
=== midoubleko__ is now known as midoubleko
=== midoubleko_ is now known as midoubleko
AzelphurMy servers are officially averaging 1 hit every 10 seconds \o/02:51
shaunothat doesn't sound too bad?03:00
Azelphurshauno: indeed, it's awesome :D03:00
shaunofantastic traffic as far as your adsense goes, but nowhere near painful :)03:00
Azelphurindeed :p03:01
AlanBellmorning all07:14
gordsomeone has made a website that streams in the latest ubuntu bugs, that is terrifying in ways i can't describe08:13
nigelbgord: Its paultag, but how is it terrifying? We already have had an IRC channel that does it for the longest time08:51
popeyPHEW! It's a scortcher!09:02
popeygord: http://pault.ag:8080/firehose.html ?09:02
gordpopey, yup09:15
TheOpenSourcerermorning peeps09:18
diplomorning all09:26
bigcalmMorning peeps :)09:35
popeylo bigcalm09:37
dogmatic69sup bigcalm09:37
danfishhello hello09:42
danfisha dilemma - do I turn the aircon on? (it's ancient and very noisy, so can't hear what people say)09:46
tsimpsondidn't you have it on yesterday?09:48
* dogmatic69 quickly dies of heat09:48
danfishtsimpson: wasn't in work yesterday09:50
* danfish throws a bucket of ice over dogmatic69 09:52
tsimpsonat work? turn it on, the fact that it drowns other people out is only a positive :)09:53
* MartijnVdS clicks "Attend"09:55
danfishAlanBell: what sort of age group is this expo for? Is 4 too young?09:56
AlanBellyou are never too young for science fiction09:56
MartijnVdSdanfish: http://bl.uk/sciencefiction09:56
AlanBellI am quite impressed by the bl.uk domain09:57
MartijnVdSAlanBell: It's one of the oldest .uk domains09:57
MartijnVdSHowever, some domains delegated before the creation of Nominet UK remain. Examples include mod.uk (Ministry of Defence), parliament.uk (Parliament), bl.uk and british-library.uk (the British Library), nls.uk (the National Library of Scotland), nhs.uk (The National Health Service), and jet.uk (UKAEA as operator of the Joint European Torus experimental fusion tokamak).09:57
AlanBelljet is awesome, went there on a school trip09:58
* MartijnVdS went to the BL last year, when they had the "Beauty of Maps" exhibition09:59
MooDoomorning all10:28
popeymorning MooDoo10:28
MooDoothat was quick popey :)10:28
MooDoogood weekend everyone?10:30
bigcalmI'm melting10:30
MooDoobigcalm, thank goodness for air con10:31
bigcalmI guess I should go and set mine up10:32
MooDooeveryone have a good weekend?10:40
MooDooi didn't realise we have localised loco teams for the uk.10:41
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:42
directhexMooDoo, someone needs to patch the os to say "spiffing!" at random points!"10:42
MooDoobrobostigon, hello10:42
directhexwithout uk localization, who would do it?10:42
MooDoodirecthex, i meant do we have nottingham loco or birmingham loco, or even north east loco.......just read something that confused me10:43
brobostigonmorning MooDoo and directhex10:43
MartijnVdSpoco loco?10:43
AlanBellMooDoo: yeah, surprised me too a bit :)10:57
AlanBellthere are regional/city based locos in various places in the US10:57
AlanBelland we have ubuntu-cym as a kind of sub-team for wales and the welsh translation10:58
MooDooAlanBell, yeah that's what confused me as we don't have that over here10:58
directhexi guess the birmingham loco translates ubuntu to brummie10:58
MooDooi though local loco's were call lugs :)10:58
AlanBellyeah, but it is all good10:58
MooDooof course, was just confused, thought there was something new i didn'tknow about :)10:59
MooDoomorning s-fox how are you this fine day?11:16
s-foxGood afternoon MooDoo11:17
s-foxI am a little sun burned, but okay.11:17
s-foxHow are you MooDoo ?11:17
MooDoos-fox, yeah very good thanks,i put sun cream on :p11:18
s-foxGood to hear you are okay.  I did put cream on,  obviously not enough. I did a 10 mile run yesterday. lol11:19
MooDoos-fox, 10 miles? are you mad?  lol i have two speeds, slow and stop :)11:19
s-foxThat is a little like chuck norris.  2 speeds - walk and kill11:20
MooDoos-fox, you can't find chuck norris, he finds you11:21
s-foxNot mad.  I like running, it keeps me in good shape11:21
MooDoos-fox, cool :)11:21
s-foxDid you do anything fun over the weekend MooDoo  ?11:23
mac_nibbletHeya anyone here good at iptables?11:23
MooDoos-fox, yeah spent the weekend in Bakewell derbyshire, got some good photos11:23
s-foxSorry mac_nibblet ,  this is the best guide i know of though - http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/iptables11:24
mac_nibblets-fox: thanks ill read it11:25
s-foxMooDoo,  That is about 70 miles from here11:25
MooDoos-fox, next time i'm up there i'll give you a buzz11:25
MooDoos-fox, don't know how, but i'll just use my psychotic ability ;)11:27
s-foxi'll be listening11:28
MooDoos-fox, hear that?11:28
s-foxMooDoo,  Yes, I take my tea black. Thanks11:29
MooDoos-fox, you got it :)   and oi you behave ;) lol11:29
MooDoodamn it's sunny11:42
brobostigonany good documents on setting up ssh tunnels?11:43
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BigRedSthey're not particularly complex in themselves, so most howtos should do11:44
BigRedShttp://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html ?11:45
brobostigonok, thank you BigRedS11:45
MooDooblimey, almost lunch11:47
mac_nibblets-fox i cant get this dam thing to work12:16
mac_nibbleti want to portforward port 80 from our linux server to my workstation12:16
mac_nibbletbut all im getting is connection refused12:16
JGJonesA question - in your opinion, what's the best twitter client? I still can't bring myself to like gwibber.12:23
MartijnVdSthere isn't a "best" one :)12:23
MartijnVdSjust one  you like the most12:23
* MartijnVdS uses the website and the official android app12:23
* brobostigon uses the website, gwibber, and android mustard.12:25
directhexi use tweetdeck12:25
* BigRedS uses Net::Twitter::Lite :)12:28
BigRedSand, more frequently now the website12:28
brobostigonthe website is soslow though, it takkes ages to load, and slow in scrollling, and elemnt interaction, this is in chromium. so i would rather use a different client.12:29
JGJonesI know there's no "best" but wanted to know what other flavours are available in Linux :) I don't really want to use TweetDeck12:31
JGJonesNot much point in doing so since Adobe Air isn't being developed for Linux anymore.12:31
brobostigonalso, there is bitlbee's twitter/identica plugin.12:32
brobostigonno smuxi android frontend, it seems.12:38
andylockranhowdy all12:39
JGJonesTrying out Hotot12:42
