrww, so having just 2 GB DDR3 RAM won't make 64 bit perform slower?04:40
mayoubuntu doesn't respond to my wireless adapter04:40
mayoeven when its on04:40
robertzaccourmayo, what wireless card do you have?04:40
mayomy computer is brand new04:40
storytellerxDguys im new at linux everything perfect till now but i have a problem with my 5.1 sound i mean i configured and everything seems to work but it is like a trash sound when i put 2.0 everything ok any idea?04:40
mayoralink 309004:40
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: performance-wise is dependent on what software you plan to run,  in most cases you may not notice any difference04:40
Starminn!patience | storytellerxD04:40
ubottustorytellerxD: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:40
Chipzzzmayo: type cat /etc/network/interfaces and see if the card is listed04:41
Jackalopewhen im scrolling sometimes it looks like my screen is in pieces04:41
mayoi installed it and it didn't work04:41
rwwrobertzaccour: I've run both 32-bit and 64-bit on the same 1GB RAM machine. Couldn't tell the difference.04:41
cabbrick1243storytellerxD: Have your tried changing the hardware type back on System>Perferences>Sound>Hardware?04:41
zorro_hey, what would happen if i just took my windows, and copied it to my wine directory? would that work/04:41
storytellerxDlet me check04:41
robertzaccourmayo, https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt309004:41
joshiehi guys, is this the right place to ask for help getting my thinkpad's audio buttons to work?04:41
Jackalopeoverlaping another way explaining it04:42
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: I ran 64bit for 2 years and downgraded to 32bit due to some propraitary software was still not fully supported on 64bit at the time04:42
Diamondcitemayo: Are you sure you have the right driver for your device?04:42
storytellerxDyeah i  mean when i use "analog stereo duplex" it works fine but just 2 of them ofc and when i use "analog surround 5.1 stereo output" everything works fine but it is like a trash sound i dont have this problem when im on windows and when i installed today linux without the system upgrade everything was working fine any idea'04:43
Chipzzzsacarlson: did it perform as well with 32 bit?04:43
sacarlsonChipzzz: yes I notice no difference at all in speed, but I  don't run supper intense number crunch stuf, or compile complete systems and I only have 2 gig ram04:44
robertzaccourI wish the complete 9.04 theme was still available04:44
mayothats it04:44
robertzaccourthat theme engine is gone now so its impossible :(04:44
mayodiamoncite, yes04:44
jmbrowningis there a page where I can learn how a package is created. I want to update the arduino packages as they are 4 versions old now.04:45
zorro_can i copy a working windows directory to a wine directory?04:45
mayochipzzz V04:45
mayochipzzz http://pastebin.com/JDpdjPgH04:45
robertzaccourmayo, did you try that link i posted for ya?04:45
cabbrick1243storytellerxD: then you may have to find the specific card driver for it.04:45
Starminnzorro_: Something to this extent? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134157004:46
mayoonce again04:46
weecolmayo u using network manager04:46
Chipzzzmayo: you have to edit the file and add your card04:47
truepurpleDang it, chat stopped updating without any notification04:47
mayochipzzz how exactly please?04:48
kitty_ok, i'm really confused and i don't know how i broke my firestarter firewall but now it no longer forwards any traffic from my router to the internet, anyone able to help me?04:48
=== xcool is now known as xcool2010
Mean_Adminkitty_: describe04:48
robertzaccourmayo, i sent you a link, did you try that?04:48
kitty_it will give me an error message in dmesg... looking for one04:48
Chipzzzmayo: add these two lines: 1) auto wlan0 and 2) iface wlan0 inet dhcp (don't add the '1)' and '2)', of course) then reboot... you should have wireless04:49
sacarlsontruepurple: and yes with the unet.. standard installed it would be normal for the rest of the space to be unnaccessble, it does a dd install that only sets up the needed partition for the boot04:49
kitty_[ 8535.558923] Unknown ForwardIN=eth1 OUT=ppp0 SRC= DST= LEN=44 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=126 ID=61 PROTO=TCP SPT=4612 DPT=80 WINDOW=2920 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=004:49
mayomay you send it again pleas04:49
peeps[lappy]does anyone here use an IRC bouncer?  i've never tried one, looking for suggestions04:49
Gneakitty_: is forwarding turned on in /proc?04:49
weecolthe line would probably go some thing like iface wlan0 inet dhcp and then include thye net work information for using ifconfig pkg are you wanting to use network manager04:49
robertzaccourmayo, it was the first link when i searched ralink 309004:49
mayochipzzz where do i add?04:49
kitty_how would one check?04:50
BushyI have a noob question, I'm very new to unbuntu.  I want to change the inactivity time out that causes a login to screen.  Any suggestions where to look?04:50
Gneaby reading the appropriate file04:50
Chipzzzmayo: type sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces04:50
weecolinterfaces for the ifupdown pkg route304:50
robertzaccourmayo, https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt309004:50
Mean_AdminGnea: ah the damned echo 1 > /proc/something something04:50
Gneakitty_: should be /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward04:50
truepurplesacarlson But if I do this persistance thing, I could have live CD, and still use the rest of the space on the partition?04:50
Gnea!language | Mean_Admin04:50
ubottuMean_Admin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:50
kitty_yes it is turned on04:51
mayoit says gedit is not installed04:52
Chipzzzrobertzaccour: he already installed the driver04:52
sacarlsontruepurple: I tried that before but at the time it wasn't supported yet,  I think it's a plan to make it work so they had the gui setup to suport it, it may work by now, I'm not sure04:52
StarminnBushy: Try this if you would please: System->Preferences->Screensaver -> Uncheck "Lock when screen is idle" (or something to that effect) I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a shot certainly. ;)04:52
Chipzzzmayo: type sudo apt-get install gedit04:52
Gneakitty_: do all websites simply not work? did an ip change?04:52
BushyI will thanks04:52
truepurplesacarlson so persistance isn't supported yet?04:53
kitty_i have a script that i run to reset the firewall anytime i disconnect/reconnect to a network/any network04:53
Gneakitty_: okay, does it work if you reboot?04:54
kitty_its never needed me to reboot before04:54
truepurplesacarlson: You mean persistance isn't supported yet?04:54
v_i need offline dictionary can anyone tell me ?04:54
v_kitty:i need offline dictionary can anyone tell me ?04:54
Gneakitty_: it sounds silly, but try it and see what happens04:55
Gartrali'm bored, what games can ya'll recomend?04:55
StarminnBushy: Any luck?04:55
Starminn!ot | Gartral04:55
ubottuGartral: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:55
kitty_i have masq shell scripts for each of my possible internet iface devices, the script i can run manually will check if any of them are up and re-issue the firewall with specific information on which interface to use and will re-issue routing table entries04:55
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/04:55
v_ubotuu:i need offline dictionary can anyone tell me ?04:56
GneaGartral: also check www.getdeb.net04:56
GneaStarminn: that really wasn't necessary04:56
Starminnv_: One comes by default in 10.10 I believe?04:56
StarminnGnea: My apologies.04:56
Gneakitty_: is it a homemade script or something that came with the firewall software?04:57
truepurplesacarlson: You mean persistance isn't supported yet?04:57
weecolwhere would the appropreate place be to get the driver module loaded in to the kernel for a wireless (mayo)04:57
v_Starminn: that is online04:57
Starminnv_: Oh, I gotcha. I'll see what I can find04:57
sacarlsontruepurple: well I still don't see it in the features so maybe not http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#features04:57
v_kitty_:i need offline dictionary can anyone tell me ?04:57
Gneav_: please don't direct your question at any specific person.04:57
Gnea!repeat | v_04:58
ubottuv_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:58
Jackalopeim having some graphics problem with ubuntu can anyone help me out?04:58
Gnea!details | Jackalope04:58
ubottuJackalope: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:58
LomionHas anyone tested the alpha release of Ubuntu 11.04?04:58
Starminnv_: How about this? http://digitizor.com/2010/02/03/how-to-install-an-offline-dictionary-in-ubuntu-2/04:58
mayochipzzz i added those line04:58
kitty_i used the output from the firewall software to just make new scripts that will point to different interfaces and will grab my internet address from the main script when it spits it out in a file in /root04:58
mayonow what chipzzz04:58
Gnea!11.04 | Lomion04:58
ubottuLomion: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.04:58
BushyStarminn thanks for the suggestion, it worked.04:59
doodlenoxwhats the quickest way to reinstall - first isntall had errors04:59
doodlenoxi dont need to save anything04:59
StarminnBushy: Awesome. Happy Ubuntu-ing.04:59
truepurplesacarlson: Ok I tried to install ubuntu live CD onto a USB flash drive, I failed, but now I can't access it, I just need to reformat it? Could I point unetbootin to it again without needing to reformat?04:59
Jackalopeim runnning kubuntu 10.10 and looks like things dont pop up of overlapping when im scrolling down in a web browser04:59
Gneakitty_: well, I've never used that software before, perhaps you could pastebin it?04:59
nightangelim running a dell ispiron 1750 and im tring to get the Broadcom sta wireless driver to load and dont know how to do it05:00
v_Starminn: thanks budy05:00
fabianim form Peru05:00
fabiani'm from Peru05:00
Chipzzzmayo: type cat /etc/network/interfaces and post it on pastebin again... if anything is wrong with that file, you won't have wired access either, but if the syntax is good, you'll have both05:00
AbhijiT!br | fabian05:00
ubottufabian: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:00
Starminnv_: Not a problem. In fact, thank you. I'm gonna grab myself a copy too. :)05:00
sacarlsontruepurple: yes it should reformat it for you but you might want to do an md5sum on the iso to be sure it's correct before you attempt doing it again05:01
v_Starminn: good too05:01
fabiani'm gonna speak in english05:01
Chipzzzmayo: if the file is good, you'll have to reboot to get the new interface05:01
AbhijiTfabian, ask your ubuntu question05:01
fabiani'km gonna make a trivial game about FOSS05:01
Starminnv_: Glad to hear. :)05:02
truepurplesacarlson I don't have a ISO, I have about 170kb of unknown data05:02
fabianquestion about programming, technology05:02
kylemm whats the best game/program to get?05:02
fabianfor example05:02
sacarlsontruepurple: you might want to download an iso file first then and check it05:02
mayochipzzz http://pastebin.com/gbHQCDAY05:03
fabiancan sb make a question with the answer?05:03
icedteathe best program is /bin/yes05:03
truepurplesacarlson what about the existing microscopic data, just install over it?05:03
rwwI prefer /bin/true.05:03
Starminnkylemm: Depends on what you're looking for.05:03
rwwphilneo: yes05:03
icedteaoops /usr/bin/yes05:03
kylemma cool fun program to fool around with for a bit05:03
philneowhat it does?05:03
rwwphilneo: yes05:04
sacarlsontruepurple: ya just download anther iso image http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download05:04
nightangelcan some one help me with getting my broadcom wireless driver to load05:04
rwwphilneo: when you inevitably try running it, you may find the keyboard shortcut ctrl-c useful.05:04
truepurplesacarlson, I didn't download the image, I direct downloaded it through unetbootin05:04
truepurplesacarlson and I think it failed when I ran out of HDD space, but I am not sure05:05
sacarlsontruepurple: well like you said that didn't work,  so try another method05:05
kylemmStarminn: a cool fun program to fool around with for bit05:05
Chipzzzmayo: when you were editing the file, did you delete anything?05:05
truepurplesacarlson No need to reformat the existing drive though right?05:05
sacarlsontruepurple: oh yes that would be a problem,  you do need at least 600meg disk space to do this05:05
Starminnkylemm: Well, my idea of "fun" and yours inevitably vary greatly. :)05:05
kylemmlike a cool program lol :D05:05
sacarlsontruepurple: no need to reformat,  but you will have to clean up you hd to have the space needed05:06
mayono it is still there05:06
Starminnkylemm: If you're looking for a game I am partial to SuperTuxKart. :) My suggestion, though, is to open up the Software Center and just look around, downloading whatever tickles your fancy.05:06
weecolchipzzz do you know how to register a driver to be loaded in ubuntu05:06
Chipzzzmayo: if you type  sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces, does the file look like what is posted in the link you just sent?05:06
fabiancan somebody make me question about FOSS?05:07
mayoyes chipzzz05:07
mayono chipzzz05:07
bazhangfabian, not really on topic here; try #ubuntu-trivia05:07
truepurplesacarlson I have 685mb on my main drive, and 844mb on a extra drive, apparenly 685mb wasn't enough05:07
mayoit says the things you told me to put05:07
Starminnfabian: Would this belong in the off-topic channel? #ubuntu-offtopic05:07
AerosonicHi guys. I am helping out the IT department at a local high school. I was wondering if i could bring any use of Ubuntu to that school. The computers suck, they run an outdated Windows XP. Basically they want to restrict the computers and be able to view each and every kid's desktop while they are logged in. The school has about 900 computers.05:07
mayoin addition to whta was there already05:07
StarminnOr what bazhang said, fabian.05:07
=== cam_ is now known as Cam
kylemmany1 know a good aim messenger05:08
Dr_WillisAerosonic:  with a little knowledge ubuntu shouldbe able to do those 'goals'05:08
rwwkylemm: pidgin05:08
keith_Can someone help me? When I play a movie in vlc, my ram usage steadily increases (indefinitely?), but when I close vlc, my ram is not released.05:08
peeps[lappy]is there a ppa for gimp 2.805:08
Chipzzzweecol: he installed the driver from the deb package05:08
weecolor in kubuntu there are others05:09
AerosonicDr_Willis: I know, Ubuntu is the most flexible OS I've used so far.05:09
weecolloading it in the the kernel05:09
WACOMaltAnyone in here fammiliar with X11 forwarding? I am wondering if this could be a replacement for my VNC. I got it set up but it seems to be a per application solution.05:09
AerosonicI was wondering if there was some special edition for schools05:09
Starminnkylemm: I second Pidgin. I'm using it right now for this IRC chat.05:09
bazhangAerosonic, edubuntu05:09
sacarlsontruepurple: well point the iso download to put the file in the 844mb left disk that might be enuf05:09
StarminnAerosonic: http://edubuntu.org/ Yep.05:10
=== Carlos-BRA is now known as _karlo_
mayochipzzz weecol, thank you05:10
czardozAerosonic, there is edubuntu05:10
storytellerxDnope i just cant make my sound work i mean it works but trashed like not quality sound05:10
Aerosonicbazhang: Ty, hahah.. but does it have all of it already installed or do you need to spend an hour tweaking each computer?05:10
AerosonicStarminn: Already downloading, thanks05:10
bazhangAerosonic, you want some thin client solution it sounds like05:10
Chipzzzmayo: does it work?05:10
Dr_WillisAerosonic:  theres that edubuntu varianbt.05:10
=== fred_ is now known as Guest5942
StarminnAersonic: It has a lot already installed. It's not the typical few hundred MB CD, it is a bit over a GB.05:11
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  x11 forwarding is per 'app' yes. thats how it works.05:11
sacarlsontruepurple: but it might need almost 2X the 600meg to uncompress parts to install onto the usb flash, so better setup more free space05:11
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  vnc does a complete x 'session' thats how vnc works. :)05:11
WACOMaltDr_Willis:  so no way to show my whole desktop via x11 forwarding?05:11
AerosonicDr_Willis: 2.40GB05:11
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  theres also 'freenx' thats similer to vnc. but faster.05:11
truepurplesacarlson So how do you download netinstall?05:11
mayochipzzz it doesn't05:11
weecoli suggested loadeing the driver05:11
AerosonicThe edubuntu is 2.40GB05:11
Chipzzzmayo: hhave you rebooted?05:11
mayono, not yet05:12
AerosonicOkay thanks guys05:12
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  run the gnome-panel and stuff it launches should show up on the  local desktop. but its still a'per app' type session05:12
WACOMaltDr_Willis: would be able to help me get that set up? I have it already installed, but on my windows side the client I have seems to hate me05:12
sacarlsontruepurple: I thought you already had unetboot installed?05:12
truepurpleSacarlson How sure are you of that 2x? I was told by someone else that it would require almost no virtual memory05:12
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  set what up exactly? I just use xming+putty as needed to get my linux apps appering on my windows box.05:12
Chipzzzmayo: if the interfaces file is ok, it should work when you reboot05:12
weecolhe's gone05:12
linuxguy101I am testing out a opera file server for linux tonight tell me what you think. http://admin.home.zogozan.operaunite.com05:13
sacarlsontruepurple: not sure at all, I've never had so little space05:13
WACOMaltDr_Willis: Well I tried "NX Client for windows" and when connected it just has a blank screen05:13
truepurplesacarlson I do, but it might be better to directly download netinstall and use unetbootin to put it on the USB flash drive. Or isn't that possible?05:13
WACOMaltAlso do you know the xfce panel app name?05:13
weecolchipzzz: pm?05:13
sacarlsontruepurple: it will still have to put the iso on your hard disk before it starts to install it to the usb flash so you will still need the space05:14
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  i found 'nx' to be confuseing to setup. theres several 'variants' of it (free/nonfree/gpl) -  i had it working.. then it stopped.. so went back to just plain xming or vnc.05:14
weecoltalk about getting on the irc list05:14
WACOMaltX11 forwarding is giving me errors with the xfce panels05:14
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  try 'xf<tab>'  i think its xfpanel. i dont care much for xfce05:14
WACOMalttried running "PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedxfce4-panel: Cannot open display:"05:14
truepurpleSacarlson I thought netinstall downloaded the ISO from the internet after boot?05:14
weecoland other registers05:14
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  other apps work?05:15
nightangelim having trouble getting my wireless network hardware to load its drivers it got it to work when i was using the live CD but now that i have it loaded it dosent seem to want to find the drivers. can some one help05:15
WACOMaltDr_Willis: neither did I, but apparantly in some very random cases Gnome with tightvnc messes up your keymappings O_o05:15
WACOMaltI got xterm to work yes05:15
WACOMaltI wish "startx" would work :P05:15
truepurpleSacarlson well not the ISO, I mean ubuntu install, am I wrong?05:16
sacarlsontruepurple: first it has to download the iso file to your hard drive then uncompress parts of it and then moves the files to the usb flash05:16
WACOMaltNow I keep getting:  Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.0 whenever I start any app05:16
truepurplesacarlson after reboot, onto the machine you want to install it on, right?05:16
weecolwacomalt: do you like the dm packages?05:16
storytellerxDguys any idea if there is any way to update audio drivers?05:17
sacarlsontruepurple: just the iso file  is 600meg and uncompresed it's over 1 gig05:17
WACOMaltdm packages?05:17
weecoldisplay managers05:17
WACOMaltwhich ones?05:17
mayoi still cant click the tab to select wireless05:17
truepurplesacarlson after reboot, onto the machine you want to install it on, right?05:17
weecolgdm and kdm05:17
WACOMaltI like XFCE and gnome so far05:17
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  these days i just use xming on windows normally, and its wizard/ tool to start specific apps.05:17
mayoit is greyed out chipzzz05:17
WACOMaltweecol: I dont use them honestly this is a headless server05:17
fred__how do you specify a port when connecting to an using this program05:18
Chipzzzmayo: type ifconfig05:18
weecolcan apply to over the network05:18
truepurplesacarlson after reboot, onto the machine you want to install it on, right?05:18
weecolnetwork terminals05:18
WACOMaltDr_Willis: know what error I may be having?  Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.005:18
sacarlsontruepurple: oh maybe you have the space to install the mini iso but you would have to download the iso manualy and use unetboot to install that05:18
WACOMaltnow I get that even with xterm, which had launched correctly05:18
weecolwhat's the security on thouse terminal progs05:19
gryfftI'm trying to install an intel 82852 graphics driver. I'm in over my head. Can anyone point me in the right direction? :x05:19
truepurplesacarlson after reboot, onto the machine you want to install it on, right?05:19
WACOMaltstartx... what is the command to stop it?05:19
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:   when you use ssh and the X forwarging the DISPLAy variable is set to that localhost:10, you are doing this via vnc? or xming? or what once you ssh in?05:19
weecolyou close the window manager05:19
sacarlsontruepurple: the unetboot defaults will just download the full desktop version05:19
mayochipzzz http://pastebin.com/2LTB12p105:19
WACOMaltdoing this via ssh05:19
WACOMaltand xming05:20
gryfftThis is in the all-important cause of Minecraft, I"ll just point out.05:20
WACOMaltHowd did you know? :P05:20
truepurpleSacarlson I didn't understand that. With netinstall, you don't need to download the ISO, it does that actively after reboot on the machine you want to install it on, right?05:20
gizmobayI messed up my groups file. What group do I need to add myslef to so I can use sudo? adm, root05:20
gryfftI meant for my problem, but Minecraft is universally important, I feel we can all agree.05:20
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  you NEED a X server on the local box. for the apps to appear on.. thats xmings job...05:20
WACOMaltadd youself to duo05:20
WACOMaltDr_Willis: which I have up and running05:21
bazhanggryfft, but offtopic here ; how does this relate to ubuntu?05:21
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  if you are just sshing in,, and running a X app.. windows cant display it.05:21
weecoladmin group05:21
WACOMaltworked for xterm... O_o05:21
jmbrowningwhat does universe mean when referring to a package?05:21
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  then you ahve somthing set up wrong.  I jhad to twiddle with the ssh settings in putty to get it workign that way i recall05:21
gryfftbazhang: I'm trying to install the proprietary Intel drivers, 'cause apparently what I have is crashing it.05:21
truepurplesacarlson I thought the whole point of netinstall was to download ubuntu after you boot, not before, am I wrong?05:21
bazhangjmbrowning, the repo05:21
sacarlsontruepurple: as I said already it installs the entire iso file onto the usb flash,  then you boot the flash that will have the needed files to install to your hd05:21
WACOMaltI haev X11 forwarding torned on and pointed to my localhost xserver from putty05:21
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  or just use the xming 'wizard' thing. and be carefull you dont accidnetly run 2 xming X servers.05:21
WACOMaltcant find it05:22
weecollook up sudo config05:22
EmuAlertHow do I delete the .Trash-1000 file on my removable drives? How do I turn off this feature and just have everything go into this computer's trash?05:22
jmbrowningbazhang: arduino is in the universe repository, but hasnt' been updated. how do i contact the package manager, if there is one05:22
Chipzzzmayo: type lspci05:22
sacarlsontruepurple: yes it installs the installer onto the usb flash,  for that you need the space05:22
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  i tended t just make a xming wizard/mauncher that ran gnome-terminal, then ran all apps from that. Dident even use putty after i set that up.05:22
EmuAlertuh, it's a folder, actually05:22
weecolchipzzz wasn't it a usb05:22
truepurplesacarlson  Space on the USB flash drive?05:23
gryfftThe last step of the most promising tutorial I went through is sudo apt-add-repository ppa:glasen/855gm-fix. And it doesn't appear to be working.05:23
Chipzzzweecol: not as far as I know05:23
kylemmany1 successfully get visual effects to work on a LIVE CD with Nvidia drive?05:23
sacarlsontruepurple: yes BOTH  you need about 1gig on you hard disk just to install the installer on the usb flash05:23
truepurplesacrlson This is for a new computer that has over 2tb of space, hard drive space will not be a issue after reboot05:23
WACOMaltlocalhost:O.O ... is that where my putty should be pointing?  The tutorial says O not 0 ...which confuses me05:23
=== Guest35904 is now known as LjL-Temp
fred__ubuntu 11.04 livecd always crash with the nvidia drivers i had to take the effects05:24
AbhijiTmayo, hhi05:24
weecolyour new in the conversation05:24
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest16160
bazhangfred__, #ubuntu+1 for that05:24
sacarlsontruepurple: well it seems to be an issue for the computer you are using to install the installer05:24
kylemmfred_: did u get it to work?05:24
Dr_Williskylemm:  with the drivers frim system -> admin-> addational drivers..  issue is it wants to reboot after installing the drivers.. then you lose the drivers. :) Ive  done a live cd -> flash drive. and gotten them workign with a few tweaks..05:24
truepurplesacarlson what is a issue?05:25
kylemmdr_Willis: can you help me? as im running this on a Live USB aswell05:25
fred__no, the thing basically halts at boot05:25
fred__what does ubuntu+1 means05:25
fred__or do05:25
bazhangfred__, this is not the natty support chan   #ubuntu+1 is05:25
WACOMaltversions that are newer than the release05:25
fred__my bad05:26
truepurplesacarlson what is a issue? What are you talking about?05:26
bazhangtruepurple, your tiny hdd05:26
sacarlsontruepurple: not enuf hard disk space on the computer that you are using to install the installer to the usb flash disk,  1 gig hd must be needed for the standard desktop installer05:26
Chipzzzmayo: it's a pci card, not a usb device, right?05:26
v_Does anyone knows for  software for seeing partitions of Hard Disk ?05:26
picketthi, when i copy over the network I only get 600k/s with wireless n, if I change the connection to wireless g i get 2.4mb/s, anyone know why this would be?05:27
mayoyes a pci device05:27
pickettalso when i copy from a windows comp over the network with wireless n i get 4.5-5.5mb/s05:27
sacarlsontruepurple: if I'm wrong then just download the http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download  file and install it05:27
truepurplesacarlson Yes, that is why I wish to use the netinstaller, can I download it to my hard drive then use netbootin to put it on the USB flash drive? If so, where do I go to download netinstall?05:27
weecolok my bad on that one05:27
Chipzzzmayo: type lspci05:27
WACOMaltX11 forwarding error: xfce4-terminal:1456): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.0           Dr_Willis how do you launch this XMing wizard? I dont see it as having been installed05:27
Dr_Williskylemm:  if i recall correctly, i installed the nvidia drivers,  I did not do a 'sudo apt-get update, or sudo apt-get upgrade' (that can goof things up), then  generated a proper xorg.conf with the nvidia-settings command after i rebooted..  and got it working. THEN i had to keep that xorg.conf somewhere and restore it as the system bootede the next time (copied the xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf)05:28
Dr_Willisbecause it kept getting reset on each new reboot.05:28
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  the xming package has some wizard/lauincher tool/icon in the menus.05:28
sacarlsontruepurple: maybe I don't know what the netinstaller is and how will it save you the space needed?05:28
Dr_Williskylemm:  i did this during beta of 10.04 - so its been a while since i last used it.05:28
truepurplesacarlson You've been telling me about it, how can you say you don't know what it is now? geesh05:29
sacarlsontruepurple: I assume you are talking about unetbootin05:29
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/   'This essential installer includes the XLaunch wizard.'05:29
truepurplesacarlson are you familar with the term "miniiso"?05:30
sacarlsontruepurple: because it's not netinstaller it's unetbootin http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:30
mayochipzzz http://pastebin.com/LRBbC7YA05:30
sacarlsontruepurple: yes mini.iso05:30
kylemmDr_Willis: damn. Well if u happen to remember pm me05:31
truepurplesacarlson Where can I download mini iso?05:31
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  with xming, and the X '-query' feature. you could go old skool and have the X server display a whole desktop if you enable gdm to have the  proper XDMCP sesttings enabled..05:31
truepurplesacarlson net instal is a option WITHIN unetbootin05:31
kylemmthx for telling me how u prob did it05:31
Dr_Williskylemm:  all i recall is i had to insxtall the drivers. then replace the xorg.conf at each boot  from rc.local, THEN started gdm from rc.local but that might all be fixed by noe.05:31
WACOMaltDr_Willis: most confusing download page ever :P trying to find the package...05:31
bazhangtruepurple, then read up on the unetbootin documents05:31
* Da|Mummy gives it up for Fedor05:31
sacarlsontruepurple: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:32
Dr_Williskylemm:  there were issues with uipdate/upgrading  because the live-usb setup i think CANT boot the newer kernels. you must use the original kernel/drivers05:32
WACOMaltfound it :P05:32
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  i think theres basically just the one package you download/install..05:32
Chipzzzmayo: it seems to think you have a 5390, not a 309005:32
nit-wittruepurple, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:32
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  rest are optionsl05:32
sacarlsontruepurple: ok then you must have tried it and failed?05:32
droidftw_I <3 UBUNTU05:32
kylemmi got a question. If i am using this as a LIVECD, does it change anything on my actual comp? will it screw around with my hard drive files? will it mess up my ram or anything internal?05:32
bazhangsacarlson, not tried yet, apparently05:33
droidftw_SO AMAZING05:33
FloodBot3droidftw_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
rwwdroidftw_: drop the caps, please05:33
bazhangdroidftw_, ubuntu support question?05:33
rwwkylemm: not unless you tell it to, no.05:33
bazhangdroidftw_, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please05:33
rwwdroidftw_: congrats, btw.05:33
Starminnkylemm: Nope. It doesn't even change the CD. Each time you boot from CD it'll be fresh again05:33
kylemmrww: well im planning to lend my LIVEUSB to my friend, and dont want his stuff getting messed up due to my USB. IF it does i will have to pay like $100005:33
Dr_Williskylemm:  if you mount the HD.. and delete stuff.. yes the files will get deleted and so forth05:33
Dr_Williskylemm:  if you dont mount/acces the hds then no.05:34
rwwkylemm: betting $1000 that someone else won't do something silly doesn't seem like a good idea05:34
truepurplesacarlson I was asking about downloading it directly to save space, time and complication.05:34
kylemmwell hes computer smrt05:34
Dr_Williskylemm:  people use live usb's all the time to 'fix' broken windows pc's ...... so i dont get why you are even asking this. :)05:34
Dr_Williskylemm:  let him make his own live-usb then?05:35
kylemmwell %100 it will not mess with anything if hes not stupid?05:35
Dr_Williskylemm:  you can also do a full/normal install to a flash drive.. but that can get confuseing in ways.. but more up to dateed stuff05:35
truepurpleSacarlson So this installs onto a pendrive just like a regular ISO, including the lack of being able to use any other space on the flashdrive?05:35
sacarlsontruepurple: I don't see the mini.iso on the list of unetbootin so I think you need to download the file manualy http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso05:35
Dr_Williskylemm:  if you dont mount the filesystems.. it wont access things.. he could still repartion his HD. :)05:35
Dr_Williskylemm:  or do some dd commands...05:36
truepurplesacarlson its under the name netinstall like I said...05:36
truepurplewithin unetbootin05:36
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
sacarlsontruepurple: I don't have windows I don't see what you see and I don't see it on the web page I'm looking at05:36
mayowhat now?05:37
sacarlsontruepurple: I'm clueless what your netinstall will do05:37
WACOMaltDr_Willis: I am getting an X cursor and cherboard wallpaper on my Xming window05:37
truepurplesacarlson it should be the same in linux, anyway so with mini iso, that would be installed just like a regular ISO, including the inability to use the reset of the flash drives space?05:37
sacarlsontruepurple: yes05:38
truepurple*rest of05:38
truepurplesacarlson Ok thanks05:38
sacarlsontruepurple: until you install a real operating sytem to fix it05:38
Chipzzzmayo: good question... what makes you think it's a 3090?05:38
truepurplesacarlson I think it downloads and does that for you05:39
sacarlsontruepurple: well if you want to play with it go for it05:39
fabianmy computer with 10.10 frozen sometimes05:40
sacarlsontruepurple: in the time you chated with me you could have tried 4 other things already05:40
fabianfor example05:40
truepurplesacarlson considering the lack of space for a full live CD, I might not have another choice05:40
fabiani am listening music05:40
fabianand it frozen05:40
kylemmheres some good news.05:40
fabianmy english is bad05:40
kylemmi sent him a disclaimer.05:41
mayobecause i clicked a link and it says it was the same driver05:41
kylemmso legally i cant get introuble if he messes up his comp05:41
Dr_Williskylemm:  legally? Hmm.. yea.. sure..  heh05:41
pksadiqfabian: does it happen usually when hearing in totem player? or does it happen in any player?05:41
Dr_Willisput a ELUA on it and a click through luicense. :)05:41
kylemmi sent him a disclaimer and he accepted05:41
sacarlsontruepurple: if you didn't notice the file I gave you the link for is only 12 meg05:41
truepurpleThankyou for that05:41
mayochipzzz http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/ralink-rt3090-rt5390-pcie-wireless-lan-linux-driver-for-ubuntu-10-10.html05:42
WACOMaltCan anyone help with X11 forwarding? I am getting an X cursor and a black pixelxheckerboard background.. nothing past that.05:43
Dr_Williskylemm:  did you get it notorized and fingerprint-stamped and tripplesigned by  his mother? :)05:43
kylemmwtf how can you like SuoerTuxKart. ITS UBER SLOW05:43
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  sounds like the X server is going.. but no actual apps are running.05:43
WACOMalthow to fix? O_o05:43
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  how are you even launching theis X server?05:44
WACOMaltXLaunch, as the "one screen" setup05:44
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  you mean via 'xming' ?05:44
WACOMaltyes, using xlaunch to make the config05:44
konnerhi can someone help me install WoW05:44
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  have xming now launch some app like xterm, or gnome-terminal05:44
Dr_Willis!appdb | konner05:45
ubottukonner: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:45
WACOMalthow do I launch an application now? From a separate ssh?05:45
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  you told it to run 'startx' which i think is the only thing it ran, You can in theory ssh in, and with X forwarding enabled run stuff.05:45
kylemmDr_Willis: if the operating system messes up with his comp can he sue me for money?05:45
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  and it shoud appear locally05:45
WACOMaltI didnt make it run startx this time05:45
WACOMaltthis is a separate session, I restarted the remote machine even05:46
WACOMaltOnly thing I did was go through that wizard and choose "one screen for all applications" and give it my IP05:46
Dr_Williskylemm:  if you are worried about your 'friend' sueing you  and you are doing him a favor.. i wouldent be doing him the favor..05:46
kylemmwell hes like a computer wiz05:46
kylemmand does CSS05:46
kylemmso will it only mess up his comp if hes stupid?05:46
soreaukylemm: What are you doing now?05:46
kylemmim chillin05:46
soreaukylemm: Did you install ubuntu yet?05:46
robertzaccourI noticed that when i do screencast video recording with a webcam open the video and audio lag and go out of sync. is it likely that xfce might save me here? I'm using Gnome now.05:47
kylemmsoreau: no05:47
Dr_Williskylemm:  if he wants to destroy his pc.. he can.. the live cd can let him do that...05:47
soreaukylemm: Why not :)05:47
Dr_Williskylemm:  or he could use a hammer...05:47
Chipzzzmayo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164571605:47
kylemmhow can live cd destroy his comp05:47
Dr_Williskylemm:  if he ran the proper commands from a live cd.. he can eraase his hd...05:47
kylemmdr_willis this can be done with XP too05:47
Dr_Williskylemm:  same with any other live-setup/disk/bootable os...05:47
kylemmdr_Willis: so its basically like any operating system. It wont do anything bad to ur comp, unless you use it that way05:48
Dr_Williskylemm:  right.. same with xp.. so i dont see why you are being so worried about all this legal/sue stuff.05:48
Dr_Williskylemm:   if he mounts/accesses his hard drives.. he can access th files...05:48
Dr_Willisif he repartuions the Hard disks.. they will get repartioned...05:48
kylemmDr_Willis: but will that mess up his files tho?05:48
kostmoI would like to be able to switch between my USB headphones and my desktop speakers quickly, as this person describes: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23754/05:49
WACOMaltDr_Willis: I think I need to edit my gdm.conf, where is that located?05:49
Dr_Williskylemm:  if he deletes his files.. they will get deleted.. whats so hard to understand about that?05:49
kylemmsoreau: hey05:49
kylemmsoreau: some1 told me how to make live USB work05:49
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  with the new GDM. im not even sure where its at these days.. Ie not used the XDMCP feature with the new GDM.05:49
soreaukylemm: work to do what?05:49
kylemmsoreau: can i pm you?05:49
soreaukylemm: sure05:49
kostmoOne commenter mentioned "padevchooser" as being capable of this, but it doesn't seem to be (on Maverick)05:49
neilhi, I am looking for a software in 10.10 to convert 3GP videos, can anyone help me ?05:49
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  i seem to recall that gdm2 did not even have the XDMCP feature. thats how (in the old days) you could do a X -query and see all machines on the network that would let you do a 'remote login with full desktop'05:50
AbhijiTneil, arista transocder05:50
juniourhey when i drag the window it comes to late to drag place05:50
bazhangneil, ffmpeg05:50
rwwDr_Willis: I think gdm2 had it and gdm3 doesn't.05:50
kostmoMy question is, does anything exists that allows me to do what is in this screenshot mockup? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23754/05:51
neilbazhang, r u talking abt the plugin of ffmpeg?05:51
bazhangkostmo, padevchooser is in the repos for 10.1005:51
Dr_Willisrww:  yea the whole numbering scheme gets cnfuseing. :) ive not used the feature in at least 2 years. so havent even tried it.05:51
bazhangneil, just ffmpeg05:51
bazhang!info padevchooser | kostmo05:51
ubottukostmo: padevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB05:51
kostmobazhang, yes, I am running it currently - but I don't see a way to choose the sink05:51
WACOMaltHmm... so I have GDM3 then?  so is this sort of full desktop feature even available any more? (if not.. why would they phase that out?!)05:51
kylemmDr_Willis: if i create a screenshot, then transfer it to my HD, will i see it on windows VISTA05:51
juniourhey when i drag the window it comes to late to drag place05:52
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  its old and was insecure, and vnc/ssh/freenx was better at it.05:52
WACOMaltso this ISNT ssh?05:52
juniourhey when i drag the window it comes to late to drag place why it is like that05:52
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  the old xdm, or older gdm. can do it.. but it was just a feature that not a lot of people used any more05:52
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  this predates ssh by a great many years.05:52
neilbazhang, i m getting 11 applications when i type ffmpeg in the search box but none of them matches the name05:52
WACOMaltVNC is slower, freeNX is less compatible...05:52
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  XDMCP   is  a special way to  remote display X.    ssh can do 'x forawrding'05:52
macoWACOMalt: it isnt ssh and it's also horribulously insecure05:53
Dr_WillisXDMCP predates vnc  by a great many years also.05:53
bazhangneil, from where? you might want to get the medibuntu.org version as well05:53
Dr_WillisI think the term is XDMCP.. its been so long05:53
WACOMaltso.. can you do x forwarding of the full session?05:53
neilbazhang, im using ubunutu 10.1005:53
bazhangneil, yes I know. check medibuntu.org for their version05:53
kostmobazhang, In the "Output" tab of the default "Sound Preferences" application I see 3 distinct output devices, but none of them are listed in the PulseAudio applet05:53
mayohow do i do a modprobe of a driver?05:54
WACOMaltif I can find an actual working freenx client for windows Id be set I guess05:54
Dr_Willisfreenx actually uses ssh   so thats part of why its  considered more secure05:54
v_Does anyone knows for  software for seeing partitions of Hard Disk ?05:54
Dr_WillisYou DONT want to use xmdmcp over the wild and nasty internet. :)05:54
AbhijiTv_, gparted05:54
macov_: sudo fdisk -l05:54
bazhangv_ gparted as I said before05:54
mayohow do i modprobe05:55
Dr_Willismayo:  sudo modprobe whatevermodule05:55
WACOMaltDr_Willis: any chance you know of a workign setup for FreeNX and Windows?05:55
WACOMaltI have NoMachine's but it seems to flat out fail05:55
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  not really. i got freenx sort of working once.. (or whatever the other nx cvariant is) and had quirky issues with it.. so went back to vnc.05:55
kostmobazhang, What I do see in the left-click menu of the pa applet is an option for "Default Sink", whose submenu only lists "Default" and "Other..."05:56
Dr_Willisthe whole 'NX' stuff needs a bit of work.05:56
WACOMaltso really VNC is my only option?05:56
Dr_Willisthe ubuntu nx wiki pages.. were a bit confuseing last i checked also. they mention using one 'nx' variant, then jump to a differnet vbariant.05:56
mayohow do i install a driver i downloaded?05:56
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  it all depends on the details of what you need and want.05:56
AbhijiTmayo, is it.tar.g05:56
WACOMaltor figuring the Full screen X11 forwarding from ssh...05:56
AbhijiTmayo, is it.tar.gz05:57
WACOMaltI want VNC, but faster if possible05:57
mayonot sure what you mean05:57
bazhangmayo, from the PPA?05:57
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  i recall seting up xming to launch 'xterm' in a fullscreen window that i then ran the normal X desktop from.05:57
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  local lan? internet? wireless networking? what desktop....05:57
mayofrom the ralink.com05:57
mayoits a driver05:57
WACOMaltinternet, XFCE on ubuntu 10.04 server, Client is Windows 7 laptop05:58
bazhangmayo, you said you were using the PPA before; did you purge it yet?05:58
mayoi have a zip file05:58
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  if you trim down your desktop. vnc can work decently well. but you DONT want to use vnc over the internet. unless you ssh tunnle it.05:58
mayowhat is that?05:58
mayowhat do you mean?05:58
WACOMaltcan you teach me how to do that?  would that also improve performance?05:58
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  running a single app via ssh/forwarding would be the 'fastest' i imagine and simplist.05:58
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:58
mayonow i'm using a driver in a zip file05:58
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  ssh tunnling would make it worse i imagine.05:59
bazhang!info ppa-purge | mayo05:59
ubottumayo: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB05:59
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:  not using xfce but using somtjhing like icewm, or other Minimal desktop woild help.05:59
WACOMaltWell, givin the amount of time it took for me to get this computer even usable, I'll probably just stick with the slow, but working vnc. Over ssh I guess.   Thanks for all the pointers here06:00
mayowhy do i need to do that?06:00
Dr_WillisWACOMalt:    in theory if you got xterm, or xfterminal, running via xming/xlaunch in a 'full screen window/desktop' it should then let you launch the rest of the desktop06:00
bazhangmayo, you said you were using the ppa before; lets see your sources.list please06:00
snimavatwhts wrong with this simple shell script http://pastebin.com/wCRdJizM06:00
mayowhat do i type/06:00
snimavatit says /home/sudhir/bin/switchg: line 3: GRAILS_1.3.5=/home/sudhir/softwares/grails-1.3.5/: No such file or directory. The directory exists though06:00
mayoi told you that didn't work06:01
mayonow i'm just asking how to install a driver06:01
bazhangmayo, we're not even sure that you installed the actual package; what was the exact command you used to add that PPA06:01
Dr_Willissnimavat:  you do have the 'CaSe' Correct of all items?06:01
snimavatDr_Willis: yes06:02
mayoi cant sy i remember06:02
bazhangmayo, randomly installing a lot of 3rd party drivers without cleaning up the PPA is not going to help out troubleshooting06:02
markskilbeckOff topic question... is twitter loading properly for everyone?06:02
mayohow do i clean it up?06:02
bazhangusing the ppa-purge that I just gave you info about mayo06:03
mayoso you want me to download something?06:03
markskilbeckmayo: spunge && soapywater06:03
AbhijiTmarkskilbeck, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/06:03
mayoi got the driver from the manufacturers site06:03
markskilbeckAbhijiT: I connect to the site fine, but only the navigation bar loads.06:04
bazhangmayo, and you're not listening to what people suggest here06:04
mayoi am06:04
mayoi got into alot of detail06:04
mayoi swear06:04
markskilbeckThis is a rare moment where I feel like making a tweet.06:04
AbhijiTmarkskilbeck, wiat for it to load then. i need to wait for 10 secnods to load it06:04
mayoif you cant help just say iit06:04
bazhangmayo, give a link to that PPA please06:04
markskilbeckYet the site isn't working for me.06:04
mayoi really need this to work06:04
snimavatin shellscript, how do i check if file/directory exists?06:04
bazhangmayo, then follow through and give the info needed06:05
markskilbeckI think the universe is doing its best to keep me from tweeting/06:05
mayoi gave a link...i had to restart my computer...i no longer have the link06:05
mayoyou guys told me to restart it06:05
bazhang!ot | markskilbeck06:05
ubottumarkskilbeck: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:05
mayoview the logs then06:05
markskilbeckWooowooo da police!06:05
markskilbeckSorry bazhang06:05
markskilbeckI thought as long as it's quiet, no one will mind.06:05
markskilbeckBut rules are rules. Mucho apologies.06:06
bazhangmarkskilbeck, please take it elsewhere thanks06:06
iarpIs there anyway to allow www-data access to a folder on my profile so it always has access wether the file was made via direct console/ftp/php-script-upload06:06
mayohow do i install a drivwer06:07
markskilbeckSurely if www-data is the owner, it wouldn't matter which protocol it was accessed by,06:07
bazhangmayo, paste.ubuntu.com with the output from lspci ifconfig please06:07
mayoboth lspci and ifconfig?06:07
markskilbeckmayo: are you a native English speaker?06:08
markskilbeckiarp: ^06:08
iarpmarkskilbeck: you'd be surprised, everytime i do anything via direct console, or upload via php script, the data gets teh group www-data but the user is my own and i'm constantly having to run chgrp and chmod over and over06:09
iarp"chgrp -R www-data folder/" and "chmod -R 775 folder/" also, over and over and over again, anytime i do anything06:09
mayoyes...born and raised in America06:10
MrMookiewhen you are in the console?06:10
MrMookiewhy don't you create a user that is in that group06:10
MrMookieand use that to move files to/from that area06:10
iarpif i upload a zip to my server it gets set iarp/www-data but then i unzip it and it gets iarp/iarp06:11
Blueshipi hate ubuntu06:11
Boot_UnitI'm leaving this shit I feel like a n00b using linux lol its sexy ass helll but to much command shit to remember06:11
Blueshipit runined my life06:11
pksadiqBlueship: define how06:11
Blueshipi should have never left debian06:11
Blueshipi was a fool06:11
soreau! language | Boot_Unit06:11
ubottuBoot_Unit: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:11
Blueshipi foolish fool06:11
markskilbeckSo with the release of GTK 3, will GNOME and, subsequently, Ubuntu pick it up any time soon?06:11
Blueshipits so unstable06:12
MrMookiehe added a s06:12
Blueshipits like a women on her period06:12
markskilbeckYou scared him away.06:12
Blueshipapt-get install him06:12
macoBlueship: please stop with teh sexism06:12
* markskilbeck grammar nazi06:12
MrMookiewhat is unstable? the Desktop? Server?06:12
Blueshipor wut06:12
Blueshipull ban me06:12
Blueshipubuntu fag06:12
FloodBot3Blueship: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
Blueshipno u boyt06:12
macoBlueship: and watch your language. homophobia is not welcome06:12
pksadiqanybody know where to ask doubt about website and its designs?06:12
Blueshipwhy not?06:12
markskilbeckpksadiq: #web06:13
mayogot it?06:13
pksadiqmarkskilbeck: everybody sleeping there06:13
macoBlueship: because we have a code of conduct and respect the realm of human variation06:13
markskilbeckpksadiq: you ask questions; you don't ask doubts.06:13
alesanhi! flash is not working anymore on my firefox06:13
pksadiqmarkskilbeck: do you know about robots.txt file?06:13
macomarkskilbeck: having gnome 2 AND 3 available in the same release seems to be a not-very-possible (at least not without more than double the effort) task, so it's not really expected to happen in 11.0406:13
markskilbeckpksadiq: you might try a forum, then, if IRC is sleepy. Bytes.com is a big Q&A site.06:13
alesanwhat can I do? it seems it is not installed in about:plugins but if I do apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, there it seems installed06:14
markskilbeckalesan: you might try chrome.06:14
almoxarifealesan: re-install flash-plugin06:14
* markskilbeck evangelical06:14
pksadiqmarkskilbeck: ok, but I have only access to web using elinks, not so good to visit such sites06:14
Fluttershyalesan: there's an addon called flash-aid that seems to work nicely06:14
alesanmarkskilbeck, no thanks I do not like chrome, I did not find a way to display a BLANK home page06:14
alesanalmoxarife, how do I do that?06:15
markskilbeckpksadiq: it's easy to access via elinks/w3m/whatever06:15
almoxarifealesan: the easiest is via synaptic06:15
alesanFluttershy, why would I need an add-on, I just want flash to see youtube videos06:15
noobtubefuck ubuntu06:15
markskilbeckIt should be, at least. It's not a javascript-heavy site.06:15
noobtubeim back mofos06:15
alesanalmoxarife, I'd prefer command line06:15
noobtubewhat u going to do06:15
noobtubeill be back06:15
FloodBot3noobtube: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
markskilbecknoobtube: preach, brotha!06:15
Fluttershyalesan: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-aid/ -- "Remove conflicting flash plugins from Ubuntu Linux systems, install the appropriate version according to system architecture and apply some tweaks to improve performance and fix common issues."06:15
iarpWouldn't adding www-data group to my own, or adding me to the www-data group allow www-data access to my things?06:15
rwwmarkskilbeck: don't encourage the silly people :(06:15
markskilbeckrww: you're right.06:16
* markskilbeck musn't feed the trolls06:16
bullgardHow can I determine the return value of a command-line command?06:16
=== jmz is now known as Guest28517
macobullgard: echo $?06:16
alesanFluttershy, I'll try it!06:16
soreausuperxgl: What does the 'xgl' in your nick stand for? And do you have 6 monitors with 3 nvidia cards running an ancient version of ubuntu + compiz (or beryl)?06:16
izinucsiarp: add yourself to www-data not the other way around.06:16
macobullgard: literally, with the ?06:16
markskilbeckIf www-data is a group, surely you can't add that to yourself.06:17
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markskilbeckjuniour: kalimera06:17
markskilbeckalesan: that's a strange reason to dislike a browser. But it's the small things that count, I guess.06:18
=== Cam2 is now known as Cam
markskilbeckVimium for Chrome is a godsend.06:19
markskilbeckcoolio: what's up, G?06:19
almoxarifechrome can't use blank as home page? odd06:19
bullgardmaco: Your answer is ambiguous and thus not comprehensible. Please give an unambiguous answer.06:19
macobullgard: the command to see the return code for the last command run is `echo $?`06:19
alesanmarkskilbeck, and also I like in firefox you can "paste" a link in the browser area with the middle button06:20
markskilbeckWell, almoxarife, the closest to it I think is the 'Most Visiting/Recently Closed' page.06:20
alesanand that is not possible wit chrome06:20
juniourmarkskilbeck wt ?06:20
alesanand then chrome wants to override the window manager06:20
alesanI do not like non-standard windows06:20
alesanetc etc06:20
markskilbeckjuniour: I said "Good morning" in Greek.06:20
markskilbeckalesan: I'm with you there, actually.06:20
markskilbeckEver since iTunes on windows, I've had an issue with non-standard windows.06:21
rwwChromium has an option to use standard window decorations. It looks silly, but nevertheless.06:21
Khisanthiarp: changing the group of the file/directory to www-data would let it access your stuff but that is probably a bad idea06:21
juniourmarkskilbeck good morning06:21
almoxarifemarkskilbeck: I just opened about:blank in chromium, I will assume if that was my home page I would have one big blank06:21
alesanI know chrome is faster for high-intensity javascript pages but... on normal sites I do not see a difference06:21
