
chsadosim assuming setting up a smarthost will forward the email to others?  (sorry this is all very new to me)00:00
EDawg878Why does $ sudo chmod not work?00:01
JpgmanHey guys I just upgraded to 12.04, but I'm getting all sorts of bugs, for instance Google talk on empathy isn't working and youtube for the video lens isn't showing up, is there anyway to reinstall the update, or reinstall ubuntu without losing everything. Like a fix installation tool?00:01
nulldevEDawg878 because you dont typr $00:01
EDawg878Is that a joke^00:02
nulldevEDawg878 just sudo chmod ...00:02
EDawg878I know....00:02
rbrooksno $ necss00:02
EDawg878Im saying that sudo chmod doesnt do anything00:02
nulldevEDawg878 you also have to tell it what your chmodding i.e sudo chmod 755 file00:02
EDawg878I did00:03
EDawg878chmod -R 777 ./*00:03
escottEDawg878, ugggh why would you do that?00:03
EDawg878I need to fix the permissons in my ramdisk00:03
escottEDawg878, your tmpfs?00:03
EDawg878I dont like it to swap out00:03
mykrobinsonAnyone else having issues when burning audio cd's from Rhythmbox to Brasero? The discs burn, but 6 out of 6 discs I burned had a few seconds of each song chopped off.00:04
nulldevEDawg878 remount it in rw00:04
jagginessEDawg878, use tmpfs, not ramfs00:04
isbrici take it there is no way to fluch/clear a serialport buffer setup with stty?00:04
xrdawson_I am having trouble with a PPA for emacs, and it has hosed the ability to apt-get anything.00:04
EDawg878No ramfs suits my purposes better im running a server that should not be using the swap00:04
crw`Korvin, did the trick, took a few attempts, but i think i'm square now. thanks!00:04
jagginessEDawg878, tmpfs is a ramdisk, ramfs is used for other purposes, you'll cause corruption if you use ramfs (see wikipedia)00:05
xrdawson_It says "emacs-snapshot-bin-common : Depends: emacs-snapshot-common (= 2:20120522-1~ppa1~precise1) but it is not going to be installed"00:05
nulldevEDawg878 can you could just disable the swap file00:05
EDawg878I use the desktop normally also00:05
EDawg878I dont want to entirely disable the swap00:05
xrdawson_When I try to do "apt-get -f install" it says all this:  https://gist.github.com/286056900:06
EDawg878I just dont want the ramdisk swapping out00:06
genii-aroundxrdawson_: What says result of apt-get policy emacs-snapshot-common00:06
xrdawson_genii-around:  Hmm, weird:  "E: Invalid operation policy"00:06
L3topxrdawson_: it is the PPA causing the problem00:07
xrdawson_L3top:  Can I remove it?  I'm fine getting rid of it, but cannot see how to do this safely.00:07
genii-aroundxrdawson_: apt-cache policy emacs-snapshot-common     ....sorry, wrong command00:07
xrdawson_Can I just remove the PPA from /etc/apt/sources.d or something?00:07
xangua!ppapurge | xrdawson_00:07
xangua!ppa-purge | xrdawson_00:07
ubottuxrdawson_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:07
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:08
xrdawson_genii-around: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1020495/00:08
L3topxrdawson_: I would sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d      and confirm that it did not exist in cat /etc/apt/sources.list    (I don't know how you added it). and then sudo apt-get update00:08
L3topxrdawson_: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*00:09
genii-aroundxrdawson_: So the snapshot-bin-common wants specific xxx522  but available is xxx52400:09
xanguaL3top: deleting the repository line will not remove the packages it installed00:09
xrdawson_L3top:  great, that fixed things.00:10
L3topxangua: it tends to have to do with the availablity... not installed packages00:10
xrdawson_Thanks L3top and genii-around.00:11
nulldevL3top have you not tried installing emacs-snapshot-bin-common first?00:11
L3topnulldev: I am sorry my advice fixed the problem. I do not use emacs. I use vi.00:12
L3topto answer your question00:12
EDawg878Does ramfs really cause corruption because I just read the Debian wiki and it said "A ramfs derivative called tmpfs was created to add size limits, and the ability to write the data to swap space."00:14
Psyclonicis it possible to run large windows based games through wine without problems?00:14
L3topEDawg878: I expect it has to do with leakage... but that is a guess.00:14
EDawg878So isn't tmpfs just a "derivative" of ramfs?00:14
xangua!appdb | Psyclonic00:15
ubottuPsyclonic: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:15
nulldevramfs is a temporary virtual file system stored in ram so shouldnt cause any long term corruption unless it writes to real file system, it could corrupt on the fly though I guess00:15
quanhello quick question.. how do i use my hdmi cable with linux i just switched over00:15
quananyone..? -_-00:17
L3topPsyclonic: define problems. It would depend on the resources available. It would depend on the game. It is almost impossible to answer your question... check the factoid aimed at you, and look at the wine application compatability DB for a better answer to your specific desire.00:17
mydogsnameisrudyquan:  you on laptop00:17
L3topquan: I would need more information. Begin with lspci -nn | grep VGA00:17
nulldevquan plug it in00:17
mydogsnameisrudylook at functionkeys could change the settings00:17
quanits plugged in00:17
PsyclonicL3top : I am thinking about running a game I buy at the store for pc via wine and the game's installation disc00:18
L3topagain Psyclonic, look at the link in the factoid to see its compatibility00:18
koudhello I  need some help with virt-manager, seems I have found a bug with it00:18
L3top!bug | koud00:19
ubottukoud: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:19
koudwhen I try and create a new virtual machine it says "Error: list.remove(x): x not in list"00:19
koudseems I have managed to get it in some kind of deadlock with that error00:20
koudhow can I clear virt-manager settings??00:20
koudi tried deleting .virt-manager but seems that is not where it stores preferences00:20
koudI tried apt-get purge virt-manager but also no luck :(00:21
zykotick9koud: you might want to try "libvirt/virt-manager support is #virt on irc.oftc.net" if you don't get an answer here00:22
koudzykotick9: that channel is key protected00:22
koudwrong network00:22
aguitelis anyway to install xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.4 in 12.04 for intel graphic ?00:23
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nulldevkoud you delete anything in the same session?00:23
tbrown2012fbHow many people started there ubuntu training with the minimal iso. I think it more better because you know what you are getting and you dont have to update all the time it pritty nice I like it:)00:24
zykotick9tbrown2012fb: i must say, i think ubuntu's mini iso is pretty cool... lots of choice starting with it ;)00:25
Kornkagetbrown2012fb i just installed ubuntu from windows 700:27
koudnulldev: well I dont know what you mean by sesson. but earlier i deleted some stuff yes. I deleted connections and virtual machines to my server. then I reinstalled my server00:27
Kornkagejust to install gnu radio00:27
koudnulldev: but I get this error even if I am not connected to any server00:27
Rookie407can someone tell me how to make my windows do this>>>>> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Xy2g3N79xiI/SVuEgnTZsmI/AAAAAAAAAZ8/M4I6V_7eqQU/s400/ubuntu+studio2.png <<<< when there minimized?00:28
tbrown2012fbKornkage: If you have a spare computer like one that you dont use that much I think it better for people two learn ubuntu. On there old or new computer it does not matter:)00:28
nulldevkoud I was just thinking something had crashed in the instance of virt-manager (not something Ive used) and that it was trying to delete it from a srting list stored in ram thats now pointing to non existant files/dirs00:29
xanguaRookie407: enable sift switcher plugin in Compiz Settings Manager (on your own risk, some plugins don't get along with Unity)00:29
xanguashift switcher*00:30
Rookie407using gnome classic not unity00:30
Rookie407now how do i get to said settings XD00:30
koudnulldev: good idea, maybe I should try reboot00:30
tbrown2012fbRookie407: I like gnome classic using LXDE on my ubuntu 12.04:)00:31
koudnulldev: ah you where right00:31
nulldevkoud a reboot would rule out any zombies00:31
koudnow it works00:31
Rookie407xangua, how do i get to said settings menu?00:31
koudjust restart the program worked00:31
riley_hey guys could use some help00:31
nulldevkoud cool :)00:31
xanguaRookie407: with Compiz Settings Manager, if you don't have it you can get it from software center00:32
riley_is there a way to force my fan to stay at max speed00:32
tbrown2012fbriley_: Yes how may I help you:)00:32
koudI thought I had restarted it many times already but forgot i set it to be in my tray00:32
riley_my computer over heated the other night i cleaned it out and put some thermal past down but mmy fans acting up00:32
riley_im on ubuntu 12.04 btw00:33
riley_basicly i need to force the fan to run at higher speeds because once my fan gets over 60degrees it turns itslef of00:33
tbrown2012fbriley_: I have a laptop and I clean it up to and it is acting up on me two it kind of stuped because it a new system and I wish that I got a desktop then a laptop. But I dont know if there will be a opition for you in the bios you can check it out?00:34
riley_im not sure00:34
riley_its an hpg62 notebook00:34
tbrown2012fbriley_: what brand of computer. Acer,HP,Compaq,Gateway?00:35
riley_right now running unity browser irc and mumble im at 49 degrees00:35
riley_read above00:35
riley_hp with amd and ati cards00:36
tbrown2012fbriley_: LOL I have a HP 2000-369WM AMD ATI Processor 1.65 4GB of Ram is that the same one two:)00:37
riley_is there a command i can use to set fanspeed00:37
riley_i have the drivers installed00:37
riley_i tried pplib setfanspeed 0 100 but it failed00:38
tbrown2012fbriley_: And the Other Geek Out here: If there is a Fan Speed command out there that would be awsome because my laptop over heats all the tine and even what Operating system I have on it it does the same thing:)00:39
nulldevriley_ Im not familiar with what your doing personally but you ran it as sudo ?00:39
nulldevriley_ ok that rules out my help00:40
riley_riley@riley-HP-G62-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 100"00:40
riley_thats the command i used00:40
riley_sudo] password for riley:00:41
riley_PPLIB command execution has failed!00:41
riley_ati_pplib_cmd: execute "set" failed!00:41
riley_thats what i get00:41
BlackshirtWhat is iscsi ?00:41
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nulldevblackshirt iscsi is virtualised scsi used in san's00:42
BlackshirtNulldev, it is not hardware related terms?00:43
nulldevblackshirt virtualised scsi isnt the proper term just my interpretation00:43
nulldevblackshirt its the protocol/or daemon that handles connection over sans thats all I know about it00:44
BlackshirtNulldev, there are iscsi implementation on linux, is this similar to scsi driver for scsi devices?00:46
nulldevblackshirt tbh I dont know but I would say so00:46
BlackshirtNulldev, is it just works over sans?00:47
EDawg878How can i stop lightdm from starting by default?00:47
escottEDawg878, add "text" to the boot options00:48
EDawg878Ill try that00:48
nulldevblackshirt yeah its basically an IP version of scsi00:48
azureviolinhi everybody00:49
azureviolinI installed ubuntu on my laptop, but the GT 550M graphic card isn't supported neither by Ubuntu nor by Nvidia. But the graphic card is running and heating up while my laptop turn on. How can I turn it off?00:49
escottazureviolin, check your bios00:49
koudazureviolin: and check out bumblebee00:49
azureviolinhi escott, I got windows on my computer too, if I turn graphic card off in Bios, I won't be able to use it under Windows unless I turn it up again.00:49
BlackshirtNulldev, what is mean of first letter 'i' on iscsi?00:50
azureviolinbumblebee? i'm checking now00:50
koudazureviolin: your card should be supported by nvidia00:50
koudazureviolin: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-270.41.06-driver00:50
nulldevblackshirt not sure but think internet and exluding p protocol00:51
BlackshirtNulldev, that for internet scsi?00:51
zykotick9!text | EDawg87800:51
ubottuEDawg878: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:51
azureviolinkoud: my Ubuntu is x6400:51
koudazureviolin: bumblebee can get you optimus like service on linux, I am using that with my asus laptop with 415m. get around 6-8h battery life00:51
zykotick9EDawg878: you can also disable the lightdm service from starting, but text is probably easier00:52
nulldevblackshirt sounds plausible but my use of iscsi is basic00:52
EDawg878Okay ill try modifying the boot sequence first00:52
azureviolinkoud: cool00:52
azureviolinI think I'll check that00:52
koudazureviolin: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-295.53-driver.html00:52
BlackshirtThanks nulldev for your explanation, but you are greats people..00:52
koudazureviolin: check supported products00:53
koudit mentions 550m00:53
azureviolinMy laptop is ASUS N43S00:53
nulldevblackshirt ty :)00:53
azureviolinyeah, I saw it here now. Thanks koud00:53
azureviolinI'll try it now00:53
koudI got asus u31 :)00:53
koudazureviolin: my suggestion would be following bumblebee guide though00:53
koudI think they have nvidia graphics there too00:54
SegF4ulthey fellas, short question00:54
SegF4ultHow does Ubuntu manage keys for the ssh-agent?00:54
SegF4ultevery time I use an SSH key on my ubuntu install it seems to store it in some sort of way00:55
azureviolinkoud: Sure, I'll check out bumblebee again. I did it before, and I think with a wrong driver, it didn't work.00:55
koudSegF4ult: what do you mean? .ssh folder in users home directory?00:55
OY1Rq: why does atd always start up and hogs the cpu ?00:55
SegF4ultkoud: what I mean is that when I try to authenticate for github, (for example) it adds the key to the ssh-agent automatically (while it's a non-standard keyname)00:55
Kornkagei'm waiting for a cheapass laptop for like 500-600 with the latest gpu above nvidia 540m00:55
nulldevsegfault I may be wrong as not used ubuntu much since 8.04 but iirc the gmome keyring00:55
azureviolinthanks koud, I'm going to do it now.00:56
SegF4ultkoud: I'm trying to replicate this behaviour on another linux distro00:56
koudazureviolin: hope it works well for you =)00:56
SegF4ultnulldev: gnome keyring?00:56
usuarioubuntu190Hi anyone here know spanish? i came to the wrong server?00:57
nulldevsegfault this is going back over 1 LTS what desktop enviroment you using?00:57
pi3chany one knows how to make URLs clickable in xterm?00:57
zykotick9!es | usuarioubuntu19000:57
ubottuusuarioubuntu190: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:57
SegF4ultnulldev: I'm using the Unity shell now00:57
harushimowhen you are setting up ubuntu server, is it better to partition like the desktop version with a boot, swap, root, and home directory?00:57
nulldevsegfault I have no idea then sorry00:57
escottharushimo, we cant answer better00:57
koudSegF4ult: sorry I dont think I know. When I authenticate to github I do same as for other distros, just create private key  in .ssh and copy public key to github00:58
zykotick9pi3ch: i rather doubt it's possible, maybe?00:58
SegF4ultnulldev: I just wonder since it works so well in Ubuntu, but I can't figure out how to do it on another distribution00:58
usuarioubuntu190thank you!00:58
escottharushimo, having /root as its own partition would be a bad idea00:58
SegF4ultkoud: that's the procedure, yes, but a key (should) have a passphrase00:58
harushimoon a server really? why?00:58
SegF4ultkoud: and I want it to only ask the passphrase once00:58
harushimothe root partition can't be accessed anyways00:59
pi3chzykotick9: yeah apparently it doesnt support.00:59
harushimounless you activate root?00:59
nulldevharushimo depends on what your doing but always good to use seperate partitions for recovery purposes /rootfs /boot /var /home are the main ones to consider00:59
escottharushimo, if something goes wrong you would like to be able to login to recovery mode without difficulties. and /root should be very very small00:59
Rob_25Need assistance. I've done a full install of Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no login sound. Anyone know a solution?00:59
koudSegF4ult: ah, I think for me it asks every time. although I dont think I have used keyphrase on ubuntu only other distros00:59
harushimoexactly what I was thinking00:59
zykotick9pi3ch: clicking in xterm, in general is rather unlikely.00:59
lorddeltaQuestion: Does Ubuntu encrypt the contents of memory on sleep/suspend/hibernate?01:00
harushimoI've following like a 50/50 rule01:00
pi3chzykotick9: any suggestion for term emu?01:00
harushimomeaning if I have a partition 8, I'll do root with 4 and home with 401:00
zykotick9pi3ch: not really.  i use urxvt myself.01:00
harushimois that bad partitioning scheme?01:01
escottharushimo, what?01:01
napalm54So I have started my desktop (Ubuntu 12.04) and it starts into a terminal prompt.01:01
pi3chzykotick9: will give it a try.01:01
lorddeltanapalm54: Sweet101:01
harushimowhenever I do a partitioning scheme, I set as memory for boot and swap01:01
napalm54I tried sudo restartx and it did some stuff, then froze.01:01
escottharushimo, /root should not be a partition. thats a bad idea, and a pointless waste of space01:01
lorddeltanapalm54: Not so sweet. =/01:01
napalm54I tried sudo restart lightdm which didnt work either01:01
napalm54Any ideas?01:02
escottharushimo, whats next a partition for /etc/X11?01:02
lorddeltanapalm54: startx?01:02
zykotick9escott: harushimo infact, /root should be a part of /01:02
napalm54lorddelta: Yea startz01:02
harushimoit is own partition01:02
harushimoI mean root is /01:02
harushimothen I do /home01:02
harushimothey are separate partitions01:02
Boohbahescott: /root is roots home directory, / is the root filesystem01:03
lorddeltanapalm54: well...I broke my X when I was playing around with the kernel...then I upgraded to 12.04, whatever it installed fixed the issues.01:03
nulldevharushimo no need rootfs dont need as much as /home01:03
Rob_25Need assistance. I've done a full install of Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no login sound. Anyone know a solution?01:03
escottharushimo, what would happen if something during the boot broke and / was mounted but not /root and you tried to set init=/bin/bash. /root needs to be a folder in /01:03
harushimoI don't do /root01:03
lorddeltanapalm54: so you could always try sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop01:03
harushimothis is my current partitioning scheme, /boot, swap, /, /home01:04
escottBoohbah, i know that.01:04
escottharushimo, and thats fairly standard. whether or not you need that is up to you and your needs01:04
lorddeltanapalm54: if that doesn't work remove/purge it first.01:04
harushimoI've been using that standards for the last 5 installs of ubuntu01:04
lorddeltaIt works if it fetches ~40-50 packages and installs them.01:05
harushimoyou scared me. I thought I was doing something wrong01:05
nulldevharushimo rootfs refers to anything under / that isnt on another partition01:05
harushimoi didn't know that01:05
lorddeltanapalm54: the other thing to check is that you have all your video drivers installed01:05
harushimoI learn something new everyday about ubuntu01:05
napalm54lorddelta: Yea I have never had any issues with 12.04 until now.  I booted into ubuntu and all of a sudden just a terminal01:06
escottharushimo, ok. i read " boot, swap, root, and home" as meaning you wanted to have a "/root" partition in addition to "/"01:06
Rob_25Need assistance. I've done a full install of Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no login sound. Anyone know a solution?01:06
nulldevnapalm54 you update your kernel?01:06
pokeswapis there an online list of all of the default programs that come with the server package?01:06
lorddeltanapalm54: Ctrl+Alt+F7?01:06
napalm54nulldev: I am not sure.  I been away for a few days. I always try to keep it upto date though. So most likely if it was in a recent update.01:07
ASMODEUS_Ubuntu is a based from which Debian branch?01:07
escottASMODEUS_, i think it varies from release to release01:08
delachow to use the gnome-shell lg pick tool to menus? menus allways close when you select the tool...01:08
Jordan_UASMODEUS_: Testing for LTS releases, unstable for non-LTS.01:08
pokeswaphow to i get to gnome?01:08
Jordan_UASMODEUS_: Why do you ask?01:08
napalm54lorddelta: Just tried that, and it started a bunch of stuff, but this time is has paused with a blinking underscore _01:08
nulldevnapalm54 Im not familiar with the latest kernel for 12.04 but what does uname -r show01:08
ASMODEUS_Jordan_U, because I've been having problems with Debian unstable and testing. An update with libcairo2 causing alot of graphical glitchs for me.01:09
zykotick9escott: harushimo's insistance on a separate /root is a bad idea, cause you always want root to be able to log in.  i even imagine ubuntu's recovery grub option might have issues if /root is unmountable...  (i don't see harushimo's side)01:09
lorddeltashould be the lastest kernel01:09
ASMODEUS_Has ubuntu experienced the problem?01:09
harushimoits not bad idea. its common practice01:10
ThePendulumIs it possible not to show the desktop after boot? I am running XBMC within Ubuntu and I'd like to see just XBMC when starting the system01:10
lorddeltaSo, I'll repeat MY question: anyone here know if ubuntu encrypts memory on hibernate/sleep/suspend?01:10
harushimoyou can log into your root by activating the root account on the system01:10
harushimoI do that all the time01:10
Jordan_UASMODEUS_: Just knowing what Ubuntu branched from during the merge process doesn't tell you much.01:10
pokeswaphow to i get to gnome?01:10
nulldevlorddelta is that the latest ubuntu have released though, do they not release different kernels for non LTS01:10
escottzykotick9, harushimo didn't actually say that. he said he wanted a "root" and "home" partition. I misread it as "/root" and "/home" but he meant "/" and "/home". and I told him exactly what you just told me01:10
zykotick9!notunity | pokeswap01:10
ubottupokeswap: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:10
ASMODEUS_Jordan_U, I know but I'm wondering if Ubuntu had a similar problem with libcairo2.01:11
napalm54nulldev: I have 3.2.0-24-generic01:11
zykotick9escott: ahhh01:11
Rob_25Need assistance. I've done a full install of Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no login sound. Anyone know a solution?01:11
lorddeltanulldev: should be...I try to run LTS and non-beta, I've had bad experiences running anything other than stable.01:11
escottzykotick9, this is what happens after i drink two beers and someone types "boot, swap, root and home"01:11
hangdeadmanI am using torrent scope on my dash in ubuntu 12.04, when I click a file it is opened with transmission, can I chang that to open files with deluge?01:11
Jordan_UASMODEUS_: I would recommend looking for bug reports, or trying an Ubuntu 12.04 LiveCD/USB to see if you have the same problem.01:11
nulldevnapalm Thats a new kernel but not sure how new in ubuntu but try reinstalling your gfx drivers01:11
pokeswaphow to i get to the unity shell?01:11
harushimohey I separted everything out. I didn't say /root. you took into assumption01:12
zykotick9pokeswap: log out, and select it at login.01:12
harushimothat isn't my fault01:12
ASMODEUS_Jordan_U, I will once I find some spare DVDs. Thanks for replying.01:12
Jordan_UASMODEUS_: You're welcome.01:12
pokeswaphow do i logout and select something at login?01:12
pokeswapi just got ubuntu an hour ago.01:12
escottharushimo, don't say "boot, swap, root and home" say "/boot, swap, / and /home" at least not on a saturday night. some of us like to drink and relax01:12
harushimoI won't do that again01:13
harushimoplease forgive me01:13
JamesJRHAny LG customers? You might want to follow/vote/tweet/like/etc. this: http://support.lgforum.com/lg/topics/ubuntu_for_android01:13
escottharushimo, its ok. just confusing :)01:13
lorddeltaJamesJRH: I'm not an LG customer, but I'll become one perhaps if they do this!01:13
nulldevharushime /root does not relate to what I said /rootfs01:13
hangdeadmanchange ubuntu 12.04 default torrent scope client to deluge from transmission?01:13
Jordan_UJamesJRH: Please don't spam links, for anything, in #ubuntu. This channel is for Ubuntu support questions only.01:13
harushimothat is how you refer to it in the terminal. if you are super user, cd /, it goes straight to root01:13
JamesJRHJordan_U: Ok sorry.01:14
pokeswaphow do i get to the terminal?01:14
reisioor hit the ubuntu logo and type terminal01:14
nulldevharushime /rootfs refers to / but depending on your file structure can differ01:14
hangdeadmanpokeswap: ctrl+aly+t01:14
escottharushimo, you are correct "/" is the root of the filesystem, but its ambiguous in context because there is a "/root"01:14
lorddeltaJamesJRH: You would be better off in the forums anyways.01:14
lorddeltaNo one reads anything in here.01:15
harushimoI'm going to check that right now01:15
lorddeltaOther than support questions.01:15
Boohbahlorddelta: what was the question?01:15
harushimoi forgot about that01:15
harushimosorry for being confusing01:15
nulldevharushime /rootfs isnt the same as /root but /root is just root users home dir01:15
escottharushimo, /root is the home directory for "root" the user (UID 0) and MUST be part of "/" otherwise bad things can happen01:15
hangdeadmanhow do I make torrent scope open files with deluge in ubuntu 12.04?01:15
harushimoyou are right01:15
Jordan_Unulldev: "/rootfs" Doesn't make much sense. By starting the term with a '/' you're implying that it's an actual path. I've never seen '/rootfs' as an actual path.01:15
harushimoI just saw it in my terminal01:16
Rob_25Need assistance. I've done a full install of Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no login sound. Anyone know a solution?01:16
JamesJRHJordan_U: Which #ubuntu* channel would 'Ubuntu for Android' be on topic?01:16
Boohbah$ df -h | head -n +2 | tail -101:16
Boohbahrootfs           41G   14G   25G  37% /01:16
nulldevJordan_U ok I was tryig to refer it to a non experienced Linux user01:16
Nortonhi all01:16
BoohbahJordan_U: it does appear in df output01:17
nulldevJordan_U they dont interpret / the same01:17
EDawg878What do i add to the grub to make it boot to text mode so far i changed GRUB_TERMINAL=console #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""01:17
escottEDawg878, just put "text" in the line that mentions "splash"01:17
zykotick9Boohbah: is this a vps?01:18
escottEDawg878, which i think is CMDLIN_LINUX_DEFAULT01:18
EDawg878I dont have a line that mentions text so i guess i do GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=text ?01:18
Jordan_UEDawg878: By "text mode" do you mean "booting to a terminal prompt" or "using VGA-text output rather than a graphical mode"?01:18
nulldevedawg878 just remove the silent and splash01:18
pokeswapbye, and thanks01:18
hangdeadmanI just upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04 and my boot/ login times went from 5 seconds a piece to 30+seconds a piece, how do I fix this?01:18
EDawg878There is no silent and splash in my config file01:18
DarkTuxcan modify for enable pci options :D01:19
Jordan_Uhangdeadman: Start by installing bootchart and checking what is taking the most time.01:19
escottEDawg878, if you took silent splash out then put "text" in its place01:19
Boohbahzykotick9: nope, it's arch linux, coreutils 8.1701:19
EDawg878Jordan_U, to a terminal prompt with no gui01:19
nulldevhangdeadman do a fresh install01:19
JamesJRHlorddelta: You're probably right! It's a bit fast-paced in here these days to say the least. Pretty much just a continuous flood.01:19
hangdeadmanokay, brb with the info: Jordan_U, thanks01:20
zykotick9Boohbah: if it's arch why are you asking here?01:20
DarkTuxguys someone can enable the 3D cube Compiz in MATE with Ubuntu 12.04?01:20
Boohbahzykotick9: i wasn't asking anything01:20
Jordan_Uhangdeadman: You're welcome.01:20
nulldevhangdeadman your updating to a different enviroment that wont work cleanly01:20
EDawg878escott, Im just saying originally by default there was not silent splash01:20
zykotick9Boohbah: ok, i've never seen rootfs before either...01:20
escottEDawg878, well in any case thats the correct line01:20
Jordan_UBoohbah: Note that said "rootfs" not "/rootfs". I only have a problem with using "/rootfs".01:20
hangdeadmanJordan_U: how do I use bootchart once it's installed?01:21
EDawg878Ill try this again01:21
Boohbahzykotick9: i'll start up ubuntu and check01:21
escottzykotick9, i think it gets that mountpoint in the initrd before the remount01:21
DarkTuxfs = File Sharing01:21
mcoredgot exfat support :)01:21
Jordan_U!bootchart | hangdeadman01:21
ubottuhangdeadman: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot01:21
escotthangdeadman, it will dump a nice png in /var/log01:21
BoohbahJordan_U: yes, it's all very confusing :)01:21
DarkTuxwhat is bootchart?01:21
zykotick9Boohbah: my df-h output show /dev/sda1, not rootfs?  (but i'm not on ubuntu)01:21
BoohbahDarkTux: a tool for performance analysis and visualization of the GNU/Linux boot process.01:22
DarkTuxgreat!  i never see these tool XD01:23
nasugaWhen I install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a seperate partition and GRUB hasn't detected my XP partition. Is it a bug?01:23
Boohbahzykotick9: yes, my ubuntu 12.04 also says /dev/sda1 and not rootfs01:23
Boohbahcoreutils 8.1301:23
DarkTuxguys sorry for my bad english, i am from Argentina :X01:23
Boohbahde nada01:23
curiousxDarkTux: me too :X01:23
nulldevpeople stop confusing /rootfs rootfs for things not even related, cant thing of any guides other than using unix/linux for a while to teaaaaach sorry01:23
Jordan_Unasuga: It usually means that your Windows installation is broken rather than there being any problem with grub. What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?01:23
DarkTuxal fin alguien que habla spanish01:24
escottzykotick9, Boohbah What is rootfs?01:24
escottRootfs is a special instance of ramfs (or tmpfs, if that's enabled), which is01:24
escottalways present in 2.6 systems.  You can't unmount rootfs for approximately the01:24
escottsame reason you can't kill the init process; rather than having special code01:24
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
DarkTuxche curiousx como pones letras de colores?01:24
nasugaJordan_U, 1 min, I'll ssh into my machine.01:24
zykotick9escott: thanks!01:24
keitti don't know what doing on01:24
nulldevIm not a Linux noob but am Ubuntu noobish01:24
KornkageDarkTux entra en #ubuntu-es01:24
keittwhat's this website01:25
keittdoes any one know how to dance01:25
Boohbahkeitt: this is an irc channel for ubuntu support, not a website01:25
reisioit could be both :D01:25
Chuck_Norrisletras en colores? cuando escribo tu nombre? solo se hace al autocompletar su nick con la tecla <tab>01:25
keittwell imma go:) bye:>01:25
zykotick9escott: why do we see it with arch but not ubuntu or debian i wonder.  arch... no comment ;)  thanks man, always good to learn new stuff.01:25
Chuck_Norris!es | DarkTux01:25
ubottuDarkTux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:25
PianoMan8912I'm looking for assistance on transferring files from a TimeMachine backup01:25
Boohbahreisio: html-over-irc? :)01:25
reisioBoohbah: you can get to this site from webchat.freenode.net, for example01:26
reisioto this channel from the site*01:26
reisioPianoMan8912: that's Mac OS's thing?01:26
Jordan_UPianoMan8912: We can help you with mounting your hfsplus partition in Ubuntu, but for information on the directory structure used by Apple's Time Machine you'll need to ask in ##mac01:26
nulldevif [ user == keitt ] ; then >> /dev/null01:26
PianoMan8912I remember seeing somewhere about a password workout01:27
fn-trollo.O the floodbots seem to be majorly disagreeing with each other01:27
reisionulldev: pretty clever coming from you :p01:27
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nulldevreisio Im a Linux admin and scripter I dont do desktops or Ubuntu Im a CentOS man01:27
Boohbahnulldev: you forgot a closing fi01:28
nulldevand Gentoo01:28
reisionulldev: interesting combo01:28
nulldevboobah yeah sorry fi01:28
* Boohbah uses arch, ubuntu, gentoo, debian, fedora, and windows 801:28
PianoMan8912Jordan_U: I'm not concerned about the directories; its whenever I try to access the actual folders I get a "unauthorized access" blip01:28
nulldevboobah Im ok with Red hat based distros although Ive used Debian and Ubuntu dont know enough01:30
Jordan_UPianoMan8912: You can mount such that it appears that all files belong to your user (basically the same as Apple's "ignore permissions" option). But if you do that I would recommend that you mount it read only so that you don't accidentily write files with permissions you don't intend.01:30
Jordan_U!pm | PianoMan891201:31
ubottuPianoMan8912: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:31
hangdeadmanI just got a png image from bootchart, how do I determine what is making my computer take so long to boot?01:31
PianoMan8912Jordan_U: My bad. It's been a while since I've been in one of these... times of changed... :D01:31
Jordan_UMrPockets: Please stop.01:31
Boohbahhangdeadman: can you upload the png to an image host and link it here?01:32
escotthangdeadman, look for any long horizontal lines01:32
hangdeadmanI'll upload it, brb.01:32
PianoMan8912I would mount it ready by going into Macintosh first and creating permissions?01:33
Jordan_UPianoMan8912: No.01:33
DarkTuxFuck Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!01:34
PianoMan8912Jordan_U: What process should I begin?01:35
PianoMan8912Jordan_U: Should I just go to #mac?01:35
nulldevHow much do you all love Linux?01:38
Jordan_U!ot | nulldev01:38
ubottunulldev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:38
nulldev>> Jordan_U any decent OT channels you can recommend?01:39
smwnulldev, as much as one can love an OS. It is a useful tool :-P01:39
smwbut perhaps "love" is a bit strong ;-)01:40
arooni-mobilehi folks.  hi folks... the magnet links dont seem to be working on deluge for ubuntu 12.04.. ideas?01:40
nulldevsmw maybe Im sad and lonely but I love it lol01:40
hangdeadmanBoobah: my last post was the bootchart png I mentioned01:41
Jordan_Uhangdeadman: That image has been resized to the point of not being readable.01:42
hangdeadmanIs there a file hosting site you could reccomend?01:43
escott!paste | hangdeadman01:43
ubottuhangdeadman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:43
hangdeadmanyou're saying use the screenshot one?01:44
Kornkagehow do i force ubuntu to check for application updates?01:45
xanguaKornkage: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:45
escottKornkage, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade;01:45
Jordan_UKornkage: Use the "check" button on the update manager or "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade".01:46
arooni-mobilehi folks... the magnet links dont seem to be working on deluge for ubuntu 12.04.. ideas?01:46
nulldevsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade -y ....01:46
PianoMan8912I'm back...01:47
nulldevsudo exclude the ...01:47
smwFloodBot1 and FloodBot3 seem to have it out for each other01:47
hangdeadmanJordanU_: Boobah: http://imagebin.org/21491601:47
PianoMan8912Anybody have a work around for accessing files on a mac partition via backup hd?01:47
smwthey have been fighting for a while...01:47
NortonHi all, i have dependencies errors. I post the problem here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10867312/cant-fix-dependecy-problems-on-ubuntu-12-04-libcanberra-gtk01:47
Nortonthanks all01:48
reisioPianoMan8912: what's the problem?01:48
nulldevnorton install what?01:48
escotthangdeadman, i wonder if ureadahead isnt working for some reason01:48
PianoMan8912I keep getting denials of permissions.01:48
sacarlsonarooni-mobile:  can't you at least copy the magnet link and paist it into qtorrent or other software?01:48
Jordan_UPianoMan8912: It's not the greatest work around since it's dangerous, but you can run "gksudo nautilus" to run nautilus (the file browser) as root. But be *very* careful as that will allow you to break things very easily with only a small mistake.01:49
PianoMan8912I try to get into a personal folder and it says that I have been denied permission01:49
Nortonnulldev dont let me install anything01:49
hangdeadmanescott: how could I remove ureadahead? do I need it?01:49
nulldevnorton your apt-get install needs a pakage name01:49
PianoMan8912Jordan_U: what would be the SAFE route?01:49
Chuck_NorrisNorton: sudo apt-get install -f01:50
escotthangdeadman, you dont want to remove it. you want it to work. right now it seems to be sitting there not driving much (if any) disk activity01:50
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: I guess depending on the browser you use there is also probly a method to select the action taken when a magnet link is clicked01:50
Chuck_NorrisNorton: sudo aptitude install -f01:50
nulldevisnt install -f the file name put after?01:50
arooni-mobilesacarlson, ive read up on it and have tried various fixes01:50
hangdeadmanescott: how can i find out what the problem is?01:50
escotthangdeadman, how many boots have you gone through since your update?01:50
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: on what browser? firefox?  and what version of firefox if so?01:51
hangdeadmanescott: ALOT01:51
Nortonsame problem  i'll put the output on stacktrace01:51
hangdeadmanescott: maybe 25-3001:51
arooni-mobilesacarlson, i use chrome; and latest01:51
lorddeltahello? anyone know if ubuntu encrypts memory on suspend/hibernate/sleep?01:52
hangdeadmanescott: since my upgrade to 12.04 I mean. I sudo apt-get update before shutdown every time.01:52
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: well chrome is not for features it's made for speed, so if you want features try firefox that has plugins for it https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/magnetiser/01:52
Nortoni tried something with "apt-get install aptitude"01:52
nulldevlordelta I dont know ubuntu so well but know Linux so no it wont01:53
Nortonand same problem01:53
escotthangdeadman, what are the datestamps of /var/lib/ureadahead's pack files01:53
NortonChuck_Norris: I leave the output on stacktrace01:54
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: otherwise you will have to live with copy and paisting the link manualy into qtorrent or other01:54
arooni-mobilesacarlson, i see01:54
hangdeadmanescott: there is only a file that says: pack and one that says: run.pack01:55
escotthangdeadman, and how old is it?01:56
nulldevaroni-mobile what is it your looking at achieving?01:56
PianoMan8912any takers?01:56
hangdeadmanescott: the pack file?01:56
reisioPianoMan8912: I've been known to take things01:56
escotthangdeadman, the fact that there is only run.pack and not a "pack" may be indicative that ureadahead isnt working01:57
reisioah, /ignore *!*floodbot@ubuntu/bot/floodbot all, lovely01:58
hangdeadmanescott: the properties on the file say modified today. I installed ubuntu 3 months ago at 10.10 and my computer is a dell inspiron 1545, only a year old01:58
reisiooh not01:58
PianoMan8912resio: sarcasm? :P01:58
reisioPianoMan8912: well didn't work01:58
hangdeadmanescott: there is a pack file and a run.pack file.01:58
hangdeadmanescott: and an empty debugfs folder01:59
mernilioGreetings! :-)01:59
Nortonhi mernilio01:59
reisiohi mernilio01:59
merniliohi Norton01:59
mernilioand hi reisio!01:59
reisioNorton: more enthusiastic about my hi :p02:00
escotthangdeadman, you said you are regularly running apt-get update? are you also running upgrade?02:00
Needer_of_HelpTrying to add a module in drupal for first time, getting this error "Cannot connect to FTP Server, check settings"  ubuntu/drupal noob02:00
hangdeadmanI ran sudo dist- upgrade 3 days ago02:01
PianoMan8912reisio: I think I am just going to try getting back on Mac (I have another one) and access them and backdoor them to a USB drive02:01
PianoMan8912thanks for your kindness!02:01
hangdeadmansudo apt-get dist upgrade02:01
reisioPianoMan8912: you never said what the problem was, IIRC02:01
reisioor you could leave02:01
BoohbahNeeder_of_Help: /join #drupal-support02:01
NortonNeeder_of_Help: can be anything,02:02
bwaynehello earth_creatures.  i seem to have nuked a necessary partition while installing Ubuntu.  I'm not new to this.  But this time I did something extra-ordinary, apparently.  Windows is fine.  I can mount it.  I just can't boot into the darn thing!  The usual tricks (bootsect /fixmbr ; bootrec /fixboot) aren't doing it because of that darned deleted partition.  I'm blaming Acer!02:02
mernilioThis might be off topic, but.. We have all heard about the sea level rising with the global warming. Thing is, ice has more displacement that water.. ice expands!!!02:02
reisiobwayne: greetings02:02
bwaynehi reisio02:02
Boohbahbwayne: it sounds like you need to fix grub02:02
bwaynegrub works fine02:02
reisiobwayne: which did you delete?02:03
Jordan_Ubwayne: Since this is a Windows problem, try ##windows.02:03
Boohbahoh, maybe the windows bootloader02:03
mernilioI prefer lilo, i think its more easy to manage.02:03
nulldevbwayne sound like you wiped your MBR out and grub hasnt installed properly && other than that I cant help any further02:03
bwaynereisio, it was a little 100MB NTFS partition just before the main windows installation.  yeah, Boohbah, it's the windows boatloader (BOOTMGR not found when I boot from grub directly to it)02:04
merniliogrub for me is a mess. A "normal" user cant use it.02:04
seb_How do I downgrade flash from 11 to 10.x ? the new version does not work with my computer.02:04
mernilionormal users even attend irc :-)02:04
harovalihi, I have to install ubuntu in a "nettop" computer. I tried to boot with ubuntu precise pangolin lts, and even being the case that the 'boot screen' appears, the rest of the booting hangs and stalls. Does anyone know what's the right thing to do in this case ? The CPU seems to be an AMD02:04
merniliodont.. ^02:04
Jordan_Umernilio: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?02:05
escotthangdeadman, i would try removing the files in /var/lib/ureadahead and then reboot once to finish profiling, and then another time to see if ureadahead starts to work. then we/you can compare the three bootcharts02:05
OerHeksseb_, not.02:05
harovalithe commercial brand of the computer is Foxconn02:05
mernilioJordan_U: i do, How do i install the python IDE Eric3? <--02:06
hangdeadman:escott okay, brb, thanks!02:06
seb_ OerHeks what do you mean02:06
nulldevfoxconn >> dev/null02:06
mernilioJordan_U: it's your special job tonight! :-P02:06
Needer_of_Helpjoined drupal-support and asked my Q there but I would think setting up FTP is as much an ubuntu issue02:06
Bsimsbwayne: best I can google you are gonna have to reinstall windows sorry man02:06
Boohbahnulldev: how about STDERR?02:06
Nortonjajajaj Needer_of_Help02:07
OerHeks<seb_> How do I downgrade flash from 11 to 10.x , answer: not possible.02:07
reisioit's possible, but unnecessary02:07
Nortonupload your problem on stacktrace Needer_of_Help02:07
Nortonand i'll see it02:07
nulldevboohbah in what regards stderr is the error mesages outputted from the shell02:07
rurufufussgreetings, my ubuntu desktop seems to be working/processing stuff (computer busy LED and that processing sound) when I'm not at the computer sometimes -- any guess what it could be?02:07
Nortonrurufufuss: there is live inside02:08
mernilioHow can i help with free software? I rule with language, but i have done it before. I want to go further!02:08
Boohbahnulldev: yeah, >> will only redirect stdout02:08
rurufufussNorton: aliens or nsa?02:08
nulldevboohbah :)02:08
Nortonjaaaa rurufufuss  both, maybe you have cron tasks that do that02:09
nulldevbohbah it will redirect or append to a file02:09
openfreelinuxmernilio: u mean u want to translate sth?02:10
Boohbahmernilio: learn to program, contribute to your favorite projects02:10
mernilioI have an ide about "learning wallpapers". Wallpapers teachers can use as a learning tool. Just basic stuff. For example the radius of the earth is 6500 km..02:10
mernilioBoohbah: Thats the problem, all good proggies has allready been made :-)02:11
drecutehello everyone02:11
mernilioI cant contribute i think..02:11
openfreelinuxbest think about free software is that everyone can contribute02:12
mernilioopenfreelinux: well, i could translate if it's a good project!02:12
drecuteplease I need a iptables sample to allow all incoming and all outgoing connections02:12
bwayneOh yeah, by the way, great job on 12.04.  This things rock solid.02:12
Nortondrecute: disable iptables02:12
drecuteok cool02:13
JonEdneyAnyone know of a fix for Unity when it don't work?  I installed Gnome Shell and wanted to go back to Unity, but only 2D works.02:13
JonEdneyI can live with it, but I'd love for the settings back to normal.02:13
NortonHey guys,  I'm stuck with this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10867312/cant-fix-dependecy-problems-on-ubuntu-12-04-libcanberra-gtk02:14
jonathonhello can anyone help with thunderbird 12 on ubuntu 12.0402:15
Nortonjonathon:  what happen02:15
reisiojonathon: nope, but some people can help02:15
nulldevnorton something relating to gnome is preventing the install02:15
reisio!ops schizophrenic bots02:15
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:15
reisioadd one more bot to that list02:16
nulldevif your on unity you need to remove those packages02:16
Nortonjonathon: be more specific02:16
OerHeksNorton, when does this happen? with a PPA?02:16
jonathonfresh install of 12.04. I cannot get Thunderbird to connect to any mail server. RSS feeds download fine but no email. Migrating from ubuntu 10.04. I copied my .thunderbird folder, which worked fine in 10.04, to this build. all my settings are from a working build but I cannot connect02:17
NortonOerHeks: what is PPA02:17
jonathonI am connecting through a proxy with authentication. I used Dconf editor to set the proxy settings as well as the system settings>network proxy.02:18
bwaynejonathon, try moving .thunderbird to .bak.thunderbird and resetup your accounts.  if it works, you know the Thunnderbird has changed its .config files in some way.02:18
ClientAliveHey guys. When I try to set up bridged networking with a static ip for my guests it makes my host o/s unable to resolve url's. With the host I can ping the loopback, I can ping the nameserver, I can ping my laptop and I can ping (which is google) but not www.google.com. My guest are all able to get on the internet through a web browser. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?02:18
OerHeksNorton, your post isn't clear about what you try to install and how, explain please02:18
jonathonbwayne, I tried and cannot setup a new account. It gets stuck on "checking password" with any email I try to input02:19
NortonThe proble is that i cant install nothing, neither upgrade becouse a unmet dependency02:19
Nortoni'll try to edit the post to make it more clear02:19
hangdeadmanescott: boot one: http://imagebin.org/21492002:21
bwaynejonathon, well, barring any misconfiguration on your end, there may be a little bug in this version of thunderbird.  hard to say.  if you're comfortable compiling from source, try downgrading manually.02:21
hangdeadmanescott: boot two: http://imagebin.org/21492102:21
GushingsHow do I setup autossh to take a password?02:22
GushingsI'm making a script and it's asking me for the password whenever it starts.02:22
OccupyDemonoidHello, how can I set up VNC on Ubuntu Server?02:23
escotthangdeadman, do you have something that dynamically creates the motd?02:23
reisioOccupyDemonoid: comes with a server by default, IIRC02:23
OccupyDemonoidreisio, it comes with the server by default?02:24
hangdeadmanescott, i don't know what motd is02:24
NortonOccupyDemonoid: try with google02:24
OccupyDemonoidI have already.02:24
NortonOccupyDemonoid: http://nuclear-imaging.info/site_content/2011/05/11/vnc-server-setup-for-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/02:25
hangdeadmanwhat is plymouthd?02:25
OccupyDemonoidSweet, thank you, Norton.02:26
CrankygeekHello room02:26
clausendo any of the standard archive formats (tar, zip, ar, etc.) support inserting new files in an arbitrary location into the archive?02:26
Nortonhangdeadman: Crankygeek02:26
escotthangdeadman, it seems to me that ureadahead is not doing enough. im not sure why that is the case though02:26
Nortonclausen: all02:26
escotthangdeadman, plymouthd is the thing that draws the ubuntu ....02:26
Nortoni dont know how but the answer is yes02:26
clausenNorton, ?02:27
hangdeadmanescott, should plymouthd be taking so long to start?02:27
