
harrrismrubinDr_Willis,  when i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a copy to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox00:00
AwaitingMahdiBut surely ubuntu will be fine on his system.00:00
AwaitingMahdiPlus I like the reviews for the latest version.00:00
AwaitingMahdiSeems really user friendly.00:00
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  a actual COPYU or a Link to the same file.. 2 differnt things..00:00
harrrismrubinlike you made me before00:01
john__Dr_Willis: I surrender...cube will not run on this Toshiba with 12.0400:01
harrrismrubinon my old account00:01
Dr_Willisln -s Gimp Dropbox  (or visa versa)  makes the 2 dirs the same00:01
Dr_Willisa copy is not the same as a link. :) in the strictest sense00:02
harrrismrubinwhen i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a link to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox00:02
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Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  you want to link the dirs.. or every file IN the dirs.. 2 differnt 'tasks' also00:02
ki4roDr_Willis: You probably know me better under this name LOL00:02
harrrismrubinplease give me the full code to link those folder and whats insie00:02
OerHeksharrrismrubin, you might want incron/inotify > http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-inotify-examples-to-replicate-directories/00:02
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  ln -s directory1 directory2  makes anything you save in direvtory2 also appear in directory100:03
Dr_Willisim not sure what you gain by a directory of links, vs a link fo the actual directgory00:03
tkingis there any email marketing software like (Advanced Mass Sender, SendBlaster, Maxmailer) for linux or Ubutu00:03
harrrismrubinso what is the full code for when i add a file to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Gimp i want a link to go to /home/harrrismrubin/Desktop/Dropbox00:03
harrrismrubini am confused00:03
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  if Gimp is linked to Dropbox. then the 2 directories are basically the ssame00:04
tkingis there any email marketing software like (Advanced Mass Sender, SendBlaster, Maxmailer) for linux or Ubutu00:04
OerHeksyou do not want a ln in dropbox00:04
Dr_Willisso it woiuld best to make Gimp a Link to the dropbox dir.00:04
Dr_Willisnot the other way around OerHeks ?00:04
LoshkiAwaitingMahdi: hmm. There aren't as many as I thought; is puppy linux the only tiny one left? On this thread, http://www.techimo.com/forum/linux-unix/194523-best-linux-my-old-desktop-pc.html people say kubuntu or xubuntu is 'lighter'00:05
Jlanderthanks for all00:05
wylde_harrrismrubin: inotify/incron will do exactly what you want and a lot more.00:05
Dr_WillisLoshki:  tinycore linux is very  tiny00:05
OerHeksDr_Willis, the other way is fine ofcourse.00:05
Jlanderi recovered the HD with: sudo xfs_repair -L /dev/sdb100:05
Dr_WillisOerHeks:  i dont see the point in what hes doing either way. ;)00:05
LoshkiDr_Willis: Didn't know about that one....00:05
Jlanderbut i lost 1 inf file00:06
Dr_WillisLoshki:  distrowatch has some other 'small' disrtos also. like xpud, and a few others00:06
harrrismrubinwylde,  how do i download that00:06
tkingis there any email marketing software like (Advanced Mass Sender, SendBlaster, Maxmailer) for linux or Ubutu00:06
LoshkiJlander: I thought xfs was supposed to be pretty bulletproof. Do you know how it got corrupt e.g. power outage?00:06
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  perhaps tell us why you are doing this?00:06
harrrismrubinDr_Willis,  remember when you helped harris do this a month ago00:07
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  i dont rember what i did yesterday....00:07
harrrismrubinwell you did00:07
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  the channel is logged. :)00:07
harrrismrubinand ubuntu got really slow so i made a new user and i lost the links00:08
OerHekselse you could use rsync in a cronjob..00:08
ki4rotking: Have a look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123352800:08
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:08
JlanderLoshki,  my tv often fails when i'm play a record00:08
harrrismrubinwylde,  what is the terminal code to download sudo yum install incron00:08
Jlandera record in that hd usb drive with xfs00:09
ki4rotking: Have a look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123352800:09
LoshkiJlander: I understand.00:09
Dr_Willisive seen some guides at blog sites like omgubuntu and webupd8 on  how to get files outside the drobox directgory to sync  with your dropbx files. so yoiu can set up  dirs across differnt systrems00:09
OerHeksharrrismrubin, 2 lines below that is written debian/ubuntu00:09
OerHeksplease do read carefull.00:10
harrrismrubintwo lines below what00:10
JlanderLoshki,  i rad the otherwise00:10
bucknerAnybody gotten minecraft to work on Ubuntu?00:11
Jlanderabout xfs system00:11
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  why not just have a 'Gimp' direcgtory In the dropbox directory, then you can just drag/drop/link here.. the Gimp Dir to be whever you want.00:11
harrrismrubini want gimp folder on my desktop but i dontwant dropbox00:11
JlanderI have read that xfs allways need UPS00:12
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  now you have me totally confused....00:12
OerHeksharrrismrubin, you might want incron/inotify to sync those folders> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-inotify-examples-to-replicate-directories/00:12
harrrismrubinharrrismrubin@harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA:~$ $ sudo yum install incron$: command not found00:13
harrrismrubin OerHeks00:13
LoshkiDr_Willis: how do I make distrowatch cough up a list of tiny linuxes?00:13
Dr_WillisLoshki:  try its search feature perhaps? i just read the site every day so i noticce in the discriptions  it often says 'a small disrto for..' or 'a mini disrto...'00:14
OerHekswell done harrrismrubin00:14
Dr_WillisLoshki:  depending on your exacct needs - manyu of these tiny disrtos are very specilized.00:14
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Jlanderif I'm using a ubuntu live pendrive, how can I save a notefile to open after with windows?00:14
LoshkiDr_Willis: Thanks. Sometimes there really is no substitute sometimes for experience...00:15
Dr_WillisLoshki:  tiny core  has a bigger version thats 35mb.  the small version is 10mb. :) but its basically a 'you install exactly what you need' sort of thing.00:15
intraderUsing Disk Utility I have formated as ext4 volume a usb with 16 Gb of storage. I have named the volume 'Backup'. When I start the Backup application with the storage location set to 'SanDisk Cruzer: Bankup' , the backup application informs me that the  it is waiting for 'SanDisk Cruzer: Backup' to become available. It never does. The explorer properties report says that 'Backup' is mounted on /media. I don't understand what is happe00:15
intraderning. I am running 12.4.00:15
LoshkiDr_Willis: did DSL just wither away and die?00:16
Dr_WillisLoshki:  puppy tries to be  more complete.. but its a bit of a.. well.. hack job at times. Lubuntu is a nice light Ubuntu variant. :) but its still huge compareed to the 2 others00:16
Dr_WillisLoshki:  i think the dsl devs and others went into tiny core.00:16
Jlanderwell, thanks00:16
Jlandersee you00:16
Dr_WillisLoshki:  others ive tried are 'xpud'  and a few others i cant rember their names00:16
ardianhey is there any player like Winamp ? for Linux00:17
ubottuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use audacious as alternative.00:17
LoshkiDr_Willis: that's enough to be going on with. Thanks...00:17
ardianDr_Willis, thanks00:17
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:18
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AceFaceinteresting triggers00:18
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:18
LoshkiAceFace: they're all online at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi for easier browsing...00:19
ardianaudacious looks a lot different then winamp00:20
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...00:21
rhizmoemy tiny kingdom for a decent workplace switcher00:21
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Dr_Willisvague demands are vague. ;)00:22
ceti331__i think  single icons for each workspace in the ubuntu dock would be nice00:22
Loshkiardian: xmms1 used to be very close to winamp, but it's unsupported now. I haven't tried xmms2, but perhaps you should...00:22
Dr_Willisceti331__:  seen an indicator-applet that puts them on  a menu item in the top panel00:23
ceti331__interesting idea, its still 2 clicks though00:23
Dr_Willisoh the humanity.. ;)00:24
Dr_Willisor you just try the mouse wheel over the icon00:24
ceti331__overall i like unity00:24
rhizmoeDr_Willis: doesn't work on 12.0400:24
Dr_Willismy pad has a schroll wheel section on the side.00:24
RelondoUbuntu only recognizes 3.3 gigs of my 4 gigs of RAM. I am on 64-Bit, and am using 12.04 Precise. Help?00:24
rhizmoethat's what i'm looking for from 11.x days00:24
ceti331__i miss the worksspace selector of the old style panel00:25
Dr_Willisrhizmoe:  i have the attention span of a newt.. what 'dosent work' ?00:25
rhizmoeit's pretty lame that it no longer exists00:25
rhizmoeDr_Willis: indicator-workspaces00:25
ceti331__i usually use screen corners to activate 'spaces'00:25
ceti331__(desktop wall)00:25
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com  had a list of several of them i belive.00:25
Dr_Willisi havent checked there lately00:25
rhizmoethat's probably what i'm "supposed" to do00:25
OerHeksRelondo, sounds like you have a GPU that uses system memory.00:25
Dr_Willisi dont use workspaces lik ei used to years ago. i tend to just fullscreen apps and alt-tab a lot these days00:26
ceti331__is it possible to make ubuntu-unity trigger "scale(expose)","desktopwall(spaces)" seperately and in combination00:26
ceti331__i.e. 1 key for 'scale' and other key for 'desktopwall', then toggle either indepedantly00:26
RelondoOerheks: Yes, I have shared RAM. So Ubuntu doesn't recognize that as usable?00:26
ceti331__like 3 zoom levels00:26
OerHeksRelondo, yes, the bios adresses it to the GPU00:27
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ceti331__(expose-> spaces -> spaces+expose)00:27
ceti331__each step, the windows get smaller, you see a bit more00:27
Dr_Willisceti331__:  with ccsm i imagine its possible.. but ive managed to break stuff so much with ccsm i rarely toy with it these days00:27
RelondoOerHeks: Shouldn't my GPU only be allocated as much RAM as it currently needs, though?00:27
hammoi just upgraded from 11.04 to 12.04, i was running 3 monitors, 2 x screens, one for onboard and one for old radeon card. after reinstall i cant get both s xscreens to show. i have setup exactly the same bar new hdd. I still have old hard drive. what conf files should i be looking at to find difference in setup. I'm running xbuntu.00:27
ceti331__from what i've tried i dont think you can; i would be after anecdotal of someone who's done just that00:27
ceti331__it was magic on Mac OS snow lepoard… before they ruined it with MissionControl00:28
OerHeksRelondo, so it does. 256/512 mb is not unusual00:28
xanguahammo: from 11.04 to 12.04¿ how exactly did ypu 'upgrade' ¿00:28
iToastIm having a huge problem with ubuntu server 10.4 networking.00:28
hammofresh install from dl ISO00:28
iToastIt cant bring interface eth1 up even though it is connected.00:28
ceti331__Dr_Willis: my prefered option would actually be an intelligent hotkey.00:29
Relondooerheks: But mine has allocated 700 mb :/00:29
iToastI've installed from another machine becuase the one this is running on refuses to install without a cd / dvdrom...00:29
hammoold hdd on the way out :(00:29
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ceti331__presing the same hotkey repeatedly shows you more00:29
rhizmoeJFC where's the screen corners config?!00:29
rhizmoeseriously brain damaged00:29
hammoi tried looking for Xorg.conf but there's not one on here00:29
iToastI'm a retard, the cable was unplugged...00:30
iToastyet it still gives me a error...00:30
iToastIt has a full connection to the web.00:31
iToastAnyone have ANY idea why its nto reconizing hte interface00:31
Jeremy3Dwhy am I getting this error? Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/cheleb/blender-svn/ubuntu/pool/main/b/blender/blender_2.63+svn48091-0~precise1_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch00:34
Jeremy3Di've never had it before....?00:34
walruscodeNot sure if this is the proper place to ask, but: I installed vidalia with Ubuntu Software Center's GUI, and did not tell it to add my user to the debian-tor group when I was prompted to (I'm an idiot..). How do I fix this?00:34
NeedSomeHelpIs there a apache support channel? Need help00:35
Relondooerheks: So is there some reason my GPU is sucking up more RAM than it needs? Or does it actually need almost a gig of ram just sitting on the desktop?00:35
ozzloymy mouse is twitching a lot00:35
walruscodeWould #tor be a better place for my question?00:35
ozzloyhow do i stop it from twitching?00:35
Daekdroomwalruscode, this is the right place indeed.00:35
Cerrdorwalruscode: Vidalia is not needed with the newest Tor00:36
tkingki4ro thanks00:36
Jeremy3Danyone know how to fix failed to fetch ppa errors?00:36
tkingbut its not webbased00:36
Cerrdor++ read the tor site it explains NOT to use the pkg manager to install tor but compile it from the source downloaded from them00:36
Cerrdorespecially on Ubuntu00:36
walruscodeOk, thank you for the information. I will read the tor site.00:37
tkingi need email mass sender00:37
Cerrdortking build it in VB00:37
LoshkiNeedSomeHelp: there is #httpd00:37
tkingCerrdor i wish i know how to code00:38
Cerrdorcan you dcc?00:38
walruscodetking, an email mass sender is fairly trivial. There's probably several php or python scripts out there that do just that00:39
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Loshkitking: can I ask what you need it for?00:40
walruscodeI know phpgmailer can send emails from gmail accounts, it'd be easy to implement a mass sender00:40
RelondoCan I run a .exe on my Windows partition under Wine safely, or should I copy it over?00:40
myk_robinsonevening ,all00:43
Jeremy3Danyone know why an ubuntu ppa might not update? it's saying failed to fetch, check ineternet connection but i'm online00:44
OerHeksJeremy3D, what PPA?00:45
Jeremy3Dblender cheleb. i'll have the error her ein a sec00:47
Jeremy3DFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/cheleb/blender-svn/ubuntu/pool/main/b/blender/blender_2.63+svn48091-0~precise1_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch00:47
myk_robinsonhaving an issue with OpenVPN. I configured a server and i can connect fine from Windows but not Ubuntu. Well, it connects, but I cannot successfully use any network resources, and I can no longer browse the web when connected... Help?00:47
hungray1hey guys I just installed ubuntu and I am trying to configure proxychains....how do I make a strict proxy chain list with no DNS leakage?00:47
OerHeksJeremy3D, hash sum mismatch, try to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade again?00:50
tinksterI got 12.04 LTS to authenticate against an Apple Open Directory server; but it ignores "pam_groupdn cn=support,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com" and lets everyone log onto my test machine who is a valid directory user.  What am I missing?00:50
plitterwhat is the time between you writing/moving mouse and until it registers on the screen?00:51
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jagginessor anyone familiar with ip6 and tcpdump?00:54
nownothas anyone setup a http streaming server for av on an ubuntu box?00:54
celthundernownot: yes00:55
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:55
Dr_Willisi jusgt use the various upnp servers nownot00:55
celthunderjagginess: hey whats up wb.  ipv6 is what youre doing today eh00:55
nownotcelthunder: did it use apples standards with segments and what nto?00:55
SeqDoes anybody know how to force nouveau to load early in boot? I get crummy low-res boot screens until X loads, which seems to kick the kernel module in. Nouveau on the live cd works correctly.00:55
celthundernownot: idk i didnt say ive done it as l3top just pointed out id bet my life SOMEONE has though00:56
celthunderSeq: add it to bios...kmode or whatever00:56
nownotjesus … well ok …. does someone in this chat have experience setting up a http streaming server using m3u8 segments00:56
L3topnoveau is not used on the live cd... Seq.00:56
celthunderjagginess: did you get your boot issue figured out?00:57
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L3topIt will be fbdev, or vesa... I believe fbdev.00:57
celthunderL3top: vesa would be 16 colors 800x600 or some really bad looking screen00:57
Jordan_UL3top: nouveau is definitely used on the LiveCD.00:57
SeqL3top: are you sure? Pretty sure I had native res boot and X on the liveCD...00:57
celthunderunless its improved since i last used it it was just for -does the monitor work-00:58
Jordan_USeq: Have you installed proprietary nvidia drivers at any point?00:58
celthunderSeq: Seq turn on kms00:59
SeqJordan_U: yes, that's probably what caused it to be not inserted automagically. dpkg doesn't report any cruft left behind, but it could have been something done in a postinst script I suppose.00:59
L3topvesa does more than 16 colors 8x6. Jordan_U, while you could be correct, that was not my experience. It was, in fact, how I discovered the existence of fbdev. Seq I am certainly not positive, but it is my understanding.00:59
walruscodeI'm getting this error (http://pastebin.com/3S5grfFh) when I try to apt-get update after adding the tor repository for ubuntu 12.04 to my /etc/source.list. I'm following option 2 of this page https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en00:59
walruscodeCan someone help?00:59
walruscodeerm, make that /etc/apt/sources.list01:00
Seqcelthunder: Is there a toggle I should be passing somewhere to force KMS on? It seems to be working once X loads (I have instant, flicker-free switching to console, for example)01:00
celthunderSeq: grub?01:01
celthunderi think01:01
OerHekswalruscode, yes, now you need the key01:01
NeedSomeHelpAnyone here know apache?01:01
walruscodeOerHeks, I forgot to add that I already added the key01:01
fugbert_Can anyone tell me how to get apxs on Ubuntu 12.04 so I can compile php 5.4.4 with libphp5.so ?01:02
SeqNeedSomeHelp: what specifically about apache?01:03
NeedSomeHelpI just got a problem on localhost. I am not able to POST anything. Whenever I try do do a POST request by submitting any submit button, page just refreshed.01:03
D3RGPS31firefox isn't using my 'Print to File' settings :l i've checked prefs.js, the settings are there; wat do01:03
reisioD3RGPS31: what's it doing?01:04
SeqNeedSomeHelp: If you post to the same page, it would look like just a refresh to the client. Are you sure your server-side script isn't getting any post data?01:04
D3RGPS31i set it to remove the headerfront, headerleft, etc.. but it's just using w/e it was at default :l01:05
D3RGPS31reisio: in the settings* i can print without the headers/footers by setting it manually each print01:06
NeedSomeHelpSeq: have tried on several pages, login pages, search pages and more, that have worked fine before. Suddenly nonthing happens when I click the ok button, just a page refresh.01:06
NeedSomeHelpon different forms01:07
SeqNeedSomeHelp: And there are no errors in the logs or anything? They worked before? What has changed?01:08
D3RGPS31reisio: in short, it's disregarding the global settings i set in about:config :l01:08
NeedSomeHelpseq: yes thats right. I dont know what caused it.01:10
reisioD3RGPS31: you could try making a new profile to rule out... stuff01:10
D3RGPS31i did01:10
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oneNeed a vb.net class using WinInet api to connect to the internet using Socks5 proxy settings. Would like to be able to set the user agent as well. If you have a different solution to using socks5, let me know. Need this ASAP!01:10
android6011quick question where would you mount a drive to that will mostly contain shared data. I was thinking of mounting it as my home and creating a separate user account to maintain the shared data in its own home directory. or would I be better off mounting in under like /mnt/shareddata01:10
SeqNeedSomeHelp: Don't know what to tell you. Something will have changed. I'd check apt logs for updates, timestamps on the apache configs, etc.01:11
D3RGPS31reisio: under 11.04, with the same version of firefox, the settings were the same, and it printed fine; since switching to 12.04 it's changed :l01:11
NeedSomeHelpseq: I have installed latest versions and I have checked /var/log/apache2/error.log...01:14
SeqNeedSomeHelp: right, I was suggesting to see if any updates applied recently. Maybe the latest version caused your issue. Or maybe it changed a default config?01:15
samuelhello guys01:15
NeedSomeHelpseq: dunno, i dont know all my config settings by heart...01:16
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: apache issues?01:16
samuelI have 3 models, A, B, and C. Model A has a FK of model B which is required. Model B has a FK of model C which is NOT required. How can I force django to accept only FKs in model A that also have an FK in model C?01:16
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: apache or php. POST issues.01:16
D3RGPS31firefox on 12.04 is disregarding the print settings in prefs.js, there is no user.js; the same settings worked on 11.04 with the same version of firefox; i've tried with a new profile, same problem01:17
samuelsorry wrong channel01:17
SeqL3top, celthunder, Jordan_U: Looks like the nvidia driver left behind /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-current.conf; That file has blacklist rules in it.01:17
nUwbHi everyone! I have started doing some scripting, very basic to get the hang of it, and I ran into a problem. I give it the permissions needed but it gives me the error "text file busy". Does anybody have an idea what the problem might be?01:17
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: ok. whats the issue?01:17
SolarisBoynUwb: try lsof <filename>01:18
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glitsj16D3RGPS31: you mention not having user.js .. have you tried making one yet ?01:18
L3topSeq: that makes perfect sense... I should have thought to check that. Good job Seq.01:18
nUwbI make a file, give it permission with chmod and put something like 'echo "Hello world"' but it just says error:file busy01:19
SolarisBoynUwb: can you try lsof <filename>?01:19
nUwbSolarisBoy:yeah give me a sec01:20
D3RGPS31glitsj16: would i just create it and stick my settings in it?01:20
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: what is the error you get on POST verb?01:20
glitsj16D3RGPS31: yes, make sure you use the same syntax as in prefs.js01:20
Onixsintel lan is better than realtek ?01:21
SolarisBoybetter for what?01:21
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: there are no messages at all. Page just refreshes. I have tried login forms and search forms that used to work just fine.01:21
Onixsspeed i guess01:22
D3RGPS31glitsj16: still disregarding the print settings :l01:22
SolarisBoywhat intel card vs what realtek card?01:22
OnixsSolarisBoy : i mean, in general01:22
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: are you checking the access log?01:22
Onixswhich is better/well supported01:22
nUwbSolarisBoy: o.k. I did lsof <filename> and it doesn't do anything but gives a blank line01:23
wylde_!hacl | Onixs01:23
wylde_!hcl | Onixs01:23
ubottuOnixs: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:23
SolarisBoySolarisBoy: ok - that may happen if you don't have permissions to see whats open on it also in which case you can try to prefix it with sudo - can you pastie the file and its permissions?01:24
krababbelOnixs: virtualbox has a bug with realtek nics01:24
Onixs^^ Thanks ^^01:24
krababbelOnixs: on windows, in linux I am not sure01:24
Onixskrababbel : natively01:24
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: last lines from access.log http://pastie.org/411782501:25
nUwbSolarisBoy: -rwxr -xr -r 1 nUwb showfile.sh01:25
glitsj16D3RGPS31: too bad, this was after restarting firefoxi assume ... well, i very rarely print to paper, but there is a longshot attempt you can try: use cups interface to set your print defaults system-wide ... are you familiar with cups and the browser interface (if installed and running you find it at localhost:631 i believe01:25
krababbelOnixs: well, in windows they got a problem if you want vlans on the host01:25
SolarisBoycan you also pastie the contents in pastebin? nUwb01:25
krababbelso a pretty special problem Onixs01:26
D3RGPS31glitsj16: i'll look into that :v01:26
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: it says 200 returned. are they php pages that are blank? can you resolve a simple info.php file?01:26
Exodequick question01:26
Onixskrababbel : is that a question ?01:27
Exodeif i rm rf can i still boot from a different  live cd afterwards?01:27
krababbelOnixs: no, it's what i experienced about problems with realtek01:27
Dr_WillisExode:  Huh? you 'rm' files.. what does that have to do with  a live cd?01:27
OnixsAh, Ok :)01:27
nUwbSolarisBoy:if test 5 eq 501:27
nUwbecho "It worked!"01:27
FloodBot1nUwb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
Exodeno, i mean rm -rf/* my current installation on my hd01:27
Dr_WillisExode:  you can boot a live cd.. without any hd at all if you watned to01:28
Dr_WillisExode:  i dont ssee much poing in usoing rm rf on the installed system01:28
SolarisBoynUwb: is that the complete contents?01:28
Exodeits a shitstorm. 3 OSes and 2 dont work01:28
jagginessanyone knows of a good #network channel? (I need to know if there's a bug in tcpdump)01:28
nUwbSolarisBoy: yes, very basic stuff01:29
ExodeI guess i could DBAN01:29
Dr_WillisExode:  if you want to erase the filesystem, reformat it.01:29
SolarisBoynuthats not valid bash01:29
SolarisBoynUwb: its not valid bash for 1 - what did you mention about echo?01:29
ExodeI have a vista installation on it as well, will that get erased too?01:29
Dr_WillisExode:  use gparted to delete,repartion, reformat as needed.. and it will01:29
SolarisBoyif statements end with fi in ash you also need to perform some test for truth or such nUwb also it's -eq as the comparison operator01:30
SolarisBoynot eq nUwb01:30
nUwbSolarisBoy:yeah, I also tried that. I put #!/bin/sh or is it something else that is needed?01:30
nUwbSolarisBoy: o.k. -eq01:30
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SolarisBoynUwb: you need to right correct bash to have it execute - it still doesn't explain that error you got but that wont work anyway01:31
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: pages arent blank. When I click any of the submit buttons, then the current page just refreshes and nothing happens. I just tried a test php file with a minimal form. The value does not submit and print_r($_POST)=Array ( )01:31
nUwbSolarisBoy: you mean #!/bin/bash?01:31
SolarisBoynUwb: when did you get the busy file error? doing what action? has it occured again?01:31
ardianI am trying to report the crash of chromium but the report tool for some reason doesn't want to report it01:31
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: can you resolve an info.php file?01:31
nUwbSolarisBoy: when I put ./showfile.sh01:31
Onixskrababbel : i was comparing 2 atom board with realtek and Intel lan. Thanks for the info mate01:31
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: not quite sure what you mean01:32
krababbelOnixs: no problem :)01:32
Guest42074rbash I know is just restrictive bash i.e a link to bash -r but I am wondering what rbash is for apart from just being able to restrict what built in commands a user can uses.01:32
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: create a file called php under your web root where it will be accessible and put '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' (without qoutes) save it as info.php and open it in the browser - what occurs?01:33
Guest42074And how does one go about restricting a user he just created without a home directory to use only ls and cd01:33
Dr_Willisi think the rbash man page details its other restrictions,,01:33
Guest42074 And how does one go about restricting a user he just created without a home directory to use only ls and cd01:33
Dr_WillisGuest42074:   id imagine using rbash is going to be locked down enough for most cases01:33
Dr_Willisrbash i belive locks the user into their home. without a home.. why would it matter.. whats the user going to bedoing anyway?01:34
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: phpinfo occurs. What should I look for?01:34
Guest42074but how would one go about restricting anything he wanted from a user with out specifically changing it for the rest of the people chmod , chgrp ,...etc would not be as granular or control as much01:35
Zougloubhi, I'd like to ask what is the essence of ubuntu, how much can you change until it stops being Ubuntu.01:36
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: phpinfo() works fine01:36
Guest42074because say I wanted to restrict a user to just cd and ls I don't want to have to change the programs or copy then anywhere for a specific user without a home directory so there must be away I can use rbash to accomplish this01:36
conner_bwHi, can someone explain the Launchpad bug system to me? I'm specifically interested in the "Fix Released" nomanclature. This bug in particular, in comment #3 it says fix released, but I don't see this in 12.04 (Ubuntu Software Centre) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/+bug/99273901:37
Zougloub(this is all because of a "thou shallt use ubuntu" story, but I'm not a real ubuntu user...)01:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992739 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] fails if no GPG present" [Wishlist,Fix released]01:37
Guest42074then = them01:37
MageofHopehey does anybody here know if its possible to roll back a package like utouch to an older version? and if so, how would I do that01:37
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:37
MageofHopeSpecifically I'd like to roll back to 11.10's version of utouch, since the 12.04 version breaks some things01:37
Dr_WillisMageofHope:  if the older version is in the repos. you can 'pin' it./01:37
Guest42074why don't you just use synaptic or the control center01:37
MageofHopehow do I do that?01:37
IdleOneMageofHope: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:38
Dr_WillisMageofHope:  going back to an older release versions.. is most likely going to be very hard to do01:38
Guest42074but apt-get --help should answer your question01:38
randomUser849348Hello, I need to mount /sys/kernel/debugfs as user and have it as user after each boot. After a boot, it defaults the ownership back to root. How do I fix this?01:39
trismconner_bw: it was fixed in quantal, that's why it says fix released (but it isn't fixed in precise)01:40
SolarisBoyNeedSomeHelp: ok || try to turn on php error logging and check your apache configuration then01:40
conner_bwtrism: where on that webpage do you see this?01:40
SolarisBoyif phpinfo() function works fine then your php should be working fine otherwise - i am not sure what your configuration looks like01:40
MageofHopeDr_Willis: well i mean, I dont wanna roll my whole system back01:40
MageofHopejust this one package, utouch01:40
MageofHopeits in charge of touch screen interfaces and multi touch input support01:40
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SolarisBoyand apache is logging 200OK so it's getting the post and such NeedSomeHelp - so possibly turning up apache logging to debug and turning up php error logging would be optimal for you there01:41
Dr_WillisMageofHope:  if an older version was in the same 'release' repos. then it would be easier. but  mixxing in packages from a differnt relase - is going to be harder. You may have to resort to source code/building your oen deb01:41
conner_bwtrism: i'm grepping for Quantal and 12.10, there is nothing?01:41
trismconner_bw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools the version in quantal is 1.42 (if a bug doesn't specify the distro, the latest dev release is assumed which is why it was automatically marked fixed)01:41
Dr_WillisMageofHope:  and somthing that  lowlevel may  be very intwined with other things..  so it may niot be 'just one package' that needs to get downgraded01:42
MageofHopeyeah i'd be more hesitant about it but i01:42
MageofHopealready apt-get removed' it and it didnt remove much of anything else01:42
MageofHopeor break much of anything01:42
MageofHopeI guess because I'm on a laptop and all i want is more mouse gestures on my trackpad01:42
conner_bwtrism ok thanks01:43
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NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: from php.ini: error_reporting  =  E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, display_errors = On. I just discovered this only happens for php files that are within one of my project dirs!01:45
NeedSomeHelpSolarisBoy: f.ex. when I move the test.php to a different dir (project), it works fine01:46
D3RGPS31firefox on ubuntu 12.04 is disregarding the print settings in prefs.js; the same settings worked on ubuntu 11.04 with the same version of firefox; i've tried with a new profile, same problem01:48
strictlandhi everyone, I am trying to get the wireless to turn on persistently on my HP DV2000, I can run "sudo rfkill unblock wifi" and get it to run, but this requires me to physically switch off the wifi switch and switch back on then run the "sudo rfkill unblock wifi" command.... how can make it so I dont have to do this everytime? I'd like to leave my switch on and not have to do this process everytime I boot my laptop. Help?01:49
sacarlsonstrictland: might be setable in bios to default on01:50
vjacobhiya. any idea how I can achieve the same end result more or less as http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/howto-install-mate-on-ubuntu-12-04-with-no-other-desktop-environments-942438/ without having to reinstall using the netinstall image?01:51
strictlandNothing in bios regarding Wifi01:51
vjacobi.e. how does one simply _remove_ packages until only MATE is installed?01:51
ki4rostrictland: Have a look here:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/wireless-became-disabled-how-do-i-enable-858357/01:51
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OerHeksvjacob, mate is not supported here.01:52
tking0036can anyone point me to a tutorial on sed01:52
ldiamondI  currently have /boot / and /home partitions on a hard drive. I want to move / to my new SSD. I changed /etc/fstab but / keeps being mounted in the old location.01:53
ldiamondnothing in grub really points to / via UUIDs01:53
vjacobOerHeks, duly noted.01:53
OerHeksldiamond, did you perform update-grub after those changes?01:53
bazhangtking, try #sed01:53
Jordan_Uldiamond: The linux cmdline should.01:54
ldiamondOerHeks, yes I did01:54
ldiamondJordan_U, what?01:54
Jordan_Uldiamond: Look at the "linux" command in the grub.cfg01:54
ki4rotking0036: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html01:55
sacarlsonldiamond: can we see your /etc/fstab file pastebinit?01:55
ldiamondsacarlson, sfor some reason the mount for / in fstab has been commented by ubuntu...01:56
limpygnomehello :D01:56
Jordan_Uldiamond: It should contain root=UUID=01:56
sacarlsonldiamond: how can it boot without root?01:56
Jordan_Uldiamond: The fstab can't be read until / is mounted.01:56
ldiamondJordan_U, it's root=(hd4,1), which is the correct hdd and partition01:57
ldiamondJordan_U, yea that's what I'm thinking too.01:57
SolarisBoyldiamond: silly question - you have OS files installed on / ?01:57
SolarisBoyrather on the SSD?01:57
ldiamondyea I used dd_rescue01:57
ldiamondcopied out my old / partition01:57
Jordan_Uldiamond: That's irrelevant. I'm talking about the linux kernel parameter. Look at the line starting with "linux"01:58
ldiamondJordan_U, in grub.cfg?01:58
SolarisBoyi wouldn't call it irrelevant - though i get your point01:58
Jordan_Uldiamond: Yes.01:58
hungray1Can anyone here help me out with proxychains?01:58
dogfoodinglinux I am installing #Ubuntu  on another laptop but I chose Ubuntu desktop from the windows installer. Installation is not finished but I wish to try Xubuntu. Can I "side-download" it as well ? What about all the other flavors,so I can try ?01:58
ldiamondJordan_U, oh I see, the command running vmlinuz basically has params.01:59
Jordan_Uldiamond: Did you change the UUID after dding the filesystem?01:59
ldiamondJordan_U, yea I changed the UUID01:59
ldiamondJordan_U, I see linux   /vmlinuz-3.2.0-25-generic root=UUID=abbc745c-192a-4969-8cd0-c54ad17c1457 ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff02:00
ldiamondthis UUID isn't the SSD uuid.02:00
Jordan_Udogfoodinglinux: I recommend against using Wubi.02:00
bazhangdogfoodinglinux, install xubuntu-desktop02:00
ldiamondI guess I need to figure out why update-grub2 doesn't put the correct uuid in there.02:00
SolarisBoydoes it know that you want it to point there ldiamond? you only updated fstab no?02:01
ldiamondor it never will until I boot with / mounted correctly?02:01
Jordan_Uldiamond: It is putting the correct info in, just not the info you want :)02:01
dogfoodinglinuxJordan_U : Why ?02:01
ldiamondJordan_U, yea I though it would look at fstab, not at what's currently mounted.02:01
Jordan_Uldiamond: You can chroot into your new install and run update-grub from there.02:02
ldiamondAlright, I'll reboot with the change02:02
ldiamondyea that would work02:02
dogfoodinglinuxbazhang: I  am new to Linux and I installed Lubuntu on an old laptop,now I want to try Xubuntu. I already "selected" Ubuntu I did not choose Xubuntu. I'm sure I can download it after, can't I ?02:03
Jordan_Udogfoodinglinux: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop02:03
bazhangdogfoodinglinux, by installing the xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu-desktop package you can add those, then choose from the login window02:03
ldiamondfails when going through chroot02:05
Jordan_Udogfoodinglinux: After that you will have all the Xubuntu apps and the Lubuntu apps. If you want low resource usage you'll want to use the LUbuntu apps.02:05
ldiamond/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).02:05
dogfoodinglinuxJordan_U : can i use "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" ? and then do the same02:05
dogfoodinglinuxJordan_U : ok I get it02:05
Jordan_Uldiamond: You need to bind mout /dev/ /proc/ and /sys/ within the chroot.02:05
ldiamondJordan_U, too much trouble, I'll try to reboot w/ the right / in the first place :p02:06
ldiamondyea running off of the SSD now. Darn quick :)02:10
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
CrystalVoidanyone know what kind of space is required to install useing the   "MinimalCD" ?02:14
PeckerAnyone have any idea hwo to get networkmanager to preperly ignore a interface?02:17
SJrWhen I look at a hard disk with fdisk it says it's 160.0 GB, when I look at it with hdparm it says it's 500 GB. I tried backing it up with dd and it only got 160 GB02:19
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sacarlsonSJr: can you look at it with the gui disk utility?  I don't think fdisk supports all the new partition methods that linux can use02:25
jtruckshow do I correctly configure multiple ipv6 addresses on a single intrfae in the interfaces file?02:25
SJrI figured it out sacarlson, I had to eject the disk and reinsert it02:25
jtrucksI can't find an examle that works anywhere02:25
SJrIf I want to just back up the recovery partitions of a Hard disk how do I do that.02:25
Allan1097I have a probem02:26
sacarlsonSJr: whatever I backup I normaly use rsync02:27
SJrthat won't work here02:27
sacarlsonsjr; oh you want to backup the partition table also then add dd02:28
SJrYeah but I don't want to back of 500 GB of data02:28
SJrwhen I really only want 14 GB02:28
Allan1097please help me02:28
RoastedThis may be a dumb question, but can I run a sleep command at the beginning of a command? I'd like to create a startup application that waits 30 seconds after logging in to run, mostly for laptops who sometimes take a few seconds to connect to wireless.02:29
PeckerAllan1097: we cant help you if you dont state your question02:29
PeckerRoasted: is a bash script have sleep 30?02:29
RoastedPecker, yeah02:29
Allan1097I Download the Ubuntu Live CD from the official website02:29
RoastedPecker, like, sleep 30; rsync -a blah blah blah02:29
Allan1097and record a DVD-RW02:30
L3topAllan1097: all on one line please.02:30
Allan1097I will start when I start anything02:31
sacarlsonSJr: you could use dd to just backup the partition table info  man dd02:31
L3top!enter | allen02:31
ubottuallen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:31
sacarlsonSJr: there are better docs on dd but this is all I found so far https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DriveImaging02:32
tripleslashhi there.02:32
Peckerso Allan1097 you trying to install ubuntu?02:33
Peckerhi tripleslash02:33
asdasdWow this chat is a mess of questions. Might actually learn from helping other here :)02:33
tripleslashi'm about to install 12.04 sometime tonight, and i have a concern.02:33
Allan1097I get just a line that flashes and so leave it for half an hour and nothing, I had to get the dvd and start my normal operating system (Windows 7)02:33
L3topRoasted: Pecker that will work so long as that script is not called in a list of things that have to happen, unless it is backgrounded.02:33
tripleslashat the moment, I'm using linux mint 13, which for some reason is listed in the boot menu as its own boot source.02:33
tripleslashhow will installing this affect that?02:34
tripleslashi do intend on removing it either during or after the install.02:34
Allan1097And the version I download is 32 bits is 12.0402:34
Peckeryou can overwrite the partition its on, on install alongside it02:34
tripleslashbut the last time i removed it and replaced it with another OS, it outright refused to boot to OS.02:34
DoritoI was pinged02:35
L3toptripleslash: Do you have other OSes as well on this drive?02:35
L3top!nomodeset | Allan109702:35
ubottuAllan1097: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:35
tripleslashi'm on linux mint 13 right now, installing 12.04 as we speak02:35
Allan1097but I will solve the problem?02:35
Peckerseesm 12.04 is having a lot of people with 'flashing line' or 'blinking _' (including me, which started after installing nvidia gfx drivers)02:35
tripleslashor more specifically the diskimage02:36
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
L3toptripleslash: If you choose the "erase and use entire drive" option, this should not be an issue.02:36
Peckertripleslash: make sure you install grub in the right drive02:36
Peckersetup should automaticalyy set that up for you02:36
tripleslashPecker: i only have one drive right now.02:37
tripleslashone SATA drive, to be specific02:37
tripleslashunless you didn't mean that02:37
decciI need to learn about Skype configuration on Ubuntu..also installation and training02:37
L3topPecker: have you resolved your nvidia issue yet?02:37
Peckermight try reinstalling OS, idk02:38
Allan1097My PC is:02:38
RoastedL3top, pardon, you say it will work? How would it matter if it was a long list?02:38
L3topPecker: what is the output of lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'02:38
Peckercant boot into 12.0402:38
Peckeraltho running 10.04 with nvidia drivers right now on same machine02:38
Allan1097Intel Pentium 1.7GHz ,1GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 Series, Windows 7 PRO02:39
L3topI mean only that the other things (presumably that should run in that interum) will wait for that script to complete (including the 30 second sleep) before continuing.02:39
sacarlsondecci: I think I got the deb file or repository add from skype.com and installed that02:39
cccangelhey guys, would compiling one of the new releases of the kernel break anything in ubuntu that depends on the 3.2.x kernel?02:39
L3topRoasted: ^02:39
tripleslashalso L3top if i don't come back in the chat like "darn it didn't work, i am tons more angry than i appear" then that method will have worked02:39
Allan1097not much of this02:40
sacarlsondecci: I only see ubuntu 10.04 support at the skype site http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/02:40
tripleslashalso, small question, cinammon works on 12.04 in a reasonable way, right?02:40
RoastedL3top, I see. All I want to do is delay the rsync command for a bit to guarantee wireless has connected on laptops.02:41
RoastedL3top, I think that'll work - thanks!02:41
decciI need help on Squid installation and config on Ubuntu02:42
PeckerL3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GT 240] [10de:0ca3] (rev a2)02:42
L3topRoasted: you could also setup a ping loop that would not proceed until a connection was available.02:42
L3topPecker: did you install nvidia-current, or did you go to nvidias site and download02:42
RoastedL3top, oh? wouldn't that require quite a bit more over top of the sleep entry? I'm not sure how to even start with tha02:42
tripleslashwell i would hope so02:42
L3topRoasted: it wouldnt require sleeping.02:43
RoastedL3top, I'm failing to see a downside to it sleeping?02:43
Peckerfor 10.04 dl from nvidia, for 12.04 (which now wont boot) used the additional drivers app, which I assume installs nvidia-current02:43
L3topRoasted:  it simply would not try to rsync until a connection was available, and do so the moment it was available. The advantage, is that you will never make an attempt before it is time to, and does so the moment it is available... that is all. It is not a "wrong" way...02:44
L3topnomodeset | Allan109702:44
RoastedL3top, I see. Both would work, just different methods, eh?02:44
L3top!nomodeset | Allan109702:44
profxavierguys, can someone send me a URL on setting up Server as a Firewall/Gateway ? -thanks02:44
L3topBoth would probably work, one ALWAYS would ;)02:45
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RoastedL3top, truth be told, at best it's a 3-4 second delay for wireless connecting on the one laptop. I chose 30 as severe overkill.02:45
sacarlsondecci: it's been some time since I've used squid and this post looks old so might look for newer links http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-transparent-squid-proxy-server-in-ubuntu.html02:45
deccisacarlson: thnx02:46
danesbuen dia a todos02:46
Allan1097please explain to me right now I'm on Windows 7 and not how I speak Spanish and I am translating word for word02:46
Allan1097hola hablas espanol?02:46
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L3top!es | Allan109702:46
ubottuAllan1097: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:46
profxavierAllan1097: #ubuntu-es02:46
L3topRoasted: what if your wifi was down for a minute?02:47
alusionHow do I hide folders / files efficiently in ubuntu?02:47
cccangelCTRL+H alusion02:47
RoastedL3top, it's not mission critical it run every single time, though. IT's just a home backup.02:47
Allan1097Thanks, GoodNight02:47
L3topJust offerring ideas... you have a solution Roasted...02:47
linushas any one used a music player or seen a plugin for one that will read mp3 tags into the audio stream between songs using text to speech?02:47
RoastedL3top, I use deja dup but I want to use regular rsync so the data isn't altered like it is with deja dup... that way I rsync to the server and owncloud broadcasts it out02:47
RoastedL3top, so that way it acts as a backup yet also an active sync to other systems02:48
RoastedL3top, more of convenience than anything else :D02:48
alusionctrl-H ?02:48
sacarlsonalusion: hide them from other users?  or yourself?  a dot in front makes it not visible to yourself without added -A  like .thisfile02:48
alusionoh yeah that trick02:48
maumhow to copy all data from /test/ folder to /test1/ folder?02:48
alusionCool and is there a way to right click and have truecrypt available for quick encryption?02:49
alusionWhat can I use to customize my right click menu options02:49
linus@ maum cd test02:49
linuscp * /test1/02:49
L3topmaum: cp -r /test/* /test102:49
Dr_Willisnautilus has a scripting feature thaat can be used to add custome menu items.02:49
maumL3top: ok, thanks02:50
daneshello, anyone knows how can I make ubuntu display an index.html file that is located in a folder in a server? I know this is a very basic question but I am learning... I have apache installed and when I navigate to the address where the index.html file is, this is displayed as a file along with the folders in that path and when I click it is displayed in the browser as plain text02:50
L3topmaum: this assumes that you have two folders at root named test and test1.02:50
brandonboltonHello, when I run mysql -u root and I get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO). When researching the error code, I got pointed towards this http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,34014,46593 but the solution doesn't work.02:51
cccangelso will compiling 3.4.3 kernel destablize 12.04 lts by any chance?02:51
jribdanes: how did you install apache?02:51
sacarlsonDr_Willis: is there a link that shows how to add values to the scripts run from nautilus  like the selected file you right clicked?02:51
linusif your browser displays it as plain text that is an issue with your html file not with apache02:51
L3topmaum: if these are subfolders, clearly you would want to cp -r /path/to/test/* /path/to/test1  and if you just wanted to move them you would use mv (no -r which means recursive)02:51
Peckerdanes: for apache try localhost02:52
Peckerput that in browser02:52
L3topPecker: I would not expect you to have issues with nvidia-current on the 215.02:52
Peckerthat will load your apache site on that computer02:52
linuswith the default settings apache will display a folder that doesnt have a version of index.htm, but if index.htm is found it will be served when that dirctory called02:52
PeckerL3top: yeah weird, thats why I think theres some odd bug in 12.04, since I hear others having similar probs on here all day long02:53
bumsnnosesquick question, does anyone else have the install issue when using the intel seris 6 c200 chipset?02:54
L3topPecker: I will poke around...02:54
L3topbumsnnoses: define "the install issue"02:54
blendedbychrisguys in general is it easier to chroot or setup something like vsftpd/proftpd?02:54
Mandalordwhats your prob bumsnnoses02:54
sacarlsondanes: I guess it posible that your apache configs are not default might cause that,  as asked before how did you install apache2?02:54
blendedbychrischroot sftp that is02:54
cccangelokay if you see this, tell me you don't have an answer for me.  or are people this socially inable.02:55
bumsnnosesscreen goes black after the initial prompt. never boots live and if i install it it installs but dosnt display any images (i know its installed by the sounds)02:55
brandonboltonHello, when I run mysql -u root and I get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO). When researching the error code, I got pointed towards this http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,34014,46593 but the solution doesn't work.02:55
L3topcccangel: there are over a thousand people in here. If they all told you they didnt know it would take all day.02:55
linuseven if the apache settings where totally fucked up, apache wont serve a file called index.htm in any other way than as such that it can be viewed as html by a webbrowser02:56
linusunless the file is improperly formatted02:56
