
mathrickPeng: all important repos are signed anyway, so that removes the ability to change anything00:08
AuroraBorealishow do you sign a repo?00:08
mathrickwell, you sign commits00:08
AuroraBorealisnever heard of it00:08
mathrickbzr help sign-my-commits00:09
AuroraBorealisi'm still a bit confused on how this prevents malicious tampering00:11
mathrickAuroraBorealis: simple, a commit has a signature, which is a cryptographic certificate of authenticity00:11
mathrickyou can't modify a commit without invalidating the signature00:11
mathrickso chains of hashes or not, it doesn't match up00:12
mathrickthough I believe bzr would catch that without explicit rechecking too even without signatures00:12
mathrickbecause tree states are referred to by sha100:12
mathrickit's just not ordinarily visible00:12
mathrickbut it'd still cause any related branch to fail to sync00:13
AuroraBorealisbecause what happens if you change the repo so the commit is no longer signed, or changed the author (so you can use a different gpg key to sign it)00:14
AuroraBorealisbut what if you change the commit, and the signature?00:14
AuroraBorealisdoes it have a chain of hashes?00:14
mathrickbzr's signatures are not as robust and integrated with everything else as could be wished for yet, but they definitely give you the ability to say that commits are what they claim to be with absolute certainty (barring physically stolen keys)00:14
AuroraBorealisbut does it have a 'chain of hashes', like one commit refers to the next one's sha1 (with the signature)00:14
mathrickAuroraBorealis: the point of having signatures is that you can't forge one00:15
mathrickto sign a commit you need to have the private key00:15
mathrickonly the original author does00:15
mathrickotherwise it wouldn't be much of a signature00:15
AuroraBorealisyeah, but what if you just straight up replace the commit, and not really 'forging' it, you are just creating a whole new one and putting that in there00:15
mathrickpeople would notice when pulling / merging00:15
AuroraBorealisyeah, i was just thinking because i quoted kernel.org saying that this wouldn't work in git since it seems to have a 'chain' of hashes and that one wouldn't match up00:16
mathrickthat's the case in bzr too00:16
mathrickbut bzr can also sign things00:16
mathrickmeaning you get to know not only that things weren't changed, but that they come precisely from whom they claim to come00:17
AuroraBorealisok, just curious :300:18
AuroraBorealisandddd off to class00:18
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mwhudsonwhat is the secret decoder ring for using meld to resolve conflicts with bzr again?02:03
mwhudsonah, extmerge02:06
pooliehi mwhudson, all02:06
poolieyes, but i thought that was being moved in02:06
pooliemaybe not yet02:06
pooliejam, hi?05:06
vilahi all !06:44
vilapoolie: have you requeued imports on jubany in the last hour ?06:44
vilaby the way, a_r_o have been reverted on jubany: http://webnumbr.com/ubuntu-package-import-failures.from%282011-08-29%2906:45
vilaa_r_o == append_revisions_only, sry for the obfuscated TLA ;)06:45
jamhi poolie07:07
poolie hi jam07:09
pooliehi vila, i have not07:09
pooliethanks for doing thhat07:09
vilaweird, someone else ? maxb ?07:09
bradmpoolie: you about?07:10
pooliehi brad, i am but i'm on the phone07:11
bradmpoolie: no worries07:11
bradmpoolie: when you're done, we need to upgrade wiki.bazaar.canonical.com to the new moin at some point, do you have any preferences as to what sort of times that can be done?07:11
pooliehi there07:27
pooliedo you want us around for it, or not?07:27
pooliei don't have any strong feeling so it's just whatever's easiest for you07:28
vila2.4.1 and 2.2.5 were planned to be frozen today, given the delay on 2.4.0, I think we should postponed 2.4.1 to next week and just freeze 2.2.5, thoughts ?07:29
bradmpoolie: mm, I'm not sure there's any need for you to be around, and we'll have backups etc07:29
bradmpoolie: although it's very likely going to be me doing it during .au working hours07:29
vilasee https://launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/2.4.1 https://launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/2.2.5 for the pending bug fixes07:30
bradmpoolie: unless there's a preference for otherwise07:30
bradmpoolie: ok, I'll let you know, likely will be next week sometime, thanks.07:32
Riddellhola chicos07:52
maxbvila: not me07:55
vilaRiddell: hey !07:55
vilahmm, I may have been confused by mass_import querying lp *just* when I was looking...07:55
vilapoolie: 2.2.5 ? 2.4.1 ? Thoughts ?07:56
vilapoolie: by the way, ironically, make check stamps worked but the landing encountered a spurious failure ;)07:58
jamvila: makes sense to me to push back 2.4.1, I don't really know what is in 2.2.5 that is specifically worth releasing07:59
