
DocfxitBencahill That much I know. I followed the information at http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html and it didn't work.00:00
bencahillDocfxit: brb00:00
gardeniaah ok a_p3rson . how do i do that. sorry im not familiar how to do it.00:00
a_p3rsongardenia: what client are you using?00:00
Guest68446someone in MENLO PARK ...00:00
a_p3rsongardenia: if you are using the freenode webchat interface, click on the first tab (the server one) and type         #xubuntu00:01
gardeniai don't understand what is a client . im just a girl. don't understand technical stuff00:01
a_p3rson!ontopic | Guest6844600:01
ubottuGuest68446: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:01
=== Guest46959 is now known as XuMuK
Quexletdds so it00:02
Guest68446hey ... Gardenia is a flower name ...00:02
[Coke]I have a dell netbook - after the upgrade to 10.10, I'm having difficulty with suspend - hibernate works, but suspend never wakes up - have to power off and on. I know others have reported similar issues; is it worth reporting a new issue (or updating an existing one) for my particular hardware config? (if so, any particular information I should attach tot eh ticket?)00:02
Quexim gonna make yoo a movie star, lovely00:02
Quexcome to my hotel00:02
a_p3rsongardenia: type this:       /join #xubuntu00:02
a_p3rson!ontopic | Quex00:02
ubottuQuex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:02
Jordan_UQuex: That is not apropriate, please stop.00:02
IdleOne!codeofconduct > Quex00:03
ubottuQuex, please see my private message00:03
a_p3rsonlol @ mass response...00:03
bencahillwow, alot of spam today00:03
bencahillDocfxit: back, one sec...00:04
=== Guest68446 is now known as thatsme
alesanhi I wanted to mount my newly installed second hard disk so it goes in a specific directory00:04
gardeniaok thanks a_p3rson00:04
alesanI noticed that in fstab there are UUIDs instead of device names00:04
=== thatsme is now known as jow_otro
alesanhow am I supposed to work with UUIDs?00:04
bencahillDocfxit: !paste /etc/network/interfaces , please00:04
jow_otroGot change my name ...00:04
bencahillalesan: you can do either, but uuid's are better, why do you ask?00:05
jrib!uuid | alesan00:05
ubottualesan: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:05
jow_otroGardenia ... Is it a flower name ???00:05
bencahill!ot | jow_otro00:05
ubottujow_otro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:05
alesanbencahill, how do I get the UUID for my new hard disk?00:05
alesanbencahill, what if I change hard disks?00:05
bencahillalesan: what ubottu said, sudo blkid00:05
BiPolahalesan: You can get your drive UUID by typing "blkid" in your terminal00:05
bencahillalesan: read the link by ubottu above ^^00:05
BiPolahBencahill: You don't need to have sudo on it.00:06
alesanthanks jrib I will read that! that will probably answer all my questions00:06
bencahillBiPolah: oh, that's what I've always read :-/00:06
alesanif you give me A SECOND I can read everything00:06
BiPolahbencahill: I saw that too, but it works fine for me without it.00:06
bencahillalesan: take your time :)00:06
bencahillBiPolah: o_o root shell?00:06
jow_otrobencahill, sorry ... I don't understand english well ... now I got the message ...00:07
jribBiPolah: you're right, though I believe I remember sudo being required when it was first introduced00:07
zhosteanybody know of a good bittorrent client or bittorrent client addon that i can access through ssh and keep track of?00:07
zhostepreferably something with a progressbar.00:07
jribzhoste: rtorrent?  btdownloadcurses?00:07
BiPolahBencahill: Nope00:08
zhostedoes rtorrent have progress bars now?00:08
ActionParsnipzhoste: you can use transmission, it has a web interface you can log into to remote monitor it. It also can be monitored from ANdroid phones using transdroid ;)00:08
BiPolahCan just leave ubottu how it is, it still works with sudo00:08
zhostei've been trying to get transmission-remote-cli to work for a few hours. it won't let me ssh in.00:08
peaveymanI have 2 drives in my desktop, a 500 gb with Windows 7 and a 250 gb that is blank. If I install ubuntu on the 250 will it detect 7 on the 500 and set up a dual boot00:08
ActionParsnipzhoste: i've not used it at cli, i always use web interface00:09
Jordan_Upeaveyman: Yes.00:09
peaveymanThat's what I thought, Jordan_U00:09
bowser22k guys im flippin right now00:09
a_p3rsonpeaveyman: it depends. you will have to manually select which drive to boot, or you can default to the ubuntu drive, which can bounce back to the windows00:09
bowser22heres my issue00:10
bencahillBiPolah: blkid (no sudo) doesn't print anything on stdout for me00:10
peaveymanIs there any reason not to install the 64bit version00:10
BiPolahPeavey: Yes. It will install GRUB which will detect Windows. If you install Windows after Ubuntu it will wipe the MBR and GRUB would have to be reinstalled00:10
BiPolahBencahill: What version are you running?00:10
bencahillpeaveyman: flash, and some others...00:10
bencahillBiPolah: 10.1000:10
peaveymanso 64bit flash doesn't work00:10
zhosteActionParsnip: does btdownloadcurses have a config file i can edit? it looks good, but i'd like to not see some of the information it displays.00:10
bowser22i have installed and a sb live card. i have a program running that will take sound from the line in and synthesize it and oputput to lineout or speaker out, problem is the line in just loops back out and plays through the speakers!00:11
Jordan_Ubencahill: BiPolah: jrib: I believe it depends on whether there is anything in the libblkid cache or not. When there will / won't be anything in the cache I don't know.00:11
jribpeaveyman: 64bit flash does work00:11
bencahill!64-bit | peaveyman00:11
ubottupeaveyman: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.00:11
jribJordan_U: makes sense I guess00:11
peaveymanok, thanks00:11
bowser22can anyone help?00:11
ActionParsnipzhoste: not one i've used, sorry00:11
* jrib likes « ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ » anyway00:11
bencahillJordan_U, BiPolah: ah, if I run blkid after sudo blkid, I get results, but I'm sure those wouldn't update if you didn't use blkid00:11
bencahilljrib: whatever works :)00:12
BiPolahBencahill: That would just be running it as sudo, since it elevates privileges for a short time, not a single command00:12
victor_Ola pessoal meu picasa nao inicia, jah tentei reinstalar e nada... segue o erro >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/567517/00:12
mneptokBiPolah: incorrect00:12
bencahillBiPolah: no, sudo is for a command00:12
bencahillBiPolah: where did you get this idea?00:13
barfWhich command line tool to use to set the console resolution? http://www.cyberciti.biz/files/linux-kernel/Documentation/svga.txt00:13
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bencahillbarf: you could adjust it on boot00:13
bencahill!grub2 | barf00:13
ubottubarf: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:13
BiPolahBencahill: I remember having run several apt-gets to install/remove programs without typing sudo for all of them. Perhaps I'm recalling it wrongly00:14
Jordan_U!pt | victor_00:14
ubottuvictor_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:14
bencahillBiPolah: and... ?00:14
bowser22i have installed and a sb live card. i have a program running that will take sound from the line in and synthesize it and oputput to lineout or speaker out, problem is the line in just loops back out and plays through the speakers!00:14
miketomdoolbipolah did you use sudo -i first?00:14
zhosteumm...my wife just stole my truck. :(00:14
maco2BiPolah: i thought it was in 10.10 that pitivi was added and gimp was removed from default ubuntu...00:14
bencahill!ot | zhoste00:14
ubottuzhoste: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:14
BiPolahBencahill & Miketomdool: Nope, just regular sudo apt-get etc.00:15
BiPolahMaco2: There's no GIMP in 10.10 by default certainly, but I don't remember ever having Pitivi00:15
gardeniait works. thanks for the tip. someone in xubuntu helped me.00:15
zhostestaying on topic isn't something i generally do...00:15
mneptokzhoste: then this channel is not for you.00:16
miketomdoolidk how you managed to do it without sudo... but ok00:16
bencahillzhoste: doesn't matter00:16
bencahill!guidelines | zhoste00:16
ubottuzhoste: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:16
StFSHi. I just installed Ubuntu using the netinstall usb and I managed to mess up writing the MBR to the disk and somehow wrote it to the installation flash drive instead. I was able to fix this by doing "grub-setup '(hd0)'" but I'm just worried that I'm leaving something out... perhaps some config file that should be updated so that future upgrades and such will not try to find the MBR on the USB key but the MBR on my hdd00:16
felix_dusx_12hi... someone has a good tutorial about postfix00:17
bencahillfelix_dusx_12: was that intended to be a question?00:17
BiPolahStFS: I believe it would take the MBR from whichever drive it's set to boot from00:17
felix_dusx_12sth like that00:17
maco2BiPolah: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.manifest00:17
felix_dusx_12i have problems installing  postfix00:18
a_p3rson!hello | root_00:18
felix_dusx_12i am trying to use postfix with nagios00:18
bencahill!root | root_00:18
ubotturoot_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:18
Docfxitbencahill what I tried for network static configuration is at http://pastebin.com/cEhdLrWT00:18
Jordan_UStFS: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc00:18
Jordan_UStFS: And in the future you should use grub-install rather than using grub-setup directly.00:19
BiPolahMaco2: You're right. I must've installed it at some point, I just don't remember since video editing isn't something I plan to do so I wouldn't pay much notice. I've got a few leftover packages in /var/00:19
Docfxitbencahill When I re-booted Ubuntu wiped out everything below the 2nd line.00:19
StFSJordan_U: ahh... thank you kind sir ;-)00:19
Jordan_UStFS: You're welcome.00:20
mneptokDocfxit: really? the subnet is 168.168?00:20
barfIs there a command line tool to see current video mode in use for the console? http://www.cyberciti.biz/files/linux-kernel/Documentation/svga.txt00:20
bencahillDocfxit: running gnome?00:20
Docfxitmneptok yes00:21
Docfxitbencahill not that I know of.00:21
mneptokDocfxit: and the router/gateway is, in fact,
bencahillDocfxit: cli then?00:21
Docfxitmneptok yes00:21
bencahillmneptok: heh :P00:21
bencahillDocfxit: where did you get this info?00:21
Docfxitbencahill I have a number of PC's on my LAN all configured that way.00:22
mneptokDocfxit: those values are very, very strange. most gateways are at .100:23
Docfxitbencahill I'm not sure about network and broadcast for windows I don't configure those.00:23
bencahillDocfxit: so are you running a cli then?00:23
bencahillDocfxit: that's quite obvious00:23
bubuany channel for helping with screen resolution?00:23
DocfxitI don't know what cli is.00:24
BiPolahDefault router address is typically
mneptokDocfxit: the values you say you use elsewhere, how did you get them? did you enter them statically in another OS, or ... ?00:24
rudolphplugging my mytouch 4g does not show on desktop but I see it in Computer but can not access it.00:24
BiPolahRudolph: Is it mounting at all?00:24
Docfxitmneptok yes. I run everything static on my lan.00:25
rudolphNot on desktop00:25
BiPolahRudolph: If you right click it does it give you the option to unmount it or mount it?00:25
Dougdoug4quick question00:25
Dougdoug4I'm editing my kernel so i can make it so i boot into single user mode00:25
Dougdoug4where do i add the word 'single' in this set of lines i've got00:26
feydis there a way to control GTK themes in a session file?00:26
Docfxitmneptok For a SonicWall router the default LAN Gateway is
Dougdoug4the guide i'm reading says 'add at the end of the kernel line'00:26
Dougdoug4i'm not sure which line is the kernel line00:26
bubui have problems for changing my screen resolution. I have a fujitsu-siemens laptop. Any sugestion?00:26
bastidrazorDougdoug4: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   add text inside the quotes.00:26
rudolph_When plugged in, the only place I see it is Computer and I can unmount it but not access it at all.00:26
bastidrazorDougdoug4: in the file /etc/default/grub00:26
mneptokDocfxit: so you enter these values in /etc/network.interfaces and then what happens?00:27
BiPolahRudolph: What version of iOS are you running on it?00:27
Dougdoug4I was at the grub menu00:27
Dougdoug4I clicked 'e' to edit the kernel00:27
Dougdoug4i'm at that menu right now00:27
Dougdoug4the only line that contains quiet splash is this one00:27
bubuhey dude could anyone please help me00:27
Dougdoug4"linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic root=UUID-c58-23582(more numbers)\ca more numbers ro    quiet splash00:28
ricorx7ask bubu00:28
ricorx7thats the line doug00:28
Dougdoug4so i just add 'single' too the end of quiet splash?00:28
rudolph_BiPolah I am not certain. It showed on the desktop last week but not now. Can I manually mount and if so how?00:28
miketomdoolbubu try downloading drivers from the company website00:28
Dougdoug4Yea ricorx7? Just make it "ro    quiet splash single"00:28
Docfxitmneptok I rebot the PC because I can't figure out how to restart the network. After it reboots all the lines in interfaces are wiped out except for the first 2 lines.00:28
BiPolahRudolph_: Grab libimobiledevice100:28
mneptokDocfxit: ls -l /etc/network/interfaces00:29
bubui just need to change the resolution00:29
mneptokDocfxit: and you're running with no GUI, right?00:29
rudolph_Okay. I will try  that00:29
bencahillDocfxit: if you're using gnome, right click on the nm applet, and configure it from there00:29
ricorx7doug: ya00:29
BiPolahRudolph_: Then remount it00:29
bubucompany website wont work00:29
ChaosRhello people, when my screen goes into standby (not computer), it sometimes refuses to wake up again. SSH still works, and will show X using 100% CPU. restarting GDM does not work, and killing X is impossible (even with kill -KILL). it is however not limited to standby, occurs rarely on normal screensaver too, anybody knows how to solve this?00:30
rudolph_This program,  libimobiledevice1, is already installed.00:30
miketomdoolbubu i dont know what it is in ubuntu but under the administrative section is there "Monitors"00:30
mneptokChaosR: stop using screensavers and just blank the screen. the OpenGL accelerated screensavers are killing you.00:31
bencahillDocfxit: here, it looks like this: ↑↓00:31
[Coke]ChaosR: i have a similar problem with my netbook after the upgrade to 10.x00:31
ChaosRmneptok: blank screen does the same thing00:31
bencahillDocfxit: right click that, and click edit connections00:31
bencahillDocfxit: but why are you not using dhcp?00:31
bubuhey mike whats the link men00:31
mneptokbencahill: because (s)he does not want to?00:31
mneptokbencahill: if an OS cannot work with static IPs, it's a crap OS. full stop.00:32
bencahillmneptok: I doubt they understand basic networking00:32
bowser22i have installed and a sb live card. i have a program running that will take sound from the line in and synthesize it and oputput to lineout or speaker out, problem is the line in just loops back out and plays through the speakers!00:32
bencahillmneptok: who said an os can't work with static ip's?00:32
stagswow big group00:32
duke3dI am installing Windows 7 right now.. I want to do a dual boot with Ubuntu... any tips or recommendations on how accomplish that?00:32
bencahillbowser22: telling us the program might help :)00:33
bencahillduke3d: ubuntu already installed?00:33
aeon-ltd!dualboot | duke3d00:33
ubottuduke3d: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:33
Docfxitbencahill I didn't install gnome. Does it come with Ubuntu?00:33
zaibach333I fried my graphics card and booting only goes to console, how do I install my onboard graphics from console?00:33
bencahill!gnome | Docfxit00:33
ricorx7bubu: are you saying the screen resolution option is not listed? or just how?00:33
ubottuDocfxit: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:33
stagscurious about experiences that any have had running all linux servers with windows clients00:33
mneptokDocfxit: do you have a grpahical user interface?00:33
miketomdoolbubu its under system->preferences->Display00:33
duke3dbencahill, installing windows 7 now, ubuntu afterwards00:33
bencahillduke3d: just do it like that, and you'll be good, ubuntu will detect the win7 install and add a boot item for it00:34
bencahillduke3d: just don't do ubuntu, then win700:34
ricorx7bubu mine is under Syste->preferences->monitor00:34
bencahillbubu: yes, it's System > Preferences > Monitor00:34
bencahillmiketomdool: what v of ubuntu?00:34
=== m1dn1ght is now known as Guest48167
bubugraphic card is not configured00:35
karim2how do I install the nouveau graphics drivers?00:35
duke3dthat's what I figured.. windows then ubuntu00:35
mneptokbubu: System > Admin > Restricted Drivers00:35
bencahillduke3d: yep :)00:35
zaibach333how do I install the generic display drivers from console?00:35
mneptok(or whatever that is)00:35
ricorx7bubu: look at system->administration->Additional Drivers00:35
bencahillmneptok, bubu: no, Additional Drivers :P00:36
=== land0 is now known as land
Docfxitmneptok no.00:36
ricorx7different menu options00:36
MtrPandaIn windows, if you press ctrl prtscn you save the  screen image to the clipboard. is there a similar way to capture screen images in ubuntu ?00:36
bubufujitsu mobile esprimo v553500:36
bencahillMtrPanda: just press PrintScrn00:36
karim2Additional Drivers that's not in the menu00:36
bencahillkarim2: what v of ubuntu?00:36
=== CensoredBiscuit_ is now known as CensoredBiscuit
_matt_what do you guys think is the best kde based distro00:36
ricorx7That is what mine is called00:36
MtrPandathanks ben225_00:36
bubuok ben00:37
bencahill!ot | _matt_00:37
ubottu_matt_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:37
=== gardar_ is now known as gardar
=== CensoredBiscuit is now known as Guest74564
bencahillkarim2: they probably changed it for 10.1000:37
ablysshi all, i'm sure this is old news by now but how do i fix the beam.smp from hogging cpu?00:37
bencahillMtrPanda: lol, !tab fail :P, thanks anyway, np :00:37
bubucant hook wifi00:38
bencahillbubu: what card?00:38
bencahillbubu: lspci00:38
karim2so how do I install nouveau again?00:39
bubuits that to configure the type of card i have00:39
MtrPandabencahill,   oops yes, the tab button got me00:39
Logan_WP!nouveau | karim200:39
ubottukarim2: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia00:39
bencahillbubu: lspci = list pci devices00:39
MtrPandabye all, thanks...00:39
bubuok ben00:39
bencahill!who | bubu00:39
ubottububu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:39
bencahill!tab | bubu00:39
ubottububu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:39
=== land is now known as land0
KGBWolfi want to remove super block last mount time from stopping my systems from booting00:41
hylianhello, i goofed up my fstab, and so now i am in terminal. anyways, for some reason sudo nano /etc/fstab does not work, it is still write protected. I can't even chmod a+x /etc/fstab... please help00:41
bencahillhylian: sounds like the drive is mounted ro00:41
bencahillhylian: did you set the / drive to be mounted as ro?00:41
rudolphI can not get mytouch 4g to connect. It shows in Computer and right clicking will not allow me to open it.00:41
hylianbencahill: actually, i accidentally made 2 drives both /dev/sda1.00:42
bencahillrudolph: on ubuntu?00:42
bencahillhylian: paste /etc/fstab?00:42
hylianbencahill, i have no desktop, how?00:42
bencahillhylian: are you on the internet?00:42
boxbeatsyanybody know how i can compile a complete list of IP's www.google.com resolves to?  (dig www.google.com only returns a contsnat 5 IP's)00:43
pretenderrunning ubuntu 10.04 and a brother scanner simple scan only works as root how do I fix this00:43
bencahillboxbeatsy: why?00:43
hylianbencahill: um, no. ofcoarse i am, but only in tty, or terminal. how else would i be talking to you?00:43
boxbeatsybencahill: trying to access the US google.com from an overseas IP dynamically00:43
Guest9850hey all00:43
boxbeatsybencahill: so i need to skip the DNS lookup00:43
Dougdoug4when running ubuntu in recovery mode, it still wants a root password from me00:43
Dougdoug4And I need to reset my root password, help?!00:43
bencahill!root | Dougdoug400:44
ubottuDougdoug4: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:44
hyliandoes anyone know how i can gain priveleges to /etc/fstab? (not sudo gedit or chmod a+x)00:44
mneptokboxbeatsy: IP will not help. Google does geolocation. set your Google prefs to always use English00:44
Dougdoug4I typed sudo for god sake00:44
Dougdoug4the little thing says00:44
boxbeatsymneptok: i've alrady tried.  accessing the US IP does work00:44
boxbeatsyi just don't know how to get a complete list00:44
Dougdoug4"Give root password for maintenance (or type Ctrl-D to continue):"00:44
Dougdoug4I type sudo, it says login incorrect00:44
boxbeatsyif you type in dig www.google.com you get 5 sample IP's google.com resolves to00:44
Dougdoug4what do i do00:44
bencahillhylian: well, if you can't edit it with sudo, it must be mounted as ro00:44
bencahillhylian: ...I did that once :P00:45
Logan_WP!enter | Dougdoug400:45
ubottuDougdoug4: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:45
maco2bencahill: or chattr'd to immutable00:45
bencahillmaco2: ?00:45
hylianbencahill: it currently isn't mounted at all, or so i thought. but my problem isn't accessing the drive, my problem is editing fstab, which i can access, but cannot change00:45
karim2how come when the group of a user is change the files owned by that user is not also changed to that group?00:46
bencahillhylian: try sudo mkdir /tester00:46
maco2bencahill: if you chattr +i (set the immutable bit) you cant modify the file regardless of other permissions00:46
Logan_WP!addingfs | hylian00:46
ubottuhylian: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab00:46
bencahillmaco2: but not if the drive is mounted as ro :)00:46
MrokiiGuest9850: As nobody else seems to care... Hello :)00:46
maco2bencahill: right, but im saying ro isnt the only possible explanation for a file being ro00:46
maco2bencahill: erm, i mean a ro partition isnt the only possible...00:47
bencahillmaco2: yes, but I think it is in this case00:47
bencahillmaco2: it is = it is most likely00:47
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Guest9850Mrokii: hello ty I am wondering why its not identifying me I have a user a pw00:47
boxbeatsyer, does anyone know what's going on behind the scenes with the dig command?00:47
Logan_WP!ot | Guest985000:47
ubottuGuest9850: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:47
feydis there a way to control GTK themes in a session file? Select a certain session, have it load a GTK theme different than another session00:47
boxbeatsyundrestanding that would help me determine a way to get the full list maybe00:47
bencahillboxbeatsy: man dig?00:47
Guest9850Mrokii: trying to sort it out atm00:47
hylianbencahill: i can't umount that drive, but i can see the contents, and i can even open a file using nano, for instance.00:48
ricorx7hylian: you have to sudo to umount00:48
bencahillhylian: what drive? this isn't /?00:48
barfOn a text based base install of ubuntu, will apt-get install nautilus give me the smallest possible install of GNOME?00:49
bencahillricorx7: unless it's users00:49
hylianricorx7: i sudo'd. thanks.00:49
MrokiiGuest9850: I don't know unfortunately. I'm not really an expert regarding Ubuntu. Hopefully somebody else on this channel can help. But are you sure that you are entering the right password and username?00:49
bencahillbarf: gnome != small00:49
bencahillbarf: what are you trying to acheive?00:49
hylianbencahill: yes, it would be /00:49
doolphanyone can help me install Internet Explorer 7 or 8 or 900:49
jahrome_help! my gnome is corrupt after installing wine00:49
Starminnboxbeatsy:" dig +all www.google.com" gave me seven results.00:49
krycekfck IE00:49
bencahillhylian: then don't try to umount it, the drive you're running on00:49
jahrome_when i go to plaes wine start with error "file not found"00:49
maco2krycek: obfuscated swearing is still swearing. please don't.00:49
bencahill!language | krycek00:50
ubottukrycek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:50
hylianbencahill and ricorx7 i'll be right back, im going to boot of the cd and change fstab, brb00:50
jahrome_sorry, Places00:50
krycekmaco2: sure sure..00:50
barfbencahill: To install Ubuntu with GUI on a 1GB SSD00:50
bencahillhylian: yes, that's what you need to do00:50
bencahillbarf: ?00:50
bencahillbarf: try openbox00:50
bencahillbarf: what specs computer?00:51
Guest9850ok this is better00:51
Guest9850hmm maybe not00:51
gnewbbarf: There are some pre written scripts that can do something like that, edit and use at your own discretion and always make a backup before doing such things.00:51
lovHi, I'm trying to install getlibs using 10.10 x86_64. However, getlibs, get-libs, and variations thereof don't seem to exist in my repos.00:51
lovDo I need to point to some older repos to get getlibs?00:51
bryhoyt1Hi, I'm trying to set up a gstreamer pipeline with a gamma adjustment. There are 2 gamma plugins for gstreamer, but they've got issues. The "gamma" plugin isn't actually gamma, it just sets the brightness (real gamma should not interfere with the black & white points). The "frei0r-filter-gamma" plugin does the right thing with black & white, but it adds a blueish/washed-out tinge to my whole video. Why? How can I get a decent gamma using gstreamer?00:52
barfbencahill: I am debootstrapping Ubuntu onto a Samsung SyncMaster 400PXn00:52
bencahilldoes ubuntu use (terminology) x86_64? I thought it was "amd64"...00:52
bencahillbarf: why ubuntu?00:52
sacarlsonboxbeatsy: I guess you could try install bind9 and backup the cache over time?00:53
barfbencahill: I prefer apt based distros00:53
barfI usually use ubuntu00:53
gnewbbarf: Try Lubuntu00:53
sacarlsonboxbeatsy: problem with ip's is that they change, like mine changes ever 24 hours00:54
StarminnI've got some runaway processe somewhere. When all applications are closed my CPU's running at 50% with no apps running. How do I identify and kill these meany heads?00:55
bowser22benca check ur pm bro00:56
bencahill!pm | bowser2200:57
ubottubowser22: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:57
Guest9850lets see if it worked this time00:57
lovHi, I'm trying to install getlibs using 10.10 x86_64. However, getlibs, get-libs, and variations thereof don't seem to exist in my repos. Do I need to add an older repo to import it? I can't seem to even find a .deb either.00:57
KGBWolfi want to remove super block last mount time from stopping my systems from booting00:57
boxbeatsyah ok, so i figured out i can specify a specific DNS server to query with dig, and i get new results for different DNS servers, so now i just need to figure out how to get a list of DNS servers..00:57
Starminnboxbeatsy: Not that I can contribute anything to your problem, but does "man dig" not reveal anything useful?00:58
boxbeatsyStarminn: ya, i just finished reading the manual, am trying to go from there00:59
bowser22using dsd 1.400:59
sacarlsonKGBWolf: you disk won't mount because of a time stamp?00:59
bowser22audio in00:59
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:59
bowser22and synthed voice out00:59
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:59
bowser22but audio in juss loops back through lineout00:59
Guest9850this is really frustrating its telling me I am logged in yet its not showing my identity00:59
barfgnewb: How can I debootstrap lubuntu?00:59
KGBWolfsacarlson it gives option to ignore but i have to type I on keyboard how can i remove this?00:59
hylianim back, ok i changed my fstab, but to no avail... please help me00:59
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:59
StarminnI've got some runaway processe somewhere. When all applications are closed my CPU's running at 50% with no apps running. How do I identify and kill these meany heads?01:00
sacarlsonKGBWolf: this might be the fsck check?01:00
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gnewbbarf: Use the Minimal or Text install01:00
ricorx7Starminn: ps01:00
ricorx7Starminn: or top01:00
hyliani changed my fstab, accidentally labeling to devices with /dev/sda1, and now i am stuck with a system that won't boot with a grub error.01:00
* Logan_WP is away: I'm busy01:01
paranoid_ndroidhow can I output a list of recently changed files ?01:01
* Logan_WP is back (gone 00:00:13)01:01
sacarlsonKGBWolf: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/88818-disabling-fsck-startup.html01:02
jribLogan_WP: please disable those away message announcements01:02
* Logan_WP is away: I'm busy01:03
* Logan_WP is back (gone 00:00:01)01:03
michael138my dvd player woulent play my  movies how can i fix that???01:04
duke3d“(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error.01:04
duke3dI am unable to boot the Ubuntu CD01:05
duke3dI get this error01:05
bencahillduke3d: how much ram?01:06
bencahillmichael99: install vlc01:06
Logan_WP!dvd | michael13801:06
ubottumichael138: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:06
duke3dalot. 4GB01:06
hylianhey guys, fixed my problem. i used my simply mepis usb key and undid my fstab damage.01:08
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hylianbencahill, man, i appreciate the help, but how can you ask me if i am connected to the internet, when i am using an internet protocol to talk to you?01:10
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barfHmm, is there a way to turn off default vga mode? GRUB uses the right one, but as soon as kernel loads, it’s changed to something redonkulous01:10
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:11
boxbeatsyw00t ok, so what i did was grab a list of public DNS servers, and then i'm using dig to resolve DNS for google.com for all of them and ocmpiling a list.  thanks for the help guys :)01:11
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DocfxitI would like to install a program called double commander. Would the command sudo dpkg -i doublecmd.deb be correct?01:16
mitch_server speedway.deepbondi.net01:16
rumpe1_Docfxit, usually yes01:16
Docfxitrumpe1_ I'm getting an error saying dpkg: error processing doublecmd.deb01:17
rumpe1_Docfxit, well.... happens sometimes01:18
Docfxitrumpe1_ cannot access archive: no such file or directory01:18
rumpe1_hmm... typo? ... use tab-completion01:18
thefinn93How do i configure rsyslog to listen for remote logs? or is there a better program that I should try?01:18
ghost_does anyone know a site that sell computer parts for netbooks for good price01:18
Logan_WP!ot | ghost_01:19
ubottughost_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:19
Docfxitrumpe1_ I sent an email to the author. He replied "You can try to install it manually from *.deb packages."01:20
rumpe1_Docfxit, is it your first time in the terminal?01:20
rumpe1_Docfxit, the .deb has to appear, if you type "ls" ... and there mustn't be any type of typo01:21
Docfxitrumpe1_ no. But I'm not working with Ubuntu very often.01:21
rumpe1_Docfxit, also unlike windows uppercase and lowercase characters are different01:22
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Docfxitrumpe1_ I have nothing in uppercase.01:23
thefinn93does anyone know anything about rsyslog, such as where it stores remote logs?01:23
Docfxitrumpe1_ Where does .deb have to appear?01:23
Logan_WPthefinn93: I would ask that in #rsyslog01:24
thefinn93Logan_WP: great, thanks01:24
rumpe1_Docfxit, in the same directory as you ... or you have to use dpkg -i /path/to/file/file.deb01:24
Docfxitrumpe1_ I'm guessing you think the package is on this PC? I don't think it was downloaded yet.01:26
rumpe1_Docfxit, lol... that's the reason ^^01:26
Docfxitrumpe1_ How can I find the correct repository and download and install Double Commander?01:27
VAPAanyone willing to answer few noobish questions..Im moving from win to linux for the first time so I wanna get some info01:27
rumpe1_Docfxit, 32bit?01:27
rumpe1_VAPA, just ask01:28
coz_VAPA,   what are the questions?01:28
DocfxitRumpe1_ yes01:28
sacarlsonDocfxit: I normaly just double click the deb file in nautilus after I down load it from my browser01:28
rumpe1_Docfxit, gnome?01:28
Docfxitrumpe1_ no.01:28
rumpe1_Docfxit, so... kde?01:28
VAPAIm going to instal it on a laptop..checked on the net few ubuntu versions..I kinda like more desktop version than netbook..there wont be any issues instaling desct vers on laptop ?01:28
coz_VAPA,  no issues should come up01:29
Docfxitrumpe1_ what is kde?01:29
Logan_WP!kde | Docfxit01:29
ubottuDocfxit: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:29
tlabanyone have luck with a rt8192SEvB wireless card in ubuntu?01:29
rumpe1_Docfxit, your desktop environment01:29
coz_VAPA,  are you going for a dual boot   windows + ubuntu?01:29
VAPAnah..only linux01:29
bencahillDocfxit: does your desktop look like this? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/UbuntuMaverickDesktop.png01:29
coz_VAPA,  ok   what is the video on that system?01:29
VAPAgot separate gaming machine with win for games and win baseds tuff01:30
VAPAhmm.. nvidia 910001:30
rumpe1_Docfxit, i mean... there are gtk and qt versions for doublecommander... gtk is better for gnome, qt for kde   (afaik)01:30
VAPAmobile edition..nothing much..old laptop01:30
coz_VAPA,   then  there really should be no issue at all01:30
VAPA2gb ddr2 ram..and athlon 62 x201:30
VAPAathlong 64 *01:30
bencahillVAPA: aw, you call that old? come on..01:30
coz_VAPA,   sounds fine... did youi already download the iso image?01:30
Docfxitbencahill yes it does.01:30
bencahillDocfxit: then you're running gnome01:31
VAPAcoz_ now question about image :D01:31
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coz_VAPA,   ok01:31
coz_VAPA,  there are several options01:31
Docfxitbencahill Oh great. Thanks for clearing that up.01:31
coz_VAPA,   you can download the live cd   the alternate cd or the  minimal install cd01:31
coz_VAPA,   the live cd will allow you to boot into ubuntu and test on the system01:31
VAPAon the site its 700mb large..but I see torrents with 2gb..4gb iso images..some called ultimate..and so on..are there benefits from getting those large ones..I mean more hardware supported and stuff..01:32
jake_Hello i am trying to get a a chat spammer01:32
bencahill!ot | jake_01:32
ubottujake_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:32
coz_VAPA,  well since you are starting off in linux I would simply download the live cd01:32
coz_VAPA,  when you do download that  ,, if possible.,.. burn it at  1x  speed01:33
VAPA1x O.o01:33
bencahillVAPA: or lowest possible01:33
coz_VAPA,  this will insure  fewer to no  burn issues01:33
bencahillVAPA: the slower the better, otherwise you will spend much more time burning more cds01:33
rumpe1_Docfxit, try this: "wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/DC%20for%20Linux%2032%20bit/Double%20Commander%200.4.5%20beta/doublecmd_0.4.5-1.gtk2_i386.deb/download ; sudo dpkg -i download"01:33
barfIs here anything to tell me which VGA mode is used before the kernel is loaded? http://pastie.org/private/88c42cuzekjik0sesw3w0a01:34
VAPApurpose of the lap is broswing..listening music..watching movies..and small gaming..2 games.. warcraft3 and pes6..ive seen guys running them using Wine..but havent saw them running fullscren..everyone just play from a window..can Wine work in fullscreen01:35
rumpe1_Docfxit, but it doesn't seem to work on my ubuntu... :/01:35
rumpe1_Docfxit, i mean doublecmd01:35
=== anonymous is now known as Guest5281
=== taka is now known as Guest92859
BitWraithis there a way I can obtain a list of files that were installed with a certain package?01:37
rumpe1_BitWraith, dpkg -L packagename    *i guess*01:37
popkornhave lost grub2 menu, get command line at boot. have update-grub and update-initramfs . still no menu.01:37
craigbass1976instead of a honking name that dyndns gave me, I'd rather type in something short, like myhomebox.  In /etc/hosts, I can only put in ip addys and names, not names and names.  How do I get around this?01:37
bc81_is it possible to purge config files for programs already removed using apt-get remove??  (like some kind of "auto-purge" function)??01:38
bc81_or must i clean up manually01:38
Logan_WP!grub2 | popkorn01:39
ubottupopkorn: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:39
rumpe1_bc81, which config-files e.g.?01:39
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps01:39
moesI have a sata driver file I downloaded to ubuntu 10.04...What program can use to burn to floppy disc01:39
Docfxitrumpe1_ I get an error when I try to install it.01:40
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: bind9 can do cname lookup name to name  I'm not sure you want to go through all the trouble to setup a local bind9 just to do that though01:40
gnewbmoes: You may want to look at Minimal.01:40
popkornLogan_WP: ty i'll try those01:40
Eryn_1983_FLhow do i get my wfi networking  to work in flux box and  how do i get my power management to work in there ?01:40
rumpe1_Docfxit, well... me too (something with "menu_proxy_module_load")01:40
gnewb!minimal | moes01:40
ubottumoes: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:40
craigbass1976sacarlson, no.  I was hoping a quickie like putting a line in hosts.  Is there something I can do in my bash profile?01:41
lolcatgnewb: There are smaller, the usb netinst, is just like, 1MB!01:41
bc81_rumpe1_: well, i installed a "ton" of apps, games etc.  tried them out, kept what i liked, apt-get removed the rest...but most left behind all kinds of litter (~/.foo) in the way of config files01:41
Logan_WPEryn_1983_FL: I would ask that in #fluxbox01:41
gnewblolcat: True, I forgot about that one.01:41
rumpe1_bc81, you always have to remove configs in $HOME manually01:42
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: not that I know of, and what about your gui apps even if there was a way to do that?01:42
thr33kbhello all, what are you doing this late?01:42
craigbass1976sacarlson, gui apps like what?  I'm not even sure what to google for...  Everything I find is for putting an ip in hosts01:43
lolcatgnewb: Think that all of ubuntu cna be fitted inside a 1MB thing! It is AMAZING! Amazing I tell yoU!01:43
Logan_WP!ot | thr33kb01:43
ubottuthr33kb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:43
rumpe1_lolcat, well... not all of ;)01:43
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: like firefox (gui app)  and synaptic.... vnc  many  oh isn't there like bookmarks?01:43
bc81_rumpe1_: ok, i was afraid of that.  but should i use "apt-get --purge remove <package>" in the future, to remove the packages along with their config files/folders?01:44
thr33kbubottu: ok sorry01:44
rumpe1_bc81, that will only remove configs in /etc (e.g.) ... still not in $HOME01:44
craigbass1976sacarlson, but I'm only ever getting at this box via ssh.  I can just cat my bash history and grep for part of the dyndns hostname, but it's a pain01:44
hyliancan xlinks2 support flash player? i can't find a defintive yes or no...01:45
bc81_rumpe1_: that's rather frustrating..next time i'll have to remember to set up a "test" user account to experiment :-(01:45
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: create a bash script to ssh into your box?01:45
rumpe1_bc81, whats the problem?01:45
gnewblolcat: Is that like the Debian NetIsnatll ?01:45
moesgnewb, What I need is a program like k3b but capable of burning my file to floppy disc to use for reinstalling windows xp01:46
craigbass1976sacarlson, I thought of that, but then I'd have to write another one for scp I guess...01:46
rumpe1_bc81, if some configs seem to be broken, just (re)move the ~.applicationsconfigs-folder01:46
gnewbmoes: That is listed on the Ubuntu Install sight..one moment..01:46
bc81_rumpe1_: the problem is now i have to sift through a million folders to find what i need in ~/.*01:46
hyliancraigbass1976: you can use gedit to add something like this: ssh yourlogin@ubuntu.com, then save it, and the in terminal chmod a+x filename, and then ./filename01:47
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: ok well if those are the only two command you will use maybe a bash alias will work01:47
craigbass1976sacarlson, bash alias...  googling01:47
gnewbmoes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation01:47
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: or in this case two bash alias01:47
bc81_rumpe1_: nothing is broken, just my home folder looks like a landfill of configs01:47
overcluckeryeah, you could alias it, or store it in a variable01:47
rumpe1_bc81, ...hidden configs...01:48
hylianbc81_: try holding control and hitting h. it sounds like you accidentally turned on "see hidden files and folders"01:48
gnewbmoes: And here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:48
hyliandoes anyone know if xlinks2 can support flash player's plugin? i can't find a definitive yes or no...01:49
overcluckerinstead of storing addresses in hosts, sometimes I add a line to .bashrc, something like export myhost=""01:49
overcluckerthen access it with $myhost01:49
bc81_hylian: i know about that, but the point is......nevermind.01:49
hylianbc81_: ohh, maybe i missed the point, sorry.01:50
sacarlsoncraigbass1976: I see an example if you didn't find a better one http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/sample-bashrc.html01:50
moesgnewb, I guess I am not making myself clear I already have utuntu clear....I only want to burn a file from ubuntu documents to floppy drive disc01:50
hyliani'm using inx and loving it!01:50
=== Guest5281 is now known as ontherun
gnewbmoes: Oh ok, one moment please...01:51
rumpe1_bc81, or go the reverse way... create new account with home-dir and copy the stuff you think you need there01:52
gnewbmoes: Here, maybe:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPBootingClientsWithoutPxe01:52
bjvhelp! how do you mount one of your spare partitions (eg, by-uuid/a6fa*) over SSH? I have no keyboard/mouse bc of a house fire.  I have connected my machine to my girlfriends netbook via aa crossover cable, i just clicked 'share connection' on her ethernet. i can ssh into my pc and run nautilus, but i do not see the normal (mount/eject) items in sidebar, help!01:52
bjvonly unusable mountpoints in /media/ ?    something is not running... what is the ubuntu mounting tool called?01:53
rumpe1_bjv, "mount"01:54
HerCurybjv: mount01:54
bjvno, the gui mount01:54
bjvlittle eject buttons, or click to mount available drives in file manager01:54
Eryn_1983_FLok so i guess i need the apps that are used to start these apps01:54
wangzhsolely mount.01:55
rumpe1_bjv, mount /dev/parititonsname /mountpoint/path01:55
bjvi do not see with 'ssh user@host -X nautilus&'   why?01:55
bjvok.  i have like 7 partitions to check nthough01:56
rumpe1_bjv, or even mount -U <uuid> /mountpoint/path01:56
rumpe1_(if i read man mount correctly)01:56
bjvwhy does nautilus over x11 forward not show the eject/mount media buttons?01:57
bjvis some daemon not running?01:57
wangzhthere's really a GUI disk util on my Ubuntu 10,0401:57
=== AndChat is now known as Guest58214
bjvi just logged into ssh and ran the x ap01:57
barfIs there a way for grub to tell current video mode?01:58
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* Logan_WP is away: I'm busy01:59
apet4uis there anyone in here that would mind helping me figure out how to set up a 3rd party SL viewer... i feel like a real knob cause i cant figure it out :(01:59
crazybrain1how to download streaming videos in Ubuntu02:02
crazybrain1it does not saved in tmp file02:02
stat1kfirefox - flashgot02:02
crazybrain1any other way?02:03
crazybrain1where does buffering video is downloaded in Ubuntu?02:03
sacarlsonbjv: maybe it's a sudo function that's grayed out?  I see palimpsest can mount and umount stuf with a gui, it's part of gnome-disk-utility02:03
stat1kcrazybrain1: install orbit downloader in wine02:04
apet4ucan anyone help me install secondlife pls?02:04
imthenachomanhow can i get ubuntu to use dhcp with manually set IP?02:05
stat1kcrazybrain1; the /tmp folder?02:05
IsUpimthenachoman: use dhclient3 maybe?02:05
arandcrazybrain1: normally in /tmp but as mentioned, flashgot works02:05
bjvsacarlson: interesting idea, i just looked for similar uuid from the nonfunctional /media mountpoints in /dev/disk/by-uuid and found mine -- it did ask for sudo privledges, and after retrying w/ password the permissions look fine02:06
bjvlet me try again over x11 forwarding02:06
IsUpmy first time with ubuntu desktop, after 2 years with ubuntu server edition02:06
IsUpdamn great02:06
adubThe installer encountered an error copying files to hard disk (error 5) input/output error)  <-----------   I keep getting this error when attempting an install02:06
bjvsacarlson, hm  not quite.  sudo nautilus does show the eject buttons for the two disks i mounted from the console, but all the icons and stuff are messed up.  app must be running as root and not connected to my ck session02:08
DjlbertDeSmuME has such horrible joypad support02:09
DivineEntitymarvel vs. capcom 3 f'n rules02:09
bjvplus when i retry without sudo, i can still see those two eject buttons02:09
bjvso i guess specifically what's missing are the 'one click mount media' buttons02:10
bjvi suspect it's because the system booted, and i ssh'ed right in without starting a gdm session?02:10
bjvi tried to vnc, but vinagre would not connect (no gdm session yet?)02:11
bjvand i couldnt figure out how to connect a remote-x-dm session easily, so i just went in from the terminal02:12
bjvi've got my files now02:12
alex_How do i remove entries in GRUB2?02:12
bjvit was just weird that the button i normally rely on wasnt there02:12
Cyberfusionis there a way to preserve the system in hibernate then reboot into another?02:14
kwtmCyberfusion: ?? Do you mean, after you hibernate in Ubuntu, can you then reboot into another system (anotehr version of Ubuntu, or WIndows etc) and then shut down and reboot and bring back up the hibernated system?  If so, then yes.02:16
kwtmOh, wait.  I don't know what happens to the swap space if there's a hibernated system living there ...02:16
Cyberfusioni want to suspend ubuntu into swap then reboot into windows02:16
kwtmMaybe it won't work if you boot up another Linux system because it will use the swap space.  Windows won't use it, so it should be okay --I've done it before.02:16
Cyberfusionits windows02:17
kwtmCyberfusion: Go for it, try it out.02:17
=== headyadmin_ is now known as headyadmin
kwtmbjv: If you want to VNC into a system where you have not yet logged in (graphically), you can use the -auth option in x11vnc.  I have a post on LinuxQuestions about that, if you want.02:18
=== bburhans_ is now known as bburhans
doofyI can't seem to see my samba share. I just set up an ubuntu server with samba, and have it configured and running. I go to another computer on the network, then go to places, windows network, but the box doesnt show up. Any ideas?02:20
VAPAtnx for the help..gonna dl and instal ubuntu 10.10..finaly moving from win to linux enviroment..regards peeps02:21
doofyscratch that, I figured it out. I hadn't bound the samba server to an interface02:21
boldfilterhow do i remove kde02:22
barfI am in a text based ubuntu, what is the smallest component I can install to have a functionable startx or similar?02:23
nerdlingerHey I am having a couple of problems with netbook remix 10.10, I can't seem to add anything to the favorite bar and I can't right click on the desktop, is there a way to renable this?02:23
gsp2009boldfilter: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:24
Eryn_1983_FLallright i am confused..02:24
Eryn_1983_FLhow do i get the network manager to come up02:24
Eryn_1983_FLi fluxbox02:24
kwtmbarf: Do you mean you want the minimal amount of packages installed to get a running GNOME desktop?  If you install Xfce, it would take up less memory but may not be smaller number of packages. (There's a xubuntu-desktop package or something like that that you can install from command-line.)02:25
andornautI have an encrypted ~/ in ubuntu 10.04. I changed my pw with passwd, now when i reboot, my homedir isnt mounted, and i have to run ecryptfs-mount-private. How can I change (or add/delete) my encryption key so it matches my new login pw ?02:25
gmgDoes anybody knows anything about using Remastersys? I mean using it...02:27
barfkwtm: couldnt find package xfce02:27
Logan_WP!xfce | barf02:27
ubottubarf: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:27
dtrf4837for some reason i cant download ubuntu server iso properly. i did cd-rom integrity check and it says 'Integrity test failed02:28
dtrf4837The ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles_1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def file failed the MD5 checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may be corrupted.'02:28
dtrf4837should i go ahead and install the disc anyway?02:28
sacarlsongmg: I had plans of trying remastersys,  did your attempt fail?02:28
induzhow can i install KDEnlive as I get error02:28
induzi tried via synaptec02:29
kwtmdtrf4837: I'd see if you can replace the corrupted file with the correct one, then see if it passes checksum.02:29
induzsynaptec shows as installed but i dont see it02:29
* barf 267MB! ...02:29
barfToo much space, I only have 101MB avaiable02:29
gmgIf have a new installation on 2 diffrent machines and both attemps failed...It runs but in the end (NO ISO FILE)02:29
kwtmdtrf4837: Failing that, you might want to randomly check MD5 of other files to lookj for other corrupt files.02:29
boldfilterhow do install nvidia driver in 11.0402:29
kwtmbarf: In that case, yuou may want to see what package xubuntu-desktop depends on, then selectively install.02:30
kwtmbarf: For example, you mnight not need Firefox, which is part of the desktop.02:30
Nevyn1Okay, hello, I am an Ubuntu user, and I use the netbook remix. anybody able to help me out tpo explain why my soundcard does not work anymore?02:30
barfkwtm: I was hoping to have nautilus and FireFox02:30
kwtmbarf: Basically, the xubuntu-desktop is almost the whole package of Xubuntu (except for what you've already installed, like Linux kernel, bash, etc.)02:30
dtrf4837kwtm cant i install the cd then try to fix the corrupted file later?02:30
mesheki need help with the boot parameters02:31
kwtmbarf: You might want to see what else there is that you can cut out.  E.g might not need email client?  Also, xubuntu doesn't even have nautilus ; it uses thunar, I think, which is smaller.02:31
meshekfor the Live Cd 10.1002:31
Nevyn1I need help with alsa and my soundcard02:31
dtrf4837kwtm maybe its not an important file?02:31
kwtmbarf: But, yeah, 101MB is not much room for a GUI.  I used to work with text only Linux, and it would take up about 40MB, so 101MB isn't much room.02:32
=== Auriel__ is now known as Auriel
barfSometimes I miss debian 2.002:32
kwtmdtrf4837: I guess so.  There are 2 reasons to check integrity: errors, and malware.  You probably won't get that much of an error from your file, but make sure it's not malware.02:32
kwtmbarf: What, debian 2.0 has a graphical environment under 101MB?02:32
gmgwhich is a better distro to wotk on...I getting fedup with Ubuntu...it fails many install attemps02:33
meshekat the installation screen i get stuck after pressing enter on install ubuntu02:33
barfI used to run it on 40MB if I recall correctly? Or was that 40 MB of RAM? Pentium 1 60MHz it was for sure02:33
mickster04barf: i missed the rest of the convo but why so little? why not use a smaller distro?02:33
bullgardsacarlson: Last night you advised me a workaround for Nautilus that did not mount my external USB hdd partitions. I found an easier solution: I rebooted my Maverick laptop computer. Now both partitions are mounted automatically again when I plug in the USB hard disk. I felt reminded on Windows.02:33
kwtmbarf: I've found that I can't squeeze a modern KDE into less than 4GB now.  So I'm guessing for a good GUI you'd need at least 500MB.02:33
=== Nevyn1 is now known as Malkav
induzhow can i install Kdenlive/02:34
kwtmbarf: You used to run Nautilus and Firefox in 40MB?  Maybe Mosaic or Cello, but not even Netscape could fit into that small a space.02:34
=== QuBit is now known as Guest3195
dtrf4837kwtm thanks i didnt know i could get malware from installing ubuntu02:34
kwtmbarf: Have you considered using text-only?  Can come in very handy.02:34
meshekanyone here can help with boot parameters??02:34
induzi tried but no success02:34
barfmickster04: I am trying to debootstrap ubuntu onto an embedded PC in the Samsung Syncmaster 400PXn02:34
barfIt has 1 GB of total space02:34
mickster04barf why not use something designed for smaller spaces, like puppy linux02:35
barfCan I debootstrap a smaller distro perhaps?02:35
=== Malkav is now known as Aleut
kwtmdtrf4837: It depends where you got the files from --why is it failing checksum?  Possible that someone hacked the mnirror.  (Of course, it's unlikely, but the point of the checksum is that when it fails, you automatically check for all possible problems including security breach.,)02:35
barfI would prefer something that is apt based02:35
mickster04barf: ah i see i'm sure there must be one somewhere:p02:35
nerdlingerHey I am having a couple of problems with netbook remix 10.10, I can't seem to add anything to the favorite bar and I can't right click on the desktop, is there a way to renable this? (repeated cause I believe my question got lost)02:35
bullgardmeshek: Please put a more specific question here in this channel.02:36
foxjazztrying to install teamspeak3 and it's a .run file. anyone know how to do this?02:36
BholziWhere is the chatzilla file location on the FS?02:36
kwtmbarf: Do I understand correctly you are trying to put Linux into a ... what is a Syncmaster, a monitor?  I'd really go for text-only Linux.  Have you tried it?  Elinks, vim, screen ... the text only interface is underrated.02:36
AleutOkay, I have the following problem.  I suddenly have no sound. So, I went and installed the alsa stuff, like the self help page said. only to discover that apparently, there are no alsa modules recognised. I use the netbook remix on the newest version, and am a relative noob in Linux. So, is it fixable?02:36
barfkwtm: That is my regular work environment02:36
chills518anyone know what would cause the synaptic manager to not open the first one or two times I click it?  It opens a task saying "Starting Administrative Application" and then closes..  I have to click it 2-3 times before it asks for password and then opens..02:37
Logan_WPinduz: ask in #kdenlive02:37
kwtmbarf: I think my 40MB hard disk went with a 80486 15MHz, so I'm pretty sure the Pentium 60MHz had more than 40MB hard drive ...  40MB ram sounds more like it.02:37
sacarlsonbullgard: cool, I have to do the same with my usb wifi adapters,  sometimes they just stop but unplug and replug normaly fixes them02:37
barfI would like to install X for my son to use this screen to watch youtube and do some minor email stuff02:37
gmgwhich is a more stable and compatible Distro version?02:37
meshekok if the installation fails, i assume that the software is not connecting with the hardware...02:37
meshekso i read the troubleshoot on ubuntu.com02:38
meshekand said it has to do with the boot parameters02:38
sacarlsongmg: are you trying your remastersys with propraitary video or other drivers?02:38
mesheki'm new to linux02:38
barfMaybe just run some partitions on USB?02:38
kwtmbarf: Hmm... it's going to be a tight squeeze, but you might want to look into fluxbox or something that is smaller but which needs manual installation.  And I wouldn't put in Firefox just for Youtube, unless you want your son surfing the web.02:38
barflike the man pages does not need to be on the SSD02:38
kwtmbarf: If it's okay for you to download the youtube videos and then play the Flash, then just youtube-dl.py, elinks (or links2) and mplayer (which I think doesn't even need X)02:39
barfkwtm: He would have to do that too, to do research for homework02:39
bullgardfoxjazz: Teamspeak is a proprietary software. Please use open source software instead so that people can better help you in this channel.02:39
gmgI got a version of laptops which I want to ship with an OS...but if it keeps on going on like this I might as well keep Windows on them02:39
barfWell at least I got the metrics of the console right now02:39
=== hassan is now known as Guest14070
kwtmbarf: Well, okay, in that case I guess you'll have to check out smaller win managers.  Yes, definitely a USB drive (you might as well get a 1GB drive if not a 16GB drive) would help, although disk access would be slow.02:40
foxjazzbullgard, are you an idiot? I need to use teamspeak, or do you know of open source software that connects to a teamspeak server?02:40
kwtmIs a Syncmaster a monitor, barf?02:40
dtrf4837kwtm what about 'Rescue a broken system' on the cd? would that help?02:40
AleutAnyone able to help me how to load modules into ALSA?02:40
sacarlsongmg: I'm reading this that tells me the custom stuf that needs to be setup before the remastersys is ran http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html02:40
meshekthe question then should be that when i get at the installation screen and press F6(other options) what option(s) should i mark with an X in order to continue on with the installation of ubuntu 10.10?02:41
bullgardsacarlson: Hehe. --  Thank you for your help anyway.02:41
kwtmdtrf4837: How did you get the file/cd?  Did you download it off a torrent?  Can you put it back up on the torrent so it will autocorrect any defects?02:41
dtrf4837kwtm i got it from the official ubuntu site02:41
gmgI'll take a look right a way...02:41
* barf kwtm: Yes, it’s a 40" monitor with a built in PC, I bought it from an auction from bankrupt companies02:42
kwtmfoxjazz: I'm afraid that from time to time on this channel people will ask "How do you use Software X?" and the reply will be "Why are you using Software X?  You should use Software Y instead."  It's a pet peeve of mine.02:42
kwtmdtrf4837: That tells me WHERE you got the CD, but HOW did you get it --direct download?  INstalled by Wubi?  BitTorrent?02:42
foxjazznever mind. I found instructions on google on how to install teamspeak 302:42
mesheki'm running a VIA apollo chipset02:43
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dtrf4837kwtm i think it was direct download02:43
sacarlsonkwtm: well some people think there is only one way to do things when really there is 100 ways02:43
kwtmbarf: I'd go with the USB drive thing, if you can get it to boot off USB drive.02:43
i_didnt_know_shetrying to download web directory using wget, but the files I need (which I know are there) don't appear in the download. help02:43
* barf kwtm: That’s why I use bootstrap02:43
nerdlingeranyone able to help on my problems?02:43
barfonly way I was able to make it run02:43
dtrf4837kwtm i tried  downloading twice and twice i got the error notice02:43
kwtmbarf: Good move!  Anyway, that's my recommendation.  40" monitor?  Nice.02:43
bullgard!ask | nerdlinger02:44
ubottunerdlinger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:44
rprestonIm new to ubuntu does anyone know how to login as root there is a file that requires me to login that way02:44
rprestonIm trying to change the work group in samba02:44
nerdlingerbullgard i have asked twice02:44
kwtmdtrf4837: Interesting.  That's one of the ways you can get malware.  Hmm... what MD5 hash do you get (not the correct one but yours)?  Google for it and see if others have the same problem.02:45
barfkwtm: Siemens Futro S400 w/AMD Athlon64 X2 3400+(1.8GHz,02:45
bullgardnerdlinger: I did not scroll back.02:45
meshekanyone here can help with the boot parameters options on ubuntu 10.10 to continue the installation??02:45
barfIt’s the kind of monitors in airports and train stations showing time tables02:45
rprestonIm new to ubuntu does anyone know how to login as root there is a file that requires me to login that way02:45
researcher1when I try to install application using Command Line I get the erro "No network" but I can browse by Firefox all site n can install appz using Synaptic. My proxy is configured peoperly02:45
nerdlingerI am having a couple of problems with netbook remix 10.10, I can't seem to add anything to the favorite bar and I can't right click on the desktop, is there a way to renable this? (repeated cause I believe my question got lost)02:45
barfIt had WinXP Embedded on there ... not quiet the choice of my genereation02:45
nerdlingerI dont see the + sign that the ubuntu troubleshooting site says should popup02:46
gmgThis doesn't help...These laptops are using small basic intel drivers and still Remastersys doesn't want to work. Is their anything else I can use to make a Distro?02:46
bullgardmeshek: What is your specific problem with bbotparameters?02:46
meshekafter i press enter on the "Install Ubuntu" nothing happens....02:47
dtrf4837kwtm ok i'm googling ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles_1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def02:47
kwtmsacarlson: I like to think that if someone asks for a way to do something, s/he wants to do something, not do something else.  Of course, additional suggestions are welcome, but I think one needs to respect the questioner.02:47
kwtmdtrf4837: What do you get when you do "md5sum ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles_1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def" ?02:48
kwtmIt's going to look something like a random bunch of numbers/lettesr, like 32489324789ac12c212102:48
kwtmdtrf4837: Then google for that bunch of random numbers./letters.02:48
meshekand i know nothing about boot parameters02:48
bullgardmeshek: You did not give enough information so that I could help you. May be you should try using the Alternate Ubuntu CD for installing.02:49
mesheki order a copy of ubuntu and just received it in the mail today02:50
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
chills518anyone know what would cause the synaptic manager to not open the first one or two times I click it?02:50
joe_happyhey i got a little issue i installed the amsn and then i tried to install a skin the amsn web page told me that i needed to copy the folder i donwloaded into /usr/share/amsn/skin but when i try to do that it tells me that i dont have the permision to copy that folder into that file02:51
sacarlsonkwtm: I have seen people spend 3 days trying to compile an application when someone finaly steps up and tells them you know you can install that with apt-get install yourapp,  20 secounds later wow there done02:51
dtrf4837kwtm ok i googled md5sum ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles v1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def and i got 'Did you mean: md5sum ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles v1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def'...and there's only a few hits unlike before02:51
zoltar99How do I stop the movie player from opening when I use the places menubar?02:51
gmgis their a program I can use to collect missing software packages to install a program?02:51
researcher1what to do when we get the message  "No internet connection" while attempting to install some software online from Command Line Interface?02:51
KM0201researcher1: connect to the internet?02:52
xanguazoltar99: create a folder>right clic>open with other>open folder02:52
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
kisukewhats ubuntu's default network manager?02:52
bullgardmeshek: Sometimes you will have to first press the space bar and select some obvious button before you press Enter.02:52
kwtmdtrf4837: I'm sorry that I wasn't clear.  I was suggesting that you: 1) open a terminal window, and 2) type "md5sum ./pool/main/miscfiles/miscfiles v1.4.2.dfsg.1-9_all.def" and press Enter.  THere should be a string of letters that appear as your answer (after a while).  Tell us what that string of numbers is.02:53
meshekbullgard: after i press enter on the "Install Ubuntu" nothing happens...so i went to the FAQS at www.ubuntu.com and there was an article suggesting i should delete the quiet splash line and change the boot parameters as well02:53
researcher1KM0201: Im already connected to internet.I can browse using firefox.02:53
xanguakisuke: network manager :P02:53
dtrf4837sacarlson but this might be malware and if it is i dont know if i can fix it just by installing the proper file02:54
KM0201researcher1: then it sounds like the server might be down or something... what are you tryin to install?02:54
mesheksuch as the acpi=off02:54
kwtmsacarlson: Sure.  In that case, if someone asks how to compile application X, you say: 1. "This is a summary of how you do it.  Do you want more detail?"  2. "What is your end goal, so that we can help you better?  There may be another way."02:54
bullgardresearcher1: type 'route' in your terminal to see if your router works correctly.02:54
researcher1KM0201: trying to install HP printer software02:54
kwtmsacarlson: You wouldn't say "You should not be compiling application X.  You should be using application Y."  (at least I hope you wouldn't)02:54