andylockranI'm playing with glusterFS today.12:44
Safiyyahali1234: Azelphur  I  got a system crash again! But this time it isn't recovering. So I ran the disk checking tool from Samsung and it returned an error13:12
SafiyyahI checked Samsung's website and, you basically self-diagnose, get a returns number and ship it to them, they test it and replace it. All of which will take 3 weeks or so13:13
Safiyyahis there no way or getting a cash refund from these companies?13:14
JGJonesSafiyyah, not really - you didn't buy it directly from them - you can get it from the supplier (subject to T&C's) though.13:17
Safiyyahi got it from Amazon on the 31st of March, is it them I chase?13:18
AlanBellglad I am not in London today, it is rather warmish13:28
jpdsAlanBell: All is well over here.13:30
directhexAlanBell,  i put my aircon on for luck. it's not all that hot tbh, but i keep reading about hot people13:30
daubersGlad we get the keys to our new office shortly, aircon ftw \o/13:30
AlanBellI am inappropriately dressed, or would be if I was in an office13:30
* daubers needs a robot to go configure some servers while he sleeps13:32
diploStarted raining here :(13:38
daubersI want rain :(13:40
MooDooi want beer13:41
directhexi want candy13:41
diploShort sharp shower it seems, was fairly heavy but just grey again13:45
diploAnd stonking hot still :)13:45
andylockrandiplo: where are ye?14:09
MooDoodiplo, to hot :(14:09
diploNear Bath14:11
BigRedSheh. thunderbird is being hilarious with its text wrapping today14:25
czajkowskieh no popey tis the end of the world14:51
MartijnVdSAlanBell, daubers: I will bring stroopwafels to the SciFi thing :)14:55
MattJstroopwafels \o/14:57
MooDoonever heard of them :)15:01
daubersMartijnVdS: \o/15:03
BigRedSthe 'events' page on the uuk website still only lists christmas 201015:07
BigRedSwell, events category15:07
Azelphuromg, it's 35c in my room lol15:48
Azelphurset up the AC in my gpu cluster room, nearly got heat stroke in the process \o/15:48
jpdsAzelphur: Or put another way, room temperature.15:48
Azelphurroom temperature isn't 35c :o15:49
BigRedSit is in that room15:49
Azelphurtrue xD15:49
AzelphurI've got 1 AC, a swamp cooler and a desk fan running on this floor at the moment lol15:49
Azelphurand I'm generating about 2kw of heat from hardware \o/15:50
Azelphurhottest day of the year + 2kw of heat = fun15:50
jpdsAh, body temperature is 37*C.15:51
AlanBellBigRedS: yes, fair point15:55
BigRedSah yeah, I should probably have directed that at someone :)16:02
andylockranAzelphur: this for your bitcoin stuff?16:14
andylockranvalue recovered?16:14
Azelphurandylockran: I have about £2.7k's worth but a lot of that is still in bitcoins16:14
AzelphurI'm waiting for a high price to come along16:14
Azelphurold news is old, all transactions was reversed16:14
Azelphurhttps://www.mtgox.com/ have a look at the new chart16:14
BigRedSis mtgox still the only real exchange?16:15
BigRedSyeah, I know there are more, but i thought mtgox had something daft like 90% of all transactions16:17
AlanBellAzelphur: you got £2.7k from farming?16:19
AlanBellor mining or whatever it is16:19
AzelphurAlanBell: yea but like half of that is still in bit/namecoins16:19
bigcalmHow much did you spend on the hardware?16:19
bigcalmAnd how much is the electricity costing?16:19
Azelphurlike £100 a month I think16:19
bigcalmI hope it's worth it :)16:20
AzelphurI only pay 6.8p/kwh16:20
Azelphurand it pulls 1776KW constant16:20
Laneyawait the knock at the door from the drug squad16:21
Azelphurmy brother went and reported it to the police haha16:21
czajkowskipopey: yay popey back16:31
Azelphur06/25/11     25.55 GiB |  112.20 GiB |  137.75 GiB |   13.37 Mbit/s16:35
Azelphurleet server is leet \o/16:35
Safiyyahwestern digital HDD have good online reviews, perhaps that is what I should buy16:49
directhexare WD greens the ones that stop spinning every 5 seconds?16:54
Safiyyahdirecthex:  i was thinking of getting the black16:55
Safiyyahbecause they have a 5 year warranty16:55
directhexi like spinpoints, personally, as far as spinning rust goes16:55
Safiyyahwhich means nothing other than hopefully its better quality/longer life16:56
Safiyyahmy only concern is long life16:56
Safiyyahit can be slow16:56
directhexon that front, honestly: there's not much in it, in a well-ventillated system. some drives will just blow. they're mechanical, mechanics sometimes fail16:57
Safiyyahso it's my fault I have a well ventilated machine?16:58
TheOpenSourcererI've used Samsung Spinpoints for years and (touch-wood) they have been very reliable and quiet. Shame they just got sold off IMHO17:00
directhexsome drives will tend to run hotter, so suffer more in hot systems17:00
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, que?17:00
TheOpenSourcererWne to Seagate17:00
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, que? i see nothing on samsung's press site about that17:01
directhex!!! :(17:01
directhexeveryone sucks, then. invest in SSD!17:02
Safiyyahno money for SSD17:04
Safiyyahit's like 200 quid for no space17:04
Safiyyahis anyone running SSD?17:06
popeymy desktop has two 120GB SSDs17:06
popeyand I have a 120GB in my laptop17:07
popey"no space", delete all the crap or move it off onto other spinning rust disks17:07
hamitron"how do you decide what to delete?" ;/17:08
Safiyyahlol budget does not extend beyond 100 quid17:08
Safiyyah100 quid won't buy me 120gb17:08
hamitron60Gb is plenty17:09
hamitronfor the average user anyway17:09
Safiyyahyeah. load virtual box and all the space goes to zilch17:09
* hamitron has 7 x 1Tb disks17:09
jpds< ~hamitron> 60Gb is plenty17:10
jpds~hamitron has 7 x 1Tb disks17:10
Safiyyahhamitron i would hate to see your backup procedure17:10
LaneyI got over hoarding a while ago17:10
hamitronSafiyyah: I hate to see the lack of it ;)17:10
Laney(besides the music collection)17:10
brobostigonafternoonings all.17:10
hamitronjpds: 60Gb is plenty, most my machines only have 80Gb or less17:11
Safiyyahpopey: so you are suggesting I buy SSD, and use my current faulty HDD to store stuff (well after it comes back from samsung warranty?)17:11
Safiyyahit is a good suggestion actually17:11
hamitronsounds good :)17:12
hamitronand then buy another hdd to backup the hdd17:14
popeydont forget to backup the ssd17:15
popeyI'm not suggesting you do anything Safiyyah17:15
popeyjust saying what I do17:15
Safiyyahpopey i am asking for you opinion17:15
popeyI have no idea what your requirements are17:19
