
faint545astraljava, how would i do this?00:00
induzcoz_, let me try again....00:00
coz_induz,  take another look at this   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot-UNetbootin.png00:00
Bsimsfaint545: edit /etc/fstab00:00
coz_induz,  first plugin the flash drive and make sure it opens00:00
Bsimsfaint545: let me look for the exact syntax00:00
coz_induz,   then if it is empty,, close its content window and then open unetbootin00:00
faint545Bsims, i know how to edit Fstab . i just dont know what the syntax is to make a disk have a specific device name (i.e. /dev/sda1)00:01
astraljavamagpii: So like you said, either the mirror is outdated, or the -proposed is having an issue right now. You could try commenting that out, doing `sudo apt-get update` and trying to install avidemux again.00:01
faint545I should say persistent, not specific.00:01
coz_induz,   at the bottom of unetbootin in the bottom left corner is the "Type"  field  pulldown,, make sure it is listed as USB drive or if your drive name is in the pull down choose that00:01
Bsimsfaint545: # /media/disk-1 aka /dev/sdc100:01
BsimsUUID=b9da1093-fd12-40fe-b433-8a082421a375 /media/disk  ext3     defaults        0       200:01
astraljavaBsims: It's not interesting, it's plain logic. Many of them update regularly, but without proper control of the dependencies.00:02
coz_induz,  then  for the ISO image  maneuver to the location of th e ISO image and choose that,,  then click "OK"00:02
Bsimsfaint545: making it assign it to a particular /dev/ is now handled with udev which I've not faffled with00:02
edbianBsims: well you better get faffled00:03
magpiiastraljava: when i update, i get the errors like maverick meerkat cannot be updated, resorting to old ones00:03
edbiansimpleirc730: hello00:03
Bsimsedbian: eh mostly it works for me with the occasional hard links00:03
edbianBsims: :)00:03
induzcoz_, here http://i.imgur.com/TJZxp.png00:04
astraljavamagpii: You should uncomment the first line, that has the installation media still as a source. :)00:04
coz_induz,  did you direct it to the "Drive"  /dev/sdg1  manually?00:05
induzcoz_, NO00:05
coz_induz,  ok00:05
* astraljava wonder what it feels like to get faffled00:05
coz_induz,    give it a try again00:05
Bsimsedbian: I may agree with why they did it but UUID means nothing to me, its a long string of giberish... so long as the computer translates into /media/Endless_Box_O_Porn_n_Music I don't care00:05
b44Any email-server, which can interact between gmail and client??00:06
edbianBsims: haha, UUIDs are unique, /dev/sdXY is not (because it changes every time on boot)00:06
magpiiastraljava: i unchecked the first box on the list of repos in package manager and it seems to be updating better than before00:06
astraljavaBsims: YOU'VE BEEN AT MY BOX?!00:06
b44with browser-interaction00:06
induzcoz_, its asking me to reboot Now00:06
astraljavamagpii: Sure, cause it can't find that repo if the media is not mounted.00:06
Bsimsedbian: in the pre udev days didn't change00:06
Bsimsedbian: but required editing a text file if you added stuff00:07
coz_induz,  no need to reboot now... however if you do ,, recheck the bios to be sure usb flash can be booted00:07
edbianBsims: I'm not old enough to remember that00:07
* Bsims remembers having to write a X11 config file00:07
coz_induz,   is this a usb hub you are using or the case usb  front or back?00:07
magpiiastraljava: lol, i figured it would know that and move onto the next repo automatically00:07
astraljavaedbian: Funny, my natty still uses the conventional method, and it won't change, like, ever.00:08
edbianastraljava: the conventional method of faffle?00:08
* Bsims feels really old I remember XFree8600:08
astraljavamagpii: It's listed as a candidate, so it will try it. Obviously the updating won't die because of it, but it will throw an error, which you just saw.00:08
* astraljava slaps edbian around with a large trout00:09
GodfiendWhat is a "symbol lookup error"?00:09
astraljavaDid it go like that?00:09
Bsimsstable was the 2.2 series and 2.4.0 was the new hotness00:09
bcessahi there, this is the content of my /etc/sudoers file http://paste.ubuntu.com/657564/ however every time I try to sudo using the ben user I get the following error message: >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 11 <<< any ideas on why/how to fix it? :(00:09
lindenleHi the 2.6.38-10-generic version of the kernel cause my machine to completely hang at boot. No x windows and flashing hard drive light on dell latitude laptop00:09
* Bsims holds up a old timey hearing horn to my ear... hand me my cane, the walking one not the pervy one00:10
sublim21hey all00:10
astraljavabcessa: Should it be root     ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL    ?00:11
fowlcoz_: that worked great, thanks a lot00:11
astraljavabcessa: also same for the user.00:11
bcessadon't know really, let me give it a try00:11
magpiiastraljava: is it common to have to sometimes re apply installation after getting a hash sum mismatch error during install of software? I have had to do it 3 times during avidemux install00:12
sublim21just stopping by this chat for a quick question.  I recently bought myself a cheap netbook and installed ubuntu (my first linux experience actually) but im still worried about compatibility, so i'd like to run a version of windows still.  I've heard about virtual machines but don't any experience with them.  My concern with a virtual machine is the speed (this is a netbook after all).  So what is the best thing to do?  virtual mach00:12
astraljavamagpii: No, if the mirror is working correctly, not common at all.00:12
edbiansublim21: virtual mac?  What's that mean?00:12
induzcoz_, a front USB hub00:12
sublim21edbian: virtual windows00:13
coz_induz,  is it a case plug or a hub attached to the case00:13
magpiiAstraljava: i installed avidemux again and i cant find it in any of the menu lists00:13
astraljavaedbian: sublim21: got caught off.00:13
edbiansublim21: The best way to know if a virtual machine will work for you is to create one and install an OS on it and use it.  (windows xp should run fine).  Linux is very efficient as a host OS so you're in a good place.00:13
sublim21oh.   did my full question not come through?00:13
astraljavamagpii: If you hit Alt+F2, and type avidemux there, will it open?00:13
Bsimsastraljava: Oh I found the repo with the problem... its http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu00:13
edbiansublim21: check out virtualbox it is free, in the repos, and easy to use00:14
coz_induz,   if it doesnt work with the front plug  see if there is an open usb plug in the rear of the system which would be directly connected to the motherboard00:14
astraljavasublim21: Caught off at "So what is the best thing to do? virtual mach"00:14
edbiansublim21: read what you wrote.00:14
coz_induz,  I have seen instances where the front side usb  for some reason isnt recognized for booting,, its rare but it happens00:14
magpiiastraljava: lol, another useful command learned. found it00:14
astraljavaBsims: Not a real surprise. Backports can do that, and when it's a PPA on top of that all...00:14
sublim21edbian: i wrote 'virtual machine or dual boot?'  at least that's what appears on my end.00:14
Bsimsastraljava: yeah I know shame on me00:15
bcessano, still getting the same error :(00:15
astraljavamagpii: Do you see menus on the top left corner? Applications, Places, System?00:15
edbiansublim21: Did you already install linux?  What OS did this machine come with??00:15
Bsimsastraljava: heh used to run Sid... so I'm kinda used to it00:15
coz_induz,  I have to break here ...sorry,, family matters,,, be back later,, I am sure someone here is far smarter than me and can work through this with you :)00:15
sublim21edbian: came with windows 7 'starter'00:15
astraljavabcessa: But you're still able to edit that file? Did you use visudo for that?00:15
edbiansublim21: Do you still have that installed?  Did you install linux?00:15
astraljavaBsims: Yeah, that gets... interesting quick. :)00:15
sublim21edbian: i wiped it clean.  partitioned it down the middle, and installed windows on one half,00:16
bcessasince I can get root privileges I'm not able to do it, I'm using a parallels panel to edit the file00:16
magpiiastraljava: yes i also found the menus editor and seeing if i can make it show through that00:16
bcessa*I can't00:16
sublim21and tried to install linux on the second partition, but i didn't understand the partition options at the time, so i installed ubuntu on the same partition as windows.     sorry for breaking it up like this00:16
induzcoz_, when i boot from USB i plug it on the back USB port00:16
induzcoz_, its ready to boot now...let me  reboot and i will get back asap00:16
induzcoz whn i boot I dont use the usb hub00:16
edbiansublim21: What do you mean wiped it clean?  You erased windows 7 then partitioned in 1/2 and installed windows 7?  Why?  What OS's are installed right now?  windows and linux? (because that is dual boot)00:16
astraljavabcessa: If you don't have the required privileges, the file won't be saved, so the changes won't come into effect. You need to boot into single-user mode.00:16
edbiansublim21: just read your second post.  I think I get it now.00:17
edbiansublim21: Remember to always start with my name if you're talking to me so I don't miss it.  No worries about breaking it up :)00:17
edbiansublim21: The partitioner can be confusing if you don't know what you're doing.00:17
sublim21edbian: yea.  it was.  : (00:17
bcessaactually the file is being saved since I access the parallels panel as the root user, looking at the single-user mode now00:17
sublim21edbian: but i'd like to start over now.  there's very little on it.00:18
astraljavabcessa: What's a parallels panel?00:18
edbiansublim21: So you wanna run windows and ubuntu.  Dual boot pros are that performance is maximized (you're not running two os's at the same time).  Con is that you are wasting space (each os needs free space)00:18
edbiansublim21: virtual machine is easier to set up and easier to remove.00:18
bcessais a virtual server so I guess is something like plesk or that kind of stuff00:18
ManDrake-Can anyone tell me how to get my install of Ubuntu 10.04 to recognize my floppy drive?00:18
sublim21edbian: and with a virtual machine i don't have to manually restart the computer correct?00:19
astraljavabcessa: Oh. And you get root privileges that way?00:19
edbiansublim21: that's right.  The virtual machine is just a program that runs in ubuntu (or windows if you do it the other way around)00:19
* Bsims laughs only got into Ubuntu as at the time sid was literaly uninstallable00:20
sublim21edbian: i'd rather have ubuntu be the 'master' os.00:20
edbianBsims: I think the only way to get Debian sid is to install stable and change the repos !00:20
* Bsims goes looking to see why my sshd isn't speaking to the outside world, router is speaking correctly, and dyndns ip is right00:21
sublim21edbian: it sounds like what i want to do is repartition it into all one drive, install ubuntu and a virtual with windows on it.  it was suggested before that virtual box is best.00:21
edbiansublim21: In a dual boot situation there is no 'master os'00:21
bcessaastraljava: no, I admin the server completely from the terminal, but now I can't run any admin stuff cause I'm getting that syntax error on the shudders file, I wan't to fix it so I can run root stuff again as usual, right now the only way to edit the file is using that crappy web-based panel00:21
Bsimsedbian: correct, though a prudent person dist-upgrades to testing first00:21
astraljavabcessa: If you truly have root privileges, then you won't need to boot into single-user mode. But you will have to tweak the file, because it's really strict about the syntax.00:21
edbiansublim21: You do not need a partition for virtual box / virtual machines. I suggest using the installer for ubuntu and choose the 'use whole disk' option.  If you would like to manually partition I can help you do that.  Partitioning right now (before using hte isntaller) is not necessary in either case00:22
astraljavabcessa: Okay. Did that crappy web-based panel also change that file in the first place?00:22
astraljavabcessa: What virtualization system are we talking about, here?00:22
edbianBsims: Debian sid isn't for the produent ;)00:22
bcessayes, I can edit the file, and is a virtuozzo system00:23
Bsimsedbian: nope but comes with a great warranty... it breaks you get to keep both halves00:24
edbianBsims: haha :)00:24
sublim21edbian: well i have half the disc space currnetly unpartitioned.  so i should start with that.  i would also like to remove the current version of windows i have installed on the machine.  So i think im going to go with wiping the whole thing and re-installing ubuntu along with a virtual box for windows00:24
Bsimsedbian: though report bugs helps with that00:24
Bsimsshows you bugs filed against the new version00:24
edbiansublim21: That's what I'm saying.  Just boot the installer and choose 'use the entire disc'  it will remove all your partitions and do Ubuntu's partition auto-matically00:24
edbiansublim21: I think there is no difference between that and what you're describing (except what you're describing is more work)00:25
sublim21edbian: sounds good man.  going to go start that after upgrading the ram on this little beast.  thanks for everything man00:25
GremlinIs there a recommended way of installing Gnome 3 on Lucid 10.04 LTS? I'd like to try it and then revert back if it does not work out. Also, what about Unity? Is there a recommended way to try that out?00:25
sublim21edbian: its not work when you strangely enjoy it :p00:25
edbiansublim21: sure00:25
edbiansublim21: computers are never work :)00:26
induzwow the USB worked now00:27
induzbut failed to get the iso via UNEBootin00:27
astraljavabcessa: Okay, seems like the colon and the second ALL aren't necessary. You can remove them, but there might be some whitespace errors or whatnot. I can't make them out from the pastebin entry, sorry.00:28
LABcrabHello people!  There are lines in my LibreOffice document that won't disappear!  No matter what!  Can someone help me get rid of them, please?00:28
bcessaastraljava thnx00:28
* Bsims doesn't know if anyone is intersted but here is my rsync script to back up to an external drive http://paste.ubuntu.com/657567/00:29
induzhow big is Linux Live in MB?00:29
ManDrake-I know this is a complete NooB question, but can anyone tell me how to get my install of Ubuntu 10.04 to recognize my floppy drive?00:29
astraljavabcessa: What version of ubuntu is this?00:29
induz I mean linux 549[??]00:29
BsimsManDrake-: should be /dev/fd100:29
Bsimser /dev/fd000:30
rosstaylorhow do you set up rotation background image in ubuntu 11.04?00:30
astraljavabcessa: I just tested it, and even as root, plain editing will result in a read-only instance of the file. Needed to use visudo.00:30
astraljavabcessa: I mean, are you sure the panel thingie can actually edit the file, and save it too?00:30
traskersI'm trying to figure out a way to keep my laptop lid closed but still have an image appear on my external monitor.00:30
BsimsManDrake-: I'd not be surprised to learn that udev doesn't speak to it anymore00:30
LABcrabHello people!  There are lines in my LibreOffice document that won't disappear!  No matter what!  Can someone help me get rid of them, please?00:31
bcessaastraljava: yes, I can also alter the permissions but then I get another related error00:31
astraljavainduz: Around 700MB, due to CD sizes.00:31
BsimsManDrake-: I can if needed show you how to manually set a fstab for it00:31
ManDrake-Bsims I'd really appreciate that00:31
Bsimsheh not a problem00:31
Bsimslook in /dev... see a fd0 listing if not we are going to have issues00:32
induzhow big is mint linux00:33
induzor ubuntu USB Live00:33
bcessaall I can think of is edit sshd_config to allow direct root access, reboot the server to restart the sshd process, enter as root and try a visudo to edit the file :o00:33
GodfiendWhat is a "symbol lookup error"?00:33
astraljavabcessa: Interesting, would like to see the errors. But you could try to mv that /etc/sudoers file aside, and create a new one from scratch, and include only the three lines, and see how it reacts.00:33
astraljavabcessa: Errr... two lines.00:34
BsimsManDrake-: got a /dev/fd0 listing?00:34
sneakyimpCan anyone tell me how I might determine which of my installed packages is responsible for a particular file or symlink?00:34
astraljavainduz: Again, Ubuntu Live, around 700MB, due to CD size limitation.00:34
astraljavasneakyimp: `dpkg -S </path/to/file(or)symlink>00:35
sneakyimpastraljava: THANKS!  so cool thank you.00:35
chocolatesSup fagz00:35
astraljavasneakyimp: Oops, without backticks.00:35
astraljava!language | chocolates00:36
ubottuchocolates: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:36
Bsimssneakyimp: dpkg -S WhatI_Want00:36
chocolatesA Freaking Awesome Guy is bad lagn? :(00:36
astraljavachocolates: Some people interpret the latter word differently.00:36
bcessaok, I'll try that as a last result, I'll make a new file entirely00:36
BsimsManDrake-: mind a PM if you arn't sure if you got the file?00:37
induzok, it should fit  in my 1gb USB00:37
induzI am just struggling to make it bootable first00:37
induzI have formatted it mahy times00:37
sneakyimphmm...problem with dpkg command...i'm trying to determine who's responsible for some dangling symlinks (e.g., /lib/udev/devices/sndstat) and the dpkg -S command fails with the symlink doesn't exist00:37
LABcrabHello people!  There are lines in my LibreOffice document that won't disappear!  No matter what!  Can someone help me get rid of them, please?00:37
induzlet me try once again with UNETBootin00:37
astraljavainduz: You don't have to make it bootable, if you created it with usb-creator or unetbootin00:37
induzastraljava, somehow the usb fails to boot with Linux on it00:38
sneakyimpBsims; thank you, but the dpkg command apparently only works if the symlink is a valid one.  i'm trying to find the reason for some dangling symlinks00:38
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astraljavaLABcrab: Did you try #libreoffice yet?00:39
* Bsims grins if its appartently cruft rename it via sudo mv lib/udev/devices/sndstat lib/udev/devices/sndstat.old and see what breaks... if nothing delete it00:39
astraljavainduz: Are you seeing any messages while it's trying to boot?00:39
astraljavasneakyimp: Might not work for symlinks then, as they're probably created at postinst. Maybe try with the file that the link is referring to?00:40
sneakyimpBims: ack.  very nervous about 'seeing if something breaks'.  this server not online yet ... it could take weeks to know if something broke00:40
astraljavasneakyimp: Sorry, didn't read the later line.00:40
induzastraljava, no....but I am trying it again with UNETbootin and Live usb Ubuntu00:41
astraljavasneakyimp: Then again, it should still show where it's pointing to. Try that instead of the link.00:41
BsimsI know but its the best idea00:41
sneakyimpastraljava: i was mistaken!  it does work on some symlinks, just not /lib/udev/devices/sndstat -- something weird about that symlink.00:41
Bsimscheck to see if you can update udev00:42
bcessano luck, even removing everything and just adding the root and user line I keep getting the same syntax error, I'll try rebooting and accessing directly as root via SSH and using visudo to edit the damn file00:43
astraljavasneakyimp: Umm... are you sure those are symlinks? They look like device nodes to me.00:44
tyler_dI am trying to install the nvidia drivers, however whenever I do x will not come back on, even after attempting to reconfigure via the grub failsafe mode.00:45
astraljavabcessa: If you have root logins enabled, you don't need to reboot. Rather, don't.00:45
lderhi, i have a subnet and set up a route to it and can ping back and forth from my main network fine but ssh and http connections just hang.  i am looking at logs and firewalls, etc.  anything obvious to verify?00:45
bcessaamazon :o I enter as root, and even using visudo I keep getting the same syntax error, what can I do now?00:45
bcessaoh, I'm getting a more useful message now, Converted from DOS format, now, how THAT happen :o00:47
astraljavabcessa: So, you're root, and you enter visudo, remove all the whitespaces, like go to the 'r' in root, hit backspace so that it moves to the line above it, press enter again, go to the end of the lines, make sure there are no whitespaces there, and save the file. Will it not complain about anything then?00:47
astraljavabcessa: I'd point my finger to the parallels panel (or whatever it is?)00:48
bcessadamn!!! I remove EVERYTHING from the file, add just: root ALL = (ALL) ALL and now I get >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 0 <<< ja00:49
bcessanow that's funny :)00:49
astraljavabcessa: It's corrupted somehow. Move it aside, and create a new one from scratch.00:50
bcessaquestion: If I remove entirely the /etc/sudoers file am I be able to run visudo and just create a new one?00:50
astraljavabcessa: Good question.00:50
somsipbcessa: maybe best to purge sudo and apt-get it again?00:50
astraljavabcessa: I'll need to try in a VM.00:51
cmannsanybody pxeboot install ubuntu before00:51
tyler_dI am trying to install the nvidia drivers, however whenever I do x will not come back on, even after attempting to reconfigure via the grub failsafe mode.00:52
in3ct0r_What are some great ppa's for ubuntu..? Right now i have the stardards?! Running ubuntu 10.04 LTS 300:53
bcessaVICTORY!!!!! :D00:54
astraljavabcessa: Nice. :) Well done.00:54
bcessaI delete the /etc/sudoers file and run visudo to create a new one00:54
astraljavain3ct0r_: Not going to recommend any of them, unless absolutely needed. There's no official support for them at all, aside from the author (possibly).00:55
astraljavabcessa: Okay good. Nice to know it works like that.00:55
joshlegshey, how do i make my panels so that windows that are running can be rearranged on the panel?00:56
somehello, are there any smaret ubuntubers here?00:57
joshlegsnone, some00:57
somewould you be one of the some josh?00:58
bcessathnx a TON! for your help and attention :D see you guys around00:58
joshlegslol nope00:58
joshlegsme dumbo00:58
joshlegsbut there are some smart fellas around here who can help00:58
joshlegsanyway, i got my question resolved already :P so see yall later00:58
astraljavaThat was somewhat funny, but still...01:00
astraljava!ask | some01:00
ubottusome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:00
someWell, if anyone who knows how to help me please respond.  I hate not being able to shutdown the computer due to other people still logged in ot leaving programs up.  so if there a way to shut down ubuntu even if other people are logged in and maybe even have programs running?  or a command to shut down all those programs?01:00
OmegaFortesome, Just type halt. That'll do it.01:00
somein the terminal?01:00
OmegaFortesome, Yeah. Should do it just fine,.01:01
somenot halt all just halt will close everything?01:01
OmegaFortesome, Halt is the shutdown command.01:01
someokay.  and it will shutdown weather there being programs running or people logged in?01:02
OmegaFortesome, It's got args, -f (Force) -p (Power-off) -w wtmp logged fake shut down(?) and --verbose.01:03
OmegaFortesome, I just use it as halt.01:03
ezrafreeeach time i restart i have to run gnome-panel & disown ...can anyone tell me how i can get this command to run each boot up?01:03
OmegaForteezrafree, I believe you can put that in the startup applications in system > preferences.01:04
ezrafreeOmegaForte: sorry, i already do have it there, but i guess something kills it or it doesn't start?01:05
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MKDrag0nbetween NVIDIA 173 and NOUVEAU 3D experimental, wich of them is better?01:05
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OmegaForteezrafree, Well, then try this ; http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/01:06
OmegaForteMKDrag0n, Why not the Nvidia 240 drivers?01:06
MKDrag0nbecause my card has problems with unity, wich can only be solved with these 2 drivers...its geforce go 7300...01:07
OmegaForteMKDrag0n, Do you want to use unity?01:07
MKDrag0nthat's why im asking, between these two, wich one is better?01:07
OmegaForteMKDrag0n, well, I can't help you. I don't do cellphone-esque UI's. I'd go with the latter.01:07
jodieWhats the word on the intel i7 in the dell working with ubuntu? Any one know?01:11
magpiican someone give me a link to a decent video encoder for ubuntu please?01:11
OmegaFortejodie, I'm running an i7 on the X58.01:11
magpiimy digital camera records in a wierd format and i need to convert it so i can edit the thing01:12
OmegaFortemagpii, What format is it?01:13
jodieWas looking at the alien 17x.. Appears it would make a good duel boot.. Windows7 and ubuntu01:14
magpiiit saves as a quick time video but when i open in avideux it comes up as a h.268 or something similar01:14
zachsplrAnyone know how to install adobe air on 64 bit 11.04 ubuntu?01:14
OmegaFortemagpii, It's m4v. You're gonna want to add this ppa. https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-releases01:14
jodiezachspir.. Goto software center and search for adobe01:15
zachsplrThat only show flash not air01:16
OmegaForteHey zachsplr, google is useful. http://get.adobe.com/air/thankyou/?installer=Adobe_AIR_2.6_for_Linux_(.deb)01:16
jodiezachspir.. goto adobe.com downloads.. Should be a .deb package there.01:16
clowerwebshould i make my user account root?01:19
OmegaForteclowerweb, No.01:19
zachsplrThe problem for me is after I install adobe air on my 64 bit ubuntu it does not load any .air applications. For example if I try to open any kind of .air installer with Air installed it does nothing.01:19
clowerwebi hate using sudo for everything though :/01:20
OmegaForteclowerweb, You'd still have to.01:20
zachsplrIt seems like the installation failed somewhere...01:20
clowerwebis there any way to not have to?01:20
OmegaForteclowerweb, Because the root account is locked. You could mess with your sudoers file...01:20
Doonzguys what application do i use to grow a drive from 9tb to 12tb?01:21
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Guest99816how do i set up a wireless connection on a laptop?01:21
OmegaForteGuest99816, Click the network icon in the upper right, and choose the access point, put in informations, ????? Profit!01:21
clowerwebGuest it didn't find drivers for your automatically?01:21
zachsplrclowerweb: I believe sudo passwd root will activate the root account. By logging into root account will not have to enter sudo command...01:22
magpiiomegaforte: thanks mate, job done01:22
* OerHeks never heard of 12tb drives01:22
OmegaFortemagpii, NO PROBALO!01:22
DoonzOerHeks thanx for your input01:22
OmegaForteOerHeks, I think he's using an iSCSI device.01:22
somsip_clowerweb: sudo -i01:22
induzis there any way i can have a whole of UBuntu on my usb stick like BartPE01:22
OerHeksDoonz LVM, RAID ?01:22
OmegaForteinduz, Yeah. Just set it as the install point.01:23
clowerwebsudo -i will activate root?01:23
somsip_clowerweb: it'll make the shell into an interactive shell with root 'permanently' in control, until you 'exit'01:23
Doonz12tb raw with 9th ext2 formatted01:23
induzI am l have downloaded the .iso and the USB boots to but...01:23
clowerwebah ok01:23
induzwhich version will fit into my 1 gb USB01:24
clowerwebi'm on kubuntu, so i can just enter that into the terminal in dolphin and it will have a root session until closed?01:24
OmegaForteinduz, Latest will work, but it'd be live mode. An install would bloat to fill that twice over.01:24
comfortsuiteswhats ubuntus equivalent of windows 'ipconfig'01:25
OmegaFortecomfortsuites, Like for what, dropping dhcp and such?01:25
induzand how can i install that on my usb01:25
somsip_(is one, but might not do everything you want)01:25
induzI am lloking for a standlaone linux to run from usb01:26
induzno instalation on HDD01:26
comfortsuiteshow do i see dns info01:26
pushpopI need to install several dependencies when I try to install one package what apt-get install arugement would i use to fore the install of all01:26
th0rcomfortsuites: cat /etc/resolv.conf01:26
magpiihow do i kill a frozen app?01:26
th0rcomfortsuites: and for the other ip info use ifconfig01:26
OmegaForteinduz, you'd be basically copying a live cd to the thumbstick. It'd run fine, but like a live cd. If you want a built distro, look for damnsmall linux, or google about for slimming ubuntu down.01:27
clowerwebok, so anyone have an idea why phpmyadmin is saying: #13 - Can't get stat of './test' (Errcode: 13) when trying to create a database?01:27
somsip_!xkill | magpii01:27
magpiiwhats the full path in terminal?01:27
OmegaForteYou'd be typing xkill01:27
somsip_magpii: should be in path...ah - good point OmegaForte01:27
OmegaFortemagpii, After you type xkill, it'll let you click one application, and it will sack it.01:27
magpiiok cheers amigos01:28
clowerweblooks like error 13 is a permissions error01:28
clowerweblogged into phpmyadmin under root, so that shouldn't happen01:28
OmegaForteUgh god..01:28
OmegaForteWhat are you doing..01:29
OmegaForteclowerweb, What are you trying to do?01:29
somsip_clowerweb: phpmyadmin only has www-data permissions. root is the db user01:29
clowerwebtrying to create a database in phpmyadmin01:29
OmegaForteI'm done.01:29
clowerwebso do i have to change folder perms in the filesystem somewhere?01:29
OmegaForteAnyone has issues, let me know.01:29
somsip_clowerweb: it owuld be worth checking that, yes.01:30
Od3ncan anyone help me out with a question01:34
ObamaOd3n: Don't ask to ask, just ask your question, if someone knows they will answer.01:34
Od3nhaving issue's booting up in ubuntu01:34
OmegaForteDon't ask to ask questions.01:34
itch_Hello ppl. Does anyone know what exactly needs to be done in order to have my trackpoint thinghie show up on gpointing-devices-settings ?01:34
Luig1Hi there. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm wondering if there's some way to install Xfce 4.8 through apt01:35
Od3nso I boot up and it give me a few options 2 of which are recovery options01:35
OmegaForteOd3n, Okay, that's normal.01:35
jodieluig1.. do aptitude search xfce01:36
Od3nwell sort of cause what it really do is just boot up for the most part01:36
Od3nso I pick recovery and it loads then I just get stuck with (initramfs)01:37
magpiiwow. handbrake is awesome. took me ages on adobe premier, this is like a woodpecker on speed01:37
Luig1Well jodie, I'm using Xfce 4.6.2 right now, but that seems to be the latest version in the repositories I have01:37
OmegaFortemagpii, Get used to it. Linux is far superior.01:38
magpiiomegaforte: indeed. i am still a bit green with the system but its rocking so far01:38
OmegaFortemagpii, All of my windows games (Killing Floor, BC2, others) perform far better in linux than they do in windows. I've seen average gains of 20% in decreased load times and better speed.01:38
seanmc98can someone help me set up ADB in ubuntu 11.04 please01:39
clowerwebah sweet, got it, thanks01:39
OmegaForteseanmc98, ADP?01:39
somsip_clowerweb: cool01:39
magpiiomegaforte: unfortunatly i cannot get wine to work on this computer, otherwise i would jack bill gates and install ubuntu on my pc01:39
seanmc98OmegaForte, whats ADP?01:39
haryvWhich part of the ubuntu team is responsible for the seamless integration of the graphical package manager in ubuntu?01:39
haryvTrying to install a app and getting memory share issues01:40
clowerwebsudo dolphin and changed perms on /var/mysql to 777 (is that a good thing? it's not production though..)01:40
OmegaForteseanmc98, Sorry, I don't know what you wanted. ADB, Sorry, miskey.01:40
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OmegaForteseanmc98, I don't know what ADB is; but if you tell me, I'll give it a shot.01:40
Od3nanyone know what that would be?01:40
seanmc98android debugging bridge01:40
OmegaForteseanmc98, Alright, I'll give it a shot. hang around.01:40
witesharkearlier i posted issues about wireless connection - the solution was to find the wireless card manufacturer package in synaptic package manager and mark + install01:40
seanmc98i was following the guide here http://board.teamwhiskey.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=123401:41
seanmc98howere i am stumped when it says to let drivers see phone. i though linux didnt use drivers01:41
grmrgeckoI have a server and I need to upgrade it to Ubuntu 10.10. It gives me a warning over VNC not to do it via ssh. So would it be dangerous if I was to install screen and upgrade?01:41
OmegaForteseanmc98, Not making an account to view a forum post.01:41
seanmc98oh yes that part is stupid sorry01:42
seanmc98OmegaForte, PM?01:42
tyler_dhave an Acer TravelMate 8572 and for the life of me cannot get the screen in xorg.conf to show up when I reboot with it... help please01:42
magpiiomegaforte: which wine package do i need to install from symantic? theres a whole list of them01:42
somsip_seanmc98: I got ADB working fine, but didn't try with connnected to phone - just on emulator. Try here? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=11823740#post1182374001:42
OmegaFortemagpii, Hang on kiddo. I need to do something first.01:42
magpiiomegaforte: no problemo01:43
OmegaForteseanmc98, Well, if it seems to work, try it.01:43
OmegaFortemagpii, You got choices. Wine suffers regressions time and again, so there's stable builds, and beta builds. I'm running 1.2.2 right now.01:43
grmrgeckoI see that and can follow it01:43
grmrgeckohowever, if I was to do this would my site go down until I contact and admin at the server place to reinstall?01:44
magpiiomegafort: is that the one in the list that reads something like microshite compatability layer meta package?01:45
Od3nso this issue I am having with initramfs is it something that can be saved or am I going to have to reinstalled Ubuntu01:45
OmegaFortemagpii, easiest way to do it is to install winetricks. It'll install the stable build it's made for.01:45
* mendred has gone fishing: Gone away for now01:45
magpiiomegaforte: ok, will try that01:45
galamarHello all. I have a hauppauge itvc16 card and I can not figure out how to make it work with the video programs I have install (mythtv, kaffeine, and many others.) the card is detected and I can use it with a program called "kamoso" which is for my webcam (I think this is weird). I think the problem is my card doesn't show up in the expected location but I'm not sure. Kamoso uses it at /dev/video33 the other apps look for it in /dev/video001:46
galamarbut that is my webcam??? and I cannot redirect the apps default location settings. I am lost.01:46
TasteOfFaithhi guys, ive been reading up on running ftp on ubuntu, so far ive set the server up, allowed anon access and given myself ownership of the /srv and /srv/ftp but how do i go about creating and giving permissions to new users?thanks in advance01:47
magpiiomegaforte: when i type your name, do u get the message with my name in red?01:47
OmegaFortemagpii, No, it's in gold for me, because i'm using xchat.01:47
OmegaForteDangit dale...Back in 2 minutes.01:47
magpiiomegaforte: ok thats cool, at least i know i am using proper chat commands01:48
bsmith093im getting " a problem occurred while checking for updates" nearly every single time i check01:48
bsmith093thats all though, no problems applying them, but how do i flush the repos completely, and redownload them01:48
OmegaForteOkay, that was faster than I thought.01:49
magpiiomegaforte: is xchat better? i keep having to retype your name whenever i want to message you personally01:49
lsvis it normal if iwconfig shows wifi0 and wlan0 but I only have one wireless card?01:50
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:50
OmegaFortemagpii, Just hit tab. Autocomplete works in linux, typically global.01:50
clowerweb@bsmith093 - does it say something is locked when you click on details after it fails?01:50
magpiiOmegaForte: ahh lol, thats miles better01:50
bsmith093no it doenst01:50
OmegaFortemagpii, Innit though?01:50
clowerwebhave you tried killing any applications that might be using Apt?01:51
magpiiOmegaForte: i have been on the ubuntu train about 5 months now. i dont manage to do too much with it due to work01:51
magpiiOmegaForte: got a week off for uni so making up for lost time and learning stuff01:51
Od3ndoes anyone know if I will need a live cd to fix this initramfs  issue I am having01:51
OmegaFortemagpii, I've been using *nix since 99.01:52
bsmith093clowerweb: how would i do thwt01:52
magpiiOmegaForte:  lol, oldskool rules. i was a bill gates bitch till i decided my hardware was too important to let some cheap ass software ruin it01:53
OmegaFortemagpii, Yeah. I've got wifi cards that have been dropped from support, and I need them.01:53
Grey_Kingsup everyone, can anyone help me with some basic sed usage?01:53
OmegaForteGrey_King, Don't ask to ask. Just ask the question homes!01:54
Grey_KingOmegaForte, I'll remember that01:54
clowerwebbsmith093: try killall -w aptget01:54
Grey_KingI'm trying to read a file and replace all spaces with newlines01:54
Grey_KingI'm trying something along the lines of01:54
magpiiOmegaForte:  thats the only problem with computer tech, the hardware the pace of upgrades can leave good tech behind sometimes01:54
Grey_Kingcat passwd | sed s/' '/\n/01:54
Grey_Kingbut no luck01:55
bsmith093clowerweb:  no process found01:55
Grey_KingI know I'm probably miles off01:55
OmegaFortemagpii, Totally. I need my ultra powered wifi. I need my distributed networking powers.01:55
Grey_KingI've never used sed before01:55
magpiiOmegaForte: ok, i installed winetricks but its not in any menu area, where is the default install location?01:55
clowerwebbsmith093 try system monitor -> processes and see if anything is using the apt process01:55
OmegaFortemagpii, Don't install it through synaptic.01:55
somsip_Grey_King: i'm no expert, but http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/107252-how-replace-new-line-n-space-tab-sed.html01:56
OmegaFortemagpii, Install it through the Ubuntu package manager.01:56
Grey_Kingthanks somsip_01:56
Grey_Kingchecking it out now01:56
bsmith093apt is not listed01:56
clowerwebtry restarting maybe?01:56
somsip_Grey_King: actually, that's not a good link, but loads of results on google01:56
grafthi, what's a good svg editor besides inkscape?01:56
OmegaFortegraft, GIMP./01:57
magpiiOmegaForte: i installed through the synaptic package manager in the ubuntu menu01:57
graftOmegaForte: GIMP edits SVG?01:57
magpiiOmegaForte:  where is the ububtu one?01:57
OmegaFortegraft, Gimp edits everything.01:57
OmegaFortemagpii, It's the last entry in the applications list. I think the one you used.01:57
clowerwebgraft: or you could virtualbox windows and use illustrator :P01:57
clowerwebor try installing via wine01:58
OmegaForteclowerweb, Yeah, basically requiring you to pay for software.01:58
semeionOmegaForte: svg is vector01:58
semeionOmegaForte: try inkscape for it01:58
OmegaFortesemeion, Yeah, I know.01:58
clowerwebtrue, but it's an option :P01:58
magpiiOmegaForte:  ahh, the ubuntu software centre?01:58
OmegaFortesemeion, But I use gimp for everything. It even does SVG's, PDF's, PSD's, whatever I put in it, it uses. So, I don't muck about with inkscape.01:58
graftOmegaForte: err, this just rasterizes the SVG, poorly01:58
OmegaFortegraft, I've had no issues with it.01:59
graftclowerweb: yeah, that's something i'd rather avoid01:59
graftOmegaForte: what's the point of an SVG editor that doesn't let you do vector editing?01:59
magpiiOmegaForte:  in the software center it says its installed01:59
Grey_Kingsomsip_, got it01:59
clowerwebgraft: me too, unfortunately i have to use Photoshop for work, but i just run windows 7 in virtualbox with PS, works quite well01:59
Grey_Kingsomsip_, cat passwd | sed -e 's/\s/\n/g'01:59
somsip_Grey_King: cool - glad you worked it out. Regex often makes me weep...02:00
OmegaForteDoes anyone miss Chevvy Chase...?02:00
Grey_Kingsomsip_ agreed02:01
plasticwidowHi, I could use some help with installing Ubuntu 11.4 over a previous distro on a computer that also has Windows XP02:01
OmegaForteplasticwidow, Easy. Use the guided install from the disc, and choose the previous linux install by choosing the drive that has ext3, or ext4.02:02
graftplasticwidow: is the previous distro on its own partition?02:02
plasticwidowits on its own harddisk, when I try to use the install guide, it tries to put it on a partition with the Windows XP02:03
OmegaForteplasticwidow, It also allows you to to choose to simply replace the previous linux distro.02:03
plasticwidowthere's no option to replace it02:03
magpiiis the xp partition the full drive?02:03
plasticwidowits two out of three drives02:03
plasticwidowthe third drive was the linux distro02:03
=== aron is now known as Guest57685
clowerweblook for the drive with the ext partition and install it there02:04
graftplasticwidow: and the installer doesn't let you select that drive to install?02:04
clowerwebthe fat32/ntfs partition(s) are windows02:04
Guest57685im trying to watch a movie in parole but it says cant initialise xv output. any idea what this means?02:04
plasticwidowwe're going back to the screen that's reading the disk info02:05
plasticwidowsorry... we're new to ubuntu/linux02:05
graftGuest57685: try using a different video driver02:05
magpiisame here, still finding my way around02:05
clowerwebme too02:05
plasticwidowthe message we get:  no root file system is defined, please correct this from the partitioning menu02:06
plasticwidowthis is where we are lost02:06
Guest57685graft: like what?02:06
plasticwidowthe old one had grub and taht worked just fine02:06
plasticwidowwe wanted to install over the old grub system, the new version. a clean full install02:06
clowerwebplasticwindow: they all have grub, select the partition with the ext filesystem, that's the old distro, and install it there02:06
magpiinot sure about the partition side of install.02:06
plasticwidowand we get that error message about the root file system02:06
graftGuest57685: hmm, parole doesn't seem to let you select that... are you wedded to that? I prefer SMPlayer02:07
plasticwidowwhen he does that we get the no root system is defined, please correct this from the partitioning menu02:07
plasticwidowwe're not sure what to do02:07
magpiiif your patient enough, i am sure someone on here may be able to help you out02:07
clowerwebi think you have to select a mount point02:07
plasticwidowthe only options it gives us for anything on that disk is change, delete, revert02:07
magpiihave you tried typing the error message in google?02:07
clowerwebor it might be called boot something02:08
galamarIs there a better place to get help with tvcards?02:08
clowerwebyou would select /02:08
arooni-mobileubuntu 11.04 does not recognize my casio digital camera when i plug it in.... any ideas on how to fix?02:08
plasticwidowok, we'll look up in google02:08
graftplasticwidow: can you describe the steps you go through?02:09
clowerwebthat's probably the best idea because it's hard to remember all the install screens to recall how to do it02:09
magpiigoogle isnt the best option, though it is an option while you wait and see if someone has the time to help on here02:09
clowerwebyeah you need someone who remembers the install screens and options lol02:10
Guest57685graft: I tried to install mplayer and it says its installed but i cant find it. yhis is a fresh install02:10
magpiiif you type the message in google, chances are you will stumble across a forum post aabout it02:10
graftGuest57685: mplayer is the command-line program... SMPlayer is a nice front-end for that02:10
Guest57685graft: how to get it?02:11
graftGuest57685: should be in the ubuntu software center02:11
plasticwidowsteps:  we place the 11.04 distro on USB, it boots up from USB, and I choose the install Ubuntu 11.04 install, it offers some options, having detected I have another O/S installed, I choose install alongside, it wants to put it apparently in the Windows C drive, previously I had another drive for my earlier Ubuntu.  When I go to the allocate drive space I can see the EXT3 extention where it02:12
plasticwidowshould be on my 250 gig drive.  When I choose install now, I get the message: no root file system is defined, please correct this from the partitioning menu02:12
magpiiclowerweb: keep typing your query in here periodically as you also search google, someone may have the answer but may be afk on here02:12
plasticwidowit shows two partitions on the /sda  .. ext 3 ... and the swap02:12
OmegaForteplasticwidow, Just use that drive.02:12
plasticwidowwe tried to use that drive, and it says no root file system defined, please correct this from the partioning menu, it won't allow us to use it without doing that02:13
plasticwidowand we don't know how to do that02:13
plasticwidowshould we delete the ext3 and swap partitions?  and change it to mount?  or .. ext4 journaling file system .. mount point?02:14
plasticwidowand what should the mount point be?02:14
OmegaForteplasticwidow, /02:14
plasticwidowok, so change t5hat to ext4?02:15
plasticwidowwe want to format the partition02:15
plasticwidowand what should the mount point be?02:15
OmegaForteplasticwidow, I just told you, /02:15
magpiicigarettes, flask of coffee and my ubuntu making sweet love to my laptop. life is peechy02:15
plasticwidowslash couple spaces slash boot, couple spaces, slash home or one of the others?02:15
magpiiok, slight issue, when i click on the wine program, it does nothing. any ideas?02:16
=== FIXEDMYNAS is now known as KM0201
plasticwidowok, apparently it wants a mount point I guess, and I guess /boot or /home?02:17
plasticwidowdoes it matter?02:17
somsip_plasticwidow: / one slash root02:17
plasticwidowit comes with the pull down menu does not offer / root02:18
OmegaForteHome then02:18
graftplasticwidow: he means '/', not '/root'02:18
plasticwidowso just forward slash02:18
magpiiplasticwidow: to message someone personally, begin typing the first letters of their user name and then click the tab button. saves time and stops your message coming up in general chat02:18
plasticwidowand just leave the swap partition file alone?02:18
plasticwidowok, sorry.. lol02:19
clowerwebmagpii: i didn't have any open questions :P02:19
plasticwidowooo.. it seems to be working, many many thank you's !!!!!!! ... I give everyone free internets!!!!  tnx  :)02:20
magpiiplasticwidow: lol, it just stops people seeing you replying to a personal message in genral chat, looks like your talking to yourself lol02:20
somsip_plasticwidow: (yeah - single slash, sorry for ambiguity)02:20
plasticwidowlol.... ah well, not the first time  :)  I'll remember next time to pm  :)02:20
airtonixhad a situation this morninng on a ubuntu 11.04 machine using classic desktop and libreoffice... colleague reported they couldn't open documents, i arrive and a ps -fe | grep libreoffice reported 20 odd sleeping instances of the splash binary and a libreoffice binary.02:20
OmegaFortemagpii, So, what's up anyway. Wine not working for you? you sure it's installed? It should have made another entry in the application list.02:20
plasticwidowis ok somsip  :)  not a problem  :)  you all were great.. ty again.. i'm signing off  :)  sorry we so virgin at this  :)02:21
magpiiOmegaForte:  I have it installed, when i first tried it, the blue screen came up with the boxed message in the middle, then it went off. i tried again and it did nothing02:22
OmegaFortemagpii, what are you trying to run, anyway?02:22
magpiiOmegaForte: i had this issue when i first came to ubuntu, something about the 3d graphics but i cant remember how to resolve it02:22
OmegaFortemagpii, By installing your gpu drivers.02:22
magpiiOmegaForte: i was wanting to run quake 4 or unreal to pass the time02:22
OmegaFortemagpii, and running wineconfig.02:22
Od3nanyone know how to fix a initramfs issue02:23
magpiihow do i install the gpu drivers?02:23
OmegaFortemagpii, And check your settings. Then, go to appdb.winehq.org and check your choice.02:23
OmegaFortemagpii, You've got your gpu drivers installed for linux, right?02:23
magpiiOmegaForte: not sure, do u know the command to find out? i was shown before but since lost the text file i saved the command in02:24
OmegaFortemagpii, I can square it up for you. Catch me in a PM and we'll sort it out, hopefully over VNC.02:24
magpiiOmegaForte: how do i do pm?02:25
OmegaFortemagpii, /msg OmegaForte02:25
JuJuBee_How can I share via exports a partition that is ntfs formatted?02:28
DocfxitI ran out of room on Ubuntu gnome.  What command can I use to change direcory.  cd doesn't work.02:36
graftDocfxit: what do you mean, cd doesn't work?02:37
DocfxitWhen I put CD \etc I get an error saying -bash: CD: command not found02:38
graftDocfxit: lower-case02:38
InfernetDocfxit: cd /etc with out caps02:38
graftDocfxit: linux is case-sensitive02:38
graftDocfxit: also, don't delete anything in /etc02:39
DocfxitWhen I put in cd \etc in lower case it comes back with -bash: CD: command not found    Exactly as I have typed it.  I type it in in lower case.02:40
graftDocfxit: should be /etc, not \etc02:41
DocfxitI am in root@UbuntuAsterisk:~#02:41
graftDocfxit: and i suspect what it said the second time is bash: cd: etc: No such file or directory02:41
coz_Docfxit,   cd /etc  not  cd \etc02:41
KM0201whya re you logged in as root anyway?02:42
coz_Docfxit,  are you coming from windows ?02:42
DocfxitSorry.  I tried cd /etc in lower case and it comes back with -bash: CD: command not found02:43
coz_Docfxit,  are you logged in as root?02:43
coz_Docfxit,  type  exit02:43
coz_Docfxit,   then try cd /etc02:43
DocfxitI typed exit.  Now I'm not logged in as root.   I tried cd /etc in lower case and it comes back with -bash: CD: command not found02:44
graftwhere the heck is that dash coming from?02:44
voglsterDocfxit, lowercase02:44
KM0201voglster: he says he is lowercase.02:45
coz_Docfxit,  ok let me ask ,, have you been using root  for a time including installing and uninstalling and making settings changes?02:45
DocfxitEverything I type in is in lowercase.02:45
voglsterKM0201, i just noticed :-(02:45
KM0201coz_: BINGO!!!02:45
Docfxitcoz_   No.02:45
KM0201yeah right.02:45
graftthat woldn't do anything anyway, cd is a shell built-in02:46
coz_Docfxit,   what it sounds like might be happening ,, because of being logged in as root,, is that you may have screwed with permissions02:46
InfernetDocfxit: sudo cd /etc02:46
voglsterhow did Docfxit become root? sudo bash -i02:46
graftunless he rewrote the bash executable, there's no way to destroy it02:46
KM0201voglster: sudo -i   is the most acceptable way02:46
KM0201but you have some people who sudo su - and set a root password, etc.. (which is not supported)02:46
=== Help is now known as Guest92493
pythonirc101is there any tool in ubuntu that lets me administer 10 or more fedora machines using one shell? I dont want to ssh to each and execute commands. I was tyring mussh, any other recommendations?02:46
DocfxitI became root with sudo -i02:47
=== Guest92493 is now known as Blair
DocfxitAfter the cd didn't work.02:47
voglsterDocfxit, but cd works fine in root?02:47
DocfxitNow when I type sudo cd (in lower case) I press the space bar and the cd changes to CD.02:47
KM0201Docfxit: dunno, i cd into /etc w/o issue.02:47
graftpythonirc101: how are you going to administer a machine without logging into it?02:47
pythonirc101graft: I need ssh login02:48
pythonirc101graft: just that i dont want to do it one by one02:48
voglsterDocfxit, rewrite you bash profile from skel?02:48
Docfxitvoglster  How can I do that?02:48
graftpythonirc101: seems like mussh would do just that...?02:48
Blair can someone please give me some quick advice?02:49
Blair<Blair> I am trying to make a windows 7 bootable usb from ubuntu 10.1002:49
Blair<Blair> and unetbootin creates it from the iso02:49
Blair<Blair> but when I try to boot from it, the bootloader shows nothing.02:49
Blair<Blair> what step am I missing out? ive tried it like 10 times02:49
FloodBot1Blair: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Blairsorry my apologies02:49
pythonirc101graft: for some reason i'm having ssh key issued with mussh02:49
pythonirc101I can login without any password but mussh tells me some Active key error02:49
KM0201Blair: you cannot put a Win 7 ISO, ona  thumb drive, w/ Unetbootin, that will never work, you need to google some different tools02:50
voglsterDocfxit, quick and dirty... grab .bashrc from /root/ and put it in your home directory... change permissions on it so you own it...02:50
voglsterDocfxit, you wont see any changes until you login on another shell02:50
voglsterBlair, you need to use the window bootloader to do something like that.. there are plenty of guides for that02:51
graftpythonirc101: seems like you could just write a shell script to do this yourself... i assume you have all your hosts set up with password-less keys02:51
BlairVoglster: I cant find anything that i havent tried. a possible link to one i might have missed?02:52
CerrdorOk wierd question is there a way to have the terminal display what program is running in it and not say "Terminal" at the top?02:52
Docfxitvoglster, Maybe i should just re-boot the machine.02:52
slack-m5v5 scrim now! pm me02:52
Cerrdorlike it would say "Netstat" or "Whatever"02:52
voglsterslack-m, wrong channel ;-)02:52
KM0201Blair: i can guarantee you, any "linux tool" (unetbootin, pen drive linux, etc..) will be a total waste of time.02:52
BlairKM0201: I have done it with unetbootin from windows, and it can be done with linux i just cant find how02:52
Docfxitvoglster.  I'm afraid that if I reboot with zero space it might not start back up.02:52
voglsterDocfxit, couldnt hurt02:52
voglsterDocfxit, you have zero space?02:53
slack-mvoglster, holy shit02:53
KM0201Blair: you put a Windows ISO, onto a thumb drive, w/ Unetbootin?.. sorry, i call massive shenannigans w/ that one02:53
slack-mi forgot again02:53
Docfxitvoglster, yes.02:53
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voglsterDocfxit, delete something?02:53
BlairKM0201: Yes I have then run a program syslinux.exe after on windows02:53
Cerrdorcan I run php scripts from terminal?02:53
BlairKM0201: just trying to get a linux one working02:53
somsip_Cerrdor: php {scriptname}02:54
CerrdorI thought so02:54
Docfxitvoglster, I'd like to.  That is why I was trying to cd to a folder I could delete files in.02:54
voglsterjust rm /blah/blah/file02:54
BlairKM0201: with windows you run it through command02:54
Cerrdorok second question is there a way to get files to show up one color directories another etc in the terminal?02:54
KM0201Docfxit: if you're that tight for space, why not just reinstall, and clear up some more space?.. (or spend a LOT of time w/a  partition editor)02:55
w30Blair, have you got a windows iso?02:55
Blairw30: yes02:55
PlanckWalkWhen copying data DVDs with K3B and verifying, it looks like it verifies the N'th copy N times.  Not good when copying a given disk 40 times.02:55
voglsterPlanckWalk, stop verifying ;-)02:55
PlanckWalkYeah, that's the workaround I'm using :-/02:56
w30Blair,  Usb-creator will make a bootable flash drive from any bootable cd iso02:56
PlanckWalkI didn't notice at first since the DVD only has about 900 MB of data on it, and so it goes fairly fast.02:56
coz_Docfxit,   you can also do  gksudo nautilus and delete , drag and drop,,etc  right from nautilus02:56
PlanckWalkBut by the 5th copy it was getting pretty slow.02:57
Blairw30: is it in the repositories?02:57
w30Blair, yes and you can get up to 4gig (depends on flash drive size) configuration space.02:58
Blairw30: thats to make ubuntu from windows, i need to make windows from ubuntu02:58
Docfxitcoz_, When I gksudo nautilus I get a message saying: Failed to run nautilus as user root.  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.02:58
coz_Docfxit,   you have permissions issues then02:59
Cerrdorok second question is there a way to get files to show up one color directories another etc in the terminal?02:59
w30Blair, usb-creator is a linux (ubuntu) app that makes bootable flash drives from a bootable iso, either mac,windows,ubuntu, fedora whatever02:59
th0rCerrdor: there is a colour option for ls, or at least there used to be. Check the man page03:00
graftdon't run nautilus as root03:00
graftthat's a terrible idea03:00
KM0201w30: hmm, i've tried to make w bootable windows usb w/ that tool (XP) and it failed03:00
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graftCerrdor: by default ls should show in color....?03:00
Lasersgraft: Nope.03:00
Blairw30: ok ill download it now and give that a shot03:00
graftCerrdor: but ls --color=auto03:01
Cerrdorhow can I make it always show colors?03:01
graftCerrdor: put alias ls='ls --color=auto' in your ~/.bashrc03:01
DocfxitKM0201, I can't re-install.  The machine is running a phone system live.  If anything doesn't work the company has no phones.  I am working on building another updated system with more space.03:02
somsip_Cerrdor: normally already added to .bashrc, but add this if not: alias ls='ls -h --color=auto'03:02
th0rCerrdor: ls --color=always03:02
KM0201Docfxit: sounds like quite a predicament03:02
Blairw30: for some reason the download page on the website isnt working properly for me, any chance you could get the direct link and paste it for me to download from there?03:02
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w30Blair, the iso has to be from a bootable cd though not just copy files from cd. an iso is one file (just saying)03:03
Blairw30: yeah i know that part lol03:03
somsip_Docfxit: could you sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.gz ? If there's nothing critical likely to be in there03:03
args[0]hi how can I save an alias? I did the alias command but doesnt get saved when disconnecting from ssh03:04
somsip_args[0]: put it in .bashrc03:04
w30Blair, it's in the Ubuntu repos just search for usb-creator03:04
tripelbWhat is up 10.04 with the various themes. I want what I see as the "regular" icons on the panel and whatever happened to the controls being on one side. They switch with the theme. And for some themes all 3 are black dots. This is silly at best.03:04