Crankygeekbetter now02:28
Nortonclausen: you can do that02:28
escotthangdeadman, thats how long it is running for. the important thing is that it is gray meaning it isnt really doing anything. what seems wrong to me is that i would expect ureadahead to be a long DARK PINK bar because it should be reading all the files needed by everything that follows it in the optimal order. that would make your disk throughput (the green line in the second chart) to be a nice horizontal line02:29
clausenNorton, for example, if I have archive.tar with 3 files, how would I insert a 4th file into, say, the 2nd position?02:29
Nortonwhat you mean 2nd position???02:29
hangdeadmanescott: okay, where should I go from here to figure out what the problem is?02:29
clausen(I could obviously extract the whole thing... but that's not so efficient)02:30
clausenNorton, I mean, tar stores files sequentially, and I want, say, the new addition to be inserted in the middle (before the 2nd file)02:30
escotthangdeadman, that i just dont know.02:31
Nortonclausen: mmm why you want to do that?02:31
clausenNorton, security reasons02:31
hangdeadmanawesome, thanks for the help though.02:31
escotthangdeadman, check for errors in the boot.log02:32
clausenNorton, I want a "history-independent" archive -- I want to hide the age of the files02:32
clausen(and the order they were added)02:32
escotthangdeadman, or syslog02:32
Nortonclausen: interesting but i cant help you02:32
bwayneclausen, if you don't want them to be in order of time, you can always `finger` them.02:33
clausenNorton, thanks for thinking about it02:33
clausenbwayne, ?02:33
hangdeadmanescott: where do I find those?02:33
escotthangdeadman, /var/log02:33
bwayneclausen, you can alter files like that with finger.02:34
clausenbwayne, you mean touch(1) ?02:34
clausenbwayne, finger(1) is a networking program02:34
bwayneclausen, oh.  yes, sorry.  finger ... touch ... iget them mixed up sometimes.02:35
clausenbwayne, you have to use finger on the filesystem, not on the archive02:36
clausenmy problem is equivalent to: can I merge two tar files, maintaining alphabetical order?02:36
clausenI could write my own program to do it...02:37
clausenmaybe I will :)02:37
hangdeadmanescott: no errors that I can see in either, any other reccomendations?02:38
bwaynethat'd be interesting, clausen.02:38
sandydI need some help with my NFS4 Datastore. I currently have it running on Debian. Mounting it on ubuntu causes it to have nobody:nobody as a owner, which makes nginx not capable of writing to there.02:41
hangdeadmanDoes anybody else by chance have any advice on how to get ureadahead working on my ubuntu 12.04 on a dell inspiron 1545?02:41
bwayneclausen, you could probably do it with a for loop and the --add-file option.  then again, you may look into the -m option.02:42
clausenbwayne, --add-file appends to the end?02:42
kandinskihi, how do I make Transmission follow the global proxy setup? (12.04)02:42
hangdeadmanescott: could i possibly reinstall ureadahead?02:42
bwayneclausen, yes.02:42
escotthangdeadman, i dont know how that would help02:43
clausenbwayne, then that's no good... I won't the history of the archive to be destroyed02:43
HeridanHi, is anybody here willing to help me with some questions concerning ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS, especially about screen and java?02:44
bwayneclausen, sounds like you need more than just a tarball for all of these security concerns.  maybe you're trying to use a hammer when you need a screwdriver?02:44
kandinskiI have a global proxy configured on localhost:9999, and I am running a "ssh -D 9999 -C $myremotehost" tunnel02:44
clausenbwayne, well, the tar format is fine02:44
bwayneHeridan, I've used screen some, but recently i've started using tmux and haven't looked back.02:44
kandinskibut I think Transmission is still connecting via the local IP02:45
clausenbwayne, I think I can wip up a program to merge tarballs in an hour...02:45
clausenbwayne, doing it now :)02:45
jonathonIs anyone else having problems with email clients in ubuntu 12.0402:45
Heridanbwayne: So is this a yes or do you want me to look for someone else? :)02:45
bwayneclausen, you can do a simple merge of tarballs with --concatenate.02:45
openfreelinuxusing ssh for torrent, is that really a good idea?02:45
clausenbwayne, but that has the same problem02:46
clausen(as --add-file)02:46
bwayneHeridan, well, if you're wanting java help, then definitely someone else.  :-)  maybe even in #java or something.02:46
clausenI want a merge that preserves alphabetical order, or something like that02:46
bwaynewell, off to try to fix windows boot record stuff.  bye!02:46
SilversongQuestion: What is Arch? :O02:51
VeraMonook so um is ok to install that gnome fallback?02:52
jonathongnome fallback on 12.04? running it now02:52
VeraMonoKEWL BEANS02:52
openfreelinux!g arch02:53
jonathonNot a big fan of unity02:53
mcoredhey guys is there a good player that can play cue files for ubuntu?02:53
HeridanOkay: I have a little server running on which I have a java Program running (minecraft server). It is started by using the command "screen java (...)" so that it won't quit once I log off from the ssh connection. Now I am looking for a possibility to send commands to the java input stream while the screen is detached. I tried screen -X but the commands don't seem to reach the java input. Anyone able and willing to help me with this?02:54
jonathoncan anyone help with proxy settings in ubuntu 12.0402:54
mcoredi mean like this http://i.min.us/il2cj1fwDrQqk.png02:55
wilee-nileeVeraMono, install the gnome-shell, you will have the shell, and the classic desktop02:56
NortonHeridan: $ nohup ./miscript.sh &02:56
cvrmcored: clementine02:56
mcoredi am prettymuch looking of for a foobar2000 equivalent, thanks cvr02:56
Silversongnothing on arch :|02:56
Silversongubottu doesn't know anything about arch02:56
ubottuSilversong: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:56
naryfahi all02:57
mcoredok need to wait more http://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/issues/detail?id=2569 for mka support cvr02:57
ClientAliveI have a network problem I don't know how to solve. Can anyone help? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 server02:58
cvrmcored, np, it does some sort of cue files i know02:58
mcoredyeah cvr it does cue thanks02:58
cvrClientAlive, expain the issue and someone might be able to help03:00
ClientAliveWhen I try to set up bridged networking with a static ip for my guests it makes my host o/s unable to resolve url's. With the host I can ping the loopback, I can ping the nameserver, I can ping my laptop and I can ping (which is google) but not www.google.com. My guest are all able to get on the internet through a web browser. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?03:00
ClientAliveIt's kind of a long standing issue that I really need to just get dealt with/ over with03:01
cvrClientAlive, what nameserver is defined in /etc/resolv.conf?03:02
_Tristan1$10 to anybody who can figure out how to get php to use the latest mysql library (libmysqlclient18) instead of libmysqlclient16 in natty.03:02
ClientAliveright now it's and but I'm not running that /etc/network/interfaces file atm03:03
ClientAliveI'm running the one for bridged with dhcp (dhcp is unacceptable, I need the other method to work for me)03:03
cvrClientAlive, so if you type $ nslookup google.com what server does it show connecting to for the dns?03:04
ClientAlivea who slew of stuff03:04
ClientAliveabout a dozen addresses03:05
ClientAliveshould I reconfigure the network with the config file that's giving me the problems though?03:05
cvryeh but the first address where is says server is where its getting the info from03:05
ClientAliveserver""  "Address:"03:06
mcoredThe developer of Guayadeque -- IMHO one of the finest Linux music player ever created -- is willing to implement this feature to his player. There is a very long thread on ubuntuforums.org dedicated to the testing of Guayadeque where He (Juan) in reply to a questions about a cue sheet support in Guayadeque said: "No at this moment." && "This feature is in my to-do list."03:06
ClientAlive24.220.0.10#53 I meant03:06
VeraMonoback in a a sec03:07
EnguruMy Ubuntu Software Center wont open >.<03:07
Cody_RWould anyone be able to help me chmod my wubi installation from a live cd? Trying to install grub03:07
cvrClientAlive, so its connecting to the dns server u want and its receiving the addresses03:07
Enguruanyway to troubleshoot?03:07
YagoWhat is the name of the startup screen where you can choose Windows or Ubuntu after you install Wubi?03:08
ClientAliveyeah, but this is a different config file that does work. A diff /etc/network/interfaces  (I didn't know if I should have reconfigured the one that I need but that breaks the system before coming here)03:09
PyTinkeris the googletesting framework for c++ available from the software center?03:09
naryfaYago: is it grub?03:10
cvrClientAlive, ahh so its probably just your interface file that is broken, can u send the one that doesnt work to pastebin03:10
Yagonaryfa: I don't know, im wondering03:10
bwayneoh well.03:10
Yagonaryfa: its definately not the purple ubuntu screen03:10
Yagonaryfa: its black03:10
ClientAliveI have it up. let me get yo the url03:11
naryfaYago: the only thing I can think of where you choose the OS is grub03:11
ClientAlivethis is the one that breaks the system (I've also just reconfig the system to be using it)    http://paste.ubuntu.com/1020623/03:12
smwYago, I think wubi uses a windows boot loader03:12
naryfaI never used Wubi actually, I'm sorry03:12
smwYago, "Windows Boot Manager"03:12
Yagooh ok03:12
Yagonow heres the realy question03:12
escottCody_R, presumably find the wubi image and loop mount it03:12
ClientAliveIf I do nslookup google.com with this configuration it hangs for about 5 sec or so then prints that it timed out to the screen03:13
YagoIs there a way i can edit my Windows Boot Manager to get rid of the 10 second timer that lets me choose either Windows or Ubuntu?03:14
naryfaYago:  msconfig?03:14
lorddeltaHello? Any chance some could tell me how to reset the unity desktop. I usually use the kubuntu desktop, but my ubuntu desktop refuses to work properly. If I'm lucky, sometimes I see the unity bars before the thing crashes.03:14
bwayneYago:  i use EasyBCD03:14
Yagonaryfa: is it possible?03:14
lorddeltaAnd sometimes I'm unlucky and have no window borders period.03:14
Yagobwayne: whats that?03:14
smwYago, then how will you select ubuntu or windows?03:14
Cody_Rescott: I found a tutorial, attempted to do that, but it can't find the root.disk file in my windows partition03:15
bwayneYago, free software that will let you edit the windows boot configuration.  i prefer it to grub.03:15
Yagosmw: i want to remove the timer or shorten it...03:15
naryfaYago: open RUN dialog in Win and type MSCONFIG03:15
cvrClientAlive, what type of virtualisation are u using?03:15
naryfaYago: then go to Boot tab03:15
Yagonaryfa: im not in windows right now :(03:15
naryfaYago: play there03:15
mcoredfound cvr !! after so many tries http://www.linuxine.com/story/foobnix-simple-and-powerful-music-player03:16
naryfaYago: where are you then?03:16
Yagobwayne: is there like an official web or something?03:16
Yagovia Wubi03:16
mcoredhttp://www.foobnix.com/faq?lang=en is the homepage03:16
smwYago, ... also about the question you asked earlier. That black screen you were talking about says "Windows Boot Manager" at the very top :-)03:16
cvrmcored, nice one03:17
bwayneYago, http://neosmart.net/download.php?id=1 .  It says register, but you don't have to.  Just hit the download button.03:17
Yagosmw: Oh I didn't notice cause of the 10 seconds... Im basically rushing to read everything on screen03:17
Yagobwayne: k thanks ill try it :003:17
smwYago, did you try clicking the down button?03:17
bwayneit works like a charm03:17
smwYago, that should stop the clock...03:18
cvrClientAlive, you dont have eth0 defined anywhere in that file?03:18
Yagosmw: yea after I had to restart 3 times cause i didn't notice the timer lol03:18
naryfaYago: If you want to edit the windows bootloader, it is better you do it from under windows03:18
ClientAlivesure I do, its:  " bridge_ports eth0"03:18
YagoAnother problem: I'm having trouble installing chrome on ubuntu the software center keeps saying i must repair it and I repeat the whole cycle over and over again03:19
ClientAliveis there more to it than that?03:19
cvrtry adding03:19
Yagonaryfa: Yes. Thank-you. I will switch over in a short while03:19
cvrauto eth003:19
cvriface eth0 inet manual03:19
cvrabove it in the file03:20
naryfaYago: do you know how to manually install a program? Via terminal?03:20
ClientAliveok, I'll check back and make sure I have everything there correctly. thx03:20
Yagonaryfa: I know how to isntall one using apt-get, but this is a file not from a repo03:21
cvrClientAlive, ok gl03:21
Yagonaryfa: i forgot how to install an actual file03:21
Yagobasically no03:21
VeraMonois there a theme repo?03:21
Yagonaryfa: Usually i just double click03:21
naryfaYago: try it this way: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome03:22
Yagook. If I install chrome the normal way through the software center, does it autoupdate?03:23
naryfaYago: uhm... if updates make it to the repos you'll get an update manager noticifaction I guess03:23
naryfaYago: if that's what you're asking about03:23
Yagoso it autoadds the repo?03:23
naryfaYago: you mean, what I gave you? If it adds the repo?03:24
Yago^^^ thats what I meant, sorry for not being clear03:24
jrich82I am having a difficult time finding an answer to my problem.  i was told this might be a good palce to start?03:24
naryfaYago: It will give you the repo of a latest stable Chrome, and that's what you'll be installing03:24
Yagonaryfa: Oh, no i meant the file from google.com/chrome download03:24
naryfaYago: never done it this way03:25
naryfaYago: you may get the deb file here though https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?platform=linux03:25
naryfaYago: But I still suggest the repo03:26
naryfaYago: it's up to you03:26
jrich82I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and in games with fullscreen mode, there is like a bottom strip that the mouse cannot go into and consequently, I can't click on any buttons in that strip, the mouse doesn't even go into it.  There seems to be some kind fo invisible barrier. ? I am confused...03:26
Yagonaryfa: both of those methods autoupdate?03:27
cvrjrich82, have you tried running the games with the 3d desktop turned off?03:27
naryfaYago: no, only repos03:28
jrich82@cvr ...no.  I have not.  i can give that a shot.  I can';t seem to find anything in google or Ubuntu forums related to it.03:28
Yagonaryfa: ok thanks03:28
naryfaYago: no prob03:28
jrich82@cvr I'll give it a shot and see what happens.  I am new to Linux in general and have learned a lot in the two weeks I've used it.  If that doesn't work, any other suggestons to look at?03:30
cvrjrich82, not really sry, whenever i've had problems with fullscreen games compiz has usually been behind it03:30
y0om4is there a way to zoom out the current desktop display? I have to enter information in a window but even alt f7 does not work because it does not grp it03:31
jrich82So that's what handles the desktop...  I've seen videos on Youtube talking abotu compiz and another like it...  I'll keep snooping around.  Worse case scenario if I break something I can always reinstall.  Thanks!  I'll try it now.03:31
ClientAliveI'm just curious about something. You see, I've thought that I need a static bridged setup to use nfs for shared storage. Is that really correct? My bridged networking setup that uses dhcp works just fine. But if I were to use that configuration, what would I put in the nfs config file (exports) as far as identifying what computer (guests in this case) can access the share??03:36
cvrClientAlive, cant you just put the whole subnet in?03:38
JpgmanHey guys, why was Dodge Windows removed from 12.0403:38
JpgmanI've been trying to get it installed again, with no luck03:39
JpgmanAnybody know why Dodge Windows was removed from 12.0403:40
=== root is now known as Guest78658
RevealerI have some information that everybody in here needs to know more about, the computrace BIOS level rootkit that is installed on 80% of new desktops and laptops, it was on mine with no options in the BIOS, and it has been exploited to create a BIOS level rootkit that runs in windows and ubuntu03:42
cvrJpgman,  https://lists.launchpad.net/unity-design/msg07665.html03:42
Revealerit runs as rpcnet in windows and schost -rpcss03:43
kaushalI am unable to open jnlp file in chrome in ubuntu 11.10 Any clue?03:43
Revealerthe company that makes it is called absolute software03:43
ClientAlivecvr: not really sure. I'm a newb to this area of doing things so have been trying to find a tutorial that I can just follow. Problem is, I don't want to just do it any old way (I actually care about some level of security).03:43
Revealeragain, most machines come with this BIOS level rootkit known as lojack03:43
kaushalAny known issue?03:43
Revealercomputrace lojack03:43
Revealereasily exploited for total control of a system including keylogging and location information03:44
Revealersome sytems even have a chip in the motherboard to reload the rootkit code03:44
Revealerplease research this03:44
cvrClientAlive, if you dont want to have the whole subnet able to connect to the share (which is what I have on my lan) why not set your dhcp server to assign the guests a static ip via dhcp?03:44
ClientAliveI can do that?03:45
majestouchSo i have tried to Burn an iso of Ubuntu 64bit but when i try to boot from it everything is very slow sluggish / laggy takes ages and when it finally boots up the window with the welcome screen that lets you choose if you want to install or try the live disk is Just white and non responsive, this happens when i try to create a live USB as well03:45
majestouchcan anyone help me out ?03:45
cvryeh, what are u using for dhcp serving?03:45
ClientAliveI saw something like that in my router config but wasn't sure the proper way to do it. Would you be willing to coach me just a bit?03:45
Sav1orFREE KEVIN03:45
ClientAliveoh, but it's guest on a virtual system that would ultimately be accessing the nfs share (not physical computers)03:46
cvrClientAlive, if its in your router probably the best way is to set the IP-address based on the mac address it should have that option03:46
MaynardWatersis there a #ubuntu-newbee channel?03:46
ClientAlivewould the mac address of a guest be visible to the router?03:47
cvrClientAlive, if its able to talk to the router to get the address it will, its just a virtual mac address anyway03:48
antonio_aloha folks03:48
Gushingsrevealer How would one determine lojack was included and, if so, how to protect against exploitation?03:48
antonio_for some reason cds are not burning correctly03:48
antonio_it says they are burnt...but nothing gets burnt03:48
ClientAlivekvm sets up NAT by default, I thought that what we're talking about was the reason for bridging03:49
cvrClientAlive, yeh if its behind that nat it will be an issue, so you didnt get bridged working?03:50
LavagolemkingQuick question: How well does Skype work in 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04?03:50
cvrLavagolemking, as well as it works anywhere in my experience03:51
Lavagolemkingcvr: And your experiences has been good or bad?03:51
ClientAlivewith dhcp it works but with static it doesen't (as per our original conversation). After you mentioned I needed to add those lines regarding eth0 to the interfaces file I wanted to double check with tutorials I've seen. The one I could find (that I've been using) does not have those lines and I don't recall seeing it like that in the others I've seen in the past.03:52
cvrLavagolemking, they've been alright, it calls and messages fine03:52
JpgmanIs there anyway I can switch between 2 windows besides pressing alt+tab? I just upgraded to 12.04 and before I could just click the icon in the launcher and choose between windows03:52
LavagolemkingNo freezing on sounds, or anything like that?03:52
keith__how can i scroll up/down using irssi03:53
cknoxDoes anyone know how to get UserDirectories working with Apache2 on Ubuntu?03:53
cvrLavagolemking, not that i've experienced03:53
Lavagolemkingcknox: Are the user directories already mounted/stored on the server in some fashion?03:53
ClientAliveI think I found a good - thorough site - I'mna check it out bro03:54
cknoxLavagolemking: yeah they are. I'm getting a 403 error when I try to access them03:54
cvrClientAlive, i just got that from the ubuntu kvm guide, i personally havent used kvm, all my VMs are run through VB and its very easy to set this up03:54
Lavagolemkingcknox: Did you check the permissions?03:54
cknoxI've enabled the mod Lavagolemking i've given the directory 777 permissions as a test, and it still gives me a 403 error...03:55
zykotick9keith__: pgup pgdown, not sure about line-by-line scroll03:55
jbanderI stopped nautilus with "nautilus -q" , how do I start it again. I was trying to change my desktop03:55
jribcknox: just a2enmod userdir and reload apache203:56
cknoxjrib: that's the mod I started talking about and apparently got side tracked03:56
cknoxI've enabled the mod, but goint to ~cknox gives a 40303:57
jribcknox: and you have a public_html in the user's home directory that is accessible by www-data?03:57
ClientAliveals I know is I've been having a really tough time with two important things I need set up for this system (bridged networking and nfs shared storage area). I've been going at it for nearly two weeks now.03:57
Sav1orFREE KEVIN!03:58
Lavagolemkingcknox: Check the URL for an absolute file (like /~cknox/index.php), rather than directory listing (like /~cknox/).03:58
LavagolemkingYou might have directory listing disabled.03:58
cvrClientAlive, you have been through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking ?03:59
cknoxtotal 403:59
cknoxdrwxrwxrwx 2 cknox cknox 4096 Jun  2 20:58 public_html03:59
cknoxI can't access ~cknox/index.html either03:59
cvrcknox, what about the permissions of your home directory though?04:00
jribcknox: ls -ld / /home /home/cknox /home/cknox/public_html /home/cknox/public_html/index.html04:00
jbanderCould someone help me please04:01
jribjbander: ask your question04:01
jbander: I stopped nautilus with "nautilus -q" , how do I start it again. I was trying to change my desktop04:01
cvrjbander, nautilus04:01
jbanderJust type that in04:01
cknoxah that's it. It's the permissions...04:02
jbanderThank you very much04:02
damo22where can i find audio enthusiasts on here04:02
Lavagolemkingcknox: Make sure you set 755 on folders and 744 on files.04:02
Lavagolemkingcknox: On a web server, unless you have a very good reason, you do not want to enable world write access.04:03
jrib644 on files :/04:03
Lavagolemkingjrib: You're right.04:03
lorddeltaSo, help on why my unity desktop won't start? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1020728/04:03
Lavagolemkingcknox: Sorry, 644.04:03
cknoxLavagolemking: I was only doing it as a test04:03
cknoxi've nuked the directory and recreated it04:04
LavagolemkingNot really necessary if you ask me. Just do chmod -R (assuming you don't have any special permission setup already).04:04
dooglusI booted from a 11.10 live stick and started using it to download the 12.04 iso.  it claims to be downloading at 175.8 MiB/s, but has taken over an hour so far to get 40% of 700MB04:04
doogluswhat's going on?04:04
jbanderHelp Again please04:04
Braden`How would I use regex, sed, whatever to trim this line from "[11:26] -W- *!*@user-0cdvhsq.cable.mindspring.com User 36w, 3d Never impersonation", to only "*!*@user-0cdvhsq.cable.mindspring.com" ?04:05
zykotick9ClientAlive: i use nfs exports on my host system, with a network bridge for kvm - and don't have anything special in the export command, it's wildcarding to my local network (which the kvm vms belong)04:05
dooglusBraden`: awk '{print $3}'04:05
cknoxhow do I set it so that the files created in the directory will have the same group as the directory?04:06
jribcknox: you can g+s the directory04:06
jbanderI turned off nautilus and when I did everything disappeared from my desktop .Now when I left or right click the desktop I get nothing04:07
jribcknox: setguid04:07
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest88598
cknoxah i see has to be done as root04:07
jbanderI turned it back on but still get nothing04:07
jribcknox: hmm, don't think so04:07
Kornkageso i just installed gnuradio, how do i "run" it ?04:08
clausenI'm not sure if anyone is left from my tar merging question!04:08
cknoxjrib: I wasn't able to change the group on the folder myself, I had to do it as root..04:08
clausenbut I wrote an efficient program for the job...04:08
jribcknox: you're probably not a member of the group?04:08
cknoxI'm a part of the group, just not in this bloody screen session04:10
Braden`dooglus:  How would I do that with an input file?  I tried "-f" but it says awk: tmp.txt: line 1: syntax error at or near [  ---[and]--- awk: tmp.txt: line 156: extra ')'04:10
cknoxbe back shortly04:10
clausenI thought only root could change groups?04:11
lorddeltaI move that ubuntu-desktop not installing compiz-gnome be filed as a bug.04:11
jbanderI have a question about nautilus anyone04:12
Braden`oh right, use cat first04:12
dooglusBraden`: awk '{print $3}' filek04:13
jribjbander: stop being vague.  Just ask your real question (even when repeating it after a reasonable amount of time)04:13
Braden`cat | awk...04:13
Braden`I used that and it worked04:13
Braden`Thanks dooglus!04:13
jribBraden`: useless use of cat04:13
dooglusBraden`: better not to use cat - just put filename after the awk script04:13
dooglusBraden`: sorry it's slow - my tranmission is downloading at 200 MB/s..04:14
jbanderSorry I typed in nautilus -q and I lost everything on my desktop. I typed in nautilus and if I right or left click on my desktop I get nothing ,I'm trying to change mt desktop04:14
cvrjbander, so when u typed in nautilus again it didnt bring the desktop back?04:16
jbanderI got mu home directory04:17
jbanderNo it didn't04:17
cvrjbander, yeh but could you then click the desktop with that window open?04:17
cvrjbander, if u cant get it to work just logout and back in again04:18
jbander When I right click or left click on the desktop aren't I supose to get a list of things to do including change your desktop ,I get nothing04:18
jbanderOk I'l log out and in againg04:19
cknoxhow do I remove a user from a group?04:19
cvrcknox, gpasswd -d user group04:19
cknoxparticularly aa group that is not showing them a member of in /etc/group04:20
cknoxit seems I already inadvertently did that when i did usermod -G...04:21
cknoxgood thing I'm still logged in with sudo...04:21
scp1hello people04:21
jbander1Thanks everyone got everything back but I can't still change my desktop04:22
Flannelcknox: You should really use adduser instead of usermod to add people to groups.04:22
Flannel(you can also use deluser to remove people from groups)04:22
cvrjbander1, you just want to change the background? just type appearance into the dash and change it from there04:24
jbander1I go to change your desktop and  I go to something called appearance I change the picture in the test screen but it never converts to my desktop04:25
chaospsychexcan someone help me. i just installed 12.04 and in 'additional drivers' it says that the 'broadcom sta linux driver' is in use but my wifi isn't working?04:27
cvrjbander1, not sure then04:27
jbander1There is no apply button on my appearance page04:27
xanguachaospsychex: so you just enabled them¿ did you restart¿04:28
cvrjbander1, it automatically changes the background when u click the image when its working properly04:28
chaospsychexxangua, well i deactivated it then activated it but haven't restarted04:28
jbander1I didn't in my last three builds04:28
chaospsychexafter initial install it said it was activated which was weird because i never activated it04:28
jbander1 I don't know what it would be if it carries over from build to build04:29
chaospsychexit says driver is activated and currently in use but wifi is not working, it hasn't even been initialized04:33
kisukeok on precise what do i need to do to get bluetooth (audio sink) working consistantly?04:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
chaospsychexis this a known problem?04:35
chaospsychexit's the broadcom linux sta driver04:35
kisukechaospsychex: STA?04:36
chaospsychexbroadcom sta wireless driver, yes04:37
chipotlehow do i setup a vnc server in ubuntu, so i can access my computer from elsewhere?04:37
chaospsychexactivated and in use, but wifi hasn't even been init04:37
jagginesschipotle, i have an easier solution..04:37
jagginesschipotle, http://www.nomachine.com/preview/select-package-virtual-desktop-workstation.php?os=linux04:38
chipotlei'm on a win7 laptop though04:38
jagginesschipotle, dpkg -i <package.deb> , then https://<ip>:4080 (or use nomachine player)04:38
chipotleseems it only works fro linux04:39
chipotlewhat makes this better than vnc?04:39
jagginesschipotle, https://04:39
=== JoFo_ is now known as Jofo
jagginesschipotle, if you want to use a binary client (a bit faster), you download the binary client (which is available on win/mac/linux)04:40
chaospsychexdoes it download the firmware when you activate the driver ?04:41
chipotlejagginess: and it is free?04:41
jagginesschipotle, also for the binary client, (ssh server needs to be installed on server)04:41
jagginesschipotle, yes. up to 4 virtual desktops.. (some code is gpl, other parts arent)04:41
kisukeany onw know why a bluetooth headset (audio sink service) quits working after ~ 10 minutes?04:43
dooglusthe download speed showing up in transmission is going up at the same rate as the amount downloaded04:44
jagginesschipotle, works? what you also get is remote audio.. this isnt available on vnc..04:45
jagginesschipotle, i've been using this for over 2 months.. the license is free but restricted to 4 virtual desktops04:45
jagginessdooglus, that's not possible04:46
CoJaBoIs there an easier way to find all the dependancies of a tarball source without having to google each individual compile error? :/04:52
kisukeany one know why a bluetooth headset (audio sink service) quits working after ~ 10 minutes?04:52
CoJaBokisuke: Power save mode?04:52
kisukeCoJaBo: not enables in any way, shape or form.04:53
_sjsdoes anyone have any experience with getting tk to work with rvm?04:53
kisukeCoJaBo: it jsut cut out in the middle of useage and now it wont pair to the headset anymore.04:54
jagginessCoJaBo, maybe you should ask on #linux, you see.. it's standard to follow the README, and look at the makefile for library name hints.. (the tarball homepage should also say)04:54
CoJaBokisuke: Some of the headsets themselves may; is audio playing?04:54
kisukeCoJaBo: it was.04:54
CoJaBojagginess: There is no readme, and the site basically just says run make and pray -_-'04:54
jagginessCoJaBo, you have url?04:55
CoJaBoIt gives little more than a vague overview of even how to use it lol04:55
CoJaBojagginess: So far it seems to still be going; its at http://grail.cs.washington.edu/software/pmvs/04:55
CoJaBoIts package 2 of 5 that I have to build :/04:56
jagginessCoJaBo, library hints are alreay on the documentation link..04:56
CoJaBojagginess: Yeh, I installed those building package 1 lol.. It needs more than what is listed -_-'04:57
jagginessCoJaBo, to "compile" you need "<library-dev>" development header files--> compiler looks for (the compiler won't look for library-runtime files)04:58
jagginess(but of course you did the first half.. which is runtime library files which you need)04:58
CoJaBoIt needed some image processing libs, etc; those weren't listed04:59
CoJaBoThe error now is "fatal error: clapack/f2c.h: No such file or directory"04:59
CoJaBobut.. I already installed LAPACK. wth.05:00
vent0ranyone awake?05:00
jagginessCoJaBo, there's tools i guess, or you can try to grep the lines that say "include <><>" .. then use 'apt-file search <fileheader.h>'05:00
vent0rstep 505:00
vent0rwhere do i put that xorg conf ?05:00
jagginessvent0r, that post is 2010..05:02
vent0ri know05:02
vent0rthats the version ububtu i run05:02
jagginessya but the updates to it arent 2010..05:02
vent0rits what google gave me05:02
vent0rwhere is xorg.conf located?05:04
kisukevent0r: /etc/ i beleve05:04
vent0rnope new file05:04
Jordan_Uvent0r: /etc/X11/xorg.conf (it doesn't exist by default).05:05
Jordan_Uvent0r: What version of Ubuntu are you using?05:05
vent0rthanks jordan05:06
Jordan_Uvent0r: You're welcome.05:06
Jordan_Uvent0r: For DisplayLink support I would highly recommend upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 though, or at least testing with a LiveCD/USB to see if it works by default now.05:07
vent0rwhats a good way to update?05:07
vent0rdont they use unity now05:07
vent0ri love my gnome05:07
jagginessCoJaBo, you using http://grail.cs.washington.edu/software/pmvs/pmvs-2.tar.gz ?05:07
Jordan_U!notunity | vent0r05:07
ubottuvent0r: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:07
CoJaBojagginess: Theres an updated version; but it doesn't have the binaries05:09
CoJaBojagginess: Evidently, there were some files left out, the same ones were in package #1 I just copied from there...05:09
LukeNukemANyone who uses nginx here05:10
john38Is anybody else having random log off problems05:10
john38in 12.04LTS05:10
LukeNukemi removed nginx, but everytime my system boots05:10
Jordan_Uvent0r: Another option not mentioned in that factoid is XFCE, which is very similar to GNOME2.05:10
LukeNukemnginx is started up too.05:10
vent0rwhats a good method to upgrade?05:10
LukeNukemso i try to remove it again like this : sudo apt-get --purge remove nginx05:10
LukeNukemand it says package nginx not installed05:10
LukeNukemhow can i fix this05:10
vent0rvia package manager?05:10
LukeNukemin terminal05:11
Jordan_U!upgrade | vent0r05:11
ubottuvent0r: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:11
DeathStarsHow would I change the encrypted root that gets mounted on startup. Passing the cryptsetup=/dev/sda3:LinuxRoot param dosen't work seems like udev or something overides it05:12
bwaynelooking for some rhythmbox help, gang.  i want to sort my music by album-artist.  That is, the album's artist, not the artist of the particular song.  E.g, a mixed cd which is mixed by Digweed.  I want that placed under "Digweed" and all of Digweed's albums put together.  Anyone accomplish something similar?05:12
DeathStarsI want to change it from mounting /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt to mounting /dev/mapper/LinuxRoot on startup.05:13
DeathStarsTried changing fstab and boot params... nothing. Just a failed boot.05:13
Jordan_UDeathStars: Did you also change the root= argument?05:13
DeathStarsJordan_U, Yup05:14
Jordan_UDeathStars: What is the contents of /proc/cmdline ?05:15
DeathStarsJordan_U, It may be a plymouth/udev thing though. Because when I ran "sudo grep -vHIr sda3_crypt /" it says /lib/init/rw/udev/data/b252:0 still contain the old one.05:15
CoJaBoegads, some of these -dev libs are huge :/05:15
DeathStarsAnd I had to switch back to sda3_crypt on the boot params to actually make it boot. so right now its "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.2.0-24-generic root=/dev/mapper/sda3_crypt ro quiet splash" but before it was "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.2.0-24-generic cryptdevice=/dev/sda3:LinuxRoot root=/dev/mapper/LinuxRoot  ro quiet splash"05:16
Jordan_UDeathStars: You shouldn't need cryptdevice as far as I can tell.05:17
DeathStarsJordan_U, I know, but when I didn't have it I got the same result, so I just put it there because that's what worked on Arch haha.05:18
DeathStarsJordan_U, I recently switched back to Ubuntu after about ... 2 years? Of archlinux :P05:19
Chat0057Hi all!05:20
DeathStarsI'm going to try a different config, after that I'll have to try manually editing the udev files... brb, reboot.05:22
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner05:22
ayubaplease help me05:23
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?05:23
_sjshow can I find the location of installed libraries? I used rvm to install ruby 1.9.2 but when I try to require tk it doesn't work, but it does work if I do the require from the default version05:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:25
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner05:26
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?05:26
Firo2012Does it have anything on it05:26
clausenwhy is srm -qllf so slow?  (about 50kb/s)05:26
clausenany suggestions on speeding it up?05:27
clausensorry -fllz05:27
Firo2012ayuba does it have anything important on it?05:27
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner05:27
DDoubleSJordan_U, Okay, I got booted into it by failing out the sda3_crypt mount and manually mounting it from the recovery shell05:28
oooaaaoooohi guys, im running ubuntu 12.04 on an x220 laptopn and was wondering if there was any way to show battery perctage remaining on the battery indicator05:28
=== mike is now known as Guest84101
DrunkenMasterHello All05:30
ayubafiro2012 can u help me how to do that or any setting that i can do ??05:30
DrunkenMasterHope you're having a good night or morning05:30
clausenhmmm, looks like srm -f still uses fsync(2) at the end.  how annoying!05:31
Jordan_UDDoubleS: Run "sudo update-grub", then make a backup of your current initrd from /boot/ , then run "sudo update-initramfs -c -k all" and see if that configures everything properly to boot things the way they are.05:31
Yunisikahi all05:31
Yunisikahow can i restart my gnome desktop the penal is freezned !05:32
DDoubleSJordan_U, Already did both, expect I ran update-initramfs -u , reading the man page on -c and -k now05:32
Firo2012Your drive might have been messed up from a number of reasons open up Gparted and see if you see it.05:32
clausenYunisika, does hitting CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE work?05:33
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner05:33
DDoubleSJordan_U, And your idea was better haha, running it with c and k all flags now05:33
hanszHey... I am forced to do guest login on my new 12.04, as on my login page I have only Hebrew (new problem). I can login from console, of course, but I do not know how to let english exist on the login screen.05:34
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
hanszI guess it is a problem with the lightdm, but I have no idea how to handle it.05:34
Jordan_Uayuba: What do you mean by "cannot detect"? You plug it in and you don't see it avaiable in the list of drives in the left of file browser windows?05:34
=== Jordan is now known as jcrza
KRomowhat is the best photo app for linux? something like picasa?05:35
syn-ackSo good it comes out of the box05:36
KRomoh it is already installed :)05:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
DrunkenMasterAnyone running the new ubuntu through virtualbox?05:39
hanszhelp..? I can't login...05:39
ex0ahow can i get adduser to preserve acl modifications to directories/files under /etc/skel?05:40
Yunisikai want to restart the gnome05:44
DDoubleSJordan_U, Worked :D05:44
Yunisikathere must be a command like restart gnome ...05:44
Gushingstry sudo service gdm restart05:44
ApocGoDUbuntu 12.04, Gnome 3, Issues with skype and Logitech V-uap42.05:44
ApocGoDBus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:092e Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Chat05:44
GushingsYunisika : try sudo service gdm restart05:45
GushingsApocGoD what are the issues?05:45
ApocGoD@Gushings It works in Cheese but for some reason I can't get it to show up or work in Skype.05:46
ApocGoD@Gushings I have version, the latest version of Skype.05:46
hanszI still cannot login. Lightdm allows me to enter hebrew characters only. How can I change that from console?05:47
hanszwhere is this setting?05:47
ApocGoDIt works in Cheese but for some reason I can't get it to show up or work in Skype.05:47
ApocGoDI have version, the latest version of Skype.05:47
GushingsApocGoD : Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam , section 3.605:48
ApocGoDWill do, reading now.05:48
Yunisikamy shotwell can not import mp4 videos ???05:49
Yunisikadoes anyone else has the same problem??? mate05:49
KRomohey guys, how can i take a screenshot in ubuntu without a printscreen key...05:50
KRomojust bought an apple keyboard and it doesnt have one05:50
GushingsKRomo accessories -> take screenshot.05:50
cvrKRomo, type screenshot into the dash05:51
GushingsWhat version are you running?05:51
Yunisikayes u can use shutter and set a key by yourself or you can just find screenshot app from you menu05:51
GushingsYeah, do what cvr said.05:51
Yunisikayou click it and take the shot05:51
GushingsI'm still on 11.0405:52
KRomooh cool thx!05:52
Yunisikaor you can set you own key by from gnome setting05:52
kisukeok, im tring to track down a bluetooth error and dmesg shows nothing, where else should i look?05:52
Yunisikai ma still on 11.04 too and my shotwell can not support any kind of video ?05:52
KRomoomg, im so in love with ubuntu :) i just formatted my windows hd after a week of enjoying ubuntu and i bought the apple keyboard since it looked so good for linux05:53
cvrkisuke, nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog?05:53
KRomonow the windows hd is a storage drive05:53
GushingsCheers, KRomo.05:53
kisukecvr: looking ther now05:53
OccupyDemonoidHow do I use custom Web domains with apache?05:54
GushingsLike a domain name?05:54
KRomowhat would be a good distro for a 7 year old who i am buying her first laptop? any suggested laptop with good compatibility? edubuntu?05:54
BhaveshI will format my windows drive after Valve releases Steam for Linux05:54
OccupyDemonoidI suggest Xubuntu.05:54
GushingsYou just need your DNS record to point at your server, OccupyDemonoid.05:54
KRomoxubuntu is good for kids?05:55
OccupyDemonoidSo, I would need to make a DNS server first?05:55
kisukecvr: Unable to get service record: Connection timed out (110) thats the only thing i can find.05:55
kisukecvr ^ in /var/log/syslog. i have no /var/log/messages05:55
GushingsNo, wherever you registered the domain name should have the records.05:55
cvrKRomo, xubuntu isnt aimed at kids no05:55
Gushingsyou can update them there, or transfer them to somewhere else.05:56
KRomoi know it isnt aimed but is it easiest to use and then good for them?05:56
mikeS11Bhavesh: +105:56
OccupyDemonoidOkay, so I have to point that towards my IP of the server?05:56
GushingsBasically, apache will serve to whatever your current IP is at port 80.  Your DNS record for your domain name will tell someone who types in your domain name what that IP is.05:57
Blue1OccupyDemonoid: be awrare that some isp block income port 80 requests05:57
cvrKRomo, not really, it still has alot of rough edges as far as im concerned, kids are smart and will adapt to whatever they're given quickly05:57
Gushingsyou need to update that record to match your IP.05:57
GushingsEh, I wouldn't worry about it.05:57
Andrew1hey can anyone help me with a problem i'm having in ubuntu server 12.04? been trying for hours to get this working with no success05:57
GushingsI don't think that is very common, Blue1.05:58
ashfallMy Ubuntu 11.10 is not updating (package information last updated 23 days agao, according to the update manager). I tried from the terminal, and am stuck at a GPG error: http://bpaste.net/show/8sSqmrDvDEkorGfOoDUo/05:58
GushingsAndrew1. just state your problem and if someone can help they will try :)05:58
Blue1Gushings: my isp (cox) blocks05:58
OccupyDemonoidAlright, thank you. The DNS would be myaddress:80? I can connect just fine through my phone to the IP so port 80 isn't blocked.05:59
Nervhi all!06:00
NervWhere all?06:00
Anonymous221_Numidk im lost in setting up everything new :D06:00
Anonymous221_Numubuntu realy good :D i think i switch for sure now06:01
GushingsYou probably shouldn't have to put a port, OccupyDemonoid, but if it's asking for one put 80.06:01
Andrew1okay, just installed ubuntu server 12.04 fresh and didn't configure the network during install. Now, i can't connect to the internet through eth0. tried to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and heres what i added:06:01
Andrew1auto eth006:01
Andrew1iface eth0 inet static06:01
FloodBot1Andrew1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
Nervi have qustion who can help?06:01
OccupyDemonoidOkay, thank you, Gushings :)06:02
kisuke!ask Nerv06:02
OccupyDemonoidJust ask06:02
KRomoNerv, wuddup?06:02
Anonymous221_Numhmm my installation didnt ask for any network setup, it works all fine. every driver installed :D06:02
Nervjust what?06:02
Anonymous221_Numcant help much though, only use it 1 day now06:03
OccupyDemonoidNerv, what is your question?06:03
Anonymous221_Num? ubuntu i mean wuddup i not even know xD06:03
NervShattlowrth have own blog06:03
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts06:03
NervI cant egistered :(06:03
Anonymous221_Numsry maby im confusing ;)06:03
GushingsAndrew1 does ifconfig show eth0?06:04
Nervregistered cant06:04
Andrew1yes it shows it06:04
bazhangNerv, do you have an actual ubuntu support question? the chit chat channel is #ubuntu-offtopic , Not here06:04
NervI have actual question06:04
NervHow regostered?06:04
bazhangNerv, then ask it, all on ONE line06:04
bazhang!gpgerr | ashfall06:05
ubottuashfall: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »06:05
cvrAndrew1, you have the network and broadcast on a different subnet to what u've defined06:05
NoWayJoseI have Quicken on Windows 7, does ubuntu have a program that I can put all my checking information on from Quicken?06:05
Nervhere many people06:05
ashfallbazhang: Thanks06:05
bazhangNerv, stop that06:05
Andrew1oh okay. so what do I need to do to fix it?06:05
cvrAndrew1, change the 2 to a 1 in both those lines06:06
kisukeok, any one have any clue why a bluetooth connection spontaneously disconnects while in use, and ubuntu refuses to reconnect? dmesg has nothing and syslog is rather uninformative,06:06
Anonymous221_Numits maby not liked when asking simple things i could google in 5min or ? like is it possible change emphathy whit background colours, plugins ect? or mor recommend get xchat,msn ect ? :D06:06
NervHow do it?06:06
Anonymous221_Numi would have many little questions not very important, where i need many google time haha but some ppl could answer in 1 sec xD06:06
Anonymous221_Numbut i not want ask many if its not ok :D06:06
bazhangNerv, how to do what.06:06
Andrew1okay one sec06:06
NervHow Register in Shattloworth blog?06:07
bazhangNerv, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu support. stop asking here06:07
OccupyDemonoidNerv, what is your native language? Maybe we could help better explain it to you that way?06:08
NervIts Ubuntu support Shuttlort is Ubuntu And Ubuntu - OS of Shuttlworth06:08
Nervthis is Ubuntu question06:08
NoWayJoseNothing? Figures.06:08
bazhangNerv, a blog registration has nothing to do with Ubuntu OS support06:08
GushingsNerv Shattloworth blog doesn't even have any google hits.06:08
OccupyDemonoidNoWayJose, what was your question?06:09
NoWayJoseI have Quicken on Windows 7, does ubuntu have a program that I can put all my checking information on from Quicken?06:10
Andrew1okay i changed the numbers, but it's still not getting a connection :/06:10
KRomoNoWayJose, can i make a suggestion?06:10
KRomouse mint.com forget quicken06:10
windbuntuwhen i am logging into ubuntu 12.04, i have that choice of ubuntu or ubuntu 2D. does that effect the way the desktop looks or does it go deeper?06:11
NervShtworth all time talking "My OS"... "My Linux"  "My distr..."06:11
cvrandrew can you ping
OccupyDemonoidNoWayJose, you can try these: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-free-financial-software-alternative-to-quicken/06:11
Andrew1cvr: says "network is unreachable"06:12
kisukeok, any one have any clue why a bluetooth connection spontaneously disconnects while in use, and ubuntu refuses to reconnect? dmesg has nothing and syslog is rather uninformative,06:12
cvrAndrew1, have u restarted the network since? sudo service networking restart?06:12
cvrAndrew1, provide your $ route and $ ifconfig output06:13
Andrew1yes, i ran sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:14
Andrew1okay let me put that together, one sec06:15
NoWayJoseKRomo, I've used Quicken for 8 years.06:15
mikeS11NoWayJose: KRomo: It possible to run Quicken under wine or in a VM?06:16
mikeS11NoWayJose: KRomo: Perhaps one of those is a solution.06:16
=== mint is now known as sevenhills
GushingsNoWayJose It looks like Wine runs Quicken okay, and there may be some native programs you can try importing into.06:18
