
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
TheMusopitti: Good morning.04:56
BigWhaleis it really morning if it's still dark outside? :>05:48
pittiRAOF: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-color-management-next-steps has some alpha-2 WIs; is that still coming along, or should we postpone that to Q?06:10
pittiTheMuso: any progress on the java at-spi2 stuff? alpha-2 gets really close, and this is something we want to roll out early I think06:12
pittiwell, "early", we are mid-way through the release :)06:12
TheMusopitti: Actually working on it now, just rolling a multi-arch enabled atk wrapper, and will then build a new openjdk with atk wrapper substituted for java-access-bridge. nce built, I'll test it first thing Monday, and if successful, will push openjdk changes next Monday.06:13
pittiTheMuso: ah, sweet! thanks06:13
RAOFpitti: I'd still like to do the "calibrate" button WI, but that's likely to miss A2.  The rest is much less important.06:23
pittiRAOF: but that's done?06:27
pittiRAOF: oh, should that be reopened and renamed "fix calibrate button" then?06:27
RAOFIt's the second work-item - add PackageKit support to the calibrate button.06:28
pittioh, silly me; will change it back06:29
RAOFHeh.  Conflicting blueprint changes!06:30
TheMusoAnd now that openjdk-6 is building, I'm done for the day, given that this will take ages to build, and I can't really do unity/ubiquity testing easily while it builds. :)06:30
pittiRAOF: so the shared-color-targets and icc-profiles one can/should be postoned?06:30
pittiTheMuso: enjoy the weekend!06:31
RAOFThey can be postponed, yeah.06:31
pittibryce: do you know if inkscape is planning to migrate to lcms2 at some point? lcms1 is dead upstream06:34
pittitkamppeter: is cups conversion to lcms2 still realistic for alpha-2? (bug 885324)06:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 885324 in cups "Completely replace lcms1 by lcms2 in Ubuntu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88532406:35
didrocksgoog morning07:21
brycepitti, I don't think so (at least I haven't heard any mention of it) but I'll ask around07:29
brycepitti, no mention of it on http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Tracking_Dependencies or on Roadmap07:30
pittihey didrocks, ca va?07:35
pittibryce: thanks07:35
didrockspitti: ça va, fighting yesterday evening with the new heater (just installed before the rally) which broke apparently :/07:36
didrocksso 18°C in the main room. Will need to send it back to the store tomorrow (35 kgs, will have another "fun trip") :)07:37
didrockspitti: and you, how are you?07:37
brycepitti, if it is changed, it may not make it for Precise though07:37
pittibryce: ok; not a biggie, I think, as long as it works07:37
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks; my jaw is getting better, and precise works again, too :)07:38
pittiapparently doko's test eglibc triggered the SVG loader crash07:38
didrockspitti: heh :) do you have any idea how the indicator-keyboard is picking some keyboard?07:38
didrocksas unity-greeter reset to the default, I select the "French one"07:38
pittididrocks: fairly well, yes; how do you mean "pick"? the default value? or changing it?07:39
didrocksbut the French one is not the one we set by default (which is french (alternative))07:39
pittididrocks: oh, the unity greeter touches keyboard layout? I thought it doesn't any more07:39
* didrocks looks if something was uploaded since yesterday07:39
pittididrocks: hang on, I'm afraid I don't follow07:40
didrockspitti: ok, so, since yesterday with the new unity-greeter:07:40
didrockswhen you enter unity-greeter, it discares your keyboard configuration07:40
didrocksand reset to "usa"07:41
pittiso that's the system-wide default, not the per-user one, I take it?07:41
pittifrom /etc/default/keyboard ?07:41
didrockswhich is why some people (on the french forum), can't log in, because they don't see the indicator reset to usa07:41
didrockslet me check07:41
pittioh, we have a keyboard indicator in lightdm now? checking..07:41
didrocksmy system one is:07:41
didrocksyeah, the keyboard indicator is there07:41
pittiah, so we do07:42
pittididn't notice07:42
didrocksI didn't notice until I saw I couldn't log in :)07:42
pittithat doesn't make a lot of sense, though07:42
didrocksand a lot of people can't test precise right now because of that07:42
didrocks(because it's resetted to usa here)07:42
pittididrocks: so, I indeed don't know what the greeter kb indicator does, or why it's even there07:42
didrockspitti: and the thing is that it presents 3 keyboards for "French"07:43
pittithe greeter should use the per-user default layout as in the old gdm 207:43
pittior not change it at all07:43
didrocksand in those choice, there is not the french default which is french (alternatives)07:43
didrocksneed to go to g-c-c to set it again07:43
pittididrocks: so I suppose that indicator tries to read the gsettings key, which is unset07:44
pittididrocks: erk, the unity greeter changes the user settings, too?07:44
pittithat is all wrong07:44
didrocksto usa07:44
didrockswhich is even worse on an azerty keyboard :)07:44
pittibug 834487, bug 78382707:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 834487 in unity-greeter "Add keyboard layout indicator to unity-greeter" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83448707:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 783827 in unity-greeter "Keyboard layout not set in greeter" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78382707:45
didrocksand there is no choice with the french keyboard in the indicator with the french "default"07:45
didrocksthose are "released"07:46
pittididrocks: yes, those are the bugs which introduced the indicator07:46
pittididrocks: I think you should reopen 78382707:47
pittididrocks: I just tested it, want me to do it and comment?07:48
didrocksfor the second issue, the french default keyboard not being proposed in the dropdown, I think this is an issue with the indicator-keyboard itself, isn't it?07:49
pittiyes, I guess so07:49
pittialso, the list is really horrible07:49
pittione level, way too long07:50
didrocksindeed, way too long, but not what we use in France :)07:50
didrockswe should remove all the other options07:50
didrocksand keep what we have in France07:50
didrocksmaybe usa07:50
didrocksand that's it! :-)07:50
didrockshum, can't reopen the upstream task on bug #78382707:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 783827 in unity-greeter "Keyboard layout not set in greeter" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78382707:52
pittididrocks: no, neither can I; I reopened the disto task now wiht a commen07:55
pittiand pointed to that in the other bug and the MP07:56
tkamppeterpitti, conversion of CUPS is rather small, it will happen at least for FF. When exactly is a2? I could ask Otani whether he could do it in time.07:56
didrockspitti: you reopened? you didn't get any error? weird :) (as I reopened it before, see the comment before yours ;))07:57
pittitkamppeter: Feb 02; but it's not really an a2 blocker, b1 is fine, too07:57
tkamppeterpitti, now where Otanis has ported Poppler (bug 885324).07:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 885324 in cups "Completely replace lcms1 by lcms2 in Ubuntu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88532407:57
pittididrocks: the distro task, not the upstream one07:57
didrocksyeah, I did it for the distro task as well :)07:57
didrocks(but seems launchpad is now smart about it, he just added mterry assignment and milestoned, and ignored the status changed as it was already done, it used to error before ;))07:58
pittididrocks: well, that was me :)07:59
didrockspitti: you meant reopen, which is:08:00
didrocksChanged in unity-greeter (Ubuntu):08:00
pittioh, I know what you mean08:00
didrocksstatus: Fix Released → Triaged08:00
pittiit filtered out the duplicate reopening, yes08:00
didrocksyeah ;)08:00
pittididrocks: on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-unity-quality, who is "amber"?08:00
pittihttps://launchpad.net/~amber doesn't look like an appropriate assignee08:01
didrockspitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AmberGraner08:01
didrockshum, I didn't take the note during uds, let me try to find her08:01
pittididrocks: ah, fixed08:01
didrocksthanks :)08:01
pittididrocks: "Help on the tarmac autopilot integration", is there something missing there?08:02
* pitti was looking at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/u/didrocks-precise-alpha-2.html and wonders how we can take some stuff off you08:03
didrockspitti: yeah, I relaunch the subject, I made some stuff, but now that evan is back, I hope he can finish what he started08:04
didrockspitti: I sent an email 2 days ago, no answer, but let's wait for a week :)08:04
didrockspitti: my overall trend is good: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/u/didrocks.html08:05
didrockspitti: I think I can reshuffle some stuff from alpha2 to later if you want08:05
didrocksthe mandatory one is "Put some blessed Unity settings in gnome-control-center in an unity panel08:05
didrocks(in my opinion)08:05
pittididrocks: yes, it is; I mainly wanted to ask whether you are comfortable with your remaining items, or would like to drop some08:05
pittididrocks: yes, I agree; that's a2 matter08:05
pittididrocks: I did that with everyone last week, don't worry :)08:06
didrockspitti: I regularly watch them, seems ok, but I can put "implement ubiquity integration" to later :)08:06
didrocksit's the only one I'm unsure about for this cycle08:06
didrocksespecially with the fact that the ISD side is dropped08:06
didrocks(yeah, oneconf always get dropped for 3rd part every cycle :()08:06
pittiok, moved08:07
pitti(to b1)08:07
didrocksok, the rest should be ok for alpha2 IMHO08:07
pittiI guess we won't do much about compiz/unity startup speed after all?08:08
pittiI overheard some conversations last week that we can't build in some plugins, and also don't drop some?08:08
didrockspitti: yeah, the gsettings won't give much with the benchmark I did with the ini backend08:08
didrocksyeah, I discussed that with sam, we will even add one more plugin to fix a bug :/08:08
didrocks(we really started from nothing and add one plugin after another in natty)08:09
didrocksand for static linking, it will bring issues08:09
didrocks(see my comment on the blueprint)08:09
pittiadding tracepoints might help to see whether plugin loading is just generally slow, or whether one takes an inordinate amount of time08:09