w30tripelb, that is what a theme is; mucking with the default to ones (author) taste03:06
tripelbWhat does it mean when it says that booting up did not unlock my keyring and I need to put in my password.03:06
Blairw30: ah found it, thank you heaps, ill let you know how i get on03:06
NorthernenWhen shrinking an ext4 partition, is there are a way to make certain that no data is lost in the process?03:07
seanmc98guy whats sox?03:07
tripelbw30 (not wd40) I'd like to use the default but I dont know what it is.03:07
tripelbsex misspelled03:07
th0rseanmc98: a sound toolkit03:07
w30tripelb, you can order your close,max, minimize any way you want by editing a gconfig file03:07
seanmc98well i am trying to set up apk-manager and i get this03:07
seclm193hey all03:07
seanmc98sean@ubuntu:~$ cd /home/sean/apk-manager03:08
seanmc98sean@ubuntu:~/apk-manager$ Chmod 755 Script.sh03:08
seanmc98No command 'Chmod' found, did you mean:03:08
seanmc98 Command 'chmod' from package 'coreutils' (main)03:08
seanmc98Chmod: command not found03:08
FloodBot1seanmc98: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
coz_seanmc98,    http://sox.sourceforge.net/03:08
seanmc98sean@ubuntu:~/apk-manager$ chmod 755 Script.sh03:08
Northernenseanh, bash is case-sensitive. Its chmod, not Chmod.03:08
tripelbw30 OK where do I find this file please?  (tripelb is both smart and dumb)03:08
Northernenseanmc98, *03:08
tripelbw30 AND if I didnt have you to ask how could I find out where that file is _on my own_?03:09
* tripelb loves to not need to ask.03:09
Cerrdorwhen using apt-get if I use -r doesnt it pass those "Do you want to install y/n" question03:09
* tripelb loves not to need to ask. (grammar correction)03:10
graftCerrdor: -y does that03:10
Cerrdorthats the one03:10
Cerrdorwhere is this .bashrc file?03:11
Cerrdorsudo gedit ~.bashrc03:11
somsip_Cerrdor: ~/03:11
graftCerrdor: ~/.bashrc03:11
somsip_Cerrdor: cd; vi .bashrc03:11
graftCerrdor: ~ being your home directory03:11
Blairw30: that program isnt loading the iso file where as unetbootin was loading the iso03:12
Blairw30: just not loading the bootloader03:12
Docfxitsomsip, What is in the files /var/log/*.gz03:13
somsip_Docfxit: previous days old logs03:13
NorthernenWhen shrinking an ext4 partition, is there are a way to make certain that no data is lost in the process?03:13
somsip_Docfxit: if you know what services you're running you could be selective and just rm, say, mysql*.gz03:13
Docfxitsomsip_, Thanks.  I don't see why I would need any logs.  Especially old ones.03:14
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somsipDocfxit: well if they're not important, it could clear some drive space so you can do...something more than you can now. With what you say, it could be you have excess undeleted logs03:15
tripelbNorthernen, I have that question but I didnt state it as techie as you did and I got ignored time and again. Please tell me with my nick in the line when you get a good answer. Much thanks.03:16
Cerrdor.bashrc keeps bringing up an empty file03:16
Cerrdormaybe thats why nothing is in color03:17
LoshkiNorthernen: the same way we've always done it. By having a complete backup of the data 'just in case'....03:17
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NorthernenWill do, tripelb.03:18
w30Blair, the program actually  makes a mbr on the flash drive not just copying the iso to it. 2 different things one boots the other don't\03:18
NorthernenLoshki, aye, I intend to do so, but I would rather have to do a full recovery.03:18
MoMoQuestion: what file do i edit -- run commands on boot before anyone logs in?03:18
somsipMoMo: /etc/rc.local03:19
Blairw30: i still cant find the program, can you get me a link please03:19
graftCerrdor: cp ~root/.bashrc ~/03:19
Blairw30: its not in my repository03:19
aibrahimi have installed archlinux on /dev/sda8 and then install ubuntu with grub2 on /dev/sda7, grub2 add two lines for archlinux but with the name ubuntu 6.38 on /dev/sda8 and when i proceed with it i got ubuntu not archlinux03:20
aibrahimhow can i fix that or how cn i add another linux system with grub203:20
Cerrdorcp: cannot stat `/root/.bashrc': No such file or directory03:20
somsipCerrdor: truy copying from /etc/skel03:21
aibrahimplease can anyone help me03:21
Cerrdorcp: cannot stat `/home/phr34k/etc/skel/.bashrc': No such file or directory03:22
magn3tsHi, I'd like to reset the permissions of my home directory to safe, reasonable defaults, but I'm not sure what to do so that I won't upset things that use locks, etc, as hidden files in my home directory.03:22
magn3tsAlso, I'd like to prevent others from being able to read my files in my home dir.03:22
w30Blair, its called usb-creator-common and usb-creator-gtk. when you choose usb-creator-gtk it adds usb-creator-common03:22
Docfxitsomsip, I ran rm -rf /var/log/*.gz  Double Commander didn't show any more available space even though it deleted a lot of files.  Disk usage analyzer shows 202.8 gb available.03:23
somsipDocfxit: so when you say you have no space, what is telling you that?03:23
Blairw30: that isnt loading the iso when i select it03:23
Cerrdorshould I use this one? /etc/bashrc03:24
Northernenaibrahim, need to edit grub config. Shouldnt be a problem.03:24
Blairw30: It shows up, i click open, but then it doesnt load it03:24
w30Blair, have you got your flash drive stuck into the usb port?03:24
WinCamXPI was kinda bored, so I came here.03:25
somsipCerrdor: If you mean /etc/bash.bashrc, I hink that's system wide that then calls .bashrc in /home/user. Do you not have /etc/skel/.bashrc?03:25
WinCamXPI just finished getting Ubuntu installed on my Floridian friend's laptop03:26
itrebalI installed Debian server, but for various reasons I need to switch to Ubuntu server. I'm successfully booting off of a ubuntu-server USB key, but it seems to just drop me back into the Debian bootloader. Is this common behavior? or is it likely I've messed something else up along the line? Also, how would I go about booting to the live-"CD"03:26
WinCamXPhe's not a techy person, but he likes it because it's really fast and visually appealing03:26
Cerrdorcp: cannot stat `~etc/skel/.bashrc': No such file or directory03:26
Cerrdorguess not?03:26
DocfxitI had no space before I deleted a bunch of files I knew I could get rid of.03:26
somsipCerrdor: /etc... not ~etc...03:26
Cerrdoroh crap03:27
somsipDocfxit: so what is he issue now? I thought it was one of insufficient drive space03:27
MoMosomsip: i put startx in /etc/rc.local ... but it still brings me to the text login03:27
wols_itrebal: server installer is the same as the debian installer afaik, but it still installs ubuntu afaik. and there are tons of howtos to put the desktop installer on a usb stick03:27
Cerrdorcp: cannot stat `/etc/skel/.bashrc': No such file or directory03:27
ezrafreehello, i already have "gnome-panel" in my startup applications, but i still have to manually run gnome-panel each time i boot up, how could i look into this?03:27
somsipMoMo: I don't belelive that's the right way to startx on boot. You need a display maanger or you need to autologin a user on boot, hen startx in .bashrc03:28
Cerrdorwhen I ls in etc I do see a skel03:28
itrebalwols_: of course, the problem is that GRUB is listing the Debian and Debian - Recovery boot options, and nothing for an Ubuntu installer. I've successfully put the server installer onto the USB stick and am booting to it currently.03:28
Cerrdorso what gives03:28
Blairw30: yeah i do, it sees the usb drive03:28
MoMosomsip: i did apt-get install gdm?03:28
Cerrdorphr34k@phr34k-virtualmachine:/etc/skel$ ls03:29
CerrdorDesktop  Documents  output  Pictures  testapp  Videos03:29
wols_!info gdm303:29
ubottuPackage gdm3 does not exist in natty03:29
somsipCerrdor: dunno. If you just want a skeleton .bashrc probably best to dl one03:29
wols_MoMo: then it should start automatically (gdm that is)03:29
itrebalwols_: rather, it *appears* its booting to the USB stick, even though nothing seems to fail when I only enable USB booting, and explicitly boot to that disk.03:29
Cerrdorand copy it to where?03:30
MoMowols_: it doesn't -- did i miss a step? all i did was apt-get install gdm03:30
somsipCerrdor: for your version of ubuntu...copy it to /home/cerrdor/.bashrc (or whatever your home dir is called)03:30
k_szeHow do I find out what kernel module is being used to drive a device connected by USB?03:30
Docfxitsomsip, I think I'm fine now.  I am able to get around because Double Comander is working since the space is freed up some.03:30
somsipDocfxit: cool03:30
Blairw30: i have usb creator, I have a freshly formatted USB drive in as sdb103:31
w30Blair, you got me there, I had no trouble making a bootable flash drive on my Ubuntu 11.0403:31
Docfxitsomsip,  I wish I knew what else I could do to clean up this machine.  It seems to be less and less space available.03:31
Blairw30: alright, cheers for ya help ill keep at it.03:31
LoshkiMoMo: what OS version did you install? The desktop versions usually come with X11/gdm 'out of the box'...03:32
somsipDocfxit: so you need to focus on what is filling it up. Logs maybe03:33
w30Blair, usb-creator wipes your flash  drive and reformats every thing left after the boot partition also03:33
Cerrdorok I saved it and now my cursor is over like 40 charachters from >03:34
Cerrdorhow can I correct that03:34
somsipCerrdor: edit the bit that refers to PS1. There will be a condition that depends on $color_prompt. Sounds like you're picking up the long prompt03:35
somsipCerrdor: though if $color_prompt is not being set and it should be, the source problem is elsewhere03:36
MoMoLoshki: nm got it -- had to do /usr/sbin/gdm in the rc.local -- can't do just gdm .. thats silly -- silly goose me03:36
Cerrdor    unset PROMPT_COMMAND03:36
wols_MoMo: you did it wrong03:37
wols_MoMo: gdm (and if desired autologin) are not started via rc.local but its own upstart job03:37
somsipCerrdor: just above that PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '03:37
wols_MoMo: why didn't gdm start automatically ever since you installed it03:37
Cerrdornothin there03:39
Cerrdoror I mean no debian_chroot03:40
somsipCerrdor: I don't understand what you're referring to with debian chroot03:40
Cerrdorsomsip> Cerrdor: just above that PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '03:40
Cerrdorthere is no $debian_chroot value03:40
Cerrdoror do you mean just add it03:41
somsipCerrdor: what version ubuntu?03:41
Cerrdoruname -a?03:42
Cerrdor2.6.32-33-generic #71-Ubuntu03:42
aeon-ltdlsb_release -a03:42
somsipCerrdor: just ubuntu version...10.04, 10.10,etc03:42
magpiican someone spare a few mins to help me configure wine please?03:42
aeon-ltdmagpii: they'll probably do that at #winehq03:43
magpiiaeon-ltd:  thanks03:43
wols_Cerrdor: where does this "debian_chroot" come from?03:44
somsipwols_: it's in .bashrc03:44
Laserswols_: Default Ubuntu Bashrc. I suspect.03:45
Docfxitsomsip,  Thank you very much for your help.03:47
somsipDocfxit: you're welcome. Glad you got it sorted03:47
Cerrdorits 11.04?03:47
Cerrdor11. whatever the most current one is03:47
somsipCerrdor: lsb_release -a03:48
w30tripelb, I got it in the repos using synaptic, I suppose you could google for the .deb file and find one. I have never tried to access a Ubuntu repository with ftp or http so I can't answer that one. try apt-get usb-creator---maybe03:48
CerrdorNo LSB modules are available.03:48
CerrdorDistributor ID:Ubuntu03:48
CerrdorDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS03:48
FloodBot1Cerrdor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:48
somsipCerrdor: glad we checked it then. I don't use 10.04 and it seems thay the default files may be different from 11.04, so I can't help further. Google looks useful03:49
somsipCerrdor: here's one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139198203:50
G00053is there a way to test each speaker so i can figure out which cable goes where ? 10.0403:52
somsipG00053: speaker-test -c 203:53
somsipG00053: though it depends on the number of speakers...03:53
somsipG00053: I only have an integer number of speakers, so you may nee dto ask more or check man speaker-test03:54
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mrconnertonI have a Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 server with varnish 2.0.4. I want to upgrade varnish to 2.1.5 but it only releases versions for ubuntu LTS. Does anyone know if I can use the 10.04 version on ubuntu 9.10?03:54
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goddarddoes usb 3.0 work with ubuntu?04:00
xanguagoddard: if you use a recent kernel, yes04:01
goddard11.04 recent enough04:01
xanguadon't know wich kernel began to support it04:01
goddardxangua: well im up to date and it isn't working04:02
confezzorwhat are trying to use with the 3.0?04:03
goddardxangua: it says i have a 3.0 root hub is this the usb 3.0 layer?04:03
goddardits a 3 TB external hard drive04:03
confezzorwhat brand?04:03
confezzorhhhmm i never used seagate on linux..i've used WD...but i can't see why it shouldn't work..04:04
coz_confezzor,  I have seagate scsi drives here,04:05
confezzorcause for the most part if it has 3.0 support it has 2.0 as well on the external HD04:05
boywonderhi my question is i want to remote desktop my ubuntu through windows what are my options?04:05
boywonderie windows controls ubuntu!04:06
goddardconfezzor: i it does attach to a special adapater04:06
boywonderis that the only way04:06
cipherboy_loc@boywonder you could use VNC, but it is not recommended as it is not secure.04:06
somsipconfezzor: seagate SATA internal here with no problems, but I don't think that helps coz04:06
wols_boywonder: vino. part of gnome. or any other VNC server04:06
goddardthink thats the drive04:06
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:06
TrfsrfrWhile surfing the web, I clicked into a 'This is probably not the site you're looking for!!!" all red and everything. How much should this worry me?04:07
wols_!doesn't work | goddard04:07
ubottugoddard: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:07
TrfsrfrI went ahead anyway04:07
boywonderconfezzor, it would only be locally, is that secure?04:07
boywonderi want to put my laptop downstairs04:07
confezzoryea boywonder you can use VNC on Windows just fine04:07
wols_boywonder: if it's only in your home LAN it should be, since your Home LAN itself is hopefully secure04:07
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confezzorgo to filehippo.com and you can get it there04:08
boywondereven to vncoverssh would be better04:08
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goddardwols_: let me know how i should perform a diagnostic04:08
wols_goddard: for starters, the kernel output when you plug it in04:08
boywonderis ubottu a bot ?>04:08
wols_boywonder: yes04:08
TrfsrfrI did it too04:09
goddardwols_: i would need a more elaborate explainiation appreciate your assistance04:09
goddardwols_: uname ?04:10
wols_sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log   then plug it in04:10
confezzorgoddard is it formated to fat32..that shouldn't be the issue but i know it should just work when you plug it in04:10
GryllzSo what do people recommend unity or gnome 3, for the 11.04? I am looking at coverting from windows. I have use backtrack in the past to play around...04:10
goddardGryllz: I like Unity04:10
goddardGryllz: takes some getting use to04:10
goddardGryllz: but i am sure you will see the logic in the design04:10
confezzorhave you used backtrack 5..it's awesome04:11
GryllzI guess it comes down to preference too04:11
GryllzYeah bt5 rocks04:11
somsipconfezzor: have you used awesome? It's....a bit weird...04:11
samuelsfamhello dudez04:11
confezzorsomsip..no i never heard of that04:11
boywonderok to my second question what do i use for ssh on a windows box, cygwin putty?04:11
somsipconfezzor: tiling WM. Anyway...OT04:12
GryllzIs unity to much like windows. And do you think they are moving away from the roots of ubuntu? Just to try and covert windows users?04:13
G00053can ubuntu detect 10.04 i86 detect more then 3 gigs of ram ?04:13
coz_Gryllz,   part of the move is to gain more users yes04:14
confezzorno more like mac you can say..but mac has copied them alot...Gnome 3 i love but know windows 8 is coping them as well04:14
coz_Gryllz,   however,, most platforms are moving towards t he appliance interface due to netbooks04:14
confezzorand tablets04:14
coz_Gryllz,  its not just ubuntu04:14
somsipG00053: You have to use the PAE kernel04:14
GryllzYeah true04:14
coz_Gryllz,  it is a trend,, that I personally hope  doesnt last long :)04:14
GryllzMe too04:15
confezzorsame here...04:15
confezzori love the cloud but i don't want to live in it 24/704:15
somsipbut this is the flexibility of Linux - drop the DE and use something else04:15
coz_yes there are always options  especially with linux04:15
hashitishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/657653/ pretty,  pretty,  pretty .....please :)04:15
goddardwould some one help me and look at my forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181649504:16
coz_hashitish,  not sure ,, apparenlty the url is incorrect04:16
GryllzTried ubuntu in vmplayer, the other night. Couldn't get the unity mode working properly and gave up. Might try it on an old laptop...04:16
confezzoruse virtualbox04:17
somsiphashitish: the server is down <shrugs>04:17
TrfsrfrHow would I get a virus?04:17
GryllzWorks ok?04:17
hashitishmakes sense, thank you guys04:17
confezzorit has better support with linux and ubuntu Gryllz04:17
GryllzThanks confezzor04:17
h00kubottu: virus | Trfsrfr04:18
ubottuTrfsrfr: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:18
felcohow can I fix the respositories on the livecd 9.04? if possible04:18
G00053somsip: thanks04:19
xanguafelco: install a supported ubuntu version04:20
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:20
felcomy only problem is i cant burn a cd because im using a the ubuntu 9.04 and i cant eject the cd04:21
confezzorwhy don't u use a USB04:22
felcoif i dd to a flash drive it will work?04:23
felcohu nice04:23
confezzoras long as your Bios supports it04:23
felcoit can boot04:23
confezzoruse Unetbootin to install it to a USB04:23
goddardI have two threads I am trying to solve anyone have ideas let me know  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1816495   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181716404:24
Logan_!zh | anderuier04:25
ubottuanderuier: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:25
somsipgoddard: with the HD issue, is it registered at kernel level when you plug it in?04:26
goddardsomsip: i have no idea how to figure that out but would love to check04:26
somsipgoddard: there's more than one way, but I'd unplug it and dmesg, then plug it in and dmesg again04:26
GryllzHey what do you guys use for you irc program?04:26
somsipGryllz: irssi04:26
wildgoose!nvidia ? > goddard04:26
ubottuwildgoose: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:26
nickhsgoddard: plug the USB drive in and then pastebin the output of dmesg, lspci and lsusb. For the nvidia issue pastebin the output of glxinfo | grep -i direct04:27
nickhsplease :)04:27
=== slide23 is now known as slide
itrebalIs there a different minimal install disk for ubuntu 11.04 server edition? or will https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD cover both desktop and server?04:27
nickhswildgoose: the syntax for the bot is !bla > person, no need for the '?'04:27
nickhsitrebal: covers both04:28
itrebalnickhs: thank you04:28
nickhsitrebal: no problem04:28
GryllzThanks somsip04:28
wildgoosenickhs: RIght, I was trying to add the ? to the !blah.04:28
confezzorgoddard what kind of PC do you have?04:29
hashitishsomsip: or anyone reading: http://paste.ubuntu.com/657653/  --  http://goo.gl/vmNcV  coping all of this will work just as good ?04:29
mediaboxdoes anyone know how to get SB Audigy working (SB0090) in Ubuntu 10.04?04:29
nickhsmediabox: is this on a laptop or a desktop and does your machine have onboard audio?04:31
confezzoris that a sound card04:31
mediaboxnickhs, onboard audio yes,  it is a desktop with a PCI Sound Blaster Audigy Card installed04:32
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
coz_mediabox,   I am checking now hold on04:32
nickhsmediabox: have you disabled the onboard sound card/selected the PCI card in the computer BIOS?04:32
hashitishso basically svn is another form of wget04:32
goddardnickhs: ok doing that04:32
goddardsomsip: ill pastebin it04:32
Picihashitish: subversion is a version control system,04:33
nickhsgoddard: sure, no rush04:33
somsiphashitish: possibly. I'd suggestyou install mercury and clone the repo,but I only ever used mercury once so who knows04:33
mediaboxnickhs no, they should both be usable04:33
ubottuVersion Control Systems offered for Ubuntu: Centralized: !CVS, !Subversion  | Distributed: Bazaar-NG(!bzr), Codeville, Darcs, !git, Mercurial, Monotone, SVK, tig.04:33
mediaboxnickhs lspci doesn't even show the card04:33
somsiphashitish: s/mercury/mercurial04:33
nickhsmediabox: pastebin the output of cat /proc/asound/card please04:33
mediaboxnickhs I was reading that it uses the emu10k1 module, but it does not load automatically04:33
coz_mediabox,  then you will most likely have to disable onboard sound04:33
mediaboxdoes anyone know of an alsa config utility?  There is a pretty nice one in Puppy, but I forget what it is04:34
coz_mediabox,  read through this first ,, and then you can also log onto #pulseaudio and #alsa  channels04:34
coz_mediabox,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure04:35
confezzorthey have Gnome alsa mixer04:35
coz_mediabox,  if you open a terminal  you can type    alsamixer04:35
nickhsmediabox: that card should work fine, it appears the issue lies in it conflicting with your onboard audio04:35
coz_mediabox,   see if any card is listed in the upper left corn er04:35
G00053somsip: went up from 6gigs to 12, turns out I was only using 3 before. glad I learned that04:35
somsipG00053: w00t!04:36
G00053it's like double bonus04:36
somsipG00053: I read that PAE is a bit of a kludge. I'm migrating my other linux install to 64bit, but I'm not bothering upgrading ubuntu yet. If you have 64 bit CPU it might be worth looking into depending on whatyou use he PC for04:37
mediaboxnickhs coz_ thanks, I will try disabling and also the troubleshooting page.  I used to know how to do all this stuff, Ubuntu has made me forget with most everything working "out of the box" :P04:37
lahwranI have a laptop here that hangs as soon as I click my username on the login screen04:37
G00053somsip: what are the main things that are a dis-advantage right now ?04:37
lahwranhow should I troubleshoot this?04:37
lahwranrecovery mode boots and operates.04:37
nickhslahwran: does pressing ctrl+alt+F1 take you to a command prompt? Is the capslock key blinking?04:37
lahwrannickhs: lemme reboot to a gui and see what happens04:38
confezzorwhat are the specs on that laptop lahwran?04:38
G00053in all honesty, it's mostly for browsing / messing with my android /being a nerd/ and trying to learn to code04:38
hashitishsomsip: totally baffled04:38
somsipG00053: then I'd suggest you're ok as you are. If you're into heavy compiling or video work, I understand 64bit can offer a prformance edge. I have no further knowledge on this04:39
tripelbw30 I think we got our answers crossed. I asked where I could find the gconfig file in which I could edit my controls positioning (l to r corner of the window)04:39
somsiphashitish: you install mercurial (the04:39
hashitishsomsip: dont sweat ill leave the guide for now and work it out04:39
lahwranconfezzor: not entirely sure yet. it's a laptop with a damaged optical drive and usb, processor seems to be some amd processor (64bit, dual core) and I think 2gb of ram04:39
somsiphashitish: ok04:39
lahwranconfezzor: is that the kind of thing you were looking for?04:39
G00053somsip: the machine is definatly under utilized, the ram was free04:39
confezzoris that a fresh install as well?04:40
tripelbw30 fyi I never use synaptic. I find it problematic. I dont understand it. OK It worked once. I stick to apt-get.04:40
lahwranno idea, it was installed when I got it from my friend. as optical and usb are damaged, I can't reinstall04:40
somsipG00053: I understand it's more to do with differences in  how internla registers in the CPU are utilized on 64 compared to 32 with PAE. <shrugs>04:40
somsipG00053: but if you're good and it ain't broke, no worries04:40
lahwrannickhs: the capslock key is not blinking, mouse responds to input. after about a minute it returned to the state it was in before I clicked my friend's username04:41
lahwranctrl+alt+f* work04:41
goddardnickhs: somsip : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11113346#post1111334604:42
confezzorwell what i'll do is if i had an extra laptop i'll swap out the hdd and install the OS again and than put the hdd back into the messed up PC04:42
nickhslahwran: okay please login at the command prompt and then enter the following "sudo service gdm restart"04:42
goddardconfezzor: i have a Asus G73JW ROG-A3B7M04:42
lahwranohhhhh it's not gdm's fault04:42
confezzorif it's freezing like that..it could a bug..or the last person who had it could of done something as root to mess it up by mistake04:42
lahwranthere is something wrong with the hdd, I tried to log in on the tty and I'm getting a bunch of hdd errors04:43
coz_lahwran,  is the drive full?04:43
lahwranlemme get the errors on sprunge, but no, these do not look like disk full errors04:43
goddardnickhs: apparently i don't have glxinfo should i install the mesa tools?04:44
lahwrandf -h does not respond04:44
coz_goddard,   mesa-utils04:44
nickhsgoddard: hmm the issue appears to lie with the the USB3 controller - a Fresco Logic Device 1400 which I have never heard of. Let me do some more research quickly04:44
nickhsgoddard: please install the package to get glxinfo04:44
somsipgoddard: I'm going to hand this one off. I see "couldn't allocate port 1 usb_device: which would concern me, but other than that...04:44
nickhsgoddard: you still with me? I need you to try a couple of things04:46
goddardsomsip: ok appreciate the help04:46
goddardnickhs: yeah04:46
nickhsgoddard: could you pastebin the output of lscpi -v, I'm only looking at the section pertaining to the Fresco Logic Device04:47
lahwranhow do I find out if a harddrive is connected via sata or pata without opening up the device?04:47
goddardnickhs: says not installed04:50
nickhsgoddard: pardon? The command lscpi -v should work as you just did lscpi previously04:50
coz_lahwran,   I am struggling to remember the one command for this hold on04:50
goddardnickhs: nvm sorry04:50
cgkadeslahwran: when you run df -h nothing happens?04:50
lahwranmaybe something in lshw, coz_?04:50
lahwrancgkades: only after logging in as a normal user from a tty. when logged in as root from the recovery grub option, df -h works fine04:51
ra0ceqÂñåì ïðèâåò04:52
coz_lahwran,   try    sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda04:53
nickhsgoddard: okay as thought. Please unplug the USB3 device. Run the command "sudo modprobe -r xhci_hcd" then attempt to replug the usb3 drive. Pastebin the results of dmesg after that04:53
NEB0_Cs onlain04:53
coz_lahwran,  also if you go to  system/administration/dsk utility it should show it there as well04:54
cgkadeslahwran: very odd04:54
lahwranthe harddrive completely stops responding as soon as gdm starts04:54
lahwranwait, hold that completely04:54
lahwranls finally ran after 30 seconds04:54
nickhslahwran: sounds like you should run a SMART test04:54
NEB0_q all04:54
lahwranbut I've got a bunch of errors that I'm thinking I should just take a picture of with my droid... hold on a sec while I do so04:54
w30tripelb, try this file :
tripelbw30 I see it04:56
goddardnickhs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11113410#post1111341004:57
ruckoswI have had some issues with asus eee pc T101MT, I have tried to update the ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10-maverick using dist-upgrade.However the asus screen on the reboot doens't works any more.Any image is shown on the screen, and the initialization screen is  black .04:57
G00053the hd with all my music won't play from banshee until i open the drive location with nautilus first. i don't think i have ownership of it ?04:57
nickhsgoddard: hmm I take it the drive didn't work?04:58
w30tripelb, save that file for future use,  eh?04:58
goddardnickhs: doesn't look like it04:58
nickhsgoddard: apologies but you could try the same thing again except this time do "sudo modprobe -r xhci"04:59
goddardnickhs: ok will do04:59
goddardnickhs: module xhci not found05:00
nickhsgoddard: bleh.05:00
goddardnickhs: thanks maybe to new?05:02
nickhsgoddard: hmm not sure. I'm looking at http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/usb3-0-problem-xhci-hcd-not-found-help-201952982.html where the issue appears to have been resolved05:03
e-framehi, is it possible to install cacti 0.8.7.g on ubuntu hardy ?05:03
nickhsgoddard: though not certain what they were doing, its the poster isn't exactly clear what steps he has taken05:03
lahwranhardy!? isn't that ages old?05:03
lahwranand not an lts, either05:03
SJrI'm getting an error when boot (sporadically), mount: /dev/sdc1 already mounted or /disks/sdc1 busy. mountall: mount /disks/sdc1 [864] terminated with status 32.05:03
lahwranSJr: "/disks/"? you sure you're using ubuntu?05:04
SJryeah that's where I throw the mounts05:04
goddardnickhs: maybe ehci_hcd ?05:04
goddardnickhs: what is that any way?05:05
The_magIHRB WAR REPORT    1.. "They can't get into the service because they considered duty senior05:05
The_magIHRB WAR REPORT  to honor. I had them at THE, won at responsibility, we don't play.05:05
The_magIHRB WAR REPORT  Continue.. continue traveling.. I told you traveling equals05:05
FloodBot1The_magI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
lahwranSJr: ah. spoke a bit too soon.05:05
nickhsgoddard: sure, feel free to try that and uhci_hcd. They are competing standards to use USB devices (from my understanding). According to the Fresco website xHCI is the format that their drives support05:05
nickhsgoddard: but from your dmesg outputs it appears xhci_hcd is the driver being loaded05:06
FloodBot1The_magI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:06
lahwranIdleOne: +z = ops can see quited messages, I believe?05:06
lahwranhence why FloodBot1 responded to a flood we didn't see05:07
IdleOnelahwran: yeah something like :)05:07
SJrI think I know what the problem is05:07
SJrsdc1 is an LVM drive WD-WCAU4A72256205:07
tayyabwhats new in ubuntu 11.10 ?05:07
lahwran!ubuntu+1 | tayyab05:08
ubottutayyab: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+105:08
lahwranoh, not that useful. nevermind, ignore that05:08
visitor1how can i save the hdd order in ubuntu? the /dev/sdx chnage after every reboot, so that the sleep orders in fstab arent correct anymore05:08
SJrOkay so the problem is that the drives boot up in a different order on occasion05:08
SJrso sdc may be an LVM drive or it may not, if it tries to mount the LVM it's already in ues.05:09
SJrwhat's the best way to setup my fstab file05:09
somsipvisitor1: use uuids. Possibly Sjr too05:09
SJrsomsip how do I get the UUID of a drive?05:09
SJrI have a similar problem05:09
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:09
Tom^SJr this is my fstab http://paste.pocoo.org/show/451712/05:09
lahwranhow should I run a SMART check from CLI?05:09
tripelbw30 I have. (got it from the browser though I tried to see if I could still use ftp in the terminal. but I failed. memory dissolved)05:10
goddardnickhs: time out allocating port 1 usb device is it trying to give it the first usb port?05:11
=== ParkerR is now known as iPodTouch4g
nickhsgoddard: the USB3 port is probably the first one05:12
visitor1somsip , this is a line from rc.local : hdparm -S 100 /dev/sdb105:12
=== iPodTouch4g is now known as ParkerR
goddardnickhs: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=90078105:13
visitor1but after a reboot dev/sdb1 is another disk05:13
=== ParkerR is now known as iPodTouch4g
w30G00053, check your desktop and see if an icon for the drive pops up. If so then Nautilus is mounting the drive for you. to permanently mount the drive put a line in fstab05:14
G00053w30 ty05:15
visitor1somsip , you mean like this? hdparm -B 255 -S 241 /dev/disk/by-uuid/04d1aa0d-60a3-4077-ab6b-a0a64f4ca88da05:15
somsipvisitor1: not sure about this. looks like you need an entry in /etc/hdparm.conf05:17
hashitishsomsip:  was you sayin i need to add http://goo.gl/vmNcV  via mercurial ?    are you familiar with tortoisehq - am i on the right track ?05:18
somsiphashitish: you need to install mercurial which will allow you to run the line 'hg clone {url}' at that webpage. I have used tortoiseSVN on Win but not on Linux.05:19
hashitishsomsip: so mercurial will cut out me needing to copy it all05:20
somsiphashitish: sorry -...used tortoiseSVN but not toroiseHG. It should let you clone the reopo in some way though05:20
somsiphashitish: it'll download it in the way that repos are normally copied if you intend building that package05:20
visitor1somsip , it seems to work, just restarted rc.local , no error?05:20
hashitishsomsip: but in an unconventional fashion i could essetially copy it myself05:20
hashitishjust so i understand05:21
somsipvisitor1: sounds like a result05:21
somsiphashitish: I'm not good at guessing at unconventional results05:21
somsiphashitish: s/results/fashions05:21
hashitishsomsip: im just tryin to figure out what is actually going on lol and failing miserably05:21
visitor1will know it for sure after a reboot, but for now looks ok, thanks somsip05:22
=== iPodTouch4g is now known as ParkerR
somsiphashitish: you are trying to download a number of files to build a software package. There areprovided mechanisms to do that - ssh, https and hg. You are wanting to do something different. Up to you05:22
somsipvisitor1: welcome. Hope it stays fixed05:22
hashitishsomsip: no i definitely do not want to do that my friend05:23
lortechHow do I load a .pl script05:23
hashitishsomsip: thanks05:23
lortechwhat file loads  a  .pl script apon bootup?05:23
goddard nickhs not sure if i tired you out hah but here is the graphics card info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11113379#post1111337905:24
KingFisherHey guys. When I let my computer idle for a prolonged period of time it no longer goes black into screen saver mode and requests the password when I try to get back on.05:24
KingFisherany idea whats going on?05:24
somsiphashitish: no problem. sorry you didn't get quite the result you wanted. Persevere with tortoiseHG.05:25
ghostnik11i am trying to install a program and i get error: glib2 not found, is there a set of development tools that i need to install on my ubuntu 11.0405:25
somsipKingFisher: it has a screensaver set with password protection on it05:25
itrebalit appears that the minimalistic ubuntu 11.04 64 bit installer on a USB key fails with "Debootstrap Error: Failed getting Release file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release." I have the syslog output here: http://paste2.org/p/1560165 any thoughts on how to get this to install?05:26
KingFishersomsip, Yeah. My screen saver is jut the computer screen going black05:26
KingFisherIt used to do it automatically after 5 minutes05:26
w30KingFisher, Is it a laptop? if so check your  power saving setttings05:26
KingFisherits not a screen saver issue so much as a lock-screen issue though.05:27
w30KingFisher, maybe it' going into suspend05:27
KingFisherThe screen would autolock after 5 minutes idle05:27
G00053w30: baws it works. thanks05:28
hashitishsomsip: think i get it now :)05:29
somsipKingFisher: check for a ticked 'Ask for a password' box somewehere under the screensaver settings?05:29
somsiphashitish: cool05:29
ghostnik11what are the new build tools that someone in 11.04 has to have to install programs?05:30
hashitishsomsip: we hsall see, maybe about another 4 hours lol05:30
_Neytiri_is there a way to find out the make and moddle of my network card?05:30
somsiphashitish: it;s worth working through. I remember balking the first time i had to checkout or clone a source repo. Same each time for svn, git and bzr. Just part of learning and getting comfortable with it05:32
w30ghostnik11, maybe you are talking about build-essentials for compiling using make command05:33
ghostnik11w30: no i wanted to know if there were any others b/c i did sudo apt-get build-essentials and it said my computer had latest build essentials05:34
w30ghostnik11, donno, you are already  ahead of my knowledge, *sigh*05:35
ghostnik11w30: well thanks for help, bro05:35
hashitishsomsip: ok so i worked out how to clone it, im gettin a tortoise error now, something to do with it being https://05:36
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ghostnik11this is the error i get: configure: error: *** glib2 not found05:37
somsiphashitish: difficult to know whatsomething-like errors mean05:39
Blade20why would my transmission client not have a place to enter the url for block list?05:39
pea_brainHi all. I am trying to customize boot screen in live cd. All i need to do is change the ubuntu Boot logo. How do i do it ?05:39
PlayerDisconnectI just got ubuntu and the graphics look really bad including resolution. My graphics card is a Radeon card, any suggestions?05:39
lsvhow can I change the driver for my wireless card?05:40
hashitishsomsip: well im trying to figure it out, looks like it relates to a setting in tortoisehq05:40
somsiphashitish: cool05:40
=== lonewulf` is now known as lonewulf
=== lonewulf is now known as lonewulf`
Blade20PlayerDisconnect, you need to install the drivers for it... under system admin... additional drivers05:41
clifftonhi, are there any good mmorpg games for ubuntu?05:41
somsipcliffton: irc05:41
Blade20somsip, lol05:42
somsipcliffton: yeah - we all connect to a server and pretend we know what we're on about05:42
* somsip gets his coat05:42
clifftonno go on good mmropg?05:42
lortechwhat loads the rcx.d files on bootup?05:43
PlayerDisconnectBlade20: System > Administration > I don't have any "additional drivers"05:43
abatoopretty sure WoW runs in wine.05:43
hashitishsomsip: setting in mecurial rather ^^05:43
Blade20PlayerDisconnect, you have anything that says anything about drivers?05:43
PlayerDisconnectI have Hardware Drivers, but when I open that up it says there is nothing05:43
w30ghostnik11, your program is compiling against or with  the glib2 libraries so something is not right with your glib libraries, I can't say which to change but  the app must match the glib version05:43
lortechanyone know why my /etc/rc2.d/S20zoneminder  is not loading? what loads the rc files?05:44
Blade20PlayerDisconnect, what radeon card do you have?05:44
PlayerDisconnect"No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"05:44
somsiphashitish: you got it sorted?05:44
hashitishsomsip: soon come05:44
PlayerDisconnect"Radeon HD 6770M switchable graphics with 1024MB GDDR5 and up to 3813MB total graphics memory"05:44
Blade20PlayerDisconnect, that should be a supported card... have you done a update yet?05:45
somsiphashitish: if you get stuck building, this might help http://bash.org/?40045905:45
PlayerDisconnectWhen I first got ubuntu it updated a bunch of stuff.05:45
PlayerDisconnectI didn't pay attention to see if it updated my gfx, apparently not.05:45
ghostnik11w30: ah i see, thats why: the program i am trying to install is pcsx - a playstation 1 emulator and i think it uses the old glib2's as its not in ubuntu's software center or synaptic05:45
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ghostnik11does anyone know of a playstation emulator that works on ubuntu 11.0405:46
w30ghostnik11, I would try to find a later version and be safer than messing with your libs05:47
args[0]can i access ftp with root account?05:47
ghostnik11w30: I went on there website and the last entry they wrote for there program was in 2002, i think i have to find a new program05:48
PlayerDisconnectAnyone have any ideas on how I can update my graphics in ubuntu?05:50
hashitishsomsip: did u think i was joking when i said 4 hours05:51
hashitishsomsip: yeah funnily nuff ive been learning python last few days05:53
Blade20hashitish, i lost a finger and now type with a lisp05:55
somsiphashitish: i love that bash.org. Tickles me. anyway....OT05:55
hashitishblade20: check this badboy out http://paste.ubuntu.com/657677/05:55
somsip...that bash.org quote...05:55
somsiphashitish: so it's just failing on the same url?05:56
hashitishsomsip: yeh, think i need to add the sites ssl cert to my ssl cert ?05:57
somsiphashitish: I think the site is down: ping: unknown host http://svn.json-rpc.org05:57
hashitishsomsip: becoming a pain now05:57
hashitishsomsip: im using https://bitbucket.org/Kommit/python-jsonrpc/changeset/03f9cf04eef3#chg-jsonrpc/__init__.py05:58
hashitishsomsip: lol ?05:59
somsiphashitish: but in that response is....from official release http://svn.json-rpc.org/trunk...so does bitbuket just route through that, and fails because it's down?05:59
somsiphashitish: guessing here...05:59
hashitishsomsip: why would it do that its got the information i need on it06:00
* somsip shrugs06:00
somsipsomsip: without knowing inner workings of bitbucket and hg repos, I can't help06:00
somsiphashitish: only other suggestion if you need to get this done, is try command-line mercurial06:01
lion42PlayerDisconnect, over here?06:01
seanmc98if i want to install ubuntu on a partioned hard drive what file system does that partion have to be?06:01
PlayerDisconnectNot only are my graphics messed up, but my wireless button on my keyboard is changing from red to blue repeadetly. I found a *fix* online, but after implementing it my wireless just doesn't turn on anymore...06:02
fowlseanmc98: a unix fs, ext2-4, reiser06:02
cansusomeone please help me06:02
somsipseanmc98: ext4 seems to be the usual recommendation nowadays06:02
hashitishsomsip: na man dont need it need it but at least now i totally understand wtf is going on06:02
somsiphashitish: cool06:02
cansu im having difficulties executing jar files06:02
cansuim trying to execute a jar file06:03
anygivennameneed help with iptables......I stopped connecting remotely......here is the iptables -L output http://paste.ubuntu.com/657680/06:03
cansuusing "java -jar ......" command06:03
cansubut it says06:03
cansuin the process and kills it06:03
cansuhow do i fix that ?06:04
dnivra!enter | cansu06:04
ubottucansu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:04
seanmc98somsip: mins helping me to format to ext406:04
cansuanyone help ?06:04
seanmc98this is what i have now http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13269053/work.png06:04
lion42seanmc98, the easiest way I can think of is to boot into ubuntu using usb, and to format the partition on ubuntu. It is super easy, and I can talk you through it if you need help.06:05
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seanmc98lion42: i would like you to hold on i will be coming in on my ohone as blackoakxww06:06
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lion42seanmc98, you should be able to get on IRC using the ubuntu usb.06:06
lion42But sure.06:06
anygivennameneed help with iptables......I stopped connecting remotely......here is the iptables -L output http://paste.ubuntu.com/657680/06:07
Blade20need help with transmission torrent down loader... i do not have a place to put the block list url....06:07
seanmc98its easier for me from my pone06:07
seanmc98im pissed i set up adb and apk-manager and then boom ran out of space because wibi installed it to 17 GB not the whole HDD06:08
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ogadumin ubuntu is it possible to create two raw sockets each reading from the same multicast address? Or does only one (at a time) of the socket get the data and the other starve?06:08
Blackoakx22Hello lion4206:08
lion42Hey, Blackoakx22.06:08
Blackoakx22Ok lion42 pm06:09
yagooBlackoakx22, osx lion?06:10
anygivennamesomething is blocking my port 2206:10
ejocheck for obstructions06:10
yagooanygivenname, what do you mean?06:10
Blade20need help with transmission torrent down loader... i do not have a place to put the block list url....06:10
anygivennameyagoo: I stopped connecting remotely......here is the iptables -L output http://paste.ubuntu.com/657680/06:11
wildbats093294: try @"(new\s+\w+\()|\G(?!^)\s*((['""]).+?(?<!\\)\3|\{[^}]+\}|[^,;'""(){})]+)\s*(?:,|(?=\)))"06:12
wildbatoops wrong channel06:12
yagooanygivenname, what's this ? DROP       all  --  anywhere   
Tbruff13yes i need help my grafics on my ubuntu 10.04 computer look blurry i think it is because of the video driver can some one help me06:13
yagooanygivenname, so there's A and B. you gave the B machine iptables -- machine B is running sshserver.  Where is "ssh" command being called from?06:13
yagooTbruff13, well u need to tell everyone what video card it is06:13
IdleOnewildbat: don't have a clue what that does but please don't post potentially harmful commands in Ubuntu channels.06:14
IdleOnethank you.06:14
Tbruff13tell me how to tell what video card i have i forget the command06:14
wildbatIdleOne: i said wrong channel ~ that's regex not a command ;>06:15
IdleOnewildbat: ok cool. just could not tell so i figured I would ask you nice like :)06:15
anygivennameyagoo: I tried from different other machines but was never able to connect....athough it was working well till something happened06:15
yagooanygivenname, get rid of the line i mentioned..06:16
G00053so when it went into low graphics mode it ditched al my compiz settings even though i've got my vidcard back up and running ? dirtyburgs06:16
anygivennameyagoo: how do I do that ?06:16
Blade20need help with transmission torrent down loader... i do not have a place to put the block list url.... it should be just above enable blocklist... under the privacy tab06:16
Tbruff13yagoo, i found the command and this is the video card Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)06:16
yagooanygivenname, also i'm not sure what this 'state INVALID' does in this line (DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhere            state INVALID )06:17
dnivrahello. i just ran the command "cat file | head -n 1 | xargs vim" and once I close the file, I can no longer see what I type but it does get displayed as I type. how can I make it appear?06:18
yagooTbruff13, yikes.. unfortunately that card isn't very well supported at least according to this "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Controller_Hub" .. perhaps there's bleeding edge code from intel.com if you're lucky..06:18
dnivrathere is some terminal property that gets changed or something IIRC but can't recall what it is. it'd be great if someone could tell me which one and how to unset it?06:19
anygivennameyagoo:I have now tested adding a rule in Firestarter to open port 22 for any connection & accordingly I was able to connect to it.....but this is ofcourse a test not a solution06:19
ogadumin ubuntu is it possible to create two raw sockets each reading from the same multicast address? Or does only one (at a time) of the socket get the data and the other starve?06:19
PlayerDisconnectDoes anyone know how to fix the wireless button flashing lights problem on HP ubuntu?06:19
Tbruff13yagoo, can you please help me get it out of low graphics mode please06:20
yagooTbruff13, impossible.06:20
Tbruff13please don't leave me hanging06:20
yagooTbruff13, there's no support for it.06:20
yagoothere's no driver code for it.06:21
PlayerDisconnecttbruff i'm in the same situation as you, except I have a radeon06:21
PlayerDisconnecteven after installing drivers its still in low res , lool06:21
Tbruff13help me find some please i am so frustrated06:21
Blade20Tbruff13, what video card are you running?06:22
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Tbruff13Blade28, Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)06:22
Tbruff13i need help badly06:22
yagooPolsbo no support--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Controller_Hub06:23
Tbruff13im not a noob but i need a driver i dont care about the openness of the code06:23
Blade20sorry Tbruff13 i dont know much about intell06:23
lion42_Tbruff13: what version of ubuntu are you on?06:23
GirlyGirlTbruff13: Should work out of the box on 11.0406:24
yagooGirlyGirl, it works. but it's not accelerated graphics.06:24
anygivennameyagoo:I have now tested adding a rule in Firestarter to open port 22 for any connection & accordingly I was able to connect to it.....but this is ofcourse a test not a solution06:24
yagooacceleration driver does not exist or even if it does work there are many problems with it. (wikipedia page says)06:25
yagoo"A rudimentary (no 3D acceleration) driver was added to Linux 2.6.39[11][12]."06:25
yagoo^ as i said.. you have to try it..06:25
yagoo( dunno if GirlyGirl is using acceleration if so.. then that's good news.. )06:26
yagoo 2.6.39 << bleeding edge fyi..06:27
Tbruff13GirlyGirl i am using 10.0406:28
wildbat!cn | ylmf06:29
ubottuylmf: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:29
magpiii keep getting this everytime i try update> http://codepad.org/SmnNKC7806:29
codemagiciananyone know how to get DLINK 525  N150 wireless card working with 11.04 Natty?06:30
yagooTbruff13, there's a ppa for it.. but it's risky.. (add-apt-repository ppa:gma500/emgd) (sudo apt-get install xorg-emgd emgd-dkms emgd-xorg-conf)06:30
yagooTbruff13, i got those commands from a french ubuntu wiki06:30
Tbruff13yagoo, thanks ill try it06:30
yagooTbruff13, as i said it's bleeding edge.. it can do anything like randomly freeze ur system or something..06:30
Blade20yagoo, pps is for 11.4 i thought06:31
yagooTbruff13, (remember i said its risky)06:31
haikaidois it possible to get the cool aero window snap feature from ubuntu 11.04 on ubuntu 10.10?06:31
yagoooh it is?06:31
haikaidothats the only thing im missing now :D06:31
Blade20yagoo, i'm not sure but i think so06:31
Tbruff13yagoo, if i upgrade to 11.04 will it fix it06:31
yagooTbruff13, site source is http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/poulsbo06:31
Blade20haikaido, you should be able to get the windows snap in compiz06:32
Lasershaikaido: You're on laptop?06:32
lahwranhttp://i.imgur.com/ZWX5Y.jpg < this is part of the output of smartctl -a. is my hdd done for?06:32
anygivennamehow do I flush my iptables rules ?06:32
haikaidoi have fully working accelerated graphics and working compiz06:32
Lizard_ubuntu 10.10 getting freez when flash player open06:32
haikaidoi just dont know how to get the aero snap thing working in 10.1006:32
Lasershaikaido: Install compiz extra plugin. Enable GRID in Compiz.06:32
rwwTbruff13: it may make it less horrible, but my understanding is that support for Poulsbo is not good in general thanks entirely to Poulsbo's creators.06:32
ParadigmUltraHas anyone tried wireless USB headphones in Ubuntu?  If so which ones worked?06:33
magpiii cannot access the update manager rep list, or the synaptic package manager. i keep getting this error http://codepad.org/SmnNKC7806:33
haikaidotried it06:33
haikaidothats not the same thing06:33
haikaidothats for key combinations06:33
yagooTbruff13, if u're trying it.. also there's (emgd-xorg-conf) command to fire up..06:33
haikaidoi already have grid06:33
Lasershaikaido: Use numbpad. Yeah.06:33
haikaidoand the compiz extras06:33
haikaidolasers thats not what im lookin for06:33
Lasershaikaido: Use numbpad to set windows on left (or right side).06:33
haikaidoin 11.0406:33
Tbruff13yagoo, this is dual boot with windows so i am safe just tell me what might work06:33
haikaidotheres the actual aero snap06:33
haikaidoin 11.0406:33
yagooTbruff13, it's getting more support as of 2.6.39.. so hope is not lost if you don't have it working yet..06:33
haikaidoand even in linux mint06:34
FloodBot1haikaido: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
haikaidooh lord lol06:34
Lasershaikaido: Use 11.04 or 10.04? No reason to stay on 10.10. :)06:34
yagooTbruff13, well most u can do is uninstall the driver.. and go back to slow graphics.. nothing seriously will get damaged...06:34
haikaidoi dont want to upgrade to 11.0406:34
haikaidoi dont like it06:34
Tbruff13yagoo, if i upgrade to 11.04 will that help06:35
* rww already answered that06:35
yagooTbruff13, but if u decide to try a bleeding edge kernel then you have to make sure grub boots it up and everything else works too afterwards (like sound etc)06:35
haikaidonothing worked for me in 11.04. plus i have my linux setup perfect now. i just cant figure out how to get that aero snap thing working06:35
Blade20Tbruff13, best bet would be to get the live cd and try it out06:35
codemagiciancan anyone recommend a wireless network card that runs out the box for Natty 11.04 ?06:35
yagooTbruff13, well i thought u were on 11.04.. so that site mentions 11.04..06:35
dnivra!hcl | codemagician06:36
ubottucodemagician: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:36
codemagicianI have a DLINK DWA-525 and it will NOT work06:36
magpiican anyone help with this please. http://paste.ubuntu.com/657691/06:36
yagooTbruff13, u can try upgrading to 11.04.. then afterwards add the ppa for the driver..06:36
dnivracodemagician: that might help :)06:36
yagooTbruff13, see if everything works before trying the ppa06:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa06:36
codemagiciandnivra, thanks06:37
codemagiciandnivra, I followed this article written for 10.10 http://steveswinsburg.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/how-to-install-a-d-link-dwa-525-wireless-network-card-in-ubuntu-10-04/06:37
Tbruff13i added the ppa but i did not upgrade yet06:37
Tbruff13hey when i run sudo apt-get install xorg-emgd emgd-dkms emgd-xorg-conf06:37
Tbruff13i get06:37
Tbruff13E: Couldn't find package xorg-emgd06:38
yagoo" Tbruff13, well i thought u were on 11.04.. so that site mentions 11.04.. "06:38
yagooupgrade then try the ppa06:38
Tbruff13yagoo, when i upgrade do i go into the unity or classic gnome06:39
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:39
lsvanyone with experience dealing with old wireless cards?06:40
Tbruff13im just going to swich over to windows and re do wubi06:41
* yagoo would of also told TBruff13.. using wubi also has performance impact06:42
yagoogeez he was crying about performance.. wubi is not the ideal performance setup06:42
haikaidoso does anyone know how to enable that aero snap feature from Ubuntu 11.04 in ubuntu 10.10? Im thinking it must be a compiz feature but im not sure06:42
rwwyagoo: the horrible graphics chipset would have much more of an effect ;(06:43
rwwpoulsbo is just bad :(06:43
somsiphaikaido: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162625506:43
haikaidothats not the same thing that in 11.0406:44
haikaidothats a hacky "area detection" workaround06:44
somsiphaikaido: ok. i leave you to find a more suitable solution06:44
haikaidohaha thanks for trying tho06:44
haikaidoive been looking for a day or two06:44
haikaidoi just cant figure it out06:44
haikaidoall i see is the same thing (the link you posted)06:44
haikaidobut 11.04 uses a completely different method06:45
ParkerRBuilt into Gnome 306:45
Lasershaikaido: I like Grid. It worked great for me. I guess I relies on it heavily. :)06:46
rww11.04 doesn't use GNOME 3, so that's not really relevant :P06:46
ParkerRUmm it does06:46
haikaidogrid is handy06:46
haikaidobut im looking to just be able to drag the window over to the area06:46
ParkerR11.* uses gnome 3 iirc06:46
haikaidoand have it resize06:46
Lasershaikaido: It's great for desktops -- Laptops not so much.06:46
magpiican someone help with this please> http://paste.ubuntu.com/657700/06:46
lsvcould anyone help me with my freaking old wireless card please?06:46
Lasershaikaido: You might want to ask in compiz channel. Otherwise, adapt (as you have done).06:47
haikaidoahhh theres a compiz channel here?06:47
rwwParkerR: 11.04 uses GNOME 2.something. 11.10 will use GNOME 3.06:47
haikaidoim gonna check that out06:47
kernelpanic22I have a question: In 11.04, when I run update manager, my computer goes into kernel panic06:48
codemagicianAnyone know why after installing Ubuntu 11.04   2.6.38-10-generic-pae  the linux src headers are missing from the /usr/src/linux-headers directory?06:48
ParkerRYeah the aero snap is a part gnome 3. So the snap in 11.04 is provides by gnome 3. Same thing in fedora 15. Uses gnome 3 and has the snap06:49
haikaidobut i thought 11.04 doesnt use Gnome 306:49
kernelpanic22ParkerR: I have a question: In 11.04, when I run update manager, my computer goes into kernel panic06:50
ParkerRI REALLY thout06:50
Blackoakx22Can anyone help me with installing ubuntu to a partion I have?06:50
magpiican someone explain this error to me please http://paste.ubuntu.com/657701/06:50
ParkerRgt it did. google says otherwise06:50
haikaidoyeah theres a thousand06:50
rwwParkerR: There is no GNOME 3 in 11.04. Snap in 11.04 is provided by Compiz, which is not part of GNOME>06:50
haikaido"how to install gnome 3 in 11.04"06:50
somsipcodemagician: looks like headers are not installed as a dependency. just install separately?06:51
rwwIt's also provided by Compiz by default 11.10 actually, but whatever06:51
rwws/default/default in/06:51
ParkerROh ok. I could have sworn I read that it was using 3. My bad06:51
haikaidorww any idea how to get it to work in 10.10 rww?06:51
rwwhaikaido: I'd install ccsm and see if there's a Snap plugin for it. I don't know if there is.06:51
codemagiciansomsip, i found them in the synaptic package manager so just installing them now06:51
haikaidosaid your nick twice06:51
haikaidomy bad06:51
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:51
FloodBot1haikaido: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
ParkerRI love ccsm06:52
somsipcodemagician: cool.06:52
haikaidoi alraedy installed CompizControl Settings Manager06:52
haikaidowell i asked in #compiz06:53
haikaidobut they seem to be dead at the moment06:53
magpiican anyone give me an idea as to what this means please http://paste.ubuntu.com/657701/06:54
haikaidotheres a line in sources.list it doesnt like magpii06:55
haikaidoa line is missing06:55