markskilbeckrww: the tabs are drawn the same though, no?06:21
alesanwhat is vivium06:22
bullgardmaco: Ah! Thank you very much for your help.06:22
alesanFluttershy, it worked! by the way I didn't know there was a 64bit flash plugin finally.06:22
markskilbeckA frog realising he's about to be dissected, alesan.06:22
iarpKhisanth: i've no other option that i know of for my permissions issue lol06:22
markskilbeck"Vivi- ... um?"06:22
rwwmarkskilbeck: True, but given that Firefox draws widgets its own way (though granted, it does a better job of emulating GTK or Qt if you configure it right)...06:22
markskilbeckThat's a slightly contrived joke. +10 points if you 'get' it.06:23
almoxarifealesan: and it works great in chrome too :) the 64bit flash that is06:23
macomarkskilbeck: there was one and then it went away and then it came back. go away & come back may have happened twice by now...06:23
alesanmarkskilbeck, in italian that would be a kindergarten level joke.06:24
markskilbeckmaco: I read that sentence 4 times.06:24
markskilbeckStill don't know what the chuff you're talking about.06:24
markskilbeckalesan: racist!06:24
alesanto who?06:24
markskilbeckHe's an undercover nazi! In cohorts with Stalin!06:24
macomarkskilbeck: whoops. wrong prson06:24
macoalesan:  there was one and then it went away and then it came back. go away & come back may have happened twice by now...06:24
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rwwI suggest we return to Ubuntu support :)06:25
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markskilbeckalesan: and to answer you original question, Vimium is a chrome extension to provide vim-like key bindings.06:25
markskilbeckOops. Rww my bad.06:25
* soreau nominates rww for president06:26
markskilbeckWhat is the 'codename' for the next release of Ubuntu?06:26
macomarkskilbeck: natty narwhal06:26
markskilbeckMajor release, that is.06:26
almoxarifenatty? who thinks up these names?06:27
markskilbeckAnd 10.04 was... Lynx?06:27
macoalmoxarife: mark shuttleworth06:27
markskilbeckalmoxarife: tell me about it.06:27
macoalmoxarife: if you ask google to define natty, itll tell you it's a synonym for dapper or jaunty. i think his thesaurus is getting a bit too much use.06:27
MrMookiegood fact06:27
markskilbeckHm. Do the repos now have PHP 5.3?06:28
markskilbeckThe repos... is that the right term?06:28
macomarkskilbeck: right term, yes06:28
rwwmarkskilbeck: Ubuntu's php5 package has been >= 5.3 since lucid.06:29
soreau!info php506:29
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB06:29
macoi keep forgetting about that bot command and running rmadison instead06:29
markskilbeckThey're pretty up-to-date then.06:29
rwwmaco: I contribute to packages.ubuntu.com being overloaded instead.06:30
markskilbeckDoes php5 use the suhosin patch?06:30
markskilbeckLast I remember it did. But I haven't installed via aptitude for some time.06:30
soreaumarkskilbeck: That is beyond the scope of this channel. Try #php06:30
rwwmarkskilbeck: I think Ubuntu's package for it does, yes. It's been a few months since I last used it, though.06:31
markskilbeckWell, the question was related to what Ubuntu has in its repos.06:31
soreaurww: packages.ubuntu.com overloaded? Nevar! (I don't contribute to the overloading either *whistles quietly*)06:32
roothello can some1 help me plz06:32
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macoGuest78283: not until you ask a useful question06:32
Khisanthhmm is that why it sometimes give blank pages?06:32
rwwKhisanth: yes06:32
zkirillWhy is it good security practice to disable ssh login to root account?06:32
markskilbeckGuest78283: if you spell "please" and "someone" properly.06:32
Guest78283i am trying to install charles on ubuntu06:32
macozkirill: because the last thing you want is someone breaking in as root06:33
Dr_Willis!info charles06:33
ubottuPackage charles does not exist in maverick06:33
markskilbeckGuest78283: that's not a question.06:33
rwwzkirill: Given that #ubuntu doesn't support a root account, this is an academic question, but "so that people can't log in as root on a non-sudo-using system" would be a decent reason :\06:33
Dr_Williszkirill:  security is a process and best done in layers. :)06:34
Dr_WillisLike an onion.06:34
markskilbeckDr_Willis: it makes you cry too.06:34
macoDr_Willis: or an ogre06:34
rwwsecurity is best locked up in a safe at the bottom of an ocean. like an onion.06:34
* Khisanth wonders if the onion would explode06:35
Guest78283can anyone help me install charles debugging on ubuntu 10.1006:35
* Dr_Willis wonders what charles debugging even is...06:35
Dr_WillisYou have checked the forums for a possble guide? wiki pages? the programs homepage?06:36
markskilbeckPrince Charles trying to deduce why his tea is cold.06:36
markskilbeckOh, look, it's Charles debugging again.06:36
zkirillrww, Dr_Willis: thanks guys06:36
markskilbeckPrince Charles is heir to the throne in the UK, BTW.06:36
=== Guest78283 is now known as jr200747
Dr_WillisIs there a way to convert  a ext4 -> ext3 in place and keep the data?   got a NAS that cant handle my 1+TB ext4 USB hd.. :( it will take some time to resize/copy/resize06:37
jr200747markskilbeck do you know what i am talking about?06:37
parisHi folks! why Ubuntu does not recognize my flush memory?06:38
markskilbeckI wish you would stop changing nick ;)06:38
markskilbeckAnd no - I've never heard of Charles The Program.06:38
soreauparis: how are you plugging in the flash memory?06:38
jr200747well it is a proxy server program06:39
Dr_Willisthe install docs are rather sparce...06:39
markskilbeckLooks simple enough. Download the source archive. Unzip to some location.06:40
parissoreau, I just insert into the USB drive, and for some reason doesn't recognize it.06:40
markskilbeckThere's probably a binary in there for you to run.06:40
kapipierthello , somone can give me agood application for work with tables in mssql?06:40
soreauparis: What is the output of 'lsusb' for the device?06:40
markskilbeckkapipiert: you use MSSQL on Ubuntu?06:41
jr200747bash: s/run/execute: No such file or directory06:41
parissoreau!, you have to lead me step by step how to do it, if you don't mind?06:41
* markskilbeck facepalm06:41
kapipiertmarkskilbeck: nop. i need to connect to external db06:41
markskilbeckjr200747: look in the archive you extracted, and see if there's a binary in there.06:42
markskilbeckIf so, execute it.06:42
kapipierthow ?06:42
markskilbeckHow what?06:42
Dr_Willisjr200747:  you might want to spend some time and learn some more linux fundamentals/command line basics also if you are new to linux.06:42
kapipierthow i can see all tables lik phpmyadmin tools06:42
kapipierti whant gui fot it06:42
bullgardWhy does the process [pm] not appear in pstree?06:43
Khisanthjr200747: do you have the java runtime packages installed?06:43
soreauparis: 1) Open a terminal (applications>accessories>Terminal) 2) Type lsusb 3) Press enter 4) Look for the line that corresponds to the device 5) Paste that line here06:43
MrMookiehow should I link to a local file from inside this php line? <a href='file:///\\Localserver\public\text.txt'>$title</a></td>\n";06:43
jr200747Khisanth: yes06:43
markskilbeckI'd've assumed with MSSQL you'd get some database browser with it.06:43
Khisanthjr200747: so what do you get when you run charles/bin/charles.sh?06:43
Khisanthhmm the executable bit doesn't seem to be set for that06:44
Khisanthyou'll need to chmod +x it first06:44
markskilbeckMrMookie: #php ;)06:44
markskilbeckOnly joking. Don't go there.06:44
jr200747Khisanth: you talking to me?06:44
Khisanthyes ...06:44
jr200747pm m8?06:44
Khisanththere isn't anymore to say, just make it executable and it should run06:45
markskilbeckjr200747: let me ssh into your box. I'll fix it for you. No charge. I won't go looking through your stuff for dirty photos.06:45
Dr_Willisseems that 'charles' also wants the SUN java. not the icedtea java (from the faq) and you must use this firefox extension also.06:45
Dr_WillisThe following add-on is required to autoconfigure the Firefox proxy settings. Just download and install it using Firefox.06:45
parissoreau, that what I got from line 5: Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub06:46
Khisanththat would mean you don't need if it you configure the proxy settings yourself :)06:46
Dr_WillisKhisanth:  i see no mention of what settings to even use. and the addon i think does some other things. (from what little docs I do find on it)06:46
AbhinavHELP!! I am not able to play a UDF DVD in Movie Player! It saya "Location not found"06:48
soreauAbhinav: maybe it cant find the location06:49
AbhinavBut it is mounted!06:49
Dr_Williswell charles seems to be workuing here.. No idea what its actully used for.. :)06:49
soreauAbhinav: umount it06:49
markskilbeckkapipiert: there are a few tools for UI-based browsing of an MSSQL database.06:49
markskilbeckFor example: http://www.razorsql.com/docs/sqlserver_database_browser.html06:49
ghosTM55hi all06:50
markskilbeckDr_Willis: it's a proxy, apparently.06:50
Abhinavsoreu: done06:50
soreauAbhinav: Try totem /path/to/movie.iso06:50
Dr_Willismarkskilbeck:  its displaying a lot of connection info, times, and speeds also. so its a debugging proxy :)06:50
Abhinavsoreau: its not an iso06:50
KhisanthDr_Willis: debugging http requests and you are probably right about the plugin, at the very least I would expect it to automatically disable the proxy if it doesn't detect charles running06:50
kapipiertmarkskilbeck: thanks06:50
soreauAbhinav: oh what is it?06:50
Abhinavsoreau: Its a DVD in UDF format06:50
kapipiertmaybe you have more ?06:51
soreauAbhinav: Try totem /dev/sr006:51
soreauAbhinav: or sr1 for the second drive.. or /dev/cdrom06:51
Abhinavsoreau: It says could not read from source06:51
soreauAbhinav: If it's mounted, run 'mount' and see what /dev/node it is06:52
soreauAbhinav: Then pass that as an arg to totem06:52
markskilbeckghisen: it's illiterate. Ask for a replacement.06:52
rajvi10.10 meerkat on dell netbook every apps gets installed but returns an "-1 exit code " strange huh ??06:53
bencahillhey, what does gnome build it's menu (Applications and such) from?06:53
Dr_Willisbencahill:  from dozens/hundereds of foo.desktop files.06:53
markskilbeckrajvi: what, through apt-get?06:54
soreaurajvi: What are you talking about?06:54
Dr_Willisbencahill:  the .desktop spec i think is part of the freedesktop.org foundation specs.06:54
rolandpishhow can I run manually cron jobs that are inside /etc/cron.d ?06:54
rajvii m a newbie06:54
Dr_Willisbencahill:  gdm also uses them.06:54
Abhinavsoreau: its the same error06:54
macosoreau: postinst scripts i think06:54
bencahillDr_Willis, the ones in .local/share/applications/ ?06:54
rajvii m a newbie06:54
rwwbencahill: amongst other places, yes.06:54
markskilbeckRoland: um... execute whatever is in /etc/cron.d06:54
rwwbencahill: /usr/share/applications/, for example06:55
Dr_Willisbencahill:  those are user specific. theres others.  'locate gnome-terminal.desktop' (for example) --> /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop06:55
bencahillrww, right, ok, thanks06:55
rajviplease help06:55
bencahillDr_Willis, ok, thanks06:55
soreau! details | rajvi06:55
ubotturajvi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:55
juniourrajiv ask the problem buddy06:56
rolandpishmarkskilbeck, thanks, but files under /etc/cron.d don't seem to be scripts, the two files in there contains "cron" lines.06:56
rajvii have a problem with insatlled any apps or packages on 10.10 meerkat the app gets installed but returns an error code stating that the installation has failed but th app get install sucessfully06:57
bencahillrajvi, how are you installing said applications?06:57
markskilbeckrajvi: is that all the error says?06:57
DareDevil01Hey guys i got a question what kind of software can i use for a Upnp server in ubuntu linux?06:58
rajviubuntu software update06:58
bullgardWhy does the process [pm] not appear in the output of pstree?06:58
rajviwhen i authorize to install apps teh authorizewith freezes06:59
markskilbeckrajvi: you might try sudo apt-get clean && apt-get update06:59
Abhinavsoreau: ?? you there?06:59
rajviok i will that do06:59
soreauAbhinav: I don't know what to tell you other than..07:00
soreau! dvd | Abhinav07:00
ubottuAbhinav: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:00
DareDevil01software for upnp server in ubuntu?07:00
Chipzzzrolandpish: try crontab -l07:00
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  i think some exists. ive never really messed with them. Not sure if theres any in the repos or not. try the search feature of the pacakge manager.07:00
rajvii have a question can u take a remote of my system07:01
markskilbeckDareDevil01: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=upnp+server+ubuntu07:01
bencahillrajvi, not a good idea07:01
markskilbeckPretty rude, lmgtfy.com, isn't it?07:01
rajvii can trust u guys right07:01
Dr_Willismediatomb - UPnP MediaServer (main package)07:01
Abhinavsoreau: thanx!07:01
DareDevil01thank you07:01
Dr_Willisrajvi:  if the pacakges are installing..  is theres some other issue breaking things?07:02
soreaurajvi: No remote desktop. Just ask your question in detail07:02
Dr_Willisrajvi:  they do work?07:02
rajvilast time i m trying07:02
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  i found meditomb a little.. odd to work with. :)07:02
vasвсем привет07:03
rolandpishChipzzz, thanks, executing crontab -l lists cron jobs under /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root (I'm logged as root right now). I would like to execute cron jobs under /etc/cron.d just to test if they execute correctly.07:03
DareDevil01Dr_Willis, why is that?, which other you know that can be good?07:03
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  just how it worked.. try it and see.07:03
robertzaccourwhat do i need to install to make my system like ubuntu studio as far as multimedia codecs and kernel tweaking go?07:04
DareDevil01Dr_Willis, which other you know other than mediatomb?07:04
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  i needed to share things as a 'series' wife wanted all of 'rosanne'  where she could just slect and play.. that was not how it seemed to ork.07:04
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  no idea. I rarely mess with it. i just set up samba shares for the wife07:04
rajviwhen i authorize to install a app the authorize window frezes if i close it i see the installation progress bar but after installation it say the installation has failed but actually the softies DO GETS installed exit code:-107:04
bullgardHow to determine what process spawns a certain process?07:04
Dr_Willisrajvi:  when in doubt fall back to the command line.  it will give more detailed info/errors.07:04
rajvii m a newbie07:05
DareDevil01Dr_Willis, so what you mean is that there is no big management of the media that you share?07:05
phracDareDevil01: fuppes will do what you want07:05
Dr_Willisrajvi:  i would start with opening a terminal, and try ing 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'  and look for any errors07:05
DareDevil01phrac, than you07:05
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  i dont manage them more then to 'share them all with the wifes pc....'07:06
bullgardrajvi: "You are a nebie." Are you so new that you cannot put a comma and full stop?07:06
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  her new OPlay had a upnp browser feature. that was the only reason  i messed with mediatomb07:06
markskilbeckbullgard: are you trying to steal my much coveted Grammar Nazi badge?07:07
bencahillbullgard, you mean an apostrophe?07:07
rajvii appolize for my naiveness07:07
bazhangmarkskilbeck, the excessive commentary is not needed nor welcome. Please refrain07:07
markskilbeckrajvi: don't bother. Everyone's a newbie at some point.07:07
Dr_Willisrajvi: getting back to the actual problem -->  i would start with opening a terminal, and try ing 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'  and look for any errors07:07
Dr_Willisrajvi:  the gui package manager tools may have some quirky bugs you are seeing. i rarely use them.07:08
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  seems to be a few other upnp servers/tools in the repos as well.  ushare - lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server07:09
DareDevil01fuppes seems really good, i am reading about it right now07:10
rajviDR_Willis i think u r right07:10
silentmindcan cp use the same directory as SOURCE when copying files?07:13
Dr_WillisDareDevil01:  ushare seems to fit what i need. :)  even supports playlists.07:13
silentmindi.e. can I avoid passing a full path for both source and dest07:13
mopeyennuiI got a small problem. My arrow keys launch a program... I don't have xbindkey. I can't open metacity.. where might I find such a setting?07:13
rajviReading package lists... Done07:13
rajviBuilding dependency tree07:13
rajviReading state information... Done07:13
rajvi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:13
rajvi1 not fully installed or removed.07:13
FloodBot1rajvi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
rajviAfter this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.07:14
DareDevil01Dr_Willis, nice i will read about it too07:14
Dr_Willisrajvi:  theres no need to flood us with  common 'no problem' type messages..07:14
=== markskilbeck is now known as BingSuperCoolGuy
Chipzzzsilentmind: yes but to avoid using the path, you must have cd'd to that directory07:14
Dr_Willisrajvi:  if the update and upgrade dont give any errors. try installing somthing 'sudo apt-get install cheese' (for example)07:15
silentmindChipzzz: thanks07:15
bencahillsilentmind, you can use relative paths for source and dest07:15
=== BingSuperCoolGuy is now known as markskilbeck
bencahillsilentmind, . = current dir, so ./* would be all files in the current dir, e.g.07:16
silentmindbencahill: I do that atm but sometimes need to copy deeply nested files, I don't like cd'ing in and out all the time :)07:17
bencahillsilentmind, and just in case you didn't know, .. goes up a dir, so if you're in /home/user1, you could put ../user2 instead of /home/user207:17
bencahillsilentmind, ah07:17
Chipzzzsilentmind: you can copy recursively with cp -r07:18
bencahillsilentmind, although a small tip, cd wih no args goes back to ~07:18
silentmindChipzzz: not sure how that could help me ...? Just copying one file (a template) into the same dir, but the path may be deeply nested07:20
silentmindbencahill: didn't know that, thanks07:20
theyLivei disabled automatic updates yet the damn update window keeps popping up.07:20
shentinoHow do I change which vt my gdm starts on?07:21
theyLivehow do quiet this thing?07:21
markskilbecksilentmind: so you'd like the directory structure to be created from moving a file?07:21
markskilbeckfrom the file you are moving*07:21
silentmind"cp foo/bar/hello/greet.txt world.txt" instead of "cp foo/bar/hello/greet.txt foo/bar/hello/world.txt"07:22
mopeyennuiDo i have to take a ticket in here?07:22
markskilbecktheyLive: I seem to remember removing that application from the startup applications area.07:22
mopeyennui(I'm only anxious because turning the arrow keys into shortcuts to launch a program is annoying.)07:23
markskilbeckmopeyennui: Just Ask (tm)07:23
Chipzzzhe asked but I don't think anyone knows07:23
mopeyennui-0Okay.. for some reason Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, and the arrow keys are launching a program.07:24
mopeyennuiI do not have xbindkeys installed.07:24
mopeyennuiWhat kinds of things could be causing this?07:24
soreaumopeyennui: What program are they launching?07:24
soreaumopeyennui: Which window manager are you running?07:24
mopeyennuiHow do I check.. it's a default install.07:25
bullgardHow to determine what process spawns a certain process?07:25
=== Guest82325 is now known as LjL-Temp
theyLivemarkskilbeck, seems like thats the trick. update notifier is in there07:25
soreaumopeyennui: ps ax|egrep "metacity|compiz"07:26
markskilbecktheyLive: no problem. That annoyed me for months.07:26
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest7810
Loshkibullgard: processes often know their parent pid, ps axf07:26
mopeyennuisoreau: I admit, i'm a newb. What was that?07:26
markskilbeckmopeyennui: it's a couple of commands for you to execute.07:27
soreaumopeyennui: 1) Open a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) 2) Type ps ax|egrep "metacity|compiz"|grep -v grep 3) Press enter 4) Show the output here07:28
bullgardLoshki: Thank you very much for your help.07:29
mopeyennui9No output07:30
mopeyennuiIt can be typed in, but only brings a new line up.07:30
markskilbeckYou'd've expected the metacity or compiz process to be shown07:32
mopeyennui9Oh hell.07:33
versificatormorning, what happened to Intrepid?  does it get totally removed off all the servers when support ends?07:33
soreaumopeyennui: Do your windows have borders? Can you move them with Alt+Drag? Is this kde or lxde?07:33
markskilbeckmopeyennui: clean install?07:34
bullgardversificator: No.07:34
ChipzzzWhy do mopeyennui's lines often begin with numbers?...07:35
versificatorbullgard: can't find 8.10 on http://releases.ubuntu.com/ is it archived elsewhere?07:35
soreaumopeyennui: Well typically metacity or compiz would be running. In any event, try gnome-keybinding-properties and see if those keys are bound to anything07:35
ChipzzzSomething going on with his keyboard?07:35
bullgardversificator: Yes.07:35
ardchoillemopeyennui: are  you using an nvidia card with the 96 drivers?07:35
markskilbeckChipzzz: his native language is obviously Numbers.07:35
Da|Mummyi have a 2.4ghz rf wireless controller, how do i get ubuntu to recognize(before any smartass answers, yes i do have the usb dongle that comes with the controller to connect wirelessly)07:35
soreaumopeyennui: or ccsm>General>Commands07:36
mopeyennuiThe numbers are a known issue with me pressing non letter keys,.07:36
mopeyennuiOr just typoing07:36
ChipzzzNot finding fault... I'm wondering if it is connected to his problem07:36
PrinlerHey everyone07:36
greenHello, im having truble with my wireless, it says its " disabled by hardware switch" but I click the switch and the computer wont respond to it... Than you07:36
mopeyennuiHere's something - I can use arrow keys in gnome menus but not with other programs.s07:37
soreaugreen: Check the output of 'dmesg' from your terminal or run 'sudo tail -f /var/log/messages' to monitor the output when you press the button07:38
PrinlerI sure love errors on boot :(07:38
markskilbeckArrow keys are the devil.07:38
markskilbeckj + k, all the way.07:38
Da|Mummyso how do i get 2.4 ghz wireless to work on ubuntu?07:40
Prinlersuper glue07:40
Da|Mummythis might just be the one thing that superglue cant fix...beign wireless and all07:41
KatronixSerfHi all, I recently upgraded my NVidia drivers, and found with the most recent kernel I have its preventing me from booting into X windows with the following error in dmesg: http://pastebin.com/4tBXgvnu how can I upgrade the kernel drivers so that they are all happy?07:42
versificatordoes ubuntu server have the full disk encryption option like the desktop alternate installers?07:42
robertzaccourcan i install an ubuntu alternate with wireless internet?07:44
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  clarify what you mean.07:44
versificatorhe probably doesn't have a cat5 connection07:44
markskilbeckSpecifically "ubuntu alternate"07:44
robertzaccourDr_Willis, with the alternate install iso on a disc/usb can i install it with wireless internet? i don't have wired07:45
versificatori'd be surprised if it couldn't robertzaccour since even debian can install over wless07:45
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  it can INSTALL with no networking... it might have drivers foryour wireless built in.07:46
PrinlerKatronixSerf, if the kernel is not happy, you dont get no chicken07:46
bullgardWhy does the process [pm] not appear in the output of pstree?07:46
versificatorrobertzaccour: what is your wless card model?07:46
FloodBot1kenapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
robertzaccourversificator, my wireless works, using it right now on ubuntu07:46
KatronixSerfPrinler, Ok, how do I make it happy? would this require a custom install?07:46
soreauSo anyways, I have a bluetooth headset and dongle combo but sometimes it will go to 'sleep' when there's no audio output then when there is output and it wakes up, the sound will be choppy until I select the lesser grade output for the device (telephony duplex HSP/HFP) and switch back to the higher grade (High Fidelity Playback A2DP) or otherwise reload/reset the device07:46
ChipzzzKatronixSerf: you could boot into X using the recovery console's frame buffer video, remove your old drivers, reboot with the open source nVidia drivers and install the new proprietary ones07:46
mopeyennuiI'm back.07:47
FloodBot1kenapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
yoann973Hi dear community ! I am a brand new user of Linux, and I look for some help on graphic tablet issues (intuos 2), any expert available ? Have a good day all of you !07:47
PrinlerI always reinstall my linux after a major hardware change07:47
versificatorrobertzaccour: yeah but does the alt _installer_ cd have the drivers in its kernel --that's the rub07:47
soreauHow can I get the device to always wake up in a proper state?07:47
Dr_WillisKatronixSerf:  you could remove the old nvidia drivers via the command line also. if you wanted.07:47
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  why not try it and see?07:47
markskilbeckIf you're looking to get banned, do so with less chanting of "Canada"07:47
kenapaCANADA! CANADA!07:47
FloodBot1kenapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:48
mopeyennuiI fucking give up.07:48
mopeyennuiRebooted - still have a problem07:48
soreau! language | mopeyennui07:48
ubottumopeyennui: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:48
kenapaCANADA! CANADA!07:48
FloodBot1kenapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:48
KatronixSerfDr_Willis, is there a walk through for that?07:48
KB1JWQkenapa: That's about enough.07:48
Dr_WillisKatronixSerf:  sudo apt-get remove whateverpackagename07:48
Dr_WillisKatronixSerf:  not much of a walkthrough needed..07:49
PrinlerKatronixSerf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48298807:49
Tm_Tmarkskilbeck: please stick in the channel topic07:49
robertzaccourversificator, my wireless card is rtl8191se07:49
Prinlertook me 2 seconds to google that KatronixSerf07:49
mopeyennuiHow do I launch metacity?07:50
bullgardWhy does the process [pm] not appear in the output of pstree?07:50
mopeyennuiCompletly ruined the usability of this system.07:51
markskilbeckmopeyennui: the 'metacity' command07:51
Prinlerbullgard, http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&q=Why+does+the+process+%5Bpm%5D+not+appear+in+the+output+of+pstree%3F&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=649be7798417a8e007:51
markskilbeckSans quotes, of course.07:51
mopeyennuiI had to add ' --replace' to 'metacity' to get it to do something.. gflashed the display07:52
Da|Mummyanyone have any idea how to get my 2.4ghz rf wireless + receiver to work in ubuntu?07:52
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  totally depends on its chipset i imagine.07:52
Prinlerda mummy what wireless card?07:53
markskilbeckmopeyennui: does metacity alleviate the issue?07:53
Da|Mummyits a simple 3rd party ps3 controller07:53
Da|Mummyits got a usb dongle receiver07:53
Da|Mummyi cant get it to pair though07:53
Prinlerda mummy go here07:53
Da|Mummythat better not be about wifi internet...07:54
=== markskilbeck is now known as Da|Daddy
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  Your original question did not say what the device was..07:54
Da|Mummyi knew it!07:54
versificatoranyone here use ubuntu server?07:54
Prinlermummy what the hell is the difference?07:54
Dr_Willisand as far as i know that thing should not be driver specific.07:54
Da|MummyDr_Willis, its a DreamGear Lava Glow ps3 wireless controller07:54
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  pair it on a ps3 and then move it over perhaps.07:55
Prinlergetting the device to work for any reason(doesnt matter) internet or not07:55
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  also check dmesg output when you plug it in.07:55
robertzaccourso i should be able to alternate install with a rtl8191se card?07:55
Dr_WillisPrinler:  its a wireless gamepad.. shouldent have any special drivers or anythign else on the linxu side. If its seen as a normal ps3 controller.07:55
Da|Mummyits worked on windows07:56
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:   the Install should work.. the wireless may work.   if you did not have to do any fancy setup for that wireless on a normal install.07:56
Da|Mummyand its worked on ps307:56
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  i dont even know if Linxu has support for normal ps3 controlllers.. ive never tried them07:56
DovidHi. Can anyone help me with this error ? http://h6315.com/ubuntu_disk_error.jpg07:57
Da|Mummythis isnt normal ps3 controller, normal is regular ol blutooth and yes linux supports it07:57
Dovidcan I reboot and work on it ? or should i replace the disk first ?07:57
Da|Mummyi cant figure out this 2.4ghx rf thing though07:57
Dr_WillisDa|Mummy:  bluetooth can be problematic.   I would ahve to suggest checking the forums. ive basically given up on bluetooth.07:58
bsmith093quick syntax question, how do i remove a folder and everything under it including subfolders?07:58
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  rm -r foo07:58
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  rm -rf foo (perhaps)07:58
Dovidbsmith093: rm -rf /folder/path07:58
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  use with CARE07:58
Da|Mummywhole lotta care07:59
Dovidi had a client that had rm -rf / in a cron job. oops07:59
versificatorif it starts to ask you alot of questions, you prolly have rm aliased to rm -i07:59
versificatori know tha'ts in some .bashrcs07:59
Da|Mummyheres what dmesg tells me about the receiver http://pastebin.com/GP1C25Pd07:59
Prinlerumbuntu = amazing07:59
Dovidcan anyone look at my screen shot ?08:00
Park7Da|Mummy: this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sixaxis08:00
Da|Mummysixaxis is bluetooth08:00
Da|Mummyim trying a 3rd party controller08:00
Da|Mummyits not bluetooth08:00
Dr_WillisDovid:  its always a good idea to at least sumarize the problem a little bit.. most people dont just go to every url to see/read the actual problem08:00
mengapaCANADA! CANADA!08:01
FloodBot1mengapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
DovidDar_WIllis: seems like the raid went08:01
Da|Mummyif fucking 3am, doesnt canananada close at 9pm?08:01
bsmith093Dr_Willis: i ask becasue i recently bought some  server space and i cant seem to delete some folders i accidentally uploaded08:01
mengapaCANADA! CANADA!08:02
FloodBot1mengapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:02
Dovidand here comes the dimp08:02
Park7you'd think we would... but this guy doesnt seem to have our typical good manners08:02
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  depends on who owns the files/dirs.. You may want to install 'mc' and use that as a cli filemanager08:02
Da|Daddybsmith093: when you `rm -rf /path/to/dir` what's the putput?08:02
* Da|Daddy cannot tyoe today08:03
bsmith093absolutely nothing it hangs08:03
Da|Daddybsmith093: many files?08:03
bsmith093i ctrlc and the directory is still there08:03
Da|MummyDa|Daddy, your nick is way too close to mine, change it08:03
bsmith093oh wait it just finished hold on08:03
bsmith093nope still there08:03
Da|DaddyBut what about the children, Da|Mummy?08:04
robertzaccouris this what i need for ubuntu studio without doing a fresh install? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu08:04
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bsmith093not alot of files just really annoying not even that much space, its just i bought this slice of a server and i should be able to delete what i upload by mistake08:04
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Dr_Willis!info ubuntu-studio08:04
ubottuPackage ubuntu-studio does not exist in maverick08:04
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Da|Mummyoh i hate you guys so much08:04
Da|Prinleri need my mommy08:05
Dr_Willisubuntustudio-desktop - Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package08:05
Da|Mummyi seriously hate you guys08:05
Da|Mummyi am seriously right now!08:05
Dr_Williswe love you Da|Mummy08:06
Dr_Willishello rodd08:06
Da|Mummyi still need my controller to work though...08:06
bsmith093Dr_Willis: du saya 8020 but 8020 what gb mg kb?08:06
Dr_WillisDovid:  I would be replaceing the HD real soon08:06
roddI've just upgraded ubuntu to 10.10 within ubuntu (installed from win7) but now it wont boot, I get a msg: "no suitable mode found" - is that related to grub or did something go wrong with the upgradE?08:07
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  du -h => human readable #'s08:07
bsmith09311 megabytes!?! how long can it possibly take to delete 11 megs08:07
bsmith093is there a way to make rm -rf verbose08:08
rwwrm -rfv08:08
Blue1bsmith093: 3 hour tour...08:08
robertzaccouri don't understand the sudo adduser part in this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu08:09
robertzaccouris that exactly what i should type, adduser?08:09
bsmith093ok WTFH now it says 16 megs08:09
gp5st1 is there a way to test if an X display is running on a given screen number08:09
rwwrobertzaccour: adduser can be used to add a user to a group, yes.08:10
roddi knew i shouldnt have upgraded it now i cant work08:10
roddand i dont have any usb devices around to try to fix it08:10
roddcould anyone give me some hand?08:10
* Da|Mummy gives rodd some dap08:11
roddAfter upgrading 10.04 to 10.10, when booting it gives me an error message: "no suitable mode found" then immediately resets computer08:11
bsmith093ok god do i feel stupid apparantly u cant delete a directory u r in08:11
mopeyennuiOkay.. I give. What are all the ways of connecting keystrokes to launching programs in ubuntu?08:11
bsmith093moved up a level tried again worked fine08:11
rwwI have a sudden urge to +q Da|*!*@*08:13
Chipzzzrodd: was that in a virtualbox or something?08:13
roddfound some help on a french site08:14
roddapparently its wubi08:14
gryfftpoop for brains?08:14
rwwrodd: no surprise there. Wubi is a pain.08:14
gryfftbrains = poop in some cases08:14
Da|Mummy+q yourself rww08:14
roddyeah and f.. the solution requires you to have a cd or usb stick08:15
roddwhich i dont have08:15
vishDa|Mummy: do you have any support questions?08:15
Da|Mummyive already had one08:15
Da|Mummystill no resolution08:15
ChipzzzI still have a [drm:r600_audio_bits_per_sample] error problem if anyone wants to hear about it08:16
lesnik_I have dell vostro 3300 laptop, and i would like to disable touchpad. How can i find type of touchpad? lsusb and lspci shows nothing interesting08:16
Dr_Willislesnik_:  some show up as ps2 devices.08:17
Dr_Willislesnik_:  the laptop dosent have some special key combo to disable the touchpad?08:17
roddok let me see if it works now08:18
lesnik_Dr_Willis: key for disable touchpad doesn`t work. Rest of special keys seems to work.08:18
pksadiqDr_Willis: can  I redistribute a source code of an LGPL program without modification legally?08:18
mopeyennui9Well I don't use metacity because it asks me to switch to it.08:19
mopeyennuiIs there a command to find my window manager's name?08:19
mopeyennuiFuck.. I'm getting a Win7 machine tommarrow.08:19
mopeyennuiI don't know why I care but.. I do.08:20
Chipzzzmopeyennui: you're running a gnome desktop?08:20
shcherbakmopeyennui: gconfeditor08:20
Dr_Willislesnik_:  i would check the forums for that exazct laptop. there may be some tweak to get it working08:20
shcherbakmopeyennui: gconf-editor, sorry08:20
mopeyennuicould somebody make keystroke  shortcuts remotely?08:20
Chipzzztake a look in system tools->configuration editor08:21
Dr_Willismopeyennui:  clarify the exact problem again..  i missed it.08:21
elkymopeyennui, I know win7 is abhorrent and all, but could you keep the potty mouth out of the channel? :)08:21
KB1JWQmopeyennui: Language, please.08:22
tolongCANADA! CANADA!08:23
elkymopeyennui, thanks :)08:23
FloodBot1tolong: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
elkytolong, stop that.08:23
mopeyennuiMy arrow keys, Delete, Ins, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End key launch a program.08:23
Chipzzzin configuration editor, look through the apps and you should find either metacity or compiz08:23
mopeyennuiIt obviously gets in the way of computing.08:23
tolongCANADA! CANADA!08:23
Dr_Willismopeyennui:  does this affect every user?  try going to the console and adding a new user.08:23
tolongCANADA! CANADA!08:23
FloodBot1tolong: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
mopeyennuiWhat about killing Rythembox?08:24
mopeyennui(How would I go about deleting it?)08:24
Dr_Willisgo to console  use the kill, or killall commands as needed to kill it.08:24
Dr_Willisassuming you cant type at a normal X terminal.. :)08:25
mopeyennuiI mean uninstall it.08:25
Dr_Willisgo to console.. uninstall it cia the proper apt-get remove    command..08:25
Dr_Willisassuming you cant type at a normal X terminal.. :)08:25
sacarlsonmopeyennui: I thought it was a gui can't you hit the X in the corner to close it?08:26
Dr_Willisor use the gui pacakge manager tools..08:26
=== Guest7810 is now known as LjL-Temp
* Dr_Willis is not sure how Rythmbox got into the 'problem'08:26
mopeyennuiI have no mouse.08:26
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mopeyennuiAnd every time I try using the keyboard..... it opens!~08:26
Dr_Willismopeyennui:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 to get to consoles, to login/do commands.  alt-cgrl-f7 to get back.08:27
Dr_Willismopeyennui:  exactly what is it opening? differnt things? same thing?08:27
Chipzzzone of the arrow keys launches rhythmbox if memory serves08:27
Dr_Willisi wonder if the arrow key is not actually  doing a 'play next song'08:28
Dr_Willislike alt-ctrl-right is maped to play next.. or som,thimng of that nature08:28
Dr_Willisbut that doesent explain the lack of mouse...08:28
YerushalmiHey folks - how long does a fsck of a 16GB filesystem usually take? I assume "instantly" is wrong, right?08:29
rwwYerushalmi: depends on the filesystem type08:29
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  would depend on the # of errors.. I wouldent think it would take too long.08:29
Assidwasssup peeps08:29
Dr_Willisa few min perhaps.08:29
Assidhey Dr_Willis! ltns08:29
YerushalmiDr_Willis: So maybe I'm doing something wrong?08:30
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  we need more details to determine that.08:30
rwwor you're using ext4 and no errors...08:30
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  you could aslways use a live cd and fsck it by hand and watch what its doing08:30
Yerushalmirww: I am using ext4, actually. So this is normal?08:30
Assidwhats wrong with ext4 ?08:30
rwwYerushalmi: yes08:30
Yerushalmirww: Oh, okay.08:31
rwwAssid: Nothing. It's quick at fsck compared to ext3.08:31
Assidheres something stupid08:31
YerushalmiI'll brb.08:31
Dr_Willisi cant even recall the last time i needed to fsck ext4.. or if ive ever seen it done.. its very very fast.08:31
AssidDr_Willis, ive seen mine fsck.. 3 times in the last week08:31
Assidi think ubuntu is stating to go the way of windows...08:31
rwwstop restarting then08:31
Dr_Willisduring beta i had an odd issue where it would fsck. and set the date wrong.. so it would fsck again. :)08:32
Assidwhen i first started my machine... my boot times was 2 seconds from grub08:32
Dr_Willisbut i also have 3+ week uptimes on this box..08:32
Assidnow.. its gone up to 408:32
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Dr_WillisAssid:  oh the humanity.. a whole 2 sec. :)08:32
AssidDr_Willis, maybe more.. but i sure do know its in excess of 408:32
Dr_Willisdefrag :)08:32
AssidDr_Willis,  ext4 ?!?08:33
AssidDr_Willis, im running a soft raid 008:33
Dr_WillisI will keep with my 4+ weeks uptime. and not be too worried about 4+sec of boot time.08:33
Dr_WillisI gave up on raids.. had to many quirky issues with them in the past.08:33
AssidDr_Willis, everything is considerably slower.. compared to my first install08:33
Dan_ i just want some more knowledge of basic programing, any one know of a good dev kit?08:35
Dr_WillisDan_:  basic as in the basic language?08:35
Dr_WillisDan_:  theres dozen of basic variants out for linux.08:35
Assidyou cant defrag that can you08:35
Dr_WillisAssid:  there are defrag tools for ext* but i doubt if it will help.08:36
Dan_like c++08:37
robertzaccourwill this be sufficient instead of installing new? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu08:37
robertzaccourfor studio i meant08:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  that will install all the studio packages.. it will also keep all the current gnome packages.08:37
robertzaccourlinux doesn't have a fragmentation problem08:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, is that generally preferred?08:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, I thought ubuntu studio was on gnome08:38
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:   its not really a problem. but you can defrag ext2/3/4  but its effects are miniomal08:38
YerushalmiOkay, here's my situation: Nautilus refuses to open, and does nothing when I try; system monitor gives me a segmentation fault; and Update Manager, when I click on "Install updates", it only gets up to "Building data structures" before returning me to the Update Manager window. I was told this stuff is pointing to filesystem corruption but fsck turned up nothing. Help!!!08:38
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  i dont use studio. if so then just instlaling  the ubuntustudio-desktop package should pull in all packages on a normal studio setuo.08:38
ChipzzzDan_: eclipse is a nice ide for java and/or php08:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, typically a linux user will upgrade well before fragmentation is even noticeable lol08:38
Dan_Better yet!! What are the commands to wipe hard drive in fast conditions08:39
Dr_WillisDan_:  clarify what you mean by wipe. :) theres a dozen ways..08:39
LoshkiDan_: why does it have to be 'fast conditions'?08:40
Dr_Willissecure 'deletion' vs  just repartioning..vs just reformating...08:40
Dan_all partitions i mean everything08:40
Dr_WillisDan_:  use of the 'dd' command can zero out a HD.08:40
Dr_Willisbut thats not secure deletion.08:40
Dr_Willis!info dban08:40
ubottuPackage dban does not exist in maverick08:40
robertzaccouri wipe with charmin/angel soft/scotts etc08:40
rwwRemove hard drive platters, give to cat as toys.08:41
robertzaccourok that was over the line sorry08:41
Dr_Willisdban - a secure deletion type live cd.08:41
robertzaccourthere's one called disc commando or somethin like that08:41
tolongCANADA! CANADA!08:42
FloodBot1tolong: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
Dynetrekk10.04.2: how can I find what screen resolutions are supported by my graphics solution?08:42
DynetrekkI need to buy a new display as my old one's broken08:42
yoann973Hi there ! I am new to linux (5 hours experience :p). Is there a command that allows to know every possible arguments of another one. I would like to know the possibilities of "xsetwacom". thanks !08:43
Dynetrekkyoann973: "man commandname" works often, though not always08:43
Piteli'm gonna change my hdds and copy partitions on it. I know this will break grub / MBR (since I will also have to reinstall Windows). I'm using 64bit OSes, but I can't find 64bit CD with Ubuntu. And here is m,y question: If I restore the grub using 32bit CD, will the grub in MBR be 32bit? And does even exist 64bit MBR for grub?08:43
Dynetrekkyoann973: try man ls as an example08:43
yoann973thanks a lot !08:43
Chipzzzxsetwacom --help or man xsetwacom08:43
christian_lappyDynetrekk: which gpu ?08:43
christian_lappyDynetrekk: if you talk about display+gpu, xrandr i your frined08:44
Dynetrekkchristian_lappy: don't know, it's an old box with an integrated graphics solution, I got it for free from work :P08:44
yoann973works perfectly with "man", thanks a lot again!08:44
christian_lappyDynetrekk: output of lspic08:44
Dan_can i delete my disv by using>>- su -root dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda08:44
christian_lappyDan_: i would use /dev/random08:45
Dynetrekkchristian_lappy: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/337487/08:45
christian_lappyDan_: urandom08:45
Dr_WillisDan_:  yes. normal way is to use 'sudo' not 'su -root'08:45
rwwDan_: no. That's not how su works, you need sudo on Ubuntu anyway, /dev/hda isn't usually the name for hard disks, and you probably want to specify a bs=08:45
rwwjust burn a DBAN CD and use that.08:46
Dan_dban--- is this going to be over kill?08:46
rwwdepends on how you define "overkill" and what your needs are. It can do anything from a single pass of zeros up through ridiculous amounts of passes.08:47
Dr_WillisDan_:  you havent  given us any specifics.. so no idea.08:47
Dan_im sorry just what you would call a ----- nooob08:48
Dr_WillisDan_:  in the time you have been asking these questions.. you could have allready erased the disk..08:48
Dr_Williswhy are you even bothering to erase a disk?08:48
christian_lappyDynetrekk: google for the vga contoller displayed in there and you should find the maximum resolution08:49
Dynetrekkchristian_lappy: I'm at it, but no luck so far08:49
Dan_ahhhhhhhhh thank you08:49
Dan_for your support08:49
ActionParsnipreally quiet today08:53
vishmaybe ubuntu is just getting too good ;)08:54
ActionParsniplooks that way. +1 is dead too and even #club-ubuntu08:54
ActionParsnipnuclear winter?08:55
nickmoeckI have a Ubuntu 10.10 server, with tightvncserver, firefox, and Flash installed. I am trying to view a website that has flash content, over VNC, but the flash content is not showing up. Flash is running (plugin-container shows up in the process list).08:55
rwwIt /is/ the quietest part of the average day right now ;P08:55
nickmoeckIs there any way to get the flash content to actually show up over the VNC connection?08:55
robertzaccour#club-ubuntu is usually the busiest buntu chat lol then offtopic then official08:55
Dr_Willisnickmoeck:  given how vnc works.. it would proberly be rather laggy.08:56
Dr_Willisnickmoeck:  and if its doing some sort of direct rendering it may not work/show up. some video players have thios issue also08:56
nickmoeckDr_Willis: I'm not concerned with the lag that I would experience. :)08:57
Dr_Willisnickmoeck:  as an alterantive you could ssh to the server, and run firefox. that way firefox is being shown locally, not in vnc.08:57
Dr_Willisnickmoeck:  when you get 3 fps.. you would be.08:57
ActionParsnipnickmoeck: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash     thanks (obviously on the remote system)08:57
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: the sound will play locally though (without tweaking)08:57
shadow66142000Was hoping someone would help me get through this internet connection on Ubuntu server 10.04. I can ping other computers on my network, other computers can connect to the server via samba, but the server can not connect ping outside the network. I ran the live cd from the desktop edition and it connected fine. Here are some config info http://pastie.org/1556849 and appreciate any help.08:57
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: can you ping
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  ive had the wife do that to me.. she was playing pacman over vnc.. and i was hearing the noise down here.. (and i was sleeping at the time) heh.08:58
nickmoeckDr_Willis: well, that's a slightly different issue... I can't actually get X11 forwarding to work for some reason08:58
Dr_WillisRandom832:  googles dns server.08:58
ActionParsnipRandom832: Google's public DNS server08:58
Random832did they buy that IP address just so people could ping it?08:58
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: ok if you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf   and delete ALL text and add: nameserver     save the new file and close gedit and all web browsers, can you web browse ok?08:58
Random832i guess it makes it easy to remember for purposes of putting in dns settings too08:58
shadow66142000no gui08:59
ActionParsnipRandom832: exactly, the backup one is  waaaay easier to remember than the opendns ones08:59
shadow66142000I'll try that08:59
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf    then08:59
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: or whatever text editor you prefer09:00
alzamabarHELP! root cannot change folder's owner and group09:00
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: you can use links2 to test web access ;)09:00
ActionParsnipalzamabar: what is the output of:  ls -l /path/to/folder09:01
alzamabarActionParsnip: total 009:01
mopeyennuiOkay.. I know something is trying to launch rhythmbox. (I just uninstalled it.)09:02
shadow66142000_yeah I guess I could install it if I need to09:02
Dr_Willisalzamabar:   You did use the actual path not the example he gave?09:03
alzamabarDr_Willis: Yes09:03
mopeyennuiHow do I open gconf?09:03
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  and who owns the folder?09:03
alzamabarDr_Willis: 502 50009:03
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  this is on some removeable disk? or on what sort of filesystem exactly?09:03
ActionParsnipmopeyennui: press ALT+F2 and run: gconf-editor09:03
shadow66142000_ActionParsnip: thanks that fixed it09:04
alzamabarDr_Willis, I wanted to mount a network drive on /media/public09:04
=== shadow66142000_ is now known as shadow66142000
mah454I need driver for Printer P110209:04
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  and how are you mounting it?09:04
mah454I need driver for Printer HP-P110209:04
ActionParsnipshadow66142000_: np man, if you use a network manager app, you will need to add that to the config09:04
rokyronnieIs there a plug-in to show which song is played in a panel?09:04
mopeyennuiWhere in gconf would it hide switches to load programs?09:04
boussoufawhen i login the resolution of my Nvidia is low09:04
Dr_Willismopeyennui:  to do what exactly? the term 'hide switches' is vague.09:05
glassresistorim having this weird issue with getting my ipod touch 3g to work on my desktop09:05
Dr_Willisboussoufa:  run the nvidia-settings tool and set teh res how you like.09:05
nowarninglabelIs there a way to find the (hdx,y) numbers needed for grub if one does not know them?09:05
glassresistorboth my comps run ubuntu my laptop 10.04 and my desktop 10.1009:05
ActionParsnipshadow66142000: apps like wicd-curses etc will need configuring. If you use static IP then this would explain why and you will need to define DNS servers. It will have worked in liveCD as DHCP will have given you the DNS servers you needed09:05
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  the grub command line has tab completion. thats now i normally do it.   root (hd<TABKEY>09:05
alzamabarDr_Willis: then I entered: //STORA/MyComputers /media/public smbfs user,password=<mypwd>,username=<myuser> 0 0 in /etc/fstab and ran sudo mount -a /media/public and the folder ownership changed to 502 50009:06
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  the #'s can change ive seen on some machines. depending on how you boot.09:06
glassresistori've installed multiple tutorials on both and the laptop finally started working and so did the desktop at one point09:06
boussoufaDr_Willis; i do it , but when i logout and log in again i find the same proplem09:06
glassresistorbut now it not working09:06
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  with samba shares you dont just chown/chmod them like a local filesystem.  I think you set up specific options when you mount them.09:06
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I read this, however my tab completion doesn't give anything, for instance I do root (hd<tab> and just get another line09:06
boussoufahow to confiure the highest resolution by defoult09:06
glassresistornow on my desktop i can edit photos etc. but in rhythmbox and banshee is shows up listed then immediately dissapears09:07
mopeyennuiWhat are all the ways Ubuntu can set keyboard shortcuts?09:07
mopeyennuiStandard Ubuntu. (Vanilla iow)09:07
nowarninglabelI sure wish grub had a command to just list all the ones available in cases when tab was not working for some reason09:07
ActionParsnipboussoufa: nvidia-settings will allow you to set that and it should stick09:08
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  try 'help' it proberly does have such a command.09:08
DynetrekkI still can't find my chipset resolution and I don't have any xorg.conf files in any of the standard locations... where can I find this information? (Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02))09:08
glassresistorany clues? tutorials people know will work, i should probabl clean out all of the differnt repo etc. ive installed to get it working09:08
Dr_Willisboussoufa:  you tried running 'gksudo nvidia-settings' and saveing the xorg.conf file?09:08
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I've ran through all the commands in help, haven't seen such yet, though I may have overlooked09:08
Chipzzzmopeyennui: if you look through the apps->compiz and apps->metacity you may find something09:08
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: Been on this for about 14 hours now09:08
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  theres always the grub2 docs.  You could just try every combo. :) how many HD's do you have anyway?09:09
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: Just 1 drive09:09
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  via editing the grub menus (from the grub menu) the tab key works here every time.09:09
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  and how many partitions are on it? 1 drive = (hd0, )  so it cant be too hard to figure ouyt.09:09
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: Problem could be I am running grub1 not grub2, as the guides i found on ubuntuforums showed only the instructions with grub109:09
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: 1 partition09:09
Dr_Willisgrub1 also had the tab completion.09:10
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: So it is safe then to just try at random09:10
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  one BIG differance with grub1 vs grub2. is that grub2 starts counting at 0 for drives (ui think) but at 1 for partitions.09:10
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: Well I assure you, mine doesn't, I can prob get you a screenshot if you would like to see09:10
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  what hd partition are you wanting to boot?09:10
Dr_Willishd0,0 = firts partition in grub109:10
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: Ill give it a try.09:10