joe_happyhey i got a little issue i installed the amsn and then i tried to install a skin the amsn web page told me that i needed to copy the folder i donwloaded into /usr/share/amsn/skin but when i try to do that it tells me that i dont have the permision to copy that folder into that file can anyone help me with hat?02:54
dtrf4837kwtm the computer i'm trying to install ubuntu has windows xp running at the moment. can i still do what you said?02:55
kwtmsacarlson: I'm imagining you buying an air ticket to Chicago, and the travel agent saying, "Why do you want to go to Chicago?  You should go to London instead."02:55
kisukexangua: that the package name02:55
kwtmdtrf4837: Hmmm... technically yes, but I don't know *how* to do it in Windows.  You'd have to download a MD5 application.  Tell you what, just go ahead and install.  What the hell.02:55
=== MC8|away is now known as MC8
kwtmsacarlson: I'm imagining the ticket agent saying, "I've seen people spending 3 days trying to relax in Chicago, when London is a much better place to relax."02:56
greaterthan9000Question-- i have a lifecam vx3000. the microphone works just fine under ubuntu, but not under debian. what package or module (was included in ubuntu 9 or 10 i think) is providing this support in ubuntu?02:56
bullgardmeshek: Yes, I know such an advice. This may be a good advice. But this applies to a later stage of the boot process. You are stuck at the very beginning. --  Have you tried using the space bar after I advised you?02:56
gmgdtrf4837>>The CD give an option to install Ubuntu allong side Windows02:56
dtrf4837kwtm lol ok thanks02:56
kwtmWell, gotta go.  Bye all!02:57
Lazzlojoe_happy: did you try using sudo to copy?02:57
dtrf4837by kwtm02:57
kwtmdtrf4837: Good luck in your endeavours!02:57
meshekbullgard:so you are saying that instead of pressinfg down "enter" to install ubuntu I should press spacebar instead?02:57
joe_happynope i havet tried it, how do i do that?02:57
nerdlingerRepeating issue: i am trying to add programs into the favorites bar in UNRE 10.10, the Ubuntu trouble shooting site doesn't help cause I can't see the (+) that its saying should popup when holding over the icon, also how can I change the screen saver on UNRE or enable the right mouse button on the desktop02:58
Lazzlodo you know if you're user has admin priviliges?02:58
bullgardmeshek: Yes, --  This will open up a menu. Choose "English" and only then press Enter.02:58
Ray2How to save file from ubuntu 10.04 to /dev/fd0 which is the floppy drive02:59
Lazzlojoe_happy: whatever command you're using to copy just put "sudo" in front of it in the terminal window.  Then enter your password.02:59
meshekok. i will try and do that02:59
Lazzloyou'll need to have admin prviliges though..02:59
joe_happyok thats the deal im not using any comand just moving the file from one file to another one hehe...02:59
Lazzloyou're better off using the terminal for this..03:00
sacarlsongmg: I'm not sure this will help but I use this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366  to create a list of application I always install and then when I install a fresh install03:00
joe_happyok yeah i like to use the terminal can you tell me the comand?03:01
Lazzlouse cp to copy03:02
LazzloI guess you're new to linux?03:02
joe_happyyeah im pretty new still getting the hang of it03:02
Lazzlook...at least you're trying.03:03
joe_happythanks i guess XD03:03
joe_happyok so cp to copy03:03
joe_happyso il guess it would be somthing like sudo cp *name of the file* and then?03:03
Lazzloseriously..people jump to windows too easy.03:03
Lazzloso what was the file you wanted to copy03:04
joe_happyyou are gonna hate me for it XD03:04
joe_happyits a skin that makes the amsn look just like the msn03:04
DaGeek247we arent here to judge03:04
Lazzlowhere's the file?03:05
Lazzlo and where are you trying to copy it to?03:05
joe_happyits in donwloads... well descargas my computer is in spanish03:05
joe_happybut its not that big deal03:05
tomreynwith this backtrace, what do I file a bug against? http://paste.ubuntu.com/567540/03:05
Ray2 DaGeek247 :How to save file from ubuntu 10.04 to /dev/fd0 which is the floppy drive03:06
nerdlingerRepeating issue once more: i am trying to add programs into the favorites bar in UNRE 10.10, the Ubuntu trouble shooting site doesn't help cause I can't see the (+) that its saying should popup when holding over the icon, also how can I change the screen saver on UNRE or enable the right mouse button on the desktop03:06
tomreynmore precisely, which package do i file a bug against03:06
DaGeek247ray2 in gui or termnal?03:06
Lazzloso you want to do: sudo cp -p ~/descargas/<filename> /usr/share/amsn/03:06
Ray2DaGeek247, in gui03:07
DaGeek247Ray2 open up the folder the file is in and also open up Computer from Plaes>Compuer on the desktop03:08
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=== drew is now known as Guest42887
Ray2DaGeek247, Okay will try that thanks for the info03:10
DaGeek247Ray2 that alone doesnt copy it03:11
dtrf4837if i want to install ubuntu server as the only system on the computer which partitioning method do i choose?03:11
Ray2DaGeek247, okay what next03:12
DaGeek247you also need to open up the floppy drive in the Computer folder then copy and paste the file to the floppy drive03:12
amithow to generate a new encrypted password through terminal using command like the password in  /etc/shadow03:12
offipsoIs it possible to output a true HD audio bitstream from an Ubuntu HTPC? I want to stream DTS-HD or TrueHD over HDMI to an AV receiver.03:13
DaGeek247dtrf you choose the destructive one that installs using the entire drive03:13
sacarlsondtrf4837: I just setup 2 partitions, one for root one for swap with swap as bit as ram.  not sure that's what your looking for03:14
sacarlsonas big as ram03:14
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nerdlingerHerp a derp03:14
doodooI want to upgrade ati driver...is there a ppa?03:15
keastesok, any one know about "deauthenticating from <MAC address of router> by local choise (reason=3)"?03:15
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nerdlingerI will setting with a simple instructions on getting something permanently into the favorites bar :D if someone can help me on that03:16
sacarlsonkeastes: somebody knock you off?03:16
keastessacarlson: nope cant connect03:16
dtrf4837sacarlson if i choose one partitioning method and change my mind later can i change the partitioning then?03:16
keastesi get the samne message on dmesg weather i use network-manager or wicd03:17
milkhola. is there any way to get a titlebar widget that restarts an app, something that could sit between close and maximise/restore/whatever?03:17
sacarlsondtrf4837: yes you can use gparted to resize partitions I guess and create new ones03:17
amithow to generate my own encrypted password through terminal via any commands like the password in /etc/shadow ?????????03:17
sacarlsondtrf4837: it can be a bit risky so if you have plans to change best to think about it now03:18
DaGeek247!patience > amit03:18
ubottuamit, please see my private message03:18
keastesamit: you want to change your password? or make a nencryped pw?03:18
sacarlsonamit: they are md5sum I think03:19
dtrf4837sacarlson i just dont know which is better for me at this point, never had a server before03:19
keastessacarlson: they are afaik, md5sum from term right?03:19
keastesamit: to change your password from the terminal just run passwd03:20
DaGeek247drtf how much ram does it have03:20
=== rein is now known as Ghastly
nerdlingerHow can I add items to the favorite bar in UNRE 10.1003:20
keastessacarlson: suggestions>03:20
amitkeaste: no body i want to generate a new encrypted password from my own03:20
keastesamit one sec03:21
=== jimmy_ is now known as Jimmy^-^
amitMD5 string starts with $1$03:21
dtrf4837DaGeek247 i think i had 2 gig ram03:21
sacarlsonamit: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/what-is-used-to-create-the-shadow-password-hash-602739/03:22
dtrf4837DaGeek247 ok i just checked to make sure yeah its 2 gig ram03:22
DaGeek247go with 2gig file swap and he rest ext403:23
nerdlingerso how can I turn my linux box into skynet03:23
nerdlingerYa'know since my other question is unanswerable apparently03:23
amitsacarlson:thanx buddy that is worthwhile03:24
sacarlsonkeastes: well is this wifi?  maybe you have someone with the same mac address as you?  try change you mac03:24
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keastessacarlson: no i dont, this stick has worked on sever computers, and its just now doing this after i upgraded to 10.1003:25
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sacarlsonkeastes: stick?  wifi?03:25
dtrf4837DaGeek247 should i click on 'Guided - resize SCI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) and use freed space or 'Guided- use entire partition, 'SCI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda)'?03:26
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A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
A[p][s][98]Entra a: Google.com.do03:26
FloodBot2A[p][s][98]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
keastessacarlson: its a USB wifi adapter03:26
DaGeek247use entire partition of you dont care about the data on the drive03:26
StevenSXWhat does /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose - auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-idvFPB/database -nolisten tcp vt7 do?03:26
sacarlsonkeastes: and were is this mesage you see displayed?  is your wifi net encrypted wpa?03:27
keastessacarlson: the messae is from dmesg03:27
amitsacarlson:thanx it works03:27
keastessacarlson: and yes the network is wpa203:27
dtrf4837DaGeek247 thanks03:27
=== cyberdharma_ is now known as cyberdharma
sacarlsonkeastes: well I think I would try apt-get install wicd03:28
dtrf4837i got everything backed up so i'll use entire drive03:28
keastessacarlson: you i get the same thing on wicd and network-manager03:28
Jon--I want to make a complete image of one Ubuntu machine and port it to another, excluding grub.cfg would be nice. Anyone care to help me ?03:28
sacarlsonkeastes: does it work unencrypted or is that an option?03:29
dtrf4837sacarlson thanks for your help03:29
keastessacarlson: not an option at this point, it may be worth pointing out that this adapter did work on this exact same PC on 10.04 OOB03:30
dirty-harryJon--: you could use clonezilla to clone partion to the another hdd!? why exclude grub?03:30
apporcJon--:You can search it from google. According to my memory , i have found a script doing that in ubuntu forum03:30
nerdlingerhow can I access the matrix via ubuntu03:30
Ghastlytake the red pill03:30
A[p][s][729]Entra a: Google.com.do03:30
A[p][s][729]Entra a: Google.com.do03:30
FloodBot2A[p][s][729]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
nerdlingerFirst question I asked that got answered Ghastly03:31
Jon--dirty-harry: Because one has windows 7 dualboot and the other has windows xp. I only want to touch /  not image the entire drive.03:31
A[p][s][902]Entra a: Google.com.do03:31
A[p][s][902]Entra a: Google.com.do03:31
FloodBot2A[p][s][902]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
sacarlsonkeastes: well the problem is that wifi is now broken into two parts the encryption in wpasuplicant and the driver dependent on your device so it's hard to isolated if you don't know what software is broken or what config is mest up03:31
nerdlingerHow can I add items to the favorite bar in UNRE 10.1003:31
FloodBot2A[p][s][902]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
keastessacarlson: this is reminding me of the sanfu i had tring to get a BCM34 working03:32
Aikarhow do you make Ubuntu go to Sleep in the same way Windows goes to sleep? When I select Suspend it simply shows the login screen :/03:32
StevenSXWhat does /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose - auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-idvFPB/database -nolisten tcp vt7 do?03:33
sacarlsonkeastes: what I do is login to my access point and turn off encyption if that works then I work on wpasupplicant03:33
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DaGeek247IdleOne ban the spambot please03:33
keastessacarlson: not an option, there are several prople using the connection right this second, i may be able to try that in a couple of hours.03:34
sacarlsonkeastes: I assume the device is seen with iwconfig?03:34
AikarStevenSX: looks like it starts X with an auth parameter of some gdm system?03:34
DaGeek247now its gone03:34
exodushey can someone help me about an error which is unresolved it says03:34
DaGeek247now its back03:34
dirty-harryJon--: ok, I see. but isn't it possible to clone only / and install grub with new configuration afterwards? I thought it...03:35
keastesyes, wicd seems to choke on obtaining an IP, least thats what the wicd gui tells me03:35
nerdlingerCan someone give me a step by step instruction on how to add something to the favorite bar permanently03:35
sacarlsonkeastes: that's typical of an encryption key failure03:35
pnormanI just got an Intel network card for my existing ubuntu 10.10 server box, but I'm not sure how to set up the software side. Any suggestions on where to start? It shows up in lspci03:35
DaGeek247favorite bar?03:35
keastessacarlson: so... now whtat?03:35
exodus'E:Type '251400' is not known on line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list' what does it mean ?03:36
nerdlingerin netbook remix03:36
bullgardexodus: Please report the whole error message so that someone can help you intelligently.03:36
keastesnerdlinger: click anad drag03:36
DaGeek247oh, i dont have netbook03:36
nerdlingerI tried that03:36
nerdlingerit doesn't work03:36
exodushow can i report there is no button to it03:36
keastesnerdlinger: or right click "add to favorites"03:36
sacarlsonkeastes: well if you can see your iwconfig attached to your access point then I would focus on wpasupplicant  maybe try wpagui03:36
DaGeek247then right click and lock it down03:36
StevenSXIs it a security problem?03:36
nerdlingerRight clicking for the most part doesn't work03:37
exodusbullgard: how can i report it ?03:37
FloodBot2A[p][s][99]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!03:38
DaGeek247ban the bot!03:38
IdleOnecalm down03:38
alesanhi I see / is mounted as /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)03:39
nerdlingerand where am I supposed to drag from? I tried the applications thing in the favorite bar, I don't have access to the nautilis for some strange reason, I don't have right mouse clicking, I can't even change the wallpaper normally lol03:39
DaGeek247its been doing this for a whilee03:39
alesanwhat is commit=0???03:39
Aikari cant seem to suspend or even hibernate my PC running 10.10, i see "USB failed to freeze" then it resumes back to X03:39
bullgardexodus: Basically this means that your list of available repositories to you is at fault. You should fix this list.03:39
keastessacarlson: ok i got it, flipped the WPA supplicant driver from wext to nl8021103:39
keastessacarlson: thanks03:39
FloodBot2A[p][s][500]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
DaGeek247kill it!03:39
sacarlsonkeastes: cool how did you do that?03:40
exodusbullgard: i wanted to edit it  but when i opened the list, its empty there is no such 60 line03:40
bullgardexodus: Copy this file to a pastebin.03:40
overcluckerbye, lol03:40
keastessacarlson: in wicd prefrences>advanced settings tab03:40
DaGeek247thank you.03:40
sacarlsonkeastes: excelent03:40
nerdlingerright clicking works inside apps like Firefox, but it doesn't work in the ubuntu sections03:40
keastessacarlson: now to get my remote working..03:41
bullgardexodus: It cannot be that this list is empty. In that case you would not obtain DEB program packages via the Internet.03:41
exodusbullgard: yeah you are right but its really empty.03:41
exodusI opened it with gedit03:41
santhoshi want to forward the incoming requests to port 5005 to example.exampledomain.com port 5005. How can i do this?03:42
alesanhow can I change the options to mount / ??03:42
santhoshi want this to be permanent also.03:42
alesanI wish to specify data=writeback03:42
bullgardexodus: Well. This is really bad. -- I don't know at once where to get it from.03:42
exodusbullgard: me too :)03:43
overcluckerare you sure you are opening /etc/apt/sources.list ?03:43
bullgardexodus: I could give you mine. But this is of no value to you as I am in Germany.03:44
exodusyeah i am sure.03:44
=== taka is now known as Guest83663
exodusI used this sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
exodusand this sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
bullgard!prefix | exodus03:45
ubottuexodus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:45
exodusunfortunately its empty03:45
rigvedhello everyone...i am trying the localnet installation using the dhcp-pxe-tftp-http method from here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet. but whenever i boot my laptop from lan, i get a tftp open timeout error. but i don't remember any timeout set for tftpd. can anyone help me with this?03:45
santhoshi want to forward the incoming requests to port 5005 to example.exampledomain.com port 5005. How can i do this?03:45
nerdlingerwhen I right click the app I want to add to the favorites bar - it merely blinks a few times and doesn't do anything03:45
exodusbullgard overclucker: I guess i am going to reinstall Ubuntu again :P03:46
santhoshubottu: i want to forward the incoming requests to port 5005 to example.exampledomain.com port 5005. How can i do this?03:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:46
bullgardexodus: Yes, do it.03:46
santhoshbullgard: i want to forward the incoming requests to port 5005 to example.exampledomain.com port 5005. How can i do this?03:46
rigved!brain | santhosh03:46
ubottusanthosh: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:47
nerdlingerThe favorites bar apparently also works as a task bar so any opened program goes over there, however i can't seem to lock it down as it only has the quit option03:47
rigvedcan anyone help me? ^^03:47
DaGeek247nerdlinger you may have found yourself a bug03:48
exodusbullgard: that's really odd... now its not full :) how it can be? I run again gedit and now its not empty.03:48
nerdlinger._. but but I want my computer to work not to be buggy03:48
bullgardsanthosh: I don't know as you did not tell me  what program caused incoming requests.03:49
DaGeek247nerdlinger lol. my is uses ubuntu desktop on her netbook fine. try it03:49
nerdlingerThats what I am going to do, I am not liking Netbook Remix03:49
bullgardexodus: I do not know how that happend. Probably you overlooked an important minor item.03:49
santhoshbullgard: lets say i simply say curl localhost:5005 and i want the request to fetch data from port 5005 of exampl.com03:50
DaGeek247if bntu fails youall the ay ad all you want is someting stable check out debian03:50
exodusbullgard: thanks anyway I guess I have to restart it... Take care.03:50
santhoshnormallu ill do this with ssh -p 1234 user@exam.com -L 5005:localhost:500503:50
nerdlingerDaGeek I actually don't mind using ubuntu I just thought Ubuntu Netbook would be just as easy to use03:50
bullgardsanthosh: I am not familiar with curl. I am sorry not being able to help you.03:51
rigvedthis is my question again - hello everyone...i am trying the localnet installation using the dhcp-pxe-tftp-http method from here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet. but whenever i boot my laptop from lan, i get a tftp open timeout error. but i don't remember any timeout set for tftpd. can anyone help me with this?03:51
DaGeek247nerdlinger it should03:51
Aikarfrom a geek/technical perspective: is the "prelease/proposed" source safe to install from for ie kernel updates etc? i see a report latest linux kernel fixes suspend/hibernate03:51
suGreetings!  I'm wondering if any of you could help me figure out how to add a server path to nautilus save file as dialogue -- Screenshots: http://i56.tinypic.com/2con34l.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/25s3mtc.jpg03:51
Aikarsu: Places -> Connect to it, then add as bookmark03:52
suIt's already there in my bookmarks03:52
subut when i save image i can't point to it03:52
HugoKuo__bonjour ,,  does anyone knows how to install eucalyptus on Maverick by Natty's repos03:52
sudoesn't show in the list03:52
sui mean i could save it and move it03:52
subut would be nice to save it right to the dir03:52
suif i view regular folder view03:53
suthe network folders display03:53
jiohdiwhen I login I have lubuntu and lxde as options, is there a difference between them?03:53
sulike if i just launch nautilus03:53
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:53
=== mike is now known as Guest67298
shellhi everyone i have a problem with Chromium in Ubuntu Lucid...03:54
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:54
shelleverytime I start chromium after i restart my laptop I get the following message in the term03:54
shellFATAL:base/shared_memory_posix.cc(158)] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm.  Try 'sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm' to fix.03:54
shelli hate having to do this every single time .... what is the problem with this?03:54
bullgardsu: I believe that you are not using Ubuntu.03:54
shellis this caused by the way the Ubuntu devs packaged Chromium? with wrong permissions messing up the startup of Chromium?03:55
pnormanAh - I got the card working, but I want to change which interface is eth0 and which is eth1, how'd I go about doing that?03:55
overcluckershell: what does the entry for /dev/shm look loike in /etc/fstab ?03:56
bullgardHugoKuo__: If there is no backport for it, then you cannot install it.03:56
suyou mean as a server? my partner runs windows so the server is windows, but my OS is ubuntu 10.04 and here's the reg folder view in nautilus http://i53.tinypic.com/2lx9zf8.jpg03:56
overcluckersorry, i mean /etc/mtab03:56
shelloverclucker: for some reason there is no such entry for /dev/shm03:56
overcluckerI meant to say mtab03:56
suI tried the same thing on another computer as well, so it's not my skin or theme03:57
shellnone /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 003:57
shell@ overclucker ^03:57
HugoKuo__@bullgard thanks03:57
HugoKuo__#bullgard thanks03:58
tomreynshell: what does this return? cat /proc/mounts | grep shm03:59
overcluckershell: ok, then it's just a chromium error03:59
shellnone /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 003:59
shellthats unfortunate, I know this issue is very new as it wasn't occuring last week03:59
susame thing on diff box running 10.04 http://i51.tinypic.com/2lszcck.jpg04:02
DaGeek247the floodbots are flooding!04:02
=== rewt`` is now known as rewt
overcluckershell: I remember having this problem before04:03
sui don't know where my message went, same thing on diff box with 10.04, just wondering if there's a hack to make the folder view by default in the "save file" nautilus window http://i51.tinypic.com/2lszcck.jpg04:03
suah i see my message now, lolz04:05
santhoshhow can i permanaently forward a port in one system to a port in another system. Pls help me.04:08
sueven if i could get an address bar in there... would be helpful in the long run -- have tweaked gconf editor to make addy bar display by default in regular natilus view, but can't make it display in the save file dialogue view04:08
santhoshguys pls help me some one. i need this immediately. how can i permanaently forward a port in one system to a port in another system. Pls help me.04:10
xanguasu create a folder>right clic>open with other>open folder04:10
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh, you got a router?04:10
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: no im talking abt the server04:10
hippietoadhas anyone gotten Cricket EC1705 mobile broadband to work?04:11
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: well next time you should specify that lol04:11
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: oops sorry . basically wat i need is wen ever i say curl localhost:5005 i want to direct the request to port 5005 of exampl.com04:12
santhoshand fetch the data from there04:12
nate_hey, does anybody know where the download version of py2exe is for ubuntu?04:13
pnormanOkay - I think I've got the drivers installed for my network card, I now have eth0 and eth1 showing up in ifconfig -a, however, it doesn't seem to be getting an IP04:13
santhoshthat is  wen v generally do ssh -p 1234 user@example.com -L 5005:localhost:5005 . we will go inside the example.com and also use the localhost:5005 from our local system from where we ssh, but this tends to be lost once we close the ocnnection but i want to do this permanently04:13
GanymedeHello, I have Maverick with fglrx from the repository. I have a laptop with a Radeon HD3200-ish (I'm guessing it does not have EyeInfinity). I have a projector hooked up via VGA (working perfectly, can be enabled through both xrandr and the GUI displays utility). I just got a new monitor and would like to use it via HDMI but the GUI utility does not detect it. I've heard aticonfig --initial can fix it but aticonfig help suggests that I have to d04:14
Ganymedeecide then my resolutions and screen layout...but doesn't both AMDCCCLE and xrandr allow me to change that after aticonfig? It suggests only two devices can be used at a time...does that mean I have to re-run aticonfig every time I want to switch between VGA projector and HDMI monitor? And AMDCCCLE appears to not work at the moment.04:14
FloodBot1Ganymede: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:14
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding04:14
suxangua i don't know what you mean.  I've just been told  by another that what I wish to do is actually a current "feature request" for development04:14
sui tried to create folder, open with nautilus or open with firefox, but it does not make server display in the side panel of the save file dialogue04:15
suanyways thanks!04:15
tomreynyourwhiteshadow: i don't think this answers santhosh's question on how to have it persist across reboots, does it.04:16
yourwhiteshadowtomreyn: no it doesn't, but with a little cleverness he can write a script and just run the script, which will persist across reboots04:17
DaGeek247we are sleeping04:18
=== Taffy is now known as sleep
DaGeek247darn wrong channl again!04:19
DaGeek247-offtopic is sleeping04:19
tomreynpnorman: were you asking a question there or just reporting on your progress?04:20
Rav3nhave anybody used loop-AES drivers on Ubuntu?04:20
pnormantomreyn: I think I was trying to ask a question, and failed at doing so04:20
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: any luck?04:20
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: reading it now04:21
madmnwhat package do i need to install in ubuntu so i can ftp into my box ?04:21
tomreynpnorman: feel free to retry ;-)04:21
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: will let u know wen i hit somethin04:21
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: do you know how to write a script? you can just write a script to do it04:22
tomreynmadmn: you mean, from a remote location, into your buntu system?04:22
Ganymedemadmn, Here's a kind of old page giving some options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FtpServer04:22
eruditehermithi, how do I use the software center history to remove packages installed on a certian day?04:22
eruditehermitor how do I get it into an easy to use format with spaces so that I can use it with apt-get to remove them04:22
Ganymedemadmn, Actually, sorry, I just read the page I linked you to and it's terribly written.04:23
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: no im new to ubuntu servers04:23
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: ok, lemme try to help you out04:23
santhoshyourwhiteshadow: wow so kind of you. Thank you so much04:23
madmn_what package do i need to install so that i can ftp into my ubuntu box ?04:23
yourwhiteshadowsanthosh: can you pm me?04:23
Ganymedemadmn, Here's one for Maverick with vsftpd: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=2127 but I strongly urge you to look into SFTP instead.04:24
jeffwheelerA while back I tried buying an album from the Ubuntu One music store and got an international surcharge fee at my bank (I'm in the US). Does this still happen?04:24
madmn_there is no package called that04:24
pnormanI've got a ubunutu 10.10 server where I just installed an intel network card. I've installed the drivers from intel (essentially following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=601222) and now have eth0 and eth1 showing up in `ifconfig -a` but neither have IPs. Where should I go from there?04:24
tomreynmadmn_: i, too, think you really want to install openssh-server and use sftp04:25
madmn_i am using filezilla right now04:25
* pnorman agrees with sftp and openssh04:25
Ghastlywhile I know this is likely the wrong place to ask this, (have asked in the correct places as well)04:26
madmn_do you know where to get open-ssh server04:26
jeffwheelerHmm, it looks like this is my issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1528557 - I'll see if there's a way to pick the store.04:26
blackxoredhello guys04:26
tomreynmadmn_: it's "openssh-server", a package available in the ubuntu repositories.04:27
blackxoredI have  the odd question of the day for you guys, I was wondering how to speed up a very slow link to a VPN server in term of web browsing, things such as disabling encryption are out of question, but what about other ways, such as setting up a cache proxy or something??? Any clues on it?04:27
GanymedeI don't see what's so odd about that..but bye.04:28
madmn_does ubuntu come with any programming software04:28
erpomadmn: a ton. What language?04:28
madmn_to program c sharp04:28
blackxoredGanymede, hehhe ok04:28
erpomadmn: For .Net?04:29
blackxoredmadmn_: you can try monodevelop04:29
madmn_yeah right now i am learning console applications04:29
blackxoredor you can go to vala04:29
blackxoreddoes anybody here, not sleep, can answer my question? :P04:29
Ghastlytrying to figure out how to set the correct environmental variables in crystalspace (have read the docs, asked around)... its... very... strange... I know HOW to set it, just well... not where (docs haven't helped / Google refers to the docs, logic disagrees)04:29
Ghastlyany help would be greatly appreciated04:29
tomreynmadmn_: if your goal is to access your desktop computer from the internet and you have a standard residential internet access there, then you also need to set up port forwarding in your router (the devices which usually also gets you access to the internet, you usually access it by web address, somthing like ) and, if the external IP address you get assignd by your internet provider changes regularly, you also need some 'dyndns'04:30
AbhijiTmadmn, every linux has gcc inbuilt04:30
blackxoredmadmn_: If C# is your thing, then go to monodevelop, you won't get CLR 4 but it's a good project04:30
madmn_okay and i should look into sftp for ftp software then not filezilla /04:32
tomreynmadmn_: i think filezilla does support sftp04:32
Ghastlyit does04:33
tomreynmadmn: i think filezilla does support sftp04:33
madmnokay cool04:33
blackxoredtomreyn: in deed it does04:33
tzDevit does, I use it all the time04:33
madmnone more question ubuntu is not seeing my usb drive04:33
blackxoredso there's no clue about the connection speedup i was talking about right?04:33
madmnhow do i get it to reconize it04:33
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VooDooNOFXI'm having some troubles installing ununtu-10.10-netbook-i386 into my Toshiba Portege 3505 tablet. It shows the initial text based screen, then dumps to busybox within about a minute.04:35
BlueEaglemadmn: In most cases the USB drives are detected automatically.04:36
VooDooNOFXI see some forums recommending that I put all_generic_ide floppy=off irqpoll, but not sure where to type them in04:36
blackxoredVooDooNOFX: usually, corrupted ISO04:36
tomreynblackxored: what does your route to the VPN server look like (best test this with the VPN off/disabled)? is it a lot of hops, do you have packet loss?04:36
blackxoredVooDooNOFX: at your bootloader screen?04:36
BlueEaglemadmn: Try running dmesg after connecting the USB drive.04:36
sre-suHow to install xfce in Ubuntu?04:37
blackxoredtomreyn: I'm basically routing all my traffic through the VPN04:37
VooDooNOFXit's installing from a pcmcia dvd-rom, it's the 3rd iso i've burned, and i've now tried desktop, netbook and alternate versions. I can try booting from a windows cd to test the drive, but this laptop doesn't support usb booting :(04:37
blackxoredtomreyn: I do have a lot of hops which come by my ISP, sadly couldn't get rid of them ;)04:37
blackxoredVooDooNOFX: the third you tried, ok, have you bothered to md5sum at least one? ;)04:38
VooDooNOFXblackxored: it dumps me directly to a (initramfs) screen. Not sure, but that doesn't appear to be the bootloader04:38
tomreynblackxored: so maybe your issue is your network route to the VPN server then?04:38
_jesse_sre-su: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:38
blackxoredVooDooNOFX: weird, that's not finding kernel04:38
BlueEaglemadmn: You're looking for something similar to " usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4"04:38
blackxoredtomreyn: ok it's not really an issue, I wanted to take some measures when I'm off-work to make this thing faster04:38
dw1hello - looking for some Windows 7 Ubuntu 10.4 dual boot install advice. Anyone here can help?04:39
blackxoredI wanted to know if caching proxies will do it, if dialup acceleration services are worth, that kind of stuff04:39
BlueEagleblackxored: It works.04:39
madmnit saw it before04:39
BlueEagleblackxored: Sorry. Wrong nick.04:39
sre-su_jesse_: Will it affect if the system is Kubuntu?04:39
tomreynblackxored: if your route to the VPN server is bad then, of course, all routes you establish through it will be, too.04:39
BlueEagledw1: It works.04:39
madmnbut since i reinstalled it is not seeing it04:39
dw1Windows 7 is already installed. I want to "install them side by side" without changing the size of any existing partitions, so I am torn between "install them side by side......" and "use the largest continuous free space"04:39
dw1 I want to do exactly both of these things, but I am asked to choose between them (or go manual).04:39
dw1 Which is preferred?04:39
sre-su_jesse_: or its desktop environment?04:39
BlueEaglemadmn: Does dmesg show anything when plugging it in?04:39
_jesse_dw1: just as your question04:39
blackxoredtomreyn: what was this name of a software I can use to test network quality between my two links, my machine and the VPN server per se04:40
pnormanI think I've got my problem fixed - i changed eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces to eth104:40
_jesse_sre-su: no04:40
madmnwhere do i run that ?04:40
_jesse_sre-su: it will install another enviornment; you can switch at log in04:40
madmnin a terminal window/04:40
BlueEaglemadmn: The terminal would be a good place to start.04:40
dw1There are 3 primary partitions already. So I need Ubuntu to do all it needs inside one extended partition04:40
blackxoredmadmn: like on the shell ;)04:40
blackxoredBlueEagle: +104:40
tomreynblackxored: there's several, traceroute and ping would be the most common, i personally like mtr04:40
kingofthethingI downloaded a hidpoint1-0.bin file for my MX revolution mouse and I dont know how to install it or run it through the terminal04:40
blackxoredtomreyn: great I'm using mtr04:40
dw1_jesse_: Well I am using the 64 bit install CD04:40
blackxoredwhat do you want me to test here is packet loss04:41
madmnthat came up with a ton of stuff04:41
sre-suAlright thanks04:41
dw1_jesse_: And I have got to t a place where I am unsure which radio button to select for the best04:41
BlueEaglemadmn: That is why I asked you to run i right after plugging in the USB drive. That way you'd look at the last few lines.04:41
kingofthethingcan anyone help...I downloaded a hidpoint1-0.bin file for my MX revolution mouse and I dont know how to install it or run it through the terminal04:42
blackxoredi'm also getting a weird openvpn message log saying no buffer space available04:42
tomreynpnorman: make sure the interfaces are configured properly and that they are up. depending on your configuration you may need to manually run a DHCP client then04:42
_jesse_dw1: is the partition you want to install to already created? I always just choose the manual option04:42
madmn[ 1380.444279] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk04:42
blackxoredi took the recommendation from the list and tweaked memory_bytes but still getting those04:42
_jesse_so I'm not sure what the others do04:42
madmnlooks like it sees it04:42
BlueEaglemadmn: You are looking for something similar to this: http://pastebin.com/TEFAmfqN04:42
BlueEaglemadmn: Can you now `mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt`04:43
abhilashm86I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on virtualbox, i use mobile broadband in windows7 and ubuntu is not taking the connection...what should i use in network settings of virtualbox?04:43
blackxoredwhen I don't have this message, I get like 20% of packet loss, not sure on how to evaluate this04:43
dw1_jesse_: No. I just want Ubuntu to use up all the exsiting free space without touching any of the three existing partitions (which are all primary partitions)04:43
blackxoredtomreyn: what do you think?04:43
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tomreynblackxored: 20% packet loss is a whole lot.04:43
tomreynblackxored: that's a really bad link04:43
blackxoredso what / if any can do about it04:43
_jesse_dw1: largest contiguous free space sounds good then04:43
AbhijiTabhilashm86, try in #vbox04:44
madmndoes not exist it said04:44
abhilashm86AbhijiT: yes i'll post it there......04:44
dw1_jesse_: OK. Will that still understand that I want to install the two OSs side by side?04:44
BlueEaglemadmn: ls /dev/sdf*04:44
tomreynblackxored: where does the loss take place according to mtr?04:44
blackxoredabhilashm86: you should move, but for that matters you'll only need NAT, let the windows take care of networking for you04:44
BlueEaglemadmn: Does it show anything with numbers after sdf?04:44
dw1_jesse_: The format of a choice between radio buttons does not make this altogether clear04:44
blackxoredtomreyn: umm you'll blame me, but's basically everywhere04:45
blackxoredit's down now to 14%04:45
madmnsays /dev/sdf04:45
_jesse_dw1: it'll install to the largest free space, yes; shouldn't overwrite any partitions (I assume you backed up just in case, right?)04:45
dw1_jesse_: there is a dount in my mind as to whether only the "Install them side-by-side radio button will allow the dual boot to work?04:45
BlueEaglemadmn: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdf04:45
tomreynblackxored: run mtr like this: disable the VPN, then mtr -i 5 VPN-HOST04:45
BlueEaglemadmn: Does it have an empty partition table?04:45
_jesse_dw1: grub will see them both04:45
_jesse_dw1: *both installs that is04:46
blackxoredyou want it with the vpn disabled?04:46
dw1_jess_: Yes. I backed up all the v important stuff04:46
abhilashm86blackxored: Yes i'll try that. Thanks!04:46
blackxoredabhilashm86: np04:46
tomreynblackxored: keep it running for 5 minutes or so and put it on a pastebin04:46
blackxoredtomreyn: all right04:46
blackxoredI might loose this connecction, please keep on04:46
tomreynblackxored: yes, with VPN disabled, since you want to know whether the underlying network route causes your trouble or the VPN server itself.04:46
_jesse_dw1: I have never seen that option though, maybe they added it to make it clearer for newcomers04:46
dw1_jesse_: OK. So I guess it is just a slight imperfection in the interface documentation of that screen in the install procedure:04:46
dw1_jesse_: well there are  4 radio buttons I have to select between04:47
BlueEaglemadmn: Did you have data on this drive before?04:47
madmni know there was data on it04:47
_jesse_dw1: yeah, I think it's just to make it 'nicer' when people want to dual boot with windows04:47
madmndoes that mean its gone ?04:48
dw1_jess_: and only the first of these 4 explicitly says "Install them side by side, choosing between them at startup"04:48
_jesse_dw1: right, should be largest contiguous space, manual, and guided or whatnot04:48
BlueEaglemadmn: Because there is no longer a partition table on that disk, which means you're looking at restoring from backup unless youc an recover the partition table.04:48
BlueEaglemadmn: You _do_ have backup, don't you?04:48
madmnyes i think its on another computer04:48
dw1_jess_: so there's a possible interpreation  of the interface that choicese 2,3, and 4 will not do the "side by side" selection thing as well as 1 will04:48
_jesse_dw1: hmm... well like I said, I'm not familiar with that option; it may have been added in a new release.  It's been a while since I did side-by-side with Windows04:48
madmnbut how do i get this drive to work in here for the future04:48
dw1__jesse_ to press or not to press04:49
KREDOhi all04:49
BlueEaglemadmn: Since the disk does currently not have a partition table you need to create one. This is typically done with fdisk or gparted.04:49
KREDOI have a dual processor computer, when I open the System Monitor the CPU usage shows 100%, but I have no program is open04:49
dw1Maybe I'll delay a few more mins in case I get another view04:49
BlueEaglemadmn: You may want to look at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition-Rescue.html if you want to attempt to rescue the data on the disk.04:49
madmnlet me check that i said it is a data traveller usb drive04:50
_jesse_dw1: that is the question. I don't think that option could possible do any better than just installing to largest free space04:50
_jesse_dw1: since grub will see them all regardless04:50
_jesse_dw1: might be a good idea, maybe someone is familiar with that option04:50
madmnits just a little flash drive not an actual hard disk04:50
KREDOI have a dual processor computer, when I open the System Monitor the CPU usage shows 100%, but I have no program is open, help me04:50
BlueEaglemadmn: Even flash drives need partition tables.04:50
BlueEaglemadmn: It's an 8GB device, isn't it04:51
madmnlet me try it on another computer upstairs and see what it says04:51
madmnyes it is a 8GB usb04:51
blackxoredhey guys04:52
blackxoredi'm back04:52
blackxoredthis is odd04:52
BlueEagleKREDO: in a terminal run `top` and see what uses CPU power.04:52
BlueEagle!enter | blackxored04:52
ubottublackxored: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:52
blackxoredtomreyn: without vpn04:52
dw1_jesse_: you almost talked me into it, but I'll hang on a little longer04:52
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dw1_jesse_ thanks for your thoughts04:52
blackxored0 packet loss, now that I've restarted vpn 0 packet loss as well04:52
blackxoreda little bit slower on the vpn of course04:52
blackxoredbut no loss04:52
jeffwheeleroops, sorry, wrong window04:53
_jesse_dw1: np04:53
blackxoredwhat do you guys think about this?04:53
BlueEagleblackxored: I think you should stop using the enter key as punctuation.04:53
blackxoredBlueEagle: you're absolutely right, my bad04:53
Ghastlyif one of you would be willing to take a look at ^ link, would be greatly appreciated04:54
blackxoredGhastly: when I do http://^ I get invalid URL, chrome bug? :P04:54
AbhijiTGhastly, describe your problem here in short04:54
AbhijiTlol :D04:54
tomreynblackxored: keep a terminal window open with the same command you ran now for some hours, see how it develops. it will be a single hop of course, now that you have the VPN going, but it's still nice to know whether the is loss there.04:55
Ghastlyhaha, sorry04:55
KREDOBlueEagle I looked at the CPU but there's nothing04:55
blackxoredtomreyn: hours, yeah right ;) that won't really be a feasible thing to do04:55
blackxoredi mentioned dialup, right?04:55
Ghastlypretty much crystalspace through either a manual install, or ubuntu managed install, spreads EVERYTHING out04:56
blackxoredok, let's shift the focus, onto software-based speed up things, can a cache proxy provide some help, and if that, there's something lighter than setting up squid (setting squid for that purpose is a breeze, doing it over dialup it's suicide ;))04:56
evilsushiKREDO: paste your top output04:56
tomreynblackxored: not sure whether you mentioned it. if you did, i missed it. so this is a phone line + voice modem or DSL or what type of dial-up link?04:57
blackxoredotherwise I'll have to take a quick jump to my work to do it04:57
blackxoredtomreyn: oh dude, i've been wasting your time, it was dialup from the very beginning ;)04:57
sacarlsonblackxored: I didn't read back to were your problem began but what I did see may be a mtu setting might fix it04:57
Ghastlythe problem is... hmm04:57
blackxorednevertheless I found some useful answers04:57
GhastlyI cant get the environmental variables to set correctly, or for it to build into a single directory04:58
blackxoredsacarlson: not a clue on how it'll affect it, honestly, also there are some posts on disabling modem compression, I didn't even know that it was possible to do so04:58
tomreynblackxored: you didn't waste my time, no worries.04:58
blackxoredtomreyn: great, that's the spirit, so any clues about caching ???04:59
blackxoredwill it prove helpful04:59
blackxoredthrough a VPN link?04:59
evilsushiGhastly: use ./configure --help see if there is a option to pass the lib into the configure04:59
blackxoredit'll speed things up or it's a total waste of time/resources/you name it04:59
sacarlsonblackxored: wow dialup, It's too many beers back to remember anything about that04:59
KREDOapt-get uses 100% CPU04:59
blackxoredevilsushi: usually all that kind of stuff is/should be on a BUILD/INSTALL file, if you want custom location is normally --prefix=<location> if you want to compile with some linked lib in an abnormal path is normally --with-<lib>=<location>05:00
DifesaSorry if this is in improper format, but could anyone field a question concerning Booting from CD on a mac?  After choosing to load from CD and passing the initial boot screen, the display goes blank.  its hasppened using both the standard iso and 64bit text based installer05:00
blackxoredsacarlson: the ones I'll get into myself when we get rid of these ;) but sadly it's what we've got for outside access05:00
tomreynblackxored: i'd start on the lower layers and work to the higher ones. I think when you say "caching" you refer to a http proxy cache. That would be a higher layer. I'd start debug your network link first, see if there are issues which actually allow you to solve your issues (whichever those actually are, you never specified this).05:01
madmni can't format it on the windows machine either it won't let me05:01
evilsushiblackxored: so tell ghastly, not me =P05:01
madmnhow can i fix it or is the usb drive messed up05:01
ybitany ideas for fixing the video output for gtk-recordmydesktop? http://heath.blip.tv/file/4772416/05:01
juk!format | madmn05:01
ubottumadmn: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap05:01
blackxoredevilsushi: my bad, pipe it for me plz05:01
blackxoredtomreyn: here's the thing, i'm pretty sure that at the network layer I won't be getting any faster05:02
blackxoredwhich is totally subjective but that's my though05:02
madmni just want to format the usb drive nothing else05:02
madmnso i can get a partion table on it05:02
tomreynblackxored: however, if you still want to start with looking into a http proxy cache, then this can be a good way to cut down on traffic which needs to flow through the line. and if you have a low bandwidth link there, which I assume based on what you said so far, then I'd suggest you use one. Squid is the de facto standard there.05:03
sri_i cant install utorrent using wine05:03
evilsushimadmn: system->admin->disk utility is a gui way to format05:03
blackxoredtomreyn: mtr has been running from all this talk, after I left and re-joined, 0 packet loss05:03
BlueEagleKREDO: Is your computer running slow?05:03
Ghastlyheh evilsushi / blackxored05:03
BlueEaglemadmn: sudo fdisk /dev/sdf05:03
GhastlyI was actually doing said (prefix / custom install dir) as was waiting for help05:03
BlueEaglemadmn: Hang on. Let me get you a tutorial. :)05:03
blackxoredtomrey: I have a slow link here, on to the server the actual internet access is respecfully fast05:03
blackxoredwhich is also respectfully far ;)05:04
sri_how to use bittorrent client in ubuntu.. its not working.. how to enable that05:04
BlueEaglemadmn: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/fdisk_partitioning.html05:04
Ghastlythank you both very much05:04
evilsushisri_: a torrent client is provided with ubuntu05:04
madmnsays it is unknown05:05
tomreynblackxored: so the issue is network throughput (bandwith / data transferred over time)? or reliability fo your network link?05:05
blackxoredBlueEagle: oh man you've sent him to kill himself, why don't give him a gparted one, it's more user-friendly for the starter ;)05:05
BlueEaglemadmn: So you want "n" for new partition and it should be a primary partition. Accept the default start and end cylinders.05:05
sri_other downloads are going smoothly05:05
BlueEagleblackxored: Because he'll hardly learn anything from it. ;)05:05
blackxoredtomreyn: ok, let's break it down, I am slow obviously since right now i'm using a dialup connection, the endpoint is way faster on the other hand where internet speed is blazing05:05
KREDOBlueEagle not working properly but I'm afraid that computer is not good05:06
blackxoredI wanted to know if putting a cache server on the endpoint would help my dialup UX to seem faster05:06
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overcluckerfdisk it a little too heavy05:06
blackxoredBlueEagle: good point, is on you if we don't hear from him again ;)05:06
tomreynblackxored: so you are getting all the speed you can expect to get, based on its technical limits, on the dial-up line?05:06
overcluckersfdisk or cfdisk would probably be better for a first time user05:07
blackxoredI'm not 100% sure, but I have a strong feeling I am05:07
sri_its not getting started.. its not working05:07
evilsushiboth of those are more confusing than fdisk imo05:07
blackxoredsince it's to limited05:07
pnormantomreyn: I just moved the server to it's home for the next 10 years, and it came up properly on bootup05:07
blackxoredthe speed ;)05:07
pnormanWhich is good, since to type anything in where it is I have to balance on one foot, hold the keyboard with one hand, type with the other, and use my knee to keep from falling over05:08
BlueEaglemadmn: When you've defined the partition you need to give it a type. press "T" and select type 7 "HPFS/NTFS"05:08
overcluckercfdisk too much gui for you, hehe05:08
blackxoredI'd personally stick to fdisk/mkfs but I do find parted quite useful and easy05:08
tomreynblackxored: if you want to be sure, run a speedtest with and without the VPN and compare the results. Use http://speedtest.net/ - or, for serious debugging, netperf.05:08
blackxoredand of course gparted, which was my initial recomm endation05:09
BlueEagleblackxored: It's just an USB drive that's already w/o a partition table.05:09
blackxoredtomreyn: netperf requires a server?05:09
jukmadmn: why not just right click and format?05:09
blackxoredjuk: the brilliant answer ;)05:09
BlueEaglejuk: Because you cannot right-click a drive that has got no partitions.05:09
blackxoredtomreyn: I remember a tool which was client/side05:09
jukBlueEagle: ah05:09
tomreynblackxored: i already responded to the question regarding the http proxy cache. and no, netperf does not require a special server, but an endpoint to connect to.05:09
BlueEaglejuk: But thank you for playing.05:10
jukBlueEagle: np05:10
blackxoredtomreyn: meaning?05:10
BlueEaglemadmn: Now after you've written the partition table with "w" quit fdisk with "q"05:10
blackxoredI assume I just can't try to connect anywhere, right?05:10
tomreynpnorman: i do not understand what you are trying to say.05:10
tomreynblackxored: netperf measures the trhoughput of network interfaces.05:11
blackxoredtomreyn: i'll stick to speedtest for the moment, it's flashy but who cares05:11
BlueEaglemadmn: Now you _may_ need to reformat the drive. If you're lucky however it was just the partition table that was wiped and not the filesystem. You can try mounting it and see what you've got.05:11
BlueEaglemadmn: I recomend you reformat it in any case.05:11
blackxoredI didn't like the term debugging ;) sounded like a full OSI stack evaluation at what's now 12:11am here ;)05:11
tomreynblackxored: you can use it to check whether there is less throughput on the VPN than there should be.05:11
BlueEagleblackxored: Pfft... It's 06:12 am here. ;)05:12
pnormantomreyn: it's working05:12
blackxoredi'm a late sleepier, you guys are early wakers, who would tell?05:13
overcluckershame on you blackxored, BlueEagle for having the wrong times, it's 9:13pm here05:13
tomreynblackxored: i guess http://speedtest.net/ is good enough. be sure to stop all other processes and quit any applications causing any internet traffic during your tests. if you want to test this at all.05:13
sre-suI did <sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop> But after selection of default display manager as gdm/kdm, I get the error as dpkg: ... : No space left on device and E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). Should I do apt-get clean or what to fix it?05:13
blackxoredOk, but I might ask if we can we add more content that the times here ;)05:13
blackxoredtomreyn: i'm about to do that, so you'll get out of me for a little while ;) as soon as flash doesn't crash yet again ;)05:14
FrenkHello, I have a question. I have someone connected via SSH to my PC, how do I close his ssh session? (its not a hacker)05:14
blackxoredflash usually hates linux05:14
paq7512when they release a service pack (10.4.2) is it a bunch of fixes to the point when they release it or do they ever add new things?05:14
blackxoredor me, who can tell?05:14
BlueEaglemadmn: ofcourse you could just install gparted and partition it from there. It's got a nice graphical interface.05:14
blackxoredpaq7512: i believe is an ISO? ;)05:14
blackxoredi'm out05:15
blackxoredspeed testing05:15
blackxoredfor that matters05:15
BlueEagleFrenk: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart05:15
juk!iptables | Frenk05:15
BlueEagleFrenk: Make sure to disable the account you created for him.05:15
ubottuFrenk: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.05:15
tomreynpnorman: congratulations. :-) if you want to change which NIC gets assigned to which eth* interface name, edit /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-net.rules05:16
evilsushiFrenk: ps -ef |grep ssh05:16
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evilsushiFrenk: pkill -9 <pid>05:16
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jukFrenk: cut the power plug05:16
evilsushijuk: lol05:17
FrenkOh I solved that by htop and kill user@pts/3 =)05:17
evilsushimany ways to do things05:17
LoshkiFrenk: presumably, he can just login again if he wants...05:17
FrenkLoshki: dont think so. He had a car-accident.05:18
pnormantomreyn: Ah, that's where it is. Thanks05:18
evilsushiFrenk: edit your sshd_config add AllowUsers <user1> <user2> .. this will allow you to control what users are allowed to connect to u via ssh05:18
overcluckerFrenk: you just closing a session he left open?05:19
snotmonkeybawlshi i am having troubles with my awl5088 mini usb driver05:19
SnakkahAfter I did a system update (the most recent update to Ubuntu 10.10 that upgraded the kernel to, the Disk Utility is reporting one bad sector on my hard drive. I checked the system for errors by booting into the Live CD and running fsck and it was fine...05:19
Frenkoverclucker: yes.05:19
snotmonkeybawlsanybody ever work with it?05:19
SnakkahIt's also saying that my external hard drive has one bad sector.05:19
SnakkahIs this just an update bug, or what?05:19
evilsushisnotmonkeybawls: whats the prob05:21
tomreynpnorman: by the way i'm surprised that you had to install the intel driver to get the NIC working. this should no longer be the case.05:21
snotmonkeybawlswell i was trying to install my awl5088 network adapter05:21
littleruehi guys, is there any way i can get ls to restrict the output to just hidden files or to just directories?05:22
tomreynpnorman: unless you're using really current hardware there, maybe.05:22
evilsushilittlerue: man ls05:22
snotmonkeybawlsthe adapter started functioning. it goes online. i perform a speed test and it registers at 2.55 MBps. however, when i download something from a good website like download.com, it only downloads at 10kb05:22
SnakkahNo answers?05:22
LoshkiSnakkah: a hard drive in good shape should remap bad sectors so you don't even see them. If I were you, I would download and run the manufacturer's own diagnostic on the disk...05:23
littlerueevilsushi: i did, but i think (from reading it) that it's only capable of showing hidden files AND regular files or directories AND regular files, not restrict the output to a subset therein. Any idea?05:23
evilsushilittlerue: regex05:23
evilsushilittlerue: ls -a | grep '^\.'05:23
FrenkI also have another question - who of you can tell me, if my smart-values are good or bad (http://oi55.tinypic.com/33w0f3d.jpg) I do not get along with whats "normal" for smart values.05:23
pnormantomreyn: The card was manufactured in week 51 of 2010, the motherboard is similarly recent. I think the reason I had to install the drivers was that I installed the card *after* i set up the server, since I didn't have it initially05:23
evilsushilittlerue:  http://www.robelle.com/smugbook/regexpr.html05:24
lamefunWhat's the size of ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso, in bytes?05:24
littlerueevilsushi: ok, so ls has no ability to do this itself?05:25
snotmonkeybawlsevilsushi: the adapter started functioning. it goes online. i perform a speed test and it registers at 2.55 MBps. however, when i download something from a good website like download.com, it only downloads at 10kb05:25
tomreynpnorman: ok, that's pretty recent, and could be why. but i think it's more likely then that you're just missing the firmware blobs package so that the in-kernel drivers would work05:25
Strife89Is there any way for me to make the battery meter show a percentage indicator over/in place of the icon?05:25
Strife89(Ubuntu 10.10)05:25
nunuyabizI installed wordpress on ubuntu server, but later uninstalled it. now when I reinstall it, it doesn't install correctly. How can I get it to install correctly/05:26
pnormantomreyn: On a side note, the reason I got the card is the machine reboots under heavy network usage with the motherboard ethernet05:26
robertzaccourrecordMyDesktop doesn't record properly when basic compiz is running. Default compiz settings that is. Does this qualify as a bug?05:26
tomreynpnorman: uh that's ugly. tried a bios upgrade?05:26
evilsushilittlerue: it prob can, you can read the full manual here               info coreutils 'ls invocation'05:27
SnakkahLoshki, what do you make of this one bad sector appearing right after a major system update and the Disk Utility ALSO reporting my external hard drive with a bad sector, also after this update?05:27
LoshkiFrenk: some SMART data is vendor-specific, so you might check for your particular model, but offhand, your disk looks ok and stable to me...05:27
=== ShadySire is now known as Shaded
evilsushilittlerue: whats wrong with regex?05:27
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ybitanyone have an idea what my stereo in recording device location is? /dev/dsp is OSS05:27
ybitand i use pulse05:27
jukrobertzaccour: depends on how you define properly ;)05:27
pnormantomreyn: nope - a better network card was on my list of hardware to buy anyways, so I just got it sooner then I had planned to05:28
FrenkLoshki: thx. is there a (console) utility which can tell me whether my smart values are good or bad?05:28
LoshkiSnakkah: it may be that as a result of the update, you're accessing disk blocks that you weren't using before the update. It doesn't change my advice about your next step...05:28
robertzaccourjuk, just a few blurred frames every several seconds. not an issue w/o compiz but compiz is on and running by default and certain applications require it, so i think this qualifies as a bug05:28
robertzaccourjuk, by a few blurred frames I mean it only shows a few frames05:29
nunuyabizPlease help. This is a simple install question. When I uninstall something, why doesn't it reinstall correctly. I'm trying to reinstall wordpress05:29
pnormantomreyn: Managed to send a message just as you left. Basically, I had planned to get an intel network card eventually anyways05:29
LoshkiFrenk: Well, I like gsmarcontrol -- http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/Home05:29
evilsushinunuyabiz: #wordpress05:29
robertzaccournunuyabiz, sudo apt-get purge <package name>05:30
nunuyabizevilsushi this is not a wordpress issue. it's an ubuntu issue05:30
robertzaccournunuyabiz, then install again05:30
LoshkiFrenk: oops, that's not a console app. The only console app I know about is gsmartcl...05:30
evilsushiwordpress is in the repos?05:30
nunuyabizrobertzaccour thanks05:30
jukrobertzaccour: sure, just run bug-buddy05:30
evilsushiwordpress is not something you should install from a repo05:30
robertzaccourjuk, bug-buddy?05:31
nunuyabizrobertzaccour that won't purge my mysql database will it?05:31
FrenkLoshki: thx =) Ill take a look at it05:31
juk!bug | robertzaccour:05:31
ubotturobertzaccour:: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:31
pnormantomreyn: The forums had a similar report (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1682900) from someone with a different realtek onboard controller. Looking at his system info, I think it's a problem that only shows up if you can saturate a gigabit connection, or close to it05:31
littlerueis it possible to get ls to display just regular files and directories? or do i have to use the '-a' switch to just get everything?05:31
Guest76682hey guys i'm back05:31
tomreynpnorman: oh i see. well as long as this works for you i guess it's fine. for the next buy, there's actually ways to ensue you buy something which will be supported by linux out of the box. there are hardware/PCI ID databases and related buyer guides out there.05:32
=== Guest76682 is now known as blackxored
evilsushilittlerue: why not just use find05:32
aroshlakshanhey can anyone tell me is there a net meter software for ubuntu?05:32
evilsushilittlerue: read the man pages dude05:32
Strife89Is there any way for me to make the battery meter show a percentage indicator over/in place of the icon? (using Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop)05:32
jukblackxored: wb05:32
evilsushilittlerue: find . -type d05:32
littlerueevilsushi: im not actually wanting to use ls05:32
blackxoredDo you want to be back in time by 20 years? I bet you're. Maybe I05:32
blackxoredshould become a speedtest host on this link? ;) You tell me:05:32
littlerueevilsushi: im implementing my own 'ls' like functionality, but im just trying to understand the 'ls' api05:32
blackxoreddownload: 0.03mbps, upload: 0.06mbps, ping: 1068ms05:32
VooDooNOFXblackxored: Thanks for the tips earlier. I just put the hdd into another laptop, installed from there and moved it back to my netbook. Seems to be working, mostly, now :)05:33
blackxoredVooDooNOFX: that's good news, but don't get offended when I tell you I don't have a clue on what you're talking about ??? Nothing personal :P05:33
aroshlakshanplease guys can anyone tell me is there a net meter software for ubuntu?05:34
blackxoredso those are my numbers, I'll apply for speedtest host and then go straight for a VC ;)05:34
pnormantomreyn: Ya, I was surprised that it didn't work out of the box, but the intel network cards are the best in the price range I was looking at05:34
littlerueevilsushi: tell me what you think of this api: 'ls' by itself just displays regular entries; 'ls -c' displays regular entries PLUS constants; 'ls -i' just displays regular entries PLUS instance variables. So all the flags add to the regular entries unless you combine then with the '-r' flag which restricts the output to just those flags you specify05:34
littlerueevilsushi: so 'ls -rc' just displays constants, etc.05:34
evilsushilittlerue: ill use it05:34
blackxoredlittlerue: it actually looks like is running a buggy version of ls, uhh ls -RC05:35
blackxorednah i'm sleepy this is not really me05:35
blackxoredtomreyn: ya still around?05:35
littlerueblackxored: this is actually for exploring runtime state of a ruby process, it's not actually for exploring your file system05:35
tomreynblackxored: yes05:35
researcher1when we apply proxy setting System Wide does it append the apt.conf file?05:36
blackxoredlittlerue: really, how's so? are you working on a gem wrapping ls?05:36
blackxoredtomreyn: so did you see my numbers, they're not at the very least, encouraging05:36
littlerueblackxored: no, it's this: http://banisterfiend.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/turning-irb-on-its-head-with-pry/05:36