magpiihaikaido: how can i resolve it?06:55
haikaidowhat are you trying to do?06:55
codemagiciansomsip, yes this was exactly the issue, my original problem is fixed06:55
teng haikaido are you egyptian?06:55
somsipcodemagician: cool again06:56
tenghaikaido are you german?06:56
haikaidolol no06:56
bazhang!ot | teng06:56
ubottuteng: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:56
magpiihaikaido: trying to update the wine repo but the #winehq channel sent me here instead06:56
teng!ot | bazhang ok06:56
ubottubazhang ok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:56
bazhangteng, take chat elsewhere06:56
tengi wasn't chatting06:56
tengit was related to my problem06:56
bazhangteng, this is ubuntu support only.06:57
tengi'm aware of that06:57
haikaidogo to etc/apt/sources.list06:57
haikaidoand open it in a txt editor06:57
caferiushi, do you have any ideas where can i find cool themes for ubuntu ?06:57
magpiihaikaido: ?06:57
haikaidolook at line 306:57
bazhang!themes | caferius06:57
ubottucaferius: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:57
slideDoes anyone know how to get rid of the Ubuntu one header thats appearing on all my folders? its REALLY annoying06:57
slidein nautilus06:57
yagooslide, ?06:58
Blackoakx22Can someone help me install ubuntu 11.04 so I can dual boot and not have to use wibi?06:58
slideyagoo, for instance in my Downloads folder, there is an Ubuntu One kinda orange bar on the top that says "Operations on this folder are disabled because there is no network connection" and a disabled Synchronize this folder06:58
slidebut no way to get rid of it06:58
yagooBlackoakx22, wubi?06:58
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe06:59
somsipBlackoakx22: what is the issue?07:00
yagooBlackoakx22, i believe easybcd has an option to add wubi to the windows boot menu07:01
slideyagoo, i logged into ubuntu one, and now it says "The files are not backed up and will not be available in your other computers" but i DONT want them to be synced07:01
somsipyagoo: he wants not to use wubi07:01
Blackoakx22Well I used wibi but I dont want it installed inside windows I want to dualboot but it use the full 70 gigs of space. somsip07:01
lion42_Blackoakx22: it should work now.07:02
yagooBlackoakx22, then redownload the non-wubi iso07:02
yagooor should i say downlaod the new iso that's not wubi07:02
somsipBlackoakx22: just run the install CD, choose the second partiion as / format it and good to go.07:02
yagoosomsip, from the wubi installer?07:02
somsipyagoo: No - Live CD innit07:02
yagoosomsip, you use wubi?07:02
somsipyagoo: no07:03
Blackoakx22somsip: me and lion42_ were doing that but it said something about swap space.07:03
yagoosomsip, he's talking about using wubi to setup on native hardware..07:03
yagooi don't think wubi allows that by default..07:03
somsipBlackoakx22: then it's maybe polie ot conitnue with lion42_ for now. Sorry for butting in07:03
Blackoakx22yagoo: I DONT want to use wining07:03
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yagooBlackoakx22, nobody here does..07:03
yagooBlackoakx22, just download the "non" wubi iso for your platform..07:03
lion42_yagoo: he's using the regular installer. I got him to delete the second partition and then return the space to his windows partition, and now am telling him to use ubuntu's automated installer to create the new partition.07:04
somsiplion42_: sounds sound07:04
yagoolion42_, you mean Blackoakx22 ?07:04
anygivennamewhat's the cmd line for logwatch to send the log report ?07:04
yagoowhy is he bringing up this "wubi"? maybe he's trying to get rid of his wubi boot menu entry..07:04
lion42_We were having trouble installing it to the already-existant second partition, largely because I'm a noob, so I figured this would be easier.07:04
lion42_yagoo: he HAD wubi. now he just has regular windows and is trying to install regular ubuntu.07:05
lion42_(along windows)07:05
* yagoo says to do chkdsk under windows.. then use the ubuntu installer to resize ntfs07:05
yagooif he already resized his fat32, or his ntfs whatever.. then he should be good to try ubuntu07:06
lion42_yagoo: its the right size. We're at the point of install right now, I can't see it not working.07:06
yagooi only trust gparted to do the job..07:06
magpiihaikaido:  this is the link to the error and the sources.list file opened in text editor. http://paste.ubuntu.com/657703/07:06
yagoolion42_, how did he resize his windows partition?07:06
magpiihaikaido: can you tell me whats wrong?07:06
lion42_yagoo: gparted.07:07
yagooif its the installer that resized it then thats fine..07:07
yagooit uses gparted libraries in the background..07:07
ParkerRNo the installer cannot resize a partition07:07
Avaszhow do i ssh a remote  ubuntu machine if i am not connected to the same network?07:07
chilli0Hello, On my server I have set up PPTPD , now I think I have done it all correctly. but when I put in the VPN thin on my client it doesn't give me the option to connect to it. can anyone help me out?07:07
haikaidoit looks like its saying that the ppa for wine isnt there07:07
ParkerROf the iso installer07:07
magpiihaikaido:  yeah, when i try installing the ppa for wine, it wont let me07:08
lion42_yagoo: we resized the partition with gparted, and then ran the installer. it is running fine.07:08
ParkerRWine should be in the default repos07:08
magpiihaikaido: the ppa for wine is from the winehq official site too07:08
haikaidosudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa  that doesnt work?07:08
lion42_You are adding needless confusion to the matter, I think.07:08
yagooAvasz, well you need a router.. routers connect separate networks.. if its a WAN interface, you can do port forwarding07:08
chilli0It just starts to connect and then disconnects..07:08
haikaidoyou need to run that in terminal and then run sudo apt-get update07:09
haikaidoother than that07:09
haikaidoi have no idea07:09
Avaszyagoo, my remote machine is connected to an adsl router. hat do i need to configure?07:09
yagoolion42_, so basically its' just a 'swap' and /..07:09
yagoolion42_, for the install..07:09
Pavlzi got a problem with port usb07:09
RealEyesdoes anyone use feh as their wallpaper manager?07:09
Pavlzthey are not anymore automount07:09
Pavlzhow to mount port usb ?07:09
yagooPavlz, usb drive?07:10
Pavlzany usb07:10
yagooPavlz, you mount filesystems not port devices..07:10
Pavlzany external usb07:10
yagooPavlz, list the filesystems with -->fdisk -l07:10
magpiihaikaido:  i have tried half a dozon times now, even rebooted my system, this is a link to my terminal imput http://paste.ubuntu.com/657705/07:11
lsvmount /dev/your_device /where/to/mount07:11
magpiihaikaido:  i tried the winehq channel and they shoved me on here07:11
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)07:12
lsvPavlz: you can find your device by looking at /var/log/messages07:13
haikaidoweird no idea magpii07:14
Pavlzwhat means /where/to/mount07:14
magpiihaikaido: no worries, thanks anyway07:14
somsipmagpii: can you get the error to go away by removing the offending ppa entry?07:14
Pavlzi wrote the syntax mount /dev/sda207:14
magpiihaikaido:  will try now07:15
lsvPavlz: where in the filesystem would the usb be mounted usually /media/some_folder07:15
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lsvPavlz: some_folder must exist before you try to mount the usb07:15
haikaidodoes anyone know how i can tell which version of compiz i have?07:15
yagoohaikaido, compiz -v07:16
bobweaveryagoo: fastest typer in the ...07:16
haikaidothat didnt work07:16
litropyupdate-apt-xapian-index. just ... why.07:16
haikaidothat disabled compiz07:16
livingdaylightIt was yesterday suggested that my hd could be dying. Hence I backed up and transferred my files to saftey. However, before simply binning my 500gb hd I thought I'd run the defect detector on the live cd and it found no errors? Is this a reliable test to tell me about the health of the hd?07:16
FloodBot1haikaido: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:16
Pavlzit requires the type of filesystems07:17
rww!version | haikaido07:17
ubottuhaikaido: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »07:17
ParadigmUltrahaikaido: compiz --version worked for me07:17
haikaidoahh thanks ParadigmUltra07:17
yagooits theree07:17
yagoo(man compiz)07:17
haikaidoah HA07:17
Pavlz sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media07:17
yagoocompiz -version perhaps..07:17
haikaidothats the problem!!!07:17
lsvPavlz: you can find more about that on man mount07:17
haikaidothat window snap thing07:18
haikaidoits in compiz version 907:18
haikaidoi have 0.8.607:18
chilli0Can anyone help me to connect to my vpn that I set up in ubuntu?07:18
haikaidonow i need to figure out how to get 907:18
litropythis bug was created in 2009. And it's horrible. Its importance is still Undecided? Really?! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+bug/363695?comments=all07:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 363695 in APT "update-apt-xapian-index uses too much CPU" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:18
ParadigmUltrahaikaido:  I have 0.9 and I think the window snap feature is making me lose focus07:18
lsvPavlz: try sudo mount -o defaults /dev/sda2 /media and see if that works07:19
ParadigmUltraalot of the time I can't click on an application because some other minimized one stole focus, and I have to close that app and reopen it.   I'm not sure, but I think it's the feature that makes the window wiggle when you click on it.07:20
Blackoakx22Why does everyone hate unity?07:20
Blackoakx22Or say its ugly?07:20
ParadigmUltraI don't have unity,  I like it07:20
magpiihaikaido:  do u know if i can reset my software sources to the ubuntu default?07:20
ParadigmUltraI mean *hate07:20
ParadigmUltraI don't hate it07:20
haikaidoim sure you can07:20
haikaidoi just dont know how lol07:20
Blackoakx22Lol I get it.07:20
magpiihow do i rest the software sources to the ubuntu default?07:21
ParadigmUltraMy keyboard is studdering today07:21
Blackoakx22Omg its harry potter07:21
somsipBlackoakx22: I though it was quite attractive, but found much of the functionality annoying. global menus...07:21
Blackoakx22I honestly like it alot.07:21
Blackoakx22Man this is one busy channel07:22
seclm193what's wrong with harry potter?07:23
Blackoakx22Oh that reminds me. Couldn't you hack a Xbox original to run windows or something like that?07:23
RealEyescan someone help me with my wallpaper script?07:23
RealEyesI'm using feh to change it all the time and, I think  there's something wrong with it.07:23
bazhang!ot | Blackoakx2207:24
ubottuBlackoakx22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:24
Blackoakx22seclm193: nothing. I like HP07:24
magpiimy mate hack the xbox and had linux on it07:24
Blackoakx22That's cool lol. I wouldn't Mins doing that.07:24
seclm193well, going for the fifth install try of 11.0407:24
RealEyesdoes anyone use feh as their background manager or wallpaper?07:25
Blackoakx22seclm193: use wubi07:25
Blackoakx22Lol :P07:25
seclm193blackoakx22, well, if it doesn't work this time i will07:25
ThinkT510Blackoakx22: do you need help?07:25
bazhangBlackoakx22, chat is NOT here07:26
lion42All the cool kids are in #ubuntu-offtopic07:26
Blackoakx22No ThinkT510 thanks for asking though.07:26
Blackoakx22I see they take it serious here lion4207:26
ThinkT510Blackoakx22: then you better be in #ubuntu-offtopic07:26
chilli0Can anyone help me to connect to my vpn that I set up in ubuntu?07:27
somsipBlackoakx22: like you said before, it's a busy channel. It's busy when chat goes OT for too long07:27
seclm193blackoakx22, found an article with a different way to install the graphics for Radeon HD 625007:27
Blackoakx22That's true. Im sorry for that. I apologize07:27
nit-witseclm193, did yoy get installed?07:27
seclm193nit-wit, just finished a fresh install and now installing fglrx a different way, but this time it had me install a lot of modules i didn't have before07:28
haikaidodoes anyone know how i can get compiz 9.2 installed on ubuntu 10.10?07:28
ThinkT510!latest | haikaido07:29
ubottuhaikaido: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:29
nit-witseclm193, could you post the article for the radeon divers 'm a little cirious.07:29
haikaidoThinkT510, lol what did that tellme?07:29
ThinkT510haikaido: if you read it, it tells you that sometimes you can't get the latest version of a package07:30
ThinkT510haikaido: it also tells you why07:30
nit-witseclm193, just for reference here is a wiki on that card amongst others.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver07:32
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rabbit1unable to "sudo apt-get remove cups" any suggestions? its getting stuck at "removing cups"07:34
somsiprabbit1: sudo service cupsd stop07:35
gatothalo a;;07:35
gatothalo all07:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:36
seclm193nit-wit, just successfully rebooted after installation07:37
nit-witseclm193, cool your getting the resolution you need.07:37
rabbit1somsip: it already says stopped07:37
seclm193nit-wit, 1366x76807:38
somsiprabbit1: hmm. unexpected. still unable to apt-get remove?07:38
nit-witseclm193, cool I'm assuming your setup, did you see the wiki link I posted on that card.07:39
rabbit1somsip: s07:39
seclm193nit-wit, i didnt post again plz07:39
nit-witseclm193, you might be set but it helps to have more if needed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver07:40
seclm193nit-wit, i'm running with no updates at the moment, just fresh install and graphic setup.  next task to install virtualbox and make sure it's going good07:40
seclm193nit-wit, then i'll do updates one by one, my guess is the new kernel breaks it, but we'll see07:41
nit-witseclm193, do all your updates first and install dkms, for the virtual as well, the dkms will keep you from reloading guest additos if you have a kernel update.07:41
rabbit1somsip: any other help? i am got stuck with this CUPS07:42
somsiprabbit1: sorry - no real ideas. I get the feeling there is a dependency on something that is running, but don't know what. smbd or something else maybe.07:42
nit-witseclm193, if you do them one by one you may not get all the dependencies correct.07:42
seclm193nit-wit, in the wiki i followed, dkms was a prerequisite07:42
seclm193nit-wit, so you say just do full upgrade next?07:42
nit-witseclm193, I can understand you being skitish on the updates.07:42
rabbit1somsip: yeap there is a dependency on dkpg, but unable to control that process or remove it.07:42
somsiprabbit1: post output of ps -e | grep cups07:42
nit-witseclm193, you mean the update upgrade in the installed distro?07:43
somsiprabbit1: post output of ps -e | grep smbd as well07:43
rabbit1somsip: output is nothing ..... :(\07:43
seclm193yes, the new kernel and new versions of needed software07:43
somsiprabbit1: for smb too?07:43
seclm193nit-wit, yes, the new kernel and new versions of needed software07:43
rabbit1somsip: second one output: "No such file or directory"07:44
somsiprabbit1: nah - should be blank or "951 ?        00:00:00 smbd"07:44
nit-witseclm193, I would just do the update upgrade then start adding the extras.07:44
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seclm193nit-wit, but if i have dkms already installed, i should be safe with the graphics already setup07:44
nit-witseclm193,  use the terminal that is wy I call it a update and upgrade.  Dkms is for the virtual.07:45
rabbit1somsip: yes, without smbd, its noting and with it is "No such file or directory"07:45
camer0n__i am having trouble with pxe. i cannot get it to connect. can some one help me the setup?07:46
seclm193nit-wit, someone told me that the terminal way is much better than the graphical way07:46
rabbit1somsip: typo mistake, sorry07:46
somsiprabbit1: what release of ubuntu?07:46
rabbit1somsip: its "406 ? 00:00:00 smbd"     and    "1029 ? 00:00:00 smbd"07:47
rabbit1somsip: i am sorry for the mistake07:47
nit-witseclm193, it is what you like the update manger is the same thing basically unless you run a dist-upgrade which will seperate packages with dependencies missing for later installs when all is there. You can alsu use aptitude.07:47
seclm193nit-wit, just ran update, now running upgrade.  got 189 to upgrade and download 168MB07:47
somsiprabbit1: ok - now I'm *not* sure, but if you have a shared printer, maybe samba daemon is causing a problem. Doesn't sound that likely actually, now I type it out07:47
somsiprabbit1: so what release of ubuntu?07:48
seclm193nit-wit, i'm growing to really like command line07:48
nit-witseclm193, I think you will be fine, I have never really had the updates break anything per-say.07:48
rabbit1somsip: 10.1007:48
seclm193nit-wit, well, i'm grasping at straws and trying each thing individually to find what broke it last time.07:49
seclm193nit-wit, dont really care to find it, just want to get fully setup and running without problems.  being extremely careful in this setup07:49
nit-witseclm193, that is not a good way to go you don't know the dependecies your way more likely to break it that way if you individually picking packages.07:50
seclm193nit-wit, well....when you told me that earlier, i just used the update/upgrade as one step07:51
somsiprabbit1: no - sorry. Out of ideas07:51
seclm193nit-wit, then i'll make sure i'm still in business before continueing07:51
nit-witseclm193, cool I thought you were, I think the graphic card problems have made you skitish.07:51
rabbit1somsip: its ok, no problem, let me google for some more time. thank you for your time07:51
goddardwireshark is running so slow07:51
somsiprabbit1: yr welcome07:51
OmegaFortenit-wit, Hey, I read GPU/graphics. I love those. what's the issue?07:52
seclm193nit-wit, well...was thinking.  in every try, i installed compiz manager.  not sure if that would do it.07:52
nit-witseclm193, did you tweak compiz?07:52
shadalooall of assuden my graphics in firefox are super laggy07:52
seclm193nit-wit, to be honest, i don't really remember07:53
shadalooI restarted the whole computer and it still is horrible07:53
nit-witOmegaForte, I have no idea what your talking about.07:53
shadaloowhere is the special effects setting?07:53
sandGorgonmy DNS changes have not propagated yet, can I still send a CURL request to a particular IP address requesting for a domain ? I want to check whether my webserver config is correctly set07:53
krishnani tried booting from USB with 10.04 on my new compaq mini 700, a boot prompt comes and nothing happens. Wat to do?07:53
lion42krishnan, does it say "boot:" and then nothing?07:53
nit-witseclm193, be careful tweaking compiz, look for a web Ud8 link and follow the instructions natty is temperamental with compiz07:54
krishnan@lion42: yes07:54
OmegaFortenit-wit, thought you were having gpu drivers/theme issues.07:54
krishnanlion42: yes07:54
nit-witOmegaForte, another user hd.07:54
somsipsandGorgon: I find some servers get the propogation much quicker, so it is possible the host you're requesting the domain off will se your IP correclty. No guaranee07:54
lion42krishnan, go back into windows or whatever, clear off the usb stick, download a new copy of ubuntu, and create a new usb boot stick with the new copy of ubuntu.07:54
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krishnanlion42: oh ok, I have the iso file with me. should I download again? Im at present downloading Xubuntu. Would it be fine?07:55
frankz_Hi guys, could you recommend me a good program to burn CDs? I use Xfburn but it only gives me error when I use CDs which are supposed to work =/07:56
lion42krishnan, I'd suggest downloading the iso again if you have a fast connection, as that pretty much 99% guarantees the problem will go away07:56
lion42Whatever iso, this error seems to be resolved by starting over fresh.07:56
csdwifii really need to get rid of a secondary ubuntu install and catenate freespace into my primary install, but all the guides i find on the topic are how to restore to a windows partition.  soo, just wondering what the first steps should be (i'm pretty sure partition writing would be last)07:57
frankz_It says the multisession is not supported, and I've only opened this program once07:57
nit-witkrishnan, check the md5sum of the ISO always if you have problems.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM07:57
OmegaForteseclm193, Well if you keep having issues with UI stuff, let me know.07:57
krishnanlion42: hmm I get it. wat causes this problem? corrupt iso file?07:57
zeynep-bashekimhi people, i have ubuntu 11.04 in my computer. i plug my olympos d-715 photo machine to usb , , i see olympos directory in my " computer " but when i click, i cant reach of this " olympos" disk and it doesnt say anything. when i make " lsusb " it showns this http://pastie.org/2313047 . how can i mount my this disk ?07:57
seclm193omegaforte, i will.  thanks for the help07:58
LasersBlackoakx22: That's keyring. All passwords in one file. It ask you to unlock the file so it can access the password for Wifi. If you don't want to use it, leave both blanks for password and it'll warn you about unsecred file. OK to continue.07:58
nit-witkrishnan, impossible to say.07:58
seclm193omegaforte, whats the best way to personalize unity?07:58
lion42krishnan, not a clue in the world. I only know how to fix it, not why it breaks. :P07:58
OmegaForteseclm193, By removing it. There isn't much you can do with it right now, as it's quite fresh and looks like it belongs on a cellphone.07:59
Blackoakx22Lasers: I already set the keyring. Can I undo it?07:59
krishnannit-wit: in case if something is wrong with the md5sum.txt? is it possible it to replace it with a proper one?07:59
seclm193omegaforte, you can remove it permately?07:59
anli_I tried to turn off compiz to see if my computer is freezing less07:59
OmegaForteseclm193, Not permanently, but you can deactivate large chunks simply by not using it.07:59
nit-witkrishnan, not wort the hassle just download another, how did you load the thumb?07:59
anli_But I cannot get the clearlooks type of window titles any longer07:59
LasersBlackoakx22: Sure. Install seahorse. Use GUI. Delete the file or create new password (blank;blank).07:59
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
LasersBlackoakx22: I don't know where they save the file to (so yeah, use seahorse).08:00
seclm193anli_, what graphics do you have?08:00
anli_nvidia 8600 GT, I think it was08:00
zeynep-bashekimhi people, i have ubuntu 11.04 in my computer. i plug my olympos d-715 photo machine to usb , , i see olympos directory in my " computer " but when i click, i cant reach of this " olympos" disk and it doesnt say anything. when i make " lsusb " it showns this http://pastie.org/2313047 . how can i mount my this disk ?08:00
anli_seclm193: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600 GT] (rev a1)08:01
zeynep-bashekimnoone can help ? please08:01
n1k_h0lm3sWhat is the main difference between NTFS and FAT32 file system?08:01
krishnannit-wit: ok! I loaded the thumb using the steps mentioned in ubuntu.com to create a bootable USB stick08:02
OmegaForten1k_h0lm3s, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table08:02
Lasersn1k_h0lm3s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems08:02
nit-witkrishnan, I would download unetbootin if the md5sum is correct and use it to load the thumb08:02
krishnanlion42: the md5sum hashtag is completely fine08:03
krishnannit-wit: the md5sum hashtag is completely fine08:03
Blackoakx22Lasers: found a way to do it without seahorse I believe08:03
lion42krishnan, like I said. No idea why it happens, but I can tell you that's the solution.08:03
nit-witkrishnan, try unetbootin.08:03
Blackoakx22It works now.08:03
seclm193anli_, just curious, where are you freezing at?08:03
LasersBlackoakx22: What is it?08:03
zeynep-bashekimPLEASE HELP, hi people, i have ubuntu 11.04 in my computer. i plug my olympos d-715 photo machine to usb , , i see olympos directory in my " computer " but when i click, i cant reach of this " olympos" disk and it doesnt say anything. when i make " lsusb " it showns this http://pastie.org/2313047 . how can i mount my this disk ?08:04
nit-witkrishnan, here is a link if needed.  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:04
seclm193omegaforte, how do i get away from unity?08:04
Blackoakx22I open up applications open passwords and encryptions then find keyrings file and delete it08:04
OmegaForteseclm193, Log off, and look at the bottom of your main x screen. You'll see a bar. One of the boxes will say "Unity". Click that, and choose Ubuntu Classic, which is gnome 2.308:05
seclm193omegaforte, guess i need to turn off the log in automatically08:05
LasersBlackoakx22: That08:05
OmegaForteseclm193, No, just log out once. You only gotta do it once.08:05
LasersBlackoakx22: Is seahorse. ;)08:05
Blackoakx22Damn lol ok.08:06
seclm193omegaforte, ok.  i'll do that right after these updates are installed08:06
OmegaForteseclm193, And if you want compiz, it'll be pre-configured to work with gnome 2.3 and metacity. Just a little tweaking through ccsm.08:06
seclm193omegaforte, i know i perfer gnome with docky.  you can make what you want with it08:06
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anli_seclm193: I think it is because I use blender08:06
anli_I freeze when I do many things fast, I think08:07
OmegaForteseclm193, Totally. Gnome is a non-frame based ui. I hate frame-based UI. I didn't build a cellphone.08:07
anli_Upon each other08:07
zeynep-bashekimPLEASE HELP, hi people, i have ubuntu 11.04 in my computer. i plug my olympos d-715 photo machine to usb , , i see olympos directory in my " computer " but when i click, i cant reach of this " olympos" disk and it doesnt say anything. when i make " lsusb " it showns this http://pastie.org/2313047 . how can i mount my this disk ?08:07
seclm193omegaforte, lol.  it's cause unity is for touchscreens.  you prefer kde or gnome?08:07
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, are you sur it is compatible with linux I see nothing on the web that shows it is with a quick search and not listed here with other digital cameras. http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread30236-1.html08:07
krambiorixhi guys, i want to mount a server where all documents are stored. Should i do it like this: mount -t /mnt/documents  . And what if one of those servers reboots, will it automatically mount?08:07
anli_seclm193: The only thing that works is to ssh to the computer and reboot08:08
csdwifineed to uninstall ubuntu from a dual boot linux system.. not finding anything promising on the web (it's all win/linux boots)08:08
OmegaForteseclm193, I'll stick to gnome. I used to love KDE, but I stopped being scared of gnome and gave it a shot. I likes it more.08:08
anli_have tried to restart gdm and compiz --replace08:08
nit-witcsdwifi, what is installed now and what do you want to addd?08:08
zeynep-bashekimnit-wit:  i must install extra software to mount this ?08:08
seclm193omegaforte, i tried kde for a short little while.  seemed laggy to me.  was pretty though08:08
OmegaForteseclm193, It's what I started on.08:09
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, your going to get more info from the web, I saw nothing myself, does not mean it is not possible though.08:09
csdwifinit-wit, it's ubuntu 11.04 x2, grub bootloader08:09
krishnannit-wit: thanks for ur support!08:09
nit-witcsdwifi, look at my question again 2 questions08:09
seclm193omegaforte, i started on gnome, but has been in and out for a while.  want to get this up and running good to finally switch over08:09
nit-witkrishnan, no problem.08:10
zeynep-bashekimnit-wit: there is no my camera model when i type " gphoto2 --list-cameras " ?08:10
seclm193omegaforte, gonna install windows 7 in virtualbox for anything i need for it.  everything else will work linux or wine08:10
nit-witcsdwifi, you want two Natties?08:10
csdwifium, i want to remove a natty08:10
fairuzHi, is there any text editor / IDE that can do "jump to function definition / implementation' when I right click the function name? :)08:10
csdwifiand reallocate space and have it boot properly08:10
seclm193csdwifi, reinstall is the only option08:11
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, type in olympus it will take you top their camera list search with crtl-f08:11
seclm193nevermind, didn't see the rest08:11
OmegaForteseclm193, I'm tired of paying 250~ every two years for windows licenses,when they're planned obsoclecense.08:11
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, try "SciTE Text Editor".. it's a programmer's text editor08:11
fairuzSeeknDestroy2: It's free?08:11
zeynep-bashekimnit-wit: i see other models of olympus but not "olympus d715 " in this list08:11
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, everything on Ubuntu is free ;)08:12
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, about 2/3rds down page08:12
seclm193omegaforte, i know what you mean, but my school has me writting programs in visual basic08:12
fairuzSeeknDestroy2: Ok :)08:12
csdwifii think i'll just read up on how to hack on grub08:12
OmegaForteseclm193, I wonder of mono is compatible with vb..08:12
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, just fire up the "Ubuntu Software Center" and type in either "text editor" or "programming" or "scite" :)08:12
seclm193omegaforte, not sure08:12
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, thats only one web page but it's not listed as a compatible,  that doesn't memean its not, I ddn't look really close at dates or when that model came out.08:13
fairuzSeeknDestroy2: Cool thanks. I'm tired of doing find blabla for each function that I want to know it's implementation. :)08:13
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, http://scintilla.org/SciTE.html website for that proggy08:13
seclm193omegaforte, before the last install freezed, i had it running in visual studo, in windows 7, in virtualbox.08:14
zeynep-bashekimnit-wit: okay, i will keep searching solutions, thanks anyway08:14
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, I'm just guessing that text editor does what you need, i'm not 100% sure... easy enough to try it and see... tons of text editors in ubuntu in that software center... check the programming section too08:14
KartagisI have loaded Spanish keyboard layout, but I cannot type accented u as in tu anymore. I used to be able to. it comes out loke t´u. could this be because I installed SCIM for Japanese?08:14
seclm193omegaforte, and i'm running a C-50 1.0ghz processor.  ran pretty smooth believe it or not08:14
anli_Hm, how do I disable "move window" on alt-left drag?08:14
seclm193 omegaforte, the 6 gigs ram probably helped a little08:15
nit-witzeynep-bashekim, no problem I looked as I think that is a tough question here, and I didn't want you to sit around waiting.08:15
zeynep-bashekimnit-wit:  thanks again for interest08:15
fairuzSeeknDestroy2: Just look at scite for 5 seconds and I think it's just another gedit08:15
OmegaForteseclm193, Yeah. I've got a 1.1ghz celeron running ubuntu for something to test emerald stuff on before I use it on my main box.08:15
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, what language are you programming in?  there's probably a specific editor just for it08:16
* Kartagis waves to zeynep-bashekim: hi doc!08:16
fairuzSeeknDestroy2: C :)08:16
OmegaForteseclm193, I had to downclock it due to the inability to cool it in the case it's in.08:17
KartagisI have loaded Spanish keyboard layout, but I cannot type accented u as in tu anymore. I used to be able to. it comes out loke t´u. could this be because I installed SCIM for Japanese?08:17
seclm193omegaforte, thinking about putting it on my desktop since it's running all the time.  windows doesn't like to run all the time08:17
seclm193nit-wit, and we're off to installing the updates08:18
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, ones to check out (click on More Info in Ubuntu Software Center)... Code::Blocks, Editra08:19
nit-witseclm193, hang on to your whatever. ;)08:19
SeeknDestroy2fairuz, really tho, just check out the Ubuntu Software Center... do searches for "IDE", "Text Editor", C or C++, etc.... trial and error... really quick and easy to install, try, remove, try next, etc...08:19
seclm193nit-wit, LOL :[08:20
seclm193:p i mean08:20
seclm193is amarok better than banshee08:21
andylockranseclm193: they're different08:21
icerootseclm193: try both08:22
OmegaForteseclm193, Amarok isn't written in Mono. Banshee is.08:22
andylockranbanshee has a mono dependency - some people dislike that08:22
OmegaForteandylockran, Like me.08:22
andylockranamarok was qt, banshee is gtk (IIRC)08:22
seclm193omegaforte, why?08:22
OmegaForteseclm193, Mono is dotnet.08:22
OmegaForteseclm193, Well, it provides .net support. I hate .net.08:23
seclm193iceroot, i will try both08:23
krambiorixI want to mount a server where all documents are stored. Should i do it like this: mount -t /mnt/documents  . And what if one of those servers reboots, will it automatically mount?08:24
OmegaForteseclm193, Not to say banshee is bad, it's quite good. I use it simply because it's there.08:24
seclm193andylockran, have to see which one i like08:24
andylockranseclm193: I quite like both08:24
icerootkrambiorix: that should give a syntax error08:24
icerootkrambiorix: -t want the type like nfs08:24
llutz_krambiorix: and you don't want to export servers /08:25
OmegaFortekrambiorix, Use sshfs.08:25
seclm193omegaforte, question: you know anything about conkey?08:25
OmegaForteseclm193, That sounds familar, hang on.08:25
krambiorixiceroot how do you mean export servers?08:25
krambiorixOmegaForte, in stead of mounting?08:25
icerootkrambiorix: that was llutz_08:25
llutz_krambiorix: and you don't want to export servers / (root-filesystem)08:25
OmegaFortekrambiorix, It's like mounting, but over ssh and secure and useful and faster to set up and alla that neat stuffs.08:26
krambiorixokay cool08:26
OmegaForteseclm193, No, I don't use widgets and stuff. But it comes highly reccomended.08:26
marcusdavidusim using ubuntu08:26
marcusdavidus ubuntu is qewl08:26
seclm193omegaforte, ok08:26
marcusdavidus firts time ver dont crash horribly when making dist upgrade08:26
marcusdavidusthanx canonical08:27
GirlyGirlOmegaForte: Hi08:27
OmegaForteGirlyGirl, Hey there. What's on the go?08:27
marcusdavidusany nice 20-28 girl here? who like linux ?08:28
krambiorixOmegaForte, can i use it then like it's mounted? I mean my webapplication (PHP) reads/writes the files08:28
OmegaForteI'm 27.08:28
marcusdavidusdo u have fb?08:28
OmegaFortekrambiorix, You'd have to set up ssh on the server, and mount the folder under sshfs.08:28
seclm193omegaforte, i'm the same age as you08:29
somsip!ot | marcusdavidus08:29
ubottumarcusdavidus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:29
marcusdavidusim 29 and im goth boy08:29
OnepamopaOmegaForte bump, pm?08:29
marcusdavidus do any preety girlhere using ubuntu i got problem ^^08:29
seclm193omegaforte, brb.  need to reboot to finish changes08:29
somsip!ask | marcusdavidus08:29
ubottumarcusdavidus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:29
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, I do ubuntu support.08:30
marcusdavidus!stop being borring  somsip08:30
ubottumarcusdavidus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:30
JuoI'm trying to perform a tail but want to pipe that command through a grep that removes a certain string, is this possible? could anyone point me in the right direction08:30
krambiorixOmegaForte, would it be possible then to use Webdav on the webserver and access the files over sshfs?08:30
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OmegaFortekrambiorix, If webdav supports SSH, then yes. If it doesn't, then it won't.08:31
marcusdavidusso if im here anyone know something like win 7 taskbar for kde?08:31
somsipmarcusdavidus: we're here to help ubuntu users. If you need help, saywhat you need. But stop being silly, please.08:31
somsipmarcusdavidus: ok, cool08:31
marcusdavidusim using actually smooth task but kinda dont got full unctionality i want08:31
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, Might wanna look at emerald until jockey comes out. Has the functions you need, but--as harsh as thsi sounds, I doubt you're up to the task of installing it.08:32
marcusdavidussomsip i dont rly need any real help i were staritng using linux in 95 :P im just borrign in work08:32
marcusdavidusomega srsly o0 ?08:32
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, Yeah, since it's abandoned and requires a little tweaking08:33
marcusdavidusomega i do have debian gentoo ubuntu win 7 win xp and mac osx i doubnt im to dumb for it . anyway im asking for only somethign better than smoothtask for kwin08:33
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, Don't know why you'd ask anyone for this if you had ALL that experience.08:33
seclm193omegaforte, i must say...i like gnome clasic better than unity08:33
marcusdavidus im just aksing any oen knwio something like that08:33
OmegaForteseclm193, Many do.08:33
seclm193nit-wit, reboot was successful08:33
marcusdavidusbecosue is kinda hell to jump around kde.look and try to seearch08:33
marcusdavidus becosaue msot of packages are outdated08:34
nit-witseclm193, good deal.08:34
marcusdavidusOmegaForte:  and im asking becosue im lazy .. damn ubuntu dont breaking at all nothing brekaing anymore eccept windows 7 and imborred to death08:34
marcusdavidusneed some job buahahah08:35
marcusdavidusif anyoen nbeed any help pm me cheers08:35
tPl0chHi, I have a login component that redirects via Javascript. I know how to get the current module or action, but how would I get the complete internal url with all parameters?08:35
seclm193omegaforte, should i install advanced compiz manager or simple compiz manager?  or you have a terminal command?08:35
emacs_xie users have lower than average IQ... check out bbc news08:35
OmegaForteseclm193, just install ccsm08:36
marcusdavidusemacs_x:  ie is imba08:36
marcusdavidusis osom :P^^08:36
marcusdavidusbtw any one god any knews awill reiserfs  got new wersion or its totally death ?08:36
seclm193omegaforte, installing now, is there any settings that need to be changed if i don't plan using unity?08:37
OmegaForteseclm193, It'll be fine. Just make sure that you keep Window decorations on.08:38
seclm193omegaforte, i will.  i'm gonna call it a night and mess with this tomorrow.  i hope i got it running this time.08:39
seclm193Night All!!08:40
jenvyDoes anyone know where the passwords for access points you've connected to in the past is saved in Ubuntu?...08:41
Onepamopajenvy kwallet ?08:42
Onepamopaif u use kde, of course08:42
llutz_jenvy: ~/.gnome2/keyrings/* *08:42
llutz_jenvy: ~/.gnome2/keyrings/* ?08:42
jenvylike.. if you go edit connections> open up an AP-> Wireless security.. there's an option to show password(which works.) but is there a file that contains all of them together?08:42
SeeknDestroy2jenvy, llutz answered you... they're in ~/.gnome2/keyrings/... and the file is encrypted and it won't be of any use to you...08:44
jenvyllutz, okay. darn. :(08:44
jenvythanks anyways, i guess i'll have to go through each ap manually D:08:44
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OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, Who cares if the packages are out of date? I don't rely on packages. And you've been doing this longer than me, according to your recount.08:48
marcusdavidusomegaim not programist :P i mean i ned functionality of 2in7 icon taskbar so i can lounch programs  easly08:49
marcusdavidusi hat icons on  my pulpit08:49
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, Can we get that translated?08:49
marcusdavidusnoiw im using smooth task its works good ut not exacly liek i want its why i aski anyone knwo something newmasyb08:49
marcusdaviduseyeha srry my eng sux expecially when im on drugs08:50
llutz_marcusdavidus: then please leave and come back if you have a suport question AND you're sober08:52
staRrrhey guys, could someone post tutorial how to use xChat (commands, register the username etc.), thanks08:53
llutz_!register | staRrr registering is not a xchat function08:53
ubottustaRrr registering is not a xchat function: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:53
ParkerRstaRrr, /msg nickserv register <password> <emailaddress>08:57
staRrrright i see08:58
staRrris that a global IRC registration ?08:58
llutz_staRrr: freenode only08:58
ParkerRYes for freenode08:58
OmegaFortestaRrr, You'll have to do it on every other server, and get used to tying /msg nickserv identify PSWD08:58
staRrrwindows client can join in Freenode ?08:58
llutz_staRrr: sure08:59
OmegaFortestaRrr, Any irc client can join any irc server.08:59
staRrri used to use mIRC but it was so long ago08:59
g-hennuxi'm using apport to generate core dumps of my apache server when this crashes. how do i get the base64-encoded dump data out of the reports written to /var/crash?08:59
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g-hennuxanswer to myself: apport-unpack09:03
robbiethe1stOk, guys. After months of it working perfectly, my G15 extra keys suddenly stopped. Amongst other things, I can't find "XKeysymDB"... it just doesn't exist anywhere anymore. I need to recreate it, I guess. Running 11.0409:03
Onepamopahm, kubuntu 11.04 download link ????09:03
robbiethe1stOnepamopa: 32-bit or 64-bit?09:04
SeeknDestroy2Onepamopa, www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download09:04
robbiethe1staand http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:04
SeeknDestroy2Onepamopa, google helps man... "download kubuntu"... lolz09:04
overrider_I booted from my sda partition, and like to to clone it to sdb so i have it there as a bootable backup. Do i need to boot of a live system or of another disk or can i somehow clone my 'live' system on sda to sdb in a safe way?09:04
SeeknDestroy2overrider_, do it from the livecd09:04
robbiethe1stoverrider_: Yea, LiveCD09:05
overrider_ok cool09:05
staRrrsry 1 more newbie question, registering is only to make sure i can use the same nickname every time...so if someone is using it when i identify myself he will be forced to leave09:05
icerootoverrider_: both drives have the same size?09:05
SeeknDestroy2overrider_, command is --> sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=2048 <-- make sure to VERIFY THE DRIVES with "fdisk -l" so you don't clone the empty one over the top of the full one!09:05
HeraklesHi there, i get a question..., why is it that after opening a Softwareterminal (tty1,tty2 and so on) and after closing them, the System (Command "w") shows 4 or even more users on the System, isn´t that false information ?  Or why did Ubuntu konfigured their System like that ? (Using Ubuntu 11.04)09:05
robbiethe1stEh, I'd use bs=16M if it's a modern harddisk09:06
robbiethe1streally increases performance for me09:06
SeeknDestroy2overrider_, the "bs=2048" option increases the blocksize that it copies to 2048 instead of the default 512, speeds up the cloning of bigger disks09:06
llutz_staRrr: and some channels require registration/identification if you want to join09:06
ParkerRHerakles, in the tty1 type exit09:06
ParkerRAnd in any of them that are open09:06
OnepamopaSeeknDestroy2 shows me ubuntu page, which doesnt show kubuntu at all ;)09:06
python666u can type msg nickserv identify <password>09:06
Onepamopawhy do u think I asked here09:06
SeeknDestroy2robbiethe1st, anything other than the default "512" bytes is a good thing :)09:07
robbiethe1stSeeknDestroy2: Yea, definitely09:08
SeeknDestroy2Onepamopa, http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download has only download links for KUBUNTU... there's nothing about ubuntu there man09:08
HeraklesParkerR, I did...09:08
OnepamopaSeeknDestroy2 found it already09:08
Onepamopadownloading with 32.5 MB/s ;)09:08
ParkerRHerakles, then that is weird09:08
SeeknDestroy2Onepamopa, <drool @ speed> :)09:09
Onepamopa34.1 ;)09:09
HeraklesParkerR,  a message is beeing displayed.... "Sessions still open; not unmounting... "09:10
ParkerRAre all the tty's back at the username prompt?09:11
Heraklesthey are all back at Login-screen09:12
ParkerRHmmno clue09:12
ParkerR*Hmm no09:12
staRrris DCC a server for file transfer ?09:13
Heraklesso now 6 users are beeing displayed... by "w"-Commnad09:13
ParkerRstaRrr, is is a direct connection to anotheruser09:14
ParkerR*it is09:14
mverI cannot find usb connected hard drive with both NTFS and ext3 partitions. Please, what terminal commands should I use to find it and mount it?09:14
ParkerRmver, how many partitions on main hard drive. Internal09:15
OmegaFortemver, man mount09:15
staRrrright, and I establish that connection if I just open private dialog ?09:15
ParkerRmver try sudo mkdir /media/drive then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/drive09:15
ParkerRstaRrr, no09:16
codemagiciancan anyone advise on my desktop freeze problem with Nvidia card http://pastebin.com/8Twt6ARC09:16
staRrrhow to connect to someone09:16
ParkerRBut after you make that connection the private dialogs arent sent directly from you to the other person09:16
staRrrits instead of server ?09:16
ParkerRstaRrr, no09:17
ParkerRYou still have to be connected to a server09:17
Onepamopacodehotter pastebin xorg.conf09:17
censorhi all09:18
ParkerRHi censor09:18
HeraklesParkerR, something else that bugs me is this.....http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_%28Steuerzeichen%29  <------ it doesn´t work on my Ubuntu 11.0409:19
ParkerRWhat doesnt work?09:19
tarelerulzI have ipod nano that does music and videos I think 5th gen and I want to manage the file on it with some Linux program.    Any have any program that might work.   Do any of you manage ipods nanos09:19
codehotterOnepamopa: happens to all of us09:19
censorhow can i pass a command to execute by the system connected via serial port? e.g. picocom /dev/ttyS0 <<EOF dmesg EOF (with newlines, of course)09:19
Heraklesthe procedure discribed in the link...09:19
ParkerRWell thats a bad link09:20
ParkerRDidnt load for me09:20
staRrroki, i just want to chat with particular people as private as I can. So please could you purpose the software. Proxy or Tor to connect to IRC server, then separate ubuntu (GUI or terminal based) encryption and decryption program to encrypt my messages.09:20
Herakleshm.., well...09:20
HeraklesI dunno its german Wikipedia...09:20
ParkerRstaRrr, do you really need that much encryption>09:21
staRrrerm... not really, no09:21
staRrrbut who knows09:22
mverParker: thanks. Made /media/sata1, then got "special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist" as response to second command.09:22
iszakI need to setup a FTP account restricted to a directory, any guides?09:22
staRrruse filezilla and point to the desired folder09:23
llutz_iszak: read documentation of your ftp-server and look for something liek "chroot"09:23
ParkerRmver, try fdisk -l09:23
ParkerRmver, what does thatlist09:26
ParkerRpastebin it09:26
zelharHello. Can you help me locate the database files of Nepumuk and Strigi ?09:26
marcusdaviduswhat a bulsheit my google chrome google main site id is blue wtfafternew upgradechrome usntable jesus09:26
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, You can stop.09:27
marcusdavidussrslyu need help09:27
mverdrive is sdc1, but "special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist"09:27
marcusdavidusomega now im on drugs an totally not my a gameand chrome just go creazy pls help me09:27
OmegaFortemver, try mount. what does it say?09:27
marcusdavidus i dont joking09:27
OmegaForteCan we kick this guy?09:27
ParkerRmver, Ok good09:27
AlanIs there any particular reason Ubuntu sticks to installing tk8.4 instead of 8.5 by default?09:28
ParkerRmver, do sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/sata109:28
Alan8.4 is ugly as hell...09:28
mverParker: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist09:28
ParkerROk I saw the three times you said it09:28
lotuspsychjeanyone knows intrusion detector package for natty?09:28
mverParker: sorry for last. meant: "/dev/sdc1 on /media/USB HDD type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)09:29
llutz_lotuspsychje: snort09:29
ParkerRHmm no clue09:29
staRrrParkerR, if I use lets say 20times the same decrypt key, is there any software that can find the key?, or the key will be secure no matter how much messages one has09:29
staRrrnmap ?09:29
lotuspsychjellutz: is that still up to date to recent malicious intrusions?09:30
ParkerRnmap is a port scaner09:30
censoranybody knows how i can pass a command to execute to a serial console?09:30
ParkerRHas nothing to do with encryption keys09:30
llutz_lotuspsychje: check documentation/changelogs, idk09:30
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staRrri know09:30
lotuspsychjellutz_: ok tnx ill check09:31
zelharCan you help me locate the database files of Nepumuk and Strigi ?09:31
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staRrranswer, please :)09:33
ParkerRstaRrr, I did09:33
marcusdavidushelp my chrome go creazy and im in omg omg omg state isometimesi want to ppl do smething for me when im on  drugs09:33
llutz_zelhar: ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/* maybe09:33
ParkerRAnd you really dont need to worry about that much encryption09:34
llutz_marcusdavidus: stop it09:34
marcusdavidusthsi si after today upgrade ofchrome09:34
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marcusdavidusllutz_: i need help09:34
OmegaFortemarcusdavidus, That's a chromium issue that bugs all people who troll support channels.09:34
llutz_marcusdavidus: yes but no help this channel could give.09:34
marcusdavidusoki so what iu supoouse to do?09:35
OmegaForteGet on my exclude list. Like this.09:35
zelharI think so09:35
marcusdaviduspls treatme like idiot imon dxm09:35
minhthongsomebody advice me a best download manager?09:35
staRrrdoh...i said nmap trying to help the guy that asked for intrusion detection09:35
codemagicianhow to I tell ubuntu 11.04 to pickup the latest nvidia drivers?09:35
marcusdaviduscode goto rstricted09:36
mverParker & OmegaForte:  Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.09:36
mverThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which09:36
mvercould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.09:36
AdvoWorkHi there. In ubuntu - mint, ive got this line in my /etc/fstab: //IP/shared /mnt/shared cifs exec,credentials=/mnt/credentials  where the credentialc contains username=whatever password=whatever. Now this mounts fine. And if ive ssh'd in, i can work around the server. If my user logs in(userA) they cannot save as onto that /mnt/shared or do anything really(they can view but the files show as read only). When i do ls -all it shows all files/folde09:36
AdvoWorkrs as root root. When i get the user to log into the gui via root, all works fine. Any suggestions how i can get this working for userA?09:36
squigits unlikely to be the 'latest' driver though, just the latest one in the respository09:36
OmegaFortemver, Then it's already mounted, and you're done.09:37
minhthongjdownload is very good but it doesn't support plugin into firefox 509:37
marcusdavidusomega srsly wth with that bleu thing helpme i got no clu wth i dont want to relog on dumb windowsd09:38
marcusdaviduswhy u want to use ff its lw09:38
marcusdavidustry chrome09:38
marcusdavidusor opera09:38
mverOmegaForte: But I cannot see it in Places menu, whereas a different usb hd mounts automatically.09:39
ParkerRmver in terminal do ls /media/09:39
mverOmegaForte: I had previously started a simplebackup job that did not run properly09:39
ParkerRWhat does it say09:40
ParkerRpastebin it is more than a couple of lines09:40
marcusdavidusOmegaForte:  do u kow what us with that blue screen or i ned to downgrade chrome t?09:40
ParkerR*it if it is09:40
mverParker: mver@mver-ubuntu:~$ ls /media09:40
mverlinux-home  sata1  USB HDD  windta  winxp09:40
marcusdavidusim totally flky hight now09:40
llutz_!ops | marcusdavidus trolling09:40
ubottumarcusdavidus trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!09:40
ParkerRDo cd /media/USB HDD09:41
marcusdavidusllutz_:  no im not ntrolling pls help http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/1111tw.png/09:41
ParkerRcd /media/USB\ HDD/09:41
marcusdavidusitxs muy google chrome main ing page after udoatechrome09:41
marcusdavidusfor soem reazon is blue09:41
ParkerRmarcusdavidus, leran2type09:42
ParkerRGosh I need to take my own advice09:42
marcusdavidusi know but im o drugs09:42
marcusdavidusso im sorry09:42
llutz_marcusdavidus: nobody wants to decypher your childish chatter here09:42
marcusdavidusim sorry09:42
SeeknDestroy2<marcusdavidus> help my chrome go creazy and im in omg omg omg state isometimesi want to ppl do smething for me when im on  drugs09:42
Lasersmarcusdavidus: Drugs & IRC is bad, mkay? Time to /quit09:42
SeeknDestroy2go sober up and come back later dude09:42
marcusdavidusi just09:42
SeeknDestroy2just need to leave09:42
llutz_no, you want /quit09:42
SeeknDestroy2before you end up with a perm ban09:43
mverParkerR: this gets me to the second HDD but not to the other one that is occluded by "already exclusively opened."09:43
marcusdavidusjust pls forgot my flaws09:43
claviusmondhow do I capitalize every word in open office? the function named exactly like that only capitalizes the first letter of the phrase, not every word09:43
marcusdavidusand go to the blue problem thing09:43
elkymarcusdavidus, we can forget if you start participating constructively09:43
marcusdavidusand tbh inever was goodin englis ayway09:43
marcusdavidusim trybng09:44
llutz_marcusdavidus: /j #ubuntu-pl09:44
SeeknDestroy2marcusdavidus, should choose better drugs btw... DXM is stupid as hell... causes brain damage and will seriously lower your IQ lower than it already is09:44
marcusdavidusso anyone got such problem like i do have today with chrome?09:44
elkymarcusdavidus, try walking away from the keyboard for 10 minutes or so to calm down09:44
elkyi've never seen chrome do any blue screen thing, no.09:45
marcusdavidusactually dxm is one of best drugs out iof tere its do not make brain damage obly if u sue it in t our vain09:45
elkymarcusdavidus, what were you doing when it started happening?09:45
elkystop the drugs discussion *now*09:45
AdvoWorkHi there. In ubuntu ive got this line in my /etc/fstab: //IP/shared /mnt/shared cifs exec,credentials=/mnt/credentials  where the credentialc contains username=whatever password=whatever. Now this mounts fine. And if ive ssh'd in, i can work around the server. If my user logs in(userA) they cannot save as onto that /mnt/shared or do anything really(they can view but the files show as read only). When i do ls -all it shows all files/folders as ro09:46
AdvoWorkot root. When i get the user to log into the gui via root, all works fine. Any suggestions how i can get this working for userA?09:46
staRrrmay be it makes u see things blue haha09:46
SeeknDestroy2lol if you're letting that troll persist and stay in here while high on DXM i'm just gonna /part - have at it09:46
mverParker, OmegaForte, thanks for your help. I think this may be resolved when I reboot. Best,09:49
splashote2hi, i don't remember the name of the "work time tool" with a sheep as an indicator...09:52
somsipsplashote2: Well, I didn;t expect that one :-)09:53
staRrrany guideline how to connect to freenode through proxy (or tor) ?09:53
splashote2somsip: ? ;)09:53
llutz_staRrr: #freenode and www.freenode.net faq09:53
somsipsplashote2: sorry - that's just got me giggling. Do tell me if you find it :-)09:54
lpc2011hello guys! can somebody help me with my Places menu gone skewed? Ubuntu 10.04LTS09:54
lpc2011Gave me the message below when I tried clicking on partitions and the cd-rom drive:09:59
lpc2011Could not open location 'file:///media/09:59
lpc2011No application is registered as handling this file09:59
FloodBot1lpc2011: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
MrsBlpc2011: is there anything in the cd drive?10:00
lpc2011yes. the files and the cd drive gets mounted even it give the error message posted.10:01
AdvoWorkif a root user can create files on a mounted(via etc/fstab) but a normal user can't, when all files shown by ls show root root, any ideas what I can do?10:01
nand`debWhat's the easiest way to install grub to an NTFS partition?10:01
ThinkT510nand`deb: you don't, you install it to a linux partition or mbr10:02
MrsBlpc2011: try with something you know that works in the cd drive. Im not certain but it appears it isnt actually mounted10:03
lpc2011MrsB: yes. the drive gets mounted anyway, but it does not launch nautilus. I still have to click on it using Places on Computer10:03
spocknand`deb: you need to boot up a live cd to do it10:03
nand`debThinkT510: I don't have any linux partition whatsoever, just the MBR and a bunch of NTFS10:03
nand`debspock: I'm on a liveCD right now10:03
MrCoffeeTVHow do you like it so far, nand`deb ?10:04
nand`debMrCoffeeTV: Ubuntu you mean?10:04
nand`debcould be worse10:04
spocknand`deb: what version?10:04
MrCoffeeTVI have 11.4 loaded on this machine, and SUSE 11.4 loaded on my other.10:05
nand`debspock: crunchbang, which is based off debian squeeze - I was pointed to this channel, not because I use ubuntu10:05
MrCoffeeTVUnity takes some getting used to, but it's OK once you get the hang of it.10:05
k_szeWhat on earth is the "option.ko" kernel module?10:05
spocknand`deb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470810:06
lpc2011MrsB: there is the live CD (10.04lts) on it right now.10:06
MrCoffeeTVAre you asking what a kernel module is, k_sze, or asking what this particular one does?10:06
k_szeWhat this particular one does.10:07
MrCoffeeTVI see...10:07
nand`debspock: does grub-install work on mounted NTFS partitions?10:07
dnivrak_sze: looks like a serial USB kernel module.10:07
MrCoffeeTVWell, when I was compiling Gentoo, I never ran by it.10:07
MrsBlpc2011: are you saying you are running from the live cd or that it is just in the drive?10:07
MrCoffeeTVSo, can't say what it does, or what its purpose is.10:08
lpc2011MrsB: I'm not running from it.10:08
JoelioHi, is there a way to set the permissions of a tar (the acutal tar, not the contents) at creation time, rather than chmodding after creation?10:08