Dr_Willishda = 0  hdb =1 and so on..09:11
Dr_Willishda1 = 0,0    sda1 = 0,0  (grub1 numbering)09:11
ActionParsnipDynetrekk: http://gutsywww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132841109:11
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  from the grub menu, you could hit e, and edit the hd#'s and try till one works.. then write that down. :) then edit the grub config to make it perment09:11
DynetrekkActionParsnip: there is no mention of how to find supported resolutions here?09:11
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I get selected disk does not exist. fdisk -l shows a the disk at /dev/sda1 though09:12
boussoufathe same problem09:12
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I will give the menu thing a try09:12
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  are you booting from a flash drive or cd or somthing when using fdisk?  ive seen systems that make your boot drive become sda, or some how reorder the drives.09:13
ActionParsnipDynetrekk: may also help: https://launchpad.net/~intel-gfx-testing/+archive/ppa09:13
ActionParsnipDynetrekk: you can specify the resolutions in the xorg.conf file09:13
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I'm running a liveCD with an IDE drive using PATA09:13
DynetrekkActionParsnip: I want to find out what resolutions are supported by the graphics card, because I am going to buy a new monitor for the old computer09:13
DynetrekkActionParsnip: it's not any fun if it doesn't support a nice large monitor.... etc09:14
nowarninglabelmy original goal 42 hours ago was just to clone my existing ubuntu disk because I am changing jobs and have to give up old laptop09:15
boussoufahow to change xscreen reslution manually09:15
jayantI had Ubuntu9.04 installed on a winxp partition. I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 and post installation I was prompted to reboot. Upon boot I have a black screen with the following--> error: no such device: 9f5f4016-f31a-4af6-852f-4502712a528f. Then--> grub rescue> I can't get anywhere09:15
Dr_WillisDynetrekk:  you are using a dvi connection or vga?09:15
Dr_Willisjayant:  by 'on a winxp partition' you did that 'install inside windows, wubi' setup you mean?09:15
DynetrekkDr_Willis: DVI, and I have a DVI->VGA plug (which works)09:15
DynetrekkDr_Willis: I guess a new monitor will use DVI, no point in buying VGA anymore09:15
Dr_WillisDynetrekk:  i would dump any vga adaptors and so forth.. i find things/res detection work MUCH better without them09:16
jayant<Dr. Willis> Yes09:16
Dr_WillisDynetrekk:  dump vga as fast as you can. :) I can think of only a few reasons to keep vga.09:16
DynetrekkDr_Willis: sure! but as I said, what I need, is to find supported resolutions, so I can buy a new monitor. the old one is broken09:16
Dynetrekka new monitor with DVI09:16
ActionParsnipDynetrekk: if you run:   xrandr -q    it will list the resolutions09:16
Dynetrekkcan't open display... hm. I'm ssh-ing, do I need X forwarding?09:16
Dr_WillisDynetrekk:  I imagine any new monitor can handle any res you can throw at it..  more of a mater of budget then anything else.09:16
DynetrekkDr_Willis: resolution of the _graphics chipset_09:17
ActionParsnipDynetrekk: those intel 8xxx chips are REALLY techy about timings and will freeze without special options from what I have seen09:17
ChesterXhi, I would like to know if there is another way to access ~/.something directories than through the terminal?09:17
DynetrekkActionParsnip: it worked nicely yesterday on my old monitor, unfortunately the monitor said kthxbye and died tonight09:17
Dynetrekkbtw, xrandr reported 'Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "localhost:10.0".'09:18
Dr_WillisDynetrekk:  that sould be listed/mentioned on the nvidia specs  i would imagine..  I just get the highest res monitor i can afford.  most cards can do more then what my monitors can do anyway.09:18
ChipzzzChesterX: there's always /home/user/something09:18
DynetrekkDr_Willis: it's intel09:18
DynetrekkDr_Willis: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/337487/09:18
ChesterXChipzz, I know for "normal" folders however /home/user/.something are never shown in the folder gui09:19
Dr_WillisIntel has  been having some buggy driver issues of lately. i havent kept up with the latest intel issues.  so cant really suggest more.09:19
robertzaccouri wish silverlight would be ported to linux, or netflix would switch to flash/html509:19
jayantyes. I did install ubuntu 9.04 in a windows set up but upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 from ubuntu environment09:20
DynetrekkDr_Willis: there is no driver issue. I just need to figure out what monitor to buy in the future. I don't want to buy a too large monitor, in case the chipset doesn't support it09:20
ChipzzzChesterX: ls -a ~/something09:20
DynetrekkDr_Willis: it looks like I found my info here: http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma950/index.htm09:20
Dynetrekkwait, that's 950, not 945...09:21
ChesterXchipzz, I can easily access them through the terminal (no question there) but 1. why aren't they shown in the file manager and 2. how can I access them with the gui to make a shortcut?09:21
pksadiqChesterX: in nautilus, I think you can do CTRL+H to view hidden files/dirs09:21
boussoufawhere i can find config file to modify screen resolution09:22
pksadiqChesterX: or you can tick the hidden file in option, might be in view menu09:22
Chipzzznautilus has view->show hidden files09:22
ChesterXpksadiq, indeed I can thank you for the advice :-)09:22
enavi need  some professional help09:23
Chipzzzdon't we all09:23
pksadiqenav: ?09:23
enavi got an nvidia and nvida card in my computer...  they work fine together under Winblow$... but i dont know how to get them work together under My lovely ubuntu09:24
pksadiq!nvidia | enav09:24
ubottuenav: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:24
enavwops  nvia and ATI*09:24
enavi mean i got 2 video cards 1 is nviadia and the other is ATI09:25
KB1JWQenav: The factoid still applies.09:26
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robertzaccourhow come netflix doesn't support linux?09:27
robertzaccourmoonlight didn't help09:27
enavso no 1 here know how to configure ati and nvidia in the same computer?09:28
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Chipzzzi can't even get my ati to play nicely alone09:28
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ActionParsnipenav: personally I wouldn't mix them, under any OS09:28
enavi were drunk when i bought the mother board and the video card that day09:29
Dan__i dunno but just want a book on how to learn commands but yet i faill!!09:29
enavi got 3 nice 22" displays and want the all working09:30
pksadiq!nvidia > enav, try this, even though a little harder09:30
StarminnDan__: What commands?09:30
ActionParsnipDan__: try just finding commands to do what you need, when you need to do it. There are LOADS of commands09:30
Chipzzz2 more nVidia cards and you'll have your wish :-))09:30
enavActionParsnip: are you collaborator here? or employee ?09:30
StarminnDan__: If you're talking about CLI commands, I found this last night and found it very helpful: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html09:31
ActionParsnipenav: nope, just a dude09:31
ActionParsnipenav: regular, but just a dude09:31
enavActionParsnip: ho... i know you spend lots of time ehre helping ppl... well i got too say good job09:32
enavand thanks09:32
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  netflix cant have the same 'anti-copying protection' in linux as it can in other platforms.. thats the bottom line of it.09:32
enavevery time i come here you are in the room helping ppl09:32
robertzaccourDr_Willis, so that Linux will probably never stream instantly?09:33
Dan__have you guy's ever fealt like overwhelmed like you read all kinds of commands but yet forget them?? Or yet or am i just dumb and need to go back to win blows09:34
robertzaccourDr_Willis, and that means that android won't neither?09:34
ChipzzzI cringe at the thought of having to sit in front of a window$ machine09:34
robertzaccourgood thing i have a ps309:34
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  android has its own netflix client - but ive not tried it.09:34
robertzaccourif i didn't have a ps3 i wouldn't have netflix09:35
robertzaccourDr_Willis, android is linux. why not ubuntu also?09:35
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:   netflix made their own protection 'stuff' for the special platforms09:35
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  because android is not using the MS silverlight stuff.09:35
Dr_Willisneither is the wii or the ps309:35
robertzaccourneither is ps309:35
Dr_Willisso they had to make custome clients for those platforms.09:36
Dan__i can not wait till the boot loader that shpuld be compiled already is not on ps309:36
robertzaccourwhy can't netflix have anti-copying protection in Linux?09:36
Dr_Willisand the risk of copyiong videoes from youyr phone/ps3/wii are not going to be compnplace.09:36
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  go ask netflix people.. i would imagine its a $$$ issue for the most part.09:36
robertzaccourIf wanted to i could play netflix and record with a screen capture in windows easily09:36
ActionParsnipenav: cheers dude :)09:37
ActionParsnipenav: appreciate it :D09:37
ChipzzzIt would seem easy enough to feed the output of a ps3 into the video card of an Ubuntu box09:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  but that would not be a perfect/digital  copy.09:37
Dan__win blows09:37
enavActionParsnip:  cheers 4 u09:37
robertzaccourChipzzz, whats the point of doin that? why not just hdmi the ps3 to the tv? haha09:37
Dan__i just want 2 learn09:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:    the DirectTV 'client' i had on my PC wouldent even let me enable tv out or a 2nd monitor.. they went that extreme to pervent copying.09:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, actually they do record in HD09:38
enavDan__: taht is the spirit son09:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, screen capture i meant09:38
Chipzzzrobertzaccour: because you can't burn a disk from the tv09:38
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  you got a DVR that can record the HDMI output? Not seen any of those.. but that has ben 'cracked'  a few months ago i recall.09:38
robertzaccourChipzzz, no, but you can record with the screencast program09:38
Dan__and i think we all need to just hav our own server or ps309:38
Dan__fuck psn09:39
robertzaccourDr_Willis, you can record with a screen capture software. not that i would09:39
robertzaccourpsn is free dude, its great09:39
robertzaccouri say fuck xbox live09:39
Dan__just like someting like xlink kia09:39
Chipzzzwhat is this psn of which you speak?09:39
enavf**** this im gonna buy a new mother board with nvidia card09:39
robertzaccourplaystation network?09:39
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  perhaps that can be blocked on windows.. but not linux.. and thats why no netflix for linux..09:39
robertzaccourthats what psn is that you mean right?09:39
Chipzzzah, ty09:39
* Dr_Willis goes back to watching Hulu.09:40
robertzaccourDr_Willis, you can't block a screen capture program that records at maximum resolution09:40
* robertzaccour watches netflix on ps309:40
Dan__people do not understand that we do not need psn to play online!!!09:41
robertzaccourhulu is too limited for me. I want it all :)09:41
ChipzzzChipzzz watches netflix on a virtual xp machine in his Ubuntu box09:41
robertzaccourDan__, you mean the psn that is free that there is no need to hack?09:41
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  i definatly seen them blocked on windows machines. (well they tried at least)09:42
robertzaccourDan__, how else would you access psn? which is free as i said lol09:42
Dan__we can make our own server09:42
robertzaccourDan__, what for?09:42
Dan__to by bt pass psn09:42
robertzaccourDan__, its about playing games. connect to the internet, play games. I don't get why you'd wanna bypass it for its games lol09:42
Dan__sorry to by pass psn09:43
robertzaccourDan__, how does that benefit you though? just curious09:43
Dan__but you do not get it psn is just a server, i can make my own psn09:43
robertzaccourDan__, how is that anymore helpful than just connecting the normal way?09:44
Dan__cuz i no you have a cfw right?09:44
Dr_WillisHmm. every time i copy a folder. nautilus crashes...09:46
symtabafter the last update for the flash player, my desktop is going crazy whenever i watch a video (flash video)09:46
Dr_Willissymtab:  ive heard at least one other person with issues with the latest flash player.09:46
symtabthe flash player remains on the desktop even after i close the browser09:46
symtaband it uses tons of CPU09:46
Dan__maybe i said te wrong thing???09:47
Dr_Willissymtab:   but its working here  for me and for a lot of other people.09:47
icedteaanyone know how to pause a bash script? force the user to enter any key09:47
Dr_Willissymtab:  you might want to check the bug reports and foruims.. see if they can figure out any common thread in the problem.09:47
symtabicedtea, read09:47
Dr_Willisicedtea:  'read' command09:47
ActionParsnipsymtab: can you use:  http://pastie.org  and give the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf      Thanks09:47
symtabDr_Willis, searched the forums, nothing there09:47
symtabchecking bug reports09:48
symtabActionParsnip, 1 sec09:48
ActionParsnipicedtea: you can store the input with:   read VARIABLENAME      then you can manipulate it like a normal bash variable09:48
Dan__so i have ubuntu working on ps3 right now!09:48
symtabActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/155864009:49
symtabthe flash player deb is not listed because i removed it after the bug appeared09:49
symtaband tried to install it manually09:49
symtabits the latest version though09:49
symtabi can re-install it if you think that helps09:49
Dan__long term support09:49
nowarninglabelWow, thank jeebuz for supergrubdisk. After all this pain and suffering, one boot with it solved the issues.09:50
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ActionParsnipsymtab: there's no flash there dude09:50
syphirxIs it possible to customize the login screen? If it is, how do I go about doing that?09:51
Chipzzzvlc player does a nice job with flash files09:51
ActionParsnipsymtab: run:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree       then restart the browser09:51
ActionParsnipChipzzz: minitube is much lighter in RAM ;)09:51
symtabActionParsnip, i wrote above that i removed it because of the bug and installed manually09:51
Dan__a good newsreader???09:51
nowarninglabelsigh, and here I was going to donate to them and they only accept paypal :/09:51
Dovidanyone from France here ?09:51
ChipzzzActionParsnip: thanks for that... I'll try it09:51
ActionParsnipsymtab: you could manually download the plugin and put the .so in your browsers plugin folder09:52
symtabActionParsnip, i did that09:52
symtabsame thing09:52
Dan__i will say thank you for all of our support09:53
Dr_Willisnowarninglabel:  mail them  some McDonold Cupons.09:53
nickmoeckDr_Willis: Would you believe that the reason I was having problems with flash was that curl wasn't installed?09:53
nowarninglabelDr_Willis: I'd be happy to send them something, wish I knew if they had an Amazon wish list09:53
Dr_Willisnickmoeck:  not heard of that issue.09:53
ActionParsnipsymtab: could try gnash or lightspark09:54
ActionParsnipsymtab: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/open-source-flash-alternative-lightspark-final-released/09:54
Dr_WillisYouTube supports HTML5 videos in chrome :) no flash needed.09:54
symtabActionParsnip, there you go09:54
symtabDr_Willis, i develop video sharing sites09:54
symtabso i need flash working09:54
ActionParsnipsymtab: that will give you flash, or you can remove it and use lightspark or another open alternative09:55
Dr_WillisYou have my deepest sympathys..09:55
symtabActionParsnip, i know what gnash/lightspark is09:55
symtabwell i'll figure this on my own09:55
Dr_Willisyesterday a few people were trying to 'downgrade' back to the older flash.09:56
Chipzzzsymtab: chrome has flash built in09:56
symtabChipzzz, same thing happens in chrome also09:57
Dr_WillisNow thats.. very weird..09:57
Dr_Willisif chrome was using the older flash.. and you installed a newer flash system wide.. which would it use?09:57
ActionParsnipsymtab: I assume nothing in here09:58
ActionParsnipsymtab: tried different browsers?09:58
bullgard!teamviewer | bullgard09:59
symtabtried firefox and chrome09:59
symtabsame think09:59
symtabnow trying with lightspark09:59
symtabok i'm going to logout and try again09:59
symtabbecause i still have the old flash player on my desktop (from some site, its like sticked there)10:00
symtabeven after i removed the deb10:00
symtabworks with lightspark10:01
ActionParsnipfunny how opensource in a lot of cases excells over proprietary ;)10:02
enavthe future is open10:03
abehello, I love ubuntu and you guys10:04
symtabwell not really10:04
symtabits the same10:04
enavi love turtles10:04
symtabi just closed the youtube site10:04
xelisterhow to allow user foo to set niceness on his processes even -5 ?10:04
symtaband the fscking player is on my desktop10:04
symtabwant a screenshot?10:04
FloodBot1symtab: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
Dr_Willisreformat/reinstall.. oh wait.. this isent #windows10:05
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symtabany other ideas how i could fix this?10:07
symtabits clear now that the flash player (from adobe) is not the problem10:07
symtabsame thing happens with lightspark10:07
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ActionParsnipsymtab: create a new user and try the same, is it identical?10:08
symtabdoing that now10:08
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Dr_Willisamazing how flash can be at the hart of so many issues10:10
ubyfreakhello, is there any option to set my final video size with 'ffmpeg'?10:10
ralucasymtab here10:10
ralucanow firefox crashed10:10
ralucaand the entire system is like so slow10:11
MrokiiHello. Can somebody tell me how I can tell Thunderbird to open links in Emails with Firefox (strangely enough, Firefox is set in the "Preferred Applications"-preferences, but Thunderbird opens links with Epiphany...).10:11
raluca6317 raluca    20   0 1189m  76m  18m S   30  2.2   0:10.50 plugin-containe10:11
ralucaxorg, compize and plugin-container use like 100% of the cpu10:11
ralucatried without compiz10:12
ralucasame thing10:12
ralucanone of this happened before the latest flash player update10:12
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  ffmpeg has dozens of options. it has scale features i recall. You may want to check its faq and examples.10:12
ralucaubyfreak, -s widthxheight10:13
ActionParsnipraluca: try adding:   OverrideGPUValidation=true    to /etc/adobe/mms.cfg10:13
dagon666hello is it possible to somehow boot the ubuntu server without mounting the /  ?10:14
ubyfreakDr_Willis: i have read the man page, but i can't find what i want. yep raluca that is true, but imean i want to make smaller video size, and i would like to add in mbyte. So in size i mean the filesize. Is it possible?10:14
ardchoilledagon666: no10:14
ActionParsnipMrokii: http://hsmak.wordpress.com/2009/09/03/howto-force-thunderbird-to-open-links-in-firefox/10:14
Dr_Willisdagon666:  you can  mount the installed system then 'chroot' into it.. but what are you trying to acomplish exactly?10:14
ardchoilledagon666: you can't run an OS if the machine has no access to it10:14
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  i recall ffmpeg, or mencoder having some option to set 'final video file size'10:15
dagon666Dr_Willis: I want to resize the ext3 on / but I want to do it offline10:15
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Dr_Willisdagon666:  boot a live cd. is how i normally do it.10:15
ralucaubyfreak, there are 3 ways you can do it with -crf (which is automatic), with -b this way you can control the bitrate and the filesize and there's another way to control the filesize directly, but i've never used that10:15
ardchoilleDr_Willis: I was just typing that :)10:15
earwigs<3 ubuntu10:16
ralucaubyfreak, google for ffmpeg h264 conversion and a blog from a person called rob will appear somewhere in the results, he explains all the options10:16
ralucaActionParsnip, its already there10:16
Dr_Willisor at least the h264 related options :) i read those blogs10:16
ralucaActionParsnip, the OverrideGPUValidation=true option10:17
dagon666Dr_Willis: the problem is that / is on software raid5 will I be able to assemble the array on livecd - probably yes, but want to be sure, the array holds a lot of my important data10:17
ubyfreakraluca: ok. im gonna check it, thanks10:17
ralucaDr_Willis, yeah, but he also explains the 3 methods10:17
Dr_Willisdagon666:  i dont use raids. so no idea on that.10:17
ActionParsnipraluca: you can also add this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/155870310:18
dagon666Dr_Willis: ok, I'll try to check on my own10:18
ubyfreakDr_Willis: and thanks for your help too10:19
georgie_bcan somebody10:19
MrokiiActionParsnip: Thank you, that worked.10:21
georgie_bi'm getting E212 error when i try to write a file using gvim when launched using keyboard shortcut but it works fine when launched from menu in ubuntu10:21
ActionParsnipMrokii: sweet10:22
razz11i cannot install nvidia driver, I was using the latest driver from x-swat PPA, it had an update and broke the driver. so uninstalled and tried installing the current driver from ubuntu repos, cannot install, using nouveau. Any help with nvidia reinstall10:23
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ActionParsniprazz11: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   should do it10:24
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  perhaps check the path of where itw trying to write to, perhaps its defaulting to / or some other location10:24
razz11ActionParsnip: tried, installs but cannot activate it10:25
Dr_Willisrazz11:  perhaps you need to purge the old ppa.10:25
aLeSDhi all10:25
georgie_bwell i've given the gvim exe path correctly for the shortcut as /usr/bin/gvim nd no problem launching it but it denies writing of ne files10:26
razz11Dr_Willis: purged every nvidia file, installed it clean, still no use10:26
Dr_Willisrazz11:  did you use the ppa-purge command?10:26
ActionParsniprazz11: try running: sudo nvidia-xconfig   then reboot10:26
ActionParsniprazz11: if you get no X server, boot to root recovery mode and rename the xorg.conf file10:27
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iceroot_if i am using "ssh -X host firefox" on a host which dont have x installed, should this work or do i need a x-server on that system? i am getting an x11-autgentication-error10:28
georgie_bdr_willis what does %F in gvim -f %F stand for10:28
Hans_Henriki have 2 VMs running completely clean installations of ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10, they have only had a full update and a restart, they are only running gnome shell->sudo->gnome-system-monitor->Resources tab, absolutely nothing else, they ,are both going cpu usage ~9-12 and 9-14,  but the 10.04 is almost consistently using 1-2% more cpu than 10.10, anyone know why?10:28
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  path to the file I would think.10:29
Hans_Henrik(VirtualBox, no VT-X/amd-V)10:29
iceroot_Hans_Henrik: top should tell you10:29
Dr_Willisiceroot_:  when using firefox  you may need to use some extra options, firefox has a special launcher that can detect if its ran remotely . Do oher commands work?10:29
georgie_bdr_willis:but when i type that command in the command line it opens a new file "%F"10:30
razz11ActionParsnip: tried xorg.conf default install, still no use, But cannot run nvidia-xconfig, not sure why10:30
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  yes..  the launcher has special varianbles.. thats not a bash feature...10:30
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  its a gnome/launcher feature.10:30
iceroot_Dr_Willis: firefox was just a simple example, the real case is "notify-sen" with dbus  for using libnotify for irssi with ssh + screen10:30
Dr_Willisiceroot_:  start simple and work up i guess. does just xterm work?10:30
Dr_Willisiceroot_:  i would think you need the x server stuff installed.  but the actaul x server would not be running.10:31
iceroot_Dr_Willis: emacs is working on my tests but dbus with notify-send not10:31
georgie_bdr_willis:so how do i pass the filename even puttin %F within " " doesnot work10:31
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  full filename where exactly?10:31
ActionParsniprazz11: it needs sudo, it should come down in the driver10:31
ionuthaving a problem. i tryied to make some updates and it gives me this error " Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_9.0.597.94-r73967_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]"10:31
iceroot_Dr_Willis: yeah you should be right that its needing the x11-libs but not a running x-server. i will look with that informations, thank you for that hint10:32
rfrittmann_Hi all. Does anyone know how to get a TP-Link TL-WN422G wireless adaptor working? I have been through this guide, http://tinyurl.com/2636j6z but still no joy.10:32
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  the %F is only used by the launcher/filemanager/drag/drop features I imagine. Not the shell.10:32
Dr_Willisiceroot_:  the dbus services may need to get started also.10:32
razz11ActionParsnip: sorry tried sudo, let me start afresh10:32
iceroot_Dr_Willis: dbus is running10:32
ActionParsnipionut: i couldn't find any of the folders in that link dude10:33
iceroot_Dr_Willis: ah as i see i have to configure the ~/.Xauth... file10:33
ActionParsnipionut: even http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main  doesn't exist10:33
ionutActionParsnip: i don't know what the hell is that... is in my updates...10:33
georgie_bok..think the other solutions i need to look for is find alternates for gnome launcher.. know any keyboard shortcut launchers??10:33
ActionParsnipionut: you have added the google chrome deb which adds the google repo as far as I know, it doesn't seem to exist (or is down for maintenance)10:34
ActionParsnipgeorgie_b: gmrun is one alternative10:34
Dr_Willisgeorgie_b:  compiz and metacity both have keyboard launcher features.. then theres gnome-do, or other similer things. like Kupfer, and proberly a dozen others i cant rember10:34
ActionParsnip!info gmrun10:34
ubottugmrun (source: gmrun): Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2 (maverick), package size 47 kB, installed size 172 kB10:34
ionutActionParsnip: how can i remove it. should i modify the file ?10:35
dr0idhow to check ubuntu version10:35
iceroot_dr0id: cat /etc/issue10:35
georgie_bthank you all for the help :-)10:36
razz11anyone using NUT for monitoring UPS in lucid, i am having trouble with the megatec driver.10:36
georgie_bthnx dr_willis10:36
rfrittmann_Hi all. Does anyone know how to get a TP-Link TL-WN422G wireless adaptor working? I have been through this guide, http://tinyurl.com/2636j6z but still no joy.10:37
ActionParsnipionut: look in software centre, or maybe in /etc/apt/sources.list   not sure about removal, I don't use chrome (I use chromium) you could keep it in a while to see if it comes back10:37
ionutActionParsnip: i'm also using chromium . but btw chromium is not chrome ? or who is belong to ? if u know ofcourse10:38
mopeyennuiWell the arrows work in fullscreen games.10:39
mopeyennuiAnd with the GNOME menus.10:39
ActionParsniprfrittmann_: Parsnip: i'm also using chromium . but btw chromium is not chrome10:39
ActionParsniprfrittmann_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi10:40
rfrittmann_ActionParsnip: thanks, I'll go take a look.10:40
ActionParsnipionut: chromium is the opensource chrome, there is a snapshot of chromium to make chrome as well as they add more tracking stuff10:40
zipskiyanybody here maybe has a Neo Freerunner? Please Reply10:41
ionutActionParsnip: super. i like chrome but also chromonium they are very fast10:41
ActionParsnipionut: me too, there is a daily ppa if you want it?10:42
zipskiyHow connect my Neo  Freerunner in Cardreader mode?10:43
ionutActionParsnip: yaa sure dude10:43
ActionParsnipionut: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade10:43
RanjanHello every body I need help with vnstat10:44
ionutthank you :D10:45
ActionParsnipionut: np man10:45
ionutActionParsnip: thanks bud :D10:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:45
ionuti know that this is a channel for ubuntu , but i tryied on networking channel to ask something  and no one ... answered. my question is, how can i find out all the ip's connected to my modem ?10:46
ubyfreakDr_Willis: maybe the 'ffmpeg -fs' can it do what i want?10:46
iceroot_ionut: scan the network10:48
ionuticeroot_: how ? netstat ?10:48
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iceroot_ionut: i would use nmap10:48
edwardteachubyfreak,  what size do you want?10:49
ionuticeroot_:i don't have nmap installed10:49
iceroot_ionut: sudo apt-get install nmap10:49
mycosyshow hardx woul dit be to create a dummy package to satisfy a dependancy10:50
iceroot_mycosys: its easy10:50
ionuticeroot_: and if i want to have also installed the manual ? is there any way to install the manual for nmap  (man nmap for ex)10:50
mycosyspossibly add a dep to the dummy for the old dependancy's new name10:50
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iceroot_mycosys: use dh_create, change the control-file to set new dependicies and use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot10:50
mycosysbasically a package name change has stuffed me up10:50
ubyfreakedwardteach: filesize, i would like to do smaller filesize, the original is approximately 80mbyte10:50
iceroot_ionut: its comming with the package nmap10:51
ionuticeroot_: super thanks.i-ve installed it. thanks10:51
mycosysty for reminding me i need sleep iceroot lol10:52
iceroot_mycosys: what you want is a metapackage10:52
mycosyssounds about right10:52
ionuticeroot_: so , if i want to scann my network i should use nmap -v -sP ip ?10:52
mycosyswould also be a damn good idea to add it to jaunty-backports10:53
GaspodeCan any one help a new(ish) user who has a non booting system?10:53
mycosyslibmyth-perl changed name to libmythtv-perl10:53
edwardteachubyfreak,  you can reduce the quality for a smaller file size?10:54
tawanGaspode: what errors?10:54
mycosyshave worked around it with dpkg --ignore-depends to get mythexport installed, but now apt-get wont do shyte10:55
Gaspode@tawan - system working yesterday. now not boot. cant even run from CD. Don't know what to try10:55
basslinerhello, i have black text on black background in the menus of firefox and thunderbird when using the ambiance theme. this happened to me on prior installations and on other computers, too. any help?10:55
tawanbassliner: firefox is not exactly GTK compliant10:56
neosto faaakt?10:56
ubyfreakedwardteach: i dunno how can i do that. but I would like to compress it to 10 mb.10:56
_sara_någon prata svenska?10:56
neosale no :P10:56
basslinertawan: that won't help me much. also, i remember it WAS okay at some point. :)10:56
tawanbassliner: restart firefox after changing theme maybe?10:56
basslinertawan: tried all that of course.10:57
mrsomoasunbassliner, I would look at apearance preffs10:57
ActionParsnipbassliner: tried a different firefox theme?10:57
mrsomoasunsame thing happened with me in OO.org (dunno...)10:57
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ubyfreakedwardteach: ffmpeg -fs 100000 -i special\ idiots.mpg special.wmv10:58
Gaspode@tawan - system working yesterday. now not boot. cant even run from CD. Don't know what to try10:58
ubyfreakedwardteach: i tried this way10:58
edwardteachubyfreak,  did it work for you?10:59
tawanGaspode: do you see BIOS? GRUB? Anything?10:59
mycosysiceroot_ : sorry for noob Q, premature arthritis, but how would one create a metapackage10:59
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mycosysjust need something to tell my system that libmyth-perl is installed so apt-get will give me love lol11:00
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  you need to set a - bitrate I  am reading to make it try to set a specifi filesize -->  http://en.linuxreviews.org/HOWTO_Convert_video_files#By_bitrate_calculated_by_a_fixed_file-size11:00
Gaspode@tawan - Starts Grub. Then starts to boot. Says 'Starting up...' then nothing. Can run from CD either11:01
mycosysalready hurting like hell11:01
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  700mb file -> mencoder <filename.avi> -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts bitrate=-700000 -o <output.avi>    But this is for mencoder.. i recall ffmpeg having a similer thing... google just gave me this answer first.11:01
ubyfreakedwardteach: nope, this command do a 119.4kybe video file, and the length is 1sec11:01
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tawanGaspode: not being able to boot from CD is quite bad. If not for that I'd be suspecting that a grub update has messed you up11:02
ubyfreakDr_Willis: so the only way is to set the bitrate?11:02
dagon666can anyone tell me what exactly "rescue a broken system" on ubuntu server CD ?11:02
tawanGaspode: but not being able to launch a live CD session leaves the possibilities wider open11:02
dagon666it seems that it broked my existing installation11:03
dagon666I get /root/dev: No such file or directory ...11:03
dagon666and cannot boot anymore into my existing installation11:03
GaspodeTawan: If I try live from CD, then I just get a blank screen with cursor flashing at top left.11:03
shafiHi, I have a 9.10 ubuntu desktop and I use it as a server, when ever I plug off the monitor and restart, then its prompting the low graphic mode error, how can I resolve this?11:04
tawanGaspode: do you have the facilities there to make a live USB?11:04
tawanbrb Gaspode life interupts11:05
iceroot_mycosys: use the debhelper-tools to create the package-structure (imo it was dh_create or dh_make) then edit debian/control. there is a line about dependecies, after that run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" in the root-directory of that package. also see "man dephelper"11:05
GaspodeTawan: No I only have a 512Mb USB Stick - Sorry.11:05
ActionParsnipshafi: add the boot option: text11:06
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  the use of a Negative bitrate makes mencoder (at least) try to calculate what it needs to fit the specific zsize)11:06
shafican you explain more please? ActionParsnip11:06
ActionParsnipGaspode: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html11:06
Dr_Willisubyfreak:  ffmpeg has some -fs option. but im not sure how that works11:07
ActionParsnipshafi: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   fimd the line with: quiet splash    in the quotes and change it to:  quiet spash text    you can then save the file and close gedit, then run: sudo update-grub11:07
ActionParsnipshafi: your OS will now boot to a text based OS only but you can launch the GUI if you desire11:08
shafithen if I have something in startup applications, are they able to be execute? ActionParsnip11:10
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edwardteachubyfreak,  ffmpeg -i movie_name.mp4 -s 300x200 moviealt_name.avi11:11
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ActionParsnipshafi: not the ones defined in the startup items in the desktop, as it never runs11:12
edwardteachubyfreak,  to make a small size screen   low quality  low file size you will have to play with the size as to fit what you want11:14
shafiI need the startup Items, any solution for this? ActionParsnip11:14
nowarninglabelanyone have a suggestion for ubuntu AMI to use?11:15
GeniusoHow to hide .ini and thumbs.db files on ubuntu 10.10 ?11:15
ubyfreakedwardteach: thank you, i will play with that options11:15
ActionParsnipshafi: just boot to the desktop normally then11:16
nowarninglabelnevermind found a link on the forums11:16
ActionParsnipGeniuso: i believe bleachbit can delete them11:16
GeniusoHow to hide .ini and thumbs.db files on ubuntu 10.10 ?11:16
GeniusoI just want hide them11:17
shafiActionParsnip, I have no monitor in between, so this cause the low graphic mode error and don't let my startup applications to be executed11:17
ActionParsnipshafi: what startup items do you have?11:18
ubyfreakedwardteach: do you know which video file are playable in firefox? cos i would like to add this video in my home server, but that ain't so fast. (so that is the reason why i wantto compress the files) I know the wmv is playable straightaway, but that is a windows file format, do you know any other video format?11:19
shafiI have ".war" file that need to be extracted via the apache tomcat server, I can run the tomcat server in text mode, but its not extracting the ".war" file. If I start the tomcat server via startup applications then it works fine. ActionParsnip11:20
GaspodeActionParsnip: Thanks looking at that now - system has been running for over a year, till this morniing!!!11:20
shashwatwhat is the support channel for virtualbox11:21
edwardteachubyfreak, movie.avi should be fine i watch avi's on firefox so..11:21
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shafiAm I clear? ActionParsnip11:23
kisukehttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566594/ any one have any idea why its tell me this?11:23
ubyfreakedwardteach: ok, i'll try11:23
ActionParsnipshafi: makes sense11:25
shafiIt made me crazy, I can't find a proper solution ActionParsnip11:25
ActionParsnipshafi: you can add commands in /etc/rc.local and they will run at boot (as root), add above the exit 0 line11:26
CandyMancan someone help me?11:26
shafiI did exactly the same thing, but it only run the tomcat not extracting my file. ActionParsnip11:26
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l3etaanyone know how to get linksys's WUSB54G 802.11G to work? it connects and disconnects after a little bit of using the internet. any ideas?11:28
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somiI have a struct with 2 elements in C++ in QT. when I identifying a vector from this struct and I want to access one of the member of vector, intellisense list doesn't open! can someone help me?11:28
BajK_Is there a way of disabling this stupid case sensitivity of the file system? Or a file system that doesn't care about case formatting?11:28
Philip__L3eta does it get hot?11:29
Philip__Like hotter than it should?11:29
l3etait gets warm11:29
l3etanot sure ^%11:29
Philip__If you can try another unit.11:29
l3etait works on my win7 which is what im on right now11:29
kisukeok, any one know why ls and rm whould throw a bunch of I/O errors?11:29
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l3etaPhilip any ideas? besides that?11:30
jasonanybod can tell me that how to put a sentence that looks different in xchat...i mean color11:30
dagnytaggartGreetings. I am looking for some assistance in writing inputs from the command line. In particular, I can run '"gpg" [Press Enter]. Program then responds with "Enter input", I enter input, then press "Ctrl-D" - program then closes and outputs the result I want to stdout. This is the behavior I am looking for, just without the human input - need to condense it down to one statement entered on the command line. Thoughts?11:30
GeniusoHow to hide .ini and thumbs.db files on ubuntu 10.10 ?11:31
Leomodify the color from teh tools11:31
kisukejason: not in this chanel, it has the no color flag11:31
jasonthanks anyway11:31
GaspodeActionParsnip: Thanks looking at that now - system has been running for over a year, till this morniing!!! No difference11:31
BajK_I mean "testfile" is THE SAME as "TESTfile" or "tEstFilE" . in real world case does NOT change the meaning of something, it is just for "formatting" or to have a better overview over the wording11:31
Philip__Nah try different drivers, if theres ones available11:31
BajK_so why the hell does linux have a case sensitive file system?11:31
Dr_WillisGeniuso:  basically - you dont. by default the filemanager hides .whatever fles.. but as for the thumbs.db you dont.11:31
Dr_WillisBajK_:  why shouldent it?11:32
BajK_I mean, there isnt a grub.cfg and GRUB.cfg?11:32
BajK_Dr_Willis: because it doesnt make sense?11:32
kisukedagnytaggart: try gpg <input file> > <output file>11:32
l3etai only got the drivers off the linksys site11:32
BajK_"Letter to my mother.odt" is the SAME as "Letter To My Mother.ODT" but linux believes its not11:32
Philip__Try a older version if you can11:32
dagnytaggartkisuke: Thanks, trying now.11:32
Dr_WillisBajK_:  it makes perfect sence..  C and c are different letters and different asci codes.. how about in languages other then english?11:32
Philip__Sometimes newer drivers aren't a good Idea.11:32
jasonjangkish; ? sorry, i can not understand.11:32
kisukedagnytaggart: also try looking at man gpg11:32
ActionParsnipBajK_: the case is different, so its a different file11:32
l3etaill good look into finding em11:32
BajK_Dr_Willis: it does not make any sense11:32
jasonjangkisuke:  ? sorry, i can not understand.11:33
Dr_WillisBajK_:  yes it does.11:33
ActionParsnipBajK_: linux respects case, windows is primitive and doesn't11:33
l3etabut there windows drivers would that matter?11:33
somiI have a struct with 2 elements in C++ in QT. when I identifying a vector from this struct and I want to access one of the member of vector, intellisense list doesn't open! can someone help me?11:33
BajK_I mean if I write "Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern" it has the same meaning as "franz Jagt Im Komplett Verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern" although the second one wouldnt be grammatically correct11:33
Dr_WillisBajK_:  lower case everything then you wont have an issue.11:33
BajK_ActionParsnip: windows isuerfriendly and doesnt respect it11:33
Philip__Trust me, LOL I learnt that the hard way, Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 AGP8x256MB, with Nvidia 173 drivers Lol, DERP! crashes all the darn time.11:33
shafiI want to run ubuntu desktop with no monitor in between, but I can't i'm getting low graphic error. Any idea?11:33
ActionParsnipBajK_: the case respecting is very useful11:33
BajK_ActionParsnip: but windows doesnt make you have like five files of the same name11:33
Dr_WillisBajK_:  ive seen this argued in the foums.. and theres more to it then 'Foo'  vs 'foo'11:34
BajK_"Testletter" "testletter" "TestLetter", etc11:34
dagnytaggartDoesn't seem to want to play nicely. I'm not using files, but rather a string (ASCII armored public key, FYI) that I need gpg to spit back certain information from.11:34
kisukeshafi: like a headless machine?11:34
Philip__I have to use 96 drivers.11:34
BajK_or are there any files on linux that have the same name but different case?11:34
ActionParsnipBajK_: yes, you can use it for versioning for one. The file names are different11:34
BajK_The only thing is it makes it harder since Xorg sometimes is spelled with xorg, sometimes with Xorg11:34
BajK_ActionParsnip: what about Testletter1, Testletter2?11:34
ActionParsnipBajK_: thats another solution too11:34
BajK_is there a filesystem for linux that doesnt respect case or something?11:34
Dr_WillisBajK_:  ntfs and vfat..11:35
shafikisuke, yes11:35
BajK_ActionParsnip: the first one is the stupidest most illogical solution and the numbering would be the "normal way"11:35
BajK_Dr_Willis: any more advanced fs?11:35
KREDOhelp me, i want install beryl!11:35
Dr_Willisand probery several of the other older fs's11:35
dagnytaggartWould like to enter something like "gpg 'really long string of ascii text'", and capture the stdout. However gpg isn't too happy with this. It currently wants "gpg [enter] past text [ctrl-d]", then success.11:35
Dr_WillisBajK_:  you are saying NTFS is not advanced?11:35
ravencd boot 10.4 error:http://picpaste.com/a2dc94f07c1832cb1c57e06dc3145576.JPG what is going wrong?11:35
Dr_WillisKREDO:  beryl is dead..11:35
BajK_Dr_Willis: it isn'T11:35
kisukeshafi: i am sort of doing it, what all are you tring to do?11:35
BajK_so, gotta explain my mom why she can't find her folder11:35
ActionParsnipBajK_: its been like that since day one11:36
Dr_WillisBajK_:   tell her proper spelling and case matter.11:36
BajK_since it is named whatever "Work" and typing /home/manuela/work wont get it11:36
ActionParsnipKREDO: beryl is no more11:36
BajK_ActionParsnip: that is NO excuse11:36
Dr_Willisi wonder if minix was case sensetive..  I cant refcall if my Amiga was or not.11:36
Dr_WillisBajK_:  its not an excuse.. its a reason.11:36
BajK_Dr_Willis: and why she can have 10 files of same name11:36
ActionParsnipBajK_: use tab to complete foder names and its a lot easier, or press tab a few times to list folders11:36
shafiI have some applications that need to be run in startup, but the low graphic error don't let the startup applications to be executed. kisuke11:36
kisukeActionParsnip: can i pick your brain for a moment?11:36
ActionParsnipKREDO: beryl has merged with compiz to make compiz-fusion11:37
ActionParsnipkisuke: sure11:37
MrokiiDr_Willis: I am almost 100% sure that the Amiga-filesystem wasn't case sensitive.11:37
kisukeshafi: you should probably disable xorg.11:37
shafikisuke, how can I do this?11:37
BajK_so I didnt find any reason for the file system being case sensitive11:37
BajK_there are no files that have the same name but different case in linux11:37
BajK_versioning using case is just stupid11:37
BajK_so what^^11:37
kisukeActionParsnip: off the top of your head what reasons can you think of for ls an rm to spit i/o errors at me?11:37
BajK_and it enables you have 10 files of the same name in the same directory11:38
ActionParsnipkisuke: bad data, bad IDE, bad ram11:38
Dr_WillisMrokii:  yea. i think so..  then again my C64 was basically all Upper case. or fancy gfx chars :)11:39
BajK_it is fine to STORE the casing, so all your files dont get converted to lowercase or something but respecting case when opening a file is just .. lol.11:39
ActionParsnipBajK_: it's also written in C, which is case sensitive11:39
kisukeActionParsnip: ok, also do you know off ahnd what a purple file name means in ls?11:39
KREDOhave effects beryl in compiz-fusion11:39
Dr_WillisBajK_:  you could write an app tp do that.. but at the 'filesystem' level. case matters.11:39
kisukeshafi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25454011:40
Dr_WillisKREDO:  everything beryl did - as far as ive seebn , is now in compuz-fuion.11:40
ActionParsnipkisuke: try: dircolors --print-database11:40
=== CandyMan is now known as l3eta
kisukeActionParsnip: thank you11:40
ActionParsnipKREDO: Beryl + Compiz == compiz-fusion11:40
crux_guten morgen zusammen11:40
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz11:41
somiI have a struct with 2 elements in C++ in QT. when I identifying a vector from this struct and I want to access one of the members of vector, intellisense list doesn't open! can someone help me?11:41
crux_kennt einer von euch eíne gute gutar pro alternative?11:41
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:41
shafikisuke, If I disable the xorg, am I still able to run the startup applications?11:42
kisukeshafi: as long as they do not require x to function11:42
KREDOI have installed "compiz" but there is no beryl effects11:43
agunghi all..11:43
ActionParsnipKREDO: press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace11:43
ActionParsnipKREDO: you NEED 3D support to get compiz going11:43
agungwht r u discussing?11:43
ActionParsnipagung: ubuntu support11:43
MrokiiDr_Willis: True. These were less complicated times. :)11:43
GaspodeActionParsnip: Still no luck, any other ideas? Cant boot live, or any other options!11:44
agungactually, it is my first time using ubuntu..11:44
agunglinux has evolved so far11:45
Dr_WillisMrokii:  yep. Now its all about supporting non-english languages and so forth. :)11:45
l3etawhats a good coding lang for linux?11:45
KREDOActionParsnip у меня  эффекты куб рабочего стола но это мало11:45
ravencd boot 10.4 error:http://picpaste.com/a2dc94f07c1832cb1c57e06dc3145576.JPG what is going wrong?11:45
Dr_Willisl3eta:  if you know no lnauges at all.. go learn python.11:45
KREDOActionParsnip I have a cube desktop effects but it is not enough11:45
agungbut sometimes, ubuntu gets crashed.. I don't know why..11:45
agungafter updating, it crashed..11:46
Dr_Willisagung:  be more specific as to what crashed.11:46
ActionParsnipKREDO: ok then install compizconfig-settings-manager   and you can then run: ccsm   and add more effects (more effects use more resources)11:46
somiplease help me!11:47
Dr_WillisKREDO:  and theres other compiz plugins not installed by default tha tare in the repos.. then theres the beta testing plugins if you really want to get brave11:47
ActionParsnipraven: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you burn the CD slowly? Did you check the CD for defects once you started to boot to it?11:47
Mrokiiagung: I noticed that (for whatever reason) my Ubuntu-installation becomes pretty "crashy" after updating kernels. It seems that some piece of hardware doesn't work well with certain Kernel-versions, for whatever reason.11:47
Dr_Willissomi:  you may want to check in a more programing specific channel.11:47
offsenseanyone have tried unity-desktop before?11:48
somiok thank's.11:48
ActionParsnipoffsense: i use it in natty alpha11:48
ravenActionParsnip, all three things yes11:48
Dr_Willisoffsense:  thats the default in the netbook edition. and soon to be the default for normal ubuntu. its a work in progress. :)11:48
Dr_WillisI cant wait to see the people in here ranting about that change... heh.11:48
ActionParsnipraven: ok and does your RAM test ok?11:48
ravencannot test ram11:49
* dimmortal hates the side bar in unity11:49
kisukewhats the command for checking an NTFS?11:49
ActionParsnipBajK_: also this has some interesting reading: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122782711:49
MrokiiDr_Willis: Who needs other languages than English to use computers? :)11:49
ActionParsnipkisuke: you wil need ntfsprogs11:49
ActionParsnipkisuke: you will then get fsck.ntfs (I believe)11:49
Dr_Williskisuke:  it would be 'best' to let a windows os test a ntfs filesystem. theres some quick and dirty ntfs checker tools for linux.. but last i looked into them.. they could miss problems.11:49
geogeek1how to point to the current path in the command line  ??11:50
offsenseActionParsnip: do u think its worhty to convert? am currently using lucid11:50
Dr_WillisIm not sure how trustworthy fsck.ntfs is.. :)11:50
researcher1is it safe to install .tgz on ubuntu 10.10?11:50
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  a tgz couyld contain ANYTHING....11:50
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  so in the strictest sence  theres no guarentss it safe.11:50
researcher1Dr_Willis: its coming from cups.org11:50
kisukeDr_Willis: if it was an option i would, im connected to the thing by sftp and ssh. it " looks like ive got a couple of phanton files floating around, gumming up a backup11:51
ActionParsnipoffsense: Lucid is rock solid and supported for ages, i'd stick with it11:51
Dr_Willisresearcher1:   its possible that theres extra packages not installed by default that contain any cups drivers not installed by default.11:51
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  so i would check the repos/package mananager first.11:51
KREDOas set ccsm   and add more effects (more effects use more resources)?11:51
geogeek1because it's too long to write every time the absolute path for using some commandes like cp and mv11:51
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  i had to manually install some cups support packages in the past for some of my printers.11:51
researcher1Dr_Willis: that its com ing from www.cups.org means I think it can b trusted11:51
Dr_Willisgeogeek1:  you could use $(pwd) or `pwd` creatively11:52
offsenseActionParsnip: i mean by using unity in lucid, wondering how the thing is11:52
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  sohould be.. but its also possible its allready in the repos. Just not installed by default.11:52
researcher1Dr_Willis: How do I know it?11:52
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  use the package manager tools and their search feature.11:53
edwardteachgeogeek1,  type ~/ and hit tab tab key!11:53
researcher1Dr_Willis: ITS HERE http://fritz.potsdam.edu/projects/cupsapps/11:53
Dr_WillisMy Brother printer - needed some extra drivers.11:53
kisukeActionParsnip: will fsck w/ ntfsprogs work, fsck.ntfs has no manpage11:53
ActionParsnipoffsense: its pretty clunky imho until you get it setup, then its ok.11:53
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  so fire up the package manager/synaptic/ or command line tool and use the search features11:53
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  or just install it  from the tar.gz if you want.11:53
ActionParsnipkisuke: ntfsfix maybe...11:54
explodesHello. How do I uninstall my nVidia drivers? I just installed ubuntu, and it said to install some nvidia drivers, now my 2nd monitor doesn't work anymore and icons on my top-bar and bottom-bar are in the wrong places.11:54
offsenseActionParsnip: aight then thnx, will do giv a try11:54
kisukeActionParsnip: back to google11:54
Dr_Willisexplodes:   you ran the nvidia-settings tool and enabled twinview?11:54
researcher1Dr_Willis: How d i change repo? should it be necesarily a .deb file?11:55
explodesDr_Willis: No i didnt11:55
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  why do you need to change repos?11:55
Dr_Willisexplodes:  you should run it then. and enable the features you want, save the xorg.conf and restart the x server11:55
ashishhi, where can I get tutorials on C configuration file parsing libraries?11:55
explodesHow do i restart the x server?11:55
Dr_Willisexplodes:  sudo service gdm restart  (is one way)11:56
researcher1Dr_Willis: I tried to search in synaptic and its not found there11:56
Dr_Willisor reboot. :)11:56
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  it might also be part of a larger package. there were several brother drivers (tht i needed) in one package.11:56
researcher1Dr_Willis: how can i install using synaptic the require file accsnmp here http://fritz.potsdam.edu/projects/cupsapps/11:57
KREDOhelp me i want install more effekst in compizconfigmanager11:58
KREDOhelp me i want install more effects in compizconfigmanager11:58
kisukeActionParsnip: Feb 13 04:57:22 spot ntfs-3g[586]: Incomplete multi-sector transfer: magic: 0x58444e49  size: 4096  usa_ofs: 40  usa_count: 7  data: 20104  usn: 20103: Input/output error11:58
kisuke. thoughts?11:58
SpiritHi, I'm having trouble with connecting to my remote server using vinagre. I can connect via ssh, but when I try and connect to the server via remote desktop viewer it gives: Connection to host was closed.11:59
bazhangKREDO, then apt-cache search for some of the plugins and install them; also ask in #compiz11:59
pksadiq!info compiz-fusion-extra  | kisuke11:59