snotmonkeybawlsi recently reinstalled ubuntu 10.10, and i was downloading at 300 kb  a sec with an old network adapter. i recently created a module for my awll5088 airlink mini usb network adapter and installed it. after the install, i now only dl at 10 kb at the most. is there anyway to get back that bandwidth?05:36
overcluckerlittlerue: go get the coreutils source package05:36
littlerueblackxored: im enhancing the shell commands for pry05:36
aroshlakshanplaease can any one help me05:37
robertzaccournunuyabiz, i have no idea what that is sorry05:37
blackxoredlittlerue: i'll check the link, I remember on something called ruby shell or rush, i did tried, kinda loved it, went back to ipython ;)05:37
SnakkahLoshki, you said to download the manufacturer's diagnostic tool for hard drives. I did. It only runs in Windows and running it in WINE won't detect my hard drive. Is there any alternative? :/05:37
blackxoredlittlerue: it's cool05:37
robertzaccournunuyabiz, you can back it up if you're unsure05:37
jukaroshlakshan: net meter?05:38
researcher1is there an application to recover a bad VideoCD05:38
aroshlakshana net meter05:38
aroshlakshana software that records my traffic05:38
LoshkiSnakkah: nearly all manufacturers have a standalone version which you can boot into (for people who don't have windows installed). Look for one of those and use it instead...05:38
blackxoredlittlerue: it's kinda ruby for sysadmins on steroids I kinda liked it, someday, sometime, I'll give it a try, thanks for the link05:38
tomreynblackxored: i see them now. a shame this tool is so imprecise. it's obviously made for broadband connections. the latency is very bad, and for some reason according to this test your upload is twice as much as your download, normally it is the other way around or even. so you have a 56 kbps modem there?05:38
blackxoredtomreyn: that was weird in deed05:39
blackxoredhow's this spanish bot command thing?05:39
blackxored!es | lubuntu05:39
ubottulubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:39
blackxoredhey that was a great shot ;)05:39
tomreynblackxored: i think it's really just bad measurement in this case.05:39
blackxoredtomreyn: i was telling that to myself05:39
lubuntueso q05:40
blackxoredhow's even possible upload twice as faster as upload, well it's faster leave the comments for later, we all now that's far from faster ;)05:40
m4vlubuntu: este canal es de habla inglesa, por favor entra a #ubuntu-es para soporte en español05:40
blackxoredlubuntu: que aqui se habla ingles, usa #ubuntu-es para un canal de ubuntu en español05:40
evilsushi!es | lubuntu05:40
ubottulubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:40
blackxoredevilsushi: copycat ;)05:40
tomreynblackxored: you'd probably get more realistic stats if you just download something file of a couple megabytes filesize from a nearby webserver using wget and check its average speed.05:41
evilsushiblackxored: haha05:41
FloodBot1lubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
blackxoredcan someone do something about this?05:41
m4vlubuntu: no hagas eso por favor :(05:41
blackxoredlubuntu: sleep time?05:41
blackxoredtomreyn: but on the other side what does it tell me about the network latency stuff you were talking me about05:42
evilsushiI need a program that watches a directory and notifies me of any changes05:42
kevdogHow do you want to be notified?05:42
blackxoredevilsushi: inotify or something?05:42
evilsushipipe it to mutt and send me a email05:42
evilsushisms would be even better =)05:43
sri_how to change system startup os selection menu05:43
jukaroshlakshan: i think you want system monitor applet on gnome-panel05:43
kevdogYou could set up a cron script to calculate the md5 of the directory like every 15 minutes (or whatever you want), and if its changed it could email you -- not sure how to do sms although it might be possible05:43
tomreynblackxored: that your internet connection is very laggy. it takes 1 second for data to travel from your computer to the speedtest site you tested against. normally if the server you were testing against is in the same country as you, you should not get anything more than 200 milliseconds, so 0.2 seconds maximum there.05:43
blackxoredevilsushi: yeah, inotify it is, another shot, you can have even shell script aware tools installing inotify-tools for that matter05:44
blackxoredtomreyn: in deed05:44
blackxoredwithout vpn the results were better, but didn't really made a big difference05:45
sri_how to change the delay of os selection menu05:45
tomreynblackxored: and speedtest.net has many servers in many locations across the world so chances are you did have a close server to test against. however, if you were testing with your VPN active that would explain increased latency, but it should still be no more than ~ .2 seconds, not 1.005:45
aroshlakshanjuk: it does not count the my whole traffic. it only counts my traffic in a single session. when i restart my PC it resets05:45
evilsushikevdog: kinda sorta what I am doing now.. I think inotify or dnotify may be better since its a daemon05:45
blackxoredsri_: /etc/default/grub, search for timeout, update-grub and reboot05:45
kevdogevilsushi: Probably -- but cron is a daemon too!!05:46
jukaroshlakshan: ah05:46
blackxoredtomreyn: i was testing both ways, when the vpn was active chose some server from the UK, so it was close05:46
tomreynblackxored: but in fact i don't really know what commonlatencies are on voice modem links. so this can be totally okay.05:46
blackxoredtomreyn: "okay" heck no it's okay, you meant standard, common, right? :P05:47
evilsushikevdog: yea but I want to be notified like immediately and running a cron every few seconds to call a bash script is not very resource friendly =)05:47
tomreynblackxored: right05:47
blackxoredevilsushi: i'm not really on it, but i think inotify uses some kind of evented programming, it'll wrap the call you want to make through cron for you05:47
aroshlakshanjuk: can you think of a solution05:48
sri_anybody pls help me to change os selection menu05:48
blackxoredtomreyn: it was a pointless observation just remarking that this makes someone to loose the meaning of life from time to time, and love work a lot ;)05:48
jukaroshlakshan: you can write wrapper for ifconfig to dump stats somewere..05:48
blackxoredsri_: I did answered to your timeout question, didn't I?05:48
kevdogevilsushi: Not sure how efficient either method actually is in terms of resources.05:48
tomreynblackxored: "Dial-up connections usually have latency as high as 400 ms or even more [..]" -> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Dial-up_Internet_access#Performance_assessment05:49
sri_pls tell that again05:49
blackxoredtomreyn: on it05:49
jukaroshlakshan: /j #bash many creative people out tere05:49
aroshlakshanjuk: what? i didnt understand05:50
blackxoredevilsushi: from the inotify read, <aside>I'm a nice guy I even opened the README for you</aside> inotifywait simply blocks for inotify events, making it appropiate for use in shell scripts05:50
blackxoredevilsushi: there you go05:50
tomreynblackxored: where are you located and is money much of an issue, and are there other access options or do you have to use the dial-up per policy?05:50
jukaroshlakshan: that's why i proposed to /join #bash05:50
blackxoredtomreyn: why do we even care about speed testing when that link took over 10 seconds to open, and wikipedia is the fastest site ever ;)05:50
sri_i got it... thank you..05:50
blackxoredsri_: np05:51
aroshlakshanjuk: k05:51
aroshlakshan /j #bash05:51
blackxoredsri_: make sure to only mess with timeout, I don't want to weight of a broken grub on my shoulders05:51
blackxoredtomreyn: it's complicated05:51
tomreynblackxored: it's far from being the fastest site, pretty slow for me. and I pointed you to a https:// varinat of it, so this adds to it.05:52
evilsushiaroshlakshan: records your traffic and keeps it around so you can view it anytime?05:52
__shaiHello :) How do I use 'find' and regex to find all directories that have a matching range of two digit numbers (ie. all directories named to ?05:52
__shaiBut nothing before or after that range...05:52
blackxoredtomreyn: really? I mean, no flash, probably no HTML5-intensive stuff, also no javascript, should be faster05:52
blackxoredthan many sites05:52
blackxored__shai: hoping forward to hear an answer to that, kinda tricky, specially since I believe find uses glob, but not sure05:53
blackxoredtomreyn: well it talks very little about this odd case05:54
tomreynblackxored: page load time depends on may things. in this case i think the webservers just respond a bit slow.05:54
blackxoredtomreyn: almost switches to talk about DSL in a sec05:54
sre-suHow to change default desktop environment from terminal?05:54
blackxoredtomreyn: so again on to http caching, i don't want to waste my eye hours05:55
robertzaccouri'm adding a choppy video to the bug report05:55
tomreynblackxored: my point for the quotation frm wikipedia was just that your latency should not be considerably higher than 400 ms. you seem to have a remarkably bad link.05:55
blackxoredin deed, it seems, I do have to agree with you05:56
blackxoredthat was a nice part that vikingur05:56
tomreyn__shai: just within one directory level, or across subdirectories, too?05:56
blackxoredbut the fact is the options on what the ... i can do about it are pretty limited right?05:57
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tomreynblackxored: i don't know how it would look like with VPN off. so this could be an option. but if it looks the same, then if you have a choice, get a different link. even mobile network links should be faster.05:58
blackxoredI bet you guys that followed that link must actually play that modem sound on the right to even remember what we're talking about here ;) For my purposes, I have it muted05:58
piercedwaterDoes anyone know of any cli hotkey applications for 10.0.4?05:58
=== MS_IS_s--h-i---t is now known as kderocks
blackxoredtomreyn: weren't a lot faster, actually let met tell you, you can shame on speedtest, but the vpn was actually faster on download/upload speeds05:59
evilsushiblackxored: you should reverse proxy everything you do to your local machine so it seems super fast =)05:59
blackxoredtomreyn: let me switch buffers and actually tell you06:00
blackxoredping: 869ms, download: 0.03mpbs, upload: 0.02mbps06:00
robertzaccourhope attatching a video for the but will help the process06:00
tomreynblackxored: yeah, bad measurement regarding the speeds apparently. but the ltency test should still be of use. but then you can do this yourself using 'ping' to some well-connected server in your area06:00
blackxoredevilsushi: sounds interesting, let me get a 250TB hard drive so I can get the internet ;)06:00
blackxoredand browse locally, that would be heck faster06:00
evilsushiblackxored: 250TB SSD =)06:01
blackxoredoh right, as it even mattered ;)06:01
blackxoredfrom the vpn, pinging google.co.uk it's 875ms06:01
blackxoredspeedtest wasn't that wrong06:01
blackxoredi'm starting to believe (or resign) that we can't do pretty much anything about it06:02
tomreynblackxored: well you said "download: 0.03mbps, upload: 0.06mbps, ping: 1068ms" for the VPN to speedtest.net, so either their ping server is badly connected or it badly measured there, too06:03
blackxoredOk now I want you guys to sign me an NDA on not to post on twitter how slow it's my external access to my work's network06:03
evilsushiblackxored: do a real test, scp a file over the vpn and scp a file over non-vpn link06:03
blackxoredtomreyn: I haven't noticed06:03
blackxoredtomreyn: sleepy I guess06:03
blackxoredit's indeed way faster06:03
tomreynblackxored: but yeah, you have a bad connection there, it's not the VPN being the issue. use a proxy cache if you have to continue using this connection.06:03
blackxoredand I chose a server close enough to the vpn06:03
blackxoredtomreyn: I'll have, sadly, for everytime I'm not at work06:04
blackxoredI like being at home06:04
blackxoredkids don't listen to this06:04
blackxoredbut this is hungover06:04
blackxoredor something06:04
blackxoredexcuse my english, ain't native, BTW06:04
extra11freenode been having ddos issues all day too apparently06:04
blackxoredI've got that hungover from a kesha song ;)06:05
blackxoredok i've been digging a little, I guess, mostly there's squid or something like polipo06:05
blackxoredfor http caching06:05
mneptok!enter > blackxored06:05
ubottublackxored, please see my private message06:05
robertzaccourcan i attatch a video to a bug report?06:05
blackxoredi used polipo for tor on the past, didn't really get acquantined to it, just pasted the tor config06:06
evilsushii use squid for reverse proxy06:06
robertzaccouri eat squid sometimes. only fried though06:06
blackxoredrobertzaccour: you can? who knows? you should? well i'm a little off ubuntu development, but that's not the way we used to look at bugs06:06
evilsushiI had deep friend brussel sprouts yesterday, delicious.06:06
blackxoredevilsushi: nice, I use apache at work06:06
foxjazzanyone know of a good aggregator for linux06:07
blackxoredevilsushi: and this is relevant to us because? :P06:07
blackxoredevilsushi: kidding06:07
blackxoredfoxjazz: what about liferea, RSSOwl06:07
evilsushiblackxored: same.. I cache ad content to devices we have that we server up to our customers =P06:07
robertzaccourblackxored, just trying to submit a bug report with a video attached of what I'm talking about06:07
blackxoredevilsushi: ad content? umm interesting06:07
foxjazzBlackBinary, will google06:07
evilsushiblackxored: yea, guess what I do06:08
blackxoredrobertzaccour: my question is? is the video really necessary for reproducing what you're experiencing?06:08
mneptokrobertzaccour: videos attached to bug reports does not scale06:08
blackxoredevilsushi: no idea06:08
robertzaccourblackxored, its a video recording of exactly what is happening06:08
blackxoredmneptok: you mean like you can't zoom them on the browser? :P06:08
robertzaccourmneptok, does not scale? what you mean by that?06:08
blackxoredrobertzaccour: I won't be the one to tell you a conclusive answer, go #ubuntu-motu and ask there06:09
robertzaccourblackxored, whats that channel about?06:09
blackxoredthose are the developers of the universe repository06:09
blackxoredyou can also try #ubuntu-devel, for the same matter06:09
blackxoredbut i'm pretty sure I've never heard about video reporting before06:10
evilsushiSo I made the switch a few weeks ago, took all my production servers from centos to ubuntu06:10
blackxoredmaybe with some compiz, fire on this is when it crashed, kinda cool lol06:10
blackxoredevilsushi: so you switched "from" centos06:11
blackxoredgreat to know06:11
blackxoredplease tell godaddy06:11
Strife89Is there any way for me to make the battery meter show a percentage indicator over/in place of the icon? (using Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop)06:11
blackxoredand a lot more of VPS providers which offer centos as it's most stable, which i dont' care, but only - which I do care- solution06:12
evilsushiblackxored: try linode for vps systems06:12
evilsushiblackxored: godaddy is a cpanel hosting service yea? that bloated crap06:12
blackxoredevilsushi: nah, I've pretty much sticked to amazon06:12
blackxoredevilsushi: ok, you might be hurting some feelings06:12
blackxoredI was thinking about transferring my domain there06:13
blackxoredbut the hosting really sucks06:13
blackxoredand reading some reviews, well it's not for me06:13
blackxoredlinode to the list06:13
evilsushilinode is the best06:13
blackxoredsure, you start to see a pattern06:13
blackxoredhey my hoster is blackxored, he's the best, everyone's provider seem to be the best06:14
blackxoredbut I do agree, I've read a lot of good stuff about linode06:14
blackxoredthe best? who can tell? but it certainly is good enough06:14
inasdeenhi, need some advice, can i use plasma workspace (only) on gnome?06:14
blackxoredon the other hand06:14
blackxoredI switched to cloud06:14
blackxored- are we making this a personal talk? -06:15
blackxoredthe very first time I wanted to save a snapshot and revert my machine06:15
evilsushitake it to ubuntu-offtopic06:15
blackxoredif I take anything anywhere, I'd rather go to sleep06:15
blackxoredlet's make ontopic06:15
blackxoreddude, ubuntu is the best option you could choose for a servewr06:15
blackxoredbetter? :?06:16
evilsushiI dunno about that, but it certainly is nice.06:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:16
evilsushiI'm just use to rpm so I've got to understand how to build a deb package so I can create my own repo06:16
evilsushifor my ubuntu servers, I guess thats the next step.06:16
blackxoredmy production is a mixture of debian/centos/ubuntu06:17
blackxoredbut it's because I like diversity06:17
blackxoredinvoke-rc.d: command not found on centos, if you know what I mean06:17
robertzaccourWhenever I do a screen recording with gtk-recordMyDesktop and compiz running at the same time, which it does by default, The recording is always very buggy and still-framed for the most part and crazy mixes of coloring. Some applications (that are in the repos) require compiz to run properly e.x. docky. Since compiz and gtk-recordMyDesktop are both in the repos, I do believe this qualifies as a bug.06:17
evilsushiyou make custom deb packages for your servers?06:18
blackxoredthat's why I'm better suited to leaving ubuntu when they finally switch to unity ;)06:18
robertzaccourblackxored, why not just use a different DE like gnome, xfce, kde, or a wm?06:18
George__ in the repos, I do believe this qualifies as a bug.06:18
George__22:18 < evilsushi> you make custom deb packages for your servers?06:18
blackxoredevilsushi: well I'm more a rubyst so we tend to package gems06:18
evilsushiblackxored: yes i've been using gems more and more lately06:19
evilsushiREE ftw06:19
blackxoredrobertzaccour: it was a joke06:19
evilsushiubuntu goes to unity and gnome3 is going to launch soon06:19
robertzaccourblackxored, oh ok haha. I was thinking, dude you could always just change the DE haha06:19
blackxoredevilsushi: there was a post about the debian ruby maintainer talkign about all this, you should really get into that, it describes a lot of stuff on why gems06:19
evilsushiblackxored: links me06:19
blackxoredrobertzaccour: ain't that what we all love, diversity, freedom and choice?06:20
blackxoredevilsushi: ?06:20
evilsushilink me to this article06:20
* centHOGG freedom of choice is what you got06:20
blackxoredrobertzaccour: who knows, maybe we'll get to love unity, and canonical has taken the big step into a dying desktop06:20
blackxoredevilsushi: umm not really sure about it, you could google it06:20
evilsushiI could google it but im going to bed06:21
robertzaccourblackxored, its not complete yet, but I meant so far I don't like it. should have specified sorry06:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:21
evilsushiits easier if you tell me and it goes into my logs =)06:21
blackxoredmneptok: is unity offtopic?06:21
mneptokblackxored: yes, if you're not asking support questions06:21
kevdogIn my limited experience, building deb packages properly are a pain for a novice like me.  In Arch its way easier -- however I'm not here to advertise the benefits of their package manager06:21
blackxoredok, my bad, i'll go to #fedora to talk about gnome-3 then, is it ok? :P06:21
blackxoredor I'll get banned there as well?06:22
evilsushikevdog: I love pacman.. I would use arch for my desktop if they offered package signing.. Which they may now.06:22
mneptokblackxored: i do not know the channel rules for #fedora06:22
blackxoredevilsushi: maybe we should go to bad06:22
blackxoredmneptok: I have this sick bad humor, don't really care about it06:22
kevdogwhat's your beef with package signing?06:22
blackxoredit's off for me guys, have an amazing day/morning/afternoon/whatever06:22
blackxoredi'll be back in the morning06:23
evilsushikevdog: its a great way to get mitm attacked06:23
blackxoredbest wishes to everyone06:23
kevdogohhh, yea the evil mitm (theoretical) attack.  Forgot about that06:23
mneptok#ubuntu-offtopic for these non-support topics, please.06:23
seidoskevdog: woof06:23
kevdogbut I do get your point06:23
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* lazy247x I having networking problems?? can't log on the internet with my linux??? I connect but no webpages popup06:24
=== heathcliff is now known as linoge
kevdogmneptok: no one is ever in #ubuntu-offtopic -- but I understand the rules06:24
evilsushilooks like you can make .deb packages with checkinstall.. anyone used this before?06:24
kevdogcheckinstall makes "fake" packages.06:25
Gnealazy247x: you can't?06:25
kevdogNot good to distribute between machines06:25
mneptokkevdog: 23:25 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-offtopic: Total of 215 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 215 normal]06:25
lazy247xno.. I connect but cant do nothing else06:25
seidosmneptok: +106:25
kevdoglazy24x:  Sounds like dns lookup problem06:25
lazy247xinternet works with windows06:26
kevdogmneptok: All bots!!06:26
seidoslazy247x: how do you know you are connected to the internet?06:26
Gnealazy247x: oh okay, the way you were saying it it sounded like you were asking if you could connect or not rather than making a statement. can you ping anything?06:26
lazy247xnot not with linux06:26
evilsushiis your linux in a virtual machine ?06:26
lazy247xits on a duel boot06:26
mneptoklazy247x: nslookup google.com  <--- in a terminal06:26
seidosis your linux version 2.6.35?06:26
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=== pennywise is now known as linoge
Gnealazy247x: ping google.com  <-- any response?06:26
lazy247xopensuse 11.306:27
evilsushitry iwlist wlan0 scan06:27
* Gnea smacks lazy247x 06:27
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)06:27
mneptoklazy247x: welcome to #ubuntu06:27
kevdogwaste of time :(06:27
Gneanothing but a troll, move on06:27
seidosGnea: way to catch it.  i suspected trollship when he first started.06:27
kevdogthats why name starts with lazy06:28
Gneaseidos: as did I, gotta get up early in the morning to catch it.  It's shortly after midnight here and I woke up an hour ago LOL06:28
evilsushiopensuse has a lizard06:28
evilsushiubuntu needs a lizard06:28
=== Scotty is now known as Scott`
seidosubuntu needs a king cobra06:28
k5egghey guys, I have an issue with 10.10 and screen resolution06:28
lazy247xwell i had ubuntu for a long time06:28
Gneak5egg: what's going on?06:29
piercedwaterDoes anyone know of any cli hotkey applications for 10.0.4?06:29
k5eggfor some goofy reason its decided this CRT I'm using should be at 1280x96006:29
evilsushiwell you left us for the novell dark side06:29
lazy247xbut my wireless board doesnt work with it06:29
evilsushiso go ask your novell buddies06:29
k5eggarandr shows 1024x768 as an option, and when I try to set it X restarts - at 1280x96006:29
Fuchsk5egg: what graphic card with what driver?06:29
mneptokUbuntu has the mnepolo. it needs no reptile.06:29
Gnealazy247x: well, that's not something we can help you with, sorry, you'll need to ask in the #suse channel06:29
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Fuchsk5egg: ah, you want a lower resolution?06:29
k5eggvia km333 or 400 board, via driver.06:29
k5eggonboard junk06:29
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k5eggyeah, lower resolution06:30
seidosor he could ask in #linux :)06:30
Fuchsk5egg: have a look at your ~/.config/monitors.xml06:30
evilsushihe could ask in #wicd06:30
seidosi wouldn't do that to the #wicd peeps06:30
Fuchsk5egg: usually the gnome tool should write it in there, and use the resolution specified in this file.06:30
overcluckerhow about 3 reptiles holding hands?06:30
semitonesif uname -r says "generic" does that mean 32 bit?06:31
kevdogor he could just read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118806:31
seidoshow about a penguin, a bsd demon, and a lizard holding hands?06:31
Fuchssemitones: ask uname -m06:31
kevdogfag alert06:31
Gnea!resolution | k5egg check out the first couple of options on the URL here06:31
ubottuk5egg check out the first couple of options on the URL here: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:31
centHOGGin a tree?06:31
kevdoggeneric means it was compiled with any processor specific code optimizations06:32
evilsushisigh, this deb package howto is like reading a book [ #ubuntu ] or you can tell me06:32
semitonesFuchs, thanks06:32
Gneaevilsushi: yeah, it's just a matter of sitting down and following directions until something sticks06:32
semitonesFuchs, yeah, that's a better one to ask :)06:32
kevdogevilsushi: I gave up06:33
seidosevilsushi: what is a virtual package anyway?06:33
tannerni've just changed my hostname in /etc/hostname and rebooted but when I ssh in my prompt still says `user@old-host-name`, however `hostname` gives me the correct name, why woudl the prompt be wrong?06:34
Strife89(Last repetition, I promise.) Is there any way for me to make the battery meter show a percentage indicator over/in place of the icon? (using Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop)06:35
Fuchstannern: because you forgot /etc/hosts maybe?06:35
tomreyntannern: have you updated /etc/hosts , too?06:36
tomreynoh i'm late06:36
tannernah ty Fuchs and tomreyn06:36
k5eggahh, now I know whats going on06:36
k5eggthe settings fail, when it tries to start at 1024x768 X freaks out.06:36
k5eggthe keyboard quits working... but the system is still alive (tapping the power button initiates a proper shutdown)06:37
k5eggbut the keyboard and mouse does nothing06:37
k5eggcant even ctrl-alt-f1 to hit a console06:37
kevdogsounds like problem with x server06:37
evilsushiStrife89: apt-get install acpi06:37
Fuchsk5egg: you might want to try Alt+SysRQ+R, CTRL+ALT+F106:37
evilsushiStrife89:  this will not change your battery icon thingy06:38
Fuchsk5egg: this should take you to a VT so you can read logs and restart X06:38
Diverdudewhich commandline-ftp client is recommended in ubuntu?06:38
evilsushiStrife89: but you can atleast see the %06:38
Fuchsk5egg: if that doesn't work, you can install sshd and try to connect from a different machine in your network06:38
cfeddeDiverdude: there's not much reason to use anything other than the default one that comes installed.06:38
Diverdudecfedde, which one is that?06:38
kevdoguse ftp on command line -- is that what you mean?06:39
cfeddeDiverdude: it's called ftp. :-)06:39
sleeki'm trying to install redis in a chroot environment... i'm having a strange problem though ... every time i chroot into the environment, i create a redis system user ... i check /etc/passwd and it's there... however, when i exit and come back into the environment, the user is gone... what's going on here?06:39
Strife89evilsushi: That's the best that can be done, then?06:39
evilsushiStrife89: yeah, you could use conky and display it on your desktop if you wanted06:39
tannernhuh, I edited /etc/hosts for `` to point to the correct new hostname, rebooted, and my prompt is still the old name. everything seems to work fine but it's bugging me06:40
ikoniatannern: /etc/hostname for the hostname06:40
kevdogLook up how to change your prompt then06:40
Strife89evilsushi: Giving it a whirl.06:40
tannernikonia: yes this is after i did that06:41
robertzaccour!bug #71981806:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 719818 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz doesn't play well with gtk-recordMyDesktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71981806:41
tannernoh well06:41
evilsushitannern: you could make a new prompt and set it up how you want06:41
ikoniatannern: show me the output of "uname -n"06:41
juktannern: sudo hostname newhost; sudo sh -c 'echo newhost > /etc/hostname'06:41
robertzaccourincluded is a video showing exactly what the problem looks like06:41
evilsushiStrife89: have fun with conky, lots of howtos out there for it.06:41
Strife89evilsushi: Does conky in the respitories come with a config, or do I need to build one manually?06:41
Gneak5egg: are you able to make a new account and login with it? does the same thing happen if you do?06:42
Strife89evilsushi: (I've heard of it, seen it, never actually tried it)06:42
kevdogI think you have to set up a config manually06:42
darmathHello. I was wondering if someone can direct me to approproriate information for configuring multiple sound cards (onboard sound device + external sound card) so that different applications can direct their output to the different devices.06:42
Strife89evilsushi: (And was planning on installing it on my Debian box one of these days)06:42
tannernikonia: `uname -n` and /etc/hostname are both the correct new name06:42
evilsushiStrife89: this looks pretty easy http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/07/conky-ubuntu-lucid-theme-among-most.html06:42
ikoniatannern: great, so it's just the PS1 prompt that's the problem06:43
ikoniatannern: echo $PS106:43
* centHOGG Philips PSC80506:43
evilsushiI need a screencast or something for how to make deb packages06:43
ikonia!packaging | evilsushi06:43
ubottuevilsushi: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports06:43
tannernikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567553/06:44
evilsushithis old debian howto is killing me06:44
ikoniatannern: why is that on debian ?06:44
tannerni haven't touched it :/ set up this new linode with ubuntu 10.04 tls today06:44
darmathDoes the PlusAudio server "sit" between applications and ALSA?06:45
ikoniatannern: ok, you're prompt looks a little messy06:45
tomreyndarmath: i think you need to look into alsa and a dmix configutation. but it's actually well possible that there is another, more user friendly way to achieve the same on the pulseaudio layer, so look into that, too.06:45
ikoniatannern: can you show me the output of uname -a please06:45
Gneaevilsushi: http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/video?name=linuxJensMakingDeb06:46
darmathPulseAudio* rather06:46
tomreyndarmath: yes it does06:46
kevdogI hate pulse06:46
tannernikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567554/06:46
darmathtomreyn: Oh ok thanks. You might be right then about looking at ALSA. (i'm only new to ubuntu..and linux..hoping i might be able to ditch windows)06:47
ikoniatannern: ahh, it's a custom ubuntu build, sadly we can't support it, but if you that explains why your prompt is messsed upt06:47
ardchoilleikonia: the date is way off06:48
kevdogset the date06:48
evilsushitannern: linode has a channel on efnet I think06:48
ikoniaardchoille: yes it is,06:48
tannernikonia: ah thanks I'll just overwrite it, I mainly wanted to make sure it wasn't a sign that I had changed the hostname wrong06:48
evilsushitannern: err they are on oftc06:48
rwwtannern, evilsushi: OFTC, actually06:48
ikoniatannern: nah, a few providers do customised installs, this sort of thing isn't uncommon06:49
tannernikonia: cool thanks all, and I'll set the time :)06:49
ikoniatannern: as ardchoille pointed out, you may want to look at your clock sync too06:49
researcher1is there an application to recover DVD06:49
evilsushiGnea: ahh thanks, this is going to help06:52
researcher1tomreyn: does it have a GUI?06:54
GreenHello any one knows of  a Wireless U.S.B. adapter that works well with Linux(debian distros like ubuntu) or that I would be able to find help forums of?06:55
tomreynresearcher1: no, i don't think there's one for it. and  don't know one with a GUI, which doen't mean there isn't one.06:55
Strife89Hmmm, that Conky theme works beautifully, but it lacks a battery indicator.06:55
Strife89Time to get my hands dirty.06:55
makis30i have just downloaded oracle 10g ..and run the package installer,now i can see the oracle10g option but when i am going to open start database home page ..it opens the firefox homepage..wat to do???06:55
=== slie is now known as Slie
fuzzybunny69yHey everyone! What is the best search to use with Ubuntu? For some reason whenever I search with Nautilus(using CTRL+F) it only searches my home folder.06:56
shcherbakGreen: Make sure you know chipset, i.e. raltek, most of them are supported.06:56
shcherbakfuzzybunny69y: find, man find06:57
Greenshcherbak: Thank you06:57
fuzzybunny69yshcherbak, yeah find it good I was wondering about a GUI one though06:57
kevdogmost wireless usbs work with Ubuntu however it really depends on the chipset contained in the device rather than by manufacture06:58
shcherbakfuzzybunny69y: um, gui, dunno.06:58
=== Rein is now known as Ghastly
BIIIHey, I've got a Sony Ericsson W518a cell phone that only sort of syncs with Ubuntu.06:59
shcherbakStrife89: conkycore site had few scripts for battery, otherwise acpi07:00
BIIIIt shows up in Rhythmbox, but not in Computer or Media07:00
tomreynfuzzybunny69y: normally searching your home directory is sufficient. is there something special you are looking for?07:01
_jesse_fuzzybunny69y: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles07:01
shcherbakBIII: are you using gammu/wammu?07:01
Strife89shcherbak: I installed acpi, but it had no obvious effect.07:01
BIIINot to my knowledge07:01
shcherbakStrife89: you need script to read from acpi07:01
tomreynfuzzybunny69y: you could run nautilus with sudo, as superuser, and search then. but this is also quite dangerous since you could, with the click of a wrong button, break your system07:02
_jesse_tomreyn: really? that seems strange that running as root would be necessary07:02
_jesse_I'm pretty sure you can change the flder it searches in07:02
shcherbakBIII: wammu is first to try with mobiles, there is suppoted handset list on their website.07:02
Ghastlytomreyn, been there :p07:02
toloykhanhello there07:03
BIIIIf you go to places --> search you can choose where you're searching07:03
BIIIIt's not as convenient as ctrl+f...07:03
toloykhanI have an iptables case07:03
tomreyn_jesse_: sure you can, just need to browse to the right directory. however, a restricted user cannot search in all places the superuser can.07:04
toloykhanI need an explanation for this line : $IPTABLES -A BAD_SITES -p tcp -m string --string "www.facebook.com" --algo kmp -j DROP07:04
tomreynGhastly: uh oh...07:04
BIIIshcherbak: Thanks, I'll go get that07:04
_jesse_tomreyn: true, but in most default installs regular users at least have list access for almost anything07:04
tomreyn_jesse_: right, good point07:05
toloykhanhello guys i need an explanation for this line of iptables: $IPTABLES -A BAD_SITES -p tcp -m string --string "www.facebook.com" --algo kmp -j DROP07:05
fuzzybunny69ytomreyn, yeah that is true but sometimes I want to search in just the folder im in but for some reason nautilus always just starts searching from the home folder07:06
shcherbaktoloykhan: man iptables, in short, this rule will drop connections from facebook07:06
SlieAny one here into developing for android?07:06
Ghastlyfuzzybunny69y, if your searching a single folder (not looking through sub dirs)07:06
fuzzybunny69yand then it displays Images Documents Source code and other things at the top to filter it down more07:06
Ghastlyyou can just type, and it will search07:06
toloykhanshcherbak , thanx for replay.. but what exactly the algo and kmp mean07:06
_jesse_Slie: just throw your question out there07:07
shcherbaktoloykhan: this just trying to know, reading07:07
^Phantom^Is there any way to use terminal to clear what's in the cache?07:07
_jesse_though for android specific questions #android-dev will probably be better07:07
keastes!ot > Slie07:07
ubottuSlie, please see my private message07:07
yourwhiteshadowso evidently i can't do anything to my home folder, can't create new documents/folders, what should the permissions be on this folder and how can i change it07:07
Slie_Jesse_: not really any question i'm new to IRC but thanks !07:08
toloykhanshcherbak: do you have and resources07:08
_jesse_^Phantom^: what cache?07:08
^Phantom^the ram07:08
^Phantom^Or rather07:08
^Phantom^Wait, I'm not on my android07:08
_jesse_Slie: :) np, this channel is just for ubuntu support questions only though07:08
shcherbaktoloykhan: Select the pattern matching strategy. (bm = Boyer-Moore, kmp = Knuth-Pratt-Morris) from: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables07:08
tomreyntoloykhan: kmp is a string comparison algorithm, used to match a string against a packet in this case.07:09
fuzzybunny69yI am just not sure how to get nautilus to search the current folder I am in without searching the home folder. Like say if I wanted to find all the files in the current directory with the word php in it or something07:09
Slie_jesse_: Well it does have to do with Ubuntu:)07:09
robertzaccourfuzzybunny69y, have you tried gnome-do?07:09
_jesse_Slie: is it a support question?07:09
robertzaccourthats a good search tool. similar to spotlight in os x07:09
toloykhantomregn: thanx very much07:09
toloykhantomreyn: thanx very much07:10
fuzzybunny69yrobertzaccour, yeah I use kupfer instead though it doesn't seem like it is updated anymore07:10
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please by any chance do you provide some help for Xubuntu users here? [At the Xubuntu channel the support is almost non-existent].07:10
marverickcomunidade do brasil e aki ?07:10
toloykhanshcherbak: thax a lot the link is very useful07:10
SlieI can only compile Android 2.3 on a 64 bit system but yet there is very little support for the missing libraries and ect. so far the only one i have rand into is Java 1.507:10
tomreyntoloykhan: that link is a website made out of the same information you most likely can read when typing 'man 8 iptables' on your terminal07:11
Slie"support as in information for people that are not 100% experienced,yet competent...\07:11
_jesse_!pt | marverick07:11
ubottumarverick: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:11
shcherbaktoloykhan: best known tautorial: http://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/iptables-tutorial.html07:11
GanymedeDo the open-source ATI drivers on Maverick have any support for power management? My laptop is running 10 or 11 degrees C warmer after I switched from fglrx to the ATI drivers.07:12
marvericktranks o/07:12
marverickim noob07:12
_jesse_Slie: mmm, that question would be better suited for #android-dev I think07:12
_jesse_marverick: :)07:12
yourwhiteshadowi don't have access to write to my home directory, anyone know how i can get access back?07:12
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:13
toloykhantomreyn: but i couldn't find the string matching in man iptables07:13
shcherbakTornadoXubuntu: ask?07:13
juk!ask | TornadoXubuntu:07:13
ubottuTornadoXubuntu:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:13
tomreynTornadoXubuntu: i'm not sure what the policy is, but if your question does not relate to the window manager, try just asking it here and see what you get in return.07:13
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: what does `ls -la /home`  say?07:14
_jesse_for your home directory07:14
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:15
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567558/07:15
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: ouch07:16
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: sudo chown -R imran:imran /home/imran07:16
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: yeah it seems i lost access to my own damn home directory LOL07:16
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: assuming imran is your username07:16
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: have your system remounted? ls -l ~07:16
SliePlease spit the system you are compiling Android source one plz07:17
kisukehow does on disable the login sound?07:17
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: chown: cannot access `/home/imran/.gvfs': Permission denied07:17
TornadoXubuntuActually, I am running (Xubuntu 10.10) with (Thunar File Manager 1.0.2). The problem i am facing is simply a huge delay of almost (35seconds) upon right clicking on the desktop or right clicking anywhere in the file system to access the ("Create Document") option. The whole system will freeze if i did not wait those 35 seconds. Please any ideas or suggestions to solve this issue are greatly appreciated.07:17
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: use used sudo ?07:17
jasuvdisk full?07:18
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:18
_jesse_*you used07:18
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: yeah of course :)07:18
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: strange, try `sudo su` and then the chmod command as above07:19
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: chmod or chown?07:19
BIIIOkaaayy... I installed it and now my phone shows up as three cameras. I guess I'll settle for that.07:19
Sliedoes any one know how to change a directory using cd / ?07:19
jukTornadoXubuntu: have you been upgrading recently?07:19
tomreynsnapp: You question does not seem to make sense. It is most likely a bad translation.07:20
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: sorry, *chmod07:20
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:20
FloodBot1_jesse_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: check log first please, look for "write only"07:20
_jesse_BIII: lol07:20
_jesse_Slie: what?07:20
yourwhiteshadowshcherbak: check which log?07:21
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: what is your Linux username?07:21
yourwhiteshadowmneptok: "imran" but on boot it shows "imran-P5Q-PRO"07:21
Sliehow do you use man cd?07:22
ileahi all07:22
ileai have a question07:22
rwwSlie: you don't. `cd' is a shell builtin; try `help cd' instead.07:22
kisukeSlie: just type "man cd" in a term07:22
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: /var/log/ look in   syslog and messages and dmsg07:22
TornadoXubuntujuk: I update my PC on a regular basis. But i did not upgrade from a previous release, this is a fresh install on a brand new empty hard drive. My PC was working perfectly the last 4 months without any issues under the same system.07:22
_jesse_Slie: cd doesn't have a man entry07:22
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: sudo chown -R imran:imran /home/imran && sudo chmod -R 640 /home/imran && sudo chmod -R -x+X /home/imran07:22
TornadoXubuntu*hard disk07:23
Sliehow can i install manual pages on any system with a terminal ?07:23
ileai bought a printer and if i plug it in linux will search automaticaly for driver or i have to search for it?07:23
pragma_I'm trying to run glxgears but I get a empty black window instead of the gears spinning...07:24
ileai am asking to know what to do07:24
BIIIilea: It should automatically go to CUPS07:24
KB1JWQilea: The former.07:24
mneptokSlie: cd is a shell built-in command, so it does not have a nman page07:24
jukTornadoXubuntu: you on maverick? natty i think is not enduser-firendly yet07:24
BIIIilea: But often it won't work for brand new printer models07:24
ileaso it will automatically search or recocnize the printer07:24
hilarieWhat does this mean? Reading package lists... Done07:24
hilarieW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6E871C4A881574DE07:25
ileaits hp07:25
BIIIilea: You can hope.07:25
yourwhiteshadowmneptok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567560/07:25
ileaand i hear that hp haves good suport07:25
TornadoXubuntuplease do you have any suggestions or tips (juk) that i can cope with at the moment?07:25
pragma_If I use the default X.org display drivers (VESA?) it shows the gears, but spinning slowly in software mode.  I want to use hardware accelerated OpenGL, which works in Windows XP on this same machine07:25
pragma_if I switch to the maverick ati/radeon drivers, I get a black window for glxgears.07:25
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: did `sudo su` help?07:25
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:25
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: i didn't try it, wasn't sure whether to use chmod or chown lol07:26
MyWayhello, everytime I reboot my notebook, ubuntu power off my hard disk and I can't mount it anymore... what can I do?07:26
pragma_anyone have any experience/suggestions for x.org and ati/radeon configuration?07:26
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mneptokyourwhiteshadow: you need to put that entire command on one line07:26
ileaok i will plug the printer in and see07:26
MyWayI have to unplug/replug it everytime07:26
yourwhiteshadowmneptok: ahhh, ok lemme try again07:26
=== Asp is now known as Talicom
jukTornadoXubuntu: replace file manager07:27
_jesse_hilarie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt07:27
TornadoXubuntuwith what juk?07:27
ileait starded automatically to search and install the printer:)07:27
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: haha chown07:27
BIIIAh, while I'm here, I did have one other enquiry. I tried to play starcraft by mounting an .iso file with 'sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mnt/disk,' and everything worked until I went to play it. The install went fine, but upon launching the game it say that there is an important file that it cannot read from the disk. Is there some sort of limitation to the mount command that might cause this?07:27
shcherbakmneptok: ~/.gvfs do not have write pesmission on normal system, or usually, so it will produce err07:28
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567562/07:28
yourwhiteshadowmneptok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567562/07:29
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: ~/.gvfs do not have write pesmission on normal system, or usually, so it will produce err07:29
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: hmm, interesting07:29
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: sorry jesse, what was that command again?07:29
sre-suHow to fix this error - E: You do not have enough spave in /var/cache/apt/archives ??07:29
MyWayhello, everytime I reboot my notebook, ubuntu power off my hard disk and I can't mount it anymore... what can I do? I have to unplug/replug it everytime07:29
tomreynMyWay: check top gnome panel -> system -> preferences -> power management for a related option and deactivate it.07:29
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: sudo chmod 700 .gvfs07:29
MyWayok tomreyn07:29
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: those are the perms that dir has on my system07:29
tomreynMyWay: also check with your hardware vendor for a firmware update.07:29
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: youwould want to unmount  /home first07:29
yourwhiteshadowmneptok: permission denied lol07:30
BIIIsre-su: Is your hard drive full?07:30
hilarie@_jesse_ ty, will look at that07:30
juk!info pcmanfm07:30
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: `sudo su` followed by `sudo chown -R imran:imran /home/imran'07:30
ubottupcmanfm (source: pcmanfm): an extremely fast and lightweight file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 133 kB, installed size 860 kB07:30
mneptok_jesse_: that will make no difference07:30
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: well actually the second sudo isn't necessary, but it shouldn't batter07:30
sre-suBIII: No07:30
tomreynMyWay: regarding the disk drive, that is. even if this only happens on linux but not other operating systems.07:30
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_ su invalid option -- 'R'07:30
MyWayI don't know, I use only linux07:30
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: are you currently connected to FTP, SFTP, or other file servers that would use GVFS>07:30
lamefunhow to change Jabber password in Empathy?07:30
shcherbak_jesse_: sudo su is not ubuntu way of fixing stuff07:31
tomreynMyWay: good choice ;-)07:31
yourwhiteshadowwhoops sorry all, i unmounted the file system07:31
yourwhiteshadowand it works now07:31
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: ? there was no -R on that line07:31
MyWayI'll check for a firmware upgrade now07:31
yourwhiteshadowCHEERS all07:31
FloodBot1yourwhiteshadow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:31
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: :P07:31
tomreynMyWay: do you know what drive model you have there precisely?07:31
shcherbakyourwhiteshadow: Champ07:32
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_ & shcherbak & mneptok: thank you, you guys are awesome07:32
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: I was going to suggest that, but since it seemed to be trying to change the perms on that file I figured it was mounted07:32
MyWaytomreyn: how can I check it? I know it's a WD My Book USB 3.007:32
phonex01hello guys07:32
mneptokyourwhiteshadow: yes. yes i am. and i'm wearing tights and a cape.07:32
phonex01i need urgent help07:32
tomreynMyWay: open a termial window and type: lsusb07:32
yourwhiteshadow_jesse_: well, the weird problem is though, that when i log in, i get iceauthority could not be updated, which i think is permission related07:32
_jesse_shcherbak: true, I have been on debian for a little while and root is needed for a few, rare, activities07:32
luna1988somebody speak spanish07:33
mneptok!es | luna198807:33
ubottuluna1988: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:33
_jesse_yourwhiteshadow: hrm07:33
MyWaytomreyn: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1058:1123 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.07:33
_jesse_!es | luna198807:33
mneptokluna1988: Ingles solamente aqui, pf07:33
mneptokluna1988: de nada. y gracias.07:34
shcherbak_jesse_: Even in Debian it is under argument.07:34
sre-suHow much usually is required by /var?07:35
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:36
MyWaytomreyn: how can I upgrade the firmware without having Windows? :o07:36
luna1988sombody sayme names of programs for chat irc in ubuntu lucid07:36
=== garrett is now known as Guest62545
MyWayluna1988: xchat (gnome), kvirc (kde)07:37
Cyberfusioni have a kind of complex problem, im trying to use a usb ethernet adapter in virtural box running debian 6.0 from host ubuntu 10.10, its known to the system as eth1 but I cannot see it in network manager07:37
Cyberfusionbut the problem is sometimes debian can see it07:37
phonex01how can i use more than one proxy in ubuntu ?07:37
phonex01i mean configure proxy over a proxy07:37
shcherbakluna1988: irssi07:37
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:37
Cyberfusionand other times i cannot, right now its not working07:37
tomreynMyWay: use some boot media with FreeDOS on it.07:37
tomreynMyWay: normally you'll find instructions on your vendors' website07:38
Cyberfusionand im not sure whats going on, its set in bridge mode and the adapter is working but debian cannot connect07:38
snappi want create the image of the my partition boot (is part of / lvm) i found online this: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , but this command i must do from / of lvm whi access chroot?07:38
_jesse_shcherbak: I agree, but there are a couple things root can do that you can't do with sudo07:39
_jesse_!repeat | snapp07:39
ubottusnapp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:39
phonex01guys guys guys i need help07:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:40
shcherbak_jesse_: Rather adive sudo -i then su, miserious think, but we need to trust it.07:40
juksnapp: can you rephrase to make sense07:41
researcher1any application for bad DVD recovery?07:41
phonex01again how can i configure proxy over proxy ..... plz people help me07:41
Talicomin my grub menu, there are several options for ubuntu, one for each kernel update. Is there any way to get rid of the differemt options, so there is only ubuntu, recovery mode, and windows?07:42
=== adam__ is now known as zen
_jesse_shcherbak: mmm true07:42
shcherbakresearcher1: http://riplinton.blogspot.com/2008/04/using-gnulinux-tools-to-recover-dvd.html07:42
researcher1shcherbak: thanks07:43
_jesse_Talicom: yeah, uninstall the old kernels07:43
Sliehow do it turn on linux?07:43
_jesse_Talicom: or your can configure grub to just not list them07:44
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
shcherbakchris_osx: $07:44
_jesse_Slie: stop07:44
Slie_jesse_: okay, okay i promise07:44
TalicomI'd prefer to uninstall, but I'd also like to read up on grub configuration. could you tell me how to do the first, and point me to an online source for the other?07:45
Slie_jesse_: will you tell me how you learned how to dominate *unix? like the work flow?  all the way down to kernel programming or configuring?07:46
_jesse_Talicom: yeah, `apt-get remove linux-image-<stuff>` for the first, <stuff> should be the version number07:46
_jesse_Talicom: as for grub, I assume it's on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 somewhere07:47
TalicomThank you very much07:47
_jesse_Talicom: np, take note not to uninstall all of the kernels of course ;) not sure if it'd let you do that07:49
sre-suI'm on tty using irrsi now. df says that /var/lock Use% is 0 and of /var/run its 1%. /var got 1789396 space. I got 4gb RAM and for installation 47.6 mb of data need to be fetched consuming around 147mb of space. Still I get errors like No space left on device07:49
sre-suHow to fix it?07:49
Ghastlyyay reboot07:50
sre-suOn trying to install pastbinit,I get this error- /usrbin/mandb/: Can't write to /var/cache/man/2442: No space on left device07:50
snappwant i create the image of the partition boot (the partition boot is part of / lvm) i found online this link: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , this command must be execute from / of lvm how chroot?07:50
slieany one know how to open and view an image file via terminal?07:51
=== MC8|away is now known as MC8
centHOGGslie: kewl07:52
_jesse_slie: `evince image.jpg`07:52
littlerue_jesse_: hey jessie07:52
littlerue_jesse_: are you a male or female07:52
sliedoes that use X11 or is that irellevant?07:52
_jesse_littlerue: you're offtopic07:53
Flannelslie: You mean view them in text form? or open up something in framebuffer? or what?07:53
rwwlittlerue: it doesn't matter.07:53
slieFlannel: what would you recommend?07:53
_jesse_slie: evince is graphical; wasn't sure what your end goal was07:53
Flannelslie: I'm just curious what you're trying to do and what you had in mind by 'view a picture' in a terminal07:54
slie_jesse_: probably less graphical as possible.07:54
centHOGGlike on a low powered rig?07:55
centHOGGAMD K6?07:55
sre-suOn trying to install pastbinit,I get this error- /usrbin/mandb/: Can't write to /var/cache/man/2442: No space on left device. How to fix it?07:55
Flannelslie: install caca-utils, and then 'cacaview file'07:55
slieFlannel: i know i was messing around on my iphone and i installed something that let me view images via terminal>i no clue what or where it is now but i definatly wanted to view an image via SSH via command line or something07:55
researcher1How to read a file on CDROM using Commmand Line07:57
CoreWarHi, does anyone know a channel for asm, especially at&t syntax07:58
noderhi how can i print screen in ubuntu07:58
littlerue_jesse_: where im from 'jesse' is strictly a name for females.07:58
chinosukehi all, i had a h/w raid system. And I would like to know the  practical software package for monitoring h/w raid. If you had experiences please share with me. thank you!07:58
Scott`noder: press print screen07:59
CoreWarnoder: or alt+print screen08:00
_jesse_littlerue: Still off-topic I see08:00
_jesse_slie: with the utils Flannel suggested, you can use img2txt to print directly in the terminal08:00
slielittlerue: who would name them self little...?08:01
littlerueslie: a homo08:01
slie_jesse_:Thanks, i'm looking into it now.08:02
slielittlerue:what the hell is your skills?08:02
=== richard is now known as Guest7957
snappwant i create the image of the partition boot (the partition boot is part of / lvm) i found online this link: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , this command must be execute from / of lvm how chroot?08:02
=== n4` is now known as n4
littlerueslie: im an expert C hacker08:05
slie_jesse_:i didn't knotice did you happen to tell me how you got into and know linux?08:05
littlerueslie: and ruby expert08:05
slielitterue:where did you start?08:05
littlerueslie: in my town08:05
slielittlerue:what was your interest and what did you start with?08:06
littlerueslie: qbasic, i wanted to write games08:06
_jesse_slie: no, I should remind you that this channel is for support questions only08:06
_jesse_slie: #linux is a better channel for just talking about linux08:06
slie_jesse_: okay i'll quit asking you i just don't like using people i want to find someone who cares to gain "real knowlage from"08:07
littlerueslie: dont worry about _jesse_, he's just uptight cos he's alright quite old and still a virgin08:07
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slielittlerue: what did you end up doing?08:07
=== help is now known as Guest31596
littlerueslie: C and Ruby development08:07
littlerueslie: im not a lowly "sysadmin" like _jesse_08:08
littlerueslie: im a real programmer08:08
juk_jesse_: /ignore nick08:08
slielittlerue:So developing for the language itself?08:08
littlerueslie: yeah i've got a few patches on ruby core08:08
xmanhi :)08:08
Wulfylittlerue,  and what would you have to program if us lowley sysadmins didnt do our job? pen and paper?08:09
=== Guest31596 is now known as joe249
mneptoklittlerue: stop the personal attacks and insults.08:09
^Phantom^I downloaded gifsicle, but every time I try to launch it I get told that my window is a terminal.08:09
^Phantom^I type "sudo gifsicle" and get "gifsicle: <stdin>: is a terminal"08:09
slielittlerue:Cool, will you recommend a path for me if i tell you my current "and i know f$$#@ng stupid path. i need some corruption08:09
mneptok^Phantom^: gksu gifsicle08:10
^Phantom^Um, I was just told to authenticate it to modify essential parts of my system, mneptok08:10
vakhi all08:10
slielittlerue:lunux wirelless wep, java, little python, basic all around all programming knowledge, and fuck windows08:11
mneptok^Phantom^: GUI apps get run with gksu, not sudo, i have no idea what gifsicle does.08:11
littlerueslie: learn to spell first, bitch08:11
mneptoklittlerue: last warning.08:11
^Phantom^mneptok, here is the description from Ubuntu Software Center "This is a tool for manipulating GIF image files. It has good support for transparency and colormap manipulation, simple image transformations (cropping, flipping), and creating, deconstructing, and editing GIF animations, which it can also optimize for space."08:11
vakSystem Monitor is OK, but I need to track down the applications that cause high CPU load peaks. Any desktop app can do this?08:11
slielittlerue:Okay i know how to spell Bitch, i learned now will you tell me?08:12
Wulfymneptok, i woulda considerd your last request before that the last warning he seems to be trolling for a reason08:12
mneptok^Phantom^: OK, i just use The GIMP :)08:12
Wulfyvak could try htop08:12
mneptokWulfy: i'm in a generous mood. or just stupid.08:12
Wulfymneptok, more so than me maybe i need more coffee :)08:12
mneptokWulfy: i mix Nembutol and a horse tranq in mine. helps a lot on IRC.08:13
^Phantom^mneptok, I would imagine maybe gifsicle is missing a front-end?08:13
vakWulfy: great, thx, gonna try it. Other ideas are still welcome!08:14
Wulfyvak htop will prity much nail most headaches on the head08:14
mneptok^Phantom^: i have never used the app. i just know that GUI apps can complain about sudo, and gksu should be used.08:14
slieSo will someone tell me where i can find a mentor?08:14
snappwant i create the image of the partition boot (the partition boot is part of / lvm) i found online this link: sudo grub-mkimage --output=/boot/grub/core.img ext2 _chain pc gpt biosdisk lvm , this command must be execute from / of lvm how chroot?08:14
^Phantom^mneptok, Ah, okay thank you.  I have learned more about ubuntu tonight.  ^_^08:14
Wulfymneptok,  share the love :)08:14
kisukesnapp: what is your native language?08:15
sliethey have to be serious and can have three of my ideas and take partner in six of my ideas and after that we can talk about how we work together08:15
vakkisuke: "C" ! :)08:16
bryhoyt1I use "rsync --link-dest" for a backup script, over ssh. When I used to use it between Ubuntu 9.10 and Redhat something-or-other, it creates hardlinks for identical files. When I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10, it no longer creates hardlinks (it creates full copies of every file). At first I thought the problem was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#hardlink, but turning that off doesn't fix it! What gives?08:16
xmanexist any im program for ubuntu,kubuntu08:16
kisukevak: ?08:16
kisukevak: oh, lol08:16
vakkisuke: i am guessing re native language :)08:17
^Phantom^xman, there are several08:17
* kisuke unplugs vak's speakeres08:17
^Phantom^xman, empathy internet messaging is one that supports multiple protocols (msn, aim, etc.)08:17
* vak talks with gestures now08:20
nukemhey im trying to compile my own kernel using make-kpkg, the compile goes fine however when it goes to make the debian package it fails with error: package linux-image-2.6.37-anfs+ not in control info08:20
* diemos is taking five girls and himself down to LA this weekend to party.08:20
* diemos stoked.08:20
nukemi never added the +08:20
nukemso i dont get what im doing wrong08:20
nukemthe same command works in Debian lenny08:21
vakWulfy: htop doesn't allow to track down what apps have been lusting the CPU during last time08:22
vakWulfy: at least I don't see this capability in the console app "htop"08:22
bryhoyt1Why is rsync --link-dest broken since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10? It used to work in older versions.08:22
TornadoXubuntuhow to set KDE Dolphin 1.5 as my default file manager under xubuntu 10.10?08:22
vakquite strange. this demand is quite generic... many people should like to know what app has slowed the PC down for last N minutes08:23
ucenik21kako e08:25
FloodBot1ucenik21: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
vakucenik21: you got your first PC and happy?08:26
slie So will someone tell me where i can find a mentor?08:27
xman^Phantom^: i know but empathy not support voice call on yahoo08:27
aslanhi people, i work in hospital computer technical office. we have 1 server for hospital program. and 1 have other server for firewall. this firewall use ISA server. i want to delete this windows firewall system and i want create linux Firewall for 200 client. what is the good idea for new firewall on linux ? ( on server we intend to install ubuntu 10.10 )08:27
^Phantom^xman, I don't know of anything that supports voice call on yahoo, sorry.08:27
slieaslan: iptables08:28
aslanslie : can you give me hint ? or web address to figure it out bettet08:28
blue_pearlxman, may be Pidgin ..08:28
aslanslie : can you give me hint ? or web address to figure it out better ?08:28
xmanblue_pearl i have pidgin and not support voice call on yahoo08:29
slieaslan: http://www.netfilter.org iptables will do you just well and will be what you probably want to invest your time in, and if not go look at it and come back with questions, it will give you full! control over time. and full control if you know what you want know easy to use08:31
aslanslie: thank you, let me check.08:32
slieaslan: plus your using Ubuntu so that is probably what you want for a firewall08:32
xmanso not exist any program with yahoo voice call support?08:32
xman??? :(08:33
xmani think this is a problem with linux "yahoo voice call suport"08:34
FloodBot1ucenik21: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
blue_pearlxman, i its only yahoo that u want 2 voice chat then try GYachi08:34
FirefisheI'm using Lucid and Firefox 3.6.13 | I'm clicking on this link from within a logged-in webpage:  javascript:submitForm('w4101-1.11.0.pdf');  |  Nothing is happening when I click on it.  What might the problem be?08:35
FloodBot1ucenik12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
ucenik15kuit da mi go jadit08:35
mneptokaslan: check out http://www.smoothwall.org/08:36
xmani have gyachy 1.2.10 installed webcam work great but voice call not work blue_pearl08:36
ardchoille!ops ucenik15 and friends, spamming08:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:36
ucenik21od deka ke ojme08:36
mneptokucenik21: English only08:36
ucenik15od kaj recit08:36
Fudgecan grub detect ufs partitions08:36
ucenik21nema da oda jas08:36
ucenik21ne mi se jade08:36
ucenik21misla jade mi se ama08:36
FloodBot1ucenik21: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
ucenik15a mozit li kuit da mi go jadit08:37
xmanany ideas?08:37
=== rzx237 is now known as 14WAARS4J
ucenik15a mozit kurit da mi go jadit08:37
blue_pearlxman, gyachi says in its site that it suppors though i have nevr voice chat with yahoo on linux08:38
=== gordon is now known as Guest92707
Fudgeucenik15  only english08:38
=== Guest92707 is now known as gordonzo
ardchoillemneptok: there were three nicks doing the spamming just a few ago08:38
AndorinI torrented the live installer for Debian Squeeze with GNOME. I'm trying to use Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator tool to add it to my flash drive. However, right at the end I get this error: "An uncaught exception was raised: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'"08:38
