
dj_segfaultKlikini: I've seen that when the video driver doesn't quite match the video card chipset00:00
KlikiniIt happens when resuming from suspend. The icons and the launcher both turn to multicoloured vertical lines.00:00
KlikiniSo how do I fix that for them?00:00
KlikiniI also need to change their boot resolution.00:00
aggrav8dhuh.  I restarted ubuntu, tried to surf to the page, it failed, and there's no mention in access.log, error.log, auth.log, or fail2ban.log.00:01
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  Then you could have 80 blocked from your server by your firewall.  How did you configure your firewall?00:01
aggrav8dwoah!  Every 5 seconds I'm getting two connections via pure-ftp from localhost.localdomain.00:01
aggrav8dsorry, one connection and immediate timeout.00:02
* aggrav8d squints at bubblebuddy.00:02
dj_segfaultKlikini: It could be incompatible video modes.  But I've seen it happen with bad drivers.  Unfortunately I'm running 10.04 still so I can't help you out that much from there since so much has changed since then.00:02
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Don't look at him wrong or he'll poke you in the eye with it00:03
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: pure-ftp is probably talking to the server to support WebDAV, if their website is to be believed.  Tell it not to do that.00:05
aggrav8dI don't even have pureftpd installed.  at least, sudo apt-get remove pureftpd says I don't.00:06
Klikinihow do I change the boot resolution in 11.10?00:07
ghostnik11does anyone know how to add custom icons in ubuntu 11.1000:07
CamChi, new to linux here, just opend vigr according to a tutorial but it doesnt say how to close this window, could someone please advise?00:07
Klikini@ghostnik11: right-click item, click properties, then click the icon and choose an image file to replace it.00:07
aggrav8dcamc - colon, q.00:07
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  Try pure-ftpd00:08
Klikinimoving or deleting the image file will revert it, so save it somewhere you won't mess with it (like Pictures > ico)00:08
jribCamC: what tutorial...?  read something more appropriate :)00:08
ghostnik11klikini, i mean like where is the folder located so i can get the option in advanced setting to switch all of the icons to match a theme00:08
KlikiniI don't know that.00:08
aggrav8ddj_segfault - not installed, so not removed.00:08
CamCits about installing svnjrib00:09
ghostnik11Klikini, cool, thanks bro for the help00:09
CamCjrib its about installing SVN00:09
jribCamC: ok, sounds like you are not familiar with apt.  Do you know about APT?00:09
CamCas in apt-get ?00:10
jribCamC: yeah.00:10
CamCyeah thats where I started,00:10
aggrav8ddj_segfault: can you see my website?  http://www.reverb-marketing.com/rcr/00:10
CamCbut then there is stuff about adding username to the passwords list00:10
CamCbtw :q doesnt do anything :)00:10
jribCamC: you're installing an svn server?00:11
aggrav8dthank you, dj_segfault, for the help so far.  I just want you to know I really appreciate it.  I've been stuck on this all day and you're a bit of a life saver.00:11
jribpeople still use svn? :p00:11
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Yes, I do, so it must be working00:11
aggrav8dit's just me in the LAN.00:12
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: No problem.  I get a lot of help and am always glad when I can return the favor00:12
jribCamC: what do you mean "apparently"?  You're deciding to use it, no?  In any case, link to the tutorial you are reading please00:12
aggrav8dsame here!00:12
CamCjrib I mean apparently people still use svn, I have to use it because its part of the steps I am following,.. link to follow00:13
jribCamC: and just to be clear, because after rereading your reply, I'm a bit confused, you actually want to HOST your own subversion repository, correct?  You don't just want to pull code from someone else's subversion repository and play with it?00:13
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dj_segfaultaggrav8d: So did you have to tweak your firewall?00:13
jribCamC: part of the steps you are following to do what?00:13
CamCI want to download and use svn to recieve files, they are calling it my repository00:14
iriscoderIs Wubi bad?00:15
CamCsteps 5 and 6 on that link I pasted00:15
Sefid_ParI can not reach security updates from repository. How can I call the Ubuntu administrators?00:15
jribCamC: you don't need to do any of the stuff on that page if all you want to do is grab code from a subversion repository;  you don't want a subversion server.  You just install "subversion" and then use "svn" commands as usual00:16
CamCcool thats what I needed to hear thanks jrib00:16
zyphlarthis .deb package doesnt seem to have an architecture defined. says package architecture  () does not match system00:16
CamCso I still have vigr window open00:16
zyphlarany way around that or do i just complain to the packager?00:17
aggrav8ddj_segfault - I didn't tweak my firewall, I think an automatic upgrade might have.  but I know nothing about firewalls or how to admin them. :T00:17
jribCamC: do you see anything at the bottom of the window?  Like ^X ^O ?00:17
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: But if your Listen line already had the right thing in it, what did you change to make it work?00:17
aggrav8di didn't.  it was already accessible from outside.00:18
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: DOH!00:18
aggrav8di used to be able to view my own websites.  since the upgrade I can't.00:18
aggrav8dDoh, indeed.  A female deed.00:19
dj_segfaultRideau Clock Repair?00:19
zyphlarargh, a long long way to groan?00:19
aggrav8ddj_segfault - and others.00:19
aggrav8dit's just a server i use to build my client's pages.00:20
CamCjrib no just --INSERT-- if I use ctrl x I get a row of ^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)00:20
wrostekAnyone know how to disable wifi power management?  On my card, DWA 552 ATH9K, when I use iwconfig wlan0 power off , I just get the error Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C) :00:20
jribCamC: press escape a couple of times followed by    :q!   (that's a colon, then the letter 'q', then an exclamation mark).  Then press enter00:21
dj_segfaultwrostek: Unfortunately not all wifi drivers implement all commands.  This may be one of those cases00:22
wrostekSo, power management could be stuck to ON?00:22
dj_segfaultCamC: Wrong window ;)00:22
CamCjrib thank you00:22
aggrav8djrib - wierd, i told him the same thing 20 minutes ago.00:23
CamChaha yeah I found that out00:23
wrostekI think power management is screwing up my signal strnegth00:23
dj_segfaultwrostek: I don't know the particulars of your card and the driver, I'm just saying that's a possibility00:23
jribaggrav8d: he was probably in insert mode :)00:23
dj_segfaultwrostek: Poke around your BIOS; there may be a setting for it there00:23
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dj_segfaultwrostek:  you could try running the iwconfig command both plugged in and on battery to confirm your theory00:25
jribCamC: if you want to learn to use vim (the editor you were just in), you should install a fuller vim package (like vim-gnome for example) and run « vimtutor ».  If you're interested in a VCS (version control system) for code you write, I'd suggest investigating git, bzr, hg, or even darcs instead of svn.  And finally, you can get acquanted with apt by asking ubottu about it (/msg ubottu apt)00:26
wrostekThis is a desktop machine00:26
dj_segfaultwrostek: So why would it have power management then???00:26
wrostekSomehow the card gets power management turned on?  I don't know how00:26
wrostekI want to turn it off, but iwconfig won't allow it00:26
CamCwow thanks jrib for your genuine help, I wish you were here yesterday when I needed help for mcrypt issue I am having00:27
dj_segfaultwrostek:  I see several issues reported with that card  https://www.google.com/search?q=DWA+552+ATH9K+linux+power+management&ie=UTF-800:28
DarkAngelquestion I have been trying to get my sound back to the level that it was at before. I let my son use my laptop last night and he plugged his headphone in and now I can barely hear the volume. I have it at 100%00:31
Klikinigo to system preferences00:31
Klikinior whatever00:32
Klikiniclick sound00:32
DarkAngelI applied a fix but that did not work at all. does anyone have any ideas00:32
Klikinigo to hardware00:32
Klikinimake sure that is OK.00:32
Klikinithen go to output00:32
Klikiniand check the Connector setting00:32
aggrav8ddj_segfault: is it ironic you've been more help than #httpd?00:34
DarkAngelok once I go to the connector settings what do I need to make sure it is on.00:34
KlikiniAnalog Output or Analog Headphones are your options?00:34
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  I'm that good ;)00:35
DarkAngelIt was on Analog Output Headphones00:36
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  Since I started using Linux before there was a lot of the GUI tools that are out there now, I learned how to do a lot of the config files and coding by hand.  And Apache config files are one of the best documented config files out there.00:36
aggrav8ddj_segfault: I can still access SAMBA to the box, but I can't http.  any ideas?00:38
aggrav8di can ping it, too.00:38
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: I don't understand.  I thought it was working.00:39
aggrav8di'm sure it's just an apache config.00:39
aggrav8deveryone can access the server except me, inside the LAN.00:39
dj_segfaultWhat was your Listen line again?00:39
aggrav8dListen 80.  it hasn't changed in ages, afaik.00:39
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dj_segfaultaggrav8d: And your VirtualHost line?00:41
aggrav8dVirtualHost *:8000:43
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  Can you look at packets with WireShark?00:47
dj_segfaultUnfortunately the logfiles have changed too much since my version to tell you where too look for rejected packets logging00:48
aggrav8ddj_segfault - i don't know anything about wireshark.00:48
DarkAngelI logged out and logged back in and now my sound is gone completely..lol00:49
DarkAngelAnyone got and tips for a fix for this issue in 11.10 on a Toshiba Laptop00:49
Klikinioh nuts00:49
DarkAngelIt's an A3 Series00:49
Klikinino clu00:50
Klikinitry askubuntu.com00:50
DarkAngelno I will try that and see I think I have the fix that I had to get my sound to work still I will try that00:51
DarkAngelThanks for your help Klikini00:51
Klikinino prob00:51
KlikiniI really have no idea.00:51
Klikiniif you ask again on a weekday (around noon) you will get more reponses00:52
ca_budI've only setup ubuntu on  a remote server with SSH.  does Ubuntu have a front-end gui when installed locally?00:54
popo87im trying to clone an old hard drive to a new larger hard drive. the first hard drive has 1 partition of 931.51 GB, which i tried to copy to a new partition of 931.51 GB on the new hard drive but ddrescue reports" ddrescue: write error: No space left on device* after rescuing1TB of data.00:57
Klikini1tb is bigger than 931.51 gb00:58
Ankmanmay be a slight overhead somewhere?00:58
don262probably the boot sector.  is the old drive bootable?01:01
frfx_xwhat's up!01:01
don262then increase the new partition by a meg01:01
frfx_xwhen 12.04 will be final?01:01
don262that will do the trick01:01
frfx_xwhen 12.04 will be final?01:02
don262boot sector is tiny.  but the firmware needs the "wiggle rooom"01:02
frfx_xAnkman, april?01:02
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frfx_xAnkman, thanks!01:04
cackim running my os off an external HD.  I ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade the other day and now when i try to start I2p it tells me I/O error.01:06
fircI need some help01:09
fircI was running ubuntu 11.04 and did an upgrade to 11.1001:09
fircWhile, doing the upgrade my system hung, and restarted.01:10
fircSo I had to do a dpkg --configure -a . Now, I don't get any GUI01:10
firchow do I get my X back?01:10
Ankmanfirc: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors01:11
Ankmanat the bottom there01:11
fircAnkman: bottom of Xorg.0.log?01:12
Ankmanyes, open that file with a viwer, like "less"01:13
AnkmanCRTL-G brings you to the bottom01:14
JonEdneyHm, anyone aware of any issues using Last.FM with Rhythembox?01:15
knytmarehi guys, can anyone walk me through here : Failed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files01:15
Klikinikny: what?01:20
dougbrboa noite01:20
dougbralguem do brasil ?01:21
OerHeks!br | dougbr01:23
ubottudougbr: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:23
knytmareklikini: i was trying to make may login GUI so idloaded Gnome Login GUI then when i was to unlock it(root terminal) that was the rror01:27
StoneCypheri confess it makes me feel stupid to ask this, but, i'm starting up a ubuntu instance inside virtualbox, and i want it to take over some LAN ip address, but I can't figure out how.  I'd prefer something that doesn't require configuring virtualbox, because the goal is to hand the image to a non-technical person.  pointers would be appreciated.01:30
celthunderStoneCypher: /etc/network/interfaces...or set it on the router via mac though thats usually dumb (any idiot can change there mac)...01:32
StoneCyphercelthunder: yeah, i found /etc/network/interfaces, and i added an eth0:0 config, but i failed and it's not clear how01:33
StoneCypherall i really know is the outside world can't see that the ubuntu box has taken that ip01:33
celthunderStoneCypher: pastebin your config and output of route and ifconfig or ip addr01:34
d1gitalwhy is gnuradio package missing in precise?01:35
celthunderd1gital: not sure what that is but probably not required01:35
wyldeStoneCypher: use bridged network, not NAT in vbox configuration.01:35
d1gitalcelthunder: it's only required if you want/need to use it. =P01:36
celthunderd1gital: then thats why its missing :)01:36
celthunderwylde: lol i took that for granted01:37
StoneCypherthe lines i added were 12-16 and are probably wrong01:37
wyldecelthunder: lol never ASSume ;)01:37
wyldeStoneCypher: use bridged network, not NAT in vbox configuration. <------01:37
StoneCypheryeah i don't know what that means.01:37
osmants3 m1 aranıo01:38
osmanm1 pls01:38
wyldeStoneCypher: in the vbox settings area where you set up network, make sure the drop down is set to bridged, not nat.01:38
StoneCypheri have been using nano from console01:38
wyldeStoneCypher: it's a setting in virtualbox, where you configure the virtual machine....01:39
StoneCypherwhen i send the VM image to someone, will that setting go with, or will they need to set that up01:40
celthunderStoneCypher: uhm first off you have 2 default routes...second why do you need both nics in a vm01:40
wyldeI honestly don't know, I "think so" but that's far from definite.01:40
StoneCyphercelthunder: i was following a tutorial.  like i said, probably wrong.01:40
celthunderwylde: it should that should be part of the config though ive used kvm forever cant honestly say 100 percent either01:41
wyldeStoneCypher: export the VM and re-import it. That'll tell you if the settings are saved as well01:41
StoneCypherwell, it's bridged now, and the ip still doesn't ping.01:41
StoneCypherok i will later01:41
StoneCypherfor now i just want to get this ip working01:41
StoneCypheri've set it to bridged01:41
StoneCypherwhat's next01:41
celthunderStoneCypher: ok so whats your gateway01:41
celthunderyour real one01:41
celthunderaka on the host look01:42
wyldeStoneCypher: you restarted the VM since changing the network setting  right?01:42
celthunderwylde: yeah he did01:42
StoneCypherwylde: i did01:42
StoneCyphercelthunder: lemme figure out how to get that01:42
StoneCypheri mean the router tells my windows box
StoneCypheri assume that is not what you want though01:43
celthunderStoneCypher: ipconfig in windows or route in linux ip route in cisco routers01:43
wyldeStoneCypher: in the VM ( the VM is ubuntu right?)  open a console and 'ifconfig'01:43
celthunderStoneCypher: yeah thats the real gateway...did you want the vm on its own network01:43
richardraseleyI am looking to use KVM in Ubuntu 12.04 instead of VirtualBox / VMware Workstation. Can someone suggest some good management tools (either GUI or robust CLI) to manage the application & VMs?01:43
celthunderif you did you need to go back to nat if not you need to set your ips within the subnet your really in01:43
greathellok, I put these lines in my .profile to do the task of making capslock behave as Ctrl: http://dpaste.de/nBOv4/01:43
StoneCypherthe VM should be visible to the physical machine it's running on.  i don't care if the lan can see it.  i don't want the internet to be able to see it, but if it can, no big deal.01:43
wyldeaqemu works alright, pulls in a bunch of kde libs though.01:43
celthunderrichardraseley: proxmox01:44
StoneCypherlook i don't really care, i just want this ubuntu vm to consume an IP so that the host machine can see it01:44
richardraseleyIs that opensource / free?01:44
StoneCypherthat's all01:45
celthunderStoneCypher: do you have a particular reason for needing a static ip then especially if it isnt for you...no garantuee your friend customer whatever uses the same subnet01:45
wyldeStoneCypher: what network settings did you change in the VM? You should be able to set the ubuntu netwrok to auto dhcp and it will get an ip from your external router01:45
celthunderStoneCypher: then put it in bridge and use dhcp01:45
celthunderif you dont care01:45
StoneCypheri'm not interested in the "why do you want this game"01:45
bswiftDoes anyone know whether the encryption method of d-i passwd/user-password-crypted has changed between 11.04 and 12.04? We're testing our preseed file on 12.04, but the password doesn't seem to work.01:45
StoneCyphercelthunder: i don't know how, or i wouldn't be asking for help01:45
StoneCypherwylde: none01:46
trismd1gital: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64701801:46
ubottuDebian bug 647018 in gnuradio "Please package gnuradio 3.5.0 in experimental" [Wishlist,Open]01:46
StoneCypherwylde: i don't know how, or i wouldn't be asking for help01:46
celthunderrichardraseley: the one i mentioned is01:47
* StoneCypher should just put that on a timer01:47
wyldeStoneCypher: none = no changes to ubuntu network settings?01:47
StoneCypherjust the one i pointed out which is probably wrong01:47
richardraseleycelthunder: I will take a look at that - thanks.01:47
wyldeStoneCypher: I think I missed that, culd you repeat it please.01:48
StoneCypherlines 12-16 [21:36] <StoneCypher> http://davr.org/p/wdvn8h51.html01:48
wyldeStoneCypher: or at anyrate just get the ubuntu net settings back to default dhcp01:49
Moon_Doggyi having some trouble with sasl and xchat01:49
StoneCypher/timer 0 300 i don't know how or i wouldn't be asknig for help01:49
Moon_Doggythis ios what i get ------>http://pastebin.com/JCUTFYrT01:49
StoneCypher"just do this other thing you don't know how to do"01:49
StoneCypheri mean jesus01:49
StoneCypherwhy would dhcp fix this anyway01:49
StoneCypheri don't want host control01:49
celthunderStoneCypher: because if its in bridge mode it will be seen if its not it wont that was what you wanted01:50
wyldeStoneCypher: I can stop trying to help you if you like. I have to ask questions, and I put general statements like "put it back to default settings" because I don't know if you know how or not.01:50
StoneCypherthat isn't what i wanted >:(01:50
StoneCypherjesus christ this is not complicated.01:50
AI|Loopyou need to chill out01:51
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, which vm?01:51
electronics-cati need to install computer on an ubuntu01:51
AI|LoopIt IS complicated01:51
StoneCypherReXHaviK: virtualbox01:51
OerHeksStoneCypher, after changing adapter in vbox, you need to reboot. and watch you language please.01:51
StoneCypherOerHeks: as has already been discussed, i did.01:51
StoneCypherAI|Loop: no, understanding "how do i get a fixed ip01:51
StoneCypheris not a complciated reqest01:52
StoneCypherregardless of whether it's difficult to achieve01:52
celthunderStoneCypher: you had one...it wasnt valid01:52
AI|Loopyou are not worthy of being helped01:52
* AI|Loop looks at electronics-cat and laughs01:52
StoneCyphercelthunder: thank you for your time; i'm going to focus elsewhere now01:52
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, you looked at setting static in the network portion of vbox setup for the vdi?01:52
celthunderAI|Loop: wylde yeah i give up as well01:52
StoneCypherno, you were excluded.01:52
StoneCypherbecause after a half hour you haven't even figured out what i'm asking for yet.01:53
StoneCypherReXHaviK: no, i did not01:53
StoneCypherReXHaviK: i didn't even know such a thing existed01:53
StoneCypherReXHaviK: at this time all i see is how to set the adapter type and mac address.  am i missing something?01:53
cc11rocksI called Asus and asked if I did not accept the Windows license agreement, could I get a refund. The guy said no, find a distributor of the computer that doesn't include the Windows OS. Could anyone recommend anything to help?01:53
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, pretty sure you can have it your way, it will have to be able to talk to the network, but thats another issue01:54
StoneCypherit already talks to the network01:54
StoneCypheri just want to get it to take a static ip that it isn't currently taking, in one of the protected ranges.01:54
wyldeStoneCypher: by getting the ubuntu install back to a basic working dhcp setup, means that you are at least in a usable sate. Then from there it's a simple to set a static ip. <--- there's the theory, try not to be ignorant to the next people that try to help you.01:54
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, give me a sec, let me open an instance so i can tell whats what01:54
cc11rocksI plan to install Ubuntu, so it applies here IMHO...01:54
StoneCypherwylde: it's already in a usable state.01:54
cc11rocks*instead of Window$01:54
StoneCypherwylde: so we're back to the same place i started01:54
StoneCypherwylde: which is "it's a simple to set a static ip."01:54
celthunderReXHaviK: he doesnt know how a network works and wants us to do it for him...01:55
StoneCypherwylde: awesome, that's what i've wanted this entire time, could you please tell me about the question i actually asked now01:55
electronics-cati'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer01:55
celthunderelectronics-cat: ok?01:55
StoneCypherwylde: the reason i'm frustrated is that people just spent half an hour trying to out-think me, and the thing you're finally coming to is what i originally asked01:55
SolarisBoyis it possible to run NetworkManager and run networking service as well if I don't have any discrepancies in the managed interfaces?01:56
umohi i have a question   may i talk? dont know whats going on here01:56
AI|Loopgo forth and ask01:56
cc11rocksGo ahead umo...Ask your question01:56
StoneCypherumo: is that meant as an answer to me?01:56
AI|Loopthe center of the universe01:57
electronics-catthis channel is sweet01:57
celthunderSolarisBoy: i doubt it.  networkmanager in general takes everything over could be wrong though01:57
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StoneCypherwell ... this says i should do pretty much exactly what i already did.01:57
c_smithhow can I check a monitor's display number that is attached to my Laptop (E.G. 0.0)01:58
StoneCypherwylde: did you bail?01:58
SolarisBoy=( shame. The only reason I want to keep network manager around is it seems ubuntu-one relies on it?01:58
umoim use 11.10 and i'd like to install kernel v3.3 cause the power management might work better               is it possible to install run precise kernel 3.x with oneiric?01:58
celthunderumo: yes01:58
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, got it, set the virtualbox to bridged, the virtual os needs to be setup to your setting, some static ip, gateway and all that01:59
celthunderc_smith: xrandr01:59
wyldeStoneCypher: at the current moment, what is left that you need to accomplish. Be clear and concise so I know EXACTLY what's left that you need.01:59
cc11rocksumo - try Ubuntu 12.04 in 5 days...it offers much better power management with the Linux 3.2 kernel (April 26, 2012)01:59
StoneCypherReXHaviK: all done01:59
StoneCypherwylde: i need the ubuntu box to consume a static IP address so that the host machine can see that ip address.01:59
StoneCypheri don't understand what part of this i'm not communicating effectively02:00
celthunderStoneCypher: change the 10. address to 192.168.1.* netmask is fine and gateway what you said it was earlier02:00
StoneCypher[21:30] <StoneCypher> i confess it makes me feel stupid to ask this, but, i'm starting up a ubuntu instance inside virtualbox, and i want it to take over some LAN ip address, but I can't figure out how.  I'd prefer something that doesn't require configuring virtualbox, because the goal is to hand the image to a non-technical person.  pointers would be appreciated.02:00
wyldeStoneCypher: which address in your pastebin did you want the VM to have.02:00
StoneCypherit doesn't really matter.  i used but if that has to change, cool02:00
StoneCypherit just has to be something static02:01
cc11rocksumo - Was your question resolved?02:01
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wyldeStoneCypher: alright then, to start with your entry for auto eth0:0  <---- no :0     that entry is being completely ignored.02:02
c_smithnow how do I decipher what I need to know from what Xrandr spits out?02:02
c_smithI need the X display number of the display02:02
StoneCypherwylde: okay.  i thought that was how to get it to not collide with eth0, but, cool, removing :0.  do i have to restart or is it enough to call init.d/networking restart02:02
wyldeStoneCypher: not yet02:02
celthunderc_smith: it should say the name and number somewhere02:02
ccateringcGood evening everyone.02:03
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, your static ip setup gets dns from where?02:03
StoneCypheri don't actually know.  i assume DHCP.02:03
vr3xzhello all.02:03
celthunderccateringc: hi vr3xz hi02:03
wyldeStoneCypher: you'll need to remove the "auto" from eth0 as well02:03
ccateringcDoes anyone here know much about workspaces?02:03
StoneCypherwylde: got it02:03
cc11rocksIs someone going to answer my question or not? Is it unanswerable? Should I post it somewhere else?02:03
celthunderccateringc: in what ui02:03
celthundercc11rocks: what was your question02:04
c_smithI know it's VGA1 from the physical size it gives, and there is no obvious way to tell what I need to know afaik.02:04
=== Arm[Gpa] is now known as Armadillogeddon
cc11rocks"I called Asus and asked if I did not accept the Windows license agreement, could I get a refund. The guy said no, find a distributor of the computer that doesn't include the Windows OS. Could anyone recommend anything to help?"02:04
wyldeStoneCypher: I'm not sure if you're going to see that ip you set as it's not on the same subnet as the host, and you've set a separate gateway.02:04
StoneCyphercc11rocks: no, i don't know who to go to for cheap parts02:04
ccateringcUnity I think, to be honest I dont really know I just installed 2 days ago.02:04
StoneCyphercc11rocks: try #shopping or #google02:04
StoneCypherwylde: okay, so, change the ip to something in 192.168?02:04
cc11rocksWell, I mean, is it possible to get the Asus computer and force them or something?02:04
wyldeStoneCypher: for the sake of making sure it works set the ip address and gateway the same as what you have for your machine.02:05
StoneCyphercc11rocks: don't know.  maybe #cooking or #politics or some other inappropriate channel would know02:05
celthundercc11rocks: newegg may have ones without os... but you basically are stuck with barebones models...02:05
cc11rocksI know others who have done this and successfully received their refund...02:05
StoneCyphercc11rocks: irc is difficult, huh02:05
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, what ip are you trying to fake? and what is the range of the normal dhcp provided range?02:05
bazhangStoneCypher, lose the attitude02:05
cc11rocksStoneCypher : can be...02:05
StoneCypherReXHaviK: i'm not trying to fake anything, i just want to stuff a bunch of build tools into a vm and hand the vm off such that it can just spin up and have an ip.  the customer is non-technical and i'm automating support away.02:06
cc11rocksI plan on buying the Asus EEE PC 1025CE when it comes out...I don't want to pay the Windows tax...and I have to buy it from Amazon (have giftcards from them)02:06
wyldeStoneCypher: inet brd scope global eth002:06
StoneCypherwylde: got it02:06
celthundercc11rocks: ignore the fool...are you ok with barebone models? those usually dont come with an os...newegg has a section as does pricewatch.com02:06
StoneCypherthat goes in /etc/network/interfaces?02:06
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bazhangcc11rocks, thats not an ubuntu issue, please try in ##hardware02:06
ReXHaviKStoneCypher, well, i am sure the answer is out there, see ya02:06
celthundercc11rocks: or you have to get it from amazon dang...sorry02:06
ariel__can anybody tell me what a good mp4 plugin for ubuntu 11.10 is?02:06
wyldeStoneCypher: you need to change the entry you have in that file yes02:07
cc11rocksbazhang : Okay thanks02:07
StoneCypherdoes it matter where i put that02:07
StoneCypherin the file that is02:07
celthunderccateringc: ok what about workspaces in unitf02:07
wyldeso addres in the range , netmask and gateway
StoneCypheroh, the inet line replaces the iface line, doesn't it02:08
cc11rocks*moves to ##hardware*02:08
ShadowFiosinternets not working (im on natty)02:08
wyldeStoneCypher: so address in the range , netmask and gateway , just change the settings you made in the /etc/network/interfaces.02:08
ccateringcFor one the default after the install of 4 workspaces has some how reduced to 1 as a starting point.02:08
wyldeStoneCypher: no my bad I used that to show the ip range to use02:09
wyldeStoneCypher: I wasn't clear there.02:09
wyldeStoneCypher: and by rage Imean pick an address from and not already used.02:10
SolarisBoyseems like interfaces file still controls the loopback interface02:10
ShadowFiosthe quater circle icon menu reads : Wired network disconnected| wireless networks device not ready (firmware missing)02:10
SolarisBoycelthunder: seems like i can put an alias there and bring it up with ifup =) that will do .. im scared to break network-manager/ubuntu-one02:12
ubuntu222hail !! everyone02:13
ubuntu222hwo to change the loopback MTU02:13
ccateringcHello Ubuntu222.02:13
AI|Loopubuntu222: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/centos-rhel-redhat-fedora-debian-linux-mtu-size/02:13
wyldeStoneCypher: once you have the address, netmask, and gateway set to the same subnet as your host machine, restart networking and the VM should show lke there's an entirely new machine on your network.02:13
* StoneCypher is about there02:14
LirthHow would I go about having a server running on my desktop? It will be very minor, not taking much traffic at all. I'm wondering how I'd get an IP address (I don't need to pay for DNS, it's only a few friends) and have it set up.02:14
* StoneCypher had to handle a thing real quick02:14
ccateringcUbuntu222 Would you by chance be able to help me fix a workspace issue or 2?02:14
wyldeStoneCypher: np, I'm patient. For the most part >.>02:14
AI|LoopLirth: go to whatsmyip.org, that's your IP, and then run a service deamon like httpd for serving webpages02:15
SolarisBoyk lets see if this works right =)02:15
LirthAI|Loop: where would I get a service daemon?02:15
ubuntu222i see that my name caught some attention02:15
StoneCypherwylde: i followed your instructions incorrectly; ifup claims my config is no longer valid02:15
wyldeStoneCypher: moment..02:16
AI|LoopLirth: well type in a terminal : sudo apt-get install ____name of the deamon___02:16
StoneCypherthat's what i thought i was to make02:16
StoneCypherapparently not02:16
ubuntu222thanks for the help guys02:16
ubuntu222have a good day02:16
LirthAI|Loop: Would I need the httpd software if I'm doing a Minecraft server?02:17
ShadowFiosinternets not working (ubuntu natty)02:17
AI|LoopLirth: no probably not, unless it's a webapp; google for : install minecraft server ubuntu02:18
wyldeStoneCypher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/940500/02:19
H-u-f-fCan anyone tell me when the updated version of Ubuntu comes out?02:19
AI|LoopIn 5 days I heard02:20
ccateringcThe primary issue is I am new to linux and Ubuntu. lol The next issue is I seem to have managed to disable all of my workspaces and after having watched several videos and read many pages following the directions of each I still have only one workspace. Id like to put it back to 4 and have some one show me around a little with customizing it a little.  for example Id like to know how to drag a window from one workspace to another, and chan02:20
H-u-f-fOk, thanks.02:20
ecartrasusto you from Coplay?02:22
rasustoclose enough02:22
ShadowFiosi just installed ubuntu natty and the wifi firmware is missing02:23
wyldeStoneCypher: you might also have to remove your entry in the routing table "default         UG    100    0        0 eth0"02:23
StoneCypheroh so i take auto lo out?02:23
wyldeStoneCypher: no, just change the section I put up, that's all02:24
ccateringcCan anyone please help me??? Please I have an  issue, I seem to have managed to disable all of my workspaces and after having watched several videos and read many pages following the directions of each I still have only one workspace.02:24
=== Arm[HCMWMSOW] is now known as Arm[MIMBSICCAN]
flavio_Peboa noite pessoal02:24
Yud_ZrocIs there a way to find out what could be casuing a live CD to make a moniter be set to 250hz and make your screen go crazy02:24
flavio_Petem algum brasileiro aqui02:24
StoneCypherwylde: okay, changed that, ran init.d network restart02:24
StoneCypherstill no ping from host; do i need to restart the vm?02:24
ecartYud_Zroc you from Durham ?02:24
Daekdroom!br | flavio_Pe02:24
ubottuflavio_Pe: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:25
wyldeStoneCypher:  what ip does ifconfig show for eth002:25
NurseDadwhere is places in unity02:25
Yud_Zrocecart: No02:25
StoneCypherit just sits there :(02:26
wyldeStoneCypher: ifconfig does?02:26
StoneCypheroh, there it goes02:26
StoneCypherunknown host eth002:26
ecartquakeguy you from Milwaukee?02:27
=== Arm[MIMBSICCAN] is now known as Armadillogeddon
rasustoecart: why so interested in where people are from?02:27
wyldeStoneCypher: ... that's from "ifconfig eth0" ?02:27
Yud_ZrocIs there a setting in a live CD that causes screens to go crazy with 250hz before its even fully loaded?02:27
ecartI am testing a tool for ip location02:28
ecartI'm getting at the exact location of the person02:28
rasustoecart: oh, I thought maybe you were looking to meet up for a drink or something ;)02:28
ecart[nobody481]: I do not drink.02:29
ecartthank you.02:29
ccateringcCan anyone please help me??? Please I have an  issue, I seem to have managed to disable all of my workspaces and after having watched several videos and read many pages following the directions of each I still have only one workspace.02:30
ecartyou from Chengdu?02:35
ccateringcCan anyone please help me??? Please I have an  issue, I seem to have managed to disable all of my workspaces and after having watched several videos and read many pages following the directions of each I still have only one workspace.02:36
StoneCypherwylde: yes02:36
StoneCypherwylde: sorry about the delay, someone was at my door02:36
wyldeStoneCypher: np02:36
longecart you from brazil?02:36
ecartHyperNerdV2 you from North Hollywood?02:36
ShadowFiosso how can i fix my wifi02:36
StoneCypherwylde: i'm restarting the VM02:37
ShadowFiosit says device not ready (firmware missing)02:37
quakeguyecart, I am now calling you "The Locater" super hero :)02:37
wyldeStoneCypher: ok, after that please pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces as it is now.02:37
StoneCypherit's what you gave me02:37
StoneCypherand this box no longer can see the outside world.02:37
StoneCypher.15 still doesn't ping02:37
longmy wifi  weinkle all the time, you guys know how to fix it?02:38
ecartshipe you from Tokyo city?02:38
shipeyes why?02:39
ecartonly experience02:39
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ecartsearch tool02:39
wyldeStoneCypher: ok, remove the auto, is the gateway for your network? I wasn't 100% sure if that was correct. I was going off your routing table.02:39
StoneCypherno, the gateway is
ccateringcCan anyone please help me??? Please I have an  issue, I seem to have managed to disable all of my workspaces and after having watched several videos and read many pages following the directions of each I still have only one workspace.02:40
wyldeStoneCypher: lol ok, my fault then. I went and assumed you were running your network on subnet.02:41
vr3xzeveryone can help me about samba file server.?02:41
AI|Loopccateringc: read that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185557902:41
AI|Loopvr3xz: sure what's up02:42
shapeAnyone here running 11.40 on Asus Eee PC? I can't find any links with the models that are supported for 11.40 and the fixes for them.02:42
StoneCypherwylde: okay02:42
shapeI need to know because I don't know whether to buy Aspire one or Eee PC and it all depends on the compatibility with Ubuntu.02:43