ubottukisuke: Package compiz-fusion-extra does not exist in maverick11:59
kisukepksadiq: what?11:59
geogeek1Dr_Willis: thanks too much i have tested it :) , very useful :)11:59
pksadiq!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  | kisuke11:59
ubottukisuke: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9736 kB11:59
bazhangpksadiq, KREDO you mean12:00
nightcrowhiya, if i delete /etc/fstab, will the OS rebuild it on boot?12:00
The-StingerWhen I close a youtube  video or and other flash application and view a black background the image of that youtube video/application is viewable in the black background. How can I fix this?12:00
pksadiq!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  | KREDO12:00
ubottuKREDO: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9736 kB12:00
pksadiqkisuke: sorry12:00
kisukenightcrow: i doubt it, why would you need to delete it>12:00
kisukepksadiq: no problem12:00
bc81Spirit: which is failing, the hostname, ip, or both?12:01
pksadiqkisuke: I just thought that small letter differs from capitals as in linux, but not here ;)12:01
Philip__Is 224K good download speed, for 1.5 DSL?12:01
nightcrowkisuke: because i modified it... and now my system isnt booting correctly12:01
Spiritbc81: im not sure, im connecting via ip12:01
KREDOubottu thank's12:01
nightcrowbasically, i copied /etc from another ubuntu system we have here by mistake (with rsync) and now ive got remenants of the other system12:01
KREDOthank's all12:01
kisukenightcrow: try booting from a live cd and fixing it that way12:01
bc81Spirit: what vnc server is running?12:02
nightcrowkisuke: why? i can boot fine12:02
nightcrowit just gives me mounting errors12:02
kisukenightcrow: to fix the mounting errors.12:02
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  it would depend on whats in the fstab.. i have seen messed up fstabs make systems unbootable12:03
nightcrowkisuke: i dont know how to do that and the server is in a remote locatatiopn12:03
Dr_Willisor at least hang on boot.12:03
nightcrowDr_Willis: i can boot12:03
kisukenight ouch12:03
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  i would be looking at the fstab then and fixing it.12:03
nightcrowDr_Willis: im not sure how to fix it12:03
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Dr_Willisstart with your mounting errors you mentioned12:04
afeijohi guys12:04
Philip__Why was I pinged?12:04
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:04
nightcrowDr_Willis: well, i dont get any mounting errors now on boot, but i see the wrong reference to my hostname in fstab12:04
Spiritbc81: im not sure, the vps host gave me the ip, port, and password. it comes preinstalled12:05
edwardteachPhilip__, it ll depends where you live etc its ot for here12:05
GaspodeMy system will no longer boot into anything! can anyone help please?12:05
afeijoI change a domain to a new Nameserver, now its not working. I've done that to other domains, but I cant find what its wrong with this one. dig show it without NS or IP, what other command might help investigate?12:05
Philip__I live in the middle of the woods, in Illinois.12:05
edwardteachPhilip__, lol12:05
ravencd boot 10.4 error:http://picpaste.com/a2dc94f07c1832cb1c57e06dc3145576.JPG what is going wrong?12:05
kisukeany one know how good gparted is at checking NTFS disks?12:05
Philip__Can't afford the taxes of living in the city so I'm forced to live in the woods lol.12:06
kisukeraven: you have a weird drive12:06
The-StingerWhen I close a youtube video or and other flash application and view a black background the image of that youtube video/application is viewable in the black background. How can I fix this?12:06
kisukeraven: also, do a check on the disk12:06
edwardteachPhilip__, this is off topic bud..12:07
bc81Spirit: no idea mate, sorry.. i would probably contact them, or try connecting with a different vnc client12:08
Philip__Well I have no networking experience so I was wondering, Only Know how to type in etc, and port forward12:08
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  ive never notived fstab mentioning hostname.. perhaps pastebin the fstab entry and point out what looks weird to you12:08
Philip__Other than that I'm lost at networking.12:08
Spiritbc81:ok, thank you for your time12:09
bc81Spirit: np, you might want to hang around a bit incase someone else (more knowledgeable) has suggestions12:09
GaspodeMy system will no longer boot into anything! can anyone help please?12:09
aeon-ltdGaspode: does it show the POST screen?12:10
Dr_WillisGaspode:  can you get to bios? what happens if you boot a live cd....12:10
Dr_Willisdoes it even beep  when you ppwer up? is it plugged in?...12:10
nightcrowDr_Willis: i would love to, but its on a seperate network without internet12:10
nightcrowi cant transfer it12:10
GaspodeI can see grub. Then system hangs when starting. Can't boot into live CD just blankscreen12:11
brainboxhey guys is there a way to test optimum refresh settings in ubuntu ?12:11
nightcrowDr_Willis: its referencing /dev/mapper/oldhostname-swap12:11
rigvedGaspode, did you install a new OS on this machine?12:11
Gaspoderigved: No it has been working for months, just shutdown as normal yesterday.12:12
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  you got some sort of RAID stuff going on?12:13
kisukeany one know how good gparted is at checking NTFS disks?12:13
Dr_Williskisuke:  i would suggest using a actual windows machine/OS.12:13
afeijowhich command can I use to check a domain other then dig?12:13
Dr_Williskisuke:   the ntfs tools proberly only do basic checks12:13
nightcrowon boot12:13
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  so the new system is using raid also? or was just the other suystem useing raid?12:14
nightcrownot in the OS12:14
nightcrowthey are both using raid12:14
kisukeDr_Willis: theres the whole problem of theres not a windows partiton on the computer, the disk in question got swaped in after after its enclousre died.12:14
ActionParsnipkisuke: NTFS is proprietray to Microsoft so I recommend you use one of their OSes to check it12:14
rigvedGaspode, when you boot, can you confirm that even though your monitor is blank, your machine (like hard disk) is still running?12:14
Dr_Williskisuke:  there are windows live cd's/boot cd/restore disks you could try.. but i guess if you cant do that.. you see what gparted/fsck.nfts can do and hope for the best.12:15
_Marte_ciaoa tutti12:15
micheleciao a tutti12:15
kisukeDr_Willis: ntfsfix is gonna set its dirty bit any way so why not12:15
Gaspoderigved: As far as I can tell. I can see it in BIOS and it will list options in Grub12:15
nightcrowDr_Willis: they are both using raid12:16
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  then you need to be carefull with your fstab edits I imagine.. I dont use raid so have no raid entries here.12:16
rigvedGaspode, no i mean, after the grub menu, can you still hear your machine working?12:16
brainboxI need to know how i can find out the best HorizSync & VertRefresh to use with my system .... can anyone help ?12:16
Dr_Willisbrainbox:  what sort of monitor/connection/video card are you using?12:16
Dr_Willisbrainbox:  most of the time those get auto-set these days.12:17
Gaspoderigved: As far as I can tell. Do you want me to take it apart?12:17
nightcrowDr_Willis: if i do ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ how can i tell which uuid is ascosiated with /boot12:17
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  try mounting them and see what one has teh boot files.12:17
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  normally /boot/ would be the first, and smallest partition.12:17
rigvedGaspode, if after you select an option in the grub menu, nothing is displayed on the screen even though your machine is running, then it means that you have a graphics card problem12:17
nightcrowim not sure i understand12:18
nightcrowDr_Willis: mounting what?12:18
brainboxits an onboard 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)12:18
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  you mount the filesystem to see whats on it.12:18
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:18
rigvedGaspode, can you boot into recovery mode and select the failsafex graphics mode12:18
brainboxF419 AG neovo monitor12:18
nightcrowDr_Willis: i know - but by brainbox UUID?12:18
nightcrowDr_Willis: i know - but by UUID?12:18
_Marte_bye bye thank's12:18
Dr_Willisnightcrow: you can mount via uuid.. and figure out what /dev/sdXX is what uuid with various commands.. i dotn get what your problem is..12:19
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:19
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  i always set a proper label on my boot and other partitions  :)  that makes blkid show the right info also12:19
Gaspoderigved: If for example I press esc and then select 10.04 LTS 2.6.32-28-generic (recovery mode) it starts loading and then hangs after NET: Registered protocol family 112:20
nuccioc'è qualcuno che parla italiano, qui?12:20
nightcrowDr_Willis: if i type mount - i see /dev/mapper/tiger01-new-root on / type ext412:20
nightcrowDr_Willis: but my machine name is tiger0212:21
Dr_Willisnightcrow:   and the other was named tiger01 ?12:21
brainboxwhat is the mesurement used in the config is it kHz ?12:22
rigvedGaspode, do you see any error message?12:22
nightcrowDr_Willis: and if i type blkid i see lots of lines where one of them is /dev/mapper/tiger02-root and then the UUID12:22
brainboxin xorg for vert and horiz12:22
nightcrowDr_Willis: yes12:22
nightcrowi modified the fstab from tiger01 to tiger01-new12:22
Dr_Willisnightcrow:  i dont use raid.. so no idea how the names in fstab matter...12:22
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:23
nightcrowi am using encrypted LVM12:23
Dr_Willisi dont use encrypted lvm;s either..12:23
Dr_Willisall i can suggest is to some reseasrch and be carefull in your changes.12:23
Dr_Willisand be more carefull with rsync next time.12:24
Dr_Willisor however this all got messed up.12:24
ActionParsnipbrainbox: khz is 1000hz, do you know any tv or monitor which can do 1000hz?12:24
Gaspoderigved: Some iomem range could not be reserved messages. It gets past those. Registers protocal family 2, then family 1 (no errors) then stops12:24
ActionParsnipbrainbox: most decent tvs go at 120hz12:24
brainboxyeah mines not decent :)12:25
nightcrowDr_Willis: ok - thanks buddy12:25
nightcrowshame there isnt a way to rebuild fstab12:25
ActionParsnipnightcrow: you can do it in a text edior by hand12:25
Dr_Willisif you knew your system layout. :)12:25
Dr_Willisi keep mine simple.12:25
crazybraincan anyone help me12:25
crazybrainthe chat server does not show people online12:26
nightcrowActionParsnip: Dr_Willis i dont know my system layout :)12:26
Gaspoderigved: Memtest86 does not report any errors.12:26
crazybrainCAN ANYONE HELP ME12:27
ActionParsnipnightcrow: I'd just try ranges til you get an ok display12:27
edwardteach!shout | crazybrain12:28
ubottucrazybrain: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:28
rigvedGaspode, those unkown range error messages, maybe related to memory even though memtest didn't report anything. can you remove your RAM sticks and reset them?12:28
InsomniaCityHi guys - The certification catalog appears to be broken all the time...12:28
kisuke!ask | crazybrain12:28
ubottucrazybrain: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:28
InsomniaCityIs there an ETA for a fix?12:28
HorofoxHi guys, I've installed a theme called macubuntu and it installs some mouse events that I didn't really like, how can I remove them?12:28
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Gaspoderigved: Yes OK - give me a few mins..12:29
crazybrainMy Empathy chat messenger doesnt working properly12:29
rigvedGaspode, ok12:29
afeijotoo many users, we cant get an answer :p12:30
kisukeHorofox: give it an apple, and what kind of mouse events?12:30
crazybrainwhen i entered my whole details after being logged in it does not showing people who are online what to do :(12:30
kisukecrazybrain: what protocol?12:30
Dr_Williscrazybrain:  try some other IM client perhaps.12:30
ActionParsnipHorofox: how do you mean "mouse events"?12:30
Dr_Willistry meebo.com also.12:30
kisukeDr_Willis: libpurple for the win?12:31
Dr_WillisHorofox:  macbuntu can really goof things up. it has an uninstall script i recall.12:31
Horofoxkisuke: it's when i "rotate" my mouse, all windows get kinda hidden and i cant get it back lol12:31
crazybrainnoo how can i make it work Dr_Willis12:31
Dr_Williskisuke:  i rarely even do Im stuff..12:31
Dr_Williscrazybrain:  no idea. I dont use it...12:31
kisukeDr_Willis: its a refrence to what meebo runs on12:31
HorofoxDr_Willis: I know... but i like everything about it BUT this mouse stuff12:31
Dr_Williscrazybrain:  check that other im clients work.. and check out meebo.12:31
Dr_WillisHorofox:  no idwa what you mean by mouse 'stuff' really...12:32
Dr_WillisHorofox:  change.customize the theme parts you dont like...12:32
HorofoxDr_Willis: it's a stupid event to emulate apple mouse events12:32
kisukeHorofox: no idea how that would be fixed sorry12:32
crazybraini am actually using Empathy client on Ubuntu but it doesnt showing me people who are online12:32
Dr_WillisHorofox:  ive never heard the term 'mouse event' befor..  so not sure what you are refering to.12:32
kisukecrazybrain: see if it works on another client, the may actually be off line12:33
MrokiiDr_Willis: I guess what he means are mouse-gestures.12:33
HorofoxDr_Willis: when i rotate my mouse, all windows get hidden and all i see is my desktop12:33
Dr_Willisrotate? Hmm.. never seen that.12:33
ActionParsnipHorofox: how do you rotate a mouse12:33
kisukeHorofox: just out of curosity, horo as in "spice and wolf"?12:33
ActionParsnipHorofox: like, move the cursor in a circle?12:33
HorofoxActionParsnip: exactly12:34
Dr_Williscould be a compiz plugin... check ccsm. and start disabling12:34
MrokiiHorofox: Where did you get that package from?12:34
Horofoxit dont work well with mouses, so when im moving my mouse around shit happens12:34
Horofoxkisuke: yep12:34
ActionParsnipHorofox: sounds like some gesture process or similar, I'd contact the developer, or read the script you ran12:34
Dr_Willisi would suggest going to the macbuntu  homepage. and checking its forums/faq/docs also.12:34
Dr_Willissince this is getting beyond 'ubuntu support' :)12:35
HorofoxDr_Willis: yea... it's just that theres not much material over the web about it12:35
Dr_Willisfor all we know it installed some special compiz ppa, or otjher packages12:35
Dr_WillisHorofox:  one of the many reasons we dont advise using macbuntu scripts.12:35
trijntjeanyone succesfully using boinc with BAM on maverick? Somehow the projects I select on the BAM website dont show up in the manager12:35
Dr_WillisHorofox:  i thought i saw it (or one like it) that had a config tool that enabled/disabled specific features.12:36
Wulfyguys whats the command for seeing whats using the cpu so much? (top - )12:36
nodel3dhow would I go about fixing the open with list hence clean it up a little, i dont know what i did but everything is trying to open with stupid wine?12:36
HorofoxDr_Willis: will take a look tnx12:37
Gaspoderigved: Thany you so much :-) It's working now. You are a star!!12:37
ActionParsnipWulfy: top -n 1 | head -n 1312:38
ActionParsnipmight be -c 112:38
rigvedGaspode, np. you are welcome!12:39
ActionParsnipWulfy: use the first command ;)12:39
Wulfythanks ActionParsnip  nailed it thanks sorry not enuff coffee this morning12:40
Mrokiinodel3d: I don't know where to find these options in Standard Ubuntu, but the app "Ubuntu Tweak" contains a "File Type Manager" that might be of help.12:40
nodel3d ok Thanks12:42
kisukeMrokii: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:42
ActionParsnipWulfy: np bro12:42
Mrokiikisuke: 10.10, but I've been using Ubuntu Tweak with at 10.04 and 9.x as well.12:42
kisukeMrokii: so just plain ubuntu, try system>prefrences>orefered programs12:43
kisukeprefered prgrams*12:43
Wulfysigh.... running a vps node and cant really use something like fail2ban to prevent ssh brute force attacks, any other hints to deal?12:45
kisukeah yes 1245z when every one shows up12:45
Mrokiikisuke: Nope, that's not quite the same. With Ubuntu Tweak you are able to specifically change preferred apps for all kinds of files (depending on the file-extensions).12:45
jribWulfy: why can't you use fail2ban?12:46
llutzWulfy: use iptables to limit ssh-login-attempts12:46
Wulfyjrib apprently its bad practice to use such apps on a vps node it can impact on the vps's (?)12:47
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jribWulfy: I don't understand... it's just a piece of software that monitors logs...12:47
Pumpkin-thats "interesting", because it sounds totally untrue. I'd love to know the reasoning behind that12:48
yellabs-r2hello all12:49
milen8204anyone knows a program which makes a virtual CDs from .iso files12:49
robot7phey people, what the best program to programing in php?12:49
jribWulfy: I would just use fail2ban or denyhosts but some people claim that changing your ssh port reduces the number of brute force attempts, so you might try that if there's some (strange) policy on your vps against such software12:49
bethdo97Iwas told that installing ubuntu using the WUBI program, does not install a fully functional version of Ubuntu  In the ubuntu beginners forum, I was told that once I was sure that I wanted to keep an installation of ubuntu on my computer, I would have to uninstall the WUBI installed version and reinstall using a dedicated partition mode for Ubuntu.  Is this true?12:49
jribmilen8204: what is a virtual cd?  Do you just want to mount the .iso?12:49
yellabs-r2i was installing ubuntu server  enterprise cloud, and thought i would be able to work with it right away, now it seems to ask me for an account, its not free ? as in open source .. ?12:50
jribbethdo97: it's fully functional.  It's just installed on a file in your ntfs partition instead of on its own partition12:50
milen8204jrib,  yes but to loock like CD12:50
jrib!mount | milen820412:50
ubottumilen8204: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:50
jrib!iso | milen820412:50
ubottumilen8204: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:50
Wulfyjrib,  its not a vps issue per say its the node running the vps i cant install software on the node that will impact the virtual servers hosted on it12:51
llutzWulfy: why should it impact the hosted vpss?12:51
bethdo97jrib: So I will be able to add applications and and access all of the features?12:52
bethdo97Can version 10.10 be installed with the WUBI installer?12:52
Wulfyllutz, not sure im running off what ive read on some documentation12:52
llutzWulfy: it just checks logs and changes iptables rules accordingly. how does that affect those vps12:52
Wulfyllutz,  as its standerd praactice to also disable iptables on the node12:53
bethdo97Is there anywhere to find out about Linux based medical/healthcare applications that might be available?12:53
llutzWulfy: strange vps... check denyhosts, it won't use iptables12:53
Wulfyllutz,  thanks and again, its not the vps :) its the hardware running the vps's :) but ill look into it12:54
_sara_någon i Sverige?12:55
llutzWulfy: i did understand, but all of _my_ vps are using iptables. so it sounds strange to me, to disable it for the vps12:55
bethdo97Can version 10.10 be installed using the Ubuntu WUBI installer?12:56
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se12:58
_sara_backbox:  hej12:58
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_sara_Lint1: ja, i know12:59
_sara_english is my first language12:59
backboxhow is ya _sara_12:59
_sara_i just wondered if anyone spoke svenska12:59
arand!offtopic | _sara_12:59
ubottu_sara_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:59
dagnytaggartGreetings. I am looking for some assistance in writing inputs from the command line. In particular, I can run '"gpg" [Press Enter]. Program then responds with "Enter input", I enter input, then press "Ctrl-D" - program then closes and outputs the result I want to stdout. This is the behavior I am looking for, just without the human input - need to condense it down to one statement entered on the command line. Thoughts?13:01
Wulfyllutz, using it ON the vps's is fine im talking about on the node running the virtalisation software13:02
kisukedagnytaggart: i take it what i said eariler id not help?13:02
dagnytaggartkisuke: Alas, no.13:02
Lint1dagnytaggart, pipes, <, <<<13:03
kisukedagnytaggart: have you looked at "man gpg"?13:03
llutzWulfy: ah ok, at least i got it now;)13:03
dagnytaggartLint1: Example of command? 'some string text here' | gpg, doesn't do it.13:03
Lint1dagnytaggart, why?13:04
dagnytaggartkisuke: Yes, pretty thoroughly. Really oriented towards files.13:04
Wulfyllutz,  :-)13:04
Lint1echo 'foo' | gpg - ?13:04
dagnytaggartNice :-) Adding echo did it.13:05
dagnytaggartNew at bash.13:05
jribdagnytaggart: you should tell us why you want to do this?  What do you want to accomplish?13:05
dagnytaggartLooking to extract the name and e-mail address from a GPG public key provided by a user in ASCII text.13:05
dagnytaggartFrom PHP, automatically.13:06
dagnytaggartBut I think I've got it with piping in with echo.13:06
dagnytaggartAppreciate the help all.13:07
jribdagnytaggart: I'm sure there's some sort of php library for interacting with gpg instead of hashing out bash commands13:07
jribhttp://php.net/manual/en/book.gnupg.php *sigh*13:08
yassinehi folks, anyone of you is able to access gtalk using the default im client of ubuntu (empathy) ?13:08
kisukejrib: dont you mean "bash"ing at it?13:08
jribkisuke: heh13:09
MrokiiDamn. How can I make Nautilus *not* showing the path as breadcrumb (I want it to be as a text-input). I am using Nautilus-Elementary, and the option in "edit/preferences" doesn't do anything).13:09
stefanoyassine, you have to configure it13:10
stefanollok here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-voice-chat-with-google-talk-user-using-empathy.html13:11
jribMrokii: there's an option in gconf-editor (/apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_bar) that may or not be exposed in nautilus preferences13:11
Mrokiijrib: Ah thanks.13:11
MrokiiThat was what I am looking for, just forgot where to do that, heh.13:11
yassinestefano, i did but its not working no matter what i do even setting the servers and ssl ignoe etc13:12
jribMrokii: I can't even get mine to show breadcrumbs so I'm not sure13:12
stefanomine works13:12
jribMrokii: yeah, it appears to be that option (I just tried)13:12
foxjazz_hey, running unity remix13:12
stefanotick use old ssl13:12
Mrokiijrib: Well, the option in gconf works for me.13:12
foxjazz_on netbook 1015pem13:13
stefanotick ignore ssl certificate13:13
stefanoserver talk.google.com13:13
kisukewow, shortest ssh session i have ever done <login> sudo reboot now13:13
stefanoport 522313:13
stefanothat's all...for me it works, i'm on maverick13:14
hacker-24daahow change network setting ??13:14
m4rtinat what stage in network configuration are routes added? (ie. the route to my gateway doesn't have to be added statically, but where is this information coming from? DHCP?)13:14
hacker-24daano,thats not.,13:14
no4dont forget to herp before you derp13:14
hacker-24daai am use prolink13:14
hacker-24daapcm 10013:14
hacker-24daabut,it detect 1x,no EVDO13:15
Guest33997Hi, I have a small problem with  a wired eth. worked initially, stopped, assigned ip, ping rtr, worked for a few pings, tried to ping cloud, quit. not sure how to reinstall driver. Noob to Ubuntu.13:17
m4rtinnm, found it: option 3 in DHCP spec13:17
ikoniaGuest33997: ping cloud ?13:17
foxjazz_anyway what is mutter and why does it take up soo much memory?13:17
Guest33997"interner:  :)13:17
Guest33997internet, cant type either!13:17
ikoniaGuest33997: ok, you probably need to get a dhcp address from your router, rather than assign one manually13:18
wingnut2626does anyone know how to get game genie on gfceu?13:18
Guest33997That worked after installing OS.13:18
=== king is now known as Guest27387
ikoniaGuest33997: that would be the most common reason, I suggest you look at that as your first point of call13:19
Guest33997refuses to take DHCP.\13:19
ikoniaGuest33997: then that is an issue13:19
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Guest33997ikonia: appreciate reply, not really sure how to reinstall driver, or the windows driver designed fro my board.13:21
hacker-24daaplease help me.,13:21
ikoniaGuest33997: you don't need to re-install a driver,13:21
hacker-24daai am use smart card.,13:22
hacker-24daanot dynamic IP13:22
hacker-24daaits statick13:22
Guest33997I knew a lot about computers, until i installed Ubuntu, anyway...13:22
hacker-24daacan it change into EVDO13:22
ikoniaGuest33997: I had no idea why you are telling me this, swap your network card to DHCP and attempt to get a dhcp address from the router13:22
hacker-24daain windows.,its run automatically13:22
Guest33997srry, thanks for advice13:23
kisukeDr_Willis: what does this look like to you? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566594/13:26
squaregoldfishWhere can I find the list of ! commands for this channel? GoogleFu has failed me...13:26
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kisukesquaregoldfish: there is not one i think, you will pock them up fairly quickly though13:26
jribubottu: tell squaregoldfish about yourself13:27
ubottusquaregoldfish, please see my private message13:27
Guest33997ikonia: honestly I would nvr ask for advice, it has been days of troubleshooting. its just that it worked fine on install. not sure how to track down the problem. I know there a re logs, not sure which one i need to figure out whats happing. I simply don't know enough about Ubuntu.13:27
jayantI had Ubuntu10.04 installed using wubi. I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 and post installation I was prompted to reboot. Upon boot I have a black screen with the following--> error: no such device: 9f5f4016-f31a-4af6-852f-4502712a528f. Then--> grub rescue>13:27
kisukehttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/566594/ any idea whats going wrong here?13:28
squaregoldfishjrib: Thanks13:29
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philsdutchieHow can I add bluetooth to the sendto destinations of Nautilus?13:29
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Philip__Anybody have a Upgrade fail and it'd roll back the changes?13:30
cabbrick1243kisuke: try checking the filesystem13:30
kisukecabbrick1243: just as soon as i can get something mostly competent that will look at NTFS13:31
cabbrick1243kisuke: is this on a ntfs partition?13:31
kisukecabbrick1243: yes13:32
ActionParsnipPhilip__: you should boot to root recovery mode and run: apt-get -f install    to make the upgrade complete13:32
cabbrick1243kisuke: yea check that for corruption on a windows disk or something like that (Such as Hiren's boot disk)13:33
abc___hi im looking for a distro which ships kernel > 2.6.3513:33
Roo79hi I am having trouble connecting to chat.frostwire.com with empathy13:33
schnuffleabc___: maverick has 2.6.3513:34
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kisukecabbrick1243: if i had a 1tb free right now, id off and reformat it to ext3, make my life easier13:34
abc___schnuffle: i know i need 2.6.36 min13:34
chris_osxabc___: maybe gentoo has got something to offer for you13:35
mariaWhat audio system does Lucid Lynx use?13:35
cabbrick1243kisuke: yes that would most likely help ;)13:35
abc___chris_osx: seems like its gonna be gentoo or arch again yeah13:35
Wulfyabc__ you did state you wanted 2.6.35 now its .36?13:35
abc___id like to use the newest natty alpha but natty ships with old gnome + unity13:36
mariaWhat audio system does Lucid Lynx use?13:36
schnuffleabc___: there're backports13:36
abc___maria: pulseaudio13:36
rigved!pulseaudio | maria13:36
ubottumaria: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions13:36
mariaDoesn't work!13:36
abc___schnuffle: for gnome3?13:36
Roo79is this where I can get help for empathy? their website says to come here?? please help13:37
kisukecabbrick1243: pf corse, its the one error i always get with NTFS drives, extra clusters...13:37
mariaWhat's wrong?13:37
bc81Roo79: what is your question13:37
schnuffleabc___: no for the kernel, lease ask what you want and don't mix up things13:37
mariaWhy do I get disconnected...?13:37
Philip__How do I boot into root?13:37
cabbrick1243kisuke: ok, hopefully you don't lose much data13:38
bc81!root | Philip__13:38
ubottuPhilip__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:38
Roo79can not connect to chat.frostwire.com with empathy13:38
=== maria is now known as anvo
kisukecabbrick1243: as do i.13:38
kisukecabbrick1243: just looks like extra stuuf got addded while moving stuf to the drive so we will see13:39
rigved!sudo | Philip__13:39
ubottuPhilip__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:39
antoninjai un probleme13:39
ActionParsnipPhilip__: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root13:39
anvoIs there any guide how to resolve pulse audio issues?13:39
abc___schnuffle: those backports (kernel ppa) have bad support, plus i also need a newer ati driver13:39
schnuffleRoo79: any more precise info about the problem?13:39
antoninje peux pas mettre le moindre fichier dans repertoire www de apache13:39
ActionParsnipanvo: in what sense, what is your issue?13:39
abc___schnuffle: id like to use something that is officially supported13:39
Roo79empathy says network error is all13:39
anvoI have no sounds, though all hardware is OK and Pulse installed!13:40
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schnuffleabc___: so for what do you need a newer kernel, any hardware issues?13:40
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anvoI'm under 10.04.13:40
abc___schnuffle: so basically newer kernel + newer xorg13:40
AbhijiT!away > nikhil_13:40
ubottunikhil_, please see my private message13:40
Roo79I'm new to all this sorry, pidgin worked before13:40
Philip__How do I get Nvidia graphics driver 96 under 10.10 as they stopped it in the hard-ware drivers.13:41
schnuffleRoo79: okay so its empathy specific, I use pidgin can't help you13:41
ActionParsnipanvo: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh13:41
gordonjcpPhilip__: isn't there a PPA for it?13:42
anvoActionParsnip, just a sec13:42
ActionParsnipPhilip__: use the hardware driver app under system13:42
Philip__ActionParsnip I said they stopped it in the driver app.13:42
gordonjcpPhilip__: which card have you got?13:42
Roo79ok thanks I'm just trying to give empathy a chance I'm no expert but it seem like a bad app for dummies like me13:42
Philip__Nvidia geforce FX 5200 AGP8x 256MB13:43
Philip__173 drivers Crash ALOT.13:43
abc___anvo: uninstall it13:43
abc___anvo: or install pavucontrol13:43
gordonjcpPhilip__: onboard, or separate card?13:43
Philip__AGP8x is plugin card DUH.13:43
anvoabc_ pavucontrol shows no hardware device!13:44
gordonjcpPhilip__: righto, how's the weather where you are just now?13:44
abc___anvo: try running alsaconf13:44
Philip__32 degrees LOL.13:44
abc___anvo: i guess sudo alsaconf13:44
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-glx-96 maverick13:44
ubottunvidia-glx-96 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-96): Transitional package for nvidia-glx-96. In component restricted, is optional. Version 96.43.19-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)13:44
ActionParsnipPhilip__: install the nvidia-glx-96 package13:44
kk9822i am using ubuntu 10.1013:45
gordonjcpPhilip__: take the Geforce 5200 out of your machine, go to the park and find the model boating club near the pond, give it to someone who wants to moor a very very small boat, and then go to the shop and spend £30 on a card made this decade13:45
LinuxManDanIs there software for Linuxu that will show where all the space is being used?13:45
anvoMy alsa-info.sh output13:45
kk9822i want to know if i reinstall the software my data will be lost13:45
Philip__Can't I have a old system.13:45
abc___anvo: does anything work yet?13:46
Philip__It's either this, or a Nvidia Geforce 5600 AGP8x...13:46
anvoalsaconf is for ISA sound cards detection!13:46
anvoMy sound system is intergrated on the mobo!13:47
rigvedLinuxManDan, try this in the terminal - df -h13:47
abc___anvo: always worked for me on pci too13:47
bc81Roo79: the address you gave says, "FrostClick is under maintenance"13:47
abc___anvo: maybe try to get the alsa-drivers package13:47
rigvedLinuxManDan, also, you can use this to find out the usage of all the sub-folders in the current folder - du -h13:47
anvoabc_ alsa is also installed!13:48
Philip__I would use my Integrated graphics VIAK8M800 64MB, but, They don't support Widescreen 16x9 under linux.13:48
ActionParsnipanvo: select Yes to upload to the site and a URL in RED is generated, what is the URL13:48
anvoAnd maybe it conflicts with pulse!13:48
abc___anvo: yeah, but alsa-drivers is a seperate package with newer alsa drivers13:48
abc___anvo: try uninstalling pulse then, theres no disadvantage13:48
ActionParsnipanvo: ok, spotted it13:48
anvoActionParsnip,  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=aa646cf909d92c46002fa5bfe8819bc6556f651513:48
anvoActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=aa646cf909d92c46002fa5bfe8819bc6556f651513:48
schnuffleLinuxManDan: there is Baobab13:48
Roo79@bc81 thanks I'll recheck chat through frostwire itself13:49
kk9822i want to know if i reinstall the software my data will be lost13:49
skutr3hey can someone help me with my sound i have no audio13:49
kk9822i want to know if i reinstall the software my data will be lost13:49
LinuxManDanI am looking for one that shows folders and sizes so I can find out why I only have a little space left on my Linux drive.13:49
anvosudo apt-get remove --purge pulse-audio ?13:49
kk9822or only operating system will be installed13:49
ActionParsnipanvo: you have no driver version in that output, you need to have one listed. If you use http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ and only use the driver bits, you can get 1.0.23 driver listed13:49
schnufflekk9822: do you have a seperate  /home partition?13:49
abc___anvo: yes13:49
LinuxManDanThat Baobab looks promising,  Thank you13:50
squaregoldfish!sound > skutr313:50
ubottuskutr3, please see my private message13:50
skutr3anvo: unable to locate package pulse audio13:50
schnufflekk9822: then you can reinstall without loosing data but you have to take care while partitioning13:50
schnufflekk9822: backup anyway13:51
anvoskutr3, It's pulse-audio!13:51
schnuffleLinuxManDan: your welcome13:51
anvoActionParsnip, I don't understand your advice...!  Does alsa-conf.sh show my sound card?13:52
schnufflekk9822: like, don't reformat the home partition and make sure it gets mounted to the riht place13:52
yeatskk9822: during the partitioning step, select your current /home partition to be used as /home, but do not choose to format it13:52
rigved!pulseaudio | skutr313:52
ubottuskutr3: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions13:52
kk9822ok thanks13:52
saliakIf i want to run my eeepc900 netbook with ubuntu on it in clamshell mode (that is, with the lid closed), is that a ubuntu configuration thing (like, disable response to the on/off switch) or a bios/hardware thing?13:52
ActionParsnipanvo: yes, but there is a part of that listing driver, tools and utility. You have no driver version which would cause your issue13:53
ActionParsnipanvo: how do you mean "whatever"?13:53
ActionParsnipanvo: bit disjointed13:53
anvoWhatever I meant some talking about the actual name of pulse package...13:54
rigvedsaliak, you can set the option which puts your laptop to sleep when the lid is closed. set it to do nothing13:54
ActionParsnipanvo: the link I gave gives install instructions for the alsa driver, all you have to do is use the sections relating to the driver and ignore the utils and lib bits and you will be fine13:54
saliakrigved - that's a ubuntu option? any idea where it is?13:54
saliakrigved - nevermind, found it13:55
dementekillsomebody know how to recover erased data from a hard drive13:55
ActionParsnipdementekill: backups are going to be easiest by far13:55
kisukedementekill: depends on how thouroghly it was erased13:55
sosaiteddementekill, Also depends on  the FIlesystem,13:56
sjkHello. I'm about to start the process of installind Ubuntu onto my MacBook (4,1). I'd like to dualboot OS X and Ubuntu. I have looked at the Ubuntu Mactel wiki, and I have a question. The wiki suggests that I create one single partition for /. Would creating several smaller partitions (one for /boot, one for /home, one for /usr, etc) bring me trouble?13:56
ActionParsnipdementekill: foremost can possibly restore data assuming it isn't overwritten with new data but its not 100% reliable13:56
llutzsjk: no trouble but no benefits too (except /home maybe)13:56
cabbrick1243sjk: why would you want to do that?13:56
Mrokiidementekill: PhotoRec might be of help13:57
dementekillwhich program might i use?13:57
anvoAlright, cat /proc/asound/version says no such file or directory!13:57
sjkllutz, cabbrick1243: Imagine that a program fills /var/log with logs to the extent that I cannot log in!13:57
sjk(For example!)13:57
Mrokiidementekill: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec13:57
anvoThat means no alsa installed!13:57
anvoThen, why "alsamixer" does open an curses volume control?13:58
schnuffledementekill: make a copy with dd so you can experiment on a copy13:58
sjkOr that something else breaks and starts filling the disk with garbage. Much better if just one partition fills up, I'd still be able to boot then.13:58
llutzsjk: theres some reserved space on the filesystem to prevent that (mkfs-ext4 -m)13:58
anvoHow do I install alsa in 10.04, given that Pulse is the default sound system?13:58
cabbrick1243sjk: sounds a bit paranoid, but it is possible to do this13:59
sjkOther reason is that with several partitions I could use several mount options for each13:59
arandanvo: afaik, PA is used on top of alsa...13:59
sjkSome partitions could be noexec, for example13:59
anvoarand, so you're saying I should remove PA!14:00
llutzsjk: do it, it won't harm but as i said, the practical benefits are minimal14:00
cabbrick1243sjk: you could also do that with the file permissions themselves14:00
schnufflesjk: your arguments are true, but my experience is that normal user more often have the problem that they don't know how much space to allocate for each, don't have LVM and get stucked with partitiotns being full14:00
sjkcabbrick1243, yes, but if one of the system services gets compromised I wont be able to stop it from creating an executable file in /tmp unless /tmp is mounted noexec :)14:01
anvoBut is Pulse... uninstallable? Isn't part of Ubuntu Desktop?14:01
sjkschnuffle, *nod*14:01
schnufflesjk: nod?14:01
cabbrick1243sjk: you own a mac and yet you worry about a comprimise in Ubuntu?14:02
kisukecabbrick1243: they are a smart mac owner14:02
bc81nod (nod your head in agreement/understanding)14:02
sjkOkay, so I've used bootcamp to divide the disk in half, I suppose I'll divide the ubuntu half up in several partitions when I've booted the intall CD.14:02
LEPalombohola a todxs14:02
SoftarPaulI'm using a PHP-script for uploading images to a directory. But when the image is uploaded it gets a lock on the file. How can I change this? It's not feeling good14:03
sjkschnuffle, what bc81 said. :)14:03
LEPalomboonly english??14:03
sjkcabbrick1243, why wouldn't I? :)14:03
sjkLEPalombo, try #ubuntu-es14:03
cabbrick1243sjk: OSX can be compromised...14:04
sjk(But Ubuntu cannot?)14:04
llutzsjk: i'd suggest fs-encryptio, its more important on a laptop if it gets lost/stolen14:04
SoftarPauldoes anyone know how I can delete the lock on my files in the directory?14:04
sjkllutz, interesting idea! Can that be done with ext4?14:04
anvoapt-get install alsa says alsa is already installed!!!14:05
llutzsjk: afaik yes, there should be howtos in the forums14:05
cabbrick1243sjk: Theoretically yes, but in the way which you are talking is very unlikely14:05
schnuffleSoftarPaul: delete the lock file14:05
SoftarPaulschnuffle: Hehe. I'm using a PHP-script for uploading images to a directory. But when the image is uploaded it gets a lock on the file. How can I change this? It's not feeling good14:05
sjkcabbrick1243, what? A bug in any system service would be enough!14:06
sjkllutz, thanks! I'll have a look14:06
cabbrick1243sjk: lol ok then have fun, its your system14:06
anaconda0what's the easiest way to type IPA characters in ubuntu?14:07
saliakrigved - actually, still shuts down when i close the lid.  it looks like it behaves the same as when the power button is pushed.  unfortunately, "do nothign" isn't an option for "when power button is pushed".  anyone know of a way around that?14:07
=== Guest64955 is now known as LjL-Temp
LjLanaconda0: easiest to set up is surely to copypaste them from the charmap... :P but to type them easily, there is a SCIM input method. i use KDE and set this up long ago, though, so not sure... let me look14:08
SoftarPaulHow to change the permission of a directory so anyone can write, see and edit in it?14:09
LjLSoftarPaul: chmod a+rwx directory14:09
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest21831
izinucsSoftarPaul: sudo chmod -r 777 <path/to/directory>14:09
sjkcabbrick1243, have you never seen for example IRC drones that run on *nix computers? Many of them get infected by PHP bugs etc. Creating a bunch of extra partitions is not a whole lot of work, and it was certainly considered good practice when I started using Linux.14:09
LjLanaconda0: uhm, actually now that i think of it, the whole input method thing has changed a lot since Hardy (which is what i use)14:09
ActionParsnipizinucs: not hugely secure...14:09
sjkOr more like the only way to go about it :)14:09
sjkBut indeed, it is my system, so I do as I wish! Thanks for the input, though.14:10
bc81anaconda0: for single letters, you can hold ctrl+shift then type the code eg:  ctrl+shift u00f814:10
anaconda0LjL: what about  uim-xim?14:10
izinucsActionParsnip: actually quite wide open to anything. yick.. yet that's what he asked for.14:10
SoftarPaulLjL: izinucs: I get a syntaxerror. Unexpected symbol "newline"14:10
anaconda0bc81: yes, I already know that, but I find that cumbersome. I'd rather have something like "hold crtl + any letter" and I get an IPA letter for every one of the 26+ keys.14:10
LjLanaconda0: don't know, i use SCIM and it comes with (or i installed) a keyboard called IPA-X-SAMPA14:11
anaconda0LjL: CanI  still use scim with 10.04 LTS?14:11
schnufflesjk: it's still good pratice but we're talking mostly about desktop system for normal users. All my servers have multile partitions, but I know what I want14:11
ActionParsnipizinucs: as long as they understand its a REALLY bad idea14:11
LjLanaconda0: i have no idea :(14:12
craiggleshey guys, im wanting to know a decent app for voip over lan, basically i just want to be able to talk to my brother on our local network with mics14:12
ActionParsnipcraiggles: muble or ekiga maybe14:12
LjLSoftarPaul: what did you type exactly?14:12
anaconda0LjL, bc81: thanks guys14:12
ActionParsnipcraiggles: or you could run a teamspeak server14:12
rigvedsaliak, well, then you may have to manually configure this. wait, let me check if i can find out anything14:12
craigglesActionParsnip: thanks14:12
sjkschnuffle, I guess it's not quite as necessary on a laptop as it is on a server14:12
SoftarPaulLjL: sudo chmod -R 777 </var/www/thumbs>14:12
schnufflesjk: that's it :)14:13
LjLSoftarPaul: leave the < >14:13
bc81anaconda0: old thread, but maybe helpful to you? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75431114:14
SoftarPaulLjL: Thanks!14:14
izinucsSoftarPaul: why are you doing that there?..14:14
izinucsSoftarPaul: you installing Joomla or some other cms?14:14
SoftarPaulizinucs: No, I've done the script myself14:15
izinucsSoftarPaul: anything in /var/www should have an owner of "www-data".. which allows the apache server to "server" it on the web..14:16
izinucsSoftarPaul: you might not need to change the permissions at all if the files are owned by the right thing14:16
SoftarPaulizinucs: But why does I get a lock on the files?14:17
izinucsSoftarPaul: when?14:18
SoftarPaulNow I've uploaded one more file and it's still a lock on it...14:18
schnuffleSoftarPaul: that depends totally on your script14:18
BluesKajHiyas all14:18
izinucsSoftarPaul: is this on a commercial server? or your own server?14:18
schnuffleSoftarPaul: do you close the file before the end of the script?14:18
SoftarPaulizinucs: My own right now14:19
=== windGone is now known as windkids
llutzizinucs: "anything in /var/www should have an owner of "www-data"  means that the web-server has writeaccess to nearly all files. sounds not very clever14:19
izinucsSoftarPaul: as in .. in your house ?14:19
SoftarPaulschnuffel: No. I must that or?14:19
SoftarPaulizinucs: Yes14:19
SoftarPaulOn this computer14:19
schnuffleSoftarPaul: of course you should raise your php skills :)14:19
SoftarPaulschnuffel: fclose?14:20
nabukadnezar43hi is there a gui application to tweak firewall14:20
nabukadnezar43i want to make an exception for a bittorrent client14:20
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: ufw14:20
vishnabukadnezar43: firestarter or ufw14:20
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: or firestarter14:20
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.14:20
nabukadnezar43ok thanks14:20
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: guarddog is the kde frontend14:21
schnuffleSoftarPaul: yes14:21
rigvedsaliak, you still there? i think i found a solution14:21
izinucsllutz: write access can be changed but without the owner as www-data then things tend no to run there.  If you have an alternative idea let me know.  I'm all ears/eyes14:21
SoftarPaulschnuffel: I still get a lock on the file...14:21
nabukadnezar43sudo ufw allow udp/port and sudo ufw allow tcp/portnumber14:21
nabukadnezar43is that all14:21
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: what more do you need....14:22
nabukadnezar43i dont need anything more14:22
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schnuffleizinucs: use fastcgi so that you can decouple scripts from served files14:22
nabukadnezar43i said it's great14:22
llutzizinucs: i don't have to deal with webservers for a while now, but "in those days" file were owned user:www-data  so the server has access (group) but not write-access14:22
izinucsSoftarPaul: did you setup ftp to upload files to?14:22
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: "is that all" sounds like unsatisfied to me14:22
subseaWhere can I find "libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3"14:22
rigvedsaliak, type gconf-editor in the terminal. then using the left side panel, open apps > gnome-power-manager > buttons. set the lid_ac option to nothing. done! now try it14:22
nabukadnezar43no i wasnt being sarcastic14:23
SoftarPaulizinucs: I have no ftp, no14:23
nabukadnezar43"is that all" as in "is it that simple"14:23
nabukadnezar43sorry for being unclear :)14:23
llutzizinucs: permissions 755/64414:23
ActionParsnipi see, all good :D14:24
izinucsllutz: like owner www-data:root .. sure.. that's good lots of times .. probably most of the time.  Some CMS's like Joomla require write access to lots of stuff..  it then gets time consuming releaseing write access to different individual files14:25
rigvedsaliak, also, do that for the lid_battery option in case you want to use this feature when your laptop is on battery14:25
llutzizinucs: giving "global" writeaccess because setting correct permissions takes time is inaceptable (imho), it forces security holes.14:27
nabukadnezar43ActionParsnip: is ufw enabled by default?14:27
schnufflellutz: +114:27
ActionParsnipnabukadnezar43: the firewall is enabled by default, ufw is just a gui to configure it14:29
nabukadnezar43ok thanks for the info14:29
shentinoHow do I move my desktop to a different VT?  I'd like to park it on vt12 instead of the default vt714:30
izinucsllutz: you're right there.  quick fix for a test server but not good practice.14:30
dD0Thttp://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=747 <-- Contains various urls which are no links. Also some of them seem to be outdated ( www.ubuntu.com/services for example).14:30
subseaI am trying to run GLview 6.5 but it stops and saying it needs to library : "libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3" In what package is this located?14:31
nabukadnezar43i still get firewalled error in azureus14:31
nabukadnezar43despite i've forwarded ports and allowed it to pass firewall14:32
nabukadnezar43that's pretty weird14:32
kevdogHey whats the deal with the com cafe in the forums?  Its been down for like 3 weeks14:33
ikoniakevdog: ask in #ubuntuforums14:34
Dr_Willisshentino:  dirty way would be to make copies of the /etc/init/tty*.conf files to fill in the rest. :) but im not 100% sure that would work.14:35
Dr_Willisshentino:  why would you want it on 12 anyway?14:35
elisa87how can i  use wireless in ubuntu14:35
shentinoI just do.  Long answer is I need moar vt's and it's convenient to scoot my desktop over to number 1214:36
shentinopark a top on 1114:36
shentinoand have 1-10 be gettys14:36
* shentino has already done that /etc/init thingy to start more ttys14:36
Dr_Williselisa87:  clarify the questopm a bit.  I just use the network manager to connect to wireless14:36
elisa87can someone let me know what are the commands for using  wireless in ubuntu?14:36
izinucsshentino: why not use screen/byobu?14:36
llutzshentino: learn to use "gnu-screen" if you need more vts14:36
Dr_Willisshentino:  well the /etc/init/tty1.conf trick will give you moar ttys14:36
ActionParsnipelisa87: run: sudo lshw -C network; lsusb    one line will identify the chip and you can find guides based on that14:37
* shentino already did the tty trick to get more vts, he just needs to move gdm over to 1214:37
bc81elisa, are you still having rfkill troubles?14:37
shentinoscreen dudes:  Only a real vt works with a few of my programs.  Screen is nice but it's not good enough.14:37
Dr_Willisshentino:  if it dident auto-move then there must be some gdm config setting in the gdm files.14:37
elisa87bc81 I don't get  what you  say14:38
shentinoDr:  I'm looking for that setting right now.  I checked the proc dir for my X server and it was explicitly given a "vt7" argument, but for the life of me I can't detective out the part where gdm tells X to run on vt714:38
shentinoSo far, no luck14:38
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Dr_Willisshentino:  use grep on the config files/dirs i guess.. ive never noticed the settings14:38
shentinoBeen there, done that :P14:39
shentinofound zippo14:39
llutzshentino: only thing i found is /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers::0 local /usr/bin/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp14:39
shentinolet me look there14:39
shentinoThat directory presently does not exist14:39
* shentino is using the mini cd after an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:40
suboneIs there a script or something I can tie into that is called when I go from 2 monitors to 1 or 1 to 2? I need to realign my desktop screenlets when one monitor is off14:40
shentinollutz:  Couldn't find that14:40
shentinoI sent a mail to ubuntu-users on the mls14:41
llutzshentino: /etc/X11/xdm/14:41
Dr_Willissubone:  you are actually using 'screenlets' ?14:41
shentinoThat directory doesn't exist on my system14:41
suboneDr_Willis, yes14:41
blozzterhello, I have a problem with the resolution in ubuntu 10.0414:41
gsooodoes anyone know how to make a ppp connection available to normal users?14:41
shentinoI'm using Maverick btw14:42
Dr_Willissubone:  im not sure if theres a good fix. and Im not sure if screenlets is even being actively developed any more.14:42
llutzshentino: thats odd, but also clarifies that gdm wouldn't use that setting i found before14:42
shentinoI didn't install from the official CD...I used the mini CD and then installed ubuntu-desktop14:42
gsooodoes anyone know how to make a ppp connection available to normal users?14:42
llutzshentino: maverick here to, from alternate-cd14:42
Dr_Willisgsooo:  as in the users can start/stop the connection? or as in use it to get to the internet?14:43
suboneDr_Willis, well, it seems to be hit or miss finding a widget system that is still being developed and worth a crap... but anyway, i'm pretty sure i can swap out config files and restart the daemon, but i need a way to know when ubuntu recognizes it has switched to using only one monitor14:43
Dr_Willissubone:  i always found widgits rather lacking.. of course in the next ubuntu release.. the will proberly fall out of favor even more.14:44
NikSHi all, I have a doubt.. Can I compile my java programs on the version of Openjdk that comes with Ubuntu desktop by default?14:44
gsoooDr_Willis, : no i can make the connection with sudo, bt the connection is undetected by the other programes, still i can use the connection when programmes are run with sudo14:44
Dr_Willissubone:  you could check the xrandr output.  as part of some script14:44
shentinoSo I've ran grep on every file I can find in /etc (recursive grep) and the keyword "vt7" doesn't show up anywhere useful14:44
bc81gsooo: in network manager there's a box to check "make available to all users"14:44
* shentino is officially stumped14:44
Dr_Willisgsooo:  Hmm. could be they need to be in a specific group. there is a dialup factoid14:44
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up14:44
gsoooim not using network manager, use pon14:45
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suboneDr_Willis, meaning i'd have to run it constantly.... not prefered... i dont use the current release btw, still using 9.1014:45
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Wulfywhats the best way to determine whats causing system load14:45
Dr_Willissubone:  how are you durning on/off monitors anyway? make an icon.. you change monitors.. you click it. to set the configs to the other set.14:45
gsoooim already connected bt the problem is that it's only available to root :(14:46
BiPolahWulfy: System > Administration > System Monitor > Processes14:46
schnuffleWulfy: top, htop ...14:46
WulfyBiPolah,  from command line?14:46
Wulfyschnuffle,  ta14:46
Dr_Willisgsooo:  i would double check that factoid. it may have someclue as to what to try to fix. I dont even have a modem on any machine thse days14:46
gsoooDr_Willis, : can it be due to a problem with the permissions or groups?14:47
Dr_Willisgsooo:  that would be my first guess.14:47
suboneDr_Willis, well, i was thinking that. I do have a script i use to turn one off, but i was just wondering if there was a surefire way to do something when ubuntu sees there are two or one  jik it is somehow initiated outside my scripts14:47
ActionParsnipWulfy: watch top for a while14:47
gsooonyway i've added my account to dip n dialout groups14:47
Dr_Willisthere used tobe a PPP group or dialup group ages ago14:47
gsooobt still not working14:48
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: wasn't it dialout14:48
ActionParsnipgsooo: launch the network management app with gksudo, may help14:48
Dr_WillisIve not had a house phone in like 10 years.. :) heh14:48