xmangyache nt support voice call08:38
blue_pearlxman, or this thread in ubuntu forum may be helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41412108:38
mneptokardchoille: hence the +q08:38
ardchoillemneptok: ah, thank you :)08:39
shamelessn00bHi guys, I wanted to know, I've ubuntu maverick running as an ec2 instance08:39
shamelessn00bI want to installl a null audio source08:39
ardchoillemneptok: I tried the !ops trigger, didn't know it had been removed08:39
shamelessn00bwhat should I do?08:39
shamelessn00bthat's my kernel version08:39
shamelessn00bI've installed alsa but under the directory /dev/snd only these two files are displayed08:40
DJonesardchoille: You missed the | between the !ops and the nick you were reporting, so ubottu thought it was unrecognised bot trigger08:40
shamelessn00bseq  timer08:40
ardchoilleDJones: ah hah, thank you for that08:40
wangzhyhello ,everyone08:41
aslanslie:  i take a look of this. but i look something same as this program http://www.kerio.com/control this kind software in linux. controlling and access ing to network and internet. is there any software same as Kerio or ISA Server or ForeFront in Windows ?08:42
TornadoXubuntuHello! PLease how to change the default file manager under Xubuntu 10.10 from Thunar 1.0.2 to KDE Dolphin 1.5?08:44
ubaidullahhi jesse08:44
TornadoXubuntuAny ideas are greatly appreciated.08:44
GneaTornadoXubuntu: install kubuntu-desktop08:45
TornadoXubuntuPlease how am i suppose to do that Gnea08:45
GneaTornadoXubuntu: open a terminal and type:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   - when it's done, you logout, login again but select kde as the session08:46
TornadoXubuntuThanks lots Gnea! :D08:46
FirefisheI'm using Lucid and Firefox 3.6.13 | I'm clicking on this link from within a logged-in webpage:  javascript:submitForm('w4101-1.11.0.pdf');  |  Nothing is happening when I click on it.  What might the problem be?08:46
TiaagosSomeone plays Dofus? I'm having problem in audio.08:48
kisukeany one here using lirc?08:48
alexhqBooted from 10.10 live cd. Need username and password. What I should type?08:48
=== QuBit is now known as Guest44262
xmantry ubuntu08:49
xmanim not sure but08:49
alexhqno success. It looks like a kind of IQ test08:49
histoalexhq: live cd should not ask for username or pass.08:50
alexhqhisto, I know it from docs, but it asks08:50
histoalexhq: veryify the disk.08:50
DJonesalexhq: You shouldn't need a username & password for a livecd, but sometimes it does ask for one for some reason, one suggestion is to leave them blank or let them time out08:50
histo!md5sum | alexhq08:50
ubottualexhq: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:50
alexhqDJones: won't accept blank. Weird.08:51
kisukeok, can any one help me figure out where to st the delay beteween keystrokes on a remote?08:51
Tiaagossomeone plays Dofus? I'm having problem in audio.08:51
DJonesalexhq: It could be a bad burn to a cd, it might be worth checking the md5sum of the iso/cd in case its not burned correctly08:51
AndorinI torrented the live installer for Debian Squeeze with GNOME. I'm trying to use Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator tool to add it to my flash drive. However, right at the end I get this error: "An uncaught exception was raised: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'". What's going on and what can I do?08:51
alexhqyeah, ok I'll check it. thanks08:52
dagon666hello, how to keep my hwclock accordingly with system clock ? After every reboot my hwclock goes back one hour behind the system clock08:53
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Elninohello guyz, i mistakenly deleted my virtal windows, how do i recover it back08:57
Gneadagon666: by using ntpdate08:57
Gnea!ntp | dagon66608:57
ubottudagon666: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)08:57
xmandagon666 what is hwclock08:58
sreedasI'm on Live Ubuntu now and unable to access /home/ accounts since they encryted. How can I access my account data?09:00
dagon666hwclock is your RTC installed on the motherboard - the one which is visible in bios, the problem is that my system clock (visible for example via "date") is correct but due to my timezone its one hour ahead then my hwclock, everytime I correct the hwclock and reboot the system restores the - 1 hour09:00
cristianciao a tutti09:00
augorewhats the best method to set up wpa2 wireless with ubuntu server?09:00
dagon666can I somehow have those too synchronized ?09:00
researcher1how to read CDROM file using a command line09:01
augoreISO file?09:02
dagon666researcher1: mount -o loop <your_iso_image> <place_where_you_want_to_mount_it>09:03
red2kic!iso | researcher109:03
ubotturesearcher1: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:03
FirefisheWhat does this mean:   server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-355509:04
ubottuThe TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers t09:04
researcher1dagon666: whats an ISO image?09:04
amitis there any command to change ur BIOS password through terminal?09:05
kisukeamit: not as far as i know09:05
augorecant you plug a new bios chip in?09:06
hilarie@Amit what kind of bios?09:06
amithilare:to login09:07
Elninoi have lost the .vdi file for my virtual box virtual machine. How do i recover it09:07
amitElnino:use Davory forensic tool09:08
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
amithilarie: i want to know if it can be changable via terminal not by s/w or anythong else?'09:10
Jordan_U!undelete | Elnino09:10
ubottuElnino: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:10
bazhangamit, its not09:10
hilariewhat bazhang said09:10
amitbazhang: i think so09:10
bazhangamit, not an ubuntu issue.09:10
MIH1406Hi, I want to "chmod" a folder to 644 and all the enclosed files and folders in Terminal09:13
rumpe1MIH1406, chmod -R 644 folder09:13
MIH1406rumpe1, thanks09:14
MIH1406rumpe1, I will try it09:14
MIH1406how to read permissions from a folder? I want to see its permissions09:15
augorels -al09:16
kisukeok, can any one help me figure out where to set the delay beteween keystrokes on a remote using lirc?09:16
jhattaradoes someone have experience with kexec? are there any disadvantages in rebooting with it instead of doing a regular soft boot?09:18
MIH1406i want to list folders only on ls -la09:19
jhattaraMIH1406, ls -lad */09:20
guest101i have a loose connection in my headphone socket, is there a way of changing my microphone socket into my headphone socket09:24
wsxwshi all09:25
guest101on ubuntu09:26
wsxwsi always uses debian before. when i update my ubuntu is it as easy as updating debian ?09:26
Gneaguest101: no, you'll have to fix it or get a new soundcard09:26
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histowsxws: yes same command09:27
wsxwsupdating sources, installing apt/aptitude/dplg and aptitude full-upgrade ?09:27
jhattarawsxws, ubuntu is debian based, and uses the same package management system09:28
sre-suCan partimage backup and restore ntfs filesystems?09:28
wsxwsokies, thanks then09:28
lucagiovesre-su: i think so if you clone bit by bit but never tried09:28
sre-sulucagiove: I'm on sysrescuecd suggested as download on the partimage website to backup on hdd. Have you tried that cd?09:29
lucagiovesre-su: yep09:31
hawk_11785hi all :)09:31
amiti have changed my hostname from /etc/hostname  and  /etc/hosts        but why the termial shows my old hostname09:31
sre-sulucagiove: Can it restore MBR?09:31
researcher1how to correct "Error splicing file: Input/output error" while reading a CD?09:32
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.09:32
lucagiovesre-su: mbr is at the beginning of the partition then If you create an image from the device I think mbr will be there09:32
lucagiovesre-su: I remember now I tried once and it worked09:33
lucagiovebut i think ntfs support is sperimental on partimage09:33
=== Administ1ator is now known as lm
Putrhey ppl! I have a problem that i dont know how to search for on google. I hate it when i dbclick a few programs to open, but they need a long time to open so i go do other stuff (like typing in truecrypt password) but when the new windows open they always switch me away from my active window. I whant to load the new windows in the background. Any ideas?09:33
sre-sulucagiove: That depends on compression level... Gzip or bzip2 worked for you?09:33
lucagiovesre-su: it's suggested to have a non sparse filesystem09:33
guest101Gnea: thanks for the help09:33
lucagiovesre-su: actually I've always used gzip09:33
lucagiovesre-su: bzip is too slow..09:34
arvind_khadrihi, i have been using FF from the mozilla PPA, but now I want to switch back to the Ubuntu repository one, how do i do that? If i try to remove firefox, it doesnt let me do that as it says ubuntu-desktop recommends it.09:34
bazhang!info ppa-purge | arvind_khadri09:34
ubottuarvind_khadri: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB09:34
Gneaguest101: cheers, sorry I couldn't give you the answer you wanted, it's actually physically and electronically impossible09:35
jhattaraarvind_khadri, when opening the synaptic package manager, you can also change which version you want to use from a specific package, in case different repositories have different versions09:35
bazhangarvind_khadri, ubuntu-desktop is safe to remove btw.09:35
jhattaracan't remember the specifics, as i don't have an ubuntu desktop at hand right now09:36
MagicJI have a system where in a directory du reports: 27080676 ./public_html  then shows all the subdirectories of public_html, they do not come close to 10% of the 27080676, where is the soace bein used09:36
bazhangjhattara, he needs ppa-purge09:36
NibinaearHad to post this, MTBS syndrome: http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/The-Tragedy-of-Microsoft-Trained-Brain-Syndrome-71800.html09:36
bazhang!ot | Nibinaear09:36
ubottuNibinaear: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:36
researcher1when I type the command sh hplip-3.11.1.run the CLI says No network but my proxy setting is correct n is applied systemwide09:36
Blorg28Is there a way to tell ubuntu to mount my usb drive to a fixed folder ?09:37
jhattarabazhang, does, firefox-ppa works different from other non-standard repositories ?09:37
lucagioveBlorg28: udev rules09:37
wietzehello; I am experiencing very slow wifi connection with ubuntu 10.10; much as described as in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux/+bug/621265 ; does anyone happen to know if there is a working solution to this issue?09:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 621265 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Slow Wireless Connection in Intel 3945abg" [High,Confirmed]09:38
bazhangjhattara, not that I know of, he said he wanted to switch back the official line, so ppa-purge is what he would need09:38
amitwhat is difference between gksudo and sudo?09:38
DJones!gksudo | amit09:38
bazhang!gksudo > amit09:38
ubottuamit: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:38
ubottuamit, please see my private message09:38
jhattarabazhang, if the package has same name, but different version in two different repositories, you can also choose in synaptic which version to use and downgrade software09:39
bazhangjhattara, that's not the case with respect to PPA09:39
Blorg28lucagiove: no other way ?09:40
lucagioveBlorg28: don't know that's the low level way  :)09:40
Blorg28lucagiove: yeah I know but it would be easier for me to tell the person to click here and here and choose a folder, than edit an undev rules (find the hdd serial with lsusb etc lol) :) thanks anyway09:41
jhattarabazhang, so it's a bug with PPA specifically ?09:41
bazhangjhattara, you may be thinking of app "pinning"09:42
lucagioveBlorg28: don't know then.. would be useful as you said09:43
jhattarabazhang, can't remember what exactly i did, but recently i wanted to try a software version that wasn't in the standard repos, can't remember if i used PPA or another non-standard repo to upgrade, then when i found out that the newer version didn't work as expected, i just used synaptic to force version09:43
lucagioveBlorg28: for what I know the disk is always mounted in /media/"partitio label" right?09:43
Blorg28lucagiove: I think so09:44
Blorg28lucagiove: the thing is : I need the person to plug the drive, and then I want it to click on a bash script I made that will rsync his home09:44
bazhangjhattara, forcing version is not  a good decision as compared to purging the ppa and getting back on the official track09:45
Blorg28lucagiove: problem is : if the drive is not mounted in the same directory each time, it will fail09:45
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jhattarabazhang, might cause problems later on if the standard repos upgrade, right ?09:45
bazhangjhattara, ppa are always a crapshoot. the fewer the better09:46
MegaHerzHi all. I have problems with my mouse pointer. It stops accepting clicks once per 2-3 minutes, then somehow it start working again, then fail again etc...09:47
MegaHerzWhere could be the problem?09:47
jhattarabazhang, depends on what you need and what you're doing, there are some stuff where your options are 1) build from source, 2) build a deb from source, 3) use PPA, in those i'd always use the option 3: PPA09:47
lucagioveBlorg28: I see09:48
rumpe1MegaHerz, i would test it on another usb-port, if its has a usb connector09:48
jhattarabazhang, but i can agree to using as little external repositories as possible09:48
=== ubuntu_ is now known as thrillERboy
lmvcHi guys. Im trying to install Mathematica in my ubuntu 9.10. I got a .sh file to install and according to the manual, I mush write sh file.sh. After 3 minutes I execute the command I got: CRITICAL FAILURE: PrintIntroduction() Error. In the next line ... ProductTitle not defined... and finally, ..... Installation failed. See /temp/InstallErrors-4105. I open InstallErros-4105 but I dont understand anything there. Please help me with this09:48
Karen245Hello, Can someone tell me what is the recommended/common file/folder permissions to set on apache server? and which user owner to use ?09:49
lucagioveBlorg28: you could make some tests looking at the mount output command..09:49
MegaHerzrumpe1: I did it, and tried another mouse too - same resulty09:49
MegaHerzrumpe1: also, right mouse button - works, while left - don't09:49
Blorg28lucagiove: right. I have to find a way to list the mounted device, find the serial, and rsync on it09:49
rumpe1MegaHerz, then i would recommend a look into the system logs like dmesg/messages/Xorg.0.log...09:50
=== tejasdarji is now known as Tejas
lucagioveBlorg28: if the disk is always the same you can check the UUID09:50
jhattaraKaren245, 644 with owner other than apache process for everything you don't need to write through web interface09:50
Blorg28lucagiove: yes the disk is the same. What's the UUID ? how can I get it ? fdisk ?09:51
MegaHerzrumpe1: see nothing interesting about mouse09:51
lucagioveBlorg28: the UUID is the partitio id which is always the same..09:51
F|shieI am trying to install a dummy-snd module to enable some applications that requires a sound driver, but i get this error http://pastebin.com/sFJeyKqe any1 got clues to this -_-09:51
jhattaraKaren245, 666 (or 664 if apache's process belongs to the group) if apache needs to write something, or preferrably 644 with owner set to apache's owner if possible09:52
Jordan_UF|shie: Have you tried simply using padsp/aoss?09:52
jhattaraKaren245, and +x (or 755 775 777) for folders09:52
lmvcSomebody help me with my problem. Please09:52
Blorg28lucagiove: ok. I'll take a look at it, thx09:52
F|shiecan u tell me about it09:53
baswanyone ever made a full encrypted filessystem under ubuntu?09:53
Jordan_UF|shie: Try "padsp some_command" where some_command is the program you're trying to run.09:53
Blorg28basw: using encfs here09:53
=== lm is now known as leaveboy
jhattaraKaren245, with any system that is accessible via anything else except physical connection, keep the write permissions as restrictive as possible09:54
baswBlorg28, do you know how to unwrap the encryption key of the filesystem, not the users home .Private dir?09:54
baswI have the passphrases09:54
Blorg28basw: you're talking about encfs ?09:54
lucagioveBlorg28: just google uuid09:54
F|shieJordan_U: im trying to setup a siptosis with skype on a ec2...i dont think pulseaudio would work like that09:54
baswBlorg28, Luke09:55
=== Leman_Russ_ is now known as Leman_Russ
Blorg28basw: don't know, I'm using encfs. It's an encryption system using fuse, and encrypting on the fly09:55
F|shieJordan_U: That is why i need to load module snd_dummy ...09:55
Blorg28lucagiove: yep already done, thank you09:55
^Phantom^sorry for all the quits joins earlier09:55
baswI can retrieve the passphrase from the /home/user/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase but not from the whole disk09:55
Jordan_UF|shie: skype works fine with alsa.09:55
MegaHerzNow my mouse pointer turned into vertical slash akin entering text, and feels no clicks, and presses no buttons when clicking09:55
Blorg28lmvc: pastebin your error file ?09:56
baswBlorg28, i want to make a new encryption key not a new passphrase09:56
Blorg28basw: I'm not using ecryptfs, I'm using ENCFS, I can't help you sorry09:56
F|shieJordan_U: actually i did not try it after compiling alsa...i was trying to load a dummy module....but this error does not  make sense...09:57
MegaHerzAnd there are repeating messages in syslog when I touch almost not-functioning Touchpad: psmouse.c: Touchpad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 409:57
baswbut how would you change the encryption key of an encfs system then?09:57
baswBlorg28, but how would you change the encryption key of an encfs system then?09:58
lmvc<Blorg28> sorry I dont underestand what you mean by pastebin. Im not an english speaker09:58
bazhanglmvc, paste.ubuntu.com09:58
Jordan_UF|shie: You shouldn't need to compile ALSA, or do any manual configuration for that matter, to use skype.09:58
Blorg28lmvc: you copy the content of your error file on http://pastebin.com/ or the link bazhang gave you09:58
Blorg28lmvc: so we can see the content09:58
lmvc<Blorg28> OK09:59
leaveboyIt's time to go!byebye everyone!10:01
Blorg28lmvc: don't forget to give us the link10:02
TommyGIs the pure-ftpd that comes with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS compiled with support for virtual hosts?10:02
lmvc<Blorg28> Ok I already did that. The file name is MathematicaV8. Thanks again10:02
joobieguys ive got a mount process that is chewing through cpu .. it's state is 'R' but i can't kill -9 it. any ideas how to get rid of it? had a look at lsof and not seeing anythign there in the relating that i can kill10:03
lmvc<Blorg28> The link is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567590/10:03
shamelessn00bI have an issue regarding alsa on ubuntu maverick10:04
Blorg28lmvc: what are you launching exactly ?10:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:05
lmvc<Blorg28> an .sh file. According to what i read, this file is the installer.10:06
shamelessn00bhow can I use a dummy soundcard on ubuntu maverick10:06
Blorg28lmvc: do you have the original dvd mounted ?10:06
mae_taewhat is this port 47512 all about ?10:06
Blorg28lmvc: look here http://support.wolfram.com/kb/114610:07
Blorg28lmvc: follow those steps10:07
=== JNZ_ is now known as JNZ
lmvc<Blorg28> I got the installer from a friend. I already read these steps, however, for the installation, they start mounting the dvd. I dont have a dvd10:08
lmvc<Blorg28> just have a .sh file10:08
CoreWarHow can I write the string "foo\0" in a buffer in assembly ? (considered I have malloc a block of size 4 and store the pointer address in register %si)10:09
Blorg28lmvc: I can't help you more sorry. Contact the company from where you bought the license10:09
rumpe1CoreWar, what does this has to do with ubuntu?10:10
PhoebusHey, anyone know an easier way to get Ralink usb wireless to work - why are guides min 5 pages for just a wireless adapter? Wtf?10:10
lmvc<Blorg28> Ok im gonna ask my friend where did he get the installer. I dont know if they actually bought Mathematica. Thanks my friend10:10
llutzPhoebus: that you'll have to ask ralinktech10:10
ashishhow to install libconfig on ubuntu?10:11
Phoebusllutz, bought this stupid adapter because it "said" linux support, didn't know I had to do 20 steps for it to work... ffs.10:11
=== SADNAHOM is now known as sadnahom
CoreWarrumpe1: sorry for this out of subject, is there a chan more appropriate for assembly questions ?10:12
ljsoftnetwhat does it mean if my processor has 1 core and 2 threads? i mean the intel atom N450?10:14
Jordan_UPhoebus: Ralink is an odd company, they often release open source drivers but the drivers are unstable and completely inapropriate for inclusion in the mainline kernel. They're getting better, but for current linux support I would stick to PCI wireless cards rather than USB and specifically Atheros and Intel cards.10:14
histoljsoftnet: 1 core with hyper threading probably would show up that way10:14
ljsoftnethisto: does it have the same, power with 2 cores?10:15
edwardteachPhoebus,  nearly all wifi cards  work well with ubuntu and linux, you need to find out the chip and driver if it will not plug and play!10:15
PhoebusJordan_U, I realize that now, but I'm just bad - especially at the false advertising. It's like "oh yeah, linux suports, in 30 steps or more!!" :P Gah, I want to throw it out the window, spent a day trying to make it work >.<10:16
histoljsoftnet: no two cores would be two cpus each with their own hyper threading.10:16
histoljsoftnet: I'm sure you can find specs for that processor on google.10:16
Jordan_UPhoebus: Return it and send a complaint to Ralink. The latter especially.10:16
histoljsoftnet: I have a 550 which I believe is the dual core 1.8ghz10:17
ljsoftnethisto: ok thanks man10:18
PhoebusJordan_U, thinking about sending them a bomb, or anthrax envelope to be precise... but yes.10:18
amiti ahve deleted a user through command deluser but when i go to terminal in home and type ls -l  it shows the user that i had deleted.howz it possible and how to get rid of this?10:18
bazhangPhoebus, thats not appropriate here10:18
Phoebusbazhang, humor processor broken? Don't worry :P10:19
bazhangPhoebus, death threats are not funny. so keep it appropriate here10:19
amitplz tell any one!10:19
TommyGI'm having a problem setting up virtual hosts on pure-ftpd. No matter which IP-addresses I symlink in /etc/pure-ftpd, anon login still goes to the home folder of the ftp-user10:19
PhoebusPft, robots.10:20
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
sacarlsonbasw: I found a good tutorial that has pics on how to change password in ecrytfs http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs10:21
iqpiamit: whats your problem?10:21
ashishhow to install libconfig on ubuntu?10:22
amitiqpi: i have created a user and delete it through terminal using deluse but when i checked through ls -l  it shows that user that i have deleted?10:22
edwardteachamit,  its just the dir and file struct left after the  skeleton  set up for the user! i think you have to del manualy !10:22
baswsacarlson: thanks but i use full disk encryption not .Private encryption..10:23
iqpiashish: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libconfig10:23
bazhangashish, there are 29 libconfig packages10:23
MegaHerzHow to run a script upon every Xserver start?10:23
MegaHerzwhat is the Ubuntu way to do this?10:23
Blorg28amit: or use --remove-home next time10:23
sacarlsonbasw: but does it use ecryptfs?10:23
bazhangashish, you'll need to be more specific10:24
ashishI want to parse my config files10:24
ashishlets say I want all the packages10:24
ashishhow do I do that?10:24
bazhangashish, then search in synaptic and install them10:24
iqpiamit: perhaps you have deleted the user but not the user home directory, so when you do it, you see that directory, try sudo rm -r user10:25
amitblorg28: it said user doesnot exist10:25
ashishdid that, but when I run a file using the libconfig.h header , it doesnt compile10:25
sacarlsonbasw: there is like 4 different encryption formats, without knowing that makes it a bit harder10:25
Blorg28amit: yes, you already delete the user10:25
Blorg28amit: I said "next time" for another user10:25
bazhangashish, you have build-essential installed ?10:26
Blorg28amit: deluser remove the user, but not the home folder (by default), unless you specify --remove-home10:26
amitso how to remove home10:26
ashishnope, I thought I did though10:26
ashishlet me try after installing build essential10:27
iqpiamit: sudo rm -r /home/user10:27
basw<sacarlson> i want to retrieve the encyption key, not the passphrase because i have that, from my full encrypted disk. I use encryptfs10:27
Ze-Mwhy now webpages fonts appear in a weird way? isnt freetype patents free now?10:27
monstrohi everyone,10:28
baswsacarlson,  you can get the encryption key of the .Private folder with: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphare file10:28
baswsacarlson, i need the full disk encryption key but cannot find the command for that..10:29
medflyhi dudes, I want my (separate) /home partition to be encrypted, is there a trivial way to do this on install?10:29
* medfly is on the livecd10:29
medflyI found some guide but it's describing a complicated way :P10:29
sacarlsonbasw: what link did you use to create a full encrypted install?10:29
amithow to decrypt my md5 password through terminal10:29
baswlink, the cd10:30
monstroI'm running the ubuntu 10.10 into live cd! which is the password to log in on system?10:30
baswno link, just the cd with the iso file10:30
iqpimonstro: there is no password10:30
bazhangashish, lets keep it in channel please10:30
iqpimonstro: just type sudo before the comand and you will get root privileges10:31
ashishok, bazhang , how do I direct the messages to you?10:31
bazhangashish, why do you want to compile? and what exactly10:31
ashishis it done automatically when i write ur name?10:31
iqpiashish: just type */query user without * and you will have a new window with a private chat10:32
=== Homer is now known as Guest60211
ashishI want to parse my configuration file written in a structured format . and extract data from it using a C program10:32
bazhangiqpi, we keep chat here not in PM, and its always better to ask *first*10:32
edwardteachmedfly,  on install its just a check box ! but it not allways a good idea!10:33
iqpibazhang: ok, i was just givin information, I agree with you ;)10:33
medflyedwardteach: why not10:33
medflybut sweet, good to know10:34
bazhangashish, still not clear what exactly you are compiling10:34
medflyI hope ubuntu reporting crashes is for no good reason10:34
MegaHerzHow to run a script upon every Xorg start? I placed a script into /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ but now any session fails to start10:35
ashishbazhang, its simple ... I want to extract data from a config file using a C program that references the libconfig.h header file. thats all10:35
jattC is the wrong language to manipulate text10:35
bazhangashish, sorry, not able to help with such little info10:35
edwardteachmedfly, if you are going to play with your system and a novice your data may unrecoverable10:36
ashishwhat sort of info are u looking for?10:36
medflyI'm not that much of a novice...10:36
ashishbazhang, what info are u wanting?10:36
medflyI'm just really lazy10:36
sacarlsonbasw: I meant what website did you use as a method to encrypt your entire install?10:37
Guest60211i just wanted you guys and girl opinions since i am just starting to learn i would like to know which ubuntu should i get ubuntu 10.10 or ultimate ubuntu which one would be the best for my machine i have a intel core 2 quad cpu Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 4 cpu and 2 gig of memory10:39
bazhangGuest60211, one is supported here10:40
Guest60211okay is ubuntu 10.10 support multi core10:40
jattwtf is ultimate ubuntu?10:40
Scott`yes it does10:41
bazhangGuest60211, yes10:41
Guest60211just found out it exist10:41
iqpiGuest60211: yes, ubuntu supports multicore10:41
Guest60211jatt just found out that ultimate ubuntu existed if you want to check it out there the official website http://ultimateedition.info/10:42
bazhang!ot | Guest6021110:43
ubottuGuest60211: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:43
jattlooks like warez10:43
jattthat's not the real ubuntu10:43
Guest60211ubottu very sorry first time i use this channel wasn't sure wont happen again10:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:44
shamelessn00bI've no sound card installed on my system and I'd like to use the null audio, is that possible?10:44
Guest60211good thing i didn't get it10:44
Guest60211also had another question that is related to ubuntu the real one10:45
bazhangGuest60211, welcome to chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic though10:45
Guest60211thank for the link10:45
Guest60211my question is is it possible to read ntfs windows hard drive under ubuntu without reformating in fat and losing everything10:46
jhattaraGuest60211, yes10:46
jhattaraGuest60211, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:47
andai_Hi. I wanna clone my USB install to a HD. is this practical?10:47
=== andai_ is now known as andai
iqpiGuest60211: the driver for read and write ntfs is suported in linux since kernel 2.6.28 or so. Soo...10:48
bazhangandai, sure10:48
bazhang!clone > andai10:48
ubottuandai, please see my private message10:48
MegaHerzDoes anybody know10:48
MegaHerzHow to run a script upon every Xorg start? I placed a script into /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ but now any session fails to start10:48
iqpi!clone > iqpi10:48
ubottuiqpi, please see my private message10:48
Guest60211jhattara thanks very much this will help me alot and thanks to everybody else for your help10:49
andaibazhang: I meant, like, with dd10:49
MegaHerzHow to output something into syslog to test whether my script is called?10:49
Blorg28!clone Blorg2810:50
Blorg28!clone > Blorg2810:50
ubottuBlorg28, please see my private message10:50
knxvillei heart ubuntu10:50
knxvillerobertzaccour, keep using ubuntu.. win is bs..10:51
jaeger_beerI am using Ubuntu as a syslog server. Is there a tool (GUI) to view the syslog from a client such as Windows, Mac?10:53
rumpe1jaeger_beer, gui on a server? ... i would recommend cli10:55
knxvillerumpe1, he asks for a tool to watch the syslog in a GUI10:55
knxvillefrom another station10:56
jattwhat's wrong with vi10:56
Ve2Hmm if I try to boot the ubuntu server disk from a usb dvd drive it loads the installer and then says it cant find the disk. What is the deal?10:56
jaeger_beerI want to view the syslog from the ubuntu server from my Mac or Windows PC. I prefer to view it in my web browser but client software is also oke10:56
erUSULjaeger_beer: ssh to the server and use tail10:57
Pumpkin-jaeger_beer: very VERY crude option. Setup a webserver, make it serve whereever you are storing the syslog files. (+security considerations)10:57
Guest60211is it possible on ubuntu to watch my network to see who is actually downloading my files i share to make sure nobody is cracking me10:58
Pumpkin-but I'd generally read syslog output, particularly from multiple systems with some combination of tail and grep on the command line10:58
robertzaccourever notice nobody ever pirates Ubuntu?10:58
Ve2That is because Ubuntu implements a new kind of DRM10:59
Ve2Called F.R.E.E10:59
jaeger_beerOke understood. No graphical tool available. I prefer ssh in combination with tail then10:59
Pumpkin-jaeger_beer: if your needs are met by the free version of splunk, you might want to consider that too.11:00
ikoniarobertzaccour: don't be stupid please, it's an open license11:00
robertzaccouri was making a joke11:01
ikoniarobertzaccour: then don't, you've been told the topic of this channel11:01
jaeger_beeroKe splunk i shall try. Thanks11:01
nagaozenanyone here could help me to test my new gedit-plugin ?11:01
jennieii aamm ggeettiinng ddoouubbllee tteexxtt iinn uubbuunnttuu wwhhiillee ttyyppiinngg ,, ppllzz hheelpp mmee ::((11:01
sacarlsonGuest60211: there are many ways one being using wireshark  that will provide you the ip that connections come and other info11:01
robertzaccouri bet you were a hall monitor in grade school11:02
erUSUL!info ntop | Guest6021111:02
ubottuGuest60211: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-14 (maverick), package size 2555 kB, installed size 10712 kB11:02
iqpijennie: sorry but you message make me laught xDDDD hahaha that was really funny (sorry)11:02
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:03
=== vincent is now known as Guest18482
Guest18482is there a way to uninstall all the "recommended updates" you did in the past? I'm afraid I installed too much...11:04
=== jennie is now known as Guest68299
rumpe1Guest18482, no11:04
madfoxGuest18482 turning off your computer and going outside where you belong helps11:05
kokozedmanhey guys....11:05
kokozedmananyone what official kernel version is the current kernel for maverick?11:05
suigenerisin windows, I inserted ubuntu cd and it fired up a GUI installer. is that wubi? if yes, after installing shouldn't it ask me at boot what OS I want?11:05
kokozedmani'm looking into using TUN/TAP feature inside LXC.... and that only works with kernel built from official or greater11:06
Pumpkin-Guest18482: you can see what you have installed from /var/log/apt/history.log. Going back versions is slightly trickier, I think you would need to find old .deb's and install them manually. However, you almost certainly don't want to roll back updates unless you know one has caused you a specific problem.11:06
madfoxkokozedman, get maverick if you insist, and merely install the proper kernel you need11:07
MadHaTTer_666:( my linux liscense was revoked11:07
Guest18482Pumpkin the thing is I just have a small harddisk and it's getting too full11:08
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: what are you talking about ?11:08
Guest18482madfox, but today is my day off from work!11:08
Pumpkin-ahh, so you don't really want to roll back old updates, you just want to uninstall things you don't use :)11:09
MadHaTTer_666lool so far i asuck at linux11:09
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: ok, are you using ubuntu ?11:09
erUSULkokozedman: 2.6.3511:09
MadHaTTer_666how to u terminate a process in terminal?11:10
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: ok, check out https://help.ubuntu.com it's a good starting point11:10
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: it will give you an idea of the basics of how to use ubuntu11:10
erUSULMadHaTTer_666: kill PID11:10
suigenerisafter installing wubi, I am not being asked what OS I want. how come?11:10
MadHaTTer_666any suffix or input later?11:10
sagacisuigeneris, mustn't have installed properly11:11
kokozedmanmadfox, erUSUL: i know that it's using 2.6.35.... but exactly which one?
MadHaTTer_666ohh i dont need the basics11:11
MadHaTTer_666i just keep running into problems11:11
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: you said you suck at linux, learning the basics will help with that11:12
erUSULkokozedman: i guess that all the stable patches are included in it + ubuntu specific ones11:12
madfoxMadHaTTer_666 sounds like you need the basics to me...11:12
MadHaTTer_666ohh when i say i suck at linux i mean doing things more like modprobes in unusual enviroments and knowing every usable app11:13
madfoxMadHaTTer_666 and yet kill is not a modprobe11:14
MadHaTTer_666u wouldnt belive some of the sht ive had to do over the last week11:16
* jfm` is away: Je ne suis pas là11:17
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: control the language11:17
ikonia!away > jfm`11:17
ubottujfm`, please see my private message11:17
MadHaTTer_666ikonia wtf r u talking about?11:17
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: you're language, tone it down11:18
MadHaTTer_666whats wrong with my language its english u speaky inglais?11:18
ikoniaMadHaTTer_666: yes, but I don't need to see swear words or cut down swear words please11:18
fedora_newbDoes anyone know why yahoo on empathy rejects login even though the details are correct?11:19
MadHaTTer_666what the fk is that sht r u 6 years old or something?11:20
arvind_khadrifedora_newb, umm, there was this problem yahoo changing their version of lib, so that might be the issure.11:20
suigenerissagaci I re-installed it, no luck11:20
fedora_newbarvind_khadri, do you know if there is a fix for it or do I have to just use a different client?11:20
arvind_khadrifedora_newb, upgrade to the latest version of empathy.11:21
medfly_how long is the install supposed to take? I think it's stuck :/11:21
Guest60211sacarlson thx very much i will give wireshark a try11:21
vakSystem Monitor is OK, but I'd like to track down the applications that cause high CPU load peaks during last minutes. Any desktop app can do this?11:21
suigenerisafter installing wubi, I am not being asked what OS I want. how come?11:23
suigenerisI installed and re-installed11:23
suigeneriscan someone help please?11:24
iqpisuigeneris: do you have more than one hard disk?11:28
shaulaHi there, I am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on virtualbox which is running again on ubuntu 10.10, when I boot the virtualbox from i386-desktop image it fails to install with ending on "busybox.. " screen. I checked the cd image's sha1sum which seem fine. What can be the problem can anyone guide?11:29
suigenerisiqpi np11:31
iqpishaula: perhaps there is a problem with mkinitcpio-busybox11:31
shaulaon busybox screen it says "(initramfs) Can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs)...11:31
Attivismragazzai ilgiornalr.it è down11:31
iqpisuigeneris: how have you installed?11:31
shauladoes correct sha1sum guarantees that I do not have a defected image, should I redownload it?11:32
suigenerisiqpi I just inserted the CD in windows, I got a GUI installer, I filled in the details and hit Enter11:33
shaulaiqpi, what can I do to fix that, is it some problem with the image or the virtualbox, the virtualbox is the default one from ubuntu 10.10 repository11:33
iqpiI think i would redownload it, because perhaps the md5sum is correct, the download would be correct, but the cd image was wrong on the server.11:33
iqpishaula: my last message wasa for you11:34
iqpisuigeneris: have you installed grub?11:34
iqpishaula: if you redownload, and have the same error, we should check for another cause11:35
shaulaiqpi, I have downladed the image from "http://releases.ubuntu.com/"11:35
suigenerisiqpi ,how do I install grub? isn't it something wubi should do?11:36
Scott`it does11:36
Scott`actually it might not, just add ubuntu to the windows bootloader11:37
fedora_newbty arvind_khadri for the advice, fixed my problem. :)11:38
iqpishaula: i cannot open that url, i think its broken, try this other :  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download11:38
arvind_khadrifedora_newb, np :)11:39
iqpisuigeneris: grub should install from wubi check it11:39
iqpisuigeneris: anyway, i have never used wubi, so i dont know how should it work, i recommend you to try to install ubuntu in your hard disk in a new partition, but if you don't know how to do it, read before some manuals11:40
shaulaiqpi, http://releases.ubuntu.com/  is working, maybe the quotations make it fail. I have checked md5sum, sh1sum, sh256sum of the image where all seems fine11:41
suigenerisiqpi I think I got it, the OS options were set not to show. that's in windows11:43
iqpishaula: ok, now it works, any way if the image you download was bad in the server, even if you downloaded it without errors, you will have a bad image because the image was wrong on the server, so the md5sum md239874sum will show you any errors because is the correct md5sum for an incorrect cd image, i dont know if I have explain myself11:44
iqpi!wubi > iqpi11:44
ubottuiqpi, please see my private message11:44
R3kwhat is the difference between windows and ubuntu ?11:44
ikoniaR3k: totally different operating system11:44
R3kyes but how ?11:45
iqpiR3k: ubuntu is a linux distribution, windows is windows11:45
R3kwindows is shit ?11:45
iqpiR3k: everything works in a differente way11:45
R3kubuntu is shit so ?11:45
iqpiR3k: for me, windows is a toy operative system11:45
shaulaiqpi, yea I got it, ty11:45
suigeneris!language | R3k11:46
ubottuR3k: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:46
ikoniaR3k: control the language please11:46
R3kubuntu is better than kubuntu ?11:46
ikoniaR3k: different desktops, that's personal preference11:46
R3kand what differences ?11:46
ikoniaR3k: the desktops, look them both up, or better still, try them11:47
iqpiR3k: everything, the way to install programs for example11:47
R3kDémarrez sur le cd d'installation de Windows XP11:48
R3kChoisissez la réparation avec la touche R11:48
R3kIndiquez le numéro de l'installation de Windows puis faites ENTRÉE11:48
R3kIndiquez le mot de passe administrateur puis à nouveau ENTRÉE (si n'y en a pas, alors faites directement ENTRÉE)11:48
R3kTapez bootcfg /rebuild11:48
FloodBot3R3k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
R3kIndiquez le chiffre correspondant à l'installation souhaitée ou "o" si vous êtes d'accord avec celle proposée11:48
ikoniaR3k: this channel is English only please.11:49
R3k<FloodBot1> You can now speak again. Please ask your question, giving the relevant Pastebin URL.11:49
R3kEst ce que tu comprend quand je te parle là?11:49
iqpisuigeneris: i kown why you cannot boot ubuntu11:51
iqpisuigeneris: the problem is that wubi have trouble with grub2 (grub2 is the default loader for ubuntu)11:51
iqpisuigeneris: you will have to restore grub11:52
miniuserhello. i'm getting errors with "lirc": dpkg: error processing lirc (--configure):11:53
miniuser subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2011:53
miniuserErrors were encountered while processing:11:53
miniuser lirc11:53
FloodBot3miniuser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
miniuseri removed it "lirc" then reinstalled it ..the above happened11:54
iqpisuigeneris: to tdo that, there are many ways, I use to do the manual one (boot with the livecd disk) chek the partions you have (ls /dev/sd*) mount the root directory in a new folder, then chroot in that folder, and finally sudo grub-install, then you will have the loader11:54
suigenerisiqpi I fixed it by setting the OS options in windows to show11:56
iqpisuigeneris: great, sorry then for my explanation, i use to do always the traditional way of doing this kind of things xD11:57
AlexFull-ItaQualche italiano?11:57
iqpiwell guys, I have to leave, have a good day11:57
LjL!it | AlexFull-Ita11:57
ubottuAlexFull-Ita: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:57
bazhangAlexFull-Ita, #ubuntu-it11:57
suigenerisiqpi thanks anyway. learning things never hurts11:59
=== marcules_ is now known as marcules
StormshadowHello all...question (not exactly related to Ubuntu but rather GTK+) - what's wrong with GTK if the text is displayed as rectangles and icons are not drawn?11:59
Krupteinhm I'm missing something   I've done  "chmod -R 777 directory"  and a certain user still can't read that directory12:00
ShogootStormshadow, ./join #gtk+12:01
induzgood morning pals12:02
ShogootKruptein, are you doing it as root?12:02
KrupteinShogoot: yes12:02
Krupteinif I do ls -l   the permissions  are lrwxrwxrwx   so I really don't get the problem :f12:02
induzis there a program for Apple  Mac OSx10.4...something like macport? what is it/12:03
ShogootKruptein, i gotto go afk for about and hr12:03
Krupteinit's nothing12:03
Krupteinanyone else an idea ?12:03
^Phantom^How can I stop the video on Totem from jumping up and down all jittery-like?12:04
Krupteinraju: I've chmodded a dir  777  and a certain user still has no read access12:04
amitcan we use two desktop environment at a time12:06
cholericDoes anyone have a ballpark figure w/r/t how long shrinking a partition from ~220GB to ~196GB will take using gparted?12:06
bazhangamit, no12:06
^Phantom^Actually, I wonder if it's the DVD.12:06
waqar-malik_hello alll12:06
Cyberelveshi guys, i am having mouse issues on ubuntu 10.04. seems like my mouse starts sleeping after a while on my usb ports...12:06
cholericPerhaps I'm asking too late: I'm already committed12:06
waqar-malik_how r u12:06
cholericBut I'd like to know if I'm going to be here for another hour12:07
=== maxim is now known as Guest34728
kisukeamit: in a VM yes12:07
Krupteinit's driving me crazy  how can a user get a read-error if the dir is chmodded 777 :A AAAH12:08
Kruptein*sorry for the last bit12:08
cbzwhy is half of ubuntu's services started via /etc/init and half via /etc/init.d ?12:08
llutzKruptein: symlinks always are 777, whats the permission of the link-source?12:09
Krupteinllutz: also 77712:09
=== Guest34728 is now known as Steppenreiter
Krupteinllutz: okay I solved it12:09
Krupteinthanks anyway12:09
Cyberelvesis there an energy savin mode on usb ports???12:10
kisukeCyberelves: they are either on or off generally so...12:11
EnergySpirithi, im have a vps container with NO SWAP SPACE, and it doesn't let me run large java programs, even if I have sufficient ram. I used the -Xms and -Xmx parameters, and it keeps giving invalid initial heap size, could not create the java virtual machine. Does anyone know how to fix this?12:11
rajuMostly negative12:11
drt4923Hi, I have an ftp server running on my machine, but im not sure how to stop it, ?12:11
M_Kayhello is there a way to get rid of the bootloader on my usb flash drive?12:11
llutzdrt4923: sudo service ftp stop12:12
Cyberelveskisuke, how could i disable the energy saving mode??? it really looks like that this is my major mouse issue12:12
kisukeM_Kay: have you tried formating it?12:12
kisukeCyberelves: AFAIK ther is not one, im assuming this is on a laptop?12:12
Cyberelveskisuke, true it is a notebook12:13
kisukeCyberelves: then in that case your note book cant supply the power your mouse needs and you will need to look at getting a powered hub12:13
M_Kaynow there is message that the bootloader is missing but12:13
M_Kaythen the system is stopping during boot12:14
drt4923llutz: I get the error :  ftp: unrecognized service12:14
Cyberelveskisuke, thx12:14
amitkisuke:no my question is about not vmware? simply can we use two environments12:14
llutzdrt4923: what ftp-server do you use?12:14
drt4923llutz: i know an ftp server is running on port 21 though, it shows up in nmap, and i can log in with ftp clients from other machine12:14
kisukeamit: ok, can you rephrase that then, i dont think i understood your question12:14
drt4923llutz: i want to change it to something more secure, i heard ftp needs to die12:15
erUSULdrt4923: use sftp via ssh12:15
amitcan we use two desktop environment at a time without using vm?12:15
llutzdrt4923: look in /etc/init or /etc/init.d  for ftp and use that to stop12:15
erUSULamit: using a nested Xserver?12:15
drt4923llutz: I have already, found nothing12:15
llutzdrt4923: "sudo lsof -i :21"12:16
drt4923erUSUL: does that implement ftp over an ssh session on port 22 ?12:16
amiterUSUl:thanx i will try12:16
erUSULdrt4923: it implements sftp12:16
llutzdrt4923: sftp != ftp, its a own protocol based on ssh12:16
drt4923llutz: inetd   1312 root    4u  IPv4   5164      0t0  TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)12:16
LikesFruithey guys, trying to install ubuntu from the LIve cd 10.10, but i get the error Bootloader install failed. it give me three options Choose a different device, continue without a bootloader or cancel. but the first two option when selected do nothing. i click the ok button but the error does not go away. the error window does not even close.12:17
llutzdrt4923: edit /etc/inetd.conf and disable the ftp thingy12:17
erUSUL!info xephyr12:17
ubottuPackage xephyr does not exist in maverick12:17
erUSUL!info xserver-xephyr12:17
ubottuxserver-xephyr (source: xorg-server): nested X server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.9.0-0ubuntu7.3 (maverick), package size 906 kB, installed size 2000 kB12:17
amit!nested Xserver12:18
cdbs!msgthebot | amit12:18
ubottuamit: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:18
drt4923llutz: thanks, i have commented out the line with ftp,  is there a way to stop the server though?12:18
llutzdrt4923: sudo service inetd restart12:19
llutzdrt4923: or just purge inetd if you don't use it for other things12:19
=== Gataka is now known as markskilbeck
^Phantom^This is cool.12:25
^Phantom^Ubuntu has a CD Ripper application.12:25
sre-suIn sudo mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/home -t What should follow flag type for ext4 file systems?12:26
llutzsre-su: ext412:27
sre-sullutz: Doesn;t work that way...12:27
lllhamedlllhi to every body12:27
llutzsre-su: live-cd, ancient? then ext4dev12:27
MagicJwe don't do hi and nice things like that  in here - it adds to the confusion of what is real12:28
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llutzsre-su:have you tried without "-t xxx"? are your sure its /dev/sdb4? sudo fdisk -l12:28
sre-sullutz: Live CD12:28
sre-sullutz: Yes, have tried.. Hold i'll patebin12:28
drt4923llutz:   inetd: unrecognized service12:29
llutzdrt4923: i hate upstart ... sudo killall -HUP inetd12:29
sre-sullutz: http://pastebin.com/7LfLTjh212:29
llutzsre-su: paste sudo fdisk -l    please, try "sudo blkid -g && sudo blkid"12:30
drt4923llutz: thanks, seems to have worked :)12:30
llutzdrt4923: if you don't use inetd for other services, you should remove it12:30
sre-sullutz: http://pastebin.com/j4z6KrEu12:31
GiffordCan I download Ubuntu iso from a ftp?12:31
llutzsre-su: extended, you have to use sdb6 or sdb712:31
llutzsre-su: you cannot mount an extended partition, its just a container holding logical drives sdx5+12:32
memoryleakIs there a way to get rid of the horizonal stripes while watching a movie with closed ATI drivers?12:32
sre-sullutz: I'm trying to chroot. My /home separate partition is encryted. So, i only want to mount it to access data after chroot12:33
memoryleakIt's so anoying, especially in full screen mode12:33
gbjkHi. i just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 on a machine. I've found ssh agent forwarding is no longer working, and I can't work out why. I'm using ssh -A -vvv devel 2>/tmp/view. I'm looking at the /tmp/view and see no attempt to forward12:33
llutzsre-su: whatever, you home is _not_ on /dev/sdb412:33
maxagazmy Ubuntu crashed, I ran LiveCD, tried fsck /dev/sda5 (my linux partition), and I get this message: fsck.ext4: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda5, Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program ?12:33
maxagazwhan can I do ?12:33
maxagazalso, my system isn't mounted at all12:34
sre-suah.. right :)12:34
gbjkDoes anyone know what might have caused that?12:34
llutzsre-su:  you have to use check /dev/sdb6 or sdb7  which of these is your home-dir12:34
sre-sullutz: How did you identify using fstab whihc one is /home and which one is / root ?12:35
sre-suI got to  confirm about it only after able to mount it12:35
kisukeok how does one turn off the login sounds?12:35
llutzsre-su: you'll have to mount them all and check for contents if you don't know which one holds your /12:36
Pumpkin-gbjk: I don't know if the default changed or anything, but the obvious thing to do is check sshd_config for AllowAgentForwarding12:36
sre-sullutz: But, how did you come to options sdb6/sdb7 not others?12:36
Pumpkin-afaik the default is yes and always has been, but its worth checking12:36
gbjkPumpkin-: sshd is ... sshd, right. I haven't *touched* the server!12:36
gbjkPumpkin-: And the key is that the ssh *client* isn't even requesting forwarding.12:37
sepehrAnyone else having problem installing Liferea in maverick, as I do?12:37
llutzsre-su: sdb1-3 could be too, i just refered to your sdb4 and "thought" it has to be a logical drive12:37
Pumpkin-ahh, you upgrade the CLIENT :)12:37
Pumpkin-sorry, my bad12:37
llutzsre-su: so finally, check them all except sdb4/512:37
gbjkPumpkin-: No issue :o)12:37
^Phantom^I just accidentally removed the applications menu. :S12:37
llutzsre-su: what size has your /home, do you know?12:37
^Phantom^Where do I get it back?12:37
sre-sullutz: 437 gb12:38
hedinHi, I have just upgraded to 11.04 and got an interesting bug... is this the right channel for 11.04 stuff?12:38
llutzsre-su: sdb7 then12:38
Pumpkin-erm then check ssh_config for ForwardAgent I'd guess :) (and a personal config file in your .ssh directory if you use one).12:38
ion_hi how do I recover data using using a ubuntu live cd ?12:38
sre-sullutz: 443.412:38
llutzsre-su: see "blocks" column from fdisk -l output12:38
^Phantom^I can't launch anything, I accidentally removed the application menu.12:38
^Phantom^What do I do?12:39
sre-sullutz: as per the blocks then12:39
iflemahedin: /join #ubuntu+112:39
gbjkPumpkin-: I bypassed config files by using -A :o)12:39
Pumpkin-I just PM'd you that :)12:39
^Phantom^Help, I can't get to my drives or anything D:12:39
^Phantom^Do I have to reinstall Ubuntu again now?12:40
ion_hello how can I recover data using ubuntu live cd I know can be done using that terminal, but I don't know the steps..anyone are willing to help out, please ?12:40
llutz!panels | ^Phantom^ try this12:40
ubottu^Phantom^ try this: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:40
^Phantom^Okay, I will try.12:40
llutz^Phantom^: to open a terminal, alt-f2: gnome-terminal12:41
^Phantom^You are the best.12:41
^Phantom^My scattered quicklaunch items are back!12:42
sepehrAny other one having problem installing Liferea? (maverick)12:42
^Phantom^But I got the menu back!12:42
^Phantom^Thank you so much, llutz !!!12:42
wulfyGood afternoon all12:42
ethanolSo eh, ubuntu 'magically' mounted my windows share for me. But eh, where did it mount it? Cause I'm trying to browse to it in filezilla but it's not under /mnt or /media :<12:42
=== wulfy is now known as Wulfy
^Phantom^Thank you so much, llutz!12:43
* ^Phantom^ writes the command down for in the future.12:43
llutz^Phantom^: you're welcome12:43
^Phantom^The lost quicklaunch buttons are a minimal issue.12:43
Pumpkin-ethanol: run "mount" and look for the NTFS/FAT thing that is mounted (assuming it is automagically mounted).12:44
^Phantom^I just have x-chat, gedit, and terminal up there.12:44
^Phantom^The three I use most.12:44
ethanolPumpkin-, well it's actually a samba share on a linux server. And mount doesn't show it mounted.12:44
ethanolPumpkin-, my bookmark under Places is a smb: link12:45
Wulfyany email clients simler/better than ms office's outlook? using evolution atm seems a bit..... flat?12:45
llutzWulfy: claws-mail12:45
Wulfyfeature wise ?12:45
llutzthunderbird lacks all of the basic features a mua needs. :(12:46
gbjkissue solved (ish) by just running ssh-agent manually.12:46
^Phantom^I wish I didn't panic so easily at stuff so small, llutz :(12:47
llutzit can't even bounce mails without using an add-on12:47
Wulfyill have a peek at claws-mail llutz  thanks :)12:47
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
llutzWulfy: if you need exchange-compability, you're lost12:48
sre-sufor chroot*12:48
sre-suIf /home was encrypted durin installation then is the passphrase same as account/login password?12:48
Wulfyllutz,  no my mail servers are exim based12:48
llutzWulfy: "mutt" then :)12:48
jrib!encrypted | sre-su12:48
ubottusre-su: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory12:48
jribsre-su: read the link at the bottom about mounting encrypted homes12:48
Wulfyllutz,  and tbh if it was exchange the outlook web based interface is very caperble12:48
sre-suI'm on it jrib12:49
jribsre-su: k12:49
llutzWulfy: baaaah, its crap12:49
Wulfyllutz,  compared to some of the web interfaces ive seen/used its not so bad12:49
llutzWulfy: i have to use it daily, it might be ok using IE but with firefox etc.... no thanks12:50
Wulfyllutz,  chrome :D12:50
Wulfyllutz,  any clues on how to get my media keys to interface with wine ran programs such as spotify?12:50
llutzWulfy: nope, no clue about wine/win-apps12:51
Wulfyllutz,  shame :)12:51
=== biblio is now known as Guest49852
ethanolAnyone know where ubuntu temporarily mounts smb shares?12:51
ion_my pc isn't boot so I have to recovery my data on it..so how can I do it using ubuntu a live cd12:51
cdbs!ot | llutz12:51
ubottullutz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:51
Wulfycdbs ? where was the ot?12:51
Guest49852any women single??12:52
jpdsGuest49852: Wrong place to ask.12:52
sre-sujrib: Still, it doesn't asy about passphrase for /home encryted during installation12:52
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jribsre-su: you are sure you read the link at the bottom about what you are trying to do?  Because I am sure it tells you every step you must take.12:52
sre-sujrib: Yes12:53
ion_hello everyone please help ....12:53
jribsre-su: ok, link me to what you read.  I'll take a look12:53
gbjkOkay, so my issue is actually that keychain is not setting the environment variables.12:53
sre-sujrib: There is no mention of passphrase for encryption done during installation12:53
llutzWulfy: just ignore it12:53
sre-sujrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Live%20CD%20method%20of%20opening%20a%20encrypted%20home%20directory12:53
wildbation_: just boot with CD ~ mount the drive you need and backitup12:54
jribsre-su: no.  at the bottom there are links that tell you what to do12:54
Wulfyllutz,  okiedokie :)12:54
sre-sujrib: Link please12:54
jribsre-su: scroll to the bottom of what you just linked me to.  Anyway, basically, your login pass allows you to access the encryption pass. The procedure is explained in one the links at the bottom of the wiki page however12:55
ion_wildbat: yeah that's the point, I don't know how to do it ..I have the terminal open but I don't know the commands that I have to type...12:55
sre-sujrib: Are you talking about more info links?12:55
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jribsre-su: yes, though the section you just linked me to is probably sufficient as well12:55
wildbation_:  open the gnome file browser shall have your HD shown there ~12:56
jribsre-su: do you know what to do now?12:56
ion_wilbat: I doesn't12:57
cholericIn a new Ubuntu installation on a fairly new machine (but with a traditional HD, not an SSD), should I use ext3 or ext4?12:57
llutzcholeric: ext412:57
* gbjk suddenly realises that the issue is probably the WAY his xterm is being invoked!12:57
ion_wilbat: I know that I can mount it using the terminal12:57
sre-sujrib: I get these erros actually w/o asking for passphrase which is why I'm asking about passphrase for users who had encrypted /hom during installation - No directory, logging in with HOME=/ -su: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device12:57
jribsre-su: "No space left on device"12:57
sre-sueven after apt-get clean12:58
wildbation_:  yes you can. try System -> Admin.. -> Disk Util..12:58
drt4923ion_: you can mount it in the terminal but you dont know how to back stuff up from the terminal?12:58
jribsre-su: there's no space left on the device.  Are you sure that's not the case?12:58
sre-sujrib:  That;s not the case. Thats' secondary. First issue is - No directory, logging in with HOME=/ <-- Why this?12:59
jribsre-su: fix the space issue first12:59
ion_drt4923: no I won't to  make the files appear on the desktop and then back it up ...12:59
sre-sujrib: Fix space issues where? I'm on liveCD13:00
ion_drt4923: *  want13:00
sre-sujrib: /mnt cleaned of folders not required. /var cleaned. archives cleaned. autoremove done apt-get clean done. Now what?13:00
jribsre-su: pastebin « df -h »13:01
ion_drt4923: I had done it before with a help but I forgot how to do it ...13:01
drt4923ion_: is it mounted?13:01
cholericllutz: thanks for the advice.13:01
ion_drt4923: no ..13:01
gbjkPumpkin-: Issue is that I was starting xterm the wrong way round. I need to recall how to run xterm so that it starts in my home dir. I *think* it's xterm -e 'cd $HOME;/bin/bash/'13:02
drt4923ion_: do you know what partition its on?13:02
sre-sujrib: Well, yes I see /mnt/home and /mnt Use% as 100. How to clean that?13:02
jribsre-su: make space, delete things I suppose13:03
sre-sujrib: delete things in /mnt/home?13:03
jribsre-su: sure13:03
sre-suThat's wierd13:03
ion_drt4923: well, I do have just one OS running ...ext3 I guess...13:03
medflyhow do I enable wireless?13:03
ibrahimhow do i stop having to authenticate with  a password every time i leave my pc for what ever length of time?13:04
jribsre-su: why weird?13:04
gbjkSo frustrating. alt+f2 and run xterm -e 'cd $HOME;/bin/bash' and my env contains the ssh-agent. Run that from shortcut and it doesn't.13:04
wildbation_: did you try mounting it with Disk Util. yet?13:04
rumpe1ibrahim, deactivate/remove screensaver(?)13:04
ethanolibrahim, system -> screensaver -> uncheck lock screen?13:04
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rumpe1ibrahim, ah... or deactivate lock ^^13:05
ethanolAssuming it is checked.13:05
ion_wildbat: that's it the point I don't know how to do it ...13:05
jribgbjk: how do you start ssh-agent?13:05
ibrahimthanks guys i gotta say i am now a ubuntu convert13:05
ion_wildbat: I know that I have to type sudo -i and the next steps I don't know ...13:05
drt4923ion_: try with the gui interfaces wildbat is suggesting first, i dont mind trying over ssh if you gave me access13:06
sre-sujrib: /mnt/home contains home directory which only contains two files for .desktop and .txt created after encryption. For me to be able to deleted files from mounted /home partition I need to decrypt it first. Secondly, /mnt is / partition. What ever update/upgrade/install must have taken space in var or archives are cleared. What else do you expect?13:06
wildbation_:  just select then drive and  partition -> click Mount  button13:06
jribsre-su: all I know is something needs space and you don't have it because a partition is full13:06
sre-sujrib: Which partiton is full and what needs space is exactly what I want to know13:07
LikesFruitany idea what this error means, i am trying to install grub " cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda5.  Check your device.map."13:07
sre-sujrib: http://pastebin.com/98S9B7CV13:08
jribsre-su: well since there are only two choices and it sounds like it's easier to make space on / than on the partition for /home, I would try making space on the partition for / first13:08
gbjkjrib: Sorry, it's run via keychain .ssh/id_dsa in .bashrc13:08
jribgbjk: probably put it in your ~/.profile instead13:08
rascal999where is the kernel? I would like to use it in a vm13:08
sre-suWhat all in / of LiveCD mounted as /mnt needs cleaning? I'm not able to make out now ...13:09
sre-sujrib: ^^13:09
jribsre-su: nothing needs cleaning, you just need to free up some space13:09
gbjkOh. My profile isn't being run ....13:09
sre-susre-su shrugs13:10
* ibrahim nods13:10
gbjkjrib: This *isn't* a login shell, though.13:10
gbjkNote: The keychain is being RUN. The vars just aren't in env if it's run through shortcut.13:11
jribgbjk: how do you login?13:11
ion_wilbat: I can't ...13:11
gbjkjrib: Recap on issue: If you run xterm -e 'cd $HOME;/bin/bash' from alt-f2, then keychain runs and env| grep SSH has ssh vars13:11
jribgbjk: I understand, but how do you login?13:12
wildbation_: any error msgs?13:12
gbjkHOWEVER, the issue is that a keyboard shortcut that runs the SAME command, does run keychain, but doesn't have vars.13:12
gbjkjrib: It's a desktop. I login using ... whatever the login prompt is.13:12
jribgbjk: using ~/.profile should work and I don't see why you are running "cd $HOME; /bin/bash".  When you run xterm, it should automatically run your shell13:12
wildbation_: you may wanna click the Check filesystem button ~ if there is errors in filesystem that prevent you from mounting13:13
gbjkjrib: Because running it from keyboard shortcut starts in / and I want ~.13:13
ion_wildbad: I can't put it on the pastbin for you ...13:13
jribsre-su: obviously we could try to understand /why/ it needs space and avoid it.  But it seems like it would be much easier to just free up some space.13:13
jribgbjk: that's mighty weird13:13
sre-sujrib: But, where?13:13
jribsre-su: either in sdb6 or sdb713:14
sre-sujrib: That is what I'm not able to make out, where in mounted sdb6/sdb7. There is a command which tells about usage right?13:14
gbjkjrib: I know! And it's new.13:15
jribgbjk: after you've transferred stuff over to ~/.profile, we can discuss the other issue (xterm starting in /)13:15
jribsre-su: it doesn't matter where, anywhere13:15
ion_wildbad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567649/13:15
sre-sujrib: anywhere in / root?13:15
jribsre-su: that's one of the two possibilities, y.es13:15
gbjkjrib: I've done that. I logged out and back in. I removed any confusion. I run `xterm` at alt-f2 and I have SSH env vars. I run a keybaord shortcut that runs xterm and I don't.13:15
jribsre-su: the complaint is just that the device is full, so make it not full13:16
jribgbjk: how do you create the keyboard shortcut?13:16
gbjkjrib: system menu, preferences.13:16
Hans_Henrikhow can i make a program run automatically on each startup?13:17
gbjkSomeone else has encountered this.13:17
Hans_Henrik(in superuser privs*)13:17
wildbation_: you are doing the cli way ~13:17
