
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | sivik00:00
ubottusivik: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:00
sivikDr_Willis, I will check that out00:00
Ramir00all yes???00:03
needhelp1im having issues with shared folders, right clicked folder, installed needed software, file shows shared, unable to access from other pc in  home. both pcs running ubuntu linux, im able to ping the o00:05
needhelp1other computers ip's00:05
needhelp1smb://ipaddress doesnt work00:06
needhelp1i can see workgroup, click on it, takes forever then a pop up error 'unable to mount location' failed to retrieve share list from server'00:06
needhelp1sudo apt-get install samba shows i have the newest version00:06
enbloc^Natty - automatic update today, kernel 2.6 -> 3.0 is the first thing I noticed - X is broken, gdm complaining about security issues. anyone know whats up?00:09
xanguaenbloc^: use natty kernel ;)00:10
xangua!info linux00:10
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)00:10
anth0nyin Compiz, what is the name of the function that you can use to instantly place windows around your desktop (resizes them to fit in the left half, right half, or the corners of the screen)?00:10
enbloc^!i did not manually install this kernel00:11
ubottuenbloc^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:11
Joe0006how to download boot-up manager for ubuntu ?00:11
thiconZcan someone let me know if the latest version of Ubuntu is compatible with a Compaq nx9010 laptop?00:13
Ellipsis753edbian, thanks I'll try that00:13
edbianEllipsis753: haha, ok.  That was 15 minutes?00:13
Tomatix_so, uh, which command would help me figuring what process(es) blocks unmounting my USB stick?00:13
edbianthiconZ: The best way to know is to boot a liveCD and see for yourself.00:13
Ellipsis753edbian, sure, I afk sometimes. sorry00:13
Be-Loveopenswan tunnels not working after Hardy->Lucid upgrade. Getting an EVENT_CRYPTO_FAILED error. Anyone happen to be an Openswan guru?00:14
edbianEllipsis753: no worries.  I was watching futurama!00:14
thiconZedbian i would but the problem is the laptop doesn't really boot up with any OS right now since i had to rebuild it with out one00:14
edbianthiconZ: If you can't boot a liveCD you won't be able to install linux00:15
edbianthiconZ: I don't think you understand what a liveCD is00:15
thiconZi understand what it is00:15
thiconZi've used one before00:15
edbianthiconZ: I don't understand why it matters that this machine doesn't have an OS and was re-built recently.00:16
thiconZi got it on a USB right now but not a CD00:16
edbianthiconZ: Then boot the liveUSB00:16
edbianthiconZ: ?00:16
thiconZumm well i tried that00:16
edbianthiconZ: What happened?00:16
thiconZbut it started up and went to the Ubuntu screen and during it's loading screen the screen went black and has been black for like 15 minutes or so now00:17
kingletHello guys, I want to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my notebook (HP Probook 4530s) but I got this error "Kernel - Panic, Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block" and after restart win7 cannot load and I had to resore it! I tried Ubuntu 10.04 and got same problem. What do you think?00:17
thiconZand thats why i am asking if anyone knows if it works with the laptop00:17
thiconZso do you think that means it isn't compatible with it edbian?00:18
edbianthiconZ: aaah, this is a common problem recently.  Have you tried nomodeset?00:19
edbianthiconZ: Also, this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen00:19
thiconZhmm that link you gave me is not what is happening to me00:20
Kamikazeif i install Linux Fedora(in one other partition) alongside with Ubuntu, would they conflict with each other, or harm anyhow my PC/systems ?00:20
edbianthiconZ: What is different?00:20
thiconZumm the back light is lit and i have a mouse00:20
thiconZand every now and then i am able to move the mouse00:20
edbianthiconZ: But everything is black?00:20
edbianthiconZ: behind the mouse?00:21
Kamikazeif i install Linux Fedora(in one other partition) alongside with Ubuntu, would they conflict with each other, or harm anyhow my PC/systems ?00:21
thiconZbut the BIOS screen isn't appearing like the link said would00:21
edbianthiconZ: Can you press ctrl + alt + F1  ?00:21
thiconZi will try now00:21
edbianKamikaze: You'll need to edit grub but that should be it00:21
thiconZhmm i am not able to edbian00:22
kruxKamikaze, you could have 100 os loaded into grub if you wanted to should not affect each other :)00:22
Joe0006how to download boot-up manager for ubuntu ?00:22
edbianthiconZ: Well if you don't see a bios screen that's because you turned it off on the computer (or it came with the POST message turned off).  The bios happens before and is completely independent of the OS.00:22
n4dspis there a ubuntu download that will translate to english other languages for websites?00:22
thiconZi opened the BIOS before i ran the LiveUSB and made sure it was set to boot from the USB00:23
edbianthiconZ: reboot and press escape early in the boot process00:23
Kamikazekrux: edbian i would be glad if i knew what's the "grub" :) im sorry im a new guys in this field and not so well skilled )00:23
hylianJoe0006, to do what?00:23
edbianthiconZ: It's good that you set the bios to boot the USB.  The fact that you see anything ubuntu at all means that step is working00:23
Joe0006ok i found out00:23
thiconZi rebooted and entered BIOS00:23
kruxKamikaze, grub would be the boot loader00:23
thiconZshould i just exit BIOS and continue boot up?00:24
edbianKamikaze: grub is a program that sits in the very beginning of the hdd.  It tells the motherboard where the OS's are00:24
edbianthiconZ: Please use my name when talking to me :)  Unless you wanna PM ?00:24
faustisch I downloaded the source code to gnome-applets, please will anyone tell me where Wanda the Fish is?00:24
faustisch I did not find it in gnome-applets00:24
thiconZlol okay, idc which way00:24
edbianthiconZ: (yes, exit bios settings) are you saying escape key entered the bios in the first place?00:24
thiconZedbian: yes00:24
edbianthiconZ: alright, when you see ubuntu anything press escape.  Let's PM00:25
thiconZedbian: could we maybe actually use PM to make it a bit easier?00:25
thiconZlol okay00:25
hylianfaustisch, actually it's in a gnome applet called fish, no in gnome-applets.00:25
Kamikazekrux: edbian how cool:) so i have 4 partitions, 1 of them is Ubuntu, 2 of them are Data partitions(music,video,pics etc) and the last one is unused completely, so if i install fedora in this unused one, would be everything great ?:)00:25
faustischhylian, thank you00:26
hylianfaustisch, where you looking for the fish source, or the file where the quotes are?00:26
edbianKamikaze: Fedora should install grub so that you can boot both Ubuntu and Fedora (a menu when your computer boots).  I'm not sure fedora will do that.  It should.  If it does not come back and I can help you fix it00:26
hylianfaustisch, no problem00:27
faustischhylian, fish - a friendly interactive shell00:27
faustischhylian, that's what apt-cache says00:27
Kamikazeedbian: you are completely kindness :) thanks for support Sr. actually I'm gonna install backtrack not fedora) for some reason i did't want to say that :D00:28
hylianfaustisch, yeah, some people use a program called fortune, or fortunes to add funny quotes to fish, and that's a pretty common question, so i thought i would ask.00:28
edbianKamikaze: ha-sure00:28
edbianKamikaze: don't mention that again :)00:28
Kamikazeedbian: :D00:28
kruxbetter backtrack than fedora LOL.. hate rpms00:29
Kamikazeedbian: Sr, can ext4 file system contain date files? like music pics videos etc... ?)00:29
faustischhylian, yeah, I use offensive fortunes00:29
hylianfaustisch, i was wrong, a webiste says it's in the package fish, but i believe it to be in the package gnome-panel-data under the fish heading00:29
faustischhylian, thanks bro00:30
edbianKamikaze: yes00:30
hylianfaustisch, hope it helps.00:30
petriborgin 10.04, i seem to have removed / lost one of my menus (the icon menu that Empathy and mail show up in) - anyone know what its named in the "add to panel" dialog, or how to otherwise get it back?00:30
xangua!panels | petriborg00:31
ubottupetriborg: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:31
xanguaor just add teh indicator00:31
rumpe1petriborg, indicator complete00:31
petriborgah thanks xangua / rumpe100:31
petriborgthat worked, thanks00:31
Kamikazeedbian: well, while i will be installing backtrack i will delete all partitions, and divide them again for 4 pieces, my question is, should i create all of them in ext4 file system ?:) sorry for long and boring questions.00:31
edbianKamikaze: If you delete all partitions you will delete all your personal data and ubuntu00:32
faustischis the next Ubuntu release going to be shipped with GNOME 3?00:32
Kamikazeedbian: im aware of that, but afterwards i done removal, should i re-create all partitions as ext4 file system ?00:33
edbianKamikaze: You can.  Or you can do it with the ubuntu installer (assuming you're going to reinstall ubuntu00:33
Kamikazeedbian: because it offers some other file system types such as fat 16 32 ext4 3 and some other kinds, im not sure which one i need therefore im asking )00:34
needhelp2I'm trying to install ubuntu but it keeps failing to load because of a wireless card, ubuntu thinks its another driver but its not, which causes a kernel crash00:34
edbianKamikaze: ext400:34
hylianfaustisch, that's what they say, gnome 3 will be there instead of gnome 2... or maybe just the shell??00:34
induzis there any s/w application to write batch files that read one after one00:34
faustischhylian, I can't wait00:34
Kamikazeedbian: thanks :)00:34
needhelp2how do I either disable networkmanager (so it doesn't try to use the card with an incorrect driver) or what I want most is to disable the driver / module all together00:35
induzI want to run 2-3 batch files but i want to select them at different orders00:35
induzis it possible in ubuntu00:35
hylianfaustisch, i agree, i consider gnome 3 to be light years ahead of unity..00:35
induzNetBeans can do it??00:36
triplchi all00:36
hylianinduz, i am having a hard time understanding exactly what you are referring to, you want them to go off one at a time, at a certain time, i.e. 3pm?00:36
hyliantriplc, hello00:37
Kamikazeedbian: may i ask one other question ? pls00:37
Jordan_Uinduz: Can you try to clarify what you're trying to do? What is your end goal?00:37
induzhylian, not at scheduled time...but in different orders00:37
triplcWhich command to tell udev reload it's rules (/etc/udev/rules") for ubuntu 10.04 (lts)? (no need to reboot)?00:37
needhelp2any help ?00:37
edbianKamikaze: yes00:37
hylianinduz, just one after another, or after a certain command or operation in the batch file has completed?00:38
Kamikazeedbian: is deletion of partition and re-create it equal to formating it ? is it the same thing ?00:38
edbianKamikaze: yes00:38
edbianKamikaze: effectively00:38
induzhylian, the second option...00:38
Kamikazethanks Sr :)00:38
needhelp2Kamikaze: can you see my text (checking that I can speak in channel without auth) ?00:39
hylianinduz, i don;t know off hand, but let me take a crack at it.00:39
induzhylian, pl00:39
Kamikazeneedhelp2: i do :)00:39
hylianinduz, i'm gonna see if i can find info on google00:39
needhelp2all these people here and not one idea ?00:39
th0rneedhelp2: you didn't give much information....you reap what you sow00:40
triplcWhich command to tell udev reload it's rules (/etc/udev/rules.d") for ubuntu 10.04 (lts)? (no need to reboot)? (question reposted)00:40
induzhydh, batchcomander is there but...but i am looing for something better00:40
induzhylian,  batchcomander is there but...but i am looing for something better00:41
mandargneedhelp2: You could begin by telling us the exact error message00:41
hylianif anyone can help induz, i'd appreciate it. he wants a way to launch batch files in a given order per operation, i believe00:42
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hylianinduz, well, i'll do a little more research.00:43
induzhylian, thanks00:43
hylianinduz, there is a call procedure for batch commands that might do the tricl, here's the website for it: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/call.php00:44
hylianinduz, i goofed up, that's for ms windows batch files, i yiy yiy.00:45
Jordan_Uinduz: Can you try to clarify what you're trying to do? What is your end goal?00:45
induzJordan_U, my end goal is to call different batch files as and when i want them00:46
induzJordan_U, but i want to have a program not m,any differnt batch files00:47
hylianinduz, this gives some help in bash batch calling. you would have to build a master batch file to control the others, here's where i get my info: http://nixcraft.com/shell-scripting/564-call-function-bash.html00:48
Jordan_Uinduz: First, in *NIX they're called "shell scripts". I still don't understand what you want. Can you give me an example scenario? For instance "I wand to be able to type 'backitup' in a terminal and have it run my backup script"?00:48
hylianinduz then the proper way to call another bash script would be like this: /bin/bash /home/mylnx/script_a00:48
hylianedbian, hello back... :)00:49
edbianhylian: thanks00:49
edbianthiconZ: Hi!00:49
hylianJordan_U, he wants to be able to control a script's launch based on a operation in another script, like calling on a sub.00:50
ActionParsniphylian: that's fine. Very possible00:51
hylianActionParsnip, great, can you tell induz how, he is the one who needs the answer... thanks! :)00:51
induzJordan_U, I want to type 'User' in terminal and it should show me all the USERS in a group00:52
ActionParsnipinduz: keep your scripts in /usr/bin   you can call a script and have it perform some logic, you can then call other scripts and it will work00:52
linuxuz3r_induz, try grep 1000 /etc/passwd00:53
induzActionParsnip, ok I may try that...but i want to have a master file00:54
edbianthiconZ: hello?00:54
ActionParsnipinduz: that's fine, no problem00:55
MagicJI have installed thunderbird and want to use enigmail with it.  Enigmail tells me that it can;t run with Thunderbird 3.1.11 - do I have the wrong version of the addon or thunderbird00:55
* hylian thinks thiconZ is afk or a net zombie00:55
ActionParsnipinduz: the commands in a script can be the usual stock commands or you can use your own scripts00:56
hylianActionParsnip, by the way, thanks for being helpful! :)00:56
ActionParsniphylian: always00:56
edbianthiconZ: I am here!!!00:56
hylianedbian, unless he/she changed there name they are not registering as logged in, i.e. typing thi and hitting tab will not give their name.00:57
hylianthiconZ, edbian seeketh you00:57
edbianhylian: I am talking to him in PM But thanks :S00:58
edbianhylian: He keeps disconnecting00:58
thiconZHylian i know i am pming him00:58
azeyou speack french ?00:58
hylianedbian, yeah, sorry. I have atheletes tong, i realized too slowly what was going down and shoved my foot in my mouth, for which i am a world champ.00:59
hylianyoussefk, hello00:59
edbianhylian: You are an upstanding gentlemen00:59
edbianhylian: :)00:59
faryshtaHi. I have problems with WiFi broadcom BCM5787M how do I install it?00:59
hylianedbian, thanks.00:59
azeubuntu is not french ?01:00
youssefkno it isn't01:00
hylianaze, the word ubuntu is a african derived word, if that's what you meant.01:00
marriedman624I need some help upgrading firefox from 5.0.1 to 6.0 on ubuntu 9.1001:00
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marriedman624I downloading the tar.gz but not sure what to do now...........or should I wait until the repository gets updated?01:01
hylianmarriedman624, let me see if i can find a package for that, because 9.10 is no longer supported, or so i thought.01:01
faryshtaHi. I have problems with WiFi broadcom BCM5787M how do I install it?01:01
azeI know but the project is ...... ?01:01
xangua!fx6 | marriedman62401:02
ubottumarriedman624: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable01:02
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.01:02
xanguamarriedman624: ooh 9.10 is no longer supported, but you just hve to extract firefox and run it01:02
marriedman624yeah i know 9.10 isn't supported anymore, but it took me forever to get my wifi working so I don't want to lose that01:03
Dr_Willisassuming the right libs are on 9.10 to run the newer versions01:03
Dr_Willismy wifi was problmatic in the 8 and 9 series.. but now in 10.+ it works out of the box,. :)01:03
Pauliaxwhere from to download new amd drivers, on theyr dont find any?01:03
hylianaze, the project is a worldwide one, ubuntu means community. but the project itself is worldwide.01:03
rumpe1marriedman624, why not try a newer ubuntu as live-medium to check, if your wifi now works out-of-the-box?01:03
faryshtamarriedman624, why don't you try to run a live cd?01:04
Dr_WillisPauliax:  drivers for what exactly?  You should be trying to use the ones in the repos.01:04
hylianmarriedman624, if your looking for the us english version, this page will download a fiel you can install it with: http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-6.0&os=linux&lang=en-US01:04
Pauliaxo no hd 260001:04
Dr_WillisPauliax: and that is a ?01:04
Pauliaxhd 2600 xt01:05
azehylian ok sorry my stupid question :)01:05
marriedman624yeah, hadn't thought about the live cd option, may give that a try someday01:05
hylianaze in case you would like more info on the meaning, this is a pretty good explanantion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28philosophy%2901:05
hylianaze there are never stupid questions :)01:05
azehylian thank you01:06
hylianmarriedman624, 9.10 repos will NOT be updated, because it's no longer supported. as for the tar.gz file, that's a zipped file, have you ever used compressed files before?01:06
marriedman624hylian: I have never really figured them out on ubuntu......i have the tar.gz file.......can you PM me and help me out?01:07
Pauliaxthe case is amd not suporint amd ubuntu drivers. but they released, but no longer01:07
th0rmarriedman624: if he can't I can...let me know01:08
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sonnCan there be any conversion. exe file under ubuntu? If so how?01:10
hylianmarriedman624, i did start a pm with you, it should be on your top left, if you are using xchat01:10
th0rsonn: you can sometimes use wine to run an exe file01:10
xanguasonn: conversion ¿01:10
Pauliaxany and grafic card users?01:11
sonnthOr why "you can sometimes" ?01:12
bazhangsonn, conversion? no. you may be able to run apps with wine though. check the appdb and join #winehq01:12
p_resdumped ubuntu this morning folks.01:12
Dr_Willis!wine | sonn01:13
ubottusonn: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:13
faryshtaHi. I have problems with WiFi broadcom BCM5787M how do I install it?01:13
th0rsonn: not everything runs under wine01:13
bazhangsonn /join #winehq01:13
Pauliaxany and grafic card users?01:13
bazhangPauliax, what is the real question01:13
markdawshi - I am trying to configure the tcp_fin_timeout value, using "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=15" the value changes but it doesn't actually change the timeout for the TIME_WAIT state, looking in "netstat -o" I can see the TIME_WAIT TCP connections are still timing out from the default of 60 seconds.  Changing other values like ip_conntrack_max does have an effect on the system.  How can I change the tcp_fin_timeout value01:13
markdawson ubuntu, thanks01:13
sonnthank for renseignement :)01:14
Dr_WillisPauliax:  most oldder/ not supported by the fglrx drivers cards.. normally work with the open sourced drivers to some degree..  what IS your card doing/not doing exctly01:14
Dr_WillisPauliax:  many new cards/just released. may not work with the cuirrent version of the fglrx drivers.01:14
urlin2ufaryshta, there is a ubuntu wiki on broadcom cards01:15
p_resa/v card are touch and go. sometimes it's best to just try it. or google it first.01:15
Pauliaxdo anyone updates amd drivers, and talk about free source drivers i want to have 3D01:15
bazhangPauliax, please ask a detailed question; asking that way will get zero response01:16
Dr_WillisPauliax:  that statement did not make much sence..  if amd/ati does not have proper fglrx drivers for the card.. then you will be limited in your options.01:16
p_resdo you feel in competition with other linux distros?01:17
bazhangp_res, not the channel for that01:17
p_resthen where?01:17
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic p_res01:18
Pauliaxlont time on ubuntu, and opensuse i had no 3d, no amd stoped releasing they drivers HD 260001:18
bazhangPauliax, so they have no support for 3D?01:18
Pauliaxnow has, but i am in fear01:19
Pauliaxsince amd no longer has driver dowload01:20
Pauliaxis it my crafic card?01:20
Kaidelongjust about everything stopped working after ubuntu upgraded itself to natty narwhal. Most of that seems fixed now, given that I'm here talking about it. Empathy now hangs on startup, and that didn't happen before01:21
bazhangKaidelong, nothing upgrades itself01:21
xplohey there, is there a public Discount Code for the buying of ubuntu cd's ?01:21
Kaidelongwhat I think is happening is01:21
PauliaxUbuntu working good, just ww.amd.com not01:21
xploi remember when it was free.. Good times.01:22
Kaidelongempathy is waiting for dbus to do something01:22
Kaidelongand it is just sitting there waiting01:22
bazhangKaidelong, sounds like a bug, file one01:22
bazhang!bugs > Kaidelong01:22
ubottuKaidelong, please see my private message01:22
KaidelongI want to make sure it is not user error first01:24
Dr_WillisPauliax:  if ati/amd dropped support for the card from the offical fglrx drivers.. then its gone.. you must use the open sourced drivers..    Unless we are missunderstanding your problem.01:24
NighthwkCan anyone help me why ubuntu 11.04 crashes transfering a 15gig file on samba?01:25
Pauliaxi dont know about, my grapfic card but what chood i use?01:26
xplohey there, is there a public Discount Code for the buying of ubuntu cd's ?01:26
xploor a way to still have one free ?01:26
seliteHello Everyone when trying to open Skype I get "another instance of Skype is running" error and I can't login? Anyone willing to help?01:26
muellisoftselite: have you tried to reboot..? (I'm not messing)01:27
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selitemuellisoft: Yes I tried it. Still, same thing01:27
Guest5539Ok, have this really strange question I'm hoping you guys can help with....is there a way to make a sort of pipe that when someone does fopen like a normal file, it runs a program and connects to its stdin/out?01:27
rocfatcat#join Coscup01:27
Kaidelongyeah I think this might be a bug in empathy01:28
KaidelongI'll go to bugs01:28
Muelliselite: hm. I don't Skype at all, but I'd imagine it to put a file in ~/.skype or ~/.local/skype/ or so. Could you check those locations and move files to /tmp/ if they exist?01:28
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KaidelongI will try rebooting first just in case01:29
aetasAww....no one has heard of such a pipe? :(01:29
seliteMuelli: I have no idea where to find the Skype directory.01:29
Jordan_UGuest5539: You can "mkfifo /path/to/fifo; cat /path/to/fifo | my_command".01:29
Jordan_UGuest42032: What is your end goal?01:29
Muelliselite: maybe ~/.skype/  open a file browser and browse your directory. A shell might be easier to use though.01:30
Jordan_Uaetas: ^^01:30
aetasJordan_U, I want it so when Xorg tries to read a conf file, it launches a program which lets it read its output instead of a file01:30
aetasJordan_U, I thought that would be sexy01:30
marriedman624hylian: it worked01:30
hylianmarriedman624, alright, glad to hear it!01:31
marriedman624hylian: now I have to upgrade flash player from tar.gz............can you help me with that??01:31
Jordan_Uaetas: That can certainly be accomplished with a fifo, but it sounds like an awefully ugly hack. Why do you want to be able to do this when Xorg can already configure itself dynamically?01:31
hylianmarriedman624, hmm, i can try. do you have the file already?01:31
marriedman624hylian: yes, just extracted it01:32
hylianmarriedman624, ahh, good man. ok look inside, again we are looking for bin or make files01:32
aetasJordan_U, I'm running into a problem where if I configure my mouse's button mappings in the config then they get all screwed to hell.  If I set them using xinput with the same, it works perfectly.  I wanted to make it so that whenever Xorg read that file, it would go ahead and set them via xinput01:32
hylianmarriedman624, there might also be a file with a simple name, i.e. flash, or flashplugin01:33
aetasJordan_U, how would it work with the fifo? Im curious, even if I dont go that route01:33
marriedman624hylian: there is a usr folder and a lib file, in the usr folder there is a bin folder, and in the bin folder there is flash-player-properties01:34
marriedman624hylian: can i update flash player from apt?01:34
Jordan_Uaetas: The first thing you should do is figure out how to properly set this up in the Xorg.conf. If there really is a bug you're running into you should file a bug report.01:34
bazhangmarriedman624, thats not the way to upgrade flash01:34
marriedman624bazhang: which way?01:34
bazhangmarriedman624, go outside package management and you will have to manually update that every time01:34
hylianmarriedman624, yeah, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:35
bazhangmarriedman624, use the package manager, which is the supported method01:35
aetasJordan_U, bug reports dont fix bugs.  that would take a week or two to get that fixed and I need something consistent and working now.  filing a bug report is not a better solution than a hack since atleast a hack will work now01:35
marriedman624hylian: bazhang I'll give it a try........hold on01:35
hylianbazhang, apt IS the package manager. it's the command line version of synaptic...01:35
bazhanghylian, yes, I am aware of that..01:36
Kaidelongfound the culprit01:36
Jordan_Uaetas: Right now you can modify your xinitrc or set a script to run when your gnome session starts.01:36
Kaidelongupgrade wizard seems to have removed some packages empathy needed01:36
Kaidelongjust reinstalled it and now it works01:36
hylianbazhang, ohh, maybe i missed something...01:36
Jordan_Uaetas: mkfifo /etc/X11/xorg.conf; while cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf-real > /etc/X11/xorg.conf; do myscript; done01:37
bazhanghylian, he was trying to manually upgrade flash, outside package management01:37
cyphai'd like alt+1 to be made available in my terminal01:37
cyphahow can I unbind it?01:37
hylianbazhang, ohh, i miss understood. he is using 9.10, and may not have another option. i don't know how well it's maintained being not supported,01:38
bazhanghylian, its end of life, so not supported here01:38
bazhang!eol > marriedman62401:39
ubottumarriedman624, please see my private message01:39
aetasJordan_U, am I correct in assuming that won't restart after its been read once?  I know you can get around it, just wanted to verify01:39
bazhangmarriedman624, if you are on 9.10 then upgrade to a supported version01:39
Jordan_Uaetas: That is the purpose of the while loop.01:39
hylianbazhang, yeah, i know. i told him that, but i am willing to try and help...01:39
aetasJordan_U, the reason I haven't relied on init scripts is because its part of a KVM that gets switched out often.  The closest I can get is with udev and an init script both01:40
Jordan_Uaetas: Otherwise you could freeze Xorg as it blocks on the read from a fifo that's getting no input (you hopefully starting to see the uglyness in this).01:40
marriedman624bazhang: I understand what eol is and the 9.10 isn't supported, but until I get a chance to upgrade I'm going to have to run with 9.10...........thanks for the help01:40
aetasJordan_U, do you know if Xorg reloads configs when devices are inserted or do they rely on their already loaded config?01:40
Jordan_Uaetas: I would expect it to be the latter, but I don't know.01:40
aetasJordan_U, I didnt ask you to show me so I can use it, I asked you to show me so I can learn the concept ;)01:40
hylianmarriedman624, why are you still using 9.10, by the way, hardware run better on it, or ?? here is a list of the supported versions: https://help.ubuntu.com/01:40
bazhangmarriedman624, unsupported means dont ask for support here01:41
onemanCan anyone tell me if curl or wget is installed on a stock default ubuntu system?01:41
cbhloneman: No.01:41
hylianmarriedman624, i see. so did it work?01:41
cbhloneman: Neither.01:41
bazhanghylian, feel free to support him via PM if he refuses to upgrade to a supported version01:41
Dr_Willis!info wget01:41
ubottuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.12-2.1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 251 kB, installed size 552 kB01:41
onemancbhl, no scriptable http downloader?01:41
hylianbazhang, will do. thanks01:41
onemanis there anything else ;P01:41
Dr_Williswget = standard = installed by default i think01:41
bazhangoneman, of course it is01:42
cbhlit might have changed in natty; i've had to install wget manually before01:42
rumpe1!info curl01:42
ubottucurl (source: curl): Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.21.3-1ubuntu1.2 (natty), package size 174 kB, installed size 364 kB01:42
onemancbhl, yeah I recall installing manually as well01:42
onemanthanks guys01:42
marriedman624bazhang: hey thanks for the help buddy, i'll take all my questions to pm01:42
onemaninstantly helped01:42
hylianmarriedman624, i am in pm mode with ya.01:43
aetasJordan_U, I appreciate the help and the pipe thing is a neat trick I may use utility-wise some day.  I think udev + initrc will be best for now.  Which initrc should I stick it?01:43
bd1308Is there a widespread 11.04 memory leak with things like Unity/Beryl/nm-applet?01:45
bazhangbd1308, beryl is compiz now, beryl has not existed for a long time01:46
GreenEmberanyone know anything about pgp.net being down?01:46
bd1308bazhang: Compiz I meant.01:46
bd1308It's been a long day01:46
bd1308just getting tired of bouncing dev machines.01:46
bazhangbd1308, not as far as I know, you can check launchpad, but unity and compiz have some issues presently in 11.04 (not sure about memory leaks though)01:47
bazhangbd1308, there is also the compiz channel  #compiz01:47
NighthwkCan anyone help me with samba??? Everytime I trasnfer a file over 5 gig from win machine it crashes my ubuntu machine. Please help01:48
Pauliaxmaybe fat 3201:49
Dr_WillisNighthwk:  as a work around you could use ssh/winscp. ive never noticed any large file issues with samba,01:49
bazhangGreenEmber, works here01:49
GreenEmberbazhang: wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net is down i should have said, but i cannot go to pgp.net either01:49
GreenEmberbazhang: is that working as well for you?01:49
NighthwkDr_willis I install samba from software center, is there anything else I need t oadd to it?01:50
Dr_WillisNighthwk:  to transfer FROM windows to linux box. You really dont eve need the samba service installed..  or are you going the OTHER way> linux to win?01:51
bazhangGreenEmber, lets go to PM for this please01:51
katronixserfhi all, a while ago I renamed a file so that Ubuntu wouldn't start in X, can someone remind me what file that was?01:52
NighthwkDr_willis both01:52
hyliankatronixserf, was it xorg.conf?01:52
Dr_WillisNighthwk:  if you can  transfer little files back and fortjh then stuff is working.01:53
Pauliaxany of using amdgrafic card if so whitch?01:53
NighthwkDr_willis I just reinstall ubuntu and still happens01:54
katronixserfhylian might have been...01:54
Dr_WillisPauliax:  thers dozens of peopl;e in here using dozens of differnt amd/ati cards.01:54
katronixserfhylian where would I find that file?01:54
Dr_WillisNighthwk:  could be a samba bug/issue - you could check the forums and askubuntu .  I transfer 4gb files around all the time.. but cant recall any biffer then that,.01:54
jiohdiany reason why trying to login into gnome/openbox should fail? I get right back to the login screen like bad password, but no explanation01:55
Nighthwkok, dr willis i take a look there01:55
hyliankatronixserf, did you ask for help here? these irc channels are recorded in a file on the net for posterity.01:56
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  x server/window manager crashin/exiting g going back to the login screen01:56
jiohdiDr_Willis why would gnome openbox crash?01:56
katronixserfhylian yes I did01:56
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  check your x logs,. or start them via 'startx' and watch the console for output/errors01:57
jiohdiDr_Willis thanks, will do01:57
Pauliaxreinstall your drivers, shold help01:57
* Dr_Willis doubts that reinstalling drivers would help if GDM is working..01:58
hylianKatronixSerf, one method is "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm /etc/init/gdm.disabled"01:58
Dr_Willistry a differnt window maanger like icewm, and see if it works. as a test.01:58
jiohdiDr_Willis where are the x logs01:58
hyliankatronixserf, i think i found the backed up irc text01:58
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  in yiour home dir .xSomthing.. i think01:58
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katronixserfhylian thanks I think that is how I did it :-)01:59
jiohdiDr_Willis icewm does not lxde and reg openbox does01:59
Pauliaxtry drivers from manufactor i am noob01:59
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  thats even weirder then..01:59
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  as a test make a new user,. see if the issues affect all users.01:59
hyliankatronixserf, cool, here is the webpage that has the irc data from your conversation on it: http://ircanswers.com/ubuntu/732909/which-ubuntu-never-start-automatically#message_664295402:00
xplohey there, is there a public Discount Code for the buying of ubuntu cd's ?02:00
xploor a way to still have one free ?02:00
bsmith093whats the openoffice command to find and replace 3 blank lines with one blank line?02:02
edbianbsmith093: backspace02:02
edbianbsmith093: In writer?02:02
bsmith093in openoffice02:02
edbianbsmith093: openoffice writer?02:02
edbianor spreadsheet?02:02
bsmith093using find and replace02:02
edbianyes to which?02:03
bsmith093sure why not, i mean the word processor part of openoffice02:03
edbianbsmith093: that's writer.  I don't think you can02:03
hylianwhere is the text from this irc channel saved to on the net, i know i was looking it over before.02:03
edbianbsmith093: You cannot find the special characters that signify 'new line'02:03
bazhang!1984 | hylian02:03
ubottuhylian: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:03
hylianbazhang, you're awesome!02:03
bsmith093anyone else want to weigh in here, find and replace newlines, in openoffice word porcessor02:04
Dr_Willisif OOwriter search/replace supports regreular espressions - it should be doable. :)02:04
Pauliaxi belive ctr +h02:04
bsmith093it does do regex how do i doit?02:04
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zakwilsonI'm using LXDE and trying to use compiz with it, but I have no title bars on my windows. I do have title bars with Gnome+Compiz. The information I'm finding about Compiz and missing title bars in four years old and doesn't seem like it should depend on what DE is running. Any suggestions?02:06
Dr_Willislxde uses openbox by default.,  you could run compiz --replace and perahps make it start,  and run  the proper window-decorator if they vanish.02:07
zakwilsonDr_Willis: I did run compiz --replace, and compiz is currently running. I have no title bars and window controls. Running compiz-decorator attempts to run emerald, which promptly segfaults. Running emerald directly also segfaults.02:10
Dr_Willisuse the gtk-decorator perhaps. emerald is basically a dead project.02:11
xanguazakwilson: you need to install a window decorator compiz supports, like metacity02:11
hyliankatronixserf, did that help?02:11
xanguanonsense using a light desktop with compiz02:11
Dr_Willisthe light desktop is just like the file manager and the panel... :) so whats it matter.02:12
hylianxangua, humans do like nonsense form time to time :)02:12
hylianxangua, i love my fvwm with compiz, it's pretty, LOL02:13
Dr_Willisi really dont get enough extra 'use' out  of compiz to justify using it...02:13
edbianhylian: I'm learning to set up fvwm on my laptop!  How do you change the applications that show up in the menu?02:13
xanguahylian: well ok, but if you  have fewer resources ...02:13
edbianDr_Willis: Can't live without the scale plugin02:14
hylianxangua, i was being silly.02:14
zakwilsonDr_Willis: I'm not sure how to use the GTK decorator. There isn't a program called gtk-decorator or similar that I can find, and compiz-decorator just runs emerald.02:16
hylianedbian, this is what i used to help me. instead of gnome's pretty alacarte gui menu editor, you have ot edit a file... http://zensites.net/fvwm/guide/menu.html02:17
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edbianhylian: thanks02:18
Dr_Willis!find gtk-decorator02:18
ubottuPackage/file gtk-decorator does not exist in natty02:18
edbianzakwilson: /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator02:18
edbianDr_Willis: ^02:18
hylianedbian, also, if you have gnome installed there is a tool for adding what's in gnome's menu to the fvwm menu...02:18
Dr_Willistheres only like 3 decoratiors,. :)   one for gtk, one for qt, and emerald02:18
zakwilsonxangua: Gnome is slow to load and I keep finding gnome-settings-daemon doing disk IO for no reason that I can tell. I don't lack for memory, cpu or gpu, so it's not exactly that I want *light*, but I want non-broken.02:19
Dr_Willisccsm settings i thinklets you selec tthe default one.02:19
fission6whats a nice laptop if i plan on primarily running ubuntu02:19
Pauliaxalso you have to had inter02:19
Dr_Willisfusion-icon tool lets you select them also.02:19
hylianedbian, fvwm-menu-desktop - builds GNOME and KDE menus and style commands for fvwm02:19
zakwilsonedbian: yeah, that fixed it. Thanks.02:20
edbianzakwilson: sure02:20
edbianhylian: thanks again :)02:20
hylianedbian, no prob bob02:20
* hylian is tired, and waves goodbye02:20
zakwilsonNow, to get the desktop switcher in the lx panel to work right with compiz.02:20
Dr_Willisseems like a whold lot of work and twiddling for very little gain to use compiz in lxde02:21
DasEi!best | fission602:21
ubottufission6: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:21
fission6well i am looking for recs02:22
DasEifission6: checkout tuxmobil and :02:22
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:22
DasEifission6: if just search the net for ubuntu on laptop, there are similar sites02:23
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xanguazakwilson: activate the desktowp switcher plugin in compiz02:24
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:25
rigany idea why xorg would be using over 30% cpu?02:27
Dr_Willisflash :)02:27
rigi'll try to remove it02:27
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zakwilsonxangua: I see no plugin called that. I use rotate cube.02:27
rigit starts normally, but after a while goes to over 30 and stays there02:27
zakwilsonViewport switcher is enabled02:28
israel-juarezlinux mint person02:28
Dr_Willissorry to hear that israel-juarez02:29
Dr_Willismint has its ownb support channels  not here,02:29
israel-juarezok tank only talk02:30
rigok, disabled flash. lets how how that goes02:30
rignope, still high cpu and sluggish x.02:31
israel-juarezalguin habla español?02:31
rigany other ideas?02:31
cire_needing help my sound does not work, iam using xubuntu 11.04 i tried the forums ans some other sound related fix sites02:31
DasEicire_: alsamixer installed ?02:32
DasEicire_: your chip displayed correctly in it's gui ?02:32
Flannel!es | israel-juarez02:33
ubottuisrael-juarez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:33
cire_how can i find that02:33
DasEi(upper right corner), cire_02:33
cire_it does not show02:33
DasEicire_:ah, so probably wrong driver02:34
Jerome_anyone can help me?02:34
cire_where can i find the driver?02:34
Jerome_my cpu fan makes great noise02:35
Jerome_i don't know how to control it02:35
Dr_Willislaptop? desktop? other?02:35
Jerome_the cpu is i3 2310m02:36
Jerome_and i found that the cpu always run at full speed02:36
Dr_Willisi would start by checking the forums and askubuntu.com  searching for that exact make of laptop. It may be theres some known problems and tweaks for it.02:36
DasEicire_: please put nick when replying; sudo lspci02:36
DasEicire_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:38
DasEicire_: sudo lspci | grep Audio | pastebinit02:38
DasEicire_: give resulting url here02:39
TracksHey somehow my root pasword changed; I think  Iwa compromised.02:39
cire_nick: when iopen it in the terminal sudo is asking password but when it comes it is frozen02:39
TracksBut the pasword assked by the GUI like for software updates are the same.02:39
DasEi!who | cire_, my nick is DasEi02:40
ubottucire_, my nick is DasEi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:40
TracksHow is htis possible?02:40
Dr_WillisTracks:   you mean your 'sudo' password in the terminal is differnt then the one taht gksudo wants?02:40
TracksI cna't access root through the terminal now?02:40
Tracksis gksudo is the one that does hte softare packages, yes Dr_Willis02:40
TracksOn temrinal su pw doesn't work.02:41
cire_DasEi; very sorry02:41
DasEiTracks: could be different language (z=y) or shift pressed02:41
TracksBut it used to and some computer setting have changed so someone compromisd my system.02:41
Dr_WillisTracks:  you should be using 'sudo'  as needed...   what are you running 'su pw' for ?02:41
TracksTo download CPAN stuff for Perl.02:41
DasEicire_: all fine, no problem, it's just too crowded else, if you "nick me , your message gives me a highlighted color02:42
Dr_Willissu by default dosent grant root access on ubuntu I beluive.. unless you did some changes to it.02:42
TracksOkay that worked sorry Dr_Willis.02:42
Trackssudo works02:42
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:42
cire_DasEi: i did what you told me but they ask for my password but i cannot type it, it is frozen02:43
DasEicire_: ah02:43
DasEicire_: open another terminal ?02:43
cire_DasEi: same problem even i opened another terminal02:45
DasEicire_: damn, batterie of my chrystal ball are empty, can I pm you ?02:46
Jordan_Ucire_: It's normal for characters not to appear when you're entering your password, it's for better security (people can't see how long your password is).02:46
Jordan_Ucire_: Just enter your password and hit enter.02:46
Dr_Williscire_:  you do know that when entering a password.. it wont echo back any characters or anything at all.. :) for many cases..02:47
DasEicire_: ..but you should have seen pastebinit installed02:47
DasEicire_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:47
fission6anyone here running ubuntu on a macbook pro?02:48
DasEicire_: ?02:50
propmanirc.freenode.net  #vmware02:51
cire_DasEi: thanks the sudo apt get install pastebinit works02:51
NeoncamouflageI changed Ubuntu so it booted to text instead of the splashscreen, which I hated. But when turning off it displays a text something like "System going down for halt NOW!". Is there any way to change the text to something nicer, like a simple "System shutting down"?02:51
escottJordan_U, i'll strongly disagree with the "it is better for security argument" but you should see how people freak out when a password is not astericked out02:51
DasEicire_: sudo lspci | grep Audio | pastebinit02:51
DasEicire_: give resulting url here02:51
fission6what laptops do people have in here?02:52
DasEifission6: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, #hardware maybe02:53
cire_Das Ei: sorry i am kinda slow where can i get the resulting url02:53
xrfangI am having problem with samba on ubuntu server 10.04: how can I make a share writeable? thanks02:53
DasEicire_: nvm; you can copy and paste from messenger to terminal, you should get a url in terminal from last command02:54
DasEicire_: sudo lspci | grep Audio | pastebinit02:54
slackinWhy does ubuntu murder ascii text when ssh'd in to my server? This only happens with ubuntu and I use several different distros on different servers. All of them look great except ubuntu absolutely destroys my text, especially when using stuff like 'mc', basicly anything that uses ascii02:55
