
bastidrazorubottu: tell datakid about pinning00:00
ubottudatakid, please see my private message00:00
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webnetkimp. ok... yeah tell you what... this may be a pain in the rear... BUT if the driver goez again try to get all the info about it... that way we could possibly fix it00:02
kimpok webnet, thanks for your help00:03
webnetBernSamson: if you have a flash drive big enough yo could use untebootin00:03
webnetkimp: no problem :)00:03
BernSamsonclosest I have to a flash drive is a cell phone00:03
webnetBernSamson: *UnetBootin sorry for the typo.00:03
webnetBernSamson: lol. oh that complicates things :P00:04
enavsome on can help me?00:07
JosephRubytrying to install ggmud, the 'make' worked without any errors, but when I checkinstall it says make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. and the install fails.  Anyone care to comment?00:07
webnetLostyJai: sorry no one seems to be able your question00:07
webnetenav: what is ur question/problem?00:08
pfifohow can i determine what files a deb package installs?00:08
enavwebnet:   i just tried to change the default msql datadir and the whole thing got screwed, i restored everithing to default but mysql still not working.... some help will be appreciated00:08
gadakHello//i by mistake removed myself from sudoers....can any one tell me how can i revert back my adminship00:08
pfifoi got it nevermind00:09
webnetgadak: sudo su00:09
killswitchguygadak: go to system settings->users00:09
webnetthen user [yourusername]00:10
webnetsee what group you are in.00:10
MonkeyDustgadak  try sudo visudo00:10
gadakmokey i get this message kashyap is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.00:10
MonkeyDustforget that00:10
webnetkillswitchguy: that cant work because his account doesnt haveprivleges to change his group to sudo... it has to be done in cli00:11
pedjagadak: what exactly did you do?00:11
webnetgadak: um question... why do you want be a sudoer? that is kind of dangerous no?00:12
gadakMonkeyDust: sudo visudo gave same prob00:12
webnetyou can just run sudo su and do everything00:12
MonkeyDustgadak  live session and then edit /etc/sudoers is all i can think of00:12
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gadakpedja : i did00:13
gadakgroupadd oe00:13
gadakusermod -G oe user_name00:13
killswitchguygadak: u can also use alt+f2 and then type gksudo nautilus to become super user00:13
mystiquebahi does anyone here use bitbucket?  I need help getting started with pushing git code for the first time.00:14
pedjagadak: so you have removed yourself form the admin group.00:14
MonkeyDustmoegialsdfj  wrong channel00:14
pedjabooting from live cd and changing /etc/group comes to mind00:15
webnetkillswitchguy: i second that. hell you can even make a sudo nautilus shortcut on your desktop00:15
webnetor a root terminal.00:15
gadakkillswitchguy :::that din work00:15
synthetiqI have a centos 4 isintall on my harddisck, but ubuntu 11 is not detecting it, what should I do? I want ubutnu 11 to be the primary with that non detected centos4 to be on there still00:16
gadakPedja is that the reason i was taken away from sudo???00:16
MonkeyDustgadak  of course not, your sudo and gksudo are disabled00:16
webnetgadak: ok . open terminal and type sudo su00:16
pedjamembers of admin group are allowed to use sudo00:16
MonkeyDustgadak  i just said that, live session and change it from there00:16
drake1guess what. my wireless problems was due to limited signal strength. now it works perfect.00:17
pedjayou are now member of ONLY that group that you created not admin group anymore00:17
MonkeyDustmoegialsdfj  wrong channel00:17
bj_pennim trying to set up networking in ubuntu. I set up the /etc/network/interfaces to take an IP of the subnet on mask, but i cant ping any other 192.168.44.*, or ping this server from any servers in the same network00:17
gadakso what should i do00:17
webnetgadakoooo. yeah livedisc is only fix...00:17
pedjaboot from live CD00:18
webnetunlesss... Gadak...00:18
pedjamount your linux partition00:18
pedjaedit /etc/group00:18
pedjaput yourself in admin group again00:18
MonkeyDustgadak  it's /etc/sudoers00:19
gadakmy ubuntu is on Virtual Machine00:19
pedjayes Live CD like desktop install00:19
webnetnvm my idea wouldnt work. lol. duh00:19
webnetok gadak you still have the iso right?00:19
maumIs there a good way to check ubuntu system infomation on Desktop background?00:19
pedjagadak: wel boot your VM of a live cd00:19
webnetok is the VM on virtual box or vmware00:19
gadakvm box00:20
killswitchguygadak: i have also locked myself out of my admin rights..let me figure this out00:20
gadakLOL killswwitch00:20
webnetok so when you turn on the boot machine, select to use the iso as a virtual drive and boot from it00:20
webnetgadak ^^00:21
webnetthen select to try it first00:21
webnetand mount the hdd inside the live disc00:21
=== root is now known as Guest86826
webnetwoah Guest86826 why are you running irc in root?!00:22
killswitchguygadak: im back as su. try this tut00:23
webnetwhoami why do you run irc as root?!00:23
synthetiqI have a centos 4 isintall on my harddisck, but ubuntu 11 is not detecting it, what should I do? I want ubutnu 11 to be the primary with that non detected centos4 to be on there still - will proceeding with the custom install use the unused disk space for the new partition?00:23
webnetsynthetiq: it should... if you tell it to.00:23
synthetiqits not giving me the option when sleecting the drive00:24
webnetsynthetiq: does it allow you to manually select partitions?00:25
webnetsynthetiq: it should give you a choice to either use whole disc or install alongside other os00:26
dutchleewebnet: you seem to know what you're talking about... any leads on some must read irc info?00:26
dutchleewebnet: pretty new to irc... for example how did you know someone was running xchat in sudo mode?00:27
synthetiqwebnet its NOT detecting the other os00:27
dutchleewebnet: also, why would that matter?00:28
synthetiqthere is /dev/sda1 which has grub, and /dev/sda2 which has the data00:28
synthetiqalso running the cd live i can mount /dev/sda1 but not /dev/sda200:28
michaeljwjrOk so I am trying to get my androidvnc to connect to my desktop, but I keep getting conncetion refused. The guide I'm using is for ubuntu 8.10, is there a more uptodate guide ?00:29
gadakwebnet im in /etc/00:29
gadakwhere should the change be made00:30
webnetgadak, it shoul have a folder called groups. yes?00:30
gadakits not folder its a file00:31
webnetgo in there gadak tell me the list of files.00:31
webnetok thats sounds more like it. lol00:31
bj_pennim trying to set up networking in ubuntu. I set up the /etc/network/interfaces to take an IP of the subnet on mask, but i cant ping any other 192.168.44.*, or ping this server from any servers in the same network00:31
webnetare you in a terminal or nautilus gadak00:32
gadaktheres lots of stuff writen ther00:32
gadakeg. root:x:0:00:32
gadakand so on00:32
webnetdutchlee when a user signs on to irc it gives a notification and it says something like user@
webnetdutchlee: i can see he ran as root because the word user was root00:33
dutchleewebnet: thanks... guess ill be reading tonight00:34
webnetdutchlee: if you want a good how to about irc check this out00:34
gadakWebnet : should i place user name in front of sudo:x:27:00:35
webnetgadak, i believe that you place your username after if im not mistaken00:38
webnetAnyone want to second me on that?00:39
webnetgadak: for example sudo:x:27:youruser00:39
gadakwebnet: its a read only file00:40
gadakwebnet I ve made the change lets c if it works00:41
webnetoh are you in vim-nox or nano? gadak?00:42
Commodore1702Hey, I'm having trouble with my sound, Ubuntu can't identify my sound card properly.00:42
gadakvm box!00:42
gadaki went sudo and changed it00:42
webneti mean to edit the file?00:42
gadakwebnet : THANKS ALOT n others TOO00:44
gadakim SUper MAN Again00:44
webnetso it worked :)00:44
_cbWhere can I find what comes with Ubuntu 11.0 (Ubuntu.com used to list it but current page is mostly a sales pitch for their services)00:45
_cbUbuntu 11.0 server that is00:45
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blabfacewhy does rkhunter require exim?00:45
gadakya it did00:45
blabfaceI'm paranoid00:45
webnet_cb you mean packages and stuff?00:45
gadakyou guys are genious00:45
webnetgadak. good im glad :)00:45
blabfaceme's genious too00:46
_cbwebnet what applications come with it. Used to be Apache, MySql, etc,etc.00:46
gadakwebnet: are you an engineer>? what work you do00:46
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neersightedoh lol derp "engi(neer)"00:47
* neersighted slaps irssi00:47
webnetCommodore1702 proprietary driver perhaps? is it a brand new install?00:47
Commodore1702webnet: Its a fresh install on an old HP OmniBook 415000:48
_cbActually what I am really interested in is if finally there is something like AD in ubuntu (I know that kerberos can be integrated with ldap but, at least for me, it is hard to do)00:48
Commodore1702webnet: I'm fairly certain its a NeoMagic, but it's also sound blaster compatible00:48
blabfacewho's got rkhunter installed? Quick poll...00:48
webnetlol. gadak. nope i just love linux like no other :)00:48
KingPinblabface,  I do00:48
blabfaceKingPin: is your box a spam bot? Why does that thing install exim?00:49
gadakits good to know you00:49
kimpwebnet, just reinstalled Ubuntu exactly as before and now drop immediately to GRUB rescue.  That's it for me, I'm afraid.  I might procure another laptop down the track, but this one will needs to remain Win 700:49
KingPinummm what...?00:49
gadakthis community is colorful bcz of you guys00:49
KingPinit didnt install exim00:49
gadakreally appreciate00:49
blabfacekimp: which verfsion?00:49
webnetCommodore1702 uh oh, sound blaster is sort of a pain with linux...00:49
blabfacekimp: hrm...00:50
webnetgadak no problem :)00:50
kimpblabface, 10.1100:50
kimpsorry, 11.1000:50
blabfaceThe following extra packages will be installed: exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light00:50
blabfacekimp: try a more stable version00:50
Commodore1702webnet: but its not a SB, just compatible, I am fairly certain its a NeoMagic.00:50
webnetok that gives me a bit of hope :)00:50
blabfaceKingPin: ^^00:50
kimpthanks blabface, I might give that a shot00:51
blabfacekimp: taker' easy00:51
KingPinblabface,  spinning up a clean ubuntu vm00:51
webnetkimp: ummmmm... try formatting the disc?00:51
KingPinwill test in just a few00:51
webnetits possible that something got screwed up there? :/00:51
kimpthanks webnet, I'll give it some thought00:52
blabfaceKingPin: ty00:52
webnetkimp. ok. :)00:52
StepNjumpHi, is there a way to decrypt .encryptfs from the terminal using just my password that I used to use to log on to ubuntu (not the passphrase)00:54
KingPinThe following NEW packages will be installed:00:54
KingPin  libreadline5{a} libruby1.8{a} postfix{a} rkhunter ruby{a} ruby1.8{a} unhide.rb{a}00:54
KingPinblabface,  ^^^00:54
webnetStepNjump. Not entirely sure. that is sort of the point of encryptfs :D00:55
Spankbotmost lnx releases are every 6 months.  Any reason why they don't wait at least 2 years to get something more solid and tested?  Some of the releases reminds me of Windows 98 mistakes...  or just tell me, is the volume of releases over a Linux Distro war?00:55
KingPin2 years is too long for the average user.00:56
StepNjumpyes I figured webnet.. thanks00:56
webnetSpankbot: I never use the latest release. i always stay 2 versions behind00:56
blabfaceKingPin: do you have exim already?00:56
webnetStepNjump :P sorry i had to do it :P00:56
djddutywhat download do I use for ubuntu server from a usb drive?00:57
blabfaceKingPin: I see it installs postfix00:57
blabfaceso it wants to mail00:57
webnetdjdduty you mean to boot it from usb?00:57
StepNjumpno but I thought maybe I could decrypt using my logon and password ...00:57
KingPinblabface,  well it does send mail if you ask it to00:57
djddutywebnet: yes00:57
Spankbotwebnet kingpin  ah, pressure over quality.00:57
KingPinI get daily emails letting me know of anything suspicious it finds00:57
djddutya flash drive00:57
blabfaceKingPin: ic, but does it send out 100's of other spam emals?00:57
webnetdjdduty: you can download the standard iso and use software called unetb ootin00:58
KingPinrkhunter is a very old and known name00:58
aeon-ltdSpankbot: some users want new features, also they do fix bugs just that new ones appear (every OS has these) and they want more users00:58
KingPinI have never hard of it spamming anything or anyone00:58
djddutyok, thanks webnet00:58
djddutyI did it before without any special program00:59
webnetdjdduty: yep. let me link you a youtube vid with basic instructions for it00:59
KingPin6 month release is a very good way to keep interest in an opensource project.00:59
KingPinespecially where users aarent tied to the project via paid licensing00:59
webnetdjdduty: yeah they used to make an image for usb, but now they have made it so that with slight mods you can use a usb with the standard iso, so they dont make a usb specific version anymore01:00
webnetr u currently on Win or Lin?01:00
djddutywebnet: I would like to keep my flash drive usable afterwards though01:01
djddutywindows 701:01
Spankbotaeon-ltd >> Here is my concern, I'm a MS developer but have been running LNX Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint.. currently Mint as my host and running VMs of my Windows environment.  I cant get into great detail about my work, but I needed the ability to snapshot and revert my Win environments.  But then comes the names distros with Unity and Gnome3 all having "Amateur Hour" issues with UI and security.01:01
webnetyeah, you can simply delete all the files off of the drive after you install djdduty01:01
djddutywell I will do that then01:02
djddutyis 11.10 for tablets? someone just told me that01:02
webnetok let me send you a link really quick01:02
OldOneEyeanyone know how to uninstall xwin01:02
webnetdjdduty: http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin/files/UNetbootin/563/unetbootin-windows-563.exe/download01:03
webnetdjdduty: that is win installer for unetbootin01:03
webnetand you have to back your flashdrive up before you do it btw01:03
webnetit may erase wht you have on there already01:04
webnetdjdduty: no its not ONLY for tablets. People are saying that because unity was used in 10.04 and 10.10 netbook/tablet edition, but now unity aka resource sucking bloatware is the main GUI for ubuntu now01:05
OldOneEyeanyone know how to uninstall xwin01:05
webnetOldOneEye have you tried: sudo apt-get uninstall xwin01:06
OldOneEyei want just consol01:06
webnetyou want to remove your x server completely?01:06
webnetor do you want the option for a giu still?01:06
OldOneEyeE: Invalid operation uninstall01:07
aeon-ltdSpankbot: if you really want ubuntu to be like that i wouldn't use desktop, if you've got the time start from server and control everything yourself or look for another distro01:07
OldOneEyei want to uninstall the gui01:07
webnetOh ok.01:07
djddutywebnet: what about pendrive linux"?01:07
OldOneEyeit loads on startup and wen i type startx01:07
webnetdjdduty: you could use that as well. either will work. if you like pen drive linux better use it. That is the joy of FOSS01:08
Spankbotaeon-ltd >> Understood.  I don't guide, architect, code, test any linux distro so who am I to say how often they release versions.  I'm becoming a huge proponent of the progression of LNX desktops over the last 10yrs, but I'm afraid it's following the same path of closed source solutions.01:10
webnetOldOneEye im sorry uninstall is for automake duh. lol01:10
webnetOldOneEye: try sudo apt-get remove xwin01:10
webnetOldOneEye: try sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop as well01:11
OldOneEyeReading state information... Done01:12
OldOneEyeE: Unable to locate package xwin01:12
webnettry:  sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop01:12
OldOneEyePackage ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed01:12
OldOneEye0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:12
OldOneEyei just want the console only no gui01:13
blabfaceKingPin: installed and ran01:13
xkws49erbest book for beginners?01:14
alien2050Is there a keypad -> mouse emulator that exists for ubuntu ?01:14
blabfacexkws49er: the good book (amen)01:14
blabfaceKingPin: ^^ :D01:15
KingPinthe hiddens are fine01:16
webnetOldOneEye: if you truly want to remove ALL gui components i can give you the command for that, but tread carefully, it will remove ALL the dependancies for gui software as well you would only be able to run Command line tools. ity COULD in theory make the system unstable as well.01:16
blabfaceKingPin: ok01:17
blabfaceyou got them on your fresh install?01:17
aeon-ltdSpankbot: i would say that only applies to those who were up and coming 5 years ago, small dedicated - those who adhere to philosophies - haven't really changed; shameless plug: i've used arch for the last 2 years roughly nothing has changed other than packages updated and more efficient methods being used01:17
KingPinthe hiddens? yes01:17
aeon-ltdSpankbot: *small dedicated distros01:18
alien2050found it01:18
blabfaceKingPin: thanks for help, night01:18
jasminalien2050, hii01:18
KingPinnphase, night01:18
fpuhello again :)01:19
jasminhii friend01:19
fpudoes anyone here know insides of gthumb? I have no idea where it keeps it's preferences...01:19
fpuI delete .config/gthumb, my settings still are there01:19
fputhe same with .gconf/apps/gthumb01:19
jasminhow do i use iperf tool pls any one help me01:19
alien2050ne1 knows how can I call the "system settings" gui from the cli in gnome shell ?01:20
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webnetalien2050 u mean the gnome control panel?01:22
magn3tsjesus christ its impossible to find pkg downloads on launchpad01:22
magn3tsthat place leads me in circles everytime I go ther01:22
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ayrton_hey guys how do i transfer data with two ubntu machines and an ethernet cable01:23
alien2050kinda... but it's called system settings (right click on right icon with your username on it) in gnome 301:23
alien2050could be same bin though not sure01:24
XaseIntel 945 GM, 11.10/Oneiric Ocelot... Stuff is REALLY choppy... after looking around something about direct rendering being turned off seems to be the culprit... any clues, or fixes I'm not aware of.01:24
webnetok. brb01:25
chelzi'm trying to setup my ubuntu laptop to print to a shared usb printer that's attached to a mac on the local network and there's a user/name and password for the printer. when i go to the New Printer gui dialog and put in the IP next to "host" it doesn't find anything01:25
alien2050found it01:25
chelzis there some magic URI i can put in that'll make it/cups know the IP and that it needs a password and stuff?01:25
alien2050it's "gnome-control-center" if anyone is interested01:26
alien2050and the plus key is the right click... I love linux :)01:28
Crash_O-D https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock -> Enabling NumLock during startup and before login ->  edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default. For older versions of Ubuntu edit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default  though files dont exist01:28
magn3tsWhat should the default set of include directories be for ubuntu?01:32
XaseYou mean your path magn3ts ?01:33
XaseNot sure ifthat's what you mean01:33
=== buckshot is now known as Rev
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dutchleewebnet: hey thanks was afk for a while there01:35
Xasemagn3ts: what do you mean by Includes?01:35
=== Rev is now known as buckshot
buckshotCan I get some help with my wireless settings?01:36
Xasebuckshot: I may be able to help :D what's the problem?01:36
magn3tsHow can I set a recursive lookup in gcc for includes?01:36
buckshotXase: No matter what I try I cant seem to get my laptop to pick up my wifi01:37
pnorman_My ubuntu box is hanging on such a low level, I wonder if it's unrelated to the drivers. (heavy write IO causes hangs when going through my sata card)01:37
Xasebuckshot: is you card detected properly? and does it see any other Wifi signals?01:37
Xasebuckshot: also have you tried the Additional Drivers menu under More Apps assuming you're using Unity?01:38
buckshotI have. The only thing missing was my graphics card. ATI Radeon..01:38
Crash_O-Dhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock -> Enabling NumLock during startup and before login ->  edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default. For older versions of Ubuntu edit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default  though files dont exist. please help.01:39
buckshotIt says "device not managed" under my wireless tab.01:39
XaseCan you run 'lspci'01:39
buckshotwill do01:40
Xaseand tell me what it says for your wireless?01:40
buckshot09:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)01:40
XaseCrash_O-D:  if you're using a recent ubuntu  i.e. 11.04 and beyond, I'd imagine not, since ubuntu now uses LightDM01:42
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buckshotneed anything else? or was that the right info01:43
Xasebuckshot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR9285 <<< Not very helpful and may still be required even though outdated.01:43
Xasethat was right01:43
XaseYou may not have the correct module for it.01:43
Xasebuckshot: replace the maverick or lucid with whatever you have01:44
XaseI'd say try that instruction and see if that works, because the driver for your wireless card may still need to be backported =/ though I don't see why it didn't work out of the box.01:45
buckshotlemme see what i can do01:46
Crash_O-DXase: thankx thats a big help. found greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on rebooting to see if worked thanks01:46
buckshotso if im on 11.10 right now, what would i do to get that installing?01:46
Xaseoneiric ;) buckshot but you may also want to try this first http://www.lamnk.com/blog/computer/fixing-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot-wireless-problem-with-atheros-ar9285-and-ralink-rt3090/01:47
XaseJust found that01:47
FloodBot1Xase: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
XaseMan I hate that Floodbot, it's a little hyperactive and oversensitive.01:47
Xasebuckshot: also that blog doesn't mention it... but reboot after adding that line to the blacklist01:48
bolo56hail ! people of the channel !!01:49
djddutyI wanted to dual boot ubuntu server, but my only option seemed to be to completely re-format the harddrive?01:49
djddutyalso, it seems to need internet even though the iso is on the disk?01:49
pnorman_djdduty: Do you mean the only option within the installer is to format the drive?01:50
buckshotXase: I went ahead and followed the instructions, gonna reboot now.01:50
djddutyI want to keep my windows 7 os and files on here01:50
webnetdjdduty, it doesnt NEED internet it just wants it so in can install updates if you tell it to01:51
djddutywebnet: it wouldn't let me proceed01:51
XaseWhy would you want a dualboot machine if you plan to run Ubuntu Server djdduty ?01:51
webnetreally? thats new O.o01:51
XaseJust curious...01:51
XaseNot discouraging you.01:51
djddutyXase: only installing ubuntu server on this comp for an experiment01:51
XaseAh okay.01:52
djddutyI am actually going to be using it on a computer I am building when the parts get here01:52
Xasedjdduty: are you using an actual CD or flashmedia?01:52
webnetyou know you can use virtual box to experiment inside of windows right?01:52
pnorman_I believe you can just wipe one partition. However, if you're just doing some limited testing ubuntu server, consider a virtual machine as an easier option01:52
XaseI second and third the VM option djdduty01:52
XaseMuch easier...01:52
djddutywill do then01:53
djddutyI orgot about it completely actually01:53
XaseWhile it will suffer a small performance hit, you should be able to get whatever you need to try done in there.01:53
djddutybest free vm for windows?01:53
pnorman_djdduty: I've used VirtualBox01:53
XaseVirtual Box for the win ;)01:53
djddutyalso, where is this "400mgb ubuntu server edition" at?01:53
djddutyIt mentioned 400mgb small in the installer01:53
=== Guest43591 is now known as zkriesse_
XaseVM Ware is too complicated/proprietary.01:53
pnorman_note that some of the mouse capture stuff may be a bit odd with server since it has no GUI01:53
webneti second virtual box01:54
marshais there file recovery software for ubuntu that lets you search for a specific file to recover?01:54
Xasepnorman_:  he could get around that with 'sudo apt-get install gpm' I think.01:54
XaseTerminal mouse ;)01:54
pnorman_!info gpm01:54
webnetthas really the best MS virtual machine is ok and free, but i like Virtual box better01:54
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 205 kB, installed size 580 kB01:54
djddutypnorman_: ubuntu server has no gui?01:54
marshaThe only recovery tool i know is photorec but it does nothave that option01:54
XaseIt's a mouse which works on terminal pnorman_ :D01:54
pnorman_djdduty: by default it doesn't. you could install one, but servers don't generally have a GUI01:54
djddutyI would want one...01:55
Xasedjdduty: if you absolutely require one for your server... I recommend LXDE01:55
XaseIt's light and not too heavy, and not overly complicated.01:55
djddutyI want ubuntu desktop, with all the crap removed basicly01:56
pnorman_djdduty: ubuntu server has crap like the GUI removed :P01:56
Xasethat command would be sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-minimal, I believe DjMadness01:56
XaseDjMadness: sorryu01:56
XaseUser quit before I could tab complete.01:57
webnetXase: terminal mouse is awesome! :D01:57
XaseSYeah it is.01:57
XaseI use it on my shell :D01:57
XaseOr my text only builds.01:57
XaseI hope that fixed worked for buckshot.01:58
XaseI am going to watch a movie.01:58
webnetdjdduty lxde looks good and is light. but u usually dont want a gui on a server cause it uses valuable resources...01:58
XaseI hate when people don't come back to report success.01:58
Xasewebnet:  he's gone.01:58
XaseThe best GUI for server... is probably that web interface for ubuntu I saw awhile back01:59
XaseIt looked pretty full featured.01:59
XaseWebmin or whatever it's called01:59
buckshotXase: Still no good.01:59
Xasebuckshot: did it work?01:59
XaseNeither of them?01:59
buckshotWell the second didnt.01:59
buckshotDidnt try the first. :P02:00
XaseTry the first... you may need the driver.02:00
buckshotResend that link to me please?02:00
XaseJust replace maverick or lucid with Oneiric02:00
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.02:00
Xasebuckshot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR9285 <<< Not very helpful and may still be required even though outdated.02:00
buckshotOh, and something else, The laptop doesnt shut it self off, and booting is really long.02:00
buckshotIm not sure what to make of it...02:00
webneti actually like ispconfig personally, is sort of high maintenence tho. lol. it uses specific tools with no flexibility, BUT it does its job for my small hostin company02:01
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).02:02
XaseZentyal then is what someone should point out to djdduty when he returns02:02
pnorman_well, i guess it's time to crash my ubuntu box.02:02
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Xasebuckshot is the laptop REALLY new?02:02
buckshotNot terribly. Its a Sony Vaio, bought last year.02:04
webnetubottu: OHHH! i wondered what happened to ebox! i used them a while back as a beta test when my hosting company was 1 little server doing it all :D but then the Dev went cold and i got bummed out. *checking out zental*02:05
ubottuwebnet: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:05
buckshotWhen booting, it says it cant find a disk. I let it find that, then it cant find network which I understand that. but when i turn it off it just sits with that ubuntu screen...02:05
webnetwow im an idiot, i didnt realize ubottu was a bot :P02:05
bolo56if i type in the command prompt dpkg -l and the list is too long02:08
bolo56how do i tell it to pause the long list ?02:08
webnetOK im back :D just thought i would let you all know :P02:15
somsipbolo56: dpkg -l | more02:16
bjorkintoshwhy would my desktop suddenly forget its inet4 settings?02:16
aj00200Is there a way to regenerate the list of apps that unity searches for? It seems that this list has been lost or currupted or possibly broken during a reinstall where I kept my home directory on a different partition.02:18
buckshotAny body know what to do about this"Device Not Managed" on my wireless network?02:20
pnorman_I'm looking to partition a drive, but all the advice I find assumes you have a GUI or you're using the installer CD. In my case, it's neither.02:21
escottpnorman_, then use parted02:21
webnetpnorman_: try burining a live disc of parted magic02:22
pnorman_escott: Any suggestions for something with an interface similar to partman?02:24
br0adcastHello guys02:24
br0adcastim looking for a little help, is there anybody here able to advise me on a message I have received02:25
br0adcastits regarding compiling the kernel02:25
br0adcastany help would be appriciated, thanks :)02:25
escottpnorman, not familiar with partman but you could probably find a cd with it02:26
escottbr0adcast, maybe, but we won't know unless you tell us the message02:26
pnormanescott: It's the tool used on the ubuntu server install CD, but they do not recommend using it outside of a debian install CD02:26
br0adcast/home/br0adcast/compat-wireless-2011-12-08/compat-wireless-2010-10-16/config.mk:196: "WARNING: CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT will be deactivated or not working because kernel was compiled with CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT=n. Tools using wext interface like iwconfig will not work. To activate it build your kernel e.g. with CONFIG_LIBIPW=m."02:27
br0adcast./scripts/gen-compat-autoconf.sh config.mk > include/linux/compat_autoconf.h02:27
br0adcastmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.35-31-generic/build M=/home/br0adcast/compat-wireless-2011-12-08/compat-wireless-2010-10-16 modules02:27
br0adcastmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.35-31-generic/build: No such file or directory. Stop.02:27
br0adcastmake: *** [modules] Error 202:27
pnormanI suppose since I'm dealing with a blank drive, I don't really have to worry about screwing up02:27
br0adcastthat is the error escott :)02:27
FloodBot1br0adcast: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
br0adcastyes mr floodbot :)02:28
br0adcasthow did I know that was going to happen :)02:28
br0adcasti am trying to install the compat wireless drivers escott02:28
br0adcastim using 10.0402:28
br0adcastI have upgraded the kernel because i want trim support, but when i update kernel, I get this message when i try to reinstall and repatch the drivers02:29
br0adcastdue to the message, I would like to know what i means by compiling with CONFIG_LIBIPW=m02:29
zromaynhello there, can anybody show me any document showing how to export an encrypted directory? I encrypted my home dir. If I try exporting it, i get "exportfs: /home/usuer1/backup does not support NFS export"02:29
psusibr0adcast, why don't you just install 11.10?02:30
br0adcastpsusi, I have, well, 10.10 and upgraded from update manager to 11.1002:30
br0adcastbut system hangs02:30
br0adcastand im too nub to be able to work out why hehe02:30
psusibr0adcast, just do a clean install of 11.10 ;)02:31
br0adcastand, if I learned how, fixing it would be another matter im sure02:31
br0adcastpsusi, but it will be the same kernel right?02:31
br0adcastsurely the same issue will arrise02:31
psusisame as what?02:31
br0adcastas updating to 11.10 from within 10.1002:31
psusiwhich issue?02:31
br0adcastthe system hanging when i install compat wireless 2.6 and 2 patches02:32
psusithe freeze very well may be because of old stuff left from the upgrade... try the 11.10 live cd and if it works, then just do a clean install02:32
br0adcastit would be more ideal to install it fresh and try it, not really good for me to try live cd02:33
psusiwell, try to walk before you run02:33
br0adcastwell, i cant really patch and change drivers etc on a live cd and be able to test it correctly02:33
br0adcastit is going to be more certain to try on an install02:33
psusiwhat do you need to patch for?02:33
br0adcastive installed about 3 different distros 100+ times this week, so its no biggy anyways :)02:34
br0adcastthe patch is to release my wifi card in monitor mode from being stuck to a perticular channel02:34
Ryukojiyou guys ever use CrunchBang linux?02:34
* FauxReal installed 48k rhel boxes, and is tired... ;)02:34
escott!crunchbang | Ryukoji02:34
ubottuRyukoji: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition02:34
Ryukojino you dont understand escott02:35
Ryukojiim just saying if anyone has ever tried it02:35
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br0adcastso, any ideas escott?02:35
zromaynhello there, can anybody show me any document showing how to export an encrypted directory? I encrypted my home dir. If I try exporting it, i get "exportfs: /home/usuer1/backup does not support NFS export"02:36
escottRyukoji, and im giving you a channel you can ask people who have02:36
aj00200zromayn: are you trying to recover it?02:36
escottbr0adcast, no that seems like a different build processs02:36
psusizromayn, that kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?02:37
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zromaynaj00200: no, it's not for data recovery. I just want to be able to export it over NFS02:37
zromaynaj00200: unless, you really can't export an encrypted dir at all.02:37
br0adcastok thank you anyways escott :)02:38
aj00200hmm, I'm not sure. There may be other ways to do what you want as well. Does it need to be NFS? For example, could a one time data transfer with scp work, or maybe sync with a free Ubuntu Cloud account?02:38
pnorman_parted is warning me about non-optimal alignment. How do I do it with the optimal alignment?02:39
marshais it possible for nautilus to search for keywords within files?02:39
psusipnorman, start parted with -a optimal?02:40
pnorman_psusi: still warning me02:41
hatchtrying to connect to a windows vpn but all i'm getting is that it failed because it failed to start....ubuntu 1102:41
psusipnorman, how are you specifying the partition position?02:41
pnormanpsusi: 0 100%. seems to of worked with 0% 100%02:42
somsipmarsha: not that I know of, but it's easy from the terminal http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-search-find-file-for-text-string/02:42
marshasomsip thanks02:43
khooverhey, anyone here who could help me w/ a touchpad problem?02:48
kimpwebnet, I have just installed an earlier version (10.04.3) and it has fixed my woes - nice one...02:49
br0adcastwhats up khoover02:49
khooverbro0adcast, seems like xorg's picking it up, but it's just not sending events02:49
khoovereven evtest is getting nothing off of it.02:49
semitonesI have 10.10. I know you're not supposed to, but what would happen if I changed my sources.lst to have "oneiric" and just apt-get updated?02:50
kimptime for lunch!02:50
xanguasemitones: you don't wanna know ;)02:50
xanguaor experience02:50
br0adcastsemitones do you mean kernel wise? oneiric kernel works fine on 10.0402:52
khooverbr0adcast, hit an o and the 0, what i said above02:52
br0adcastis it a hp laptop khaard02:52
semitonesI wawnt to know :P02:53
khooverno, acer aspire 5742, ETPS/2 Elantech02:53
airtonixwhy would my keystrokes be normal plain everyday normal human normal english one second then FREAKOUT and suddenly! japanese everywhere in my terminal and none of my keystrokes are normal everyday human english?02:53
semitonesbr0adcast: not kernel-wise, just what would happen if I didn't update incrementally, but in one giant leap02:53
br0adcastahh right hehe.. try it :P02:54
semitones:p br0adcast for SCIENCE!02:54
br0adcastof course02:54
br0adcasti have reinstalled about 100 times this week, easy now heh02:54
N7OKLDual boot issue...completely stopped booting from linux, but will boot from a windows disk....help please02:54
khooverairtonix, あなたは、日本人に問題がありますか?02:55
airtonixone second : i was typing in english through ssh to my remote ubuntu natty server from my ubuntu natty desktop , the next : characters i type are japanese02:55
airtonixlogging out and back in via ssh terminal changes nothing02:55
WanderingEnderHey, does 11.10 minimal's xubuntu installation come with VMWare Client Tools by default?02:56
airtonixcharacters i type on a terminal in my desktop are normal english02:56
somsipWanderingEnder: from experience, minimal install is JEEP02:56
khooverbr0adcast, acer aspire 5742, ETPS/2 Elantech touchpad*02:56
br0adcasthmm, im not sure i can help you bro, sorry about that02:57
br0adcastonly really know synaptecs02:57
airtonixsweeeeeet, now i can't configure anything02:57
br0adcastescott, sorry to ask you again, but do you have any idea where the argument CONFIG_LIBIPW=m would actually be used when recompilling the kernel, I will research it fully and not at risk of losing anything, but currently, it means nothing to me :S02:58
br0adcastlol airtonix :)02:59
br0adcastits fun breaking stuff :)02:59
airtonixnot really02:59
br0adcastwell i enjoy it02:59
N7OKLhelp please....dual boot XP/10.04lts...worked fine for several months...now will not boot from any linux media (even live...just a DMA error loop) but boots fine from any windows media...help please02:59
airtonixi didn't actually do anything to cause this as far as i know02:59
webnetkimp: glad to heaar. i suspect it was the updated kernel that was giving you trouble. Im not sure what they did or added or took out...02:59
khooverhey br0adcast, this fix look legit? http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/linux-and-unix/linux-kernel-and-hardware-setup/threads/20611803:00
|Long|hi guys, what is the cmd to open a dir?03:00
|Long|david@lcnn:/dev$ cd sdl103:01
|Long|-bash: cd: sdl1: Not a directory03:01
khooverbr0adcast, and nvm, file doesn't exist. was working fine before my computer frozen, had to kill the power while some updates were still waiting on a reset.03:01
webnet|Long| cd /[path]/[to]/[dir]03:01
gizmobayWhen I do a "ls" in a directory some of the files are red. Does anyone know why?03:01
br0adcasti really couldnt say khoover, been playing with lots of so called cosher fixes recently03:01
br0adcastmost of them didnt work03:01
tucemiux_lsomeone please yelp!  I just upgraded and now I can't use my video card: Reconfiguring X.org video drivers is not possible: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is invalid.03:01
khooverbr0adcast, thing is, was working absolutely fine before, did everything i wanted.03:02
khooveri mean, what could've happened in one hard shut-down that destroys all functionality?03:02
khooverbr0adcast, should my xorg.0.d/synaptics.config file be empty save for touchpad catchall?03:07
bsmith093can i safely delete the tmp folder03:08
bjorkintoshbsmith093, you can empty it03:08
bjorkintoshbut you should keep it nevertheless.03:08
khooverbsmith093, sudo rm -r / should do the trick. :P03:08
bjorkintoshc'mon khoover03:08
bsmith093no wait that eill dump everyhting03:09
bjorkintoshbsmith093, what do you need to do that for?03:09
bsmith093im out of space literally03:09
bjorkintoshyour system might be configured to do it automatically anyway.03:09
bjorkintoshremove the pr0n from your machine.03:09
bsmith093i need to changesome workspaces from tmp to something on the home parttivo03:09
khooverbjorkintosh, sorry, mildly upset at my system destroying the xorg synaptics.conf file03:09
khooveronly a friggin touchpad catchall in there03:10
bjorkintoshkhoover, a recent upgrade has nuked my nic.03:10
bjorkintoshi'm not happy either.03:10
bsmith093sudo rm -r /tmp?03:10
bjorkintoshbsmith093, rm -rf /tmp/*03:10
bsmith093ru absolutely sure03:10
philipthere is *no* need to put the f03:10
bsmith093screw it im opening nautilus in root and going tht way03:11
bjorkintoshso why does the 'f' exist.03:11
philipit's unlikely you will even get prompted for anything when typing sudo rm -r /tmp/*03:11
philipbut the -f exists to force "yes" to prompts afaik, and ignore files that don't exist according to man03:12
bjorkintoshphilip, how do you know rm is not aliased to rm -i ?03:12
* khoover goes back to the rm docs...03:12
WzTianif it's aliased to rm -i, just use rm -I03:12
philipif you're really woried about that you can type alias03:12
philipto check03:12
bjorkintoshavoid a discussion03:13
bjorkintoshand rm -rf /tmp/*03:13
ubuntu1Hi, is there a way to find out where the grub stage 2 files are located? On which partition?03:13
philipwhatever, sounds like a way to get hosed, no need to force things, rm -f is bad, so is kill -903:14
bjorkintoshkill -9 works.03:14
philipplenty of internet webpages, linux books, and flamewars in here (i am sure) dedicated to this03:14
pnorman_kill -9 works, but it shouldn't be your first choice03:14
pbinkhey folks...does the Auto-mount feature actually work in the latest vboxadditions version?  if so, is it supposed to somehow determine the guest OS and make it available automatically?03:15
pbinkfor shared folders i mean03:15
almoxarifepbink: so far not for me03:16
pnorman_pbink: it worked for me. ubuntu 11.04 guest, windows 7 host. Can't remember what I did exactly, and I have a dedicated ubuntu box now03:16
ubuntu1I need to delete a partition and I would want to ensure that grub files are not located there03:17
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pbinkalmoxarife:  are you running 10.04?03:17
almoxarifepbink: nope, 11.1003:17
pbinki've got xp host 10.04 guest...no luck here03:17
khooverStepnjump, not entirely sure on this one, but, iirc, partitions are registered as separate drives in nautilus, righ?03:18
pbinkand what's strange is when i try to use 'mount -t vboxsf SharedFolderName /mnt/shared' mount yells at me like i input incorrect params03:18
pbinkwith no descriptive error03:18
almoxarifepbink: I think there is a bug in the latest virtualbox, it just worked before, now it does not03:18
pbinkany clue why my manual mount command wouldn't work?03:19
Stepnjumpkhoover: yes I think so03:19
khooverStepnjump, well, just check for whichever drive /grub's in, and try not to nuke it03:19
meshuggahhello, i try to install but it ask me about no root file system defined?03:21
Stepnjumpthere has to be a way to know for sure khoover03:21
khooverStepnjump, there likely is; all i can say is, if a partition's marked as boot-able, don't touch it. why put grub in a non-boot partition?03:22
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escottmeshuggah, if you picked the manual partitioning you need to make a partition with a mount point of / it should be at least 10-20gigs03:22
ovhanwhen i installed ubuntu os 11.10 and it asked me what i wanted it for (i.e. mail server, etc) i hit enter accidentally , how can i find that list again after its installed and choose what i want or do i have to reinstall it03:23
frogonwheelsovhan: There's a 'tasks' category of virtual package that I believe will do the trick03:25
wspardawhi all03:25
boournsoverdub, "sudo tasksel" i think03:25
boournsovhan i mean03:26
frogonwheelsthanks boourns :)03:26
ovhanty, i just installed ubuntu, first time use03:26
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maumhow can I enter the root path03:29
emmeteai was trying to install gparted using "sudo apt-get install gparted" and i get and error about libparted0 being the wrong version03:30
br0adcastin nautilus gksudo nautilus then navigate to /03:30
ovhanyes tasksel looks about right ty03:30
frogonwheelsnice trolling from neuro_sys - still funny but :)03:30
ovhani dont get it ...03:31
emmeteaspecifically  gparted: Depends: libparted0 (>= 2.2-1) but it is not going to be installed03:31
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garden92 simple scan quit connecting to my scanner. help.03:31
somsipmaum: cd /03:31
maumsomsip, I am not sure it's not working . when I enter "sensors-detect" command, it said "You need to be root to run this script."03:33
pnorman_maum: sudo sensors-detect03:33
somsipmaum: you asked the wrong question. you need "sudo sensors-detect"03:33
i2cyo guys is there anyway to make my mouse wheel scroll more lines throughout ubuntu?03:34
maumI could check the temperature but in conkyrc file it's not working03:35
maumsomething like this :    ${color6}Core 1: $color $alignr ${execi 10 sensors | grep 'Core 0' | grep -o '\+.*)'}03:35
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robin0800maum: preface the command with sudo03:35
somsipi2c: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/27270/increasing-scroll-speed03:36
pbinkanyone help me figure out why when i'm trying to use 'sudo mount -t SharedFolderName /media/windows' my mount command just gives me the Usage:... information?03:37
ovhanhow do i find out how much my server is taking up ram03:37
ovhanis there a command03:37
somsipovhan: free03:37
i2cwow I can't change it systemwide? I'm sorry, but for as great as linux is, I miss the little things from windows03:37
ovhanwhat somsip03:37
somsipovhan: that is the command to show memory usage03:38
ovhancool ty03:38
ovhanya it worked ty03:38
webneti2c i actually think you can... hold on03:38
maumI did like this :    ${color6}Core 1: $color $alignr ${execi 10 sudo sensors | grep 'Core 0' | grep -o '\+.*)'}03:38
maumbut it's not working03:38
ovhan309000 neat =D03:38
ovhanits using less then i thought it was gonna :D03:38
emmeteaif it try to install the lib it says libparted0: Depends: libparted0debian1 (= 2.2-5ubuntu5) but 2.2-5ubuntu5.1 is to be installed03:41
emmeteaits the lts release so i figured things like that wouldnt be broken03:44
webneti2c i cant find it.... it may not be there as i thought03:45