gbjkAlso https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/37311113:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 373111 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard 'Custom Shortcut' does not retain environment" [Low,Triaged]13:17
wildbation_: and you missing spaces13:17
ion_wildbad:so what's the right way, please ...13:18
llutzHans_Henrik: add it to /etc/rc.local13:18
wildbation_: mkdir /mnt/disk && mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk13:18
jribgbjk: in the two instances (keyboard shortcut and alt-f2), what does "echo $-" return?13:18
wildbation_: assuming your partition is sda113:19
ion_wildbad:how shall I know it ?13:19
gbjkjrib: himBH13:19
Hans_Henrikllutz: so if i add "/path/to/bin", will it run as su?13:19
jribgbjk: for both?  See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/37311113:19
llutzHans_Henrik: yes13:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 373111 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard 'Custom Shortcut' does not retain environment" [Low,Triaged]13:19
gbjkjrib: I can also confirm that "run a terminal" shortcut works vs custom shortcuts which don't13:20
wildbatthat's y you wanna you gui ~ it is easier for you ~ but you can figure that out with    fdisk -l13:20
gbjkjrib: For both13:20
MadCarburetorI just installed Wbar from the software center, But how do i use it?13:20
Hans_Henrikllutz: will the script what for the binary to finish before continuing, or will it just "start it and leave it"? (or whatever its called)13:20
gbjkjrib: heh, you just pointed me to the url I pasted (13:17)13:21
llutzHans_Henrik: it just calls the script and continues.13:21
jribgbjk: sorry (no highlight = me blind).  But there is a workaround there.  You could also use something like xbindkeys instead.  It's a bug and has to be sorted out upstream13:21
gbjkjrib: The final comment seems worth a shot.13:21
llutzHans_Henrik: your script shouldn't be interactive...13:22
MadCarburetorI can't find it under any menu anywhere?13:22
gbjkjrib: YEah, Understandable> I have the same issue. Mea culpa.13:22
Hans_Henrikllutz: ok, thanks13:22
SupeR_NovArun >  gparted  >>>Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon13:22
MadCarburetorHow the hell am i supposed to set it up?13:22
SupeR_NovAhelp me !13:22
gbjkjrib: Interestingly, I *don't* have this on my other 10.10s ... oh well13:22
jribgbjk: that might be useful in the bug report.  In any case, I like xbindkeys (you just edit a file called ~/.xbindkeysrc; no messing with gconf)13:23
andaiext3 or ext4??13:23
andaiwhat should i use13:23
llutzandai: for what, what kind of drive?13:24
andaillutz ubuntu main install13:24
wildbatSupeR_NovA:  sudo gparted13:24
andaillutz speed/performance over security13:24
llutzandai: ext4 if it's not a SSD13:24
andaillutz, normal hd13:24
SupeR_NovAwildbat,  a normal user ?13:24
gbjkjrib: I might switch that. gconf isn't working for me.13:25
gbjkjrib: I need <Mod4>x13:25
llutzandai: " <andai> llutz speed/performance over security  "        <- stupid preferences imho13:25
wildbatSupeR_NovA: you can't run gparted as normal user ~ you need root that's y sudo13:25
wildbation_: yes it should be sda113:26
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gbjkjrib: Of course... I'm not actually USING metacity ... come to fsking think of it!13:26
jribgbjk: I think compiz should use those too, or at least at one point it did (maybe try ccsm)13:27
zthlol, was gonna join the chan13:27
jattdoes chrome spawn a lot of threads?13:27
gbjkjrib: I was going to do ccsm, but then I thought i'd just use your suggestion13:27
andaillutz, i'm just using it to mess around with my school's computers, lol13:27
jattI have one chrome with several tabs and see several processes with top13:27
jribgbjk: yeah, I prefer xbindkeys because then it will work regardless of window manager13:27
danielcI am high.13:28
terje_join #mepis-antix13:28
bazhang!ot > danielc13:28
ubottudanielc, please see my private message13:28
danielcI typed that in the wrong box.  I apologize.13:28
Tarnossiananyone have a fix at hand for compiz fritzing out when vdpau is used for a while?13:28
Hans_Henrikllutz: seems i need to put sudo (command)  for it to run as root in /etc/rc.local13:33
jribHans_Henrik: what program is this?13:34
Hans_Henrikllutz: all i know is, i got noip2 configured for root only, and i ran "noip2", and it wouldnt run, then i changed to "sudo noip2" and it runs as expected :p13:35
thrillERboyHi, all panels in Ubuntu is gone. only desktop is there? how to bring those back?13:35
Vcan i run ubuntu on a netbook eeepc instead of windows 7 start os?13:35
DJones!panels | thrillERboy13:35
ubottuthrillERboy: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:35
jribHans_Henrik: you should *not* put noip2 in rc.local.  It has its own init script (/etc/init.d/noip2) already.13:36
thrillERboybut how to open terminal?13:36
thrillERboyI opened browser, by creating an empty html file13:36
qubozikthrillERboy: alt + F2 then type gnome-terminal13:36
thrillERboyalt+f2 not working13:37
qubozikthrillERboy: cntl + alt + F2 . But be  known that this will take you to a different console. If you want to go back to the desktop press alt + control + F713:38
Hans_Henrikjrib: i got noip2 source code from no-ip.com 2 days ago. i did "sudo -s;make clean;make;make install;" , and i do not have a /etc/init.d/noip2 , and when i check the makefile for noip2, i find no references to a /etc/init.d/noip2. also the noip2 in the ubuntu repos has a __KNOWN__ buffer overflow vunerability.. thats fixed in the newest version for no-ip.com13:38
=== karthik1890 is now known as yeskarthik
jribHans_Henrik: if this is true, you should file a bug against noip213:39
jribHans_Henrik: though http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux says the file was last modified in 2008?13:40
gbjkjrib: Works perfectly, thanks!13:41
jribgbjk: no problem13:41
Hans_Henrikjrib: somone already did... almost 2 years ago (2009), and in the ubuntu bugtracker, it still says "confirmed, importance: undecided"13:42
Zeu5Hi there, am using a 64 bit machine. tried to install adobeair. computer hang. rebooted. now my dpkg not working. i get this error in terminal13:42
Zeu5dpkg: status database area is locked by another process13:42
HozsiNekedTesokaPenguinz Attack!13:42
Hans_Henrikjrib: i guess no1 cares. :p ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/no-ip/+bug/300609 btw)13:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 300609 in no-ip (Ubuntu) "Remote buffer overflow vulnerability in noip2 2.1.7" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:42
Zeu5synaptic gave me E: The package adobeair needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.13:42
Zeu5E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.13:42
Zeu5Please help.13:42
jribHans_Henrik: that's for 2.1.7.  The version in ubuntu repos is 2.1.913:43
jribHans_Henrik: look at the last comment in the bug report even13:43
Zeu5is anyone there who can help me with this issue? i am kinda freaked out that i cannot use synaptic13:43
thrillERboyErrrrmmm who said ctrl+alt+F213:44
Hans_Henrikjrib: oh,ok, i guess someone should update that entry then :p13:45
thrillERboyI could get out of that, I had to sudo reboot :(13:45
anebihi, i'm looking for policyd package 2.x on ubuntu, i don't see it. is this package available with a different name or it is not available for ubuntu maverick at all?13:45
anebii need this package for postfix rate control13:45
jribHans_Henrik: done :)13:45
sirlarkHi, I'm running lucid server, and have apache2, php5, and pear-mail installed. When I visit a page that includes pear-mail immediately after booting the server, I get a php deprecation warning, despite having disabled deprecation warnings. If I restart apache the page just segfaults the php process. The offending code is the include of Mail.php, but the weirdness is the inconsistent results between first start of apache, and subsequent13:46
jribHans_Henrik: reading the changelog it seems like it was fixed a long time ago13:46
thrillERboyHow to reset all panels?13:46
Pici!resetpanels | thrillERboy13:47
ubottuthrillERboy: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:47
qubozikthrillERboy: I told you to type cntrl + alt + f& to get back13:47
qubozikthrillERboy: F7 *13:47
qubozikthrillERboy: Did you panels come back after reboot?13:47
thrillERboyokey... I wish ctrl+alt+F2 goes in and out of command only mode13:47
thrillERboynope... now going to try that code in terminal13:48
qubozikthrillERboy: ok.13:48
thrillERboyI opened terminal from Gvim ;) :! gnome-terminal13:48
qubozikthrillERboy: sweet :)13:48
Zeu5i am sorry. can anyone help me with my issue?13:49
Zeu5Hi there, am using a 64 bit machine. tried to install adobeair. computer hang. rebooted. now my dpkg not working. i get this error in terminal13:49
Zeu5dpkg: status database area is locked by another process13:50
Zeu5synaptic gave me E: The package adobeair needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.13:50
niklas12312i just compiled my first c program but how du I make it run from the terminal?13:50
jribHans_Henrik: I even linked the original debian bug for you :)13:50
thrillERboygnome-panel: no process found13:50
anebiZeu5: check which process is using apt-get and stop it. then you will need probably to clear the cache /var/cache/apt13:50
protonbartWhy would Ubuntu not understand partial transparency in a PNG?13:50
thrillERboywhen i only type gnome-panel - The program gnome-panel is currently not installed13:50
Zeu5anebi: how do i check which process using apt-get i cannot see it from system monitor13:50
Guruyo thrillERboy o/13:51
DannyButtermanHi there13:51
thrillERboyhey Guru13:51
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anebiZeu5: check with : ps aux | grep apt13:51
jribprotonbart: what version of ubuntu?13:51
thrillERboyis this the same Guru  I know??13:51
qubozikthrillERboy: Wow. Type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:52
CaleHey, I'm having a problem with update-manager being unable to upgrade my system. I get the message 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'13:52
jribCale: from what version to what version?13:52
Calefrom 10.04 to 10.1013:52
Zeu5i get this anebi http://pastebin.com/7jg6aYXJ what does this mean?13:52
DannyButtermandoes some one has troubles like me with the screensaver ? On three machines I have the same issue : keyboard and mouse don't make the screensaver go13:52
jribCale: remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau if it's installed and try again13:52
qubozikthrillERboy: then accept all packages and things to possibly get your ubuntu installation back to normal13:52
thrillERboyHaha, that must be it... I did sudo apt-get remove evolution*13:53
CaleOkay, it is installed, trying that.13:53
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thrillERboyI did it to get rid of the ugly mail icon in the panel13:53
qubozikthrillERboy: haha.. yeah you might have removed some important gnome packages13:53
CaleOkay, seems to be proceeding now, thanks!13:54
qubozikthrillERboy: the command above should get your install back, but when you remove evolution again, just keep an eye on the packages it will remove along with it13:54
anebiZeu5: try this: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo dpkg --configure -a13:54
Zeu5i did13:54
Zeu5not working13:54
qubozikthrillERboy: haha that won't remove that. you can just right click on it and tell it to remove it from panel. that mail icon is independent of the evolution13:54
thrillERboythanks qubozik me got back the panels13:54
thrillERboythanks :)13:54
anebiZeu5: can you give result from: ps aux | grep dpkg13:55
qubozikthrillERboy: It trys to tie into multiple messeging programs like email and IM (pidgin, empathy) to show you when you have new messeges13:55
qubozikthrillERboy: Yay! no problem. gald it worked out for you :)13:55
thrillERboyqubozik: doing that removes the volume icon too :(13:55
Zeu5i mean anebi  http://pastebin.com/JM0Uuzy413:55
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:55
qubozikthrillERboy: That is because they are all tied into one applet called the indicator applet13:56
anebiZeu5:: hmm, all looks ok. check if this file exist: /var/cache/apt/lock another solution is just restart and lock file should go away13:56
A[D]minSDears , I'm facing weird problem , I've installed Google talk plugin for browser to use the video call , and i can see it recognized my webcam . But i can't see the Call icon which called"Google phone"13:56
A[D]minSanyone can advise with this case?13:56
qubozikthrillERboy: When you remove it everything goes alogn with ti. Now just right click on the panel and click "add to panel;.." and separately add your volume controls13:56
Powerboathi all13:57
Zeu5anebi: no such file13:57
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anebiZeu5: do a restart13:57
Zeu5anebi: i go restart. will come back again to let you know results13:57
ohzieA[D]minS: My guess is that it doesn't have permission to use your camera all the time13:57
ohzieA[D]minS: It's just a guess, though13:57
Zeu5anebi: thanks so far13:57
protonbartjrib: 10.1013:57
anebiZeu5: ok13:57
thrillERboytheres no volume controls in add to panel :/13:57
PowerboatDoes anybody know how to setup KVM + NFS4 for live migration ?13:58
ohzieA[D]minS: google 'flash settings' to see how to get into the settings and change the permissions, maybe? :( I'm just fishing though.13:58
qubozikthrillERboy: Hmmm.... yeah I thought there were. Sorry. They must have taken them out completely for the indicator applet. I would add back the indicator applet then search google on hwo to replace it with the old system13:58
A[D]minSohzie webcam work, But i'm talking about Google phone , i can't call friends from Firefox.. in windows i can do using IE13:58
ohzieA[D]minS: Ahh13:58
DannyButtermanCan someone help me troubleshoot my unresponding screensaver problem ?13:58
ohzieA[D]minS: Dunno, then. :(13:59
qubozikthrillERboy: Or just keep it and install the faenza icon set. or any other icon set13:59
A[D]minSohzie thx for your try :)13:59
qubozikthrillERboy: It looks good on my system with faenza13:59
ohzieDannyButterman: I have a lot of luck using xlockmore instead of the built in gnome screensaver.13:59
Zeu5anebi: Hi13:59
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan_WP
anebiZeu5:  welcome back :)13:59
Zeu5anebi: problem persists. :(13:59
ohzieDannyButterman: It's not a 'fix'but I like it.14:00
thrillERboyNo prob qubozik gnome-desktop is going away in 11.04 no?? so I wont sweat much ;)14:00
Zeu5anebi: thanks . i am really upset at my own clumsiness14:00
ohziethrillERboy: wat14:00
DannyButtermanohzie: thanks for your answer anyway ;)14:00
valterI have a question14:00
valterwho can help me14:00
qubozikthrillERboy: Haha yeah it is. Will be replace with unity, but I do believe they are keeping the current impementation of the indicator applet14:00
valterwho can help me+14:00
bazhangvalter, ask14:00
thrillERboyohzie: 11.04 will have unity as default interface14:01
compdocthat was the uwstion14:01
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thrillERboyqubozik: Its okey, I'll remove that mail icon when I'm really really bored14:01
thrillERboythanks a lot for the help qubozik14:01
jribprotonbart: pastebin the output of « apt-cache policy libpng3 »14:01
mattiaciao a tutti14:01
qubozikthrillERboy: Sounds good. :) Glad you got your system back up14:01
qubozikthrillERboy: not a problem14:02
A[D]minSagain , Hello anyone can help with Google phone , its not visible in Gmail when i browse it using Firefox on ubuntu. also note that Google and google-talk plugins installed14:03
valterI put ubuntu in a machine with two discs but in one I have windows7 (wife reason), but when I installed the ubuntu it overwriten the mbr and now I can start the windows 7- ( both are in seperated hdd), any thoughts how I can windows7 back without reinstalling it14:03
andaiHow do i change GRUB so Windows  boots automatically? (Windows is last in line of options, and the options before it change in number (kernel updates) so i'm not sure setting it as default would work??)14:03
jribandai: I just make windows first and then set default to 014:03
andaijrib: How do i edit the menu/reorder items?14:04
andaijrib: it's a bunch of shell scripts in /etc/grub.d/ right?14:04
jrib!grub2 | andai14:05
ubottuandai: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:05
valternoI don have Mbr now. Ubuntu starts automatically14:05
jribandai: yeah, you probably have to change the order they run (guess)14:05
valterthanks andai I will give it a try14:06
mattiasalve ragazzi io ho un problema in ubuntu non riesco a impostare lo schermo principale cioè io ho due skermi uno del portatile e uno del fisso ma come faccio ha cambiare lo schermo principale cioè dove si vedono le cartelle e quelle robe li io ho anche la cairo dock14:06
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:06
wedwo-andai, use synaptic to install Startup Manager (you'll find it in System > Admin when installed) and set the order from there14:07
undecimWhat command can use to check every file from every package to check for corrupt files?14:07
wedoI have updated to kubuntu 10.4 and now the wireless card and the keyboard and mouse do not work14:08
wedoany help plz14:08
jribundecim: debsums14:08
phoenixsamprasHelp!! what is the best WEb interface for KVM (im on ubuntu server) ?14:08
joe_9How can I make a shortcut that launches a terminal in a specific directory?14:08
andaiwedwo-: thanks!14:08
undecimjrib: ty14:09
compdocphoenixsampras, I've seen a few out there but nevr tried them. I use virt-manager, so I have to have gnome desktop14:09
undecimjoe_9: make the command: sh -c "cd directory; exec gnome-terminal"14:09
qubozikwedo: What version did you upgrade from?14:09
jribjoe_9: gnome-terminal --working-directory blah14:09
JetBoyJetGirlis there any advantage to using either GUI or CLI text editors? (one or the other)14:10
Zoffix_Hi. When I right click on a directory in Ubuntu 10.10 and setup "Sharing Options" for it, how do I go about configuring the "users"? I've just tried to connect to the share on a Windows box, and none of the credentials work...14:10
jribJetBoyJetGirl: use what you like14:10
joe_9thanks guys. my google-foo was simply returning how to make a keyboard shortcut.14:10
veovis_muaddibJetBoyJetGirl: Familiarity, efficiency, etc...14:10
wedoqubozik: 9.1014:10
sosaitedHow do I find out if I have Qt-4 Dev installed?14:10
qubozikwedo: Is your system a laptop?14:10
Jimi_Neutral>Hi Guys, was not sure where to go with this but as my Synology DS110J is built on Linux I thought I would start here. I have a .spk file and I dont know how to open it. I got it from the synology forums for a build of a program called uMurmur. I need to install it on my Synology DS110J but do not know where to start. Any help would be great.14:10
wedoqubozik: yes14:10
veovis_muaddibJetBoyJetGirl: If you're good with vim or emacs chances are you will get things done on them a lot faster than with a GUI, but if you don't want to spend the effort to learn them then it's better to stick with a GUI14:11
qubozikwedo: Did you search google to see if there are any documented issues with your laptop and version 10.04?14:11
Zoffix_Never mind; I believe this answers my question: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/11/create-share-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-map-windows-7-vista/14:11
ikoniaJimi_Neutral: sorry, we don't support that here14:11
wedoqubozik: not yet14:11
Jimi_Neutralany idea where i can go14:12
PiciJimi_Neutral: ##linux would be a good start.14:12
qubozikwedo: OK for now... you can probably reboot and during boot up the first thing you will see is the boot loader grub. If you go into that you can select your old kernel to boot from and your hardware might work14:12
JetBoyJetGirlThanks veovis14:12
Jimi_Neutralok ty14:12
qubozikwedo: Not sure if previous version kernel are saved or not udring an upgrade. I think they are but I have never done an upgrade. i always fresh install14:12
veovis_muaddibJetBoyJetGirl: No problem.14:13
Zoffix_Actually, no it doesn't. I have `samba' package installed, but it does not appear in the "System->Administration". I've tried running `samba` on the command line, but it just printed "samba version 4.0.0alpha12-GIT-UNKNOWN started" and there's no GUI.... How do I get the GUI to configure my users and shares? 0_o14:13
qubozikwedo: That is worth a shot14:13
paGoshi all14:13
paGosI really need to disable shift+delete combination14:13
qubozikwedo: Try it and see if your hardware comes back14:13
paGoshow can i do it?14:13
bunoweri dont want to disturb but i need some help with bluetooth configuration14:14
sosaitedWhat is the package name for Xapian-core?14:14
wedoqubozik: I tried that and its the same14:14
gschweppHello, does anyone know how to pipe a whole usb keyboardoutput to a file or /dev/null ? I made a movement sensor out of an keyboard and now its pressing space all the time. its anoying!14:14
paGossosaited, I guess libxapian1514:15
Picisosaited: xapian-core is a source package name that provides the following binary packages: libxapian15, libxapian15-dbg, libxapian-dev, xapian-tools, xapian-doc, xapian-examples14:15
manoelagracenecessary of aid to bring up to date ubuntu 5.1014:15
ikoniamanoelagrace: 5.10 is dead, you won't be able to update it14:15
veovis_muaddibmanoelagrace: I'm not sure that's a good idea....14:15
sosaitedPici, paGos Then I guess for building Recoll, libxapian-dev will be enough?14:16
qubozikwedo: Ahh.... ok. That's no good14:16
Picisosaited: Likely.14:16
veovis_muaddibmanoelagrace: I would HIGHLY recommend that you backup and install a newer version instead of updating14:16
Picimanoelagrace: You could upgrade to 6.06, and then from there to 8.04 and then to 10.04, but you're probably much better off installing from scratch.14:16
paGossosaited, hmm not sure about that14:16
paGossosaited, probably yes, give it a try14:16
ikoniaPici: he wo'nt be able to, the glibc restriction will stop it14:16
DeRoSvOsLet's say my "/etc/sudoers" is broken and I can't remember my root password.  How can I reset it?  I have physical access to the box.14:16
Piciikonia: 5.10 to 6.06 should work I thought.14:17
ikoniaDeRoSvOs: /etc/sudoers isn't needed14:17
ikoniaPici: didn't think it did due to the libc jump14:17
qubozikwedo: I woudl search google for knwon issue swith your laptop and 10.04. After that you may want to try to just go to 10.10 and see if it works.14:17
veovis_muaddibPici: ikonia he's not here anymore anyway14:17
sosaitedPici, paGos, Any idea about libiconv?  Synaptic doesn't show anything useful.14:17
paGosDeRoSvOs, boot it up with a CD in rescue mode correct things14:17
offsensewhat do u guys using for twitter client? am looking for other alternative to gwibber14:18
wedook qubozik, thank you14:18
paGossosaited, have you tried using "apt-cache search iconv" ;)14:18
Piciikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Breezy14:18
bunowerhey need some help with bluetooth configuration14:18
qubozikoffsense: hotot14:18
paGosoffsense, I am using tweetdeck on google chrome, and lovin' it14:18
bunoweranyone there?14:18
paGosbunower, don't wait for anyone to take care of you14:18
paGosbunower, fire your question14:18
qubozikwedo: No problem. Sorry I couldn't *fix* it for you. but after searching goole you may find a tutorial on how to get your hardware back because someone already wen through what you have with the same laptop. It is worth a shot14:18
Odaymi am downloading the bitnami wordpress stack14:19
bunowerok :)14:19
ikoniaPici: this will sound terribly pig headed, but I'm not sure I trust it as at the time I remember the upgrade problems, but I could be wrong14:19
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Odaymi just chmod it and run it?14:19
Odaymand it will install itself here?14:19
offsensepaGos: is it better than tweetdeck desktop version using adobe air?14:19
sosaitedpaGos, Not really. That would be most helpful. Thanks :). Found qt4 dev files as well, kinda14:19
Piciikonia: Thats fine :)14:19
paGosoffsense, much much better & faster and does not fail when you use the mouse wheel ;)14:19
Picisosaited: recoll is in the repos, you could just install its build-depends: sudo apt-get build-dep recoll14:20
Zoffix_Man... each time my excitement of installing a new version of Ubuntu is destroyed by configuration issues that pop up :(14:20
bunoweri have a mcbook 7.1 and i installed ubuntu 10.10 on it.14:20
bunowerthe problem is14:20
bunowerbluetooth is not activated14:20
Jemsplease help me, if i open opera or pidgin application, it always uninterruptilble, what can i do to fix this problem?14:20
bunoweri cant activate it14:20
Pici!enter | bunower14:20
ubottubunower: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:20
=== silver_ is now known as Guest67061
paGosbunower, probably your bluetooth device is not recognized by the kernel14:21
FloodBot3Krycek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:21
* Zoffix_ chuckles14:21
paGosbunower, have you checked with syslog about what's going on?14:21
paGosbunower, have you tried a bluetooth stick?14:21
bunoweryeah mybe but if i type in terminal, lsusb | grep Bluetooth  it says: Bus 004 Device 004: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)14:22
bunowerno just the internal bluetooth14:22
sosaitedPici, Yeah but that version is 1.13. 1.15 has some GUI improvements that I need.14:22
paGosbunower, f! I hate broadcom, have you checked their site about any drivers available?14:22
bunowernothing found until yet14:23
Zoffix_Ok, I got it. I needed to install `system-config-samba` to get the GUI config tool; I guess in the past it was auto-installed along with `samba`, which is why the author of the tut didn't mention it.14:23
Picisosaited: Right, but if you're installing all of the build dependencies from the repositories anyway, why not just use the apt-get command to find and install them automagically?14:23
paGosbunower, sorry, this is as good as it gets from me :|14:23
paGosI need to disable shift + delete, I cannot control myself!14:23
bunowerif i type hciconfig --all nothing appears14:24
sosaitedPici, build-dep? I will do that if all else fails. Right now just trying to install a few qt4 packages wanted to get 181MB additional stuff. Trying to see if I can get away with less than that :)14:24
undecimIs there a CLI equivalent to the disk usage analyzer?14:25
LjLundecim: du | sort -n14:25
Piciundecim: I usually use a combination of df -h and du -h --max-depth=114:26
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity14:27
undecimPici: That's what I was thinking... I guess I'll pair it with find and xargs....14:27
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zlatanhi to all...there is no skype and opera in my repos..how do I add them to source list...14:28
undecimLjL: lol, almost missed your message... that should work14:28
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sylvester= =14:29
sylvesterwhat's it?14:30
Odaymwhat is the 755 permission?14:30
MonkeyDustzlatan: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/get-skype/other-downloads/14:31
compdocpretty permissive14:31
Odaymi didn't ask for your opinion of it14:31
Odaymi asked for the permissions that it implements14:31
sipiorOdaym: "man chmod"14:32
paGosOdaym, user can read write and execute, others can only read and execute14:32
=== shubbar_ is now known as shubbar
zlatanMonkeyDust, isn't there any repo for this or I was dreaming that there was once14:33
iluminator101i am getting this error please help http://debian.pastebin.com/yRQeyzC9 thanks in advance14:35
wedowhat is the command to list running process14:35
Piciwedo: ps14:35
wedothx Pici14:35
Odaymhow does ps differ from ps aux?14:35
popeyman ps :)14:35
Odaymthe auxiliary processes?14:35
Odaymi will14:36
PiciOdaym: aux are each separate arguments. It just happens to spell out Aux.14:36
DeRoSvOsOk, so, how would I boot to single user mode?  I can't seem to do that, no matter what I try.14:36
ohziejust alias ps to ps aux because there's no reason to not type ps aux evry time14:36
SidewaysHI I have a p8p67 MB, intel 82579V Gigabit that worked at install and now wont link. I can see it, but no ip. using e1000e driver14:37
andaiHi. I copied a 5GB partition into a 15GB partition with dd. Some apps say the capacity is 5GB, some 15GB, but they all agree on my remaining free space (1GB instead of 11GB). Help?14:37
jornheyho, is it possible that texdoc doesn't find latex-beamer docs in ubuntu 10.10?14:37
ohzieDeRoSvOs: in yum put a 1 at the end of the bootline14:37
ohzieDeRoSvOs: that's how you used to do it14:37
ohzieDeRoSvOs: the '1' argument was for the runlevel14:37
Sidewayswondering if thats the culprit, hear of intel nic,s not behaving well w/linux14:37
jorni'm searching the beameruserguide, but seems as if its path isn't searched14:37
DeRoSvOsohzie: You mean in grub?  Not yum, right?14:38
Piciohzie, DeRoSvOs: Er, Ubuntu doesn't use yum.14:38
jornwondering if the package is broken since migration from texmf to texlive14:38
ohzieDeRoSvOs Pici Yes, Grub14:38
Sidewaysanyone have a p8p67?14:39
ohzieThe thought formed as "the one that's not lilo" and I grab-bagged the wrong name. =)14:39
DeRoSvOsSo again, what's the best way to get in to rescue, so I can reset my root pass?14:39
ohzieDeRoSvOs: you should have sudo14:39
Smjork_hello and many, many excuses for bothering with a rather noobish question. I ahve a PC , with wireless NIC. I just set up sshd to auto-run on runlevels 2,3,4,5 but the damn thing doesn't work. I can only ssh to that machine AFTER i physically log into it. any suggestions ?14:39
ohzieDeRoSvOs: type sudo su -l14:39
ohzieDeRoSvOs: and then run passwd14:39
wildbatandai ~ when you use dd ~ you clone the partition ~ so the partition is 5GB now ~ whild MBR say it is 15GB ~ use gparted and check the partition to fix it14:40
Zeu5anebi: hi14:40
ohzieSmjork_: SSH is running, it's the network connection you need to focus on14:40
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
jribDeRoSvOs: did you actually ever set a root password?  Ubuntu locks the root account by default.14:40
iluminator101i am getting this error please help http://debian.pastebin.com/yRQeyzC9 thanks in advance14:40
ohzieSmjork_: because a wireless connection isn't initiated until you log in14:40
anebiZeu5: hi14:40
tomreyniluminator101: try this: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys14:41
DeRoSvOsOk, here's the problem.  Someone messed around in /etc/sudoers and now when I try and sudo I get:  sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 28  sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting14:42
jribDeRoSvOs: did you actually ever set a root password?  Ubuntu locks the root account by default.14:42
DeRoSvOsSo now, I'm in a pickle.14:42
DeRoSvOsI can't sudo su -.14:42
jribDeRoSvOs: that's not my question14:42
jribDeRoSvOs: you were talking about root earlier, so I'm trying to figure out if you actually ever set a password14:43
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tomreyniluminator101: then re-run the command that failed: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 83FBA1751378B44414:43
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Well, I'm not sure.  I didn't provision the server, unfortunately, and the person who did is unreachable right now.14:43
iluminator101tomreyn, i did that still no go14:43
Smjork_any way to startup the wlan without the need for a user to log into ?14:43
jribDeRoSvOs: reboot, choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu, fix /etc/sudoers (use visudo always to edit sudoers)14:43
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Even in recovery, I need a root pass.14:44
tomreyniluminator101: did you re-run the failing command, too?14:44
raisin123hello someone please help me. I want to install "tremulous" on my comp but when I go to software centre and click install, it tells me,"requires insatallation of untrusted packages" I click "ok" and then the isntallation aborts. Help !14:44
SupeR_NovAppa for sun java 6 lastet ?14:44
iluminator101tomreyn, i did that too14:44
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Give root password for maintenance or type Control-D to continue.14:44
jribDeRoSvOs: that's only if you set one.  In that case, edit the grub line to have "init=/bin/bash"14:44
DeRoSvOsjrib:  On CentOS, I can do a single user mode hack and it drops me to a CLI.14:44
aademdoes anyone know off the top of their head a link to a skeleton sudoers file, freeBSD (my second OS aside of Ubuntu) does not use sudo by default but when i type it it returns "cannot find any sudoers file.  My thoughts are i can create a sudoers file from a skeleton example14:45
MonkeyDustraisin123: try sudo apt-get install tremulous14:45
jribDeRoSvOs: or use a live cd14:45
BluesKajHowdy folks14:45
Sideways Does anyone know about p8p67 MB, intel 82579V nic not working?14:45
tomreyniluminator101: run this and report its output here (unless it is more than a single line, in which case paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ): ls -l /etc/apt/trusted.gpg14:46
jribaadem: grab it from ubuntu?  This is a better question for the freebsd channel14:46
raisin123MonkeyDust: didn't work . It said "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"14:47
aademsorry i figured sudo was standard on ubuntu so ask the source :) ill take my question to freebsd which i will have to find hehe.  Thanks for the help14:47
DeRoSvOsjrib:  So if I boot and hit the GRUB menu, I see my diff kernels there... from this point, how do I get a shell?  You mentioned using "init=/bin/bash" but where would I put it?14:48
gschweppHello, does anyone know how to pipe a whole usb keyboardoutput to a file or /dev/null ? I made a movement sensor out of an keyboard and now its pressing space all the time. its anoying!14:48
jribaadem: ubuntu has /usr/share/doc/sudo/examples/sudoers which comes straight from sudoers source, so figure out where that is on freebsd14:48
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raisin123hello someone please help me. I want to install "tremulous" on my comp but when I go to software centre and click install, it tells me,"requires insatallation of untrusted packages" I click "ok" and then the isntallation aborts. Help !14:48
medflyI seem to have trouble connecting to my wireless network. I am sitting right next to the router, and I can see it. it uses WPA2 with TKIP+AES. is this a problem?14:48
jribDeRoSvOs: edit the grub line (press 'e').  Or just use a live cd14:48
=== SamRastin is now known as SamRastin_wk
aademperfect thank you!14:48
hypatiais there any way to make the Unity launcher in ubuntu netbook any smaller?14:49
hypatiait's too wide :(14:49
hypatiaalso is there a replacement for alt-f2?14:49
hypatiato launch programs14:49
varunHelooooo every one14:49
jribaadem: although all it seems to do is give root the ability to sudo and the rest is all commented :)14:49
peteriushi, can anyone here read korean?14:49
hypatiapeterius: try #ubuntu-kr14:50
varunWhat would I do if I see a process as sl in the process details in ps ax in the terminal.I mean how to wake it up coz I dont want to kill it14:50
MonkeyDust!kr| peterius14:50
Pici!ko | peterius14:51
ubottupeterius: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko14:51
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meerohello i have problem setting locale "locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory" , dpkg-reconfigure locales doesnt help14:52
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vega-meero: locale-gen <something> ... helped me14:53
piblosim running an ubuntu based distro and need to dload an img burner so i can burn the ubuntu iso14:55
Odaymthere's K3B, piblos14:55
Guest14866hi everybody14:55
Guest14866what is the best IDE java on unbuntu14:56
Odaymif it's ubuntu based, then you should be able to use apt-get14:56
Odaymso try "sudo apt-get install k3b"14:56
Odaymif i am correct..i hope\14:56
varunanyone to my question?14:56
varun What would I do if I see a process as sl in the process details in ps ax in the terminal.I mean how to wake it up coz I dont want to kill it14:57
Odaymtry "fg processname"14:57
Odaymit will bring this process to the foreground if it is sleeping/stopped in the background14:58
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:58
Odaymok Pici14:58
OdaymPici but is it accurate about any ubuntu based distro must have apt-get?14:58
PiciOdaym: That would be an accurate assumption.14:59
KGBWolfi have created a .sh file that i have set to run on startup but on startup it opens up kate instead of running as sh... problem 2 my server does not turn off even after beign sent the shutdown command it will go all the way back to post and start again...14:59
hypatiaanswered my own question about alt-f2 in ubuntu netbook: it doesn't work, install gnome-do, alawalk, gmrun, gRun, or guake to replace the functionality.14:59
pibloes2i need to burn the ubuntu iso.. but im on a ubuntu based distro now with no iso burner.. anyone know of a quick way to get and install one? ive heard about KB3 but dont know the command to download it..15:00
qubozikpibloes2: Right click on the file and select write to disk. That is a feature of newer versions of gnome15:01
Odaympibloes2, it's K3B, and you can search for it with "apt-cache search k3b", then if found "sudo apt-get install k3b"15:01
edgeDoes anybody have the url for the documentation about adding things to the start up?15:01
pibloes2im running backtrack 4 atm15:01
qubozikpibloes2: If that doesn't work you can download basaro15:01
Odaymit exists, pibloes2 i searched for it15:01
pibloes2ahh thanks odaym will try that15:01
qubozikpibloes2: brasaro *15:01
=== satamusic__ is now known as satamusic
OdaymBrasero has caused me and numerous other users kill errors through all the burning processes, since the latest updates15:02
Odaymi looked it up and everyone was experiencing it since the last updates15:02
qubozikOdaym: Good to know15:02
pibloes2The following packages have unmet dependencies:   k3b: Depends: kdelibs-data (>= 4:3.1.4-2)15:02
llutz!backtrack | pibloes215:02
ubottupibloes2: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:02
=== pietras1988 is now known as Pietras1988
Pietras1988hi all15:03
varunOdyam:fg eclipse says no such process but the ps shows that it is sl15:03
ronr_hi everyone. is there a simple way (with an application or otherwise) to load .img files in ubuntu? can it be done on network drives as well?15:03
Odaymim sorry, it's process number, varun, not process name15:03
pibloes2damn i guess im pretty screwed then15:03
Odaymsee the number and fg it varun15:03
Odaymhmm, i think you can try aptitude there pibloes2 because i heard that it takes care of dependencies better than apt-get15:03
llutzpibloes2: sudo growisofs -Z /dev/sr0=/path/to/foo.iso15:04
Odaymbut i have no idea about aptitude pibloes2, all i know is its better with dependencies, llutz  knows more15:04
llutzpibloes2:or: wodim -dao /path/to/foo.iso15:04
varunOdaym:So for this ---1704 ?        Sl     0:11 /media/Yojimbo/eclipse 2010/eclipse.- I try fg 1704 and it says  no such job15:05
Odaymthen ps again, varun, maybe it was assigned a different number since you last saw15:05
ethanolHow can I assign applications a default workspace? I googled and found devilspie. But it seems from 2007. Did Ubuntu build this is by now, or should I install a tool from 2007?15:05
FrenkHey, I have one server with Ubuntu and I see everything with colors in the console - another server shows b/w - whats the package to make the console colorful?15:05
Odaymllutz is it true that you can take a process out of Sleep "sl" by using "fg" foreground?15:05
varunOdaym:Nope the ps is the same for all the times15:05
llutzOdaym: afaik no15:06
llutzAs Far As I Know15:07
Odaymwhat can, llutz ?15:07
varunllutz:Do I have to kill it and restart?Is there no other way?15:07
Odaymisnt there some sort of bump or wake...15:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:08
llutzvarun: i don't know15:08
sipiorvarun: try sending it a signal: "kill -HUP 1704"15:08
Odaymwait varun, one second15:08
Zoffix_Hello. Once again, I'm stuck with a problem..  I'm running this: sudo mount //b-webtest-dt/transfer /home/pevstrat/Desktop/ZTransfer/ -t cifs -o user=user,pass=pass  It works, but the share is owned by the root and not the user I'm using. Due to that, I can't copy any files over into the share. How I go around this? It used to work fine in Gutsy >:|15:08
Odaymthe forum says fg also, varun15:08
Odaymif you want to use process name, varun, prefix it with '%'15:09
Odaymvarun, forum says, if the process is sleeping, check whether there is any wait command in the script, check why it is waiting if there is any wait... don't think the process will go into sleep without any wait15:09
varunOdaym:I have tried the process id15:09
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=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
Odaymtry "wait <process id of sleeping process>"15:10
varunOdaym:The new eclipse I have "Helios" has recently started crashing I dont know why but this is what it does.I goes to sleep sometimes when I start is up15:10
KGBWolfmy .sh is categorized as a plain text document how can i change this?15:10
Zoffix_KGBWolf, chmod +x yourfile.sh15:11
llutzKGBWolf: a shellscript is a plain text document15:11
Zoffix_(unless I'm misunderstanding what you're talking about)15:11
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Where would I place "init=/bin/bash" in the GRUB menu?  I mean, sequentially speaking?15:12
jribDeRoSvOs: at the end of the kernel line15:12
pasquale25761xdcc send #2515:12
pibloes2thank you all for the help15:13
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Where it says linux /boot/vmlinuz....generic-pae root=UUID... ro quiet?15:13
jribDeRoSvOs: yes15:13
pibloes2Your system's locale charset (i.e. the charset used to encode filenames) is set to ANSI_X3.4-1968.15:13
pibloes2o properly set the locale charset make sure the LC_* environment variables are set.15:13
Zoffix_I soved my problem. Had to add uid=1000,gid=1000 to the mount: sudo mount //b-webtest-dt/transfer /home/pevstrat/Desktop/ZTransfer/ -t cifs -o user=user,pass=pass,uid=1000,gid=100015:14
Jason_ive got a wirless problem my wireless card stops working everytime i reboot i rhave to keep reinstalling the driver to get it to work15:15
mh22mkHey i have a problem, im working on a server with wmware and i have a statich ip on it but when i choose nat i would like to get the real ip so i can connect to the internet, i have tried restart the netwrok and dhcp serve r but with no luck15:16
Jason_ive got a wirless problem my wireless card stops working everytime i reboot i rhave to keep reinstalling the driver to get it to work15:18
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ohzieI really hate having to ask any questions in #centos because everything is so different that it makes me feel just stupid.15:18
ohzieI hate it.15:18
ohzieI hate it so much.15:18
=== chrisoc is now known as Doc0C
mh22mkHey i have a problem, im working on a server with wmware and i have a statich ip on it but when i choose nat i would like to get the real ip so i can connect to the internet, i have tried restart the netwrok and dhcp serve r but with no luck, any ideas plz?15:18
ikoniamh22mk: where are you chosing "nat"15:19
ohziemh22mk: If you're using the NAT option for the VM, you won't get the server's IP address15:19
ohziemh22mk: You probably need whatever option is pass-through. I don't recall what that is in vmware.15:20
FrenkHey, I  am looking for a application to controle pulse audio15:20
Jason_any ideas with my problem ?15:20
mh22mkohzie: first i had it on custom choice an Wmnet02 but now i wan it on nat so i can install some packages15:20
sre-suWhich package contains gtk+-2.0 ?15:20
DeRoSvOsjrib:  Cool, it got me a prompt, but it's a read read-only FS... any ideas?  I mean, I took the regular kernel line and added that at the end...15:20
ikoniasre-su: it's already installed by default, gnome needs it15:21
sre-suikonia: Yes, still what's the package name for it?15:21
CaleJason_: maybe you could add an appropriate line/file to /etc/modprobe.d to get it to install the module?15:21
g_0_0Jason_, which driver?15:21
ikoniasre-su: gtck+2.015:21
Jason_its broadcom15:21
ikoniasre-su: look it up in the package manager15:21
coz_Frenk,  there is something named   adevchooser   it would be listed as Pulseaudio device chooser   there is also the puslesudo equalizer15:21
g_0_0jason, do you know which driver specifically?15:22
BluesKajmh22mk, open /etc/resolv.conf , the IP beside nameserver is the router / modem that connects to the internet, plave that IP in your /etc/network/interfaces file as the gateway IP15:22
ft_mnHello, flvs i hear from utube etc dont go to the /tmp folder anymore other temp files do go though (like pdfs or fotos) .... does anybody know what has happened??!?!?!?15:22
xxiaousing CLI, how can I tell if I need reboot the machine after an update?15:22
Jason_bcm43 somthing15:22
ikoniaxxiao: only a kernel should need a reboot at a high level15:22
coz_ft_mn,  I am not sure I understand15:22
g_0_0jason is it working at the moment?15:22
KGBWolfwhen sending a shutdown signal my server goes to post and comes back online15:23
Jason_well i installed it inside of windows15:23
xxiaoikonia: not really, sometimes an update with no kernel still asks for reboot when i use X15:23
KGBWolfis this an OS issue or server?15:23
g_0_0Jason_, can you pastebin the results of lsmod15:23
ft_mncoz_ u knew that any videos you watch through a site is temporarely stored on the /tmp folder didnt u?15:23
ikoniaxxiao: shouldn't be the case, if it's an X update you just need to restart X15:23
Jason_ok ill go on linux now15:23
coz_KGBWolf,  not sure ,, have you tried in #ubuntu-server15:23
Jason_and do it then ill pm u it15:23
ohzieKGBWolf: what shutdown signal are you sending? HALT or RESTART ?15:23
g_0_0Jason_, ok15:24
Jason_ok 1 sec then15:24
c0ldWhats a good 3d design software other than blender?15:24
sre-suikonia: Its gir1.0-gtk-2.0 - The GTK+ graphical user interface library. I already have it installed. But, during compilation I don't know why I'm getting this error - checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.13) were not met:15:24
sre-suNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found15:24
ikoniasre-su: you need the development libraries15:24
sre-suikonia: Like?15:24
mh22mkBluesKaj: i dont get it it worked before to change to nat and just do a network restart15:24
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stefano_there is some italian?15:24
coz_c0ld,  mm  there is sharpconstruct... misfit model   but  blender is pretty high end15:25
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sre-su!it stefano_15:25
sre-su!it | stefano_15:25
ubottustefano_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:25
IdrisHI is this the right channel for Ubuntu15:25
c0ldwell I want to create a 3d model of something Im creating15:25
coz_Idris,  yep15:25
stefano_grazie a te :-)15:25
BluesKajwhy are you choosing nat , it should be automatic. mh22mk15:25
KGBWolfohzie shutdown/HALT15:26
stefano_ma cos'è questa chat? poi me ne vado :-)15:26
IdrisI am using Ubuntu 10.04. I want to upgrade it to 10.1015:26
ohzieKGBWolf: Weird.15:26
sre-suikonia: I didn't get what all libraries are required ...15:26
BluesKaj!es | stefano_15:26
ubottustefano_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:26
IdrisIs it wise to upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10?15:26
mh22mkBluesKaj: cause im working on dhcp servers and stuff so i have made my own groupe wmNet0215:27
xxiaochecked a list of packages i just updated: vlc, libssl, login, passwd, libc-bin, and my Desktop asked for a reboot15:27
compdocdepends on if the newer version does somethign the old one doesnt15:27
iceroot_Idris: why you need to upgrade?15:27
coz_Idris,  many upgrade,,, I personally prefer clean installs15:27
xxiaono kernel was involved, not even a driver, why do I need reboot?15:27
c0ld@coz_ the reason I ask is cause blenders menus lag on me for some reason15:27
ikoniaxxiao: who says you need to reboot ?15:27
xxiaomore importantly, how can I get this notice if I do it over CLI15:27
coz_c0ld,  oh!   are you running compiz  at the same time?15:27
gnewbHow do I load or save a GPG/GNU to unlock or use as the passphrase key for any encrypted /sections that I may have?15:27
xxiaoikonia: the GUI update program15:27
iceroot_ikonia: openssl update needs a reboot15:27
ikoniaiceroot_: does it, ? I've updates SSL many times without an update15:28
iceroot_ikonia: sorry, libc i mean15:28
ikoniawithout a reboot15:28
xxiaoalso the button turns to red, reminds you a reboot is required on the top right15:28
Pumpkin-Idris: really a personal preference/objectives question. 10.04 is an LTS, so if you want long term stability, I'd stay with 10.04. If you want new features, I'd upgrade.15:28
ikoniaahh yes, libc good call15:28
FrenkI put tail -F /blal/bla - how do I end it?15:28
c0ldyes coz_15:28
Pumpkin-Frenk: ctrl-c15:28
xxiaoiceroot_: the problem is that, how can I know that if I'm using a CLI to manage my servers15:28
ikoniaFrenk: ctrl+c15:28
coz_c0ld,  try turning off compiz and see if you are getting the same "lag"  with the menus15:28
iceroot_xxiao: what?15:28
IdrisI am eager to find out what is new in Ubuntu 10.10?15:29
BluesKaj!it | stefano_15:29
ubottustefano_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:29
xxiaoikonia: how do you know if you need reboot after an update using only terminal?15:29
ikoniaxxiao: you learn from reading what's updated15:29
ikoniaxxiao: I believe some packages will give a message too15:29
vega-xxiao: the icon will turn red even when using command line15:29
Jordan_Uxxiao: You never need to reboot, it's just that you will not get the benefit of the newer libc (probably security) until you do.15:29
iceroot_xxiao: there is the package "debian-goodies" maybe its also for ubuntu. its telling you if you need a reboot after an upgrade15:29
xxiaothanks. need find that googies package15:30
iceroot_xxiao: there are 3 parts which needs a reboot. kernel, libc and dbus-update15:30
vega-Jordan_U: doesn't restarting necessary services do the same thing?15:30
IdrisIs it safe to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04 using a dial up connection?15:30
xxiaoi have headless servers ...15:30
xxiaoiceroot_: what about openssl?15:30
elricLIs there a seperate channel where i can Rant about natty or is this the right one?15:30
coz_Idris,  ooo   that one I am not sure of15:30
vega-xxiao: it should also tell you upon login that reboot necessary15:30
iceroot_xxiao: openssl doesnt need a reboot15:30
ikoniaelricL: no ranting is welcome15:30
iceroot_xxiao: just a restart of all daemons using ssl15:30
ikoniaelricL: #ubuntu+1 is a valid discussion channel15:30
Jordan_Uvega-: I'm not sure about libc.15:30
BluesKajelricL,  #ubuntu+115:30
elricLThank you15:31
DeRoSvOsHey guys, I'm booting using a Live CD and it asks me what I'd like to do, I choose "Rescue a Broken System" and it seems to put me back to a blue menu (CLI style ncurses) and seems like it wants to RE-INSTALL, asking me network settings, hostname, etc.15:31
vega-Jordan_U: might be yeah..15:31
DeRoSvOsAny idea why?15:31
IdrisCoz_, is there any advantage of the upgrade?15:31
iceroot_vega-: restarting services when you pull a libc update doesnt help, for libc you have to reboot15:31
xxiaothat problem is that , i need a notifier somehow tell me that i need a reboot after updating on my remote headless servers15:31
ikoniaDeRoSvOs: it's mnot a reinstall, it's setting up a recovery env15:31
iceroot_xxiao: debian-goodies15:31
BlueEaglevega-: The message that a reboot is required comes when security updates in the kernel have been automatically installed.15:31
DeRoSvOsikonia: Thank ya.15:31
BluesKajelricL, you'll just get the stock answer "it's still in alpa or beta" blah blah15:31
sipioriceroot_: no, when the processes restart, they will resolve and pick up the new (correct) glibc.15:31
Odaymthe aliased commands in 'alias' are always stored there once you 'alias run=runprogram.sh' for example?15:31
xxiaothanks. searching that15:31
iceroot_sipior: no15:31
gnewbDeRoSvOs: Did you try holding Shift on boot?15:32
iceroot_sipior: trust me, libc-update needs a reboot15:32
sipioriceroot_: i'm afraid so.15:32
vega-BlueEagle: no, not just the kernel, also other packages15:32
coz_Idris,  well  you are on the LTS right now... i n all honesty  I would stick with t hat until next LTS ...however ,,if you are like many of us,,, you want to try the newer stuff... then upgrade,,, but I still suggest  a clean install rather than an upgrade15:32
Pumpkin-vega-: no, it helps. when the processes restart, they will use the new libc. A reboot is the safest way to ensure EVERYTHING is using the new libc though.15:32
BlueEaglevega-: Oh. Well I did not know that. :)15:32
c0ld@coz_ how I disable compiz15:32
Odaymi know that the command to return to the beginning of a line on command line is "ctrl+A" but what's the one to go to the end of the line?15:32
OdaymEnd works too15:32
vega-Pumpkin-: yea i know, it just feels so windowsish to reboot every second day .. :)15:33
Idriscoz_, thank you for your suggestion...15:33
Odaymbut about my question above, the aliases that show up when i "alias"15:33
coz_c0ld,    if you are on gnome   hit   alt+F2  type in    metacity --replace    when you want to restart compiz   hit  alt+F2     compiz --replace ccp&15:33
elricLBluesKaj: I understand its in alpha,but it doesnt mean it should be completely unusable.Crashed within 5 minutes of start,and to make matters worse,no Unity :x15:33
Odaymif i add one now, how long will it stay there?15:33
FrenkHow do i delete a certain IP from IPtables (fromm all possible chains)15:33
coz_c0ld,    compiz --replace ccp &15:33
BlueEaglevega-: Well they could have listed the services that had been updated and allowed you to just restart those.15:33
coz_c0ld,   or to restart compiz  you could log off then log on15:34
sipioriceroot_: instead of having me trust you, could you provide an argument as to why what you say is true?15:34
c0ldyah blender menus still lag15:34
c0ldIll try sharpconstruct15:34
coz_c0ld,  mnmm then I am not sure  what the issue is..15:34
iceroot_sipior: init is using libc15:35
iceroot_sipior: have fun to restart init without reboot15:35
coz_c0ld,   sharpconstruct is more of a sculpting tool... it is inscluded in blender as well15:35
FrenkI have the IP adress: how do I whitelist it?15:36
coz_c0ld,   the best one that runs native to linux is blender15:36
FrenkIn IPtables in all chains15:36
xxiaodebian-goodies is on ubuntu too, great stuff. thanks!15:37
coz_c0ld,   there are others lke maya   that can run on linux  but they are not free15:37
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Odaymwhat is debian-goodies, xxiao?15:37
Odaymwhat's it have?15:37
c0ldI wonder why the menus are choppy looking15:37
voozeQuick question... about SWAP.. if last says i ran out of RAM.. and i have 15GB swap... Hvor much RAM is 15GB swap equal?15:37
xxiaogoogle for it, i need it to tell me if i need restart services/servers15:37
xxiaoOdaym: most of my machines do not have a screen attached to it15:38
compdoc15GB swap is pretty huge15:38
xxiaoOdaym: so i need it to tell me if i need reboot after the update15:38
sipioriceroot_: the ksplice folks manage both kernel upgrades and init restart via kexec, to my recollection.15:38
Odaymi see15:38
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iceroot_sipior: and its not the default15:38
sipioriceroot_: i didn't say it was. but rebooting is not necessary.15:38
bayerhi there, i installed ubuntu 10.10 2 days ago, yesterday i did some upgrades, and suddenly when i try to boot the system it complains about not finding the harddrive: http://pastebin.com/HmEHnyT015:38
iceroot_sipior: so you have to reboot after a libc-update15:38
example92lsusb on terminal recognize my usbstick but, i cant get or put files on this.. anybady help?15:39
bayeri tried a long rootdelay, that didnt change anything15:39
bayerany idea?15:39
vega-BlueEagle: that's my point exactly yeah, instead of rebooting ..15:39
kreantoshello, can someone give me a hint how to prevent gnome from starting on startup15:39
voozecompdoc, yeah i know.. but i had ALOT of free HD space.. so i figuret wtf. :D15:39
xxiaosipior: for security updates i will reboot anyway...debian-goodies will tell you15:39
vega-BlueEagle: especially in a server environment15:39
sipiorxxiao: do what you like, of course. some of us like to keep our machines running independent of security updates.15:40
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Jordan_Uxxiao: I belive that a message will be added to the motd, and you can check with /etc/update-motd.d/98-reboot-required .15:40
xxiaosipior: yes, do the same for internal servers, but for external website i reboot more often15:40
FrenkHow do I flush the IP-Table rules remotly without losing connection?15:41
terryFrenk: -F15:41
terryFrenk: Wait, are you doing ipmasquerade?15:41
pestilencei'm trying to get a vpn connection going (pptp).  i want to use pptp-linux.  when i type "pon myvpn" the connection comes up and i get a ppp0 interface with an ip, but i cannot ping across the connection to the server.15:41
terryFrenk: -F will flush all rules.15:41
kreantosi tried  "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove" but after reboot there was again the gnome mask15:42
Frenkterry: I have a server and one guy cant connetc, his IP is not in iptables and denyhost but still hes blocked. I can access the IP without any problems15:42
BluesKajelricL, afaik X is broken on natty , especially if you accepted the removal and "upgrade" of several important xorg file15:42
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terryFrenk: Flush the one rule that is blocking his IP15:42
kreantosno idea?15:43
Wulfykreantos,  is your ip ON your system or is it a remote host?15:43
Frenkterry: I can not find that rule =( iptables -L and grep the ip = no result15:43
Jimi_Neutralhi guys, i had phpmyadmin set up with some databases on it for a website and gallery and such...thing is i changed my router and even though I can access the website and gallery and such I cannot access phpMyadmin anymore...what am i missing15:43
Jimi_Neutralvery new to this by the way15:43
Wulfykreantos, if he is trying to access your system?15:43
pestilenceis there a firewall enabled by default in maverick?15:44
elricLBluesKaj: I just wanna work on ubuntu code. Dissapointing start :/15:44
iceroot_pestilence: no15:44
pestilenceiceroot_: ok15:44
kreantosim talking about windowmanager15:44
BluesKajelricL, nvidia drivers are broken as well15:44
pestilenceis there other security software in place that would prevent pptp-linux from working correctly?15:44
Wulfykreantos,  sorry wrong person15:44
kreantosno clue what you are talking about ;)15:44
pestilencee.g. apparmor?15:44
WulfyFrenk,  is the server on your system or a remote system?15:45
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elricLBluesKaj: yeah,i figured that. Getting irritated now. Dont know how i am gonna work on unity without being able to run it15:45
Jimi_Neutralnm, forgot my old routers lan IP was different to this new one15:45
FrenkWulfy remote system15:46
replicasexI don't suppose anybody knows anything about the 2d Unity package in the PPA?  It installed fine when I tested it out in a VM but on my regular system (10.10) it doesn't actually show up as Unity, it just has the default desktop when I choose it at the GDM.15:46
Wulfyfrenk mind me asking what service your trying to allow access15:47
Zoffix_Hey. Is samba the only way to let a windows computer access files on Ubuntu drive? I spent over two hours trying to make samba work to no avail; that's just more than I wish to invest into this...15:47
IdleOnebencahill: aboration in the matrix I suppose :)15:47
terryFrenk: It is probably a range of IPs15:47
FrenkWulfy http imap pop3 smtp15:47
bencahillIdleOne: weird :)15:47
bayerhi there, i installed ubuntu 10.10 2 days ago, yesterday i did some upgrades, and suddenly when i try to boot the system it complains about not finding the harddrive: http://pastebin.com/HmEHnyT015:47
compdocZoffix_, samba is the simplist way15:47
terryFrenk: Look at the file and see if you can find it.15:48
WulfyFrenk, and he cant access any of them? is there any control panel in use (i.e cpanel?)15:48
Zoffix_compdoc, doesn't seem to work at all... When I try to connect from windows I get "The account is not authorized to log in from this station."15:48
llutzZoffix_: ssh/scp/sftp as an alternate way, using winscp/putty/filezilla on win-side15:48
compdocZoffix_, check permissions on the folder youre sharing15:48
FrenkWulfy no I use just ssh - he cant access any of them - thats right.15:48
bencahillhey guys, is there vm software that can run programs so they look like they're running native?15:49
Wulfyfrenk very odd..... have you verified you can access such services other than ssh?15:49
FrenkWulfy Yes I did - Website&Mail are fine15:49
Zoffix_compdoc, It's drwxr-xr-x 37 zoffix zoffix 4096 2011-02-16 07:46 Music/   In fact, it worked this morning until I rebooted my Ubuntu box.. >_< (and I tried rebooting again)15:50
Frenkfor me15:50
WulfyFrenk,  and its an external ip (i.e not a 192.168.*)15:50
medflyI have problem connecting with my wireless card. sitting right next to the router, it sees the network but doesn't connect. it uses WPA2 with AES/15:51
terryFrenk: to get a clue, do:  iptables -L |grep 10.1.1.    #leaving off the last portion or two15:51
bencahillWulfy: there are more private ip ranges than 192.168, just fyi, you can read about it on wiki15:51
FrenkWulfy Right (atm im just rebooting the server =) ill give it a try =) )15:51
bencahillWulfy: generally called public and private ip's15:51
Wulfybencahill,  not sure why after last your on ignore but yes im aware of that i guess ccna taiught me something15:51
Wulfywhy your not^15:52
bencahillWulfy: what do you mean on ignore?15:52
Wulfybencahill,  how can i put this polietly, butt out?15:52
LIkesFruit /join #macosx15:53
sipioriceroot_: by the way (and apologies if you're not interested), i did confirm that it is possible to restart init via "telinit u". i had to double-check the man page; i don't do it very often, but it's nice to have the option.15:53
replicasexI'm befuddled as to why this silly 2d unity does not work -- alas!15:55
coz_replicasex,  are you on natty?15:55
bencahillso, is there vm software that can run apps like they're native?15:55
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iceroot_sipior: nice to know15:56
Wulfyi used the 192.168 range to simplify would it confuse the issue if i gave EVERY possible private ip range (i discounted the 10.* range due to it being deployed mainly in larger networks the most common home range would have been the 192.168 range) and were in a linux channel aimed for the most part at the desktop/home user sigh now is that enough justification on why i said what i did?15:56
zuberhey, do u know any packet to login from webcam?15:56
gt5050join #hawkboard15:57
Zoffix_Jesus.. never ever upgrading my Ubuntu EVER again >_< So far I've spent 11 hours trying to make everything work ok... >_<15:57
kevdogdon't upgrade -- just reinstall15:57
omacbencahill: I believe you mean emulator software.  What software do you want to run on ubuntu as if they were native?15:57
Zoffix_kevdog, that's actually what I did...15:57
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Zoffix_blowed up my old install by accident.... so I formatted15:58
example92gentlemen, any idea?15:58
bencahillomac: just ms access with a database, it doesn't work in wine...15:58
zuberneed packet to webcam login like startlogon15:58
kevdogyea I went through the phase I had to have the latest and greatest a while ago, now I just settle in on the LTS15:58
Zoffix_ditto :)15:58
omacbencahill:  have you tried opening an access database using the libreoffice(formerly known as openoffice) data tool?15:59
zuberneed packet to webcam login like startlogon15:59
bencahillomac: nah, it's a very complicated database15:59
bullcityramblerhello.  i'm taking my first stab at bash scripting.  i'm adding a function to .bashrc in U10.10.  Is there anyway to have ubuntu load the function without restarting?15:59
hazzaruxHiiii! :)15:59
iceroot_bullcityrambler: source ~/.bashrc15:59
medflywoops -.- I just got the password wrong15:59
i7-Cud4Hi i have a problem with the booting the os, target filesystem dosnt have /sbin/init    try passin init=bootar16:00
xeroadminhas anybody had any grief with the latest updates?16:00
zuberneed packet to webcam login like startlogon16:00
iceroot_zuber: stop repeating please16:00
omacI'm not a wine expert, but I'm sure you can tweak it to work with the help from some other people around here.16:00
hazzaruxxeroadmin: what do you mean?16:00
bullcityrambler@iceroot_:  thanks!16:00
sosaitedxeroadmin, The MIT krb ones? Nope16:00
terryxeroadmin: updates for 10.04?  or 10.10?  or...?16:00
hazzaruxxeroadmin: The ATI drivers can be screwed up if you use MintUpdater.16:00
christop1eri have a hang on resume from hibernation about 2/3 of the time16:00
xeroadminas in, today, youtube is refusing to load, and on boot, there was no theme applied, I had to reapply it... and even then it would not apply to the file manager...16:00