gsooook thanx i'll see14:49
suboneDr_Willis, I use scripts and launchers like "Left Display",  "Right Display", "Both Displays"14:49
NikSHi, Can I compile my java programs on the version of Openjdk that comes with Ubuntu desktop by default? I mean do I get jdk by default?14:49
WulfyActionParsnip,  yeah been doing that driving me nuts14:49
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suboneDr_Willis,  the launchers point to a script '~/scripts/display.sh' with params left, right, both14:49
ActionParsnipWulfy: what looks suspect?14:50
DynetrekkNikS: try typing "javac" in the terminal14:50
Dr_WillisNikS:  i think its not installed by default. the default is the icedtea java in the repos. You can install he sun java if you want14:50
DynetrekkNikS: most likely you will get a suggested package if it doesn't exist14:50
NikSDynetrekk: tried, it prompted me packages.. that is what confused me..14:50
schnuffleNikS: java is not installed in the default desktop14:50
WulfyActionParsnip,  ./dionaea (but this has prevously been running fine)14:51
DynetrekkNikS: conclusion is, it's not in the default install, so install some of those packages :)14:51
suboneDr_Willis, but sometimes other circumstances change the resolution. like if i play Diablo II in wine it turns off one monitor (logically) and I'm left with one desktop cloned on both14:51
gsoooim using Karmic, so i assume that the gnome-network-properties is what i should look into?14:51
NikSschnuffle ohk..14:51
Dr_Willissubone:  use xrandr and a script to set it back to how you want  after the game quits.14:51
BiPolahNikS: You can install Java alongside Flash and mp3 support, among other things, with Ubuntu Restricted Extras14:51
drexl_lubuntu won't start this is all I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/566656/14:52
NikSDynetrekk: ohk.. understood.. thank you, Dynetrekk, schnuffle and Dr_Willis14:52
ActionParsnipBiPolah: does the restricted extras enable the partner repo for you?14:52
gpcActionParsnip: no.14:52
Dr_Willisdrexl_:  you could of pasted the 1 line error message. instead of sending people to a pastebin :)14:53
Dr_Willisdrexl_:  what is saying that error? how are you starting lubuntu"?14:53
NikSBiPolah: thank you.. for now I need a jdk for my SCJP preparation! :) thanks for help!14:53
ActionParsnipdrexl_: is that from the livecd or an installed OS?14:53
gsoooDr_Willis, : im using Karmic, so i assume that the gnome-network-properties is what i should look into?14:53
drexl_ActionParsnip: it's an installed os14:53
Dr_Willisgsooo:  proberly. as ive said. ive not used dialup in 10+ yrs..14:54
Dr_Willisgsooo:  all i know.. sould be mentioned on that dialup wiki page.14:54
teddymillsI have a disk partition called /var, however I only want to mount /var/www (how can this be done?)14:54
gsoooim using a 3g modem14:54
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birrberthi boys and girls. I have a problem on my home server running Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS Server. whenever I run rtorrent after a while the server stops responding, the whole network dies and I have to reboot it manually. do you have any ideas why that happens?14:54
anodesniHi, I have 2 screens. Evince goes fullscreen in only one. I want it to stretch along both. Is it possible?14:54
BiPolahNikS: Bluefish and Netbeans are IDEs that support Java. You can try VisualVM as well14:55
suboneDr_Willis, right, i know as much, heres my script: http://pastebin.com/WPAZwFgk14:55
Guest46227hi, need to change wireless driver from ath9k to ath5k for ar9285 chip in maverick, what should I do? have compat-wireless downloaded from the official ubuntu repo, but haven't found the config tool (like athload)14:55
suboneDoes anyone know if there is a script that is run when Ubuntu recognizes a screen has been added/removed14:56
ActionParsnipdrexl_: boot to root recovery mode and run: sudo update-grub   may help14:56
drexl_ActionParsnip: ok14:56
NikSBiPolah, I am used to eclipse on windows.. was thinking of installing the same here.. will give a try to suggestions though.. :)14:57
Dr_Willissubone:  if such a thing exists.. it sounds like it might have some sort of 'dbus' function. (im just thinking about things ive read in the past)14:57
BiPolahNikS: You can get eclipse too. sudo apt-get install eclipse14:57
ActionParsnipdrexl_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/53102714:58
bc81subone: all i knw of is ~/.config/monitors.xml14:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 531027 in Ubuntu "spurious warning at boot time that is unrelated to your actual problem (dup-of: 532984)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 532984 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "GLIb-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" [Undecided,Invalid]14:58
gsoooDr_Willis, : the connection seems to be ok , btw im using a 3g modem14:58
gsoooDr_Willis, : i checked the /etc/resolve.conf and it seems ok too14:58
subonenever did get the damn monitors to stay asleep when running display.sh sleep from the computer locally14:58
Dr_Willisgsooo:  you are using it as a teather? or actualy dialing at 56K to some isp?14:58
gsoooDr_Willis, : well it dials to my mobile operator, and connects and i can access internet as root14:59
NikSohk.. :) thanks guys.. Have a very slow limited Internet here, will try the downloads late by night! bye for now..!14:59
Guest46227hi, need to change wireless driver from ath9k to ath5k for ar9285 chip in maverick, what should I do? have compat-wireless downloaded from the official ubuntu repo, but haven't found the config tool (like athload)15:00
gsooobt not as a regular user, thus i've to run every programe as root15:00
llutzgsooo: your user is member of "dialout" group?15:01
cronixhi all15:01
gsooollutz, : yeah15:02
cronixanyone here is using pxe and debmirror to provide a completely offline ubuntu installation envoirement?15:02
gsooollutz, : i init the connection with "sudo pon connection"15:02
cronixthe pxe part works fine for me, but the debmirror ubuntu mirror is giving me some headache15:02
cronixthe installer complains about a bad d-i packages file15:03
cronixand tells me that it couldnt download because the server gives a 404 on that file15:03
Sepukuhelp quickstart15:03
cronixbut if i download that file via webbrowser it works fine15:03
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z0mb1e_kgdhi, need to change wireless driver from ath9k to ath5k for ar9285 chip in maverick, what should I do? have compat-wireless downloaded from the official ubuntu repo, but haven't found the config tool (like athload)15:06
alterego712hey i installed xubuntu within ubuntu and i im still gettin like gnomes right click menu on desktop and my desktop from gnome15:06
alterego712is there anyway to fix this15:06
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, sudo modprobe ath5 ?15:08
z0mb1e_kgdwill check and revert15:08
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BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, run lsmod to see what modules are installed15:10
kevdogath5k -- that's not madwifi is it?15:10
kevdogI think only the madwifi drivers come with the config tools like athload15:11
ActionParsnipz0mb1e_kgd: make sure you blacklist the ath9k15:11
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kevdogblacklisting a module only prevents it from loading on startup if the module has been compiled into the kernel at buildtime15:11
testamenthi all15:12
testamenti've installed and started hamachi but i can't make it working correctly15:12
testamentsomeone can give me a little hint?15:13
teddymillsokay, if /var is existing..and there is no /var/www...can I mount my partitition to /var/www ?15:14
llutzteddymills: sure15:14
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, I have loaded the ath5k through modprobe as you said, lsmod shows ath5k at the very top of the list. How do I make it active?15:16
rigvedteddymills, yes you can but preferably mount it to /media15:16
izinucshow do you restart the system on cli? sudo restart now doesn't work so I'm missing something..15:16
suboneizinucs, sudo shutdown -r now15:16
alterego712i installed xubuntu thru term on ubuntu and when i log into xubuntu session im still gettin abunch of gnome stuff launchin when i start a xubuntu session15:16
rigvedizinucs, sudo shutdown -r now15:16
kevdogsudo init 615:16
kevdogThats less to type :)15:17
llutzizinucs: sudo reboot15:17
izinucssubone: rigved so the -r switch on shutdown is for reboot?15:17
suboneizinucs,  yes15:17
izinucsllutz: that's short and sweet.. I like it15:17
izinucsThanks.  I'll be back..15:17
ActionParsnipizinucs: yes, -h is halt (shutdown)15:17
izinucs-P turns power off.. (that one I know)15:18
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, sudo dhclient, as long as you have nm-applet settings enabled15:18
kevdogman shutdown explains the flags15:18
alterego712i installed xubuntu thru term on ubuntu and when i log into xubuntu session im still gettin abunch of gnome stuff launchin when i start a xubuntu session15:19
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, done15:20
rigvedalterego712, which gnome-stuff is being launched?15:20
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, did it show a connection lease15:20
alterego712power manager nautalus and such15:20
z0mb1e_kgdListening on LPF/eth0/70:5a:b6:c7:42:5615:21
z0mb1e_kgdSending on   LPF/eth0/70:5a:b6:c7:42:5615:21
z0mb1e_kgdListening on LPF/wlan0/f0:7b:cb:34:79:ff15:21
z0mb1e_kgdSending on   LPF/wlan0/f0:7b:cb:34:79:ff15:21
z0mb1e_kgdSending on   Socket/fallback15:21
FloodBot2z0mb1e_kgd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
z0mb1e_kgdDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 315:21
kevdogUse pastebin to post output15:21
^mNotIntelligenthi all15:22
lmvcHi guys, does anyone know how to surf the Internet through commands (doing this just 4 fun)15:23
jriblmvc: depends what you mean15:23
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, did you even choose thje wireless option in network manager ot is it one of those intels that uses ? wifi as eth015:23
lmvc<jrib> by using the command line terminal I want to surf the internet15:23
Wulfylmvc sure i often surf the net with commands its normaly the wife looking over my shoulder telling me what sites to go on and what to click15:23
z0mb1e_kgdkevdog, how do I use pastebin (I rarely use irc, sorry)?15:23
ActionParsniplmvc: links215:24
kevdogThere is a link for pastebin at the top of the IRC window, go to that link in the browser, paste the output, and then paste the link to this window15:24
rigvedBluesKaj, wifi is wlan015:24
jriblmvc: w3m, links, links2, elinks, wget, curl... Something more useful to check out would be pentadactyl, uzbl, or luakit15:24
BluesKaj!paste | z0mb1e_kgd15:24
ubottuz0mb1e_kgd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:24
yamaha147Hi! Can anyone help me with BacKTrack in here?15:24
jrib!backtrack | yamaha14715:24
ubottuyamaha147: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:24
gpcyamaha147: type /join #backtrack-linux15:25
BluesKajyamaha147, read the post15:25
yamaha147thanks! this is my first time15:25
lmvc<ActionParsnip> thanks dude15:25
ActionParsniplmvc: no worries15:26
BluesKajActionParsnip, I'm not sure I can help z0mb1e_kgd  much further if his wifi is showing up as eth0 :(15:26
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, it looks like you're connected15:27
lmvc<Wulfy> well im not married yet. lol15:27
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Wulfylmvc,  :-)15:28
douglI just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my acer 5745pg notebook followed by the nvidia drivers and now x wont start = any suggestions?15:28
lmvc<jrib> Am I allowed to download torrents with the options (w3m, links, links 2 ...) you gave me?15:28
yeats!nvidia | dougl15:29
ubottudougl: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:29
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: you can use wicd, then tell it to use eth0 as the wireless device15:29
douglyeats, thanks15:29
jriblmvc: no, use rtorrent or btdownload* for that...15:29
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, I am, but the nm-applet still shoes ath9k as the current wifi driver. should I reboot?15:29
Wulfyjrib i susspect he means the .torrent file15:29
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, I suppose , I'm not sure , as long as you can connect does it matter15:30
WulfyBluesKaj,  we could say the same about using windows, we can get the job done.... so does it matter about the os?15:31
lmvc<jrib> but can I do it through the terminal; coz my internet connection is very very very slow. so my university allowed me to get into the University computer cluster to download files from there.15:31
nowisngot a silly question, i'm running 10.4 lucid on a htpc that i've connected through hdmi to a panisonic tcp42c2 plasma, now i can't get the desktop to fit the screen, I have no setting of 1024x768 choice in the monitor wizard, anything else i can set to adjust that desktop size to fit the screen??15:32
Dazzledhi, is there a way to hotkey a hardware switch between laptop speakers and a USB headset?15:32
BluesKajWulfy, that apretty braod statement . Mine was only atheros specific , nothing about OSs15:32
Dazzlednow it mutes the laptop speakers but it doesn't switch to the headset15:33
WulfyBluesKaj,  it was still relavant to the comment15:33
soreauDazzled: hotkey?15:33
Dazzled(in Preferences > Sound > Output)15:33
soreauDazzled: Have you tried looking for the device in gnome-sound-preoperties?15:34
MagicJi have tor installed and running - how do I make foxyproxy use it15:34
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, it does, as ath9k has difficulties with using aircrack, so I need to switch to ath5k that is said to have no problem15:34
Dazzledsoreau: it works alright, but it doesn't switch15:34
BluesKajWulfy, , relavence is in the mind of the beholder ...if you're looking for some kind of debate you won't get one here..that's all I have to say15:34
soreauDazzled: afaik, it will only switch if it was in use before you unplugged it15:35
[bean]MagicJ: why dont you just use the tor bundle from the tor project site. it has everything configured and working already15:35
Dazzledsoreau: ah, k15:35
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, did you reboot?15:35
kevdogmadwifi (ath5k) along with Broadcom work well with aircrack, other chipsets do not work as well15:35
jriblmvc: yes, rtorrent and btdownload* are terminal applications15:36
douglI just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my acer 5745pg notebook followed by the nvidia drivers and now x wont start... lspci is listing 2 VGA adapter so I thing the drivers are confused = any suggestions?15:36
lmvc<ActionParsnip> hey Actionparsnip do you know if links2 allows me to download torrents. I need to be able to torrents using the terminal coz my internet connection is very slow and coz my mom doesnt allows me to have the computer on for entire days. So my university allowed me to get into the cluster there. My idea is to start the download, then apply the & command and every week go to my university to get my files. Help me please with ideas or suggestions15:36
douglone intel and one nvidia15:37
lmvc<jrib> ok thanks again15:37
soreaudougl: How did you install the nvidia drivers?15:37
douglsoreau, the little icon on the top of the screen indicated I needed to.15:38
llutzdougl: sounds like "optimus" thingy, which switches graphic-adaptors when needed. afaik theres no linux-support now15:38
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, nope, I will try now, but I am not sure it will work as I only added the ath5k module to the kernel, but did not specify it as the current wireless driver15:38
kevdogAre you sure your hardware is supported by the ath5k module?15:38
WulfyBluesKaj, nope wasnt looking for a debate my point was yes they may have been conncted but it may not be doing whats required, if we follow your train of thought i could connect to the net with a 56k modem.... im connected why bother anything else15:39
soreaudougl: Try booting into recovery mode and editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changing Driver nvidia to Driver vesa15:39
=== Wulfy is now known as Wulfy|away
kevdogsudo rmmod ath9k; sudo modprobe ath5k15:39
douglllutz, thanks for the insight = so I don't get nvidia drivers?15:40
soreaudougl: or nouveau. You can also blacklist the nvidia kernel module if its still causing a problem15:40
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, I'm not sure what you mean by specify it as current wifi driver ... it will probly show as such after a reboot15:40
douglsoreau, but these are disabling nvidia drivers so I don't get compiz?15:40
kevdogJust unload the current kernel module, and load the ath5k module to see if it associates with the device -- you can worry about the blacklisting of drivers later (which only automates the process at boot)15:40
llutzdougl: idk, i don't own such hardware just read something about it a few days before15:40
* ElderDryas wakes up and marvels that soreau is still playing with NIVIDIA15:41
z0mb1e_kgdkevdog, I am not, I will try to find that out and do as you say15:41
z0mb1e_kgdok, I will15:41
soreauElderDryas: Its not my machine :)15:41
ElderDryasI know, hopefully it is not the same person your helping?15:42
soreaudougl: You said X isnt starting and you cant very well have compiz without X.. can you pastebin your X log from the failed session?15:42
soreauElderDryas: Same crappy nvidia, different customer ;)15:42
ElderDryasfoolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds :)15:43
BluesKaj!who | kevdog15:44
ubottukevdog: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:44
doodlenoxi have installed the latest netbook version 10.10 of ubuntu twice but still have problems clicking on the application menu down the left side of the screen as it disappears each time i hover-- any ideas?15:45
douglsoreau, pastbin is hard to use when you have no X (EE) No devices detected is the error... do you need more?15:45
BluesKajkevdog, I think your advice is important so you should use the nick you're directng the advice to15:46
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com15:46
llutz^^ dougl15:46
Dr_Willisdougl:  use teh pastebinit command.15:46
z0mb1e_kgdkevdog, it didn't associate =( I reloaded the ath9k module and it reestablished the connection right after15:46
BluesKajz0mb1e_kgd, so you have a connection with the ath9 module ?15:47
kevdogIf you know your chipset and revision number of your card (sudo lswh -C network), you can then google by these parameters to see if your chipset is supported by ath5k, my bet however it is not15:47
blorg28I switched from debian to ubuntu and I have a problem with setting up separate X session on two screen. the nvidia settings tool can't guess my nvidia card pci bus ID. so when I apply it's conf file to xorg.conf, I got no xorg...15:47
z0mb1e_kgdkevdog, it is ar928515:47
soreaudougl: You can use pastebinit or curl like this: sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us15:48
Dr_WillisHmm whats a 't' permission? never noticed that befor in ls -l output -> drwxr-xr-t 2 willis willis      4096 2011-02-13 05:41 Gold15:48
kevdogIm not familar with ar9285 but a google search will clearly reveal the answer15:48
llutzDr_Willis: sticky /man chmod15:49
lmvcHow can i uninstall an application, for example i just installed links2; at the end, i dont like how it works and i dont want it on my computer anymore. Thanks for ur help15:49
douglsoreau, yeah I have no wifi on that notebook cuz I cannot get into X to connect15:49
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llutzDr_Willis: i.e. default for /tmp15:49
ActionParsniplmvc: sudo apt-get --purge remove links215:49
Dr_Willisllutz:  now i have to wonder how they got the t option...15:49
lmvc<ActionParsnip> thanks again15:50
soreaudougl: Well that is crappy. You can connect without NetworkManager but if its wpa, it could be a whole nother episode15:51
alpha7Anyone having a problem with ubuntu one with firefox ???????///15:51
bc81is it possible to purge config files for software packages already removed?15:51
doodlenoxCan anyone hlep -  i have installed the latest netbook version 10.10 of ubuntu twice but still have problems clicking on the application menu down the left side of the screen as it disappears each time i hover-- any ideas?15:51
z0mb1e_kgdBluesKaj, I have and I had it before. I just need to switch from one working wireless driver (ath9k, that has some issues with aircrack) to another one (ath5k, that is said to have none)15:51
llutzDr_Willis: how is easy, chmod 1755 dir    . the "why" is more interesting :)15:51
Dr_Willisalpha7:  if no one knows in here. theres #ubuntuone15:51
PudabudigadaHello, my PC can't detect floppy disks. Running 10.1015:52
Dr_Willisllutz:  yea. nautiuls was crashhing when i 'moved' a directory earlier. (did it several times)  i think it left it with the 't' mode.15:52
Dr_WillisPudabudigada:  try mounting them by hand?15:52
BluesKaj z0mb1e_kgd yes I understand that , but I assumed you removed the ath9k module15:53
PudabudigadaDr_Willis, what's the path?15:53
Dr_Williswhat is the floppy device these days? /dev/fd0? fdd?15:53
ubottuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone15:53
Dr_WillisPudabudigada:  check dmesg output perhaps.. i dont have a single machine with a floppy any more. :)15:53
AbhijiTPudabudigada, ^^^^15:53
doodlenoxany ideas Dr_Willis15:54
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Dr_WillisI did find my LS120 drive the other day. :)15:54
offsenseany difference between ubuntu-netbook and ubuntu-netbook 2D session?15:54
Dr_Willisdoodlenox:  you did update/upgrade  ?15:54
Dr_Willisdoodlenox:  i dont use the netbook interface. so dont know of any issues with it.15:54
Dr_Willisoffsense:  less eyecandy/effects i hear.15:54
lmvcIs there the possibility to get multiple tabs on my terminal window?. Similar to what i can do in mozilla firefox or internet explore.15:55
ubottuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone15:55
samiABCHey, how would I go on about enabling N speeds (300Mbps) on my WLAN? Mine is currently only getting G speeds (54Mbps) even though I'm connected an N network15:55
chris_wilkinsonlmvc click file then open tab15:55
mecablazeI am trying to install Ubuntu on my SATA hard drive which already has windows 7 on it. When I go into the ubuntu installer, it doesn't even see the hard drive with Windows on it. In windows I made 80gb of unpartitioned spaced to install Ubuntu on but Ubuntu it doesn't even seem to have the correct drivers to read my hard drive. Has anyone has this problem before?15:56
Dr_Willismecablaze:  every so often someone comes in with a 'drive not seen' issue. but ive never seen a definitive fix.15:57
lmvc<chris_wilkinson> thanks dude15:57
Dr_Willismecablaze:  the forums proberly have several threads on the issue.15:57
frxstremis there a way to disable the password dialog that pops up when I plug an encrypted hard drive into my computer?15:57
Dazzledhm, if I watch a full screen youtube video, if I change the volume, it pops out of full screen15:58
Dazzledis that by design?15:58
Dazzled(I mean, shouldn't it just stay in full screen, or overlay it on top)15:59
lmvc<chris_wilkinson> another question. Im running Xchat in a graphical mode. I think this consumes more bandwith that if I would run it with commands. Do you know if there exist a XCHAT version with commands?15:59
doodlenoxDr_Willis> - i am now downloading the desktop version now for my laptop 5 yo dell15:59
chris_wilkinson<lmvc> I am not aware of there being a way to do that15:59
gpclmvc: Xchat is a GUI client, you can try irssi a CLI client.16:00
chris_wilkinson<lmvc> I'm new to Xchat and IRC myself so I'm still playing16:00
ActionParsnipDazzled: is your OS 64bit?16:00
sjkHmmmm. My Macbooks touchpad was more sensitive when I ran OS X, I think. On OS X I could just put the tip of my finger on it and it would react. On Ubuntu I have to place a larger portion of my finger tip on the pad for it to work. I've turned the sensitivity up to max in System -> preferences -> mouse16:00
samiABCHey, any idea how to get my Wireless N adapter to actually use N speeds?16:00
sjkAny ideas?16:00
llutzlmvc: why should xchat use more bandwidth than a cli-irc-client?16:00
DazzledActionParsnip: yes, it is16:01
BluesKajlmvc, it's not xcaht but irssi runs irc in the command line16:01
ActionParsnipsamiABC: some adapters get disconnection issues tryingto get N speeds16:01
ActionParsnipDazzled: have you tried the 64bit flash?16:01
BiPolahsamiABC: Your adapter (and wireless device (laptop)) has to support N protocols16:01
gpcllutz: because it goes out to get all the pictures :)16:01
llutzgpc: aaaaah i seee16:01
BluesKaj!irssi | lmvc16:01
ubottulmvc: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen16:01
DazzledActionParsnip: I know of the Square project, but I'm a bit hesitant to try16:01
mobidroidHi I'm going crazy, I disable the touchpad on my macbook rununing ubuntu and it go on few sec after ive set the thing off, is there a magic formula or a special danse that will allow me to keep the touchpad off?16:02
Dazzledhow do I verify what I am running now?16:02
samiABCActionParsnip, BiPolah,  I have a Buffalo WLI-UC-G300N which is an N adapter. Works at 270 Mbps in windows but I'm only getting 54 Mbps in Ubuntu16:02
chris_wilkinson<Dazzled> flash isn't great on Ubuntu for me.  It constantly crashes in the middle of Youtube videos16:02
mobidroidor the DISABLE option is just a placebo?16:02
mecablazeI am looking at a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/658521 and it says the bug was fixed in the package linux - 2.6.37-8.20, how do I get this version?16:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 658521 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Marvell 9128 PCIe SATA] In Live session or installation HD not recognized" [Medium,Fix released]16:02
lmvc<chris_wilkinson> no worries my friend. You know more that me anyway. About your question im not so sure, but in a forum I read that graphical interfaces consumes more bandwith. Again im not sure of that. and im trying to minimize the process in my computer. It is very old16:02
Dr_Willischris_wilkinson:  youtube can do HTML5 instead of flash if youy use the chrome/chromium browsers.16:02
mkanyicywhat is the "lost+found" directory for on a filesystem? is it ok for me to delete it?16:03
alevskHi can someone help me with this query to mysql in bash plz?variable=`16:03
alevskmysql -u root --password=milenio << eof16:03
alevskuse videos;16:03
chris_wilkinson<Dr_Willis> Thanks I will look into that16:03
Dr_Willislmvc:  i perfer weechat to irssi. :) but i imagine an irc client is not going to be much load compared to other things.16:03
llutzmkanyicy: ignore it, its used by fsck on errors16:03
chris_wilkinson<mkanyicy> its just part of the file system.  just let it be16:03
BiPolahalevsk: Should password be "--password=" or just "-password <password>"?16:04
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ActionParsnipmkanyicy: it is in every linux partition you have, it doesn't do anything16:04
Dr_Willismkanyicy:  if the disk gets 'checked' and anything is recovered.. it goes in there.16:04
BluesKajDr_Willis, I tried html5 with chromium , I kept getting a install flash message16:04
lmvc<Dr_Willis> yeah im gonna try both.16:04
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  you did sign up for the HTML5 testing, theres a check box at youtube.com/html516:04
Dr_WillisI think thats the url16:04
mkanyicyllutz: chris_wilkinson, ActionParsnip, Dr_Willis, guess i should not mess with it then, thanks gentlepeople16:04
alevskactually the error ocurre in "SELECT filename FROM zp_images WHERE show = 1;" I dont know what is wrong because in PHP works fine but in bash no16:05
BluesKajDr_Willis, no I didn't notice it16:05
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  im not sure if EVERY video is avail for html5.. but i think most are16:05
ActionParsnipDazzled: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/16:05
alevskERROR in show = 1;16:05
lmvc<Dr_Willis> If i install weechat, can I login to this chatroom. Coz i really like this chatroom16:05
ActionParsnipDazzled: if you used the normal repo way you are using the 32bit through a 64bit wrapper16:05
BluesKajDr_Willis, ok thanks16:05
Dr_Willislmvc:  any irc client can get in here...16:05
Dr_Willislmvc:  theres 100's of irc clients you can use. :)16:05
Dr_Williswell proberly dozens.. heh16:06
lmvc<Dr_Willis> Ok16:06
DazzledActionParsnip: It's been a while, atm I'm looking for a way to check what I'm running now16:06
DazzledI'll go check my plugins folder16:06
eycebergi am having issues reinstalling the grub boot loader after i installed windows 7. I can not find the grldr.mbr to copy it to the C:\16:06
chris_wilkinsonOk so is this a channel we are on now?  Or a server?  IRC is confusing16:06
Dr_Willislmvc:  weechat in a rxvt window. about as minimal as you are going to get for the featureset.16:06
Dr_Willischris_wilkinson:  check the wikipedia page on irc.. irc is rather simple..16:06
BluesKajlmvc, dunno if you noticed the irssi recommendation for command line irc client16:06
Dr_Willischris_wilkinson:  servers connect to form  anetwork. that has channels..16:06
mkanyicyalevsk: WHERE show = '1';  maybe?16:06
chris_wilkinson<Dr_Willis> Cheers16:07
Dr_Willischris_wilkinson:  other networks exist . dalnet, efnet, and so on.16:07
Dr_Willischris_wilkinson:  but Any of the 'freenode' servers have the same channels , and get you here.16:07
alevskmkanyicy: Thanks, I try with the '' but the error still appear16:07
eycebergiam using lucid 10.0416:08
mkanyicyalevsk: then what is the command that is executed by php, the one that works16:08
Dazzledthe fullscreen <> volume adjustments works okay in HTML516:08
alevskthis is my script http://www.copypastecode.com/63645/16:08
mkanyicyalevsk: ok let me check16:08
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Dazzledbut it takes an extra step, as the fullscreen movie to fill the tab, not the window16:09
Dazzledand if it has ads in it, it'll still load Flash16:09
Dazzledbut that's Google, not Ubuntu acting up :)16:09
eycebergcan anyone tell me why my name is greyed out iam running off a live cd atm,16:09
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BiPolahalevsk: Why is there eof in there? Isn't that for PHP?16:10
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lmvc<BluesKaj> No i havent. Is there any spetial feature i must know?16:11
mkanyicyalevsk: last line16:12
mkanyicyalevsk: "echo variable > log" should be "echo $variable > log"16:12
mkanyicyalevsk: tested with my database, it works.16:13
Dazzleddoes anyone know if there's a bug database of the Ubuntu installer?16:13
DazzledI've noticed some painful translation errors16:14
ActionParsnipDazzled: look for ubiquity errors16:14
BiPolah!launchpad | Dazzled16:14
ubottuDazzled: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/16:14
Roo79does anyone know of a good email checker for ubuntu like this one http://owaislone.org/blog/gmail-watcher/ I've tried popper http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/email-notification-in-ubuntu-popper/ but I found it hard to setup I want one that will launch my pop3 mail {windows live mail} in chromium? basically I'd like gmail-watcher but for windows live. any ideas please and I do not use evolution or thunderbird16:15
BiPolahRoo79: Evolution comes built in to Ubuntu16:17
BluesKajsorry Dr_Willis, but all I get at youtube after signing up to html5 is the install flash message on any video I choose ..is there something else I should know ?16:18
BiPolahBluesKaj: perhaps just use Flash instead?16:18
samiABCOkay, so any way to reach enable 300mbps? I got disconnected so I didn't see any answers if someone answered :<16:18
ActionParsnipRoo79: there is a gmail addon for chrome16:18
bc81Roo79: i'musing mail-notification to check multiple gmail accounts16:19
DazzledBluesKaj: I just enabled HTML5, try finding a video without ads16:19
Roo79BiPolah I do not use evolution or any mail clients only web mail16:19
Dazzledotherwhise it'll try to load Flash anyway16:19
BiPolahSamiABC: I'd suggest making sure your wifi with Ubuntu is set to use n.16:20
z0055Anyone here running 10.10 and using a Linksys wusb54g wireless adapter by chance?  It connects fine and will scan networks but I cant seem to actually connect to a network16:20
Roo79can't get mail-notification to connect to my windows live mail accout16:20
Roo79opps account16:20
DazzledBluesKaj: try this one, it should be in HTML5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CknuCTRAW_I16:20
BiPolahRoo79: Can't help you there then, sorry.16:20
BluesKajBiPolah, trying out new html516:21
alevskIm back16:21
samiABCBiPolah, where can I change that? Only place I found something even remotely related was iwconfig which does list my adapter as IEEE 802.11bgn16:21
BluesKajDazzled, afraid not,  same message in the player :(16:21
Roo79evolution is the reason I don't use an email client I dislike it16:22
=== gaurav__ is now known as Guest50823
Quantum_IonRoo79, Me too16:22
DazzledBluesKaj: I just searched google for 'Youtube HTML5'16:22
Guest50823my keyborad is not working in ubuntu 10.1016:22
alevsksomeone can help me? Im writing this bash code http://www.copypastecode.com/63645/, I trying to obtain the fields of a mysql table, but I have a error in the where sentence16:22
Dazzledand I could pick an option 'Join the HTML5 trial'16:22
Guest50823sometimes it stops16:22
Guest50823plz help me16:22
Dazzledand I clicked that, and it works (Browser: Chrome)16:22
alevskI copy the mysql query directly from phpmyadmin but still not working16:23
Dazzledbut I'll try in Firefox as well16:23
ActionParsnipGuest50823: how does it connect? Does it have a make or model?16:23
bc81Roo79: mail-notification can do windows live hotmail > http://www.nongnu.org/mailnotify/ check your settings again16:23
Guest50823Make or model ? i can't understand16:23
ActionParsnipDazzled: did you try the 64bir flash?16:23
ActionParsnipGuest50823: of the keyboard, what is its make and model...16:23
Roo79is there a way to get mail-notification to work with windows live mail16:23
ActionParsnipRoo79: do you mean hotmail?16:24
Roo79no windows live mail16:24
BluesKajDazzled, I signed up on the www.youtube.com/html5 page already16:24
Guest50823how can i see tat make and model16:24
z0055How do i go about installing ndiswrapper if my computer doesnt have internet access?16:24
bc81Roo79: maybe you need to enable pop access in your live mail setting16:24
Roo79it is pop316:24
DazzledActionParsnip: not yet, comments say it doesn't support the GPU acceleration yet, and I'm still veryfing what version I have16:25
ergoproxyHello Ubuntu Guru types.  I'm very new to the OS, and have failed to find a tool that can bind software to specific IP interfaces.  Is there such a tool?  My end goal is binding my IRC client to my VPN interface, so if my VPN drops, traffic stops.  Thanks for any help16:25
panchoalguien ke hable esañol16:25
DazzledBluesKaj: that's odd :/16:25
ActionParsnipRoo79: http://hubpages.com/hub/Ubuntu-Email-Notification-Checker16:25
Quantum_IonEmail clients suck16:25
bc81!es | pancho16:25
ubottupancho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:25
Quantum_Ionbest to use a web client like Gmail16:25
Guest50823in morning its work fine16:25
DazzledActionParsnip:  10.2 d16116:25
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: depends on needs16:25
Dazzledbut it doesn't say 32/6416:25
ActionParsnipDazzled: you'll find its 32bit16:25
ActionParsnipDazzled: if you used the standard repos16:26
Roo79I use chromium not firefox but t looks very good16:26
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Why do you need an email client like Evolution its dated16:26
Guest50823generic 105-key(intl) PC16:26
Guest50823this is make and model16:26
Guest50823help me16:27
Guest50823its really sucks me16:27
bc81oops, disregard that16:27
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: there are more clients than evolution16:28
PudabudigadaHello, I have just installed an Nvidia driver with the 'additional drivers' tool, now I'm stuck in 640x480 and the Nvidia control panel will not allow me to increase it.16:28
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:28
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: if Evolution suits a users needs, it should be used. Is that not logical?16:29
ActionParsnipGuest31469: look on the actual device, I don't care what the OS says16:29
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, All I am saying Evolution is dated because so many people used web based web clients16:29
rozgwiazdahello, is there enyone who is speaking polish?16:29
DazzledActionParsnip: Download done.16:29
DazzledFlash Plugin installed.16:29
Dazzledfingers crossed16:29
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: so something that more people use automatically make it superior?16:30
bc81!pl | rozgwiazda16:30
ubotturozgwiazda: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:30
dsnydersActionParsnip, Do any of these other clients have conduits to my palm pilot?  The only conduits I ever see are ones for Evolution.16:30
KranixThe Ubuntu One > Synchronize this folder menu item in Nautilus isn't working for me.16:30
ActionParsnipdsnyders: no idea dude, i don't use one16:30
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dsnydersActionParsnip, Okay, thanks.16:31
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Nope16:31
PudabudigadaHello, I have just installed an Nvidia driver with the 'additional drivers' tool, now I'm stuck in 640x480 and the Nvidia control panel will not allow me to increase it.16:31
DazzledActionParsnip: heh, you were right, it doesn't pop out anymore :)16:31
Dazzledhow odd16:31
z0055does ubuntu 10.10 come with ndiswrapper installed?16:31
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: so how is evolution being dated have any relation to more people using web based email?16:32
ActionParsnipDazzled: good stuff :)16:32
ergoproxyI'm very new to the OS, and have failed to find a tool that can bind software to specific IP interfaces.  Is there such a tool?  My end goal is binding my IRC client to my VPN interface, so if my VPN drops, traffic stops.  Thanks for any help16:32
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: the link between the two simply doesn't exist16:32
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Its just that everything is becoming more web based now16:32
bc81sounds like you shuld go to offtopic and discuss further16:32
StarlightHello there! Can someone help me to set up a TeamSpeak 3 server in Ubuntu?16:32
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: maybe but some users like an email client and enjoy the features16:32
StarlightAnd where can I find a list of programs running in the background..? Like windows task manager?16:33
ActionParsnipStarlight: http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/16:33
llutzStarlight: ps -ef16:33
Starlightps -ef?16:33
PudabudigadaCan anyone help?16:34
gpcStarlight: System > Administration > System Monitor16:34
bc81Starlight: System > Administration > System Monitor: Processes16:34
ActionParsnipStarlight: press CTRL+ALT+T  and run:  ps -ef | less     or use the gui app as described above.16:34
bc81!anyone | Pudabudigada16:34
ubottuPudabudigada: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:34
PudabudigadaI have already asked my real question...16:34
yeats!nvidia | Pudabudigada16:35
ubottuPudabudigada: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:35
bc81yes, butothers who may know the answer have come and gone by then16:35
ActionParsnipStarlight: there are 32bit files in the same folder if your OS is 32bit16:35
StarlightAnd one more thing.. Is it normal that when I start the TS3 client after installing it with the software center.. The program uses a long time to start and then when closing it, it freeze..?16:35
PudabudigadaIt being this: <Pudabudigada> Hello, I have just installed an Nvidia driver with the 'additional drivers' tool, now I'm stuck in 640x480 and the Nvidia control panel will not allow me to increase it16:35
ActionParsnipPudabudigada: run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   then reboot16:36
FuchsPudabudigada: sounds to me like the EDID of the monitor can't be read16:36
FuchsPudabudigada: I recommend that you create a nvidia bug report and link to it here16:36
PudabudigadaHow do I do that?16:36
douglllutz, I think it was that optimus thing disabled switchable option in bios and nvidia drivers work fine now.16:37
ActionParsnipPudabudigada: in a terminal16:37
ergoproxyI'm very new to the OS, and have failed to find a tool that can bind software to specific IP interfaces.  Is there such a tool?  My end goal is binding my IRC client to my VPN interface, so if my VPN drops, traffic stops.  Thanks for any help16:37
PudabudigadaI meant how do I make a bug report, I know how to enter a terminal command :p16:37
llutzdougl: lucky you are, there seem to be laptops without that switching option out there :(16:37
Logan_WP!bug | Pudabudigada16:38
ubottuPudabudigada: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:38
gpcPudabudigada: try fixing the problem first if that works no need to report the bug16:38
gremmachookI have installed Ubuntu using Wubi right now.16:38
ActionParsnipPudabudigada: ubuntu-bug packagename16:38
gremmachookI want to remove Vista completely and keep Ubuntu. I have installed a lot of packages and I want to keep them. How do I do it?16:39
sacarlson ergoproxy sounds like you need to setup a default route gateway to your vpn16:39
alevskhttp://www.copypastecode.com/63645/ this is my code16:39
JeffJasskyHey, guys. I'm rather new to server admin and i'm having an issue. i have a webserver running apache. Been running fine for months. all of a sudden apache can't start because: Read-only file system: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log.16:39
douglllutz, very lucky - but was still within the return period for best buy's policy - lol16:39
JeffJasskyafter googling it seems everyone is saying that a drive is mounted as read-only.16:39
ergoproxysacarlson: you mean set up a static route?  Is there a way to do that for just one program?16:40
gremmachookI have a lot of packages installed and I want to keep them.16:40
mkanyicyJeffJassky: your filesystem is mounted readonly and that means that errors might have been encountered16:40
sacarlsonergoproxy: no a default gateway would effect all applications16:40
gpcgremmachook: you installed with Wubi?16:40
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | gremmachook16:40
ubottugremmachook: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline16:40
mkanyicyJeffJassky: try to reboot again16:40
ubuntu_hey, is there a single command to enable the universe multiverse and third party repositories?16:40
kannan_is there any way to customize "move to" option in nautilus?16:41
ActionParsnipubuntu_: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list   or enable in software centre16:41
gremmachookActionParsnip, Sexy! I'll try it.16:41
gremmachookgpc, Yes. Wubi.16:41
sacarlsonergoproxy: I guess for one application you would use a proxy16:41
JeffJasskymkanyicy: I've rebooted about 3 times with no luck. same issue each time.. i'm running on a rackspace cloud host which means it's a virtual machine.. i'm not sure how/why any drives would be mounting as read-only on boot up.16:41
ActionParsnipkannan_: ubuntu tweak has some nautilus scripts you can enable16:41
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD16:41
JeffJasskymkanyicy: i'm not even sure where I would go to see like.. boot-up logs to see if there would be an issue anywhere.16:42
Wulfy|awayJeffJassky,  did it crash or something and the file system needs a fsck?16:42
ubuntu_ActionParsnip,  I know, but I need an single terminal command...16:42
samiABCHow can I enable N on my wireless?16:42
sacarlsonergoproxy: or maybe a dnat iptables entry to route all trafic of a specific port to a gateway path16:42
mkanyicyJeffJassky: can you pastebin the output of the command 'mount' ?16:42
gpcgremmachook: go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide and scroll down to Section 8.816:42
JeffJasskyWulfy|away: maybe.. i've never done an fsck16:42
kannan_ActionParsnip: thanks dude...16:42
=== Wulfy|away is now known as Wulfy
HelgeSverreGunndawg, omg you are hard to track down man.16:42
JeffJasskymkanyicy: http://pastebin.com/HMRC7gzs16:43
ergoproxysacarlson: Do you know where i could find some documentation to take me through that process?16:43
gpcgremmachook: Please read the instruction carefully before running any commands16:43
mkanyicyJeffJassky: you can type 'sudo touch /forcefsck' and then reboot. fsck will check your filesystem at boot time.16:43
sacarlsonergoproxy: I would first see if your application supports proxy as most browsers do maybe your irc app does also16:43
gremmachookgpc, Thanks, I'll look at it. :)16:43
JeffJasskymkanyicy: touch: cannot touch `/forcefsck': Read-only file system16:44
sacarlsonergoproxy: what irc client do you use?16:44
mkanyicyJeffJassky: there were errors encountered16:44
gremmachooksacarlson, He has XChat. :)16:44
ergoproxysacarlson: xchat, looks to support http and socks516:44
mkanyicyJeffJassky: try this: 'sudo mount / -o rw,remount' and then do that again 'sudo touch /forcefsck' and then 'sudo reboot'16:45
ergoproxygremmachook must be following me around ;)16:45
eycebergcan anyone see my txt?16:45
gremmachookergoproxy, No, just met you here.16:45
mkanyicyJeffJassky: reboot if you have managed to touch /forcefsck16:45
gpceyceberg: yes16:45
JeffJasskymkanyicy: woked... rebooting16:46
eycebergty , its greyed out , sorry i thought it was not registered . etc16:46
HelgeSverreHas GunnDawg been talking today? or is he afk16:46
gremmachookergoproxy, I sent you a CTCP request. :D16:46
mkanyicyJeffJassky: try to reboot16:46
sacarlsonergoproxy: take a look at this http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=405416:46
eycebergok, so i been having issues trying to reinstall the grub bootloader16:46
mkanyicyeyceberg: what text?16:46
JeffJasskymkanyicy: "The system is going down for reboot NOW!".. connection closed.16:46
mkanyicyJeffJassky: byee16:46
ergoproxygremmachook you win lol16:46
gpceyceberg: you are using xchat, you can change the colour of your text in the settings16:46
gremmachookergoproxy, Hahaha. :D16:47
eycebergoh ya, duh , sorry just waking up .16:47
mkanyicyJeffJassky: oh you on irc on another machine, lol16:47
JeffJasskymkanyicy: how long should fsck take? should i try SSHing back in or should I leave it be for a while?16:47
mkanyicyJeffJassky: isnt it that machine in front of you?"16:47
sacarlsonergoproxy: I would think you could just point your proxy at the ip of your vpn16:47
ubuntu_one single command for enabling all the repos? anyone?16:48
JeffJasskymkanyicy: no it's a remote server.. hosted by Rackspace. virtual machine.16:48
ergoproxysacarlson: i'll see if i can make that work, wasn't sure it was possible16:48
LantiziaIs there a list of known laptops/subnetbooks/umpc's that work fine with ubuntu?16:49
eycebergi installed windows 7 after i installed an ext4 , now kubuntu does not boot anymore, should i either: do a clean format and install windows 7 and then partition the same drive for ubuntu then install ubuntu ? or use live cd to fix the boot grub?16:49
sacarlsonergoproxy: I'm sure it's posible I'm just not sure this is the method that works or not, never done it16:49
BluesKajDazzled, Dr_Willis , html5 is an interesting experiment , but I think I'll stick with flash for a while longer :)16:49
DazzledBluesKaj: yeah, html5 and flash will coexist for quite some time16:50
ActionParsnipeyceberg: boot to liveCD and reinstate grub216:50
ergoproxysacarlson: i've tried using my vpn is other proxy capable software with no luck.  i've always had to use some sort of openvpn client to connect16:50
gpcWould adding multiple deb lines to sudo add-apt-repository enable each one?16:50
ActionParsnipeyceberg: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html16:50
ElderDryasLantizia: is this waht you are looking for?  http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/16:51
ActionParsnipgpc: I'd do them individually, you could try though, I can't see any badness happening16:51
sacarlsonergoproxy: openvpn is the only one that I've used and it works for me,  mostly used for browser and ssh trafic, never tried irc16:51
gremmachookActionParsnip, Seems like APTonCD takes only those packages in the cache. I don't have all of them there.16:51
gpcActionParsnip: I didn't think it would cause issues, was just wondering if it would work. Thanks.16:52
gremmachookActionParsnip, Some get deleted periodically, I think.16:52
ActionParsnipgremmachook: true but if you do a full upgrade you will get a lot of debs there, or you can just tell apt-get to only download the deb16:52
Wulfyhey ActionParsnip  saw you talking about mail cleints before i think, any recommndastions for something close to outlooks multi function abaility and looks nice16:52
LantiziaElderDryas, perhaps - know if there are any UMPC's in there?16:52
ActionParsnipgremmachook: they are only deleted if you run: sudo apt-get clean16:52
gremmachookActionParsnip, What full upgrade?16:53
ergoproxysacarlson: i have no issue getting up on the vpn and getting irc running, just want irc traffic to cut off when i drop.  I'll try setting up the proxy configuration in xchat to point towards my vpn and see if it takes.  thanks for the help16:53
JeffJasskymkanyicy: i connected again, tried to start apache and got the same error16:53
ActionParsnipgremmachook: after an install it's usual to run a full upgrade16:53
ElderDryasLantizia: don't know...look and see16:53
gremmachookActionParsnip, I need the Internet for that right?16:53
WulfyJeffJassky,  if your with rackspace and using there vps offerings i bet your paying a prity penny for it, drop them a ticket im sure they can sort it (unless your really after fixing it yourself)16:54
ActionParsnipgremmachook: initailly yes16:54
gremmachookActionParsnip, Is there a way I can see all the packages I installed using apt-get?16:54
gremmachookActionParsnip, That way I'll have a list atleast.16:54
ActionParsnipgremmachook: or if yo grab the daily alternate ISO you can upgrade using that16:54
nit-witgremmachook, in the logs16:54
gremmachooknit-wit, Which folder?16:54
JeffJasskyWulfy: I'm using their 'cloud servers' which is only about $20/mo. I called them and they basically said they can't help with software support.16:55
WulfyJeffJassky,  if the filesystem is in r/o mode then its hardware16:55
mkanyicy_JeffJassky: i am not familiar with rackspace, maybe try Wulfy 's suggestion.16:55
JeffJasskyhmm okay.. i guess i'll try calling them abck16:55
JeffJasskythanks for the suggestions, guys. i appreciate the help.16:56
sacarlsongremmachook: this also works  dpkg --get-selections > installed_file_list.txt16:56
WulfyJeffJassky,  as its a cloud filesystem it really is there problem if it needs a fsk16:56
linxehis there any decent schematic capture and pcb layout software in the repos ?16:56
nexehlinxeh: have you taken a look... your a better expert than us most likely16:57
gremmachooksacarlson, Thanks man!16:57
Odaymhey llutz16:57
ActionParsnip!info pcb16:57
ubottupcb (source: pcb): printed circuit board (pcb) design program - meta-package. In component universe, is optional. Version 20091103-2 (maverick), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB16:57
Jon--Simple bash scripting issue, can someone take a look? http://pastebin.com/pChJ4SYh16:57
sacarlsongremmachook: with that list you can also dpkg --set-selections < installed-file_list.txt ; deselect  to restore the installed apps you had16:58
gremmachooksacarlson, So I can get them back on my fresh install with that command and the Internet?16:58
sacarlsongremmachook: yes16:58
gremmachooksacarlson, Thanks man! You're the best!16:59
mkanyicy_Jon--: what is your problem with it?17:01
=== Gianni is now known as Gianni_away
nexehjon--: what problem are you having?17:01
Nick25I'm trying to install flashplayer on the AMD64 version of Ubuntu 10.10, can anyone help?17:01
ActionParsnipNick25: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/17:02
Jon--The issue was I have to do $ (command) to store the results of a command into a var.17:02
mkanyicy_!tab > mkanyicy_17:02
ubottumkanyicy_, please see my private message17:02
Jon--#bash helped me17:02
Jon--Thanks anyway.17:02
mkanyicy_Jon--: no prob17:02
samiABCNick25, Where are you stuck with it?17:02
Nick25I can only download the i386 version.17:02
gremmachook!tab > gremmachook17:03
ubottugremmachook, please see my private message17:03
Nick25And on the zipped file, installing it manually hasn't worked.17:03
gremmachookNice, polite bot!17:03
alpha7anyone know if i can lower down my internet speed download?17:03
BluesKajalpha7 , torrent DL or ?17:04
ActionParsnipNick25: the link I gave will allow you to install ith a repo17:04
alpha7BluesKaj mmm in internet17:04
LinuxManDanI am getting this error on updates.  Should I ignore it? Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ilap/lwp/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found17:04
eycebergok i will try that , thank you action.17:05
Nick25ActionParsnip: I don't exactly understand how to do it, just download the .deb?17:05
ActionParsnipalpha7: you can use trickle17:05
sacarlsonalpha7: gwget has the option to adjust download speed and it will integrate into firefox17:05
linxehnexeh: how do you mean?17:05
samiABCNick25, you can just use the commands that are in the big quote17:05
ActionParsnipNick25: if you want but if the repo gets updated you won't get the new update17:05
Nick25ActionParsnip: The .deb download is i386 only.17:05
ActionParsnipNick25: the HUGE text is a command for terminal17:05
samiABCNick25, First: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash17:05
BluesKajalpha7, yes , with what means are you downloading , with a torrent client . IM , browser ?17:05
linxehnexeh: the last schematic capture software I used was orcad, and cadstar for pcb layout. This was on DOS in the early 1990s. I'm way out of touch with anything thats available now, hence asking17:06
ActionParsnipNick25: so you think is the 32bit plugin....?17:06
samiABCNick25, Second: sudo apt-get update17:06
samiABCnick25, third: sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer17:06
samiABCThat should handle it17:06
alpha7BluesKaj with plowdown17:06
ActionParsnipsamiABC: thanks17:06
HelgeSverreWindows or Linux? (watch the war begin)17:06
ActionParsnipHelgeSverre: this is support only17:07
LinuxManDanDepends on what ya need to do HelgeSverre17:07
HelgeSverreis there a casual ubuntu channel?17:07
alpha7ActionParsnip how to use trickle?17:07
linxehHelgeSverre: #ubuntu-offtopic17:07
BluesKajalpha7, I'm not familiar17:07
LinuxManDanShould I ignore the message I get on updates?17:07
rshhello everybdy, whts good ide for python and gtk???17:08
LinuxManDanSays been 8 days since last package information was updated.17:08
Nick25samiABC: I appreciate the upfront guidelines.17:08