slackinthis is getting REALLY annoying and i dont understand why its only ubuntu02:55
slackinlooks great in centos, slackware, debian, suse02:55
slackinbut ubuntu02:55
DasEicire_: something like http://pastebin.com/dJffadfdr02:56
slackini can barely read it02:56
DasEislackin: can't share that, may try another fond/size ? sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup02:57
slackinDasEi, ill try that02:57
DasEicire_: sudo lspci | grep Audio02:58
Dr_Willisfor ssh the client is picking the font.  how are you sshing in? putty? xterm?02:58
slackinDasEi, whats the normal char set, NOT utf802:58
slackinDr_Willis, its NOT client side at all, trust me02:58
slackinits ALL server side02:58
DasEicire_: which chip ?02:58
slackinDr_Willis, tried in many clients and its fine for EVERY other distro02:59
slackinonly ubuntu does this02:59
DasEislackin: I go utf802:59
Dr_Willisthe font usen is not set by ssh.  niw the encoding/termtype can be02:59
Dr_Willispost screen shots of the ussue perhaps03:00
cire_DasEi: still searching for it03:00
slackinDr_Willis, its not the client03:00
Dr_Willisi have to set putty to use utf8 i recall03:00
slackinits IMPOSSIBLE for it to be the client03:00
kyokui thought mod_security was apt-get install libapache2-mod-security ? isn't working in 11.0403:01
olimonesHello, does anyone know hot to fix youtube-dl? I can download.03:01
Dr_Willispost screenshots.. us my advice.03:01
olimonesCan't download03:01
DasEiolimones: try video downloadhelper plugin for ff03:01
olimonesDasEi: how do I get it?03:02
olimonesfrom synaptic?03:03
Dr_Willisff olugin page03:03
DasEiolimones: no, in ff > tools > addons03:03
DasEi!info clive | olimones, another of few possib's03:04
ubottuolimones, another of few possib's: clive (source: clive): video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and others. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.13-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 41 kB, installed size 252 kB03:04
cire_DesEi: i think this is the chipset [HDA ATI SB],[HDA ATI SB], STAC92xx Digital  HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI]03:05
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olimonesI have tried Clive, ffmpeg, youtube-dl and all of them send a message saying "ERROR: format not available for video"03:07
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DasEicire_: cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit03:08
htmldhcp whats this mean?03:10
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bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol   html03:11
fission6i can install ubuntu on macbook air right?03:12
htmldo you need to  to be connected on a windows os?03:12
riz0nHello friends. I want to make an Ubuntu USB thumb installer, but would like to make it with the following conditions: Ubuntu Desktop 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 7 Installer, Windows Vista Installer, Windows XP installer. Would like to use GRUB as the bootloader. Does anyone have any experience with this and can help me make this disk, or can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!!03:13
DasEihtml: no , works for several os'es03:13
bazhanghtml, for dhcp? no03:13
cire_DasEi:  0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB03:13
cire_                      HDA ATI SB at 0xfe7f4000 irq 1603:13
cire_ 1 [HDMI           ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI03:13
cire_                      HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfe9e8000 irq 1903:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:13
groktarhmm, i'm trying to setup a primary domain controller with samba.  whenever i try to connect i get "Error - should be sent to WINS server".  most suggestions are to make sure i have "wins support = yes" in my smbd.conf files.  i already did that, but it's still not working. any ideas?03:15
cire_DasEi: the sound is still not working03:15
html i trying to internet connection sharing  with a laptop  , but i screwed up   (windows)  how do i undo it03:16
DasEicire_: so it seems the only audio is via your graphics, no sure we just tried to find out your hardware, seems it's just integrated with onboard hdmi03:16
rumpe1html, undo windows?03:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20Air%20using%20live%20CD fission603:16
cire_DasEi: yeah it is integrated, the audio03:17
fission6interesting thanks bazhang03:17
DasEicire_: there is a workaround from earlier times to get it to work with alsa, though still bugs reported03:17
fission6anyone have a macbook air?03:17
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aeon-ltdfission6: just ask your real question03:17
bazhangfission6, better to ask a specific question related to that03:17
cire_DasEi: How???03:17
fission6just looking to see if people are happy with it03:18
Joe0006bazhang is there an http debuger in ubuntu?03:18
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aeon-ltdfission6: go to offtopic, #ubuntu-offtopic03:18
bazhangJoe0006, to do what03:18
aeon-ltdfission6: better yet go to ##mac03:18
Joe0006to capture HTTP requests03:18
DasEicire_: one fast try is to try to recompile latest alsa, the rest looks rather terrifying : http://tinyurl.com/ydl4ups03:19
groktarany ideas on the samba thing?03:20
DasEicire_: is it a lappy with no chance of a dedicated soundcard ?03:20
bazhangolimones, you got the video download helper firefox plugin? that works great for youtube and the like03:21
olimonesI hope someone can help me with this. I can find a solution after searching on internetè03:21
cire_DasEi: it is a desktop03:21
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/ olimones03:21
lightaolimones, did you try wget ?03:22
DasEicire_: so a quick google for that chip on lucid popped up 3 different bugs, and to not frustrate you, a simple soundcard might be best03:22
cire_DasEi: if i buy a sound card will it work03:22
DasEicire_: yes, something common n cheap03:22
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:22
cire_DasEi: thanks a lot, i have been figuring it out for days03:23
bazhanghtml, /join ##windows03:23
DasEicire_: probably one get that thing to work , too but ati is still closed source there and it might be unthankfull for a starter03:23
Joe0006how to stop avahi from starting with ubuntu?03:24
Joe0006without removing the service03:24
Polahusing dpkg --get-selections I see a number of packages marked "deinstall", which I believe to mean they are removed but their configuration files remain. If I were to to dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall > packagelist, then edit that list to change "deinstall" to purge and then use dpkg --set-selections < packagelist would that safely set all file labelled "deinstall" to "purge"?03:24
htmlthinks ,03:24
olimoneslighta: I completly forgot that... I'll try it now03:24
Joe0006how to stop avahi from starting with ubuntu without removing the service ?03:25
lightaJoe0006, look in init.d03:25
OomElvisQ: guys, im trying to change my mac address: ifconfig wlan0 down && ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:2B:B5:43:A5:3D && ifconfig wlan0 up03:25
OomElvisdoes not work... does work with windows 7 using SMAC (if the address starts with 12)03:26
DasEicire_: to be honest, I'm up too long ( 7.20 am, nightliner), but I can imagine what it makes to you if I tell you recompile alsa and case still a no-go,  purge all pulse n lookup for ati-firmware03:26
OomElvisany ideas?03:26
rumpe1OomElvis, sometimes it needs a "iwconfig wlan0 mode managed"  (you gave no error message)03:27
OomElvisit didnt give an error03:27
OomElvislemme try that03:27
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver?03:27
destrierhas ubuntu gained the ability to restore a crashed session, including restoring previously "unsaved" documents?03:28
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Dr_Willisdestrier:  that would be a neat trick.03:28
seliteGuys , How do I change the email order in Evolution to appear from newest emails to oldest?03:28
seliteIt is very annoying.03:28
destrierDr_Willis: gnome used to have it until v 2.24 as I understand03:29
groktarwoot i got my samba thing working03:29
seliteGuys , How do I change the email order in Evolution to appear from newest emails to oldest?03:29
DasEidestrier: not really, though you can set if things go to disk imediatly or are buffered03:29
Dr_Willisdestrier:  im not sure how it would work if  X died and killed off your word processor..   the wp would need the feature to recover  the docs.. not the windowmanager/desktop03:30
rumpe1destrier, depends on the application, not generally03:30
Dr_Willisauto-save very 5 min.... is a handy feature :)03:30
seliteGuys , How do I change the email order in Evolution to appear from newest emails to oldest?03:31
groktari'm crazy excited about this, because now i don't need to make 5 admin accounts on 16 servers03:31
destrierDr_Willis: it's sometimes implemented as a system feature - certainly to recover the session, information about the currently running apps would need to be known, yes03:31
olimoneslighta: It works with wget but it opens with firefox and im not sure if it plays itself from my pc of from internet. I wil disconnect to make sure03:32
OomElvisrumpe1: nah, didnt work03:32
destrierrumpel: sure, it would have to be a feature enabled app by app03:32
Dr_Williskeeping track of running apps is one thing.. getting the apps back to their  'old' state.. is the harder part.03:32
DasEicire_: I suggest you either try another time, providing the info we pulled so far, or, if not on straight budget, get a simple pci-card (and NO SB_xFI for another 50), that can be made, though still has bugs03:32
destrierDasEi: sounds interesting, so that would save just documents?03:32
lightahm ok olimones, what was the format, as I remenber youtube was mostly flv no ?03:32
seliteHolbewoner: Guys , How do I change the email order in Evolution to appear from newest emails to oldest?03:32
lightaI'd use use ffmpeg to convert it.03:32
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver?03:33
destrierDr_Willis: unfortunately, I can't tell you implementation details prior to 2.24 but apparently it was considered to be working03:33
olimoneslighta: text/html03:33
Dr_Willisdestrier:  i dont recall it ever  'working' and ive been using gnome since its came outg..03:33
Dr_Willissaving session.. yes.. revovering docs.. getting your  image editor bac to how it was.. not.03:34
bazhangolimones, apple trailers?03:34
rumpe1OomElvis, you still didn't give a error message that would point to some direction03:34
destrierDr_Willis: reference is here http://blogs.oracle.com/mattman/entry/gnome_2_24_session_save103:34
OomElvisrumpe1: there were no error messages after i typed in the commmands03:35
OomElvisis there a way of debugging?03:35
ielezovikjHey guys. Can you please tell me how to make Evolution sort emails by descending date?03:35
DasEidestrier: there are few things one CAN do, though has other negative impacts, as often write little blocks to disk, disabling physical disk-cache (o o) and such03:35
olimonesbazhang: Sorry, don't understand03:35
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bazhangolimones, the text/html is often seen when try ing to get apple trailers, not youtube03:35
olimones_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJjWcGzdhBA&feature=relmfu this what I tried03:36
DasEidestrier: mainly you kill your performance and data-organisation with that, better set limits so sys won't freeze03:36
bazhangolimones, then just use the plugin I suggested, and it converts if you wish on the fly03:36
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destrierwell, let's hope now that OS X has it...03:37
JPSmandrat, sorry, terminal habit lol03:37
rumpe1OomElvis, first step would be splitting the command and don't use && between them. the && will block any further command, if any of the previous commands returned a error as return code03:37
muktiI just did a fresh install of 10.10 and I cannot install com. I opened up the terminal and tried running sudo apt-get install com, but it could not find it.03:37
Dr_Willis!info com03:38
ubottuPackage com does not exist in natty03:38
riz0nI want to make an Ubuntu USB installer, is there a way to include x86 and x64 on the same USB flash drive?03:38
olimonesyes, when I clik on the file it opens with firefox as if it were directly from youtube. I will disconnect fro internet to make sure it plays from my pc... i'll be back.03:38
Dr_Willismukti:  and whats 'com' ?03:38
Dr_Willisriz0n:  you can set up grub2 to boot ISO files and do it that way I belive03:38
muktiDr_Willis: I ment Vim, my phone auto corrected it03:39
DasEiriz0n: yes, but lil' tricky, you can look for grub2's support in booting live cd's and then have two different entries03:39
riz0nDasEi: My goal is to have Ubuntu installer x86 and x64, Windows Xp, Vista and 7 all on one flash drive.03:39
muktiIs there something I need to enable? It doesn't seem like I can install anything using apt...03:40
DasEiriz0n: put a howto on the net when done03:40
gskelligriz0n, please do03:40
riz0nThe Vista and 7 copies I'm downloading are "all" versions and have 32-bit and 64-bit in the ISO, so I don't have to worry about them.03:40
rumpe1mukti, whats the exact command you used for apt-get?03:40
muktisudo apt-get install vim03:41
rumpe1mukti, You perhaps need a "sudo apt-get update"03:41
riz0nand im not too concerned about including the XP x64 Edition on my drive as it is very uncommon03:41
Joe0006ubuntu is really tough to handle03:41
paulocomo entrar em portugues brasil03:42
DasEi!br | paulo:03:42
ubottupaulo:: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:42
Dr_Willis!info vim-full03:42
ubottuPackage vim-full does not exist in natty03:42
Dr_Willis!info vim03:42
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.3.035+hg~8fdc12103333-1ubuntu7 (natty), package size 833 kB, installed size 1652 kB03:42
muktirumpe1: Will that just update the sources, or does it do all system updates?03:42
olimonesjust as I thought. It opens from internet. when I am not connected it doesn't play.03:42
rumpe1mukti, just the sources03:42
Dr_Willismukti:  sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade, then try again03:43
muktiAnd all that does is update/upgrade sources?03:43
Bl4ckbirdupgrade will change your running systerm03:43
Dr_Willisupdates listings.. upgrades system,....03:43
muktiSo, everything that needs to be updated will be updated?03:44
DasEimukti: apt-get update does both, re-reading sources and applying updates, same with upgrade installs newer versions of packets (if any)03:44
rumpe1mukti, update=get fresh infos, upgrade=update applications ... it's a bit confusing03:44
Dr_WillisupGRADED yes03:44
muktiOkay, I understand03:44
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver? or graphics card switching with nvidia and intel graphics cards?03:44
EKUrioxWhat u guys up too03:44
EKUrioxfigure out yr encryption problems yet ?03:45
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com03:45
JPSmanso i have followed all the guides i can find about connecting to my wireless via command line and I get the "No DHCPOFFERS received." and no im not using a WM because this thing only have 256 meg o ram03:45
bazhangEKUriox, ubuntu support03:45
muktiIt's probably going to take a while since its 10.1003:45
EKUrioxAny of y'all got gnome3 working yet ?03:45
|Slacker|nope, not me03:46
bazhangEKUriox, its not supported here, and breaks things so, no03:46
bazhang!gnome3 | EKUriox03:46
ubottuEKUriox: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.03:46
muktiSo will this do the same thing as the update manager?03:46
EKUrioxWhat do you mean it "breaks " things03:46
bazhangEKUriox, experimental and unstable03:46
rwwEKUriox: Sounds self-evident to me. You install the PPA. Stuff stops working. Yay breakage.03:47
EKUrioxOh... You must be reffering it keeps disables those accounts that are disabled.03:47
bazhangEKUriox, cannot be downgraded, that is the one03:47
rwwEKUriox: no, I'm not03:47
bazhangEKUriox, no03:47
rumpe1mukti, "apt-get update" is really not dangerous at all03:47
bazhangEKUriox, did you have an actual support question?03:47
muktiBut, will this do the same thing as the update manager?03:47
EKUrioxHow do you install Gnome303:47
rwwEKUriox: ubottu just highlighted you with the details03:48
rumpe1mukti, what update-manager?03:48
EKUrioxYea that doesn't work03:48
EKUrioxtried it befr.03:48
rwwEKUriox: Well yes, that would be what "EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE" implies.03:48
muktirumpe1, The GUI application to update your system03:48
EKUrioxgnome3 has numerous source to build it... Do you suggest using those?03:48
rumpe1mukti, they usually also use apt-get, just with eyecandy around it03:49
rwwEKUriox: no03:49
rumpe1mukti, just do the update :D03:49
EKUrioxhave you all figured out the encyrtion errors ?03:49
EKUrioxAT load out there is this constant encryption error03:49
bazhangEKUriox, what errors exactly03:49
rwwEKUriox: I have no idea what you're talking about. Try being specific.03:49
EKUrioxIt says encryption can not mount...03:50
muktiI am doing it now, I was just curious if it did the same thing as the GUI app I was talking about (that is what I had always thought)03:50
EKUrioxIve tried reinstalling it, but no dice.03:50
killerscriptHi, I need install  fluxbox on ubuntu ..03:51
EKUrioxOh yea another thing03:51
EKUrioxwhat is the root default password03:51
rww!root | EKUriox03:51
ubottuEKUriox: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:51
rumpe1EKUriox, there is none default root account03:51
EKUrioxSudo is a tool...03:52
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bazhang!info fluxbox lucid | killerscript03:52
EKUrioxroot user is avaliable03:52
ubottukillerscript: fluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-6 (lucid), package size 1297 kB, installed size 4144 kB03:52
EKUrioxhow do you enable it..03:52
rwwEKUriox: the 'root' user has a disabled account with a password hash that does not match any password. There is no root password, and the account is not able to be logged in to.03:52
rwwEKUriox: That's not supported by this channel. Please don't ask for help with it.03:52
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EKUrioxBut I need to change some major obsolete files03:52
killerscriptthnx ubottu03:52
rwwEKUriox: then use sudo03:52
bazhangkillerscript, sudo apt-get install fluxbox03:52
EKUrioxSudo can not do it...03:53
bazhangEKUriox, sure it can03:53
EKUrioxNo it says I need root privelages03:53
bazhangkillerscript, logout and login choosing fluxbox03:53
EKUrioxIs there a terminal command for it?03:53
bazhangEKUriox, use sudo03:53
rwwEKUriox: What command are you running?03:53
EKUrioxediting the file system.03:53
rwwEKUriox: What command are you running?03:54
Dr_Willistime to learn some bash and linux fundmentals i think..03:54
EKUrioxediting the file system.03:54
rwwEKUriox: That's not a command. Try again.03:54
EKUrioxI need to edit the file system, but i can't as standard user03:54
EKUrioxI need to use the root03:54
linziyi_is there anyone ?03:54
Dr_Willishow do you 'edit' a filesystem......03:54
linziyi_anyone here?03:55
lightahi linziyi_ just ask your question, people will awser if they can03:55
user119Hi Linzi03:56
olimonesHello, everyone.I just fixed my problem with youtube-dl, thanks03:56
Fudgehi how can i on command line with ssh ignore a host key verification error03:56
lightawhat was it olimones, I mean the solution03:56
rwwFudge: you can't. Edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove the incorrect line03:57
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lightaFudge, shouldn't be easier to update your rsa key stored ?03:57
Fudgethe system im asking for is a forwarded port for ssh support so localhost chagnes03:57
olimonesI went back to the last stable version of it.03:57
skrapshey what do you guys think of this one? http://pastebin.com/d6Bw6n1Y03:57
olimonesyoutube-dl -U03:58
skrapsif you guys like it can you like it on facebook, im trying to rebuild my rep, my mug shoot is ranked number one on google , lolz03:58
lightaah olimones ok easy then, perhaps send a bug report to them then ?03:58
bazhangskraps, wrong place for that03:58
rwwskraps: don't advertise in here, please03:58
Fudgelighta  or to update it if a switch is there for that03:58
olimonesI have never done it. Hao can IÉ03:59
olimonesI'll go to bed... until next time.04:01
lightahmm I'm not sure I quite understand well your issue Fudge, take a look at this and tell me if it's the case http://www.ideaexcursion.com/2010/02/08/updating-ssh-known-hosts-fingerprints-warning-remote-host-identification-has-changed/04:01
linziyi_do anyone heard lighta gaikai?04:02
Dr_Willislinziyi_:  What?04:02
linziyi_is a web-browser gaming04:03
rumpe1linziyi_, whats your problem with ubuntu?04:03
Dr_Willisexcuse me for not wanting to go to some random web site posted in a chat room.....04:03
linziyi_they have like mass effect 2, dead space 204:03
linziyi_my computer is too bad04:03
bazhanglinziyi_, is there some relation to ubuntu with that?04:03
linziyi_just want to ask someone have a better computer to try out if it is true04:04
linziyi_ok never mind04:04
Dr_Willislinziyi_:  for windows games... ask in #windows perhaps...04:04
linziyi_windows games play in linux i mean04:04
Fudgelighta  is that a capital -R04:05
Fudgeor lowercase04:05
lightahmm, I don't remenber :( Fudge wait a moment04:05
Fudgethanks sometiems its a bit tricky to tell with tts04:06
Fudgeill have to increse pitch on uppercase04:06
rumpe1Fudge, lighta man ssh-keygen -R hostname (removes all keys belonging to Hostname from known_hosts file)04:07
Fudgethats exactly what i wanted04:07
Fudgethanks guys04:07
nickalshey, just wanted to let you all know the issue with MC not showing right is COMPLETELY ubuntu's fault for not having proper termcap and terminfo. Works PERFECT in EVERY DISTRO AND EVERY CLIENT except ubuntu. Totally borked for ALL clients in ubuntu.04:08
rwwnickals: file a bug report04:08
Joe0006guys what " CPUS " printing server do ?04:08
jointubuntu is taking over windows 804:08
Joe0006if you help me it will04:08
rwwjoint: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chat04:08
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:08
nickalsrww why in the world would ubuntu diviate from the standard termcap? that makes no sense............04:08
Dr_WillisJoe0006:  its the core of the printing system04:09
FudgeJoe0006  do you enjoy acting like a bot04:09
Joe0006Dr_Willis is it safe to disable it?04:09
Joe0006i don't print on ubuntu04:09
rwwJoe0006: if you don't want to print anything, yes04:09
Dr_WillisJoe0006:  do you want to print stuff>?04:09
rwwnickals: No idea, file a bug report :P04:09
Dr_Willislogic 10104:09
rumpe1nickals, because it's obsolete (man termcap -> use terminfo)04:09
bob57098trying to install django. Did a:04:10
bob57098$ sudo apt-get install python-django04:10
bob57098Reading package lists... Done04:10
bob57098Building dependency tree04:10
bob57098Reading state information... Done04:10
bob57098python-django is already the newest version.04:10
FloodBot1bob57098: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
bob570980 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 304:10
bob57098and now I can't find django-admin.py04:11
bob57098or any of the related files… obviously they're not in /usr/bin04:11
Fudgelighta  ok now is it possible to avoid on command line strict host checking?04:11
lightafrom ssh Fudge ?04:12
rumpe1Fudge, NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost is an option for ssh_config04:13
derpwhat terminal command would be used to start an application?04:14
ldvx11.04 comes with unity instead of gnome?04:14
bob57098@derp, which application are you trying to start?04:14
derpI dont know how to private message on IRC, Im new04:14
rwwldvx: no, 11.04 comes with Unity, whcih is a shell for GNOME04:14
lightayeah I guess in cli it'd be something like ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost user@hostname04:14
Fudgegot it all sorted now04:14
Fudgewe have a cry for help app that we can support users by remotely04:15
SIFTUFudge: reverse ssh tunnels?04:15
Fudgevinux based in ubuntu, blind distro so usually is fixing sound or text to speech04:15
Fudgeyep thats right04:16
SIFTUFudge: lol I was just working on a script for that04:16
Fudgeoh wow04:16
SIFTUFudge: this is what I have http://dl.dropbox.com/u/906920/screenshots/screenshot-20110819210329.jpeg04:16
Fudgei didnt write this but couple of friends did, i just fixed somethign in it, thats bout my expertees lol04:16
SIFTUFudge: you just press the number and you are in the shell on the remote machine04:17
ldvxrww: So you can change the shell unity to gnome 2.x's default shell?04:17
nickalsok, sooooooooooo04:17
rww!classic | ldvx04:17
ubottuldvx: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".04:17
nickalshow do i update/add to terminfo?????04:17
ldvxrww: Alright, thanks04:18
rumpe1Fudge, ssh -o "NoHostAuth....host yes" user@host   (i guess)04:18
cstrahanHow I can install kdbg on Ubuntu 11.04? I'm sorta stumped.04:19
nickalsok, better question, why is there no terminfo files at all in my ubuntu?04:21
Dr_Willis!find termcap04:21
ubottuFile termcap found in bash-doc, elks-libc, jvim-doc, lib32ncurses5-dev, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5-dev, libvte-common, manpages, manpages-de (and 21 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=termcap&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any04:21
nickals!find terminfo04:22
ubottuFound: libggi-target-terminfo, libghc6-terminfo-dev, libghc6-terminfo-doc, libghc6-terminfo-prof04:22
nickalsnone of them are terminfo04:22
nickalsall stuff using it04:22
nickalsand it doesnt exist04:22
arpinstall ncurses04:22
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man5/terminfo.5.html nickals this?04:22
nickalsarp im about 85% sure ncurses is installed04:22
nickalsbut ill check04:22
bob57098trying to get django working. installed python-django with apt-get, and now I cannot find where it was installed. Everywhere I've looked, it says that it should be in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, but neither site-packages nor diet-packages have it. Does anyone know where I could find django-admin.py?04:22
arpthat puts terminfo files in /lib/terminfo04:22
bazhangProvided by: ncurses-bin_5.7+20101128-1_i386 bug   nickals04:23
arpand /usr/share/terminfo rather04:23
nickalsarp empty dir04:23
arpdpkg -L ncurses-base04:23
arpDescription: basic terminal type definitions04:24
arp This package contains terminfo data files to support the most common types of04:24
arp terminal, including ansi, dumb, linux, rxvt, screen, sun, vt100, vt102, vt220,04:24
arp vt52, and xterm.04:24
FloodBot1arp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
crunchbangbob57098: have you tried whereis?04:24
nickalsarp yea, in /lib/terminfo like you said at first04:24
bob57098crunchbang: No, I thought it was the same as "which" but whereas gave my /user/bin/django-admin… thanks for the help04:26
crunchbangno probs04:27
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nixjrim trying to install a package and it gave me the following error, what can i do to resolve it?   libqt4-sql : Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4) but 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.3 is to be installed04:31
Dr_Willisnixjr:  whens the last time  you did a update and upgrade of the pacakge listing?04:32
lightanixjr, is there a dev version of that ?04:32
nixjrDr_Willis, just before i tried to install04:32
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nixjrlighta, i cant see a dev version of libqtcore4 or libqt4-sql04:34
nixjrim still very new to linux and the whole idea of dependancies but im confused as to why it would error about my version being newer then whats required, surely onyl older versions should error04:35
rwwnixjr: the package specified that it wants that exact version (hence the =)04:36
nixjrrww, can i downgrade without breaking other things?04:36
rwwusually dependencies will say > or >= or whatever instead, because it usually isn't an issue, but apparently in this case the maintainer went with = for some reason04:36
rwwnixjr: downgrade what from what version to what version?04:37
nixjri already have 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.3 instaled, i want to go down to 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu404:37
rwwwait a minute, 4.7... are you using one of the kubuntu PPAs, or oneiric?04:37
DeadlyFuguI followed the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742343 But...04:38
Dr_Willisinstructions to do what DeadlyFugu?04:39
DeadlyFugu... Well, my 'wallpaper' isn't there, its just blackness showing what what there. It isn't being updated04:39
DeadlyFuguAnd I still have Unity04:39
DeadlyFuguThose instructions on how to get Gnome 304:39
bazhang!gnome3 | DeadlyFugu04:39
ubottuDeadlyFugu: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.04:39
rwwDeadlyFugu: the GNOME 3 PPA isn't supported in this channel.04:39
nixjrrww, i ahve installed some ppa in the past, im just check now how to find a list of which ones04:39
rwwnixjr: probably kubuntu-backports, I'd guess. If so, #kubuntu or #kubuntu-devel would be better able to help with packaging problems in it.04:40
DeadlyFuguAh, I'm guessing there's a channel like #gnome that would help?04:40
Dr_Willisgood thing when the next release comes out.. getting gnome-shell will be trivial :)04:41
rwwDr_Willis: yeah, I was just remarking on that earlier elsewhere. I'm going to be happy to tell people "upgrade" instead of "use this PPA that eats your cat"04:42
foxhoundzis there a way to change backlight brightness via terminal04:42
tntcIs it just me, or did google suddenly make everything they own ubuntu colors?04:43
rwwtntc: They're doing a design refresh, the similarity is apparently coincidental (and this belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)04:43
chewedonHi guys04:47
chewedonI need to run a program on my external usb SAMSUNG hard drive.04:47
bullgard4_foxhoundz: This is hardware-dependent.04:47
chewedonI got a feeling Ubuntu Live CD mounted the hard drive with no executable permission.04:47
nixjrrww, heres whats in my sources.list file, i did and search and kubuntu isnt there anywhere http://pastebin.com/ubRBBCi204:47
chewedonWhen I try to sudo chmod a+rwx myprogram it said it changed the permission but when I did a ls -l on my program file again, the permission didn't change.04:48
foxhoundzbullgard4 well, is there a package that would facilitate such a thing?04:48
Dr_Willischewedon:  what kind of filesystem is the file on?04:48
foxhoundzI'm sshing into xubuntu and it would be nice to control the display brightness04:48
rwwnixjr: it'd be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/04:48
chewedonDr_Willis: how do I check ? I tried fdisk but it didn't show up...04:48
bullgard4_chewedon: You better state what Ubuntu Live CD release you are referring to.04:48
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver? or graphics card switching with nvidia and intel graphics cards?04:48
Dr_Willischewedon:  sudo fdisk -l or mount....04:48
chewedonbullgard4_: Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:49
Dr_Willischewedon:  if its a ntfs or vfat. you DONT chown./chmod files on those FS's04:49
chewedonThat might explain why it's not changing04:49
bullgard4_foxhoundz: Yes. For example for my 'Thinkpad it is contained in the thinkpad acpi driver package.04:49
chewedonah way there we go, Disk /dev/sdb 1000.2 GB04:50
chewedon/dev/sdb1   *           1      121601   976760000+   7  HPFS/NTFS04:50
foxhoundzI see04:51
foxhoundzI was hoping something like xbacklight would suffice04:51
chewedonbullgard4_: it's version 11.04 Live CD I think...? well it says "Install Ubuntu 11.04" on my desktop icon04:52
foxhoundzwell..how about just turning off the monitor?04:52
chewedonDr_Willis: how would I go about running executables files on these NTFS external hard drives ? Do I still need to mount it as executable ?04:52
chewedonI remember there was a shell command to do so...04:52
bullgard4_chewedon: Permissions are a feature of files and not of drives. So please tell me what particular file you can read but not write to.04:54
chewedonbullgard4_: OK. I have deleted some work files. The other  night using rm -rf. I downloaded testdisk and unzipped it to my SAMSUNG external hard drive as recommended by my technical director so that when I run a program called photorec which will attempt to recover deleted files, it will recover the file to the disk rather than in RAM. My laptop's hard drive is 300 GB big, so there will not be enough RAM to hold all the recovered files,04:56
Dr_Willischewedon:  windiows .exe's you mean>04:59
chewedonit's a linux binary executable04:59
=== kyoku is now known as Kaizen
Dr_Willischewedon:  You are keeping linux binaries on ntfs? thats weird. :)05:00
chewedon(machines executes on binary values, isn't that why Microsoft called it executables?)05:00
Dr_Willischewedon:  you CAN mount ntfs/vrfat where EVERY file/dir is executable.05:00
chewedonLinux calls it .bin :P05:00
Dr_Willislinux dosent callit .bin :)05:00
linuxuz3r__been thinking if i should install redhat?05:00
linuxuz3r__should i?05:00
Dr_Willislinuxuz3r__:  we dont care. :)05:00
chewedonwell whatever05:00
bullgard4_linuxuz3r__: No.05:01
nicheDr_Willis, that's rude05:01
Dr_Willischewedon:  you can mount ntfs or cfat with a differnt umask/fmask/dmask (i forget which) that can set the permissions differntly05:01
=== Kaizen is now known as gh0zt
chewedonI found this command on Google: mount          -t vfat -o user,rw,exec,umask=000 /dev/hda1 /mnt/dosdrive05:01
bullgard4_linuxuz3r__: Do not troll.05:01
Dr_Willischewedon:  yep  You can mount it by hand with differnt mask options for differnt  modes.05:01
linuxuz3r__im not trolling05:02
Dr_Willischewedon:  i find it more annoying to have EVERY file on the vfat/ntfs be flagged as executable.05:02
chewedonI suppose in my case I could change it to: mount -t ntfs -o user,rw,exec /dev/sdb1 /media/SAMSUNG05:02
Dr_Willislinuxuz3r__:  its not really a ubuntu support question.05:02
chewedonDr_Willis: this is just to recover some files, I'm not using it on a daily basis :)05:02
Dr_Willischewedon:  i dont think th eexec flag will work for ntfs or ntfs-3g05:02
Dr_Willischewedon:  check the ntfs-3g faq/docs for examples.05:03
Dr_Willisif you want to write to the disk. you will want to use ntfs-3g05:03
chewedonthanks for the heads up05:03
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xgt001hello! i am running natty x64 ..i have 3gb ram, but system monitor shows only 2.7 gb!!! why so???05:08
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html05:09
Dr_Willisor it could be how the hw is reserveing some05:09
chewedonDr_Willis, bullgard4_ thank you so much for the help guys. Files are being recovered now :)05:10
chewedonFingers crossed that it still can recover the files.05:11
Dr_Willisis the hd failing or somthing weird chewedon?05:11
chewedonDr_Willis: you mean why am I trying to recover the files ?05:11
xgt001i have reserved 6 gb of swap as well05:11
Dr_Willisyes chewedon.. you have linux binaries on a ntfs you are somehow revoering?05:12
chewedonDr_Willis: HD isn't failing. The other night, I was working on an iPad application on my Mac OS X Lion. It was late and I wasn't thinking straight. I was trying to backup some files. I did a cp * ~/project/ and it said xcode and such is a directory so I went, screw it, I'll delete everything in the destination location and recopy all the files from my current directory.05:13
n2ichet roi05:14
chewedonMy Xcode IDE started saying the files have disappeared and that's when the reality of my actions had sunk in.05:15
chewedonMy technical director and me yanked out the hard drive from my laptop and cloned it. Now I'm using the software he recommended to try and recover the deleted files. If it doesn't work, I'll have to remake the entire project from scratch again.05:16
chewedonSay, how is Ubuntu Natty ?05:18
chewedonIt looks attractive.05:18
Dr_Willisthis is when automated backups to a cloud server come in handy..05:18
KanhiyaHello Everybody05:18
Dr_WillisIts nattoriffic,05:18
KanhiyaI want to customize Ubuntu cd05:18
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility05:18
chewedonDr_Willis: that is true, I should have used svn or at leasted made a copy of my work every night but I was on a mad rush to get the project done05:18
KanhiyaWhat do i want is that i want to appear my university logo durung grub, splash, login05:19
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Dr_WillisKanhiya:  the askubuntu.com site had a good guide on it also.05:19
chewedonNo excuses :P05:19
chewedonMy fault.05:19
KanhiyaAlso packages that i want should also be there on cd05:19
chewedonDr_Willis: does Ubuntu Natty have any lag issues or show stoppers ?05:19
Dr_Willischewedon:  none for me.05:19
chewedonDr_Willis: Gnome / KDE ?05:20
Dr_Willisthey both work fine,.05:20
Macetouchdoes anyone know somewhere I could get a good list of code for the terminal im a noob but I want to learn05:24
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:24
Random833Macetouch: what do you mean by code for the terminal?05:25
Dr_Willis leet terminal skillz05:25
Macetouchlike the sudo and what not05:25
Dr_Willisdozens of bash tutioruals out there05:25
Macetouchdr_willis: is there any you would recommend05:26
=== matias is now known as Guest36599
Dr_Willisdelicious.com and check the tags for bash and tutorial :)05:27
Macetouchthanks =)05:28
rickaaaaayyyyyi need help05:29
Guest36599otro naufrago aqui05:29
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groktaralmost got my samba PDC going05:30
groktarjust have to figure out why it keeps loading temporary profiles05:30
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Zaitamquien vive?05:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:36
cmrodicanhi all.  i just purchased an hp g600 notebook and it is 64-bit and i would like to install 32-bit ubuntu...  is there any way i can run into a prob for that?05:38
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cmrodicanthanks in advanc05:38
rwwcmrodican: nope, it'll work fine05:38
lion42cmrodican, is there any reason why you want to use 32 bit ubuntu?05:39
n2icmrodican: why not Ubuntu 64bit?05:39
cmrodicani thought that more programs were compatible with the 32 and it was more stable05:39
cmrodicanis this no longer the case?05:39
Dr_Willishasent bveen the case for some time cmrodican05:40
mnemonic_guys is there an issue while connecting to freenode via TOR and sasl?05:40
rwwmnemonic_: shouldn't be. Ask #freenode if you need help.05:40
cmrodicanive never had a 64bit pc lol05:40
IdleOnemnemonic_: #freenode can help with that05:40
cmrodicanthank you guys05:40
rwwcmrodican: I use both 32-bit and 64-bit. I notice no problems with either. But nevertheless, 32-bit will work on a 64-bit processor if you want it to :)05:40
cmrodicanrww:  why do you use the 32 bit?  are there pros and cons to using them?05:41
rwwcmrodican: I have one 32-bit and one 64-bit machine05:41
mahrudHi guys, do you know who is running ubuntu infrastructure?05:41
Dr_Willismoar is beterer ! L(05:41
groktarwoot got the permissions sorted05:41
rwwmahrud: which particular part of it?05:41
mahrudI mean, who are admins?05:41
`blackmk4å∂/window 405:41
psycho_oreosthere are specific programs that can only run in 32bit, the same goes with some modules/drivers05:42
darkgermif my computer support 64-bit, should i install 32-bit one or 64-bit one??05:42
IdleOnemahrud: admins of?05:42
mahrudrww: hmm, nothing special, for example download servers05:42
mahrudadmins of the mail servers05:42
Macetouchi would sudjest 64-bit. thats just me05:42
mahrudIdleOne: admins of the mail servers05:42
rwwmahrud: Canonical runs some of the download servers, the rest are mirrored by organizations that volunteer to host one. Mailservers for @ubuntu.com and @lists.ubuntu.com are maintained by Canonical.05:43
rwwmahrud: (and lists.ubuntu.com lists also have their own admins and mods, who are generally Ubuntu community members)05:43
Zaitames verdad05:43
rwwZaitam: English here, please05:43
rwwmahrud: if you have some particular problem or need, best to just be specific and ask it and we can redirect you appropriately :)05:44
rwwZaitam: because this is the English-language Ubuntu technical support channel05:44
Dr_Willisbecasue i only speak english....05:44
darkgermwhat 64-bit good at? faster?05:44
rwwdarkgerm: not noticibly, no05:44
mahrudrww: thanks, and who decides on, for example, which packages should be installed by default?05:44
cmrodicanon an unrelated note, i have several 2003 series optiplexe workstations that i got for free when my high school, and last night i purchased a belkin mini bluetooth dongle...  in ubuntu i began configuring it when suddenly the light on the  dongle lit up and my computer crashed... now that whole workstation is unusable because if i even plug it in the power just goes on and off repeatedly...05:44
cmrodican...untill several seconds after unpluggiong it05:44
Dr_Willisdarkgerm:  dpends on the task.. for movie reencideing i notice a few % gain05:44
rwwmahrud: Ubuntu's developers and teams. Most of the planning for that happens at the every-six-month Ubuntu Developer Summits.05:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between May 9th - 13th in Budapest, Hungary - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details05:45
cmrodicanis this an ubuntu related bug or hardware, or the bt dongle itself?05:45
rwwexcept not that one because it happened already :)05:45
Dr_Williscmrodican:  sounds like hw blew up :)05:46
mahrudrww: would you please give me a link? I want to know how can someone join them.05:46
rww!uds =~ s/May 9th - 13th in Budapest, Hungary/31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida/05:46
ubottuI'll remember that rww05:46
cmrodicanwhy would a bluetooth dongle do that?05:46
rwwmahrud: join what? the Ubuntu developer team, or UDS?05:46
cmrodicanbc of power related issues?05:47
Dr_Willismay not been related to that bt. at all.. just somtning going out.. and it did05:47
mahrudrww: UDS05:47
rwwmahrud: see http://uds.ubuntu.com/05:47
dcraserr이거 되는건가?05:48
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko05:48
cmrodicananyways, does that mean that i shouldnt rish using the belkin mini bt dongle on any other machines?05:49
cmrodicani was thinking i would just return iit in the morning05:49
dcraserr리눅스 어떻게 사용하는거에요?05:49
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko05:49
cmrodicani saw no mention of this problem in any forums05:49
Dr_Willisit coule be shorted i guess cmrodican but id find that unlikely -05:49
dcraserr리눅스좀 알고싶어요05:50
rwwdcraserr: English here, please.05:50
mahrudrww: thanks05:51
dcraserri can speak english a little05:51
darkgermdcraserr: i can't see what you type.. i just see some unicode code05:52
dcraserr한쿡 사람 없나요05:55
rwwdcraserr: /join #ubuntu-ko to speak in Korean, please.05:55
cmrodicanif the your eastern text fiiles are installed, you would see that he is speaking in i believe chinese characters?05:56
cmrodicani have just one ot question05:56
Dr_Willislooks like little stick men here. :) and houses..05:56
rwwcmrodican: incorrect, they're speaking Korean05:57
MacetouchDr_willis is completely right05:57
darkgermrww: how do you know that is Korean?05:57
hugenumberyou can see it05:57
rwwdarkgerm: because I'm magical. also, I know what Korean looks like. Also, Google Translate.05:57
cmrodicanbut i was under the impression that the alphabet was chinese characters...  like how english speakers use the latin alphabet and russians have their thing and how we use the hindu-arabic numeration system for numbers05:58
Avonir_Koreans use a different character set.05:58
rwwcmrodican: nope05:59
cmrodicanare there different characters in the japanese, korean and chinese, ets...  alphabets?05:59
cmrodicanthanks rww05:59
Dr_Willisseveral i belive.. :)05:59
[THC]AcidRainwould anyone mind helping me with a sql in pm real quick? i know this isnt the place. but #sql is dead and im stuck05:59
darkgermsome of characters are same06:00
cmrodicani do know that several countries were basically forced to switch to roman characters in their alphabet and himdu-arabic numeration both during the age of mass imperialism and some by choice due to globalization06:00
* rww redirects cmrodican to #ubuntu-offtopic :)06:01
cmrodicancan anyone recoment a good channel to discuss this type of stuff?06:01