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almoxarifeemmetea: the ppa broke it03:47
almoxarifethe jpg is a keeper, nice wallpaper03:52
Arcademanwsparda, what is it you need?03:52
emmeteais there anyway i could just force gparted to install even though it says there are broken dependencies?03:54
bzrkhi there, does anyone know how to install ubuntu 11.10 without ubiquity? only cli?03:54
somsipbzrk: use the minimal install cd03:55
bzrksomsip: kthx03:56
wspardahi all03:56
antipragmatistmy at&t wireless modem works with windows7,03:56
antipragmatistbut it disconnects from ubuntu 11.1003:56
antipragmatistis there a know problem?03:56
somsipemmetea: keep forcing individual upgrades until gparted stops complaining. It's worked for me in th past03:56
emmeteasomsip: it keeps hiccuping when i try and force libparted0debian103:57
djddutyhello ubuntu!03:57
djddutyI got ubuntu server installed03:57
djddutynow... I have no idea how to use it03:57
djddutyhow do I install the gui that someone reccomended to me?03:57
somsipdjdduty: sudo apt-get install {name of gui}03:58
antipragmatist11.10 is a pain up my ass03:58
somsipemmetea: is that a valid package name?03:58
djddutysomsip you know any?03:58
emmeteasomsip: its from if i try and install libparted003:58
emmeteadjdduty: why installing gui if its a server?03:59
somsipemmetea: what does sudo apt-get install libparted tell you?03:59
djddutyemmetea: just playing around03:59
djddutybut do you guys know any guis?04:00
somsipdjdduty: then you will get a lot of additional dependencies if you do what I just told you. xserver, drivers...lots04:00
WanderingEnderdjdduty: You're going to desktop on a ubuntu server install?04:00
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antipragmatistwould be 11.10 users take my advice, DON'T install IT unless you enjoy pain and heartache04:00
djddutyI am just screwing around04:00
djddutyseeing my preferences04:00
somsipdjdduty: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20081209153125602/WindowManagers.html04:00
WanderingEnderantipragmatist: Your individual experience is not data.04:01
djddutythank you04:01
somsip!tab | djdduty04:01
ubottudjdduty: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:01
somsipthat wasn't the one I intended...04:01
OttifantSirI'm writing some scripts to (de)activate mods in the game Warzone2100. If anyone would care to look over my scripts, they can be found here: http://ottilaptop.ottifantsir.operaunite.com/Warzone/04:01
djddutyLXDE any good?04:01
djddutythat is the one someone reccomended04:01
WanderingEndersomsip: you mean the one that says preface each line with someone's name so we know what the heck you're talking about?04:01
WanderingEnder!polls | djdduty04:01
ubottudjdduty: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:01
somsipWanderingEnder: yeah - what's the ! for that again?04:02
antipragmatistWanderingEnder, perhaps, however, it is the general consensus among 11.10 users04:02
WanderingEndersomsip: I forget myself.04:02
somsipWanderingEnder: heh :)04:02
WanderingEnderantipragmatist: If you're bitching about Unity, get in line, but that isn't really a support request or supporting others. They decided to use it, so we either adapt or use something else. I'm liking xubuntu.04:02
somsipantipragmatist: I just posted a list of 21 alternative WMs for djdduty. Try one?04:03
emmeteasomsip: if i try and upgrade libparted thats when it tells me  libparted0debian1 is the newest version04:03
somsipemmetea: what version og ubuntu? And you're trying to install parted or gparted?04:04
emmeteasomsip: gparted, but install gparted breaks with libparted0 dependecies. i believe the version is the lts release04:04
somsipemmetea: erm...lsb-release for the release?04:04
phenriquehello, the update manager shows 40 updates but when i try to install show "Need installation of untrusted packages" and it is not possible continue....04:05
somsipemmetea:  or cat /etc/lsb-release04:05
emmeteasomsip: returns with no LSB modules available04:05
emmetea10.04.2 lts04:06
emmeteasomsip: catting it worked04:06
phenriquewhat i can to do?04:06
somsipemmetea: and how are you install gparted?04:06
somsipemmetea: translate that?04:06
emmeteasomsip: originally "sudo apt-get install gparted" however the same error happened with synaptic also04:07
=== Jguy|2 is now known as Jguy
skilzHey im trying to play the classic minecraft in firefox, I have the icedtea6-plugin installed, I see the java applet load and it displays Minecraft quickly then leaves me at a blank screen04:07
somsipemmetea: so is it working now or not?04:07
emmeteasomsip: trying cat /etc/lsb-release worked, but trying lsb_release said there were no modules04:07
skilzDo I need something else installed or what?04:08
emmeteasomsip: negative, it is not working04:08
OttifantSirphenrique: I think the reason is that the repos has been updated, and the authentication file has somehow been "lost" or not updated. It's happened before, and usually resolves within a few hours or a day or two when the repos get updated again04:08
skilzI can't even right click on the black box to bring up a menu04:08
somsipemmetea: so you're on 10.04, you can't install gparted using apt-get or synaptic due to libparted errors, yes?04:08
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emmeteasomsip: yes.04:09
somsipemmetea: could be of interest and marked as solved - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1594111.html04:09
_TristanHey, how can I record pulseaudio output to an mp3 file? I've done a bunch of research but everything I find is outdated/doesn't work04:10
=== icedtea is now known as fearlesspancakes
emmeteasomsip: thank you checking it out04:10
sdjfbrassero is a serious mess, it's one of the things that get me disappointed of linux sometimes. Hard to believe that after all this time a major linux distribution can't burn cd's properly.04:10
ovhanhow do i check for updates on my ubuntu 11.10 server04:10
=== tom_ is now known as MrCleanWithHair
gizmobayWhen I do a "ls" in a directory some of the files are highlighted red. Does anyone know why?04:11
MrCleanWithHairovhan, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:11
somsipemmetea: other suggests appear to include fix broken packages, or remove libparted and install gparted to see if it pulls it in. Not sure what else that might break though04:11
MrCleanWithHairgizmobay, do the files end with .tar04:11
ovhanty mrclean04:11
somsipsdjf: fine here as long as i use low speeds, but you could try xfburn04:11
PPPPPPPDoes running "ping my_server.com -f" really slow down a server at all?04:12
gizmobayI removed the package, nxserver04:12
gizmobayThe files show in red but there isn't a file04:12
antipragmatistwhat is fbi surveilance van #24?04:12
ovhanMrCleanWithHair: so are those 2 commands the same thing04:13
MrCleanWithHairovhan, no. update updates the list of packages and upgrade prompts you to upgrade to newer versions04:13
BobDullI have looked around the internet and have found most topics discuss using either expect/send, or editing the sudoer's file to have the ability to run a bash script as any user. I have had no luck. Can someone help me run a sudo command from a bash script even if a password is required?04:14
MrCleanWithHairgizmobay, generally files show up red (or green or blue) because you have color output for ls enabled in your .bashrc file04:14
ovhanMrCleanWithHair:  so update updates my package lists?04:14
somsipantipragmatist: it's possibly someone with a wifi access point and a sense of humour04:14
gizmobayI see04:14
skilzHow can I install apt-get sun-java6-jre04:14
BobDullI know the password, and I don't have any real security concerns for the specific task, unfortunately I can't just echo "passwordhere" | sudo command here04:14
MrCleanWithHairovhan, yes. and upgrade will tell you what can be upgrade and ask you if you want to do so04:14
BobDullbecause that doesn't work. It always pauses by script at the password prompt.04:15
somsipBobDull: you need a tee..04:15
nac-godfatherIf someone says their goal is to purchase a laptop that is linux friendly;  They don't know enough about computers to deserve to install linux, and neither deserve the money to purchase said laptop, and should provide me with the funds to equip a Sager NP8150 with a GTX 485M and the works (16GB RAM etc.)!04:15
skilzDO I need to enable non-free?04:15
fearlesspancakeswhats the command to install/setup an init.d script?04:15
BobDullsomsip: I don't know what a tee is.04:15
skilz!tell skilz about non-free04:15
OttifantSirPPPPPPP: pinging a server once doesn't slow down a server, but incessant pinging several times a second from multiple locations might (Distributed Denial Of Service)04:15
somsipBobDull: last example of first answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82256/how-do-i-use-sudo-to-redirect-output-to-a-location-i-dont-have-permission-to-wr04:15
nac-godfatheromg OttifantSir, no probably not.04:15
BobDullok, I'll check it out. Thanks.04:16
nac-godfatherthat's a botnet with ping flooding.04:16
nac-godfathernot a single ping from multiple locations, otherwise there would be no internet worth looking at.04:16
OttifantSirnac-godfather: OK. Thanks for the correction.04:16
gizmobayThanks MrCleanWithHair04:16
OttifantSirI've written some scripts to help (de)activate mods in Warzone2100 and would appreciate someone looking them over: http://ottilaptop.ottifantsir.operaunite.com/Warzone/04:17
emmeteasomsip: thanks i think that will have solved the problem, just have to head over to that computer to try it04:17
PPPPPPP<OttifantSir> does addint the " -f" make it ping several times a second?04:18
almoxarifeskilz: there is a ppa for sun-java, install it04:18
FlatlinedAnyone using " Ndiswrapper " if so what chip ?04:18
ovhanubuntu server 11.10: how do i check how much space i have on my hdd , or info on it or something04:18
somsipovhan: du -h04:18
OttifantSirPPPPPPP: I just have basic understanding of pinging, and have already been proven wrong in my assumptions, so I don't know04:19
skilzalmoxarife, ppa? what do I have to do?04:19
somsipovhan: er... df -h04:19
ovhanoh , k was gonna say it didnt work =P ty04:19
BobDullsomsip: not sure if I understand, when it sudo tee's, does that take what is in test.out and use that to fill in the password?04:19
somsipovhan: it worked, just told you want you didn't want to know :)04:19
ovhanis tmpfs temporary files?04:19
ovhan-facepalm- lol thanks for that som =P04:20
ovhanso what DID du -h do ?04:20
PPPPPPP<OttifantSir> ok well thanks! According to the man page "-f" is the "flood" command so i THINK it will work.04:20
ovhannvm , ill check04:20
somsipBobDull: it allows the echo (which does not have sudo rights) to be written to a program that ius given sudo rights. The explanation on the URL I gave is better than that. But I don't know what you want to use it for so YMMV04:20
almoxarife!info ppa | skilz04:20
bsmith093what does this mean?04:20
bsmith093GConf error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.004:20
ubottuskilz: Package ppa does not exist in oneiric04:20
somsipovhan: current directory disk usage04:20
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa04:20
FlatlinedAnyone using " Ndiswrapper "04:21
ovhanty som , but manual told me =P04:21
somsipovhan: good move04:21
ovhanso wait what is this info then , file space?04:21
skilzalmoxarife, whats the ppa url?04:22
ovhan"du - estimate file space usage"04:22
skilzto add in sources.list04:22
BobDullOh. somsip, I don't want to be rude but I think that *may* be more than the purpose of this script. It is just a 5 line script that just needs to run Synergy Client and connect to a localhost, but the client needs sudo. So, when the computer boots up I have it automatically run, and since it is on-boot, it is the first time sudo is used, so I am trying to automate password entry.04:22
ovhanthe output is 4.0k    ./. cache04:22
ovhan24k                            .04:22
ovhanso whats that mean somsip04:22
BobDullMaybe I'm missing how easy it is :-/04:22
somsipBobDull: And I was missing the point. Can you copy the script to pastebin as I don't get what you're needing to do04:23
MrCleanWithHairBobDull, yeah a pastebin would be really helpful04:23
skilzalmoxarife, im on some launchpad site is that correct?04:23
somsipovhan: total usage of the current directory is 24k, 4k of that is used by cache directory04:24
ovhanwait, so your saying im using 24 mb of space? on my hdd?04:24
somsipovhan: since when has k meant mb?04:24
almoxarifeskilz: some? you need the specific ppa for sun-java, that's what you want? not the built in open java, right?04:24
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details04:24
ovhansimsip i thought it meant k as in thousands of killo bytes04:25
ovhanso its using 24 kilobytes?04:25
ovhanthat sounds even less right04:25
skilzalmoxarife, Yes I want sun-java04:25
almoxarifeskilz: using server or desktop?04:25
somsipovhan: kilo bytes (thousand bytyes) mega bytes (really good bytes), or 1024 kilo bytes04:25
ovhanand somsip , i just started using this today04:25
MrCleanWithHairwhats the going rate for a kilo now a days?04:26
ovhanyes somsip i know this04:26
ovhanand 1024 mb's is a gb04:26
somsipovhan: you asked. I'm out04:26
MrCleanWithHairbut don't get your bytes confused with your bits04:26
_TristanDoes anybody know how to pipe pulseaudio output to an mp3 file?04:26
kmtheinOn Ubuntu, which open source project management software have you ever used, and which one would you recommend?04:26
OttifantSirsomsip: Not technically correct. A Kilobyte is 1000 bytes, wheres a Kibibyte is 1024 bytes04:26
somsip_Tristan: you want to record from your soundcard?04:26
_Tristansomsip: the output, yeah04:26
pnorman_OttifantSir: Only if you're a revisionist drive maker04:27
somsipOttifantSir: I'm happy to be inaccurate in situations where accuracy is not important04:27
emmeteasomsip: damn i was hoping that would have worked :(04:27
OttifantSirpnorman and somsip: I know the term is used like somsip did, I am just nitpicking and it is a teaching point.04:28
SlayersZhmmm, what is a good laptop to buy xD04:28
somsipOttifantSir: fair enough. I ahve no argument04:29
almoxarifeskilz: on your machine interacting with the server assuming it's a linux machine install y-ppa manager, great for hunting down ppas04:29
_TristanSlayersZ: one of those ugly black boxes lenovo makes. They last forever.04:29
FlatlinedIBM levtro04:29
somsipSlayersZ: is this something to do with ubuntu?04:29
pnorman_SlayersZ: define what you're going to be doing with it, figure out your requirements, then come up with options and look at hardware compatibility lists04:30
cliff_I am currently using backtrack4, and copied the /etc/sources.list file from ubuntu to the backtrack4 sources.list, because the offensive-security repos were down.  Now i'm having some issues04:31
emmeteasomsip: essentially libparted wants 2.2-5ubuntu5 and it has 2.2-5ubuntu5.104:31
almoxarifecliff_: you broke ubuntu?04:31
WanderingEnder!backtrack | cliff_04:31
ubottucliff_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition04:31
cliff_okie dokie04:32
WanderingEndercliff_: they'll be happy to help you in #backtrack-linux, or you can wipe your backtrack installation, use a supported derivative and we can help.04:32
somsipemmetea: have you tried forcing gparted?04:32
somsipemmetea: then fix packages. Could be bad advice that.04:32
emmeteasomsip: that was my original question: how could i force gparted or libparted0 to install?04:32
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware04:32
WanderingEnderNot quite what I wanted, but that mway do.04:33
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:33
emmeteasomsip: so no i havent tried forcing it, not really sure of the command04:33
somsipemmetea: --force-yes but man recommends this is a Bad Thing04:34
emmeteasomsip: outside of downloading the .deb and dpkg'ing it which i havent tried04:34
somsipemmetea: have you tried fixing broken with -f?04:34
emmeteasomsip: oh, yes then i have tried that and it did not work. and yes i tried with the -f also04:34
ovhanubuntu server 11.10: is there a DOS directory kinda command for this? like the old dir command04:35
somsipemmetea: rebuilt source lists? Again it may not be something you want to do04:35
somsipovhan: ls04:35
somsipovhan: called the bash prompt. There are many simple tutorials04:36
emmeteasomsip: yeah just tried rebuilding the source list. thinking about just burning a gparted disc and working it that way for now04:36
ovhankk somsip ill lookit up thanks04:37
somsipemmetea: with reports of others with the same problem I'd hope there is a simple fix out there, but short of googling I have no specific idea04:37
=== bromont31 is now known as bogranby
ovhancan ubuntu server 11.10 have multiple hdd's? just checking before i do it trial and error style =P lol04:39
skilzovhan, Yes04:40
emmeteaovhan: all unix oses should allow for multiple hds04:40
FlatlinedAnyone using " Ndiswrapper " if so what chip ?04:41
WanderingEnderAnyone familiar with open-vm-tools, and if it works "as well" as VMWare's own VMWare Client Tools for Linux?04:41
* pnorman_ has 8 HDDs in his server04:41
ovhanim making a server out of a old pc and some old parts04:42
ovhanugh is there any way to have the date command show am/pm time instead of the 1-24 hour army time thing04:42
Flatlined<-- runs on usb04:42
WanderingEnderovhan: It can support hardware RAID controllers, software RAID, SATA, IDE/PATA, and some other exotic HDD controllers. My 1U runs Server, and it has 5 UDDs.04:42
WanderingEnderHDDs, even.04:42
pnorman_If using it for files or media, do not try that unless it has SATA support. I found it was cheaper to buy a new motherboard than to buy IDE drives04:43
ovhanno i have them lieing around04:43
WanderingEnderpnorman_: Try 10k USCSI3 drives. :)04:43
ovhan10k uscsb drives?04:44
skilzIs there a sun-java web browser plugin?04:44
WanderingEnderUltra SCSI 3.04:44
somsipovhan: date - when/where/why do you want to do this?04:44
ovhanyes skilz i believe so04:44
ovhansomsip because im more comfortable reading the am pm time , =P04:44
somsipskilz: icedtea-web04:45
pnorman_WanderingEnder: SATA has been around for a long time, so I'd question using a motherboard that doesn't support it anyways.04:45
ovhanskilz one moment ill look for the link i jsut read04:45
somsipovhan: where is it displayed?04:45
ovhansomsip when i type date it displays it04:46
WanderingEnderpnorman_: Most of my rackmounts are Generation 2 to Generation 3 servers.04:46
ovhanoutput is thu dec 8 23:41:30 est 201104:46
ovhanlast time i did it04:46
nac-godfatherany news on a eye-candy solution for gnome-shell yet?04:46
ovhanskilz:  are you using the ubuntu server?04:46
somsipovhan: bash commands all take parameters. You need to change the output of date to do what you want. type "man date"04:46
ovhanoh dur , i didnt try manual04:47
somsipovhan: that will lead you onto alias. This would be where you set an alias of "date" to actually run "date -s "my date format string" so it works transparently04:48
ovhanahh i see04:48
somsip*not -s, but whatever it should be04:48
robin0800nac-godfather: there is now an extensions site04:48
ovhansry i know this isnt he place to ask but, im using a desktop pc with room for only 1 hdd , is it alright to just leave the other hanging around like , ontop?04:50
pnorman_ovhan: bad idea04:50
ovhanfigured so =\04:50
ovhanmaybe i can get a usb cdrom since the 1 in there is sucky anyways and then put a hdd where the cdrom is04:51
pnorman_You can do it and under ideal conditions it works04:52
ovhangod i hate these things for personal computers04:52
ovhanthey belong in the office/school and thats it04:52
nac-godfatherof course, that's what I'm doing right now.04:53
nac-godfatherwhat's the difference between a sata/ide hdd and a usb besides the interface?  nothing.04:54
pnorman_It's just if you touch the PCB, knock the drive, spill something on it, it'll screw it up, and you'll lose data04:54
nac-godfathertwo cords instead of one.  It's probably safer to drop your hdd than those cheaply made and insanely expensive external hdds04:55
ovhannac-godfather: i agree04:55
pnorman_nac-godfather: it's safer to drop the external one, since it's an internal + a case.04:55
ovhani hate those04:55
ovhanive dropped hdd's in the past and they worked04:56
ovhani got a 1tb external hdd from seagate04:56
ovhanthing sucks big  hairy ones04:56
ovhandropped it once and lost everything04:56
ovhanwasnt even that big a fall , onto carpet i might add04:56
ovhani read reviews and multiple people hav esimilar issues with it >.>04:57
nac-godfatherI'm actually surprised, I had a mint install (11 amd64) brick two of my internal hdd recently.  The installer quit during the write of the bootloader, so I couldn't repartition or anything (wasn't recognized by any disk utility software).  I was pissed.04:57
somsipovhan: I know it's quiet in here right now, but it is a support channel rather than a chat channel. Feel free to take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic04:57
zaltekknac-godfather: you can just recreate anything that was messed up04:57
zaltekkthere is no such thing as a "bricked" harddrive04:58
nac-godfatherso instead of a 350 sata ii drive, I'm now working with a 30GB ide.04:58
ovhansry som04:58
nac-godfatheryeah, i used to think so too, but these were.04:58
zaltekkyou're wrong04:58
nac-godfathernot even win98 cd could restore the mbr.04:58
skilzovhan, no, just fluxbox04:58
skilzovhan, whats the url?04:59
ovhanyou can try it i guess04:59
nac-godfatherIt was funny, one of my old bosses, didn't know about gparted and there was a mega pile of hdd's the department was tossing, because the manager didn't know what a bootloader was.  So I just rewrote the partition tables and reformatted and restored the bootloaders and got like 30 bucks a piece for each drive.  It was a nice weekend.05:00
skilzI installed 6 and updated alternatives and disabled icedtea plugin in firefox now it not even picking up java installed on the system...05:00
zaltekk"restored the bootloaders?" lol..05:00
nac-godfatherinstall regular java (google on amd64 if you have to).05:01
skilzWhen I say '6' I mean 'sun-java6-jre'.05:01
zaltekkskilz: did you log out and back in to get your paths updated?05:01
SlayersZhow big were the drivs?05:01
nac-godfatherit's not that hard to symlink the plugins to firefox05:01
zaltekkthat's why it isn't found.05:01
skilzzaltekk, perhaps I should try that05:01
skilznac-godfather, how do I do it?05:02
skilzone moment please05:02
nac-godfatherhold on05:02
zaltekkskilz: log out and back in05:02
zaltekkthen try again05:02
dreadyclooking for help diagnosing faulty hardware that keeps crashing my sytem05:02
nac-godfatherLet me see if I can find the tut I followed this last time.  COuldn't get java to work at all forever.05:02
nocturnal_if i am running x without a window manager can i resize a window?05:02
mouseI just installed a nvidia gtx 560 card I'm trying to install the proper driver.  The driver needs x to close before it can install but when I do /etc/init.d/gdm stop the screen stays black and I don't see any login prompts.  Can anyone help?05:02
zaltekknocturnal_: you do have a window manager. it's probably just twm05:02
somsipnocturnal_: you are in x with no WM? How did you maange that?05:03
ovhanhow do i shutdown my ubuntu 11.10 server, i tried shutdown -P and shutdown -p 105:03
somsipovhan: sudo shutdown -h now05:03
ovhanoj nvm05:03
nocturnal_zaltekk: then how can i resize?05:03
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
skilzStill doesnt work05:04
ovhansomesip i think i got it05:04
somsipnocturnal_: in TVM don't you click in the top left and get a dropdown that's resize, then the mouse turns into a crosshair?05:04
ovhani did shutdown 1 -P05:04
ovhanand it looks like its working ....05:04
zaltekksomsip: something like that05:04
skilzzaltekk, * 2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java is selected but when I load the page it doesnt think java is installed05:04
dreadycshutdown ubuntu 11.10> sudo reboot -p05:05
nocturnal_somsip: no i have no window borders, just a terminal where i can run commands and it will open in a window05:05
somsipnocturnal_: the terminal is full screen?05:05
ovhansomsip:  k the 1 -P params worked , ty tho05:05
ovhangood night all05:05
ovhanim done with this for now =)05:06
dreadyclooking for help diagnosing faulty hardware that keeps crashing my sytem05:06
pnorman_dreadyc: Is it repeatable?05:06
nocturnal_somsip: no its a tiny terminal in the top left corner05:06
nocturnal_and my cursor looks like an X05:06
somsipnocturnal_: then it's in a window, so you must have a wm05:06
nac-godfatherwell before, I fixed the issue by replacing all the symlinks to the java plugin with actual copies of the files.  Downloaded java package, installed in opt, then symlinked libjavaplugin_jni.so and the other libnpjp2.so to the proper plugins directory (identify with dpkg -L firefox).05:07
ovhandreadyc try #hardware ?05:07
nocturnal_somsip: well i cant move the terminal05:07
somsipnocturnal_: cat ~/.xinitrc05:07
djdduty_on ubuntu server, how do I run and configure my lampp server?05:07
ovhanthey can probably help more05:07
djdduty_<total nub05:07
nac-godfatherthis time, I installed aurora and corrected the plugin directory items.05:07
pnorman_dreadyc: try the files in /var/log. it's hard to say any more without information05:07
somsipdjdduty_: that is a very big question. what specifically?05:07
coolstarI have this plan for new software for ubuntu that will reduce the barriers from switching from win/mac to linux05:07
djdduty_like, the aopache web server05:08
coolstarwho wants to hear it?05:08
vicky__Hi guys., I want to change my login screen to slim in ubuntu 10.04.But after installing it hangs at plymouth? I reconfigured gdm ans set slim as default but the same exists.Any ideas?05:08
somsipdjdduty_: still a big question05:08
coolstarits not like wine, but more specific05:08
aeon-ltdcoolstar: go on05:08
djdduty_how do I run the server?05:08
coolstarit will be an open source implementation of adobe shockwave05:08
nac-godfatherso no emulation layer, no porting?05:08
aeon-ltdcoolstar: in one line05:08
somsipdjdduty_: sudo service apache2 start05:08
coolstarno emulation05:08
coolstarit will use opengl, gtk, gdk, and gstreamer05:09
djdduty_somsip then how do I get to the configuration options?05:09
nocturnal_somsip: it says no file05:09
nac-godfatherso what, your just going to recode the closed software in java or another friendly languaga?05:09
somsipdjdduty_: cd /etc/apache2 and they're in there05:09
coolstari'm coding it in C++05:09
coolstarwithout any code from adobe05:09
nac-godfatheranyone know how to setup password protected files with apache2?05:10
djdduty_I don't know the directories it installed in >_<05:10
djdduty_it has no gui...05:10
nac-godfatherI've been trying to edit htaccess, but that isn't working for me, for some reason...05:10
aeon-ltdcoolstar: in short how would this help?05:10
coolstaraeon-ltd: shockwave is not available for linux05:10
coolstaraeon-ltd: and many linux users want to be able to play shockwave games (a lot of 3d online games are shockwave)05:11
nac-godfatherwhat r u coding coolstar?  clone's of software?  or some type of emulation layer/whatever?05:11
zaltekkis this a troll or an idiot?05:11
coolstarclone. just like linux is a clone of unix05:11
somsipnocturnal_: what does right click do05:11
Lasivianwhat's a good .stl viewer or editor for ubuntu?05:12
Lasivianor hell, a bad one even, right now I got nothing :S thanks05:12
nocturnal_somsip: nothing05:12
ovhanwho ?05:12
nac-godfatherno, just don't understand what you mean by break the barrier between os x windows and liux05:12
zaltekkis it not obvious?05:12
aeon-ltdcoolstar: but really how about this adobe shockwave only developers just drop it, google already kinda does this - they are pushing for native code(in a conainer) for chrome05:12
ovhanoh u mean him ya i dunno05:12
ovhanover zealous geek possibly?05:12
coolstaraeon-ltd: if you look at miniclip.com (a gaming site I use a lot), there's a lot of shockwave games on there05:13
somsipdjdduty_: you may have to start with a basic tutorial on setting up LAMP http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-10.04-lucid05:13
aeon-ltdcoolstar: i don't see shockwave games as a turning point for OS switches05:13
zaltekkobv. doesn't know what he is talking about05:13
somsipnocturnal_: how did you install ubuntu and what version05:13
coolstaraeon-ltd: I hate booting into windows to play shockwave games, and wine can't install the latest version05:13
coolstaraeon-ltd: even then, people won't open a windows browser just to play a shockwave game.05:13
nac-godfatheryeah, you could have said, hey I'm working on a directx type solution to linux, and end the gaming monopoly ms has on that industry.05:14
aeon-ltdcoolstar: dude what could they not do with html5/javascript and flash that they can with shockwave?05:14
tMHppl, how can I convert "01.11.2011 6:12" data/time to unix time and back?05:14
coolstaraeon-ltd: hardware accellerated 3d graphics05:14
tMHusing 'date' utility05:14
nac-godfatheri don't think gamers who use windows still, actually care about flash games, or shockwave, they use windows, because they're real games that use real gpus'05:14
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fearlesspancakescoolstar: sounds cool, I say go for it.05:15
nocturnal_somsip: ubuntu server 10.1105:15
coolstarI'm already starting to code it. It will be called OpenSWave. if you can think of a better name, go ahead and tell me. I'll be glad to listen.05:15
ovhanzaltekk:  thbis reminds me of a post i read on a minecraft forum once , , where somone suggested they add a place where they can type something like "create tank" and it suddenly pops up ,05:15
nac-godfatherI'm all for it though, if I could run my games on linux and get the same fps, then I wouldn't touch another ms os again.05:15
fearlesspancakesnac-godfather: I hear ya05:16
coolstarDoes the GPL licence sound okay?05:16
coolstaror should I go for LGPL?05:16
rabbi1how to install a D-LINK Wireless NIC on ubuntu 8.10 ?05:16
somsipnocturnal_: either 10.10 or 11.10. Which one? And does it go to the screen you describe immediately on login or anything else first?05:16
aeon-ltdcoolstar: heh, a small niche but if you've got time go ahead; but i expect eventually this will be much more than a one man project - as soon as adobe changes you have to react05:16
fearlesspancakesrabbi1: the kernel should automatically detect and use it, as long as you plug it in the pci slot05:17
coolstaraeon-ltd: that's the whole point of open source. the whole community can help :)05:17
skilzHey I installed sun-java6-plugin and loggout out and in but I can't see it in the firefox plugins options nor can I use java05:17
mouseHow do I get to runlevel 3?05:17
ben__init 305:17
rabbi1fearlesspancakes: it's done, i set up the network config also under wireless tab, restarting now.... brb :)05:17
mouseAt boot I mean.05:17
nocturnal_somsip: i installed the bare minimum, it doesn't have gnome or kde or anything just a tty on startup05:18
somsipnocturnal_: so you get a full screen console at boot, you ahve to enter a user and pass. What happens then?05:18
nac-godfatherskilz, use dpkg -L firefox and see where your firefox version is installing those two symlinks I mentioned.05:18
aeon-ltdcoolstar: this is big though, the opensource flash version doesn't seem to be doing well, i'm not even sure gnash is around anymore05:18
nac-godfatherusually in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:18
rabbi1fearlesspancakes: it's not detecting :(05:18
ben__i would say just type in 3 when it asks the run level.05:19
fearlesspancakesrabbi1: when you type 'lspci' do you see it listed?05:19
nocturnal_somsip: then i login and i can type commands, so i type startx or xinit and i get a screen with a tiny terminal that i can start a browser in and click and stuff05:19
coolstaraeon-ltd: I think they abandoned it cuz flash is available for linux from adobe05:20
nac-godfatherbut some version have different sections.  Go to java website, download jre or jdk, find libjpnp2.so and libjavaplugin_jni.so and use "sudo ln -s /<source_directory/libjavaplugin.jni /<target_directory/libjavaplugin.jni" etc.  You get it?05:20
somsipnocturnal_: so you startx?05:20
nocturnal_somsip: yeah05:20
ben__does anyone know anything about imac27 sound cards working with ubuntu?05:20
rabbi1fearlesspancakes: nope, its not05:21
fearlesspancakesrabbi1: is it a pci card or usb stick or...?05:21
AD80HDwhich version ben?05:21
somsipnocturnal_: so what is your actual issue? You want to use a wm?05:21
AD80HDof ubuntu05:21
fearlesspancakesrabbi1: hrmm, what model card?05:22
rabbi1DWA 52505:22
nac-godfatherthe chipset is all that matters, see if you can find out what it is.05:22
nocturnal_somsip: no when i start a browser, the window is really small now and i cant see anything so i need it to open bigger05:22
coolstarI'll have only one thing to say about the open source shockwave port i'm making05:23
somsipnocturnal_: so install a wm...05:23
nocturnal_somsip: isn't there a command to just start it with a certain resolution?05:23
coolstarSince my hardware only supports 32 BIT, I can't test on 64 bit. however, if anyone wants to test, you can compile the source code05:23
nac-godfatherI'll test it, is it a firefox plugin, or some type of gui?05:24
ben__i've already tried that. force restarted alsa and everything. it still puts sound through the internal analog card.05:24
somsipnocturnal_: you want X to open a browser window at startup that has a set geometry?05:24
coolstarnac-godfather: It is a plugin for almost any browser that supports plugins (firefox, chrome, webkit-gtk, etc.)05:24
rabbi1fearlesspancakes: DWA 52505:24
nocturnal_not on startup, i want say chromium-browser to open at a certain size05:24
Random832i'm pretty sure that the browser plugin interface was standardized by netscape way back in the day05:25
aeon-ltdcoolstar: heh this'll be difficult with you not being able to review minute by minute changes; how close is this to being functional?05:25
nac-godfathercreate a simple bash script nocturnal_05:25
Random832and that all browsers do the same thing05:25
nocturnal_nac-godfather: i don't know the command to open it at that size05:25
nac-godfatherI'm sure you can pass dimensions with the terminal, no?05:25
ben__i'm in a unix class now and the teacher knew nothing about sound cards lol.05:25
coolstaraeon-ltd: I'm starting to code. It will be ready soon, but i can't give you any ETA's though05:25
somsipnocturnal_: http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/05:26
nocturnal_nac-godfather: that's what i thought but my browser window is too small to look05:26
coolstaraeon-ltd: It will depend on how many people join in, and how much people contribute.05:26
nocturnal_somsip: no browser, that's what i'm trying to resize so i can see05:26
somsipnocturnal_: so drop to cli and use links205:26
nac-godfatherno file browser or web?05:26
nocturnal_nac-godfather: neither05:27
aeon-ltdcoolstar: start a git or svn05:27
coolstaraeon-ltd: which do you think is better?05:27
coolstarI could use github, or google code (svn)05:28
somsipnocturnal_: the thing is, when you do that, the text sizxe will still re reltive to the X display. So maybe go full screen and use the zoom functions to make the screen bigger? If chromium does that. Or install a simple WM05:28
nac-godfatherpretty much the same, but i like svn - but I don't know which is newer05:28
aeon-ltdcoolstar: i've never personally used them, i would say use whatever is the easiest to set up to save time05:28
nac-godfatherthere's hg/mercurial too05:28
coolstaraeon-ltd: I think i'll use google code, since I like it better05:28
somsipnocturnal_: does F11 do anything?05:29
nac-godfatherYou probably wouldn't find as many open-source coders looking to contribute w/ google-code, but I could be wrong.  Just seems the norm to use svn or git in linux05:29
somsipnocturnal_: in chromium05:29
DjMadnessXase: no problem05:29
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=== Gskelling is now known as Gskellig
coolstarnac-godfather: google code is svn05:30
nocturnal_somsip: no05:30
nac-godfatherthey typically already have the tools needed to commit their changes n' stuff ya know05:30
nac-godfatherah my bad then05:30
SlayersZis open source really a good thing through05:30
mrpink57of course it is05:30
coolstarSlayersZ: for these type of projects, yes05:30
somsipnocturnal_: install a wm05:31
coolstarSlayersZ: it is too much work for one person to track adobe's changes per version05:31
ben__could anyone help with imac27 ubuntu 11.10 sound card configuration?05:31
godofmischiefwith 11.10 how can i add my user to vboxusers group?05:31
nocturnal_somsip: how can i install something extremely light and only used when i startx or xinit05:32
SlayersZsame here.  I alwyas have troubles with ubuntu05:32
SlayersZalways something wrong05:32
somsipnocturnal_: when at a very early testiong stage with X, I have used twm to get the basic functins05:33
mrpink57godofmischief: gpasswd -a USERNAME vboxusers05:33
SlayersZmy problem is that both my video card are on with ubuntu and thus destorys batterly life05:33
SlayersZat least wireless works xD05:33
ben__my problem is my sound card only plays analog. sounds like it's coming from a set of headphones at high volume.05:34
coolstarben__: same here05:34
ben__i'm in a unix class and i can't even figure it out.05:34
godofmischiefim running 11.10 host, xp guest, i need to add my host machine linux user to the vboxuser group to have access to the usb drives via my xp guest machine05:34
ben__and i have a box at the bottom right of my screen saying "amd unsupported hardware" and it points to the monitor lolol.05:35
mrpink57godofmischief: gpasswd -a USERNAME vboxusers did this not do it via cli?05:35
fearlesspancakesrabbi1: try this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1799715&highlight=DWA-525&page=105:35
coolstardoes anyone have any other names to suggest for an open source shockwave player? I'm thinking of OpenSWave. I'd be happy to hear of more names05:35
coolstarI'm gonna create the svn repo on google code, so I want to know what to name it05:36
coolstarSlayersZ: sounds good. I'll consider it05:37
rabbi1fearlesspancakes: thank you, checking out05:39
coolstarI found out google code has git, and svn. So we're good on those.05:39
godofmischiefmrpink57, indeed, thanks very much that worked05:39
djdduty_anyone direct me to a centos channel?05:41
tensorpuddinghave you tried #centos?05:41
tensorpuddingi don't know if that's actually there, but it'd be logical to check05:42
mrpink57thats the channel #centos05:42
nocturnal_somsip: i just used javascript to open a new window in the browser a certain size and that stuck05:42
somsipnocturnal_: clever idea that05:42
randeni am so confused about how the filesystem works for my mounted drives05:43
ben__what is your question?05:43
nocturnal_somsip: thanks for the help though. much appreciated05:43
somsipnocturnal_: np05:43
randenfor some reason i cant change owner:group of my mounted drives, even if im root05:44
randenwhy is that?05:44
mrpink57randen: can I assume you are using chown?05:46
randenyou can05:46
mazda01anyone know an easy way to show transfer speed of file transfer within gnome-terminal?05:46
Folkloreim getting error in ssh05:46
Folkloresays not in gzip format05:46
Folklorebut the file ends in .tar.gz05:46
Folklorethis for ubuntu05:46
Folklorewhen I try to use tar05:46
ben__alright. got my sound working.05:46
randenFolklore: just b/c a file has a .gz doesnt necesarily mean it is a gzip file05:47
Folkloreso how I extract it then05:47
randenmaybe its just tarballed only? try removing the .gz extension05:48
randenthen untar05:48
FolkloreI tried that didn't help05:50
Folkloredon't get how that would help anyway cause linux doesnt care about file extensions05:50
mrpink57randen: have you tried for chgrp?05:50
Folklorethats the link05:50
mrpink57randen: chgrp -Rv usergroup somedir05:51
randenFolklore: try file -f filename.tar.gz05:52
randenit should tell you if it is actually gzipped05:52
Folkloreoh lol05:53
Folkloreit's a file filled with error script05:53
Folklorehtml and php looks like05:53
Folkloreguess it doesn't exist05:53
Folklorethanks randen05:53
randenmrpink57, it appears to be changing the group05:54
vijvijHI how do I resolve this. GLIBC_2.11 not found05:54
randenso why cant i change owners?05:54
mrpink57randen: I'm not exactly sure but I would just chmod it05:55
randenmrpink57, so it says that it changed the group, but when i do ls -l it didnt05:56
randenstill the old group05:56
dr_willisranden:  what fs is this05:56
soreauvijvij: What is giving you that message?05:56
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randendr_willis, ntfs05:56
mrpink57that might be why05:56
randeni dual boot with windows 705:56
dr_willisranden:  you dont chown or chmod on ntfs or vfta05:56
vijvijsoreau : I built firefox in lucid. I am running it in hardy. ./firefox is giving me that saying libxul.so requires that05:57
randenso it is impossible to view these drives with other users?05:57
soreauvijvij: You probably should rebuild it in the new environment05:57
OlaRunevijvij: try apt-get install libc605:57
dr_willisyou use rhe proper mount options for ntfs3g05:57
randenubuntu just auto mounted them05:58
vijvijsoreau : that is the constraint I am working with. OlaRune : let me try that thatnks.05:58
soreauvijvij: but actually, why would you not just use the latest version of ubuntu or the packaged version of ff in hardy?05:58
ranjanhi all, how to setup password for grub 2 in ubuntu05:58
dr_willisranden:  its doable. byt you dont use chown or chmod05:58
mrpink57randen: you need to make sure ntfs-config installed then mount specifically a user and group05:58
vijvijsoreau : I am doing a little bit of firefox devlopment. I have changed a little bit of code05:58
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:58
randencool thanks05:58
mohammadtitiI just downloaded Ubuntu 11.10. When trying to install it, surprisingly I saw that it didn't detect my Windows 7 HP SP1.what should i do to not harming my windows and having ubuntu?05:59
vijvijOlaRune, soreau : libc6 is already the newest version05:59
soreauvijvij: That's even more of a reason to build the code you're working on, in your working environment05:59
OlaRunemkay, now we know that at least :P05:59
dr_willisranden:  the umask. or fmask or dmask options i think are needed06:00
dr_willisi see this ntfs question about once a month :-)06:00
vijvijsoreau : ok I will try that. Thanks.06:00
soreauvijvij: If you've built a package in lucid, the resulting binary is not likely to run on hardy even if you satisfy the dependencies06:00
maumwhat is the best dictionary on ubuntu?06:00
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:01
glitchdso im running 10.04 still and am thinking about going to 11.10, im wondering if my existing burg install will transfer or will i have to reinstall it? and the same question again for all my other programs that are currently installed.06:01
rumpelmaum, some use stardict, but they seem to have legal issues regarding their dictionaries...06:01
dr_willis!info burg06:01
mohammadtitiI just downloaded Ubuntu 11.10. When trying to install it, surprisingly I saw that it didn't detect my Windows 7 HP SP1.what should i do to not harming my windows and having ubuntu?06:01
ubottuPackage burg does not exist in oneiric06:01
vijvijsoreau : ok.. I guess u are right.. let me try building it in hardy and check.. thanks..06:01
glitchdubottu, so i would have to manually configure and install it then?06:02
ubottuglitchd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
maumrumpel: stardic is using japanise? chinese + english. I am from korea06:02
glitchdso im running 10.04 still and am thinking about going to 11.10, im wondering if my existing burg install will transfer or will i have to reinstall it? and the same question again for all my other programs that are currently installed.06:02
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:02
rumpelmaum, yes06:02
glitchdnope not a bot.06:02
dr_willisglitchd:  burg is unofficial so we dont really know06:03
dr_willisglitchd:  ubotu is a bot....06:03
glitchddr_willis, right i got that it was a bot after my initial respones to it..lol06:03
glitchddr_willis, so if i do the upgrade and not reinstall to get 11.10, will burg even still be working, or do u think it will crash grub?06:04
dr_willisstuff in the repos should get updatedon a upgrade to a new release06:04
soreauvijvij: Since there is a two year lapse between the two versions, you probably need to build the ff code from hardy as well. I'd be surprised if the lucid ff built in hardy with no problem06:04
mrpink57I do not think it will crash06:04
glitchdbecause i have seen tutorials about how to install burg in 11.1006:05
dr_willisglitchd: no idea. thw brug ppa will get disabled i imagine06:05
mohammadtitiI just downloaded Ubuntu 11.10. When trying to install it, surprisingly I saw that it didn't detect my Windows 7 HP SP1.what should i do to not harming my windows and having ubuntu?06:05
glitchdmrpink57, but will it still boot?06:05
glitchdmohammadtiti, i think u would have to put it in grub manually06:05
mrpink57glitchd: It should just fine since it just maps to the boot drive on your partition.06:05
SlayersZhow do you gys like unity?06:05
glitchdhate it.06:06
mrpink57things like syslinux, grub, grub2, and lilo all boot newer kernels just fine06:06
dr_willismohammadtiti:  ive seen windows systems with 4 primary partions confuse the installer06:06
BesogonHi I have no idea how to use "pastebinit" to paste into http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:06
mohammadtitiHow can I do that, glitchd?06:06
mohammadtitiok what should I do now?06:06
BesogonI get an error by the time cairo dock paste into pastebin well06:06