Azelphur37 degrees in my bedroom now \o/17:21
hamitronAzelphur: wtf you doing?17:21
Azelphurnothing :(17:21
AzelphurI have the window open and a swamp cooler running17:21
hamitronis your comp still overclocked?17:22
hamitronand you should turn off some screens17:22
jpdsYou have a cooler on, while having the window open?17:22
daubersAzelphur: 1776KW???? Surely you mean 1776W?17:22
AzelphurI do indeed17:22
daubers1776KW is like running 200 electric showers constantly!17:23
hamitronI need 200 electric showers atm :/17:23
MartijnVdSeclectic showers17:32
TheOpenSourcererSounds quite promising: http://www.guardian.co.uk/government-computing-network/2011/jun/27/liam-maxwell-appointed-director-of-ict-futures17:36
AlanBellyay, it has been announced now :)17:39
Safiyyahsorry the phone went17:50
Safiyyahpopey:requirements, stable HDD, I have suffered from dead HDD to often17:50
Safiyyahi dont game17:50
AzelphurSafiyyah: back again with hdd problems? :(17:50
Safiyyahyes Azelphur  it finally died17:51
shaunoI dunno what you're all complaining about .. a lovely 14º here :)17:51
AzelphurSafiyyah: :(17:51
Safiyyahhow about this one guys?17:52
AzelphurSafiyyah: western digital are what I usually buy for reliability :P17:53
SafiyyahPopey sais something that got my brain ticking17:53
Azelphurhttp://www.ebuyer.com/search?page=1&sort=pricelow&limit=10&q=western+digital&filtermfr=15 shiny list :p17:54
SafiyyahI should get an SSD, then use the normal HDD for further storage... usually just media, but my main data source etc would be stable17:54
Azelphuryea, I very nearly recommended that17:54
AzelphurSSDs are more reliable and faster17:54
jpdsSafiyyah: SSD drives can die too.17:54
Azelphur^ that too though17:54
jpdsI know someone who had 3 fail in about 3 months.17:55
Safiyyahjpds:  raining  on my parade.... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:55
Safiyyah3 months?????????17:55
popeyi know someone who has never had an ssd fail17:55
jpdsSafiyyah: No, that's just British weather.17:55
popeyyou're not going to base your purchasing decisions on either one of those statements are you?17:55
Safiyyahso there is no solution, it's the luck of the draw?17:55
directhexSafiyyah, yes, it's luck - assuming good ventillation17:56
popeythey are devics17:56
popeydevices fail17:56
directhexhot hard drives die, regardless of brand17:56
shaunomechanical devices especially so17:56
Safiyyahdirecthex, we said my HDD drives died of too good ventilation17:56
Safiyyahpopey you guys know more than I do, so I didnt come here to debate HDD.... came ask seriously17:57
popeyi understand that17:57
popeymaybe do a bit of research, dunno17:58
* hamitron goes with lots of mechanical hdd17:58
Safiyyahhamitron, yeah with 7tb i have nothing today17:58
hamitronloads of storage space, and you can afford more drives for the same money :)17:58
Safiyyah500gb is more than plenty for me!17:59
directhexget a nice affordable 960gb pcie ssd17:59
hamitronwell, it allows backup17:59
hamitronhaha directhex17:59
AzelphurSafiyyah: you don't need to pay £80 for a 500GB drive that's crazy18:00
hamitronwell, maybe £3518:00
hamitronbut around there18:00
popeyits not a standard 500G drive18:00
hamitronoh, the hybrid one?18:00
Safiyyahi dont actually get hybrid18:01
Safiyyahso basically is it more reliable?18:01
popeySafiyyah: i am currently in the process of wiping some disks18:01
popeyI will happily send you one for nothing18:01
popey250G any good to you?18:01
Safiyyahsure, are you serious?18:01
SafiyyahI would really appreciate it18:01
popeypm me your address and I'll try to get to the post office tomorrow18:02
popeyi was going to put them on freecycle18:02
Safiyyah250 old school HDD might be more stable than this new ish18:02
popeyoh hang on18:02
popeySATA or PATA?18:02
SafiyyahSATA is what I have18:03
popeyok, i only have 200G SATA18:03
popeyor 250G PATA18:03
SafiyyahI have never used PATA, don't know what it is18:04
popeythe older interface with 40 pins18:04
popeyParallel ATA as opposed to Serial ATA18:04
Safiyyahmy motherboard doesn't even have an IDE pin18:04
Safiyyahfrom what I remember18:04
popeyok, so is 200G any good to you?18:04
Safiyyahyes thanks18:04
Safiyyahsend them both18:04
popeywill package up and post tomorrow if I can find a box18:04
Safiyyahit really is becoming a case of old is better18:05
hamitronit certainly is18:05
popeythis comes with no guarantee :D18:05
Safiyyahnone of my IDE (PATA HDD ever died18:05
hamitronpopey: you can offer a full refund though?18:05
SafiyyahI guess I will eagerly await the parcel on wed or Thursday then18:06
shaunoI've had plenty of ide drives die.  drives simply split into two camps.  those that have failed, and those that are going to18:06
SafiyyahI really appreciate it truely18:07
hamitronI have a 80Mb IDE drive that works 24/7, still strong18:07
Safiyyahyeah am regretting giving away my old IDEs18:07
hamitronwell, I say strong.... I mean works18:07
Safiyyahbut popey will revive that now18:07
shaunoheh.  I had an 80Mb that failed.  bummed me out, because I could only afford to replace it with 40 at the time18:08
SafiyyahSo shauno, you bought 40 and when you got money you bought another new one?18:08
shaunonah, it stayed like that till I got my next machine18:08
shaunothat was my first linux box tho :)  32Mb root, 4.5Mb swap :)18:09
hamitronthose were teh days :)18:10
hamitronwhen things were fun18:10
shaunopft.  that was never fun18:11
Safiyyahthis hybrid sure looks interesting18:11
hamitronI've heard mixed views on that hybrid18:11
hamitronpersonally, I don't consider SSD old enough tech for me to get18:12
popeyi love my ssds18:12
popeynot sure I'd go back to HDD in laptops/desktops18:12
shaunoheh, ditto18:12
hamitronyou look at the prices, and they are falling each month so much18:12
hamitronI admit they are better ofc18:13
hamitronI like to argue, but can't arguement against their performance18:13
shaunoit'd be fun to setup a business to market to hamilton18:13
hamitronargue even18:13
popeyshauno: a business in the past?18:13
shaunobuy in ssds, stick them in a shoebox under my desk until they're dusty, and then he'll buy 'em :)18:13
hamitronso long as the value drops 99%, sure18:14
hamitronI can place some pre-orders now if that is the case18:15
Safiyyahpopey what have SSDs given you personally that you are hooked18:15
hamitroncan I just ask.... what uses that speed?18:15
MartijnVdSThey gave you amphetamines (speed)?18:16
popeyanything that does IO18:16
MartijnVdShamitron: starting programs, browser cache(!)18:16