didrocksso, the last thing I can do is to see which plugins takes time to load08:09
didrocksI need to that manually, nothing is built in right now, I think about doing that during alpha2 freeze08:10
didrocks(after this compiz release)08:10
pittimeh, editing whiteboards really sucks with the new LP08:11
tkamppeterpitti, I want to ask you something about the new cups-filters package on OpenPrinting.08:11
pittithe edit field keeps jumping to a mini format08:11
pittitkamppeter: go ahead :)08:11
tkamppeterpitti, as this is the upstream home of the PDF filters now, and it even contains some improvements on the filters which are not in the add-on package CUPS is using in debian/local/, I would like to use it in Precise.08:12
pittitkamppeter: right; I thought that was the plan all along08:12
tkamppeterpitti, problem is that it is a new package and as CUPS is synced wioth Debian it would need to go through a lot of formalizm to arrive in both distros. What should we do here?08:13
pittitkamppeter: why formalism?08:13
pittitkamppeter: we can just upload it to Debian (the earlier the better), wait until it's through NEW, and then sync08:14
pittitkamppeter: if that takes too long, we have to fork cups for the time being08:14
pittibut NEW doesn't take that long in Debian any more, a couple of days usually08:14
pittitkamppeter: it's by and large a splitout of what cups already ships, isn't it?08:15
tkamppeterpitti, yes, it does not contain anything totally new. It is waht CUPS contains with only some development, no new concepts.08:16
pittitkamppeter: right; so I don't see any trouble with NEW or MIRs or anythign08:16
pittiI'm happy to check the packaging and upload it to Debian08:16
tkamppeterpitti, I want to do the first release of the upstream package in the next days, but I am waiting for larsu's bannertopdf filter.08:17
tkamppeterpitti, immediately after this first release I would package it and make it available to you.08:17
pittitkamppeter: you can also work on packaging in parallel, and then just add the new filter when it lands08:18
tkamppeterpitti, one problem is also coordination with CUPS, together with it, a new CUPS package without the filters now maintained by cups-filters needs to get uploaded, too.08:18
pittitkamppeter: i. e. create the packaging from a "make dist" from git08:18
pittitkamppeter: I propose it gets uploaded to experimental first08:19
pittitkamppeter: then it can Conflicts:/Replaces: cups (<< version_that_drops_filters)08:19
pittitkamppeter: and cups can then Depends: cups-filters08:19
pittitkamppeter: once it's through NEW, we can upload cups and cups-filters to unstable at the same time08:20
pittiand sync both into precise08:20
pittitkamppeter: we can also get it into ubuntu earlier, no problem08:21
pittiwe just need cups-filters packaged08:21
brycepitti, confirmed no plans08:25
didrockspitti: will you have time for a SRU round today? I'm afraid that unity will migrate into -updates (well, there are still some bugs not confirmed) where we should reset the counter with the new version in -proposed08:31
pittididrocks: yep, can do08:31
didrockspitti: thanks a bunch :)08:32
pittididrocks: I was doing 10.04.4 review anyway, so doing now08:35
pittididrocks: bug 830949 not fixed in precise yet?08:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 830949 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Intel N10 Graphics] Need Compiz' "Copy to Texture" plugin so can display on multi-head layouts bigger than the max GL texture size" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83094908:37
pittishould be, otherwise this can't go to -updates08:37
didrockshum hum, this shouln't be in there08:38
* didrocks checks08:38
pittididrocks: same for the compiz upload08:38
pittiI accepted unity, as it's a regression in -proposed AFAIUI08:38
didrocksah, you are looking the compiz update?08:38
pittibut compiz ought to get a precise upload first08:38
pittididrocks: no, that was unity08:38
didrockswait one sec08:38
pittididrocks: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/90423564/unity_4.28.0-0ubuntu2_source.changes08:38
didrocksok, reject :/08:39
didrockswrong copy and paste08:39
pittididrocks: compiz or unity?08:39
didrocks(the bug #)08:39
pittididrocks: already accepted unity08:39
pittididrocks: so let's just do the call for testing on the right one08:39
didrocksthis is what happens when you get ping continuously :/08:39
didrockssorry pitti08:39
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload the current snapshot of the CUPS BZR to Debian and Ubuntu? Then the package release after this one will get the cups-filters switchover.08:39
pittiwhich one is the actual bug?08:39
didrockslet me dig into my logs08:39
pittitkamppeter: can do08:39
didrockspitti: for compiz > yeah, I know, it's just that we planned to update compiz during the rally and so the moon should have aligned. However, there was this API break which postponed the precise upload08:40
didrockspitti: bug #912682 is the right one08:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 912682 in unity/4.0 "Compiz add transparency to titlebar along with the panel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91268208:41
didrocksit's in trunk, will be released next week08:42
pittitkamppeter: I want to look into http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=654641 before upload, which is marked as RC08:42
ubot2Debian bug 654641 in libcups2 "libcups2: cups-1.4.4-7 package build failed on 'reverting patch manpage-translations'" [Serious,Open]08:42
didrockspitti: sorry again for the mess :/08:42
pittididrocks: no problem at all, *hug*08:42
* didrocks hugs pitti08:43
mhr3no seb?08:47
pittinot yet08:49
tkamppeterseb128, I have uploaded Poppler now, where is the BZR to commit the changes?08:49
pittitkamppeter: no bzr08:49
pittiit's in lp:ubuntu/poppler, or just upload08:50
tkamppeterpitti, I have done only a dput upload, but I remember that there was also a repo, and once one of my fixes got dropped because it was not in the repo.08:50
pittitkamppeter: well, it doesn't have a Vcs-Bzr: header, so if someone complains, he will have to re-merge and add it08:51
pittiah, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu08:51
pittitkamppeter: ^08:51
pittitkamppeter: so you can commit it there08:52
tkamppeterpitti, I succeeded to download lp:ubuntu/poppler now, are there 2 independent repos? lp:ubuntu/poppler and https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu?08:53
pittitkamppeter: you can ignore lp:ubuntu/poppler, it auto-updates from uploads08:55
pittitkamppeter: ~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu is the actual bzr branch which we are using08:55
pittijust someone dropped the Vcs-Bzr: tag from debian/control..08:55
pitti(this desperately needs to be added back, otherwise people will keep not committing first)08:56
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:06
pittihey chrisccoulson09:08
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:08
pittiquite fine, thanks! hardly feel my jaw any more; how about you?09:08
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm good thanks09:09
chrisccoulsonoh, you've had your tooth extracted now?09:09
pittichrisccoulson: on Tuesday already09:09
chrisccoulsongood to hear it's not too painful :)09:09
pittichrisccoulson: we even talked about it, you told us about the weird anestheticum you got that made you actually enjoy it09:10
pittiwasn't that you?09:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. i remember now, although i forgot which day you were having it done ;)09:11
pittihey seb12809:19
seb128hey pitti, how are you?09:19
pittiseb128: quite fine, thanks!09:19
pittiseb128: my crash from yesterday was indeed due to the PPA libc09:19
seb128pitti, do you know what upgrade or change triggered the issue for you yesterday?09:20
pittiseb128: no; I just downgraded libc6, and it was gone09:20
pittiI downgraded everything else except libc6, and I still got the crash09:21
pittireally a mystery to me09:21
seb128well at least it was not a buggy update in precise09:21
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson09:22
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks09:22
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 too!09:22
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:22
seb128how are you?09:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, good thanks. and you?09:23
chrisccoulsonglad that firefox is building on powerpc now........until the next release, anyway!09:23
* micahg hugs chrisccoulson09:24
seb128didrocks, pitti: dude, don't reopen closed bugs ;-)09:29
seb128the unity-greeter "en" keyboard issue is bug #91546809:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 915468 in lightdm "the unity-greeter keyboard's selection doesn't respect the user config" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91546809:29
seb128no need to reopen a different bug09:29
pittiseb128: well, the title was quite matching09:30
pittiok, then we can close the other one again09:30
seb128yeah, just did that09:30
pittiseb128: assigned to mterry and milestoned to a209:30
seb128didrocks, pitti, I've discussed it with robert_ancell and mterry yesterday09:31
* pitti in mumble and lagging on irc09:31
seb128robert_ancell said he would look at the lightdm side09:31
didrocksseb128: is there also a bug to track that in indicator-keyboard, there is only 3 french keyboard and not the "french (alternative)" which is the default ubuntu french one?09:32
seb128didrocks, no09:32
seb128but imho that design of listing all existing keymaps is ridiculous09:32
didrocksagreed, but if we stays on that, we need to ensure at least, we have the default french keyboard :)09:34
* didrocks hates non oss keyboard09:34
seb128didrocks, I didn't even notice there was a difference :p09:34
didrocksseb128: you never use … !09:34
seb128no, I use ... ;-)09:34
didrocksbad bad bad ;-)09:34
didrocksmore seriously, we should align the proposal with what is set by default with ubiquity :)09:35
seb128dunno what a good UI would be, keyboard selectors always suck09:36
seb128but it should at least by default pick the user session layout09:36
didrocksyeah :)09:37
seb128didrocks, pitti: reassigned the lightdm part to robert_ancell and added an unity-greeter part for mterry, which is what we discussed here yesterday night09:38
seb128but I will try to have a look today to see if it's lightdm which is returning the wrong value of unity-greeter not using the lightdm api as it should09:39
didrocksseb128: can you look as well how the indicator select the keyboard display to show? (they are available in g-c-c)09:40