wyldeStoneCypher: sorry about that. try http://paste.ubuntu.com/940521/ and restart networking. Misunderstandings can make the easiest things a pain heh.02:43
zykotick9shape: what is 11.40?  do you mean 11.04 or 11.10 perhaps?02:43
shapezykotick9: 11.10 Sorry, typo02:44
ShadowFiosso my wifi is not working02:45
ShadowFiosI jsut istalled natty02:45
ShadowFiosand the firmware forwireless is missing02:45
shapezykotick9: I looked on google and there are very very few posts about people having problems and it's usually with Ubuntu 9. So I'm guessing it's works?02:45
vr3xzsamba file server.02:46
ThadiusBanyone have ati graphics card installed?02:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:47
andy_jinanyone knows how to set network02:48
lolacan someone say my name so its highlighted?02:48
lolatesting my weechat conf02:48
Monkeypawsi just installed a 3TB drive in my ubuntu NAS, fdisk -l says "Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary." - is that bad?02:48
BoohbahMonkeypaws: yes02:49
andy_jinI have set the configuration file /etc/network/interfaces02:49
andy_jinwhen i restart my computer02:49
PHP_ArunHow am I supposed to automatically mount all NTFS drives during startup?02:49
andy_jinit start slowly02:49
MonkeypawsBoohbah - this drive is brand new, what have i done wrong? i havent formatted it yet, just created 1 big partition02:49
=== PHP_Arun is now known as _-_-_-_-_-
lolaPHP_Arun: put them in fstab02:49
lolaand don't use dumb nicks02:50
_-_-_-_-_-lola: so I simply gedit and put them in fstab?02:50
StoneCypherwylde: that line that's just eth0 apparently isn't legal02:50
lola_-_-_-_-_-: gksu gedit /etc/fstab02:50
lolathen add in your NTFS drives02:50
_-_-_-_-_-All right, thank you. ^^02:50
BoohbahMonkeypaws: repartition, starting on a physical sector boundary02:51
ShadowFiosim having problems with wifi02:51
andy_jini think it's correct02:51
BoohbahMonkeypaws: on my disks, sectors are 512 bytes02:51
andy_jinsometimes it's OK02:51
wyldeStoneCypher: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask use that command please then tell me if it assigned to eth002:51
ThadiusBso on 10.04, are there no drivers for ati radeon cards, you have to use default from ubuntu?????02:51
wyldeStoneCypher: by using ifconfig eth002:52
DarkAngelAnyone aware of any issues why sound would become low in 11.10 after using headphones02:52
andy_jinfine, it's OK02:52
=== anaximander is now known as dce8c5fae8c54923
StoneCypheryes, after that, .1.15 is on eth002:53
wyldeStoneCypher: can you ping from the host?02:53
ShadowFioshmy wireless device has firmware missing02:53
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
StoneCypherwylde: network won't come back up with an invalid config02:54
DarkAngelHaving issue with low sound on Toshiba Laptop my son used headphones last night and now sound is barely heard02:54
wyldeStoneCypher: you don't need to restart netowrking after that command, np though. Moment, I made a mistake last time anyway, sorry. Getting tired.02:54
ShadowFioshow can i fix my wifi02:55
MonkeypawsBoohbah - i recreated it starting at 2048 and it seems ok now, thanks :)02:55
DarkAngelI went into alsamixer and adjusted the volume but it still is barely heard02:55
Monkeypawscan fdisk make a 3TB partition ?02:55
wyldeStoneCypher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/940526/ then restart networking, the only thing after that that might be a problem is the entries in the routing table.02:55
wyldeStoneCypher: brb, maybe some coffee will help :)02:56
ThadiusBbetter yet, can someone link where i would find reliable setup for my ati radeon card?  i'm searching now but not turning up what i want02:56
BoohbahMonkeypaws: no problem :)02:56
DarkAngelCan someone give me any ideas at all02:56
AI|LoopThadiusB: can't you go in the system tab and click additional drivers? ATI Radeon proprietary drivers should be there02:57
StoneCypherwylde: well, the host can see it now, but it can no longer see the internet02:58
ThadiusBAllLoop, you know, didnt even occur to me....thank you, been a long day : )02:58
ShadowFiosDarkAngel: im not sure ,im really new at any linux but have you tried going to sound preferences?02:58
andy_jinanyone knows how to set /etc/network/interfaces correctly02:58
ShadowFiosmy wifi isnt work it says the firmware is missing03:00
andy_jini think my setting is OK, but when i restart my computer it get slowly when configure network03:00
andy_jinand sometimes it cannot configure correctly03:01
DarkAngelDoes anyone know of a fix for low volume in 11.1003:02
andy_jinanyone knows how to set /etc/network/interfaces correctly03:03
KaleidoscopeHow would I reinstall the fonts for Ubuntu?03:04
lolaall the fonts03:04
wyldeStoneCypher: Back, yeah I think the entries in the routing table will need to be chaged for the Ubuntu VM to see the net.03:04
KaleidoscopeActually, it's one particular font that's broken, But I don't know it's name03:05
StoneCypherhow do i flush the routing table03:05
wyldeStoneCypher: I'm not sure, I've never had to do it, I have to look. Moment.03:06
=== cheif is now known as Down_to_Earth
StoneCyphergot it03:07
StoneCypherip route03:07
=== scott_ is now known as Guest30128
StoneCypherwylde: yeah, it's not the routing tables.03:08
wyldeStoneCypher: you removed the old ones and put the correct GW entry in?03:08
rockingturtlewhen I do "netstat -o" I  get timer data about the sockets.. like "timewait (8.09/0/0)" in a new column03:08
StoneCypheri have no idea03:08
rockingturtlewhat do these 3 figures mean ?03:08
StoneCypheri flushed the routing table because you said there were bad routes03:09
StoneCypherand i'm grasping at straws03:09
wyldeStoneCypher:  do 'sudo route add default gw eth0' please03:09
StoneCypherok, it took that silently03:10
StoneCypherstill no internet, though03:10
rockingturtleanyone... ?03:10
wyldeStoneCypher: ok..what does the output of route look like now?03:13
StoneCypheryou want me to retype it?  i can't nopaste03:13
Monkeypawscan someone help me format this 3 TB drive? fdisk sees it as a 3tb drive but seems to be only be able to partition 2G of the 3.03:14
StoneCypherit's default, link-local and
KaleidoscopeOK, My SERIF Font is broken, How would I replace it?03:14
KaleidoscopeMonkeypaws, What File system are you trying to format it too?03:14
MonkeypawsKaleidoscope - i havent formated them yet, was just trying to define the partitions.  ultimately i think these will be in an LVM03:15
Monkeypawswith xfs maybe?03:15
wyldeStoneCypher: ok the default line looks like? -->> default UG 0 0 0 eth0?03:15
escottMonkeypaws, you cant use fdisk you have to use gdisk or other gpt partitioning tool03:15
Down_to_EarthHey, i downloaded java-6u31-linux-x64.bin, and i was curious, what is the command so i can install it, considering Ubuntu Package installer doesn03:15
StoneCyphermetric is 10003:15
Monkeypawsescott - ok ty03:15
StoneCypherotherwise yes03:15
Monkeypawswhich one is easier gpt or gdisk?03:15
Down_to_Earthreconize it, and the java that 10.04 lts Ubuntu software center doesnt work03:15
KaleidoscopeI recommend Gparted :P03:16
Down_to_Earthor wait03:16
KaleidoscopeSimple enough03:16
Down_to_Earthi will try something03:16
Monkeypawsok ill try that ty03:16
escottMonkeypaws, i would recommend using gdisk (its like fdisk) to delete all mbr partition structures first03:16
escottMonkeypaws, otherwise any parted tool (either parted or gparted) can create a gpt table, but since you put an mbr table on there its not as obvious how to remove it with gparted/parted03:17
wyldeStoneCypher: and you restarted networking. At this point I'm not sure what my be the problem. Can you think of any other network settings you may have changed anywhere? We might be overlooking something.03:17
Monkeypawsi put an mbr table on it?03:17
StoneCypheri can guarantee you that nothing has been changed but what i did with you03:17
MonkeypawsStoneCypher - check 'ifconfig' - does it look right?03:17
StoneCypherthis machine is brand new03:17
escottMonkeypaws, mbr tables are the only thing fdisk knows. in general don't use fdisk03:17
StoneCypherMonkeypaws: i have no idea03:17
MonkeypawsStoneCypher - type sudo ifconfig03:17
wyldeStoneCypher: but at any rate, we met the goal you had of making it visible on the network to the host.03:17
scienteswhy are ubuntu official servers so slow?03:18
StoneCypherMonkeypaws: i know how to run the command.  "does it look normal" is not a question i can answer.03:18
Monkeypawspastebin it03:18
StoneCypherwylde: with the unacceptable consequence of making everything else break.03:18
clausenMonkeypaws, you want to remove the mbr table?03:18
StoneCypherMonkeypaws: i can't, the internet was broken during my time here03:18
clausenMonkeypaws, parted will automatically remove old tables when it makes a new one03:18
Monkeypawsclausen - i guess? just tryin to format this new 3tb drive correctly03:18
Monkeypawsok so use gparted?03:19
clausenMonkeypaws, unless it changed since I wrote it ;)03:19
ozzloyi'm trying to do android development with eclipse in ubuntu 11.10.  every time a dialogue box opens up, for example for the virtual device manager, i can't close it03:19
ozzloyhow do i close it?03:19
Monkeypawshah, ok ill grab it03:19
ozzloyhow do i make it so those open up with x-out buttons03:19
clausenMonkeypaws, (which admittedly, is quite possible)03:19
ThadiusBcan someone recommend "FAN CONTROL" program for 10.04???03:20
clausenhow can I figure out the CFLAGS used to build a .deb?03:20
newbismIs it not possible to apt-get install on the live installer? I used unetbootin to usb key so I should have read/write ..I get /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable when I apt-get stuff03:20
wyldeStoneCypher: and what is "everything else"? You specifically stated at the start you didn't care if it could see the internet, you just needed it to see the host...03:20
StoneCypherno, what i said was i didn't care if the internet could see it.03:21
StoneCypherthat's quite different.03:21
rockingturtledoes anyone know how to change : "tcp_fin_timeout" in ubuntu server ?03:21
StoneCyphera build box needs to be able to get libraries from the internet.03:21
clausennewbism, you mean, while it's installing?03:21
clausennewbie, you can't install more than one thing at a time03:21
rockingturtleI have tried sysctl / cat to /proc file system03:21
StoneCypherwhat i actually said was "can you help me get my ubuntu box to have a static ip address"03:21
rockingturtlebut in netstat I still see the timers above my set limit..03:21
StoneCypheri'm not sure how you read into that "it'll be great if everything else breaks"03:21
wyldeStoneCypher: not to mention I have no idea what else you changed, which is why I initially want you to get back to the defult state for the networking on your VM.03:21
newbismclausen, hmm yea... oh silly me I guess it did install :)03:21
FloodBot1StoneCypher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
StoneCypherthis is a waste of time03:22
ozzloynewbism, you might have to do sudo apt-get install packagenmae03:22
Down_to_Earthalright, i tried installing tea java thing, and other java thing, doesnt seem to work, is it because my ubuntu is out dated that java doesnt work?03:22
StoneCypher"it worked before i made changes, it doesn't now, WHAT DID YOU DO"03:22
StoneCypheri made the mistake of thinking irc could bind an ip in under 2 hours without breaking shit03:22
StoneCypherthat's what i did03:22
newbismwell originally I did it from software center and it barfed this huge bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/+bug/34946903:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349469 in debconf (Ubuntu) "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" [Medium,Triaged]03:22
Monkeypawsclausen - sorry i didnt realize gparted needed a GUI, im runnin this on my nas.  any other ideas? :x03:22
Monkeypawsback to gdisk?03:23
escottMonkeypaws, or parted the cli interface to libparted03:23
* Down_to_Earth feels ignored :/03:23
clausenDown_to_Earth, your q is a little vague03:24
newbismOther note... there is no way to config software raid from the GUI installer?03:24
clausenDown_to_Earth, what java program do you want to use?03:24
clausenDown_to_Earth, or you want to write your own?03:24
wyldeStoneCypher:  then delete all the lines from auto eth0 down to gateway and let it get it's ip from dhcp. Then go figure it out for yourself.03:24
=== jalcine is now known as Guest89659
Down_to_Earthit's for a internet browser game, and my question is not vauge, i was wondering how i can install java from a .bin file.03:25
Down_to_Earthi didnt want someone to go !repeat on me >.>03:25
clausenDown_to_Earth, sorry, I didn't see the question03:26
Down_to_EarthHey, i downloaded java-6u31-linux-x64.bin, and i was curious, what is the command so i can install it, considering Ubuntu Package installer doesn03:26
newbismchmod 755 java.bin ...  ./java.bin03:26
clausen(only your responce to a bit of it)03:26
Down_to_Earthreconize it, and the java that 10.04 lts Ubuntu software center doesnt work03:26
escottDown_to_Earth, what java?03:26
escottDown_to_Earth, there are multiple java versions available03:26
clausenDown_to_Earth, why not use the java included with ubuntu?03:26
clausen(or one of the several ones available in the ubuntu package manager)03:27
Down_to_Earthdid you not read what i put?03:27
Down_to_Earthit didnt work03:27
newbismwhat file do you have?03:27
Down_to_Earthi installed the one with Ubuntu software centre03:27
ThadiusBhas anyone used "eee-control" for fan performance???03:27
escottDown_to_Earth, which one?03:28
Down_to_Earthand java 6 update 31, 64-bit03:28
mcoffeeHi, I need help with making simple HTTP requests to a guest ubuntu virtual machine instance.03:28
Down_to_Earthand i intalled tea plugin thing also03:28
Down_to_EarthI tried updating my packages after i installed java from the center thing, and still did not work03:29
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest81409
aussie_mattHi all, Im just doing some graphic design, but screen is sluggish, can anyone tell me how to check if the nvidia drivers are installed?03:30
newbismi know java is real picky about its paths.. if all seems broken logging out and checking your paths is necessary. critical paths are JAVA_HOME03:30
newbismenv variables that is03:31
mystMani am confused i downloaded netbeans on my ubuntu laptop now how do i install it and use it?03:31
newbismaussie_matt, glxinfo | grep direct  .. does it say yes ?03:32
aussie_mattnewbism: the program glxinfo is currently not installed03:33
lauratikais there a problem if i had install ubuntu i686 on a 64bits?03:33
escottlauratika, you just aren't taking advantage of the hardware capabilities but its ok03:33
optikxhello world03:33
FoxHoundi need help when someone is available03:34
escott!ask | FoxHound03:34
ubottuFoxHound: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:34
newbismaussie_matt, looks like no nvidia driver then03:35
aussie_mattnewbism: ok, im from mandriva background, so this is a little new to me....any ideas on best method to install?03:35
newbismaussie_matt, go to software center, search for nvidia download latest version, or apt-get install nvidia-glx-18503:36
lauratikai notice ubuntu oneric clogs too easy like memory leak and gets too slow... does me not having a 64 bit version be the trouble?03:36
newbismaussie_matt, depending on your nvidia card 185 may not work03:36
c_smithwhat is the ffmpeg option to grab from x11 starting at coordinates 0x0?03:36
newbismaussie_matt, might have to go back and use 17303:36
escottlauratika, have you checked the output of "free -h" are you using the swap?03:37
FoxHoundI am trying to install ubuntu server 10.04 i get to install gui i try installing and it gives undefined video mode: 314 error when i try forcing nofb it loooks like it will start installing but all solutions i have tried cause the system to restart without installing03:37
FoxHoundI tried changing "vga=" to several different options but it wont work03:38
Monkeypawsok now parted is telling me the partition length exceeds the msdos parititon table.  is this the stuff i need to delete first?03:38
lauratikafree -h isnt an option03:38
escottMonkeypaws, yes. this was what i was worried about. now that you have the mbr partition parted is trying to change the mbr partition. you need to destroy the mbr partition entirely and start again with a gpt partition03:39
Monkeypawsah ok03:39
Monkeypawswith GPT?03:39
clausenMonkeypaws, yes... type "mklabel gpt", IIRC03:39
clausenMonkeypaws, it will delete everything!03:40
Monkeypawsk np :)03:40
Monkeypawswoot! paritition table:gpt03:40
mystMani am confused i downloaded netbeans on my ubuntu laptop now how do i install it and use it?03:40
clausenmystMan, what's wrong with "apt-get install netbeans" ?03:41
clausenMonkeypaws, :)03:41
escottmystMan, unpack the netbeans zip file, find the binary and double click on it03:41
MonkeypawsWarning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.03:41
escottMonkeypaws, start the first partition at 1 MiB03:42
clausenMonkeypaws, you can ignore this message03:42
escottMonkeypaws, there is probably also something that parted can do to make it aligned03:42
clausen(the new maintainers of parted didn't really understand the situation when they wrote this message...03:42
clausen... the only concern is compatibility with windows, but that is long a dead issue now)03:42
aussie_mattnewbism: i think i've installed now, but it needs a reboot, will do later03:43
Monkeypawsoh ok03:43
escottclausen, i thought it was an issue with 4k disks pretending to be 512b disks03:43
Moon_Doggyello ello03:43
newbismaussie_matt, you could probably log out of X ... youll want to lsmod and make sure nvidia module is loaded03:43
clausenescott, hmmm, you could be right about that!03:43
newbismaussie_matt, the key is for glxinfo to say direct rendering: yes03:43
Keo-wtrying to install ftp server on my ubuntu box.apt-get install vsftpd isn't working. is there a new way03:44
clausenescott, in which case, they should just enforce a 4k alignment constraint!03:44
aussie_mattnewbism: ok, ill see how i go in a bit..tahnks03:44
newbismaussie_matt, for extra nvidia also has nvidia-properties which gives you a gui control panel03:44
clausenanyway, no point complaining about it now :)03:44
aussie_mattnewbism: yes, mandriva had that too03:44
clausenMonkeypaws, escott has a point... it could be worth following his suggestion03:44
clausen(although, my understanding of modern HD's is that alignment doesn't matter, because of the way they cache things)03:45
clausen(but I haven't tested this lately!)03:45
Monkeypawsstart the partition at 1000kB ?03:45
escottclausen, i remember reading about it, and it sounded like a complete cluster**** with some disks faking 512b but offsetting by 512b because they didnt want to break the standard win xp installs which would be aligned at 4kb+512b (as if anyone would be installing xp on a 4k disk)03:45
Monkeypaws1024 Kb03:45
clausenMonkeypaws, I would specify in sectors03:46
clausenMonkeypaws, (which you can do with an "s" suffix)03:46
clausenMonkeypaws, pick any number greater than, say, 1000, that is a multiple of 4 :)03:46
escottclausen, those fake 512b sector disks are really sensitive because a 512b write thats not aligned gets multiplied up to a 4kb write03:46
clausenor 803:46
Monkeypaws1024s ?03:47
clausenMonkeypaws, sounds good03:47
FoxHoundI am trying to install ubuntu server 10.04 i get to install gui i try installing and it gives undefined video mode: 314 error when i try forcing nofb it loooks like it will start installing but all solutions i have tried cause the system to restart without installing03:47
Monkeypawsclausen - i still recieved the error, i'll try 204803:48
Monkeypaws2048 worked :D03:48
Random832is there any way to actually measure this?03:48
clausenMonkeypaws, I'm sorry, I haven't touched parted for 7 years, so I'm a bit out of touch03:48
Monkeypawsty :D03:48
Random832like, try writing 4k, then 4k offset by each 512 multiple, and see which way gets you properly aligned03:48
escottMonkeypaws, it might be seeing something which makes it think the correct alignment is 8*4kb + 512b. which is annoying03:48
clausenescott, thanks for the explanation... I can see how that could be an issue...03:49
clausenalthough I am still surprised by it03:49
clausenbecause the physical writes bear almost no resemblance to the "logical" writes on the bus03:49
clausen(maybe the issue is with the bus?)03:49
clausenanyway, bed time03:50
clausengood night!03:50
escottclausen, just some terrible choices dictated by the fact that redmond can't get their stuff together03:50
clausenescott, apparently parted can't either!03:50
Random832you know03:50
Random832it isn't _entirely_ unreasonable, without making any judgement of what microsoft does03:51
Random832for a hard drive to optimize so that large blocks aligned to the start of a partition occupying the whole disk [i.e. starting at offset 512]03:51
Random832are the fastest03:51
escottMonkeypaws, is the disk a WD caviar green drive?03:52
Monkeypawsescott - i need to set the file system to LVM but parted doesnt know LVM and fdisk will bork the table if i do it though there.03:52
Monkeypawsnah hitachi 3tb03:52
Random832it's silly to claim all this is microsoft fucking up or people being compatible with microsoft03:52
Random832er, sorry for language forgot where i was03:52
escottMonkeypaws, you might google to see if that particular hitachi 3tb has 4k sectors. if it doesn't then the alignment stuff doesnt matter03:52
Random832but it's not _intuitive_ that the correct alignment _should_ be to the start of the disk rather than the most 99.999999% likely place the first partition starts03:53
Random832should MS have "adapted" by making the boot sector 4kb instead of 512b?03:53
Monkeypawsescott - err, srry its  ST3000DM001-9YN166 - Seagate Barracuda 3TB .  i'll check it out03:53
Random832Ultimately, any drive that doesn't get the best performance with writes to large sectors _aligned from the most likely start of the first partition_ objectively sucks03:54
Random832so saying that the 4kb+512b thing is just adapting to microsoft crap makes no sense03:54
escottRandom832, that would be the natural thing to say, but someone might put xp on this disk and xp partitions are not 4k aligned so lets just lie in the firmware and shift our logicals 512bs03:55
MonkeypawsPhysical sector size: 4096 Bytes03:55
escottRandom832, because when the firmware lies to you that always makes things better03:55
Random832escott: you say "xp partitions are not 4k aligned" like it makes any damn sense to expect people to start the first partition at any offset other than 512b from the start of the disk03:55
Random832it's not just XP that does that03:56
Random832why should they expect _anyone_ to _ever_ have 4k aligned partitions?03:56
=== Travis is now known as Guest2461
electronics-cati have no idea03:57
Random832LITERALLY every disk ever partitioned before large sectors were a thing had the first partition start at offset 512b03:57
Random832why should that change after?03:57
Random832escott: what exactly is the firmware claim we are talking about?03:58
escottRandom832, my point is that gpt and 4k has been on the horizon for a LONG time, and to not offer any kind of backported support for this situation is just irresponsible. its great business just force everyone to buy a new os, but its everything thats wrong with proprietary software03:58
Random832because if it's just "firmware statement that sectors are 4k", that claim doesn't _actually seem to imply_ an alignment base of 003:58
Monkeypawsok i have a 3gb partition with a gpt partition table - i want to add this to an LVM partition, don't i need to set the filesystem type to LVM ?03:59
Random832escott: huh?03:59
escottMonkeypaws, anyways. don't kow if you are following, but the disk has 4k physical sectors, but claims to be 512b sectors, and then is probably? maybe? lying about where those 4kb sectors start. so they might start at multiples of 4kb or 4kb+512b. so you should try different variants of where to start that03:59
Random832escott: why should they need to? why shouldn't the drive manufacturers just make it so that _every existing system ever_ will continue working with optimal performance04:00
Random832microsoft can only backport to one system - the drive manufacturers can support the existing situation on EVERY system04:00
Monkeypawsescott - i went to 4096 and it seems happy.  im guessing fdisk is useless at this point right? its not going to be able to help me set the file system type or anything.04:00
escottMonkeypaws, don't use fdisk. just forget it exists04:00
Random832look, i just don't see why it's reasonable to expect people to have any alignment base _but_ 512 bytes [so 4kb+512, 32kb+512, whatever] and make everyone change their software to support tat04:01
escottRandom832, we aren't going to agree, and its offtopic :)04:02
GinoManis there anyone on here from ireland?04:02
Moon_Doggytrying to install gnome-shell and i get the error "Depends: libmozjs185-1.0" try apt-get -f install which gives me this http://pastebin.com/hPhCAckE04:03
FernandoCuevawhat permissions does a folder needs to be read by a regular user when root own it04:03
FernandoCuevawhat permissions does a folder needs to be read by a regular user when root own it I have a folder that's owned by root but its files said can be read by other users yet user can't do ls -l needs sudo04:03
escottMoon_Doggy, why does sudo apt-get install gnome-shell not work?04:03
escottFernandoCueva, the folder needs **5 permissions04:04
Moon_DoggyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   gnome-shell : Depends: libmozjs185-1.0 (>= 1.8.5~hg20110306r6) but it is not going to be installed04:04
escottFernandoCueva, or chmod o+rx04:04
escottMoon_Doggy, why not have you pinned anything? do you have some ppa?04:04
Monkeypawsescott - any ideas how to set this partition to LVM filesystem type?04:04
escottMonkeypaws, lvm type should be an option? you might want to use the alternate installer which supports lvm04:05
=== Agent_Washington is now known as Moon_Doggy
Monkeypawsescott - parted doesnt know lvm and fdisk doesnt like my new partition04:05
delinquentmeI've got locked files in a dir ... and I want to allow the current user all controls over them04:06
delinquentmethis is a chmod operation?04:06
Random832Monkeypaws: LVM partition type is 8E, but the partitioner won't actually do hatever formatting you need to use lvm04:06
dambrowany of you guys know wubi well04:06
Moon_Doggyescott, i didnt catch anything you might have said just now04:06
escottMonkeypaws, do you just need to run pvcreate on the partition?04:07
MonkeypawsRandom832 - im just walkin through this LVM tutorial, and it says i need to make the partition type 8e04:07
Monkeypawsyah escott04:07
Monkeypawsthats my next step04:07
escottMonkeypaws, 8E is specific to mbr not gpt04:07
=== DaZ is now known as dipeptyd
Monkeypawswill LVM do GPT?04:08
dambrowis there a way of getting wubi to use more than 30gb of space i wanna set it to 200gb but 30gb is highest04:08
* Monkeypaws will find out.04:09
escottMonkeypaws, lvm sits inside a partition. doesn't matter what the underlying type is04:09
Monkeypawscool cool04:09
escottdambrow, you don't want that. it would break way too easily. and there is probably some limit inside ntfs that prevents this04:09
Monkeypaws  "/dev/sda1" is a new physical volume of "2.73 TiB"04:10
escottdelinquentme, see man fuser, and !aptlock if you have an issue with file locks04:10
Monkeypawsis that 3GB ? :l04:10
Monkeypawsi mean 3000GB04:10
dambrowi need at least 150gb so i can start building android roms but 30gb is just not enough and i dont have a dvd spare04:10
Random832Monkeypaws: it's 3 TB04:11
escottMonkeypaws, welcome to false advertising 3TB <<< 3TiB04:11
Random832i.e. 3000 GB, 3e6 MB, 3e9 KB, and 3e12 B04:11
newbismok seriously, no software raid on the live cd?04:11
escott!alternate | newbism04:11
ubottunewbism: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal04:11
=== jsjgruber-x-p is now known as jsjgruber
Random832for better or worse, magnetic disk manufacturers standardized on decimal measurements04:12
Hebramnewbism: I hope you don't have a data cap. =/04:12
Random832because they make more _intuitive_ sense, and there was no engineering reason for them to be based on powers of two, unlike memory04:12
Random832[well, they _did_ make more intuitive sense, in te 80s]04:12
Random832i gtg04:13
delinquentmeescott, is it a bad thing if I've got about 50 different operations listed on a fuser -m -u locked/file_dir ?04:13
newbismHebram, im putting the OS on 160GB software raid, and /home on LSI hardware raid504:13
ThadiusBneed some help, getting "Error while communicating with eee-control-daemon! Make sure it is running"04:14
dman420im having some troubles setting up global hotkeys with gnome04:17
dman420its just not working im using gconf-editor04:17
greatis that a tool that comes with ubuntu by default?04:17
dman420its on mine is there an easier way04:17
dman420i googled it and seems like thats the way to do it with gnome04:18
Moon_DoggyE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmozjs185-1.0_1.8.5-1.0.0-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb: subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 204:19
Moon_Doggyi have no idea whats going on04:19
escottMoon_Doggy, perhaps a bad download. sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/libmozjs185-1.0_1.8.5-1.0.0-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb04:20
escottdman420, try dconf-editor04:20
dman420i dont have that04:21
dman420gconf-editor is working the program is but its just not doing the key win04:21
escott!info dconf-utils | dman42004:21
dman420er bind04:21
dman420do i need to restart for it to  work04:22
ubottudman420: Package dconf-utils does not exist in oneiric04:22
escotterrr dcont-tools04:22
escott!info dconf-tools | dman42004:22
ubottudman420: dconf-tools (source: d-conf): simple configuration storage system - utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 60 kB, installed size 252 kB04:22
Moon_Doggyty escott that fixed it04:22
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
MonkeyDust6 30 am here tipsy04:24
=== xezekal_ is now known as SolarAquarion
Monkeypawsescott - works great, thanks04:29
fircHi people04:30
fircI have an issue. I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 ( with some hiccups )04:30
fircNow, X doesn't start by default! I have to call startx04:30
fircon the console to get my GUI!04:31
nimbioticsHello evry1. I'm having big troubles with my cd/dvd burner since I installed 11.04, can some1 please help me find out what is going on? It does read cd/dvd's but when I try burning an image using brasero; it just goes on and on fr ever. AcetoneISO (my favorite) won't even recognize the drive. Please help me. TIA!04:31
fircthat is pretty annoying. Anyone know what might have caused this?04:31
escottfirc, you might try removing and reinstalling lightdm since the dm changed. sudo apt-get remove gdm; sudo apt-get remove lightdm; sudo apt-get install lightdm04:31
fircescott: hmm. I'll try that, thanks!04:31
HorizonXPif I need to manage ~250 ubuntu systems, what might the best practices be? :-P04:35
fircHmm, I reinstalled lightdm. So I don't need to startx anymore/04:35
HorizonXPI know that's a massive question04:35
HorizonXPbut.... let's start with updates. could I manage updates on my own server, so I can test updates before I push them out?04:35
fircalso a weird issue. The grub spalsh screen says debian universal os or something :/04:35
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
rodhashGuys... any suggestion of a hierarchical software for taking notes?04:39
ThadiusBplease help :)  i tried installing eee-control and keep getting "Error while communicating with eee-control-daemon!"04:39
ThadiusBsearched forever and still cant find out whats wrong04:40
newbismrodhash, zim04:40
newbismrodhash, zim-wiki.org04:41
Jordan_Ufirc: Did you install the "desktop-base" package?04:45
fircJordan_U: yeah. I did what he said, installed lightdm again and I get the GUI now!04:45
fircBut two issues now, 1) Grub splash is the debian one 2) My touchpad stopped working all of a sudden!04:46
Jordan_Ufirc: Who told you to install "desktop-base"? It's a package full of Debian theming.04:47
fircJordan_U: oh! I didn't explicitly install anything. I only did an upgrade04:47
fircand then things messed up :;04:47
fircso should I remove desktop-base?04:48
shadykhanhow come when i view my folders in list view (ctrl+2)04:48
FernandoCuevaI want to install a game what is the preferred wey? to uncompress as user or root04:48
Jordan_Ufirc: Yes.04:48
shadykhani cant drag and highlight04:48
fircJordan_U: cool, thanks. Any  idea about the touchpad issue?04:48
Jordan_Ufirc: No, sorry.04:48
fircoh ok. Thanks for the help though!04:48
Jordan_Ufirc: You're welcome.04:50
=== miguel is now known as Guest74255
FernandoCuevahola como estas04:53
Guest74255aqui, experimentado04:53
=== VoX is now known as vox
FernandoCuevacomo llegaste a este lugar04:54
FernandoCuevaeste canal solo se habla en ingles ahorita nos dicen algo04:54
Guest74255que dicen??04:54
FernandoCuevaahorita esta callado04:54
Guest74255y tu como llegaste04:55
Guest74255que es esto y como funciona04:55
FernandoCuevaabri mi programa de irc porque necesitaba ayuda con permisos de archivos04:55
FernandoCuevaes un chat de ayuda de ubuntu el chat de ayuda en espaniol es ubuntu-es04:55
FernandoCuevaporque tienes ese nombre04:56
roastedQuestion - I'm trying to understand the differences between some of the printing options I have. I understand LPD, it's basically IP based printing (works best with static IPs on printers). But what is IPP? How does it differ? Any pros or cons? I can't even seem to figure out how to set it up...04:56
Guest74255no lo se04:56
FernandoCuevaami aun no me responden con mi pregunta04:57
Guest74255que mal04:57
FernandoCuevaquiero trabajar en algo que sea linux pero tengo que aprender mas04:57
Guest74255yo igual04:58
Guest74255pero me falta mucho04:58
FernandoCuevacual linux usas04:58
Jordan_U!es | Guest7425504:59
ubottuGuest74255: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:59
roastedQuestion - I'm trying to understand the differences between some of the printing options I have. I understand LPD, it's basically IP based printing (works best with static IPs on printers). But what is IPP? How does it differ? Any pros or cons? I can't even seem to figure out how to set it up...05:00
FernandoCuevanos vemos05:00
nimbioticsHello evry1. I'm having big troubles with my cd/dvd burner since I installed 11.04, can some1 please help me find out what is going on? It does read cd/dvd's but when I try burning an image using brasero; it just goes on and on fr ever. AcetoneISO (my favorite) won't even recognize the drive. Please help me. TIA!05:02
FernandoCuevaI want to install a game what is the preferred wey? to uncompress as user or root05:03
chachinsi como05:04
chachinsi como se hace eso :P05:04
ShadowFiosi want to get firmware fir wifi on natty05:05
Jordan_U!es | chachin05:05
ubottuchachin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:05
ShadowFiosi want to get firmware for wifi on natty05:05
Jordan_UShadowFios: What is the chipset of your wireless card?05:05
chachinim so bored i started speaking spanish :P05:05
Jordan_Uchachin: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, if you're just bored I highly recommend #ubuntu-offtopic :)05:06
ShadowFiosJordan_U: how do i find that05:06
chachinhey if i want to install xchat do i do: sudo apt-get install xchat ?05:08
chachini barely started using ubuntu since friday :)05:08
FernandoCuevawhat are you using now05:08
chachinfail xchat-gnome.. came with it.. cus my stupid friend did it for me xD05:09
Jordan_UShadowFios: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn".05:09
FreezingColdIs there any easy way to hide installed programs/05:12
ShadowFiosJordan_U: right now im on my ipod because wifi on my comp is completly missing firmware05:12
Jordan_UShadowFios: OK. Try running the Additional Drivers utility and see what it recommends you install. Hopefully that will tell us what we need.05:13
ShadowFiosJordan_U: Downloading package indexes failed, please check your network status. most drivers will not be available.  is ehat the addintional drivers utility tells me05:17
ShadowFiosJordan_U: are you there?05:22
ShadowFiosJordan_U: really i just want wine installed on there but i need eifi to do that05:25
ShadowFiosfilth im having wifi problems05:28
szal!es | Filth66605:28
ubottuFilth666: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:28
ShadowFiosfilth go to the spanish page05:28
=== K-Line_ is now known as K-Line
nimbioticsHello evry1. I'm having big troubles with my cd/dvd burner since I installed 11.04, can some1 please help me find out what is going on? It does read cd/dvd's but when I try burning an image using brasero; it just goes on and on fr ever. AcetoneISO (my favorite) won't even recognize the drive. Please help me. TIA!05:32
JosephHarriethaHello, Does anyone know how I can make the output written to /var/log/auth.log be a little less verbose ?05:36
=== mo is now known as Guest90648
roger233i am trying to turn my router into a shell, can anyone help me?05:38
Guest90648what do you mean roger233?05:38
roger233Guest90648: Well, I want to be able to upload files/execute commands from my router. Do I need to change the firmware or something?05:39