glitchdmohammadtiti, i dont know the exact specifics of how to do it but gimme a sec and im sure i can find some place telling how to do it.06:06
mohammadtitiI want both of them.06:06
dr_willismohammadtiti:  you cant even do an install correct?06:06
BesogonAny suggestion?06:07
dr_willis#1thing to do.. is always make backups....06:07
mohammadtitiI didn't try that. since i'm somehow new to Linux world, I didn't take the risk of losing my stuff.06:07
polardude1983I am having problem opening up ted.jar a java program that can find episodes of any TV Show. Help would be appreciated. I do have sun java 6 runtime installed06:08
dr_willismake a windows rescue dvd set also for your install06:08
mohammadtitiI Just don't know how to manually partiotioning it to make it run with windows, Properly.06:08
glitchdmohammadtiti, http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/06:08
glitchdmohammadtiti, it wont06:08
glitchdmohammadtiti, it has nothing to do with the partitioning06:08
Besogonpolardude1983: Official java?06:08
polardude1983besogon, I believe so06:09
dr_willismohammadtiti:  pastebin your sudo fdisk -l     output06:09
mohammadtitiok. so the so-called grub doesn't detect the windows bootloader?06:09
glitchdpolardude1983, whats the error?06:09
polardude1983glitchd, it doesn't open at all. i tried also opening it in the terminal and i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/764617/06:09
glitchdmohammadtiti, ok, but you are in ubuntu right now?06:09
Besogonpolardude1983: Ubuntu repository don't provide official Java. You shoud add separate ppa to install it06:10
mohammadtitiyes I'm in it, but with the live cd06:10
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:10
randendr_willis, so the NTFS config tool did the trick, but now al my drives are root:root06:10
glitchdpolardude1983, so your trying to run this program "ted" from inside the live cd?06:10
vicky__slim ???06:10
mohammadtitiyes glitchd, i'm in ubuntu but by booting the live cd06:11
glitchdmohammadtiti, is there a reason u havent installed it?06:11
dr_willisranden:  dit fstab and make a ntfs3g entries with the options you need.06:11
polardude1983I tried to open the ted.exe in wine, and it says requires Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0. NO i am running ted.jar from an actual installation06:11
glitchdpolardude1983, ok now im confused..06:11
glitchdpolardude1983, your on a live cd trying to run a program thats installed on the actual hd?06:12
mohammadtitiyes glitchd. I afraid that after installing ubuntu, my windows doesn't boot06:12
polardude1983glitchd, no. I never said i was on a live cd :)06:12
mrpink57mohammadtiti: I would suggest doing a windows backup before anything.06:12
Besogonpolardude1983: Ah... winetricks? may be06:12
glitchdpolardude1983, lol sry man too many conversations06:12
dr_willismohammadtiti:  make a restore dvd set for your hp. :-)06:12
polardude1983glitchd, lol its ok :)06:12
dr_willisjust in case06:12
rumpelpolardude1983, have you installed the windows-jre for wine?06:13
glitchdpolardude1983, i would right click the file and check to make sure that its executable06:13
polardude1983I am trying to get the ted.jar to open, but it won't. So i thought i would try the windows version. but the windows version gave me the jre 1.5.0 needed. But i really want to try to get the ted.jar to open06:13
randendr_willis, for some reason i have double the amount of entries, almost like symlinks to the drives (e.g. drive names & mount names)06:13
dr_willishere should be a natve ted app for linux.06:13
polardude1983glitchd, it is executable :) i checked06:13
glitchdpolardude1983, hmm....whats the exact error it gives u?06:14
polardude1983dr_willis, There are more then one TED apps in linux. This one finds TV shows06:14
dr_willisranden:  extra fstab entries perhaps06:14
polardude1983glitchd, http://paste.ubuntu.com/764617/06:14
randendr_willis, its ok to remove them?06:14
glitchdmohammadtiti, would u be interested in getting teamviewer?06:14
dr_willisranden:  chech fstab and see what it has.06:14
randenthats where im looking06:15
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:15
glitchdpolardude1983, i would suggest redownloading the program in  linux and trying it again. possibly one thats made for linux?06:16
glitchdmohammadtiti, pm me06:16
randenthose are the same drive06:16
polardude1983glitchd, unfortunately the linux version is the ted.jar from www.ted.nu06:16
polardude1983boo jaava06:16
dr_williscomment out  one if you want.  #  the front.06:16
glitchdpolardude1983,  so its the same version then, or older?06:16
glitchdmohammadtiti, do u know if u have grub or grub2?06:17
ztag100hey, I'm helping my cousin setup WUBI... all his files are gna be safe right?06:17
polardude1983glitchd, when i download the linux version from ted.nu it is a zip file that contains ted.jar and other files06:17
glitchdpolardude1983, ok so extract it and try to run the .jar file and see if it works06:18
polardude1983glitchd, nope does not work06:19
glitchdpolardude1983, pm me06:19
dr_willischeck the ted docs on  how it should be  ran?06:20
dr_willisit may have some script to launch it or extra options needed06:20
dr_willisjava -jar foo.jar       also may work06:20
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polardude1983dr_willis, yeah i did that which is what came up with what i have in the terminal which is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/764617/06:22
mohammadtitino dlitchd06:23
mohammadtitino glitchd06:23
mohammadtitiAll i know is that I have ubuntu 11.10 right beside me06:23
glitchdwhat do u mean right beside u?06:23
dr_willisthere are some forum  posts i see  on ted not working in 11.1006:24
gagzillaquestion: in USB startup (live) disk creator- does the reserved space get used by packages updated?06:24
polardude1983dr_willis, i still have 10.04 LTS :)06:25
gagzillaor phrased another way- question: what happens to the unreserved space in Live USB disk?06:25
dr_willisgagzilla:  yes. but ive found that doing a live cd + persistant save with a lot of updates can get unstable after a while06:25
dr_willispolardude1983:  check the other guides i saw then on setting ted up i guess.. there were a dozen on doing it in 10.0406:26
mohammadtitiguys can this link and its contents help me with this issue?06:26
dr_willismohammadtiti:  the installer is not seeing your hd?06:26
gagzilladr_willis, thanks!06:26
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* gagzilla wishes there was a good way to get the latest Ubuntu in live form (without requiring update/upgrade)06:27
dr_willisgagzilla:  i set up grub2 to boot the iso file.. to update it.. i replece the iso..06:28
gagzilladr_willis, so you just update the packages in the mounted iso?06:28
mohammadtitidr_willis, the installed is seeing my hd, but not my windows partition. it doesn't detect that i have windows 7 HP SP1 preinstalled06:28
dr_willisthe live cd+save file is good for light ussage. or i do a full install to flash drive06:29
gagzillainteresting. Perhaps I should give that a try.06:29
dr_willismohammadtiti:   clarify what 'not seeing it' means...06:29
dr_willismohammadtiti:  cant access the data? grub not adding an entry for it?06:29
pnorman_Do you think it's possible for a software problem (including kernel and driver problems) to crash the system to the extent that the power and reset switches on the front of the computer fail to do anything?06:30
Mr_Queuepnorman_: doubtful.06:30
Mr_Queuepnorman_: probably a bad mb or your bios are shot.06:30
Mr_Queueblow up the power supply?06:31
dr_willispnorman_:  very doubtfull.. mouse chewed the wires more likely..06:31
OlaRuneif i have a lvm partition spanning three HDD:s, will the whole thing get corrupted if one disc fails?06:31
pnorman_Mr_Queue: It's either the SATA card, the SATA card bios, or the drivers. I'd like to rule out the drivers so I can focus on the hardware issues.06:31
Mr_QueueOlaRune: Yes, you need raid.06:31
mohammadtitidr_willis my problem is:when trying to install ubuntu, it does detect my hd. But it doesn't detect my windows. in the installation procedure there come a window saying installing alongside windows or repartitioning the whole disk06:31
Mr_Queuepnorman_: start ripping stuff out.06:31
OlaRuneokay, i was just wondering06:31
OlaRunei'm still going to use lvm though, since it's not that important data i will be keeping there06:32
OlaRuneand the discs vary greatly in size06:32
mohammadtitithat window doesn't come for me, instead it says: Delete the whole disk or manually partition it06:32
dr_willismohammadtiti:   if you have 4 primary partitions on the hd to begin with .. the installer will stop. it must be able to make more partitions... so... pastebin the output of  'sudo fdisk -l' for us to look at . to verify if this is the issue06:33
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mohammadtitidr_willis, i just booted the live dvd, I can access my windows data and its contents. But as I told u before i didn't dare installing it06:33
mohammadtitidr_willis you mean I have to type that phrase in the terminal06:34
* dr_willis waits for the pastebin output..06:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:34
mohammadtitiwhat should I do? what is "pastebin"?06:34
dr_willissudo apt-get install pastebin06:34
Mr_Queue!pastbin | mohammadtiti06:35
dr_willissudo apt-get install pastebinit   (typo)06:35
Mr_Queue!pastebin | mohammadtiti06:35
ubottumohammadtiti: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:35
dr_willissudo fdisk -l | pastebinit06:35
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pnorman_Mr_Queue: I could easily fix it by removing the SATA card - the problem only occurs with in, and only when doing io to the drives connected to it. I'm just hoping to avoid debugging driver issues if it has to be a hardware issue06:35
Mr_Queuecould be, sounds ful.06:36
pnorman_Mr_Queue: the crash leaves nothing in /var/log either, and it can take awhile at heavy IO to crash06:37
dr_willisits so nice these days how many new machines come with 4 primary partitions....06:37
krokzakhi folks06:37
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mohammadtitiI'm on it06:39
mohammadtitii just can't find the terminal window to open06:39
mohammadtitiI'm new in linux world06:39
ztag100Is WUBI a smart way to introduce my couson to Ubuntu?06:39
dr_willisztag100:  most in here hate wubi06:40
jonathon_I can't play MP3's D:06:40
yuvatejahow to connect LBP2900B printer in ubuntu 10.04?06:40
jonathon_VLC can, But clementine can't06:40
ztag100This is the first time he is using any linuc06:40
dr_willisztag100:  vbox or a full install to a flash drive is what id do.06:41
ztag100I thought it was a good way to introduce him06:41
dr_williswubi is fragile.06:41
ztag100he is about to reboot for the first time06:41
ztag100If it doesnt run well... then I'll have him try out a live CD06:41
ztag100or USB06:41
dr_williswhich is a nice way to say its unstable :-)06:41
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dr_willisi do a full install to my 32gb flash drive06:42
glitchdmohammadtiti, press alt+F2 then type in terminal and it will bring it up for u to click06:42
ztag100well.. Its to late nowe06:42
jonathon_Anyone? D:06:42
sdeobaldApologies if this isn't the place to ask, but is there a straight-forward way to display battery percentage rather than time-remaining in oneiric?06:43
krokzakjonathon_ are you tried with totem ?06:43
jonathon_Idk what totem is06:43
jonathon_Ahh, Nope, Haven't tried it, Trying to use Clementine06:44
dr_willissdeobald: ive seen alternative battery indicator applets as askubuntu.com06:45
krokzakthe default player for movies and such, the point is he can download the codecs06:45
krokzakdo it first with totem and then try wit Clementine06:46
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jonathon_k, Totem is DLing, So one moment06:46
sdeobalddr_willis: Cheers, thanks.06:46
jonathon_Totem will load the MP3, But no sound06:49
krokzakdont you get a message for download the codecs ?06:50
jonathon_** (totem:31972): WARNING **: Could not create element 'gconfaudiosink'06:50
jonathon_** (totem:31972): WARNING **: Could not create element 'gconfvideosink'06:50
jonathon_Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory06:50
jonathon_Cannot connect to server socket06:50
jonathon_jack server is not running or cannot be started06:50
FloodBot1jonathon_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
jonathon_No, No message came up06:50
krokzaknever seen that kind of error06:51
jonathon_Figures :P06:51
krokzakopen synaptics and make a search with mp3 codecs06:51
jonathon_Gstreamer error: "Failed to connect: Connection refused"06:51
jonathon_Also get that error06:51
jonathon_Synaptic didn't turn up anything useful06:52
Sidewinder1jonathon_, Did you download it through the repositories? Are you sure you downloaded the correct version for the version of ubuntu, that you are using?06:53
krokzakare you sure ? did you install the gstream ugly and bad ?06:53
jonathon_sidewinder1, Yea, through the repositories, and it is the correct version. krokzak, Yes I do have gstreamer installed06:54
krokzakall of them ?06:54
jonathon_I have the ugly, not the bad one though, installing it now06:55
krokzakare you google it about the clementine player ?06:55
Sidewinder1jonathon_, 'Twas just a thought; I've never seen error messages like that before. :-(06:55
jonathon_It has an IRC Channel, So I might go ask around there in a moment06:57
LaibschI'm currently in an area with very poor connections to the outside world.  One of the two phone providers just went down.  The funny situation with the other one is that I can make a GPRS connection with both of my mobile phones but not with one of the Huawei 3G dongles. Explanations?06:58
SlayersZs coool06:58
mohammadtitidr_willis u there?07:00
Sidewinder1!sound | jonathon_07:00
ubottujonathon_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:00
mohammadtitiI finally managed to do that07:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:01
dr_willisim in and out all day. m at my real job. :-)07:01
dr_willisgotta love android phones with irc clients07:02
mohammadtitidr_willis i did what u told me07:02
mohammadtitifor the pastebinit thing07:02
dr_willisand the pastebin url is ?07:03
Laibschmohammadtiti: what is that?07:03
* Laibsch is pastebinit maintainer07:03
mohammadtitithe only url i found is this:07:03
yuvatejai add printer to my lap. but paper was not printing from printer07:03
yuvatejawhat can i do for printing paper?07:04
dr_willissudo fdisk -l |pastebinit                should spit out a url we want to see..07:05
mohammadtitihttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric/universe pastebinit all07:06
mohammadtitihttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/oneiric/universe pastebinit all07:06
Sidewinder1yuvateja,  Have you checked here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters07:06
mohammadtitiwhere can i find that url?07:06
dr_willismohammadtiti:  ive no idea what you were doing with that.. all you needed to do from the live cd was run 2 commands..and pastw the url it gives  here07:07
mohammadtitiit doesn't give me any url07:08
dr_willissudo apt-get install pastebinit             for command 1. to install the pastebinit command.07:08
mohammadtitii did what u told me07:08
dr_willissudo fdisk -l |pastebinit07:08
mohammadtitii did that07:08
dr_willisfor the 2nd com mand.07:08
dr_willisor just copy/paste the fdisk  -l output by hand to the pastebin web site07:09
Laibschdr_willis: I believe pastebinit is in universe, that's not enabled by default on the CD, right?  Maybe that's the issue mohammadtiti is having.07:09
dr_willisLaibsch:  ive seen others install it this way. no idea whats onwhat cd's these days07:10
mohammadtitidear dr_willis u didn't tell me about the 2nd command07:10
dr_willismohammadtiti:  i did..... ;) several times07:10
mohammadtitianyway the url is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/76464507:11
mohammadtitiso i'm sorry i didn't see that 2nd command07:11
LaibschOK, I'm out. See you later.07:11
yuvatejasidewinder: yes canon lbp2900b not in the list07:12
dr_willismohammadtiti:  what brand compter is this that came with such a default layout ?07:12
dr_willisthats a hidious disk layout ;)07:12
mohammadtitithat's asus07:13
dr_willisthis is a laptop or desktop?07:13
ztag100so far no trouble07:14
mohammadtitiaccording to my preferences i partition it that way. one more thing is that it has windows 7 preinstalled, a partition for the backup which is hidden and a partition which it says ERP07:14
mohammadtitia laptop07:14
dr_willisyou partioned it that way?07:14
mohammadtitisome of them. I told u. it has some partitions on it. a 100GB, a 350 GB, a 15GB (hidden, primary, backup drive for the windows)07:16
Sidewinder1yuvateja, LBP2900 is listed but not LBP2900b; hmm.. Well you might try here, it's for the LBP2900, but probably couldn't hurt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CanonCaptDrv19007:17
dr_willispartition 3 contains the logicals sda5,6,7,8   - no idea why you need so many. but you could rezise/remove unneeded ones to make some unallocated space for linux to install to.07:17
dr_willisi would backup anything imporntant. and be sure to have a dvd restore set made.. just in case07:18
mohammadtitiur looking for an unpartitioned space? I've already have one....it's about 30GBs07:18
dr_willisi see no unallocated space there.. but the numbers are all out or order.07:19
mohammadtitilet me check it out07:19
polardude1983now it opens with double click07:19
ztag100is skype in the default repositorys?07:20
ztag100so my friend can type in07:20
ztag100sudo apt-get install skype ?07:20
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga07:20
dr_willismay be some between sda5 and sda6 ;)07:20
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prince_jammysztag100: that ^07:21
dr_willisi never use such a complex disk layout07:21
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dr_willisif theres some unallocated space gparted should be ablr to make a ext4 partition there.07:22
ztag100I installed it using the USC, but his wont open right07:23
ztag100it stays at a white screen07:23
dr_willisrun it from terminal, look for error messages ztag10007:23
bolo56guys.. i want to compile gnome 2.32. do you know where i can start ?07:26
inashdeenhi, how do i use lowratevoip on ekiga??07:26
ztag100I thik he wants to sleep07:27
ztag100I'm giving him support through facebook chat until he gets to skype07:27
ztag100we're gna continue tomorrow07:28
ztag100I have school tomorrow07:28
ztag100and I have to do a presentation07:28
mohammadtitidr_willis u there?07:28
FloodBot1ztag100: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
ztag100Lol, no more flooding07:29
ztag100night night everybody07:29
rijndaeli cant get my old Nvidia TNT2 card to work07:34
rijndaeldamn it!07:35
shareis there any player capable of using both cores of a core2duo processor?07:35
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pnorman_share: what kind of player?07:35
sharelike VLC player07:35
mohammadtiti_dr_willis u still there?07:35
pnorman_music, videos, or both?07:35
sharepnorman_: videos07:36
mrpink57share: mplayer07:36
sharepnorman_: Im playing a full HD video that kinda freezes in a scene where is a lot of detail. only 1 core uses 100% the other core only uses 20%07:37
shareisnt strange?07:37
sharecpu and gpu are set to Performance07:37
eigarHi. Im running Ubuntu 11.10 and having some problems when i start X. The machine goes in deadlock. Have tried with all the desktops. (Ubuntu, Ubuntu 2D, Gnome, Gnome Classic and Gnome classic (no effects))07:37
eigartty works fine07:38
eigar(here I am now)07:38
eigarHow / where do i log so that I can track the problem?07:38
eigarCan i enable some verbose loging for ie Gnome Classic (no effects)?07:39
pnorman_share: most recent computers do decoding in hardware (i.e. on the video card). decoding on the CPU, as you've seen, can be fairly intensive07:39
eigarThats the profile I usually use.07:39
sharepnorman_: but I dont think the problem is the graphic cards07:40
sharepnorman_: when 1 core reaches 100 the video freezes07:40
eigarThe machine goes into deadlock after about 2 seconds. Desktop does not get to get fully loaded07:41
andrew_46share: Do you have an nvidia card?07:42
andrew_46share: vdpau output shuld offload the load onto the graphics card07:42
peglerhi all.  I just installed 11.10 on my macbook pro, but can't get an external monitor working fully.  I can get my cursor on the second screen, but the cursor is a X.  not quite sure how to search for a solution07:43
shareandrew_46: what do you mean?07:43
pnorman_share: if it's using 100% CPU then it's not using the video card to decode. My desktop uses about 5-8% CPU to play a 1080p movie, it's all on the GPU07:43
staff_nowahello, how normally test file system errors in ubuntu. Than i try fsck -F /dev/sda6 i get this WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***07:43
pnorman_staff_nowa: test or repair?07:44
sharepnorman_: damn :|07:44
staff_nowatest, if have error try repair :)07:44
staff_nowabut if mounted get this errors07:44
andrew_46share: share A while back NVidia released some code which allows software o offload video processing load onto certain NVidia cards07:44
sharepnorman_: i set both cores to the minimum and now video is always freezing07:44
pnorman_for repair, it has to be unmounted. i believe there's a way to tell fsck to do it on the next startup07:45
sharenot always07:45
andrew_46share: Under MPlayer, SMPlayer r UMPlayer this is set by utilising a -vo of vdpau07:45
share"o offload video processing load onto certain NVidia cards" english please :P07:45
sharewhat is offload?07:45
Sidewinder1staff_nowa, Never run fsck on a mounted file system; instead, boot to livecd and run fsck on your HDD from there.07:45
pnorman_share: have the video card do it instead of the cpu.07:45
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234|away
sharepnorman_: shouldnt vlc player do it?07:46
andrew_46share: It makes your nvidia card work instead of your core2duo processors :)07:47
pnorman_share: either the CPU or the GPU has to do the work. The GPU is just far faster at it.07:47
staff_nowa<Sidewinder1> an recovery console can do fsck check, in virtual pc i have ubuntu, and that run fsck in mounted hdd linux down to not working. And now i don't whant will be with normally system :)07:47
shareI always thought the GPU was doing the work -.-07:47
pnorman_not if your CPU is at 100%.07:47
sharepnorman_: it only reaches 100% in scenes with very high bitrate07:48
r3v0Is there a kubuntu room07:48
shareandrew_46: mplayer -vo file?07:48
pnorman_share: turning compressed video into pixels takes a lot of calculations. video cards do these calculations faster than CPUs07:49
shareandrew_46: I found this nano ~/.mplayer/config then add vo=vdpau07:50
eigarWhere is the config for user auto load on Ubuntu 11.10? (Config of what get automatically run on login - desktop environment)07:50
andrew_46share: To check your available vo try: mplayer -vo help07:51
eigarno gui-app. Im on tty only.07:51
shareandrew_46: it listed many stuff07:51
andrew_46share: or better: mplayer -vo help | grep -i vdpau07:51
sharevdpauVDPAU with X1107:51
sharewhats this07:51
sharedoes it mean it supports?07:52
kimpHave just installed Ubuntu 10.04.3.  Firefox is Version 3.6.  How do I upgrade it?  (Since it's provided by the package manager...?)07:52
sharekimp: you have to use a PPA07:53
shareif you want firefox 8.007:53
kimpshare: how do I do that?  apt-get install firefox07:53
bolo56is firefox 8 stable ?07:53
bolo56i heared to many problems with it07:53
shareif it wasnt stable it wouldnt be released :P07:54
sharebolo56: it uses less memory etc07:54
sharenew features07:54
sharekimp: wait a sec07:54
andrew_46share: Not sure as my own computer has no nvidia card :). What happens with: mplayer -vo vdpau <file> ?07:55
sharekimp: if you want firefox 8 type this in terminal:  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable07:56
=== josh__ is now known as JoshOvki
sharethen: sudo apt-get update07:56
shareand then: sudo apt-get upgrade07:56
shareandrew_46: let me try07:56
kimpshare: do I need to do anything to remove V3.6 first?07:57
shareandrew_46: I think it's doing the same07:58
shareand still freezes when bitrate is high07:58
share"Your system is too SLOW to play this!"07:59
andrew_46share: computer or mplayer?07:59
andrew_46share: oic07:59
shareandrew_46: it's still using the CPU a lot07:59
shareso it's not using GPU?07:59
andrew_46share: Can you pastebin the mplayer output?08:00
quixotedonall: do you have any issue of not able to send email using Thunderbird on gmail client?08:01
=== Gskellig is now known as CharlieSheen
kimpthanks share, seems to be proceeding nicely.  If I want Thunderbird, is is a similar process?08:03
=== CharlieSheen is now known as Gskellig
shareandrew_46: http://pastebin.com/kmzVRH7008:03
bolo56anyone in here compiled gnome ?08:03
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
mrpink57bolo56: I have not compiled gnome but I have compiled a few windows managers08:09
andrew_46share: One last try: mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau VIDEO.mkv08:11
sharebtw VLC has an option to use GPU08:11
sharebut it's using cpu too much08:11
shareandrew_46: -vc doesnt exist08:12
andrew_46share: ffh264vdpau does not exist?08:13
shareandrew_46: how can I fast forward the video08:14
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
andrew_46share: right arrow key will jump08:15
sharemaybe the GPU is weak?08:15
sharebut why would the player use 100% of cpu core08:15
andrew_46share: I am not sure what to suggest, there is a nice guide on he forums for building a newer version08:16
shareandrew_46: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_PureVideo#Table_of_PureVideo_.28HD.29_GPUs mine is GTS 25008:16
shareit's not listed there08:17
share(thats for VLC)08:17
andrew_46share: perhaps you are in trouble then :(08:17
shareandrew_46: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_gts_250_us.html08:18
pnorman_I believe the GTS 250 supports H.264 decoding but the software side may not be there on linux.08:19
andrew_46share: ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/270.18/README/supportedchips.html08:22
shareit's listed08:22
andrew_46share: but check out the A and B sections08:23
shareandrew_46: so, do I have to use the drivers from the website?08:23
andrew_46share: NVidia drivers are not my area I am afraid but someone here will know08:24
pnorman_andrew_46: A looks like it'd support H.264 which is the most common format for HD videos08:24
maumhow can I install moonlight on firefox 8.008:24
somsipmaum: what version of ubuntu?08:25
andrew_46pnorman_: share's video is in fact h.264: http://pastebin.com/kmzVRH70 and the vdpau driver loads without error08:25
maumsomsip, I couldn't install moonlight it's not compatible with firefox 8.008:26
somsipmaum: maybe you need to install Chromium and use that plugin. It still appears to be available08:27
sharemaum: #firefox08:27
somsipmaum: or build from source. Could be fun... http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight08:28
sharemy Ubuntu is using nvidia driver version 260.19.0608:28
sharewebsite provides 290.10 Certified08:29
antony_Hello All, I have installed ubunutu 11.10 in my latop. Also installed lot of sotwares. Is there a way to take a image of that? like live cd ?08:29
somsip!backup | antony_08:29
ubottuantony_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:29
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe08:29
antony_thanks .. i will try out08:30
maumsomsip, ok I see08:30
andrew_46share: sorry I can't help with driver, no experience at all there :(08:31
shareah andrew_46 -vc <missing>08:32
shareandrew_46: it's slow08:33
andrew_46share: I presume you have this: sudo apt-get install libvdpau1 ?08:34
andrew_46share: last idea: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154224008:35
* andrew_46 touts his own guide....08:36
shareandrew_46: Another common problem is the "adaptive clocking" PowerMizer capability of some NVidia cards: if this is active, frames will occasionally be dropped as the clock rate is adjusted. To switch to performance mode temporarily, use the nvidia-settings application in interactive mode to set "Preferred Mode" to "Prefer Maximum Performance" under each GPU's "PowerMizer" page.08:43
hanasakianyone have a good defintion for this?  not much other than the name listed in searches /  Trojan.Agent-7106808:43
Mr_Queuehanasaki: huh? where did you get that?08:44
hanasakiin an email :(08:44
hanasakifound it08:44
Mr_QueueForward it along... Nothing for you to be worry about.08:44
ghostlinesis there a way for one to see for which packages a system restart is required?08:45
hanasakiMr_Queue:  a bit more info please08:46
Mr_Queuehanasaki: On what?08:47
Mr_QueueIt's a trojan getting passed through email..08:47
hanasakiMr_Queue: Forward it along... Nothing for you to be worry about.08:47
Mr_QueueYeah it's not a problem for your machine..08:47
hanasakiMr_Queue:  right... just looking for a good definition of what it does.   web search didn't turn up anything08:49
Mr_Queuehanasaki: no idea... Really who cares? just dump it or forward it.08:56
shareandrew_46: Too many video packets in the buffer: (233 in 33605256 bytes)08:56
hanasakiMr_Queue:  lol want me to forward it to you?08:56
andrew_46share: Is this video available online somewhere?08:56
Mr_QueueSure, won't hurt anything here...08:56
hanasakibecause you are on linux?08:57
Mr_QueueClamav really only needs to be run on mail servers which server windows clients.08:57
nvidiahello all. what`s the cmd to see on what date i`ve installed my linux ?08:57
hanasakiI run it with postfix,exim and clamfs08:57
Mr_Queuenvidia: A few...08:57
Mr_QueueLook for old files..08:57
shareandrew_46: yes but not for free08:58
nvidiaMr_Queue what fliles?08:58
shareif I could cut a sample from it08:58
Mr_Queuenvidia: stat /etc/resolve.conf08:59
stinkfist__there is an error while emptying the trash09:01
stinkfist__can anyone help me09:01
andrew_46share: dd if=yourfile of=smallfile bs=1024k count=5 might work09:01
Mr_Queuestinkfist__: do it by hand.09:01
stinkfist__what do u mean Mr_queue09:01
Mr_Queuestinkfist__: What's the error?09:01
shareandrew_46: wait09:01
stinkfist__there was an error deleting "name of file" Failed to delete the item from the trash09:02
stinkfist__this is when i right click and press Delete permanently09:02
stinkfist__AND when i press empty trash09:02
Mr_QueueWell you can force it from the command line..09:03
stinkfist__will it damage anything?09:03
Mr_Queuestinkfist__: removing trash from the command line?09:03
stinkfist__can i have the command?09:03
Datzhi, is there a package that will tell you the strength of a password?09:03
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Mr_Queuestinkfist__: find $HOME -type d -iname trash09:04
Mr_QueueThen go look at the results.09:04
prashant_123456when i start my computer and then my adsl router after my pc boots then i have no connection to internet i m using dhcp on my adsl router any solution ??09:04
mutley89Hi, all, probably should file a bug report for this, but Im not sure what the problem is or where to find out: On every second login starting firefox will cause X to crash and dumps me back at the login screen.  This happens with any window manager(I have kubuntu installed alongside the standard ubuntu install, as well as a few standalone window managers), I've only noticed it since yesterday when installing xmonad, ho09:04
mutley89wever it could have been happening before that, as I rarely log out.  It only hapens if I have kdm set as the login manager, if I use dpkg-reconfigure to switch to lightdm the problem stops.  I've looked in the /var/log/Xorg.log from the same time as when I triggered the crash, but there doesn't seem to be anything relevant.  Is there anything else that will help to find the problem?09:04
Mr_Queueprashant_123456: Assign the machine an IP and use it.09:05
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, i must use dhcp09:05
stinkfist__nope it didnt do anything Mr_queue09:05
Mr_Queueprashant_123456: no you must not.09:05
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, then whats the procedure09:06
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, my router configured on dhcp mode and internet continue on it09:06
Mr_QueueI get that.09:07
stinkfist__omg Mr_queue it worked09:07
stinkfist__thanks a lot09:07
Mr_Queueread the documentation for it and assign an IP to a mac address.09:07
Mr_Queuestinkfist__: No problem.09:07
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, actually my ip gets dns from the router09:07
Mr_Queueprashant_123456: They all do.09:08
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, where i get documentation09:08
Mr_Queueprashant_123456: I have no clue.09:08
prashant_123456Mr_Queue, thanks09:08
Mr_Queueprashant_123456: No problem...09:09
gappiehi. I am runnnig a shell script on system startup using cron jobs, but the script stops running after 20 seconds. Why is it stopping?09:09
Mr_Queuegappie: Is it your server?09:11
Mr_Queuepastebin the output of 'ulimit -a'09:12
Mr_Queue!pastebin | gappie09:12
ubottugappie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:12
gappieMr_Queue yes it is my server09:14
gappieMr_Queue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/764713/09:15
gappiethe shell scriptis designed to do continues bluetooth scanning and log to csv file09:15
RaTTuS|BIGgappie what does your script look like09:15
aaa_i have a shortcut  with the command "/home/username/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Wow.exe" (without the quotes). when i click it, i get Failed to execute child process "/home/username/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program" (No such file or directory). what can i do to fix it?09:16
RaTTuS|BIGaaa_ escapte the spaces09:17
icejoywoospace in the command, you can put a \ before space09:17
aaa_thank you09:17
enavis there a way to issue a command and provide the sudo password inline?09:17
RaTTuS|BIGenav no09:17
enavi see09:17
RaTTuS|BIG[well yes but no really]09:17
enavi want to put a command at the startup manager to copy the mysql folder to my home folder on every restart09:18
enavdatadir folder09:18
gappieMr_Queue : any ideas?09:18
Mr_Queuegappie: That's clean..09:19
RaTTuS|BIGenav - use sudo and edit /etc/rc.local09:19
mrpink57enav: you would put the command in your /etc/rc.local to do it09:19
Mr_QueueWhat script is running and how have you called it to run on startup09:19
enavi see09:19
gappieMr_Queue : in "crontab -e" i have this line "@reboot /home/itsblue1/Desktop/blue.sh&"09:20
Mr_Queuegappie: Humm...09:20
gappiewith the & it runs a bit longer09:20
Mr_Queuecan you run it clean without cron?09:21
gappieup from 20 sec to almost 40 sec09:21
gappieMr_Queue : yes works fine09:21
Mr_QueueSo sounds like it's failing because something isn't up and running yet..09:21
RaTTuS|BIGgappie it's probably somehting dodgy in the script - env variables or something09:21
gappiewhen i check the logs in the .csv file there is data for that 20 seconds09:22
Mr_QueueAdd the script to /etc/rc.local and prefix it with a sleep command to let the system come online.09:22
gappieso it is working completely for the 20 sec09:22
conntrackhmm, this is odd09:22
quixotedonbolo56: not so stable actually09:22
RaTTuS|BIGgappie - pipe the errors to a file09:22
gappiehow do i see the errors?09:22
conntrackI can run wine applications with minimum permissions09:22
conntrack600 for exe09:23
gappiei tried runnig it through rc.local but it does not strat up09:23
satyai need to enable anonymous access for a directory in vsftpd09:23
satyahow to do that??09:24
skumarahi, can run 32bit game in 64bit ubuntu oneric?09:24
icejoywoosatya - look at the README09:24
Mr_Queuegappie: strace it09:24
gappieMr_Queue : here is the shell script http://paste.ubuntu.com/764717/09:25
Mr_Queuegappie: It's running before the services it is using are up..09:25
Mr_QueueMake it sleep for 90 seconds or something.09:25
gappieMr_Queue : but it is working as intended for the first 20 sec. i have the logs asproof. the data is written to the .csv file09:26
gappieMr_Queue : how do i trace the shell script in ubuntu. have no idea09:26
satyaicejoywoo, i did configuration for anon directives, but still asking for authentication, when i browse it09:26
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RaTTuS|BIGgappie - put in lots of debug outputs that append to /tmp/err.err or something then you can check where it fails09:27
andrew_46share: MPlayer claims my system is too slow as well but the sample plays reasonably smoothly09:28
Datzhi, is there a package that will tell you the strength of a password?09:28
RaTTuS|BIG~/Desktop may not be defined in the cron version09:28
arthurdenthow do i mount something for read and write in ubuntu?09:28
arthurdenter sorry09:28
arthurdentin the live cd09:28
andrew_46share: on a very lowend intel chip, I am suprised an nvidia card has trouble with it09:28
* RaTTuS|BIG goes for coffee09:28
skumarawhen I open a game i get this error in terminal QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. What does it mean?09:30
satyai configured for anonymous users to access a specific directory, but when i browse it from browser, it is asking for authentication09:30
icejoywoo<arthurdent> use cmd: sudo mount -t loop09:30
skilzHey im having trouble, Im trying to use sun-java6-jre to play minecraft on the website with firefox, but firefox doesnt reccognise that I have java installed09:31
killer_have u googled09:31
skilzI also have the sun-java6-plugin installed09:32
skumarakiller_, are you chatting with me? google didn't help much and also the developers forum.09:32
shareandrew_46: :\09:32
gappieMr_Queue : at the moment i am accessing the server via ssh. when i log in i do not see the outputs to screen that the shell script gives you. will i see the outputs if i connect the server directly to a screen?09:32
shareandrew_46: but does it freeze at 15 secs?09:33
killer_i was talkin with skilz09:33
gappieas which user does cron jobs run?09:33
killer_but what is the problem u r facing09:33
andrew_46share: yes with vlc but o with MPlayer09:33
skumarakiller_, when I open a game i get this error in terminal QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. What does it mean?09:33
shareandrew_46: with mplayer you can play it perfectly??09:34
andrew_46share: the svn MPlayer09:34
killer_are you using some kind of theme skumara09:34
shareandrew_46: did you notice a big difference?09:35
andrew_46share: MPlayer is always better but I am biased09:36
skumarakiller_, no. I just want to play this game crayon physic deluxe. Two days ago it was working. today give me error. on starting the game only blank screen comes up.09:36
buttigood morning, may I ask for help to fix this error: synaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:39
butti10.04 64bit09:39
buttiI cant run anby application becouse of this error also i cant open any browser09:39
SmokeyDhey everyone. I have a luks/cryptsetup encrypted container file that I am trying to mount as loopdevice, so I can use cryptsetup to open it.09:41
SmokeyDWhen I run "sudo mount -o loop /media/data/encrypted_file /dev/loop1" I get an error "mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'"09:41
SmokeyDbut the dm-crypt module is loaded09:42
SmokeyDand I am also successfully using a cryptoswap partition.09:42
SmokeyDso why does mount complain that the crypto_LUKS filesystem is unknown?09:42
shareAntiSpamMeta: i've installed vdpau-va-driver. is it worth?09:42
ossamaI have an ASUS X61SL laptop with Intel Core2Duo P8400 CPU and F50L motherboard and I cannot launch ubuntu unless I Use acpi=off and the OS doesn't recognize the battery or function keys , I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and updated it but nothing changed,what can i do ?09:43
SmokeyDcould it be that the container file was created on an amd64 ubuntu lucid machine, while right now I am working on a x86 oneiric machine?09:43
ossamaanyone??? I have an ASUS X61SL laptop with Intel Core2Duo P8400 CPU and F50L motherboard and I cannot launch ubuntu unless I Use acpi=off and the OS doesn't recognize the battery or function keys , I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and updated it but nothing changed,what can i do ?09:44
conntrackShould I be worried at any processes running as root or is that conspiracy related?09:45
ossamaanybody home???09:45
ossamaI have an ASUS X61SL laptop with Intel Core2Duo P8400 CPU and F50L motherboard and I cannot launch ubuntu unless I Use acpi=off and the OS doesn't recognize the battery or function keys , I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and updated it but nothing changed,what can i do ?09:45
RaTTuS|BIGconntrack ps axOT | pastbinit09:45
RaTTuS|BIGbut stuff should run as root09:46
RaTTuS|BIGdepending on what it is09:46
conntrackThese are vendor processes09:46
ossamahello? I have an ASUS X61SL laptop with Intel Core2Duo P8400 CPU and F50L motherboard and I cannot launch ubuntu unless I Use acpi=off and the OS doesn't recognize the battery or function keys , I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and updated it but nothing changed,what can i do ?09:48
conntrack'ps -aux | grep root' lists about 1109:48
conntrackPerhap it is just me that has the issue09:49
SmokeyDossama, please be patient. Maybe this is the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/62662209:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 626622 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "daily maverick live cd won't boot with acpi on" [High,Triaged]09:49
ossamathanks,SmokeyD,I will check it out09:49
SmokeyDconntrack, no there should be many processes running as root. They are kernel related for instance. But more might be there09:50
conntrackSmokeyD: And these processes are vital?09:50
conntrackSmokeyD: Why do they need to run as root exactly?09:51
SmokeyDconntrack, yes. The kernel is vital. It does all the work between the software and the hardware. No kernel, no operating system.09:51
conntrackSmokeyD: Which process are you talking about?09:52
skilzanyone know of a free minecraft like game?09:52
buttigood morning, may I ask for help to fix this error: synaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:52
buttiI cant run anby application becouse of this error also i cant open any browser09:53
SmokeyDconntrack, the kernel for instance. and all related processes. The kernel is the core of the operating system. It handles everything from memory access, talking to hardware, talking to the processor, etc. It has different processes which handle that stuff. And all those processes need root privileges09:53
SmokeyDthat is the way the operating system works. Any operating system for that matter09:53
rzx237skilz: freecraft maybe09:53
SmokeyDconntrack, if you really want to figure out what each and every process individually does, buy a good book on the way the kernel works, and the X.org server, and everything else for that matter09:54
Anomie21Anyone have any idea where Pidgin keeps it's logs?09:54
rzx237Anomie21:  ~/.purple/logs09:55
Anomie21rzx237: yeah I seen that one, can't find it though... There is no .puple folder in /09:56
conntrackSmokeyD: Right. OK so the processes in [] should be left alone09:56
SmokeyDconntrack, yes, most definately09:56
rzx237Anomie21: it is in your home folder09:56
hobbelHow can I find out im using WICD instead of network manager? I have some problems with wireless and trying to fix it by using WICD09:57
conntrackSmokeyD: Watch about a listening connection? Is that OK to run as root?09:57
SmokeyDconntrack, sorry, I don't have time to go over all processes with you right now. But I think many processes running a network connection do as well, but I might be wrong there. There are also processes that start as root, but when the necessary stuff has been done, they drop their privileges to a different user09:59
SmokeyDbut I suggest you research those applications to which the processes belong and ask them09:59
conntrackRight. Thanks for the help09:59
MuNkive got two routers and both with internet connections, how would i load-balance them in ubuntu?10:00
conntrackI'm pretty sure who owns those processes10:00
conntrackOh he's gone10:00
RaTTuS|BIGMuNk - look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding10:02
_etI'm trying to make optical disks auto-mount when they're inserted, in a CLI only system.10:02
_etso far no luck. I realized that this can't be done with /etc/fstab10:02
_etany ideas?10:03
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gappieis it fine to use an endless while loop in a shell script initiated by cron on startup?10:03
_etgappie: Don't think it's a good idea. What are you trying to achieve?10:04
somsipgappie: why would you want to do that?10:04
Prometheshi, i am unable to use network printer shared using cups - when i try to print i get message foomatic-rip failed. Printer works great locally and also under Windows XP and Win7 installed as a network printer. Anyone knows how to fix this?10:04
RaTTuS|BIG<_et look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:05
_etRaTTuS|BIG: Thanks a million. Will do.10:05
gappiethe shell script logs data from bluetooth. it was designed to wait for user to enter "QUIT" and then exit. But since it is now running on startup withour user interference. It needs to run until the pc is shutdown10:05
RaTTuS|BIGgappie - not really - but if you make your script see if it is already running and exit if it is then that is a better way10:05
satyai configured for anonymous users to access a specific directory, but when i browse it from browser, it is asking for authentication10:07
LK-Hi, it seems nice limitations in /etc/security/limits.conf are not working correctly? I have set them, but they are not enforced as intended.10:09
