
jonrafkindI can't copy my binaries to the maverick series. is that because its EOL?03:04
wgrantjonrafkind: Launchpad no longer supports Maverick in PPAs because it is EOL, indeed.03:06
jonrafkindshould I delete my maverick package then?03:07
jonrafkindi mean can people still get it or is it still just taking up space?03:07
wgrantPeople can still get to it.03:07
wgrantBut anyone using Maverick now is asking for their machines to be exploited :)03:07
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debfxwgrant: the lp._browser._request() approach to fetch private build logs has the problem that it writes the uncompressed log to the cache.12:34
debfxdo you have an idea how to bypass the cache or get the ?token= url without the content?12:35
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MattJI'm trying to copy a source package from one series to another in a PPA, is there anything I should know?13:32
MattJI get this error: The following source cannot be copied:  luadbi 0.6-0~svn2ubuntu1 in lucid (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)13:32
MattJBut I'm trying to copy to precise13:32
MattJOh, I just found https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/33071113:35
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 330711 in Launchpad itself ""same version already has published binaries in the destination archive" error when copying and rebuilding between series in a PPA" [Low,Triaged]13:35
mdeslaurcould someone please look at OOPS-7839f3e1c8cee1e9a90d24d39cd2d2c913:45
mdeslaurI'm just trying to add a package to a bug I just opened13:46
czajkowskimdeslaur: see the bug linked to it13:47
mdeslaurczajkowski: it links to a bug that was marked fixed released in 2010, so I'm not sure that's helpful :)13:49
psusicould an admin please beat this idiot with the twit stick and expunge his ranting, raving useless comments? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/872220/comments/5614:19
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 872220 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Fails to boot when there's problems with softraid" [High,Triaged]14:19
psusianother one by the some guy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/699802/comments/6314:30
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 699802 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "error:: no video mode activated" [Medium,Confirmed]14:30
czajkowskipsusi: done also14:31
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MTecknologyon https://launchpad.net/nginx/+packages it looks like the wrong series was linked to packages for some distros. I'd like to get it straightened out but as the project owner I don't seem to have the privs needed to unlink them.18:50
MTecknologyExample: nginx-1.2.0-1 in Ubuntu 12.04 should be linked against the 1.2 series, not 0.818:52
MTecknologywgrant: You're brilliant.. any chance you could help me out? :)18:52
KeithWHi folks -- I'd like to set up a bzr branch on lp to track a git ref (on github) -- is this possible?19:19
KeithW(In this case because I'd like the "mosh-stable" branch of github.com/keithw/mosh.git to be imported onto launchpad so I can build PPA packages from a recipe from it.19:20
KeithWAh, apparently you append ",branch=NAME" to the URL? Will try.19:21
KeithWHmm, no, that did not do the trick.19:54
KeithWhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1000852 notwithstanding.19:54
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1000852 in Launchpad itself "document how to import non-HEAD git branches" [Low,Triaged]19:54
KeithWAh, it seems to work given a git:// URL (just not with an https:// URL to a git repostory).20:44
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