L3top!patience | cccangel02:56
ubottucccangel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:56
L3top!nomodeset | bumsnnoses02:56
ubottubumsnnoses: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:56
cccangelL3top, its not targetted at you.  in fact this is directed at the ingorant devs that that to stereotype people and come to hasty generalizations when i did have patience but no one reponded02:57
Guest42074does anybody know if there is a chart like the linux distro chart but for bsd variations out there?02:57
bumsnnosesyeah but will that effect my windows 7 install?02:57
bumsnnoses(only have it for gaming)02:57
cccangelin fact i know the devs monitor and periodically stare at the computer, watching the logs but sit there and do nothing sometimes because i have done the same before02:57
Mandalordonly ubuntu02:57
L3topIt is a linux kernel parameter bumsnnoses. It will not affect windows.02:57
cccangeland then they run me off like i am not a human being02:57
sacarlsoncccangel: can't hurt to try 3.4.3, just make sure you setup grub so you can boot the old kernel if it fails02:57
bumsnnosesokay thank you.02:58
cccangelsacarlson, can you help me find a decent article on how to move /boot onto its own partition02:58
cccangeli messed it all up and had to reinstall it the other day.02:58
sacarlsoncccangel: chroot?02:59
cccangelchroot can do that?02:59
sacarlsoncccangel: oh just create a partition copy the contents of boot into it and change /etc/fstab to point to it02:59
blackshirtchroot and fix03:00
=== Dorito is now known as Guest11788
cccangelokay ima try that sacarlson ... thank you03:00
sacarlsoncccangel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateBootPartitionAfterInstall03:01
linusim going to write a bash script. That takes songs from an m3u file and plays them with mpg123, and in between it will read aloud the Title and Perfromer. Using a combination of mp3info2 and espeak. Has anyone heard of something like this before? I know it can be done, but Ive already looked at parsing the mp3info output and it will take a little work to trim it down. So before I put in the time I want to check if I was duplicating someone03:01
linuselses work.03:01
=== Guest11788 is now known as Dorito
cccangelsacarlson, even more better. thank you.  sometimes i forget to search with older versions of ubuntu lol03:01
sacarlsoncccangel: things don't normaly change much03:02
sacarlsonlinus: never seen it before other than something that will play an m3u list03:03
linusive seen a few m3u bash parsing scripts and I may draw from them latter on. For starters Im just going to strip down the output of mp3info2 song.mp3 | grep 'Title:\|Performer:' and feed that to espeak03:05
notkevinI have a MacBook Pro (MacBookPro5,4 if it matters) and the touchpad is too sensitive, almost to the point of not being usable.  Anyone have any tips? I have been playing with synclient for a few days but I can't seem to find the right settings.  I am having lots of accidental clicks and when I do try to click the pointer jumps around.03:08
bent-stackAnyone know the command to list an App's installed  dependencies and the installed versions? Thanks03:08
celthunderbent-stack: apt or dpkg03:08
sacarlsonnotkevin: I guess disable and use an external mouse is not an option?03:09
sacarlsonbent-stack: I use synaptic to view a packages dependencies, right click the package in synaptic look in dependancy tab03:10
bent-stackHmm Thanks Celthunder - Ok I look more into apt and dpkg  seems only to list required dependencies03:10
linusthis actually isnt too bad if someone want to try it "mp3info2 song.mp3 | grep 'Title:\|Performer:' | espeak"03:10
notkevinscarlson: When I am in home office I can use a mouse, but it isn't really an option when I travel with it or when I use it in bed.03:11
bent-stackapt-cache showpkg package ! sweet03:12
celthunderbent-stack: you can check the repositiries onlin..not efficient but they should list what you want03:12
linus@notkevin did you ajust the settings in mouse/touchpad?03:13
notkevinlinus: yes, I set them to the lowest settings but the trackpad is still super sensitive.03:15
linusI had that issue with an earlier version of 12.04. there is a text file you can edit as a work around, but I cant remember where.03:16
linus@notkevin you can try "xset m 50 1" or maybe installing gpointing-device-settings03:19
biebI need some help.. I am out of town and an update has cause likewise to stop authenticating against our active directory server. I won't be able to fix it until Monday.. How can I set the server so there is no user authentication? I would be happy if the thin clients were booted and went straight to the desktop. I am running Ubuntu12.0403:21
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ariesyhi all, i am using ubuntu12.04, while i compiling c program, i can't find libpthread.so and libpthread.a...how to install?03:26
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ariesyand there is no libpthread.so in /usr/lib...TnT03:26
sacarlson!find libpthread.so03:28
ubottuFile libpthread.so found in libc6, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-dev, libc6-dev-armel-cross, libc6-dev-armhf-cross, libc6-dev-i386, libc6-i386, lsb-build-base303:28
cccangelsacarlson, well that was painless.  just moved the the files onto boot...03:29
cccangelgot it working03:29
cccangeli kinda wanted to ask sacarlson , is the concept of shrinking partition ... blah... then updating fcstab with the new mount the same concept as what i just did?03:30
cccangelkindof thinking about doing the same for the home partition03:30
sacarlsoncccangel: if you just moved the files does grub end up using them?03:31
cccangelsacarlson i did a copy my bad.03:32
KsMCan someone help me with sed03:32
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cccangelsacarlson, it uses them because you update grub to tell them to use them03:32
sacarlsoncccangel: yes I should think it still running the originals03:32
cccangelwell only one way to find out.03:32
cccangelcut and past boot into my home and reboot03:33
KsM$ sed "s-^http.*/thing/\([0-9]+\).html-\1-" testurl03:33
sacarlsoncccangel: I hope you have a live usb around03:33
KsMWhy isn't sed just matching the "234">03:33
cccangelsacarlson, i do03:33
biebI need some help.. I am out of town and an update has cause likewise to stop authenticating against our active directory server. I won't be able to fix it until Monday.. How can I set the server so there is no user authentication? I would be happy if the thin clients were booted and went straight to the desktop. I am running Ubuntu12.0403:33
KsMQuestion mark should be there, meh. Also I hope you don't mind the paste since it's only two lines.03:34
cccangelsacarlson, yes its still running the originals03:36
cccangelsacarlson, it said i need to turn swap off03:36
KsMsudo swapoff -a03:36
cccangelbut gparted doesn't recognize my swap and i read its because its encrypted?03:37
cccangelKsM is that permament or temporary?03:37
KsMpermanent until you turn it back on again03:37
KsMoh wait, what are you even doing?03:38
KsMare you trying to repair grub?03:38
=== Jordan_ is now known as jcrza
GeekAdminHow do I get the play command in terminal to play mp3's? It used to with 10.04. (now I'm using 12.04)03:42
GeekAdminHow do I get the play command in terminal to play mp3's? It used to with 10.04. (now I'm using 12.04)03:43
GeekAdminoops sorry03:43
Peckertheres a play command in terminal?03:43
GeekAdminhaah yea. Didnt meant to post that twice03:43
GeekAdminyea and it rocks..it plays wavs fine...used to play mp3's..now I can't get it to.03:44
KsMyou could use mplayer03:45
mik__locate mpg12303:46
mik__mpg123 your song.mp303:47
mik__or xmms2 play song.mp303:47
KsMCan anyone help me with my sed syntax?03:47
alchemist9there's also mp3blaster and alsaplayer...03:48
mik__.I had Removed xmms2 and install mpg123,and it working well03:49
Pendrag0n1here is a question, what tool/deamon can you guys recommend that will run, and email me logs of when the server's resources go critical, and why (as in what is using the resources) I need to track down why are server is running slow intermittently.03:49
mik__u hear? wifioregon03:49
biebanyone here know ltsp?03:50
KsMPendrag0n1: I think sar does that, if sar still exists03:50
KsMor was it mrtg I'm thinking of03:50
slorbastIs there a way to change remote desktop settings(password, accept without asking) via terminal instead of with the gtk frontend vino-preferences?03:51
Pendrag0n1Thanks KsM03:52
cccangelsacarlson, okay i am stuck.  i did the fstab and grub-update but the /boot on my previous target is still being used rather than on the new partition /dev/sda603:53
KsMcccangel: have you chrooted?03:54
KsMI'm guessing you're trying to repair grub, right?03:54
JollyCommieDoes anyone happen to know Google's public DNS thing?03:54
cccangelKsM, im booting into ubuntu just fine, im just moving /boot or grub onto anothe partitioon03:55
glitsj16pendrag0n: monit might also prove handy, http://mmonit.com/monit/ for more documentation03:55
KsMcccangel: ah.03:55
sacarlsoncccangel: I'm guessing you didn't fully read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateBootPartitionAfterInstall   at setting up grub203:55
intraderUsing Disk Utility I have formated as ext4 volume a usb with 16 Gb of storage. I have named the volume 'Backup'. When I start the Backup application with the storage location set to 'SanDisk Cruzer: Bankup' , the backup application informs me that the  it is waiting for 'SanDisk Cruzer: Backup' to become available. It never does. The explorer properties report says that 'Backup' is mounted on /media. I don't understand what is happe03:56
intraderning. I am running 12.4.03:56
cccangelhmm... hold on03:56
biebI need some help.. I am out of town and an update has cause likewise to stop authenticating against our active directory server. I won't be able to fix it until Monday.. How can I set the server so there is no user authentication? I would be happy if the thin clients were booted and went straight to the desktop. I am running Ubuntu12.0403:56
intraderSorry, instead of 'Bankup' it is 'Backup'03:57
cccangelsacarlson, actually i forgot the Final Cleanup part03:57
cccangelcool... it worked!03:57
Mandalordintrader: look into folder /media/backup03:57
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
intraderMandalord, I see the folder /media/Backup03:58
Mandalordintrader: set your storage location to /media/Backup03:58
maumhow to move the files included subdirectory?03:59
maumhow to move the files include subdirectory?03:59
KsM... mv -R?03:59
intraderI have, it still insists on looking into 'SanDisk Cruzer: Backup'03:59
KsMoh wait, there's no -R for mv, I'm thinking cp04:00
KsMmv does move recursively04:00
Mandalordit still waiting for 'SanDisk Cruzer: Backup' to become available04:00
intraderThe storage location is set to '/media/Backup on Backup'04:01
jagginessintrader, when you partitioned/prepared this disk did you try/see any notification of it?04:02
jagginessintrader, if you didnt, then exit the backup program, replug the usb (wait about 10-15 seconds), and try the app again..04:02
maumKsM: ?04:02
Mandalordjust try sudo fdisk -l and paste to pastebin04:02
intraderNo, I did not notice.  I will04:02
Mandalordintrader paste the result of sudo fdisk -l on http://paste.ubuntu.com04:03
maumKsM: I am trying to move directories included files.04:03
jagginessbieb, lol.. Active Directory is microsoft dude..04:03
KsMmaum: and?04:04
maumKsM: but the message said that the directory is not empty04:04
maumKsM: sudo mv -f * ../04:04
maumKsM: I did like this04:04
biebjagginess: yeah.. no kidding.. but Ubuntu Ltsp is linux.. thanks04:05
mi3hello, I changed my updates server, and allowed it to download all the package indexes, but when I did sudo apt-get update it still downloads the package indexes again, any suggestions ?04:05
sacarlsonmaum: you might want to copy then delete as if something goes wrong you can correct it04:05
jagginessKsM, that may not copy the dot files, .. (you want to move a directory? the mv command can do-> mv <thisdirect name> <to this location>)04:05
Mandalordmi3: dont understand clearly04:06
jagginessbieb, this channel is for the ubuntu desktop community-- for the server edition you need to get a subscription (this is a volunteer channel for the desktop)04:06
KsMjagginess: can you hlp me with my sed syntax?04:06
strictlandis there a simple way to make a shortcut that will run a sudo command in terminal?04:06
Mandalordmi3: can you tell us more what you are trying to do04:07
intraderMandalord, here is the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050309/04:07
mi3Mandalord, when we update for the 1st time, the update manager downloads all the package indexes, right ?04:07
Dr_Willisstrictland:  make the  runsomthinglike 'xterm -e 'sudo programname''04:07
Mandalordintrader: line 24 says that you dont have a partition04:07
JollyCommieThank you, KsM04:08
strictlandi'll give that a shot04:08
Mandalordintrader: how about format it again04:08
Dr_Willisstrictland:  make a launcher that   runs somthing like 'xterm -e 'sudo programname''04:08
jagginessKsM, there's free online regex builders04:08
Mandalordintrader: you may use fat32, ntfs or ext304:08
intraderMandalord, I have formated it twice04:08
maumI tested this: sudo cp -r ./test/* ./test1/ but this method moved test folder to test1 folder so I went to ./test1/test/ and did this  sudo mv -f * ../ but it cannot move the files and folders in test folder. the folders have also files.04:08
KsMjagginess: no I already have the line, I just have no idea why it's not working04:09
* TheBlogger do you wanna make easy money with google adsense? join our community and get informed. Join Server: irc.privategaming.info Ports:6667 Join Channel:#newfriends04:09
Mandalordintrader: in ext4?04:09
mi3!advertise | TheBlogger04:09
mi3!spam | TheBlogger04:09
TheBloggerno spam bro :)04:09
Dr_Willisyes that was spam04:10
jagginessintrader, the 16gb is the usb stick? you have to make a disk label (meaning you need to make a "table" for the partition list-- even if its 1 partition)04:10
KsMIt is spam.04:10
Mandalordmi3: yeah, but since the server update frequently, you should run apt-get update again and again each time to renew the index04:10
TheBloggeris a comunnity04:10
KsMAdvertising is spam04:10
Dr_Willisit is spam and ot.04:10
mi3Mandalord, when we update for the 1st time, the update manager downloads all the package indexes, but when I run sudo apt-get update, it again downloads the index instead of renewing it. I need suggestions on that.04:10
jagginessintrader, if its GPT, this list won't show with fdisk.. parted will show.. GPT/dosmbr partition tables can only be seen by modern partition tools (the default fdisk cant see GPT)04:10
Mandalordapt-get upgrade mi304:11
HoudiniHi guys !04:11
Mandalordmi3: apt-get upgrade is the command to download and install all the update package04:11
Houdiniwhat does apt-get update ?04:12
intraderjagginess, what is GPT04:12
Mandalordmi3: apt-get update only download the LIST of the update pakage04:12
Dr_Willisupdate - the list of avail updates04:12
mi3Mandalord, I dont think you understood my problem, wait, I will give you the paste.04:12
Dr_Willisupgrade, or dist-upgrade does the actual upgrae04:12
Houdinisoo.. i need to do apt-get update before do apt-get upgrade ?04:13
MandalordHoudini: yes04:13
Dr_WillisHoudini:  not every time.. but id say at least once during a session04:13
Houdinithx dudes04:13
Dr_WillisHoudini:  update, upgrde, do whatever installs you want.04:13
jagginessintrader, GPT is the same as dosMBR << these two are partition table styles.. the default fdisk tool can't list GPT-- you may have used another partitioning tool and have made a GPT label.. -- in this case if you did that's not the problem, but you won't see it with fdisk, but with other tools like on the gui or cli's parted command you can..04:13
mi3http://paste.debian.net/175396/ <------- It downloads the index AGAIN AND AGAIN, Mandalord .04:13
jagginessintrader, cli (command-line interface)04:13
sacarlsonmaum: cp -r ~/test2/ ~/test3/  might work04:13
jagginessintrader, what i meant is that GPT and dosmbr are same only in "concept". Their formats are not the same..04:14
intraderI don't get the connection of GPT and cli04:14
FriendlySovietWaht the fuck04:14
FriendlySovietMy steam internet is fine....04:14
FriendlySovietEverything is fine04:14
jagginessintrader, AND.. if you did use GPT, you would only have a mention of it as a single table in a dosmbr-only listing tool.. so your 16gb has no partition table of either GPT nor dosmbr..04:14
mi3!language | FriendlySoviet04:14
ubottuFriendlySoviet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:15
FriendlySovietWrong channel D:04:15
jagginessintrader, your output tells me it doesnt have either..04:15
FriendlySovietWon't happen again04:15
intraderjagginess, what is GPT04:15
jagginessintrader, nm what GPT is.. you dont have a partition table..04:15
mi3Mandalord, I am waiting for your suggestions.04:15
ozzloymy mouse keeps jittering.  how do i stop it?04:15
jagginessintrader, you need to select from the menu to initialize or make a table..04:15
Mandalordmi3: well i dont understand, what do you mean "It downloads the index AGAIN AND AGAIN", the paste seem ok04:16
Dr_Willisozzloy:  last time mine did that.. it was dust on the Sensor underneeth04:16
Mandalordin my case just wait until the end?04:16
mi3Mandalord, it downloads that 934 KB file, and that 5019kb file again and again04:16
jagginessintrader, in theory you can make a filesystem directly from the first sector.. but as you see here in practice.. tools expect a partition table.. so this tells you to avoid this04:16
mi3Mandalord, that should not happen.04:16
intraderjagginess, I have a partition table - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050323/04:17
Mandalordah no04:17
mi3Mandalord, sudo apt-get update should refresh the list, not download the entire index again, sir.04:17
jagginessintrader, you select the device (the parent node of the device), with the gui partitioning tool.. The row selected has to be on the device name.. On this row you DO NOT make a filesystem...04:17
jagginessintrader, this is what you must of done mistakenly..04:17
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
intraderjagginess, definitely - So how do I format a usb stick?04:18
ozzloyDr_Willis, wow, how'd you fix it?04:18
jagginessintrader, you should do this--> "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1" then run the gui partitioning tool..04:19
mi3Mandalord, fine, how can I remove those indexes ?04:19
jagginessintrader, that wont format.. but that'll wipe out any metadata that can confuse tools -- you're not ready to format..04:20
jagginessintrader, 1- use dd (to clean garbage up at the start you injected), 2-use gui tool to make partition table, 3-make a new partition&format it to ext404:20
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:21
intraderjagginess, do I need to boot up XP to fix this?04:21
jagginessintrader, xp won't zero out the beginning of the drive..04:21
Mandalordmi3: it seem strange since it download the entire index again and again04:21
mi3Mandalord, see, now you are understanding my problem. Why is that happening ?04:22
jagginessintrader, the good news is that your drive's device is recognized, but it needs to be correctly setup before you can access data to it04:22
jagginessintrader, carry out those 3 steps..04:23
intraderjagginess, resulting in the same problem - I see. I will do what you suggested. Could you pastebin the commands? I can't copy from XCHAT04:23
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
jagginessintrader, do you get device hardware errors? (dmesg |tail)04:25
jagginessintrader, that's another consideration..04:25
=== Ttech is now known as TeaTech
intraderjagginess,  no errors, and I am no longer seeing your lines - there is no scroll bar in unity04:26
jagginessintrader, it's there when you set focus near the scrollbar area -- an orange tag would emerge and you simply drag that..(there's a way to force scrollbars on at all times)04:28
intraderjagginess, nothing like that - I am running 12.04 with 2D04:29
jagginessintrader, if you install gnome-shell you have access to the classical startmenu-style desktop.. (gear icon on logon screen lets you change desktop styles) (just fyi)04:29
jagginessintrader, maybe your keymap is messed.. pgup/pgdown should work..04:30
intraderjagginess, pgup/pgdown work, but why no scrollbar?04:30
intraderjagginess, like to take a picture of the current chat window with your lines in it04:31
mi3Mandalord, I guess the solution to my problem is erasing the entire sources.list, choosing a custom server and then updating.04:34
mi3Mandalord, works for me.04:35
Mandalordmi3: not really04:35
mi3Mandalord, it has worked for me :)04:35
mi3Mandalord, you have a better solution ?04:35
sacarlsonmi3: synaptic has options to change repository location if youall run in desktop04:36
fishbaitis there a way to set the resume device in the initrd04:36
mi3sacarlson, yeah, but erasing the sources.list worked for me :D04:37
sacarlsonmi3: I'm sure that works also but it's just 3 clicks to get synaptic to do about the same thing04:37
fishbaiti figured out that if i can set the resume device in initrd or my bootloader then resume should work04:38
mi3sacarlson, thanks, sir, I will keep that in mind :)04:38
Mandalordwell erase source list and apt-get update cannot update the indexing from old server04:38
Mandalorddid you check the box when choose Custom server04:38
whoeverwhats the offtopic channel ?04:39
mi3Mandalord, I changed the update server, and then ran sudo apt-get update, the 1st time, it downloaded the indexes, and the 2nd time it refreshed them :)04:39
sacarlsonmi3: oh maybe you had modified source.list so it just gave you a clean one when you changed04:39
mi3sacarlson, err I erased the entire sources.list and did the above things.04:40
Mandalordi seem strange and i really dont understand now:D04:40
mi3Mandalord, :(04:40
mi3Mandalord, wait, I will paste it.04:40
mi3Mandalord, oops, I closed the terminal, all text is gone :(04:40
Mandalord:D nvm04:40
Dr_Willisive never seen the sources.list come 'back' after eraseing it..04:41
mi3Dr_Willis, I will show you :D04:41
Mandalordif it work for you then its great:D04:41
Dr_Willisopen new terminal, check history command..04:41
mi3<Dr_Willis> ive never seen the sources.list come 'back' after eraseing it.. <------ I LIKE IT .04:41
Dr_Willismi3:  may be a new feature in12.04  ive definatly never seen  it work that way in other releases04:42
glitsj16fishbait: you can add a kernel param to set your resume device via /etc/default/grub, add ' resume=UUID=...' to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable (you can get that UUID by running 'sudo blkid') .. a 'sudo update-grub' is needed at the end of all this04:42
mi3Dr_Willis, http://paste.debian.net/175398/ <--------- THATS AFTER, THATS AFTER I erased the sources list and changed the servers and did all that updating thingy. :D04:42
fishbaithow do i do that? i'm still fairly new is it a conf file if so where?04:43
Dr_Willis'changed the servers' meaning what exactly?04:43
mi3anyways, thanks guys, for listening, and for giving suggestions !04:43
fishbaitah i reread ty04:43
Mandalordmi3: you have file sources.list.save in the same folder of sources.list you know04:44
mi3Dr_Willis, choosing the custom download server from which the packages are downloaded.04:44
mi3Mandalord, no, I opened it with sudo, sir.04:44
mi3Mandalord, yes04:45
mi3Mandalord, I do have that.04:45
glitsj16fishbait: no problem, you'll need to edit /etc/default/grub as superuser, can you do that?04:45
mi3Mandalord, I'll remove that :D04:45
l0rd_hexhey guys, I'm trying to trim down a desktop machine thats now running headless, so I'd like to remove gnome, I ran tasksel and unselected "Print Server", but I noticed it "deinstalled" my grub(s)04:45
Mandalordmi3: it store the old sources.list if i remember correctly04:46
mi3Mandalord, affirmative.04:46
mi3Mandalord, but its useless, right ?04:46
l0rd_hexmaybe I should select "Basic Ubuntu Server"04:46
l0rd_hexright now only OpenSSH server is checked04:46
fishbaitsudo nano i know04:46
jagginessl0rd_hex, maybe it was replaced with something else..04:47
fishbaitalrighty then update grub it is04:47
Mandalordmi3: not really, i got a problem with sources.list long time ago04:47
glitsj16fishbait: that'll do just fine, so 'sudo nano /etc/default/grub', make the above changes and update grub yes04:48
fishbaittesting the fix right now04:48
mi3Mandalord, err ok, I will keep both of them :)04:48
l0rd_hexjagginess: I dunno what else would have replaced grub though, not even grub204:48
fishbaitvia pm-hibernate04:48
Mandalordeach time i delete sources.list and remake it using synaptic, after reboot the OLD sources.list comeback again and again and get error04:49
fishbaithow do i read boot logs?04:49
mi3Mandalord, then I assume I shall keep them both.04:49
Mandalordso i delete both sources.list and sources.list.save then it work!:D04:49
Mandalordmi3: nvm:D04:50
mi3Mandalord, ok, and thanks04:50
jagginessl0rd_hex, grub-pc is grub2 ..04:50
mi3Mandalord, which client do you use to communicate on IRC ?04:51
fishbaithow do i set the device to which to save the hibernation file?04:51
Mandalordpidgin for all gtalk yahoo irc04:51
mi3I need some suggestions on how to rearrange the tabs on Xchat.04:51
Dr_Willisi thought the hibernation feature used the swap partition04:53
jagginessDr_Willis, i believe it does..04:53
l0rd_hexjagginess: ahh, so if I do a dpkg --get-selections | grep "grub" I only see 3 grubs all deinstalled04:53
Mandalordmi3: never use xchat so how about visitting http://xchat.org/ and lookingfor some help in this forums:D04:53
Dr_Willismi3:  i just put the tabs atthe bottom... and let them alone..04:54
ethomaHello, I am trying to boot ubuntu on my Intel MacBook Pro running OS X Lion. I ran into some trouble. Can someone help me?04:54
mi3Mandalord, err ok, thanks for the link.04:54
Dr_Willismi3:  the xchat app has a nicely done help menu i recall ;)04:54
mi3Dr_Willis, even I keep tabs at the bottom, but I need to re arrange them, sir.04:54
mi3Dr_Willis, xD04:54
Dr_Willismi3:  cant say ive ever tried or needed to do that.04:54
israel_BigBosshi guys. I am with a crashed server which has been upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, and the customer tried to "downgrade" from 10.04 to 8.04, and did some nasty things with libc6 and libgcc and now everything on the system segfaults04:55
mi3Dr_Willis, removing and again adding the servers will do the trick, sir ?04:55
Dr_Willismi3:  riht click on one.. see whats in the menus.04:55
fishbaitit didn't work04:55
jagginessDr_Willis, you should see at least 5 packages with the name grub in them...04:55
Dr_Willismi3:  i dont know what you are trying to do. I tend to join  1 server, and onme channel.. here. ; so i  tendto just have a few tabs open04:55
israel_BigBossI am with a live 8.04 cd now and mounted it with chroot, and everything chrooted segfaults. My question is, how can I rebuild the dpkg database and force a reinstall of the packages in this situation ?04:55
mi3Dr_Willis, I will provide you with a screenshot , wait.04:56
Dr_Willismi3:  i use weechat  100x more then i use xchat also. ;)04:57
glitsj16fishbait: did you set it to the UUID outputted by 'sudo blkid' for your swap?04:57
LikeA Britney04:57
fishbaityes to the swap partition04:57
fishbaitwas that right?04:57
glitsj16fishbait: yes04:57
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mi3Dr_Willis, http://imagebin.org/217193 <---- I want the linux mint tabs on the extreme left instead of extreme right.04:58
fishbaithmm well whats happening is that pm is giving up before the device that has the swap come on so is there some way to tell it to wait04:58
glitsj16fishbait: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html has instructions on what to do next that might otherwise interfer, check if you've done this (under the 'Get hubernate back' heading04:59
veHi. It seems I'm frequently running more programs than my laptop can handle. When that happens (seems a bit random), everything freezes for 20-ish minutes. I can't even login via console because the login program timeouts. I wonder if there's something that could at least ensure it would be possible to at least rescue the system if all the resources are tied up?05:00
Mandalordmi3: ALT+left or right arrow key05:00
fishbaitthe pm-hibernate command is how i hibernate05:01
LikeELIAS  FOR meng  FILTH05:01
mi3Mandalord, that only shifts the channel tabs of a particular server.05:01
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LikeBye xx pop05:02
rhizmoewhat magical incantation do i use to filter what is displayed in "recent files" etc. in the dock?05:02
glitsj16fishbait: did you reboot before trying ? i mean, you did go straight from running 'sudo update-grub' to 'sudo pm-hibernate'?05:03
fishbaityes i did i'll reboot05:03
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:03
ethoma7329Can someone please help me with an Ubuntu installation on Mac OS X Lion05:04
ethoma7329dual booting05:04
fishbaithmm i'll test again in 90 seconds05:04
thomasbombWould anyone be able to help me set up hostapd05:04
Mandalordmi3: how about this Control-Shift- and then pageup or pagedown05:04
mi3Mandalord, AWESOME IT WORKED !05:04
thomasbombhostapd help anybody?05:05
fishbaitcannot disable port 6 / 7 apparently05:05
glitsj16ve: if you're running 12.04 you could install ulatencyd05:05
fishbaitnow if it works i'll see a terminal05:05
WaitiGerhello is there a way i can install XenServer Tools on dapper drake?05:06
mi3Mandalord, thanks again !05:06
Mandalordmi3 np05:06
fishbaitno luck! :(05:06
=== john__ is now known as ki4ro
fishbaitit faailed fantastically05:11
thomasbombI'm trying to use hostapd... I keep getting an error: nl80211: 'nl80211' generic netlink not found05:11
thomasbombnl80211 driver initialization failed.05:11
alchemist9Evening all, I have a question, has anyone know how to get a usb wacom tablet working with gpm?05:12
glitsj16fishbait: any errors in /var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/pm-hibernate.log ?05:12
LikeI loves  u05:12
fishbaitlemme check05:12
thomasbombSeriously no one will help?05:12
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fishbaithuh ext4-fs sdb5 remounted opts: errorss=remount-ro05:13
thomasbombnl80211: 'nl80211' generic netlink not found05:15
thomasbombnl80211 driver initialization failed.05:15
fishbaitglitsj16: huh ext4-fs sdb5 remounted opts: errorss=remount-ro05:15
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fishbaitglitsj16: huh i can't find pm-hibernate log05:15
peerdongmode +x05:16
fishbaitit seems to be a recurring entry05:17
glitsj16fishbait: can't see what exactly is happening from that message i'm afraid05:18
fishbaitshould i post the whole log?05:18
dsnydersHi all!  I am trying to blacklist some modules by placing them into to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nVidia.conf.  Do I need to set anything else to get blacklist-nVidia.conf processed?05:18
glitsj16fishbait: that always helps, alas i'm 10 minutes away from taking my daughter to school, so if i may suggest you put up your pastebins here and anyone can chime in .. if you post a link to a question on the ubuntu forums i'll catch-up later okay05:21
fishbaithmm i'll tackle this problem another day then it just a would be nice thing as it only take 90 seconds to boot from power button to desktop05:22
glitsj16fishbait: did your system hibernated in earlier ubuntu versions?05:22
fishbaityes before the time i moved the swap file to the other phyiscal drive (non-os one)05:23
mputtrhi, i've tried to get samba service to restart but got this message... what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/YK08kdSG05:23
* WFPKHC wonders on into the room05:23
* WFPKHC looks around05:23
fishbait... my logs too big for paste bin wow.05:23
mputtrwonder is a mode of thought. wander is an action05:23
glitsj16fishbait: well, i would look into the correct working of your swap first, and work up the chain from there05:23
fishbaitty i will another time though alas i need my sleep for work  in 10 aqnda half hours05:24
* WFPKHC ponders if this is the appropriate place to talk socially or is there another channel*05:25
fishbait*and a half05:25
fishbaitwfpkhc theres alway #ubuntu-offtopic05:25
glitsj16fishbait: goodluck (also with the sleeping)05:25
dsnydersWFPKHC, this isn't really a social channel.  There is an off-topic chat somewhere, but I don't know what it is.05:25
WFPKHCwell what if its on topic about ubuntu but ends up off topic?05:25
WFPKHCthank you05:25
* WFPKHC waves bye as he beams into the other room05:26
dsnydersHi all!  how do I determine if my blacklist file is being processed?05:27
Dr_Willis'see if the blacklistd module is loaded?05:28
dsnydersDr_Willis, lsmod|grep blacklist?05:28
Dr_Willisgrep for the modulename05:28
jagginessdsnyders, you mean blacklisted module? should say with dmesg05:28
mputtrhi, i've tried to get samba service to restart but got this message... what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/YK08kdSG05:29
jagginessmputtr, maybe it has something to do with xinetd handling samba's start/stop..05:30
mputtrjagginess: ok, how do i go about fixing it then?05:30
jagginessmputtr, that error looks ugly (if it comes from try to stop samba).. how you trying to stop samba?05:30
mputtrservice smbd stop05:31
jagginessmputtr, upstart uses 'start' and 'stop'..05:31
jagginess(stop samba), maybe..05:31
Dr_Willissudo service servicename05:31
jagginess("stop samba" <enter> or replace samba with smb .. something..)05:32
alchemist9anyone know how to get a usb wacom tablet working with gpm?05:32
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:32
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glassdI'm having some issues with installation. I don't get any display when booting off of CD/USB after the initial menu. Could anyone give me some ideas?05:32
mputtrthat's cool... sudo forced it to start up05:32
mputtri'm currently trying to get samba to work so i can map the network drive on a windows box05:33
SDXglassd: Define "initial menu".  What exactly does the initial menu show?05:33
jagginessmputtr, it's network shares that get mapped to windows letter drives..05:33
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mputtri c05:33
glassdrun ubuntu, install ubuntu05:33
mputtryeah.. after i did that.. it popped up05:33
mputtrthanks a ton!!05:33
SDXglassd: Ah.  In that case you could try waiting five or so minutes and then pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.05:34
dsnydersHow do I append file A to the end of file B?05:34
mputtrman. i love you guys for all this help05:34
SDXglassd: It sounds like X is using the wrong configuration and using a display mode either your monitor or GPU can't handle.05:35
mputtrbetween Dr_Willis, escott, Jordan_U, and a few others, you guys are fantastic!05:35
jagginessmputtr, fyi, a windows desktop is restricted to 1 smb user at a time to the same smb server..05:35
mputtrand you jagginess05:35
SDXglassd: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace stops X and brings Ubuntu back to a command line.05:35
valmilsonw3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework05:35
mputtrjagginess: what do you mean?05:35
mputtrone user to access the server at a time?05:35
jagginessmputtr, it means you can't access two shares with different user names at the same time (from "Windows")05:35
wilee-nileeSDX, not now05:36
jagginessmputtr, (from the same user experience "windows" desktop)05:36
glassdThen how would I get it to install05:36
mputtrah ok. so i can only access 1 server at a time05:36
jagginessmputtr, but..05:36
* dsnyders smacks forehead. cat A >>B 05:37
mputtrjagginess: but?05:37
SDXglassd: If you're able to get X to work properly through the command line and X's setup, you could use the alternative install DVD if you still want to install Ubuntu.05:37
SDXglassd: This is all under the assumption it's X that's not working properly.  It could be Gnome's window manager that isn't working.05:37
jagginessmputtr, if you want to test different usernames.. you have to close "all" explorer windows, and do "net session * /delete" (delete all sessions), then wait 15-25 seconds (having all explorer windows still closed) before trying another "\\server\sharename" tested in explorer << not documented *anywhere (and dont keep any credentials -- check the control panel to wipe out any saved passwords)05:38
mputtrthat's pretty crazy.. but i think i should be all set since i only have 1 server box05:38
mputtrand i probalby only plan to share one and onlye 1 hdd.. maybe antoher one if i have to05:38
glassdI would be more partial to think it's X, as I don't see the normal ubuntu logo during startup.05:39
mputtri should still be able to access 2 hdds on the linux box as long as it's on the same server box right?05:39
Blue1mputtr: you can access through a network05:39
jagginessmputtr, btw, you dont need to mount to a drive letter to test.. but simply can use \\server\ to test.. or \\server\sharename to test.. if in doubt.. always use the above method i mention (it always works instead of rebooting winbloze-- another key, turn off teh stupid firewall while testing)05:39
mputtrthat's what I was thinking05:39
Guest99980Hi is there any default user in Ubuntu called ubuntu?05:39
Blue1Guest99980: not that I am aware of05:40
mputtrthats fine :)05:40
jagginessGuest19554, that's just the installer.. ther'es no password for him..05:40
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jagginessGuest19554, no user "ubuntu" on the "installed" that is.05:40
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SDXI'm tempted to start making up ghost stories about "ubuntu" now.05:41
mputtri think i have a few more things to handle to get this box working 100%.. just gotta figure out how to do a proper vnc session via nomachine05:41
Blue1SDX the ghost of ubuntu past05:41
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SDXThe horrors of /home/.ubuntu05:41
jagginessmputtr, vnc or nx ? it's 1 step.. and their latest beta (vmwrk station beta server -- not the other, does https://)05:41
alchemist9glassd: what type of graphics card are you using?05:41
mputtrjagginess: as far as i have been reading.. something like using nomachine's nx client to enter via vnc05:42
jagginessmputtr, nx is based off vnc (but nomachine's has proprietary extensions)05:42
glassdthis machine has dual HD6950's alchemist905:42
jagginessmputtr, ya you could do that.. you can also do X-forwarding sessions.. essentially the binary client hosts a mini Xserver agent..05:42
mputtrjagginess: yeah i was hoping to be able to do vnc, but everytime i get the address right, it boots me out saying that it can't find the rfb client05:42
CoreyLooks like LjL set it; wait until they're around.05:43
mputtrjagginess: i dont know anything about linux... i still need to learn05:43
firsttimewhen i run:  sudo dgcconfig in ubuntu 12.04lts (32 bit) I get the following error (in /tmp/dgcconfig-buildlog.txt): /usr/lib/dgcmodem/modules/mod_dgcusbdcp.c:256:36: error: 'SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED' undeclared here (not in a function) ;------ does anybody have any idea what i've done wrong?05:43
jagginessmputtr, i yet to test this for 12+, but it works for 11.10 ( http://www.nomachine.com/preview/select-package-virtual-desktop-workstation.php?os=linux ) -- dpkg -i <deb> then https://<ip>:4080 from firefox...05:43
mputtrjagginess: i still have no idea what x-forwarding session is05:43
jagginessmputtr, (oh ya dont loop the physical console-- be careful)05:44
thomasbombConfiguration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf05:44
thomasbombioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM]: Operation not permitted05:44
thomasbombCould not enable hostapd mode for interface wlan005:44
thomasbombhostap driver initialization failed.05:44
thomasbombrmdir[ctrl_interface]: No such file or directory05:44
FloodBot1thomasbomb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
jagginessmputtr, x-forwarding/vnc/nx <<< different remote GUI methods..05:44
mputtrjagginess: i c.. is it a better method?05:44
mputtrcurrently using nomachine, i have to use gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d to get a session to work05:44
jagginessmputtr, here's the thing-- there's freenx and nomachine's nx.. nomachine's nx is more advanced but proprietary (but they release their binary client full GPL)05:45
alchemist9glassd: it's the chipset they tend to get wonky, try using an alternate install disk or a netinstall disk it may work a bit better at detecting your graphics....05:45
mputtrwhen i start a new virtual desktop that is..05:45
S4H4NI downloaded VLC portable from portablelinuxapps. That page said it is compatible with 10.04 and later(I'm on 11.04).I changed permission to execute. But it's not working..Pls help.05:45
thomasbombI can't get hostapd to work... -_-05:45
jagginessmputtr, ubuntu precise ?05:45
mputtrnomachine's nx seem to be pretty easy to work with05:45
mputtrthe latest ubuntu (atleast the latest one I downloaded from a few days ago05:45
jagginessmputtr, the same server i point to? (there's at least 3 server editions out there)05:45
glassdi'm wondering if it's trying to use the integrated graphics instead of my dedicated...05:45
jagginessmputtr, using the beta ?05:46
mputtrjagginess: the LTS one05:46
jagginessmputtr, this is the other one.. http://www.nomachine.com/preview/select-package-virtual-desktop-workstation.php?os=linux05:46
Blue1S4H4N: lets start with what happens when you try to run it?05:46
mputtrjagginess: i mean with nomachine v3 vs this preview05:46
mputtrhttp://www.nomachine.com/select-package.php?os=linux&id=1 is the one i use05:46
thomasbombI keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050383/05:46
jagginessmputtr, try the one i point to.. you can access it via webbrowser (and use the nomachine "player" to access it to get remote audio to work-- https currently doesnt do remote audio-- still beta)05:47
mputtrsure... would that mean i have to reconfigure the server again?05:47
mputtri dont mind installing their proprietary client though. if it works great, it works great05:48
jagginessmputtr, no configuration.. just have ssh run on port 22 as the default..05:48
S4H4NBluel: Nothing...In system monitor, processes I can see two processes for vlc. But they dissapear in few seconds.05:48
glassdalchemist9: I can run this netinstall image from a usb drive right?05:48
mputtrjagginess: ah not bad05:48
jagginessmputtr, uninstall the nomachince nx package you have.. then install the other one (try to purge that nx server package -- "purge" because it'll complaing about an incompatible license)05:48
mputtri c05:48
jagginessapt-get --purge remove <nxserver name>...05:49
Blue1S4H4N: private message ok?05:49
mputtrso sudo apt-get purge nxserver05:49
jagginessmputtr, you're limitted to 4 virtual desktops with it..05:49
mputtr4 simultaneous desktops?05:49
jagginessmputtr, and be careful not to loop the physical console session if your on the actual terminal :)05:49
mputtri c05:49
alchemist9glassd: should.. another option is to connect a monitor to the integrated port and try from there..05:49
jagginessmputtr, ya..05:49
thomasbombCan anyone see my messages??05:49
mputtrso vnc shoudl work out of the box? once i have that nx 4 client?05:49
mputtr*client = server05:49
celthunderthomasbomb: no05:49
jagginessmputtr, ..05:49
Coreythomasbomb: Sure.05:49
celthunderjagginess: sup05:50
thomasbombOk, just making sure05:50
jagginessmputtr, "vnc" is something else..05:50
mputtrjagginess: sorry, i know very little about these things05:50
thomasbombI just wasn't getting any replies...05:50
jagginessmputtr, to access a vnc server.. you use a vnc client..05:50
mputtrjagginess: got it. what should i use for a vnc server?05:50
jagginessmputtr, what you're doing is nxclient<->nxserver with the binary client--- however think of "pidgin" -- is it a yahoo messenger client? no.. it's a multiprotocol client.. --- this is true only for the "binary" nx-client... you're not forced to run vnc to do a nx session..05:51
firsttimei have pasted an error for compiling  a dgc 56k modem driver and was wondering if someone could help me figure out the problem. it's a hardware usb modem. http://pastebin.com/4ixm7hsZ05:51
mputtrgot it.05:51
Dr_Willisyou could use x forwarding for just a single x app also05:51
glassdalchemist9: And there is a way to change that after install? I don't want to be switching back and forth for dualboot05:52
jagginessmputtr, *however.. what's new with this beta server is the fact you "dont" need a binary client to do https:// << you can even do https://<ip>:4080 in the firefox browser.. (as i said if you want sound, use the binary client-- the binary client uses ssh for the nx session in this case)05:52
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mputtri c05:52
jagginessmputtr, apt-get install ssh, dpkg -i <.deb> .. (be sure ssh is installed of course and purge the previous nx server)05:53
mputtrso that would allow me to access it via any method, be it a vnc viewer, web browser, or nomachine's client05:53
alchemist9glassd: once the graphics drivers are installed your dualhead will work properly05:53
mputtryup, openssh is installed05:53
glassdExcelent. I will be back to let you know how things went.05:53
mputtri'll test out the v4 server tomorrow.. (gf has a friend sleeping over and they're using the tv and my box is connected to the tv on the other side of the room)05:54
=== Tux is now known as Developers
jagginessmputtr, is this pangolin? (as i said much earlier, i dont know if this works on pangolin but on 11.10 it does)05:54
jagginessmputtr, lol.. takes 1 second to set up dude..05:54
mputtri believe so. the latest one is precise pangolin right?05:54
mputtrjagginess: i can't stop them from watching sherlock...05:54
pyfonwifi question: freshly installed ubuntu asus 1001p netbook see wifi connection but just keeps animating05:54
jagginessmputtr, ok so download the .deb you know which one?05:55
mputtror i might get castrated....05:55
mputtryup. the amd64 one05:55
jagginessmputtr, 32-bit ?05:55
mputtri can do that from my main system05:55
jagginessmputtr, ok so download that.. then dpkg -i <.deb> ..05:55
jagginessmputtr, then you may simply do "apt-get -f install" to double check it went ok..05:55
jagginessmputtr, did u purge the other nx server?05:55
mputtrnot yet. if i purge it, i wont' be able to access it05:56
jagginessmputtr, dpkg -l|grep -i nxserver .. get the package name, then apt-get --purge remove <nxserver packagename>05:56
mputtrsince that box can currenly only be connected via a network XD05:56
jagginessmputtr, ya.. but u still have ssh.. it runs within ssh..05:56
jagginessmputtr, (use putty)05:56
mputtrahhhh i forgo thtat05:56
mputtri have putty.05:56
mputtrone moment05:56
mputtrok im in05:57
jagginessmputtr, you're in the hospital? what's your status?05:57
mputtrjagginess: nah, not in a hospital.. but will be if i dare to stop my gf and her friend from watching sherlock05:58
mputtrthe server box is connected to the tv that they're currently using05:58
jagginessmputtr, hdmi?05:58
jagginessmputtr, they're not using nx..05:59
jagginessmputtr, there's no reboot needed for that (nor are they using ssh :)05:59
mputtryeah. that's why i'm working it via nx right now, then i'll drop back into ssh to do all that05:59
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jagginessmputtr, ?05:59
jagginessmputtr, you need to do this in ssh..05:59
jagginessmputtr, close the nx session..05:59
mputtryeah. i gotta download the file first05:59
mputtrnow i just have to purge nxserver06:00
* jagginess likes to use w3m in ssh shells :)06:01
jagginessmputtr, y..06:01
rhizmoehow do i remove 'show desktop' from alt-tab?06:01
Dr_Willisand vlc with the ascii out  option...06:01
mputtrjagginess: i have to uninstall it first, that's what you said right?06:01
jagginessmputtr, thats what it does (that's another nxserver edition)06:01
jagginessmputtr, apt-get --purge remove nxserver (if nxserver is the full package name)06:02
jagginessmputtr, once that says completed, you do dpkg -i <.deb of that new nxserver>, then "apt-get -f install"06:02
mputtrone sec. gonna find out what its full package name is06:02
jagginessmputtr, dpkg -l|grep -i nxserv06:02
rhizmoegrr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/101434606:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014346 in unity (Ubuntu) "give a way to remove 'Show Desktop' from the Alt-Tab items" [Wishlist,Confirmed]06:08
jagginess"gconf-editor to edit in /apps/nautilus/preferences " << can this be it?06:09
jagginess(Show Desktop:: checkbox)06:09
rhizmoestrangely, there seem to be more people asking how to *add* 'show desktop' to the dock than to remove it from alt-tab06:10
jagginessor maybe it's his shortkey...06:10
jagginessmputtr, so i guess it didnt work eh06:10
jagginessmputtr, (it works here on 11.10 amd64)06:11
mputtrnot sure yet. i just figured how to remove the old server06:11
jagginessmputtr, did u try my previous command?06:11
jagginessmputtr, dpkg -l|grep -i nx06:11
jagginess(| is vertical bar06:11
ynefhi! is anyone here experienced with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud and installing to machies with a single physical network adapter?06:11
jagginess| means pass to grep.. grep is being used as a filter command06:12
mputtrah ok06:12
mputtri see it. the server is gone now06:12
jagginess-i means ignore case tada06:12
mputtri c06:12
mputtrnow i just have to install the new one06:12
jagginessya.. do that with dpkg -i, then apt-get -f install <enter>06:12
jagginess(apt-get -f install makes sure any missing dependencies are resolved)06:13
mputtrnothing new installed06:13
mputtrwell, server is not a dependency06:13
jagginessok.. so see whats running -->06:13
ElectricPrismI'm having trouble getting Unity into 3d mode in 12.04 with the new Nvidia 302.17 drivers, anyone have any ideas?06:13
jagginessnetstat -plutn|grep 408006:13
mputtrnode and clients are the dependencies and they're both there06:13
jagginessmputtr, .. there should be 1 package only..06:13
jagginessmputtr, this was the other edition..06:14
jagginessmputtr, u dont need to purge the others.. you can..06:14
mputtryeah.. i just downloaded the new one but it's int he downloads folder06:14
jagginessmputtr, they actually merged the binaries into 1 .deb.. you can delete the other nx packages there (which is v.3)06:14
mputtrohhh ok06:14
mputtrso i'll delete both06:14
jagginessmputtr, ya..06:14
jagginessmputtr, what about that 'netstat -plutn|grep 4080' ?06:15
jagginessmputtr, anything show up06:15
ElectricPrismis there a reason ubuntu + nvidia drivers would default to Unity 2D?06:16
mputtrdouble checking06:16
jagginessmputtr, btw.. the new nxserver from this package listens on two places-- 1 within ssh, and the other on port 4080..06:16
mputtrnothing appears06:16
jagginessmputtr, 4080 is used for https:// ..06:16
mputtrwith netstat06:16
jagginessmputtr, try the full command between ' (above)06:16
BodsdaHi - I was about to edit /etc/resolv.conf when I noticed the comment in the file saying that any changes made there will be overwritten. Where should I be setting nameservers?06:17
alchemist9ElectricPrism: the open source drivers are no where near as well suited to the task of 3d especially with nvidia06:17
mputtri meant that full command: netstat -plutn|grep 408006:17
jagginessmputtr, /etc/init.d/nxserver restart06:17
mputtrsorry.. i wasn't clearn >><06:17
Exploiterfor IP in `cat 4test.txt`; do echo $IP fping $IP done; can someone tell me why this is not working?06:17
jagginessmputtr, you trying as root or sudo?06:17
ElectricPrismalchemist9: I'm currently running the proprietary nvidia drivers, should I be running the Nouvaou drivers instead?06:18