dnivrak_sze: seems like a serial USB kernel module for accessing internet via a mobile phone.10:09
k_szednivra: how did you find out?10:09
MrCoffeeTVJoelio: From my experience, the files should have the same permissions going into the archive...10:09
dnivrak_sze: google :P.10:09
MrsBlpc2011: I'd expect to see something like /media/disk or /media/cdrom or /media/<cd title> when it was mounted. Is there anything in your /media directory?10:09
MrCoffeeTVSo, I think the only way you can get it to work, is to change permissions on each file beforehand.10:10
JoelioMrCoffeeTV: Ok, I'll give it a try.10:10
MrCoffeeTVKernel compiling was never my thing.  Tried Gentoo twice...10:10
MrCoffeeTVGot BIG, FAT, HUGE fonts on an 80 column screen...10:10
MrCoffeeTVAnd no matter WHAT framebuffer I used, even nuevo, it still gave the same dang font.  No penguine, nothing.  Just BIG, HUGE, 80 column text.10:11
MrCoffeeTVSo next time, I'll have to go grab and compile that nvidia driver and see if it does any good.  I'm not holding my breath.10:11
OmegaForteMrCoffeeTV, Maybe it cares about your eyesight. It doesn't want you to stress your eyes.10:11
MrCoffeeTVIt must be smarter than me, OmegaForte !10:12
MrCoffeeTVBut one of these days, I WILL become the ALPHA.10:12
MrCoffeeTVDon't care how much I have to kick it and whip it into shape, it WILL obey.  I'll have the glory!10:12
AdvoWorkif a root user can create files on a mounted(via etc/fstab) but a normal user can't, when all files shown by ls show root root, any ideas what I can do?10:13
lpc2011MrsB: I sent my reply via past.ubuntu.com.10:13
MrCoffeeTVI'll find a week where I can go over each module, and read in detail on that kernel.  Something's bound to give.10:13
MrsBlpc2011: you'll have to paste the link10:14
lpc2011sorry guys... http://paste.ubuntu.com/657797/10:14
MrCoffeeTVAdvoWork: You have to sudo into root first, then change ownership of that fstab file..10:14
LasersMrCoffeeTV: You're using Gnome and everything is big?10:15
MrCoffeeTVOr, you'll have to add a new group, then assign yourself to that particular privilege for that file.10:15
MrCoffeeTVIt's the consolue, Lasers.10:15
MrCoffeeTVAnyway, I wanted Gentoo in console mode, and I was going to compile everything and optimize it to this machine.10:15
AdvoWorkMrCoffeeTV, how come change ownership of the fstab file, is that the only way?10:15
LasersMrCoffeeTV: Ah. Nevermind. I was going to ask you if you tried changing DPI.10:15
MrCoffeeTVI gave up when I tried to install X.10:15
MrsBlpc2011: Is it trying to open the right thing when you click it in Places menu?10:15
MrCoffeeTVAdvoWork: If you want to change the fstab file, you MUST be root.10:16
Lasers!fstab | AdvoWork10:16
ubottuAdvoWork: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:16
MrCoffeeTVYou don't want your regular user account to access fstab, because it can mess up your file system.  The only way to fix it would be to chroot into it with the repair disk.10:16
AdvoWorkMrCoffeeTV, but i mean, is that the only way, by changing the fstab? i can edit the fstab file fine... and its working, for root, but not for other users10:16
LasersAdvoWork: It's very touch-touch stuffs -- Something that you don't want anybody to have access to.10:17
AdvoWorki know that, i think you've got the wrong idea of my prob, one sec, let me explain10:17
k_szesorry, I'm hysterical now.10:17
AdvoWorkive got this line in my /etc/fstab: //IP/shared /mnt/shared cifs exec,credentials=/mnt/credentials  where the credentialc contains username=whatever password=whatever. Now this mounts fine. And if ive ssh'd in, i can work around the server. If my user logs in(userA) they cannot save as onto that /mnt/shared or do anything really(they can view but the files show as read only). When i do ls -all it shows all files/folders as root root. When i get10:17
AdvoWorkthe user to log into the gui via root, all works fine. Any suggestions how i can get this working for userA?10:17
MrCoffeeTVI think AdvoWork is referring to permissions of a certain file.10:17
lpc2011MrsB: http://paste.ubuntu.com/657801/10:18
MrCoffeeTVAdvoWork: You have to go into your sudoers.conf file, and add the privilege to the user who you want to have access to that directory.10:18
MrCoffeeTVWell, actually, I think it's the sudoers.d directory, not sure.  but look in /ext and there should be a sudoers.conf or sudoers directory in there some place.10:19
=== Mud is now known as Guest50188
MrCoffeeTVI haven't messed with anything like that myself, though.10:19
llutz_AdvoWork: you want to add uid/gid to mount-options in fstab. use gid of a group your users are member10:19
bartjhelp! how can I remove these rootkits from ubuntu machine10:20
bartjcb Rootkit10:20
bartjSHV4 Rootkit10:20
bartjSHV5 Rootkit10:20
FloodBot1bartj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:20
llutz_AdvoWork: read "man mount.cifs" about uid, gid and umask10:20
AdvoWorkllutz, like: //IP/shared /mnt/shared cifs exec,credentials=/mnt/credentials, gid=as you say?10:20
ThinkT510bartj: reformat and reinstall10:20
bartjwhat about the data ?10:21
MrCoffeeTVHow did the root kits get there in the first place, bartj ?10:21
bartjmy server has been hacked!10:21
llutz_bartj: restore data from backup after reinstallation10:21
OmegaForteMrCoffeeTV, They got in there because he was messing with permissions, that's how.10:21
bartjno, the server's been hacked10:21
MrCoffeeTVThat's what I figured, OmegaForte10:22
MrCoffeeTVIt's not often that a Linux system gets compromised, unless someone was able to gain privileges.10:22
MrCoffeeTVI think some of the more difficult challenges is setting privileges on web sites.10:23
lpc2011MrsB: Could not open location 'file:///media/(drive or cd-rom)10:23
MrCoffeeTVOne PHP file that's set to the wrong permissions can really fsck a site...  Been there, done that.10:23
bartjhmm, how do I prevent this ?10:24
bartjI have *no* firewall setup10:24
MrsBlpc2011: Im not sure how that menu is generated, I think its probably done dynamically. The only reason I can really think of for the error is that it is trying to open something which isn't there or an incorrect path to it. If that is OK tho then I would keep asking every so often and eventually somebody with moar brainz will come along :)10:26
lpc2011MrsB: I tried the ubuntu forums, with no luck either. Thanks!10:27
MrsBNP, sorry I don't know the answer to that one10:27
lpc2011thank you guys... gtg. bye.10:28
rjayaswarhi everyone...:)10:29
ArtelHey guys10:29
SER_всем привет10:31
SER_я хоть по русски пишу тут10:32
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:32
JanineAnyone here good at configuring a mouse? I need help to get my mousewheel to work10:32
OmegaForteJanine, Yeah, didn't i talk to you earlier?10:32
Janineyea, me and another tried for 3 hours straight and still didnt get it to work10:33
OmegaForteI told you the line to add to your xorg.conf.10:33
JanineOmegaForte: it didnt work so there must be something wrong somewhere10:34
OmegaForteJanine, You added this line "Option       "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"" to the bottom of the "inputdevice" definition.10:34
JanineOmegaForte: yea and it doesnt work10:34
JanineOmegaForte: I think there is something wrong before that, maybe something making the definition not work10:35
JanineOmegaForte: We are using a custom file I think. 60-logitech-vx.conf10:36
ThinkT510Janine: for it to work you need to reload X (logout and back in or restart)10:37
JanineThinkT510: I have restarted the computer a million times10:38
MrCoffeeTVJanine: Are you using Ubuntu, Mint, or similar distribution?10:38
JanineMrCoffeeTV: Ubuntu 11.0410:38
MrCoffeeTVI see.10:38
MrCoffeeTVIt should have found your mouse during installation, or when the kernel boots up.10:39
MrCoffeeTVSounds to me like it could be an issue with either a module, or a driver.10:39
MrCoffeeTVMost likely, it could be a kernel module.10:39
JanineMrCoffeeTV: one guy who tried to help me said the mouse was listed as two devices10:40
AdvoWorkis there a way i can grep for certain text in all files that match .htaccess?10:40
=== bittin_ is now known as bittin`
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  the mouse works, everything works except vertical scrolling10:40
MrCoffeeTVAdvoWork: ls <filename> | grep10:40
MrCoffeeTVI think that would be the command, but dont' quote me.10:41
magpiican someone help me find the exe file to use when trying to run a windows program in wine?10:41
MrCoffeeTVI see, Janine10:41
magpiii have tried the winehq channel and was told to go instal windows10:41
JanineMrCoffeeTV: What do I do?10:41
OmegaFortemagpii, What's the program..10:41
MrCoffeeTVI'm thinking about the driver, Janine10:41
MrCoffeeTVWith open source drivers, some features can be left out, not intentionally, though.10:42
magpiiOmegaForte: i am trying to run ut3 in wine, but the exe file is in the binaries folder and i cant get to it through terminal10:42
somsipAdvoWork: greepping for texts contained in files? grep -r "text" /path10:42
OmegaFortemagpii, It's installed in the normal epic folder, right?10:42
MrCoffeeTVWe experience much of the same with video card drivers, when there's no access to the commercial version like Windows, or OSX would use.10:42
MrCoffeeTVThat may be your situation, Janine.10:42
MrCoffeeTVDoes that mouse work better with other distributions?10:42
MrCoffeeTVIf so, then you may try that, and see if you can look at the xorg.conf information on that particular distribution.10:43
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  I have no idea. Ive only tried Ubuntu with it10:43
magpiiOmegaForte:  i installed the defualt install path, but for some reason, i cant get to the exe file in terminal, yet when i click it through wine, it doesnt do anything10:43
magpiiOmegaForte: if that made sense?10:43
OmegaFortemagpii, Doesn't unreal use a frontend loader, like u3launcher.exe?10:43
MrCoffeeTVJanine: You would have had some real fun at my computer when I was trying to set up a Gentoo kernel!10:44
MrCoffeeTVJanine: Your mouse is a Logitec, correct/10:44
JanineMrCoffeeTV: I have looked at other peoples xorg file that have the same mouse and it still dont work. It is a Logitech VX Nano10:44
OmegaForteMrCoffeeTV, Hey coffee, lemme bounce a question off you, to see if it's just me. Motorola made the CSR transmitter for low power systems. Why is it not supported in Ubuntu?10:45
magpiiOmegaForte: there is an ut frontend.exe, a ut console, and a ut3.exe and none seem to do anything when i try opening them in wine10:45
MrCoffeeTVI haven't a clue, OmegaForte10:45
OmegaFortemagpii, I don't have UT3, so I can't do the testing. I do however have some UT3 games. Can you launch UT3 from the shortcut wine made?10:46
MrCoffeeTVI don't know if that link would help, Janine, but try it.10:46
AdvoWorkMrCoffeeTV, somsip but i mean, all .htaccess files(i've got loads? so id want to search for the text "test" in all .htaccess files,without me having to specify their path, if possible?10:46
MrCoffeeTVMeanwhile, let me see if  I can google your mouse.10:46
JanineMrCoffeeTV: ok, will take a look right away.10:46
MrCoffeeTVBoy, AdvoWork .....10:47
MrCoffeeTVWell, I'm not an expert at formatting commands.10:47
magpiiOmegaForte:  the only shortcuts wine made on my desktop are unreal tournament3.lnk and another that has a wineglas icon with unreal tournament 3 under it. they dont do anything either10:47
somsipAdvoWork: grep -lr "test" / possibly10:47
somsipAdvoWork: oh...hang on10:47
OmegaForteOkay. Lemme install RV6V2 real fast.10:47
magpiiOmegaForte:  do i need to reconfig the lnk icon?10:48
joa__hey, i have a user with a shell set as /bin/false but is it possible to still execute commands with that user? like sudo su user -c command10:48
OmegaFortemagpii, I don't know. Hang on10:48
MrCoffeeTVJanine: Are you having any luck?10:48
magpiiOmegaForte: thanks, i really apreciate you taking the time to help.10:48
pentestorhi all ;10:49
JanineMrCoffeeTV: me and another tried a lot of combinations for the mousewheel last night with no luck. Is there any way to check if the different combinations have any impact?10:49
OmegaFortemagpii, Go to your wine jingus, and go to "browse C drive". Navigate to where unreal installed, and verify it's actually there.10:49
MrCoffeeTVJanine: You could try a different mouse, and see if the wheel works with the config file you're editing.10:50
ThinkT510magpii: just incase you haven't checked: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=593710:50
magpiihow do i verify? i can see the file sets there in wine program files10:50
MrCoffeeTVIf that's the case, then you might not have the right driver for that Logitech.10:50
MrCoffeeTVJanine: With Linux, each driver is actually a kernel module, which is compiled in the kernel its self.10:51
somsipAdvoWork: ok - you need "find / -name .htacess" to find your files, "-exec cat | grep 'test' {};" or something like that at the end. You'll have to check the proper syntax, but there's plenty out on google to guide you10:51
OmegaFortemagpii, Coffee raises a valid arg. Maybe you're missing dependancies.10:51
MrCoffeeTVWhat happens, is that each module gets compiled as an extra program, which loads from a directory during bootup.10:51
somsipAdvoWork: so "find / -name .htacess -exec cat | grep 'test' {};" or something close. Ish10:51
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  http://pastebin.com/fgZ3ydLc Can you see something wrong?10:52
MrCoffeeTVYou don't install a driver in Linux like you do Windows, so you have to find out which module your mouse can run under.10:52
magpiiOmegaForte:  ok, gonna read through and install the recommended patch, brb10:52
js_somsip: find / -name .htacess -exec grep test {} \;10:52
MrCoffeeTVJanine:  I know that my video driver is only listed as "NVidia Corporation"10:53
MrCoffeeTVSo, you could try "Logitech corporation" under your MatchProduct.10:53
JanineMrCoffeeTV: Can you see something wrong with this file? http://pastebin.com/fgZ3ydLc10:53
MrCoffeeTVIt's hard telling, Janine.10:54
MrCoffeeTVBut let me go through my config, and see what I find.10:54
magpiiOmegaForte: what does it mean by install to wine prefix? is that the default wine install path?10:54
somsipjs_: hey, I was pretty close. Except for the typo and the \ :)10:55
MrCoffeeTVJanine, here's what I have:   InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"10:55
MrCoffeeTVJanine:  Try those entries in your config file, without trying to specifiy the brand of mouse.  It might work.10:56
OmegaFortemagpii, Wine works in prefixes, where you can keep individual settings and configs to meet the needs of specific applications.10:56
magpiiOmegaForte: ahh, yeah, gotya10:56
MrCoffeeTVJanine: Try "Identifier  "Mouse0"10:56
MrCoffeeTVthen:  Driver   "mouse"10:57
MrCoffeeTVOption:  "protocol" "auto"10:57
MrCoffeeTVThen Option   "Device" :/dev/psaux"10:57
MrCoffeeTVThat's how my moust is setup.10:57
MrCoffeeTVBut I have a generic mouse, too.10:58
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  I think we got the mouse to respond to changes, but we need the right combination to make the wheel work. Do you follow?10:58
PICKaNICKanyone in here ?10:58
lightstreamnope just you10:58
MrCoffeeTVYes, Janine....10:58
MrCoffeeTVthat's why I was making those suggestions....10:58
PICKaNICKguys i have a question about linux & windows security10:58
PICKaNICKdo you have time?10:58
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  ok ok10:58
MrCoffeeTVIf you can't find a specific Logitech driver, then you could try something more generic.10:58
PICKaNICKit's about sharing files over a LAN10:58
PICKaNICKand now the biggest problem is wireless10:59
lightstreamsomeone might do, ask away10:59
lightstreamvia samba?10:59
PICKaNICKhow to isolate the shares in linux10:59
MrCoffeeTVLike using a Linux framebuffer instead of an NVidia driver to get the XServer to kick in, for example.10:59
PICKaNICKit means it only accept the access for specific ips10:59
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  can we talk in private?10:59
PICKaNICKthis way it will be very hard to hack10:59
JanineMrCoffeeTV: please PM me10:59
MrCoffeeTVFeel free to message me, Janine10:59
PICKaNICKis this possible on linux ?10:59
lightstreamwaht do you mean, 'isolate the shares'11:00
PICKaNICKlet say i have a local lan shared printer, harddisk, USB disks .. etc11:00
PICKaNICKi want only the people i know access them11:00
MrCoffeeTVI think PICKaNICK wants to set up sharing for a directory, but only to specific IP's.11:00
PICKaNICKso i need only fixed specific ids to see and access11:00
PICKaNICKthis way i won't  be scared of unauthrozied access11:01
PICKaNICKeither by wireless or on LAN11:01
arunkumar413hi, i have .qcp audio files and i want to  convert them to mp3 or wav. Please  suggest a simple  package to do this11:01
lightstreamsure you can do it PICKaNICK11:02
lightstreammaybe using the firewall tho11:02
lightstreamor do you want some IPs to have access to some shares but not others11:02
glebihanarunkumar413, ffmpeg should be able to do that11:03
PICKaNICKyeah light11:03
PICKaNICKthat kind of way11:03
PICKaNICKi rather have ips access than passwords11:03
PICKaNICKbecause passwords can be stolen11:03
arunkumar413glebihan: there is no ffmpeg on my system11:04
glebihanarunkumar413, then install it11:04
VxQePICKaNICK, you do realise that it is far easier to fake an IP/MAC than it is to steal a password?11:06
arunkumar413glebihan: installed ffmpeg. But i dont know how to convert11:07
PICKaNICKVxQe i don't think the people knows what i'm doing from my side for them to go and do that11:07
glebihanarunkumar413, from terminal run "ffmpeg -i 'file_to_convert.qcp' 'dest_file.wav'"11:08
PICKaNICKeverybody knows that you access shares by a passward11:08
PICKaNICKbut by IPs11:08
PICKaNICKnot many11:08
VxQeWell, everyone but the 1489 people in this channel that just saw you type that.11:08
arunkumar413glebihan:  can i also batch convert11:08
VxQePasswords are still by far the more secure method.11:08
Benkinoobywill my choice of window manager (kwin, metacity, compiz, xfwm, *box, icewm, ...) influence my game expereience? will the window mangeres still use graphic card ressources when i am gaming? in that context, does fullscreen vs. window mode make a difference?11:09
PICKaNICKi know but i also want to reject all other IPs that don't match11:09
VxQeSecurity by obscurity is not security.11:09
PICKaNICKso if the IPs is not in the allow access it won't see anything at all11:09
VxQeYou can do that with samba or with iptables.11:09
VxQeIt shouldn't be difficult, I don't think?11:09
theadminVxQe: Or ufw.11:09
theadminVxQe: The Ubuntu FireWall11:09
VxQeWell, that is just iptables. :)11:10
glebihanarunkumar413, ffmpeg doesn't allow batch conversion by itself, you would have to write a little script in order to do that11:10
glebihanarunkumar413, have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86767011:10
theadminVxQe: True, a frontend to iptables and nothing more11:10
PICKaNICKanyway guys.. thanks for your pateince with me11:10
PICKaNICKi always compilcat things11:10
JanineMrCoffeeTV:  please PM me11:12
arunkumar413glebihan:  didn't understand it11:12
lightstreamVxQe: re faking IPs - yeah it's easy, but of course you won't get the response, cos that will be sent ot the IP you  faked, yeah?11:13
theadmin!info tor | lightstream11:13
ubottulightstream: tor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 1016 kB, installed size 2104 kB11:14
cheek2cheekIs there a way to setup email program (either evolution or thunderbird) to a hotmail account with IMAP settings or hotmail does not provide imap server?11:14
theadmincheek2cheek: They do not.11:14
theadmincheek2cheek: Actually... wait, might have11:14
Benkinoobywill my choice of window manager (kwin, metacity, compiz, xfwm, *box, icewm, ...) influence my game expereience? will the window mangeres still use graphic card ressources when i am gaming? in that context, does fullscreen vs. window mode make a difference?11:14
glebihanarunkumar413, well basically, if all the files you have to convert are in the same folder, the command "for f in *.qcp; do ffmpeg -i '$f' '${f%.qcp}.wav'; done" will convert all the files11:15
Lift-Noobmorning girlz11:15
Janinecan anyone tell me how to copy one file from one location to another?11:15
theadmincheek2cheek: Try m.hotmail.com11:15
Janinefrom home to x11 folder11:16
theadminJanine: cp source target11:16
cheek2cheekm.hotmail.com as a imap server?11:16
theadmincheek2cheek: Yeah11:16
Janinetheadmin:  thanks11:16
glebihanarunkumar413, btw that command must be run from the folder where the .qcp files are located11:17
anygivennamelogwatch can not send mail.....'sendmail: cannot open OUTGOING Server:PORT#'11:17
cheek2cheektheadmin, thanks going to try11:17
helly^I'm connect to my box at home via VNC. But everytime I hit the "d" button it minimizes the window I'm in..11:17
ThinkT510Benkinooby: as regards gaming in wine compiz is not recomended11:17
theadminJanine: What you're looking for seems to be: sudo cp ~/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:17
Janinetheadmin: no. A file in my home directory to that yes. please tell me that command11:18
theadminJanine: cp ~/filename /etc/X11/filename is it.11:18
s7hello, i need some help on: httpd (no pid file) not running11:18
theadminJanine: Well, with sudo if you're not root11:18
Janinetheadmin: thanks a lot11:18
glebihans7, when do you get this error ?11:18
theadminJanine: No problem.11:19
anygivennamelogwatch used to work & send daily report by mail.....now it says cannot send, although machine is connected11:19
theadminJanine: You should handle permissions though11:19
s7glebihan, i get that error when i start apache11:19
arunkumar413glebihan: where will the converted files get saved11:19
theadmin!chmod | Janine11:19
ubottuJanine: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:19
glebihananygivenname, the problem doesn't come from logwatch but from your sendmail configuration11:20
=== Stanley00 is now known as Stanley|away
abhijainhow can i install Mfdev010 fonts in ubuntu11:20
glebihanarunkumar413, in the same folder as the source fiels11:20
cheek2cheektheadmin, what should I write as a smtp server ?11:20
arunkumar413glebihan: i want them in another folder11:20
PolahCan anyone tell me a PDF reader which can edit editable (form) PDFs? Document Viewer and Adobe Reader let me edit them, but neither actually save the information. xpdf and Foxit for Linux don't let me edit the PDF at all. I know the PDF is editable and the information is saveable on Windows at least.11:20
glebihans7, how do you start apache ? by running "sudo service apache2 start" ?11:20
anygivennameglebihan: I have not chaned anything...I have looked into the config file & it is the same correct settings11:20
theadmincheek2cheek: smtp.live.com11:21
s7glebihan, by: $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop11:21
glebihanarunkumar413, then change the command to : for f in *.qcp; do ffmpeg -i '$f' '/destination/folder/${f%.qcp}.wav'; done11:21
cheek2cheektheadmin,  cheers.11:21
theadmincheek2cheek: Honestly this is nowhere close to an Ubuntu question :D11:21
glebihans7, that's not the way to start apache anymore, try the command I mentioned11:22
abhijainhow to install fonts Mfdev010 in ubuntu11:22
MrCoffeeTVJanine:  cp /home/<username>/<filename> /etc/X11/<filename>11:22
ThinkT510!fonts | abhijain11:22
ubottuabhijain: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/11:22
theadminMrCoffeeTV: There is ~ and $HOME11:22
hyperstrumHello, im having issues with 11.04 and the network-manager-gnome, it seems to list the WIFI networks, but it doesnt list VPN listings or 'More Networks' for the extra networks, shows a box about 2px thick. If i click another network or disconnect it doesnt function at all. I just attempted to reinstall network-manager/-gnome.11:22
spockwhy are all the gnome-look themes based off OSX or Vista :(11:22
MrCoffeeTVJanine: You need to have root access to copy that file into a directory owned by root.11:22
JanineMrCoffeeTV: thanks, the last didnt work11:22
MrCoffeeTVWell, I didn't give the exact location, because I don't know it, Janine.11:23
MrCoffeeTVAnyway, I hope the settings work.11:23
glebihananygivenname, is the message you pasted the exact error message you get ?11:23
s7' glebihan, when i use 'sudo service apache2 start' i get command not found11:23
anygivennameglebihan: yes11:23
theadminhyperstrum: Do the VPN connections exist in /etc/ppp/peers? Can you pon them?11:23
anygivennameglebihan: ofcourse I have my outgoing server address & port11:24
Janinestill didnt work11:24
Janineno such file11:24
aauthorDoes anyone know of something similar to deskbar for lxde (read lubuntu?)11:25
cheek2cheektheadmin, doesn't work. I reckon maybe this is only possible for mobile devices, like iphone, android, ipads... thats why they put m.hotmail.com m for mobile.11:25
glebihans7, what release of ubuntu are you using ?11:25
hyperstrumtheadmin: i just used the network manager gui (they are previous ones from 10.10 ill check /etc/ppp/peers now11:25
s7glebihan, am running ubuntu 8.04 server11:25
JanineMrCoffeeTV: still it says no such file11:25
lokaiI'm trying to get dual monitor under the latest kde/ubuntu, and making the correct setting in systemsetting or xrandr forces a system logout, which restores the original configuration. How do I solve this?11:25
MrCoffeeTVxdien: It is better to boot with a CD-RW than it is to try booting with an external device.11:26
hyperstrumtheadmin: i have a file called provider inside of /etc/ppp/peers/11:26
glebihans7, ok my bad then your initial command should be the good one11:27
HerrVorragendHello. Does anybody knows how to add a welcome text to may channel with xchat. Can`t find that option. Thanks.11:27
ThinkT510HerrVorragend: ask in #freenode11:27
glebihans7, except that you typed "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop" instead of "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start"11:27
HerrVorragendAh sorry then. Thank you bye!11:27
john__I have some problem with sudo apt-get update , it gives error like this   E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead11:28
theadminhyperstrum: Try "sudo pon provider", see if it gives any results11:28
ThinkT510HerrVorragend: no worries :)11:28
john__so can anyone help me please11:28
glebihananygivenname, have you tried sending a mail directly with sendmail ?11:29
s7glebihan, when i used 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start' i get starting the web server apache  failed11:29
anygivennameglebihan: yes...tried with ssmtp & it gave me the same error11:29
glebihans7, do you get any details on the error ?11:29
glebihananygivenname, do you get to connect via telnet to your smtp server11:30
anygivennameglebihan: how can I do that ?11:30
lightstreamjohn__:  might not be anything to worry about from time to time i've had probs downloading updates, but it has been some misconfig issue which gets resolved in a day or two11:30
s7glebihan, when i used /var/log/apache2/error.log.1, i get File does not exist: /htdocs11:30
glebihananygivenname, just type "telnet server_address port"11:31
theadmins7: Now that's certainly awkward, because normally on Ubuntu apache uses /var/www, not "/htdocs"11:31
theadmins7: Check your apache2.conf11:31
cheek2cheektheadmin, thanks anyway for your help11:31
john__ah ok thanks11:32
theadmincheek2cheek: No problem (I guess), sad it didn't work out11:32
BenkinoobyThinkT510, ok, but apart from wine you don't have any expereince with that topic?11:32
anygivennameglebihan:  : before port ?11:32
theadmincheek2cheek: I have a Hotmail account to test on, but... Don't have any wish to use it for actual mail11:32
glebihananygivenname, no11:32
glebihananygivenname, just a space11:32
theadminanygivenname: Example: "telnet gmail.com 25"11:33
ThinkT510Benkinooby: not really, not much of a gamer (wesnoth works well in any desktop environment)11:33
BenkinoobyThinkT510, oh, jsut found a test on phoronix about my question ... at least for compositiong managers http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_managers1&num=111:33
s7theadmin, when i check on /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, is there any specific i need to look up for?11:33
anygivennameglebihan: telnet connected11:33
Socky_Hey guys, Im running ubuntu in a VM.  I forget if i have 10.04 32 bit, or 64 bit. When I do a uname -a i get ...11:33
Socky_Linux Caffeine 2.6.32-28-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 10 23:42:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:33
Socky_is it normal to show 86 and 64?11:34
theadmins7: Wish I could remember the syntax lol, sorry, I dunno11:34
glebihananygivenname, you did run that from the same computer which runs the logwatch command, right  ?11:34
theadminSocky_: That's a regular 64-bit architecture11:34
glebihans7, anything containing /htdocs11:34
theadminSocky_: ixnay to worry about11:34
Socky_if it was 32, it would only say x86?11:35
theadminSocky_: It'd say i68611:35
anygivennameglebihan: yes11:35
s7glebihan,  when i used /var/log/apache2/error.log.1, i get File does not exist: /htdocs11:35
Har1equinMorning all...11:35
wols_Socky_: dpkg --print-architecture is theproper way to check what arch you run. uname -a doesn't show it properly11:36
Har1equinI have a non Ubuntu related question that I need help on, it's relating to blocking IP networks based on the IP address...11:36
glebihans7, yes I saw that, that's why you should look for any line containing /htdocs in the apache2.conf file11:36
Har1equinI am designing a website and would like to redirect anyone visiting from outside the UK, i.e. not connecting on a UK based IP to another page. Is this possible...?11:36
wols_s7: there is no such file usually. grep -r /htdocs /etc/apache2/11:37
wols_Har1equin: of couse it is11:37
dr_willisHar1equin,  not to hard to get around either. :)11:37
Har1equinI have a list of all the networks, there's a hell of a lot.11:37
wols_Har1equin: tho geetingaccess to a GeoIP DB might not be so easy11:37
BlankVersehow do i install grub on sda?11:38
BlankVersei am looking for the exact command ... currently its installed by mistake on sdb and needs a pendrive to boot11:38
dnivra!grub2 | BlankVerse11:39
ubottuBlankVerse: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:39
theadminBlankVerse: grub-install /dev/sda11:39
Har1equinwols_, I'm simpy thinking of displaying a splash screen or redirecring these users to a message that simply states that we can only sell the product "X" to UK residents.11:39
theadminBlankVerse: That's about it11:39
BlankVersetheadmin: do i need net access for downloading grub11:39
wols_Har1equin: i more meant stuff like "mode_rewrite, mod_redirect, a php script, etc11:39
BlankVersetheadmin: or is grub-install there by default11:39
theadminBlankVerse: Possibly, I'm not sure what package is grub-install in.11:39
anygivennameglebihan: on ssmtp.conf.....it is outgoingserver:port11:39
wols_BlankVerse: no. you already have grub-install11:40
s7wols_, under /var/www, there is not htdocs11:40
dr_willisBlankVerse,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc  can give you a checkbox. or ive used a command like --<>   sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck11:40
theadmin!apt-file | BlankVerse11:40
ubottuBlankVerse: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"11:40
Har1equinI'd write that later easily enough. I think...!11:40
wols_s7: where did I talk about /var/www ?11:40
s7glebihan, in apache2.conf, there is no line containing htdocs11:40
BluesKajHello all11:41
s7wols_, grep -r /htdocs /etc/apache211:41
wols_s7: once more: where did I talk about /var/www?11:41
glebihans7, then use the command wols_  gave you to find in which files it appears : grep -r /htdocs /etc/apache2/11:41
theadminwols_: I think I talked about that.11:41
s7wols_, it appears in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:<Directory "/var/www/htdocs">11:43
glebihananygivenname, I don't use ssmtp so I may not be of much help here11:43
theadmins7: Set that simply to "/var/www"11:43
wols_s7: /var/www/htdocs is not /htdocs11:43
wols_s7: why did you edit your apache2 config and ow?11:44
=== Stanley|away is now known as Stanley00
wols_andygraybeals: ehlo localhost11:45
s7wols_, that happened when i was trying to install drupal11:45
wols_anygivenname: ehlo localhost11:45
wols_!info druapl11:46
ubottuPackage druapl does not exist in natty11:46
wols_!info drupal11:46
ubottuPackage drupal does not exist in natty11:46
Piciwols_: its in the repositories11:46
Pici!info drupal611:46
ubottudrupal6 (source: drupal6): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 6.20-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1052 kB, installed size 4976 kB11:46
wols_s7: then next time use the repos11:46
wols_Pici: thx11:46
s7wols, how do i set /htdocs to /var/www?11:46
wols_s7: what is the exact errorß AND YOU DO KNOW HOW TO WRITE; YESß11:47
wols_sorry for the capslock11:47
=== Janhouse_ is now known as Janhouse
anygivennamewols_: what do u mean ?11:47
Picis7: Normally the httpd settings in Ubuntu are governed by the contents of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ have you looked in there?11:47
wols_anygivenname: I mean you to type that when connected to your MTA11:48
lightstreamcheck the last line of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to see if it's including the stuff in sites-enabled11:48
lightstreambut yeah prob is11:48
wols_Pici: the grep command did but drupal probably mangled his apache config totally and utterly11:48
theadminPici: Didn't it all used to be in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf?11:49
wols_lightstream: there is nothing in apache2.conf or rather there shouldn't be anything in there11:49
wols_theadmin: not for a long time11:49
s7Pici, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled does not contain httpd11:49
s7wols_ Yes in a newbie but i can write11:50
Picis7: httpd isn't a file, is there anything in that path?11:50
lightstreamtheadmin: it did all used to be in apache2.conf / httpd.conf, but was split out into separate subfolders, i think around the time apache 2 came out11:50
s7Pici, no there is nothing in that path11:51
lightstreamor similar11:51
theadminlightstream: Meh, complicated... I just know the default setup uses /var/www/ for htdocs11:51
lightstreamhmm lost a message11:52
=== heyzeus is now known as zeus
lightstreams7 - sites-enabled should contain a file called default-00011:53
=== zeus is now known as jmrodri_
s7lightstream, i don't have that file in sites-enabled11:53
lightstreamis it 000-default .. unfortunately don't have ubuntu here right now ...11:54
wols_s7: what do you have? and what is the catual error message you've seen?11:54
lightstreamdo you have anything in that folder?11:54
wols_lightstream: 000-default here11:55
lightstreamthat's the file that shold be included if your httpd.conf / apache2.conf file finishes by including that folder11:56
ortsvorsteherhi. i need to write a script where i want to echo some lines and this lines have to be in red color. i want to use tput for changing the text color to red, but dont know how to do that. any ideas?11:56
halabundI installed ubuntu 11.04 for the first time, alongside WinXP, but it won't boot.  I get a grub console.  It has been like this for the past 3 versions of ubuntu I tried, none of them would boot on my machine.  What can I do?11:56
halabundI have a grub console here.11:56
s7wols_, when i run /var/log/apache2/error.log.1, i get /htdocs does not exist11:57
halabundprevious versions failed with an "out of disk" error, 11.04 doesn't say what the problem is.11:57
wols_s7: run?11:57
wols_s7: so paste us the output of the command I gave you11:57
theadminortsvorsteher: echo $(tput setf 1) blah blah11:58
magpii_i know this is offtop on here but winehq channel is not responding, can someone spare a few moments to help me with wine?11:58
theadminortsvorsteher: Try it, should work just fine :)11:58
wols_magpii_: your first error already wasto ask to ask11:59
ortsvorsteherthank you theadmin, i try :)11:59
Piciortsvorsteher: This should be helpful too: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/03711:59
lightstreamyes just go ahead and ask ...11:59
s7wols_, when i run that command, i get: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:<Directory "/var/www/htdocs">11:59
s7/etc/apache2/!:DocumentRoot "/var/www/htdocs"11:59
s7/etc/apache2/!:<Directory "/var/www/htdocs">11:59
s7/etc/apache2/!:DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs11:59
ortsvorsteherthank you pici11:59
magpii_i installed winetricks, its not in any menu, do i also need to install a wine 1. something too12:00
jhattaradoes logrotate check for config every time it runs ?12:00
theadminmagpii_: winetricks is a shellscript.12:00
theadminmagpii_: Thus you run it inside the terminal, it's not in the menu12:00
magpii_so the wine 1. something is the gui?12:00
Spikehead777Hello everyone.12:01
theadminmagpii_: See http://winehq.org for instructions on obtaining wine.12:01
Spikehead777I have a USB551L mobile broadband card that works in Windows but not Ubuntu.12:01
wols_s7: $deity knows what this drupal script broek in your apache2 config by writing all over12:01
ThinkT510theadmin: it is always best to recommend people search the repos first12:01
Spikehead777How do I make it work in Ubuntu?12:01
theadminThinkT510: You should use the Wine PPA.12:02
theadminThinkT510: Not install the version from Ubuntu repos, which is always horribly outdated12:02
wols_s7: since you don't understand the apache2 config I suggest to purge apache, reinstall it and use the drupal6 from the repos in the future12:02
magpii_is wine 1.2 more stable than 1.3?12:02
theadminmagpii_: Wouldn't really say that12:03
ThinkT510theadmin: i don't bother with ppa's, they aren't officially supported12:03
theadminThinkT510: As is compiling from source, so?12:03
fbsdi have upgraded to gnome3 but X dont start now12:03
theadminThinkT510: "officially supported" is boring and outdated, thus look for a ways to get the latest software yourself. PPAs are easier to handle than source-code.12:03
halabundanyone familiar with the grub 2 recovery console?12:03
fbsdX start with fluxbox but not with gnome312:04
theadminfbsd: Unfortunately, Ubuntu does not support Gnome3.12:04
s7wols_, ur right coz it was after the attempted drupal set up that issues started12:04
theadmin!gnome3 | fbsd12:04
ubottufbsd: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.12:04
s7wols_, i will try that12:04
micolswhere do I get xt_state from for ubuntu?12:05
micolsit isnt in my dist12:05
magpii_whats a meta package?12:05
theadminmagpii_: A meta package is a package which depends on a bunch of other packages, yet provides nothing itself12:05
theadminmagpii_: Example: ubuntu-desktop12:05
hyperstrumtheadmin: so sorry - had an unexpected visitor. Might i ask what you response was to my last reply?12:05
dnivramagpii_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages for more info if you're interested.12:05
theadminhyperstrum: If you'd re-send that last reply, sure. I think I forget what I write to whom.12:06
hyperstrumI checked /etc/ppp/peers/ and had a single listing to a file called providers12:07
theadminhyperstrum: Try "sudo pon provider", see if that gives anything.12:07
jhattaraSpikehead777, do you get your Ubuntu register the existance of the modem at all ?12:07
FxIIIhi all i have an  Ubuntu 11.04  and i have apt-get that tells me that cant authenticate packages12:08
nstridesout_any one knowing where i can get a dosbox manual?12:09
Spikehead777It sees it. I click on the network button at the top of the screen and see Novatel Wireless 4G as one of the devices12:09
moorui just installed ubuntu natty but how do i downgrade php5.3 to php5.2 for drupal12:09
halabundafter first instlal, I get a grub recovery prompt.  What do I do?12:09
theadminnstridesout_: Type "INTRO" inside dosbox.12:09
Spikehead777I tried to configure it with some IP settings I took from Windows... that didn't work.12:09
traskersI can't seem to reboot my computer from Gnome (it simply logs me out and throws me to the GDM screen, and I don't even have an option to restart from there!)12:09
jhattaraSpikehead777, have you disabled the PIN query on the modem ?12:09
nstridesout_theadmin:thanx man let me try that12:09
hyperstrumtheadmin: /usr/sbin/pppd: In file /etc/ppp/peers/provider: unrecognized option '/dev/modem'12:10
wols_nstridesout_: /usr/share/docs/dosbox ?12:10
senayaris it possible to connect gc in pci express 2.0 on motherboard with pci express 16x ?12:10
theadminhyperstrum: Huh... Okay, that's weird12:10
Spikehead777PIN query... I don't think so, I'd have to double check though.12:10
wols_senayar: and this is ubuntu related how?12:10
wols_senayar: your question is all wrong tho anyways12:10
halabundhow can I load the linux kernel from a grub prompt?12:10
nstridesout_wols: thanx too12:10
Icehawk78How difficult is it to map a samba share via a machine on another network connected via SSH?12:11
theadminhalabund: In GRUB1 it used to be like "kernel /boot/vmlinuz26", but now... idk12:11
dr_willisIcehawk78,  it should work.   but ive never tried it.12:11
wols_halabund: Icehawk78 not hard at all. convoluted and slow but easy12:11
wols_Icehawk78: totall straight forward12:11
dr_willisIcehawk78,  watch the permissions on the sshfs mountpoint12:11
wols_halabund: you can but you need about 4-5 lines12:12
jhattaraSpikehead777, many USB modems that work on linux work properly only after you have first disabled the PIN query, you should first try putting it into a Windows computer and disabling PIN query through the windows interface, no idea if it helps with this specific modem, but at least that has worked for all the USB modems i've tried with linux12:12
hyperstrumtheadmin: Its very strange - cause normally your should be able to click the wifi icon and hit Edit Connections, or even 'Disconnect' to disconnect from the current network ~ the buttons hover and click properly, just with no result/reaction. I was using Gnome and the upgrade gave me unity could there be an issue here perhaps ?12:12
Spikehead777I see.12:12
Spikehead777I didn't have to change anything to get my old USB727 to work. It was pretty much all plug 'n' play.12:12
halabundwols_, theadmin: I get a recovery prompt after a fresh install, in any version past 9.10.  Ubuntu simply doesn't work on this machine.  At this point I have wasted countless hours and I'm extremely frustrated.  Is there anyone here who is familair with grub 2?12:12
wols_halabund: grub.cfg exists?12:13
theadminhyperstrum: Well, I dunno, possibly... Upgrading Ubuntu is a bad idea12:13
ThinkT510!grub2 | halabund12:13
ubottuhalabund: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:13
theadminhyperstrum: It's easier to reinstall12:13
Icehawk78wols_ or dr_willis: Got anywhere that you could point me to for getting it set up? I'm familiar with connecting a samba drive on the same network, and I have a tunnel set up, but I haven't the foggiest where to start (or even necessarily what to look for)12:14
allu2Hello, Me and my friend have made small python program and would want to pack it to .deb and get it in the repos, however neather of us has ever packed deb and know the procedure to get program to the repos.12:14
halabundwols_: how could I know??  As I said, it doesn't even boot after a first install.12:14
wols_theadmin: best reason not to use a distro I've ever heard12:14
theadminwols_: Hehe :D12:14
theadminwols_: And I don't use it12:14
wols_halabund: use a live cd and look onto the harddisk12:14
hyperstrumtheadmin: agreed. i figured ubuntu has come along way since i last did an upgrade and had all sorts of issues :)12:15
allu2has never packed* nor know procedure*12:15
dr_willisIcehawk78,  set up the sshfs , then edit smb.conf or use the rightclick/share method to make the share...12:15
Icehawk78dr_willis: Sounds good, I'll look into that, thanks :)12:16
wols_allu2: look at the source of outher pure python packages and look at this. the .deb source that is12:16
dr_willisIcehawk78,  or you could just use winscp on the windows box to access the ssh machine.12:16
theadminhyperstrum: Well, upgrades still have problems. Reasons why, say, Mint recommends a reinstall over upgrade12:16
allu2wols_: any ideas for a package?12:16
halabundwols_: that'll take another 15 minutes, to reboot with cd, figure out how to check, etc.  I did this already too many times.  It's a fresh successful instlal so it should exists.  What I need is find out how to boot from a grub prompt.  This must be possible without that file.  Here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 at step 8. I get a "cannot read the linux header error".12:17
wols_not really, sorry12:17
G0Rallu2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235612:18
wols_halabund: which command?12:18
hyperstrumtheadmin: thanks for the help champ, heading off ~12:18
halabundwols_: search for rescue prompt boot instructions on that page.  Step 8 there.12:19
wols_halabund: you don't answer me, you solve your problems alone. good day12:19
nstridesout_how can i access and use the ubuntu one cloud?12:19
theadminnstridesout_: Recent versions of Ubuntu come with Ubuntu One preinstalled, however I suggest you use Dropbox instead.12:20
ThinkT510!one | nstridesout_12:20
ubottunstridesout_: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone12:20
halabundwols_: I answered you.  Linux people are always very friendly, aren't you?12:20
micolshow do I get xt_tables for this kernel?12:21
micolsit is an ubuntu12:21
micolsvirtual machine12:21
micolslooks like redhat kernel12:21
ThinkT510halabund: he asked you which command12:21
ThinkT510halabund: that list has several commands12:21
nstridesout_theadmin, ubottu: it doesnt seem like its free!!!! A little intimidated by the site i guess. Any quickies in setting up and running?12:22
halabundThinkT510: I said step 8, twice.  here, out of context --> linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXY ro12:22
Picimicols: Perhaps you should ask your vps provider how their kernel was built.12:23
MorkelWhich virtualisation system should i use? Xen or KVM?12:23
wols_micols: when you run under a VPS, you cannot load kernel modules and such. you don't have any access to your kernel, cause it's a VPS12:24
wols_Morkel: kvm probably at this time12:24
Morkelwols_: why at this time?12:24
wols_cause virtualization has very dynamic12:25
krambiorixhi guys, with ssh on a webserver copy files to a remote server with the user docuser. Now on my webserver i want to add www-data toe the docuser group. So the docuser group doesn't exist on the webserver. How can i solve this??12:25
Morkelwols_: and why is kvm better then xen? i tested both but i think kvm is a littel bit complexer then xen12:26
wols_#no Xen kernels needed12:26
Morkelwols_: yes this sucks12:26
OsakaFookrambiorix: groupadd docuser - this will create a docuser group12:26
wols_kvm is kernel integrated, xen is not. this might change possibly tho12:27
Morkelwols_: and the performance and stability is the same?12:28
magpii_ok, can someone please help me get to an exe file thats in a wine folder? i cant seem to get the commands right in terminal12:28
wols_magpii_: cd ~/.wine12:28
=== larrylamsy_ is now known as larrylamsy
wols_find . -name <filename>12:28
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
Ynoddemagpii:usually under /home/<username>/.wine/Drive_c/Program Files/12:29
krambiorixOsakaFoo, i added it but still permission denied12:29
gneralhttp://i.imgur.com/ww3vs.png -> why the desktop rigt top corner repeatly (example: bluetooth, time etc..)?12:30
magpii_wols_:  the file still isnt showing in terminal yet i can see it in the wine folder12:31
schnufflegneral: You added a second applet, just drop the second one12:31
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.12:32
wols_magpii_: you do know case sensitivity?12:32
norbert_GIMP windows only show up the first time I open them (for example the Tool Options)12:35
theadminWhat's the Gentoo hate... :/12:35
norbert_GIMP windows only show up the first time I open them (for example the Tool Options)12:36
norbert_this problem occurs at work and at home, both are Ubuntu machines12:36
norbert_I cannot possibly be the only person running into this12:37
norbert_at home the problem was there right after I had installed Ubuntu 11.04 and then ran apt-get install gimp12:37
FxIIIapt cant authenticate packages? is there a way i can check the keys?12:37
MrCoffeeTVOK folks, I'm off.12:39
MrCoffeeTVTake care12:39
fbsdis possible remove gnome3 and go back to gnome2 ?12:39
theadminfbsd: No, it's not.12:39
norbert_GIMP windows only show up the first time I open them (for example the Tool Options)12:40
norbert_is anyone here using GIMP, ever?12:40
theadmin!repeat | norbert_12:40
ubottunorbert_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:40
compdocgnome3 isnt on ubuntu yet12:40
theadminnorbert_: I'm using Gimp, but I can't understand your question12:40
norbert_theadmin: when you double click on the Rectangle Select Tool, you get a pop-up window12:41
norbert_then, when you close that window12:41
nstridesout_norbert: i do all my web graphics with the gimp...12:41
norbert_and double click on that same Rectangle Select Tool again12:41
norbert_do you still get the pop-up window?12:41
odnhi everyone12:42
nstridesout_norbert:the qn isnt clear! pop up for what?12:42
booleanmorning, is there a way to find out what version of a given package will be upgraded to before doing an apt-get upgrade ?12:42
fbsdtheadmin, apt-get remove gnome3 dont remove gnome3 ?12:42
norbert_if you start GIMP, you get a main window with a Rectangle Select Tool button on the top left12:42
mklappstuhli am searching for a way to share my eth0 connection with other wireless devices over wlan0 -- what would be the best way to do that12:42
kwadmanAnyone want to help with nvidia driver install :(12:42
Piciboolean: either apt-cache show or apt-cache policy will show that once you've done an apt-get update.12:42
norbert_when you double click on the Rectangle Select Tool, you get a pop-up window12:42
theadminfbsd: It will, but you can't downgrade to Gnome2.12:42
norbert_then, when you close that window12:42
norbert_and double click on that same Rectangle Select Tool again12:43
booleanPici> boolean: either apt-cache show or apt-cache policy will show that once you've done an apt-get update.12:43
norbert_do you still get the pop-up window?12:43
wols_boolean: apt-cache policy <package>12:43
norbert_nstridesout_: clear? :)12:43
odnmklappstuhl, --no-upgrade12:43
odnDo not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with install no-upgrade will prevent packages listed from being upgraded if they are already installed. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Upgrade.12:43
fbsdtheadmin, but i can reinstall gnome2 or not?12:43
theadminfbsd: No.12:43
booleanthanks vols_12:43
booleanand u too pici12:43
nstridesout_norbert: what exactly do you want to do?12:43
Piciboolean: np12:43
norbert_nstridesout_: I want to be able to see that window twice12:43
mklappstuhlodn: i dont see any relation to my proble12:44
norbert_the window does not show up the second time I double click the Rectangle Select Tool12:44
odnmklappstuhl, yes sorry12:44
odnit's not the good line of the apt-get12:44
theadminnorbert_: Okay, I understand now, hmm... Let me install Gimp and try it12:44
odnShow upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be upgraded. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Show-Upgraded.12:44
norbert_theadmin: thanks12:44
odnmklappstuhl, better ?12:44
booleanvols_: can this be use should one want to upgrade ubuntu versions? ( ie: 8.04 LTS to 10.04 ) ?12:44
norbert_theadmin: by the way, you don't have GIMP installed? what do you use for graphics manipulation?12:45
wols_boolean: yes, LT to LTS is fine12:45
Gaming4JCHey all, quick question. How can I make a tar.lzma from a massive text file via linux terminal?12:45
wols_*LTS to LTS12:45
Gaming4JCNeed to upload a bug report 4.4GB worth of text errors :O12:45
booleank thanks again12:45
jpdsGaming4JC: ...12:45
mklappstuhlodn: i asked about sharing an eth0 connection via wlan0 ...12:46
LasersGaming4JC: I doubt they wanted it.12:46
theadminnorbert_: Usually Pixlr12:46
VustomI'm having problems with setting up my socks5 ssh proxy so that it works with Chromium, I've been trying to fix it for days but no luck, could someone help me? I created a thread with more information here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1111425712:46
Gaming4JCLasers: They probably do, it's a minecraft program under testing :P12:46
llutzGaming4JC: tar --lzma -cf foo.tar.lzma /path/*12:46
odnmklappstuhl, oh :s sorry lol. i don't know how to do that.12:46
Gaming4JCllutz: Thanks much, I googled a bit before coming here but didn't see the --lzma option. :)12:46
norbert_theadmin: "pixlr" not an apt package, it seems...?12:47
LasersGaming4JC: Put it up for torrent. >_<12:47
theadminnorbert_: It's an online Flash-based editor12:47
theadminnorbert_: pixlr.com12:47
norbert_oh, okay12:47
theadminnorbert_: Okay, here double-clicking tools does nothing at all12:47
Gaming4JCLasers: 4GB errors can easily be compressed to under < 50MB ask in #winehq ;)12:47
gaurav_nattyhow i set java path in linux12:48
LasersGaming4JC: Tell me the file size when you're done squeezing everything with tar!12:48
jean-claude       12:49
schnufflegaurav_natty: what do you mean with path. Which installed java version to use?12:49
envygeeksDoes anybody remember how to get full processor speed with CMD? Since /proc/cpuinfo always shows current speed and I can't recall how to get the actual speed without it's current step12:49
theadminschnuffle: He wants to add Java to $PATH12:50
GirlyGirlhi theadmin12:50
magpii_can someone tell me the command to open the binaries folder from here please. http://paste.ubuntu.com/657894/12:50
n2iHi everyone!12:50
theadminHey GirlyGirl12:50
magpii_i am an idiot with terminal and cant figure it out12:50
Muellienvygeeks: there is a sysfs entry somewhere in /sys/. Probably /sys/class/cpu/ or so12:51
theadminmagpii_: cd Binaries12:51
theadminmagpii_: Note the big B12:51
=== Stanley00 is now known as Stanley|00
theadminmagpii_: That is, B, not b12:51
llutzenvygeeks: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq12:51
schnufflegaurav_natty: use  update-alternatives to link your java to /usr/bin. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java12:51
envygeeksMuelli, llutz: thanks so much!12:51
magpii_theadmin: your a diamond mate, been on winehq for the past few hours and been treated like a moron. i really apreciate your help12:52
theadminmagpii_: lol12:52
magpii_was told to sack ubuntu and go back to windows12:52
theadminmagpii_: Hint, you can as well type "cd Bi" and hit Tab12:53
magpii_theadmin: at least now i can save the commands to a text file and adopt them for other files12:53
theadminmagpii_: It'd auto-complete "naries" for you12:53
magpii_trying to get the ut3.exe file to run12:53
theadminmagpii_: "wine ut3.exe"12:53
theadminmagpii_: Without those quotes12:53
magpii_theadmin:  i tried that but it wouldnt work. i will paste the term log shortly if you wouldnt mind telling me what is wrong12:54
Gaming4JCmagpii_: Sorry to hear there's a bunch of trolls in #winehq ... usually they aren't so bad. :(12:54
gaurav_nattyi am installing java through .bin i want 2 set path any help12:54
n2imagpii_:would you tell me what ut3.exe is? a game?12:55
schnufflegaurav_natty: haven'T you seen my advice?12:55
theadminn2i: Unreal Tournament 3, doh12:55
magpii_unreal tournament 312:55
Gaming4JCapp db probably has information on it12:55
Gaming4JCor you could use PlayonLinux12:55
magpii_using it as an example game to help me learn how to use wine12:55
js_doesn't unreal have native linux binaries?12:55
js_i think the previous ones had12:56
Gaming4JCI thought Unreal had a linux version as well12:56
magpii_whats playonlinux?12:56
theadminmagpii_: A way to run a whole ton of Windows games on Linux12:56
Gaming4JCmagpii_: A front end for Wine with numerous patches built to make a lot of games run perfectly in separate wine containers12:56
js_Gaming4JC: apparently ut3 is the only one that didn't get a linux port12:56
Gaming4JCreally nice12:56
n2ifrontend for wine? :P12:56
schnufflen2i: what about winctl?12:57
magpii_ok thanks, i will give it a try. could someone look at this and tell me if and where i have gone wrong?12:57
schnuffleoops winectl12:57
* Gaming4JC checks12:57
Gaming4JCmagpii_: type -- wine "UT3.exe"12:57
magpii_forgive my noobish questions, but i find it easier to learn as i work instead of trudging through books12:58
Gaming4JC!welcome | sbarcteam12:58
Gaming4JC!greet | sbarcteam12:58
Gaming4JCbad ubottu12:58
theadminmagpii_: Please understand one thing. For Linux, "wine", "Wine", "WIne", "WINe" and "WINE" are TOTALLY different things, just like any case differences.12:58
Gaming4JC!hi | sbarcteam12:58
Gaming4JC?? :O12:58
theadmin!botabuse | Gaming4JC12:59
ubottuGaming4JC: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:59
sbarcteamwhat is the correct way of giving up changes I committed locally from outgoing ?12:59
Gaming4JCsorry -_-12:59
magpii_typing -- wine UT3.exe doesnt work12:59
Gaming4JCmagpii_: wine "UT3.exe" ?12:59
theadminmagpii_: No need for those --, just saying12:59
Gaming4JCno ?12:59
sbarcteamDo I have to re-clone the whole repository to get back to the state before those say 3 commits ?12:59
schnuffleGaming4JC: only if you have characters that normally needs to be escapted13:00
n2ischnuffle: oh, I dont know! Sorry!13:00
schnufflesbarcteam: GIT, Darcs, Mercurial?13:00
Gaming4JCschnuffle: ah in that case "wine UT3.exe"  ("  " as reference only) would work :)13:00
Gaming4JCno " "13:01
magpii_ok, a load of errors came up here> http://paste.ubuntu.com/657904/13:01
Gaming4JCtime for winetricks13:01
* Gaming4JC looks13:01
sbarcteamschnuffle: wrong chan!13:01
sbarcteammercurial, of course.13:01
theadminGaming4JC: Run "winetricks" and find Microsoft Visual C++ in the list, mark it and install13:01