seb128didrocks, well do09:40
seb128but first I need to finish my fight with webkit09:40
seb128or aka. ld taking 3gb or ram and my disk ran out of space after 3 hours build yesterday09:40
didrocksfight? :)09:40
* didrocks is making bug paperwork today and unity process writing…09:41
seb128indeed, I hate to close firefox and tb to be able to ld09:41
seb128hate -> had09:41
tkamppeterpitti, how do I bzr push to ~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu?09:42
tkamppeterseb128: ^^09:42
seb128tkamppeter, bzr push lp:~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu?09:42
tkamppeterseb128, did09:44
tkamppeterbzr launchpad-login till-kamppeter09:44
seb128tkamppeter, btw not sure I like that we ship a patch upstream said they disagree with09:45
tkamppeterbzr push --remember lp:~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu09:45
seb128that should work09:45
tkamppeterand got09:45
tkamppeterbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-89624528:///~ubuntu-desktop/poppler/ubuntu/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport09:45
seb128you probably don't have the rights to push there09:45
seb128do a merge request09:45
tkamppeterseb128, I have upload rights to Poppler, can I get, to simplify the workflow in the future, also get push rights for this BZR?10:11
seb128tkamppeter, no, I think we discussed it before10:12
seb128tkamppeter, ubuntu-desktop membership gives full access to the desktop set10:12
seb128tkamppeter, we would need to move poppler out of the team vcs rather10:13
tkamppeterseb128, I went to the Launchpad page of this repo and do not find a link or buttonm to request a merge. Hopw do I proceed?10:19
seb128tkamppeter, did you file merge requests before? just push to lp:~tkamppeter/poppler/somename10:20
seb128then go that page and click on the submit merge request button10:20
tkamppeterseb128, I did not use this functionality before, because in all the other cases I had direct push access.10:21
seb128yeah, I understand that10:22
tkamppeterPoppler is the only team-owned package which is in my dput upload portfolio. I am in the Desktop Team, at least in terms of Canonical organization, but probably not memeber of the LP team due to an oversight or due to not having a full contract.10:23
tkamppeterseb128 ^^10:24
tkamppeterseb128: bzr push --remember lp:~tkamppeter/poppler/precise10:25
tkamppeterseb128: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~tkamppeter/poppler/precise/": : Till Kamppeter cannot create branches owned by Till Kamppeter10:25
seb128dunno about that one10:25
seb128tkamppeter, no, it's not an oversight, ubuntu-desktop has nothing to do with being working in the Canonical Desktop Team, it gives access to the desktop set for uploads10:26
seb128tkamppeter, it just happens that we have put the poppler packaging vcs under that team10:26
tkamppeterseb128, I will e-mail you the "bzr bundle" of my changed.10:26
seb128mterry, hey, waking up at the middle of the night? ;-)10:26
micahgtkamppeter: the ubuntu-desktop team is connected with upload rights for the ubuntu-desktop packageset in LP, not the Canonical Desktop team10:26
seb128tkamppeter, ok10:26
mterryseb128, yup  :)10:27
chrisccoulson_Ah, the imposter has gone10:31
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
seb128mterry, is LightDM.UserList something lightdm is building? is that supposed to be a full list of users with all their details set?10:34
tkamppeterseb128, you have mail.10:34
seb128tkamppeter, thanks10:34
mterryseb128, yeah10:35
tkamppeterseb128, I have also contacted upstream telling themn that 5-10 % performance loss is no problem when getting a more stable, reliable, less crashy, upstream-maintained library.10:36
seb128webkit-1.7.4$ du -ksh .11:34
seb128out of space build fail11:34
seb128chrisccoulson, I take firefox if you take webkit :p11:34
chrisccoulsoni think i'd prefer to keep firefox ;)11:35
seb128one the good side I'm almost there11:35
seb128it failed on the -dbg package dh_strip call11:35
chrisccoulsoni even managed to do a bisect with firefox last night over 947 commits and it only took me around 30 minutes (for bug 918763)11:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 918763 in firefox "Firefox 12 fails to build on Lucid x86_64 (../../../dist/include/nsCOMPtr.h:316: internal compiler error: in tree_nrv, at tree-nrv.c:143)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91876311:37
chrisccoulsoni wonder what that would be like with webkit ;)11:37
Sweetsharkseb128, chrisccoulson: I would have another package looking for additional maintainers, if you are interested ...11:37
chrisccoulsoni'd probably still be building it now!11:37
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, lol ;)11:38
mterryseb128, did robert-ancell mention any progress on the keyboard thing?  I'll start looking at it11:40
seb128mterry, no, I've been looking a bit into it11:40
seb128mterry, so in unity-greeter.vala you do:11:41
Sweetsharkpitti: I just uploaded a 3.5.0~beta2-2ubuntu4 to chinstrap with just the dep fixes11:41
seb128                foreach (var user in users.users)11:41
seb128                    user_added_cb (user);11:41
seb128mterry, I've added a "                    stderr.printf("user layout: %s\n", user.layout);" there11:41
seb128mterry, in test mode the layout for my user is "fr"11:41
seb128mterry, (I hacked testmode to use the system list and not the builtin static one)11:42
seb128mterry, in real mode it's Null (in x-1-greeter.log)11:42
pittiSweetshark: ah, thanks; note you need to close the bug yourself, as the LP syntax is wrong11:42
seb128user name: seb12811:42
seb128user realname: seb12811:42
seb128user language: fr_FR.utf811:42
seb128user layout: (null)11:42
seb128 11:42
seb128mterry, that's in real mode11:42
mterryseb128, is there a system layout?11:42
seb128mterry, so something is different between test mode and real mode which made the keymap not set11:42
seb128mterry, define system layout?11:42
mterryseb128, (i.e. do you know what lightdm_get_layout returns?)11:42
seb128mterry, let me try11:43
mterryseb128, that's the default layout if the user layout is null11:43
pittiSweetshark: uploaded, thanks!11:43
seb128mterry, well the user layout shouldn't be null11:43
mterryLightDM.get_layout ()11:43
mterryseb128, yar, the fact that it's different between 'real' and 'testing' is certainly an issue11:43
ricotzhello everyone11:44
ricotzseb128, hi, you are playing with webkit?11:44
mterryseb128, OK, I thought user layout could be null11:44
mterryseb128, but I didn't base that on facts  :)11:44
seb128ricotz, updating to 1.7.411:44
ricotzseb128, for precise or ppa?11:45
seb128mterry, there are 2 issues, one is that real mode fails to get the user layout for some reason (where test mode does work), the second one is that the default layout is wrong when that happens11:45
seb128ricotz, precise, why?11:45
ricotzseb128, did you enable webgl?11:45
ricotzseb128, ok, just asking11:45
seb128ricotz, webwhat?11:45
seb128ricotz, no11:45
mterryseb128, right11:45
ricotzseb128, ok11:46
seb128mterry, so get_layout() returns a LightDM.Layout, let me see how I can print that :p11:46
mterryseb128, ".name"11:47
seb128user language: fr_FR.utf811:48
seb128user layout: (null)11:48
seb128system layout: us11:48
seb128mterry, so yeah, that returns "us"11:48
seb128so I guess that part is a lightdm bug11:48
mterryseb128, and it's supposed to be "fr"?11:48
seb128$ grep LAYOUT /etc/default/keyboard11:48
seb128mterry, which is basically what gdm or xorg would use if not told otherwise11:49
seb128mterry, btw that might be interesting:11:50
seb128:1-greeter.log:[+0,53s] WARNING: Getting layout failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: L'interface « com.canonical.dbusmenu » n'existe pas pour l'objet à l'emplacement /com/canonical/indicator/users/menu11:50
seb128it's french but you can guess the english versions, words are similar11:50
pittiI haven't followed the full conversation, but falling back to /etc/default/keyboard can't be the full story here11:52
pittiI have created a test user where control-center said "German", while my system keyboard is "US"11:52
pittireading "us" from /e/d/keyboard wouldn't help there11:52
seb128pitti, several bugs11:52
seb128- getting the user layout is failing11:52
seb128- it's fallback wrongly to "us" rather than to the system default11:52
pittiSweetshark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810604/ :(11:53
mterrypitti, seb128: so this might be a good instance of the new policy of backing code out that would take more than an hour to fix?11:53
pittiseb128: *ack*11:53
pittimterry: yeah, I agree, especially on a Friday afternoon11:53
seb128mterry, well, I don't see that as a major issue since you can select your layout with the indicator11:54
seb128but seems pitti and didrocks are of a different opinion11:54
seb128mterry, but maybe back out the commit which added the indicator (please don't backout the new version totally)11:54
didrocksI'm seeing people not being to log in because of that (and nobody notice the indicator), the workaround isn't obvious11:55
mterryseb128, sure...11:55
didrocksable to*11:55
didrocksthen, not my decision ;)11:55
seb128mterry, your call11:55
* mterry distro patches out the indicator bits11:55
* didrocks sees all the pressure on mterry :)11:55
pittimterry: disabling just the indicator is fine; I agree, no need to revert the whole thing11:56
mterryProbably should have backed this out yesterday when we first heard of it.11:56
* seb128 slaps mterry11:57
seb128mterry, you first heard of it during the rally when I was sitting next to you and trying to get you or robert to look at it :p11:57
mterryseb128, oh yeah.  :)11:57
mterryseb128, sorry, I guess I didn't realize the severity11:58
didrocksmterry: you weren't hearing from the french man? :)11:58
seb128mterry, I see how you zap what I say though :p11:58
didrocksseb128: I hope you note for next 380 :p11:58
seb128didrocks, he probably though "it's a french issue, who cares" ;-)11:58
didrocks360° even11:58
* pitti pats the One True Keyboard Layout: pc105/us11:59
seb128pitti, it's not a bug right, it's user education? ;-)12:00
didrockswhat a lack of taste!12:00
pittiseb128: yeah; who could ever type on azerty? :-)12:00
* pitti hugs seb128 and didrocks -- Vive la France!12:00
pittiil est difficile12:01
seb128le français? oui ;-)12:01
pittiyay, I got it right :)12:01
* seb128 hugs pitti12:01
* didrocks hugs pitti12:01
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksmterry: also, if you are aware about this code, it seems that the keyboard menu doesn't list the variants as well (which is annoying as the default french ubuntu keyboard is XKBLAYOUT="fr" XKBVARIANT="oss"12:06