sauvinWhat's the router, and what kind of firmware is it using?05:39
bluefrogJosephHarrietha, you will have to tweak every program which writes in auth.log, i presume05:39
Guest90648depends on the type of router you get05:40
Guest90648what do you have?05:40
JosephHarriethabluefrog, Where would I find a list of such?05:40
Monkeypawsroger233 - i think DD-WRT will do somethin like this05:40
roger233I have an N ADSL2+ modem router05:41
SolarisBoyit will give you a shell, you can look at their supported devices list05:41
roger233Monkeypaws: what do you mean05:41
roger233Guys, i should probably say this now, I am veryyyyy new to this.05:41
Guest90648dd-wrt does support commanline05:41
Monkeypawsroger233 - dd-wrt is router firmware you can put on some linksys and other devices that has a shell.05:41
SolarisBoyit uses busybox by default05:41
SolarisBoybut depending on the version and build you can install other shells05:42
JosephHarriethaOkay... well is there anyway to make a terminal turnicate lines if they would excede the width of the terminal?05:42
sauvinBe aware that routers tend to be VERY small - they won't have much of a userland.05:42
potatLook at OpenWRT too05:42
roger233Monkeypaws: do I have to wipe the current firmware to install the new?05:42
SolarisBoysauvin: thats why you get one that supports usb05:42
SolarisBoyand that becomes a non issue05:42
Monkeypawsroger233 - yah you wipe it, i think you can back it up05:42
roger233Monkeypaws,  can you give me a link to download this firmware?05:43
Monkeypaws http://www.dd-wrt.com05:43
JosephHarriethaI have auth.log "tail -f"-ed to a desktop terminal, and its very hard to read when it has an output spread over multiple lines. I would like to just cut off the last of the line if it exceeds 110 characters05:43
SolarisBoyroger233: you need to check if your device is supported05:43
sauvinJust google it. It'll have bazillions of links pointing to it. open-wrt, iirc, dd-wrt, tomato, there are a few others, too.05:43
potatDid you check SolarisBoy's link to see if your router is supported?05:43
sauvin"N ADSL-2" won't tell us what it is.05:43
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: you can pass a line count to tail05:44
JosephHarriethaI know, but it isn't lines. Its the characters on the line05:44
SolarisBoyi see05:44
JosephHarriethaI don't like it when one line in a file, when tail-ed to the terminal it put over multiple lines05:44
potatAll you care about is the output? Can you use cut after tail?05:44
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: there is a way but i forget it actually =)05:44
roger233FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_7.0 is the firmware version i use now05:45
SolarisBoycut/awk or some other command that can edit a text via pipe will work like potat mentioned also05:45
JosephHarriethaHmm.. probably not. The command is just "tail -f /var/log/auth.log"05:45
JosephHarriethaand its on a desktop terminal that is not clickable or moveable... just sits in the background05:45
ShadowFiosso i have a wifi problem it says firmware missing can  anybody help?05:46
SolarisBoyso the process is running already?05:46
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: ?05:46
meetis there any way to use system ram as vram05:46
JosephHarriethaSolarisBoy, Hmm.. let me read man cut and get back to you05:46
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: actually you can redirect the stdout using gdb....05:46
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: ok05:46
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: cut -d"<delimeter>" -f<column #> would be the basic usage.. but that implies you have something sane to split the output on...05:47
SolarisBoyawk may be easier if it's delimited by variable white spaces05:48
potatcut -c will split by characters05:48
JosephHarriethaYea... how would I cut the output of tail -f. Esspecially because its not a "final output", its a constant output. cut sounds great for reading the first characters of a file, but what happends when tail -f starts sending more lines05:48
SolarisBoyJosephHarrietha: it would just print what you told it05:49
potatSince it's all piped it should still work, right?05:49
SolarisBoyand break where it didn't math05:49
SolarisBoypotat: yes05:50
ShadowFiosso i have a wifi problem it says firmware missing can  anybody help?05:50
the_real_crimperdoes it make sense to format drives before configuring as a raid with mdadm?05:50
potatJosephHarrietha: tail -f <file> | cut -c1-8005:51
SolarisBoythe_real_crimper: maybe if you had something on them already05:51
SolarisBoyyour going to write the FS to the md05:51
potatShadowFios: can you run lspci -nn05:52
JosephHarriethapotat, Haha, you put that up just as I ran "tail -f /var/log/auth.log | cut -c0-80"05:52
JosephHarriethaMine errored, yours works perfect05:52
nimbioticsHello evry1. I'm having big troubles with my cd/dvd burner since I installed 11.04, can some1 please help me find out what is going on? It does read cd/dvd's but when I try burning an image using brasero; it just goes on and on fr ever. AcetoneISO (my favorite) won't even recognize the drive. Please help me. TIA!05:52
JosephHarriethaThank you! I'm gonna work on detecting truncation and inserting an ellipsis ("...") after the line05:53
elizabethI have problem. connecting with internet is too bad, can anybody help?05:53
Monkeypawselizabeth - oh you you're doing fine.05:54
Monkeypawsi mean, you made it this far.05:54
SolarisBoynimbiotics: i wonder if you need to run the install-css.sh script?05:54
nimbioticsSolarisBoy: I have no idea, should I just execute "install-css.sh script"?05:55
ShadowFiospotat: i have and i dont know what im looking for05:55
potatShadowFios: look for WLAN05:55
SolarisBoynimbiotics: can you try 'dpkg -l 'libdvdcss''05:55
SolarisBoyoops... not that.05:55
SolarisBoyactually yes.. sorry. the double qoutes confusled me =)05:56
elizabethMonkeypaws, it's terrible(05:56
nimbioticsSolarisBoy: i get " packages found matching libdvdcss."05:57
sri13I am not able to install propratory software in my m/c in ubuntu 11.1005:57
sri13How to do that ?05:57
SolarisBoynimbiotics: so you should have the script under /usr/share . lets see where they put it...05:57
FernandoCuevawhen I type ls -l it says total 4 but I see only 1 directory... I wonder if there are directories that are hidden05:58
potatsri13: m/c?05:58
SolarisBoynimbiotics: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh05:58
Random832FernandoCueva: ls -la05:58
sri13potat: machine05:58
potatsri13: what are you trying to install?05:58
sri13I am trying to install some graphics drivers05:59
celltechUbuntu 10.04. I'm having a weird issue. My desktop is all bold and blurry... And it literally just happened05:59
nimbioticsSolarisBoy: done05:59
sri13AMD Graphics driver05:59
FernandoCuevaRandom832, I see 2 more directories called   .  and ..05:59
Random832FernandoCueva: actually... the "total" is the size of files listed, and a directory does take up space06:00
FernandoCuevaRandom832, but it now says total 12 what does it mean?06:00
Random832FernandoCueva: in your ls -l, it should say 4096 next to the directory [each directory], right?06:00
Random832the 4 [or 12] is the number of kb in the listed files [including directories, this is the size for the directory itslef not its contents06:01
potatsri13: Are you trying to do it from the firmware installer from the system tray, or did you download something from AMD's website?06:01
FernandoCuevawhat are the directories . and .. one of them has a group name users and the other has group root06:02
sri13potat: I am trying using Additional drivers option from system settings06:02
nimbioticsSolarisBoy: should that have fixed my issue?06:02
potatsri13: OK. So what is going wrong?06:03
bekksFernandoCueva: "." designated the current directory and ".." the parent directory of the current directory.06:03
MayazcherquoiHey guys, why is it that whenever I lock my screen and leave it locked for a period of time, my dual monitor configuration screws up (i.e. the background on the second monitor continues on from the first monitor, and tiles. And on the first monitor, a blue rectangle appears in the top-left corner). When pressing the Super key to go into the GNOME-shell app menu, the backgrounds return to normal on all monitors, until I go back to normal06:03
Mayazcherquoimode (out of GNOME-shell preview). WhY?06:03
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
sri13potat: This is the error message in log file06:05
sri13"modinfo for module fglrx_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx_updates"06:05
potatsri13: Ok, we can try fixing this06:08
potatsri13: open a terminal06:08
potatsudo apt-get purge fglrx*06:09
MayazcherquoiGuys? :-/06:09
electronics-cati cannot find xorg.conf06:09
FernandoCuevahey guys I have a strange question06:09
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
bekksFernandoCueva: Then expect strange answers ;)06:09
potatsri13: And then you want to get rid of xorg.conf (don't worry, it will be remade)06:09
FernandoCuevaI have a file with permissions -rw-r--r-T06:10
potatsudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:10
FernandoCuevawhat is the T for?06:10
JPetersonmy 11.10 ignores GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" ignored even though i've updated lightdm as suggested06:10
JPetersonthat's on x86 ubuntu06:10
JPetersonthe x64 installation that's a mirror in many ways respects the setting06:11
potatFernandoCueva: http://www.zzee.com/solutions/linux-permissions.shtml#setuid06:11
electronics-catpotat: ?06:11
CrazyGangsterAny1 knows how i can get the system beep working?06:11
potatelectronics-cat: that was for sri1306:11
JPetersonmaybe i forgot to run update-grub06:12
potatCrazyGangster: Try modprobe pcspkr06:13
CrazyGangsterdone and i cant hear nothing06:14
CrazyGangsteruser@acer ~ $ modprobe pcspkr06:14
CrazyGangsteruser@acer ~ $ beep06:14
potatCrazyGangster: Take a look at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and look for pcspkr06:15
CrazyGangsteryou mean gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf06:17
CrazyGangster##blacklist pcspkr06:17
CrazyGangsteris commented06:17
potatCrazyGangster: ok, in a terminal run alsamixer06:18
sri13potat: Sorry, small network prob06:18
potatno problem06:18
sri13I opened the terminal06:18
JackyWow, with the right client; you could be absorbed by IRC.06:19
Jackyweechat did just that.06:19
potatsri13: sudo apt-get purge fglrx*06:19
SolarisBoythats how i felt with irssi06:20
SolarisBoy...now its finch ;>06:20
potatCrazyGangster: "Beep" is muted. Key over to it and press 'm'06:21
LukeNukem/etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 006:21
JackySolarisBoy: that's based on libpurple06:21
LukeNukemi get that, i changed ownership of /etc/ before06:21
LukeNukemis this why thats happening?06:21
bekksLukeNukem: You changed ownership of the entire /etc/ to 1000?06:22
SolarisBoyJacky: yes it is.. it's the command line version of pidgin06:22
LukeNukemyea :\06:22
sri13potat: The above command returned an error msg06:22
sri13 Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:22
ShdwdrgnI'm having an issue with mdadm... Lost a drive from a raid0, so I replaced the drive and recreated the raid.  I go to restore the data, and notice that df shows the new raid size is 8 blocks smaller than the old raid size.  Verified partition sizes on all drives are identical.  Any ideas why the new raid is smaller, and how I can get it fixed?06:22
LukeNukembekks, i need to change back to 0 :\06:22
LukeNukemhow to?06:22
CrazyGangsterlol thanks potat, problem solve06:22
JackySolarisBoy: O_O oh man!06:22
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: whats the state of the mirror?06:23
JackyLukeNukem: "sudo chown root:root /etc"06:23
bekksLukeNukem: Then get your backup out and restore /etc, since the permissions in /etc/ are not set to root:root for everything in /etc06:23
SolarisBoyJacky:  ^_^ i know right !06:23
potatsri13: what error?06:23
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, it is active and clean06:23
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: interesting06:23
merryman540I've just installed something from a web page instructions. I was given a choice of two commands to install a repository. The first one didn't work but the second one did. Now my question-have I got two repositories installed and should I remove the one that didn't work?06:24
JackyAnd it supports all of the plugins you'd use with pidgin?06:24
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: is it actually a mirror06:24
SolarisBoyJacky: yes!! its awesome06:24
yuri__When someone gets a moment, I have a kernel 3.3.2 issue. :(06:24
sri13potat: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place06:24
sri13Errors were encountered while processing:06:24
sri13 fglrx06:24
sri13E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:24
Jackymy god, that's wicked!06:24
LukeNukemthis site says just change ownership to root http://zedomax.com/blog/2011/01/31/ubuntu-error-etcsudoers-is-owned-by-uid-1000-should-be-0/06:24
SolarisBoyJacky:  i haven't validated each one,, im sure there is some breakage on one or two of the gui based plugins,, but so gar,, everything converts very nice to ncurses plugins inclusive06:24
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, I just created a new raid0 and reformatted, so I would expect it to be the same size as previously.  Raid was created with mdadm -l006:25
bekksJacky: That will break things like at, postgres, ssl-certs, etc.06:25
Jackythat's insaneeee!06:25
potatsri13: That doesn't sound good. Let me think06:25
Shdwdrgnalso mdadm --detail shows the array size is identical (I'm comparing two servers with the same setup... the other machine is where I am restoring my raid backup from)06:26
LukeNukembekks, shall i do what jacky said06:26
JackyNo, don't06:26
bekksLukeNukem: I'd not do that. As I already said.06:26
bekksLukeNukem: You should grab your backup of /etc/ and restore it.06:26
LukeNukemi dont have a backup06:26
potatsri13: ok, try sudo apt-get -f install fglrx06:27
LukeNukembekks, i dont have backu06:27
potatmerryman540: I wouldn't worry about it as long as you can install the software you want now06:27
bekksLukeNukem: Well, then do a backup of your entire box now, and just give it a try to repair things.06:28
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, one thing I see changed is that the kernel and mdadm versions have gone up since the last time I created one of these raids, so it created the new raid0 with metadata=1.20.  I also tried forcing metadata=0.90, but got the same results06:28
LukeNukembekks, i dont have space for backup man06:28
merryman540potat: thanks. I just want to keep a trim system and not have reduntant stuff sitting on it?06:28
potatYou won't have any extra software. Just a line or two in a config file06:28
LukeNukembekks, how about i go to recovery mode and change /etc/ ownership to root and then come back in to normal mode06:28
LukeNukemand change ownership of apache php to my username06:28
sri13potat: That one exceuted without ane error nor success message06:29
LukeNukemsomeone please help me T_T06:29
yuri__Ditto. Kernel 3.3.2 hates me. :(06:30
potatsri13: ok, good. Now try the first command again. I think you had it half-installed or half-uninstalled06:30
merryman540potat: in my sources list? should I remove or comment those lines perhaps-for the source that didn't work I mean?06:30
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: interesting.06:30
LukeNukembekks, ?06:30
Justasicwhat's the best way to recover a ubuntu installation after the /etc directory was deleted?06:30
potatmerryman540: Yeah06:30
merryman540potat: ok thanks.06:30
LukeNukemcan someone please help me06:30
sri13potat: completed. Same no success msg06:31
potatJustastic: Your best bet might be to run a LiveCD to back up your /home and then reinstall Ubuntu06:31
Justasicalright, that's what I thought06:31
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: is mdstat clean under /proc ?06:31
potatsri13: cool06:31
potatsri13: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:32
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, it says active, there is no sync trying to happen06:32
potatDon't worry, it will be remade if it needs to06:32
yuri__My kernel 3.3.2 compiled beautifully, finally, the modules are installed, grub was updated and yet when I go to boot into 3.3.2.... nothing. It just hangs after clearing grub off the screen. :(06:32
LukeNukemjacky? dude what do id o06:32
CrazyGangsteranother question: there is a way to not redirect the beet to my headphones?06:32
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: ok06:32
sri13potat: yup, removed that file06:33
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, looking at "mdadm --detail /dev/md0" between the two machines, the details are identical except of course for the time and UUID is each array06:33
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: gotcha06:33
potatsri13: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 libgl1-mesa-dri:amd6406:34
amccloudwhen trying to install ubuntu from disc the screen goes to sleep. I'm guessing the default ubuntu resolution is not supported by my hp monitor. it's expecting 1680x1050. how do I change this?06:34
potatsri13: This reinstalls your xorg components06:34
sri13potat: ok06:34
yuri__My monitor just spun around and split-pea soup came out of it vga plug!06:35
ShadowFiosso i have a wifi problem it says firmware missing can  anybody help?06:35
potatShadowFios: did you find a line for WLAN in the outpt of lspci -nn06:36
ShadowFiosoh your still here06:36
ShadowFiosmy battery died06:36
sri13potat: Done, But do u know why the brightness options are not working ?06:36
SolarisBoyShdwdrgn: are the chunk_size the same on both those machines you use for comparison value in the configs?06:37
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, yes, both have a chunk size of 32k06:37
potatsri13: I don't know. But you want to reboot so this takes effect. Then try installing the proprietary driver again06:37
sri13potat: ok, Thanks :)06:38
aurelieni know that it's not the place but it's the biggest chan over there and that news need to be spread because it's important. Google News spread about some politicians this day. The trouble is that in France, it' the Presidential Election day! And Google News (french) like any other press / journalist ... have not the right to speak of any politicians these day! (and/or give any result befor the end) It's a jail sentence! please verify06:38
aurelienwhat i am saying and spread! Thanks!06:38
aureliensorry to have disturb this place but it's really, important, it's a basic statement of freedom right.06:38
ShadowFiospotat: no wlan in there at all06:40
potatShadowFios: Did you already try System > Administration > Additional Drivers06:41
potator System Settings > Additional Drivers06:42
potatamccloud: How far along in the install process does it happen?06:43
ShadowFiospotat: yes it spits out downloading package indexes fail please check you network status most divers will no be availible06:43
amccloudpotat: very beginning06:44
amccloudbefore it loaded06:44
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, when I do "df /dev/md0" there is a difference of 8 1k-blocks between servers.  It appears the filesys doesn't matter.  However I use drbd between the servers, and drbd is complaining because the new raid is smaller that what is expected.06:44
ShadowFiospotat: and then it says no proprietary drivers in use on this system06:45
potatamccloud: so you never even saw the startup screen06:45
potatShadowFios: Hmm. but that computer is connected to the Internet, right?06:45
yuri__Well, I guess no one is familiar with kernel 3.3.2 from scratch... :(06:45
yuri__Back to Star Trek. Later. :)06:46
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ShadowFiospotat: no its not im on my ipod right now06:46
h4xx0ranyone here able to use OpenVPN on Xubuntu 11.04 Natty?06:46
h4xx0rIm facing some problems connecting to vpns06:47
potatamccloud: Check out text-based installer http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate06:47
potatShadowFios: Ok, you need to get connected so you can get the drivers (easiest way). Do you have an Ethernet cable to connect your laptop to your router?06:48
ShdwdrgnSolarisBoy, it just occurred to me, you were asking earlier if this raid was a mirror.  No, it is not a mirror, its raid0, so the two drives are aggregated together.06:48
potath4xxor: I was using it on 10.1006:48
ShadowFiospotat: i belive i do but i cant right now06:50
ShadowFiospotat: si what do i do after i hook it up to the router?06:50
potatShadowFios: Ok, you should do that when you get the chance. Just run "Additional Drivers"06:51
potatShadowFios: It should detect your wireless card and install what you need.06:51
potatbtw once you are hooked to the router you should have wired internet without a problem06:52
ShadowFiospotat: and then everything will be nice and good in the world(i hope)?06:52
CrazyGangsterthere is a way to not redirect the beep to my headphones?06:53
potatShadowFios: hopefully. Wireless used to be a big hassle but Ubuntu did a great job of rounding up all the firmware06:53
potatCrazyGangster: so you want to hear the beep from the speaker but not the headphones?06:54
ShadowFiospotat: ok cool kthxbai06:54
CrazyGangsterthats rigth potat06:57
CrazyGangsterits possible?06:57
potatI don't /think/ there's a way to do that because ALSA just mixes everything together06:57
potatPulseAudio might be able to do it (pavucontrol) but I don't know how06:59
CrazyGangsteryeah i will see...06:59
sri13potat: Thanks , It is installed07:02
potatwhat about the brightness?07:02
sri13potat: No, it is still the issue07:02
sri13And also battery backup is to bad in ubuntu compared to windows07:03
potatThe battery doesn't last as long?07:03
sri13yup, I think may be graphics driver is taking up all the charge07:04
FernandoCuevais there a utility in ubuntu server that uncompresses zip files? I have no internet on that pc to download unzip07:05
potatThat stinks. I've always had worse battery life on linux07:05
sri13potat: Yup :(07:06
FernandoCuevahow come07:06
potatFernandoCueva: Are you saying you want to know if there is one in the default install?07:06
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:06
potatI would guess it's because Microsoft can work more closely with hardware manufacturers07:07
sri13potat: May be , But what about the brightness issue. Any Idea ?07:08
potatFernandoCueva: I don't think you can do it without unzip07:08
potatFernandoCueva: But can you download the .deb file for it to a flash drive or CD and copy it over?07:09
FernandoCuevayea I'll try dat07:09
potatsri13: Do you have special keys for brightness or do you use "Fn"07:09
FernandoCuevais unzip from gnu07:10
sri13I use f2 and f3 for increasing and decreasing. But no effect in ubuntu07:10
sri13The brightness bar is showing the progress but effect is not there07:11
potatFernandoCueva: yeah http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/unzip07:11
cwill747sri13: What laptop?07:11
sri13hp pavilion dv607:11
potatsri13: Do the other f keys work to do whatever they are supposed to?07:12
potatoh ok07:12
sri13potat: They are working, sound control is working. I checked right now07:13
cwill747sri13: did you check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1503813?07:13
Masroorhow do i create batch file for festival ? so it can work by pressing some command :-/07:14
cwill747sri13: sorry i came into this late, don't know how much people have answered07:14
potatwe just started talking about the brightness issue07:14
sri13cwill747: I didnt check that previously, Thanks I wil go through that07:15
cwill747sri13: np07:15
potatdo what bmach did in post #6 and see if it works07:16
potatMasroor: so do you already have festival working?07:17
pratzhey guys what is the best audio / screen recording software for linux ??07:17
Masrooryeah via terminal07:17
JermB0bhey people07:17
=== JermB0b is now known as JermBob
JermBobjust wondering what is crontab ?07:17
datruth_How can I find broken / held packages?07:18
cwill747JermBob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto07:18
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto07:18
cwill747!cron > JermBob07:18
ubottuJermBob, please see my private message07:18
JermBoblike a startup folder ?07:18
JermBobwill do07:18
cwill747pratz: Byzanz is good, makes a .gif though. Check out http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/record-screen-linux/07:19
potatMasroor: festival --help to see the options07:19
potatMasroor: you can use --batch or --script07:19
pratzcwill747: i want it for audio and screen recording07:19
tsaknorrisHello all. I have problem to see video streams from internet with VLC 'http://www.katsomo.fi/?progId=117693' <-- like that example.07:20
JermBobhey another question07:20
cwill747datruth_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto#How_to_fix_broken_packages07:20
cwill747JermBob: shoot07:20
JermBobi need a updater app07:20
tsaknorristhat katsomo has worked previously with VLC, but not anymore? :/07:21
JermBobused ddclient and didnt have any joy connecting to freedns07:21
cwill747pratz: yeah i think kazam has all of it07:21
cwill747JermBob: did you check the documentation for ddclient? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS07:22
JermBobcwill747: yup no freedns protocol07:24
JermBobtells you how to do it07:24
JermBobthen it doesnt work07:24
JermBobon latest version07:24
cwill747JermBob: yeah i see what you mean07:25
cwill747JermBob: no protocol07:25
potatMasroor: echo "hello" | festival --tts07:25
cwill747JermBob: check out http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Dynamic_DNS#freedns.afraid.org07:25
sud_how synaptic download the packages...i mean i want to modify the download mechanism07:25
JermBobcwill747: tempting to change my dns name just because most of the applications made are for other dns providers.07:25
cwill747JermBob: they have an example at the bottom for config07:25
JermBobcwill747: yeah i used that example and it just errors07:26
JermBobthe line protocol=freedns,                                             \ fails07:26
sud_how synaptic download the packages...i mean i want to modify the download mechanism07:26
sud_how synaptic download the packages...i mean i want to modify the download mechanism07:26
gutzmekevening all07:26
JermBobAs of subversion r111 or releases after 3.8.0, ddclient supports the IP update protocol used by freedns.afraid.org. You can use the configuration examples in the ddclient section above, with the following configuration snippet instead of the protocol=dyndns2 section.07:26
JermBobits not true as im using the latest that apt-get can get and it doesnt give any other help07:27
cwill747what's your ddclient ver?07:27
JermBobcwill747: the latest apt-get gets ?07:27
auronandace!find ddclient07:27
ubottuFound: ddclient07:28
auronandace!info ddclient07:28
ubottuddclient (source: ddclient): address updating utility for dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.0-11.3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 65 kB, installed size 372 kB07:28
JermBobthere we go07:28
JermBobim using the right version07:28
cwill747yeah i gotcha07:28
JermBobit must be a bug07:28
auronandaceJermBob: you on 11.10?07:28
JermBobauronandace: 11.1 server07:28
JermBobWelcome to Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-17-generic-pae i686)07:29
cwill747JermBob: 3.8.1 fixes some freedns problems07:29
cwill747JermBob: "* Fixing #28: FreeDNS.afraid.org changed api slightly"07:29
JermBobcwill747: why isnt apt-get getting the latest version then07:30
cwill747JermBob: apt repos aren't always up to the latest stable version07:30
DrManhattananyone know how to view video out of the s-video port on my hauppauge hvr-1250?07:30
JermBobso time to try this again07:30
JermBobhow can i specify a package for apt-get to get and install ?07:30
cwill747JermBob: You might want to grab the latest version from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ddclient/07:30
JermBobcwill747: just in the process now07:31
cwill747JermBob: you might have to compile it yourself, i have no idea07:31
JermBobfair enough07:31
LukeNukemum i went to recoverry mode to do chown root -R /etc/07:38
LukeNukembut it says read only07:38
LukeNukemsomeone help07:38
airtonixi'm looking for a way to force my marvel sata controller to use the ahci driver instead of the pata driver07:39
auronandaceairtonix: wouldn't that be a bios setting?07:41
abeerYes, that should be a BIOS setting and you should set it to ahci before installing Ubuntu to be on the safe side.07:41
auronandaceZandybar: greetings07:42
potatLukeNukem: Put sudo before it07:44
funkymonki have some gpl license questions that i hope someone here could help clarify07:44
LukeNukempotat, ok also while booting from cd07:44
LukeNukemi get could not load config07:44
cwill747funkymonk: shoot07:45
raidhtcgoodmorning all07:45
StevenCodesfunkyHat,  Ask away07:45
abeerIs anybody here using the one click minimize patch on 12.04?07:45
potatLukeNukem: What do you mean?07:45
newbism_installing alternate from usb results in failng at install software step. I google but get mixed solutions?... Complete error is "An instalations tep failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software"  /var/log/syslog says ubuntu-desktop: Depends: libsasl2-modules but it is not installable recomends: thunderbird-gnome-support but i07:45
auronandaceabeer: 12.04 in #ubuntu+1 until released07:45
LukeNukempotat, i trying to boot up my live cd07:46
LukeNukemand it says07:46
funkymonkcwill747: if I develope an application and what to license it as say Apexh license 2 and I need to include a program that is licensed under GPLv2. Can I do it?07:46
raidhtcThe Ubuntu Countdown:  04 Days left for ubuntu 12.04 LTS07:46
uriol_hi i can't access my blackberry folder in ubuntu, it says permission denied07:46
uriol_it says i am not the owner of the folder07:46
=== slikts_ is now known as Guest56692
raidhtcuriol_, you should try and change ownership . use "sudo chmod 777 /path/to/blackberry "07:47
ghabitHello. If I install ubuntu 12.04 how can I get gnome?07:47
potatLukeNukem: At what point? Right when you boot or after you choose "Try Ubuntu"07:47
ghabitunity is... strange07:47
funkymonkcwill747: I'm trying to understand what exactly pl-compatible code refers to. do it mean i could license my appplication using any gpl-compatible code and still be able to use another gplv2 code in my program?07:47
auronandaceghabit: gnome3?07:47
ghabitauronandace, yes.07:48
Zandybargnone2 is best07:48
uriol_, /media/BLACKBERRY ?07:48
auronandaceghabit: install gnome-shell, 12.04 issues in #ubuntu+1 until released07:48
raidhtcuriol_,  yes if this is where its mounted07:48
auronandaceZandybar: gnome2 is dead07:48
ghabitauronandace, thank you!07:48
auronandaceghabit: no worries :)07:49
uriol_thanks it works07:49
potatfunkymonk: You can only use gpl code in your code if you license it gpl or with a copyleft license07:49
darbeI have upgrade error   http://paste.ubuntu.com/937874/07:49
auronandacefunkymonk: licensing issues aren't really ubuntu support issues07:50
uriol_its only an empty folder07:51
uriol_i don't know what happens07:51
potatfunkymonk: actually you have to license it with GPL07:51
auronandaceuriol_: with 777 that means anyone can access it07:51
darthrHi, what usb portable install should i use if i need adding custom wireless drivers after? thank07:52
funkymonkso i couldn;t even use say a compatible gpl license07:52
uriol_i think its not mounting the device07:52
funkymonkpotat: ^07:52
uriol_because when i plug the usb cable don't do nothing07:52
uriol_but it appears this folder in media07:53
potatfunkymonk: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhatDoesCompatMean07:53
auronandaceuriol_: /media/ is where things automatically mount07:53
cwill747funkymonk: Yeah it has to be under the same licensing. You can't use gpl3 licenses either. check out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/107716/licensing-changing-gplv2-licensed-code-into-gplv3-licensed-code07:54
darbeany idea?     http://paste.ubuntu.com/937874/07:55
celltechHello? Hi. Hows it going? I'm gonna need slight assistance. Would you like to know with what? Ok here it goes. I'm upgrading to 11.10. I guess unity is a resource hog. How do I drop to something super lightweight and superfast thatwon't eat up all my ram?07:56
auronandacedarbe: before upgrading did you have any ppas installed?07:57
dracnoccelltech: you could always install XFCE or LXDE for your desktop environment. Both are light and fast.07:57
raidhtccelltech, you should go for unity-2d to save resources. if you need more light check xfce07:57
darbeauronandace: ppas?07:57
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:57
darbeauronandace: yes alot07:57
serdotlinLXDE for lighter desktop environment. Try Lubuntu.07:58
celltechWhat is lxde and how well does it respond with ubuntu 11.10?07:58
auronandacedarbe: that is your problem, you are meant to remove them before upgrading07:58
funkymonkso if any code that use gplv2 means my code would have to be gplv2. So i couldn't use FreeBSD which is a gpl compatible code07:58
auronandacedarbe: they cause dependency issues07:58
auronandacedarbe: big issues, your system is likely broken now, so you should reinstall07:59
darbeauronandace: i won't reinstall07:59
auronandacedarbe: enjoy a broken system then07:59
darbeauronandace: i will figure it out07:59
dracnoclxde worked very well for me on 11.10 (I'm now on 12.04b2), but I changed my file manager from pcmanfm to thunar07:59
potatcelltech: You can find the Xubuntu desktop and (I think) Lubuntu desktop in Software Center after you upgrade. But you might want to wait for 12.04 (April 26)07:59
darbeauronandace: thank you though07:59
auronandacedarbe: i always avoid ppas, they are nothing but trouble08:00
celltechWell my specs are 120gb hdd, 2.2ghz cpu, and 768mb ram08:00
celltechand I'm looking for light weight and mass speed with very few to almost no hang ups08:00
dracnoccelltech: your specs are enough for both xfce and lxde08:00
ghabit1 more question. Support and updates of gnome-shell will be weaker because main course is unity?08:00
theadmincelltech: Lubuntu or Xubuntu.08:00
ghabitLooking for gnome oriented distro.08:00
theadminghabit: Well, gnome-shell will follow the mainline I suppose. There is a Ubuntu "Gnome Shell remix" but it's not officially supported.08:01
serdotlinLubuntu should be good for your PC. Maybe adding more RAM.08:01
celltechtheadmin: what's the lightest thats still fully functional? Lubuntu or Xubuntu?08:01
theadmincelltech: Define "fully functional".08:01
dracnoccelltech: Lubuntu08:01
celltechFunctional that I can run mass normal ubuntu things on it08:02
potatghabit: If you want a Ubuntu-like distro that's designed to be GNOME Shell integrated check out Linux Mint08:02
celltechand still get all the same awesome out of it08:02
theadmincelltech: Both. Lubuntu is lighter.08:02
serdotlinLubuntu...cpu and ram really light. Energy effient too...08:02
serdotlini mean Lubuntu good for your Laptop battery too...08:02
Zandybarghabit: i run mint with gnome2. its tops!!08:02
celltechtheadmin: So I'll go lubuntu, and I can still install all the same ubuntu software packages and do strip downs of added junk to keep it nice and fast?08:02
theadmincelltech: Sure.08:03
dracnoccelltech: yes.08:03
ghabitZandybar, need fresh version of gnome. And supported. ^)08:03
potatghabit: http://linuxmint.com/rel_lisa_whatsnew.php08:03
celltechBy the way. I hear now you can install one of the *Buntu's on macs now. Is that true?08:03
theadminpotat: Mint is *not* supported.08:03
theadmincelltech: Linux has been running on Macs for quite a while now rather well08:04
RouninHello! I just read yesterday that Oracle's released a complete-ish fsck utility for BTRFS along with a number of improvements http://oss.oracle.com/ol6/docs/RELEASE-NOTES-UEK2-en.html08:04
potatoh i see08:04
celltechAwesome. Caues I'm thinking of getting the new 12core, 4tb mac08:04
RouninDo you guys reckon it'll be appearing in Ubuntu, too, soon?08:04
belovedHow do I install locale sv_SE?; the command     locale -a will provide a list of     available locales.08:04
serdotlinI think Linus Torvalds running Linux on iMac right?08:04
LukeNukemi did08:04
LukeNukemsudo apt-get remove ape08:05
theadminbeloved: Control Center -> Language Support08:05
LukeNukemand it removed a couple of plugins08:05
LukeNukemi think i need to reinstall them, how can i go about doing that08:05
=== vanlong441_ is now known as vanlong441
theadminRounin: Possible. Ubuntu isn't oriented for btrfs, and has always defaulted to the Extended filesystems (ext2/3/4) so.08:06
celltechThe fact that apple has some of the best hardware ever, and some of the fastest computers. I would have to  say  I'm interested in trying linux on a mac machine08:06
potatserdotlin: http://imgur.com/r/battlestations/ktQTB08:06
belovedtheadmin: Would a "Ubuntu i18n" dist include language support for all languages? Trisquel has such variant.08:06
belovedtheadmin: Trisquel has i18n in the title name of a variant that it.08:07
RouninOh, I didn't know that, theadmin... Though now that you mention it, it seems to be getting very little attention overall now08:07