StucKmanI have problems with upstart and two /etc/init scripts. there´s a bug report for one of those, rsyslog, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/498531 , but if you look closer, you´ll find several similar errors: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=upstart+start+uknown+job .13:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 498531 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "package rsyslog 4.2.0-2ubuntu5.1 failed to upgrade: exit status 1. start: Unknown job: rsyslog" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:02
Gaming4JCymasory: I know that, I'm helping magpii :)13:02
schnuffleGaming4JC: wrong, the space between the command and the argument is important. But when you have a süace in a path the shell can not distiguish if the rest is a new options or not13:02
Gaming4JCtheadmin: * I know that, I'm helping magpii :)13:02
theadminGaming4JC: Oops.13:02
theadminmagpii_: That.13:02
magpii_theadmin: ?13:02
theadminmagpii_: Run "winetricks", find Microsoft Visual C++ in the list, and install it13:03
allu2wols_: i managed to make .deb package but what "premissions" all the files should have? it works and installs but complains "bad quality" because of thease premissions13:03
schnufflesbarcteam: wrong chan? ofcourse. sorry I'm not able to follow your reasoning :)13:03
Gaming4JCtheadmin: unless he doesn't use wine ppa? Might not have winetricks installed. I forget if it's in default repos yet13:03
magpii_theadmin: rofl, your gonna kill me, i installed winetricks but not sure exactly how to run it13:03
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theadminmagpii_: Just open a terminal and type winetricks13:04
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phnordHello.... Anybody knows why I can't panel objects to any panel on my second monitor?13:04
phnordcan't add panel objects13:04
Gaming4JCmagpii_: Check this, it'll walk you through (except "sh winetricks" shouldn't be needed)13:05
phnordThey crash immediately after adding to any panel13:05
Lasersphnord: Hold ALT and drag. Make sure it's not locked first.13:05
phnordkk will try13:05
Gaming4JCmagpii_: "winetricks vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2008"13:05
Gaming4JCper the appdb :)13:05
theadminGaming4JC: /(s)?he/ has winetricks installed, don't confuse /(him)|(her)/13:05
magpii_microsoft vsual ++ isnt in the winetricks list of stuff to install13:06
phnordLasers: doesn't work. cannot move it across 2 xserver13:06
Gaming4JCtheadmin: yes but the article says to type "sh winetricks, bad if you installed via Deb and not the bash script :o13:06
Gaming4JCmagpii_: try the command above via terminal13:06
Gaming4JCLasers: 552.7Kb!!! :D13:07
Lasersphnord: Meh. I don't know. Is it a new instance of X11?13:07
Gaming4JCmy error log13:07
LasersGaming4JC: MINDBLOWN.13:07
Gaming4JCcompression bomb... heee13:07
hayvannaber lan ''s.a^^13:07
Gaming4JCnow to submit to devs... :P13:07
phnordyes, im running seperate xservers13:07
Lasersphnord: Oh it's not possible. Just create a new applet and put it on that panel.13:08
bhearsumis it possible to have my network connections maintained by something other than the Network Manager *GUI*. ideally, i'd like to continue using nm-applet as a frontend, but have my connections not die when it dies, or when X shuts down, or i log out...13:08
phnordLasers: that won't work. application crashes immediatly after adding13:08
phnordand it's asking me to reload or not reload13:08
theadminbhearsum: No, not possible, unfortunately, network-manager runs on a per-user basis13:08
quick-bhearsum:  it's possible if u use the cmd line13:08
bhearsumboo :(13:09
hayvan«MP3» Þarký: Kurtlar Vadisi - Cendere (Orchestrall Mix) Sesi: Yuzde 1913:09
bhearsumany idea if there is plans to change this?13:09
kyle_need help with NVIDA drivers :( says "The Nouveau Kernal driver is currently in use"13:09
phnordbhearsum: just remove networkmanager and use /etc/network/interfaces13:09
bhearsumi could, but that's not really what i want13:09
quick-bhearsum:  wat do u want eh n?13:10
bhearsumsomething that doesn't exist, apparently ;)13:10
quick-bhearsum:  wat do u want then?13:10
bhearsumanyways, it's not the end of the world, i was just wondering if it was possible and/or planned13:10
compdocI always set up the network manually and turn off network-manager13:10
h00k!u | quick-13:10
ubottuquick-: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:10
quick-bhearsum:  then u;ll have to do something that hasn't been done till now :D13:11
hayvanamýnýza korum adam olun13:11
quick-h00k:  it's a alsng foy you13:11
FxIIIWhat is Ne1???? heheh13:11
quick-h00k:  it's a slang foy you13:11
quick-h00k:  it's a slang for you13:12
n2ihay vậy ?:P13:12
BluesKajquick-, read the post above13:12
n2ioh, sorry! wrong tab! :)13:12
h00kquick-: Please read that factoid, and you'll see why we don't like that here :)13:12
quick-BluesKaj:  which one ?13:12
h00kubottu: tell quick- about u13:12
ubottuquick-, please see my private message13:12
quick-h00k:  i got it :)13:12
h00kquick-: the one in your private message :)13:12
FxIIIoh my.. ne1 means eneeone: enyone! Mangled English is definitely hard for non-native English speakers.13:14
quick-how do i connect with the irc using a secure connection ?13:14
h00khayvan: is your native language turkish?13:14
hayvanyes i am turkish13:15
hayvannot turkish speak13:15
hayvaniran speak13:15
FloodBot1hayvan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
envygeeksoh snap, Ubuntu bots are mad at you13:15
FxIIIAzeri i think...13:15
hayvanne diyonuz lan13:15
hayvanh00k w are you from man13:16
h00kPlease keep the language in English in this channel, and support related13:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:16
Gaming4JCLasers: http://mediafire.com/?6ictn27aapwtpxw proof :O13:17
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Gaming4JCMake sure you have a few GB to spare before decompression xD13:17
nerdshellhow can I compile a new kernel by my self before Canonical proposes the update to me please ?13:17
h00k!kernelcompile | nerdshell13:17
ubottunerdshell: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:17
=== mterry_ is now known as mterry
phnordnerdshell: download sources from kernel.org, configure using make menuconfig, compile with make-kpkg, set other kernel packages on hold and be happy13:18
hayvanh00k adam ol13:18
hayvanayip oluyor13:18
nerdshellphnord: thanks13:18
phnordnerdshell, do not forget to install kernel-package, libncurses5-dev and build-essential. maybe some other, you will see13:19
nerdshellphnord: actually it's the first time I'll do that, I wanna do it to learn more about my Linux system =D13:20
phnordnerdshell: don't do it on a productive system13:20
FxIIItalking about ubuntu support, i cant find authenticate my repos13:20
phnorduse a virtual system13:20
mun_does anyone know how to make a bootable USB for installing Windows?13:20
phnordnerdshell: you could make your prod system unbootable if failing, so i strongly recommend testing in a virtual box or sth13:21
FxIIIhttp://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release : NO_PUBKEY C375...175F13:21
nerdshellphnord: yes, I am gonna do it on a virtual machine, thanks ;)13:21
schnufflemun_: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-create-a-bootable-usb-drive-from-your-windows-cd/13:21
phnordthe most crucial part is to configure the kernel manually, eg: choose the hardware you use, decide whether you want them as module (and then you maybe need a initrd) or builtin... there are so many possible fails, i just cant tell you everything, try it :)13:22
FxIIIany idea? is a comon issue?13:22
phnordbut i can tell you, 11.04 works like a charm with kernel 3.013:22
phnordneeded to recompile some user libs, but no problem after all13:22
=== hanny is now known as man
FxIIIi tried with apt-key update but with no changes13:23
AdvoWorkany ideas how i can check if spamassassin is working? either on its own or with postfix? by working I mean running/in use?13:26
llutzAdvoWork: running: pgrep spamd13:28
tobi468 Hi, How can I force an password change to all Samba Users?(with ldap) I tried to set sambaPwdMustChange: 1 / 013:29
ikoniatobi468: what is acting as your domain controller ?13:30
ikoniatobi468: got multiple servers, or just one ?13:31
llutzAdvoWork: working: less /var/lib/spamassassin/spamd.log13:31
tobi468Just one13:31
tobi468sry, more13:31
ikoniatobi468: first, check they are in sync, as for some mental reason Samba tends to not authorize against the primary13:31
ikoniatobi468: second, actually do an ldap query and check if the field is updated13:32
Joymohi, I am suffering from the "kernel panic on reboot" issue as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting The solution is apparantly modifying grub.conf. Now, I have this issue while installing Ubuntu from USB key, how would I go about changing the grub.conf the installer will install on my SSD, where do I find the file to edit? thanks!13:32
ikoniatobi468: that is the first steps for me13:32
tobi468The value was set on the Primary Server. I used ldapsearch to be sure that the entry is set.13:32
nhochthow could I install ibus on 11.04?13:33
ikoniatobi468: if you query the slave, is it set ?13:33
krambiorixhi guys, with ssh on a webserver i want to copy files to a remote server with the user docuser. Now on my webserver i created the docuser group and added www-data to it. But i have a permission denied error. What could this be? The docuser on the remote server can write and read files on this server....13:33
ikoniakrambiorix: show me the permissions on the directory you want to copy to please.13:33
lightstreamwhat are the file perms13:34
nhochthow could I install ibus on 11.04?13:34
lightstreamyeah need to have group read13:34
lightstreamor read / write13:34
jrib!permissions > lightstream13:34
ubottulightstream, please see my private message13:34
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus13:34
tobi468ikonia: no problems with sync. Works fine13:34
krambiorixikonia, 1        20001 docuser      4096 2011-08-03 14:15 docmount13:35
ikoniakrambiorix: that's just user/group owners, please do "ls -la" on the directory and pastebin it13:35
tobi468ikonia: Gosa sets sambaPwdMustChange: 0, I also tried to set the value on 113:35
ikoniatobi468: ok, so that's a good start13:35
ikoniatobi468: are the clients using cached credenticals ?13:35
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110413:35
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/BVfNsJ9Y13:37
manhello,i have ubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 with gnome-shell 3.1.3 installed ,i have a problem with themeSelector extension,when i go to the "themes" tab i don't see any themes available,here is a screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=3nerg77xvr2qrzn&thumb=613:37
tobi468ikonia: I dont realy know where I can see that but there is no entry for this in slapd.conf13:37
Joymoanyone any idea how to modify grub.conf inside the install image? :/13:37
ikoniatobi468: it's a client thing, or a genuine AD setting, I don't know how that would map through to ldap, investigating13:37
ikoniakrambiorix: ok, so you have a problem with permissions13:37
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Joymoor is there a way to specify grub parameters during the installer somehow, I did not see any way of doing that13:38
ikoniakrambiorix: the owner is the uid 20001 which the user no longer exists for, and the group "docuser" only has read permissions, it needs write permissions13:38
jrib!remaster | Joymo13:38
ubottuJoymo: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:38
jribJoymo: that may give you *a* way13:38
itrebalit appears that the minimalistic ubuntu 11.04 64 bit installer on a USB key fails during the "Install Base System" step, with "Debootstrap Error: Failed getting Release file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release." I have the syslog output here: http://paste2.org/p/1560942 . Any thoughts on13:38
itrebalgetting past this error?13:38
tobi468ikonia: Maybe the Cache got cleared with an reboot?13:38
sophtpawalthough I've set it to 'NEVER' in power management computer keeps locking after just a few minutes of disuse. Anyone?13:39
th0rsophtpaw: try turning off the screensaver?13:39
jribsophtpaw: what computer?13:39
sophtpawjrib, Desktop13:40
maxjezyyeah, turn of screensaver13:40
sophtpawth0r, I'll try that13:40
sophtpawjrib, is that what you meant?13:40
manany help guys?13:40
krambiorixikonia, i did chmod g+rw /home/docmount but can't write still13:40
jribsophtpaw: not really, but try what th0r said13:40
cdubyais there an issue with the firefox package in the natty repo? I'm having a fit with it displaying lots of web site content on different sites......13:41
jribitrebal: check bugs.ubuntu.com and checksum your iso13:41
jribcdubya: bugs.ubuntu.com to look for issues.  Firefox wfm13:41
mani have ubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 with gnome-shell 3.1.3 installed ,i have a problem with themeSelector extension,when i go to the "themes" tab i don't see any themes available,here is a screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=3nerg77xvr2qrzn&thumb=613:42
jrib!11.10 | man13:42
ubottuman: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:42
manok sry13:42
jribkrambiorix: paste the output of « groups » run as the user you are trying to write with13:43
DanC_the scala2.9-in-ubuntu bug is marked "fix released"; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scala/+bug/78201313:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 782013 in scala (Ubuntu) "Package scala 2.9.0 final" [Undecided,Fix released]13:43
DanC_I can't figure out how to get that fix; any clues?13:43
cdubyaok, that's insane. added gksu to the command call for the firefox launcher and once I keyed my pwd was able to view the sites that wouldn't show up fine. What's with that change?13:44
dydi've installed ubuntu with wubi on windows 7, but when i turn the pc on it just shows windows 7 / windows vista as bootable os... how can i add ubuntu?13:44
jribcdubya: hopefully that's just to troubleshoot...13:44
DanC_dyd, you have to install ubuntu as a peer of windows 7 to see it at the boot prompt. wubi installs ubuntu inside windows.13:44
ikoniatobi468: there is a setting in AD (MS) that shows the period of sessions to cache before re-authentication is required, I'm wondering if there is an LDAP mirror of this13:45
BoomboyDanC_: When you install ubuntu over windows, you will have both options to boot into13:45
ikoniakrambiorix: please repastebin the output of "ls -la" ont he directory again please13:45
Boomboyoh nvm13:45
jribDanC_: check -backports or -proposed or rebuild the source package on your release13:45
cdubyajrib, I don't know.....I'm going to try to run it this way for a bit and see that the sites I was having troubles with display properly. All I know is running it normally under my user would NOT display the text content on the sites.....13:45
krambiorixikonia, on the mount point or the real directory?13:46
jribcdubya: this is a very silly idea...13:46
DanC_Boomboy, really? Sorry to misinform then. But that doesn't seem to be dyd's experience.13:46
jribcdubya: see if it happens with a fresh new user13:46
ikoniakrambiorix: the permissions should be the same13:46
BoomboyDanC_: my bad.13:46
callumhanyone know if the gn-wn50g-rh wireless card works in Ubuntu?13:46
* DanC_ isn't sure how to turn -proposed into a full URL; goes hunting...13:46
bullgard4_[Lucid] Why does '~$ lsof /var/log/dmesg' not produce any output?13:47
dydDanC_, Boomboy: when i first did that on another pc, it showed up at boot13:47
* DanC_ finds https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed13:47
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/2s23ZpFN13:47
cdubyajrib, I understand that it's silly, but I never had an issue before. I'm trying to remember if the issue existed before a firefox update was rolled out through update manager....13:47
tomek_what is good partition manager for ubuntu?13:47
jribDanC_: system -> administration -> software sources (DO NOT upgrade your system with -proposed, just check if the scala package is there.  If it is install only that package and then disable the repo, if not then just disable the repo.13:47
ikoniakrambiorix: now please show me the outpuf of the command "id" from the user you are trying to copy the files in as13:47
BoomboyDanC_: you might want to boot using live cd and see whats happening13:47
ikoniakrambiorix: (also you may want to fix the ownership of the directory as 20001 is not a valid user it's a uid that appears to have been removed)13:48
jribcdubya: try with a fresh new user13:48
DanC_Boomboy, I think you meant that advice for dyd?13:48
krambiorixikonia, id: uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),20001(docuser)13:48
Boomboylol man yeah.. just woke up :\13:48
DanC_(I'm trying to install scala 2.9)13:48
Boomboymy bad *again* : )13:48
ikoniakrambiorix: run the command "touch test" as that user in the documount directory13:49
reloadhi! I am new to ubuntu and i like it, but i need some guide to main control panel placements (control panel (windows)), root/program file sitemap... but at start... can anyone tell me where i can find "manage softwear source"? :)13:49
ikoniareload: https://help.ubuntu.com for an introduction/guide to ubuntu13:49
jribDanC_: you'll probably have to rebuild the source package13:50
DanC_I'm trying https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/scala13:50
callumhanyone know if the gn-wn50g-rh wireless card works in Ubuntu?13:50
jribDanC_: I guess ppa would work too...13:50
bullgard4_reload: You have put several questions. Please place one after the other.13:50
jrib!wireless | callumh, check here13:50
ubottucallumh, check here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:51
DanC_"fix released" seems kinda misleading. The words seem to mean "fix made available to users" but it evidently has some other, more subtle meaning13:51
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/NcYV3VWf13:51
jribDanC_: it's released in oneiric13:51
* DanC_ didn't realize oneiric was available13:52
jribDanC_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status13:52
ikoniakrambiorix: ok, so there is the problem, it's a file, not a directory13:52
jribDanC_: it's in development13:52
ikoniakrambiorix: you can't put more files into a file, it needs to be a directory13:52
krambiorixikonia, i think it's a sym link13:52
cdubyajrib, same problem on fresh user. Actually worse when I did the first google search from the toolbar. Wouldn't even display the text links on the google results.13:52
ikoniakrambiorix: run "file /home/docmount"13:52
callumhjrib: it doesn't list the card under supported gigabyte technology cards13:52
jribcdubya: what happens exactly?13:52
jribcallumh: are you considering the card for purchase or you have it available to you now?13:53
BluesKaj!oneiric | DanC_13:53
ubottuDanC_: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:53
krambiorixikonia, /home/docmount: ERROR: cannot open `/home/docmount' (Permission denied)13:53
ikoniakrambiorix: please run ls -la /home/ and pastebin the output13:53
callumhjrib: I'm thinking about buying it and need to know if it works or not, all the others I've found in shops don't13:53
DanC_thanks for the oneiric info. ("released" still seems misleading, to me, since oneiric isn't released.)13:54
jribcallumh: I see.  Maybe search the forums too?13:54
DanC_but the ppa worked, so I'm happy13:54
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/79fM5Nam13:54
callumhjrib: nothing on the forums and nothing on google13:55
reloadthx for help :)13:55
callumhjrib: though the general gist seems to be that gigabyte technology cards work out of the box13:55
jribcallumh: you could contact the manufacturer maybe13:55
BluesKajdanjs_, it's about to release bata version tomorrow , still in dev stage13:55
ikoniakrambiorix: your file system is very messed up - what have you done to it to cause a problem13:55
ikoniakrambiorix: did something happen to your machine ?13:56
BluesKajerr sorry danjs_13:56
AdvoWorkif ive got a user logged onto my system, can i see what they are doing? in terms of commands?13:56
callumhjrib: they have a support section and the card is on their but they only have windows drivers with no mention of linux at all13:56
ikoniaAdvoWork: "w"13:56
krambiorixikonia, i think the settings changed because of run file /home/docmount13:56
ikoniakrambiorix: a run file ??? what was this file ?13:56
krambiorixikonia, the /home/docmount is a sym link13:56
quick-\quit bye13:56
ikoniakrambiorix: according to that - it's not a symlink, your file system is messed up13:56
jribcallumh: wouldn't hurt to contact them directly and ask though13:57
krambiorixikonia, that's the sshfs mountpoint to the doc server13:57
callumhjrib: indeed13:57
ikoniait should still have a valid permissions entry13:57
jribAdvoWork: sure, try pgrep -u USER13:58
krambiorixikonia, i didn't change it13:58
ikoniakrambiorix: something has happened to your machine13:58
krambiorixikonia, maybe because i added the group writing permissions to the real folder on the doc server?13:59
jribAdvoWork: if you need something more, maybe try "whowatch"13:59
jrwrenAdvoWork: you could also watch their .bash_history file assuming they are using bash and it is configured properly13:59
ikoniakrambiorix:  no, something has happened to your local machine13:59
krambiorixikonia, in this 10 minutes then13:59
reloadsry... how can I get "software source"13:59
jribreload: for what purpose?14:00
PicCardreload, try yppa14:00
ikoniakrambiorix: is that the only directory in /home ?14:00
krambiorixikonia, nope14:00
ikoniakrambiorix: ok - so why didn't it show up when I asked for ls -la /home14:00
reloadneed tp write som APT line14:00
reloadtp.. to*14:00
reloadsom.. some*14:00
cdubyajrib, it's strange to say the least. I can go to a site and in the places I know there should be text (like a thread on mozillazine forum or something like that), it doesn't show anything or if it does it is a small icon placeholder.....14:00
krambiorixikonia,  cuase i thought you were only interested in that dir14:01
ikoniakrambiorix: could you show me the full listing please.14:01
jribcdubya: does ctrl-a, show the text?14:01
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krambiorixikonia, of the real server or the mount point directory?14:01
AdvoWorkjrwren, can i watch the bash history whilst theyre using it?14:02
khamerTrying to get my logitech wireless keyboard working, lsusb shows BT Mini-Receiver, but hcitool is reutrning "Device is not available: No such device"14:02
ikoniakrambiorix: the local machine - please show me the output of ls -la /home/14:02
jribAdvoWork: you can watch ~/.bash_history sure, but they could disable that.  There are also some specialized shells for this purpose I believe14:02
khamerI've used this keyboard successfully with ubuntu 7.10+, so I don't know this (different) ubuntu system is incapable14:02
jribAdvoWork: maybe « top » while filtering for user is more what you want?14:03
cdubyajrib, no14:03
jribcdubya: are you using default firefox in natty repos?14:03
bullgard4_[Lucid] Why does '~$ lsof /var/log/dmesg' not produce any output?14:04
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/tQ8Z9HEj14:04
ikoniabullgard4_: because nothing has it open14:04
cdubyajrib, yes. I've removed the .mozilla folder, autoremoved and re-installed as well. No difference14:04
edbianbullgard4_: because none of those files are open at the instant you ran the command14:04
ikoniakrambiorix: ok - so looks "ok" some minor issues that uid 1000 no longer has a username mapped to it14:04
jribcdubya: is there something different in the html or is it just a display problem?14:05
khamerI've found bugs that mention this, but they all refer to files like /lib/udev/70-hid2hci.rules that flat out _doesn't_ exist on my system14:05
ikoniakrambiorix: now, is there anything mounted on the directory "documents" or is that just a local directory14:05
Egbert5e9anyone have experience with weird mouse focus problems? sometimes the focus gets "stuck" at one window and is released when i click on the right button14:05
krambiorixikonia, thats the local directory on my document server . With mount point i mean the mount point on my webserver14:06
cdubyajrib, that's why I asked initially. It doesn't have the issue on every site, which made me think there was an issue with how it was rendering pages.14:06
jribcdubya: can you verify the html is as it should be?14:06
ikoniakrambiorix: ok so is your local documents folder currently mounted on your web serve r?14:06
krambiorixikonia, yes that was the weird looking result of ls -la  with a lot of ????? ???14:07
bullgard4_edbian, ikonia Thank you.14:07
mknarrHello, I'm having isues connecting to the repositories to download and install the updates on my server(ubuntu 10.04) dose anyone know a fix ?14:07
ikoniakrambiorix: ok, could you please unmount it, and re-run ls -la /home on your webserver14:07
OldFarterI put my old  laptop had drive in a usb enclosure, plug into my desktop... and the home directory is empty14:07
ikoniakrambiorix: (finally understanding what you're trying to do)14:07
jribmknarr: use a mirror14:07
ikoniakrambiorix: ahhhhhh I know the problem I think, keep with me, I think I see the issue14:07
edbianmknarr: what's the problem?  What are you trying to do that isn't working?14:07
jribOldFarter: you probably had home on a different partition14:08
mknarredbian, i cant get updates for my server using sudo apt-get update14:08
edbianmknarr: What errors do you get?14:08
mknarredbian, sec14:08
cdubyajrib, I can read the entire thread in the source of a site that won't display in the browser14:08
OldFarterjrib, thats was my first thought14:08
jribOldFarter: check /etc/fstab14:09
nhochthow could install ibus for 11.414:09
BluesKajmknarr, open you package manager and enable all repos except the cdrom, including other software sources14:09
krambiorixikonia, still have to unmount?14:10
FCdllhi  I can't see the top of a window14:10
jribcdubya: run firefox from a shell and check for output14:10
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus14:10
mknarrBluesKaj, im using ubunt server14:10
ikoniakrambiorix: yes please, I know it's a hassle, but I think I understand the problem so need to make sure14:10
OldFarterThere are 3 partitions14:10
krambiorixikonia, no prob, give me a sec14:10
OldFarterone 79gig for windoof14:10
OldFartera tiny one for some system stuffs?14:10
OldFarterand one 166 one for ubuntu14:10
OldFarterand thats it14:10
mknarredbian, ok ill whisper it to u k14:11
edbianmknarr: So what's the error when you apt-get update?14:11
edbianmknarr: hahaha, ready14:11
BluesKajmknarr, ubuntu server doesn't use a package manager?14:11
mknarrErr http://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg14:11
mknarr  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out                                                           ) [IP: 80]14:11
mknarrErr http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/main Translation-en_CA14:11
mknarr  Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]14:11
FloodBot1mknarr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:11
jribOldFarter: did you read /etc/fstab?14:11
krambiorixikonia, ok14:11
mknarrErr http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/restricted Translation-en_CA14:11
jribOldFarter: what was in it?14:11
OldFarterroot and swap14:12
krambiorixikonia, i just read this: Note, that it's recommended to run it as user, not as root.  For this to work the mountpoint must be owned by the user.14:12
krambiorixikonia, that is about mounting the server14:12
jribOldFarter: are you sure there should be something in /home?14:12
ikoniakrambiorix: keep with me on this, if I'm right, I'll explain it properly for you14:12
OldFarterThere is no partitions other than windows root and some tiny system partition14:12
OldFarterso yes14:12
dbolserI was told to add "deb     http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates  main contrib non-free" to my sources.list14:12
khamerAny ideas on how to debug why ubuntu is now incapable of working with a keyboard previous versions worked with?14:12
OldFarteri am sure the ubuntu system was all on one partition14:13
krambiorixikonia, ok go ahead14:13
dbolserbut I get an error about NO_PUBKEY14:13
OldFarterjrib, unless cfdisk on my desktop is lying to me?14:13
ikoniakrambiorix: give me the info first, lets find out if I'm right, then I can explain it properly14:13
dbolserI'm on squeeze/sid14:13
krambiorixikonia, sure14:14
dbolseris it right to add that deb for this distro?14:14
jribOldFarter: are you sure you didn't delete the contents of /home?14:14
ikoniakrambiorix: I'm %90 certain so this won't be a waste of time14:14
jribdbolser: if you are using ubuntu, you should NOT add debian repositories14:14
dbolserjrib: this development team told me to do it14:15
jribdbolser: "this development team"?14:15
dbolsergroup of developers I'm supposed to be working with14:15
jribdbolser: are you using ubuntu or debian?14:15
dbolsernothing to do with ubuntu / debian... I'm using ubuntu14:15
OldFarterjrib, I was using it.... then i turn of the laptop, take out HD insert SSD... plug old HD in usb box and here iam14:15
jribdbolser: why did you say you are using "squeeze/sid"?14:16
dbolserjrib: they have some instructions on setting up a dev environment14:16
dbolserjrib: sorry, quite new to ubuntu, I just looked in /etc/debian_version14:16
dbolserI think this is 11.0414:16
jribdbolser: adding that repository will break your ubuntu install14:16
dbolserthanks for your help jrib14:17
jribdbolser: ubuntu has security repos (check that they are enabled in system -> admin -> software sources)14:17
stealzcan I apply settings only to the active window in CCSM? like, where it says "toolbar | menu | utility | normal | dialog | modaldialog" can I put something like status = active?14:17
jrib!version | dbolser14:17
ubottudbolser: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:17
krambiorixikonia, ok what should i do?14:17
ikoniakrambiorix: now it's unmounted, please pastebin the output of ls -la /home/ on the server please14:18
jribOldFarter: check /etc/passwd for the location of your user's home14:18
dbolserjrib: lsb_release No LSB modules are available.14:19
OldFarterjrib, /home/user14:19
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krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/Nrs66ALN14:19
OldFarterjrib, i boot from the USB and its all there14:19
jribOldFarter: ah, it's encrypted then?14:19
OldFarterjrib, the thought crossed my mind14:19
jribOldFarter: what ubuntu version?  What does ls -la /home/ show?14:19
makehello, how to make the screen off on ubuntu server without xwindows  with command ?14:19
ikoniakrambiorix: that's great, so your permissions are working on the server (again apart from uid 1000 being obsolete) .14:20
ikoniakrambiorix: which user do you use to do the ssh mount ?14:20
cdubyajrib, when I execute it from a shell it drops me right back to a prompt...14:20
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krambiorixikonia, i mounted it as root user14:21
khameranyone know what package hid2hci is in?14:21
ikoniaare both the client and server ubuntu ?14:21
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jribcdubya: close all your existing firefox instances14:21
OldFarter /home/user/.Private is mounted on /home/user14:21
OldFarterjrib,  /home/user/.Private is mounted on /home/user14:21
jribOldFarter: so what do you want to do now? :D14:22
OldFarterjrib, mount .Private on my desktop?14:22
jribOldFarter: for what purpose?  (I'll send you the link with instructions anyway)14:22
jrib!encrypt > OldFarter14:22
ubottuOldFarter, please see my private message14:22
krambiorixikonia, yes both ubuntu14:23
ikoniakrambiorix: ok, that's the issue14:23
ikoniakrambiorix: sshfs is userspace, so the permissions are locked to the user you mounted it as14:23
ikoniakrambiorix: if you mount it as the user you want to use, your problems will go away14:24
krambiorixikonia, yeah i'll try14:24
OldFarterjrib, just the same link i found by google....   (once problem is identified, solutions most likely can be googled)14:24
OldFarterjrib, thank you for your time14:24
krambiorixikonia, but the unmounting removed my group docusers :s14:24
jribOldFarter: no problem14:24
ikoniakrambiorix: it won't remove the group14:24
mrdebwhen you use udisks to mount, should you eject or unmount and take out the usb14:25
OldFarterjrib,  Do you know how big of an impact the encrypted home have on preformance14:25
jribmrdeb: « man udisks » talks about --detach powering down the physical port of the device, so I'd guess that's what you should do14:26
mrdebjrib: does detach unmont first then power off14:26
jribOldFarter: I don't notice any.  I think the only thing that matters wrt to performance impact is if you notice it14:27
krambiorixikonia, fusermount: failed to open /etc/fuse.conf: Permission denied14:27
krambiorixfusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /home/docmount14:27
jribOldFarter: you can create a new user on the laptop and not have it encrypted to compare14:27
mrdebcan you remove usb without power off by only unmount14:27
jribmrdeb: I don't know14:27
allu2What premissions files in debian packages should have?14:27
jribmrdeb: I always have :P14:27
ikoniakrambiorix: give it permission then14:27
ikoniakrambiorix: the permsission is currently root:root14:27
jriballu2: try #ubuntu-packaging14:27
allu2jrib: thanks14:28
jrib!packaging > allu214:28
ubottuallu2, please see my private message14:28
mrdebis that ok14:28
mrdebwill it burn hte drive14:28
krambiorixikonia, chown as www-data?14:29
ikoniakrambiorix: who ever your going to mount it as14:29
compdocmrdeb, no14:29
OldFarterjrib, i guess most of all the pain i feel when booting the old drive is the inherent slowness of the twirling disk vs ssd14:29
krambiorixikonia, hmm would that be a safe thing to do?14:29
krambiorixikonia, to mount it as www-data14:29
ikoniakrambiorix: yes, it's only a mount point14:29
jribOldFarter: have not experienced the joys of ssd personally, but I hear good things14:29
mrdebi know solid disk14:30
mrdebit is good for startup but slower to write file14:30
mrdebso if you install a lot or copy, its slower14:30
gremlinwell thats why one should use it for os's14:30
krambiorixikonia, ok done14:30
mrdebalso its quite14:30
gremlinthe read speeds are great14:30
krambiorixikonia, http://pastebin.com/qDpWi4bj14:31
ikoniakrambiorix: that's the mounted directory I assume ?14:31
krambiorixikonia, yes it is (sry)14:31
Onepamopahere ya go, java7 the "easy" way: http://pastebin.com/8iNhdvwD (script found @ the net, modified)14:32
ikoniakrambiorix: that's fine, so you need the www-data user to be in the docuser group and you should be fine, however it's also worth looking at for house keeping what the uid 20001 maps to14:32
OldFarterjrib, i upgraded my cheap 6month old laptop from 2gb ram to 8gb and from 5400rpm disk to SSD....      its a totally different animal now14:32
cdubyajrib, not seeing anything in the shell......this is an example of what's happening......http://www.freeimagehosting.net/ac42f14:32
=== ryangauger is now known as ryan___
krambiorixikonia, i ran < id > as www-data : uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),20001(docuser)14:33
OldFarterjrib,  if anything id recommend getting a small and cheaper SSD (30GB?) and use it for root (/) and ur old disk as /home/14:33
ikoniakrambiorix: that looks good14:33
jribOldFarter: that's a pretty good idea, I'll have to check them out.  Thanks!14:33
jribcdubya: some people on the internet seem to have that same problem because of some fonts they installed.  Do you have any fonts installed into ~/.fonts or maybe system-wide, that aren't default?14:34
krambiorixikonia, ok i can touch a file as www-data, i'm checking in my webapplication now14:34
ikoniakrambiorix: that's looking good, very good14:34
mrdebwhy does disk uti show less space used than system monitor program14:34
jribcdubya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83011014:35
gremlin any server admin in the house14:35
jribgremlin: why?14:35
mneptokgremlin: just ask the question14:35
krambiorixikonia, hmm my web application says: mkdir(): No such file or directory in /var/www/web4/web/upload.php on line 17014:35
gremlinthe world of samba14:36
jnsl_Um whats the program called i usually install that sort of remember what applications you usually open, and makes it go faster XD?14:36
ikoniakrambiorix well, that's because /var/www/web4/web/ is nothing to do with the directory you've done14:36
ikoniakrambiorix: actually look if that directory exists14:36
Bisu[Shield]i am trying to resize the a partition to use the unallocated space.  i am using gparted.  I cannot resize the current partition that ubuntu is running on, do i have to do that from a gparted boot disk?14:36
compdocthat would be the way, yes14:36
mneptokjnsl_: tell your life partner what apps you use, and set their alarm clock 15m earlier than yours?14:36
xanguaBisu[Shield]: from the ubuntu live cd or the gparted live also14:37
xanguaBisu[Shield]: remember to back up ;)14:37
Bisu[Shield]so that issue is that i cannot resize the partions that the OS is running on14:37
jnsl_mneptok haha sounds like an even better solution !14:37
krambiorixikonia, nono, it just says that in this file on that line No such file or directory in /var/www/web4/web/upload.php on line 171  -> it can't create the file / dir14:37
Bisu[Shield]speaking of which.... how do I backup the entire system incase I do something stupid like sudo rm / -rf14:37
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!14:38
ThinkT510!backup | Bisu[Shield]14:38
ubottuBisu[Shield]: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:38
OldFarterjrib, on my desktop i have 2x 30GB in stripping raid for root   and disk twirler for /home/ . On my laptop its everything on SSD and to me it seems to be just a bit more responsive.14:39
krambiorixikonia, it works!!!!!14:39
white_spiderвсем привет14:39
ikoniakrambiorix yes, that's nothing to do with what you've done, you've mounted a directory called /home/docuuser on your local machine on /home/docuser on your server, that will have no effect on /var/www/web4/web14:40
krambiorixikonia, yeah but now it works!14:40
OldFarterjrib, so home dir read speed is  a noticeable factor in perceived responsiveness, but for most applications this is short bursts of read from small config files14:40
krambiorixikonia,  thanks a lot man!14:40
ikoniakrambiorix: more than welcome, happy to help14:41
OldFarterjrib, that is however also where one benefits from better seek performance14:41
Bisu[Shield]home user backup does not have a restore option?14:41
krambiorixikonia, i became tired of solving this :D14:42
ikoniakrambiorix: you're fixed now, so enjoy14:42
krambiorixikonia, i will for sure14:43
picassohi, i'm trying to get PHP5 and mod_wsgi working together with apache, but the packages require different versions of apache (MPM vs MPM-worker i guess?)14:44
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* Go0dOk slaps Go0dOk around a bit with a large trout14:46
* ikonia requests Go0dOk doesn't do that again, no more /me commands14:46
edbianikonia: Are me commands taboo?14:46
* edbian uses them all the time?14:46
ikoniaedbian: pointless ones, yes14:46
edbianikonia: Is that a channel rule or just annoying to most people?14:47
schnufflepicasso: PHP is not thread save so you need ther prefork model of apache or you use PHP through fastcgi14:47
edbianGo0dOk: Sorry to drag this out :/14:47
ikoniaedbian: just common sense, support channel, support topic, pointless /me stuff about slapping with fish.....not needed14:47
i0x71hey, i have a solaris nfs share mounted under ubuntu server 11.04 with "nfs" fs, everytime i remount it the ownership becomes 4294967294, anyone know why that is happening ?14:47
edbiansure ok14:47
picassoschnuffle: i see. i'll look into doing fastcgi then14:48
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ikoniai0x71: look at the ownership on the solaris box, look at it's uid and guid14:48
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maredebianumnetwork-manager problem here (fresh natty 64bit, home copied from 32bit): manual network config (static IP) cannot be saved. Added user to netdev (no effect), any other tips?14:49
i0x71ikonia: this seems to be the issue on the ubuntu box specificaly, everything works on centos14:49
ikoniai0x71: yes, but still check the ownership of the uid and gid on the solaris server14:49
schnufflei0x71: what mount options do you use?14:49
i0x71ikonia: what should it be set to ?14:49
i0x71schnuffle: defaults, "nfs" as fs14:50
ikoniai0x71: see if matches the owner on the ubuntu machine when you set it14:50
Lukeanyone know how to make the "Disk Usage Analyser" skip specified directories?14:51
cdubyajrib, yes, I have other fonts installed.......chromium handles it all fine, as does opera......14:52
jribcdubya: remove them to troubleshoot14:53
jribcdubya: make sure you completely restart firefox to test afterwards14:53
sneakyimpWhen one puts multiple names in /etc/cron.deny, what is the delimiter?  new lines?  commas?  semicolons?14:53
ikoniasneakyimp: new lines as I recall14:54
=== Stanley|18- is now known as Stanley|_zZ
sneakyimpikonia: thanks14:54
jribsneakyimp: man crontab agrees with ikonia14:54
sneakyimpjrib: thanks.14:54
jrib!away > Stanley|_zZ14:55
ubottuStanley|_zZ, please see my private message14:55
schnufflei0x71:  if the problem persists mount.nfs  has a map_static options14:55
i0x71schnuffle: what does that do ?14:55
schnufflei0x71: map server uid/gid to client uid/gid14:56
chrowecan anyone suggest the easiest way to script the Ubuntu install process so I don't have to make choices every time?14:56
ikoniachrowe: kickstart14:56
envygeeks!preseed > chrowe14:57
ThinkT510!automate | chrowe14:58
ubottuchrowe: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:58
i0x71schnuffle: it seems that if i give +rw perms to other it is sufficient enough14:58
krambiorixikonia, do you remember the ???? ????14:58
krambiorixikonia, they are back :s :s :s14:58
chroweenvygeeks: why preseed vs. kickstart?14:59
sneakyimpI'm trying to harden my 10.04 server and would like to restrict usage of cron.  If I create /etc/cron.allow, is this likely to cause problems when installing new packages? How do I determine if a package installation will create a new user in need of cron jobs?14:59
mrdebwhat is cron14:59
schnufflei0x71: of course if you don't have to care about access rights that will do the trick14:59
h00k!cron | mrdeb14:59
ubottumrdeb: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:59
jrwrensneakyimp: awesome question!14:59
schnufflei0x71: but you can run into problems with uid/gid when the share is mounted on more than one PC15:00
sneakyimpjrwren: er, thanks.  really struggling with server hardening.15:00
astraljava!ubuntustudio > astraljava15:00
ubottuastraljava, please see my private message15:00
i0x71schnuffle: was messing around with nfs-common and idmapd.conf and it seems that it does give "proper-user" ownership now, but when that "proper-user" accesses it it doesnt recognize the ownership15:00
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envygeekschrowe: because preseed is a little more advanced and versatile, and it will work with any Debian distro, kickstart barely has Debian support and just barely above barely support in Ubiquity15:00
h00kubottu: tell astraljava about msgthebot you can also use this15:01
schnufflei0x71: aah, so you use nfs4?15:01
ubottuh00k: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:01
sneakyimprelated question:  is there any way to get a list of which users have cron jobs and what those cron jobs are?15:01
h00kubottu: tell astraljava about msgthebot15:01
ubottuastraljava, please see my private message15:01
Bisu[Shield]is there a backup utility that I can use with a boot disk that incase i wipe out my filesystem?15:01
jrwrensneakyimp: unfortunately I can't suggest anything other than what you already could guess15:01
jrwrensneakyimp: its all in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/15:01
i0x71schnuffle: nope, nfs15:01
h00kastraljava: you can use that as well to investigate factoids or check them out15:01
ikoniasneakyimp: is this a default ubuntu install ?15:01
jrwrensneakyimp: just cat those files, one is named per users cron tab15:01
RxDxanyone here plays WOW on WINE can help me15:01
astraljavah00k: Thanks, couldn't recall how to use it so that it won't harass others. :)15:01
sipiorsneakyimp: all proper packages will use the system superuser crontab, although they may run as different users.15:01
i0x71schnuffle: if im not mistaken it uses nfs3 when you specify "nfs" as fs15:01
ikoniaRxDx: I'd try #winehq - may people have had problems with it15:01
astraljavah00k: Yeah, just was being lazy and didn't wanna switch to other windows at the moment. :)15:02
sneakyimpjrwren: thx! wasn't aware that's where they lived.15:02
h00kastraljava: no prob15:02
RxDxikonia, ty15:02
schnufflei0x71: I think so as well, nut not sure15:02
jrwrensipior: i was thinking the same thing, but will cron.allow be enforced on those jobs?15:02
sneakyimpikonia:  nearly default.  weirdly, default comes with users like games, list, irc, etc.15:02
sipiorjrwren: no, because root is running them :-)15:02
ikoniasneakyimp: then you'll find there are no cronjobs for users by default15:02
sneakyimpikonia: i have installed tiger and samhain so far.  tiger has cron jobs.15:02
jrwrensipior: cron.allow/deny is enforced at crontab execution time, not at cron running jobs execution time. right?15:03
ikoniasneakyimp: tiger ?15:03
sneakyimpsipior:  any thoughts on how this might conflict with /etc/cron.allow file?15:03
sneakyimpikonia: apt-cache search tiger15:04
jrwrensneakyimp: you following sipior and my converstaion?  I'm pretty sure it won't effect at all.15:04
ThinkT510!info tiger15:04
ubottutiger (source: tiger): Report system security vulnerabilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.3-6 (natty), package size 576 kB, installed size 3136 kB15:04
sipiorjrwren: cron.allow does not apply to the system crontab.15:04
ikonia!info tiger15:04
sipiorsneakyimp: it shouldn't.15:04
jrwrensneakyimp: because packages dont' use crontab command... what sipior just said.  cron.allow does not apply to system crontab and pacakges will use that.15:04
krambiorixikonia, the ???? ???? are back, it's like the server is automatically unmounted15:05
rominHello, I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and my graphics is stuck in low res.15:05
rominCan anybody help me?15:05
sneakyimpjrwren: trying to keep up.  not sure what it means.  sounds like install packages use the root crontab to create jobs and are therefore not affected by /etc/cron.allow ?15:06
jrwrensneakyimp: yes, they won't be effected.  cron.allow just regulates users ability to invoke the crontab command. not to use the cron system.15:09
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sneakyimpjrwren: was just wondering about that.  if i did crontab -e today and made some cron jobs and then added 'sneakyimp' to /etc/cron.deny tomorrow, then my previously created crons would continue to run?15:10
osmosis_paulHi somebodsy know how can i change the permisions only for file and for folder with separate commans15:10
osmosis_pauli change all files and folders with x permisions and now i only want let this permisions for folders of course15:10
llutzosmosis_paul: man chmod ("X" uppercase x is what you want)15:11
ThinkT510osmosis_paul: you may want to check out man chown too15:11
jribosmosis_paul: you can use find15:11
schnuffleosmosis_paul:  find /path -type f -exec chmod 755 {} \; for files and -type d for dirs15:12
jrwrensneakyimp: yes, previous ones would run.15:12
[THC]AcidRainmy comp is connected to a bridge. how can i assign its ip address?15:12
[THC]AcidRainthe router wont let me assign through a bridge15:12
[THC]AcidRainor will it.... :)15:12
jrwrenschnuffle: i do it that way. sounds like maybe there is a better way.15:13
rominI have a Radeon HD 6770M with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Graphics is stuck in low res, can anyone help?15:13
osmosis_paulthanks for the responses15:13
[THC]AcidRainromin, when you reboot, you should be informed about the issue. and you should get options15:13
[THC]AcidRainhave you tried that?15:13
mrdebromin: install ati drivers15:14
wols_romin: could you upgrade to 10.10 and then 11.04? cause back when 10.04 was made, there was no 6770M yet in existance, so its drivers don't know about it15:14
sneakyimpjrwren: thanks.15:14
mrdebfrom jockey15:14
wols_romin: you could either backport fglrx or you could also run the ati.com drivers directly, tho that is not supported15:14
schnufflejrwren: most of the time there's a better way, but I'm satisfied with a "good enough" way :)15:14
krambiorixikonia, no , it appears that when you see question marks, you don't have privileges to see the mount point15:14
ikoniakrambiorix: huh ?15:15
rominwols_, So there is no way that I could get working drivers on 10.04?15:15
krambiorixikonia, ow you didn't see, the ???? were back15:15
ikoniakrambiorix: the question marks are because it can't work out the permissions to display them for you, which is a real worry15:15
krambiorixikonia, yeah15:15
ikoniakrambiorix: if you have no access it should be able to list why you have no access15:15
rominI'm not an advanced user15:15
krambiorixikonia, yeah true15:16
wols_romin: there is.I gave you two ways, one supported, one not: backport or ati.com drivers15:16
ikoniakrambiorix: have you lost write access again ?15:16
sneakyimpanother server-hardening question.  tiger reports a list of users that are disabled, but have a valid shell.  e.g., backup, bin daemon, etc.  the advice it gives is to use vipw to set the default shell for these users to /bin/false.  Could that cause problems?  Which default ubuntu users MUST have a shell?15:16
rominI already installed the driver from ati.com and it did not work.15:16
krambiorixikonia, nono, i checked it with the wrong user15:16
rominAnd I do not know what "backporting" means, or how to go about doing it15:16
ikoniakrambiorix: ahh good15:16
krambiorixikonia, one last question: if i restart my server the mountpoint will be gone.... can automatically create the mount point when the server starts?15:17
wols_romin: taking source code from a later ubuntu release and compiling and then installing it in an older one15:17
ikoniakrambiorix: the mount point won't be gone, only the fact that it won't be mounted, just re-mount it15:17
jrwrensneakyimp: good question. i don't know that anyone knows. i also dont' know why having a default shell is a security concern.15:18
krambiorixikonia, but can't the mounting be done automatically when the server starts?15:18
ikoniakrambiorix: I think it can, the problem is it's a userspace mount, not a system mount, so it would have to be done when you user is logged in15:18
=== kevin__ is now known as khamer
sneakyimpjrwren:  i think the lack of a default shell prevents login -- extra protection measure?  sorry, i'm NOOB.15:19
stealzIs it possible to target only the active window with effects in CCSM?15:19
ikonia!it | favillo15:19
ubottufavillo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:19
krambiorixikonia, yeah the www-data user won't log in15:19
ikoniakrambiorix: I'm trying to think if there is a way we can do this15:19
rickb|serverHey, anyone know the name of the file in /usr/bin that connect to server uses? I'm trying to make a keyboard shortcut.15:19
khamerI'm getting Unable to get on D-Bus when I launch bluetoothd -nd as root; any ideas?15:20
et-0nlinehey is there a tool to send raw ethernet on ubuntu15:21
dydguys how can i see the name of my wireless card?15:21
dydi know the wired card name, eth015:21
zen933kdyd: Do you mean your MAC address? What are you trying to do?15:22
dydzen933k: i'm trying to use aircrack15:22
dydzen933k: i found the command: ifconfig15:23
zen933kdyd: Generally, wireless is wlan015:23
dydzen933k: yep :)15:23
EighteensI wish there was a way to make my sound clear, like it is on the ubuntu live cd, all songs play beautifully, however after installation of 10.04 my audio does work, but it sounds garbled like a blown speaker, i've googled this, looked through many forums, and still have same problem, i have a integrated audio card, i believe it is a realtek high def audio card.15:24
aatishhi everyone. i want to know what command must be run to check for ext4 filesystem consistency15:24
ikoniaaatish: fsck15:24
ikoniaaatish: however the file system must not be mounted15:24
sneakyimpwhat does it mean when someone's default shell in /etc/passwd is /bin/false?  Does this prevent login? Suppose I were to do this for www-data -- would that cause problems?  Would it prevent use of functions like exec in PHP, for instance?15:25
zen933kEighteens: Have you tried changing the audio levels?15:25
sneakyimpEighteens:  did you connect the correct cable from your motherboard to your computer case?  (not a valid question if you didn't assemble the computer)15:26
aatishikonia: yup i know. but what the exact command to run to automatically correct error with out destroying the data. is it fsck -a?15:26
ikoniaaatish: you shouldn't run it automatically, as autofixing certain issues can cause damage15:26
ikoniaaatish: also "man fsck" if you know the command for all the options15:26
ikoniaaatish: it's not -a15:26
Eighteensyes, i tried audio levels, and i did build the computer, it does work beautifully from live cd, as well as other os's15:27
sneakyimpeighteens: I have found that many mobos have two connectors for audio, typically labeled AC97 audio or maybe HD audio.15:27
sneakyimpeighteens:  ahh...if it works with other OS sounds like you did it fine.15:27
aatishikonia: thanks15:27
milen8204I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my , PC whit win7 and It have failed. whit this massage: uncompression error .. system halted15:27
milen8204anyone can help ?15:27
zen933ksneakyimp: I mean from within Ubuntu. One sec..15:28
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
Eighteenssneakyimp it does work sometimes, like if i put a store bought cd, it might play first couple songs, then it sounds like a train wreck, and then i have to kill pulseaudio and /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart   'that helps sometimes'15:28
zen933keighteens: Are you dual booting with windows?15:29
sneakyimpEighteens:   hm.  sounds like driver issue?  sorry i can't be more help15:29
Eighteenssneakyimp, could it be the audio codecs, and yes i dual boot windows, they are on seperate drives tho15:30
Bisu[Shield]any reason brasero is telling me that my blank dvd only has 1 gb?15:30
Eighteensoh zen933k yes i dual boot15:30
sneakyimpeighteens: i just don't know.  sorry :(15:30
Bisu[Shield]any reason brasero is telling me that my blank dvd only has 1gb of free space? am i missing something?15:30
rominwols_ how would I go about doing that? Is it a timely process?15:30
FxIIII finally resoved my problem with repository authentication keys15:30
zen933keighteens: I seem to remember a bug with sound and dual booting. I had a Realtek sound card with a Soundblaster and would loose sound with I only rebooted from windows15:30
takamarouHi all, I have a desktop with 2 1TB SATA Hard Drives in it.  I am trying to configure my system to do a dual boot of Win7 x64 and Ubuntu x64, with my hard drives in a RAID 10 configuration.  My computer does not have a RAID controller built into the BIOS, but instead is supposed to use the Intel RAID drivers and configuration utility to set them up from Win7.  Should I use that utility to setup my RAID, or should I use something w15:30
milen8204Help me please,  I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my , PC whit win7 and It have failed. whit this massage: uncompression error .. system halted15:31
rominBecause the drivers from the website don't work.15:31
=== Lemming is now known as Guest61692
G0Rmilen8204: memory problem? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137343215:31
milen8204G0R, I don not know15:32
sneakyimptakamoru:  that sounds really tricky.  I tend to doubt that ubuntu will have a win 7 raid driver.  each RAID scheme tends to have its own pecularities15:32
zen933keighteen: You get sound in windows just fine?15:32
G0Rmilen8204: if you read the link it will suggest you run memtest from the livecd, that should tell you15:32
milen8204G0R, ahh ok thanks15:32
milen8204will try15:32
sneakyimptakamoru: if hardware is taking care of the RAID, you'd probably have better luck15:32
Bisu[Shield]am I invisible wth?15:32
takamarousneakyimp, Right.  Unfortunately this particular desktop doesn't have support for hardware-based RAID15:33
sneakyimpsomeone correct me if I'm wrong, but if one formats one's drives as RAID using the win 7 raid, then ubuntu will not be able to interpret that RAID ?15:33
PiciBisu[Shield]: I can see you.15:33
takamarousneakyimp, does that pretty much mean that I'm out of luck, or is there a way?15:33
rominDoes anyone know how to get graphics support for Radeon 6770M on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?15:33
sneakyimptakamarou:  perhaps you could use a RAID card?  these are kinda pricey AFAIK15:33
sneakyimptakamarou: you might consider a different MOBO?  there are MANY affordable ones with built-in RAID.  it's very common these days.15:34
rominI have tried installing drivers from ATI's website, but they do not work and I am stuck in low res.15:34
zen933kromin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver15:34
sneakyimptakamarou:  and i'm not *certain* that ubuntu won't understand win7 raid...it could.....15:34
takamarousneakyimp, That sounds like more work than it's worth - the new MOBO thing.  I'll look at RAID controllers, though.15:34
sneakyimptakamarou:  http://newegg.com15:35
takamarousneakyimp, there right now :)15:35
sneakyimptakamarou:  something to keep in mind...RAID card must be supported with drivers for Ubuntu AND for Win715:36
milen8204G0R, I cant load live CD options it crashes and put the error on a 20-30 seconds after loading the purple screen15:36