Dr_Willis #boaring-chat   ? :)06:02
cmrodicani am a little new to irc and generally only use it to ask and try to answer ppls tech-related questions06:02
Dr_Willisheh heh..06:02
cmrodicani think you meant boring06:02
phrostbiteHow do I delete a partition that was made while testing out a different os?06:02
thyagujoin #rails06:03
Dr_Willisphrostbite:  fdisk, gparted. parted, other partionng tools..06:03
phrostbiteHow do I know which partition is the one I need to delete?06:03
phrostbiteI have gparted and i cannot tell which is which06:04
krishnani tried booting from ubuntu server 10.04 from USB drive on my netbook. It stands at the boot prompt. what to do?06:04
Dr_Willisphrostbite:  you made them :) dont rember? Mount them all  and look at the contents06:04
Dr_Williskrishnan:  how did you install tot he usb?06:04
MK``Darkgerm: Korean is the only language that uses that script. It is fairly distinct.06:04
MK``They used to use Chinese characters, but they have fallen out of use06:05
krishnanDr_Willis: did not understand ur question06:05
Dr_Williskrishnan: how did you install the os to  he usb?06:05
thalleemHello Room06:05
cmrodicanwhat network has the more political science related chanels in it?  i promise this is my last ot question...  i have to complete an android tutorial for androicwiki by tonite06:06
Fudgeanyone suggest a basic irc relay bot06:06
krishnani tried booting from ubuntu server 10.04 from USB drive on my netbook. It stands at the boot prompt. what to do?06:06
thalleemit took me awhile to completely turn to Ubuntu06:06
Dr_WillisFudge:  depends on your needs I imagine theres eggdrop bots that5 can do most anything you need06:07
thalleemNow I am looking to join and run with this over my other systems06:07
Dr_Williskrishnan:  How did you install ubuntu server to thge  usb? You  did notuse a tool like Unetbootin or similer to put the server iso on a pendrive did you?06:07
thalleemanyone else new here I can talk to?  trying to get a feel for all of this06:08
krishnanDr_Willis: I used the tool that is given in the ubuntu desktop OS. The tool and the step tht is mentioned in the ubuntu.com site.06:08
FudgeDr_Willis  yeah eggy i san option06:08
Dr_Williskrishnan:  so you did not boot a cd/usb and did a normal install - you used one of the  'live disk' creator tools? I belive the server iso does not work with those. Only the livd-desktop cd  does06:09
Dr_Willisat least tere used to be issues with the severiso  getting put on a usb.06:10
krishnanDr_Willis: I followed ths link. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/download . The same iso file works fine in a virtual box.06:10
Dr_Williskrishnan:  have vbox boot the pendrive as a test06:10
krishnanDr_Willis: of will do tht.06:11
Dr_WillisI just recall sevral people inhere in the past with  issues putting the server iso as a bootable pendrive.06:12
magn3tsEvery single video I play in VLC is unsynced a/v06:13
magn3tshow is that possible?06:13
Dr_Willisyou twiddled with settings  trying to fix one and now its using the setting for all of them that were correct.. and thus now wrong ?  (guessing)06:14
lion42magn3ts, i've been having that problem lately. I stopped using VLC for video.06:14
magn3tslion42, it's very hard for me to resync it. Getting the +/- is hard enough for the audio delay.06:14
magn3tsPlus, I looove VLC.06:14
Dr_WillisI havent notivced vlc with issues here.. but i watch stuff thats subtitled most of the time. :)06:14
magn3tsDr_Willis, I blew away .config/vlc just to make sure.06:15
lion42I loved VLC, too, but the av sync as you said is a pain in the behind.06:15
Dr_Willischeck the vlc faq. they may have some info. or their forums.06:15
lion42It was easier just to use something else, lol06:15
cmrodicanif i download ubuntu server, then what do i need to put on the other computers in my network to make them ubuntu workstations running off of that server?06:15
magn3tsDr_Willis, This seems to be a problem and ppl point fingers at PulseAudio and Alsa, but I don't really understand all of the quirks.06:15
magn3tsI'm going to swap back to Mplayer for a bit I guess.06:16
MacetouchIs there any way to make playlists of movies on VLC because thats the only down fall I see06:16
Dr_WillisYou can set vlc to not use pulse audio....06:16
Dr_Willisvlc has playlist feature....06:16
magn3tsDr_Willis, yeah, I've been trying that too. I've been playing with this for a bit.06:16
Dr_Willisvlc has bajillions of features...   :)06:16
MacetouchWell thats great to know. I shall look into finding it lol06:16
magn3tsI think they're right, every time, -600ms is basically the sweet spot for getting it resynced. :/06:17
Dr_Willismenus... show playlust or somthing like that..06:17
magn3tsMacetouch, there's a button in the default interface.06:17
magn3tsMacetouch, to the right of the "full screen" button.06:17
krishnanDr_Willis: the same problem occurs in Vbox too. it comes to the boot prompt and stops thr06:17
MacetouchOk thank you. I also feel dumb now06:17
magn3tsMacetouch, meh, it happens to the best of us, happy to lend a tip06:17
magn3ts(just the tip though)06:17
HeGurumagn3ts: you can fix default audio delay in vlc06:18
Dr_Williskrishnan:  sounds like a badly made usb. You could try that tools at pendrivelinux that make a grub2 setup that boots an ISO file.. it might work better06:18
magn3tsHeGuru, link/tips?06:18
krishnanDr_Willis: will try tht & come back.06:18
HeGurumagn3ts: tools -> preferences -> all -> audio -> filters -> delay06:18
cmrodicanand one other question:  i am very accustomed to gnome and love lucid right now..  what advantages would i have for switching to 11.04?06:19
MacetouchNONE!!!! 11.04 SUCKS!!!06:19
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver? or graphics card switching with nvidia and intel graphics cards?06:19
Dr_WillisMacetouch:  Hmm?06:19
chewedonUbuntu feels like the multimedia / desktop OS of Linux06:20
chewedonFor your everyday user / average joe06:20
Macetouchok well just in my opion. i dont like the set up of it. it can probably be changed but thats just me06:20
Dr_Willisinstall boxee on ubuntu, and you got a instant media-box pratically :)06:21
Dr_WillisMacetouch:  err... we dont know  what you are ranting about exactly....06:21
chewedonWasn't there a special version of Ubuntu just for Multimedia development?06:21
magn3tsHeGuru, thanks, I'll play around with that.06:21
magn3tsHeGuru, I kinda wish it would go back to just working straight up though :/06:21
chewedonI remember it from a few years back.06:21
chewedonKubuntu ?06:22
Desyncifyfinally got ubuntu working lag free on my laptop, thank god06:22
cmrodicani dont know why they have abandoned gnome it is my favoritwe operating system...   im sure they wont get rid of kubuntu, whhick sucks06:22
Dr_Willismedibuntu is a repo/site of pacakges06:22
n2iI cannot setfont Vietnamese-Fixed16 for tty, how to do it?06:22
Dr_Williscmrodican:  who has abandoned gnome?06:22
cmrodicanthe new ubuntu distro06:22
magn3tsThey're replacing more and more and more of it in +1...06:22
magn3tsOh wait, that's probably just gnome3 stuff :/06:22
magn3tsoh well06:22
HeGurumagn3ts: If you've already reset vlc config then its probably lower level (pulseaudio etc) issue06:23
n2iIn fact, I have successful set font for tty, but after restart it is restored to defaut :(06:23
magn3tsHeGuru, yeah, I'm sure you're right in that it's not a VLC flaw.06:23
Dr_Williscmrodican:  the next ubuntu release - has not abandoned gnome..06:23
lion42magn3ts, liiike I said, I had the exact same issue with vlc06:23
Macetouch<Dr_Willis> I would do privet msgs but i dont know how (unless this is it) and just someone was wondering if they should switch so yeah. Ill stop06:23
cmrodicanso unity is along side it?06:23
HeGuruchewedon: Ubuntu Studio06:23
lion42cannot replicate on any other media player I use06:23
n2iI'm using 11.0406:23
lion42problem solved.06:23
chewedonHeGuru: I think that's the one :)06:23
Dr_Willisgnome2 is a dead project now. gnome-3 is the next thing. and it has a selexctable shell.  you an use gnome-shell or unity06:23
magn3tscmrodican, gnome is more than just the old top/bottom panels.06:24
lion42(also, in my computer)06:24
Dr_Willisboth loved and hated. :)06:24
n2iDr_Willis: gnome2 is dead? so I must using gnome3 if I want using gnome on my machine?06:24
* magn3ts doesn't want to launch into another rant about both gnome2 and 3. :/06:24
Dr_Willisn2i:  gnome devs have basically moved to gnome-3....06:25
MrSaltJust got done reinstalling 11.04.  Had upgraded to 10.10Alpha, but _way_ too unstable for me, and I don't have the time to properly debug it.  Stable is good.06:25
magn3tsAlso, Dr_Willis let me know when gnome-shell actually starts working ;)06:25
Dr_Willisgnome-shell works fine for me.. on my 11.10 test box. magn3ts06:25
lion42magn3ts, that'd be never. :P06:25
foxhoundzDr_Willis: there there. Someone will fork Gnome 206:25
magn3tsDr_Willis, :/ all I get is "gnome session failed to load"06:25
n2iWhat about Unity? Should I using Unity of Gnome3?06:26
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  i belive it was a bug in the alpha for a week.. then got fixed..06:26
magn3ts(for weeks, too)06:26
magn3tsDr_Willis, heh, I literally tried again today and was saddened.06:26
Dr_Willisboth are working find here for me.06:26
magn3tsDr_Willis, Unless you're suggesting I need a clean install ?06:26
magn3tsve just been distupgrading (sorry for the linebreak)06:26
lion42n2i, using gnome3 on 11.04 is difficult to do and difficult to reverse. You're probably better off using unity or gnome-fallback.06:27
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  no idea.   its alpha3 level..   been very stable for me. but time tomove it to #ubuntu+106:27
magn3tsn2i, if you like unity, sure I guess.06:27
magn3tsDr_Willis, ah, yes, sorry about that. I'll play around with it and wait for beta or such.06:27
magn3tsgnome3 on ubuntu-current is really not supported and I've never had it work properly, just b0rk my system repeatedly. Make a backup, use a snapshot, etc.06:28
n2ilion42: Oh, thanks! And what about 11.10?06:28
magn3tsgtk/gnome3 is the base DE in 11.10 n2deep06:28
Dr_Willisn2i:  Its at alpha3 status right now06:28
lion42n2i, don't use 11.10 unless you have a reason to (aka, are a developer).06:28
n2imagn3ts: nope :) I have removed some unity component before06:28
cmrodicanhey i gotta go..  but as always its been a pleasure being here.  i almost always get the info i cant find on the forums and are starting to grow accustommed to you guys...  android users:  i will be posting a series of new articles and tutorials on androidwiki.com over the next weeks and any help would be much appreciated there.  Creating pages, or editing them to update info or even help...06:29
Dr_Willisor watn to have fun06:29
cmrodican...make some of them more wiki format complient and wikipedia-like in appearence...  so if anybody is lookimng for somkething to contrib to give it a thought06:29
cmrodicanbye all06:29
cmrodicanthanks for the good talk06:29
rwwDr_Willis: for Dwarf Fortress definition of "fun"06:29
magn3tslol, that's my kind of fun. For "normal" people, not so much06:29
Dr_Williscompared the the alpha/beta of 11.04   this 11.10 has been  solid  :)06:30
magn3tshaha isn't that the truth06:30
magn3tsI had a nightmarish time of 11.04 breaking constantly, especially with the VB extensions :S06:30
* Dr_Willis recalls the recursuve never ending 'file system needs fscked.....' (but i just fscked it!) bug...06:30
rwwaww, Dr_Willis isn't in #ubuntu+1 :(06:31
Dr_Willisfsck was setting the date 24 hrs ahead.. so it was always invalid. :)06:31
Dr_Willisrww:  not even on a Linux box right now either. :) been redoing my room. just got 1 pc on.06:31
Dr_WillisNot on my phone either!06:31
arhadhello to all!06:31
Dr_Williswife took my Testing box's monitor,. :)06:31
Dr_Williswell its time for me to get to bed..  take care.06:32
n2iI will switch back to 10.04 :(06:33
lion4211.04 with lxde hasn't been bad to me.06:34
arhadTell me please, should I install Ubuntu 11.04 if I have 10.10 one?06:34
lion42A little different, but... it works.06:34
n2iarhad: No! I think so :P06:34
arhadTo <n2i>: Thanks for advice!06:35
krishnanDr_Willis: While I was using the USB Installer suggested by you I got a message stating tht a error has occured while installaing syslinux and hence the device will not be bootable.06:35
Gredeucan you use a 3.0x kernel with ubuntu without breaking any system services ?06:36
Gredeui guess that would be mainline.06:36
johngilbroughI've got ufw running on my server which is blocking someone from Russia that's trying to get in.  Is there anyway I can view what that person is transmitting?06:36
Gredeunot if its blocked06:37
krishnanWhile I was using the USB Installer I got a message stating tht a error has occured while installaing syslinux and hence the device will not be bootable.06:38
Macetouchdoes anyone know if Remote desktop viewer works with windowsÉ06:38
arhadI tried - no06:38
Gredeuremote desktop viewer works great though the best VNC client i've used on a gigabit lan was a commerical one.  can't place the name.06:39
Gredeuit was a mac though.  so -- it could have been entirely at fault.06:39
rwwGredeu: probably, but Linux 3.0 isn't supported on current versions of Ubuntu, so if you have problems you're on your own06:39
Gredeuthanks rww06:39
ole_oz6ohsomeone here programming with python ?06:39
arhadBut standart Ubuntu remote desctop cliend doesnd support Windows, unfortunally06:39
Gredeuanyone out there used a unsupported mainline kernel 3.x without breaking any services ?06:40
Macetouchugg... my friend is having trobles and i was attempting to help because its hard to explain to a .... noob06:40
rwwole_oz6oh: if you have a python question, try #python. if you have a question about python on Ubuntu, please ask the actual question06:40
johngilbroughole_oz6oh, Yep06:40
Night-hackshow can i determine if my Ram is DDR2 or DDR3 by commands ?06:41
Gredeuis usb 3.0 support under the .11 kernel very functional ?06:41
Macetouchrww was that at me? lol06:41
krishnanWhile I was using the USB Installer I got a message stating tht a error has occured while installaing syslinux and hence the device will not be bootable.06:41
ole_oz6ohrww,  thanks but there i only get angry people i do'nt understand why06:41
rwwMacetouch: if it was, your name would be prepended to it ;)06:42
rwwole_oz6oh: That's not really something we can help with. It's the help channel for Python.06:42
Gredeupeople make mistakes.  like Cheney.06:42
krishnanWhile I was using the USB Installer I got a message stating tht a error has occured while installaing syslinux and hence the device will not be bootable.06:42
ole_oz6ohjohngilbrough,  you say jep06:42
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zen_monkeynights, am having trouble trying to check some gpg06:42
johngilbroughole_oz6oh, Let's hop over to #python, ok?06:43
zen_monkeygpg file.asc throws can't open pubring.gpg06:43
ole_oz6ohrww,  if man ask maybe a good answer06:43
Gredeucan i optimize this crontab entry to be even better ?  @hourly rsync -avz --delete --force --ignore-errors /home/ /media/backup/06:43
zen_monkeycan someone lend a hand?06:43
rwwole_oz6oh: What?06:44
Gredeufor backup of /home should my crontab be run as user or root ?06:44
MrSaltGredeu: Call rsnapshot instead?  :)06:45
arhadGredeu: no06:45
Gredeursnapshot no can do.  can't teach an old dog new tricks.06:45
ole_oz6ohrww,  i have tried on the python channel but i get only angry people06:45
Gredeuarhad, no to what ?06:45
MrSaltGredeu: rsnapshot uses rsync and hard links, if that's what you're trying to do.06:46
ole_oz6ohrww, all said my question is not good06:46
arhadGredeu: i meant that you can can crontab without root privilegies for copying /home06:46
GredeuMrSalt, i don't suppose it would be within the realm of possiblity for you to translate my previous rsync contrab entry into a one hitter ?06:46
Gredeuthank you arhad06:46
arhadGreder: sorry for mistakes in my phrases, I type so fast in the first time.06:47
MrSaltGredeu: It looks fine the way it is.06:47
Gredeuarhad, your ok you made no mistake06:48
Macetouchdumb question but what is this channel for? is it like a general channel?06:48
GredeuMrSalt, so just use rsync and not rsnapshot ?06:48
arhadGredeu: thank you :)06:48
rwwMacetouch: #ubuntu is the English-language technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux06:48
MrSaltGredeu: If you like rsync, you're command looks fine.  I used rsnapshot for a while, and it adds a couple extra features built for a rync'ing backup.  Check it out.06:49
Gredeucan anyone vouch usb 3.0 support to be just fine under natty ?06:49
MrSaltMacetouch: #ubuntu-dumb-question was cancelled last week, so you've got to ask them here.  :)06:50
Macetouchalso how do I pm so I dont po people06:51
a12Hi, if I want to play youtube videos totem says: "The playlist 'anyplayist' could not be parsed. It might be damaged." I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and GStreamer-plugins-bad/ugly plus depencies, but the error is still there. Help me, please. Thank you very much.06:51
a12I am using Ubuntu 11.0406:52
Gredeuisn't hardware support supposed to be best in ubuntu vs any other distro ?06:52
MrSaltMacetouch: /msg <nick> <message> usually works if you want to ask privately06:54
MrSaltGredeu: My new motherboard I just bought last week works fine under Natty.  Not sure I have any USB 3.0 items attached though.06:56
crunchbangGredeu: ^^ I also have a motherboard with USB 3.0, no issues. I run a variant of ubuntu.06:57
iceroot_Gredeu: maybe but that makes ubuntu not the best system if you want a 100% free system (free as in free speech)06:58
gskelligdoes anybody have experience with the bumblebee hybrid graphics driver? or graphics card switching with nvidia and intel graphics cards?06:58
maestrojedI need some help with basic Linux application installation knowledge. It seems executable programs go in /usr/local/bin or /user/local/sbin. Whats the difference?06:58
a12I need to repair that,06:59
MrSaltgskellig: Bumblebee?  ::Looking on Google:: Hmm, interesting, but no idea.  :)06:59
a12I need to repair that.06:59
iceroot_maestrojed: sbin = (s)ystem(bin)arys, bin = (bin)arys07:00
MK``bin is for command binaries, sbin is for system binaries (like daemons)07:00
gskelligMrSalt, yeah. I have a dual graphics card laptop and I would REALLY like a way to switch between the graphics cards without rebooting and typing a crapload into the terminal07:00
iceroot_maestrojed: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html07:00
gskelligand/or without degrading the performance of my SSD (long story, one way to switch graphics cards is to turn sata mode to "compatible mode"07:00
gskelligaka "suck mode"07:00
a12suck mode, old web browsers suck.07:00
MrSaltgskellig: Fighting with video drivers in Linux is the one thing that has really frustrated me over the years.  Now, I get a card and keep it for a long time so I don't have to mess with it.07:01
gskelligone of the reasons I bought this laptop was because I could switch between mobility (very very long battery life) and performance (gaming and HD movies)07:02
gskelligon windows, it doesn't even require a reboot. I would be VERY okay with it requiring a reboot, but not a reboot and 10 mins of messing with the terminal07:02
gskelligwhich, at this point its about 30 mins of messing around to switch correctly07:02
newbie_ubuntu 11.04 install appears to be frozen on welcome screen.07:03
maestrojedok, I think I got that. Thanks iceroot_ MK``07:03
MrSaltgskellig: Video drivers, even the commerical ones from Nvida, always lag a bit behind.  That's really Nvidia's fault more than anything, but it doesn't make things any better.07:03
gskelliglag a bit behind?07:04
gskelligand the AMD ones dont?07:04
newbie_how do i tell when install is complete?07:05
a12I searched google, found nothing...07:05
MrSaltgskellig: The Linux video drivers always take longer to come out than the Windows drivers.  The new wiz-bang features in some of these cards can't really be used until the manufacturer updates the drivers.  We all wait.07:05
maestrojedHow about this one :) I installed soundkonverter via synaptic package manager. It says to install software http://www.musepack.net. The readme says put the lib folder in usr/local/lib but I am unsure what to do with the other files.07:05
gskelligthe bumblebee project is completely unofficial. nvidia has zero support for dual graphics cards on linux07:05
gskelligits a fairly old laptop at this point though07:06
gskelligi think it came out in early 201007:06
gskelligpossibly  christmas 200907:06
gskelligi have an asus UL30VT07:06
Khisanthheh ... then mine is prehistoric?07:06
maestrojedDo they go in /usr/bin?07:07
newbie_how do i get past the install/welcome screen?07:07
MrSaltgskellig: Poking around Google finds various updates around May/Jun 2011, which is not going to be in any release distro.  Search google, you may be able to get a driver to download yourself, but it's going to be a fight no matter how you cut it.  Sorry.07:07
gskelligMrSalt, I have a download, they actually have an ubuntu PPA now. I just can't get it working right07:07
gskelligupdated august 15 =D07:08
MrSaltgskellig: Sounds like you're on the right track07:08
gskelligMrSalt, https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project I've been messing with it over the last couple of days, with no success07:08
gskelligother than breaking unity about half a dozen times =\07:08
MrSaltgskellig: Yeah, that looks like it's only been around a couple of weeks.  It's going to be raw.  There may be other works in progress, hopefully something from Nvidia.07:10
newbie_install frozen07:10
gskelligMrSalt, the github is new, but it's been worked on since about april/may. Nvidia has reported that they will not support hybrid or dual graphics cards on linux at all07:10
newbie_need help with 11.04 install.07:11
crunchbanghey newbie_07:11
crunchbangis it your first time truing to install?07:12
newbie_hello. yes07:12
MrSaltgskellig: Video drivers have always been a rough spot in Linux (all versions).  Sounds like it's going to be a fight.  Sorry.07:12
gskellignp. Hopefully I'll wait it out for a bit and let bumblebee development grow a bit07:12
gskelligthe ppa and repository are brand spankin' new07:13
a12Hi, if I want to play youtube videos totem says: "The playlist 'anyplayist' could not be parsed. It might be damaged." I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and GStreamer-plugins-bad/ugly plus depencies, but the error is still there. Help me, please. Thank you very much.07:13
newbie_<crunchbang> install appears to be frozen on welcome screen.07:13
MrSalta12: Sounds like the playlist file itself is corrupt.  The extra packages will help with various video formats, but it sounds like you have a problem with the playlist file itself.07:14
crunchbangnewbie_: hang on, so is that before or after the "install" part?07:14
newbie_<crunchbang> during07:14
urlin2ua12`I get the same, try minitube maybe.07:15
newbie_<urlin2u> hello :)07:15
a12but, is there a solution?07:15
urlin2unewbie_, howdy.07:15
a12ANd what is minitube?07:15
crunchbangnewbie_ try again maybe? just a 1-time thing perhaps07:16
urlin2ua12`a in the repos youtube player, needs no flash.07:16
MrSalturlin2u: Hadn't seen minitube.  That's pretty cool.07:16
urlin2uMrSalt, ;)07:17
crunchbangnewbie_: its happened to me before with other distros, then installs clean the second time around07:17
newbie_<crunchbang> <urlin2u> idk. i clicked OK to continue install after an error message. it seemed to freeze after that, but I can access the icons in the top right of the screen.07:17
Macetouchwhat is a good program for recording a video of you desktop?07:18
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crunchbangnewbie_ did the error message tell you anything other than error?07:19
MrSalta12: Most likely, but I haven't tried all of the alternatives.  Installing minitube went really quickly for me.07:19
urlin2ua12`you ran the restricyed extras you have flash, minitube runs without it.07:20
gskellighow can i kill the xserver?07:20
crunchbangpkill xorg07:20
newbie_<crunchbang> yes. E:Sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Following packages are in a broken state...07:21
gskelligi will most likely disconnect in a few mins07:21
gskelligno werk =/07:21
crunchbangjust a quick guess07:21
newbie_<crunchbang> all the libreoffice items07:22
crunchbangnewbie_: sounds like a capital idea to redownload and try again :/07:22
newbie_md5 verified.07:23
crunchbangmaybe just a freak of non-nature07:24
newbie_it took 2.75 hrs the 3rd time.07:24
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newbie_this is my 3rd d/l07:25
crunchbangnewbie_ do you suck your interwebs through a straw?07:25
newbie_satellite internet...07:25
newbie_worse than dial-up for speed.07:25
crunchbangahhh, I sympathise07:25
newbie_ranges between 8kbps to 450kbps.07:26
MrSaltSounds like the straw is faster07:27
newbie_so maybe i should try to reinstall?07:27
MrSaltI'll send you a copy via smoke signals.  That might work.  :)07:28
crunchbangfax it07:28
newbie_seems that if the md5 matched then the iso is good.07:28
crunchbangyeah, maybe just a bad install07:28
newbie_<crunchbang> <MRSalt> lol :D07:29
crunchbanghey there07:29
MrSaltnewbie_: You're not doing anything wierd with the partitioning, are you?07:29
jasonwong1991does anyone here have faced the problem of r8168?07:29
newbie_whole disc07:29
newbie_over xp.07:29
jasonwong1991i can't get r8168 work in the latest linux 2.6.38-1107:30
MrSaltnewbie_: Do you have a raid setup?07:30
crunchbangjasonwong1991: http://www.jamesonwilliams.com/hardy-r8168 first hit on the google07:31
MrSaltnewbie_: Nevermind, that's good.  If you're formatting the whole disk, then it should at least come up without crashing.  :(07:31
crunchbanglol ^^07:31
MrSaltnewbie_: Maybe try the advanced partitioning, and manually delete the old XP parition and create a new one so you know the old stuff is good and dead.07:31
newbie_came up and ran fine til after that error message.07:32
crunchbangjasonwong1991: sorry bro I just threw that out there no idea if it helps07:32
MrSaltnewbie_: I'm just making this up. It might not help, but I'm grasping around.07:32
MrSaltnewbie_: Oh, sorry, missed that part of the conversation.07:33
newbie_i'll go thru that tomorrow. it's 335am here. i need to head to bed.07:33
jasonwong1991crunchbang i can fix this with linux 2.6.38-807:33
jasonwong1991however, with linux 2.6.38-1107:34
MrSaltnewbie_: Same here.  Good luck.07:34
jasonwong1991they just incompatible07:34
newbie_ps if using satellite internet DONT include updates while installing!!07:34
markdawshi - I'm trying to change theTIME_WAIT timeout value using "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=15" from the default of 60, but changing the value doesn't have any effect, anyone know how to change this value, always seems to be stuck at the default of 60 seconds07:34
newbie_the straw is faster07:35
=== walter_ is now known as JPSman
MrSaltnewbie_: Noted.  :)07:35
crunchbangill send you some new straws07:35
newbie_hahaha :D07:35
JPSmanso i have an SSH tunnel into another computer on the network and i'm trying to save the output of a grep into a file with > and it doesn't work remotely, but does when i put the command in directly07:36
newbie_the time line on install while doing that ranged between 2 mins and 87 mins.07:36
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MrSaltJPSman: What kind of command are you using?07:37
JPSman./4tripper | grep -i wii > WORK07:38
JPSmanMrSalt, the file WORK gets created but nothing gets written to it07:38
crunchbangjasonwong1991: Might this help?  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11841407:39
iceroot_JPSman: but without > there is output on stdout?07:39
JPSmanwell, yes07:39
JPSmanstdout being sent to my remote location07:39
thechefHow can I connect my computer to Ubuntu One? (10.04)07:39
JPSmanwhen i do it remotely it doesn't work, but when I type it in directly it does07:39
JPSmanim just trying to understand the nature of linux :OD07:40
crunchbangaren't we all07:40
MrSaltJPSman: You're SSHed into the remote computer in a shell?07:40
JPSmanI think, whats a shell?07:40
WulfCan someone pastebin the default /etc/sudoers of a recent ubuntu, please?07:41
JPSmanjust you know ssh -l user ip.add.res.0107:41
MrSaltJPSman: In a command line.07:41
JPSmanyeah, in a command line07:41
JPSmanI think it would have to do with something about standard out being sent back to the SSH and not locally.  just a hunch07:42
iceroot_JPSman: its not being send back07:42
iceroot_JPSman: is the loginshell on the remote-system also bash?07:42
MrSaltJPSman: Well, if you're in like that, you're completely on the remote computer, and every you do is similar to being on that computer.  I would think that would be work.07:42
MrSaltwould work07:42
JPSmanyeah, also ubuntu07:42
JPSmanso yeah, the file get created but nothing is being written to it07:42
MrSaltJPSman: If you just output the first command (leave out the grep) into > WORK, what happens?07:43
JPSmanlemme try....07:44
MrSaltJPSman: ./4tripper > WORK07:45
JPSmanyeah, that works07:46
MrSaltJPSman: OK, so it's not an output file problem, but a restrictive grep?07:47
iceroot_JPSman: and the word "wii" is in it?07:47
iceroot_JPSman: grep -i wii WORK07:47
damagednoobi *think* i'm having trouble with routes and vpn. I'm trying to connect to my companies vpn. I'm connecting from the command line and it seems to successfully connect. However, I can't ping anything on my compan's network. i'm not sure where to start07:48
Wulfdamagednoob: ip link show; ip route show; ip addr show; ip rule show; iptables -L -n -v -x07:49
Wulfdamagednoob: pastebin that somewhere07:49
JPSman4tripper just generates hash trip tags and grep is used to filter out wanted words - wii is part of the output especially with the -i flag07:49
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JPSmandoes the write out to standard out command " > " need a certain amount of data passed to it before it actually writes the file?07:50
krishnanWhen I try to create a bootable USB stick with ubuntu server 10.04 the syslinux throws an error and it doesnt install. hence the stick is not bootable. tried diffrnt tools same prblm occurs. the same iso file works fine in virtual box.07:50
JPSmaner, write to file from standard out sorry07:51
Wulfkrishnan: what error07:51
krishnanWulf: boot loader is not installing.07:51
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MrSaltJPSman: Generally, no.  But you grep doesn't like your data, and that can be a Carrage return issue, or foreign caracters in the data, or something.07:52
MrSaltJPSman: I'd bring the data file you just generated back to your local computer, and cat LOCALFILE | grep -i wii and try different forms and tests07:53
Wulfkrishnan: syslinux would not output that07:53
krishnanWulf: boot loader is not installing.07:53
JPSmanthanks MrSalt07:53
krishnanWulf: syslinux is throwing an error. the message is like syslinux nt able to install, report ths error to microsoft.07:53
damagednoobWulf: http://pastebin.com/L5CFYemP07:53
Wulfkrishnan: microsoft.. sure.07:54
MrSaltJPSman: Load the data up in vim, SET LIST to see control characters, and see what looks funny.07:54
Wulfkrishnan: please get the exact error message07:54
MrSaltJPSman: np07:55
krishnanWulf: ok give me some time I will. pls dnt go offline.07:55
Wulfdamagednoob: which one is your company vpn? ppp0?07:55
MrSaltIn the meantime, I'm going to bed.  Night all.07:55
Wulfdamagednoob: you have no route into ppp007:56
especially-corndoes anyone know what i have to install in ubuntu minimal install to get the mounting working?07:56
Wulfdamagednoob: do you have docs from your company which give some details?07:56
Wulfespecially-corn: what mounting?07:57
especially-cornWulf: mounting of unmounted media in any file manager07:57
especially-cornthe devices appear in the list but if you click them they don't work07:57
damagednoobhmm, i added the following to my  /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/add-subnet file: route add -net dev $PPP_IFACEPPTP   PPTP   PPTP07:57
Wulfespecially-corn: udisk or something?07:57
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damagednoobwulf: i do have some info but the setup is for windows07:58
Wulfdamagednoob: that's okay07:58
damagednoobWulf: i've tried the vpn manager in network-manager-pptp but it seems to fail07:59
damagednoobWulf: I followed the 7.04 walkthrough from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN#VPN%20Setup%20in%20Ubuntu%209.1007:59
damagednoobWulf: and it seems to connect07:59
NameLess-exeany tips on turning a core2duo 2gb ddr2 desktop into a linux serveR?08:00
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greenmang0hi friends, need help with "fsck on lvm" ... root which is mounted on lvm has errors on filesystem ... when i run "fsck.ext4 -vn /dev/vg-root/lv-root" fsck displays errors .. but when same partition is mounted using liveusb ... fsck.ext4 just runs a check and exits08:01
greenmang0how can fix those errors?08:02
Wulfkrishnan: bbiaw. In the meanwhile, ask the other people here.08:02
krishnanWulf: ok08:02
krishnanWhen I try to create a bootable USB stick with ubuntu server 10.04 the syslinux throws an error and it doesnt install. hence the stick is not bootable. tried diffrnt tools same prblm occurs. the same iso file works fine in virtual box.08:03
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llutzNameLess-exe: a "server" for what? make a list of stuff you need running, install a fresh minimal-linux and then only the stuff you really need08:08
NameLess-exellutz: mainly back ups, website hosting and amybe a fwe game servers08:09
Guest90447i am trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows 7 on two separate data drives. Should i have the bios set on ide, raid, or ahci? I had to set it on ahci to get ubuntu to boot, but now windows 7 won't boot. What should it be set on?08:09
Guest90447i am trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows 7 on two separate sata drives. Should i have the bios set on ide, raid, or ahci? I had to set it on ahci to get ubuntu to boot, but now windows 7 won't boot. What should it be set on?08:10
ProphetZNothing passes the reboot...08:11
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onebitxajaxi need help in installayion08:23
|ntegra|but that's so easy08:23
szalonebitxajax: 1. don't crosspost, 2. installation of what?08:23
onebitxajaxszal: sorry i think because i am installing kubuntu08:24
onebitxajaxi must enter #kubuntu08:24
onebitxajaxszal: is this a good partioning?08:24
onebitxajaxfirst windows rescue - win 7- kubuntu - swap - data - rescue win708:25
onebitxajaxszal: the installtion don't go on because i can't format ita08:26
szalonebitxajax: if you make sda6 ext4 as well and use that as /, then yes08:26
onebitxajaxszal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/20/plasma-desktopr12644.jpg08:26
onebitxajaxit give me this error when i trye08:27
szalonebitxajax: then look at the details, the error msg alone doesn't help anyone08:27
onebitxajaxszal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/20/plasma-desktopV12644.jpg08:28
onebitxajaxi must reboot o,o08:28
Wulfand now he's gone...08:28
Wulfwithout getting me the error message08:29
onebitxajaxszal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/20/plasma-desktopC12644.jpg08:29
harsh_firehow can i convert my customized ubuntu into a live cd ??08:29
ProphetZI'm still here...08:30
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szalonebit: then reboot, and next time you modify your partitions, either use a live CD, or make sure that every partition you are making changes to is NOT mounted08:32
onebitszal: Iam on LIVE CD08:32
onebiti will reboot08:32
onebitxajaxszal: i am with live cd08:33
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usuariohi, I'm having trouble setting my soundcard to "amplified" and getting no sound (I think that's the problem). What should I do?08:33
szal.oO( whatever that means.. )08:34
szal!sound | usuario08:34
ubottuusuario: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:34
usuarioI've already seen those ubottu08:34
usuarioto no avail08:35
BILLYKANEharsh_fire,look here   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-with-remastersys.html08:35
harsh_fireBILLYKANE, thanks :)08:35
onebitszal: there is something wrong08:37
usuariois there a channel for audio?08:38
Gredeui didn't need help anyway08:38
usuarioI think I'll go for Windows, two weeks without sound is not sane08:39
usuariothanks anyway08:39
szalonebit: define 'something08:39
Gredeuuse itunes08:39
iceroot_ubottu: you generally have no sound?08:39
ubottuiceroot_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:39
onebitszal: i can't format that partition... continue to give me device busy08:40
MyrttiGredeu: could you repeat the question?08:40
szalonebit: what's supposed to be on that partition anyway?  (i.e. now, before formatting)08:40
idefixwhy would I want to update to a dammy upgrade package for firefox-3.0?08:41
idefixdummy *08:41
iceroot_idefix: ? you mean a metapackage?08:41
idefixiceroot_ Important security update08:41
GredeuMyrtti, there was none.  i was merely pointing out my presence here is fruitless.08:41
iceroot_idefix: can you post the exact package-name + ubuntu-version?08:42
MyrttiGredeu: if you are helping others, I wouldn't call it fruitless :-)08:42
GredeuMyrtti, right.08:42
idefixiceroot_ firefox-3.008:42
idefixwhy do I need something called "dummy upgrade package for firefox 3.0"?08:43
iceroot_idefix: that is a metapackage08:43
iceroot_idefix: that means you dont have to install the package firefox- and for the next security-update you have to install firefox-
iceroot_idefix: the metapackage firefox-3.0 is always installing the current firefox 3.008:44
iceroot_idefix: the same for the kernel08:44
idefixan 'inbetween' package?08:44
rwwidefix: you don't, feel free to remove it08:44
idefixyou're not just messing with me now?08:45
iceroot_idefix: its just a package which is only installing a dependency, nothing else08:45
idefixthe whole world is against me :(08:45
iceroot_idefix: but firefox 3.0 is no longer supported08:45
iceroot_idefix: its better to install the package "firefox" instead of "firefox-3.0". the package firefox is always pointing to the newest firefox in ubuntu, while firefox-3.0 is only pointing to the newest firefox-3.0 in ubuntu08:46
idefixso since firefox 3.0 is no longer supported I should not install the dummy package then..?08:46
iceroot_idefix: just install the package "firefox"08:46
iceroot_idefix: but again, what ubuntu-version?08:47
iceroot_idefix: you can see with "cat /etc/issue"08:48
Locekahello :)08:51
jerriyHi y'all, I've a problem: all drop down menus are appearing in the upper left corner of my browser08:52
jerriywhat's going on??08:52
Locekadoes someone know how to boot on a "liveCD" contained on a sofrware RAID partition ?08:53
Babyboyanny exsperts in xorg.conf? i whant to be able to use 3screens but linux has hard time finding the 3the screen (one is onboard (intel) the other is pci graphic card nvidea) and i cant seem to be able to get both working at same time08:53
iceroot_Loceka: ?08:55
iceroot_Loceka: you want to access the sw-raid?08:55
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Cairois there some tutorial for installing/compiling win64 on ubuntu 11.04?08:55
Guest58312Jew Jew Jew are everywhere :D08:55
iceroot_Cairo: of course not08:55
iceroot_Cairo: there is no sourcecode of windows08:56
iceroot_!vbox | Cairo08:56
ubottuCairo: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:56
Locekaiceroot_: actually I can boot on the partition thanks to a grub from the MBR but the grub inside the liveCD does not work (it probably cant even see itself)08:56
iceroot_Loceka: so the issue is the live-cd does not start?08:57
jerriyHi y'all, I've a problem: all drop down menus are appearing in the upper left corner of my browser.08:57
Locekaiceroot_, basically yes08:57
iceroot_Loceka: any errors?08:57
iceroot_Loceka: ubuntu live-cd?08:57
Locekanope, black screen08:57
jerriyAnybody help?08:57
Locekathe disk led running mad08:58
LocekaHDD led even08:58
iceroot_Loceka: live-cd is not touching the hdd08:58
Locekawell still it's blinking08:58
iceroot_Loceka: what version of ubuntu is the live-cd?08:59
iceroot_Loceka: waht version of ubuntu is the installed system?08:59
Cairoi meant wine6408:59
jerriyoCean: does "requested by oCean" equals booted by oCean? ;-)08:59
Locekaiceroot_, actually it's Mint, from Ubuntu 11.0408:59
Cairois there some tutorial for installing/compiling wine64 on ubuntu 11.04?08:59
iceroot_Cairo: imo there is no amd64 version of wine08:59
iceroot_Loceka: the live-cd is mint?08:59
oCeanjerriy: it does08:59
Cairoicaunus: http://wiki.winehq.org/Wine6408:59
iceroot_Cairo: sudo apt-get install wine08:59
Locekaiceroot_, and the installed Ubuntu is Ubuntu Server 11.0409:00
iceroot_Loceka: we cant support mint here09:00
Cairoiceroot_: 32 bit09:00
iceroot_Loceka: and because the live-cd is mint this is not supported here09:00
Locekathe only way to easily have RAID + LVM support at install time09:00
iceroot_Cairo: why need the amd64 version?09:00
jerriyoCean: ok seriously now I'm looking for someone to solve this problem: all drop down menus are appearing in the upper left corner of my browser09:00
iceroot_Loceka: no, ubuntu alternate is also provifing lvm + sw raid09:00
Locekaiceroot_, well basically it works the same for Ubuntu live CD09:00
Cairobecause i'm trying to use wine to install something so i can copy back to another computer which cant install it but the installer is 64 bit09:01
jerriyWhy that?09:01
iceroot_!mint | Loceka09:01
ubottuLoceka: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:01
oCeanjerriy: don't ask me, ask the channel09:01
Locekaiceroot_, ok I wont bother you with that, thanks anyway :)09:01
iceroot_Loceka: sorry for that but its hard to support something else because i/we dont know the differences09:02
ubuntu_Jew Jew Jew are in European Union , in USA . Jew are in Israel . Jew are Everywhere09:02
Locekaiceroot_, no problem, though there should not be any diffrence, the problem is at boot time (so grub + installed package issue)09:03
iceroot_Loceka:  if there is no difference there is no reason to release mint09:03
jerriyoCean: what channel?09:03
Locekaiceroot_, I mean the problem would be the same with Ubuntu live CD.09:04
Locekaiceroot_, but there is a "solution" for ubuntu with the alternate CDs09:04
iceroot_Loceka: the problem with the black screen?09:04
Locekathe problem with RAID support at boot time09:05
Locekaon live CD09:05
iceroot_Loceka: the best live-cd is "systemrescuedisc" which provides everything. also its a gentoo! live-cd using zsh by default :) it supports sw raid, lvm, luks and so on09:06
Locekaiceroot_, yep but is it possible to _install_ Mint thanks to systemrescuedisc ?09:06
iceroot_Loceka: no09:07
Locekathat's it :/09:07
Locekasame with Ubuntu Server09:07
iceroot_Loceka: i dont get the problem. you cant install ubuntu-server? or you need a live-cd provifing sw-raid?09:07
LocekaI could not figure out how to grab Mint display on a Ubuntu Server install09:07
Locekaiceroot_, I actually can install Ubuntu Server, no problem09:08
Locekabut can't install Mint on top09:08
iceroot_Loceka: #mint09:08
Locekaok ok09:08
iceroot_Loceka: and do i want to know what "on top" means?09:08
IdleOneDoesn't matter mint is off topic here09:09
Olotilamy latex programs installation interrupted, and now several programs say :09:09
OlotilaThere seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.09:09
Locekaiceroot_, well as Ubuntu Server is mostly composed by shared packages between the 2 distribs, I figured that it would be easy to add the Mint layout on top09:09
Locekait proved not so09:10
Olotilahow do  i fix interrupted installations?09:10
MyrttiOlotila: you could try (on the command line) sudo apt-get -f install09:10
iceroot_Loceka: very very bad idea09:10
iceroot_Loceka: you install the distri you want directly, if it is ubuntu ask here if it is something else ask #somethingelse :)09:11
OlotilaMyrtti, i'll try that09:11
miikaelhello, how do i permanently mount my windows 7 partition in linux ?09:12
OlotilaMyrtti, that helped, thanks!!!09:12
MyrttiOlotila: you're welcome :-)09:13
iceroot_miikael: put it in /etc/fstab09:14
llutz!ntfs-3g|miikael  add an entry to /etc/fstab09:14