mputtrit just prints a new prompt  and that's it06:18
jagginessmputtr, did you do dpkg -i <the .deb> ?06:18
Exploiterfping google.com giving me 'google.com is alive', but through this bash script i am getting ' address not found'06:18
jagginessmputtr, eg: dpkg -i nxdebfile.deb06:18
mputtrah. i gotta navigate tot hat folder first06:19
jagginessmputtr, dpkg -l |grep nx   ...06:19
jagginessmputtr, :)06:19
* jagginess oinks06:19
mputtrsorry. im a dumbass :P06:19
jagginess<and the new .deb , not the v3 one)06:20
alchemist9ElectricPrism: it may be you are running in framebuffer mode which dosen't support 3d rendering.. try running lsmod|grep fb and see if you get a result..06:20
jagginessmputtr, btw..06:20
jagginessmputtr, with the newest ubuntu desktop, you can use the gui and double-click on a .deb file..06:20
mputtryeah.. iw as going to do that06:20
* alchemist9 feeds jagginess some cheese puffs06:20
mputtrbut now that nx is not there anymore.. i can't access a gui06:20
mputtrwell, if i can, i dont know how to06:21
jagginessmputtr, oh ya okok..06:21
jagginessmputtr, ?06:21
jagginessmputtr, cd ~/Downloads ?06:21
jagginessmputtr, where was it saved?06:21
ElectricPrismalchemist9: vesafb 13844 1, I have 2 graphics cards a 9600 and 260 GTX supporting 3 monitors06:21
ElectricPrismalchemist9: also Im currently using Xinerama06:21
mputtryeah. listing it right now06:21
jagginessmputtr, find ~/ |grep -i deb06:21
jagginessmputtr, cd ~/ takes you to home06:22
Exploiterany bash script expert here?06:22
mputtri c06:22
mputtrinstalling it right now06:22
jagginessmputtr, and the netstat shows 4080?06:22
mputtrwaiting for it to finish installing06:23
jagginessExploiter, maybe the script isnt picking up the dns/ip resolve..06:23
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
jagginessmputtr, btw what type of desktop are you using on irc atm?06:24
alchemist9ElectricPrism: ok you are using the vesa frambuffer driver with Xinerama, I need a break brb, try lsmod|grep radeon to check if you are running the correct driver...06:24
jagginessmputtr, (binary client is also available on mac)06:24
ElectricPrismalchemist9: thanks, ok06:24
mputtrwindows 706:24
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mputtri see 4080 now06:27
jagginess_mputtr, got disc..06:27
jagginess_mputtr, cool..06:27
jagginess_mputtr, https://<ip>:4080 .. (u can tell the ip by doing-- ifconfig <enter> )06:28
jagginess_mputtr, and if you want a faster session with sound, download the binary nomachine "player" ..06:28
mah454How can make ubuntu liveUSB in command line ?06:28
glassdYay! I love having problems06:29
mputtrpretty darn cool06:29
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glassdSo the install CD likes to choose a random display device during setup. But now that it's installed I cannot boot to Ubuntu.06:30
jagginess_mputtr, keep the v3 binary client.. because the current nmchine player shares the same settings as v3.. (eg, if you customize a session type to the same server with the v3 client, you'll have to undo changes from there, if you want a default session from the 'player'-- the player client doesnt currently let you do this)06:30
mputtri c06:30
Exploiterglassd, do you have windows and ubuntu both installed?06:31
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out!!!06:31
jagginess_mputtr, btw.. in the web https:// you go to the toppest-right pixel to activate the peel.. there'll be optional settings there..06:31
alchemist9glassd:huh odd.. any reason or error code on why it wont boot?06:31
glassdI do have both yes06:31
jagginess_mputtr, you'll notice it's only to get better with the final release when they have recording built into it..06:31
glassdI get no boot menu06:31
glassdIt boots right into windows.06:32
mputtrjagginess_: yeah. im messing with the settings06:32
mputtrnow i just have to figure how to connect from an outside network06:32
jagginess_mputtr, there's a way to scale it elegantly and resize it.. it'll take some fiddling..06:32
alchemist9glassd: try installing grub to the mbr and it should boot without messing up the windows boot loader..06:33
mputtrthe way the IP works here... is that they assign me 1 single IP address.. so to access anything i put in the outside IP address and subsitute the last digits of the internal IP as the port06:33
jagginess_alchemist9, actually install it to mbr may indeed mess up the bootloader for windows-- sometimes windows install bootmgr there (win7+)06:33
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out!!!06:33
jagginess_mputtr, you use a dlink or linksys box?06:33
glassdHow do I do that from the live CD?06:34
mputtrdo i access it by etnering a vpn?06:34
jagginess_mputtr, so ideally this is a little tricky.. reason is it's tricky to set a static-ip for ubuntu desktop.. (you have to setup networmanager.conf, etc etc)...06:34
mputtri already have a static IP set up06:34
mputtri reserved the IP so now it'll always go to one specific IP06:34
mputtrwhen that box is turned on06:35
JeremyKquick question: is this still the only way to do multiple manual ipv6 addresses on an interface? http://www.roethof.net/techblog/ubuntudebian-and-multiple-ipv6-addresses/06:35
jagginess_mputtr, if your dlink can do a port-forward against an address range it may be easier.. do you have the dlink model? i can look at online emu pages..06:35
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mputtrdir 601 i think.. let me check06:35
wilee-nileeglassd, please use the nic of the user you are addressing.06:35
alchemist9jagginess: true but now anymore the chainloader works just fine unless your loading some off the wall loader...06:35
mputtrDIR 60006:35
mputtra really terribad wireless router06:35
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out!!! unity --replace  didn't help!06:35
glassdalchemist9: How do I do that from the live CD?06:36
hangdeadmanhow can I fix my unity?06:36
alchemist9glassd: when it asked to install a boot loader what did you choose?06:36
jagginess_alchemist9, if 'system reserved' partition is there, then it's not a problem, because the sysreserve partition would host's m$ bootmgr setup..06:36
glassdit didn't ask06:36
jagginess_alchemist9, otherwise he'll have to figure out how to re-configure bootmgr..06:36
tdhz77In sys monitor only 1 cpu is listed. I have dual core? Did I install the wrong ubuntu?06:36
jagginess_alchemist9, 'bootmgr' is m$ logoname for the bootloader..06:36
wilee-nileeglassd, use this tool the recommended setting, and save the http of the bootinfo summary in case needed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair06:37
jagginess_mputtr, arp -a .. gimme the mac address for your gateway...06:37
jagginess_JeremyK, yes..06:38
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out!!! unity --replace  didn't help!06:38
hangdeadmanhow can I fix my unity?06:38
xroHi, i have a syslog-ng server and i would like to try splunk... SO i would like my syslog-ng to re-send the log to my splunk server (for testing purpose...) This way my 2 servers will work... Is there a way to just re-send log from my syslog-ng to my splunk server?06:39
jagginess_jeremydei, i believe even graphically with the network icon you can..(these are called virtual nic addresses)06:39
kubancis there any GUI  for ip scanning?06:39
JeremyKjagginess_: bummer. that's so ugly. oh well!06:39
glassdwilee-nilee: I will try that now. I'll be back to let you know.06:39
jagginess_kubanc, you mean ip sniffing? ya.. many..06:39
jagginess_JeremyK, that's advanced stuff..06:39
wilee-nileeglassd, you have burned a recovery disc from the backup and recovery in windows asa well right?06:39
tdhz77How do I check what ubuntu I have installed?06:39
kubancjagginess_, yes, can you suggest any?06:40
zniavremorning : i added a software to messaging-indicator but there is no small triangle when app is launched how can i do please ?06:40
JeremyKjagginess_: no more advanced than adding multiple ipv4 addresses, which is much cleaner :)06:40
wilee-nileetdhz77, cat /etc/lsb-release06:41
tdhz77wilee-nilee how do I check if I have 64bit version?06:42
ppmanSo I have ubuntu server set up on this machine, and am attempting to setup a NAT with ufw/iptables. However, although I can get traffic routed through just fine, it seems that TCP fragmented packets get totally lost, and wireshark cannot even see them on the interface. Any tips on how to proceed (as-is, clients behind the NAT can't really do most network tasks like HTTP)?06:42
hangdeadmancan you see me?06:42
alchemist9hangdeadman: patients good sir/maam...06:42
ppmanhangdeadman: no, you're too far away.06:42
hangdeadmani'm not a doctor, I don't have patients to be good or bad06:43
alchemist9hangdeadman: yes... hell even my question hasn't been answered and I've been here a few hours..06:43
bazhanghangdeadman, ubuntu support question?06:43
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out!!! unity --replace  didn't help!06:44
tdhz77Do I need refit to install the amd64 version of Ubuntu, if I'm only going to install Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro (5,2)06:44
bkerensa!ask | alchemist9:06:44
ubottualchemist9:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:44
hangdeadmansorry for the exclemations, don't mean to make it seem as though I'm yelling06:44
ejoI love that if I hit the switch keys for my 2x2 virtual desktop quickly enough right after each other, Compiz will actually move the viewport diagonally and not just follow first one axis then the other.06:45
wilee-nileetdhz77, not sure I guess you will have to look on the web like I did.06:45
alchemist9ubottu: too true but I kinda put it on the backburner sorry for any offense..06:45
ubottualchemist9: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
ejoubottu: shush, you.06:46
tdhz77wilee-nilee I'm looking at the docs, but it's unclear. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation06:46
psychogenikhow do i gentoo06:46
* alchemist9 hands ubottu a bucket of bolts..06:46
bkerensaalchemist9: do you have a question?06:47
bkerensapsychogenik: can you explain your question?06:47
wilee-nileetdhz77, I know nothing about macs06:47
bazhangpsychogenik, ask in #gentoo06:47
HardFuI'm setting up heartbeat and pacemaker on two VMs (each having own public ip) and I have this strange problems. If I just set up hearbeat I can see both VMs online. However when I set pacemaker, each VM tries to assign both IPs to self. I'm following this post http://www.zivtech.com/blog/setting-ip-failover-heartbeat-and-pacemaker-ubuntu-lucid06:47
tdhz77wilee-nilee either do I :( Thanks anyway.06:47
alchemist9yes how would I go about getting a wacom usb tablet to work with gpm.. reading left me to no avail..06:47
tdhz77wilee-nilee Is there a way I can backup my current install and reinstall using the AMD64 version of Ubuntu?06:48
hangdeadmanI just did an update to ubuntu 12.04 and after restart my unity launcher and dash stay blacked out. unity --replace  didn't help. How do I fix this?06:48
wilee-nileeno idea tdhz7706:48
wilee-nileehangdeadman, have you tried the 2d to compare?06:49
bkerensaalchemist9: what release are you running?06:49
hangdeadmanwilee-nilee i'll try now06:49
alchemist9bkerensa: 12.04 powerpc06:49
wilee-nileehangdeadman, unity --reset will reset unity06:49
ejoright; he said he tried that06:50
wilee-nileeunity --replace read more carefully ejo06:50
hangdeadmanwilee-nilee: will unity --reset reset all changes i've made through MyUnity?06:50
wilee-nileehangdeadman, should yes06:50
bkerensaalchemist9: The 12.04 Kernel which is 3.2 does not support the Wacom Tablet however you can use 3.3 or use a PPA to get around the issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197409906:51
hangdeadmanwilee-nilee: thanks, I'll give it a go06:51
ppmannvm, I'm an idiot and had one of my mtu's set wrong.06:51
alchemist9bkerensa: odd.. thought gpm was independant, ok I shall try and see how the results turn out.. I'm ready to try the 400mhz of fury lol06:52
glassdwilee-nilee: i don't think it set up the correct drive during install06:52
hangdeadmanwilee-nilee: thanks!! that seems to have worked.06:53
wilee-nileeglassd, not sure what you mean really the bootinfo summary will give us a lot more info to work with, it s run from that app.06:53
glassdIt's working on it06:54
tdhz77How do I create a backup using deja?06:54
glassdI'll have the paste in a sec.06:54
glassdwilee-nilee: That paste was from Boot-Repair06:55
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/nn/man1/deja-dup.1.html tdhz7706:55
tdhz77bazhang thank you06:55
wilee-nileeglassd, You have a efi set up your best hope is to start a thread at the ubuntu forums and post that script, I know nothing about efi.06:56
bazhangtdhz77, there's even a deja-dup-applet apparently06:56
wilee-nileeglassd, some might know the fix here hard to say.06:56
jsoftAnyone else find chromium is very buggy when playing youtube?06:57
tdhz77bazhang I'm in the terminal. I don't have x11.06:57
bazhangtdhz77, some reason not to use rsync?06:58
matanyaI'm trying to do some thing like this: ssh root@ip bash /path/to/script.sh06:58
matanyabut the shell exits before I can see any output06:58
matanyaany idea how to solve this?06:58
tdhz77bazhang trying something new06:58
glassdThanks wilee-nilee, I'll post and see if anyone knows a fix.06:59
alchemist9did anyone know the powerpc port is still using a 2.6 kernel config?06:59
mah454How can make usb flash bootable disk (ubuntu 12.04) i use this command but not work : dd if=Ubuntu-XXX.iso of=/dev/sdc07:01
tdhz77Anybody know how to disable apport?07:02
DJones!usb | mah45407:02
ubottumah454: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:02
pythonwhen i try to edit  my resolv.conf file using vim it says error: the file cannot be modified07:02
captaindoe_I have a question. For some reason in my upper left corner, all the text gets overlayed. If i start a program, that text goes above the text theere before making everything unreadable. Any idea how to solve this so I can read the menus?07:02
glitsj16tdhz77: look at /etc/default/apport and set enabled to 007:04
balou_frquick question on Xen / Ubuntu setup via net boot and virt-install. anyone ever succeeded in setting that up ?07:04
tdhz77glitsj16, thank you very much!07:05
balou_frI tried with various versions of ubuntu and it complains not finding the xen kernel07:05
balou_frwhile the dirtinstall command I got is working perfectly fine for a debian07:05
glitsj16tdhz77: you're welcome07:05
tdhz77Last question, if I ssh into ubuntu and run a mv command (transfering about 80Gigs) if I reboot my computer im sshing from will the operation cancel?07:06
balou_fryes it will - use rsync instead and setup a quick script to start on boot07:06
tdhz77balou_fr Very gracious for your help.07:07
balou_frrsync -e ssh --partial -av local_file remoteserver:/destination07:07
balou_frstep ur keys if you want to avoid getting stuck on the password ;)07:07
captaindoe_Any idea how to solve my problem? With the menus? They overlay each other making it impossible to read anything.07:08
tdhz77balou_fr step your keys? Cool.07:08
balou_fr@tdhz77 - misunderstood - you mean a mv on the remote server itself ?07:08
balou_fruse screen to keep the operation running07:08
tdhz77balou_fr yes, mv from the remote server.07:08
balou_frscreen -S some_Name07:08
balou_frthen run your command07:08
balou_frwhen you disconnect / reboot - then re-collect on SSH07:09
balou_frand run screen -x some_Name07:09
balou_fryou ll and up in the same terminal with the same command you were running - hopefully completed07:09
tdhz77balou_fr you are a life saver! Thank you! Thank you!07:09
balou_franyone on my Xen / Ubuntu setup question ? I d appreciate anyone's help :D07:10
glassdwilee-nilee: I fixed my boot problem07:11
wilee-nileeglassd, cool.07:12
st_irongood morning Ubuntu friends07:12
glassdIf anyone else asks about efi boot in the future tell them to check the bios. First time I've ever seen a boot option labeled "Windows Boot Loader"07:13
glassdNow on to playing with my graphics drivers07:13
captaindoe_What's the best way to uninstall ubuntu studio and just have ubuntu left? Is it to make a full re-install?07:14
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
kieppiehi guys07:18
HardFuWARNING: site_two_ip_pref: referenced node XXX does not exist nag07:18
HardFuthe node does exist07:18
kieppieI'm running 12.04 LTS 64 desktop - fresh install. I'm still getting a lot of crashes. shoudl this be expected07:19
balou_frunlikely - check you dmesg for any hardware failure, high CPU temp, etc.07:20
=== john__ is now known as ki4ro
=== m3phistos is now known as david-mymed
basil60hi wonder if anyone may be able to assist troubleshooting of blocked ports07:27
Dr_Willisdetiais would be helpfull07:31
llutz_!anyone | basil6007:31
ubottubasil60: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:31
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:31
=== mputtr is now known as mputtr|away
pythonhow to change file attribute07:33
llutz_!permissions | python07:34
ubottupython: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:34
basil60sorry - I have an ubuntu 11.04 server, which has been running with ports 7000, 7777, 8000, 8888 open...among a few others. It seems those ports no longer are available to the outside world. I've checked the IP of the server, checker my router for port forwarding, and checked my server firewall rules. Currenlty, only port 80 is working. The IP is I'm a linux noob.07:34
llutz_basil60: netstat -tulpen    shows those port as listening?07:36
llutz_basil60: sudo iptables -L            has no block rules on them?07:37
llutz_basil60: portforwarding in your router is correct and directs to the right ip?07:37
basil60the IP address of the server internally seems to be correct07:39
llutz_basil60: "seems to be" is no answer. it is correct or it is not07:40
basil60I believe its correct07:40
CrystalVoidbasil60: maybe the isp is blocking it ?  (my isp blocks 25)07:40
llutz_well, some people believe in flying spaghettimonster...07:40
Cerrdorbasil60: whats going on?07:41
basil60I was able to access these ports ..at least 2 weeks ago.07:41
CrystalVoida resent change maybe ?07:41
basil60the only "change" is an attempted Opensim installation...which fell over07:42
ki4roAny Success with the Cube in Compiz in 12.04?07:44
basil60Cerrdor -I have an ubuntu 11.04 server, which has been running with ports 7000, 7777, 8000, 8888 open...among a few others. It seems those ports no longer are available to the outside world. I've checked the IP of the server, checker my router for port forwarding, and checked my server firewall rules. Currenlty, only port 80 is working. The IP is I'm a linux noob.07:44
CerrdorOk gimme a few07:45
tripppyhi, any clues why i can rename a folder but not delete it?07:45
Cerrdortrippy user permissions?07:45
Cerrdortry ls -l07:45
Cerrdorsee who the owner is07:45
tripppyim the owner. but ive noticed its all the folders on the one particular drive that are RO07:46
auronandaceki4ro: the cube won't work in unity07:47
tripppyok ive run mount and i get this in return /dev/sdg2 on /media/TV type ext4 (rw)07:47
ki4roauronandace: Okay...how about in Gnome or ???07:48
tripppythats the mounted hdd07:48
Cerrdorbasil60: check your PMs07:48
auronandaceki4ro: gnome3 no, xfce yes07:48
basil60PMs - permissions? how?07:49
zambahow do i write a whole partition to an image file by using dd?07:49
ki4roauronandace: Well, thanks.  More gray hairs for nothing! LOL07:50
llutz_zamba: sudo dd if=/dev/sdXY of=/foo.img bs=4k    replace sdXY07:50
zamballutz_: will that also fill out the empty space?07:51
Cerrdorbasil60: PM=Private messages07:51
zamballutz_: like if the partition is 128 GB, will it create a 128 GB file? or will it actually just fill out what's used?07:51
Cerrdormeans somewhere on your chat thingy there is a message from me07:51
llutz_zamba: it will copy blockwise, including empty blocks07:51
Dr_Williszamba: will be  12gb07:51
Jactamornings in here :)07:52
dazonicI just created a fresh 10.04 VPS, I seem to be missing the `at`, `atq` commands?07:52
llutz_dazonic: install them07:53
dazonicllutz_: how? i've googled, 'at' is hard to find, too generically named!07:54
llutz_dazonic: sudo apt-get install at07:54
llutz_!info at07:54
ubottuat (source: at): Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.13-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 39 kB, installed size 167 kB07:54
auronandace!info at lucid07:54
ubottuat (source: at): Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.11-1ubuntu5.1 (lucid), package size 45 kB, installed size 224 kB07:54
llutz_it always has been package at07:55
dazonicllutz_ thanks brother, was scared to try that07:55
llutz_dazonic: install apt-file and use "apt-file search bin/at "  next time. its helpful to find packages07:55
dazonicklutz i'll write the down, cheers mate07:56
dazonicappreciate it07:56
llutz_dazonic: then "apt-cache show <packagename>" to make sure it is what you want07:56
magn3tsanyone using the FISH shell?08:04
magn3ts(and know the equivalent of "source" for it?)08:04
decciHi Guys08:06
decciI have installed Squid on Ubuntu 12.04. All I need to know how shall i configure the server so that I can know what all website are blocked and what website user are busy accessing?08:07
MrNazhttp://pastebin.com/jekgQxta  <-- only the first of those loops executes... can anyone tell me what i've done wrong?08:08
vsMSHi. I need to delete files by a cronjob that are older than 12-48 hours08:09
gr33n7007hMrNaz, /join #bash08:09
vsMShow do I do this with find?08:09
llutz_vsMS:  man find (-mtime)08:10
decciwant the squid to be able to tell me which users has been visiting which websites08:10
Dr_Willisthere should be sites with find examples of that vsMS08:10
* Dr_Willis always has to look up examples..08:10
deccii also want the squid able to generate the report of which user is doing what08:11
hotea1313how do i install ubuntu from a usb drive after formattign the computer i have the iso file for install?08:11
Dr_Willishotea1313:  yoou have to put the iso on the usb in a useable fashion so its a boota b le usb.08:12
hotea1313how do i do that08:12
Dr_Willisthen you boot hte usb and follow directions08:12
gr33n7007hMrNaz, list=*.mp4; for file in $list do command; for file in $list do command; for file in $list do command; done; done; done08:12
Dr_Willishotea1313:  tools at pendriveli  ux site for various os's08:12
Dr_Willisubuntu.com also has a tool i belive for windows08:12
deccihotea1313: unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:12
Dr_Willislive cd c an do it also08:12
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peetaurvsMS, you can find that easily in the find man page. But I have a warning: many files that look older than 12-48 hours are not. For example if I download something in a tarball, and extract it, it might extract files with dates in 2009. Or if you copy something over samba from OSX, the client will set the timestamps to whatever they were on the client side rather than the creation time in the samba share.08:13
=== NayanShah1 is now known as zyxt
FusionXCan i retain the same gui environment of ubuntu 10.10 yet upgrade it to the latest verion?08:14
hotea1313middle of backing up my computer onto a hard drive if i have nay probelmes ill be back here08:14
Dr_WillisFusionX: gnome2 is basically dead. and unsupported08:14
Dr_WillisFusionX:  theres forks of it. but not supported by this channel08:15
llutz_peetaur: use -atime/-amin then, not mtime/mmin08:15
FusionXDr_willis: but it's soft on my old hardware08:15
FusionXbut is it possible?08:15
peetauratime? if I read the files, it changes the atime... so atime does not tell you the age of the file08:17
Dr_WillisFusionX:  theres unity2d for older hardware. or try the  much  lighter lubuntu desktop08:17
decciAny auditing tool for Squid server08:17
llutz_peetaur: it tells you when a file last was accessed.08:17
ramprhello, how to add ability to reload in an upstart script08:17
peetaurI know, and reading a file is accessing it, which means the file is suddenly no longer old when you read it, if you consider atime an accurate metric for age.08:17
llutz_peetaur: since there is no "creation time" saved on ext-fs you always have to decide what time you take (mtime/atime)08:18
judgencan i use adobe flash without pulseaudio somehow? i have perfect sound in all other applications and not pulseaudio installed.08:18
Dr_Willisi dident think flash  used pulse audio08:19
judgenme neither08:20
judgenill be back soon08:20
anonymous1anyone feeling helpful? semi newb experiencing GRUB related homicidal rage08:20
Dr_Willisbeenusing this  'flashpluginreplacer' extension fore firefox - it makes flash videos play with  vlc. :) or totem, or  mpleyer08:21
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anonymous1*Triple booting ubuntu12.4 backtrack5(r2?) and linux mint (12) booted up earlier and every grub entry sent me to "busybox"prompt. was finally able to load backtracks recovery mode.. attempted Reconfig Grub option this allowed me to reboot and start BT5 like normal. now when i boot i have no keyboard support..Bt5 loads as its my 1st grub entry. any ideas on how i can get my keyboard to work at grub again? edit grub? bypass it co08:21
anonymous1also have a PartdMagic , puppy linux, and dsl live cd/usb... if that helps. alas, no ubuntu disc/iso08:22
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Dr_Willisonly time  ive  seen  keyboard not work at grub. i had to use the 'legacy usb' option in the bios08:22
Dr_Willisso has the  keybord ever worked in grub?08:23
aelen_vIn live session: how to install nvidia-current without reboot - how to rmmod -r nouveau?08:23
anonymous1yeah always   im familiar w/that option.. unfortunately thats not the prob08:23
Dr_Willisaelen_v:  not sure you can. do it without a reboot.  you can blacklist nouveau where it  never loads via a kernel/grub option.08:24
anonymous1usually at boot the light for caps lock would go on after post screen and then id b at grub08:24
anonymous1keyboard works in bios and everywhere but grub08:25
Dr_Willisid be  curious if you  had a 'full install' on  a flash drive. with grub. it it would work there...08:26
Dr_Willisor bootable usb hd.08:26
judgenhow annoying.. i have sound in every app except flash... tried it out on several video sites now08:26
Dr_Willisjudgen:  i belive that used to be a common bug/issue. not seen  it  mentioned  in   ages08:26
aelen_vDr_Willis: it used to be possible (dkms related, maybe before nouveau). But how to do it in Precise P. live session? Is there easier way than to prepare a custom live-usb or -CD?08:27
anonymous1i do have PartdMagicLive on a usb.. also puppy on cd.  looking for iso atm08:27
judgenoh i figured it out08:27
Dr_Willisaelen_v:  i just normally set up a live-usb with a persistant save file. but i dont really  need to do that in 12.04 for my  systems08:28
kapzI want to remote ubuntu with ubuntu, both running gnome-shell but the speed is *Painfully* slow...whereas remmina with realvnc on windows works 10x faster on same setup...what is wrong with vino?08:28
aelen_vDr_Willis: Yeah, I therefore cannot set a correct resolution and earlier there have been black screen of deaths.08:29
Dr_Willisaelen_v:  you have tried the nomodeset option?08:29
aelen_vI'll do that next! Thanks.08:30
anonymous1Dr_Willis , when / if you get a min  i can send u a screen cap of another possible cause ? getting a little out of my comfort zone here :]08:30
Dr_Willisanonymous1:  you can apstebin it. Im on my phone. so chatting and websurfing  push the little android a bit hard.08:31
anonymous1ha  no worries08:32
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lamazwhich do you think is better KDE or GNOME?08:34
theadmin!poll | lamaz08:34
ubottulamaz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:34
Dr_Willislamaz:  use both  and decide for yourself08:34
fideli wonder if those 'better' questions will ever end ;)08:34
theadminfidel: Nope, that's just how people are08:34
Dr_Willisis it better to try them yourself or ask in a channel ? ;)08:35
lamazhave to start with one or the other :P08:35
fidelbuddha once mentioneD: experience yourself ;)08:35
lamazhard to decide08:35
Dr_Willisyou can  easially install both.08:35
lamazi can, but i still need to start with one or the other :D08:36
theadminlamaz: You can start with a plain CLI environment :P08:36
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop08:36
fidellamaz: im short: KDE offers tons of config options - while gnome seems a bit more minimal on the gui08:36
theadminlamaz: KDE is closer to Windows in the user experience, GNOME is plain weirdness, same applies to the default (Unity)08:36
lamazthanks :)08:36
Dr_Willisdid i miss any  -desktops :)08:37
fidelDr_Willis: edu ;)08:37
theadminDr_Willis: I suppose not, but installing those is actually a bad idea, you get multiple office suites/browsers/etc. I say install the base desktop packages08:37
avelldirolllamaz: there is no "better", there is "choice" and that's always the best situation, as a beginner using ubuntu, it might be easier to find documentation related to gnome (as it is the default on ubuntu), but the best way is to test both.08:37
llutz_Dr_Willis: edubuntu08:38
lamazavelldiroll, i was asking for opinions, people usually prefer something08:38
Jactais it possible to get gnome3 to work under 12.04 in virtualbox? Tried two ways - a guide or in update center - but it doesnt look like gnome3 :/08:38
Jactacan I be missing something?08:38
llutz_lamaz: and this is the wrong channel to ask for opinions, sapere aude08:38
lamazllutz_, yeah i noticed :)08:39
Jactais looks like this now: http://screenshotuploader.com/s/01/K7IcUV7cM08:39
theadminJacta: You need to have Guest Additions installed08:39
avelldirolllamaz: in that case you will find out that a lot of people use neither gnome or kde but another desktop08:39
Jactatheadmin ah- didnt think i have that now - ill try08:39
Dr_Willisor just a window manager08:40
lamazyeah, i don't really need a desktop environment at all, at least not currently but figured i could test something anyway08:41
AxonetBEI have only mysql running on 1 server the load is never higher then 1 but at some points all the cpu% load goes to 0 and the server freeze, what to check first?08:41
dreginHi, Is there a list of webcams that are compatible with Ubuntu 12.04?  Thanks!08:42
theadmindregin: Check the v4l2 website08:42
dreginWill do. Cheers.08:42
Jactatheadmin: almost done, and after that I should.. restart or?08:42
fidelJacta: restart the vm08:43
theadminJacta: Well I guess so, you can simply restart X08:43
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Jactaits kinda slow right now, ill get back asap :)08:43
Jactaand thanks08:43
avelldirollAxonetBE: the logs at the time of the freeze08:43
avelldirollAxonetBE: if you get nothing specific from the log, test your hardware (smart for the disk, memtest for the memory, lm-sensors for temperature)08:45
Mandalorddregin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:46
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dreginthanks Mandalord !08:47
c0rnelhello all08:47
dregintheadmin: I couldn't find a result for v4l2 in google that was the site....08:48
dreginJust a load of talk about using the v4l2 API08:48
theadmindregin: Hm yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen it somewhere before though :/08:48
breebreebrannnAnyone want to help me?08:49
satyanashOkay, I have set the option to login automatically and remove the password for the only user on the system, I cannot set the password again now.! Help!08:49
theadminsatyanash: sudo passwd username08:50
Mandalordbreebreebrannn: just ask:|08:50
satyanashtheadmin, my old password is failing.08:50
satyanashtheadmin, I tried that, cannot sudo.08:50
fidel!ask > breebreebrannn08:50
ubottubreebreebrannn, please see my private message08:50
theadminsatyanash: D'oh. Boot into the recovery mode then08:50
Jactafidel / theadmin - still building the guest additions :)08:51
llutz_satyanash: if you "removed" the password, there is no old-password. "passwd" as user08:51
theadminI thought passwd doesn't allow empty passwords :/ How can you "remove" one anyway08:51
satyanashtheadmin, ahh Thank you.08:51
satyanashtheadmin, using passwd without sudo did the trick08:52
theadminsatyanash: Cool08:52
satyanashtheadmin, I used the GUI. It has a option to remove the password08:52
theadminsatyanash: meh, bad idea08:52
llutz_satyanash: stupid idea, because it breaks sudo (as you've seen)08:52
satyanashThe first time I use the GUI, it breaks sudo08:52
breebreebrannnI had Ubuntu 11.10 installed alongside Windows 7. But then I was using EaseUS partition manager on Windows to make a new partition and the process froze halfway through so I had to reboot. Now Ubuntu isnt in my boot menu. I downloaded ext2explorer to see if my partition was sstill there but it cant find it. Is my partition gone or is it just corrupt?08:53
satyanashI told it to login automatically without a password.08:53
Mandalordbreebreebrannn: omg reboot when partitioning08:53
breebreebrannnI didnt want to but it was completely frozen so I had no other wway out.08:54
cvrDoes anyone know what the support for the AMD/ATI HD 76XXM cards are like? cannot find anything in my googling08:54
theadmin!fglrx | cvr08:54
ubottucvr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:54
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illusion!amd | cvr08:54
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anonymous1any GRUB masters in the house08:55
cvrtheadmin: I dont see anything regarding the 7600 cards on there08:55
Mandalordbreebreebrannn: do you have live cd/usb08:55
breebreebrannnYeah thats how I installed it. Live cd08:55
theadmincvr: I think fglrx has support for those. Not sure though.08:55
Mandalordbreebreebrannn: use gparted or sudo fdisk -l to find out08:55
theadmincvr: Try it. I mean, that's what livecd's are for ;)08:56
peetauranonymous1 that is a bad question. Nobody knows 100% of every topic, so you need to ask a specific question to find the few that know your sub-topic. (eg. dual booting? I know little; fixing boots with raid,lvm,etc. I am an expert)08:56
cvrtheadmin: I havent brought the laptop yet, just trying to see if it will work before I buy it08:56
theadmincvr: Oh... I see08:57
Mandalordbreebreebrannn: just try using gparted or sudo fdisk -l after booting with live cd08:57
anonymous1ok, new to IRC protocol :]  didnt want to interrupt08:57
anonymous1*Triple booting ubuntu12.4 backtrack5(r2?) and linux mint (12) booted up earlier and every grub entry sent me to "busybox"prompt. was finally able to load backtracks recovery mode.. attempted Reconfig Grub option this allowed me to reboot and start BT5 like normal. now when i boot i have no keyboard support..Bt5 loads as its my 1st grub entry. any ideas on how i can get my keyboard to work at grub again? edit grub? bypass it co08:57
anonymous1also have a PartdMagic , puppy linux, and dsl live cd/usb... if that helps. alas, no ubuntu disc/iso08:57
lamazcvr, go to some store and ask if you can try it with the live cd, they allow it quite often08:58
anonymous1*also , keyboard has always worked at grub in the past. it works at the bios and everywhere else excepr grub08:58
anonymous1im looking at a few suspicious looking grub / boot files/cfgs right now...08:59
cvrlamaz: hmmm might be worth a shot I guess if they want a sale they might be willing08:59
lamazcvr, if they know anything about computers it should be ok :)08:59
pikarohi! i'm working for an it magazine as a summer job, and i noticed we have an old test of ultamatix laying around, older than the various damning reviews by ubuntu devs. i thought i should probably include those, but i cannot find any definite info if the project is still alive, only one forums thread mentions it to be dead. does anybody know anything more specific?09:00
cvrlamaz: haha, yeh well that might be the issue then..09:00
Cerrdorpikaro: not I09:00
Dr_Willispikaro: check the distrowatch web site. if its not   been updated or mentioned in 6 Mo.. id consider it dead09:03
Jactatheadmin it still looks like an old gnome - tookt "Gnome" in list (there was three) - can it be that update center overwritten to an older version - and can I check09:03
theadminJacta: Do you have the gnome-shell package installed?09:03
anonymous1my god.. grub is insufferable09:03
aelen_vr_Willis: Thanks, the nomodeset helped. The bad resolution was there still there, but nouveau could now be removed (rmmod -f).09:04
peetauranonymous1: you're going to need an Ubuntu rescue CD... the server CDs have it; I assume the desktop one would too.  And this boot CD has a useful feature of dumping a GRUB analysis report to a pastebin after you boot: http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/09:04
Dr_Willisaelen_v: theres a kernel option to blacklist nouveau so  it dosent load09:04
Jactatheadmin it says "gnome-shell" is allready the newest version09:04
theadminJacta: Hm... Odd. I'm not sure then.09:04
anonymous1thanks peetaur09:05
Dr_WillisAnom01y:  theres a grub-repair cd mentioned at the 1fixgrub wiki pages also  that has some nice grub fixing tools also09:05
Dr_Willisthe !fixgrub wiki  page url i mean.09:05
anonymous1excellent  the smaller the iso the better :]09:05
pikarodr_willis: it's a repository and a software manager, not a distro. and there are very few packages tracked by distrowatch.09:05
aelen_vHow to scale my desktop size, so that it won't "bleed" edges out of sight. Using a crappy LG TV as a display.09:05
theadminJacta: It loads the GNOME Fallback session in your case (which happens when it can't load the standard Shell for some reason, or when you pick it from the list)09:05
Dr_Willispikaro:  totally never heard of it then.09:05
Jactatheadmin -> http://screenshotuploader.com/i/01/qcQvXQTBH.jpg09:05
Jactahrm, damn!09:06
theadminJacta: Well, try to pick the "other" GNOME from the list then09:06
theadminWhat can I say %)09:06
gribouillehow can I know if a given package is available on 12.04 (I'm using 11.10 right now)?09:06
Jactagnome - gnome classic - gnome classics (no effects)09:06
Cerrdorgribouille: sudo apt-cache search <package name>09:07
Jactajust tried the classic, looks 100% as the other :]09:07
llutz_gribouille: check packages.ubuntu.com   or use the !info packagename factoid here09:07
gribouille!info perl09:07
ubottuperl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.14.2-6ubuntu2 (precise), package size 3590 kB, installed size 11259 kB09:07
theadmingribouille: http://packages.ubuntu.com09:07
pikaro!info ultamatix09:08
ubottuPackage ultamatix does not exist in precise09:08
pikarohm ok, dead then ^^09:08
avelldirollpikaro: if I remember well ultimatix was a successor of automatix, before ubuntu-tweak appeared ... and as far as i remember it was (like the other two) more of a problem than a solution09:08
pikaroexactly, avelldiroll09:09
pooltable gb but i not sure if it is even working some gave to me about a year ago???09:09
kaihi folks09:09
pooltablehard dive09:09
Dr_Willisautomatix - *shudder* *horrors*09:09
cvrJacta: do you have 3d enabled in your VM?09:10
pooltablealso i do not see my use hard drive ???09:10
kaiI'm trying to get a backtrace from a crashing program, but installing the respective -dbg package didn't change anything, gdb still claims that it can't find debug symbols.. any idea how to fix this?09:10
Jactawas just out to check, cvr, it was not .. :) - Trying to enable and fire up again09:10
pikarook, i'll just mention it a quasi-dead. thanks for helping! bye09:10
Dr_Willisid say its a definatly dead.. ;)09:12
avelldirollDr_Willis: and in that specific case, death might a good thing09:13
pooltablehow to add a hard drive ?09:14
Dr_Willispooltable: plug it in.. power on...09:14
Dr_Willisvague questions... get vague answers. ;)09:14
pooltable gb ?09:14
cvrpooltable: tb09:15
pooltablei do not see it09:15
avelldirollpooltable: and if needed create a partition tables and partions with gparted (or some other tool if you prefer)09:15
Dr_Willistry mounting it by haand if its not auto mounting. Its possible its got some filesystem errors that need checked.09:15
Dr_Willisof course if its brand new.. it needs to  be partioned and formated..09:15
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pooltabledr willis how to mount it?09:16
gr33n7007hhow can i play .mov files in linux or convert them somehow?09:16
anonymous1gparted > mount "your hdd"09:16
anonymous1or disk utility09:16
avelldirollpooltable: the real question here is: is there already some data on the disk or not ? in short, give some context to your problem09:16
Mandalordpooltable did you format it?09:17
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:17
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pooltableavelldiroll manalord i do not know just found it had it years ago09:17
anonymous1gr33n7007h i use a app called transarmageddon for quick converting09:17
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  vlc can play .mov files i  belive. i imagine most of the other video players can also09:18
gr33n7007hDr_Willis, tried vlc and mplayer both wont play ;{09:18
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h: arista, winff, and other apps can reendode videos09:18
Mandalordpooltable: plug it in, power on and type sudo fdisk -l in terminal09:18
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  where did the file come from?09:19
sacarlsongr33n7007h: you might need to add some codecs with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:19
gr33n7007hanonymous1, is transarmageddon in repos09:19
avelldirollpooltable: so get some information about it before trying anything ... plug it in and launch "fdisk -l" in a terminal09:19
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  try running vlc from terminal, play the .mov look for error messages09:19
avelldirollarf too late09:19
gr33n7007hsacarlson, thanks09:19
anonymous1gr33n7007h it should be.. ubuntu 12.0409:19
gr33n7007h[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x9e4abf0]moov atom not found09:19
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anonymous1gr33n7007th are you using synaptic or what09:20
pooltablemanalord and avelldiroll fdisk -1 not found09:21
avelldirollpooltable: -l not -109:21
Dr_Willispooltable:  its a l as in list..09:21
gr33n7007hI'm on ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS09:21
anonymous1oops sorry :] sacarlson suggested restricted xtras already09:21
gr33n7007hdownloading them now09:21
Mandalordpooltable sudo fdisk -l (the lower case of L)09:22
pooltableok how  to read it?09:22
gr33n7007hstill no luck with restricted extras09:22
anonymous1does dual bootin bt5 and ubuntu12.4 even make sense? lol09:22
Mandalordpost on http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the link09:23
avelldirollpooltable: pastebin it and tell how your other harddrives are partitionned09:23
sacarlsonanonymous1: that only adds to the posibility that it's a good idea09:23
avelldiroll!pastebin | echo pooltable09:23
ubottuecho pooltable: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:23
Jactacvr / theadmin seems like I got it to work now \0/ thaaaanks09:23
anonymous1sacarlson hahaha09:24
theadmin!yay | Jacta09:24
ubottuJacta: Glad you made it! :-)09:24
Jactatheadmin - do you use it , or ?09:24
gr33n7007hsame with vlc aswell09:24
theadminJacta: Use what?09:24
gr33n7007hcan linux use quicktime player09:24
Jactatheadmin gnome309:24
theadminJacta: No, I use Xfce09:25
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h: ive definatly played .mov in linux befor withoutneeding quicktime09:25
theadmingr33n7007h: Unlikely, but I think other players can handle its formats09:25
cvrJacta: one of my machines runs gnome shell, but it gets annoying pretty quickly09:25
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  is this some video/movie you bought? ir could have DRM.09:25
Jactacvr what do you prefer then?09:25
gr33n7007hfrom my iphone09:25
anonymous1ah ha09:26
Dr_Willisa recording? or what exactly:09:26
cvrJacta: my main desktop runs xfce 4.10, closest thing i've found to what im looking for09:26
gr33n7007hme on trampoline09:26
gr33n7007hbout 2 mins long09:26
anonymous1lmao  oh man09:26
Dr_Willispost it... ;)09:26
Jactahave to try that cvr :)09:27
gr33n7007hI though vlc would play them straight out09:27
bkerensa_!offtopic | gr33n7007h09:27
ubottugr33n7007h: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:27
Dr_Willissee what  'file whater.mov' says about it...09:27
schnuffleJacta:  cinamon is really ice as it uses gnome3 but is usable like a normal desktopmy favorite09:27
gr33n7007hYeah will do09:27
cvrJacta: its very customisable don't think your stuck with the default desktop you get when you boot if it doesnt suit09:28
gr33n7007hIMG_0095.MOV: ISO Media, Apple QuickTime movie09:28
Jactaschnuffle ill try that too09:28
Jactacvr great! and I have an expert in you :P09:28
gr33n7007hcan sox convert09:29
schnuffleJacta: maybe one drawback itslinuxmint which is another distro based on ubuntu09:29
pooltablethis is what i see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050573/09:29
IszakI'm trying to mount a device /dev/cdrom to /mnt/iso with options map=off and check=relaxed, is this the correct way to do it "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/iso -o map=off,check=relaxed"09:29
cvrCinamon is alright, I just found the shell isnt as stable as it could be09:29
Jactatried the 'zorin thingie?09:30
schnufflecvr: no problems up to now09:30
Mandalordpooltable, paste all the thing on terminal after using sudo fdisk -l09:30
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  sox is for sounds. winff is easy to use.09:30
gr33n7007his that in repos09:30
Jactahttp://www.noobslab.com/2012/06/zorin-os-6-is-released-based-on-ubuntu.html that one09:30
schnufflegr33n7007h: ave you libquicktime2 installed?09:30
pooltablei did look irc://freenode/avelldiroll,isnick09:30
Dr_Willisyes.. time to learn the search feature..  ;)09:30
Mandalordpooltable: use Ctrl+Insert instead of Ctrl+C09:30
gr33n7007hschnuffle, 1 sec i'll check09:31
pooltablethis is what i see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050573/09:31
sacarlsongr33n7007h: might try some of these test video find out if your codecs are installed and working http://support.apple.com/kb/HT142509:31
schnufflegr33n7007h: install it and recheck if mplayer can play it09:32
Dr_Williswonder if he needs the goodl old medibuntu w32codecs ;)09:32
avelldirollpooltable: please pastebin the full output of fdisk -l, not only the part you think is relevant09:32
Jactacvr - do I need the compiz something?09:32
gr33n7007hschnuffle, will do then try with mplayer09:32
cvrJacta: for gnome shell? no09:32
Jactacvr for xfce :)09:32
Mandalordpooltable: i says paste all the thing, since i cannot get any useful information09:33
Jactacvr "After you install/upgraded XFCE you might want to get Compiz/Emerald working on it"09:33
schnufflegr33n7007h: and install the w32codecs as well09:33
gr33n7007hschnuffle, on it sir09:34
cvrJacta: you'd like to have compiz? xfce has its own compositing window manager09:34
Jactacvr: not really sure what it is and do :/09:34
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz09:35
gr33n7007hvlc definently plays avi's, right?09:35
pooltable_here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050585/09:35
schnufflegr33n7007h: avi is a conainer and can hold different codecs09:35
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  its all about the codec in the file.  not its extension09:35
=== pooltable_ is now known as pooltable
bkerensa_gr33n7007h: if you have the appropriate codecs09:35
Dr_Willisive found very few things vlc cant play09:36
JactaI dont need that, atlest not for now :D09:36
schnuffleDr_Willis: +109:36
cvrJacta: I wouldn't really worry about it too much at this stage09:36
gr33n7007hlets try now then09:36
avelldirollpooltable: so fdisk only sees your actuel disk ... or you sure you plugged a second one ?09:36
Jactacvr just changed from windows(all my life) to at work to have 12.04 only09:37
Dr_Willisonly 2 things i can think of that vlc couldent play. DRM protected  videos.. and those malware-virus-porn-auto-downloading-codec-things from a few years past.09:37
pooltableyes sata09:37
cvrJacta: you can get the built in from settings->window manager tweaks->compositor and enable that09:37
avelldirollpooltable: check /var/log/syslog for disk errors during the init09:37
Mandalord.pooltable: check that the device is plugged in and some sign of electricity09:37
cvrJacta: your work uses 12.04?09:38
avelldirollpooltable: it is time to consider that your disk might be unusable09:38
Jactacvr my workspaces do, the other guy using a mac, but they cant afford it to me09:38
vampirnatais the only difference between xubuntu, kubuntu, and ubuntu that they use different desktop environments?09:38
pooltableavelldiroll should it be quite?09:38
Dr_Willisvampirnata:  basically yes09:39
abysI'm running on ubuntu 12.04 usb live and I try to access the casper-rw partition I've created but I can't mount it. If I mounted from a xubuntu live usb it works... what is wrong? Thx09:39
vampirnataDr_Willis: basically? is there something else?09:39
Dr_Willisvampirnata:  dont forget lubuntu09:39
cvrJacta: looks like you might have won out there :)09:39
vampirnataDr_Willis: lubuntu?09:39
Dr_Willisvampirnata:  i think lubuntu uses a different default kernel.09:39
pooltableavelldiroll what was that soft ware g some thing for hadr09:39
pooltablehard drive09:39
Dr_Willissince its for low end  machines09:39
schnufflevampirnata: LXDE as dektop env09:40
vampirnataahh i see09:40
Jactacvr mostly right now I'm suffering due old habbits09:40
Dr_Willisthen theres edubuntu, with educational apps insgtalled by default09:40
DieSelÏðèâåò âñåì09:40
sacarlsonabys: maybe you can't mount from a partition that's already mounted?09:40
Jactacvr "use dafault panel" or "empty panel" at startup09:40
vampirnatathere's a bit too many distros out at the moment :/09:40
DieSelÇäåñü ðóññêèå åñòü?09:40
Dr_Willisvampirnata:  not reall09:40
angsis it possible to have virus in ubuntu?09:41
cvrJacta: default to start with, you can customise panels how u want and how many later09:41
schnufflevampirnata:  i like to ave the choice09:41
gr33n7007hsorry it does play .mov just not that paticular one, weird why would tht be?09:41
avelldirollvampirnata: nope, more choice is always the best option09:41
Dr_Willisangs:  not that ive ever seen in the real word.. theres always a posibillity09:41
DJonesÇäåñü ðóññêèå åñòü?09:41
pooltablegot it gparted09:41
abyssacarlson : what do you mean? is this partition mount in the background and you can't access it through the folders?09:41
chuangs: Possible? Yes. Plausible? Not likely.09:41
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  Drm protection perhaps09:41
sacarlsonabys: it wouldn't boot if it didn't already mount09:42
gr33n7007his that what you think it is, is their anyway round that possibly?09:42
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  fire up winff and see if it can convert it09:42
sacarlsonabys: am I wrong I think you see it at root /09:42
gr33n7007hDr_Willis, Will try now actually thanks man09:43
DieSelHere is a Russian?09:43
DJones!ru | DieSel09:43
ubottuDieSel: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:43
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  other  posibility - its using some newer codec/thing that your older system cant handle09:43
gr33n7007hpossibly yeah09:43
abyssacarlson: I don't think so because when I try to install stuff on the system, I'm running out of space, even If I created a bigger casper partition09:43
DieSelîê ïàñèá09:44
DieSel#ubuntu-ru Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned  :(09:44
abyssacarlson: That's the reason why I want to use casper partition. But when I click on it i've got:  could not find /cow, please check the spelling and try again09:45