seb128didrocks, you should open a new bug about that12:06
didrocksof course, some people like seb128 doesn't use … so they don't care, but that's just showing bad practices!12:06
seb128seems a bug in lightdm_get_layouts()12:06
seb128i.e for robert_ancell12:06
didrocksseb128: yeah, finishing my paperwork and will open a bug, then looking at this if mterry has no direct idea :)12:06
didrocksok, robert's side, so will look :)12:07
seb128he's using libxklavier in a basic way12:07
mterryseb128, so is this bug!  :)12:07
seb128mterry, well I think the "WARNING: Getting layout failed" is on unity-greeter12:07
seb128or it's in the lightdm session environement12:08
mterryseb128, no, it's likely just from liblightdm-gobject12:08
seb128bad robert_ancell!12:08
* mterry guesses (as we only interact with getting/setting keyboard through that lib12:08
seb128it's a bit weird that there is a dbusmenu error there though12:08
seb128lightdm doesn't use libdbusmenu does it?12:09
* mterry looks at the error again12:09
mterryseb128, that's possibly an error with the other indicators (the ones that actually are dbusmenu objects -- the keyboard one isn't).  Note it just says 'getting layout failed' -- may be talking about the dbusmenu layout call12:10
mterryseb128, I'm just saying that unity-greeter itself does no layout code.  All that logic is inside liblightdm.  But you're right that dbusmenu being a part of that interaction would be weird12:11
seb128mterry, yeah, dunno, out of the fact that the unity-greeter in test mode run into my session return the correct layout12:12
seb128mterry, so the liblightdm-gobject side seems fine12:12
seb128something fails for some reason in the greeter session though12:12
seb128hum, lunch ready, be back in a bit12:12
mterryseb128, I wonder if we're not running some xkb daemon or something that we should be12:12
seb128mterry, I will add some printfs on the liblightdm side after lunch12:13
seb128but food first!12:13
mterryseb128, didrocks, pitti: OK, uploaded new unity-greeter without the keyboard indicator12:14
didrocksmterry: thanks a lot! you will make some people happy12:14
mterrysorry for any problems I caused!  /me writes a blog post to let people know12:14
didrocksmterry: no worry, just add a "if you are french, here is my photo to print it and play darts" :)12:17
* didrocks hugs mterry12:17
nessitahello all!12:18
chrisccoulsonwow, i didn't realize that armhf was so much faster at building firefox than armel12:24
chrisccoulson9 hours for a full build compared to 14 hours so far for armel, and it hasn't even started running the tests yet12:24
seb128nessita, hey, how are you?12:29
seb128ok, getting ride of my ubuntu vm12:29
nessitaseb128: fine!12:29
seb128nessita, quite ok, hating webkit though12:30
seb128it made me delete my vms12:30
seb128webkit-1.7.4$ du -ksh .12:30
seb128nessita, that's my build tree which failed on ENOSPACE again12:30
nessitaseb128: can' t you use a canonistack instance, or something like that?12:31
seb128nessita, but I think I will win this time12:31
seb128that's ok, easier to do local builds12:31
nessitaI need help :-): my keyboard layout is acting up today. When I did the precise fresh install I' m running, I chose " English (international with dead keys") layout, and worked just fine until this morning, where I lost the " internation with dead keys"  support. I tried re-choosing the layout, but it did not fix it, I also try logout and login, and nothing12:31
seb128nessita, how are you?12:31
nessita seb128: good, but with a screwed up keyboard layout :-P12:32
seb128nessita, try the new unity-greeter mterry uploaded12:32
mterryBut you can log in fine...  might not be the unity-greeter problem12:32
nessitaseb128: so is "ok"  to have lost the keyboard layout?12:32
nessitayes, I can login just fine12:33
seb128mterry, no, apparently lightdm apply the layout selected on the greeter to the session or something it seems12:33
seb128well that's what didrocks was complaining about12:33
nessitaseb128: right, I tried to choose en + dead keys on the greeter and I couldn' t12:34
seb128didrocks said he would open a bug about that12:34
* nessita apt-get upgrades and sees the unity-greeter update12:37
seb128nessita, not enough, the newest one didn't build yet12:37
didrocksyeah, shouldn't be that one :)12:37
seb128nessita, well what arch do you use?12:38
didrockshey nessita!12:38
nessitaseb128: us.archive12:38
nessitahola didrocks!12:38
seb128nessita, no, i386 or amd64?12:38
seb128ok, not build yet there12:39
seb128see the url I gave you12:39
seb128nessita, the build should start in 1 min: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/0.2.0-0ubuntu4/+build/310765212:39
nessitaseb128: ack, will re-update when is done. Thanks!12:40
seb128nessita, yw12:40
mterrynessita, build done, btw12:56
tkamppeterpitti, liblcms2 migration for CUPS (in new package cups-filters) is done upstream.13:01
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mterryseb128, is your home directory world-readable?13:05
pittitkamppeter: yay13:06
seb128mterry, no, it's 700 user:user13:10
pittiwhy do we need the user's home directory?13:10
seb128pitti, to read the user keyboard layout config?13:11
mterryseb128, pitti: looks like the user's keyboard layout is in ~/.dmrc and not exposed via accountsservice.  Which is why seb128 was seeing a difference between test mode and real mode13:11
pittiyou can't rely on the users home dir until after you type the password13:11
pittiit may be on NFS, ecryptfs, or what not13:11
seb128pitti, right, so we likely need to move that info in accountsservice13:11
mterrySo that's why per-user keyboard layout wasn't working for everyone (a separate bug is the fact that fallback to system was always "us")13:11
pittiold gdm used /var/cache/gdm/<username>/dmrc13:11
pittibut if accountsservice caches it, so much the better13:12
pittiit doesn't right now, though13:12
seb128mterry, ok, I can confirm that copying my .dmrc to my test user which has its dir world readable "fixes" the issue13:13
pittiI'm actually quite surprised that Robert added a keyboard indicator again13:13
seb128i.e the user get a "fr" keymap when selected13:13
pittiI thought he was glad to get rid of all taht complexity13:13
seb128pitti, he didn't, mterry did ;-)13:13
pittidrwxr-xr-x 22 test test 4096 Jan 20 08:49 /home/test/13:13
pittididn't work for taht one13:13
seb128pitti, do you have a keymap in .dmrc?13:13
pittikeyboard layout isn't saved in .dmrc13:14
pittiit's in gsettings13:14
* mterry keeps getting blamed for this :)13:14
seb128pitti, I've Layout=fr in my .dmrc13:14
pittiorg.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts13:14
pittiseb128: that's still from gdm 213:14
seb128pitti, right, well that's what lightdm reads13:14
seb128no wonder it doesn't work ;-)13:14
pittigdm 3 dropped it, so c-c doesn't put it there any more13:14
pittiorg.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts ['us', 'de\tnodeadkeys']13:15
seb128pitti, if only we had a clear spec for those things :-(13:15
pittithat's e. g. the value for me13:15
seb128pitti, that's GNOME specific though?13:15
seb128pitti, where lightdm tries to be desktop neutral13:15
pittiyes; there is no X.org standard for where to put them :(13:15
pittinor fd.o13:15
seb128imho accountsservice seems the right place13:15
pittiI don't think KDE or XFCE use that either, thuogh13:16
pittithere is a reason why gdm 2 was so utterly complex :)13:16
seb128pitti, right, well we don't have any framework yet so we need to figure one13:16
pittiseb128: I like the accountsservice idea13:16
seb128me too ;-)13:16
pittiit's closest to something which all desktops _could_ use and which doesn't come with huge dependencies attached13:17
pittiit's just that it isn't being used much outside of gnome yet ..13:17
mterryseb128, pitti: OK, using bug 915468  to keep track of that (and percolating that through lightdm)13:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 915468 in unity-greeter "the unity-greeter keyboard's selection doesn't respect the user config" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91546813:19
seb128pitti, well, that's not an issue, we are already (ab)using it13:19
* mterry now looks at system default layout13:19
seb128i.e we already store stuff like the language and user background there13:19
pittimterry: system default layout is /etc/default/keyboard, but as you can change it in xorg.conf, I think it's best if you query the _XKB_RULES_NAMES property on the root window13:20
pittiand take the first layout/variant there13:20
pitti$ xprop -root _XKB_RULES_NAMES13:20
pitti_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "evdev", "pc105", "us,de", ",nodeadkeys", "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,grp:shifts_toggle"13:20
mterrypitti, there's not an xkl_* api for that?13:20
pittimterry: if you already use libxklavier, it makes that quite easy to read, too13:20
pittimterry: yes, xkl_config_rec_get_from_server, there you have the "model", "layouts", "variants"13:22
mterrypitti, you mean, via xkl_config_rec_get_from_root_window_property ?13:23
pittilooks right :)13:23
mterrypitti, or via XklConfigRegistry probs...13:23
pittiin GI I actually used rec = Xkl.ConfigRec()13:24
pittiprint rec.layouts13:24
mterrypitti, interesting...  I don't see how that maps to the C api13:24
pittitold you: xkl_config_rec_get_from_server() :)13:25
mterrypitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk/view/head:/liblightdm-gobject/layout.c#L5913:25
mterryis the current code13:25
pittiI believe that's the right API13:25
mterryand we use the first return to be the default13:25
mterrypitti, I get that part.  But XklConfigRec doesn't seem to have a layouts property13:26
pittithat looks right13:26
mterrypitti, well, the first is apparently always "us" for seb and friends13:26
pittiseb128: what does this show for you: xprop -root _XKB_RULES_NAMES13:27
seb128pitti, guess that I should run that on the greeter right?13:27
pittiwe are meant to have udev rules which read /etc/default/keyboard and slam them to the evdev devices, and X.org gets the default layouts from there13:28
pittiseb128: or a fresh user13:28
mterryseb128, maybe.  Do you know if the greeter returns different values for the system layout if you run it in testing or real mode?13:28
pittiseb128: at least anything NOT using the keyboard indicator :)13:28
pittias that seems to override it13:28
pittimterry: it isn't possible that you run this when the greeter already set a new default to the X server?13:29