RouninPerhaps people got tired of waiting08:07
theadminbeloved: I don't think this is officially supported. The only officially supported Ubuntu versions are Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Studio, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu.08:07
serdotlinpotat: is that Macbook pro?08:07
datruth_Is there away I can re-install ubuntu on top of ubuntu without re-installing win7?08:07
belovedtheadmin: are there some packages to install "All Language Supports"08:08
airtonixi'm looking for a way to force my marvel sata controller to use the ahci driver instead of the pata driver08:08
theadminbeloved: Not sure, but you could use apt wildcards, such as sudo apt-get install kde-l10n-* (that's for KDE, and the only one I can honestly remember right off the bat)08:09
belovedtheadmin: Sweet.08:09
belovedtheadmin: Check out Trisquel i18n if you are intrested in a 100% free Ubuntu derivate with full language support. DVD sized.08:10
datruth_anyone know where the inbuilt installer is?08:10
theadminbeloved: I honestly am not interested in Ubuntu at all, lol, I'm an Arch user and only ever use the en_US locale anyway.08:10
belovedtheadmin: And thank you for helping me out.08:10
belovedtheadmin: Oh, Thought you were a "Ubuntu Admin" by looking at your nick.08:11
theadminbeloved: Nope. to get a list of admins do: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list08:12
hallofickwe are legion08:12
belovedtheadmin: Your'e sharp as a bot ;)08:12
potatgoodnight all08:13
FernandoCuevaI'm trying to get Midnight commander for jaunty08:15
theadminFernandoCueva: sudo apt-get install mc08:15
theadminFernandoCueva: Owait, jaunty is dead. Upgrade.08:15
FernandoCuevabut I can't find the right one on ubuntu package search only for lucid and hardy and others but not jaunty08:15
theadmin!eol | FernandoCueva08:16
ubottuFernandoCueva: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:16
FernandoCuevaI can't install the new one yet I have no cds and the usb isn't bootable08:16
FernandoCuevaplus the laptop doens't have a floopy drive so I can't even use the plop boot manager08:16
Imre_Good morning guys. VSFTPD anyone?08:17
datruth_Alright fine if I just wipe the entire drive and re-install kubuntu do I install win7 afterwards for a dual boot?08:17
Imre_Why do you need WIn7?08:18
theadmindatruth_: Nope, it's the other way around, Windows first, Ubuntu later08:18
Imre_yeap BTW08:18
theadminFernandoCueva: You can use an alternative-cd ISO to upgrade.08:19
theadminImre_: Your question doesn't make sense. Nobody here is vsftpd ;) Details needed.08:20
datruth_theadmin: thanks do you know of a way to replace my current install of ubuntu without re-installing windows?08:20
theadmindatruth_: Uh, well, you can just re-install Ubuntu without touching windows, no problems there.08:20
Imre_I would like to achive the following:08:20
datruth_theadmin: how can I get the install not to make new partitions but to use the pre-exiting ubunt install?08:21
Imre_erm ... I have to think about it a bit longer, please wait. Buffering :P08:21
llutz_datruth_: the installer has an option to pick existing partitions08:21
theadmindatruth_: Using the advanced partitioning, wipe the current Ubuntu partition and create a new one in place. Then, mount it to /08:21
theadmindatruth_: I also suggest to do a separate /home to make reinstalls and upgrades easier in the future.08:22
datruth_theadmin: hrmm ok08:22
datruth_llutz_: where? and is this option in kubuntu aswell?08:22
theadmindatruth_: The installer is identical in all Ubuntu releases, all of em use Ubiquity.08:22
serdotlinImre: you should seperate root and home partitions, it so much easier to upgrade to new version08:23
llutz_datruth_: like theadmin said: use "advanced" when it comes to disk/partitions08:23
Imre_I'm not the one who want's to upgrade :)08:23
FernandoCuevatheadmin, I have no cds08:23
theadminFernandoCueva: You can use the ISO directly, just mount it: sudo mount -o loop your-alternate-ubuntu-karmic.iso /mnt08:24
theadminFernandoCueva: Then again, Karmic is also dead... em... I have no idea how to solve it to be honest08:24
theadminFernandoCueva: ...Buy a CD? That's no big deal.08:24
datruth_theadmin / llutz_ would manual be considered as advanced?08:24
theadmindatruth_: manual partitioning, I'm not sure how ubiquity calls it anymore.08:24
llutz_datruth_: could be, just check the options it gives you08:25
theadmindatruth_: I'm almost entirely certain it's the last option. That's just Ubuntu style.08:25
Imre_So basicly: Is there a way to just create a folder ( like Uploads ) and then as I add more and more folders in it ( Mike, Alex, Julia, etc... ) the login would work like: username=foldername password=(well, donno how to set up a password this way)08:26
datruth_theadmin: any reason why I wouldn't beable to format the paritions? when I select the pre-existing one I can't format nor define a / mount path08:28
=== JermB0b is now known as JermBob
theadmindatruth_: That's odd...08:29
theadmindatruth_: Wait, let me run through a basic Ubuntu install in a sec. Which version are you using exactly? I'll tell you how to do it08:29
datruth_kubuntu 12.04 LTS08:30
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+108:31
theadmindatruth_: Eh, Precise is unreleased and unsupported. Visit #ubuntu+1 for help with it.08:31
Imre_Is there no support for me here? Only manuals? :(08:37
phpN00bhow do I set the size of scrolbars back to the way it was? right now it is extremely narrow.08:37
xslhello all, precise does not have a linux-server kernel? i did a do-release-upgrade and it replaced linux-image-3.0.0-17-server with linux-image-
mrsuchyPLphpN00b u can set it in settings08:38
TellmarchHello, how to disable a service in ubuntu?08:38
phpN00bmrsuchyPL, where exactly?08:38
mrsuchyPLSystem -> Preferences08:39
llutz_Tellmarch: or use sysv-rc-conf08:39
mrsuchyPLand there u have08:39
shouldesxsl, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all08:40
TellmarchI don't see anything in System-> Preferences about services08:41
mrsuchyPLTellmarch system -> administration and there you have monitor system08:42
mrsuchyPLin this option u cane shoutdown any service do you want08:42
TellmarchI don't want to just shutdown it, I want to disable it08:42
theadminTellmarch: Stuff under /etc/init/ that ends in .conf specifies services. Rename it in such a way that it doesn't end in .conf, for instance something.conf -> something.conf.DISABLED08:42
Tellmarchlike in my old linux i'd rename the file in rc5.d, i was wondering if there is a graphical utility in ubuntu08:43
Tellmarchbut i guess not :)08:43
shouldesTellmarch, /etc/xdg/autostart ?08:43
theadminshouldes: ...That's got nothing to do with services whatsoever08:43
Tellmarchshouldes, no, it's not there, it's services... something that can be run with "service" for instance08:44
Tellmarch(in my case i have wicd and network manager installed, i'd like to disable wicd for now)08:45
mrsuchyPLTellmarch: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications ?08:45
Tellmarchthat's just the graphical application08:45
Tellmarchnot the service08:45
theadminTellmarch: sudo service wicd stop && sudo mv /etc/init/wicd.conf /etc/init/wicd.conf.DISABLED08:45
mrsuchyPLthe admin wicd this is a wirless aplication ?08:46
theadminmrsuchyPL: Yeah, it's a networkmanager alternative.08:46
mrsuchyPLI see08:46
Tellmarchtheadmin, there is no wicd.conf there ,but ok, if it's just the usual command tools i know the "old way" to do it08:46
theadminmrsuchyPL: Stands for "Wireless Internet Connection Daemon" methinks08:46
TellmarchmrsuchyPL, yes it allows to choose a specific AP, networkmanager doesn't08:47
theadminTellmarch: I'd like to point out that Ubuntu doesn't use systemV Init anymore, so you have no rcN.d directories or /etc/init.d/ (well, you do, but that ain't what you're normally looking for)08:47
Tellmarchtheadmin, hmm, really? i'm in 10.04, maybe it has changed since then?08:47
Tellmarchi don't have the wicd.conf in init08:48
theadminUuuh... Tellmarch, I'm not sure when upstart was introduced, I think it was 9.10, but in 10.04 the migration process is still not complete I *think*.08:48
llutz_Tellmarch: the old sysV-style scripts still exist, upstart manages them08:48
Tellmarchwicd isn't an upstart job i think08:48
theadminTellmarch: Ah okay, listen to llutz_, he knows better.08:48
Tellmarchat least it doesn't tell me when i start it by init.d08:48
Tellmarch(unlike network manager)08:48
Tellmarchwell, thanks for the help08:49
alextonehello. I have a question. I started my wife's computer this morning, and in the workspace switcher applet, there is a small rectangle that shows, indicating an app in the window, yet there's no app in the window. (11.10 unity) how can i find which app is running in the window? I've tried htop, and gone through the processes there, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.08:49
airtonixif I attempt to modify the /etc/modprobe.d/something.conf with contents of : options ahci marvell_enable=1, and regen the initrd, it still uses pata_marvel instead of ahci kernel module...08:50
alextonethe switcher is set to defalut 4, and the small app indicator shows in workspace 1.08:50
shouldesTellmarch, /etc/default/wicd → START_DAEMON=    e     /etc/xdg/autostart/wicd-tray.desktop ?08:59
Tellmarchshouldes, oh, thanks, that should work08:59
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:00
theadminReXHaviK: That doesn't quite help anyone's questions -- if you're looking for help from ubottu for yourself, !msgthebot09:01
theadmin!msgthebot > ReXHaviK09:01
ubottuReXHaviK, please see my private message09:01
ReXHaviKtheadmin, the anyone was me, i have the sound issues, and i needed the link to troubleshoot my sound issues, thnks09:02
ReXHaviKtheadmin, call it self help09:03
khmerogi just installed ubuntu 11.04 alongside of windows 7..during installation it asked me to pick "disk space" size from 1GB - 30GB..what does this option mean?09:03
theadminReXHaviK: Well, just saying you should PM the bot next time you want such self help.09:04
theadminkhmerog: You installed via the Windows installer? Awful idea. Generally, this sets how much disk space is dedicated to Ubuntu's virtual drive, how much it can use.09:04
khmerogwhy is it awful idea?09:04
theadminkhmerog: Because wubi has always been half-broken.09:05
khmerogi dont have a cd rom for my net book09:05
ReXHaviKtheadmin, yes, something to consider, excuse me, i have sound issues to resolve now09:05
theadminkhmerog: You can install Ubuntu from USB.09:05
khmerogso i think this is the only way to install ub09:05
merryman540I have a 4gb mini memory card in a usb card reader. When  I plug the reader with the memory stick into the system it says it a read only. Which it shouldn't be of course. Would really appreciate how to configure something to get it back or recognised as a read+write media again.09:05
___MAXhi, any one know good vpn client work under wine09:05
merryman540reader with memory card I should have said09:06
merryman540bad me09:06
khmerogtheadmin can u explain "dedicated to Ubuntu vitrual drive" to me09:06
khmerogis it a drive where i can download music/videos and will be stored there?09:06
khmeroghi __Max09:06
khmerogu sob09:06
theadminkhmerog: Well, when you install with Wubi, it creates a virtual hard disk inside a file (kinda like ISO images for CD drives, I guess), which Ubuntu gets installed to, and which Ubuntu writes all it's info to.09:06
___MAXImre: like cisco  client09:07
Lintkhmerog, you should have /host directory containing the real disk09:07
Imre_How can I make a .sh file to be accessable in terminal just like the common terminal commands?09:07
TellmarchImre_, you can put it in a folder that is in your $PATH09:08
theadminImre_: sudo mv yourfile.sh /usr/local/bin/yourfile && sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/yourfile && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/yourfile09:08
Imre_Thank you!09:09
khmerogcoool Lint09:10
theadminImre_: Or, simplier: sudo install -o root -g root -m 755 yourfile.sh /usr/local/bin/09:10
Imre_da best :D09:10
khmerogLint i just see all my windows 7 files09:10
khmerogi have access to them too !09:11
khmerogim trying to find this 30gb file that theadmin is talking about..i did find it once09:11
theadminkhmerog: Wubi installs to $drive_you_chose/ubuntu/disks/root.disk09:11
electronics-catyou mean the internet explorer update file09:12
Imre_This is getting better and better. :)09:12
khmerog_i got disconnected09:12
theadminkhmerog: Wubi installs to $drive_you_chose/ubuntu/disks/root.disk09:12
merryman540I have a pastebin image for the fstab + the blkid if that helps: http://pastebin.com/P3WRcv1r09:12
khmerog_ok let me try to find09:12
Imre_Now only one question: Do you know a good filebrowser with built in FTP Browser? Nauilus didn't do the trick09:12
theadminImre_: Thunar, Dolphin, PCManFM...09:13
Tellmarchwell konqueror does it for sure... but it's heavy...09:13
Imre_I have LXDE09:13
theadminImre_: (not so sure about that last one to be honest, but I *think* it does it, just type the ftp:// url in your address bar)09:13
khmerog_found it thanks..okay theadmin..so what would be the diff. next time if i choosed 5gb or even 1gb next time i installed ubstead of 3009:14
Imre_naa, I need an easier. The system I creating has to be an "out of the box" one. For me it is stupid, but that's what I have to09:14
Imre_theadmin_: You are many, many help for me. :) Really09:15
theadminImre_: Uh, thanks. I have no _ in my nickname, though.09:16
Imre_just don'T know how to whisper09:17
theadminImre_: "whisper"? lol, RPG term much. To send a highlight, "nickname: message". To send a private message, "/msg nickname message", or sometimes, "/query nickname message".09:18
khmerog_theadmin did u see my question?09:18
Imre_theadmin: Thanks :P :D09:18
theadminkhmerog_: Yeah, but I don't understand what you're saying.09:18
khmerog_doesnt matter u advised me not to install the way i did09:19
khmerog_so i should install from usb09:19
theadminkhmerog_: Yeah, well. You really should install from USB or CD.09:19
khmerog_im guessing i need to partition right?09:19
theadminkhmerog_: Yeah, but you can do it during the install.09:19
airtonixi need some help getting this sata card using ahci instead of pata_marvel : http://dpaste.com/735484/09:19
khmerog_does my usb have to be clean/formatted with only the iso on there?09:20
khmerog_becuase i have bunch of files on my usb drive09:20
theadminkhmerog_: You don't just put the ISO on a USB stick, you use some tool like LinuxLive USB Creator.09:20
theadminkhmerog_: But yes, you'll have format to vfat.09:20
theadminairtonix: I'm not sure, but a udev rule maybe?09:21
theadminairtonix: (as I said, not sure, just the first idea which comes to mind when I need to force a device to do/be something is an udev rule ;)09:22
o0tjaxt0oIs there a channel favorites in xchat?09:22
airtonixtheadmin: bios is also set to ahci mode, bios sees the 4 2tb drives and so does the raid daughter board in question (when it prints its post display)09:22
alextonehello. I have a question. I started my wife's computer this morning, and in the workspace switcher applet, there is a small rectangle that shows, indicating an app in the workspace (WS 1 of 4 which is the default), yet there's no app in the workspace itself in the screen. (11.10 unity) how can i find which app is running in the workspace? I've tried htop, and gone through the processes there, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.09:23
mhzarei /join #ubuntu+109:26
ashjashi anybody here .. who has ben trying ubuntu 12 betas??09:28
khmerog_ohh shoot\09:28
khmerog_do i need to uninstal this ubuntu live version first?09:28
theadminashjas: /join #ubuntu+109:28
ashjas@theadmin ok thanks...09:29
khmerog_should i join too?09:29
khmerog_since i have lots of questions09:30
Jordan_Ukhmerog_: First, Wubi isn't what I would call a "live version" of Ubuntu. You don't need to remove Wubi before doing a normal dual boot install, though it might be better just to avoid confusion between the two.09:30
khmerog_is ubuntu 12 beta ppretty stable? or should i just install ubuntuo 11.10 which i just downloaed 5 min ago09:31
Jordan_Ukhmerog_: There are good instructions for putting Ubuntu on a USB stick, and the rest of the install process, at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:31
Tellmarchkhmerog, 12.04 will be released in a few days09:31
khmerog_beta? or lts ?09:33
khmerog_i just wasted 700mb of bandwidth09:33
Tellmarchkhmerog, release on 26th iirc09:33
monadisthas anyone succesfully archived their account on facebook?09:33
carroarmato0Tellmarch, khmerog_: yep, 26th09:34
FernandoCuevawhat is linux ppc?09:34
khmerog_kk...i guess ill download it the first of next month09:34
monadisthow long does it take...?09:34
SwashBucklahow do you get a script to run at login?09:34
khmerog_pocket pc09:34
SwashBucklausually it's .xinitrc09:34
teroum does ubuntu has anything similiar to system restore in windows?09:35
SwashBucklabut that only works if you start a User Defined Session i09:35
airtonixtero: it does if you use zfs and zfs-auto-snapshot09:36
teroa what? :)09:36
terohm i guess i was looking for GUI one click solution09:36
teroso i guess no?09:36
airtonixi just said yes09:36
airtonixso i guess yes?09:36
Tellmarchyou said "yes IF"09:37
Tellmarchand that's a big IF :)09:37
khmerog_if i install ubuntu 11.10 and when 12.04 comes out can i just update?09:37
teroi guess this was never impemented http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/1230/09:37
fidelkhmerog_: yes09:37
Tellmarchkhmerog, though in my opinion it's often best to do a fresh install...09:38
Tellmarchyou get something cleaner :)09:38
airtonixTellmarch: yes if is much closer to yes than no09:40
merryman540I have a 4gb mini memory card in a usb card reader. When  I plug the reader with the memory card into the system it says it a read only. Which it shouldn't be of course. Any suggestions?09:42
gleb__merryman540: tried formatting?09:43
khmerogk i created the usb startup disk09:43
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khmerogim using xhat to chat on irc,...anyone else?09:45
merryman540gleb: er no actually ... er I can't remember really lol. Can you tell me if it should be listed in my fstab?09:45
merryman540gleb__: er no actually ... er I can't remember really lol. Can you tell me if it should be listed in my fstab?09:46
malvikaI cannot seem to get the internet connection to connect within VMWare Ubuntu.09:47
malvikahost machine is windows vista09:48
Thetemalvika: You install vmware tools?09:48
gleb__merryman540: i dont think so09:48
malvikaThete : what tools09:48
SwashBucklahow do you get a script to run at login? usually I use .xinitrc, but that only runs when I select User Defined Session from the Login Manager09:49
SwashBucklaI want a script to run a login regardless of what type of X Session I select09:49
malvikaunable to run internet on ubuntu (on vmware) host machine is vista through wifi09:50
malvikaunable to run internet on ubuntu (on vmware) host machine is vista through wifi09:51
merryman540gleb__: I partitioned and formatted it in another linux system. My brain isn't working how would I format it here?09:52
malvikaunable to run internet on ubuntu (on vmware) host machine is vista through wifi09:53
khmerogwhen i minimize xchat it doesnt show it on the taskbar09:53
merryman540gleb__: does it have to be unmounted ot format it?09:53
khmeroganyone else has this problem?09:53
gleb__merryman540: ehm.. e.g. install parted and do it via it09:53
khmerogand desksrcibe doesnt work 4 me09:54
merryman540gleb__: ok thanks09:54
gleb__merryman540: yeap, unmount it)09:54
carroarmato0malvika: check in vmware if you're using a NAT connection for the VM, and if that still doesn't do it, install the Guest Packages09:54
MonkeyDustmalvika  in the VM, change NAT to bridged, to make a logical bridge to your existing network09:55
malvikamonkeydust: itried with bridged its not working either09:56
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malvikacarroarmato8 what guest packages to be installed09:56
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carroarmato0malvika: if you check in the menu's of Vmware, you should be able to see an option to install additional packages in the guest09:57
Thetethe vmware guest tools I was telling you09:57
malvikaunable to run internet on ubuntu (on vmware) host machine is vista through wifi09:57
merryman540gleb__: any idea how to get any files off it now that I can't apparently mount it-(LOL)09:57
Thetemalvika: http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_newguest_tools_linux.html09:58
malvikaThete: k09:58
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nickelHello Guys, I'm trying to install snmp on my server and already followed several configurations tutorials but it does not work....don't know what to do, I want to be able to monitor it from my cacti server10:02
TheteUbuntu has really come a long way, I'm loving this10:02
TheteI used to hate it10:02
captainjamieDoes anyone know how I install "Avadon: The Black Fortress" which I got from the Humble Bundle? I don't know what type of file it is, it's not a .deb10:12
theadmincaptainjamie: Well, what's the extension?10:12
SwashBucklahow do you get a script to run at login? usually I use .xinitrc, but that only runs when I select User Defined Session from the Login Manager10:13
SwashBucklaI want a script to run a login regardless of what type of X Session I select10:13
SwashBucklaat login*10:13
SwashBucklacaptainjamie: type the command  $file <file you want to know the type of>10:14
theadminSwashBuckla: How about putting something like [ -z $DISPLAY ] || /path/to/your/script10:14
theadminSwashBuckla: In your .profile, that is10:14
SwashBucklatheadmin: where?10:14
SwashBucklaah ok, thanks10:14
the_drowhow do I run a script after the installation is done? Should I use the kickstart post event or some other method?10:15
SwashBucklatheadmin: why am I testing to see if DISPLAY is zero?10:16
SwashBucklaand then not doing anything10:16
captainjamieSwashBuckla: it says "Downloads/avadon-linux-1331768904-bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped"10:16
SwashBucklacaptainjamie: you can probably chmod +x the binary, and just run it like   ./avadon-linux-...10:17
SwashBucklago into Downloads obviously10:17
SwashBucklaand run it from there with    ./<filename here>10:17
SwashBuckla$chmod +x <filename> makes it executable (if it isn't already)10:17
the_drowSwashBuckla: maybe you need upstart?10:18
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SwashBucklathe_drow: maybe I do?10:18
the_drowSwashBuckla: http://upstart.ubuntu.com10:18
theadminSwashBuckla: Well, uh, the basic idea is "unless DISPLAY is 0-length, run the script"10:18
the_drow"how do you get a script to run at login? usually I use .xinitrc, but that only runs when I select User Defined Session from the Login Manager"10:18
the_drowProbably. It has such an event that you can hook on.10:19
captainjamieSwashBuckla: Thanks, it worked perfectly!10:19
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SwashBucklacaptainjamie: no problem10:19
SwashBucklathe_drow: yeah that sounds like what I want10:20
SwashBucklaI'll try that out10:20
the_drownow I'm looking for a method to run a script once10:20
SwashBucklaI'm surprised that I wasn't inundated with responses10:20
SwashBucklaas what I want to do is quite comon10:20
SwashBucklaI was used to just whacking everything in .xinitrc, but Ubuntu disregards that unless it's explicitly a User Defined Sessions10:21
the_drowRunning a script once after the installation is also very common, but it seems that there is no trivial way to do it.10:21
ngomeswhen 12.04 is out ?10:21
SwashBucklathe_drow: after installation of what?10:21
theadminngomes: Ask in #ubuntu+110:21
the_drowSwashBuckla: of ubuntu10:22
carroarmato0ngomes: in about 4 days10:22
SwashBucklathat sounds like something you want to bundle into a livecd10:22
ubottuboriccu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:22
the_drowI'm wondering if Kickstart %post can do what I want10:22
ngomeshmm ok , i've tried update-manager -d but if failed to upgrade10:22
the_drowngomes: it's not here yet10:23
ngomesthat should explain why it failed10:23
carroarmato0good things happen to those who wait :P10:23
carroarmato0unless you're waiting for a bufferoverflow10:23
ngomesbut it shows upgrade available tho ...10:23
carroarmato0ngomes: what kind of upgrade? to 12.04 ??10:24
the_drowSwashBuckla: I want to be able to run this after the installation of ubuntu https://github.com/thedrow/devenv-python/blob/master/bootstrap.sh10:25
ngomescarroarmato0, yes10:25
ngomes11.10 to 12.0410:25
ngomesupdate....························^^^···^  ·10:26
ngomesops sorry10:26
ngomesupdate-manager -d shows available10:26
the_drowSwashBuckla: I'm wondering if kickstart can do so in it's post event10:27
SwashBucklawould i t be something you include in a custom livecd?10:27
carroarmato0ngomes: -d, --devel-release10:28
SwashBuckla(@ the_drow )10:28
the_drowkinda. I'd prefer installation over network.10:28
SwashBucklathis channel is a bit too busy to not include nick: prefix10:28
CellTechI could lightening speed my computer up and use my spare 120gb drive as a swapspace drive :)10:28
SwashBucklathe_drow: oh right10:28
the_drowSwashBuckla: I'm writing a series of blog posts about selecting and installing an OS development workstation for python10:29
SwashBucklahow are you installing Ubuntu over the network? Surely that has an exit code10:29
SwashBucklaand you can just run your command afterwards in the sequence10:29
the_drowusing kickstart10:30
sebrockwhere are personal packages discussed?10:30
Dr_willis_sebrock,  clarify what you mean.10:30
MonkeyDustsebrock  if you mean PPAs, contact the maintainer10:30
sebrockDr_willis_: ok10:31
the_drowSwashBuckla: I know I can run my command after using %post but I'm actually not sure in what state the OS is. Can it run everything as usual? If I login and run my script from the shell will the results be the same?10:31
SwashBucklathe_drow: I have no experience doing what you're doing..10:31
SwashBucklaso good luck, lemme know if you find a solution as I'm intruigued10:31
the_drowSwashBuckla: there is not much documentation of real world use cases regarding automated installation.10:32
the_drowSwashBuckla: I'm a developer, not an IT expert.10:32
the_drowSwashBuckla: btw, http://omerkatz.com10:33
ngomesis there a easy way to change language in ubuntu ?10:34
ngomesi want it in english10:34
SwashBucklathe_drow: oh cool. That might come in handy :)10:35
SwashBucklait's good that you're documenting it10:36
ngomesSystem/Administration/Language Support/Install Remove Languages10:38
ngomescan anyone tell me what cli command is this ?10:38
jribngomes: install the corresponding language pack in apt10:39
ngomesjrib, apt-get ?10:39
pea_braindear all, i have a remote server. i updated the OS ( ubuntu 10.04 ) to latest updates and rebooted. now, there is no one in office as it is a sunday and the server has come back online partially. that is, only apache service has started the mysqld and even sshd has not started. is there a way out ? is anyone facing such issues with the latest 10.04 lts server updates ? is there a way to prioritize sshd so that i can still control the server in such sit10:39
jribngomes: apt-get install language-pack-WHATEVER10:40
ngomesjrib, ok10:40
jribpea_brain: if ssh is down, then you need to go into the office10:40
pea_brainhow to prioritize sshd to startup first ?10:41
jribpea_brain: you don't even know what's wrong yet :)10:41
pea_brainjrib: very true.10:42
ngomesjrib, i did, still using old language10:43
jribngomes: yes, that just enables support.  You still need to choose your language at the login screen10:43
pea_brainjrib: is there something similar to interactive mode startup in ubuntu, so that i can send a support person and try to get the server up ?10:43
ngomesjrib, ok , gonna try it10:44
fl1bbl3look at the S<number> scripts in rc.d10:44
jribpea_brain: not really, but I'd go look at what's on the screen first10:44
fl1bbl3thats how you prioritise stuff to start before other stuff10:44
jribfl1bbl3: keep in mind ubuntu now uses upstart for a lot of init scripts10:44
fl1bbl3ah ok, tbh haven't had to mess with that stuff for ages (clearly).  Thanks jrib10:45
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olimakLooking for step-by-step help to install a wired network card driver in Ub 10.04.10:51
pea_brainThanks to all, I will try to send someone to the office ;)10:52
neptahow can i add some script at boot?10:54
jribnepta: what script?10:54
neptasomething like gdm or more generally a10:55
neptamy own bash script*10:55
jribnepta: be more specific...10:57
neptai want to execute a specific command (for reverse ssh things) every time my computer reboot10:58
jribnepta: for something like that you should probably just use @reboot in cron10:58
ngomesnepta, /etc/rc.local , put there your specific command10:59
alo21where are printers drivers in Ubuntu11:05
ngomesalo21, activate CUPS and then manage it at http://localhost:63111:06
Happyyes CUPS11:06
alo21ngomes: yes.. but I would know their location in Ubuntu11:06
ngomesHappy, what do you want ?11:08
Happyjust watching - sorry11:09
ngomesalo21, why is that so important ?11:12
alo21ngomes: because Linux is famous for its freedom to modify11:13
ngomesi only found some at /usr/share/ppd/ , not not quite the full database that cups have it11:14
oCeanalo21: see /usr/share/cups/drv and subdirs under /usr/lib/cups11:15
alo21oCean: thanks... I knew the driver were written in C or C++ an not in Python11:18
ngomesthe driver is a txt file with parameters ... ?11:20
ngomesknown as PPD files ?11:20
icerootngomes: postscript printer description which is using the postscript driver11:23
icerootngomes: so you only need a description/parameter for the printer11:23
pneftalihi guys how can i reset the time settings on my machine ? i want to reset it to utc11:23
ngomesiceroot, so , the description/parameter is generated by postscript driver11:24
icerootngomes: no, generated by the maintainer who is providing the file11:24
icerootngomes: manufactor or someone like that11:24
ngomesmanufactors put available PPD files11:26
ngomesi did install mine based on that11:26
gogetaSlow morning11:28
nik90guys I need your help, I am unable to boot into 12.0411:33
nik90I get the following error message11:34
nik90mount = mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/0e6a2375.... on /root failed = invalid argument mount = mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory mount = mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory mount = mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory  Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init = bootarg  BusyBox  V1.18.5 (V1.18.5-1Ubuntu4) built in shell (11:34
nik90mount = mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/0e6a2375.... on /root failed = invalid argument mount = mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory mount = mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory mount = mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory  Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init = bootarg  BusyBox  V1.18.5 (V1.18.5-1Ubuntu4) built in shell (11:34
nik90how do I fix this?11:34
ngomesmaybe using a rescue CD and reconfigure grub11:35
nik90It was working fine minutes back...and I just rebooted11:35
nik90and this happened11:35
nik90all of a sudden11:35
nik90do you have a link where I can get more instructions?11:36
linxeh12.04 is final now ?11:36
ngomesnot yet11:36
KM0201linxeh: few more days11:36
linxehthats what I thought11:36
wodemaye_how can i revive my gnome panel?11:36
linxehnik90: For support with 12.04 beta, /join #ubuntu+1 channel11:37
wodemaye_it's crashed and hasn't restarted itself but firefox, and xchat are both still running.  but alt-f2 doesn't work11:37
nik90linxeh: thanks11:37
wodemaye_i can still switch VTs though.11:37
sddhrthrtubuntu 12.04?11:42
sddhrthrtwhat is the channel, again?11:42
auronandace!topic | sddhrthrt11:42
ubottusddhrthrt: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:42
pangolinsddhrthrt, #ubuntu+111:44
sddhrthrtyeah, got it :) pangolin11:45
fsdfasdfnone wud sayy anyting11:52
valentina92hi all11:53
fsdfasdfI raelly cant handle dis not with so many poeple11:53
fsdfasdfand it wud not stop11:53
valentina92people help me please; my notebook's voulme doesnt work11:53
valentina92i dont know what to do11:54
ngomeswhat part does not work11:54
valentina92i try to listen mp3 or radio and i dont hear anything11:55
valentina92pls help me11:55
Vergudothis is a sad day11:55
Vergudocould Ubuntu servers help our website?11:56
valentina92maybe you know any command to input11:56
ngomesvalentina92, did it worked before ?11:56
valentina92yes it worked before11:56
deb0Hi, does ubuntu turn off swap in certain systems automatically?11:56
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ReezyShut the fuck up11:57
deb0It was turned off, even though I specified a partition for it at installation.11:57
ReezySHUT UP11:57
valentina92anybody can help me11:58
ngomesdeb0, something failed to lauch  swapon11:58
yeats!sound | valentina9211:58
ubottuvalentina92: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:58
deb0ngomes: oK thanks11:58
valentina92ty but is there any terminal way?11:59
yeatsvalentina92: have you read through all of the links provided by ubottu?12:00
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NightwalkerkgI have tried installing ubuntu 12.04 but i have noticed that network manager isn't detecting my network card and i can't acess the internet.Is there an alternative to NM and is there a way to install it without the network connection?12:21
ngomesNightwalkerkg, if your network card listed in sudo ifconfig as device ?12:23
newbismI'm trying to install Alternative with software raid, yet it fails at installing ubuntu-desktop. I read on google that installing from usb in possibly the problem anyone confirm this?12:32
SireRickOfJamesHey there. Is anyone here using a QNAP NAS Storage? I have a problem regarding the iTunes server support.12:32
TomLMSomeone on remote desktop did that. :S12:33
TomLMSomeone on remote desktop did that. :S12:34
pangolinin that case, secure your system and PM when you do.12:34
yeatsnewbism: are you able to see the log message for when ubuntu-desktop installation fails? (Alt-F4 in alternate CD)12:36
BuboI linked the dropbox to an account, but it couldn't be started because of permission error.. any idea ?12:37
newbism_yeats: yes, /var/log/messages (or is it syslog, been a while since I been on ubuntu) .. says dep error installing ubuntu-desktop because of libsasl2-modules  basically https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/856092 excactly12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856092 in Ubuntu "11.10 beta1 alternate install broken dependency libsasl2-modules xserver-xorg-video-ati" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:43
nerdseederHI :) I need some help12:43
nerdseederI just mess up with my boot manager grub while configuring it for windows dual boot and now i can not boot in my system how can i fix this with a ubuntu live cd i am using ubuntu 11.1012:45
nerdseederplease help me :(12:47
OerHeksnerdseeder, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB212:48
user__good morning13:06
Bearnikhi all13:06
user__I have xubuntu installed and just downloaded docky. How do I get rid of the black square around it? it said something about activating desktop something.13:07
etzerdhello all13:07
etzerdhow can I add files to the desktop?13:08
user__etzerd, what linux you have?13:08
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etzerdversion 1213:08
user__I don't think they support that yet, but you should be able to drag and drop. Newbie here13:09
etzerdwehn I click a file on the side bar it take couple second before start.13:09
user__how much memory are you running?13:10
etzerdwhen I tried to drag and drop it just remove it from the side bar and it doesn't add it to the desktop.13:10
etzerdI have 3 G memory13:10
user__I don't know man, sorry. I don't use 12, I did one time and hated it. I now use 10.04 LTS13:11
etzerdis there a way I can swith to the old menu?13:11
user__However I just installed xubuntu 11 on a slower desktop and am having trouble configuring it.13:11
etzerdI'm moving back to version 10.13:12
etzerduser__ thanks13:12
user__I wish I could have helped but I don't think there is anybody else in here. lol I can't get anyody to help me.13:12
user__good morning ruman13:13
rumanv good morning13:13
CoJaBo..Is there anything that can trascode/cut/edit/anything a .rm file on linux?13:13
rumanis any one there13:14
jribCoJaBo: have you tried ffmpeg and mencode?13:14
oCeanuser__: please don't use lmgtfy in here13:15
CoJaBojrib: ffmpeg gives some format error, mencoder just freezes on frame 6.13:15
user__ok sorry, lol, because I have no clue, I'm a newbie myself13:15
jribCoJaBo: and mplayer can play it?13:16
CoJaBouser__: I've already tried the obvious.13:16
rumani just want know about system hardware configuration13:16
oCeanuser__: if you are not confident you are able to help, please just sit back and watch13:16
CoJaBojrib: mplayer and vlc will play it, but cannot seek.13:16
jribCoJaBo: what mencoder command are you issuing?13:16