example92any idea? usb stick cant be recognised16:01
xeroadminand I use nVidia, not ATI16:01
omacperhaps you could export your access data base into another format and import it into libreoffice.  i.e. sql export database16:01
christop1erno problems with pointing it to the resume device, so im not sure what16:01
hazzaruxhas somebody any experience with the Google Code-in Contest for pre-university students?16:01
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xeroadminnetwork access seems to take a lot longer than usual, youtube doesn't load and facebook is on a similar path...16:01
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bencahillomac: no, you're not answering the question, this database has over a hundred tables, and many forms and reports, I am not looking to redesign it :), just to run windows in a vm to access it16:02
WulfyFrenk,  any luck?16:02
FrenkWulfy no - I cleared denyhosts and greping iptables -L with the apy = no luck16:03
FrenkAnyone any sugestions16:03
example92anybody help?16:03
sosaitedexample92, What do you get with lsusb?16:03
BluesKajFrenk, what's your network setup ?16:03
bencahillFrenk: what exactly are you trying to do?16:03
example92Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0951:1625 Kingston Technology16:03
vonlievermancomo funciona esto?16:03
example92but i cant open this16:04
Wulfyfrenk odd sorry i cant really help any further check with bencahill  he seems to be as clever as yoda16:04
kevdogyou probably need to manually mount it16:04
kevdogis the usb stick formated in fat32?16:04
bencahillFrenk: lol disregard what Wulfy said, he doesn't like me for some reason :P16:04
sosaitedexample92, Yes like kevdog said, you might need to manually mount it.16:04
example92i think so16:05
example92is this problem?16:05
bencahill!who | example9216:05
ubottuexample92: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:05
kevdogno fat32 is ok.16:05
kevdogId have to do some re-reading how to manually mount the usb stick, however its not that hard.16:06
example92!kevgod, how to mount it manually?16:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
Frenkbencahill:  BluesKaj: I try to connect from an IP to the server. The server is rejecting every protocol - http,pop3,smtp. When I connect from my own laptop (other IP) I can access ssh and any other service. Denyhosts is cleared up and when I do iptables -L|grep IPTHATISBLOCKED it shows nothing!16:06
cppguruWhat do I need to uninstall from a maverick server to get rid of the CAN protocol (and address) family?  I would need Protocol family 29 for another driver, but CAN uses it :(16:06
bayerhi there, when i boot my ubuntu (freshly installed) 10.10 i suddenly get dropped to a shell, (initramfs) and it seems it cant find my harddrive anymore: http://pastebin.com/TWzpYBYv16:06
bayerit seems /proc/modules is empty16:07
bencahillFrenk: how are the laptop and the rejected IP connected to the server?16:07
bayeralthough grub seems to have a command to load an ext2 module16:07
kevdogwhat does dmseg | grep -i "SCSI device" say?16:07
bayerany ideas anyone?16:07
sosaitedexample92, First you need to find out if the USB is sda1 or not, which you can do by running dmesg when inserting the USB16:08
harithHello, please Help, I want to install Ubuntu 10.10, I already have windows 7 installed with 5 partitions, now when partitiong for Ubuntu, I see only Unallocated space, while this unallocated space has the windows 7 partitions16:08
sosaitedexample92, Then make a folder in /media or /mnt "sudo mkdir /media/usb" and do "mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb" replace sda1 with whatever you get from dmesg16:09
Frenkbencahill: The server is remote - I connect from a remote location, so the rejected IP does16:09
mbeierlanyone else get hit by the dist upgrade of curses5 giving this error today?   "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ia32-libs: ia32-libs depends on lib32ncursesw5; however:  Package lib32ncursesw5 is not installed."16:10
andreylosevhow do I set the sound from the commandline?16:10
andreylosevI tried amixer -q set PCM 2%+ unmute but it didn't work16:10
kevdogexample92 -- take out and then put back in your usb drive --then type dmesg and look for a line relating the sda1 or sda2 or sda3 (or whatever)16:10
bencahillandreylosev: also do Master16:10
kevdogmbeierl: So just install the new package (I'm speculating)16:11
KGBWolfhow can i disable ubuntu from automatically adjusting date16:11
andreylosevdidn't work16:11
mbeierlkevdog: yep, just need to drop to a shell to do so, etc...16:11
andreylosevplease not I have only cli16:11
bencahillandreylosev: error?16:11
andreylosevno gui at all16:11
bencahill!who | andreylosev16:11
ubottuandreylosev: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:11
cppguruCan anyone help with the CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol removal from maverick server? PF_CAN - 29.  What should I apt-get remove to get rid of it?16:11
bencahillandreylosev: can you use alsamixer?16:12
andreylosevno error either bencahill16:12
andreylosevyes I can16:12
bencahillandreylosev: does that work then?16:12
andreylosevit says full volume16:12
bencahillandreylosev: on master and pcm?16:12
sosaitedkevdog, Actually I too wrote it wrong. For USB memory sticks with one partition, won't it be just sda, sdb etc16:12
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:13
mbeierlkevdog: just as an fyi, apt first recommended removing quite a few packages before it suggested installing the missing dep :)16:13
kevdogmbeierl -- just install it anyways -- that's what I do16:13
KGBWolfubuntu is changing date even though i set it to NOT adjust automatically???16:13
example92i didnt understanded what exactly is sdal...16:14
andreylosevthat's what my alsamixer says bencahill16:14
mbeierlkevdog: sorry, to be clear I did.   I just wanted to offer help in case others here were bit by it and didn't know what to do when it started to recommend removing stuff16:14
maxoHi there. Howdo i enable the explode plugin animation in compiz-manager?16:14
omaci hate open id.  I think it's crazy technology to consolidate your username/passwords into one place.16:14
bencahillandreylosev: I don't know, sorry :(16:14
omacAnyways I wanted to report a bug.16:15
kevdogexample92: what does your dmesg output about sda??  sda -- scsi drive a16:15
bencahillomac: then don't use it16:15
andreylosevanyone else?16:15
kevdognever used open id?  I have no clue what this is16:15
bencahillso is there vm software that can run apps like native?16:15
Frenkbencahill: any sugestions where to look?16:16
omacthe main launchpad login system changed recently, forcing me to use my email username and email password to login to launchpad.  Not gonna doit!16:16
kevdogopenbox, virtualbox16:16
bencahillFrenk: you never told me anything, how is the laptop connected to the server?16:16
example92!kevgod this one ??? sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk16:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
bencahillomac: nah, I don't believe it16:16
natrixnatrix89Is it possible to use startup disc creator on ubuntu to create a startup usb that could install win xp ?16:16
Frenkbencahill: its above. the laptop is connected remortly to the server, as well as the rejected ip16:17
kevdogexample92:  Thats the one16:17
sosaitedexample92, Yes that is most probably your USB.16:17
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bencahillFrenk: remotely = over the internet?16:17
Frenkbencahill: yes16:17
kevdogexample92: take a look at this page http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/11637.html16:17
bencahillFrenk: how is the laptop connected to the internet?16:18
Frenkbencahill: over a dsl-modem16:18
terryFrenk: What type of server is it?16:18
bencahillFrenk: and it is hooked directly to the modem?16:18
Frenkbencahill: wifi - but i can access other websites from the laptop - just the one server isnt working16:19
omacI found a way to avoid openid.  I go to this web page to login:  http://askubuntu.com/users/login.  Otherwise it forces me to use openid from the tomcat bug reporting page.16:19
Frenkterry: root server in germany16:19
bencahillFrenk: you said the laptop worked, but another computer didn't16:19
syn-ack /j #ubuntu-az-us16:19
Frenkbencahill: yeah sorry, i mean that (the other computer is also a laptop)16:19
terryFrenk: root server? not sure about that term.  Is that same as firewall server?16:19
harithPlease Help here... I'm stuck at Ubuntu partition because I see no windows 7 partitions which I already have on my machine, I see them as one Unallocated Space16:20
syn-ackhah, did it again. Sorry.16:20
Frenkterry: its a dedicated server and I have the controle over the firewall (a linux-box connected to the internet)16:20
terryFrenk: Is it a NAT firewall server?16:20
bencahillFrenk: ok, so laptop that can connect is #1, laptop that can't connect is #2, sound good?16:20
rumpe1harith, where/how/... do you see it?16:20
Frenkbencahill: yes16:20
bencahillFrenk: ok, so how is #1 connected to the internet (including routers)?16:20
rlmhi to all16:21
rlmany spanish ?16:21
bencahill!es | rlm16:21
ubotturlm: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:21
rlmok thx16:21
Frenkbencahill: both can browse other websites, 1&2, still. Laptop 1 is connected via wifi->dslmodem->internet same 216:21
terryFrenk: Is the server a Network Address Translation Firewall?16:21
Frenkterry: no it isnt16:21
harithrumpe1, I have 5 win7 partitions, now I want to install Ubuntu, I reached the partitioning stage, I see only one unallocated space16:21
bencahillFrenk: if they are both connected using the same modem, they have the same public ip16:22
Frenkterry: look dedicated server/root server16:22
rumpe1harith, manual partitioning?16:22
harithrumpe1, yes16:22
Frenkbencahill: no i mean the same procedure wifi->router->internet16:22
kevdogFrenk: I'm betting there is some NAT going on in your router16:22
Frenk1&2 have different ips16:22
omacGet this, I went to login to launchpad and now they say I don't exist as a launchpad user when I try to recover my account.16:22
rumpe1harith, hmm... maybe wrong device?16:22
terryCan someone tell me what he means "deticated server/root server"?16:22
KGBWolfwant to enable remote desktop server on ubuntu 10.04 LTS server16:22
kevdogFrenk: local IPs or external IPs16:22
bencahillFrenk: so if you visit whatismyip.com, they report different addresses?16:22
omacNow they are forcing me to use my email address and email password to login!16:22
example92kevdog! it needs a passwors to become root... and my password is wrong16:23
omacin other words they would love to know my email password.16:23
terrybencahill: He can't do that if the PC is not connected.16:23
bencahillomac: show me where, I don't believe you16:23
harithrumpe1, I am sure that this unallocated space has the win7 partitions, but for some reason, I only see them as one unallocated space16:23
bencahillterry: he said it can access other websites16:23
kevdogDon't use su:  just preface the commands with sudo (for ubuntu) --- and yes you need the admin password to mount volumes16:23
Frenkbencahill: yes, I am in Berlin - the other guy is in Monaco - I am conected to his laptop 2 wia teamviewer and via ssh im connected from laptop 1 to the server16:23
harithwhile there's some unallocated space that I have dedicated for Ubuntu16:23
bencahillFrenk: got it16:24
omaclaunchpad is forcing me to use openid.16:24
terrybencahill: Oh, I see.16:24
bencahillomac: no, you don't use your email password, openid simply uses your email address as their "username"16:24
terryFrenk: iptables -L   #Does it give you any clues?16:24
bortrebI'm trying to use ps to list the processes I'm running using  "ps -ww -U r --no-headers  -o comm" , but the output width never grows past 15 characters, even though the man page says that if comm is listed last the output will grow to whatever size it needs. what's up?16:25
Frenkterry:  no16:25
Frenkbencahill: any ideas?16:25
bencahillFrenk: so if you try on #2 to access the server with ssh, what does it do, timeout?16:25
sosaitedharith, Did you apply some changes to the disk before? I have never seen Ubuntu/gparted seeing an NTFS partition as empty space. As a matter of fact it will identify even corrupt NTFS partitions16:25
terryCan  you ping the server from the laptop in question?16:25
bencahillterry: good one16:25
CaleIn Ubuntu 10.10, assuming I don't want to use pulseaudio, how do I get back my alsa support for gnome-mixer? In 10.04, I just recompiled gnome-media, but it seems that disabling pulseaudio support in that now disables building the volume control.16:26
omacwell I had a launchpad account, but it disappeared.16:26
omacMy email address was lost.16:26
joelrgood day! i'm having trouble installing from the amd64 version of the 10.10 desktop cd/iso. it keeps booting me into what seems like a live cd and the "install ubuntu" shortcut on the desktop and in the admin menu does not do anything.16:26
terryFrenk: Can  you ping the server from the laptop in question?  Also, what type of connection is this laptop in question attempting to make?16:26
joelrany suggestions?16:26
Frenkterry bencahill no i can not ping the server16:27
devinHello, I have a gnome/ubuntu issue to report. Maybe 100 papercuts worthy.16:27
harithsosaited, I never applied any changes, just partitioned the disk for win7, i have 5 NTFS partitions, now I'm stuch at Ubuntu partitiong because I see the 5 NTFSs as one Unallocated space16:27
bencahillFrenk: could you msg me the server IP?16:27
omacI tried to recover my password, but they said my username email doesn't exist.16:27
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terryFrenk: but  you CAN ping it from the other Laptop?16:27
Frenkterry: yes16:27
Flannelomac: Try #launchpad, they may be able to help you better16:28
terryAre you sure you're on the same network range?16:28
bencahillFrenk: wait, how are you connected to laptop #1 from #2 again? vpn?16:28
devincan i get a private conversation with a dev about a bug I found?16:28
sosaitedharith, Partitioned for WIndows 7? You don't have it already installed?. And with which software did you partition them? Was there data on it?16:28
Frenkbencahill: teamviewer16:28
bencahilldevin: try #ubuntu-bugs16:28
bortrebanyone know about ps on ubuntu?16:28
bencahillFrenk: can you view/ping internet websites on #2 while connected with teamviewer?16:29
bencahillbortreb: man ps16:29
maxoHi there. Howdo i enable the explode plugin animation in compiz-manager?16:29
Frenkbencahill: yes I do16:29
bencahillFrenk: ok, could you msg me the server IP?16:29
zuberhow i can reverse preview in webcam 180 degrees?16:29
terryFrenk: Do you have any reason to believe the server has blocked the laptop in question?16:29
harithsosaited, no my laptop is new, I first installed windows and made 5 partitions during the win7 installation process16:29
Frenkbencahill: message with /m bencahill ?16:29
bencahillFrenk: /msg bencahill texthere16:30
harithsosaited, now with ubuntu, I don't see the 5 partitions, I see them as one Unallocated space16:30
terryFrenk: Can I pm you?16:30
shubbari am getting key error when updating sources ... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wsZDTbA716:30
zuberhow i can reverse preview my webcam by 180 degrees? any idea any1?16:30
sosaitedharith, Can you run Livecd? You can use Test Disk to search for the partitions if they are lost somehow16:31
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agentgasmaskHi. During the install of phpmyadmin, it asks to "configure database with dbconfig-common?". I already have some databases setup in mysql. Should I just skip this?16:32
harithsosaited, no need, I quit the LiveCD, then I booted win7 normally where I se the whole partitions safe and sound16:32
[4-tea-2]agentgasmask: it's optional, if you allow it, it might save you some manual work.16:32
Frenkbencahill yes i can16:33
txomonhas anyone worked with eclipse?16:33
[4-tea-2]agentgasmask: it will not affect existing databases.16:33
bortrebbencahill: yes, I've read the man page -- I'm wondering why "ps -ww -U r --no-headers -o comm" never produces output greater than 15 characters, when the man page clearly states that "When (comm is) specified last, this column will extend to the edge of the display."16:33
bencahillFrenk: odd, I don't know then16:33
sosaitedharith, This is weird. Did you try running livecd again and see if it shows the partitions now?16:33
bencahillbortreb: tty?16:33
harithsosaited, I've already tried it twice...16:33
bortrebbencahill: what does tty mean in this context?16:34
bencahillbortreb: are you on a tty or a term emulator?16:34
bortrebbencahill: X term16:34
bencahillbortreb: try the command from a tty16:34
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abstrakttxomon: I'm sure that the people in #eclipse have worked with eclipse, yes16:35
harithsosaited, thanks for the try, I'll figure something out16:35
bortrebbencahill: same problem16:35
bencahillbortreb: ah, can't really help here as I'm on win :(16:36
bortrebit doesn't even work with something like "ps --width 500 --cols 500  -U r --no-headers -o comm:50" ... any ideas?16:38
voozeIf i'm root.. how do i change the password of mysql root-user if i dont remember it?16:41
hilarieI am trying to copy a file into etc/cups, and the option to do that is shaded out, any idea?16:41
KGBWolfinstalled xrdp and when i try to rdp from windows i get because of a protocol error. this session will be disconnected16:41
sipiorvooze: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html16:42
lwizardlwhy does the right click menu in gnome remove the compress/add to archive option for ISO images16:42
Pumpkin-vooze: you need to run mysqld up with --skip-grant-tables, and then reset the password. I'd read something like http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-generic (assuming its 5.x)16:42
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Odaymi was just reading Anonymous' attack on HBGary16:43
Odaymhot damn!16:43
hilariegksudo nautilus did it :)16:43
Odaymso sweet16:43
kevdogthat was a funny story16:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:43
Odaymjust the perfect example of underdogs16:43
voozePumpkin-, i'll try that ;) thanks alot16:44
Rubix`How come I can never get more than 5 FPS in any game in Ubuntu?16:45
Rubix`no matter the game, even flash games.16:45
lazukarsis there a way to get a list of packages that I installed.  Packages that did not come with Ubuntu.16:45
example92how to become root on terminal?16:46
Odaym"sudo -s"16:46
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:46
barfWhat did I do wrong? http://pastie.org/private/sjrlewavkn6dfv2r1eysa16:46
fluxyhello does exaile support iPod (nano 4th Gen) synchronization?16:46
wildbatRubix`: you haven;t installed video driver  may be?16:46
Rubix`wildbat, How do I go about that?16:46
example92ohh, ya, thanks.. i was typing sudo...!!16:47
Odaymor just "sudo command"16:47
wildbatRubix`: System -> Admin.. -> Hardware driver16:47
Odaymbetter than having to BECOME root16:47
Rubix`wildbat, thanks a bunch :316:48
hilarieI just killed the little side view thing, which shows all mounted volumes in the file viewer thingy, how do i get it back?16:48
hilarief9, sidepane I am retarded this morning16:49
Odaymview > side pane16:49
voozePumpkin-, i startet it again with: /etc/init.d/mysql start --ship-grant-tables    -- and still it requires password.. did i do somthing wrong?16:50
hans_henrikhow can i add a user to the group www-data ?16:50
llutzhans_henrik: sudo adduser user group16:51
nsahoowhats the software to check for any error in hard drives?16:54
bortrebcan anyone confirm that  "ps --width 500 --cols 500 -U <your-username-here> --no-headers -o comm:50" doesn't print anything wider than 15, contrary to the man page?16:54
Odaymnsahoo, try here16:55
example92has anybody teamviewer or somethink to help me with mount... i really can't16:55
BiPolahbortreb: 15 characters?16:55
* Pumpkin- makes something that is running that is longer than 15 chars to test16:55
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bortrebBiPolah: yeah, 15 characters16:55
BiPolahBortreb: Yeah, 15 chars maximum. "telepathy-logger" has 16 chars and only shows up "telepathy-logge"16:56
wildbatbortreb: ya 15 char only16:56
Pumpkin-indeed, doesn't print anything longer than 15 chars for me, despite me now running something that is 40 characters long16:56
bortrebso if I'm reading the man page right, that's a bug in ps, right?16:56
__MidorI am using nouveau driver instead of Nvidia's proprietary driver. I am seeing flickers when running games (or even simple benchmark: glmark2) is that normal? Should I hope it would be fixed soon?16:57
bortrebbecause it says in reference to comm that if it's at the end of the format string, it expands to the terminal width, moderated by width and coll, etc16:57
DeucePWhat is a good book to get a good grasp on the linux terminal?16:57
IdleOne!cli > DeuceP16:57
ubottuDeuceP, please see my private message16:57
compdocgoogle isnt bad, and its free16:57
example92who kno how to mount manually a usb stick?16:58
Pumpkin-bortreb: my very quick glance over the ps man page suggests it is a bug16:59
rumpe1example92, find device via fdisk -l, mount it with "mount devicename mountpoint"16:59
WhaleDolphinHi, I have been hitting Kernel Panics on boot with my XFS root partition.  Is anyone else hitting the same?16:59
bortrebexample92: look at /dev to find the usb stick's special file, read man mount, create an empty folder to mount to, then use mount to mount it16:59
DeucePI know the basics of the terminal I was just wondering what a good in depth reference was17:00
example92fdisk -l17:00
WhaleDolphinI've read that GRUB sometimes isnt able to mount XFS, does that have something to do with it?17:00
bortrebif it really is a bug, then I should report it, yes? But, I don't know how to do that. any pointers/ something to read?17:00
souhebcan i downgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 10.4 without format?17:00
cannonfodderget a book on bash scripting to master your terminal17:00
rumpe1example92, sudo fdisk -l17:00
Jeruvysouheb: no, you'd need to reinstall17:00
cannonfodderor find a good website tutorial on bash scripting to master your terminal17:00
cannonfodderDeuceP learn how to pipe and grep17:01
DeucePcannonfodder Alright17:02
bortrebnm found it in the man page17:02
example92i just found mount manager, will this help?17:02
sre-suHow do I fix this configure error -  http://pastebin.com/bUbjNU52 ??17:02
rumpe1example92, try it17:03
WhaleDolphinHi has anyone made a initrd file?17:03
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anodesniHi. I've installed moonlight preview 4, now I can't download codecs: "Failed to download EULA, please try again later", what now?17:04
llutzDeuceP: http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php17:04
sre-suI'm on GNOME still I'm facing gtk errors which are installed by default - http://pastebin.com/bUbjNU52 . How do i fix it?17:04
DeucePllutz, Thanks!17:05
abysimodoes somebody know a good site where i can read python code ?17:07
Odaymwhat do you mean?17:07
Odayma gallery for python code?17:07
llutzabysimo: http://docs.python.org/17:08
RicoHello People, I have a problem, and hope you can help me (I normally speak German so sorry for my bad english)17:08
abysimoi mean full opensource projects , where i can see the build and learn from it17:08
Odaymtry what llutz said, abysimo17:09
RicoI had installed windows and ubuntu on one hdd , now i bought me a new hdd and installed there windows and the old i had formate it and installed ubuntu on it17:09
llutzabysimo: http://freshmeat.net/tags/python17:09
Ricothen i installed grub on the new hdd where is windows installed17:09
example92!bortreb , really cant.. do you have team viewer?17:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:11
Ricofirst: windows isnt in the grub menü second: allways when i want to boot linux theree comes this error: "Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic-pae/modules.dep: No such file or directory"17:11
abysimollutz: thx17:11
llutzRico: sudo update-grub && sudo depmod -a17:11
bortrebexample92: what is team viewer?17:11
LantiziaOK I'm using rhythmbox, i have an album in my library|music section... say if I'm listening to track 2 but I wanna skip to track 8 i double click it - but it adds it to the play queue when i just want it to skip... whats up with this thing?17:11
Ricollutz: thank you i try it17:12
example92a program for remote control17:12
llutzRico: "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg"  should list a windows entry17:12
RicoYes i know, it should, but it havent17:12
llutzRico: after update-grub17:13
Ricookey i have to look17:13
llutzRico: presuming you're using grub217:14
mtkorbI'm running Ubuntu from a flash drive and it works fine on one laptop. But when I move the flash drive to an identical laptop, it still boots fine but can't find the eth0 device. Can anyone help?17:14
example92!bortreb a program for remote control17:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
pareLiI'm having some big problems.. when i boot up i get this: "Ubuntu is running in low grapichs mode" and then i get a few choices, but the only one who works is "exit to console.. from there i use the command startx, but how do i fix it so Ubuntu boots right?17:14
Lantiziai'll dumb down the question... how can I make rhytmbox less shit?17:14
RicoOkey there isnt a window entry, should i write update-grub2 ?17:14
llutzmtkorb: delete /etc/udev/rules-d/70-persistent-net.rules17:15
JDogg420anyone know how to change start up programs in xubuntu?\17:15
Frenk I need your advice! I can not connect to a server, even I can not ping the server. I can tracoroute it and it ends one ip-adress before my server. then the connection is timed out. I cleared hosts.deny and all ip-table rules. The laptop can access any other website and service. =(17:15
llutzRico: you already did update-grub before?17:15
Ricollutz: Yes, because you said it to me :D17:16
jectwhen i open the folder like download,music from place .  open the rythmbox automatically.  how i can change it into default.17:16
llutzRico: odd, it should have found your win-isntallation17:16
sosaitedRico, You can also do "sudo os-prober" first17:16
pareLiI'm having some big problems.. when i boot up i get this: "Ubuntu is running in low grapichs mode" and then i get a few choices, but the only one who works is "exit to console.. from there i use the command startx, but how do i fix it so Ubuntu boots right?17:17
Ricollutz: no i downt know, maybe because windows is on an other hdd?17:17
llutzsosaited: shouldn't update-grub run os-prober?17:17
sosaitedRico, Then do update-grub17:17
Ricososaited: ok i try it, thanks17:17
k0rdzWhen I open the terminal and use the "ls" command it shows me the contents of my home directory, however it won't let me open any folders within with cd. can someone explain me why that is?17:17
sosaitedllutz, I am not sure. AFAIK it basically ads the custom entries to .cfg.17:17
sosaitedSomeone correct me if I am wrong17:17
rumpe1k0rdz, "won't let me" isn't enough information17:18
Ricososaited: hm no, doesn't work17:18
sosaitedpareLi, Did you do a driver update?17:18
pareLiI'm having some big problems.. when i boot up i get this: "Ubuntu is running in low grapichs mode" and then i get a few choices, but the only one who works is "exit to console.. from there i use the command startx, but how do i fix it so Ubuntu boots right?17:18
sosaitedRico, os-prober didn't find Windows?17:18
Ricoit seems like not17:19
ject when i open the folder like download,music from place .  open the rythmbox automatically.  how i can change it into default.17:19
pareLisosiated: you mean just apt-get update? or is there a function for updating drivers?17:19
Ricososaited: when i write in this code, ther comes not17:19
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k0rdzAlright sorry. Here's an example. ls displays "Downloads, Desktop, Music, ect" I use cd /Downloads and it says "bash: cd: /Downloads: No such file or directory"17:19
rumpe1k0rdz, well...  because there is no such thing. You have to type "cd Downloads" or "cd ./Downloads"17:20
sosaitedpareLi, If you have Nvidia or ATI card, then from System > Admin > Additional drivers. Though might have been caused by a X update17:20
hazzaruxI'm planning to set up a local FTP server (with ssh) could somebody point me to some information? Which software to use etc. ?17:20
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rumpe1hazzarux, install openssh-server, use any sftp-client17:20
Ricososaited: what can i do?17:21
hazzaruxget it17:21
DeucePhazzarux, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/file-servers.html17:21
sosaitedRico, Nothing is shown when you run "sudo os-prober" ? Are you sure the drive where Windows resides is accessible?17:21
hazzaruxrumpe1: Thanks! will try it17:21
k0rdzTHanks rumpel, I must have gotten comfused with MSDOS terminology17:21
hazzaruxDeuceP: thanks :)17:21
llutzRico: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1200513 http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/17:22
mtkorbllutz: Thanks, that worked.17:22
DeucePhazzarux, No probs, the server guide is a really good bookmark17:22
Ricososaited: Yes i were on this drive all time, but after i formated the other drive and installed ubuntu on that, i weren't on windows17:22
sssHow do I use the webcam in my laptop? Where do I access it?17:22
cannonfodderhey you guys...does ubuntu/linux do well recognizing projectors? are they plug and play?17:22
pareLisosaited: i have Nvidia, yea i just did that.. Thought it would fix my problem, when i got to System > Admin > Additional drivers now there's two driveres listed and the (version current)[Recommended] one is activated..17:22
rumpe1sss, you could try it with "cheese"17:22
hazzaruxcannonfodder: I haven't had any issues with mine. Plug & play! :)17:22
cannonfodderalright cool. thanks hazzarux17:22
llutzmtkorb: you'll have to do it everytime you're changing the pc17:23
BartzyWhat's the difference between 'search' and 'domain' in /etc/resolv.conf?17:23
Ricollutz: can i really copy and paste this text? because that is an older ubuntu and an other windows17:23
sssrumpe1, thanks17:23
limaI updated my ubuntu, now i can't be root anymore17:23
mtkorbllutz: Ok that's fine. Thanks.17:23
limacat: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied17:23
Squorkhow can i add a botton for mc on the gnome panel?17:23
llutzRico: read it, try to understand and change it to your situation17:23
geekbrilima: what happens if you visudo17:24
Ricollutz: okey thanks17:24
sipiorBartzy: all the options are explained pretty well in the resolv.conf man page.17:24
geekbrilima: or sudo su17:24
hazzarux!info visudo17:24
limacat: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied17:24
ubottuPackage visudo does not exist in maverick17:24
limai did17:24
limai mean17:24
sosaitedpareLi, But you can only use Ubuntu in low-graphics with this driver right? You can try to see if activating the other driver fixes your problem, and then search for any bugs/fixes related to your card17:24
limalima is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.17:24
geekbrilima can you login locally as user ubuntu?17:24
BluesKajBartzy, if you're using one gateway/router/modem they''re the same17:24
Fuchslima: you can boot in single user / recovery mode and look at /etc/sudoers,17:25
Fuchslima: probably you are not in the right groups17:25
limaFuchs, thats what I was  thinking17:25
limaFuchs, how do I do that? forgot how to do it17:25
Ricollutz: where can i look where windows is? how it names the hd(0....17:25
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llutzRico: "sudo fdisk -l"17:25
limaFuchs, you are right17:25
BartzyBluesKaj: What do you mean ?17:26
Fuchslima: holding shift when booting should give you grub, there you can choose it17:26
BluesKajlima, sudo visudo ?17:26
limalima@lima-AMD:~$ groups17:26
limalima video17:26
Ricollutz: is it "/dev/sda1" ?17:26
limaI tried to add my user to the group video17:26
sosaitedRico, sudo fdisk -l17:26
llutzRico: /dev/sda = hd0, /dev/sda1 = (hd0,1) , /dev/sdb = (hd1) /dev/sdb2 = (hd1,2)    (grub2 stupid count-method)17:26
limanow I only have these groups :(17:26
limavideo group17:26
limausermod -G video lima17:27
sosaitedSorry, I didn't see that llutz had already written the same command :)17:27
llutzRico: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please17:27
Ricollutz: Okey then it is (hd0,1)17:27
gondahello all17:27
limaoverwrote everything17:27
Ricollutz: ok17:27
BluesKajBartzy, as opposed to an office network with several internet server outlets17:27
tucemiux!hello |gonda17:27
Ricoits german ^17:27
RicoPlatte /dev/sda: 1000.2 GByte, 1000204886016 Byte17:27
Rico255 Köpfe, 63 Sektoren/Spur, 121601 Zylinder17:27
RicoEinheiten = Zylinder von 16065 × 512 = 8225280 Bytes17:27
RicoSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:27
RicoI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:27
FloodBot3Rico: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
hazzarux!hello | gonda17:28
llutzRico: i'm german :) LANG=C sudo fdisk -l           for future use17:28
Fuchslima: yes, your group memberships17:28
ubottuRico:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:28
Fuchslima: next time use gpasswd -a to add you to groups17:28
pareLisosaited, well right now I'm using 1920x1080 with dept 24, so no low grapichs. Going to activate the other driver now.. but i doubt that's going to fix it.17:28
Ricollutz: Dann können wir doch theoretisch deutsch reden oder nicht? dann fällt es mir nicht so schwer :D17:28
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llutzRico: not here17:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:28
limaFuchs, ok..17:28
Ricollutz: ok17:29
Ricollutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567749/17:29
llutzRico: simple layout, (hd0,1) should be right17:29
Ricollutz: ok thanks17:29
llutzRico: #ubuntu-de might be easier for you (i just dislike german irc-channels)17:30
limaFuchs, holding shift didnt work arghh17:30
sosaitedpareLi, Well if you don't have the problem right now, then you don't need to activate the other one. If that low graphics message appears after you have been using your system for a while, then its X bug. See X log to see what exactly is causing that17:31
Fuchslima: what version of Ubuntu?17:31
limaubuntu 10.1017:31
SquorkHow can I create button for terminal on gnome panel? When I create button with "mc" command it starts and nothing happens, but i don't want to start terminal any time and type "mc" there (this is working)17:31
mtkorbllutz: I'm still having some problems. When I try to use apt-get install, it can't connect to any of the archives. And when I ping a server, each line says "Packet filtered."17:31
Ricollutz: thank you, i know it for the next time :) i'm today first in this irc ^^17:31
Ricollutz: i havent a menu.lst yet, it is wrong?17:31
llutzRico: grub2 should use grub.cfg not menu.lst17:32
llutzRico: i recommend to read the full thread, the "menu.lst" comment was nonsense in that context17:33
ct529I am trying to recompile the kernel using the instructions inhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2010/11/06/how-to-compile-a-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-kernel/ , but I am finding difficult to define the correct parameters for my CPU17:33
ct529anyone who can help?17:33
jkgbit of a long shot, but anyone know where I might find a Citrix plugin for 64 bit Ubuntu? failing that, how I might get a "i386" package working17:34
hazzaruxit is maybe a lil' off-topic... so.. I built a new computer. today i received my screen. i boot it up for the first time but the screen displays nothing17:34
hazzaruxpc is working17:34
hazzaruxfans are running17:34
jkgactually, god, ignore me, I just found a page on help.ubuntu.com17:34
hazzaruxbeeps are OK17:34
BlessJahi want to remove polish characters (ółśćńź) from string, but tr doubles characters in output17:35
hazzaruxlights are working17:35
BlessJah# echo abc_ż | tr 'ż' 'z' gives abc_zz17:35
BlessJahi need to get abc_z17:35
ct529I am also finding it difficult to understand where do you set the compiler's flags17:35
openSUSEkorisnikGuys any linux video player that can set subtitles benith video? VLC was my fav player but he cant do that17:35
mateuszsiema :)17:36
rumpe1openSUSEkorisnik, well... vlc can17:36
openSUSEkorisnikonly txt based17:36
ner0xWhat are some good audio players in ubuntu that let you play by file, rather than "library"17:36
rumpe1only txt based17:36
openSUSEkorisnikwith Force17:36
Ricollutz: okey i have the entry but how and where must i paste it?17:36
rumpe1openSUSEkorisnik, had never any problem with vlc and subtitles17:36
Ricoeverywhere stands ### BEGIN and such things17:37
Ricollutz: everywhere stands ### BEGIN and such things17:37
openSUSEkorisnikdont know if u understand mine issue17:37
rumpe1openSUSEkorisnik, sometimes you have to adjust the subtitle-filename if it should be loaded together with the movie-file17:37
openSUSEkorisnikI want to set them at that black place benith video17:37
openSUSEkorisniklike in KMP player17:37
rumpe1openSUSEkorisnik, ah... ok17:37
llutzRico: you can create /etc/grub.d/11-windows17:37
openSUSEkorisnikand VLC can only do that .txt subtitles17:38
limaFuchs, what groups do I usually need to part of by default?17:38
openSUSEkorisnikSo mine question is does anybody know about any play that can do that ?17:38
llutzRico: make it executable and run "sudo update-grub" again17:38
limalima@lima-AMD:~/Desktop$ groups17:38
limalima sudo17:38
limaI can sudo now17:39
Ricollutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567750/ so?17:40
BlessJahcould someone help me with replacing polish characters (ółąśćźż) with (olasczz)? (actually i'm trying to rename multiple files)17:40
llutzRico: 4a6077fc6077ed57  is the correct UUID?17:40
BartzyBluesKaj: I really didn't understand the difference between domain and search in resolv.conf17:40
Ricollutz: I dont know xD17:40
llutzRico:" sudo blkid |grep sda1"17:40
limaRico, can you do a groups $USER and show the output17:41
Ricollutz: thanks17:41
limaif you use ubuntu 10.1017:41
limaI fscked up my group memberships17:41
danielcI have a .jar file that I can't get to open.  It is marked as excutable and is opening with Java 6 runtime, but still nothing happens when I open it.  How can I troubleshoot this?17:41
Ricolima: what do you mean?17:42
mtkorbWhenever I ping a server, it repeatedly prints "Packet filtered." What does this mean, and how can I fix it?17:42
JDogg420hello i installed xubuntu besides a windows install but grub did not pick up my windows vista partition on sda1 but the bootloader was installed on sda1???17:43
KB1JWQmtkorb: What prints this?17:43
Ricollutz: /dev/sda1: LABEL="Windows 7" UUID="641400B414008B6E" TYPE="ntfs" so it is 641400B414008B6E right?17:43
mtkorbKB1JWQ: ping17:43
llutzRico: right17:43
limaRico, I tried to add the group 'video' to my user, but I ended up overwriting all of my group memberships. Now I am only part of two groups17:43
llutzmtkorb: do you have a router/firewall filtering icmp?17:44
mtkorbllutz: I don't believe so. When I boot Ubuntu from the flash drive on my other laptop, it works fine.17:44
circlezI am new to Linux programming.  I just installed a c++ library (freeglut), and was wondering how I can include it into my programs.17:46
circlezand where the header files are located for my personal reference17:46
Ricollutz: if i make update-grub the entry is deleted17:46
llutzRico: try this way http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/17:47
llutzmtkorb: try "traceroute <host>" and look what happens17:48
drccirclez: you'd probably be better off asking this question in ##c++ or ##c++-basic...they'd be able to help on other c++ questions also17:49
Azzurrioi want ask for something about Ubuntu17:49
Azzurriocan anyone help me?17:49
afeijocan I access my ubuntu 10.10 desktop thru rdp (mstsc) from a windows machine?17:50
afeijonot VNC, please :)17:50
i_is_broke!ask | Azzurrio17:50
ubottuAzzurrio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:50
rlprofilehow can i reinstall the nautilus ?17:50
Azzurrioubottu,  okay17:50
Azzurrioi have 2 problems17:50
ct529I am trying to recompile the kernel using the instructions inhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2010/11/06/how-to-compile-a-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-kernel/ , but I am finding difficult to define the correct parameters for my CPU17:51
ct529anyone who can help?17:51
ct529I am also finding it difficult to understand where do you set the compiler's flags17:51
Azzurriofirst wth any USB Plug-ing17:51
Azzurrioit doesn't appear17:51
* afeijo 1600+ users, holy cow17:51
mtkorbllutz: I don't have traceroute installed so I'll need to boot on this laptop to install it... brb17:51
AndIrc_hi guys17:53
Aikarhow come everything seems to expect you to have the RandR extension loaded for X? I get extension RANDR missing on anything gui from term. However I use Xinerama (cause its how dual monitors should be...) and from my reading those exts arnt compat with Xine17:53
AndIrc_is anyone available?17:54
Ricollutz: If i make then sudo update-grub there showes me Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic-pae17:54
RicoFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-25-generic-pae17:54
Rico and it doest do someting else17:54
i_is_brokeAzzurrio, paistebin the out put of lsusb17:54
Azzurrioi_is_broke,  it does't appear the Flash Memory !?17:55
AzzurrioNothing Happen17:55
llutzRico: no idea then why it doesn't find your win-installation. cannot help you, sorry17:55
jduI have an issue which began in fluxbox+gnome and continued after switching back to metacity+gnome: Of my three mouses (touch pad, trackpoint and wireless), only the right click functions or even registers with xev17:56
AndIrc_Could anyone help me? my laptop hangs at boot saying "checjing battery st17:56
Ricollutz: okey, but i mean, my terminal is breeze, it makes nothing17:56
AndIrc_checkung battery state17:56
=== ceno is now known as Ceno3x
sosaitedRico, Didn't Ubuntu found Windows installation during install?17:56
Ricososaited: where it stands?17:56
sosaitedRico, Sorry?17:57
Ricososaited: sry, i mean where it showed :D17:57
bortrebhow does one get to the sources of utilities like ls, cd, ps and the like in ubuntu?17:58
=== ajf__ is now known as ajf_
hazzaruxSomebody that has an experience with black screen error at bootup? monitor goes directly to sleep (power save mode). I juist built the computer & it is my first boot...17:58
llutzbortreb: apt-get source ...   (but not for shell-builtins like cd)17:58
moesHow to mount floppy drive in ubuntu 10.0417:59
k0rdzDoes anyone know an application I can get in the software center that would let me decompress .rar compressed files?18:00
=== MC8|away is now known as MC8
tobierk0rdz: unrar18:00
Ricososaited: but why my terminal makes nothing else if i type in update-grub?18:00
milen8204hello all whit which program in Ubuntu I can open .bin files ?18:00
bortrebhow do I find what package the program "ps" is in to use "apt-get source <package>"18:00
llutzbortreb: apt-get source procps18:01
llutzbortreb: dpkg -S $(which ps)18:01
=== i7-Cud4_ is now known as i7-Cud4
sosaitedRico, After the Ubuntu install is complete, it searches for and shows you all the other OS it found, and then asks you if these are all it. Then it installs Grub and adds the menu entries. Didn't it find Windows then?18:02
bortrebthank you llutz18:02
Aikar10.10 doesnt ask you about other OS, it just listed windows on bootloader18:02
=== wemaflo_ is now known as wemaflo
Ricososaited: i havent look for it18:03
k0rdzI couldn't find unrar in the software center...18:03
Ricososaited: looked*18:03
Aikark0rdz: get 7zip18:03
k0rdzAikar: ah that one I can find, top of the list too :P18:03
moesllutz, How do I mount floppy drive in ubuntu 10.0418:03
Aikark0rdz: 7zip is OS and handles almost every type of file18:03
mtkorbllutz: I ran "traceroute google.com" and it resulted in...18:04
mtkorbtraceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets18:04
mtkorb1 ( 0.833 ms !X 502.963 ms !X *18:04
llutzmoes: sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt18:04
sosaitedRico, did you also try sudo update-grub?18:04
Aikar7z format is actually better than rar, but no normal user will have it installed :/18:04
Ricososaited: yes of course18:04
k0rdzI used to use 7z at one point when a 100+ gb on one hard drive was difficult to find18:05
furihi, i have an external monitor attached to my laptop designated as VGA1 by xrandr. the resolution used is 1360x768, but the needed resolution is 1366x768. how do i manually set that?18:05
sosaitedRico, Which Windows do you have ?18:05
Ricososaited: 7, Home Premium18:05
moesllutz, It return an error "/dev/fd0 is not a valid block device18:06
example92!llutz  i have the same problrm with moes.. i typed what you said but when i hit it, it says : you must specify the filesystem type18:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
Joe______How do i change the mouse?18:07
llutzmoes: sudo modprobe floppy18:07
llutzmoes: sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt18:07
JDogg420what do i need for flash support?18:07
fazlehi all18:07
llutzmtkorb: is your router?18:07
fazlecan ne1 guide me how to skype ?18:08
danielcfazle, What is your question?18:08
JDogg420gnash swf player  or swfdec swf player or adobe flash player installer?18:08
Joe______how do i change the mouse on ubuntu?18:08
JDogg420for flash suppoert wat shou i use?18:08
sosaitedRico, Did you install grub on the MBR or  C partition?18:09
otac0nHi, everybody!18:09
otac0n(Hi Dr. Nick!)18:09
k0rdzThis is pretty strange, I just installed 7zip from the Software center and not only does it not appear in Application/accessories like I figured it would but it doesn't autorun when I try to open an archive. It seems to be installed in usr/bin but when I go there I just see a bunch of scattered files18:10
ubuntuser3056I have question about recent update18:10
JDogg420hello i installed xubuntu besides a windows install but grub did not pick up my windows vista partition on sda1 but the bootloader was installed on sda1???18:10
mtkorbllutz: I'm not sure.18:10
moesllutz, sudo modprobe floppy ..did not show anything ...mount continues to show invalid block device18:11
ubuntuser3056Did recent update - now my dvd can still read dvd-roms but it nolonger can mount cdroms18:11
ubuntuser3056hardware is fine its a software problem18:11
llutzmoes: no idea then, i haven't dealed with floppies for ages18:11
JDogg420hello i installed xubuntu besides a windows install but grub did not pick up my windows vista partition on sda1 but the bootloader was installed on sda1???18:11
moesllutz, Thanks for trying to help18:12
fazledanielc, iwant toinstall skype .. pls help me18:12
uusony was the last to make floppies stopped some years ago18:12
usr13JDogg420: Boot loader should be installed on sda (not sda1)  the mbr of sda18:12
usr13JDogg420: What version of Ubuntu did you  install?18:13
ubuntuser3056i cant be the only one with this bug18:13
llutzmoes: try "udisks --mount /dev/fd0"18:13
ubuntuser3056and theres no floppy18:13
danielcfazle, Open up Ubuntu Software Centre, and type in "Skype".18:13
zroyschif I install python 3.1 will it overwrite python 2.6?18:13
example92 is there any command to open usb flash folder?18:13
maco2zroysch: should not18:13
fazlehow to install it through apt-get command?18:13
llutzmoes: idea taken from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159963918:14
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.18:14
maco2zroysch: 11.04 is shipping with both 2.6 and... hmm either 3.1 or 3.2, i forget18:14
usr13example92: What is a flash folder?18:14
=== aNGel is now known as Guest9259
zroyschmaco2: thanks18:14
bastidrazorfazle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype18:14
example92the sticks files18:14
example92*usb sticks18:14
moes --mount /dev/fd018:14
agentgasmask[4-tea-2]: Thanks for the info, I was AFK18:14
usr13example92: Oh, you mean a usb flash memory device?  A thumb drive?18:14
example92im trying to mount it but i cant18:15
example92so i need a command to put it to "work" on boot18:15
objornhow do you remove a ppa repository? I just did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:and471/kazam-daily-stable and it's 404ing, I need to remove it now so I don't get errors everytime i use apt18:15
example92*when boot18:15
danielcfazle, Why do you not just use Ubuntu Software Centre?18:16
stefano1objorn go to USC18:16
stefano1choose software sources18:16
objornstefano1: university of southern california?18:16
jymerehi. do you know a room for C programmation ?18:16
mtkorbllutz: What does this response from ping mean?18:16
objornusc = ?18:16
stefano1ubuntu software centre18:16
GulfstreamI need help instaling the wireless driver on Ubuntu 10.04.218:17
danielcfazle, Type in the following.  sudo apt-get install libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqt4-xml18:17
stefano1for short....18:17
BluesKajobjorn, open synaptic/sources / and uncheck or remove the ppa18:17
usr13example92: Ubuntu 10.04?18:17
danielcfazle, wget -O skype-ubuntu-current_i386.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-3218:17
objornis there some way to do this from the command line?18:17
danielcfazle, sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-current_i386.deb18:17
usr13example92: You should see an icon come up on the desktop screen.18:17
vaasuhi, what is the appropriate channel for asking questions about gnu texinfo?18:18
objorn//etc/apt/sources.list is awesome, too bad the ppa's aren't listed in it18:18
llutzmtkorb: "something" filters ICMP-messages, usually that "something" is your router/firewall18:18
danielcfazle, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0xd66b746e18:18
example92i know, but it doesnt18:18
danielcfazle, echo "deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null18:18
danielcfazle, sudo apt-get update18:19
danielcfazle, sudo apt-get install skype18:19
llutzmtkorb: if you don't have a router or, as you said it won't happen with a different laptop in same network... i don't know what causes it.18:19
mtkorbllutz: Ok, thanks anyway18:20
BluesKajdanielc, download the staitcskype version ..it runs better than the other versions18:20
BiPolahmtkorb: What's the problem?18:20
BluesKajdaniel static18:20
jribobjorn: check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*18:20
ManojWe had centralized users one machine, users can connect remote machine by the gui,is it available any software18:21
stefano1objorn http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:21
usr13example92: try unpluging it and plug it in again, and try a different place.18:21
mtkorbBiPolah: When I try to ping any server, I get "...Packet filtered..." and I can't use apt-get install. I'm not behind a firewall, and the same commands work as expected when I boot the exact same Ubuntu install on a different laptop (it's installed on a USB drive).18:22
example92!usr13 i tried everythink.. nothing.. it just light when i plug it in18:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
ActionParsnipmtkorb: are you pinging by name or ip?18:22
usr13example92: I guess it could be that it's mounting and just not showing the icon.  Open a terminal and type  mount  #to see if it's already mounted.18:23
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
example92!usr13 no its not!18:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:24
BiPolahmtkorb: What recent changes have you made to your system?18:24
Piciexample92: Please don't prefix your responses with an exclamation point, you're confusing our bot.18:24
zroyschubottu: Watson is only a bot too. He's pretty intelligent. Time to step it up, bot.18:24
example92i didnt know that, sorry :)18:25
usr13example92: open another terminal and type:  tail -f /var/log/messages  #And watch what it says as you unplug and plug it in again.18:25
rr73quick question, how much space do a releases cds take up?18:25
ActionParsniprr73: 700Mb18:25
regeyaoh, heh, I was thinking, "seriously, it gets confused by exclamation marks?" then I saw the ! at the beginning.18:25
rr73ActionParsnip: all of them i mean,18:25
rr73and metafiles and zsyncs and torrents combines18:25
ActionParsniprr73: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases   shows all the releases, each has an alternate, a desktop, a server and a minimal ISO (minimal is about 11Mb). Get calculating18:26
ActionParsniprr73: also each comes in 3 flavours, Xubuntu, Ubuntu and KUbuntu18:27
usr13example92: You should see a kernel message, mentioning something like sdc or sdc118:27
GulfstreamI need help finding the right driver & installing it for my RT2870 USB wireless card... I am looking at this page atm :  http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=218:27
ActionParsniprr73: for the desktop ones anyway18:27
rr73ActionParsnip: ive been googling actually, was just wondering if anyone knew off top of head, and you forgut mythbuntu and edubuntu :-P18:27
kingler73456hola :P18:27
ct529I am trying to recompile the kernel using the instructions inhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2010/11/06/how-to-compile-a-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-kernel/ , but I am finding difficult to define the correct parameters for my CPU18:27
ct529anyone who can help?18:27
mtkorbActionParsnip: Pinging by ip yields the same result as by name.18:28
Picirr73: The new mirror guide suggests 39GB for for CD images as of last year: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors18:28
rr73ty Pici18:28
rr73thats what i wad trying to find via google18:28
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!18:29
mtkorbBiPolah: It's a fresh Ubuntu install on a flash drive. I want it to be able to move from one laptop to another, but it's having network issues when I boot a different laptop.18:29
kingler73456alguien habla español?18:29
kingler73456DEbian RUles!!!!!! :D18:29
Pici!es | kingler7345618:29
ubottukingler73456: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:29
example92!usr13 you havea personal message18:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:29
sre-suI've a single HDD1 containing Ubunt OS. Now, if I attach another HDD2 containing Windows and then change boot priority for HDD1 over other, how later in ubuntu I can update grub so that its easily detected and allowed for boot from grub menu?18:30
GulfstreamI need help finding the right driver & installing it for my RT2870 USB wireless card... I am looking at this page atm :  http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=218:30
edbiansre-su, attach the hdd2, boot ubuntu, run this: sudo update-grub  it will automatically find windows and add an entry into grub.18:31
edbiansre-su, Then when you boot grub will ask you which OS to boot18:31
sre-suedbian: is this a normal approach?18:31
edbiansre-su, yep18:31
DoctorPeppercan someone help me please ,  i am  having a issue configuring a tramsparent proxy  with content filtering using squid+squidGuard  but  the  filtering bit  doesnt seem to work18:32
edbiansre-su, It's called dual-booting18:32
YouKayHey guys, what is the command to make 'sudo aptitude upgrade' install the upgrades without asking 'Do you want to install the update? (Y/N)"?18:32
sre-suedbian: And, I've read that Ubuntu can always be installed after Windows since there ll be no MBR issues... Will it affect grub or any other settings18:32
sre-suYa, thank you!18:33
YouKayOr, make Yes to any command at the beginning?18:33
edbianYouKay, sudo aptitude -y safe-upgrade18:33
YouKayOh, many thanks edbian. Does -y make Yes to all commands?18:33
edbiansre-su, what you read is true.  Grub is 'the MBR issues'18:33
edbianYouKay, sure does!  (course it only asks one time in safe-upgrade)18:34
YouKayedbian: Oh, many thanks. :)18:34
SenjaiHey all18:34
sre-suedbian: Will adding hdd2 after hdd1 affect any settings for grub/linux?18:34
sre-suedbian: apart from its detection after update-grub18:35
edbiansre-su, simply adding the hdd won't do anything.  Telling the bios to boot hdd2 will always just boot windows (cause hdd2 has the windows bootloader)18:35
edbiansre-su, what you want to do is continue booting hdd1 but tell grub to check for other OS's so that it can give you the option to boot them when you boot hdd118:35
LucidGuydoes anyone know if the allowusers line within sshdconf supports user@ip? example  john@      I have an ubuntu system that seems to fail.18:35
edwardoanyone use aircrack before? just trying to install patches and the website is not found18:36
milindi wrote a script to pull from my git repo , but i want that script to start everytime i restart my system..how do i go about doing that...i addeed the script to /usr/bin and i have a soft link to /etc/init.d and i ran the udo update-rc.d /etc/init.d/custom_script.sh defaults command as well...but for some reason its not pulling from the repo...all other command work this way..git related commands are notworking18:36
edbianmilind, scripts you wrote should go in /usr/local/bin18:36
sre-suedbian: Directing booting of Windows from grub , detecting and allocation of its partition like /dev/sdb* will be done by update-grub, right?18:36
edbianmilind, look at update-rc.d18:36
edbiansre-su, yes18:37
SenjaiHey guys, so does anyone have some time to help out a noob with linux? I finally took some comp sci courses at my uni. I have limited C++ knowledge on windows, does anyone know any books or resources I could use to learn linux?18:37
SenjaiI have can use the bash at a basic level already.18:37
SenjaiI can*18:37
eXpLoDhow do i start open office calc application?it's not in the applications tab18:37
edbianSenjai, Just download and burn a live CD and start messing around.  That is my advice to you.18:37
llutzLucidGuy: look for "Patterns" in  man 5 ssh_config18:37
edwardow3schools.com is good too not for linux though18:37
Senjaiedbian I have been, I use the bash for 100% navigation, and am learning emacs :)18:37
milindedbian, yes theya re in usr/local/bin..and the did the update-rc.d too...if i put some other commands in the script...its working on restart..but just git pull orgin master is not working...any ideas..i am thinking on start up its failing to use my ssh ketys18:38
edbianSenjai, You want to learn more stuff?  Start looking into open source projects and trying to help out.18:38
Senjaiedbian I'm mostly looking for linux related programming books, web and local, most books and sites are windows specific programming18:38
edbianmilind, I'm not sure.  You did the Ubuntu part right.  Now it's just a programming issue I think18:38
Senjaiedbian how can I? I havent had any formal training yet (intro comp sci courses) and some direct X stuff i experimented with when I was younger18:39
SenjaiI mean I know C++, enough to program in it, but it's less than, proper.18:39
=== Guest16799 is now known as therufa
edbianSenjai, Besides compiling, file I/O logistics, and GUI stuff, most programming languages are platform independent.  I'm not sure there is a lot to learn about 'linux' programming18:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:40
edbianPici, who is ot?18:40
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: oocalc   I believe18:40
aeon-ltdedbian: off topic18:40
Jason_does any body know how i install linux on to my partition ???????18:40
Piciedbian: I'd say you and Senjai are.18:40
GulfstreamI need help finding the right driver & installing it for my RT2870 USB wireless card... I am looking at this page atm :  http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=218:40
edbianJason_, I do.  Do you have a live CD?18:41
Senjaipici sorry :)18:41
PiciSenjai: Its okay, you're free to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic, I'm sure some people may have some suggestions there too.18:41
GulfstreamWhat shoudl I download for the RT2870 USB wireless card here: http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=218:43
mneptokGulfstream: have you looked in System > Admin > Hardware Drives with the USB dongle plugged in?18:43
Gulfstreammneptok: doesn't work... used to have ndiswrapper to make it work18:43
techbreakhow do I install oracle in my ubuntu box ?18:44
mneptokGulfstream: maybe Rakink has released Linux drivers at this point?18:44
SuperPaco69I installed JDownloader on my ubuntu does any one knows how to call it??18:44
mneptokRakink. heh.18:44
* mneptok needs more caffiene18:44
Gulfstreammneptok: it is a Belkin card, but it takes the RT2870 drivers...18:44
=== Jackneill2 is now known as Jackneill
SkyVodkaGulfstream, try adding linux-firmware-nonfree which is what got my wireless working18:44
SkyVodka sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree18:45
mneptokGulfstream: right, because Belkin does not actually manufacture chipsets18:45
andygraybealhi, i would like to globally add a menu item to the application menu, i understand how to add an item for myself, but i want the item to appear on all the users application menu.  how do i do that?18:46
=== q_a_z_steve is now known as zz_q_a_z_steve
GulfstreamSkyVodka, mneptok: haven't been able to detect the wireless network yet18:47
SuperPaco69I installed JDownloader on my ubuntu does any one knows how to call it??18:47
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: press ALT+F2 and run: jdownloader18:48
LucidGuyDoes anyone know of process that is supposed to clear out /tmp regularly? Besides restarting?18:48
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, but how do I download it18:49
SkyVodka Gulfstream, my system wouldn't recognize the card until I added the firmware package18:49
GulfstreamSkyVodka: on Ubuntu 10.10?18:49
SkyVodkaand 10.0418:50
lithprhi!  where can i go to ask about launchpad questions?  I want to fork/contribute to a project18:50
SkyVodkato the launchpad site18:50
lithprSkyVodka, is there a irc channel?18:51
SkyVodkanot that I know of, depending on which IRC client you are using you should be abe to search for channels18:52
Logan_WPI just got here, but if you're talking about finding a channel across the IRC networks, use http://irc.netsplit.de/channels18:52
SkyVodkalithpr, #launchpad 174 users logged in18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174 in Baz (deprecated) "Enhancement: Keep a summary of what I did in a logfile in a working tree" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17418:53
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: download what?18:53
lithprSkyVodka, duh.  thank you.18:53
SkyVodkano problem18:53
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, sorry how do I start the JDownloder18:53
SkyVodka<ActionParsnip> SuperPaco69: press ALT+F2 and run: jdownloader18:54
SuperPaco69SkyVodka, and how do I run jdownloader?18:54
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: like I said, use the ALT+F2 launcher18:54
SkyVodkapress ALT+F2 and run: jdownloader18:54
fbsrosaPlease, may someone help on how to change my "computer name"18:54
ActionParsnipSkyVodka: least I'm not mad :)18:54
k0rdzI just downloaded a file package that is in .sh format what do I do with it?18:54
fbsrosaI installed with the default offered name and is too long on command18:55
k0rdzthat is to instal it, I'm not sure if it's an add-on or a replacement to the application I already have18:55
llutzk0rdz: if you are unsure, read about it and be sure before installing stuff this way18:55
anonbootsAny known compatability issues with the HP Deskjet 1000 Printer? Everything would SEEM to be set up correctly, but it isnt printing.18:56
ActionParsnipfbsrosa: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/hostname    then run: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts     so BOTH files are open, then change the hostname file and then all the occurences in the osts file, make them EXACTLY the same, save the new files and reboot18:56
SkyVodkafbsrosa, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22472218:56
Logan_WP!hostname | fbsrossa18:56
ubottufbsrossa: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:56
ActionParsnipanonboots: grab the latest HPLIP from the HPLIP site18:56
anonbootsVery well then. If I need further assistance, I shall ask again. Thanks.18:57
fbsrosaThank You very much18:57
spasysheepI have a broadcom USB wirless adapter, BCM4326, that doesn't work with the BCM43xx or the STA drivers. It also has a different vendor ID to most broadcom chipset wirelss adaptors. Any ideas? P.S. It originally came out of a printer18:58
SkyVodkaanonboots, HP has lots of Linux drivers on their site. Google it and you shall find them18:58
* SkyVodka 's PC name is BrokenWindows18:59
=== richard is now known as Guest11452
fbsrosaI'm moving from damned Windows to Linux and I'm struggling with the initial settings19:00
KB1JWQfbsrosa: What ails you?19:00
Whoguys i have realtek HD19:00
Who5.1 is not working in ubuntu19:01
fbsrosaSorry, didn't understood19:01
Logan_WP!realtek | Who19:01
ubottuWho: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b19:01
akm22562Hey All, I just got a NetBook (HP Mini 1150NR).  I installed 10.4 NetBook Remix.  My max Res is 1024x576.  Sometimes as a result, things get cutt off.19:01
milen8204how I can open .bin files ???19:01