ubottumiikael  add an entry to /etc/fstab: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:14
dcraserr /join #ubuntu -ko <<< this no?09:15
dcraserrhelp me09:16
llutzdcraserr: no space between #ubuntu-ko09:16
dcraserroh!! i see09:16
dcraserroh!!! thanks09:17
theadminHello, Josh_.09:18
miikaeliceroot_: nothing happens when i run "gksudo ntfs-config", it just ask for super user password, then nothing09:19
miikael(i did install it)09:19
Josh_Quite new to linux.09:19
Josh_Been using Windows from long time.09:19
Locekamiikael, iceroot_: I actually have the same problem too (with Ubuntu Server + XFCE)09:20
theadminJosh_: Well, expect some major differences.09:20
natrixnatrix89is it just me or is it true that empathy is a very buggy chat client?09:21
Josh_theadmin, I am.09:21
theadminnatrixnatrix89: It is, on certain networks09:21
theadminnatrixnatrix89: NEVER use Empathy or Pidgin for IRC, for god's sake.09:21
natrixnatrix89theadmin: pidgin works very good for me09:21
natrixnatrix89and for irc too09:21
Locekamiikael, iceroot_: it seems to be a rights issue on gksu because when I launch gksu from a terminal with sudo, it works09:21
t36hi, i need help removing a bad package, anyone know how to do this09:21
theadminnatrixnatrix89: Well, still it lacks important features of IRC clients09:21
theadmint36: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>09:22
natrixnatrix89oh. right. but it doesn't hang the pc like empathy does09:22
t36doesn't work09:22
natrixnatrix89I'm wondering why pidgin was replaced with empathy09:22
t36it is a driver for a brother printer09:22
natrixnatrix89I mean as a default chat client09:22
Josh_theadmin, Well , first the file system then the terminal , as usual.09:22
miikaelLoceka: would it work if i do sudo -i and then try launch ntfs-config ?09:22
theadmint36: sudo dpkg -P packagename09:23
theadminnatrixnatrix89: Presumably because Empathy is a part of Gnome09:23
natrixnatrix89but why did they remove pidgin then?09:23
theadminJosh_: You should learn to use package managers (check the Ubuntu software center and Synaptic, first, then read up on apt-get)09:23
t36theadmin: it says that the package is in an inconsistent state09:24
Josh_theadmin, I read on apt-get thats how I installed x-chat :D09:24
t36I have tried sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq hl2250dnlpr09:24
t36already, but that doesnt work either09:24
theadminJosh_: Oh lol09:24
Josh_theadmin, had to do sudo though.09:24
dnivrahello. How to I specify a socks proxy in a terminal?09:24
codemagicianhow to I disable the suspend key on my keyboard?09:25
t36is there a way to manually remove the files?09:25
Josh_codemagician, pop it out ?09:25
theadminJosh_: You need to use sudo for most administrative tasks.09:25
Josh_theadmin, it was administrative task?09:25
codemagicianJosh_, I mean using the os?09:25
Locekamiikael, try :) I don't know what sudo -i does09:25
theadminJosh_: Installing a piece of software? Naturally.09:26
codemagicianJosh_, under power management there is no choice to assign any other values09:26
miikaelLoceka: it changes user to root, but it didnt work either, all it did was giving me lots of python execution errors when trying to launch the config09:26
Locekamiikael, and "sudo gksu" worked for you ?09:28
theadminLoceka: "sudo gksu" is like "long cat is long"09:29
theadminLoceka: Both are the same, except gksu is for GUIs09:29
dnivrahello. I am trying to install eclipse in ubuntu via command line and I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/670744/. Why arent' those packages installed automatically?09:29
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miikaelLoceka: it did the same thing as when i ran it from root user (sudo -i)09:29
theadmindnivra: Meh, probably just install those packages manually09:29
glebihandnivra, try "sudo apt-get install eclipse-jdt" to see why those aren't being installed09:30
Locekatheadmin, yes I agree, still launching gksu with "sudo gksu" works, while "gksu" by itself fails09:31
Locekatheadmin, don't ask me why09:31
dnivraglebihan: both those packages install fine. or at least it asks for confirmation so I'm assuming it'll go ahead.09:31
theadminLoceka: lol... Ubuntu and it's strangenesses09:31
glebihanLoceka, did you try with gksudo ?09:31
theadminglebihan: On Ubuntu gksu is the same thing as gksudo09:31
dnivratheadmin: there won't be any issues? And any idea why those don't get installed automatically when eclipse depends on them?09:31
glebihantheadmin, not exactly09:32
theadmindnivra: Maybe some of their dependencies are unresolvable, I dunno09:32
dnivrahmmm i see.09:32
Locekatheadmin, but for example, synaptics comes with gksu (the command launched in the app menu is something like "gksu --<cant remember> synaptic"09:32
glebihantheadmin, depends how gksu is configured09:32
theadminglebihan: On Ubuntu, they *are* the same. On usual Linux systems, where there *is* a usable root account, it can be configured with gksu-properties to use either su or sudo09:33
glebihanLoceka, the "<cant remember>" might be important...09:33
Locekatheadmin, it displays the "password" pop up and then synaptic won't launch09:33
glebihantheadmin, that configuration also exists in Ubuntu and might mess things up09:33
Locekatheadmin, the same command written in a terminal with sudo just works well09:33
miikaelLoceka: im giving up on ntfs-config =/ gonna try configure it manualy09:34
Locekaglebihan, well it's standard ubuntu install ^^09:34
Locekaglebihan, I just install xubuntu-desktop and synaptic menu went with it09:34
Locekamiikael, :(09:35
glebihanLoceka, I would still try with gksudo to see if it has the same behavior09:35
Locekaglebihan, it works well with gksudo09:38
theadminLoceka: Open a terminal, type "gksu-properties", and change su to sudo then09:38
glebihanLoceka, launch "gksu-properties" and authentication mode to sudo09:38
Locekaglebihan, theadmin: it works now :)09:39
Locekastrange it aint configured well from the beginning though09:40
theadminLoceka: Weird, since by default it should be configured to use sudo...09:40
glebihanLoceka, weird that it was configured that way though...09:40
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Locekamiikael, you've got your answer too :)09:41
jerriyI was wondering perhaps due to lack of Ubuntu support  that I should join Mint?09:44
theadminjerriy: Ubuntu has much greater support than Mint, to be honest.09:44
theadminjerriy: That, and we do not support other distributions here.09:45
jerriytheadmin: I get the feeling that Ubuntu has "maxed out" it's potential09:45
oCeanjerriy: this is not a discussion channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for such09:46
theadminjerriy: *shrug* Up to you. I'm not an Ubuntu user either. It's just not to be discussed here.09:46
theadminjerriy: Do what oCean mentioned.09:46
jerriyActaully I did came here to find anwser to an ubuntu problem but the discussion seems to involve mint09:47
greenmang0can anybody tell me how to fsck lvm partition through live cd?09:47
theadmin!mintsupport | jerriy09:47
ubottujerriy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:47
Locekatheadmin, what's so different with Ubuntu-based distributions ?09:49
ugly_duckWeird, just went type a sudo command and now its telling me i am not int eh sudoers list?09:49
ugly_duckanyways to fix this, i never set a root password09:49
theadminLoceka: Not much really, it's just that we can't know what this or that derivative changed, so...09:50
theadminLoceka: What if they use their own package manager, say, smart instead of apt-get?09:50
greenmang0ugly_duck, boot using livecd and add yourself to sudoers file09:50
ugly_duckoh shit, i'll go dig it out09:50
regularjocan i copy text from this page and paste it into my text editor?09:50
oCeanugly_duck: or boot into rescue mode, and add yourself to sudoers09:50
Locekatheadmin, ok :)09:51
jerriytheadmin: you are not a ubuntu user??? So I guess you can't help me why all the drop down menus are appearing in the top left corner of the browser page (in my ubuntu pc09:51
ugly_duckgreen_top: need to chroot or just add09:51
theadminjerriy: I can't even understand the question.09:52
greenmang0oCean, but booting into rescue mode will also ask for root password and which he doesn't have i guess09:53
jerriyI'm referring to drop down menues found inside countless internet pages (the intent being that you click on a button with "triangual" sign next to a bar and a (javascript) menu "drops down below the bar09:54
theadminjerriy: Oh, sounds like a browser problem to me.09:54
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jerriyIt's a browser in ubuntu problem (I have other OS and such a thing has never happened)09:55
theadminjerriy: Report a bug, then09:55
glebihanjerriy, could you show us a screenshot09:56
oCeangreenmang0: no, booting into rescue mode can drop you in a rootshell without need for password09:57
theadmingreenmang0: Unless you set one, that is.09:57
greenmang0oCean, i doubt that... i am running  10.04 on one of my servers... there was some lvm related problems ... so i went into rescue mode and it asked me for a root password09:58
greenmang0theadmin, ok09:58
greenmang0btw do you guys have any idea about doing fsck on lvm partition?09:59
greenmang0theadmin, oCean ^^09:59
theadmingreenmang0: Not me.10:00
oCeangreenmang0: nope, sorry. You could try asking in #ubuntu-server channel10:00
greenmang0oCean, ok10:00
Kingsyis crashplan in the ubuntu repos?10:04
Kingsyor if anyone has any advice, I need a program that is gonna backup my /home drive to a backupdrive based on timestamps10:06
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KingsyI only want it to backup when computer is idle, and it needs to mount and unmount the backup drive when its backing up, so by default the backup drive is unmounted10:07
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IdleOne!backup | Kingsy10:09
ubottuKingsy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:09
KingsyIdleOne: I don't see a Backup app in App->Accessories10:11
Calinouinstall it Kingsy ._.10:13
KingsyCalinou: whats the package a,e10:13
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IdleOneKingsy: look at the links ubottu sent you10:14
KingsyIdleOne: I am looking in Homeuserbackup.. cos thats what I want, but I don't see the package name, it just says go to app->acc->backup10:14
Kingsyoh could be hubackup10:15
adrenalinkHow can I deny apache server to autostart on boot? (ubuntu-linux os)10:15
KingsyI don't think this is what I need anyways.. this is a one time only backup .. I don't think it runs automatically on timestamps10:16
IdleOneKingsy: there are more options in those links. you probably want rsync10:17
IdleOneor grsync perhaps10:17
Gredeukhanacademy 3810:18
jerriyglebihan: jerriy, could you show us a screenshot? >> No I can't (menu disappears as soon as I move mouse or press any key including printscreen10:18
adrenalinkHow can I deny apache server to autostart on boot? (ubuntu-linux os)10:19
KingsyIdleOne: well I am reading about rsync and that looks simple enough, but it only does 1 time backups.. which means I would need to run it everyday.. isnt there a way to have it running so it updates the backup via timestampls ?10:22
llutzadrenalink: use sysv-rc.conf to disable it10:22
llutzadrenalink: use sysv-rc-conf even10:23
Nriteadrenalink:This might help you, depends whether you want to completely disable it to what extent. http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-manage-services-with-update-rc.d10:23
llutzdon't use update-rc.d to permanently disable services10:24
AquixWhatother ports do deluge use? I can't get announce working when using ufw..10:24
llutzadrenalink:  man update-rc.d|less -p "A common"                 tells you why you shouldn't use update-rc.d10:26
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varunvyasHelp : hi I was playing with Comiz and something gone wrong. now ubuntu 11.04 ui is not working :(10:32
varunvyasHelp : hi I was playing with Comiz and something gone wrong. now ubuntu 11.04 ui is not working :(10:33
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varunvyas Help : hi I was playing with Comiz and something gone wrong. now ubuntu 11.04 ui is not working :(10:37
idefixwhat's happening, why are so many people joining and quitting here?10:37
DynamitOverload of the server i suspect10:38
idefixguys, are you ever so depressed you think of suicide?10:38
Dynamitfor i while the lag was over 40s for me10:38
Dynamitso i think some one Ddos this server but not success10:39
hariomAnybody having issue with LSI 1068 Raid Controller ? My system is not able to detect SAS harddisk10:40
xounsidefix> I try not to as much as I can ;)10:41
Sidewinder1!ot | idefix10:42
ubottuidefix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:42
IdleOne!guidelines > idefix10:42
krisss117hi, how i can get IP adress, when i know only Gadu-Gadu number ?10:42
idefixit's all very complicated the way it works10:42
ubottuidefix, please see my private message10:42
idefixoh well..10:42
idefixit's really amazing how many people there are on earth..10:44
IdleOneidefix: if you feel like chatting join #ubuntu-offtopic and please keep this channel for ubuntu support only10:46
xouns<krisss117 why not ask him?10:46
xouns<krisss117 (or her)10:46
krisss117xonus it's nobody there, on this station run only GG10:47
hariomHas anybody got success in compiling or finding solution for LSI 1068E driver for Ubuntu ?10:47
krisss117and i must get IP10:48
edgyHi, I am new to unity. when I open any app i cannot see the minimize button, where is it gone? btw am I alone who thinks unity is a regression?10:48
Sidewinder1!classic | edgy10:49
ubottuedgy: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".10:49
xounsedgy: I have the same, I think it is a problem with both Gnome 3 and Unity on one machine10:49
xounstry a purge and install10:49
Sidewinder1Gnome3 can "break" Unity.10:50
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.10:50
krishnanIm using ubuntu 10.10 and when I try to mount my usb stick to a folder using " sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/external" I get an error " you must specify the filesystem tyoe" what to do?10:50
Hyperbytekrishnan,  sudo mount -t <filesystem> /dev/sdd1 /media/external10:51
HyperbyteWhere <filesystem> is the filesystem type of the USB stick10:51
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BluesKajhowdy all10:55
edgyHyperbyte: but why it fails to recognise the filesytem automatically should be a valid question10:55
krishnanwhere will I have grub on my ubuntu 10.10 desktop10:55
edgySidewinder1, xouns: thanks10:56
edgykrishnan: shouldn't you thank Hyperbyte for his tip?10:56
Sidewinder1edgy, No problem. :D10:57
krishnanHyperbyte: thank u.10:57
krishnanwhere will I have grub on my ubuntu 10.10 desktop10:57
Nece228why with ubuntu 11.04 games are more laggy than with previous versions10:58
Nece228im almost sure its compiz foult10:58
Nece228but how can i fix this?10:58
WulfNece228: other graphics driver?10:58
Nece228Wulf: nvidia10:58
Nece228disabling vsync doesnt help now11:00
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rabbi1how to add an application under "Open With"?11:02
nightlingohello all!11:04
nightlingoI'm trying to use my firewire audio card11:04
nightlingoI set it up using JACK and ffado and it seems to be working - however, what should I do next? how can I hear something from the speakers?11:05
BluesKajnightlingo, open a terminal and do, alsamixer -V all11:07
nightlingoso you're suggesting I select "Select sound card" ?11:08
nightlingoBluesKaj: I tried but my firewire soundcard isn't listed there11:08
prashant_hello all11:10
prashant_can anyone help me out11:10
BluesKajnightlingo, ok you have to find a driver for the card , what model/chip ?11:10
nightlingohowever it seems BluesKaj: it's presonus firebox11:10
nightlingoBluesKaj: but my card seems recognized and initialized through JACK11:11
Sidewinder1!ask | prashant_11:11
ubottuprashant_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:11
nightlingoBluesKaj: jack lists all of my soundcard's inputs and outputs, and the light on my soundcard indicates that it has been initialized successfuly11:12
prashant_Sidewinder1, i have a 20 gb pata hdd i have 2 gb swap partition and a / partition with 9 gb and a /home partition of 9 gb so i want to put data on /home partition so how to do it11:12
Sidewinder1prashant_, Drag and drop with Nautilus; use the cp command in terminal, they're many ways to copy data.11:14
prashant_Sidewinder1, you mean if i put data in /home folder it will be there in /home partition ?11:14
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Sidewinder1prashant_, I don't see why not.11:15
rabbi1how to add an application under "Open With"?11:15
prashant_Sidewinder1, and how to view memory used by /home partition ?11:16
Sidewinder1prashant_, Memory? Don't you mean storage?11:16
BluesKajyes nightlingo , sorry I see you have it configured correctly , but my experience with jack is non existent , so I'm afaid we need help from ppl who have some jack experience11:16
prashant_Sidewinder1, yep storage11:16
szalprashant_: df -h11:17
nightlingoBluesKaj: ok thanks anyway :)11:17
rabbi1prashant_: System->Admin->Disk Utility11:17
rabbi1prashant_: by default your files are stored in /home .....11:18
Sidewinder1prashant_, When you open /home in Nautilus, it should list, at the bottom it should list "Free Space 7 Gig", etc.11:18
rabbi1Sidewinder1: How can I add app to "Open With" list ?11:19
prashant_Sidewinder1, it only  says 6.8 gb11:19
Braden`I accidentally deleted the panel at the top right of my desktop that displays my network status, clock, mail, etc.  How do I get that back?11:19
Sidewinder1rabbi1, Don't you have a "browse" option when you "open with"?11:19
rabbi1Sidewinder1: nope,11:20
rabbi1Braden`: Right click and add it11:20
Sidewinder1rabbi1, I would have to search...11:20
prashant_Sidewinder1, /dev/sda311:20
rabbi1Sidewinder1: ok, no worries, forget it11:20
prashant_Sidewinder1, it says mounted at /home11:21
Sidewinder1BRB, coffee.11:21
Braden`rabbi1:  It doesn't have the network status thingy11:23
rabbi1Braden`: Add "Notification Area"11:24
prashant_Sidewinder1, is there anything wrong with my partitions11:24
rabbi1Braden`: Right click on the panel and say "Add to Panel" then select "Notification Area"11:25
rabbi1prashant_: do you know where your /swap is ?11:25
prashant_rabbi1, nope11:25
rabbi1prashant_: did you check in "Disk Utility"11:26
prashant_rabbi1, /dev/sda111:26
prashant_rabbi1, and another two partitions at /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda311:26
rabbi1prashant_: all that's good, but that information won't help solve it...11:27
Braden`The notification area is there but nothing is n it11:27
rabbi1prashant_: just system->admin->disk utility and check all status there11:27
rabbi1Braden`: Open "Rhythm Box"11:27
prashant_rabbi1, if want to add data on /dev/sda3 then ??11:27
Braden`rabbi1:  Where do I do that at?11:28
rabbi1prashant_: sda3 is /home ?11:28
prashant_rabbi1, yep11:28
rabbi1!Rhytam Box11:28
prashant_rabbi1, its mounted at /home11:29
rabbi1prashant_: it automatically adds the to /home11:29
rabbi1prashant_: your files are stored there only - /home11:29
rabbi1!Rhythm Box11:29
Braden`Maybe the bot isn't working :/11:30
rabbi1Braden`: That's a music player when you run it, it will show the status, just check wether you are getting that in notification area11:30
macsimhi, I'm unable to boot my laptop (ASUS X71SL) without add acpi=off anybody knows a fix ? thanks11:30
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rabbi1Braden`: nop, i don't know the exact command for that ;)11:30
prashant_rabbi1, if i add data to /home folder then it will be automatically be there at /dev/sda3 partition ??11:31
rabbi1Braden`: or just run anything which shows the status in notification area, if that works, your notifcation area is good... else need to edit the file. got to find some expert for that.11:31
rabbi1prashant_: yeah11:31
Braden`Installing rhythm box11:32
Braden`I don't know which apps should appear in the notification area11:32
prashant_rabbi1, if i want to add data in /dev/sda2 then ??11:32
prashant_rabbi1, then i need to add data on / folder11:32
Twilight-LHey, first time trying to install VNC on ubuntu desktop with GNOME. VNC works and all, but the running xserver is just a black screen, I can't figure out how to display the normal OS interface (the taskbar and all that).11:32
rabbi1prashant_: what is the mount point of /sda2 ?11:32
glebihanrabbi1, why are you telling him to install rhythmbox to solve a notification area problem ?11:33
prashant_rabbi1, its mounted on /11:33
rabbi1prashant_: don't worry much about sda1 or sda2, the files are stored on the basis of mount points11:33
prashant_rabbi1, its mounted on /11:34
rabbi1prashant_: that's root. you better have a look at Linux File Systems .... that will help you more...11:34
prashant_rabbi1, ok11:34
wildbat!manual | prashant_ look into Linux File Systems11:34
ubottuprashant_ look into Linux File Systems: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:34
rabbi1prashant_: !Filesystems11:34
prashant_rabbi1, ok11:35
greenmang0Twilight-L, no-machine worked perfectly for me ... and it provides different sessions also11:35
claviusmondcan I open a file if it shows this error? Error: /home/dexter/Compiled/OpenBVE/OpenBVE_content/piccv525_full.exe: Can not open file as archive11:35
claviusmondErrors: 111:35
Twilight-Lgreenmang0: I'm running x11vnc, it does display the screen but without the interface11:36
Twilight-Linterface as in: taskbar and such11:36
nightlingohey guys, where is the system tray in ubuntu 11.04 ?11:36
wildbatclaviusmond: you aren't suppose to run exe ~ use wine.11:36
Dynamitin the top to the right11:36
greenmang0Twilight-L, oh... didn't try it out11:36
szalclaviusmond: open with what?11:36
rabbi1Braden`: anything, if you don;t have rhythm box, try pidgin11:36
claviusmondwildbat, I have opened quite a lot .exe files without problems11:36
Dynamitand menu is to the top left11:36
claviusmondthis one has a different icon, though11:37
nightlingoDynamit: I can't see any tray icons there11:37
wildbatclaviusmond: no all exe is a self-extact arhive.11:37
dr3mrohello , when i shutdown ubuntu i see alot of errors but i don't have time to read is there a way to read them ?? and read any error on my machine ????11:37
claviusmondszal, I tried to extract it, then I used archive manager, to not avail11:37
Sidewinder1prashant_, This link contains a plethora of ubuntu info: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php11:37
rabbi1prashant_: my best advice, your storage is too low, better to upgrade ...11:37
Dynamitnightlingo wierd11:37
prashant_rabbi1, ok11:38
prashant_rabbi1, i will do it11:38
szalclaviusmond: then it either isn't an archive, or you're missing a dependency, e.g. cabextract11:38
jemparin1gonna go now. meet here again for the next 3 hours11:38
wildbatdr3mro: wait util you have time then :>11:38
dr3mrowildbat, no you don;t understand it just go fast and i can't read it11:39
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Twilight-Lstartx with x11vnc results in a black screen being displayed on the VNC, no taskbar etc. Anyone knows how to fix that?11:40
claviusmondszal, installing cabextract from synptic11:40
wildbatdr3mro:errr disconnected .... anyway you said you don;t have time ;p ~ read it on System Log Viewer :> after you rebooted.11:43
dr3mrowildbat, when X server restart there is text on screen how to view that in real time ??11:45
Joe0006where can i find the kernal log changes for ubuntu ?11:45
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th0rdr3mro: you might try the following in a terminal 'tail -f /var/log/messages'11:46
wildbatdr3mro: System > Admin > Log File Viewer11:47
rileypmceusb how to use irsend in natty kernel I cant get it working to switch on/off projector and receiver control anyone kind enough to help It was working for me in lucid11:47
pythonirc1011is there a way to run ubuntu on these: http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/19/let-the-liquidation-begin-hps-16gb-touchpad-on-sale-for-99/ ?11:48
wildbatnot offically11:51
phoque_unipythonirc1011, yes11:51
pythonirc1011phoque_uni: have you run it by any chance?11:53
phoque_unipythonirc1011, no, I never got the chance to get a device (webOS dev myself)11:53
phoque_univisit #webos and11:54
phoque_unithe webOS internals guys are the ones working on running linux on the device11:54
wildbat!ot :>11:55
szaljasonbourne: /join #suse11:55
jasonbourneanyone online??11:58
Sidewinder1jasonbourne, I'm in PA as well.11:59
jasonbourneHey, Sidewinder1>guess I switched channels correctly then...11:59
jasonbourne1st time using this...12:00
jasonbournetrying to figure it out...12:00
Sidewinder1!ot | Sidewinder112:00
ubottuSidewinder1, please see my private message12:00
jasonbourneswitched over from openSUSE just over a month ago...12:00
bazhangjasonbourne, this is ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please12:01
jasonbourneI understand12:01
jasonbournethat's why I'm here....12:01
jasonbourneswitched laptop from openSUSE to Ubuntu12:01
jasonbournegot tired of losing my wireless settings on openSUSE all the time12:02
jasonbourneSidewinder1> I'm on the eastside of PA by the Delaware Water Gap...12:03
jasonbournea little south of there...12:03
oCeanjasonbourne: this channel is for support questions only. Do you have one? Then ask the channel12:03
bazhangjasonbourne, was there an actual support question?12:03
Sidewinder1jasonbourne, /join #ubuntu-offtopic.12:03
BluesKajjasonbourne, this chat is international , local placenames and references probly don't mean much to most ppl here12:04
pr0tonhow do i do this? i want grep to color highlight my terms, but i want to print the whole file, not just lines that are matched12:09
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bullgard4_[Natty] The package x11-apps is installed. /usr/bin/xconsole exists. Why does there not exist a device /dev/xconsole?12:13
bullgard4_s/Natty/Natty GNOME 2/12:14
oCeanpr0ton: when using -C n with grep, it displays n lines before/after the matching string. Maybe that helps? Like  grep mystring -C 1000 (not sure how many lines are in the files you want to display)12:15
pr0tonoCean, thanks12:17
oratedI'm trying to share LAN internet connection through WiFi as wireless connection to other WiFi enabled devices. How can I achieve this in ubuntu? Linux  2.6.38-10-generic-pae #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 16:54:49 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 11.04 Can this blog post work for my configuration  -  http://exain.wordpress.com/2011/03/31/making-a-wifi-hotspot-access-point-using-linux-wifi-lan-cardusb-adapter/ ?12:22
yulerI've two folders of Firefox with separate configurations.  When I launch FF#1 from panel then FF#2 from CLI, both work fine.  When I launch FF#2 from CLI then FF#1 from panel, a second instance of FF#2 launches.  What is the FF#1 in panel launching?  It doesn't behave as if it's a direct link to the program.  Symbolic link?12:24
glebihanyuler, did you check the exact command of the link in the panel ?12:25
yulerglebihan: no, I don't know how to do that12:25
bullgard4_[Natty, GNOME 2] The package x11-apps is installed. /usr/bin/xconsole exists. Why does there not exist a device /dev/xconsole?12:26
glebihanyuler, is it a link in the applications menu or a  custom launcher on the panel ?12:26
yulerglebihan: It is the standard (GNOME2?) in Ubuuntu 10.10: internet > Firefox12:27
sheepzi'm having trouble with apache2 on ubuntu server, is there a way I could completely remove apache and try to instlal it again?12:27
glebihanyuler, in that case the link in the menu only launches the command "firefox", which by default connects to an already opened session of firefox if there is one12:28
glebihanyuler, you should edit the command of the launcher to be sure that it doesn't connect to the opened session (right-click on the menubar, then select "edit menus")12:28
kruxsheepz, you could apt-get remove <PACKAGE>12:29
kruxor if you wanna get rid of config files aswell apt-get purge <PACKAGE> then start over12:29
yulerglebihan: ah, that's how it's done (with GUI).  Thanks!12:30
glebihanyuler, you're welcome12:30
sheepzok, krux, I managed to get rid of with --purge apache2 apache2-utils12:30
sheepzdunno why it didn't work before when I tried it12:30
kruxcool :)12:31
arunkumar413hi, i want to send the AT commands to my 3g modem while it is being used by the network manager. how to do this?12:36
tonghuixhow to connect IRC with ERC via SSL?12:36
yulerwell, this is disconcerting... I can't make any programs bring focus + main GNOME2 panel is stuck.  Can I get to CLI to redraw desktop?12:39
kingletHello everyone, I want to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my notebook (HP Probook 4530s) and I got this error msg "Kernel-Panic, Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block", and after restart Win7 couldnt load! so I had to restore it. I tried Ubuntu 10.04-3 to make sure it's not iso's problem, but the same problem!12:43
kingletI test both of Ubuntu CDs on other computers (Dell Inspiron 6400 and a Desktop PC) but same problem12:44
dr3mrotyping lsmod in terminal prints list of modules some of them used by 0 (zero) does that mean they are unneeded and unused ??????????12:44
Sidewinder1kinglet, Did you Md5sum both ISOs prior to burning the CDs?12:44
newbie2011Question: I'm installing xubuntu along with Ubuntu + Windows, how do I make it so that xubuntu doesn't install a boot loader, where I could just do a update-grub on Ubuntu ? it says Device for boot loader installation:   ?12:44
kingletis it bcuz of Ubuntu's iso files? or kernel problem? or installer problem...? I dunno! plz someone help me12:45
airtonixnewbie2011: you can't install linux without a bootloader12:45
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Sidewinder1kinglet, Please see my above^.12:45
airtonixnewbie2011: unless o course you take the less than desirable path of using wubi12:45
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Sidewinder1!md5sum | kinglet12:46
ubottukinglet: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:46
kingletSidewinder1 nope! I didnt12:46
newbie2011oh ok, wont that make a new grub? or will Ubuntu will still my default grub editor12:46
newbie2011like for update-grub thingie command stuff12:46
kingletubottu ok I'll try it12:47
ubottukinglet: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:47
Sidewinder1kinglet, I'll bet that that's your problem; redownload and md5sum the ISOs to verify; then burn the CDs at the slowest speed.12:47
voozeIs there a way to get the "unity top panel" to linux mint? I mean: where the close buttons etc. is all a part of the toppanel.. That would be really nice.. I have seen it on a screenshot, but just dont know how :(12:47
ayudameporfaHelp me please12:48
kingletSidewinder1 kk tnx man12:48
Sidewinder1!ask | ayudameporfa12:48
ubottuayudameporfa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
ayudameporfa!ask esp12:49
ayudameporfahelp me please, speak spanish?12:49
Sidewinder1!es | ayudameporfa12:49
ubottuayudameporfa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:49
Sidewinder1Welks! :-)12:50
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egrrhiho, is there a way to restore $HOME permissions to default ? it seems all is messed up on my machine12:57
Twilight-LTried setting up NomachineNX, but every time I connect it either crashes (can't create new session when logging in on non-admin user) or it tells me the max. amount of users is already connected (when trying to connect with admin user, even after rebooting the machine)12:57
Twilight-L'admin' user as in: user with permissions everywhere. The 'non-admin' is a recently created user with no specific permissions.12:59
arunkumar413how to send AT commands to a 3g usb modem using python13:00
IdleOnearunkumar413: try asking in #python13:01
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danutzHello , I have some questions about gpg ... I generated some keys but the problem is that I can`t find them in the gnupg directory...I mean that ..I don`t know what names do they have..they don`t have the name I choose. so i don`t know which is it...help?13:07
Kanhiyais there official channel for customized live cd13:08
Kanhiyaremastersys or UCK13:08
Sidewinder1!remaster | Kanhiya13:08
ubottuKanhiya: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:08
Sidewinder1Kanhiya, Was that what you were lookin' for?13:09
KanhiyaRemastersys & UCK already tried but didn't contain what i want13:09
Sidewinder1Kanhiya, Sorry, that was about the best I could do. :-(13:10
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KanhiyaSidewinder1: I want to fully cutomize a Linux system based on Debian13:10
KanhiyaSidewinder1: Thanks13:11
NeedSomeHelp_Hello, I just installed Ion Auth for CI. I'm a completey newbie to CI. If I go to http://localhost/moosul3/index.php/auth/login, it shows the login screen. Thing is I want the login screen appearing where I want. So when I go to http://localhost/moosul3/index.php/moosul/page, I get "Message: Undefined variable: password" in the form. Can anyone help?13:12
Sidewinder1Kanhiya, Sorry I couldn't be more help.13:13
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KanhiyaDo u know the officail tool with which Ubuntu Distro being compiled13:14
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bazhang!nickspam > Milos13:26
ubottuMilos, please see my private message13:26
MilosYeah sorry about that. Although there is absolutely nobody talking in here, which is a completely surprise.13:27
MilosThis must be ubutun-has-no-issues day.13:30
magnus__I have a problem, can anyone help me?13:30
glebihan!ask | magnus__13:31
ubottumagnus__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
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magnus__ok sorry :P but my problem is this, i cant get my wirless network to work, i have done all from the ubuntu guide13:32
edbianmagnus__: what card do you have?13:33
magnus__Broadcom BCM31113:34
edbianmagnus__: Are you online via some other method right now? (it makes the process much much easier)13:35
magnus__I using wire now13:36
edbianmagnus__: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer and sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter13:36
edbianmagnus__: That installs the firmware and the tool to extract the firmware to use on the card.13:36
edbianmagnus__: It is not included in ubuntu because the firmware is not open source13:36
magnus__ok, i try :)13:37
edbianmagnus__: sure13:37
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kingletI have a problem, I download Ubuntu 11.04 twice but the md5 doesnt match! so I tried Ubuntu 10.04-3 and again md5 does not matched. What is the problem u guys think?13:39
Helsinkiiihi. Why does it take an exorbitant amount of time for my music folder to load? I have ~ 200 albums13:39
Kingsyguys, perhaps someone could explain someone to me, cos I am just learning the ropes with ubuntu, I love the reops cos it makes it really easy to install/remove things.. BUT say I want something that isnt in the reops.. you download a .tar.gz file or whatever.. firstly how do you install that? and secondly if I decide I don't want it, how do you remove it? is there a general practice to make sure you do it correctly and don't end up with files all over13:39
HelsinkiiiThe last time I had to wait long times for folders to display their contents properly, my HD crashed13:39
edbianKingsy: .tar.gz sometimes have uninstall scripts that allow you to easily remove everything.  Sometimes they dont' and it's a pain. As for installing .tar.gz let me get you a link.13:41
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:41
Kingsyedbian: cheers13:41
edbianKingsy: http://martin.ankerl.com/2007/04/19/how-to-install-anything-in-ubuntu-condensed/13:41
edbianKingsy: sometimes you have to compile the code in a .tar.gz sometimes you don't.  Installing and compiling are not the same thing at all.13:42
magnus__firmware-b43- installer dosent work, but i used sudo apt-get install firmware-b43, is that right?13:42
edbianKingsy: You should always us ehte package manager first13:42
Kingsyedbian: thanks for the info and link.. reading it now13:42
edbianmagnus__: the package name is firmware-b43-installer     no spaces.  So the command is sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer13:42
edbianKingsy: sure13:42
kingletany suggest?13:43
magnus__ok :P13:43
Kingsyedbian: what is aptitude? I use apt-get13:43
edbianKingsy: aptitude is a slightly more advanced version of apt-get.  Either one is fine, they are roughly the same and do the same job (package management)13:44
Kingsyedbian: ah ok13:44
edbianKingsy: In a lot of cases they are interchangeable.  like sudo aptitude install <x> sudo apt-get install <x>13:44
magnus__ok that worked13:44
edbianmagnus__: you have both packages installed?13:44
Kingsyok nice one13:45
Helsinkiiithe more albums I get, the longer it takes to open the directory. but it takes a REALLY long time13:45
edbianHelsinkiii: look at your hdd in disk utility13:45
Helsinkiiilike 10 seconds to open it13:45
edbianmagnus__: sudo modprobe b4313:45
magnus__oki :)13:45
Helsinkiiiedbian, what do i look for13:45
edbianHelsinkiii: the smart test (it opens a dialog and explains all the issues quite well)13:45
Helsinkiiiedbian, it shows green lights for everything, or n/a13:46
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edbianHelsinkiii: then the disk is fine (and I'm not sure what the problem is)13:46
kingletplease someone help me13:46
Helsinkiiiedbian: RAM?13:47
magnus__edbian: some thing more? :)13:47
edbiankinglet: that is strange.  All I can see is try again! :P13:47
edbianHelsinkiii: perhaps13:47
edbianmagnus__: wifi should be working now.  is it not?13:47
nfrHey :)13:48
kingletedbian I can't understand! I download Ubuntu for 3 times :( but same problem13:48
nfrIs it possible to restrict a certain ssh account to only one ip?13:48
magnus__no, but do I have to restart my computer?13:48
kingletedbian I want to know what is the problem when the Md5sum doesnt match?13:48
edbiankinglet: I do not know.  Are you looking at the correct md5sum on the web page?13:48
ShishKababI'm sorry to ask this here but I'm about to commit a necessary evil: installing Windows 7. I currently have a /boot (ext3) partition, a / (ext4) partition, a /home (ext4) partition and after that an extended partition with a NTFS and swap partition in it. It appears Win7 refuses to install on a logical partition, maybe because it wants to install a bootloader. If I let Win7 take the /boot partition and after that reinstall Grub on, will Win7 still13:48
edbianmagnus__: sudo modprobe b43     that should make it work without needed a restart.  Did you already run that?13:48
kingletedbian yes, C:\Users\Kinglet\Documents\My downloads>md5sum ubuntu-11.04-des13:49
kingleta263de4ca381fc8f0783564733510a02 *ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso13:49
kingletedbian and C:\Users\Kinglet\Documents\My downloads>md5sum ubuntu-10.04.3-des13:49
kingletf1c14ac88e84576b5fc2791119bb856f *ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso13:49
edbiankinglet: It means some of the bits from the download were changed (from hardware error) or it means the webmaster posted the wrong md5sum on the site13:49
kingletedbian https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes13:50
kingletedbian hardware error? my hardware?13:50
kingletedbian like HDD error?13:50
magnus__can we use a remote-tool?13:50
edbiankinglet: Perhpas the md5sums on the site are outdated13:51
edbianmagnus__: sudo iwlist scan    does it list wifi networks?13:51
edbianmagnus__: I do not want to use a remote tool13:52
kingletedbian (Supported until October 2012)13:52
magnus__no, it did yesterday, but not no.13:52
edbianShishKabab: If you install grub it will write over /boot.  If windows 7 used /boot it will not longer boot.  I think windows 7 wants to be primary and wants more than one partition and wants to have the boot partition first on the drive with the boot flag13:53
kingletedbian because when I want install the Ubuntu, I got this error ms "kernel panic, unable to mount root fs on unknown-block"13:53
edbiankinglet: oh rly13:53
edbiankinglet: Try downloading ubuntu from a different source13:53
magnus__i'll try to do what i did yesterday and coming back to you :)13:54
kingletedbian ok I'll try it. Tnx man13:54
magnus__thanx for the help so far :)13:54
ShishKababedbian: Yes, that's what I also fear and hoping to avoid.13:54
edbianmagnus__: I am sure about how to get this card to work. run sudo iwlist scan13:54
edbiankinglet: sure13:54
edbianShishKabab: yes, you'd have to ask for more details in #windows13:55
ShishKababedbian: Haha. I didn't expect to find that sort of thing on freenode. I'll check there.13:55
edbianShishKabab: sure13:56
edbianShishKabab: just don't mention to them the ubuntu install.  It isn't relevant and it will turn them off13:56
magnus__yes I did but i got interface doesn't support scanning : network is down13:56
edbianShishKabab: In most cases it is much easier to install windows first and then install ubuntu13:56
edbianmagnus__: for wlan0 as well?13:56
edbianmagnus__: sudo rfkill list     then is the last step13:57
edbianmagnus__: That command tells if things are blocked.  Is anything blocked?13:57
ShishKababedbian: Yes, I know. But I don't feel like doing a reinstall (= waste of time) just for Windows so I'm trying to avoid that.13:57
edbianShishKabab: sure13:57
magnus__hp-wifi wireless LAN :hard blocked is blocked13:58
edbianmagnus__: that means you switched the card off13:58
edbianmagnus__: with the kill switch on the laptop13:58
edbiansilly magnus__ :P13:58
magnus__yeah I forgot that :P sorry :P13:59
kad_hey, i need help!! how i can re-boot from old kernal ( i have 2.6.8-10 and 2.6.8-8), i want to boot back to the 8 but i doesn't appear during boot how? the 2.6.8-8 still found in the /lib/modules and in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg!! thanks in advamce13:59
edbianmagnus__: now it should start working again13:59
magnus__oh I love you :D tnx very very much :D13:59
edbianmagnus__: ha, dork13:59
magnus__:D and you are an angel :D14:00
cythrillHello all, I am trying to open up a new command prompt and exectue a command using one line,   when i try:   termx -e grimwepa      the terminal just flashes open then closes, can anyone help?14:00
magnus__tnx again, bye :D14:00
MrokiiIs it a known problem that sometimes windows don't receive key-presses in Ubuntu 11.04 even though the windows are the active ones? I notice that mainly when I have opened two or more Gnome-Terminal-Windows.14:00
bluepixel2Is there a flag I can pass to dpkg when I'm installing a kernel to make it the default kernel to boot?14:00
OmegaLimitHi, I'm having some trouble with an HDMI out to a TV using Ubuntu 11.04 on a GeForce 8200M G video card; I was here a week ago with the same problem but I'm hoping maybe someone will know how to fix this14:00
Striker307011.04, what is the command to stop, then start network services from the terminal window14:00
OmegaLimitWhen I go into NVIDIA X Server Settings and try to enable the TV, either my laptop locks up or the TV doesn't respond and the laptop receives the new resolution/settings that the TV should be getting14:01
=== kish is now known as gaddafi
cythrillexcuse me i mean xterm -e14:02
OmegaLimitOddly, after just inputting the same settings for the TV about 30 times last time, the output just suddenly worked but then wouldn't work again once unplugged14:02
mockenh_Striker3070, you can restart NetworkManager via 'restart network-manager' (needs root)14:02
OmegaLimitDoes anyone know what might be the issue?14:02
Joe0006is there a way to check if everything is working right on ubuntu ?14:02
Joe0006like if somehting missing or broken14:02
Striker3070mockenh - thank you14:03
yeatsJoe0006: a better approach is to tell us what's *not* working right ;-)14:03
Joe0006yeats i install some software using apt-get and sometimes they are not there14:03
Joe0006so i need to know in the future how to find out if something is broken in the system14:04
yeatsJoe0006: do you have specifics?14:04
Joe0006in windows you can scan for errors in the windows dir, harddisk, registry14:04
MrokiiJoe0006: Do you mean that the install-process fails?14:04