gr33n7007hDr_Willis, thats the only video took when jailbroke do you think that as something to do with it!09:45
sacarlsonabys: running out of mem space?  as I think it creates a ramdisk and puts casper stuf in that09:45
gr33n7007hgonna try convert anyways09:45
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tdhz77My desktop is wired to the router, but when I try and stream big buck bunny 720p I get buffering every 10 seconds. Any ideas to why?09:46
sacarlsonabys: I must be wrong then,  I haven't played with it in too long09:46
TheRedMoodI'm on my knees here09:46
TheRedMoodI need help to boot into the powermac g409:46
abyssacarlson: I think the system is locked in a separated partition with fat32 limitation09:46
TheRedMoodso i can set the boot priority of cd higher than the hardisjk09:46
TheRedMoodThe arch linux guys just told me to09:47
Dr_Willisa powerpc mac?09:47
TheRedMoodSo im coming to you guys09:47
Jactacvr do you have a screenshot of your current setup? :)09:47
JactaI'm not really sure wahts possible and not09:47
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ActionParsnipTheRedMood: read the screen as the BIOS loads, you will be offered to enter setup. F2 and DEL are common09:47
tdhz77Does a 100 MBPS ethernet good enough to stream out a 720p movie?09:47
ActionParsniptdhz77: should be ok09:48
TheRedMoodtried it09:48
sacarlsonabys: well they make dvd install iso and they must be the same format and can be like 4gig09:48
schnuffleTheRedMood: press the c key while booting09:48
TheRedMoodI've also googled it but it seemd09:48
TheRedMoodTried it09:48
Dr_Willisthere is a #mac and #apple challen i belive09:48
tdhz77actionparsnip, If I'm getting lag. What could be some other factors? My ubuntu server is a pretty old computer.09:48
ActionParsnipTheRedMood: is this on a Mac system?09:48
gr33n7007htdhz77, thats more than enough09:48
abyssacarlson: yes, but iso is not fat3209:48
ActionParsniptdhz77: what are you sharing the folder with?09:48
tdhz77samba to xbmc09:49
schnuffleTheRedMood: tried what?09:49
sacarlsonabys: you playing with the squashfs file?09:49
szalActionParsnip: [11:46:15] <TheRedMood> I need help to boot into the powermac g409:49
ActionParsniptdhz77: you can set different samba settings to improve throughput, I'd try it as stock first09:49
tdhz77My ubuntu desktop to my ubuntu laptop (wireless)09:49
abyssacarlson: nop. The casper partition is just an ext2 partition created in the usb stick09:49
tdhz77Could the router affect performance? It's a 2wire router. :(09:50
szaltdhz77: there you have it -> wireless, that's the bottleneck09:50
abyssacarlson : I've created it with gparted and is empty, so there is no system in it.09:50
tdhz77szal ok, thank you.09:50
TheRedMoodBut someone stupid09:50
TheRedMoodtried to clone the filesystem09:51
sacarlsonabys: if your not playing with the squashfs file yet then you need to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization09:51
TheRedMoodand only got some parts of it seems09:51
TheRedMoodIt loads up09:51
TheRedMoodbut only to the terminal09:51
FloodBot1TheRedMood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
TheRedMoodwhen i try the diffrent commands09:51
TheRedMoodit gives me errors09:51
TheRedMooddbus and so on09:51
ActionParsnipTheProvider: please can you not use ENTER as punctuation...09:52
sacarlsonabys: most of the stuf that's in your live cd are in that squashfs09:52
abyssacarlson: cool, looks interesting09:52
chuTheProvider: Don't worry, it wasn't directed at you09:52
tdhz77I'm trying to stream a bluray from the drive. :) I love ubuntu.09:52
TheProviderlol aright09:52
ActionParsnipTheProvider: quit hitting ENTER so much, you can type very VERY longh lines as I am showing you now. Try typing a lot of text, then hit enter09:53
nibbler_what happened to iputils-clockdiff in ubuntu? i can't find the package in 10.4 lts :/09:53
Dr_Willistdhz77:  may be worth it to reencode the movie to somthing a little more suited for whatevggers playing it.09:53
DJonesActionParsnip: You were talking to TheRedMood who the bot kicked from the channel09:53
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  theredmood has already left09:53
TheProviderim guess that wasnt for me either.09:53
schnuffleActionParsnip: you are wrong it was TheRedMoon09:53
ActionParsnipnibbler_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils09:54
Dr_Willisso many lines.. it lagged everyone09:54
ActionParsnipschnuffle: gah09:54
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: d'oh09:54
dwakari can't use mouse wheel to scroll in ubuntu 12.04 , does uninstalling overlay scrollbars solve the problem?09:54
nibbler_thanks ActionParsnip09:54
ActionParsnipnibbler_: you can grab the deb there if you want, obviously get the right arch for your Ubuntu install09:54
tdhz77dr_willis is ffmpeg the best to transcode it? Is it possible to transcode on the fly?09:55
ActionParsnip!info iputils-clockdiff lucid09:55
ubottuPackage iputils-clockdiff does not exist in lucid09:55
Dr_Willistdhz77:  you could try the various upnp servers. like Plex, ushare,, or others.  I know plex can transcode on the fly. others may  be able to also09:55
tdhz77dr_willis you have so many answers. Where can I send you money?09:56
WomkesWhen I input the following command I get a segfault on the server09:56
Dr_Willisdonate to teh local animal shelter..  its The PuppyLeft License.. :)09:56
Womkesmysqld --version | grep -oE '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.* )'09:56
Womkesalso when i try to nano -w a file it segfaults09:57
Womkesany idea how I can troubleshoot this/09:57
Dr_Willis'NoPuppyLeftBehind' License09:57
Womkesseems something more sinister going on09:57
tdhz77Dr_willis :) lol Will do.09:57
ActionParsnipWomkes: if you run it as another user, is it ok?09:58
sacarlsonWomkes: how did you install mysqld?09:58
sacarlsonWomkes: sounds more like hardware posiblly09:58
WomkesNo idea, it is one of the many virtual machines in my company, I am tasked with making an inventory of all the hosting services on all servers in our network09:59
WomkesI use this command to get the mysqld version09:59
Womkesmysqld --version | grep -oE '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.* )' | cut -d\  -f 109:59
aussiehi all im having trouble with my compiz settings on ubuntu 12.0409:59
Womkesbut somehow this causes a segfault on this server09:59
Dr_Willisaussie:  details would help..09:59
Womkesonly one giving me this problem09:59
WomkesI think something is broken, when I try to random make a file using nano10:00
Womkeslike nano -w test10:00
Womkesit segfauls10:00
Womkesbut touch test works10:00
Womkesand editting in vim also works10:00
Womkesvery strang behaviour10:00
schnuffleWomkes: please one line or you'll get kicked by the bot10:00
MonkeyDustaussie  start with a question10:00
aussiegconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-110:00
aussieI typed that in10:01
schnuffleWomkes: whattype of virtualization?10:01
aussiewhen I was initially having trouble with the compiz settings10:01
MonkeyDustaussie  that's to reset to defaults10:01
WomkesAll the servers are xen based10:01
aussiethe forum did say use it at your own risk10:01
dwakardoes  uninstalling overlay scrollbars solve the problem?10:01
dwakardoes  uninstalling overlay scrollbars solve the problem?10:01
aussiewell ever since then i havent been able to use my previous settings on compiz10:01
dwakardoes  uninstalling overlay scrollbars solve the problem?10:01
WomkesI am running a script which rsyncs another script to a server, runs it, outputs an XML file which all the inventory data and that XML file is parsed by PHP which puts all the xen clients in a database with some meta information like mysql version, php version etc10:02
aussiebtw how do I privately talk to one person?10:02
MonkeyDustaussie  try MyUnity, it's in the repos, you can easily install it10:02
schnuffledwakar: stoprepeating yourself10:02
ActionParsnipaussie: you can use:   /msg name text10:02
Dr_Willisdwakar: try it and see if  it does?10:02
WomkesYou know what, screw it, I think I'll just put this server on the skip list and let system administration deal with it :P I am a developer.10:03
WomkesBut they are so slow, so I was hoping to fix this myself10:03
dwakari can't use mouse wheel to scroll in firefox in 12.04 LTS, will uninstalling overlay scrollbars help?10:03
dwakardr_willis ok10:04
aussieHmm installed it, not sure what to do with it10:04
sacarlsonWomkes: ya doesn't sound like your responsibility,  but might md5sum like nano or mysqld  and see if they are corupted10:04
yoskiI have broadcom bcm4312. ifconfig only shows lo and eth0. Wifi was working but now not. please help.10:04
aussieApparently im in 2D mode10:04
aussieI will logout and be back10:04
yoskihelp with wifi please anyone.10:06
ActionParsnip!broadcom | yoski10:06
ubottuyoski: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:06
Womkessacarlson, managed to get hold of one of our sys admins, he's coming to my desk in a couple of minutes :)10:06
WomkesI'll show him the issue and let him work out a solution10:07
sacarlsonWomkes: cool10:07
Womkesthanks anyway :)10:07
* Dr_Willis bets it works for him....10:09
Dr_Willis'i dont see any mrpblem'10:09
manzamannahello, I need to set up some NAT rules and I feel ufw not usable. Is there an "official guide" to switch to classic the iptables?10:10
Dr_Willis'switch to classic' ?10:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.10:11
manzamannathanks ubottu10:16
decci_I am trying to install squid10:19
decci_on Ubuntu10:19
Dave-MaydewI have a quick, possibly simple question10:19
decci_I want to test when I run yahoo.com it shudnt open and restridt on the server itself..10:19
chuDave-Maydew: Sure, ask away.10:20
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org10:20
kodo_has anyone installed eclipse on ubuntu 11.10 with sdk tools for android programming?10:21
Dave-MaydewI have a Sony VGC-V2M which is a all-in-one media PC with the GeForce FX5700 in, and it runs smooth with 10.04LTS but I have issues with 12.04 with the 173 driver, has this been fixed?10:21
ActionParsnipDave-Maydew: what is the issue?10:21
Dave-Maydewgrey screen with a cut out where unity should be and not able to display anything10:22
Dave-Maydewdoes the latest driver fix this issue?10:22
decci_Anyone who have experience with squid10:23
ActionParsnipDave-Maydew: tried Unity2D?10:23
ActionParsnipdecci_: could try in #squid10:23
Dave-MaydewAs it's a all in one PC the GPU is on the motherboard10:24
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Dave-MaydewIf the issue with the 173 driver has been fixed, I'll install Ubuntu 12.04LTS today10:26
sacarlsondecci_: I've never used squid for redirection,  I have used bind9 and iptables to do the same but I guess it can be done with squid also10:27
ActionParsnipDave-Maydew: could try it in live CD to test10:28
Dave-MaydewI did, but the grey screen10:28
Dave-Maydewthe driver shipped with the live CD has issues10:28
Dr_Willisthats the nouveu driver10:29
Dave-Maydewis it??10:29
Dr_Willisnvidia driver must be installed seperatly10:29
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:30
Dave-MaydewI know I'm not the only one that has this issue10:30
sacarlsondecci_: seems to be docs for squid to do redirection http://www.shorewall.net/Shorewall_Squid_Usage.html10:30
ActionParsnipDave-Maydew: try the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=110:30
Dave-MaydewOK I shall try it, I may even dual boot 12.04 and 10.04 till I've fixed it10:31
Dave-MaydewHave been running Ubuntu since moving from the darkside totally since 200910:32
Dave-MaydewI don't want to go back10:32
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Dave-Maydewcheers, and i'll give it a try and will dual boot this machine10:34
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bilelhi, I'm trying to add myself to www-data group, I'm doing sudo usermod -aG www-data bilel , but then when I type 'groups' I don't see www-data in the list, why?10:41
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ferninewgrp www-data or logout / back in again10:42
ejcwebHi. I've got an external USB hard drive (500GB) which seems to have become corrupted somehow - it shows just a few random file names. Can anyone advise me as to the best route to proceed? (I remember using some recovery software once before when something like this happened to my USB memory stick)10:43
Mandalordejcweb: virus maybe?10:44
balou_fr@ejcweb: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec10:45
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ActionParsnipejcweb: when you want to detatch the device, do you just yank it out or do you safetly remove the device, then unplug?10:45
sacarlsonejcweb: I gues fsck /dev/sdXX  when it's not mounted10:45
Jactaanyone managed to get skype inside empathy? Saw a thread about it with a "fix"10:46
ejcwebMandalord, ActionParsnip: Not 100% sure, since it's been given to me by a friend. Just trying to work out what I can do for him.10:46
ejcwebMy guess is that the data is all there somewhere.10:46
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bilelferni: ok I've done this, but I also made sudo newgrp by mistake, should I revert this or it doesn't matter?10:46
bilelsudo newgrp www-data10:46
balou_fr@ejcweb - give a try to that tool - pretty good at recovering stuff, including lost partitions, files, etc.10:47
Jactahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/970885 that one10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 970885 in pidgin-skype (Ubuntu) "Empathy 3.4 and pidgin-skype" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:47
Jactais there a way that someone have builded or compiled that allready? im all new :/10:47
ActionParsnipejcweb: what file system is it using?10:48
ActionParsnipejcweb: NTFS? FAT32? Ext2/3/4 ??10:50
ejcwebActionParsnip: It says msdos under properties. How do I check?10:51
Mandalordejcweb: sudo fdisk -l10:51
bipulMandalord: it will shows the Disk space10:51
Jactagueess its the same as skypeforpidgin - skype4empathy - anyone into that?10:51
Mandalordbipul: we still know the file system right?10:52
bipulMandalord:  Yes i know the File system10:52
ejcwebActionParsnip: 'W95 FAT32 (LBA)'10:52
bipulejcweb:  what you doing Exactly ?10:53
ejcwebbipul: Trying to work out if the data on the disk (lots of photographs) is recoverable.10:54
pappijosome applications can create pushbuttons with icons also in themes without button icons. How can I achieve that?10:54
balou_fr@ejcweb - no kidding - have a look at photoRec, the link I gave you before - it s a simple tool that will recover any file still on the disk, even if erased or "loast10:55
balou_frjust beware not to use that disk anymore so your disk sectors don't get overwritten10:55
ActionParsnipejcweb: oh jeez10:55
ActionParsnipejcweb: I suggest you fsck the partition, may help10:55
ejcwebbalou_fr: Will check that out.10:56
ejcwebActionParsnip: What does fsck do exactly?10:56
ActionParsnipejcweb: its like chkdsk in windows10:56
balou_frfsck : filesystem check10:56
balou_frmight repair some of the filesystem but not recoer files10:56
ejcwebActionParsnip: If the drive shows up as /media/HD-CUE2 then I can just fsck /media/HD-CUE2?10:58
geirhaejcweb: No, the filesystem must be unmounted10:58
ubo0just installed 12.04 64-bit, now trying to install google-chrome-stable, dpkg is saying I have unmet dependencies for libnss3-1d and libxss1. libnss3 is already installed, libnss3-1d is not available, libxss1 is not available. Anyone have any clue how to get chrome installed? googling did not help10:58
ActionParsnipejcweb: you need to unmount the partition first10:59
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=== Alpha is now known as decrisky
ejcwebgeirha: Ah yes, I see.10:59
ActionParsnipubo0: then run:  sudo apt-get -f install10:59
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deepspeedHow do I disable the login prompt on boot in lucid?10:59
bilelI have a folder owned by www-data, I'm in www-data group and permissions are 770 so I can create files in that folder, but when I do so, the files belongs to me, www-data isn't in my group so he can't edit it, is tehre a way to put www-data as group owner automatically when I create a file in this folder?10:59
liannamiannabaseball bat11:00
ubo0ActionParsnip: despite not having libxss1?11:00
ActionParsnipdeepspeed: do you want autologin?11:00
ActionParsnipubo0: it should satisfy deps11:00
deepspeedI want to also do away with the keyring thing that I have to use to get online, too, ActionParsnip.11:00
ActionParsnipdeepspeed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin11:00
geirhabilel: give the directory mode 277011:00
ActionParsnipdeepspeed: set a blank keyring pasword and you won't get bothered for a password11:00
geirhabilel: See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions11:01
ActionParsnipubo0: make sure you are fully updated too11:01
deepspeedActionParsnip, thanks a lot.11:01
ejcwebActionParsnip: fsck says 'Bad short file name (\031\000\000\000B \000I.\000n\000).', and gives options to drop file, rename etc. What is this doing/what should I do?11:02
ejcwebMaybe cancel and try PhotoRec?11:02
bilelgeirha: ok I'm checking ;)11:02
balou_fr@ejcweb - yes11:02
balou_frif you do so it will overwrite your disk11:02
=== liannamianna is now known as Happymeal
ejcwebbalou_fr: You mean, if I continue?11:03
balou_frjust make sure you have some space somewhere on another disk where to copy the recovered files11:03
balou_frno stop11:03
deepspeedActionParsnip, that link you gave me is why I asked here, lol.  I'm using enlightenment, and don't have a 'system' tab on my taskbar.  Do you know how to get to the menu in enlightenment?11:03
balou_fryes :) if you continue :)11:03
zimbreshi, what is the status of ubuntu on android? I cannot find if it is already available11:03
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Anomie21What is daisy.ubuntu.com ?11:04
ejcwebbalou_fr: Can PhotoRec scan for files without restoring them first? I don't currently have a 500GB disk spare, but it would be good to check if it can find any files.11:04
balou_frapt-get install testdisk11:04
deepspeedActionParsnip, nvm, I found it.  Thanks.11:05
balou_frmmh I don t recall exactly, I think it first scan the disk and then ask if you want to recover them11:05
ejcwebAlso, is it safe to Ctrl-C out of fsck at the point where it is asking me what to do?11:05
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inertialejcweb: what is it asking you to do?11:06
balou_fryes - no data will have been changed on the disk at that point11:06
bilelgeirha: I don't really get what you mean by directory mode? in the doc they talk about mask? is it this?11:07
geirhabilel: changing umask will allow you to create files with write-permission for group by default, but it's the last part of that page I intended; what setgid on a directory means.11:08
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geirhabilel: umask may not be sufficient for your case though, you may want to enable acl on that filesystem and set a default acl on that dir11:10
ActionParsnipejcweb: Fat32 isn't very robust. I suggest you chkdsk in Windows11:11
ejcwebActionParsnip: With the hope that chkdsk might do what?11:12
bilelgeirha: I'm currently looking at the setgid part, for the umask I will put 007, so when www-data user creates a file, I'll be able to write and edit, but it won't work if I create a file myself, so I need to take a look at acl for that? not setgid?11:12
ActionParsnipejcweb: repair the file system. Sounds like it's not being used correctly (afe removal in the OS before pysical removal)11:12
kodo_anyone can help me with the installation of Java JDK 7.x?11:12
ejcwebActionParsnip: Ok. I will reboot into windows and try chkdsk, and if that doesn't do the trick, give PhotoRec a try.11:13
ActionParsnipkodo_: do you mean for a browser plugin?11:13
ejcwebThanks for your advice :)11:13
schnufflekodo_: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/11:13
ActionParsnipejcweb: tell your buddy to get a backup in place11:13
Mandalordejcweb chkdsk /r11:13
geirhabilel: If you set umask before creating the file it will give the file the "right" mode. The setgid will help with the group ownership.11:13
kodo_no i need it for set Eclipse to android programming11:13
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:14
kodo_i'm on ubuntu 11.10 at the moment11:14
ActionParsnipkodo_: schnuffle's guide looks decent :)11:14
ejcwebMandalord: That's the command I should run, right? Does that go through all disks?11:14
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schnufflekodo_: at least it uses alternatives to set it up correclty :)11:15
balou_frpersonally I d still run photoRec first before u make any change on the disk, then run chkdsk to repsir the filesystem ...11:15
balou_frif you repair first, then you alter the disk and reduce the chance to get more data11:16
kodo_ok let me try then ;-)11:16
ejcwebbalou_fr: So photoRec doesn't modify the disk at all?11:17
ejcwebThat sounds like a safe approach I guess.11:17
balou_frit recover files, write them on another disk of your choice11:18
bilelgeirha: great so it looks good for me, I will also enable the setgid and it should be ok,11:18
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balou_frif you check at its manual they even recommend to do a dd of the disk to another file so you have the exact bytes of your disk11:18
balou_frbut dd 500GB I don t really see that coming in the next 10 min :D11:19
bilelgeirha: I've just found out 'chmod 2555' to enable the setgid , that's what you were telling me at the beginning with change the usermod, now I understand ;) thanks11:19
geirhabilel: you probably mean 2775 or 277011:20
CreazioNI'm in Xfce right now, is there a way to keep all "window buttons" on the same line - as it is right now it only shows from current desktop window11:20
CreazioNdoes it make sense what I wrote? Otherwise tell me11:20
balou_fryou can try first on a small disk / usb key to have an idea of the results, you ll be amazed how much data you had removed you can still recover11:20
bilelgeirha: yes I've just copy pasted, I'll use 277011:21
ActionParsnipCreazioN: do you mean close, minimize, maximize etc?11:21
ejcwebbalou_fr: dd would just do a byte-for-byte copy, right?11:22
ejcwebBut since photorec won't change the disk this isn't totally necessary?11:22
vampirnataejcweb: do you have a windows machine handy?11:22
ejcwebvampirnata: Yes (dual-boot).11:23
CreazioNAceFace, ive made a panel with "window buttons" - when chaging desktop it only shows active desktops windows11:23
vampirnataI recently deleted a whole disk of music accidently and Recurva undeleted it all11:23
vampirnatait's free and for windows. (from the makers of ccleaner)11:23
auronandaceCreazioN: check the preferences, you can set it to all workspaces11:23
rodentanyone good with UFW?? i'm trying to preconfigure UFW before I enable it, but it doesn't seem to take, I'm working remotely, I for sure have user.rules set with 22 open and other ports, but when I enable UFW, it blocks everything as if it was still default... anyone have any suggestions??11:23
ejcwebvampirnata: Ok. Maybe I'll give that a try later.11:23
vampirnatait allows you to redirect the undelete to another drive (actually recommends it)11:24
CreazioNauronandace, thanks - that was really embarrassing :)11:24
auronandaceCreazioN: no worries, xfce is my favourite11:25
NorwegianDoes linux have any decent rss readers?11:25
CreazioNauronandace, do you by any luck have a screenshot of your setup, I would really much like to see such11:26
szalNorwegian: akregator (from what I hear; don't use it myself)11:26
avelldirollNorwegian: plenty, but that depends how you define "decent", i.e. you need to explain what features you seek11:26
bilelgeirha: there is something I don't understand, when I create a new file it's www-data as owner group it's ok, but the others have read access, but the umask I have set is 007, shouldn't it be no permission at all for others?11:26
auronandaceCreazioN: not at the mo, i'm on unity here (not as bad as i thought it would be)11:27
ActionParsnipNorwegian: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-rss-readers-available-in-ubuntu.html11:27
NorwegianSomething like netnewswire or reeder on mac.11:27
balou_frejcweb: it s always a safety precaution (not mandatory though), especially if your disk is slowly dying and you are not sure how long it will last11:27
ejcwebbalou_fr: Ok.11:27
avelldirollNorwegian: i am using newsbeuter ... which suits my needs as i want an rss client in the command line ... but there is rssowl, liferea, akregator11:28
ActionParsnipNorwegian: I use feedindicator as it siin the tray :)11:28
blackshirtnothing wrong11:28
ejcwebI suspect I don't have enough 500GB drives free to manage this copy, plus another one to recover to.11:28
balou_frprobably overkill in this case, it was more of a general advice :)11:28
geirhabilel: umask only applies to the shell you run it in, and all child processes spawned from there. If you ran umask 007 in a terminal, then created a file with gedit that was not started from that same terminal, gedit will have the default umaks11:28
geirhabilel: That's why I said umask may not be sufficient for your case.11:28
avelldirollNorwegian: i don't know this 'netnewswire', so you should explain why you find it better than others ... else you'll have to check for yourself11:29
CreazioNauronandace, why are you using that atm if xfce is your favourite?11:29
nafcoolI want to use the Unity Launcher API (on Precise)11:30
rodentanyone good with cli UFW?11:30
auronandaceCreazioN: i like to keep my options open, its good to see new things to see if you can improve your setup11:30
NorwegianRight now I use reeder on my Mac. It has great design, readability, twitter support, google sync. Design is key to me.11:30
nafcooland I'm using - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175844311:30
nafcoolbut when I compile the source code11:30
nafcoolthe error occurs saying that glib.h not found11:31
kapzI want to remote ubuntu with ubuntu, both running gnome-shell but the speed is *Painfully* slow...whereas remmina with realvnc on windows works 10x faster on same setup...what is wrong with vino?11:31
nafcoolI've installed libunity-dev11:31
auronandaceCreazioN: my main rig is a t510 with archlinux on it (xfce), this one i'm speaking on is my t61 allways on ubuntu install11:31
MacroMan_I'm having some trouble with tar on the terminal. I'm calling: tar -czfv base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql.tar base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql11:31
nafcoolfor the header file which contains the functions for the API11:31
nafcoolplz. help me11:31
MacroMan_And getting: tar: base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql.tar: Cannot stat: No such file or directory11:31
Mandalordrodent: how about gufw11:31
ActionParsnipkapz: what are you doing on the remote system?11:31
CreazioNauronandace, aah - smaaart :) - do you by any chance use pidgin+11:31
MacroMan_But the .tar file shouldn't exist yet as I haven't yet compressed the file11:32
avelldirollNorwegian: so i am the wrong one to talk to ... i don't care about looks, only about functionality11:32
bilelgeirha: hm ok, ok I don't think it's a big problem as long as others don't have write access, is the default umask 022?11:32
kapzActionParsnip, running updates, configuring apps etc...11:32
NorwegianDesign is how it works. Design is everything.11:32
ActionParsnipkapz: you can run updates via SSH, it'll be a tonne quicker11:32
auronandaceCreazioN: i use pidgin, but hardly ever chat on it, mainly on as an email notifier11:32
schnuffleooops sorry11:32
MacroMan_schnuffle: So .tar.gz ?11:33
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: or install unp, then you don't have to worry about what switches are needed11:33
CreazioNauronandace, do you by any chance know if its by default its possible to toggle the client - or makeable?11:33
rodentMandalord: same thing.. yes....11:33
MacroMan_or .tar:gz ? <- I've not seen that type of file extension before11:33
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: just use unp for all archives and they will be extracted11:33
rodentMandalord: that is what i'm using...11:33
kapzActionParsnip, yeah OR I can use gnome-2d and do a lots of stuff but why is vino slow with gnome-shell?11:33
auronandaceCreazioN: toggle what exactly?11:33
MacroMan_ActionParsnip: This is on a server (which isn't mine) so I can't install that here11:34
ActionParsnipkapz: maybe its a bug. Is one reported. I suggest you use ssh for updates11:34
schnuffleMacroMan_: yep tar czvf: c: create z:use gzip, v:verbose, f:filename11:34
CreazioNauronandace, toggle the visibility of the client11:34
avelldirollNorwegian: in general sense yes ... in the way its use by apple as a marketing term, not so ... as i mostly consider macOS and macos apps in general to be utterly bloated, but that's my opinion, and that's probably offtopic11:34
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: if you have sudo acces sthen you can11:34
schnuffleMacroMan_: .tar.gz of course11:34
rodentMandalord: http://pastebin.com/9vmH30zZ11:34
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: the 'file' command will tel you what it is11:34
auronandaceCreazioN: whether someone is visable in your list if they are offline? that what you mean?11:35
ttyrunning a virtual machine of ubuntu and the network interface sleeps after some period. is this normal?11:35
MacroMan_ActionParsnip: It's possible for me to, but I can't because it's not my server. ie I don't have permission from the owner  to11:35
kapzok...also is there a way where I can remotely login/logout to the computer so I can configure lightdm while logging in?11:35
glitsj16nafcool: looks like you're missing libglib2.0-dev .. sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev11:35
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: what does file say the file is??11:35
nibbler_quiet often in ubuntu 12.4 gnome classic, the upper and lower bars are "always on top" - annoying when running other stuff in fullscreen. any hint?11:35
nafcoolglitsj16: it is installed........what to do now?11:35
NorwegianYou're mistaken. "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. " - Steve Jobs11:35
MacroMan_schnuffle: I get the same error with tar -czfv base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql.tar.gz base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql11:35
CreazioNauronandace, if i click the [x] in pidgin its hidden - but it still runs - to get it visible again I go thru empathy and click pidgin - what I want is like ctrl+alt+a to toggle the appwindow to show11:36
MacroMan_ActionParsnip: -rw-r--r-- 1 my_username www-data    177464325 2012-06-20 12:25 base_backup_2012_06_20_01.sql11:36
auronandaceCreazioN: go through empathy? never had to do that. pidgin should have an option about whether or not to minimise to system tray when you close it11:38
glitsj16nafcool: i don't know11:39
nafcoolglitsj16: :(11:40
nafcoolglitsj16: np11:40
rodentMandalord: http://pastebin.com/9vmH30zZ  any ideas?11:40
glitsj16nibbler_: have you seen http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/fix-gnome-panels-on-top-of-fullscreen.html yet?11:40
avelldirollNorwegian: i know, and i agree with the definition, but i disagree about how he chose to implement it11:41
NorwegianHe chose to implement it to the masses.11:41
nibbler_glitsj16, thanks, trying11:42
purencoolI am in the terminal and cd myself an amazing path but now I am in that dir how do I get the path to stop being displayed on the lefthand side of the $11:43
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: try -zxvf11:43
ActionParsnippurencool: you will need to change the PS1 variable11:43
purencoolsorry what is the PS111:44
avelldiroll10% of the market is not the masses ... it focuses more on graphic/musical producers types of users ... "artsy", people who consider that looks is more important compare to the masses11:44
kapzI'll rephrase..how can I remotely control/use lightdm from ubujnhtu to ubuntu?11:44
avelldirollbut this is far to much offtopic to keep discussing it here11:44
ActionParsnippurencool: its the variable that defines the prompt, a basic search online wold have told you that11:45
user-09guys does anyone knows how to send a pop up msg in ubuntu? just like net send in xp without install any software11:46
MonkeyDustkapz  there's XDMCP11:46
rodentanyone good with GUFW?? i'm trying to preconfigure UFW before I enable it, but it doesn't seem to take, I'm working remotely, I for sure have user.rules set with 22 open and other ports, but when I enable UFW, it blocks everything as if it was still default... anyone have any suggestions??11:47
rodenthttp://pastebin.com/9vmH30zZ  any ideas?11:47
ActionParsnipuser-09: if you can ssh to the system you can use notify-send11:47
ActionParsnipuser-09: you can run: export DISPLAY=:0.0; notify-send "Title of message" "message text"11:48
CreazioNauronandace, could'nt really find it - just could be cool with a toggle I think11:48
MonkeyDustkapz  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/11:48
user-09Action: thank you.11:48
avelldirollrodent: configuring a firewall remotly without being 100% of what you are doing is a disaster waiting to happen11:48
ActionParsnipuser-09: you can even script it to connect and run the command then disconnect :)11:48
schnufflerodent: you enable the firewall which leads to no more packages accetped11:48
avelldirollrodent: launch a VM and test your configuration on a similar system before trying to set up one remotly11:49
Norwegianavelldiroll: You're thinking about the pc world. Apple is a lot bigger with iPhone and iPad. Your definition of mac users is also outdated.11:49
avelldirollNorwegian: no, i am comparing things that are comparable ... and i was speaking about MacOS, i thought my precedent sentences were clear about that11:50
llutzrodent: why don't you just define an iptables-ruleset and load that when starting up? and if you fiddle with "firewall" from remote, always make sure to have a cron-job running, resetting the rules after xx minutes11:51
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kapzthanks MonkeyDust, am gonna give it a shot.11:51
NorwegianiOS is built up on os x so there you go.11:51
avelldirollNorwegian: so you are implying that the desktop market and the smartphone market are comparable ? ouch ... but it is definitely not a debate for this channel11:54
lolcatNorwegian: Er du norsk erller wannabefag?11:54
Norwegianlolcat: Norsk ja11:54
MonkeyDustmentalt ute av balanse!11:54
* lolcat vandrer vidre11:55
ActionParsnipusr13: ssh user@host "source ~/.bashrc; export DISPLAY=:0.0; notify-send "Title of message" "message text""     should work11:56
rodentllutz: i can do it all by hand, sure, but that defeats the purpose of using ufw... you can see in the pastebin, that 22/ssh is defined, but i'm stilll locked out of it...11:56
rodentavelldiroll: done that11:56
mint_i have a question. how to convert laptop wireless to a Hot-Spot?11:56
MonkeyDustmint_  are you in Mint right now?11:57
rodentschnuffle: i enable the firwall with allt he rules already pre-defined in user.rules, and i also && re-allow ssh, but i still lose all connectivity to my box...11:57
ActionParsnipmint_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:57
llutzrodent: well and just because those misbehaviours i'd prefer plain iptables-rules instead of any obscure code to handle those11:57
schnufflerodent: sure that the second command gets executed when the firewall is up and already blocking you. Write a bash script  with your commands and execute it in a screen to see if it makes a difference. Maybe add a iptables -L > ufw.log to see what happened12:00
reza_99999how to convert laptop wireless to a Hot-Spot?12:00
rodentschnuffle: it does, as it says " rule exists skipping.. "12:00
rodentabsolutely it gets ran12:01
rodenti'm waiting for the colo to fix my remote consoel access so i can diagnose it out of band...12:01
rodentotherwise i'll just reboot the box and examine logs as you suggested.12:01
Defusalis there a technical ubuntu channel?12:01
ActionParsnipreza_99999: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    plese12:02
woozlyguys, how to get tabbed 'screen' ?12:02
woozlyin my terminal12:02
Defusalie. a ubuntu channel for more advanced things?12:02
reza_99999lsb_release -sc12:02
ActionParsnipreza_99999: not supported here12:02
ActionParsnipreza_99999: mint has it's own channel12:02
ActionParsnip!mint | reza_9999912:02
ubottureza_99999: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:02
schnuffleDefusal: just ask12:02
reza_99999mint and ubuntu are same. plz say if you know. its important12:03
ActionParsnipreza_99999: its not12:03
ActionParsnipreza_99999: mint is mint, ubuntu is ubuntu12:03
realzippymint is ubuntu for the lazy12:03
ActionParsnipmint is ubuntu for those who like a smaller support network12:04
DJonesUgh, stupid odd windows12:04
ActionParsnipguess how I knew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050768/   ;)12:05
avelldirollmint and ubuntu differ far to much to not separate the support ... I believe mint irc support channel are not on freenode but on spotchat if i remember well12:05
ActionParsnipavelldiroll: yes, ubottu even states the server for users asking for mint support here12:06
reza_99999mint support is in poor status12:06
avelldirollreza_99999: and that's mint problem12:06
schnuffleI'm in both both channels ubuntu:~1700 people mint:~15012:06
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fidelquantitiy != quality12:07
avelldirollreza_99999: the ting is, if you want to ask a question here, you should first try to reproduce your problem on ubuntu (a VM a liveUSB ...) and try to solve it on ubuntu ... once that done you may try to transpose the obtain solution to mint12:08
hotea1313hi im running a dell inspiron 1420 and it wont connect to the wifi someone on here helped me last time to revert it to a different driver somehow12:17
ActionParsniphotea1313: what wifi chip is it?12:18
hotea1313i forgot12:18
ActionParsniphotea1313: run:  sudo lshw -C network    it will tell you12:19
_Ethan_hi, im thinking about buying a laptop, 600-800 eur, i thought about a dell but i´ll be outside my country and i only can buy it throught internet, can someone give me an advice please? thank you.12:19
hotea1313im jsut on diffferent computer since i cant plug it in to the router12:19
mananananai am on ubuntu 11.04 and i cant log in to my account just in recovery mode or in guest how can i fix it12:19
ActionParsniphotea1313: you can still run the command then copy the wifi chip by sight...12:20
hotea1313i am12:20
hotea1313i cant copy paste12:20
ActionParsniphotea1313: yes but we need only one line, so you don't need to copy and paste12:20
ActionParsniphotea1313: think about it12:21
hotea1313caps lock was on12:21
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ActionParsnip!test | tenshi12:21
ubottutenshi: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )12:21
tenshilol hi12:21
vampirnata_Ethan_: you can buy mine if you want :)12:21
ActionParsnip!hcl | _Ethan_12:21
ubottu_Ethan_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:21
hotea1313its showing up hardware lister12:22
schnuffle_Ethan_: I've about 30 Dell Laptop in my job. They are okay but not perfect. Check out Lenono as well and stay away from brand new stuff that will run you in driver problems and stay away from double graphic laptops as well12:22
hotea1313says b.02.1512:22
ActionParsniphotea1313: the product line will state what it is. Common ones are Intel, Broadcom, Atheros12:23
hotea1313its intel12:23
hotea1313i rember that12:23
MacroMan_I currently connect via ssh to a server using: 'ssh username@' and then I put in my password. Is it possible to send the password in this command also as I want to run it from a bash script.12:23
ActionParsniphotea1313: ok, read the output of lshw and find out which intel12:23
_Ethan_mmm ok12:23
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: you can use ssh keys12:23
hotea1313its not showing up12:24
hotea1313showing up as a bucnh of options12:24
_Ethan_schnuffle ok, thank you12:24
ActionParsniphotea1313: sudo lshw -C network       lshw = LSHW    in lower case12:24
_Ethan_the problem is that i have no time to buy deel12:24
MacroMan_I have ssh keys already set up, but it's set up so it still needs my password;12:24
_Ethan_im going abroad from my country :(12:24
hotea1313says hardware lister lsh -d network b.02.1512:24
_Ethan_was thinking about other brand12:24
hotea1313then format options12:24
ActionParsnipMacroMan_: then you'll need to tweak /etc/ssh/sshd_config   to not need passwords etc12:25
ActionParsnip_Ethan_: system76 if you can :)12:25
ActionParsniphotea1313: or:   lspci   will show you12:25
MacroMan_ActionParsnip: Thanks12:25
mananananai am on ubuntu 11.04 and i cant log in to my account just in recovery console but i guest its ok12:25
mananananai am on ubuntu 11.04 and i cant log in to my account just in recovery console but in guest its ok12:26
MonkeyDustmanananana  what happens when you try12:26
ActionParsnipmanananana: what GPU do you use? Please don't post like that12:26
hotea1313broadcom corporation bcm431112:27
Defusalthe latest cpuset package says "ImportError: No module named cpuset.main" when running "cset", does anyone know how i can fix this?12:27
mananananaActionParsnip i have a black screen after login the arrow goes in the middle and then nothing back to the log in screen12:27
ActionParsnip!broadcom | hotea131312:27
ubottuhotea1313: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:27
ActionParsnipmanananana: what if you log in to the Unity2D session?12:27
hotea1313its a clightly complex probelm i remember that12:28
mananananaActionParsnip same thing12:28
hotea1313took me about 2 hours last time to fix it12:28
hotea1313in the end they person told me how to revert to a not as stable  thing12:28
ActionParsnipmanananana: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1   and make a new user, is it ok there?12:28
mananananaActionParsnip yes it works i can log in to the guest as well but not on my old account12:29
zoraelDoes anyone what I can do to make udev wait until it can read /lib/firmware before trying to load modules? I'm not using an initrd, so as to speed up boot.12:29
usr13manananana: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword12:29
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mananananausr13 lol i know my password its not that12:30
Defusali rate i will be installing debian on all my future servers12:30
Defusalubuntu just gives problems that have no solutions12:30
Defusalthe only google result for "ImportError: No module named cpuset.main" is a pastebin from last year12:31
PiciDefusal: You could try asking in #ubuntu-kernel, but be aware that it is a working channel for our developers.12:32
usr13manananana: Boot the live CD, edit the /etc/group file and add the new user to all the groups as the original user and just use the new user.  (But, why is it you can not log into the original user?)12:32
DefusalPici, i asked in there, after #ubuntu-server had no responses, maybe someone will respond at some point12:32
kesroesweythhi all, htop says polkitd is using 55% memory, is that normal? my system has been running pretty slowly lately and i'm trying to figure out why12:32
Defusalthe issue itself is messed up though12:33
MonkeyDustkesroesweyth  make sure you don't have too many kernels installed in /12:33
Defusali don't understand how the latest package can have a major python issue for about a year and there is still no info online about it12:33
mananananausr13 thats what i am asking :D i will try to copy my home folder via guest12:34
kesroesweythMonkeyDust how do I check?12:34
MonkeyDustDefusal  maybe nobody noticed12:34
usr13manananana: What happens when you try to login original user?12:34
MonkeyDustkesroesweyth  you could use ubuntu-tweak12:35
mananananausr13 not much black screen and back to the log in screen12:35
usr13manananana: black login screen?12:35
kesroesweythMonkeyDust sounds gimmicky lol i'd like to learn to troubleshoot this type of thing using common linux tools if possible12:35
mananananausr13 no i type my password and then black screen after few sec i got back to the log in screen12:36
sulaimanIs it possible to have two zip packages with the same md5 checksum, but with different file contents?12:36
usr13manananana: Sounds like wrong password.12:36
vincentnick Vin10012:36
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usr13manananana: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword12:36
mananananausr13 nope when you type wrong password you have wrong password error12:37
DefusalMonkeyDust, since the only other reliable way to restrict processes to certain cpus using a kernel parameter is completely ignored by ubuntu server, i'd think someone would have noticed...12:37
mananananausr13 its loging in but after 1 sec its loging out12:37
usr13manananana: Well, I'm at a loss trying to figure out why it will login another user and not the original user.12:37
usr13manananana: Oh I see....12:38
erinaceus_Evening, anyone in here using an asus u33jc or any bamboo series? Cause mine keeps typing \6=] without me hitting the keyboard ..12:39
usr13manananana: Try doing that again, but first go to a console screen Ctrl-Alt-F6 and log in as same user, run:  "tail -f /var/log/messages"  see what it says afterward.12:39
usr13manananana: You CAN login via console, right?12:40
eQuiNoX__hello everyone. I just installed a very early version of Ubuntu(8.10) on a VM - and I found that I could not update the package repositories. Is there any way I can install packages using apt-get on an 8.10?12:40
usr13manananana: Ok then do that and see what errors you see.12:40
erinaceus_\join #asus12:40
usr13eQuiNoX__: !EOL12:41
usr13!EOL | eQuiNoX__12:41
ubottueQuiNoX__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:41
UndiFineDDefusal, what are you tring to accomplish ? I think i found something and if it is related it seems quite obvious why there is no fix12:41
eQuiNoX__usr13: I see, thanks!12:42
mananananausr13 sec12:42
erinaceus_Well then, can anyone direct me to better keyboard drivers for asus?12:42
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ActionParsniperinaceus_: the drivers are in the default install12:43
DefusalUndiFineD: I am trying to use cset, the cpuset configuration script, but it is broken. i wanted to rather use the kernel.isolcpus sysctl option, but it is completely ignored by ubuntu after a reboot12:43
ActionParsniperinaceus_: what issues do you see?12:43
erinaceus_ActionParsnip: It keeps inserting \6=] without any reason12:43
mananananausr13 no such file12:43
usr13manananana: /var/log/messages12:44
killerhi ....when i log in to the unity i get no dock (on left ) and no panels.......the error is : unity-panel-service (no process found)12:44
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UndiFineDDefusal, http://code.google.com/p/cpuset/source/browse/cpuset/main.py?r=7ad4f65b2572fc6cd1c54403bca6f21858a07a94 <- developed by Novell in 2007 and thus not maintained anymore12:44
DefusalUndiFineD, which would explain why it is borked, but that doesn't help me :(12:44
ActionParsniperinaceus_: have you exercised the keys (press each one in turn)12:44
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UndiFineDwell, perhaps its time to learn some python kungfu Defusal ? :)12:45
mananananausr13 nope still cant find directory12:45
erinaceus_ActionParsnip: ^+}What do you mean?12:45
ActionParsniperinaceus_: press each key in turn, makes sure its not pressed12:46
DefusalUndiFineD, looks like i will have to learn about /dev/cpuset so i can make my own implementation12:46
usr13manananana: can't find /var/   or can't find /var/log/12:46
Defusalwhat a waste of time12:46
Defusali still don't understand how ubuntu can just ignore a kernel parameter12:46
UndiFineDDefusal, well at least you now know the issue will not be resolved by switching debian either12:47
mananananausr13 var12:47
erinaceus_ActionParsnip: Ill\6= \6c=ome\6= b\a6=ck it's impossible to type \6=]right now \6=-.\6=\6=]12:47
usr13manananana: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog12:47
ActionParsniperinaceus_: try the boot option:  i8024.reset    may help12:47
DefusalUndiFineD, the cpuset package should really be removed from ubuntu, it is even in precise, broken packages are not cool!12:48
mananananausr13 no12:48
mananananausr13 looks like no var12:48
usr13manananana: Really?  No /var/  directory?     ls /var    #What does that say?12:49
mananananausr13 i can see it no12:50
usr13manananana: Try this one, (as original user):12:51
usr13tail /var/log/auth.log12:51
mananananausr13 no messages in log12:51
TwinkletoesI read somewhere that is was a bad idea to redirect mail for root by changing its alias, and to put a .forward file in root's homedir instead.  I can't remember where I read it, but why is one better than the other?12:52
usr13manananana:  tail /var/log/syslog12:52
ActionParsniperictr1ck: what is the model of the system?12:52
erinaceus_ActionParsnip: Okay, So i wiggled them rather ungently, let's hope that there really was something underneath and i crushed it ..12:53
usr13manananana: See anything interesting?12:53
mananananausr13 console kit failed whats that12:53
ActionParsniperinaceus_: great. testing all keys on a keyboard when you get issues is a great first step12:53
usr13manananana: Where did you see that?12:53
erinaceus_ActionParsnip: Yeah, I didnt think the problem could be that, cuz I had it for some time know but it keeps disappearing and reappearing ..12:54
mananananausr13 sys log and deamon startup failed12:54
UndiFineDDefusal, well maybe it does not fit the stable brand, but at least it is in LP https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cpuset12:54
UndiFineDDefusal, file a bug and contact the maintainer12:55
usr13manananana: What exactly does it say?12:55
mananananausr13 seems like pusle audio failed12:56
ubottumarco87: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:57
mananananausr13 org.freedesktop.consolekit failled12:57
usr13manananana: Has your system recently been upgraded?  (What version of Ubuntu is this?  I don't remember...)12:58
usr13manananana: Try this:  sudo /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon   #Tell me what errors you see, if any.12:59
mananananausr13 its 11.10 i have a lot of updates didnt had time to update it13:00
usr13manananana: Maybe just do updates from the console:   "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade"13:03
mananananausr13 command not found :D13:03
usr13manananana: That's interesting.....13:04
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L3topmanananana: make sure you didn't mistype.13:04
mananananasudo /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon13:05
mananananausr13 sudo /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon there isnt a command13:05
L3topoh... that13:05
usr13manananana: Try updates, (as shown above).13:06
L3topmanananana: apt-cache policy consolekit | grep -i installed13:08
usr13manananana: Do as L3top  suggested, and let us know what it says.13:09
mananananausr13 i am updating i cant13:10
usr13manananana: You can open another terminal, Ctrl-Alt-F513:11
L3topmanananana: you can open...13:11
usr13manananana: But it's good that you are doing updates, (it may solve problems).13:11
mananananastill i can do one operatiot at a time13:12
usr13manananana: Ok, well, just wait13:12
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redbrainthe sounds menu in ubuntu where you can control banshee is that app in aptitude and if so what is the name?13:17
JMS32Hello! When i'm booting my new machine i'm see this: http://img13.imageshost.ru/img/2012/06/20/image_4fe1cf63c75fc.jpg  What does it mean?13:18
MonkeyDustJMS32  it's a RAID error13:19