user__Now I get the attention of the gurus, but yet when I ask a question I can't get any response. I feel like I'm in school again, only attention I could get was when I was bad.13:17
jribuser__: please stick to support13:17
CoJaBojrib: mencoder tvrec.rm -ovc raw -oac pcm -o out.avi13:18
CoJaBoAny -ovc option does the same, tthats just the last i tried..13:18
user__ok fine, here is the question again. How to get rid of the black square around my docky in xubuntu?13:18
jribCoJaBo: try #mplayer.  I know I've seen rm transcoded using mencoder somewhere, but I'm not sure of the details13:19
rumanhow can we install ubuntu on intel p4 system with 512 Mb of ram13:21
CoJaBo...huh. I just found, apperently ffmpeg is able to encode the video if I ignore the audio, and mplayer barfs if I encode the video but can create an audio-only broken file if i tell it to copy the video.13:21
rumanany one can help me13:21
jribruman: try the alternate install?  You may want to consider a lighter desktop environment than unity (like xfce for example)13:22
jrib!alternate | ruman13:22
zykotick9ruman: with 512RAM you should probably check out lubuntu (ubuntu recommends 1GB minimum)13:22
ubotturuman: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:22
jrib!xubuntu | ruman13:22
ubotturuman: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:22
compdocruman, try the Lightweight GUI alternative (Xubuntu and Lubuntu)13:22
compdocruman:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements13:22
rumanok fine yhanx13:22
=== optikx is now known as Sxream
rumanthanks to all ..let me do this13:24
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Carl_MillerHey all, Studio 11.10 here13:26
rumanwill  i able to run sofphone on lubuntu or any othe lighter version.....13:26
Carl_MillerAMD Catalyst Control Centre says I can only go up to 1600x1200 when I know for a fact that I can get 1920x108013:26
Carl_Millerhow do I put in custom resolutions?13:26
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amitbhows yuour experience with upgrading oneiric to precise? I am currently doing it..13:29
theadmin!precise | amitb13:29
ubottuamitb: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+113:29
compdoc12.04 should be released soon13:30
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CoJaBoCarl_Miller: ..is it detecting the monitor correctly?13:32
Carl_MillerCoJaBo, it detects it as an Analog Monitor13:32
Carl_Millerwhich is correct enough because I'm using VGA13:32
CoJaBolol, can vga even do 1920x1080? oddly enough, mine refused to detect the dvi one at max res till i removed the vga one (tho that was with dual monitors and an nvidia card)13:34
compdoc1600x1200 should be a top range, dont you have a choice of the rez you want as a lower rez??13:34
Carl_MillerCoJaBo, yes it can13:35
Carl_MillerThis exact monitor, this exact gfx card, and this exact computer can go up to 1920x1080 on the Redmond OS13:35
Carl_MillerSo, how do I add custom resolutions?13:37
diverdudeHello, is there any software i can use to change the framerate of a movie so that i can make it run twice as fast?13:38
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CoJaBodiverdude: Tried avidemux?13:39
humdrumHi, I'm having partition issues. I was dual booting vista and Ubuntu 11.10 but decided to remove sda1(NTFS) with gparted.iso, thinking I could reallocate this space to my linux partition. When I try to do this, I get an error to do with overlapping partitions. Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.13:40
diverdudeCoJaBo: can i also use that to cut parts of the movie away?13:40
CoJaBodiverdude: yes13:41
CoJaBoCarl_Miller: Nvidia's just saved the resolution to the X config files- if ATI's happens to be the same, it may work to change it there13:42
=== GLoG is now known as BReI
compdocCarl_Miller, according to google, you can modify xorg.conf  :   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/video-resolution-issue-for-ubuntu-10-04-a-809681/13:42
humdrumIs there anybody who could help me with the above issue, or direct me to somewhere that may be able to help? Thanks.13:44
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hydesteranybody using a sony handycam (hdr-cx190, 210, etc.) an downloading the videos successfully and played via linux?  i'm deciding if this is the camera i want to buy13:46
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CoJaBok, so I just finished encoding 4.5 hours of H.264 video at ntsc resolution in 30 mins, on a netbook. Something tells me this file is gonna be either the wrong codec or broken -_-'13:46
CoJaBohydester: What format does it record to, is what matters.13:47
=== SuX is now known as glog
compdocthats more work than netbooks were ever meant to do13:47
CoJaBocompdoc: yeh, mustve had the wrong option to ffmpeg or something.. I ended up with a scaled down divx file that lookks even more like barf than the input did wth ;/13:50
NurseDadis ubuntu tweak in the software center?13:51
zykotick9NurseDad: nope13:51
zykotick9NurseDad: well, not in the default repos anyways13:52
NurseDadhow do i add more repos13:52
synapsesoftware center -> other13:53
synapseor add to sources.lst13:53
zykotick9synrat: fyi the filename is sources.list and you probably shouldn't be editing it manually (under most circumstances)13:54
donidonidonibhey guys13:54
zykotick9tabfail sorry synrat, was aimed at synapse but i guess they left13:54
forevishi, i would like a player like winamp, that i could play radio online with winamp file....13:55
donidonidonibcan someone help me? i'm trying to install a usb-nic (10/100mbit) and it does not work13:55
zykotick9forevis: audacious is very winamp-like, not sure it has your feature requirement13:55
donidonidonibos: ubuntu server 1013:55
forevisthanks i will try13:55
theadmindonidonidonib: Is usbnet loaded?13:56
theadmindonidonidonib: sudo modprobe usbnet13:56
donidonidoniblsmod says yes13:56
theadmindonidonidonib: Hm, then it's weird. Well, does "sudo ip link set usb0 up" do anything?13:57
donidonidonib"cannot find device "usb0"13:57
zykotick9theadmin: i'm just curious, USB ethernet show up as usb0/usb1 instead of eth0? [i've never used a USB ethernet before]13:58
theadminzykotick9: Normally so, yeah13:58
zykotick9theadmin: interesting, thanks.13:59
donidonidoniblsusb detects the device: Buss 001 Device 008: ID 0b95:772b ASIX Electronics Corp.14:00
donidonidonib"sudo modprobe asix" loads the driver14:00
FlywaterWhy ubuntu crash when i login the system on my notebook14:01
zykotick9Flywater: are you using 12.04 by chance?14:01
donidonidonibbut "ifconfig -a" just shows eth0 (old) loopback and wlan0 (old)14:01
ImreHy folks. Do you know any program that can create a live cd from my installed ubuntu system?14:01
Flywateryes,but the ubuntu 11.10 has the bug,too14:02
zykotick9Flywater: #ubuntu+1 is the channel you want then...14:02
Flywatermy CPU is APU E-35014:03
CoJaBok, i give up. the video can look like barf for all i care -_-'14:03
donidonidonibi've been searching via google. the usbnic should show up as eth114:03
CoJaBosrsly, who records 5 hours of tv in realvideo format?? D=14:03
minimecFlywater: can you login to a unity2d session? Otherwise try to 'mv .Xauthority .Xauthority-old' in a console.14:03
donidonidonibbut it does not show up after all14:03
FlywaterI want to konw why...14:04
theadminImre: This might be of help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization14:04
Flywaterno,it all freeze14:04
Flywateri can't do anything14:05
zykotick9minimec: if Flywater is using 12.04 please don't offer support here (other then directing them to the proper channel, #ubuntu+1)14:05
KarmaComaubuntu sucks14:05
minimecFlywater: 'Freezing' might point to a gpu problem.14:05
Flywater11.10 has the problem,too14:05
CoJaBoKarmaComa: You're in the wrong channel then :P14:05
KarmaComakubuntu is cool14:05
CoJaBokde ftw14:06
minimeczykotick9: comeon... This is 'ubuntu' basics and not release related...14:06
Flywater11.10 has the problem,too14:06
KarmaComaplasma technology is the best i have ever seen14:06
ImreAny Remastersys alternative?14:06
KarmaComaCoJaBo: it's not about kde itself14:06
zykotick9minimec: doesn't matter... if you use alpha/beta the proper channel for support is #ubuntu+1 - this channel would be filled with beta support requests if it where allowed14:07
fragskeNot the biggest fan of kde anymore14:07
KarmaComafragske: why so?14:07
fragskeI don't know, it doesn't feel crisp enough for me14:07
minimeczykotick9: I can accept that point of view ... ;)14:07
bbbbbbbbmy laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.0414:07
CoJaBoFlywater: X crashes, or the whole system? I had to do an apt-get upgrade from terminal before i could login on 11.1014:07
fragskebeen using unity for quite a while now14:07
fragskeI like it14:07
Flywaterbut there is a solution : enable the network boot and set it boot first14:08
KarmaComasorry for that, but they are so promising for me, they have something new everyday not like gnome14:08
bbbbbbbbnot an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.14:08
KarmaComagnome3 is good and everything14:08
KarmaComabut theres always but14:08
l0rdkadajsorry to interrupt, but is Ubuntu Friendly working?14:08
KarmaComaabout friendly yes it is14:08
fragskealso, KDE 4.* never run that smooth for me14:09
theadminKarmaComa: Well, this channel is for support issues only. If you like gnome2, try XFCE.14:09
l0rdkadajI've sent my hardware data to the hardware db, but my laptop is not appearing in the list14:09
fragskewhich annoyed the hell out of me14:09
l0rdkadajeither automatically or manually14:09
hydesteri second the xfce/xubuntu suggestion.  also uses less resources on my 2 gb dual-core laptop14:10
Flywaterbbbbbbbb 22时08分43秒14:10
KarmaComafragske: its the same muon and same kernel and same everything14:10
Flywaternot an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.yes14:10
hydesterxubuntu takes you back to simplicity :)14:10
KarmaComahow not smooth?14:10
bbbbbbbbFlywater: I am talking about my own issue, not related to yours. I guess.14:11
KarmaComajust different desktop thats all14:11
fragskeI don't know, there were some glitches for me14:11
fragskeAnd I don't experience these with unity ... or gnome14:11
fragskeI used to be a big fan of KDE14:11
Flywateri think KDE is too windows-like14:12
theadmin!ot | Everyone, this is a support channel, please move the chit-chat14:12
ubottuEveryone, this is a support channel, please move the chit-chat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:12
Flywaterand Gnome3 is OSX-like14:13
KarmaComawe cant chat here? lol14:13
pranavkwhen is the.12.04 expected to release. ?.14:13
theadminKarmaComa: Yes, you can't, this is a support channel.14:13
KarmaComaok :)14:13
Flywateroh my god14:13
theadminpranavk: Visit #ubuntu+1 for discussion and/or support on Precise.14:14
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agreavesHi, can anybody direct as to which channel to get ubuntu support from?14:15
amitb12hii a unique problem here.. my college has banned facebook or any url with facebook.. now i am trying to upgrade and it fails with Failed to fetch  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gwibber/gwibber-service-facebook_3.4.0-0ubuntu4_all.deb  Size mismatch14:15
amitb12any help plz14:15
_Marcusagreaves: This one14:15
amitb12hii a unique problem here.. my college has banned facebook or any url with facebook.. now i am trying to upgrade and it fails with Failed to fetch  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gwibber/gwibber-service-facebook_3.4.0-0ubuntu4_all.deb  Size mismatch14:16
zykotick9amitb12: "Size mismatch", is it 0kb?  you might want to delete gwibber-service-facebook_3.4.0-0ubuntu4_all.deb from /var/cache/apt/archives and try again14:16
amitb12plz help14:16
MonkeyDustamitb12  ask your colleague to to unban facebook14:16
zykotick9!repeat | amitb1214:16
ubottuamitb12: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:16
bbbbbbbbmy laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.04. it's not an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.14:16
amitb12zykotick9: MonkeyDust cant ask college14:17
amitb12any other idea14:17
auronandaceamitb12: wean yourself off facebook14:17
mellett68amitb12, the download is probably successful, but instead of receiving the deb it's getting a filter page. You're not going to be able to circumvent their filtering without permission14:17
RyoRoninamitb12 proxy only, or just use smartphone14:18
amitb12can it uninstall gwibber facebook plugin and then try??14:18
_Marcusamitb12: Just so you know, an application that connects with Facebook uses Facebook SDK, which has to use Facebook's website.14:18
mellett68amitb12, that might be the only way.14:18
agreavesCan anyone help me with a wireless mouse connection in ubuntu?14:18
bbbbbbbbamitb12: try upgrading from a different connection?14:19
agreavesCan anybody help me get a generic wireless mouse to work under ubuntu?14:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:21
mellett68agreaves, what's happening exactly? I just plugged mine in and it worked :)14:21
bbbbbbbbsame here14:21
RyoRoninagreaves, also usb or bluetooth14:21
agreavesIm using ubuntu 12.04 I plugged the wireless receiver in and it wont connect to the mouse14:22
MonkeyDustagreaves  ask in #ubuntu+114:22
agreaveshow do I get to that channel?14:22
krababbelcan I simply add a vlan by naming an interface eth0.10 for instance?14:22
bbbbbbbbyou type /join #ubuntu+114:23
agreavesthank you14:23
bbbbbbbbmy laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.04. it's not an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.14:24
RyoRoninbbbbbbbb is it different with different shells?14:25
bbbbbbbbRyoRonin: huh? shells?14:25
RyoRoninbbbbbbb different like unity gnome314:25
MonkeyDustRyoRonin  you mean desktop environments14:26
zykotick9RyoRonin: shells are a terminal thing.  Unity/XFCE/Gnome3 are Desktop Environments, or Windows Managers14:26
bbbbbbbbhavent tried14:27
RyoRoninzykotick9, sorry assumed would be same lingo..14:27
RyoRoninbbbbbbb, yeah what zykotick9 said :)14:27
bbbbbbbbRyoRonin: yeah, I only know about Gnome 2.3214:28
bbbbbbbband there I have this problem14:28
zykotick9bbbbbbbb: can i ask, what video card are you using?14:29
numbertoHi guys, I have intalled WoW using wine, but when I start it, it says could not open game dll14:30
TjaxTIs It possible to make Cli shortcuts for multiple commands and if so will that effect install scripts?14:30
bbbbbbbbzykotick9: it is a built in intel HD video card. the laptop is a HP Pavilion g6-1032eg14:30
_Marcusnumberto: Did you install it correctly?14:30
MonkeyDustnumberto  dll sounds windows to me, type /join ##windows (double #)14:30
zykotick9bbbbbbbb: ok, just curious if it was ATI.  best of luck.14:31
numberto_Marcus: what is a correct way to install it?14:31
_MarcusMonkeyDust: ##windows wont help him, I think he should try #wine14:31
numbertoMonkeyDust: comedian?14:31
auronandace!appdb | numberto14:32
ubottunumberto: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:32
numberto_Marcus: there is nobody in #wine, so I thought somebody here tried to do it before14:32
_MarcusHi XiRoN14:32
_Marcusnumberto: Nobody there? There seems to be people here14:32
zykotick9numberto: #winehq is the channel14:32
RyoRoninnumberto, I have  tried in the past, and normally it installs, but rather laggy at any resolution14:32
numbertozykotick9: thanks14:32
auronandace_Marcus: #winehq not #wine14:33
numbertozykotick9: let me check14:33
_Marcusauronandace: Oh14:33
XiRoNI have a process running under a SCREEN thing, I want to get back to output log of the running program within screen, how do I do this?14:33
zykotick9XiRoN: "screen -ls" and "screen -r" might be handy (assuming you detacted)14:33
TjaxTIs It possible to make Cli shortcuts for multiple commands and if so will that effect install scripts? anyone know14:33
_MarcusTjaxT: What do you mean?14:34
XiRoNzykotick9: Thanks dude!14:34
_MarcusTjaxT: You could put some stuff in a sh file, and call it14:34
TjaxTcan I make a single cmd that would do say  sudo apt-get update14:35
Anomymous123hi i'm noob for irc14:35
auronandaceAnomymous123: thats awesome14:35
clausenI think Ubuntu 11.04 has a miscompiled ssh14:35
clausenhmmm, sorry I'll go to #ubuntu-devel14:36
Newbuntu2I have a NAS with family pictures, and I keep a copy on my computer. I use picasa(via wine) to index and make albums etc. My wife uses windows to access the NAS. I want to update my local copy if new pictures are added to the NAS directly, and I don't want to lose my pictures if pictures on the NAS get deleted.Is rsync the best solution?14:36
Anomymous123what is irc about..14:36
_MarcusTjaxT: That's a pretty short command as it is, but you could have something in C saying "system("sudo apt-get update");" and then take the executable after it builds and put it in /usr/bin14:36
Anomymous123how it is related to hacking..14:36
Anomymous123any good site to get info about that14:37
_MarcusAnomymous123: Ask #freenode. To get there, type "/join #freenode", without quotation marks14:37
auronandaceAnomymous123: hacking? do you mean coding?14:37
MonkeyDustAnomymous123  irc is a way to communicate14:37
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_MarcusAnonymous123: This is the Ubuntu support chat that you are in. Here you will get support for Ubuntu. The question you are asking is not related, so you should look around for a channel that is related to that topic.14:37
bbbbbbbb my laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.04. it's not an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.14:37
Anomymous123but i've heard about it mostly for hackers communication channel14:38
XiRoNHow to I detach from SCREEN?14:38
_MarcusAnomymous123: You heard wrong14:38
MonkeyDustXiRoN  ctrl-a D14:38
zykotick9XiRoN: ctrl+a then d14:38
TjaxTyeah that one was short but just a example.14:38
auronandaceAnomymous123: don't believe everything you hear14:38
XiRoNthanks ;)14:38
fidelAnomymous123: and believe wiki ;)14:39
_MarcusAnomymous123: Look, this channel isn't a directory. Ask #freenode if you want to find a channel for that topic.14:39
zykotick9MonkeyDust: doesn't seem capital D works...14:39
bbbbbbbbAnomymous123: hackers communicate with it, yes. normal people do as well. hackers even use computers, and I have heard of normal people using those as well *gasp*14:39
MonkeyDustand believe politicians14:39
TjaxTwhats normal lol14:39
RyoRonin_TjaxT, a bash script and then chmod +x the file but most likely you will still need to enter password when it runs for sudo, unless you have changed how sudo handles passwords14:39
MonkeyDustzykotick9  lower case d does the trick14:40
Anomymous123okay...i'will collect more info on that...and join u people soon...if possible give me best link to know more about irc and #ubuntu channel...14:41
Newbuntu2I have a NAS with family pictures, and I keep a copy on my computer. I use picasa(via wine) to index and make albums etc. My wife uses windows to access the NAS. I want to update my local copy if new pictures are added to the NAS directly, and I don't want to lose my pictures if pictures on the NAS get deleted.Is rsync the best solution?14:41
_Marcus!irc | Anomymous12314:42
ubottuAnomymous123: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:42
MonkeyDustAnomymous123  you'll get to know #ubuntu if you regularly visit the channel14:42
TjaxTthanks for the help RyoRonin14:42
auronandace!ubuntu | Anomymous12314:43
ubottuAnomymous123: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:43
RyoRonin_TjaxT, like this #!/bin/bash14:43
RyoRoninshutdown -P -h now14:43
RyoRoninTjaxt, shutdown -P -h now14:44
detlyI'm using 11.10, and I'd like to encode h264 (or x264) for web video. I have avidemux installed, but neither of those formats is listed in the video selection. I have the medibuntu repo in my sources, but which package do I need for h264?14:44
TjaxTthat will create the bash script?14:44
zykotick9RyoRonin: is the -P necessary?  i've never used it - and my system powers down.  TjaxT14:44
RyoRoninTjaxt, no you have to open a terminal and use like nano update and enter the information14:44
RyoRoninzykoticks9, I have 2 laptops that I shuttdown and without the -P it doesn't power down14:45
zykotick9!tab > RyoRonin14:45
ubottuRyoRonin, please see my private message14:45
zykotick9RyoRonin: interesting, that uncommon14:45
rumanan you tell me any softphone which could run easily on xubuntu or lubuntu..please help14:45
zykotick9detly: if you want h264/aac i'd recommend handbrake (not in default repo), there is a gui and cli version14:47
MonkeyDustruman  there's ekiga14:47
OerHeksdetly, i think you need the libavformat & libavformat-extra-52 package > http://openshotusers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=91214:47
Anomymous123ubottu: could u help me about how to use irc...i'm now using chatzilla..14:48
ubottuAnomymous123: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:48
auronandaceAnomymous123: /join #freenode14:48
Keoi added another CPU on my ubuntu 10 box in vsphere is there an easy way to see if ubuntu sees it and is using it14:48
MonkeyDustAnomymous123  the best way to learn is by using it and getting familiar with it14:48
fircI have some trouble using xrandr14:49
fircI tried adding a mode using the cvt command14:49
zykotick9Keo: "cat /proc/cpu" see how many "processor: #" it lists14:49
fircnow when I do a xrandr --addmode it shows BadMatch14:49
RyoRoninzykotick9: and the laptops are remote, they sit in limbo without the -P, if I shutdown from the actual laptops they shutdown without issue with the normal shutdown command14:49
uzfDoes anyone know why I am not able to select a DVB device number (I.e., 0 or 1) in mythtv-setup?  It appears that kernel modules are loaded, but I don't have anything but "saa7146: register extension 'dvb'" when my system boots.14:50
zykotick9RyoRonin: again, that is an odd case... i certainly couldn't explain it14:50
RyoRoninzykotick9: thanks for the info though.14:51
zykotick9uzf: i'd check "dmesg | grep firmware" do you get any messages about missing?14:51
detlyzykotick9 OerHeks: hmm, handbrake has it available (but not ogg or webm, alas), but not avidemux14:52
Anomymous123MonkeDust: how to reply to perticular user, do i need to use any tag like we use @ in twitter14:52
uzfzykotick9: nothing is there14:53
zykotick9detly: handbrake uses it's own version of ffmpeg that has stuff the ubuntu's version removes (medibuntu's version should support h264 though).  I'm not sure avidemux supports h264 though...14:53
zykotick9uzf: ok, just checking.  best of luck.14:53
MonkeyDustAnomymous123  type a few characters of a name and then tab to complete, followed by your comment14:53
^erik^Salve a Tutti14:54
fidelAnomymous123: first of all you should listen ot other users. this is the ubuntu-support-channel - were the topic is "ubuntu". If you want to learn about basic irc things consider using another channel or i.e. online docs about it like the wiki article, or the freenode faq. i bet they give a good start. regarding asking in irc consider reading that long but good article: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html - Welcome in irc ;)14:54
detlyzykotick9: is there a program that can render video in all of the usual web formats? (mp4, ogv, webm)14:55
_Marcus!it | ^erik^14:55
ubottu^erik^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:55
zykotick9detly: ffmpeg from medibuntu might be your best bet.14:55
zykotick9detly: i wish, oh have i wish, handbrake did webm14:56
bbbbbbbbmy laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.04. it's not an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.14:56
Anomymous123MonkeyDust: Thanks...14:57
Anomymous123fidel: okay...will join u soon..14:57
=== nikolja is now known as nikolja|odsutan
CaifasHello guys, can anyone give me a hand with partition encryption? I need to create a encrypted partition that will be decrypted with a key inside a pendrive, can anyone point me in a direction?14:58
dekkerHey all. I have a problem14:59
detlyzykotick9: bah, I can't install the medibuntu ffmpeg, the oneiric-updates version is higher and something's stopping me from forcing the version14:59
dekkerI started a dist-upgrade on my laptop and have no battery.14:59
_Marcusdekker: Plug in a charger15:00
dekkerNow, I found out it'll take 4 hours. I am not sure if I -have- 4 hours to complete this install15:00
rumanplease suggest  any softphone which could run easily on xubuntu or lubuntu platform ..for calling  purpose...through dialer CTI server15:00
zykotick9detly: sorry, i can't help there.  the ffmpeg from ubuntu repos lacks AAC, thus MP4 support is incomplete.15:00
dekkerAs in, the battery does not work and I have no working battery, _Marcus15:00
quackersif it dies during upgrade you could lose the system15:00
dekkerI'd like to know if there's a way to interrupt or pause an upgrade safely. It's past the download stage and is currently installing updates15:00
_Marcusdekker: So the battery isn't functional?15:01
MonkeyDust!info ekiga | ruman15:01
ubotturuman: ekiga (source: ekiga): H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 8645 kB, installed size 20408 kB15:01
dekkerNop. It acts as if it's not connected15:01
bbbbbbbbcaifas: truecrypt? you can use keyfiles with that15:01
_Marcusdekker: So I don't understand, does it work or does it not work?15:01
theverantI partitioned two disks with GParted to NTFS.  Now one of them is reporting extra partitions (both with the original name of the single partition) and the second disk is reporting that it is blank (NTFS with one partition and %100 disk space free).  Both disks just had a great amount of important stuff copied to them - is there any hope of recovery?15:01
dekkerActually, _Marcus, on -windows-, it acts as if the battery is not connected. On Ubuntu, it doesn't even show anything related to batteries as well. Currently on a charger, and I know it'll just lose power completely if I pull the plug.15:02
theverantOh and Windows 7 doesn't recognized either disk15:02
Caifasbbbbbbbb: I'll take a look, ty :D15:02
_Marcusdekker: My advice would be try to keep the charger in15:02
_Marcustheverant: If Windows isn't detecting the NTFS partition, it could have a problem with the partition15:03
quackerstheverant, what does sudo fdisk -l show?15:03
sentrizAnyone know how to dual-boot ubuntu & Windows 7 ?15:03
=== oscarpaats is now known as ozpy
dekker_Marcus, that is a very sensible kind of advice and I appreciate it (even though I already figured as much), but what do I do if I have to go before the upgrade completes?15:03
dekkerI kind of figured the dist-upgrade to take maybe an hour or two :P15:03
detlyzykotick9: but there's libfaac015:04
quackersit may only take an hour dekker15:04
MonkeyDustsentriz  first install windows, then ubuntu15:04
dekkerHm. Whoops. It started showing 4 hours, now it shows 1 hour 37 mins15:04
zykotick9detly: all i know, it ffmpeg in default ubuntu repo doesn't support AAC, you need mediubuntu's version for that.15:04
dekkerI did not know Microsoft provided the estimator :P15:05
sentrizWindows is installed, when I boot ubuntu from USB, there's no option for side-by-side like there used to be - MonkeyDust15:05
_Marcussentriz: What version of Ubuntu are you installing?15:05
dekkerThanks for taking the time to answer my question anyway, quackers and _Marcus! :)15:05
dekkerNow.. if I -did- have to unplug it... best advice is to tell my laptop to kiss its virtual hindside goodbye?15:06
quackerssentris how many primary partitions is Windows using?15:06
quackersdekker it's possible15:06
=== Timothy is now known as Taftse
myrkraverkHi, I just installed a package with apt-get, let's call it p.  Can apt-get tell me what files were installed?15:07
sentriz_Marcus - ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i38615:07
dekkerGood to hear. What would I have to do, quackers? For future reference and stuff15:07
theadminmyrkraverk: dpkg -L p15:07
myrkraverkAh, thanks.15:07
_Marcussentriz: It will ask you what you want to do at one point. Install Ubuntu over Windows, install it next to Windows, or something else15:07
quackersmyrkraverk, synaptic package manager would tell you15:08
_Marcussentriz: This is at the begining. Select next to Windows15:08
sentriz_Marcus - but there's no option for that, that's the problem15:08
myrkraverkquackers: I'm just a command line junky.15:08
detlydang, I can't install the medibuntu version of ffmpeg until they update theirs15:08
_MarcusSentriz: Where are you in the install right now. Describe to me what it says15:08
mydogsnameisrudysentriz:  you need to check your partitions you can only have 415:09
quackersdekker upgrades can be a bit dodgy. an upgrade will almost certainly ditch your system if power is lost during it15:09
sentrizi have C E and L partitions, i was hoping to put ubuntu on l15:09
dekkerMhm. But you said it's possible, quackers. I figured you mean that it can be done semi-safely? Or at least with a chance of not b0rking horribly?15:10
_Marcussentriz: So you are in the advanced settings for the partitions?15:10
Error404NotFoundI have about 3G as cache in "free -m". How do i find which process is using cache for most part? Something like top but for cached memory only.15:10
quackerssentriz, you may also have a small partition at the beginning of the drive (for boot) which will make 4 in total. check that first15:11
zykotick9Error404NotFound: the system uses cache, not programs directly15:11
zykotick9!atemyram | Error404NotFound15:11
ubottuError404NotFound: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html15:11
quackerssentriz, don't try to make a 5th partition if you already have 415:11
sentrizer okay15:11
cmcintoshhey gang i got a toshiba satelite with a nvidia graphics card.  Im trying to get displays working on both the VGA output as well as the HDMI output15:11
zykotick9cmcintosh: at the same time?15:12
cmcintoshwhen i try to use the Nvidia settings and set the HDMI display to twinview, the application crashes15:12
jpsulliaHi, in am trying to install NVIDIA x86 binary Driver in ubuntu, for some reason Installation script Fails and it does not give the exact error.15:12
cmcintoshzykotick9, yes15:12
jpsulliais there any exact method to get nvidia driver on UBUNTU15:12
jrib!nvidia | jpsullia15:12
ubottujpsullia: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:12
zykotick9cmcintosh: i doubt that's possible, best of luck.15:12
cmcintoshi also have a madcatz usb to vga, but i have not be successful in getting that to work either15:12
cmcintoshzykotick9, is there a reason it wont work that way? hardware limitation or driver?15:13
zykotick9cmcintosh: ususally the vga/dvi are treated as a single connection (hardware wise)15:13
cmcintoshok fair enough15:13
cmcintoshhow about the madcats usbvga device15:14
cmcintoshmodel is uv15015:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:14
Tutorial5757     15:14
cmcintoshi can see it when i look at the available usb devices and in fact my virtual box windows machine can see it as well, but have yet to get it to show a display :/15:15
cmcintoshNVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M]15:15
quackerssentriz, if you do have 4 primary partitions and want to install to your L partition - delete that partition first and the Ubuntu installer will then give you the extra option15:16
quackersthe L partition15:16
jpsulliahi ubottu, the default method shown by Ubuntu where it displays "Restricted Drivers Available" does not work at all15:16
jpsulliait does not work for Even ATI15:17
jpsullialuckily ATI binary script works with no issues15:17
sentrizThanks, quakers15:17
quackersnp good luck :-)15:18
ubottuempathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin15:21
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete15:21
eightieskhello all15:21
Klikinithat's what I'm using15:21
Klikiniright now15:21
eightieskhow would I remove empathy and all its settings15:21
cmcintoshok so looks like i got the laptop monitor + vga connected monitor working15:22
MonkeyDusteightiesk  sudo apt-get purge empathy and maybe delete some hidden config folder15:23
cmcintoshi moved the monitor connected via the hdmi from that to the madcatz 150 usbvga15:23
uzfHow do I check to see if Video4Linux is enabled in my kernel?15:23
cmcintoshanyone have experience getting a usbvga monitor enabled?15:23
dr_williscmcintosh,  seen those at the store the other day. read they have linux support, but never tried one. perhaps check askubuntu.com there may be a guide on setting them up15:23
dr_willisuzf,  should be enabled in the default ubuntu kernels15:24
digitalslaveanyone know how to fix inverse colors on flash videos in both firefox and chrome?15:26
MonkeyDustdigitalslave  disable hardware accelleration15:27
eightieskMonkeyDust: where would the folder be?15:27
MonkeyDusteightiesk  try .config15:28
eightieskin home?15:28
eightieskthank you15:29
Newbuntu2I have a NAS with family pictures, and I keep a copy on my computer. I use picasa(via wine) to index and make albums etc. My wife uses windows to access the NAS. I want to update my local copy if new pictures are added to the NAS directly, and I don't want to lose my pictures if pictures on the NAS get deleted.Is rsync the best solution?15:29
uzfdr_willis: any idea why my dvb card only shows "[   28.195941] saa7146: register extension 'dvb'." when I issue dmesg|grep dvb ?15:29
exile_dreamhello, World!15:29
dr_willisuzf,  no idea. i dont use dvb cards.15:30
exile_dreami'm a newer15:30
_Marcus!test | exile_dream15:30
ubottuexile_dream: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:30
digitalslaveMonkeyDust, still inverse colors :(15:31
newbismanyone using.. unity?15:31
_Marcus!anyone | newbism15:32
ubottunewbism: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:32
dr_willisnewbism,  yes. quite a few of use are....15:32
newbisminteresting, thanks15:32
ShactHello all. Please could someone tell me how to stop Apt from trying to use a CD? I don't  have a GUI yet and want to install things, but it won't recognise the flash disk that the distro was installed from. So I figure deleting the CD source is the easiest solution15:33
dr_willisShact,  your /etc/apt/sources.list most likely has a cd entry near the top. Comment it out. #entry  (use the #)15:33
_MarcusHi PasNox15:33
PasNoxI'm using wifi usb key RTL8191S on kubuntu 64bits edition, and after some times the connection is dropped, but networkmanager still say i'm connected.15:34
Shactdr_willis: Thanks. How can I do that without a text editor? Do I have a terminal editor installed?15:34
PasNoxeach time i need to disconnect / reconect the wifi15:34
PasNoxanything i can do please?15:34
dr_willisShact,  theres most likely several text editors for the console. Nano is one.15:34
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code15:34
ShactAlso, how can I cancel the command I'm in, which wants me to insert a disc? Thanks15:34
dr_willisShact,  ctrl-c  - shell basics 101. :)15:35
ShactFirst day15:35
_MarcusHi grimeton15:35
grimetonis ubuntu able to suspend usb harddrives after some time?15:35
grimetonand is it doing that automagically?15:35
digitalslaveNewbuntu2, yes rsync would be perfect15:35
dr_willisgrimeton,   they spindown here to save power after like 20 min here ive noticed.15:35
grimetondr_willis: ok, so it does that even if the filesystem on top is mounted?15:36
dr_willisdoes it for internal drives also.15:36
dr_willisgrimeton,  yes.15:36
grimetondr_willis: that's what i wanted to know :) using xmbcbuntu - thanks!15:36
Newbuntu2digitalslave: any suggestions on the flags?15:37
dr_willisif the files are being read from the disk - they wont spindown.15:37
Newbuntu2also, I have it shared as SMB15:37
digitalslaveNewbuntu2, man rsync15:37
Newbuntu2can I rsync to smb, or do I need to mount it locally first (mount x /media/NAS) and then rsync?15:38
digitalslaveNewbuntu2, -a for archive would be sufficient if you want to delete what has been removed you can add --delete i generally like to watch progress as well --progress15:38
grimetonNewbuntu2: you can sync without mounting (rsync is from the samba guys)15:39
SolarisBoyoh cool - didn't know that15:39
compdocrsync is great15:39
SolarisBoyrsnaphot too =)15:39
Newbuntu2so zvra would do the trick?15:40
PasNoxnobody for my wifi problem ?15:40
Klikiniwifi problem?15:41
Newbuntu2compress for faster transfer, archive to keep the timestamps, v to see what is going on, r for recursive? and it will NOT delete files?15:41
digitalslaveNewbuntu2, a already includes r. you can also add n to do a test run to see what it would do15:41
dr_willisPasNox,  check the forums and askubuntu.com - i see a lot of 'connection drops' issues asked in here.. never seen a good general fix.15:41
grimetonNewbuntu2: rsync -av --progress ...15:42
grimetonNewbuntu2: you should also check rsync -h15:42
PasNoxdr_willis: yes i googled a lot and finaly comes here because of no thing to fix it :/15:42
grimetonNewbuntu2: and you can enforce rsync to not work in surprise mode15:42
dr_willismy $8 usb wifi  dongle i got the other day.. has similer issues.. but im going to run wires this week. :)15:42
PasNoxit seem the driver my wifi dongle use is still in staging15:42
dr_willisPasNox,   see if it works better in the 12.04 beta15:43
Gaming4JCIs there any way to dock the Unity Sidebar at the bottom of the screen instead of on the side? :)15:43
* Gaming4JC duck duck goes it meanwhile15:43
dr_willisI got one of those Ethernet->Wifi adaptors like for a PS3/xbox for $40 to test out. works a lot better then the usb-dongles i also tested.15:44