vilajam: that's why I pasted the relevant milestones urls above ^07:59
vilabug #609187 may be a good flagship for SRU08:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 609187 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "users are not warned when branching ubuntu:foo (or lp:ubuntu/foo) and the package import of foo is out of date" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918708:00
vilaand 2.2.4 was released on 2011-02-04, i.e. almost 7 months ago08:01
vilaalso note that pushing 2.4.1 back more or less implies also pushing 2.5b1 from 2011-09-08 to 2011-09-1508:03
vila... or not08:03
vilaworth discussing at least IMHO08:03
Riddellany thoughts on how I can write tests for i18n?  Is it possible for a test to run ./setup build_mo ?09:15
vilaRiddell: if the input set is small enough yes, but you may want to directly run what ./setup build_mo does no ?09:27
vilaRiddell: i.e. less blackbox, more unit kind of test09:27
vilaRiddell: also, there are already some tests around i18n somewhere09:28
Riddellyes, looking at those now09:28
vilasome refactoring may be needed there to reduce duplication though :-/09:29
jamvila: btw, think I should try to land get_parent_map before 2.4.1? Or should we have more time shaking it out in trunk?10:25
vilajam: good question, no idea about who shaked it nor how... but nobody complained either10:27
vilajam: btw, when you say "I don't really know what is in 2.2.5 that is specifically worth releasing", you mean "nothing there worth releasing" or "no idea what is worth releasing there" ?10:28
jam"no idea what is worth releasing there"10:28
vilaha ok10:29
vilaso, since nobody objected and on the basis that 7 months is long enough, I'll freeze 2.2.5 after lunch10:30
* vila away for lunch10:30
jelmervila: we already support expanding variables in config options?10:42
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jelmerRiddell, hi11:05
Riddellhi jelmer11:05
jelmerRiddell, does launchpad pick up the pot file from the bzr branch?11:05
Riddellyes it does11:05
jelmerRiddell: your recent patches update export_pot.py but don't rerun it, is that for a particular reason?11:06
Riddelljelmer: which patch?  (probably I just didn't want to make a massive diff)11:07
jelmerRiddell, i18n-topic-help11:07
Riddellyeah, I would update the .pot file before sending to PQM11:07
jelmerRiddell: works for me11:09
vilajelmer: via bzr.config.expand = True in bazaar.conf so revno 568412:12
vilajelmer: 2.4b112:12
jelmerah, cool.. didn't realize that12:14
jonathanjis it possible to prepopulate the commit message?12:35
jonathanjsomething like the normal launch-your-editor mode combined with -F12:36
jelmerjonathanj: bzr plugins can provide templates for the commit message12:41
vilajelmer: option expansion is opt-in only as review raised issues about false positive with people using {xxx}, so feedback welcome if you use it12:53
neoZ7I try to add Trac Bazaar Plugin to my Bazaar Explorer (win32), downloaded an .egg file and can't find a tutorial what to do with it. Could someone please point me to a place to read up on it? Thank you.13:41
jelmerneoZ7: see the README file13:48
jelmervila: what would be the appropriate thing to report to in PullResult/PushResult ?13:50
jelmerwe should be reporting to stderr, but is there anything on Command that represents sys.stderr?13:51
vilagood question :)13:52
mgzjelmer, neoZ7: the README in the egg if you unpack it as a zip?13:54
vilathe *result* makes sense on stderr since -v will use stdout (self.outf)... but it seems we currently display both on self.out13:54
jelmermgz, I guess so. I don't really know where trac-bzr ships an egg13:55
vilajelmer: so, I'd say self.outf for both which is already used for -v13:55
vilajelmer: both push and pull I mean13:55
jelmerneoZ7, actually, see http://pypi.python.org/pypi/TracBzr13:55
neoZ7jelmer: I understand about putting plugins in their respective directories, but the egg file is a renamed zip file and differs from the plugins I find already installed. Will read up your link next.13:56
mgzjelmer, vila: just need to use ui.stderr directly maybe?13:56
mgzui.thingy.stderr even13:57
vilawfm but I suspect some tests will fail13:57
jelmerwell, some tests will fail anyway as "bzr pull" currently writes to stdout and "bzr push" currently writes to stderr13:57
vilajelmer: you mean for the result ?13:58
vilajelmer: if my tweak become too invasive, better file a bug so the issue is discussed there, I noticed the weird duplication and mentioned it but I didn't realize the fallouts13:59
vilajelmer: if you end up de-duping by passing 'trace.note' and 'self.outf.write' to a helper, the result may be uglier ;)14:00