kad_hey, i need help!! how i can re-boot from old kernel ( i have 2.6.8-10 and 2.6.8-8), i want to boot back to the 8 but i doesn't appear during boot how? the 2.6.8-8 still found in the /lib/modules and in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg!! thanks in advance14:04
Joe0006i want same stuff14:04
cythrillanyone have any ideas about  mine?14:05
yeatsJoe0006: you can check whether a program is installed by doing (in the terminal): 'dpkg -l | grep <packagename>' where package name is either part or all of the specific package name14:05
OmegaLimitkad_: Can you get the grub menu to come up when you start your computer?14:05
yeatsJoe0006: either that or you can open Synaptic and do keyword searches on what you have installed14:06
kad_<OmegaLimit> yes14:06
kad_OmegaLimit bu the not found although in the grub.cfg it's14:06
Joe0006thanks yeats14:06
rphi peeps, i am having trouble getting dhclient.conf working14:06
rpanyone got experience with it?14:07
rpi want to have additional search parameter14:07
ShArkY_rp: shoot14:07
OmegaLimitkad_: I think there might be a few issues with that; it'll show up in my grub boot but if I try to boot into it, it'll hang14:07
yeatsJoe0006: there are diagnostic tools for Ubuntu/Linux, yes, but they're different than what you're used to seeing14:07
rpso i use append domain-name ' bbb.com' and restart network but /etc/resolv.conf still doesn't show the change14:07
kad_OmegaLimit, then why it doesn't appear to me ?14:08
OmegaLimitkad_: I'm not sure :(14:08
ShArkY_rp: what are you trying to achieve ?14:08
zykotick9cythrill, do you have gnome installed?14:08
rpShArkY_  so on ec2 /etc/resolv.conf keeps getting updated14:08
rpand i need to have a search hostname in resolv.conf to make my app work14:09
rpi could overrite it using puppet but i didn't wnat dhcp and puppet to fight14:09
cythrillyes blackbuntu with gnome14:09
zykotick9cythrill, that wasn't an invite to PM.  Best of luck.14:09
rpso wanted to configure it using dhclient.conf instead14:09
cythrillyeah sorry , hit the wrong button, was msginng someone else14:09
cythrillwow really?14:10
ShArkY_rp: For me it still not very clear what you are trying to achieve. Can you please explain from the beginning ?14:10
rpsorry, so i have a hostname in the code called memcache14:11
rpand based on the environement i am on, i want the code to use it with a different domain name14:11
ShArkY_what kind of code ?14:11
rpweb application14:11
rpso in dev /etc/resolv.conf will contain dev.hosts.bla.com which makes memcache.dev.hosts.bla.com14:12
rpsimilarly on qa it becomes memcache.qa.hosts.bla.com14:12
rpso on ec2, i want it to contain hosts.bla.com which means memcache.hosts.bla.cm14:12
rpnow when i make an entry in resolv.conf ec2's dhcp overrites it14:13
rpso what i wanted to do was that i wanted its dhcp do its job but at the same time add my entries in there as welll14:13
rpdid i make sense this time? :P14:13
cythrillHello all, I am trying to open up a new command prompt and exectue a command using one line,   when i try:   xterm -e grimwepa      the terminal just flashes open then closes, can anyone help?14:13
ShArkY_by ec2 you mean the amazon cloud ?14:14
dr3mroplz my laptop on high load overheats and shutdown .. tried to upgrad the kernel to 3.0 and the heat generated on normal use is lower but when i try 7zip a file it can't complete .... shutdown from heat i had to manually scale down cpu speed from 1.8 to 1.3 to keep from overheating but i need to make scaling automatic according to heat what should i do ?????????14:15
rpthat's right14:15
rpbut the problem is independent of ec2/aws14:15
rpi am trying to get it working on ubuntu vm14:15
rpand it doens't work there either14:15
ShArkY_You could a domain name to the config of your dhcp-server.14:17
rpi don't control that14:17
ShArkY_Where is the server ?14:17
rpits aws' dhcpd14:17
ShArkY_what is aws ?14:17
rpamazon web service14:17
ShArkY_(just trying to get the picture clear overhere)14:17
rpthat' alright, sorry if i am not clear14:17
yeats!pm | Joe0006 - I'm happy to help, but:14:18
ubottuJoe0006 - I'm happy to help, but:: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:18
ShArkY_And do they send you a domain-name in their DHCP offer ?14:19
rptheyd o14:19
ShArkY_and dhclient writes this domain name to resolv.conf. Correct ?14:20
ShArkY_in the search entry14:20
rpyes that's right14:20
ShArkY_rp: do the following:14:22
zykotick9cythrill, open gnome-terminal, Edit / Profile Prefrences - Title and Command tab - "When command exits:" switch to "Hold the terminal open" then use "gnome-terminal -e FOO" and the window won't close (so you can see what's happening)14:22
ShArkY_vi /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate14:22
ShArkY_Append this piece of code:14:23
FloodBot1ShArkY_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
ShArkY_chmod +x /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate14:23
rpk, thanks! and how do put custom values in there?14:24
ShArkY_You want to overwrite the domain name you are getting from aws ?14:24
rpi want to 'search' part of resolve be appeneded with my own values14:25
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ShArkY_Well, you can just make a search entry in /etc/resolv.conf. With the fix above, it will not overwrite it14:25
ShArkY_Or do I not understand correctly ?14:26
rpbut it will update everything else properly? like nameserver etc right?14:26
ShArkY_No.. this ones will be statis as well.14:26
rphmm, this won't work for me (i have tried it and ensures that my file doens't get changed) but i wanted to ensure that dhcpd can update everything else but also append my provdided values work14:27
rpi am not sure why dhclient.conf doesn't work14:27
rpis that no longer used anymore? there are man pages for it though?14:27
link307is there anybody can help me ?14:28
zykotick9!ask | link30714:28
ubottulink307: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:28
ShArkY_rp: Looking at dhclient.conf now14:28
BluesKajrp, NM will overwrite any user inserted values in resolv.conf14:28
ShArkY_You see a request part in that config14:29
rpthat's right14:29
ShArkY_You could also leave out domain-name there14:29
link307" sudo ssh -qTfnN -D port username@server  " i connected ssh with this method successfully but how can i disconnect it?14:29
rpah!  cool let me try that again14:29
BluesKajlink307, usually 'exit' will work14:30
ShArkY_Link307: or try ctrl+c14:30
oCeanctrl+d is logout14:30
Soulis77-SEHi everyone. Could someone give me a suggestion for a "backup" site online. I mean I site where I can view current and history pages of a certain URL. I know there are some out there but can't remember url.14:31
link307BluesKaj: but actually the ssh is running background14:31
rplink307: type fg14:31
AbhijitSoulis77-SE, stumbleupon?14:31
ShArkY_Link307: Then you should search for the process id in your process list and kill it:)14:31
link307rp: i use "jobs" but thers is nothing14:32
ShArkY_link307: ps auxwww | grep -i ssh14:32
Soulis77-SEAbhijit: No, I know the URL, but I would like to look how the page looked like one week ago or something like that.. :)O14:32
ShArkY_(in a console)14:32
AbhijitSoulis77-SE, no idea what do you want. try in #ubuntu-offtopic not here14:33
link307ShArkY_: but i still want to adjust it (just want to resee it) dont want to kill14:33
ShArkY_ah sorry:)14:33
DigDugI'm in a birthing class...... brutal14:34
Soulis77-SEAbhijit: Thanks I change channel.14:34
ShArkY_link307: I think you should ssh a different way, so you could get it back to the forground, as rp suggested14:34
oCeanDigDug: wrong channel14:34
DigDugim birthing a distro of ubuntu14:35
link307rp: "fg" can only restore the "job"  but there's nothing when i type "jobs"14:35
oCeanDigDug: do you have a support question?14:35
glebihanlink307: with "ps -ef", you should be able to see which tty/pts the ssh process is attached to14:35
rpif you can't find it anywhere its problem not there link30714:35
link307glebihan: yeah, i know. maybe you just misunderstand , & i just want to see the running ssh in my terminal again14:37
glebihanlink307: yes but for that to be possible, the process must be attached to the virtual console of that terminal14:38
ShArkY_link307: you should kill the process for now, and start it a different way14:38
link307ShArkY_: hah, got it .  just wanna know how to fix this weird problem14:38
ShArkY_Link307: I cannot think of any way to get this program back to the foreground again14:39
link307glebihan: absolutely i can kill it . i just want to fix it elegantly. :-D14:39
Sidewinder1Hi Newbuntu214:39
glebihanlink307: I didn't suggest you killed it. I suggested you checked if the process is attached to the correct virtual console14:40
=== mitu is now known as inxagu
Newbuntu2can someone recommend a USB video capture device (must be able to capture S-video) that works in Ubuntu well?14:40
ShArkY_rp: How things are going ?14:41
link307ShArkY_: glebihan: rp:  thx guys . maybe it is actually not a problem. :p14:42
ShArkY_Link307: I don't think it is either:) But glad I could help14:43
Greg___Hi, is there anyone on that could lend an ear to my ubuntu problem and possibly help me? I tried in beginners but no one on there I guess14:44
crunchbangsure Greg_ whats the problem?14:45
zykotick9link307, <UNRELATED TO YOUR ISSUE, BUT> you probably don't need to use "sudo ssh ..." try just "ssh ..."14:45
[THC]AcidRainok now im just wondering if its my router or my computer. but when i had ubuntu 9.04, my comp would disconnect quite often. at least once every 2 hrs. and once every 4 hrs, it would pretty much disconnect and stay off. and i would have to reset the router. but what makes me think its my computer now, is after i installed ubuntu 11.04, everything worked perfect up until yesturday. it all worked fine for about 3 weeks.14:46
* inxagu says hi14:46
ShArkY_AcidRain: What do you mean by disconnect? Link down ?14:46
link307zykotick9: tried it . same~14:47
compdoc[THC]AcidRain, what network card you use? some can overheat14:47
[THC]AcidRainShArkY_, well to my knowledge the router would still be working to an extent. im wondering if ubuntu is causing my route rproblems14:47
magnusHi again, what antivirus is best to ubuntu, and free?14:47
link307zykotick9: no difference14:47
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, Did you try upgrading the firmware on the router? I had a similiar problem and that fixed it.14:47
[THC]AcidRaincompdoc, im not sure, how to determine network card?14:47
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, i may just have to try that. its an older linksys router14:48
crunchbangmangus: clam av14:48
zykotick9link307, but there is a difference, ssh is no longer being run as root.  This was a general comment, not specific to your issue.14:48
ShArkY_AcidRain: which version ?14:48
[THC]AcidRainWRT110 1.0.04 firmware14:48
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, Linksys too, was the one I had problems with.14:48
majorastrodoes ubutnu have security cam software14:48
inxaguAm running lubuntu live, out of Ifree nodes. How do I fix that within session?14:48
[THC]AcidRainso you believe its my router and not uubuntu?14:49
Greg___Ok, so I have ubuntu on my laptop a hp pavilion zv6000 when I initially installed it the wired internet connection worked right out of the box, altho I had some problem with the wireless.  But yesterday Natty wanted me to download an upgrade which included a generic linux kernal, and since I did upgrade I can't get my wired nore my wireless connection to work, and they both did before I installed that upgrade14:49
crunchbangmajorastro: you mean like prey?14:49
Abhijitmajorastro, it has web cam softwares. if thats what you need.14:49
majorastrolooking for seciruty cam software for ubuntu14:49
majorastrono i need someting for my ip security cameras14:49
ShArkY_AcidRain: That's hard to say. Don't you have another computer/device connected to the router ?14:49
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, Only problem with that solution is that you gotta' use winbloze to accomplish...:-(14:49
link307zykotick9: actually it is running smoothly .14:50
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, what you mean? i have to have winbloze to update firmware? :/14:50
zykotick9Greg___, when you boot up to you see a grub menu where you can choose what kernel?  (hold shift down if you aren't seeing it)  If you boot the old kernel does it work?14:50
link307zykotick9: i think it is not in the background and just the process is alive14:50
ShArkY_Winbloze eq Windows14:50
Abhijitmajorastro, what you expect it to do? alarm on change in the scenario?14:50
[THC]AcidRainShArkY_, i got that much :P14:50
Abhijitor as suggested by crunchbang try prey majorastro14:50
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, On second thought, maybe not; and go through menu; Side opened his big mouth before thinking through; sorry..14:51
[THC]AcidRainyeah i remmeber seeing the update link. let me try to find it14:51
majorastrono i need software that records video from securty cameras14:52
* Sidewinder1 Been on here too long :-/14:52
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, ok i found it. now my question is, upgrading firmware is kinda scary. how would i go about getting a proper version that i know that works14:52
Abhijitmajorastro, i found camstream and zoneminder in software center14:53
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, im looking at this: http://homesupport.cisco.com/en-us/wireless/lbc/WRT11014:53
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, That's kinda' a loaded question; just shut down all other programs and select update firmware, that's the best advice I can give you.14:53
[THC]AcidRainoh, so my router will automatically find what it needs?14:54
crunchbangmajorastro: also motion14:54
KingsyI just completed a grsync Rsync process exit status: 23, it said the process completed with errors.. how do i find out what the errors were?14:54
compdocthis isnt your ISP's router?14:54
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, well actually thats not the case here. i only have a "browse" button to select a downloaded firmware14:54
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, It should BUT, your milage may vary. :D14:54
Kingsyohh nm its cos it couldnt copy lost+found14:54
Greg___Ok, so I used the grub chooser and booted into the old kernal and everything works fine14:55
AbhijitGreg___, report a bug14:55
majorastrook motion and zoneminder look good thanks14:55
Greg___Ok, how do I do that?14:55
Abhijit!bug | Greg___14:55
ubottuGreg___: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:55
Kingsywhat is the setting in grsync to sync files that are new or have been modified and leave everything else? or is that what happens by default?14:56
link307zykotick9: ssh   -q:Quiet mode  -T:Disable pseudo-tty allocation.  -f : placing itself in the background.    will these options make any sense14:57
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I believe that it's somewhere in the config/options menu.14:57
Greg___Ok, so I'll check out that website and figure out how to report the bug, now am I going to have to just continue to use the old kernel till it gets fixed?14:57
zykotick9link307, not to me, but i don't really know what you are trying to do.14:58
crunchbangGreg___: yep14:58
crunchbangif you want internets14:58
Greg___Ok, thanks guys14:58
KingsySidewinder1: hmm I cant see it14:58
Sidewinder1Kingsy, If memory serves, it also has a 'test' command to try.14:58
AbhijitGreg___, you just need to type ubuntu-bug <package name>14:58
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, the next firmware upgrade for me is 1.0.04 to 1.0.07 :/ thats not a big jum...14:58
Abhijitin terminal14:58
link307zykotick9: ok, ok14:58
Greg___type it in this chat or on the linux terminal?14:58
Greg___sorry, I'm real new14:59
AbhijitGreg___, linux terminal14:59
Greg___how do I find out the package name?14:59
AbhijitGreg___, wait for a sec14:59
Abhijitlet me ask in bug channel14:59
zykotick9Greg___, what kernel is it that isn't working?  You probably need the specific version #.14:59
Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, I had that problem with linksys on a win box; not the one I'm currently on, so I can't really help further, sorry. :-(14:59
KingsySidewinder1: hmm what do you mean? I am using the GUI yeah? also how do you stop it trying to sync lost+found it just errors everytime it tries15:00
[THC]AcidRainSidewinder1, its cool. thanks for your help to this point. im going to upgrade and show up here again. let you know how it went15:00
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I haven't use it in a while but I think there was a place to include/exclude files/directories..15:01
Greg___it's kernal 2.6.38-11-generic and my comp works with 2.6.38-1015:01
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Sidewinder1[THC]AcidRain, No prob. :-)15:01
KingsySidewinder1: there isnt, there is a additional options box, but I don't know what I can enter in there..15:02
zykotick9Greg___, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/81431615:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 814316 in linux (Ubuntu) "Natty's kernel update 2.6.38-11 kills network card config" [Undecided,Invalid]15:02
Kingsyand there isnt any options to do with only updating files when they have a newer timestamp15:03
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Don't you also have an "advanced options"?15:03
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Mine does.15:03
Kingsyyup, there is nothing of note15:03
Greg___Ok, so if the bugs already been reported should I report it again?15:03
Kingsychecksum preserve keep pertial symlinks etc etc15:04
KingsySidewinder1: nothing that refers to what I need15:04
AbhijitGreg___, mark the bug in that link given by zykotick9 as affects to you too and if needed commend the description15:04
AbhijitGreg___, no just mark it as affect to you also15:04
Greg___Ok, thanks alot guys15:04
zykotick9Greg___, that bug was marked "invalid" unfortunately, but you should still probably add details to it, IF you use realtek15:04
ResQuehow can i switch between terminal tabs in ubunut15:05
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I see what you mean; all you really need to back up id your /home.15:05
Sidewinder1is, even.15:05
ResQueusing the keyboard15:05
ArneyWhat's wrong with the EPIC suggestion #5? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2843315:05
KingsySidewinder1: I have done that.. and its backed up..15:05
AbhijitResQue, alt <num> or ctrl <num> I think15:06
KingsySidewinder1: but if I run it again, it backs up fully again, whereas it should say "the backup is upto date or whatever"15:06
KingsySidewinder1: also I get an error about lost+found everytime it runs.. which is a little annoying15:06
ResQueAbhijit: alt+nul on my system, thanks15:06
AbhijitResQue, also try ctrl -> or ctrl <-15:06
Sidewinder1Kingsy, All the rest of your ubuntu OS is in the / section and if there's a problem with that you just reinstall15:07
dr3mroplz i need a list of unofficial linux kernels available out there ??15:07
oCeanArney: this is not a discussion channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic15:07
guy__Hello. Does anyone have experiences on installing xubuntu on a Asus 1101HA?15:07
KingsySidewinder1: huh?15:07
oCeandr3mro: what?15:07
ArneyoCean got it.15:07
KingsySidewinder1: do you know what I am asking?15:07
dr3mrooCean, I know there is many modified kernels releases not by linus but by community memebers15:08
oCeandr3mro: I don't see how that is related to #ubuntu?15:08
Sidewinder1Kingsy, That's strange; my lost nfound is in my root dir, not home.15:08
Kingsyit could be cos I mved the contents over from another drive15:09
ResQueAbhijit: i tryed that first it didnt work :(15:09
KingsySidewinder1: ah ok, I got rid of the lost+found15:10
Sidewinder1Kingsy, You might check your root dir for lost+found; if it's there you can "probably" delete it from your /home.15:10
Kingsyyeah done :)15:10
AbhijitGreg___, do you have a source complied driver for your network interfaces?15:10
KingsySidewinder1: ok so now, how do I change grsync so it only updates the backup drive if something has changed?15:11
zykotick9Kingsy, see if you can add "--exclude=lost+found" to your rsync command15:11
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I love when a plan comes together.15:11
usr13dr3mro: YOu might find what you want at:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev15:11
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Stand by.15:11
Kingsyzykotick9: yeah I got that fixed without.. cheers tho15:11
KingsySidewinder1: np15:11
zykotick9Kingsy, "got rid of lost+found"?  you didn't delete it did you?15:11
Kingsyzykotick9: yeah.. why?15:12
zykotick9Kingsy, wow.  good luck with that.15:12
llutzLost+Found will be recreated by fsck if needed, no harm15:12
Sidewinder1zykotick9, He got rid of the lost+found in his /home15:13
zykotick9Sidewinder1, according to llutz it doesn't matter.15:13
KingsySidewinder1: no hes right I shouldnt have done it, my home is a mounted drive15:13
Kingsybut thank the lord it doesnt matter :P15:13
llutzSidewinder1: every ext-fs has an own "lost+found"15:13
n2iIs there any bug with ibus-pinyin on 11.04?15:14
Tank852Please help, doing updates. Ubuntu keeps asking for the installation disk over and over and over again. How can I fix this?15:14
Sidewinder1Kingsy, That's why I prefaced with "propbably".15:14
zykotick9Tank852, Software Sources - uncheck the CDROM15:14
Kingsyyeah, it was my dumb fault.. but nm15:14
Tank852zykotick9: how do i do that15:15
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zykotick9Tank852, sorry, I'm not sure on 11.04 -- check in U.S.C. for Software Sources15:15
usr13Tank852: Administration -> Software sources15:16
Tank852ahh, thank you15:16
Greg___Abhijit see, i think thats the problem, i didnt reinstall the drivers... the wired card i installed through the ui and the wireless i installed through the terminal but i cant find the guide back that helped me with that.  but with the new kernal in other drivers it says my card is installed but it doesnt work?15:16
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I can't give the specific answer; you might try ticking "size only" but if the file has changed but is the same size, I don't think it'll back it up.15:16
zykotick9Tank852, do you have and Administration / Software sources?  I didn't think that was there anymore.15:16
Tank852zykotick9: Yes, I found it15:17
Tank852Im on 10.0415:17
zykotick9Tank852, ahh15:17
KingsySidewinder1: ok.. thats probably going to be enough.. thanks15:17
KingsySidewinder1: worked great.. thanks m8 :)15:18
Kingsyreally appriciate it15:18
Sidewinder1Kingsy, I'm relatively sure there's a way to do exactly what you want; I'm just not sure how. :-(15:18
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Hey, great!15:18
KingsySidewinder1: well at least this is something :)15:18
me-alonehi...can Ubuntu be installed on PS315:18
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Fun, isn't it?15:19
KingsySidewinder1: I wonder if there is a way of putting this on a timer so it runs every 5 days or something?15:19
Kingsyor every 7 days..15:19
KingsySidewinder1: possible?15:19
Sidewinder1Kingsy, Read up on cron, type, in terminal man cron.15:19
KingsySidewinder1: thanks  will do15:19
Kingsybrb just gotta restart15:20
llutzKingsy: check rsnapshot for automated backups, it also allows to exclude things from being backed-up15:20
Kingsyllutz: cool, is this something that runs in conjunction with rsync ?15:21
llutzKingsy: it uses rsync , yes15:21
Kingsyah cool15:21
hammmaHello all15:22
TaosI havent used ubuntu in years. Which version am I picking x86 or 64bit?15:22
TaosIm on a 64bit machine15:22
[THC]AcidRain64 :)15:23
glebihanTaos, 6415:23
TaosIs the 64bit version loved?15:23
Sidewinder1Taos, Either 10.04 or 11.0415:23
muktiIn Firefox on my windows machine, I can use ctrl+1, ctrl+2, ctrl+3, etc. to switch tabs. I can also hit backspace to go back. These key combinations don't work on firefox on my linux machine; is there a way to enable them, or set them up?15:23
TaosI mean does software come out supporting both 64 / 32 bit15:23
zykotick9me-alone, gnu/linux on PS3 will have probably have disappointing performance due to the low amount of memory in the PS3.  Plus, you'd need to find a PPC distro.15:23
Sidewinder1Taos, 10.04 is LTS, Long Term Service.15:23
zykotick9Sidewinder1, Long Term Support actually15:24
TaosSidewinder1: Not bothered about LTS :P15:24
glebihanTaos, 64bit is widely supported now15:24
Taosglebihan: wonderful15:24
hammmawindows manager decoration keeps on crashing that is , window frame, min, max buttons won't be there, the question is there a log file from which I can know why it's crashing?15:24
Taos11.04 here I come15:24
Sidewinder1zykotick9, I stand corrected. :-)15:24
TaosIs there any support for swapping the session around? Like going from the standard to Awesome etcetc15:24
soreauzykotick9: me-alone: As I understand it, yellow dog linux remains the optimal distro for playstations. This doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu though. Google it ;)15:24
Bl4ckbirdTaos, if you dont *know* you need 64-bit, then stick w/ 32-bit.15:25
TaosBl4ckbird: If Im on a 64 bit machine surely I will get more from it15:25
Bl4ckbirdno, you may even get less out of it15:25
muktiDoes anyone know about firefox shortcuts?15:25
zykotick9Taos, how much memory do you have?15:25
Taos4gb on this machine15:26
zykotick9Taos, that's a boarder-line amount - i run 64bit on my 4GB machine though15:26
Bl4ckbirdthen I would say stay w/ 32bit15:27
TaosBl4ckbird: oh?15:27
latagoreWhy not just check what architecture you are running...15:27
latagoreinstead of guessing15:27
Kingsyis there a way to remove a drive from the places menu? so if I wanted to mount it I would have to use "mount" ?15:27
oCeanTaos: I have not had any problems running 64bit in years. The 64bit flash might be a problem, but the 32bit runs just fine. All packages are also in 64bit, so no problems there15:28
Kingsyits a backup drive.. so its pretty pointless having it in the menu15:28
muktiIs there any way to change keyboard shortcuts in firefox?15:28
zykotick9Does "flashplugin-nonfree" install 64bit flash on Ubuntu?15:28
oCeanmukti: maybe try #firefox channel?15:28
latagoreBl4ckbird, if he changes hardware, then he might get more out of it15:28
latagorezykotick9, it should15:29
inxagumukti: google 'firefox shortcuts' will reveal all15:29
zykotick9latagore, "should" isn't the answer I'm looking for.  I "know" it does on Debian, but I'm asking about Ubuntu.15:29
oCeaninxagu: don't suggest to google, thanks15:29
Bl4ckbirdif he gets > 4G ram, he will. otherwise, 64-bit consumes more memory, depending on what he's doing it might matter. then again, he would probably never notice the difference either way.15:29
LekensteynHi all, is it OK for a preinst script to run an uninstaller of a program which is not installed using dpkg? The program in question is the git version of the package.15:29
TaosBl4ckbird: Im a programmer15:29
inxaguoCean, sorry, it seemed off-topic15:30
zykotick9Bl4ckbird, "consumes more memory" isn't exactly accurate (you're using the 32bit world as your baseline)15:30
Bl4ckbirdso you know 64-bit pointers are twice as large as a 32-bit pointer. so each pointer takes 2x the ram to store.15:30
oCeanTaos: I agree with the 2nd part of Bl4ckbird's post: you probably won't notice any difference15:30
Guest86473sa orospu cocuklarý15:31
Bl4ckbirdso allocation-happy apps like Java apps, etc. all consume more. You probably wont notice the difference in that regard, but it's more pressure on your L1/L2 caches, longer fetches, etc.15:31
latagorezykotick9, well I apologize. You could open up synaptic and check the supported architectures. If ia64 or amd64 is listed, 64 bit should be available; not to mention it downloads directly from adobe.com anyways, which has 64 bit versions of flash15:31
Bl4ckbirdi run 64bit, but have 8G ram on these machines. Browse from a Mac, so i dont know if flash/64 works or not. It used to be a pita to get flash working in 64-bit15:32
Lekensteyn64b flash is available from ppa:sevenmachines/flash15:33
zykotick9latagore, I don't think opening my Debian synaptic is going to help - I already know it installs 64bit ;)  Thus my question.  Thanks for the input.15:33
TaosI can run 32bit binaries from 64bit (sorry im having a brainfart)15:33
zykotick9Taos, most15:33
Taoszykotick9: So long as I can run python32bit I hate the 64bit version for some reason or other15:34
zykotick9Taos, sorry that i don't specifically know about15:34
latagorezykotick9, oh, I assumed you were running Ubuntu already. Ubuntu also uses synaptic as its package manager15:35
Oogaboogawin7 > linux15:35
latagoreEpic troll line15:35
Oogaboogamac > linux15:35
Sidewinder1!ot | Oogabooga15:35
ubottuOogabooga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:35
oCeanOogabooga: stop that15:35
Oogaboogasuk it15:36
Oogaboogasorry i'll be good i promise15:36
curiousxBl4ckbird: can you see video from youtube ?15:36
Oogaboogafedora > ubuntu15:36
dr3mroplease help me do i have an issue with acpi ???? http://paste.ubuntu.com/671009/15:38
latagorezykotick9, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/flashplugin-nonfree Here should finally be the answer you are looking for [: AMD64 is listed, so15:38
WhaboWho is usimg 64 bit?15:39
oCeanWhabo: many, don't take polls here15:39
zykotick9latagore, :)  good try, but that could still be installing the 32bit flash15:40
TaosWell im tryin 64bit15:40
latagorezykotick9, If you want, you could download the source for the package and dig through to see what version it downloads from adobe. I can look at it for you, if it means anything15:43
zykotick9latagore, thanks - but it was just a "for my knowledge" question - so you don't need to bother (I still don't have an answer, but perhaps someday I will)15:44
* inxagu plz, howto Ifree-up Inodes on a 'live' system? I have '/dev/loop0 Iuse=100% /rofs' from df -i. Am I in right channel?15:45
yeatszykotick9: latagore: if you download the deb, you can do 'less <pkgname>.deb' to view its contents15:46
yeatsjust a cool feature of debs and less, in case you weren't aware ;-)15:46
zykotick9yeats, the deb is just a script which will download the actual plugin, it doesn't have the "real" contents15:46
yeatszykotick9: I am aware of what a deb file is15:47
zykotick9yeats, i'm talking about this specific DEB for flashplugin-nonfree, others aren't like this15:47
cellardoor1Can anyone help me with a compilation issue? I am trying to compile Caelum as a dependancy for RigsOfRods. However Caelum can't find BOOST. I have tried installing all the libboost-dev libraries I can find, but nothing is working.15:47
Sidewinder1inxagu, I think you're in the correct channel, but I can't answer your question; perhaps another will.15:48
inxagusidewinder thanx ;-)15:48
Sidewinder1inxagu, Have you searched http://www.ubuntuforums.org?15:49
tbruff13how can i set up my home computer to connect like a virutal desktop with my school laptop they both have linux on them15:49
Bl4ckbirdcellar, try looking at your config.log in the caelum dir, theres probably a way to run ./configure --with-boost-header=/somewhere/boost15:50
Sidewinder1inxagu, If no one answers, that'd be my suggestion.15:50
inxaguSidewinder1 Oh, yess, exhaustively. Hours of looking & no further. One would think....15:50
Sidewinder1inxagu, I'm just curious, by "live" system, do you mean that you're running from Live CD?15:51
tbruff13hello can someone please help15:51
Sidewinder1!ask | tbruff1315:52
ubottutbruff13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:52
inxagucorrrect, lived-cd, it's unclear where the 'real' filesystems are15:52
tbruff13Sidewinder1: i just asked15:52
tbruff13how can i set up my home computer to connect like a virutal desktop with my school laptop they both have linux on them15:52
crunchbangtbruff13: doesn't ubuntu have a remote desktop application?15:53
Sidewinder1inxagu, I know nothing about inodes; what I do know is that any changes that you make when running "live", will not persist after reboot.15:53
tbruff13i am using remmina how do i set up the server side like i know how to connect but how do i set up someting to connect to15:54
inxaguSidewinder1 I agree, though it should be possible to set persistence.15:54
cbhlinxagu: /rofs should have 100% inode usage; it should be reading off a read-only CD? I believe the live environment uses unionfs and ramdisks to give you a read-write environment15:54
pauloubuntu 11.04 don't conect to wireless, what I can do?15:54
edbianpaulo: what card do you have?15:55
cbhlinxagu: although persistence has always been rather flaky; i can never remember which releases do and don't work with persistance15:55
Sidewinder1tbruff13, Yes, ubuntu does have a remote desktop, I've used it on a lan, but I, like you would love to know how to configure it for wan use. :-)15:55
pauloit isn't version?15:55
inxagucbhl, well, I'm getting 'no space left on device'. There  is space, but  no Ifree. The CD itself is of course full.15:56
cbhlyou shouldn't be able to write to the CD... what about the ramdisk?15:56
gr33n7007hMac OSX is far superior that any linux distrobution. FACT !!!15:57
crunchbangtbruff13: http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop15:57
Sidewinder1inxagu, Please remember that "live" runs from RAM; perhaps that's why you're getting that error message?15:57
inxagucbhl I think I could delete inode on ramdisc, if I could find it & get past the security.15:57
gr33n7007hEspecially DEBIAN15:57
pauloi'm brasilian, somebudy can help me?15:57
yeatsinxagu: I think when you get that message when running a liveCD it means that the RAM is full - I've seen the message but I've never investigated very far15:57
cbhlinxagu: it doesn't work that way....15:57
edbianpaulo: what card do you have?15:58
cbhlinxagu: can you throw the output of "free" and "df" into a paste somewhere?15:58
edbiangr33n7007h: please15:58
tbruff13crunchbang: thanks i am using mint but it is based on ubuntu so it should work thanks fort all your help the computer im connecting to is xubuntu15:58
pauloI don't know what card is that?15:58
crunchbangno worries15:58
yeats!persistence | inxagu15:58
ubottuinxagu: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence15:58
edbianpaulo: sudo lspci | grep Network    will tell you15:59
Sidewinder1yeats, Wow, I had no idea! :-)15:59
raptor67682hello ubuntu world.16:00
inxaguThanx, cbhl & yeats. & ubottu.  I think I'll just lose the session, try to recover my corrupted usb disc, & take it up on forums   :"/16:00
paulopaulo@paulo-AS-1560:~$ sudo lspci16:01
paulo[sudo] password for paulo:16:01
paulo00:00.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Host Bridge (rev a2)16:01
paulo00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)16:01
paulo00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 1 (rev a2)16:01
paulo00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 5 (rev a2)16:01
FloodBot1paulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:01
raptor67682I am glad that Ubuntu channel exists. I was short onto #debian channel. Man, some are so un-sympathic against newbies...16:01
Sidewinder1inxagu, Best of luck; it'll work out.16:01
mdaubsI'm trying to install Natty using the alternate disc (for software raid) and towards the end of the base system install it prompts me to insert the disc labeled "Ubuntu 11.04 Natty..." even though it's already inserted.  I ran an integrity check, pass.  I tried taking the disc out and back in, still doesn't work.  I can't for the life of me figure it out.  Any ideas??16:01
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Sidewinder1!pastebinit | paulo16:02
inxaguSidewinder1    :-)  If all is not lost, where is it?16:02
ubottupaulo: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:02
julie101010can anyone help me fix my boot folder which was deleted by accident?16:02
Sidewinder1inxagu, I can't answer that, I'm sorry...16:02
MagicJI want to use thunderbird with enigmail on 10.4 - when I download the enigmail it says that it is incompatible with the version of thunderbird that I have - where do I get versions that are in step16:03
devishis facebook chat available via pidgin16:04
raptor67682hello : in this command is there advantage using dcfldd rather than dd?  dcfldd if=/dev/sda of=/media/DISK/MySystem.img16:04
Sidewinder1julie101010, If it's grub: sudo update-grub. If win, insert win disk and execute fixmbr.16:04
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devishthere is a option but it does not connect16:04
julie101010Sidewinder1, thanks, no win16:04
inxaguAt least I have the answer to "why are we all here?".      It's because we aren't somewhere else.... Enough of-topics, bye & thanku16:04
edbiandevish: yes16:04
edbiandevish: did you put /home in there?16:04
paulohow can i conect to wireless in ubuntu 11.04!!16:05
devishbut it says xmpp id16:05
edbiandevish: Domain: chat.facebook.com  Resource: Home16:05
devishedbian, where?16:05
gr33n7007hpaulo is it wep or wpa16:05
edbiandevish: Those are critical (edit account)16:05
hagusWhen I do  sudo cp /home/calum/Public/leo /var/www/leo why do I get the message "cp: omitting directory `/home/calum/Public/leo'" and no copying takes place?16:05
devishedbian, no16:06
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edbianhagus: but -r  for recursive to copy folders / subfolders16:06
yeatshagus: you have to do 'cp -r'16:06
llutzhagus: cp -r or cp -a16:06
edbiandevish: no ?16:06
edbianyeats: llutz beat you!16:06
yeatsedbian: :-P16:06
hagusthanks edbian, yeats and llutz :)16:06
devishedbian, i have to just write HOME or /home16:06
arhaddevish: /home16:07
edbiandevish: just home16:07
mongyI made an encrypted partition on my usb hd with the disk utility app, it uses cryptsetup, does anyone know how to change the passphrase I set on it?16:07
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arhadedbian: I've never seen programms which receive HOME argument16:08
llutzxmpp resource is just a string without deeper sense, isn't it?16:08
* hagus has successfully copied recursively16:08
arhadedbian: sorry, which get, not receive16:08
hagusThank folks16:08
devishedbian, no not working ,what will be the user name16:08
edbiandevish: hang on16:08
ObfuscationHaving an issue with burning the Lubuntu 11.4 ISO to cd, drive doesn't burn any information to CD, but makes music cds. (Ubuntu 11.4, using FBurn to burn)16:09
edbianarhad: devish Here's what mine looks like (on Debian granted) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/screenshotmodifyaccount.png/16:09
edbiandevish: go to facebook, log in, click profile.  the end of the URL is your username16:09
edbiandevish: It might be a string of numbers (much different than mine)16:10
arhadedbian:aa, in this case right variant will be HOME, I thank that you meeant a path16:10
edbianarhad: I have no idea what you're talking about.  The screenshot I posted is the 'right variant' it is working on my system with those options.16:11
edbiancostas: hello16:11
arhadedbian: well, finish our dialog.16:11
edbianarhad: what?16:12
devishedbian, got it thanks buddy16:12
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edbiandevish: sure!16:13
edbiangreg__: hello16:13
greg__Ok so, I bet you never get this, but I have a problem =p16:14
hagusI am using a wufi installation on win7 -  Would it possible to boot in linux by default rather than in windows by default?   I am able to choose at boot time but if I leave my machine unattended, it defaults to windows.16:14
hagusgreg__:  nobody will respond until you state your problem.16:15
edbianhagus: go into wubi, look at the file /etc/default/grub16:16
greg__ok, since I installed the new kernel my network card doesn't work.. and when I initially installed ubuntu the wired network was plug and play16:16
hagusThanks edbian - sorry for calling it wufi rather than wubi16:16
edbianhagus: ha, that's ok16:17
pauloit is wep and wpa16:17
greg__everything I read about online in the ubuntu documents leads me to believe that a wired connection be self detecting and it was before, but not with this new kernel, it doesn't even sense there is a connection present16:17
paulohow can i conect to wireless in ubuntu 11.0416:18
daftykinsgreg__: revert to the prior kernel then?16:18
greg__I did, and that's how I'm talking to you right now. but aren't there advantages to using the newest kernel? so I'm trying to get it to work16:18
daftykinsif everything works for you, probably not16:18
daftykinsgreg__: you might be able to get it working if you install a backports package for the kernel though (but i don't understand how that works) otherwise, you'll have to have the LAN driver as a module to compile16:19
llutzgreg__: not working network really is a bid advantage :) use whatever kernel works for you16:19
edbianpaulo: for the third time, what card do you have?  (sudo lspci | grep Network)16:19
pauloI don't know what card is this16:19
daftykinspaulo: so do what llutz said...16:20
greg__ok, but what about when the next kernel comes out, is there a chance that will work or will my upgrade path be blocked now16:20
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pauloi don't know what is this16:20
llutzgreg__: you'll have to try the new kernel. maybe you'd check changelogs for stuff related to your nic, consider filing a bug-report16:21
pauloi'm fro brasil, maybe here is dferent from there16:21
greg__ok, how do I check my changelog? I'm pretty new to this but earlier I was on the beginners channel and no one was awnsering questions16:22
kruxgreg__, lspci -k will show you what driver your using so when you are compiling you can look for that specific driver and add it as a module or as source16:22
llutzgreg__: aptitude changelog <new-kernel-packagename>              you might check "dmesg" for errors/warnings related to your nic16:23
yeatspaulo: have you attempted edbian's suggestion to find out what card you have (open a terminal and type 'sudo lspci | grep Network')?16:23
pauloi'll do this now16:23
hagusedbian, my grub does not seem to have any mention of operating systems16:23
hagusShould I post it ?16:24
zorklat_anyone suggest a place to get help w/ an abit mobo that won't POST?16:24
llutzgreg__: lspci | grep -i network               what nic are you using?16:24
edbianhagus: it has an option: GRUB_DEFAULT=0  change it to 1 or 216:24
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edbianhagus: That's the default highlighted line when grub starts16:24
hagusah - thanks edbian :)16:25
paulopaulo@paulo-AS-1560:~$ sudo lspci grep Network16:26
paulo[sudo] password for paulo:16:26
pauloUsage: lspci [<switches>]16:26
pauloBasic display modes:16:26
paulo-mmProduce machine-readable output (single -m for an obsolete format)16:26
paulo-tShow bus tree16:26
FloodBot1paulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
julie101010can anyone help me fix my boot...   I just ran update-grub and I still get a grub rescue saying the file is not found16:26
llutzpaulo: you missed the pipe |16:26
* hagus is off to reboot to with GRUB_DEFAULT=216:26
edbianhagus: sure16:26
greg__broadcom bcm4318 wireless lan controller16:26
* hagus will be back in a couple of minutes (all being well)16:26
yeatsjulie101010: you might consider booting gwith a liveCD, backing up your data, and reinstalling - might be easier than trying to recreate /boot manually16:27
llutzgreg__: " ... and when I initially installed ubuntu the wired network was plug and play..."  you talked about wired, didn't you?16:27
paulopaulo@paulo-AS-1560:~$ sudo lspci | Network16:27
paulo[sudo] password for paulo: Network: comando não encontrado16:27
paulo[1]+  Parado                  sudo lspci | Network16:27
paulopaulo@paulo-AS-1560:~$ 2316:27
paulo23: comando não encontrado16:27
FloodBot1paulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
=== as456fgt is now known as dury
julie101010yeats, thanks for the pointless recommendation...  there has to be a way to fix grub darnit16:28
yeatsjulie101010: just trying to help :-/16:28
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edbiangreg__: You need the first three packages listed here to use bcm4318  make sure there installed and that nothing is blocked (sudo rfkill list)  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bcm4318&searchon=all&suite=natty&section=all16:28
yeats!attitude | julie10101016:28
ubottujulie101010: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:28