GushingsWhat is quicken even doing nowdays.06:20
GushingsDidn't they drop support for Mac as well?06:20
bazhangGushings, lets get back on topic please06:20
GushingsYes mother.06:21
cvrNoWayJose, i've used gnucash in the past and it'll import quicken files to some degree, dont think you will find anything that compares to all the features in quicken on linux though06:22
* bahhooo corns06:24
Andrew1okay, here is the output for route and ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1020821/06:29
CoJaBoHuh. Well that turned out to be a grand waste of time.06:29
kisukeok, any one have any clue why a bluetooth connection spontaneously disconnects while in use, and ubuntu refuses to reconnect? dmesg has nothing and syslog is rather uninformative, does any one have any suggestion at all?06:30
=== doublea is now known as Guest8377
BlackshirtHei seiiyu06:32
seiyuuthis is my first one here06:32
BlackshirtSeiyuu..you are greats06:33
GBGamerHello everyone, I am just installing Ubuntu on my new laptop, and it's stuck on configuring hardware. Any help06:33
BlackshirtSeiyuu, congratulations guys..06:33
Blackshirtgbamer, what your hardware related cause the trouble06:34
=== aaron is now known as Guest23927
kisukehow would i find an error with a bluetooth device when dmesg reporrts nothing?06:37
seiyuuby the way some body knows or can do a recomendation about  a radio browser capable to find japanese issue06:37
=== syn-ack is now known as Guest37503
Blackshirtseiyuu, exactly, i don't know..maybe others here know you mean06:39
seiyuuwell tnks have a nice day06:41
whiskers75kisuke: what sort of error06:42
MorticianHow would I go about installing Torchat to ubuntu? any ideas?06:45
kisukewhiskers75: thats what im tring to figure out, my bluetooth headset just has its connection dropped, finally came up with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1180459906:45
kisukewhiskers75: ^ almost the exact same problem.06:45
whiskers75kisuke: ill check the link06:46
whiskers75kisuke: connect to the headset from the command line?06:47
kisukewhiskers75: working on it06:51
NoWayJoseok thanks06:55
kisukewhiskers75: using hcitool: "can't create connection: Input/output error"07:00
kishi want to disable unity07:04
bazhang!notunity | kish07:04
ubottukish: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:04
frustrohi, I dont want a gui, but have 12.04 installed.  how do I boot with out a gui and not waste cpu clocks? I only ssh to pc.07:09
frustrofedora it was a runlevel thing, but ubuntu not do that.07:10
BlackshirtRemove x server and related gui07:10
kishthat works07:11
kishfrustro, you may want to remove the x server07:11
kishi should do the same07:11
frustroI want no x, just a shell box from this guy.07:11
kishyou might look into installing the server edition07:12
kishbut that wont be necessary07:12
* frustro is listening07:12
kishi dont know what to remove07:13
kishyou know of the ubuntu server frustro?07:13
frustrotoo late, already have dev build enviro setup, cant wipe/restart07:13
frustrojust need to stop at rc307:14
mcoredhey guys07:15
frustromeh, I'll pull x and xfce and see what happens, if the x server dotn start, all the better for me.07:15
mcoredi am formatting my server this time to custom partition and install ubuntu; so i have 2 physical HDDs. HDD1 i want to have / and swap07:15
mcoredis it better to have swap at the end or at the beginning?07:15
mcoredHDD2 will be mounted as /home07:15
=== GeekAdmin is now known as Geek{sleeping}
mcoredthanks frustro and should it map 1:1 to my physical memory so for 4 GiB i will have 4096 MiB ?07:17
frustro1.5 map07:17
frustrono for 4 you want 607:17
mcoredmuch appreciated07:17
mcoreddone, one last question should / be logical or primary?07:19
mcoredi already created swap for 6144 MiB at the beginning07:20
mcorednow to allocate / for the rest of the space :)07:20
erferrorHello! Ubuntu12.04 I'm connected to a WLAN interface at the moment and would like to know if its possible to share the wireless connection as a LAN connection, wlan0 -> eth0 ? Wireless card- Intel Centrino Adv N623007:20
CoJaBoI don;t suppose anyone has any idea whatsoever on how to figure out what package I'd need for this file? ../include/utils.h:12:20: fatal error: cxcore.h: No such file or directory07:21
mcoredhey guys if u can help me with this quick question that would be great; i am stuck at a decision, i am installing *nix in this server pc and i created swap for 6144 MiB at the begninning of the hdd now i want to mount / for the rest of the space; is it gonna primary or secondary for the type of partition? does it really matter?07:25
=== Dorito is now known as Guest36944
frustroaight, that didn't work. so how the hell do I stop x from starting on boot?07:32
paranoiko_koalakhelp with ubuntu?07:34
ircnode0somebody happen to know which option will let me specify where to download in wget?07:35
ircnode0read man for 6 minutes already.07:35
frustrobe in the dir you wnat to dl into?07:35
ircnode0okay. I though I can specify it with options. thanks07:37
phirestalkerI want to know how to add an extension to a file based on its file type, using the commandline preferably07:38
paranoiko_koalakI  heard that the 12 version has removed aircrack ng. is there any deb repositoy in which I can find it?07:40
phirestalkerI thought maybe I could use the output of the file command, however it seems to place things in different spots every time, it will mention ID3 before the actual file type and things like that, is there a way to make the file command output more structured info?07:42
drostieparanoiko_koalak: I might know the answer to that. one sec...07:43
Zexanima_Hello o/07:43
paranoiko_koalakwell drostie?07:48
CoJaBook, wth, opencv is provided by libcv, not libopencv.. WAT ._.07:48
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
drostieparanoiko_koalak: sorry, my list of "things I did when installing my computer" just says that I found a .deb file on Launchpad.net, but doesn't say exactly where I found it. If you can find a .deb file you can `sudo dpkg -i <filename>` it.07:48
paranoiko_koalakthere is no directory drostie07:51
drostieparanoiko_koalak: are you on amd64 or i386?07:54
drostieparanoiko_koalak: https://launchpad.net/~dr3mro/+archive/personal/+files/aircrack-ng_1.1-1.1build1_i386.deb on precise.07:55
drostieparanoiko_koalak:  save it and dpkg -i <filename> it.07:56
paranoiko_koalakok drostie thaaanks08:00
tintini knew there was a plugin for totem so that if i enter into a folder with movie from nautilus, it shows the images from that file which plugin is that?08:02
tintini knew there was a plugin for totem so that if i enter into a folder with movie from nautilus, it shows the images from that file which plugin is that?08:06
jc__how can i see what my xorg file look s like?08:10
moesjc__, /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:17
erferrorHow to list users created on a system when on root?08:22
llutzerferror: getent passwd08:22
sacarlsonerferror: you can look at the file /etc/passwd  it will have a list of all accounts08:24
=== mint is now known as sevenhills
erferrorThank you llutz Schmo08:26
erferrorsacarlson* Sorry08:26
Scarecro313hy all08:26
Scarecro313what are you all doing??08:27
bosthi all08:34
bostguys Im tired of repeating sudo-apt get update sudo-apt get upgrade... isnt there a way how to do these two command in a one shot?08:35
jussibost: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:36
BlackshirtAre you sure you oftenly using that command for daily use?08:36
jussibost: the && says to the second command "run after the first finishes successfully"08:37
bostI do it once almost every day08:37
jemarkbost: jussi was quicker than me08:37
bostthx!!! im gona make myself an alias for it08:37
bostalias uu='upd && upg'08:38
lfactorhey all, running ubuntu server,  just wondering about virtual ips for so i can run a local test involving more than 65k ports08:39
lfactornetstat  | grep 10.0 shows it using my virtual ips08:39
BlackshirtBost, i think you don't really need it for daily works... You should run update to update index first after changes the repo sources, and run upgrade if you want upgrade...08:39
lfactorfor i in `seq 1 17`; do ifconfig lo:$i 10.0.0.$i ; done08:40
lfactorcode sets source address as source_address=(source_ip, 0)08:40
lfactorhowever i still get error: [Errno 98] Address already in use08:40
bostBlackshirt: ?08:40
shazzr*arg* been trying xbmc, moovie, plex and enna. None of them live ut to what boxee had. xbmc was close, but was lacking social media integration. is there anything else that I could try out?08:41
BlackshirtBost, yes08:41
bostBlackshirt: I mean I use a desktop using xfce and since the 12.0408:41
jussiBlackshirt: I think you are a little confused08:41
bostBlackshirt: I get about 3 'something crashed' popups a day08:42
pi3chshazzr: got a couple of plugin for social media and micro blogging08:42
jussiBlackshirt: the command bost is using is about updating the programs,not the ubuntu version08:42
jvcleaveanyone able to install ubuntu on  a macbook pro 8,2 or higher?08:42
bostBlackshirt: so Im really looking forward for the update && upgrade which's gonna solve all that problems08:42
bostBlackshirt: jussi guys it's insane. I mean there must be about 100 bug reports made by me alone mostly about he same program08:44
BlackshirtI think nothing that solving everything...this was not a magic..you should try different solutions based on situation and condition08:45
shazzrpi3ch: xbmc?08:45
pi3chshazzr: yeah08:46
bostBlackshirt: ? Thant implies I should try another distro since Im happy with unity08:46
shazzrpi3ch: what are they called, and where do I find them?08:46
bostjussi: uhg :) ok08:46
BlackshirtBost, not like that guys08:47
pi3chshazzr: xbmc forum, ShareSocial. if thats what you mean by social integration.08:47
bostBlackshirt: ?? ugh ?? don't understand what r u talking bout08:48
=== rohit is now known as Guest56720
cvrwhat DE are people using for stability on ubuntu atm? I've recently upgraded my lucid server that gets occasional desktop use by house guests, and was rock solid having 100% uptime apart from kernel update reboots. now there are random lockups maybe one or two per week, really regretting upgrading so far08:48
* globalbot *taps dances for #ubuntu*08:48
globalbotso. anyone need help?08:49
globalbotspeak up now plox.08:49
pi3chglobalbot: yep, I cannt setup my 3rd monitor working when I have higher resolution, here is a link to my issue: http://superuser.com/questions/430621/xrandr-fails-when-3rd-monitor-has-higher-resolution08:50
shazzrpi3ch: boxee had a button that let me send out a tweet after watching a movie. that is what i'm missing in alle the other media centers.08:51
pi3chshazzr: I m pretty sure you can set it up in xbmc. there are many cmd twitter clients that you just need to bind them with a key.08:52
pi3chshazzr: and there is also a xtweet for xbmc: http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-xtweet/08:53
=== felipe__ is now known as Guest77333
arnabhi... i have the unity console, i don't like that. how can i switch to something simpler like xterm, and also remove all files related to unity to free up resources?09:04
arnab(i hope this is the help channel... sorry if it is not)09:05
cvrarnab, you'd be better off trying a different distribution that is more inline with your needs09:05
oCeancvr: that would be silly09:05
oCeanarnab: there are several other desktops available, such as KDE, LXDE (lightweigt) or XFCE (similar to old gnome)09:06
arnaboCean, lxde or xfce sound good09:06
arnabi don't want fancy, but i want something powerful and usable09:06
arnablet me try lxde then... thanks09:06
truemovearnab: try openbox with tint2 panel09:07
truemoveso nice09:07
chulxde is awesome09:07
solvingThe file browser is opening up automatic whenever i power on the computer... How can i stop this please?09:07
truemovefluxbox is nice to09:07
arnabso for lxde, i will do: sudo apt-get lxde09:07
oCeanarnab: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:07
chulcde uses openbox as the w,09:08
chulxde too09:08
arnabok many choices - lxde, openbox, fluxbox :) let me see some pics and read online a bit then... thank u09:08
truemovearnab: here is my openbox setup09:08
arnabtruemove, looks great - wanna check - you've tried/read about the others and u like this most?09:09
=== hybris is now known as __Hybris__
truemoveyes i like this one the best. but you have to edit some config files to get it look like you want.. but you can change everything :D09:10
truemovebut fluxbox is nice to09:10
truemovethere you have a panel as default09:10
truemovein open box you install tint209:10
truemoveits the panel09:11
budhacheeseIs dual booting Ubuntu with WinXP recommended ive got the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot infront of me but i just wanted to get some opinions before committing09:11
pi3chtruemove: nice setup. I would suggest awesome X though09:11
truemovetry install many differente, and just try til you find the one u like09:11
truemovepi3ch: thx09:11
oCeanbudhacheese: yes, many users have such dualboot configurations09:11
__Hybris__budhacheese: You might as well dualboot Win709:12
budhacheeseand it shouldnt slow my dell latitude D810 down while im running XP?09:12
=== ubuntu is now known as myhero
__Hybris__budhacheese: Why would it, it simply takes up some space on the hard drive.09:13
budhacheeseOk great news, thank you for the answers and patience.09:14
budhacheeseIm new to linux.. but looking forward to gaining development experience on that OS09:14
myheroi have a usb tv tuner card....unfortunately linux driver is not provided with it so i make it work in ubuntu ? how to see if its detedted ?09:14
Mentally_Illа тут по-русски говорят?09:15
drecutewhen a user is created, what group can he be added to in order to make a directory?09:15
erferrorHello! I don't see locale output containing LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" but something other than "en_US.UTF-8". locale-gen is not fixing it. How can I reset it back to LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" ?09:15
ikoniamyhero: check to see if it has linux support09:15
myheroikonia: on it box its supported os is only windoes09:15
ikoniacheck then09:16
myheroikonia: how to check ?09:16
ikoniamyhero: find out what chipset is on it, then do a little bit of google/researching09:17
DennisAnybody have any expertise in Torchat?09:17
budhacheeseoCean: or __Hybris__: on the site they say "When a Windows installation already occupies the entire hard drive, its partition needs to be shrunk, creating free space for the Ubuntu partition. You can do this during the Ubuntu installation procedure, or you can see How to Resize Windows Partitions for other options."09:19
budhacheesedoes the Ubuntu partitioning have a good track record or should i just partiition in xp?09:19
drecutewhen a user is created, what group can he be added to in order to make a directory?09:19
firaswhen you press alt+ctrl+f2 ubuntu changes to cli mode. A text appeares at the top "Welcome to ubuntu 12.04...". How to change that text?????09:19
ikoniabudhacheese: if you need to resize, you'll need to use the ubuntu partition tools09:19
ikoniadrecute: no specical group needed09:20
ikoniaspecial even09:20
truemovepi3ch: i read about it now.. semes really nice.09:20
__Hybris__budhacheese: I did it with Ubuntu, it worked fine.09:20
Jordan_Ubudhacheese: Ubuntu's partitioning has a great track record. That said you should have backups of any important data (which you should also have even if you're not doing anything potentially dangerous).09:20
drecuteikonia: i keep getting permission denied on mkdir command09:20
ikoniadrecute: where are you trying to create a directory ?09:20
drecuteand I don't want to add such users to sudoers file09:21
solvingThe "Nautilus" is opening up automatic(Start up) whenever i power on the computer... How can i stop this please?09:21
budhacheeseok once again great news thank you guys09:21
myheroikonia: i want to burn ubuntu 12.04 iso....can i just dd it ?09:21
firassolving: change that from the startup application09:21
myheroikonia: or i have to use disc creator ?09:22
firassolving: applications09:22
quixotedonmyhero: yes, you can download and burn it into iso09:22
pi3chtruemove: yeah I've started using that since yesterday. it is awesome :)09:22
ikoniamyhero: you can't "dd" to make a CD09:22
quixotedonmyhero: you can use any cd burner application, xfburn is recommended though, having bad experience with brasero09:22
firaswhen you press alt+ctrl+f2 ubuntu changes to cli mode. A text appeares at the top "Welcome to ubuntu 12.04...". How to change that text?????09:22
myheroquixotedon: i have downloaded the 4.7gb dvd image but will dd do the work i'll have to use disc creator ?09:23
truemovepi3ch: but you can use only one window at the time ?09:23
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
Jordan_Umyhero: Are you trying to make an Ubuntu DVD to boot from or a USB drive with Ubuntu?09:23
pi3chtruemove: not really. just hover through windows.09:24
firasHow to change the text "Welcome to ubuntu ...." when you press alt+ctrl+f2 ???????09:24
pi3chtruemove: I m now having 10 open them open09:24
myheroJordan_U: i am making Ubuntu DVD...but i'll create usb in future !!!09:25
truemovepi3ch: sound good09:25
mikeS11firas: MotD is what you need to change I believe.    http://www.howtogeek.com/104708/how-to-customize-ubuntus-message-of-the-day/09:26
alien2601hi, I am trying to install 12.04 from live CD but after the initial load screen when the CD tries to load i just get a black screens with a command prompt interfac (can't type when this happens) .. anyone know a fix or if I am doing something wrong?09:26
Jordan_Umyhero: Why did you mention "usb disk creator" then? Was that a mistype or a misunderstanding of what the USB Startup Disk Creator is for?09:26
firasmikeS11: thanx09:26
yezariaelyI have several sources in /etc/apt/sources.list* When I select a package using apt-get can I some get the info from which source it is fetched?09:28
solvingfiras, It is happening for current user only. I think it should not be in Start up . I think , It did not able to end the past session09:29
mikeS11yezariaely: If you run the following command you can see where the package comes from. 'apt-cache show <package>'09:29
oooaaaoooohi guys, i have 12.04 lts on a lenovo x220 laptop and the battery isnt charging beyond 90%09:30
yezariaelymikeS11: I tried that already but couldn't find the corresponding entr09:30
oooaaaoooowhat should i do?09:30
mikeS11yezariaely: Which package?09:30
drecuteikonia: /users - a NFS mount09:30
yezariaelymikeS11: wine1.5 but it should come from an additional source09:31
ikoniadrecute: ok, so you need to look at the file system permissions on the nfs server, see what they are being exported as09:31
Jordan_Uoooaaaoooo: Batteries lose capacity over time, there isn't really anything you can do about that.09:31
truemovepi3ch: did you install awsome-extras to?09:31
truemovePackage awesome-extra09:31
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo:try removing the battery and replacing it again09:32
firassolving: any ideal how to change the default one ???09:32
mikeS11yezariaely: I can tell that wine1.4 comes from universe. Read the 3rd line of the output of the apt-cache command, it should say "Section:".09:32
BoomItzAshHey people.09:32
yezariaelymikeS11: ok mine says "otherosfs" whatever this means ... but thx!09:33
BoomItzAshI was wondering if you guys knew if WINE was essential to run .exe files on the latest update of Ubuntu?09:33
mikeS11yezariaely: For wine1.4, mine says universe/otherosfs. *shrug*09:33
ikoniaBoomItzAsh: you cannot run windows software without wine09:34
ikoniaBoomItzAsh: depending on wine as a solution in my experience is unacceptable09:34
BoomItzAshThanks man09:34
yezariaelyikonia: you are damn right ... since the last update one of my games does not run anymore :(09:34
BoomItzAshI think it would be cool if Ubuntu ran everything09:35
ikoniawant to use windows software, use windows09:35
ikoniait's pretty much that simple09:35
BoomItzAshBut Minecraft.. on the go09:35
myheroJordan_U: thats a mayb mistype or misunderstanding....right now i want to create bootable ubuntu 12.04 dvd so i was asking if just doing dd will do the job or i'll have to use any other dvd burner softwares.....and for usb i'll make it in future (usb can be dd'ed ?)...!!!09:35
mikeS11BoomItzAsh: Minecraft can run on Linux natively. That's the nice thing about java.09:35
quixotedonikonia: talking about wine, i had a program installed through it, but until now i can't uninstall it.. what a mess! any solution to this?09:35
DaraelBoomItzAsh: Steam is coming, Minecraft can run natively.09:35
ikoniaquixotedon: how did you install wine ?09:35
BoomItzAshhttp://www.winehq.com/ <--09:36
mikeS11Darael: I'm stoked about steam. I will be wiping out my windows partition....09:36
MrGizmo757i have a question.  can i run the Jupiter applet and the CPU freq scaling applet at the same time? or will they cancel each other out?09:37
BoomItzAshThanks for that, cause right now the only way I can seem to run it is through WINe09:37
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: well?09:37
quixotedonikonia: installed it through software centre as usual, it was like an update from version 10.10 to 11.04 that makes it like inacessible, i forgot the details, anyway but now the program is unuseable as well as not uninstallable :(09:37
ikoniaquixotedon: so if you open software center and try to remove it, what happens ?09:38
=== iram is now known as ayr
quixotedonikonia: you mean remove wine??09:38
Jordan_Umyhero: dd can't be used to burn any type of CD/DVD. You'll have to use some type of burning software, but Brasero (GUI) and wodim (Terminal based) come by default with Ubuntu.09:38
hemhi.. I do not really get it why I get this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1021009/09:38
oooaaaooootuxgeek: well what09:38
ikoniaquixotedon: yes09:38
quixotedonikonia: wine is easily removeable, but the program that had been installed through wine remains there09:39
DaraelmikeS11: I shouldn't get your hopes up /too/ high - I doubt /everything/ will get ported along with it.  Awesome as that would be.  OTOH, Valve could contribute enough to WINE to integrate it for those things that weren't ported... that'd be kinda cool.09:39
alien2601I am getting a blank screen (with terminal like interface) when trying to run ubuntu 12:04 from live CD (trying to upgrade).. anyone know why this is happening?09:39
BoomItzAshcan't you just run a command to remove wine?09:39
=== ayr is now known as magy
hemmy direct rendering is working but my card does not support unity 3d09:39
ikoniaquixotedon: ahhh, I see what you are saying09:39
ikoniaquixotedon: sorry, I thought you where saying wine wouldn't remove09:39
hemplz any one look at it. it works just great with kwin/kubuntu09:39
quixotedonikonia: then i tried installing wine again, and uninstalling the program, and it didn't want to.. pretty bad09:39
tuxgeekquixotedon: have you tried apt-get autoremove?09:39
ikoniaquixotedon: the guys in #winehq have some tricks on that, they know exactly which files to remove to remove the client09:39
quixotedonikonia: yeah, it's the program installed in  wine not the wine09:39
Jordan_Uhem: "Not blacklisted:          no" In other words your card/driver is blacklisted for some reason.09:39
Daraelquixotedon: You can remove /all/ the stuff installed in WINE by removing your ~/.wine folder, and ~/.local/share/wineprefixes too (IIRC) in certain cases.  Not sure about a single app.09:39
mikeS11Darael: I know what you're saying, and you're probably correct... but I still looking forward to the bright future! cheers!09:40
ikoniaquixotedon: fully understand now09:40
hemJordan_U, but why?09:40
kdkslllhi my volume icon in system tray dissappeared have gnome. tried to get gnome volume applet but after reading packet list said couldnt locate09:40
DaraelmikeS11: Oh, yeah, it's still great that it's coming.09:40
quixotedontuxgeek: is it for uninstalling programs installed through wine?09:40
hemit did not work in 11.10 but geforce go 7400 should no work with 12.0409:40
Jordan_Uhem: Probably because other users with the same hardware encountered serious issues.09:40
myheroJordan_U: can u suggest any gud book on ubuntu and linux ins and outs ?09:40
quixotedonikonia: any solution? :)09:40
hemI know because it works with kubuntu 12.04 with all kwin effects09:40
kdksllland the ubuntu desktop the system tray has completely dissappeared09:40
Jordan_U!manual | myhero09:40
ubottumyhero: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:40
oooaaaoooohi guys, i have 12.04 lts on a lenovo x220 laptop and the battery isnt charging beyond 90%, what should i do09:41
ikoniaquixotedon: well, I'm not a big wine user, but I have seen the guys in #winehq work out exactly which files to remove in your .wine directory to remove certain applications09:41
myheroubottu: is it downloadable ?09:41
ubottumyhero: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:41
ikoniaquixotedon: worth asking them as I've seen them do it a few times09:41
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo:try removing the battery and replacing it again09:41
Daraelmyhero: Last I checked there was a PDF version, but why not follow the link and see?09:41
quixotedonikonia: ok, i'll try going there, thanks a bunch.. :)09:41
firasWhen i turn on my computer, lightdm tells me it failed to load the session. When i press alt+ctrl+f2 ( to start gdm) the cli tells me "Authentication failed" like a million time..09:41
BoomItzAshWait, to get Minecraft to run om here, do I just get the .jar applet?09:42
myheroDarael: ok09:42
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: i suggested that before, have u done that?09:42
oooaaaooooi just tried it09:42
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: well?09:42
kdkslllany idea how to resotre volume icon in gnome it wont locate applet. and system tray in ubunutu desktop gone altogether. these updates are fing my computer up09:43
oooaaaooootuxgeek: it says what its been saying all along09:43
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: is it a dual boot?09:43
Darael!details | kdkslll09:43
ubottukdkslll: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:43
oooaaaooootuxgeek: yes and no. I left the windows bootloader but deleted the actual windows partition09:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728745 in NVIDIA Drivers Ubuntu "[nvidia, 7300, 7400] display freeze when using unity desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:44
hemthis should work know.. I can force unity-3d09:45
hembut I do not really get it why it does not support09:45
hemdamn compiz09:46
kdkslllis there any way to restore fully working previous versions of ubuntu like natty narwhal without losing current information09:46
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: does this happen with every desktop environment or is it specific?09:46
abcd123i need help. synaptic says packages can't be authenticated. any idea why and how to fix this? ive been having problems when I went to foreign country (from finland to vietnam)09:46
abcd123i also had troubles with update manager09:46
oooaaaooootuxgeek: as in does it happen with for example kde?09:47
firasWhen i turn on my computer, lightdm tells me it failed to load the session. When i press alt+ctrl+f2 ( to start gdm) the cli tells me "Authentication failed" like a million time..09:47
Daraelabcd123: Try updating your package lists:  "sudo apt-get update" is a fast way, but in the Update Manager try checking for updates as an alternative.09:47
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: ...and unity/gnmone 3 too?09:48
kdkslllwhat keys to press on startup to restore previous version of ubuntu bcasue it gave me option but ignored it and now i dont know how to manually09:48
Daraelkdkslll: That won't give you the previous version, only an older kernel.  Sorry.09:49
kdkslllis there a fast way of getting bug patches09:49
oooaaaooootuxgeek: tuxgeek i dont know... havent tried it. I do know that before switching to 12.04 i was running lenovo's power management program to maintain a charge lever of 90%. I thnk it might have something to do with that... is there anyway i can vary the charge percentage in gnome/unity09:50
mcoredi got foobar2000 working and it is sweet!! http://i.min.us/iXn1rvMdcj4iQ.PNG09:50
quixotedonkdkslll: if you mean updating a faster way, type on terminal "sudo apt-get update"09:50
Daraelquixotedon, kdkslll:  ...and follow the "sudo apt-get update" with a "sudo apt-get upgrade" to actually /install/ the updates rather than just get the computer aware of their existence.09:51
abcd123it worked Darael. thank you09:51
quixotedonDarael: yeah, the sudo apt-get upgrade is a companion.. :)09:52
quixotedonDarael: thanks to remind.. :)09:52
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: none that i can think of but the cli apm tool might help with the right arguments passed to it....but i suggest you try installing the gnome or unity DE's and see if the problem is repeated09:53
Daraelabcd123: Happy to help.  Usually that error is because the package list update missed the signature files for the various packages, often due to a dodgy internet connection.  Fortunately the fix is easy.09:53
abcd123Darael, "dodgy internet connection" this internet connection here is pretty weird09:54
tuxgeekdesktop enviromnments09:54
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DaveMorris1Hi all,  I'm trying to upgrade from Lucid to Pecise (desktop) and it can't find the release.  I've checked /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and it is set to lts, update and upgrade to the latest lucid.  But still get "No new release found" after running sudo do-release-upgrade09:55
SaqksI do not have any sounds on 12.04.I can play music,videos etc.But not any kind of notification sound say eg: empathy. I don't have any boot up sounds also.Please help09:55
DaraelDaveMorris1: It won't, until there's a point release.  Try "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" to do it anyway.  The -d flag works with update-manager too, if you've got a GUI and would prefer that.09:55
DaveMorris1cheers, I thought the -d flag was to download only09:56
DaraelDaveMorris1: Nah, technically it goes for the "development version", but for LTS-to-LTS upgrades it's still the dev version until the first point release, so as to be extra-sure of stability.09:57
tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: ...report back on your progress09:57
SaqksHelp me :(09:57
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DaveMorris1jsut checked, it's apt-get where -d is download only09:57
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oooaaaooootuxgeek: lol none, im just running an apt upgrade, see if that has any effect09:58
SaqksOn 12.04 no sounds. Can play music. BUT no notification sounds like emapthy neighter any bootup sounds09:58
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tuxgeekoooaaaoooo: okie dokie10:00
quixotedonSaqks: have you checked the setting through Super + Sounds ??10:00
quixotedonSaqks: go to Sound Effect tab, check if you have checked the Mute option there10:01
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quixotedonSaqks: if yes, uncheck it, or maybe the volume is set too low it is unheard10:02
Saqksguys i can play music10:02
Saqksi don't have any notification sounds.10:03
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quixotedonSaqks: have you checked the setting through Super + Sounds ??10:03
drecuteI setup autohome(/etc/auto.home) to an nfs filesystem like this: *-fstype=nfs,rw,nosuid,softfsserver:/users/&10:03
drecutewhen the user logs in he can't make a directory. I'm getting permission denied10:03
SaqksNope whats that10:03
DaveMorris1Saqks: Is your music player configured to play through the same sound card as the notifications.  Does the music file play if you hover over it in the file browser (nautilus)10:04
Guest5903Is there anyone who can help me with gammu.. I know its not the correct place to ask though10:04
quixotedonSaqks: on your keyboard, press Windows button (in Ubuntu we call it Super button), then type "Sounds"10:04
drecutehow do I ensure the user gets full access to the home dir when he authenticated10:05
Saqkshangon guys10:05
Saqksthats a good point10:05
quixotedonSaqks: go to Sound Effect tab, and check the alert (notification) setting there, either it is muted or turned to low volume10:05
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Saqksdamn it10:06
quixotedonSaqks: what's wrong? (be nice here, please.. :) )10:07
SaqksThanks guys this is a old laptop where the internal speakers are bit damaged. The volume was too low.10:07
Guest5903Is there anyone who can help me with gammu.. I know its not the correct place to ask though10:07
quixotedonSaqks: you're welcome... so nothing goes wrong now?? ;(10:08
damms005I use testdisk to recover some files on my sda and I want to perform some sorting operation by using shell scipts or terminal. I have tried my best in using find -name \*txt -exec mv new directory. Nothing happens10:08
SaqksDoes this have any default login sounds?10:08
quixotedonSaqks: yes, 12.04 comes with default login sound, unfortunately you can't test it there..10:09
damms005how do I write some shell or terminal commands to do the sorting like txt file seperately, pdf files seperately, etc10:09
drecuteI setup autohome(/etc/auto.home) to an nfs filesystem like this: *-fstype=nfs,rw,nosuid,softfsserver:/users/&.    when the user logs in he can't make a directory. I'm getting permission denied. how do I ensure the user gets full access to the home dir when he authenticated10:09
SaqksThis is my father's laptop who is 60+ and loves the Ubuntu Login Sound.10:09
SaqksLet me reboot.10:09
quixotedonSaqks: i see, try it then.. :)10:10
SaqksThanks quixotedon10:10
quixotedondon't mention it Saqks, we live to help each other ;)10:10
damms005pls how can I write scipts to find a file recursively and move it to another directory (recursively also)10:11
DaveMorris1damms005: one option is to look at the find command10:12
DaveMorris1it will be something like find . *.mp3 - exec <your command to perform on the search results>10:13
DaveMorris1obvs test it10:13
damms005daveMorrissl: find command does not redirect its output to mv. Error is 'missing destination file'10:13
DaveMorris1and you'll need to add a recursive flag in there10:13
DaveMorris1that would imply the folder you want to move to doesn't exist10:14
damms005daveMorrissl: the error is "missing argument to '-exec'10:15
mcoredwhy would this happen guys? this hdd was used earlier in a Windows system http://i.min.us/ibwHX4rSGj5b3P.PNG10:15
mcoredi can share fine without enabling write access10:15
Eaglemanhttp://pastebin.com/c0Pi5bk9 is my server.conf10:15
Eaglemanvsftpd refuses every connecting i make with the current server.conf10:15
damms005daveMorrissl: when I "find . *.avi  - exec mv /destination_folder'  the error is "missing argument to '-exec'10:16
Onixsdamms005: did testdisk recovered most of your files?10:17
damms005onixs: yes, sorting is now aproblem10:18
damms005onixs: yes, sorting is now a problem.(although some archive files are broken)10:18
Onixswhy sort, did you use photorec withit?10:19
Mikey^I run ubuntu 12.04 x64 on an asus netbook.  The netbook has a combo mic and headphone jack. I would like to know if its possible to use my phone headphones with it. I can use it as a headphone, but how to I also use the mic10:19
damms005onixs: yes, to recover the files on the partition10:19
damms005pls how can I write scipts to find a file recursively and move it to another directory (recursively also)10:20
Eaglemanvsftpd refuses every connecting i make with the current server.conf10:20
Eaglemanhttp://pastebin.com/c0Pi5bk9 is my server.conf10:20
Onixsextundelete is better imo da10:20
damms005onixs: what is extundelete?10:20
Onixssimilar to testdisk. recover files, but not deleted partition10:21
damms005onixs: so can you help with sorting this files10:22
SaqksOn 12.04 its does not have bootup sounds.10:23
Onixstestdusk forum has that script you want10:23
quixotedonSaqks: still doesn't work?10:24
damms005onixs: I want something like:  find ./directory -name *filename* -exec cp ./destination.........is this possible; or with a script with WHILE loop?10:24
SaqksHi Quixoton  I now have the notification sounds in empathy10:24
damms005onixs: how do I link to testdisk forum10:25
Saqksbut yet no bootup sounds10:25
quixotedonSaqks: good then10:25
SaqksDoes on 12.04 have any sounds like when u empty the trash etc?10:25
stephenhfind . [-options] -exec cp {} /path \;10:25
quixotedonSaqks: never experienced that before, i just shift+delete all the time :d10:26
DaveMorris1damms005: find . -name *.avi | xargs -I '{}'  mv '{}'  des/.10:26
stephenhDaveMorris1: why run two commands to one job10:27
DaveMorris1or the way stephenh did ^^10:27
SaqksThis is my dad's laptop n he wants want10:27
DaveMorris1because I was too lazy too look up the syntax to pass the argument into the correct location of -exec10:27
DaveMorris1but now I'll remember10:28
DaveMorris1was doing whilst doing 3 other things as well10:28
miss_ubuntuQuestion: how can i become an opensource programmer for ubuntu ? i  have bash ,C++ skills10:28
SaqksBootup sound still missing ;(10:28
SaqksCan any1 help me to get boot up sounds on 12.04?10:29
damms005daveMorrissl: so referring to what stephenh said; do I have to run the two commands to that job?10:29
quixotedonSaqks: seems that it's been disabled by default version after update10:29
quixotedonSaqks: a minute, i'm looking for a remedy.. :)10:30
Saqksthanks quixotedon10:30
DaveMorris1damms005: if you did it my way, I chained two commands together.  stephenh's way was using a single command, which will run quicker10:30
stephenhdamms005: you use find to find the files you want and -exec to run a command against the result10:31
DaveMorris1the '|' command is what links commands together within scripts, such that you can pipe the output from one program to another10:31
stephenhyou were on the right track, just needed some help with syntax :)10:31
quixotedonSaqks: open terminal, type sudo gedit /etc/xdg/autostart/loginsound.desktop10:31
stephenhthe | (pipe) pipes output from command1 to command210:31
stephenhwhat he said10:31
quixotedonSaqks: it will open a gedit program, copy paste this: [Desktop Entry]Name=GNOME Login SoundType=ApplicationExec=/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login sound"10:32
damms005daveMorrissl: stephenh: DO YOU GUYS HAVE A LINK, E-BOOK, PDF FILE OR ANY AID. that can help me know these things(man pages are not easy straight). (you guys have been most helpful thanks)10:32
Saqksshal i savei  it?10:33
solvingIs there any good terminal server on Ubuntu repos?10:33
quixotedonSaqks: sorry, copy paste this: [Desktop Entry]10:33
Saqksshall i save it?10:33
quixotedonName=GNOME Login Sound10:33
quixotedonExec=/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login sound"10:33
stephenhdamms005: on how to use find?10:33
stephenhwww.google.com  'linux find'10:33
quixotedonthose are all the lines one by one..10:33
DaveMorris1damms005: I assume a basic list of commands and when/why you would use them10:33
solvingIs there any good terminal server on Ubuntu repos? I need multiple users to connect to my computer10:34
quixotedonyes, Saqks, please follow my recent reply, (adjust the line)10:34
stephenhsolving: xrdp10:34
stephenhpresents an X desktop over rdp10:34
quixotedonSaqks: after you do, save, and restart, try it, complete guideline http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/enable-gnome-login-sound-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/10:34
azertyuhello there10:35
Saqksthanks dude10:35
azertyuis there any tool able to check like nmap for files and directory available on remote host ?10:35
damms005stephenh: I know the drills. Basics.  like writing scripts to automate some tasks(I only have few scirpts that are VERY BASIC. like my  "bye" script that does "shutdown -P now")10:35
quixotedonSaqks: you're welcome10:35
icerootazertyu: ssh with test-statements10:36
stephenhdamms005: so shell scripting?10:36
icerootazertyu: you can write a script for that10:36
roshan_Can youu tell me what is the difference between lightdm and gmd2 ?10:36
damms005stephenh: yes10:36
azertyuhow ?10:37
stephenhdamms005: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html10:37
icerootroshan_: you mean gdm?10:37
icerootroshan_: and gdm has version 3 not version 210:37
roshan_Anyoone ?10:37
stephenhit has a nice process and examples/exercises10:37
DaveMorris1I've created a new upstart script, but when I try and run it I'm told it is an unkown job.  Do they get registered on startup?  If so how do I register a new one without restarting?10:38
roshan_iceroot  :  anyway how are they different, and which one is being uv\sed in Ubuntu 12.04 and 11.1010:38
icerootroshan_: ubuntu 12.04 is using lightdm, if i am correct 11.10 is also using nlightdm10:38
quixotedon!lightdm | roshan_10:38
damms005stephenh: what of something that you can recommend for a beginner in networking?(general OS networking or linux specific) like if I have apache server on a computer and I want to use the resources on another computer (wireless or wired connection)10:38
roshan_ok. Thanks for that10:39
roshan_Is it possible to alter the location of the password field in Ubuntu login screen ?10:39
stephenhthat makes no sense10:39
stephenhyou have apache and want to use resources on another computer ?10:39
icerootroshan_: the main difference is that gdm is part of gnome and is written in gtk, lightdm can be used with any toolkit and is lighter then gdm. lightdm is the default in 12.04 for all desktops10:40
stephenhwhy don't you buy an ubuntu book for beginners and work through it10:40
iceroot!who | stephenh10:40
ubottustephenh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:40
roshan_iceroot: is it possible to edit it in some way ?10:40
icerootroshan_: like?10:40
roshan_My second question of changing the location of the password fiels ...10:41
damms005stephenh: NO. Scenario: I have a computer running apache(on lampp); I want to access the LOCALHOST of that computer from another.  THAT'S IT10:41
yellabs-r2whats the difference between normal server or an server with maas ?10:41
icerootroshan_: you have the sourcecode of course you can modify it like you want10:41
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner10:41
stephenhdamms005: please don't say things like NO or THAT'S IT when you can't explain what you want properly.10:41
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?10:42
roshan_Once edited the sourcecode, do i need to re compile it again ?10:42
icerootroshan_: yes10:42
yellabs-r2damm005 find out the ip adres ?10:42
stephenhdamms005: as i said, pick up an ubuntu book for beginners.  it covers all the basics, including apache.10:42
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner10:42
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?10:42
damms005stephenh: I have a computer running apache (on lampp) and  I want to access the localhost of that computer from another. How do I do that. Thanks10:42
roshan_Thank you...I will give it a try and post the results here10:42
oCeanayuba: no need to repeat that quickly10:43
ayubaplease help me10:43
icerootayuba: put in the pendrive, after that type "dmesg" in the terminal and paste the output10:43
iceroot!paste | ayuba10:43
ubottuayuba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:43
stephenhdamms005: on pc1: apt-get install apache2   on pc2:  open browser, http://pc110:43
stephenhdamms005: you will be viewing content on pc1 from pc210:43
ayubathank you iceroot i try...10:44
damms005stephenh: Thanks. Sounds like what I need. But is there any need for IP addressing, MAC add, or something?10:45
DaveMorris1damms005: it sounds as if you may have configured apache to listen on the local interface only ( you may need to configure it to listen on the IP addess you have given the PC eg
DaveMorris1damms005: but try and access it first as Stephenh suggests , I'm not sure what the default configuration is when you install10:46
damms005DaveMorris1: Please, can you be so kind to give a material where I can read about something like such? Thanks.10:47
SomelauwHi, I did an update of ubuntu from version 11.4 to 11.10, but at the end I got an error and if I run aptitude it suggests about 100 removals. Is there any way to recover from this situation?10:48
oCeandamms005: https://help.ubuntu.com/ has all this information10:48
damms005stephenh: I have lampp installed on PC1. Guess there will be no need to do "apt-get install apache2" on PC1 again.10:48
yellabs-r2damms005 cant you acces the lampp pc ? you could then use bash to find out the adres10:49
yellabs-r2with ifconfig10:49
yellabs-r2when you know the adres you can acces it from the other pc10:50
roshan_iceroot: which of the following in the given paste should I edit for making changes to the login screen ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1021068/10:50
damms005stephenh: does the pc1 in "http://pc1" means the IP address of PC1? If yes, how do I get it (quote you: on pc1: apt-get install apache2   on pc2:  open browser, http://pc1;  you will be viewing content on pc1 from pc2)10:50
SomelauwMy computer is something half between 11.4 and 11.10. The update was never finished. Is there a way to finish the upgrade or revert to 11.4?10:51
yellabs-r2we now know his ip adres .. lol10:51
Atlantic777I want to get newer gcc (because of distcc and other machines in network). Is there a way to do this easily or I should go for chroot and completely new toolchain there?10:52
damms005yellabs-r2: don't get that pls.10:52
yellabs-r2Somelauw, i dont know, but you could use the live session to rescue some data, if thats whats needed10:52
DasEiSomelauw: finish upgrade10:53
oCeandamms005: you can find/list the ip address of pc1 by running ifconfig -a on pc1. You can access pc1 from pc2 by hostname (if you want) by editing /etc/hosts10:53
DasEiSomelauw: first check your sources.list10:53
DasEiSomelauw: make sure it contains 11.10 only10:53
wookienzchaps, xchat uses F9 for full screen switching, but so does notifications panel. So i can t get Xchat bac... where do i change the default beaviour of choosing the next item in the notifcations panel?10:53
roshan_which of the following in the given paste should I edit for making changes to the login screen ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1021068/10:53
DasEiSomelauw: need more help on this ?10:54
damms005yellabs-r2: Is this possible: pc1 is running apache and I type the IP add of pc1 on pc2; can I access the localhost of pc1 on pc2 as such?10:54
oCeandamms005: you can find/list the ip address of pc1 by running ifconfig -a on pc1. You can access pc1 from pc2 by hostname (if you want) by editing /etc/hosts10:54
SomelauwIs onereic 11.10?10:54
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111010:54
DasEiSomelauw: need more help on this ?10:55
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damms005oCean: is there a lead to something I can read to be able to do that? (you can find/list the ip address of pc1 by running ifconfig -a on pc1. You can access pc1 from pc2 by hostname (if you want) by editing /etc/hosts) Thanks10:55
oCeandamms005: on pc1 open a terminal and type ifconfig -a10:56
SomelauwThen I think it is correct. The updating process crashed somewhere at the end.10:56
DasEiSomelauw: need more help on this ?10:56
SomelauwDasEi: More help with what?10:56
DasEiSomelauw: finishing your istro-upgrade10:57
DasEiSomelauw: open a terminal ..10:57
SomelauwCan I see a log of the dist-upgrade?10:57
oCeanSomelauw: dist-upgrade is not a release upgrade10:57
SomelauwDasEi: Yes, okayy10:57
fikrinice to meet you all10:58
SomelauwoCean: Oh, sorry, I meant a release upgrade.10:58
oCeanok :)10:58
deanzodI just did a clean install of ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop but can't get any sound. Can anyone help?10:58
DasEiSomelauw: could, the apt-log, well, lets proceed fixing it for now10:58
SomelauwSorry for confusing them.10:58
Sachin1Can anyone tell me how to use  dvmt?10:58
DasEiSomelauw: sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:58
comradeCan anyone here help me with a basic cinnamon question?10:58
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biggi_matdeanzod, hows your driver situation10:58
SomelauwDasEi: What would you like me to pastebin?10:58
damms005oCean: I saw a bunch of information when I did that. (most of em I dont understand though) but info on eth1, lo, ppp0....all contain inet addr10:58