neoZ7jelmer: maybe I'm following a wrong direction, my goal is to change the way my diff view is displayed, I like the way unidiff shows up but I like trac's view more. My goal is to get this style into bazaar explorer -> http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/repository/diff?rev=dfb7fa26474c&rev_to=9f3f37337a56 and someone suggested the trac plugin to get this done. But I think it might be too much since all I want is a different diff result formatting.14:02
vilajam: thanks for the review !14:04
mgzneoZ7, you mean, in bzr explorer (really qdiff), you want a single panel view rather than old and new side by side?14:04
mgzin which case yeah, installing the trac plugin won't help you.14:04
vilajam: hmm, {} has no meaning why would you want to warn/error instead of just leaving it alone ?14:05
neoZ7mgz: I have a single panel diff already, by checking the (o) unidiff option on bottom, but it doesn't look as nice as the one I posted. I have @, + and - signs, that's too raw for my taste.14:07
mgzneoZ7: I suggest filing a bug against qbzr (which is what supplies the diff window for bzr explorer) saying exactly what improvements you'd like to the single panel view14:08
jelmervila, hmm, yeah. I think I'll file a separate bug about it.14:10
vilajelmer: mention it in a comment && approve ;)14:11
jelmervila, merci14:11
mgzneoZ7: you can also set it to use an external program to do the diff, if you can find one that does what you want14:11
mgzneoZ7: like in https://launchpad.net/bzr-difftools but qbzr has its own mechanism (I think you can set it in the explorer options somewhere)14:13
mgzthat link has a list of like ten programs you could try14:13
davi_jelmer, hi, regarding bug 544776, when changing the mapping registry to git-experimental, do i also have to remove the existing idmap or it can be re-used?14:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 544776 in Bazaar Git Plugin "no roundtripping support" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54477614:17
jelmerdavi_: You should be able to reuse it.14:19
jelmeremphasis on should :)14:19
davi_yeah, i tried some weeks ago and it failed, was checking whether it should work or not :)14:19
davi_anyway, will try again (just for fun, it won't work because all of the memory usage in the later stage..). thanks14:20
jelmerdavi_: You were trying to push mysql into git right?14:21
davi_jelmer, right14:21
jelmerdavi_: You should be able to use "bzr push -r10" to push just ten revisions, but it will still try to update the full git map beforehand14:21
davi_jelmer, that should work then, updating the git map is feasible. thanks14:22
jelmerdavi_: let me know how/if it works14:24
vilaurgh, can't run the test suite for 2.2.5 ? Like... not even one test : AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_WritelnDecorator'14:55
vilaI'm good to dig into testtools/subunit ancestry...14:55
vilaor may be just ask which are used on pqm14:55
mgzuse Python 2.6 vila.15:09
vilamgz: hmm, yeah, a bit better15:10
vilaAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Feature' 8=)15:11
vilaha, better with BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site15:12
vilaAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ExtendedTestResult'15:12
vila    capture = testtools.tests.helpers.ExtendedTestResult()15:12
jelmervila, for new options, what do I need to do other than just registering them in the option registry?15:13
vila2.2 was requiring >= 0.9.215:13
vilajelmer: depends on where you expect to find them15:13
vilajelmer: if it's only in bazaar.conf, register and then use GlobalStack where GlobalConfig was used before15:14
vilajelmer: what kind of option is it ?15:15
jelmervila: It's a branch (or global) option15:15
jelmervila: where do I obtain a BranchStack?15:15
vilajelmer: nowhere, yet :-/15:16
jelmervila: Ah, ok15:16
jelmervila: I'll just use get_user_option for the moment15:16
vilajelmer: fine15:16
vilaas long as the option name makes sense it won't be hard to migrate15:17
vilajelmer: is it just a string or some more specific type (bool, int) ?15:17
jelmervila: what are the plans for BranchStack?15:17
jelmervila, it's just a string (default_bugtracker)15:17
vilawell, stacks supports defaults, it's a shame you add to create a new option for that :-/15:18
vilathe plan for all stacks is to be obtained from a registry15:19
jelmerit's not really a default default, perhaps I should just call it "bugtracker"15:19
jelmerit's default in the sense that that's what's used if no bugtracker was specified on the command-line15:19
vilajelmer: bug #82303615:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 823036 in Gephi "AttributeRangeFilter returns main graph when nothing matches filter" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82303615:19
jelmereuhm, sure..?15:19
vilajelmer: bug #83203615:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 832036 in Bazaar "Needs a config stack registry" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83203615:20