nexehlinxeh: that cool. my comment came from the the perspective that you were looking for a linux alternative to an existing windows product. but my suggestion would still stand.. start browsing the software cetner and tring them.. keep in mind that UIbuntu will only offer truely free and open source software. if you cant find it in there then start searching the net for packages taht ubuntu doesnt offer but are still available17:08
=== AbhijiT_ is now known as Abhijit
Nick25samiABC: Seems to be downloading it all now, though I entered the commands before all of them were finished.17:09
linxehnexeh: I've been using linux as my primary desktop for about 15 years - I know what ubuntu offers. I have no idea what the current commercial tools either :)17:09
linxehnexeh: but yes, I've been looking. geda seems to look ok - assuming there are libraries of components for it17:09
StarlightI have trouble installing TS3 server.. I don't know how to make a new file called init.d17:09
StarlightIf you take a look into the /opt/ts3 directory you’ll see that there is a already a start/stop script (ts3server_startscript.sh), we will utilize it. Create a init.d file with pasting the content after executing cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak :17:09
LinuxManDanNoone has any comments?17:09
nexehlinxeh: nice.. so you are no noob then ;) currious what your going to tinker with... now im thinking about exploring the repos for something to play with haha17:10
linxehnexeh: I'm thinking of building a valve preamp to use with my keyboards17:10
rshhelp rsh !!!  whts good ide for python and gtk???17:10
samiABCNick25, Yep, just check if it is working after it has finished, if not, just do the above commands again and wait for them to finish :P17:10
=== Guest12124 is now known as LjL-Temp
LinuxManDanI will try back later and ask again.17:11
Lint1LinuxManDan, it doesn't matter unless you're getting dependancy errors trying to upgrade17:11
linxehrsh: pydev?17:11
Nick25samiABC: It works, just have to remember to restart the browser.17:11
StarlightI can't even change text-files in Ubuntu?17:11
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest16286
BluesKajHelgeSverre, trying to get a "bash windows" greek chorus isn't going to work ..ppl come in an try that here everyday ..it's old hat so to speak17:11
nexehlinxeh: nice, im a guitar guy myself but can appreciate :P17:11
abstraktstarcoder, sure you can17:11
abstraktStarlight, sure you can ^17:11
rshno only from ubuntu repo..17:11
abstraktStarlight, um, by editing them... ever heard of this thing called a text editor?17:12
HelgeSverreBlueSkaj well was worth the try ;)17:12
Lint1rsh, everything but anjuta17:12
abstraktStarlight, which file do you need to change?17:12
StarlightYes I opened the files in a text editor, and when I type stuff or change the text, it's locked..17:12
abstraktStarlight, right... which file do you need to change?17:12
Lint1Starlight, gksudo gedit <file>17:12
linxehnexeh: its really for use on hammond organ simulators and rhodes etc. I've got a box of about 400 valves in my loft (12a*7, ECC83 etc, and some power amp ones, mainly ex-military spec from 50's)17:12
rshLint1, something small , i m new to python ,but know c/cpp , java17:13
=== AbhijiT_ is now known as Abhijit
StarlightI wanna make a new file.. I'm following this guide: http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/17:13
sacarlsonStarlight: you might need to use sudo to edit your file,  gksudo gedit  for example17:13
Lint1rsh, you may use gedit with make plugin or geany17:13
rshLint1, thanx thats better.17:14
sacarlsonStarlight: gedit can also create new files17:14
nexehlinxeh: so where do you get them printed after?17:14
BluesKajHelgeSverre, if you have a specific ubuntu question , then just ask :)17:14
abstraktStarlight, and which file are you editing?17:14
Lint1will ubuntu migrate to gnome3?17:14
HelgeSverreBluesKaj, i have one. why is linux used so much for servers?17:14
StarlightI tried edititng ts3server_startscript.sh17:15
cenagbecause you dont need periprals17:15
Lint1because it's free as certain metabolism product17:15
BiPolahHelgesverre: It's typically more stable and open-ended so is suitable for server use where high uptime is required. It's also free.17:15
cenagyou just need a cpu + hss and network card17:15
BluesKajHelgeSverre, they are free or cheap and very efficient17:15
ElderDryasStarlight: you DO understand permissions, right?17:16
HelgeSverrethanks :)17:16
StarlightI'm completely new with Linux..17:16
macoLint1: not in 11.04.  gnome 2 and gnome 3 would difficult-to-impossible to make coexist17:16
StarlightI'm in root now, and dunno how to get back even, if thats needed..17:17
BluesKajHelgeSverre, as well linux is based on the very mature unix OS , which has been around much longer then other OSs so thereby much more bug free.17:17
ElderDryasStarlight: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/309527-understanding-linux-file-permissions17:17
cenag*nix is the very fabric of the internet17:18
HelgeSverrecan anyone explain "Cloud Computing" for me.17:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:18
HelgeSverrePici, was that for me?17:19
BluesKajHelgeSverre, google is your friend too, for such questions17:19
anvoWhat is the diference between libsensors and acpi in lm-sensors properties dialog?17:19
cenagi must admit the concept is a bit fogy17:19
PiciHelgeSverre: Among others, yes.17:19
Lint1sad, gnome2 had no new features since 2006 :(17:19
cenagi love ubuntu because you relly dont need to join ubuntu-social17:20
BiPolahWhat's the difference between /etc/passwd/ and /etc/passwd-, except that passwd is read-only, the only difference is that the line for my user starts with "andrew:x:1000:119" rather than "andrew:x:1000:0"17:20
eyceberghey, that worked thank you17:22
eycebergone last thing. how do i make a menu to choose windows or to boot into kubuntu?17:22
Wulfyoh dear browsing to a website and it hijacks the site and pops this virus warning up saying my windows security is compromised and 4 infections detected..... odd could have sworn im using ubuntu lol17:23
=== Gianni_away is now known as Gianni
mkanyicy_!who | eyceberg17:23
ubottueyceberg: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:23
StarlightI get headache by trying to understand permissions.. .p17:23
Lint1Starlight, which os did you use earlier? DOS?17:24
mkanyicy_Starlight: man chmod17:24
=== mkanyicy_ is now known as mkanyicy
StarlightI use XP :p17:24
mkanyicyStarlight: this is not XP support17:25
eyceberg!who | action17:25
ubottuaction: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:25
mkanyicyStarlight: this is not XP support channel17:25
Lint1Starlight, ok, it's like XP permissions, but without inheritance17:25
StarlightDo I have to be root to change permissions and do I have to go back to my main user to change files or something? Not root?17:25
StarlightNo no, I'm using Ubuntu now, but I have been using XP before..17:25
Lint1Starlight, you need to have write access to change permissions17:25
alpha7trickled is not working for me17:25
alpha7i did sudo trickled -d 200 and its not working17:26
StarlightAnd root have all permissions?17:26
eyceberghow do i get a dual boot prompt for choosing either kubuntu or Windows 7?17:26
Lint1Starlight, root is unaffected by permissions17:27
BiPolahStarlight: Root is the supreme user. It can do anything on the system. It's why your standard user account typically does not have root access because you can break stuff that way, but you can run things as root using sudo17:27
ElderDryasStarlight: but doing anything as root is dangerous unless you already know what you are doing17:27
Lint1eyceberg, try "sudo update-grub"17:27
StarlightI used sudo as explained here: http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/17:28
StarlightI'm just following this guide to install a TS3 server..17:28
StarlightAnd I don't know hoow to make the new file I need..17:29
elwoodpdHi so sound has broken for VLC, Gnome Mplayer etc.17:29
elwoodpdwhat can I do?17:30
alpha7guys anyone know how to use trickle17:30
StarlightDoes this command make the new file? cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak :17:30
lolcatMaan, apparently I made a hole in someones wall yesterday17:30
ActionParsnipelwoodpd: do you get sound anywhere?17:30
Jon--Starlight: Use touch17:30
lolcatwrong chan, sorry17:30
bartekHi there. In what instance would SWAP be being used despite having nearly all my memory available for the OS?17:31
elwoodpdyeah flash, er Aqualung.17:31
ActionParsnipbartek: hi swappiness value17:31
ActionParsnipelwoodpd: ok thats a good thing17:31
Jon--Starlight: touch ~/test   if test exists, update latest reference date, if it does not exist, create an empty file ~/test17:31
bartekActionParsnip: What do you mean?17:31
philip_I was wondering how can I run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.18-pkg0.run as root?17:32
brontoeeewhat is the easy way to make a persisent cli alias in 10.10 ?17:32
philip_In terminal.17:32
ActionParsnipbartek: its a percentage which tells the OS how much to use swap. If you add:   vm.swappiness = 0    to /etc/sysctl.conf   and run:  sudo sysctl -p   it will not use swap unless it REALLY has to, the default is 6017:32
BiPolahWhat is Bonobo?17:32
StarlightI don't understand what tuch is.. Something to avoid overwriting important files?17:32
ActionParsnipphilip_: you need to reboot to root recovery mode to run that, or you can use the packages in the repos17:32
bartekActionParsnip: Interesting. So I'm using 200mb/2000mb of memory, and it will use SWAP despite not needingi t? Seems silly17:32
ActionParsnip!info bonobo | BiPolah17:32
ubottuBiPolah: Package bonobo does not exist in maverick17:33
Abhijithey guys if i boot from live usb in laptop and connect that laptop using rj 45 to desktop can i install ubuntu in desktop? how?17:33
philip_ActionParsnip I was looking into the package manager, and it's not in there. I forgot how to boot into root recovery mode?17:33
ActionParsnipbartek: is a bit but you can rein it back17:33
philip_I had to download it.17:33
ActionParsnipphilip_: hold shift at boot17:33
BluesKajbonobo is for launchpad integration, BiPolah17:33
brontoeeeStarlight, i would assume that 'touch /new/file' will make a 'file' in directory 'new' or touch it if there is some17:33
AbhijitActionParsnip, Dr_Willis hey guys if i boot from live usb in laptop and connect that laptop using rj 45 to desktop can i install ubuntu in desktop? how?17:33
BiPolahBluesKaj: Okay thanks17:33
walter_hallo my name is walter i from south of germany17:34
StarlightCan't I just make the damn file.. lol17:34
ActionParsnipAbhijit: the liveusb has the installer in it, you will see the install ubuntu icon on the desktop17:34
Abhijitwalter_, welcome to ubuntu support channel.17:34
AbhijitActionParsnip, wait17:34
sacarlsonStarlight: yes any editor is able to create a file17:34
BiPolah!german | walter_17:34
ubottuwalter_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:34
AbhijitActionParsnip, you ddnt understood my question17:34
walter_i have a problem i can not install my scanner under ubuntu 10.417:35
StarlightNo, it wont let me change text or save changes.. it's locked..17:35
ActionParsnipwalter_: what make and model?17:35
walter_how can help me ?17:35
AbhijitActionParsnip, see the desktop dont have cd drive , cant boot from usb, we have laptop but we cant install ubuntu in laptop so our chacne is boot laptop in live usb and from this live session i want to install that ubuntu in to that desktop? is it possible?17:35
ActionParsnipwalter_: what make and model?17:35
BoulderDavei just installed solr-jetty, and I have edited the jetty config to allow incoming connections other than localhost, however, i think my ubuntu firewall is blocking it (port 8080)   how can i tell and how i can i open it?17:35
walter_join ubuntu.de17:36
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ActionParsnipAbhijit: does the laptop have a floppy drive?17:37
heimdallhay alguien?17:37
AbhijitActionParsnip, dunno but it has usb17:37
Abhijit!es | heimdall17:38
gpc!es | heimdall17:38
ubottuheimdall: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:38
sacarlsonStarlight: you should read about file permissions and sudo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:38
walter_hallo ich kann unter ubuntu 10.4 meinen scanner epson v10 nicht installieren .wie geht das ?17:38
AbhijitActionParsnip, hey desktop has floppy drive!!!!17:38
ActionParsnipAbhijit: if it has a floppy drive there is a floppy image on pendrivelinux which you can boot to to make USB sticks boot (great if you have an old system which cannot boot usb)17:38
Abhijitthe target machine has the floppy drive!!!17:38
BiPolah!de | walter_17:38
Abhijitok will try that17:38
ubottuwalter_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:38
StarlightOk! I can make a new file now, but where do I save it? According to this tutorial? http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/17:38
walter_its ok but i can also talk in inglish thanks17:39
BiPolahWalter_: If you want, I figured it'd be easier in German17:40
StarlightAre there Norwegian channels?17:41
Pici!no | Starlight17:41
ubottuStarlight: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!17:41
owa/whois $me17:42
BiPolahStarlight: There's channels for most languages I believe.17:42
ElderDryaswalter_: if I understood correctly, you are having problems with an epson scanner?17:42
gpcStarlight: if you meant the file with the #! /bin/sh you copied and pasted it goes here /etc/init.d/teamspeak17:43
BiPolahElderDryas: I think that's it. Can't install it on 10.0417:43
adeeehello any programmer help me?17:43
BiPolah!ask | adeee17:43
ubottuadeee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:43
StarlightI havent pasted it yet.. Waiting for greater understanding..17:43
StarlightDoes the command "cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak" make the file?17:44
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gpcStarlight: ok you create the file by issuing the command cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak then highlight the text and copy it, use ctrl-d to paste into the file17:44
YerushalmiCan someone help me? Nautilus won't open for me and System Monitor gives me this weird error message: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 640: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed!17:45
StarlightThank you!17:45
schnuffleStarlight: the default command would be touch filename17:45
ElderDryasBiPolah: looks like he left17:45
adeeei just install PHP apache and mysql mannually and then install Easy hosting control pannel (ehcp). then there is a new user in my logon screen apear. so i cant access it. user name 'VMail' and i didnt creat it. what just happen to my ubuntu10.04 ?17:46
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  i would boot a live cd. and do a memtest and fsck the filesystmes. it almost sounds like some core libs are currupted.17:46
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  or some ram is bad.17:46
ActionParsnipStarlight: that will need sudo, also sudo doesn't transcend the > operator17:46
YerushalmiDr_Willis: I tried doing an fsck.... I did a memtest a while back but I guess I can do another one now.17:46
BiPolahElderDryas: Probably to #ubuntu-de17:46
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: what release re you using?17:46
birdybeehi, i can't connect to ubuntu one on either of my maverick machines. ubunto one preferences just says unknown. it was working a week or so earlier. just noticed it wasn't syncing17:47
YerushalmiDr_Willis: fsck came back with no errors, but just a little too quick for my taste to be honest...17:47
adeeeprogrammers read my last massage and help me?17:47
uRockadeee, what do you mean by manually? Did you download from 3rd party site?17:47
Dr_Willisadeee:  sounds like some service installed a user to run itself as.17:47
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ActionParsnipStarlight: go over, only the stuff to the left of > will get sudo, thats why when you want to add text to a file you use a pipe to sudo tee17:47
Dr_Willisadeee:  and gdm was not set to hide that user.17:47
MrJones89join #ftpwarez17:47
BiPolahAdeee: You can change the password of that user to access it if you want, you might want to find out the old one first to set it back. I'd assume it's part of the EHCP  mail service17:47
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adeeeuRock not i install mysql first. and then apache and then PHp17:48
StarlightI didn't understand that.. :(17:48
adeeeDr Wills am not following you?17:48
StarlightAnd if I make that file, I cannot edit it, is that it?17:48
adeeeBio polah how can i change the password17:48
YerushalmiActionParsnip: I'm running 10.10, kernel 2.6.32-27. I'm one kernel back because originally that solved my nautilus problem, but the problem came back now.17:49
Dr_Willisadeee:  some services install a special user for that service.   gdm normally hides those.17:49
enzo_the log off/reboot/shut down drop down menu at the top right has disappeared17:49
robot7pBluefish 2.0.2! ^^,17:50
adeeeso what i need to do DR Wills?17:50
share1ipad2! http://www.hudieai.com/?fromuid=13680917:50
Picishare1: Don't advertise/spam here.  If its a virus thats doing it, fix it or leave.17:53
mrjones_question you guys, ive been trying to get ubuntu to see my windows 7 pc17:53
mrjones_ive read on forums and stuff17:53
mrjones_ but i cant get it to work17:54
shrekmaxihi all17:54
BiPolahMrjones_: Are you able to mount the partition/drive?17:54
BluesKajw7 networked pc or partition, mrjones_ ?17:55
ActionParsnipmrjones_: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/17:56
StarlightI left the root and fell out of the folder locations by accident.. Do I have to CD to the folder again?17:56
ActionParsnipmrjones_: has a fix17:56
infidwhat ubuntu app can read epub files?17:58
LjL!info fbreader | infid17:58
ubottuinfid: fbreader (source: fbreader): e-book reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.7dfsg-3ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 483 kB, installed size 1732 kB17:58
DJonesinfid: Have a look at calibre as well as fbreader17:59
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mrjones_#join ftpwarez18:00
ElderDryasStarlight: not to run you off or anything, but from teamspeak.com (http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=premiumsupport):  IRC - We also have a dedicated #TeamSpeak community IRC channel on uk.quakenet.org where you may find assistance to your technical support questions.18:01
=== xinli is now known as share1
Pici!piracy | mrjones_18:01
ubottumrjones_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:01
mrjones_i need to relearn the irc codes18:01
mrjones_im not trying to advertise i was trying to join18:01
ElderDryasStarlight: They would probably be your best bet for help18:01
share1totem 2.30 can't complie at 9.10?18:01
Picimrjones_: You're not going to find that on freenode anyway.18:01
mrjones_i meant to be connected to undernet18:01
=== xinli is now known as share1
rokyronnieHi there18:03
DuppyI have a little problem18:03
Wulfyyou know ts3 is really easy to setup create a user place the files in the users home folder open a termenal switch to that user and run the startup command18:03
bodaihi there.would like to use a static server name.before used dynamic dns.is it a daemon or how may I do that?thank you so much18:03
rokyronnieI've a question.Is there a way to have Global Hotkeys in Songbird?18:03
mrjones_Can i get help with a networking issue?18:04
Dr_Willisrokyronnie:  if its written right. the default media player keys should work. but other then that.. you might have to do some work with it.18:04
Wulfyany hints on how to get logitech media keys working (such as play stop fast forward etc)18:04
Dr_Willisrokyronnie:  songbird has also dropped its linux support i recall.18:04
mrjones_I cant seem to get ubuntu to see the windows 7 computers on the home network. nor the windows 7  computers seeing the ubuntu computer18:04
Dr_Willismrjones_:  can they ping each other?18:05
DuppyI have a vmware image with ubuntu which i have forgot the password to, How would i go to retriece/change the password?18:05
rokyronniethen, can you recommend me another Music Player which could Work with Panflute  and which could have good settings for global hotkeys ? ( without Amarok, cause it works very hard on my PC, and I don't like it cause every time I start it, it took so long to scan for files )18:06
Dr_WillisDuppy:  set vmware to use the image, make it boot a live cd iso.. chroot in, change password18:07
BluesKajmrjones_, did you see ActionParsnip post above ? http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/18:07
mrjones_ill take a look18:07
BluesKaj!who | mrjones_18:07
ubottumrjones_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:07
DuppyDr_Willis, How would i go by chrooting it? :P18:07
Dr_Willismount it.. chroot commandf to the mountpoint18:08
DuppyI don't know the mountpoint..18:08
Dr_WillisDuppy:  you moutn it whever you want...18:08
mrjones_!tab Ok, Im still learning to use this mirc lol18:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:08
DuppyDr_Willis, Do you have a tutorial or something?18:08
Dr_Willismrjones_:  err  this is 'irc' - mIRC is one of many irc clients18:08
tvwI just upgraded to 10.04.1 and after logging in, all windows do only consists of the inner part, which is handled by the application. No frames and now window bar.18:08
mrjones_BluesKaj: so that should work right?18:09
Dr_WillisDuppy:  sounds like you need tolearn some linux basics first18:09
rokyronnieDr_Willis,  then, can you recommend me another Music Player which could Work with Panflute  and which could have good settings for global hotkeys ? ( without Amarok, cause it works very hard on my PC, and I don't like it cause every time I start it, it took so long to scan for files )18:09
Dr_Willis!mount | Duppy18:09
induzis there any application like Cydia on Lucid?? i want to get access to my iPod touch 1st gen18:09
ubottuDuppy: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:09
StarlightDo I need to be in the TS3 directory to use this command? cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak18:09
Dr_Willisrokyronnie:  not really. i rarely liosten to music. and when i do. i just let it play.18:09
mrjones_Dr_Willis: yeah thats what I meant. Its been a couple years since ive been on here.18:09
mrjones_BluesKaj: so following that article, I should be able to get it working?18:09
BluesKajmrjones_, there are no gurantees , you have to try the tutorial to find out18:09
DuppyDr_Willis, I have already booted a live cd in the vm18:10
Steristdoes anyone know if Charles Web Debugging Proxy is available under any repository?18:10
mrjones_!tab ok18:10
Duppyfdisk -l doesn't output anything :/18:10
g_0_0Duppy, you need to use sudo - sudo fdisk -l18:10
BluesKajmrjones_, we also asked if you have W7 on a partition on theat pc or is it a separate pc on your network ?18:10
Duppyg_0_0, I'll try that18:11
jamesw_Hello people, Im new to Ubuntu and Im having trouble with Filezilla: it's running very very slow. Im transfering files over a 1Gbps local network and filezilla only manages to downlaod at 30-35KB/s ! Even the filezilla window seems to be unresponsive, taking 2-3 seconds to display when I switch to it. Any ideas? What can I try? Im runnign 10.10 installed on the hard drive.18:11
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Duppyg_0_0, It didn't output anything under root either18:11
ActionParsnipjamesw_: nautilus can talk to sftp and ftp servers18:11
mrjones_blueskaj: W7 64bit, is a seperate laptop. and Im running ubuntu on a different laptop. but they are all connected wirelessly to the same router18:11
BluesKajok then mrjones_ try the tutorial18:12
mrjones_blueskaj: will do18:12
induzsomething like cydia18:12
DuppyI think i need a step to step tutorial18:13
g_0_0Duppy, sudo fdisk -l didn't output anything ? What are you running? how did you boot?18:13
SidewaysUbuntu 10.10. somehow, I lost my USB and NIC. Well, i can see the NIC, but it wont take a DHCP address, when assigned, it simply does nothing. Any ideas?18:13
ActionParsnipjamesw_: try nautilus, if its fine then its filezilla being slow (plus its a 3Mb installed app which is pretty ridiculous if you ask me)18:13
induzI tried lots of s/w to save my pics on iPod touch but still have not been successful18:13
Duppyg_0_0, The live cd is slitaz 3.018:13
ActionParsnipSideways: what network chip does it use?18:13
DuppyI used su and then typed it..18:14
rcmaehlHelp! Running Ubuntu 10.10 System does not power off after shutdown/suspend/hibernate/suspend-hybrid. How do I fix this?18:14
jamesw_ActionParsnip, thanks, I tried the "connect to server" function and it did work for a few files/folders until it freezed and I had to restart to fix it. Im going to try it again anyway.18:14
ActionParsnipjamesw_: try gftp as well, its nice and light18:14
viktor133how do you remove a directory?18:15
ActionParsnipviktor133: rm -r folder18:15
BiPolahviktor133: rm -r <directory>18:15
BiPolahViktor133: Without the -r it just removes the contents of the directory I believe.18:15
viktor133alright, thnks18:16
g_0_0Duppy, I don't know slitaz, what are you trying to do? are you installing slitaz? or do you need ubuntu help?18:16
SidewaysI think its Intel18:16
Duppyg_0_0, I'm trying to recover a password that i have on the ubuntu install in the VM imagwe18:16
SidewaysI know it is actually18:16
Guest57488how to configure avermedia dvb tunercard in ubuntu?18:17
PrototypeX29Ahey, why does apt-cache find 'z80asm' when i search for 'gameboy'. The manpage doesn't contain any thing regarding gameboys, and the assembler is not compatible with the Gameboy CPU18:17
BiPolahDuppy: Perhaps you could access recovery mode and try passwd to reset it?18:18
MoKhSu<Duppy> try to mount the vm image and change the pass in /etc/shadow18:18
BiPolahMoKhSu: The password is encrypted.18:18
Dr_WillisPrototypeX29A:  the original gameboy used a z80 processor i belive.18:18
DuppyMoKhSu, How would i get access to /etc/paswd ?18:18
Dr_WillisPrototypeX29A:  or one related to it.18:18
Duppy/etc/shadow *18:18
BiPolahDuppy: sudo gedit /etc/shadow, or other text editor of your choice18:19
bc81PrototypeX29A: "The Z80 microprocessor is used in old home computers, such as the ZX spectrum and MSX, and in several newer devices, such as the TI-83 graphical calculator and (a stripped down version) in the (original) GameBoy.18:19
PiciPrototypeX29A: Because the package description mentions 'gameboy'.  See apt-cache show z80asm18:19
Dr_WillisCPU: 8-bit Z80 CMOS (4.19MHz)18:19
YerushalmiDr_Willis: Memtest completed, passed all tests... fsck I ran last night ended up with no errors too... what do you suggest I do?18:19
DuppyI don't have access to any terminal.....18:19
Userany idea where i can get some help with fdisk?18:19
ActionParsnipDuppy: boot to root recovery mode and run:  passwd foo    replace foo with your username18:19
DuppyI just get the kogin screen18:19
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  work with a live cd, and see if it crashes18:19
jamesw_ActionParsnip, the "conect to server option" in Nautilus didnt work. I did set the connection and I could see the remote files. I then did right-click-copy and right-click-paste on a local folder, it only managed to copy 18MB before freezing. Now I have a "FileOperations" popup that doesnt move. (Im going to install gftp now... but it's not looking good).18:19
MoKhSui know but i mean if you have another system  and you know the pass just copy and past it in shadow18:19
g_0_0Duppy,  hold shift at boot18:19
ActionParsnipDuppy: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root18:19
CaptwestHow do i check if its 32 or 64 bit HW?18:20
YerushalmiDr_Willis: See if what crashes?18:20
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  the system.18:20
ActionParsnipCaptwest: uname -m18:20
ActionParsnipCaptwest: x86_64 == 64bit   i686 == 32bit18:20
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  if a live cd also crashes with similer issues.. that would point to a hardware type issue.18:20
YerushalmiDr_Willis: I haven't had any system crash problems. I just can't open nautilus or system monitor.18:21
ActionParsnipCaptwest: you can see what the cpu is with: cat /proc/cpuinfo    then search the web for what the cpu is18:21
ElderDryasman uname18:21
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  and thoze shouldent be crashing either.. see if they crash friom a live cd.18:21
Captwestaint uname -u telling you what type of os it is?18:21
Duppyg_0_0, Okay :)18:22
Steristanyone know if Wine can handle 64bit installations or is that dependent on the ubuntu installation18:22
YerushalmiDr_Willis: Loaded up from a separate installation on another disk drive... both of them work fine.18:22
PrototypeX29APici: well the description is wrong, and iritating18:22
Dr_WillisYerushalmi:  sounds like your one install is some how currupted.  or the HD is having issues.18:23
ActionParsnipCaptwest: uname -m is the arch of the OS18:24
ActionParsnipSterist: i'd ask in #winehq18:24
rcmaehlMy system does not halt, what is the solution?18:24
YerushalmiDr_Willis: Could be. My main installation is off a 16GB SD card18:24
ActionParsniprcmaehl: how are you halting the OS?18:25
ActionParsniprcmaehl: what happens when you try?18:25
share1Run android app on ubuntu.... http://www.hudieai.com/?fromuid=13680918:26
moesCan a linux file be deleted from a windows partition...when I try to delete it gives error input/output18:26
shubbarcan i force eth0 to run in gigabit speed?18:26
BluesKajrcmaehl, open a terminal , sudo halt18:27
Dr_Willismoes:  clarify what you mean.. 'a linux file' ? what file?18:27
rcmaehlBluesKaj: didn't work18:27
Dr_Willisshubbar:  try the ethtool command perahps. the thing should auto-negoiate the speeds.18:27
BiPolahShubbar: Your router/switch would have to support gigabit. My eth0 runs gigabit because my ethernet controller and switch both support it18:27
bc81PrototypeX29A: perhaps filea bug @ launchpad?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/z80asm18:27
moesDr_Willis, The file is flpsave.2fs and I can see it by mounting sda1 which is my windows partition18:28
=== share1 is now known as share2
SidewaysI verified that my NIC drivers are flipping out by running a live ubuntu install. how would one go about resetting the drivers to their original state w/o having to reinstall18:28
shubbarBiPolah, gigabit at both end and a 16m of cat5e ... what am i missing18:29
Dr_Willismoes:  you mean you are deleting a file ON a windows drive, from within linux?18:29
moesDr_Willis, Yes that is what I am trying to do18:29
Dr_Willismoes:  check the outout of the 'dmesg' command (at the end) its possible there are some issues with the hard drive18:29
erUSULshubbar: 16m may be too much ?18:29
BluesKajrcmaehl, ctrl+alt+f1 , sudo service gdm stop , then sudo halt18:29
=== share2 is now known as share1
share1I can't into kubuntu channel18:30
shubbarerUSUL, it should be good to 89m (295 ft) as i know18:30
BluesKajshare1, /join #kubuntu18:30
SidewaysThe USB drivers have also gone out, which blacklist would you check to find out whats jup?18:31
shubbarmay be 16m is a bad length and i m getting radio interference18:31
Sidewaysthere are about 22 blacklist files18:32
CaptwestWhat is the official way to add cronjobs?18:32
ActionParsnipCaptwest: there is no official way18:34
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:34
=== SirNeo is now known as sirneo
sssHow do I install Adobe Shockwave Player in Ubutnu 10.10?18:35
ActionParsnipCaptwest: you can use: export EDITOR=nano; crontab -e      to use cron as user in command line, or you can install gnome-schedule and use gui. If you want to cron as root, prefix crontab with sudo or run gnome-schedule prefixed with gksudo18:35
ElderDryasCaptwest: "crontab -e "is used to edit the  current  crontab18:35
ActionParsnipsss: you can't it's windows only18:35
sssActionParsnip, bummer18:35
CaptwestThanks :)18:35
Guest57488!tv | Guest5748818:36
ubottuGuest57488, please see my private message18:36
apet4uanyone willing to help me with a Wifi card problem?18:36
bc81!anyone | apet4u18:36
ubottuapet4u: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:36
Blue1this explains a little about crontab -- http://pkill-9.com/?p=47418:36
=== adrian is now known as Guest95981
ActionParsnipapet4u: give some details and somebody will repy if they can18:37
moesDr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/9ECMjGei18:37
apet4uim on an Acer aspire 5520 and it uses an atheros ar5006eg wirless card (built in) my problem started out with i could not connect to Wpa networks but could connect to WEP... so i ran some updates and now its not even reading any connections wirelessly and my LElD light for my wifi just stays on18:38
ActionParsnipapet4u: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan     do you see access point(s)?18:39
share1Add some sex girl's picture for wallpaper that can give hot and craze popularity.18:39
share1ubuntu can do it.18:39
apet4uActionParsnip:  no it doesnt18:40
TasteHow do i format my drives so i can install a new windows? or how do i partition my drives to dual boot them?18:40
arandsss: You don't mean flash?18:40
ActionParsnipapet4u: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212600&page=2   should help. Keep the source handy as you will need to compile each time you get a new kernel18:40
Schizoidi r c18:40
Dr_Willismoes:  dosent say much of anything.. how are you trying to delete the file? try to delete it. and when it fails. check dmesg outpuit again, should be some info near the end18:41
sssAfter updating, in the GRUB menu there two Ubuntu options with different linux versions. How do I remove the older?18:42
share1My girl's picture is here...http://www.hudieai.com/?fromuid=136809 she is a sex and hot girl.18:42
DJonesshare1: Thats not appropriate for this channel18:43
Oershare1 sorry, my ubuntu does not show any picture.18:43
skrapshows everyone doing on this fine afternoon?18:43
skrapsnot a very talkative crowd18:44
Oersss it is normal you have the old and the current kernel, you need the old kernel to go in save-mode18:44
share1Oer, U can't see picture?18:44
Blue1ehh it goes18:44
fkeferhi all! can anyone tell me how i can blacklist a module from loading when booting off a livecd???18:44
skrapshas anyone implemented a grsec kernel with ubuntu?18:44
Oersss the kernel before the old kernel, will be automaticly removed18:45
fkefersdhci floods my console...18:45
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ActionParsnipsss: if you run:  uname -a   you will see the current kernel18:46
share1DJones, my mean is add any hot girls' pictures for wallpaper that can give hot and craze popularity.18:46
ActionParsnipsss: if you run:   dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2   you will see the installed kernel18:47
theamazingbeatdoes anyone know how to reset a samba user passwd18:47
ActionParsnipfkefer: add the bootoption:   modulename.blacklist=yes18:47
Oerthnx ActionParsnip i learned something today :-)18:48
ActionParsnipOer: cool, always a good thing18:48
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moesDr_Willis,I mount sda1 which is where the file is located..then I try to use move to trash..that is where I get the input/output error..retried and ran dmesg and it show the same script18:49
share1My girl's picture is here... http://www.hudieai.com/?fromuid=136809 she is a sex and hot girl18:50
zek152i used the "connect to server" to connect to my account on my universities server.  I have an eclipse project in that folder.  I have a link to the folder on my desktop but I dont know where it is mounted (or if it is) in the filesystem.  the shortcut is labeled "sftp for **** on *****" help?18:50
BiPolah!ot | share118:52
ubottushare1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:52
DJones!coc | share118:52
ubottushare1: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .18:52
share1ubottu, ok i will join  #ubuntu-offtopic18:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
amithielhello. i need some help guys, what command can i execute to check if my nvidia card is not in use? i'm with one of those laptops with hybrid graphics18:54
amithieli don't have nvidia installed. i just want to know if the card is ON or off18:55
fkeferActionParsnip: thank you! i'll try that18:55
Blue1amithiel: this will tell you what driver is being used:  grep -i glx /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:55
lkpBlue1, wouldn't that just tell you if u r using the glx module?18:56
amithieli did this command, whick is proper for my system: echo '\_SB.PCI0.PEG1.GFX0._OFF' > /proc/acpi/call  , so now i as curious if it indeed worked, since it didn't gave me any output18:56
Blue1lkp: yes but it also lists what driver is being used.18:56
Blue1lkp:  [894258.940] (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"18:57
Blue1[894258.940] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  173.14.28  Wed Sep 29 10:19:01 PDT 201018:57
amithieli know i'm using intel driver. nvidia its not even installed, but it drained the battery anyway.18:59
Burlitsaamithiel alt+F2 -> jockey-gtk18:59
Bushmani've checked my mouse on other BT dongle device (the BT chip is of the same manufacturer, different model). it works flawlesly. then again i've checked the faulty BT dongle in virtualised windows XP on the same machine and it works flawlesly too. same USB port, same mouse, same dongle, diferent driver. it must be something in USB or bluetooth driver of linux. would be nice if someone would help me find the reason of the bug. the bug itself is qui18:59
sacarlsonshubbar: did you try media example  ifconfig em0 media 1000baseTX mediaopt full-duplex19:00
Bushmanthe bug itself is quite visible as is without actualy looking for it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807619:00
pagoreHi all!, I Googled a lot, but didnt found a solution,  How can I get the elder Flash Plugin (I need the version, which saved the flv-Movies into /tmp)19:01
y7hey guys, i was interested in installing ubuntu desktop on my computer and when i go to dl it, it recommends 32bit for me. is there any reason to get 32bit instead of 64bit?19:02
SmegmaYes, if you have a 32-bit only CPU.19:02
y7my cpu and mobo are capable of 64bit19:02
y7so with that now being known, is there any other reason to get 32bit instead of 64bit?19:03
ActionParsnipBushman: what version of virtualbox?19:03
SmegmaAre you absolutely sure? It should recommend the most appropriate version - can you post your CPU?19:03
ActionParsnipy7: some manufacturers only suport 32bit, 32bit is still a slightly smoother ride than 64bit. If you have a tonne of RAM then grab 64bit19:03
y7i have 4GB of ram, is that classified as a ton?19:04
lkpy7: no19:04
jriby7: get 64bit19:04
lkpy7: only use 64-bit if u have more than 4 gb19:04
ActionParsnipy7: i'd go 64bit if you have a 64bit CPU then19:04
SmegmaIt is more than 32bit can support so I would argue that it is19:04
ActionParsnipy7: you can install 32bit with PAE and 32bit kernel will be able to access 64Gb RAM19:05
lkpSmegma: 32-bit can support up to 4gb19:05
SmegmaI've only ever heard of 32bit apps supporting up to 3.5gb19:05
GeekyAdamwhats up gaiz. still working on my triple monitor setup...to no avail.19:05
ActionParsnipSmegma: pae can only give 3.5Gb per process but can use up to 64gb overall19:06
lkpSmegma: (from wikipedia) Hence, a processor with 32-bit memory addresses can directly access 4 GB of byte-addressable memory.19:06
SmegmaFairy muff, always good to learn new things19:06
lkpy7: a 32-bit app will use slightly more memory than a 64-bit app on a 64-bit os cuz its not optimized for the 64-bit os19:07
y7so 64bit only deals with ram... has nothing to do with cpu and whatnot?19:08
theamazingbeatdoes anyone know how to reset a samba user passwd19:08
sssAfetr updating, in the GRUB menu there are two Ubuntu options with different linux version. How do I remove the older?19:09
lkpy7: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-Bit_Processor has everything u need to know about 64-bit, and a ton of stuff u dont19:09
mkanyicy!samba | theamazingbeat19:09
ubottutheamazingbeat: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:09
ActionParsnipy7: you can only run 32bit OS on 32bit CPU, you can run either on 64bit CPU19:09
lkpsss: that is the old linux kernel. u dont need to remove it unless ur tight on space19:10
y7ActionParsnip, i know that much. i've just had 64bit hardware forever now and i've been running 32bit xp.... was looking forward to upgrading to 64bit with ubuntu, but it looks like i'll be staying with 32bit :)19:10
mkanyicysss: you can remove it using synaptic19:11
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)19:11
GeekyAdamanyone know how to use nvidia's twinview option across 3 monitors (2 video cards)?19:12
y7i plan on installing ubuntu and  winxp on the same hdd... if i install ubuntu first, should i make sure to leave some partition space available for windows xp or does it not work that way?19:13
sssFor some reason my applets(?) on the right of my top panel swaped places19:13
cannonfodderdont do it that wy19:13
cannonfodderyou have to install xp first19:13
cannonfodderbecause windows boot loader wont detect ubuntu19:13
amn3z1ai overwrote win xp with ubuntu, so sick of trying to get their install right19:14
BluesKajy7, always install windows first19:14
amn3z1anow im just looking for the best emulator for gaming19:14
bc81sss: this happens to me from time to time when changing resolutions, even whenthe applets are locked.  it must surely be a known bug19:14
y7ok, so if i install windows first, do i need to partition it to leave space for ubuntu?19:15
krsnahow to set the formatter for manpages? I have set troff in /etc/manpath.config and done "man -C /etc/manpath.config COMMAND" but it does not work... I want to set troff as the formatter instead of groff19:15
sssbc81, I didn't do anything. Also sometimes there are white spaces between applets19:15
cannonfodderyes i think19:15
bc81amn3z1a: what system(s) are you to emulate?19:15
cannonfoddernot too sure y7....i forgot how i did it19:15
amn3z1awindows for my games... im addicted to my windows games19:15
cannonfoddery7 nvm that thought....you dont19:16
cannonfodderyou will partition it in the ubuntu installer19:16
bc81amn3z1a: and they applets locked in place?19:16
y7cannonfodder, so the ubuntu installer is capable of decreasing the size of windows partition to make room for itself?19:16
amn3z1abc81, i dont even know yet, new to ubuntu and trying to wing it19:16
cannonfodderyes if i can recall, you can do it from the live disc i think19:17
y7roger that, thanks for the help guys19:17
bc81amn3z1a: right-click them to lock it in place19:17
cannonfodderits been a while so im not too sure19:17
BluesKajyz yes do the partitioning first with a gparted and set a /home partition for your linux data and a / for the linux OS and of course ntfs for the windows install, best to put the ntfs first on the partition tabble19:17
sssy7, Yes. Probably the LiveCD will automatically repartition your drive, but if not you nust use GParted19:17
blue_pearli may b wrong but i cant seem to find /boot/grub/menu.lst on Ubuntu10.0419:17
cannonfodderif the live disc doesnt have gparted or a partition application on it...just apt-get install it19:18
magicianlordy7: yes19:18
cannonfodder i think that works in a live disc19:18
cannonfodderthen use that19:18
magicianlordthe live disks have gparted19:18
cannonfodderah ok cool19:18
magicianlordand disk-utility19:18
magicianlordbut the installer will take care of repartitioning19:18
amn3z1abc81, where do i find them?19:18
BluesKajblue_pearl, there is no menu.lst file anymore19:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:19
blue_pearlBluesKaj,  say i want to add vga=791 but i cant find /boot/grub/menu.lst file in ubuntu10.0419:19
Sidewaysmy nic worked at install,  now it wont take an ip. work fine using live cd,19:20
ZolWhat's the best practice way of backing up a remote server?19:20
bc81amn3z1a: each of the panel applets you can right-click and lock19:20
BluesKajread thne post above about grub2 b, blue_pearl19:20
ZolRather, I wish to backup, format server, update with new ubuntu version, and then apply some configs etc. from the old installation.19:20
blue_pearlBluesKaj, thanx19:21
GeekyAdamanyone know how to use nvidia's twinview option across 3 monitors (2 video cards)?19:21
=== avis is now known as avis-
=== avis- is now known as avis
jribZol: why don't you just upgrade ubuntu? (you should have backups anyway but only as a precaution)19:21
BushmanActionParsnip: does it matter what version? the thing is not working in linux, not in windows.19:21
magicianlordwhat's the backup programs in linux19:22
Bushmanit's a VMplayer19:22
magicianlordthere is a simple one for gtk19:22
soreauGeekyAdam: You probably want to run to X sessions, though this means you will not be able to move windows between two of the monitors and the third19:22
soreauGeekyAdam: two X sessions*19:22
SidewaysIm running 10.10, anyone have any ideas which file got messed uP?19:22
PicCardBushman, vmplayer works19:22
BushmanActionParsnip: if you really need to know it's a VMplayer 3.1.219:22
GeekyAdamsoreau: thats exactly what i want to avoid. i have three monitors, and i want to move windows between all of them WITHOUT using xinerama.19:22
GeekyAdamsoreau: but i thank you for the help19:23
BushmanPicCard: yea, can see that19:23
mkanyicymagicianlord: deja-dup19:23
GeekyAdamanyone else?19:23
pagoreHi all, dows someone know, how to recover the older adobe flash plugin? (I dont like the latest update)19:23
Sidewaysif i  knew which file controls the usb and NIC, i could just replace the file...19:23
Bushmanbut that's not the point of the problem here19:23
PicCardBushman, what is problem?19:23
jrib!backup | magicianlord19:23
ubottumagicianlord: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:23
amn3z1abc81, mind a pm if you have time?19:24
soreauGeekyAdam: Then you can use xinerama but it will disable compositing so compiz and such wont work19:24
Bushmanthe bug itself is quite visible as is without actualy looking for it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807619:24
Bushmani've checked my mouse on other BT dongle device (the BT chip is of the same manufacturer, different model). it works flawlesly. then again i've checked the faulty BT dongle in virtualised windows XP on the same machine and it works flawlesly too. same USB port, same mouse, same dongle, diferent driver. it must be something in USB or bluetooth driver of linux. would be nice if someone would help me find the reason of the bug.19:24
GeekyAdamsoreau: yeah, which is why i want to avoid using xinerama19:24
soreauGeekyAdam: The other solution is xgl, but you'd have to use a really old version of ubuntu19:24
Bushmansorry for reverse order19:24
SidewaysUDB and NIC only work proper on live install.19:25
SidewaysI think its a blacklist problem, anyone think thats possible??19:25
GeekyAdamsoreau: i remember xgl a little bit... does that work nicely with trip monitors? how old of ubuntu? what version?19:25
soreauGeekyAdam: Look on youtube, google for xgl beryl three monitors or whatever19:25
iroquoisevery so often when i open ubuntu there's a black screen and i have to do a hard shutdown (push and hold the power button),then it opens properly.Anyone now why it does this and is there a fix?19:26
GeekyAdamsoreau: i know what xgl looks like, are you saying it works with xinerama, whereas compiz does not?19:26
amn3z1abc81, are they in pkg mgr? or where do i find them?19:26
soreauGeekyAdam: The last version of ubuntu that shipped xgl was hardy19:26
soreauGeekyAdam: Xgl is an X server architecture, started by David Reveman, layered on top of OpenGL via glitz. It takes advantage of modern graphics cards via their OpenGL drivers, supporting hardware acceleration of all X, OpenGL and XVideo applications and graphical effects by a compositing window manager such as Beryl.19:27
GeekyAdamsoreau: sounds like i have some research to do19:28
soreauGeekyAdam: Nowadays, most of the functionality xgl provided went into the Texture From Pixmap spec they wrote but it still cannot support three outputs the way xgl does19:28
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hipotokdo we have any samba experts on right now?19:29
soreauhipotok: nope19:29
soreau! ask | hipotok19:29
ubottuhipotok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:29
GeekyAdamsoreau: so as far as you know, i could get triple monitors to work from 2 cards without using xinerama and still be able to drag windows across one another?19:30
GeekyAdamsoreau: that is to say, using xgl19:30
amn3z1aanyone have time to help me get new install of ubuntu loaded with all the proper applets and emulator for gaming?19:30
hipotokI am unable to access my samba server via name from my Win 7 machines. I was told that you need to put a line into the smb.conf that states the name of the server so i can do \\linuxbox instead of \\<ip address> anyone tell me the name of this line and what catagory to place it in?19:30
soreauGeekyAdam: Yes. But since xgl was designed for the rest of the software technology back then, you will have to use an old version of ubuntu (or other linux flavor)19:30
GeekyAdamsoreau: i see i see. ill look into hardy. not sure if i want to backtrack that far but we'll see.19:32
mkanyicyjust curious, if i do a Ctrl+Z on a program that is burning a disk, will 'fg' or 'bg' make it resume without errors?19:32
lkpmkanyicy: i've never tried but i wouldnt want to cuz it'll probably cause burning errors19:33
Zoljrib: Because I believe that I've screwed up a lot since I first installed ubuntu (I'd never touched it before I'd installed it on my VPS, so I don't have /home on a separate partition and so on)19:33
soreauGeekyAdam: Yea I don't think anyone would. Maybe it's possible to update xgl to work with todays components, who knows19:33
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soreauGeekyAdam: If you got it working, you'd be pretty popular since you're not the only one after such a setup19:33
ZolCan I somehow make a tar of the root and download it and then hand pick what I want to transfer to the new installation?19:33
bodaihello.could somebody help me?I set up a server with a static ip address.but can't use my domain name19:34
soreaubodai: Why do you want to use your domain name?19:34
jribZol: just backup your *data* and anything that you've changed yourself19:34
jrib!clone | Zol19:34
ubottuZol: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:34
GeekyAdamsoreau: word. just seems annoying that its neigh impossible to do a 3 monitor setup thats still graphically decent.19:34
schnufflebodisiw_: paste sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf19:34
soreauGeekyAdam: Graphics are fine. It's the functionality that's lacking ;)19:35
bodaiI would like to use myname.example.com not xxx.xxx.xxx19:35
bodaiit is a static ip address19:35
soreaubodai: If it doesn't relate to a real domain name, you probably should just use something like 'local' or what have you19:35
JonathanEllisI'm trying to setup a static ip address for my ubuntu machine but when I do, I cant connect to my router (a Huawei EchoLife HG520s from TalkTalk) or anywhere else. My router address is and I have set the dhcp pool to begin at so I dont understand why when I set my ubuntu machine to I cant connect. I have set the gateway address and dns address to Any ideas?19:36
mkanyicylkp: thats what i want to know, do they actually occur or we thing they might?19:36
schnufflebodai: have you setup this domain so it resolves?19:36
soreaubodai: Also, this question might be for ##networking since it's more specific to networking and not ubuntu19:36
GeekyAdamsoreau: i disagree. the main project for this setup for me is so i can play WoW on linux through Wine. i can get that to work fine, but when using 3 seperate x screens with xinerama, the fps in WoW drops to nearly unplayable. but with twinscreen across two monitors, the fps is decently fine.19:36
bodaithank you so much19:36
GeekyAdamsoreau: then again, you could call that functionality i guess :/19:36
GeekyAdamsoreau: so you'd be right19:36
lkpJonathanEllis: some routers dont allow systems to connect with a static ip19:37
soreauGeekyAdam: Yes, the graphics are fine indeed. Just have to get it working like you want19:37
avisi have this script.  it tells me port 80 is already used, though i know i am not running anything on port 80.  ignore the comment about port 8000.  i am wanting to use this as a dropbox replacement19:37
amn3z1adoes anyone have time to walk me thru setting up the rest of a new ubuntu install? I am using it now to be here but need more applets and an emulator to play my games19:37
krsnahow to set the formatter for manpages? I have set troff in /etc/manpath.config and done "man -C /etc/manpath.config COMMAND" but it does not work... I want to set troff as the formatter instead of groff19:37
jrib!manual | amn3z1a19:37
karma_policei have a folder full of zip files.. it takes forever to open in ubuntu however it opens a lot fatser in windoze... what could be the problem?19:37
ubottuamn3z1a: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:37
schnuffleavis: port under 1024 are privliged and only root can bind19:38
amn3z1athx jrib19:38
JonathanEllislkp: I wondered about that but http://www.broadbandadvice.org.uk/Website/Special%20Articles/Setting_a_Static_IP_on_HG520.htm and http://www.talktalkmembers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-16507.html suggest that it should work19:38
magicianlordis rsync reliable?19:38
avisschnuffle, thank you for that information is there anything i can change to the script to enable port 80 being able to work on this nautilus script ?19:38
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
soreauavis: For what program?19:38
lkpmagicianlord: depends on what ur using it for19:39
[tla]hi.  ubuntu 10.10 server.  i'd like some help with a possible grub issue.  i made an existing /boot raid 1 with mdadm and grub-install but when i boot the system, i now get a udevadm timeout and "errors were found when checking /boot".  i choose to manually fix and "mount /boot" then ^D and the system boots normally. maybe my grub-install was wrong?19:39
avisits a nautilus script http://pastebin.com/2zPv9TYN19:39
soreauavis: Yes I was going to say the same as schnuffle. You have to be root to use ports < 102419:39
avisthank you soreau.  i suppose no modification to the script can be made for port 80 ?19:40
magicianlordlkp: what does that mean19:40
karma_policedoes ubuntu have trouble with zip files? it seems to take forever to open a folder containing zip files19:40
lkpkarma_police: try "unzip *zip filename*" on the command line19:41
magicianlordkarma_police: it's probably nautilus trying to index them or whatnot19:41
halpbatmancan you use Gparted to dynamically repartition boot drive?19:41
bridieHi guys - I'm trying to follow the instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo - but I'm falling at the first hurdle - the command it's telling me to run is returning the following error: http://pastebin.com/GducC0VM - Can anyone please advise me on what I'm doing wrong?  I'm using Ubuntu 10.419:41