=== supertux_ is now known as Guest5091
spasysheepmilen8204: depends what type of .bin file. lots of things use that extension19:02
schnufflemilen8204: chmod +x binfile.bin, but be sure you know what you do!19:02
WhoLogan_WP:  that's for Realtek Wifi card19:02
ActionParsnipmilen8204: what is the filename and where is it located?19:02
trond-can I use a natty kernel on maveric. I need the 38-30 (the 38-rc4-actually)19:02
ActionParsniptrond-: there is a ppa with the 38 kernel but it won't be supported here in any way19:03
trond-ActionParsnip, this one? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:03
milen8204ActionParsnip, /home/milen/Azureus Downloads/Swat 4 The Stetchkov Syndicate - RELOADED/rld-sw4x.bin19:03
=== Sionide21 is now known as Guest71288
ActionParsniptrond-: isn't that a paid for software?19:05
ActionParsniptrond-: sorry, wrong target19:05
example92hot to mark a program as "executable" if I want to run it on wine?19:05
Gulfstreamhow do I copy a file?19:05
ActionParsnipmilen8204: isn't that a paid for software?19:05
trond-ActionParsnip, no worries19:05
milen8204spasysheep, it is for virtual CD19:05
ActionParsniptrond-: yes thats the ppa, if you get issues then the channel cannot help as you are using 3rd party kernel19:05
milen8204i downloaded from one site19:06
SkyVodkano pirating19:06
GulfstreamHow I copy a file in terminal?19:06
llutzGulfstream: cp file /path19:06
coinopOKay, so I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop I just bought, ran fine for two weeks, now I cant get GRUB to boot. It just keeps starting and shutting down repeatedly. Anyone have any tips?19:06
trond-ActionParsnip, I c. Because there isn't an official 38 kernel for maveric, right?19:07
ActionParsniptrond-: correct, 38 is a natty kernel19:07
ActionParsnip!piracy | Gulfstream19:07
ubottuGulfstream: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:07
Guest5091coinop, rtry to reinstall it19:08
PiciActionParsnip: You mistargeted there...19:08
SenjaiHey guys, in ubuntu, how does ubuntu know, say after installing google-chrome that google-chrome points to the right file? does it use a registry or what?19:08
GulfstreamActionParsnip: I didn't know copying files was piracy! Sorry!19:08
PiciGulfstream: It wasn't supposed to be pointed at you.19:08
ActionParsnipPici: did a bit19:09
ActionParsnipGulfstream: sorry, mistargetted19:09
ActionParsnip!pircay | milen820419:09
* ActionParsnip can't type19:09
SkyVodkagot it right that time, lol19:09
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:10
ActionParsnip!piracy | milen820419:10
ubottumilen8204: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:10
SkyVodkaSenjai, when chrome is installed, a command is added to the list that bash reads from19:11
SenjaiSkyVodka Where is that list?19:11
_Neytiri_how do i install java via the command line19:11
* Senjai is new from windows, misses the registry, kind of..19:12
coinopreinstall will not work, it wont boot from the disc. its just keeps repeatedly sarting up and shutting down.19:12
Senjai_Neytiri_ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin19:13
SenjaiI would think19:13
coinopI just want to know if its a hardware or software issue.19:13
_Neytiri_ cant find pacakge19:13
ActionParsnip!java | Senjai19:13
ubottuSenjai: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:13
* ActionParsnip adjust his scope19:13
ActionParsnip_Neytiri_: you need to enable the partner repo19:14
ActionParsnipfbsrosa: try  /quit19:14
Senjaiupdate your apt19:14
milen8204ActionParsnip, you mean that is pirate copy ?19:14
ActionParsnipmilen8204: yes, its clear you used Azeurus to pull it down. Piracy is not condoned or supported here19:14
SkyVodkamilen8204, if you downloaded the game for free, then yes19:14
=== MC8 is now known as MC8|away
Senjai_Neytiri_ update your cache, use sudo apt-get update19:15
_Neytiri_add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"19:15
milen8204ok i will delete it19:15
Senjai_Neytiri_ then try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin19:15
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:15
trond-ActionParsnip, which again means that I shall not use it on maveric. I see that there are backports to lucid. Is it a better option to reinstall to lucid (lts) and then use the backport to lucid?19:15
BunnyFooFoo4018: <Speedsta> heh, just wasted 25c on a msg saying: ":`("19:15
ActionParsniptrond-: not sure, i've not played with it19:16
trond-ActionParsnip, I see. (someone has to, maybe I am that someone). I need to use the 38-kernel because the intel graphic card issues are fixed in that kernel.19:16
Senjai!ot | Senjai19:17
ubottuSenjai, please see my private message19:17
ActionParsniptrond-: then i'd hang and wait til natty is released and use that, but its your call19:18
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:18
trond-ActionParsnip, problem is that I am in need of using virtualbox, and that one asks for 38-rc4 (I have install 38.999) and so I am kinda stuck here (me <> rock & hard place)19:19
eXpLoDdoes anybody know any easter eggs in ubuntu?19:19
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: sure19:19
SkyVodka!kick | probe19:19
SenjaiSkyVodka, he left lol19:19
maco2eXpLoD: hit alt+f2 and type "free the fish"19:20
SkyVodkaSenjai, btw, I didn't forget about your question, still looking19:20
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: press ALT+F2 and run:  gegls from outer space19:20
SkyVodkagegls is kool19:20
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: maco2: to stop the fist run:  killall gnome-panel19:21
galax11boa tarde19:21
maco2ActionParsnip: i tested it on my coworker's machine first. "whats that?" "wonda" "a fish called wonda?" "yes" "does it serve a purpose other than amusement?" "no"19:21
coinopGRUB will not boot for me. Any tips?19:22
maco2!pt | galax1119:22
ubottugalax11: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:22
galax11posso perguntar alguma coisa sobre o ubuntu aqui?19:23
maco2galax11: /join #ubuntu-br19:23
ActionParsnipmaco2: haha  "cow" orkers ;)19:23
* derpyderp testing19:23
maco2ActionParsnip: apt-get moo19:23
ActionParsnip!test | derpyderp19:23
ubottuderpyderp: Failed!19:23
ActionParsnipmaco2: or install sl :)19:24
derpyderpActionParsnip: meanie!19:24
ActionParsnipeXpLoD:install sl  too then run it :)19:24
eXpLoDhow do i stop that annoying fish?19:24
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: I already told you19:24
coz_are we talking wanda here :)19:24
Gulfstreamhow do we get rid of it?19:25
ActionParsnipeXpLoD:run:  killall gnome-panel19:25
ActionParsnipGulfstream: ^19:25
eXpLoDwhats that thing sl...i have installed it through apt and now when i start it nothing happens19:26
SkyVodkaSenjai, in a terminal enter "more $PATH" to find where commands are stored19:26
SenjaiSkyVodka THANK YOU :)19:26
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: run it in a terminal19:27
Atlantic777How could I get local ip withou root acc, I don't have access to the ifconfig...19:27
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: its for when you run: sl   instead of:  ls19:27
eXpLoDits just an ascii train lol19:27
erUSULSkyVodka: you mean --> echo $PATH19:27
SkyVodkathat'll work too erUSUL19:27
galax11how i install the java19:27
secretary_linuxAtlantic777: usually that just means ifconfig's location isn't in your PATH..try /sbin/ifconfig19:28
ActionParsnipAtlantic777: ifconfig $1 | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 119:28
SkyVodkagalax11, open Ubuntu Software Center and search for java19:28
erUSULSkyVodka: not too. "more" will error out19:28
ActionParsnip!java | galax1119:28
ubottugalax11: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:28
ActionParsnipAtlantic777: users can run ifconfig19:28
galax11thank you19:28
burlIs everyone here using ubuntu?19:28
ActionParsnipburl: as well as other distros, yes19:29
SkyVodkaerUSUL, it errors, but still shows the paths /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory19:29
jkgok, how do I get rid of this damn fish?!19:29
Atlantic777ActionParsnip: yap, by default can, but I can't run it from here. Simply I don't have such bash alias/command.19:29
Picijkg: killall gnome-panel19:29
Atlantic777Maybe this with /sbin/ifconfig will help.19:29
burlUbuntu kinda sucks.19:29
coz_jkg,    opesn a terminal      type   killall  gnome-panel19:29
jkgum, I'd rather not kill everything else on my panel19:29
coz_ :)19:29
Picijkg: it'll come back.19:29
SuperPaco69how can I uncompress a rar file on ubuntu??19:30
burlFuck everyone here.19:30
SkyVodkabye burl19:30
coz_why is everyone running wanda?19:30
ActionParsnipAtlantic777: yikes, not sure then. For WAN IP run:   curl http://whatismyip.org; echo       requires curl to be installed19:30
ActionParsnipcoz_: thrills I guess19:30
Atlantic777ActionParsnip: ummm I need lan...19:30
coz_ActionParsnip,  :)19:30
jkgso it did, thanks19:30
robho-neoafternoon all19:30
coz_Accelerator,  soon they will look for the eastereggs19:30
c0br42hi i need help installing virtualbox-4.0, it says i have unmet dependencies and i don't know howto install them http://slexy.org/view/s2rFdYCMTl19:30
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: sudo apt-get install rar unrar; rar x file19:30
galax11how i find the root password?19:31
Pici!root | galax1119:31
ubottugalax11: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:31
coz_galax11,   well there is no real need for root   if you type  sudo  and run the command that should suffice  or you could run sudo -i19:31
robho-neoQuick Question: I'm running a k9n2gm-fd and just picked up a Linksys E3000 router, I'm trying to enable Gigabit Ethernet connectivity in Ubuntu 10.10 x64, network manager still showing 100Mbps, anyone have any ideas?19:31
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, the part after the ; is the actual file name??19:31
ActionParsnipAtlantic777: without ifconfig you are stuck19:31
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69:  replace the word    file     in the command with the file to extract19:32
SuperPaco69ok thaks19:32
c0br42hi i need help installing virtualbox-4.0, it says i have unmet dependencies and i don't know howto install them http://slexy.org/view/s2rFdYCMTl19:32
ohsixrobho-neo: you can poke at it with ethtool; if the link is up and the peer is gbit too, it could be the cable or something19:32
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: once you install unrar and rar, fileroller can do it in nautilus (right click menu)19:32
SuperPaco69thanks ActionParsnip19:33
c0br42is there an equivalent to the "BSD watch" command in ubuntu?19:33
ActionParsnipc0br42: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d    please19:33
ActionParsnipc0br42: what does "BSD watch" do?19:33
robho-neoohsix: ok, yeah I've tried other cables, all cables are known good (and I just made another one) so I was wondering if it might be a driver or something. When I try to change the MTU on the eth0 interface to 9000 (jumbo frames) it says invalid argument19:33
c0br42Accelerator: snoops a given tty19:33
c0br42ActionParsnip: Description:Linux Mint 8 Helena - x64 Edition19:34
KGBWolfi have an issue i made a shell script and it automatically runs on boot and it works. The script changes the date. Problem is after Desktop envoirment loads date is reverted back to current date after about 1 mins... How can i prevent this from happening?19:34
ohsixrobho-neo: is it one of the realtek rl8* things?19:34
c0br42ActionParsnip: Description:Linux Mint 8 Helena - x64 Edition19:35
robho-neomaybe? I know it's MCP77 per nvidia19:35
ActionParsnipc0br42: mint isn't supported here19:35
c0br42ActionParsnip: Description:Linux Mint is the same difference as Ubuntu19:35
ActionParsnip!mint | c0br4219:35
ubottuc0br42: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:35
c0br42ActionParsnip: Description:anything that works on ubuntu will work on mint19:35
c0br42ActionParsnip: pretend i'm using ubuntu19:36
ActionParsnipc0br42: its still not supported here, it's Mint, it's not Ubuntu19:36
ActionParsnipc0br42: no19:36
c0br42ActionParsnip: i lied i actually have ubuntu19:36
c0br42ActionParsnip: i have ubuntu 9.1019:36
ActionParsnipc0br42: no as you are using mint, you are using some halfbaked ubuntu hack, its not supported here19:36
ActionParsnipc0br42: mint has its own support channel and own forum19:37
c0br42ActionParsnip: ITS UBUNTU 9.10!!!19:37
c0br42i lied before19:37
ActionParsnipc0br42: its not19:37
c0br42it is19:37
v0lksmananyone know of a sip notification tool?  I want a pop up when a call comes into my sip phone but I don't want to answer on my PC...19:37
IdleOnec0br42: no it isn't. it is Mint19:37
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:37
KB1JWQc0br42: That'll do.19:37
c0br42ActionParsnip: IdleOne Description:Linux Ubuntu 9.10 - x64 Edition19:37
NotengoInternet­ /server irc.irc-hispano.org19:37
NotengoInternet­/server irc.irc-hispano.org19:38
c0br42KB1JWQ: look i'm banned from linuxmint chat19:38
NotengoInternetserver irc.irc-hispano.org19:38
ActionParsnipc0br42: that wouldn't be output in an Ubuntu install19:38
=== bLuCiFeR is now known as blu
robho-neoc0br42: gee I wonder why19:38
c0br42ActionParsnip: it's modified19:38
SuperPaco69how can I start and configure a FTP server??19:38
c0br42i modified the libs19:38
IdleOnec0br42: Please stop19:38
ActionParsnipc0br42: your distro isn't supported here19:38
=== jezz is now known as Guest82416
c0br42look i just want help for ubuntu19:38
KB1JWQc0br42: Your status in other channels doesn't change the purpose of this one.19:38
robho-neoohsix: how would I find out for sure what the actual chipset on my eth0 is?19:38
Senjai!ot | c0br4219:39
ubottuc0br42: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:39
anonbootsI still cant get my deskjet to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP.19:39
wildc4rdevenin all19:39
ohsixrobho-neo: lspci / dmesg19:39
Odaymdoes standardization set a limit on freedom?19:39
=== Guest82416 is now known as Jezza
llutzSuperPaco69: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51829319:39
nagel182hello again19:39
alfredWinI_begohello how do i install a dependency please19:39
nagel182a few days ago i was here19:39
* Senjai says hi to nagel182 :)19:39
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:39
v0lksmanthis is great fun19:40
KB1JWQalfredWinI_bego: Nice try, c0br42.19:40
genii-aroundOdaym: Not really. Consider if the phone system was unstandardised. People would be less free to talk to each other19:40
ohsixhow do i s hot web19:40
nagel182and i asked help with LAMP...19:40
g_0_0!grub > g_0_019:40
ubottug_0_0, please see my private message19:40
alfredWinI_begoKB1JWQ: i'm not c0br42 or whoever this gentleman may be...19:40
robho-neoohsix: that didn't do anything19:40
nagel182anda nice user helped me... his name started with u..... i want ask is he here?19:40
ohsixalfredWinI_bego: dependencies are automatically installed; mint is broken, this isn't a mint support channel19:40
OdaymI was thinking of something more along the lines of the global Linux community agreeing on standard distros for Desktop usage, standard distros for Server usage and so on19:40
jkgoh was c0br42 that girl that was in earlier asking about Mint?19:41
alfredWinI_begoohsix: right.. i wanted ubuntu support19:41
Odaymbut that does limit freedom since it would kill a lot of initiative in a lot of people/developers19:41
SenjaiOdaym, doesn't that go against the whole philosophy of linux?19:41
genii-aroundOdaym: This is more a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic than here :)19:41
guampaOdaym: those kinds of efforts are in place already from years, freedesktop.org and a lot others19:42
ohsixOdaym: commercial distros are there to provide a standard for people that want one maintained over time19:42
Odaymyea Senjai, this is what i was thinking, and it's not easy to avoid this in your thought process the more you progress in this field19:42
=== maciek_ is now known as Guest9175
Odaymthat is why a lot of "others" fall for it19:42
Odaymyes i know it's for offtopic, maybe i will go there19:42
alfredWinI_begowhat are some reasons that my ubuntu 9.10 distro may not be installing dependencies when i try apt-get?19:42
SenjaiOdaym see you there :)19:42
robho-neoohsix: this is what I got from lspci -mm --> 00:0a.0 "Ethernet controller" "nVidia Corporation" "MCP77 Ethernet" -ra2 "Micro-Star International Co., Ltd." "Device 508c"19:42
ohsixstandards of the freedesktop type can be considered solved problems, ones that before it existed were blockers for interop and things to bicker over19:43
KB1JWQalfredWinI_bego: Sure.  "You're running Mint."19:43
alfredWinI_begoKB1JWQ: you don't know that19:43
IdleOnealfredWinI_bego: One reason may be that it isn't Ubuntu. Maybe because it is broken and we don't support it19:43
nagel182damn he isnt here...19:43
Internethow to install php in ubuntu19:43
ActionParsnipjust stick him/her on iggy, much easier19:43
alfredWinI_begoIdleOne: why would it be broken in mint? but thats another story because i'm running failbuntu19:43
ActionParsnip!lamp | Internet19:43
ubottuInternet: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:43
KGBWolfi have an issue i made a shell script and it automatically runs on boot and it works. The script changes the date. Problem is after Desktop envoirment loads date is reverted back to current date after about 1 mins... How can i prevent this from happening?19:43
alfredWinI_begoi mean ubuntu19:43
nagel182Can someone help me instaling apache2 and PHP from source?19:44
ohsixrobho-neo: i don't know anything about the status of the mcp ethernet driver, sorry19:44
rumpe1KGBWolf, why would you need something like that?19:44
ActionParsnipKGBWolf: does your system use NTP?19:44
llutzKGBWolf: stupid question: why do you change date? it its not correct, set timezone19:44
rumpe1KGBWolf, just set your local time correctly19:44
Internethow to install php in ubuntu19:45
llutzInternet: sudo apt-get install php519:45
robho-neoohsix: no problem, thanks anyway. back to google I go19:45
Joseph_Hi, whenever i try to run ubuntu from disc (liveCD or text based) i load to a black screen'19:45
nagel182IF someone could help me install php from suorce thanl pls chat  with me in private this is important for me.19:45
Internetgoing to be installed or19:45
Internet                 php5-cgi (>= 5.3.5-0.dotdeb.1) but it is not going to be installed or19:45
Internet                 php5-fpm (>= 5.3.5-0.dotdeb.1) but it is not going to be installed19:45
InternetE: Broken packages19:45
KB1JWQnagel182: ./configure; make; sudo make install19:45
KB1JWQnagel182: What's the hard part? :-)19:46
ohsixrobho-neo: theres documentation of sorts in the kernel tree, it should at least say what the driver can't be expected to do _if_ it's a driver restriction, due to immaturity or whatever19:46
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KB1JWQ!pm | nagel18219:46
ubottunagel182: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:46
KGBWolftheres a REASON FOR  everything19:46
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anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP.19:47
incorrectother than inkscape, is there anything than does a good job of svg files?19:47
KGBWolfis there a time service i can stop?19:47
IdleOnealfredWinI_bego: don't force me to ban you. try ##linux maybe they are willing to help you with that broken distro19:47
Diverdudei have a folder (with files and subfolders) i want to send via ftp to my ftp server. If i do mput myfolder i get the error: myfolder: not a plain file. How do i send this folder with all content to the server via ftp?19:47
KB1JWQnagel182: What part of the !pm factoid are you unclear about?19:47
nagel182sorry i saw that after i wrote.19:48
Internetgoing to be installed or19:48
Internet                 php5-cgi (>= 5.3.5-0.dotdeb.1) but it is not going to be installed or19:48
Internet                 php5-fpm (>= 5.3.5-0.dotdeb.1) but it is not going to be installed19:48
InternetE: Broken packages19:48
alfredWinI_begowhy do you think mint is "broken"?19:48
llutzDiverdude: mput folder/*19:48
jkgalfredWinI_bego: I'm going to guess "because it doesn't correctly install dependencies"19:48
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ikoniaalfredWinI_bego: we don't - its offtopic, drop it please19:48
ohsixKGBWolf: theres a reason, people asked for it, people do that so they can tell you a better way to accomplish your goal instead of helping you make a mess19:48
alfredWinI_begojkg: look at Internet he's having the same problem as me!!!19:48
SkyVodkaalfredWinI_bego, because it isn't Ubuntu?19:48
GuiriHow can I add a path like /usr/lib/afni/bin to my command line permenantly?19:48
ikoniaGuiri: PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/afni/bin19:49
ikoniaGuiri: export PATH19:49
alfredWinI_begowell the reason i went with mint is because ubuntu sucks19:49
Guirithat will survive restarts ikonia?19:49
Senjaiexport PATH=$PATH:your/path/here19:49
Internet!pm | llutz19:49
ubottullutz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:49
ikoniaGuiri: put it in your .bash_profile19:49
WulfyalfredWinI_bego,  quite an odd statment as its based on ubuntu its not a MAJOR change19:49
ohsixif they're the same thing, how does ubuntu suck when mint doesn't :O19:49
llutzInternet: ? don't fool around19:49
CoinOpGrub will not boot. Any help?19:49
SkyVodkaInternet, use > instead of |19:50
Diverdudellutz, hmm then it asks to copy each file, and then it says for each file: 553-Can't open that file: No such file or directory19:50
wildbat!detail | CoinOp19:50
oxihow can I create a tar.bz2 of /mnt/sda1, where a /mnt/sda1/samplefile.txt is stored with the absolute path /samplefile/txt within the tar.bz2?19:50
ohsixSkyVodka: isn't the brand name Skyy?19:50
Jordan_UCoinOp: Do you use windows, and if so do you have Adobe Photoshop installed?19:50
ActionParsnipCoinOp: when the system fires up, what happens?19:51
SkyVodkaohsix, you are gonna make me go to the liqueur cabinet before 5?19:51
nagel182haaah I come from windows, so oI'm noob to linux. I come here to set up a PHP development area. I installed LAMp reviously.. but what i needed to developed didnt work. i needed to instal magickwand for PHP. but that can only be installed if you have the PHP source. now i was herea few days ago, and a kind user helped me a lot(I can only remeber that his name started with u) and with his help i installed appache 2 and php 5 from source19:51
nagel182.. but fater that he elft... now i tried to countinue but Linux crashed, so hard i needed to reinstall.19:51
CoinOpI dual boot with win7. I do not use adobe ps19:51
ohsixSkyVodka: :D it is19:51
oxi*how can I create a tar.bz2 of /mnt/sda1, where a /mnt/sda1/somedir/samplefile.txt is stored with the absolute path /somedir/samplefile.txt within the tar.bz2?19:51
nagel182can someone help me to setup them again?19:51
saymin#jaje is of pokemon19:51
oxiI'd like to strip out the mount dir19:52
craigbass1976I'm going to ask in #thunderbird (on the mozilla network) too, but does anyone know of an add on or plugin that allows you to write notes about people in the address book?19:52
KGBWolfI dont have NTP19:52
CoinOpIt loads the acer boot screen, then i get the flashing underscore, then a blank screen, then the underscore again but solid, then it repeats the process19:52
SkyVodkaohsix, I know, doesn't look as good though19:52
=== SkyVodka is now known as SkyyVodka
IdleOne!ot | saymin19:53
ubottusaymin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:53
ActionParsnipoxi: you will need the partition mounted but not in use (liveCD is ideal here), then just create a compress archive of the mount point19:53
CoinOpIt will not load the ubuntu disc or recovery discs19:53
v0lksmannagel182, I could be wrong but if all you need is the php source to compile something against then you can install php the normal way (apt-get install php5) and also grab the source apt-get source php5, then compile magicwand against the source you downloaded19:53
ActionParsnipoxi: tar czf archivename.tar.gz foldertoarchive19:53
llutzoxi: cd  /mnt/sda1/    then create tar.file19:53
Joseph_I am attempting to install ubuntu 10,10 on my macbook.  I have followed the instructions for installation (created a partition, installed rEFIt) but whenever I try to load Ubuntu from the live CD i get a black screen after the first splash.  I tried moving to the text based installer, but i get the same results after selecting "install ubuntu".  the disc and memory checks both passed tests.  Does anyone have any help to offer?19:54
Jordan_UCoinOp: There are some windows programs whose DRM is known to overwrite GRUB, Photoshop is probably the most used, Dell Data Safe is another. Did you notice that the problems with GRUB happened after booting into Windows?19:54
nagel182how can i recompile it on an existing PHP?19:54
ActionParsnipJoseph_: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html19:54
llutzoxi:  or use --strip-components  when extracting tarfile19:54
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nagel182v0lksman.. can we speak in PM?19:55
Joseph_actionparsnip: will this work with 10,10?19:55
Jordan_UCoinOp: You can no longer even boot from any CD as well?19:55
ActionParsnipJoseph_: works in any19:56
HACKZhi there is anyone using pdfedit?19:56
supertux__CoinOp, what's the problem?19:56
anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP, with no success. What should I do next?19:56
v0lksmannagel182, no, I'm busy and can only offer a little help...the channel will pick up where we leave off... :)19:56
CoinOpThe only problem i ever noticed was when would shut down ubuntu i would get an miso exception, but it never was an issue. I did have to boot 7 yesterday to quickly use a flash website I couldnt load in ubuntu.19:57
v0lksmanwhere are your docs for magicwand?19:57
CoinOpIt wont boot any cd at all, correct. just the endless startup and shut down.19:57
v0lksmannagel182, ^19:57
KGBWolfdoes ubunt grab date from BIOS?19:57
Jordan_UCoinOp: Sounds like a hardware/firmware issue.19:57
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ActionParsnipCoinOp: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned? Did you make the CD check itself for errors once the boot starts :)19:58
SkyyVodkasaymin, why do you keep posting that? Is there a reason?19:58
v0lksmanKGBWolf, check for ntp running on your system..19:58
Joseph_ActionParsnip: Thanks, i will try19:59
CoinOpI dont recall doing either of those things ActionParsnip19:59
ActionParsnipCoinOp: then how did you know the ISO was complete or consistent?19:59
malvwhy does flash now crash chromium?20:00
Jordan_UActionParsnip: When multiple CDs that used to work don't even get to the boot menu it's pretty safe to say there is a hardware problem.20:00
CoinOpI guess I just assumed if it ran correctly for two weeks through dozens of boot ups and software installs it was good to go.20:00
ikoniaidm: please don't do that20:00
ikonia!es |idm20:00
ubottuidm: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:00
CoinOpSo where do I go from here?20:01
ActionParsnipJordan_U: when users have install issues, its the first thing I ask and they NEVER test anyting....20:01
sayminvivre dans un monde mystérieux, chacun d'entre nous20:02
ActionParsnipCoinOp: test the ISO as well as check the CD for defects once it starts to boot, you can also test the RAM from the same screen you test the CD from20:02
sayminvivre dans un monde mystérieux, chacun d'entre nous20:02
ActionParsnip!fr | saymin20:02
ubottusaymin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:02
linuxiushi. how can I connect to my virtual host "Daten" on my local machine? here's what I did: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/399826/20:02
EddFaceHi guys20:04
KGBWolfi would like for ubuntu to always default to a specific date no matter what20:04
SkyyVodkaHi EddFace20:04
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EddFacelol did you saeriously name yourself derpyderp?20:04
ikoniaKGBWolf: that's not a good idea20:04
KGBWolfikonia ok thanka20:05
derpyderpEddFace: http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/4763771/FUCK-YEAH.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Fuck-Yeah20:05
IdleOne!language | derpyderp20:05
SkyyVodka!ot > EddFace20:05
ubottuderpyderp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:05
ActionParsnipKGBWolf: +1 for ikonia there but if you stop NTP asking for the date20:05
ubottuEddFace, please see my private message20:05
EddFaceHi Skyy, im just bored at work testing out irssi, its confusing as hell but makes me feel like im in one of those hacker movies from the 90s20:05
KGBWolfikonia i still want to gety it done20:05
ikoniaKGBWolf: why ?20:05
supertux__what's the interface named "vboxnet" in firestarter after the virtualbox installation? It sends data why?20:05
KGBWolfikonia i have my reasons20:05
ActionParsnipEddFace: what you do you need to know?20:05
EddFace....dont know how to check private messages20:05
ikoniaKGBWolf: ok, can you explain please.20:05
Ghebbo_Hi all =)20:05
derpyderpIdleOne: sorry, i didnt really use bad language,, just some profanity in the link...20:05
ikoniaKGBWolf: then we can't help you20:05
SkyyVodka!ot | EddFace20:05
ubottuEddFace: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:05
gokilli am new20:06
IdleOnederpyderp: the language rule applies to links posted also :)20:06
ikonia!topic | gokill20:06
ubottugokill: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:06
gokillanyone know how to install......20:06
coz_gokill,  cool,,, are you having a problem20:06
llutzKGBWolf: prevent software licenses from expiring? ;)20:06
gokillin vmware20:06
Odaymif I am ssh'ed to a pc here, and i want to go into a directory and have that PC's Rythmbox play that song..how do i go about doing that?20:06
ActionParsnipgokill: ease up on the enter key dude20:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:06
derpyderpIdleOne: mmm ok , gotcha my bad... i just feel the "eff yeah" guy meme is so fun /harmless20:06
gokillanyone know how to install......20:06
ikoniaderpyderp: that is unacceptable to "eff" please stop now20:06
EddFaceeff yeah isgreat20:06
gokillin vmware20:07
EddFacejust do haters gonna hate from now on20:07
ActionParsnipgokill: mount the ISO in your chosen virtualization and boot it20:07
gokillyou know hoe to install blackbuntu.......in vmware20:07
SkyyVodkagokill, what ActionParsnip said20:07
Jordan_Ugokill: This channel does not support derivitives of Ubuntu, only Ubuntu proper (and some minimally modified spins that use the exact same repositories)20:08
SkyyVodkaHi Infrid6420:08
openSUSEkorisnikanyone tried KMplayer on Wine?20:09
BluesKajopenSUSEkorisnik, you don't use wine to run kmplayer20:09
SkyyVodkaKMplayer in WIne?20:09
OdaymI am ssh'ed to a computer and i want to go into a directory in it and have its Rythmbox or any other music application play a song20:09
openSUSEkorisnikhow do you mean?20:10
openSUSEkorisnikIsnt it windows only20:10
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:10
ohsixtoo bad kgbwolf wouldn't say what he was doing, you can make a .so & use LD_PRELOAD to override the clock20:10
BluesKajkmplayer is alinux app openSUSEkorisnik20:10
EddFaceis there an off topic channel?20:10
ikoniaEddFace: yes #ubuntu-offtopic20:10
IdleOne!guidelines > EddFace20:10
ubottuEddFace, please see my private message20:10
openSUSEkorisnikwait ill search it in my repositoriesbrb20:10
gokillhi anyone tell me about the wine concept20:11
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:11
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:11
ActionParsnipgokill: its an abstraction layer for Directx calls20:11
SkyyVodkaubottu is very informative20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
SkyyVodkaor maybe not20:12
openSUSEkorisnikI meant KMplayer not Mplayer20:12
SkyyVodkaKMplayer is for Kubuntu20:12
EstragonHi, im trying to install ubuntu on a friend's computer, I usually install it through an live usb but it seems that her computer's bios doesnt know how to boot from an usb key20:12
IdleOneopenSUSEkorisnik: sudo apt-get install kmplayer20:12
Estragonwhat is the good way to install ubuntu on a such computer ?20:12
openSUSEkorisnikanychance it can work in opensuse20:12
SkyyVodkaEstragon, CD20:12
IdleOneEstragon: with a CD20:12
ohsixActionParsnip: directx is a small and not great part of what Wine is; (also th ename changed, it hasn't been all caps for like 5 years)20:13
WulfyEstragon, proberbly cd/dvd or as a last resort maybe pxe20:13
ActionParsnipopenSUSEkorisnik: if you install smplayer in Kubuntu you will have a native equivelant, mplayer is mplayer dude. Why use Windows Mplayer when it is compiled natively for the OS you are using....?20:13
SkyyVodkaopenSUSEkorisnik, #opensuse20:13
needhelp1when i try to load firefox, nothing happens20:13
BluesKaj!install | Estragon20:13
ubottuEstragon: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:13
supertux__openSUSEkorisnik, i use smplayer20:13
EstragonWebsite Title[3]: Install any Linux distro directly from hard disk without burning any DVD - Instant Fundas20:13
openSUSEkorisnikYea Im on #opensuse too but lets say ur channel is always full :D20:13
openSUSEkorisniknvm ill ask there too20:13
Doed_Is there a tool like securecrt for linux20:13
supertux__Estragon, net way?20:13
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needhelp1how can i backtrack the error20:14
gokillanyone know how to install.......blackbuntu20:14
ohsixDoed_: it's called ssh; and you run it in a terminal20:14
ActionParsnipgokill: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_(software)20:14
EstragonWebsite Title: Wine (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia20:14
ikoniaopenSUSEkorisnik: are you using ubuntu or open suse20:14
IdleOneneedhelp1: run firefox from terminal and see if it gives any errors20:14
needhelp1IdleOne, it doesnt20:14
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Doed_Securecrt is more than just simpke ssh20:15
openSUSEkorisnikon opensuse now20:15
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: run it from a terminal, the output may help20:15
Doed_Thats y im asking20:15
ikoniaopenSUSEkorisnik: then please don't ask for any support in this channel20:15
needhelp1ActionParsnip, i tired, nothing happens20:15
openSUSEkorisnikoke ,sorry for bothering you20:15
ikoniano problem20:15
needhelp1 firefox20:16
needhelp1acts like it loads, but nothing occurs20:16
ikonianeedhelp1: show me the output of "uname -a" please20:16
gokill2anyone know how to install black buntu20:16
needhelp1ikonia, Linux jessica-laptop 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux20:17
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: can you pastebin the output of the command please20:17
ikonianeedhelp1: when you type firefox does it return to the prompt ?20:17
needhelp1ikonia, yeah20:17
needhelp1ActionParsnip, sure one sec20:17
needhelp1ikonia, ActionParsnip let me give some background info20:17
supertux__ikonia, try yourself... no verbose20:18
ikoniasupertux__: what ?20:18
supertux__can't track verbose too20:18
ikoniasupertux__: track verbose ?20:19
adubi just did a fresh install 10.04 no sound for some reason though i think i have sound but i hear nothing20:19
ikoniasupertux__: what are you talking about20:19
supertux__starting an app in the shell20:19
IdleOne!sound | adub20:19
ubottuadub: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:19
needhelp1ikonia, ActionParsnip  i installed a third party add on called firesheep, had errors, disabled the addon and unistalled, restarted firefox, now wont work20:19
ikonianeedhelp1: in the terminal do "which firefox"20:19
adub0:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)20:19
ikonianeedhelp1: how did you uninstall the plugin ?20:19
needhelp1from the addon page in firefox20:20
needhelp1ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/j4ZrmUGv20:20
supertux__adub, alsamixer in the terminal and turn up20:20
needhelp1ikonia, which firefox = /usr/bin/firefox20:20
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: no, in a terminal run:  firefox     what is output?20:20
ikonianeedhelp1: ls -la /usr/bin/firefox please20:20
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needhelp1ActionParsnip, it just returns to cli20:21
adubif i have a monitor with a sound plugin it should work i would think20:21
CoinOpI cannot get to the grub screen to boot, I can get the Live 10.10 cd to boot now. So I'm not sure where to proceed to test the ISO or RAM. I do get an MMIO exception. Should I just do clean install?20:21
Priceyadub: Are you sure its plugged in?20:21
supertux__ActionParsnip, if i write that no output20:21
Priceyadub: You will need to plug in both the VGA cable *and* a 3.5m jack for audio20:21
adubpricey yes im trying two different speakers now im not sure if my tv card is messing it up or not not sure not even sure if it worked before i  installed the tv card i actually had the tv card inside the computer before installing ubuntu20:22
adubit acts as if it is working20:22
Priceyadub: click on the sound icon top right, choose sound preferences, choose the output tab, make sure the correct output is then selected20:22
adubbut no sound output i have a big monitor that has a sound input on it and i have that ran to my sound card i have just tried some external speakers that i had laying around nothing there too20:22
needhelp1lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 2010-12-11 03:10 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh20:23
Priceyadub: also, are you sure you haven't plugged your speakers into your sound card?20:23
adubthese speakers were working last week with this sound card20:23
adubnow for the monitor speakers not sure20:23
ActionParsnipadub: if you run:  alsamixer    are all levels unmuted and cranked?20:23
needhelp1lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 2010-12-11 03:10 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh20:23
adubactionparsnip yes20:24
ikonianeedhelp1: try running that shell script direct20:24
needhelp1ikonia, k one sec20:24
adubdoes anyone know if an hvr-1600 tv tuner card would make the sound stop working20:24
ActionParsnipadub: what is the output of:   wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh      say yes to upload to the site and you will get a red hyperlink20:24
Jordan_UCoinOp: Follow this guide to re-install grub: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide20:25
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CoinOpJordan_U: Thank you.20:25
supertux__CoinOp, i have experience in grub 2 reinstalling20:25
Jordan_UCoinOp: You're welcome.20:25
ActionParsnipCoinOp: the ISO is on the system you downloaded it on, When the CD boots and you see the stick man with the keyboard, press SPACE and choose to test the CD for defects, reboot and repeat but choose the RAM test20:26
zkriesseQuestion: How do I copy a file from one folder and then move it to another folder via terminal20:26
supertux__reinstalled many times20:26
supertux__cp copy mv move20:26
zkriesseThat doesn't really help20:26
llutzzkriesse: mv /path/file targetfolder/20:26
ActionParsnipzkriesse: cp file /path/to/location; mv /path/to/location/file /path/to/other/location20:26
IdleOnezkriesse: cp /file/to/copy /where/to/copy20:27
zkriesseActionParsnip: Thanks20:27
adubactionparsnip its uploading now20:27
Jordan_UCoinOp: If that fixes GRUB then try booting into Windows a few times. If GRUB fails in the same way after booting Windows then it's probably some application's idiotic DRM.20:27
needhelp1ikonia, maybe im doing something wrong, im in /usr/bin .. i cant find the firefox directory20:27
adubhttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=806863ff491097d6539dbcfcd08c90b9094f0ac0   <--- actionparsnip20:27
ikonianeedhelp1: look at the path in the symlink, it's not the same directory, it's up a level20:28
needhelp1ikonia, ?20:29
ActionParsnipadub: use: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/    to get the 1.0.23 version of ALSA20:29
ohsixDoed_: it's really not; ssh does everything securecrt can do and more, the rest is down to your terminal emulator20:29
ikonianeedhelp1: the symlink (ls -la /usr/bin/firefox) points to a script, run that20:29
ohsixneedhelp1: if firefox is already running, running "firefox" will talk to the running instance20:30
Zoffix_Hey. Is there a way to configure how long a menu stays open when mouse leaves it? Can't find anything in gnome-control-center and tried googling, but didn't get anything sensible.20:31
c0dewizhi i have a problem that really freaks me up... i need to make a bootable usb pen-drive in ubuntu (to install a customers netbook with xp). i tried virtualbox with a windows guest, but it doesnt see the pendrive20:31
Zoffix_c0dewiz, free virtualbox doesn't have USB support.20:31
c0dewiz4.0.0 has20:32
Zoffix_Oh. Wasn't aware.20:32
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c0dewizit actually sees my printer, but i cant click on the stick, its grayed out20:32
Zoffix_Maybe it has to do with permissions on the drive?20:32
c0dewizis there maybe even a linux program to make a bootable stick with windows xp on it?20:32
ikoniac0dewiz: no20:33
needhelp1/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh   ikonia20:33
needhelp1ikonia, but its not there20:33
needhelp1that i can see20:33
ActionParsnipc0dewiz: uninstall the ose vbox then use this: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads   shows a repo you can add20:33
llutzneedhelp1: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh20:33
ikonianeedhelp1: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh20:33
c0dewizzoffix, im a littlebit confused, are you talking of the permissions in the /media/ folder where the usb pendrive is actually mounted?20:33
bc81my gnome main menu is buggy, sometimes hovering over items doesn't open the sub-menu at all..i have to move the mouse away, come back and click for it to open.  what can i do to speed up the menus?  it seems to be a system-wide problem20:33
SkyyVodkaInstall more RAM20:34
Doed__ohsix: ok i have to specify my quest. I am looking for a terminal emul like securcrt20:34
danubi was in here yesterday and someone was trying to update their server but they had a LTS version and their updates would only update to the newest LTS. Someone said to change a value from 'lts' to 'normal' where is that change supposed to be made? (my system only went to 10.04, not 10.10 and i think this may be the reason)20:34
ohsixDoed__: on everywhere else than windows they are separate parts20:35
zkriessecp /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/MSI-Flex/EasyDPS/SHIPMENTDELIVERIES_PRVN_AGFM0013516.TXT; mv /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/MSI-Flex/EasyDPS/SHIPMENTDELIVERIES_PRVN_AGFM0013516.TXT /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/MSI-Flex/EasyDPS/junk20:35
zkriesseThat's my command20:35
zkriesseAnd it's not working20:35
bc81SkyyVodka: was that comment directed toward me?20:35
needhelp1ikonia, jessica@jessica-laptop:/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13$ bash firefox.sh20:35
danubwhat about it isn't working zkriesse ?20:35
needhelp1ikonia, froze terminal20:35
zkriessedanub: Isn't copying and then moving the file20:35
ikonianeedhelp1: reboot your machine20:35
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danubzkriesse: are you sure the files exist?20:36
bc81!who | SkyyVodka, i have 2 GiB of RAM, only 427 MiB is being used..so what makes you think it's lack of RAM?20:36
ubottuSkyyVodka, i have 2 GiB of RAM, only 427 MiB is being used..so what makes you think it's lack of RAM?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:36
zkriesseI'm staring at it20:36
drcdanub: Software Sources>Updates20:36
needhelp1jessica@jessica-laptop:/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13$ bash firefox.sh20:36
needhelp1/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/run-mozilla.sh: 399: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox.sh: Argument list too long20:36
danubbecause that would be the only reason it would fail20:36
danubdrc: terminal. im ssh'd in20:36
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SkyyVodkabc81 no need to bring ubottu into this20:36
llutzzkriesse: either you copy something or you move it. the first part cp .... ;  is pointless20:37
trismdanub: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades after installing update-manager-core20:37
drcdanub: sorry...didn't see that note in the question20:37
SkyyVodkaget a new GPU20:37
ikonianeedhelp1: reboot your machine20:37
danubdrc, yeah, forgot to mention i was ssh'd20:37
trismdanub: it's all in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades20:37
needhelp1ikonia, will do i'll be back in about an hr20:37
ikonianeedhelp1: no problem20:38
SkyyVodkabc81, how much RAM is on your GPU?20:38
SkyyVodka32bit or 64bit?20:38
bc81SkyyVodka: it's intel integrated GPU on a laptop.  i don't know how much RAm it has.  32bit20:38
JoepieQ: is it possibleto delete a non empty directory @ once ?20:38
llutzJoepie: rm -rf dir/20:39
drcdanub: someone else may have the answer, I don't...sorry20:39
Joepiellutz TY20:39
ActionParsnipJoepie: you only really need rm -r folder20:40
erossi deleted my panel #2, how do i get a window 'task list; onto the first panel? You know, the thing we always take for granted by clicking on the bar below to reveal the window20:40
drcdanub: maybe that link trism gave would help...see the bit about upgrading servers (i.e.  edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal)20:40
sinisterstufeross, right-click>add to panel> window list20:41
JoepieActionParship ty 220:41
sinisterstufeross, description: switch between open windows using buttons (that;s what you want right?)20:41
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ohsixbc81: that sounds weird that you have to move away and back, can you see the harddrive light? does it go solid on for 3+ seconds when you open the menu? and does it do the same thing if you try again quickly after having done it once20:41
erossdern.. why didn't it work before.  ok thanks20:41
sinisterstufeross, you're welcome, anything else?20:42
erosslottery #s?20:42
virtusOkay. I'm attempting to extract a file to /usr/share/games/bve -- But, I can't. Even when I run nautilus as sudo, and then open archive manager on the file. It's a 7zip file. And, I can't figure out how to extract this archive to a directory, without either A: Putting all the files into ONE directory. Or, B: Putting it in a directory with the name examplearchive (example, of course)20:42
virtusAny ideas?20:43
drceross: 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751020:43
sinisterstufeross, 204720:43
willystyleeCan someone help me? i'm currently installing ubuntu 10.10 on another machine and i got stuck on the 7th step (entering name, pw etc) it shows a cmd line right above the progress bar, and it says "ready when you are" but 'forward' is grey'd out for some reason, and it just sits there with the cmd line showing "ubuntu CRON [9746] : (Root) cmd    (    CD / && run - parts -- report/etc/cron/hourly)20:43
sinisterstufeross, if you're bored you can write a bash script to generate random numbers for you ;)20:43
bc81ohsix: the HDD light is just a blip, whether or not the sub-menu decides to appear.  i'm going to try deleting ~/.config/menus and log out/in.  this just started happening within the last week or so20:44
maco2willystylee: is the username all lowercase?20:44
pyropheliagot a problem, I have a file that I can't delete.  the file permissions are set to 777, I own the file, and i'm in the group.  lsattr shows no locks either.  I can move/delete the file as root but I need to be able to move it around as a normal user.  any idea to trace what's preventing me from moving/deleting the file?20:44
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willystyleemaco2: no its not... it needs to be?20:44
maco2willystylee: yes20:44
gsp2009hey folks... anyone have any suggestion on how to make an audio cd from mp3's?20:44
erosssinisterstuf - not that bored.. really want to write the next great bad graphics amateurish game for ubuntu, but am not feeling the drive and also think it will be for naught20:45
roachi'm logged in a shell, is there a way to i9nstall tcl without root?20:45
luciashhi, anybody using firehol as firewall ? i would like to get some hints what am i doing wrong trying to forward some ports20:45
ohsixbc81: if your computer isn't going nuts when you do it it's not for lack of memory or anything, the moving away rules a lot of stuff out; but unfortunately what's left is bugs and i dunno! D:20:45
maco2gsp2009: brasero20:45
SkyyVodkaHow do I add a new nick to my cloak?20:45
balleyneis there a way to set umask for a specific directory? just the sticky bit method, or any other options?20:45
maco2roach: you could compile it for your user only by setting --prefix when you configure the build20:45
ActionParsnipgsp2009: brasero / gnomebaker / k3b can do that20:45
gsp2009maco2: didn't know it supported it.. thanks.20:45
guntbertpyrophelia: where is the file? where do you want to move it to?20:45
virtusOkay. I'm attempting to extract a file to /usr/share/games/bve -- But, I can't. Even when I run nautilus as sudo, and then open archive manager on the file. It's a 7zip file. And, I can't figure out how to extract this archive to a directory, without either A: Putting all the files into ONE directory. Or, B: Putting it in a directory with the name examplearchive (example, of course)20:45
ActionParsnipSkyyVodka: i'd ask in #freenode20:45
roachmaco2, i never used linux20:45
roachcould you walk me through it20:45
gsp2009ActionParsnip. Thanks!20:45
roachi have the tar file in my $home20:46
ActionParsnipvirtus: use gksudo or kdesu with nautilus, sudo is NOT for gui apps20:46
virtusActionParsnip: It still works, does it not?20:46
sinisterstufeross, if you have the time and skill it would be really nice if you could contribute to one of the current game projects, I think if there were some really really good games (that also look nice) on ubuntu then windows gamers would have 1 less "bad" thing to say about it20:46
maco2roach: no because i'm at work, and if you don't have sudo access, you can't install the build dependencies yourself and so would need to compile those and we're talking a several hours project20:46
virtusThat wouldn't solve my problem -- You're just making a point of security. Sudo is for anything, if I remember correctly. I mean, I DID use Gentoo for like, four years.20:47
virtusUnless Ubuntu has re-written sudo?20:47
ActionParsnipvirtus: sudo 7z x filname -0 /usr/share/games/bve20:47
virtusActionParsnip: zero? Or, o20:47
ActionParsnipvirtus: sudo is NOT for GUI apps, it doesn't setup the environment correctly20:47
maco2virtus: i think the issue you hit was that archive manager wasnt also gksudo'd20:47
ActionParsnipvirtus: -o   sorry20:47
ohsixsinisterstuf: that there are games isn't very useful if the game you want to play isn't on there20:48
ActionParsnip!gksudo | virtus20:48
ubottuvirtus: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:48
ohsixsinisterstuf: solitaire is all you need from that perspective, and it's there :D20:48
sinisterstufohsix, do you mean it would be nice if there was cod black ops for linux?20:48
danubActionParsnip: just login as root, what could possibly go wrong ;)20:49
virtusActionParsnip: Gave me an incorrect command line error20:49
virtussudo 7z x NLopen_routes_98.7z -o /usr/share/games/bve20:49
anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP, with no success. What should I do next?20:49
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ohsixvirtus: you'd need to be in sudoers and without a password for sudo to work, since it prompts for a password it will exit if the output isn't a terminal; gksudo asks for a password with a gui dialogue20:49
ActionParsnipdanub: root login is a really bad idea and not advised at all20:49
nimbioticswhat is the channel for open office?20:49
guntbertnimbiotics: #openoffice.org20:50
danubActionParsnip: i know, i was being a smartass :P20:50
erossi'll go to offtopic, thanks20:50
ohsixsinisterstuf: lots of things would be nice, but if you can't play what you want it's not even an option20:50
nimbioticsguntbert: THX!20:50
WulfyActionParsnip,  i miss the good ol day of messing with rh 7 as root.... and killing my system repeatdly20:50
ActionParsnipvirtus: do you have p7zip-rar and p7zip-full installed?20:50
ActionParsnipdanub: i see20:50
sinisterstufohsix, imo Warsow is a failry nice game that runs on Linux and on Windows etc. so you could techinically take a linux box to a lan and play that20:51
danubWulfy: we do that at work, on RHEL 5. but thats because they assume no one will break anything and that nothing here is confidential or important... :: shrugs ::20:51
ohsixyou could also try and convince 10 other people to play warsow instead of CoD, it's not about what you can do, but what people want to do20:51
Wulfydanub,  must fun with regards to acountability20:52
zozipaaxubuntu 10 для чайников совсем не подходит?  а то я вот чота чайник... никак звука немогу добится... играет только через интегрированую а через usb emu 0202 - никак.. но, цуко, видит её везде...20:52
guntbert!ru | zozipaa20:53
ubottuzozipaa: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:53
malik_hi anyone from an east asian country...20:53
danubWulfy: well i have never broke anything so I'm safe. we did have a dev rm -rf /* one of our servers, but it was an accident and he forgot that /* started at / and not /home/user/tmp/*20:53
guntbertmalik_: why do you ask?20:53
danubi got to take that day off ;)20:53
malik_cause there seems an error in using east asian languages in Qt apps20:53
guntbert!bug | malik_20:54
ubottumalik_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:54
Wulfydanub, simler to some guy 2 days ago came on soemone had told him to dd his hard drive with 0's nice of them i mmust say thoe i agree i prefair running as root.... getting used to the idea of not now days as i consider myself compertant enought o undo what ever i broke20:54
jribWulfy: the decision not to run as root isn't primarily related to competence20:55
ohsixubuntu can use safe-rm as a wrapper; you can blacklist paths, but it's a silly concern20:55
Wulfyjrib also security yes i agree20:55
Wulfyjrib,  im not knocking the descion to not allow root users far from it, im sure if users wanted to they could re-eanble root logins without to much headache20:56
danubWulfy: yeah, its a bad habit for me too. i just get tired of prefixing sudo to everything I do so I just run as root. and if i break something. i slap myself, cry in a corner for a few hours, then start over20:56
ohsixprivilege you don't need to do something is always too much privilege20:56
ohsixdanub: sudo -s ftw20:56
Raj007anyone know of a working blocklist for transmission ?20:56
* drc always thought that *nix's root permissions were a bit of Darwinian humor20:56
ohsixRaj007: does their wiki have any information on it?20:57
danubohsix: su ftw ;)20:57
Raj007ohsix: i didn't check the wiki. Checked some forum posts with no certain answer.20:57
ohsixhaving to type your own password is good enough for the transition, unless you have no sudoers20:58
ohsixRaj007: chances are it supports standard blocklists now that they have gui settings to change it, if so then you're looking for peerguardian lists or something like them; not transmission lists20:58
danubi have never idved into the differences between sudo and su, but they give me the same result (sudo apt-get update vs apt-get update while su). is sudo basically just a wrapper to elevate privlidges of non-root user?20:59
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virtusAh, that's why.20:59
virtusOkay. Now that I extracted the files, the permissions are wrong20:59
oxiwhat tool can I use to create a complete snapshot/backup of an ext3 filesystem?20:59
virtusWhat's permissions for read/write all?20:59
danubor is there actually some kind of safe guards put in place when sudo is used?20:59
llutzdanub: main difference is, su needs root-password, sudo the user-passw20:59
ohsixsudo lets you pick lists of people and lists of programs that are ok to run; and different ways to make the transition, that's all20:59
oxiif heard that xattr's and acls, possibly more is not saved using tar21:00
ohsixoxi: i've been using duplicity recently, works well enough21:00
oxiohsix: thanks21:01
jribdanub: with sudo you can restrict what user's can do and you also get a paper trail21:01
virtusWhat's the permissions for read/write all?21:01
virtuso O21:01
virtus777? Or 755?21:01
jrib!permission | virtus21:01
ubottuvirtus: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:01
ybithow do you keep up with the latest greatest software for ubuntu?21:02
ohsixapt-get update :]21:02
JetBoyJetGirlWhat's the bash command to list all of your programs ? I'm trying to execute a program but unsure of what command to use...21:02
ohsixbut it does it automatically if you install the desktop version21:02
fatninjaHello to all Ubuntu users21:03
fatninjaneed some help21:03
sraueJetBoyJetGirl press tabulator twice21:03
ybitfatninja: with what?21:03
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fatninjaI'm currently using Windows 7 and I've installed it with wubi21:03
JetBoyJetGirllol thanks sraue21:03
fatninjaeverything was great21:03
fatninjainstalled it21:04
jazzyjefI am trying to create a fake root filesystem and use ath5k modules in the kernel either as loadable module or within the kernel itself21:04
jazzyjef when i try to make it as a loadable module, my modules.dep files are missing21:04
jazzyjef and now i have just compiled the modules as part of the kernel using make menuconfig, but still my device cant use it, how can i make sure that the ath5k module is part of the kernel21:04
FloodBot3jazzyjef: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
x007mewhere can I find a list of fun servers hehe21:04
fatninjaafter the first restart21:04
JetBoyJetGirlgreat thanks again21:04
fatninjait gives me an error21:04
Jordan_U!enter | fatninja21:04
ubottufatninja: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:04
fatninjaand gets me into initframs, the error is something like can't mount /dev/sda621:04
sraueJetBoyJetGirl no problem :-)21:04
fatninjaJordan_U , ok.21:04
danubfatninja, <enter> isn't punctuation.21:04
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x007meor perhaps a list of channels???21:05
fatninjadanub: ok.21:05
danublol jordan, didn't know there was a bot command for that ;)21:05
Jordan_Ufatninja: I recommend uninstalling Wubi and instead installing Ubuntu in a standard dual boot configuration.21:05
guntbertx007me: not here - this is a support channel21:05
ybitohsix: is there a way to get a list of the newest updates in apt?21:05
fatninjaWell, why am I having problems with wubi and Windows 721:05
fatninjaI get a mount error21:06
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danubybit: you mean like 'sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade'?21:06
ohsixybit: well you can try upgrading then kill it to get a list of new programs, but aptitude shows updated packages easier in a category view21:06
ybiti mean, i want a list of the updates to software in the repos21:06
fatninjaThe thing is that it has like two boot managers, first one I choose Windows 7 and Ubuntu 2nd one Ubunt 2.6.35....etc / Ubuntu ... Recovery and Windows 7 bootloader21:06
_graham_Hey - I don't suppose anyone knows any reason why PHP on Apache doesn't work in my userdir? It's *not* the fix to remove "php-admin-value engine Off" from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf either as that doesn't make a bit of difference :(21:06
ybiti don't want to upgrade myself21:06
Pici_graham_: Does www-data have permission to execute your php scripts in those paths?21:07
_graham_Pici: To *execute* them? Not just read them?21:07
Jordan_Ufatninja: Because unfortunately, through no person's fault, Wubi isn't particularly well maintained at the moment.21:08
_graham_I've never given execute permissions to a php script before, and they are globally readable21:08
Pici_graham_: sorry, read. Brain confusion there ;)21:08
llutz_graham_: no need for execution-bit21:08
ohsixdoes wubi need to be "maintained"? it just has / on ntfs-3g and the kernel on ntfs21:09
danub_graham_: apache has to be able to see the path also. you can just put a line in your php to run '/home/graham/runme.php' if your home directory isn't accessible to apache21:09
fatninjaJordan_U and is there any solution ?21:09
inckieim trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my htpc, with only my TV connected, but when i boot up the start cd, the tv goes to sleep mode21:09
fatninjaI'm sure there is.21:09
_graham_www-data user can def read the scripts - just confirmed that...21:10
ohsixfatninja: you can try booting the kernel manually from the grub prompt, or chroot into it from a livecd and update-grub/initramfs; dunno where instructions might be and i've no time to step by step it though21:10
_graham_Apache was offering the file as a download, so I was fairly certain that was the case anyway21:10
Jordan_Uohsix: There are some complications when finding the root.disk, especially in situation's with multiple disks/partitions. It's far from unsolveable, but it's a complex problem that requires dedicated time from an interested developer.21:11
ohsixfatninja: all your files should still be on your harddrive, you could just reinstall it as well; or access files you lost access to21:11
fatninjaohsix: thanks for the response, but I will install a fresh copy of it via DVD21:11
fatninjathe thing is that21:11
fatninjaI want to put it in a ntfs partition21:11
fatninjais that possible ?21:11
danub_graham_: ok, so we know it has access to it. now, what is the extension of the script? php? php3? html? htm? what?21:11
ohsixJordan_U: ah; that would be the windows side of things then, thanks for the tip21:11
Jordan_Uohsix: You're welcome.21:11
_graham_index.php is the file in question for now21:12
_graham_Just straight "php" extension21:12
ohsixJordan_U: you could brute force it and add labels for everything in the menu entry for it in grub though :D21:12
danubfatninja: no. you cant put linux on the ntfs partition. the installer will seperate and repartition the disk (windows will be ntfs, linux will be ext3 (unless you choose different)21:12
fatninjadanub: I realized that was a dumb question afterwards21:12
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ohsixyou _can_ put it on there; but its silly and would be nothing but trouble for your effort21:13
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Jordan_Uohsix: I can think of ways that it could be solved cleanly, and I probably should take the time to fix it myself but I don't personally use windows and I'm not particularly motivated :(21:13
danub_graham_: and .php is listed in the php config?21:13
ohsixJordan_U: well with grub2 brute forcing it would be a pretty decent compromise; once you boot into linux and grub is updated it'll obviously be able to find the image directly, so it'd just be ugly for a little while after install21:14
_graham_I thought so, but badly it seems.....21:14
_graham_<FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)$"> is what it said before21:15
_graham_<FilesMatch "\.php$"> is what it says now, and it all works :)21:15
danubif the browser is prompting to download the file, it means that apache isn't handing the script off the php intrepreter or its filetype isn't listed in the php intrepretter as a type it should intrepret21:15
Jordan_Uohsix: Making an ugly hack like that would likely not take any less time / effort than doing it properly.21:15
danub_graham_: so your up and running now?21:15
_graham_Yes - thanks :)21:15
ohsixhrm dunno about ugly; you can't reliably get the info on one side, but you can bridge to the other side where you can; it'd all be in one menu entry in the grub menu & not user visible21:16
craigbass1976I'm looking for a crm that is not sugar or vtiger.  I just installed obm, wondering if there's something else.21:16
ohsixhm nevermind that though, wubi uses window's bootloader doesn't it?21:16
danubcraigbass1976: depends on the backend DB you want to use21:17
fatninjathe first starts the windows boot loader21:17
craigbass1976danub, I'd rather mysql21:17
fatninjathat goes to21:17
fatninjaBCD ID: {c3319261-3911-11e0-94c4-001e8c7df38d}21:17
fatninjaDrive: E:\21:17
fatninjaBootloader Path: \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr21:17
FloodBot3fatninja: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
Jordan_Uohsix: It loads grub via the windows bootloader. If you'd like to put in the time to get this working properly I'd love to help out.21:17
fatninjaJordan_U I'd like that.21:17
danubcraigbass1976: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems21:18
fatninjaJordan_U only if that is not a problem for you.21:18
craigbass1976danub, I thought crm was contact management type apps21:18
Jordan_Ufatninja: Not at all.21:18
danubohh, crm21:19
danubthought you said cms21:19
fatninjaJordan_U , how do I start ?21:19
Jordan_Ufatninja: We should probably move this discussion to #ubuntu-devel.21:19
ohsixshrug, if it chainloads grub then it doesn't matter how ugly it is :D21:19