JMS32MonkeyDust, How to know more about this error?13:19
MonkeyDustJMS32  how familiar are you with RAID?13:20
L3topapt-cache != apt-get. You can do both at the same time.13:21
JMS32MonkeyDust, so-so. It's my first try to build RAID-1 in ubuntu13:21
JactaDoes anyone know how to compile a pidgin plugin - I found one but it looks like I have to compile myself :/ - its called Status_Hot_keys13:21
jribJacta: have you checked the official pidgin docs at pidgin.im?13:22
JMS32But if i'm type I all is working :)13:22
Mandalordhttp://www.castledragmire.com/Projects/Status_Hot_Keys they have binary13:22
L3topJacta: things that need to be compiled almost always have a README which explain what needs to be done.13:23
JactaL3top tried to, seems nonsens to me - not really easy explained13:23
Jactajrib its only in dll format and a version you can compile13:23
jribJacta: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Scripting%20and%20Plugins#HowdoIcompileapluginUNIX-likeplatforms13:24
darksiferhi everyone i installed ubuntu with gnome-tweak-tool. yesterday it was working fine but today the application does not run. i get the same problem as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1950745. so i applied the solution as stated on the page but it does not do the trick. can someone help or guide concerning this issue please. gnome shell is really very difficult to use in stock mode. thank you13:25
Jactajrib - I got alot of errors when trying to13:26
MandalordJacta: gcc Linux.c13:26
jribJacta: you should probably pastebin them...13:26
jribJacta: and include what you did...13:26
Jactahttp://www.castledragmire.com/ProjectContent/StatusHotKeys/StatusHotKeys_v1.5.2_Source.zip - this is the file - feels also like somethings missing in there13:26
Jactacant really judge cause im not a scriptguru13:26
lolychocopopanyone can help me?13:27
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Jactait says something about what you need, but cant really find thoose things :/13:28
jribJacta: you're being too vague for anyone to actually help you.13:29
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ElLocoGatoHowdy folks.  I'm hoping somebody can help me figure out why, after upgrade to 12.04, my USB microphone works right after reboot but after some time disappears from the system and won't come back until another reboot.13:29
Wiz_KeeDhey guys, in ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, does anyone know why the wireless connection doesn't work anymore an tried to connect and always keeps asking for the password, but on the windwos os or from android phone wireless works perfectly13:30
Wiz_KeeDfurthermore if i boot ubuntu and leave it untouched it automatically connects to the wireless network, and then in a matter of minutes it freezes completly13:30
Wiz_KeeDand if i disconnect and try to connect the behaviour from above keeps hapening and doesn't connect13:31
Wiz_KeeDany ideeas why?13:31
MandalordJacta: i think you should install glibc, gtk13:31
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  password or wpa key ?13:31
Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, works perfectly from windows, android phone13:31
Wiz_KeeDand if i leave it untouched from boot it connects to it13:32
ikoniaMandalord: glibc is already installed, or the system word not run13:32
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  password or wpa key ?13:32
Wiz_KeeDi'm not at home right now but i'm not sure which one13:32
Mandalorduhm since it installed with gcc13:32
JactaMandalord glibc?13:32
Mandalordwait i'm searching for the list of package13:33
SkippersBossElLocoGato: Is Pulse Audio running ok? is the input vivble in PAVU control13:33
Wiz_KeeDwhy you ask MonkeyDust ?13:33
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  to be able to give advice, we need to know what's wrong13:34
Wiz_KeeDlet me try to find out13:34
ikoniaJacta: what are you actually trying to do ?13:34
Alexander_How to know what's wrong with RAID?13:34
ikoniaAlexander_: use the raid tools to diagnose the problem13:34
ikoniaAlexander_: analyise the error13:35
Jactaikonia i want to add a plugin into pidgin13:35
ElLocoGatoSkippersBoss, originally (right after boot) everything is OK.  Input is in PAVU.  Can record with Audacity.  After some time, the input is no longer in PAVU (or alsamixer).  Unplug/plug USB cable shows device info in dmesg, but the input is not restored.  Occasionally I will see the input flash momentarily in PAVU on replug.13:35
ikoniaJacta: right, so what's the actual issue ?13:35
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Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, wpa key13:36
Jactaikonia if I just do "make lib" as it says: http://codepad.org/m194rdPj13:36
ikoniaJacta: you are missing headers13:36
ikoniaJacta: install the package "build-essential"13:36
blackbear008hello,everyone. please do me a favour. Ubuntu 12.04 has a game, asking you questions and you answer it. what's the name?13:36
Wiz_KeeDbut MonkeyDust why would everything freeze if i let it connect on boot?13:36
BraynHey. I have some problems with my ubuntu 12.04. More details: http://askubuntu.com/questions/153490/ubuntu-12-04-login-screen-flickers-could-not-write-bytes-broken-pipes  Thanks13:37
SkippersBossElLocoGato: I am not an expert Just some one who's been working with Ubuntu since 2007. I have had some previous issues with a microphone setup as well and this turned out to be caused by PA. Disabling PA solved the issue for me13:37
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Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, any ideeas?13:37
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  make sure the wpa key is saved in the connection settings13:38
Jactaikonia installed it now - error is 100% the same13:38
Mandalordikonia: Readme says The libraries and includes for the following libraries/products are required: Pidgin [includes libpurple], GLIB, GTK, Cairo, Pango, ATK13:38
ikoniaJacta: you're misssing a header from a dependency13:38
ElLocoGatoSkippersBoss, yeah, PA has never been completely stable for me.  But this mic has been fine since 10.04 using PA.13:38
ikoniaok, so it's probably tthe gtk/pango/atk development packages that are missing13:38
JactaMandalord but the names it not like that to find - and some of them have more :/13:38
Wiz_KeeDit is saved under wireless security13:39
SkippersBossEllocoGato: However with 12.04 Pulse works fine. Disable pulse by entering autospawn=0 in ~/.pulse/client.conf13:39
Jactaikonia guess thats the problem - dunno really what to install to catch thoose libs and prod..13:39
ikoniaJacta: gtk-dev for example13:40
ikoniaJacta: search for the -dev packages of those products13:40
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BraynThe problem is that I get “Could not write bytes: broken pipes” just before I can login. I can see the login screen but it alternates with the console that has the "could not write" error on top of the screen13:41
Jactaikonia: gtk-dev/cairo-dev is not found - guess more not are too13:41
ikoniaJacta: you guess wrong13:41
ikoniaJacta: search13:41
Jactais there a search for apt? o_O13:42
schnuffleJacta: apt-cache search ...13:43
MonkeyDustJacta  apt-cache search13:43
MonkeyDustschnuffle  was faster :13:43
schnuffleJacta: or install aptitude wihich does both13:43
PiciJacta: apt-file is also very useful when looking for specific files needed for compilation, just make sure you use CommonSense™ when picking the right package to install.13:43
ndlovucan anyone help me resolve dependency problems with samba? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050894/13:43
JactaGuess its my problem now - got 8 matches13:44
ndlovuresulting from failed 10.04->12.04 upgrade13:44
Jactaapt-cache search cairo-dev13:44
schnufflendlovu: install libwbclient0 and then retry13:45
schnufflendlovu: what happens when you do a dist-upgrade?13:45
Joshundoes anybody know how to stop the annoying gnome-keyring popup in chromium/google chrome?13:45
ActionParsnipJoshun: set a blank keyring password13:46
ndlovuschnuffle, both result in unmet dependency warnings with samba13:46
JoshunActionParsnip: that doesn't work. it just gets reset back to your login password the next time you log in13:46
Joshunit only worked on older versions13:46
schnufflendlovu: then try sudo apt-get install libwbclient013:47
usr13I hate the keyring thing.  Wish we could do away with it.13:47
kms11hi, yesterday i use it "apt-get update" in my ubuntu and now my file manager does not open,i dont know what happen?13:47
vampirnataI hate my laptop's gpu :/13:47
MandalordJacta: maybe libgtk for GTK13:47
vampirnataIt's useless13:47
ndlovuschnuffle, that also fails because of samba dependency problems13:47
helphelphelpHOLY FUCK IT WORKING13:47
Akashhow to install gcc-arm-linux13:48
Joshunyeah the keyring is utterly pointless13:48
ActionParsnipJoshun: you could delete your keyring file and make a new one, then set a blank password13:48
Joshunsometimes it prompts for a password, sometimes it doesn't13:48
ActionParsnipusr13: same dude :(13:48
helphelphelpGreetings lady's and gentlman13:48
=== ubuntu is now known as myhero
helphelphelpi would require a particular help13:48
vampirnataanyone else running an ATI x1250 gpu?13:48
JoshunActionParsnip - that doesn't work in ubuntu 12.0413:48
helphelphelpfor a patient mate13:48
helphelphelpwould be awesome13:48
Joshunthe password just gets reset13:48
JactaMandalord libgtk-3-dev?13:48
myheroany virtual cd/dvd mounting app for ubuntu ?13:48
schnufflendlovu: then you need to go down to the package causing the problem, upgrade it and then try again13:48
ActionParsnipmyhero: mounty is pretty sweet13:48
Joshundeleting the file makes no difference13:48
myheroActionParsnip: ok13:49
ActionParsnipmyhero: the OS can do it already using the mount command13:49
myheroActionParsnip: how ?13:49
ActionParsnipmyhero: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso13:49
helphelphelpis anyone here up for gimme a quick help !13:49
kms11no idea about my file manager??? plzzzzzz13:49
MandalordJacta: no the name is libgtk-3-013:49
SkippersBoss!ask |helphelphelp13:49
ubottuhelphelphelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:49
myheroActionParsnip: ok13:49
DJoneshelphelphelp: You have to ask your question first before people will know13:49
ActionParsnipmyhero: obviously you can mount where you wish, but you get the idea13:49
myheroActionParsnip: yea13:50
MandalordJacta: i think it the lib for gtk13:50
JactaMandalord its allready in :/13:50
Jactaand same error as in link13:50
schnuffleJacta: the dev package as well?13:50
Mandalordthen libcairo213:50
MonkeyDusthelphelphelp  and 'quick questions' are always the most difficult to answer13:50
helphelphelpok. So first, if i get a RTFM, please forgive, 48hrs ago, i didnt knew how to launch the shell13:50
Joshunif you run chromium --password-store=basic you don't need your keyring password13:51
ActionParsnipmyhero: better than windows that needs 3rd party apps :)13:51
Joshunbut you have to run that from the cmdline every time13:51
Jactaschnuffle yep libgtk-3-dev13:51
myheroActionParsnip: my motive was to mount the iso so system sees it as a cd or dvd n not just mount and open the iso...13:51
JactaMandalord allready there :/13:51
ActionParsnipmyhero: the 2 are the same in ubuntu, what is your aim?13:51
ndlovuI get this message "samba : Depends: samba-common (= 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.2) but 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 is installed", but the version listed on packages.ubuntu.com is 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1. What's the significance of the 2.1,2.2 and 2.3? I seem to have a version installed which is too recent.13:51
Mandalordand libpango1.0-013:51
ikoniandlovu: do you have a PPA installed.13:52
indierossi keep getting flash objects bleeding through other apps any ideas how to fix this13:52
schnufflendlovu: use pastebinit to paste your sources.list13:52
helphelphelpwell im logged as root, for sure. Threw the user comand, I add one, "wam" as i dont want to fuck my unix sys because i still running root, even if i put a protection of the root thanks the the bash config13:52
ikoniaschnuffle: that won't help if the sources are in sources.list.d13:52
ElLocoGatoSkippersBoss, disable PA and logout/login restored the mic.  We'll see if it lasts...13:52
JactaMandalord also there13:52
ndlovuikonia, I had a partner ppa but I've disabled that now13:52
schnuffleikonia: true but I have to start somewhere :)13:52
ndlovubut it could have installed from there during the upgrade13:53
ikoniandlovu: you'll find that's probably caused the conflict13:53
SkippersBossellocogato: Always glad to help :-)13:53
myheroActionParsnip: i was using aptoncd....and it creates iso...but when mounting the same iso....system mounts it as a virtual iso n not cd/dvd and aptoncd does'nt recognizes it and keeps on asking to insert cd/dvd.....13:53
ndlovuikonia, can I remove samba and reinstall?13:53
Mandalordand libatk1.0-013:53
ActionParsnipmyhero: hmm, is there a tweak in config to use a folder?13:53
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:53
ikoniandlovu: I don't think it will make a difference, but it's possible it could work (I'd have to follow the dependency tree through properly for you to confirm)13:53
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myheroActionParsnip: what tweak ?13:54
MonkeyDustmyhero  you need aptoncd again to recover the packages in the iso13:54
ActionParsnipmyhero: in aptoncd13:54
zykotick9ikonia: without removing the source that provided the updated samba, remove and reinstall seems pointless... (just comment from peanut gallery)13:54
JactaMandalord can't you try?13:54
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: do you need tro mount the iso for aptoncd to use it?13:54
myheroActionParsnip: yea....13:54
ikoniazykotick9: I agree, which is why I Said it won't work13:55
schnufflendlovu: you can do following: install apt-show-versions, run  apt-show-versions | grep 'No available' then you have the packages that have no repo candidate and you can delete them or replace them13:55
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  myhero no, it's just a regular file, like .tar or zo13:55
myheroActionParsnip: but i have saved aptoncd deb files from apt cache and install from there13:55
Ormieikonia, pm.13:55
ndlovuzykotick9, ActionParsnip, I've disabled all PPA sources now13:55
zykotick9ndlovu: did you use ppa-purge?13:55
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust myhero : yes but does aptoncd actually need a burned CD, or can it use an ISO file...13:55
ikoniaOrmie: no thanks13:55
ndlovuI would have expected the Update Manager to do that automatically before I started the upgrade, but that's another issue13:56
zykotick9ndlovu: just removing the ppa sources, is going to leave you system in an inconsistent state13:56
kms11hi, yesterday i use it "apt-get update" in my ubuntu and now my file manager does not open,i dont know what happen?13:56
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  myhero not sure and cannot test now, rsync is running13:56
maciejjoI've got a problem with printing pdf file13:56
Mandalordwell it seem that we have to point out the location of all the libs in file config.linux13:56
Jactaschnuffle do you got other clues :/?13:56
ndlovuzykotick9, I commented out all sources in each file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:56
Joshunkms11 - what happens if you run it from terminal13:56
myheroMonkeyDust: thats only i m saying.....it needs burned cd dvd so i was asking any app to spoof system for iso as virtual cd dvd13:56
maciejjothe file has 4 pages, but the printer prints 4 blank pages13:56
schnuffleJacta: what do you want to compile?13:57
zykotick9ndlovu: well good luck (i'm adding you to /ignore so i won't see your issue further)13:57
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync13:57
kms11Joshun, i see my directories at terminal, but in grapjical mode no.13:57
maciejjoIt was generated by posterazor13:57
ndlovuthanks zykotick913:57
indierossmy flash problem looks like this http://i.imgur.com/gh3k4.jpg13:57
Jactaschnuffle a pidgin plugin, can only find it as source and a dll :/13:57
maciejjoand when i print to file, it also generates 4 blank pages13:57
maciejjoother pdf is working fine13:57
schnuffleJacta: which plugin?13:57
ActionParsnipmyhero: if you go into the packages folder in the ISO there is all the deb files and you can install from there13:57
Dshoeanyone know the best way to sync music with mtp? such as my galaxy nesu?13:57
Joshundoes it launch properly though - what happens if you run nautilus (or whatever you use) from terminal [kms11]13:58
Jactaschnuffle http://www.castledragmire.com/Projects/Status_Hot_Keys13:58
Dshoerhythmbox and banshee both fail to sync properly13:58
myheroActionParsnip: yea that i can but the problem is that it contains all the debs of all apps installed on system which i dont want......in aptoncd i can which apps ddebs i wanna install n i can install that app only with its dependencies which also cannot be seen in iso folder13:59
Joshunis there anyway of setting chromium/google chrome to use its own password store, system-wide?13:59
kms11Joshun, when i run nautilus, it say this:14:00
kms11Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported14:00
kms11Trace/breakpoint trap14:00
schnuffleJacta: okay end the error kine from make?14:00
=== gartral|Away is now known as gartral
IluvalarHello, the warzone2100 game need the port 2100 open to run in multiplayer. It seem like that port was shut while I upgraded to 12.04 . Someone could help please ?14:00
ActionParsnipmyhero: i guess, if there isn't an option to use the ISO file, or it can't be made to use a folder of the mounted ISo then I'm not sure14:00
Jactaschnuffle it came from "make lib" yes14:00
Joshunkms11 - try reinstalling nautilus - sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus14:00
myheroActionParsnip: so any 3rd party app for mounting iso as virtual cd dvd14:00
kms11Joshun, ok,14:00
lgp171188What is the recommended way to install java plugin for firefox on 12.04 64-bit? I have installed openjdk-6-jdk package, but couldn't find the usual .so file to symlink to firefox plugins folder.14:01
ActionParsnipmyhero: https://answers.launchpad.net/aptoncd/+question/9772114:01
Joshunkms11 - you could also try resetting your user config - rm -rf ~/.gconf  ~/.gnome214:02
DMTameyhello does anyone know in how i can fix ubuntu load that has failed with wubii i updated the software and now it wont load.14:02
Joshunbeware though you may lose settings14:02
ActionParsnipJoshun: why force?14:02
Joshunyou cannot remove directories with rm without using -rf14:02
schnuffleJacta: can you paste it?14:02
ActionParsnipJoshun: you only need -r to delete direcorys14:03
Jactathe error again, schnuffle?14:03
Joshunwell if there are any permissions problems it may work around them14:03
Jactaschnuffle -> http://screenshotuploader.com/s/01/bY1PW91CR14:03
kms11Joshun, it open now. but my desktop changes not back yet. i try to reset now and use something u say. tanks14:03
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Joshunprevents having to deal with unnecessary errors14:03
ActionParsnipJoshun: its the users own data, they will be no permission issues14:03
Jactaeasier for me with picture, is that okay, schnuffle?14:03
Joshunthere may be14:03
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
ActionParsnipJoshun: its a bad habit14:03
blogorgeHi!  I was using ubuntu as root and had some files on my desktop, then when I upgraded to 12.04 I can no longer log in as root so, how can I recover the files I had on my root desktop?14:04
MandalordJacta: open file config.linux and you will see why they cause error14:04
schnuffleJacta: libnotify-dev installed?14:04
Joshunnot for user-space config. for system wide then yes it would be14:04
ndlovuikonia, if I run "dpkg --configure -a" then it's now only samba that comes up with dependency problems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050936/. Can this be resolved? Or am I better off just doing a reinstall?14:04
Jactait was not, schnuffle - but didnt help14:05
JactaMandalord, yes, im there now?14:05
ikoniandlovu: you could try removing samba, but again, I can't confirm unless I walk the dependency tree14:05
MandalordJacta: look at USER CONFIGURATION14:05
Mandalordthey are the path of the libraries14:06
ndlovuikonia, sudo apt-get remove samba ?14:06
schnuffleJacta: but it should provide notify.h14:06
Mandalordbut they are NOT correct14:06
ikoniandlovu: yes14:06
IluvalarI'll try a router reboot... but if it fail, you gonna hear about me again >:P14:06
blogorgeHi!  how can I recover the files I had on my root desktop before upgrading to 12.04?14:06
myheroActionParsnip: so i only need to add that iso source to the source list......????? n what do i give when i give that source....deb or iso file:///....../......iso14:06
Jactathis is really complicated schnuffle / Mandalord14:06
schnuffleblogorge: under ~/Desktop maybe14:06
ndlovuikonia, then apt-get update; apt-get install samba ?14:07
Joshunkms11 - is it ok now? if you reset your config, you will have to change your wallpaper etc. back again. don't worry though - it won't touch the actual images files.14:07
ikoniandlovu: make sure you have no PPA's enabled14:07
avelldirollblogorge: what do you mean by "using ubuntu as root" ? you were logged in as root on an X session ?14:07
ndlovuikonia, I have commented them all out, but I'm not sure what ppa-purge does that's different?14:07
ikoniandlovu: that will remove all dependencies (hopefully) installed by the PPA14:08
schnufflendlovu: it uninstall packages14:08
MandalordJacta: well since you have downloaded and installed all the necessary libs, i think our jobs is to find out the right location of those lib and correct the config.linux, then make install14:08
ndlovuikonia, schnuffle, are you saying I should run ppa-purge before reinstalling samba?14:08
ikoniandlovu: worth trying it14:09
myheroActionParsnip: u there ??14:09
schnufflendlovu: +114:09
ikoniandlovu: others rate it highly, I'm not convinced personally, but it's worth a try14:09
ActionParsnipmyhero: not sure of the syntax, but i'm sure its possible14:09
helphelphelp1* Why cant I get a display when im not logged as root.14:09
myheroActionParsnip: kk14:10
zykotick9!noroot | helphelphelp14:10
ubottuhelphelphelp: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.14:10
ikoniahelphelphelp: you shouldn't be logged into ubuntu as root, the root account is disabled14:10
intraderI have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper?14:10
ActionParsnipmyhero: http://linuxconfig.org/add-iso-image-to-apt-sourceslist14:10
JactaMandalord: i dont have /usr/lib/glib-2.0/ but I have /usr/include/glib-2.014:11
Jactaso, first one is correct path - second = not sure14:11
ActionParsnipmyhero: mount the ISO, then add the mount point in sources.list14:11
ndlovuikonia, schnuffle then would I need to then reinable the PPAs before running ppa-purge?14:11
schnufflendlovu: yep14:11
kms11Joshun, it's not ok at all. there are alot of things that missed now in my ubuntu14:12
intraderI would like to name the volume 'Backup' to be used in linux 12.4 'deja' backup.14:12
ndlovuschnuffle, then the process would be install ppa-purge, enable ppas, apt-get update and then apt-get purge each one?14:12
ndlovuschnuffle, thanks, will give it a go14:13
Joshunkms11 - does the file manager open ok - i did warn you only to reset your config if you really needed to, after you had tested the first solution14:14
ironhalikGuys - is there an up to date PPA for Eclipse 4.x?14:16
kms11Joshun, unfortunately i reset it, but i confused  what did before that it get crazy now:( .14:16
helphelphelpso why cant i log as "Wam" then start "startx"? If its the same question for you, spare your time, dont answer14:17
ikoniahelphelphelp: if you login as a non-root user and startx - what happens14:17
myheroActionParsnip: ok..thnx14:18
helphelphelpthe fact is that i only can startx with root. If i try to login with "Wam" before Startx, it tells me that my login is wrong14:18
blogorgehow can I log in as root on 12.04?14:19
helphelphelpno problem after.14:19
schnuffleblogorge: you can'T use sudo14:19
geirha!root | blogorge14:19
ubottublogorge: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:19
ikoniahelphelphelp: please give me the exact error14:19
ActionParsnip blogorge just run:  sudo -i14:20
helphelphelpbtw when i click "switch user" nothin happen oo14:20
blogorgeubottu: I logged in as root on the previous versions so I had files on that desktop14:20
ubottublogorge: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:20
MandalordJacta: check this http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/CHowTo/BasicPluginHowto14:21
ActionParsnipblogorge: I suggest you run:  gksudo nautilus   and copy the data to your user, then chown it to your user14:21
blogorgeActionParsnip: ok thanks! I'll try that14:22
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Joshunkms11 - what exactly do you mean? settings may be lost, but has anything else hapened?14:24
Guest9615ok so i dig the display concept regarding each users. But I still cant log before startx as "Wam" (only root) the precise error is extremly simple : "login incorect'14:24
JactaMandalord just feels like quitting, so much for a simple plugin, grr14:25
Mandalordnot really so much:D14:25
ActionParsnipMandalord: gotta love pidgin14:25
DrewchDoes anyone know why "inet adds" could be missing from ifconfig, even though it clearly has an ip because I can ssh into it (from outside the network), and port forward to that ip14:26
MandalordActionParsnip: the last time i tried to compile x-uniky (an keyboard input method) it costs me nearly a week!T_T14:27
DJonesGuest9615: Try using "wam" as your login, all lower case, normally usernames are all in lowercase14:27
Guest9615thanks for the reply sir, i swich then tell you. Btw any idea why "switch user" no working ?14:28
geirhaGuest9615: How did you create the user wam? it sounds like it's not a desktop user14:28
Guest9615i mean nothing pop up when click on it14:28
=== Ex is now known as Exio
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ndlovuschnuffle, trying to figure out the syntax. If the ppa is "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main", would the command be "sudo ppa-purge -s dl.google.com -p linux/chrome/deb/" ?14:31
=== Dshoe is now known as Dshoe|School
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
ActionParsnipndlovu: if you remove the line in sources.list then you can delete the .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:32
blogorgeActionParsnip: I cant copy or move anything from the desktop14:32
imhelpok so i just tryed withou maj, nothin more.14:32
ActionParsnipblogorge: you should be able to as the nautilus runs as root14:33
ndlovuActionParsnip, if you keep the line in sources.list, can you still delete the .list file?14:33
vampirnataI have a quick question: I am in the process of moving all my music and media from a NTFS hardisk to an ext4 hardisk. The new media will be hosted on my ubuntu server. Should I do anything about the filenames because in Windows they had spaces in them. Also should I remove executable on them and change permissions once they are moved?14:33
ActionParsnipndlovu: sure but next time you run: sudo apt-get update    it will be recreated14:34
geirhandlovu: In that case you edit sources.list and remove the line, or comment it out14:34
blogorgeActionParsnip: I get thi: Error opening file: Permission denied14:35
ndlovuActionParsnip, so ppa-purge is really only useful for ppa.launchpad.net entries?14:35
geirhandlovu: ppa-purge doesn't just remove the ppa, it also uninstalls all packages from that ppa14:36
eric357can't get NetworkManager gnome applet to work in Xubuntu - is there some "trick" to it?14:36
ActionParsnipndlovu: as far as I know, yes14:36
ndlovugeirha, I'm struggling to understand the difference between a ppa and an entry in the sources.list14:37
ActionParsnipblogorge: or use CLI to copy the command using: sudo cp14:37
ndlovugeirha, some are duplicated, some are not14:37
intraderI have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper? I need to name the volume 'Backup' for use by 'deja' on linux 12.414:37
geirhandlovu: Not really any difference, other than that ppas are on launchpad, and you have additional commands that simplify adding the deb-lines to your sources.list14:38
blogorgeActionParsnip: that's on the terminal?14:39
h00kSo, my sound menu shows Rhythmbox as an option to launch, and I have opened Rhythmbox from the Unity Dash (Because the sound menu won't launch it), and I also cannot see any current playing track, album art, or control playback. Any protips on how to get these really integrated again?14:39
coreymanAnyone know of a program to  use in place of dreamweaver? I should be able to put files to a remote server, get files from a remote server, and save those files to the local FS14:39
Peckercoreyman: are you trying to design site if just upload files?14:40
h00kcoreyman: if you're only doing that, you can just use Nautilus to get/put files. It's the default file browser14:40
coreymanh00k, Pecker I am coding PHP, JS, HTML, CSS14:40
coreymanh00k, Pecker (should also have syntax highlighting)14:41
h00kcoreyman: so you're looking for something that will actually do the editing as well14:41
coreymanh00k yes14:41
coreymanDon't want netbeans.14:43
coreymandnkers ?14:44
dnkerssry just hit the keyboard coreyman14:44
coreymandnkers oh ok14:45
windboyhello ----------------------------------14:46
Sidewinder1why not?14:46
coreymanwindboy are you ok?14:47
LjL!cn | windboy14:47
ubottuwindboy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:47
Mandalordwindboy: english pls14:47
Pecker!question | windboy14:47
ubottuwindboy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:47
chroot_hi, is there any good operating system for netbooks?14:48
coreymanTried Xubuntu?14:48
BrickWall|workLubuntu FTW14:48
Peckertry xubuntu, works well on lower end hardware14:48
SkippersBosschroot_ what's good to one is absolutely rubbish for another.14:48
BrickWall|workUbuntu needs to be supported on the Raspberry Pi14:49
* SkippersBoss runs xubuntu on hp mini. Runs fine14:49
chroot_SkippersBoss: I want to buy a netbook, and also I want to install a linux operating system on it?14:50
chroot_and i want to program on it.14:50
chroot_like use gcc in the terminal14:51
LjLchroot_, your question is probably better asked in #ubuntu-offtopic though, since you're asking for opinions about various (possibly non-Ubuntu) OS's. also, netbooks do vary in performance14:51
ssl_i use fujitsu nb16c install ubuntu server 32bit .runs fine14:52
ActionParsnipchroot_: +1 for lubuntu, or tinycore, slitaz or puppy :)14:53
chroot_ActionParsnip: you mean i can install lubuntu on a netbook?14:54
chroot_is that true?14:54
chroot_I mean that netbook use different kinds of processor not x86 or AMD?14:54
coreymanlol ActionParsnip is still around.14:54
roastedIs it possible to mirror your displays using xrandr? I didn't see any entry of mirroring in the man page...14:55
LjLchroot_: uh, no. netbooks (at least most of them) use "normal" processors, and you can install "normal" things on them. i have standard Ubuntu on my EeePC netbook.14:55
LjLchroot_: there are some ARM-based netbooks, but most of them are not.14:55
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coreymanWhat repository do I have to add to get sun-java in the latest ubuntu version?14:56
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MacroManOn my Ubuntu server I added an iptables rule like so: /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -o tun0 -j ACCEPT14:56
rileyhey guys i could use some help with gnome 3 cinnamon14:56
MacroManI haven't saved the tables. How can I just reload the rules that are saved?14:56
rileyfor somereason i have no sound output through hdmi14:56
chroot_hi, LjL, i find that most netbooks use Atom intel processor, not the x86 processor, that is different thing14:56
MacroMan(without rebooting)14:56
LjLchroot_: no - it's the same thing14:57
rileyeven though it lets me choose it as an output14:57
LjLchroot_: Atom is just a more power-efficient x8614:57
rileymy speakers and headset both work fine14:57
LjLchroot_: it's slower than most "desktop" x86 processors, but architecture-wise, it's the same14:57
h00k!mint | riley14:57
ubotturiley: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:57
ElLocoGatoSkippersBoss, no go.  PA is not at fault.  Mic disappeared from alsamixer.14:57
rileyits still ubuntu and gnome so u dont have to give me the cold sholder14:58
MacroManriley: I don't think he meant it rudely, but this is a very busy channel.14:58
LjLchroot_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Atom#Instruction_set_architecture14:59
chroot_so, LjL, you mean i can install the most x86 based ubuntu versions on a netbook that has Atom processor?14:59
rileyi understand that just no ones in the mint irc lol14:59
h00kriley: We don't support Cinnamon in here, you'll have to check the documentation on where you can get support for it14:59
LjLchroot_: yes, that's exactly what i mean. i have an Atom netbook (EeePC 901) with normal x86 Ubuntu installed.14:59
MacroManAnyone know how I can reload the iptables without restarting my server?14:59
chroot_and also you can type command in your EeePC?14:59
LjLchroot_: you may want to install something else, but that'd just be because of performance considerations, not because of the CPU15:00
LjLchroot_: why wouldn't i be able to? of course i can15:00
SkippersBossElLocoGato: Hmm sorry to hear that. Well at least we now that it is NOT an PAVU problem this time15:00
LjLchroot_: still, a netbook may not always be ideal for programming. the low resolution makes IDEs very crowded, and the slow speed makes compiling slow15:00
h00kriley: I didn't intend rudeness, just that Mint isn't supported here15:01
CombatjuanHello.  I created a new normal user 'alice' on server 'server' and am trying to ssh to alice@server.  After inputting the password I get "Permission denied, please try again."  I'm certain that I'm putting in the right password and alice's shell is set to /bin/bash.15:03
ikoniaCombatjuan: on the local host, try to login to alice or "su - alice"15:03
Combatjuanalice's home dir is /home/alice.  It is owned by her and writeable and so forth.  What am I missing here?  I can ssh in as root.15:03
ikoniaCombatjuan: you shouldn't be able to ssh as root - the root account is disabled15:04
jribCombatjuan: are you using ubuntu?15:04
Combatjuanikonia: I can log as alice locally. (su - alice)15:04
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ikoniaCombatjuan: are you using ubuntu ?15:04
CombatjuanYes.  It's ubuntu lucid.  And I'll disable root login once I can log in as someone else (e.g. alice).15:04
ikoniaCombatjuan: do you have no non-privileged users on your system ?15:05
CombatjuanThe root account is /not/ disabled.  PermitRootLogin yes15:05
intraderI have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper? I need to name the volume 'Backup' for use by 'deja' on linux 12.415:05
ikoniaCombatjuan: that's not what I asked15:06
ikoniaCombatjuan: do you have no other non-privileged accounts on the machine ?15:06
Combatjuanikonia: There are other users than alice, yes.15:06
ikoniaCombatjuan: ok, so become one, then "su - alice" and check the password15:06
Combatjuanikonia: It works.15:06
ikoniaCombatjuan: so you know the problem is with ssh15:07
ikoniaCombatjuan: check the ssh logs15:07
h00kCombatjuan: try ssh -vvv (up to 3 'v's), may help as well15:07
jribCombatjuan: you enabled the root account yourself?  What further modifications did you make to sshd_config?  To your system?15:08
CombatjuanWhere are the ssh logs?  I don't see anything obvious in /var/log.  Tailing messages and syslog doesn't show anything on a failed login.15:08
Combatjuanjrib: I did not enable the root login myself as far as I'm aware.  Actually, let me check, that may have been changed automatically as part of a setup script.15:08
CreazioNxfce rocksa!15:08
alusionI want to have it setup so highlight = copy to clipboard15:08
alusionCan anyone help?15:09
jribCombatjuan: the root account is disabled by default on ubuntu.  How did you install this system?15:09
streulmahello, I want to proxypass another url, but I have already proxypass / how can I do that ?15:09
ElLocoGatoSkippersBoss, Hmm, I see the following in /var/log/syslog, corresponds to about the right time for the dropout, and is the device number of the USB mic: kernel: [63194.088077] usb 2-4: reset full-speed USB device number 12 using ohci_hcd15:10
CombatjuanWith ssh -vvv : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051049/15:10
Combatjuanjrib: It looks like part of the post-install script is to copy an sshd_config over the existing one.  If I diff the current copy to the backup of the original it says the only line changed is UseDNS no .  So I doubt my 'backup' copy is clean.15:13
jribCombatjuan: that's impossible since root login isn't allowed by default either15:13
Combatjuanjrib: Yes.  That's my point.15:14
jribCombatjuan: can you pastebin the current sshd_config?15:14
CombatjuanI /think/ this server was originally a Hardy install that got upgraded.  Is it possible that back in the Hardy days root login was allowed by default on ssh?15:14
jribCombatjuan: I don't think so15:15
MassiveTRubuntu one says "The authentication failed." when i try to login help15:16
roastedIs it possible to mirror your displays using xrandr? I didn't see any entry of mirroring in the man page...15:17
=== root is now known as Guest61177
bernardoctHi y'all! I'm having a problem with my sound in Ubuntu 12.0415:18
kapzI am trying to install an app, I opened the .deb file via gdebi and it complains that dependency not satisfied libpython >=2.7 however libpython2.7 is installed on my ubuntu 12.04 32 bit..h15:18
bernardoctAll my volume settings are ok, but I have no sound15:18
bernardoctAlso, in the Output pane of the Sound Settings dialog I guess I'm missing options15:19
bernardoctCan anyone give me a hand, please? :)15:19
CombatjuanWell this is embarrassing.  It looks like it's a DNS issue.15:20
ActionParsnipkapz: try:  sudo apt-get -f install15:21
intraderI have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper? I need to name the volume 'Backup' for use by 'deja' on linux 12.4. I have just tried gparted, but it does not offer ext3 or ext4 partitions15:22
=== BrickWall|work is now known as wolfmitchell|wor
=== wolfmitchell|wor is now known as wolfmitch|work
PirschHello, I tried installing the latest Ubuntu recently and found that on all my rigs, after installation, my mouth and keyboard didn't work. Has that issue been fixed yet?15:24
wolfmitch|workSo you couldn't eat after installing Ubuntu15:25
CreazioNAnyone that knows about a patch to empathy for use with skype? There is a patch that should fix it, maybe someone here compiled it?15:25
PirschLol, yeah, yeah, I knew I'd suffer for that typo. :D15:25
octaviordzPirsch, I have installed in a desktop, laptop and netbook and I didn't have that problem15:26
PirschI tried installing on both my desktop and laptop. Everything seems fine until the restart and I cannot sign in. The mouse and the keyboard seem dead.15:26
CreazioNShould be possible to use skype within empathy15:26
PirschI saw postings where others had the same problem but no answers so I figured I'd wait a month15:27
t0kenhi folks, in 12.04 it looks like the AppArmor profile for Bind9 will not allow Bind to create journal files.  I don't see a bug on launchpad specific to this.  Figured I'd ask here before filing a bug in case there's something I'm missing15:27
DefKon3how do i enable smooth scrolling in gnome 3.4.1 ???15:27
octaviordzPirsch, did you use a beta? or the release?15:28
PirschI never do betas. I'm a user, not a hobbyist. :D15:28
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octaviordzok, it's odd that the keyboard is not reconized15:29
ActionParsnipPirsch: what make and model is the laptop?15:29
PirschThe other Ubuntu ditros worked fine, but the recent one doesn't15:30
PirschToshiba Satellite15:30
ActionParsnipPirsch: what model satellite?15:30
DefKon3 chrome://flags/15:30
intraderI need to perform a backup. Must first format usb that lost partition table. I have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper? I need to name the volume 'Backup' for use by 'deja' on linux 12.4. I ha15:30
intraderve just tried gparted, but it does not offer ext3 or ext4 partitions15:30
ActionParsnipPirsch: and why have you not mentioned this earlier?15:30
wolfmitch|workI lost the game15:30
PirschI cannot remember, it's at the office15:31
DefKon3How do i enable smooth scrolling on gnome 3.4.1? the gnome 3.4 release says it supports it, but i dont see any diffrence15:31
ActionParsnipPirsch: can you get a USB keyboard to work?15:32
octaviordzPirsch, strange I also have a tohsiba stellite laptop .. (don't have it around) but is something like a505-someting ...15:32
koskowhere can i actualy see what options are available for apt-get15:32
koskoi.e. man?15:32
PirschI didn't try the usb keyboard on the laptop cause it didn't work on the desktop15:32
ActionParsnipkosko: man page is pretty good15:32
koskono luck with man apt15:32
ikoniakosko: the man page details all available options15:33
wolfmitch|workKosoko-man apt-get15:33
ActionParsnipkosko: it's:  man apt-get15:33
ActionParsnipkosko: apt-get is the command, not apt15:33
koskothank you15:33
koskoi see15:33
ActionParsnipPirsch: worth a try15:33
octaviordzPirsch did you upgrade?15:34
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induzhello, i want to install on my Ubuntu 10.4 so that I can watch TV programs online via internet/[roadrunner]15:34
MarcelT3hey there, i´m trying to set up a MaaS node via PXE boot. i always run into 'bad archive mirror' isn´t it supposed to fetch all stuff from the archive.ubuntu.com servers?15:34
CreazioNAnyone that knows about a patch to empathy for use with skype? There is a patch that should fix it, maybe someone here compiled it? Also what do you think is the best solution with skype?15:34
nitrohaxanyone hear of bugs/conflicts using the full compiz suite with 12.0415:34
induzsomething like setupTV15:35
PirschCan't upgrade cause I cannot sign in after first restart. The LiveCD runs perfectly, but once I restart, no mouse and keyboard15:35
wolfmitch|workHow would I make an installed ubuntu be able to be pxe booted into?15:35
CharlieSuHi all.  What is console-kit-daemon for?  I'm running 10.04 server w/ no graphical interface and I'm seeing this process take a lot of resources...15:35
WavelightI have a wired router TL-470+ and I want to record logs from the network, and for that I think Ubuntu in bridge mode would be great15:35
octaviordzPirsch, what I mean is did you upgrade from a older ubuntu release?15:35
Wavelightfor how long the Ubuntu server keeps the logs?15:36
haylowolfmitch|work, go into a pre-existing install with ssh15:36
WavelightI have 15 computers in the place15:36
wolfmitch|workhaylo: I need net booting15:36
PirschNope. Tried that once and had to reistall. I always just do fresh reinstalls15:36
PirschI live in China and the net connections are less than perfect, sign upgrading is not the best option15:36
haylowolfmitch|work, you use the net booting to get the mini-iso i think15:37
WidoaDoes the "Move window to workspace x" shortcut work for -anyone-?15:37
haylobut really im sure you could figure out an easier wau to get onto the hard drive15:37
LordMaelhi :)15:37
wolfmitch|workHaylo: To make an already-installed ubuntu netbootable?15:38
ActionParsnipCreazioN: tried the Linux Skype client?15:38
octaviordzPirsch, acutally I you can upgrade from the LiveCD installer .. is a installer option (not sure if 12.04 is the first one that has this feature)15:38
GoshenGood morning!15:38
ActionParsnipWidoa: I only have one workspace, so wouldn't know :)15:38
LordMaelnoob question here:  my x-session keeps dying and i'm trying to locate the correct logs to see why.  Any help would be greatly appreciated15:38
ActionParsnipLordMael: /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:39
haylowolfmitch|work, net bootable? im not sure you understand what pxe booting is for15:39
Pirschoctaviordz, I hadn't noticed that15:39
koskohow do i scroll up in the screen15:39
hayloits to install an operating sysytem, not to just boot it up the system15:39
WidoaActionParsnip: not sure why you would want one room instead of a house. ;)15:39
CreazioNActionParsnip, yes I have - just thinking about getting it all in one client - seems like the empathy is almost default for it all, or can be15:39
hayloi doubt that its even a viable way to actually (boot) the system wolfmitch|work15:39
ActionParsnipWidoa: I don't use many apps, so I don't need any more. Makes the system run leaner too15:39
koskoscreen utility15:40
bernardoctHi y'all! I'm having a problem with my sound in Ubuntu 12.0415:40
bernardoctAll my volume settings are ok, but I have no sound15:40
hayloits for installing an operating system usually15:40
bernardoctAlso, in the Output pane of the Sound Settings dialog I guess I'm missing options15:40
koskohow to scroll up15:40
bernardoctCan anyone give me a hand, please? :)15:40
ActionParsnipCreazioN: not sure for skype calls but I'm guessing it can do PMs15:40
ActionParsnipkosko: which client?15:40
koskoActionParsnip: mac command prompt?15:40
koskoActionParsnip: mac os15:40
khamerIs there any kind of tool for helping identify which GTK classes are being used on a given element?15:41
koskoActionParsnip: ubuntu on another ssh end15:41
Mandalordbernadoct: can you give more detail15:41
CreazioNActionParsnip, seems like there is a patch that fix a bug, but dunno if its possible to compile such things? I dont use calls at all15:41
koskoActionParsnip: with screen15:41
ActionParsnipbernardoct: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:41
Mandalordbernadoct: you dont have sound when playing media file or  flash or anytime15:41
ActionParsnipkosko: not sure, ctrl+pgup maybe..15:42
ActionParsnipCreazioN: there may be a ppa with empathy + patch15:42
koskoActionParsnip: doesn't work15:42
uwhi, anybody else find that google maps is utterly useless under ubuntu?15:42
bernardoctActionParsnip: I'm performing an update and will do it as soon as its done. Hang on :)15:42
ActionParsnipkosko: or just pgup or shift+pgup...you get the idea15:42
uwas far as being increadbily slow15:43
bernardoctMandalord: Media, flash, everything :/15:43
nitrohaxbernardoct, using 12.04?15:43
ActionParsnipuw: what browsers have you tried?15:43
Mandalordbernardoct: do as ActionParsnip said :wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:43
ndlovuyay! succesfully recoveded from failed upgrade. thanks for the help :)15:43
CreazioNActionParsnip, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/97088515:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 970885 in pidgin-skype (Ubuntu) "Empathy 3.4 and pidgin-skype" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:43
bernardoctnitrohax: Yes, 12.0415:43
uwMandalord, chrome and firefox.   both have been updated to the latest with in 2 weeks15:44
schnufflendlovu: fine15:44
ActionParsnipCreazioN: subscibve to the bug and keep an eye on it :)15:44
MarcelT3someone knows what to do on 'bad archive mirror' @ MaaS node PXE install ?15:44
CreazioNActionParsnip, but the erorr seems to have been comitted?15:44
bernardoctActionParsnip: Where should I past the output?15:44
ActionParsnipuw: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'       Thanks15:44
ActionParsnipbernardoct: the script outputs a URL, what is the URL. Select to upload the text to the Alsa servers15:45
ActionParsnipuw: use http://pastie.org to host the text15:45
bernardoctIs it this one?15:45
CreazioNActionParsnip, if https://code.launchpad.net/skype4empathy means that - dunno how it works - if its me that need to do anything15:45
ActionParsnipbernardoct: no, run the command I gave in a terminal and upload to the server15:46
bernardoctOk, now I think I got it right http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh15:46
induzhow to able to watch online TV prgrams on Ubuntu desktop like zadoo or rauko15:46
bernardoctMandalord: There is the link15:47
ActionParsnipbernardoct: ok real slow now. Copy "wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:47
ActionParsnip" without the quotes15:47
induzis there some programs like setupTV15:47
uwActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/dLd0Rk4U15:47
ActionParsnipbernardoct: press CTRL+ALT+T  and paste the command as ONE line in the terminal and hit ENTER15:47
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nitrohaxshoudln't it be dark3n|on. LOL15:48
induzonline tv15:48
ActionParsnipuw: why such an old release? I suggest you remove flashplugin-installer package and enable the partner repo, you should then be able to install adobe-flashplugin which will give 64bit flash for your 64bit OS15:48
dark3nnitrohax, i don't get it :)15:48
bernardoctActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=49ab49badd9baceb4a98df6f3f19fe5a744b24f515:49
ActionParsnipbernardoct: perfect :)15:49
nitrohaxneither do i dark15:49
dryhayhi. how to set default path for IDLE (in Ubuntu 11.10)?15:49
bernardoctActionParsnip: Thanks! :)15:49
nitrohaxinduz, waht are you tryign to do?15:49
ActionParsnipbernardoct: why did you not say it was a laptop and why did you not say it was an asus m50vn ?15:50
induznitrohax, i want to watch tv programs on my desktop through internet15:50
bernardoctActionParsnip: It wasn't working because I wasn't in my home directory15:50
nitrohaxinduz, through the browser?15:50
ActionParsnipbernardoct: have you seen this: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/asus+m50vn15:50
bernardoctActionParsnip: My bad, I didn't know it would be really useful information. Is it common to have problems with this laptop?15:50
uwActionParsnip, ok i will update flash first15:50
intraderAnyone,  I have formatted a usb stick /dev/sdb according to http://nikste.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/how-to-format-usb-memory-stick-in-linux/ with the fdisk -l results shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ . There is no partition table in the stick. What can I do to make the usb stick proper? I need to name the volume 'Backup' for use by 'deja' on linux 12.4. I have just tried gparted, but it does not offer ext3 or ext4 partitions15:50
induznitrohax, not through the brwser...may be like setupTV on windows[ms]...15:51
bernardoctActionParsnip: I haven't seen that. I'll read now15:51
nitrohaxinduz, oh you mean using a tv card?15:51
induznitrohax, no tv card...through internet..15:51
nitrohaxinduz, ok one secong15:52
induznitrohax, i want to watch asian programs15:52
nitrohaxsecond even15:52
ActionParsnipbernardoct: try:     echo "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null15:52
bernardoctActionParsnip: What do I do after that?15:54
Mandalordintrader: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/not-valid-partition-table-393042/15:57
nitrohaxinduz, sorry not that i know of.15:57
nitrohaxinduz, my work around would be finding away through the browser15:57
bernardoctActionParsnip: I tried the command you told em to but still no sound :/15:58
sacarlsonintrader: I'm not sure what your final goal is but maybe you need to partition you drive first or do you want it to be bootable?15:58
induznitrohax, i am looking for something like sopCast15:58
nitrohaxbernardoct, do you have volume sliders?15:58
bernardoctnitrohax: What's this?15:59
intraderMandalord, I will follow directions, thanks15:59
wolfmitch|workhurrdurr.com FTW15:59
bernardoctnitrohax: If it's about my volume settings, all of them are ok... I checked alsamixer and pavucontrol already :/15:59