DasEiSomelauw: apt is still working ? / your sources.list10:59
Guest59583If anyone can help me with a basic cinnamon question let me know, trying to figure something out.10:59
damms005so how do I deal with /etc/hosts to be able to connect to pc1?11:00
oCeandamms005: somewhere in the output is the actual ip address of pc1, I can not tell which since I do not know your setup/configuration.11:00
deanzodnot sure really. In the sound settings it looks like my card is recognised and I can see on the input part my mic is picking up sound.I tried downloading the realtek alc883 linux driver and installing but still no sound11:00
oCeandamms005: first you need to determine pc1's ip address, then edit /etc/hosts on pc211:00
oCeandamms005: but again, all this is at http://help.ubuntu.com11:00
oCeandamms005: you might want to start reading first11:00
tuobahi everyone11:01
SomelauwDasEi: It seems right to me, but here it is: http://pastebin.com/jsMDT1NZ11:01
tuobaoh yes11:01
roshan_Do i need to edit loginprompt.ui file for changing the location of the password field in ubuntu login screen ?11:02
DasEiSomelauw: apt is still working ? like apt-get update ?11:02
deanzodbiggi_mat: any ideas what I could try?11:04
SomelauwDasEi: Yes. If you are searching for stuff that dysfunctions. When using anything else than unity like awesome or wmii all letters in a terminal are very big. I tried fixing this in .Xdefaults but it seemed to be ignored.11:05
sergeantcupcakehowdy! :)11:05
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DasEiSomelauw: could you answer my questions ?11:05
SomelauwI think it has something to with a configuration file that I kept instead of replaced. I can't remember it's name.11:05
SomelauwDasEi: apt update works.11:05
biggi_matdeanzod, I haven't used sound on linux for too long to be that useful. Some kind of ac3 filters and so on maybe?11:05
SomelauwMy sources list, I already gave.11:06
Chuck_Norrismeinwhile Chuck_Norris... http://ubuntuone.com/0ylJep5Bj3qYiLKazJPvWM11:06
damms005oCean: okay i'll do that in earnest. but can you just finish that up? is the localhost as seen from /etc/hosts11:06
DasEiSomelauw: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:06
oCeandamms005: yes, but every computer has a, so you cannot use that from another pc (2) to communicate with other pc (1)11:06
DasEiSomelauw: else single packets can be reconfigured or purged~reinstalled11:07
IdleOneChuck_Norris: Please don't paste nonsense and stay on topic11:07
oCeandamms005: if you do not have a basic understanding of how to work with Linux, it is really difficult to configure a webserver11:07
oCeandamms005: that is why I suggest you should start reading/learning on basics11:07
SomelauwDasEi: Wouldn't that upgrade to 12.4?11:07
DasEiSomelauw: nope11:07
deanzodbiggi_mat: You saying it could just be a case of downloading a certain  audio codec?11:07
SomelauwSince oneiric is 11.1011:08
damms005oCean: Sorry I am not that bad...lol(I am presently running lampp which I use to test my PHP pages locally before deployment ). so does it mean I will have to manually assign IP to  pc1?11:08
DasEiSomelauw: not even sudo apt-get distupgrade would, but first you said you are between 2 distros, if the apt threw no error , you are clearly on oneiric11:09
damms005oCean: I am already reading the guide you suggested. Thanks11:09
SomelauwI am on oneiric, but there might be problems since the upgrade kinda crashed on me somewhere at the end.11:09
yellabs-r2damms005 you could try turnkey linux, they have preinstalled server versions, burn on iso and install to your on your pc, its a bit easier, but still you need to learn... the basics11:09
sergeantcupcakehey can anyone recommend a program to adjust the internal fan speed on my laptop?11:09
biggi_matdeanzod, yup11:10
yellabs-r2ah, i see you hare reading the guide11:10
yellabs-r2better :)11:10
SomelauwLike the problem with big fonts in terminal outside unity.11:10
DasEiSomelauw: single apps : sudo dpkg-reconfigure awesome for instance, or  sudo apt-get remove --purge awesome && sudo apt-get install awesome ;; carefull with the remove thingy, better check by --dryy-run, as often apt suggests to remove half the desktop11:11
damms005yellabs-r2: so how do I become almost like you?11:11
Eaglemanvsftpd refuses every connecting i make with the current server.conf11:11
Eaglemanhttp://pastebin.com/c0Pi5bk9 is my server.conf11:11
sergeantcupcakeSomelauw: It helps if you ensure that all firmware is up to date before restarting after the update. That worked for me.11:11
DasEiSomelauw: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a  , most basic system settings11:11
sergeantcupcakewilx: Hi! :)11:11
wilxHow can I get debugging symbols for given package/application?11:12
yellabs-r2damms005 just try out and read and learn and hack and view youtube on the subject , and dont be afraid of breaking it,  and have fun11:12
Dr_Willisbluetooth keybord on android isent sending ctrl-stuff  over ssh. bummer11:14
csabahello is there java programmer? im a beginner and i have a few problem11:14
damms005yellabs-r2: the ubuntu guide recommended for me is only showing me HOW TO INSTALL server(maybe some kind of ubuntu server). nothing on ACTUALLY NETWORKING PC11:14
DasEicsaba: ##java  channel11:14
ranveer5289csaba:  Try java channel11:14
csabaDasEi: ranveer5289ok11:15
Dr_Willisdamms005:  clarify what info you need perhaps11:15
oCeandamms005: now you are just being silly11:16
oCeandamms005: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html do you not see "networking"?11:16
damms005Dr_Willis: I want a lead to read about HOW TO CONFIGURE COMPUTERS TO INTERACT(like networking). e.g. install apache on pc1 and access it from pc211:16
DamienCassouI maintain emacs-snapshot packages for many ubuntu releases using PPA. Currently, binaries for i386 and amd64 are built. How can I add 'armhf' ?11:16
oCeandamms005: you just keep asking people for help, you will get referred to the documentation over and over again, since you are missing basic understanding11:17
roshanI have question about changing the location of the password prompt in the login screen11:17
roshanDo I need to edit loginprompt.ui for changing the location of the password field in ubuntu login screen ?11:17
damms005oCean: Thanks ocean, NETWORKING is written there IN BLACK&WHITE...lol.  You guys re so kind. thanks11:18
deanzodbiggi_mat: thanks for the suggestion. I installed the restricted extras and vlc but still no sound. Anyone else have any ideas?11:18
Dr_Willisdamms005: you just sort of asked how to 'physically' network pcs. but thenyou asked how to setup specific services.. so you do know how to plug in the cables/routers and stuff?11:18
cheakoHello, I have 3.5G of bootchart should I do much of anything other then delete them?11:19
Dr_Willisid deletee them cheako11:20
Dr_Willis;)  wonder how you got so much11:20
cheakoDr_Willis: dual booting.11:21
damms005Dr_Willis: no doc. I can do with connecting them. Accessing them is my itch11:21
Dr_Willisdeanzod:  for vlc i had to try the different sound output devices, to get it working. alsa, pulse, defsult, rerstsrt vlc after changeing that setting11:21
Dr_Willisdamms005:  if they can ping each other they are networked. what service are you wanting to use is the next question11:22
yellabs-r2hmm, package owncloud needs to be updated to version 4 \11:23
yellabs-r2ubuntu is still getting 3.0.011:23
yellabs-r2from repo11:23
IdleOne!ot | yellabs-r211:23
Eaglemanvsftpd refuses every connecting i make with the current server.conf11:23
ubottuyellabs-r2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:23
Eaglemanhttp://pastebin.com/c0Pi5bk9 is my server.conf11:23
Dr_Willismay be a ppa for it yellabs-r211:23
damms005Dr_Willis: access web service on pc1 from pc2. (like localhost)11:23
Dr_Willisdamms005:  localhost is the local box. http://localhost shows the local apache web site here..11:24
DasEidamms005: few links you got, maybe first check some more easy tasks, like samba, ssh and further basics, it's frustrating to ride a mbicycle, when it's unclear how to cycle anually, no offense though, if you have no second pc, use vm's to learn hands on11:24
deanzodDr_Willis: Excuse my ignorance, but how do I add new output devices? I have heard of alsa but have no idea what it is11:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:25
Dr_Willisdeanzod:  its in the vlc settings. audio section. a pull down item. default is 'default' or 'auto' i had to use alsa on one box i had11:25
mattiacan i ask to yuo?11:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:26
Dr_Willisfor some reason vlc has issues with sound on one of my machines. i have to twiddle with that setting every time11:26
mattiaCan i suck your dick?11:26
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:26
DasEimattia: leave yurself11:26
roshanHello, anyone know of editing the light dm ?11:28
intrapatahi guys my virtualbox cant detect usb even i already installed "extension pack thats compatible with my vbox version" iam using virtualbox version : 4.1.16 anyone to help plss11:29
SomelauwDasEi: I think it must be a more general settings since both wm's have exactly the same problem. Deleting the config for one of them, probably wouldn't help.11:29
intrapatahi guys my virtualbox cant detect usb even i already installed "extension pack thats compatible with my vbox version" iam using virtualbox version : 4.1.16 anyone to help plss11:29
SomelauwAlso gvim crashes in one of those environments by a sigabrt.11:29
DasEiroshan: I'm overasked on howto edit the present appearance, for your task, you could have your own wiwndowmanager, maybe in #lubuntu there is more knowledge on your initial question11:30
damms005Dr_Willis: so can  access pc1 from pc2 after connecting them via anymeans possible?(wired,wireless,etc...)11:30
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DasEiintrapata: used vbox from the repos, not from foreign sources (so ose version) ? that won't support usb11:31
DasEiintrapata: ##vbox11:31
intrapataDasei, i already did download it from their website, and uninstall then reinstall again with the new package downloaded,but still get the same problem bro11:32
intrapatabtw sorrt iam new to linux whats repos exactly mean bro, DasEi11:32
DasEiintrapata: #vbox it is, ask there again, repo ? see:11:32
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:33
Ca11umHey guys11:33
deanzodI've tried the sound troubleshooting steps and still have no sound through my speakers :(11:34
Ca11umI just followed this tutorial on how to setup an LDAP server: http://comtech247.net/2012/05/13/how-to-set-up-an-ldap-server-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/11:34
oCeanintrapata: after installing extension pack, you have to configure usb passthrough (filters) in your VM configuration11:34
Ca11umWorked fine, but I cannot login to the directory on my iPad11:34
Ca11umIt says unable to verify account information11:35
damms005oCean: what is ethernetR I am reading the guide but they didn't clarify ETHERNET11:35
intrapataOcean: thanks bro,, but icant see my usb devices through that window your reffering with,,, "sorry for my bad english"11:36
Dr_Willisdamms005:  wikipedia may be worth  reading up some of thrse terms on11:36
oCeanintrapata: is your account part of the vboxusers group?11:37
damms005Dr_Willis: So I get it, but how does it apply to eth0? (will not always have to go wiki if i have people like you...)11:37
SomelauwDasEi: I'm gonna go with whatever aptitude suggests and hope that it will fix it. It also detects broken packages and such.11:38
intrapataoCean: i had seen a video on youtube ,whom he config, his acc. so that be part of vbox user via : " sudo gedit /etc/fstab" i do change it also,, and try still no luck bro.11:39
Dr_Willisdamms005:  you should go read some networking fundamental guides.11:39
intrapataoCean: btw bro i did installed my ubuntu 12.04 from usb pendrive,,11:39
damms005Dr_Willis: Any suggested guide?11:40
oCeanintrapata: no, that is not necessary. It is all pretty straightforwarde: If you add your account to the vboxusers group, you should be able to add USB filters in the mentioned screen11:40
meditatorhello... is it possible to run vmware player on ubuntu server ?  What I want to do is to install ubuntu server, install vmplayer, run the vmplayer to show a XP machine .. is it possible to do that? help greatly appreciated.11:40
cheakoWow, my box is swap bound and I had to copy an M to paste it to top.  The keyborad wasn't working.11:40
cheakoThat figures pybootchartgui is +2G11:41
intrapataoCean: hmm i think iam missing somting,, can you plss teach me how to add my acount to vbox user bro?11:41
oCeanintrapata: open a terminal and type     sudo adduser username vboxusers    logout and log back in,  type    id    in a terminal, and it should list the newly added group11:42
oCeanwhere username = your user name11:42
cheakoUser management is simple enough, there isn't a GUI?11:43
intrapataoCean:  ill try it bro and will update asap, logoff for now11:43
oCeancheako: I prefer commandline. Always11:43
DaveMorris1command line is also easier to support people with I find11:45
DaveMorris1they can just copy and paste11:45
deanzodI get sound through my headphone socket but not my speakers?!?11:45
cheakooCean: I think the issue is that users basically have to ask, it's not intuitively obvious how to manage users on Ubuntu.11:45
damms005pls how do i save a page in my 11.1 ubuntu preinstalled firefox so that i can read those pages latter offline?(my networking guide....lol)11:46
companion_nice my ubuntu server woke me up early today... some one loged into VNC and played this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-KDhYjgMlY11:46
DaveMorris1for the gui, super + user will get you to the user account gui11:46
intrapataoCean: BRO thanks alot it works!11:46
oCeanintrapata: yay :)11:46
intrapataoCean: hehehe11:46
companion_which was verry disturbing11:46
cheako...Though the method to alter a sessions group membership needs work.11:46
intrapataoCean: haha thanks alot bro,, its very helpful for me to make virtualbox working,, thanks to you11:47
damms005got it file>save_page_as>>>>>11:47
sektiecan anyone help me with this error? http://cur.lv/jao paste here11:53
aciculathat just redirects to reddit?11:54
deanzodI have no sound on a clean ubuntu installation, but I get sound through my headphones. Can anyone help me?11:59
milan_on a macbook?12:00
deanzodacer aspire 981012:00
milan_you could try opening alsamixer in terminal12:01
milan_en chac12:01
domedagenHave anyone in here tried 0AD alpha 10?12:01
milan_en try unmuting all channels*12:01
deanzodI opened it and all faders work, just no sound12:01
domedagen(the dev version)12:01
uuserhi all. i got "no sound" but it seems i did everything necessary. i think that the problem is related to the fact that pavucontrol shows only the "dummy output". this is my alsa-info.sh result: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2f006aa214333ce24ebd8ad283f99cef95b1fcd512:01
uuserdoes anyone have a suggestion please? thanks!12:02
uuseri'm noticing many of us with the same problem... :)12:03
solvinguuser, I think you need to edit your user account to add to audio group12:04
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uusersolving: already done it. i also added "pulse-access" group12:05
uuserany other suggestions please?12:13
deanzodHad to reboot. Did I miss any responses to my audio question?12:13
uuserdeanzod: it doesn't seem so :)12:13
deanzoduuser: do you have exactly the same problem? Does your headphone socket work?12:14
uusernot tried that but i think it is something related with the fact that pavucontrol shows only the "dummy output" and "no cards"12:15
uusereven if "cat /proc/asound/cards" returns some stuff12:15
Dr_Willisi hate sound trouble shooting12:18
* Dr_Willis misses the days of 'sound blaster compatiable'12:18
milan_deanzod: In the hackingtosh world these things are usually fixed by using the right dsdt file... dunno about linux?12:19
DasEiuuser: more a shot in the dark, as I haven't investigated further, recompiling also by modulassistant often brought up missing drivers, if you lauch alsamixergui, is your chip displayed in it's head ?12:19
DasEirecompiling alsa*12:20
uuseri only have alsamixer and yes, the card is shown12:20
DasEiuuser: ah, good sign, and the speaker icons above the faders are green ? both main and pcm ?12:20
DasEiuuser: sudo apt-get install vlc pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog12:21
DasEiuuser: then launch vlc from terminal to see additional output12:22
uuseri sais i have only alsamixer, so... no spearks icon... but it seems the controls (both main and pcm) reacts fine12:22
deanzoddon't know if this makes any difference but when my headphones are plugged in, on alsamixer...front 1 is the volume control for them and 'headphone' is stuck on 00 with no ability to turn up12:23
DasEiuuser: sudo apt-getinstall alsamixergui -y && alsamixergui12:24
uuserDasEi: they should be similar...12:24
DasEiuuser: there shall be these icons for speakers in top of the faders, muted by default often (green or greyed)12:25
uuseri'm installing vlc12:25
uuserDasEi: vlc is playing an mp3 but no i hear no sound. lanched from terminal it doen't output any special info12:26
uuseri got it!12:26
DasEiuuser: so still soundsystem , again, channels not muted ? for usual, once the gui shows correct chip and unmuted all is fine12:27
wesselHow to kill all my java processes?12:27
uuserDasEi: it works now12:27
DasEi!yay | uuser12:27
ubottuuuser: Glad you made it! :-)12:27
uuseri only changed "vlc -> audio -> audio device" an i chose another card...12:28
uuserbut how to be able to do this globally?12:28
MatBoymhh this sucks... there are differences between partitions made on sda and sdb when setting the same size on 12.0412:28
DasEiuuser: using unity ? will have to dig that out yourself, or second, I see if I find the command from my gnome, second12:29
uuserDasEi: this way onyl vlc works...12:29
jefersonhello please, liking join in chanel java-br12:29
xiaolonghow to join in channel java-br?12:31
uuserDasEi: i had to remove pulseaudio, does this make sense to you?12:31
Dr_WillisMatBoy:  i belive part of that is how the drive conroller  and stuff can do the sector/cylinder addressing12:32
milan_When trying to install virutalbox I get Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.2.0-030200-generic12:32
milan_does anyone know how to fix that?12:32
Dr_Willisyou are using a custom kernel?12:33
DasEiuuser: no, pulse is like a soundproxy, I 'think' it was asounconf-gtk or even gnome-volume-manager, found under system>sound, idk where unity left that setting12:33
milan_Dr_Willis: I did update ubuntu 10.10 to kernel 3.2.12:33
DasEimilan_: headers installed ?12:34
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages12:34
Dr_Willismilan_: headers would be my firts gues also12:34
Private_Girl18hi please how can i install mirc12:34
DasEimilan_: afterwards vboxdrv setup manually12:34
Private_Girl18bactrack 5 r212:34
milan_Ok. I'm quite sure i installed them but i'll try. thanks!12:34
Dr_WillisPrivate_Girl18:  use some other irc client.. and be better off12:35
LjLPrivate_Girl18: this is an Ubuntu support channel, not a Backtrack one12:35
LjL!backtrack > Private_Girl1812:35
ubottuPrivate_Girl18, please see my private message12:35
odin__Private_Girl18: use irssi or xchat on ubuntu. xchat for graphical client12:35
odin__you'll find it in the ubuntu software thing12:35
bbankerHi everyone. Just a quick question. How do you restore the irc main page you logged into after its minimized? If I click on the xchat icon on the left launcher it goes to the connect dialog. thanks12:35
MatBoyDr_Willis: this wasn't happening on 11.0412:35
Dr_Willisbbanker:  main page?12:36
=== chris_ is now known as Guest42521
Dr_WillisMatBoy:  i dont know your original/exact issue12:36
Guest42521grub gives "error: no such partition." even if i type held in the command line12:36
Guest42521help not held12:36
MatBoyDr_Willis: I'm setting up mdraid adn need 2x 250MB... sda1 and sdb1... now I even get on sda primary/logical and sdb beginnen/end :S12:37
DasEiGuest42521: boot a live medium, re-install grub12:37
bbankerDr Willis: the page we are using now. Ubuntu 12.04 with unity.12:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:37
DasEiGuest42521: first above link12:37
Dr_Willisbbanker:  im not using  a 'page' im on my android phone, sshed to my ubuntu box. running weechat12:37
Guest42521DasEi, thx i have a look at the link12:38
Dr_Willisbbanker:  we are in the #ubuntu channel on the freenode irc network.12:38
miquelwenas, alguien sabe como conectar una cam en xubuntu?12:38
curiousxmiquel: sudo apt-get install cheese12:39
curiousxmiquel: sudo apt-get install cheese12:39
GirffeI tried to install ubuntu on my laptop (thinkpad T61), it runs fine from the live CD, and the installation finishes, but when it shuts down after installation, I get the error message: "[ 1944.149664] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 52xxxx", where xxxx are four digits. I'm installing on a 120 GB OCZ Agility 3 hard drive I bought yesterday, the laptop is used, I bought it yesterday as well.  Disk Utility says the disk is fine,12:39
curiousx!es | miquel12:39
jeferson<xiaolong>  yes java-br12:39
ubottumiquel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:39
miquelok voy, gracias a probar12:39
milan_Ok. sorry to bother you guys again. but my linux headers were already installed.12:40
bbankerDr Willis: yes, if i minimize this right now, I can't restore it.12:40
DasEimilan_: np, maybe ask in #vbox then ?12:40
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
milan_DasEi: I'll try that.12:41
ahriquick question, linux command for running the lines of a file, in the current terminal?12:42
Girffecat file12:42
Girffein which case bash file12:42
Girffeunless you mean running as in bash12:42
ahriGirffe : running, as in bash12:43
DasEiahri: running ? executing ?12:43
Girffeyeah, bash file should work, also if you start the file with #!/bin/bash, you can just do ./file12:43
Girffeas the file would be an executable12:43
DasEi..chmod +x12:43
MatBoyDr_Willis: any idea ?12:44
ahriGirffe & DasEi : Don't want it to be a executable, a bash script open a new bash shell and runs the script, i need the command that run the lines as single commands, as if i would have typed them my self12:45
ahriexample my file contains "cd /root" i run "unknown file.txt" and i would be inside /root in my current shell12:46
DasEiahri: either a file opened as girff.. already mentioned or line commands up by &&12:46
odin__i downloaded irssi-scripts wia apt-get. where can i find the scripts in ubuntus filesystem?12:46
hje841in 11.10 how would you set up a custom bash script to be executed when ever the user logs out or select 'power off'?12:48
DasEiodin__: ~/.irssi/scripts/12:48
hje841or restart12:48
huserhola a todos12:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:49
ahriOh found it: http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdln_source.htm "source"12:49
odin__DasEi: sorry, i dont have a folder called that12:49
EtgarDizzhi all12:49
EtgarDizzi'm at a loss: for 40 min. i'm trying to find a way to list/view all the zeitgeist datasources i have installed, and how to install/remove others... how can i do this?12:50
hje841where do I put a bash script to be execute just after the user hit 'power off', 'restart' or 'log out'?12:50
DasEiodin__: find 8-ball.pl    ?12:51
odin__DasEi: im wondering where the scripts gets saved when i downloaded 'irssi-scripts' via apt-get. i dont have scripts in my home folder so i assumed i had to copy them from somewhere on the system. but i dont know where they got saved12:53
Guest42521when trying grub-install from alternate cd rescue shell i get: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt. check your device.map. /boot/grub/device.map is empty12:53
EtgarDizzanyone? zeitgeist?12:53
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oCeanMaeda1: hello, we can read you. Do you have a support question?12:55
odin__DasEi: thank you, ill go have a look12:55
Maeda1Hi oCean ! Yes, I did have one12:55
DasEiodin__: welcome, had to look myself, longer ago I played with it12:56
oCeanMaeda1: go ahead, and describe your issue (detailed, but single line) in the channel12:56
DasEiodin__: http://scripts.irssi.org/12:57
Maeda1If you want to have complete description, I filled a bug, but need help to debug it :12:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005661 in Ubuntu "RME96 sound card probe failure" [Undecided,New]12:57
DasEiodin__: also #irssi  , very helpful12:58
odin__im new to ubuntu. on windows i always disable as much as possible of the services and things that i dont need. is there any way to know what services are running and what softwares are listening for connections or are transmitting to the internet?13:00
DasEiodin__: dpkg -L for installed software;; htop for running processes, man netstat, whireshark, etherape.. and a bunch of others13:02
bulliumodin__, gnome-system-tools or sysv-rc-conf. Both of which are in the repos13:02
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
bulliumodin__, those two are specific for daemons/services13:03
odin__cool, thank you both13:03
server_how can i delete shoutcast server??13:03
bulliumodin__, NP13:04
server_how can i delete shoutcast13:04
server_i want to have the icecast13:04
IdleOne!cn | tommy__13:05
ubottutommy__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:05
server_how can i delete shoutcast13:06
ha1dfohi, in UFW how can I enable incoming traffic to a port only if client has IPSEC?13:07
IdleOneserver_: How did you install it?13:07
server_from wget from shoutcast.com13:07
Maeda1oCean, do you see the description ?13:07
IdleOneserver_: so you compiled it?13:07
server_but its working on but i want icecast13:08
server_on it but i need to delete shoutcast first13:08
IdleOneserver_: it might have an uninstall script, you should check the shoutcast FAQ page13:08
server_no it issnt i did look at it already13:08
server_i want icecast and that is on the same port 800013:09
sergeantcupcakeHey can anyone recommend a utility to change the speed of my laptop's internal fan?13:10
Lunar_Lander_hi there, have a strange issue: I set my clock in Ubuntu to show the day and the time with seconds and since a minute or so the clock turns black for a second and then is normal again13:10
IdleOneserver_: you could rm -rf path/to/shoutcast/ but BE VERY CAREFUL with that command.13:10
bulliumserver_, http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=673003 that site looks like it may help you13:11
JamesonHello! Did any of tried to install Ruby on rails production server on ubuntu ?13:11
sergeantcupcakeLunar_Lander: You could attempt to set the time manually13:11
EtgarDizzanyone? help with zeitgeist?13:11
server_nothing happend13:11
DasEiha1dfo:  /etc/ufw/before.rules   /etc/ufw/after.rules  , will have to look up correct syntax yourself13:11
Lunar_Lander_sergeantcupcake, thanks, but the time is OK, it looks like a graphics issue there13:11
IdleOneserver_: you need to replace path/to/shoutcast with the actual path13:11
Lunar_Lander_and now the issue has vanished as well13:11
server_i did that13:11
server_i did cd shoutcast13:12
server_then i did rm -rf13:12
sergeantcupcakelunar_lander: ahhh........    sorry. Im afraid I cant help you there :/13:12
DasEiha1dfo: sth like -A ufw-before-input -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec -p udp --dport <portnumber>  -j ACCEPT13:12
ha1dfoDasEi, thanks, i'll try that13:12
bulliumserver_, make sure your in the right directory when you issue that command. Could hose the whole system if your in the wrong directory and your root13:12
Lunar_Lander_sergeantcupcake, no problem, maybe it is something that a restart could resolve or so13:13
server_i am in the right directory but nothing happend13:13
server_i want to close that 8000 need to close so i can get icecast on it13:14
sergeantcupcakelunar_lander: :) I hope so!13:14
Lunar_Lander_forums don't have info on that issue either13:14
Lunar_Lander_so a minor issue I hope13:14
bulliumserver_, rm -rf doesn't show you the files as they are deleted you would need rm -rfv to show you them as they are deleted. You'll need to do an ls in that directory to verify the files were actually deleted13:14
server_i got icecast now but when i want to start that server this comes up13:14
server_root@server:~# /etc/init.d/icecast2 start13:15
server_Starting icecast2: Starting icecast213:15
server_Detaching from the console13:15
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
ha1dfoDasEi, works fine, thank you!13:15
XiRoNHow do I check all the IP's assigned to my system in ubuntu?13:15
sergeantcupcakeCan anyone recommend a way to change the fan speed of my laptop?13:15
server_and when i do this root@server:~# /etc/init.d/icecast2 start13:16
server_Starting icecast2: Starting icecast213:16
server_Detaching from the console13:16
server_icecast2.                then it say server startup failed. exiting13:16
bulliumserver_, The shoutcast service is still running in memory probably...you'll need to kill the running processes to free up the port13:16
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:16
intorehi, am using ubuntu 11.10 and i have 2 problems. the first one: i use pam_mount to mount user's home directory locally on the client and it runs but it doesn't umount it: "device is busy" and i don't understand why. could you help me please?13:16
XiRoNThat flood bot is annoying13:17
bulliumserver_, ps -a | grep shout should show the running services process id. Once you get that run a kill -9 PID to kill the process to free up the ports. Where PID is the process ID listed from the ps command13:17
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
server_how can i see al the pid??13:18
IdleOnebullium: kill PID should be more than enough13:18
IdleOneno need for the -913:18
XiRoNAnyone, how can I check all IP's assigned to my server?13:19
server_no i want to know what pid it is13:19
server_where can i see what sercises i got13:19
jacousing ps?13:19
bulliumIdleOne, -9 will make sure it's gone if it's hung...He's obviously having issues with this so the -9 would make sure the processes where killed13:19
server_that are only 2 pids13:19
IdleOnebullium: true13:19
jacops -eo cmd,user,pid13:20
server_the 8000 port is still online but there are only 2 pids13:20
IdleOneserver_: correct you have the pid for shoutcast and the pid for the grep command you just ran13:20
bulliumserver_, you need to kill both of those pids...killing one may cause the other to die as well13:20
bulliumIdleOne, that could be the case too :)13:21
server_i did delete the shoutcast directory what you said13:21
IdleOneotherwise there would be three if more then one shoutcast was running13:21
bulliumserver_, they files are only part of the equation you also have to kill the already running programs in memory13:21
bulliumserver_, hints using ps and the kill command13:21
server_dommand is then??13:22
server_there are 2 pids in ps that is bash and ps13:22
klj613Anyone here using Cinnamon? on the workspace switcher (fullscreen) when i hover over one to drag a window from one to another. they move/disappear13:22
server_do you want to know that pid it is??13:23
bulliumpost the output from ps to pastebin and we'll see what the situation is13:23
IdleOne!paste | server_13:23
ubottuserver_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:23
server_bullium you want to help from ssh??13:24
bulliumserver_, post the output from ps to pastebin and we'll see what the situation is...see IdleOne's comment in regards to how to paste13:24
sergeantcupcakeIs there a way to use the terminal command line to adjust the internal fan speed of my laptop?13:24
fastaWhy is mounting not done in parallel?13:24
bulliumserver_, shouldn't need it...you're almost there :)13:24
server_  PID TTY          TIME CMD13:24
server_27418 pts/2    00:00:00 bash13:24
server_27637 pts/2    00:00:00 ps13:24
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
Maeda1Nobody has an idea ? I think it's a bug, but what do you think about it  ? Also, I don't know what package I should set. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/100566113:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005661 in Ubuntu "RME96 sound card probe failure" [Undecided,New]13:24
server_is that right??13:24
server_what do i need to do then?13:25
jacotry ps -eo cmd,user,pid13:25
server_ok that are much pids13:25
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bulliumserver_, what was the command issued that gave you that output?13:26
server_ps -eo cmd,user,pid13:26
sergeantcupcakeYou would think that with 64000 users online someone would be able to at least say "no, such a command doesn't exist".......13:26
bulliumserver_, try this "ps -A | grep shout'13:26
server_ill do13:26
server_nothing bullium??13:27
server_bullium to start the server the name what ./sc_serv sc_serv_simple.conf13:28
bulliumserver_, ok try ps -A |grep sc_serv13:28
server_then i got something13:29
server_11393 ?        00:13:14 sc_serv13:29
sergeantcupcaketsaerk: hi!13:29
tstaerkwhen I start Ubuntu with the boot parameter init=/bin/bash there does not seem to be any difference13:29
server_is that good??13:29
tstaerkhow can I make /bin/bash my init program13:29
tstaerkin the boot parameters?13:29
bulliumserver_, ok issue kill -9 11393 that will kill the current running service and free up the ports. Once thats done try running the icecast server again13:29
davidi have just used the command "sudo update-grub2" it seems to get stuck on the line "Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin". Any ideas on how to get it work?13:29
server_bash: kill: (11393) - Operation not permitted13:30
bulliumserver_, are you logged on as root?13:30
server_now its killed13:31
bulliumserver_, sudo kill -9 11393 and use your password13:31
sergeantcupcakeIs there a way to slim down my system to run on an older machine while still retaining the same features?13:31
bulliumserver_, OK, now see if you can start your icecast server now13:31
Private_Girl18Backtraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :D13:31
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: you might want to try Lubuntu13:31
IdleOne!ot | Private_Girl1813:31
ubottuPrivate_Girl18: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:31
server_this say the icecast server13:31
server_root@server:/home/server# /etc/init.d/icecast2 start13:31
server_Starting icecast2: Starting icecast213:31
server_Detaching from the console13:31
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
Lunar_Lander_IdleOne, is it true it is based on Knoppix or like that LXDE system?13:32
sergeantcupcakeidleone: ok!13:32
IdleOneserver_: Please learn to use the pastebin because soon the bot is going to ban you from this channel13:32
server_yeah ill do13:32
sergeantcupcakePrivate_Girl18: so are you telling me to leave??13:32
IdleOneLunar_Lander_: Lubuntu? it is Ubuntu with LXDE13:32
bulliumIdleOne, you read my mind :)13:32
Guest88598/dcc chat Lyekka13:32
Lunar_Lander_and to understand it13:32
Lunar_Lander_now Ubuntu has Unity, up to version 10 it had GNOME?13:33
Lunar_Lander_and what is Xubuntu and Kubuntu?13:33
sergeantcupcakeLunar_Lander_ : I believe so13:33
server_how can i use paste thing??13:33
bullium!paste | server_13:33
ubottuserver_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:33
sergeantcupcakeLunar_Lander_: They are alternate linux distros, but they do not have the same degree of polish and usability as Ubuntu13:34
IdleOneLunar_Lander_: they are also Ubuntu but with different DE's Kubuntu is KDE13:34
server_!paste root@server:/home/server# /etc/init.d/icecast2 start13:34
ubottuserver_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:34
server_Starting icecast2: Starting icecast213:34
server_Detaching from the console13:34
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: not entirely correct13:34
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
SomelauwHi, for some reason when using wmii or awesome my fonts look like this: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/cvvg1d6l/manman_012.png.13:34
NastyNazhow do I rename windows in irssi?13:34
sergeantcupcakeLunar_Lander: I've tried them. Stick with ubuntu13:34
SomelauwDoes anyone know what could have caused this.13:34
sergeantcupcakeIdleOne: How so?13:35
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: they are not different distros, they are Ubuntu but with different Desktop Environments13:35
sergeantcupcakeIdleOne: Oh. I never knew that!13:36
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:36
server_root@server:/home/server# /etc/init.d/icecast2 start13:36
sergeantcupcakeIdleOne: I still side with Ubuntu13:36
hje841how do I force a umount earlier in the shutdown sequence? that is before my network connections are terminated13:36
sergeantcupcakeGUYS!!!! LISTEN TO FLOODBOT1!!!! -.-13:36
=== cccaldas_ is now known as cccaldas
IdleOneserver_: last warning, next time I ban you and you will have to seek help somewhere else13:36
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: Don't CAP please :)13:37
sergeantcupcakeIdleOne: oops. sorry.13:37
Lunar_Lander_ah thanks sergeantcupcake and IdleOne13:37
Lunar_Lander_at uni we got openSUSE, that is KDE, right?13:38
royalim using ubuntu13:38
fidelLunar_Lander_: opensuse is a distri - kde is a desktop environment13:38
sergeantcupcakeLunar_Lander_: No problem bro!! God bless!13:38
server_help me13:38
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bulliumserver_, looking one sec13:38
sergeantcupcakeroyal: I think we all are.....13:38
Lunar_Lander_ah I see13:39
marc_12314Wondering if this is possible: I have to 500gb hard drive, I would like to buy a 1gb hd and have everything in RAID… Is it possible to pout the two 500gb hd in raid0, and then put that in raid1 with the new hd ?13:39
royalcan i get help to install webcam13:39
Lunar_Lander_yeah I saw the KDE label on some programs as well, such as K3b13:39
fidelLunar_Lander_: so you can install KDe in ubuntu, openSuse, Debian, and whatever distri else13:39
sergeantcupcakeroyal: istall a webcam or webcam software?13:39
royalwebcam softwar13:39
alankilamarc_12314: theoretically yes, that would be a raid1 over a raid0 + partition13:40
bulliumserver_, so after running that command it just dumps you back to the console and doesn't start?13:40
royali have sonix webcam13:40
intrapataroyal: just install webcam software :(13:40
server_yeah sure13:40
royalbut how13:40
alankilamarc_12314: the sizes need to match quite well, your raid0 must not be too large compared to the size of the new drive, though13:40
server_i see it works now13:40
sergeantcupcakeroyal: go to the ubuntu software center13:40
bulliumserver_, so it's running?13:40
royalit didnt work13:40
sergeantcupcakeroyal: what happened?13:41
royali try d cheese, camorama etc13:41
royali think prob with drivers13:41
intrapataroyal: iam using Camorama Webcam Viewer for my webcam13:41
XiRoNWhat is a RIPE IP address?13:41
royalbt 4 me it doesnt work13:41
royalany idea?13:42
ansjin_hi every one13:42
ansjin_do anyone knw hw to connect  adhoc made by windows in ubuntu12.0413:42
royali think som prob with gspca13:42
sergeantcupcakeroyal: you may have to search the web for driver software, or maybe you could find it under "technical items" in the ubuntu software center13:42
marc_12314alankila: thanks, yeah I forgot about the size… so I have to make sure that the two 500gb combined real space once formatted is less than the real space of the 1tb right?13:42
ansjin_i updated the drivers13:42
intrapatawhats you webcam model  and model#..13:42
royalok. let me try13:42
alankilamarc_12314: not formatted... merely how it's set up13:42
royalhi urself?13:42
alankilamarc_12314: the raid0 size will be the size of partitions - some metadata overhead, probably like 4 kB or maybe 8 kB13:43
royalit is SN9C12013:43
ansjin_do anyone knw hw to connect  adhoc made by windows in ubuntu12.04?13:43
KRomoi am trying to install pidgin but getting this error: pidgin: Depends: perlapi-5.14.2 but it is a virtual package any suggestions?13:43
alankilamarc_12314: but if you can find the exact count of sectors on the drive you plan to use, you can ensure that the raid0 will not be too large now13:44
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest47328
hackgentada org indonesia13:45
marc_12314alankila: alright13:45
damms005I am tired of  'find'.  "find . -name c*.txt" returns the file "camel.txt" but  "find . -name c*.txt -exec cat {}"  results in error: "missing arguments to -exec".  Help pls13:45
royalbt hw do u update drivers?13:45
Buniehey guys i had a problem with wireless on kubuntu installed and ubuntu on live cd13:46
Bunieim installing ubuntu now but since i had the same issue on kubuntu, i dont expectmuch =[13:46
IdleOneroyal: Please try to type full words, Not everyone here is a native English speaker and may not understand what your shorthand means13:46
royalhi i got a prob with webcam drvr13:46
marc_12314alankila: thanks a lot, I'll go ahead with my silly experimentations :)13:47
damms005 "find . -name c*.txt" returns the file "camel.txt" but  "find . -name c*.txt -exec cat {}"  results in error: "missing arguments to -exec".  Help pls13:47
royalcan i  get help to update my webcam driver?13:47
KRomoany ideas? :(13:47
Buniehave you searched your model i nthe package manager? :P13:47
Drajwerdamms005: find . -exec cat {} \;13:48
royalwhat happened?13:49
j91321Hi I have a bit of a problem I destroyed boot partition on my ubuntu 12.04 (lvm+encryption) I have already reinstalled grub  but I don't know what to do next13:50
royalvery difficult13:51
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
royaltry to restore with hirons boot cd13:51
majestouchCan anyone help me out ?13:51
damms005Drajwer: find . -exec cat {} \;    ....... Worked. So what did I miss (I mean that is obvious, but what did the "\;" did)13:51
royalmaster boot record13:52
bulliummajestouch, You don't have to ask for help, thats what we're here for ;) what's your problem?13:52
majestouchEvery time i try to boot from the Live CD or the Live usb i create i get stuck here http://i2.lulzimg.com/1734b09a61.jpg13:53
MatBoysince when can 12.04 not install grub on sdb in a raid1 MD set ?13:53
majestouchI did try downloading a new .iso and i also tried burning it at lower speed13:53
IdleOne!nomodeset | majestouch13:54
ubottumajestouch: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:54
IdleOnemajestouch: that might help you13:54
=== root is now known as Guest19861
majestouchthanks will give it a read and try it out13:54
damms005Drajwer: because what I want to do actually is to 'mv' the files that match. so i guess I will "find . -exec mv {} /destination  \;" right?  So "\;" becomes an ethic for -exec(even when nothing like that is in find's  man page)13:54
bulliumIdleOne, couldn't have said it better myself ;)13:55
Guest19861on parle francais ici??13:55
fidel!fr | Guest1986113:55
ubottuGuest19861: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:55
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest87163
damms005ubottu: why does "find . -exec cat {} \; "  work perfectly, and "find . -exec cat {} " does not work at all....(error: missing argument to -exec)13:56
ubottudamms005: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
damms005ubottu: sorry. miss that13:56
ubottudamms005: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
Isilionhi. I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and i need to install jre 1.6. any help?13:57
majestouchBtw do i have to do anything special to get my graphics going ? Gtx59013:58
=== Guest19861 is now known as caphils
majestouch!nomodeset worked thanks !!!14:01
ubottumajestouch: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:01
hero1900how i can change ubuntu software center user i want to log with different one (remove sync and make separate account)??14:02
KRomoi have a secondary hard drive in ext4. how can i have it auto-mount on boot?14:02
IsilionKRomo: edit your /etc/fstab file14:04
Isilionhi. I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and i need to install jre 1.6. any help?14:05
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:05
KRomoso, sudo gedit /etc/fstab?14:05
glanushI need your help for decompress a boot.img : i've tried perl script, gzip, mount -o loop and this proceed don't work ...14:05
IsilionKRomo: yes, but is a simple copy paste of a line. I rather would use nano and Ctrl K , Ctrl U, then edit the new line.14:06
bastidrazor!fstab | KRomo read the links for information on how make a proper addition to fstab14:06
ubottuKRomo read the links for information on how make a proper addition to fstab: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:06
gnariI used to be able to import photos from camera with gthumb. after upgrading to ocelot I don't find import option14:06
bastidrazorKRomo: and no, for graphical applications use "gksudo" instead of "sudo"14:07
KRomothanks guys14:07
bulliumI've got an HP Z600 Workstation running 12.04 x64 with an Nvidia NVS450 and 4 monitors setup in a 2x2 grid. I currently have all four monitors working correctly with Unity2d, but I'd love to get it working with Unity3D. My xorg.conf file is here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1021310/ anyone have some input to get me moving on the right track?14:10
=== rbrooks_ is now known as rbrooks
hero1900how i can change ubuntu software center user i want to log with different one (remove sync and make separate account)??14:11
WawaiftyidI have buy a Linksys WRT54GL router. During 2 days I have tried to install it, searching in Internet, reading the manuals... Is it compatible with Ubuntu or what?14:12
bulliumWawaiftyid, since your working on the actual network layer, your OS of choice doesn't really matter, but to answer your question directly YES you will be running Ubuntu with that router in place14:13
Wawaiftyidbullium, does I need any type of special configuration to use that router on Ubuntu?14:14
mrdebWawaiftyid: no14:14
mrdebWawaiftyid: it is all done on using web browser14:15
WawaiftyidThe problem is that I can't get an IP.14:15
mrdebalso read manuals14:15
WawaiftyidI have reset 2 times. Also, I have reset to factory default firmware (I was in dd-wrt)14:16
bulliumWawaiftyid, you do not need a specific configuration. Brand new out of the box that unit should issue IP addresses without any settings changed14:16
WawaiftyidI have read all the manuals too.14:16
mrdebdoes it work in windows14:16
WawaiftyidNop, same problem there (and I also used the CD)14:16
mrdebwell  i would continue to search for answer and maybe call them14:16
mrdebit is specific to cause14:16
Wawaiftyidok, thanks for your help.14:17
bulliumWawaiftyid, sounds like you may have a bad unit...I've used a lot of Linksys routers in my day and they all have issued IP's right out of the box. If you've factory reset a few times and still can't get it to work, time to grab your receipt and get it replaced14:17
WawaiftyidMy receipt is in another city. I would prefer to try more things first. Thanks anyway.14:18
WawaiftyidI live in Spain, maybe my ISP is too old for this technology.14:19
bulliumWawaiftyid, sounds like you've tried everything that you can other than call Linksys for support and or replace the unit14:19
bulliumWawaiftyid, good luck14:19
Wawaiftyidbullium, thanks. The only thing that I haven't do is call for help. If I don't get an answer here I will go to Liksys forums (if they have), Ubuntu forums and/or DD-WRT forums.14:20
Wawaiftyidmrdeb, have you found anything?14:22
ptrkmji'm using lubuntu oneiric, i would like to install wine from precise repository. what is the correct way to do that?14:22
mrdebWawaiftyid: no, sorry.14:24
sergeantcupcakeHey how do I import the music on my iPod into the Rhythmbox player library?14:25
Wawaiftyidmrdeb, bullium: I will ask in Ubuntu Forums. What info should I include?14:26
mrdebroute info and issue14:26
LordDeathguys I am using the fglrx driver in ubuntu for my radeon hd 3200 gpu14:26
LordDeathafaik amd will drop the support for this driver with the next release14:26
LordDeathwill ubuntu 12.04 still try to update my fglrx to the latest version or will it stick with the current version?14:27
sergeantcupcakeLordDeath: It will stick with all current drivers14:28
LordDeathsergeantcupcake: thx14:28
LordDeathI know the fglrx isn't perfect but I am unsure about the power saving features in the opensource radeon driver14:29
LordDeathis why I am still using fglrx14:29
sergeantcupcakeLordDeath: Im afraid I couldn't help you except to tell you to stick with what you know works14:29
LordDeathok, I will do that ^^14:30
LordDeathbut I already know that my next laptop will have only an intel gpu14:30