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
duryhi there channel :)16:28
julie101010you actually didn't try to help :/16:29
greg__yea, it was a real headache getting the wireless to work, I still can't remember how I did it I followed some guide.  How can I check my wired card even tho i'm not using it right now?16:29
edbiangreg__: is it listed in the output of sudo ifconfig -a    ??16:29
duryhad problem to mount an Ipod with mac format16:29
duryI mounts in ubuntu 10.0416:30
julie101010does anyone know how to fix grub when getting a file not found error?16:30
greg__Ok, you say the output of that, how do I check that. sorry I'm a real newb.  that command doesn't work for me it says command not found16:31
sveinseIs there an option to apt-get to only list which packages eligible for upgrade if (dist-)upgrade were issued?16:31
Myrttijulie101010: so you've deleted /boot?16:31
edbiangreg__: sudo ifconfig -a   is not found?16:31
julie101010Myrtti, I did because of a confusion with the mounted boot partition16:31
greg__edbian yes16:31
paulopaulo@paulo-AS-1560:~$ sudo lspci | grep  Network16:31
paulo[sudo] password for paulo:16:31
paulo03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)16:31
FloodBot1paulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
iluminator101how do you enable firestarter to allow tranmission ports to open up16:32
yeats!paste | paulo16:32
ubottupaulo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:32
llutzjulie101010: check this to recover/rewrite grub http://my.opera.com/seanawake/blog/2010/02/09/grub-2-recovery-with-ubuntu-live-cd-216:32
julie101010thanks llutz16:32
Myrttillutz: it's not the lack of grub that's the problem16:32
duryjulie101010: I guess it's ....boot the live cd an type in terminal "update-grub"16:32
Coreypaulo: Stop pasting here.16:32
pauloi don't understand16:33
julie101010dury, llutz: I did update-grub from live-cd after chrooting correctly and it didn't fix the proble16:33
greg__that is the wireless broadcom bcm431816:33
llutzjulie101010: sry i missed that you removed /boot,16:33
Kyle__Can one make a managed wireless network from networkmanager in ubuntu 11?16:34
yeatspaulo: if you have wired access, try doing this in a terminal 'sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source', then reboot - see if it works then16:34
edbianpaulo: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer   sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter   sudo modprobe b43   then it will be working16:34
julie101010llutz, running update-grub did place all the files I think are needed in /boot16:34
paulobye bye16:34
greg__ignore that last post I got confused and reread when someone asked me what card I was using16:34
duryjulie101010: no idea then sorry :(16:34
yeatspaulo: try edbian's suggestion first16:34
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edbianyeats: I'm very sure16:34
NCS_Onecan anyone, using FF 3.5, 3.6 or 6, confirm that this page slows down Ubuntu? http://www.printinottawa.com/business_card_printing.php16:34
yeatsedbian: I believe you ;-)16:35
edbiangreg__: This is not good.16:35
llutzjulie101010: grub-files yes, but what about kernel/initrd/system,map16:35
greg__does that mean there is something wrong with my kernal? the upgrade was a little goofy, I had to install it like 3 times before it finally told me it was already installed16:35
rumpe1Kyle__, sudo iwconfig <device> mode managed (?)16:35
edbiangreg__: well some packages are missing, hang on16:36
Kyle__rumpe1: OK, so that's a no, not through network-manager, but using the CLI methods.16:36
durymount an Ipod with mac format, ant suggestions, please?16:36
edbiangreg__: sudo apt-get install net-tools16:36
duryant = any16:36
Kyle__rumpe1: I just didn't want to go through using the CLI tools, to find out it screwed up what ubuntu setup :)16:36
greg__it said they were already installed16:37
alksjulie101010,  i am  new to ubuntu but i fixed my boot with  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair16:37
yeats!ipod | dury16:37
ubottudury: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:37
greg__Ok, I got that command to work16:37
julie101010llutz, sorry but I'm not familiar with grub's config and file organization...  more experienced with lilo16:37
julie101010I'll check it out alks16:37
alksjulie101010,  it has lots of options claims to restore a lot16:37
paulocomo fasso  para entrar no ubuntoem portugus?16:37
IdleOne!pt | paulo16:38
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:38
edbiangreg__: now sudo ifconfig -a    should work too16:38
hagusedbian: the original was 0, tried 2 and then 1.   Kept booting into windows though :(16:38
NCS_Onepaulo: #ubuntu-br16:38
edbianhagus: did you run sudo update-grub each time?16:38
* hagus looks sheepish16:38
julie101010shouldn't firefox be working on livecd?  not opening now16:38
markkeAnybody having troubles with PAE kernel 2.6.38.-11 on Natty? I get a black screen. Even on single user it won't boot.16:39
deanHey all I am looking at installing libreoffice but it only gives gnome and kde which one would I need for Xubuntu?16:39
cain_ok got a major problem with ports being closed16:39
hagusWindows appears above the ubuntu in the boot screen - so I should choose 2 to prefer ubuntu?16:39
cain_can anyone help me16:39
Kyle__markke: And what happens with a normal kernel?16:39
deanIdleOne, Is Xubuntu gnome based?16:39
edbianhagus: yes (but make sure you run sudo update-grub after changing the file)16:40
cain_all inbound ports are closed16:40
liaquatI would like to type Bengali in Linux 11.04. What to do?16:40
LarbearDoes anyone know why I cannot log into the kernel as a super user with the password I use to log into the Ubuntu desktop?16:40
hagusok ta - sorry I forgot to do so earlier.16:40
cain_10.04 server16:40
IdleOnedean: no but it surely doesn't use kde16:40
durywhy does mount Ipod in 10.04 and not in Natty?16:40
markkeKyle__: I'm on 2.6.38 default. I have 8GB ram. I thought I might try the latest available in USC and it's .11.16:40
deanIdleOne, Or would I be better off just installing libreoffice and leave the desktop environment support alone?16:41
greg__ok, I got that info I don't see anything that looks like it refers to my wired card, something about up broadcast running multicast16:41
Kyle__markke: I would try moving to the 2.6.38 pae first, before trying moving to the latest avaiable.  One variable at a time, ya know?16:41
cain_any one around that may be able to help me out for opening ports in 10.0416:41
markkeKyle__: normal kernel boots fine. I just need a PAE coz my 5 something GB of RAM Is useless.16:41
IdleOnedean: that is probably a better idea16:41
markkeKyle__: makes sense.it's still DLing now. I'm asking if anybody got same probs :)16:41
deanIdleOne, Ok cool just needed some clarification thanks for that16:41
Kyle__markke: 4gb.  Windows only uses 3 or 3.5 with 32bit, Linux uses 4 :)16:42
edbiangreg__: That's probably it.  I think since we installed net-tools that the wired card is working now16:42
Kyle__markke: KNow the feeling.  Good luck.16:42
NCS_Onecan anyone, using FF 3.5, 3.6 or 6, confirm that this page slows down Ubuntu? http://www.printinottawa.com/business_card_printing.php16:42
Trond--Smart status: Disk is being used  outside  design parameters16:42
greg__alright, I'll give it a go16:42
Kyle__ Trond-- Nice.  I haven't seen that message from smart before.16:42
cain_can you help me with a closed port problem16:43
Trond--What do I format a 2TB HDD as?16:43
markkeKyle__: for some reason I only get 3.1 even on Linux. my desktop has 4GB and it's the same thing.16:43
cain_CAN anyone help me out16:43
greg__i have one more question, what the heck does apt stand for?16:44
Kyle__markke: Odd.  Maybe your bios/chipset is using some.  Starting back in the early athalon days I think bioses & chipsets started gobbling up ram for their own uses.16:44
Kyle__cain_: Don't ask to ask, start with what the problem is.16:46
mockenhgreg__, man apt => apt - Advanced Package Tool16:46
markkeKyle__: yeah it's just 3186MB or roughly 3.2. It's being rounded to 3.1 on System Monitor, but `free` tells the true story.16:46
edbiancain_: by default none of the ports are closed (the firewall is off)16:46
cain_The problem is: all ports are inbound are closed, I have disabled all firewalls and the server is DMZ'd16:46
edbiancain_: Why do you think all inbound ports are closed?16:47
markkeKyle__: do you know if anything higher than 2.6.38-8 fixes that regression Phoronix was talking about regarding kernel consuming more power? coz on desktop it's fine. but this here on my laptop i need to save as much power.16:47
cain_because nothing will work and...canyouseeme.org cannot see any ports16:47
cain_only localhost works16:47
edbiancain_: can you run nmap on your own address?16:48
Kyle__markke: I hadn't read that one.16:48
Kyle__markke: Gonna go search it out, sounds interesting.16:48
IdleOne!es | navarubio16:48
ubottunavarubio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:48
BluesKaj!es | navarubio16:49
liaquatCan you help me by telling how to type Bangla in Linux 11.04?16:49
markkeKyle__: you do that. the current Natty kernel accdg. to Phoronix gobbles up more power than the default Meerkat kernel.16:49
markkeKyle__: IIRC by about 30%16:49
n4dspI just copied some text,,does ubuntu 11.04 had a notepad somewhere where I can paste the text and put a copy of it on my desktop?16:49
tim167hi, my ubuntu wont boot, it falls back to "BusyBox v1.15.3" I tried fsck on /dev/sda1 in a live CD terminal, it gives "input/output error", also tried booting older kernel, same result   "BusyBox v1.15.3"...what should I do?16:49
liaquatI have installed SCIM and SCIM-AVRO respectively.16:50
liaquatThorough terminal, I have given the command to change im-switch -c.16:50
liaquatThen I have selected SCIM (not SCIM bridge). After this, I have restarted my pc.16:50
liaquatBut sorry to say that lastly I couldn't use Avro. I found a keyboard icon on notification area but no Avro.16:50
liaquatFor last 3 months I have used Linux Mint. In that everything was ready.16:50
liaquatCurrently I have started using Ubuntu 11.04 but can't type BaNGLA. Can you help me regarding this.16:50
FloodBot1liaquat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
liaquatI have to give up Ubuntu if I'm unable to type Bangla.16:50
liaquatWaiting for your quick and cordial reply.16:50
Kyle__markke: Wow.  And I thought my netbook's battery was just going a little south bout when 11 came out.16:50
markkecain_: Supposedly ports should be closed if know app is listening on it. Try running one and it should open, assuming you open it up on the firewall.16:50
Kyle__markke: ...of course that was the excuse to buy a shiny new laptop.16:50
liaquatWhat does it mean?16:50
hagusedbian: tried it with 1 and with 2 and always updated but still my machine prefers M$ :)16:51
tim167hi, my ubuntu wont boot, it falls back to "BusyBox v1.15.3" I tried fsck on /dev/sda1 in a live CD terminal, it gives "input/output error", also tried booting older kernel, same result "BusyBox v1.15.3"...what should I do?16:51
markkeKyle__: IDK what the official kernel devs said about the claims by Phoronix but they had a really good story. Even 3.0 still hast that power hungry bug.16:51
markkeKyle__: lol.... great excuse :P16:51
hagusIt does not matter much16:51
San_any chat rooms available??16:51
hagusThanks for pointing me in the right direction.  I am wondering whether I need to boot into windows and change a boot manager file from there?16:52
Kyle__markke: My head's been deep in other efforts latey, but this does remind me to start reading phronix and other linux sites more regularly...16:52
n4dspyes there is,,,Text editor16:52
IdleOne!ibus | liaquat16:52
ubottuliaquat: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus16:52
cain_Ok, I opened the program i want to use and no luck16:52
cain_and what is the command to run an nmap16:53
fr500try man nmap16:53
fr500it's pretty extendisve16:53
=== jennifer is now known as Guest5876
fr500if you just want to scan for ports nmap -P0 ip_address16:54
fr500replace ip_address with the ip add you want to scan16:54
SatanuxHi everyone, i have a problem with my 11.04, I install it OK (new install) but i restart (to remove the live cd) and now just show wallpaper, no menu, no icons, just wallpaper and mouse cursor, and a flashing window of something that rebuild, and close so fast i can read anything... and dont show nothing mose...16:54
fabio_arhi satanux16:55
Satanuxhi fabio16:55
fabio_arare you make the release ?16:55
fabio_aror istalling from zero16:56
Satanuxsorry, but i talk spanish... i install it from zero with windows (partitioning the drive)16:56
fabio_arpuede hablar16:56
cain_ok so the nmap shows the ports are open, however, nothing can come inbound from the web16:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:56
fr500cain_: what is your problem16:57
soreauftw! :)16:57
fabio_armucho estraño16:57
cain_inbound ports from the web aren't working for my prgrams16:58
fabio_arpude entonces hacer un back up, y despues hacer mas una tentiva16:58
Satanuxand now show the unlock screen asking my pasword, but it flash very fast...16:58
fabio_arand what you configuration hardware16:58
fabio_arto satanux16:58
z3r0c0d3_good afternoon16:59
fabio_arwhat you hardware configuration16:59
SatanuxNVIDIA card (a old one)16:59
fabio_arand first memory16:59
cain_fr500 did you see that16:59
z3r0c0d3_anybody here uses google desktop search ?17:00
fabio_arthis distro 11.04 really make some trouble17:00
markkecain_: router probably  is blocking it or some other appliance in front of your PC17:00
pauloem portugues17:00
fabio_ari hv to go satanux17:00
cain_well..i have the server on DZ17:00
Satanuxthanks a lot17:00
cain_DMZ rather17:00
fabio_armake more search or install all again17:00
Satanuxi will go to ubuntu-es17:00
fabio_ardo wellcome17:01
alksahh it is probably smth very easy .. :/ trying to print 1image 16 times on one paper sheet (same thing happens if i try to print to pdf or printer) . If i go to image viewer and select print and select options 16 times etc.. i get 1 copy of my image in the corner and it is very small ( in windows it was a lot bigger) .17:01
pauloalguem me ajude com o 11.0417:01
markkeSatanux: Is your card anywhere in  there? --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/UnityHardwareRequirements17:01
Satanuxlet me see...17:01
IdleOne!br | paulo17:01
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:01
fr500cain_: no didn't get anything17:02
Satanuxthat is the reason17:02
cain_the nmap shows the services are open on the localhost, but the ports from the web are not open, the dmz is enabled, and all firewalls are off17:03
pauloquero falar com alguem no brasil17:03
markkeSatanux: try this one too, if you can manage to bring out a console, quotes note included -->  "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p"17:03
markkeSatanux: try pressing  CTRL + ALT + F2, login and run that command17:04
fr500cain_: try nmap -P0 but not with localhost but with your LAN ip address17:04
cain_fr500 thats what i did, and it shows the open ports17:04
fr500and how do you know you can't reach from outside?17:05
cain_im trying some settings in my router too17:05
cain_well for one i tried to go through my own url17:05
cain_and for another17:05
cain_i used canyouseeme.org and all ports are closed17:05
fr500if you are inside it won't work17:05
MrokiiHi. Is it possible meanwhile to install Gnome 3 alongside classic Gnome/Unity without destroying the latter? I mean, via a repo, not by hand.17:05
fr500with the url17:05
fr500if you're forwarding ports17:05
fr500cain_: https://www.grc.com/x/portprobe=8017:05
PolahIf I want to back up my panel settings like launchers and suchlike, would backing up ~/.gconf do the job?17:06
PolahMrokii: GNOME3 is unsupported17:06
Trond--Do I Format Drive or Format Volume on a new HDD?17:06
MrokiiPolah: okay, thanks.17:06
cain_fr500 for now i just have the irc up17:07
cain_i just probed 6667 and nothing17:07
cain_its stealth17:07
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88_
tim167help, ubuntu not booting, fsck gives "input/output error", what do i do?17:07
fr500what are you running on 6667 ir server?17:08
cain_yes, 6666-700017:08
coz_tim167,   you installed with live cd ...yes?17:09
cain_the webserver won't start because port 80 won't open17:09
fr500most likely router misconfiguration17:09
coz_tim167,  did you check the md5sums of the iso image before burning it?17:09
fr500what do you mean with that last statement?17:09
tim167coz the CD is working, the booting from /dev/sda1 does not17:09
cain_well i use abyss web server, and will not start because port 80 won't open up17:09
tim167coz_ the CD is working, the booting from /dev/sda1 does not17:10
cain_everthing was fine untill i upgraded to 10.0417:10
fr500are you running the web server as root? you can't bind to ports below 1024 as regular user17:10
coz_tim167,  I aks if you checked the md5sum because it could have been corrunpted during download,, torrents generally have extra checks so less likely to be corrupt17:10
fr500also you could use cherokee if you want a fast, easy to setup web server17:11
tim167i also have this: /dev/sda1 partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary17:11
cain_well..with abyss web server the only way to run it on port 80 is to use sudo17:11
tim167coz_ the problem is not the CD17:11
coz_tim167,  ooo  I see,, and is this a dual boot?17:11
fr500but maybeif it's not binding to port 80 maybe there is something else on port 8017:11
tim167coz_ no17:11
coz_tim167,  how large of a drive is it17:11
cain_otherwise it will default into port 999917:11
fr500can you try telnet 80 ?17:11
tim167coz_ 350GB17:12
cain_which btw won't run either because the ports won't open17:12
cain_i can try it17:12
coz_tim167, yikes... when something like this happens I generally use D-Ban to write zeros to the drive then install,, however on that size drive it may take more than 8 or 9 hours to complete17:12
tim167coz_ the thing is that this is an already installed ubuntu, which does no longer boot now, it did boot before17:13
cain_i get invalid command when trying to telnet17:13
tim167coz_ it was a working system, now it drops to "busy box" when booting, right after the GRUB menu17:13
swebis any option for set proxy for rhythmic box separate from global gnome proxy ?17:14
coz_tim167,  ah  when it drops to busybox,, after about 5 seconds,, type    exit,,, see if it boots to desktop17:14
llutzcain_: sudo lsof -i :80   && netstat -tlpen|grep :80                   any output?17:14
tim167fsck /dev/sda1 gives "input/output error" and stops17:14
fr500cain_: weird, try sudo apt-get install telnet first17:14
coz_tim167,  for that error however, I cant think of anything offhand that could remedy it,,17:14
delli have to format /dev/sda3 as ntfs.....how to do that?17:15
cain_fr500 here is a 1 line output17:16
cain_telnet: could not resolve Name or service not known17:16
Dr_Willisdell:  gparted can do it after you install the proper ntfs support package17:16
Dr_Willis!info ntfsprogs17:16
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 268 kB, installed size 712 kB17:16
Dr_Willisdell:  or theres command line ways17:17
cain_llutz i got no output for the command line you wanted me to try17:17
tim167I tried booting from liveCD and do "fsck /dev/sda1" in terminal there, but it says input/output error17:17
llutzcain_: so nothing listening on port 8017:17
dellhow to install ntfsprogs because apt-get is not working17:17
cain_nothing will open besides browsers17:18
cain_when it comes to port 8017:18
IdleOnellutz: cain_ possible you need to forward 80 to 8080 or something because isp is blocking?17:18
cain_well...port 8000 will not open17:18
cain_ports will not open at all17:19
Dr_Willisdell:  perhaps you should be focusing on getting apt fixed first. Or just use  a gparted live cd to do your disk partioniong needs.17:19
soreaualright, wth. I try grub-install /dev/sda and it says unrecognized option /dev/sda :P17:19
wildc4rdevenin all17:19
cain_right now 6667-7000 and 8000 are on, however, they will not open to the outside world17:19
cain_i have tried efw17:19
cain_everything worked in the recent kernal17:19
delli have to install windows 7 and for that i need an ntfs partition....and i am fed up of this....its really hard to beleive that to format a drive as ntfs is sooooooo difficult (i have ubuntu 9)17:19
IdleOnedell: the windows cd can format the partition17:20
Dr_Willisdell:  the windiows  cd's ive always used can format partitions...17:20
llutzdell: windows installer can format17:20
Dr_Willisits not hard to format to ntfs.. if you got the tools17:20
IdleOnedell: see ##windows for more help with that17:20
cain_when researching my problem, i found that there was an issue in the in the latest kernel that does not allow inbound connections, something to do with etho and etho117:21
cain_and something to do with editing those properties17:21
cain_however, im not quiet sure how to actually edit those properties17:21
hugenumberCain_ sound like server configuration to me, and router issue...but I use apache17:23
cain_yeah well i thought so maybe at first too, but then in looking back over the problem it didn't happen till 10.04 natty17:24
cain_so i think its something to do with an internal configuration to the system17:24
d3vic3any one having trouble with black image on webcam like i do?17:24
hugenumberwhat kernel you have?17:24
cain_its 2.3.3417:25
d3vic3ah, wasn't for me...17:25
hugenumberHmm i dont understand thats what im running on 10.10 here17:26
hugenumberI prefer 10.04...and it was working great for me before17:26
cain_im going to upgrade to 10.10 and see if it solves my problem17:29
cain_thanks for your help, if it works or if it does not, i will be back to let you know17:30
hugenumberYou might have to re - configure a few things17:30
hugenumbergood lcuk though17:30
cain_im hoping that it is an internal programming problem within ubuntu 10.4 that 10.10 addresses17:31
subz3r0cain_ guess not? Coze 10.04 is LTS, 10.10 Not...17:31
fr500cain_: sorry was afk17:32
fr500I never said :8017:32
fr500telnet is 8017:32
fr500and space not a :17:32
cain_ok i will try that real quick17:32
d3vic3black image on uvcvideo webcam, plz help!17:32
cain_telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused17:32
fr500ok then nothing is running on 8017:33
fr500what is the output when you try to start your web server on port 80?17:33
cain_unfortunately not17:33
fr500I mean, what is the text output when you try17:33
cain_it doesn't give me any print out, it just locks17:33
fr500what does it say17:33
FloodBot1fr500: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
fr500cain_: is there a good reason to use that instead of apache or cherokee?17:34
cain_i know that 10.04 is LTS, however, 10.10 is there to add to and fix problems early, which will then be implemented at least some of them into the LTS17:34
mneptokcain_: what webserver is this?17:34
cain_abyss webserver17:35
cain_yeah it has a ton of controls and a nice GUI to boot17:35
llutzcain_: check logs17:35
mneptokcain_: uhhhh .... why?17:35
mneptokThe software described and available for download in this site is the last open source version of Abyss Web Server: In 2001, Abyss Web Server became closed source and subsequent versions were and continue to be published by Aprelium Technologies (a company founded by Abyss Web Server's original author).17:36
mneptok^^^ not something i'd use ^^^^17:36
Dr_Willisi agree17:36
mneptoknot updated since 2001? and you'll use it in a production environment?17:36
simsaladimhi all, want to give my network-card a static-ip, used before login, managed by networkmanager, configured with file '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/xyz'. how can i set the default config-file?17:36
cain_yeah that just turns into an proprietary and open source argument17:37
cain_the release im running just came out this year17:37
cain_so its new17:37
hugenumberpersonal perference17:37
Dr_Willisso you paid for it?17:37
mneptokcain_: no, it turns into a "a webserver not updated in a decade can reasonably be considered deprecated"17:37
cain_yeah, 20 bucks i think17:37
mneptokcain_: so they should support you with issues you have17:37
cain_mneptok it was udated this year17:38
hugenumber /cry17:38
HyperbyteAfter I ditched NIS and NFS, and moved all files to a local partition and using LDAP for user accounts, Thunderbird stopped working.  It says 'starting' in the taskbar, but doesn't actually start.  Running it from a terminal gives no output either.17:38
simsaladimhugenumber: noX. which file does nm use?17:38
cain_i like open source too17:38
HyperbyteStrange thing is, it doesn't work with non-ldap (local) users either anymore.17:38
cain_i think there are pro's and cons to both proprietary and open source17:38
HyperbyteThis is 11.04.  Does anyone have any pointers as to what direction I can look to fix this?17:38
mneptokcain_: this has nothing to do with the license. it has to do with the fact you paid for a piece of software, you're having problems, and you should turn to the company that sold you the product for support.17:39
cain_mneptok: i think you didn't see my earlier discussion, the software has always worked it just don't work in 10.0417:41
cain_same with my irc server, it has always worked, now it doesn't17:41
cain_and to bust out the use of proprietary and open source, web admin only works for local host as well17:42
ShakeyJakehey guys, i'm trying to grep a line out of my lm-sensors output. I want the cpu temp line that begins with 'temp1:' but there is anothe line that also begines with 'temp1:'. How do i grep one but not the other? Google is not being helpful17:42
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mneptokcain_: so ask the vendor why this is happening.17:43
cain_web admin is open source17:43
cain_conferenceroom by webmaster works just fine on linux, however, it doesn't work on 10.0417:43
cain_abyss webserver works just fine on ubuntu linux as well, however, it don't work on 10.0417:44
oCeanShakeyJake: with -v you can prevent an other line from being printed, but you haven't shared much details.  cat file | grep foo | grep -v bar  will prevent the line containing bar from showing in the output17:44
cain_same thing with web admin17:44
cain_that is a cross of proprietary and open source with the same result in 10.0417:44
cain_the problem is this case is the ubuntu version17:45
cain_it has to be17:45
cain_ok well will be back when its all done17:45
cain_cya all later17:45
greg__ok, installed new kernel, ethernet doesn't work. lspci -k still says driver is installed, sudo ifconfig -a doesn't say anything about eth0 or wireless which I have17:46
ShakeyJakeoCean: so i can find something that is in the unwated line and tell grep to not print any lines with the unwanted bit in? the cpu line i WANT reads 'temp1:   +XX.XC (high = +70.0C)' and the UNWANTED line reads 'temp1: +XX.C (High = +255.0C)'17:46
harris6310Can anyone help me with a driver problem?17:46
MagicJharris6310: skip the hellos and "can I ask" - just ask - that is the correct way in here17:47
llutzShakeyJake: sensors |grep ^temp1 |grep -v 25517:47
oCeanShakeyJake:  command | grep ^temp | grep -v 2517:47
harris6310I tried installing the latest nVidia driver through the additional drivers menu but it said it was not activated.17:47
oCeanllutz won this one17:47
th0roCean: I think you need 255, just in case the temp rises to 25 in the first line17:48
harris6310Sorry, it's activated but it's not in use.17:48
oCeanth0r: true, but llutz already beat me to it :)17:48
llutzoCean: sry, won't happen again :)17:50
ShakeyJakeso i should have  '' grep -A 1 'temp1' -v '255'  ''17:50
oCeanShakeyJake: -A shows a line after the matching one.17:50
ShakeyJakeoCean: which is what i want isnt it?17:51
ShakeyJakeor isnt it?17:51
harris6310Does anyone know how to fix my problem?17:51
oCeanShakeyJake: I have no idea what you want. The command llutz sent, should work17:51
llutzShakeyJake: if you want the line starting with temp1, it isn't what you want17:51
MagicJharris6310: read the rules here - if u don't get an answer do not bug people - if someone had an answer they would have posted it17:51
ShakeyJakeah, right. sorry this is from a conky script i found on the net and am trying to modify17:51
harris6310Okay, I have now removed the driver, which is the best way to get it back?17:53
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ShakeyJakellutz: i appreciate your help as well :). i know 'fix it please' is a rubbish question to ask and i am trying to learn but would posting the conky like help you and oCean?17:54
root____I can't connect to my wifi. It's WEP encrypted, I can connect easily when there is no encryption on it though. What's the problemo here?17:54
root____omg im root17:54
ajfI'm trying to get the AA project ASCII Art demo, bb, to work17:54
greg__Installed new kernel last night, ethernet doesn't work anymore, is this a bug?17:54
ajfit starts, but freezes when the music starts playing17:54
ajf(hear music, frozen image)17:54
llutzShakeyJake: pastebinit it pls, maybe wecould help17:54
oCeanwe can try..17:55
ShakeyJakellutz, oCean, it's just one line ${execi 1 sensors | grep -A 1 'temp1'  | cut -c 16-21| sed '/^$/d'}17:55
ShakeyJakei assume i just need a '-v' in there somewhere?17:55
llutz ${execi 1 sensors | grep -A 1 'temp1' |grep -v 255 | cut -c 16-21| sed '/^$/d'}17:55
llutzShakeyJake: ^^ try it17:55
ShakeyJakeperfect, thanks boys17:56
ShakeyJakei had my formatting wrong and was trying '| grep -A 1 'temp1' -v '255' |17:56
llutzShakeyJake: i still wonder why -A1... do they also want temp2?17:56
ShakeyJakenope, not as far as i can tell17:56
ShakeyJakealthough it works17:56
llutzShakeyJake: unfortunately grep has not logical AND, so you need 2 greps17:57
ShakeyJakethat makes sense llutz17:57
llutzhas no*17:59
ShakeyJakellutz, yeah, i got it :)17:59
ShakeyJakeseems like quite a limitation but i guess it's easily solved17:59
ShakeyJakeonce you know what you're doing anyway17:59
ubuntu2hello I need help with terminal commands18:00
ubuntu2I am trying to install a .bin file but my terminal has no "desktop"18:01
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subz3r0ubuntu2, desktop?18:02
subz3r0maybe explain a bit further?18:02
ubuntu2trying to instal java witha .bin file18:02
hugenumberfrom the desktop ?18:03
L1TI'm trying to connect to a WEP encrypted wifi but I it keeps timing out.  I can connect when I turn enc off and set it to open. Any ideas?18:03
ubuntu2I am getting a message that says no desktop18:03
ubuntu2using cd desktop18:03
binarygangsterbin should just indicate it's a binary file18:03
llutz!java | ubuntu2 tried using java from repos?18:04
ubottuubuntu2 tried using java from repos?: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:04
binarygangsterL1T check up on wpa_supplicant18:04
ubuntu2the problem is I was reading and it asid to first change  to desktop but itt says no such directery18:05
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  you may want to read up on a few shell basics tgutorials.. it would be  'cd Desktop' IF the directory name is Desktop. not 'desktop'18:05
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  case IS imporntant18:05
ubuntu2tried that too18:05
Dr_Willisuse the ls command and see whats there..18:05
harris6310Hello, I'm back. How do I test to see if a graphics driver I have installed is working?18:05
oratedHow to share LAN network over WiFi as hotspot, masquerade?18:05
Dr_Willisif you are wanting to run the bin ubuntu2 you need to cd to where it was downloaded to. whch may or may not be the 'Desktop' directory18:06
ubuntu2I don't think I am explaining it very weel let me try again18:06
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:06
harris6310How do I enable desktop effects?18:06
oratedDr_Willis: I was wondering if I can share internet with WiFi enabled devices...18:07
ubuntu2ok here is what is happening I am told that I n3eeded to copy the .bin file to my desktop....18:07
Dr_Willisorated:  should be able to.18:08
hugenumberif gui copy paste18:08
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  they proberlmy ment to your 'Desktop' which on a normal desktop install is /home/yourusername/Desktop18:08
Dr_Willisthe locastion dosent really matter.. as loing as you know where its at.18:08
D3814Nharris6310, glxinfo | grep rendering (output should be 'Yes' to be able to use desktop effects))18:08
ubuntu2then with the command "CD DESKTOP" no quotes then I am supposed to have somthing that says ~desktop but it isn't showing up?18:08
Dr_Willisand just for the record.. sun java is in the repos..... if its java youa re trying to install18:08
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  CASE is imporntant...18:09
ubuntu2trying to install 6u26 jre java18:09
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  cd /home/yourusername/Desktop18:09
Dr_Willisdo you SEE the file on your desktop?18:09
ubuntu2ok let me try that...18:09
Dr_WillisIt would really benifit you to spend an hr learning some command line basics.18:10
harris6310D3814N: It says yes.18:10
D3814Nharris6310, that means your graphics card works18:11
harris6310Good, how do I enable dektop effects?18:11
ubuntu2here is what I am getting...bash: cd: /home/sam/desktop: No such file or directory18:11
D3814Nharris6310, did you install compiz-fusion18:11
oratedDr_Willis: Don't you think this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless should work for WiFi?18:12
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  use the 'ls' command and LOOK and see what directories are there18:12
harris6310I didn't know I had to.18:12
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  on a normal ubuntu setup its Desktop   NOT 'desktop'18:12
ubuntu2what do you mean use ls command before or after?18:12
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  It would really benifit you to spend an hr learning some command line basics.18:12
Dr_Willistype ls and read the output...18:13
harris6310Why is compiz-fusion needed for desktop effects? It wasn't in 10.04.18:13
hugenumbertype D then press tab18:13
ubuntu2yes the ls command shos a desktop18:13
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  now is it Desktop or desktop18:13
rcmaehlI figured it out!18:13
ubuntu2got me I guess Desktop18:13
ubuntu2let me try that18:13
hugenumbercase sensitive you are18:13
rcmaehlI figured out how to control my desktop's mouse and keyboard through an ssh connection from my laptop18:13
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  err.. you cant READ and see that its Desktop or desktop?18:13
Dr_WillisD and d look very differnt :)18:14
ubuntu2trying to explain and do at the same time bear with me...18:14
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ubuntu2yes Desktop18:14
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  so... rember. Case is impiorntant... spell things correctly18:15
ubuntu2so I have copied the .bin file to my desktop now what do I do??18:15
Dr_Willisi imagine you run it...18:15
Dr_Willissh whatever.bin18:15
ubuntu2with what do Irun it with?18:15
Dr_Willissh whatever.bin18:16
Dr_Willisreplace whatever with the proper filename18:16
ubuntu2what is sh18:16
Dr_Willissh is what you run it with......18:16
Dr_Willisor perhaps 'bash whatever.bin'18:16
fr500that's totally wrong Dr_Willis18:17
fr500it's not likely a binary file with run with bash18:17
Dr_Willisit totatally depends on the bin ive sene them done several ways18:17
fr500bash scripts are not binaries18:17
Dr_Willisthe directions hes reading shoule really tell him the proper way18:17
fr500ubuntu2: all you need to do is chmod +x file.bin18:18
fr500and then ./file.bin18:18
Dr_WillisI have sene .bin that are  that way  that run with sh,18:18
airtonixfr500: riveting tale old chap18:18
Dr_Willisthe .bin extension should be banned. L:)18:18
fr500ubuntu2:  if you have a suitable interpreter it should run18:18
fr500airtonix: what do you mean?18:18
ubuntu2ok got the Desktop command up on terminal..18:18
MePha|AFKcan anyone help me? i want to view videos but there is only sound and no video to view :/ (ubuntu 11.04)18:18
ubuntu2not sure what you mean by interupter?18:19
uns0b1llgreets, not going to be pessimist but im switching to ubuntu from freebsd18:19
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fr500ubuntu2: it will most likely work, as with windows executables you have to thread with caution though18:19
uns0b1llfor ffs why cant freebsd keep things simpler and have support for things18:19
fr500ubuntu2: on a terminal run: chmod +x file.bin18:19
uns0b1llwhere do i edit my networking - cant find /etc/rc.conf18:19
delacI'm trying to convert ooo calc spreadsheet to pdf with two pages on one side. I'm supposed to cut the pages half, but the gap between the pages is very narrow. How to increase that gap without increasing the other margins?18:19
airtonixuns0b1ll: the channel for expressing rage about bsd is not here18:20
rcmaehlI made a shell script that repeatly copies my laptop's /dev/input (for keyboard and mouse) and replaces my Desktop's /dev/input (for keyboard and mouse)18:20
Kyle__uns0b1ll: It's been awhile since I've used FBSD on a desktop, but it never seemed overly complicated to me.18:20
hugenumberMepha what file extention and what video viewer18:20
fr500ubuntu2:  replace file.bing with the name of the file of course18:20
ubuntu2I am going to follow some instructions I found on ehow and see if that works ... may be back here if it doesn't and thanks for th help it is appriciated!18:20
ProbandoHola va18:20
urlin2uMePha,  where is this happening, and have you in installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras18:20
Kyle__uns0b1ll: You can't compare it to ubuntu/debian/rhel/centos.  You can compare it to arch linux, or crux however.18:20
fr500ok ubuntu218:20
uns0b1llhey guys can i filter irc input to only view my replies ?18:21
MePhahugenumber m4v or avi standard player after ubuntu install18:21
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uns0b1lli agree on comparison18:21
rcmaehluns0b1ll: yes if you make your own irc client18:21
Kyle__uns0b1ll: If you're using the desktop, use network manager, otherwise, /etc/network/interfaces18:21
rcmaehlIt's not hard18:21
Kyle__uns0b1ll: networkmanager is a gnome thing that ubuntu is fond of using for gui config.  On the desktop, it's best to stick with that and not use the files, as it can get confused.18:22
w30Dr_Willis, were you a teacher in your former life; perhaps a saint?18:22
uns0b1lloh nice gedit build in18:23
Dr_Willisw30:  about ready to retire... :)18:23
NortHey I need some tech support for 10.04, on installation I can only find my external USB HDD but neither of my internal sata HDDs at step 4.18:23
uns0b1llhey Kyle how can i respond just to u18:23
ResQueis there a way i can ask apt-get where a package is installed?18:23
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Seriously?  gedit isn't part of the fbsd gnome desktop packages?18:23
llutzResQue: "where" as in where the files are? dpkg -L packagename18:23
uns0b1llim on ubuntu now - i switched18:23
Kyle__uns0b1ll: generally put a persons name followed by a colon, and the IRC client highlights it for that user.18:23
ResQuellutz: spot on thanks18:24
uns0b1llgot tired of constant inconsistencies18:24
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Or for a private conversation, you use /msg, but generally that's frowned upon in help channels.  People like to hear what other people suggest, and add to it, suggest alternatives, correct the suggestions, etc.18:24
w30Dr_Willis, *chuckles*18:24
uns0b1llKyle_ test test18:24
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Yup, that worked.18:24
uns0b1llKyle_ yea im on xebuntu or gebuntu whatever you call 11.4 server with minimal gnome on it18:25
Mankooldoes anyone know where this message is logged --> "The selected configuration for displays could not be applied. requested position/size for CRTC ..."  ?18:25
Mankooldoesn't seem to be in /var/log/Xorg.*18:25
airtonixMankool: grep -R CRTC /var/log18:26
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Probably xbuntu then.  XFCE based ubuntu desktop, and since XFCE uses gnome, it's got just enough gnome for everything to run.18:26
uns0b1llKyle_ had to switch from Freebsd 8.2, just got tired of configuring Xorg, lack of drivers, community not exactly helpfull, all that jazz18:26
Mankoolairtonix: thanks... dunno why i didn't think of that18:26
uns0b1llKyle_ i still run OpenBSD or Pfsense for work though18:27
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Well, ubuntu has it's own frustrations using X, as it autoconfigures everything, leaving you no xorg.conf to peruse and edit if you don't like something.18:27
delacor, is there any "print to pdf" software that can join two pages into one and has setting for the gap width?18:27
marko_hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm a brand new ubuntu user..I'm trying to set up my wireless card and I'm afraid I'm doing more damage than good18:27
Kyle__delac: I think you can do that with imagemagick, but there are probably other/better programs to do it with.18:28
Mankoolhmm it appears it isn't logged anywhere in /var/log... I am trying to work with 3 monitors on an ati hd 5700 card which seems possible, but i got one of those bubble messages saying "The selected configuration for displays could not be applied. requested position/size for CRTC ..."18:28
uns0b1llKyle_ also majority of software not compatible with Freebsd out the box - software like GNS3 or FOG Imaging server, so that was major point to convert18:28
delacKyle__: I would hope so. But what?18:28
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goddardwow just tried Fedora and it solved all my problems18:28
uns0b1llKyle_ will try to get myself some eyecandy  -where compiz :D18:29
krishnanWhile trying to create a USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 server OS the process is throwing an error mentioning syslinux not able to install. Tried doing in both linux and windows same error occurs. What to do?18:29
Kyle__delac: a package called pdftools comes to mind, but I don't know where in my head it's coming from.  Try googling it :)18:29
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Heh, have fun, I generally turn off eyecandy, so I never know where to turn it on.18:29
lion42goddard, wait a month. then you'll be threatening to switch to ubuntu. For some reason, people feel a need to threaten to switch between these two OSes the most often.18:29
uns0b1lldo i need to put default gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces ?18:29
Mankoollast time i tried using the ati catalyst control center to configure the third monitor xorg became broken and had to rever to backup xorg file to get it to work18:29
Kyle__uns0b1ll: yes.  Unless you are the default gateway, of course.18:29
goddardlion42: huh?18:29
marko_hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm a brand new ubuntu user..I'm trying to set up my wireless card and I'm afraid I'm doing more damage than good18:29
krishnanWhile trying to create a USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 server OS the process is throwing an error mentioning syslinux not able to install. Tried doing in both linux and windows same error occurs. What to do?18:30
Dr_Willis marko_ whats to setup?? icon at top right. enable the settings/card/ enter the info....18:30
* Kyle__ sighs. Making a usb boot disc is so damned slow on an old flash drive.18:30
uns0b1llKyle thats under iface eth9 inet **.**.***.** netmask ?18:30
uns0b1llgateway **.**.** ?18:30
goddardlion42: Ubuntu has dropped the ball and if you actually used F15 you would understand why18:30
uns0b1llor is it default_gateway ?18:31
lion42goddard, I -have used- fedora, and like 100% of rational users, saw no major day-to-day differences.18:31
Mankoolanyone have any idea on the error message "The selected configuration for displays could not be applied. requested position/size for CRTC ..."  and then gives some dimensions after i connect a third monitor on my ati hd 5700?18:31
Kyle__uns0b1ll: I think so.  I don't have an example infront of me.   Just "gateway"18:31
goddardlion42: what does that even mean?18:31
uns0b1llKyle_ i'll try18:31
lion42This is not a channel to debate the slight merits of two OSes, this is a support channel18:31