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_etRaTTuS|BIG: This seems to have something. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Editing_Ubuntu.27s_filesystem_table10:12
_etRaTTuS|BIG: will try that and see what happens. Thanks for the help. :)10:12
MuNkif i had two gateways and would there be a way to load-balance between them? gratned the ubuntu machine only has one ethernet port10:14
conntrackWow to think that Julian Assange used to grace freenode10:15
JosephRubyI am having a problem installing ggmud if anyone can help. Downloaded GGMud-0.8.0-src.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ggmud/ extracted it.. did resolved dependancies, did 'make'.10:16
JosephRubyWhen I checkinstall I get the following error, make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.10:16
deej1976JosephRuby: Does it need ./configure ?10:18
JosephRubydeej1976: Ill find out, thank you for the input, linux noob here.10:19
satyai configured for anonymous users to access a specific directory, but when i browse it from browser, it is asking for authentication10:19
JosephRubydeej1976: it has a config.h file10:20
JosephRubydeej1976: but ./configure does nothing..10:21
deej1976JosephRuby: Is there a configure file in the directory?10:21
JosephRubydeej1976: no just config.h10:22
eigarWhere is the settings for which desktop profile are choosen when saying startx?10:24
deej1976JosephRuby: Have you looked at gnome-mud ? it's avaliable in the repository10:24
rumpe1JosephRuby, There seems to be a .sh-file for installation10:24
JosephRubyrumpel:yes there is makeapp.sh10:24
eigarIt starts unity, I want gnome-classic no effects10:25
Wisniaanyone knows what samba NT STATUS BAD NETWORK NAME10:25
JosephRubydeej1976: no I havn't looked at that I actually picked ggmud for crossplatform use so I can use it on all my machines.10:25
garden92can some someone help? i have 2 images ones the top half the others the bottom half and can i attach them back together to a single image?10:25
garden92i mean how do i.10:26
rumpe1JosephRuby, there doesn't seem to be a way to install it using package management. Looks a bit... unprofessional. (?)10:26
JosephRubygarden92: create a new file in gimp that has the deminsions of the two combined and copy paste one at a time.10:26
JosephRubyrumpel: I agree10:26
deej1976garden92: Create an new image in gimp equal to the size of both images combined and paste the two parts in.10:26
JosephRubyrumpel: what is the .sh file for?  noob here sorry.10:27
pppurpleI have 4gigs RAM and just installed 32-bit ubuntu 11.10 and my system is only showing up 2.6 gigs of RAM. how can i get it to use all 4Gigs of RAM?10:28
somsip!pae | pppurple10:28
ubottupppurple: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info10:28
eigarI do not run lightdm; as when I do and log in desktop freezes and I have to reboot by power button10:28
deej1976pppurple: Either reinstall with 64-bit or enable pae10:28
eigarSeems like unity/Ubuntu 2D ..? require lightdm10:29
pppurpleif you install the 64-bit will it over write the 32-bit?10:29
RaTTuS|BIGpppurple - 64bit instal is the better way IMO10:30
RaTTuS|BIGpppurple yes - though it should keep all your settings10:30
eigarone can startx without it but you'll get no menus, etc.10:30
pppurpleRaTTuS|BIG, ok thanks. ill DL that10:30
Randolphhi all10:31
eigaryou can run apps tho. Ctrl-Alt-T to get terminal and start apps from there10:31
eigarAlt-F2 does not work10:31
eigarBut, then again, how do I change default desktop by moding textfiles10:32
eigarNot gui10:32
pppurpleRaTTuS|BIG, to go to 64bit should just be an OS upgrade and should keep my programs as well correct?10:34
RaTTuS|BIGpppurple well - TBH backup your data and re-install whgat you use10:34
=== stinkfist__ is now known as stinkfist\
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pppurpleRaTTuS|BIG, just installed 32 yesterday so nothing to really back up10:35
RaTTuS|BIGeasier in the long run - as you'll have to install 32bit suport for anything your already installed .... theyre may well be 64bit vversions10:35
cristian_cI have to change the manager of the numerical codes of the keys from default one to one provided by another application, in this case keytouch10:35
RaTTuS|BIGgo for it ;-p10:35
buttigodd morning.  may I ask for help in fixing this issue: apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:35
deej1976butti: Did you copy the file from livecd?10:36
eigarIs it by gconf?10:36
cristian_cI was advised to check the keytouch configuration files10:37
buttideej1976: yes i did, but the error persist10:37
Mr_Queuebutti: what are you installing?10:37
buttiMr_Queue: welll, i have missmatch in shared librarys with libstdc++10:37
Mr_QueueHow'd you get in the pickle?10:38
Mr_QueueHave you run apt-get install10:38
Mr_Queuewith no arguments to resolve conflicts?10:38
cristian_cI found the named keytouch  file in /etc/init.d whose content is as follows:10:39
Mr_QueueDid you add anything by hand?10:39
Mr_QueueHave you pinned anything?10:39
garden92JosephRuby: is there a guide that can help me?10:39
buttii have removed wrongly the lstdc++610:39
Mr_Queuebutti: Run apt-get install10:39
Mr_Queueno arguments.10:39
buttiMr_Queue: apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:40
buttiMr_Queue: any application is runing10:40
cristian_cBut there is no trace of udev :(10:40
Mr_QueueYou broke it, what did you do lately?10:40
deej1976Mr_Queue: He deleted it :(10:42
JosephRubygarden92: its old but it should still work http://boitblog.blogspot.com/2007/07/blending-two-images-with-gimp.html10:42
Mr_Queuedeej1976: butti Don't do that.10:42
cristian_cThe other file I checked is called 55keytouchd_launch (which is located in /etc/X11/Xsession.d) whose content is as follows:10:43
deej1976Mr_Queue: His done that, yesterdayt, currently has a copy from livecd, but the it's not being picked up10:43
geirhabutti: copy over /usr/lib/*/libstdc++* from a live session, then install the package10:44
buttigeirha: this i did already ...dosnt work10:44
cristian_cBut I do not think it is very useful in this case10:45
deej1976butti: Do you have this file: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.610:45
Mr_Queueapt-cache search libstdc10:45
geirhabutti: Make sure to run ''sudo ldconfig'' after the copy10:45
buttideej1976: no i dont10:45
cristian_cWhat should I do to bypass the management of numerical codes by udev?10:45
buttideej1976: i suposed that /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.610:46
Mr_QueueChase it down and nail it in place with dpkg -i10:46
buttideej1976: that x86---* is not the folder for that or?10:46
stephniplease i installed an application opened it the minimized but i can't find it but is running i can see the notifications pkease whee is it?10:47
deej1976butti: on my 11.04 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is a folder, I'm just checking contents now10:47
geirhabutti: The location of that lib depends on whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit10:47
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Mr_Queuestephni: Click the notification10:48
Mr_QueueIn the bar, it just starts like that..10:49
Mr_QueueIf not, find the PID and kill it..10:49
stinkfist\with fire10:49
Mr_Queuekill <PID>10:49
Mr_Queuethen try again.10:49
stinkfist\with fire10:49
buttigeirha: solved: dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.4.3-4ubuntu5_amd64.deb10:49
buttideej1976: dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.4.3-4ubuntu5_amd64.deb10:49
buttideej1976: that seems to solved my problem10:50
Mr_Queuebutti: :D like I said.. nail it in place with dpkg -i10:50
buttiMr_Queue: wonderfull! thank you10:50
buttithanks all of you!10:50
stephnii want to click but it disappears10:51
deej1976butti: ldd /usr/bin/dpkg, yep doesn't use libstdc++.so.6 excellent10:51
stephniplease help10:51
Mr_Queuestephni: We need better info to help.10:52
buttideej1976: thank you so much, i have still one little shared library problem....10:52
MuNkbonding only works if you have two physical connections right?10:52
deej1976butti: Which one10:52
Mr_Queuestephni: what are you trying to start?10:52
stephnifacebook deskto ap aor air10:53
stephnifacebook desktop app for adobe air10:53
Mr_Queueokay... try from the command line and paste the output of what happens..10:53
buttideej1976: this is when im trying to run one speccial applikation:10:54
buttideej1976: firestorm-bin: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by bin/do-not-directly-run-firestorm-bin)10:54
Mr_QueueYou hosed something sometime ago and forgot about it.10:54
buttideej1976: firestorm-bin: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by /home/butti/SL/DarkStorm/lib/libllcommon.so)10:54
JosephRubyok gonna ask again maybe someone else is awake now :-p10:55
JosephRubyI am having a problem installing ggmud if anyone can help. Downloaded GGMud-0.8.0-src.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ggmud/ extracted it.. did resolved dependancies, did 'make'.10:55
Mr_QueueYou also installed the 64 bit deb and are calling the above on a 32 bit binary..10:55
JosephRubyWhen I checkinstall I get the following error, make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. There is no configure file in the directory.10:55
Mr_QueueJosephRuby: Error is pretty clear.10:55
Mr_Queue3 steps to compiling software.10:56
Mr_Queueconfigure; make; make install10:56
boomscudneed help with  armitrage on ubuntu 11.1010:56
buttiMr_Queue: do you talk to mee?10:56
Mr_Queuebutti: yer...10:56
gappiei have a shell script that continuesly logs bluetooth dat to a .csv file. It runs perfectly when started manually, but when started by cron on system boot it only logs data for 20-40 seconds and dies. I am using bluez-hcidump do continualy log to the csv file. Would cron or the system kill a continuesly running shell script?10:57
JosephRubymr_queue I saw that in a few guides that I managed to google, but ./configure does nothing .. am I doing it wrong..10:57
Mr_QueueYou installed a 64 bit deb for the missing lib and are calling at it from 32bit userland no?10:57
JosephRubymr_queue do I have to sudo the ./configure or something?10:57
Mr_QueueJosephRuby: What are you compiling?10:57
buttiMr_Queue: i wish i can answare that10:57
JosephRubymr_queue I am having a problem installing ggmud if anyone can help. Downloaded GGMud-0.8.0-src.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ggmud/ extracted it.. did resolved dependancies, did 'make'.10:57
Mr_QueueJosephRuby: Did you read the README.txt or INSTALL.txt provided with the source?10:58
Mr_QueueRead each of the above line for line...10:58
stickyboyI'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.10 on a machine with an NVIDIA graphics card, after the boot menu the screen goes blank.  Should I use the alternate installer or something?10:58
JosephRubymr_queue the readme has no assistance for installing, and gimme a min to check on install.txt.10:58
Mr_Queuestickyboy: Couldn't hurt to try. Let us know how it works out.10:59
eigarHow do I list gnome session names?10:59
Mr_Queueeigar: meaning?10:59
stephnihelp coming?10:59
eigarMr_Queue: to use with gnome-session --session=SESSION_NAME in ~/.xsession10:59
stickyboyMr_Queue: Ok.  I'm currently booted in 11.04 on the same machine... but with proprietary graphics.11:00
Mr_Queuegrep comes to mind.. I'm not exactly sure what you're after.11:00
stickyboyI really wanna get a newer kernel, Xorg, drm stack to hopefully jump onto nouveau.11:00
eigarI want to run gnome classic (no effects)11:00
JosephRubymr_queue: there is no install.txt, the readme.txt has no install instructions, aswell as the sourceforge forums that the readme.txt directs me to.11:00
Mr_Queuestickyboy: roll your own.. Look at kernel-package11:00
eigarIf I log in with the gdm login screen desktop freezes.11:01
Mr_QueueJosephRuby: Not sure then, you might need to just look at the code..11:01
eigarI'm trying to startx from tty11:01
eigarwith gnome - but unity starts11:01
eigarAnd wit no gdm, no manus etc are loaded11:01
dandreAre package repositories different for ubuntu server than for ubuntu desktop ?11:01
JosephRubymr_queue: thanks :D11:01
stickyboyMr_Queue: Yah, I compiled my own 3.1 kernel.  It works fine, but I'd like to get new X stuff as well.  The edgers PPA gets messy.11:01
stickyboyNot to mention I just want to get up to the latest stable Ubuntu.11:02
Mr_Queuestickyboy: there isn't anything newer than what's in the tree.. You need to play with a .config file..11:02
stickyboyI wasted a few hours a couple weeks ago trying to switch to nouveau.  Meh.11:02
deej1976eigar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession11:02
Mr_QueueLook at 'make menuconfig'11:02
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:02
salih_cerebruxme prefer ' make xconfig' than 'make menuconfig' :P11:03
stickyboyProprietary graphics drivers are really a pain.  I don't need flying and jiggling windows, I spend my days in a full-screen terminal anyways. :)11:04
buttiMr_Queue: "You installed a 64 bit deb for the missing lib and are  calling at it from 32bit userland no?11:05
Mr_Queuestickyboy: Check make menuconfig, you'd be surprised what has actually made the kernel.11:05
buttiMr_Queue: what are you suggesting to do?11:05
JosephRubymr_queue: of the files in the directory 'makeapp.sh' is one that I am curious about.. is that type of file something that might help me, if so what would I do with it?11:05
stickyboyMr_Queue: It's `nconfig` for kernels after 2.6.34 or so... ;)11:05
deej1976JosephRuby: file makeapp.sh, if it say text, more makeapp.sh and have aread11:06
stickyboyMr_Queue: My kernel works fine. :)11:06
Mr_Queuebutti: I don't know.... But I remember seeing the dpkg -i for a 64 bit deb.. dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.4.3-4ubuntu5_amd64.deb but then calling from /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6:11:07
ServerTechMy encrypted HDD shows that it's not a mountable file system after entering its password.11:07
Mr_Queuebutti: Doubt that will work.11:07
Mr_Queue64 can run 32, but 32 can't run 64.11:07
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Mr_Queuebutti: Give the 32 bit package a go perhaps..11:08
Mr_QueueHard to say..11:08
buttiMr_Queue: aha...11:09
szalanyone what?11:11
ServerTech[16:37] <ServerTech> My encrypted HDD shows that it's not a mountable file system after entering its password.11:11
eigardeej1976: thanks. But needed session name to put in config file. Is in /etc/share/gnome-session/session/ , so then one can add one of those to startup. ie gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback11:12
JosephRubydeej1976: thanks :D it was for osx11:14
dydguys what means when i find ~ before a path? where should i look?11:16
dydguys what means when i find ~ before a path? where should i look?11:16
Mr_Queuedyd: what are you looking for?11:17
dydMr_queue: ~/.quakelive/quakelive/home/baseq311:17
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Mr_Queuefind $HOME -name "baseq3"11:17
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Mr_Queuefind $HOME/.quakelive/quakelive/home/baseq3 -exec 'do your damage here'11:18
dydit seems that it's not there11:18
Mr_Queuethen it is not.11:18
gappiecan you automatically login as a user on system boot ans run a shell script as the user. All of this being automated?11:19
Mr_QueueYou move/delete is lately?11:19
onredyd, ~ means "home directory". that's, well, the home directory of your user. if you just type 'cd' without a directory name, you end up in your home directory.11:19
Mr_Queuegappie: yes.11:19
dydonre: thanks11:19
gappieMr_Queue : instead of running it as root? how?11:20
Mr_Queuegappie: as root, add the user to the mix.11:20
Mr_Queueadd something like.... sudo -u username /path/to/command/11:20
mahasonaI'm in mahasona user , I need to add root permission on this account11:21
gappieMr_Queue : what does that do: sudo -u username /path/to/command/11:21
Myrttimahasona: if you don't have it already, then it's unlikely you can add it yourself. Could you explain a bit more?11:21
Mr_Queueruns /path/of/command/ as whatever user you list with -u11:21
gappieMr_Queue : ok so will stdout be displayed on the screen then?11:22
mahasonaMyrtti: well in like /var/www folder I can't paste, rename files . I need to be a root do those changes11:22
evil_hogweee! I made it! i installed kubuntu x64 on GPT with EFI11:22
Mr_Queueredirect it where you need to.11:22
evil_hogmneptok: thanks for assistance, it worked11:22
Mr_QueueIf it's automated, I doubt you need to see it daily. If so, mail it to yourself.11:22
Myrttimahasona: use sudo for it11:23
Myrttior add yourself to www-data group11:23
gappieMr_Queue : can i add "sudo -u username /path/to/command/" to crontab -e11:23
Mr_Queueroot's yes.11:24
Mr_Queuesudo -u username /path/to/command/ 2>/dev/null11:24
mahasonaMyrtti: how can I add to www-data ?11:24
hacked_kernelhow to know the installed Graphics card driver version?11:25
Mr_Queuehacked_kernel: lspci -vvv11:25
Mr_Queuethen.... Go diggin in /var/lib/11:25
Mr_Queueno that's probaly right..11:26
mahasonaMyrtti: ??11:26
Myrttimahasona: hold on11:26
Myrttimahasona: are you on normal ubuntu or server install? and which version?11:27
bullgard4K3b urges me to terminate the program gvfsd-cdda before I continue using K3b. gvfsd-cdda stands for »"gnome virtual file system daemon für Compact Disk Digital Audio"«. '~$ ps aux' shows that a Prozess gvfsd-cdda is running.  It has been started by the command »/usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawmer :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. Who or what has started the program gvfsd-cdda? Me not explicitely.11:27
mahasonanormal ubuntu machine11:27
mahasona11.10v Myrtti11:27
Myrttimahasona: you're using unity? hit Super (Windows) key, type in group - it should show "Users and Groups" - start that11:28
mahasonaMyrtti: I changed my group in to root , but it changes back11:29
Myrttimahasona: tap "Manage Groups" - pick www-data - properties - tick your username11:30
dubbemahasona: you have to log out and back in for the changes to take effect11:30
Myrttimahasona: and don't change your group to root.11:31
mahasonaok I changed my group to www-data11:31
Myrttimahasona: how, from advanced settings or the way I told you to?11:32
mahasonafrom advanced settings :/11:32
eigarwhat is logout command for unity (using terminal or "run" dialogue)?11:32
Myrttimahasona: don't do that :-(11:32
gappiecron mentions that errors are emailed to the user? how and where is this?11:33
mahasonaMyrtti:  ok ok I did the way u asked me11:33
Myrttimahasona: change your group in the advanced settings as the one it was as well11:33
mahasonaMyrtti: I did , still I cant paste files into www folder11:35
Myrttimahasona: you need to relogin11:35
Myrttiit doesn't take immediate effect11:35
mahasonawait lemme relogin11:35
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MuNkif i have a machine and two gatways & can i configure ubuntu in a way to load-balance between the two gateways then have local machines connect to
deej1976gillesm: ?11:40
RaTTuS|BIGMuNk - look at bonded interfaces11:40
MuNkRaTTuS|BIG, the machine has only one interface11:40
RaTTuS|BIGput another NIC in and use it as the gateway itself11:41
MuNkadding another NIC is not a option at this moment at time11:41
RaTTuS|BIGtehy it becomes none trivial really11:43
bullgard4K3b urges me to terminate the program gvfsd-cdda before I continue using K3b. gvfsd-cdda stands for »"gnome virtual file system daemon für Compact Disk Digital Audio"«. '~$ ps aux' shows that a process gvfsd-cdda is running.  It has been started by the command »/usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. Who or what has started the program gvfsd-cdda? Me not explicitely.11:44
Myrttibullgard4: probably nautilus or udev. or they combined.11:44
maoWhere can i get the kernel patch for ureadahead11:45
LectusHello! I installed xubuntu-desktop. How can I completely remove ubuntu-desktop, instead of just the metapackage?11:45
LectusI want to keep only the dependencies of xubuntu-desktop11:45
bullgard4Myrtti: How can I find that out reliably?11:46
deej1976bullgard4: What is the parent process of gvfsd-cdda11:47
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Myrttibullgard4: no idea.11:48
bullgard4deej1976: '~$ ps faux' shows me that there is no parent process of it.11:49
Mr_QueueLectus: how was it installed?11:49
Lectusvia apt-get11:49
deej1976bullgard4: What is the number ? 1?11:50
warlock_handlerhi is there an easy way to make a compile all your code into a deb pack??11:50
LectusI mean xubuntu-desktop11:50
Lectusubuntu-desktop was via CD11:50
xangua!checkinstall | warlock_handler11:50
ubottuwarlock_handler: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!11:50
Mr_QueueLectus: I don't know of a clean way... aptitude would have done it.11:50
bullgard4deej1976: The PID is 4085.11:51
deej1976bullgard4: ps -ef | grep 408511:51
Mr_QueueLectus: apt-get will leave a pile of depends behind.. perhaps deborpan will catch them11:51
deej1976bullgard4: or ps -p 408511:52
Lectusif I use the software center and untick all the dependencies on ubuntu-desktop11:52
Lectusmaybe it does the job?11:52
bullgard4deej1976: This results in »/usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3« which I have already posted.11:52
Mr_QueueLectus: you might try something like dumping the meta, and running aptitude purge $(deborphan) a few times..11:53
Mr_Queueno idea if it will be truely clean though...11:53
quixotedonall: how can we delete wine programs directly without using wine? i upgraded to 11.10 and wine was deleted during the upgrade process11:54
quixotedon(delete programs we installed in wine)11:54
bullgard4deej1976: '~$ ps -p 4085; CMD=gvfsd-cdda'.11:55
rabbi1how to install11:55
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.11:55
deej1976bullgard4: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-839853.html11:56
Mr_Queue!rm gnome11:56
rabbi1how to install Wireless LAN on ubuntu 11.04 ? it's not working ....... :(11:56
deej1976!wifi | rabbi111:56
ubotturabbi1: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:56
Mr_QueueLectus: It would probably be faster to move /home off the disk and start again.11:56
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )11:57
rabbi1deej1976: i have not got wifi more over i don have "network connection" in my 11.04 version11:58
deej1976rabbi1: "how to install Wireless LAN" ? more details required then11:59
rabbi1deej1976: bought new Dlink DWA 525 - NIC Addon Card. I have a router setup. just inserted the addon and trying to connect it through wireless12:00
rabbi1deej1976: by the way direct cable works...12:00
deej1976rabbi1: So ubuntu is not detecting your new Dlink DWA 525 wireless card?12:01
rabbi1deej1976: yeah may be, i even got a usb net connection, even that's not detected....12:03
rabbi1deej1976: not worried much about usb at this moment. may be ubuntu is not detecting the card.12:03
deej1976rabbi1:lspci ?12:03
rabbi1deej1976: it shows the device12:04
gauravgrt1hey i installed python imaging doc using sudo apt-get install python-imaging-doc-pdf ....now i want to access it....how do i do that...12:04
deej1976rabbi1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179971512:04
quixotedongauravgrt1: sorry, no idea12:06
quixotedongauravgrt1: have you tryed typing12:06
quixotedongauravgrt1: typing dash then type the filename?12:06
LectusMr_Queue, I'll go with a clean install. It's really faster and pain-free.12:07
Mr_QueueLectus: Have fun!12:07
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bullgard4deej1976: I have read the article which you suggested. All it says that the problem persisted with the people involved just as with me.12:09
bullgard4deej1976: I have read the article which you suggested. All it says is that the problem persisted with the people involved just as with me.12:10
deej1976bullgard4: ^12:11
bullgard4deej1976: The article http://steveswinsburg.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/how-to-install-a-d-link-dwa-525-wireless-network-card-in-ubuntu-10-04/ does not even mention cdda.12:13
deej1976bullgard4: Sorry cross threading12:13
bullgard4deej1976: I don't know what cross threading is.12:14
deej1976bullgard4: I was talk to someone else, and sent you a link intended for them.12:15
bullgard4deej1976: Ah! I see.12:15
deej1976bullgard4: Sorry I'm unable to help you any further.12:15
bullgard4deej1976: Thank you.12:16
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jubo2I'm trying to find an error-free, easy to use FOSS OS ...12:20
jubo2I've tried Xubuntu which had a lot of bugs12:20
jribjubo2: error-free is impossible :)12:20
RaTTuS|BIG!fr | Manu1812:21
ubottuManu18: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:21
jubo2I've tried Kubuntu, it has less errors, full screen task switcher bolted into the GUI but to access my wlan I have to remove it from the trusted wlans and re-add it and only then it connects. On Xubuntu I had such situation that the sai d Linux didn't know how to properly hold keys in keyrings12:22
jubo2jrib: Well I'd like an OS with less bugs12:23
mongy< currently rocking xubuntu 11.10, works like a boss12:23
jribjubo2: which version of ubuntu did you enjoy the most?  I'd use that and then troubleshoot the problems you found12:23
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jubo2ofcourse the value for money is astronomical like it always is with GNU/Linux12:24
jubo2jrib: Well I can't get Compiz to run on Xubuntu and the full screen tast switcher pre-installed is soooooooo nice :D12:25
xroHi, i try to use the GDK lib and i get a segmentation fault... 0x00007ffff465b5e8 in gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay () from /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0  i found some guys who speak about this issue on the web but no solution... do you know it?  thetrace and the code --> http://dpaste.com/670699/12:26
pppurplewhats the major differences in all the Linux OSs?12:26
jubo2pppurple: the flavour12:26
mongyjubo2, I got compiz and emerald running fine on mine12:26
jubo2mongy: must be great for you12:27
pppurplejubo2, being just how they are set up and the windows run? not exactly sure what "flavour" technically means12:27
jribpppurple: package manager and defaults12:27
jubo2I have only buggy OS'es made by Cupertino, Redmond and Portland ... *g*12:27
mongyjubo2, what problems you getting?  its just a matter of installing compiz packages and compiling emerald12:27
sattu94pppurple: yes some of them are juicy, some are (bare)bony, some are like (eye)candy.. :P12:27
jubo2mongy: I installed Emerald from the software center12:28
mongyjubo2,  how? its not in the 11.10 repos.12:28
pppurplesattu94, ubuntu would be what flavour?12:28
sattu94pppurple: good question!12:28
pppurpledamn linux12:29
jubo2I think I last tried it on 10.10 mongy12:29
mongyjubo2, ah.   http://i.imgur.com/JvtSG.jpg  this is mine.12:29
sattu94mongy: Emerald's nice..12:30
mongysattu94, yeah, kind of need it if using compiz on xfce.12:31
bullgard4»ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3« which I have already posted." What does "spawner" here mean?12:35
xanguayou don't need it to use compiz on xfce mongy sattu9412:36
mongyxangua, how do you make it look non-crap then?  I tried installing metacity and other stuff but I cant get it to use anything decent12:37
ThSeniorhi guys12:40
ThSenioris there possible to run a command from a taskbar icon?12:40
sgo11hi, in gnome3, what is the window theme? metacity?12:40
bullgard4sgo11^Do you mean »lightdm«?12:41
sattu94mongy:  But it does run right? I guess thats what he meant.12:41
sgo11bullgard4, sorry, no. Window Theme in gnome-tweak-tool.12:42
mongysattu94, yeah, it does run, but for me it just looks crap.12:42
JLuci got a problem with ubuntu one :12:43
sattu94mongy: and he probably assumed so because you used the word "need"...instead of want12:43
mongysattu94, ok , my mistake12:43
sgo11bullgard4, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=22255   you can see the window theme option.12:44
JLucWhen i add somebody so as to share a folder, both the dialog disappear and the nautilus folder closes, and nothing is done. Is it a known problem ? How to manage to share a folder ?12:44
pppurplewhat would be a good bare bones linux OS?12:44
sattu94pppurple: damn small linux, puppy ? featherlinux ?12:44
sattu94pppurple: LFS ?12:45
pppurplesattu94, hmm looking at them. kinda looking for a blank OS that i can just build into something i like.12:46
sattu94pppurple: LFS would be nice, then.12:46
sattu94pppurple: Linux From Scratch, you start from building everything from scratch, Make your own OS!12:46
pppurplesattu94,  so i decide which apps and everything it installs?12:47
evil_hogdoes anybody know how to get rid of black login screen on kubuntu 11.10 installed on lenovo z570? it uses efi and sandy bridge cpu12:48
pppurpleis there a way to take things for the different linux builds and ram them together?12:48
sattu94pppurple: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/12:48
sattu94pppurple: LFS would be the way to go, maybe you could install yum on ubuntu and get away with it. but stil.12:48
pppurplesattu94, thanks. looking threw those suggestions12:49
SlowBaithi, i deleted ubuntu partition, and now i cant start windows12:51
eigarIs there a "repair" for Ubuntu (11.10) ? As in check all system files and fix broken, but do not touch settings etc.12:51
miguelque hable español por aqui12:51
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RaTTuS|BIG!es | Guest7694212:51
ubottuGuest76942: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:51
dr_williseigar:  other then a filesystem check, or perhaps some grub-repair tools.. ive not seen any.12:52
sgo11in gnome3, how can I change the 'close' 'max' button icon? It seems the 'window theme' will change those button icons. but where can I get window themes? thanks a lot.12:52
SlowBaithi, i deleted ubuntu partition, and now i cant start windows12:52
eigardr_willis: filesystem check, as in fsck ?12:53
dr_willisSlowBait:  you need to reinstasll your windows bootloader.12:53
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dr_williseigar:  yep.  Unless you have had filesystem curruption, the system should be intact..  unless of course you started deleting stuff :)12:53
SlowBaitdr_willis: how can i do it within ubuntu_12:53
dr_willisSlowBait:  not sure - someone mentioned a mbr command in here the otehr day. I always use a windows rescue/restore/installer disk.12:54
dr_willis!info mbr12:54
ubottumbr (source: mbr): Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.11-4 (oneiric), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB12:54
dr_willisSlowBait:  but if you deleted ubuntu.....12:54
_nix_I think it's FIXMBR from the windows recovery disk12:54
dr_willisfixmbr is for SOME versions of windows.12:54
dr_willisms likes to change the command every so often..12:54
dr_willis ages ago it was 'fdisk \mbr'12:54
eigardr_willis: no, haven't deleted any. But I can't start X. Only freeze youst after login/launch.12:54
pangolinI think the problem is he doesn't have a windows disc12:54
dr_williseigar:  boot to text mode.. see if that works12:55
* dr_willis is getting questions confused. :)12:55
eigardr_willis: yes. I have done that. Im in text mode at tty now. But launching x, even with gnome-fallback freez up12:56
bullgard4sgo11: The field »Shell theme« is empty with me, and there is a warning triangle next to this field.12:56
dr_williseigar:  try a alterantive desktop like icewm, or jwm, see if that freezes up.12:56
royhi'm going to install a local pastebin, but i don't know which one to pick. anyone got any recommendations for a good pastebin?12:56
sgo11bullgard4, yeah. you have to install the extension and then enable it.12:56
RaTTuS|BIGroyh pastbinit12:56
bullgard4»~$ ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. What does "spawner" here mean?12:57
eigardr_willis: most lightwight? icewm?12:57
eigar*light weight12:57
dr_williseigar:  jwm is about as light as they get.12:57
dr_williseigar:  icewm is nice. but a bit dated :) it works.. just a lot of the old support tools for it - no longer are int he repos.12:57
royhRaTTuS|BIG: it needs to be hosted on my own server. like i said, a local one. it won't be accessible externally12:57
eigarand after install i start by  adding "exec jwm" to .xinitrc and execute startx?12:58
bullgard4sgo11: I am content with my GNOME Shell's 3.2.1 appearance and do not intend to install extensions.12:58
dr_williseigar:  you got it.12:59
pppurplekubuntu is ubuntu but with a different windows manager?12:59
dr_williseigar:  i always put a 'xterm &' befor 'exec jwm' :) so i always got a term open12:59
Stanley00pppurple: yes, as I know12:59
dr_willispppurple:  differnt desktop. KDE vs Gnome13:00
dr_williswindow manager is one part of the desktop13:00
threezerolxde or gnome for a tablet?13:00
sgo11bullgard4, oh. no worries. the reason why I replied you because you just sent me a message about your shell theme is empty. that's why I replied you how to make it non-empty. :)13:00
dr_willisthreezero:  given how unoptimzed ubuntu is for tablets.. id say try both. :)13:00
eigardr_willis: One thing that makes me a bit suspicious is that the desktop image (The pink / purple thingy of Ubuntu) is corrupted. It shows up with about 1/3'd of image ok, and rest gray. (Thats even when I have managed to start up X and launch ie terminal before it freze)13:01
lion42threezero, I've used gnome on my tablet. It worked fine. I do not have experience with lxde on a tablet.13:01
threezeroseem like lxde is the least resource hungry?13:01
dr_williseigar:  thats plymouth.. its a bit of junk. :) i always disable plymouth and use a normal text boot sequence.13:01
pppurpleso as im learning here all the disrtos are based off the linux kernal and thne its just how they use the kernal and present it to you ie how the OS looks?13:01
lion42Gnome 2 / old gnome with no effects is not very bad, either, threezero. Depends on how weak your tablet is?13:02
dr_willis'on a tablet' - theres a big varity of tablets out there. :)13:02
threezerothe tablet in question here is hp touchpad13:02
NotTooDumb3Hi all, i have two laptops, in both laptops on windows os i get internet but not on ubuntu, is there any doc which i can follow to configure internet on ubuntu?13:02
threezeroi'm a noob at this13:03
threezeroso can i have gnome and lxde install at the same time?13:03
=== root_ is now known as deployment
jribthreezero: yes, you can choose which to use at the login screen13:03
deploymentafternoon, Anyone know why MySQL Administrato schedule dosn't work for me?13:04
threezeroanybody here has the touchpad too?13:04
brondywith a gnome destop on a dual screen is there a way to get a  panel at the bottom ovf both screens13:05
dr_willisthreezero:  you can install a dozen desktops/wms if you wanted. :)13:05
eigardr_willis: I do not mean the purple in boot sequence, but on desktop (like default background)13:05
eigardr_willis: is plymouth there as well?13:05
dr_willisbrondy:  thers a unoffical tweak/veraint for a bottom panel. mentioned at the webupd8 and/or the omg!ubuntu! blog site.13:06
brondythanks dr_willis13:06
dr_williseigar:  the default wallpaper is some splotchy color pattern for some odd reason. :)13:06
pppurpleubuntu runs a gnome desktop? is there a way to switch desktops in ubuntu?13:07
allu2_Hello, i have weird problem with unity and nvidia proprietary driver, 3D accel works but moving windows on the screen is slow and may "freeze" the screen while i move a window13:08
allu2_ubuntu 11.1013:08
jubo2what is this "unity" I keep hearing about ?13:09
dr_willispppurple:  the login screen has a menu under the 'gear' next to the login box.13:09
dr_willispppurple:  and yes. Ubuntu uses gnome. unity is a shell on top of gnome-313:09
pppurpleis there a good resource to learn about all these noob questions? like is there a linux history book with different distor sections haha13:10
dr_willispppurple:  ubuntu.com perhaps.. askubuntu.com   various blog sites have guides.13:11
dr_willisstuff changes so fast often docs are  for older releases.13:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:11
dr_willislike that manual.. its a bit dated. but a good read13:11
eigardr_willis: ok. I'll try to launch jwm. Thanx for help (now might everything crash again)13:11
pppurpleim just trying to understand what all linux is used for and what i can do with it. i am reading the ubuntu wibsite stuff now13:12
dr_willispppurple:  its for everything from embeded controllers/watches/phones to high end servers :) and toasters..13:12
dr_willisdont forget the toasters..13:12
pppurpledr_willis, haha yeah i am seeing that...thats why im learning about it and what i can do with it. seems a little bit useful.13:13
mongyi think it might be used in my samsung lcd tv.. cant be certain tho.13:14
v1nc3n7dr_willis, pppurple: and I think its saver...cause it isnt spread like windows...13:14
dr_williswhat was that micro  linux on a thumbdrived thing i saw a few weeks back in the blogs.. i cant find it on google now. :)13:14
allu2_jubo2: ok, i fix, i have problem with unity shell on top of gnome 313:15
dr_willisv1nc3n7:  its 'safer' because of how its designed from the beginning keeping user and system seperate as much as possible..13:15
deploymentafternoon, Anyone know why MySQL Administrato schedule dosn't work for me?13:15
pppurplev1nc3n7, yeah i just kinda hate windows. wish more games were going linux or mac or something else13:15
deploymentafternoon, Anyone know why MySQL Administrator schedule dosn't work for me?13:15
sgo11since nobody replied me. I just got the answer. gnome 3 window theme is metacity theme.13:16
v1nc3n7dr_willis: right! I forgot the seperation of user and system ;)13:16
stercorI have a video as an .iso.  How do I burn it to a DVD so I can play it?13:16
v1nc3n7pppurple: Me too :D But I love Linux! :)13:16
allu2_what manages windows on unity?13:17
eigardr_willis: works fine with jwm. So probably a gnome issue.13:17
bullgard4»~$ ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. What does "spawner" here mean?13:17
alextum3stercor  use any app which can burn DVD isos13:17
pppurplev1nc3n7, yeah im liking it more and more. just trying to learn all the different options and find someting that fits right or i can modify into what i like the best.13:17
stercoralextum3: I used k3b but it made an .iso on the DVD.13:17
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity13:17
sattu94pppurple: given your level of experience LFS might not be a very good choice I guess... :)13:18
allu2_uh whats the name of unity3d wm..13:18
dr_willisLFS is a bit annoying.. :)13:18
allu2_something like that i think..13:18
dr_willisyou could just read the manual/docs and not follow the guide.13:18
stercoralextum3: And mplayer does not recognize the .iso format.13:19
pppurplesattu94, its good to learn with though. makes you find solutions to problems13:19
sattu94dr_willis: yes, but you can still call it LFS, since it is LFS.. :)13:19
alextum3stercor, http://www.ghacks.net/2009/01/11/burn-cd-and-dvd-iso-images-with-k3b/13:19
v1nc3n7pppurple, in order to solve problems google is my best friend :) And sometimes if I have big problems I use a forum...13:19
dr_willissattu94:  just read the lfs guide.. and dont make a lfs system :)13:19
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:19
* sattu94 laughing out loud haha..13:19
quixotedonubottu: what's 'goggle-fu'??13:20
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:20
teddyroosebelthey folks - is the software center down for anyone else?13:20
pppurplev1nc3n7, yeah google is just perfect. have used this chat to figure out specific things fast though. love the linux community so far13:20
stercoralextum3: Thanks!\13:20
RaviorIt's up for me13:21
Raviorhmmm It just crashed.13:21
alextum3stercor, you're welcome13:21
dr_willispppurple:  keep an eye on this new hardware for a cool portable linux system -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/cotton-candy-the-usb-sized-arm-pc-that-runs-ubuntu/13:22
nox_cryhello guys13:22
sattu94I mostly use the software centre to read about packages, screenshots etc, then install it through command line.13:22
Ravior21 mb error report... huh...13:22
Raviorit's killing me...13:22
echo_miragei can traceroute webpages, but i can not ping them /read them. what might be the problem?13:22
nox_cryi have a problem with my ati grafics driver 11.11 on my ubuntu 11.1013:22
v1nc3n7pppurple, Im now the first time in an IRC today :D So i try to find out how it works :D13:23
pppurpledr_willis, hmmm, looking at that right now.13:23
nox_cryafter installing my ubuntu freezes in text mode and gui mode13:23
chiyanhow to install vmware13:23
nox_cryi´ve tried to reinstall it serveral times, but it wasn´t helpfull13:23
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:23
allu2_dr_willis , pppurple http://www.raspberrypi.org/ another cool project13:24
pppurplev1nc3n7, i use to use IRC a long time ago for video games and have just started using it again the last week! wish i would have used it more13:24
nox_cryanyone here, who can help me?13:24
pppurpleallu2_, thanks. looking at that as well!13:24
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RaTTuS|BIG!ask nox_cry13:24
v1nc3n7chiyan, if u have a moment I can help u installing VMware...13:25
chiyananyone here, who can help me?13:25
chiyanhow to install vmware13:25
v1nc3n7chiyan, ME! :D13:25
szalchiyan: follow the instructions on the VMware site13:25
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:25
dr_willisor the vmware help.ubuntu.com site......13:26
szalchiyan: or in the downloaded software package, if applicable13:26
dr_willis!vmware | chiyan13:26
ubottuchiyan: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:26
dr_willisand with vmware (and vbox) a read of their docs.. is a must.13:26
videoburnerPlease help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:27
arunmdr_willis:I have 3 virtual machines on my servers. I am using Oracle Virtual box. how can I configure kickstart installation? Of 3 machines, i would like to use one as server and install others from it13:27
allu2_urgh i can't understand this problem, why compiz effect work perfectly but moving windows around is too much to ask?13:27
chiyanhow to install ms office13:27
pppurpleis there a pre-hot key to switch between specific app windows like alt-tab for a specific program?13:27
v1nc3n7chiyan, do u have a moment? Then I can help u installing VMware...13:28
dr_willispppurple:  with unity, you can use win+a # (1through 9) to go to that app.. the # appears in the unity panel icons.13:28
v1nc3n7pppurple, u have now the chance to use it more :D13:28
v1nc3n7chiyan, Do u already have downloaded it from the homepage?13:29
chiyaninstall command13:29
dr_willispppurple:  if using unity - must read links --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/36274/tips-and-tricks-for-unity13:29
v1nc3n7chiyan, Do u already have downloaded it from the homepage?13:30
Q|xmodmap command in terminal is being ignored, e.g. xmodmap -e 'keycode 133 = Alt_L' doesn't seem to do anything (key isn't mapped). The keycode is correct, just checked it with xev. Tried other keycodes, not working as well.13:30
videoburnerPlease help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:30
jribQ|: and if you try to make it a key other than alt?13:31
chiyanhow to install samba? any one help me?13:31
Q|jrib: Special keys or simply another character key?13:31
jribQ|: try 'q' :)13:31
dr_willischiyan:  its in the repos... sudo apt-get install samba13:31
pppurpledr_willis, thank you. reading. i thought i saw a welcome to ubuntu that gave some tips built in but i cant find it now =(13:31
dr_willis!samba | chiyan13:31
ubottuchiyan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:31
videoburnerchiyan: sudo apt-get install samba13:31
Q|jrib: ^^ Will try it ;)13:32
videoburnerPlease help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:32
Guest19107FREE SHELL BNC PLEAS ?13:32
Guest191071 BNC ADDED ?13:32
videoburnerQ|: please help?13:32
jrib!ot | Guest1910713:32
ubottuGuest19107: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:32
dr_willisGuest19107:  i suggest using google for that.. not here.13:32
v1nc3n7chiyan, did you already download VMware?13:32
Guest19107free shells ?13:32
Guest19107free shells ?13:32
Guest19107free shells ?13:32
FloodBot1Guest19107: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
videoburnerjrib: are you my wife13:33
dr_willisGuest19107:  thats one way to get banned.13:33
videoburnerjrib: help me?13:33
=== Guest19107 is now known as asno
jribvideoburner: not as far as I know :)13:33
chiyanyes i downloded, then what i do13:33
Q|jrib: Well, for q it actually does work. So, are names like "Alt_R" just wrong? Where can I look those up anyways?13:33
videoburnerjrib:  Please help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:34
KriptonHi there. Does anyone know wether the "APU" AMD A8-3850 with "Radeon 6550D" works with Ubuntu 11.10 out of the box?13:34
videoburnerQ|: please take that to #ubuntu-admibn13:34
jribQ|: yeah, there is some special way to work with the modifier keys13:34
v1nc3n7chiyan, then you must install the basispaket with "sudo apt-get install build-essential"13:34
videoburnerPeople actually want help no need to just talk about how to effectivley ban the unintelligent13:34
videoburnerPlease help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:35
Myrttivideoburner: please stop repeating your question that often13:35
dr_willisvideoburner:  and whats saying that and when?13:35
Q|videoburner: I actually don't know what you're talking about, but you obviously don't know what I was asking either, so, please scroll up and read properly, thx.13:35
ubuntu_Which tool is the best for burning ISOs to DVD-Rs?13:35
Raviorregister alien rapiteanu_catalin@yahoo.com13:35
dr_willisubuntu_:  most any of the tools can do that.13:36
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:36