sergeantcupcakeLordDeath: May the Force be with you14:30
sergeantcupcakeI had a question, but I forgot what it was. Am I crazy?14:32
LordDeathsergeantcupcake: no. your brain just as a good garbage collector ^^14:33
wingiewhat is the difference between aptitude and apt-get?14:33
wingiewhich one should i use?14:33
LordDeathwingie: none of them is "wrong"14:34
sergeantcupcakeLordDeath: Lol thanks ;)14:34
skaFound `ITE IT8728F Super IO Sensors'                        Success!14:34
ska    (address 0x290, driver `to-be-written')14:34
sergeantcupcakeAdios Amigos!!!14:34
skaThat was the output of sensors-detect. My mobo is too new maybe.14:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:34
skaHelloWorld321: who is that for?14:35
=== Guest87163 is now known as epzil0n
majestouchExecuting 'grub-install /dev/sda1' failed. this is a fatal error.. what caused this ?14:37
zeroChi there14:38
DasEimajestouch: you're sure you wanted it to the first partition instead of mbr ?14:39
skiphuffmanAnyone here using an HP Pavilion G7?14:39
DasEimajestouch: you can do so, but it has some disadvatages and isn't default14:39
skiphuffmanI can't seem to get reliable wifi connectivity out of mine14:40
majestouchwell i read somewhere that its better if your going to be dual booting etc14:40
zeroCafter an update of ubuntu to 12.04 the postfix/dovecot/mysql upgraded as well, when i want to sent an email over an external client i got the following message : SASL PLAIN authentication failed: lost connection after AUTH from14:40
DasEimajestouch: sometimes, whole story, just a dualboot with windows and no additional features ?14:40
majestouchOSX too14:41
DasEimajestouch: an which version of win ?14:41
zeroCi figured out that it is something with sasl... /etc/postfix/sasl is empty14:41
majestouchwin 714:41
DasEimajestouch: so go win7, osx, ubuntu  annd backup mbr before every new os, that should work with grub then, else use os-prober14:42
majestouchYeah, but thing is i only got no OS installed atm so i dont get it why i get the error14:44
jenniehello friends noob question , how can see running applications in 12.04 , the rhythm player is on and i am unable to see it in left pane where is it ?14:44
DasEimajestouch: no os ? so from there you ran this command ? is there a sda1 at all then ?14:45
nic_Need help! I'm a total noob and I'm getting a 'dummy output' problem with my soundcard. I googled the problem but I don't really understand the instructions...14:46
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nic_Basically I have no sound; it was working fine yesterday night, wake up today, the hardware is gone...14:47
majestouchyes there is, i created sda1/200mb/Ext2 sda2/16gb/Swap sda3/60gb/root and sda4/Rest of space / home14:47
singularpointjennie: may be it's accessable in your status panel?14:47
skiphuffmanWhere is the "Status Panel"?14:47
skiphuffmanI am busy trying not to hate the Unity interface.14:48
jenniesingularpoint i figured out how to stop it but the player is still under sound icon at top right14:48
arifanyone has yahoo messenger for ubuntu?14:48
singularpointjennie: yep that is exactly what i mean ;)14:48
skiphuffmanarif, I use pigin14:48
arifcoz i still use pidgi14:48
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin14:49
xanguaarif: you can connect to yahoo im with Empathy14:49
Dr_Willismost im clients can do yahoo14:49
skiphuffmanpidgin does it all in one place, even IRC.14:49
Dr_Willisif you want the official yahoo im client.. well too bad. its been dead for years14:50
Dr_Willisfor linux at least14:50
arifmy empathy doesnt have yahoo14:50
DasEijennie: lookup its pid in top or htop, ps also14:50
jenniesingularpoint , it will be always there in status panel or we can close from there too ?14:50
arifnow i use pidgi14:50
nic_Hi, I don'14:50
nic_Hi, I don't mean to be insistent, just wondering if someone can help me out. I am totally lost.14:50
server_how can i install aircrack??14:51
Dr_Willisnic_:  summarize the   issue14:51
singularpointjennie: always while installed14:51
server_how can i install aircrack14:51
nic_Dr_Willis: Booted this morning, no sound, checked sound settings, only have 'dummy output', tried googling the issue, they presupposed more technical knowledge than I have14:52
Dr_Willisif its not in the repos  use a ppa server_14:52
nic_Dr_Willis: e.g. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131663414:52
Dr_Willisnic_:  i got limited sound experiece. sorry14:52
nic_Dr_Willis: thanks anyway :P14:52
Dr_Willisnic_:  try older kernel. see if they work. try live cd.14:53
DasEiserver_:it's not in the repos and if you want to check your router it'll be aircrack-ng, ask in :14:53
Dr_Willisnic_:  i have seen soundcards 'die'14:53
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:54
Lazurehelp, I can't get sound on HDTV with HDMI from laptop in Ubuntu 12.04. I went to sound settings and set HDMI as my audio output, but NO SOUND plays at all now!14:55
DasEinic_: an hour ago or so I had someone with a similar issue, as I don't use unity, can't tell where this setiing (default soundcard) went there , was under system before14:55
ubottufra: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:55
jennieaint there any start menu like button in ubuntu 12.04 so that i can access all things from one place ? or can i get that in 12.0414:56
DasEijennie: use another wm of your liking14:56
chiliblueanyone use couchpotato here?14:56
xanguajennie: you can get your apps, places, etc from the Ubuntu Button -super/windows key-14:56
Dr_Willisjennie:  there are 'classic' gnome like menu indicator applets and apps.  the webupd8 blog site and askubuntu.com site had lista of some of them14:57
DasEijennie: windowmanager14:57
fraqualcuno mi può aiutare? grazzzzie!!!!14:57
DasEi!it | fra14:57
ubottufra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:57
Lazuredoes anyone know why i can't get sound through HDMI to an HDTV?14:58
Lazureit works just fine in windows, but i can't get it to work in ubuntu 12.04, even after setting sound output device to HDMI14:59
skiphuffmanI am trying to change my wifi driver per the instructions here:  http://wiki.debian.org/wl14:59
intorehi, am using ubuntu 11.10 and i have 2 problems. the first one: i use pam_mount to mount user's home directory locally on the client and it runs but it doesn't umount it: "device is busy" and i don't understand why. could you help me please?14:59
DasEiintore: possibly you or an app is accesing it ? to be cd'ed in is enough15:00
skiphuffmanBut when i try to run this step:  m-a a-i broadcom-sta  I get these errors:15:00
skiphuffmanmake[3]: *** [/usr/src/modules/broadcom-sta/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.o] Error 115:00
skiphuffman │ make[2]: *** [_module_/usr/src/modules/broadcom-sta] Error 215:00
skiphuffman │ make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-24-generic'15:00
skiphuffman │ make[1]: *** [binary-modules] Error 215:00
skiphuffman │ make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/broadcom-sta'15:00
surican we play games likes fifa 12 here in ubuntu 12.04?15:00
FloodBot1skiphuffman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
jenniethere is unpartitioned space in my HDD and i want to create a partition such that it should be accessible in both windows and linux, what to do ?15:00
xangua!appdb | suri15:00
ubottusuri: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:00
DasEijennie: run gparted, do a ntfs15:00
skiphuffmanfloodbot has shut me down15:01
DasEijennie: then add it to /etc/fsatb to have buntu automounting it15:01
suriok xangua ubottu15:01
Lazureso i guess no one in here knows anything about using HDMI audio15:01
DasEiskiphuffman: see bot's message15:01
Lazureor using an HDTV with HDMI period15:01
DasEijennie: then add it to /etc/fstab  * to have buntu automounting it15:02
Dr_WillisLazure:  often it just works.. or you twiddle with the pav* tools and it works15:02
Lazurepav* tools?15:02
skiphuffmanYeah, I saw that15:03
DasEi!info pavucontrol15:03
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-1build1 (precise), package size 140 kB, installed size 949 kB15:03
Dr_WillisLazure:  it depends on the chipset of the audio card. not if its a hdtv or monitor15:03
Lazurei would imagine all i needed to do is select HDMI as a sound output device, and I think i used to do this in earlier editions, but now it doesn't work15:03
Lazurei mean clearly ubuntu 12.04 detected that there is an HDMI audio device with my nvidia card.15:03
Dr_Willisnew editions got new kernels and may have new bugs.15:03
Lazurebut it can't seem to use it15:03
DasEiskiphuffman: you know pastebin and how to use it ?15:03
arifmy Dell laptop sometime overheat15:03
Dr_Willischeck the forums/askubuntu for your exact chipset15:04
skiphuffmanYeah, I am pastbining now15:04
arifthis inspiron 156415:04
intoreDasEi, i checked with fuser but there aren't. could create problems without umounting the directory?15:04
DasEiintore: yes, or if a user is still in that dir15:05
skiphuffmanI probably should have included my steps to reach that15:05
DasEiskiphuffman: which broadcom is it ?15:05
skiphuffmanAny thoughts why my 431315:06
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:06
skiphuffmansorry 4313 is my broadcom15:06
DasEisaw it15:06
intoreDasEi, the logout runs ok and another can't access to another home.15:06
DasEi!broadcom | skiphuffman15:06
ubottuskiphuffman: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:06
skiphuffmanThanks DasEi  I will give that a try15:07
DasEiintore: lsof of it ?15:07
intoreDasEi, of that dir?15:07
=== Jordan is now known as jcrza
skiphuffmanOk, looks like HP lies about the chipset.  lspci says that I have Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188CE15:09
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b15:10
DasEiintore: so still open files on it ?15:12
intoreDasEi, no15:12
intoreDasEi, i don't understand. now umounting runs15:13
DasEiintore: maybe a caching ?15:14
skiphuffmanI don't see any instructions for the RTL8188CE, and the instructions for the 8187b says it only applies up to 2.6.24 kernel.  I am pretty sure mine is 32.15:14
intoreDasEi, maybe. am working on shell, login and logout from shell. i'll check next days15:15
intoreDasEi, thanks anyway15:15
yiddenHi, how do I get my monit'rs refresh rate to be recognised properly? Currently it recognises the framerate as 5hz too high at maxresolution15:15
kanuhaow can I make a network drive/folder show in a program?15:16
DasEiskiphuffman: my foo found, I didnt't used it, so own risk : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1178260915:16
intoreDasEi, ah, a strange behavior of ubuntu with ssh. remote halt command doesn't completely shutdown, locally halt runs ok, why?!?!?15:17
kanuhaHow can I make a network drive/folder show in a program?15:18
DasEiintore: ss'ed as root ? I can shutdown -h over ssh15:18
skiphuffmanThanks DasEi15:19
DasEiskiphuffman: thank yourself when it's working ;)15:20
Lazureok i figured out why my HDMI output wasn't working, apparently there's a 'profile' under hardware, and it listed 'Stereo output' like 4 times in a row, i selected a different one of them and it works now. STRANGE.15:20
Kornkagehow can i increase ubuntu's laptop resolution? it's on 1280x800(16:10) and i can't increase any more15:20
DasEiLazure: using unity ?15:20
Lazuregnome-shell, but it's basically the same settings panel15:21
SC4RF4C3i have a simple problem but i still don't found the solution >.<: this is the problem: http://pastebin.com/ZAxDZ5yQ15:21
DasEiLazure: I see, well eager to learn where unity digged that in, anyway nice to hear15:21
Lazurefor audio/ALSA15:21
intoreDasEi, yes as root15:21
Lazurei'm talking about HDMI audio output DasEi15:21
Scann0rHello guys :)15:21
DasEiintore: idk then , works fine here15:22
Lazurefor dual monitors i had to use nvidia-xserver-settings15:22
DasEiLazure: I know, and the output sheme15:22
Lazuresince the 'displays' panel that comes with gnome-shell/unity wouldn't list my HDTV15:22
RumRumanyone know how to resize the / partition by decreasing the size of another partition15:22
RumRumboth in use.15:22
DasEiRumRum: gparted from a live system, re-checking fstab15:22
Scann0rI am the best hacker of the world xDD15:23
RumRumthank you :)15:23
intoreDasEi, what is idk?15:23
DasEiRumRum: it must NOT be mounted for that15:23
DasEiintore: I don't know15:23
RumRumhow is the partitions and storage handled while using live cd then DasEi ?15:23
intoreDasEi, ahahahh, well i tried as command!!!15:23
DasEiintore: rofl15:23
DasEiRumRum: well gparted won't resize on a mounted drive, but while running from another os, the hd doesn't need to be15:24
DasEiRumRum: if it is automounted, gparted offers you to unmount it15:25
DasEi(cd )15:25
RumRumhmm what do you recommend for the / part ? I ran 7gb this time15:25
RumRumbut obviously it wasnt enough :D15:25
Scann0ris it a good idea to learn first programming windows applications with c++?15:25
DasEiRumRum: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit15:26
DasEiRumRum: df -h | pastebinit15:26
DasEigive both urls here15:26
RumRumDasEi http://paste2.org/p/204405215:28
RumRum3.3 even15:29
RumRumbut 8 in total i think for /15:30
DasEiRumRum: yes, funny setup, as there is lots free in /home, I'd take a 40g for root, being lazy with boot, logs and possibly wgets/compiles inn future15:31
RumRumyea was kinda stupid15:32
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DasEiRumRum: other way around (additionl parti if disk fills) is easier, if you can, backup /home, case things mess up15:33
DasEijust >3g, so no big deal15:33
DasEiRumRum: if itt's rather fresh install (I guess so, with home below 3 g , re-install15:34
RumRumyea maybe i'll just re-format15:34
RumRumsince I got the laptop yesterday, so no loss from my side except an hour of confing15:35
DasEiRumRum: also it's always easier to exceed /home with addional/external hd later, so just use installer's default15:36
skiphuffmanOk, I installed the new wifi drivers.  Off for a reboot to ensure they are active.  Wish me luck15:36
aufwindI want to access my Xubuntu Laptop from my Windows 7 Computer to save my home directory. Can I do that as admin/root? When I just access the shared home folder and try to copy it from within Windows it does not copy all files.15:36
bonnyHey can iget help with linux and minecraft here?15:37
rahmatsome body can help me?15:37
RumRumyea DasEi well u learn by ur mistakes :P15:37
DasEiRumRum: if you search ubuntu perfect desktop, many good tips for a full featured setup are found there15:37
Darael!ask | rahmat15:37
ubotturahmat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:37
bonny Mojangles on pain of kick | Linux user? Update Lwjgl first!15:37
bonny* Topic for #minecraft set by KyleXY!kyle@reddit/operator/kylexy at Sat Jun  2 04:22:36 201215:37
bonny* Received a CTCP VERSION from Seran15:37
bonny<bonny> Hey can iget help with linux and minecraft here?15:37
bonny<bonny> Hello?15:37
FloodBot1bonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
bonny Mojangles on pain of kick | Linux user? Update Lwjgl first!15:37
bonny* Topic for #minecraft set by KyleXY!kyle@reddit/operator/kylexy at Sat Jun  2 04:22:36 201215:37
bonny* Received a CTCP VERSION from Seran15:37
bonny Hey can iget help with linux and minecraft here?15:38
bonny<bonny> Hello?15:38
rahmatcan i install like IDM in ubuntu?15:38
szal!ops | bonny15:38
ubottubonny: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!15:38
Darael!patience | bonny15:38
ubottubonny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:38
szalDarael: looks like a spambot15:38
ok2cqrHello, i just reinstaled my wife's computer, old Comapq 100eu with N10 intel graphics card to 12.04. Unfortunately the screen was broken(resolution only 1024x768) except 1600x900. I have found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/19954/how-to-set-the-monitor-to-its-native-resolution-which-is-not-listed-in-the-resol link and used it. But the screen looks still wired.15:38
DasEiaufwind: yes, allow ssh on buntu machine, install putty on win and then rsync (ssh-option) the stuff over after becoming root on the ubu-box15:39
ok2cqrDoesn anybody have any experience with it, please?15:39
RumRumthank you for the help anyway DasEi but i'll probably just reformat15:39
aufwindDasEi: Thanks!15:39
Daraelszal: I'm too nice.  Major personality flaw.  I tend to assume clueless/impatient human over spambot.15:39
ok2cqrI did the same tweak in 10.04 and it worked.15:39
DasEiaufwind: another sweetie :15:39
DasEi!info unison15:39
ubottuunison (source: unison): file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.40.65-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 616 kB, installed size 1690 kB15:39
aufwindDasEi: Thank you very much!15:39
DasEiaufwind: painless gui, also using rsync15:39
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DasEiaufwind: rsync has better algo than cp (copy), and also allows resume or partial updates15:40
=== mint is now known as mobileconnection
Daraelrahmat: I don't know what IDM is, and a DDG isn't helping /masses/, but I'm going to guess you're referring to Internet Download Manager?  Take a look at eg Axel.15:40
aufwindDasEi: Sounds good, you mean this one: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/  ?15:41
skiphuffmanDasEi, I think that worked.  I followed the instructions and then rebooted.15:41
DasEiaufwind: yupp15:41
skiphuffmanMy wifi came up instantly.  Before it took a few seconds to a minute15:41
aufwindDasEi: Cool, thanks!15:41
DasEiskiphuffman: nice , I'll bookmark it then15:41
skiphuffmanNow I just want to see if it falls over in thirty minutes or an hour.  Which was the other thing it would do.15:41
rahmatDarael : y Internet Download Manager15:41
Daraelrahmat: Additionally, kget, uget, steadyflow or fatrat.  Do an "axi-cache search download manager" for more.15:41
singularpoint /part15:41
skiphuffmanI'll pop back in and share later15:41
paulus68what is a good alternative for systemimager?15:42
DasEiskiphuffman: nice15:42
skiphuffmanSomeone with channel admin rights might want to update the !realtek macro to include that.15:42
DasEipaulus68: gnome-device-manager ?15:42
Daraelrahmat: If you absolutely need IDM, you could install it via WINE (I don't believe there's a Linux version), but you're probably better off using one of the ones I suggested.15:42
mobileconnectionrahmat: Darael even FDM is good15:43
DasEiskiphuffman: it seem a quite extensive tut, so maybe wait a bit, or wait for it moving into kernel15:43
mobileconnectionrahmat: Darael even FDM is good it has a linux version15:43
Daraelmobileconnection: I wouldn't know.  I'm just working off an axi-cache search.  Axel's what I use myself.  Thanks for the suggestion, though.15:43
paulus68DasEi: well I think that you got my question wrong, I am refering to www.howtoforge.com/howto_linux_systemimager which doesn't seem to be available in 12.0415:43
mobileconnectionDarael: :)15:43
mobileconnection where do the games I install go? directory15:45
DasEipaulus68: ah, no.. you want an image of your harddrive or certain partitions ? dd can do that15:46
skiphuffmanDasEi, actually it wasn't extensive.  Just wordy.  The instructions boil down to "Download the driver from the chipset manufacturer's site, extract, make install"  that's it.15:46
Daraelmobileconnection: Depends.  If they're native, probably in /usr/bin/<gamename>.  Possibly /opt/<gamename>.  If via WINE, usuall ~/.wine/dosdevices/drive_c/<Windows-path> but playonlinux may use ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/<something>.15:46
mobileconnectionthanks Darael :)15:46
paulus68DasEi: complete image of my harddrive simular like norton ghost under windows15:47
Daraelmobileconnection: If you know the package game, you can issue "dpkg -L packagename" to get a list of full paths to all files in the package, as well.15:47
fshso what is this15:47
szalfsh: what is what?15:47
Daraelfsh: This is the Ubuntu support channel, as you would know if you'd read the channel topic.15:47
DasEipaulus68: yes, get a hd same or bigger in size, then dd the existing over to the new one from a live system with dd, no problem15:47
DasEi!support > fsh15:48
ubottufsh, please see my private message15:48
zxtxis this the best channel to ask unity questions?15:48
Daraelzxtx: Yup.15:48
mobileconnectionDarael: i tried but no success i tried it from software manager15:48
zxtxso I am running Precise and xmonad15:48
zxtxand want to play around with the HUD from xmonad15:49
zxtxbut whenever I run hud-cli I get nothing15:49
Daraelzxtx: See also #ubuntu-unity, though.15:49
DasEipaulus68: you can either make system "clone" or have an re-writable imagefile15:49
paulus68DasEi:ok and what is the longversion of dd? sorry for my ignorence15:50
Daraelmobileconnection: I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what you tried and why it didn't work.  Probably me being dense.  Could you spell it out?15:50
DasEi!info dd | paulus6815:51
ubottupaulus68: Package dd does not exist in precise15:51
DasEi paulus68: enter man dd in your terminal15:51
mobileconnectionDarael: i downloaded from synaptic package manager and then it downloaded the game and istalled , now where to start it from15:51
Daraelmobileconnection: It should show up in your Applications lens.  If you'd installed it from the USC it would show in the Unity launcher, as well, but as it is: Open the Dash and search for the game name.15:52
DasEipaulus68: apart from that, clonezilla andmondo-rescue are in linux-world, but as I went with dd, can't guide you there15:52
DasEi!info clonezilla15:52
ubottuPackage clonezilla does not exist in precise15:52
madpupHi all quick question, how can i get ubuntu to automount all the partitions on my drobo?15:52
Daraelmobileconnection: My first answer assumed you wanted to find the game files, for some reason; sorry for throwing you off.15:52
Darael!info autofs | madpup15:53
ubottumadpup: autofs (source: autofs5): dummy transitional package from autofs to autofs5. In component main, is extra. Version 5.0.6-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 45 kB15:53
mobileconnectionDarael: oh thanks I didnt think that way thanks a lot15:53
Darael!info autofs5 | madpup15:53
ubottumadpup: autofs5 (source: autofs5): kernel-based automounter for Linux, version 5. In component main, is extra. Version 5.0.6-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 629 kB, installed size 1462 kB15:53
paulus68DasEi: ok thanks15:53
madpupso do i just apt-get it, or is there ninja commandline stuff as well?15:53
mobileconnectionDarael: thankyou u didnt throw me off , my ? was different as I was a windows user migrating to linux ;)15:54
Daraelmadpup: I don't know how the drobo does network filesystems, but you can also just put SMB shares or NFS mounts in your fstab.15:54
Darael!fstab | madpup15:54
ubottumadpup: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:54
mobileconnectionDarael: thanks a lot15:54
madpupcheers guys, its a usb model not the cat5 one15:55
Daraelmobileconnection: No probs.  Yeah, things are a bit different because the repository system lets us share libraries, whereas on Windows things need to be mostly self-contained, which makes them, well, self-contained, but larger.15:55
Daraelmadpup: In which case, plug it in, mount the partitions, issue "mount" with no commands to see what's mounted and how, and add the appropriate lines to your fstab as guided by the help-page linked above.15:55
Asdf__Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PC. When I boot off of a live CD, it shows a purple screen with a keyboard icon at the bottom for a few seconds, then the monitor says "out of range 15.6kHz / 50Hz". Any idea how to fix this?15:56
Daraelmadpup: In case that was unclear: s/commands/arguments/15:56
madpupwill try cheers Darael15:56
=== mint is now known as mobileconnection
mobileconnectionDarael: yo16:01
pi3chDay changed to 04 Jun 201216:01
devhellhi, what is the deal with empathy's "share my desktop" option, for some reason it doesn't seem to work. Both users are on 12.04 and both use jabber (xmpp). Is there something that must be activated before that option is available?16:02
sergeantcupcakeHey how do I import the tracks on my iPod into my RhythmBox library?16:03
fshhow do you get the terminal to work on Ubuntu 1016:06
=== mobileconnection is now known as c31r2g
nulltinHi, I'm trying to install 12.04 using a live cd image on a USB (used ppen-drive installer to create one). While the installation is running, it is not detecting any mouse-clicks (neither the clicks using touchpad, nor ones using a USB mouse), what do I do?16:07
wingiehow do i stop script with something like "hit Enter to continue"16:07
madpupok it seems my drobo second partition is hosed, that was the problem.............................darn but thanks for the help guys16:07
Ca11umI've got a working (used on other machines) Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop (32-bit) installation disc, and am trying to use it on a Rock laptop (yeah, Rock - a very unheard of brand)16:07
Ca11umHowever, after I attempt to boot from the disc, via the BIOS, it says "Operating System not found"16:08
Ca11umand nothing else16:08
jml__Hi, I'm trying to add my custom keyboard layout to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us, but nothing new appears on the keyboard layout applet in the English(US) section, and there's no xkb-related errors in the Xorg log. (1) How can I get to read errors/warnings? (something with xkbcomp?) (2) After modifying the file, do I need to reboot for changes to take effect? Thanks16:09
NoNaMeNoHi, I'm having an issue with network manager. The menu when I click the network manager applet shows half menu, just enable network, enable wireless, info and edit. To get wifi working I have to disable and then enable again the wireless. Then all menu options appear, including VPN. Is it a known issue?16:09
jml__Sorry, forgot to say I'm running XUbuntu (I moved out of Debian/gnome a few days ago...)16:10
wingieis it possible to prompt the user for any key in a script16:12
BlackZataraalguem pode me ajudar16:12
BlackZataraestou tendo muitas dificuldades16:13
NoNaMeNowingie: "read -p" i think16:13
cachoque paso16:13
BlackZatarana instalação da placa de video do meu notebokk16:13
BlackZataraalg pode me ajudar16:13
xangua!pt | BlackZatara16:13
ubottuBlackZatara: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:13
cachoque paso16:13
BlackZataraeu ja tentei ir, sendo que ninguém me ajuda16:13
BlackZatarapoderia ser que alg entende-se aqui16:13
BlackZatarae pude-se me ajudar16:14
adensi cant find the folder ~/.config/openbox after installed openbox16:14
cachodeus ayuda16:14
wingieNoNaMeNo: read -p 'press a key to continue'16:14
Ca11umSo nobody has a solution for the BIOS message, 'Operating System not found', whilst trying to boot a Ubuntu install disc?16:14
adensguys, whys this happening ?16:14
adensthis normal on ubuntu ?16:15
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:15
BlackZatarafriends, can someone help me?16:15
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:15
NoNaMeNoBlackZatara: you dont give us enough information to help you16:16
BlackZataraI'm having trouble installing the video card of my notebook ..16:16
adensany openbox users around here?16:16
=== hybris is now known as __Hybris__
BlackZatarameu notebook tem duas placas de video, uma onboard e a outra off board16:16
sergeantcupcakeBlackZatara: I think your on the wrong channel. It seems as if you have a non-ubuntu related problem16:16
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:17
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:17
adensi cant find the folder ~/.config/openbox after i installed openbox16:17
adenswhat could be the reason?16:17
adenswhere is it located on ubuntu ?16:17
adenssame place? why isnt it there?16:17
adens...this makes no sense16:18
BlackZataraI problem is with ubuntu, for not knowing he configuar16:18
sergeantcupcakeCallum: Have you gone into your BOOT menu and made sure that you are booting from the correct location. The BIOS may be looking in the wrong location for your OS.16:18
NoNaMeNoadens:it should be in the same place, I would not  think it is an ubuntu related problem but an openbox version16:18
BlackZataraso please help to colleagues16:18
sergeantcupcakeCallum: Or your disc could be blank or corrupted. You might try burning the disk on a different program.16:19
Ca11umsergeantcupcake, sorry, location?16:19
NoNaMeNoBlackZatara: give more details16:19
Ca11umDo you mean the correct device, or...?16:19
NoNaMeNoayuba: is it empty?16:19
Ca11umThe disc works perfectly on other machines16:19
wingiei have 'passwd' in a script but it doesnt stop to let me input the password .. it just continues to the next command .. is there a way to let the passwd command finish first before it jumps to the next command?16:19
sergeantcupcakeCallum: Maybe you downloaded the wrong .iso file. There are different files for 32-bit versus 64-bit computers16:20
NoNaMeNowingie: are you using any kind of "&" after  passwd?16:20
wingieNoNaMeNo: no16:20
wingiejust passwd16:20
wingiethats weird16:20
Ca11umNo, sergeantcupcake, it's a 32-bit laptop16:20
BlackZatarawell, i have a hp notebook in which I'm using ubuntu 4.12 lts, and I can not install the video card in it, below the reference of them16:20
Ca11umAnd I definately got the correct 12.04 32-bit Desktop16:20
sergeantcupcakeCallum: If your talking to me please type "sergeantcupcake:" and then your message. It helps me find your messages easier :)16:21
BlackZatara01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series]16:21
adensguess i'll just create it !16:21
wingieNoNaMeNo: i run the script with: curl http://url_to_script.sh | sh16:21
wingieNoNaMeNo: perhaps thats the problem?16:21
BlackZatara02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Robson CE [AMD Radeon HD 6300 Series]16:21
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: I don't get why it says 'Operating System not found' though16:21
sergeantcupcakeCallum: hold on a sec and i'll see what file i used. my machine is 32 bit as well16:21
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: Why would it be looking for any operating system16:21
NoNaMeNowingie: try wget http://url_to_script.sh; sh script.sh16:21
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:22
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:22
NoNaMeNoBlackZatara: ubuntu should have default drivers for that16:22
NoNaMeNoayuba: is it empty?16:22
sergeantcupcakeCallum: Without an operating system, the computer just sit's idle because there is no software to give it instructions16:22
wingieNoNaMeNo: yeah that works .. thanks again16:22
Geothom380hello everyone16:22
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: Is a boot disc considered an operating system?16:22
sergeantcupcake_seq: hi! :) :)16:22
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: If I'm booting the disc drive, why would it need any OS?16:23
sergeantcupcakeCallum: No. A boot disc contains an operating system that your bios will attempt to run, but is not and operating system itself.16:23
=== Jip_ is now known as Jip
sergeantcupcakeCallum: If there is no disc in the drive, the computer has nothing to give it instructions, so it simply remains idle until it recieves some16:24
NoNaMeNoayuba: is it empty?16:24
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:24
ayubaany setting??16:25
NoNaMeNoayuba: open the disk management tool and format it16:26
rahdukeso i took the plunge and upgraded to 12.04 (from 11.10) and all seems good except that Unity 3d doesnt work, when I log in using a normal "Ubuntu" session I see no unity bar or top bar, just an empty desktop. Ubuntu 2d works fine.... can anyone point me in the right direction?16:26
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: I've just tried booting the server disc, that too gives the same error - it must be a problem with the BIOS settings?16:26
sergeantcupcakeCallum: You need to download the file from the Ubuntu website called "ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso16:26
sergeantcupcakeCallum: beyond that im not sure what the cause of the problem is16:27
KorvinSzantohey, windows isn't showing up in grub16:28
KorvinSzantomy windows prtition rather16:28
KorvinSzantodog needs to go out16:28
txomon|homeis there any way to get statistics of network bandwidth consumption for a specific program?16:29
txomon|homeKorvinSzanto, try update-grub16:30
sirriffsalotHi! Would the fact that my 11.04 ubuntu install has a 2.6.38-15-generic kernel make it impossible for me to run a lowlatency kernel that runs at a 3.xxxxx... kernel  version?16:30
Ca11umsergeantcupcake: It seems when running Windows 7 (the current OS), it can't read any discs that well16:30
Ca11umWill I need to buy some form of USB disc reader?16:30
ragnokhello, whats the best way to install libjpeg, cairo, and libgif ? can i just app-get those? or should i -dev?16:31
txomon|homesirriffsalot, that doesn't make sense16:31
sirriffsalottxomon|home: ?16:31
OccupyDemonoidHello, I am trying to do virtual hosts with apache2 and for the life of me I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I followed this tutorial http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html#purename and I am using Server 11.04.16:32
txomon|homethe fact that the 11.04 is an obsolete version is the reason you dont already have a 3.x kernel16:32
txomon|homeOccupyDemonoid, go #apache16:32
crackerjackzhow do i list all groups and users?16:33
OccupyDemonoidI thought 11.04 was still supported?16:33
OccupyDemonoidI will go to #apache though, thank you.16:33
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: i can help you with that16:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:33
sergeantcupcakeIs there a way to slim down my 12.04 system? It's slowing my older machine down.16:34
OccupyDemonoidThe end of life for 11.04 is in October.16:34
DasEisergeantcupcake: see :16:34
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.16:34
sirriffsalottxomon|home: would you mind helping me make sense...?16:34
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:34
txomon|homesirriffsalot, you have an outdated ubuntu16:34
smwsergeantcupcake, xfce perhaps/16:35
sirriffsalottxomon|home: 11.04 isn't outdated?16:35
txomon|home12.04 is current distro16:35
OccupyDemonoidcrackerjackz, what did I do wrong?16:35
DasEisergeantcupcake: first install a lighter surface (xubu,icewm,lubuntu...) then drop unwanted packages16:35
bal_sergeantcupcake:  try with genomshell16:35
sirriffsalottxomon|home: it's the latest distro, not the only one??16:35
smwsirriffsalot, 11.04 EOLs in October16:35
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: do you plan on using mysql and php just out of curiosity?16:35
smwsirriffsalot, but it has gnome2!16:35
txomon|homesirriffsalot, the current distro is 12.0416:35
sirriffsalotsmw: not october yet lol16:35
smwsirriffsalot, I know16:35
sirriffsalottxomon|home: so what?!:P16:35
txomon|homesmw, isn't it april?16:35
OccupyDemonoidcrackerjackz, I am planning on using just html right now then intergrating mysql later with php.16:36
smwtxomon|home, eh?16:36
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: look at this guide, http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-11.10-oneiric16:36
crackerjackzi've used that same guide before16:37
smwtxomon|home, 11.04 dies in october. I looked it up because I wanted to know how long I could keep gnome 2 :-P16:37
DasEisergeantcupcake: dpkg -L > myPackages.txt   creates a file, if you want the 'hard way to decide16:37
txomon|homesirriffsalot, have you done apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y ?16:37
txomon|home:D smw you can install gnome-shell, it comes with gnome 216:37
DasEismw: can still have gnome besides unity (classic)16:37
txomon|home(I think)16:37
sirriffsalottxomon|home: I don't want to, haha. 11.04 is fine, above and beyond that even more crap has been added to it and I'd like to stick to 11.04 for a while longer16:37
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: that guide shows the configuring of two domain names on the same server...16:37
txomon|homesirriffsalot, that wont upgrade your distro, just update it to the last updates for that version16:38
smwDasEi, gnome2 does not come with ubuntu since 11.0416:38
OccupyDemonoidcrackerjackz, Thank you, I will check it out.16:38
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: you should use xhtml instead of html16:38
rahdukeso i took the plunge and upgraded to 12.04 (from 11.10) and all seems good except that Unity 3d doesnt work, when I log in using a normal "Ubuntu" session I see no unity bar or top bar, just an empty desktop. Ubuntu 2d works fine.... can anyone point me in the right direction?16:38
crackerjackzxhtml and css16:38
sirriffsalottxomon|home: oh. what's the -y for?16:38
txomon|hometo upgrade your distro would be do-release-upgrade16:38
DasEisirriffsalot: scroll up what I just told sm w  , can decide your own16:38
smwDasEi, unity was the default, but gnome classic could still be used16:38
txomon|homesirriffsalot, for yes16:38
sirriffsalotAutomatic yes?:D16:38
txomon|homesirriffsalot, yes, I do it automatically16:38
sirriffsalottxomon|home: I'd like to check what goes on, hehe, hang on16:39
smwsirriffsalot, I agree, 11.04 is fine for now16:39
txomon|homeyou can not put the -y and decide your self16:39
Ca11umWhat does 'test' in Terminal do?16:39
crackerjackzOccupyDemonoid: if you get confused with that guide let me know and ill help you figure out what you're doing wrong16:39
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
DasEiCa11um: man test tells you, file checking16:40
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
sirriffsalotSo is there a 3.xxxx kernel for 11.04 around?16:40
smwCa11um, test can also be used with the [] syntax16:40
DasEisirriffsalot: you can install it16:40
sirriffsalotDasEi: so yes?:)16:40
smwCa11um, if [ $x -eq 1 ] uses test16:40
DasEisirriffsalot: if there is neither a repo or deb, see16:41
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall16:41
sirriffsalotDasEi: *shivers* Alright!16:41
DasEisirriffsalot: if you want to extend that, lookup kerrnel.org  and the app kernelcheck16:41
DasEi!info kernelcheck16:41
ubottuPackage kernelcheck does not exist in precise16:41
crackerjackzhow do i list all users and groups?16:41
smwsirriffsalot, why do you need a latest kernel?16:42
smwsirriffsalot, did you check backports?16:42
lorairrecord --driver=irman --device=/dev/ttyS0 MyRemote <--- i need to run this to be able to configure lirc with xbmc16:42
sirriffsalotsmw: well, if I install a 3.xxxx lowlatency kernel it won't work... so I figured it must have had something to do with the fact that all the configurations on my system are still for a 2.xxxx kernel?16:42
loraif i run lsusb i can see the ir device16:42
sirriffsalotsmw: come again?:)16:42
lorabut how do i know the location16:43
loraor the driver thats being used16:43
lorahow can i change the command above to work for the device i've connected and for the driver that is being used16:43
DasEisirriffsalot: http://tinyurl.com/74troe516:43
smwsirriffsalot, why do you need a 3.0 kernel?16:44
DasEilora: re-plug device, run : dmesg | tail16:44
smwsirriffsalot, if you really need it, it makes more sense to update16:44
gopi1410is there a way to change directory permissions when I am not the owner of a directory?16:44
DasEilora: that should tell where to look in /dev16:44
sirriffsalotsmw: I just told you why I want a 3.0 kernel16:44
sirriffsalotsmw: I did an update as toxomon|home suggested, 0 changes were made16:45
DasEigopi1410: depends on what the owner has set16:45
sirriffsalotDasEi: thanks, will check it out soon!16:45
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:45
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:45
smwsirriffsalot, I don't see why...16:45
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:45
gopi1410@DasEi if I dont have the rights, then it means there is no way?16:45
samdgopi1410: or if you have administrative priviledges (with sudo) you can change any permissions16:45
loraso i remove the device and ls /dev and check what is being added or removed?16:45
sirriffsalotsmw: smw: well, if I install a 3.xxxx lowlatency kernel it won't work... so I figured it must have had something to do with the fact that all the configurations on my system are still for a 2.xxxx kernel?16:45
gopi1410yeah but the point is I dont have admin privileges16:46
gopi1410so basically I cant chown a folder16:46
samdgopi1410: you can use a live CD, and use sudo16:46
DasEigopi1410: right , if the owner doesn't allow your group or user writing/execution, no way16:46
loraDasEi : what about the driver that is being used?16:46
smw!work > sirriffsalot16:46
ubottusirriffsalot, please see my private message16:46
NictraSaviosHello, how would I, from bash, get the title of the current terminal window?16:46
smwsirriffsalot, why do you need a "low latency kernel"?16:47
NictraSaviosActually, let me rephrase that, how would I get the name of the program that is the terminal. Like "Guake" or "Gnome-Terminal" or "Konsole"16:47
sirriffsalotsmw: low latency audio work lol:)16:47
xclusive585join #setiathome16:47
sirriffsalotTrying to remember the error message when I disabled the quiet splash thing in grub16:47
DasEilora: lookup in lsmod16:47
NictraSaviosNot just "xterm" or "linux"16:47
sirriffsalotCould not load module or something, does that make it more clear?:D16:47
DasEiayuba: does lsusb see it ?16:47
smwsirriffsalot, sounds like it was missing a module that you did not have compiled for the new kernel16:48
smwsirriffsalot, I highly suggest upgrading if you need the new kernel16:48
aaasNictraSavios I'm not sure you can, Konsole runs the shell but i don't think the shell is aware of the terminal... why do you need it?16:48
ikoniaecho $TERM16:49
ikoniasome terminals will set an environment variable, not all16:49
NictraSaviosaaas, I'd like to detect when the shell is "guake" or "yutake" and, if so, skip executing a function16:49
aaasNictraSavios are you programming in bash or a scripping language?16:50
NictraSaviosaaas, bash. It's for a login script (bashrc)16:50
aaasNictraSavios and you run this script in a gui?16:50
ghabitHello. Can anyone explain what means different updates: proposed and backports, and which of them I must use?16:50
NictraSaviosaaas, It gets automatically run every time a terminal is started16:51
sergeantcupcakeIs there a way to make my system run on less resources? I have an older machine, but want to keep my existing setup without having to install Kubuntu or anything else.16:51
aaasNictraSavios anytime ANY terminal is started.... you said it's  .bashrc?16:51
NictraSaviosaaas, Correct16:51
sirriffsalotsmw: to 11.10?16:51
smwghabit, proposed = bad16:51
aaasNictraSavios and why do you need to detect the type again?16:51
smwghabit, those are in testing and should not be used unless you plan to submit bug reports16:52
smwghabit, and are willing to deal with consequences16:52
ghabitsmw, thx! ^)16:52
DasEighabit: it's about how far packets have been debugged about stability and or tested out other issues, proposed are pre-released ones, backports back-ported ones of the next release16:52
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:52
NictraSaviosaaas, It will eventually be made part of /etc/bash.bashrc , but I'm testing it on a single-user basis. And to detect if the current terminal is "guake" or "yutake", if so, skip executing a function16:52
kdsmainis there a keyboard shortcut for moving between windows of the same program, i.e. between terminal windows?16:52
smwghabit, backports are stable and in later versions of ubuntu16:52
aaasNictraSavios which function?16:52
DasEiayuba: does lsusb see it ?16:53
NictraSaviosaaas, one defined in my bashrc.16:53
devhellhi, what is the deal with empathy's "share my desktop" option, for some reason it doesn't seem to work. Both users are on 12.04 and both use jabber (xmpp). Is there something that must be activated before that option is available?16:53
aaasNictraSavios but what does it do16:53
smwghabit, they decided to make it available to users of older versions of ubuntu16:53
jvcleaveso since xorg.conf is deprecated apparently what is the modern approach to making this change? (point 3) http://scottlinux.com/2011/06/05/install-linux-mint-11-on-macbook-pro-82/16:53
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner16:53
smwghabit, they are a little less tested... but I trust them16:53
ayubawhat i'm suppose to do ?16:53
ghabitsmw, DasEi thank a lot!16:53
ayubaplease help me16:53
NictraSaviosaaas, Why is that important? If you must know, it prints out a list of all user logged in, the last few lines of /var/log/auth and a few other security related functions.16:53
DasEijvcleave: haven't called your link, but you can stil use xorg.conf as before16:53
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:53
smwsirriffsalot, if you are going to update, might as well install 12.0416:54
aaasNictraSavios it's important because there might be a better way to do what you want.  Why do you need to skip it in these particular terms16:54
DasEiayuba: open a terminal ...16:54
sirriffsalotsmw: meh... gonna consider it I guess16:54
DasEiayuba: enter : lsusb16:54
DasEiayuba: does lsusb see it ?16:54
sirriffsalotHow do I force a file to become read/write?16:55
NictraSaviosaaas, because they are for quick commands, and it seems to take up too much room. It is simply not needed on them.16:55
DasEiayuba: kinda sevice ? usb-stick ?16:55
smwsirriffsalot, is the file owned by you?16:55
sirriffsalotIf I try to do it the gui-way in root nautilus it won't work16:55
kdsmainanyone know a keyboard shortcut for moving between windows in the same program?16:55
sirriffsalotsmw: Uhm, hang on16:55
devhellkdsmain: ctrl-tab maybe?16:55
sirriffsalotsmw: oh here's the thing16:56
kdsmaini mean i can alt-tab and then  arrow back to the terminal icon16:56
kdsmainbut that's clumsy16:56
ghabitIs gnome3 supported?16:56
DasEiayuba: kinda device ? usb-stick ?  or simply paste the one line telling from lsusb in here16:56
Fuchskdsmain: only with kwin, I am afraid. What window manager are you using?16:56
sirriffsalotsmw: I want to try a childhood game of mine, abe, which I burned onto an iso image, but I can't change the permissions to "allow executing file as read-only" since it is burned onto a cd obviously..16:56
sirriffsalotsmw: hang on:P16:56
aaasNictraSavios sorry i can't be of more help, im not sure if the shell is terminal aware.. you can ask in #bash, the other option is to go into the config files of these terms and see if you can pass a flag to bash from the terminal exec you'll have to customize only the ones you want to skip...or just bite the bullet and keep it if it's not a show-stopper16:57
kdsmainFuchs: GNOME316:57
ayubasorry usb-stick16:57
xanguakdsmain: alt+| ; keep the super/windows button pressed and you'll see unity shorcuts16:57
DasEiayuba: sudo fdisk -l16:57
smwghabit, I use gnome316:57
DasEiayuba: which device is it ? /dev/sdXX ...16:57
sergeantcupcakeayuba: I just read a section of your thread. Whats the problem?16:57
Nk26Hi running ubuntu server 12.04 trying to get samba running with authentication. When I use valid users = username it refuses to accept the credentials I have setuup. the only way to get my share running is if I remove valid users and set public to yes, any ideas?16:57
NictraSaviosaaas, I know from pstree that gnome-terminal can be traced to whats running bash. Not sure how to get a cleaner output of that, and what I may do is instead of a "catch all, but exluded these" do a "excluded all, but on these" approach16:57
smwghabit, technically you are using gnome 3 when you use unity. But I use gnome-shell too16:58
NictraSaviosaaas, so instead of excluding guake, include Gnome-Term. Depends on what I can dig up.16:58
Fuchskdsmain: then I am not aware of any. But it would be scriptable with xwininfo and a bit of emwh magic (wmctl)16:58
Chicowolfwhen i write16:58
Chicowolfmake ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j3 uImage16:58
Chicowolfterminal show me16:58
DasEiayuba: sudo fdisk -l16:58
DasEiayuba: which device is it ? /dev/sdXX ...16:58
Chicowolfmake arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc command not found16:59
Chicowolfcan you help me ?16:59
aaasNictraSavios does pstree work for all the terminals?16:59
DasEiayuba: sudo mkdir /media/sdb116:59
smwChicowolf, sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi16:59
kdsmainxangua: alt + | didn't do anything for me, nor did any combo of alt + | + windows button, is it all three at once?16:59
llutzNictraSavios: look at "xwininfo"16:59
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb116:59