oCeanwolfmitch|work: please don't post nonsense here15:59
intradersacarlson, I want to use the usb to store 'deja' backups. I have not been able to do this in 12.4 yet. does not need to be bootable.16:00
nitrohaxbernardoct, so you can move sliders for the vol. back and forth?16:00
bernardoctnitrohax: Yes I can16:00
sacarlsonintrader: I've never put extX on a none partitioned drive but maybe you can?16:01
sacarlsonintrader: did you try just put a single partition on the disk for sdb1 so you can format it with ext3 or extX?16:01
MacroManWhen I call a command remotely via ssh like so: ssh -p 2020 username@ "ls -la"16:02
sacarlsonintrader: or if you don't need permisions in your files just create a standard fat32 format that any windows will mount16:02
Mandalordsacarlson: yeah he didn't because only /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb116:02
MacroManCan I issue more than one command in the same line?16:02
nitrohaxbernardoct, do you have the correct sound card selected for output?16:03
bernardoctI've tried both, default and intel16:03
sacarlsonMandalord: yes I see what he has now is no partition table for intruder16:03
llutzmaciejjo: "ls -la; 2nd do whatever i want; 3rd command"16:03
bernardoctnitrohax: I've tried both, default and intel, but none of them worked16:03
induzi am looking for a plyaer that can play online TV programs on Ubuntu16:03
ActionParsnipbernardoct: you need to reboot after the command16:03
llutzmaciejjo: sry wrong nick16:04
bernardoctActionParsnip: Ah, I see. I'll do it now. I'll be back in a second16:04
bernardoctnitrohax: I'll reboot and be back in a second16:04
ActionParsnipbernardoct: make sure you only have the one I gave16:04
intradersacarlson, it when I created the ext3 partition with mkfs it did not complain. How do I put a partition on the drive?16:05
Mandalordintrader: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/CreatingPartitions16:06
sacarlsonintrader: oh maybe you just failed to try to mount it then?16:06
sacarlsonintrader: how did you plan to mount this drive?16:07
intraderMandalord, I have trouble with gparted, it does not offer ext3 or ext4 partitions16:07
nitrohaxintrader> yes it does16:07
llutzintrader: ext3/4 are filesystems, not partition-types. partition type would be linux16:07
sacarlsonintrader: maybe sudo mkdir /mnt;  sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt ;   did you try that?16:08
intradersacarlson, just stick the usb key in. it should mount automatically16:08
ActionParsnipsacarlson: you can't mount sdb16:08
llutzsure you can16:08
sacarlsonintrader: well I guess you tried that and it won't mount auto try manual16:08
sacarlsonActionParsnip: oh it need partition?16:08
ActionParsnipsacarlson: you'd mount sdb1 as the first partition :)16:08
bernardoctActionParsnip: Hi, I'm back. It didn't work :(16:09
sacarlsonActionParsnip: they didn't partition the drive so I think it might work16:09
bernardoctnitrohax: I rebooted but I still have the same problem :/16:09
llutzActionParsnip: if he made an fs on the raw-device (which he did) he can mount it, simple.16:09
MandalordActionParsnip he doesnt have sdb1, maybe he doeant have a patition16:09
sacarlsonActionParsnip: if you looked at the fdisk -l you would see they have no partion /dev/sdb116:09
ActionParsnipllutz: really? wow16:10
intraderGuys, I am blessed by so much info. I am thinkng of discarding the usb (16Gb), and go buy a new one16:10
designbybeckAny Mac users running Ubuntu in here?16:10
llutzintrader: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"16:10
ActionParsnipsacarlson: you could make a partition in the same place then use foremost to restore data. Or try mounting sdb16:10
sacarlsonintrader: so all you can do is try to mount it and if it fails then try partition it like normal drive16:10
Mandalordintrader: then have a try with Partition Magic (only work on windows though):D16:10
ActionParsnipsacarlson: you can use testdisk to make the partition table again16:11
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Mandalordllutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050941/ its his sudo fdisk -l16:11
llutzintrader: "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb"16:11
sacarlsonActionParsnip: they formated a usb flash drive at /dev/sdb so no partion16:11
ki4roYesterday I was told here that the Cube would not work on 12.04.  I have it working by following the directions here:  http://fernhilllinuxproject.com/guidesandhowtos/usingcompiz.html16:12
intradersacarlson, Mandalord ,Ilutz, must go away. Wife calling. I will follow later. Thanks so much.16:12
ActionParsnipsacarlson: ah16:13
Mandalordwell wife is so powerfull all the time:P16:13
sacarlsonActionParsnip: too late now16:13
ActionParsnipsacarlson: true ;)16:13
ActionParsnipwife > root16:13
induzi am looking for a programs on which i can watch TV live online16:13
sacarlsoninduz: firefox16:14
induzsome kind of online TV player16:14
sacarlsoninduz: any browser16:14
Mandalordinduz: sopcast16:14
Mandalordand tv-maxe16:14
sacarlsoninduz: vlc16:14
induzi want to watch asian tv16:14
induzthey r not braoscast here16:15
Mandalordinduz: again sopcast and tv-maxe16:15
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sacarlsoninduz: find the site first they also provide there own software most can do over a browser with flash player16:15
bernardoctActionParsnip: Do you have any other idea?16:15
Mandalorda lot of cctv16:15
bernardoctnitrohax: Do you have any other idea?16:15
nitrohaxi'm workign on it.16:15
induzI have installed sopcast on Totem but unable to play any TV show16:15
ActionParsnipbernardoct: did you read the rest of the links I gave?16:16
sacarlsoninduz: what site?16:16
Mandalordinduz: do you enable any firewall16:16
bernardoctActionParsnip: the linlap link?16:16
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sacarlsoninduz: what site is you tv show one?16:16
induzMandalord, i am able to watch online TV on MS winXp Computer but I want to watch on ubuntu PC16:17
sacarlsoninduz: it is web site dependent without knowing what site we can't help you16:17
induzsacarlson, its not website based16:18
induzits a player16:18
sacarlsoninduz: oh it's on the radio?16:18
sacarlsoninduz: cable tv?16:18
induzsacarlson, yes16:18
Mandalordinduz: remove your old sopcast install and try this16:18
induzMandalord, how can i install it16:19
zetherooanyone with sound knowledge on how to update flash in Google Chrome browser?16:19
Mandalordoh sorry http://ppa.launchpad.net/jason-scheunemann/ppa/ubuntu16:19
Mandalordadd this ppa and apt-get update, apt-get install sp-auth sopcast-player16:19
sacarlsoninduz: I run my tv card with tvtime16:19
chrisalki have an Acer Aspire 5610, when i play video either on the dvd or online it chatters and skips16:20
ActionParsnipzetheroo: it uses the system flash if it's available16:20
sacarlsoninduz: but that depends on what tv tuner card you have16:20
induzsacarlson, i dont run any cable/card...its online through internet16:20
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sacarlsoninduz: you said there was no web site,  if it's on internet then there is a website16:20
ActionParsnipchrisalk: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash| gnash|swf|spark'     Thansk, please use http://pastie.org to host the output (or similar)16:21
itboxWhen I try to install restricted Nvidia drivers, when I reboot, the drivers are installed, but the screen resolution is locked to 620x360 or smaller and that's the maximum resolution setting. How do I fix this?16:21
chrisalkeverything loads up for video alright, but then it just stalls/skips...like a scratched cd16:21
ActionParsnipitbox: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot16:21
induzsacarlson, there are plenty of channels on that player...there is no website..i have to selecta country and select a channel thats all16:21
itboxok, I will try16:22
zetherooActionParsnip: ok, thanks -- got it ;)16:22
chrisalki'll try pastie.org, one sec16:22
Mandalordinduz: remove your old sopcast and try this16:22
Mandalordsudo add-apt-repository ppa:jason-scheunemann/ppa16:22
sacarlsoninduz: yes the website can provide you channels in many countries16:22
Mandalorduse that command in terminal16:22
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induzMandalord, how can I remove my old sopcast16:23
sacarlsoninduz: or many different websites can provide many differnet channels, in any case I've seen some that require propriatary software and some don't16:23
ghostnik11does anyone know how to take a m4v file and burn it to a dvd so that it can work in a dvd player16:24
Mandalordsudo apt-get remove sopcast16:24
ActionParsnipghostnik11: tried devede ?16:24
induzsacarlson, i use setupTV program on winXp16:25
Mandalordinduz: did you remove your sopcast16:26
induzMandalord, yes16:26
Wiz_KeeDcan anyone help me with my wireless connectio on ubuntu 10.04 lucid? if i let it boot and it automatically connects to a wireless network in aprox 1-2 min the whole box freezes16:26
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, no will look it up now, i was going to use k3b to burn it but i don't know how or where to put the m4v file in k3b so that it gets burn properly to the blank dvd16:26
Mandalordthen "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jason-scheunemann/ppa"16:26
Wiz_KeeDthen if i disconnect from boot and try to connect, it doesn't work anymore and keeps asking for password allthough my android device and the same laptop in windows connects perfectly with the same password16:26
induzsacarlson, i want to watch tv through a player16:27
BryanRuizany suggestions on an email client that supports exchange server?16:27
induzMandalord, how can I get new sopcast now16:27
sacarlsoninduz: check out youtube.com many tv channels take you pick16:27
compdocBryanRuiz, exchange supports pop3 and smtp and imap - take your pick16:27
Mandalordjust do as i said, we go step by step: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jason-scheunemann/ppa16:28
BryanRuizcompdoc: i feel that needs to be enabled though?16:28
Mandalorddid you run the command above16:28
compdocno, its default16:28
oCeanMandalord: when suggesting PPA's please let the other person know that it is an unsupported 3rd party repository16:28
BryanRuizcompdoc: thx16:28
samuelhello guys16:28
Mandalordwell 3rd party16:28
oCeanMandalord: and not supported16:28
induzsacarlson, i am not looking for old programs but live TV on internet16:28
samuelanyone here tried to install ubuntu on macbook pro retina display?16:28
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:28
compdocBryanRuiz, just have to forward the ports in the firewall16:28
BryanRuizcompdoc: hopefully thats done16:29
BryanRuizcompdoc: by any chance do you know how my iphone is connecting? isnt there an exchange protocol?16:29
compdocBryanRuiz, Ive set up a couple of apple devices - they just use the standard pop3 and smtp ports16:30
induzMandalord, i added the repo now what16:30
Mandalordinduz: after adding the ppa you should run "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install sp-auth sopcast-player"16:31
Mandalordafter that enjoy sopcast16:31
ActionParsnipghostnik11: again, use devede, you'll make a DVD ISO which you can then burn16:31
samuelno luck huh?16:31
induzMandalord, i get :-Depends: libvlc-dev but it is not going to be installed16:32
induzE: Broken packages16:32
itboxok, I did nvidia-xconfig and now the resolutions are fine, but when i go to the Additional Drivers screen, it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use." How to make it be in use?16:33
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, thanks bro, i just have to remove a couple stuff (libavformat53, libpostproc52, libswscale2) before i can install it using ubuntu software center16:33
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induzMandalord, Depends: libvlc-dev but it is not going to be installed16:33
induzE: Broken packages16:33
Mandalordinduz: uhm change your server by Synaptic to main server then try it again16:33
induzMandalord, how16:34
sacarlsoninduz: this seems to play on my browser with no problem http://www.live-online-tv.com/16:34
b4db1tLS CAP16:34
sacarlsoninduz: as I said you need a WEBSITE16:35
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, quick question when i go into synaptic they say if i remove for example libavformat53 then i have remove stuff like vlc, my mozilla plugin for avi and other things16:35
Mandalordinduz: do you know synaptic? just type sudo synaptic16:35
roastedQuestion - how can I launch something via terminal and then it release the terminal so I can close terminal window and the process still run? I thought I just had to add a & behind it.16:35
itboxActionParsnip: ok, I did nvidia-xconfig and now the resolutions are fine, but when i go to the Additional Drivers screen, it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use." How to make it be in use?16:35
Mandalordsacarlson: no need for website since we can watch tv by an P2P client right16:35
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, can i just install devede without removing these (libavformat53, libpostproc52, libswscale2)16:36
sacarlsonMandalord: sure if you want your freind to use all his bandwidth instead of the free feed16:36
induzMandalord, now I am on Synaptic manager16:36
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Mandalordinduz: Setting> Repository> Download from Main Server16:36
induzsacarlson, its a program called setupTV16:37
sacarlsoninduz: stuck on one solution when there are 10016:37
oCeanMandalord: how will changing to another server help?16:37
kaje1I was trying to install a package using apt-get and it failed during the install. Now, whenever I install or update, it tries to complete that install and fails. Is there some way to cancel all pending installs for apt?16:37
oCeanMandalord: adding the PPA resulted in broken dependencies16:37
induzsacarlson, thats website is for europe...not for asian countries16:38
itboxI did nvidia-xconfig and now the resolutions are fine, but when i go to the Additional Drivers screen, it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use." How to make it be in use?16:38
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induzsacarlson, its something like idesitv.com16:38
Mandalordocean: well i have a similar problem before: i'm using another server (fpt mirror from Vietnam) to install thing and keep getting error16:38
usr13kaje1: sudo apt-get -f install16:39
Mandalordocean: it seem the local server didnot synch with the main server properly16:39
oCeanMandalord: the Broken Packages message means there is a installation conflict16:39
kaje1usr13: That causes the error to show up again. It is still trying to complete the install of this damn package16:40
Mandalordocean: not sure, i tried to install wine at that time, and only success when chang the server to main server16:40
kaje1It's failing in the "setting up ..." phase.16:40
kaje1I just want to cancel the install16:41
mafiaboyhi ...how do i re-enable compositing in unity16:41
Mandalordinduz: did you change the server and do the "sudo  apt-get update" "sudo apt-get install sp-auth sopcast-player" again16:42
usr13itbox: If your screen is fine now, you are good to go.  Right?16:42
itboxwell yea16:42
usr13kaje1: What package?16:42
itboxand the glxgears are running fine (4700 fps)16:43
docvellQUESTION: How do I create a shortcut to a file that can only be run as ./filename ?16:43
docvellon desktop for gnome16:43
kaje1oracle-java7-installer... It turned out to be more trouble than it was worth, so I installed openjdk16:43
jribdocvell: what file is this?  You can create a shell script that cd to the right directory and then does ./filename.  Though I'd be surprised if you can't run it by just executing the full path: /whatever/filename16:44
philaneoushas anyone experience theyre server mounting encrypted?16:44
docvelllet me try16:44
chrisalkhow do i enable the partner repo?16:44
Mandalordchrisalk: sudo synaptic > Setting > Repository16:45
sacarlsonphilaneous: you want to create an encrypted folder?16:46
docvellworked :)16:46
docvellthanks :)16:46
intradersacarlson, Mandalord ,Ilutz, with Gparted I created partition and backup is being done. Thanks guys16:46
sacarlsonintrader: cool16:47
sacarlsonintrader: did you even try to just mount it?16:47
intradersacarlson, no16:48
sacarlsonintrader: that's ok it works now16:48
nitrohaxanyone hear of problems/conflicts with the full compiz suite?16:48
nitrohaxon 12.0416:48
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
MonkeyDustnitrohax  no system is perfect16:49
nitrohaxthnax MonkeyDust16:50
Guest3357intrader, this is a test16:50
ActionParsnipnitrohax: i avoid it and use Unity2D. Less bother :)16:50
intradersacarlson, Mandalord ,Ilutz, unfortunately, 'deja' reports 'Permission denied when trying  to create /media/Backup/duplicity16:51
ActionParsnipintrader: it's llutz not Ilutz ;)16:51
sacarlsonintrader: did you check file and folder permitions?16:52
intraderActionParsnip, I have trouble distinguishing Ilutz from whatever I used. In XCHAT I tried to use Tab key to complete name - nogo16:52
nitrohaxActionParsnip, but i have to have the burning windows on open and close. LOL16:52
intradersacarlson, what should they be?16:53
sacarlsonintrader: ls -A /media/*16:53
llutzintrader: ls -ld /media/Backup/16:53
sacarlsonintrader: something that the backup user can write to16:53
sacarlsonintrader:  opps ya what llutz: said16:54
intradersacarlson, 'drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 20 09:36 /media/Backup'16:54
llutzintrader: it's ext3-fs? and you want to use it as user to backup stuff?16:55
sacarlsonintrader: well only root and groups of root can write that16:55
chrisalkwhen i type sudo synaptic in Terminal I get: sudo: synaptic: command not found...16:55
sacarlsonintrader: oh no I'm wrong again16:55
llutzintrader: sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/Backup              if answer to question above is "yes"16:56
sacarlsonintrader: or am i16:56
Mandalorddo anyone know what happen with chrisalk?16:57
chrisalkI'm right here16:57
intraderllutz, sacarlson , and what $USER should I plug in 'intrader' is current user and admin16:57
gimpy34I'm having problems with audio on 10.10.  Clementine was working fine until today, it now says "Connection refused".  I also see no pulseaudio processes running.16:58
llutzintrader: sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/Backup              or intrader:intrader     (both will do)16:58
sacarlsonintrader: depends on what user you have setup to run backup like maybe intruder?16:58
llutzchrisalk: apt-cache policy synaptic | grep -i insta16:58
intraderllutz, only as backup16:58
llutzintrader: sudo chown -R intrader:intrader /media/Backup              then16:59
gimpy34Hmm, if I run pulseaudio by hand Clementine canc onnect but I still get no audio.  Why wouldn't pulseaudio run by itself?16:59
ActionParsnipgimpy34: could add a startup item to run it17:00
gimpy34ActionParsnip: "PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions"  It's not a daemon, shouldn't it started when I log in?17:01
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intradersacarlson, llutz  now 'drwxr-xr-x 3 intrader intrader 4096 Jun 20 09:36 /media/Backup' - will try to do backup17:01
gimpy34ActionParsnip: Also, even when I start it I have no audio.17:02
intradersacarlson, llutz  Backup started scanning -17:03
kuserhi all. problems with udisks/policykit/ck-launch-session... anyone who understands this stuff? :)17:03
ActionParsnipgimpy34: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse   wait 10 seconds then reboot17:04
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intradersacarlson, llutz  Backup started scanning -  seems to be writing. I think your help was fabulous! thanks17:05
ActionParsnipgimpy34: sorry:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*17:05
llutz!permissions | intrader take some time and read this. it might help in the future17:05
ubottuintrader take some time and read this. it might help in the future: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:05
linux_is_my_herogood afternoon :-)17:07
Mandalordubottu: just a stupid question: are you one guy or a group? Since i saw you available here all the time:D17:07
ubottuMandalord: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:07
ki4roMandalord: Ubottu is a bot17:07
Mandalordhehe funny isnt it? want to know how they program17:08
linux_is_my_heromy new LED keyboard will not light up in ubuntu, only windows.  how do i find out its make and model so i can get drivers?  its from china so it only has a generic model number on the back from some company no one has ever heard of but im guessing isnt there a way i can find out from the command prompt (Terminal)?17:08
linux_is_my_heromandalord: it is interesting, isnt it?17:09
Mandalordwell, if ubottu is a bot then it has great AI, right?17:09
vieiraHello I have a AMDx2 2.2Ghz + 1Gig ram machine with ubuntu 12.04 that I use via ssh. Whenever I start building openwrt, i.e., compiling code (cpu-intensive) after a while I lose the connection and cannot reconnect (ssh timeout).17:09
sacarlsonlinux_is_my_hero: how does it plug in from usb?17:09
llutzMandalord: just !trigger -> predefined answers, not very intelligent (sry ubottu )17:10
vieiraany idea?17:10
linux_is_my_herosacarlson: yes17:10
sacarlsonlinux_is_my_hero: lsusb might give you info to search google to find results17:10
linux_is_my_herosacarlson: thanks, ill try that :-)17:10
nitrohaxwatch my luck compix fusion is going to mess up my system and i'll haev to re do averything, again .LOL17:11
compdocvieira, some ssh clients have a keep-alive. Although Ive never set it or needed it17:11
vieiracompdoc: I cannot reconnect...17:11
vieiracompdoc: Only calling the place and asking some co-worker to press the reset button allows me to reconnect17:12
sacarlsonvieira: does it ever return to active opertation without reboot?  check /var/log/syslog file17:12
compdocvieira, when compiling or whatever, do you watch the cpu use? is it peaking?17:12
linux_is_my_herosacarlson: through process of elimination, this is the keyboard: Bus 002 Device 010: ID 04d9:1702 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc.17:12
vieirasacarlson: no, i left it overnight but no luck17:12
ListenerSound has disappeared from my otherwise perfectly running lubuntu installation. Any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this? I've done the obvious, muting, alsamixer... Current system, all up to date.17:12
vieirasacarlson: more than 12 hours so if it were to return by itself it would...17:13
nitrohaxhmmm... compiz fusion icon isn't doing anything. brb17:13
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
vieiracompdoc: it is a dual core machine, one of the cores is peaking, the other is idle (not using -j 3 or something like that)17:16
compdocvieira, ok, good17:16
dontknowit must be shame on ati that open source drivers works much better then catalyst while playing video17:16
mobius420ATI is floundering17:17
compdocdontknow, not always. sometimes the ati driver works better17:17
mobius420nvidia is folding them up like a walmart card table anyway17:17
mobius420sad but true17:17
vieirasacarlson, compdoc: I searched the log files but nothing catch my eye there...17:17
compdocati/amd is fine17:17
induzi am looking for tv radio player17:17
vieiraany idea? :\17:17
mobius420guys I am having a hard time locating some mystery webserver daemon which is apparently running on my computer17:17
dontknowcompdoc, i have ati hd2400, with catalyst poor video performance17:18
mobius420when i do I dont get any server17:18
mobius420I've looked for the usual suspects  i.e. apache2 etc...17:18
compdocnvidia got the finger from Torvalds17:18
dontknowcompdoc, ati would get something else :)17:19
kuseranyone who undestands policykit/consolekit/udisks please? :)17:19
compdocdontknow, yes, I agree tho, sometimes the opensouce driver is the best one17:19
induzsacarlson, its tv radio player17:19
dontknowcompdoc, what ati card you have and can you watch videos without issue?17:20
sacarlsoninduz: so is vlc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0tgL0365PE17:20
induzsacarlson, i have vlc17:21
compdocdontknow, I use amd systems with built-in video for servers running ubuntu - it varies, and I dont use it for gaming or watching videos17:21
kuseri installed policykit and launched x with ck-launch but i still got problems...17:21
sacarlsoninduz: well then you should already know you can play sopcast with vlc17:21
mobius420everyone i've talked to says that ubuntu does not come with any webserver daemon bundled,  but I have not installed any and apparently there is one running on my system17:21
linux_is_my_herohow do i find out what kidna keyboard i have if theres no label plate on it?17:22
mobius420I've prepared a pastebin output if anyone would be kind enough to have a look17:22
mobius420linux_is_my_hero,  try  lsusb17:22
mobius420assuming it's a usb keyboard17:22
induzsacarlson, i dont know ...how to configure vlc17:22
linux_is_my_heromobius420: all i got from that was Bus 002 Device 010: ID 04d9:1702 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc.17:22
sacarlsonlinux_is_my_hero: you already have that info,  I didn't see anyone having problems with it17:22
glitsj16mobius420: how did you notice that a webserver daemon is running?17:22
sacarlsoninduz: you must not watch the video link that tells you17:23
mobius420linux_is_my_hero,  is that a bluetooth keyboard?17:23
induzsacarlson, i am going to watch it but its for windowMS Xp PC17:23
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sacarlsoninduz: your link was in thai couldn't read it so couldn't find info to play there video17:23
ActionParsnipinduz: why not just use samba?17:23
sacarlsoninduz: the link above plays on my ubuntu17:24
mobius420glitsj16,  the terminal told me17:24
induzsacarlson, which link17:24
mobius420this has been one of the longest running problems with ubuntu I have had to date :P17:25
mobius420I had the fix at one time,  but I cannot seem to remember what it is17:25
glitsj16mobius420: it could be another daemon that uses another port than 80 so shouldn't do anything .. i believe cups comes bundled by default and listens on port 631 .. just trying to get a clue what you're experiencing17:25
mobius420well,  when I try to run a program which will be listening on port 80,  I get a response that a webserver daemon with SSL no less is already running17:26
mobius420most odd17:26
linux_is_my_heromobius420: no it is bluetooth17:26
linux_is_my_heromobius420: ***USB17:27
llutzmobius420: and "sudo lsof -i :80" says?17:27
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, thanks i got devede and its working, i installed it through synaptic and i am encoding my m4v files to dvd format right now as i type.  thanks again17:27
mobius420llutz,  http://pastebin.com/5MqbJp0H17:28
induzsacarlson, that link is for vlc on XP17:28
sacarlsoninduz: no it's for flash17:29
ElFizbaniotell me,how can one kill a program/process in ubuntu?17:29
mobius420kill (PID)17:29
sacarlsoninduz: don't you have flash installed? can't you watch youtube.com?17:29
llutzmobius420: nothing shown, how did you find the server running (except the error above)?17:29
mobius420use "top" from terminal to obtain the PID17:29
Meridiousps -eaf | grep "process name" then kill that process17:29
sacarlson!flash |induz17:30
ubottuinduz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:30
michaeljonesis there a way to install ubuntu on a real hard drive through wubi?17:30
mobius420llutz,  when I try to run a program,  the resulting terminal output tells me so17:30
sacarlsonMichael not that I know of17:31
llutzmobius420: pls pastebin the exact error17:31
mobius420I'm going to attempt to boot to an older kernel image and see if something changed that is causing this17:31
mobius420llutz,   okay17:31
induzsacarlson, on my vlc southcast tv listing is not listed17:34
sacarlsoninduz: did you install flash yet?17:34
induzsacarlson, flash is installed17:35
sacarlsoninduz: I thought you wanted sopcast?17:35
induzsopcast is not listed either17:36
sacarlsoninduz: maybe you have to add the links to get more channels?17:36
sacarlsoninduz: they only provide samples17:36
sacarlsoninduz: same with internet radio17:36
induzsacarlson, how can i do that??17:36
sacarlsoninduz: depends on the site17:37
sacarlsoniduz the video showed you did you watch it?17:37
damms005How can make a drive bootable spo that I can install ubuntu on it?17:38
induzsacarlson, lets talk about vlc on ubuntu and settig up for sop-cast17:38
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sacarlsondamms005: you can boot a usb flash to boot ubuntu17:38
damms005How can make a drive bootable spo that I can install ubuntu from it?17:39
induzsacarlson, that video is for Xp17:39
sacarlsoninduz: I can't I don't know but they guy on the video did17:39
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sacarlsoninduz: if you can't see that video then you don't have flash installed correctly17:39
hypnohi. i was thinking about using the windows installer to install ubuntu, but the ubuntu size seems to be of oddly fixated sizes. are the partition/image/whatever resizable afterwards?17:39
damms005sacarlson: I have the hard disk now and I want to install ubuntu on it17:39
sacarlsondamms005: do you have a usb flash disk?17:40
sacarlsondamms005: you need a meadia to install from eather usb flash or cdrom or ...17:40
wasanzyplease is there a command to convert pdf file to text file?17:41
sacarlsondamms005: you have no cdrom burner?17:41
damms005sacarlson: my laptop compaq 610 does not support booting from a USB flash drive17:41
damms005sacarlson: Spoilt (lens)17:41
sacarlsondamms005: you can boot from plop if bios doesn't support it17:41
sacarlsondamms005: but you still need a usb flash17:42
damms005sacarlson: I have a USB with me now17:42
damms005sacarlson: but I have tried to boot from it before but it is not in my boot menu.17:42
sacarlsondamms005: ok is it programed already to boot if not https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:43
damms005sacarlson: So how can I install ubuntu in the external harddisk?17:44
sacarlsondamms005: after the usb has ubuntu image installed then install plop http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html17:44
laggmoppi wouldlike all output to come out /dev/ttyUSB0 as well as the normal console3.  whats the easiest way? using ubuntu lucid 64bit17:44
glitsj16wasanzy: there's a 'pdftotext' command in the package poppler-utils17:44
sacarlsondamms005: I guess with plop you can boot from windows or set it to be in MBR17:44
wasanzyok thank you.17:45
damms005sacarlson: Can I use my external Harddisk in place of the USB?17:45
ActionParsnipsacarlson: there is a boot floppy on pendrivelinux  if that help?17:45
sacarlsondamms005: no there is no image to put on your harddisk or maybe look at plop maybe it can do that too17:45
killerhi ...is there an irc for unity17:45
MageofHopeNobody here ever gotten Touchegg to work on Ubuntu 12.04?17:46
sacarlsonActionParsnip: plop is that a boot floopy17:46
ActionParsnipkiller: in what sense?17:46
wilee-nileedamms005, if you have a computer that wont boot from a usb it is probably usb 1 a HD is going to rather slow with a OS.17:46
ActionParsnipsacarlson: gotcha :)17:46
ActionParsnipkiller: if you mean a channel, you could consult !alis17:46
damms005So if I make the USB bootable and copy the ubuntu iso files to it, I run from bootup, but my laptop would not see it.17:47
pieroI'm having a terrible headache trying to do make the sound works throught the hdmi cable. Everything works fine on another OS (ms win), but even if hdmi output is selected in gnome-shell, nothing can be heard.. The hdmi port is from my ati radeon video card. Thanks for help17:47
sacarlsondamms005: you need to install plop first then it will read the usb flash boot17:47
kuseranyone who undestands policykit/consolekit/udisks please? i got this "problematic" output: http://pastebin.com/C4DwanTs17:48
damms005sacarlson: okay17:48
sacarlsondamms005: sequence 1. put ubuntu image on usb flash  2. install plot  3. boot flop that will get ubuntu image of usb and install17:48
ActionParsnippiero: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh17:49
sacarlsondamms005: this assumes you are running from a system that is running windows17:50
haroldSo, I'm looking at this article here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/How_To_Do_Eveything_With_DD17:50
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haroldWhich basically just gives like a thousand different really really cool and interesting things you can do with dd17:50
haroldAnd I notice he's doing a lot of "dd if=/proc/<STUFF>" and piping it to hexdump and then less. I'm wondering why he's doing that... I mean, why not just do "cat /proc/meminfo" instead of "dd if=/proc/meminfo | hexdump -C | less" (which, not to mention... does not even give you formatted (thus very readable) text). Is he just doing it because you can just "do it" for the sake of it, or is there a reason to do it?17:50
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FloodBot1harold: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
sacarlsondamms005: that has no cdrom and no bios support to boot usb flash17:50
damms005sacarlson: I am running wubi migrated ubuntu17:50
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damms005sacarlson: I thought you said plop does not depend on BIOS?17:51
pieroActionParsnip, sure! Please a while17:52
mdaumAnybody know how to get oprofile in 12.04?17:52
damms005sacarlson: Does that mean impossible to install it on the external drive? Even from my current ubuntu?17:52
ActionParsnip!find oprofile17:53
ubottuFile oprofile found in linux-headers-3.2.0-22, linux-headers-3.2.0-22-generic, linux-headers-3.2.0-22-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.2.0-22-virtual, linux-image-3.2.0-22-generic, linux-image-3.2.0-22-lowlatency, linux-image-3.2.0-22-virtual, pidgin-plugin-pack17:53
ActionParsnipmdaum: you already have it17:53
sacarlsondamms005: yes as stated the only reason we need plop is because you said your bios didn't support boot from usb flash17:53
jackyboy633hi, not sure where to post this, but which computer out of these two is best for running ubuntu? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051295/17:53
mdaumActionParsnip: appears not!17:54
damms005sacarlson: So what is wubi's concern with my plop?17:54
sacarlsondamms005: your current wubi installed ubuntu as far as I know can't setup a grub boot to install anything17:54
spantherthank you dear ubuntu team for this awesome LTS release! :-) "radeon" works fluid (no windows lagging while moving) and on my new notebook too!17:55
damms005sacarlson: and no way around that?17:55
sacarlsondamms005: wabi will not be used in this install, after install you might recover user files to use in your newly installed sytem17:55
pieroActionParsnip, its in http://pastebin.com/6zWs9LmS17:55
sacarlsondamms005:  there is always 100 ways to do everything so there is ways around anything17:56
drPoowhat is the command to get the default "backup" utility running? I want to start it from the command line.17:56
ActionParsnipmdaum: apparently it's in the kernel. Have you checked http://packages.ubuntu.com17:56
sacarlsondamms005: this is only but one posible solution out of 10017:56
nitrohaxi don't like kernels in my popcorn17:57
ActionParsnippiero: Debian isn't supported here, ask in #debian17:57
damms005sacarlson: So simply put: "How can I install ubuntu on an external hardisk without cdrom and support for usb booting?"17:57
pieroActionParsnip, Im trying there too..17:57
ActionParsnippiero: debian is offtopic here, this is ubuntu support only17:57
sacarlsondamms005: see three step method above17:58
mdaumActionParsnip: it always required kernel support, as I recall.  But there are things like opcontrol necessary to use it, and these seem to be gone.17:58
mdaumActionParsnip: I do see the kernel module, but can't find opcontrol17:59
ActionParsnipmdaum: its in the Ubuntu kernel. This sort of thing is why Debian and Ubuntu support is seperate18:00
sacarlsondamms005: also read more in plop that has many options of media including pxe boot off lan18:00
w3bg33kI have a windows share that I mounted, but it appears that it's taking up disk space...how is that so?18:00
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Jordan_U!details | w3bg33k18:01
ubottuw3bg33k: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:02
ActionParsnipw3bg33k: where did you mount it to?18:02
w3bg33kActionParsnip - I mounted it under /mnt18:03
w3bg33kubottu - I have a problem with disk space being taken up by a windows share that was mounted under /mnt.  I'm running ubuntu version 10.04....When I try to clear up some disk space, it is being taken up by the windows share.....I get the following output:  :P  but I expected it to :)18:04
daniellhey all18:04
daniellis this the right room to get some help?18:04
tomas_Having a problem aswell18:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:05
Jordan_Uw3bg33k: You didn't actually specify what you're seeing and what you expect to see. What makes you think that the share is "taking up space"?18:05
daniellI just installed unbutu over my own fedora install, and now I cannot access my main storage harddrive18:05
tomas_I want to delete the use of CTRL+ALT+Num 1-9. Is there a way for that? Was checking in the settings/keyboard/shortcuts, but couldnt find it18:05
Jordan_Udaniell: How are you trying to access it, and what happens when you try?18:05
daniellI have my account ownership, but when I look at the properties it says unreadable18:06
majusculetomas_: why do you want to do that?18:06
danielltrying to access is through the gui18:06
nitrohaxack what is another shortcut to open terminal?18:06
Jordan_U!caps | dj_ryan18:06
ubottudj_ryan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:06
tomas_majuscule: using those in a game I play quite often. It's annoying when the window start popping up in corners etc18:06
nitrohaxbeside ctrl+atl+t18:06
dj_ryanubottu: oh yeah but i thought i'd be funny18:06
ubottudj_ryan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
dj_ryanoh bots.18:06
daniellnm its working now... huh18:06
daniellsorry for the misfire :)18:06
sacarlsondaniell: did you try mount this harddrive?  sudo mkdir /mnt ; sudo mount /dev/sdXX /mnt ?18:07
daniellsardonyx, it should automount no?18:07
dj_ryanseriously tho, why does clusterssh place windows UNDER the unity bar? doesnt the desktop like... dunno something something18:07
ActionParsnipnitrohax: that's the shortcut, if you use terminal alot, I suggest you install guake :)18:09
tomas_majuscule I like that I can use CTRL+ALT+arrows, like left, right, up, down. to move to the four different windows and CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+arrows, to move program windows to desktop windows. Though, not the resizing of windows into different corners. If you understand what I mean18:09
kuseranyone who undestands policykit/consolekit/udisks please? i got this "problematic" output: http://pastebin.com/C4DwanTs18:09
sacarlsonkuser: secoud line needs sudo18:11
kusersacarlson: but i think with policykit configured there's no need to use sudo18:12
ActionParsnip!cookie | sacarlson18:12
ubottusacarlson: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:12
jribkuser: do you *really* want to not use lightdm?18:12
tomas_anyone know about this problem of mine? described above18:12
jrib!helpme | tomas_18:13
ubottutomas_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:13
Wavelightplease tell me if I can install Ubuntu Server between my router TP-link 470+ and my 24 ports switch18:13
kuserjrib: really :)18:14
WavelightI need to keep all the logs from the network activity18:14
ActionParsnipWavelight: can't see why not18:14
jribkuser: ok, because it would probably "just work" then18:14
kuserjrib: i think that is possible to make it work anyway18:14
Wavelightis there any GUI for Ubuntu Server?18:14
WavelightI not used to the comand line in linux18:14
Wavelightlong time ago on my first pc I used comand line in dos18:15
ActionParsnipWavelight: you may as well instal lubuntu if you want a GUI on a server, the server by default is without GUI18:15
jribWavelight: install any gui you want18:15
sacarlsonWavelight: ubuntu server is just a subset of apps that don't have gui server but you can install them18:15
species_4981If I want to carry out an OS upgrade, the recommended approach seems to be  to do a complete reinstallation. I know I can backup /home and also create a list of installed software - BUT ... what about (for example) my fstab which I have used to point to my NASbox partitions - are there a stack of *other* files outside of /home which I need to backup and don't know about?18:15
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
jribkuser: show "ck-list-sessions" output without grep18:16
jribkuser: and you're in tty8 when you execute this?  I wonder what "is-local" means.  In my case it is true18:17
john845848hi. I have just installed 12.04 on a new computer and I have problems to set up my internet connection. I have two interfaces, eth0 and eth1. I am using eth0 only. Should I do something specific in the /etc/network/interfaces file ?18:17
species_4981help statistics18:17
hattorihanzowhy is byobu broke in ubuntu 12.418:17
dijonyummyis there a good program to download all mp4 on a webpage or a plugin that works with firefox under linux?18:17
jribdijonyummy: wget?18:18
WidoaGreetings! How do I manually add apps to the unity dash-thingy?18:18
dijonyummythat can get the whole page?including links to mp4?18:18
kuserjrid: i run it from a terminal inside x18:18
zizooHey guys, how can I mirror an https website that redirects to a log-in page? Right now I'm using wget. I tried setting my credentials via nick/pass options, and via setting post-data, and via nick option plus pass asking, but I always get an index that just says failed to log in.18:18
Wavelightthank you, but can you recomand me a GUI for the Ubuntu Server, all I wanna do with it is set it on bridge mode and record all logs18:18
hewahello how can i disable the new unity gui and switch to the old from 10.ß418:19
jribkuser: and you get to that X instance by hitting ctrl-alt-f8?18:19
sacarlsonjohn845848: are you running a server or desktop?18:19
jrib!nounity | hewa18:19
john845848a desktop18:19
ubottuhewa: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:19
dijonyummywhat about swf? i tried several ways, was able to downlaoded the swf file. but tried runing with gnash, vlan, etc, but the swf file doesnt play after download?18:19
jribWavelight: the default one?18:20
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sacarlsonjohn845848: then you should be able to just use the network-manager applet on top your screen to setup networks18:20
kuserjrid: no, i just run it from a terminal application inside kde18:20
jribkuser: hit ctrl-alt-f8, what happens?18:20
sacarlsonjohn845848: it's the up down arrows18:20
brontosaurusrexwhat exactly is theoretically needed for nautilus way of mounting ssh locations?18:20
dijonyummyis there a way to reliabley download a swf file from the web? so its playable? i got the file downloaded but it doesnt play on linux nor windows18:21
kuserjrid: yes, ok... i'm already on tty818:21
dryhayhi. how to set default directory path in IDLE (Ubuntu 11.10)?18:21
Wavelightyes, the default GUI18:21
john845848sacarlson: At first I tried the /etc/network/interfaces because I was used to that, but as it didnt work I tried the network-manager, which didn't work either. i think it messed something up that the network manager can't fix18:21
nibbler_dijonyummy, just put it on a browser - it might require additinal resources of course (use httpfox or any proxy to find out, create local mirror etc)18:21
jribkuser: I don't know.  See if adding --sh-syntax to dbus-launch makes any difference.  See if not including dbus-launch makes any difference18:21
sacarlsonjohn845848: you will have to take out changes made in /etc/network/interfaces you makde18:22
john845848sacarlson: am I allowed to have two 192.168.0.x IP addresses for the two interfaces ? I think that's my problem.18:22
jribWavelight: you can install the default gui for ubuntu desktop by installing the "ubuntu-desktop" package18:22
kuserjrid: without dbus, same result18:22
john845848sacarlson: I did take it all it, the file is now empty18:22
guest-XfmYAEhow does one boot into terminal?18:22
john845848sacarlson: I did take it all out*, the file is now empty18:22
WavelightI can select it during the installation ?18:22
jrib!nox | guest-XfmYAE18:22
sacarlsonjohn845848: only if you setup a mask that made the 2 address not conflict18:22
ubottuguest-XfmYAE: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:22
john845848I didn't, the mask is the same,
guest-XfmYAEthank you18:23
jribWavelight: maybe.  If not, you can install it afterwards.  If you haven't installed yet, then just install ubuntu desktop version...18:23
laictI'm having problems with setting up a SMB share that I can access on my Mac18:23
laictIt just says connection failed when I enter a user/pass18:23
laictHow can I test my SMB share is working without a windows computer?18:23
laictThis SMB share is on ubuntu18:23
sacarlsonjohn845848: you best start slow just get one interface to work, then you can tell us what you want to do with the other interface18:23
zizooHow can I mirror a page that requires credentials if, using wget, setting the username and password doesn't work and setting the post-data doesn't work either? Both give back a single page with "failed to log in".18:24
laictSet up using Samba Server Configuration GUI18:24
john845848sacarlson: well that's the funny thing I don't want to do anything with the other one. I would be pleased if any one of them just started working. But I don't know where to go from here18:24
WavelightI think the Ubuntu Server would have a lot more users if there will be, optionally offcourse a GUI default at the begining of the installation18:24
sacarlsonjohn845848: do you could just disable one interface for now,  just enable one that has wan (internet) access18:24
john845848sacarlson: okay. How do I do that ?18:24
jribWavelight: well ubuntu server with gui is basically ubuntu desktop...18:25
sacarlsonjohn845848: just uncheck the one you don't want to be enabled18:25
laictAny ideas?18:25
WavelightI didn-t know that18:25
sacarlsonjohn845848: set the other to auto18:25
john845848sacarlson: yes sure but I mean where do I have to uncheck it ?18:25
Wavelightthank you for telling me this, it will be lot more easier now18:25
zizooOr better yet, is there any trick I need to know to setting post-data for a page? I have set it to the 'type' of the form I found in the source. Is that correct?18:25
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guest-9P7olQwell press esc didn't take me to the temrinal. I need to fix something and i can't get into the gui so i need to boot in to the temrinal for command line18:26
john845848sacarlson: in the network manager, in the main tab, I just have one line that is displayed.18:26
jribguest-9P7olQ: choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu (hold shift during boot to see the grub menu)18:26
guest-9P7olQok thank you18:27
zizooActually, it's the id, and the type.18:27
zizooThose two strings are the same here.18:27
sacarlsonjohn845848: then set that one to auto18:27
john845848sacarlson: it is18:27
sacarlsonjohn845848: ok can you ping google.com?18:27
john845848sacarlson: no it doesn't work18:27
Wavelightok, jrib, tonight I will try to install and configure the Ubuntu Server, I will come back to tell you the result18:28
john845848sacarlson: I can't even ping my gateway18:28
sacarlsonjohn845848: is it pluged into anything?18:28
Wavelighthave a nice evening18:28
Wavelightall the vest18:28
tomas_Anyone know how I can remove the use of CTRL+ALT+Num 1-9. I dont want it to be used moving a programs window into corners of the display.18:28
Wavelightall the best18:28
john845848sacarlson: yes, there's a ethernet cable that goes straight from eth0 to the router18:28
zizooErr, name, id, and type. All 3 are the same. Do I have to specify something about the surroundings? Like the div of the id it's in or something? =/18:29
zizooid of the div*18:29
john845848sacarlson: and eth1 is not plugged into anything18:29
sacarlsonjohn845848: best read a bit http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html18:29
sacarlsonjohn845848:  at the command line you should see ifconfig  ; to return one of your interface with at least an ip address18:30
Dynamic_FailIs it possible to get M$ communicator to work in ubuntu 10.04 via some other program pidgin/empathy/etc?18:30
Guest82364where is catalina home on ubuntu (tomcat 7)18:32
wadSo my system has crashed twice in the past 20 minutes. I use 12.04 LTS, 64-bit, with unity and compiz. The screen is frozen, with the words "UI BLOCKER" at the top. Keyboard and mouse are alive, but terminal 7 won't accept input. I can CTRL-ALT-F1 and "kill -3 compiz" to restart the windows manager. Ideas on tracking this down?18:32
sacarlsonpast my bed time , I will leave you all to the experts on the next shift18:32
kuserjrid: don't want to bother but... can you suggest me any other thing to try?18:33
john845848sacarlson: thanks for the link, I already had it. I know about ifconfig, it shows eth0 and eth118:33
john845848sacarlson: :(18:33
laictCan anyone help me with my SMB problem?18:33
john845848sacarlson: sometimes I get an internet access but just for a few seconds. I really think it's got to do with the two interfaces using the same sub network18:34
dryhayhi. how to set default directory path in IDLE (Ubuntu 11.10)?18:35
asad2005is there an automatic backup application similer to time machine for ubuntu18:36
linux_is_my_herohow do i get a windows keybaord driver to work in ubuntu?18:36
john845848Is there a network ubuntu expert that can take where sacarlson left off ? I am having troubles to get an internet access with ubuntu 12.04.18:37
ki4rolaict: Ask your question18:39
L3topjohn845848:  can you please pastebin the output of ifconfig and /etc/network/interfaces please18:41
linux_is_my_herojohn845848: do you have an ethernet adapted in your computer, or are you trying to connect wirelessly?18:41
tomas_Anyone know how I can remove the window replacement shortcut keys? I don't want to use CTRL+ALT+Numpad for position a window at all. Using them in different programs.18:41
kuser_jrid: what about set yes in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy?18:41
laictI have made a smb share using the interface in ubuntu, but I cannot connect to it through OS X, It asks for a password and username, but when I put what I think is the correct details in, it says connection failed.18:41
john845848L3top: well no I can't, since I don't have an internet access on that computer xD. But I can copy it by hand if you ask me a particular field.18:41
john845848linux_is_my_hero: it's ethernet.18:42
L3topI didn't know if you were perhaps ssh'd in john845848.18:42
Qeb_userHI, should I use '$ sudo adduser <user> sudo' or '$ sudo adduser <user> admin' to add user with sudo privalidges? I see both sudo and admin group now?!?!?!18:42
L3topYou have two nics, are these both lan nics or is one wireless and one lan john84584818:42
john845848L3top: the two are lan. eth0 and eth118:43
Qeb_userHI, should I use '$ sudo adduser <user> sudo' or '$ sudo adduser <user> admin' to add user with sudo privalidges? I see both sudo and admin group now?!?!?!18:44
laictki4ro: Any ideas why it's not working?18:44
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jribQeb_user: admin was for releases before precise (12.04)18:44
ki4rolaict: Not me, but there may be others here that can help18:45