takamarousneakyimp, just thought of that.  Do you know of any listing of Ubuntu-supported RAID cards?15:36
sneakyimptakamarou:  it might work instantly for you OR you could have compatibility issues (even little tiny ones) that are different between ubuntu/win 715:37
leprachaunburn  new whot new iso15:37
sneakyimptakamarou:  new mobo might actually be easier :/15:37
rominzen933k: I don't see how that page helps me in any way.15:38
sneakyimpwhat does it mean when someone's default shell in /etc/passwd is /bin/false? Does this prevent login? Suppose I were to do this for www-data -- would that cause problems? Would it prevent use of functions like exec in PHP, for instance?15:38
wols_romin: I told you the 3 options you have. there won't be magically any more ones15:38
wols_sneakyimp: exec() != system()15:38
rominwols_, Your most prominent recommendation on using code from a newer ubuntu is something I am not familiar with.15:38
rominI am looking for help, not just an "option".15:39
G0Rmilen8204: if the checksum of the cd is correct it sounds like you have a hardware problem.  If it's a dual boot machine maybe boot into windows and runs some checks15:39
zen933kromin: If reading that page doesn't help you, I doubt reading advice here will work either15:39
sneakyimpwols_: i don't understand?15:39
wols_sneakyimp: system() runs a shell15:40
zen933kromin: It explains how to check to see if your card is support by the drivers. Then if that doesn't work we can work with AMDs15:40
KPGI can't find the ttf-mscorefonts package using Synaptic Package Manager, and I am running Ubuntu 11.04. Has this package been removed from the repositories?15:40
sneakyimpwols_ : trying to grok the implications of having default shell set to /bin/false.  what does this mean?  no login?15:41
wols_KPG: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:41
sneakyimpwols_: i'm considering this as server-hardening technique for various accounts:  nobody, games, irc, backup, etc.15:41
wols_sneakyimp: yes, no login15:41
aatishhi again. i just installed netbean 7.0.1 but when i click on it. it doesnt load. can someone tell me what to do know15:41
rominzen933k: My card is supported, and I've already removed fglrx.15:42
ikoniasneakyimp: remove the accounts, games, irc etc15:42
rominHow does that solve my problem?15:42
wols_and running php on a "hardened" server is like putting jewellery on a pig. just the other way around this time15:42
wols_aatish: run it inside a xterm15:42
KPGwols_: Thank you! I didn't have the option to access packages in the multiverse enabled.15:43
sneakyimpwols_: ouch! haha.15:43
wols_romin: asking time and again won't change the answer. if you don't like the answer, why ask?15:44
sneakyimpis it safe to set default shell in /etc/passwd to /bin/false for all non-human users (e.g., bin, backup, nobody, mail, man, proxy, messagebus, etc.) or is that going to break stuff?15:44
wols_zen933k: I doubt the page you gave him lists what 10.04 supports but what 11.04 supports15:44
rominwols_, I am looking for somebody to help me get this working. You haven't helped me in any way, so that is why I am asking.15:44
Tech-1yep, id say we got 1.5-3 yrs before we look like greece15:45
rominMaybe somebody that has fixed this issue before can guide me in the right direction. Your instruction is way too general for a new ubuntu user like me.15:45
wols_romin: so you want to people do it for you? good to know.15:45
sneakyimpromin:  it may well be that no valid driver exists for such a new card.  you might want to try some of the suggested "options" before biting the hand that is feeding you advice.15:45
sneakyimpromin: if they don't work, then you can bring back useful advice to the development community15:45
rominI have tried all the options that wols_ has offered except for the one involving using new code from a newer ubuntu.15:45
wols_romin: have you tried to look up what a backport is? have you specifically tried to find out why the amd.com drivers didn't work, etc? no you haven15:45
aatishwols: it says netbeans is not installed. sudo apt-get ..... i just installed it from .....sh file downloaded from the netbean site15:46
sneakyimpromin: well perhaps you should try that then.  your vid card is new.  they may have written newer drivers that are not yet released.15:46
wols_aatish: I didn't tell you to run apt-get but to run netbeans15:46
Mark-sketching(Natty) How do I customise the indicator messages? I want to keep certain important messages such as network connectivity, but get ride of online status spam from my messaging program...15:46
Tech-1opps wrong room, sry15:46
bullgard4_What is meant by "Intel AppUp" in https://www.desktopsummit.org/program/workshops-bofs?15:46
rominYes wols_ , I have tried.15:46
ikoniabullgard4_: how is that an ubuntu question ?15:46
aatishwols_: i just run netbeans on the terminal but it says netbeans not installed15:47
bullgard4_ikonia: There will be designed the future of Ubuntu.15:47
ikoniabullgard4_: it's nothing to do with ubuntu15:47
bullgard4_ikonia: You are in error.15:47
wols_aatish: cause wherever you installed it is not in your $PATH. so go there and run it from there15:48
ikoniabullgard4_: no, I am not.15:48
* wols_ waits patiently for the very concise explanation why it is ubuntu related15:48
rominsneakyimp: The problem is that I do not know how to "try that", do you have any suggestions as to where I can read more about this?15:48
Picibullgard4_: If anything, #ubuntu-community-team might be a more appropriate place for it.  #ubuntu is for support of the OS15:48
wols_bullgard4_: we're all ears15:48
rominBecause clearly you guys are assuming I know how to do this already. If I did, I wouldn't be asking...15:48
rominI searched "backporting Radeon 6770M" and came up with only one relevant page, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1110741815:49
wols_romin: while you can find people willing to prechew for you and doing your work, the chances are slim15:49
bullgard4_wols_: I have put a question here. Why do you answer "We are all ears" and not answering my question?15:49
aatishwols_:lol. thanks it is installed in my home directory15:49
rominwols_, You seem to be misunderstanding the whole situation. I am not looking for somebody to "do it for me". I am simply looking for some constructive advice, of which you have not offered.15:49
sneakyimpis it safe to set default shell in /etc/passwd to /bin/false for all non-human users (e.g., bin, backup, nobody, mail, man, proxy, messagebus, etc.) or is that going to break stuff?15:50
wols_romin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=a91ee0cdc60e024166a1bd2f4f0d56c7&t=269238  I suggest you backport the fglrx drivers. backporting the xorg ati drivers would mean backporting xorg itself which is not fun15:50
ikoniabullgard4_: because it's not for this channel, as you've been told.15:50
zen933kromin: The advice you need is on the link I game you, it explains how to see what your card is and get the driver installed15:51
wols_zen933k: and you do know that 10.04 has a driver for a chip that didn't exist when 10.04 was released? really?15:51
wols_zen933k: even for natty it's touch and go I'd say15:52
rominzen933k, prior to giving me that link I already have visited that page and have gone through the steps of "BinaryDriverHowto/ATI"15:53
rominAnd it has not helped.15:53
rominThank you wols_15:53
zen933kwols_: Sure, if you go to the bottom it offers more links, if the above doesn't solve15:53
zen933kwols_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:53
rominYeah, I went through that whole process...15:54
asteveis there a safe way to install 1 package from natty universe onto lucid?15:54
wols_asteve: yes. a backport15:54
sneakyimpromin:  that forum link looks like those guys may have had some luck (see the post by weezilla) but that it's still a bit dodgy.  Not sure what to tell you.  Your card is very new.  Also, I'm not familiar with backporting.15:54
sneakyimpromin: try posting in there with those dudes while you continue to seek answers.15:55
rominalright sneakyimp, thanks15:56
astevewols_: is it guaranteed that the package I want is in backports? I don't want anything else using backports; only this specific package15:56
wols_asteve: no it's not. and I meant you should backport it yourself. just installing might work if you are lucky, but usually it doesn't. and never ever put natty binary deb repos into your sources.list15:57
wols_at least not as long as you run lucid15:58
astevewols_: in regards to the sources.list, i'm well aware; the package installs cleanly on lucid; the problem is that i want to use puppet to maintain it and that requires creating my own repo or using some other means15:58
wols_what package is it?15:58
TITANOdear community, I have an issue with anjuta and the ui designer. it shows a kind of grey window in the main window pane, with a thick line in the middle, and it takes half of the screen. What is it supposed to be for and I can I make it away, please?16:03
TITANOread "how can I make it away" above, sorry16:05
sneakyimpafter making changes to /etc/cron.allow, does one need to reboot?16:07
TITANOyes sneakyimp, I did that this morning16:07
sipiorsneakyimp: no.16:07
sipiorjerriy: yes?16:09
jerriyHi sipior I have a question16:09
sneakyimpsipior:  ahh thanks.  i googled the cron allow function and got something specific to solaris16:09
sneakyimpjerriy:  just shoot the question.  saves reading :D16:09
jerriyI'm listening to a stream (via totem) and I can't remove the 'visualization'16:10
TITANOcan anyone help me with anjuta? is quite annoying actually that 'feature'16:10
jerriyBy visualization I mean the graphics that comes up when the stream is only audio (not video)16:11
sneakyimpWhat is the user 'daemon' for ?16:13
ikoniasneakyimp: not much any more, it's legacy16:13
sneakyimpikonia: anything at all?  if i'm not mistaken, my samhain notifications appear to be coming from this user.16:14
ikoniasneakyimp: some applications may still use it it's an account for use by daemons, but most don't use it any more, hence legacy16:15
zkamcan I ask newbie questions here?16:15
ikoniazkam: please16:15
GirlyGirlzkam: I guess16:15
zkamthe #ubuntu-beginners room seems quiet16:15
AFDwhat is the correct way to set up a manager in an office so they have the ability to add/edit/delete non-manager files? (I am guessing I shouldn't be making him root / sudoer just for this)16:15
GirlyGirlzkam: ask your question16:15
=== Count_Niedar is now known as Niedar
jerriyAnyone with who can help me on how to shut off the media player visualization?16:16
zkamI'm booted up in Ubuntu with a LiveCD USB drive, and I would like to install persistent Linux Mint on another USB drive16:16
ikoniaAFD: manager ? non-manager ?16:16
GirlyGirlzkam: Have you already installed ubuntu16:16
zkamideally, I would like to do something like PortableLinux, which will allow me to use extra space on the drive as storage space to use in Windows, etc16:17
zkamGirlyGirl, no16:17
ikoniazkam: you would need to boot the mint installer to install mint,16:17
zkamI'm actually on a library (public) computer  LOL16:17
AlexDevilLXUbuntu ssh with web16:18
zkamor, is it possible to make my LiveCD (USB) persistent without reinstalling it?16:18
ikonia!install | zkam16:18
ubottuzkam: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:18
ikoniazkam: look in the usb section of this guide there are notes on how to make it persistant16:18
jerriyJust to clarify: it's the web-embedded totem (via the browser plugin)16:18
AlexDevilLXOk, how to install ssh server + web client16:20
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: web client ?16:20
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: open the package manager and serch for "ssh" it will install the openssh server and client for you16:20
AlexDevilLXlike http://vnc.alexdevillx.ax.lt16:20
zkammy options are limited on this machine.  I can't do anything that requires Windows Admin rights or permanently saving files to the hard drive16:21
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: thats a vnc client, so you'd need a vnc server to connect to it16:21
fbsdhow i can check if a package is obsolete?16:21
ikoniazkam: windows has nothing to do with it, if you're booting from a cd/usb16:21
AlexDevilLXikonia, i know16:21
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: ok....so why are you not asking how to install a vnc server/client ? rather than a "web client"16:22
AlexDevilLXi'm asking about ssh16:22
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: then why did you link to a vnc web page ?16:22
zkamdoes anyone know anything about PortableLinux?  https://launchpad.net/~portablelinux/+archive/ppa16:22
AlexDevilLXto show you how that works16:22
zkamit seems outdated16:23
AlexDevilLXi need same but in ssh16:23
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: ???? I'm sorry I don't understand you asked for ssh and a web client, I've told you how to install ssh, and then I've told you that the web client is in vnc16:23
llutzAlexDevilLX: why don#t you put your confusing single words into a complete question, which makes clear WHAT you really want to know?16:23
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: you want to ssh from a web page ?16:23
AlexDevilLXno not in vnc16:23
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: that's not really a good idea, as the web page would be unencypted16:23
AlexDevilLXheh any idea?16:24
zkamis Mint better than Ubuntu for a beginner?16:24
ikoniazkam: no16:24
llutzAlexDevilLX: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/16:24
AlexDevilLXyes that16:24
zkamok, then why use Mint vs. Ubuntu?  (without getting into a heated debate)16:25
ikoniazkam: personal choice, see which one you like16:25
AFDikonia I was dissconnected but did my situation make sense?16:26
jerriyCan anyone who can help me (switch off visualization)?16:27
ikoniaAFD: not really no, sorry.16:27
kslateranyone in here knowledgeable about GDCK dock and undock events?16:27
jerriyany reason for that?16:27
zkamok, one more question...  What's the easiest way to burn an ISO to USB drive (bootable) in Ubuntu?  As I said, I'm booted in Ubuntu off USB, and have .iso for Mint - want to burn to another USB16:27
AFDikonia it's not a strange scenario - an office manager wants the ability to control his staff's files16:28
ikoniazkam: do you want to boot the mint iso ?16:28
ikoniaAFD: ok - so use permissions to allow that, put him in the same groups as his staff16:28
ikoniazkam: use the same process you did with ubuntu to make the usb bootable, but using mint16:28
zkamand I don't think I can save anything to the hard drive in the process16:28
ikonia!mint > zkam16:28
ubottuzkam, please see my private message16:28
zkamI did that on my own Windows machine16:28
AFDikonia but then his staff can also control each other's files no?16:28
ikoniazkam: also check out the pm ubottu has given you for mint support16:29
AFDikonia I need the manager to have privileges and the other staff not16:29
ikoniaAFD: no, as they will still be in their own groups, only he will be in all the groups16:29
AFDikonia aaaaah ok!16:29
AFDikonia thanks for the advice16:29
olzhashey guys,16:29
eric__caselI was trying to install Java with the self-extracting RPM16:30
olzhasany libappindicator developers are here?16:30
eric__caselbut when it asks for a password with su, the keyboard won't type anything16:30
eric__caselusing sudo for the command is the same thing16:30
ikoniaeric__casel: self extracting rpm ?16:30
eric__caselfor java16:30
ikoniaeric__casel: just use java out of the repos16:30
ikoniaeric__casel: it's supported and packaged correctly16:30
eric__caselMinecraft doesn't like openJDK16:30
eric__caselbut is official oracle java in the repos?16:31
ikoniaeric__casel: there are other java options16:31
ikoniaeric__casel: where did you get the self exracting rpm (never head of one before)16:31
xanguaeric__casel: then use Oracle/Sun Java16:31
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:31
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olzhasare there any developers who have worked with libappindicator?16:31
jerriyHello???? Can anyone help me????16:31
envygeeksWhat do you need to know olzhas?16:32
zkamthanks all16:32
xangua!anyone | olzhas jerriy16:32
ubottuolzhas jerriy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:32
sipiorjerriy: if you're not getting an answer, asking your question again every ten minutes or so is probably best.16:32
ikoniaeric__casel: ahhh, it's not self extracting, it's just an rpm file (that's terrible wording) however there is a proper self extracting file on java.com16:32
jerriysipior: OK I'll do that, thanks for the reply16:33
eric__caselwhere would it be?16:33
eric__caselthat one would be one that either installs in a console window automatically or installs in the software center, right?16:34
i0x71hmm, i have a nfs mount mounted on 6 machines, and once in a while "ls" freezes when getting a listeing of nfs files, this happens randomly on all of the machines, any suggestions what could be causing this ?16:34
eric__caselbut also, why can't i type anything when it asks me for a password in the console?16:34
Polahjerriy: Turning off visualisation when playing music in Totem?16:34
ikoniai0x71: sounds like unstable network, or nfs server, it's qutie common16:34
Polaheric__casel: You can, it just doesn't show that anything is being typed.16:34
eric__caselstupid me16:34
eric__caselwell, anyway16:35
i0x71ikonia: any way to resolve this or atleast prevent ls from hanging ?16:35
jerriyYes Yes Polah:16:35
eric__caselwhere's the thingy that installs itself?16:35
sipiori0x71: are these particularly large directories?16:35
ikoniai0x71: to stop ls hanging - you need to stablise whatever the problem is,16:35
tazztenoize85hi need some help here16:35
Picieric__casel: 'the thingy that installs itself' ?16:35
ikoniai0x71: look at the NFS mount options, they can help with debugging or minimising issues with slow/poor network16:35
i0x71sipior: yes, there are around 70k of files16:36
Polahjerriy: Edit > Preferences > Display, under Visual Effects uncheck the box labelled "Show visual effects when an audio file is played.16:36
eric__caselapparently the "self-extracting RPM" isn't self-extracting16:36
eric__caselthe Instructions page tells me to do things in the console16:36
sipiori0x71: you might consider organising them in smaller groups.16:36
Picieric__casel: RPMs are not meant to be installed on Ubuntu.16:36
i0x71ikonia: do you think "sync" option would fix this ?16:36
eric__caselwhat about the non-RPM?16:36
jerriyWhen I tap into a stream (online radio for example) then the (embedded) totem appears in a new tab, at first it's black but then a second or two later this visualization comes up but I can't find the switch off (I just want to listen to the audio)16:36
olzhasenvygeeks, there is no like a counterpart for the gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf function in libappindicator16:36
i0x71sipior: unfortunately that is not an optio16:37
sipiori0x71: nfs can be touchy for large numbers of files, especially if being accessed from multiple machines.16:37
sneakyimpmore server hardening:  GNU/tiger reports that i have a services database misconfiguration:  a) The port for service ndtp is also assigned to service; b) The port for service ndtp is also assigned to service search16:37
olzhasenvygeeks, what should I do?16:37
* sipior shrugs16:37
Picieric__casel: ubottu explained how to install sun's java. search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository16:37
Pici!partner | eric__casel16:37
ubottueric__casel: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:37
sneakyimpi haven't the slightest idea what it means...can anyone help me understand16:37
jerriyPola I'm not talking about the stand-alone playher but the one embedded in my browser16:37
envygeeksolzhas: if I remember right if you place indicator-status.ext in your gtk theme directory it should pick it up automatically16:38
Polahjerriy: I don't know about configuring that, sorry.16:39
envygeeksolzhas: sorry indicator-notify16:39
Polahjerriy: You can also use rhythmbox or banshee to listen to online radios16:39
i0x71sipior: weird thing is, this only happens once in a while16:40
olzhasenvygeeks, hm, icon is composed on the fly, then i need to set it up16:40
i0x71sipior: and kill -9 "ls pid" doesnt seem to kill it either16:40
om26eri was wondering if there is a way i could get notification in xchat when a certain word is called16:41
sipiori0x71: sure, i believe it. kill -9 won't work because the process is in "uninterruptible wait" (waiting on i/o, in fact)16:41
jerriyYea that's what I'm doing but the default is totem (I have to right click on the embedded totem and then transfer the stream to a stand alone (that's how I'm doing now) but I wanted to sort the totem because that one is the default16:41
om26eror any other irc client (i can switch)16:41
i0x71sipior: hm16:41
i0x71sipior: do you think async option would help this ?16:41
envygeeksolzhas: Hmm...I don't quite remember if you can do it from your buffer16:42
sipiori0x71: could do, but it's really masking the problem.16:42
sipiori0x71: how fast is the network running to the NAS?16:42
i0x71sipior: 10G16:42
olzhasenvygeeks, I skimmed sources code of the library and also i haven't found that16:43
sipiori0x71: high packet loss? consider also examining the state of the NAS under load.16:43
i0x71sipior: im thinking this has probably something to do with the box itself, the nas is located on the same switch16:44
sipiori0x71: also, have a look here, especially the optimisation section: http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/16:44
matzexhhello, knows anyone how ubuntu is running on macbook air, Sony Vaio Z or Thinkpad X1?? Which features of this devices aren't supported? What problems can i have?16:44
i0x71sipior: thanks16:44
envygeeksolzhas: perhaps some haxor trickery? write the buffer to the theme directory and then gtk update?16:44
abedrais there a way to take an ubuntu install and move it onto a usb thumb drive?16:45
envygeekslol I know but it's the only thing I can come up with16:45
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usr13abedra: I think it would be better to just do a fresh install on the thumb drive.16:46
abedrausr13, i figured as much, but I thought I would make sure before I went down that road. Thanks!16:46
usr13abedra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:47
=== user is now known as qballer
leftistjust purchased this drive to backup some work and everything was going just fine until this error showed up and now i can't mount the drive. any ideas? http://pastebin.com/1HzgAzxS16:50
luiteleftist: is there important data on the drive?16:51
sneakyimptiger is complaining about ndtp/search/pipe_server all being assigned to the same port16:51
sneakyimphow does one fix this problem?16:52
leftistyes i just copied over critical data over 14 gigs work16:52
leftistand verified itwas there and deleted it from the source16:52
lonewulf`tbhi #ubuntu16:53
lonewulf`tbjust installed Natty 11.0416:54
Picileftist: If this is indeed an NTFS partition, did you follow the instructions in the error?16:54
luiteleftist: hmm, if you've always mounted it as a regular drive, none of those raid things, then I'd check it with a windows machine. but it's probably best to make an image of the drive first if the data is important16:54
om26erlonewulf`tb, and..?16:54
leftistpici no i wanted to inquire first16:54
lonewulf`tband cannot install anything from software center16:55
leftistyeah i can see it in windows thank god.16:55
usr13lonewulf`tb: Check your internet connection.16:55
leftistjust frustrated. i should have formatted it first. don't know what i was thinking about....i was in a rush to back up the data. just walked in from the store with it....16:55
lonewulf`tberror im getting is unhandable error16:55
jerriyGuys I have another problem: I'm unable to play shoutcast.com radio16:56
om26erlonewulf`tb, can you open a terminal?16:56
lonewulf`tbyes sir16:56
jerriyI get an error message: "TypeError: mcval.plsFun is not a function"16:56
om26erlonewulf`tb, just run sudo apt-get update in it16:56
om26erlonewulf`tb, sudo apt-get update16:56
lonewulf`tbkk, y16:57
om26erlonewulf`tb, when that completes start software center again and see if it works after16:57
om26er!hi | dario_16:57
jerriyWhat am I missing? Why can't ubutnu not able to play the radios at shoutcast.com?16:57
leftistif i format this drive it should be ok for use right?16:58
dario_this is the first connection on irc16:58
XLink_Kai_Help<jerriy> do you have sun java?16:58
ThinkT510om26er: !hi was removed a while ago16:58
claviusmondwith GREP I exctracted 70000 lines of text from a 400000 lines one. I have edited those 70000 lines and now I need to insert them back to their original place in the original file: all the lines that have been edited, both in the original and output file, start with a "1", can anyone help me?16:59
om26erdario_, do you have a question related to Ubuntu or a problem you might be facing?16:59
om26erThinkT510, :/16:59
claviusmondi need to substitute lines that start with "1"16:59
dario_i have one questions ask you17:00
Abhijitdario_, ask17:00
usr13jerriy: Works4me17:00
usr13jerriy: What version of Firefox are you using?17:01
=== XLink_Kai_Help is now known as Ubuntu_Help
jerriyXlink_Kai_help: thanks! I had java but it was not Sun but something that came with ubuntu. I installed java and now it works!17:01
Piciclaviusmond: substitute the lines with what?17:01
=== Ubuntu_Help is now known as XLink_Kai_Help
dario_i have S.O Ubuntu 10.04 but now i have change to ubuntu 11.04. but i not delete my works in pc17:01
dario_is possible? not format ti change ubuntu17:02
ikoniadario_: S.O ?17:02
XLink_Kai_HelpNo problem Jerriy. If you have any other problems, just ask me or someone else! :)17:02
ikoniadario_: what do you mean by S.O ?17:02
Piciclaviusmond: Actually, a better question would be: how have you edited the lines? Wouldn't using sed have been easier.17:02
dario_System Operation17:02
ikonia!upgrade | dario_17:02
ubottudario_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:02
xanguadario_: in plain english please :S17:02
claviusmondPici, with edited lines from another file: all lines in both documents have in common: 1    , thats one an 4d spaces, and then, variable letters and numbers17:02
usr13dario_: You want to delete works in pc?  What do you mean by that?17:02
ThinkT510xangua: he means operating system17:02
milehighSo I have a couple machines with a shared /home via NFS, I rebooted the NFS server after an upgrade, and now none of my ssh keys are being accepted, I have a feeling it has to do with permissions, any ideas?17:02
Picidario_: You may want to ask in #ubuntu-it (italian) if thats easier for you.17:03
dario_thanky. I test ubuntu 5 years ago is fantastic.17:03
xanguadario_: if you want 11.04, you'll first need to upgrade to 10.10 and then to 11.0417:03
Piciclaviusmond: But how would you know where in the file the lines were supposed to go?17:03
Abhijitdario_, you can upgrade to new version without loosing your data in your /home directory.17:03
lonewulf`tbom26er, same error msg pops up ... this is what i get after sudo apt-get update ... http://pastebin.com/geHayi8417:04
dario_switch to #ubuntu italian17:04
Picidario_: /join #ubuntu-it17:04
dario_thanks all17:04
om26erlonewulf`tb, i dont see any text17:04
Peyamubutntu stops working totaly17:05
Peyamafter 3 minuts17:05
Peyami dont know what is worng17:05
maco!caps | XLink_Kai_Help17:05
xanguaXLink_Kai_Help: frop the caps17:05
ubottuXLink_Kai_Help: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:05
olzhasI can't get my laptop go suspend or hibernate, Linux 2.6.38-10-generic-pae-tuxonice17:06
Peyami hate ubuntu17:06
Peyamalways lots of work17:06
jerriyxlink_kai_help: "hear hear" :)17:06
Peyamit doesnt even work17:06
om26erPeyam, /part ;)17:06
Abhijitolzhas, which version of ubuntu?17:06
olzhasAbhijit, natty17:06
Peyamplease help me17:06
Peyami use ubuntu 11.04 on my mini computer hp 213317:06
lonewulf`tbom26er, sry bout that... http://pastebin.com/geHAYi8417:07
Peyamubuntu stops working after 3 minutes17:07
=== italo_ is now known as italoxp
om26erlonewulf`tb, sudo dpkg --configure -a17:07
random4t4x14can I get assistance with Ubuntu Server in this channel?17:07
ThinkT510Peyam: for people to help you may need to provide more info than "stops working"17:07
veganadianquestion: natty has libimobile 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 seems to be ready according to launchpad. but it's not in the release.  how does one install the package that's unsupported ?  or can 1.0.4 be bumped in?  my knowledge on ubunut's package procedures is really limited.17:08
om26erlonewulf`tb, the problem might have happend like you turned off the system while something was installing and such17:08
XLink_Kai_HelpPeyam: Ubuntu should not be hated because of having to work hard. The O.S was built for advance techies if you are trying to get to some aps or files.17:08
Abhijitolzhas, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-suspend-and-hibernation-problem-for-laptops.html and http://thecodecentral.com/2011/01/18/fix-ubuntu-10-10-suspendhibernate-not-working-bug17:08
veganadianlibimobiledevice, rather.17:08
glebihanlonewulf`tb, you apparently added a ppa to your software sources that no longer exists17:08
om26erthough ubuntu should do it gracefully :/17:08
xangualonewulf`tb: remve the xbcm ppa17:08
Peyamnothing work. I cant move the mouse. can open anything. everything stands stil17:08
Peyamnothing moving17:08
lonewulf`tbom26er, yes that did happen to me last17:08
Peyamnot even the clock17:08
xanguait doesn't have packages for natty17:08
bartjcan someone please tell me how to do this:17:09
Abhijitrandom4t4x14, yes you can. also there is #ubuntu-server you can ask there if problem is not solved here17:09
bartjBlock all ports17:09
bartjDisable access to SSH port and allow only IP address from X to connect via ssh17:09
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om26erlonewulf`tb, the last command that i gave should fix it for you17:09
random4t4x14awesome, thanks Abhijit17:09
veganadianbecause since iOS 4.2.1, banshee and rhythmbox won't sync anymore.17:09
Peyamplease help anyone17:09
usr13Peyam: What?17:09
om26erPeyam, which version of Ubuntu?17:09
italoxpPeyam: what's up??17:10
Peyamubuntu 11.0417:10
xanguaveganadian: maybe this help http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/get-ios4-mountsync-working-in-ubuntu.html17:10
usr13Peyam: Ctrl-Alt-F617:10
random4t4x14basically my issue is this, I recently inherited a Ubuntu 10.04 Server at the office.  The only problem is they fired the old admin before doing dilligence, and sadly we now have a box that no one has the password too.  In the past, I've been able to 'root' the server using a startup disc by booting into recovery mode17:10
usr13Peyam: Does that do anything?17:10
Peyamusr13:  nathin workds17:10
om26erPeyam, at the login screen (where you enter the password to login) there is a drop down menu below, select Ubuntu Classic there and see if the problem happens17:10
Peyamabsooluty nothing17:10
XLink_Kai_HelpI think since on Ubuntu 10.10 in the Upgrade Center they need to have it say to change from 10.10 to 11.04, "Do you want to down grade from 10.10 to 11.04" and 11.04 should have a Upgrade to 10.10 and 12.10 Alpha17:10
usr13Peyam: Then you have a complete lockup.  Power down and do memtest17:10
veganadianxangua, that's maverick.17:11
usr13!memtest | Peyam17:11
random4t4x14However, when I try that on this machine, using a version of Ubuntu I've never used, I cannot get it to go into recovery mode.  It drops me to a root shell, and immediately asks for a password17:11
random4t4x14I was wondering how I can reset this17:11
Peyami will try to select ubuntu classic17:11
Peyamand come back soon17:11
random4t4x14I've attempted to follow a few guides around on the net, but so far, no luck17:11
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wols_define "a startup disk" please17:11
wols_random4t4x14: ^^17:11
veganadianxangua, and that repo doesn't have anything above 1.0.317:11
random4t4x14LiveCD, also LiveCD on USB17:11
random4t4x14I've tried the built in recovery mode, and I get the same "Enter password" prompt17:12
bartjhow can I disable bash logging in ubuntu ?17:12
wols_random4t4x14: so what is the problem? you boot from the live cd, chroot to the server install and set a new password. done17:12
highness_Hello people. I am having a bit of problem with booting Ubuntu 10.04 via network. The kernel loads as it finds it. But then it tries to mount the nfs, but fails doing so...17:12
highness_Getting a time out error17:12
usr13bartj: "bash logging"?17:12
highness_Can someone poke me in the right direction here?17:12
bartjusr13, yes17:12
anitavan itt valaki?17:12
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wols_usr13: bash history17:13
highness_I tried to mount the nfs from two other machines, and it works just fine17:13
szal!hu | Guest531917:13
ubottuGuest5319: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:13
random4t4x14wols_: that's what I'm saying, I cannot get the system to let me set a password.  I boot to the LiveCD, or LiveCD on USB, I choose drop to a root shell, and it immediately asks me for the current Root pass17:13
n2diy findsmb shows the wired connections to my router, is there a command to show the wireless connections?17:13
jerriyXLink_kai_Help: may be you can help me (I've asked this earlier but to no avail) why is is not possible to remove the visualization found when listening to an audio via embedded (browser plugin based) media player?17:13
wols_random4t4x14: you boot the live cd. you open a terminal. what do you enter?17:13
llutzbartj: unset HISTFILE17:13
ikoniarandom4t4x14: when you boot from a CD - you will not be asked for a password17:13
ikoniarandom4t4x14: you then mount the disk from the livecd, and change the password file on the hard disk from the CD17:13
claviusmondPici, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=98cbf34cd0881956879a2d376e5cab49&p=11115015#post1111501517:14
Kyle__You shouldn't need to reboot, or even log out and back in for updating alternatives, right?17:14
wols_Kyle__: nope17:14
usr13bartj: rm -rf ~/.bash_history  #Will clear history.  Is that what you want?17:14
Kyle__wols_: Damn.  That's what I thought.17:14
prodigelhi all. I'm having some problems with my latest apt dist-upgrade: console displays update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-30-generic, and stays like that. It's the first time it happens, I've googled for it, nothing conclusive yet.17:14
bartjI want to disable the logging for my current session17:15
XLink_Kai_Help<jerriy> Because Ubuntu's Movie plug - in does not provide that option like Windows Media Player does. Try to install another Browser Plugin.17:15
Kyle__Anyone know how to switch between sun & openjdk for web-start?  javaws?17:15
llutzbartj: unset HISTFILE   read bash man-page17:15
milehighSo I have a couple machines with a shared /home via NFS, I rebooted the NFS server after an upgrade, and now none of my ssh keys are being accepted, I think this might be due to the fact that the home directories are being owned by nobody:nogroup on the non-head node17:15
d784any diagnostic software for ubuntu?17:15
ikoniad784: what sort of diags ?17:15
Piciclaviusmond: just a moment...17:15
wols_Kyle__: wouldn't that depend on the browser plugin you use?17:16
wols_d784: you need to be more specific17:16
ikoniad784: what hardware ?17:16
lonewulf`tbom26er, still same error after running last sudo cmd you gave me...this is from error software center... http://pastebin.com/mS9as5Tt17:16
sipiorbartj: "set +H"17:16
d784i think is going bad17:16
Kyle__wols_: it shows up in /etc/alternatives, so I thought I could just use update-alternatives, but nomatter what it keeps launching with sun java17:16
wols_d784: memtest, memtest86 or memtest+. whatever is in the repos17:16
ikoniad784: the ubuntu livecd and installs has a memtest option, it's very good17:16
Kyle__(which has a problem with ubuntu 11, grr)(17:17
wols_Kyle__: well, what is your plugin? about:plugins helps17:17
d784thanks man17:17
usr13bartj: To turn it of permamently I think you will need to edit ~/.bashrc17:17
Mark-sketchingAnyone know how to customise indicator messages? I want to disable all the online status spam messages that keep popping up, but keep the other ones relating to the system and network connectivity etc...17:17
caddooAnyone know if in the newest major release of ubuntu, unify and compiz always dont get along17:17
caddooi can never get them working17:17
glebihanlonewulf`tb, try "sudo apt-get install -f ttf-mscorefonts-installer"17:17
Peyamit didnt work17:17
caddooand i end up with just a desktop, no menu bar or anything17:17
wols_d784: you need to run it for hours for it to be of any use. otherwise the results are not very valid17:17
PeyamIt is the same17:17
Kyle__wols_: Humm.  It does have the sun-java plugin installed still, but webstart is outside of the browser, so I really didn't think that would be the issue...17:17
veganadianxangua, shazam  --> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1628529.html17:18
Peyamnothing hapens. everything stands still17:18
d784i see17:18
d784do i run the memtest on the terminal?17:18
wols_Kyle__: how is the webstart app started exactly?17:18
PeyamShould I reinstall it17:18
ikoniad784: best if you run it from a livecd, or boot directly into it from the grub options17:18
wols_d784: you run it frm a boot prompt. with NOTHING else running. No ubuntu will run while it works. the machine is fully occupied with the memtest17:18
Peyamwhy does it happen to me17:19
ikoniaPeyam: saying anyone is pointless17:19
wols_Peyam: clrl+alt+f1. check if you can log in there17:19
Peyamand do what_17:19
Kyle__wols_: you download a jnlp file, that pulls the jars down and runs them in a sandbox that's far less restrictive than an applet runs in.  It's almost a fully priviliged program.  Almost.17:19
caddoois there anyway to reset all my custom user settings?17:19
caddooso reset desktop17:19
wols_caddoo: create a new user and use that one17:20
Abhijitcaddoo, yes wait17:20
h00k!gnomereset | caddoo17:20
PeyamI install it again17:20
Peyamand see17:20
Peyamwhat happens17:20
tebeenproblem with wifi usb modem17:20
Uchiha_Itachicaddoo: delete all hide files in /home/user17:20
xanguacaddoo: if you mean unity i believe the comand is:  unity --reset17:20
XLink_Kai_HelpPeyam: If you need to run a command, press ( Alt + F2 ). Try to run a terminal command in it.17:20
tebeenis that working on ubuntu ?17:20
caddoook thanks, ill try a combination of them all17:20
Abhijitcaddoo, delete ~./gconf folder17:20
PeyamxLink i said17:21
caddooim currently in classic mode17:21
h00k!wireless | tebeen17:21
ubottutebeen: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:21
Peyamnothing workd17:21
Peyami cant open anything17:21
tebeeni know that17:21
tebeeni just tried on xp and 717:21
tebeenit is working17:21
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PeyamI will go now17:21
Peyamand install it again17:22
PeyamAnd ubuntu sucks17:22
XLink_Kai_HelpPeyam : You are probly about 99.99999 % going to need a new install.17:22
usr13Peyam: What is your hardware?17:22
Kyle__And to think, I forgot why I stopped using IRC awhile ago....17:23
Kyle__It's just so... polite and dignified.17:23
lonewulf`tbglebihan, i get unable to locate package ttf-mcorefonts-installer17:25
veganadiani wonder how many people opened that link.17:25
auronandacelonewulf`tb: ttf-mscorefonts-installer17:25
Uchiha_Itachiveganadian: lol!!17:26
auronandacelonewulf`tb: you missed the s in ms17:26
Kyle__veganadian: I shudder to think17:26
XLink_Kai_HelpTo all, if you want a lot of extra cool fonts, please go to 1001fonts. com and download fonts for windows and it will work on Ubuntu without anything!17:26
Mark-sketchingKyle__: it's just like a noisy pub, only with a younger clientèle and no bar service.17:27
Kyle__Mark-sketching: But the fights are so much less entertaining to watch then when I was in college.17:28
lonewulf`tbguys my terminal screen says package configuration17:28
marriedman624I need some help, I'm trying to use "sudo" commands and it says i'm not in the sudoers file...........but when I look at the file is it has ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL17:28
lonewulf`tbconfiguring ttf-mscorefonts- installer17:29
Kyle__marriedman624: Ehh, that's probably not the best line to have in there.17:29
lonewulf`tbi thouht it hung here last nit17:29
Uchiha_Itachimarriedman624: configure /etc/sudoers17:29
usr13marriedman624: Is this the original user that was created during install?17:29
random4t4x14ikonia, wols_, thank you both for your help.  Booting from a live disc didn't do it, but changing the boot entry for recovery mode from "ro single" to "rw init=/bin/bash" worked a treat17:29
usr13marriedman624: Is this user a member of admin group?17:29
marriedman624I'm the only user17:29
Kyle__marriedman624: Are you sure there isn't a %admin or %sudo in the start of that line?17:29
XLink_Kai_Helpmarriedman624: go to terminal and type "su" then type "root" and then you should be able to use sudo.17:30
marriedman624the line start %sudo17:30
usr13marriedman624: grep admin /etc/group17:30
Kyle__marriedman624: put a %sudo at the start of that line (if it isn't there already), and add yourself to the sudo group17:30
Kyle__marriedman624: usermod -G sudo marriedman624 -a17:30
Kyle__maybe its -a -G, but anyway.17:31
rickb|serverHey, anyone know the name of the file in /usr/bin that connect to server uses? I'm trying to make a keyboard shortcut.17:31
=== JLucas is now known as Lukeas14
marriedman624Kyle__: i get usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later17:32
Kyle__marriedman624: Ahh, you need to do it as root.17:32
marriedman624usr13: I get lpadmin:x:112:admin:x:120:17:32
freerouteI've installed ubuntu on a memory stick with persistence, but when I boot it it says that I don't have any space left (which is weird because I gave it around 500mb persistence space)... Now my question: What should I increase and how can I increase it to have more space?17:33
marriedman624i was using it fine, but I restarted and now it won't let me17:33
Kyle__marriedman624: groups <your username>17:33
ExplodingpigletsMy firefox window is missing it's border.17:33
ModFatherHi There, my Linux Box had ColdFusion and Apache2, i am uploading with my User to ftp, but my ColdFusion doesnt had permissions to write.. is any command that allow me and my coldfusion write on a folder?17:33
usr13marriedman624: If you are not in the admin group, you'll more-than-likely need to boot from a LiveCD and edit /etc/group and put your user at the end of that line.17:34
wols_!permissions > ModFather17:34
ubottuModFather, please see my private message17:34
usr13marriedman624: I'm wondering how it got changed in the first place?17:34
usr13marriedman624: Is "lpadmin:x:112:admin:x:120:"  all on one line?17:35
marriedman624XLink_Kai_Help: I type su, then enter my password and it says su authentication failed17:35
marriedman624no two line17:35
ModFatherwols_ i am not familliar, but i try with chown, and nothing happen17:35
fbsdStopping automatic crash report generation17:35
phrostbiteIs there an antivirus program or spyware program for ubuntu?17:35
fbsdhow i fix that?17:35
XLink_Kai_Helpmarriedman624 : No type "root" not your password. If it doesn't work, try "sudo su"17:36
Kyle__marriedman624: "su -" will only work if you have a root password, which ubuntu does not by deafult.17:36
usr13!virus | phrostbite17:36
fbsd * Stopping automatic crash report generation^[[74G[^[[31mfail^[[39;49m]17:36
ubottuphrostbite: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:36
marriedman624XLink_Kai_Help: typing root still authentication failed17:36
Kyle__usr13: But there are some nice ones you can run from linux to scan windows boxes...17:36
marriedman624XLink_Kai_Help: typing sudo su, gets the not in sudoers file error again17:37
glebihanmarriedman624, you won't be able to correct your problem without booting from a live CD17:37
marriedman624ok, i installed via windows installer17:38
marriedman624so do I need to download the .iso and put it on a cd17:38
glebihanmarriedman624, that's right17:38
usr13Kyle__: Oh sure.. But I don't see any need for them.  I have 3 MS Windows PCs on my network but I still don't see that it is necessary.  The MS Windows PCs need their anti-virus apps. and the Linux ones don't - simple as that.17:38
jacoHello people17:39
marriedman624glebihan: Once i have to live CD, what do i do?17:40
Kyle__usr13: if you ever have to run a fileserver lots of windows machines mount, it becomes important.  But yea, when it's just for you :) no need.17:40
glebihanmarriedman624, from the live CD, you will be able to edit the sudoers file and put your username back on that line17:40
usr13Kyle__: True17:41
marriedman624glebihan: Ok, thanks, I'm just curious as to how it got changed.  I never changed it.17:41
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usr13glebihan: He also needs to be in admin group17:41
marriedman624how can I add my username to admin group17:41
marriedman624if you can't tell, i'm a linux/ubuntu noob17:42
usr13marriedman624: edit /etc/group17:42
tarvidchanged monitors, need to boot into a lower resolution, reboot goes directly to login, how do I get the grub options screen?17:42
usr13marriedman624: Change line  admin:x:120:  to admin:x:120:marriedman62417:42
glebihantarvid, hold the shift key on boot17:43
marriedman624usr13: But I can't do that until I have sudo right?17:44
usr13(where "marriedman624" is your actual user name on the system.)17:44
marriedman624that is so it all works out17:44
usr13marriedman624: As I said before, boot to LiveCD17:44
usr13marriedman624: If you are not in the admin group, you'll more-than-likely need to boot from a LiveCD and edit /etc/group and put your user at the end of that line.17:45
tarvidglebihan, thanks17:45
=== railsaholic is now known as OmegaPoint
Piciclaviusmond: I didn't forget about your question, just was curious about how to do it myself.  This should work: awk '{if (/^1    /) print toupper($0); else print $0}' /path/to/file > newfile17:45
marriedman624alright, I'm at work now, but will work on it when i get home tonight17:45
marriedman624thanks for all the help17:45
glebihantarvid, you're welcome17:46
=== puka1 is now known as esing
* Mark-sketching really, really wishes someone would tell him how to get rid of the indicator messages.17:46
esingsomeone has experience with WOL17:46
esingI Wonder which WOL method i should use to setup my ubuntu mashine17:46
XLink_Kai_Helpusr13: I have told him to replace his 11.04 with 10.10 because 10.10 doesn't have the problems like 11.04 does.17:46
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Kyle__esing: A bit.17:47
trismMark-sketching: you can just uninstall indicator-messages if you don't want it17:47
usr13XLink_Kai_Help: O17:47
esingI am going to wake the ubuntu from window sup17:47
krishnasutnvidia glx driver stops responding in kubuntu any idea ?17:47
esingethtool is isntalled17:47
Kyle__esing: What do you mean which?  You enable it in the BIOS if it's not already, then test it by hitting it with a magic ping from another box.17:47
esingbut iam no sure how to activate it17:47
=== omega_point is now known as OmegaPoint
=== OmegaPoint is now known as omega_point
esingKyle__ BIOS WOL is enabled17:47
marriedman624so if i add the .iso to a cd and put it in the drive and boot up ubuntu, will it recognize the disc........or do i need to do something else17:47
Kyle__esing: did you try sending it a magic ping with etherwake or some other such tool?17:48
fbsd * Stopping automatic crash report generation^[[74G[^[[31mfail^[[39;49m]17:48
Mark-sketchingtrism: ooh can I? But can I customise it? I WANT it to tell me when someone sends me a message but NOT to tell me when anyone comes on line, etc. Is that possible?17:48
Piciomega_point: Can you please pick a nick and stick with it?17:48
esingKyle__ I also used as  a script from a tutorial but it doesnt work http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_set_up_Wake-On-Lan_(Ubuntu)17:48
fbsdhow i can fix this?17:48
esingKyle__ sure I tried but it is not waking up17:48
glebihanmarriedman624, you need to burn the iso to the disc, not just copy the file on the disc17:48
Kyle__esing: which tool did you use to wake it up?17:48
trismMark-sketching: oh, you mean notifications? the pop up bubbles on the side of the screen?17:48
anli_No hangs since I disabled compiz, wohooo!17:49
esingI used two different windows clients , one is called WOL magic package sender17:49
Mark-sketchingtrism: yeah, those.17:49
glebihan!burning | marriedman62417:49
usr13marriedman624: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:49
ubottumarriedman624: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:49
anli_Does compiz play bad together with applications that uses opengl?17:49
esingI also added the MACadresse of the linux to my router, so it has the same IP all the time17:49
trismMark-sketching: it depends on the client you use, pidgin you can easily configure those in Tools/Plugins then configuring the libnotify plugin. For empathy, I'm not sure17:49
Kyle__esing: Do you have a spare linux box on your local network?17:49
esingKyle__ no17:50
Mark-sketchingtrism: oh cool. Yeah, I am using pigin. But what about other programs?17:50
marriedman624just glancing at the burningisohowto page, can I also run the "live CD" from a USB drive?17:50
chroweanyone know where to put a preseed.cfg on a Natty iso?17:50
esingKyle__ I have only a linux laptop within my network17:50
Kyle__esing: K.  And the windows WOL programs, did you enter the ip address or the mac address of the target machine?17:50
esingsure I ddi17:50
* Kyle__ scratches his head.17:50
chrowealso, https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt is a dead link so there is no example file for Natty17:50
Kyle__esing: You're setting WOL up on a laptop17:50
* Kyle__ shrugs17:50
esingit supports WOL17:50
esingi want to use it as a server17:51
esingsince the screen is damaged17:51
esing(old t43p17:51
Kyle__SUpposedly supports it.  Dell is notorious for listing it as supported, and it not working properly.17:51
Mark-sketchingtrism: got it. Thanks so much!17:51
esingit worked once17:51
esingbut now it doesnt work anymore17:51
glebihanmarriedman624, yes it should work too17:51
esingbecause I forgot how to set it up correctly17:51
Kyle__esing: so dump the output of ethtool eth0 to a pastbin or somefin so we can look at it.17:51
esingit must be some ubuntu configurations17:51
trismMark-sketching: it depends on the program, none of the notification daemons really filter their messages, they just display whatever the apps send them17:51
esingKyle__ ok17:51
marriedman624ok, i'll see what I can do..........might be back later on tonight for some more help17:52
Kyle__esing: Maybe not.  Some finicky systems need ethtool to set it up every boot, but most do not.17:52
marriedman624thanks again for everyone's help17:52
esingKyle__ but why do you think I wouldnt need the script which is in the tutorial? the put it into the init.d17:52
claviusmondPici, can I edit that command to use standard capitalisation? Not LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL but Los Angeles International17:52
JustSighDudesHow much of / is used after a fresh installation?17:52
esingGet it enabled at system start-up: Debian/Ubuntu uses Sys-V like init system for executing commands during the system bootup and shutdown time. If you wish to add a new service to start when the machine boots the script should be added to the directory /etc/init.d/ and then the "/etc/rc{runlevel}.d/" symlinks cause the script to be executed17:52
XLink_Kai_HelpWhat # is the Ubuntu italian?17:53
Kyle__esing: WOL is a hardware thing, unless a buggy bios or ehternet firmware resets it every boot, you need _no_ modification to use it.  Just turn it on.17:53
esingThe init.d script: Create a file, say "wake-on-lan" in the "/etc/init.d/" (just copy & paste the entire code in the terminal)17:53
esingso what is this init.d script then for?17:53
FallOfSocratesCan anyone help me figure out why the find bit in at this link:  http://pastebin.com/NE2fvWed won't return any results, even when I know there are images with those extensions in a few subdirectories?17:53
glebihan!it | XLink_Kai_Help17:53
ubottuXLink_Kai_Help: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:53
Kyle__esing: it looks like it's forcing it on and off.17:54
Kyle__esing: WHy you'd bother, I don't know.17:54
esingKyle__ I will paste the data in a min17:54
XLink_Kai_HelpThanks glebihan and ubottu17:54
JustSighDudesCan someone show me what their computer says when they run "df -h"17:54
coz_JustSighDudes,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/658079/17:55
ThinkT510JustSighDudes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/658078/17:55
Wardjeand here another http://paste.ubuntu.com/658081/17:56
coz_JustSighDudes,   are you having issues  with your drive?17:57
JustSighDudescoz_: I'm thinking I may have given / too little space.17:57
coz_JustSighDudes,   mm,, you partitioned it manually ..yes?17:57
usr13JustSighDudes: Why don't you show us what you have?17:57
ThinkT510JustSighDudes: depends what you install17:57
coz_JustSighDudes,  yes pastebin the read o ut17:58
JustSighDudesIt's fine. It's just an LVM. I'll expand it.17:58
JustSighDudesThanks guys.17:58
coz_JustSighDudes,  ok cool17:58
FallOfSocratesWhoops, sorry.  I noticed a problem with the paste I provided.  Here's an updated version:  http://pastebin.com/LzSmXxbm17:58
ThinkT510JustSighDudes: i have a few vm's thats why i gave my root 50gb17:58
JustSighDudesThinkT510: I think I'll give it like 3017:59
usr13JustSighDudes: Note that you'll get two prospectives between df and df -i17:59
Ramses_new mandrake linux will be avaible soon as promissed...18:00
JustSighDudesdf -i says I have plenty of space.18:00
ikoniaRamses_: that's not something #ubuntu discusses, try #mandrake18:00
coz_JustSighDudes,  are you reading the df -h  properly ,, percentages I believe18:01
Ramses_but mandrake will fix all the ubuntu problems...18:01
ikoniaRamses_: please don't mention it again.18:01
usr13JustSighDudes: It says you have plenty of inodes18:01
JustSighDudesusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/658088/18:02
italicis there a gui utility for listing attached usb drives, and allow for mounting/unmounting?18:02
usr13JustSighDudes: df -i will list inode information instead of block usage18:03
szalJustSighDudes: looks a bit like the LV keeps / somewhere inside /home18:03
Piciclaviusmond: I think this would work for that: sed '/^1    .*$/ s/\(\<.\)\.*/\u\1/g' /path/to/file18:03
szalJustSighDudes: http://www.privatepaste.com/99984c0232 <- just for comparison, purely block-device-based18:03
One1a1bare there any popular gaming irc channels18:04
Pici!alis | One1a1b18:04
ubottuOne1a1b: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*18:04
usr13JustSighDudes: Your root partition is full.  19G proved to be too small.  You hould shrink /home some to make [more] room for /18:05
JustSighDudesusr13: What I don't get is how this is possible after a fresh install.18:05
usr13JustSighDudes: 11.04?18:06
JustSighDudesusr13: Yeah.18:06
usr13JustSighDudes: Did you make those partitions?18:07
JustSighDudesusr13: Yes.18:07
usr13JustSighDudes: What does fdisk -l  say?18:08
JustSighDudesusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/658091/18:10
=== optimus__ is now known as y4h0
=== angelajacks is now known as Tbruff13
Tbruff13Yes I need help with an unsupported video card18:12
szalTbruff13: if a video card is unsupported, you can essentially use it as decoration or put it in the recycling18:13
Tbruff13szal, can you help me with the command to find the video card i forgot it18:14
ThinkT510Tbruff13: lspci18:15
coz_Tbruff13,   lspci | grep -i vga18:15
thevaliantxare there any calendars other than the google one and the one with Thunderbird that i can use?  i need something that i can use on a single pc or over a local network?18:16
Tbruff13Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)18:16
mcad2I mentioned earlier a problem with ubuntu 11 (different username), that i can only see the desktop when in the newest mode. I deleted hidden files in home, tried creating a new user and still had the same problem18:16
coz_thevaliantx,   osmo is a PIM  with a calendar and fairly small footprint18:16
y4h0any idea how to put some extra software into ubuntu installation package18:16
mcad2so how can i reinstall gnome (maybe?), compiz and unity18:16
szalmcad2: "newest mode"?18:17
Tbruff13i found this website http://edc.intel.com/software/Downloads/IEGD/#download can you help me choose which one to pick18:17
mcad2szal, like not classic mode etc18:17
coz_thevaliantx,  not sure exactly what you use it for but  research it18:17
mcad2i mean the default18:17
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mcad2so im in classic mode now, and its fine18:17
saliakanyone had issues with intermittent disconnects (or maybe more inconsistent connections) using wpa?  using wpa_supplicant, sometimes it connects to my access point, and most of the time it doesn't18:17
thevaliantxcoz_: i'm asking for suggestions in here,  please take your RTFM elsewhere.18:18
coz_thevaliantx,  what?18:19
=== m1h0_ is now known as y4h0
FallOfSocratesCan anyone help me figure out why the find bit in at this link:  http://pastebin.com/LzSmXxbm won't return any results, even when I know there are images with those extensions in a few subdirectories?18:19
=== Mud is now known as Guest26138
coz_thevaliantx,   I gave a suggestion if you dont like it  ignore it18:19
Tbruff13can someone help me figure out what processor i have so that i can download from http://edc.intel.com/software/Downloads/IEGD/#download18:19
thevaliantxcoz_: no, you didn't give me a product suggestion, you spouted off rhetoric18:19
coz_thevaliantx,  stop now please18:20