NictraSaviosaaas, It dosen't work, its output isnt exactly script ready.16:59
NictraSaviosllutz, man xwininfo ?16:59
aaasNictraSavios you just need to parse it17:00
DasEiayuba: sudo chown -R $USER /media/sdb117:00
bugs_buggerhi there17:00
aaasNictraSavios but does it show all terms17:00
NictraSaviosaaas, easier said than done. And yes.17:00
smwhi bugs_bugger17:00
DasEiayuba: cd /media/sdb1 && ls17:00
DasEiall there ?17:00
j91321Hi I have a bit of a problem I destroyed boot partition on my ubuntu 12.04 (lvm+encryption) I have already reinstalled grub and have grub command line after boot but I don't know what to do next I tried booting using hiren's boot cd but didn't get me any further17:00
aaasNictraSavios you can do it from a simple line in perl... but that might be an uphill battle if you dont know it17:00
sergeantcupcakebugs_bugger: howdy17:00
aaasNictraSavios I might be able to give you one, but not sure it will always work17:00
DasEij91321: how did you destroy it ?17:01
NictraSaviosaaas, show me the line. I can probably learn something from it, but llutz 's idea looks promising.17:01
Chicowolfok it work :D17:01
samdNictraSavios: have you tried to make startup scripts for each terminal? for example, i know that gnome-terminal has a --command argument, so you could change gnome-terminal to run your script once you start it ... i dont know if other therminals have this same option17:01
Chicowolfthx guys17:01
aaasNictraSavios what was his idea, i didnt see it17:01
smwChicowolf, sweet :-)17:01
bugs_buggeri have a little bash script question: i have a folder with selected photos on my mediaplayer and want to negative-sync it with the folder of origin.17:01
j91321DasEi well formated it by accident17:01
Churchbugs: sounds like job for rsync17:02
smwbugs_bugger, negative sync?17:02
bugs_bugger....which contains the unselected mass of photos17:02
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
DasEij91321: hmm, not sure if that'll work then, better backup userdata before next steps, could try testdisk to get it back17:02
bugs_buggeryeah, delete every file from the original folder that is not in the first folder on my portable17:02
NictraSaviosaaas, To use xwininfo17:02
OsakasaHi i have a bit problem with some error. http://pastebin.com/vtGF7k3217:03
smw!caps | r00k1917:03
ubottur00k19: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:03
DasEi!caps | r00k1917:03
aaasNictraSavios i think you'd have to click the mouse though17:03
kdsmainwhat does !caps do?17:03
devhellDasEi: not necessarily since he is using encryption.17:03
r00k19sorry im a 100% noob to linux community17:03
smwkdsmain, /msg ubottu bot17:03
r00k19CAPS GETS ATTENTION lol17:03
Churchbugs: and how do you distinct files? only by file names, or content/checksum as well?17:03
r00k19ok i wont shout anymore17:03
aaasNictraSavios oh nevermind you can use the name17:03
=== companion_ is now known as companion
bugs_buggersmw, Church: can this be done with rsync? compare 2 folders and delete those that are not common?17:04
kdsmainsmw: how do i use the bot?17:04
smwr00k19, and piss off the peopel who would help you17:04
aaasNictraSavios but then you still need to get the name of the window17:04
DasEir00k19: http://tinyurl.com/6qbl2cw17:04
kdsmainohhhhhh it pipes that message to a user17:04
smwkdsmain, yes17:04
DasEiayuba:  all there ?17:05
bugs_buggerr00k19: its considered unpolite, even rude to use caps in chats17:05
smw!bot > kdsmain17:05
ubottukdsmain, please see my private message17:05
samdbugs_bugger: yes, it can be done with rsync, that is often used to mirror folders and keep backups17:05
j91321DasEi I tried testdisk already didn't get much back17:05
r00k19i guess i need to find people who are interested in operating easy peasy17:05
bugs_buggerChruch: i would have said by filename since i didnt change the images themselves, just deleted the ones i didnt want17:06
r00k19easy peasy is awesome.  its making this $250 netbook run flawless17:06
DasEij91321: just formated or partition  deleted ?17:06
r00k19and i partitioned the harddrive and left the original windows on17:06
DasEir00k19: a particular question ?17:06
lora_sorry i still cant find the device in /dev17:07
bugs_buggersamd: i use it to backup my photos. but afaik it only syncs existing and adds new but doesnt delete17:07
j91321DasEi deleted17:07
r00k19yes thanks for asking17:07
r00k19but i am still unsure how to operate this chat app properly17:07
r00k19should i talk in this room or PM people or just join another room for easypeasy?17:07
lora_DasEi : if i unplug the ir device and recheck ls /dev the files are still the same17:07
lora_nothing added nothing removed17:07
NictraSaviosaaas, guake has a ps of "gnome-shell" while gnome-term is "gnome-terminal", I can get the pid from that17:07
bugs_buggerChurch: sorry, typo'd your username17:07
samdbugs_bugger: use the --delete option17:07
lora_but i didnt find the driver name17:07
ayubano dude..17:07
lora_but not the location in /dev17:07
bugs_buggersamd: ok, will give it a try. thanks17:08
DasEij91321: ok, then you will have to chroot from live similar to reinstalling grub plus /dev/pts  and /usr  and reinstall least one image17:08
aaasNictraSavios i bet you can, but the problem is the pid doesn't say which one you're running in17:08
samdbugs_bugger: no problem17:08
lora_DasEi: help!17:08
aaasNictraSavios if you run multiple terms you wouldnt know which is which17:08
r00k19right now the main problem is that i seem to be missing drivers for certain things like printing and some skype video17:08
lora_how can i find it in /dev?17:08
DasEij91321: first link17:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:08
NictraSaviosaaas, xwininfo -name gnome-shell works :P17:09
llutzr00k19: you want to take your issue to #easypeasy17:10
ayubaDasEi: any other solution17:10
=== erry_ is now known as erry
r00k19thanks llutz17:10
aaasNictraSavios you got it working?17:10
devhellayuba: are you sure that the usb stick is accessible?17:10
r00k19how do i go there just type "#easypeasy and hit enter?17:10
NictraSaviosaaas, so does "xwininfo -name 'Guake!'"17:10
devhellayuba: meaning, does it have files on it?17:10
NictraSaviosaaas, Maybe haha17:10
DasEiayuba: did mount threw any error ?17:11
uskerinewhich is the proper way in ubuntu for doing a "shutdown" from command line (ssh)?17:11
=== Maeda1 is now known as Maeda
aaasNictraSavios well the thing is you need to grab the name from bash still17:11
llutzr00k19: type "/join #easypeasy"  without the quotes17:11
devhelluskerine: sudo halt17:11
samduskerine: sudo shutdown -h now17:11
DasEiuskerine: sudo shutdown -h now17:11
aaasNictraSavios bash needs, at startup, find that name17:11
lycosasudo rm -rf / =)17:12
lycosado not reproduce :D17:12
NictraSaviosaaas, guake is obviously aware of its window, it has to be for guake --show-hide to work17:12
DasEilora: sorry, what a usb device is it, storage ?17:12
llutzlycosa: don't poste that command here17:12
aaasNictraSavios yes guake is, but we're talking about bash17:12
DasEi!nick | ayuba17:12
ubottuayuba: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.17:12
lycosasorry :)17:12
NictraSaviosaaas, yeah I know... grasping at straws haha.17:13
DasEiayuba: and please put in replies17:13
arianalycosa I run that command what is it? :D17:13
DasEiayuba: so the error was yes  ??17:13
aaasNictraSavios http://goo.gl/RYhkI that may help17:13
r00k19thanks everybody!  you guys are the HEROS of free humanity17:14
lycosayour hardrive migh be totally erased right now :)17:14
ayubamount: can't find /dev/sdb1/media17:14
lycosaevil keyboard...17:14
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1             /media/sdb117:14
r00k19open source is on the side of truth17:15
DasEi!ot | r00k19 :)17:15
ubottur00k19 :): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:15
r00k19you can tell that microsoft and the copyright crowd are making operating systems extrememly limiting17:15
r00k19so i have a question about ubuntu17:15
r00k19how often are there updates out?17:15
sergeantcupcakeo00k19: Yes!!17:16
ayubayes error is like that17:16
devhellr00k19: very often.17:16
aaasNictraSavios on second glance, im not sure if this gets you there because you need the pid of the term not the script17:16
samdr00k19: there are constantly security updates as they come available, distribution updates comes once every 6 months17:16
pc-moonhow i can add list inside list of right click in file explorer17:16
kdsmainis there a way to open a channel in a new tab with ! ?17:16
ghabitI have strange colors while viewing flash video, all is blue, how to fix it?17:16
DasEir00k19: packets when bugs are found, major rleases each year and :17:17
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)17:17
NictraSaviosHmm... this is a head scratcher17:17
qinagaonly three years for xubuntu lts...17:17
r00k19we gotta make the open-source community aware of the conspiracy that has overtaken the entire world.  microsoft is on the side of evil.  we are the good guys17:17
DasEir00k19: lots of info FAQ and manpages at ubuntu.com17:17
sergeantcupcakeubottu: How is LTS different from the normal releases?17:17
r00k19google is also evil17:18
KRomoim trying to install zsnes but sw center says There isn’t a software package called “zsnes” in your current software sources.17:18
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1             /media/sdb1   , did that work ??17:18
r00k19are there other search engines???17:18
KRomoanyone help17:18
r00k19besides google?17:18
DasEi!ot | r00k1917:18
ubottur00k19: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:18
lycosar00k19 ... and Canonical too ? why do they implement google in the default web browser then ?17:18
OsakasaI get this error while tring to install a packet 'E: Unable to locate package gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so'. how can i install this when apt-get doesn't find it?17:18
KRomois this cuz im on 64 bit?17:18
bugs_buggerr00k19: type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"17:18
DasEiayuba: I feel becoming impatient, please put nick when answering and please respond to questions17:19
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1             /media/sdb1   , did that work ??17:19
samdOsakasa: that package does not exists , why are you trying to install it?17:19
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:19
samdOsakasa: that file is probably provided when installing gnome-keyring (sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring) but it comes with ubuntu by default17:20
Osakasasamd, tring to debug wine. original pastebin: http://pastebin.com/vtGF7k3217:20
r00k19nobody is helping me in #easypeasy17:20
ayubasorry still not working17:20
DasEiayuba: could you please put my nick in your answers ? and then yes and no is not what your terminal tells, but that's what feeds my magic crystal ball17:21
ayubaDasEi:sorry ok17:21
DasEiah,  ayuba17:22
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1             /media/sdb1   , errormessage ?17:22
MaedaHi ! Am I right opening this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1005661 I find only one another people who did have this problem, and I really don't know how to solve it. Nothing found on forums too :-(17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005661 in Ubuntu "RME96 sound card probe failure" [Undecided,New]17:22
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: I see what happened, yo addressed ubottu (the channel info bot) and for some reason it thought you wanted to add a factoid to its database.17:22
* DasEi fetches some long stirred tea now, second17:22
IdleOnesergeantcupcake: no biggie :)17:23
sergeantcupcakeIdleOne: ahhh.... Cool!!! :)17:23
bugs_buggersamd: yeah, i got --delete working with grsync even. thanks again.17:23
samdOsakasa: have you tryied the fix form https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/885492/comments/2817:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 885492 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:23
samdbugs_bugger: glad its working, no problem!!17:23
sergeantcupcakeHey where would i go for information if I wanted to set up a freenode relay?17:23
Osakasasamd, that one i'm trying, but failing at step 317:24
Osakasasamd, ln: failed to create symbolic link `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so': No such file or directory17:25
samdOsakasa: alright, looks like the package hasnt been installed correctly, did the step 1 went correctly?17:25
aaamy secondary internal hard drive does not mount on startup (so my firefox addon can't access it) and it appear in the "removeable devices". how can i auto mount it and exclude it from the list (so i can't disconnect it my mistake)?17:25
Osakasasamd, yep, no errors17:26
smw!fstab | aaa17:26
ubottuaaa: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:26
g3dhi, I'm having problems running awesome window manager via NX on Precise. I know there are problems with unity, but I can successfully run gnome-fallback and unity-2d session in NX. But if I replace wm with awesome in node.cfg, NX connection does not come up...17:27
g3dWhould anyone be able to help?17:27
ayubaDasEi: can't find /dev/sdb1/media/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:27
samdOsakasa: try running a search for that file, just in case its elsewhere, run the comand " sudo find / -name gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so"  lets see if that file exists anywhere else in your system17:27
samdOsakasa: it might take a while since it searches the whole filesystem17:28
ayubacannot detect my pendrive in ubutu - beginner17:28
Osakasasamd, noob questin, but this a gnome-keyring, i'm using 12.04 unity. doesn't matter?17:28
samdOsakasa: i dont think it matters, you should be fine using unity,, and that post appears to be for 12.04 users, the problem seems to be something with 32 bits and 64 bit libs incompatibility17:29
ayubaplease help me17:29
Osakasasamd, found it: /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:30
bugs_buggerr00k19: you're starting to be annoying17:30
azertyuhi `17:31
azertyuhow to change root password from vi /etc/shadow ?17:31
azertyuyes admin password17:31
sergeantcupcakeazertyu: hi! :)17:31
szalazertyu: there is no root password17:31
samdOsakasa: the file exists in there, try running the ln again and tel lthe what the output is17:32
azertyujust a sec17:32
samdOsakasa: also tell what the error is when your running wine17:32
DasEiayuba: left the blank ?17:32
Osakasasudo ln -s /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:32
Osakasaln: failed to create symbolic link `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so': No such file or directory17:32
DasEiayuba: sudo mount /dev/sdb1                                        /media/sdb117:32
Osakasasamd, wine gives me this: p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:33
DasEiOsakasa: gnome-keyring installed ?17:34
Osakasasamd, tried both wine1.4 and wine1.5 with no luck17:34
sl0whas anyone run in to issues with using external monitors in Ubuntu 1217:35
OsakasaDasEi, i'm tring to install it, but no packets found17:35
Chicowolfi've this problem17:35
samdOsakasa: try this "sudo mkdir /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11" and then re run the ln command17:36
Chicowolfmkbootimg: command not found17:36
Chicowolfhow can i solve ?17:36
DasEiOsakasa: sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring ??17:36
samdOsakasa: sorry, forgot to add a -p, the command should be this ""sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11"17:36
Osakasasamd, those two lines just 'went in', no errors, no ok's17:37
DasEiChicowolf: what are you trying ? backing up mbr ?17:37
r00k19i have a question for anyone familiar with EasyPeasy17:37
samdOsakasa: thats good, no errors means success, now try running the ln command again17:37
Chicowolfi trying to compile android kernel17:37
Chicowolf./build.sh -p sun4i17:38
DasEir00k19: not supported here, #linux for general questions about 'nixes17:38
Chicowolfafter this command17:38
Osakasasamd, after this line sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11 the ln-command didn't work17:38
Chicowolfterminal shows me mkbootimg: command not foud17:38
sergeantcupcakeIve heard that I can sync my android phone with my computer. How?17:38
r00k19join #linux17:38
samdwhat does it tells? the same error?17:38
azertyucan anyone tell me about what is the password for admin using this information from /etc/shadow : admin:$1$Zxj1lT/7$uiFhhQUh40T7UFGpIZo4K.:13367:0:99999:7:::17:38
samdOsakasa: same error ?17:38
lauratikahi 12.04 has rhythmbox as default player but it lacks with file browsing option,so many music file and so many generes that irather to play them by folder is there a music player who does that?17:38
DasEiChicowolf: ic, I don't that package , obviusly a commannd not known to debian/buntu,  what shall that packet do ?17:38
Osakasasamd, same error :/17:39
samdOsakasa: whats the output of "ls /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11"17:39
DasEiazertyu: nope, it's why it's hashed17:39
Osakasasamd, gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:39
klj613when i turn caps lock off on my keyboard, and hit the next letter. its still capitals (delay, e.g. HEllo). Fair enough if it was just this keyboard (Razer Lycosa) but it also happens on a cheap £3ish keyboard aswell (also USB). Any idea what might be causing it?17:40
gvoChicowolf: I don't think it's in a Ubuntu package.  You'll probably have to build it See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=63324617:40
klj613Ubuntu 12.04 LTS17:40
samdOsakasa: and the output of " ls /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so"?17:41
Osakasasamd, no sure it the all problems start when i launch steam. During lauch i get this error "err:wgl:is_extension_supported No OpenGL extensions found, check if your OpenGL setup is correct!" but still steam is working17:41
samdOsakasa: dont think so, OpenGL is a graphics rendering library17:42
Osakasasamd, output: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:42
server_what is port for ftp server??17:42
server_what is port for ftp server??17:43
samdOsakasa: so the file that wine is looking for apparently exists, have you tried running wine again?17:43
Osakasasamd, yes, several times ☺17:43
server_what is port for ftp server normaly??17:43
DasEiserver_: 21 is default, but can set another, too, better vsftp17:44
samdOsakasa: let check something17:44
Osakasasamd, so is wine looking that file from wrong place or what?17:44
r00k19any other rooms where i might find some tech support?17:44
r00k19i just need updates/drivers for easypeasy17:45
samdOsakasa: aparently not, wine says it cannot locate the file in "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so",but the file is there, we made sure of that by running the 'ls' command17:45
azertyu i m asking is there any decrypter ? dashavoo17:46
azertyu i m asking is there any decrypter ? DasEi17:46
DasEiazertyu: decrypting what ?17:46
wilee-nileer00k19, there must be a easypeasy forum, there is a channel, but very few there.17:47
samdOsakasa: whats the output of "ls -l /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so"?17:47
szalazertyu: what are you trying to do in the first place? that you think you need a root pwd for?17:47
Osakasasamd, output: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 Jun  3 20:36 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so -> /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:47
wilee-nileer00k19, you might try the ubuntu forums.17:47
cogHow do I set emacs as the prime text editor?17:48
samdOsakasa: that look's ok17:48
bulliumcog, sudo update-alternatives –config editor17:49
wilee-nileer00k19, I would use  a OS that is supported, like ubuntu I run that on a netbook with a atom 1.6 2 gigs rams runs fast17:49
Osakasasamd, good to know17:49
bulliumcog, make sure emacs is installed before you run that17:49
r00k19i need like updates/drivers17:49
r00k19its running fine but it wont print for example17:49
r00k19and it seems skype vid doesnt either work17:50
coghow do i paste to a terminal window? thanks btw17:50
DasEicog: sudo update-alternatives –config editor17:50
Osakasacog, ctrl+shift+v = paste17:50
r00k19i just booted EasyPeasy off the flash drive and clicked "install" and it worked fine.17:51
DasEicog: or middle mouse or right mouse >> paste17:51
DasEir00k19: we got it know17:51
r00k19ok i know my question, DasEi17:52
cogsudo update-alternatives –config editor17:52
r00k19my question is - does Update manager get everything or will i have to download more drivers myself and bug fixes17:52
cogI see the buffer doesn't save17:52
samdOsakasa: whats the output of wine again, sorry for the same questions over again :p17:52
Osakasasamd, p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:53
cogthat givees me aneror message DasEi & bullium17:53
DasEicog: sudo update-alternatives --config editor17:54
bulliumcog, what is the error?17:54
=== hacker is now known as Guest86237
bulliumDasEi, Oh, prolly character set wrong on copy paste :)17:54
bugs_buggerr00k19: the update manager is for updates. it does not install software, it updates the existing software. since easy peasy seems to be based on ubuntu, installing drivers is not an easy-peasy specific problem17:54
bulliumDasEi, nice catch17:54
DasEicog: wrong pastie, right bullium17:54
r00k19ok so any ubuntu drivers will run on easypeasy?17:55
balrogI'm having a little issue with a PC with dual LAN ports. One is an intel 82583V and the other is an intel 82579V. the latter works, but the former doesn't, though both appear in lshw (and the one that doesn't is "unclaimed")17:55
bulliumlauratika, abyone left a while ago 0_o?17:55
xanguar00k19: this is Ubuntu support, not easy peasy17:55
r00k19ok well im running ubuntu17:55
r00k19so i need some support lol17:55
lauratikaawwww so bad.can you tell him i was looking for a darn answer?17:56
samdOsakasa: whats the output of "ls -l /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so"17:56
bulliumlauratika, j/k what you need?17:56
bugs_buggerbugs_bugger is pondering the possibilites of a troll being present17:56
lauratikaim looking for a music player that let my browse my files on the player17:56
devhellbugs_bugger: my senses are tingeling. ;-)17:56
Osakasasamd, output: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 71572 Jun  3 20:26 /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so17:56
ethekhello, can someone help me debug why my software-center will not load. It crashes on startup17:57
DasEiamarok, banshee, gnome-mplayer , lauratika17:57
lauratikabanshee wont aloud me this behaviour17:57
xangualauratika: you mean by directories¿17:58
ethekmy ubuntu-one will also crash on startup..17:58
lauratikakind of winamp,some of my files has no genere or no artist17:58
lauratikayes by folders and directories thats rigth17:58
samdOsakasa: so if you run the 'ln' command now it says "file already exists" does it?17:58
VDZServerHello. I'm having a problem with Ubuntu Desktop 12.04. I'm connecting through VNC (not sure if related), and I can't unlock anything in the system settings GUI. It never asks me for a root password, and all vital things are grayed out (including unlock buttons)17:58
bugs_buggerr00k19: look, its no fault having no clue about ubuntu, or linux in gerneral. thats what this channel is for. but your obnoxious behaviour is not so much helping17:58
r00k19sorry im a noob17:59
bugs_buggerr00k19: that is not the problem.17:59
Osakasasamd, yes 'Files exists'17:59
Osakasasamd, the whole line: ln: failed to create symbolic link `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so': File exists17:59
r00k19whats the problem?17:59
samdOsakasa: yeah, it should be like that, because the link is already made (we made sure of that with the output of ls)18:00
bugs_buggerr00k: now, i dont know what drivers you need, but if its only the printer you should go for cups or something. in gerneral, it helps opening Synaptic and searching for the hardware model you own18:00
bulliumlauratika, rhythmbox no worky?18:01
lauratikanope they use to have a plugin for that but wont work anylonger18:01
Osakasasamd, when i click civ5 icon on steam, i get this on terminal 'fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported'18:01
samdOsakasa: but wine keeps saying "no such file or directory" so it doenst seems to be able to find it18:01
bulliumlauratika, give me a sec I'm gonna dig something up18:01
lauratikalets say i have a folder with music by this or this friend and then i want to play it at once...18:01
=== gameid is now known as gameid2
samdOsakasa: do you know if other people have had success running steam on wine?18:02
bulliumlauratika, amarok or audacious maybe?18:02
bugs_buggerr00k: getting to know this stuff takes time. but the information is there. shouting around in a help channel wont get you things faster. thats the  problem.18:02
lauratikaok which one you rekon best?18:03
Osakasasamd, yes, but i asked this same question few days ago at #winehq and they told this a ubuntu's problem with 64lib and 32lib18:03
bulliumlauratika, I've heard http://audacious-media-player.org/ is like winamp for linux18:03
IarfenIs there a terminal like terminator that accepts utf8 encoding??18:03
bugs_buggerr00k19: also, have you checked out this page already? http://edge.geteasypeasy.com/help/18:03
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nellax favore come faccio a scaricare film da mirc!salve e grazie a tutti18:03
Osakasasamd, installed also ia-lib32 iirc the name18:04
DasEilauratika: what you mean about browsing, banshee still offers libs that can be browsed18:04
samdOsakasa: yeah, it looks like it is, what keeps me thinking is that wine is outputing that it cannot find a file that existts18:05
sergeantcupcakelarfen: Hi!18:05
samdOsakasa: are you still getting that error "file or directory does not exists"?18:05
DasEilauratika: media > import > folder for instance18:06
DasEilarfen : nano and others18:06
Osakasasamd, for some reason i get new, a fresh errors18:06
lauratikaDasei i mean from the player be able to play an entire folder18:06
samdOsakasa: alright, what are them?18:06
Osakasasamd, http://pastebin.com/5Ky8CppS18:07
DasEilauratika: all suggestions, additional vlc can do that18:07
rodrigoque e usario 11.1018:08
rodrigoq site eu poso usar para bixar programas???18:08
jrib!pt | rodrigo18:08
ubotturodrigo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:08
NielsMknHey everyone18:09
r00k19ok question18:09
NielsMknI have a small problem I need your help with :)18:09
r00k19can i download a "system restore" for ubuntu so i can always take it back to this state in the future if need be?18:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:09
azertyuwhat happen when you enter adduser newuser18:10
NielsMknI installed ubuntu 12.04 on my hp dv6 laptop today and everything works fine except that whenever I restart, I hear a crackling sound from my speakers18:10
jribazertyu: are you asking the channel?18:10
azertyuwhat are the file goes to write is it possible to verbose ?18:10
DasEiazertyu: a new /home/dir is created as is the user and some other entries18:10
NielsMknI searched the net for solutions but the ones given didn't work and most of the threads didn't even have a solution.18:10
szal!backup | r00k1918:10
ubottur00k19: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:10
azertyuyes of course18:11
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rodrigonao consigo baixar nado no ubuntu br18:11
r00k19a nother questino - when i download updates as files, should i hit extract or open?18:11
jribazertyu: a new user named "newuser" is created18:11
azertyuthen ?18:11
klj613how do i enable dolby surroundsound on ubuntu?18:11
jribazertyu: why are you asking?18:11
azertyuwhy not to be asked ?18:11
xanguar00k19: r00k19: The easypeasy IRC channel, #easypeasy, are located on the Freenode network. http://edge.geteasypeasy.com/help/  http://edge.geteasypeasy.com/help/18:12
jribazertyu: I'm trying to figure out what you actually want to know18:12
DasEirodrigo: no english ? native german here, eeh, nao #ubuntu-br ?18:12
llutzazertyu: why should it ask? if you don't want to create a user, don't run adduser18:12
samdOsakasa: um that looks like a more complex problem, try posting them in the #winehq irc ,have you tried installing it in a 32 bit system?18:12
azertyujust like that18:12
azertyuoh i get18:13
azertyuwhat i simply i need i s18:13
NielsMknerm any help? :o18:13
azertyuto create a user and give him root accesss18:13
samdOsakasa: you could also try crossover instead of wine... but i dont see why wine woulnt work, many people in the internet seems to have it working18:13
DasEiNielsMkn: sorry haven't followed all time, repeat question ?18:13
llutzazertyu: sudo adduser newusername    and after its finished "sudo adduser newusername admin"18:13
NielsMkn<NielsMkn> I installed ubuntu 12.04 on my hp dv6 laptop today and everything works fine except that whenever I restart, I hear a crackling sound from my speakers18:14
Osakasasamd, many thanks to you, i try to figure if it directx or something else now18:14
llutzazertyu: that creates new user and adds him to group "admin", which is needed for sudo18:14
NielsMknDasEi, even those guys had the same problem but found no solution it seems18:14
azertyui would like to do it in different way18:14
azertyui mean manually18:14
azertyuhow to ?18:14
r00k19u guys are awesome18:14
r00k19u have my full support18:14
dr_willismanually meaning?18:15
llutzazertyu: man useradd, man usermod18:15
azertyuwithout using useradd or usermod or adduser etc ...18:15
samdOsakasa: alright, no problem, but for sure the keyring thing is solved as the link was succesfully created and wine no longer errors out saying could not find that file18:15
AnastasiusHey... how does this thing work?18:15
dr_willisazertyu:  dare we ask... why?18:15
llutzazertyu: use "vi" and feel free to break your system18:16
skandeeneed help, can't install FL studio through wine, what to do?18:16
azertyumy question is  straighly what that command doing18:16
dr_willisskandee:  other then check the wine app database, check the winehq channel18:16
DasEiNielsMkn: no idea first hand, does syslog or dmesg reveal problems with audio device ? reading just bootup might be the welcome chime, which can be disabled, but at shutdown .. search dmesg and syslog for audio, error, not found and such, maybe there is a hint18:17
Hilikushow can i make a cron job send its output to rsyslogd for logging in a file?18:17
llutzHilikus: use "logger"18:17
llutz!info logger | Hilikus18:17
ubottuHilikus: Package logger does not exist in precise18:17
llutzah comes with bsdutils: /usr/bin/logger18:17
llutzHilikus: ^18:18
NielsMknhmm alright I'll check DasEi18:18
AnastasiusHey, I hate to interrupt, but does anyone know why when I boot my computer Ubuntu loads instead of Windows?18:18
sergeantcupcakeAnastasius: Have you checked grub?18:18
dr_willisbecause its the default grub entry Anastasius18:18
samdAnastasius: you have to select windows in the boot menu18:18
DasEiAnastasius: left shift or ctrl when grub comes up, choose os (or set another default entry)18:19
AnastasiusNo, you're getting this wrong. I actually want Ubuntu to load.18:19
dr_willisyou said its loading ubuntu18:19
AnastasiusI'm asking how that happens.18:20
DasEiAnastasius: installed win after ubu in a dualboot ?18:20
dr_willisbecause its the default grub entry Anastasius18:20
Anastasiusdr_willis: What does that mean?18:20
samdAnastasius: you want ubuntu to load instead of windows by default? that's the default behavior when you install ubuntu. Have you installed anything else lately?18:20
* dr_willis is not clear on the problem18:20
* DasEi nods18:20
dr_willis!grub | Anastasius18:20
ubottuAnastasius: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:20
Anastasiussamd: No, Ubuntu is loading instead of Windows.18:21
samdAnastasius: and what behavior do you want18:21
dr_willisgrub is loading ubuntu. because thats its job18:21
dr_willisand set that way18:21
DasEiapt-get install windows, later nice channel18:21
Anastasiussamd: I want Ubuntu to load first and give me choice if i want to load Windows instead.18:22
* dr_willis thinks now.. we get to the real question18:22
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:22
XiRoNI have a problem :(18:23
dr_willisgrub menu is hidden by default, and is not whowing a windows entry18:23
samdAnastasius: once you boot ubuntu, you have to reboot to load window, unless you install windows in a virtual machine18:23
XiRoNI was to know where I can view all the harddrives connected to my ubuntu system18:23
XiRoNAnd what directory they are in.18:23
dr_willisAnastasius:  grub should show a menu itrm for windows18:23
samdXiRoN: type "mount"18:23
dr_willisXiRoN:  use sudo blkid18:23
Anastasiussamd: That doesn't make much sense. I want it to load Ubuntu first, not Windows.18:23
dr_willisAnastasius:  hold shift while booting. select what os you want from the grub menu18:24
tuxgeekXiRoN: df -h will help too18:24
Anastasiusdr_willis: Tried that, doesn't work.18:24
dr_willisAnastasius:  so tell us what it does do....18:25
dr_willisits taken 10 min to get down to the actual issue..18:25
r00k19can anyone familiar with Ubuntu tell me if its possible to create a system restore point?18:25
AnastasiusWhen I start the computer, it gives me a grub list where I can choose whether or not to boot into Ubuntu or windows. Then I leave it alone and it boots into Ubuntu.18:26
bugs_buggerDasEi: sag mal, wie lässt du nachrichten aussehen wie status? zb. Das Ei nods?18:26
dr_willisAnastasius:  so.. you select windows and it dosent work? you want ti wait forever? '18:26
AnastasiusNo, I just don't touch anything and it boots into Ubuntu.18:27
tuxgeekdr_willis: +118:27
dr_willisAnastasius:  so?  ........18:27
AnastasiusThat's the problem.18:27
numbertoIs it possible to monitor who is downloading the most. I am on ubuntu 12.04 and have a wireless router. We are 6 people connected to the router and I believe somebody is downloading a huge torrent thus we have slow connection. (Is there a way to find out)18:27
dr_willisAnastasius:  why? what do you want it to do18:27
tuxgeekAnastasius: you don't have a problem...18:28
Anastasiusdr_willis: I want it to boot into Ubuntu without any sort of intervention from me.18:28
dr_willisAnastasius:  its doing that...18:28
AnastasiusNo it's not. I have to turn the computer on first.18:28
* dr_willis sends Anastasius the bill..18:28
* dr_willis closes the ticket18:28
kisuke how would i force software center to install a .deb thats a a previous version of a currently installed package?18:29
devhelldr_willis: lol18:29
dr_willis!pin | kisuke18:29
ubottukisuke: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:29
* tuxgeek kicks Anastasius in the rear18:29
bugs_buggerdr_willis: nice one18:30
Anastasiustuxgeek: What was that for?18:31
devhellokay, I guess I'll ask my empathy question again.. is there anything that must be done in order to activate "share my desktop"? both users are running 12.04, and both are on jabber/xmpp.18:31
tuxgeekfor wasting our time!18:31
bugs_buggertuxgeek: say, im wondering how to make a message appear like a status. whats the  irc command for it?18:31
dr_willisdevhell:  local lan or over the internet?18:31
kisukedr_willis: not really applicable, i need to install the jaunty bluez, and im on precise. i have the jaunty bluez .deb, the question is just how to install it.18:31
devhelldr_willis: over internet.18:31
Anastasiustuxgeek: What part of it was a waste of time?18:31
llutzbugs_bugger: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html18:32
dr_williskisuke:  i would be suprised if thats even possible18:32
kisukehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/495930 similar problem, the adapter last worked propertly under jaunty.18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460743 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #495930 Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Dongles do not work" [Medium,Confirmed]18:33
kisukedr_willis: ^18:33
dr_willisdevhell:  if its using the vino remote desktop feature you may need to setup a ssh tunnle18:33
DasEi dr_willis: you can install older  debs and put them on hold, though not to be recommended18:33
Anastasiustuxgeek: I disagree. How am I supposed to boot into Ubuntu if Ubuntu loads automatically?18:33
dr_willisthe fact the kernel is very different/version  may also be a big brick wall18:34
bugs_buggerllutz: thx18:34
devhelldr_willis: It works fine without setting up an ssh tunnel manually. Fun thing is, that if one machine runs 11.10 and the other 12.04, the request from 12.04 to 11.10 works, and a connection can be made. If both are 12.04 it doesn't work.18:34
dr_willissounds like a bug to report18:36
devhelldr_willis: I've been thinking the same thing. I guess I'll have to file one :(18:36
devhelldr_willis: just wanted to check, not that I'm being stupid.18:36
dr_willishow about 11.10 to 12.04 ;)18:36
bugs_buggerAnastasius: did you install 2 different versions of ubuntu?18:36
triedandtruwehi im loading precise off of a usb onto a computer, which is running vista, in order to access some files on the main hard drive, because I can't boot into vista, and thats the only OS, so anyway, off of the usb drive, it boots but gets stuck with the ubuntu logo and 5 dots under it18:37
Hilikusllutz: that doesn't seem to work. The log entry comes from logger, not from the real source18:37
CuriousUbuntuUseI know it's possible to run Ubuntu from a Live CD, but is it possible to run u18:37
Hilikusllutz: and i don't see a way to modify it18:37
CuriousUbuntuUserun Ubuntu from a Live CD, and save the changes afterwards?18:37
CuriousUbuntuUseLike a writable disc?18:37
bugs_buggertriedandtruwe: hit ESC to see if any errrors are thrown18:37
devhelldr_willis: didn't test that since the other computer is 12.04 (a relative of mine) and I run different ubuntu versions on vbox.18:37
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  make a live usb and you can18:37
triedandtruwewill do18:37
triedandtruwebugs_bugger: will do18:37
CuriousUbuntuUseI doubt my laptop supports booting from the USB18:37
CuriousUbuntuUseMost BIOS' (that I've seen) dont18:37
Hilikuswhat i'm doign is ./myscript | logger18:38
Anastasiusbugs_bugger: No, just 12.04.18:38
Hilikusbut the entries appear to be from logger, not "myscript"18:38
* dr_willis thinks most hes seen in the last 5 years do..18:38
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: how old is your laptop? most modern machines can boot from usb.18:38
bugs_buggerCuriousUbuntuUse: unless your BIOS is really old you should be able to set your USB controller as boot device18:38
CuriousUbuntuUseAcer TravelMate 533018:38
silverghosthey people i wanna make windows look like new ubuntu 12.04 what to do?18:38
lauratikaa new question how can i add an add to playlist on nautilus right-click menu?18:38
tuxgeek !alsa18:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:38
samdsilverghost: install ubuntu18:39
devhellsilverghost: install ubuntu. :P18:39
llutzHilikus: i simply use logger -t mytag  for identification18:39
bugs_buggerAnastasius: then, my dear fellow, you are a troll. if your Ubuntu is booting automatically, then your are booting into it.18:39
Anastasiusbugs_bugger: You're missing my point.18:39
CuriousUbuntuUseAnd how do I install onto a USB?18:39
bugs_buggerAnastasius: it seems you didnt make it clear ^^18:39
AnastasiusAlso, join ##club-ubuntu18:40
silverghostubuntu u have to type commands its tough for me18:40
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  pendrivelinux has tools. such as unetbootin and others18:40
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: do you have ubuntu on a machine already? or are you on windows?18:40
llutzbugs_bugger: don't feed the troll18:40
=== silverghost is now known as amanda
xangua!usb | CuriousUbuntuUse18:40
ubottuCuriousUbuntuUse: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:40
* bugs_bugger fetches his old troll rifle and makes a warning grimace18:41
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samdsilverghost: you dont actually have to type commands, theres almost a gui for everything, its just easier for us to bring support by telling people to copy and paste commands, instad of telling them "goto system-> preferences " search for ......... etc18:41
CuriousUbuntuUsedevhell: This laptop's HDD is broken so I am using a Live CD18:41
triedandtruwebugs_bugger: here is what showed up when i hit esc: firmware files b43/ucode5.fw and b43-open/ucode5.fw not found; after that it says you must go to wireless.kernel.org..... etc and download the correct firmware for this driver ver. Do that?18:41
dr_willisits really a pain walking theough the gui giving support.18:41
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: how much RAM does your laptop have?18:42
CuriousUbuntuUsedevhell: Only 1 GB18:42
Hilikusllutz: oh, i didn't notice the entry in syslog was just the tag, i thought it was the name of the process. that works, thanks a lot18:42
CuriousUbuntuUse931.4 MB according to System Monitor18:42
dr_willistriedandtruwe:  if you hook up to a wired network and run the 'addational drivers' tiil it may auto download those for you18:42
kullixi recently installed Kubuntu 5.04 powerpc on my iBook G3 433MHZ 64MB, it runs but man is it slow. How can I switch, from Kubuntu, to Xubuntu?18:42
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: should be enough to plug in a USB, download ubuntu iso and use usbcreator to write the image to your usb stick.18:42
devhellkullix: clean way: re-install18:43
CuriousUbuntuUseWrite the image to my USB?18:43
CuriousUbuntuUseWon't that just setup an installer?18:43
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: yes18:43
dr_willis64mb ram = everything will be slow...18:43
samdkullix: i recommend lubuntu over xubuntu for slow pc's if you can18:43
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: no, it will set up the same live environment that you kow from the CD.. just on the USB.18:44
dr_willisor a typo18:44
CuriousUbuntuUseI want it so I can boot via USB, and it loads up my Ubuntu environment from last use18:44
bugs_buggertriedandtruwe: sorry, thats beyond my knowledge. at this point all i could do is google the error message. maybe this is a known issue or someone else here knows what to do.18:44
devhelldr_willis: oh, 64MB? well then... ;)18:44
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  live +persistant save = what you asked for18:44
triedandtruwebugs_bugger: ok, thanks a lot for your help!18:44
CuriousUbuntuUseOh I missed the usbcreator part18:44
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: that is possible with a USB stick, and the usbcreator program also has an option to set that.18:45
CuriousUbuntuUseI thought you meant write the fresh ISO to a USB18:45
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  or do a full normal install to the flash drive. if its big enough18:45
kullixeh. that took like 2 hours to install18:45
CuriousUbuntuUseUSB stick is 2 GB18:45
CuriousUbuntuUseHow big is Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop?18:45
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: yes, that's what I mean, just download an iso image, and use usbcreator.18:45
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: that is enough.18:45
samdCuriousUbuntuUse: better stick with the live usb + persisten alternative with 2 gig18:46
kullixi wonder if they got Lubuntu powerpc18:46
dr_williskullix:   you do have more then 64mb of ram?18:46
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kullixhaha no, i literally found this thing last night18:46
kullixits a g3 clamshell18:46
samdkullix: looks like they do https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads18:46
kullixooooold school. still New World mac though18:46
dr_williskullix:  time to use the console only...18:47
dr_willisor look into very mini linux's18:47
triedandtruwe_hi, i just got an error from precise while booting up (from a live usb) that i need to download the correct firmware for a certain driver version; does that firmware need to go onto the usb or the host?18:47
kullixhaha nice18:47
kullixthanks guys18:47
westellDo you know if Unity uses much more memory ?18:47
kullixi don't know why i installed kubuntu18:47
xanguawestell: define much18:48
bugs_buggerdr_willis: triedandtruwe is stuck at the plymouth splash, if im not mistaken. how could he hook up a wireless?18:48
devhellkullix: I agree with dr_willis, you won't be happy with the "fancy" distros. Better get down and dirty.18:48
westellxangua, seems like my CPU is slowed down with Unity18:48
bugs_buggertriedandtruwe: have any possibilty to use a live cd?18:48
triedandtruwe_I can try...18:48
xanguawestell: 5 years mine, it doesn't slow down :)18:48
dr_willisbugs_bugger:  i recall some mention of a bug causing system hangs on some wireless.. but i dont know the details18:48
bugs_buggertriedandtruwe: maybe that works18:48
triedandtruwe_ok will do18:48
triedandtruwe_bugs_bugger and dr_willis: thanks!18:49
bugs_buggerdr_willis: hmm. dunno, maybe he force start X?18:49
westellxangua, Might have to remove Unity and install Gnome 318:49
triedandtruwe_bugs_bugger: is that to me?18:49
triedandtruwe_meaning the force start x...18:49
tw__como me meto en un calan español?18:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:50
xanguawestell: if by gnome3, wich you are already using, you mean gnome-shell both use pretty much the same resources as both need hardware acceleration18:50
westellno hablo espanol18:50
bugs_buggeryo no tambien18:50
bugs_buggeroh, tambocco ^^18:50
Qualiahi i wanna be  a hacker18:50
GeekAdminQualia:  Please join my room themm ##Computer-Help-Chat18:50
dr_willisQualia:  better to learn real skills18:50
devhellQualia: hi, which definition of hacker?18:50
kullixi did try Ubuntu 12.04 powerpc minimal install, and 10.04, but it would get through the downloading and stuff, then just keep blinking Killed, Killed, Killed18:51
GeekAdminI give free security tutorials on ETHICAL hacking18:51
bugs_buggerQualia: #anonymous18:51
Qualiai also want a big botnet18:51
LjLQualia: offtopic for this channel.18:51
Qualiabless me with your grace18:51
LjLQualia: and in all likelihood, for this network.18:51
tuxgeekQualia: good for you!18:51
dr_williskullix:  i gave away my imacdv - linux on it was too much a pain18:51
bugs_buggerQualia: say hello to the Feds for me when you're up and running ^^18:51
Qualiathey wont find me, when i have my botnet ill be in tibet18:52
LjLok let's stay on topic please18:52
devhellQualia: sweet bro, while you're at it mirror ipv6-porn for me mkay? now maybe you should move your inquiry to somewhere else.18:52
tuxgeek!ot | Qualia18:53
ubottuQualia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:53
AnastasiusLjL: Hi!18:53
bwaynehow would one change some of Unity's keyboard shortcuts?18:53
LjLAnastasius: hullo18:53
Anastasiusbwayne: You don't.18:53
kullixdr_willis: i don't blam you. i just figured i'd have some fun. i actually just wanted to use it as a pdf reader for linux manuals, as i install on my other machine18:53
umbertociao a tutti18:53
umbertociao a tutti18:54
Qualiadevhell, you sound like an alpha male18:54
LjL!it | umberto18:54
ubottuumberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:54
dr_williskullix:  thery make ok ssh terminals. but i always had the screen offcentered.. and couldent get it right in linux18:54
=== UbuntuUser is now known as UbuntuUser57
bugs_buggertriedandtruwe_: sorry. no, i just wondered if you could start X-Server by force. but i dunno.18:55
kullixdr_willis: what model were you using?18:56
CuriousUbuntuUseI'm trying to install Ubuntu to the USB now...18:56
dr_williskullix:  imac dv. 500mhz. 512 ram.18:56
CuriousUbuntuUse"No root file system is defined"18:56
dr_williskullix:  like $1000 new. ;) everyone hated it..18:56
CuriousUbuntuUseHow can I correct that?18:57
CuriousUbuntuUseWhat file format should the USB be? At the moment it's FAT.18:57
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: what program are you using to install ubuntu iso to the usb stick?18:57
dr_williskullix:  10+ yrs ago. ;)18:57
reenignEesreveRso i have a arm based linux kernel .. how can i run it in qemu around ubuntu?18:57
CuriousUbuntuUsedevhell: I just clicked 'Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS' from the Desktop18:57
kullixdr_willis: haha i remember that. now everytime i see these things I think of the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson lol18:57
CuriousUbuntuUseI read you can simply install it directly onto the USB18:57
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: not sure, but I don't think that'll work.18:58