dr_willisubuntu_:  thers others in the repos also.13:36
kpHi, i need help with pptpd. I cannot get more than 10 mbit through it, yet openvpn gives me 90. Is that cureable?13:36
ubuntu_dr_willis, yeah, but I've had a lot of trouble with them in the past. Both Brasero and Xfburn has corrupted a lot of my disks.13:36
videoburnerI have to repeat because of the constant screen flood I have to make sure it appears on screenbuffer for people who might be here to actually help.13:36
sipiorvideoburner: don't do that.13:36
videoburnerNo one wants to scroll through backbuffers of trolling13:36
jribQ|: I don't know of a good reference.  Check if the ubuntu wiki has a good xmodmap page.  If not, try to look for one about swapping alt and apple key on macs.  That should get you started in the right direction13:36
dr_willisubuntu_:  most all of them are front ends to wodim i belive. I cant recall any issues with any of them.13:36
videoburnersipior: Then answer13:36
jribvideoburner: please wait at least 10 minutes between repeats.  Thank you13:37
dr_willisvideoburner:  and whats saying that and when?    <---------------------- please answer13:37
videoburnerjrib: no people dont read 10 minutes of backbuffer13:37
ubuntu_dr_willis, I'll risk it with Xfburn then.13:37
jasminhii friends13:37
jribvideoburner: yes.  No more discussion.  Let's get back to support.13:37
dr_willisubuntu_:  i normally use k3b13:37
videoburnerI have to make sure when the screen is flooded my question appears again until answered13:37
ubuntu_dr_willis, alright, will try that one then13:37
videoburnerok back to support13:37
dr_willisubuntu_:  im just used to it. and its feature set does what i need.13:38
jribvideoburner: if you're removed from the channel it will be hard for people to see your question.  So please wait patiently.  This way *everyone* can get help.13:38
videoburnerSUPPORT NEEDED! Please help the error is: No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are: application/x-brasero decoder13:38
RaTTuS|BIG!ask helen_13:38
Myrttivideoburner: nobody wants to scroll through the channel being flooded by only your questions. This channel isn't only for helping you with your problems. I'm not going to ask you to stop repeating again.13:38
sipiorvideoburner: don't be a douche.13:38
v1nc3n7chiyan, it would be nice to get a feedback if you did what i said...13:38
helen_I'm unable to use my iPod shuffle with Ubuntu.13:38
dr_willisubuntu_:  its a bit heavy for simple iso burning. but it does it well13:38
Q|jrib: Yeah, I will try to find some info about it. I actually did search for explicit swapping of keys, that's where I got the starter from, but apparently it's either outdated and doesn't work like this anymore or I'm doing something wrong ^^13:38
videoburnersipior: then clean that hole out yourself13:38
ubuntu_dr_willis, I don't mind13:38
Q|jrib: I'll see what I can find, back to research and thx so far :)13:38
dr_willisubuntu_:  im so used to it. I need to find k3b for windows.13:38
sipiorvideoburner: muwhahaha. and yet you still have your problem.13:39
helen_I read this > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod13:39
jribQ|: it involves modN .  If I was on my laptop, I could give you what I use.  If you can't find anything useful in your google searches, let me know and I'll try too13:39
ubuntu_dr_willis, you're in here a lot helping people. You've helped me several times in the past. Thank you. :)13:39
Myrttisipior: don't bait13:39
dr_willisubuntu_:  :) it pays to not have a life..13:39
videoburnersipior: yes because im the douche in the dirty hole called #ubuntu13:39
Myrtti!guidelines > videoburner13:39
ubottuvideoburner, please see my private message13:39
sipiorMyrtti: you never let me have any fun.13:39
darklinehi all13:40
Q|jrib: Allright, I'll try to dig the net for a few minutes and eventually get back to you, thx ^^13:40
v1nc3n7Hey :)13:40
Myrttisipior: it's what I get paid to do (payment subject to inflation of the value of leprechaun gold)13:40
sipiorMyrtti: :-)13:41
videoburnerubottu: Please see USofA Constitution13:42
ubottuvideoburner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:42
helen_Can someone help me now?13:42
jribQ|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1215339 might give you some good ideas13:42
pppurpledr_willis, that mini computer that you linked, the cotton candy usb thing, looks pretty sweet!13:43
dr_willispppurple:  that rasberypi one is a similer idea. but cheaper. :)13:44
* RaTTuS|BIG is going to be getting raspberrypi's when they come out13:44
pppurpledr_willis, haha i asked to many questions and got to many links. havent got to that one yet13:44
helen_I'd like some help please.13:44
pppurpleRaTTuS|BIG, what do you plan to use them for?13:44
jrib!helpme | helen_13:45
ubottuhelen_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:45
kpHi, i need help with pptpd. I cannot get more than 10 mbit through it, yet openvpn gives me 90. Is that cureable? Tried ubuntu server 9.10 and 11.04. And is this a right channel for pptpd questions?13:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:45
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:45
kyle_I want to add a date to a filename. is there a VAR i can use?13:45
RaTTuS|BIGpppurple - offtopic but a shed load of things - nethack on my TV , video play back - also a load of other general stuff ..... will ahve fun13:46
bregmakyle_, $(date)13:46
jribkyle_: in what context?  Do you want to do something like: echo mycoolfile$(date)13:46
kyle_a backup SQL file13:46
kyle_just so it dosn't overwrite itself.13:47
kyle_can I format $(date)13:47
pppurpleRaTTuS|BIG, haha back on topic, all running Ubuntu! haha. everythings a computer!13:47
jribkyle_: yes, see man date13:47
kpi found a nice script for it - search for automysql backup - it supports rotation and so on13:47
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RaTTuS|BIGyeah as soon as ubuntu get their act together and provide proper support - my 1st task will be to make ubuntu work I suppose...13:48
teddyroosebeltis the software center down today, im getting a blank grey window when i open it13:49
bregmakyle_, try $(date +%Y%m%d)13:49
kpKyle_: Is this what you need? http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/13:49
pppurplehmm i want to look at how ubuntu works on a business model...and then see why they dont have better suport13:49
quixotedonteddyroosebelt: mine is not here13:49
tightworkAfter I click install ubuntu server from grub... my computer itself starts one long continuous beeps anyone ever seen this?13:50
teddyroosebeltquixotedon, not here as in not loading either?13:50
quixotedonteddyroosebelt: meaning mine is working fine :)13:50
Myrttipppurple: Canonical offers paid support.13:51
pppurpleMyrtti, yeah i was looking at that. just trying to figure out if ubuntu is supported by them? not sure how ubuntu actaully makes money13:52
teddyroosebeltoh.. i had it opened twice .. sigh - thanks13:52
jpdspppurple: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview13:52
=== corsair is now known as Guest63030
pppurpleguess jpds, answered that13:53
kyle_bregma: thanks for that..13:54
ServerTechLaptopEncrypted HDD says unmountable drive after putting in the pass?13:56
gappieI am running this shell script on startup with cron. It is killed after running perfectly for anywhere from 20-200 seconds. Any ideas why the system would kill this process? shell script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/764717/13:56
chiyanuninstall command ? any one help?13:57
kpapt-get remove13:57
KriptonHi there. Does anyone know wether the "APU" AMD A8-3850 with "Radeon 6550D" works with Ubuntu 11.10 out of the box?13:58
teddyroosebelti really wish there was more poker/casino games for ubuntu :(13:58
Raviorthere are many sites for that13:59
gappiedumbass gamblers use windows13:59
teddyroosebeltid rather not play on a site, i play for fun.14:00
Ravioragainst bots?14:00
malevhello, I have a ubuntu server and I'd like to connect to it thought ssh without writing my password. what should I do?14:00
pppurplecan you have multiple live boot OSs on 1 usb?14:00
chiyanuninstall command ? any one help?14:01
teddyroosebeltgnome-blackjack is still available though.14:01
jrib!ssh | malev14:02
ubottumalev: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:02
jribmalev: see the section about using ssh keys14:02
teddyroosebeltchiyan, apt-get purge <app name>14:02
ServerTechLaptopanyone? encrypted hdd says unmountable drive?14:02
malevthanks jrib14:03
raymondjtoth3how i save a sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf14:03
raymondjtoth3in  it what i do tahnks14:03
deej1976raymondjtoth3: esc esc :wq [return]14:03
pangolinpppurple: omgubuntu has an article about ceating a multiboot usb14:03
raymondjtoth3dee  what mean14:03
raymondjtoth3esc esc what mean14:04
raymondjtoth3i want to save sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf deej197614:04
pppurplepangolin, ok searching it ty14:04
chiyanhow can install winrar software ? any one help me14:04
bregmaraymondjtoth3, hit the esc key, then type :x!14:04
RaTTuS|BIGraymondjtoth3 - pres esc twice then :wq then enter14:04
deej1976raymondjtoth3: press [esc] [esc] type [:] [w] [q]14:04
jrib!unrar | chiyan14:04
ubottuchiyan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:04
Q|jrib: Thx for the link, read through it but somehow nothing of the mentioned stuff works. Since I've done some changes to keyboard, layout and stuff, I'll just relog or better reboot. Maybe there's something that's blocking it. Thx so far and let's see what the reboot brings ^^14:04
chiyan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:05
chiyansorry, insatll command14:06
deej1976chiyan: sudo apt-get install unrar-free14:06
NakouHello guiz14:07
NakouI need som help an i hope you can help me14:08
RaTTuS|BIG!ask | Nakou14:08
ubottuNakou: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:08
=== Rushing[away] is now known as Rushing
NakouHow i can make an auto-regenerating of conf files of x.org at every boot (nfsrooted system on 3 type of different PC cause graphicals issues)?14:09
ravenhow to add applications to dash panel14:10
Raviorclick and drag14:10
chiyanhow can install unrar ?14:11
ravenRavior, does not work14:11
Nakouraven: version of linux?14:11
Raviorsry but I don't know another way14:11
Ravior12.04 alpha 114:11
Nakouraven: unity?14:12
chiyan how can install unrar ?14:12
ravenNakou, yes14:12
Nakouchiyan: console or graphical solution?14:12
Picichiyan: install the 'unrar' package.14:12
Nakouraven: right clic on the right part of the top bar14:13
Nakouraven: it propose something interessant?14:13
ServerTechLaptop._. any ideas on why an encrypted drive says 'unmountable drive' after entering it's password?14:13
Nakou(i dont have unity, i come here for this)14:13
chiyanhow to install unrar package ?help me14:13
chiyanhow to install unrar package ?help me14:13
Picichiyan: sudo apt-get install unrar14:13
Nakouchiyan: you dont answer our question14:13
chiyanthank u14:14
Nakouraven: idk sorry14:14
NakouSo, help me guys, please :14:14
NakouHow i can make an auto-regenerating of conf files of x.org at every boot (nfsrooted system on 3 type of different PC cause graphicals issues)?14:14
PiciNakou: I'm not sure I understand your question.14:16
NakouI explain more14:16
NakouI made a nfsroot system for 5 or 6 machines14:16
Nakou(all the / are mounted come from a server)14:17
NakouBut, 4 uses ATI cards, 1 intel, and 1 is in dual screen14:17
jason00Question - am I accurate in saying that Ubuntu's sharing network connection feature is very poor? Has anybody else had good experience with it?14:18
Nakouso x.org make a lot of problem (if i configure dual screen, it run only on the dual screen PC etc...)14:18
NakouAnd i ask, how i can force to regenerate x.org files at boot14:18
Pumpkin-do the machines have their own /etc ?14:19
jason00Hm, strange. It actually looks like it's working. The desktop is connected actively but my laptop is flashing every 5 seconds "Connection failed. Failed to connect."14:20
PiciNakou: Is there anything that differentiates the computers?14:20
Nakouis it a problem right?14:20
bregmaNakou, the while purpose of /etc is to give local machine-specific configuration, if you use a generic one you will have problems14:20
bregmanormally only /usr is network mounted14:20
bregmabut / could be network mounted with /etc mounted from local storage on boot14:21
PiciNakou: The way you have it right now all the computers have the same hostname, which is a bit weird.14:21
bregmaor, try using no xorg.conf at all and see what happens14:21
gappiewhat are the steps involved in running a shell script from rc.local?14:22
Pumpkin-or somehow make each machine run a different xorg.conf (for example modify whatever starts X to run X with some flags to make it used xorg-$MYMACADDRESS.conf or something like that).14:22
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chiyanuninstall command?14:23
NakouPici: Yea, I've never seen it like that14:23
iluminator105my desktop sharing window is blanked out, i dont understand why this is?14:24
chiyanuninstall command?14:24
gappieubuntu jou biets14:24
Raviorchiyan: sudo apt-get remove14:24
=== Mud is now known as Guest97941
chiyanuninstall unrar  command?14:24
PiciNakou: The only thing I can think of if you must do it this way is to do some sort of detection via /proc or /sys and specify a custom xorg.conf as an argument to xorg in the proper init script.14:24
chiyanuninstall unrar  command?14:24
Picichiyan: You need to stop repeating and actually wait for someone to answer.14:25
Raviorsudo apt-get remove unrar14:25
tightworkAfter I click install ubuntu server from grub... my computer itself starts one long continuous beeps anyone ever seen this?14:25
=== arges_home is now known as arges
deej1976chiyan: sudo apt-get purge unrar14:26
airtonixNakou: would etckeeper do it for you ? since it's a git based repository14:26
PiciNakou: The problem is whatever changes you make in /etc/X11/ will be seen on all the other computers since its a shared nfs mount.14:27
Pumpkin-the other option is unionfs14:28
kyle_bregma: little more help14:28
Pumpkin-so you "share" a /, but with some stuff overlaid on it. Not sure how you would get into that state though, with having to have a shared /etc/fstab14:28
NakouYea Pici i see. I'm goin to do someting like create one /etc for one type of computer (Chance, 5 PC are the same mark with same hardware)14:28
airtonixNakou: how about use clonezilla server to serve pxe booted diskimage via multicast14:29
Nakouairtonix: i'm goin to see that toop14:30
airtonixNakou: in that scenario the home directory is nfs mounted to a place on a central server14:30
NakouThanks a lot Pici and airtonix for your helps.14:31
airtonixNakou: in my experience, if you use gigabit and a segregated lan, the bootup time is just as fast if not faster than live cdrom14:31
sanduz2are there any good web server testing programs included in the ubuntu repo? i only found one called httperf14:31
NakouIf i succeed to do this, i'm goin to publish it.14:31
Picisanduz2: I vaugely remember reading something about siege.14:32
sanduz2Pici, thank you14:32
Nakoui have a blog : dontpanicit.tumblr.com , you can follow my work on it, so enjoy if you see i succeed :D14:32
NakouThanks a lot again Pici and airtonix14:32
PiciNakou: no problem :)14:32
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deej1976sanduz2: hammerhead14:38
Stanley00Hi, I have a question : Can I edit the fstab file before ubuntu mount, and how can I do this?14:42
GridCubewith a  live cd Stanley0014:48
Stanley00GridCube: It's inside the installed system, I want to change it at boot time14:49
Stanley00GridCube: so you mean, I cant, right?14:49
Rushingif a command has an option like --without-whatever, how do i set that to false implicitly?14:49
BluesKajHowdy all14:49
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GridCubeif you want to edit it before booting you need to change it before using a live cd and then boot, but if you want to edit just once i don't know14:50
donavan01I installed server and I have two different GUI's gnome and xfce .... xfce was installed first but I need a few tools from the standard ubuntu desktop (gnome) how do I start gnome ... right now if I type startx I always get xfce14:51
deej1976donavan01: Have you got an ~/.xinitrc file14:51
GridCubedonavan01, you can start gnome services from xubuntu14:52
BluesKajdonavan01, open the menu at login and choose your desktop there14:52
=== elbarto_ is now known as el-barto
GridCubedonavan01, on the "session & startup" > advanced tab > start gnome services at startup14:53
donavan01Im not running xubuntu and I dont see a ~/.xinitrc file14:53
donavan01Im running server with xfce installed over top14:54
Stanley00OK, next question : how can I run a script just after the installer in liveUSB finish?14:54
* GridCube shrughs then14:54
deej1976donavan01: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession14:54
donavan01Thank you14:55
jason00Question - I NEED to configure my wired NIC. I'm in Gnome Shell currently in Ubuntu 11.10. But I cannot configure it unless it is connected. Uh. No. How can I do this?14:57
ejvi'm having some problems with my ubuntu box and apcupsd. "Error contacting apcupsd @ localhost:3551: Connection refused" Sometimes it works for the first few minutes of the server being on, then it stops responding. Suggestions?14:57
sipiorjason00: edit /etc/network/interfaces14:57
jason00sipior: uh...14:58
jason00sipior: thanks for the suggestion, but no. I'm using network manager.14:58
chiyan i will install ubuntu in my pc , how much  space allocated  root directory ? any one help me?14:58
sipiorjason00: enjoy doing it the hard way.14:58
ejvchiyan: up to you, how much space do you need14:58
deej1976chiyan: My 11.04 is currently using 7.3G for /14:58
jason00sipior: if I boot into Unity, I have theoptions I need. They're just not present in Gnome.14:59
ejvi give root 20G or 25G, sometimes as low as 10G though14:59
jason00sipior: so if you consider the hard way logging out and into unity, then I shall enjoy it. :D14:59
deej1976chiyan: How much are you going to install14:59
tomek_anyone can recommend me a chess program?14:59
sipiorjason00: i consider the coupling of network access and desktop environment to be fundamentally broken.14:59
deej1976tomek_: apt-cache search chess15:00
tomek_any programmers here?15:00
chiyan    root space, boot space ,swap space15:00
donavan01is there any real difference between server and desktop besides the lack of GUI preinstalled15:00
ejv!offtopic | tomek_15:00
ubottutomek_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:00
jclbrtdonavan01, yes there are some additional packages that can be installed with server15:01
jclbrttho they can be added later with desktop as well15:02
jclbrtbut harder in my opinion15:02
chiyan  how much allocated   root space, boot space ,swap space  for ubuntu 11.04?15:02
chiyan  how much allocated   root space, boot space ,swap space  for ubuntu 11.04?15:02
jclbrtalso the server has less of an overhead due to the lack of a GUI as you mentioned15:02
helen_How do I use my iPod in Banshee?15:02
helen_I want to add music to my iPod.15:02
deej1976!repeat | chiyan15:03
ubottuchiyan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:03
jclbrtwhich for most people is a plus for the server (if you need to use it as a server)15:03
helen_It's an iPod shuffle.]15:03
helen_Please help me.15:03
helen_This problem is really making me rage.15:03
jclbrtdont own an iPod :-(15:04
jclbrtsorry I cant help helen_15:04
Xase ipod?!15:04
XaseWhat about them?15:04
helen_Xase: Yes.15:04
chiyan  how much allocated   root space, boot space ,swap space  for ubuntu 11.04?15:04
helen_Xase: Pay attention.15:04
jclbrtchiyan... i dont understand your question15:04
helen_and you'll know.15:04
=== administartor is now known as Fbol
donavan01jclbrt OK so really no differnce in the two unless I have a specialize need...and to save on resources just install a gui to use for somethings and just log out when its not needed15:05
XaseYes because I'm sitting at my computer 24/715:05
Fbolhow to power off another computer?15:05
* Xase eyerolls.15:05
deej1976chiyan: What are your machine spec memory/harddisk15:05
XaseYou just lost someone willing to help, that owns an iPod.15:05
jclbrtxase... helen_ wants to know how to sync his/her ipod in banshee15:05
chiyan  how much  space  allocated   root directory , boot  ,swap   for ubuntu 11.04?15:05
deej1976chiyan: What are your machine spec memory/harddisk15:05
jclbrtdonavan01, well even if you exit there are still some services running that just use up resources15:05
Fbolhow to power off another computer by bash ?15:06
chiyan250 GB space15:06
chiyan2 GB ram15:06
jclbrtfbol u have to initiate an ssh session to execute the command on a remote machine15:06
deej1976Fbol: ssh anothercomputername then init 015:06
chiyan2 GB ram, 250 GB hard disk15:06
chiyan2 GB ram, 250 GB hard disk15:06
jclbrtwhat deej1976 said Fbol15:06
deej1976!repeat | chiyan15:07
donavan01jclbrt ... I like having the gui for some things and I dont mind a little overhead for that ... I basically trying to build a old EEE PC into a wireless bridge and I guess doing so from the gui is way easier15:07
jclbrtdonavan01, you'll find you'll be using the command line more15:07
helen_I'm annoyed at my mum for ordering me an iPhone for xmas.15:07
helen_I want an android.15:07
Fboljclbrt: can you give me a command?15:08
jclbrtbut with the server version you can install webmin and have a full gui to modify your iptables and NIC settings15:08
mewaywhy does VLC have issues with mp4 format?15:08
VustomAfter making my Windows partition smaller and moving it to the right with GParted I can no longer boot into Windows, it says something about it being inaccessible15:08
deej1976chiyan: Go for 1G(/boot),50Gb(root),4Gb Swap, rest /home15:08
jclbrtmeway mp4 is usually purchased music/video from like itunes or something from my understanding15:08
jclbrtFbol, what do you mean?15:08
Fboli'm bad at English and I want to see command like... echo [text]  << jcbrt15:09
jclbrtummmm... lol i cant help you then without knowing anything about what you want to do15:10
donavan01jclbrt no arguments there and once I get it setup and running smoothly I can always rip the gui back out I guess... thanks for the insight15:10
deej1976Fbol: sudo apt-get install mc15:10
HotkeysFresh install of ubuntu 11.10. I have a network share smb://       I can save to it by copying a file from my desktop.I cannot save to it with Libreoffice or Google earth (input output error) However, if I run either program as sudo it will save to the share drive. Is there a solution, so I don't have to run libre office as sudo?15:11
jclbrtthe command is simple... deej1976 i believe said it before15:11
jclbrt ssh anothercomputername then i'd use shutdown -h now15:12
deej1976Fbol: ssh anothercomputername init 015:12
VustomAfter making my Windows partition smaller and moving it to the right with GParted I can no longer boot into Windows, it says something about it being inaccessible, can anybody help me!?15:12
jclbrtor what deej1976 said15:12
jclbrti think that will work too15:12
tossein 11.10 unity.. i created a shortcut to terminator on the dash, but if want to add the option of starting more than one, how do?15:12
rigvedhi everyone. can anyone tell me what are the names of the various urgency levels in Notify.Urgency? I know one is LOW.15:13
jclbrtVustom, are you using Grub?15:13
jclbrtu may have to rewrite gparted15:13
jclbrterrr rebuild15:13
Vustomhow would i do this?15:13
jclbrtit's probably looking at the wrong partition15:13
jclbrtcan u boot ubuntu?15:13
Vustomyes, using it now :)15:14
mongyFbol, ssh user@host -t sudo reboot15:14
jclbrtok Vustom give me a sec15:14
mongyFbol, assuming you know the users password and they are admin15:14
VustomI only edited the Windows parition (took 50gb space from it, has like 100gb left) and that's it, didn't touch Ubuntu or anything else15:14
VustomOnly Windows parition15:14
jclbrtmongy dont they have to be root or sudo to initiate a shutdown15:14
mongyjclbrt, that command will do what he wants.15:15
Vustomjclbrt: Okay :)15:15
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
jclbrtVustom, can you run from the command line of your ubuntu OS "grub-install -v"15:17
Vustomjclbrt: One moment :)15:17
jclbrtthat will give me the version information15:17
Vustomjclbrt: grub-install (GRUB) 1.99-12ubuntu515:17
jclbrtnot yet grub 2.015:17
VustomI can update if you can tell me how :D15:18
jclbrtVustom, do a "sudo apt-get update"15:18
jclbrtlet me know when it is done15:18
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:18
XmannDoes LIGHTDM make system to boot faster ?15:19
Vustomjclbrt: Done :) Btw, when I gave my Windows patition 50gb less it moved from sda2 to sda3 I think, not entirely sure but it moved it to the right, well that's what it said :D15:19
=== sdjf is now known as madprops
jclbrtyea thats fine15:19
jclbrtreinstalling grub will actually identify it automatically15:20
jclbrtor should identify it15:20
jclbrtVustom, which version of ubuntu are you using?15:20
sam22hail !!!!15:20
sam22people of this channel !!15:20
Vustomjclbrt: Would sudo update-grub work?15:20
sam22when is the next ubuntu release after 11.10 ?15:20
Vustomjclbrt: Latest released version of Ubuntu, I forget what it's called :D15:20
jclbrtno i dont think so15:20
jclbrtoh so it is grub 2 already15:20
deej1976sam22: 12.0415:20
sam22deej1976 yeah but when? i will do alot of work upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1015:21
=== max_ is now known as Visionaire
VustomI installed BURG, but I stuffed that up15:21
jclbrtwel grub2 is the default on the new ubuntu15:21
XmannCan lightdm makes system boot faster comparing to gdm?15:21
sam22should i wait ?15:21
deej1976!12.04 | sam2215:21
ubottusam22: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:21
VustomSo I used some program to reinstall grub on a live CD15:21
deej1976sam22: April 12.0415:21
sam22i understand15:21
=== andy_ is now known as Guest26903
jclbrtok Vustom do a "sudo apt-get install grub-pc"15:21
compdocit time for taxes15:22
jclbrtit'll probably complain about version conflicts and offer a solution to un-install grub15:22
Vustomjclbrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765002/15:22
tossein 11.10 unity.. i created a shortcut to terminator on the dash, but if want to add the option of starting more than one, how do?15:22
jclbrtoh strange then15:22
jclbrtok Vustom makes it easier then15:23
Vustomjclbrt: Windows is at /dev/sda215:23
sskalnik Why would pbuilder not fetch dependencies needed to build a package? http://paste.ubuntu.com/764997/15:23
jason00_Why is it so many features are missing in Gnome Shell's rendition of Network Manager????15:23
stasenok /j ubuntu-ru15:23
jclbrtVustom, in the terminal type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair"15:24
jclbrtwe are adding this to your repos15:24
Vustomjclbrt: Done :)15:25
HotkeysHello,using fresh install of ubuntu 11.10. same problem before I reinstalled out of frustration. I have a network share at smb://       I CAN save to it by copying a file from my desktop.I CANNOT save to it with Libreoffice or Google earth (input output error) However, if I run either program as sudo it WILL save to the share drive. Is there a solution, so I don't have to run libre office as sudo?  If i boot into a live flash drive it a15:25
jclbrtthen after that let me type in "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair"15:25
jclbrtlet me know what happens15:25
Vustomjclbrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765008/15:26
=== samsul is now known as samsul|linglung
jclbrtVustom, did you run the other command?15:26
jclbrtVustom, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair"15:27
VustomI think that's what I used a few days ago when I stuffed up BURG :)15:27
jclbrtthe boot repair utility?15:27
VustomBut trying that now15:27
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Pupuser-1I love Ubuntu15:27
Vustomjclbrt: I'll let you know in a moment15:28
Vustomyeah, it's the same method I used to fix burg :)15:28
jclbrtVustom, do you have a GUI installed?15:28
* Vustom scratches head15:29
jclbrtgraphical user interface15:29
jclbrtinstead of command line15:29
Vustomgnome 3 :)(15:29
jclbrti assume you are using Gnome right?15:29
VustomI'm in advanced settings15:29
jclbrtjust wondering15:29
FloodBot1jclbrt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:29
Vustomdo i enable repair file systems?15:29
jclbrtclose advanced options15:29
jclbrtisnt there a button that just says "Recommended repair"?15:30
Vustomfine :(15:30
Vustomthe error message i got when i booted windows, looked like the windows terminal15:30
Vustomand not linux..15:30
jclbrtyou may want to check on gparted that the partition you moved it to is flagged as boot15:31
jclbrtdo u have Gparted installed on your ubuntu?15:31
VustomI just did it15:32
jclbrtok open it up15:32
VustomRight click > Manage flags > boot15:32
VustomShould I try and restart PC now?15:32
jclbrtsee if that fixes it15:32
jclbrti'll wait15:32
Vustomk, brb 3 minutes15:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:32
jclbrtk... you're being timed15:32
=== administartor is now known as Fbol
Fboli have a problem15:35
RaTTuS|BIGask your questions15:35
jclbrtfbol: what problem15:36
Fboli wrote ssh
ServerTechLaptopEncrypted harddrive shows 'unmountable drive' after entering password?15:37
RaTTuS|BIG!ask |fbol15:38
ubottufbol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:38
mongyFbol, need to connect as a user that exists on the server with sudo rights.  or connect as root15:38
Vustomjclbrt: That didn't work, although I got the error code this time and did some research, here's a fix; http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-gparted-to-resize-your-windows-vista-partition/15:38
mongyFbol, if you are still tackling this remote shutdown thing.15:38
Vustomjclbrt: I really don't want to do this though, because I know that'll patch my Windows theme and a few other things :/15:39
AmdpcHi...How to install .so file ??15:39
jclbrtVustom, well that might be the only way u can fix it15:40
RaTTuS|BIGAmdpc - you don't probably - what are you trying to make work15:40
jclbrtit shouldnt change the theme15:40
VustomIt'll patch shell32.dll and some other files which I don't want it too15:40
delinquentmeso im working on an instance of postgresql .. as per the doc recommendation I've created a separate user for writing to the database ..  however I'd like to install "pg_ctl" for the postgres user to use .. but I'd like to not give it sudo  ... how should I go about this?15:41
Amdpc<RaTTuS|BIG> Adobe flash player...I downloaded a tar.gz file and it has a directory called usr and a file libflashplayer.so..I want to install it15:41
pppurpleany one know a channel for linux mint or mind me PMing them about Mint 1215:41
Myrtti!mint | pppurple15:41
ubottupppurple: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:41
deej1976Amdpc: The are installation install with the download, but what's wrong the with distrubed Ubuntu one?15:42
HotkeysFresh install of ubuntu 11.10.     I have a network share smb://       I can save to it by copying a file from my desktop.I cannot save to it with Libreoffice or Google earth (input output error) However, if I run either program as sudo it will save to the share drive. Is there a solution, so I don't have to run libre office as sudo?15:42
Amdpcdeej1976> dry...?15:43
deej1976!flash | Amdpc:15:43
Amdpcsry*.. :P15:43
ubottuAmdpc:: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:43
sskalnikHotkeys:  what are the permissions of that share?15:43
HotkeysI can save to the share with a live flash drive I dont think the share permissions are related15:43
HotkeysI can save to it on windows or running libre office as sudo15:43
usr13Hotkeys: Edit your /etc/fstab file15:43
usr13Hotkeys: Oh sorry, samba, I was thinking nfs.15:44
RaTTuS|BIGAmdpc .... oh deej1976 beat em to iy15:44
Vustomjclbrt: If I boot into Windows Recovery CD and type bootrec /repairbcd,  bootrec /osscan and bootrec /repairmbr that should fix it15:44
sskalnikHotkeys:  with a live flash drive, aren't you root? I would confirm the permissions for the share15:44
Hotkeysubuntu is the username on live15:44
Vustomjclbrt: I'll go try that :)15:44
deej1976RaTTuS|BIG: move your keyboard right a little :D15:44
jclbrtVustom, let me know what happens15:45
sskalnikHotkeys:  I would confirm the correct group membership as well15:45
usr13Hotkeys: Well, may be the same issue.  Not sure, would just have to see what you have15:45
RaTTuS|BIGdeej1976 - lol - it's these fingers I tells ya ...15:45
sidney_Update man fails due to size mismatch, I tried sudo apt-get update but can't see that it installed15:45
Amdpc<deej1976>  !flash shall work..Thanks :)15:45
Vustomjclbrt: I'll be back in 10ish minutesd15:45
Hotkeysusr13 sskalnik I can cut and paste any file from my desktop to the share with no problems its hard to believe its the share permissions. i could be wrong i suppose. windows users have no problems15:46
usr13Hotkeys: How are you mounting the samba share? Is there an entry in fstab?15:46
sskalnikHotkeys:  are you a member of a group with samba access?15:46
VustomI'll need to type that GRUB fix into the terminal again via Live CD once I do this though15:46
VustomSo don't forgot it, I'll probably be 10-20 minutes as I forgot about that part :D15:46
Hotkeysusr13 I am adding a bookmark after typing smb:// in my address bar. from nautilus as a non root user is fine to copy and paste the files with no problems. I will investigate the group access on samba sskalnik as well as editing my fstab thank you guys15:47
Shodowjedi01Sorry if I don't use proper IRC Etiquette  but I am in SERIOUS need of help before I throw my computer through the wall15:47
Shodowjedi01pm please15:47
usr13Hotkeys: What OS is on ?   MS Windows?  or Linux?15:47
BsimsI know calibre stores which book in a series it is in the metadata... how do I display it in book view?15:48
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  what seems to be the issue?15:48
Hotkeysusr13 I will have an answer for that shortly. My engineer maintains our share drive.15:48
Shodowjedi01may I pm SSkalnik15:48
deej1976!ask | Shodowjedi0115:49
ubottuShodowjedi01: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:49
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  probably better to post it here so anyone can help15:49
Shodowjedi01ok here goes15:49
sidney_sudo apt-get upgrade this command dosen't change my system from 10.04 will it?15:49
Shodowjedi01I am trying to get jack audio to recognize my audio hardware15:49
sskalniksidney_:  Nope15:49
Shodowjedi01I downloaded pavucontrol15:50
Shodowjedi01and I got my mic input jack working but every time I try to connect it to jack audio it just stops working15:50
Shodowjedi01how do I fix it15:50
deej1976sidney_: nope, do-release-upgrade will15:50
usr13Hotkeys: How is it mounted on your machine?  Via fatab entry?  Let's look at the fstab entry.   pastebinit /etc/fstab  #Send us resulting URL15:50
MadsRCEvening guys :)15:51
Hotkeysusr13 I use my address bar (Ctrl L) and type in smb:// and then I add a bookmark. I will try the fstab entry next, and I will also find out what kind of server is. I am pretty sure it is a linux share.15:52
Shodowjedi01Can anyone help me get jack audio working?15:52
Hotkeysusr13 thank you15:52
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Shodowjedi01can anyone help me get jack audio working?15:53
Shodowjedi01can anyone help me get jack audio working?15:53
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sskalnikShodowjedi01:  Afraid I can't help; I would sit tight and wait for assistance instead of repeating the question every minute though.15:54
deej1976!repeat | Shodowjedi0115:54
ubottuShodowjedi01: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:54
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  You might also post on the ubuntu forums15:54
usr13Hotkeys: You are viewing it via the browser?  Or?15:54
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Hotkeysusr13 Nautilus15:54
martianShodowjedi01: I also don't have much experience with linux audio I'm afraid, but it also helps to ask more specific questions.15:54
Shodowjedi01the forums take too long15:54
Shodowjedi01I just had the idea that the open source community would help15:54
Hotkeysusr13 my goal is to save files with libre office to our share without running the program as sudo15:54
Shodowjedi01and every time I try to use the irc I get ignored and yelled at for not useing proper etiquite15:55
usr13Hotkeys: Must be already mounted?  Well, wouldn't know....  Ok, well, sorry, can't help you.15:55
Hotkeysusr13 if I run libre office as sudo everything is fine. but my bookmarks arnt on that user, so i have to setup a mount to a local folder. Plus i dont think i should have to run the program as root15:55
martianShodowjedi01: but you're only reaching out to the couple dozen people who happen to be watching this channel right now. Your question on the forum will be seen by many more people without you having to repeat it for several hours.15:55
sidney_update failed from terminal also what should my next step be15:56
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  The open source community is typically very helpful, but please understand that not everyone knows everything about every piece of software. It could take time to connect with the right person.15:56
dandreAre package repositories different for ubuntu server than for ubuntu desktop ?15:56
Shodowjedi01I'm sorry15:56
martianShodowjedi01: if anyone here right now knew how to help, they surely would, otherwise they wouldn't be here.15:56
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  Complaining about not receiving assistance Right Now will be perceived as rude, and might actually make people less likely to help.15:56
Shodowjedi01I understnad, I'm sorry  I have bipolar disorder so I can be a jerk sometimes15:57
Shodowjedi01I don't mean to be offensive15:57
Myrttidandre: no, they're not15:57
Shodowjedi01I'll go post my query in the forums15:57
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  I would post on the forums, since as martian said there will probably be more people who can see it.15:57
Hotkeysusr13 this was my work around mount smbmount // /home/justin/share -o15:57
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  Cool. Best of luck!15:57
jc-2hello guys, a friend of mine, has forgotten his root password. He ask me how could he get it again?15:57
usr13Hotkeys: SO that fixes it?15:58
dandreok so I don't really understand why/how life time for server is longer than for desktop15:58
Hotkeysusr13 yes, but it requires me to run the program as sudo first15:58
usr13Hotkeys: Seems to me that you just need a proper fstab entry.15:58
martianShodowjedi01: No big deal; just don't want you to think you're being ignored.15:58
sskalnikjc-2:  The short version is that he can't, really15:58
usr13Hotkeys: Run WHAT program as sudo?15:58
Hotkeysusr13 libreoffice15:59
Shodowjedi01martain: I get ignored on this side of the screen all the time15:59
Shodowjedi01so I'm really sorry15:59
Shodowjedi01I don't mean to be a uberjerk15:59
Shodowjedi01I know you people want to help15:59
Picidandre: Because the server packages will receive updates for a longer period of time.15:59
martianOn my 11.04 system, apt keeps telling me that nfs-common is being held back from updating even with dist-upgrade. Why would this be?15:59
sskalnikdandre:  Typically servers are something you want to leave running for years without messing with it.15:59
sskalnikShodowjedi01:  It's cool16:00
dandrefor sure16:00
jc-2sorry what do you mean?16:00
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Hotkeysusr13 I can save to the share drive with no problems. Its programs that won't save to it without being ran as root. If i emulate microsoft office in wine, it also works without sudo so I reallly dont think its share permissions. I hate emulating MS office because its slow and wonky. I will be looking into adding the mount via fstab next.16:00
dandrehow can I how exactly what packages will be considered as server grade?16:01
sskalnikdandre:  Not sure what you mean.16:01
jc-2sorry what do you mean?16:02
usr13Hotkeys: Maybe it's something to do with LibreOffice?16:02
sskalnikdandre:  Are you asking how to tell which packages are in the server version versus the desktop version?16:02
Hotkeysusr13 Google earth does the same thing16:02
Shodowjedi01can anyone help me with my boot screen, I messed it up pretty good with plymouth theme manager16:02
jc-2He's using ubuntu 11.1016:02
Hotkeysusr13 libre office also works under a live USB drive using ubuntu 10.24 LTS16:02
usr13Hotkeys: At any rate, you might want to look into using a fstab entry for it anyway.16:02
jc-2or 11.04 i'm no sure really16:02
sskalnikdandre:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:02
Hotkeysusr13 yes i agree. thank you so much for advice16:02
dandrefor instance bash is used for server and desktop so I imagine that the package will be maintained till 2015 for latest LTS16:03
deej1976Shodowjedi01: didn't MahaVishnu Help you yesterday ?16:03
usr13Hotkeys: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/16:03
Shodowjedi01deej1976: that was a different issue16:03
deej1976Shodowjedi01: It was the jack issue, you've now got a boot screen mess16:03
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dandreis there a list of packages for 10.04 that will be maintained till 2015?16:03
usr13Hotkeys: As far as LibreOffice needing to be run as root to save to that dir is a bit odd.16:03
sskalnikdandre:  Haha, well bash will probably be maintained until 2100.16:04
sskalnikdandre:  See http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for the lists of packages in each release16:04
dandrebash in version of 10.0416:04
dandreI meant16:04
Shodowjedi01deej1976: yes, and my jack issue didn't even really get solved. I try to use the forums as much as possible before I resort to annoying you guys on irc16:04
Hotkeysusr13 i agree. it only seems to be this distro16:04
usr13Hotkeys: Let us see what it looks like.  ls -l |grep ^d  |grep share16:04
usr13Show us16:05
dandreYes I know this16:05
Shodowjedi01linux just really excites me, and I try to do everything myself but I usually  mess it up16:05
usr13Hotkeys: ls -l ~/  |grep share16:05
usr13Show us16:06
deej1976Shodowjedi01: This was your last response yesterday: [16:06] <Shodowjedi01> I think that worked Maha!16:06
usr13Or show me.16:06
cooper_My laptop keeps dimming. Any way to fix it?16:06
Picidandre: the infomration on apt-cache show packagename will show you how long each package is supported for (specifically in the 'Supported' field)16:06
Shodowjedi01deej1976: I jumped the gun I guess... Should I just leave?16:06
deej1976Shodowjedi01: nope, just wait and be patience16:07
twiggydangerhi i need help16:07
Shodowjedi01cooper_: is your laptop plugged in?16:08
twiggydangeri'm trying to make a linux live bootable USB and it keeps saying NTLDR not found press ctrl alt del to restart.16:08
Shodowjedi01cooper_: Plug it in16:08
Shodowjedi01cooper_: and I think you can change that setting in power management16:08
sskalniktwiggydanger:  NTLDR is part of Windows; sure you are booting from the right drive?16:09
Shodowjedi01let me see16:09
twiggydangeri've used like 4 different programs to put the ubuntu ISO on it and none of them work: Xboot, Unetbootin, Lili, andA_Bootable_USB_by_Vishal_Gupta16:09
stevegjacobsresults of nova-compute log: http://pastebin.com/gM7uPQ1L16:09
deej1976cooper_: Look in the power management setting, should be a dim on idle somewhere16:09
dandreok I will look that16:09
Shodowjedi01cooper_: it is in power management16:09
Shodowjedi01cooper_: typically it stays illuminated if you keep it plugged in16:10
twiggydangersskalnik: I'm sure. i boot it up, press f12, it asks what drive to boot from i press USB and it says that16:10
twiggydangermaybe if i unplug my external HDD? ill try that if that doesn't work, i'll be back16:10
sskalniktwiggydanger:  What did you use to make the live USB?16:10
cooper_Ubuntu 10.04lts has two boxes that I would uncheck. But there is no way with 11.1016:10
sskalniktwiggydanger:  Ah, that may be it!16:11
* deej1976 Cheers ubuntu server from 10.04 to 11.10 and still working :D16:11
delinquentmeOK so im in a dir with a pg_ctl *clearly* present .. and i run $ pg_ctl ... and it spits back at me pg_ctl: command not found16:11
Shodowjedi01twuggydanger: try that, unplugging all usb storage except for the object with the iso16:11
sskalnikdelinquentme:  what is pg_ctl? It may need to be set as executable or fed to an interpreter16:11
delinquentmesskalnik, how do i check if its executable?16:12
Picidelinquentme: That is expected, your current path is not part of $PATH.  Try ./pg_ctl16:12
Bartolonihi, i need to lower screen freq from 75 to 60 hz on 11.10 (ati vga onboard) how i can do it=? (now after grub, the screen goes black)16:12
sskalnikdelinquentme:  right-clickm properties, permissions, run as program16:13
dandreOk I have seen, thanks pici16:13
delinquentmePici, so i've attempted to add the pg_ctl to the paths ... currently it was set with " export pg_ctl='/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin'    "16:13
delinquentmeexport pg_ctl='/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin ./pg_ctl'  ??16:14
Picidelinquentme: No...16:14
delinquentmePici, i'd like to be able to use pg_ctl to run the executable16:15
Picidelinquentme: Are you trying to get pg_ctl to run from anywhere? or are you just trying to run pg_ctl this one time from its location?16:15
delinquentmefrom anywhere16:15
delinquentmefor a specific user16:15
delinquentmethis user is not root though16:16