PasNoxdr_willis: when will be released the 12.04 final version ?15:44
wyldePasNox: the 26th15:44
dr_willisPasNox,  the # is the date. :) 2012 4th month...15:44
PasNoxdr_willis: but there is not the day ;)15:44
PasNoxwylde: ok, thanks15:44
PasNoxso i will wait and upgrade my system, hoping this will fiwx my problem because it's so boring to disconnect / reconnect the wifi many times / hours ;)15:45
Gaming4JCperfect! http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/how-to-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom-of.html15:45
wyldePasNox: #kubuntu may also be helpful to you, they'll know the gui tools better in there as well.15:46
robertzaccourWhats the difference between Debian Testing and Ubuntu Stable? other than name and cosmetics15:46
Newbuntu2does anyone have the issue that alt-tab crashes unity on 11.10?15:47
PasNoxwylde: already asked, still waiting for someones answer since 8h ... ;)15:47
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  they're different distro's15:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule15:47
wyldePasNox: alrighty15:47
TimothyAFATAL: Module cifs not found. <-- how do I fix this?15:48
grimetonTimothyA: load cifs?15:49
TimothyAgrimeton: how?15:50
grimetonTimothyA: modprobe15:50
grimetonTimothyA: sudo modprobe cifs15:50
TimothyA... that's the error generated by modprobe15:50
grimetonTimothyA: depending on your kernel it's15:51
grimetonTimothyA: search for it: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -iname \*cifs\*15:51
TimothyAno results15:51
grimetonTimothyA: and when searching for smb?15:51
TimothyAnfs, too15:52
grimetonTimothyA: but the cifs tools are installed?15:52
ShactRight, nano says it's saving the file, but it isn't. The file remains unchanged. Any tips?15:52
TimothyAmount.cifs gives me output, if that's what you mean by installed15:52
MonkeyDustShact  use sudo if the file is outside /home15:52
Shactmonkeydust; i'm trying to install sudo15:53
grimetonTimothyA: yeah, but you also need to load the cifs.ko module15:53
Shactto do thsi i need nano to edit a file15:53
grimetonTimothyA: it should be there15:53
TimothyAit's an OpenVZ VM, btw15:53
Bearnikuse su15:53
Bearnikthen edit it15:53
Shactbecause the distro can't recognise the flash disk that it just installed itself off.15:53
MonkeyDustShact  install sudo?15:53
TimothyAgrimeton: I can't find it :/15:53
ShactI can't install sudo until the damn thing downloads it, which it won't because it's insisting on using a CD15:54
BearnikShanct : use su ?15:54
Shactwhich a) I don't have b) wouldn't go in the laptop anyway.15:54
MonkeyDustShact  sudo should be there by default15:54
ShactI've tried su. It doesn't make any diffrence15:54
grimetonTimothyA: you got apt-file installed?15:54
Bearniksudo is by default but maybe you are not in sudo group15:55
grimetonTimothyA: then you can run apt-file search cifs.ko and get the package if it is not part of the base kernel image15:55
Shactbearnik; interesting, but doesn't help in the first stage which is to edit the sources.list file15:55
ShactThis should not be hard15:55
TimothyAgrimeton: it is15:56
ShactAnd the flash disk I installed off should be in that list, rather than some fictional CD15:56
TimothyAturns out the linux kernel the VM is running on is ancient :|15:56
grimetonTimothyA: what is? the file in the base image of the kernel or apt-file installed?15:56
TimothyAapt-file search says it's supposed to be in an base image15:57
BearnikShanct : hmm what distro are u using ?15:57
ShactI'l just login as root. These good practice rules haven't been thought out15:57
urullikaque tal amigos ...deseo  aprender programacion en c conocen de algun manual??  que sea  practico y entendible....gracias15:57
O0dditySo i amhaving an issue with thw iw3945 module15:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:57
TimothyAgreat... so smb doesn't work, installing nfs nearly wrecked the system...15:57
TimothyAare there any other options for storing/retrieving files over a mounted remote-location storage?15:58
O0ddityhow do it get the source for a driver15:58
grimetonTimothyA: you have to run all those commands as root - just fyi15:58
TimothyAgrimeton: I know15:58
grimetonTimothyA: you must be doing something terribly wrong ...16:00
O0ddityIs there a way to download the source code for a specific driver module in 11.1016:00
TimothyAgrimeton: would having a 2.6.18 linux kernel be that "terribly wrong" bit?16:00
MonkeyDustO0ddity  try apt-get source16:00
O0dditywhere would i find it once it's downloaded16:01
tsimpsonO0ddity: in the directory you ran apt-get from16:01
TimothyAokay, so not a single way to mount a remote storage device in ubuntu without making use of nfs or smb/cifs?16:02
BearnikOk, I am trying to run openGL support for linux guest on vmware workstation ... I install vmware-tools and apply 3d support but seems like openGL doesn't work ... Host OS is W716:02
O0ddityhow would i figure out the name of the package a driver came form?16:02
Bearnikanyone got a clue16:02
digitalslaveTimothyA, no way without. why not update just to make sure?16:03
tsimpsonTimothyA: well, there's also sshfs16:03
TimothyAtsimpson: ... *watches the bytes crawl by*16:03
MonkeyDustTimothyA  that's *four* ways the channel adviced, nfs, smb, cifs and sshfs16:04
O0ddityi know the name od the module is iw3945 ir iwl_legacy, but how do i figure out what source code thats in16:04
shadykhananyone know why if i plug my Amaze into my computer it will drain battery instead of charging?16:04
TimothyAMonkeyDust: ...I named nfs, smb and cifs...16:05
MonkeyDustTimothyA  yes and tsimpson said sshfs16:05
TimothyAsshfs was kinda a last resort16:05
TimothyAI was hoping that *wouldn't* be the answer16:05
dlentzO0ddity, it's in the kernel: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy16:08
O0ddityso i do haveto compile kernal :/16:08
dlentzare you trying to apply a patch?16:08
* TimothyA implodes16:10
TimothyA"Module fuse not found"16:10
Erealzhey everyone is this a good place to ask for bashscripting help?16:13
_MarcusErealz: Try #bash16:13
oCeanErealz: there is a specific ##bash channel, might be more helpful16:13
_MarcusOr ##bash16:13
menhow do I force a mount to persist between reboots?16:14
douglis there any ubuntu configuration that compiz and emerald works with?16:14
digitalslavemen, edit /etc/fstab16:14
MonkeyDust!emerald| dougl16:14
ubottudougl: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.16:14
krababbelAnyone using desktopnova? It doesn't seem to start the daemon from the GUI.16:15
trond-Hi room. I have suddenly started receiving this message when running apt-get update: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net//ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found16:18
bbbbbbbbmy laptop is acting weird. sometimes it freezes (mostly when playing web video, but sometimes when just using libreoffice or something). when it played sound at the time, there's about a second that loops infinitely, the picture is frozen in place. I am using ubuntu 11.04. it's not an x crash, I can't do anything but cut the power and reboot.16:18
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:19
=== polandeer is now known as arch_is_awesome
dlentzbbbbbbbb, could be overheating (especially if it happens when playing Flash video). monitor your temps16:21
axewhen is 12.04 LTS final coming?16:21
bbbbbbbbdlentz: is there a software displaying temperature? it does get warm16:21
dlentz!12.04 | axe16:21
ubottuaxe: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:21
douglMonkeyDust, thanks...16:21
MonkeyDustaxe  thursday16:22
douglis there any ubuntu flavour that supports compiz (compiz works on)?16:22
XiRoNI was wondering how to make a perminant RAM disk on ubuntu?16:22
dlentz!info lm-sensors | bbbbbbbb16:23
ubottubbbbbbbb: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.0-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 476 kB16:23
MonkeyDustdougl  Unity is gnome3 with compiz16:23
testing112292fI am having trouble with my Ident response on IRC. I am running Oidentd and every things good.But when my vpn is up I get no ident response16:23
dlentzmonkeybox, isn't it technically clutter (which doesn't have all compiz features)?16:24
Fabiushi there! i'm having some issues with the microphone (it doesnt work) anyone can help me out?16:24
bbbbbbbbdlentz: thanks. I'll try and see what I get.16:24
MonkeyDustdlentz  i don't use unity myself, but i know you can modify it it with compiz-config-settings16:24
XiRoNAnyone know how to make a perminant RAMDisk in ubuntu?16:25
and1_hotsaucehow do i save a conversation to text?16:25
and1_hotsauceim on mirc16:25
testing112292fFabius: run alsamixer and mute ALL Inputs then raise one does it work? no ok mute and move on16:25
dlentzand1_hotsauce, mirc is a windows program..16:25
and1_hotsaucedletnz: ?16:25
escottXiRoN, add the mount commands to your rc.local16:26
Bearnikmirc had .... has log system16:26
dlentzand1_hotsauce, this channel is for ubuntu/linux support questions16:26
alphaonei have tried alot of times with various options like  wget -E -H -k -K -p  or -r  but i cant get this site full download. http://mazharkaleem.wordpress.com . i need the full size .jpg . any help ?16:26
Bearniksomewhere in settings there u can tell to log the conversations in plain text16:26
Bearnikanyway dlentz is right ... not mIRC room xD16:27
Fabius@testing112292f: i yet tried to use alsamixer -V all and set everything to 100% (nothing is muted)16:27
and1_hotsaucewhere is the mirc channel?16:27
and1_hotsauceanyone know16:28
iceroot!alis | and1_hotsauce16:28
ubottuand1_hotsauce: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:28
Fabiusi also tried to install PulseAudio configuration and turn to 0% left and 100% right16:28
Fabiusbut it still doesnt work :-/16:28
RyoRoninFabius: but your sound itself works just not the mic?16:29
douglMonkeyDust, thanks - compiz broke my unity desktop when I tried to enable effects in ccsm, when I tried to disable effects I got seg fault. So I installed xubutu thru software utility and still have no effects - suggestions?16:29
alphaonei have tried alot of times with various options like  wget -E -H -k -K -p  or -r  but i cant get this site full download. http://mazharkaleem.wordpress.com . i need the full size .jpg . any help ?16:31
MonkeyDustdougl  no, i don't like/use visual effects, cant help16:31
fircHi people16:31
fircI'm having some troble with my video drivers16:31
fircI have a intel 945GM16:32
FabiusRyoRonin: output audio is perfectly working, while input doesnt work16:32
Fabiusin any app (skype, sound recorder..)16:32
fircit seems the intel drivers are failing to load, and even vesa fails. Hence I'm stuck with a 1024x768 resolution16:32
fircI get: (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa [    30.615] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev  in Xorg.log.016:33
RyoRoninFabius: sorry if it has been asked, external mic or internal laptop mic?16:33
dlentzFabius, it may help to pastebin your alsa-info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfo16:34
=== alphaone is now known as mcloy
douglMonkeyDust, ok - thanks for the help tho :)                 I thot everyone liked eyecandy... but the problems I am having sure is affecting my appreciation for eyecandy, thanks again.16:34
Fabiusinternal laptop mic. the pc is not mine but my girlfriend's. she said it worked in the past, but after an update (she doesnt remember which one)16:34
Fabiusit stopped working. it tried with alsamixer and pulseaudio config but both didnt work and i got no other ideas :-/16:35
* SolarisBoy wants candy now16:35
oCeanSolarisBoy: no need for silly /me messages here, thanks16:35
* dlentz wants a girlfriend now16:35
fircAnyone has any idea?16:35
SolarisBoyoCean: im sorry for offending you16:36
escottFabius, assuming it is intel hda it could be an internal setting for the intel hda audio. http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA16:36
dlentzfirc, did it just start16:36
fircdlentz: X? Yeah16:36
dlentzno, i meant, did it work before?16:36
fircdlentz: but I'm stuck with 1024x768 resolution16:36
fircdlentz: no. I upgraded to 11.10 yesterday. I haad this problem even with 11.0416:37
fircI was stuck with 1024x76816:37
SolarisBoynot sure what made it "silly" though16:37
RyoRoninFabius: see if this helps? http://askubuntu.com/questions/77888/microphone-problem-in-ubuntu-11-10 lots of different options16:37
dlentzfirc, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:37
fircdlentz: and I checked the Xorg.0.log earlier too. It seems the intel drivers are never loaded16:37
Newbuntu2I want to connect my NAS directly to my ethernet port, while I use wifi for internet. How do I configure dhcpd/route tables so that I can run a dhcp server on eth0 without messing with wlan1?16:37
douglSolarisBoy, you meant eyecandy?16:38
oCeanSolarisBoy: this is a support channel, so if you could stick to the topic, that would be great. Or head over to #ubuntu-offtopic for regular chit chat16:38
SolarisBoyyes i did...16:38
fircdlentz: http://pastebin.com/MbwHeich16:38
SolarisBoyoCean: eyecandy was being discussed16:38
douglI dont think oCean realized you were talking about eyecandy16:38
douglwhich was right on topic16:39
SolarisBoyi noticed that dougl but i guess he is "right"16:39
fircdlentz: see like 136/137? It doesn't even load intel16:39
oCeandougl, SolarisBoy we try to keep the channel professional. /me messages are not contributing, just adding to the clutter16:39
Fabiussince i yet played with mixer config, no model parameter wasnt changed in settings, i should check for new version of alsa16:39
SolarisBoyoCean: i hear you bro16:39
Fabiusi'll do it now and see if something changes16:39
dlentzfirc, it only loads vesa/fbdev for backup 9and it unloads them later in the log)16:40
fircdlentz: oh16:40
fircdlentz: so it IS using intel?16:40
krababbelI'm trying desktopnova to change my wallpaper to use pictures in a folder. It says the daemon already is running, but my wallpaper doesn't change.16:40
dlentzyes, since a bunch of lines begin with intel(0) and 3D is working16:40
douglI suppose less clutter is best - you are right oCean.16:41
fircdlentz: awesome. But I'm still stuck with 1024x78616:41
fircdlentz: i googled and tried to add modes using xrandr, but it fails saying BadMatch16:42
dlentzfirc, that seems to be what your screen is reporting, what resolution are you expecting?16:42
fircdlentz: 1280x72016:43
firccan I not set a custom resolution?16:43
dlentzdid you try as here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions16:44
douglSolarisBoy, so - your eyecandy does not work either?16:44
fircdlentz: yes16:44
klamathhi all16:44
fircdlentz: when I do xrandr --addmode it fails saying BadMatch16:45
dlentzwhat kind of laptop is it?16:45
fircdlentz: Dell latitude D52016:46
fircdlentz: http://pastebin.com/je4nv1Gw this is the exact error16:46
klamathhi all. anyone from malaysia?16:46
dlentzquick google shows latitude d520 has native resolution of 1024x768 unless you have premium screen16:47
Newbuntu2I want to connect my NAS directly to my ethernet port, while I use wifi for internet. How should I configure dhcpd so that I can run a dhcp server on eth0 without messing with wlan1?16:47
fircdlentz: I cannot set custom resolution?16:48
dlentzfirc, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1145276016:48
su22What is Xen and how to install it?16:48
fircdlentz: so can I check what screen resolution is supported ?16:49
ki7rwwhy is it always a pita to build amsn from tarball? i got a message about videode.h missing even though libv4l-dev is installed and it's the only package that apt-file search videodev.h lists16:49
jizozorHi everyone .16:50
ki7rwvideode.h == videodev.h16:50
su22how to download any video from the internet using Ubuntu?16:50
dlentzfirc, that's usually found in the EDID, which you can see in the Xorg log16:50
* ki7rw can't get his webcam to work in the ubuntu amsn package16:50
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su22how to download any video from the internet using Ubuntu?16:51
jizozorI will like to know how to open a file with root privileges without create a quick launcher for it ?16:51
fircdlentz: ah, so 1024x768. Cool, thanks for all the help!16:51
su22jizozor: Run the command with sudo prefixed16:51
dlentzfirc, yw, though i wish your screen supported more resolution..16:52
jizozorthanks su2216:52
ki7rweven cheese won't work16:52
su22how to download any video from the internet using Ubuntu?16:52
su22especially the videos from videolectures.net16:52
escottsu22, easiest way is to install firebug and save the video file from the firebug console16:53
su22firebug?? A mozilla extension?16:53
escottsu22, yes16:54
su22How to save the video file from firebug console escott?16:55
escottsu22, the network tab, and then reload the page. you can right click on the flv stream and save it from there16:56
jizozorsu22 this is why I have try : sudo open sources.list in the terminal , does my syntax is wrong ?16:57
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escottjizozor, try gksudo gedit sources.list16:58
su22jizozor: It depends on the file type!!16:58
Defusalhi everyone16:58
Defusalcan anyone tell me where i can download the source for taskset from ubuntu util-linux-2.20 so i can compile it manually?16:58
su22jizozor for eg if you wanna open a text file you can try escott's suggestion or use sudo gedit <filename>16:59
escott!gksudo | su2216:59
ubottusu22: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:59
su22escott I can't find the network tab16:59
su22can you explain me more about gksudo ubottu16:59
jizozornice escott and su2216:59
ubottumiki: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:00
escottsu22, when you open firebug the tabs are in the top firebug bar they are Console HTMl CSS Script Dom and Net the last one is the one you want17:00
escottsu22, you should not use sudo with guis because sometimes a root application will take ownership of $HOME/.xauthority for the non-root user locking them out of their own gui17:01
ShactDoes anyone know if there's a better video engine available for Ubuntu? VLC on my old laptop can handle 1080p MKV fine, but on Ubuntu it's choppy. I've tested this quite thoroughly and I've been told that Linux video simply isn't up to scratch. If that's true (and it seems to be), then surely there's something new in the works? Like back when ALSA was in testing. Thanks17:03
dlentzShact, it depends on your GPU17:04
Shactdlentz, that makes sense. It's just an old celeron with on board graphics, but video is still very good on Windows. Perhaps I need a different driver?17:05
irong33khow do you set enviroment variables when compiling LDFLAGS17:06
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dlentzwhen you say that vlc can handle 1080p mkv well, what OS/hardware is that on?17:06
IntuitiveNippleirong33k: LDFLAGS *is* an environment variable17:06
Shactthat's on XP, but I don't like XP so am trying to get away from it17:06
Shactdlentz, oh and the hardware is... 1GHz Celeron.17:07
dlentzShact, that's the processor. what video card/GPU do you have?17:08
streblohow do i boot from initramfs?17:08
IntuitiveNippleShact: For HD decompression hardware-assisted (GPU) acceleration is required. Use of that depends on the video driver being used.17:08
Newbuntu2I want to connect my NAS directly to my ethernet port, while I use wifi for internet. How should I configure dhcpd so that I can run a dhcp server on eth0 without messing with wlan1?17:08
Shactdlentz: normally i would check, but I'm not sure how to do that in linux. None to speak of. Intel something17:08
heliAAAsometimes input to eclipse editors is not possible after switching between virtual desktops17:08
heliAAAany ideas?17:08
IntuitiveNippleNewbuntu2: You could use dnsmasq bound to one interface/IP address17:09
theadminShact: sudo lshw -C video OR lspci | grep -i vga17:09
IntuitiveNippleShact: You can find out the hardware and driver like this. From a terminal do:  glxinfo | egrep 'vendor|render|version'17:10
dlentzShact, intel probably has better Windows drivers for their older GPU's :(17:10
strebloive been using ubuntu for a while now, just shut my machine off after not using it for a while, and now it boots into initramfs and cant get any further17:11
streblocan anyone help me diagnose the issue?17:11
seliteI can't see Applications and System on my upper taskbar is something wrong?17:11
strebloi get a couple of errors like this:17:11
seliteselite: Help.17:11
datruth_how can I destroy the kde wallet service?17:11
streblomounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory17:12
selitedatruth_: kde wallet kill17:12
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: Sounds like a kernel update or other package caused the initial RAMdisk to be rebuilt, and that wasn't totally successful. Very hard to diagnose remotely.17:12
streblosame thing with /sys/ and /proc/17:12
ShactDlentz, IntuitiveNipple: Graphics is: 915GM/GMS/910GML17:12
selitedatruth_: In terminal type that.17:12
datruth_everytime I do something in kde it asks me for the wallet crap ;/17:12
strebloIntuitiveNipple: i have a usb stick i made with unetbootin and i cant even get it to boot with that17:12
seliteI can't see Applications and System on the upper taskbar, can anyone help me?17:13
datruth_streblo: no command found kde17:13
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: Can you boot into a Previous Version from the GRUB boot menu? Hold down the Shift key as the PC finished the power-on-self-test (POST) and you should get the GRUB boot menu where you can choose to boot an earlier configuration17:13
strebloi dont care if i have to completely reformat the drive and start from scratch, i'd just like to be able to use the machine again17:13
strebloIntuitiveNipple: i'll try that right now17:14
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: USB boot relies on the BIOS to know to try booting from the USB ports. I assume you have that selected, but the USB boot starts but fails?17:14
strebloIntuitiveNipple: i've tried telling the BIOS to boot using the usb stick, but it still drops me into initramfs17:15
greenithi, i just set up an apt-cache (packet apt-cacher-ng) and i hopefully configured it correctly, but i don't exactly know if the computer is rly using the cache... i created the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy  and entered the following: Acquire::http { Proxy ""; }; Acquire::https { Proxy "https://"; };17:15
greenitis the computer using the cache for https:// now too, or not?17:15
ki7rwhmm, there's a videodev2.h but not a videodev.h17:15
greenitand is it using it at all?^^17:15
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: OK... but is it the initramfs of the USB device, or is it still booting from the hard disk? Can you watch the activity light of the hard disk during boot to determine which device it is booting from?17:15
IntuitiveNipplegreenit: I'd say yes. I use that for my network.17:16
greenitIntuitiveNipple, thx :)17:16
strebloIntuitiveNipple: no, you're right, i was being an idiot. i'm now at the grub menu for the usb device17:16
IntuitiveNipplegreenit: the way to find out is to stop the apt-cacher-ng service on the other PC and see if your clients fail to do an apt-get update. If they fail, they are using the local proxy.17:17
strebloi'm going to try booting in recovery mode17:17
greenitIntuitiveNipple, good idea, thx^^17:17
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: good luck! I know how hard solving boot issues is!17:17
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: be aware that Recovery Mode of the same kernel version will use the same initramdisk as the normal mode. You usually need to use an earlier kernel version which has it's own initramdisk17:18
ShactAm I in the right place here guys? http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html17:18
strebloIntuitiveNipple: i'm going to try an earlier version17:18
strebloIntuitiveNipple: awesome, looks like its booting from the usb stick, thanks for the help17:19
greenitIntuitiveNipple, hm... the computer fetched only the https:// repos now, so it is not using the proxy :S17:19
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: If you can boot to a previous version on the affected hard disk, you could then re-generate the initramdisk image17:20
IntuitiveNipplestreblo: (for the affected kernel version) which would allow you to get back to normal17:21
craigbass1976what's the best way to stream audio (live from line in or mic jack) ove a lan from Ubuntu?17:21
tanathcan someone help me troubleshoot video? while booting i get video input out of range from my monitor until X shows up. this makes recovery mode unusable.17:22
IntuitiveNipplecraigbass1976: You can use PulseAudio's streaming multicast function17:22
IntuitiveNippletanath: the kernel option nomodeset is your friend. Try this forums thread for more explanation: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313217:23
tanathIntuitiveNipple, that's in the recovery mode parameters17:23
IntuitiveNippletanath: and you still lose it? Hmm... sounds like you may need to specify a VESA mode17:24
craigbass1976IntuitiveNipple, sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins "pulseaudio-*" paman padevchooser paprefs pavucontrol pavumeter  Is that how I proceed?  I'm on 12.04.  I'd have initially asked in ubuntu+1, but I thought this question didn't have a version specific element to it.17:24
bbbbbbbbI have an audio cd that doesn't get mounted. it plays fine on the cd player. when i eject it, the audio cd icon is shown. what do i do?17:25
IntuitiveNipplecraigbass1976: I've padevchooser to do it on previous releases, however I'm not sure how/where it's done in Oneiric/Precise.17:25
craigbass1976IntuitiveNipple, doesn't work...  :)17:25
tanathIntuitiveNipple, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset acpi=off"17:26
IntuitiveNipplecraigbass1976: :(17:28
IntuitiveNippletanath: Just as an example - this likely WON'T WORK for you - I use this on mine (to support splash screens): video=uvesafb:mode_option='1024x768-32',mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap17:29
IntuitiveNippletanath: Maybe you can use something simiLAR?17:29
tanathIntuitiveNipple, that looks pretty generic. why wouldn't it work?17:29
tanathIntuitiveNipple, though i don't know what mtrr=3 does17:30
IntuitiveNippletanath: because uvesafb is generally blacklisted as a module. You'd need to un-blacklist it too.17:30
ki7rwubunutu doesn't make it easy to report a bug17:31
greenithow can i tell my computer to use the server with apt-cacher-ng installed for https:// - repos?17:31
FloodBot1Guest94472: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
IntuitiveNippletanath: mtrr=3 is Write-combining17:32
stefgki7rw: actually not .... they wrote apport. But since there are so many bugs it requires some strict discipline to not get lost17:32
tanathIntuitiveNipple, seems the ONLY module i have blacklisted on my system is 'lp'17:32
tanathIntuitiveNipple, unless there's somewhere to look other than /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:32
IntuitiveNippletanath: /etc/modprobe.d/*17:32
tanathIntuitiveNipple, ok, yeah. there's more than i thought17:33
sburwood1Is there a way to, without opening the tower, (say, a command) to find out what mother board I have?17:33
ki7rwi guess i won't get my amsn issue fixed cuz i don't want to have to spend several hours looking for an answer17:34
Newbuntu2Im trying to set up a dhcpd server, I installed dhcp3-server, but there is no /etc/init.d/dhcpd file what's going on? how do I fixit?17:34
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IntuitiveNippletanath: Usually its in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf but best to grep all of them for mentions17:34
tanathIntuitiveNipple, http://pastebin.com/SJPL2qpE17:34
sburwood1ki7rw: What question about amsn?17:34
llutzsburwood1: try dmidecode or lshw17:34
ki7rwwhy won't it use videodev2.h instead of videodev.h?17:35
IntuitiveNippletanath: Looks like you're OK for uvesafb17:35
greenithow can i tell my computer to use the server with apt-cacher-ng installed for https:// - repos?17:35
ki7rwapt-file can't find a package with videodev.h17:35
theadmin!find videodev.h17:36
ubottuFile videodev.h found in libv4l-dev, linux-doc17:36
theadminki7rw: ^17:37
ki7rwthis is what i get when using apt-file search: libv4l-dev: /usr/include/libv4l1-videodev.h17:38
ki7rwthat's not the same as videodev.h17:38
ki7rwlocate videodev.h produces no output17:38
Imre_I'm back boys & girls!17:39
ki7rw(other than libv4l1-videodev.h)17:39
greenithow can i tell my computer to use the server with apt-cacher-ng installed for https:// - repos?17:40
ShactNo takers for the Intel video drivers issue?17:40
IntuitiveNipplegreenit: apt-cacher-ng doesn't support the https so far as I know.17:41
greenitfor an answer^^17:41
skulltipis ubuntu 12 coming out in two days?17:43
icerootskulltip: 4 imo   join #ubuntu+117:44
IntuitiveNipple12.04 is due out on Thursday17:44
nagatoHi guys! Anyone know how to reduce the delay verification e-mail (pop) the evolution mail client for less than 1 minute (60 seconds)?17:44
=== krababbel is now known as tetreb
jansen hey guys im looking for help! i have an lubuntu machine and a N300 Belkin wireless stick.. And i now use ndiswrapper for my connection but everytime i reboot.. the driver fails and he doesnt detect the stick and i cant do anything but reinstall the driver and then it works again gently.. anyone got an idea to make this go smoothly'er?17:47
Defusalsuse has a python wrapper util called cset, what is recommended for cpuset manipulation on ubuntu?17:47
jansen hey guys im looking for help! i have an lubuntu machine and a N300 Belkin wireless stick.. And i now use ndiswrapper for my connection but everytime i reboot.. the driver fails and he doesnt detect the stick and i cant do anything but reinstall the driver and then it works again gently.. anyone got an idea to make this go smoothly'er?17:49
icerootDefusal: cpufrequtils17:49
tanathIntuitiveNipple, that worked for me, thanks17:49
tanathIntuitiveNipple, the 'video=uvesafb:mode_option='1024x768-32',mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap'17:49
IntuitiveNippletanath: Glad it was that simple :)17:49
Defusaliceroot, that is for cpu frequency not affinity17:50
tanathIntuitiveNipple, don't suppose you can help me troubleshoot why ubuntu hangs on reboot now?17:50
icerootDefusal: ok17:50
stefgjansen: have you read dmesg already to get a clue what might be the problem?17:51
IntuitiveNippletanath: Feed me more details, I'll consult my oracle :p17:51
tanathIntuitiveNipple, when i reboot it shuts down most things, but never completes17:51
tanathIntuitiveNipple, started recently (only just noticed it)17:51
tanathIntuitiveNipple, i see nothing in logs, but i may be missing it17:52
jansenstefg, i dont have a clue what i should do so no.17:52
IntuitiveNippletanath: I have the same thing recently... very annoying. Are you using Oneiric?17:52
tanathIntuitiveNipple, 12.04 now17:53
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IntuitiveNippletanath: On the close-down terminal I saw "Closing remaining processes [Fail]" but could never figure out which process(es) !17:53
oCeantanath: 12.04 is not supported here, /join #ubuntu+117:53
tanathIntuitiveNipple, only failure i noticed is dnsmasq because it can't bind to port 5317:53
IntuitiveNippletanath: I upgraded to 12.04 in-place and that issue has now gone away so I'm not sure how to track it.17:53
tanathoCean, they weren't helpful17:54
oCeantanath: that does not make it ontopic here, please don't continue17:54
iceroottanath: does not matter, this channel is not for 12.0417:54
nagatoHi guys! Anyone know how to reduce the delay verification e-mail (pop) the evolution mail client for less than 1 minute (60 seconds)?17:54
stefgjansen: open a terminal and type 'dmesg' .you'll get a log of what's happening during boot. 'dmesg | grep wlan' will filter it for events with wlan17:54
IntuitiveNippleoCean: The bug affects Oneiric17:54
tanathoCean, iceroot, if i'm actually getting support for it in here, then why say it's not supported here? maybe not officially, but so what?17:54
oCeanIntuitiveNipple: that still does not make 12.04 discussion or support on topic17:55
=== tetreb is now known as krababbel
oCeantanath: officially I am telling you to drop the discussion17:55
iceroottanath: because 12.04 is not stable and still has bugs, so we dont support it here17:55
IntuitiveNippleoCean: I'm discussing the Oneiric bug17:55
tanathiceroot, not asking you to17:55
tanathoCean, to what purpose?17:55
iceroottanath: this channel is not for 12.04 discussions, thank you17:55
ClientAliveIf I manually create my partitions during installation, and if I create a separate /boot partition, do I set the bootable flag on it? Do I set the bootable flag on the BIOS boot partition? On both, either/ or?17:56
oCeantanath: I'm not going to argue channel rules with you here, /join #ubuntu-ops for that.17:56
tanathoCean, wasn't asking you to argue them... yet.17:56
oCeantanath: fine, last call. Drop it17:56
IntuitiveNippletanath: On Oneiric I found that I could leave the laptop shutting down at midnight and it'd still be stuck at 070017:56
tanathoCean, have you seen any further discussion about it? why won't you answer my question?17:57
LjLtanath, you choose to use an unreleased distribution, you choose not to get the support for released ones17:57
tanathLjL, no, i choose not to get official support here. there's a difference17:57
escottClientAlive, bootable flag doesn't matter in most cases17:58
escottClientAlive, but it would go on the /boot partition17:58
stefgjansen: ok, so it's working atm... may i suggest to use pastebin, and keep the discussion in the channel so other users can follow as well?17:58
tanathLjL, wait, you're saying installing an unreleased distro means i don't get support for released ones??17:58
theadmintanath: Long as you're using Precise you don't get support, that's channel policy. Even if the bug is present at past versions, fixes that work for Oneiric might fail on Precise and vice versa.17:58
theadmins/Precise/any unreleased Ubuntu version/gi;17:59
stefgjansen: the interesting thing would be to do that when the adapter fails. it might complain about missing firmware or soem other error that could give you an idea17:59
ClientAliveescott: what I'm aiming for is seaparate bios partition, separate /boot partition, then the rest of the system installed on lvm on raid. So, as far as the partitions/ setup stage of the install goes, I shouldn't worry about setting the boot flag anywhere? For my situation it would go on /boot? What I mean is: my specific goal does not change that?18:00
escottClientAlive, bios partition?18:00
ClientAlivewell, mbr/ whatever (the 1 - 2 mb area for the boot loader)18:01
IntuitiveNippleClientAlive: the msdos partition type's bootable flag is a Microsoft legacy thing - basically ignored nowadays18:01
cesar1alguien que hable español??18:01
ClientAliveahh! I see!! This is gpt anyhow...18:02
oCean!es | cesar118:02
ubottucesar1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:02
escottClientAlive, are you talking about the grub_bios partition type for bios boots of gpt disks?18:02
stefgClientAlive: and the mbr doesn't have a partition the mbr /holds/ the partition table so it's metadata *before* any partition18:02
ClientAliveescott: exactly => uefi has drug my through hell for the last time. I'm going for a bios bootable install (though it literally makes me sick to do so)18:03
escottClientAlive, in that case the bootable flag will certainly not matter but it would go on the /boot partition in any case. keep in mind you cannot dual boot windows of any form in that configuration18:04
nusei'm running a ubuntu server, for some reason there is multiple instances of sshd running, 3 instances to be exact, is this normal?18:04
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ClientAliveright on. And, that's fine. Ev will be a virtual guest on top of this host anyhow18:04
bsmith093how do i find out which container format a bunch for extensionless files are in? id just like to know18:06
escottbsmith093, use the file utility18:06
bsmith093escott how18:07
escottbsmith093, file filename18:07
craigbass1976I've got a phone plugged into the mic jack.  The speaker volume slider has no effect on the sound coming out of my computer at all; that can only be adjusted with the mic slider. Shouldn't I be able to silence my laptop by pulling down all of the speaker output faders?18:07
ClientAliveone thing that doesn't make sense to me is the partitioner lists my entire disk as 3.0 TB (which is correct) then I use up just over 500 MB with /boot and "biosgrub" and it still lists the free space as 3.0 TB. Now, even if this is fine as far as what is actually created, I have two other disks I need to match the size of that last partition (and it is certainly less than the size of the entire disk). How am I expected to do that when I g18:07
ClientAliveet those kind of readings?18:07
haylojockey-gtk didnt work in 11.10 netinstall. can i install ati drivers by simply sudo apt-get install fglrx?18:08
escottClientAlive, 500MB is ~0.5GB ~0.0005 TB18:08
hayloi treid jockey-gtk in openbox and TWM, usually it wirks for me(11.04)18:08
IntuitiveNippleClientAlive: Maybe it's the rounding down of the human-readable values? 500MB is 0.0005 of a TB18:09