reenignEesreveRthere is this page I found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch ... but I don't have any idea about what "debootstrap" is and how to use it18:58
kullixdr_willis: i did want to by a G4 white though, nice small square laptop. those things have problems with linux you think?18:58
bugs_buggerCuriousUbuntuUse: If you're installing it from a windows environment, i would advise LiliUSB.18:58
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: Download iso image from Ubuntu homepage. Open usb disk creator.18:58
dr_willisthe various pendrive linux tools should format it as needed18:58
CuriousUbuntuUseI have no OS or anything as of current, I am running Ubuntu from a Live CD18:59
CuriousUbuntuUseBut I want to install Ubuntu perminently onto a USB18:59
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  so download the iso to the usb. use the tools18:59
dr_willisdont format the usb after you donwload it. ;)18:59
AnastasiusDoes anyone know how to make Ubuntu the default operating system instead of Windows?19:00
devhelldr_willis: he should have enough RAM to keep it in tmpfs.19:00
dr_willisan extra usb flash would make this easier19:00
dr_willisdevhell:  no idea if he does or not.19:00
beginAnastasius: do u want the grub to start to Ubuntu as soon as ur system boots?19:01
CuriousUbuntuUseWhy do I need 2 USBs?19:01
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  how much ram you got?19:01
yetr2display driver is all sorts of messed up. http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=412719:01
CuriousUbuntuUseMy system is currently running from a CD, and I want to install it onto a USB, which I have plugged in19:01
CuriousUbuntuUseAnd I can use the Ubuntu installation, if needed19:01
Anastasiusbegin: No, it already does that.19:01
CuriousUbuntuUseMy laptop has 1 GB RAM19:01
beginAnastasius: then?19:02
CuriousUbuntuUsedr_willis: ^19:02
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  and what version are you using19:02
beginwhat do u mean by default?19:02
Anastasiusbegin: I want it to default to Ubuntu instead.19:02
dr_willisbegin:  Anastasius  has been trolling like that all day...19:02
yetr2ubuntu 12.04 64bit, GeForce 7300 GT, nvidia 295.40-0ubuntu119:03
CuriousUbuntuUsedr_willis: Ubuntu Desktop 12.04, 32-bit19:03
AnastasiusWhatchootalkinabout dr_willis?19:03
IdleOneAnastasius: your question makes no sense, you asked how to make it default to ubuntu and then stated that it already does that.19:03
begindr_willis: heheheee,jokes apart, how do u decide which is ur default one19:03
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: try downloading the ubuntu iso NOW.19:03
LjLAnastasius: if i remember right, you can put the Ubuntu menu entry's name in /etc/default/grub's GRUB_DEFAULT line19:03
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  the usb disk tool might be able to use the cd you booteed from.. ive never tried it that way19:03
AnastasiusIdleOne: I think it does make sense.19:03
dr_willisbegin:  in /etc/default/grub19:04
CuriousUbuntuUsedevhell, why do I need to download the ISO? I have the Ubuntu installer availible right here19:04
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devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: because it's not the same thing.19:04
beginya, but what is a default os?19:04
bugs_buggerAnastasius: you're quite alone with that opinion19:04
dr_willisCuriousUbuntuUse:  you cant do a full install to a  gb flash. and i  think the usb creator tool needs the iso file.19:05
dr_willis2 gb flash too smll for full install19:05
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: you'll need the iso so that usb disk creator can write a working image to the usb disk. the installer will only install to your hard drive (which you don't have) I believe.19:05
kullixis there a way to access other desktops via console?19:05
bugs_buggerAnastasius: unless you make yourself clear enough, its pretty much senseless.19:05
kullixif any come with ubuntu19:05
dr_williskullix:  you mean ssh into them/19:05
Anastasiusbugs_bugger: Let me clarify. I want the computer to boot into Ubuntu by default. Not Windows.19:06
dr_williskullix:  use ssh..... ;)19:06
bugs_buggerAnastasius: beforehand you said it already boots automatically into ubuntu. so?19:06
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: if you use usb disk creator to write the downloaded image to the usb disk, the installation will use approximately 700MB on the usb disk, which leaves around 1.3GB left for permanent storage.19:06
beginAnastasius: but it does that already, right?19:06
Daraelkullix: SSH will allow you to get a shell on another machine.  VNC, the Ubuntu defaults being vino (server) and vinagre (client), will get a graphical desktop on a remote computer.  Virtual desktops (aka workspaces; the things you get to with ctl+alt+arrows) can't be controlled from the console, or at least not easily.  Other desktop environments can be installed and chosen between at login time.  I think that covers all the ...19:07
Anastasiusbegin: Yes, but I have to turn the computer on first.19:07
Darael... things you might have meant.19:08
llutzAnastasius: stop your nonsense19:08
Anastasiusllutz: nou.19:08
OerHeksAnastasius, here is a howto > http://linuxpoison.blogspot.nl/2010/11/how-to-change-grub-2-default-timeout.html for timeout and default OS19:08
LjLAnastasius: ...19:08
beginAnastasius: didn't get u, please clarify19:08
kullixdr_willis: wow. i wanna do that. this could be a task at hand19:08
IdleOneAnastasius: interesting troll you got going on. Please stop.19:08
llutz!ops | Anastasius keeps trolling19:08
ubottuAnastasius keeps trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:08
* bugs_bugger is smelling the blood of a TROLL19:08
AnastasiusOh dearie me!19:08
* Pricey waves19:08
IdleOnecalm down folks19:08
PriceyAnastasius: Are you using wubi?19:09
LjLAnastasius: i don't quite get if you have a serious question that got misunderstood, or you're just trolling. if you're just trolling, there's tons of people in here trying to get help who don't need the trolling.19:09
OerHeksAnastasius, see the url ^^  and let us know if it works19:09
IdleOneAnastasius: I'm not sure if your just playing or are actually seeking support, for the sake of fairness let us try this again. What seems to be the issue?19:09
=== Guest49294 is now known as anamika
freedomrun_hello, does anybody knows why apport stop after cicking to report bug. It is not reporting anything after it jumps up on screen?19:10
AnastasiusRelax, Sheldon(s).19:10
PriceyAnastasius: Are you using wubi?19:10
AnastasiusPricey: Nope.19:10
PriceyAnastasius: I'm unsure then sorry.19:11
bugs_buggerOk guys, have fun.19:12
* bugs_bugger out.19:12
devhellLast try... Anastasius: what EXACTLY is your problem, be as detailed as possible.19:12
AnastasiusOkay! Thanks!19:12
Anastasiusdevhell: I'm too upset to deal with it right now. Maybe later. :(19:12
beginAnastasius: tell me one thing, how do u decide which is ur default os; is it the one which starts when u boot, without u having to manually navigate to it using ur arrow keys?19:12
OerHeksfreedomrun_, fresh install ?19:12
CuriousUbuntuUseHow can I download this: https://launchpad.net/usb-creator19:13
devhellhey everyone Anastasius is too upset, stop bugging him. :D19:13
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: your ubuntu live cd already has usb disk creator built in.19:13
beginfine, case closed :)19:13
ForgeAushow do I get python2.6?19:13
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: open dash (hit the windows key) and type in: usb19:13
devhellCuriousUbuntuUse: it should show up in the dash.19:13
IdleOneCuriousUbuntuUse: sudo apt-get instal usb-creator or go to packages.ubuntu.com19:13
r00k19i have a question - does ubunut have anything familiar to system restore?19:14
llutzr00k19: no19:14
devhellr00k19: no19:14
r00k19anything similar?19:14
devhellr00k19: no19:14
r00k19ok cool19:14
llutzr00k19: no19:14
IdleOne!backup | r00k1919:14
ubottur00k19: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:14
freedomrun_OerHeks, yes19:14
=== Gameid is now known as gameid
r00k19devhell and llutz - if you guys could kindly direct me to the noob corner...19:14
devhellr00k19: wait until btrfs will become the standard filesystem, then you can do snapshots.19:15
freezehow to remove the ellipses after the "shut down" label in ubuntu 11.10, i mean which file to change to remove these?19:15
OerHeksfreedomrun_, i have seen that too, updates comes with an apport-update, to solve it.19:15
ForgeAushow to do python2.6 in precise?19:16
OerHeksForgeAus, PP 12.04 comes with 2.7 sorry19:17
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion
ForgeAusOerHeks: so how can I get makehuman (for Blender) work?19:17
ForgeAuserm To work19:17
r00k19is it cool for noobs to hang out in here?19:17
freezedoes anyone know how to remove the ellipses after the "shut down" label in ubuntu 11.10, i mean which file to change to remove these?19:18
IdleOner00k19: yes, but the term noob is derogatory so we appreciate if you stop using it19:18
ForgeAusOerHeks:  makehuman-alpha : Depends: python2.6 but it is not installable19:18
r00k19noob is generally accepted but ok i wont use noob19:18
wawowe3ForgeAus: if you want 2.6 you'll probably have to compile it yourself19:19
OerHeksForgeAus, try to build it yourself ? >>> http://www.makehuman.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2486#p979619:19
r00k19what are some other cool rooms i can join for tech support19:20
freedomrun_OerHeks, thnx.. hmm I`ll try to reinstall apport19:20
anamikahello guys i have a problem ubuntu says in[put not supported19:20
r00k19are there19:20
r00k19so far no one is in easypeasy...19:20
devhellForgeAus: or use an older ubuntu or other distro which still supports p2.6. you could install such a distro with virtualbox.19:20
IdleOne!alis | r00k1919:20
ubottur00k19: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:20
r00k19ill be patient and leave you admns alone19:20
Anastasiusr00k19: You might want to try ##club-ubuntu19:22
ForgeAusdevhell: do you think it would hurt installing the oeneric package?19:23
devhellForgeAus: generally installing older packages is not recommended.19:23
wawowe3ForgeAus: it would probably be okay for python19:23
devhellForgeAus: why not try the virtualbox solution? It sure will save you some headaches.19:24
wawowe3ForgeAus: but you'd have to get any 2.6 extras yourself19:24
kastalisalam all19:24
ForgeAusits just libpython2.6.so.1.0 that it needs19:26
ForgeAusso maybe I'll try just libpython2.619:26
ForgeAusand trace back dependancies19:26
VinceNHey folks, Need some help with what I suspect is a permissions issue with Ubuntu Server, or rather myself with Ubuntu Server19:30
wawowe3VinceN: explain the issue19:30
r00k19question - how can you check what your current machine spec are, including OS version??19:31
VinceNI have a directory located at /var/www/ that dosen't seem to have permissions to be displayed on the web by apache but has the same permissions as other files that work fine, I can't figure out what i've done wrong19:31
devhellForgeAus: did you check this? http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/Make_Human19:31
devhellr00k19: system monitor19:31
wawowe3VinceN: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www19:32
VinceNwawowe3: Ok but then my FTP user can't change it right?  What do I need to do to ensure that anything I drop into this directory via FTP is able to be displayed on the server?19:34
I_am_medoes anybody know how to remove the ellipses after the "shut down" label in ubuntu 11.10, i mean which file to change to remove these?19:35
wawowe3VinceN: chown -R www-data:ftpgroup /var/www19:35
wawowe3VinceN: chmod -R 755 /var/www19:36
wawowe3VinceN: scratch that last cmd19:36
reisioI_am_me: the ellipses?19:36
I_am_mewawowe3: yes19:36
wawowe3VinceN: just the first one19:36
I_am_mesorry, reisio: yes19:36
ForgeAusdevhell: that script is for importing/exporting i haven't got makehuman running yet19:37
retishi, i am want to install matlab in my ubuntu 10.04, can anyone please tell me how can i get matlab for ubuntu and install it?19:37
reisioI_am_me: like the 'blah blah information asking something to shutdown...' messages?19:37
devhellForgeAus: it says to put it in the plugins directory?19:38
I_am_meno, i in the menu; when u want to shut down, u click on "Suspend", "Log out", "Shut down..."19:38
devhellForgeAus: you could also pull a nightly and see if that is bumped to 2.7. Maybe ask in the blender forums/irc channels?19:38
ForgeAushow do I fix broken cache?19:38
I_am_methese ellipses19:38
wawowe3VinceN: if you need to reset the directory and file permissions: find -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;19:39
wawowe3VinceN: and: find -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;19:39
ForgeAusdevhell: its saying I have brokencache19:39
I_am_meyou got me reisio ?19:39
devhellForgeAus: told you that you'll get a headach.19:39
reisioI_am_me: ah19:39
VinceNwawowe3 it says invalid group 'www-data:ftpgroup'19:39
reisioI_am_me: in Unity?19:39
devhellForgeAus: what exactly is telling you that?19:40
ForgeAusubuntu software center19:40
I_am_merepeat: Ubuntu 11.10, Unity shell19:40
reisioI_am_me: if it's not hardcoded, 'sudo grep -Hir 'shut down' /' will probably find it19:40
ForgeAusdevhell: the app trying to install it calls itself ubuntu software center19:40
reisioI_am_me: you might check gconf first, though19:40
reisioI_am_me: or ask #gnome (or #gnome on irc.gnome.org) about it19:40
wawowe3VinceN: ftpgroup was an example19:40
I_am_meya i tried grep-ing but to no avail19:41
I_am_mewill try the second one19:41
wawowe3VinceN: you can also have vsftpd auto chown if you're using it19:41
reisiomight be hardcoded19:41
manitou!off topic19:41
devhellForgeAus: what did you do before the USC threw that error?19:41
wawowe3VinceN: replace ftpgroup with whatever group your ftp user is in19:41
VinceNwawowe3: I assume i'm an idiot and your meaning ftpgroup is a specific group on my own server but I don't know what that group is.  What I did was CHOWN the /var/www directory to my user then put an symbolic link to /var/www in my home directory19:41
ForgeAusdevhell: tried to install python2.6-minimal.deb19:42
devhellForgeAus: try uninstalling it. use the command line for that.19:42
gbear14275what command is it that makes you watch the end of a file like tail... but updates print to the screen19:42
wawowe3VinceN: why the link?19:42
reisiogbear14275: -f19:42
gbear14275reisio, thank you19:42
llutzgbear14275: tail -f  or tailf19:42
VinceNwawowe3: Because the FTP login dumps me into my home directory19:43
gbear14275thank you llutz19:43
wawowe3VinceN: in that case: chown -R ftpuser:www-data /var/www19:43
ForgeAushmm apt-get doesn't have an uninstall option?19:43
reisioForgeAus: it does, but it might do more than you want19:43
ForgeAusoh wait its remove19:43
reisioForgeAus: there's dpkg -r for surgical removals19:43
ForgeAusoh makehuman is already installed but it has unmet dependancies thats what it meant by brokencache probably19:44
ForgeAusodd that it doesn't let me fix that for it!19:44
VinceNok done19:44
ForgeAuswithout uninstalling everything in order to do it!19:44
devhellForgeAus: reisio is right, try using dpkg -r19:44
=== arizona_bay is now known as Guest48089
ForgeAussudo apt-get remove seems to have worked so far19:45
devhellForgeAus: then do a sudo apt-get update and maybe a sudo apt-get install (something small just to see if apt-get works again)19:46
VinceNwawowe3: It still says forbiddon when I try to access even after granting read permissions to all directorys and folder.s19:46
=== abcde is now known as rhombsdoc
wawowe3VinceN: did you do the last chown?19:47
ForgeAusdevhell:  any suggestions for something small?19:47
devhellForgeAus: cowsay19:47
VinceNwawowe3: sudo chown -R vince:www-data /var/www19:48
ForgeAusdevhell:  yup and everything is installed :) including python's three packages AND makehuman19:48
ForgeAusnow to test if it runs19:48
wawowe3VinceN: is the page you're trying to access in a symlinked directory?19:49
VinceNwawowe3: Yes I belive it is.  It's only symlinked to my home directory so I can easily access it from there in the FTP19:49
devhellForgeAus: congrats, hope you won't run into a brick wall at some dist-upgrade :/19:49
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest71384
VinceNwawowe3: there is a symlink to /var/www inside my /home/vince directory19:50
wawowe3VinceN: but not the other way around right?19:50
VinceNwawowe3: correct, I don't want access to that directory from the server afterall LOL19:51
wawowe3VinceN: find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;19:51
wawowe3VinceN: find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;19:51
wawowe3VinceN: chown -R vince:www-data /var/www19:52
retishi, i am want to install matlab in my ubuntu 10.04, can anyone please tell me how can i get matlab for ubuntu and install it?19:53
reisioretis: sudo apt-get install octave19:53
devhellretis: does it have to be matlab? if not try octave.19:54
VinceNwawowe3: Done19:54
VinceNHey that seems to have done it19:54
retisdevhell, i need matlab........19:54
VinceNwawowe3: So what did that do exactly?  I mean I'm glad its working but I don't learn anything if I dunno why.19:54
devhellretis: https://thameera.wordpress.com/2010/10/21/installing-matlab-2008a-on-ubuntu-10-10/19:55
OerHeksretis, there is a wiki about matlab, not sure it is suitable for 12.04 too >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB19:55
devhellretis: sorry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB19:55
ForgeAusdevhell: seems successful, ran it and everything19:55
wawowe3VinceN: you reset the file permissions to owner rw and user r19:56
devhellForgeAus: congratulations! ;)19:56
ForgeAusdevhell:  its probably a good idea that I uninstall it before dist upgrading19:56
wawowe3VinceN: and directory perms owner rwx user rx19:56
ForgeAusdevhell:  assuming I do a dist upgrade19:56
devhellForgeAus: well, I hope you won't run into any problems when you dist-upgrade.19:56
wawowe3VinceN: then changed the owner back to vince and user(group) back to www-data19:57
devhellForgeAus: I'm pretty sure that they will update that at some point in time, maybe ask the blender community?19:57
wawowe3VinceN: chmod 6=owner,4=group,4=everyoneelse19:58
devhellVinceN: octal number system ;)19:58
wawowe3VinceN: 7=rwx,6=rw,5=rx,4=r19:59
VinceNwawowe3: Sorry got disconnected didn't get your response.19:59
devhellVinceN: octal number system ;)19:59
wawowe3VinceN: 7=rwx,6=rw,5=rx,4=r19:59
VinceNright, but what was wrong with the permissions, THey looked like they all had read to me to begin with20:00
wawowe3VinceN: you reset the file permissions to owner rw and user r20:00
wawowe3VinceN: and directory perms owner rwx user rx20:00
wawowe3VinceN: then changed the owner back to vince and user(group) back to www-data20:00
cheako/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf: <policy user="whoopsie">20:00
devhellVinceN: x is needed to access directories.20:00
cheakoI get a warning because this user does not exist.20:00
VinceNAhh that musta been it20:01
ivan70in ubuntu 12.04  there is a program that speeds move file operation from a hd to another?20:01
wawowe3VinceN: chmod 6=owner,4=group,4=everyoneelse20:01
devhellVinceN: man chmod could help too.20:01
VinceNWell rock on , Thanks for your help man, I was in a mad panic i've got a project due tommorow and when the server borked on me I was in a mild panic LOL20:01
cheakoYeah, man chmod20:01
reisioivan70: rsync -av, in a way20:02
ivan70reisio,   I do not understand20:04
wawowe3ivan70: cp :P20:04
cheakoInstalled the whoopsie package and this group and users are created.20:05
devhellwawowe3: or cpio pipe20:06
Jordan_Uivan70: If you use use rsync it will detect files and portions of files which have already been copied over and not copy them again.20:07
jagginess,/and not copy/,/and copy/20:08
jagginess(as necessary, if the copy is complete, or the source is newer with different checksum)20:09
SC4RF4C3Wine Installer v1.0 You are running wineinstall as root, this is not advisable. Please rerun as a user.Aborting. are there a way to install it as root anyway?20:09
ickefeshi guys. do you know how to fix my scrolling so that it isn't inverted which it strangely has become?20:10
ivan70Jordan_U,  thanks20:11
Jordan_Uivan70: You're welcome.20:11
ChrisWereHi I'm having a little trouble getting my usb mic working without pulseaudio20:12
Galvatronickefes: In mouse settings, most likely20:13
GalvatronSearch under "mouse" or "pointing devices"20:13
ickefesi have tried to find the setting under mouse and touchpad but i can't. no setting option seems appropriate20:13
Hilikuswhere is the reference to .desktop files?20:14
ChrisWeredoes anyone have much experience with usb mics?20:14
reisioHilikus: freedesktop.org I should think20:14
Hilikusreisio: there is no man for it??20:14
reisioHilikus: sure 'whatis desktop'20:15
ChrisWereanyone able to help?20:16
=== Guest97224 is now known as epzil0n
reisioChrisWere: what's the problem?20:16
reisiohard to help with nothing at all20:17
ChrisWereI've recently switched to LXDE but I used to use pulse audio to manage my usb mic. Without it my usb mic is pretty bad. Could yu tell me why that is and how I might be able to fix it?20:17
cknoxCan anyone explain why ubuntu server insists on having a 15 GB minimum root partition?20:18
ickefesnatural scrolling in ubuntu tweak seems to be the problem. it made in inverted20:18
causticcasualtyHi, I'm trying to create a bootable usb for installation of backtrack 5 R2,20:19
causticcasualtyrunning 12.04, using 8GB flash drive,  With start up disk creator it hangs at 38%20:19
causticcasualtyusing netbootin it hangs at 39 % ,      any suggestions ?20:19
=== crooper_ is now known as Crooper
devhellcausticcasualty: how long did it stay at 39% with unetbootin?20:20
ChrisWerehas anyone read my question?20:21
causticcasualtyit stays there forever,20:21
guntbertChrisWere: yes, but I have no answer, sorry20:21
devhellcausticcasualty: please quantify, how long did you wait.20:22
Alieddid any of you are tried install Ruby on rails production server?20:22
damms005root@ubuntu:/home/emmanuel# grep -r -m2 all ./Desktop/....is this not suppose to print 2 matches and exit grep? (because that output is 2 files)20:22
causticcasualtyusing startup disk it eventually has some error after about 5 mins,20:23
causticcasualtyand I waited probably 10 - 12 minutes,20:23
Jon--Attempting to disable a service on boot, specifically nessusd. The following gives nothing: find /etc/init/ -type f -exec grep -H -i 'nessus' {} \; and I don't see anything in /etc/rc or other rc files. Where the heck is this thing getting loaded?20:23
causticcasualtywith unetbootin**20:23
guntbertcknox: try to ask in #ubuntu-server, maybe there you will have better success20:23
ChrisWerewell thanks for trying to help anyway. I don't really know what to do from here. Ubuntu really need paid support for personal use eh? lol20:23
devhellcausticcasualty: did you format the usb disk beforehand?20:23
mongycausticcasualty, I'd just dd it20:23
causticcasualtyyes formatted to Fat20:23
devhellcausticcasualty: usb stick that is..20:23
guntbert!patience | ChrisWere20:24
ubottuChrisWere: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:24
nrocco14AceFace is g@y20:24
xanguaChrisWere: you can pay canonical for support, this is a comunity support channel20:24
sergeantcupcakeChrisWere: What seems to be the trouble?20:24
devhellcausticcasualty: startup disk creator is really just useful for ubuntu isos. unetbootin is the way to go..20:24
sergeantcupcakeChrisWere: You dont have to pay me20:24
sergeantcupcakeChrisWere: :)20:24
ChrisWereI can't seem to get my USB mic working properly on LXDE20:24
uskerinei have modified /etc/networks/interfaces in ubuntu-server20:25
damms005root@ubuntu:/home/emmanuel# grep -r -m2 all ./Desktop/......I want to search for text files that has the word 'all' in them (and I need just two of em)...Am I missing somthin pls?20:25
uskerinehow do i reload configuration so IP changes?20:25
=== gameid is now known as Gameid
sergeantcupcakeChrisWere: Does the computer recognize it as a device?20:25
Jon--Attempting to disable a service on boot, specifically nessusd. The following gives nothing: find /etc/init/ -type f -exec grep -H -i 'nessus' {} \; and I don't see anything in /etc/rc or other rc files. Where the heck is this thing getting loaded? Ubuntu 11.10, also can't find 'startup applications' in the settings menu, I know that used to exist.20:26
YagoAre there java rats on ubuntu?20:26
guntbertdamms005: don't  work as root (just as a hint, nothing to do with your problem)20:26
Galvatronickefes: The so called "natural scrolling" is an interesting alternative to "normal", but only for touchpads/-screnns20:26
ChrisWerewhen I'm just recording from it as a device it's terrible quality, it skips and does not sync with video, and it is not recognices by pulse audio when in LXDE but it does in gnome20:26
reisioYago: does that mean 'java users'? :p20:26
Jon--damms005, I like to use find with grep for this. find . -type f -exec grep -H 'all' {} \;   -H prints file name. You're welcome to use that if you like20:26
causticcasualtydevhell: yea seems that way,  I read of the same problem someone had, hanging at 39%  .. he had a 2GB usb , backtrack r2 is 2.5GB i think that was obvious but my USB is 8GB so it should work,20:27
Yagoreisio: no20:27
Yagoidk how to explain20:27
reisioYago: too bad, it doesn't make sense on its own20:27
r00k19join #easypeasy20:27
Yagoreisio: i think they are keyloggers20:27
mongycausticcasualty,  dd if=backtrack.iso of=/dev/sdX20:27
devhellcausticcasualty: did you format fat16 or fat32? and how did you format it i.e. which program did you use?20:27
reisioYago: think?20:27
damms005Please how do I get "grep" to produce just 2 matches and exit. I have tried "grep -r -m2 all ./Desktop/" but not it20:27
Yagoreisio: but they are undetected by AV and run without you knowing20:27
sergeantcupcakeYago: Oh. I thought you were talking about a breed of Javanese rats20:27
Yagosergeantcupcake: lol no20:28
devhellmongy: doesn't always boot on every computer.20:28
reisiodamms005: did you try -m 2 ?20:28
stephenhJon--: maybe it's not in /etc/init.d similar to init.d scripts not used for services controlled by systemd on fedora (i don't have access to a recent ubuntu atm)20:28
mongydevhell, does on mine, and he might as well try...20:28
causticcasualtyMongy: i dont really understand that , I'm not so advanced,20:28
sergeantcupcakeyago: Are you looking for a jrat for a hacking application?20:28
Yagosergeantcupcake: I am asking if there are20:28
Yagosergeantcupcake: not looking for one20:28
causticcasualtydevhell: I used disk utility on mac osx to to fat32,20:28
causticcasualtyI also used ubuntu to master boot record,20:28
uskerinehi, which service do i have to restart to get the system re-read /etc/network/interfaces?20:28
r00k19ubuntu rules20:29
Jon--stephenh, There is a file in init.d. Where is it being called from, is the question I have20:29
Yagosergeantcupcake: Cause I think I have one on my Windows, but I don't want one here and I dont know how careful I should be here20:29
stephenhlemme reread your question20:29
mongycausticcasualty, you write the iso to usb with dd.  how I make alternate installer and other distros boot via usb.20:29
Yagosergeantcupcake: here --> Ubuntu20:29
reisioYago: okay, well there is no key logger unless someone installed one after the fact20:29
sergeantcupcakeyago: ahh... so your trying to remove one that has infected your machine20:29
Yagosergeantcupcake: nope20:29
damms005reisio: Yes. I put the space. Try and see if it works for you though20:30
causticcasualty dd*20:30
bluebomberDoes anyone know the rules that lightdm follows when displaying a user's wallpaper as the background before login? I have two user accounts, and lightdm shows that user's wallpaper when highlighted, but the other user account's wallpaper is not shown when that user is highlighted.20:30
Yagosergeantcupcake: I wondering if they exist on Ubuntu so hat I may know how precautious to be20:30
stevr1ithello, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop pavillion G6 series, and wireless is recongnized but doe snot work, it seems off, can you help me?20:30
reisiodamms005: works fine here20:30
mongycausticcasualty, yes.  sudo dd if=backtrack.iso of=/dev/yourusbdrive20:30
Jon--Attempting to disable a service on boot, specifically nessusd. The following gives nothing: find /etc/init/ -type f -exec grep -H -i 'nessus' {} \; and I don't see anything in /etc/rc or other rc files. Where the heck is this thing getting loaded? Ubuntu 11.10, also can't find 'startup applications' in the settings menu, I know that used to exist. Where else do init.d files get invoked from?20:30
sergeantcupcakeyago: Viruses of any sort are highly uncommon on ubuntu20:30
causticcasualtykinda like restoring a disk image to usb?20:30
damms005reisio: ......weird20:30
oconnorewhat code is used to manage Ubuntu's suspend/wakeup behavior? I want to submit a bug or maybe a patch but I don't know where to start.20:30
Yagosergeantcupcake: yes I know20:30
reisiodamms005: you're getting more than two lines?20:30
stephenhJon--: repeat yourself more ...20:31
Yago, but20:31
llutzdamms005:  grep -m2    stops after 2 matches _per file_20:31
reisiooconnore: you don't need to know that to submit a bug20:31
sergeantcupcakeyago: so what's ur question?20:31
r00k19this is fun.  im just sitting here reading ya'lls conversatoin20:31
damms005reisio:  yes20:31
mongycausticcasualty, just be careful to get the usb drive location right... you can kill your install if you choose sda..20:31
sergeantcupcakenino: Hi! can I help you?20:31
reisiodamms005: ah maybe llutz has your issue20:31
r00k19they need an alternate installer20:31
sergeantcupcaker00k19: lol20:31
r00k19that would be so cool if i could learn code20:31
Yagosergeantcupcake: If Jrats --> exist <-- on Ubuntu20:31
Jon--Yago, I'm adding context as I learn more.20:31
causticcasualtyyuss yuuss ,  thanks i'll keep my eye on that20:31
reisioYago: if by 'Jrats' you mean 'key logger'20:31
guntbert!ot | r00k1920:31
ubottur00k19: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:31
llutzdamms005: so if you run it recursive, it will scan more than 2 files (if that is your issue)20:31
sergeantcupcakeYago: I dont believe so20:31
GalvatronChrisWere: Pastebin (http://pastebin.org) the output of "lsusb"20:31
reisioYago: there are key loggers for Linux, but they don't come with the distro20:32
sergeantcupcakenino: whats up?20:32
damms005llutz: so what stops grep after 2 mathces (like quit and exit after grep finds two matches)20:32
sergeantcupcakeyago: are you trying to get one or avoid one?20:32
reisiodamms005: | head -220:32
oconnorereisio: ok, well I thought it would be more helpful if I could fill in the "what package" field of the bug report.20:32
ninoyou see somebody called CHING20:32
stephenhJon--: have you looked in /etc/rc.* for your script?20:32
reisionino: ?20:32
stephenhif you remove it from the run levels it's in, it won't load on boot20:32
Yagosergeantcupcake: avoid, if they exist. If they don't then I know how safe I should be when downloading Java programs20:33
Jon--stephenh, Yes, it's not there.20:33
sergeantcupcakenino: nope. sorry man20:33
reisiooconnore: it would be, but no point looking for it if you don't know where to look20:33
reisiooconnore: the people who wrangle the bugs will know already20:33
Jon--stephenh, There is /etc/init.d/nessusd which is being called from somewhere, it's not in /etc/rc* or in /etc/xdg/autostart.20:33
ninodont worry than you20:33
oconnorereisio: ok20:33
ChrisWereGalvatron: I'm not sure how to use pastebni20:33
reisiooconnore: if you describe it will, I mean20:33
sergeantcupcakeyago: I doubt that they exist, and if they do, run noscript in your web browser and that should keep you locked down like Fort Knox20:33
guntbert!bug | oconnore20:34
ubottuoconnore: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:34
damms005llutz: how can I stops grep after 2 mathces (like quit and exit after grep finds 2 matches)20:34
stephenhJon--: interesting.20:34
llutzdamms005: reisio told you already20:34
r00k19whats a bug?20:34
Yagok Thanks20:34
ninoi have got other problem20:34
reisior00k19: spider, centipede, etc.20:34
Jon--stephenh, I also haven't stumbled across my Dropbox starting either, though that might be hookd in with nautilus? I think I'm missing a location or something.20:34
sergeantcupcakeyago: np hope it helped. god bless!20:34
stephenhJon--: apt-get install chkconfig ; chkconfig --list | grep nessus | chkconfig -s <nessusd?> off20:35
stephenhJon--: last | should be a ;20:35
sergeantcupcakenino: if your talking to me please begin with "sergeantcupcake:" so I know20:35
Jon--stephenh, It'd be nice to do it without installing another package, but I'll do it that way. Will that tell me where it found it (which config file)? I'm curious20:35
stephenhJon--: as before, i'm not familiar with ubuntu and upstart, i use fedora on my laptop/desktop20:35
guntbertr00k19: stop those random comments please20:36
ninodoes you seeto CR7XD20:36
stephenhJon--: nope, but it will tell you if it's being called at boot up by upstart or script20:36
stephenhnot by what though20:36
sergeantcupcakenino: is that a name or what?20:36
Jon--stephenh, The strangest thing is find /etc/ looking for nessus comes up empty too, besides a port in /etc/services and the /etc/init.d/nessusd file20:36
stephenhJon--: check the binary in /etc/init.d/nesssusd20:37
stephenhJon--: it must point to somewhere20:37
wawowe3Jon--: grep -r nessus /etc20:37
ninois a name of my school friend20:37
ninono in the really live20:37
guntbert!ot | nino20:37
ubottunino: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:37
devhellnino: you might want to try #ubuntu-es channel and look there.20:37
XiRoNI have a disk available thats not been mounted, how do I mount it?20:38
sergeantcupcakenino: just search down the name listings on the right panel and you should find him under "s"20:38
ninook thank you20:38
sergeantcupcakenino: np hope it helped. god bless!20:38
ChrisWereGalvatron: http://pastebin.com/7QqHYJ8820:38
g3orgeis there a way to tweak the menubar in 12.04? even simple stuff like getting my name off...20:39
sergeantcupcakeDid i tell you all that im a ninja20:39
sergeantcupcakeJust wanted to make sure you know20:39
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milan_hello does anybody here knows how to enable grab and drag with a wacom tablet in ubuntu?20:40
ninohe isnt here20:40
guntbertXiRoN: 1)  type    mount    to see which drives are mounted,  2) type     sudo fdisk -l    to see which disks are there,   3) use sudo mount   <devicce>  <mountpoint>    to mount it20:40
sergeantcupcakenino: he could be on another channel.20:40
XiRoNTHANKS guntbert.20:40
guntbertXiRoN: you're welcome :-)20:40
sergeantcupcakenino: do you have another way to contact ur friend?20:41
DIABLO3Three Zombies in 1 week - Luka Magnotta, Alexander Kinyua , Rudy Eugene20:41
DIABLO3LUka Magnotta - all i have to say is: wtf20:41
guntbertDIABLO3: wrong window? :)20:41
ChrisWereGalvatron: any luck?20:41
causticcasualty   Mongy: i'm not sure how to enter that,    would it be something like ? sudo dd if=/Downloads/BT5R2-GNOME-32/BT5R2-GNOME-32.iso of=/dev/sr120:41
DIABLO3guntbert, i shouldnt have watched the video; he sawed off the guys limbs (both arms/legs), then anal sex'd the torso; and he played the same song that buffalo bill danced to in the mirror in silence of the lambs20:42
xiambaxAny hardcore Ubuntu guru's here?20:42
sergeantcupcakenino: then get in touch with him and find out where he is. there are several ubuntu-related channels. Then join whatever channel hes on.20:42
mongycausticcasualty,  yes, if /Downloads/BT5R2-GNOME-32/BT5R2-GNOME-32.iso is the location of the iso and sr1 is our usb stick...20:42
reisioxiambax: #polls20:42
causticcasualtyDIABLO3:  i live in peterborough where they traced his family to20:42
guntbert!ot | DIABLO320:42
ubottuDIABLO3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:42
ChrisWerexiambax: not right now by the looks of it20:43
DIABLO3guntburt, the social room20:43
sergeantcupcakentwrk_keith: wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!!!20:43
DIABLO3is like down or something20:43
xiambaxSorry. I want to discuss Ubunu on handsets. I'm moving to uganda and I want to try the olpc business model on handsets20:43
DIABLO3caustic, wheres that20:43
ninoi can see he tomorrow in the school20:43
xiambaxThink it would be a great idea.20:43
g3orgeis there a way to tweak the menubar in 12.04? even simple stuff like getting my name off...20:43
ntwrk_keithI'm trying to get a printer attached to a Ubuntu CUPS server connected to a Windows XP and Windows 7 laptop20:43
sergeantcupcakediablo3: then dont come and spam in here20:43
ntwrk_keithThe problem is drivers....20:43
DIABLO3seageantcupcake, are you the new breed that has come out under "dont ask dont tell"20:43
ChrisWereg3orge: I don't think there is a way. Canical wanted to standardise the UI to make it more easy to give GUI instructions from what I gather20:43
DIABLO3a gay seargent in the army? hiya cupcake20:43
DIABLO3Seargent Cupcake20:44
reisioxiambax: define handset20:44
ntwrk_keithAnd I cant use the drivers from HP's website because they dont do networking in the installation20:44
ntwrk_keithAny ideas?20:44
xiambaxAndroid device. with hdmi out capabilities.20:44
sergeantcupcakenino: ok. hope you find him :) Ive got to get back to my homework20:44
wawowe3DIABLO3: i'm in #ubuntu-offtopic right now20:44
sergeantcupcakenino: im a student too!20:44
causticcasualtyokay i must be making a small mistake in the typing20:44
xanguaDIABLO3: stop that already and drop that language20:44
xiambaxUbuntu for android for the developing world.20:44
g3orgeChrisWere: there isn't a way? it's still Linux right?20:44
xangua!ot | sergeantcupcake nino20:44
ubottusergeantcupcake nino: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:45
ninoare you in spain?20:45
reisioxiambax: and what does OLPC have to do with it?20:45
ChrisWereg3orge: it's unity though, and it's not so good20:45
sergeantcupcakenino: im in istanbul and id better leave before admin shuts us down20:45
reisioxiambax: Android is an entirely different Linux distro, it's not a UI20:45
g3orgeyeah, I figured20:45
xiambaxI want to do if for children and learning. Cheap handsets20:45
reisionot just a UI, anyways20:45
ninoi am in spain20:45
sergeantcupcakentwrk_keith: have you tried the software center?20:45
xiambaxBuy a handset. give a handset. Kinda like toms.20:45
xiambaxBut the phones are their desktops.20:46
xiambaxProvide a school with displays.20:46
xiambaxand phones20:46
reisioxiambax: if you want to do something for children in Uganda, invest in the destruction of malaria20:46
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sergeantcupcakenino: cool. ive gotta go mate. goodnight and God bless you!20:46
xiambaxSo outside of the environment they have a rich 4g experience?20:46
ntwrk_keithsergeantcupcake: the ubuntu server is headless20:46
ntwrk_keithso all cli20:46
guntbert!ot > xiambax20:46
ubottuxiambax, please see my private message20:46
sergeantcupcakereisio: right on!!!20:46
xiambaxIm moving to Uganda to work for a could of different ngo;s20:46
xangua!ot | xiambax reisio20:46
ubottuxiambax reisio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:46
ninobut do you know spanish20:47
xiambaxOk ok.20:47
sergeantcupcakexiambax: invest in  saving lives before you invest in tech to jazz them up20:47
Hilikusi'm trying to create a quicklist for my terminal launcher in unity but it is not recognizing it. this is what i am trying http://pastebin.ca/215786620:47
xiambaxplease join off topic.20:47
sergeantcupcakenino: nope20:47
Hilikusthat's my .local/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop20:47
r00k19i haveth the same problem as ntwrk keith20:47
ChrisWereany news on getting my usb mic working on LXDE? my lsusb is http://pastebin.com/7QqHYJ8820:48
r00k19ubuntu isnt recognizing alien printers20:48
ninooh i am in a english academy20:48
sergeantcupcaker00k19, ntwrk_keith: im afraid my technical skills are minimal20:48
sergeantcupcakenino: ahhhh.......20:48
ntwrk_keithso are mine :(20:48
ntwrk_keithonly been running it for about 12 hours20:48
ntwrk_keithI got my Windows 7 desktop to print from it, but it already had the drivers somehow20:48
ninocan you go to a channel called jmv20:48
GalvatronChrisWere: Simply paste the putput of "lsusb" into the proper field, give it whatever title you like and send20:48
sergeantcupcakenino: why?20:49
ChrisWereGalvatron: http://pastebin.com/7QqHYJ8820:49
ninobecause here i talk with my friends20:49
r00k19network keith - did you split your hard drive between windows 7 and ubuntu20:50
Silivrenionconvinced my significant other to use Ubuntu. Yay!20:50
ntwrk_keithHeres my current setup20:50
ntwrk_keithOlder desktop - Ubuntu Server20:50
ntwrk_keithNewer desktop - Windows 720:50
guntbert!paste | ntwrk_keith20:50
sergeantcupcakenino: thanks for the invitation, but im tired and going to bed :)20:50
ubottuntwrk_keith: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:50
ninolike me20:50
ninonow you are in my friends list20:51
sergeantcupcakenino: maybe ill see you around here sometime. until then, god bless you and goodnight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........20:51
causticcasualtyMongy: sudo dd says there is not enough space left on the disk,  probably the same problem startupdisk and unetbootin are having, I suppose it's a problem with my USB20:51
ntwrk_keithCheck that out yall20:52
DIABLO3network keith20:52
DIABLO3what part of the u.s are you from20:52
DIABLO3let me guess, GA, AL, or MS . via: "yall"20:52
sergeantcupcakenino: :)20:52
llutz!ot | DIABLO320:52
ubottuDIABLO3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:52
ntwrk_keithSC but im not originally from there20:52
pokeswapi try to copy/paste files outside of the user, but i keep getting permission denied. how do i give myself permission?20:52
ntwrk_keithsudo cp20:53
pokeswapwhat do i do to gain access to the mysql? or var/www? what is sudo cp?20:53
Silivrenionpokeswap, you can also open sudo nautilus to do it via GUI20:53
=== slicka is now known as slickatel
xangua!gksu | Silivrenion pokeswap20:53
ninocan somebody talk with me20:53
ubottuSilivrenion pokeswap: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:53
Silivrenionsudo cp is the command line to copy, with privileges20:53
xanguanino: no, this is a support channel and you were already told severald times go to to #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat20:54
devhellnino: this channel is for you -> #ubuntu-offtopic20:54
ntwrk_keithhmm u learn something new everyday20:54
Silivrenionnever heard of gksudo20:54
ntwrk_keithi've only been using linux for about 2 weeks20:54
pokeswapwhat about permission to do myql things?20:54
XiRoNIs it possible to have more than 1 IP assigned to only 1 ethernet adapter?20:55
jam__does any one know how to remove the ellipsis from the "Shut Down" option in Unity in Ubuntu 11.1020:55
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:55
guntbertXiRoN: yes20:55
ntwrk_keithanyone have any sugestions?20:56
XiRoNguntburt, I bought a 4 block of RIPE ip's.20:56
Silivrenionthanks for the gksudo info :)20:56
pokeswapso do i do gksudo mysql create, edit, delete wikidb*20:56
Silivrenionpokeswap, mysql is commandline, so sudo is fine20:56
guntbert!tab | XiRoN20:56
ubottuXiRoN: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:56
llutzpokeswap: you use mysql grant blah blah to grant permissions for mysql-users, not sudo20:57
guntbertXiRoN: I am about to leave, tell the channel what you want to accomplish20:57
pokeswapi keep trying to do create database wikidb;20:58
pokeswap grant index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables on wikidb.* to 'wikiuser'@'localhost' identified by 'password'; and keep getting a error about ''localhost20:58
XiRoNChannel: I need to edit my /ect/network/interfaces correctly but I have no I idea how to, I have purchased RIPE IP's to add to my eth0.20:58
Crooperpokeswap, sudo and gksudo is for root access to files  and such on the system. To mysql create table and such you have to have permission in mysql20:58
XiRoNI need to edit my /ect/network/interfaces correctly but I have no I idea how to, I have purchased RIPE IP's to add to my eth0.20:58
llutzpokeswap: mysql -u root     more info at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/20:58
pokeswapwhat about edit a file in var/www? do i do sudo edit bob.php and than just edit the files and save?20:59
jam__does anyone know how do i remove the ellipsis from "Shut Down..." in Unity in Ubuntu 11.1020:59
zykotick9!repeat | jam__21:00
ubottujam__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:00
mongycausticcasualty, did you buy a duff stick from ebay ?21:00
ChrisWere: it is picked up in alsamixer, it even records just incredibly badly, with many jumps and out of sync with video21:00
griffjonhey, so I was upgrading this weekend.  Unity crashed halfway through.  I eventually gave up and rebooted; now I can't log in at all21:00
=== harperx is now known as iHarp
jam__ubottu: Sorry, my mistake21:00
ubottujam__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
ChrisWereGalvatron: it is picked up in alsamixer, it even records just incredibly badly, with many jumps and out of sync with video21:00
jam__ubottu: hehehe, ya :)21:01
ubottujam__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
jenniehello friends please i want to change location of launcher to bottom from left side in 12.04 help21:01
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griffjonI was between 11.10 and 12.4.  i suspect it's the nvidia drivers being caught partially upgraded21:01
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L3topCan you blacklist HW by pciid or can you only blacklist the modules?21:01
L3topor drivers21:01
causticcasualtyMongy:  i've been using this stick just fine for months,  years,  it works fine for creating bootable ubuntu installers21:01
griffjonbut I can;t switch to tty1 nor ssh into it.  The screen on load flashes the arrow for a few minutes, then just goes to a blank screen21:01
causticcasualtyi just cant get it to work with bt521:01
llutzL3top: you only can blacklist modules21:01
iHarpAnyone know of a program | outside of virtualbox | that will allow me to make a startup disk for OSX? I have the ISO on my hard drive but my mac drive is formatted.21:02
mongycausticcasualty, to test your stick try dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sr1 bs=1M    it will write to your whole stick and hopefully all of it.21:02
L3topllutz: any idea how I would determine the modules to blacklist?21:02
reisioiHarp: growisofs, probably21:02
llutzL3top: lspci -nnv21:02
pokeswaphow do i edit files in a root folder?21:02
iHarpreisio, thank you. Ill look into that.21:03
mongycausticcasualty, I know you said ubuntu isos work but they are smaller and don't write as much as backtrack, so it might an idea to test the whole stick.21:03
pokeswaphow do i edit files in a root folder?21:03
zer0rootkidiHarp sanbox21:03
jribpokeswap: what files?21:03
griffjonany advice for getting back in to my system?21:03
jam__pokeswap: just add sudo before the command u use to edit non-root files21:03
reisiopokeswap: with root permissions21:03
griffjonfailsafeX doesn't seem to have a working keyboard/mouse21:03
llutzL3top: that should show you the kernel-driver in use. use this + lsmod to the the modules to blacklist21:03
pokeswaphow do i give myslef root permissions?21:03
jam__pokeswap: just do a "sudo su"21:04
jribpokeswap: what files do you want to edit?21:04
jam__and give ur password21:04
zykotick9jam__: pokeswap "sudo su" is a BAD idea21:04
jribpokeswap, jam__ : do not do "sudo su"... see ubottu...21:04
jrib!sudo | pokeswap, jam__21:04
ubottupokeswap, jam__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:04
L3toptyvm... I will have to figure out how to script this... but you have helped me tremendously.21:04
L3topllutz: ^21:04
zer0rootkidhey sombody can tell why i can navigate with proxy21:04
zer0rootkidi have backtrack an d use network system21:05
pokeswapbut i do not use the terminal to edit files. i use the file editer that came with urbuntu21:05
jam__ooopsss... i usually did that, fine!21:05
jenniehello friends please i want to change location of launcher to bottom from left side in 12.04 help21:05
ntwrk_keithzykotick9: so vim would be considered cmd line applicational right? in reference to using sudo vs gksudo21:05
zykotick9!backtrack > zer0rootkid21:05
ubottuzer0rootkid, please see my private message21:05