vilahaaa :)15:20
jelmervila: I think Branch needs a get_store() option, rather than defaulting to BranchStore, which is bzr specific.15:23
vilajelmer: hmm, because foreign branches cannot provide the necessary... what... transport, lock, branch.conf ?15:53
vilajelmer: it's already fine if branch.conf doesn't exist though15:54
jelmervila: yes, but they'd want to provide something else15:54
jelmervila: they currently have a custom implementation of BranchConfig15:55
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vilajelmer: oh, I didn't know that15:58
vilajelmer: well, the stack registry should returns a factory, and this factory will receive a branch object and be responsible for returning a config stack, so that could be addressed here (including via a branch.get_store() for that matter)15:59
vilajelmer: I'll have a look at the custom impls. which plugin is it ?16:00
jelmervila: e.g. bzrlib.plugins.svn.config16:00
jelmerI think that's the most advanced one at the moment16:00
jelmerbzr-git is supposed to support something similar in the future, but dulwich doesn't do config files jus tyet16:01
vilajelmer: wow, I didn't read it for quite some time... looks similar to what stacks are targetting (including the uuid matching), what is use_global ?16:11
vilajelmer: uuid are unique inside a given .conf file right, .bazaar/svn.conf and one section by uuid ?16:12
jelmervila: svn has per-repository UUIDs16:13
jelmervila: but yeah16:13
jamRiddell: are you still around? One comment about the 'release-notes' file, we generally sort the entries alphabetically16:13
vilaand you use them a shared conf options for all the branches in a given repo ?16:13
jelmerlayout = trunk216:13
jamthat way we conflict less when merging16:14
jam(since my news entry is Foo is faster, and yours is Bar is less buggy, they end up in different sorted spots.)16:14
Riddelljam: oh really, I hadn't noticed that16:14
jelmervila: that's useful as some repositories are accessible using multiple URLs16:14
jamRiddell: I'll fix up the ones I see16:14
vilajelmer: right, and you use that as defaults or overrides ? Hmm, not even that, you use that as a 1-1 relationship for a repo.conf except it's not stored in svn, correct ?16:15
jelmervila: it's one of the stores in the stack, so to speak16:16
jelmerless important than locations.conf, more important than the global conf16:16
vilaright, so defaults (not overrides), except that you never redefine 'layout' in a branch right ?16:17
vilajelmer: so, yeah definitely worth a separate store where sections are the uuids16:17
vilajelmer: I'd like the general case to be path for sections, but I'm all for specific stores if needed so this case fits nicely16:19
jelmervila: cool16:19
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vilajelmer: the missing bits for you to switch are: the stack registry, migrating the config command and supporting --section --store16:26
vilajelmer: which are high on my config TODO list16:26
vilajelmer: just below my current work on expansion in fact16:26
jelmervila: being able to provide the stack and store from Branch too16:27
vilajelmer: well, you will be able to define any key you need in the registry and any context too16:27
jelmervila: other plugins need to be able to access a bzr-svn-specific stack without having to know about the special UUID store, for example16:28
vilajelmer: should be possible16:29
jelmervila: what is the purpose of the registry exactly?16:29
vilajelmer: get the right config stack for a given context16:29
vilajelmer: for most of the cases, a branch will need a single stack, but there may be exceptions for some options16:30
vilajelmer: the uuid store targets some specific options right ?16:31
jelmervila: no, it's usable for any options16:31
jelmerI've used it to set append_revisions_only, for example16:32
vilajelmer: hmm16:32
jelmervila: BranchStack seems to hardcode BranchStore at the moment, which isn't usable for foreign branches16:32
vilajelmer: right16:32
vilajelmer: the *Stack are helpers for now16:33
vilajelmer: restricted to the migration needs16:33
vilajelmer: if bazaar.conf was supporting sections as path to provide default values, would you still need the uuid store for a_r_o ?16:34
vilajelmer: path or URL for that matter16:36
jelmervila: yeah, because the svn repository can be accessible over multiple protocols16:37
jelmertypically anonymous access over svn:// and authenticated over svn+ssh:// or http:// and https://16:38
vilajelmer: but if you define it for a uuid, it means it applies for all branches right ? You don't have a way to discriminate between branches ?16:39
jelmervila: no16:39
vilajelmer: though this problem is also true for locations.conf and remote branches accessed via http: or bzr+ssh:16:40