hamitronso £100 to save a few ms?18:16
shaunoI was amazed how much difference it makes.  my laptop goes from powered off to running firefox, quicker than my work laptop can launch firefox at all18:16
* MartijnVdS is considering an SSD for his new machine.. next year when Ivy Bridge is out18:16
popeyhamitron: no18:17
popeyif it were a few ms then that would be insane18:17
hamitronwould it not be more cost effective to just have more RAM, then cache the regular stuff?18:18
popeyplus this machine is full of RAM18:18
popeycan't get any more in it18:18
popey8GB on laptop, 8GB in desktop18:19
popey3GB in other laptop which can't take anymore18:19
MartijnVdSpopey: you rich man you :)18:19
Safiyyahsorry so popey, can i ask ..... on a ubuntu user who have documents, pics, video and virtual box as the main bloaters (me)18:19
SafiyyahI am seriously thinking an SSD for root and home and then bang all the media on the ones you send me18:20
shaunothat's pretty much what I do18:20
popeyyup, same here18:20
hamitronI do too18:20
directhexi will do it when someone mails me a couple of hundred quid and i buy myself an ssd18:21
hamitronapart from I am cheap and have a 80Gb hdd (non-SSD)18:21
shaunomusic on an ssd is a waste of money, as long as they come off the disk in less than the 3-5 minutes it takes to play them, I won't notice.18:21
Safiyyahhamitron i work on my PC, the irregularity with crashes recently has disrupted my work heavily18:21
Safiyyaheven though money is tight18:21
SafiyyahI need to consider a small SSD18:21
Safiyyah(which might still fail) but better op of not it seems18:22
hamitronand regular backups18:22
Safiyyahi do back up18:22
SafiyyahI haven't lost any data18:22
hamitrongood :D18:22
Safiyyahjust lost a working system18:22
MartijnVdSyou will eventually, if you don't do backups18:22
directhexbackups are for scared little children18:22
hamitronhaha directhex18:23
directhexreal grown-ups just nfs-export /, and then the cloud magically backs up their data!18:23
MartijnVdSdirecthex: I like being a scare little kid then.18:23
Safiyyahbackups are for people with important info on their HDD18:23
* hamitron is a scared little child who has already lost a lot of stuff18:23
Safiyyahmaybe you only have games!18:23
directhexlet my data BURN18:23
hamitrongames are important18:23
Safiyyahsorry to ask a silly question18:23
* hamitron opens games more than work files18:24
Safiyyahbut how to SSDs connect to the motherboard.... are they SATA?18:24
hamitronmost are, yes18:24
MartijnVdSsome are PCIE18:25
* hamitron wants a USB 3.0 one18:26
Safiyyahwhich company, Kingston, Crucial,  OCZ or Corsair?18:26
hamitrondepends what special offers they have on18:27
MartijnVdShamitron: none are better/worse than others?18:27
* MartijnVdS doesn't trust "OCZ".. they market to overclockers :)18:27
popeyyes, they differ wildly18:27
popeyi have two of those in my desktop18:28
hamitronthey are the sort I'd get18:28
popeyand one of those in my minecraft server laptop :D18:28
MartijnVdSpopey: anything special for your FS? Does linux do "TRIM" automagically?18:29
popeyI have just got a default install18:29
hamitronpopey: your minecraft server has a better drive than any of my comps18:29
hamitronI guess I can conclude I don't invest heavily in storage18:30
MartijnVdSpopey: did you add "discard" to the mount options in /etc/fstab?18:30
MartijnVdSpopey: if you add that, the kernel will notify the SSD that parts are unused and can be reclaimed/used in load balancing18:30
MartijnVdS(wear leveling)18:30
MartijnVdSpopey: see the mount(8) manpage18:31
hamitronouuuu http://www.ebuyer.com/product/26823918:31
MartijnVdSpopey: you can add it to the default mount options using tune2fs -o18:32
* hamitron cracks open his piggy bank18:32
Safiyyahthis is the best deal i have found http://www.ebuyer.com/product/22541518:33
popeycannot believe how hard it is to get new ram into an eee 1008HA18:34
popeyyou have to practically dismantle the entire laptop18:34
directhexpopey, i had trouble likle that dismantling wifey's acer aspire one18:35
directhexbroke it on the way, sadly18:35
popeyI think I am gonna skip this18:35
popeyits bonkers18:35
popeySafiyyah: looks like a nice deal18:36
hamitronor this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/26184618:36
hamitronbut I dunno which is better18:36
popeylook at the read / write iops18:37
popeyczajkowski: london in "is busy" non-shocker :D18:37
MartijnVdSpopey: not access time?18:37
czajkowskipopey: trains not working18:37
czajkowskishocker IN HEAT18:37
czajkowskior SNOW18:37
popeyMartijnVdS: that too18:37
czajkowskior RAIN18:37
czajkowskior LEAVES18:37
czajkowskiwhen do they exactly work ?18:37
SafiyyahSATA III would require new SATA cables or new motherboard I take it18:37
* popey packs czajkowski back on a plane to dublin18:37
czajkowskipopey: monday week18:38
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: or a plug-in sata card (pcie)18:38
directhexSafiyyah, both!18:38
czajkowskimay not come back wish will be granted then18:38
directhexSafiyyah, although you can use a sata3 drive on sata2, in slow-speed mode18:38
hamitronczajkowski: it is only "the wrong type of rain" ;/18:38
Safiyyahsomething about that picture, you can almost smell the heat and sweat18:38
hamitronhow long will a SSD live?18:39
hamitrontypically I mean18:39
directhexhamitron, "some years".18:39
MartijnVdShamitron: if you enable the "discard" option, it should be "long enough"18:39
directhexhamitron, depends on how much you use it, basically18:39
hamitronsay 10 writes per day18:40
MartijnVdShamitron: that's not a lot18:40
hamitronok :)18:40
MartijnVdShamitron: as one sector write is 2kb :)18:40
MartijnVdSso.. 20kb?18:40
hamitronMartijnVdS: I was meaning 10 writes on the same part of the disk18:41
Safiyyahdo you have  buy a bracket to help it hold in a PC case?18:41
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: no they come in standard 3.5 and 2.5" sizes18:41
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: if you want to mount a 2.5" disk in a 3.5" case, you need an adapter brakcet18:41
directhexSafiyyah, an ssd? if you have no 2.5" mounts, and buy a 25" drive, then yes18:41
MartijnVdSbut most PC stores have adapter brackets18:42
popeyall my SSDs came with brackets18:42
MartijnVdSeven better!18:42
Safiyyahdid you buy from ebuyer popey?18:43
hamitronthat kingston is slow :/18:43
hamitronby SSD standards18:43
MartijnVdSSATA3 is backwards compatible18:43