schnuffleavis: you can use sudo the python but better to use ports bigger 102419:41
karma_policeis there a better handler than nautilus to use? it is a dreadful wait whenever i want to browse that folder19:41
jsilvaalguem portugues?19:41
Logan_WP!pt | jsilva19:42
ubottujsilva: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:42
sha1sumAnybody here use xfce4 and compiz together? For some reason, after I enabled compiz yesterday, now my taskbar tasks, when clicked, don't switch to the application. I have to click on the workspace in the workspace switcher to get to them.19:42
lkpkarma_police: u could use ark19:42
jsilvaOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ19:42
Jalaska13hey, does anybody  know what the default url is of printers shared to the network from a computer running ubuntu?19:42
brontoeeekarma_police, thunar?19:43
avisthank you schnuffle you and soreau have been of tremendous help19:43
GeekyAdamJalaska13: should just be the ip address of the printer19:43
sha1sumkarma_police: yeah I was just about to recommend thunar. Good, fast.19:43
jsilvamy cam dont work on pidgin19:43
schnuffleavis: your welcome19:43
karma_policewill thunar work with gnome?19:43
soreauavis: np19:43
GeekyAdamJalaska13: actually, nevermind that, i was thinking of a different setup19:44
Jalaska13GeekyAdam: Well, I tried that, but the PC I was on requested the queue url as well19:44
Jalaska13oh ok19:44
soreaukarma_police: sure19:44
schnuffleßjsilva: does it work at all19:44
soreaujsilva: Does it work in cheese?19:44
optimushey guys i have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse they are attached together the mouse works but keyboard doesnt can you please help me fix this? sorry the keyboard and mouse pad are one unit if that makes more sense19:45
Guest21387hola buenas tardes soy muy nuevo a ver si alguien me puede ayudar  quierto saber como19:45
brontoeeekarma_police, hammer always work19:45
Logan_WP!es | Guest2138719:45
ubottuGuest21387: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:45
Guest21387abrir puertos o saber si estan abiertos19:45
jsilvaWork on a program but not in pidgin19:45
basyHi, after last update my kernel crushed with error like: /init error on line 61 '/scripts/functions/' missing...19:45
basyNow i have to boot older kernel :o( How to repair ?19:45
soreauoptimus: Any interesting messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log with regards to your input unit?19:45
bridieHi guys - I'm trying to follow the instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo - but I'm falling at the first hurdle - the command it's telling me to run is returning the following error: http://pastebin.com/GducC0VM - Can anyone please advise me on what I'm doing wrong?  I'm using Ubuntu 10.419:45
optimusi will check soreau19:46
mikeyfbiis there a hotspot sheild equivalent for ubuntu19:47
karma_policehow do i use thunar? i just installed it using synaptcs19:47
soreaubridie: What happens if you try to install poulsbo-driver-2d before 3d?19:47
soreaukarma_police: Type thunar in your terminal or find it in the menu19:47
mikeyfbii guess maybe tor would work?19:47
bridiesoreau - I will try that now19:48
Logan_WPmikeyfbi: try http://markusthielmann.com/blog/hotspot_shield_ubuntu19:48
lkpkarma_police: alt-f2 --> thunar19:48
sha1sumbridie: also try viewing this tutorial: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/fix-intel-gma500-poulsbo-graphics-in.html19:48
Logan_WP!please | jsilva19:49
ubottujsilva: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude19:49
mikeyfbiLogan_WP, thank you kindly!19:49
bridiesoreau, same error, but this time it's "Depends: poulsbo-config"19:49
schnufflejsilva: ask before sending pm, i don't use the camera inn pidgin, so can't hep you19:49
Logan_WPmikeyfbi: You're welcome!19:49
bridieshalsum - thanks checking that now19:49
soreaubridie: Can you keep going? ie. try to install poulsbo-config before the -2d packages19:49
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning19:50
sha1sumsoreau: I think the page I gave bridie solves the issues by attempting to just type in all the packages in the same apt-get install operation19:50
jsilvasorry but I'm a portuguese i dont write very much english! sorry other peolple19:50
Logan_WP!pt | jsilva19:51
ubottujsilva: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:51
karma_policethe folder still takes forever to open with zip files in it... it must be a different problem19:51
bridieshalsum - I'm running the command from that webpage now and it is installing stuff - I will let you know how I get on19:51
sha1sumbridie: also there are notebook-specific instructions under that. Not sure if you saw that or have one of those notebooks, but might be good for you to read before you restart.19:52
BiPolahDoes anyone know how well Spore runs on Ubuntu? The WINE appdb isn't too informatibe19:52
optimussoreau : RADEON(0): SILKEN MOUSE enabled, hid 413c: 8121 type mouse19:52
optimusthe keyboard was also found but the system  configured it as a mouse19:53
bridieshalsum - that additional information is actually very relevant and I hadn't seen it :)  Thanks!19:53
arandBiPolah: There was a guide in the ubuntu forums about it, so yea, I think it runs reasonably19:53
soreauoptimus: Does it say anything about allowemptyinput enabled/disabled?19:53
arandBiPolah: Well DID at least.19:53
BiPolahArand: On 10.04?19:53
optimussoreau negative19:54
soreauoptimus: Not sure then. What device is it as reported by lsusb? (assuming it's a usb device)19:54
avisi have this folder web share script.  it gets past all checks but when it comes to advancing past making the files in a dir publishable over webshare (zenity only requirement its a nautilus-script)  it simply goes back and forth with only option to cancel, nothing ever gets published to the web.  http://pastebin.com/iPXqhM2w19:55
=== Bismarck is now known as Guest5758
teddybguys my firefox is constantly saying its allready running even after reboot, and i dont know how to fix it and cant get into google to find out how to fix it (no other browser :( )19:56
optimus Bus 002 Device 002: ID 413c:8121 Dell Computer Corp. Eastfold in HID19:56
bridieshalsum soreau - rebooting now - will see if this has worked :)19:56
lkpteddyb: reinstall firefox with "sudo aptitude reinstall firefox"19:56
induzguys I have two IRC chat one is :Xchat and other is Xchat-gnome Server?19:56
induzwhat r the difference?19:56
Mr_Lovehave problem19:57
g_0_0avis you are trying to access it on port 8080 as opposed to port 8019:57
soreaubridie: Got everything installed now?19:57
Mr_Lovehelp me19:57
Bushmani've checked my mouse on other BT dongle device (the BT chip is of the same manufacturer, different model). it works flawlesly. then again i've checked the faulty BT dongle in virtualised windows XP on the same machine and it works flawlesly too. same USB port, same mouse, same dongle, diferent driver. it must be something in USB or bluetooth driver of linux. would be nice if someone would help me find the reason of the bug.19:57
induzboth have 1640 total chatters19:57
Bushmanthe bug itself is quite visible as is without actualy looking for it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807619:57
induzis there any difference or its the same19:58
=== annunaki is now known as krycek
optimussoreau: lsusb :  Bus 002 Device 002: ID 413c:8121 Dell Computer Corp. Eastfold in HID thats pretty much my best guess19:58
alexander__hi, i cannot open azureus. it stays gray. what can i do?19:59
lkpalexander__: try reinstalling it19:59
induz_Ok guys i have Dell computer and it had a HDD, now i want to add another HDD making ait a slave...Ubuntu would have problem??19:59
teddybikp teddy@PC:~$ sudo aptitude reinstall firefox19:59
teddybsudo: aptitude: command not found19:59
soreauoptimus: That's your internal bluetooth adapter19:59
induz_its alreday running ubuntu Linux with one HDD19:59
lkpteddyb: then use apt-get instead19:59
jribteddyb: that wouldn't solve anything anyway19:59
soreauoptimus: Is this mouse/keyboard a usb device?19:59
induzadding another HDD, would cause a problem for already running ubuntu??20:00
teddybikp: like this? teddy@PC:~$ sudo apt-get reinstall firefox20:00
teddybE: Invalid operation reinstall20:00
=== Guest5758 is now known as pax
induzI remeber earlier if I change the hardware after installing the ubuntu, it causes problem20:00
optimussoreau: its a xps m2010 laptop the keyboard detaches from the actual pc and when it connects back its just to charge it. i dont think its a usb device20:00
induzcan anyone answer??20:01
induzdell dimension20:01
lkpteddyb: hmm...then try installing aptitude and then using aptitude for it (apt-get install aptitude)20:01
lkpinduz: i added an hdd to my dell dimension and it recognizes it!20:01
optimussoreau: sorry if this is trouble some :)20:01
induzso it wont be a problem with adding an extra HDD to exisiting setup20:02
saliak1I'm trying to write a shell script ot take the contents of a file, and turn it into a list that's passed to a program.  I'm new to shell scripting, but clearly missing something obvious here. the list is called as "foo.sh list.txt"  http://pastebin.com/MTQ0RRZt20:02
soreauoptimus: Ah so it's wireless bluetooth device?20:02
optimusyeah :)20:02
induzanother Q. can i run Ubuntu on Macbook?20:02
ikoniainduz: yes20:02
slashblueon ubuntu 10.04 lts - how can I keep my file browser to default 33% view with list ?20:02
lkpinduz: ya20:02
slashbluehat the icons20:03
slashbluehate the icons20:03
ikoniainduz: same as your dell20:03
lkpinduz: is it ppc or intel?20:03
lkpinduz: nvmind macbooks r all intel...20:03
jribsaliak1: go to #bash and read the faq there.  You want to do something like: while read -r $line; do echo $line; done < file20:03
induzits olv 2006 version with bootcamp20:03
lkpinduz: use bootcamp to run ubuntu20:03
brontoeeesaliak, #bash20:03
induzikonia hi20:03
SidewaysHi, does anyone recognize this? :~$ sudo mii-tool20:04
SidewaysSIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error20:04
SidewaysSIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error20:04
FloodBot3Sideways: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
FloodBot2Sideways: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
FloodBot1Sideways: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
optimussoreau: yep thats exactly what it is you have to press the little button on the side of the pc and on the keyboard but when i sync the keyboard only the mouse enables20:04
jribsaliak1: s/$//20:04
induzhow much partition should i give to ubuntu as it has only 80Gb right now and apple is taking about 20 Gb20:04
ikoniainduz: as much as YOU want20:04
=== MC8 is now known as MC8|away
jrib!away > MC8|away20:05
ubottuMC8|away, please see my private message20:05
induzmin requirement and as it grows20:05
ikoniainduz: as much as you want20:05
lkpinduz: how about half and half?20:05
lkp40gb to each20:05
induzsomething like that i remeber wheh i was installing this ubuntu20:05
alexander__lkp i already did it. no change.20:05
jribteddyb: check if you have ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/lock or similar20:05
optimus soreau: and when i do a hctitool scan it says device is not available: No such device20:05
SolarBoomHey guys, I wanna inderstand POSIX, why POSIX used ?20:05
daniel_why does ubuntu have 150+ processes going after a fresh install?20:05
ikoniaSolarBoom: that's offtopic for #ubuntu20:05
slashblueon ubuntu 10.04 lts - how can I keep my file browser to default 33% view with list ?20:06
saliak1jrib: thx20:06
ikoniadaniel_: because the kernel is broken down into lots of small processes20:06
soreauoptimus: I'm not too familiar with such a device and I'm willing to bet that less developers have this particular device.20:06
induzlkp it can not be 1/2 and 1/2 as Xp is running on it with bootcamp too20:06
optimusbut the mouse is connected i am using a usb keyboard to type for now quite annoying.20:06
daniel_ikonia: is that going to slow down the computer?20:06
teddybjrib i changed it to use the same profile my windows boot uses20:06
induzXp has about 10 Gb20:06
ikoniainduz: partition it how you want20:06
ikoniadaniel_: no20:06
soreauoptimus: I would try to find someone with knowledge about bluetooth devices (someone like google :) )20:06
lkpikonia: the linux kernel is only one process20:06
optimussoreau: if it helps the device works with 9.04 when i upgraded it didnt work anymore.20:06
daniel_is there a way to find out which pieces i can safely stop? or is it stuck at 150 minimum?20:06
induzis there some driver problems with macbook and ubuntu lucid?20:06
ikonialkp: no it's not, it launches multiple children20:07
lkpdaniel_: u dont need to get rid of any of them20:07
induzI had few problems with Xp and right click still doesnt work on Xp20:07
daniel_alright, thanks.20:07
optimussoreau: also google searched it and found no fixes for it :( spent 3 days looking20:07
ikoniainduz: XP is nothing to do with this channel20:07
induzi think its trackpad problem on XP20:07
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
daniel_lkp: can i make top stop showing them?20:07
=== MC8|away is now known as MC8
soreauoptimus: Ok so now you know it works and has worked in the past. With that information, you can file a bug report20:07
induzi mean to say is there some known problem with macbook20:07
lkpdaniel_: i dont use top, i use htop so idk20:07
induzwith ubuntu20:08
ikoniainduz: no20:08
optimussoreau where can i file a bug report?20:08
daniel_lkp: is there a way to do it with htop?20:08
ikoniainduz: research it20:08
brontoeeeinduz, you'd need a two button mice i imagine20:08
ikoniabrontoeee: no you don't20:08
carl_how to play mp3s/20:08
soreau! bugs | optimus20:08
ikonia!mp3 | carl_20:08
ubottuoptimus: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:08
ubottucarl_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:08
saliak1jrib: the s/$// is lost on me20:08
induzits not related to ubuntu so i wont ask about trackpad on macbook20:08
lkpdaniel_: type a capital K20:08
jribsaliak1: go to #bash and read the faq there.  You want to do something like: while read -r line; do echo $line; done < file20:08
optimussweet im filing a report now thanks20:09
daniel_lkp: i'll try that.20:09
schnufflesaliak: http://gsteph.blogspot.com/2007/04/bash-reading-text-file.html20:09
induzis there any portable website for ubuntu??20:09
Pumpkin-if you don't care about all the kernel threads, ignore the processes in []'s. I imagine you can convince top to ignore them, but I don't know how off the top of my head20:09
jribsaliak1: s/foo/bar/ is just shorthand for "replace foo with bar in the last thing I said"20:09
ikoniainduz: no20:09
carl_thank you20:09
lkpdaniel_: htop's help says K hides kernel processes and H hides user processes (typing them again unhides)20:09
brontoeeeikonia, default mice is two buttons on mac today? (mine drop dead after few weeks of use, so i dont recall)20:09
saliak1jrib: ok.  that's what i thought.  didn't see where the $'s needed to disappear from, though20:10
ikoniabrontoeee: no, the default is one button, but you can use that in ubuntu fine20:10
daniel_lkp: i was unaware. thank you very much. :)20:10
teddybjrib, ikp : it seems to be working now for some reason, thanks for the help!20:10
Sidewayshi, i.m a noob at ubuntu. can anyone suggest a way to figure out why usb and nic work on the live cd, not full install?20:10
vatch23Can someone tell me how to get the volume control applett not to be greyed out?20:11
brontoeeeikonia, ok20:11
sha1sumif I'm using vanilla ubuntu with xfce4, can you guys see any danger in adding xubuntu repositories? I have to update xfce4 to fix some compiz bugs.20:11
ikoniasha1sum: the xubuntu repos are the same repos as ubuntu20:11
ikoniasha1sum: you shouldn't need to change anything20:12
sha1sumikonia: supposedly it has 4.8 and I'm running 4.6 right now? This is what a friend told me so don't take my word for it.20:12
sha1sumjust a little taskbar confusion fixed in 4.7 with compiz20:12
ikoniasha1sum: the xubuntu repos are the same ones as ubuntu, you should not need to add anything20:12
sha1sumok thanks20:12
Picisha1sum: 11.04/Natty has 4.8 in it, but its also unstable and still in alpha.20:13
vatch23Can someone tell me how to get the volume control applet in the trey  not to be greyed out?20:13
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.20:13
optimussoreau: another thing is i note everything i do to my system and after i had upgraded from the previous versions i noticed that i had to install a new kernel. 2.6.30-9 worked keyboard and mouse. I upgraded to 2.6.32-29 and now its broke maybe i can degrade my kernel but if i do that grub2 refuses to work20:13
benzapanyone knowhow to disable numlock in ubuntu?20:13
benzapor is that a computer thing?20:13
sha1sumPici: ahhhhh. That makes sense. Thanks. Just found a tutorial for installing 4.8 in 10.1020:13
schnufflevatch23: is your soundcard working?20:13
ikoniasha1sum: I would very strongly advise you NOT to do that20:13
schnuffle!sound | vatch2320:15
ubottuvatch23: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:15
sha1sumikonia: what's the issue? this is a PPA for xfce4 4.8 only ?20:15
vatch23Its the sound preferences text that is greyd out20:15
g_0_0vatch23, do you have working sound?20:15
ikoniasha1sum: mixing versions, esepcailly from an unstable source is a very bad idea20:15
sha1sumikonia: I don't get what you mean by mixing versions.20:16
optimussoreau: so basically im asking if it would be possible to install grub-legacy and some how get my kernel back to 2.6.30-9 would you know the steps to do that i think i would do a apt-get install grub-legacy and then switch out my repos and put in jaunty repos and do a apt-get update then apt-get install linux-kernel version older20:16
raven_any tool like netmeeting for windows to communicate in local network without username?20:16
vatch23just wanted to change what the volume slider adjust20:16
ikoniasha1sum: the later versions are not from 10.10, so to meet their dependencies later unstable/untested/incompatible components may be installed20:16
danny_How do I add a user to the sudoers list? visudo show's admin all.20:17
danny_The user should have same permissions as me20:17
ikoniadanny_: add the user to the "admin" group with the user manager tool20:17
bjvHey - I just installed package uswsusp on 10.10 and there is no file "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume"20:17
danny_server edition. so how do I do it from comand line?20:17
ikoniadanny_: usermod20:17
bjvwhy was that not generated?   apt-get did update initramfs after the install20:18
sha1sumikonia: I see what you mean20:18
bjvbut it did not seem to do anything20:18
sha1sumikonia: thanks :)20:18
schnufflevatch23: is the user in the audio group20:18
danny_thanks ikonia20:18
macmouseQuestion: In GRUB2, How do I disable the Graphical picture that shows up at boot (and make it dump all of the service startup text like lilo and older versions of grub1)?20:18
bjvafter installing uswsusp the resume offset value in '/etc/uswsusp.conf' matches the first physical offset i get from running   sudo filefrag -v /pagefile.swap20:19
bjvbut why was "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume" not created?20:19
bjvsomething is not working correctly here.  bug?20:20
georgGuten Abend20:21
bullgardgeorg: Du bist im englischen Kanal!20:21
bjv"Hooks and scripts to integrate with initramfs-tools are provided."20:21
bjvthey apparently are not working, though20:21
bjvhow do i cause initramfs-tools to generate /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume20:22
o67pcWho are you?20:24
o67pcalguem portu?20:24
Logan_WP!pt | o67pc20:24
ubottuo67pc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:24
o67pcaff  tem que ser bot20:25
ikoniastop now20:25
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:25
ikoniao67pc: stop20:25
o67pcNow I talk only english20:26
mete__I have two linux boxes over same wifi, I need to send plain text from one to other. How can I do this?20:26
o67pcSomebody here know pentest?20:26
ethernetmete__: try pastebin20:27
mete__second box it cli20:27
ikoniamete__: what versions are your linux machines ?20:27
Logan_WP!ask | o67pc20:27
ubottuo67pc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:27
mete__second box is cli( openembedded)20:27
mete__my box is ubuntu20:27
ikoniamete__: use scp, ftp, ssh and copy and paste, many options20:27
o67pcethernet, you knows pentesting?20:27
mete__can I do without any auth20:28
ikoniao67pc: this channel is for ubuntu support only20:28
mete__like write20:28
Jibadeehaunity is looking good20:28
cannonfodderunity sucks20:28
bjvmete__: use netcat20:28
cannonfodderull see20:28
ikoniamete__: you'll need to auth if your second machine requires login credentials20:28
ikoniaJibadeeha: cannonfodder #ubuntu-offtopic please.20:28
bjvman nc20:28
o67pcikonia, yeess but i have a problem with the security in my ubuntu!!!20:28
ikoniao67pc: ok, what's the issue ?20:28
o67pcHow I can atualize nmap?20:28
ikoniao67pc: man nmap shows you the flags20:29
o67pcHow I can update nmap20:29
lkpo67pc: through synaptic20:29
lkpor apt-get20:29
o67pcWait a minute20:29
ikoniao67pc: you can only update to the versions in the ubuntu repositories20:29
lkpor aptitude20:29
o67pcthe nmap is here from apt-get20:29
lkpo67pc: you can also download the tarball and install it20:30
lkpthat would be the latest version20:30
lkpo67pc: do u know what a tarball is?20:30
ikoniao67pc: then you are on the current latest ubuntu supported version20:30
mete__bjv, netcat looks like what I'm looking for the receive, but still what can I use for send20:30
o67pcI have lucid lynx 10.1020:30
jymereIs this sentence correct: "he goes to the kindergarden until he is 6 ?"20:30
Picijymere: Try ##english20:30
induz_is there any GUI application to search files on Lucid?20:30
o67pcand I dont know what is tarball20:30
ikoniao67pc: you are already at the latest supported version20:31
Picio67pc: Why do you need to update nmap?20:31
bjvmete__: $ echo -n "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc host.example.com 80            see man nc20:31
jymerejoin ##english20:31
lkpo67pc: you shouldnt update past the latest veresion supported by ubuntu20:31
induz_I have to search few files by modification dates20:31
ikoniainduz_: nautilus can search20:31
o67pcBecause nmap in .50 version is best20:31
Ub3r-N00bhey guys, does anyone know how I import cyrilic language in rhythmbox ...cant read song names in Russian ?20:31
ikoniao67pc: that isn't packaged, so you can't use it20:31
andremiltonhi all20:32
andremiltoni search if i can use the original Remote Desktop from Windows XP with android-vnc-viewer20:32
o67pcIs best i download the nmap in 5.50 version and install it?20:32
ikoniao67pc: no20:32
ikoniaandremilton: how is that an ubuntu issue20:32
ikoniao67pc: because it's not a good idea20:32
rww!latest | o67pc20:32
bjvmete__:   you should be aware that private/public key pairs can be generated for use with ssh, preauthorized, and then you can just use ssh with pipes20:32
ubottuo67pc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:32
Picio67pc: You're own your own if you do, thats not packaged for Ubuntu, although you may find a ppa for it.20:32
induz_ikonia its searching by names and location20:32
ikoniainduz_: change the parameters20:33
andremiltoni can't connect to #android20:33
o67pcPici, I don't understand you20:33
bjvmete__:  to run programs on either side, send/receive, pipe together, etc.    unless transmitting in the clear is particularly a 'feature' for you20:33
ikoniainduz_: search the package manager for file searching applications20:33
ikoniaandremilton: ok, that doesn't mean ask in here20:33
o67pcput4 m3rd420:33
Picio67pc: excuse me?20:34
vatch23 can someone tell me how to get the "volumecontol"settings  not to be greyed out in the volume applet in the tray? Lubuntu this is20:34
o67pcThere is an channel for pentest in freenode?20:34
rwwo67pc: Don't use bad language in this channel, please.20:34
Bushmani've checked my mouse on other BT dongle device (the BT chip is of the same manufacturer, different model). it works flawlesly. then again i've checked the faulty BT dongle in virtualised windows XP on the same machine and it works flawlesly too. same USB port, same mouse, same dongle, diferent driver. it must be something in USB or bluetooth driver of linux. would be nice if someone would help me find the reason of the bug.20:35
Ub3r-N00bhey guys, does anyone know how I import cyrilic language in rhythmbox ...cant read song names in Russian ?20:35
Bushmanthe bug itself is quite visible as is without actualy looking for it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807620:35
Logan_WP!repeat Ub3r-N00b20:35
Logan_WP!repeat | Ub3r-N00b20:35
ubottuUb3r-N00b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:35
=== Anthraxium|Detac is now known as Anthraxium
Logan_WPUb3r-N00b: try asking that in #rhythmbox on GIMPnet20:36
Ub3r-N00bthanks Logan_WP20:36
kwtmQuestion about Evolution (email client in Ubuntu): can we set up different identities with the same incoming email server? E.g. if my server receives email sent to kwtm-ubuntu@whatever.com, then it has one set of settings; but if that same server receives email sent to kwtm-CarEnthusiast@whatever.com, then it has a different set of settings?  (I use Kmail, am switching to Evolution)20:37
kctThe Jdownloader explore a vulnerability?20:38
ikoniakct: what ?20:38
kctIn rapidshare, megaupload, hotfile...20:38
Gneakct: do you have an ubuntu-related question?20:38
Logan_WP!enter | kct20:38
ubottukct: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:38
ikoniakct: what are you talking about20:38
kctNo sorry20:38
ikoniakct: if you don't have an ubuntu question, please don't ask20:38
Gneakct: then ask in #freenode20:38
kctI have an ubuntu question!20:39
ikoniakct: you're welcome to ask20:39
kctThe ubuntu is in KDE?20:39
ikoniakct: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde20:40
kctNo ubuntu20:40
kctUbuntu is in what?20:40
ikoniakct: you can install kde in ubuntu with the package kubuntu-desktop20:40
schnufflekct: is there any language you're more comfortable with?20:40
kctWhat is the best?20:40
robot7pI'm using ubuntu 10.10 with gnome20:40
ikoniakct: personal choice, up to you20:40
BiPolahKCT: KDE is the graphics environment in Kubuntu. Ubuntu has GNOME and Xubuntu has XFCD20:40
BiPolahYes that, mistyped.20:41
kctSoo, gnome is best for Ubuntu?20:41
aeon-ltdkct: no20:41
ikoniakct: no, it's personal choice, try them, see what you like20:41
mjazeelsomebody pls tellme how to exit from irssi pls20:41
kctah ok20:41
angieannihi all: webcam in pidgin not runs...no way to make video call with others friends with msn or yahoo messenger20:41
aeon-ltdkct: thats subjective, it may be 'acceptable' for some it may be too heavy for the system to handle therefore another DE is best/better/moresuited20:41
samiABCI was just trying to get L4D running under wine20:41
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kwtmkct: GNOME is better supported than KDE in Ubuntu.  If it does not matter to you, GNOME would be easier to use (in Ubuntu) than KDE.  (I am a KDE Kubuntu user.)20:42
samiABCbut it crashes and doesn't give an error message or anything20:42
samiABChow can I solve this? :S20:42
StarminnIs there a channel for shell questions or should I just ask it here? (Not really Ubuntu-specific, just I guess Linux in general)20:42
naequshi people, ive got a problem. i'm having a 1366x768 monitor here on my laptop. can i make xorg show 1024x768 WITHOUT stretching it ?20:43
StarminnsamiABC: Read through this? http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1459220:43
jribStarminn: bash scripting: #bash20:43
ikoniakwtm: that's nonsense, kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu are the same release, so nothing is more/less supported20:43
doodlenoxquick question is there a beginneers pack of must have downloads/applictions around20:44
Starminniknia: Yes, they are all different desktop environments, and some environments are mroe supported than others.20:44
ikoniadoodlenox: nope20:44
Starminnjrib: Thanks man20:44
ikoniaStarminn: no they are not, they are all official release, so supported the same20:44
serializedubuntu-restricted-extras are a good package to get when working with the www20:44
angieannihi all: webcam in pidgin not runs...no way to make video call with others friends with msn or yahoo messenger20:45
droidftwwhats kde20:45
mynamismei'm showing my friend irc20:45
Gnea!best | kct, kwtm20:45
ubottukct, kwtm: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:45
mynamismehe's never been in an irc channel before20:45
mynamismei hear fedora is better....20:45
mkanyicy!ot | mynamisme20:45
ubottumynamisme: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:45
schnuffleikonia: but my experience is that gnome is better suported thankde20:45
Gneamynamisme: then use it.20:45
ikoniamynamisme: try it, see what you like20:45
Starminnikonia: Depends on your the context of "supported." If you're talking about direct Ubuntu-specific support, one could say GNOME is the most supported because the #ubuntu channel supports only GNOME while others have a separate channel20:45
Gneamkanyicy: no need for that20:45
mynamismei hear gentoo is much better20:45
mynamismeas well20:45
jrib!ot | mynamisme20:45
ikoniaStarminn: the #ubuntu channel supports all desktops20:45
ikoniamynamisme: use what you want20:45
Logan_WP!kde | droidftw20:46
ubottudroidftw: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.20:46
mkanyicyGnea: no need for what?20:46
Gneamynamisme: then try them out and see which one you like20:46
Gneamkanyicy: nvm20:46
mkanyicyGnea: what is nvm?20:46
Gneamkanyicy: "nevermind"20:46
AkjjHello. I am having issues with creating a raid5 using mdadm. mdadm --detail gives one device as removed and one as spare right after I run "mdadm --create /dev/md0 --chunk=64 --level=raid5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1"20:46
mkanyicyGnea: lol20:46
Gneamkanyicy: it's fairly standard, around here anyway :)20:47
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
Machtinhey there.. anyone got an idea what could cause a black screen when i log into KDE? i can move the mouse and i can see the borders of windows, when I alt+tab, but otherwise the screen is black only. This does not happen if i login as root. any ideas?20:48
Machtinbtw. it's 11.04, but there doesn't seem to be anyone active in the +1-channel.20:48
GneaMachtin: then wait, we can't help you20:49
BiPolahMachtin: 11.04 is not a stable release.20:50
MachtinBiPolah: that is correct.20:50
BiPolahMachtin: Hence some things may not work correctly, that is to be expected.20:50
MachtinGnea: well, thanks anyway. just thought someone might have an idea which piece of software would cause such a thing.20:50
induz_ikonia, there are tons of file search programms on the list of Synaptic manager which one to select and install??20:50
ikoniainduz_: up to you20:50
MachtinBiPolah: also correct. :)20:51
rokyronnieIs someone who can help me about OSS4?20:51
mickster04induz_: is that you bro?20:51
ikoniainduz_: you need to start trying stuff out, or researching stuff for yourself instead of asking for everything20:51
mickster04induz_: how goes it :D been a while20:51
GneaMachtin: no idea, I would just try to troubleshoot in the meantime on my own20:51
ikoniarokyronnie: OSS$ ?20:51
ikoniarokyronnie: OSS4 ?20:51
Logan_WProkyronnie: ask in #OSS20:51
ikoniamickster04: induz_ social chatting in #ubuntu-offtopic please20:51
rokyronnieikonia, I think I discovered a bug20:51
mickster04ikonia: sorry20:51
MachtinGnea: fair enough.. was worth a shot! :)20:52
induz_having problem with a file which seems to be disppear on thei system somewhere20:52
mickster04induz_: grep it?20:52
induz_I need a program to search by date20:52
GneaMachtin: gl20:52
induz_how can i grep it?20:52
cannonfodderhey is there an active developer channel for ubuntu20:52
rokyronnieikonia, the volume for Center and SubWoofer is always the same, even if I mute my sound, can you help me?20:52
induz_I modified or worked on that document on last week but can not find it20:53
Logan_WPcannonfodder: #ubuntu-dev20:53
mickster04induz_: i am sure grep can probably search by date. you usually do fctn | grep searchterms20:53
Gneacannonfodder: #ubuntu-devel20:53
induz_its a big doc file. i have to key it again if i can not fimnd it today20:53
andyccinduz_, try installing GNOME activity journal20:53
ikoniainduz_: why are you telling us this ?20:53
andycc!info gnome-activity-journal20:53
mickster04induz_: whay not grep the name?20:53
ubottugnome-activity-journal (source: gnome-activity-journal): graphical user interface for Zeitgeist. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 232 kB, installed size 1192 kB20:53
andyccinduz_, it'll help you find files you worked on by date. Probably.20:54
induz_i know the name but not extact name  of that file20:54
Gneainduz_: tried file->open recent->?20:54
induz_i tried open recent20:54
induz_activity general? what is that??20:55
rokyronnieikonia, can you help me ? about OS420:55
andyccinduz_, or install tracker and search for anything in the file.20:55
Gnea!ask | rokyronnie20:55
ubotturokyronnie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:55
ikoniarokyronnie: no20:55
induz_mickster04, let me try tracker20:55
ChesterXhi, how I can make an application run in windowed mode?20:55
rokyronnieI've some troubles with OSS4, the volume for Central and Subwoofer are the same, even if I mute my sound20:56
induz_there are sp many tracker on Synaptick??20:56
GneaChesterX: by telling it to not run in fullscreen mode20:56
andyccChesterX, what application, exactly?20:56
andycc!info tracker | induz_20:56
ubottuinduz_: tracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.17-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 694 kB, installed size 2648 kB20:56
ikoniainduz_: try them20:56
ChesterXGnea, how do I do that?20:56
ChesterXandycc, uplink20:56
ChesterX(it is a game)20:57
GneaChesterX: usually alt+enter or look in the options20:57
carl_i can't play mp3s20:57
andyccChesterX, if it's a game, you should look in the options. There is no "one way" to get a game to run in windowed mode.20:57
induz_if i keep tryin one by one it will be next week if i would find that file20:57
induz_its better to key it then20:57
ikoniainduz_: thats how you learn20:57
Gneacarl_: using what method?20:58
induz_I learnt yestaerday that this comp can not fax20:58
ChesterXGnea & andycc, thank you20:58
schnuffleinduz_: you can use find and search for files changed in a certain period20:58
andycccarl_, use Ubuntu Software Center to install "ubuntu restricted extras"20:58
carl_andycc: ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.20:58
induz_find and search??20:58
BiPolahcarl_: Flash problems after the update?20:59
andyccinduz_, I think the GNOME search is Places -> Search for files20:59
carl_i've tried gxine, rythmbox, play, mplayer, mpg123 and none will do it.20:59
induz_i installed catfish earlier but how can i use it20:59
andycccarl_, any specific error?20:59
ikoniainduz_: come on, you've got to help yourself a little20:59
andyccinduz_, hit alt-f2, type "catfish", enter. (usually)21:00
schnuffleinduz_:  find /path -atime days -type f21:00
BiPolahcarl_: Check if you have gstreamer installed for mp3s21:00
htekcarl_ HI I can help, downloads VLC21:00
carl_Failed to open LIRC support.21:01
induz_I found catfish on the system by altf221:01
ikoniainduz_: have you read any of the documentation on https://help.ubuntu.com ?21:02
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=== Anthraxium|Detac is now known as Anthraxium
carl_installing vlc21:04
induz_i am using catfish but  could u tell me how can i just find .doc file not pdf and docx etc21:04
ikoniainduz_: have you read any of the documentation on https://help.ubuntu.com ?21:04
DEAD_BEEFI'm having a problem with my display, but I'm not sure if it's a: Driver issue (Nvidia), Compiz issue or Monitor issue (Samsung Syncmaster 940bw)21:04
andyccinduz_, search for *.doc?21:04
DEAD_BEEFEverything looks fine until I move a window21:04
Logan_WP!display DEAD_BEEF21:04
Logan_WP!display | DEAD_BEEF21:05
ubottuDEAD_BEEF: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:05
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: disable compiz first!21:05
openSUSEkorisnikMates can you recommend any software for audio call with MSN users? Thanks in advance21:05
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, Done21:05
mickster04openSUSEkorisnik: what have you tried?21:06
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: it still crashes?21:06
openSUSEkorisnikSo far I have Pidgin21:06
mickster04openSUSEkorisnik: and that doesn't work?21:06
openSUSEkorisnikaMSN doesnt support it no more21:06
ikoniaopenSUSEkorisnik: I'm not sure if the audio component of msn is available in linux21:06
LinuxFanI have a 500GB USB formatted with 3 FAT32 partitions.  How would I go about wiping it and making it as just one partition?  Do I need to mount it first?21:07
denis_how could i find other channels pls21:07
mickster04openSUSEkorisnik: there are a few msn messengers available in ubuntu, not sure if any of them support that, i wuld have thought pidgin if any21:07
openSUSEkorisnikWell on linux skype its all good but my uncle bearly got used to msn :/21:07
mickster04maybe it's a plug in?21:07
induz_andycc Thanks its working that way with *.doc....let me find the file first21:07
LinuxFanI removed all files on all partitions so it can be wiped without losing data.21:07
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, oh no, I never crashes. It's just that when I move a window, there's a trailing ghost of the window21:07
ikoniaopenSUSEkorisnik: skype is an open protocol, msn isn't21:07
mickster04denis_: what are you looking for?21:07
andyccopenSUSEkorisnik, maybe try installing microsoft's MSN messenger through Wine?21:07
induz_ikonia, i read on Ubuntu websites21:07
andyccikonia, no, Skype isn't an open protocol.21:07
ikoniainduz_: have you read any of the pages on https://help.ubuntu.com21:08
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, it's most noticeable on the menubar, text and such21:08
LinuxFanPidgin does MSN protocol.21:08
ikoniaandycc: it's a crossplatform protocol that's supported on linux21:08
denis_because im trying linux nstead of windows21:08
induz_but its hard  on practical terms21:08
denis_buts its not the same21:08
openSUSEkorisnikI doubt It will work through WINE21:08
magicianlord!man pidgin21:08
induz_yes ikonia i read21:08
andyccikonia, yes, it is cross-platform, but it's proprietary.21:08
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: it can be the xorg driver for it, do you use the proprietary driver or the open source one?21:09
ikoniainduz_: ok, I'd suggest you keep trying to reference that document as that will be a better learning tool than asking every question in here21:09
denis_could i download anything in linux21:09
openSUSEkorisnikIll try to google soem pidgin plugin for msn calls21:09
ikoniadenis_: what do you want to know ?21:09
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, prop Nvidia driver. the faster I move the window the further behind the ghost image is21:09
LinuxFanPidgin includes MSN when you install it.21:09
mickster04denis_: yeah you're being very generic?21:09
ikoniaopenSUSEkorisnik: the searching I've done appears to suggest msn protocol had it removed for Linux21:09
denis_if i could dl programs like in windows21:09
ikoniadenis_: yes, you can21:09
mickster04denis_: well you don't need to21:09
pennachiI like ubuntu21:10
mickster04pennachi: very good21:10
pennachiIt is super cool21:10
mickster04!synaptic | denis_21:10
ubottudenis_: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:10
andyccdenis_, yes, but that's not the Linux way to do it. If you need programs, open up Ubuntu Software Center and search there.21:10
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: can you try the open source one and see if its still there21:10
openSUSEkorisnikThanks for your time anyways :)(21:10
denis_thank  you21:10
induz_I am not asking every Q...any Q is a Q cause someone needs an answer21:10
LinuxFanI will ask later.21:10
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, if you hold my hand21:10
pennachiEst-ce qu'il y a les personnes francais ici?21:11
kerockalguien de mexico21:11
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:11
mickster04denis_: lots of programs are brought together into one central program so you can find anything you want in there, sometimes it isn't in there and you look in the web and get it that way21:11
ikoniainduz_: no-one "needs" to answer, and you are asking every question in here21:11
pennachiD'accord merci21:11
mickster04denis_: also, all programs are kept up to date automagically21:11
denis_oui une peu21:11
induz_i am not finding on catfish21:11
=== richard is now known as richardr
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: just take off the nvidia one21:12
ikoniainduz_: http://linuxappfinder.com/package/catfish21:12
trinikronoand see if it stops21:12
ikoniainduz_: top hit on google21:12
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, I haven't looked into the xorg.conf in a while.21:12
schnuffleinduz_: find /home/youruser -atime <days> -type f -name "*.doc"21:12
kwtmikonia: Sorry, should have phrased that more specifically.  As a long-time Kubuntu user, I see that KDE has received less support from Ubuntu, necessitating things like Operation Timelord.  Note also the lack of KDE support in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS; in general I have experienced bugs in KDE programs such as Kmail (unable to retrieve email), KpackageKit (unable to find packages) etc.  Disclaimer: you may get different results.21:12
htekhow do I ubuntu?21:12
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, one sec21:12
kwtmkct: ^^21:12
slideI have my laptop hooked up to my monitor and want to do dual screen but they both have different resolutions. On my laptop monitor I can move the cursor below the screen and its annoying21:12
slideanyway to fix that?21:12
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: i did mean to go there i mean to take off under hardware drivers21:12
mickster04htek: keyboard and mouse21:13
induz_catfish limits it to a folder21:13
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, you mean uninstall it?21:13
htekmickster04: ahhhh thanks so much21:13
induz_where normally this Linux set its  doc files21:13
mickster04htek: anytime21:13
induz_schnuffle, is it a command line/21:13
=== ariana is now known as Phurll
schnuffleinduz_: yes21:14
andyccinduz_, god, use find ~ -atime <days> -type f -name "*.doc"21:14
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: yes21:14
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, one sec21:15
denis_is linux better than windows21:15
ikoniadenis_: try it, see if you like it21:15
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denis_ty thats what im doing21:15
schnuffledenis_: since I use linux I have plenty of girlfriends so it' the best :)21:15
andyccslide: System -> Preferences -> Monitors?21:15
denis_ah ya the girls use linux21:15
* GeekyAdam looks sideways at schnuffle.21:15
htekschnuffle: ubuntu isnt really linux21:16
ikoniadenis_: stop it21:16
ikoniahtek: yes it is,21:16
htekikonia: keep thinking that, see what happens when you try using gentoo :)21:16
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slideandycc, i dont see how to fix it from that21:16
LinuxFanIs that DOS as in MSDOS?21:17
denis_i have ubuntu is that good21:17
GeekyAdamdenis_: ubuntu is probably the best starting point for linux noobs21:17
htekikonia you are the biggest, n00b, learn to use bash faggot21:17
ikoniadenis_: try it if you want, see how you like it21:17
GeekyAdamdenis_: nonetheless, its still my main distro of choice21:17
denis_ok ill keep that then21:17
andyccdenis_, for a beginner it's pretty much the best.21:17
guntbertdenis_: this is a support channel, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chatter21:17
denis_how do i go to other channel21:18
xangua /join #chanelname denis_21:18
guntbertdenis_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
denis_ok ill try21:18
chipminkhow do i get printer manager to show in the system administration area?21:19
andyccDoes anyone know how to hide all those join/part messages in xchat?21:20
openSUSEkorisnikWell gn peeps :)21:21
bsmith0931im trying to manually mount a cd what are the valid filesystems?21:21
Logan_WPandycc: right click channel, settings, hide join/part messages21:21
andyccLogan_WP, thanks, that worked. (at least for one channel)21:21
induz_Thanks guys i found it21:22
induz_It was on trash21:22
tsimpsonbsmith0931: iso9660 or udf, for CDs it's most likely iso966021:22
induz_i dont know how it was there21:22
Logan_WPandycc: you can also set it globally in settings-->preferences-->advanced-->hide join/part messages21:22
induz_hope i have saved it21:22
slideI have two monitors with different resolutions. On my smaller screen my mouse can disappear below the visible area. Is there any way to limit it to the visible screen?21:22
kylemmwhats a good program for aim?21:23
guntbertandycc: http://xchat.org/faq/#q21121:23
induz_how can i get a dvd to load Ubuntu on a mackbook21:23
chipminkhow do i get printer manager to show in the system administration area?21:23
induz_i upgraged this this lucid from21:23
andyccguntbert, thanks, exactly what I was looking for. ;)21:23
kylemmWhats a good program for ubuntu for aim21:24
magicianlordpidgin or qwibber21:24
guntbertandycc: you're welcome :-)21:24
xanguamagicianlord: qwibber¿¿21:25
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, same deal21:25
andyccinduz_, I don't mean to be rude, but you do have Google at your disposal.21:26
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, can you kind of imaging what this looks like?21:26
andyccinduz_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook probably helps21:26
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: which release are you using maverick?21:26
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, 10.1021:26
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trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: how did it work with lucid21:29
alpha7Problems with ubuntu one it keep restarting my bookmark for firefox .!21:29
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DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, actually this is the first time I've been running Ubuntu as my main system21:30
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, I'm going to keep trying to find info in the  Nvidia forums21:30
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: can you try the lucid and see if it works for you?21:31
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, I just wish I had a better way to describe the problem21:31
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, I've tried using the term 'ghost' which I think fits best, also blur and trailing image etc...21:32
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: just try the lucid and see if its ok21:32
trinikronothats 10.0421:32
DEAD_BEEFthanks for your help21:33
leo-1982hi, anyone helping out about some coding on Javascript or AJAX?21:33
mickster04leo-1982: not here21:33
trinikronoDEAD_BEEF: i am using a really old version of ubuntu because of my video card21:33
kaiehello. can you please recommend a graphical zip-file tool (extracting). The default file-roller program failed on my friend's computer, she got errors when trying to unzip a file with extended characters in the filename. (same as bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/495880 )21:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 495880 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Extracting a file with german "Umlaut" in the filename doesn't work" [Low,Invalid]21:33
magicianlordtrinikrono: are you upgrading21:33
DEAD_BEEFtrinikrono, couldn't you just use an older version of the driver?21:33
DEAD_BEEFor is it Xorg21:33
trinikronomagicianlord: nope :D21:34
DEAD_BEEFthat you need to be of an older version?21:34
magicianlordtrinikrono: 10.10 is pretty good21:34
trinikronowell that why i asked you to try lucid first21:34
trinikronomagicianlord: try having a ati 955021:34
Gwar_Trollekaie: I use 7zip via wine or a VM when I need to do that21:35
magicianlordtrinikrono: laptop?21:35
magicianlordget an inexpensive nvidia card21:35
theouThis is the first time I tried IRC chat. It's great.. By the way I have some questions21:36
soreautrinikrono: The 9550 and all rv3xx-5xx cards should work the best they ever have in 11.04, since the new gallium driver will now be the default, providing OpenGL2.121:36
aeon-ltdtheou: ask away21:36
ikoniatheou: as long as they are questions about ubuntu, this is the place to ask21:36
sardamwsup all?21:36
aeon-ltdsardam: the sky?21:36
trinikronomagicianlord: help DEAD_BEEF with his issue21:36
trinikronoi am ok21:36
sardamis there any one can help me about back track21:36
theoucan I invite other friends on this chat? Or do they need to install Xchat too?21:36
aeon-ltd!backtrack | sardam21:36
ubottusardam: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:36
ikoniasardam: people in #backtrack-linux can21:36
Gwar_Trolletheou: they need some form of IRC client21:36
mariodohello everyone ... i have different problems i'd like to solve ... 1) in one of my directories i created myself are many, many folders ... ... a few duplicates are also in there but the only difference between them and the original is that the duplicates have an upper-case letter ... how can i remove them quickly without touching the original?21:37
Gwar_Trolletheou: xChat is just one of bajillions21:37
ikoniatheou: www.freenode.net for how the freenode irc network works21:37
andycctheou, they can use the webchat interface21:37
kaieGwar_Trolle, want to stay away from w32 software :) will try to find something in freshmeat21:37
andycctheou, http://webchat.freenode.net/21:37
soreautrinikrono: The open radeon driver is much better now, better than fglrx for older cards21:37
Gwar_Trollekaie: I do too, but sometimes there is no other choice :(21:37
scott__does anyone know if the global menu in 11.04 will support Firefox, Thunderbird, and OO.o?21:37
kaieGwar_Trolle, and I guess when dealing with wine there is one more chance to get character encodings messed up :)21:38
ikoniascott__: #ubuntu+1 for 11.0421:38
theouok.. and how about to interface this chat channel of mine with a website. Can I embedded this chat with a website?21:38
ikoniatheou: www.freenode.net for how the freenode network works21:38
ikoniatheou: this channel is for ubuntu support only21:38
scott__ikonia, okay, I'll go to that channel.  Thanks21:38
theouok.. thanks ikonia.. I will go through that website21:38
SoulhunterHi there21:39
SoulhunterDoes anyone of you have knowledge concerning LUKS?21:40
=== max is now known as Guest74547
Hobbiehow to make statically linked programs with glibc smaller?21:40
Starminn!anyone | Soulhunter21:40
ubottuSoulhunter: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:40
ikoniaHobbie: strip them21:40
nadanbleh, sudo apt--get install wine  (i have 1.2)  decided after a while need 1.3 add repository sudo apt-get install wine1.3  it asked if i wanted to upgrade -- i said yes, wine --version 1.2 ... err?21:40
nadansudo apt-get remove wine -- sudo apt-get install wine1.3 -- wine1.3 already installed21:41
=== joes is now known as Guest56844
SoulhunterI installed Ubuntu with LUKS, now I have the problem GRUB isn't able to find the System21:42
SoulhunterIn the tutorial (http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/system_verschl%C3%BCsseln) one step was with # kopt but menu.lst doesn't exist in grub221:42
SoulhunterI don't know what to do with this line21:43
Hobbiefrom 680 KB to 607 KB is not enough, need remove of unused code or link just to a part of the lib.21:43
ikoniaHobbie: then, that's up to you21:43
laserfunciao a tutti21:44
ikonia!it | laserfun21:44
ubottulaserfun: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:44
laserfuncome va??21:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:44
Jordan_USoulhunter: With GRUB2 it should be configured properly automatically IIRC.21:45
ubuntu_soreau: u here?21:47
SoulhunterI don't know what to do with the # kopt line21:47
ubuntu_can some1 help me set up visual effects21:48
sholmesHey, so I have a Ubuntu 10.10 64bit VPS. I need to get a LAMP stack set up. I already have the LA part, just neeed the M and P parts. How can I easily install php5?21:48
ZaffzaffI've been having a bit of an internet problem gents21:48
ikoniasholmes: open the package manager, search for php5 and install the needed components21:48
ikoniasholmes: same for mysql21:48
andycc!info php5 | sholmes21:48
ubottusholmes: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB21:48
schnufflesholmes: mod php or fastcgi21:48
sholmeswhich package manager?21:48
=== Wenzel_ is now known as testtttt
Pici!lamp | sholmes21:48
ubottusholmes: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:48
=== testtttt is now known as Galux
ikoniasholmes: the ones you use to install packages21:48
fcuk112hi what's the best program to recover deleted files from a camera memory stick?21:49
sholmesapt-get is the only package manager I know of, but php5 is not found21:49
Zaffzaffinstalled ubuntu 10.10 on this hp pavillion dv 2000 about 2 weeks ago, then 3 days later the wireless completely failed. enabling/disabling the networking/wireless/notifications does nothing; it wont even pick up the local on my router21:49
ikoniasholmes: apt-cache search php21:49
Zaffzaffit picks up nothing, im only here with a wired21:49
ubuntu_Can some1 help me set up visual effects?21:49
trinikronoZaffzaff: can you see it with lspci21:49
Zaffzaffi have no idea, i have next to no linux expirience21:50
sholmesikonia: nothing21:50
Soulhunterfcuk112: I always use photorec works fine21:50
ikoniasholmes: show me the output of "uname -a" please21:50
Zaffzaffhow can i do that trini?21:50
arandZaffzaff: If you do "sudo iwlist scan" in a terminal what does it report?21:50
fcuk112Soulhunter, thanks will check it out.21:50
schnufflesholmes: sudo apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-php521:50
Zaffzaffhold on21:50
kctm4rt0 n0 c*z1nh*21:50
Soulhunterbut there is another good program21:50
andyccfcuk112, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery21:50
SoulhunterOne second21:50
Zaffzafflo        Interface doesn't support scanning.21:50
Zaffzaffeth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:50
fcuk112andycc, thanks!21:51
Logan_WP!pastebin | Zaffzaff21:51
ubottuZaffzaff: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:51
Zaffzaff...right, sorry21:51
Zaffzaffeither way, i'm getting nothing. any more ideas?21:51
alpha7how i install java?21:51
kct+0|\/|@|2 |\|0 (|_| [)3 +0[)0 |\/||_||\|[)021:51
alpha7for the java.com21:52
Logan_WP!java | alpha721:52
ubottualpha7: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:52
ikoniakct: please don't do that21:52
Soulhunterfcuk112: I also made very good experiences with Foremost21:52
ikoniakct: because this is a support channel, comments like that just take up space21:52