Picidelinquentme: Then you need to modify that user's $PATH.  for right now you can just do: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin   but for the long term you should make a modification to your shell's conf file (.bashrc or .zshrc or whatever)16:16
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Shodowjedi01ok so I posted my issue(s) in the forums  but if anyone who can help frees up in the meanwile please let me know16:17
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strikeir13I am trying to remove an icon from the application list. Is there a file that lists which applications show in the application list, and if so, where is that file located?16:18
delinquentmePici i did do that .. export PATH=$pg_ctl:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/pg_ctl    ... and im still unable to run it with pg_ctl from command line16:18
usr13Hotkeys:  smbmount // /home/justin/share -o username=techsupport,password=#####,rw16:19
Picidelinquentme: Thats not the command I told you to do.16:19
Shodowjedi01is there a task kill command?16:19
PiciShodowjedi01: oddly enough: kill16:20
delinquentmePici, correct because that would set it to PATH16:20
delinquentmewhen i want pg_ctl16:20
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evil_hoggreetings. when my laptop z570 boots with freshly installed Kubuntu x64 there is extremely low brightness level on KDM login screen. if i manage to enter password and log in, the brightness returns to normal level16:21
zxiestHey guys =)16:21
zxiestDoes anybody know how I can upgrade ImageMagick?16:21
delinquentmeok so adding something to the $PATH makes anything in that dir available16:21
sidney_my system will not update will someone look at my source list for problems16:22
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Picidelinquentme: I don't think you know what you want.  I told you the proper way to change your user's $PATH (which is where your shell will look for named executables). You instead changed the command and messed up your path for this session.16:22
mneptokShodowjedi01: one man's opinion here. if you do not have enough experience to know the "kill" command and how to use it, doing things like customizing boot screens and such is probably not a great idea. learn to walk. then run. then hop in the supersonic zeppelin made from elf pelts.16:22
ogotaizxiest: apt16:22
Shodowjedi01mneptok: yea that would be a great idea, if I had some idea where to begin, or someone actually willing to help me out16:23
Shodowjedi01but I guess its stupid of me to see comething as cool and unique and customizable as linux and think that I can be cool enough to use it16:23
BlackBurnCan i install lightDM login manager on ubuntu 10.10? How? Anyone?16:23
zxiestogotai apt what?16:24
Shodowjedi01I guess the patch job I did for the madwifi drivers was a fluke16:25
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deej1976Shodowjedi01: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/16:25
Picidelinquentme: If this is a terminal window, you should be able to just close it and open another.  Otherwise you may be able to get away with just sourcing /etc/environment (the command is source /etc/environment) then you can try this export again.16:25
ogotaizxiest: did you check what version is available on apt?16:25
Shodowjedi01ty for that Deej197616:25
deej1976Shodowjedi01: If you don't have guru to watch, googling for tutorials a good way to start.16:26
xuser1ubuntu 11.10 use compiz?16:26
zxiestogotai yes, not the most recent ImageMagick version16:26
Shodowjedi01xuser1: you can get compiz on 11.0416:27
deej1976!ccsm | xuser116:27
Picixuser1: yes16:27
ubottuxuser1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:27
sidney_It seem that this update problem has been an on going problem with 10.0416:27
ogotaizxiest: thats what i wanted to know, hold on a sec16:27
Shodowjedi01but I downgraded to 10.1016:27
Shodowjedi018.10 was my fav <316:27
Picisidney_: What is the exact error taht you are getting?16:27
delinquentmePici, I'm building myself a tutorial on how to correctly setup postgresql so I think im going to want to set the var in .bashrc .. i THINK .. which is something thats covered in the printenv stuff on the ubuntu manpages right?16:27
evil_hogis there any way do adjust brightness level in KDM? (Kubuntu 11.10 x64 on laptop Z570, efi, sandy bridge). the login screen is almost completely black16:28
Picidelinquentme: I don't know what manpages would be best to look at for that.16:29
ogotaizxiest: my idea would be to either install it from source which is actually not recommended16:29
sidney_size mismatch is the error16:29
Picisidney_: Can you pastebin your error?16:29
sidney_I'll try16:29
deej1976delinquentme: man bash16:30
Amon-RaHi guys, i need help with installation..please because i am trying o install it more than 6 hours16:30
delinquentmePici, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Persistent_environment_variables this is what im after right?16:30
delinquentmeit looks right...16:30
ogotaizxiest: or for example check file name and version available, type it into google and add deb extension;) maybe someone had the same issue and shares compiled packet16:30
evil_hogAmon-Ra: why so?16:30
mydoghaswormsIs anyone here using Komodo for editing their Rails project?16:30
zxiestogotai there's no command to issue for update?16:31
Picidelinquentme: yes16:31
ogotaizxiest, if apt holds outdated version then I dont really believe you can do it your way16:31
Amon-Rawell i am using unetbootin and i create a USB boot for Ubuntu, i am doing the installatin normally, i remove the usb but the ubuntu never starts...16:32
Shodowjedi01deej1976: good stuff on this site16:32
sidney_should i get somekind of link to post my pastebin16:32
Amon-Rait stops at load screen of Booting my compute at verifying dmi pool data16:33
zxiestogotai No worries, thanks anyway :-)16:33
Shodowjedi01is anyone able to help me yet?16:33
deej1976Shodowjedi01: http://tldp.org/16:33
Picisidney_: What release of Ubuntu are you using?16:34
Amon-Raany idea why Ubuntu doesn't load/boot after the installation ? all steps seem to be done correctly16:34
sidney_nand how do you guys post the name before the comment16:35
ogotaiAmon-ra: what about live version? works fine?16:35
Picisidney_: Can you please pastebin you sources.list file? (/etc/apt/sources.list)16:35
Amon-Rayes if i load it from UsB it loads fine, with internet available16:35
RaTTuS|BIGsidney_ start typeing the name and press tab16:35
Amon-Raogotai: yes it loads fine16:35
Amon-Raogotai: live version you mean booting from usb without installation right ?16:36
ogotaiAmon-Ra: aye16:36
Amon-Raogotai: i give a try now with 32bit version, as i was trying up to now with 64 bit..but i don't think that this is the issue16:37
ogotaiAmon-Ra, which release are you trying to install?16:37
RaTTuS|BIGAmon-Ra - what hardware are you running16:37
Amon-Ratha latest16:37
sidney_Pici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/765080/16:37
Amon-Rai have intel core 2 quad (i was running windows 7 64bit up to now)16:37
Amon-Rawith 4 gb ram16:37
webnetAmon-Ra, Im sorry i wasnt here yet, what is the issue? spark notes? :D16:38
ogotaiAmon-Ra, you may have ram size detection problems if you run 32bit version;)16:38
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  what does it do exatly? you see a grub menu?16:38
Amon-Rawebnet: i am installing ubuntu normally (more than 5 times up to now) from usb but then it doesn't boot..it stops at load screen of bios (verifying DMI pool data)16:38
webnetAmon-Ra, ok thanks :D16:39
RaTTuS|BIGAmon-Ra - when you installed ubuntu - didi you just let it install alongside windows 7 or something else16:39
webnetAmon-Ra, are you installing 32 or 64 bit?16:39
Amon-RaRaTTuS|BIG: no mate, i install it with formating the disk , i want only ubuntu  on pc16:39
Amon-Rawebnet: i was trying 64 bit up to now but now i will try 32 bit16:40
dr_willisisent verifying dmi pool a bios message?16:40
Amon-Raquestion..if i do manual at partitions, do i have to do anytthing else except root and swap partitions /16:40
webnetAmon-Ra, no if you have 4 gb of ram use 64 bit. 32bit can only use 2.9gb of ram max it would be a waste of resources16:40
Amon-Radr_willis: yes16:40
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  you can get by with just a / and swap.16:41
RaTTuS|BIGAmon-Ra - you will ahve to make one of the parations bootable16:41
Amon-RaRaTTuS|BIG: how can i do that ?16:41
Picisidney_: I'm guessing that you have a bunch of old repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  You probably should remove them, as your errors before looked like they were trying to get packages for an older version of Ubuntu.16:41
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  seems odd you are not even getting to the grub menu.16:41
webnetdr_willis, agreed he should at least see grub...16:41
Amon-Radr_willis: what is grub menu ? :)16:41
Akuma_sQuestion: Does the hot keys depends on the windows manager I'm using?16:41
RaTTuS|BIGAmon-Ra - reboot with live CD - open a terminal , sudo fdisk - delete all teh paratitions , re start the installatioopj and get it to do everythign for you16:42
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  the very first menus/loading images.16:42
GridCubeweb1109, that is not true see PAE16:42
Akuma_sOr are they arranged by each program?16:42
sidney_Pici, thanks I'll try that16:42
Amon-Rashould i run ubuntu from usb and install it from there or should i proceed with installation directly ?16:42
webnetAmon-Ra, grub is the menu of available OS choses16:42
dr_willisAkuma_s:  at the window manager/desktop level - they would be handled by the wm16:42
RyuGunsAll of a sudden my cursor wont move.16:42
delinquentmePici, so this is my current environment file  PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"16:42
Amon-Rawebnet: should i see that menu? i have only ubuntu on pc, not windows16:42
RyuGunsThis is not the first time this has happened?16:42
RyuGunsWhy can't it move and how do I fix it?16:43
delinquentmeit looks like this is colon separated?  bc im missing the idea behind the format16:43
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  it would be hidden by default unless you hit the shift key. but you are not even seeing the splash screens. so somthing else seems wrong16:43
Akuma_sdr_willis, aren't they arranged by each program?16:43
Picidelinquentme: yes, it is colon delimited16:43
webnetAmon-Ra, yes it should display: Ubuntu 64 bit, ubuntu 64 bit [Recovery], RamTest16:43
Akuma_sdr_willis, I know some programs have diferent hot keys16:43
dr_willisAkuma_s:  they might be able to override the wm. but in general.. no. your use of 'hot keys' is a bit. vague. :)16:43
Amon-Rai am installing now 32 bit version just in case16:44
Amon-Ramaybe something is incompatible , who knows16:44
evil_hogwebnet: i don't see such menu16:44
webnetRyuGuns, Um more details. what version of ubu16:44
RyuGunsI'm using Oneiric, it was working and all of a sudden the cursor wont move. :(16:44
Amon-Rawho is better, universal usb installer or unetbootin ?16:45
deej1976RyuGuns: Can you get to  a console ctl+alt+f1 ?16:45
Akuma_sdr_willis, 'Hot keys'. 'short keys' yep, to control the windows behavior and stuff16:45
Amon-Raguys thanks for your responses, really a lot...16:45
webnetevil_hog, it doesnt always show. if there are no eerrors, it would boot the first option, but if for example the power went out and the machine cut cold turkey, the next boot yoou should see that ment16:45
RyuGunsOh, and it's a laptop so, I'm using a touchpad, if that's important.16:45
RyuGunsdeej1976: Yes.16:45
webnetAmon-Ra, Idk if one is BETTER per se, i prefer unetbootin16:45
deej1976RyuGuns: Were you running a web browser ?16:46
Amon-Rawebnet: at installation type, should i proceed with something else? to manual config partitions ?16:46
RyuGunsdeej1976: Yes, chromium.16:46
webnetAmon-Ra, Im not sure that the partitions are the issue..16:46
evil_hogAmon-Ra: did you try with default partitioning by the way?16:46
deej1976RyuGuns: Tried killing it?16:46
webnetAmon-Ra, if they were i feel you would get a different error...16:46
Amon-Raevil_hog: yup.. i will do that now too, i will choose erase ubuntu 11.10 and reinstall (third option)16:47
RyuGunsdeej1976: No, I didn't think that was related to the issue, I will try now.16:47
ServerTechLaptopEncrypted HDD shows 'unmountable drive' on entering password?16:47
webnetAmon-Ra, Um lol here is a question that deserves asking...16:47
webnetAmon-Ra, are you surre you have a 54 bit mobo16:47
dr_willis64bit cpu :)16:47
Amon-Rawebnet: yes .. i was running windows 7 64 bit for more than 1,5 year :)16:48
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Amon-Raalso the live usb ubuntu loads normally at 64 bit...should it load if my hardware wasn't supported ?16:48
RyuGunsdeej1976: Didn't work, I think it might be pidgin.16:48
RyuGunsBut I am using pidgin for IRC.16:48
webnetAmon-Ra, ok lol. i fiigured id ask :P cause those arent really compatible if you have a 32 bit onnly mobo/cpu :D16:48
RyuGunsAlso, chromium didn't close.16:48
webnetAmon-Ra, I suppose no... :P16:49
webnetthe whole thing is odd16:49
deej1976RyuGuns: Did you try killing the process from the terminal ?16:49
RaTTuS|BIGAmon-Ra - go though the install again and get it to do a basic install16:49
Amon-Rainstallation of 32 bit version finishes now16:49
RyuGunsdeej1976: How?16:49
Amon-Raat the end it says :16:49
webnetdo other things load before you get the error Amon-Ra?16:49
Amon-Raremove installation media and close tray blah blah , means to remove usb, right /16:50
webnetAmon-Ra, yes remove usb16:50
webnetthen reboot16:50
Amon-Raactually i don't see an error, it just stops working there..16:50
Amon-Rai see the bios splash screen16:50
webnetOh ok. are ther other things that load before it?16:51
Amon-Rathen a table with disks (u know the loading bios) and then it stops16:51
webnetAmon-Ra, you mean it never starts booting?16:51
Amon-Raverifying dmi pool data message was there even when i was running windows16:51
WanderingEnderDoes #Ubuntu also support xubunutu? I am installing Dropbox in xubuntu via Ubuntu Software Center, and the debconf window appeared for a moment, then disappeared.16:52
webnetAmon-Ra, Ohhhh... this may be a bios issue? anyone wanna second me on that?16:52
Amon-Rawebnet: i think that it stops exactly at the moment that it has to find where to boot from16:52
dr_williswebnet:  i said it looked like a bios mesage :) but dident seem tobe an error.16:52
webnetWanderingEnder, yes16:52
dr_williswebnet:  its weird that its not giving a 'no os found' or other type message.16:52
Amon-Rafor example if i run a bootable cd rom, after verifying dmi pool data it starts reading the cd rom16:52
webnetdr_willis, i must not have signed on yet :D16:53
dr_willisAmon-Ra:  double check your bios and makre sure its set to boot from the hd?16:53
Amon-Radr_willis: yes that's 100% sure correct16:53
webnetAmon-Ra, yes that could be the issue. if the hdd isnt a boot option that could easily be the problem16:54
Amon-Rai am waiting to download languages and i will report in 1-2 mns about the 32 bit version16:54
webnetok. Amon-Ra, it boots?16:55
Amon-Rawebnet: i will tell you in 1 min.. i am waiting last installation steps of ubuntu16:55
webnetAmon-Ra, Ohhhh ok you are still on installer gotcha :P16:56
Amon-Rabut now i see some new messages on installation16:56
Amon-Rainstalling boot loader16:56
Amon-Raand installing grub/something..16:56
webnetAmon-Ra, boot loader is grub that we were talking about16:56
Amon-Rai didn't see these on installing system with 64 bit16:56
webnetthat is the os choises menu16:56
Amon-Rai am 90% sure about this..16:56
webnetAmon-Ra, wow ok. that could be part of the issue as well16:57
Amon-Rawebnet: yes i guess16:57
evil_hogwoops :D16:57
Amon-Rabut if it works now...what should be wrong with 64 bits version? but ok let's see first if 32 bit works16:57
dr_willisHmm.. its one of the last things the installer asks.16:57
Amon-Rai am restarting16:57
evil_hogsorry. take care anyway16:57
Amon-Raso let's see..16:57
jclbrtha.... my old company paid me today even though i quit like two weeks ago16:58
jclbrtthree weeks actually16:58
webnetAmon-Ra, if there is an issue with the 64 bit installer, you might try the alternate download and try again16:58
Amon-Rawebnet: let's see...it boots now16:58
webnetAmon-Ra, it boots?16:59
Amon-Rayes.. !!! it worked...at least didn't stop at veryfiying16:59
jclbrtoops sorry wrong channel... forgot thats off-topic16:59
Amon-Rai think ubuntu starts16:59
webnetjclbrt, there is a topic? lol jk jk16:59
dr_willissounds like for some odd reason grub dident get installed bya the 64bit installer..16:59
Amon-Rai am at ubuntu now..at 32 bits16:59
webnetdr_willis, yeah... that is strange17:00
webnetAmon-Ra, if you truly want 64 bit try the alternate download17:00
Amon-Rashould i redownload the 64 bit ?17:00
RingZer0The US government is now trying to add DNS filters to censor what we do.  Matt Cutts and NY Times write about this.  This is what freenode is about, what opensource is about, regardless of political party, or IRC chanel topic, this affects all of us.  Please ... http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?czxLncb -- http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/internet-censorship-sopa/17:00
Amon-Rayes i will do it17:00
Amon-Rai am going to download them now17:00
delinquentmeOk so no luck so far setting this path var ... my current var in the /etc/environment  :    PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin"    now the last file listed there contains the executable I'm after ... now I've edited that environments file as sudo .. and verified that the path is in there ... however running pg_ctl from the command line still doesnt run it17:00
webnetAmon-Ra, use the alternate disc not the same one u used17:00
Amon-Rayes i am going to alternate17:01
raymondjtoth3in ubuntu 11.10 how i check my dns im using useing ifconfig17:01
Amon-Rawhat should i choose? bittorrent or alternate locations /17:01
webnetAmon-Ra, Ok good :)17:01
DarkStar1Hi. is it possible to search the whole FS for a single file from the command line17:01
raymondjtoth3what the command please17:01
dr_willisraymondjtoth3:  cat /etc/resolv.conf17:01
webnetAmon-Ra, i usually use alternate17:01
compdocraymondjtoth3, open the file /etc/resolv.conf17:01
dr_willisDarkStar1:  find, or locate command.17:01
escottDarkStar1, updatedb; locate or use find17:01
raymondjtoth3i want to nsee it in terminal like windows sdose17:01
Amon-Raubuntu 11.10 alternate amd64 right ? i see also amd64 desktop17:02
webnetAmon-Ra, then choose the us server (Assuming you are in the us)17:02
raymondjtoth3Commander1024,  understand17:02
dr_willisraymondjtoth3:  that made no sence.17:02
Akuma_sThat 'find' command is impressive17:02
Amon-Rawebnet: i am in Greece..17:02
compdocamd64 is 64 bit17:02
raymondjtoth3Commander1024,  is that were i can change my dns i what i want also17:02
webnetAmon-Ra, wow thats awesome!17:02
webnet* :D17:02
Amon-Rayes it has 3 versions of amd64...alternate, desktop and server...i guess i need alternate ?17:03
raymondjtoth3dr_willis,  is the command you gave me were i put what ever dns i want to use also?17:03
raymondjtoth3i now to ubuntu 11.1017:03
webnetAmon-Ra, choose the desktop17:03
raymondjtoth3dr you here?17:04
Amon-Rai am going to download it from greek server17:04
webnetAmon-Ra, i just looked i believe the first one you see is the server edition.17:04
Amon-Rawhat should i choose from there?17:04
dr_willisraymondjtoth3:  that file is made via the network manager tools  and contains the dns servers yes.17:05
Amon-RaPC (Intel x86) install/live DVD ?17:05
raymondjtoth3dr_willis,  so the command you gave me were i put it the text fikle rigfht17:05
raymondjtoth3file right17:06
hatcherya boy17:06
Amon-Rai guess this is what i need : PC (Intel x86) install/live DVD....right? as i have intel core 2 quad17:06
dr_willisraymondjtoth3:   thats the file. yes.. but it will get changed next time network ing restarts unless you set up stuff17:06
theadminAmon-Ra: If you are using a 64-bit processor, then pick the amd64 version (it's called "amd64" in the Linux world because those guys made up the 64-bit stuff)17:07
kanhiyaI am getting much less battery backup in Ubuntu as compared to WIndows17:07
Amon-Ratheadmin: so should i download the 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD ?17:08
kanhiyaEven though i am using same browser and pidgin17:08
Amon-Ratheadmin: the first lnk here : http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases-dvd/11.10/release/17:08
escottkanhiya, you can use powertop to try and reduce the power consumption17:08
kanhiyaalso brightness is at minimum level17:08
kanhiyatried but not good as compared to windows17:09
nodestoo1what libraries do i need to have ssh -X work?17:09
nodestoo1like what are the basic X libraries?17:09
nodestoo1this is on a headless server install17:09
zertyuiare you using compiz fusion ? kanhiya17:10
kanhiyazertyui: Yes17:10
zertyuitr y to disable17:10
webnetAmon-Ra, if its 64 bit the amd64 refers not ti the processor brand but to the architecture su use the amd64 version17:10
zertyuishould be good17:10
kanhiyazertyui: Back to basic17:11
=== nodestoo1 is now known as nodestool
kanhiyazertyui: or gnome317:11
jubo2Why cannot I have a Linux flavour that has really really really little bugs ?17:11
Amon-Rawebnet: yes the filename is ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64-mac.iso so i guess i am downloading the correct version17:11
webnetAmon-Ra, wow i like the greek server. the us server had just got the basic apache directory listing... borring looking the greek one looks nice and attractive :P17:11
escottnodestool, you will usually want the gtk libraries and the like, but its often easier to just install an xserver and just not start it17:11
Amon-Rawebnet: ntua is the national technologial university of athens, they do good job :)17:12
nodestoolescott: "an xserver" i mean my (mis)undrestanding is that i whould install like xfce or gnome or something? Should i do that?17:12
jubo2There are nice things in Xubuntu and Kubuntu and I like appreciate the effort put in and all but I'd still like an OS that can properly use keyrings and wlan base stations  and provide an irc client that has working audible alerts ..17:13
webnetAmon-Ra, yes thats the correct one. the mac refers to the fact that the version is compatible with mac hardware as well17:13
jubo2I still have some HDD space so I guess I could look at what the GNOME camp has come up with ..17:13
Amon-Rawebnet: thanks mate! really thanks17:13
georgiai am having problems with flash framerates on my netbook esp with hulu.com any advice?17:13
Amon-Rageorgia: are u greek ? :)17:14
Picinodestool: If you're just using ssh -X then your applications should have already pulled in the necessary dependencies.  You don't need to install a desktop environment to use them.17:14
Amon-Rageorgia: georgia is a greek name17:14
escottnodestool, so your X client applications will need to link to libgtk or libqt etc... If you just install the client applications you need they should pull in everything else, which will by default include an X server. but assuming that disk space is not an issue just let it install17:14
Pici!ot | Amon-Ra17:14
ubottuAmon-Ra: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:14
Amon-Rai'm sorry :)17:14
nodestoolescott: i am not installing this app from apt :(17:14
webnetjubo2,  well dont use the unity interface... i am afraid youll be disappointed... unity is in my opinion BLOATWARE that sucks mega resources and overall is hard to use for the semi advanced to advanced user...17:14
distanciahellow >.<17:15
bugweiserHey guys17:15
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escottnodestool, well that makes it harder. you will have to figure out what libraries your application needs and install all those17:15
bugweiserDoes anybody know what rpcbind is?17:15
distanciano body want sleep .... :(17:15
webnetAmon-Ra, no problem. :D btw ubottu is just a bot. no need to apologise :)17:15
nodestoolescott: maybe i should just start by bulling something from apt  with a head and see what happens17:16
JLucPlz i need help with sun jdk install : when installing it, the licence is displayed full terminalwindow and it blocks the terminal. There is a text "<Ok>" that probably should act like a button but how can I click it ? since its all text and no mouse effect on it.17:16
nodestoolescott: do i need to run startx or whatever before i ssh -X17:16
michaeljwjrDoes anyone here use chromium? Can anyone get this game to work? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/oohphhdkahjlioohbalmicpokoefkgid/reviews17:16
bugweiserGetting error "Cannot open "/run/rpcbind/rpcbind.xdr" not found17:16
Amon-Rawebnet: lol i didn't know :017:16
escottnodestool, X servers are backwards. What is served is screen space. so the Server runs you the ssh client, and the ssh server doesnt need a server17:16
BenkinoobyJLuc, hit enter... or try to navigate with the tab key to it and the press enter17:16
jubo2webnet: to install and enable the "full screen task switcher" was a good idea though I'd less visually loading _possibility_ would be nice and if the keyrings/keychains and wlan and irc sounds would work I'd be a happy GNU/Linux camper17:16
webnetAmon-Ra, lol. its all good! i did the same thing my first time on here! :P17:16
Amon-Rawebnet: 4 mins for the download to finish...let's goooo... i hope that it will work now the 64 bit17:17
BenkinoobyJLuc, space key could also work17:17
morris4with ubuntu 11.10, i cant find my wireless network anymore. it does find a lot of others though, and i've also already enabled channels 12 and 13, so thats not the problem. anybody got an idea?17:17
escottnodestool, so startx on the ssh client (unless it was already running), you do NOT need to run startx on the server17:17
theadminmichaeljwjr: Seems to work for me...17:17
RaTTuS|BIG!wireless | morris417:17
ubottumorris4: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:17
jubo2Why does these ubuntu/debian based OS'es so frigggen buggy ?17:17
JLucno it doesnt benknooby. I tryed O or Y and O enter and Y enter too.17:17
JLucwhen pressing esc there is a short flash with "normal terminal" view17:18
Amon-Rawebnet: i am so exchited for working with linux and ubuntu  :017:18
michaeljwjrtheadmin so when you start the game you can play it? In my chromium it just opens a white page that does nothing.17:18
tashI've tried #ubuntu-server and ##linux, so trying here now :P Fresh install of 10.04 Lucid server and mysql will not start. Notice the output in dmesg, anyone have any helpful tips? http://pastie.org/299202717:18
JLucand it goes back to purple licence view that i cannot get pass17:18
theadminmichaeljwjr: It gives me a page saying "Preloading content (40MB)", but definetly not something white17:18
michaeljwjrok then I'll try and figure it out.17:18
michaeljwjrwhat version of ubuntu/chromium are you using?17:18
webnetjubo2, agreed, but i think what REALLY turns me off to unity is the damn menu. there is no structure to it at all, no accessories menu or whatever, and if the tool you want doesnt fit in the cookie cutter criteria they have set fo available menus , u have to know the EXACT tool name to find it. P.I.T.A.17:19
Amon-Raquestion, if i don't choose download while installing, i guess i can do these downloads later inside ubuntu, right ?17:19
compdocit will still d/l some stuff17:19
theadminmichaeljwjr: Hm, it sometimes works and sometimes it randomly redirects me to the white page indeed17:19
jubo2somebody fix teh Kubuntu tnx pl0xx17:19
theadminmichaeljwjr: Buggy app I suppose17:20
compdocI think that makes it take too long installing17:20
Picijubo2: Please file a bug if you are experiencing a bug.17:20
webnetAmon-Ra, Im glad. and yes you can using the command line. just type sudo apt-get update, then when that is done use sudo apt-get updgrade17:20
michaeljwjrok cool. I had a friend test it in win7 and it works for him.17:20
jubo2Pici: sure thing. Where ?17:20
michaeljwjrthe reviews have sporadic working for some people as well.17:20
theadminmichaeljwjr: I'm running Chromium on ArchLinux with version 15.0.874.12117:20
Picijubo2: ubuntu-bug programname17:20
usr13 /msg ubottu !bug17:20
webnettash. what errors are you getting and how are you starting it?17:21
Amon-Rawebnet: these commands sounds a little bit alienated to me :p17:21
georgiai am having problems with flash framerates on my netbook esp with hulu.com any advice?17:22
delinquentmeso apparently I need to add something the to bottom of a username.profile ... file ... anyone know where this might be?17:22
georgiaand no Amon-Ra not greek17:22
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tashwebnet: the pastie shows some errors17:24
webnetlol ok. Amon-Ra dont worry they did to me at first too. what it does is this, apt-get uses aptitude to install software, update makes it check all of the sources to make sure they are still working and downloads from each sourcce the database of available files and packages for downlaod. then upgrade checks everything you have installed and looks for what is out of date and then updates it and installs what is missing. :D17:24
tashIt won't start at boot, and I've tried /etc/init.d/mysql start as well as start mysql and service mysql start17:24
Amon-Rawebnet: i am creating the usb boot now...let's see17:24
Amon-Rawebnet: and what is sudo means ?17:24
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compdocsudo = run as root17:25
Amon-Raoh ok, thanks17:25
Paradizehow can i crack a server?17:25
RaTTuS|BIG!sudo | Amon-Ra17:25
ubottuAmon-Ra: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:25
Paradizehow can i crack a server?17:25
theadminParadize: We don't support that on Freenode.17:25
RaTTuS|BIGParadize hit it with a hammer17:25
Paradizesorry for my syntax17:25
Paradizei have a problem17:25
Amon-RaParadize: you can throw it out of a window :p17:26
webnetyeah Amon-Ra sudo is super user DO and it runs as root which is th eonly account that can actually make changes to the system17:26
RaTTuS|BIG!ask | Paradize17:26
ubottuParadize: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:26
Amon-Rashould i choose to boot from usb before installation or should i install directly? no difference huh ?17:27
Paradizehow can i use metasploit?17:27
paula__hi guys17:27
theadminParadize: No difference really.17:27
webnetParadize, i dont think this is the place for that discussion, ITS ILLEGAL TO HACK SOMEONES SERVER17:27
paula__where do i get thew 3d slide transitions for impress?17:27
PiciParadize: Again, such things are not on-topic for #ubuntu or anywhere else on freenode.17:27
Pici!illegal | Paradize17:27
ubottuParadize: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:27
theadminAmon-Ra: No difference between installing and booting to Live and THEN choosing to install.17:27
paula__i meant libreoffice impress sorry!17:27
paula__verysion 3,4,417:28
theadminpaula__: Um... Check out the OpenOffice site (LibreOffice is an openoffice fork)17:28
JLucOh yes Benkinooby i missed your first answer : navigating with tab enabled to hit enter and done ! thx17:28
Amon-Rawebnet: moment of truth came..i am starting the 64bit installation17:28
webnetAmon-Ra, ok17:29
BenkinoobyJLuc, you're welcome17:29
tashwebnet: did you see that pastie?17:30
RaTTuS|BIGtash post it again and your question17:30
webnettash. sorry no i cantt find it my apologies. post the link again?17:30
tashFresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid ( server ) mysql will not start on boot or manually, http://pastie.org/299202717:31
tashodd, b/c it is working on 1 other server I just setup17:31
paula__hi theadmin have you tried the impress using 3d transitions?17:31
RaTTuS|BIGwhat error tash?17:32
theadminpaula__: No, sorry, I'm not really into making presentations.17:32
kriptonHi there. I'm on a ssh-session to an ubuntu (11.10) host right now and I want to add "nodmodeset" to the default kernel boot parameters. How can I do this?17:32
RaTTuS|BIGeek - time for the pub ....l8r all17:32
theadminkripton: shift during boot, edit the kernel line17:33
escottkripton, /etc/default/grub then run update-grub17:33
kriptontheadmin, shift sounds good, I didn't see a grub-select-scren or so at all17:33
tashRaTTuS|BIG: the bottom line of the pastie ...17:33
kriptonescott, thanks :)17:33
theadminkripton: Yeah 'tis hidden by default17:34
Amon-Rainstallation begun...all make wishes to go fine..17:34
tashRaTTuS|BIG: that is showing up a lot ... and what happens is mysql never starts, it just hangs when I try to upstart it ( start mysql )17:34
tashand then will finally saystart: Job is already running: mysql, but it really isn't17:35
kriptonescott, worked. perfect. Now let's find out why the X-server doesnt work ...17:36
Amon-Ramoment of truth..17:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:37
webnettash, well it shows that it is in your pastie. it has process ids17:38
BarkingFishkripton: try running the x server from a terminal.  i think startx works on ubuntu, i'm pretty sure it does anyway.17:38
webnetAmon-Ra, good luck :d17:38
Amon-Rano luck.. :( it does the same thing,.. it stopped at verifying dmi pool data17:38
webnetAmon-Ra, Damn17:38
BarkingFishAmon-Ra: what's up?17:38
webnetperhaps using 32 bit is the only option Amon-Ra17:39
Amon-Rait seems that after searching cd-rom in installation (no cd-rom and it gives an error) it fails to continue the installation17:39
webnet?? Amon-Ra that is strange.17:39
Amon-Raas it immediately showed installation completed, restart17:39
webnetAmon-Ra, wow... that is um... wow. strange...17:40
Amon-Raat the 32 bit version after that message it continuedthe installation of grub and languages17:40
Amon-Racan i disable the cd rom through bios ? maybe if i disable it may skip that step and the installation finish normally17:40
tightworkI try to install opennebula-sunstone and I get failure: http://dpaste.com/670890/17:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:41
kriptonBarkingFish, it tries to start the X-server then but sais it needs KMS. since I just disabeld it (not working), X doesn't work either :( Damn this uber-new hardware :) Nevertheless, in gentoo with linux-3.1.4 it didn't work eiter ...17:42
tightworkdamn it17:42
tightworknever ending september in ubuntu world17:42
BarkingFish!info KMS oneiric > BarkingFish17:42
webnetAmon-Ra, yeah...idk...  possibly...17:43
webnetthe whole thing is strange17:43
netraamehtHey, can somebody help me with installing Mono 2.8?17:43
Amon-Rawebnet: how do i disable it? any idea? :)17:43
kripton!info KMS oneiric > Kripton17:43
webnetyou would have to probably enter the bios17:43
sam22hail !17:43
sam22people of this channel !!17:43
Amon-Rai am in bios17:43
Amon-Raand i see it in standard cmos features17:44
webnetok what are your options along the top?17:44
netraamehtHey, can somebody help me with installing Mono 2.8?17:44
kriptonBarkingFish, it works with the vesa driver17:44
webnetyou should have one like boot order or something Amon-Ra17:44
Amon-Rastandard cmos features , adcanced bios features, integrated peripherals power managemetn, pnp/pci congiruations17:44
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BarkingFishkripton: what card are you trying to use for your graphics?17:44
webnetnetraameht, yeah have you tried the cli commands17:45
Amon-Rawebnet: yes but i believe i have to disable it not only from boot order but not to work at all17:45
kriptonThe system has an AMD Llano APU A8-3850 with integrated Radeon HD 6550D17:45
kriptonBarkingFish, The system has an AMD Llano APU A8-3850 with integrated Radeon HD 6550D17:45
sam22kripton is it a good performer ?17:45
sam22i have few atoms netbooks and they are awful17:45
webnetAmon-Ra, is this a laptop you are on?17:46
BarkingFishkripton: which version of Ubuntu are you trying to use this on?17:46
kriptonsam22, Llano doesnt have to mean "slow" or "atom". This is a Quad-Core with 4x2.9 GHz17:46
Amon-Rawebnet: yes17:46
Amon-Rawebnet: and i am installing on desktop17:46
kriptonBarkingFish, the latest available. 11.1017:46
sam22ok my man..17:46
webnetAmon-Ra, ok. can you unplug the sata or ide cable from the disc drive.17:46
Amon-Rawebnet: i am going to remove the power of cd rom17:47
kriptonsam22, and about performance: dunno, under gentoo CPU-performance is awesome. Graphics: dunno, dribver not working ...17:47
tightworkhalp my keyboard ez broken wot to dew?17:47
webnetok remove the data cable as well, then it wouldnt be an available device Amon-Ra17:47
kriptonBarkingFish, I'll try the fglrx-driver or stay with vesa17:48
martianOn my 11.04 system, apt keeps telling me that nfs-common is being held back from updating even with dist-upgrade. Why would this be?17:48
webnetnetraameht are you still here?17:48
Amon-Rai am trying to find the key for the tower :p17:48
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BarkingFishkripton: have you tried editing your boot line?  It's possible that it may work if you use   nomodeset on your boot line17:49
sam22kripton atom is crap and i think that's why some manufactures will stop making intel atom netbooks17:49
webnetAmon-Ra, ok lol.17:49
kriptonBarkingFish, yes, without nomodeset is default but then screen gets no output at all. no console, no X. SSH is working and the only way to "use" the machine17:50
webnetsam22, idk that its crap per se, its just old. the technology behind it is good, its just that NOONE has updated it to make it more modern, and at 1.33Ghtz, it needs an upgrade badly17:50
BarkingFishkripton: so using nomodeset in your boot line does what?17:50
BarkingFishis that where you get the request for kms?17:51
kriptonBarkingFish, nomodeset makes the text console work but the "ati" (=opensource) driver fail since it cant find KMS17:52
tightworkah of course, the latest version is not in ubuntu silly me to think it was17:52
webnetkripton, what is your issue. i wasnt paying attention at first. sparknotes?17:52
kriptonBarkingFish, gonna try again without "nomodeset" and check Xorg.0.log via SSH17:52
Amon-Racd removed :p17:52
Amon-Ralet's see..17:52
kriptonweb1109, what is sparknotes? I'm trying to get Ubuntu 11.10 running on an AMD Llano APU A8-3850 with integrated Radeon HD 6550D but X doesnt start17:53
webnetAmon-Ra, good luck :)17:53
BarkingFishyep, do that, and when you have the xorg log available, kripton - copy it over and paste it up to paste.ubuntu.com17:53
mydoghaswormsSorry, I asked this and then went away, but is anyone here using Komodo for editing their Rails project?17:53
BarkingFishremember to put the URL back here though, and we'll take a look17:53
mydoghaswormsOops, wrong channel.17:53
tightworkis there a #ubuntu-nonewb ?17:53
Amon-Rawebnet: thanks...if ubuntu is smart...it will skip this step now as i don't have a cd rom plagged in17:53
tightworkah there is now17:53
webnetkripton, sparknotes is like cliff notes, but its the name of a web site17:54
webnetAmon-Ra,  :D we can hope. fingers crossed for you117:54
Amon-Rawebnet: actually i don't believe that it will work...not many chances..but lets see17:55
webnetkripton, does it go something like text booting then randomly screen turns off?17:55
netraamehtHEY HOWTO INSTALL MONO 2.8?17:56
webnetAmon-Ra, yeah im thinking the same but its possible its a glitch about it because of using a usb instead of cd. Oneric if still full of glitches. I always use 2 versions behind at least. I use 10. 10 until precise comes out17:56
kriptonwebnet, I see: BIOS -> full-screen colored "ubuntu bg-color" -> screen off17:56
kriptonBarkingFish, Xorg.0.log looks way too normal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765153/17:57
webnetok. are you on 11.04 or 11.10? kripton?17:57
BarkingFishnetraameht: firstly, please turn your caps off. You don't need to shout in here, you ask, you wait patiently, we get to you in order.17:57
kriptonBarkingFish, excactly like on Gentoo but screen stays off17:57
kriptonwebnet, 11.1017:57
Amon-Rawebnet: let's see..installation begun..i am very curios17:57
kriptonBarkingFish, it even reads the monitor's EDID correctly ..17:57
webnetnetraameht, I asked you and you never responded!17:57
webnetkripton... laptop?17:58
BarkingFish[     6.081] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)   << kripton17:58
rhizmoeis gnome-terminal *supposed* to be kinda "heavy", cpu-wise?17:58
webnetnetraameht, i asked if you had attempted to install yev via software center or CLI?17:58
BarkingFishkripton: are you sure you're not missing things out of your system?17:58
kriptonwebnet, no17:58
netraamehtWell, whats yev?17:59
Amon-Rascanning the cd rom :/17:59
Amon-Rai guess it will stop installation now17:59
kriptonBarkingFish, right, it loads the xserver-xorg-video-ati stuff. The open-source-driver for the card instead of the closed-source one17:59
BarkingFishKMS is already on, too, kripton.17:59
kriptonBarkingFish, yes, just like it should17:59
webnetkripton, ok good there is hope then. lol. Its possible that your video driver isnt compatible with the linux kernel 2.6.35. that is what happened to mine :(17:59
webnetnetraameht, sorry typo *yet18:00
kriptonwebnet, kernel is "Linux slimbox 3.0.0-13-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 2 13:27:26 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"18:00
netraamehtwebnet, what do you mean?18:00
p3llin0r3hey guys, so, i'm trying to set up remote desktop on a remote computer, which I can only currently ssh into. Can I do this through the command line?18:00
kriptonBarkingFish, found something yesterday on some linux-drm mailing list... will have to find it again18:00
webnetyou are on ubuntu yes? netraameht ??18:00
netraamehtwebnet, yes18:01
Amon-Rawebnet: it did the same..after the scannning the cd rom part, it says installation complete...18:01
nemoSo. I'm trying hard to get used to unity - mostly because gnome-shell is crashing once a minute18:01
VIPER-IIhi there18:01
webnetAmon-Ra, damn, you dont have any cds/dvds?18:01
Amon-Rawebnet: i clicked continue testing now, not restart and i got a message installer crached18:01
webnetblank ones?18:01
BarkingFishkripton, ok then - have another look there. I have to go out in a moment, but I'm sure someone else here will be able to give you a hand.18:01
nemoI was wondering. is there any way to make the left panel always visible, or at least accessible in some other fashion, like a button?18:01
VIPER-IIAny good File Manager on ubuntu?  Ehh... remote filemanager ofcourse18:01
BarkingFishI'll have a look round later when I come back, probably be about 4 hours or so.18:01
nemobasically, I use synergy, so I'm constantly flipping over to the computer on the left when I try to access the panel18:01
nemohm. I guess I could just use the search shortcut to access it then unfocus search18:02
webnetnetraameht, ok open the ubuntu software center and try searching MONO18:02
nemoa bit less convenient though18:02
pikaciup3llin0r3: you don't want to use VNC ?18:02
nemoeh. I'll just do that. n/m :)18:02
kriptonBarkingFish, just my problem: https://groups.google.com/group/linux.kernel/browse_thread/thread/2273f97574f2b69518:02
netraamehtwebnet, ok, but is it 2.8?18:02
kriptonBarkingFish, nevermind. I'll try fglrx in the meantime18:02
Amon-Rawebnet: it sas "we're sorry, the installer crashed. After you close this window we'll allow u to file a bug report using the integrated bug reporting tool. this will gather informaiton abut your system and installation process. the details will be sent ot our bug tracker and a developer will attend as soon as possible18:02
p3llin0r3pikaciu, i want to use VNC. BUT, i can't actually get to the comptuer, so I have to set it up over SSH18:02
paula__hey guys is there a way i can replicate the transition effect he had using Impress? http://vimeo.com/3125837718:02
p3llin0r3pikaciu so I have to use command line stuff to do it18:03
Amon-Rawebnet: i got the report18:03
pikaciup3llin0r3: can you X Forwarding ?18:03
webnetAmon-Ra, ok fill out the report... you may have to use 32 bit for now... let me give you an email address where you can contact the devs of ubuntu, and let them know what happened... :(18:03
BarkingFishok kripton, I'll be back later, or if I miss you, I hope you get sorted out.18:03
BarkingFishSee you guys later18:03
webnetnetraameht, possible, it should tell you. if you want to be sure, try using the terminal to install instead18:04
p3llin0r3pikaciu, explain please, i've never heard of it.18:04
tightworkwow just wow18:04
Amon-Ravery weird issue..18:04
tightworkbrand new install and straight from the repos, what is to be stable packages are horrible broken18:04
webnetnetraameht, something like sudo apt-get install mono-2.818:04
pikaciup3llin0r3: the command ssh -X  can let you graphical application18:04
netraamehtwebnet, ok, ill try18:04
tightworkDo you guys do ANY? QC/QA?18:04
pikaciup3llin0r3: the command ssh -X  can let you use graphical applications18:05
p3llin0r3pikaciu, allow me to try. I have tried that htough.18:05
webnetok if it gives you an error let me know and ill let you know how to add the repo netraameht18:05
netraamehtwebnet, im already on the root account18:05
llutztightwork: Do you have any ubuntu support related question? ranting/whining at #ubuntu-offtopic pls18:05
p3llin0r3pikaciu, ok, so I ran the command, and now I am simply in normal ssh, no gui18:06
netraamehtroot@netraameht:~# sudo apt-get install mono-2.818:06
netraamehtReading package lists... Done18:06
netraamehtBuilding dependency tree18:06
netraamehtReading state information... Done18:06
netraamehtE: Unable to locate package mono-2.818:06
FloodBot1netraameht: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
tightworkllutz: sure I do18:06
webnetAmon-Ra, agreed. if i had to make a guess as to the issues cause, id have to say that it is looking for a CD because its coded to look for /mnt/cdrom/bla/bla/bla instead of ~/bla/bla/bla/18:06
webnetexacr paths insted of relative ones Amon-Ra18:06
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pikaciup3llin0r3: have you the possibility  to edit the sshd_config and ssh_config files  ?18:06