MartijnVdSyou can attach sata3 devices to a sata1/2 bus and it'll work18:43
hamitronSafiyyah: I tend to place 6-8 orders per month from ebuyer.com18:43
MartijnVdSnot at top speed, but it'll work18:43
directhexpopey, wifey's one didn't. packaging was barely bigger than a blu-ray case18:44
hamitronjust dunno if it is worth getting SATA600 over SATA300 :/18:44
MartijnVdShamitron: for SSD it is18:44
Safiyyahhttp://www.ebuyer.com/product/225804 is this good?18:44
hamitronMartijnVdS: even if a comp only has sata300?18:44
popeycan you get sata600 pcie cards?18:44
Safiyyahor stick to the curcica?18:45
Safiyyahcorsair* i mean18:45
hamitronpopey: yes, need a PCIe 4x slot I believe18:45
MartijnVdShamitron: yes, you'll just use sata300 speed18:46
Safiyyahhow can the SATA III be slower to write? I don't get it http://www.ebuyer.com/product/22580418:46
MartijnVdShamitron: if you later upgrade to sata600 on both controller and device (and cable) you'll get the faster speed18:46
directhexSafiyyah, it's not. it's a coincidence, because they changed the memory chips they use18:47
hamitronMartijnVdS: but I mean, when i get another device, may want a new drive? ;)18:47
Safiyyahokay which do I buy this: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/225804 or this: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/26184618:48
hamitronI'd have to get this one: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/26823918:48
Safiyyahfinal 218:48
MartijnVdShamitron: sure, but you can upgrade parts separately18:48
MartijnVdShamitron: is what I'm trying to say18:48
hamitronSafiyyah: out of them 2, I'd get the Corsair18:48
MartijnVdShamitron: Arrr! :)18:48
MartijnVdS"I'd get me the corsair, matey! Arrr!"18:49
hamitronSafiyyah: but maybe worth an extra 15 quid to get sata3?18:49
Safiyyahhamitron am still a girl who gets confused18:49
Safiyyahnot for 15 quid18:50
hamitron50% increase in speed if you put it in a new comp18:50
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: nothing to do with being a girl, afaik18:50
SafiyyahMartijnVdS:  I meant I had brought the list down to 2 and he added a third one - still a girl with that18:50
Safiyyahdont confuse the girl!18:50
MartijnVdSOK :)18:50
hamitronI suppose there is something else to consider.....18:51
MartijnVdSNow I'm looking at computer parts again.. I promised myself I wouldn't until Ivy Bridge got released18:51
Safiyyahwth is Ivy Bridge?18:51
hamitrondo the SSD with slower write speeds, last longer?18:51
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: it's the next generation of Intel CPU/GPUs18:51
Safiyyahhamitron v good question!18:51
Safiyyahno more pentiums?18:52
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: Supposed to come out Q1 201218:52
Safiyyahwell I will probably get one 2 years after it comes out18:52
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: well, they'll still be called "i3", "i5", "i7" etc. probably, like Sandy Bridge is now18:52
Safiyyahso let me know how fanstastic they are18:52
hamitronSafiyyah: and you can let me know after you got one18:53
hamitrononce they're down to £2018:53
SafiyyahSandy bridge... listen, the only processors I know are Intel Quads, Celerons and Am... I cant remember the other one18:53
Safiyyahhamitron lololololol18:53
hamitronanyways, I think I have a plate of food with my name on it18:53
hamitronso bbl18:53
* hamitron won over18:54
Safiyyahhamitron you just had to go and confused me! arrgghhhh18:54
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: Sandy Bridge = this year's set, IB = Next year's set :)18:54
hamitronsorry, I ask too many questions18:54
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: these are the generation after "Core 2 Duo" which you might have heard of18:54
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: </boring> :)18:54
Safiyyahlol MartijnVdS  so how many name brand clothes are in your wardrobe? OR you only spend money on PC parts18:55
Safiyyahmaybe the car too....18:55
SafiyyahI have a duo core18:55
Safiyyahso Sandy Bridge is a Quad Core?18:56
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: good points... :)18:56
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: often, but not always -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Bridge18:56
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: some are 6-core, and the low-end (cheap) models 2-core18:56
Safiyyahokay so you have a 6 core?18:57
Safiyyahand is the best company still intel?18:57
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: no, I have last year's cheap model, dual-core i318:57
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: imho, intel is still the best. AMD is currently in "follow Intel" mode :(18:58
Safiyyahrofl I think my processor is the same age as my daughter18:58
MartijnVdSI liked it when they were really head to head18:58
SafiyyahI build a new machine and just transfer it over18:58
SafiyyahI have changed my boards, CD drives and RAM18:58
Safiyyahsame processor18:58
Safiyyahand even then I changed them because they had died, the only nonessential was I had to have the thermostat case18:58
MartijnVdSthermostat case? automatic fan controllers etc.?18:59
Safiyyahthermals take19:00
Safiyyahyeah better circulation more fans, easier to clean, less dust, easier to clean dust out especially without opening it19:00
MartijnVdSsounds like a bunch of good ideas19:00
SafiyyahI went for the Saprano range, got it for #40-45 quid about a year and a few months ago19:01
MartijnVdS"The Sopranos" 8-)19:02
* MartijnVdS has a .. Gigabyte something-or-other case19:02
MartijnVdSdon't know really19:02
Safiyyahthe whole thing is just more dust free, easier to clean the dust offm and the front comes off so you can hoover it without opening the case19:02
Safiyyahso I can just do it when I am cleaning the rest of the house19:02
Safiyyahthhat why we were joking that my HDD are dying from excellent circulation19:03
MartijnVdSIt's TOO CLEAN19:03
MartijnVdSit can't handle it!19:03
=== JGJones_ is now known as JGJones
shaunohm, Azelphur went quiet.  he didn't spend too long in his server closet did he?19:08
Azelphurstill alive19:09
Azelphurthat AC is kickass I must say, it's brought the room temp right down19:09
Azelphurmy bedroom is way hotter than the server room now19:09
MartijnVdSAzelphur: have fun sleeping later ...19:09
Azelphurindeed :(19:09
shaunoshaun's guide to heat waves; turn the cluster off, and bring the AC into your room :)19:09
MartijnVdSshauno: !language :P19:10