seb128pitti, evdev pc105 fr oss13:30
Sweetsharkpitti: drats, I think I changed the tarballs again by accident. Could you do me the favour of fixing the dsc and resigning it, if it is not too much of a hassle? I would love to get a 3.5.0rc1 ppa upload ready still for http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2012/01/17/tdf-announces-the-second-bug-hunting-session-to-put-first-release-candidate-of-libreoffice-3-5-on-the-test-bench/13:30
seb128in my test user session13:30
mterrypitti, not in my testing I don't believe13:30
pittimterry: I don't understand that code13:30
pittimterry: where does it actually _use_ xkl_config ?13:30
mterrypitti, in layout_cb (it calls foreach_layout)13:30
pittimterry: AFAICS this returns all available layouts, I presume it uses that to fill the indicator menu for switching layouts?13:30
mterrypitti, and it saves the names of the layouts13:31
mterrypitti, yeah13:31
pittioh, yay global variables13:31
mterrypitti, and the first in the list is assumed to be the default13:31
pittiyes, that's right13:31
pittiseb128: that looks right13:31
pittiSweetshark: I'll try13:32
pittimterry: I still don't see where you use xkl_config13:32
pittimterry: that layout is for the registry iterator, and it only uses item ?13:33
mterrypitti, xkl_config_registry_foreach_layout13:33
pittithat's where the problem is13:33
pittimterry: xkl_config_registry_foreach_layout is NOT the list of configured layouts13:33
pittiit's the list of available layouts13:34
pittimterry: xkl_config->layouts is the list of configured layouts13:34
pittimterry: use the xkl_config_registry_foreach_layout to fill the available layouts for the indicator13:34
pittixkl_config->layouts[0]/xkl_config->variants[0] is the default layout13:34
pittiit's best not to touch it at all unless the user actively selects something different13:35
didrocksah, that would probably fix the "variant" issue :)13:35
pittixkl_config_registry_foreach_layout always starts with "us"13:35
mterrypitti, OK, nice.  But http://developer.gnome.org/libxklavier/5.1/XklConfigRec.html never mentions the ->layouts field...  :-/13:35
mterryGuess I had to dig into .h files13:36
mterrydidrocks, no, to fix that, I think we have to use xkl_config_registry_foreach_layout_variant13:36
seb128mterry, is there a design somewhere for that indicator?13:36
mterrypitti, what do you mean by touch it at all unless user actively selects something different?13:37
didrocksmterry: yeah, indeed13:37
mterryseb128, I don't think so?13:37
seb128mterry, listing hundred of keymaps doesn't seem well thought13:37
didrocksmterry: do you want me to assign the bug to you?13:37
pittimterry: xkl_config_rec.h has the struct, FYI13:37
pittimterry: I mean, users could set complicated options or variants you don't cover in the indicator13:37
mterrypitti, that'll learn me to rely on documentation :)13:37
pittibest not to break it until the user actively goes and changes it13:38
seb128pitti, mterry: ok, with the new version mterry uploaded without indicator the greeter XKB_RULES_NAMES is fr oss as well for me13:38
seb128so that bit seems fine13:38
pittii. e. only export the GDM_KEYBOARD (or whatever it was, don't remember) if the user changed it13:38
mterryseb128, because we avoid touching anything in that version13:38
seb128mterry, right, I'm just saying that xorg set it right13:38
seb128mterry, so it's back to what pitti and you are discussing13:38
mterrypitti, well, we have to keep setting the keyboard to whatever each user has13:38
seb128it was just a piece of info ;-)13:38
pittimterry: why?13:39
pittimterry: oh, you mean for the password, yes13:39
mterrypitti, when a new user is selected in the carasoul13:39
pittithe session will set it up by itself13:39
mterryseb128, I asked robert about the design and he indicated there wasn't one13:39
mterrywhole thing is apparently half baked13:40
seb128mterry, well I guess if we fix the "read user config" and the "get correct default" very few users will need to the use the long indicator list13:40
pittifrankly, I still think we shouldn't have an indicator at all13:42
seb128pitti, do you think we should read the user config?13:42
pittiif the user can type the password with his default layout, that addresses the main issue13:42
seb128well from accountsservice that's it13:42
mterrypitti, seb128: thanks for the pointers.   I'll talk to Rob to see who will code these bits up13:43
seb128pitti, having an indicator doesn't hurt, it tells you what layout is active and let you change it if needed13:43
pittiyes, we'd need that if we want to allow users to type their passwords on their layout instead of teh system default one13:43
didrocksI think what pitti is telling makes sense13:43
mterrypitti, well, that's going to be automatic13:43
pittiseb128: yes, but changing it involves writing it back to the user config, at which point it gets hairy13:43
seb128or not, it could just you overwrite it in a temporary way13:43
pittiI guess there's no harm in displaying the current layout, to clarify what you are typing13:43
seb128pitti, think "other" login for i.e nfs login13:44
pittiseb128: yeah; defining the "write back config" semantics there is pretty hairy13:44
seb128there are cases where we will not be able to get the value for the user13:44
seb128no need to "write back"13:44
pittiif we can, we should use it, otherwise just use the system default layout13:44
seb128we can just make the indicator define the current layout to type the password13:44
pittiseb128: but if you allow changing the layout in the greeter, but then not use it in the session, that feels like a bug, too13:45
seb128users usually have their session fine13:45
seb128pitti, no, think rather nfs13:45
seb128the layout is probably well configured in the session13:45
seb128the greeter has just no access to the user config13:45
pittisometimes, yes13:45
seb128so it can still be useful to manually select a keymap to be able to enter your password13:45
seb128only would it be for the login screen13:46
seb128imho the indicator doesn't hurt13:46
seb128it gives you feedback on what is the selected keymap which is good13:46
pittiit does if it can't read your config and selects the wrong layout13:46
seb128right we all agreed that's a bug and will be fixed13:46
pittibut I guess that's fixed with getting the correct system default13:46
seb128I think once we get the correct default and read the value for accountsservice for users we will be fine in 99% of the cases13:47
seb128having the indicator or not then doesn't matter much, though I like having a visual clue of the active keymap13:47
seb128the lock screen does display it as well13:47
pittiyes, we agree there -- reading and displaying the current layout sounds fine13:50
pittiit just gets more complicated when you allow the user to change it13:50
seb128right, well I think we don't need a lot13:52
seb128just make the indicator change the layout for the active greeter13:52
seb128doesn't bother about config or anything13:52
seb128same story as the language selection, users that need to fix their session layout can do it in g-c-c after login13:52
desrtgood morning13:54
* pitti tosses some chocolate to desrt13:54
desrtpitti: actually, i keep meaning to ask for cookies13:54
desrtnow that you mention it :)13:55
pittihmm, cookies all gone here :(13:56
seb128desrt, hum, cookies, that's something which is missing at european rallies!13:56
seb128desrt, hey btw ;-)13:56
pittidesrt: actually, we still have a fair number of christmas cookies left over indeed13:56
desrtpitti: there is a store in germany, rewe13:57
desrtand these sell these 'knusper-gebäck' cookies13:57
pittiI know it; I used to buy my stuff there in Dresden13:57
desrt(store brand)13:57
desrti had a rather intense affair with them when i was in bremen13:58
desrtseb128: looks like the thread caught a bit of traction, but most people are dancing around the issue13:59
pittidesrt: I used to have numerous of those: http://www.richrath-express.de/suesswaren-gebaeck-snacks/rewe-chocolade-cookies.html :)13:59
seb128desrt, yeah, I'm about to reply13:59
desrtthose look just like plain chocolate chip cookies13:59
pittithey are13:59
desrtboring :p13:59
desrtyou can get those anywhere :)13:59
desrtalthough they do look rather tasty...14:00
desrti think i should ask benjamin to bring some of these to the gtk hackfest :)14:00
pittidesrt: not the stuff we make ourselves each year, though! https://www.piware.de/fotos/Adventsbacken-2003/2.html14:00
desrtpitti: naught ssl certificate!14:00
pittiyeah, I know..14:01
pittierm, https:// ?14:01
pittihttp:// is fully sufficient14:01
desrtthat's pretty intense14:01
desrtmy mother is a big christmas-time cookie maker but usually not so many different varieties14:01
desrtmostly sticking to the gingerbreads and shortbreads... maybe some peanutbrittle on the side14:02
pittidesrt: well, back then we used to be about 10 people, so we got lots of stuff and a nice variety14:02
* didrocks is waiting for cookies, the tea is already ready :)14:05
pittiSweetshark: ok, tried again after some manual .dsc/.changes surgery; let's ssee14:06
seb128desrt, ok, replied on the GNOME list14:06
dobeywell at least it's not a godaddy cert14:07
seb128desrt, basically it would be great if GNOME could define the new interfaces it will rely on in the next cycle with protocol details a cycle in advances imho14:07
desrtseb128: hahahah14:07
desrtthat would require that we have the ability to take decisions in public14:08
seb128desrt, to let integrator the time and the possibility to adapt their schedule to provide those14:08
seb128desrt, well, how do you want integrators to do a decent job in integrating GNOME if you don't tell them in advance what GNOME will require to be working14:08
desrtseb128: no.  i agree.14:09
desrti'm just saying that we're a bit dysfunctional with respect to the ability to do things like this at the moment14:09
seb128desrt, "oh, you need to track git commits and then revise track the protocols you need to implement, oh at any time of the cycle of course"14:09
desrti'm wondering what the heck happened to the release team's processes for this, for example14:09
seb128desrt, yeah14:09
seb128desrt, would really rock as well to have a document describings the apis the system should provide for GNOME to be fully working14:10
seb128like what kernel version you should have14:10
seb128what dbus services14:10
desrtdbus?  i need dbus for gnome?14:10
* desrt refuses14:10
pitti*cough* GNOME OS *cough*14:10
* chrisccoulson waits for the flamewar to begin14:10
desrtpitti: ya.  exactly, actually.14:11