jribpokeswap: if you explain what exactly you want to do (i.e. what files you are editing), we can better advise you.21:05
causticcasualtymongy: dd: opening `/dev/sr1': Read-only file system21:06
Crooperntwrk_keith, vim is an editor not terminal21:06
Galvatronpokeswap, jam__: Using sudo with graphical apps might end up with acces right being totally messed21:06
pokeswapi want to edit /var/www/index.html, but i try to save the file and get an error21:06
mongycausticcasualty, sorry, forgot the sudo21:06
mongycausticcasualty, sudo !!21:06
causticcasualtyi added it21:06
ConfuciusDoes anybody have the command for uninstall/removing something? I want to uninstall a program I installed called "Exiftool"21:06
llutzpokeswap: sudo nano /var/www/index.html21:06
jam__Galvatron: not with graphical i meant, i usually use vi, that's y21:06
jribpokeswap: you can use « gksudo gedit /var/www/index.html », but I'd suggest creating a group that manages your web documents21:06
ntwrk_keithso what would be a considered a command line application?21:06
jrib!apt | Confucius21:07
ubottuConfucius: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)21:07
Crooper'sudo aptitude remove <package-to-be-removed>'21:07
pokeswaphow do i create the group for managing wweb documents?21:07
jrib!permissions > pokeswap21:07
ubottupokeswap, please see my private message21:07
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mongycausticcasualty, the fact you tried various methods to write more than 700mb of data to your stick and failed makes me think you have a stick that's a bit dodgy....21:07
zer0rootkidfirst worked from navigate from network proxy with proxy http https sock but now not worl i don understand21:07
zykotick9Crooper: perhaps suggesting apt-get (installed by default) instead of aptitude (NOT installed by default) would have been better...21:07
sgringweis anyone on here a lead developer for ubuntu?21:07
Crooperntwrk_keith, a command line editor is like nano21:08
GalvatronConfucius: As for console tools, Aptitude ich much simplier to use than all this atp-get, apt-cache, apt-* stuff.21:08
pokeswapdo nano/gedit edit in the default text editer?21:08
Crooperzykotick9, ok21:08
ntwrk_keithand vim isnt? hmmm looks like command line to me but ok21:08
GalvatronWhich is just overcomplicated21:08
griffjonah, recovery mode's dpkg is at least finishing the update process21:08
jam__ubottu: the link u gave mentions i should not use "sudo su", but it does not mention y, can u explain?21:08
ubottujam__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
Crooperpokeswap, nano is a different editor than gedit21:08
jam__fine ubottu!21:09
causticcasualtymongy: perhaps,  I've certainly stored GB's of other on it as recent as yesterday like movies and programs,21:09
causticcasualtyonly when trying this is doesn't work,   I guess I should buy another usb21:09
ChrisWerehas everyone who's been nicely helping me with my problem disappeared?21:09
jam__does anybody know y is "sudo su" not recommended?21:09
pokeswapwhat comes with it?21:09
griffjonjam__ ubotto is not a person, it's only a helper bot21:09
zykotick9jam__: "sudo su" relies on the actual root account - that ubuntu goes to a lot of effort to avoid...21:09
mongycausticcasualty, well try the dd zero command as a test21:09
Galvatronjam__: But I can: "sudo su" permanently switches tou to the root, so you don't have to use "sudo" each time21:09
mongycausticcasualty, if that fails, oh oh..21:09
Croopergedit is gui and nano is command line21:09
zykotick9jam__: if you "need" (and you probably don't) a root terminal use "sudo -i"21:10
griffjonjam__: editing root files is a quick recipe for disaster unless you know what you're doing21:10
Galvatronjam__: Just remember to do "su <your_username>" after you're done21:10
jam__but what's the difference zykotick9 ?21:10
pokeswapis there any way to just click on the file in var/www and edit it that way or do i have to use terminal?21:10
ChrisWereGalvatron: have you had any luck?21:11
zykotick9jam__: enviornments (and not breaking your account).  but do what you want.  break what you wish.  it's all up to you.21:11
GalvatronChrisWere: As I've mentioned, the system can see the mic21:11
Crooperpokeswap, you can always use 'sudo gedit /var/www/<what-ever-file-you-want>21:11
ChrisWereGalvatron: yes i can see that21:11
XiRoNCan anyone help me out?21:12
GalvatronChrisWere: Now try alsamixer, to see if it's not simply uted21:12
XiRoNI'm having a networking problem in ubuntu?21:12
XiRoNIf someone could PM me or something that would be great.21:12
IdleOne!ask | XiRoN21:12
ubottuXiRoN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:12
pokeswapi will try and come back if it does not work for the gksudo cp /home/users/justin/mediawiki and the sudo gedit /var/www/index.html21:13
causticcasualtymongy:  the zero command returns dd: opening `/dev/sr1': Read-only file system,  yes with sudo21:13
Ca11umIs it possible to route all traffic on network clients through a local server? For logging and filtering purposes21:13
ChrisWereGalvatron: cheked, it works as a usb mic, but is insanly poor quality  unless used with pulse audio21:13
Ca11umSo it goes; Client -> server -> router -> Internet21:13
mongycausticcasualty, is your usb stick mounted while writing the iso with dd?21:13
CrooperXiol, whats the problem and/or question?21:13
Pierrebim trying to connect from a windows machine to my ubuntu 10.04 lts one with rdp (xrdp & picked sesman-Xvnc) when i login all i see is a background image nothing else21:13
mongycausticcasualty, unmount it.21:13
Pierrebno menus and i can't do anything, any ideas what could be wrong?21:13
Croopersorry i meant XiRoN21:13
causticcasualtymongy: that probably makes sense21:13
mongycausticcasualty, yeah. oops lol21:14
CrooperXiRon, whats the problem and/or question?21:14
GalvatronChrisWere: Well, I'm not particuarly good with sound issues...21:14
XiRoNThe question is, I have bought a block of 4 RIPE IP address's and I want to allow my ethernet card to allow my services to bind to them (If thats possible) I believe its something to do with the /ect/network/interfaces but I could be wrong.21:14
CrooperXiRon do you have a DNS setup?21:15
ChrisWereGalvatron: thanks for trying anyway. I might have to resort to paid support21:16
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XiRoNCrooper: I'm not sure.21:17
jam__did u get my question zykotick9 ?21:17
GalvatronChrisWere: First try  Ubuntu Forums21:17
ChrisWereGalvatron: I have21:17
XiRoNCrooper: I don't believe I do.21:17
GalvatronChrisWere: I'm not 100% sure if Cannonical officially supports LXDE (Lubuntu)21:17
ChrisWereGalvatron: wow Ubuntu has really disspaointed me recently21:18
zykotick9jam__: i have nothing further to add.  learn to use sudo properly.21:18
Crooperwell as far as my limited knowlege is , i think you need to set up a DNS (Dynamic Name Server) to route your ip's to the server21:18
causticcasualtymongy:  says same thing dev/sr1 read-only file system,  when unmounted and trying to write iso,21:18
wNChrisWere: you could alwasy go fedora ;D21:18
jam__fine zykotick9, u quit!21:18
mongycausticcasualty,  I had a faulty stick that said that once...21:19
causticcasualtyI have a nother stick at a friends,  thanks for your time and patience zeroing things out with me, I'll put tis on hold tiill I get my stick21:19
causticcasualtytake care21:19
pokeswapwhat exactly do i put to copy the contents of /home/justin/w to /var/www ? i have tried many wayus21:20
=== metulburr is now known as poop2
XiRoNDoes anyone know the answer to my question?21:20
aaa801Anyone know of any satellite tuning software for linux?21:20
Crooperpokeswap, 'sudo cp /home/justin/w /var/www/w'21:21
jam__pokeswap: try this sudo cp -rv /home/justin/w /var/www21:21
jam__if w is a "folder"21:21
pokeswaphold on21:21
pokeswapnow, how do i run mysql and do tables?21:23
wNdo tables?21:23
llutzpokeswap: mysql -u root     more info at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/21:23
jam__pokeswap: I have heard of problem using mysql, when u try to create databases, it asks u do it becoming root. Did it ask u, pokeswap ?21:24
tuxgeek!mysql | pokeswap21:24
ubottupokeswap: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:24
pokeswapi did not try to do that yet.21:24
seiyuuexcuseme...do you know a radio web browser capable to catch japanese stations ?21:24
jam__seiyuu: did u try Clementine?21:25
jam__what happened XiRoN ?21:25
seiyuuno jam,do u recomend this one21:26
XiRoNI really need help :(21:26
seiyuuif the case i can install it r now21:26
jam__i have not tried, but heard its good21:26
XiRoNI have bought a block of 4 RIPE IP address's from my dedicated server and I want to allow my ethernet card to allow my services to bind to them (If thats possible) I believe its something to do with the /ect/network/interfaces but I could be wrong.21:26
XiRoNI only have 1 Ethernet card.21:26
jam__try if it does not cost u, seiyuu :)21:26
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pokeswapaccess denied for user 'root'@'localhost'21:27
pokeswapwhen i tried that command21:27
llutzXiRoN: http://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration#Multiple_IP_addresses_on_One_Interface21:27
jam__sorry XiRoN, not good at those things :(21:27
jam__which command pokeswap ?21:27
pokeswapmysql -u root21:28
jam__what is -u for?21:28
llutz"man mysql"21:28
jam__for running as root?21:28
dribblingmachineunable to use a ubuntu partition after installation, i allocated 200GB Ext3 partition for saving data. now i can't access .. Plz help21:29
pokeswapthat was the command i was told to do by llutz21:29
VinceNOk and here we go with permissions agian.  I can load phpmyadmin so I know php works but if I try to load any phpscripts from my /var/www directory or lower I get either a blank page or a 500 error21:29
toxiccity90hy im trying to modify the sudoers file so I can load vidalia without having to use gksudo21:29
jam__try doing sudo mysql. I am not sure whether its correct, please verify21:29
pokeswaphold on. (i keep having to run between rooms)21:29
toxiccity90should the correction be  username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vidalia21:29
iszakHow can I uninstall compiled software, specifically nginx installed via passenger?21:30
jam__pokeswap:  :D21:30
wilee-nileetoxiccity90, sounds like your not using the pack, any reason for this?21:30
=== metulburr is now known as poop
pokeswapi got the same error21:30
=== poop is now known as metulburr
toxiccity90if your talking about the TBB from tor because I installed it through the repos and have it linked to a proxy selector so I can turn it on and off as I please because I don't need tor on all the time21:31
jam__can u do a sudo apt-get update, pokeswap ?21:31
robertzaccourI get runaway video when recording with ffmpeg21:31
tuxgeekiszak: "apt-get autoremove"21:31
robertzaccourhere's my input ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 screencast.avi any suggestions?21:31
pokeswapi would not need to. i just installed it an hour ago21:31
ChrisWereWould anyone else hapen to know why my USB mic records with skips and out of sync with video?21:31
iszaktuxgeek: it was compiled.21:31
uskerinewhich package for asterisk? -just asterisk or is there something else?-21:31
wilee-nileetoxiccity90, you would not have it on all the time with the pack, I would keep any of it out of your root setup though.21:31
pokeswaphow do i do mysql commands without the error21:32
jam__so u are in sudoers, ha. can u try "sudo su"21:32
wilee-nileetoxiccity90, do as you like though. ;)21:32
jam__and then just mysql?21:32
tuxgeekiszak: does it matter?21:32
seiyuui have i technical problem guys   if i install bsd or cent for example  ubuntu do not recognize any os existent ; then i cannot doing any partition how can i partitioning my hd in ubuntu do not recognize them?21:33
dribblingmachineunable to use a ext3 partition after installation, i created a 200GB Ext3 partition for saving data. now i can't access .. Plz help21:33
tuxgeekiszak: it installed binaries on the system, didn"t it?21:33
iszakyeah, but in /opt/ for one.21:33
pokeswap1045b (28000) is the error code i keep getting every time i try to do mysql or sudo mysql or mysql -u root...21:33
tuxgeekhave you tried the command and it didn't work?21:34
jam__seiyuu: first create an empty partition that is "free" a drive and then install the os u want21:34
toxiccity90I'm trying to keep it away from root as much as possible, but running Tor from my user results in tor is not connecting check configuration. which means I can't use the one in the repos, so I'd have to download the one from them which has its own browser with extensions that I'd like to change. plus I don't wanna have to click the tor-browser start script every time I wanna open a new firefox. it takes up more processes21:34
toxiccity90 that way21:34
jam__pokeswap: so  u don't get an error when u do "sudo su" right?21:34
jam__am i clear seiyuu ?21:34
pokeswapplease PM me with how to do mysql commands with out that error21:35
VinceNHELP PLEASE, Getting Error 500 on php scripts in /var/www/ but not on phpmyadmin which I can access from sitename/phpmyadmin but is stored somewhere outside of /var/www.  Can't seem to figure out how to troubleshoot this21:35
pokeswapi have to go to a meeting.21:35
seiyuui will try jam thanks21:36
jam__try jam :P21:36
VikingIVGreetings all! I have a quick question, because this hasn't been an issue for me before; I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 alongside a preinstalled partition of Windows XP but GRUB doesn't load by default at boot. rather, the computer only boots into XP unless I choose boot device in BIOS. How can I get GRUB to load at every boot?21:36
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wNVikingIV: you have to install grub to the device that is being booted by default21:37
jam__so u can boot somehow into Ubuntu, VikingIV ?21:37
VikingIVso, install it to the WIndows XP partition, wN?21:37
iHarpCan someone help me boot my mac using an ISO I have on my ubuntu system. My cd-rom is toast so there is no way to use my cds.21:37
VikingIVYes. By selecting any other boot deviice other than the hard drive, GRUB show up21:37
jam__can u do a "grub-install" and then a "grub-update" in terminal in Ubuntu?21:38
VikingIVI'll go for it right now21:39
jam__fine, VikingIV21:39
toxiccity90Jun 03 17:37:10.257 [Warning] Could not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running?21:39
toxiccity90Jun 03 17:37:10.257 [Warning] /var/run/tor is not owned by this user (toxiccity90, 1000) but by debian-tor (104). Perhaps you are running Tor as the wrong user?21:39
toxiccity90Jun 03 17:37:10.257 [Warning] Before Tor can create a control socket in "/var/run/tor/control", the directory "/var/run/tor" needs to exist, and to be accessible only by the user account that is running Tor.  (On some Unix systems, anybody who can list a socket can conect to it, so Tor is being careful.)21:39
FloodBot1toxiccity90: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
toxiccity90Jun 03 17:37:10.257 [Warning] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.21:39
toxiccity90Jun 03 17:37:10.257 [Error] Reading config failed--see warnings above. These are the errors I'm seeing when I try to run vidalia as a regular user. IE toxiccity9021:39
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Silivrenionhere's a question. Ubuntu on liveUSB is getting choppy sound on flash and video. I'm also doing a huge transfer from the internal hard drive to a portable.. would that affect the buffering?21:40
Silivrenionit almost seems like the buffering gets better and worse randomly21:40
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iHarpHow can I write to a hard drive that is HFS+ (Journaled)?21:40
jam__toxiccity90: do a "sudo killall tor" before running vidalia21:40
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toxiccity90jam_ : I will try that but I wanna make it so that I don't have to run sudo killall tor on start up as I want vidalia to load on start up automatically, but then wait until I tell it to switch to the tor proxy in the browser or other software21:41
SerythHow can I take a screenshot in TTY?21:41
toxiccity90http://pastie.org/4021685 thats my issue I recieve21:41
toxiccity90jam_: just tried with sudo killall tor then tried to run vidalia as normal user no luck same error21:42
toxiccity90error is related to it thinking that vidalia is owned by user Tor :104 not toxiccity90 I noticed, is there a way to change this??21:43
themoebiushey I have a process that I killed and I verified that it's no longer running with ps, but when I try to run it again it says the tcp port is already in use. How can I see what process is supposedly using that port?21:48
commandocodinghello room21:48
zinedzinehi everyone21:50
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
commandocodingUBUNTU 12.4 GNOME CLASSICAL21:53
commandocodinggconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false21:53
commandocodingthis stopped working21:53
FloodBot1commandocoding: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
douglwhat is the default mail client in ubuntu 10.10?/21:55
douglie how do I run it from the command line?21:55
filo1234dougl: evolution21:56
douglfilo1234, thanks21:56
iHarpHow can I write to a hard drive that is HFS+ (Journaled)?21:56
zinedzinei have an issue on LTS 12.04 64bit, my system crashes and sets me back to the login screen, i searched on the net, some say it's a flash problem some it's x-server, has anyone had that issue and is there a fix ? ty21:56
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ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:57
xmath279you need hfsprogs iHarp (sudo apt-get install hfsprogs)21:58
iHarpI think i might already have that21:58
YagoWhy does pidgin internet messenger still show up in my chat bar thing even though I removed it?21:59
commandocodingusing ubuntu 12.4 Classical Gnome the bash line given here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1022150/ stopped working in 12.4 How do we make the desktop icons visible and invisible in Ubuntu 12.4 using commandline please22:00
iHarpxmath279, I have it but what am I missing as far as it's capabilities to give write privs?22:00
xmath279iHarp sudo mount -o remount,force /mount/point22:00
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robertzaccourhow do I install a driver that is in a .zip file?22:02
iHarpxmath279, didn't work22:02
escottiHarp, for HFS you need to disable journaling22:02
xmath279it should work with hfs progs even with journaled partitions22:02
smwrobertzaccour, you don't22:02
smwrobertzaccour, is the driver made for linux?22:03
escottxmath279, iHarp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFS_Plus#Linux22:03
YagoWhy does pidgin internet messenger still show up in my chat bar thing even though I removed it?22:03
robertzaccoursmw, yes, just trying to figure out how to install it without having to install windows first. would vbox work?22:03
smwrobertzaccour, probably not22:03
limpchey. trying to set up ssh2 keys on a server.  I've copied over the authorized_keys2 file from our other server, but when i try to ssh in using my private key it prompts me for the password22:03
limpcwhat am i missing?22:04
xmath279escott unsupported and unsafe, but it should work...22:04
escottxmath279, unsupported and unsafe is not something we should be telling people to do in this channel22:04
limpcsshd_config has Protocol set to 222:04
YagoCan anyone help me uninstall a program?22:05
user__can you uninstall the default IM chat software that comes with 12.0422:06
zinedzinei have an issue on LTS 12.04 64bit, my system crashes and sets me back to the login screen, i searched on the net, some say it's a flash problem some it's x-server, has anyone had that issue and is there a fix ? ty22:06
user__I think it's called pidgon22:06
smwuser__, sure. It is called empathy22:06
limpcanybody? ssh2 issue22:06
user__how do you remove it?22:06
user__or uninstall rather22:06
smwlimpc, authorized_keys, not authorized_keys222:07
Gnealimpc: you remembered to restart the daemon, right?22:07
smwuser__, sudo apt-get remove empathy?22:07
limpchm no i didnt :)22:07
Yagosmw, I have a similar problem22:07
ratcheersmw, it actually is authorized_keys2 for protocol 222:08
user__smw, will that remove it from the system and also the task bar at the top of the screen22:08
smwratcheer, what is protocol 2?22:08
FroodleHow do I prevent the Unity launcher from displaying the program's name on hover?22:08
limpcGnea, still asking for pw.22:09
smwratcheer, the authorized_keys file name has not changed...22:09
Gnealimpc: okay, you'll need to restart sshd in order for the changes to take effect... also, for 2 keys, make sure you're using the correct directive and placing them in the correct directory22:09
smwYago, what problem?22:09
YagoI removed pidgin, but it still shows up in taskbar22:09
limpcGnea, they're correct. they work on the other server22:09
limpci copied them directly over.22:10
smwuser__, I don't think it will removed it from the task bar22:10
ratcheersmw: It is a different ssh protocol and limps said he is using it. I am also using it, and on my server it created authorized_keys222:10
user__ thats too bad22:10
smwuser__, the taskbar applet is not tied to any one program22:10
user__but will the applets no longer display the empathy option?22:10
smwratcheer, ok, I have never used an authorized_keys2 file22:10
Gnealimpc: are you following a tutorial?22:10
smwratcheer, try renaming it and see what happens22:11
limpcGnea, no.. ive set them up and maintained them before22:11
smwuser__, truthfully, I have never tried it22:11
smwuser__, and I don't use unity so I can't test it ;-)22:11
limpcbut this is a new server and its been a while, so i assumed i might have missed something after copying the authorized_keys2 file over22:11
Gnealimpc: okay, well there may be some ubuntu-specific stuff... try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30709 and make sure your steps are in-line22:11
ratcheersmw: I am not having a problem with mine, it is limpc22:11
user__ok thanks22:11
zdzi have an issue on LTS 12.04 64bit, my system crashes and sets me back to the login screen, i searched on the net, some say it's a flash problem some it's x-server, has anyone had that issue and is there a fix ? ty22:11
smwanyways, I need to go. brb22:11
user__Also, does anyone know how to get rid of the option to search the web through the desktop?22:11
smwratcheer, oh, I misunderstood22:12
Gnealimpc: that howto is a bit dated (7 years old), but it should still hold true22:12
escottzdz, it could be a lot of things. any pattern to when it happens22:12
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user__I really don't like the added web-features in ubuntu and want to remove them22:12
user__Can you remove the feature to search the web by using the 'search tool'22:13
zdzwell i did look at the xssesion logs, all that is in the var log, but if there is one thing, it seams to happen more when i read flash videos, buut as to if there is a time patern to it, not really, and i did check all the temperature side also22:13
freedomrun_user__, http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/06/how-to-remove-lenses-from-ubuntu-1104.html22:14
limpchm it didnt accept my dsa key but worked fine for the rsa version. weird22:14
escottzdz, and what graphics card and driver are you using22:14
user__freedomrun, will that also work with 12.04?22:14
limpcshouldnt ssh2 be DSA and not RSA?22:15
zdznvidia 295.53 the latest, but it happen with the .40 and .49, wich are the one installed by ubuntu automaticly22:15
user__freedomrun_, will that also work with 12.04?22:16
freedomrun_user__, why don`t you try22:16
user__hah alright22:16
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escottzdz, sounds like your problem is at the intersection of two closed source programs... which limits what we can do for you22:17
Yagoanyone know how to clear the taskbar of uninstalled programs?22:17
OerHeksYago, try logout/login ?22:17
zdzescott : it also happened with 11.10 32bit / 11.10 64bit / 12.04 32bit ...22:17
user__In 12.04, can you more the location of the launch bar?22:19
zdzescott : do you think that the (paying) canonical support  can do something ?22:19
user__Also, is there an option to change the appearance of the launcher icons into a dock?22:20
NowayzHello #ubuntu22:20
escottzdz, dont know much at all about their paid support22:20
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zdzdam, looks like i'm stuck there, i tried all that is at reach of my knowledge ... thks escott22:21
OerHeksuser__, place of the unity bar cannot be changed, i believe, else there is a tweak tool > sudo apt-get install my-unity22:21
Nowayzhey i've got a vps server that I'm trying to setup as a music playing bot, does anybody know how to install some kind of virtual sound drivers on ubuntu?22:21
YagoOerHeks, ill try that22:21
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Nowayzsomething that I can route an applicatinos sound to, or maybe something that will repeat all system sounds22:21
user__OerHeks, what's my-unity?22:22
OerHeksuser__, a unity tweak tool22:22
user__OerHeks, can you completely remove the option to search the web from the desktop?22:23
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user__OerHeks, is one specific lens responsible for web-searching?22:23
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OerHeksi do not see "search the web" lens22:25
YagoOerHeks, it worked thanks22:25
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user__Anyone know if you can delete the recent apps tool?22:26
OerHeksYago, great, leftovers from pidgin somehowe did'nt kill22:26
user__I dont want to see the recent apps option when using the unity search windows22:26
EaglemanWhy isnt this working in vsftpd.conf? local_root=/chroot/ftp/%u/home/%u22:27
OerHeksuser__, askubuntu is nice , maybe this is your answer >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/100424/how-to-remove-frequently-used-programs-from-menu-dash22:27
sk8|nixhad a couple of questions if anyone's available to answer a few questions22:27
Eaglemanit doesnt recognize the %u22:27
user__OerHeks, thanks I appreciate it22:28
OerHeksuser__, there is an AskUbuntu lens, i am using22:29
sk8|nixi tried to use the update manager to go from 11.10  to 12.04 and had some errors and now the update manager says try to do a partial update22:29
user__OerHeks, so it's just a lens for support and FAQ's?22:29
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sk8|nixthe partial update says it's not alowed to go from precise to oneriric22:30
OerHeksuser__, jups, i think it is the follow up from forums Q&A22:30
sk8|nixwhich leads to believe its updated but everything is still showing 11.1022:30
user__OerHeks, oh, ok. is the "available apps" menu the suggestions from the software center?22:31
user__OerHeks, in other words, is it a list of suggested apps to downlaod?22:31
OerHeksuser__, i don't know, never been that deep into22:32
user__Does anyone know a link to a list of all the installed software that comes with ubuntu 12.04? I would like to know so I can uninstall what I don't want when I get the OS.22:33
escottuser__, that would depend on what install cd you use. you could start with !minimal and work up22:34
user__@escott, I thought there was only one version available?22:35
Nowayzhey i've got a vps server that I'm trying to setup as a music playing bot, does anybody know how to install some kind of virtual sound drivers on ubuntu? something that I can route an applicatinos sound to, or maybe something that will repeat all system sounds22:35
escott!minimal | user__22:35
ubottuuser__: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:35
user__ubottu, what are all of the CD images available?22:36
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:36
escottNowayz, why not use pulseaudio?22:36
escottuser__, minimal, alternate, server, desktop22:36
user__ubottu, also do you choose from the website or when installing the OS onto your PC?22:37
ubottuuser__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:37
escottuser__, and then the flavors kubuntu lubuntu etc22:37
Nowayzwill pulseaudio work?22:37
NowayzI don't have a sound device22:37
commandocodingHow can i make the desktop icons invisible from commandline in Ubuntu 12.4 (Gnome Classic)22:37
NowayzIt's a server install of ubuntu, but it has gnome desktop envrionment installed with VNC22:37
escottcommandocoding, some gsettings command would do it22:38
NowayzBasically the computer has no real sound processor, but I need to pipe all of the sound into a sound input interface so I can play it on a teamspeak server22:39
Nowayzcan pulseaudio do that?22:39
cpetNowayz: yes :)22:39
NowayzOh sweet22:39
NowayzWill I have to build it?22:39
=== NoWayJose is now known as Guest66001
cpetThat is the nature of pulseaudio22:39
cpetapt-get install pulseaudio22:39
commandocodingescott than ks  this used to work earlier http://paste.ubuntu.com/1022150/ Cay idea how to make this work with gsetting22:40
NowayzIt's not in my repos22:40
escottcommandocoding, should be similar but with gsettings instead of gconftool22:40
NowayzI have maverick server install22:40
commandocodingThanks let me try22:40
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testingoutcarpe diem22:43
user__Anyone know good software for ubuntu that is similar to photohop (in terms of features)22:44
ex0agimp is about as close as it gets i think22:44
user__I didn't think gimp was very "high-preformance'22:44
reisiouser__: GIMP22:44
ex0ahence the "as close as it gets" part22:44
reisioversion 2.8 even has a single window mode if you want it22:45
user__Can gimp edit RAW files? NEF's in particular?22:45
reisiothere's nothing significant missing from GIMP22:45
reisiouser__: format support should be superior to photoshop22:45
reisiootherwise convert with imagemagick first22:45
user__What about video editing?22:45
reisiouser__: lives, cinelerra, cinepaint - video editing maybe checkout avidemux, too (seems inferior, but /me shrugs) kino diva ? jahshaka kdenlive pitivi22:45
reisiono particular order22:45
user__anything that can handle 1080p at 24fps? Im using a DSLR22:46
cpetuser__: google?22:46
reisiokdenlive might be the most popular22:46
escottuser__, pitivi. unless you wanted filmgimp?22:46
reisiothat's probably more up to your hardware22:46
reisioif you want professional video editing, you want cinelerra22:46
Nowayzcpet: I'm used to using RHEL, do you happen to know which repository i'll need to add for pulseaudio22:46
user__how much is cinelerra22:46
commandocodingBINGO gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false22:46
user__or is it free?22:46
reisiocommandocoding: for no icons?22:47
reisiouser__: free & open source22:47
cpetNowayz: the default will have it it should already be installed22:47
vnsay I got 3 dumps from a linux software raid being md0 md1 and md2, how can i reconstitute the drive to mount and access it?22:47
commandocodingNow I can enjoy my wallpapers :)22:47
reisiocommandocoding: :p22:47
reisiocommandocoding: historically you can get to that through nautilus' prefs, too22:47
reisiodunno if it's still there22:47
user__so  cinelerra is the equivalent to adobes video editing software?22:47
reisiouser__: I believe its aims are even more professional than that22:48
user__very good22:48
reisioas in assembling a feature film22:48
user__thanks guys22:48
Nowayzcpet: oh you're right! Do you know happen to know of any tutorials guidlining how to run pulseaudio, I don't even know where to star22:48
cpetNowayz: google?22:49
user__Lol, why do people waste their money on other software when open source software is just as good if not better22:49
escottvn, if you dumped md devices you have full filesystem images? did you mean to say that you dumped components of an md device?22:49
reisiouser__: ignorance22:49
user__i guess so22:49
reisioNowayz: it's already running22:50
reisioNowayz: what else is it you want to accomplish?22:50
cpetreisio: Well not everyone knows how to use Linux as it is still a pain in some aspects, so the only other OS is Mac OS or Windows.22:50
Nowayzreisio: I'm running a VPS server, and I need it to serve as a music bot22:50
reisiocpet: nonsense22:50
user__how often are new ubuntu updates released?22:50
vnescott: escott exact22:50
user__on average?22:50
reisioit's true just changing the color of widgets will freak the average person out22:50
commandocodingreisio I do get a few things from nautilus like the background image but this i could not22:50
cpetreisio: heh22:51
reisiobut that isn't exactly a problem22:51
reisionot a real one22:51
Nowayzreisio:I need a virtual sound device basically so I can repeat all applications audio into a virtual audio input22:51
reisioyou can after all make Linux look and work graphically just like Windows or Mac OS22:51
reisiocommandocoding: maybe they changed it <shrug>22:51
cpetuser__: as fast as the package creators create updated packages22:51
reisioNowayz: maybe talk to #pulseaudio22:51
reisioNowayz: or #jack22:51
cpetNowayz: You would need to create a server on your machine and use the VPS as a client. it is possible but a pain22:52
commandocodingreisio i guess They are phasing it out as and when features are being migrated, I better change my Desktop setting code too just to be ahead o22:52
Nowayzcpet:Create a pulseaudio server?  I'm reading about how it works right now22:53
reisiocommandocoding: well GNOME has always liked hiding prefs, but it takes time22:53
cpetIn my experience pulseaudio has always lead to cracky shity audio so I disable it22:54
Nowayzcpet: Any alternatives?22:54
cpetFor what you want to do no22:54
escottvn, which was it?22:54
cpetAtleast I am unaware of any check freshmeat maybe you can find something that does what you want22:54
vnescott: what do you mean?  I got /dev/md0 md1 and md222:55
commandocodingIn case any one is interested here is the bash I corrected it toggles the deaktop icon in 12.4 visible n not visible http://paste.ubuntu.com/1022212/22:55
escottvn, if you dd'ed off /dev/md# then you have the full contents you can mount -o loop yourimagefile /media/md022:56
DocPlatypusAnyone know why "apt-get source software-center" doesn't work? I get 404s for all the files22:56
cpetDocPlatypus: nope22:59
OerHeksDocPlatypus, the softwarecentre is not opensource, i believe.23:00
DocPlatypusOerHeks: no, apt-get says the source is in bzr23:00
trismDocPlatypus: run: sudo apt-get update; first23:00
vnescott: ok so I'm doing it right must be an issue with zfs23:01
trismDocPlatypus: software-center was updated several times over the last few days, you probably have stale sources23:01
DocPlatypustrism: ah. *that* makes sense.23:01
riesHello! I have a small quesiton, where can I lookup installation statistics for a specific tool in ubuntu? I did hear about popcon, But I am not sure how to use that (http://popcon.ubuntu.com)23:07
debsanries, what tool ?23:09
riesdebsan: librecad23:09
Nowayzcept:Hey crazy question really fast: I'm running VNC on this vps and every time I type the "d" key it minimizes whatever program is in focus23:09
NowayzI don't suppose that's a common issue?23:09
cpetNowayz: depends on the VNC client23:10
NictraSaviosWhat is a simple circuit drawing program for Linux? Preferably free (As in freedom, not open). By simple I'm talking... Battery, resistor, amp meter, volt meter, a few wires/23:11
NowayzIt's realVNC, and it's never done this before :\23:12
tuxgeek!ot | Helios23:12
ubottuHelios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:12
riesNictraSavios: geda ?23:12
jokerlolhi all!23:12
ubottujokerlol: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:12
debsanries  4249  librecad                       11237  2154  8649   430     4 (Unknown)23:12
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debsanries, 11237 instations23:13
riesdebsan: 11K users ?23:13
jokerlol!ot | Helios23:13
ubottuHelios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:13
NictraSaviosries I tried using it but... I can't find anything about meters and really I get a headache looking at it O.o... If you had a nice tutorial... but otherwise... It's a little too complex23:13
riesNictraSavios: XCircuit?23:14
NictraSaviosries, I'll try it now23:14
riesdebsan: where did you get that info?23:14
OerHeksNictraSavios, type " circuit" in softwarecentre ;-)23:14
debsanries, ^offcourse this information is caught by people who let ubuntu to know waht applications they are using23:15
riesdebsan: ofcourse..23:15
NictraSaviosOerHeks, I prefer sudo apt-get install xcir<tab> :P, just a personal preference though.23:15
LinuX2halfI've set Java to the location that was extracted in but when my browser doesn't detect Java. What should I do?23:16
janrinze2any idea how to change file association in the file browser?23:16
OerHeksNictraSavios, no, that command in softwarecentre shows you more options.23:16
cpetLinuX2half: install the java package23:16
LinuX2halfmake install?23:16
cpetapt-get install openjdk should be enough to allow java apps to work23:16
NictraSaviosOerHeks, Oh sorry, I though you were telling me how to install xcircuit from reis's suggestion. Yea, I know. I was looking for a recomendation instead of searching though "apt-cache search circuit" for hours haha.23:17
tuxgeeklinuX2half: is java in your path?23:17
samdNictraSavios: gschem is also good23:17
LinuX2halftuxgeek: I've extracted to /opt/java/3223:17
tuxgeek"echo $PATH"23:18
LinuX2halfSo how would I install the java that I've downloaded?23:19
cpetapt-get install openjdk ?23:20
LinuX2halfcpet: it's unable to locate the package.23:20
cpetapt-cache search openjdk23:20
tuxgeekLinuX2half: is it a binary or tar-ball?23:20
rothamany idea why unity-panel-service is using 100% of a cpu? or cpu core?23:21
rothameven though it says its sleeping23:21
LinuX2halftuxgeek: The file I downloaded was a tarball/tar.gx23:21
janrinze2can someone help me to add a custom file association for the file browser in 12.04?23:21
escottLinuX2half, use update-alternatives to set the symlinks23:22
tuxgeekLinuX2half: "tar -xzf yourjava"23:22
LinuX2halfescott: I did, sudo update-alternatives --set java /opt/java/32/jre1.7.0_04/bin/java23:22
escottLinuX2half, and that doesn't work? if you chase symlinks from /usr/bin/java though /etc/alternatives you should get to /opt/java/3223:23
LinuX2halfescott: I retyped the commands and now it's asking for some sort of format.23:26
tuxgeekLinuX2half: can't you simply compile it?23:27
root____7i need help with wmii23:27
root____7i'am crying23:27
root____7when i start wmii23:28
root____7i can't type anything23:28
root____7i just have to little vertical bar23:28
LinuX2halftuxgeek: not sure how, since my browser is unable to detect the Java plugin23:28
root____7no command works23:28
root____7there is two horizontal bar that i can move with my mouse23:28
root____7how to mae wmii works ?23:29
DocPlatypustrism: thanks. indeed that's what it was23:29
root____7please ?23:29
Myrtti!patience | root____723:29
ubotturoot____7: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:29
root____7i'am searching but it's the first time that wmii done that to me23:30
tuxgeekLinuX2half: unpack the tarball, cd to the java directory, run configure, make & make install23:30
Rookie407can someone help me23:30
cpetRookie407: ok23:31
Rookie407i've set up the shift switcher (least i think i did) but when i minimize a window it still goes to the bottom of the screen23:31
root____7and i didn t get the pop up screen in wmii23:31
Nowayzcpet: Do I need alsa in addition to Pulseaudio, I'm still trying comprehend how sound works (I have literall no idea to be completely honest)23:32
reisioNowayz: pulse works on top of alsa23:32
tuxgeek!wm | root____723:32
escottLinuX2half, what format is it asking for? are the symlinks correct?23:32
escottNowayz, pulse provides an alsa emulation layer (As well as a number of other protocols) and supports different backends including alsa,jack and internet23:33
Rookie407can anyone help?23:33
cpetNowayz: no23:33
root____7bye i return crying23:33
cpetRookie407: ask your question and stop asking to be helped23:33
Rookie407i asked my question no one answered23:34
Rookie407i've set up the shift switcher (least i think i did) but when i minimize a window it still goes to the bottom of the screen23:34
zeta-can ubuntu import account settings for windows mail?23:35
zeta-if so, where would it store them?23:35
aaaszeta- you mean import from a mail client on windows to a different mail client on ubuntu?23:35
cpetzeta-: export the emails should give you a bunch of .eml files then add them to the new client23:36
LinuX2halfescott: I think it's asking me to correct my commands: --install <link> <name> <path> <priority>  [--slave <link> <name> <path>] ..23:36
zeta-yes, the mail client is called windows mail23:36
aaaszeta- do you have imap/pop?  just the settings? or the emails too?23:37
zeta-cpet: i want account settings23:37
aaaszeta- but you dont care about the actuall messages since they're on the server, correct?23:37
zeta-think it's just pop23:37
zeta-aaas: yes correct23:38
aaaszeta- well it still depends if its on the server or not... you wont get your messages if they've been erased off the server23:38
NictraSaviosI got gschem working :D23:38
aaaszeta- what client do you want to use in ubuntu?23:38
NictraSaviosThanks! I had to learn how to filter results, found a volt meter and amp meter23:38
aaaszeta- what you are doing is OS agnositic, it's not a ubuntu thing, its a mailprogram 1 -> mail program 2 thing, not really anything to do with ubuntu23:39
zeta-aaas: not worried -- evolution?23:39
Nowayzescott: Okay so assuming I need to capture the sound from firefox for instace, wouldn't I need the alsa emulator in order to loop the sound into an input device23:39
aaaszeta- you may find that after all is said and done that it's easier to just open up two computer, write it down or soemthign else than try and expeort import settings23:39
Nowayzbecause it seems like all of the applications want to use the alsa drivers23:39
aaaszeta- you just need pass/login, type, port, security23:40
LinuX2halfI have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed and on some forums it said that my browser would automatically detect or have the java plugin.23:40
escottNowayz, with pulse installed your applications should use the pulse alsa emulation23:40
LinuX2halfNot sure why this is not my case.23:40
janrinze2file associations, anyone?23:40
NowayzI don't think pulseaudio is running by default though23:40
escottLinuX2half, oracle changed their rules a few months ago. canonical can no longer distribute sun java23:40
NowayzSo now I need to figure out how to get it running23:40
aaasaaas- it all depends on the client, you'll probably have to google and search the forums of whatever client you want to use, say, thunderbird23:41
zeta-aaas: Ok thanks! but the problem really boils down to extracting password23:41
LinuX2halfescott: why? Since Java is a commerical product?23:41
aaaszeta- ^^ that was meant for you23:41
aaaszeta- extracting the pass?23:41
cpetso I take it this includes openjdk as well?23:42
zeta-aaas: windows mail won't tell me the password23:42
aaaszeta- pass to access the program or to access your mail server?23:42
escottLinuX2half, larry ellison is a ****. i don't know. future versions of oracle java will be based on openjdk and so openjdk should be very close23:42
aaaszeta- hmmm i doubt the password is in plain text anywhere, you cant really get it back, i really don't know if what you want to do is possible because you have to move some special settings setup of win mail to some completely different setup in something like thunderbird23:44
aaaszeta- cant you get the server pass somehow?23:44
aaaszeta- email the admin?23:44
janrinze2how do i add a custom file association in the file browser? i need to use a different program that is not in the list. the program is in my home dir23:45
reisiojanrinze2: which brwoser23:45
CeresHi. I'm looking for a little help with the terminal.23:46
aaaszeta- this is informative: cant do it into thunderbird http://goo.gl/zI1nE23:46
ntwrk_keithif i turn "security = user" on for samba file share, will that also require a user account for printing from windows machines?23:46
tuxgeekCeres: shoot!23:46
CeresI'm new to Linux.23:46
escottLinuX2half, sorry i dont know update-alternatives. its not something ive used before, just know it is supposed to be used23:46
CeresOkay, so I'm starting a 'process' like this: node filename.js23:46
CeresAnd then, when I want it to stop, I do Ctrl+Z23:47
CeresAnd then I have to do "ps" to find it's PID, and then I do: kill -9 PID to stop it.23:47
janrinze2reisio: the default file browser in 12.0423:47
escottCeres, that doesn't stop, it suspends. Ctrl-C kills23:47
CeresThere must be a better way :/23:47
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CeresOkay, so Ctrl-C.23:47
tuxgeekctrl C23:47
reisioas in cancel23:47
zeta-aaas: tried all support options (they deny the account exists) importing is my last hope23:47
aaaszeta- look further down the thread... someone did win mail -> outlook -> thunderbird  .. but you might just want to bite the bullet and try and track down that pass, you might need it sooner or later, and from now on use a good password manager/evernote or something and keep good notes so it doesnt happen again23:48
zeta-looking @link23:48
CeresIf I ctrl+Z to suspend a process, how do I un-suspend it?23:48
reisioCeres: fg23:48
aaaszeta- i see...well try that thread, if not try 10 pass a day for the next year until it works ;)23:48
tuxgeekjust ctrl-c23:48
reisioCeres: or look into 'jobs'23:48
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LinuX2halfDoes IcedTea-Web Plugin act as Java?23:48
CeresOkay, I'll look into those two.23:49
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CeresThanks for the help.23:49
zeta-aaas: :D thx23:49
reisioLinuX2half: icedtea is a JRE, yes23:49
reisioCeres: they're usually shell built-ins, so you can run 'help jobs' or 'help fg'23:49
reisioCeres: as well as being provided by coreutils if you want to use those for some reason (not likely)23:49
reisiobut in which case you'd consult man jobs, man fg, etc.23:49
CeresSo if I want to escape out of a program and to the command line, but not suspend or stop the job, is there a command for that?23:51
tuxgeekhit the q key23:51
escottCeres, you can ctrl-z and then "fq &"23:51
OerHeksCeres or just open a second terminal tab23:52
reisioCeres: I'd probably just open another terminal tab, yeah23:52
reisioor 'screen' 'window'23:52
CeresThat's what I've been doing, opening a second terminal.23:52
CeresI"m hosting stuff from this computer, though, so the result is having lots of terminal windows cluttering my desktop.23:52
reisiosudo apt-get install screen23:52
escottCeres, rather "bg"23:53
reisioCeres: the meat of it is 'screen' to start, CTRL+a, then c to -create- new "screens", CTRL+a, then K (that's SHIFT+k) to kill the current one, CTRL+a, then # to jump around them (or CTRL+a, then " [SHIFT+']), CTRL+a, then ESC to enter selection mode, SPACE to toggle selection on/off, and CTRL+a, ] to paste23:54
OerHeksCeres, some apps started from terminal can occupy the terminal, this can be resolved with & >> " nautilus & " or " filezilla & "23:54
CeresBoth those last lines are a little hard for me to understand at this moment.23:55
reisioCeres: try it out after you get screen23:55
CeresI think I have the knowledge I need to move forward at the moment.23:55
CeresWhat is "screen"?23:55
reisioit turns one term into infinite terms23:56
CeresI see your previous comment.23:56
reisioand has fancy features like copying & pasting without a mouse23:56
CeresThat would be fantastic.23:56
reisioCeres: some Ubuntu people also like byobu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byobu_%28software%2923:57
reisiohaven't personally tried it23:57
CeresDo you have a link to the software? I see several links on google, but with such a generic name I want to make sure I have the correct one.23:57
reisioCeres: you can also accidentally (or not) close a terminal with screen running in it, and re-attach to it later, everything will still be running23:58
janrinze2nautilus has 'properties' -> open with ..  but you cannot add your own program ..23:58
reisioit's sudo apt-get install screen23:58
CeresThat sounds like exactly what I want.23:58
reisioor sudo apt-get install byobu23:58
OerHeksjanrinze2, opening any own made .deb will open softwarecentre to install it23:59
CeresWhile I'm here, I should probably ask how I can set up a bunch of commands to run on start-up.23:59
reisioCeres: what sort of commands23:59
OerHeksjanrinze2, or use dpkg -i <deb>23:59
AndIrc__hello everybody23:59

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