L3topCan you look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and confirm that eth0 and eth1 are not reversed in order of discovery? This happens sometimes with specific nics (several of the realteks esp) require the kernel to load modules specifically for them.18:45
itboxhow to install adobe flashplayer on lubuntu 11.10 ?18:45
ragerI'd say... google for it18:45
jrib!flash | itbox18:45
ubottuitbox: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:45
ragerthere are at least three dozen articles...18:45
L3topYou will need to get the MAC off of one of them to figure that out john845848.18:45
WindBuntujust go to the software center itbox18:46
L3topjohn845848: please give me the result of cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep dhcp18:46
L3topif there is any18:46
zizooOk, my index file wget generates is still just telling me I failed to log in, however, I just noticed there are also some hidden forms in the source. Do I need to supply info for them in post-data too?18:46
asad2005what backup solutions does ubuntu 12.04 have by default18:47
OerHeksasad2005,  deja dub18:48
zizooThe hidden forms' names are action, remote-user, new_loc, auth_type, one_time_token, encoded_pw, and encoded_pw_unicode, do I need to fill those out? Can I even do that in wget?18:49
john845848L3top: cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep dhcp doesn't return anything, I removed all from that file after I failed to make it a static ip address, which was how this all started18:50
zizooIs there a better channel to ask questions about wget authentication? =/18:50
skierpageI have a recent MacBook Pro but not the snazzy retina display and it won't boot off Ubuntu 12.04 CD or the same put on USB flash drive with usb-creator.18:50
skierpageEverything I've tried gives "Boot error" or just a flashing cursor, never a grub menu. I've installed rEFIt.18:51
john845848L3top: I'm looking at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules right now. What am I supposed to look at to see whether the order of discovery is reversed or not ?18:51
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:51
seb_hi, I'm looking for a very lightweight application launcher which works like a Dock (like Win7 or OS X) and works perfectly together with Openbox. I prefer a very simple launcher which does not require composition to be enabled.18:51
L3topThe MAC address john845848... however... you are attempting to set static addresses? This will require knowing a lot more about your network. May I ask why you are doing this for an internet connection?18:52
skierpageThere isn't an Ubuntu MacTel pages for this version 9,1 MBP, the closest is 8,1. I'm worried Ubuntu just doesn't work yet.18:52
asad2005OerHeks: any GUI for deja-dup18:52
brontosaurusrexseb_: light = tint2, heavy = docky18:52
OerHeksasad2005, type backup in dash, and dejadub gui appears, have fun.18:53
seb_brontosaurusrex: thx! I will look into tint218:53
guntbertzizoo: I don't know about a special wget channel - you might get better/any answers if you state your problem in just one line and present extra info in a !pastebin18:53
john845848L3top: no right now I'm not even trying that anymore, I'm just trying to use the dhcp, and even that fails. That was my goal at first, but now all I want is an internet access. I'll sort out the rest later.18:53
takis_GRtry to make fsck -f /dev/sda and take this Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?18:53
brontosaurusrexseb_: there is also something called wbar or similar18:53
john845848L3top: I looked at the MAC addresses of the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file. They correspond to what's mention in ifconfig. Only two lines are not commented out in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, and the first one has the word 'eth0' in it, while the second one has 'eth1'18:54
nibbler_zizoo, thats not wget specific, you need to understand http, cookies and forms for that. maybe use httpfox to monitor whats happening when you use firefox18:54
troulouliou_devHi i m using ubuntu 12.04 with gnome2 desktop; how can i use the shiki theme like in debian ?18:55
=== guest-dkgRrL is now known as nitroh
nitrohok got one problem. was messing with compiz, now it won't let me go into my actual account.18:56
trismtroulouliou_dev: you are probably using the gnome3 panel, shiki wasn't ported to gnome 3 as far as I know, although might try: http://2buntu.com/2011/11/01/zukitwo-colors-the-unofficial-shiki-colors-successor/18:56
asad2005OerHeks: I am running classic gnome and i only have deja-dup command. Is ther an option to start it gui18:56
nitrohcan anyone tell me how to reset the display settings for compiz using guest account?18:57
OerHeksasad2005, i don't know about gnome classic.18:57
guntbert!info duplicity | asad18:58
ubottuasad: duplicity (source: duplicity): encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.18-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 179 kB, installed size 1028 kB18:58
OerHeksThere are more solutions, see software centre.18:58
troulouliou_devtrism, ok thanks18:58
zizooThanks guntbert, nibbler_. I'll look into httpfox. Does chrome have something similar? I find it's interface for viewing page source while browsing (and cursing to source bits when mousing over a form, etc.) very convenient.18:58
cndivHello #ubuntu! Is anyone using 12.04 on a brand new or last model Macbook Air? I'm trying to make the trackpad work better, it's too sensitive by default.18:58
guntbert!info duplicity | asad200518:58
ubottuasad2005: duplicity (source: duplicity): encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.18-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 179 kB, installed size 1028 kB18:58
L3topjohn845848: For eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces replace whatever is  there with: auto eth0 (new line here) iface eth0 inet dhcp18:58
Dynamic_Failanyone know how to get online with communiator in ubuntu 10.0418:58
L3topjohn845848: when that edit is completed run /etc/init.d/networking restart18:59
OerHeksBack in Time, or my favorite rsync + Grsync gui.18:59
L3topOr... I guess that is depreciated in 1204... but... it will work for you.18:59
takis_GRi have boot with live-cd and try to use fsch -f /dev/sda. i have message Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?18:59
troulouliou_devtrism, is i understood , even if i m using gnome-pannel i m still using the gnome3 themes ?18:59
Dshoehey guys, last night I used a button on my keyboard to disable my touchpad and now when I enable it again it still does not work.19:00
john845848L3top: ok I did just that. I kept the two lines regarding lo (loopback) though. Would you like me to comment them out too ?19:00
trismtroulouliou_dev: if you are using the gnome-panel in the 12.04 repositories, then yes, that is using gtk3 so you need gtk3 themes19:01
llutztakis_GR: are you sure you have a filesystem to check on the raw device? /dev/sdaX for a partition, make sure its not mountet19:01
induzwhen i try to inslal sopcast player i get this :-The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:01
induz  sopcast-player: Depends: vlc (>= 1.1.0) but 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.6 is to be installed19:01
induz                  Depends: libvlc-dev but it is not going to be installed19:01
induzE: Broken packages19:01
duncan-nzI need to know how I can dissable assistive technology under the Unity desktop. Help?19:01
troulouliou_devtrism, ok thanks missed tht part19:01
nitrohhow do you reset unity for su account from guest/19:01
L3topjohn845848: the loopback is fine, and whatever you had for eth1 is fine... I meant only to replace ANYTHING relating to eth0 with that.19:01
esaghi I need halp in spanish please19:02
esaghi I need halp in spanish please19:02
L3topjohn845848: is this by any chance an ipv6 network?19:02
llutz!es | esag19:02
ubottuesag: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:02
L3top!es | esag19:02
=== KAMPUNGBOY is now known as cristina_lopez
esagThank you19:03
L3topde nada19:03
llutztakis_GR: still: are you sure you have a filesystem to check on the raw device /dev/sda? pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"19:03
john84848L3top: sorry my irc client just crashed. Please repeat if you said something after 'run /etc/init.d/service restart'19:04
john84848L3top: I just ran /etc/init.d/networking restart, and it said 'deprecated' and also said 'RTNETLINK answers: file already exists'19:05
L3top<L3top> john845848: the loopback is fine, and whatever you had for eth1 is fine... I meant only to replace ANYTHING relating to eth0 with that.19:05
nitrohi ca't even boot into failsafe19:05
nitrohanyone tell me how to reset su account unity from guest/19:05
john84848L3top: ok then  I replaced everything related to eth019:05
llutztakis_GR: so  fsck -f /dev/sda119:05
L3top<L3top> Or... I guess that is depreciated in 1204... but... it will work for you.19:05
jribnitroh: what exactly do you want to do?  There's no such thing as "su account"19:05
takis_GRsame message Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?19:06
L3topping -c2 google.com        john8484819:06
nitrohi was messing with compiz and it messed soemthing up. won't let me log in to my account and won't run in failsafe. I'm trying to reset the unity settings from guest account19:06
llutztakis_GR: so  "sudo fsck  /dev/sda1"19:06
Loungenetwork manager in 12.04 is an absolute nightmare >.<..19:07
nitrohwon't let me login as super user from guest account and in the boot terminal i'm getting no where.19:07
nitrohI can't reset something that's not running19:07
Loungei've disabled dnsmasq, but it still gives me problems with my 2nd ethernet card19:07
jribnitroh: I don't know where compiz stores its settings but try renaming ~/.config/ and ~/.gconf in your user's account (i.e. not on the guest account)19:07
nitrohi can't get in to my user account though19:08
jribnitroh: you can do "su - YOUR_REGULAR_USERNAME" to get a shell as your regular user from the guest login19:08
john84848L3top: pinging google doesn't work19:08
nitrohwhen i try to boot normal it just kicks me back to the login screen19:08
john84848L3top: I can't even ping my own router (the gateway)19:08
nitrohoperation not permitted19:09
john84848L3top: the icmp host unreachable message is given by the other interface, apparently. Is that normal ??19:09
john84848L3top: I think the problem might come from the fact that the two interfaces are using the same subnetwork, which is not allowed19:09
nitrohthis is a headache19:10
DshoeI tried touchpad-indicator and I still can't enable the touchpad =/19:10
mcphailnitroh: you should be able to access your $HOME from the terminal19:11
zaitzevanyone here happen to have a router with DD-WRT installed, and know their way around it (advanced stuff)?19:11
martin78bhack the planet!19:11
profiler1982is it better to wait 12.10 for transicion of 11.10. am have apu c-6019:11
nitrohmcphail, won't let me get in to that either19:11
john84848L3top: but nevertheless it's weird that they collide, since only one (eth0) is connected to the router, and eth1 isn't used. so why do I get a icmp answer from an IP that belongs to the eth1, which is unused ??19:11
jrib!who | nitroh19:11
Dshoebrb gonna try a reboot19:11
ubottunitroh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:11
jribnitroh: you can login as your regular user using "su - REGULAR_USER_HERE"19:12
KBentley57hey guys, does "glibc2" go by any other package name?  I'm trying to install it without compiling from source19:12
nitrohjrib, says operationg not permitted19:12
jribKBentley57: why do you want it?19:12
jribnitroh: what did you type exactly?19:12
nitrohsu nitro19:12
KBentley57jrib, I'm trying to install LabVIEW, and it requires it19:12
nitrohsu -nitro19:12
jribnitroh: this is not what I said19:12
jribKBentley57: are you compiling labview?19:13
vampirna1aI have a quick question: I am in the process of moving all my music and media from a NTFS hardisk to an ext4 hardisk. The new media will be hosted on my ubuntu server. Should I do anything about the filenames because in Windows they had spaces in them. Also should I remove executable on them and change permissions once they are moved?19:13
troulouliou_devHi i have configured ssmtp for my gmail account and now i m receiving lots of "good" emails from logwatch / anacron .... is it possible to chekc those mails on systems that do not have a smtp local proxy configured ?19:13
nitrohjrib, i've tried it every way, still says operation not permitted19:13
mcphailvampirna1a: not unless you want to19:13
jribnitroh: you don't need to try every way.  Try the way I said.19:14
KBentley57jrib, no, but the first thing I see after I run the install file says "WARNING!  You do not have glibc2 (libc.so.6) installed.19:14
KBentley57Because LabVIEW is a multi-threaded application and19:14
KBentley57requires POSIX 1003.1 pthread support, this library is19:14
KBentley57a prerequisite for installation.19:14
vampirna1amcphail: I mean i know that it will work as it is, but what is the correct way of proceeding?19:14
nitrohthey way you sais was "su -nitro19:14
Dshoestill no touchpad :(19:14
jribnitroh: "su - nitro"19:14
DshoeI really don't wanna have to reinstall ubuntu =/19:14
nitrohjrib, still not permitted.19:14
duncan-nzAnyone know how to dusable ATK / Assistive technology?19:15
mcphailvampirna1a: change permissions if you need to restrict or permit access. Otherwise ignore and be happy :)19:15
jribnitroh: hit ctrl-alt-f1 and login there19:15
vampirna1amcphail: okay, and about the x bit?19:15
MageofHopenobody gotten touchegg to work on Ubuntu 12.04? :c19:15
guntbertnitroh: no, if your linux account is nitroh , you have to type su - nitroh   (mind the blanks around - )19:15
jribnitroh: ctrl-alt-f7 will bring you back to the guest account you're in now19:15
Loungewhy is 12.04's network-manager ignoring /etc/network/interfaces?19:15
mcphailvampirna1a: makes no real difference in this context19:15
jribKBentley57: is it a 32bit app perhaps?19:15
vampirna1amcphail: okay thank you :)19:15
L3topSorry john84848, a lot going on here. Again, I believe that your nics are reversed. I was trying to get you to look at your HW MAC address and compare it against the udev/rules.d file to confirm that. The interfaces file draws its information from THAT. Set eth1 to look exactly the same as eth1, reload the network, and ping again. I bet you will have internet, and I bet route will return eth119:15
KBentley57jrib,  I'm not positive, but being a very scientific app I highly doubt it19:16
jribKBentley57: check?19:16
L3topjohn84848: or plug your internet into what you think is eth1 and reload network... same diff19:16
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KBentley57jrib, checking19:16
L3topjohn84848: typo...  Set eth1 to look exactly the same as eth019:17
LuiXhi! what could make the enhanced zoom functionality to suddenly stop working? my keyboard shortcut is ctrl + alt + mousewheel (b4 and b5)?19:17
three18tiI don;t understand, I installed a binary perl package, but when I go to import it it says that I don't have the package.  Any ideas?  `apt-get install libnet-ssh-perl; perl -MNet::SSH::Perl -e 1; Can't locate Net/SSH/Perl.pm in @INC"19:18
cndivWhere is xorg.conf in 12.04? I'm trying to follow instructions to fix my trackpad issue but can't find that file.19:19
mcphailKBentley57: friendly advice - do _not_ start mucking around with glibc and expect your system to work19:19
KBentley57mcphail, I've been reading up and expected as much19:19
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john84848L3top: I plugged the cable into eth1 and reloaded with network restart, the problem is still the same.19:19
ironhalikcndiv: its not there by default - you can create it, place some stuff there and it will override the defaults19:19
ironhalikcndiv: and its /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:20
cndivjust create a new file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and type in what I need to be there?19:20
jribthree18ti: maybe drop the ::Perl (note: I know little about perl)19:20
AnsiktI set up NFS via this manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo19:20
ironhalikbut it needs to be properly formatted ofcourse19:20
AnsiktWhen I mount my NFS share, It will only show me the share's folder, and not its content19:21
cndivI suppose I need to add the entire section, not just the lines I'm trying to fix19:21
AnsiktAll users have read permissions19:21
cndivso in this example: http://en.ixavi.com/2011/11/fix-touchpad-behavior-in-macbook-air.html19:21
AnsiktAny suggestions?19:21
guntbert!enter | Ansikt19:21
ubottuAnsikt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:21
cndivI need to start with the line Section "InputClass" and end with the line EndSection19:21
esagHi I have a problem wiht Ubuntu on Dell PowerEdge T110 after grub the system no restore19:21
KBentley57jrib, damn, looks like it is a 32 bit program.19:22
KBentley57jrib, good call19:22
nitrohjrib, let me get to it that way. tried installing the fusion icon, still didn't work. don't know what to change from there19:22
jribKBentley57: try installing libc6:i386 using apt-get19:22
mcphailKBentley57: that'll be an easy enough fix19:22
three18tijrib, thanks there is another library called Net::SSH (very confusing with all the similar names) so I wonder if libnetssh-perl is Net::SSH or Net::SSH::Perl, thanks for the tip.19:22
ironhalikcndiv: if you paste the whole section into an empty exorg.conf file, it should work19:22
cndivok I'll give that a try, thanks for your help19:23
jribthree18ti: dpkg -L libnet-ssh-perl  just showed /usr/share/perl5/Net/SSH.pm getting installed19:23
L3topjohn84848: is this an ipv6 network19:23
deepspeedWhere can I get help with audio recording?19:23
jribthree18ti: and first line in there seems to be "package Net::SSH;19:24
mcphaildeepspeed: just ask your question. If anyone knows thew answer they will help19:24
KBentley57jrib, mcphail, thanks for the tip.  grabbing them as we speak.  I suppose that since it is a 32 bit program, I need the 32 bit c std library for it to work with?19:24
deepspeeddoes anyone know anything about the line6-usb-source package?19:24
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deepspeedI have a pocket pod, and have the package installed, but plugging it in via usb does nothing, and I don't know how to use it.19:24
mcphailKBentley57: yep. That used to be solved by installing the ia32-libs but I think there is a new way. My 64-bit machine is still on 10.0419:25
jribmcphail, KBentley57: think you can install libc6:i386 now (not sure either)19:25
L3topjohn84848: replace your /etc/network/interfaces file with this. http://pastebin.com/da0M8Nnv   then echo > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules     then reboot.19:26
mcphailKBentley57: might be worthwhile looking up this new "multiarch" thing19:26
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three18tijrib, awesome, thanks, learned something new about dpkg today.19:26
KBentley57jrib, mcphail, i grabbed libc6-i386 and libc6-i386-dev, but it's still griping about libc.so.6 (glibc2)19:26
jribL3top: you're purposely erasing that .rules file?19:26
L3topjohn84848: you can change the eth1 address later. Lets get it up.19:26
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john84848L3top: no it's not an ipv6 network.19:27
L3topjrib: perhaps it should just be moved... it will be regenerated... but you are correct john84848 do not erase it.19:27
jribKBentley57: not sure that's the same.  use the :19:27
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KBentley57jrib, i think it is, but I'll fire up synaptic and check it out19:27
Edge1981Hi, any XMBCBuntu users here? I am trying to find a way to get an irc bot running in the background..19:27
Dshoehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/153789/syanptics-touchpad-wont-re-enable Help me out if you can :(19:28
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nitrohjrib, hey look i can get back now too. lol. anyway of fixing or resetting the compiz config/19:28
L3topjohn84848: mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net-rules /home/$USER/Documents  or wherever you like.19:28
jribnitroh: I would start by renaming ~/.config/ and ~/.gconf/19:28
KBentley57jrib, you're right, there are two different packages.  Any idea on the difference?19:29
jribKBentley57: no19:29
jribKBentley57: :)19:29
nitrohjrib, where are those found?19:29
jribnitroh: ~ means your home direcotry19:29
L3topjohn84848: to be clear, if that file does not exist when you boot, it will be regenerated by udev.19:29
cufafhii all19:30
john84848L3top: once again let me emphatize a few things: 1. the computer is new, so maybe it's a driver problem. I actually have eth1 that says 'not managed' in the network manager. 2. The two NICs are using the same subnetwork, that seems highly unusual.  3. I get a weird message when I type /etc/init.d/network restart: "RTNETLINK answers: file already exists"19:30
cufafi have a problem who can help me an private message.19:30
jrib!ask | cufaf19:30
ubottucufaf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
KBentley57jrib, then there is this monster: libc6-dev-amd64:i38619:31
jribKBentley57: nice19:31
cufafubottu,  :) i must say first it. my english is so bad. and ubuntu.tr channel not answer my qouestion19:31
guntbertcufaf: support is in the channel - not private19:32
jribKBentley57: I guess that's for compiling for other arches than your current one19:32
nitrohjrib, ok one more stupid one. how to rename a file. I don't see a .gconfig file in the home directory. did you mean .gconf?19:32
KBentley57jrib, I have libc6:i386 installed, the description for the other is "Contains the symlinks and object files needed to compile and link programs19:32
KBentley57which use the standard C library. This is the 64bit version of the19:32
KBentley57library, meant for AMD64 systems."19:32
Dshoethis is driving me nuts...19:32
DshoeI definitely need my touchpad19:32
Dshoeno terminal commands seem to work either19:32
jribnitroh: I meant .gconf yes.  You can rename a file by doing: mv ORIGINAL NEW_NAME19:32
nitrohjrib, thank you one moment please19:33
john84848_got kicked out again. Sorry.19:33
three18tifor anyone who cares, the solution is to use Net::OpenSSH  instead of Net::SSH::Perl (N::S::P is really for winblows)19:33
takis_GRi have boot with live-cd and try to use fsch -f /dev/sda. i have message Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?19:34
nitrohjrib, i'm assuming my renaming those it's going to try and rebuild those agian?19:34
L3topjohn84848_: tc qdisc del dev eth0 root > /dev/null 2>&119:34
llutztakis_GR: so  "sudo fsck  /dev/sda1"19:34
jribnitroh: it will just use defaults19:34
nitrohjrib, thank you. see what happens brb19:35
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john84848_L3top: what does that do ?19:35
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L3topjohn84848_: it deletes your q_disc. You have a queing dicipline already assigned to the nic.19:36
L3topjohn84848_: this is likely the source of the problem. A new one will be assigned on network reset/boot19:36
Yoshi2889Hey :)19:37
L3topjohn84848_: lastly... if you have overwritten your eth0 entry in interfaces, you should not HAVE a subnet to be shared.19:37
takis_GRfsck give the same message Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?19:37
llutztakis_GR:   "sudo umount /dev/sda* ; sudo swapoff -a; sudo fsck  /dev/sda1"19:38
john84848_I executed that line and restarted the network. I still got the "RTNETLINK answers file exists" message19:39
john84848_and it's still not working19:39
john84848_How do you mean I should not have a subnet to be shared ?19:40
zizooOk, I have wget downloading more from the site now after adding all the post data I got from httpfox, but now it's sending me to "nocookies.html" when I open the index.19:40
luciieI'm on Windows19:40
luciieand I like it19:40
BluesKaj_deepspeed, http://sourceforge.net/projects/line6linux/support19:40
luciieProblems archimede è_é µ?19:40
ironhalikluciie: Were glad you do19:40
L3topYour subnet is not set, nor is it being assigned. How can it be shared john84848_?19:41
guntbertluciie: and that has exactly nothig to do with ubuntu support19:41
john84848_when I type ifconfig, I get 192.168.0.x for the two interfaces. eth0 is the one we've been working on, but eth1 has remained with the same IP address throughout (and despite the fact that no wire is connected to eth1). Also, when I ping something, I get an icmp answer from the IP that corresponds to eth119:41
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daniellhey all19:41
zizooCan I specify a cookies file or something when I open the index I get out of wget?19:41
llutzjohn84848_: sudo ifdown eth119:42
john84848_Is it normal that I get an icmp from an IP that corresponds to a NIC that is not even wired to anything ??19:42
D[4]niis there any way to send a notification that will show up in the top right of my screen from a bash script?19:42
daniellI have  a clean install of Ubuntu and when I upgraded Video drivers to the ATI drivers, I lost the ability to have two monitors as anything other than mirrored.. can anyone help?19:42
tomas_Anyone know how I can remove the window replacement shortcut keys? I don't want to use CTRL+ALT+Numpad for position a window at all. Using them in different programs.19:42
TheM4ch1n3D[4]ni: wall ?19:42
jribD[4]ni: use libnotify-bin19:43
skierpagezizoo, possibly. In curl it's easier to store and replay cookies.19:43
nitrohjrib, it didn't work, didn't add the config files back either19:43
jribnitroh: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors19:43
D[4]nijrib: from a bash script?19:43
tdnOk. So I have a 3TB Seagate GoFlex drive attached to USB 3.0 port on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. When I boot the computer after a poweroff, it come up just fine, however, if I then reboot, the USB disk does not show up in /dev nor does it show up in fdisk -l. It does show up af reboot on a Debian Squeeze server with USB 2 port. How do I make the drive "reconnect" on reboot?19:43
tdnI can see the drive after reboot on lsusb and usb-devices. Output is here: http://paste.adora.dk/P2431.html19:43
skierpagezizoo, wget --load-cookies=FILE and --save-cookies=FILE and --keep-session-cookies19:44
miss_ubuntu_hello in ubuntu youtube and other tube sites audio comes with cracks . it works fine in windows , same behaviour in firefox and chrome19:44
tdnSo I guess I have to send some kind of USB "wake up" command or something?19:44
soawesomejohnAnyone familiar with daemontools? It looks like the package hasn't been available since Oneiric. Ultimately hoping to get dbndns/djbdns installed via package19:44
L3topI don't know what is going on, or what you have done john84848_. Without the ability to copy/paste I am just taking shots in the dark. Is it possible you can copy all of these files, and the output of some commands, and whatever you are seeing to indicate that you are sharing a subnet, and drop them to a text file on the thumb drive and pastebin the whole thing?19:45
guntbert!iso | soawesomejohn19:45
ubottusoawesomejohn: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:45
tdhz77I get buffering when trying to stream a hd video from another computer. Is it the computer that its streaming from or the computer im streaming too which is causing the bottleneck/19:45
jrib!info daemontools | soawesomejohn19:45
ubottusoawesomejohn: daemontools (source: daemontools): a collection of tools for managing UNIX services. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.76-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 71 kB, installed size 396 kB19:45
nitrohjrib, i can't get into it to type it out19:46
john84848_llutz: thank you very much !!19:46
john84848_L3top: well there it is, I just had to type sudo ifdown eth1. I understand now. What I don't understand is why it got up in the first place, even though no wire got plugged into it ? And is there no risk that it will automatically try to get back up, whether after a time elpase or at boot time, for example ?19:46
skierpagezizoo, with curl the equivalent is curl --cookie-jar FILE19:46
jribnitroh: I don't know what you mean19:46
llutzjohn84848_: remove the "auto eth1" from /e/n/interfaces if its not connected19:46
armlesshobojohn84848_: you can bring it up, regardless I believe19:46
john84848_I did19:46
nitrohjrib, when i try to open up the .xsession-errors there isn't a program in term that will allow me to do that19:46
john84848_armlesshobo: what do you mean ?19:46
llutzjohn84848_: "auto eth1" tells the system to bring it up19:47
jrib!pastebinit | nitroh19:47
ubottunitroh: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:47
armlesshobojohn84848_: this isn't windows. it won't just turn on and off if and when it's plugged in19:47
soawesomejohnjrib, I've installed daemontools and daemontools-run in previous version (lucid) but there is no release candidate in oneiric or precise19:47
llutzjohn84848_: man 5 interfaces, read about allow-hotplug etc.19:47
armlesshobojohn84848_: it will still make those calls, but you won't get what you need from it19:47
armlesshobojohn84848_: what llutz said19:47
guntbertsoawesomejohn: you really don't need them19:47
armlesshobojohn84848_: i highly recommend it19:48
john84848_I certainly will19:48
john84848_but I feel that my problem is still not fixed but rather just hidden19:48
Dshoewell my touchpad works in guest mode19:48
Dshoebut not my account =/19:48
john84848_because I should be able to have both interfaces up without them causing each other any problem19:49
D[4]nijrib: is there any way to set a caption? notify-send -a doesn't do that19:49
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jribD[4]ni: uh, man page just says you can set summary and body19:49
john84848_should I just set eth1 to use a different subnet? and if so, which one? I've only been used to 192.168.0.x19:49
soawesomejohnguntbert: I do for djbnds19:49
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llutzjohn84848_: you can, but not when just setting both to "auto". it needs a bit more fintuning19:49
armlesshobojohn84848_: set it to what you want, just make sure you keep it consistent and organized19:49
llutzjohn84848_: you should explain what your final goal is19:50
john84848_well my final goal is just to access the internet lol19:50
john84848_but in a persistant way, not something that goes on and off whenever it pleases19:50
llutzjohn84848_: you don't really expect help, don't you?19:50
guntbertsoawesomejohn: no idea what that is, but you can mount isos right away19:50
zizooskierpage: Ok, I tried curl, but I'm not sure what I need it for in this case or what it's doing. It just printed some html code out of my file.... Right now I'm trying to mirror an https website, and I sent it all the post data I found from logging in with httpfox on, but now chrome sends me to nocookies.html and firefox sends me to the actual website when I open my file.19:51
D[4]nijrib: the manpage doesn't even mention -a, but --help does - what does that parameter actually do?19:51
llutzjohn84848_: 2 nic, 1 not connected. so what do you want to acheive?19:51
armlesshobojohn84848_: so you want to manually control your connection?19:51
nitrohjrib, sorry it took so long had to install it. LOL http://paste.ubuntu.com/105147719:51
jribD[4]ni: don't know19:51
soawesomejohnguntbert, daemontools has nothing to do with iso images, actually19:51
zizoo(where nocookies.html gives 404)19:51
AlexzAKHi all. Please help me to test my bash/readline patch from the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/readline6/+bug/101574419:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015744 in readline6 (Ubuntu) "Bash history navigation keys should be enabled in the config" [Undecided,New]19:51
ubottuStewe82: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:52
soawesomejohndjbdns is a dns server (like Bind)19:52
john84848_I see what you mean. let me think about what I want, you're confusing me :)19:52
soawesomejohni'm going to try installing by the .deb packages directly19:52
jribnitroh: try renaming ~/.compiz19:52
nitrohjrib, ok one sec19:52
guntbertsoawesomejohn: then I'm greatly mistaken, I thought you were talking about an app under that name (needed under windows for mounting isos)19:52
john84848_hmm I think the first thing I want is to be able to keep using eth0, without ever losing the internet again due to a collision with eth1. But that's not ever going to happen again since eth1 is not set to 'auto', right ?19:53
miss_ubuntu_any1  in ubuntu youtube and other tube sites audio comes with cracks . it works fine in windows , same behaviour in firefox and chrome19:53
zizooskierpage: Looking more up on curl now... did you mean for me to be using curl instead of wget?19:53
llutzjohn84848_: eth1 is connected to a router/modem? where is eth1 connected to (if its connected at all)?19:53
nascentmindHi. I am trying to initiate bluetooth pairing using bluez-simple-agent but it doesn't prompt for a pin. How can I fix this?19:54
llutzjohn84848_: eth0 is connected to a router/modem? where is eth1 connected to (if its connected at all)?19:54
nitrohjrib, i on;y have ~/.compiz-1 should i find the .compiz?19:54
BluesKaj_miss_ubuntu_, cracks ..pls explain19:54
soawesomejohnguntbert, no problem. I'm just checking to see if anyone has run into this issue before19:55
miss_ubuntu_bluesKal_ thanks for reply , cracks means voice comes for 1/3 of secound then silence  for 1/3 sec then comes for this time then silence for this time19:55
john84848_llutz: no eth1 is not connected at all at the moment. Only eth0 is.19:55
miss_ubuntu_if i play a video on disk it works fine19:55
soawesomejohnI plan to file a bug report with ubuntu, but I also am working on getting the packages installed by hand to see if they work19:55
llutzjohn84848_: so just remove all lines with eth1 from /e/n/interfaces and set eth1 up again, when you know what you want it to do19:56
wolfgangHow do i check my ip for running minecraft servers my port is already forwarded19:56
john84848_this whole 2 NICs thingy is new to me, the computer is brand new. Right now, I would just like to have a set up similar as the one I had with one single interface.19:56
skierpagezizoo, sounds like you're doing it right but you may have to send some special headers. (curl --dump-header HEADERFILE, then ?? to replay them), possibly User-Agent, etc. Maybe you're already doing that. But I've tried and failed to connect to sites using wget and curl. Good luck, gotta go.19:56
john84848_but I would also like to be able to use the second NIC later on, should I want to.19:56
wolfgangHow do i check my ip for running minecraft servers my port is already forwarded?19:56
llutzjohn84848_: you always can use as many NICs as you want, but it needs some configuration.19:57
armlesshobowolfgang: whatismyip.com19:57
lwizardlis there a proper guide for making a custom ubuntu livecd ?19:58
john84848_so what kind of configuration would I need to make it so that wherever I plug my ethernet cable (eth0 and eth1), I get the same static IP address ?19:58
wolfgangarmlesshobo, is that the correct one for a server?19:58
zizooThanks skierpage. ttyl19:58
miss_ubuntu_any1 ? youtube sound cracks on ubuntu  , cracks means voice comes for 1/3 of secound then silence  for 1/3 sec then comes for this time then silence for this time19:58
john84848_so what kind of configuration would I need to make it so that wherever I plug my ethernet cable (eth0 or* eth1), I get the same static IP address ?19:59
daniellOk I solved that problem, but I have one more if anyone can help that would be great19:59
armlesshobowolfgang: if the server is on your network yes19:59
armlesshobowolfgang: that's what other people need to use to connect to your server20:00
daniellI need to set up a gui access to a remote server, but I need to log on to that server and then elevate my privs is that possible?20:00
BluesKaj_john84848_, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/20:00
armlesshobowolfgang: if you need the local IP of your server, then you would type ifconfig <interface> to see what the local IP is20:00
nitrohjrib, i'm unable to find /.compiz20:00
llutzjohn84848_: man 5 interfaces, read about allow-hotplug etc.20:02
BluesKaj_john84848_,this one is better http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html20:02
daniellI basically want to be able to access files on my server from geany like I do on my fedora install any idea?20:04
drPoodaniell, perhaps you should look into adding yourself to an "admin" group on your server20:05
daniellyeah I cannot do that...20:05
drPoodaniell, you do not have admin privileges on the server?20:05
daniellthat's what I wanted to do... but is a virtual shared environment, so while I have su access I do not have access to a lot things Ineed20:05
daniellis there a way to link the server is nautus and have it run a command after loggin?20:07
drPoodaniell, no20:07
zykotick9drPoo: just FYI, but with 12.04, the "sudo" group replaced the old "admin" group for default access to sudo20:08
drPoodaniell, are you trying to write to a particular directory?20:08
drPoozykotick9, thnx! I did not know that. Does that mean that the "admin" group is no more??20:08
zykotick9drPoo: i believe it's still there??? sorry i'm not sure however.20:09
Jordan_Uskierpage: Did you try burning the +mac iso to a CD?20:10
Guest56763I know linux was created off of the minux kernel or at least the ideas in it but I am curious did minux have any off shoots as time went on or is it just minux version 1 ,2 ,...etc . I know linux has 100's of different distro's ... just curious20:12
ubottuwineez: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:12
_johnnyanyone used afp sharing with netatalk?20:13
llutzGuest56763: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MINIX20:13
tdhz77how would I search for folder names that end in a ~ ?20:14
nitrohjrib, you still here?20:14
LordMaelhmmm anyone been having any issues with X crashing after the latest updates?20:15
LordMaeli'm getting a segfault as seen here: http://pastebin.com/PQAJ98xk20:15
llutztdhz77: find path -type d  -iname '*~'20:15
freedomrun_hello .. how can I add Horizontal divider in app quicklist?20:15
daniellmy accoutn is a member of wheel, apache and root, but I still can only read files20:16
daniellthat are owned by apache20:16
tdhz77llutz thank you20:16
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hattorihanzowhat does tmux offer over screen20:18
hattorihanzowhy did ubuntuy 12.4 switch to tmux.. its breaking putty20:18
mcphailhattorihanzo: i'm using screen in 12.04 right now20:19
llutzhattorihanzo: you don't like it? don't use it20:19
nitrohwhat is the command in terminal to move a folder?20:21
Jordan_Unitroh: mv source destination20:21
Guest56763ya, I know that stuff on minux but what I wanted to know is if anybody has built distro's off of minux kernel different then minux itself. For example linux kernel has knoppix , ubuntu , debian , gentoo ,arch ,...and many more I was wondering if minux had a distro chart or if it is just minux and not to much current development for it20:23
ikoniaGuest56763: how is this an ubuntu question ?20:23
llutz!ot | Guest56763 its MINIX and offtopic here20:23
ubottuGuest56763 its MINIX and offtopic here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:23
fredlbIs there anyway to decrease the "Disable touchpad while typing" delay in Xubuntu 12.04? Default is really long (like 2s).20:26
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Ansiktwhat time servers does ubuntu use?  I want to sync my arch box to my ubuntu one?20:27
ikoniaAnsikt: look in the ntp.conf20:27
Ansiktoh derp20:27
ikoniacomputercenter_: can we help you ?20:29
computercenter_now no , mypay leter :)20:30
skierpageJordanU, yes I burned kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso , booted with that and booted with that plus USB flash drive. All failed :-( I posted to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1204265920:31
Ansiktikonia:  Where is ntp.conf?  I checked / with find, saw nothing.20:31
kimphillis it just me or does http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ look like crap?20:31
ikoniaAnsikt: 1.) are you using ntpd ? 2.) look in /etc 3.) read https://help.ubuntu.com to understand the basics of using linux, if you're using archlinux I expect to not have to spoon feed20:32
skierpageJordan_U, sorry, responded to JordanU. I've given up on dualboot for now, going the VirtualBox in Mac OS X route.20:32
Ansiktikonia:  right.  Checked /etc/ntp.conf first.  Came here, you told me to check ntp.conf.  Ran "find / -mount | grep -i ntp.conf"  Got nothing.20:33
tdhz77I'm only transfering through samba at 1.5 mb/s is this normal?20:34
ikoniaAnsikt why are you asking where ntp.conf is if you know (you've already checked it) /etc/ntp.conf20:34
ikoniaAnsikt: also what the devil is that find command ?20:34
ikoniaAnsikt: that won't do anything20:34
Ansiktikonia:  "# cat /etc/ntp.conf:  cat: /etc/ntp.conf: No such file or directory"20:35
ikoniaAnsikt: from the documentation I'm reading (I pointed you at it a few minutes ago) it shows that ubuntu is using cron with ntpdate so check the daily crontab20:35
LordMaelhmmm anyone been having any issues with X crashing after the latest updates?20:35
LordMaeli'm getting a segfault as seen here: http://pastebin.com/PQAJ98xk20:35
JoFo_When I used Windows, I have sometimes made images of audio CDs with clone CD. Those weren’t ISO images, but 3 files were created from which it was possible to burn copies of the original audio CD. Is there a similar tool for Linux ?20:35
LordMaelcan't seem to find anything useful online yet20:36
ikoniaxissburg: what do you want us to do with that20:36
ikoniaxissburg: it's pretty rude to just join a channel and throw out a URL if you're expecting help20:36
xissburglol, it seems lots of people are facing that weird issue. Stuck mouse cursor20:37
rinzlerHow do I set my static inet6 address via the terminal?20:37
ikoniaxissburg: no idea, not read your post,20:37
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skierpageJoFo, there are lots of CD burning tools for Ubuntu. I use k3b on Kubuntu, but e.g. http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/03/9-good-cd-and-dvd-burning-tools-for.html . You probably already have one.20:38
MonkeyDustJoFo_  what do you want to do with copied audio CDs?20:38
imbezoli have a program that i need to run and grab some output from. fun part is that it core dumps every time it runs. is it possible to strip off the coredump info so it's not displayed?20:38
Ansiktikonia:  Thanks.  Also, what's wrong with my find command?20:38
ikoniaAnsikt: it seems terrible syntax20:38
Ansiktikonia:  Something always rubbed me wrong about the --name flag :P20:39
ikoniaAnsikt: .....right, whatever20:39
slackinWhat a beautifully rainy day!20:41
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JoFo_<MonkeyDust> JoFo_  what do you want to do with copied audio CDs? ← That’s quite simple. I’d like to make security copies of some of my 800 CD. I’d also like to burn a few copies I have on a USB hard drive. These were made with Clone CD on Windows XP.20:45
skierpageAnsikt, if you're trying to locate a file, you could try `locate ntp.conf` or `locate /ntp.`, assuming your computer indexes your files with updatedb(8) it's really fast.20:45
AnsiktJoFo_:  Do you have a reason not to want ISOs?  gddrescue might be what you're looking for, if ISOs are okay.20:47
AnsiktAlso, what are the 'three files' that Clone CD made?20:47
ironmhello. Does anyone run interface bonding (LinkAggregation) with ubuntu 12.04 and two switches? (every nic is connected to different switch of the switch cluster)20:48
ironmdoes mode=0 work for two different switches?20:49
ikoniaI have done in the past with 10.0420:49
ikoniaironm: it will work but you have to have switches that support certain parameters20:49
ironmikonia, thank you. can you remember what mode have you used?20:50
malik_hi all can anyone help me please on installing ATI Radeon 9600 Drivers on ubuntu 11.04?20:50
ikoniaironm: I cannot remember modes on the switches, I had problems with certain cisco's until I set the correct trunking modes20:50
ironmikonia, extreme20:50
ikoniaironm: the machine mode=0 works fine, but you have to have the correct trunking options on the switch20:50
ironmikonia, I see .. thank you very much20:50
ikoniaironm: I'm sorry I can't remember the options for the switches20:50
ikoniaironm: a solid networking guy should be able to research them if you ask him to confirm the trunking modes available on the switch20:51
JoFo_<Ansikt> JoFo_:  Do you have a reason not to want ISOs?  gddrescue might be what you're looking for, if ISOs are okay. ← I tried ISO before but it seems that doesn’t work with Audio CDs. And the copies I have, which were made with Clone CD, are not ISO files.20:51
ironmikonia, yes. thanks a lot20:51
arusseldo I just need to put a script in /etc/cron.daily for it to be executed daily ?20:52
AnsiktJoFo_:  If they're just audio cds, why not use sound juicer?20:53
arusseli'm surprised that none of them ends with .sh20:53
ikoniaironm: from memory the mode on the swtich is different if you are using 3+ switches as opposed to two20:53
JoFo_<Ansikt> JoFo_:  If they're just audio cds, why not use sound juicer? ← Is it compatible with Clone CD’s files?20:53
ironmikonia, there is 802.3ad option ... I have to play with it20:54
ironmikonia, I would use however only two switches in one switch-cluster20:54
ikoniaironm: it's a lot more simple with 2 switches as I recall20:54
ikoniaironm: the switch mode was quite obvious, it got a bit more complex with 3+20:54
ironmikonia, 3+ siwtches in one siwtch-cluster?20:55
ikoniaironm: yes20:55
ironmikonia, may I ask what maker? .. cisco or extreme ?20:55
ikoniaironm: we had 4 interfaces going to 3 switches, 2 active one in a standby (from memory)20:55
skierpageAnsikt, JoFo, correct an ISO cd image is only data, not an Audio CD.20:56
ikoniait was Cisco as I recall on that setup20:56
malik_hi all can anyone help me please on installing ATI Radeon 9600 Drivers on ubuntu 11.04?20:56
mirakI am looking for a filemanager that can queue file copy operations20:57
AnsiktJoFo_:  I don't know what files Clone CD spit out.  If you're trying to copy from the audio cd, though it should be fairly agnostic, and so any "audio cd ripping" software should do the trick.20:58
glitsj16arussel: indeed, any shell script you place there gets run once a day at the moment mentioned in /etc/crontab (look for the .. run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily line) .. and there's actually no need for the .sh extension, the shebang takes care of that20:59
JoFo_Ansikt:  .ccd, .cue and, IIRC, .sub (or .img? I’m looking for the copies to burn.)21:00
MonkeyDustmirak  i guess nautilus does what you mean, i sometimes copy multiple large files over ssh and a small queue window pops up21:00
hattorihanzollutz: its not a matter of not liking it... i love it... but its broken in 12.421:00
mirakMonkeyDust, but they write simultanously21:00
mirakMonkeyDust, at least for HD copy21:01
AnsiktJoFo:  Try a ripping solution.  There might even be a cd ripping plugin for your audioplayer.21:01
tdhz77I'm getting slow samba speeds. Any suggestions?21:03
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
Ansiktmirak:  None that I know of.   && in command line is the closest I can think of.21:04
UndiFineDtdhz77, faster network, raid harddisks, http / ftp / nfs21:04
mirakAnsikt, i just found Ultracopier21:04
Ansikttdhz77, UndiFineD:  Avoid ftp like the plague.  Use scp if you'd otherwise use ftp.21:05
UndiFineDAnsikt, well you can use ftp over ssl, but most often samba is for lan use, so why no ftp too21:06
AnsiktUndiFineD:  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie21:07
skierpageI'm installing (K)ubuntu 12.04 in a VirtualBox VM for MacOS.  Does it matter if I use the amd64 or "64-bit Mac" amd64+mac .iso?21:08
AnsiktWhen I use ftp, more often then not I get file corruption and poor speeds.21:08
ikoniaskierpage: you should not use the mac version21:08
UndiFineDAnsikt, this came out today: http://www.howtoforge.com/setting-up-vsftpd-tls-on-debian-squeeze21:09
ikoniaAnsikt: I'd stay clear of howtoforge if possible21:09
UndiFineDikonia, ?21:09
AnsiktUndiFineD:  My biggest problem isn't the security (I mean, sftp pretty much solves that), it's the corruption.21:11
ikoniacorruption ?21:11
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Ansiktskierpage:  You should probably use 32-bit too, unless you plan on allocating a whole lot of memory to your vm.21:11
zizooOk, copying a form authenticated page with wget. Used a firefox add-on to save cookies, and now it's downloading something, but there's no obvious file to open to see the mirrored page. What do I do?21:12
Ansiktikonia:  File corruption.  Bad md5sums and the like.21:12
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ikoniaAnsikt: that is nothing to do with "ftp" although there is a lack of checksumming post transit21:12
ikoniaAnsikt: that will be your network having a problem21:12
ikoniaAnsikt: fix that rather than masking the problem21:12
UndiFineDikonia, why avoid howtoforge ?21:15
ikoniaUndiFineD: I find the quality very poor and genric21:16
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
* L3top seconds that21:17
ubuntu_64bit.hi all21:17
ubuntu_64bit.hi all21:17
Ansiktikonia:  All I know is that copying stuff from ftp mirrors ends up with more invalid files than when I use http **shrug** but diffferent strokes, I suppose.21:17
UndiFineDikonia, I think it is a great resource for getting things done, ofcourse people should read up on the tools and learn before you do21:17
L3topSometimes correct, often times poor, sometimes WRONG advice.21:17
ikoniaAnsikt: I'd be very concerned about your network then21:17
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stripperhi all of you21:20
zizooI think I realize my problem here. I'm trying to use wget to download dynamic content from a site (specifically my class's blackboard page). Still looking around for information on getting dynamic content, but having trouble.21:21
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wolfgangHow do i delte an aplicsation?21:21
strippermtenga vp mambo21:22
usr13wolfgang: sudo apt-get remove application21:22
stripperwolfgang,  mtenga vp mambo21:22
usr13wolfgang: Or just use the GUI package manager.21:22
jagginessusr13: (apt-get remove <packagename>)21:22
skierpagewolfgang, Ubuntu Software center is probably your GUI, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/addremove-remove.html21:22
jagginessdpkg -S `which application-bin` can give the name of the package..21:23
usr13jagginess: yes21:23
jagginesszizoo: that download session may be javascripted, or require the use of webbrowser cookie.. ypu21:24
jagginesszizoo: you'll have to use curl to do that (i dont think wget can use webbrowser cookies)21:25
jagginesszizoo: (am not sure if curl can handle javascript however)21:25
jagginesszizoo: if you're using a terminal, the text browser w3m may be able to do it..21:26
majnoonok here what wondering how do i get all the info stuff back on the boot ??21:26
_ravenhow to run skype two times on the same system? any kind of "run as $user" possible?21:26
usr13_raven: Why would you want to run two instances of skype under the same  user?21:27
jagginessmaybe he has a multseat station (2 users, 2 monitors.. to the same system-- different audio headsets)21:28
usr13_raven: Maybe you should explain what it is you really want to do.21:28
usr13jagginess: Well certainly, different users will be able to run it.21:28
zizooHrm, yes, I'm using a terminal jagginess. Though I am able to import browser cookies by text file. You mean the program has to maintain its own cookies as it runs through the page, and that wget can't do that, huh?21:29
KorvinSzanto"the vpn service failed to start"?21:29