desrtif anyone would actually define what that means, all the world's problems would be solved14:11
pittibut in GNOME's defense, they actually did broadcast the need for systemd APIs quite early14:11
pittiwe have known that this was coming14:11
seb128pitti, not really14:11
desrtpitti: i'm not sure we ever did so in any official capacity14:11
pittidesrt: no, certainly not14:11
desrtwe chatted that we might want to do it14:11
seb128there was some list discussions with disagreement14:11
desrtbut nobody ever said "okay.  this is the plan"14:11
seb128no project consensus14:11
pittidesrt: it just reminded me of John's presentation at plumber's, that gnome os should be one official set of versions, dependencies, kernel, etc.14:12
desrtthat's the continuing failure of the gnome project to have any sort of leadership taking hard (as in concrete) decisions14:12
desrtpitti: yes.  that's absolutely the right idea.14:12
desrtand we should be able to grow that as it suits us14:12
pittifor GNOME OS, anyway14:12
desrtbut we should at least write it down somewhere ffs14:12
pittiit's certainly not what integrators want who treat GNOME as a platform, not as an OS14:13
seb128desrt, what is "fun", is if GNOME OS decide systemd is part of the system depends and Ubuntu is upstart based, does it mean GNOME would expect Ubuntu to not ship GNOME?14:13
dobeyi can't help but LOL at "GNOME OS"14:13
desrtseb128: i raised that question from another direction in my mail14:13
pittiSweetshark: ok, third time's the charm14:13
desrt"what about our own end-users who want to install the latest GNOME on their ubuntu boxes?"14:13
dobeyif only for all the "GNOME OS" discussions in 200314:14
dobeyand then came Ubuntu, the gnome os14:14
chrisccoulsoni can imagine that the suggestion will probably be "install fedora", won't it?14:14
desrtdobey: then you guys went to the dark side :p14:14
seb128desrt, I'm really pondering if rather than your gnome_me_harder we should just stop providing GNOME in Ubuntu and saying that Ubuntu doesn't match the requirements to ship GNOME14:14
desrtseb128: i'd be okay with that14:14
seb128we could stop bothering about breaking the upstream experience then and just deal with our packages14:15
desrtseb128: but i'd insist that you stay out of debian's namespace for our packages14:15
dobeydesrt: or GNOME did ;)14:15
seb128desrt, lol14:15
desrti'm serious14:15
desrtif you want to fork nautilus, do it properly14:15
nessitahey, does anyone know how to "convert" from pygtk to pygobject the function gtk.link_button_set_uri_hook (http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/class-gtklinkbutton.html#function-gtk--link-button-set-uri-hook)?14:15
desrtditto the rest of them14:15
seb128desrt, you want your cake and eat it14:15
seb128desrt, what's the point since in that case Ubuntu can't and will not ship GNOME so we don't hijack any namespace that would be useful to others14:16
dobeyforking nautilus would be a waste14:16
desrtseb128: because someone else would14:16
seb128desrt, not likely if i.e our init system is incompatible14:17
* kenvandine doesn't like the sound of this conversation :)14:17
pittinessita: I think that disappeared from GTK #14:17
desrtseb128: that's not the case right now and you know it :p14:17
pittinessita: whoops, "GTK 3"14:17
seb128desrt, well that's where we are heading to14:17
seb128kenvandine, hey14:17
desrtseb128: not really14:17
nessitapitti: ack, thanks, will workaround that somehow14:17
kenvandinehey seb12814:17
seb128kenvandine, come on, it's friday, it's trolling day ;-)14:17
desrtwe're heading to various bits stop working properly on upstart, and they can be fixed14:17
pittiwas just gonna say -- must be Friday afternoon :)14:18
desrti'm not saying that you have any responsibility to fix them14:18
desrtbut someone may want to do the work14:18
desrtmaybe debian will14:18
seb128desrt, that would work if GNOME was being honest on their requirement, publishing them in advance and letting time to integrator to do their work14:18
kenvandineis this sparked by the ddl thread and systemd?14:18
seb128desrt, but let's see how that discussion goes14:18
seb128kenvandine, yes14:18
desrtkenvandine: a codevelopment, recently14:18
desrtseb started this last night14:19
seb128kenvandine, I was just pushing the logic further on the path for the sake of the discussion14:19
kenvandineseb128, makes sense... it is the general direction14:19
desrt(that's where the friday part comes in)14:19
seb128kenvandine, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=27fa171efe4179c0a42ec79e0dc501077f042a0814:19
seb128kenvandine, that's what started the discussion basically14:20
desrtseb128: from a practical standpoint, there will never be a g_assert(systemd_is_running())14:20
desrtat most, you could imagine some mandatory library dependency in order to build a particular component14:20
desrtand systemd doesn't seem to roll that way, in general14:20
kenvandineseb128, saw that... which drives us to fork14:20
seb128desrt, right, but sneaking changes that made GNOME not work well on non systemd system the way it's currently done is not giving a fair chance to distributors to do their job well14:21
desrtseb128: no argument from me there14:21
desrtseb128: i'm just not buying into your slippery slope argument14:21
seb128it's a friday troll argument ;-)14:21
seb128not sure I'm buying into it either14:21
desrtoh.  in that case, i fully believe it :D14:21
* desrt sends more mails to d-d-dl14:22
desrter.  d-d-l14:22
pittiSweetshark: hah, I convinced Soyuz to take it, accepted now14:23
smspillazdesrt: you can download the desktop devel ? (har har har)14:26
nessitapitti: would you know about former gtk.STATE_*? (I mean, how that translates to new pygobject stuff)14:26
pittinessita: do you have an example STATE_* value?14:27
pittinessita: presumably Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL14:27
nessitaan_entry.modify_text(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, some_color)14:27
* desrt downloads smspillaz's car14:27
pittinessita: FYI, it's rather easy to look up C symbols in /usr/share/gir-1.0/Gtk-3.0.gir and see what the corresponding class/member is14:27
desrtsmspillaz: btw, as of last night, our dreams of gsettings are really really really dead14:28
desrtmaybe for a while...14:28
nessitapitti: awesome! that looks like it. I will check out that :-)14:28
smspillazdesrt: oh ?14:28
smspillazdesrt: you wouldn't want to download my car14:28
smspillazdesrt: its slow14:28
smspillazand french14:28
desrtsmspillaz: upstream change to gnome-settings-daemon to require systemd, more or less14:28
* smspillaz runs from seb128 14:28
seb128ok, I wonder if mvo would hate me if I upload a webkit breaking s-c on friday afternoon14:29
desrtwill require some extra work to get it going on ubuntu again14:29
smspillazdesrt: so I heard that ubuntu will be using KDE from now on14:29
desrtsmspillaz: funny.  i heard compiz. :)14:29
smspillazdesrt: I realized that KDE had GNOME name envy yesterday14:29
smspillazThe GNUs Not Unix Network Object Model Environment vs14:29
mvoseb128: more than already you mean ;) ?14:30
smspillazThe Kool Desktop Environment Software Compilation Plasma Workspaces14:30
mvoseb128: in what way will it break?14:30
seb128mvo, ;-)14:30
seb128mvo, segfault on start14:30
mvoseb128: actually I wanted to upload a new apt too right before the weekend14:30
desrti prefer to think of the G in gnome as standing for 'gtk'14:30
desrtit's a lot more fun that way14:30
smspillazdesrt: I was going to say that14:30
* desrt gotta run14:30
smspillazThe GNUs Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit Network Object Model Environment14:31
seb128desrt, see you later ;-)14:31
smspillazI vote that this is how we refer to GNOME from now on14:31
seb128typical bastienr reply... ;-)14:41
seb128"This particular change was mentioned nearly a year ago on this very same14:41
seb128list. It's not my fault Ubuntu (in this particular case) didn't take the14:41
seb128hint to start packaging the relevant D-Bus services, or rewriting them14:41
seb128to fit their use."14:41
seb128mvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/810740/14:44
seb128mvo, s-c segfault14:44
nessitapitti: if I method that I used to use on gdk (window_foreign_new) is not in the /usr/share/gir-1.0/Gdk-3.0.gir, it means is not available?14:47
pittinessita: yes, I'm afraid so14:48
pittinessita: at this point it touches the raw X libs, which are poorly introspectable14:49
nessitapitti: would you know how can I make a gtk window transient for another from which I have the window xid?14:49
nessita(using gi, of course)14:49
pittinessita: no, that doesn't work through GI14:49
dobeynessita: even things that you see in the gir may not be available.14:49
pittinessita: we have a few cases like that, we had to disable that functinality14:49
nessitaok, disabling it as well in SSO then14:50
nessitapitti, dobey: thanks!14:50
pittinessita: sometimes the .gir has a flag "introspectable=0" which means it's not available14:50
mvoseb128: woah, I have not the slightest idea about this one14:50
pittinessita: oh, hang on14:50
* nessita hangs14:50
pittinessita: foreign_new_for_display is the Gdk 3.0 API14:50
pittinessita: that's in /usr/share/gir-1.0/GdkX11-3.0.gir14:50
seb128mvo, yeah, me neither, I guess I will just put webkit in the desktop ppa for today14:50
nessitapitti: let's see... will let you know14:51
nessitapitti: and that should be imported as "from gi.repository import GdkX11"?14:52
nessitayes! I tried before and did not work, I may have a typo14:53
pittinessita: yes14:53
pittinessita: still, take that with a grain of salt; X11 itself isn't introspectable much, so you might find a lot of low-level things not working14:54
Sweetsharkpitti: thanks!14:57
desrtyou know it's a good thread when you can start reading the mails in realtime14:58
chrisccoulsoni think i've read enough of that thread now ;)15:01
pittifrankly it seems a little wasted to me -- we just need to add the interfaces to ubuntu-system-service, and be done with it?15:01
pittiBastien won't do that for us15:01
didrocksphew, all paperwork finished \o/15:02
pittididrocks: ... forever? :)15:02
didrockspitti: ever *ever*15:02
pittiI want that, too!15:02
didrockshum no, didn't claim my expenses for the rally :p15:02
didrocksbut that's nothing to do15:02
didrockspitti: if you want to reread the release process, as you found it a little bit heavy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/ReleaseProcess15:03
didrocks(no hurry though)15:03
pittiah, can do15:03
pittididrocks: speaking of paperwork, I'm currently prep'ing the release meeting15:03