pikaciup3llin0r3: on both pc18:07
Amon-Rawebnet: this is not something that i can fix18:07
p3llin0r3pikaciu, yes.18:07
* Fvcker help18:08
mangguowho know how to use this system18:08
pikaciup3llin0r3: are you on the client or on the server ?18:08
p3llin0r3pikaciu, but I would rather avoid it.18:08
netraamehtwebnet, http://paste.apocacast.net/index.php?show=418:08
p3llin0r3pikaciu, ah, my boss's son is at home. I'll just have him do it. I was hoping for an easy fix.18:08
mangguohow to type Chinese in this system18:08
p3llin0r3pikaciu, I am on the client.18:08
mangguohey hey18:09
shudacrhey hey!18:09
sam22hail !18:09
mangguodoes somebody help me?18:09
mangguowho can help me18:09
pikaciup3llin0r3: what exactly do you wanna do ?18:09
Barbariandudemangguo, Hit start, type in 'Keyboard layout'18:09
p3llin0r3pikaciu, remote in so I can develop18:09
BarbariandudeThen add chinese18:09
mangguoi want to write Chinese18:10
mangguoin this system18:10
sam22yeah simple problem18:10
sam22he told you18:10
mang0sam22: ?18:10
sskalnikmangguo:  read what Barbariandude typed18:10
pikaciup3llin0r3: using gui interfaces ?18:10
mangguodid i need to download something18:10
mangguobut how18:10
sam22add another keyboard supported language is easier on ubuntu than windows18:10
sskalnikmangguo:  which version of Ubuntu are you using? And are you using the command line or a gui?18:11
Barbariandudemangguo, What version of Ubuntu do you have?18:11
netraamehtwebnet, http://paste.apocacast.net/index.php?show=418:11
mangguoit seem that there is nothing that i can use to write something in chinese18:11
pikaciup3llin0r3: using gui interfaces or simple command line ?18:12
Barbariandudemangguo, If you're on 11.10 you just add chinese to the list of keyboard options under 'keyboard layout'18:12
p3llin0r3pikaciu, I want gvim. and to not have to upload and download constantly. i actually figured it out. Thanks for the help, I really appriciate it18:12
lupine313Supposing someone can help me out with an issue I have installing the latest version of tshark (1.6.3) to JeOS 8.04?  When I do a 'sudo apt-get install tshark', I end up with tshark 1.0.018:12
webnetnetraameht, ok use the commands here http://paste.apocacast.net/index.php?show=5 . you can copy the entire thing and the go to terminal and press: shipt+Ins18:12
mangguothank you18:13
pikaciup3llin0r3: ok18:13
gaurav_ashtikarhello, i want some pdf to built deb packages, i searched  on google bt not found...:(18:13
Barbariandudemangguo,  my pleasure18:13
mangguoi finally solve18:13
sskalnik lupine313 that probably is the latest version for 8.0418:13
netraamehtwebnet, thats the code that i tried before, at the end it get some make errors18:13
mangguoanother question18:13
sam22mangguo we are happy for you18:14
mangguowhere am i18:14
lupine313sskalnik: How would I check that?  Is there a newer version of JeOS that might support a later version of tshark?18:14
webnetnetraameht, what were the errors18:14
sam22where are you ?18:14
mangguoi am in Chinese18:14
sskalniklupine313:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/tshark18:14
sam22yeah you are in china18:14
webnetnetraameht, try again and apocopaste the errors18:15
sam22you are in guangdong18:15
sam22right ?18:15
mangguowhat i want to know maybe is what does this system used for18:15
webnetsam22 creepy??? O.o lol18:16
ypahnuhi all18:16
pikaciufor everything18:16
mangguofor everything>18:16
mangguoto communicate18:16
sam22mangguo i use linux because i don't want to pay microsoft money18:16
pikaciuto fly on the freedom wings18:16
mangguoto make friends?18:16
lupine313sskalnik:  Thanks for the link - I'm not familiar with launchpad, but looking into it now - that def answers my first question.  I'll look into this to see if I can find a package repository for 'X' linux distro with a later version of tshark.18:16
sskalniklupine313:  It seems that 8.04 is the latest JeOS18:16
* Fvcker hai all18:17
sskalniklupine313:  you could possibly install tshark from source18:17
Barbariandudemangguo, making friends is a nice side-effect of using an OS all about community18:17
sam22mangguo ubuntu is like apple and like microsoft windows18:17
sam22apple OSX18:17
mangguoor something like qq or msn18:17
sam22it will do whatever you want18:17
lupine313sskalnik:  I've been trying for a bit, there are so many dependencies that are coming up with errors18:17
netraamehtwebnet, i will do the install again18:18
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Amon-Rawebnet: do i miss big speed difference missing 64bit version ?18:18
sskalniklupine313:  another option might be going with a newer version of Ubuntu. Why JeOS?18:18
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lupine313It's going on ESX, and I want a tight install since bandwidth is a bit of an issue when it comes to moving the VM around18:19
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  probably no noticeable speed difference18:19
webnetAmon-Ra, no not really. you would miss 1 gb of ram, but on linux you dont really need that much short of a server...18:19
lupine313I guess I could do Ubuntu Server and remove packages?18:19
mangguohey , could i ask where are you from18:19
Amon-Rawenet oh so it will recognize 3 out of 418:19
Amon-Rawebnet: :/18:20
mangguomaybe all in China?18:20
sam22i'm from middle east18:20
sam22near saudia arabia18:20
BarbariandudeUK + Romania18:20
webnetAmon-Ra, yes. 32 bit can only use 2.99 gb of ram. 64 bit i believe can use 15.99 gb of ram18:20
=== Guest7991 is now known as netraameht
Amon-Rai am going to install 32 bit version for now..18:21
netraamehtwebnet,  http://paste.apocacast.net/index.php?show=618:21
mangguooh,and it is morning now18:21
Amon-Rathanks a lot for helping18:21
drewisi thought 64 could go up to hundreds of TB18:21
mongy!pae | webnet  Amon-Ra18:21
ubottuwebnet  Amon-Ra: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:21
The_BROSAre there Nexuis players here? I create server map, but people can't see it on server list. What's the problem?18:21
Barbariandudelol no drewis18:21
mangguomaybe this is a place to communicate about the technology18:22
Amon-Raubottu: thanks!18:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:22
webnetAmon-Ra, ok yeah sadly that seems like the only choise until they fix that bug. you might try the 10.10 or 11.04 install cd to see if the issue is still there.18:22
webnetwow ubottu i didnt realize that18:22
sskalnikwebnet:  Why would he miss 1GB of RAM?18:22
webneti know ur a bot but still18:22
georgiai am having problems with flash framerates on my netbook esp with hulu.com any advice?18:22
Amon-Rawebnet: if i install 11.04 64bit and it installs normally, can i uprade then inside ubuntu to 11.10 ?18:23
webnetsskalnik, 32 bit can only use  around 3 gb of ram without a pae enabled kernel18:23
morris4hm in firefox, flash videos lose framerate increasingly while watching. whats happening?18:23
llutzdrewis: it is, 2^48bit per process (slightly more than 16GB..)18:24
sskalnikwebnet:  I thought that it could use 32^2 minus a little overhead and whatever memory the video card has.18:24
BarbariandudeAmon-Ra, Not really. You'd be better off going straight to 11.1018:24
webnetAmon-Ra, yes but dont use the auto update system to upgrade from the gui. It installs a newer kernel, and you should NEVER install a kernel while in an x session18:24
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  better to go with a fresh install than an upgrade if you can18:24
Barbariandudewebnet, really? THAT explains why it killed my install18:24
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webnetsskalnik, ? 32^2?18:25
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sskalnikwebnet:  2^3218:25
Amon-Rasskalnik: Barbariandude i can't go straight to 11.10 installation crash after "scanning for cd-rom" during installation process18:25
Pici!it | jolly9118:25
ubottujolly91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:25
BarbariandudeAmon-Ra, tried USB install?18:25
webnetBarbariandude, YES! i know. i like to frequent the ubuntu forums as well as linux questions forums, i cannot tell you how many people KILL their install that way.18:26
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  tried USB install?18:26
netraamehtwebnet,  http://paste.apocacast.net/index.php?show=618:26
Amon-RaBarbariandude: sskalnik i am doing the installation with USB install, but it scans the cd-rom during the process18:26
Piciwebnet: Thats ridiculous. You can definitely install a newer kernel while in a graphical session,.18:26
webnetBarbariandude, I have sent countless emails to the ubuntu devsabout it, but they leave it in there. they should reboot and upgrade the kernel before x starts... :/18:27
webnetPici You can, but the odds of your system crashing are way higher18:27
Piciwebnet: no.18:27
Amon-RaBarbariandude: sskalnik 32bit version is installing normally18:27
webnetPici, how so?18:27
sam22what's the best way to remove ubuntu packages and it's dependencies ?18:27
sskalnikwebnet:  You can upgrade and even patch the kernel in a gui... or do you mean something like hot swap in a new kernel18:27
BarbariandudePici, happened to me, and it bricked my install completely18:27
webnetsam22 apt-get remove [package]18:27
pikaciusam22: synaptic18:28
sam22webnet and that won't lwave anything?18:28
Piciwebnet: Because the new kernel does not go into effect until you reboot. We do not use anything like ksplice currently.18:28
Picisam22: you can use apt-get purge packagename if you want it to remove all the system configs as well.18:28
Barbariandudesam22, sudo apt-get remove --purge (package)18:28
webnetsskalnik, im talking about the upgradeing to a new version from the graphical update manager18:28
sam22thanks Barbariandude18:29
sskalnikwebnet:  As in using synaptic to install new kernels?18:29
sskalnikwebnet:  Maybe we are talking about different things18:29
Piciwebnet: There is no difference to the way that Ubuntu installs things when using the software center, or synaptic, or apt-get18:29
webnetPici, then i think there is some sort of bug in the system, because a good majority of people kill their installs that way.18:29
Amon-Rai will try 11.04 option18:29
webnetAmon-Ra, ok18:29
sskalnikwebnet:  Correlation != causation. The new kernel doesn't load until a reboot, so there shouldn't be any connection there.18:31
webnetPici, then what causes the systems to crash when using the gui update manager. I was always taught in college that running an x server while update a kernel causes the x server to be rendered not sane anymore, as well as may running packages to become corrupted18:31
sskalnikwebnet:  That surely cannot be the case, otherwise most distros with a GUI installed would self-destruct as a matter of course.18:32
OerHeksnever had a x crash while updating a kernel.18:32
webnetsskalnik, however most other distros ie red hat, suse, etc update everything else  then reboot and install the new kernel and reboot again without x running18:34
Pici~webnet: The currently running kernel is not replaced when you do a kernel upgrade, only after a reboot does it start.  Also nowadays with dkms your third party kernel modules will be recompiled at kernel install time and will save you that headache. There are still many things that do not go through that though.  In the past I've seen a lot of people lose their wireless on a reboot after a kernel update because they did some manual ...18:34
Pici... steps to get them to work.18:34
sskalnikwebnet:  I think you are talking about switching out the running kernel - a hot swap type of operation - not a normal upgrade18:35
BarbariandudeI'm guessing hot swaps are mainly used for high-availability servers?18:36
christoph_debianhi! anyone aware of any idea on how to get a working conkeror with acceptable conditions (like not building another copy of firefox) on ubuntu? I could build the xulapp that is conkeror from the debian package but there doesn't seem to be any xulrunner available in ubuntu18:36
Amon-Rasskalnik: so you believe if i install 11.04 i will be able to upgrade inside ubuntu to 11.10 (if it is installed)18:36
sskalnikBarbariandude:  mainly not used at all if one can help it. I have done it before but cannot recommend it.18:36
sskalnikBarbariandude:  ksplice or load balancing to another server while you reboot is probably better.18:37
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  yes18:37
Rushinghow do i run an app without locking the terminal?18:38
webnetPici interesting. any clue what causes so many of the upgrades to fail and become unusable? it has to be something else then. i always assumed it hot swapped the kernel before reboot which is what caused the problem... it usualy happens between 10.10 and 11.X i assumed it was the kernel as 10.x uses 2.6.35 and 11.X uses 2.6.3818:38
Amon-Rasskalnik: the bug i have in 11.10 is very strange..i hope it will work the 11.04 installation18:38
rhizmoehow do i prevent shotwell from starting when I plug my phone into usb?18:38
Rushingjust sits there with the cursor and i can't type run any commands...18:38
sskalnikwebnet:  It could be a number of unrelated issues18:38
rhizmoei've been asking for weeks now18:38
webnetsskalnik, ok.18:38
Barbariandudewebnet, my bricking happened between 11.04 and 11.1018:38
escottRushing, "command &" runs in the background, you can then fg the job to bring it to the foreground. you can ctrl-z suspend a running job and then bg it18:38
rhizmoeescott: i'm pretty sure fg doesn't touch forked processes18:39
rhizmoeonly suspended (^z) ones18:39
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escottrhizmoe, with bash fg absolutely does bring a running task to the foreground. try it sleep 20 &; fg18:41
llutzrhizmoe: using bash, ry: "top &"  "jobs" "fg 1"18:41
airtonixsskalnik: "mainly not used at all if one can help it. " <<< why?18:42
escottRushing, this feature of the shell is called job control so see the bash manual for "job control" for some of the other features (like selecting which job to bring to the foreground)18:42
sskalnikairtonix:  it's like changing the engine in a running car.18:42
airtonixsskalnik: but if you have raid then...18:43
webnetnetraameht, u still here?18:43
sskalnikairtonix:  wouldn't matter with RAID at all. RAID is data at rest. The kernel *is* the OS, so changing it out is hard to do - and even if it works something could break in the process18:44
airtonixsskalnik: obviously it's easy to put non OS data into a raid setup and keep the two sepearate... so again i ask why is hotswap and raid bad ?18:45
airtonixsskalnik: beccause to me it just makes sense to pu all your raid drives into hotswap bays18:45
sskalnikairtonix:  I never said hot swapping drives and RAID was bad18:45
sskalnikairtonix:  I said that trying to hot swap the running kernel was a bad idea18:46
blackbita simple question about unity 3d usage. When I click on an icon to view a minimized app, how can I re-minimize it again without having to press the _ key near X ?18:46
sskalnikairtonix:  Obviously hot swappable drive bays are essential for a RAID18:46
airtonixhotswaping a running kernel was never the point of the discussion18:46
StepnjumpHi guys, anyone tried nautilus elementary?18:47
webnetairtonix, actually it was18:47
sskalnikairtonix:  please scroll up and re-read. The discussion was about swapping the kernel18:47
llutzairtonix: [19:35:01] <sskalnik> webnet:  I think you are talking about switching out the running kernel - a hot swap type of operation18:47
LemonAidHello. Is it safe to disable Zeitgeist Datahub if i use Unity? From what i understand it's a log service, witch i do not need at the moment.18:47
sskalnikthx, llutz18:47
webnetairtonix, we were talking about hot swapping kernels causing linux to brick up and become unusable18:48
webnetStepnjump, nope. never heard of it18:48
webnetthnk you llutz18:49
Stepnjumpwebnet http://community.linuxmint.com/idea/view/1866 supposedly it gives us the ability to preview files18:49
Stepnjumppreview pane18:49
Ruffwhat other protocol can i use other than TCP/IP  to do  just  LAN filesharing in ubuntu:   if anybody has answer:  big reward18:49
webnetStepnjump, hmm. interesting. standard nautilus comes with the ability to preview suck things as audio files, what does elementary allow beyond that?18:50
airtonixStepnjump: the comment isn't referring to a pane...18:50
webnetRuff um ftp perhaps?18:50
Ruffftp is tcp/ip18:50
Stepnjumpairtonix, what do you mean?18:50
pikaciuRuff: scp18:50
Ruffscp is tcp/ip18:51
webnetRuff yes, but why wouldnt you want tcp/ip18:51
airtonixStepnjump: i mean the last comment there about the ppa is a poor comment made as a result of what i just did before... not reading the original discussion properly.18:51
Amon-Rainstallation of 11.04 started..let's see guys18:51
Ruffwebnet it's my question; please don't change my question18:51
Stepnjumphttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/nautilus-elementary-simplified-nautilus.html webnet18:51
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:51
Stepnjumpoh yes I know airtonix18:51
webnetRuff, im not im simply asking why you wouldnt want to use tcp/ip, that is the technology standard...18:52
sskalnikRuff:  heh, there is always Appletalk18:52
maria2Hey Guys. Iwe got a problem with Natty. Apps dont show up next to the menu in the bar18:52
airtonixStepnjump: so you won't find any kind of nautilus with a preview pane... you will however find something called gnome-sushi18:52
Ruffsskalnik  can i install appletalk on ubuntu or windows?18:52
maria2Any idea what the problem could be18:52
Zegrento7Hi! Can anyone tell me does Ubuntu 10.04 support the HP B010a printer?18:52
webnetZegrento7, it should.18:53
sskalnikRuff:  Netatalk, the FOSS equivalent, should18:53
Zegrento7Ok, thanks! We're about to buy one :)18:53
webnetif not you can get the drivers rather easily hp is good about that18:53
sskalnikRuff:  But I am curious as to why you want to avoid TCP/IP18:53
OerHeksZegrento7, check open printing database to be sure18:53
webnet^^ i asked that before18:53
Ruffsskalnik i have my reasons, that i don't want to get into it18:53
webnetRuff, thats all i wanted to know.18:54
maria2Guys- My apps dont show in the bottom panel. what could be wrong ?18:54
webnetZegrento7, i have an hp and it worked fine, the scanner i needed the software for, but hp has a linux version for most everything18:54
sskalnikRuff: Just asking in case there might be a better solution that trying weird transmission protocols18:54
Ruffsskalnik because i am using tcpip for internet18:55
sskalnikRuff:  there's basically OSI and Appletalk18:55
fishsceneIs there a profile creator for Unity similar to Sabayon for Gnome? http://live.gnome.org/Sabayon18:55
sskalnikRuff:  You could use TCP/IP for lots of stuff at once though18:55
Amon-Rawebnet: sskalnik it seems that installation works now! at 64 bit 11.0418:55
webnetRuff, you can use tcp/ip for internet and ftp and and and. its not a one use only protocol18:55
Ruffsskalnik can i install OSI/appletalk on other OS18:55
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  Woot! Glad it works for you18:55
webnetAmon-Ra, Good God!18:56
webnet*good good18:56
sskalnikRuff:  Yes but you probably do not really want to do that.18:56
bregmaRuff, install the netatalk package18:56
Zegrento7webnet, good to hear! :D Thanks again!18:56
sskalnikRuff:  what is your exact situation? There is probably a better solution.18:56
webnetZegrento7, No problem! :)18:56
Amon-Rasskalnik: webnet yes it proceed normally...one question, should i manually enter partitions and swap to 8.5 GB ? i did the typical install (3rd option), is it fine?18:56
Ruffbregma can i install netatalk on windows/mac18:56
maria2Hope i put this in the right terms > minimised apps don't show on panel. And i cant add a splitter line to the panel either18:56
webnetAmon-Ra, Yeaaaa. id say just leave it.18:57
sskalnikAmon-Ra:  typical is usually fine for a desktop.18:57
theadminmaria2: Which panel?18:57
sskalnikRuff:  Netatalk is only for UNIX-liked18:57
Amon-Rawebnet: sskalnik thanks a lot guys :) i am happy finally... :) i will try to upgrade after installation finish18:57
maria2theadmin > The bottom panel where the menu is18:57
RickleeOk so I need.some help I installed ubuntu on my pc but when I restart it does not boot18:57
sam22anyone in here using bootup manager ?18:57
webnetAmon-Ra, Alright! :D glad its working18:57
sam22HILLMOKS hail !18:57
michaeljwjrok so i've gotten bastion to at least get to the loading screen in Chrome (had to use chrome not chromium) but it won't download anything, it just sits there.18:58
theadminmaria2: Bah... WHICH panel? What's the program? xfce4-panel? lxpanel? fbpanel? tint2? gnome-panel?18:58
webnetRicklee, More info plz. errors? black screen? etc etc18:58
Amon-Rawebnet: after so many tries i deserve to be happy :D18:58
theadminmaria2: Oh um... I suggest you stop using that... gnome is not cool.18:58
webnetAmon-Ra, Agreed :D18:58
theadminBlergh, I'd rather use KDE than Gnome :/18:58
Amon-Raby the way here is the best support ever seen in any product...thank you all18:59
maria2theadmin: Not an option atm.18:59
webnettheadmin, hey what do you mean gnome isnt cool?18:59
webnetAmon-Ra, No problem!18:59
theadminwebnet: it just ain't. Gnome 2 was pretty much close to being perfect for me but... gnome3 ruined everything they could ruin18:59
RickleeNo errors just gets to the point where it should boot but just has a blinking key18:59
maria2I think kde sucks design wise. Matter of taste- Cant just get my head around why my apps dont show.18:59
theadminmaria2: I think it's gnome3's fault, not sure how to configure it18:59
RickleeI don't think grub installed18:59
maria2theadmin > I agree G3 sucks and should be relaesed yet18:59
theadminmaria2: Try XFCE, which is similar to gnome2...19:00
theadminmaria2: Very similar, as a matter of fact19:00
webnettheadmin, ohhhhh ok yeah i hated gnome 3 i only use gnome 2... i thought you were just hating on gnome in general. lol. 3 is super buggy too.. :(19:00
maria2Yeah i know XFCE- But this is not my computer, just trying to fix it-19:00
webnettheadmin, why dont we just have her downgrade to gnome 2?19:00
theadminwebnet: It ain't in the repos...?19:01
theadminwebnet: I mean, we haz mate but that's broken IIRC19:01
webnetyou can add it tho thats what i did?19:01
pikaciui never did a downgrade ... how it woks ?19:01
RickleeWebnet what do you think?19:01
bj_pennim trying to set up networking in ubuntu. I set up the /etc/network/interfaces to take an IP of the subnet on mask, but i cant ping any other 192.168.44.*, or ping this server from any servers in the same network. anyone have any ideas?i cant seem to get a xen server VM to connect to the network. It's a ubuntu VM and I set the IP information in /etc/network/interfaces19:01
bj_pennand restarted the server, and also checked ifup eth0, and still can't ping anything in it's subnet. anyone know what else i can check to troubleshoot this? Are there any settings in the hypervisor i should check? i know for VMware workstation, i need to set it to Bridge, instead of NAT for it to work19:01
theadminpikaciu: It works like "pacman -Rcn package && (add repo here) && pacman -S package"19:01
theadminWoah now19:02
Amon-Raguys how can i confirm that i've installed the 64bit version ?19:02
theadmin...I thought I'm in #archlinux lol19:02
Amon-Rain ubuntu19:02
theadminpikaciu: apt-get remove package && add-apt-repository 'whatever' && apt-get install package # lol19:02
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roothorickso, is there any real support for authentication via thumbprint? fprint_demo works with my reader, but how do I take the step of actually logging in with it?19:02
theadminAmon-Ra: uname19:02
econdude1wesomeHowdy all! Anyone know how to set up google's two-step authorization with bitlbee?19:02
Amon-Ratheadmin: in console?19:03
theadminAmon-Ra: Yeah, actually, "uname -m" is the proper way iirc19:03
RickleeAnyone know how to install grub if it didn't install correctly during installation?19:03
theadminRicklee: grub-install /dev/sdx19:03
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webnetRicklee, sorry got caught up in another convo. lol. what version of ubuntu 11.10 and 64 bit?19:04
Amon-Raby the way upgrade to 11.10 automatically19:04
theadmin!restoregrub | Ricklee19:04
ubottuRicklee: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub19:04
webnetok so if you want to install gnome 2... be careful, this could skrew up the system...19:05
RickleeInstalling ubuntu 32 bit on a fresh had19:05
webnetRicklee, ^^19:05
XeonBloomfieldWhere I can define "DPkg::Post-Install"?19:05
Amon-Rawebnet: yes when i first loaded ubuntu it started the update automatically to the new distribution 11.10, so it upgrades now19:05
sam22gnome 3 is awful19:06
XeonBloomfieldWhere can I define "DPkg::Post-Invoke"?19:06
RickleeI've trued installing it 4didn't times and it never boots19:06
tylerQuestion: (Status: Noob)  I'm trying to find a working tutorial to use samba to link my windows 7 and ubuntu for file sharing.  Does anyone know where I can  find one?19:06
PiciXeonBloomfield: Are they not ion libdpkg-perl?19:07
dieschXeonBloomfield: create a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/19:07
PiciXeonBloomfield: err.. I misread your question, listen to diesch.19:07
pikaciutyler: man samba19:07
XeonBloomfielddiesch: To execute 2 command I need to declare 2 different DPkg:Post-Invoke or 1?19:08
tylerpikaciu, ???19:08
RickleeI can boot into ubuntu via live cd but I don't know how to get it to boot what I've already installed19:08
theadminwebnet: mind pm?19:08
pikaciutyler: you can use the samba manual19:08
sam22Ricklee is ubuntu the only OS installed ?19:09
tylerpikaciu, I tried that.  You mean the help correct?  I also followed various tutorials  None of them have worked19:09
christoph_debianhi! anyone aware of any idea on how to get a working conkeror with acceptable conditions (like not building another copy of firefox) on ubuntu? I could build the xulapp that is conkeror from the debian package but there doesn't seem to be any xulrunner available in ubuntu19:09
pikaciutyler: samba doesn't work ?19:09
RickleeYes all I have is ubuntu installed19:10
tylerpikaciu, Its not working for me. I mean it starts and i can do everything  but the link has not been created19:10
StepnjumpBy doing a apt-get dist-upgrade, will that upgrade me to version 11.10? I want to stay with 11.04 cuz I don't like unity19:10
pikaciutyler: have you edited smb.conf ?19:11
dieschXeonBloomfield: one. It takes a list of commands19:11
sskalnikStepnjump:  it only upgrades packages, not the whole OS19:11
XeonBloomfielddiesch: "DPkg:Post-Invoke {"echo Running prelink, please wait...;/etc/cron.daily/prelink";};" will work or no?19:11
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tylerpikaciu, no.  I'm noob so I don't know what that is19:11
RickleeAny ideas? Im going crazy19:12
pikaciutyler: it's the main file configuration for samba19:12
Stepnjumpthanks sskalnik19:12
roothorickthe screen face buttons on my HP Pavilion tx2000 don't seem to report any keycodes. Anyone have any ideas how I could make them usable?19:12
sskalnikStepnjump:  np19:12
pikaciutyler: cd /etc/samba and ls19:12
nodestoolwhat is apt-add-repository in ubuntu 11.10?19:12
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nodestoolfor adding ppa?19:12
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dieschXeonBloomfield:  DPkg:Post-Invoke {"echo Running prelink, please wait...";"/etc/cron.daily/prelink";};19:13
RickleeCan some help me?19:13
XeonBloomfielddiesch: thank you19:14
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Picinodestool: It can be, the manpage describes its use (add-apt-repository is true name of the binary)19:14
ghabitRicklee, with what?19:14
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donavan01OK I tried installing the classic gnome instead of the new junk launcher that comes with 11.10 but now I have no shortcut to the terminal and I can figure out how to get back to a command prompt19:14
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donavan01oh using server version19:15
Picidivya__: Please pick a nick and stick with it, or part this channel before continuing.19:15
RickleeI installed ubuntu on a new had (version 11.10 32 bit) and when I finish install ,restart nothing boots19:15
RickleeHdd *19:15
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Amon-RaRicklee: did u observe if it stops when it scans for cd-rom during installation ? actually if it says that installation completed immediately after19:16
nodestoolPici: i don't see it, man -k, which and apt-cache search all tuern up blank19:17
genewitchon 11.10 i used users and groups to add another account and now i can't log in to it, it just cycles back to the login screen.19:17
RickleeDidn't see I have tried to install  4 times now with 3 different cds19:18
Picinodestool: Is the python-software-properties package installed?19:18
Amon-Rai hade  the same symptoms with 64 bit version19:18
nodestoolPici: no19:18
Picinodestool: That package provides the add-apt-repository tool.19:19
Amon-RaRicklee: re-install and check if during installation where it display the information (copying, installing etc) if it says "scanning cd-rom" and if the installation completes immediately after19:19
nodestoolPici: thanks!19:19
RickleeOk one sec19:19
sam22Ricklee is it a new computer ?19:20
Amon-RaRicklee: if it completes immediately after we faced the same issue...because the installations has more steps to do after "scanning cd-rom"19:20
RickleeHow do I fix it?19:21
RickleeAnd no its not a new comp19:21
Amon-Rai just installed 11.04 , 64 bit which installed normally, and now i upgrade to 11.1019:21
RickleeI've had ubuntu bunch installed on this same comp bfore with no errors19:22
Wolfsherzcan someone tell me how to update perl to 5.14 in ubuntu?19:22
Amon-Rain case that it the same issue..but i had the same symptoms with your case19:22
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RickleeAmon-Ra what should I do if it is the cd rom error19:25
NOSaturni am trying out figure out how to diagnose my system crashes. Mouse moves, but nothing responds and i have to turn off computer. most often happens when i hit the "Activities" in gnome 3 on unbuntu 11.1019:26
NOSaturnany direction or websites i should read (google searches give me alot of stuff that is old)19:26
genewitchon 11.10 i used users and groups to add another account and now i can't log in to it, it just cycles back to the login screen. Any tips?19:26
nodestoolgenewitch: what happens when you try to login?19:27
RickleeI installed ubuntu on a new had (version 11.10 32 bit) and when I finish install ,restart nothing boots19:27
RickleeAnyone help me19:27
nodestoolRicklee: did the live CD work?19:27
nodestoolRicklee: did you duel boot or just one os?19:27
RickleeOne os19:28
nodestoolare you sure the bios is trying to boot from the hdd instead of the CD/USB ?19:28
RickleeYes bios is set to the Hdd I installed ubuntu on19:28
donavan01I did   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start   Which I guess causes gdm to start automatically ... how to I stop it Im stuck with no access to a command line19:28
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nodestoolmaybe sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:29
nodestoolRicklee: and you don't get a grub prompt?19:30
Barbariandudedonavan01, hit ctrl+alt+F5 to get to command prompt, then ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to graphical interface19:30
donavan01yeah tried that one .... no it give me a boot options but then no command prompt19:30
RickleeNo no grub19:31
RickleeAnd I think that's the issue19:31
donavan01barbariandude ... thank you I knew there was a way to get that but I could remember what it was19:31
RickleeThe installation didn't install grub but I don't know19:31
donavan01ricklee yeah I get grub ... sorry19:31
nodestoolRicklee: not sure how to get grub installed/running19:32
RickleeI dint know ether lol19:32
genewitchnodestool: when i try to login the screen goes black, then i see a mouse cursor, then it goes back to the user login screen19:32
gabe_hello guys... I need help with bittorrent client please. It does not download anything for some reason, it just stays there idle even though there are connected peers available19:33
Barbariandudegenewitch, sounds similar to what happened to me... what system you got?19:33
genewitchBarbariandude: ubuntu 11.10 on a netbook. i also checked "encrypt home directory" since i need this account for work19:33
Barbariandudegenewitch, then not the same issue as me, mine was nvidia driver related. Sorry, no idea19:34
gabe_any idea as to why bittorrent won't download anything please?19:34
pikaciugabe_: the port is open ?19:35
gabe_pikaciu: how would I know that please?19:35
gettingviewsCan some one help me I got to do womething but dont know how19:35
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Barbariandudegabe_, some variation of netstat, don't know off the top of my head19:36
pikaciugabe_: i use TRansission but also in bittorent there could be a configuration window19:36
Barbariandude!anyone | gettingviews19:36
ubottugettingviews: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:36
gabe_pickaciu: yes there is...19:36
pikaciugabe_: look for 'port ' or something related to19:37
gabe_pikaciu: I'm in the network preferences menu... two submenus are available: network setup and file transers19:38
jaja911How do I get people to click a link so I can get an ak-47?19:38
pikaciugabe_: network19:38
pikaciugabe_: test port19:39
gabe_under network setup: Proxy Server (hostname, port, type, use proxy for)  and Proxy Authentication (use authentication check box)19:39
tanathanyone else use system monitor applet and find it resets to just cpu when gnome panel reloads?19:39
gabe_under File transfers: Network Settings: DCC IP Address19:39
pikaciugabe_: look for port19:40
gabe_pikaciu: what should the port be?19:40
gabe_what number?19:40
Barbariandudetanath, tbh, I'm of the opinion that htop is a lot better19:40
pikaciugabe_: it's the way the pc receive and send data (torrent flow in this case)19:40
tanathBarbariandude, irrelevant. htop is for terminals19:40
tanathBarbariandude, applet is better for my needs19:41
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tanathBarbariandude, i can see what i need at a glance19:41
tanathBarbariandude, i do use htop too occasionally19:41
webnettheadmin nope dont mind. sorry i was having lunch and walked away from my comp19:42
Barbariandudetanath, fair enough. About the reset, I'm really not sure. Does it work ok if you close and re-open it?19:42
tanathBarbariandude, no, that's the problem. if i log out, restart, or just reload gnome panel, the applet resets to only displaying CPU (default), whereas i want everything displayed19:45
tanathBarbariandude, sometimes it doesn't reset when i just reload the panel though19:46
bpietrohi, it's probably HW problem, but I didn't realize wich one http://dpaste.com/670944/19:46
genewitchI added a user in 11.10 through users and groups and it won't let me log in to it. Screen goes black and a mouse cursor appears, then it goes back to the login screen. Any help?19:49
Barbariandudetanath, didn't find anything during a quick search through the ubuntu bug pages and I'm starvingly hungry. Hopefully someone else can give you a hand. Gl!19:50
tanathBarbariandude, ty19:51
yasserhello, there is a way to bypass a proxy server and a firewall to run a webserver on a VM19:52
genewitchyasser: yes with NAT port forwarding...19:53
jaja911 Can anyone confirm the validity of this ?    http://www.armslist.com/?utm_source=c000015&utm_medium=plink&utm_campaign=p01270519:53
yasserthere is a manual to do it or something like that19:53
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genewitchjaja911: wrong channel?19:53
genewitchyasser: there's about 6 billion guides on the internet. portfoward.com is a good place to start19:54
webnetjaja911 i think ur on the wrong channel bro. this is an os channel19:54
webnetubuntu specifically19:54
yassergenewitch: Thanks I will look for it19:54
webnet!offtopic | jaja91119:55
ubottujaja911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:55
BluesKajI'm not real sure about the audio settings for separate hdmi . I'm pretty sure if you set it in phonon and the test sound works . it should be ok ...is this correct ?19:55
ntr0pyanyone has experienced problems with rhythmbox http stream stuttering too?19:56
ntr0pyI suspect the buffering algo is badly broken, any other player works correctly19:57
genni've set suspend when inactive in power settings to 1 hour but it's not actually happening.  what can i check to find out why?20:00
wildc4rdis there a good reason I might be getting poor streamed flash media performance since upgrading to 11.10?20:01
genewitchI added a user in 11.10 through users and groups and it won't let me log in to it. Screen goes black and a mouse cursor appears, then it goes back to the login screen. Any help?20:02
RalieghDoes anyone know if there's a place I can get the default apache2.conf file for Ubuntu without having to re-install?20:05
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edoceoWhy would my machine run this every 30 minutes?  /sbin/iptables -F  ?20:06
edoceoMy cron log is full of that20:07
maslenI'm on Ubuntu 11.04, and running the proprietary nvidia drivers. When I try to resume from 'inactivity', the machine freezes and is completely unresponsive. However, it is fine until I actually move the mouse or the like - until then, everything works properly.20:11
maslenAre there any logs I could examine to attempt to determine the cause of this issue, or does anyone know how to fix it?20:12
genewitchmaslen: freezes or goes crazy20:13
maslengenewitch: Completely frozen.20:13
maslenThe mouse does not move, alt+f1 does not give me a terminal, the caps lock doesn't change the light, and the power button does not shut it down.20:14
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sskalnikmaslen, do you have a swap file and is your home directory encrypted?20:16
jubokubuntuOk. I run teh upgraades and that fixed the wlan20:16
maslensskalnik: I do have a swap, and my home is not encrypted.20:17
jubokubuntunow if I could just have one of my favourite irc clients with sounds on privmsg and stalk on channel20:17
jubokubuntuthis kubuntu ain't half bad20:17
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sskalnikmaslen:  Is this a new occurrence or has this always happened?20:17
maslensskalnik: New20:17
sskalnikmaslen:  Which kernel?20:18
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Ricklee|Anyone help?20:19
jubokubuntummm If I could have the best feaatures from Xubuntu and Kubuntu mmm and have it not have bugs20:20
sskalnikmaslen:  Does it resume from suspend when there are no USB peripherals plugged in?20:20
maslensskalnik: It's not an issue  of resuming from suspend, rather from inactivity.20:21
sskalnikSo from a black screen, not from a suspend to RAM or hibernate due to inactivity?20:22
esteban123hello, i have problems with /boot partition. I cant boot ubuntu20:22
maslensskalnik: exactly.20:22
maslenexcept it's even if the screen is not black.20:23
maslenJust that I was inactive for 10 minutes or so.20:23
maslen(I tried disabling that first)20:23
sskalnikmaslen:  Using the official drivers from the 11.04 repo?20:23
maslenI'm using the current nvidia ones.20:23
sskalnikmaslen:  The ones from the Ubuntu repo, not from the nvidia site?20:24
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esteban123hello i have a grub rescue problem .  How can i mount / and /boot partions if I have the boot in a separatae partition?20:25
maslenI'm using the current nvidia from the nvidia site.20:26
sskalnikmaslen:  That could be the issue right there.20:27
sskalnikmaslen:  The driver in the Ubuntu repo is probably a safer choice.20:27
sskalnikI would give that a try20:27
germanxnim trying to install cvim20:27
germanxnon readme says that i have to copy some file on $home/.vim20:28
germanxnbut thats a file20:28
germanxnim totally new on linux20:28
sskalnikgermanxn:  You mean Gvim?20:29
germanxnno, im tring with console vim20:29
germanxn(sorry about my english)20:29
sskalnikgermanxn:  OK20:29
sskalnikgermanxn:  Nah, your English is good20:30
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germanxnmaybe its getting a little better :-)20:31
sskalnikgermanxn:  Can you use paste.ubuntu.com to show us the part of the README you're talking about?20:32
ASDF9afHi all is there a program such that I can record audio and mic at the same time (e.g. if I want to sing to instrumenal music on my computer) for playback?20:33
Gizmo_the_Greathey guys. I got a Drobo FS NAS box. Attached via ethernet (eth0). According to this (http://support.drobo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/165) it should be listed as a dev/sdx but lssci isn't showing it up and its not listed in /dev20:33
Gizmo_the_GreatAny ideas how I go about mounting it? Accessing it?20:33
Gizmo_the_GreatI know the system to be working because I configured at work using Windows and the Windows configuration utility20:34
Gizmo_the_GreatI using 2.6.32-31-generic20:34
Gizmo_the_GreatMin kernel requirement is 2.6.3120:34
Mrokiihello. Is there a Bash-command to find out the version of a given command? Something like "version vim" to give me the version number of the app.20:37
rumpe1Mrokii, very often: "command --version"20:38
Mrokiiokay, I'll try, thanks.20:38
Mrokiirumpe1: That worked, thanks.20:39
amoffatwhey... i'm using "apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends" to see the dependencies of a package.  the dependencies listed are totally unrelated to the package's dependencies listed with "apt-cache depends"20:41
amoffatwfor example, if i run the first command with "fping" i get a dependency list "debhelper gettext html2text intltool-debian libcroco3 po-debconf"20:41
amoffatwbut if i run the second command, i get the dependency list "libc"20:41
trismamoffatw: build-deps are not the same as deps, build-deps are the packages required to build a binary package20:41
trismamoffatw: deps are the packages required to use the binary package20:42
webnettrism i second that.20:42
amoffatwtrism, ok that makes total sense, thanks for clearing it up :)20:42
webnetBUild deps are ell the packages that need to be installed in order to build the package amoffatw , deps are the dependencies that the package requires in order to run20:43
webnetproperly that is20:43
Brewsteryou know how some users are having trouble with unity and nvidia drivers and blank/invisible windows?20:43
webnetok Brewster20:44
webnetim intrigued continue :P20:44
BrewsterI think i may have a solution. But where do I report it?20:44
amoffatwwebnet, trism, so if i wanted to just download the dependencies of the binary, but not the dependencies to build it from source, how could i do that?  i was using apt-get build-dep --download-only20:44
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jeatoni have a printer hooked up to my deskstop and it was printing fine the other day and now for some reason I cannot get it to print20:45
jeatonit says "Processing- Not Connected?"20:45
arandBrewster: in the corresponding bug report on launchpad, I'm guessing20:45
jeatonany idea what is going on, it tells me its connected under Printing localhost20:46
bullgard4»~$ ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. What does "spawner" here mean?20:46
webnetBrewster make a launchpad account and ten submit a bug repot here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs20:47
webnetand Brewster what is the fix?20:47
webnetdamn hes gone20:48
webnet!language webnet20:48
OerHeksplease don't swear20:48
webneti know that is why i language flagged myself20:48
webnet!language | webnet20:48
ubottuwebnet, please see my private message20:48
malibuHi there.. Is there a way to install U11.10 on USB in a way that is updatable?20:49
webnetsorry about that guys20:49
malibuI installed on USB but all I got was the same as using the live DVD20:49
malibuit even mounts on /cdrom which is the heart of the issue20:50
webnetmalibu, in short, no20:54
webnethte only way to install is using live medium like a live cd/dvd/usb/20:54
webnetso im not entirely sure what you are asking malibu20:55
webnetWOW *the20:55
malibuI'm asking if I can actually boot off a usb and run a real ubuntu system off of it20:55
imbezolwebnet: creative people can use pxe boot20:55
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malibuimbezol, I would jump on that but I don't want to have to boot on a wire20:56
imbezolmalibu: a usb drive is just a drive as long as your bios supports booting off it20:56
imbezolmalibu: no reason you can't install to it that i can think of20:56
malibuimbezol, So that was going to be my next question.. I can just select it as the dest drive20:56
webnetimbezol, didnt think of that. lol20:57
robsonpeixotohi. Why on Ubuntu Server are showing a lot of duplicate name of packages?20:57
robsonpeixoto*hi. Why on Ubuntu Server are showing a lot of duplicate name of packages using 'aptitude'?20:57
webnetrobsonpeixoto, what do you mean. what are they for exampple20:57
webnetrobsonpeixoto, the package names that are dupes20:58
robsonpeixotowebnet, I'm using aptitude, and there are two qemu-kvm, for example.20:58
esteban123hurra! funcinono!20:59
OerHeksrobsonpeixoto, both names the same ?20:59
hardwired'llo. After upgrade to 11.10, I cannot mount nfs shares anymore. I think rpcbind isn't running, but I'm not sure how to check.21:00
webnetno numbers after them . like 1.2 1nd 1.2.1 robsonpeixoto21:00
robsonpeixotoOerHeks, yep.21:00
robsonpeixotowebnet, exactly the same21:00
webnetstrange and what are you looking at that is giving you this package list? you are in CLI right?21:01
robsonpeixotowebnet ans OerHeks, the same to 'sg3-utils'21:01