torkemadahello friends18:09
escottClientAlive, you should be able to find the size in kb or sectors somewhere. worst case drop to parted on the cli18:09
stefgClientAlive: Feel free to do advanced manual partitioning before installation by terminal and cfdisk :-)18:10
torkemadaI'm looking for a messagery program which allows to share pics in the chat windows (in msn). Any ideas please?18:10
ClientAliveright on18:10
haylowhat is the prefered command line technique for installing fglrx? should i install it like i do in debian?18:10
ClientAlivesppose that's what I'll have to do18:10
escotthaylo, sudo apt-get install fglrx18:11
haylonice , thats what i was thinking. thanks escott ! :)18:11
krababbelHow should I create vlan interfaces? Why do I need the raw-device line in the interfaces file? I created a working interface using the ip command but I'm not sure how to make it permanent.18:11
stefgClientAlive: and you could 'clone' partition layouts from disk to disk with sfdisk .... essential when you do soft raid setups18:11
hayloescott,  so i never really needed kockey-gtk for much any way if all the drivers are auto installed by name?18:11
escotthaylo, there is also a jockey-cli18:12
haylooh ok cool18:12
stefgClientAlive: http://www.ducea.com/2006/10/09/partition-table-backup/18:12
escotthaylo, jockey does some testing to determine what package is appropriate but if you already know the name of the package you dont need it18:12
ClientAlivestefg: thx man18:13
stan_man_canI started with ubuntu 10.04 and upgraded to 11.10, i don't see a php5-fpm package available in aptitude and i feel like there should be, any reason why?18:15
IamKaiserHey everyone. Could some one help me out for a bit with my sound problem?18:16
escott!info php5-fpm18:16
ubottuphp5-fpm (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary). In component universe, is optional. Version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6 (oneiric), package size 3043 kB, installed size 8152 kB18:16
escottstan_man_can, is universe enabled?18:16
hayloim trying to install 11.10 from usb to usb, i treid dd and it was did not seem to work well. i am resorting to unetbootin. any known bugs for usb to usb install in ubuntu 11.10> i feel like i may be hitting some bugs.18:16
stan_man_canescott: how do i enable tha? it's a server18:16
escottstan_man_can, edit /etc/apt/sources.list18:17
hayloanyway all in all im ahppy to have an updated debian type ose . thanks ubuntu18:17
stan_man_canescott: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric-security main18:18
escottstan_man_can, and you would need the same line except oneiric universe18:18
IamKaiserI can only hear sound from one application at a time. For example I am on a Skype video call. If I want to play something in VLC or watch something on youtube, I will have to quit skype call. Or else I get no audio from other applications18:18
stan_man_canescott: thanks, it's in there three times, can i delete the second two?18:19
escottIamKaiser, sounds like you dont have pulseaudio installed or running18:19
stan_man_canescott: neermind just raelised it's oneiric, oneiric-updates and oneiric-security18:19
stan_man_cando i update them alll?18:19
escottstan_man_can, there is no oneiric-security universe as the security team DOES NOT COVER packages in universe18:19
IamKaiserI do not think I do escott. Shall have a look at that. Trying out ubuntu so learning18:20
escottstan_man_can, so you would have up to 4 universe lines for the combinations of deb/deb-src and oneiric/oneiric-updates18:20
stan_man_canescott: https://gist.github.com/246593218:20
escottstan_man_can, yep18:21
stan_man_cani take it i need to run an apt-get update after and then i can continue?18:21
escottstan_man_can, yes18:22
stan_man_canthanks :)18:22
IamKaiserEscott. will "sudo apt-get install pulseaudio" work ?18:23
escottIamKaiser, how did you install ubuntu?18:24
IamKaiserwubi. Through Windows. Kind of running a trial for a month.18:24
escottIamKaiser, what version of the gui do you have? i would think that pulse should have been pulled in no matter what18:25
hareldvdUpgrade to 12.04 beta terminated before cleanup. Can cleanup be performed after boot on new OS?18:26
escott!precise | hareldvd18:26
ubottuhareldvd: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:26
IamKaiserescott. 11.1 (oneiric), Kernel Linux 3.0.0-17-generic.  GNOME 3.2.1. Does that help? Sorry if I am doing something wrong.18:27
escottIamKaiser, pulse should have been installed. im not sure why it wouldn't be working correctly, but i dont know much about wubi18:28
Vimanhi, I'm now unable to change my desktop background in LXDE. I've tried to run the command pcmanfm --set-wallpaper=image but the background does not change, even if I log out and log in18:29
Vimancan someone help me?18:29
ubuntu123I used the ubuntu CD to install Ubuntu then install xubuntu via aptitude, now i want to get rid of ubuntu-desktop ... how would i do that18:29
theadmin!purexfce | ubuntu12318:29
ubottuubuntu123: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:29
IamKaiserescott, is there a way to confirm that Pulseaudio is present?18:30
escottIamKaiser, in terminal "ps aux | grep pulse"18:30
=== exoa is now known as ex0a
Defusalcan anyone tell me what the recommended way to work with cpusets on ubuntu is? according to http://www.bullopensource.org/cpuset/cpuset.html debian has pcreate, pdestroy, pmod, pexec and pls commands, but ubuntu does not...18:31
BigglesPiPHi, can anyone ping me their hosts file, a rather shitty VPN client deleted mine.18:32
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IamKaiserescott. http://i.imgur.com/iOcOS.png screent shot18:33
ubuntu123theadmin I'm on ubuntu 12. none of those packages exist18:33
xskydevilxDo you think I could use the beta 2 of Precise and just update when the final i sout?18:33
theadminubuntu123: 12.04 is unsupported, sorry, please visit #ubuntu+1 for that.18:33
xskydevilx*is out18:33
hampsterbladehow can I fix an issue with Xinerama causing RANDR issues18:35
OerHeksBigglesPiP, http://paste.ubuntu.com/941457/18:37
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:37
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Rar9hello what are the need updates to 10.04 lts server ... php 5.3.10 ... mysql 5.6 ... etc?18:40
BigglesPiPOerHeks, thank you, now can sudo without having to wait for DNS, damn you Cisco AnyConnect.18:42
Rar9are there any good web-site that expain the needed update paths step by step?18:43
Defusalcan anyone tell me what the recommended way to work with cpusets on ubuntu is? according to http://www.bullopensource.org/cpuset/cpuset.html debian has pcreate, pdestroy, pmod, pexec and pls commands, but ubuntu does not...18:44
MrUnagi_After setting the bridge interface up for openvpn, I lost Ssh with my server......any ideas?18:46
ClientAliveI need to be sure I'm doing something correctly or not. If I want to have my first partition on the second disk start where my second partition ended on my first disk, and the amount of space used up in the first two partitions on the first disk is 502M, Then would I need to enter "+502M" for the "First sector" when creating the first partition on the second drive?18:46
biobunsaiHello all18:46
ClientAliveconfusing to talk about, I know, but how else do I describe it?18:47
biobunsaiAnyone know how to get windows sound drivers to work ?18:47
bobo37775biobunsai: Windows sound drivers?18:47
ClientAliveI guess I wonder if gdisk automatically aligns everything on the second disk with where stuff left off on the first on - or if you have to specify it18:47
bobo37775biobunsai: Are you serious?18:47
biobunsaiYes, Bobo. I can't find my sound drivers anywhere for Linux, I can only find windows18:48
bobo37775biobunsai: Sound drivers are built into the kernel. In fact most drivers are the linux kernel is different then the nt kernel18:48
biobunsaiSigh.. great.. so no sound for me...18:49
CellTechOk. I wanna use by flash drive to test live distros. I'm on 10.04. What should I format my drive too and how come when I remove, then plug the drive back in. It doesn't offer me a 'live trial'18:49
biobunsaicelltech did you unmount and remount?18:50
CellTechTechnically yes18:50
CellTechAll it does is opens the folder to see the files18:50
daftykinsCellTech: just restart and boot from it... i don't see the problem...18:51
foobArrrI'm trying to setup my bluetooth remote. http://s3.imgimg.de/uploads/bdremote8bc0cc2ejpg.jpg these buttons seem to do nothing for me. what now? xubuntu 11.1018:51
CellTechWell that's the thing I'm trying to avoid constant restarts. I don't mind installing the iso to the drive then just unmount and remount.18:51
bobo37775biobunsai: Did you check alsamixer?18:51
CellTechWhat should I always format my drive too?18:51
daftykinsCellTech: how do you expect to trial the distros natively on your own hardware without restarting?18:52
biobunsaiBoBo no i didn't I'll give that a crack. i been playing with the systems setting and system check18:52
CellTechCant a thumbdrive be set to autoplay so it runs programs?18:52
daftykinsCellTech: yeah but you can't run an OS inside an OS without using virtualisation...18:52
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CellTechOk. So now for that. I'll restart. What should I format the thing for Fat, ext4,,,18:53
daftykinsCellTech: you can get programs to make the flash drive your bootable distro of choice18:53
daftykinsCellTech: look up "unetbootin"18:53
CellTechI have UNetBootin. But it makes me format the drive18:53
daftykinsFAT then18:53
CellTechWhat do I format too FAT, or ext4. Whats the best18:53
IntuitiveNippleCellTech: Set the PC to boot from USB devices, and ensure the Flash drive has a bootable Ubuntu image on it. No need to do anything to the PC's hard disk18:54
CellTechOk. I'm gonna go slow. I insert the flash drive. I open disk utility, I unmount then format with "don't partition" then I go to "partition./format" Normally I pick FAT. Then I open uNetBootin and have the iso installed to the drive. I then remove said drive, shut down, insert the drive, turn computer back on. Bios is set to boot from usb 1st. However. Sometimes it fails to do so. What should I "partition/format" my thumbdrive too?18:55
theadminCellTech: Just dd the image onto your USB stick if it's a Linux.18:56
CellTechtheadmin: I wish it was that easy. Disk utility usually requires a partition before I remount18:57
theadminCellTech: No, uh: sudo dd if=your_linux_image.iso of=/dev/sdz18:57
mrmangowish I was over there for that18:57
mrmangobut it would cost too much cash :)18:57
theadminCellTech: Wherein "sdz" is your usb stick. Note it's "sdz", not "sdz1" or somesuch.18:57
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CellTechtheadmin: correct. that's how it shows in unetbootin18:58
theadminCellTech: I had awful experiences with unetbootin myself -- almost always failed on me, so I don't use it nor recommend anyone to.18:59
CellTechtheadmin: What do you use? I'll try another no problem18:59
theadminCellTech: Well as I said, from Linux I use dd, from Windows I use LiLi18:59
PioneerAxonCellTech: If you have unetbootin, then you don't need to worry. Just insert your usb stick, select ISO, select usb, click OK. Thats all..18:59
PioneerAxonCellTech: If this doesn't work, Just run dd if=19:00
CellTechOk thank you. I'm gonna go try it now19:00
hauxIs it possible to gzip a directory but exlude one directory within it?19:00
theadminhaux: It's not possible to gzip a directory, gzip compresses single files.19:01
Lintis it possible to install ubuntu from the ISO file, without booting from it?19:01
PioneerAxonCellTech: If this doesn't work, Just run dd if="PATH TO YOUR ISO" of="DEVICE LOC" bs=8M19:01
hauxtheadmin, I suppose I mean using the tar command with the gzip flag19:01
theadminhaux: If you mean tar, then sure -- tar czf my.tar.gz --exclude=yourdirectory/something yourdirectory19:01
hauxtheadmin, thank you19:01
IntuitiveNipplehaux: If you use tar use the option --exclude=19:01
xskydevilxDoes any one of you think I could use the beta 2 of Precise and just update when the final is out without having to re-install?19:04
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greenithi, i want to automatically mount a partition (/dev/sdb5) with read/write/execute-rights for me.. how can i do this? i tried to enter the partition in the fstab, but it mounted with root-rights -.-19:05
llutzgreenit: what filesystem?19:05
mrmangothis assume the user has chrome?19:05
greenitllutz, ext419:05
trismxskydevilx: yes you can19:05
llutzgreenit: chmod/chown it to your needs19:06
greenitllutz, but i want to have the rights alrdy when i start up the computer19:06
xskydevilxtrism, thanks.19:06
llutzgreenit: chmod/chown it to your needs   once, it will be persistent19:06
mrmangothis assumes they have chrome and know how to install the extension19:06
greenitllutz, ah, thx^^19:06
mrmangobut its nice19:06
=== mh0- is now known as mh0
Defusalcan anyone tell me what the recommended way to work with cpusets on ubuntu is? according to http://www.bullopensource.org/cpuset/cpuset.html debian has pcreate, pdestroy, pmod, pexec and pls commands, suse has a python util, but ubuntu has nothing... i also need to setup a bootcpuset, which suse has docs for, but ubuntus man pages say stuff like "SEE ALSO bootcpuset.conf(5), bootcpuset(8)",19:09
Defusalyet the links are invalid and no such pages exist19:09
FloodBot1Defusal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
DefusalFloodBot1, shutup :|19:09
biobunsaiWell I got sound but its sooo lite can hardly hear it and I hooked it up to home system and tuned it all the way up19:10
Defusalthis is starting to make me seriously regret using ubuntu over debian for my new server, it is as if someone removed these important utilities, docs and related things from ubuntu19:11
mrmangoDefusal, yeah debian all the way for servers19:11
Defusalwell it's too late now, i thought ubuntu server would be like debian server with some extra stuff19:12
mrmangoDefusal, I use ubuntu server here at home, but for LAMP stacks I would not19:12
Defusalit seems to be quite the opposite, where ubuntu server is missing core debian utils19:12
leahQuestion:  I have a directory full of fonts I want to install in ubuntu and was hoping there was a way to mass install all of them rather then having to do them one by one.  (Question level/MEGA N00B)19:12
Defusalmrmango, i was not aware that ubuntu server had disadvantages compared to debian19:13
mrmangohow big is that text19:13
Defusalbut it is too late now, so i have to find a way to get this working19:13
theadminleah: sudo install -m 644 your_directory/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/TTF/19:13
flash_Hi guys. I ran a program that opened a listening socket on port 1717 on my pc, however when that program closed the cleanup was not done and I am unable to run it again.19:14
flash_Is there a way to manually do the cleanup?19:14
phpN00b_can some one recommend me a replacement for adobe firework?19:14
mrmangoDefusal, well for some its fine, but I'd use debian in a VM or dedi where possible.19:14
biobunsaiSo if ALSA don't work for my sound they are on board sound by the way, what should I do?19:14
Defusalmrmango, i won't make the mistake again19:14
Defusalbut yeah, if only i knew this before19:14
Defusalwhat the hell did they do with bootcpuset.conf(5), bootcpuset(8)19:14
mrmangoDefusal, ;) live and learn19:14
mrmangoDefusal, you might see if they are available under a PPA or something. I would assume other would have noticed.19:15
phpN00bany one knows a good svn gui tool for Ubuntu?19:15
Defusali have been searching for ages19:15
mrmangodoubleAa batteries gives them 100 hours!19:15
leahtheadmin, target `/usr/share/fonts/TTF/' is not a directory: No such file or directory19:15
Defusalsigh, bankrupcy, here i come19:16
theadminleah: You can just create that then, it doesn't really matter where to install it, but: sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/TTF/19:16
theadminleah: Then run the command again.19:16
mrmangoDefusal, bankruptcy? Because of the wrong distro?19:16
leahtheadmin, I <3 u19:17
Defusalmrmango, because of a never ending supply of edge case issues causing constant delays on an already terribly late platform launch19:17
theadminUh, that's a bit extreme :/19:17
IntuitiveNippleDefusal: Would "taskset" be what you need?19:17
dAnjouhey, does someone know whether/when oneiric gets the kernel version 3.0.0-18?19:17
DefusalIntuitiveNipple, no19:17
Defusali need bootcpuset19:17
Defusali should be able to do all the rest of the cpuset stuff manually with /proc19:18
IntuitiveNippleDefusal: Right. No supporting package for it with utils in Oneiric, I'm afraid19:18
NurseDaddoes everything in all my sources show up in ubuntu software center?19:20
IntuitiveNippleDefusal: how about the package numactl ?19:22
dAnjounevermind, 3.0.0-19 is in proposed19:22
lola!echo hello lola19:24
ubottulola: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:25
NurseDadis play on linux in the software center19:27
theadminNurseDad: No, look on their site for instructions.19:28
UncleFleshPuppetwhat is the deal19:29
dlentz!info playonlinux | NurseDad19:29
ubottuNurseDad: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.8.8-1 (oneiric), package size 708 kB, installed size 2464 kB19:29
theadminOh, awkward, never realised it was there.19:30
theadminThanks, dlentz19:30
ammarahmadcan anyone help me with mono develop vb.net?19:31
theadminammarahmad: That's gross, but there is #mono19:31
mdel_tpHey all... having trouble installing Ubuntu on my Mac with refit19:31
theadminammarahmad: The official channel for Mono is at irc://irc.gnome.org/mono though19:31
wabashWhat's the difference between the server and regular editions?19:32
mdel_tpDoes 12.04 support efi out of the box?19:32
theadminwabash: The server edition comes with no graphical interface.19:32
ammarahmad... why is it gross?19:32
wabashtheadmin: Thank you!19:32
mdel_tpOr do I still need refit19:32
UncleFleshPuppet!join anon19:32
theadminammarahmad: Mono doesn't implement CLR too well, besides it mostly deals with C#, not VB19:33
theadminUncleFleshPuppet: The syntax is /join #channel19:33
wabashtheadmin: If I wanted to do ubuntu with a different window manager or desktop environment, is it easier to go standard and then change things? Or is it easier to start with the server and add the WM?19:33
theadmin!minimal | wabash19:33
ubottuwabash: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:33
* UncleFleshPuppet fiddles junk19:34
DefusalIntuitiveNipple, i don't see how numactl can be used as bootcpuset19:37
mdel_tpOh shit, its intuitivenipple19:37
mdel_tpMiss the days of g2 rooting19:38
UncleFleshPuppetyou guys are funny19:38
UncleFleshPuppetI thought I was19:38
UncleFleshPuppetuntil I came here19:39
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wabashIs there a release calander somewhere?19:40
physically_fit!release | wabash19:40
ubottuwabash: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:40
wabashThank you.19:41
wabashphysically_fit: Hm... Release date is april . Yes.  Do you know where I could find the day?19:41
wabashIt used to be that the ubu site showed a countdown...19:41
physically_fitwabash, the day for 12.04 is the 26th as far as i know19:42
wabashah, I see. the 26th.19:42
wabashthank you.19:42
phpN00bcan some one recommend a tool for adobe firework replacement?19:43
phpN00bor a professinal tool to make graphics for webpages?19:43
nannesuhm... the best graphic opensource tool is theGimp19:44
phpN00bnannes, I hate the fact that it is now a single window19:44
nannesAdobe software is great, it's difficult to find good alternatives19:44
dariebi_hey all, can somebody tell me command to remove desktop?19:45
phpN00bnannes, yea, too bad they have no plan for a port to Linux19:45
nannesdariebi_: what do you mean with "remove desktop"?19:47
dariebi_i want to work with shell only19:47
cwill747dariebi_: you can hit ctrl-alt-f119:47
nannesdarohhh you wanna remove the DE!19:47
wrostekANyone know if ubuntu supports WIFI cards with 3 antennas ? I have bought and returned two atheros based ones in the last 2 days because signal strength was like 2 bars from 3 feet away.. I think its because of the 3 antennas?19:48
cwill747i bet anything he just hit that and won't know how to come back19:48
nannesdariebi_: but ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't remove it.... it does give you only a shell.19:48
wrostek( using the card in AP mode )19:48
dariebi_oh hey thank you very much, thats perfect!19:48
MarcNLooking recommendations for best way to store meta data with arbitrary files.  I have a genealogy project with a number of jpg scans, txt files, from various sources.  that I want to tag.  For example smith-1940-census.jpg I'd like to tag with "SMITH surname", "Fred Smith", "Sally Jones", New York, Townname, From Ancestry.com on 1-apr-2012.  Ideas?19:50
MarcNOn a completely different topic, any pointer to good info on getting a DisplayLink USB video adapter to work with Orneric or Precise?19:51
ClientAlivedoes anyone have a resource for resizing an lvm2 volume group? Not a logical volume, a volume group.19:52
nannesMarcN: what kind of project? if it's web, i'd use php19:52
bratnerhi all! i'm using natty and experiencing a weird audio problem. There is no system sound at all and the "test sound" is silent too. but if i play movies with Totem everything works. alsamixer works too.19:53
MarcNnannes, personal project.  I'd kinda like something like f-spot does with RAW files. Creates a 'sidecar' file and not touch the original.  So smith-1940.jpg file would have its meta tags stored in smtih-1940.jpg.xml (or whatever).19:54
MarcNnannes, Not sharing data, just organizing it for my purposes.  Not looking for a genealogy tool (I already use lifelines)19:55
nannesMarcN: yeah, personal, that's ok :D.... i meant web-based data organizing or based on DE?19:55
nannesweb one is simpler19:55
nannes*i meant data organizing  "web-based"  or "based on DE"?19:56
nannessorry for my english19:56
nannesMarcN: it could be done even with shell script19:57
MarcNnannes, I'd prefer non-web since I expect this project to last for decades more.  Picking php, etc and it adds too many deps.  Prefer filesystem + tool to add metadata + simple db (sqlite)19:57
MarcNnannes, it may not exist of course.19:57
CampinSamAnyone know if there are any razer drivers?19:58
CampinSamor atleast, any other way too set sensitivity and dpi19:59
MarcNCampinSam, the motorola razer phone? It should just show up as a USB disk.19:59
nannesMarcN: so, your ideas are already clear.. start it! ;)19:59
=== decksmasher is now known as Dex
MarcNnannes, lol19:59
JamoLockerzWow, a lot of people can't afford Windows...20:00
fredrik_has ayone got any experience on awstats? I'm trying to move an old installation under redhat to a ubuntu server but I cant find the db-files?20:00
CampinSamMarcN: baha, I meant the razer mouse drivers.20:00
CampinSamMarcN: sorry for not being specific20:01
MarcNCampinSam, ah.. nope help from me...20:01
JamoLockerzWhy does Linux actually exist? Why don't people just buy Windows -.-20:01
yeats!ot | JamoLockerz20:01
ubottuJamoLockerz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:01
RyoRoninJamoLockerz: what makes you think we all don't already have windows...20:02
JamoLockerzBecause you use Linux...20:02
JamoLockerzLinux is just a dumbed down version of Windows20:03
RyoRoninJamoLockerz: i have both thanks. assuming your here you have ubuntu issues20:03
JamoLockerzIt can't run ANY games20:03
MarcNnannes, I was thinking there may be something already for people with a huge video connection.  "search ('adventure' or 'comedy') and 'schwarzenegger'20:03
JamoLockerzor anything for that matter20:03
RyoRoninJamoLockerz: winehq20:03
MonkeyDustJamoLockerz  wrong channel20:03
physically_fitwhy no one ban JamoLockerz i was banned for less20:03
JamoLockerzwinehq? Is that the one thing Linux can run?20:03
yeatsJamoLockerz: please troll elsewhere20:04
Paradox2000Linux sucks man. Just XP.20:04
Paradox2000XP 4 lyf.20:04
JamoLockerzI'm honestly not, I can't understand how Linux exists20:04
nannesJamoLockerz: and I can't understand why people buy a shit like windows! :)20:05
yeatsJamoLockerz: well it's still off-topic here, so do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:05
JamoLockerzBecause it can actually run programs...20:05
MarcNJamoLockerz, not everyone (shock horror) is a gamer.20:05
cwill747JamoLockerz: Please take your conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic20:05
MonkeyDustJamoLockerz  we got the message, now go somewhere else20:05
Paradox2000JamoLockerz: Linux doesn't really exist. This whole channel is just trying to fool you. Don't be fooled. Windows izz da baus.20:05
nannesJamoLockerz: linux can, too! :)20:05
nannesjoin #ubuntu-offtopic20:06
JamoLockerzMarcN, what does Linux have over Windows then>20:06
=== Termana is now known as Guest26482
nannesJamoLockerz: come on ubuntu-offtopic20:06
RyoRoninJamoLockerz: OpenOS20:06
bekksJamoLockerz: Everything. But thats not ontopic :)20:06
JamoLockerzThat's a support question. What does Linux have over Windows?20:07
fideluse the power of IGNORE ;)20:07
* MarcN is done feeding the troll.20:07
Paradox2000JamoLockerz; Nothing. I say just quit and stick with Windows.20:07
nannesJamoLockerz: totally virus-free, OPEN SOURCE, more customizable20:07
MonkeyDustfidel  already did :)20:07
nannesand all things that derive from it20:07
nannesand DesktopEnvironnements looks better than windows one, using MUCH MORE LESS RAM20:08
phpN00bwow, Gnome (new verison) actually has all the features I wanted in the previous release :-)20:08
JamoLockerzMac is virus-free and how's open source a good thing?20:08
phpN00bJamoLockerz,  mac is not virus-free20:08
phpN00bhi bazhang_20:08
MonkeyDustJamoLockerz  you'll understand when you come of age20:09
=== primary is now known as Guest57376
JamoLockerzCome of what age?20:09
brontosaurusrexJamoLockerz: listen some interviews with father of gnu (although he is talking about free software, much applies to OS as well)20:09
nannesJamoLockerz: at least 11 if you are a bit smart20:09
JamoLockerzI'm 16...20:10
nannesI understood it at \11, it's not that strange20:10
nannesJamoLockerz: good: so you're officially ....mmmmm..... don't know how to say20:10
nannesimagine it20:10
JamoLockerzOfficially what? :S20:10
nannesI say weird, to not say else20:11
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amandasue75I'm trying to fire up x11vnc remotely (I did an ssh -XC into the server) and it's not going well.  What's the best way to see an dinteract with what's currently showing on the server's screen?  I need exercise, but don't want to keep trucking up and down the stairs.20:12
nannesJamoLockerz: read, observe, understand... evetything that sourrounds you. Do you know what are moral values? what does "free knowledge" mean?20:12
=== me is now known as Guest50768
RyoRoninamandasue75: Are you using the RemoteViewer to connect to the vnc?20:13
MarcNamandasue75, are you looking for x0vncserver?20:13
yeatsamandasue75: ssh -XC won't show you what's currently on the screen, FYI20:13
coolroothi goodmornin20:14
yeatsamandasue75: it *does* let you start graphical programs that are run from the server20:14
RyoRoninamandasue75: Sorry the exact name is Remote Desktop Viewer20:14
amandasue75RyoRonin, MarcN yeats I'm ssh-ing in enough to fire up familiar looking GUIs.  x11vnc is what I thought I'd be after.  I've tried vino with remote desktop viewer, and can't figure out why THAT does't work.  Is there a log file on either end that would help?20:15
coolrooti just got this weird things goin on on my ubuntu 10.04 it's like my mouse stop functioning the left click but it still moves but can't click anythin and end me up restarting.....what seems to be the problem?20:15
amandasue75coolroot, is there a new cat in the house?  Have you tried a different mouse or usb port?20:16
MarcNamandasue75, personally i think you should be able to everything via ssh. Or learn to.    Does the remote server have a grpahics desktop running? If running gnome, vino may be already running.  You can connect from your desktop using 'vncviewer remote-system.com'.20:17
amandasue75MarcN, the remote server is my laptop downstairs.20:17
MarcNamandasue75, vnc4server may be of interest.  It running a vnc server with full gnome/kde in a 'virtual' way -- not tied at all to what is on the monitor.  connect from your local system via vncviewer.20:18
coolroothahaha i just get rid of the cat tho....hmmm yeah new mouse new port! :) just gettin weird creepy makes me think that ghost do exist lmao20:18
amandasue75MarcN, I'm trying to mess with volume and media, and it would just be easier with VNC rather than dorking with alsa and cli players.  I'm trying to actually stream what's coming in the mic jack to the network.  That part's done, but now I'm tinkering20:18
ichbinderHello. I currently want to resize the partitions on my laptop, Windows requires more space. Here is a screenshot of my laptop drive in gparted: http://i.imgur.com/uh83U.png . Is there an easy way to shrink sda6 and/or sda7 and to enlarge sda3? I know that in priciple, gparted can resize partitions and I already have the gparted live CD. But I have doubts as sda6 and sda7 are sub-partitions of sda4, it seems...?20:19
amandasue75coolroot, you have ps2 ports, or usb?20:19
coolrootusb port20:19
MarcNamandasue75, I still use only to connect to systems within my house!  From your local system, try vncviewer your-laptop.local (or whaever). You may need to first walk to the laptop and startup or reconfiure vino to allow you remote access -- think the default is 'click yes to allow someone to access this lapto[p'.  And set a password.20:19
MarcNamandasue75, from then on, vncviewer your-laptop.local (or ip address).  there are other vncviewers, some command line (rdesktop -- my fav since it allows remote fileshare too) or 'Remote Desktop Viewer' or remmina or others.20:20
MarcNamandasue75, remember when using vino the laptop monitor will light up as if you were there. Anyone near it will be able to watch and type/mouse.20:21
amandasue75MarcN, that's what I was doing with ssh -XC, and I've just realized that I had "confirm every user" checked (Doh!)  Now, in Remote Desktop Viewer, which protocol am I aiming for?20:22
amandasue75MarcN, and do I have to log out/in again on the server for new settings to take effect?20:23
MarcNamandasue75,  You want to see/interact with the laptop? Then use VNC.  Another approach is to 'ssh -XC ' to the laptop and run a new program, say 'f-spot' or 'firefox' and the display will be sent back to the linux system you are sitting in front of.  Different approachs.20:24
wamHi, I need to know what changed on a block device within a given time. The list of block-IDs would be great, but any information could help. Is there anything to manage that? I've read about analyzing mdraid and drbd. But that's not the primary usecase of these things. Any tipps?20:24
amandasue75MarcN, right, I didn't want the one at a time ssh route.20:24
amandasue75Which protocol is vino running on , RDP?20:24
MarcNamandasue75, then VNC is probably want you want.  Just remember to configure vino on the laptop for 1) a password 2) 'always allow remote connections'.  Vino is VNC.  RDP is a windows protocol.20:25
guntbertamandasue75: vnc if I remember correctly20:25
guntbertamandasue75: if you want rdp: rdesktop is the way to go20:26
MarcNguntbert, safe to assume that most servers/viewers that start with V are VNC based. :-)20:26
amandasue75could mean Voltron...20:26
guntbertMarcN: yes, I wasn't sure about a plugin though...20:26
MarcNguntbert, :-)20:27
MarcNamandasue75, I'm not familiar with the Voltron protocol :-p20:27
RyoRoninMarcN: Voltron cartoon robot20:27
gorganhaganSup niggas20:28
RyoRoninMarcN: sorry missed the :-P20:28
xslguys how do i create a "second" loopack device so i can add several ips for my LXC containers?20:28
Paradox2000gorganhagan: Sup.20:28
BinshHey! im running dualscreen on a AMD HD6870. When i run game in fullscreen, the picture split between both of my screens. Is there a setting to fix this?20:29
MarcNRyoRonin, np.  Not sure who Voltron was anyway.  Guessing from the '90s20:29
gorganhaganI am extremely displeases with this network20:29
tensorpudding!ot gorganhagan20:29
tensorpudding!ot | gorganhagan20:30
ubottugorganhagan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:30
lauratikahi everyone how can i share all my music library with friends that live in other countries via ubuntu?20:30
_schism_can anyone point me to an idiots guide to a simple mail server?  been doing the google thing but I think either my google-fu sucks or google things I am running windoze.....20:30
fidellauratika: take a look on tomahawk - player with some social sharing options20:30
tensorpudding_schism_, there are guides on the ubuntu wiki for postfix20:30
guntbert!serverguide | _schism_20:31
ubottu_schism_: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/20:31
amandasue75MarcN, http://mattezell.wordpress.com/2010/07/22/restarting-vino-server-from-cli/  That got me going.  I'm not sure if I just never had the server running, or if it was turded out somehow.  I didn't see anything in /etc/init.d that looked related, so I couldn't restart anything that way.20:31
_schism_okie dokie postfix it is.  thanks tensorpudding part of it was I wasnt sure which platform to use and citadel wasnt working20:31
_schism_guntbert, thank you sir20:31
lauratikathanx fidel, you think is the best approach to this...  basically want a network of friends to be able to share and add to one central music library20:32
guntbert_schism_: BUT   mail servers are not for beginners - take extreme caution20:32
phpN00bhow do I add extra languages support (for spelling checking) in Ubuntu?20:32
mneptok_schism_: realistic choices for someone new are postfix and exim.20:32
_schism_guntbert, I do understand sir.  wanting someting to play with around here at the house to learn, not public facing20:33
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_schism_mneptok, thank you20:33
=== LukeNukem_ is now known as DarthVader
mneptok_schism_: if it's playing with an eye to production, postfix is probably more popular these days than exim.20:34
carroarm1to0phpN00b: System -> Language Support20:34
_schism_mneptok, guess I may want to use it for real one day but for now its more of my adhd has fixated on it :)20:34
MarcNamandasue75, vino is started when you log into a system -- it is a per-user thing, not system wide.20:35
TimothyAokay, finally managed to get sshfs to work20:35
TimothyAanyone here knows how I can increase the amount of connections/threads?20:35
TimothyAit's rather slow when copying thousands of files20:35
mneptok_schism_: there's a bit of ADHD in "what can i put on a CV someday?" too. ;)20:35
_schism_mneptok, lol I like how you think!20:36
MarcNTimothyA, why not scp or sftp the files? Same protocol without the filesystem like overhead.20:36
lauratikasomebody else with a better idea20:36
TimothyAMarcN: application restrictions20:36
_schism_bah brb little one just did a half gainer down the stairs20:36
TimothyAI can do it for an original migration, but I would have to use the filesystem after that20:36
MarcNTimothyA, good luck with that :-)  Assuming NFS/iSCSI is out of the question.20:38
TimothyAyeah :/20:38
TimothyAupstream provider didn't want to enable NFS20:39
TimothyAI will probably see about using NFS once I get the money for a bigger server...20:39
TimothyAbut then I probably won't be needing NFS20:39
gorganhaganFuck freenode20:39
MarcNTimothyA, nfs/iscsi would address your performance issues, but not security unless you isolate it to a vlan.20:40
TimothyAyou're going to suggest tahoe-lafs?20:40
CrazyGangsterHello ppl, any1 knows if there is a way to not redirect the beep to my headphones?20:43
adriandelatablahello everyone, just testing irssi + screen20:45
adriandelatablafrom android20:45
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:47
* TimothyA watches the data crawl at 1MB/s20:49
adriandelatablanow testing using andchat + irssi proxy20:50
pangolinadriandelatabla, do you have a question related to Ubuntu?20:50
nannesjoin #pidgin20:50
pangolin!language | nannes20:51
ubottunannes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:51
adriandelatablasorry for the noise, don't mean to disturb20:51
=== tabakhase__ is now known as tabakhase
=== antimon_ is now known as antimon
=== suigeneris is now known as Kartagis
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:54
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:55
Splashmanhi somebody knows if the official ffado supports the focusrite pro 24 without the svn??20:57
Splashmanthank u20:58
CoJaBo..Is there anything that can trascode/cut/edit/anything a .rm file on linux? Already tried the obvious (avidemus wont decode the video, mencoder just freezes, and ffmpeg can't seem to produce an output file with audio less than 2 hours out of sync)21:00
freedomrunhello .. can someone tell me why it is impossible to logon to ubuntu one using firefox?21:00
nannesCoJaBo: rm is proprietay format from RealMedia21:01
syslqCrazyGangster: beep? You mean the speaker beep?21:01
minimecfreedomrun: I cannot confirm your problem.21:01
CoJaBonannes: Yeh, hence the reason I want to transcode it out of that format :P21:01
minimecfreedomrun: Some add-ons might cause that, like no-script or so.21:02