danub, lol ignore me. im a dumbass and got nothing for you on crm.21:19
KlipoxHi.. i have a problem with my swap partition not mounting at boot. http://pastebin.com/3VzjCBiq21:20
craigbass1976danub, no problem; there are too many acronyms in the world I think21:20
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ohsixKlipox: you might have hit a bug with swap images, and had your swap guid change21:21
ohsixKlipox: you can get the original guid from /etc/fstab and mkswap -U <uuid> can assign it back21:21
ohsixthis is the best way to fix it; as the guid is stored for hibernation in another file, and if it changes it breaks that as well21:22
Klipoxohsix: Oh ok. So how do i get the new UUID from the swap?21:22
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Klipoxohsix: Or shall i write the same as in fstab?21:23
ohsixblkid can show all the uuid's, you can compare them against /etc/fstab21:23
ohsixno, update the swap with the guid, not the other way around21:23
JoepieQ: is there a way to bypass tap0 and "route" it to eth0 for sabnzbdplus ?21:23
afrodeityis there any reason pbuilder is not showing up in the repos?21:23
Klipoxohsix: Ok. Thanks alot :)21:24
ohsixno problem :} it'd be nice if it'd do it automatially, as like i said; it breaks suspend, but alas it doesn't21:24
danubhas anyone had any experience growing a ubuntu disk running in vmware?21:24
KB1JWQdanub: Sure, but it's easier if you're using LVM. :-)21:25
danubKB1JWQ: what do you mean? what lvm?21:25
ohsixprobably helps more if you have an fs you can grow21:25
karabaja4someone write my name please :)21:26
KB1JWQohsix: Yeah, growfs is nice.21:26
Piciafrodeity: It should be there.21:26
Ricososaited: ?21:26
ohsixpantomiming detected21:26
Pici!info pbuilder | afrodeity21:26
ubottuafrodeity: pbuilder (source: pbuilder): personal package builder for Debian packages. In component main, is extra. Version 0.198ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 345 kB, installed size 1180 kB (Only available for all i386 amd64)21:26
Ricososaited: *21:26
danubwell i have an ext3 fs for it, and I know i have done it once in the past, but that was back when it was at 8.0421:26
Grishnackh666hi there21:27
afrodeityPici: sudo apt-get install pbuilder  returns "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "pbuilder""21:27
afrodeityPici: its supposed to be in main21:27
LittleJakubhow does THIS work? :P21:27
Piciafrodeity: Does apt-cache policy pbuilder  work?21:28
danubbumped it from 6 gigs to 10... now that i updated to 10.10, im at about 9 gigs used, i want to grow it to 15. i can add the space via vmware, but i cant remember how to make ubuntu see the extra space21:28
Grishnackh666when setting up a system config in mythbuntu the policykit pops up and asks for the root passwort...i have none?! what to do?21:28
afrodeityPici: N: Unable to locate package pbuilder21:28
Piciafrodeity: What architecture are you on?21:28
calumWould running Ubuntu as a web server in a DMZ be a bad idea, in terms of network exploits?21:28
Piciafrodeity: What does uname -m  report?21:29
ohsixdanub: resize2fs21:29
danubcalum, running any webserver in the dmz has potential to be exploited (even not dmz'd)21:29
Klipoxohsix: When i run mkswap -U 1012e79e-ca93-47f5-914f-4094d55b3c62 i get "mkswap: error: Nowhere to set up swap on?"21:29
afrodeityPici: i68621:29
ohsixbut there's also the commandline version of parted; or the gui version, just runs the stuff for you21:29
ohsixKlipox: you need to specify the swap partition as well21:30
Piciafrodeity: hmm...21:30
calumdanub: So if I keep up patches and run a firewall to block all ports except 80, that will help?21:30
IdleOnePici: I got a feeling he still has CD as source. might not be on the CD21:30
gr8QSince few days i get afc: error control file when i connect a iphone what should i do21:30
anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP, with no success. What should I do next?21:30
calumI'm just wondering if gufw will do the trick21:30
danubif you just keep it patched you should be fine21:30
ohsixcalum: if you block all but 80 how will you administer it21:30
ohsixcalum: just stop services you aren't using21:30
Klipoxohsix: Oh, Right :P21:31
calumDon't I only need 80 open for the server?21:31
triptecwhat is the prefered ftpd?21:31
triptecpro or vs?21:31
PiciIdleOne: Thats entirely possible.21:31
afrodeityIdleOne: will check, thnks21:31
Jare_yup, if you want only http access21:31
PiciIdleOne: Good thinking :)21:31
=== Jare_ is now known as Jare
IdleOneI have my moments :)21:31
calumthats the only public internet service I want to run21:31
danubthe problem with firewalling your web-server is that it makes it easier to ddos you. and if you run some "auto-blocking" app that reads your logs, you need to make sure it can parse logs correctly or someone can effectively lock everyone out of your own server21:32
afrodeityIdleOne: Its listed, but not checked, so don't think so21:32
IdleOneafrodeity: sudo apt-get update & apt-cache search pbuilder21:32
IdleOneif it isn't there there is something very not right with your repos21:32
calumso that wouldn't stop a botnet with traffic headed for port 80?21:33
ohsixyou should just not run services you aren't using21:33
danubcalum: is this a personal site? or company site?21:33
Jarecalum: you might also be interested having shell/nx access (ssh 22) and https (443)21:33
calumI intend to only open 1 port and run http only21:33
calumpersonal server21:34
danubthen you shouldn't have to worry about botnets unless you piss off someone you shouldn't have21:34
ohsixyou probably have more to worry about from scripts running on the web server than anything else by an order of magnitude21:34
calumI do intend to run a cgi script on the server21:34
danubcalum: just make sure your system stays patched and your fine21:35
ohsixmy fine!21:35
calumI am sure I have the latest updates for the moment21:35
calumbut I will keep checking21:35
danubthen you should be good21:35
danubcalum, just put the updating in root's cron21:35
calumthanks for your advice danub21:36
danubhave it run every day at 0021:36
ohsixthat's a bad idea21:36
danubohsix: y?21:36
ohsixbecause you don't want everything just applied; theres a script for servers that do updates intelligently21:36
ohsixforget the name of it, b ut it's pulled in when you install ubuntu-server21:37
Jarecalum: anyway if you really want to inspect the traffic and/or selectively block ip addresses/packets, then you should make yourself familiar with Snort ids/ips21:37
abusaifhi every body21:37
calumare updates for Apache applied through Ubuntu's updater as usual?21:37
mickster04calum: if you didn't just download a .deb, yes21:37
stephansdoes anyone know when a fix for nm-applet will be out? I have a huge issue with mem leak... and when I went to post the issue in ubuntus ticket system there were already lots of others that had done so... This is a bad problem. 1.5 GIG after leaving the pc on for a day...21:37
ohsixsnort is kind of unmaintained, seriously, the biggest problem you can have is the scripts running on the server21:37
calumI got Apache from the repositories21:38
ohsixstephans: how did you measure the "leak"?21:38
mickster04calum: then as the repo's get updated, so will you21:38
danubcalum: then it will update with the system updates21:38
calumok thanks21:38
abusaifi lose the panel and  i need to fix it ,can any body help me21:38
stephansohsix, by watching it in top for instance21:38
ohsixstephans: but, to answer your question, there is a network manager ppa that has updated stuff, but what you're seeing probably isn't a leak; a lot of people think a slowly growing VM size is a leak21:39
stephansit keeps growing endlessly21:39
IdleOne!resetpanel | abusaif21:39
ubottuabusaif: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:39
calumcheers all for help21:39
ohsixstephans: well there is an end :] try looking how much memory it's actually using with smem21:39
erossi do have a question, I can connect via DHCP wirelessly to the router, but if I try to go static it won't connect. I've tried editing /etc/network/interfaces and using the network manager windshieldwasher icon21:39
stephansohsix, ok I will... but it does reach the point where the computer is unusable21:39
IdleOneafrodeity: any success?21:40
IdleOneabusaif: welcome21:40
ohsixstephans: suffice it to say the VM size is a useless number, it's really only something useful to track large and quick changes, it doesn't convey any actual information about memory use21:40
TerribleTechanyone run their own Ubuntu Server?21:40
Jordan_U!anyone | TerribleTech21:41
ubottuTerribleTech: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:41
erossi did in 8.04, now it seems it has grown more difficult21:41
mickster04TerribleTech: yes21:41
ohsixstephans: nm-applet is using 4.7 megs here, bur top says 287m virt, it's a big gap21:42
TerribleTechthanks ubottu and mickster04 for your reply. I am only curious what you use your servers for.21:42
abusaifits give this message ?? no process found21:42
EmuAlertHow do you delete files so that they DON'T go into the .Trash-1000 folder on a removable drive?21:42
stephansohsix, OK... I have smem now... will check21:43
mickster04TerribleTech: i did, i don't anymore, don't have router access, port forwarding would be needed, anyway, this is off topic really21:43
mickster04EmuAlert: shift-del?21:43
ohsixstephans: free -m will show you how much swap is in use; if its becoming unusuable after a while and swap is full, it's probably something other than this21:43
adubmy /dev/video0 just suddenly disappeared after installing lastest also drivers21:44
TerribleTechmickster04 what did you use it for? I'm considering setting up an web server, just for development.21:44
EmuAlertmickster04: Thanks21:44
stephansohsix, got it21:44
adubwhy would /dev/video0 just suddenly disappear??21:44
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abusaifi try the code  the code to get the panel but it give this message no process found21:45
ohsixstephans: if it _is_ swapping, iotop will tell you the programs that are being paged in/out21:45
otayHow to I install a local .deb file so the dependencies will be resolved for me?21:45
djoeim djoe from algeria21:45
mickster04TerribleTech: lamp, email, ssh, uhm i had ottd server running on it, samba....21:45
JoepieQ: how to restart interfaces ?21:46
joewefwefwhats the n00b channel?21:46
stephansohsix, iotop? Ok I will have to look for that one! sounds usefull...21:46
Linfert*join ubuntu-fr21:46
mickster04joewefwef: this is the noob channel :D21:46
mickster04djoe: welcome21:46
=== Lanta is now known as Lantizia
TerribleTechmickster04: This won't be online or public. It will be an internal test server21:47
pep`does anyone know of a program or script (maybe using dia?) that can generate a process diagram/flowchart from C source code?21:47
ohsixstephans: it could be that you just don't have enough memory for your average working set though; if that's the case you'll need more, or find a way to weed out stuff you don't really need21:47
mickster04TerribleTech: ok21:47
ohsixsmem will show you the largest memory consumers too21:47
guampapep`: doxygen21:47
djoe@ mickster : thank u21:47
pep`doxygen.... I will check it out21:47
guampaalso http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150900/is-there-any-free-c-c-code-to-flowchart-generator-tool-available-on-the-net21:48
TerribleTechmickster04: lamp and ssh sounds the way to go. of course ftp might help.21:48
guampaand related q's21:48
mickster04TerribleTech: if you set up ssh and then use sftp it's the one and same really :p21:48
mickster04!pm | djoe21:48
ubottudjoe: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:48
otayahh.. I have to do a two-step process to auto install local debs.. hmm21:48
TerribleTechmickster04: thanks for the advice21:48
mickster04TerribleTech: very good21:49
pep`thx guampa21:49
alpha7ubuntu 64 bits vs 32bits any differences?21:49
Logan_WP!amd64 | alpha721:50
ubottualpha7: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.21:50
stephansohsix, nm-applet --sm-disable             0   713772   714402   72424421:50
GBGamesI'm using the time command to see how long it takes for an application to run, and the output gives three numbers: real, user, sys. I'm assuming user means the application's CPU time, and real gives me the actual clock time, but maybe I'm wrong. Is it reasonable to use "real" as "how long it takes based on the clock on the wall"?21:50
alpha7So of my drivers are not working with 64 bits ubuntu21:50
ohsixalpha7: lots of differences, practical differences are silly stuff like flash in the browser21:51
stephansohsix, seems a little over the top to me21:51
stephansohsix, no pun intended21:51
joewefwef32bit drivers seem easier to get hold of21:51
joewefwefhow much ram can 32bit ubuntu address?21:51
ohsixstephans: nice, so it is really going nuts, do you have wifi & is it constantly trying to connect? or vpn or any other "interesting" connection types21:51
erossjoewefwef - 2Gb ?21:51
alpha7Is it possible I have 64 ubuntu and running 32 bit firefox or software or drivers?21:51
mickster04alpha7: yes21:52
ohsixalpha7: not drivers, a driver that works on 32bit but not 64bit is weird; is it a proprietary driver?21:52
Jordan_Ujoewefwef: For linux I can't think of any driver that is available for 32 bit which is not also available for 64 bit. The open source community tends to care a lot about 64 bit and portability in general.21:52
alpha7It's for printer.21:52
alpha7and I always get werid bugs on firefox21:53
Raj007My Brother's 32-bit driver are working fine on 64-bit ubunty21:53
Raj007Brother as in printer21:53
alpha7esp. it show this black bar when i highligh links21:53
stephansohsix, well I do have wifi... on a lenovo T400... I usually have Hide My Ass (HMA)running bu not now...21:53
stephansHMA is an anon, vpn solution21:53
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ohsixwell, try disabling things one by one and finding out which part does it21:54
alpha7Is there a command to flush out every settings and programs and start out fresh/21:54
ohsixyou can kill nm-applet fine, it'll restart21:54
aeon-ltdalpha7: heh reinstall?21:54
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/567864/    <--- there is a paste of my dmesg output  my /dev/video0 is no longer showing up for some reason21:54
stephansohsix, HMA uses the Open VPN even under windows and mac...21:54
ohsixalpha7: start out as a user account or the entire install? it's easy to do either but why21:55
bp0is computer janitor completely useless or just mostly useless?21:55
stephansohsix, would continuous connect attempts mess up nm-applet?21:55
alpha7ohsix there this weird program doesn't exit properly when i restart21:55
ohsixstephans: well, i didn't mean hma in particular; i mean like disable wifi scanning if you're not using wifi, disable other connection types and see if it goes away21:55
alpha7it always bugs me when it ask me to kill task or ignore or restart now21:56
ohsixstephans: anything that's done over and over could magnify a small leak21:56
alpha7something like that21:56
ohsixalpha7: what program?21:56
ruffleSI'm getting this error @ every boot: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory on ubuntu 10.10. anyone?!21:56
alpha7Doesn't say I'm going create new account.21:56
alpha7Is bleachbit is good for removing unused programs or files21:58
stephansohsix, OK i will sleuth around and see... i have installed several items... even some KDE stuff, mybe that would include net software conflicting. Also I installed a Bank ID app for smart cards and tried to force it to work in my 64 bit ubuntu even if only 32 bit was supported... I had to replace some crypto libs.. which may ofcourse be in use by wifi...21:58
ohsixalpha7: it's probably better to figure out how to clean up things yourself before you let some program do it21:59
alpha7it says 'A program is still running21:59
alpha7and program name is Unknown ' Not responding22:00
scampbellgiven upstart on maverick, I have the two packages 'postgresql-server' and 'libvirt-bin' installed by apt-get.  Postgresql has been configured to listen on the virtual network configured by libvirt-bin, however, postgresql is getting started before the network is up.  postgresql is an init script and libvirt is a upstart  file.  How could I fix my problem?22:00
ohsixdoes it do that after you've already closed everything?22:00
ohsixif yes, close everything but a terminal and check out the output of xlsclients22:00
DifesaHi, Im trying to install ubuntu 10,10 (i386 live cd and amd64 text based) on a mid '09 macbook, I've attempted to follow the instructions in the official ubuntu documentation and various other resources (http://tiny.cc/ijokl, http://tiny.cc/3m4b3, http://tiny.cc/cp9ug).  Each time i pass the grub screen, regardless, it seems, of what i do, i almost immediately black screen.   Does anyone have any advice?22:03
fruitwerksCall to undefined function pg_connect(), but I have php5-pgsql installed and I see it in phpinfo?22:04
scampbellfruitwerks: I would guess the #php could solve that in short order.22:05
UberGooberhi, could someone direct me to power settings (hibernate, etc) in Xubuntu? Linux noob here22:05
Guest88261Hi. How can I set double click for left down corner of synaptics touchpad?22:06
scampbellubergoober:  system -> preferences -> power settings22:06
maedoxDifesa: probably some "unsupported" gfx card. Search google for your gfx card with ubuntu and black screen. You might have to disable some module on startup, or install a driver from single-user mode.22:06
scampbell,er  system -> preferecnes -> power management22:07
UberGooberscampbell: no Preferences under System22:07
Jordan_UDifesa: Ignore any guide that suggests installing grub to a partition rather than the mbr, and any guide that recommends manual partitioning but does not explain that you should create a BIOS boot partition.22:07
Jordan_UDifesa: Ubuntu's installer does the right thing if you use automatic partitioning.22:08
KjetilKmy default kernel isn't booted even after a delay, and I really don't understand the grub2 config. This used to be so easy, how do I do this in grub2?22:08
StrangeCharmseahorse became unresponsive, and i ended the process. now it doesn't show any private or public keys. gpg --list-private-keys returns my private keys, but --list-public-keys lists nothing. what might have gone wrong, and how can i fix it?22:08
DifesaJordan_U:  in attempting to just boot the LiveCD and try ubuntu i get black screen.  Maedox: Will try, thanks22:09
adamruffoloDon't know if I'm in the right place.  I'm trying to register my nickname with #backtrack-linux but seem to be failing miserably.  Any help?  I can't seem to find a direct answer on the net22:10
mevvisDifesa, its imposible push ESC and use boot options?22:10
UberGooberscampbell: found it, under Applications/Settings/Xfce4 Settings Manager - thanks22:10
scampbellUberGoober: If you choose to run XFCE (that's fine). Do tell folks when you ask.  We will usually assume you are running the default gnome.   You'll probably get better answers :)22:11
tomreynadamruffolo: that's obviously offtopic here. ask in #freenode22:12
canthus13Anyone know how to get wicd to show up in the notification area in gnome?22:12
Difesamevvis: I haven't tried that, what would i look for n that menu?22:12
UberGooberI said "Xubuntu," Xfce is default, no?22:12
canthus13UberGoober: yup.22:12
Tempus_Fugithello all22:13
* Senjai waves at Tempus_Fugit 22:13
Tempus_FugitSenjai: hello22:13
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/567873/   <--- why o why is my /dev/video0 not working22:13
NixGeekToday, My lockscreen is smaller than that actual screen and is just filling up a corner, I haven't installed any updates between the time the lock screen was fullscreen and now.  Really, this is he first time i've been on the computer since it worked right22:16
diphthongyou know how Ubuntu hides the boot up messages?  I want to see them!  how do i do that?22:16
maco2diphthong: hit ctrl+alt+f122:16
seidosdiphthong: i don't recall.  i have done it before.  there was info in the forums/on the web22:16
bastidrazordiphthong: in /etc/default/grub remove the "quiet splash"  then sudo update-grub22:17
realjoehi I am curious if ubuntu and wd20ears lead to high lccs, even if the hdd is not used as / drive?22:18
mtkorbI'm getting an error "bad format on line 16 of /etc/fstab" on bootup. Here is my fstab: http://pastebin.com/1nBKcuvv I added the 2 lines that says /mnt/disk1 and /mnt/disk222:19
ikoniamtkorb: remove the word total22:19
ikoniamtkorb: delete line 1622:20
mtkorbikonia: Ok. What was that line for?22:20
ikoniaI think it's been added in error22:20
piotr_hello, do you know how to connect to polchat?22:20
licuadocorazonbuenas tardes22:21
DiverdudeHow do i copy a folder with subfolders via ftp in ubuntu commandline? If i do mput myfolder/* i get an error for every subfolder in myfolder saying its not a plain file22:21
EXio4licuadocorazon: this chat is in english :=22:21
licuadocorazonahhhh okey22:21
licuadocorazongood afternoon (?)22:21
mevvisDiverdude,  help ??22:21
EXio4licuadocorazon: hi!22:21
ikoniaDiverdude: you need a ftp client that supports folders22:21
ikoniaDiverdude: not all do22:21
licuadocorazonhello EXio4 how are you ?22:22
Diverdudeikonia, the built in does not?22:22
ikoniaDiverdude: not sure to be honest, never tried22:22
mevvisDiverdude, try lftp22:23
v3n0xhow do i install ubuntu?22:23
ikonia!install | v3n0x22:23
ubottuv3n0x: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:23
mtkorbikonia: Thanks, that worked.22:23
licuadocorazonme, have a problem, gnome start in ten minutes, and not have time to wait and not find the button "star"22:24
KnifeySpooneyHello, does anyone know where Flash saves streaming videos to now? I'm trying to download a Youtube video but I don't see any .flv in /tmp22:24
=== tyler is now known as Guest47465
EXio4licuadocorazon: run "sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /"22:24
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!22:25
licuadocorazonEXio4: thank you very much xd22:25
ikonialicuadocorazon: do not run that22:25
ikonialicuadocorazon: confirm you understand please, don't run that22:25
maco2licuadocorazon: NO NONO22:25
maco2licuadocorazon: that will kill your system22:25
ikonialicuadocorazon: you understand not to run that ?22:25
KnifeySpooneynice reaction time, guys :)22:25
licuadocorazonwhy ?22:25
ikoniajust checking, it's a very bad command22:26
licuadocorazonthank you ikonia22:26
NixGeeklicuadocorazon: that command will wipe your entire system22:26
JeruvyKnifeySpooney: did you check the user profile cache?22:27
cisshi, i have some directory names containing umlauts that somehow got messed up while they were being edited on osx. i cannot access the folders by typing the names directly, instead i have to use the ascii representation and tab complete.22:27
cissis there a tool or way to fix this?22:27
KnifeySpooneyJeruvy, where exactly is that? I scanned over the ~/.adobe and ~/.macromedia folders but wasn't sure where to look22:28
cissbash locate settings are UTF-822:28
cisssorry, "locale"22:28
JeruvyKnifeySpooney: in .mozilla,22:28
wildbatciss: just rename them~22:28
Eighteenshello, thank yor considering my question. I had 10.10 running on my machine, from a prior upgrade from 10.04, then 10.41, however i got the urge to install natty (11.04), the problem is when it rebooted after install, all i was left with is a bouncy box on my screen stating "Monitor out of sync" --While i can't see the boot menu, i have the option to use my finger, and move the down arrow and guess on the fact it might land on my win22:28
talineohi, I try and solve a problem on a machine recently upgraded to lucid lynx. the problem is the same as described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8761758 . I have read it should be due to kernel < 2.6.32 but the kernel version in grub seems correct22:29
talineoany ideas22:29
Jeruvy!natty | Eighteens22:29
ubottuEighteens: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:29
KnifeySpooneyJeruvy, thanks, I found it now. I guess Chromium saves the videos in its cache folder instead.22:30
Eighteensis there any way to go back to 10.10 without loosing my /home/user and all it's files22:30
cisswildbat: thanks, i'll try that22:30
JeruvyEighteens: just back up your home dir and reinstall.22:30
kerneltroubleHello. Whenever I boot my computer, I get an error like "fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.xx-xx-generic/modules.dep" in which xx are kernel numbers. I have Googled, and the problem was reported on the forums, but there was no known (usable) solution. Can anybody here help me fix it, please? :)22:31
Eighteensthanks Jeruvy, i'll give that a try22:31
lcbhi. someone pls suggest me what to do with this error while compiling a 'package requires Sys::Mmap for mapped memory'22:31
joelmobhow do i create a new user in ubuntu from terminal22:31
bastidrazorjoelmob: sudo adduser newusername22:31
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo22:32
EXio4hi, a "rm -rf" is a joke, licuadocorazon know me :)22:32
Jeruvylcb that sounds like a perl module try googling for that exactly and it should point you22:32
licuadocorazonyes, is true, is a joke22:32
ActionParsnipEighteens: your backups will make it a lot easier22:32
EXio4juabn1: hi!22:32
juabn1hi exio422:33
=== juabn1 is now known as leanfaust
functorgot latest ubuntu for two netbooks, on acer aspire it freezes randomly, on eeepc the wifi randomly restarts and doesnt show correct signal22:33
PerciusAnyone know how to disable a USB device in ubuntu22:33
lcbJeruvy«  thanks. i know.. i'm googling and i see different approaches. i'm using natty and probably this is an ongoing test issue.22:33
EXio4leanfaust: hey, run rm.. XD22:33
functorxp works fine on both22:33
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ActionParsnipfunctor: test the ram on the acer22:33
functorxp works fine on both <22:33
ActionParsnipfunctor: which model eeepc?22:34
leanfaustdebian is the best22:34
PerciusIf my bluetooth (internal usb) is enabled I cannot connect to wifi, If I disable bluetooth in Bios I can... The problem is that I run multiple OSes and dont want to disable bluetooth in bios22:34
ActionParsnipleanfaust: maybe, but debian is offtopic here22:34
leanfaustonly ubuntu in conversation?22:34
lcbleanfaust«  a bit outdated :o22:34
ActionParsnipleanfaust: yes, this is ubuntu support only22:34
ecinx3hello. I've restarted my computer and now I don't have any taskbar, and don't know how to get to the terminal either22:34
Jordan_U!ot | leanfaust22:35
ubottuleanfaust: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:35
EXio4ActionParsnip: you kick me? is only a joke a "rm -**" :)22:35
leanfaustok thanks22:35
EXio4ActionParsnip: he know me :)22:35
ActionParsnipEXio4: i dont have kick powers22:35
Perciusecinx3: Try ctrl f1 to get a terminal22:35
EXio4ActionParsnip: ok, :(22:35
ActionParsnipecinx3: CTRL+ATL+T22:35
ecinx3doesn't work, neither does alt f222:35
functorActionParsnip: same thing happened with previous acer aspire - the eeepc is 90122:35
ActionParsnipecinx3: or try CTRL+ALT+F122:35
WulfyActionParsnip,  to be fair with the ubotto line ubuntu related debian could be considerd "related" :)22:35
ecinx3Ctrl alt t worked, thanks22:35
leanfausthow i can create distribution  ubuntu based?22:35
LordVorpis there a keypress that will let me run an arbitrary command, in Unity?22:36
ActionParsnipecinx3: sweet, kill gnome-panel and it should restart22:36
Jordan_UEXio4: Just because he knows better doesn't mean that some other unhappy soul won't try it just to see what it does.22:36
StrangeCharmseahorse became unresponsive, and i ended the process. now it doesn't show any private or public keys. gpg --list-private-keys returns my private keys, but --list-public-keys lists nothing. what might have gone wrong, and how can i fix it?22:36
functorActionParsnip: Is the correct wifi modules in the latest ubuntu for EeePC 901?22:36
EighteensI tried booting my 10.10 cd, and it got to the spot where you can choose f6 for other modes, and usually i have to choose, nolapic, noapic, and nomodeset. So i chose those options like usual, then a few seconds had elapsed, now i get a black screen saying "no live file systems found" or something to that affect.22:36
ecinx3how do i do that?22:36
ecinx3I don't think i'm on gnome, btw22:36
EXio4Jordan_U: ok, :)22:36
sharavHi all22:37
DifesaI have been trying to install 10,10 on a mid 09' macbook.  I read somewhere that enabling the 195 drivers will enable my nvidia gf9400m card (fixing an ongoing blackscreen issue ive been having.  How do i enable those drivers?22:37
ecinx3looks like gnome though22:37
sharavJava 3d application crashed. How to solve?22:37
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kerneltroubleis it normal lately for kernel related errors to show up at boot times (for example something like kernel 2.6.35-24: file doesn't exist or not found)22:37
ActionParsnipfunctor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks    references the wifi in the eeepc22:37
EXio4ikonia: please avise a "kick" knew a this "law" :)22:37
ikoniaEXio4: what ?22:38
sharavmy gpu is AMD radeon 637022:38
EXio4not knew*22:38
CoinOpJordan_U: That link you sent me did the trick, Grub is back up and running, both Ubuntu and Windows are booting perfectly. Thank you for all of your help. Awesome of you.22:38
Wulfywhats the blackberry support like in ubuntu btw?22:38
ikoniaWulfy: terrible22:38
EXio4ikonia: my english is poor, sorry :)22:38
Jordan_UCoinOp: You're welcome.22:38
leanfaust is bad english XD22:38
ActionParsnipkerneltrouble: websearch for the exact error and you may find bugs22:38
Wulfyikonia,  rats22:38
EXio4bad? very bad :P22:38
sharavHas anyone meet java 3d issue?22:38
functorActionParsnip: The other thing I am having trouble with is Bluetooth not working properly with stuff like tethered 3g22:38
ikoniaEXio4: stop making random comments please22:38
EXio4ikonia: ok :(22:39
functorOn the 90122:39
kerneltroubleActionParsnip: I Googled and found bug reports, but no solution...22:39
PerciusAnyone here know how to completely disable a USB device in linux? Blacklisting the modules doesn't seem to fix it22:39
ecinx3so how do i restart unity or w/e is supposed to be running22:39
thauriswulfaQUESTION: anyone know any package to open djvu files? tried document viewer but not working22:39
ActionParsnipkerneltrouble: then keep an eye on the bug, see if it gets resolved22:40
iceroot_thauriswulfa: sudo apt-cache search djvu is listening some tools22:40
korovamilkjust wondering what irc client is using people around.. i'm actually using kvirc because i'm switching from a kde environment... what about a good gnome based irc client?22:40
korovamilk(running ubuntu 10.10 btw)22:41
ActionParsnipkorovamilk: i use pidgin personally22:41
iceroot_thauriswulfa: e.g. djview3 and djview422:41
functorActionParsnip: Seems to be resolved in 10.04 - but I still cant see my signal - unless there is something wrong with whatever gnome is using to display (its always 100%)22:41
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iceroot_korovamilk: xchat is imo the best gui client22:41
thauriswulfaiceroot_:but software centre says dependencies not met22:41
ActionParsnipfunctor: could try using wicd or wifi-radar22:41
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Wulfyi would love to have a word with the guy who told me to use mutt's email client as apprently its feature rich and comparible to Outlook22:42
korovamilkActionParsnip: does pidgin works with dcc file transfers?22:42
EXio4good bye22:42
iceroot_Wulfy: every mail-client sucks, this one just sucks less22:42
kerneltroubleActionParsnip: ah, shoot.. I plan on keeping my eye on those threads, just thought there might be some kind of unofficial fix or something. Thanks though :)22:42
iceroot_thauriswulfa: evince is also listed22:43
ecinx3How do I get the taskbar back?22:43
korovamilkiceroot: i'll give xchat another chance ;)22:43
Chelsea__Hi all, I've been meaning to ask, everytime I start conky (default values, ugly black screen) in Xmonad, cpu-usage goes to 100%. Seen it in Ubuntu 10.4, Debian 5.0 stable, Virtualboxed Ubuntu 10.10.22:43
ActionParsnip!panel | ecinx322:43
raisin123hello. Can anyone tell me how to install KDE desktop environment. I have 10.04 LTS with GNOME. I want GNOME and KDE both.22:43
Chelsea__Am I the only one?22:43
Wulfyiceroot_,  shame trade descriptions dont apply to the description i was given for mutts22:43
SuperPaco69how can I know if my processor is SSE2??22:44
mickster04raisin123: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop   ?22:44
iceroot_SuperPaco69: cat /proc/cpuinfo22:44
ecinx3raisin look for kubuntu desktop in synaptic22:44
iceroot_raisin123: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:44
raisin123mickster04: Is it that simple? are you sure?22:44
leanfaustis better  install xubuntu22:44
mickster04raisin123: use synaptics to search for it22:45
functorActionParsnip: seems Acer Aspire One 110 and a newer EeePC is known for freezes22:45
raisin123Will it ask me on login screen, which desktop to use?22:45
mickster04raisin123: just to be safe22:45
mickster04raisin123: yeah22:45
iceroot_Wulfy: if you are searching for a mailclient with groupware-features i think kmail/kontact is worth a try22:45
raisin123mickster: how to search on synaptics?22:45
leanfaustdownload the cd of kubuntu and install22:45
ecinx3raisin123: kubuntu desktop22:45
SuperPaco69iceroot_, thanks a lot!!!!22:45
CaptainLexingtonHey all. I'm installing UNE on an Acer Aspire abd the install is cockblocking me.22:45
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leanfaustinstall to terminal is very bad22:45
Wulfyiceroot_,  perfect just the job, the other idea i was playing with was to use a online version and just do everything web based22:46
leanfaustwill have problem whit libraries22:46
ecinx3 !panel doesn't do anything " sorry, i know nothing of panel""22:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
iceroot_Wulfy: what groupware you need? kolab? scalix? ox? exchange?22:46
iceroot_leanfaust: why is it bad to install kubuntu-desktop?22:47
iceroot_leanfaust: from the shell22:47
Gwar_Ponyhey guys, very odd request here. I have a library of close to 15,000 rendered pictures. I need a way to quickly filter out and display any that have a black square in the middle of them. is this possible at all or do I need to go through by hand?22:47
leanfaustthe disorder22:47
Wulfyiceroot_,  not using exchange basicly notes mail  todo etc22:47
mickster04raisin123: open it....and click on the search box22:47
kdogHas anyone run parallels on ubuntu with Windows7 as the guest?22:47
kerneltroubleraisin123: just be aware that it might be harder to remove KDE and all it's affiliated programs then it was to get it22:48
Jordan_UGwar_Pony: It can probably be done with imagemagic.22:48
iceroot_Wulfy: with kontact you can handle todos, calenders and so on22:48
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freebsekdog: I did with debian22:48
Wulfyiceroot_,  thanks hunting for it now :)22:48
maco2iceroot_: um...as far as i know, it's not. and im an ubuntu dev using kubuntu.22:48
roachis there a way to tell if a service is running through a shell?22:48
diphthongI installed the ATI video driver from the 'add hardware' menu, now my X doesn't work.  how to recover?22:48
datavirusetubuntu 10.04.2 is going to be released 122:48
dataviruset17 february, right? is there a way to get it noooow? :p22:49
iceroot_maco2: of course its not but i want to know from leanfaust22:49
Jordan_Uroach: service foo status22:49
raisin123mickster04: ok thanks.22:49
homelessHi I lost my home directory twice in a week. Xubuntu. Can anyone advise?22:49
ecinx3maco2: It would still be a problem if his hard drive is smal22:49
roachthank you Jordan_U22:49
iceroot_dataviruset: its not a featre update22:49
Jordan_Uroach: You're welcome.22:49
maco2ecinx3: in which case you uninstall gnomne first22:49
ecinx3he want's to have both22:50
Wulfyiceroot_,  bleh it relys on kde junk ? :)22:50
l1nuxmanits so annoying when I want to edit a file thats in a filesystem directory with an editor after opening it and getting writing denied....Is there an easy way to make it open as root instead of having to do gksu ... explicitely in run ?22:50
iceroot_Wulfy: yes :(22:50
korovamilknow trying  xchat22:50
kdogfreebse: what were the challenges?22:50
korovamilklooks better than kvirc22:50
iceroot_Wulfy: maybe have a look at evolution (gnome) it has some groupware functions too22:50
iceroot_Wulfy: but much less then kontact22:50
ecinx3iceroot was just warning him/her22:50
Wulfyiceroot_,  rats :( may go for a online solution then got plenty of hardware avalible and yeah using evolution now, feels kinda..... featureless and flat22:50
datavirusetcan i get ubuntu 10.04.2 ISO somewhere? does it exist? :p22:51
roachd685ro6@gecko:~$ service foo status22:51
roach$foo: unrecognized service22:51
iceroot_Wulfy: have a look at zarafa, its an online outlook clone. look at google picture search. its really great22:51
iceroot_Wulfy: but zarafa is a complete groupware solution with mailserver and so on22:51
iceroot_dataviruset: why you need it?22:51
sharavHow to fix java and ati problem?22:52
Wulfyiceroot hmmm i could just virtulise the app if that was what was needed but sounds like it may have a price tag on it?22:52
iceroot_sharav: by descriping the problem22:52
dataviruseticeroot_: i'm going to roll out some servers and i think it would be better to roll out 10.04.2 instead of 10.04.1 thinking of all updates i need to download afterwards22:52
roachJordan_U, that command didnt work22:52
iceroot_dataviruset: what about a local repo?22:52
homelessHi My Desktop and Documents folder just vanished from my home directory on Xubuntu - twice in a week. Do I need to reinstall?22:53
sharaviceroot_: every java applications crashes on my laptop with ati gpu :(22:53
Wulfyoh dear i just did sudo yum upgrade on a centos box.....22:53
Jordan_Uroach: What did happen?22:53
sharav3d java application22:53
Diverdudemevvis, when i do put CodeIgniter_2.0.0 in lftp which is a directory i get the error: CodeIgniter_2.0.0 is a directory. how do i copy the directory with files and subdirectories etc?22:53
roachd685ro6@gecko:~$ service foo status22:53
roach$foo: unrecognized service22:53
iceroot_sharav: but java has nothing to do with the gpu22:53
roachthat ^22:53
l1nuxmanits so annoying when I want to edit a file thats in a filesystem directory with an editor after opening it and getting writing denied....Is there an easy way to make it open as root instead of having to do gksu ... explicitely in run ?22:53
iceroot_sharav: ah ok java3d22:53
dataviruseticeroot_: ah, haven't thought of that. but i will need to install them anyway etc etc... well, whatever. i'll wait one more day :)22:53
sharaviceroot_ yes22:53
iceroot_sharav: 3d driver installed?22:53
Jordan_Uroach: Replace foo with the service you want to check.22:53
roachi dont know the name of the service22:54
iceroot_dataviruset: but its less traffic in the future22:54
roachif there is a service running there should be only one, and i dont know if it's running or not22:54
iceroot_l1nuxman: sudo vim filename22:54
l1nuxmaniceroot_, GUI ! VIM ?22:55
iceroot_l1nuxman: no other (good way) to edit files owned by root22:55
sharavi want develop 3d java application, but java3d crashing :(22:55
dataviruseticeroot_: local repo sounds cool, just like windows deployment services or something. but it's in fact 2 servers that i don't wanna waste time with updates on :)22:55
datavirusetso it's not 100 servers...22:55
iceroot_l1nuxman: no need for a gui to write a text but if you prefer a gui, then use gksudo instead22:55
mickster04!details|  sharav22:55
ubottusharav: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:55
iceroot_dataviruset: ah ok though i was more22:56
iceroot_dataviruset: it22:56
danubhey all. ok, how do i use resize2fs to expand my drive? I just added 5 gigs of space to the vm disk and need to get that extra 5 gigs into the root drive.22:56
yeatsroach: use 'ps aux | grep <search term>' to find a specific process22:56
joelmobhow do i uninstall a package in java?22:56
joelmobi mena22:56
joelmobin ubuntu*22:56
danubi was looking at the manpage for it and it says i can do this while / is mounted22:56
iceroot_joelmob: sudo apt-get remove packagename22:56
yeatsjoelmob: sudo apt-get remove package22:56
iceroot_joelmob: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename  to delete conffiles also22:56
dataviruseticeroot_: thanks for helping. i'll check local repo out, though... it seems cool :)22:56
K|nGjoelmob: Go to Ubuntu software and there you search ajva and you can remove it or by using terminal apt-get remove packagename22:56
danubdo i have to format the unused space, or will resizefs do it for me?22:57
LordVorpwhat's the package name for the 'wl' wireless driver?22:57
iceroot_danub: its a bad idea to resize / while it is mounted, use a live-cd with gparted (gui)22:58
danubdont have physical access to server22:58
DiverdudeWhen i do put myfolder in lftp which is a directory i get the error: myfolder is a directory. how do i copy the directory with files and subdirectories etc?22:58
sharavI have problem with java3d, Im running ubuntu version 10.10(maverick), when I try to run jMonkeyEngine and other 3d java apps, Its crashed,22:58
iceroot_sharav: maybe #java with the traceback22:58
sharavevery forum, they point it's ati issue22:59
kschultzquick question, how do i make a link or alias so that when i use ls it will always put it ls -l in the command prompt? I've seen people do similar things for vi -> vim22:59
yeatsDiverdude: cp -r will copy recursively22:59
terrapinwhere does Ubuntu 10.10 store backround images for the desktop. ie, the folder?22:59
terrapinthe path?22:59
Raj007terrapin : /usr/share/backgrounds23:00
rumpe1kschultz, its called "bash alias"23:00
trismkschultz: alias ls='ls -l'; although you may want to add --color=auto from the default alias23:00
BiPolahI accidentally removed some applications from my top panel, how would I go about resetting it to default?23:00
iceroot_kschultz: link = ln -l  or  "alias vi='vim'23:00
kschultzrumpel: thanks23:00
sharavmy gpu is ati radeon 637023:01
iceroot_!panels | BiPolah23:01
ubottuBiPolah: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:01
yeats!ati | sharav23:01
ubottusharav: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:01
Diverdudeyeats, also in lftp?23:01
iceroot_kschultz: but it for e.g. in ~/.bashrc23:02
Diverdudeyeats, no, unknown command cp23:02
iceroot_Diverdude: /bin/cp working instead of cp?23:03
Diverdudeiceroot_, no i am in lftp23:03
yeatsDiverdude: looking at lftp man page...23:03
Diverdudeiceroot_, its not a normal copy23:03
iceroot_Diverdude: ah, then read the manpage of ltfp what is the copy command there23:03
sharavok thanks all. maybe i should do more research with java and ati :(23:03
iceroot_Diverdude: normally its something like put23:04
Diverdudeiceroot_, yes like i said thats what i used. put23:04
Diverdudeiceroot_, but it gives an error23:04
iceroot_Diverdude: sorry never used lftp23:04
yeatsDiverdude: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567886/23:05
DifesaCan I use VirtualBox to install Ubuntu on a partition?23:05
yeatsDiverdude: maybe "mput ftp://.../*"23:05
wildbatDiverdude: why don't you mount the ftp with ftpfs ~ easier23:05
Diverdudeyeats, no mput only supports files23:06
yeatsDiverdude: http://www.mail-archive.com/lftp@uniyar.ac.ru/msg03682.html23:07
drag0nzanyone knows how to nslookup an ipv6 hostname?23:07
tripelbCan this laptop take Ubuntu? That is my question.  Aspire One AOD255E-13647 Netbook  http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0355325&utm_source=ACT_NON_BYO&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=E0992+eNews+20110215 -- is there a list of supported eq?23:08
drexl(process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)23:09
guampadrag0nz: perhaps #networking23:10
terrapink now i cant use nautalis to move a folder of pictures into the backrounds folder to use for backrounds?23:10
Raj007terrapin : sudo, you don't have permission.23:11
freebseterrapin: you drop the folder in backgrounds23:11
terrapini can open natulis with sudo privilaages23:11
adub_after install ubuntu 10.10 i can not do anything my video just freezes up and there is a gray screen i have an nvidia graphics card23:13
adub_has this been patched yet23:13
evilsushihas what been patched?23:13
adub_well when i install ubuntu 10.04 i have to install with a flash drive it wont install from a cd rom nothing wrong with cd rom23:14
adub_when i try to install ubuntu 10.10 after rebooting only a gray screen shows and the computer locks up23:14
adub_ctrl alt backspace wont kick me to a prompt23:14
adub_i have zero ways of troubleshootting23:15
middleHey, need some help AGAIN: Had a horrible load of errors, the other night so i did a clean install, now i had an error similar to the on i had had before about repos not being trusted, so i did an apt-get update, and then it was fixed. This let me use the update manager... half way through the update my PC crashed (froze), when i reboot i get just a black screen after ubuntu has booted. ANy suggestions?23:15
iceroot_adub_: ctrl + alt + f123:15
adub_iceroot_ i had tried that too23:16
middleSo can anyone offer any advice?23:16
james78Anyone have any idea on how to start another GUI on any other TTY? I used to know but have since forgotten.23:16
random_newb_0234I'm trying to "dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda bs=2M" but it will take 22 hours.  Isn't there like a "raw disk" option or something by referencing the hda and sda with an extra letter or two?  I forget the trick but sometimes it runs faster  Little help?23:16
adub_is there a new release of ubuntu anytime soon coming out23:16
iceroot_adub_: april 201123:17
james78adub_: April 28 to be precise. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule23:17
drexl(process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)23:17
adub_are amd processors 32 bit or 64 bit23:17
adub_i have a phenom II quadcore23:17
middleHey, need some help AGAIN: Had a horrible load of errors, the other night so i did a clean install, now i had an error similar to the on i had had before about repos not being trusted, so i did an apt-get update, and then it was fixed. This let me use the update manager... half way through the update my PC crashed (froze), when i reboot i get just a black screen after ubuntu has booted. ANy suggestions?23:17
iceroot_adub_: both23:17
triptec_hi, I just installed 10.10 for the second time and for some reason there is no user setup, i do fill in username and password when I install but the user isn't in the passwd file and there's no userfolder in /home fix?23:19
iceroot_triptec_: chroot into the system and create a user (and fill a bug report)23:19
triptec_iceroot_, is there any log from the install?23:20
middleHey, need some help AGAIN: Had a horrible load of errors, the other night so i did a clean install, now i had an error similar to the on i had had before about repos not being trusted, so i did an apt-get update, and then it was fixed. This let me use the update manager... half way through the update my PC crashed (froze), when i reboot i get just a black screen after ubuntu has booted. ANy suggestions?23:20
adub_http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103809  <--- there is my processor should i get a 32bit or 64bit copy of ubuntu23:21
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Diamondcitemiddle: More details please, Which ubuntu version? Do freezes happen often?23:21
adub_AMD64 technology23:21
adub_does that mean my processor is 64  bit23:22
ponbikii'd besonally use the amd64 arch adub_23:22
SenjaiUse the 64 bit version23:22
Diamondciteadub: When possible preffer 64bit, you can always make a chroot for 32bit?23:22
Raj007yeah it's 64 and 32-bit. How much RAM do you have?23:22
middleDiamondcite: Ubutnu 10.10, no it was a clean install from last night23:22
adub_i have 4 gig of pretty high end ram23:22
middleDiamondcite: Froze a lot last night though, befor the install23:22
iceroot_triptec_: i dont think so but i dont know (i am not running ubuntu here so i cant look up)23:22
drexlI get this error at boot time and sometimes the computer won't start..   (process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)23:22
tripelbCan this laptop take Ubuntu? That is my question.  Aspire One AOD255E-13647 Netbook  http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0355325&utm_source=ACT_NON_BYO&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=E0992+eNews+20110215 -- is there a list of supported eq????????????????23:23
adub_1 sec lemme check23:23
Raj007yeah, i'd use the 64-bit edition.23:23
xnoxMy internet is flaky. I'm copying large stuff over NFS. Can i resume "cp" from NFS after internet connection is reestablished?23:23
Senjaitripelb ubuntu doesnt take much to run23:23
Diamondcitemiddle: Have you considered using the liveCD/LiveUSB to test your ram? I can't see ubuntu being crashy..23:23
iceroot_drexl: are you using ldap or something like that for managing users?23:23
adub_ya it appears to be ddr323:23
middleDinondcite: and its not my OC'ing i don't think, as it was stable for a long time, and i had no issues, also it crashed, on safest settings as well23:23
rspencerya running ubuntu on pentiuum3 with 256mbs23:23
droidftwcan you install unity on the desktop version?23:23
Senjaitripelb yes it can23:23
ecinx3anyone knows how i can start my taskbar?23:23
drexliceroot_: it's a fresh install of 10.10 lubuntu23:23
ecinx3unity compviz23:23
middleDinondcite: yeah i could use memtest 86+23:23
wildbatxnox: you may wanna use rsync instead23:24
triptec_iceroot_, thanks anyways chrooted and $passwd as root shoud be enough?23:24
iceroot_drexl: ok that means you are using passwd23:24
rspencerrsync better23:24
Senjaibut i still think you should get something better for that price23:24
drexliceroot_: yup23:24
iceroot_triptec_: chroot and use adduser23:24
Diamondcitemiddle: That might be adviseable, sudden crashes are odd, especially on fresh installs. Try to run it for 1-2 passes.23:24
iceroot_drexl: the problem is that the system cant translate userid 0 to root23:24
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middleyeah will do23:24
xnoxwildbat, rspencer - but NFS cp is *much* faster than rsync =(23:24
middlemy worry is ECC is off, so yeah....23:25
iceroot_drexl: why, i dont know normally its when all your users are stored in ldap and you dont have a connection to ldap23:25
adub_why does 10.10 have reported problems with nvidia graphics cards23:25
xnoxwildbat, rspencer - or do you mean rsync from NFS mount to local disk?23:25
triptec_iceroot_, ok, yeah done, lets see if it works23:25
=== Aegis is now known as Guest88711
wildbatxnox:  cp don't "resume" so ~ if data is large rsync will be faster ~23:28
xnoxwildbat, ok23:28
juabn1help please  i need other repository for ubuntu23:28
Diamondcitejuabn1: Other repository?23:29
middleDiamondcite: Is there anythign i should look for in memtest?23:30
Diamondcitemiddle: If there are any errors your screen will start showing red text.. So either look for such text.. or a frozen memtest8623:30
=== gregs is now known as beemergeek
juabn1sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     paste here23:30
rspencerya but doesnnt rsync verify?23:31
Diamondcitejuabn1: Can't use synaptic to manage your sources?23:31
middleDiamondcite: OK, but it is HQ ram, that is only like 2 months old23:31
BuenGenioI was wondering - how to change the default boot theme?23:31
Diamondcitemiddle: Well this is just a percaution, if ram is good, check the installation medium.23:32
juabn1my repos are very slow23:32
Diamondcitejuabn1: As far as I know ubuntu's sources are load balanced, So everyone's sources.list should be the same...23:33
mneptokBuenGenio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Splash Images and Theming23:33
* mneptok blinks23:33
mneptoklet's fix the URL manually, i guess ....23:33
adub_geforce gt 240 is not working on ubuntu23:33
K|nGip6tables: Index of deletion too big.23:33
K|nG Why show this one there ??23:33
adub_on 10.1023:33
chasisguys i need a rss recommendation for news, which is the best rss software for linux?23:34
mneptokBuenGenio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Splash%20Images%20and%20Theming23:34
evilsushichasis: google reader23:34
bastidrazorjuabn1: System > Administration > Software Sources > Download from :: change the download from server23:34
mneptok!best | chasis23:34
ubottuchasis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:34
bastidrazorjuabn1: you can choose 'other' and have it select the best server for you23:34
mneptokchasis: look at Liferea and RSSOwl, too23:34
chasisi need one that tells me when a news about a filter i added to this software23:35
evilsushisnackr is a good one, built on air23:35
chasisand show the new on the same program23:35
tim_I'm having a problem with a fresh install of 10.10 netbook remix: The sidebar and top panel don't show up properly. There is 'negative space' where they should be, but no graphics. Anyone here familiar with this issue?23:36
freebsetim_: I have the same issue with radeon23:36
freebsetim_: it is a bug23:37
antoniusi've got a radeon x1200, had accelerated graphics working..then, just stopped working.  Personally, i think compiz is LAME, but, I do want my hardware to be capable to perform as its meant.  What do?23:37
middleDiamondcite: Do you mean the HDD? How would i test that from netroot?23:37
SenjaiDuring an installation from source, after doing ./configure, i got this error: no terminal library found23:37
Senjaichecking for tgetent()... configure: error: NOT FOUND!23:37
Senjai      You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses.23:37
SenjaiDoes anyone know how to fix that?23:37
juabn1i have repost to japon23:38
tim_freebse: it could be a radeon card. There's an ATI sticker on teh computer, but 10.10 regular doesn't prompt for any special drivers, and looks fine.23:38
juabn1i need other repos23:38
freebsena ATI is lame, I never had problems with other cards23:38
AndorinIs Linux built in such a way that you can rename important directories, such as /home/?23:38
Exterminanshttp://ppa.launchpad.net/ down?23:38
DiamondciteAndorin: Renaming home is a little extreme, but if you are careful it should be doable.23:38
freebsesince I have the ATI crad insinde my laptop compiz makes problems, I have font issues etc23:38
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away
Logan_WPExterminans: yes23:38
bastidrazorExterminans: the ppa i am using from launchpad is down too. probably havnig issues23:39
SenjaiExterminans,  http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://ppa.launchpad.net/23:39
antoniusyeah, ATI is lame, but when it's onboard, and on a laptop, not much you can do...but use windows :/23:39
freebsebut I don't want to use closed source drivers, nv was much better23:39
rumpe1Andorin, linux can be build in any way you want....23:39
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - Rocketeer (feat. Ryan Tedder of One Republic) [03:31m/213kbps/44kHz]23:39
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - Girls On The Dance Floor (feat. The Stereotypes) [03:54m/256kbps/44kHz]23:39
AndorinDiamondcite: Okay. I had someone ask me about it and obviously didn't know. I think she wondered about changing /home/user/ to /house/me/23:39
tim_Can I update the drivers at all, or is it a bust? Kind of weird, if I alt-tab, the graphics show up for a second.23:40
BuenGeniowhere are the "keyboard layout" and volume applets in 10.10 ?23:40
Senjaiso does anyone know how I can fix my issue? what the hell is a terminal library23:40
Logan_WP!language | Senjai23:40
ubottuSenjai: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:40
antoniuslol changing from /home/ to /house/  that's like changing my name from Stephen to Steven23:40
freebseI fixed it by installing fglrx, but still it is a bug23:40
DiamondciteAndorin: While I'm not expert, I beleive you CAN change it, remember to change /etc/passwd to match the new location of home. Some applications which are already installed and use absolute paths may break after moving /home, but that can be fixed with a symlink.23:40
AndorinDiamondcite: I see23:41
middleDiamondcite: Do you mean the HDD? How would i test that from netroot?23:41
freebsewhat about moving home, normally nothing breaks, just update it in fstab23:41
tim_freebse: thanks, I'm installing that now, hopefully it's a fix.23:42
Diamondcitemiddle: Eh? I was thinking of testing the CD/USB drive holding the ubuntu install.23:42
diphthonghow can i get the temperature of my machine ?23:42
freebsetim_: it does solve the problem at least it did over here, but still it is not a fix, it is a workaround23:42
middleoh... i could make a new one, running 32bit instead of 64 bit wouldn't cause errors woudl it? (beasty PC)23:42
Senjai!ot | dipthong23:42
ubottudipthong: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:42
bastidrazorSenjai: that is not offtopic.23:43
diphthonghow is that not ubuntu related?  pedantic weirdo23:43
tim_Yeah, it should work out of the box. Really I just wanted to try the new interface. 10.10 is running fine.23:43
DiamondciteSenjai: Consider installing libncurses5-dev ?23:43
middleDiamondcite:oh... i could make a new one, running 32bit instead of 64 bit wouldn't cause errors woudl it? (beasty PC)23:43
bastidrazor!sensors | diphthong23:43
ubottudiphthong: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.23:43
freebsebesides this netbook thing is beta status23:43
SenjaiIs it default with ubuntu repositories?23:43
antoniusdiphthong, well depending on WHAT u want a temp for, CPU, GPU, etc23:43
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - If I Was You (OMG) (feat. Snoop Dogg) [03:25m/256kbps/44kHz]23:43
DiamondciteSenjai: yes, I can see it in synaptic.23:43
ShjorkIs there a way to format a usb thumb drive so that it is capable of installing ubuntu onto a computer from the usb thumb drive??23:43
bastidrazorCryonicCore: turn that off, please.23:43
SenjaiDiamondcite, I'll try it, let you know in a sec23:44
middleAnyone got a good reason for me to not use Arch?23:44
tim_freebse: so what exactly is flgrx or what ever that was?23:44
DiamondciteSenjai: Generally speaking, when you ./Configure a configure.log is generated, it will tell you what it might be looking for.23:44
Dewey24middle: they only have one book published?23:44
freebsetim_: the closed source graphic drivers from ati, what card do you have23:44
bodhizazenAnyone here familiar with framebuffer ?23:44
Logan_WP!usb | Shjork23:45
ubottuShjork: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:45
Exterminansmiddle: Might be even more stable the ubuntu, so give it a shot. Only reason not to, is that a lot of software out there has only prebuild packages for debian/ubuntu23:45
bodhizazenX is working fine, I am getting native resolution, but I can not get the proper resolution on my console(s)23:45
middleDewey24: I haven't read any Ubuntu books so not the end of the world23:45
SenjaiDiamondcite, no errors! Thank you Diamond :)23:45
tim_I don't know what card I have, since 10.10 doesn't report it. Is there an easy way to check from the shell?23:45
Dewey24middle: better start reading they are awesome23:45
ShjorkThanks~ :D23:45
Logan_WP!framebuffer | bodhizazen23:46
ubottubodhizazen: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub23:46
tim_freebse: I figured I'd see an option for ATI drivers on the additional driver window, but it only came up with stuff for my wireless card.23:46
freebsetim_: lspci23:47
Logan_WP!info lspci | tim_23:47
ubottutim_: Package lspci does not exist in maverick23:47
freebsewhat it does not exist ?23:48
BuenGeniowhere are the "keyboard layout" and volume applets in 10.10 ?23:48
Logan_WPtim_: it's a command, not a package - my mistake23:48
Logan_WPfreebse: ^23:48
Logan_WP!layout | BuenGenio23:48
ubottuBuenGenio: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts23:48
freebselol, I have debian and just thought damn they even removed that :)23:48
tim_freebse: I got that, thanks :) It reports back that it's an ATI SB600? <-never heard of that.23:48
bodhizazenLogan_WP: How is that link supposed to solve my problem exactly ?23:49
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - She Owns The Night (feat. Mohombi) [04:03m/200kbps/44kHz]23:49
induzcan someone help me installing from .tar.gz downloaded files?23:49
Logan_WPtim_: that's your chipset23:49
AlanWHOA... is ppa.launchpad.net down or something?23:49
Logan_WPAlan: yes23:49
freebseit is a 5800 something23:49
AlanLogan_WP: way to go canonical?23:49
induzi have downloaded the source but its .tar.gz format23:49
Logan_WPbodhizazen: it has instructions for changing your framebuffer modes23:49
aeon-ltd!compile | induz23:49
ubottuinduz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:49
tim_there is is, Radeon X120023:50
freebseI don't know if this card is supported by the driver included in ubuntu, other wise you need to install it manual from the ati webpage23:50
freebsemaybe someone else can tell you23:50
bodhizazenLogan_WP: When using frambuffer with intel cards one does not use "vga="23:50
diphthongwhat is the difference between aptitude upgrade and aptitude dist-upgrade ?23:50
Logan_WP!dist-upgrade | diphthong23:50
ubottudiphthong: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.23:50
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - So What? [03:24m/224kbps/44kHz]23:50
tim_Cool, I'm gonna logoff and back on, see if that fixed it.23:50
bodhizazensetting vga=7xx would disable framebuffer23:51
bodhizazenLogan_WP: I am using KSM on an intel chip (GMA500)23:52
bodhizazenWith a patched i915resolution23:52
freebseshould be supported by the driver provided by ubuntu23:52
BuenGenioLogan_WP, thanks - I already added the extra layouts - but there is no indicator applet - so I don't know which one is turned on23:53
bodhizazenSo as I said, X works fine, no problems there, I am having problems with my console resolution23:53
=== varun is now known as Vivekananda
bodhizazensetting vga=7xx disables the (intel) KSM23:54
Logan_WPBuenGenio: mmk - try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-129860.html23:54
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - Don't Look Now (feat. Keri Hilson) [03:34m/224kbps/44kHz]23:54
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - Fighting for Air (feat. Frankmusik) [03:45m/223kbps/44kHz]23:54
Logan_WPCryonicCore: turn that off23:54
aeon-ltdCryonicCore: please stop that23:54
BuenGenioLogan_WP, there is no Indicator Applet in my list23:54
BuenGenioit was there in 10.04 but not in 10.1023:54
BuenGeniowhich is why I ask23:55
BuenGeniosame for Volume Control23:55
freebseBuenGenio: I had the same problems, you need to add it manually after upgrading, no big problem23:55
induzaeon-ltd, I already downloaded the .tar.gz file from the winedoor website but i am unable to install it23:55
anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP, with no success. What should I do next?23:55
BuenGeniofreebse, what's the package name?23:56
freebseBuenGenio: from which applet ?23:56
bodhizazenLogan_WP: Do you have any idea if it a problem with the kernel configuration, and if so what, or is it a problem with the initramfs ?23:57
freebseBuenGenio: gnome-volume-control-applet23:57
Logan_WPanonboots: you tried this wizard? http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install_wizard/index.html23:57
Logan_WPbodhizazen: no idea, sorry23:57
xomphi, trying to setup an hybrid-ircd on my ubuntu server and I installed it via apt-get install hybrid-ircd and all went well, except there is absolutely NO ircd.conf in /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf lilke every bit of ubuntu's help files and hybrid-ircd's websites say there should be lol, please help!23:57
anonbootsLogan_WP. Ill give it a shot.23:57
CryonicCoreLogan_WP, aeon-ltd, guys I will say this in a better way then the way I really like to say this but "no"23:57
Logan_WPCryonicCore: then you'll be kicked23:57
* CryonicCore np: Far East Movement - White Flag (feat. Kayla Kai) [03:48m/224kbps/44kHz]23:58
rhapsodhyhow does ubuntu unlock ssh passwords only when initiating an actual connection?23:58
Logan_WP!ops CryonicCore is refusing to shut off music notifications23:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:58
rhapsodhyi mean, i know it does that, i just don't understand the process23:58
joseAwayGreetings, largest channel around23:58
bodhizazenAnyone else who can advise me on KSM on an intel chip set ?23:58
BuenGeniofreebse, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "gnome-volume-control-applet"23:58
freebseCryonicCore: cool so we all do that from now on, who can read in the channel then23:59
joseAwayI'm trying to troubleshoot broken log rotation as per the suggestions on http://serverfault.com/questions/194092/syslog-rotation-not-working23:59
joseAwaySo I'm wondering23:59
freebseBuenGenio: no package, manually add this to the panel23:59
joseAwayWhat exactly does /etc/cron.daily/apt DO?23:59
CryonicCoreLogan_WP, ur a cry baby23:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!23:59

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