pittineed to drive today15:03
didrocksgood luck :)15:03
smspillazdidrocks: seb128 : dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are: compiz/.bzr-builddeb/default.conf15:04
smspillazdpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/compiz_0.9.6+bzr20120120-1-0ubuntu1~ppa1.diff.ESQcGB15:04
smspillazany way I can make dpkg ignor ethat ?15:05
smspillazor debuild rather ?15:05
didrockssmspillaz: just for testing?15:05
smspillazas in when building packages15:05
didrockssmspillaz: remove debian/source15:05
smspillazevery time I do debuild -S I have to move .bzr-builddeb/default.conf out of the way15:05
didrockssmspillaz: yeah, remove that directory15:06
desrtpitti: are you volunteering? :)15:06
smspillazok. will that break if I upload a ppa ?15:06
didrockssource 3 is quite annoying for local changes15:06
didrockssmspillaz: no no, should be fine, do we have distro patches?15:06
* desrt gets off streetcar, back in a few mins15:07
smspillazdidrocks: don't think so15:07
didrockssmspillaz: if we have some, in this case, after removing it, please replace in debian/rules dh $@ by dh $@ --with quilt15:07
Kaleowhat's the plan for the music lens in 12.04?15:09
didrocksI think dobey is the one carrying the item :)15:10
didrocksdobey: I think that we discussed that on the session, isn't it?15:11
didrocksthat if we drop banshee, it needs:15:11
didrocks- a store for rhythmbox15:11
didrocks- a scope for the lens15:11
dobeydavidcalle said he would make the lens work with rb15:12
didrocksok, let's wait for him them :)15:12
seb128pitti, <pitti> frankly it seems a little wasted to me -- we just need to add the interfaces to ubuntu-system-service, and be done with it?15:13
seb128pitti, the issue is not that specific interface15:13
didrocksdobey: and the store for rhythmbox is in good hands ?15:13
pittidesrt: it's a Q matter anyway at this point?15:14
seb128pitti, it's that GNOME should have a clear platform definition, i.e a list of the interfaces GNOME needs to work properly, and publish that list somewhere official a cycle in advance15:14
pittidesrt: frankly, I'd rather volunteer to introduce systemd in Q :)15:14
dobeydidrocks: yes15:14
seb128pitti, or we will need to keep running into those issues15:14
pittibut yes, it can't be too hard; I can take implementing that in Q15:14
pittiseb128: yes, I don't disagree15:14
pittibut we both know that this thread won't convince Bastien to revert it15:15
seb128pitti, no, I don't aim at that15:15
seb128pitti, I aim at GNOME taking a stance that they will publish their platform requirements15:15
seb128pitti, and do it one cycle in advance if possible15:15
seb128not one month before feature freeze15:15
pittiand we ourselves also didn't do any official statement about systemd in the ubuntu future either15:15
pittiyes, that would certainly help15:15
seb128pitti, that's orthogonal, it's not only about Ubuntu15:16
seb128pitti, Debian will have the same issue, they wanted 3.4 in wheezy15:16
seb128but they have neither ubuntu-system-services nor systemd by default15:16
davmor2hey guys is it me or is the nautilus bread crumb trail ugly in P15:18
seb128davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/91783015:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 917830 in light-themes "Breadcrumbs using light background color unless focused or hovered over with cursor" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:19
dobeydavmor2: looks like there's maybe a theme issue, but i'd say it's ugly in any version :)15:19
seb128talk to Cimi ;-)15:19
davmor2seb128: I figured it would be known if it was more than just mine, thanks15:20
dobeyGtkPathBar is just not a great widget15:20
pittididrocks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/ReleaseProcess sounds nice15:25
pittididrocks: oh, don't get me wrong -- I wasn't saying that I find the process bloated in any way; just that one full release week every two weeks might unnecessarily slow down upstream development?15:26
didrockspitti: well, it's a freeze period, they can still continue to develop and ack branches15:27
didrocksit's just not entering trunk15:27
davidcalledobey, didrocks : branch coming next week.15:27
didrocksdavidcalle: awesome \o/15:28
didrockspitti: but yeah, maybe we can't maintain a 2 weeks cadence with that15:28
didrockslet's see how it goes, at least, we have a block period of 24 hours of test needed15:29
didrocksthen the first part and the loopback part depends on the quality of trunk15:29
dobeydidrocks: for major releases, such an exhaustive process might make sense. but for point releases every two weeks, it does seem a bit much15:29
didrocksso, can be half a day or 2 days…15:29
didrocksdobey: well, with the distro criterias, we need to have such a process right now15:29
didrocks(of course, for a one commit post-release fix, this isn't expected to go through this process)15:30
dobeyi mean if you have releases every 2 weeks, you don't need that much. maybe for every 2 months, sure. but some things should be a constant (testing), and some things should be shorter (freezes)15:31
seb128desrt, interesting question related to this dbus services discussions15:32
desrtseb128: i encourage you to ask it on-list, then :)15:32
dobeyfor instance, with u1, we do releases every 2 weeks (aligned with the ubuntu schedule), with like 1-2 days freeze, and constant testing with automated tests, and having nightlies PPA15:32
seb128desrt, if we want to reimplement some systemd services, does it mean we need to hijack the systemd namespace?15:32
seb128desrt, like use systemd namespacing in ubuntu-system-services?15:32
desrtseb128: i assume so15:33
seb128desrt, does it also mean u-s-s and systemd conflicts?15:33
pittiI thought that was the idea15:33
desrtseb128: and i think lennart has suggested that, indeed, you're expected to do that15:33
seb128desrt, which starts being interesting when they have overlapping but different services setsx15:33
pittiwell, it wouldn't collide15:33
pittiif systemd was already running it wouldn't d-bus activate u-s-s15:33
seb128desrt, i.e it meant you can't install systemd and ubuntu-system-service, which means if you want to use systemd you have to break ubuntu specific features15:33
pittiof course we need to split u-s-s into two daemons15:33
pittibut maybe most of what u-s-s is doing is already covered by systemd APIs15:34
dobeydidrocks: testing and freezes are good, but putting too much emphasis on them, means you never get any code :)15:34
seb128pitti, it wouldn't collide, wouldn't have they to ship the same .service on disk?15:34
seb128pitti, i.e same filename in the same dir?15:34
desrtseb128: dbus service filenames are ignored15:35
desrtseb128: it's the content that is important15:35
desrtseb128: and i don't imagine that systemd ships service files... it's just there from the start15:35
desrtno need for activation15:35
didrocksdobey: oh I totally agree, the past didn't show that having that was enough though, well, we'll see :)15:35
pittid-bus activating pid 1 sounds interesting, though!15:35
seb128pitti, well systemd != the services around systemd15:36
desrtseb128: actually, it is15:36
pittiseb128: I think you can have alternative names -- I've seen .service files being prefixed with gnome_ and kde_; I don't know the details unfortunately15:36
pittibut still, their names seem to be arbitrary15:36
pittie. g. indicator-application.service activates com.canonical.indicator.application15:37
pittiso the file name doesn't need to match the API name, as desrt says15:37
dobeydidrocks: it's like money. there's never enough. if we could predict everything perfectly, then it wouldn't matter anyway. :)15:37
pittiwe coudl just call it ubuntu_com.systemd.whatever15:37
desrtit's similar to gsettings schema files15:37
desrtthe name is totally unimportant, but it's generally good practice to keep it related to the content to avoid clashes15:37
seb128desrt, pitti: what happen if 2 .service list the same name?15:38
desrtseb128: in this case nothing15:38
desrtseb128: because the service would already be running, so activation would not happen15:38
seb128desrt, well 2 dbus activated services15:38
pittiseb128: I don't know; but I figure systemd would run already15:38
seb128if none is running15:38
desrtseb128: i dunno.  pick one at random? :)15:38
pittipresumably :)15:38
pittiwhichever comes first when it scans the directory?15:39
seb128pitti, I don't think they activate the helper on boot15:39
didrocksand not in a reliable way to make it more fun :)15:39
seb128no need to add boot time for that15:39
desrtconsult XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP variable?15:39
seb128when you can activate them on demand15:39
seb128well anyway it's theoritical questions for now, I was more concerned about stealing systemd namespaces on the bus15:40
seb128but if lennart says it's the way to do it that's fine I guess ;-)15:40
desrtseb128: i wouldn't be concerned about that15:40
desrtdon't quote me.  i'm not 100% he said that15:40
desrtbut i think he did15:40
pittiyes, he told me as well; not in that level of detail, but in general "write your own daemon which implements teh necessary part of the API"15:42
pittiit's a bit like aptdaemon exposing a PackageKit D-BUS API15:42
rickspencer3didrocks, I just updated to the latest unity on my netbook15:58
rickspencer3noticably faster15:58
didrocksrickspencer3: nice! :)15:58
rickspencer3didrocks, what did they change?15:58
rickspencer3I thought there was no compiz update yet15:58
didrocksrickspencer3: nothing changed, it's just a rebuild with the latest glew1.615:59
didrockswe stayed before on a previous version, because nux was failing with it15:59
didrocksseems upstream glew fixed it15:59
didrocks(it's for intel only)15:59
rickspencer3I only have intel ;)15:59
didrocksheh ;)15:59
jbichaseb128: what do you think about evince 3.3? seeing as we're already shipping poppler 0.18?16:00
seb128jbicha, did they announce anywhere that there will be no poppler 0.20 and that evince will not depends on that?16:01
jbichaseb128: poppler 0.20 looks like it will not be out for a while, but I'll try to find out for sure16:10
seb128jbicha, thanks16:12
seb128jbicha, btw I uploaded webkit 1.7.4 to the ubuntu-desktop ppa and pushed to the vcs16:12
seb128jbicha, not uploaded to the archive because s-c segfault on start with it there, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/810740/16:13
jbichaseb128: has it been tested with ubiquity?16:18
seb128jbicha, no, but I just upload to the ppa for a reason ;-)16:18
seb128jbicha, I tested shotwell, s-c, gwibber16:18