marko_Dr_Willis, the problem is that my card worked (though extremely slowly) when I initially installed Ubuntu, but when I completed the first updates and rebooted the card stopped working entirely18:31
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Pretty sure there's a good manpage on it.18:31
goddardlion42: hahah18:31
lion42If you would like to praise fedora, perhaps they have a channel for that?18:31
Dr_Willisfrom a user point of view the actual disrto should not matter a lot. : )18:31
krishnanWhile trying to create a USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 server OS the process is throwing an error mentioning syslinux not able to install. Tried doing in both linux and windows same error occurs. What to do?18:31
krishnanDr_Willis: While trying to create a USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 server OS the process is throwing an error mentioning syslinux not able to install. Tried doing in both linux and windows same error occurs. What to do?18:31
goddardlion42: please stop talking about fedora in the support channel18:32
Dr_Willismarko_:  you should have stated that in theoriginaal problem then. :) Tried booting back tot the old kernel and see if it then works?18:32
uns0b1llwhers restart networking hmm no /etc/rc.d ?18:32
Kyle__lion42: Were you referring to the FBSD/ubuntu transition conversation?18:32
marko_Dr_Willis, sorry but I have no idea how to do that..18:32
Kyle__uns0b1ll: Errr /etc/init.d/networking restart.18:32
Dr_Williskrishnan:  last i heard the SERVER iso would not work properly when put on a usb stick. You could set up grub2 to boot it i belive.. but its been ages ago.18:32
Kyle__uns0b1ll: I think.18:32
lion42Kyle__, correct. I suggested that the user find a more suitable channel.18:32
Dr_Willismarko_:  select an older kernel at the grub boot menu18:32
zykotick9uns0b1ll, you can try "sudo service networking restart" but it doesn't work all that great these days18:33
uns0b1llKyle_ u got it thnkas18:33
goddardKyle__: i did the same the user didn't listen though18:33
MankoolDoes anyone know if there is a maximum virtual screen size for multiple monitors Ubuntu 11.04?18:33
krishnanDr_Willis: will I be able to install grub after the installation on usb stick is over. If yes pls tell me how?18:33
marko_Dr_Willis, I actually don't have GRUB, or at least it doesn't show up on boot. I wiped Windows from this machine and only have Ubuntu loaded18:33
uns0b1llhaha i guess putting netmask in my interfaces file not good idea after all18:33
uns0b1llifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"18:33
uns0b1llc/etc/network/interfaces:10: too many parameters for iface line18:33
Dr_Williskrishnan:  personally i would check the pendrivelinux web site. they ahve tools that put grub2 on the pendrive and puts the iso there as well.18:34
Dr_Willismarko_:  hit the shift key at the rigth time and the grub menu will appear.. i always disable the lame hide-grub-menu feature.  no idea when you hit shift..18:34
marko_ok..thanks Dr_Willis I'll try that18:34
goddardlion42: I take it you use Unity?18:35
lion42goddard, do you need support using unity?18:35
zykotick9uns0b1ll, lines i use with my static interfaces file http://paste.ubuntu.com/671176/18:35
alexleon_hello mm if my pc has usb 2.0 and i buy a 3.0 usb adapter that goes to my usb 2.0  nd i conect my usb 3.0 hard drive the velocity will be of a 3.0 usb?18:35
goddardlion42: its just a question18:35
lion42goddard, this is the support channel. If you want to have an offtopic discussion, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic ?18:36
uns0b1llzykotic9 thank you18:36
goddardlion42: its on topic so answer18:36
zykotick9!tab > uns0b1ll18:36
ubottuuns0b1ll, please see my private message18:36
X-Hunterhi, whats the beginners channel for ubuntu?18:36
goddardX-Hunter: Fedora18:36
krishnanDr_Willis: tht did not help much still I will have a look. Thanks a lot!18:36
uns0b1ll!tab  ?18:37
uns0b1llim new to irc world really18:37
alexleon_-.- ima go to yahoo answers18:37
zykotick9uns0b1ll, you failed on my nick the 1st time, you can use TAB to auto complete like "z" "y" "k" "TAB"18:37
uns0b1llzykotick9, got it18:37
ubottuuns0b1ll: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:38
uns0b1llubottu, how do i do that ?18:38
lion42alexleon_, no, I don't believe so.18:38
ubottuuns0b1ll: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:38
uns0b1llnow i need to learn how to check my private messages18:38
zykotick9uns0b1ll, what client are you using?18:39
uns0b1llzykotick9, xchat18:39
lion42uns0b1ll, just click the tabs with the user's name either on the lefthand side of your screen, or at the bottom of your screen.18:39
zykotick9uns0b1ll, look on left side, around the channels for a "ubottu"18:39
chrome_is ubuntu more stable than win7?18:39
uns0b1llzykotick9, doh18:39
alexleon_thx lion18:40
alexleon_is there anyway to turn on a laptop wifi without hotkeys?18:40
uns0b1llzykotick9, that interfaces snapin - how to combine with iface eth9 inet string ?18:40
oratedDr_Willis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing#GUI%20Method%20via%20Network%20Manager%20%28Ubuntu%209.10%20and%20up%29 .. If you see the first note containing the example. What I want to try in completely reverse. I can connect to WiFI as well as LAN, so was wondering to share wired connection using system as Wifi hotspot  to other Wifi enabled devices. Network card is: Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6230 with18:40
llutzuns0b1ll: "man 5 interfaces"18:41
zykotick9uns0b1ll, "iface eth9 inet" is incorrect!  use "iface eth9 inet static" then next line starts with "address"18:41
uns0b1llzykotick9, u solved it ))18:42
=== nick is now known as kamidi
oratedDr_Willis: *Advanced-N 6230 with Bluetooth v3.0+HS18:43
pr0tonhey, i've got this image taken from a camera of a document18:43
pr0tonhow can i improve it?18:43
Trond--http://i.imgur.com/p28fK.png http://i.imgur.com/3pqfw.png What seems to be the problem? It is an SSD boot with Win7 and Ubuntu on it.18:43
pr0toni notice that there are some apps on my phone, which improve quality18:44
pr0tonit's a BW doc18:44
w30pr0ton, I use Gimp or XView graphics programs18:46
ChogyDananyone know what log file to look at for a dkms failed build?18:47
BluesKaj /var/log18:47
AegirAegir<has quit>18:48
BluesKajChogyDan, graphics driver ?18:48
pr0tonw30, how do you enhance it using gim[?18:48
d3vic3black image on uvcvideo webcam, plz help!18:48
ChogyDanBluesKaj: yeah.  I don't know which file to look at there.  I just see dkms_autoinstaller, but that doesn't have anything18:48
chrome_I'm a dj, can I rely on ubuntu to make my gig shows?18:49
w30pr0ton, mess with gamma, contrast, tint, etc.18:49
trismChogyDan: the logs are in /var/lib/dkms/module_name/module_version/ then either build/make.log for the most recent or kernel_version/make.log18:49
chrome_is it stable enough?18:49
ChogyDantrism: thanks!18:49
rcmaehlI'm making one big computer help channel b/c there's so many on freenode and one big one would be much easier.18:49
chrome_rcmaehl: would me much confusing, you mean18:50
Kyle__chrome_: Ubuntu is more than stable enough.18:50
chrome_Kyle__: more than win7?18:50
rcmaehlchrome_: ?18:50
Kyle__chrome_: The question is, is the hardware you're on stable enough.  Unstable hardware is about the only thing that will make it unstable.18:50
Kyle__chrome_: Much more stable than windows 7.18:50
chrome_Kyle__: because in the past I had some problems... The X always crashing..18:50
zykotick9chrome_, if "stability" is one of your primary concerns i wouldn't recommend 11.04 (10.04 maybe, but olders software there)18:50
BluesKajrcmaehl, for who? too many OSs will confuse18:50
rcmaehlBluesKaj: what do you mean for who?18:51
BluesKajeasy for who18:51
chrome_Kyle__: how do I check if the hardware I'm on is stable?18:51
chrome_I think it is18:51
chrome_is a relatively recent laptop18:52
BluesKajnot for those seeking clear advice, rcmaehl18:52
rcmaehlBluesKaj: easy for those who can state their problem and what they are using18:52
chrome_your ubuntu system never crashed?18:52
Kyle__chrome_: Try it out on the box.  Use it for a few days.  If it has an SD card slot, you can install onto a 2+ GB sd card, and try it out.18:52
zykotick9chrome_, just FYI but ubuntu will fill a 4GB SD card mighty quick, 2GB i doubt will even install.18:53
mrdebzyko, full install is 2.3gb18:54
chrome_I think I will install it on the hd, that's no problem for me18:54
mrdebbut new ubuntu wont install on less than 818:54
chrome_I would like to know in this channel who never got his ubuntu crashed18:54
mrdebthat is bad18:54
zykotick9mrdeb, i've run ubuntu for a long time on 4GB (origional EEEPC, I owned 3) and after a few updates even 4GB is too small18:55
mrdebchrome, what ameks is crash are drivers or apps18:55
Kyle__chrome_: I've never had it crash for a non-hardware reason.18:55
mrdebzyk, ubuntu is not the best os for eee18:55
mrdebyou know it18:55
Kyle__chrome_: By that I mean, USB-tuner that drew WAY to much power cause the hardware to power off to save itself.  And the boot drive getting removed from a running system.  Long story.18:56
zykotick9mrdeb, i obviously don't run it anymore, but did for years, dating back to ubuntu 7.10 - and i'll repeat one more time, 4GB is too small for ubuntu18:56
mrdebno, it isnt zyko18:56
mrdebyou have a full install with office under 2.318:56
w30chrome_, My Ubuntu crashed, locked up yesterday, first time in a year or so after I put in two gig extra memory.18:56
chrome_ok... That's why macs are more stable Kyle__ ? b/c they only work with their hardware?18:56
sveinsezykotick9: That really depends. ubuntu-minimal is around 200M18:56
mrdebfull install with gnome18:57
chrome_w30: I see18:57
zykotick9sveinse, agreed - but that's hardly "ubuntu" anymore is it?18:57
w30chrome_, that's a lot less than my ComEd power shutdowns,smile18:58
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
zykotick9https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements = 5 GB of hard-drive space18:59
Trond--http://i.imgur.com/p28fK.png http://i.imgur.com/3pqfw.png Why oh why?18:59
w30chrome_, my next step should be a backup power block18:59
=== assassin is now known as group
=== group is now known as assassin
oratedCan anyone help me here on Internet connection sharing, please?19:00
mlopezhi! I need to make a script to download a file from a website (this website needs login and password and the link to the file is not a static url, but its downloaded through a javascript or something like this) Can i do this with a bash script ?19:00
=== assassin is now known as raju
trionsmlopez: ask in #bash19:01
waseemHey guys,  have ubuntu 11.04 Installed on my vaio with ATI mobility x 2300, I would use a tutorial to install the open source driver for it restart, It would load 1 time out of 20, Any idea why this is happening?,other thing I can't shutdown my system normally I would have to use the shutdown button to force it to shutdown. Any Idea too?19:01
Dr_WillisI imagine you will need more then just bash to do such a task, :)19:01
zykotick9trions, +1 the #bash people are hardcore. mlopez19:02
Dr_Willisbut #bash may know the diretion to go.19:02
oratedDr_Willis: Did you read my later part of the question, I was asking about?19:02
Dr_Willisorated:  ive not done ICS in 5+ years..19:02
Dr_Williseasier to just go buy a router to do it these days. :)19:03
oratedDr_Willis: Well,.. thanks for sharing that link but I'm trting something quite different mentioned there19:03
zykotick9Dr_Willis, or a plug-computer w/ wi-fi (my next purchase) ;)19:03
mlopezthanks for the info trions zykotick919:03
oratedDr_Willis: Sometimes, when in home network, a single router is sufficient :)19:04
Dr_Willisorated:  some wireless cards in ubuntu cant do a adhoc type network i recall.19:04
Dr_Willisbut ive not ever done a wireless --> linux box -->  Internet.19:04
oratedDr_Willis: I'm using Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6230 with Bluetooth v3.0+HS19:05
oratedDr_Willis: I want to try exactly what this image says - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ICS2.jpeg19:05
waseemHey guys,  have ubuntu 11.04 Installed on my vaio with ATI mobility x 2300, I would use a tutorial to install the open source driver for it restart, It would load 1 time out of 20, Any idea why this is happening?,other thing I can't shutdown my system normally I would have to use the shutdown button to force it to shutdown. Any Idea too?19:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:08
zykotick9!it | camera19:08
ubottucamera: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:08
RestlessCod3rHi, so I have ubuntu 11.04 32bit, and I want to upgrade it to 64bit. Can I do this without a cd/usb drive??19:09
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, you need to fresh install somehow19:09
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: Ok, an dhow about this, I have 4.5GB ram installed on my comp, and it oly detects 3.519:10
glebihanorated, then if your wireless card allows it, you should be able to do it by right-clicking on the network-manager icon and selecting "create new wireless network"19:10
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, you're using 32bit19:10
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: yeah, but it should be able to detect at least 419:10
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, it's memory minus 1GB with PAE19:11
yokahugreetings and salutations19:11
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, plus PAE is 3-6% slower all the time, install 64bit is best suggestion19:11
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: Ok, so how do I upgrade to 64bit without a cd/usb drive??19:11
yokahu‎have  acer aspire 2quqdcoreintelQ830019:11
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, ? but you have to fresh install somehow19:11
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: but I dont have a usb drive, and my CD drive doesnt work19:12
yokahudual boot system win7 /ubuntu 11.1019:12
RestlessCod3rusb key, that is19:12
yokahugot hacked  trojan in windows sector19:12
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, the likely answer is YOU can't (network boot is theoretically possible, but WAY non-trivial.  AND you'd need a second box to act as a server)19:13
yokahuim tying to use  DBAN   to wipe hdd security erase but dont mork19:13
Wulfnetwork boot is not that hard.19:13
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:14
yokahuget error/dev/sda -sdc process crash19:14
zykotick9Wulf, i did carefully use the term "non-trivial"19:14
yokahuhow can i security rrase all hdd?19:14
Wulfyokahu: what is your native language?19:15
Dr_Willisyokahu:  id just use dd. and zero them out, or use /dev/random or somthing and then reformat..19:15
Dr_Willis!info dban19:18
ubottuPackage dban does not exist in natty19:18
yokahuDr. willis  is that something i do with  gParted ?19:18
Dr_Willisyokahu:  thers dozens of ways to 'erase' a hard driv4e.. but then what are yiou going to do aftger you erase it?19:19
lumoshelp me please19:19
* Wulf helps lumos.19:19
lumosi have had dream of act between man and woman which is only permissible in the context of marriage19:19
* Dr_Willis sees the kick comming.19:19
zykotick9Wulf, got caught by a troll19:19
rww!guidelines | lumos19:19
ubottulumos: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:19
rwwlumos: have a read before talking again, please.19:20
lumosim very afraid19:20
Dr_WillisI dont even see mentioned on the dban homepage - linux packages/binaries...19:20
grey__hi there; I installed Windows 7 on a Ubuntu machine and now Ubunutu 10.10 is missing in bootloader; how to fix it?19:21
Wulfgrey__: reinstall grub19:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:21
Wulfgrey__: and next time, install windoze first (or not at all)19:21
glebihangrey__, boot from a live cd a reinstall grub from there, see ubottu's message19:21
yokahuDr. Willis what i am trying to do is a security erase then   reinstall win7 and ubuntu19:22
Dr_Willisor make a flash drive with a grub-rescue boot of the system :)  on the mbr.19:22
jenkHow do I schedule the computer to shut down after an update ?19:22
Dr_Willisyokahu:  why does it matter if you securely erase them? installing the os's will repartition/reformat..19:22
grey__Ok; I will try ubottu 's link now19:22
glebihanjenk, you mean after running "apt-get upgrade" ?19:23
zykotick9jenk, from command line you could use "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get shutdown -h now" but it won't shutdown if the upgrade fails, or if the upgrade takes more then 15 minutes :|19:23
zykotick9jenk, sorry typo "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo shutdown -h now"19:23
Dr_Willisyou could use shutdown to schedule a shutdown in an hr.. then do the update./upgrade :)19:23
Dr_Willisand hope it dosent take an hr...19:23
Wulfsudo 'apt-get upgrade; shutdown -h now'19:24
jenkglebihan, If there is an alternative that works, I don't mind.19:24
rwwDr_Willis: and hope debconf doesn't prompt you about anything...19:24
Dr_Willisrww:  yep.19:24
Wulfbut upgrades often ask the user stuff, so an automatic shutdown might not be good19:24
Dr_WillisI agree with Wulf19:24
qinWulf: apt-get upgrade -y19:24
Dr_Willistheres some way to have automated updates.. but i rarely do it.19:24
Wulfqin: sounds dangerious19:25
Dr_Willisthe weekly update/upgrade works for me.19:25
glebihanjenk, well several already said, I wouldn't advice that as there can be prompts during the upgrade19:25
jenkzykotick9, It might take more time.19:25
jenkglebihan, Assuming that there are none ?19:25
yokahuDr Willis  what are the chances of a rootkit   or malware still  reside    in hdd if ki do not seccurity errase  ?  Like i just reinstalled    win7 and ubuntu      but did not security errase19:25
glebihanjenk, if you will really want to do it, first do "sudo -i" then "sudo apt-get-upgrade && shutdown now"19:26
Dr_WillisI thought the shutdown process had some sort of 'checking for ongoing update/upgrades'  feature also.19:26
WhaboGuys... Is it possible to watch netflicks?19:26
Dr_Willisyokahu:  i doubt if any will stay around19:26
zykotick9glebihan, you won't need that "sudo for apt-get..." after a "sudo -i"19:26
Dr_Willisyokahu:  zero out the drive with dd, if you want to be sure, then repartition, reformat19:27
Dr_Willisbut thats being paranoid yokahu19:27
xplois 9.04 still supported here ?19:27
jenkDr_Willis, Wulf, Can I call a script to execute after an update ? And that script is a shutdown script !19:27
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:27
yokahuDr willis  please what is dd? Thanks !19:27
Dr_Willisyokahu:  dd is a  shell command.19:28
glebihanzykotick9, you're right... so used to sudo...19:28
xplothe thing Dr_Willis is, if i update to the latest, my WIFI Usb Stick will not work anymore...19:28
xplounless you can prove me otherwise.19:28
qinzykotick9: Is it not that apt-get updrade stops showdown?19:28
Dr_Willisxplo:  not my job to prove anything.. go get a live cd and see for yourself.19:28
Dr_Willisxplo:  if it used to work and faile.. check the bug reports and file a bug if none exist.19:28
zykotick9qin, how could it?  the shutdown command is started after apt-get finishes?  in my suggestion anyway.19:29
xploi guess ill install backtrack then19:29
yokahuDr. willis   were do i  execute that comand  and how would it be so i can do it?19:29
mbrigdanHello! I need some help. I want to back up my encrypted home directory using rsync, but I want to make sure that it only backs up the encrypted data (not my unencrypted home). How can I do this?19:29
Dr_Willisxplo:  do what you want.19:29
WhaboI hate where ubuntu is heading19:29
Dr_Willisyokahu:  to be honest with you. Iimagine  just repartioning and reformating is enough.19:29
xploDr_Willis go have a smoke/coffee/sex or something, no  need to be this arsh.. *sheesh*19:30
lion42Whabo, take it to #whine19:30
Dr_Willisxplo:  given the lack of details you have shown.  all i can say is try a new live cd and see...19:30
xploanother douche.. wow.19:30
uns0b1lli lost my 1920x1680 resolution on xubuntu :((19:30
Dr_Willisxplo:  you asked how to prove it worked.. i gave an answer..19:30
uns0b1llit worked before reboot... so odd19:31
xplowell Dr_Willis, i tried to pass an order yesterday for 5 cds of 11.04 for 5$ but it failed..19:31
symaxianWith nautilus disabled and not rendering the desktop, are their any substitutes for the icons?19:31
Dr_Willisxplo:  this channel has nothing  to do with the ubuntu store.  so cant help you there.19:31
Dr_WillisI alwyas get my cd;'s from cheapbytes.com19:31
polah_In the 11.04 installer, how can I specify a mount point for a partition? I have an existing ext4 partition and when I attempt to define a mount point it doesn't let me type anything.19:32
ParkerRIs there a way to get the top volume control icon to use alsa and not pulseaudio? I have switched to alsa and that is now useless19:32
xplooups, wrong keyboard19:32
Slartsymaxian: nautilus is responsible for rendering the icons, afaik. There are other systems for doing this in say KDE or similar.. anything special you're looking to do?19:32
uns0b1llmy display settings used to show 1920-1680 resolution... but not anymore...19:33
uns0b1llperhaps drivers19:33
GreekFreakHi, I am new to ubuntu and I am trying to install ruby on rails. Where do I add something to my $PATH?19:33
Dr_Willispolah_:  if its not going to be a system type partition, i just edit the fstab after i boot the first time and add it to where it needs to go.19:33
Slartpolah_: in the install program you should be able to use a partition as.. /usr or /home or whatever.. I don't remember the specifics but last time I used it I could specify it19:33
Dr_WillisI recall setting my windows parittions to be in specific places also during the installer.19:34
Slartpolah_: but as Dr_Willis pointed out.. if it's not something used by the system you could just as easily mount it after the install19:34
symaxianSlart: nothing special, just something interactive to fill the empty space on a desktop with just a wallpaper19:34
EM03any amazon ec2 users around?19:34
Slartsymaxian: you don't want to use nautilus? or it doesn't work for you?19:34
zykotick9symaxian, you could try "idesk - Program to show icons on the desktop" i used it YEARS ago with fluxbox19:34
polah_Dr_Willis: Yes, I remember doing it last time I installed, but now it only lets me choose predefined locations like /, /home and suchlike. I guess I'll just have to do it later in my fstab19:34
symaxiangoing for compiz's wallpapering19:35
uns0b1lli got nvidia driver activated but not currently in use ?19:35
zykotick9Slart, to use fancy desktop stuff you sometimes need to disable nautilus' control of it, multiple backgrounds for instance19:35
Dr_Willisuns0b1ll:  run nvidia-settings and seew what it says..19:35
Slartzykotick9: ahh.. that makes sense, thanks =)19:35
Dr_Willisuns0b1ll:  known bug where it IS in use.. but says its not19:35
=== gaddafi is now known as kish
OY1Ri cannot view youtube videos in full screen, if i try i only get a huge black border and the video is the same size as windowed viewing19:36
Dr_Willisbut that is viewing them. :)  Just not viewing them big? :)19:37
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: What if I took out 0.5GB ram, leaving me with 4gb, would that give me 4GB or 3?19:37
zykotick9OY1R, you video is being rendered by X11 most likely19:37
Stu1Good fatternoon.19:37
alexleon_ppl can i use hot kays inside virtual box?19:37
Dr_WillisOY1R:  whats your video card/chip?19:37
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, 3.  PAE requires 1GB for kernel or something.  I don't use PAE, i use 64bit - i consider PAE a dirty-"hack"19:37
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: ok, ill upgrade19:38
uns0b1llDr_Willis, i ran nvidia-settings now need to setup 1920-1680 back...19:38
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: As you may know, the USB-creator is REALLY messed up. Would you happen to know if I can just extract the iso onto the usb drive??19:39
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, unetbootin!!!19:39
OY1RDr_Willis, ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X140019:39
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: huh?/19:39
uns0b1llso odd.. my  X is only 1360x768 but whole screen is 1920-1680 i scroll down the scren lool19:39
drduploJust installed ubuntu 11.04 and choiced for the ambiance theme but the panelsbars keep turning grey. whats wrong?19:39
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, it's a program to put ISOs onto USB - REALLY handy!19:39
RestlessCod3rthanks :)19:40
uns0b1llmy max resolution is not 1920 anymore bah19:40
llutzzykotick9: "PAE requires 1GB for kernel or something." wrong, it has other disadvantages but not this19:41
zykotick9llutz, sorry my bad.  It was being discussed in #debian a few nights ago - perhaps i misunderstood.19:42
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
uns0b1llubuntu, Son... im dissapoint19:44
uns0b1llwhat happend to my 1920-1680 after single reboot...19:44
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: It keeps freezing on my compo19:45
RestlessCod3rcomp *19:45
uns0b1llok one restart wont hurt i guess19:45
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, um, that's too bad.  Sorry man.19:45
adrenalinkI made a mistake. I type "rm -r ~" and part of my home folder have been erased (before I stopped the process)19:46
RestlessCod3rzykotick9: Can I just extract the iso and put tthe files on the usb stick??19:46
adrenalinkdo I need a reinstallation?19:46
ThomasB2kHowdy, where is this icon stored in Firefox on Ubuntu? http://s.thomasboxley.me/4UR5wH.png19:46
ArneyI used the "Startup Applications" program to start a CLI program... how do I access it after its running... I can hear it playing music but I don't see it.19:47
m4vadrenalink: I don't think so, but some config might be lost19:47
zykotick9RestlessCod3r, not really.  The next ubuntu will probably catch up to debian and have hybrid images, which will make life a lot easier.19:47
adrenalinkm4v: that's it!19:47
=== RestlessCod3r is now known as Jasonn
adrenalinkmy firefox has been reset to std appearance19:47
adrenalinkbut I'm experimenting slow navigation on the web19:48
jackoripertouchpad not working, no mouse movements, after i install  ubuntu 10.10 on sony vaio vpceh16en19:48
jackoriperplease help19:48
adrenalinkso I suspect I erased some important files19:48
ShapeshifterHi. Which package contains iotop?19:49
Jasonnzykotick9: And if I did it, what would happen??19:49
guntbertadrenalink: don't you have a backup?19:49
m4vadrenalink: maybe the cache files of your browser, I don't think there's anything in you home that would make internet go slower19:49
cbhlShapeshifter: the iotop package...?19:49
zykotick9Jasonn, did what?19:49
adrenalinkI  don't have a backup made  by myself19:50
adrenalinkI f ubuntu makes one for me I don't know19:50
cbhlShapeshifter: It's in universe, though. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=iotop19:50
llutz!info iotop19:50
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-2 (natty), package size 25 kB, installed size 164 kB19:50
Jasonnzykotick9: If I just threw the extracted files from the ubuntu iso onto a usb stick19:50
guntbert!backup | adrenalink for the future19:50
ubottuadrenalink for the future: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:50
zykotick9llutz, a link that was used during that conversation http://www.spack.org/wiki/LinuxRamLimits which include the quote "By default the kernel reserves 1GB for it's own use, however I think that this is a tunable parameter" - there seems to be an MS KB article about the same thing 3GB usable on 4GB systems.  You could still be correct of course.19:50
m4vadrenalink: there's nothing in your home that is critical to the system, that's how gnu/linux works. I did be more worried if I lost personal data like documents, pictures, etc19:51
zykotick9Jasonn, i highly doubt it would boot.  I don't know thought - best of luck.19:51
rwwzykotick9: oneiric does indeed have hybrid images now :)19:52
zykotick9rww, i was certainly under the impression it was coming for sure, didn't know it was already there - thanks.19:52
adrenalinkm4v: it is not so, because the shell promted me if I would erase Documents, pictures, video folders and I realize my mistake and stopped19:52
llutzzykotick9: afaik that changed with kernel 2.6, but theres still the limitation, that single processes cannot address more than 3GB-chunks19:53
rwwzykotick9: yup, the daily ISOs and I think maybe the alpha3 ones do it if you want to try it out19:53
adrenalink(I created a "~" folder in "/" and I  tried to erase with remove -r ~ instead of rm -r \~/   XD )19:53
zykotick9llutz, thanks, good to know.19:53
ParkerRadrenalink, XD19:54
ParkerROh noes is your home folder ok?19:54
Shapeshiftercbhl: thanks19:55
adrenalinkubottu: thanks for the links.. But for now, do you advise me a reinstallation or it's not necessary?19:56
ubottuadrenalink: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:56
* wildbat ping19:57
qinadrenalink: Did you lose any data?19:57
Arneywhy is my terminal so slow... it takes over a second to load, some times almost 319:57
adrenalinkonly configuration one19:58
coz_Arney,  I get that here as well,, I dont have a solultion however19:58
qinadrenalink: No need to reinstall, if you need create new user to compare configs.19:58
m4vadrenalink: reinstalling shouldn't be necessary, any config files lost should be created again with default settins19:58
Arneycoz_: peculiar. what could it posibly be doing to take that long.19:58
w30adrenalink, ha, I always try to substitute ls for rm on the first try to safely see how it parses19:59
llutzadrenalink: theres nothing a reinstall would bring back to you. if you don't have backups, you've just some personal files. most stuff can be reconfigured later19:59
qinadrenalink: Most packages have default configs in /etc/ anyway.19:59
amee2kevening everyone19:59
coz_Arney,  I havent had the time recently to try and track this down,, I would certainly like to fix it though as well :(19:59
guntbertadrenalink: the security model under linux doesn't allow an ordinary user to do any harm to the system, so no need to reinstall19:59
amee2ki just installed the firefox update that came out a couple days ago (for 11.4) and now something with the color scheme is wrong20:00
TigerboyHi-- does anyone know how to resize the mouse cursor in KDE?20:00
coz_Arney,  like you I am guessing,, I like an immediate response with the terminal20:00
amee2kits getting some font colors wrong, among others rendering half the URL unreadable because of poor contrast. anyone else encountered this?20:00
amee2kor know how to fix it20:00
guntbertTigerboy: if you don't get satisfying answers here, ask in #kubuntu20:00
coz_Tigerboy,  mm  I have not tried to actually resize it,, I assume you already looked the settings...you may want to ask in both #kubuntu  and #kde channels20:00
guntbert!enter | amee2k20:01
ubottuamee2k: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:01
adrenalinkok, THANKS EVERYBODY20:01
Tigerboyyes nothing in settings20:01
Tigerboyta-- i tried kde but it is dead I will try kubuntu20:01
zykotick9Does flashplugin-nonfree install 64bit flash (v11) on ubuntu?20:01
amee2kguntbert: i love you too, you know ;)20:01
gmachine_24Hi. I need a network monitoring package/program as I believe someone is using my wireless connection; i.e. one of my neighbors. I am running 11.04 on this computer and all notebooks run some version of Linux/Ubuntu; but even when all the notebooks are turned off it appears there is an active wireless connection transmitting through my cable modem.20:02
amee2kzykotick9: i'm on 64 bit, and it installs 10.3 for me. i didn't exactly go through an effort to get the latest version though because i don't really use it20:02
qingmachine_24: Change password?20:02
timcolohi can any one help me set up lirc for mceusb receiver? I cant get irw to display key presses, yes I have googled for few hours20:02
zykotick9amee2k, thanks!  well I finally got the answer, this was my 3rd or 4th time trying.20:02
gmachine_24qin, yes, of course, I thought of this. But I'd like to know if someone has hacked the network.20:03
amee2kgmachine_24: check your router's admin page. with a little luck it has a list of all computers the DHCP gave IP addresses to20:03
gmachine_24amee2k, good thinking. thanks.20:03
amee2kotherwise, "nmap -sP" (substitute your network address and netmask) is probably worth a shot20:04
qingmachine_24: airodump-ng is fast and precise enough to see wireless, plus you have aireplay to spoof intruder, and more tools to play, still WPA2 and change password on regular basis.20:04
qingmachine_24: If your router support mac filtering, use it too.20:05
gmachine_24qin, Ok, thanks. I actually rotate routers to get a new IP address every couple of days.20:05
amee2kor monitor the traffic with kismet. if you get lots of packets for your network, and all (legitimate) computers are turned off or not connected, it would be a hint20:05
amee2kmac filtering is mildly useless. once an attacker figures out whats going on he could just snif for an authorized MAC and use that once you're not using it anymore20:06
qingmachine_24: ip and mac address are different things.20:07
gmachine_24qin, yes, I know.20:07
amee2kso anyone else know anything about the font color problem in firefox?20:07
marekw2143hi, I've installed sun-java6-jdk package - how can I see where are files created by installation of that package?20:08
avi_i want to connect internet from my mobile help me ------Kubuntu 10.1020:08
amee2kgmachine_24: you could check the admin interface. i've seen some routers (among others mine) that allow you to set a timeout on DHCP IP records20:08
guntbertamee2k: thx for the idea of using the CIDR syntax with nmap, I never thought of that  -  (sorry, no idea about the color problem :-))20:09
gmachine_24amee2k, OK. I know I can take care of this easily by changing passwords etc. but I was hoping to find out who has been connecting to my network.20:09
amee2kguntbert: yeah, i was kinda stunned when i realized it accepts that syntax too (fortunately i did so quite quickly)20:09
gmachine_24anyway, thanks everyone for your help, as always.20:09
amee2kyou're welcome :)20:10
avi_ i want to connect internet from my Nok 2700(java-classic) mobile help me ------Kubuntu 10.1020:10
amee2kmeh, i'll go try bug #firefox20:11
Night-Hacksisn't there autopoint deb for 10.04 ! ?20:11
avi_ i want to connect internet from my mobile on pc help me ------Kubuntu 10.10_________plZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ20:12
KM0201Night-Hacks: autopoint is in the repos, why do you need a .deb? (at least it is in 11.04... just saw you were using 10.04)20:12
fr500avi_: you might want to explain more and spam less20:12
Night-Hacksavi_: whats the problem ?20:12
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Atahualpai have a quesion20:13
Night-HacksKM0201:  i couldnt find for 10.04 !!20:13
KM0201hmm, well, it sin the repos on 11.0420:13
AtahualpaI can' remember my user account password20:13
Atahualpahow can I change it from root20:14
Night-HacksAtahualpa: come up from live cd and fix it20:15
trismNight-Hacks: autopoint is part of the gettext package in lucid, it became a separate package in maverick20:15
avi_I want to connect net on pc from my Mobile(Nok2700)---I connect it by USB chord chord connection done but internet connection setting is very diffcult>>>>Help me for this.................plzzzzzzzzz bro.20:15
ParkerRIs there anything similar to indicator-sound but that uses alsa instead of pulseaudio?20:15
qinAtahualpa: from root shell? easy: passwd your_user_name20:16
SomelauwHi, I am using python and the module cProfile seems to be installed by default, but pstats isn't while cProfile depends on pstats.20:16
SomelauwCan I submit this as a bug?20:16
Shwaiilhi ppl20:16
avi_ I want to connect net on pc from my Mobile(Nok2700)---I connect it by USB chord chord connection done but internet connection setting is very diffcult>>>>Help me for this.................plzzzzzzzzz20:17
fr500avi_: don't spam20:17
ShwaiilQ: I've got a program runing, its notepad++ trough wine. The program freazed. "killall notepad++" doesnt find the program, how can I check what to kill ? thanks20:17
fr500avi_: be patient20:17
ParkerRShwaiil, sudo killall notepad* maybe?20:17
cbhlShwaiil: "sudo killall wine"?20:18
afederShwaiil: you can try ps -A for a list of processes20:18
ShwaiilParkerR,  tks for looking! Is there a book or good resource to learn all this commands on linux/ubuntu ? Like find something, find process, kill process, move files, etc ?20:18
coz_maybe kill all wine  ,,, although never tried that20:18
ParkerROr use htop to see what is running and kill it20:18
fr500avi_: doesn't it appear on the network connections button on the panel?20:18
ParkerRShwaiil, did it work?20:18
Shwaiilyeah found notepad++.exe20:18
ParkerRAhh htop is nice20:19
Shwaiiland I killall notepad++.exe20:19
Shwaiilthank you20:19
Atahualpaqin how cam I access root from ubuntu20:19
ParkerRYou can arrow to a process and kill it forom there20:19
ParkerRsudo command20:19
ShwaiilParkerR, arrow to a process..humm.. how to do that ?20:19
avi_the mobile connection was complete but i dont no further step of connection20:19
ParkerRIN htop it will become apparent20:19
fr500avi_: and what further steps do you want to make?20:19
fr500Atahualpa: sudo su will give you a root shell20:20
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:20
Shwaiilahh found the system monitor, this is like taskmanager on win20:20
ShwaiilParkerR,  tks20:20
ignarpsShwaiil, sudo xkill will let you point at any window to kill it.20:20
Jef91Does Ubuntu no longer use the "/etc/X11/default-display-manager" file?20:20
nubornShwaiil, there are perhaps some resources here, and in the links:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal?action=show&redirect=BasicCommands20:20
Shwaiilignarps, I wish I could learn all those commands, I come from win :P20:20
Shwaiilnuborn, thank you20:21
Jef91I keep finging refernces to it but that file no longer exists20:21
avi_mobile connection means the pc-suit was connect but there is no internet connection done...20:21
uns0b1llwheres Anonimous channel20:21
Shwaiilthis commands are ok for all linux distros right ? I would love to learn commands like grep or search and all that20:21
mc_teohey, i'm on ubuntu 11.04 and it keeps freezing20:21
mc_teomouse is active, but nothing is responsive20:21
fr500uns0b1ll: it's not on freenode20:22
mc_teoany ideas on things i could look at to try solve the problem?20:22
Night-HacksAtahualpa: can you become sudoer ? or forget it's passw ?20:22
Terbaddo_Hi, how to change the bootsplash in Natty ?20:22
uns0b1llfr500, where should i look20:22
ignarpsShwaiil, you can also add a "Force Quit Button" to your panel.  I keep it handy to kill applications that won't die normally.20:23
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afederuns0b1ll: hmm not sure how it relates to Ubuntu?20:23
uns0b1llafeder, ha :D20:24
afederjust curious20:24
fr500uns0b1ll: did you get that?20:24
=== Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack
uns0b1llfr500,  got what sorry20:24
fr500uns0b1ll: sent you a pm20:25
uns0b1llfr500, hmm20:25
uns0b1llfr500,  where would i check20:25
Shwaiilignarps, "Force quit button" how to activate that ?20:25
fr500what client are you using?20:25
fr500it should appear as another channel20:25
nadiyamaHi, how do I run java applications in command line? $ java application.jar returns me errors while graphically it doesn't.20:26
uns0b1llhm nada20:26
hermanusdoes anyone know of a way to code for iOS in ubuntu, maybe even with a simulator like in xcode? or is there a way to run xcode in ubuntu?20:26
oCeannadiyama: usually it's java -jar /path/to/blah.jar20:26
Terbaddo_java -jar java.jar20:26
fr500hermanus: you can try monotouch but you'll need a mac for publishing20:26
Atahualpaqin how cam I access root from ubuntu20:26
nadiyamaoCean: Thanks, that's it!20:27
avi_ mobile connection means the pc-suit was connect but there is no internet connection done...20:27
Terbaddo_@ Atahualpa sudo -s20:27
oCeanAtahualpa: the root account is locked. Use sudo20:27
Terbaddo_Or sudo your_command arg1 arg2 ...20:27
hermanusfr500, thanks!20:27
uns0b1lltry again ?20:27
fr500hermanus: also no clue if monotouch is available for linux20:27
AtahualpaI can't access my user acccount that's why I need to find a way to access root on my ubu\20:27
uns0b1llgot sound notification20:28
syn4pseapt-cache search <app>20:28
uns0b1lloh there20:28
fr500I sent you another pm already20:28
rafaelementanyone can tell my how to notice whether nvidia card is actually enabled with bumblebee(i see no difference in glxgears!)20:28
ignarpsShwaiil, right click your panel and select "add to panel"20:28
oCeanAtahualpa: boot your machine into rescue mode20:28
Dr_Willisrafaelement:  run nvidia-settings and see if it says its in use20:28
oCeanAtahualpa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword20:28
amee2kright, found it. https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/863231  <<  this fix seems to help, but still an awkward bug imo...20:30
rafaelementDr_Willis: I can start nvidia-settings, but it tells me I have to run nvidia-xconfig.which is not installed...20:31
avi_Help me  guys20:32
Terbaddo_@ avi_ What ?20:33
I_AM_IN_ROOTI have installed a network card and my roomy and I are uncertain weather it is 100Mbit of 1000, is there a terminal command that could help me determine? lspci has NOT been useful in this regard20:33
fr500I_AM_IN_ROOT: ethtool20:34
avi_i want to connect internet from my mobile on computer i want procedure to connect20:34
I_AM_IN_ROOTthank you fr500, it seems like once upon a time I knew that command20:34
fr500hehe np20:35
Terbaddo_How to change the bootsplash in Natty 11.04 ?20:36
avi_ ??20:37
uns0b1llanyone have virtual CCIE lab setup on linux by a chance ?20:38
avi_say something.........20:39
yeats!patience | avi20:40
ubottuavi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:40
mewkatJesus... 1460 chatters?20:40
avi_plzzzzzzzzzz help me....20:40
auronandace!please | avi_20:41
ubottuavi_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:41
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:42
auronandace!botabuse | cheekee20:43
ubottucheekee: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:43
lion42THE FACT THAT THE BOT HAS AN ANSWER FOR EVERY NOOB... makes me giggle a lot.20:43
ParkerRAnyone know abou my question?20:43
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
avi_ i want to connect internet from my mobile broadband on computer i want procedure to connect20:43
mewkatParkerR: What question?20:44
ParkerRIs there anything similar to indicator-sound but that uses alsa instead of pulseaudio?20:44
yeatsParkerR: using Unity?  (assuming you're on natty)20:46
ParkerRyeats, 11.04 no UNity20:46
ParkerRUbuntu classic20:47
I_AM_IN_ROOTfr500, I suddenly had a good idea, I needed to transfer 63gig of Star Trek TNG to my computer and I feel confident that this card supports gigabit because it is slated to finish in 36 minutes - thats roughly 30meg/sec20:47
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: Easier way to find that out is ethtool / ifconfig. :-)20:47
yeatsParkerR: see this - see if it helps: http://www.jeffsplace.net/node/1220:48
avi_i want to connect internet from my mobile broadband on computer i want procedure to connect20:48
I_AM_IN_ROOTCorey - that is what I was originally going to do but I needed these files on my side so why not kill two birds with one stone20:48
ParkerRyeats, I saw that. He just removes indicator-sound but doesnt use a replacement20:48
avi_i want to connect internet from my mobile broadband on computer i want procedure to connect20:49
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: "ethtool eth0" isn't that hard. :-)20:49
yeatsParkerR: I was thinking of the PPA he mentions - with it you can add "Volume Control" back to the panel (removing indicator-sound optional)20:49
cheekeeubottu: I only thought you should have expanded on your !please answer a bit. It wasn't Bot abuse20:50
ubottucheekee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:50
ParkerROh i missed that XD20:50
ParkerRThanks yeats20:50
I_AM_IN_ROOTCorey - I didn't say it was but why should I bother with all that when I will have my answer while accomplishing something I needed to get done?20:50