G00053Tbruff13: : system > administration > system monitor18:20
G00053system tab18:20
thevaliantxcoz_: you're a bit misguided, i won't continue to participate in your garbage.18:21
TigerboyI have tried to use indirect rendering does that help when you want to run compiz but run another opengl app?18:21
Tbruff13G00053, can you help me choose the right grafics driver from http://edc.intel.com/software/Downloads/IEGD/#download18:21
szalTbruff13: Intel gfx drivers are in the kernel, I doubt there's much you can do about the one you get18:21
intraderAnyone, terrible experience in attempting to install 11.04 on Windos 7 in Toshiba laptop. Panic while setting up swap, panic while using Firefox18:22
oCeanthevaliantx: you got a product suggestion there, maybe you overlooked it?18:22
ThinkT510intrader: on windows? you mean a wubi install?18:23
G00053Tbruff13: what szal said18:23
astevei installed a package that required something i installed from a tarball; now every time i run apt i get an unmet dependency issue; how to resolve?18:23
intraderThinkT510, yes a wubi install on 20GB18:23
Tigerboykilimanjaro: run this command to find out what card you have-- lspci -v | grep VGA18:24
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Tbruff13G00053, this page supports ubuntu so i will try it18:24
ThinkT510intrader: a real install is better (even a vm install is better); i don't use wubi18:24
intraderThinkT510, I was quite embarrassed as I was high recommending ubuntu vs. Windows.18:24
BlutterbobOn a server with ubuntu 9.04 Im trying to apt-get install but I keep getting 404 errors.. Is 9.04 still supported? if not, where might I find alternative repositories to install? This is a VPS, I cant upgrade the OS (9.10 is not supported correctly)18:24
OmegaForte9.04 is reaching it's end of life cycle.18:25
thevaliantxcoz_: i feel like a fool, i didn't see your inital post, sorry.18:25
szalOmegaForte: s/is reaching/has reached/18:25
epifaniohello All18:25
szal!eol | Blutterbob18:25
BlutterbobOmegaForte: I thought so yeah, but where could I find still active repos?18:25
ubottuBlutterbob: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:25
=== optimus__ is now known as john0
szalBlutterbob: there are none18:25
OmegaForteBlutterbob, In the wayback machine.18:25
thevaliantxoCean: yes, i missed his initial post.  funny how missing one bit of information in a conversation can turn things bad in a hearbeat :D18:25
epifaniohello All18:25
intraderThinkT510, where can I follow a vm install? I am now running 10.10 - happy on Thinkpad, unhappy on Dell Inspiron (fan problem)18:26
thevaliantxwell, i feel bad about that.  leaving.18:26
PiciBlutterbob: You can temporarily use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com18:26
ThinkT510intrader: you know how to use virtualbox?18:26
G00053Tbruff13: if you go into system > admin > hardware drivers it should pick the correct driver for you. but chances are it's already using the one that came with ubuntu. notice how for any card you choose on that site the linux driver is the same18:26
Tigerboythevaliantx: from time to time the messages don't make it across the irc I notice... sometimes I don't even see what someone has typed on my screen at all.18:26
DrknzzHi guys! I am having issues with a ralink wireless card in a laptop, anyone has experience with this chipsets?18:27
intraderThinkT510, no, I have not installed it - should I install it on Windows or ubuntu?18:27
oCeanthevaliantx: true, it happens.18:27
G00053Drknzz: what model ?18:27
epifanioi'm running ubuntu 11.04 on a 64 bit machine. today tring an update-upgrade i got this error at the final step of the upgrading process :  "error: cannot read from /dev/sdb" it happens at the step :   run-parts : executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 2.6.38-11-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.36.38-11-generic18:27
DrknzzI just dont have the exact model of the laptop, so i cant tell18:27
ThinkT510intrader: the only difference between a vm install and a real install is that you'd likely want to install the guest additions in the vm18:27
Tbruff13G00053, i have very blurry everythin18:28
DrknzzG00053: Network controller: Ralink corp. Device 539f ---> Dumped by lspci18:28
szal2.6.38-11?  another update?18:28
ThinkT510intrader: install virtualbox in windows; then ubuntu in virtualbox18:28
epifaniohave you any clue on how to fix it ? my computer now is frozen on the upgrade ... network is not working, audio too ...  i'm clueless :-(18:28
ThinkT510intrader: VM's are a brilliant testing ground18:28
Ramses_please, dont crush my machine, I need it18:29
intraderThinkT510, that make sense; I have more space in the Windows partition. What about performance?18:29
szalepifanio: where did you get that kernel anyway?18:29
Tigerboyepifanio: do you know what dev/sdb is sometimes if it is usb you can unplug and replug18:30
ThinkT510intrader: what cpu do you have? does it have virtualisation capabilities?18:30
Piciszal: thats the current kernel in -proposed18:30
szalPici: uh-huh, proposed...  why do ppl keep activating that?18:30
Piciszal: because they don't realize what it is for.18:31
epifaniomy brother plug-in an usb pen .. just unpluggin it .. dpkg finished its job18:31
intraderThinkT510, it is a Thinkpad T61p - probably supports virtualization18:31
epifanioor better he is continuing his job18:31
Tigerboyepifanio: ok then make sure you shut down all the way wait 45 seconds and reboot18:31
Ramses_I am lookin at the most complex code I ever sawnow18:31
SpikestuffHi, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and I inserted a live CD with 11.04 on it and rebooted and the installer is saying I don't have sufficient disk space, probably because of the already-existing Ubuntu partition, how do I rid the Ubuntu partition that exists now?18:31
SpikestuffOr, how do I format my hard drive to install 11.04 via live CD?18:31
epifanionow i'll rstart to see if all works again :-)18:32
PiciRamses_: do you have an UBUNTU support question?18:32
Tbruff13can someone help me find support for Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)18:32
ThinkT510intrader: yes it does, i have a t60, you might need to go into the bios to activate the virtualisation capabilities18:32
Tigerboyepicfanio: yes it should18:32
szal!tab | Tigerboy18:32
ubottuTigerboy: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:32
aj00200Is there any software to make autotune music?18:32
extraclassicSpikestuff: there's an option in the installer to manually partition drives, so you can delete & rearrange them there18:32
john0wow ubuntu torrent downloading is hitting the sky18:33
john0*the roof18:33
Spikestuffextraclassic: Yes, but unfortunately it's not letting me proceed past the point of making sure I have sufficient space requirements, so I can't use the partitoning tool...18:33
szalaj00200: autotune..  *shudder*..  makes me wanna vomit when I hear stuff that extensively relies on it18:33
ThinkT510intrader: other than that performance will almost be like a native install (any disks you mount will be faster since they don't need to physically spin in a drive)18:33
aj00200szal: some people have done a really good job with it. Hear of "Symphony of Science"?18:34
extraclassicSpikestuff: you could use gparted live cd to repartition then run the install cd18:34
BlutterbobSo basically, if I'm on 9.04, and I need to install something, and I can not upgrade, then I'm screwed?18:34
seclm193omegaforte, found that virtualbox is breaking my system.  not sure how, but after installation it hangs on every boot thereafter18:34
SpikestuffI'll try that, extraclassic, thanks.18:34
OmegaForteseclm193, Do you have virtualization support?18:34
extraclassicaj00200: producers that do autotune use a VST plugin on windows...probably works in Logic too18:34
seclm193omegaforte, that was virtualboxose.  i'm trying 4.1 from oracle website18:34
seclm193omegaforte, to my knowledge i don't18:35
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=== test is now known as sideone
G00053Drknzz: go to the ralink website go to software linux and d/l the 539x source file18:35
intraderThinkT510, sounds ok - for that I need the CD (DVD) for the ubuntu. I will download it. I was very upset about the problem with 11.04 on my friend's computer.18:35
gregplusHow to install RealPlayer on Xubuntu 11.04?18:36
aj00200extraclassic: is Logic a program for Ubuntu? Do you think the VST plugin will work under WINE with LMMS?18:36
ikoniaaj00200: no, %100 not18:36
ThinkT510intrader: wubi is truly awful, i don't know why they include it18:36
ikoniaaj00200: audio stuff needs to be native,18:36
G00053Drknzz: extract the folder cd into it sudo make , sudo make install . then you'll have to black list the current driver being used in  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf . reboot and done18:36
extraclassicaj00200: Logic is Mac....recording in Linux isn't gonna work for you....here's the autotune plugin - http://www.antarestech.com/products/auto-tune-evo.shtml18:37
seclm193omegaforte, how do i check if it's enabled?18:37
aj00200ikonia: I've used other VST plugins with LMMS18:37
wolterhow can I make certain users not appear in the login screen?18:37
aj00200extraclassic: ok, I'll take a look at it18:37
ThinkT510gregplus: why do you want realplayer?18:37
gregplusto watch streaming video from TV station18:37
OmegaForteseclm193, enabled as in Present, or supported?18:37
OmegaFortegregplus, You should check out Videolan's VLC. It'll literally, no word of a lie...do everything.18:38
intraderThinkT510, wow, I run wubi partitions on all my laptops without problem. I did have problems with 10.10 on the Dell Inspiron18:38
seclm193omegaforte, i'm not sure if i have virtualazation support.  what do i do if i don't?18:38
G00053Drknzz: also keep the folder around because you'll probably have to use it anytime you update/new kernel18:38
gregplusOmegaForte VLC does not work for me18:38
Tigerboygregplus: I also like kaffeine -- it has really improved.18:39
ThinkT510gregplus: you have the right codecs installed? do you know what format the media stream is in?18:39
BlutterbobSo I want to upgrade, instructions say install update-manager-core if its not installed already.. The repos are gone, so I can not install the upgrade! :( What can I do now?18:40
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dAnjouhi, is there a tool that finds almost-duplcates? (no, fslint and fdupes can't do that)18:40
caddoohow do you guys manage unity18:40
caddoolike how do you access your windows easily18:40
OmegaFortecaddoo, By disabling it.18:40
KimotoukiHi. How do max out my bandwith im now dl 250 of 300 KB18:41
KimotoukiDoesnt  matter what i download18:41
gregplusThinkT510: mms://rts.videostreaming.rs/rts18:41
Kimotoukiport are open18:42
szalmms is most probably Windows Media18:42
Picigregplus: VLC *might* be able to play that18:43
DrknzzG00053: Sorry, was googling on my own a bit and didnt see your instructions18:44
DrknzzG00053: Downloading the driver from there as of now18:44
coz_caddoo,  in all honesty I cheat a bit,, I use an application named easystroke,, I can assigne anything to any mouse stroke without the need for menus18:44
szalgregplus: runs here in VLC18:45
G00053Drknzz: http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/wifi-card-ralink-5390-configuration-in-ubuntu-10-10-64-bit/ theres a guide here too, if what i said didn't make much sense18:45
G00053he changes some other things that i didn't have to. i have a similar card18:45
ArmyMan007hi.. i'm using skype on ubuntu, and when i try to make a video call it won't use my bulit-in mic to talk18:47
ArmyMan007what can i do?18:47
usr13ArmyMan007: So when you plug in an external mic, it works?18:47
BlutterbobHow can I upgrade my ubuntu 9.04? I have do-release-upgrade available, but running it gives me "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool".. This is a very very remote VPS server, so I can not reinstall.. What are my options?18:48
ArmyMan007usr13: nope.. tried it using my headset and that didn't work either18:48
usr13ArmyMan007: try using  alsamixer18:48
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ArmyMan007usr13: can u give me an explenation on pm?18:48
IdleOne!eol > Blutterbob18:48
ubottuBlutterbob, please see my private message18:48
gingbotIdleOne: I haven't recieved proper training to do that, and probably never will.18:48
gingbotArmyMan007: That made no fucking sense. Could someone please SSH to laptopd and just kill my PID now?18:48
FallOfSocratesCan anyone help me figure out why the find bit in at this link:  http://pastebin.com/LzSmXxbm won't return any results, even when I know there are images with those extensions in a few subdirectories?18:48
gingbotTitle: [Bash] if [ -d $BASEDIR/$ALLDIR ]; then echo "Deleting all links in directory - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)18:48
BlutterbobIdleOne: thanks18:49
ArmyMan007lol... was that a bot?18:49
OmegaForteI guess...18:49
IdleOneArmyMan007: acted like a bot, not to mention the swearing which is not allowed.18:50
KimotoukiSo anyone know how to max out your bandwith now its 250 KB it should be 30  KB18:50
Kimotouki300 KB18:50
ArmyMan007it really didn't seem like the community style..18:50
ArmyMan007go to hell ginbot18:50
IdleOnelet's get back to Ubuntu support :)18:51
G00053Kimotouki:  are you trying to say that your isp told you you'll get speeds of 300kb and you're getting 250kb ?18:51
Kimotoukimy actualy plan is 320KB18:52
Kimotoukii get 250 KB18:52
Kimotoukidoesnt matter what i dl18:52
G00053Kimotouki: thats a problem with your isp not ubuntu\18:52
Kimotoukii mean sustained speed18:52
coz_ArmyMan007,   if you are new to this channel,, it may take time to get used to the amount of information that runs by18:52
Kimotoukiit goes from 21018:52
Kimotoukito 29018:52
Kimotoukithen 30018:52
G00053Kimotouki: so ?18:52
ArmyMan007coz_:  i'm not new18:52
ArmyMan007coz_: but thanks for the tip18:52
G00053Kimotouki:  sounds normal18:52
Kimotoukido i need to modify ack18:52
coz_ArmyMan007,  oh?18:53
jiltdilkimotouki: oh man it gets ups and downs no worries18:53
DrknzzG00053: Rebooting now, thanks18:53
Kimotoukipriorites small packets18:53
jackalistahey folks.  I just got a new work laptop, dell latitude E6420 and can't get unbuntu to connect to my wireless (but can with the same h/w running windows).  I saw this link which says something about the wireless slider not aupported, what does that mean?  link:  http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201011-6842:201011-6843:201101-694718:53
G00053drknzz: lemme know if it worked18:53
vittududes, can u help me with creating bootable usb with ubuntu, cannot find any instructions from the net instead of making bootable linux cd's18:53
MyrttiOmegaForte: mind your language18:53
jiltdilvittu: unetbootin  use it18:53
Kimotoukilike this18:53
kleanchapHow do I setup Samba server on my Ubuntu?18:53
OmegaFortevittu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:54
ikoniajiltdil: it means you can't enable/disable wireless with the slider18:54
OmegaForteMyrtti, I have YET to be profane, so save your warning for somone who deservse it.18:54
BlutterbobIdleOne: same deal, page says I should do-release-upgrade, but that gives me "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool."18:54
MyrttiOmegaForte: nevermind18:54
vittufor some reason unetbootin does not work, it boot's to a linux system loader18:54
Escherialhey, has there been any improvement on the front of having eclipse display its menu bar in the unified menu bar?18:54
jiltdilikonia: ?????18:54
MyrttiOmegaForte: ie. wrong call, sorry18:55
IdleOneBlutterbob: this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades ?18:55
coz_Escherial,  let me check,, there may be a new fix for that hold on18:55
Escherialas of now, eclipse's menu is below the regular one, which is fine, but i'd like to reclaim some of that screen space18:55
ikoniajiltdil: sorry I meant that for jackalista18:55
Escherialcoz_: cool, thank you :)18:55
vittui am trying to make a bootable windows installation cd from ubuntu18:55
vittusorry for misinformation18:55
Myrttivittu: mind changing your nickname to something else?18:55
vittui have iso image, but for some reason it seems to be quite hard18:55
jiltdilvittu just burn the  image18:55
coz_Escherial,  see if this suits you  http://blog.matto1990.com/2011/04/using-eclipse-under-ubuntu-11-04-natty/   but I am looking for a more permanent fix so hold on18:55
Edlerhey guys18:56
Edlerhow can i in my ubuntu 10.04 LTS18:56
Edlerdisable GUI18:56
Edleri want to use it as an ubuntu server only18:56
Edlerso i'll only connect through ssh18:56
guntbert!nox | Edler18:56
ubottuEdler: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:56
OmegaFortevittu, http://www.nliteos.com/18:57
jackalistahi ikonia, I thought you might ber replying... so when I try to connect it tries for a while but doesnt connect.  That isn't the same as the slider not disabling it, is it?18:57
caddoowhats the shortcut for workspace switcher18:57
coz_Escherial,  did you try that?18:57
Escherialcoz_: that page you linked looks like it restores the menu; fortunately, my menu is displaying, but just with the slight cosmetic issue of not being displayed in the global menu18:57
vittujiltdil: what about the mbr, i don't have cd's at the moment so i need to flash it to the usb stick18:57
coz_Escherial,  ah sorry then,, ok I am still looking18:57
G00053caddoo: ctrl + alt + arrows18:57
OmegaFortevittu, http://www.nliteos.com/ answers your question18:57
Escherialcoz_: please don't look too hard; i appreciate the effort, but i don't imagine much has (or can be) done about it18:57
ikoniavittu: could you please join the channel #ubuntu-ops18:57
Escheriali was just hoping on the off chance that something new had come about while i wasn't around :318:58
coz_Escherial,  I cant find anything of value18:58
Escherialcoz_: no problem, thanks again for checking.18:59
jackalistadoes anyone know how to get ubuntu 11.04 to connect to wireless on a dell latitude E6420?  All I saw was this note which doesn't help, I don't think: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201011-6842:201011-6843:201101-694718:59
Escheriali wish i knew more about the unity changes so i could have a go at it myself18:59
coz_Escherial,  let me know if you do find a solution,, it will probably come up here again18:59
Escherialcoz_: sure thing :)18:59
stephenthemartyris there a way through ubuntu(ie.terminal)for me to check the functuinality of my fan?18:59
=== vittu is now known as miksu
esingKyle__ sry for the late answer, but i gave wol finally up19:01
intraderThinkT510, thanks - i will follow on your recommendation; virtualbox on windows and ubuntu 11.04 on top.19:01
esingi tried it twice times again but it failed19:01
ThinkT510intrader: no worries :)19:01
albechcan anyone recommend a small footprint mp3 player with a minimalistic gui like the old winamp in minimized mode?19:02
G00053jackalista: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:02
stercorI'm using a German keyboard.  The keyboard layout has 4 characters for most keys.  I can get the Shift key to give me the uppercase letter, but how do I get the two other characters?19:02
G00053stercor: the other characters are different colored ?19:04
extraclassicalbech: audacious has a classic view that looks like winamp19:04
G00053albech: gnome mplayer19:04
guntbertstercor: the character on the bottom is usually created with <altGr>19:04
stercorG00053: Not in the keyboard layout, or the actual keyboard.19:04
eric__caselI'm using the ubuntu Classic environment, and the title bars of the windows have disappeared.19:06
eric__caselThere's no X button, so I have to right-click the thingy at the bottom.19:06
eric__caselHow do I fix this?19:06
stercorguntbert: <AltGr>...I'm looking...19:06
G00053eric_casel: ry going into system > prefernces > appearance19:07
Edlerhey guys19:07
eric__caselalready there19:07
Edlerwhen i open grub19:07
Edlerand i edit the entry19:07
guntbertstercor: its normally on the right side of <space>19:07
Edlerand add text so it opens with no x19:07
Edlerthen i press ctrl+x to boot it19:07
Edlerit works19:07
FloodBot1Edler: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
Edlerbut how can i save it19:07
guntbert!enter | Edler19:07
ubottuEdler: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:07
guntbert!grub2 | Edler19:07
ubottuEdler: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:07
rachoeric__casel, alt+f2 compiz --replace or metacity --replace then compiz --replace19:07
stercorguntbert: I tried that.  Nothing.19:08
Edlerhow can i save the grub configuration, cause after i rebooted the pc it went back to default boot options19:08
DrknzzG00053: Hi man! Your link made the card work like a charm, i am not using the old Linksys usb WiFi card anymore19:08
guntbertEdler: edit /etc/default/grub, then run sudo update-grub19:08
ikoniamiksu: big thanks19:09
DrknzzG00053: Thanks... just another question, how can i get the exact model of this laptop? It has no model info anywhere, i only know its an HP Pavilion dm1 and i am having screen-bright issues19:09
eric__caselcompiz --replace just made the windows spaz out for a moment19:09
eric__caseloh wait19:09
eric__caselits back now19:09
rachoeric__casel, by back you mean you have the titlebar19:10
eric__caselanybody know how that happened in the first place?19:10
miksuanyways, the problem is, I have ubuntu 10.04 currently and need to get a dual boot. No cd's, just the usb. Could you pls help me out?19:10
ArmyMan007usr13: i'm back19:10
eric__caselanybody know how that happened in the first place?19:10
usr13Is it working now?19:10
stercorguntbert: OH...the _right_ side...  Gehts gut... ẞ, usw.19:10
albechextraclassic, thanks.. exactly what i was looking for19:10
OmegaFortemiksu, I anwered your question. Program called nlite. http://www.nliteos.com/19:11
rachoeric__casel, sometime compiz plugins bug the compiz itself..that command is a fast restart19:11
eric__caselokay, ill remember that19:11
pvh_sahey there, i'm on ubuntu 11.04 on a toshiba laptop. since a few days ago, after running for a few (about 5-10) minutes, the machine locks up (mouse and keyboard unresponsive) and soon thereafter the laptop fans starts going crazy (suggesting high system load). anyone seen something similar?19:11
eric__caselsounds like my mom's HP thing with windows19:11
guntbertstercor: you got it :-)19:11
eric__caseloverheated like crazy19:11
eric__caseleventually fried it19:12
stercorguntbert: Danke sehr.19:12
eric__caselmy dad researched her model of computer19:12
rachopvh_sa, do you have to reboot or the pc goes back to normal state?19:12
eric__caselothers had the same overheating issue19:12
eric__caselwell whatever the issue is19:12
Mark-sketchingI'm having pressure sensitivity problems in Natty on a Lenovo X200 Tablet; pressure works but reaches max pressure when I'm pressing only very lightly. I've tried many pressure curve variations using xsetwacom but it doesn't help. Just wondering if anyone knows of a patch or a solution of some kind.19:12
G00053Drknzz: one sec running back and forth between the bbq .19:12
pvh_saracho, have to reboot (hold down power button till power goes off, boot up again)19:13
guntbertstercor: no problem :) for the future, there are german ubuntu channels too (#ubuntu-de and (rather quiet at the moment) #ubuntu-at)19:13
eric__caseli honestly like GNOME better than unity, i have no idea where anything is on unity19:13
rachopvh_sa, did you update your kernel lately?19:13
mh512i am trying to get the internet connection up dynamically on ubuntu-server with virtual.. so in my /etc/network/interfaces, i have:19:13
mh512auto eth119:13
mh512iface eth1 inet dhcp19:13
mh512pre-sleep up19:13
mh512—> this acquires the ip address, but ping still fails.   only after I enter  $ sudo dhclient eth119:13
FloodBot1mh512: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
mh512then will the ping succeed….   why is this so? thanks19:13
G00053Drknzz: glad it worked for you though!19:13
pvh_saracho, and the strange thing is, i have 2.6.39 and 2.6.38 kernels, and this happens with both19:13
sdimkovso Alpha 3 comes tomorrow huh ?19:14
DrknzzG00053: Dont worry, its just the ATi driver doing its job, i think everythings fine now. Thanks :)19:14
auronandace!11.10 | sdimkov19:14
ubottusdimkov: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:14
a111how come the newest version of netbean son ubuntu is behind the one that is on the netbeans website?19:14
eric__caselsudo get me a sandwich, a11119:14
G00053Drknzz: cool, lspci goes a long way for the future. chances are the model of your lappy really doesn't matter all that much19:15
auronandace!latest | a11119:15
ubottua111: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:15
mensvagaIs there a free conferencing server / program that does audio? and maybe desktop sharing and video?19:15
mensvagaone where I can set up a server and have people connect / disconnect through a web browser?19:15
eric__caselTeamViewer mensvaga19:15
DrknzzG00053: Ok, thanks, im off to configure everything for the final (new to linux) ubuntu user19:15
eric__caselno web browser connecting but the program is free19:15
eric__caselyou can share your desktop to multiple people19:15
DrknzzG00053: Good luck with anything you are doing XD19:15
mensvagaeric__casel: thanks.  reading.19:15
eric__caselpeople can control yer desktop too19:16
eric__caselhas versions for iPhone, android, windows, linux and OSX19:16
mensvagamac and windows clients as well?19:16
eric__caselim actually using it now19:16
sneakyimpwhere can I find a pastebin?19:16
eric__caselim not eric__casel, I'm WinCamXP19:16
eric__caselim using eric's computer and I was setting it up xD19:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:16
eric__caselTeamViewer is awesome that way :P19:17
mensvagayeah, I have a machine that's on all the time, and a need for a "conference bridge"19:17
eric__caselwell, if you're not into SSH19:17
sneakyimpmensvaga: thanks19:17
eric__caselTeamViewer gives you control of everything except hardware19:17
mensvagaeric__casel: I am into SSH19:17
eric__caselwell, TeamViewer is more user-friendly19:17
mensvagabut I need an "all in one" thing.19:18
eric__caselyou can have multi-person desktop presentations with it19:18
ionwindi need some help please19:18
eric__caselpresent your desktop to any number of people19:18
ionwindmy jdownloader dont work propety19:18
eric__caselyou can control it and see what's on the screen19:18
ionwindi dont know if is fileserve or jdownloader19:19
guntbert!enter | eric__casel ionwind19:19
ubottueric__casel ionwind: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:19
* eric__casel apologizes.19:19
ionwindupps sorry mem19:19
ionwindsoo what i do??19:19
guntbertionwind: what is jdownloader?19:20
caddooinstalled netbeans 7.. how do i run it :S19:20
Usuario989Hi, my name is Najeeri Mongo and I am a quadrapelic who is deaf, dumb, and blind. I also have a very blunted sense of touch. I have spent months learning to read braille with my mouth so that I can come onto the intenet and ask you all to help me. One of the care workers is touching my penis, a lot, and no one seems to be doing anything about it. Please respond if you can help me.19:20
eric__caselhmmm, /nick is a temporary changem right?19:20
caddoocant find it with unity19:20
ionwindsorry wrong channel jijiijip19:20
eric__caselthanks for that ikonia19:20
=== eric__casel is now known as WinCamXP
WinCamXPi'm not really eric, I'm using his comp for IRC over TeamViewer19:21
mensvaga"Dad, you complain too much.  This mole is getting bigger.  The nurses are stealing my money." - Homer Simpson.19:21
Mark-sketchingDoes anyone know about pressure sensitivity on Wacom penabled tabletPCs (in Natty)?19:21
guntbertmensvaga: keep to ubuntu support please19:21
mensvagaguntbert: OK.19:21
K350what do I need - as absolute minimum - in a ubuntu GNOME system to be able to run a KDE application?19:22
rachoK350, usually the application pulls and install its dependencies19:22
usr13K350: Just install the KDE app and it will do the rest.19:22
WinCamXPthis computer is in Florida running Ubuntu natty, but the person actually typing into the chat is using Win 7 and controlling the Ubuntu computer with TeamViewer19:23
edbianK350: Not sure, try to install some KDE app (like kwrite) and see what it pulls in19:23
guntbertK350: sudo apt-get install <yourapp> will tell you what it intends to install19:23
mensvagaWinCamXP: I believe it.19:23
WinCamXPi could use my phone too if i wanted to :P19:23
mensvagaYeah, it's only free for private usage though.19:23
guntbertWinCamXP: that info doesn't amtter here at all, please keep to ubuntu support19:23
WinCamXPi dont recommend TeamViewer for helping people with games, though. it just doesn't work19:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:24
WinCamXPokay sorry19:24
jackalistaG00053: thanks for the link, I will read up on it and see what it reveals.  Is this machine (dell latitude E6420) not good for ubuntu?19:24
up23four**  FOMA F905i **19:26
up23four** 1 pack **  10 of 10 slots open, Min: 0.1KB/s19:26
up23four** Bandwidth Usage ** Current: 0.0KB/s, Record: 53.6KB/s19:26
up23four** To request a file, type "/msg up23four xdcc send #x" **19:26
up23four** To request details, type "/msg up23four xdcc info #x" **19:26
FloodBot1up23four: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
K350howto zoom in/out in the gnome-terminal?19:26
nit-witjackalista, that computer has come with ubuntu pre-installed19:26
markskilbeckHi, all. How does one remap keys? For example, I'd like to move one of the CTRLs to CAPS.19:27
FroyoSharkmarkskilbeck: i'm not sure if you can do that, there might be a way with keyboard shortcuts though19:27
kunwon1the ubuntu serverfaq says "Ubuntu server installs a server-optimized kernel by default." - where can i read about the differences between desktop kernel and server kernel?19:27
nit-witjackalista, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201011-6842:201011-6843:201101-694719:27
markskilbeckThere bloody well should be.19:27
wolskunwon1: server: throughput, desktop: latency19:28
kunwon1wols: i was hoping for a great deal more detail19:28
G00053markskilbeck: system > prefernces > keyboard shortcuts19:29
K350Thanks for the tip guys!:-)19:29
wolsmarkskilbeck: you can do it. xmodmap19:29
markskilbeckwols, G00053: danke.19:29
rachomarkskilbeck, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18876119:29
G00053danke is thanks , wols is ?19:29
markskilbeckwols is wols the user wols19:30
kleanchapI am trying to configure Samba on Ubuntu using the SWAT web interface.  The interface is prompting me for root user password.  Ubuntu does not have root user.  Currently I have only my account.19:30
FroyoSharkdid you try your password?19:30
ikoniakleanchap: that is a limitation of swat against ubuntu's security model19:30
sneakyimpIs *anyone* here good with postfix configuration?19:30
kleanchapFroyoShark, Yes.  I can login but cannot change anything.19:31
FroyoSharkoh hm19:31
wolssneakyimp: you obviously aren't good at asking sensible questions19:31
quizmeI'm trying to figure out how much memory my script requires..... http://www.pastie.org/2315895  <--- can somebody help me interpret that?19:31
FroyoSharki've never used samba so i can't really help you19:31
zul_who Knows git?19:31
=== NumbPilif is now known as Pilif12p
ChubcorpI know this is the wrong channel, but the puppy linux irc is without activity, so does anyone know if I can post flac files on it? Thanks19:31
usr13kleanchap: How did you install swat ?19:31
quizmezul_ i know a bit19:31
kleanchap:-) Thanks though trying.19:31
kunwon1found it, this page lists the differences in kernels: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/preparing-to-install.html#intro-kernel-diffs19:31
ikoniaChubcorp: it is offtopic here, so please don't ask, more so as you know it's offtopic19:31
kleanchapusr13, apt-get19:31
nit-witChubcorp, flac willrun in puppy is that the question?19:32
ikoniaChubcorp: more so as you've not even asked in the #puppylinux channel19:32
ikonianit-wit: we do not support puppy here19:32
Loshkisneakyimp: might have better luck on #postfix....19:32
sneakyimpWell it's pretty involved, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/658159/19:32
nit-witikonia, are you a mod?19:32
wolsLoshki: not with the way he asks questions19:32
ikonianit-wit: that doesn't matter, the topic of the channel is ubuntu support, not Linux19:32
sneakyimploshki: i'm already in there.  it's more about joking around than serious answers19:32
usr13kleanchap: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat19:33
nit-witikonia,  would appreciatte if you don't address me then. ;)19:33
sneakyimpwols: i thought postfix questions might be off-topic here19:33
ikonianit-wit: keep to the channel topic and there will be no issue19:33
kleanchapusr13, Thnx!19:33
ikonianit-wit: but it if helps, yes I am an operator in this channel, but anyone is free to ask you to keep to the channel topic19:33
nit-witikonia, keep your ego to yourself report me otherwise.19:34
sneakyimpnit-wit: please spare us the b.s.  ask a serious question or leave19:34
wolssneakyimp: if you run postfix on ubuntu, it's on topic19:34
sneakyimpwols: I am doing so.  I've pasted the question once.  Here it is again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/658159/19:34
sejwalkGreetings everyone! I am trying to install ubuntu using 'install inside windows' using a usb disk. on completing 100% it gives some error saying metafile can't be downloaded19:35
astevei need a tutorial on creating a repository for 10.0419:35
G00053asteve adding a repository ?19:36
wolssneakyimp: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-bsd-postfix-forward-email-to-another-account/19:36
edbiansejwalk: Well you're using wubi :P19:36
asteveG00053: no, i need to create my own19:36
Loshkiasteve: what problem are you trying to solve?19:36
edbiansejwalk: So if you restart does it work or not?19:36
claviusmondwhere can I ask SED questions?19:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:36
asteveLoshki: some packages i need to install are not in any repos and i need to have tighet control over what's available19:36
sejwalkedbian: yes nothing is there on restart19:36
biZZieBhello everyone :-)19:37
oCeanclaviusmond: there is a channel ##sed19:37
sejwalkedbian : install inside windows from live CD work fine works great, I just don't want to waste a CD19:37
claviusmondi tried one in quakenet, is ##sed in freenode oCean19:37
K350How to zoom in/out in ghome-terminal..anyone?19:38
oCeanclaviusmond: it is19:38
FroyoSharksejwalk: you can use unetbootin and install it on a usb flash drive19:38
sejwalkK350: ctrl + + /-19:38
edbianFroyoShark: He has it an a usb stick.  He is having trouble installing wubi19:38
biZZieBif i have a noob question will i be slain here???19:38
sejwalkFroyoShark: okay, any way to do it using Live usb creater?19:38
edbianbiZZieB: no19:38
FroyoSharksejwalk: not sure, i've never used live usb creator19:39
K350sejwalk: it doesn't work19:39
biZZieB:-) thanks thats god od to know19:39
biZZieBwow I cant spell19:39
sejwalkK350: does it work from the edit menu?19:39
K350sejwalk: ok works..but not on the ++ and -- on the humber pad19:39
Loshkiasteve: if it's just a handful of packages, you can just download them manually and install them. Or set up your own repo with aptoncd: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/03/put-apt-get-repository-on-dvdcd-ubuntudebian.html but it's overkill for a small repo...19:39
K350sejwalk: phweew..thanks a LOT!!!!:-)19:39
biZZieBi have really come to love ubuntu , but the changes that will be made in the future are rather upsetting to me19:40
biZZieBi'd hate to move but it doesnt really seem like i have a choice19:40
asteveLoshki: i don't want the repo on a cd i need it on a web server19:40
JustSighDudesbiZZieB: There's plenty of choices.19:40
astevei have 30+ machines that need to get packages19:40
G00053biZZieB: just stay on 10.0419:40
sejwalkbiZZieB: changes are the essence of life19:40
blauefuessebiZZieB: move to where ? debian ?19:40
G00053thats how i roll19:40
sneakyimpwol: thanks for the link, but that does not appear to allow me to route all local users to their respective counterparts on my domain.19:40
biZZieBno mint actually19:40
Loshkiasteve: so stick the packages on a web server. It should be trivial to surf to them, then click on them to install. Won'19:41
biZZieBstaying on 10.04 sound s like a good idea19:41
JustSighDudesI'm just waiting until Debian Rolling gets rolling.19:41
Loshkiasteve: so stick the packages on a web server. It should be trivial to surf to them, then click on them to install. Won't that do it?19:41
FroyoSharkbiZZieB: mint is based off of ubuntu, almost everything is the same19:41
rachobiZZieB, i took the move before 11.04 ubuntu -> fedora19:41
* ThinkT510 wonders why some people don't read the topic or the rules19:41
biZZieBhow has it been racho???19:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:42
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:42
JustSighDudesWhat if a topic goes from support to OT?19:42
biZZieBthanks froyo and from what i hear they are not going the same route as ubuntu in the future19:42
JustSighDudesMove channels?19:42
PiciJustSighDudes: Then move to #ubuntu-offtopic , its not hard.19:42
JustSighDudesPici: Kinda strict for an IRC channel.19:43
JustSighDudesAnyway, any recommendations for an IP cam recorder? Zoneminder is too bloated.19:43
LoshkiJustSighDudes: it kinda has to be that way, with 1600 odd participants, or we'd just get buried...19:43
blauefuesseanybody seen a cd or dvd cleaner-cdrom for linux19:43
PiciJustSighDudes: Its a busy channel. It would get even more busy if we allowed everyone to carry on in here about anything. Anyway, you can be in more than 1 channel at once.19:43
coz_JustSighDudes,  if you want a minmal security cam you could try motion19:44
FroyoSharki'm in 4 channels right now lol19:44
coz_JustSighDudes,   install that ,, plugin in cam,    sudo motion should do it19:44
claviusmondnobody in sed gives me an answer, can anyone tell me whats wrong with sed '/^1    .*$/ s/\(^.|.)\.*/ \ U & / g' /home/dexter/Compiled/FlightGear/install/fgfs/fgdata/Airports/apt.dat > newfile2?19:44
Loshkiblauefuesse: just vacuum it to get the dust out. There are 'lens-cleaning' cdroms out there, but I don't think they do much...19:45
jribclaviusmond: what do you want to do?  What is it doing instead?19:45
G00053speaking of trying out other distros/versions . should my /home partition work accross different flavours of linux19:45
usr13G00053: Yes19:45
Mark-sketchingAnyone know about pressure sensitivity issues in Natty on a Lenovo X200t?19:45
i0x71hey, i have a nfs share mounted on a linux box, for some reason when i create a file the timestamp is 8 hours behind ? what could be that cause of this ?19:45
jribG00053: sort of :D  (yes, though you may encounter issues with differing software versions and config file formats)19:45
G00053usr13: so there is literally nothing to lose..19:46
wolsG00053: yes and now. problem is they might use different versions of programs which put in config files into your ~ and which might be incompatible with each other19:46
blauefuesseLoshki: ahh, ok, and what about the lense itself? can i clean it with 100% alcohol etc ?19:46
G00053jrib: expected19:46
claviusmondjrib, I want it to, in every line that starts with 1    (1 and four spaces) to transform every word to Standard Capitalization (NOT THIS, not this, But This), I then add the path to the file and the output file19:46
wolsblauefuesse: ##hardware. this is not ubuntu related19:46
blauefuessewols: true19:46
LoshkiG00053: also depends on what filesystem you use...19:46
claviusmondjrdnyquist, it says, my terminal, sed: -e expression #1, char 35: Unmatched ( or \(19:46
Piciclaviusmond: Did the command I gave you earlier not work?19:47
jribclaviusmond: escape your other parentheses19:47
claviusmondPici, hi there again, no it didnt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=4a1d98fb79052b19d1f4a7fd269cbb88&p=11115400&posted=1#post11115400, read the last post19:47
Loshkiblauefuesse: ot: but if you can reach the lens, just clean it with alcohol on a q-tip...19:47
PeyamI couldnt solve the problem19:48
PeyamWhat do I do?19:48
LoshkiG00053: any system that claims to do ext4 should work, then....19:48
FroyoSharkyou ask a question19:48
G00053something else, this is my first hit of linux. i'm not positive I always put things in the right place. like what should i NOt put in home19:48
FroyoSharkand someone probably answers it19:48
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PeyamEverything stop and I cant see the iconsmeny19:49
claviusmondjrib, if I get rid of both parentheses it doesnt do anything19:49
Peyamlike in the pictures19:49
jribclaviusmond: but I didn't say to get rid of both paretheses19:49
sandy1337goo this is also my first time on linux19:49
iLogicomg why does suspend/hibernate support on ubuntu sucks so bad? whenever I try to put my netbook to sleep it crashes :(19:49
claviusmondjrib, excuse the noob19:49
FroyoSharksuspend and hibernate work fine for me19:49
anubis_7Hello, how to easy update the manual installed software (make install) ? somethink like "apt-get upgrade"19:49
PeyamEverything stops working19:50
PeyamI cant do anything19:50
PeyamI cant open the terminal19:50
szalanubis_7: no way19:50
Peyamnothing happens19:50
Peyameverything stands still19:50
FroyoSharkanubis_7: how did you install it? with a .deb or with apt-get or a package manager?19:50
PeyamI cant see the effect19:50
anubis_7from source, with make install ...19:50
Pici!enter | Peyam19:50
ubottuPeyam: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:50
FroyoSharkoh. you have to update it all manually then19:50
pr0tonCLI for finding sum of all numbers in a file?19:51
G00053* off to clean up grub of old kernals , and then try to make it look like baskin robins19:51
pr0toneach line is a number19:51
Loshkianubis_7: if you installed from source, you don't get automatic upgrades from apt. You would have to re-download a later version, recompile, then reinstall...19:51
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jribclaviusmond: (or maybe escape neither, but be consistent)19:52
sandy1337hi guys19:52
sandy1337can i find19:52
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sandy1337irc for metasploit?19:52
PeyamFirst time I tried to log into Ubuntu 11.04 it said I should keep the classic theme. How do I solve this problem? I realy want it as it is on pictures on ubuntu 11.0419:52
Pici!alis | sandy133719:52
ubottusandy1337: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*19:52
FroyoSharkPeyam: if you are using a graphics card you have to install the drivers for it19:53
PeyamI use hp 213319:53
oCeanpr0ton: all in 1 column? all in first column?19:53
Peyama netbook19:53
claviusmondthe noob is going to have to ask jrib what does he mean with escape, to add an opening parentheses right after sed and close it at the end of the line?19:53
Loshkisandy1337: /join #metasploit...19:53
pr0tonoCean, yeah19:53
PeyamFroyoShark:  I use hp 2133 a netbook19:53
oCeanpr0ton: cat file | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM }'19:53
FroyoSharkPeyam: if it doesn't work you can try installing the unity 2d19:54
FroyoSharkPeyam: and when you log in select unity 2d instead of ubuntu classic19:54
JustSighDudescoz_: Are you using USB or network?19:54
jribclaviusmond: you probably want to just enclose your sed expression in single quotes ('') and always use '(' instead of '\(' and ')' instead of '\)' unless you want to match an actual parentheses.  At the moment, you have a '\(' and a ')'19:54
coz_JustSighDudes,  sorry,, for what again?19:55
PeyamFroyoShark:  it says VIA Chrome 919:55
PeyamUp to 256 MB of shared system memory for Windows with 2 GB of system memory19:55
PeyamUp to 128 MB of shared system memory for Windows with 1 GB of system memory19:55
PeyamUp to 64 MB of shared system memory for Linux19:55
coz_JustSighDudes,  oh I have usb cam here19:55
FroyoSharkPeyam: try in a terminal sudo apt-get install unity-2d19:55
PeyamFroyoShark:  Would help me out? Im new with ubuntu19:55
Picipr0ton: or: z=0;for i in $(cut -d" " -f1 text); do z=$(( z + i )); echo $z;19:55
Picipr0ton: or: z=0;for i in $(cat textfile); do z=$(( z + i )); echo $z;19:56
coz_JustSighDudes,  not sure about motions capabilites with networked cams though,, that would definilty be zoneminder19:56
claviusmondthanks jrib19:56
jribclaviusmond: try this in a terminal, you have some spacing issues: sed -r 's/(^.| .)/\U&/g' <<< "foo bar"19:56
JustSighDudescoz_: It looks like it should work. I can't get it to find my camera though. Something in the config probably.19:56
PeyamFroyoShark:  Wrong code19:57
coz_JustSighDudes,  that could be,, I havent read too deeply about motion's config yet  but simple motion detecting security out of the box, it works remarkabley well19:57
claviusmondjrib, dont I need the path to the file?19:57
froqI am running duel screen set up in ubuntu 11.04, with main monitor on right, secondary monitor on left, is it possible for me to move the unity bar to the far right (secondary monitor) or to the left of the primary monitor?19:57
PeyamFroyoShark:  Would you mind write it again19:57
FroyoSharkPeyam: sudo apt-get install unity-2d19:57
jribclaviusmond: in this example, sed will just operate on "foo bar" (it's just an example for you)19:57
PeyamE: Encountered a section with no Package: head19:58
claviusmondFoo Bar appeared on screen19:58
jribclaviusmond: that's what you want it to do?19:58
guntbertPeyam: you can tell your client to ignore the join/quit messages, so the channel will be much slower for you :)19:58
anubis_7_i haven't installed it yet, my goal is to install curl with cares support. It seems that this configuration (curl with c-ares support) is not in any apt package and needs to install from source with "./configure -cares". So, what is the best way to install and update curl+cares ? Its possible to compile using apt ? or using a -configure ?19:59
claviusmondno, I have to Standard Capitalize every word in every line that starts with 1     (one and four spaces)19:59
jribclaviusmond: right, so add the beginning part that filters for lines that start with 1 and four spaces19:59
iLogicAnyone has a clue why putting ubuntu 11.04 to sleep causes my netbook to freeze and leaves the caps look light blinking?19:59
zara-siLogic: kernel panic20:00
iLogiczara-s: anyway to make it work?20:00
PeyamFroyoShark: What Can I do? How Do I install it?20:00
FroyoSharkPeyam: try going into software manager and search for unity 2d20:01
zara-siLogic: well it varies, depending on whether or not your netbook has a good acpi table and whether or not you have to boot the kernel with any special acpi fixes20:01
zara-siLogic: what netbook are you using it on anyway if you don't mind me asking?20:02
iLogiczara-s: hp mini 110-3130br20:02
jribclaviusmond: also, sed -r 's/(\w*)/\u&/g' seems easier to comprehend20:02
iLogiczara-s: it's current model, should work just fine right?20:03
sandy1337hello guys i want to install java download on my linux os20:03
wolsiLogic: because it's a current model it usually doesn't work fine20:03
wolssandy1337: then do it, no one prevents you20:04
fanjunkie9000sandy1337: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre20:04
asteveLoshki: i can't use a gui; this is a headless server20:04
fanjunkie9000sandy1337: in the command line20:04
sandy1337i downnloaded jre-linux.bin20:04
asher^hi. can anyone tell me how to accurately judge my memory usage? depending on where i look i get very different results20:04
szal!java | sandy133720:04
ubottusandy1337: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:04
sandy1337now how to install this .bin file?20:04
claviusmondjrib, sed '/^1    .-r 's/(^.| .)/\U&/g' /home/dexter/Compiled/FlightGear/install/fgfs/fgdata/Airports/apt.dat > newfile2 , what am I doing wrong?20:04
fanjunkie9000sandy1337: Use the Ubuntu repositories, it's much easier20:04
pr0tonso when i do command > f.txt20:04
jribclaviusmond: "sed -r" not "sed" and then -r somewhere later20:04
pr0toni direct the stdout to f.txt20:04
pr0tonhow to direct, stderr to f.txt ?20:05
zara-siLogic: have you already tried a combination of booting the kernel with acpi_sleep=s3bios or acpi_sleep=s3mode, or a combination of the two?20:05
iLogicactually.. it worked just fine at first.. then I installed an app called caffeine and it started to happen.. I tried uninstalling it, did a fresh install of the OS and nothing works20:05
jribpr0ton: 2>20:05
italoxpasher^: type top in the terminal, in the mem line it will give you the total, used and free.20:05
wolspr0ton: 2>20:05
iLogiczara-s: which file is that?20:05
italoxpasher^: the numbers are in bytes, so you have to divide by 1024 twice20:05
new2netAre there any debuggers like Olly for Ubuntu? I'd prefer GUI, being able to look through the full assembled program and make small changes, look through the stack and data and see what's in the registers, as well as obviously making breakpoints and going through instruction by instruction.20:05
fanjunkie9000szal: The link in the ubottu page for Java doesn't work... you can't have spaces in anchor links20:05
wolssandy1337: what bin file from where?20:05
pr0tonwols, jrib thanks20:06
* jrib is having trouble finding documentation for ERE use of \U and \u20:06
zara-siLogic: make that s3_bios and s3_mode, you append those to the kernel line in your grub config20:06
Picifanjunkie9000: I'll take a look20:06
szalfanjunkie9000: don't tell that to me, I didn't write the factoid or any of the pages linked ther20:06
italoxpasher^: you want to see your memory usage, right?20:06
Loshkiasteve: it can all be done with cli commands e.g. wget to download the package, dpkg -i to install...20:06
iLogiczara-s: /etc/grub.d/ .. ?20:07
asher^oh, yeah, sorry, i missed the first line20:07
asher^is that an accurate report?20:07
szalfanjunkie9000: other than that, the link works fine..  if it doesn't for you, you prolly have an old browser that doesn't understand spaces20:07
wolsiLogic: /etc/default/grub20:07
wols!install java20:08
sandy1337from here i downloade bin file20:08
wolterhow can I make certain users not appear in the login screen?20:08
sandy1337but then i don't know what to do20:08
wolssandy1337: wrong. java is in the ubuntu repositories. install it from there20:08
sandy1337ubuntu repositories?20:08
sandy1337sorry i don't know20:08
szalsandy1337: scrap that .bin file, enable the Partner repository & install from Software Manager or whatever you use to install software20:08
italoxpasher^: if you do pm me, it's a mess here.20:08
wolssandy1337: the way you normally install things in ubuntu20:08
szal!partner | sandy133720:08
ubottusandy1337: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:08
wols!java | sandy133720:09
ubottusandy1337: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:09
fanjunkie9000szal: The latest Chrome. Not the browser, Anchor links shouldn't contain spaces20:09
iLogicwols and zara-s: so I add ACPI_SLEEP=S3_BIOS and ACPI_SLEEP=S3_MODE ? (will try each then both, right)20:10
Picifanjunkie9000: no need to address szal.  I can modify factoids, but I need to modify the wiki page it points to first.  I'm working on it right now.20:10
fanjunkie9000Pici: Thanks20:10
sandy1337stil not able to do20:10
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sandy1337tell me from scratch what should i do?20:11
wolssandy1337: you aren't able to open a single URL ubottu gave you?20:11
szalsandy1337: define 'not able'20:11
asteveLoshki: i'm using puppet to manage the my servers and it can control packages through apt20:11
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asteveso it has to be apt-get installable20:11
wolssandy1337: you should read what ubottu wrote for you20:11
sandy1337ok wols20:11
Pici!partner | sandy133720:11
ubottusandy1337: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:11
anubis_7_Hello, what is the best way for install software that needs special configuration when compiling from source (curl with cares support) ? The package is in apt-get (curl without cares support) . My question is for a easy way to mantain this software updated to the lastest version.20:12
fanjunkie9000anubis_7_: First look for a ppa, if the developer supplies one. If not, I'd personally compile and place into /opt directory20:13
trismwolter: if you are using gdm, see: http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/2.32/configuration.html.en#daemonconfig specifically the Greeter Options section20:13
zara-siLogic: shoul be in /etc/default/grub20:13
wolsanubis_7_: there is no easy way. if you need it on a one off basis, compile it and link it to your program statically20:13
anubis_7_wols: statically ? this is worse to mantain it updated !20:15
anubis_7_fanjunkie9000: why /opt ?20:15
jribanubis_7_: personally, I do the following: grab the existing source package, modify it to my needs, maintain it in a ppa20:15
fanjunkie9000anubis_7_: /opt is meant for optional software packages in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard20:16
jribclaviusmond: if you care, I've found some documentation on \u and \U in « man perlre »20:17
csdserverOK, this is how my partition is set up : http://tinyurl.com/3k4b4rg    The OS I need to get rid of is on the primary bootable partition.   how much of the /dev/sda1 partition should I keep in front?   basically i want to extend /dev/sda6 to use up as much of the sda1 space as possible without fudging my bootloading20:17
claviusmondjrib, as of now my head is exploding20:18
introiboadhi there, I have what seems to be a 2 minute timeout when logging into 11.04, and syslog says "rtkit-daemon: recovering from system lockup, not allowing further RT threads" does this ring a bell to anyone?20:18
jribclaviusmond: why?20:18
claviusmondjrib, noobness20:19
jribclaviusmond: ok, if you get stuck, feel free to ask20:19
Kyle__Anyone else have problems getting sound out of sun-java6 in ubuntu11?  I documented a fix on my (#include <selfpromotion.h>) blog http://petuu.org/20:21
wolterthanks trism20:22
XoX-001hi wolter20:22
wolterhey XoX-001 what up?20:23
socratesxdwtf! 160520:23
claviusmondjrib, fuck, a previous work that I though was complete, needs to be further transformed20:23
jribclaviusmond: mind the language please20:24
magpiii have stuff missing from menus, how do i restore menu default?20:24
mikeHow would I find out what wifi card i have in my laptop, so I can try to get my wifi working20:24
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introiboadmike: lspci on terminal20:24
Andy80Mike: lspci20:24
Andy80mike: and copy-paste the result somewhere for example in pastebin.com20:25
anubis_7_fanjunkie9000 jrib thank you. Bye bye.20:25
NitaxI'm setting up an SSH server and have a quick question:  when I look in auth.log, why does the log report that the connections are coming in on weird ports like 51138?  Shouldn't they be coming in on port 22?20:25
wolterhow can one make the network manager always connect to a specific network setup? I have a network setup with a defined IP and it is checked for automatic connection but the network manager always tries to create an "Auto" connection20:26
Guest98799Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 --Is there an up to date resource, google seems to show me 3-4 year old results only.20:27
introiboadGuest: Broadcom should be well supported20:27
goddardgot two problems so far im having a hard time solving http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1817164  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181649520:27
wolterGuest98799, I have broadcom 4312, and it works perfectly20:27
Guest98799i guess i'll try again20:30
guntbert!here | goddard20:30
ubottugoddard: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com20:30
OsmodivsHello. Why can't I rename this folder? http://pastebin.com/twbaMyqi20:31
iLogicwols and zara-s , thanks for trying help guys.. but it didnt work, guess I have to admit that linux support for sleep sucks and give it up :(20:32
goddardguntbert: general overview is nvidia graphic issues making windows laggy when moved around the screen and my USB 3.0 device isn't working properly20:32
PiciOsmodivs: Because 'rename' is for mass renaming things. You should use 'mv' for what you're doing.20:32
Kyle__iLogic: It most certainly doesn't suck.  It's worked great on the last four or five laptops I've owned.20:33
iLogicKyle__: correction: sucks for me20:34
OsmodivsPici, Ok, thx. I just want to rename the folder, I hope it does not rename the contents20:35
goddardguntbert: any idea?20:35
guntbertgoddard: sorry, I cannot help with either - you might want to address one after another though - please put the problems to the channel again (without my nick) :)20:35
PiciOsmodivs: It won't.20:35
csdserverOK, this is how my partition is set up : http://tinyurl.com/3k4b4rg    The OS I need to get rid of is on the primary bootable partition.   how much of the /dev/sda1 partition should I keep in front?   basically i want to extend /dev/sda6 to use up as much of the sda1 space as possible without fudging my bootloading20:36
astevei need some assistance with creating a repository Release file in ubuntu; what should it look like?20:37
DrknzzHi guys! I just installed ubuntu on a new HP laptop and i cant right click, right clicking counts as left clicking and the keyboard key for left click doesnt work either, any ideas?20:38
FourTensIs there a package for PyQt4 for Python 3?20:38
goddardgot two problems so far im having a hard time solving http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1817164  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1816495  Here are two problems i have having I could use help with.  One problem is the Nvidia grahics issue.  When I grab a window and move it around it is very slow and laggy which it shouldn't be since it is brand new high end hardware.  My other problem has to do with USB 3.0 and my Seagate 3TB drive not20:40
FroyoSharki checked auto hide on my panel and now it won't show up20:40