geojanmhi, is there a possibility to create an edid-file from my monitor to send it to the nvidia driver? i'm using ubuntu 10.10 but the original nvidia driver sais, that there is no valid edid and boots to a blackscreen21:52
garinjoohow do i list partitions21:52
Hobbieand using a local shared glibc rather than systems glibc?21:53
Jordan_Ugarinjoo: sudo blkid21:53
andyccgarinjoo, type "fdisk -l" in a terminal?21:53
DaveAGgarinjoo: cat /proc/partitions will do21:53
Zaffzaffso any ideas?21:53
douglI just installed and configured 10.10 on my acer aspire 5745pg but the touch screen does not work properly - any suggestions?21:53
fcuk112Soulhunter, ok will try that as backup.21:53
jacquiI'm having trouble with the oom-killer on ubuntu 10.0421:54
Starminnandycc: Just a heads-up, on 10.10 fdisk -l does nothing. cat /proc/partitions did it for me (Just so you know.)21:54
bsmith0931any good cd recovery programs21:54
Zaffzaffanything i can do to make the wireless on this work? i can't ping anything; getting absolutely no signals.21:55
abstraktis there a simple quick'n'easy type way to sort of "all in one line" create a .deb for a package that I'm about to compile?21:55
abstraktor even 3 lines21:55
jacquidoes anyone have pointers on diagnosing and fixing situations where the oom-killer triggers and kills processes?21:55
Gneabsmith0931: cd recovery?21:55
andyccStarminn, err, sudo fdisk -l21:55
ZombieRameni'm having a problem with playonlinux and spore21:55
DaveAGStarminn: You need to sudo fdisk -l, cat /proc/partitions works as ordinary user21:55
abstraktor a tutorial that'll get me going fast, I'd like to start contributing .deb files for various PPAs (if not my own PPA)21:55
ZombieRameni installed spore fine, but i can't patch the game21:55
Starminnandycc: That did it21:55
jacquiit's really strange because it's been happening on even ec2 larges in the middle of the night, saturday even21:55
ikoniaZombieRamen: playonlinux has it's own support process21:55
schnuffleabstrakt: checkinstall21:55
abstraktI'm gonna be compiling the software anyway, might as well make the .deb for it21:55
abstraktschnuffle, I've heard that's bad21:55
ZombieRamenis it #playonlinux?21:55
ikoniaZombieRamen: look on their website21:56
andycc!checkinstall | abstrakt21:56
ubottuabstrakt: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:56
schnuffleabstrakt: it creates a deb but is not the recommended way to create a proper package21:56
bsmith0931gnea: yeah i have a cd that i cant even mount manually and dd stops at 16kb with io error21:56
Zaffzaffit picks up nothing, im only here with a wired21:56
Gneabsmith0931: can you read the cd on another computer?21:56
Zaffzaffanything i can do to make the wireless on this work? i can't ping anything; getting absolutely no signals.21:56
Zaffzaffinstalled ubuntu 10.10 on this hp pavillion dv 2000 about 2 weeks ago, then 3 days later the wireless completely failed. enabling/disabling the networking/wireless/notifications does nothing; it wont even pick up the local on my router21:57
Logan_WP!repeat | zaffzaff21:57
ubottuzaffzaff: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:57
bsmith0931Gnea: no and what kills me is i used this comp to create the thing in the first place, its only a year old21:57
Gneabsmith0931: yeah, scratches and whatnot on the cd will degrade and eventually kill it's readability21:57
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
sillykonePlease help! You know the "startup disk creator?" I erased the wrong disk! I need a program to recover the files.21:58
schnufflebsmith0931: tooth paste can elp you21:58
ikoniasillykone: they are gone21:58
Gneaschnuffle: toothpaste?21:58
andyccZaffzaff, do you have any drivers listed in System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers?21:58
schnuffleto get the scratches away21:58
StarminnGnea: I hear bananas help to supposedly.21:59
andyccsillykone, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery21:59
arkaniafter "  sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces " I got "auto lo iface lo inet loopback" what is "lo" ?21:59
abstraktschnuffle, yeah I've tried to read the packaging guide, tbh it's way too long and way too much for me to read compared to how much I care about what I'm compiling21:59
erg0liteQuestions are asked in ubuntu-help right?21:59
jriberg0lite: no, ask here21:59
sillykoneandycc: This would work after a disk reformat, too?21:59
Gneaschnuffle: like this?  http://www.metacafe.com/watch/855395/remove_cd_dvd_scratches_with_toothpaste/21:59
andyccsillykone, testdisk can restore partitions. It's all there.22:00
DaveAGarkani: It's your loopback interface22:00
erg0liteOk, how do I disable a video card shader pipeline in ubuntu, I used to do that in windows with rivatuner, anything similar here?22:00
DaveAGAnything sent there goes back to local machine22:00
DaveAGarkani: It's needed by a lot of applications for your system to work properly22:00
arkaniDaveAG how bad it would be if I changed everythin in that file to "auto eth022:01
arkaniiface eth0 inet loopback22:01
arkanihwaddress ether 00:1C:23:B1:30:80"22:01
DaveAGUh, don't do that22:01
arkanii did that....22:01
schnuffleGnea: yep, there exists stuff to polish shield which is cheap as well and works even better22:01
abstraktthere needs to be a good middle ground between checkinstall and the .deb creation process22:01
arkaniI need to change my eth0 mac22:01
arkaniand that lo was in my way22:01
DaveAGarkani: Presumably you're running NetworkManager?22:02
arkaniNetworkManager? newer heard of22:02
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Soulhunter
DaveAGarkani: http://pastebin.com/k2JhufRk is a working interfaces file from my Lucid laptop22:03
DaveAGman 5 interfaces gets you the full description of the file22:03
sholmesOkay, I found out I just need to do apt-get update22:03
Gneaschnuffle: I can't begin to tell you how mind-numblingly stupid that is, it doesn't even say what kind of toothpaste was used, much less if a different set of chemicals in another toothpaste are any better or worse for the cd itself22:03
mickster04sholmes: then sudo apt-get upgrade22:04
sholmesmickster04, did that too22:04
CodeWarare there plans to add gcc-4.5 to the 10.04 repo22:04
arkaniso if I keep "lo" lines and under them add my eth0 lines it will be ok?22:04
StarminnGnea: Don't knock it till you try it? *shrug* It's well-documented (as in a lot of people use it), and I've yet to see anybody speak out against it. I've not tried it either way though so I can't say.22:04
schnuffleGnea: I did it several times and it saved me some old cd's22:04
ubuntu_ lol nub22:04
ubuntu_get lost22:04
ubuntu_can any1 help me set up visual effects22:04
Gneaschnuffle: what toothpaste did you use, exactly?22:05
Gneaschnuffle: brand, etc22:05
Logan_WP!offtopic | Gnea22:05
ubottuGnea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:05
Starminnubuntu_: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects (I believE) and set to higest there is22:05
erg0liteOk, how do I disable a video card shader pipeline in ubuntu, I used to do that in windows with rivatuner, anything similar here?22:05
GneaLogan_WP: wrong.22:05
ubuntu_can i pm you22:05
GneaLogan_WP: pay attention.22:05
schnuffleGnea: doesn't really matter, the finer the better22:05
sjkSpeaking of Visual Effects22:05
andyccubuntu_, right click desktop -> change desktop background, effects tab22:05
Starminn!privatemessage | ubuntu_22:06
ubottuubuntu_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:06
sjkI set mine to the highest, and I like some of the effects but not all22:06
ubuntu_andycc: its a little more complicated22:06
Gneaschnuffle: it does matter, and I would like to know before presenting a solution off as an 'official ubuntu' method, thanks.22:06
mickster04sjk: get the compiz manager22:06
sjkIs it possible to say more specifically what visual effects i want and which I do not want?22:06
andyccandycc, in what way?22:06
DaveAGarkani: I'd take that working file to start with. Then if you're not comfortable with the syntax, the network manager gui offers the ability to specify MAC (on my lucid box at least) Right click on network icon in panel, and edit connections.. then edit "Auto eth0"22:06
* sjk googles22:06
andycc!info compizconfig-settings-manager | sjk22:06
ubottusjk: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB22:06
mickster04sjk its ccsm or something like that22:06
ubuntu_Can some1 help me set up visual effects. Im on a LIVEUSB so the steps are a bit different. I know the steps I just dont understand them.22:07
Starminnubuntu_ What steps are you following?22:07
ChilaquilesHey guys I can't get the lastest version of enscript for ubuntu even though I ran sudo apt-get update if says lastest version of enscript installed, but I don't have the latest, any suggestons?22:07
andyccubuntu_, same thing. Did you try that and it didn't work?22:07
schnuffleGnea: okay then let me search for something that works, should be called helm shield polish, you find it in motor cycle shops22:07
Gneaschnuffle: so you lied and you never actually used it yourself?22:07
mickster04ubuntu_: it might not be up to date drivers etc on the live cd, so possibly may not work all that well22:07
ubuntu_Starminn: andycc: Well its quite rather long. Can i PM you?22:07
ChilaquilesHey guys I can't get the lastest version of enscript for ubuntu even though I ran sudo apt-get update it says lastest version of enscript installed, but I don't have the latest, any suggestons?22:08
Starminnubuntu_: It really is preferred to keep things in the main channel but if you wish, yes.22:08
andyccubuntu_, feel free to, although you might get better support here.22:08
erUSUL!latest | Chilaquiles22:08
ubottuChilaquiles: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:08
jacquianyone know much about preventing oom-killer? or figuring out how it's getting triggered?22:08
Gnea!pm | ubuntu_, Starminn22:08
ubottuubuntu_, Starminn: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:08
arkaniDaveAG: I returned my old "lo" lines back and left eth0 lines... still have internet which is good sign. just a question. how to check if that "lo loop" works?22:09
schnuffleGnea: take care, you don't know me, as I told you I did it severall times with tooth paste but got better results with shield polish, as I'm a biker I have it available22:09
ChilaquilesI don't mind about stability, how can I get the lastest version though?22:09
erUSULjacqui: out of memory killer.22:09
DaveAGarkani: ping
Gneaschnuffle: well, perhaps one day you'll read the CoC for Ubuntu and understand that if you're going to present a solution, be prepared to back it up.22:10
andyccjacqui, http://linux-mm.org/OOM_Killer22:10
erUSULjacqui: so make your processes use less memory? or maybe some of the programs you use have a bug and leakes memory ?22:10
erUSULjacqui: what process get killed?22:10
arkaniDaveAG .. ok i pinged... what had to happen?22:10
schnuffleGnea: How can I back it up, only with my personal experience and as you tend not to believe me forget about it22:11
jacquierUSUL: yeah, I read that page on linux-mm.org22:11
DaveAGarkani: Should get 64bytes from every second until ctrl+c22:11
andyccarkani, I guess you should've gotten a response?22:11
jacquierUSUL: it's usually ruby or passenger. however, sometimes it's monit that gets killed... or apache.22:11
Gneaschnuffle: all I asked you for was what was the brand and type of toothpaste you used, that's it. why are you being so evasive about it?22:11
andyccjacqui, how much RAM do you have? How much swap?22:11
jacquithere's a bunch of rails apps running on these servers. i bet there's a memory leak in one or more of them.22:11
jacquiandycc: on the large instances on ec2, 7.5gb22:12
jacquino swap22:12
schnuffleGnea: maybe because I get something wrong, wait I'll get you the brand22:12
erUSULjacqui: i suspect some of those ruby apps leak memory or maybe they grow more that they should22:12
andyccDoesn't Ruby handle memory management automatically?22:12
arkaniDaveAG: yes got few of these. which means my "lo" is ok guess22:12
Gneaschnuffle: okay22:12
DaveAGarkani: Should be22:12
arkaniDaveAG thanks for help22:13
DaveAGarkani: No probs22:13
nowisni have a monitor adjustment issue??22:13
jacquiandycc: supposedly?22:13
sjkin the CompizConfig Settings Manager, what is button1, button2 and button3 etc?22:13
Logan_WP!ask | nowisn22:13
ubottunowisn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:13
schnuffleGnea: the one I used is called Meridol22:13
mickster04!details | nowisn22:13
ubottunowisn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:13
andyccjacqui, maybe #ruby can help if you're hunting memory leaks?22:13
mickster04nowisn: oh sorry, didn't mean to double up like that22:13
jacquiandycc: yeah, I'll definitely be debugging the ruby apps, but I wanted to figure out if there was something else I should look into in the OS first.22:14
andyccsjk, button1 = left mouse button, button2 = middle, button3 = right22:14
jacquiI read that the overcommit_memory setting can be set to 2 for instance (it's set to 0 now)22:14
Gneaschnuffle: okay cool, I'll look for that and see if it will make some of my cds readable again.22:14
sjkandycc, thanks!22:14
nowisngot a panny tcp42c2 and i cannot get it to 1024x 768 through my hdmi cable22:15
nowisnmaybe a tv issue though22:15
BlueEagleandycc: That's quite counter intuitive. Most other numbering schemes places right as 2 and middle as 3.22:15
PU4GPCGood night people, someone who uses c3270 on ubuntu could help me in pvt?22:15
Logan_WP!pm | PU4GPC22:15
ubottuPU4GPC: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:15
ubuntu__andycc: can you help me do this http://www.pastie.org/156061122:15
StarminnBlueEagle: That's what it does22:16
nowisnquestion is can i zoom in the desktop or not, the monitor menu is kind of basic in ubuntu22:16
andyccBlueEagle, complain about that to the Compiz devs. :D22:16
mickster04nowisn: yes you can, accesability options22:16
MotherWill I get banned by you bastards if I cuss?22:16
Starminnnowism: SUPER + scroll22:16
mickster04nowisn: sorry about the spelling22:16
mickster04Mother: kicked22:16
mickster04!ohmy | Mother22:17
ubottuMother: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:17
kaieGwar_Trolle, fascinating. tried on fedora 14 and ubuntu 10.10. although both have file-roller 2.32, ubuntu fails to extract, and fedora succeeds. weird. either ubuntu misses a patch or the problem is in some backend lib?22:17
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kylemm
schnuffleGnea: this gave me better results: http://www.louis.de/_3046c4dd26b7d7b5cf1dbbf9cc40a9a777/index.php?topic=artnr&artnr=1000431822:17
kylemmCan someone help me with these steps: http://www.pastie.org/156061122:17
Gwar_Trollekaie: Very very odd. Most likely a backend problem since Fedora is nutty when it comes to that kind of thing22:17
erUSULjacqui: some servers are configured to never overcommit memory to avoid oom ( the wont be able to use as many memory as before though )22:17
nowisnwhere is the accesability options22:18
jacquiok, thanks.22:18
erUSULjacqui: i see yu mentioned it too. ( set it to 2 )22:18
enzo_is ctrl+a select all in ubuntu as well?22:18
sjkAnyone know what the Clone Output (compiz) plugin does? I'm looking for something so that I can clone my screen to my external monitor22:18
Gneaschnuffle: awesome, I'll be sure to search for that again later in the public logs of this channel22:18
andyccenzo_, yes.22:18
enzo_doesn't seem to work in the address bar in firefox for some reason22:18
Starminnenzo_ Yeah22:18
mickster04nowisn: did you try super + scroll wheel? (super aka windows button)22:19
schnuffleGnea: it's a german biker store, but I think there should be similar in other countrie22:19
Starminnenzo_ The address bar has to selected first. Try CTRL+L from the page22:19
kylemmcan somebody help me with this: http://www.pastie.org/1560611   :D22:19
andycc!repeat | kylemm22:19
mickster04enzo_: or alt+d22:19
ubottukylemm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:19
erg0liteOk, how do I disable a video card shader pipeline in ubuntu, I used to do that in windows with rivatuner, anything similar here?22:19
enzo_nice, thanks!22:19
Gneaschnuffle: ah okay, shouldn't matter since toothpaste is toothpaste22:19
kylemm!repeat | no22:20
ubottuno: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:20
enzo_keyboard shortcuts always faster than mouse.22:20
majidHi all. What's the alternative of Adobe Flash in Ubuntu?22:20
Logan_WP!flash | majid22:20
ubottumajid: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:20
Gwar_Trollemajid: !gnash22:20
mickster04!patience | kylemm22:20
ubottukylemm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:20
BlueEaglekylemm: In my experience I find it easier to bother opening a pastebin if there's some indication in the question what the pastebin is related to.22:20
nowisnsuper + scroll wheel? no idea what that is22:20
Gneaschnuffle: but they do make toothpaste in different ways, my concern is if a toothpaste is made with certain chemicals, would they diminish the lifetime of the cd/dvd or not22:20
mickster04nowisn: the super button is the ne with what look slike a windows logo22:20
Logan_WPGnea/schnuffle: stop with the toothpaste22:20
mickster04nowisn: then your scroll whell is on your mouse22:21
GneaLogan_WP: enough.22:21
kylemmokay. Can some1 help me do this http://www.pastie.org/1560611.   Its related to Visual Effects on a LIVEUSB22:21
mickster04kylemm: better22:21
Starminnnowism: Did you get it? YOu hold in SUPER (the Windows key) then scroll with your mouse wheel while holding it in.22:22
majidubottu, Logan_WP, Thanks. But I don't need flash player. Just flash. It's name was Macromedia flash. An editor for flash files and movies.22:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:22
cogitornFlash creator doesn't work under ubuntu iirc22:23
BlueEaglekylemm: (ie. if a user cannot be bothered to define a question with some berevity in most cases they have not thought trough the problem long enough and most cases boil down to "manual deficiency" [urbandictionary.com] :)22:23
andyccmajid, Flash is not available for Ubuntu, but I *think* it works with Wine.22:23
kylemmBlueEagle: i have no idea what ur saying22:23
andycc!appdb | majid22:23
ubottumajid: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:23
nowisnyeah got you now, first time someone caled it a super button22:24
nowisnyeah doesn't work22:24
Gneamajid: nobody makes a flash editor for linux, you'd have to run it in windows, maybe in a VM or if you tweak wine enough it might work22:24
nowisnonly zooms out from your original screen size22:24
kylemmBlueEagle: i have thought through the problem :D i was trying to enable visual effects yesterday for like 4hours22:24
nowisnsorry i mean zoom in22:25
andycckylemm, tried running "compiz --replace" from the alt-f2 box?22:25
kylemmandycc: last time i tried that in terminal it froze me22:25
cogitornzmac is a viable flash development platform as well.22:25
ElderDryaskylemm: have you got the recommended NVIDIA driver working yet?22:25
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kylemmElderDryas: no. but some1 told me a way to make it work but i dont understand it22:26
BlueEaglekylemm: And in the paste bin http://www.pastie.org/1560611 there's not even a question it's a thesis regarding kernels and LiveUSB and really not related to visual effects per say. What you need to know if Ubuntu liveUSB can handle newer kernels, isn't it?22:26
nowisnthe tv setting when hooked up doesn't have the 1024x768 resolution setting, maybe it won't work, the edges of my desktop are cropped and thats it22:26
kylemmBlueEagle: well that is how some1 told me he got visual effects to work. So  i need help following the steps22:26
ElderDryaskylemm: until that happens visual-effects (compliz) will never work22:26
kylemmElderDryas: Some1 told me the steps to make it work. But i dont understand them22:27
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kylemmandycc: i just ran that and it like refreshed my desktop. what did it do22:28
mr-tuxHello,can I find sis 300/305 video card driver for ubuntu?22:28
BlueEaglekylemm: According to this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1287434 (which is the first google hit) doing a full install to an USB stick (ie. treat the USB stick as a harddrive and not a CD) is "a better way" with regards to maintenance.22:30
kylemmBlueEagle: how do you do that? lol22:30
matuwhat'is going on ? http://img24.imageshack.us/i/cran130211231938.png/22:30
BlueEaglekylemm: I googled "ubuntu liveusb upgrade kernel" which is the root problem.22:31
matu"apt-get : unknown command"22:31
BlueEaglekylemm: ...or did you mean "how do you treat an USB stick as a harddrive and not a CD"?22:31
kylemmBlueEagle: i meant how to treat it as a hdd22:31
BlueEaglekylemm: Have you tried booting a liveCD and run the regular install and then simply installing to the USB stick? (Remember to place grub on that stick and not your actual HHDs) Not sure if it would work but it would the first thing I'd try.22:32
erUSULmatu: i can not read anything there; why not use a pastebin?¿ is text output22:33
p0w3rhi people22:34
matujust use the zoom button, i can't use pastebin because it is xterm i am using22:34
matuit says "apt-get : unoknown command" i think it is because of "dropbox"22:34
erUSULmatu: ? just highlight and paste with the central mouse button/wheel22:35
matui am reposting in the native resolution sorry erUSUL22:36
erUSULno problem22:36
matufirst step : http://img687.imageshack.us/i/dropboxaptget1.png/22:36
BlueEaglekylemm: Do note that flash drives do degrade when used and treating it as a hdd will massively increase the number of write operations used. You do need to check your mount options (ie. noatime on the partition) and minimize logging to disk.22:36
matusecond step : http://img208.imageshack.us/i/dropboxaptget2.png/ here are all the action i performed before the bug occured22:37
=== Wenzel_ is now known as Galux
erUSULmatu: what does commande introuvable means?22:40
PicierUSUL: "command not found"22:40
matuit means the command does not exist22:41
erUSULmatu: what does « type -P apt-get » says? and echo "$PATH"22:41
matufor example i can type asdfasdfsadf "enter" it will say asdfasdfasdf unknown command22:41
erUSULmatu: also; did you used "sudo -i" to get root?22:41
matui posted the two pictures on the dropbox channel22:41
matuno i only used sudo su22:42
raisin_how can i add a channel to this thing?22:42
matuit says /usr/bin/apt-get22:42
=== Gwar_Trolle is now known as Gwar_Pony
Gneamatu: sudo -i  would be the preferred way to get to a root prompt22:42
mickster04raisin_: define this thing22:42
mickster04I use irssi to get onto irc22:42
raisin_im accesing this channel from webchat.freenode.net22:43
mickster04raisin_: usually /join #channel-name-here22:43
raisin_but i can't add more22:43
matuhum thank you erUSUL and Gnea if it is because of this i am sorry i bothered you...22:43
matuit is a shame i should use it from years...22:43
Styllessomeone already put a domain in ubuntu?22:43
Piciraisin_: You can ask in #freenode or #freenode-webchat if you have issues with that.22:43
xanguaraisin_: use a client then22:43
erUSULmatu: do not think so. if you call the command with full path it works? « /usr/bin/apt-get »22:44
matuyes it now works, apt-get now works22:44
mickster04raisin_: "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"22:44
raisin_oh well it works that way22:44
matui am installing nautilus...22:45
erUSULok :)22:45
Gneamatu: also to start a service, you should use:  service dropbox start  not just dropbox start on its own22:46
crackheadjunkyguys how do i list my hard drives that arent showing up in disk utility?22:46
Gneamatu: which would be the same as:  /etc/init.d/dropbox start22:46
matuit does not workthis way Gnea22:46
matuit says "dropbox : unrecognized service"22:46
Gneamatu: ah, you're right22:47
matubut dropbox is not supported by ubuntu i guess22:47
AnnuateI thought doing  "/etc/init.d/something start" wasnt the correct way anymore22:47
crackheadjunkyhow do i list my hard drives not showing up in disk utility?22:47
Gneamatu: then you should start it as a regular user, not as root22:47
arandcrackheadjunky: I think that is they are not in D-U they might not be recognised by the system "sudo fdisk -l" should also list them all I guess22:47
GneaAnnuate: it's still the same thing, it works, but using the service command is correct as well22:48
crackheadjunkyarand, you sure about fdisk? not a command to play with... lol22:48
alpha7!bug alpha722:48
macocrackheadjunky: -l just lists them, doesnt change anything22:48
alpha7I wanna report bug issue22:48
Gnea!bug | alpha722:48
ubottualpha7: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:48
raisin_btw i installed maverick and it is super slow! I can't even listen to music because it breaks i tried changing the kernel version to an older one, it improved a little bit but its still very unresponsive, any clues on what could be? i have a celeron processor and radeon 200M integrated motherbouard, it's kind of shitty i know22:48
maco!language | raisin_22:48
ubotturaisin_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:48
raisin_sorry sorry22:49
AnnuateGnea: yea it still works, but it likes to giving you the tip of doing it the other way ;p22:49
crackheadjunkyarand, thanks. i must have disconnected my main media drive...22:49
GneaAnnuate: yup22:49
crackheadjunkyarand, have a great one! and thanks!22:49
arandcrackheadjunky: Glad to help22:49
GneaAnnuate: but it's just a tip, nothing more22:49
amalIs there any way to do the opposite of disk emulation? Instead of mounting an iso as a directory, can you mount a directory as a disk image? I know that sounds ridiculous but I have a program that i need to run on a directory, but it only runs on images.  I can't image the directory because its like 5TB and i don't have the space for a duplicate!22:49
matuah yes you are right Gnea i started it as a regular user ! thanks a lot22:49
arandcrackheadjunky: And you're right, fdisk is not to play with :)22:50
Gneaamal: yes, you can create an .img file and format it, then mount it to a loop device and mount it to a directory22:50
schnufflematu: http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/09/how-to-install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-lucid.html22:50
Gneaamal: sorry, that should be 'attach it' to a loop device22:50
jribamal: what program?  What do you want to accomplish?22:50
amalits a disk foresnic program called fiwalk22:51
matuoh dropbox works nice i just had to install nautilus after i installed dropbox using the graphic interface schnuffle thank you22:51
AnnuateGnea: good point I guess! lol. I just figured if they are recommending at some point the other way may become deprecated. Though I haven't looked into it much.22:51
GneaAnnuate: I think part of that is to make it easier for people coming from a windows background22:51
raisin_any one has problems with performance on Ubuntu 10.10?22:51
matuerf okyou are right schnuffle it is better to do it this way...22:52
amalGnea ok so that method won't result in having to duplicate the original 5TB?22:52
matuah yes i already did it this way... sorry22:52
r3d2hey you guys i seem to be having trouble with the startup disc creator....it just doesnt work...is there any other program for ubuntu that can make bootable usbs with .iso files?22:53
Gneaamal: basically anything you throw into that directory goes straight into the .img or .iso file22:53
r3d2im just trying to make a bootable xubuntu installer22:53
Gneaamal: when you're done filling it, umount and unattach22:53
Gnear3d2: it works fine here, what kind of startup disk are you trying to make?22:54
psykatogquestion - is it possible to "install" ubuntu to a usb drive?  I know it can be configured to save changes that are made, but there's no user profile unless installing to the computer's disk.  Is it possible to simply run ubuntu from a usb drive as if it were a portable os?22:54
r3d2bootable flash drive of xubuntu gnea22:54
Gnear3d2: okay, and what format are you using for the flash drive?22:54
r3d2ive tried to make a bootable netbook edition of ubuntu with it but it failed22:54
r3d2do i have to format the drive?22:54
Logan_WP!usb | psykatog22:54
ubottupsykatog: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:54
Gnear3d2: er, yes22:54
r3d2i thought it did that automatically22:54
Desg_xdcan anyone assist with helping me connect to a pptp vpn server22:54
r3d2gparted? gnea?22:54
Gnear3d2: it's not a cdr, so yes, you have to make a partition on it and format it to FAT1622:55
Gnear3d2: not FAT32, it will fail.22:55
r3d2oh ok22:55
r3d2then i can use the startupdisc creator built into ubuntu?22:55
Gnear3d2: gparted will work, I prefer:  mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/sdX#22:55
Logan_WP!vpn | Desg_xd22:55
ubottuDesg_xd: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:55
Gnear3d2: correct.22:55
r3d2ill give it a go22:55
desk_network list}22:55
r3d2btw my flash drive is 4 gb...will i have problems with fat1622:56
=== lfuser-015 is now known as dartmorth
dartmorthhello everyone22:56
dartmorthI really really need a small help22:56
Gnear3d2: not at all, I used it on a 4gb - keep in mind that you're not going to use the whole space anyway, at least enough for the iso22:56
erUSUL!ask | dartmorth22:56
ubottudartmorth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
Gnear3d2: even a DVD iso won't be more than 2 to 4gb22:56
Desg_xdLogan_WP:  i read that already i just dont know what settings to put22:56
erUSUL!es | desk_22:56
ubottudesk_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:56
r3d2Gnea i was referring to fat1622:57
ElderDryasr3d2: if you use the Erase Disk button in Make Startup Disk, it will format the usb stick correctly (but it will format the WHOLE stick)22:57
Gnear3d2: but if you're doing the netbook option, that's only what, under 300 meg? plenty of space.22:57
Gnear3d2: it'll work :)22:57
r3d2ill try again22:57
r3d2maybe i missed something22:57
dartmorthmonitor unknown no resolution of 1024x768 in Ubuntu 10.1022:57
Gnear3d2: it happens, I made the same mistake awhile ago, drove me nuts until I remembered the whole FAT16 vs. FAT32 debate lol22:57
dartmorthhow to fix that22:57
Jordan_Ur3d2: How does it fail?22:58
dartmorthi followed this guide: http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/how-to-change-screen-resolution-after-ubuntu-10-10-installation.html22:58
dartmorthbut still can't I am confused about the instructions a bit22:58
r3d2jordan_u when i change the boot settings in my bios, it tries to boot into drive but doesnt recognize any boot files22:58
r3d2or something like that22:58
r3d2not to sure22:58
FloodBot3r3d2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
owneri need help22:59
Logan_WP!ask | owner23:00
ubottuowner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:00
enavhi... i want to enamble compiz and xinerama same time23:01
ownerok i added ubuntu to my hard drive as a secondary boot option and now i can't get back to my windows os, how doni fix?23:01
Gneaowner: is windows even showing up as an option?23:01
Jordan_Uowner: Do you see a menu at boot with an option for Windows?23:02
ownerjust ubuntu23:02
Jordan_Uowner: What is the output of "sudo os-prober" in a terminal?23:02
ownerhow dp i find that out23:02
Jordan_U!terminal | owner23:02
ubottuowner: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:02
Gneaowner: type that in a terminal, ctrl-alt-t23:02
ownerok then what?23:03
Gneasudo os-probe23:03
desk_hello ctrl23:04
Jordan_Uowner: Hit enter and enter your password when prompted for it.23:04
ownerit says " /dev/sda1:windows 7(loader) :windows:chain23:05
fr00gI have two docky docks, one left and one on the bottom. The one on the left I use for folder shortcuts. I have several folders there. However, when I click one, it just opens up a new nautilus window on my bottom dock (the window manager one)23:06
Jordan_Uowner: Run "sudo update-grub". After you have run that command you should see an option for Windows when you boot.23:06
ownerok kool ty23:07
Logan_WPfr00g: ask that in #docky23:07
r3d2hey you guys...im back after another round of trying to create a bootable usb with ubutnus built in startup disc creator....when i boot from the file i get a black screen that says   "unknown keyword in configuration file" then below that it says "boot:" with a flashing cursor on it.23:09
r3d2is there a better bootable usb creator for ubuntu23:10
aeon-ltdr3d2: unetbootin?23:10
Logan_WP!unetbootin | r3d223:11
ubottur3d2: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:11
Jordan_Ur3d2: Ahh, that's because there is an incompatability with older syslinux based tools and newer syslinux based isos.23:11
aeon-ltdr3d2: command line - dd ?23:11
kjekkenif i boot on my newest kernel (2.6.35-25) i cant find any wlan but if i boot on 2.6.35-22 it all works fine.. anyone know what it is?23:11
r3d2o i know that one23:11
r3d2ill try unetbootin now...then ill try command line as a last resort23:11
KBentley57hey guys23:11
r3d2ill be back with my results23:11
Jordan_Ur3d2: I don't expect unetbootin to work either, as it will be using the same version of syslinux.23:12
fcuk112hi, what is the best way to autosize the windows like win7 when you drag the window to left/right/top of screen?23:12
Logan_WPfcuk112: http://gigaom.com/mobile/how-to-get-aero-snap-window-sizing-in-ubuntu/23:13
grkbloodi have a photosmart 209a printer and im trying to print a pciture on picture paper, the problem is gnome image viewer wont let me increase the size of the picture to take up the entire picture, it adds a white space about an in thick on the left right and bottom. how do i make it take up the whole piece of pritner paper23:14
fcuk112Logan_WP, thanks.23:14
=== void is now known as coldfire
Logan_WPfcuk112: actually, the link to the instructions seems broken23:14
Logan_WPfcuk112: try this: http://www.clickonf5.org/linux/use-aero-snap-windows7-feature-ubuntu/695623:14
kjekkenif i boot on my newest kernel (2.6.35-25) i cant find any wlan but if i boot on 2.6.35-22 it all works fine.. anyone know what it is?23:14
SoulhunterHow can I create this mounting point? root@ubuntu:~# mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root /mnt23:15
Soulhuntermount: mount point /mnt does not exist23:15
Jordan_USoulhunter: mkdir /mnt/23:16
vancodoes anyone know how can i configure DNS BIND localy, i want to do same tests with it23:16
delueksi'm writing a script to generate a custom livecd; it requires user input when debootstrap installs grub. how can i automate this?23:17
fcuk112Logan_WP, yea noticed that too.  thanks.23:17
Jordan_Udelueks: Preeseed the needed value.23:17
kieppieunder gnome, if I want to connect to a configured connection (wifi or VPN), it's pretty straight-forward, but under KDE, we can't figure it out. can anyone please point me to a guide on connecting to configured connections under KDE?23:17
delueksjordan_u: can you be more specific, please?23:18
Jordan_Udelueks: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html23:18
delueksthis seems to be targeted to the installer, you say it works with debootstrap?23:19
KBentley57anyone good with smtp23:19
lacusis there a way to automatically change my audio output to the most recently plugged in device?23:20
lacus(a usb headset_23:20
Hellz_Bellzi just installed 8.04 on an old p3 and networking isnt working for either my pcmcia card or a wg111v3 usb that i have23:20
KBentley57errormsg='TLS handshake failed: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol' exitcode=EX_IOERR     --    even though its a freenas issue, i suppose it's probably more related to smtp and outlook web access' servers23:20
Hellz_Bellzi have modprobe -l -t /whatever/net23:20
Hellz_Bellzmodprobe rtl818723:21
kieppieunder gnome, if I want to connect to a configured connection (wifi or VPN), it's pretty straight-forward, but under KDE, we can't figure it out. can anyone please point me to a guide on connecting to configured connections under KDE?23:21
Hellz_Bellzand restarted networking23:21
Hellz_Bellzit shows the devices23:21
Hellz_Bellzlsusb and lspci both show the devices23:21
Hellz_Bellzonly its configuring tre interfaces23:21
Jordan_Udelueks: You can preseed any debconf value. Why are you using debootstrap instead of debian-installer though?23:22
delueksits from ubuntu wiki23:23
jonthuei just download unbuntu iso and i want it on a usb jump drive bootable how do i do it23:23
minimeckieppie: start the nm-applet. I had that problem too. nm-applet works also in KDE. You will get the network panel applet.23:23
kjekkenmy wlan is so slow in ubuntu 10.1023:23
kjekkenmuch better in win723:24
Hans_Henrikgot a problem with "remote desktop";it Only works like ~5-10 minutes after reboot, then it stops accepting connections :s why?23:24
Jordan_Ujonthue: Follow the directions @ http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download23:24
Hans_Henrik(ubuntu 10.04 btw)23:24
Hans_Henrik(desktop edition)23:24
kieppieminimec: thanks. the network-manager actually works, & I can bring up the UI, but there's not "connect" option available23:24
Hellz_Bellzoh yeah i installed server edition of 8.0423:24
minimeckieppie: Would a "simple/double click" on the desired network be enough?23:26
nzeis there a terminal that supports /italic/ fonts?23:26
minimecnze: You should be able to choose whatever font you want with gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal for example.23:28
propmim wondering what could be so dificult about compiling a 64bit version of flash ?23:28
boxbeatsyhi, i'm running a bottle server in the background and it's crashing without any log to standard output.  i've found that if i DONT run it in the background, it never crashes.  does anyone know why this might happen?23:29
jribpropm: not having the source?23:29
rj_90Nze:gnome terminal has several profile settings you can choose your font there23:29
minimecnze: BUt there is the famous monospace problem. You probably want to use some 'mono', where the letter 'i' takes the same space as letter 'm' for example.23:29
propmi mean for the adobe guys23:29
delueksJordan_U: thx, debconf-get-selections/debconf-set-selections looks good23:29
kieppieminimec: it would, but it doesn't work. I've encountered this issue on a number of KDE installation & the fact that networking under KDE is so fubar is the main reason I don't use it: I can't be bothtered muking around for extended period to try & convince the system to do something that really should be extremely simple23:29
macopropm: twice as much QA to do23:29
Jordan_Upropm: Flash includes a JIT, which makes it very architecture specific.23:30
jribpropm: why do you wonder though?  They do release a 64bit version23:30
Jordan_Udelueks: You're welcome.23:30
UltraCookiehey, terminal noob here, can anyone help me with something?23:30
jribUltraCookie: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:30
lacusUltraCookie: go for it :-)23:30
propmnever at the same time23:30
minimeckieppie: I am a gnome and e17/gtk user... Never been a KDE kiddie...23:30
kieppieminimec: for instance, on this one system (my brother's laptop; stock-standard KDE installation), the entire networking stack is bust after the machine comes back from standby/hibernate23:31
=== David is now known as Tere
UltraCookieHow do I set up a password for ssh when I'm currently using a pem file? I want to access sftp via filezilla23:31
Madpilot!bug 15044323:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 150443 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "No workspace switching with mousewheel with compiz" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15044323:31
kieppieminimec: me too. IMO KDE really blows in the way win vista does, but laymen users like it, because it has pretty lights23:31
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:32
minimeckieppie: That might be. You could consider to disable network before suspending. Hibernate/suspend is tricky when it comes to network, graphics... Sometimes even sound.23:32
macokieppie: whether its knetworkmanager or the nm plasmoid, just clicking on the network's name should be all you need. though itll not do anything if youve configured it *wrong* (ex: told it no password is needed, meanwhile it's WEP)23:32
jribUltraCookie: what is a "pem file"?23:32
macojrib: cert23:33
UltraCookiejrib: .pem as in, a keypair file (certificate)23:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:33
macoUltraCookie: is your server set to permit password based login?23:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:33
macoUltraCookie: if so, it should fall back to password if it cant find the cert23:34
UltraCookiemaco: I'm not sure, its just a ubuntu 10.10 ec2 instance23:34
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kylemm
kieppie minimec, maco: thanks for the advice, but unfortunately that's not a workable solution I can "sell". these are out-of-the box setup, and turning off networking before shutting the lid & going to bed is not a real answer (remember: laymen users)23:34
UltraCookiemaco: How do I set up a password?23:34
kylemmCan somebody help me do this: http://www.pastie.org/1560611      It involves Visual Effects for LIVEUSB;s23:34
Guest56844My mp3 player (Creative: 'ZenNano) won't allow me to add/remove files from the device itself, from windows or from Ubuntu 10. The creative tools and HP's don't work either. Any ideas?23:34
jribkylemm: I told you what to do yesterday and I think like 10 other people told you the same thing23:34
lacusUltraCookie: make sure that you have PasswordAuthentication set to yes in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file23:35
macokieppie: you're trying to sell hardware thats not actually compatible with linux....with linux? bad plan23:35
kylemmjrib: im not installing it. Some1 told me how to do it without installing, and i need help doing the steps23:35
UltraCookieok, then what?23:35
jribkylemm: yeah, that's what we told you23:35
lacusrestart ssh23:35
kieppiemaco: for instance, the other issue I recently battled with was VPN. the VPN connection gets set up in the manager, but nothing happens when clicking the connection. no prompts, nothing.23:35
lacusthen you should be able to "ssh user@server"23:35
UltraCookieSorry, but what is the restart ssh command?23:36
macokieppie: if clicking on anything in the kde nm plasmoid or in knm does nothing, it means that connection has been marked invalid due to being configured incorrectly23:36
lacusnp. I generally do "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"23:36
jribkylemm: what you pastebinned says reboot in it so I have no idea how that would help you when using a live cd23:36
UltraCookiek, thanks :)23:36
boxbeatsyhow does running a task in the background work under the covers? like, what exactly is happening?23:36
macokieppie: i havent tried with a vpn, but thats how it works with the wireless.... i forget to tell it the wpa key, it silently fails23:37
kieppiemaco: no. I'm trying to run KDE on a system that runs gnome just fine. the choice of win-manager is a user's choice; "choice" being a strong selling-poiint of linux & FLOSS in general. so now the choice seems to be: you can choose, but only some choices will work & the rest will wast everyone's time23:37
Hellz_Bellzboxbeatsy: it just runs the program only it frees itself from the terminal kinda23:37
macokieppie: gnome and kde aren't window managers.23:37
kylemmjrib: i dont understnad it. But some1 told me thats how he got it to work23:37
kieppiemaco: I can fix some of the aforementioned issues, if only KDE communicates issues back to me23:38
macokieppie: you also havent stated *which* of the kde network manager frontends you were trying23:38
Hellz_Bellzit leaves the terminal available for your use instead of hogging it for output23:38
boxbeatsyHellz_Bellz: hmm yea i get that part, but is there any fundamental difference from the program's perspective23:38
boxbeatsybecuase i'm finding that my program crashes when i run it in the background but not when i dont23:38
Hellz_Bellzno not really23:38
ardchoilleboxbeatsy: no, it's just running as usual23:38
kieppiemaco: default. defaults all the way. stock-standard, out of the box setups & the wireless stack/drivers loaded & connections configured23:38
macokieppie: default changed recently23:39
lacusIs there someway to switch audio ouput when my USB headset is installed?23:39
macokieppie: so, "dpkg -l *network* | grep ^ii" does it tell you knetworkmanager or plasma-widget-networkmanagement?23:39
jribkylemm: look, I'll tell you again: install the nvidia drivers and enable them in xorg.conf using System → Administration → Additional Drivers, « sudo service gdm stop », log in to tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1) « sudo modprobe nvidia », restart X: « sudo service gdm start », ctrl-alt-f7 bto get to the gdm login screen, log in as "ubuntu" with a blank password23:39
UltraCookielacus: One more thing, now I can just 'ssh -i password ubuntu@host', right?23:39
ElderDryaskylemm: You are trying to do something that the system is not designed to do...at least 4 different people (by my count) have tried to help you over the past two days...but you lack the basic knowledge to follow even simple, step-by-step instructions...what more cn we do here?23:39
UltraCookielacus: and the password is simply my ubuntu password?23:40
MadpilotHellz_Bellz, please stop trying to teach the bot dirty words.23:40
boxbeatsyi dont have the slighest clue on what could be causing this cause i'm writing all standard output to a log and it's not showing any traceback23:40
macoUltraCookie: er....23:40
lacusUltraCookie: uh, well, I'm assuming it would prompt you for a password23:40
macoUltraCookie: the thing that goes after -i is the ssh key identity file23:40
macoUltraCookie: your password doesnt go there23:40
lacusdon't do the -i23:40
lacusman ssh23:40
UltraCookieok, thanks guys23:41
aendaxchatQuestion:  I have an xp box that I slapped a new HDD to dual boot ubuntu.  I went the installer, installed on the new hdd, it asked to restart and poof, no grub or lilo, straight to xp.   I tried reinstalling again, same results, am I doing something retarded?23:41
danny_A friend and I are developing a site together on a local ubuntu server. How can I make it so that he can edit files that I create and vice versa?23:41
danny_The files are in /var/www which is a root permissions folder23:41
kieppiemaco:  network-manager-kde23:42
danny_aendaxchat you haven't told it to try booting from the other disk23:42
mycosysaendaxchat - you told it to install on the other hdd - so it did23:42
jribdanny_: create a group, setgid the directory and chgrp the directory to the new group, change your umasks so group can write.  Or just use ACLs23:42
mycosysyou can tell it to put grub on the 1st one and ur problem will be solved23:42
aendaxchatoh shoot, so reinstalling again, is there a checkbox or something to tell it to load grub to dual boot or something? It was pretty 1-click without specifying that.  Hmm, i'll look again23:42
macokieppie: oh. yeah thats not default anymore23:43
danny_setgid the directory jrib? Can you clarify that?23:43
macokieppie: you must be on 10.04, then i guess?23:43
kylemmjrib: i cant do the ctrl,alt,f1 thing. It just freezes my screen23:43
jribdanny_: chmod g+s DIRECTORY  will make it so that files created in DIRECTORY are owned by the same group that owns DIRECTORY (note this does not descend into subdirectories)23:43
jribkylemm: what happens when you stop gdm?23:44
danny_if I chmod g+s -r will it extend to the subdirectories as well?23:44
htci changed my server name and host name and workgroup name a few weeks ago but idont remember where i did it? can anyone help me..23:44
kylemmjrib: i dont even have the section Additional drivers. im on ubuntu 10.0423:44
jribkylemm: "Hardware Drivers" or similar23:45
kieppiethanks maco:  no, 10.10. going to run a dis-upgrade now. My issues are not with specific issues such as this one, but with KDE & networking in general, and the general lack of information, docco's & guide available that I can point new (noob) users to, so that they can perform simple function on a default installation, such as explicitly connect to specific connections, such as a WiFi or VPN23:45
macokieppie: 10.10's default is plasma-widget-networkmanagement23:45
kylemmjrib: so i install the drivers which activates it, then in terminal do udo service gdm stop23:45
macokieppie: unless this is something you dist-upgraded? in which case it has the old one23:46
kieppiethanks; will install that in a bit & try again23:46
jribkylemm: I gave you the steps, do them and if you have a problem then tell me what it is23:46
=== richard is now known as Guest92259
hiexpohola alll23:47
BiPolahIf a drive fails in RAID 3 along with the parity drive, the data is unrecoverable, correct? It's basically  RAID1 with parity isn't it?23:47
kylemmjrib: i do not get the enable them in xorg.conf part. As i go to Hardware Drivers, and i only see Activate. I do not see any option to gdm stop. So im guessing you put sudo service gdm stop in terminal?23:47
propmi love PPAs23:47
kieppiemaco: what I don't get is: why does it have to be so bloody complicated? really? I mean, is anyone thinking this will convince users to switch from $(another O/S) to *ubuntu?23:47
jribkylemm: yes, "activate" in Hardware Drivers will enable the driver in xorg.conf.  What I enclosed in «» are commands, yes23:48
kylemmjrib: okay the driver is activated now i do the tty1?23:48
jribkylemm: if that's the next thing I told you to do, sure23:48
kylemmjrib: when i activate tho it says system failed. archieve or something similar23:49
jribkylemm: don't paraphrase errors23:49
macokieppie: it's not going to make a lick of difference for *buntu versus fedora or whatever. it's still just upstream kde's stuff. if you want to compare to proprietary OSes, then the question isnt swtich to *buntu, it's "switch to any free software OS"23:49
kylemmjrib: when the driver is done downloading and installing it says "SystemError: installArchives() failed"23:49
htcdoes anyone know how to open the apache etc file thing from terminal?23:50
propmcan i have bothe raid 0 and mirroring using 2 drives with 2 partitions in eavh ?23:50
rumpe1htc, like any file? with an path+editor23:50
jribhtc: "apache etc file thing" is too vague.  If you're looking for /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, then you could do: sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf I guess...  What exactly do you want to accomplish?23:50
grkbloodhow do you print a 4x6 photo and make it take up the entire 4x6?23:50
htcjrib: where i can change my hostname and server and all that23:51
propmi would like to have raid0 for the system ans mirroring for home partition23:51
propm~idnt that possible ?23:52
v4nelleguys i have purge motion app,but i have /var/lib/update-rc.d/motion file...why?23:52
kieppiemaco: maybe, but that's trying to sell users on the "morality" of a Libre OS (whatever that means). generally the end-user doesn't really care about that. what they care about is results: how hard is it to drive, can I play games, read mail & surf pr0n without costing too much? if I cannot satisfy those *basic* requirements, it doesn't matter *what* OS I present. so far basic Ubuntu (gnome) & Mint does a pretty good job of satisfying t23:53
jribkylemm: pastebin result of « jockey-text -l »23:53
macokieppie: so use them if thats what you want23:53
macokieppie: kde's not for people who want thought-free computing anyway23:53
jribkylemm: note if you had synaptic or update-manager running you have to close them before running Hardware Drivers23:54
mycosyskieppie - will get lynched - but if you want simple to 'drive' it is hard to go past SuSE, but with the downside it is heavier than the average building23:54
BiPolahKieppie: "Libre OS" (OS Libre, should be) just means "Free OS"23:54
kieppiemaco: but KDE is eye-candy, which makes for a strong selling-point23:54
kylemmjrib: http://pastebin.com/g0Smgd7t      I didn't have any open. Just Ubuntu Software Center23:54
kieppieSuSE's good23:54
jribkylemm: yes, close that and try again23:54
macokieppie: but its also all about having complete and total control with all the complicated settings a geek heart could ever desire23:55
jribkylemm: anyway, they seem to be installed.  Pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:55
kieppiemaco: SuSE's very good. but it limits the support I'd be able to give; not my own native OS23:55
mycosysjrib - why not just send him to the nvidia page and let him use their script? lol23:55
kylemmjrib: it already says its activated so do i click remove?23:55
grkbloodhow do you print a 4x6 photo and make it take up the entire 4x6?23:55
jribmycosys: he's on a live cd23:55
jribkylemm: no, do not remove it23:55
grkbloodprint preview always crops it23:55
mycosysjust run in failsafe23:55
=== canon is now known as Acid190
kylemmjrib: http://pastebin.com/0zKQSUhR23:56
jribmycosys: he's been asking for help for about 2 days now23:56
jribmycosys: (compiz on live cd)23:56
fr00gCan anyone help me kill the Gnome panel? I tried killall gnome-panel, but it just comes back23:56
aeon-ltdgrkblood: i'd assume by changing the margins, btw your qustion isn't really ubuntu related so heres not the best place to ask23:56
alpha7Question how to right a script23:56
jribkylemm: fine, remove it in additional drivers and let it install again23:56
mycosysbuy a $10 second hand drive and install on it23:57
mycosysonly need about 10gig at most23:57
kylemmjrib: okay ill tell you when im done23:57
thirtytwobitrigport forwarding problem, perhaps anyone please?23:57
BiPolahMycosys: We've tried to get him to install, but he doesn't seem to want to. Not even on a flash drive with all his other drives physically disconnected.23:57
aeon-ltdfr00g: why? gnome-panel is a part of gnome the DE, its part of each other, if you want to use another panel, use metacity standalone for the window manager and your panel of choice23:58
mycosysyou guys are a lot more patient than i23:58
jribalpha7: what do you want to accomplish?23:58
mycosysif he was on our support channel he would likely be +b by now23:58
jribmycosys: more like, I want to stop seeing the question :P23:58
fr00gI still need a few Gnome things, I just want to get rid of the panels23:58
mycosys+b fixes that jrib :D23:58
BiPolahMycosys: Been trying to get it to work for two days, despite the fact that it's a LiveCD and would need to be redone every time he restarts.23:58
lacushow can I tell pulseaudio to automatically use my USB headset when it is plugged in23:59
BiPolahfr00g: The top and bottom panels?23:59
kylemmjrib: okay its done installing23:59
jribkylemm: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:59
alpha7jrib i wanna write a script or something so i can automatically installation instead going installing manually23:59
fr00gI only have one panel left, the top one, I just need help in removing that23:59
BiPolahfr00g: Can you not right click > Delete this panel?23:59
mycosysis he even mounting a flash so he doesnt need to redo downloads every time?23:59
jribalpha7: be more specific, automatically install what?23:59

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