yeatsParkerR: that's what I did on a previous install (living with PulseAudio now ;-) )20:50
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: Because depending upon caching /rsync settings, you won't get an accurate result in many cases? :-)20:50
ParkerRyeats, yeah I couldnt get it going with a USB headet20:50
yeatsParkerR: ah.. I had issues making that work too - never did investigate deeply enough ;-)20:51
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: Resuming a partial transfer, I get 40MB/sec, going across a 20mbit link. :-)20:51
ParkerRSO I just made a .asoundrc file that made the USB default20:52
I_AM_IN_ROOTCorey - well I can assure you that 30meg/sec is NOT 100Mbit so I feel pretty confident that my solution worked, it is not as if I need to know the speed of network cards on a daily basis20:52
avi_i want to connect internet from my mobile broadband on computer i want procedure to connect it.....20:52
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_ what kind of card is used for your mobile broadband?20:52
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: Granted. :-)  Although your method only works over a LAN transfer, unless you live somewhere awesome.20:53
syn4pseor vpn20:53
glebihanParkerR, there's also the gnome-alsamixer package in the repositories, don't know if it's what you're looking ofr20:53
I_AM_IN_ROOTCorey - very well, you're right and I'm stupid - Can we move on now? I am sure that any moment some is going to jump our [expletive deleted] for 'chatting' when this is not the off topic room20:54
Saikif i want to copy and over-write from /mount/a/b/c   to /a/b/c will ubuntu automatically follow folder structure?20:54
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_, I want to know what kind of interface the card is20:55
twisted`yo when I follow the guide to make a USB stick ubuntu disk for the Mac20:56
twisted`my Acer pc totally friggin ignores it during boot20:56
avi_ GSM----2G20:56
Saiktwisted: F12 on boot20:56
yeatsSaik: if you use rsync it will, though I would mv or cp 'a' to 'a.old' just to be safe20:56
avi_ interface the card ??20:57
Saikif yours is like mine20:57
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_ is it pci, pci express, pcmcia, express slot20:57
hatchI'm dual booting ubuntu 10.04 / win7 right now but something got messed up and now it just boots to a purple screen then hangs - I want to re-install but it gives me an option of 2 drives to install to, and it just lists the serial numbers any way I can check which is the correct drive?20:57
Saikyeats: cp -R ?20:57
yeatsSaik: cp will not include any hidden files or directories, but yeah - that would work20:58
CoreyI_AM_IN_ROOT: No worries.  And no, I'm not going to jump on us for "chatting." :-)20:58
avi_I dont know what you say ...where they are found??20:58
Saikyeats: nothing is hidden20:58
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_, is it a laptop?20:58
dimas_i am trying to use wireshark in ubuntu but says there is not capture device available and when i type in interfaces eth0 or eth1 says i am not allow to use those interfaces20:58
char_anyone know about java, firefox, flash?20:58
yeatsSaik: then nothing to worry about ;-)20:58
Coreydimas_: You have to either run wireshark via sudo or change device permissions.20:59
Saikyeats: hopefully lol20:59
avi_No desktop pc20:59
dimas_Corey how do i change the device permission?20:59
glebihanyeats, Saik cp *will* also copy hidden files20:59
Coreydimas_: Take a look at /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian21:00
avi_No desktop pc21:00
Saikglib: thought it would, it's a serves ed as well21:01
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_ and the card is in the computer?21:01
ParkerRglebihan, naah I was wanting the applet21:02
ParkerRGot it now21:02
ParkerRDidnt want to have to open a program to change volume21:02
afederhow can i get a list of installed packages from the terminal?21:02
=== ozior_ is now known as xDDDDD
avi_No in the mobile,i was connect mobile to computer through usb cable.21:02
lonewulf`hello all...what is best cmd for checking disksize?21:03
glebihanParkerR, I read there was an applet in the gnome-alsamixer package, but anyway if you got it that's nice21:03
lonewulf`df -?(what)21:03
I_AM_IN_ROOTavi_ oh wow, I am sure that this can be done but I do not think i can help you do it, I think someone else would be better suited21:03
glebihanlonewulf`,just "df" or "df -h"21:03
lonewulf`glebihan, ty !21:03
afederHi. How can I get a list of installed packages from the terminal?21:04
Shokryhey how are you gays :D21:04
Saikafedar: looking..21:04
glebihanafeder, "dpkg-query -l"21:04
Shokryok soryy21:04
avi_Then tell anyone.......21:05
avi_Listen......thanksssss dude21:05
Saikglebihan is quick lol21:05
I_AM_IN_ROOTCan someone give avi_ a hand, he is trying to get his desktop to use mobile broadband on his laptop by connecting the to with a USB cable21:06
Shokryhow are you !21:06
ShwaiilQ: How to update a program on ubuntu, let's say Wine ? Tks21:06
User_SanI am having some problems with AICCU on Natty AMD6421:06
centr0when i do a 'free -m' command can someone tell me what the cached field means?  looking for an explanation more than "its cached memory"21:06
ParkerRMy computer is a mess XD http://pastebin.com/K5qi7tkP21:06
Saikglebihan just -R to over-write or do I need more?21:06
glebihanShwaiil, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine"21:07
Shwaiilglebihan, tks21:07
User_Sani can start AICCU without any error, and it appears on ifconfig. But i tests return i don't have ipv621:07
ParkerRglebihan, see that link :)21:07
glebihanSaik, -R is for recursive, to over-write use -f21:08
avi_Can someone give me a hand, I trying to get  desktop to use mobile broadband on my Desktop Computer by connecting the to with a USB cable??21:08
ParkerRPlease stop repeating21:08
ParkerRHmm my vertical bar is broken XD21:09
zykotick9!atemyram | centr021:09
ubottucentr0: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html21:09
glebihanParkerR, I have a few less than you do, but still 1650 on quite a fresh install...21:09
ParkerRAhh so not bad then XD21:09
avi_Can someone give avi_ a hand, he is trying to get his desktop to use mobile broadband on his laptop by connecting the to with a USB cable21:10
ParkerRIf I have to do "xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = backslash bar"" to get backslash to work how would I make that permanent without running the command on bot?21:10
glebihanParkerR, put that command in ~/.profile21:11
llutzParkerR: add "keycode 94 = backslash bar" to ~/.Xmodmap21:11
ParkerRllutz, ahh ok will try21:11
avi_Can someone give avi_ a hand, he is trying to get his desktop to use mobile broadband on his laptop by connecting the to with a USB cable21:11
aaasis the default in ubuntu to not prompt before overwrite with cp command??21:11
sjohnsonhi.  i want to upgrade autoconf using apt-get, but it's telling me my version is already fine.  how do most ubuntu users deal with this?  i don't want to compile it from source and 'make install' it because then it will be messy.  what to do?21:11
bonihey folks!I have a new aspire 5750G and want to activate the nvidia graphics card.How can I see whether it is successfully activated?21:12
glebihanaaas, by default it won't overwrite unless you specify the -f option21:12
boniI mean with bumblebee.21:12
mc_teoi am using ubuntu 11.04, and it tends to freeze, leaving the mouse free, like every time i close the lid on the laptop, is there anything i can check to see what could be the problem?21:13
aaasglebihan: i have the opposite, do you know where they alias cp to cp -i ..i assume that's what they do21:13
timcolobeen at this for a while now can any one help me with lirc I cant see button presses on irw21:13
glebihansjohnson, keep this version, look for a ppa with a more recent version, or compile from source21:13
aaasglebihan: I'm assuming the default linux is to overwrite and ubuntu adds the '-i' flag21:13
sjohnsonglebihan: someone suggested i upgraded ubuntu to be able to "see" the newer packages.  is this a good or bad idea?21:14
rpanyone knows what's wrong in this script http://pastebin.com/Jm82XxS421:14
glebihansjohnson, well it depends on what you want/need. What version are you running ?21:14
* hylian says hello21:15
ParkerRllutz, thank you very much21:15
avi_Can someone give avi_ a hand, he is trying to get his desktop to use mobile broadband on his laptop by connecting the to with a USB cable???????21:15
ParkerRavi_, please stop repeating21:16
ParkerRWe heard you the first four times21:16
hylianis there a link somehow directly to #ubuntu through freenode's webchat, or something else? I would love to set up a link to that for ubuntu noobs.21:16
glebihanaaas, don't know where the default behaviour is defined21:16
avi_sorry, can you see my all comments??/21:16
deltafossavi_ what are problem are u having?21:17
=== s is now known as Guest43220
tasslehoffI have a Dell laptop with ATI graphics that I wont to setup for "clamshell mode". When I close the laptop lid I want it to show my desktop on the external monitor.21:17
avi_Can someone give avi_ a hand, he is trying to get his desktop to use mobile broadband on his laptop by connecting the to with a USB cable21:17
ParkerRavi_, yes21:17
tasslehoffTried to disable the laptop in amdcccle, and that works, only when I booted the laptop w/o an external monitor, it didn't enable the laptop display again21:18
ParkerR!repeat | avi_21:18
ubottuavi_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:18
glebihanrp, what error do you get when trying to run it ?21:18
rp line 7: [2: command not found21:19
rpi changed the header to using /bin/bash instead of sh21:19
avi_i want to connect internet on my pc through mobile i want procedure.21:19
rpbut i still get the same error21:19
cheekeeHow can I get my system to recognize that  I have a 686 chip, and convert my install from 386 to 686?21:20
char_any one with firefox java issues ??21:20
deltafossavi_: if network-manager doesn't solve your problem, consider apt-geting wvdial and issue: sudo wvdialconf21:20
ParkerRcheekee, they are for all intensive purposes the same21:20
Dr_Willisavi_:  you would have to check your phone docs and enable its teathering.21:21
cheekeeParkerR: ok thanks21:21
deltafossinstall wvdial21:21
lonewulf`got a good one here fellas...I came from winxp, I use an old 22" CRT Monitor for gaming, I like 120Hz monitor wise, how the heck do I get 120Hz on monitor in natty narwhal?21:21
qinrp: if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]21:21
rpqin thanks noticed i needed to have space before 221:22
rpthat fixed it21:22
Dr_Willislonewulf`:  depends on your video card/chipset also.21:22
avi_i also used my mobile to connect net on linux-mint.........it was working21:22
lonewulf`ATI Sapphire 4830 512M this card supported 120Hz in winxp np21:22
mc_teoi am using ubuntu 11.04, and it tends to freeze, leaving the mouse free, like every time i close the lid on the laptop, is there anything i can check to see what could be the problem? the laptop is a dell 1525, ask for more info if needed.21:22
Dr_Willisprocedure should be almost identical avi.21:22
deltafosswas it straight forward21:23
lonewulf`in 1024x768 tho21:23
Dr_Willislonewulf`:  it may be so old an card tht ATI no longer supports it in the current fglrx drivers21:23
qinrp: I think more correct is: if [ "$#" -eq "2" ], but #bash is better plase for it.21:23
Kre10sdoes apt-get always use HTTP?21:24
Kre10scan I make it use ftp or https21:24
avi_i also used my mobile to connect net on linux-mint.........it was working21:24
lonewulf`Dr_Willis, thanks for the speedy response...how would I get those fglrx drivers to find out if I can get 120Hz out of this sucker?21:24
sadohello every 121:24
sadoi have a prob my mic stop working on skype ???21:24
sadois there way21:24
rww!info apt-transport-https | Kre10s21:24
OsmodivsHello. If I choose to overclock my CPU (Since I diecovered it has something called SpeedStep) under Windows, will I'll be able to have the same overclock speed under Linux?21:24
glebihanavi_, deltafoss suggested you a solution, why don't you try it ?21:24
ubottuKre10s: apt-transport-https (source: apt): APT https transport. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 18 kB, installed size 172 kB21:24
Dr_Willislonewulf`:  i dont use ati at all.  If the fglrx drivers DONT support your card.. then  it dosent support it...  You will be stuck using the open sourced drivers21:25
Terbaddo_@Kre10s Afaik you can build an APT repo in FTP21:25
rwwKre10s: and as far as ftp, I think it does that out of the box21:25
ParkerRsado skype changed to pulse audio http://blogs.skype.com/linux/2009/09/some_explanations.html21:25
deltafossavi_: consider installing wvdial21:25
rwwKRe10s: that https transport might be installed by default too, I forget21:25
ParkerRI think it is21:25
=== chris_ is now known as Guest72760
lonewulf`Dr_Willis, thanks again stranger...Im gonna goolge fglrx drivers now to see if my card is even supported21:25
avi_i dont know what deltafoss says........21:26
yeatsrww: it is installed by default21:26
Kre10srww, how do i reconfigure apt to use those protocols.21:26
ParkerRavi_, sudo apt-get install wvdial21:26
Dr_Willis!info wvdial | avi_21:26
ubottuavi_: wvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.61-2 (natty), package size 81 kB, installed size 340 kB21:26
Kre10sDo the standard repos have ftp alternatives?21:26
sadoi'll try21:26
rwwKre10s: just use https:// or ftp:// lines in sources.list.21:26
rwwKre10s: many of the mirrors do, yes21:26
avi_where i found this??21:27
evan_Hi, does anyone know if its at all possible for me to install windows 7 after ubuntu with 3 primary partitions?21:28
glebihanavi_, open a terminal and type the command ParkerR gave you21:28
kingofswordshi what is xorg and how to i update/upgrade it/21:28
Dr_Willisevan_:  should work fine21:28
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:28
glebihanevan_, it is possible, you'll have to reinstall grub afterwards thougu21:28
Dr_Willisxorg = version of X ubuntu uses..21:28
deltafossavi_: go to your terminal and isue the command "sudo apt-get install wvdial"21:28
kingofswordsDr_Willis, thx what is X?21:28
kingofswordsoh yeh i see21:29
Dr_Williskingofswords:  read wht ubottu said just 3 lines above.....21:29
evan_Dr_Willis I use gparted to make 50gb of unallocated space but when I tried to install windows 7 on it, it says that all the primary partitions were used21:29
MACscr|tmpwhats the fastest way to merge two directories on the same partition? Got a path wrong in an rsync and got a lot of duplicates. Its about 800gb of data21:29
lonewulf`Dr_Willis, would this -> sudo apt-get install fglrx tell me if my card is supported?21:29
kingofswordsyeh just saw it thx.... is it easy to upgrade it? im 1.75 but want 1.821:29
avi_thank you friends , gn.21:30
Dr_Willisevan_:  perhps ask in windows it may be a quirk of the installer.. you could pastebin the output of fdisk -l for us. Ubuntu does NOT need to be on primary partitions.21:30
=== imen is now known as Nour_al_imen
Dr_Williskingofswords:  why do you want 1.8 when you did not even know what it was 60 sec ago?21:30
l4nw0lfis there any staff member here?21:30
kingofswordsDr_Willis, because i have a game running in wine that lags and audio out of sync and read on wineapp that xorg 1.8 fixes this problem21:31
evan_Dr_Willis do I need install something for that command to work? I am on minimal install21:31
lonewulf`lonewulf@lonewulf-GM5684E:~$ sudo apt-get install fglrx21:31
lonewulf`[sudo] password for lonewulf:21:31
lonewulf`Reading package lists... Done21:31
lonewulf`Building dependency tree21:31
lonewulf`Reading state information... Done21:31
FloodBot1lonewulf`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
lonewulf`fglrx is already the newest version.21:31
Dr_Willisevan_:  run fdisk and see if its installed..21:32
Dr_Williskingofswords:  you would risk breaking the rest of the system.. or at least teh GUI. :)21:32
evan_Dr_Willis it shows a list of usage commands/options21:32
Dr_Williskingofswords:  theres ppa's of updated versions of Xorg i belive... I dont use them21:32
Dr_Willisevan_:  so check/pastebin  outut of sudo fdisk -l21:32
kingofswordsah ok so i just add a ppa and would be able to dl it from synaptic then?21:33
jon8l4nw0lf stop randomly pm'ing people.21:33
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa21:33
Coreyl4nw0lf: What do you need?21:33
kingofswordsyeh i know what ppa is i added one the other day21:34
oakboxHi all, does anyone know how I can get noip2 to run as root.  I need to to execute a script that has permission to edit root files.21:34
txomonhello, which is the program used by ubot?21:34
Corey!pm | l4nw0lf21:34
ubottul4nw0lf: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:34
qin!bot > txomon21:34
ubottutxomon, please see my private message21:34
glebihantxomon, Supybot21:35
lilcyberHey, does anyone know how to get lifecam vx-3000 to work on ubuntu 11.04 32bit21:35
evan_Dr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/SHf4haQn21:36
=== awesome is now known as Guest92190
greg606I find double alt+tab highly inefficient I'd like to switch just by one alt-tab21:39
Dr_Willisevan_:  you have 4 primary partitiosn on sda.  and 1 on sdb - so what was the actual issue?21:39
ParkerRgreg606, one alt tab works for me21:39
ParkerRSwitches to next window21:39
evan_Dr_Willis when I try to install windows 7 on sdb it says the amount of this type of partition is at its max21:39
kingofswordsi added a ppa to my resposites but when i look at the ppa theres only 3 programs when there should be 4 in synapitc....its the 4 th i want to dl21:40
Kre10srww, thank you!21:40
greg606ParkerR: but someting's wrong21:40
Dr_Willisevan_:  make a ntfs partiton and see if the installer figures it out perhaps.21:40
sjohnsonhi.  I have ubuntu 9.10.  I want to upgrade GNU screen, but apt-get says it's already up to date.  I don't want to compile it by hand because I don't want to screw up the track record aptitude has kept thus far.  what do people usually do in this scenario?21:40
greg606try to switch to the third window21:40
Kre10sWhen your ISP sends you modified http responses... http won't wort in apt...21:40
evan_Dr_Willis ok, I will give that a try. thank you21:40
greg606ParkerR: it's not very smooth21:41
Kre10srww, but since they don't modify ftp... i'm free to install links and do some more testing.21:41
rwwKre10s: sounds like an annoying situation. good luck :)21:42
qwebirc33215i ansered my own question :)21:42
* qwebirc33215 is hylian21:43
glebihansjohnson, if you want to use more recent version than the ones in the repositories, the best way is usually to use a ppa, but be careful cause those aren't officially supported21:44
sjohnsonPersonal Package Archive?21:45
glebihansjohnson, yes21:45
sjohnsonwould it also work if i hypothetically upgraded to a newer version of ubuntu?21:45
sjohnson(albeit probably a much longer way)21:45
glebihansjohnson, well you would probably get a newer version but rarely the latest (ubuntu doesn't come with a lot of lastests versions, for stability's sake)21:46
zykotick9sjohnson, FYI 9.10 is no longer supported you SHOULD upgrade see !eol21:46
sjohnsonah, okay21:47
sjohnsoni just wasn't sure if it was a good tip when someone told me to upgrade ubuntu21:47
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:47
zykotick9sjohnson, personally i think trying to update Ubuntu to a new version is a bad idea, but that's only me.21:47
sjohnsonyeah i don't imagine i'll be doing it21:48
sjohnsonzykotick9: would you then try the PPA idea?21:48
sjohnsonother than ./configure && make && make install, what options would I have?21:48
zykotick9sjohnson, your unlikely to find PPAs for 9.10 software I imagine21:48
sjohnsonzykotick9: let me rephrase that.  if you were in my shoes, and you had 9.10, and you wanted to get gnu screen to update to something a bit newer (doesn't have to be the latest), what would you do?21:49
zykotick9sjohnson, but the ubuntu version you are using IS an issue.21:49
rypervenchesjohnson: Use checkinstall instead of make install, makes a deb package for you for easy clean-up :)21:49
sjohnsonyeah, that's more along the lines of something that would be nice21:49
glebihansjohnson, zykotick9 I think you're misunderstanding each other, if I'm getting it right zykotick9 was suggesting a fresh install21:49
sjohnsonzykotick9: pretend that 9.10 is not old, in hypothetical land21:49
zykotick9sjohnson, you aren't getting security updates!  end of story21:50
sjohnsoni'll worry about using an old version of ubuntu after i first solve my general problem with old apps21:50
Khisanthswitch to tmux :p21:50
sjohnsonKhisanth: o/21:50
sjohnsonis anyone else willing to answer the hypothetical question?21:51
glebihan!pm > EKURIOX21:51
ubottuEKURIOX, please see my private message21:51
Khisanthsjohnson: well the options were already covered ...21:51
th0rsjohnson: if I understand you right, there is no reason you can't try to compile the source for the later version21:51
Khisanthuse PPA, create your own .deb, make install21:51
Khisanthpick one21:51
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
coops89uuuh how do I install php5 without installing apache??21:51
KhisanthI use the last option21:51
sjohnsoncreate your own .deb seems like the best idea21:51
coops89apt-get wants me to install all sorts of apache crap when I run apt-get install php521:51
coops89--no-install-recommends doesn't seem to work21:52
sjohnsonKhisanth: don't you feel worried that make installing will not be tracked by aptitude on ubuntu?  that's my worry21:52
Khisanthnot at all21:52
glebihansjohnson, I'd rather go with a ppa than making my own deb (at least when ppas are available)21:52
zykotick9coops89, will php5-cli give you want you need (and not what you don't)?21:53
coops89zykotick9: ah21:53
nfrHas anyone worked with pam_exec.so so far? It's hanging and I don't know why21:53
sjohnsonglebihan: i searched, doesn't look like a PPA is available for screen21:53
Borgsorry this is off topic, but a fellow used to come here by the handle called 'floatsaka'. Has anyone seen this person recently here in the past 6 months?21:54
glebihansjohnson, https://launchpad.net/~byobu/+archive/ppa21:54
Khisanthsjohnson: I would be slightly more concerned if I needed to uninstall things but generally for things that I am will to go to the effort of compiling myself that is an unlikely event21:55
qinBorg: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/21:55
sjohnsonKhisanth: how do you sleep at night? ;)21:55
Khisanthlike a log21:55
sjohnsonglebihan: thanks for the elp21:56
glebihansjohnson, you're welcome21:56
quemi've been suffering from massive memory leaks ever since i upgraded to 11.04 when it was released. other than going back to a previous release or enduring having to reboot/kill X every few hours... do I have any other choice?21:56
Khisantha .deb doesn't provide any magical 'make it better pixie dust" :)21:56
quemKhisanth: that's like saying santa doesn't exist.21:56
Borgqin, yeah, I been looking through logs all sorts of places I figured maybe they came back with another nick. :s21:56
sjohnsonKhisanth: doesn't it keep track of what you installed in aptitude though?21:58
bsmith093the firefox menubar is suddenly completely unresponsive, as is the search fucntion of the address bar21:58
evan_Dr_Willis, that sdb1 was my thumb drive partition. the 50gb of unallocated space is actually on sda21:58
bsmith093ff5, lucid 32bit21:58
txomonhi, I have been trying to choose a logging bot and a suppybot mix21:58
qinsjohnson: dpkg is ubuntu package manager21:58
txomonis there anyone?21:58
evan_Dr_Willis, my root/swap and home are all primary partitions21:58
Dr_Willisevan_:  they dont need to be.21:59
evan_Dr_Willis, is there anyway to change them?21:59
sjohnsoni tried doing dpkg -i <deb>21:59
Dr_Willisdelete/remake.. :) but that may be a bit of a hassle..21:59
sjohnsonand it didn't do dick all21:59
sjohnsonstill have the old version21:59
* sjohnson gives up21:59
FloodBot1sjohnson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
evan_Dr_Willis o :(21:59
Dr_Willisnever seen a way to just convert a primary to a extended/logical.. never really tried  - it may be possible in gparted22:00
sjohnsonthat's a good compliment22:00
sjohnsonalright, time for beers. cya22:00
evan_Dr_Willis, i guess i'll back up my stuff and give it a shot then =D22:00
txomonqin, can you please tell me if there is any bot that makes chan logging and a suppybot?22:01
glebihantxomon, you should ask on #freenode22:01
Dr_Willistxomon:  what do those terms even mean... thers dozens of eggdrop bots out there...22:02
Dr_Willissupplys what? :)22:02
txomonok in ubuntu's bot web is a description22:02
txomonI want a bot that responds to things like this22:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:02
txomonand another one that logs the channel22:03
qintxomon: You can use isrri with eliza ;)22:03
=== d is now known as Guest25825
ParkerRtxomon, maybe look at supybot22:03
Dr_Willistxomon:  most ots out there can prob do that...22:03
Khisanthsjohnson: it does keep track but what is your point? :)22:03
qintxomon: *irssi22:03
Guest25825how do i get my system to use my nvidia driver. it says its active, but not in use.22:03
txomonParkerR, It doesnt seem to log22:03
Khisanthsjohnson: if you have a .deb you can just double click on it as well22:03
sjohnsonKhisanth: i'm just ssh'd in22:03
sjohnsonthis is what happened:  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4012997/screen-dpkg-problem.png22:03
Dr_WillisGuest25825:  run nvidia-settings and see if IT says its in use.. if it says it is.. then it is. :) theres a bug with the other apps22:04
qintxomon: Easy is envbot, written in bash.22:04
ParkerRtxomon, supybot does log22:04
sjohnsonKhisanth: basically did dick all !22:04
ParkerRtxomon, join #Parkaos22:04
ParkerRI have a supybot in there22:04
txomonso supybot logs?22:04
ParkerRChannelLogger plugin22:05
txomonOk I had very good references to it22:05
txomonahh with a plugin... ok22:05
txomonill try22:05
Khisanthsjohnson: that says it's replacing 4.0.3 with 4.0.3 ... I am not sure what you are expecting to happen after that22:05
ParkerRDuring the config22:05
ParkerRYou tell it what plgins to use22:05
sjohnsonKhisanth: i'm trying to accomplish a miracle22:05
ParkerRtxomon, PM22:06
sjohnsonKhisanth: why then does my --version statement say an old version?  did it install it somewhere i can't find?22:06
sjohnsonthat's the key issue22:06
Guest25825Dr_willis : that starts my server settings program for nvidia but thats it22:06
Khisanthor a screen versioning difference ...22:06
* sjohnson panicks22:07
Khisanthwhich is confirmed by http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=screen&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all22:07
Dr_WillisGuest25825:  then its in use.. if it wasent. it would post a message saying its not  in use.22:07
Khisanthsince even dapper has 4.0.222:07
Dr_Willis!info screen22:08
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu7 (natty), package size 571 kB, installed size 1008 kB22:08
Guest25825Dr_willis: not in use is the message i get from additional drivers, and I think is the reason I cant use unity22:08
Dr_WillisGuest25825:  thats a known bug.  saying its not in use when it is..22:09
routhAnyone know how to mount a bios flash floppy image in ubuntu so I can copy the files manually? (*.fd extension)22:09
Dr_Willisrouth:  use the loop option to mount like you would for an iso22:10
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:10
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:10
routhDr_Willis: Obviously the first thing I tried. Does not work for this.22:11
Dr_Willisrouth:  use the file command on it.. see what it says...22:12
uns0b1llhow come i cant view my eth9 in -> preferences -> network connections22:12
Dr_Willisyou may nee dto tell it  what fs to use.22:12
routhDr_Willis: PS10A190.fd: ACB archive data22:12
Dr_Willisrouth:  thats somthing ive never seen befor. :)22:13
Dr_WillisTo the BatGoogleComputer!22:13
anethemahey I was helping a buddy upgrade the screen package22:13
anethemaso i dled the latest version from packages.ubuntu22:14
routhDr_Willis: Yay.. if it helps, it's from the bios flash tool for my Toshiba. But I don't have windows, so I have to try this the ubuntu way22:14
anethemait claims its 4.0.322:14
anethemabut it installs root@DHCP1:~/screen/usr/bin# ./screen -ver22:14
anethemaScreen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-0622:14
routhDr_Willis: Problem is, the bios update is somewhere in that file.22:14
anethemaany idea whyt hat would be? incorrect packaging22:14
anethemaanyone know ?22:15
lwizardlis there a way to stop external devices from having a hidden trash folder ?22:16
anethemayou will see from a bug reported by yours truly: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/11898822:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 118988 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "No way to disable trash in nautilus" [Wishlist,Triaged]22:17
anethemayes ubottu thanks22:17
Khisanthsjohnson: actually did you check `which screen`?22:18
anethemaI reported that forever ago, they wont fix it22:18
anethemaKhisanth: sjohnson is the one I'm helping as well22:18
anethemaand yes22:18
anethemathe latest package in packages.ubuntu claims to be 4.0.3 in the package name22:18
anethemaBUT that deb contains Screen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-0622:19
Khisanth4.0.3 and 06 seems impossible22:19
anethemaI ar vx'd the archive and ran the screen within it and checked22:19
glebihananethema, probably only a difference between the ubuntu version number and the upstream one22:19
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anethemawell glebihan when you compile from source you get a real 4.0.3.etc22:20
anethemabut installing this is gives you 4.00.03jw422:20
anethemaas verified by the 'screen -ver' command22:20
glebihananethema, after looking at the source, I confirm that this is due to the upstream package22:24
LafiirI run 11.04 on an older Asus notebook. Changing display brightness via Fn+F5/F6 keys works, but I'd like to have a visual indicator for it (like when changing the volume). How would I get that? Also changing brightness this way is not permanent and often resets after some random time. How can I fix that?22:24
chiki-itu-akuaih bot semua ya22:27
rwwchiki-itu-aku: english here, please22:28
chiki-itu-akuoh ya..sorry22:28
chiki-itu-akulooking for indonesian people, any?22:29
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia22:29
kad_hey i need help, my wireless disconnect and need to reboot in order to work i have 64-bit it was fine before 3 months and now suddenly it start this pain!! any help is appreciate22:29
ParkerRWhat plugin doe ubottu use for the responses?22:30
rww!botclone | ParkerR22:30
ubottuParkerR: ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)22:30
ParkerRI have supybot22:30
ParkerRI am wanting to know which plguin22:31
ThomasB2kIs it possible to get the network manager indicator applet in Lucid?22:31
bazhangParkerR, read the link22:31
ParkerROh nvm I think I have factoid activated XD22:32
oakboxhi all anyone use noip2, I am trying to get it to run a script after update but i keep getting permission denied even though my script is set 75522:36
thf498Hello.  How do I change the desktop version of Ubuntu over to the server version?22:36
hatchI have dual monitors running on the same card but its putting the 'home' screen on the wrong monitor - how do I go about telling it which is the correct home monitor?22:38
hoobhey there all I am having trouble getting my mike to work can anyone help?22:40
bernhard2using exim4 with dovecot (its 80% functional).. i would like to setup virtual domains with virtual mailboxes. are there  any good tutorials ?22:41
MarshmallowGoat@hoob Try running 'alsamixer' in the terminal. Make sure it is not muted22:41
hoobMarshmallowGoat: done that no joy22:42
vltthf498: I think the server version just uses a slightly modified kernel from the “linux-image-server“ package.22:42
jeremymcsanyone know whats up w/ these processes .. http://fluxs.me/9Ro822:42
LafiirSomething else: Where can I disable a built-in webcam?22:43
tohuwbesides the lower values for GIDs, what is the functional difference between a system group (i.e., a group created with the --system option) and a non-system group?22:44
LafiirAlso: Where can I set my Bluetooth to be off on default?22:44
vltLafiir: You could put the used kernel module on the modules blacklist.22:44
MarshmallowGoat@hoob What program are you trying to use it with? Have you tried testing the mic with anything else?22:44
sheepzhello, I would like to try out java for web development. From what I understand there is a great multitude of options. From what I've read people are recommending getting acquainted with servlets and jsp. What do you suggest?22:45
HeGurusheepz: why not ask in ##java22:46
pyguy7what do you do in ubuntu when a program quits responding... i would hit ctrl alt deleet in windows?!22:46
sheepzwhoops wrong channel22:46
th0rpyguy7: xkill?22:46
MarshmallowGoat@pyguyy xkill22:47
pyguy7i just want to quit one program22:47
HeGurupyguy7: alt-f2 then type xkill and then click at the app window22:47
flicck1Hi, all. Trying to boot the Natty livecd, 64 bit, on my new Lenovo Ideapad V570, getting "prefix not set" error even before the grub menu appears. Any kernel/boot parameter recommendations?22:48
KM0201flicck1: if yuou're trying to boot a live cd, you won't get a grub menu.22:49
Gryllz@flicck1 try in VM?22:50
KM0201what on earth is a VM gonna do?22:50
flicck1KM0201 and Gryllz : 32 bit livecd works fine ( what I'm using Xchat from now )22:50
KM0201flicck1: well, obviously something isn't co-operating with 64bit...22:51
KM0201use 32bit, be happy22:51
Gryllzif you just wanted to try it out?22:51
flicck1some Googling shows others having the same issue22:51
Gryllz64bit works fine in virtualbox...22:51
KM0201yeah, a small laptop like an idea pad, and instead of running one OS, you're gonna run two, at the same time... that'll work22:51
Kre10shey some poeple run windows.22:52
flicck1I could just use the PAE kernel on 32 bit I suppose22:52
amJHI ALL!  Youtube and other similar websites will not load properly. The sites load with Text only. this happen when using wireless router but when connecting directly it is fine . Could it be my ISP or my router?22:52
Khisanththe wireless is on a different connection?22:54
amJno from the SAME ISP22:54
amJusing ppoe connection22:55
KoshkaHi. Anybody here with experience on setting up client side of VDR on Ubuntu that would be willing to give a bit of counsel?22:55
Kre10sI HATE ppoe ISPs.22:55
Kre10sthey fruck up everything.22:55
bazhang!ot > Kre10s22:56
ubottuKre10s, please see my private message22:56
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BlinnyI'm trying to get a subnet-subnet VPN set up using Openswan. However, after days of banging my head against the wall I am open to alternatives - Anyone have experience bridging remote subnets so that privateIP can ping privateIP ?22:58
BlinnyThe stink of it is, this worked fine in Hardy - upgraded to Lucid this weekend and all my tunnels are belong to them.22:59
}{ELI}{Hi! does anyone use Mutt as an e-mail client?22:59
HeGuruBlinny: you can use openvpn to do this quite easily, if you want to stick to L2TP then strongswan is much improved and better documented23:00
BlinnyHeGuru: Can openvpn do endpoint<->subnet and endpoint<->endpoint as well as subnet<->subnet ?23:01
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HeGuruBlinny: yes openvpn can do host-host, host-lan and lan-lan23:02
BlinnyHeGuru: In this instance, each remote subnet has its own private block (, etc)23:02
BlinnyHeGuru: After two days of silence from #openswan I will give this a whirl. Thank you.23:02
HeGuruBlinny: you need to create one openvpn server and push the lan route to the client this will allow client-lan. for Lan-Lan you have to create a CCD file for the routes on the remote lan. Google for OpenVPN CCD23:03
mnemonic_/24 is like mask23:04
vlt!anyone | }{ELI}{23:05
ubottu}{ELI}{: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:05
Blinnymnemonic_: Yes.23:05
hatchHey any pointers on installing FireFox 6 on a fresh 10.04 install?23:05
LafiirDoesn't it update automatically?23:06
hatchLafiir: only to 3.6.*23:06
th0rhatch: I never understood the problem here. Download the firefox tar.gz from mozilla.com, untar it to /opt/firefox, and create a link from /opt/firefox/firefox to /usr/local/bin.23:08
hatchth0r: that just opens up the current 3.6 version23:08
HeGuruhatch: or better use the firefox stable PPA23:08
th0rhatch: uninstall the 3.6 version, or start firefox with /usr/local/bin/firefox23:08
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MarshmallowGoat@hatch I agree use stable firefox PPA and you'll get it23:09
LafiirPPA will most likely work (if you can find it, I only found the Thunderbird once per accident)23:09
th0rLafiir: you can use the exact same process for thunderbird. Updating either is simply a matter of untar-ring the new version to /opt/firefox (thunderbird), you don't even have to create a new link for an upgrade23:10
WHAT_UPhow would i fix the bootloader after (unfortunately) installing vista on a partition?23:10
z0x1chatch: Agreed with others' PPA recommendation. From a terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable23:10
HeGuru!vista | WHAT_UP23:11
ubottuWHAT_UP: vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows23:11
z0x1chatch: "sudo aptitude update" then "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"23:11
urlin2uWHAT_UP, grub2?23:11
WHAT_UPurlin2u: yes. would the ubuntu cd be able to just restore the bootloader without actually writing to a new partition?23:11
urlin2uWHAT_UP, yes which cd and install do you have?23:12
hatchz0x1c: looks like its working - thanks all :) I didn't know about this PPA for firefox23:12
WHAT_UPurlin2u: well, right now i have 4.10, but i'll probably just burn a more recent one ;)23:12
urlin2uWHAT_UP, how did you install the linux and what is it=release?23:13
HeGuru!recoveringgrub | WHAT_UP23:13
ubottuWHAT_UP: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:13
z0x1chatch: You might consider the beta as well ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next. FF7 RAM use is *much* lower. And features receive 3 months of testing before they reach Firefox Beta.23:14
hugenumberAnyone know how to log the DAAP activity on Rhythmbox?23:14
hatchz0x1c: I need 6 for development but thanks for the tip :)23:14
khafraThe computer I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on will no longer authenticate with my Wifi AP. The other 2 devices are still connecting to it just fine.23:16
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khafraThe Ubuntu 10.04 desktop connected fine to it once, but after I installed a new video driver and rebooted, it asks for a password, tries to connect, then gives up and asks for the password again.23:16
HeGurukhafra: whats your wireless card make and model and what type of encryption (wep/wpa/wpa2) are you using23:16
redboatDoes any one know how connect to the twit live chat thru xchat23:17
uns0b1llhow to enable compiz on 10.423:17
khafraHeGuru: WPA2; zonet zew163023:18
ParkerRredboat, irc.twit.tv23:22
khafraHeGuru: I don't think it's a hardware compatibility thing, because I can still see the list of available wifi APs, it just won't authenticate and connect.23:22
ParkerRredboat, irc://irc.twit.tv/twitlive23:22
ParkerRredboat, why are you repeating me?23:23
nubornmy laptop has a key combination to turn down screen backlight (fn-f5). is there a way to map this to a mouse button, without knowing exact what command is triggered? (I do not even know if there is a system command related to that) Like, can I map the mouse button to trigger a key input of "fn-f5"? Or any other suggestions?23:25
mic008how to install java run times23:25
mic008without install the SDK23:25
redboatits not taking me there?23:25
wildbat!java| mic00823:25
ubottumic008: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:25
Zirrhi mates23:25
redboatwhat do I type in\?23:25
ParkerRmic008, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre23:25
bazhang!partner | mic00823:25
ubottumic008: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »23:25
Zirri need some help with mixxx23:25
Dr_Willis!info mixxx23:26
ubottumixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 2051 kB, installed size 3988 kB23:26
mic008wildbat give me the link for 11.0423:26
bazhangmic008, check the partner link above23:26
ParkerR!java| mic00823:26
ubottumic008: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:26
wildbatmic008: it is for 10.04 LTS and newer23:26
Zirri'm tryin to make it to play sound from master on a left chan and from headhones on right one23:27
ParkerRredboat, /server irc.twit.tv23:27
Zirrany suggestions?23:27
me-alonehi...how can i get gnome 3 for ubuntu 11.04..?23:27
redboatOh ok htanks23:27
wildbat!gnome3 | me-alone23:27
bazhang!gnome3 | me-alone23:27
ubottume-alone: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.23:27
bazhangme-alone, not supported, breaks things, not downgrade-able23:28
mic008hey wildbat23:31
mic008it ads maverick partner repository23:31
mic008i want to remove it laster23:31
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qwazdoes anyone know the backtrack linux irc channel? :)23:32
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:32
qwazHmm that can't be the official one theres only one person in there23:33
me-alonebazhang, i can take risk23:33
mic008java jre is only 106MB! in windows it's 16MB23:35
ParkerRmic008, no in windows it is big too23:35
Dr_Willis_in windows the file you download may be just a downloader......23:35
mic008no i have the full file23:35
Dr_Willis_does it really matter... if you want it.. download it...23:36
mic008i don't use downloaders except for microsoft product23:36
bazhangmic008, you know how to get it, correct?23:36
mic008get what23:36
mic008yeah i'm downloading it right now23:36
bazhangmic008, ok23:36
mic008bazhang i want something offline to test it on ubuntu23:38
mic008do you anything?23:38
mic008that i can use to test java23:39
Dr_Willis_install freecol or freeciv  they use java I belive23:39
mic008ok thanks23:39
Quantum_Ionmic008, Eclipse IDE and NetBeans use Java to run on Ubuntu Linux23:42
Dr_Willis_those aint as fun..23:45
uns0b1llhow to move cube in compiz ?23:47
uns0b1lland wheres fire burning effect ?23:47
nubornrephrasing my question: Is there a way to see what output (or command) a certain key input triggers - when it is not registered by xev (or X input, it seems)? I'm wondering how "fn-f5" works on my laptop (it turns down screen brightness, and works perfectly well), and how I potentially can map this action to other inputs. I don't know where to look, or start looking (since programs for detecting inputs, i.e. xev, can't tell about it)23:48
ParkerRnuborn, usually that key combo is a motherboard feature23:48
th0rnuborn: those fn keys are probably a function of the bios and not even visible to the kernel23:49
ParkerRth0r, exactly23:49
nubornParkerR: thanks, that is sort of what I was looking for. Should I search the internet for those keywords, or are there particular things I should look for?23:49
ParkerRUmm well Ubuntu does know that the brightness changes23:50
ParkerRIt has the OSD when I change mine23:50
Dr_Willis_same here.23:51
ParkerRnuborn, go to System > Preference > Power management23:51
ParkerRThere is a brightness slider23:51
ParkerRThat may help you go in a direction23:51
nubornParkerR: Oh thanks, yes, I didn't know about that23:52
uns0b1llhow to enable cube in compiz whats the keyboard shortcut23:54
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bazhanguns0b1ll, got ccsm installed? check the key combo there23:55
julianhi. i've disabled the splash in /etc/default/grub and now i want to disable all console output. currently GRUB_TERMINAL=console is commented out but I still see a few seconds of text during boot.23:55
julianany suggestions?23:55
uns0b1llbazhang, i got ccsm installed but whats the default keyb?23:57
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JasonnI have a problem with nautilus. It keeps freezing23:58
Jasonnand I have more than enough CPU power to run it, as well as ram23:58
bazhanguns0b1ll, no idea, never use it; check keybindings for desktop cube23:59

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