webnetstrange and what are you looking at that is giving you this package list? you are in CLI right robsonpeixoto ?21:01
kasii hi all21:02
robsonpeixotowebnet, I install Ubuntu Server 11.10 rigth now. I am not change anything on source.list21:02
kasiiam looking for java application21:03
kasiianybody to help me21:03
kasiiany java compiler21:03
robsonpeixotowebnet, OerHeks . More examples: 'tcpd', 'tgt', 'unixodbc' ....21:03
GhostWolfhey all i have an issue, i woke up bout an hour ago and i couldn't get my mouse or kb working, so i restart my pc manually, then i couldn't get to ubuntu i tried doing the option to do recovery, now whenever i select ubuntu i get this, BusyBox v1.17.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.17.1-10ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) enter 'help' for a list of commands, (initramfs). can anyone help i haven't done anything to my hard drive which ubuntu is on.21:03
kasiilike neat beans in windows21:03
webnetGhostWolf, try typing startx21:04
kasiijava compiler21:04
webnetrobsonpeixoto, that is strange you are in the install process right now?21:04
GhostWolfwebnet ok let go do that, i'll be back im using one pc but running dual os.21:04
webnetok cool.21:04
kasiii need a help on java compiler21:05
kasii JAVA COMPILER21:05
kasiii need help on java compiler21:05
robsonpeixotoHas Ubuntu  any problem with RAID and LVM ?21:06
sskalnikrobsonpeixoto:  It works like a champ over here21:06
webnetkasii, hi what are you trying to do?21:06
HellhammerMy WICD is not connecting to my WPA wireless network and the only error it gives is bad password but the password is correct whats going on?21:06
HellhammerMy WICD is not connecting to my WPA wireless network and the only error it gives is bad password but the password is correct whats going on?21:07
kasiiwebnet thanks21:07
sskalnikHellhammer:  are other machines able to connect using the same password?21:07
Hellhammeryes a windows 7 laptop21:07
kasiii need a help on java compiler for ubuntu 11.1021:07
malibuWow, off topic, but HP donated WebOS to open source.21:07
webnetkasii, are you building a java program from sources?21:07
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sskalnik malibu yeah saw that on HN a minute ago; and a great host of geeks rejoice!21:08
webnetor are you writing your own java application kasii ?21:08
kasiiyes  am new in java programming so  i need a java complier21:08
sskalnikHellhammer:  what wifi router are you using?21:08
GhostWolfwebnet, ok i did that and it didn't understand the command.21:08
Hellhammera motorola router21:08
IbisAnyone here by any chance use the ASUS P8Z68-V motherboard with ubuntu? Experiencing any issues?21:09
kasiii used it on windows   application called neat beans21:09
sskalnikHellhammer:  I had a similar issue with some dd-wrt based routers21:09
kasiinow i want an applicaation  to run java programss in ubuntu 11.1021:09
kasiiwebnet help me21:10
webnetooh. ok GhostWolf . that could mean several things... :o21:10
webnetkasii, ok have you searched the software center21:10
kasii i need your help21:10
kasiiwhich application21:10
webnetApplications>Ubuntu Software Center21:10
egogaAre the latest bleeding edge versions of Ubuntu available by upgrade, or doesn't Oneiric Onecelot work by upgrade, you have to do fresh install21:10
kasiiin ubuntu software center21:11
hardwiredkasii: look for netbeans (not neat beans)21:11
webnetApplications>Ubuntu Software Center kasii21:11
GhostWolfwebnet, well i don't know what happened it was working lastnight and all and went to bed, i don't turn my pc off, so i have a power saver to have my monitor go black and when i got up i tried to get that back up and my mouse nor kb wasn't working. do you know if theres a way i can get my files from the hdd that ubuntu is on?21:11
kasiiso it is there in ubuntu software centre21:12
hardwiredis anyone on a system with some nfs share mounted? can you check something for me?21:12
webnetkasii, i use this one. http://www.bluej.org/download/download.html21:12
kasiilet me open ubuntu software center and search it21:12
webnetif you are interested kasii its the deb.21:12
webnetGhostWolf, it sounds like X is bad for some reason...21:13
webnetdid you have any specific settings?21:13
GhostWolfwebnet what you mean X?21:13
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webnetThe Gnome KDE etc interfaces use an X Server from Xorg or Xvessa to run the interface21:13
webnetif startx didnt work, it sounds like X corrupted21:14
fishcookerbash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8)21:14
webnetsorry my last 2 msgs were for GhostWolf21:14
GhostWolfwebnet ok well i had no special or specific settings that i know of.21:14
fishcookerHOW to get rid of this21:14
webnetok then why  dont we see if we can fix that21:14
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GhostWolfwebnet only issue i know is my psu died and i switched it to another one i have in an old machine don't know if that would be the cause21:15
bullgard4»~$ ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. What does "spawner" here mean?21:15
hardwiredkasii: are you using ubuntu 11.10? because then netbeans has to be installed manually21:15
GhostWolfwebnet that would be great if we can do it within an hour cause i have to go help my sister in about an hour21:15
kasiiam now update it manually21:16
webnetok GhostWolf21:16
iwantlinuxhi guys: i have a pc that has no dvd drive, and doesnt support usb booting. however, i have the linux ISO on my hardware. is there any quick way to install it?21:16
hardwiredkasii: and you know, if you google for netbeans, you can download it on their site and install it manually. it's easy.21:16
bekksiwantlinux: No.21:16
GhostWolfwebnet, only thing is if i have to try to do it to the hdd that ubuntu is on i have to quit and reboot cause i have 2 hdd's one with ubuntu on it and one with windows. and i am on the windows one right now21:16
webnetGhostWolf, ok then perhaps print ot write down these commands21:17
iwantlinuxbekks: what about network boot and/or from harddrive?21:17
kasiii have download net beans but fail to run in my pc21:17
GhostWolfwebnet yea i'll write them down, i don't have a printer21:17
webneti can send you a text file you can print if you like21:17
webnetoh ok21:17
BlueLagunaAre there any user space nfsv4 servers?21:17
bekksiwantlinux: Thats possible, but you cannot boot from the harddisk you want to install ubuntu on, and setting up a PXE server isnt that easy.21:17
GhostWolfwebnet, if it be easier as well you can pm me as well21:18
hardwiredkasii: do you have the java sdk installed?21:18
iwantlinuxbekks: isn't it even possible if the iso is on another partition of the harddisk?21:18
kasiii have jdk21:18
webnetLol GhostWolf i just did :D21:18
HellhammerMy WICD is not connecting to my WPA wireless network and the only error it gives is bad password but the password is correct whats going on?21:18
bekksiwantlinux: No.21:18
hardwiredkasii: ok, how did you try to install? what did you do?21:19
iwantlinuxbekks: so i have the iso on my harddisk but there's no way to install it? that is making me sad21:19
kasiii saw them  that they are installed but fails to open the  project21:20
hardwiredkasii: wait. do you have netbeans installed already or not?21:20
kasiiisnt installed21:20
bekksiwantlinux: It is pretty logically that you cannot install something the way you want :)21:21
hardwiredkasii: OK. have you downloaded it?21:21
kasiii have download it but fails to run in my pc21:21
hardwiredkasii: OK. what is the name of the file you have downloaded?21:21
kasiiit have size of 203 MB21:22
iwantlinuxbekks: yeah, but this is driving me crazy. All i want is my linux21:22
hardwiredkasii: that look good. i think all you need to do is make this file executable and then run it.21:22
kasiiyaaaahhh  so how to make it executable21:23
stepnjumpPlease, how do you call this effect there that has a gliding menu to select apps at the bottom of the screen?21:23
hardwiredcan someone tell kasii how to make his netbeans-7.0.1-ml-linux.sh executable and then run it? I am not so fluent with ubuntu desktop, only server.21:23
kasiiam now have a dell vostro 1015 with ubuntu 11.1021:24
hardwiredkasii: maybe try this: http://ma65p.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/how-to-make-a-file-executable-in-ubuntu/21:24
OliviaIf there running Ubuntu they can right click Properties Permissons and check Execute21:24
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hardwiredkasii: just as Olivia said, that should work.21:25
kasiihow to make  executable file after download that application21:25
fishcookeranyone have the same problem with me21:25
Oliviafishcooker, What's the problem?21:26
kasiiokay let me try21:26
webnetstepnjump, you mean like a dock?21:26
stepnjumpYes I think that is it webnet, I just found it on the web21:27
kasiithankssssssss alot friends it now installing java application netbeans21:28
stepnjumpWhich dock is the nicest webnet21:28
OliviaYou're welcome kasii21:29
kasiiolivia thanks so much21:30
kasiii cant imagine21:30
stepnjumpIs docky good?21:30
kasiiif that could be possible21:30
Pici!best | stepnjump21:31
ubottustepnjump: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:31
kasiiit drives my head for about five days olivia21:31
herrera2982hello community21:31
Oliviakasii aww well glad you know how now! (:21:31
OliviaHello herrera298221:32
bullgard4»~$ ps faux | grep gvfsd-cdda; /usr/lib/gvfs-cdda --spawner :1.1 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3«. What does "spawner" here mean?21:32
herrerahello Olivia21:32
Oliviai use cairo-dock stepnjump its pretty good21:32
herrerai want to learn python, do you have some recomendations, books, blogs, anything?21:33
stepnjumpthanks olivia I appreciate it21:33
SpankbotIts time for a little bit of Full Blown Chaos to test the new install of "Audacious"21:33
sskalnikherrera:  http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/21:34
Raviorat everybody the workspace switcher is a mess?21:34
OliviaYou're welcome stepnjump21:34
SpankbotThe Walking Dead appears to be working just fine21:34
Piciherrera: #python is a good place21:34
jmuxHi. I'm on 11.10 and trying to get KVM bridged network running (br0 <= eth0) using DHCP. I'm getting the "Waiting up to 60 more seconds" delay from failsafe.conf in disconnected mode. If eth0 is connected there is no delay. "allow-hotplug" doesn't work; neither for eth0 nor br0. Any ideas or a working interfaces config?21:35
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OerHeksherrera check the volume 1-55 of Full Circle magazine, every issue has a python-section21:35
madpropsi cant play a dvd srsly21:36
madpropsi click a menu option and vlc and movie player crash21:37
webnetok i like fod a dock stepnjump , i like using AWN (Avant Window Manager) I believe its available in the ubu software center21:38
webnetstepnjump, wow typs. lol. *For a dock21:39
slinzexcritical hdd crash! cannot mount hdd . Linux can't start, Windows neither. Sysrescuecd cannot launch. No errors. Just infinitely trying mount hdd, but no result. What can it be?21:41
OliviaBios err?21:42
OliviaOr your hdd is broke21:42
hardwiredslinzex: broken sata cable?21:43
fishcookerthankyou for questioning Olivia..21:43
hardwiredOlivia: (don't always assume the worst :P)21:43
* MrOpposite test21:43
TornadoChas3rCould anyone give me some suggestions on why my box decides to lock up after its been idle a whille, its a bit odd .. you could be in an SSH session and it will stop responding, but you never time out from the server etc, this also appears on the servers console http://i41.tinypic.com/17x2fo.png, not sure why it happens, the HDDs seem healthy and don't have a problem otherwise, my only guess21:43
TornadoChas3rright now is either the memory has a problem or the SCSI controller is having issues, anyone have any ideas?21:43
fishcookeri've got rid of that locale problem21:43
OliviaA BIOS error is not that bad :P but yea.. hdd broke is XD21:44
fishcooker$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales21:44
OliviaCheck your cables (:21:44
fishcookerthen logout the shell n started new21:44
stepnjumpIs there a way to remove the bottom panel?21:44
fishcookerit works no "extra" message popping21:44
fishcookerthanks again for your attention Olivia21:44
fishcookeryou are the best21:45
Oliviahehe =]21:45
slinzexhardwired, impossible21:45
revenwhen updating to 11.04 and above .xinitrc doesn't seem to work anymore, and have only found that it could be done via gnome/unity, but I only run CLI. How do I run scrips when login in?21:45
slinzexhardwired, its dell inspiron m301z and it's new21:45
herrerahello, someone knows about a cisco vpn client for ubuntu x64?21:45
slinzexhardwired, im actually running diagnostics. All dell official tests are passed. All cables ok. Now it's scanning hdd sectors by block..21:46
fishcookerslinzex, may my question out of topic21:46
slinzexhardwired, and no error21:46
fishcookeryou have dell m301z21:46
fishcookerhow abt the battery life on ubuntu21:46
aj00200is there a way to regenerate the list of apps that unity will search in? It appears that my list has been corrupted.21:47
fishcookeron windows 7 i've got 3 hours21:47
slinzexfishcooker, is offtop.. but it's ok. same 3h21:47
marcuyI'm trying to log in with .ssh/authenticated_keys but I get the following error with verbose output: debug1: key_parse_private_pem: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed   any idea?21:47
fishcookerbut on ubuntu just less than 2hour21:47
slinzexfishcooker, moreless...21:47
slinzexplease somebody help21:47
slinzexit's impossible to repair?21:48
slinzexany suggestion?21:48
Oliviafishcooker do you have Netbook edition?21:48
IbisAnyone here by any chance use the ASUS P8Z68-V motherboard with ubuntu? Experiencing any issues?21:48
mang0If I wget something, where does it go by defult?21:48
fishcookeris it matter notebook or netbook Olivia21:48
helen_mang0: :o21:48
helen_me :)21:48
aj00200mang0: it goes to the current directory21:48
helen_you remember me21:48
Ibismang0: In the same directory you 're currently in since using wget.21:48
hardwiredreven: did you try using .xsession instead of .xinitrc?21:49
helen_mang0: PM21:49
mang0helen_: ? >.> uh...21:49
mongymarcuy,  authorized_keys ?21:49
mang0helen_: K...21:49
Oliviafishcooker No i was just wanting to know the version of Ubuntu21:49
fishcookerthe new one21:49
hardwiredreven: I think I had that same problem when updating to 11.0421:49
OliviaCjeck the power settings21:49
mang0Ibis: aj00200 Thankyou.21:49
fishcooker11.10 with unity sh** :D21:49
OliviaYou can disable unity :P21:49
marcuymongy, yes, I've already added my public fingerprint to such file21:50
fishcookeri get back to 10.321:50
mang0helen_: Pm'd you....21:50
IbisOr just use gnome3. Or switch to Linuxmint 12. (It just came out).21:50
webnetfishcooker,  yeah log out. along the bottom, select ubuntu classic desktop from the interfaces choises21:50
SilfenX_hello - I m using  gnome-core and vnc to accessvirtual desktop on server machine. There is a slight problem tho: I dont have modify rights to any stuff that got root only rights from the file manager which is a pita. How can I give temp root access to file manager in vnc session?21:50
mongymarcuy, is the file chmod 600 ?21:50
marcuymongy file chmod 600 and .ssh chmod 70021:51
fishcookeri've get it shot webnet thankyou21:51
revenhardwired, yep, right now I'm trying to echo something to a file, just to see if it runs on login.21:51
mongymarcuy, and your /etc/ssh/sshd_config is setup properly to allow pubkey auth?21:51
fishcookerOlivia actually im on notebook21:51
fishcookeri've realized that ubuntu doesn't handle the battery life well21:52
fishcookeron my A43sj21:52
BlueLagunaHmm...how high do userspace ports go?  Over 9000?21:52
webnetfishcooker,  np21:52
revenhardwired, but can't get it to run. Did you have more luck in 11.10?21:52
BlueLagunaas in network ports21:52
OliviaDepends on what you have running21:52
IbisSilfenX_: Do you mean to "Run vnc" as root? To do that you use the sudo command. Example: sudo vnc-server-program-here                          Sudo is used to run a command as root.21:52
robsonpeixotoIs aptitude a recomeded tool on Ubuntu Server ? There are a lot of bug =(21:52
TornadoChas3rDid a test with memtest, memory looks good, not sure what else could be causing the box to lock up like this, other theory was the SCSI controller, but I've never had a problem with it .. and it works fine otherwise21:52
OliviaIv been told Ubuntu is a resource hog21:52
IbisSilfenX_: Any commands you run AFTER sudo will not be "root".21:52
hardwiredreven: I am using ubuntu server on my mediacenter box, and since 11.04 I use .xsession to start xbmc upon login. It still works with 11.10.21:53
fishcookernothing running just terminal just 2 hours21:53
fishcookerubuntu kidding me?21:53
SilfenX_Ibis: well, I m not sure what I mean except that I need the file manager in the vnc session to be allowed to modify files/folders that have root only rights set21:53
IbisSilfenX_: So typing in "sudo" before any and any command you can think of does the trick.21:53
marcuymongy, I hope so, it's a shared vps21:53
IbisSilfenX_: Then run: sudo    filemanagercommandHERE21:53
fishcookeractually i've install macosx 10.7.2 on these notebook too21:54
marcuymongy, how can I be sure of that without having access to sshd_config?21:54
mongymarcuy, cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i pubkey21:54
SilfenX_Ibis: Oh! So I start the filemanger from a terminal window with sudo in the desktop env?21:54
revenhardwired, it's actully xbmc I'm trying to autostart. Got it to autologin on user account on start. but nothing more.21:54
marcuymongy I will try that21:54
fishcookerit is more fair than ubuntu on handling the battery life21:54
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fishcooker2 hours with extra running application21:54
hardwiredreven: ah nice. I tell you what I did in private, but I don't know if that's the proper way to do it.21:54
IbisSilfenX_: YEs.21:55
fishcookeri wonder why?21:55
marcuymongy, PubkeyAuthentication yes21:55
SilfenX_Ibis: Thank you21:55
IbisSilfenX_: That file manager will be running as a user named root, and you can do tasks "as root" WITHIN that file manager.21:55
IbisSilfenX_: Colors usually changes to indicate that you're using a FILEMANAGER as root.21:55
fishcookerjust miss channel 'ubuntu-like' this on the macosx :p21:56
fishcookeryou're all awesome here quick n friendly to others.. just miss this community channel on the macosx21:56
mongymarcuy, try connecting with -vvv21:57
SilfenX_Ibis: what would the specific syntax be? I only get command not found trying to use any of that21:57
mongymarcuy, and paste it on pastebin21:57
Captain_Crowhello, does ubuntu come with compiz or does it have to be downloaded from somewhere?21:58
SilfenX_Ah! Silly me! It s Nautilus ofc! :P21:59
RaviorIt came with it but you might consider downloading Compiz Config Settings Manager to customize it.22:00
IbisSilfenX_: What exactly did you typed in to get said error message "command not found"?22:00
SilfenX_Ibis: you dont want to know ^^22:01
Ibissudo airhead? o.o22:01
SilfenX_yeah, somethign along those lines ^^22:01
IbisWhat exactly?22:02
marcuymongy, http://pastebin.com/Qti53bjs22:04
=== r3v0 is now known as zz_r3v0
mongymarcuy, unknown key type...  how did you make the key ?     we never asked this question either, can you login with just the password ?22:05
Guest82690testing irc22:06
marcuymongy, after I put id_rsa password I can login22:06
mongymarcuy, do you have a passphrase on the key ?22:06
marcuymongy, yes22:06
kasiiwebnet are you still there22:07
marcuymongy, ups so is it ok that being asked?22:07
mongymarcuy, and you are entering the passphrase ?22:07
marcuymongy, after I enter key passphrase I can log in22:08
Rothamnoob question.. should "*/5 * * * *"  set my conjob to repeat every 5 minutes?22:08
mongymarcuy, well, there you go then22:08
=== Guest82690 is now known as spiffman
webnetstill here22:10
whoeverhi all, is there a good html5 wysiwyg, bluefish doesn't have html5 and bluegriffon Is a piece of shit , you have to play for the external viewer22:11
mongymarcuy, if you dont want a passphrase, just remove your key and make a new one with ssh-keygen and choose no passphrase, then ssh-copy-id it22:11
marcuymongy, hehe sorry, thanks for your time22:11
webnetkasii still here22:11
mongymarcuy, no worries22:12
=== nyuszika7h is now known as nyan-cat
=== nyan-cat is now known as nyuszika7h
moepigalj23Obama has compiled a remarkable record of economic disasters in his 31 months as President. He has added $4.3 trillion to our national debt, quadrupled our budget deficit, championed an unpopular and unfunded socialized healthcare plan and rammed through an unworkable $800 billion stimulus plan. In the process, gasoline prices have skyrocketed, home sales have tanked, the dollar is being challenged as the global reserve currency a22:21
=== dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey
soreaumoepigalj23: That is completely off topic for this channel22:22
soreau! ot22:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:22
=== Mud is now known as Guest59736
fri3zahi i need help working out LMMS22:29
fri3zai installed it but i dont see it in my menu22:29
c0nfus3d1could you not run lmms from command line?22:30
fri3zaits not even there22:30
fri3zabut it says its installed22:31
c0nfus3d1right, so in a command line just type: lmms22:31
jasmini need help pls22:31
SilfenX_does it have any impact on how an installation proceeds if synaptic package manager is ran as root or not?22:31
fri3zai think i see the problem22:31
fri3zait wasnt in my directory22:32
sskalnikSilfenX_:  it should not allow you to install packages without sudo22:32
fri3zaro somit must of installed else were22:32
jasmin[root@localhost bin]# iperf -s22:33
jasminbind failed: Address already in use22:33
JGANhey guys22:33
JGANcan someone tell me the proper permission settings for /lib22:33
fri3zasudo ?22:33
jribJGAN: why?22:34
JGANim having the error in 10.04 where i cant open users and groups22:34
sskalnikJGAN:  rwxr-xr-x  22 root:root22:34
JGANand i was googling around22:34
SilfenX_sskalnik: oh! I invoke synpatic package manager via system menu from remote virtual desktop vnc session. Typically file manager wont allow me to do root stuff using that unless I start it from therminal with sudo. Wonder why synaptic package manager lets me install stuff from just invoking it from the menu then.22:34
JGANand some forum suggested something about those permission settings22:35
sskalnikSilfenX_:  who are you logged in as when you use VNC?22:35
jribJGAN: try opening from a terminal22:35
JGANand... i have them correct already :/22:35
JGANi have drwxr-xr-x22:36
JGANso chmod 764?22:36
sskalnikJGAN:  no you are good already22:36
sskalnikJGAN:  d just means directory22:37
JGANim in trouble now :/22:37
webnet!language | JGAN22:37
ubottuJGAN: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:37
SilfenX_sskalnik: doing a 'top' it looks like xvnc4 is running under my own user account on the server22:38
Abbiehey everyone... apologies if i'm not in the right spot (true newbie here).  is there anyone who might be able to offer tips on an install?  i've been googling for hours but still stuck... if this chat an ok place to ask or where should i go?22:38
sskalnikSilfenX_:  while in the VNC session, can you do a "whoami"?22:38
webnetAbbie,  can you give more detail22:39
sskalnikAbbie:  this is the right place22:39
BernSamsonAbbie: what are you needing to know?22:39
webnetAbbie,  what are you having a problem with22:39
SilfenX_sskalnik: yes, it gives me my own username. why would synaptic allow root maneouvering and not filemanager?22:39
twocarlohas anyone using vmlite lately22:39
Abbiei'm trying to install on an old ibook g4, cannot get my computer to pull up the install page on startup22:40
webnetare you booting from cd? or usb?22:40
webnetAbbie, ^^22:40
Abbiei've tried holding down c, alt, etc, burning multiple cds (they work on my friend's pc)22:40
sskalnikSilfenX_:  are you running both synaptic and the file manager through the VNC session?22:41
sskalnikWhat is the file manager refusing to do without sudo?22:41
webnetAbbie, are you booting from cd? or usb?22:42
Abbiefrom a cd22:42
SilfenX_sskalnik: no modify access to files owned by root22:42
NeosanoI'm trying to transfer file from one computer to another using scp. what I get is "received disconnect from 2: Packet corrupt .lost connection"22:42
NeosanoIt doesn't even start to transfer22:42
SilfenX_sskalnik: filemanager is nautilus22:43
Abbieand the cd appears to be fine, it works on a pc22:43
webnetAbbie, try pressing F12?22:43
Abbiemy friend was able to enter the test mode22:43
webnetAbbie, apologies im not totally familiar with booting linux on a mac22:43
BernSamsonnor am I22:44
BernSamsonthe last mac I tinkered with was an Apple ii back in grade school22:44
sskalnikBernSamson:  the last mac I tinkered with was an ASUS22:45
Abbieok, haven't tried F12... don't think that's the code for my computer but i'll give it a shot... thanks for any advice at all haha, getting desperate22:45
c0nfus3d1putenv('DISPLAY=:0'); exec('sudo oowriter'); let apache open oowrtier on the local machine desktop. how can I do this without the use of sudo22:45
Neosanothere was some hack with ssh to transfer a file.. something with cat, what was it?22:45
sskalnikAbbie:  It should be C, but if that does not work, I'm not sure.22:46
PupuserI was trying to format a 3rd hard drive and acadiently formated my C: drive as FAT32, how do I restort it back to NTFS22:46
Abbieright, i tried with C.. nothing.  when i hit alt/option it brings up a pic of the hard drive but no cd22:46
Abbiethe cd reader works great though22:46
Abbieso i have no idea what the deal is22:47
sskalnikAbbie:  The CD is the PPC version and not i386?22:47
skilzHow can I disable graphical system boot so I can see verbose mode?22:47
=== reo is now known as Guest33558
whoeveris tere a dpkg yet for quanta , their site is up and running but it does not show up in the repos22:47
Abbiesskalnik - that i'm not sure, how do i check?22:48
sskalnikAbbie:  Does the name of the CD image end with i386 or ppc?22:48
aantigood evening. someone willing to assist me with fixing my default entry in grub2 ? have pastes ready22:48
sskalnikAbbie:  You will want the ppc version for G422:49
IbisAnyone here by any chance use the ASUS P8Z68-V motherboard with ubuntu? Experiencing any issues?22:49
Abbieoh it does say i386!22:49
PupuserI formated my Windows C: drive as FAT32 by acident, picked the wrong hard drive. How do I recover it?!22:49
IbisTry using this: www.piriform.com/recuva22:50
Abbieso i burned the incorrect version?22:51
sskalnikAbbie:  Just get the ppc version and you should be good to go22:51
skilzAfter performing a 'apt-get upgrade' my system is running really slow now, 99% cpu, can I revert back some how?22:51
sskalnikAbbie:  Yeah, the i386 version is for PCs and newer Macs22:51
sskalnikAbbie:  PPC is for G5 and G422:51
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ22:52
webnetPupuser, Recuvia wont work on a formatted drive use photorec22:52
PupuserTheres no tools that can unformat and restore the Windows 7 NTFS partion?22:53
webnetmoepigalj23, um ok then22:53
webnetPupuser, im sure there are. hold on22:54
enthdegreewhat the gay why is kubuntu downloading language packs22:54
sskalnikPupuser:  To make sure that nothing gets overwritten, make sure you immediately unmount the drive and do not use it.22:54
sskalnikenthdegree:  Language22:55
PupuserYa I turned off the computer and pulled the hard drive.22:55
enthdegreesskalnik: right, the language packs22:55
kristianpauladd ratpoison to lightxdm is same is gdm?22:55
enthdegreeKubuntu is downloading them on installation.22:55
Abbieoh man thank you guys so much... ok looking around that link now to make sure i get the right one22:55
sskalnikenthdegree:  No, your language.22:55
sskalnikAbbie:  no prob!22:55
enthdegreeExactly! I am absolutely lost as to why Kubuntu is installing these language packs to my computer, I was not even given an option to enable them.22:56
sskalnikenthdegree:  I meant "please do not use offensive language".22:56
sskalnikenthdegree:  The language packs are probably installed by a metapackage22:57
enthdegreeOh my goodness. This is an official support channel, I expect people here to act at least halfway professional22:57
sparrwhat is modem-manager and how do I stop it?22:57
enthdegreeok thanks sskalnik22:57
enthdegreefunnyfingers: we see you22:58
teratomaim going to start asking for help with 'what the gay'22:58
sskalnikteratoma:  I can't recommend it.22:58
salmiakany idea what is the best program to change fileformat from flv (flashvideo) to mkv? (I don't need the content to be reencoded)22:59
OerHekssalmiak, see transcoding > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Transcoding23:00
aminecvp je soui nv sur ubuntu et je soui un peu perdu23:04
twocarlohas anyone know how to cancel the jigdo download and restart it?23:05
webnet!language | enthdegree23:05
ubottuenthdegree: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:05
webnetPupuser, ok do you have another os on another hdd or something?23:05
Pupuserwebnet: I have puppy Linux on a bootable flash drive.23:06
eigarTought I'll try to reinstall the desktop on 11.10 before I do a complete re-install of entire system.23:06
aminequi peu maider23:07
=== Gskellig is now known as SantaClaus
Pupuserwebnet: Lucid Puppy, I can install ubuntu programs.23:07
eigarIs it as simple as sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome* unity* ?23:07
webnetok Pupuser. give me a sec. i think i found something you can use23:07
DJones!fr | amine23:08
ubottuamine: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:08
SilfenX_how do you remove a PPA repository via terminal under lucid?23:08
OerHeksSilfenX_, ppa purge23:09
SilfenX_using ppa-purge result in 'command not found'23:09
aminedsl je soui perdu23:09
=== SantaClaus is now known as Gskellig
Fuchsamine: si tu veux q'on taide en français, essaye  /join #ubuntu-fr23:10
Fuchsamine: else we will gladly help you in english here :)23:10
OerHeksSilfenX_, you need to install it first.23:10
SilfenX_OerHeks: I tried sudo apt-get install ppt-purge ?23:11
SilfenX_it didnt work23:11
germanxn im tring to get this configuration on vim23:12
germanxnbut i cant install plugins23:12
DJonesmoepigalj23: Please stop spamming23:12
moepigalj23DJones k23:13
webnetPupuser: u still here23:14
germanxnwhen i "make install" on the plugin directory23:14
Amon-Raguys, how do i change language through keyboard?23:14
Amon-Raswitch language23:14
germanxnit says something la vimball cannot read file <>23:14
Amon-Rai have a fresh install23:14
webnetAmon-Ra, System > Preferances>Keyboard23:15
webnetAmon-Ra, everything still working all good?23:15
Amon-Rawebnet: yes!! i just came back home, updated to 11.10 perfect!23:15
Amon-Rawebnet: great!!23:16
webnetAmon-Ra, Glad to hear that!23:16
webnetAmon-Ra, did you find what you were looking for in the keyboard config menu?23:16
mhsyxchat is not captured by alt+tab23:16
mhsyis that a bug?23:16
webnetmhsy, um idk. never seen that23:17
Amon-Rawebnet: i don't find the toggle about the language...23:17
mhsy11.10 unity?23:17
webnetmhsy, it probably is, but i doubt is going to cause problems23:17
webnetOh crap. lol Amon-Ra... i forgot u r on unity. lol. let me give you the cli name. open a terminal23:18
Amon-Rawebnet: how? :)23:19
SilfenX_which application should be associated with deb packages to be able to install one just double clicking it from the desktop under gnome?23:19
webnetidk. lol. i hate unity for that. try searching for keyboard in the unity menu23:20
Amon-Rai am sorry but i never used this again :) which menu is the unity menu ?:23:20
webnetSilfenX_, um that would be dpkg23:20
webnetSilfenX_, but it would open in the ubuntu software center23:21
mhsywebnet: not there23:21
webnettop left ubuntu button23:21
Amon-Raoh ok23:21
wspardawhow u all doing23:21
webnetmhsy, what isnt?23:21
wspardawi have a question people23:21
Amon-Raok i searched for keyboard, i see 5-6 results23:21
webnetwspardaw, good and you?23:21
mhsycan't find the option to change the keyboard layout23:22
SilfenX_i m running a virtual desktop via vnc using gnome-core component only, not a full desktop env. The window popping up displaying apps to associate with doesnt contain anything called dpkg23:22
webnetwspardaw, ok23:22
webnetwhat are the options? Amon-Ra. and where did you check mhsy ?23:22
mhsyi had it set up back in 9.0423:22
wspardawwhy isnt anybody connected to the channel ubuntu-bugs?23:22
mhsyso it was already configured23:22
webnetmhsy oh23:23
Amon-Rawebnet: keyboard layout, keyboard input methods, keyboard, universal access, onboard, input method switcher23:23
ubuntu_n00bhi, i've got a question about correcting the time displayed in ubuntu. i'm running dual boot windows home XP SP3 and the lastest version of ubuntu (11.X). i found a link that describes how to fix the problem, but i don't know how to imput the command.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Make_Linux_use_.27Local.27_time the command is "edit /etc/default/rcS"23:23
mhsyi checked in keyboard layout (including options), and keyboard (including under shortcuts)23:23
webnetwspardaw, cause were all here! :P23:23
Pupuserwebnet: sorry i lost wifi for a moment, did you find a program?23:23
webnetchoose the keyboard leyout on Amon-Ra isnt tht waht you were looking for?23:23
wspardawI am just starting to join the bugs team23:23
ubuntu_n00band then you've got to change ubutu to recognise local time23:23
mhsyhe wants to switch layouts with a key combo23:24
Amon-Rawebnet: yes i added the second language there....but how do i switch from english to greek and greek to english with keyboard?23:24
luckyonehello all - my icons in nautilus are all gone - everything looks very gnome 2 ish...23:24
luckyoneany idea what happened?23:24
webnetPupuser... its actually harder to do than i thought. i think this MAY help you though...idk23:24
mhsyubuntu_n00b: press alt+ctrl+T to open up terminal23:24
webnetpm me if you need anything Pupuser23:24
ubuntu_n00bi tried that23:24
wspardawany advise in where to start ? please23:24
ubuntu_n00bbut ubuntu didn't recognize the command23:25
MonkeyDustwspardaw  with what?23:25
mhsywhat ubuntu are you using right now?23:25
wspardawwith contributing to the bugs team23:25
webnetAmon-Ra, OHHHHHHH1 lol. ok gotcha.23:25
MonkeyDustwspardaw  visit launchpad23:25
L3dhi folks23:25
ubuntu_n00bmhsy: can i just paste the command as written?23:25
wspardawi did and register and signed and i have already been accepted in the team23:26
L3dsay why can i only vieuw https://www.youtube ,and no other https stuf WTF23:26
webnetluckyone, you probably (by you i mean something on the machine :D ) changed to icon set to none23:26
mhsyubuntu_noob: since it is in /etc, you have to be root23:26
MonkeyDustwspardaw  glad you found out \0/23:26
mhsyubuntu_noob: so "sudo edit /etc/default/rcS"23:26
L3dsomeone care to enlighten me about this situation ?23:26
webnetwspardaw, MonkeyDust Agreed. visit the ubuntu bugs page on launchpad23:27
luckyonewebnet: that sounds fair - any idea how to change it back?23:27
webnetcan you get to the display or appearance menu?23:27
luckyonewebnet: I haven't installed gnome-tweak-tool23:27
ubuntu_n00bthis is the error message i get: Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/default/rcS" -- using "application/octet-stream"23:27
ubuntu_n00bError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"23:27
brightsparkluckyone, System>Preferences>Appearance23:27
tjiggi_foAmon-Ra, shortcut is both ALT keys together23:27
webnetcan you get to the display or appearance menu? luckyone23:28
luckyonewebnet: yeah, I have been to both of those, I don't see where to change the icons23:28
webnetok choose your theme and then click customize button23:28
mhsyubuntu_n00b: pm. you will get lost here23:28
luckyoneAmon-Ra: !!! woah! did you write the recovery?23:28
Amon-Raluckyone: what do you mean?23:28
Amon-Ratjiggi_fo: it doesnt seem to work23:28
webnetluckyone, did you see what i said23:29
ubuntu_n00bhow do i PM? right click on your handle and select IM?23:29
luckyonebrightspark: from there I have Ambiance selected, but icons in nautilus are still all blank23:29
brightsparkluckyone, customize button> icons tab.  Select your favorite.23:29
L3dwahts a good net-monitor ??23:30
luckyonebrightspark: from 11.10 Appearance screen, I see no customize button23:30
Amon-Rais there a key shortcut to toggle between installed languages to write??23:30
brightsparkluckyone, perhaps it has been moved- I am on 10.10.  Can anyone confirm this?23:31
L3dhow come i can only connect to youtube with https over this here so called network ,anyonw ??23:31
luckyonewebnet: any ideas?23:31
L3dehh annyone23:31
MonkeyDust!details| L3d23:31
ubottuL3d: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:31
brightsparkluckyone, in 10.10 at least it is below and to the right, with buttons labelled delete, save as, and install.23:32
L3dok 11.10 and i try to get on the net thru https:// and only youtube works ,how come ??23:32
L3dthnx monkeydust23:32
L3dgot noscript but not for thius :p23:33
fri3zaadblocker +23:33
fri3zais also good23:33
fri3zaalso ghostery23:33
fri3zaits stops poeple from taking ur cookies23:33
L3dthe other place i stayed at had the same thing ,also a guided living place of the same organisation23:33
L3dgot adblock .. hmm need ghostery thnx dude23:34
brightsparkluckyone, as per launchpad you can no longer change this information in 11.10 (this is by design)23:34
L3dalso betterprivacy wrocks my s....23:34
fri3zaalso hgetp23:34
excelsiorGreetings, fellows, I try to install abiword, but it tells me "Requires installation of untrusted packages" and provides only one option, OK, and then doesn't install. Do I go looking for a .deb or what?23:34
fri3zahttps everywere23:34
L3di know it sucks ,thay prob got some other "thing" !@#$%^23:34
fri3zaits encrypts anything supporting SSL on http23:34
sparrI am trying to confirm a bug on ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10, anyone have that and CPAN and willing to run a test for me?23:35
L3dso why whitelist youtube ?23:35
L3dmean its like the https only lets youtueb thru ,like a virus23:35
L3dalos i found some gold today heh23:36
fri3zaim tlaking about a program called HTTPS-everywere23:36
fri3zaits encrypts everything u do23:36
fri3zaon ssl23:36
fri3zabut the website has to support ssl23:36
eigarwould this re-install desktop? dpkg --get-selection | sed -n "s/\(.*\(gnome\|unity\)[^ \t]*\).*/\1/p" | xargs apt-get --resinstall install23:36
fri3zaso now your https: whould work23:36
L3dipv4 is the only conn i get nbo ipv5 WEIRD23:36
mongyjust use ssh -D23:37
L3dthats a good thing .. i need to remember this or write it down ,rolling a joint also hehe23:37
L3deh ipv623:37
eigarlist all packages from dpkg that has name with gnome or unity and send them to apt-get --reinstall23:37
Captain_Crowi tried to run it and the screen got all glitchy and now i finally got the desktop to come up again, but compiz features wont work at all... anyone know what im doing wrong?23:38
L3dthat sounds like synaptic use ,im soooo lazyy ,but i should23:38
excelsiorI try to install abiword, but it tells me "Requires installation of untrusted packages" and provides only one option, OK, and then doesn't install. Do I go looking for a .deb or what?23:38
L3dthere is a button under somethin ,some help me here23:39
Captain_Crowis compiz fusion normally glitchy?23:39
brightsparkexcelsior, are you using aptitude? apt-get? synaptic?23:39
excelsiorI'm using the Software Center!23:39
eigaris there any other packages i should include?23:39
gabe_hey guys, my transmission bitTorrent client is using port 51413 but when I click the test button under the network settings it gives me a state of closed. I issued "sudo ufw allow 51413" followd by "sudo ufw enable 51413" and still shows as closed23:40
MANCHUCKi cannot find an article on how to install icrontab in ubuntu23:40
MANCHUCKanyone know now23:40
L3dXvba -va -vaapi ?23:40
gabe_does anyone know what the problem would be please? it doesn't download anything because of this23:40
MonkeyDustMANCHUCK  please lowercase your nick -- cron is installed by default in ubuntu23:40
MANCHUCKnot cron23:41
murfieis er nog muziek?23:41
MonkeyDustmurfie  hier niet23:41
brightsparkexcelsior, sorry I'm not terribly familiar with Software Centre's operation; I would suggest you try using apt-get as it tends to give you the most flexibility.23:41
eossive installed ssh on my ubuntu box and im trying to not have the server start when i turn on my PC23:41
eosshow do i turn off this feature23:42
murfieuhuh.. waar dan wel?23:42
L3ddude fileplanet MUST have ssl .........23:42
gabe_could someone help me please?23:42
MonkeyDustmurfie  kijk eens in #ubuntu-nl-offtopic, met mijn groeten23:42
Chucky1hello, i have a question reguarding setting up a mail server on my server23:43
Chucky1i did not install any gui interface kde,gnome etc.. everything is command line based23:43
Chucky1i want to install a mail server on my server and i was wonder what is a good one that has a web interface to better manage the server?23:44
MonkeyDustChucky1  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer23:44
Chucky1i read through that right23:44
Chucky1but it seems to be limited..23:44
L3d<fri3za> eaven fileplanet dont work enc .....23:45
Chucky1i like the postfix mail server but i also need a web interface to manage it23:45
L3dgabe can i config your router/ somthin ?23:45
eossive installed ssh on my ubuntu box and im trying to not have the server start when i turn on my PC23:45
gennexcelsior: are your sources ok? i just tried installing it now and it did not give me that message23:45
gabe_L3d: I'm sorry, what?23:46
Chucky1eoss remove all instances of ssh in your startup file23:46
excelsiorI'm installing to Ubuntu 10.1023:46
excelsiorDo you think that's it?23:46
L3ddo u have your own modem/wifi ?23:46
eossChucky1: where is my startup file23:46
NullZer0wondering if anyone can help me. New computer just installed ubuntu - Intel motherboard using integrated graphics but can't get resolution right?23:46
L3dmaybe you have changed the upload rate on the modem itslef ?23:46
gabe_not at all... and everything was working before23:47
abstraktI'm getting this error when trying to install *any* of the nvidia drivers under xfce23:47
abstrakt2011-12-09 18:46:05,413 DEBUG: NVidia(nvidia_173_updates).enabled(): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ld.so.conf other target alt None other current alt None23:47
abstraktI don't have GNOME or KDE installed23:47
abstraktwould that be a problem?23:47
L3dmy port is being blocked too ,but the ppl here "say " its broken down or something to keep uploading low .. but i have https errors so im not happy23:47
whoeverneed help to get kde headers to install quanta , i get this error when I try to configure :checking for KDE... configure: error:23:47
whoeverin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.23:48
gennexcelsior: do you have the universe repository enabled?23:48
whoeverSo, check this please and use another prefix!23:48
gabe_it's just now that it suddenly stopped downloading... it sits there idle even though there are seeders23:48
whoeverand  I have kdewebdev installed23:48
excelsiorgenn: how do I do that?23:48
excelsioris it ok to just let apt-get install it without it being "authenticated?"23:48
abstrakthere's the full paste from my logs23:48
mongyeoss, sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove23:49
excelsiorInstall packages without verification? Y/n?23:49
enthdegreeWhat's the package name for kernel headers?23:49
L3dtr using deluge ,maybe with plug-ins or another client ,i know and have tohe patients to "wait " this out i know .. leave transmission ,and when u return after a day its done  SOMEHOW i dunno i know this all sucks .23:49
L3d ehhh ok23:50
Chucky1esso you still there?23:50
L3dok queens o the stone age hehehe23:50
eossI did what mongy says23:50
eossthanks guys23:50
Chucky1update-rc.d -f ssh remove23:51
Chucky1ohh ok23:51
Chucky1he help you23:51
Chucky1i wasnt paying attention23:51
FloodBot1Chucky1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:51
abstraktenthdegree, build-essential I think will bring in kernel headers23:51
abstraktI could be wrong23:51
Chucky1ok what would be a good mail server to use that has a web interface to manage the server23:51
L3dangelfire ?23:52
L3dlycos is on there23:52
mongysudo apt-get install linux-headers-`(uname -r)`23:52
L3dcan u explain what i need to do to get a better ssh ? instead of ssl ..stuff23:53
MonkeyDustChucky1  maybe this helps you decide which is best for your needs http://webserver.com/23:54
L3dbut normally if one say youtube https works ,another say fileplanet should too , and it dont ,someone know why ?>23:54
Chucky1no wait23:55
Chucky1i dont need a mail server.23:55
excelsiorsudo apt-get update fixed the problem, and then I didn't get the error when installing.23:55
Chucky1i have my own server.. i want to install a mail server23:56
Chucky1i would like to know which mail server software to use that has a web interface for easy management23:56
L3dbeen a while need to try that again too23:56
MonkeyDustChucky1  have you searched in the repos?23:57
Chucky1no because i dont know what im looking for23:57
Chucky1i had it setup years ago but its been awhile since ive done one23:57
Chucky1i cant even remember what i used before23:58
Chucky1been incarcerated for a few years23:58
L3dlol how do i actually install the udates i checked ion the console heh got that wrong the other time ..23:58
Chucky1apt-get install updates23:58
Chucky1apt-get install upgrades23:58
L3dthnx m823:58
L3dwill do .. ;)23:59
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest84684
Chucky1those are 3 seperate commands homie23:59

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