jelmerbut that's still useful as it's typically one project per repository16:40
vilayup, got that16:40
jelmervila: I can imagine other situations where it might be useful manipulate the stack16:41
vilajelmer: hmm, so, that still fall under the stack registry scope16:41
vilajelmer: may be, but have you considered using multiple stacks instead ?16:41
jelmervila: how do you mean?16:41
vilajelmer: what manipulations are you thinking about ?16:42
vilahehe :)16:42
vilajelmer: well, compare BranchStack and RemoteBranchStack16:42
jelmervila: The problem is, bzr-svn can't control what stacks its users would use16:42
vilajelmer: the later is targeted at a single option (which name escapes me at the moment, the one spiv migrated)16:42
vilajelmer: in which case ?16:43
vilajelmer: if a bzr-svn branch is involved the registry can query the branch for a given context16:43
jelmervila: either way - I can't make people look at ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf when they e.g. retrieve their username, while I can atm16:44
vilajelmer: don't consider BranchStack as a definitive answer ;)16:44
vilajelmer: that should be fixed then16:44
jelmerthat's what I was hoping for :)16:45
vilajelmer: right now, I don't know exactly what the factory returned by the stack registry will work, but the idea is that since it's a registry, you can perfectly override the 'branch' key there to insest your own that will take subversion.conf into account and provide the relevant section iff an uuid is available around16:47
vilajelmer: the section list itself is built lazily so you don't even have to answer the uuid matching until an option is queried16:48
vilajelmer: there may be edge case where this breaks :)16:48
vilajelmer: like needed a branch with enough state which can be obtained only with a given option but from an bird's eye view such cases sound broken by design16:49
vilajelmer: and should already break today anyway ;)16:50
vilajelmer: ho, and was is use_global=False ?16:51
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jelmervila: whether to look at the global config or not16:52
jelmer(I think)16:53
vilajelmer: look or write ?16:53
jelmervila, read16:53
vilayeah, it looks like you use it for your specific options...16:54
vilahaaaa, so you can get the relevant one based on the uuid ?16:54
vilajelmer: anyway, we should definitely pair when you start migrating ;)16:55
jelmervila: heh, sure16:56
vilajelmer: hmm, waitasec, do you know other options than a_r_o that can be defined in subversion.conf ?17:02
vilajelmer: or are there *all* the options that can be defined in branch.conf ?17:03
jelmervila: all the options that can be in branch.conf can also be in subversion.conf17:03
vilahehe, ok17:03
vilaEOD here, food for dreams ;)17:04
jelmerbon appetit :)17:04
vilathanks ;)17:04
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santagadais there any graphical ui for interactive merges?17:31
santagadaqmerge and bazaar explorer don't have this17:31
santagadaeveryone does --interactive only?17:34
jamsantagada: I know some people do the merge, when it generates a conflict, they resolve it with a gui like kdiff3 or meld17:56
jamusing the .BASE, .OTHER, THIS files on disk17:56
jamsantagada: I thought "bzr-extmerge" also had support for defining a custom merge program that would fire during 'bzr merge'17:58
AuroraBorealisthe bzr docs mention a 'verify signatures' command for verifying signed commits, but my bzr doesn't have it, did it get removed?18:00
AuroraBorealisalso, after signing commits, the branch doesn't say that it was changed, so what exactly did it do? o.o18:03
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davi_jelmer, fwiw, push with a existing idmap failed with a assertion error: Invalid sha for <Commit […]21:23
davi_jelmer, bzr push -r n still tries to push all revisions21:26
jelmerdavi_: what bzr are you using?21:28
jelmerdavi_: it does update the id map for all revisions here, but it doesn't push more than I specify with -r21:29
davi_jelmer, bzr 2.4.022:44
jelmerdavi_, are you sure it's the push that tries to do the full set of revisions, and not the id map update?22:45
davi_jelmer, huh, could be. i left a bzr push running which will make a new id map22:45
jelmerdavi_: just running "bzr git-objects" in the bzr branch should update the idmap22:46
jelmerafter that the push shouldn't have to touch it unless more bzr revisions are added22:46
davi_ok. let me try...22:46
davi_davi@skynet:~/repo/5.5$ bzr push -r 10 ~/git-repo/22:48
davi_\ determining revisions to fetch 3019922:48
davi_davi@skynet:~/repo/5.5$ bzr push -r 2 ~/git-repo/22:49
davi_\ pushing revisions 5/6950522:49
davi_jelmer, ^22:49
* jelmer tries locally22:50

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