Safiyyahokay i ordered the HDD, on priority mail, am broke but more days am out of work more days am not making money19:14
MartijnVdSSafiyyah: uhrm.. aren't there more important things than new hard disks? :)19:14
Safiyyahlol well when your home comp is your source of income and it is dead19:16
Safiyyahit can become a priority19:16
MartijnVdSOK, agreed :)19:17
SafiyyahI am going to watch the prime ministers questions,19:20
Safiyyahthank you for helping me get a SSD today19:20
Safiyyahand thanxs again popey19:21
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MartijnVdSwindaub: how's your experiment progressing?19:37
windaubMartijnVdS: Starting to get in my way a bit now :(19:44
MartijnVdSwindaub: what day are you on?19:45
windaub.... 18 I think19:47
windaubSomething around that19:47
MartijnVdS"I paid good money for that windows license, I'm going to use it!"19:47
windaubLuckily, it doesn't stop the ice cream maker working \o/19:47
MartijnVdS\o/ ice cream19:47
MartijnVdSLooks like we're getting a 200 discharges/5 minutes thunderstorm tomorrow20:11
StevenRok. So,... I'd like my laptop to link to various calendars and pop up reminders. I'd like to have something just start when I log in, and sit in the tray or notification area. At this stage, I don't want email as well20:15
StevenR(calendars include various ones linked to my gmail, and ideally work's outlook calendar too)20:16
MartijnVdSStevenR: configure it in Evolution, you don't have to configure its email bits20:16
StevenRMartijnVdS: can it hide off in the background?20:19
MartijnVdSStevenR: yes, and it integrates with the clock20:19
StevenRMartijnVdS: hmmm. how do I make it sync with outlook (I've only got OWA at home)20:24
StevenRand it's OWA 2010 at that :S20:24
MartijnVdSas long as it's >'07 it's good20:25
MartijnVdSevolution-exchange is the package you want20:25
MartijnVdSYou can add a new account from the preferences screen I think?20:25
StevenRThe server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector20:28
StevenRsupports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only.20:28
MartijnVdSI have no idea about versions20:28
MartijnVdSexcept that we have '07 at work and it works fine20:29
MartijnVdS(for MS versions of "fine")20:29
StevenRMartijnVdS: is that via mapi?20:30
MartijnVdSI have no idea, sorry. I just used evolution-exchange and put in the https:// URL to OWA20:30
MartijnVdSthe rest was automagic20:30
StevenRMartijnVdS: what release? (lucid? natty?)20:31
MartijnVdSor did I just put in the OWA server name and it detected https? could also be that.20:32
MartijnVdSsomething like that anyway20:32
StevenRMartijnVdS: hmm. still doesn't seem to work. I'll keep it in mind when I update this laptop to natty. Thanks :)20:43
shaunoI appear to be missing something here.  http://www.onlylinuxgames.com/onlive/21:01
shaunoshort version: the first line is "Requires: VMWare 7.1.3 & copy of Windows 7"21:02
shaunoby that measure, we sure do have a lot of linux games :)21:02
directhexonlive takes that further, given you aren't even playing games with it21:03
directhexthe games run remotely, you're just running a video client & input relay21:03
andylockranhowdy all21:36
BigRedSgood morning!21:37
andylockranBigRedS: what's new?21:38
BigRedSandylockran: I'm flitting between about six or seven projects, I've no idea what's going on :)21:39
* AlanBell is liking the Ubuntu mono font21:40
* popey wonders what other tests to perform on this MeeNee laptop21:41
hamitronpopey: minecraft?21:43
popeyooo, good call21:43
ali1234does online have a free demo section?21:44
ali1234are they even in the UK yet?21:45
dimas_i am using ubuntu 11.04 and i am reading some instructions to configure my user account but i dont know how....the instructions says this: lets make sure your user account has audio group membership. You can do this in the Ubuntu System menu by selecting Users and Groups from the Administration menu and clicking the Manage Groups button. Choose audio and make sure the check-box is selected.21:45
AlanBelldimas_: what problem are you trying to solve?21:45
dimas_connect a streamer application to  a jack (sound system)21:46
ali1234dimas_: canonical decided to remove that menu cos it's too complicated21:47
ali1234dimas_: instead you should click on the dash and then type in "users and groups" and then you will get the same thing21:47
ali1234dimas_: don't ask me how you're supposed to figure that out if you don't already know, though21:47
hamitronali1234: now now, there is technically nothing there to confuse the user ;)21:48
dimas_click on the dash?21:48
ali1234it's that thing in the top left hand corner21:48
brobostigondimas_: the thingie in the top right hand corner.21:48
popeythats not the dash21:49
popeythats the BFB21:49
popeythe big f button21:49
ali1234what is the dash then?21:49
popeythe thing that appears21:49
popeyafter you press the button21:49
* hamitron points21:49
ali1234totally not confusing at all, right guys? right?21:49
* popey shrugs21:49
ali1234btw what does BAMF stand for in the context of unity?21:49
popey"press the button in the corner"21:49
ali1234i keep seeing it everywhere on packages21:50
popeyis what I would have said21:50
hamitronin all seriousness, I am not confused ;)21:50
hamitrontoo hot :/21:50
andylockranI'm toasty :)21:50
hamitronwhen will the tornado hit to cool me down?21:50
popeyhamitron: it runs minecraft21:50
hamitronpopey: next test, run bitcoin miner alongside it21:51
hamitronrun for 3 hours21:51
hamitronand see if it still lives21:51
hamitronyou must also stand it on the crown jewels throughout this test, to ensure heat is not a problem21:52
popeyAtom N45521:52
hamitronthorough testing21:52
hamitronor thrashing21:52
popeyCSD T56SY32021:58
popeythats not a hard disk is it?21:58
popeyi am only finding lots of stuff in chinese21:58
popeyis it some kind of flash drive21:59
jpdsThank you Google Translate.21:59
* Azelphur just tried a cool wikihow tip22:04
Azelphursoak tshirt in cold water > wear tshirt > sit in front of desk fan > you are now cold. \o/22:05
bigcalmJust how sweating works22:05
brobostigonquite bigcalm :)22:05
shaunowet t-shirts smell better tho :)22:08
bigcalmHi czajkowski22:16
czajkowskibigcalm: hi22:16
bigcalmWhat's causing the sigh tonight?22:17
czajkowskireading material22:18
bigcalmYou shouldn't be sighing with oggcamp so close at hand :D22:18
dwatkinsczajkowski: eek, I've just been looking up information about my back problems22:21