seb128s-c segfault on start so it's a no go for today in any case16:18
desrtpitti: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2012-January/msg00066.html16:54
pittidesrt: yup, just saw that16:54
pittiI don't see why not16:54
pittinot sure if it actually is any easier than just slamming the stuff into ubuntu-system-service, though16:56
pittibut either way, it's writing a bunch of text files through a d-bus interface, it's not rocket science16:56
pittianyway, meeting is over, and so is my week16:56
pittihappy weekend everyone!16:56
seb128pitti, have a nice w.e16:57
seb128desrt, I don't really like that approch16:57
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti!16:57
seb128desrt, it means we get an half baked systemd source package, see how he disabled the journal16:58
seb128desrt, which usually leads to lennart blogging a rant about how ubuntu is making a bad job at packaging his softwares ;-)16:58
desrtpitti: i wouldn't mind a reply to the list with your thoughts16:59
desrtsince if anyone, you're the one that will have to do this16:59
seb128desrt, the discussion is also drifting16:59
desrtit does seem a bit gross, though...16:59
seb128desrt, i.e nobody complained about how Ubuntu doesn't has the service, we can deal with our distro thanks16:59
desrtseb128: from general bitchiness into solving the specific problem?17:00
seb128desrt, well I don't see "how Ubuntu deal with providing services GNOME need" as a problem, it's just integration work we have to deal with17:01
seb128desrt, the problem is how and when new depends are announced17:01
desrtright.  that's the general bitchiness part17:01
seb128desrt, and maybe how it's decided that dropping support for part of the world is ok17:02
desrtwhich is indeed, what i really wanted to talk about17:02
brycepitti, joncruz is going to look into moving inkscape to lcms2 in the coming weeks, given our interest17:10
jmlqt applications seem to use a bold font for things like, say, button text17:19
jmlthis looks like a bug17:19
jml(or is it just that Qt app authors are tasteless?)17:19
dobeycp: cannot stat `./usr/share/dbus-1': No such file or directory17:21
dobeydh_install: cp -a ./usr/share/dbus-1 debian/rhythmbox-data//usr/share/ returned exit code 117:21
dobeywhat the heck17:21
dobeyricotz, seb128: ^^ any idea why i'd get that?17:22
dobeyjml: screenshot?17:22
seb128dobey, build log?17:22
dobeyseb128: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/90516912/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.rhythmbox_2.95%2Br7848-17~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:23
seb128dobey, where is your source?17:24
seb128what ppa is that?17:25
dobeythe u1 nightlies ppa17:25
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/rhythmbox/packaging-dailies is the packaging17:26
jmldobey: http://people.canonical.com/~jml/bold-qt-creator.png ; http://people.canonical.com/~jml/bold-qjack.png ; http://people.canonical.com/~jml/bold-calibre.png17:26
dobeybut my rhythmbox-data.install is the same as in lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox :-/17:26
dobeyjml: they aren't bold for me17:27
seb128dobey, from a glance I would say that you need to bump your compat to 817:27
jmldobey: so there's a bug that's not universal. hooray for progress.17:27
dobeyseb128: ah ok.17:27
seb128dobey, or add debian/tmp/ on each .install lines17:28
seb128dobey, they made that optional in > 617:28
seb128dobey, in compat = 5 you need the lines to have debian/tmp/...17:28
dobeyok, dh 8 it is then17:28
dobeywell i was using 717:28
seb128that's probably enough17:28
seb128I'm not sure now in which version it changed, it's 7 or 817:29
dobeybut i can make it 8.17:29
seb128but after 5 for sure17:29
dobeymust be 8 :)17:29
dobeyoh, but for some reason the compat file was 5. so i guess i was using 5. doh17:30
dobeythanks seb12817:33
seb128dobey, yw17:33
micahgman debhelper should show major changes between compat versions17:39
dobeyit should make it more visible that the "compat" file and what you Build-Depends on for debhelper, don't match up17:40
micahgdobey: well, there's a paragraph in other notes that says it should, but it's obviously wrong since we don't have a debhelper 9 yet17:42
GunnarHjseb128: Do you know when lightdm-gtk-greeter (and lightdm-qt-greeter) 1.1.1 will make it into Precise? Is it a Robert thing to fix?17:57
seb128GunnarHj, no, is there any useful change in those version?17:57
micahgGunnarHj: lightdm-gtk-greeter will come in through Debian once Bug #916477  is addressed17:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 916477 in lightdm "gio-2.0 missing from liblightdm-gobject-1.pc" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91647717:58
* micahg thought the QT greeter was dropped17:58
micahgoh, not it exists17:59
GunnarHjseb128: I'm asking because they were broken out from lightdm, so now they aren't in the repository at all.17:59
micahgGunnarHj: the binaries are still there17:59
GunnarHjmicahg: Looking at that bug...17:59
GunnarHjmicahg: Sure, but not that easy to build locally, right?18:00
seb128GunnarHj, agateau is working on packaging the standalone gtk greeter18:00
micahgGunnarHj: right18:00
GunnarHjseb128, micahg: Great, then I know that something is happening. :)18:01
seb128GunnarHj, bug #91860418:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 918604 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] lightdm-gtk-greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91860418:01
GunnarHjseb128: Excellent, thanks!18:02
seb128he got blocked on https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/lightdm-gtk-greeter/fix-missing-greeter-ui/+merge/89239 though18:03
GunnarHjseb128: Hmm... Considering Lubuntu and Xubuntu it's somewhat urgent, right?18:10
seb128GunnarHj, why? the current binaries are still in the archive and working18:10
micahgnah, not until beta 1 or so when we go removing binaries18:11
didrocksok, time for dinner here. Have a good week-end everyone!18:12
GunnarHjseb128, micahg: There are issues (bug 918401) and further development is blocked or at least more difficult.18:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 918401 in lubuntu-meta "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91840118:14
seb128GunnarHj, well it's being working, it's an issue for lubuntu or others they can step up and help maintaining the greeter they use ;-)18:15
seb128working -> worked18:15
micahgdoes not affect xubuntu18:15
seb128robert_ancell sent an email to ubuntu-devel saying that people who care about those greeter should step up to maintain them18:15
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, that's true, of course...18:16
seb128GunnarHj, but don't worry the gtk greeter should be uploaded some time next week18:18
GunnarHjseb128: Yes, I saw it. I for one would like to help, but I don't think I'm experienced enough to be a maintainer candidate.18:18
GunnarHjseb128: Anyway, next week sounds good to me.18:20
kenvandineseb128, do we have a plan for libgee, 0.6 or 0.7?18:31
seb128kenvandine, I don't know enough about libgee to say but I would lean toward 0.618:32
* kenvandine is happy staying on 0.6 18:32
seb128kenvandine, seems even GNOME is unsure what version they will ship this cycle, they might ship 0.618:32
seb128so if we don't have a strong reason to go for the new one I would stay on what we know is working18:33
kenvandineyeah, that is why i asked18:33
desrtgee/vala is a mess right now18:38
seb128desrt, yeah, and vuntz is trying to push us to use vala 0.15 ;-)18:40
desrtseb128: it looks like 0.15 is the right choice, actually18:41
desrtthe good news is that it doesn't strictly matter18:41
desrtsince the .c goes in the tarball18:41
kenvandinei am not to worried about the vala version18:42
kenvandinebut bumping gee worries me18:42
seb128kenvandine, I will force it to 0.6 serie on version so nobody get ideas ;-)18:43
kenvandineexcellent :)18:43
kenvandineit might not be painful, but we just don't know18:43
kenvandineand 0.6 has been solid18:43
seb128kenvandine, well by default on a lts cycle avoid wasting work where you don't need to18:43
seb128if we are happy with 0.6 let's stick to that18:44
* kenvandine finds something else to worry about :)18:44
seb128kenvandine, if you get bored webkit is to worry about :p18:44
* kenvandine just discovered that Dee is unusable in javascript18:44
seb128the 1.7 version makes s-c segfault on start18:44
* kenvandine won't be bored anytime soon :)18:44
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desrtRAOF: we're getting the new input side of xserver, right?19:42
seb128Sweetshark, “libreoffice-l10n” 1:3.4.5-0ubuntu1 is still buggy in regard of calc formulas translations19:50
brycedesrt, yes19:51
brycedesrt, xserver 1.11 with the input stack from 1.1219:51
brycedesrt, it was a pretty clean port19:51
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desrtit's already in precise, i guess?19:58
* desrt notices XITouchEmulatingPointer missing from the headers19:58
Sweetsharkseb128: /me is officially on vacation now.20:12
seb128Sweetshark, enjoy20:13
seb128Sweetshark, sorry to spoil your holidays start20:13
seb128Sweetshark, I've been trying to diff the ppa and proposed build log without real success20:13
Sweetsharkseb128: but this time, I am absolutely sure the two build are identical on the source side, so something on the buildds is broken ...20:14
Sweetsharkseb128: anyway, I gotta go to sleep now -- waking up at 3 am to start to drive to the french alps for skiing.20:15
seb128Sweetshark, enjoy your week off!20:16
kenvandineseb128, have you seen anything like bug 887850 ?20:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 887850 in chromium-browser "Assert failures in cairo-surface.c:1287: cairo_surface_set_device_offset: Assertion `status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS' failed, after upgrading to Oneiric with unity-2d" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88785020:18
seb128kenvandine, no20:19
kenvandineit appears to also break gwibber-accounts when run in unity-2d for people that can't run 3d20:19
kenvandineand pidgin too20:19
kenvandinei can't reproduce it in unity-2d, but i am talking to someone who can20:20
kenvandinehe is using nvidia and unity-2d, always gets the fallback20:20
kenvandineseems hardware dependent20:21
kenvandineall the more reason to ditch gtk2/webkit in gwibber-accounts20:21
dobeythat makes no sense, unless something seriously broke in new updates20:24
seb128kenvandine, getting a valgrind log could be useful20:26
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