freedomrunminimec: I`ve disabled them all ..hmm21:02
nannesCoJaBo: for the reason I wrote, they don't publish any source for decode of his formats.... anyway, a simple google search found out a program... just do it!21:03
syslqCoJaBo: mencoder yourfile.rm -o yourfile.avi -ovc x264 -oac mp3lame21:03
CoJaBonannes: What program? All I'm finding is menncoder and ffmpeg :/21:03
syslqCoJaBo: read above, I gave you oneliner21:03
CoJaBosyslq: As stated in the first line, that freezes (in this case, on frame #6)21:04
syslqCoJaBo: ffmpeg then21:05
nannesCoJaBo: https://www.google.com/search?q=rm+real+media+linux21:05
syslqCoJaBo: ffmpeg -i REAL_FILE -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq -acodec aac -ab ABITRATE EXPORTED_FILE.mp421:05
* LjL randomly ponders how sometimes if a person can't help another person, maybe they shouldn't try21:05
LjLnannes: quite obviously he's already researched it. no use giving him a google search like that.21:05
CoJaBosyslq: As, again, stated, ffmpeg completes, but the audio is literally 2 hours out of sync by the end. I said, I already tried the obvious (i.e., what Google turns up).21:05
syslqCoJaBo: you can upload the file and I'll transcode it for you if you wish21:06
=== default133512872 is now known as LOLILOL
LOLILOLHey !21:06
CoJaBoIts several gigabytes (a 5 hour tv recording burned to disc)21:06
syslqCoJaBo: video/audio sync in source is ok?21:06
CoJaBoYeh, plays in vlc. But I can't seek, only fast-forward.21:07
l_rwhen will ubuntu 12.04 be out?21:07
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syslqCoJaBo: ok, you could try using vlc to transcode21:07
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l_roh..transcode..i remember i had been using it for long time.. is the project still alive?21:08
freedomrunminimec: same with chromium21:08
syslqCoJaBo: but I'm unsure if vlc can play rm, I guess it can, it's under media - convert/save option21:08
CoJaBohm.. I've had trouble with that before tho, not to mention it takes forever.. Worth a try i guess lol21:08
=== LOLILOL is now known as TRUCMUCHMACHIN
PioneerAxonl_r: 26th April21:08
syslqCoJaBo: in what format did you encode it in?21:08
CrazyGangstersyslq: yes the system beep21:08
CrazyGangster*speaker beep21:09
CoJaBosyslq: I have no idea what software created it; the codec info says RV3021:09
syslqCrazyGangster: modprobe -r pcspkr21:10
CrazyGangsterthere is a way to no redirect the beep21:10
TimothyAyeah... sshfs is too slow for me21:10
syslqCoJaBo: that's real media, but what is your destination codec? I ask since you could try reindexing it if it's mpeg21:10
TimothyArsync - 150mbit21:10
TimothyAsshfs - 10mbit21:10
CrazyGangsterk but now i cant hear nothing...21:11
CoJaBosyslq: It defaulted to xvid, ffmpeg seemed to ignore my specification to use h26421:11
syslqCrazyGangster: you cant hear nothing from system speaker, that should be all21:11
=== me is now known as Guest88721
syslqCoJaBo: try encoding to mpg221:13
waxjarhey guys. for some reason i can't mount the bootable USB drives i create using the guide on the download page (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download)21:13
waxjari'm on a mac (10.7.3)21:13
syslqCoJaBo: destination file will be a bit larger but you can work from there on witout any significant quality loss and with normal codec, which rm is not21:13
CrazyGangsterbut i want to hear the beep in the speaker and only listen music on my headphones, thats possible?21:13
syslqCrazyGangster: no21:14
CoJaBosyslq: I think the problem is a, its getting the wrong framerate and b, its losing some frames without compensating for them.. so its probably the decoder not encoder :/21:14
waxjari can't mount the .iso files (nor the .img i create using the guide) either21:15
syslqCoJaBo: speaking from experience I'd try encoding to mpeg2 progressive via VLC, that usually fixes such crap for me21:15
lolain weechat is there a way to set text align for the nicklist and status bar?21:17
Splashmanis ffado died?21:17
lolaI want my weechat nicklist to be aligned right and not left21:18
minimecfreedomrun: Sorry. Didn't see you rpost. I would go in this direction. Multiple reasons could be possible. http://www.google.ch/#hl=de&sclient=psy-ab&q=cannot+access+https+site+ubuntu&oq=cannot+access+https+site+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=q-w1&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=serp.3..33i21.2679.7516.0.7719.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=4461e231bb4f858a21:19
CoJaBosyslq: Its encoding to h264, in a few minutes gonna try to play the partial file to see if anythings at all usable lol..21:19
CoJaBo..and, it wont play21:21
freedomrunminimec: thnx21:22
lola!echo lola21:22
lola!give lola rules21:23
ubottulola: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
syslqCoJaBo: now try mpeg2, it's way more forgiving21:24
new2linuxhello people21:26
new2linuxlooking for help21:28
nannesjoin #ubuntu-fr21:28
cwill747lola, you do it like this21:29
cwill747!rules | lola21:29
ubottulola: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:29
CoJaBosyslq: mpeg2, just says it cant find the encoder21:30
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:30
fr_for_min!rules fr_for_min21:30
fl1bbl3did you not read what it said?21:31
fl1bbl3bot will have anti-flood protection21:31
=== Madkiss_ is now known as Madkiss
EmeryAnyone got a tut on hardening ubuntu ?21:32
auronandaceEmery: disconnect from the internet21:34
Emeryauronandace, I hear that.21:35
charlesr_hi i just installed 11.10 on an inspiron 1545. after a short time the system is freezing. switching to text console works and there are suspicious messages in dmesg that might be a clue ... will post if asked21:35
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha
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Ghost_Berryi am using gnome desktop on ubuntu 11.10 and have placed some shortcuts on the top taskbar, but would like to remove it now, how do i remove it please?21:36
rodayoIs anyone else having/had this issue. When I open up the empathy window it immediately closes. As far as I can tell I'm still signed in and I can change my status using that "envelope" menu at the top...but can't do anything with empathy itself21:36
new2linuxUbuntu 11.10 is not booting on my laptop and i can only these:* Starting anac(h)ronistic cron [OK] * Stopping save kernel messages [OK] * Starting regular background program processing daemon [OK] * Starting deferred execution scheduler [OK] * Stopping anac(h)ronistic cron21:37
Emeryrodayo, open empathy in terminal, will tell you the error.21:37
rodayoEmery, segfault21:37
Emeryfull error ?21:37
rodayo"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"21:37
rodayonot very verbose =P21:38
FrozenFireI need to place the Ubuntu installer on the partition of a hard disk that's attached via an external USB chassis. I'm running Windows. When I try installing it using the Linux Live USB Creator, I get a kernel panic on boot21:38
FrozenFireCan anyone suggest a means of doing this?21:38
rodayoEmery, any ideas?21:39
Emeryrodayo, sec21:39
charlesr_is anyone else noticing 11.10 freezing up on a dell inspiron 1545? (32 bit) i have the following message repeating every couple seconds in dmesg: [ 1004.851806] ata1.00: irq_stat 0x4000000821:39
charlesr_[ 1004.854464] ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED21:40
charlesr_[ 1004.857049] ata1.00: cmd 60/08:00:68:8e:82/00:00:03:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 4096 in21:40
charlesr_[ 1004.857050]          res 41/40:08:68:8e:82/00:00:03:00:00/00 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>21:40
charlesr_[ 1004.862298] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }21:40
FloodBot1charlesr_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
charlesr_[ 1004.864945] ata1.00: error: { UNC }21:40
yoophglupFrozenFire:What version of Ubuntu are you installing? 64-bit 32-bit? when is the kernal panic showing?21:40
FrozenFire32-bit of 11.1021:40
Emeryrodayo, can't seem to find a fix, is there an update for it ?21:40
EmeryMaybe try removing it and re-installing ?21:40
rodayoEmery, kk i'll try that21:40
FrozenFireyoophglup, The kernel panic is showing on boot, as it's attempting to mount the root filesystem21:41
rodayoThis is precise btw21:41
FrozenFireI'm re-installing the installer on the disk, unsetting the "hide created files on key" setting that LiLi has for default21:41
Emeryrodayo, It's not full release yet. expect bugs.21:41
maheanuuI am running Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS  I used to run skype 64 but after the crash about 6wks ago, I have not installed Skype when I try now I only see the 32 bit version???21:41
EmeryAlthough I'm using it now, and it's fine.21:41
PinballReviewerHi everyone21:42
yoophglupWhat is the exact error from the Kernal panic?21:42
rodayoEmery, I actually had this problem with oneiric too...might be something sepcific to my laptop21:42
Emerymaheanuu, Skype for Linux is buggy anyway. Try removing skype and re-installing (fixed it for me)21:42
Emeryrodayo, I doubt that, will be down to Ubuntu.,21:42
FrozenFireyoophglup, Booting it again now, and I'll be able to tell you in a moment if I encounter it again21:42
FrozenFireLZMA data is corrupt21:43
PinballReviewerWow it is 81 degrees here in Spring. That is freaking hot for Spring. o.O21:43
FrozenFireVFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(8,1)21:43
CoJaBosyslq: ended up trying mjpeg, which seems to be working.. no matter what i try tho, I get no audio in the resulting file :/21:43
rodayoEmery,t hat seems to have fixed it..the window has stayed open but is frozen =P21:43
FrozenFireKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)21:43
maheanuuEmery, It ran beautifully for me before, and after having a hdd and cd rom failure and loosing everything on the machine I finally got it up running again and I only install Skype, I am allergic to Windoze21:43
PinballReviewerWow it is 81 degrees and it is only 2:43PM that is freaking hot for Spring.21:43
Emerytry "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then reboot21:44
PinballReviewerAnd omg is that a home made Pinball in Bens stream. o.O21:44
Emerymaheanuu, w0rd. I've had trouble with Skype in the past. Sometimes it decides not to work.21:44
PinballReviewerAck keep doing wrong window21:44
Emeryrodayo,  try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then reboot21:44
rodayoEmery, what's dist-upgrade do?21:45
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hauxDoes --exclude= for tar accept quotes? such as --exclude="path/to/porn"21:45
Emerywill install newest packages etc.21:45
DaghdhaHi, anyway to remote ubuntu 10.10 to 10.04?21:45
Emerymaybe an upgrade for empathy also. if ubuntu has a bug fix for it21:45
EmeryDaghdha, SSH ?21:46
DaghdhaHi, anyway to demote ubuntu 10.10 to 10.04?21:46
rodayoemery, i'll try it later. don't feel like rebooting right now =P thanks for the help anyway =)21:46
Daghdhatypo, sorry21:46
Emeryrodayo, np bro21:46
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: "LZMA data is corrupt" means the compressed image of the kernel and/or the initial RAMdisk is either bad on disk, or being corrupted on the wire as it is read21:46
EmeryDaghdha, You can't.21:46
yoophglupYou are getting this error when booting the Live CD ?21:46
Daghdhahell and damnation. :(21:46
EmeryDaghdha, New kernel / software etc with upgrade21:46
EmerySo downgrading is pretty ... annoying.21:47
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Hence my question. This is a moments-old copy of the installer to a freshly-formatted FAT32 partition by the LiLi installer21:47
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Also, it could be an in-memory problem due to bad/failing RAM modules... have you recently adjusted the motherboard in any way physically?21:47
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Daghdha10.10 support stopped21:47
DaghdhaWill repositories remain online for it though?21:47
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Nope. System should work fine21:47
EmeryDaghdha, I imagine so .. Why not upgrade ? 12.04 LTS is out in a few days21:48
DaghdhaIt works21:48
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Is the system booting from the USB-connected hard disk ? Or are you moving the hard disk to be directly connected via PATA/SATA ?21:48
anmar`Daghdha: it is awesome.21:48
Daghdhaif it ain'tbroke (i know you types can't understand that but hey)21:48
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Directly via SATA21:48
Daghdhaanmar: It's just my NAS21:48
FrozenFireGranted, that could be the issue21:48
FrozenFireBut I'm unsure how to resolve that, in that case21:48
FrozenFireI'm trying to copy the ISO files directly using xcopy21:49
FrozenFireAnd will try installing GRUB manually21:49
FrozenFireBut that's messy, imo21:49
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: No that should be fine. My reason for asking is that the bootloader reading from USB could be problematic21:49
EmeryFrozenFire, Use a live cd .. chroot copy the contents over ?21:49
FrozenFireEmery, I'm avoiding using optical media21:49
Daghdhaok as always, thanks for feedback. Have a good day!21:49
EmeryFrozenFire, SSH ? ... pain in the ass.21:50
FrozenFireEmery, This system isn't installed yet21:50
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: What I'd do is compare the checksums of the key files on the disk with what they should be. That'd reveal corruption.21:50
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, There's no good reason for anything to be corrupted.21:51
IntuitiveNippleI'm presuming you're trying to set this up from Windows though? Not sure about the availability of MD5/SHA256-sum apps on Windows though21:51
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: There never is - but the kernel is telling us there IS corruption in a part of itself, or the initramdisk21:51
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, The files are completely new.21:52
NoobTuxhow can i clean up my hard drive in ubuntu?21:52
FrozenFireLike, from an ISO to the partition moments ago21:52
DaghdhaIf i were to install 12.x beta would it seamlessly turn into release version later?21:52
FrozenFireAnd I've done the copy several times now21:52
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: There may be a fault with the USB<->SATA bridge. I've had several of those go bad on me recently.21:52
FrozenFireAnd formatted the21:52
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Nah, it's certainly not that21:52
FrozenFireHappened with a USB key as well21:52
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: OK, that helps... so now we're back to the PC's local USB ports and hub controller during the write operation, or else the SATA controller/wiring or RAM during the read/boot operation21:53
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Or the LiLi installer just sucks :P21:54
maheanuuFrozenFire, what distro are you trying to install?21:54
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Hence why I said check the checksums of the files to ensure they are correct21:54
FrozenFiremaheanuu, 11.1021:54
Daghdhawhere do i get beta for 12.x?21:54
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Have you tried using wubi ?21:54
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, In what regard?21:54
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: To install/run Ubuntu from Windows21:55
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Wubi actually seems not to like my system21:55
yoophglupIs it possible to clone all my repositories so I can make one private(public but not told to anyone) on my own server?21:55
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Sounds like not much does! :p21:55
maheanuuI had a real pita last week, I lost a hd and the cd/dvd rom at the same time....    It took me 6 weeks to get back up and operating, but I am not at the end of the world I'm over it, now I am trying to herd all the ducks to drink21:55
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, I don't blame it though21:56
IntuitiveNippleyoophglup: You can use a proxy/cacher such as apt-cacher-ng and similar21:56
FrozenFireMy local system has an encrypted system disk21:56
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: I'd threaten it with a big hammer :D21:56
BRo_Äåíü äîáðûé ) à ïî ðóññêè êòî-íèáóäü ãîâîðèò?21:56
OerHeksyoophglup, yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror21:56
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: What's the system you're trying to do all this on?21:57
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, Performing the copy of files from my laptop21:57
FrozenFireWindows 7 64-bit21:57
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: How about the hardware - is it a brand-name model or a make-it-yourself system?21:57
szalBRo_: please fix your encoding so we can at least recognize what language you are typing21:58
yoophglupThank you IntuitiveNipple and OerHeks those are both perfect!21:58
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, I'm not too concerned about my local system being the issue21:58
FrozenFireFairly new Acer laptop21:58
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: But... there may be an issue for the Linux kernel with it21:58
yoophgluprsync looks like the best choice.21:59
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: unlikely... but you ARE getting an unusual error!21:59
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, I'm not booting anything on this system21:59
FrozenFireIt's purely performing data copies21:59
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IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: OK ... so the system you're installing to... is it 32-bit hardware or 64-bit? What architecture is the Ubuntu image you are installing (x86 32-bit or amd64 64-bit) ?22:00
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: I can imagine that because you're on Windows 64-bit the installer will choose to write a 64-bit Ubuntu installation to the drive ... if you try to boot that on a 32-bit only system, it would fail early22:01
|Dove|what happened me22:01
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, It's a 64-bit system, but I'm installing 32-bit for better compatibility22:01
|Dove|well, I hate Unity, i tried XFCE and Kubuntu22:01
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: OK, so 32-bit should start in x86 or amd6422:01
|Dove|you recomend me xubuntu or kubuntu?22:01
szal|Dove|: you test and decide for yourself.. shouldn't hurt whether you download one live CD or two22:02
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: The LZMA error is quite clear so either the contents of the disk are bad, or the disk or associated hardware are bad22:03
|Dove|I tried both22:04
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, The former. Certainly.22:04
|Dove|i have 3GB of RAM and 2 GHz22:04
FrozenFireBut that's more likely to be an issue of LiLi22:04
|Dove|and q nvidia geforce 9500GS22:04
FrozenFireI'm just going to burn the ISO to a CD. Didn't want to waste optical media, but eh.22:04
|Dove|Will kde go well?22:04
FrozenFireNot worth buggering with, as I'm more likely to break something22:04
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sabanhi. is there any easy howto for raid1 with 2tb hds.. i tryed for 2 times now and cant install grub :/22:07
IntuitiveNipplesaban: I did that recently with a server22:08
sabanits a fresh install22:08
FrozenFiresaban, Typically, I think you'll want a small boot volume22:09
Ammar_I wanted to ask that why isn't librebase already preinstalled in ubuntu? and is there a way that I can install it manually?22:09
IntuitiveNipplesaban: are you wanting to mirror an existing installation?22:09
FrozenFireI'm not an expert on the matter, but I'd think it's a bit hard to boot a RAID array directly.22:09
sabani did 200mb raid1 (md0) and mounted /boot on it. and it didnt help22:09
sabanIntuitiveNipple: its a fresh install not existing one22:10
_dbro2Hey guys, check this site out! http://bit.ly/inhumanundead22:10
IntuitiveNipplesaban: But you've got the US already installed on a single disk and want to mirror it?22:10
Ammar_I wanted to ask that why isn't librebase already preinstalled in ubuntu? and is there a way that I can install it manually?22:10
sabanIntuitiveNipple: no i want to do it in partition disks section when i m installing it22:11
IntuitiveNipplesaban: There's support for doing that on the Ubuntu Server installation disk22:12
IntuitiveNipplesaban: I believe it is also available from the Desktop Alternate install images22:12
sabanIntuitiveNipple: ok i will check it22:13
FrozenFireUggh, now this is just retarded. Now a CD-based installer is not working22:13
FrozenFireDefinitely something screwy with the arch22:13
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Something on that PC then?22:13
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Or in writing the image ?22:13
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, The kernel arch is probably wrong, but I cannot fathom how22:14
NoobTuxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/941715/ <---can someone explain me why i got processes under root!? :'(22:14
FrozenFireIt's an Acer m5700 system. It's got a 64-bit Intel processor22:14
FrozenFireI'm trying to install the 32-bit version of 11.1022:14
FrozenFireI cannot fathom how there'd be an arch mismatch22:15
FrozenFireUggh, guess I'll resort to trying to use the 64-bit version22:15
FrozenFireNot looking forward to yet another wasted CD22:15
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Have you compared the md5 sum of the ISO image you have locally, with the lists on the cdimage.ubuntu.com web site?22:15
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, It's a new ISO, freshly downloaded22:16
IntuitiveNippleAnd it could have been corrupted in the download. We publish the MD5 sums so it is easy to check22:16
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MadSweeney_nick MadSweeney22:24
_KeiI keep DC22:25
shaneohey guys im setting up a home webserver and i seem to be missing the dir /www in /var i created it and added a blank index.php when i load localhost its a white screen does that mean that its finding the dir and i can now import a previous webpage to the dir and connect22:28
jribshaneo: are you using ubuntu?22:29
jribshaneo: what version?22:29
jrib!12.04 | shaneo22:29
ubottushaneo: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:29
stan_man_canif i chown nginx:nginx /var/www how do i also give my "stanley" user the same permissions to access the www folder?22:30
jribstan_man_can: either setup a different group or use access control lists22:30
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samuriociao a tutti22:32
stan_man_canwhich is easiest :P22:32
jribstan_man_can: the one you know how to do22:33
Ammar_I wanted to ask that why isn't librebase already preinstalled in ubuntu? and is there a way that I can install it manually?22:33
jribI guess22:33
stan_man_canjrib: neither22:33
jrib!permissions > stan_man_can22:34
ubottustan_man_can, please see my private message22:34
Brewstercould I use ubuntu to make a beowulf cluster?22:34
Brewsterinstead of knoppix22:34
Ammar_I wanted to ask that why isn't librebase already preinstalled in ubuntu? and is there a way that I can install it manually?22:34
Daekdroom!repeat | Ammar_22:35
ubottuAmmar_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:35
yeatsAmmar_: there's a limited amount of software that can be included in ubuntu when you install (the install CD image is only so big), and since LibreOffice base is not as used, it doesn't make the cut, I guess22:35
DaekdroomWhat does LibreOffice Base offer anyway?22:35
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Random832so wasn't libreoffice started because people were afraid that oracle would take openoffice closed-source?22:35
Ammar_so I can install it separately?22:36
Random832and didn't oracle end up selling it to apache?22:36
Random832so.... what's the point anymore?22:36
DaekdroomAmmar_, yes22:36
yeatsAmmar_: yes22:36
DaekdroomRandom832, the problem is that Oracle owns the OpenOffice brand22:36
DaekdroomSo they'd have to be interested in continuing it.22:36
Random832Daekdroom: i'm pretty sure Apache owns it now22:36
IntuitiveNippleAmmar_: Libre Base is in the package libreoffice-base22:36
pinkiepie_sup bitches?22:36
yeatsRandom832: that's OpenOffice - LibreOffice is a fork22:36
DaekdroomIt doesn't matter in my point.22:36
pinkiepie_No, Libre Office is great.22:36
Random832Daekdroom: well, it does since the point was "boo oracle we're scared they'll take our openoffice away"22:37
LintI would revert to OOo at the first opportunity. LibreO is a junk22:37
Brewsteroh wait nevermind22:37
Random832and they didn't and they gave it to people we're not scared of so whats the point22:37
DaekdroomThey WOULD go back to OpenOffice if they were given the chance.22:37
Lintthey broke everything they could get their pesky hands upon22:37
DaekdroomBut I think it's kinda too late.22:37
pinkiepie_Libre Office is great imho.22:37
Ammar_thanks :)22:37
pinkiepie_Well, it's enough for me at least.22:38
DaekdroomLibreOffice is far better than OpenOffice.22:38
Daekdroom(mostly because OpenOffice stopped releasing since LibreOffice)22:39
pinkiepie_Wasn't Libre the successor to Open?22:39
DaekdroomSort of. I guess Oracle could continue with OO if they wanted to.22:39
DaekdroomBut everyone's moving from OO to LibreOffice, so yeah.22:39
pinkiepie_I moved from OO, and Libre is just great22:40
LintDaekdroom, it is broken piece of (selfcensored)22:40
Random832so.. i read that oracle gave oo to apache - was that not true, or did it end up not meaning anthing22:41
DaekdroomThe latter, I suppose.22:42
revzterhy teman, bisakah anda menolongku ?. bagaimana cara membuat file .war di ubuntu ?22:42
revzterhy friends, can you help me?. how to create a file. war in ubuntu?22:43
JesfreHey all, I'm trying to install 12.04 on a desktop via WUBI, and I'm getting this error message: 17.719854 b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found. Any ideas?22:43
revzterpleace some body help me22:43
revzterhy friends, can you help me?. how to create a file. war in ubuntu?22:43
Random832revzter: what is a .war file22:44
revzterRandom832 sort the file contained in a website, perhaps from java22:45
MrUnagi_is it possible to clone a current ubuntu installation into a ready mountable vdi for virtualbox22:45
Random832revzter: do you have a java development environment? what do you use on windows to make one22:46
Pedrolitois it possible to dist-upgrade to 12.04 today?22:46
icerootPedrolito: yes22:48
icerootPedrolito: but 1. dist-upgrade will not do the job, 2. 12.04 is not stable so please join #ubuntu+122:48
sevithI am trying to use grub2 to boot into command line since the system is old i dont need to waist resources cant i use the /etc/default/grub to boot into the command line? I put "TEXT" into GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUS and sudo update-grub2 but nothing happens when I reboot22:48
juan_revzter: you could just use a zipping programme to create your .war file. Just make sure the web archive file contains the structure needed for your webcontainer.22:48
revzterno T_T i'm newbie. and I really need a way to get my files into one in the form .war. a kind of zip file22:48
Pedrolitook, thanks iceroot22:48
icerootsevith: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT22:49
sevithlinux* and i still get the xubuntu GUI22:49
pjsGuys, is there something special I need to do to enable python2.6 as default on Ubuntu 11.10? I symlink'd /usr/bin/python to python2.6, edited /usr/share/python/debian_defaults to have 2.6 as the default version, but when I install libapache2-mod-wsgi (after the edits) it appears to be built against python 2.7 because an app I'm calling doesn't see the modules I've already installed (using 2.6)22:49
sevithAdd it to default ircroot?22:49
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icerootsevith: yes22:49
jribpjs: you shouldn't change default python22:49
maheanuuI want to download Skype using the terminal.....   I am wanting the 64 bit version not the 32 but when I use the GUI I keep getting the 32 bit proggie only????22:49
sevithI knew it was one of em thx alot -.-22:49
CoJaBoK, I really HATE realmedia files now D=22:49
iceroot!info skype22:50
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in oneiric22:50
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icerootmaheanuu: you are using skype from the partner-repo?22:50
revzterjuan_: thanks for info ^_-22:50
jribCoJaBo: still... D:22:50
juan_np revzter good luck zipping ;)22:50
maheanuuice root what is the partner-repo?22:50
maheanuuiceroot, what is the partner-repo?22:51
icerootmaheanuu: how you are installing skype? with what program? can you paste the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "dpkg --print-architecture"?22:51
iceroot!paste | maheanuu22:51
ubottumaheanuu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:51
pjsjrib, I understand that, but if I wanted to, is there a special process? or does libapache2-mod-wsgi need to be built from source specifying the python version?22:52
CoJaBojrib: Yeh, absolutely nothing seems to work, even tried transcoding in vlc :/:/22:52
jribpjs: I don't know exactly how libapache2-mod-wsgi is built, maybe check the source package.  But you definitely should not be changing the default system python.  There are system tools written in python and they expect "python" to be python 2.7 (or whatever)22:53
CoJaBojrib: I'm almost ready to point a camera at the monitor, play it in vlc, and film the result -_-'22:54
jribCoJaBo: haha22:54
CoJaBoAt least it'd be in h.264 then.. lol22:54
jribCoJaBo: did you try #mplayer yet?22:55
CoJaBonot yet..might as well I guess lOL22:55
CoJaBoAnd I think I'm *seriously* going to do the camera thing if that doesn't work o_O  The quality if one notch above barf as it is, so if I can get it lined up rightt no one will notice xD22:56
pjsjrib, I'm not removing python 2.7, and if I remember correctly, those tools specifically call python 2.7, so it shouldn't create an issue as far as that goes22:56
Infinite8Anyone know if most 32 bit Ubuntu apps run fine on Ubunut 64 bit22:57
renodeusually do Infinite822:57
syslqCoJaBo: you dont need a camera, camstasia works wonders for that22:57
CoJaBosyslq: ..hm, but does it do sound, and run on a netbook? lol22:58
Infinite8redone:  Any disadvantages of me running a 32 bit distro on my 64 bit processor22:58
syslqCoJaBo: sure, just not on linux22:59
Infinite8renode: Any disadvantages of me running a 32 bit distro on my my 64 bit processor22:59
renodetbh i have no idea, all i know is that its usually backwards compatible23:00
renodeprolly lower res etc etc23:00
Infinite8renode:  k23:00
CoJaBosyslq:  yeh, i ding have a windows machine anymore -_-'23:00
maheanuucat /etc/apt/sources.list"iceroot23:02
iceroot!info skype lucid23:03
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in lucid23:03
icerootmaheanuu: can you provide the output of "apt-cache policy skype" please23:03
FrozenFireIntuitiveNipple, o.O Apparently the system needed an AMD64 installer23:04
FrozenFireAm I missing something, or are Core 2-brand processors AMD now? :P23:04
bastidrazoriceroot: its got to be in the partner repo.23:04
IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: AMD 'invented' the 64-bit intel-compatible architecture, so it got named after them23:05
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IntuitiveNippleFrozenFire: Glad you got it sorted out23:05
Random832right - intel 64 means the itanium architecture23:05
Random832which isn't made anymore23:05
IntuitiveNippleRandom832: really :O This 9350 must be a Chinese knock-off then!23:06
Moon_Doggyello ello23:07
NoobTuxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/941715/ <---can someone explain me why i got processes under root!? :'(23:07
icerootmaheanuu: ok, great, now what is the issue with amd64? why you want the amd64 version? is the i386 version not working?23:07
Moon_Doggydoes ubuntu 11.10 work properly with the nvidia nforce 610m chipset23:08
Linteverything in linux runs under the root23:08
icerootLint: no23:08
maheanuuI am running 64 bits and always have been,  It wasn't until I lost a hd that I found that the 64 bit proggie would not load23:09
icerootmaheanuu: so your skype is not starting is the real issue?23:09
NoobTuxi just don't understand why i got all that process on root while i ain't using it under root i think u got it wrong Lint23:09
OerHeks11.10 is multi-arch23:09
maheanuuI believe my Ubuntu is 64 bit system is working and I do NOT have any type of skype loaded as of this instant23:09
bananapieI am connected to a Windows Share using my Ubuntu 10.04 laptop. Is there an offline mode where it copies the files and syncs when the server is available ?23:10
maheanuuMy Skype NOT loading is the problem23:10
hauxWhat is the tar attribute to include hidden files?23:10
maheanuuOr should I say that I cannot fing tyhe 64 bit version to load23:10
icerootmaheanuu: can you start skype from the terminal by typing "skype"? is there any usefull error-message?23:10
yoophglupbananapie: look up rsyn command for Linux.23:10
LintNoobTux, under whom you are exprecting them running instead?23:10
icerootmaheanuu: you dont need the amd64 version23:11
yoophgluprsync I mean23:11
DerWzwo3could you please vote for me?  what do you think about this pic?23:11
icerootDerWzwo3: stop it23:11
DerWzwo3sorry, but look at it :)23:11
icerootDerWzwo3: stop it!!23:11
DerWzwo3i think its nice23:11
DerWzwo3okok :D23:11
DerWzwo3sry ;)23:11
NoobTuxLint, it would be under a user that ain't an admin23:12
Geri_lgfxwho sayd my name23:12
LintNoobTux, all services in linux runs under root, maybe except httpd23:13
bananapieyoophglup, I know of rsync, but I have only ever sent files one way. I did not know I could go bidirectional synching23:13
icerootLint: as i already said, no not everything is running as root23:14
icerootLint: even the services23:14
yoophglupI don't know if it will work both directions against a windows server.23:16
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Guest79602hey, im having trouble installing my wireless driver, could anyone help me?23:28
pepeeGuest79567, what device?23:28
Guest79602uhm its broadcom i think... sorry im new at this23:29
pepeeGuest79567, I don't think you need to install anything23:29
pepeeGuest79567, run:  lspci | grep broadcom23:30
renodeGuest79567, is it b43?23:30
Guest79602nothing happened23:30
pepeeGuest79567, run:  ifconfig -a; lsmod | grep b4323:30
pepeeGuest79567, sorry. run:  lspci | grep -i broadcom23:31
mdelhey - im having an issue getting to the installer for 12.04 on a Mac23:31
pepeemdel, #ubuntu+123:31
mdelah right, my bad23:31
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pepee can someone help me with this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection#In_case_at_least_one_of_Touchpad_features_works_but_does_not_work_correctly_and_as_expected23:33
Guest7960203:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)23:33
pepeeGuest79567, run:  ifconfig -a; lsmod | grep b4323:34
Guest79602ok i get eth0 and lo but no wireless23:35
=== blahtest is now known as Cloudone
pepeeGuest79567,  sudo modprobe b4323:35
mdelthe same actually applies for 11.10... im using refit, and the installer just hangs at a random point during boot23:36
Guest79602WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.23:36
mdeldoes anyone in here have 11.10 running on a mac23:37
pepeeGuest79567, again: lsmod | grep b4323:37
pepeeGuest79567, and:  ifconfig -a23:37
Cloudoneanyone have the link to ubuntu social chat please23:37
c_smithso, my GPU apparently handles up to 1920x1200, yet I only get the options up to 1366x768 (even for my bigger 40" TV that I have hooked up) is there something I can do to try and get the option for the 1920x1200 on my TV?23:38
ActionParsnipGuest79602: sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist /etc/modprobe.d/myblacklist.conf23:39
Guest79602pepee: i have wlan0 now, reboot?23:39
ActionParsnipCloudone: try #ubuntu-offtopic ;)23:39
Cloudonethank you :)23:40
pepeec_smith, that's because your display only supports 1366x768, I think23:40
Guest79602pepee, in my network dropdown menu under wireless it now says "device not ready (firmware missing)"23:42
c_smithpepee, huh, even for a Samsung 40" TV?23:42
pepeec_smith, could be... check the manufacturers specs for the TV23:43
pepeeGuest79567, install firmware-b43-installer23:43
Guest79602i have no internet access, do you have a link by chance?23:43
xial63.143.44.35 hack NOW !23:43
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FloodBot1Bobbyhead: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
Bobbyhead*  z  I  d  0  &23:46
pepeeGuest79567, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access23:47
Guest79602pepee, thanks a bunch !23:48
pepeeGuest79567, you are welcome23:48
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NSP there is other way in xubuntu to sharefolders without configuring smb.conf  manual ?23:54
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ring1NSP, you could try the package system-config-samba23:58
NSPok, thanks23:59
=== xezekal_ is now known as SolarAquarion

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