andylockranguys - it's legal to use any XP iso isn't it - providing you have a correct product key?22:27
andylockranneed to reinstall a client's PC.. but they came with no install media.22:27
andylockranand I change jobs at the end of the week so not got time left to request a CD from MS.22:28
zleapdon't you have to make your own these days22:28
Azelphurandylockran: I'm not sure, I think in America it's a DMCA violation22:28
andylockranah, ok.22:28
shaunoandylockran: I believe it's kosher, as long as it's the right one (eg, pro, home, blah blah blah)22:28
shaunoyou buy a license, not a chunk of plastic22:29
andylockrankewl. ok - cheers guys22:30
shauno(with the usual disclaimers, not a lawyer, etc :)22:30
czajkowskipopey: ROFLOL!!!!22:32
czajkowskipopey: comment on ml22:32
popeyoh ☹22:32
czajkowskigiven who lives on the island22:32
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czajkowskinot sure folks get the difference in LUGS, LoCos and language teams though22:34
popeywhat difference?22:34
czajkowskitheir purpose22:34
czajkowskiok reading back material is scaring me22:35
czajkowskiso not reading any more before tomorrow22:35
popeyHow to LUGs and LoCos differ in their purpose (aside from being specific to one distro)?22:35
czajkowskithat's a big difference at least IMO22:35
czajkowskia lug prmotes lots of stuff22:36
czajkowskilocos specifically only Ubuntu and focuses more on a community22:36
czajkowskiagain just mo22:36
popeyI said _aside_ from locos being specific to ubuntu?22:37
popeyI dont see that much difference22:37
andylockrantalking shops. :p22:40
andylockranand a place for flamers :)22:40
andylockranand /me - offering self-perpetuating analysis22:41
andylockran /join #echo-chamber22:44
czajkowskipopey: I find mannerisms very different22:49
czajkowskipopey: locos more welcoming and open to helping more say for example on irc22:50
popeyah thats people22:50
czajkowskilugs tend to be a bit more crude, and some are not22:50
popeyyeah, I agree22:50
popeybut thats almost certainly 98% due to the code of conduct22:50
czajkowskiyes which I think is a great thing22:50
popeynot that its a stick to bash people with22:50
czajkowskialso people in locos tend not to flame as much (depends on lists)22:51
popeyjust that it makes people realise that their doofish behaviour is unwanted22:51
popeyO RLY22:51
czajkowskilugs tend to derail and go mine is better than yours syndrome22:51
popeyOk, I see where you're coming from22:51
czajkowskiI said depends on lists!22:51
czajkowskiI find locos more focused and willing to help new users which is great and why I got involved in Ubuntu over other distros22:52
popeyMy point was more that if ubuntu got _so_ big that the UK team (lets take uk only here) was so overpopulated we needed a better way to manage it22:52
czajkowskifor me thats what made the difference22:52
czajkowskipopey: indeed22:52
popeyi would think that a county or city level loco within the loco would suit22:52
popeyand I dont think we're far from that now22:52
popeyi.e. I think I could muster 10-20 people in the farnborough/aldershot/farnham area alone to come to an ubuntu event22:52
czajkowskiindeed as long as those countys/citys don't go down a lug route22:52
popeyand thats just 2 towns22:52
czajkowskias in 15 members 2 ubuntu if you get me22:53
popeyno, I am not suggesting that22:53
czajkowskiperhaps it's me not being clear which tends to happen when I talk to you :(22:53
popeyI am specifically saying people who are already in the loco22:53
popeyno, we're talking at different purposes22:53
popeyforget lugs22:53
popeyforget they exist22:53
popeyjust think about locos22:53
popeythink about the number of people and how to manage that number as it gets bigger22:53
popeythey're still "Ubuntu" people22:54
popeybut they might want something more local22:54
* popey shrugs22:54
czajkowskinope all valid points22:54
czajkowskiwe had to do similar back home, it's unfortunate it only really works well in dublin and to a smaller but still to some degree in the other 3 cities, if only 5 people turn up there we're happy22:55
popeyyeah, you need critical mass22:55
czajkowskibut we got the college students and hacker spaces involved but we will never ever go down the road of a dublin limierkck cork  loco22:55
czajkowskijust wouldnt work out22:55
shaunoI was gonna say, we make a great comparison.  not so many people go from galway/limerick/cork to a dublin meet22:55
AlanBelllocal events all over the place should work fine22:55
czajkowskifor a small country we do pretty well imo, yes a lot of stuff happens in dublin, mainly as most it jobs as there but also more people willing to meet up, limerick events are happening but also depend on college but the hacker space there has helped as has Galways22:57
AlanBellin terms of sub-teams the whole southwest thing doesn't make sense, however there is a much stronger argument in favour of wales as a team22:57
shaunogalway's hackerspace is homeless now.  and the galway lug died a silent death a while back22:57
* BigRedS grumbles about devolution :)22:58
* popey grumbles about people wanting fifedoms22:58
czajkowskishauno: how did the galway hackerspace become homeless22:58
czajkowskinever knew there was a lug it's always been ILUG and CLUG22:59
shaunomy understanding was that they were in a commercial space that was being rented on very favorable terms until a 'real tennant' came along22:59
czajkowskiahh ok22:59
czajkowskishauno:  we do a lot considering our size tbh https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication  that's just in the past 2 years.23:00
shaunoso while it was a fantastic space, it had that hanging over their head since day 1.  and the inevitable came23:00
czajkowskibut they never had a plan B23:00
shaunothey're still going.  they're just homeless.  so while there's still very regular meetups, they've lost something very valuable.  hackerspace with no space :/23:01
czajkowskitaken milklabs a while to find a home23:02
czajkowskiand they've been working on it wow almost a year23:02
shaunoI can see a valid use for hyper-local groups tho.  it'd be interesting to see if anyone can manage it without fragmentation23:03
shaunoeg, having meetups in cork makes a lot of sense to them.  having a cork loco, not so much.  I think locos just need to recognise that not everyone lives in dublin/london/etc and make that effort23:05
AlanBellso I tried contacting the computing societies of oxford, cambridge and a couple of london universities telling them I had free CDs to give them23:06