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FroyoSharknothing happens when i move my mouse to the top of the screen20:40
wolterhow can one make the network manager always connect to a specific network setup? I have a network setup with a defined IP and it is checked for automatic connection but the network manager always tries to create an "Auto" connection20:41
sam_testing (sorry)20:42
goddardwolter: you can set it up to use the static by default or just uninstall the dhcp20:42
fahadhi guys20:43
woltergoddard, thats what I don't know how to do, and I would prefer not having to uninstall the DHCP one20:43
woltergoddard, I have deleted it various times, but the network manager always creates a new one20:43
JuJuBee_I have an ntfs partition on my desktop with my music on it.  How can I share that out to my laptops?  One of the laptops is windows the other linux.  I have nfs-kernel-server installed...20:43
guntbertsam_: use #test in the future please20:44
fowlduckHow do you change the ulimit -s value for all users?20:44
goddardwolter: let me see if i can remember how i did it20:44
fahadI have installed Ubuntu to my OCZ Revodrive X2 (PCIe based SSD Raid device). The issue I am having is that I cannot see my DVD-RW drive and my SATA Hard disk. 'lspci' is showing me 2 Marvell IDE controllers and the drives are present and show up fine in Windows 7. I am a fairly advanced user so please help me troubleshoot which module is missing or needs to be loaded for my SATA devices to be detected. I am using a Gigabyte Z68X-UD7-B3 Motherboard20:45
goddardwolter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49118420:45
Bisu[Shield]this is annoying.  to install zend studio you just copy the directory to somewhere in the filesystem.  how do I get a link in the installed programs because to start the program i have to navigate to it and execute it20:46
Bisu[Shield]do i have to create a link in some installed programs or something?20:46
Bisu[Shield]im using gnome 3 on natty20:47
goddardBisu[Shield]: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-entries-in-gnome-menu.html20:47
=== JoFo__ is now known as JoFo
Steve^Has anyone attempted using Intel H67 on board graphics with Linux?20:48
PeyamMy softwaymanager cant get connection20:48
PeyamAnd not update manager either20:48
PeyamHow do I solve this problem20:49
goddardPeyam: have you tried apt-get update?20:49
PeyamIt doesnt work20:50
goddardPeyam: did you sudo it?20:50
PiciPeyam: How? Are you getting an error?20:50
goddardPeyam: if it doesn't work you might want to drop to a recovery shel20:50
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:50
Peyamit is downloading20:51
sfopilotI added a service to ubuntu (zoneminder) used update-rc.d  its in /etc/init.d and rc.2d etc yet it wont start20:51
PiciPeyam: Can you please paste your errors on http://paste.ubuntu.com ?20:51
Peyamit is swedishg error20:51
goddardPeyam: good20:51
PeyamE: Encountered a section with no Package: header20:52
PeyamE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en20:52
PeyamE: Paketlistan eller statusfilen kunde inte tolkas eller öppnas.20:52
goddardPeyam: when it is done do sudo apt-get upgrade20:52
Picigoddard: Thats not going to help.20:52
sfopilotif I type service zoneminder start it works fine,  what have I done incorrectly?20:53
PeyamEncountered a section with no Package: header20:53
PeyamE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en20:53
PeyamE: Paketlistan eller statusfilen kunde inte tolkas eller öppnas.20:53
goddardPeyam: i see20:53
PiciPeyam: do sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en*      and then try again.20:54
Peyampeyam@Maroufi:~$ sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en20:55
goddardPici: removing it might not be a good solution20:55
Peyamrm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/se.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en': No such file or directory20:55
Picigoddard: It should re-create them when it downloads.20:55
goddardPici: i see20:56
AgentYecht, installiert euch niemals gentoo20:56
guntbert!de | AgentY20:56
ubottuAgentY: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:56
AgentYreally, dont install gentoo!20:56
auronandace!info gentoo20:57
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.5-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 715 kB, installed size 2412 kB20:57
magpiican someone tell me what i can do to sort this out please http://paste.ubuntu.com/658215/20:57
goddardAgentY: dont worry i wont :D20:57
AgentYits a fake distribution20:57
PiciPeyam: Please do this, but make sure that you type this exactly as it is shown here: sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*20:57
PiciAgentY: We don't care.  This channel is for Ubuntu support only.20:57
TechnicusHello . . . how do I remove the Ubuntu splash screen with the blinking dots under it that displays while Ubuntu is loading?  I would rather see text scrolling across the screen as the system loads.20:57
ThinkT510!boot | Technicus20:58
ubottuTechnicus: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:58
goddardTechnicus: good question20:58
goddardTechnicus: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Change-Ubuntu-Bootsplash-Theme-55237.shtml20:59
thehodgeHi there, haing a bit of trouble with the 'make: g++: Command not found' error, apt-get install cpp gcc has run and installed, am I missing a package?20:59
Picithehodge: Have you installed the build-essential package?21:00
AgentYgentoo kicks every gentoo-related question!21:00
thehodgenow I have21:00
Picithehodge: Should work now.21:00
FloodBot1AgentY: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
goddardTechnicus: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html21:01
Technicusgoddard, ThinkT510 :)21:03
ThinkT510i know python2 and 3 are in the repos but i was just wondering why is 2 the default? (i know you can specify which one you use via #!)21:04
goddardThinkT510: ubuntu is slow to upgrade21:04
TBotNikAll: I just had a freeze up on the internet on one of my boxes, so rebooting and now the boot record is not reading at all, so getting the "no bootable disk! Restart with Ctl+Alt+Del" error.  Is there a quick howto for this?  What I'd finding are HOWTOs on what to do when you want the recovery mode (menu), not "cannot read disk at all".  Either need HOWTO or someone to give me step-by-step.  Thanks!21:04
thehodgethanks Pici :)21:05
Picithehodge: np21:05
goddardThinkT510: if you want the latest use Arch or Fedora(sometimes)21:05
mikec2I'd like to build a custom version of the Alternate Install CD as I need to apply a kernel patch. Are there any good guides on how to build such a thing?21:05
ThinkT510goddard: i'm on arch now, but just wondering why default is 2 on ubuntu21:05
goddardThinkT510: they are slow to upgrade the default nvidia drivers are like a year old21:06
scott___Hey folks.  Could anybody give me a little guidance on a problem I'm having with the ubuntu software center?21:06
=== lindseyjacks is now known as Tbruff13
goddardThinkT510: empathy their default instant messager is 2.3 when 3 is out21:06
Tbruff13ok scott___ can you help me with something why is there not battery indicator icon in ubuntu 11.04 and how do i add one to the panel21:07
scott___I tried to install a libav codec package for openshot (per openshot's instructions) and the software center said first it would remove the stripped versions, which I oked, but now it's stuck in an infinite loop, saying the package catalog needs to be repaired, but it tries and can't21:07
Pici!latest | ThinkT510 goddard21:08
ubottuThinkT510 goddard: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:08
photonhi. I'm planning on buying a 3TB drive. will it work with ubuntu, ext4?21:08
scott___Tbruff13 - sorry dude, no idea21:08
goddardPici: ubuntu uses a lot of debian packages correct21:08
Picigoddard: yes, we sync from debian stable/unstable normally.21:09
Scaatisin my ~/.xsession-errors file, the line (nautilus:1647): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_object: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT (value)' failed constantly gets added21:09
goddardPici: they say it is about stability but often times it is just because a lack of support and upgrades to those packages21:09
Troy^i cant seem to get youtube videos to display in chromium... whats the best way to get it to do so, i would assume its some sort of flash problem?21:09
ThinkT510Pici: thanks, i'm aware of that factoid, i was just wondering if there was a special reason that python2 is the default (maybe like something in the default install specifically requires 2)21:09
Scaatispreviously, this increased the size of that file to almost 40GB21:09
goddardPici: Empathy 2.34 is unstable and 3 is stable it just doesn't fit into Unity yet21:09
zteamAnybody here know a decent chess program for linux?21:10
trismThinkT510: because it is a huge amount of work to port everything to python 3, see for instance: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-python-versions21:10
PiciThinkT510: Because scripts designed for python2 are not usable in python3.  It is a big change to convert and test all of them.21:10
scott___Is there any way to repair the package catalog for the ubuntu software package manually?21:10
goddardPici: i dont know my opinion i think if we had more support it would be faster21:10
zteamscott___, : yes it is21:11
ThinkT510Pici: ahh, so it is because of dependancies, thanks21:11
zteambut have you tried using sudo apt-get install -f21:11
ThinkT510trism: thanks for the link21:11
Scaatisany help?21:11
scott___zteam - no, I haven't.  Will that command repair the software center package catalog?21:11
Picigoddard: I'm not sure what you mean by 'support', but keep in mind that Ubuntu is not a rolling release distro. If thats what you want, then there are other options out there.21:12
zteamScott: but have you tried using sudo apt-get install -f21:12
federicohi guys21:12
zteamscott___, : it will attempt to solve any dependy-problems you might have21:12
scott___zteam: Sweet, I'll give that a try now21:12
Tbruff13can someone tell me how to add a battery icon to ubuntu 11.0421:13
federicoyou know if is possible recive  the date only from a single IP?21:13
Scaatisso I got that error approximately 600 times in the last 10 minutes21:13
goddardPici: im saying the excuse of stability is only a lack of support.  It isn't a planned reasoning it is because for those specific technologies Ubuntu needs more support in testing and development21:13
EighteensI thought i had this fixed, "the sound that is" but after reboot my sound is back to being GARBLED, sound played fine, until i move volume up, then it freezes computer, and sounds like a blown speaker, this sure is frustrating... so instead of asking how to fix this, i am asking how to DELETE all sound modules, anything to do with sound, i want it gone, if it doesn't work right, why have it?21:13
federicoyou know if is possible recive  the date only from a single IP?21:14
zteamscott___, : did it help21:14
zteamscott___, ??21:14
TechnicusI'm having challanges installing usplash, when I mark it for install it requires the removal of many packages that I need.  How can I correct this issue?21:15
scott___zteam: I just tried sudo apt-get install -f and it returned this error msg:   installArchives() failed: dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 0:21:15
scott___ newline in field name `../../../../share/pyshared/computerjanitor/file_cruft_tests.py'21:15
goddardfederico: yes of course21:15
scott___then this: newline in field name `../../../../share/pyshared/computerjanitor/file_cruft_tests.py'21:15
androidcrazyhi people21:15
mike_device not ready, firmware missing <--Wifi says this. I have  Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]. How can i get this to work?21:15
androidcrazyI have a question, can anybody give me advise?21:16
photonhi. I'm planning on buying a 3TB drive. will it work with ubuntu, ext4?21:16
scott___then finally this:   newline in field name `../../../../share/pyshared/computerjanitor/file_cruft_tests.py'21:16
guntbert!ask | androidcrazy21:16
ubottuandroidcrazy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:16
=== mike_ is now known as Guest15046
goddardPici: have you use Wireshark recently?21:16
Scaatiswindows is much better than linux because it doesn't create 40 GB errolog files repeating the same message21:16
zteamscott___, okey, I have no idea, what that means, but you try with sudo apt-get clean21:16
=== Guest15046 is now known as mike1290
jerwareI ssh  into a box, how can I tell if there's a monitor plugged in?  For both HDMI and DVI.21:16
zteamscott___, and then sudo apt-get autoclean21:16
scott___cool, will try now21:16
zteamscott___, this clears apt-cache21:17
androidcrazyI installed the latest ubuntu release, Im not very good at linux, my graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce 7100 gs, the hardware dialog for the graphics card says that the driver is enabled but not in use,21:18
Scaatisright, so I'm up to 850 error messages now, all the same thing21:18
zteamTechnicus, Have you tried to install it with sudo aptitude install <package> ?21:18
federicosomebody can link me a guide for set the date only for one ip?21:18
scott___zteam: It looks like it let me get a little further - I did clean and autoclean, then did install -f and it grabbed a couple of packages before returning the same error as before21:18
goddardIt would be cool just just say forget backwards compatability and start from scratch21:18
scott___I'll try doing it again to see if it gets any further21:18
MorkelI have since a few days this error "locale.Error: unsupported locale setting" on some ubuntu systems. What does this mean?21:19
zteamscott___,  otherwise try with sudo aptitude install  -f21:19
FoxCantrell_I installed ubuntu 11.04 as dual boot to my win7. Windows has partioned off my hdd as C: and D: .. D being the larger one. I had ubuntu install to the D partition, but now i cant get into ubuntu, it boots into win 7.. how to fix?21:19
androidcrazyI downloaded the driver from NVIDIA page and installed it, but when I restart the computer, I get only white display21:19
androidcrazyI had to reinstall ubuntu21:20
zteamscott___,  aptitude is superior to apt21:20
androidcrazyanyone knows what can I do?21:20
pduancan someone help me remove a screwed up java install?21:20
scott___zteam: It looks like I don't have aptitude21:21
goddardi was looking at a lot of my drivers and some are 32 bit21:21
goddardso i have a 64 bit operating system but half the drivers are 32 how do they work with that21:21
zteamAnybody here knows a decent chessboard for Linux, I want something which let me setup different positions, with many levels and so on, I really like pychess but it didn't have that feature21:21
tjiggi_foandroidcrazy, you don't need to download. System >> Admin >> Hardware Drivers will do it for you safely21:21
androidcrazyyeah, I did that, and it downloaded them, restarted, but the dialog box says the same that the driver is activated but not in use21:22
FroyoSharki can't install or uninstall anything with apt-get21:22
FoxCantrell_I installed ubuntu 11.04 as dual boot to my win7. Windows has partioned off my hdd as C: and D: .. D being the larger one. I had ubuntu install to the D partition, but now i cant get into ubuntu, it boots into win 7.. how to fix?21:22
FroyoSharki just get a bunch of error messages21:22
zteamscott___,  well, unfournetly Canoical has removed it from 10.10 by some idiotic reasons21:22
androidcrazyand I dont get the option for the special effects in preference21:23
pduancan someone help me fix a screwed up java install?21:23
scott___zteam: do you know any other way to fix the package catalog?21:23
zteamscott___, , if I were you i tried google on that file21:23
joaolukasThere's someone here from Brazil?21:24
ThinkT510!fixapt | scott___21:24
ubottuscott___: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:24
zteamscott___,  try that21:24
tjiggi_foandroidcrazy, do you get a choice of 3 drivers?21:24
androidcrazyI get choice of two drivers21:25
=== Pilif12p is now known as Boehner
scott___ubotto - I did that and it just returned to the command prompt after password.  Is that the desired result?21:25
joaolukasAlguém aqui é do Brasil?21:25
tjiggi_foandroidcrazy, 96 and 173?21:26
ThinkT510!br | joaolukas21:26
ubottujoaolukas: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:26
androidcrazynvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 173) and nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version current) [recommended]21:26
zteamscott___,  Ubottu is just a BOT, so it can't answere that question, but yes it looks normal to me, try with sudo apt-get update now21:26
joaolukasThank's ubottu21:26
scott___Think510 - got the message: bash: !fixapt: event not found21:26
lindenleSo my X locks up everytime I use anything that ix caleed x<object>, i.e. xterm , xdiff etc etc21:27
tjiggi_foandroidcrazy, click on the "version current" one and at bottom right click "Activate"21:27
lindenlethis is driving me nuts and i would like to get away from nouveau and install the nVidia driver21:27
ThinkT510scott___: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a21:27
lindenleand p.s. the additional drivers install is not working21:27
zteamscott___, !fixapt is not a linus command it's a command to ubottu21:28
lindenlei get this driver is activated but not currently in use21:28
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:28
androidcrazyI can activate any of the two, and restart the computer, but when I comeback it will say driver activated but not currently in use21:28
androidcrazyis the one I have activated21:28
mads< /nick MadsRC >21:28
androidcrazyit says it is activated but not currently in use21:28
FoxCantrell_I installed ubuntu 11.04 as dual boot to my win7. Windows has partioned off my hdd as C: and D: .. D being the larger one. I had ubuntu install to the D partition, but now i cant get into ubuntu, it boots into win 7.. how to fix to get back into ubuntu? i cant choose either one21:28
magical_walrusHey, I just followed the instructions here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook/TripleBoot) for a triple-boot MacOS/Ubuntu/WinXP system, but after Ubuntu finishes installing, Ubuntu won't boot.21:29
=== mads is now known as MadsRC
tjiggi_foandroidbruce, then I'm sorry, but I don't have the knowhow to help you21:29
scott___Think510 : that command doesn't seem to help21:29
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:29
pduanwhat is21:29
scott___Think510: I did that, then apt-get update, still no change21:29
tjiggi_foandroidcrazy, , then I'm sorry, but I don't have the knowhow to help you21:29
joaolukasmagical_walrus: try to reebot, and go to the setup. Close the setup and press F8 or Del to see the boot options21:29
extraclassicFoxCantrell_: did you install windows after ubuntu21:30
pduanwhat is linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic and linux-headers-2.6.38-821:30
ExplodingpigletsI am having a problem. Some of my windows seem to be missing menus or borders21:30
pduanand can i remove them? they were a part of the java install i believe21:30
FoxCantrell_extraclassic, no i just had factory restored win7 then when that was setup again, i installed ubuntu21:30
ExplodingpigletsFor example, my xchat window does not have the bar at the top that has the minimize/ maximize/ close buttons21:30
magical_walrusjoaolukas, ok, but are you aware that I'm having this problem on a Macbook, not a regular windows machine? I don't have access to a BIOS setup screen21:30
zteamscott___, paste that error from apt again will you?21:30
joaolukasExplodingpiglets: Maybe is cause your theme is not configured?21:31
scott___dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 0:21:31
Explodingpigletsjoaolukas, it was working earlier.21:31
scott___newline in field name `../../../../share/pyshared/computerjanitor/file_cruft_tests.py'21:31
ExplodingpigletsIt just disappeared.21:31
extraclassicFoxCantrell_: not sure then...installing ubuntu last usually installs grub and it'll detect everything21:31
scott___E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)21:31
joaolukasmagical_walrus: Oh, sorry, I did'nt saw this. I never touched in a macbook hehehehehe21:32
MorkelI have since a few days this error "locale.Error: unsupported locale setting" on some ubuntu systems. What does this mean?21:32
ExplodingpigletsWhat's odd is that my google chrome still has the bar21:32
magical_walrusjoaolukas, thats fine21:32
scott___In the gui, it just says "Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired"21:32
zteamscott___,  it seems to me that file is corrupted or something21:32
FoxCantrell_extraclassic, can it be that the Main os for win7 is on the C partition and ubuntu partioned itself off of the D partion?21:32
zteamscott try to rename it21:33
scott___zteam: trying now21:33
zteamscott___,  but DON't delete it21:33
magical_walrusjoaolukas, I'm guessing my problem has something to do with the fact that the instructions require you to install GRUB to the boot sector of the partition Ubuntu is going on, instead of MBR. Do you know if this could be causing the problem?21:33
AnniXahey, may i ask a question?21:34
extraclassicFoxCantrell_: i don't know..is your computer using the win7 bootloader21:34
joaolukasPerhaps it can be the reason, but i prefer don't say nothing, I don't know the working of a macbook21:35
magical_walrusjoaolukas, alright, thanks21:35
naptasticI just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10; I set my account to log in automatically, and did not provide a password for the default keyring. Now my wifi doesn't connect on startup. How do I fix it?21:35
zteamscott___,  then you can try to run sudo apt-get update21:35
naptasticah, nevermind, I found it.21:35
naptasticWow, I'm apparently a dummy ;-)21:35
magical_walruscan anyone else provide assistance with ubuntu on a macbook?21:35
scott___zteam: I need root access to change that file21:35
zteamand hopefully it create a new file for you, but I doubt it will work21:36
FoxCantrell_extraclassic, if you mean try pressing F5 or such to select, then yeah.. but ubuntu still not there.. ive not seen the GRUB screen yet21:36
scott___on ubuntu, don't I normally have root access?21:36
zteamscott___,  of course not21:36
scott___I didn't set any password for root on install21:36
scott___How do I log in as root?21:36
AnniXai just ask :P i would like to play minecraft on ubuntu, but its not running, i heard i need to install the java from sun. how do install this? :O21:36
extraclassicFoxCantrell_: i'm not familiar enough with what you're describing to help you21:37
zteamscott___,  you should use sudo to get root access, the password is the same as your user account password21:37
joaolukasnaptastic: If you're using gnome, you can click the wifi icon, and go to "edit connections", and them go to the session Wirelless21:37
scott___zteam - Ooh, I was trying to rename it through the gui.  I should use the command line then?21:37
magical_walrusAnniXa, http://www.java.com/en/download/21:37
zteamscott___,  so you didn't try with sudo apt-get install -f otherwise try that FIRST21:37
FoxCantrell_extraclassic, perhaps try to install to the Main partion to see if it loads the grub correctly that way? that was my next action but i wanted to be sure first21:38
scott___zteam - Yes, I was in the terminal for all the previous21:39
zteamscott___,  if you did only do apt-get install -f without sudo then it explains why it failed21:39
AnniXaty  magical_walrus :)21:39
magical_walrusAnniXa, no problem21:39
scott___zteam - no, I used sudo before21:39
magical_walrusIs it absolutely necessary to have a bootloader (grub or lilo)? I am asking this because I'm trying to install ubuntu on my Macbook, but it fails to boot if I select the ubuntu partition.21:39
zteamokey, well, try to rename the file with sudo then21:40
extraclassicFoxCantrell: if windows is on sda1 then install ubuntu to sda2 and it should install a bootloader and detect itself and windows21:40
zteamscott___,  okey, well, try to rename the file with sudo then21:40
magical_walrusI followed the instructions here: (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook/TripleBoot) and ubuntu has worked before on this machine, I just dont remember how It worked as it was years ago21:40
KoterpillarHow do I troubleshoot (presumably) Avahi? I have Ubuntu and Debian machines in one subnet, they stopped resolving "hostname.local".21:41
AnniXasorry for me bugging again, i downloaded it, but i dont know how to run the installernow :)21:41
AnniXaits a .bin file21:41
magical_walrusAnniXa, I believe there are instructions on how to run the installer on the download page21:42
AnniXaokay you are right,let me check that21:42
zteamscott___,  you know how to rename a file using the terminal?21:42
Eighteensjust as i was about to rm -rf / "because of my non working sound in ubuntu" i decided to run vlc media player as root, and all songs play fine, however if i run vlc media player as me all i hear is garble, garble, boom crack pop hiss... "I don't usually run apps as root, but i am desperate to fix my horrible sound problem, however as root, all sound is good. What could be the issue here21:42
KiwiniAnniXa, did you check the Ubuntu Software Centre for Java?21:42
astevehow do i create a Release file for my repo?21:43
AnniXayes kiwini, but there is onle the openjdk java thingy21:43
koshieFinalRelizThat is a good idea to install KDE 4.7 on Lucid Lynx ? In the backport it's the 4.4.5. I need to compile it ? I don't found a binary package.21:44
scott___zteam - just figured it out I think : sudo mv available available.bak21:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:44
DANYALHow To Change File Format In LInux/ubuntu21:44
scott___then did sudo apt-get install -f but it didn't fix it21:44
magical_walrusAnniXa, As far as I know, you want the one from Sun, not openjdk for Minecraft21:44
AnniXayes, i try now the install howto on the java sun site21:45
KoterpillarDANYAL, what format do you have and what format do you need?21:45
zteamscott___,  yes that's good know try with sudo apt-get update21:45
DANYALKoterpillar i have txt format i want in which user cant read orignal words21:45
DANYALand unconvertable to old format21:46
Um_cara_Qualquerdoes anyone uses a pen drive to play on Wii?21:46
magical_walrusAnniXa, click the "Instructions" link to the right of the installer you downloaded (probably the "Linux RPM" or "Linux (self-extracting)" one)21:46
KoterpillarDANYAL, delete the file. You won't be able to read it21:46
zteamDANYAL, you only need to open the textfile with gedit and use save as and then choose windows encoding21:46
KoterpillarDANYAL, also try file-roller to create a password protected archive21:46
DANYALNo I Need Like that convert abc to ^?ELF^A^A^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^B^@^C^@^A^@^@^@21:47
DANYALThis format21:47
DANYALi think this is mac format21:48
KoterpillarThe one you described second is executable. You cannot "convert" text to executable file meaningfully.21:48
zteamDANYAL, are you sure this is a file is a text file21:48
_6502_Hello... is there a command to exit the screen saver? I'm trying to get a screenshot of a remote computer with "import" but I just get a black image...21:49
zteamDANYAL,  try to open the terminal and write file then drag and drop the textfile to the terminal and press enter, then Ubuntu should tell you what file type it is21:49
Koterpillar_6502_, killall gnome-screensaver21:50
scott___zteam: that didn't replace it either, but I notice in the dpkg directory there is another file called available-old.  Is it possible when I was trying to do the initial update through the Software Center that it saved this as the backup copy?21:50
Jon_N|AHi there! How can a figure out what are my HDD's partitions attributes in hd(x.x) format? Is there a software for it?21:50
zteamscott___,  maybe try to replace it, but be sure to keep the other file too21:50
AKINATONAi meus Amigos do Ubuntu, quem ainda não tiver convite do Google+ e so me pedir q envio por email...21:51
AKINATONHa e claro... so para os amigos21:51
MachaDoes anyone know what raid-am is and why it might be running on port 2013 of my 10.04 LTS VPS? Google just shows up "commonly used ports" lists. It isn't anything I've deliberately installed.21:53
intrader_Anyone, I was given an iPod as a present and find that there is little support in ubuntu for it. I see http://www.junauza.com/2008/09/5-great-itunes-replacements-for.html, and have tried Rythmbox and don't see the ipod. What do you all recommend.21:53
scott___zteam: That fixed my package catalog - Thanks a MILLION for your guidance21:53
MachaWhat iPod? iPod Touch or a different one?21:53
zteamscott___,  your welcome21:54
zteamscott___,  :-)21:54
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scott___zteam: but I still need to install these codecs, and it looks like doing it through software center is going to give me problems.  The documentation says adding the medibuntu repo will make it easier - how do I do this?21:54
intrader_Macha, iPod touch21:54
_6502_koterpillar: thaks, worked.21:55
Machaintrader_:  Unless anything has changed in the last 6 months then, you need iTunes. Try running iTunes in wine.What version of iOS is on it?21:56
szal!pt | AKINATON21:56
ubottuAKINATON: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:56
reisianyone running latest 11.04 on x86 or amd64? could you throw me the md5sum of /lib/i386-linux-gnu/security/pam_unix.so ?21:56
brightsparkCan anyone explain how to mute the volume (10.10)?21:57
zteamscott___,  well I don't know which codecs you are talking about, but if you mean, codecs to play mp3-files, DivX and wmv and so on, then you can just use21:57
brightsparkThe icon by the clock says its muted but it isn't.21:57
zteamscott___,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:57
szalreisi: doesn't exist here (Natty x86_64)21:57
joebI'm having an issue in 11.04 with two video cards and three monitors where attempting to startup compiz and it just chews up resources and sits there.21:58
zteamscott___,  be sure to check that all of your soures is turned on first21:58
intrader_Macha, i have not the vaguest idea what IOS is running. Just got the thing. So you are saying that iTunes is your recommended way?21:58
scott___zteam: it's a codec package required by openshot ( a video editor), but I think for now I'll export it to the video format that's available and then just convert it later.  Thanks again for your help!21:58
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Jef91If I add a PPA to an Ubuntu lucid system, is there a way I can tell me system to pull packages from the maverick part of that ppa?21:59
zteamand what happens if you use try sudo apt-get install openshot?21:59
koshieFinalRelizThat is a good idea to install KDE 4.7 on Lucid Lynx ? In the backport it's the 4.4.5. I need to compile it ? I don't found a binary package.21:59
reisiszal: sorry, it's /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/pam_unix.so on amd6421:59
brightsparkCan anyone explain how to mute the volume (Maverick 10.10)?  The tray icon shows mute but there is still sound.22:00
zteamscott___,  otherwise to install a new repository you can use sudo add-apt-repository ppa:repositoryname22:01
brightsparkMatter of fact the volume control has no effect at all as far as I can see.22:01
reisibrightspark: sorry, could be that no one anymore uses 10.10; try to see if there are multiple muteable devices?22:01
Machaintrader_: It's the only way to use the later iOSes. I think something had a (buggy) plugin that worked with iOS 2 devices a while back, but I can't remember what it was. Not really a reccomendation, as I hate iTunes, but there isn't much choice here.22:01
zteamscott___,  but this only works for repositories on launcpad22:01
szalreisi: 034eba261867a9ca7322e6060a78513b  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/pam_unix.so22:01
reisiszal: thanks!22:02
intrader_Macha, is it possible to run ios on a vm?22:02
reisiszal: at least we have the same version... i've got some major dpkg info/base-files.list corruption, got me checking for debsums, which seem to be off on both systems22:03
brightsparkreisi, support is supposed to continue until april though.  Control within an app works (ie rhythmbox) but not all programs have a mute function at that level.22:03
fbsd* Stopping automatic crash report generation                            [fail]22:03
fbsdhow i can resolve that?22:03
Machaintrader_: iTunes in Virtualbox _should_ work, I think, but never tried it.22:04
intrader_Macha, Lion on virtualbox? - I would need to buy Lion.22:05
reisibrightspark: support != people using it; i'm not sure if there's a single control you should be using; did you check the mixer app if there were multiple audio devices?22:05
szalreisi: some ppl apparently stick to Maverick because they don't want Unity ;)22:06
Machaintrader_: Windows on VirtualBox22:07
brightsparkreisi, mixer app being the "sound preferences" option you get by clicking the tray icon?22:07
reisiszal: i've got a secret ... i'm actually a kubuntu user.. i stumbled here as i usually hang on #ubuntu-server22:07
szalreisi: same here (Kubuntu, not -server ;))22:08
reisiszal: hehe22:08
* szal is a long-time KDE user so choosing Kubuntu over Ubuntu was a no-brainer22:08
reisibrightspark: hmm sorry, as i don't have ubuntu on my any of my systems, i cannot help you more22:08
G00053so i did an install of 11.04 next to 10.04 and it's telling my file system root only has ~50mb left . also it didn't see my 10.04 account so i had to mount my home partition manually22:09
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intrader_Macha, I just cheked - Lion will not run on virtualbox. So the alternative is Windows (which I have on the laptop) and iTunes. I hate to have to boot windows, though22:09
brightsparkOkay, I have two options.  Changing from "Simultaneous output to Internal Audio Analog Stereo" to "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" fixes the problem.22:09
Machaintrader_: You missed my last message. Windows on Virtualbox works too if you don't want to reboot.22:09
SpikestuffI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 from a Live CD, and now it keeps prompting me if I want to run the application "Install RELEASE" even though I have already installed all the updates through the Update Manager, is my version not updated all the way, or is this a bug that just won't go away?22:10
brightsparkCan someone explain what these options mean?22:10
intrader_Macha, install windows on virtualbox? Unfortunately the THinkpad does provide CD for windows, it is all in a partition.22:11
lindenleHi all I am using the proprietary drivers from nVidia and I would like a way to automatically go back to just the laptop screen when i eject from the docking station22:11
lindenleanyone have a good way of handling this?22:12
jriblindenle: maybe with disper22:12
reisibrightspark: well the first is not a real device, the latter is a real device22:12
reisibrightspark: that is, if you mute the latter, you will implicitly mute the first; for long time there has been a big issue on linux "desktop field" about good/convinient/performant sound solution, and you are witnessing one incarnation of that22:13
lindenlealso my machine hangs on boot with 2.6.38-10 and 2.6.38-1122:13
lindenledell latitude laptop22:13
intrader_Macha, thanks, I will try wine for now.22:14
reisibrightspark: some (newer) apps use the first one, some older, misconfigured, miscompliled or too young applications use straight the device22:14
brightsparkreisi, thanks!  Any other caveats I should watch out for?22:14
reisibrightspark: i guess there are endless amounts of such leaking abstractions; but if you keep this example in mind, you'll eventually find a way to solve the rest22:15
brightsparkreisi, thanks again for your help.22:16
reisibrightspark: though remember, i'd bet that it's rare to come across a problem no one else has experienced; google is your friend, trouble is finding the right query22:16
chocolatesUbuntu is no longer reading my iPod. Please help?22:18
chrometigerhi, i just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 and tried to install gnome shell.  but it doesn't show up on my login screen ?   what has happened ?22:21
fbsd* Stopping automatic crash report generation                            [fail]22:21
fbsdhow i debug this?22:21
simo_chrometiger, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-322:22
desnaike /quit22:24
SpikestuffWhen I run "Install RELEASE", at the end it says "Error opening file: No such file or directory".22:25
UbuntuistWo ist der Deutsch ubuntu chat?22:25
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:25
WallyJ2KIt said  No such file or directory22:26
simo_WallyJ2K, when ?22:27
WallyJ2KI am still in my user session22:27
yeats!gnome3 | chrometiger22:27
ubottuchrometiger: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.22:27
WallyJ2KDo I need to be doing this as root?22:27
noeliacomo tan22:27
WallyJ2Ksorry... someone was helping me identify my video card22:28
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:28
simo_WallyJ2K, from terminal lspci | grep -i vga22:28
WallyJ2KMy chat crashed and I couldn't remember their name. Sorry22:28
WallyJ2KI was trying to run cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:29
robin0800WallyJ2K, try the user list to jog your memory22:30
WallyJ2KI tried... there are a lot of people whose names start with M22:30
Faustus2I get a  mail about a script run by cron "failed" but looking at the output of the mail, everything looks fine. wtf?22:31
WallyJ2Klscpci command not ffound22:31
n2deepHi, does anyone know of any System76 competitors?22:31
robin0800WallyJ2K, xorg.conf file may not be on your system these days22:31
WallyJ2Kalso, I am in recovery mode22:32
Awolfcan anyone gelp me ?22:32
robin0800WallyJ2K, lapci22:32
fbsd* Stopping automatic crash report generation                            [fail]22:32
fbsdhow i debug this?22:32
robin0800WallyJ2K, lspci22:33
Awolfcan anyone help me suddenly the update manager gui stopped working when i run it from the terminal I this22:34
AwolfTraceback (most recent call last):22:34
Awolf  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 32, in <module>22:34
Awolf    from UpdateManager.UpdateManager import UpdateManager22:34
Awolf  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py", line 77, in <module>22:34
Awolf    from Core.MyCache import MyCache, NotEnoughFreeSpaceError22:34
Awolf  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/UpdateManager/Core/MyCache.py", line 33, in <module>22:34
FloodBot1Awolf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
MrBIOS-seamicrohi there, I created /etc/modprobe.d/e1000.conf and placed "alias eth0 e1000" as well as "options eth0 InterruptThrottleRate=0" there, is there any way to *verify* that those kernel options were passed to the module when it got loaded?22:34
simo_WallyJ2K, from terminal type:  lspci | grep -i vga22:35
csdserverOK, this is how my partition is set up : http://tinyurl.com/3k4b4rg    The OS I need to get rid of is on the primary bootable partition.   how much of the /dev/sda1 partition should I keep in front?   basically i want to extend /dev/sda6 to use up as much of the sda1 space as possible without fudging my bootloading22:35
WallyJ2Kthat worked22:37
WallyJ2Kshows my VGA compatible controller22:37
WallyJ2KVGA is in red22:37
WallyJ2Kso maybe my video card isn't the problem when booting22:37
SpikestuffWhat is the location of my CD drive?22:38
SpikestuffSo I can mount an installation CD.22:38
caigesanyone using pypy with couchdbkit?22:38
WallyJ2KI am in recovery mode, so I am trying to check everything22:38
WallyJ2KI'm thinking about installing all updates from Update Manager and then rebooting to see if that gets rid of my problem22:40
marriedman624Ok, I need some help.......I was here earlier about not having my username on sudoers22:43
marriedman624I have a LiveCD, what do I need to do so I can edit the sudoers file22:43
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=== army is now known as armygunner
armygunnerhey yall, anyone got a second to answer a couple ubuntu questions?22:46
WallyJ2Karmygunner... ask your question, people will field it as they can22:48
goddardbest av quick go22:52
ITav for linux?22:52
armygunnerwell i just ordered a new asus netbook and was thinking about getting rid of that windows starter OS but i was wondering if I'll have to go find all the drivers or what all the install replaces22:52
ITeven though you may need one in some cases :S22:52
ITubuntu detects drivers automatically22:53
goddardIT ubuntu is advance like that22:53
ITwell, was automatic for me :P22:53
ITand don't worry about "the linux is complicated thing", ubuntu is great for beginners22:54
armygunnerlol, nice... sorry i couldn't find a FAQ to look up the noob questions22:54
goddardarmygunner: thats what irc is for22:54
goddardarmygunner: noobs22:54
goddardreal uber guys use cell phones22:54
armygunnerhaha i would use my cell but i'm getting out of the infantry and we can't use phones in nursing school22:55
Kanzu5665so on the topic of noob questions, I just installed ubuntu via wubi today.22:55
goddardslightly offtopic but http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/22:56
WallyJ2Karmygunner... a good way to try Linux is to fully install it from a CD to a USB drive and run it from the USB drive. Just boot to the USB drive when you want to use Linux and then you can boot from your HD to run Windows, without the complications of a true "dual-boot" setup22:56
armygunnergot a lot of note taking to do and my 17" dell is beat to hell from afghanistan so i needed something smaller22:56
Kanzu5665How do I install applications such as Firefox from the website?22:56
Kanzu5665I get a tar.gz file or something like that22:56
ITubuntu software center22:56
ITand firefox should be built in22:56
Kanzu5665yup, I eventually got it through that22:56
Kanzu5665I was trying to get 5.022:56
ebbhey does anyone know how to change the channel from a fixed in the terminal trying to do the wep crack22:56
ITarmygunner - i recommend going with ubuntu 10.0422:58
ITgreat version....22:59
armygunnerIT - is that better than 11 for netbooks or something?22:59
ITwell, it is the latest LTS23:00
TreCoolxHey all I have a quick question, How do i go about auto loading a kernel module that needs to be loaded? I have to load this "sudo modprobe -r acer-wmi " each startup for wifi.23:01
iLogicwols and zara-s: I tried to boot from the usbdrive and to my surprise suspend and hibernate worked fine ... but it crashed on the hdd from the first I tried it after a clean install.. you guys think I should try to format it again?23:03
militanthmmm.  i can't find an option to disable the toaster style popups every time i get an IM in pidgin...23:05
ebbanyone know how to wep cracking please help23:06
ebbwep crracking help please23:06
massmcmilitant: install pidgin extras and there is an option in plugins to disable the bubbles23:07
marriedman624I have dual boot with ubuntu and windows...........having issues with sudo in ubuntu so I botted into liveCd.......how to mount my root partition?23:07
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marriedman624so i can edit the sudoers file23:07
cpareHello room23:07
militantmassmc: cool thanks23:08
ebbanyone know wep cracking23:08
zara-siLogic: I'm not so sure that a reformat and reinstall would necessary solve the problem, but _if_ you have extra time on your hands it wouldn't be a bad idea if all else doesn't work23:09
cpareCan anyone offer assistance / suggestions on where to look to clean up space on Ubuntu 11.0423:09
massmcebb: if you have to ask about it, maybe help if you read about it23:09
massmcgoogle works wonders23:09
ebbive put alot of hrs alread23:09
ebbits stuck on a fixed channel23:10
ITor install backtrack.... that is actually meant for hacking23:10
TreCoolxthey have a good tutorial on the aircrack-ng website23:10
massmcebb: wep cracking is not rocket science.. google it rather than ask in here mate23:10
chocolatesMy iPod won't sync with ubuntu 11.04.23:12
chocolatesIt was working fine a few days back but not anymore.23:13
marriedman624can anyone help me mount root in live CD?23:13
usr13cpare: du -sk * | sort -n  <will list by file sizes, largest last>23:14
usr13ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>23:14
c|onemanI'm installing win7, should I leave a empty paritition for ubuntu23:15
c|onemanwhat does ubuntu do, take over the bootloader right?23:15
marriedman624usr13: Can you help me out?23:15
VulcanoI just set up my VPN connection, how do I enable it? Ubuntu 11.0423:15
usr13marriedman624: Sure23:15
cparethx @usr13, however I want to be sure I don't have a file full of small files either23:15
marriedman624did you see my question earlier?23:16
c|onemanVulcano: ifconfig <nameofvpn> up     would be my complete random guess23:16
usr13but I can scroll up23:16
directi_aimThe information of a file can be found by stat. Is it right that the information regarding the permission is stored in  st_ino only?23:16
marriedman624I need help mounting root in live Cd23:16
directi_aimDoes not st_uid,st_mode, st_gid also contain relevant details reagarding permissions?23:17
usr13Oh ok.  fdisk -l    and look to see which is which.  (You probably know the size, right?)23:17
usr13marriedman624: you know it's not the swap partition, so that one is out.23:18
marriedman624yeah but when I do that, it doesn't do anything............when it booted I choose try ubuntu, was that correct?23:18
tjiggi_fomarriedman624, I can't help you but maybe this will: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15725023:18
willwhhi folks - can anyone suggest a package for throttling my connection on the fly? (I want to be able to vary the amount of download capacity to test a few things)23:18
usr13marriedman624: See my pm23:19
U-b-u-n-t-uwhen i leave my computer idle for some time and come back to it the mouse will left click once then the mouse stops working any suggestions?23:21
U-b-u-n-t-uthis didnt happen until I upgraded to 11.0423:21
=== KurtB is now known as CaptPDB
csdwifiyou'll have to make sure you get your mouse driver from the source U-b-u-n-t-u23:23
usr13U-b-u-n-t-u: Is it going into hybernate or sleep mode?23:24
usr13U-b-u-n-t-u: Which ever it is, quit using it.23:24
Kanzu5665so are most ubuntu users familiar with other linux distributions?23:26
willwhKanzu5665: probably not, some of us are23:26
=== ross is now known as Guest52064
The-DecoyKanzu5665: probably a lot of the older ones.  I doubt many newcomers are.23:26
willwhThe-Decoy said it best. ;)23:27
U-b-u-n-t-uusr13, I dont have a sleep mode it is just when the system is idle it will work for one left click then it dies23:27
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: you probably do23:27
willwhcheck your power options23:27
willwhit's a default, I believe23:27
U-b-u-n-t-uill check23:27
Guest52064Can I ask for lubuntu help here?23:27
willwhto suspend, after X time unused23:27
willwhGuest52064: sure23:27
willwhwe might not be able to help :)23:28
U-b-u-n-t-usleep = never23:28
Guest52064Well whatever I put in my documents folder goes on my desktop :/23:28
Guest52064It's annoying23:28
Guest52064how can I stop this23:28
willwhI am not sure if that's intended in lubuntu, I'm afraid23:28
willwhthat does not happen in the other variants, afaik23:28
ITanyone heard about that chromium as default web browser decision?23:29
ITshould be in the next ubuntu versions23:29
willwhIT: not sure - I think it's being considered23:30
willwhI use it ;)23:30
U-b-u-n-t-u<csdwifi> you'll have to make sure you get your mouse driver from the source U-b-u-n-t-u  <<< how do I make sure of that? I just upgraded I didnt change the driver23:30
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: that seems really odd.23:30
exutuxGuest52064: do you have user-dirs.dir and user-dirs.locale in your ~/.config/  dir?23:30
The-DecoyIT: It sounds like Thunderbird is definite, and Mark mentioned Chromium, but nothing official yet...23:30
U-b-u-n-t-uwillwh, it is and its awful I have to restart everytime23:30
xskydevilxDoes anyone if it is possible to "get" the new "Ubuntu Software Centre" in Oneiric?23:30
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: have you checked your syslog? :)23:30
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: is it usb?23:30
ITi also read that they're going to take the LibreOffice out23:30
ITand leave the users without any office...23:31
U-b-u-n-t-uit is a usb plugged into a VM switch23:31
ITthe openoffice development stopped23:31
willwhIT: not too surprising, very much like Windows.23:31
U-b-u-n-t-uthe VM switch is a usb as well23:31
ITthe whole point is not letting the user search for common softwares :S23:31
U-b-u-n-t-uvm --- KVM23:31
The-DecoyIT: you can only fit so much in 700MB :)23:31
willwhwell that could be your problem23:31
U-b-u-n-t-uwillwh,  but it was working before the upgrade and all the ubuntu distros from 6.0423:32
willwhthen you need to check your syslog23:32
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willwh\there is probably something in there that can point you to the problem23:32
willwhwe can't help you without more information23:32
willwh"I have a mouse plugged in to a usb KVM switch"23:32
willwhwhat do we do with that? :P23:32
marriedman624can anybody help me with syntax to mount root partition in live CD?23:32
usr13im back23:33
U-b-u-n-t-uok willwh what is the command for the syslog23:33
edbianmarriedman624: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt23:33
args[0]marriedman624: please dont ask to ask, just ask23:33
willwhyou've been using ubuntu since 6.04 and you've never looked at your syslog? D:23:33
U-b-u-n-t-uI dont remember ever command line23:34
usr13Which partition is it?23:34
exutuxmarriedman624: reboot in recovery mode choose root and edit your file from there23:34
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: cat /var/log/syslog23:34
U-b-u-n-t-uthanks The-Decoy23:34
edbianmarriedman624: What are you trying to fix?23:34
willwhalso; locate syslog23:34
willwhwould show you23:34
The-Decoy U-b-u-n-t-u: or grep mouse /var/log/syslog will search all lines in log that has "mouse"23:34
rawfodoghey. So I got a 32bit ubuntu on my laptop, just got more ram, wanna update it to 64 bit. is there an easy way to do this or will I have to just do a fesh install23:35
willwhrawfodog: fresh install.23:35
edbianrawfodog: You have to reinstall :(  How much ram do you have now?23:35
U-b-u-n-t-ulooking now The-Decoy thanks!23:35
rawfodog4 gigs. Well ... 3.5 :P23:35
edbianrawfodog: with 32 bit pae kernel you can use it all23:35
rawfodogIt guess it's not a big deal. Just my power lust I guess23:36
rawfodogWanna play starcraft 2. Not even sure if it was the ram or the GPU that was holding me back :D23:36
U-b-u-n-t-ugrep mouse /var/log/syslog  <<< came back as blank the cursor just arrowed down23:36
rawfodogAnyway, thanks23:36
=== zeeek is now known as Guest15721
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: I wouldn't grep it, cat.23:37
willwhyou can scroll back in a terminal using shift+pg up or pgdown23:37
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: It means no lines have the word "mouse" in it.  willwh is right, cat is best (or vim if you're comfortable with it)23:37
willwhThe-Decoy: vimftw! ;]23:38
DrDamnitHow do you configure Ubuntu to skip over entries in /etc/fstab that could not be mounted?23:38
The-Decoywillwh:  :)  Fighting the war against the evil Eighty Megs And Continually Swapping!23:38
willwhThe-Decoy: you have any ideas on a package that would let me limit my bandwidth23:39
exutuxDrDamnit: comment out  the lines23:39
willwheither per inertface, or PID, or anything23:39
U-b-u-n-t-uthere was nothing about the mouse in syslog23:39
willwhU-b-u-n-t-u: it's probably not your mouse23:39
willwhwhat do you see before the last boot up23:39
willwhafter your failure occured23:40
The-Decoywillwh: Nothing that I'm aware of.  I know apps like Transmission have it built-in, but I don't know a global one.23:40
willwhah bah.23:40
yuk1zhi , switching back to the desktop during a game ... is there a easy way for do it23:40
willwhI need to do some testing of video content / smoothstreams, and need to simulate low bandwidth23:40
DrDamnitexutux: of course comment out the lines. But once the raid array comes up, mount -a mounts it. I would prefer to not comment it out of /etc/fstab23:40
The-Decoyyuk1z: some games will let you Alt-TAB out of them.23:41
willwhThe-Decoy: although I need to be able to switch it onthe fly, trickle doesn't help ;x23:41
yuk1zi know23:41
yuk1zbut it dont works with HoN when im ingame23:41
exutuxDrDamnit: if entries are commented out, mount -a doesn't read them23:41
Bunburyhi all23:42
Bunburyis there a java 7 ppa for ubuntu 10.10 yet?23:42
U-b-u-n-t-uwillwh, and The-Decoy all I see if the mounting and permissions and my username from the last boot23:42
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The-Decoywillmh: that may be easier done at the routing level with qos.  There's even some QoS stuff in the kernel config, but I've never messed with it.23:43
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: you are sudo'ing the command, right?23:44
The-Decoyhad to be sure ;)23:44
yagoogksudo ksudo23:44
U-b-u-n-t-uwhile I dont know every command line I know to sudo23:44
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:45
DrDamnitexutux: right. the problem is that I need and want the directories mounted that I am having a problem with. They just don't mount in time during the boot sequence. I need them mounted.23:45
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: try "dmesg"23:45
exutuxDrDamnit: mount it by hand after boot, or fix it, another chance is to put some mount options like noauto23:46
exutuxDrDamnit: so btw what issue do you have with that mount points?23:47
KiwiniHey all, I was wondering what would be better for a netbook, Ubuntu or Kubuntu? Speed wise. Only asking because I noticed a netbook variant of plasma in KDE but no netbook specific things in Ubuntu anymore.23:47
The-DecoyKiwini: I tried Kubuntu and openSuse on an eePc... it was nightmarishly slower...23:48
WallyJ2Kok. Ran updates, no the error log shows: Fatal server error - Server is already active for display 0 - If the server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock abd start again. Is that a file I need to delete? From the terminal?23:48
willwhKiwini: there is lubuntu.....23:48
exutux!fstab > DrDamnit23:48
ubottuDrDamnit, please see my private message23:48
U-b-u-n-t-uThe-Decoy, I didnt see an error message23:48
The-DecoyKiwini: yes, Lubuntu is REALLY fast.23:49
ITit's not like ubuntu is slow :P23:49
KiwiniMmk, I'll check out lubuntu's site.23:49
DrDamnitexutux: I have a truecrypt volume that is on the RAID array. It has to be manually decrypted before it can be mounted. So, during boot, it fails. All I want to do is tell mountall to skip over the volume that doesn't exist. I'll use mount -a after it is decrypted. Will noauto do this?23:49
OldFarterThers a windows box on the local network sharing a folder without password....  but if i click on the name of the windows computer (in the lan browser on ubuntu)  it demands password23:50
OldFarterany suggestions23:50
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: is there an entry in there for the mouse?  unplug it, plug it in again, then dmesg again and see if anything new appears.  Also try without KVM to see if there's more luck.23:50
exutuxnoauto doesn't mount autmatically at boot, I don't remember now if mount -a do it23:51
* yagoo ignores oldfarter23:51
U-b-u-n-t-uok The-Decoy23:51
Kiwinihmm I was looking more for versions supported by Canonical though23:51
exutuxDrDamnit: noauto - The filesystem will NOT be automatically mounted at startup, or when mount passed -a. You must explicitly mount the filesystem.23:51
induzI have  Live ubuntu .iso on my download folder, I downloade it from UNETbootin, My USB boots but can not find the Ubuntu..how should I go aboit it23:52
ITwhy not using a CD?23:53
ikoniainduz: did you read the install documentation you've been given 10 times23:53
induzcan I mount the ISO image by acetone and copy all the contents from iso to my USB'23:53
ITi heard nothing good about unetbootin23:53
exutuxDrDamnit: you can create a little script for mount your directories by hand... so you'll can type ./script instead mount -a23:53
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: to narrow it down, "dmesg | grep usb"23:53
exutuxDrDamnit: and get out entries from fstab23:54
induzI had proble with booting from USB, now it boots but can not find the live Ubuntu23:54
ikoniainduz: did you use the guide you've been given 10 times by ubottu ?23:54
ITinduz, is there something that is stopping you from using a CD?23:55
induzHello ikonia yes i read and trying to figure it out how23:55
marriedman624how can I delete a ubuntu partition?23:55
ikoniainduz: please give me the link for the guide you are currently using23:55
induzIT, not really23:55
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ITthen use a CD in my opinion, a friend of mine had some problems with unetbootin too23:55
DrDamnitexutux: I was trying to avoid scripting this... but it looks like there is no way around it. Thanks for your help.23:56
yagooexutux, userland tools don't need /etc/fstab23:57
U-b-u-n-t-uThe-Decoy, generic-usb 0003:045E:0083.0003: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse] on usb-0000:00:10.0-1.4/input0 this line?23:57
yagoothere's gnomevfs23:57
simplahi all23:57
U-b-u-n-t-uThe-Decoy, I also have this line input: Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.4/2-1.4:1.0/input/input523:58
The-DecoyU-b-u-n-t-u: yep, that gives you a reference point.  When it happens again, run that command again and see what new messages are there.23:58
The-DecoyGotta go... later all!23:59
U-b-u-n-t-uThe-Decoy, how will I be able to get to the terminal with the mouse out?23:59
csdwifictrl alt t23:59

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