AlanBellno reply23:06
AlanBelland I am staggered by the number of universities I found with no computing society at all23:07
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye we work directly with the student, over here most colleges have clubs and socs, and a few haev computer socs, UL Skynet where I'm from DCU redbrick and so forth, we mail them and ask them do they want some and we either send them or they get collected23:07
czajkowskiAlanBell: most of the college student servers in skynet run Ubuntu :D23:08
AlanBellyeah, cambridge uses ubuntu apparently23:08
czajkowskiAlanBell: worked well then when we wanted to have talks.23:08
czajkowskithey provided the venue and we sorted the talks23:08
AlanBellwould love to do that23:08
brobostigongood night, sleep well everyone,23:09
AlanBellI spent a few hours last week going through university websites trying to find computer society contact details23:10
AlanBellmost of them seem to be non-existent or abandoned23:11
czajkowskihard to know really23:14
czajkowskiworks well for 1 team may not work well for another23:14
hamitronconsidering universities are for studying, a lot there are lazy bastards ;/23:14
shaunohad to explain to HazRPG what the old grey whistle test was :/  thanks for making me feel old man23:19
AlanBellhttp://www.upsu.net/activities/societies/atoz computer games, but not computers23:20
AlanBellI am doing something wrong23:21
AlanBellI pick a uni, go to the student union thing, find the list of societies, fail to find anything relevant23:21
AlanBellI can't even find an iPad owners club or some such23:22
czajkowskiAlanBell: maybe they dont one23:22
czajkowskinot all the unis here do23:22
AlanBellthere are a few like this http://users.cs.cf.ac.uk/CSS/v3/home.php looks great, but all dated 200523:23
shaunoperhaps they simply don't exist anymore?  most the people at uni now likely grew up with a computer.  it's not something special anymore23:25
AlanBellI am coming to that conclusion23:25
shaunoI mean, if you're 20 now, windows 95 came out before you started school.  xp was before secondary school.23:27
czajkowskiwe developed this http://www.clubsandsocs.ul.ie/23:28
shaunothe generation that grew up tinkering with bbc's and the 16bit micros have grey hair already23:28
* popey sadly resembles that23:29
popeyOh oh! Must tell you23:29
popeyI put a printer on freecycle today23:29
popeyGuy turns up, grey long beard, sandles, dodgy t-shirt23:29
popeyloaded printer into his car23:29
popeyhim: "So what do you do?"23:29
popeyme: "Oh, IT Nerd, Linux, Ubuntu, that kind of thing"23:30
popeyhim: "Ah yes, Ubuntu. I picked up a CD from a computer fair in bracknell recently"23:30
popey(that would be from Alan Cocks ☺23:30
popeyHe's looking for a PHP developer to help him make some whacky website23:30
popeystarted telling me how you can run ubuntu inside windows. it was fascinating :D23:31
czajkowskihah deadly23:31
czajkowskithat's kinda cool23:31
gordeveryone on irish tv is angry at each other about banks or something, so instead i'm watching batman!23:42
shaunoheh.  if you were paying rediculous taxes to pay for a housing boom that burst before you even got here, you'd be angry at banks too.  but hey, batman \o/23:44
gordmaybe ireland should do what batman does and punch people until the problem goes away23:44
shaunoirish tv is the #1 reason I got cable :/23:45
hamitronI thought Ireland had low taxes?23:45
hamitronor is it just corperation tax?23:45
shaunothe corporation tax is low.  which is lovely if you're a company.  does the rest of us not a jot of good23:45
hamitronwhat is the basic rate of tax?23:46
shaunowell, it helps bring jobs & such. but it does my pay cheque not much good :)23:46
shaunoI tihnk it's somewhere roughly 20% income, and 21% vat23:46
shaunobut they keep inventing new 'fees' and 'levies' that sit beside income tax as seperate beasties now23:46
hamitronsimilar to the UK then23:46
hamitronI swear they are all as bad as each other23:47
shaunothe most I've paid on one pay cheque was 47% :(23:47
hamitronMr Taxman (in whatever country), gets ya!23:47
popeywonder if I'll get a kicking for that23:48
shaunoheh, nice photochop23:49
hamitronstill loading23:49
popeyi actually held the stickers up to my screen23:49
popeyand took a photo with my phone23:49
popeyand discovered a bug in ubuntu whilst I was at it23:49
popeyeveryone wins!23:49
shaunoreally?  that came out better than I'd have expected :)23:49
popeyiphone :D23:50
hamitronhave cananananical given up on geeks now?23:50
popeyThe want to put them all in a field and set fire to them.23:50
popeyor something23:50
hamitronI shall use that as an excuse for "acting" stupid then23:51
Laneythat'll be why the last few UDS hotels have mysteriously burned down23:51
popeywas dave there?23:51
popeydid he have his magic tabacco?23:51
popeyBy the way, my cat likes to tweet23:52
hamitronimo, they should sell ubuntu LTS in 1 packs, with stickers and goodies for £1023:52
directhexjust read on engadget about a usb thumbdrive with a full-blown Sandforce SSD controller in it23:52
* hamitron has no stickers23:52
shaunoI used to get case badges from linuxemporium when I got my discs :)23:53
hamitronI'm always worried I'll just get a cdr23:53
hamitronI like pressed disks23:54
shaunoI think they may have been cdr (with labels) at the time.  but when woody came on 14 disks, and I was on dialup, it was worth the money23:54
hamitronand glossy boxes23:54
hamitronI used to buy disks from there23:54
hamitronbut ubuntu ship-it sorta made me want nice disks23:55
shaunoyou're spoilt now :p23:55
hamitronI am a child that was given sweets, and they've been snatched off me23:55
shaunops: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1723:55
hamitronand I feel like crying ;/23:55
hamitronomg, no 10.04 disks?23:56
shaunonewflash man.  it's 2011 :p23:56
hamitronLTS are loads better23:57
hamitrongot longer support23:57
shaunoodd, they have 10.04 server & kubuntu, but not desktop. makes me wonder if they simply sold 'em all ( / gave them all away)23:58
popeyrun out I guess23:58
hamitronbut they still only sell packs of 523:58
hamitronif they sold me 1, with a bunch of goodie for the same price, I'd get it23:59
shaunoyou want a bunch of goodies for a fiver?23:59
hamitronjust a pin badge or something23:59
czajkowskipopey: nice stickers, did you get the rest of them in the booklets I left you to give away23:59

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