zizoow3m can do that?21:29
KorvinSzantowhat would cause the vpn server to fail to start21:29
jagginessusr13: (multiseat means two simultaneously users to the same system)21:29
jagginesszizoo: ..21:30
jagginesszizoo: cookies expire..21:30
jagginesszizoo: modern webbrowsers keep a session tracker called cookies.. (some cheap textual clients dont).. they're dynamically created and sometimes left behind to be re-used.. but often they expire21:31
melow01I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows XP won't boot due to a hal.dll issue (Yes, I googled it)21:31
ikoniamelow01: the guys in ##windows can help you with that21:32
melow01ikonia, ok21:32
jagginesszizoo: manpage w3m .. it probably uses cookies.. and you wouldnt need to use special -parameters to the w3m binary.. (or see the option settings)21:32
majnoonok here what wondering how do i get all the info stuff back on the boot ??21:33
melow01ikonia, the windows irc channel supports ubuntu?21:33
nuno_nunesI need help, i need to create pen drive install of windows on the linux this app21:33
ikoniamelow01: no, the ##windows channel supports windows, which is where your problem is21:33
cry0I have, what may be a wild good chase question.  Back in my 5.04 days, I played around with an "AI" software that was just a blank chat window, and the bot just mimicked what you said until it started to get the grasp of sentence structure and such, and got the the point where it would carry full conversations.  It was like a 5 letter abbreviation and I havent been able to find it in any of the newer repos, anybody know what program I'm talking a21:34
zizoojagginess: Oh, I was just manually logging in with firefox and keeping the cookies to use with wget immediately. Afaik, they haven't expired.21:34
melow01ikonia, hmmm21:34
jagginessmelow01: use paragon's free rescue kit (you have to register -- its free and the download is free too).. you'll need to use the 'registry' c-letter drive mapping tool (the download is an iso you burn to cd--it's graphical and is very intuitive-- m$ installer cd/dvd or repair won't ever fix this drive-letter mapping in the registry)21:34
cry0Or just copy hal.dll from your windows disk to the C: drive21:34
Ansiktcry0:  Eliza?21:35
zizooIt starts downloading, and seems to finish, I just can't seem to find what file I need to open to see it! Though admittedly there's another problem, since it's only 1.9 MB, but that's a lot bigger than it was when it was having cookies problems.21:35
jagginesszizoo: well.. the cookie storage format may differ between browsers.. You never can import a cookie from one browser into another afaik..21:35
Loungei'd like to downgrade the network-manager in 12.04.. its seriously bugged out. where can i find a older version?21:35
tdhz77What version of samba is installed in ubuntu 12.04?21:35
jagginesszizoo: unless you show me a document.. I'd say you're acting like an assclown doing things you dont know what you're doing..21:35
melow01jagginess, thanks.21:35
auronandace!info samba | tdhz7721:35
ubottutdhz77: samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 (precise), package size 7812 kB, installed size 22371 kB21:35
skierpagejagginess, FYI wget has --load-cookies=FILE, --save-cookies=FILE, and --keep-session-cookies options, comparable to curl. Neither will execute JavaScript. If you can watch exactly what the browser is doing (I use Firebug), you can replay exactly its requests, but it's very very difficult.21:36
cry0Ansikt: I don't think so, I will take a look at that, but it was random 5 letters to my knowledge.  I know it goes way back, but it literally started with no intellegence, just mimicked, then slowly grew to be... actually quite good at insulting me back21:36
melow01jagginess, I'm wondering if I can use dd to backup the MBR, then use the XP rescue disc to fixmbr, then recover my original mbr and my ubuntu install?21:36
jagginessmelow01: the option to use the mapping-fixer is somewhere in one of the submenus.. This tool is in my gold cabinet to fix any windows boot up , from XP to Win7 (possibly even win8, because win2008r2 can be fixed too)21:37
ikoniamelow01: the mbr isn't the problem21:37
thepumpk_Hi. I just installed 12.04 Server and I'm unable to find dnsmasq.conf file. where is it?21:37
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melow01jagginess, cool, thanks21:38
jagginessmelow01: do these two things.. use the paragon cd. 1- keep grub, 2-fix the drive-letter mapping.. see if that works..21:38
melow01ikonia, thanks21:38
OerHeksthepumpkin,  /etc/dnsmasq.conf21:38
btorchis there  a channel for getting pbuilder help ?21:38
thepumpkinOerHeks: that file doesn't exists.21:39
thepumpkinOerHeks: should I create it?21:39
OerHeksthepumpkin, yes, it is optional.21:39
btorchtried that21:39
jagginessmelow01: if you see "unassigned" in the registry setting (paragon cd), then you change that to C, it should work afterwards..21:39
thepumpkinOerHeks: will try that, thanks.21:40
OerHeksthepumpkin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq21:40
zizoojagginess: How should I show you the document? It's 1.9 MB of it looks like mostly jsp files. I'm not -trying- to be stupid. It just looks like I got somewhere and I can't tell what to do with the results. ._.21:40
jagginesszizoo: they have facebook page they force you to join or something.. i dont know what they're doing now ..(go to the paragon company site)21:41
thepumpkinOerHeks: if I do sudo apt-get install dnsmasq then it won't start, port 53 is already being used by another process.21:41
induzcan u give me link for addind on sop-cast to vlcvlc21:41
jagginesszizoo: .jsp ? oh you're the cookie guy case :) lol21:41
skierpageikonia, FWIW VirtualBox booted off the amd64+mac CD (k)ubuntu image and is installing fine. AIUI, this +Mac image leaves off UEFI boot because it's incompatible with Mac EFI, but VBox by default does BIOS boot.21:41
jagginesszizoo: sounds like a server issue.. it doesnt like your browser's agent-string...21:42
ikoniaskierpage: I know it will boot fine, I didn't say it wouldn't it just has extra stuff in it which has the potential to cause a problem at install, especially on virtual hardware21:42
jagginesszizoo: because it should open up like a webpage (jsp mean javaservlet page-- sort of like .php that display html pages)21:42
castuI want to setup a LAMP box. with webmin. 12.x server work ok for this?21:42
ikoniacastu: don't use webmin21:42
ikoniacastu: webmin has been removed from the debian repos due to it's many security and support issues21:42
jagginesszizoo: you can try to impersonate a user-agent string if w3m allows you.. but this takes tinkering..21:43
castuikonia: ahh, thanks21:43
jagginesszizoo: just download it with firefox..21:43
auronandace!zentyal | castu21:43
ubottucastu: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).21:43
castuwow, thanks21:43
jagginesszizoo: if it fails with firefox, then i guess your teacher or whomever setup that website wants you to use iexplorer :/ (but smart people can sometimes get away with it, with the user-agent add-on for firefox to impersonate ms iexplorer)21:44
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zizooOk, I found an openable main file, but firefox spawns an error dialog: "Access to restricted URI denied", and the sidebar says loading continuously thereafter.21:44
zizooAnd ok.21:44
Loungecan cannon offer us a network downgrade package? this 12.04 nm is an absolute nightmare >.<21:44
jagginessLounge: cannon? huh?21:44
auronandacehe means canonical21:45
jagginessLounge: that's dirty lingo.. this is a volunteer community, and we're not paid to help.. if you want support you buy a subscription my friend..21:45
Lounge[facepalm] i mean ubuntu, can they realease a downgrade package?21:45
TheLordOfTimeLounge:  that doesnt usually work... the idea is you use the LiveCD before upgrading blindly21:45
TheLordOfTimeto make sure your system runs stuff21:45
OerHeksLounge, disable IPv6, worked for me to solve lots of issues.21:46
skierpageikonia, FYI according to this the amd64+mac images have *less* stuff in them.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image21:46
LoungeTheLordOfTime: ofcourse ive used the livecd, tested it out, but it's putting both ethernet cards on roam, i don't use wireless21:46
ikoniaskierpage: it's still specific stuff added for the mac hardware21:47
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Loungemy question is can i get the thing to read the /etc/network/interfaces without thinking everthing isn't managed?21:47
ikoniaskierpage: if you want to be specific it's less individual packages but targeted at th e mac platform21:47
ikoniaLounge you need to disable network manager21:47
cry0I can't find that AI software anywhere, almost like i was obliterated from history.  It wasn't eliza.21:47
ikoniaLounge: if you have interfaces file and network manager enabled it will cause a conflict21:47
zizoojagginess: downloading with firefox gives all the links and whatnot, but all links to non-webpages just lead back to the site. I only did this so I could quickly download all the hosted documents, etc. for Bb courses quickly, at will.21:48
tcialcry0: What are you looking for?21:48
zizoojagginess: Is there a way to force it to follow download links as well?21:48
Loungeikonia: if i remove network-manager will things start working?21:49
Loungei've got the resolv.conf set right, got 70-persistent-net.rules corrected21:49
cry0tcial: It's an AI program I used back in 5.04-5.10 days.  Basically was a blank chat screen that at first the AI just mimicked you, then started picking up and learning the order of responses, and eventually was pretty good at holding conversation.  No AIML or language programming, just type and it learned... sort of21:49
ikoniaLounge: you don't need to remove it, just disable it21:49
ikoniaLounge resolv.conf will want to use dns-masq in 12.0421:49
tcialcry0: That sounds great, if only I knew the name of it21:50
jagginesszizoo: what webbrpwser are ypu supposed to be using? (.jsp doesnt sound like a force to use iexplorer)-- as I said it sounds completely like a server issue..  ".jsp" is like ".php".. you don't download .php files nor the other..21:50
Loungeikonia: i've disabled the dnsmasq as i'm not using vpn21:50
Loungeplus i've notice a few websites i can't connect to anymore21:50
ikoniaLounge: then disabling network manager and configuring the interfaces file should do it21:50
Loungecan log into second life with this new network setup21:50
cry0tcial: Yeah, I'm starting to think I'm never going to find it.  I've googled for hours only to come up empty handed.21:50
induzwhen I try to launch sop-cast i get this :- sopcast-player:21:51
induz  Depends: vlc (>=1.1.0) but 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.6 is to be installed21:51
induz Depends: libvlc-dev but it is not going to be installed21:51
jagginessikonia: you have to configure networkmanager if you rather use ifupdown scripts to configure interfaces instead.. (sounds like you want network configuration sytstem wide in /etc)21:51
Loungeikonia: ok whats the best way to disable network-manager and that it doesn't do a check during boot up?21:51
jagginessLounge: ^21:51
tcialcry0: was it grubby?21:52
tcialNo it can't be21:52
Loungejagginess: it tends to complain about that being deprecated and such21:52
jagginessLounge: what is being deprecated?21:52
jagginessLounge: ifdownup ?21:53
Loungethe ifup ifdown21:53
cry0tcial: Sounds... I don't think thats it, but the name was like 4-5 letters, abbreviated something... and wasn't aiml or gaiml or anything like that21:53
zizoojagginess: It's always worked fine with firefox for normal browsing. I just want to force a crawl over the whole webpage and download all the notes for me. They are all hosted on the same server from what I can tell, but telling Firefox to download a webpage doesn't make it download non-web files, like .docx, etc.21:53
jagginessLounge: yes doesnt sound surprising to me.. but there should be someway to still do a setting system wide for networking.. (though not very well documented however).. perhaps something new with upstart is here in 12.04..21:53
eVCIhxwKRhey hey21:54
induzhow to install sopcst on VLC??21:54
jagginesszizoo: that's not really important.. by the time you figure out, there'll be new notes for the next big thing :)21:55
zizoojagginess: Yes, I could just download all the files manually, but this is a huge hassle to repeat for every course I ever take that uses Bb, so I wanted something more automatic. This is because, often as not, I want to refer back to notes later that I never needed during the course, or I lost my course folder but wanted to gather all the notes for later at the end of the semester.21:55
zizoojagginess: and the class I'm thinking about right now already hosts all notes for all assignments21:56
jagginesszizoo: i cant help with that.. there's a million factors affecting the way one can do this.. many many factors...21:56
Loungei'm a bit upset that the devs would mess up a really well functioning network system, it was working just fine for me in maverick21:56
ikoniaLounge: it works fine in 12.0421:57
vampirna1aDoes an ext4 partition need to be defragmentated?21:57
ikoniavampirna1a: no21:57
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Loungeikonia: er it doesn't21:57
Leif_BorkI have a serious problem21:58
jagginessvampirna1a: no.. you can defrag it every ten years if you wish :).. it's made to last well21:58
Leif_BorkI can't turn of my computer21:58
vampirna1aokay, even if you copy from two sources at the same time?21:58
Loungeat atleast for me, i can't network into my other tower with my 2nd ethernet, it thinks the 2nd ethernet is going out to the internet and not local network21:58
glitsj16zizoo: have you considered using a firefox addon like downthemall to automate downloading the notes? You can add custom filters .. http://www.downthemall.net/howto/features/21:58
nate__never mind I got my alsa sound working the problem was that I was using the xen instead of the base or regular choices on the menu :) cool I have no complainants about centos its nices21:58
Leif_Borkthere's a mount that hangs, ps gives this: 1199 ?        R    334:00 /bin/mount -o relatime,sync /dev/sda2 /media/usbhd-sda221:58
jagginessvampirna1a: it was more a deal in the msdos days.. when filesystems sucked.. no need to worry about this..21:59
MonkeyDustLeif_Bork  i had that too, do sudo shutdown -h now and the next time it will be okay21:59
ikoniaLounge the majority of users are having no problems21:59
Leif_BorkMonkeyDust: Thanks! =)21:59
jagginessLounge: you can roll your eyeballs and see where that wire ends up to :)21:59
vampirna1ajagginess: thanks :)22:00
aguiteli have this old card:Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics ,anyway to increase perfomance ?22:00
Loungeikonia: i'm not sure the majority of users run a second ethernet card to another tower via crossover cable. my network worked flawless in maverick now all the fuss about dns masqs22:00
zizooThanks glitsj16, looking into that now.22:00
ikoniaLounge I've had no issues with multiple network cards, I just set it up to work on my network22:00
jagginessLounge: majority users use one of those cheap linksys or dlink boxes..22:00
Jordan_Uvampirna1a: To signifigantly fragment ext4 you would almost need to be trying. You would need to be leaving very little space free *and* adding / deleting many small and large files.22:01
Loungejagginess: are you saying that i'll need a linksys to get things to work?22:01
tippeneinany help with ati driver ? ati radeon hd 7570. tried the installer from the website22:01
ikoniaLounge: cross over will work fine22:01
jagginessLounge: no.. I'm saying that's what newbs use.. but I don't even know if you're a newb ;-)22:01
tippeneinaticonfig --initial gives me "No supported adapters detected"22:02
Loungejagginess: i'm not a newb i'm just not a profesion IT network tech22:02
vampirna1aJordan_U: sounds good then :)22:02
Jordan_ULounge: I use network manager with another machine connected via crossover cable, and it's working fine for me.22:03
jagginessLounge: well you're a noob.. because I asked you whether that wire is going to your WAN provider or not and it appears you still dont even know this..22:03
ikoniajagginess that is unacceptable attitude, please stop22:03
jagginessLounge: so you really are new to networking. get a box..22:03
ikoniajagginess: enough22:03
Loungejagginess: i think you're being a complete jerk22:03
ikoniaLounge: enough also - I've asked him to stop22:03
jagginessI'm not saying more.22:03
jagginessikonia: .22:03
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_ravenhow to run skype two times on the same system? any kind of "run as $user" possible?22:04
jagginessNot being a jerk.. people come on here thinking "Cannon" means Canonical.. like we can help others who can ask nicely..22:04
Jordan_ULounge: Could you recap your exact setup and what problems you're having?22:05
Loungethe only issue i've been having is getting the 2nd ethernet card setup with a static ip, and off roaming, but the problem is network-manager mistakens it as "unmanaged" ethernet device22:05
Loungealso both ethernet cards, it they're both not in roaming, network-manager complains that they're unmanaged22:05
Loungecan't connect to internet22:06
Loungesetting it all up in /etc/network/interfaces doesn't do anything since network-manager seems to be ignoring that22:06
Jordan_ULounge: Could you pastebin the output of "nm-tool"?22:06
LoungeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/Nh3m6fCB22:08
Loungewanna see the interfaces?22:09
LoungeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/PnxbnQcY22:11
Jordan_ULounge: /etc/networking/interfaces is *not* a configuration file for network-manager. At least inn the past, an entry in /etc/networking/interfaces would indicate that you wanted ifupdown to manage that interface, and thus network-manager ignored it. My guess is that that is what is meant by unmanaged.22:11
net9Installing 12.04 LTS alongside windows 7. It asks me about how much space to allocate to Ubuntu to partition. Which side is which operating system?22:11
miceikenokay so my server wont send mails, and I'm thinking a good first step is removing all the packages that handle that. one of them is postfix?22:11
_ravenhow to run skype two times on the same system? any kind of "run as $user" possible?22:12
Jordan_Unet9: Could you post a screenshot?22:12
LoungeJordan_U: I'd rather just use ifupdown instead22:12
net9Can't. The computer isn't connected to the internet. Sorry.22:12
Loungeis so , then should i just remove network-manager?22:12
Jordan_ULounge: If you don't want to use it, yes.22:13
Loungewell my only consern would be then, removing it and losing internet >.<22:13
net9I assumed the one on the left was Ubuntu, and the one on the right is windows.22:14
net9Thanks anyway for the help.22:14
fishbaiti did it i solved my hibernate problem following this guide it turns out that the uuid in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume was still set to the old swap the guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume22:14
fishbaitthought that it might be useful to note for anyone else in here22:15
LoungeJordan_U: also it seems that allot of apps rely on network-manager to connect, i remember this being an issie with firefox wanted to check for a working network connection before connecting22:15
fishbaitis there a way to tell apt-get to check the md5 checksums of the pacakges it downloads?22:15
ratcheerfishbait: I think it always does.22:16
fishbaitratcheer: does it stop if theres a mismatch?22:16
ratcheerfishbait: Yes. It has happened to me several times in the past week or so.22:17
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fishbaitratcheer: hmm did you check your dns settings? to make sure your not suffering a man in the middle attack?22:18
ratcheerfishbait: Mostly on Debian, but I am sure it works the same way for Ubuntu.22:18
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fishbaitratcheer: well ubuntu is debian based22:18
fishbaitoh good that alleviates that concern22:19
fishbaitwhat does it mean it can't turn off ports 6 and 7 error -62?22:19
zizooThanks glitsj16, but DownThemAll can't recurse, and blackboard puts every file onto it's own page, so it's kinda useless here. Still, DownThemAll is pretty awesome for other things. Thanks for showing me.22:20
zizooI think I'll give up on this for now. I have other work to do. Bye guys.22:21
induzcan u help me installing sopcast22:21
fishbaitglitsj16: got hibernate working it turns out that the uuid listed in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume was still set to the old swap partition22:22
induzi am having difficulty on Ubuntu 10.422:22
fishbaitwhat does it mean it can't turn off ports 6 and 7 error -62? also something involving thaw and async somewhere in the same line22:23
fishbaitfishbait: !patience22:25
glitsj16fishbait: happy to hear that you got that working22:25
fishbaitnow all i need to do i figure out why it can' thaw- port 6 and 7 error -62 and perma enable hibernate22:26
iggymydoghi i am haveing trouble putting files on a usb flash drive. i cant seem to find the flash drive on my computer not under media and not on the side bar what should i do?22:26
RirishiI installed ubuntu from mini. Now how do I start the system,22:26
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glitsj16fishbait: did you already pastebin that (section) of your log?22:27
mcphailiggymydog: is it a new flash drive?22:27
fishbaitit won't paste22:27
ikoniafishbait: the pastebin works fine22:27
iggymydog@mcphail  only been used oince22:27
mputtrheya, what program would you recommend to monitor system temperature?22:28
fishbaitits not the pastebin...22:28
mcphailiggymydog: in linux?22:28
ikoniafishbait: why can you not paste /22:28
iggymydogmcphail: no windows last22:28
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fishbaittoo big22:28
ikoniafishbait: do it a few lines at a time, break it into small pastes22:28
mcphailiggymydog: what is it formatted in? If it is ExFAT, linux won't see it22:28
iggymydogmcphail: i used it on wondows once and now im trying to use it with linux22:28
RirishiHow do I boot my Ubuntu system? I told it to install into the MBR of my primary HDD, but windows just starts.22:28
iggymydogmcphail: idk what the format is/.......if i reformat it wil;l i beable to open it on windows computers? and how would i reformat it?22:29
ikoniaRirishi: how many hard disks do you have ?22:29
iggymydogikonia: 322:29
ikoniaRirishi: it's probably gone to the second hard disk22:29
RirishiAnd I installed ubuntu on the second one22:30
fishbaitor do it from command line pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/105174222:30
ikoniaiggymydog: I was talking to Ririshi that's why I said "Ririshi"22:30
iggymydogikonia: interesting22:30
mcphailiggymydog: vfat and ntfs can be shared between linux and windows. ExFAT is wondows only. Ext3/4 etc are linux only. Use disk utility.22:30
ikoniaRirishi: set the bios to boot the second drive, see if it works22:30
RirishiIf I start the second one, it says: error: no such parition. Grub rescue>22:30
iggymydogikonia: i know but im talking to you :D22:30
ikoniaiggymydog: please don't fill the channel with pointless comments then22:30
iggymydogmcphail: ok how so i reformat it?22:30
induzi have VLC  running22:31
iggymydogikonia: sorry :C22:31
ikoniaRirishi: it sounds as if grub is pointing at the wrong partition then22:31
mcphailiggymydog: use disk utility or gparted. But you'll lose anything on the drive22:31
iggymydogmcphail: i dont have access to a windows computer22:31
ikoniaRirishi: you may have to manually apply/configure grub22:31
iggymydogmcphail: ok22:31
Ririshiikonia: how?22:31
iggymydogmcphail: where is dick utility22:31
ikonia!grub2 > Ririshi22:31
ubottuRirishi, please see my private message22:31
ikoniaRirishi: ubottu has just sent you a pm with a basic guide22:31
Ririshiikonia: ok thanks22:32
ikoniaRirishi: you'll need to apply thought to match it to how your system is setup22:32
fishbaiti'm sure he meant disk but... lol22:32
ikoniaRirishi: (eg: don't copy and paste - use the commands in relation to your own system setup)22:32
iggymydogmcphail: i found it22:32
Ririshiikonia: err I'll try to understand.22:33
mputtrheya, what program would you recommend to show system temperature on the desktop?22:33
fishbaiti do remember telling windows it couldn't turn off my onboard nic22:33
iggymydogmcphail: caps lock sorry22:34
ThomasBombI'm having an interesting error with ubuntu... I can ping my router and anything in my home network, but not WAN ip's...22:34
ikoniaiggymydog: stop that22:34
ikoniaiggymydog: using hard disk as ram will not make it faster, it will make it slower22:34
ThomasBombI'm using 12.0422:34
ikoniaThomasBomb: sounds like your router is not forwarding the packets or has ICMP forwarding disabled22:34
mcphailiggymydog: do you mean using a flash drive as cache, like you can do in Windows?22:34
iggymydogikoniA: then what should i do22:34
ThomasBombWell I can ping from other computers22:35
ikoniaThomasBomb: yes, but they are not being forwarded by your router22:35
iggymydogmcphail: no22:35
askasis here anybody?22:35
ThomasBombI mean I can ping external ip's from my other desktop computer22:35
ikoniaiggymydog: what do you want to do ?22:35
iggymydogmcphail: just enything that can make my compuiter faster and i have tons of room left on  the hard drive so i figured why not22:35
ikoniaThomasBomb: disable the ubuntu firewall22:35
iggymydogikonia: i want to make this laptop faster22:36
ikoniaiggymydog: buy a faster hard disk22:36
ikoniaiggymydog: buy more ram22:36
askasi cant boot ubuntu22:36
mcphailiggymydog: accessing the hard drive is one of the slowest things you can do. Swapping to the hd causes slowdowns22:36
iggymydogikonia: the ram is maxxed out22:36
askasit doesnt show grub22:36
mputtriggymydog: the fastest way is to get a SSD22:36
ikoniaiggymydog: they you are at the limit of your machines ram22:36
iggymydogmcphail: is there enything i can do?22:36
ikoniaiggymydog: how much ram does your machine have ?22:36
fishbaitikonia: could maybe swapiness value do the trick?22:36
ikoniafishbait: for what ?22:36
iggymydogi dont k now how much ram it has22:37
fishbaitfor iggymydog22:37
ikoniaiggymydog: then how do you know it's maxed out22:37
ikoniafishbait: doubtful22:37
mcphailiggymydog: if you have plenty of RAM you can cache frequently used programs on a ramdisk22:37
iggymydogfishbait: what?22:37
ThomasBombHow do I disable the firewall?22:37
mcphailiggymydog: but Linux is smart enough that that will make little difference22:37
ikonia!ufw | ThomasBomb22:37
ubottuThomasBomb: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.22:37
evocgood evening22:38
fishbaitiggymydog don't worry about it it won't make your pc any faster22:38
ikoniaiggymydog: pastebin the output of the command "free" please22:38
mputtrwhat program do you use in linux to monitor system temperature?22:38
ikoniamputtr: lmsensors22:38
iggymydogi justy wanna make this dam flash drive work....22:38
mputtrikonia: does it also output it to the gui?22:39
ikoniaiggymydog: what ? you said you wanted to make the machine faster, now you want to make a flash drive work /22:39
ikoniaiggymydog: please stick to one problem at a time22:39
ikoniamputtr: try conky for that22:39
mputtrconky.. got it22:39
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iggymydogikonia: i know im trying i got side tracked22:39
ThomasBombI disabled ufw but that didn't help22:39
ikoniaiggymydog: what do you want to do22:39
ikoniaThomasBomb: what is the default gateway on the problem machine ?22:40
ThomasBombmy router's ip22:40
ikoniaThomasBomb: ok, so first things first, lets test your dns22:41
ikoniaThomasBomb: can you do "nslookup" www.google.com on the problem computer please.22:41
ThomasBombWell that works22:41
usr13ThomasBomb: THen your good to go.22:42
ikoniaThomasBomb: ok, now try to ping that IP22:42
ikoniaThomasBomb: what happens22:42
ThomasBombFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable22:42
ThomasBombHmm... that's the laptop's ip22:42
usr13ThomasBomb: host av.com22:42
ikoniaThomasBomb: please do a "traceroute" to the google IP22:43
ikoniaThomasBomb: where does the trace stop22:43
usr13ikonia: I don't think traceroute comes installed by default22:44
ThomasBombI don't have traceroute installed22:44
ikoniahow dissapointing22:44
ThomasBomband I can't install it >.<22:44
usr13ThomasBomb: What nameserver are you using? cat /etc/resolv.conf22:44
ikoniait should be 127.0.0122:44
ikoniaas it's dnsmasq22:44
Jordan_Uikonia: ThomasBomb: tracepath22:45
ikoniaJordan_U: that's new to me22:45
ThomasBomb127.0.0.1 does show up usr1322:45
Ririshiikonia: I had Ubutu minimal installed. i got into grub via boot-USB and am now installing lubuntu-desktop (I wanted lubuntu)22:46
ThomasBomb 1:  thomasbomb-HP-Pavilion-dv4-Notebook-PC                0.117ms pmtu 150022:46
ThomasBomb 1:  thomasbomb-HP-Pavilion-dv4-Notebook-PC              1425.474ms !H22:46
ThomasBomb     Resume: pmtu 150022:46
usr13ThomasBomb: You need a nameserver other than  Edit the file and place a valid nameserver in it.22:47
usr13ThomasBomb: nameserver
ThomasBombit says not to edit by hand22:48
ikoniait's not a dns problem22:48
ikoniahe can resolve22:48
ikoniahe's pinging the IP and its' failing22:48
ikoniathat is an IP address, there is no lookup involved22:48
RirishiIkonia did you read my msg?22:48
usr13ThomasBomb: route -n22:48
ikoniaRirishi: yeah, you're installing lubuntu22:48
usr13ThomasBomb: Do you see the router's IP there?22:49
RirishiIkonia. Yes. Am I doing it right now?22:49
ikoniaRirishi: so ? I told you to fix grub, not mess with desktops22:49
ikoniaRirishi: I don't know why you are not doing what the guide told you to do, so I'm not interested22:49
r4yI've never run igoogle before and chose the lowest speed. What is the command for finding out how much ram this computer has?, And How do I get back to the page to change igoogle to the proper speed this computer can use?22:49
usr13ThomasBomb: Good, then edit the /etc/resolv.conf file and add a valid nameserver.  Then check your router and see why it's not giving out a nameserver IP.22:49
RirishiIkonia: I did not have any installed... So now I will install one and then re-install grub via recovery mode22:50
ikoniausr13: he cannot ping IP's22:50
ThomasBombyeah I can't ping22:50
ikoniausr13: it is nothing to do with DNS22:50
usr13But he said before that nslookup worked.22:50
ikoniausr13: yes, nslookup DOES work22:50
usr13ThomasBomb: Can you ping your router's IP?22:51
ikoniaI then asked him to ping the IP and it fails22:51
ikoniahe can't ping the IP22:51
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ikoniaand nslookup is working22:51
ThomasBombI can ping internal ips22:51
ikoniadns is fine22:51
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:51
RirishiLol @ ikonia22:51
ThomasBombI can ping anything in my LAN22:51
nibbler_i'd ping the dns server, unless its internal anyway. what about tracepath and routes?22:51
ikonianibbler_: what part of "it's not a dns problem and he's using dns masq" is not clear22:51
ThomasBombI pinged and it failed22:52
usr13ThomasBomb: host av.com    #Does it give you any IPs?22:52
ikonianibbler_: if you don't understand the issue don't offer random advice22:52
ikoniausr13: Name resolution is working22:52
ikoniahow hard is this to grasp22:52
tdhz77Is 1.5 MBPS slow for samba. I'm transfering 1 iso file about 3.7 Gigs?22:52
morsnowskiThomasBomb, can you ping your router?22:52
usr13ikonia: How can name resolution work when he can't even ping any outside IPs?22:52
nibbler_ikonia, everything totally clear, thats why i would not try to resolve stuff, but try to ping stuff that is obv. reachable by other means22:52
ikoniausr13: name resolution has NOTHING to do with ping22:52
Ririshitdhz77: I got only 150Kb/s22:52
usr13ikonia: No kiding.....22:52
ikoniausr13: right, so why do you keep checking name resolution22:53
ikoniausr13: name resolution is working,22:53
tdhz77ririshi I think it would be faster for me to download the file from the server. This just doesn't seem right.22:53
usr13ikonia: He can not resolve any domain names if he can't even ping an outside IP.22:53
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ThomasBombBy the way I'm trying to set up hostapd. Connecting to the internet has been working before that22:53
morsnowskiusr13, shut up if you don't know the basics of networking22:53
tdhz77ririshi how could http protocol be faster than a LAN samba?22:54
ThomasBomblet me see if my ipod still has internet through hostapd22:54
ikoniausr13: of course he can22:54
usr13ThomasBomb: Good idea.22:54
ikoniausr13: dns is UDP - it's not ICMP, you can use a DNS lookup with ICMP totally blocked22:54
deper29I am trying to format an external hard drive using gparted. I keep getting this error when I try to do so http://pastebin.com/0natZKRP is anyone able to help out with that?22:54
usr13ikonia: That is not possible.22:54
ikoniausr13: of course is't possible22:54
nibbler_thomas: you don't have a gateway set22:54
compdoctdhz77, I get 50 MB/s or so with samba and rsync, and up to 70 MB/s just copying a file22:54
ikoniausr13: ICMP ping is nothign to do with name lookups22:54
morsnowskiikonia, can't you kick him?22:54
RirishiTdhz77: whut? XD You mean in your lan you got 1.5Mbit/s?22:54
ikoniamorsnowski: there i no reason to kick anyone22:54
tdhz77compdoc that is amazing! Yes, in my lan I'm getting 1.5 MB/S22:55
zidpodI just tried to install a package, but one of its dependencies wasn't found? It installed fine on another system a few days ago...22:55
tdhz77Is there security attached to ubuntu server that maybe slowing it down?22:55
morsnowskihe is providing utterly wrong information22:55
usr13ThomasBomb: route -n  #Does it show your router's IP as default gateway?22:55
nibbler_thomas, ikonia:  <ThomasBomb> From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable  <-- with this beeing the laptos IP means the laptop is reporting  it as unreachable which should mean it has no route for that22:55
Ririshitdhz77: I got.. 150Kbyte/s download speed and 1500Kbyte/s in my LAN22:55
compdocdeper29, thats an odd file system. change it to msdos, unless the drive is larger than 2TB22:56
ikonianibbler_: and yet he's confirmed the router is the default gateway and reachable22:56
ThomasBombClients cannot connect to internet through hostapd22:56
deper29compdoc, the file system is 2.5 TB :(22:56
tdhz77ririshi I need to look into rsync it looks like. Thanks for your info.22:56
compdoctdhz77, I use a gigabit network and a nice fast network switch. what do you use?22:56
usr13ThomasBomb: Maybe you need to reboot the router.22:56
nibbler_ikonia, he confirmed the the existance of his routers IP in the routing table....22:56
ikonianibbler_: no, he confirmed it was the default gateway, I asked clearly22:57
ikonianibbler_: he also confirmed it was a reachable IP22:57
compdocdeper29, then try a gpt fs, except you cannot boot from it unless you have a uefi bios22:57
ikoniayou guys sort it out - I'll leave you to it22:57
tdhz77compdoc a 2wire gateway from ATT UVerse on my ancient 100 MBPS ethernet. Wireless connected to ubunu 12.04 on a MBP22:57
compdocor however they spell it22:57
momenthey guys how do i add an application to the "run application" alt+f2 thing22:57
usr13iceroot: If that is the case, the problem is with the router.22:57
kingofswordshi...only half web sites i go to open .... google works in chromium but not ff...ff is my go to browser when i have problems22:57
momentdo i just put it in /usr/bin ?22:57
tdhz77compdoc I need your setup.22:57
sk8|deper29, size it looks to be22:57
RirishiI'm installing lubuntu desktop fro recovery terminal and my screen suddenly went black?22:58
tdhz77compdoc do you think I could attach another router to the main one and see significant speed boosts?22:58
mcphailkingofswords: check your MTU22:58
deper29compdoc, gpt? I don't need to boot from it, just want to transfer a bunch of  files22:58
nibbler_thomas: can you paste full output of "sudo route -n"22:58
kingofswordsmcphail, whats mpu?22:58
kingofswordsmtu sorry22:58
compdoctdhz77, oh. I wired my house with cat5e cable and use wired gigabit networking only. (1000baseT)22:58
compdocI hate wireless22:59
Ririshitdhz77: Why would it speed up because you put in an extra router?22:59
abhinavmehtaI want to setup a local-file-sharing-server in my LAN, I know regular servers like python-simpleserver, apache etc….the problem my file-sharing transfer rate is quite low…I tried several ways, but couldn't able to achieve speed over 20Mbps….so is there any way to setup a local sharing server working at really good speeds..?22:59
tdhz77ririshi I was thinking because the 2wire is a cable modem/router combo it might be slower?22:59
mcphailkingofswords: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit22:59
Dice-Manabhinavmehta: you could look at your hardware spec22:59
compdocdeper29, yeah. gparted can change the ppartiton type easily. once its changed, you can format. I like ext422:59
morsnowskiabhinavmehta, are you sure that not your disks are the bottleneck?23:00
abhinavmehtaBTW, I've installed CrashPlan, and attires I see that CrashPlan is transferring data unto 40Mbps23:00
ThomasBombnibbler_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051771/23:00
Dice-Manabhinavmehta: maybe it doesn't support higher rate23:00
abhinavmehtaDice-Man: morsnowski: I guess, doubts are clear by last statement.23:00
deper29compdoc, I also like ext4, but I need to transfer stuff to a mac. I would use fat32 but the files I am writing to the drive are too large. I don't notice a gpt option for filesystem type when I try to create a partition23:00
kingofswordsmcphail, how do i check it? and for what?23:00
Dice-Manabhinavmehta: what's crashplan ?23:00
usr13The quickiest way to test an internet connection is first check to see you have a valid IP and gateway IP and then see if you have a valid nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf  i.e.  ifconfig |grep Bcast ; route -n ; grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf23:01
nibbler_thomas: you have 2 devices to reach your routerr, br0 and eth0, i guess eth0 is part of br0?23:01
abhinavmehtaDice-Man: its some other back-up tool..23:01
Dice-Manabhinavmehta: well still a software23:01
sk8|deper29, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/fdisk-unable-to-create-partition-greater-2tb.html23:01
RirishiIs it normal that your screen goes black when installing lubuntu-desktop from the terminal in recovery?23:01
ThomasBombbr0 is a bridge between wlan0 and eth0 so I can use hosatpd23:01
abhinavmehtaDice-Man: leave that…what I want to say by saying CrashPlan is…that my hardware supports that kind of speed.23:01
Dice-Manabhinavmehta: it's useless to have a software if your hardware can't follow23:01
* morsnowski can' stand it any longer23:01
Dice-Manohhh okay :)23:01
tdhz77In this iso I'm trying to mount there are hidden files. Is there a command to mount the iso so that I may see everything on disc?23:01
compdocdeper29, cant the macs access by samba? you would use ext4 running samba. The macs wont know the diff. If not samba, how about NFS? works the same way23:02
abhinavmehtacoz in crash plan I can see that kind of data-transfer happening over wifi-network.23:02
Dice-Mancheck out the quality of the cable too abhinavmehta23:02
sk8|deper29, hopefully that will help23:02
abhinavmehtaits wireless..absolute wireless LAN23:02
kingofswordshi...only half web sites i go to open .... google works in chromium but not ff...ff is my go to browser when i have problems23:02
BryanRuizi have php5.4 as a cli whcih is suppose to be php 5.3, how do i "fix" my php install without removing all the dependencies?23:02
RirishiY u no help me >.<23:02
nibbler_thomas: i'm not so sure about the briding, but could you set your defaultroute via br0? as when pinging the GW you'd take br0, but when trying to access inet youd go via eth023:02
_ravenhow to run skype two times on the same system? any kind of "run as $user" possible?23:03
Myrtti!patience | Ririshi23:03
ubottuRirishi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:03
compdoctdhz77, for 100  MBPS ethernet it sounds about right I guess23:03
usr13_raven: What exactly are you trying to do?23:03
nibbler_thomas: route del -net ; route add default gw dev br023:03
abhinavmehtaanyone, who can suggest me how to set up a speedy file-sharing setup…?23:04
deanI know this is Ubuntu, and I just installed Mint...no one over there can help...can anyone help with mouse problem?23:04
momenthey how do i register known applications for the "Known application" thing in "run application" alt+f2 thing?23:04
Myrtti!mint | dean23:04
ubottudean: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:04
usr13ThomasBomb: Does your router not have a dhcp server running on it?23:04
deper29compdoc, i've never really played around with samba or nfs :S23:04
ThomasBombnibbler_ Hmm... Now I can ping
ThomasBombLet me check the browser23:05
compdocdeper29, very easy. so how are you doing it? format the drive hfs and then connect the hard drive to the mac?23:05
RirishiSigh :( Noone knows the answer on my question I guess23:05
ThomasBombIt seems to be working now23:05
usr13_raven: You DO know that skype is a GUI app. Right?23:05
triadDo someone know a software similar to Virtual Dj from Windows ?23:05
Myrttidean: sorry, we can't really support Mint here, there's enough traffic with Ubuntu as is.23:05
kingofswordshi...only half web sites i go to open .... google works in chromium but not ff...ff is my go to browser when i have problems23:05
fuzzynurfhurterhow can i get a channel to stop auto opening when i open xchat??23:05
usr13ThomasBomb: Just do   host av.com23:06
deper29compdoc, that's what I'm wanting to do. I just want to copy a bunch of media to it so my friend can view it on his mac23:06
nibbler_thomas: good ;-) and btw, you don't need to bridge to use hostapd, you can also route - saves your wlan from the broadcasts of the lan.23:06
mcphailkingofswords: check the MTU for your network device in network manager and reduce it then try again23:06
kingofswordscan anyone recommend a ubuntu help channel please?23:06
usr13kingofswords: You are on it.23:06
ThomasBombnibbler how do I do that?23:06
compdocdeper29, well, it would be best to let his mac format the disk then23:06
usr13kingofswords: Sorry for all the off-topic chatter, but you are on it.23:06
ThomasBombI was told I had to bridge them23:07
deanThat's one of the reasons I put Ubuntu in the garbage can:  prima donnas.23:07
kingofswordsusr13, how ome my ubuntu problem ever get solved in here?23:07
deper29compdoc, would I be able to write to it still?23:07
usr13kingofswords: Well, it's like this:  You ask questions. Others answer your questions, (as best they can).23:07
oorang3hey folks, is there some way I can create a bootable CD (dvd/etc.) from my current hard drive?23:07
compdocdeper29, dunno - does ubuntu have a package to let it read/write hfs?23:08
oorang3i want my entire hard drive on a bootable cd/dvd etc basically23:08
kingofswordsusr13, im not being funny m8 but ive had constant problems with since installing and never been resolved in herer23:08
nibbler_ThomasBomb, not true. so you give a new network on wlan0, lets say, and give wlan0 the last octet of say "1", in dhcp you distribute from 10-100 with .1 as default gw. now you just have to make sure your router to the internet also knows where to find the new network, so you give it a route for via
kingofswordsusr13, in fact amateur help has probably done my system more damage than good23:08
deper29compdoc, I would think so. I've never played with hfs really :S23:09
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usr13kingofswords: I'm not kidding either.  That's the way it works.  Basically, you pick an issue that you are having and you ask a question about it.23:09
mcphailkingofswords: i have given you a suggestion to try to fix your problem. If you wish to flame the community please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic or /dev/null23:09
kingofswordsusr13, done that so many times23:09
usr13kingofswords: If you do not ask a question that is relevant to your issue, no one can help.23:09
kingofswordsmcphail, i have no idea how to do what u sugessted....and as i cant load many sites its not like i can look it up23:10
kingofswordshi...only half web sites i go to open .... google works in chromium but not ff...ff is my go to browser when i have problems23:10
nibbler_ThomasBomb, in case you can't set routes on your router you could use NAT on the linux, but normally you should be able to add routes, even on the cheap ones. oh, and you have to enable routing on linux:  echo 1 >
fuzzynurfhurterhow can i stop a channel from starting up when i start xchat???23:10
nibbler_ThomasBomb, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward - wrong pate before23:10
net9this is what I was talking about: imgur.com/6Eqvt23:10
compdocdeper29, well, if you want to work on it with parted, you'll need to try it another way - it does not like you at the moment23:10
usr13kingofswords: Yes, use firefox.  (I do NOT recommend cromium)23:11
nodestoolhow do i add a ppa from the commandline in 11.0423:11
net9Which operating system is allocated what? imgur.com/6Eqvt23:11
kingofswordsusr13, ff no worky23:11
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deper29compdoc, lol, that is fair :P23:11
usr13kingofswords: What version of firefox are you using?  Are you accessing interent through a proxy?  Is it trying to go through a proxy?23:11
_ravenusr13 right, skype is a gui app - how to run it more than one time with different usernames?23:12
tdhz77I bought the digital version of Starcraft 2. I can't get the downloader working on linux. Would it be legal to download from a torrent file?23:12
RirishiNo, i dont think so tdhz7723:12
RirishiOr.. Well23:12
RirishiAs you did buy it, I think you cam.23:12
compdocdeper29, this tells you:     partition length of 4883759937 sectors exceeds the msdos-partition-table-imposed maximum of 429496729523:13
tdhz77ririshi I live in the United States. Our laws suck.23:13
compdocdeper29, for that size drive, you need gpt23:13
OerHeksnodestool, sudo add-apt-repository <ppa:name>23:13
kingofswordsusr13, ff 12...no proxy havent changed anything....chromium not working much either23:13
tdhz77Ririshi I can't take back a digital copy either.23:13
Ririshitdhz77: :p I suck the laws haha23:13
kingofswordswhats is network manager?23:13
usr13_raven: If you are wanting to run them under the same user, I don't think so.  I do not think skype is designed to be used that way. (I could be wrong but... don't think so.)23:13
deper29compdoc, so would I have to build my own kernel for that and enable that?23:13
nodestooli get command not found for add-apt-repository23:13
tdhz77ririshi if I didn't work for our gov't then I would have no problems. :)23:13
compdocdeper29, no. you have command line only?23:14
RirishiTdhz77: oh xd23:14
usr13kingofswords: open a terminal and issue command:   host av.com   #Tell us if it returns any IP addresses.23:14
deper29compdoc, no, I have gui and cli23:14
compdocthen run the gparted gui23:14
OerHeksnodestool, then add it in softwarecentre>software sources23:14
kingofswordsusr13, yeh 2 ip's23:14
deper29compdoc, i'm just reading that link you sent me on how to partition greater than 2TB23:15
kingofswordsand 4 lines total23:15
RirishiIf I start the ubuntu minimal terminal, can I just do "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" to download and install the lubuntu stuff?23:15
usr13kingofswords: now issue command   firefox av.com   #in the same terminal23:15
compdocwhat link?23:15
kingofswordsusr13, page wont load23:15
compdocdeper29, just run the program and I'll show you23:15
deper29compdoc, my bad. sk8| sent that to me. it was http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/fdisk-unable-to-create-partition-greater-2tb.html23:16
usr13kingofswords: See any errors in the terminal?  Any clues there?23:16
deper29compdoc, parted or gparted?23:16
compdocgparted gui23:16
kingofswordsusr13, no error msg23:16
kingofswordsusr13, norm i have high ping as use cell fone23:16
oorang3hey folks, is there some way I can create a bootable CD (dvd/etc.) from my current hard drive?23:17
MyrttiRirishi: yes23:17
oorang3i want my entire hard drive on a bootable cd/dvd etc basically23:17
RirishiMyrtti: thanks for replying. Cool. I'm doing that atm.23:17
nodestoolOerHeks: this is a server that i am working on no X23:18
deper29compdoc, I've got it running23:18
usr13kingofswords: "high ping"  you "use cell fone"?  What?23:18
compdocdeper29, select the drive /dev/sdd (or whatever) in the upper right area of gparted23:18
deper29compdoc, got it23:18
nodestool sudo apt-cache search add-apt-repository returns nothing23:18
compdocany partitions?23:18
_ravenusr13 i have more than one skype account and i imagine it would be possible to run a second skype gui with an "run as any other $user" option but how to do that exactly?23:18
RirishiMyrtti: Will I automatically go into lubuntu when I start the ubuntu thing from grub, then?23:18
kingofswordsusr13, a mobile phone so my ping is norm 100ms23:18
deper29compdoc, just unallocated with unallocated file system23:18
MyrttiRirishi: I'm not sure, but possibly yes23:18
RirishiMyrtti: yay. I've been waiting so long to be able to use linux :D23:19
compdocdeper29, good. click the Device menu and select  Create Partition Table23:19
deper29compdoc, okay, done23:19
compdocthen select gpt23:19
usr13_raven: Use skype on separate computers.23:19
OerHeks??  sudo apt-cache search add-apt-repository returns nothing ? it is: <nodestool>  sudo add-apt-repository <ppa:name>23:19
RirishiIs linux okay with ATI GPU's?23:20
deper29compdoc, then apply?23:20
compdocdeper29, then click the green checkmark to apply23:20
MyrttiRirishi: much more than with Nvidia23:20
compdocnow create a partition23:20
_ravenusr13 nice hint - in special if the requirement is "on the same machine"! nice!23:20
deper29compdoc, just right click on the unallocated?23:21
RirishiMyrtti: So it's better with ATI than with nVidia?23:21
compdoctry ext4 and see what happens. you can change it later23:21
deper29okay. then green checkmark to apply that?23:21
MyrttiRirishi: depending on models.23:21
compdocis it formatting?23:21
deper29you bet it is23:22
RirishiMyrtti: I got a old one: Radeon 960023:22
compdoc2.5 TB is large. I have a pair of 3TB tho23:22
deper29compdoc, you don't know if macs read ext4 at all do you?23:22
usr13kingofswords:  Go to the firefox window and hold Alt while hitting e  and then p  and go to the Advanced tab, and then to the Network tab and under "Connection"  "Configure how Firefox connects to the Internet"  (Click the Settings button.)23:22
RirishiMyrtti: I'm installing it and now my screen suddenly turns black?23:22
compdocdeper29, just google it23:22
syn3rgywhat kernel version is on 11.0423:22
mcphaildeper29: not natively but you can install ext drivers23:22
deper29mcphail, okay, thanks23:23
r4yI've never run igoogle before and my sister in law chose the lowest speed. What is the command for finding out how much ram this computer has?, And How do I get back to the page to change igoogle to the proper speed this computer can use?23:24
sk8|has anyone noticed power management issues as of late?23:24
SomelauwWhat package contains consolas?23:24
michaeljonesr4y: what does that even mean?23:24
RirishiIs the lubuntu desktop envoirment (fail english) taking much processor power?23:24
syn3rgywhat kernel ver is i the newest ver of Ubuntu?23:24
michaeljonessyn3rgy: 2.4.1223:24
syn3rgyuname -a23:25
Myrttimichaeljones: be helpful23:25
SomelauwRirishi: 'environment'. No, it is pretty lightweight.23:25
deper29compdoc, thanks for the help :)23:25
RirishiSomelauw: Thank you (: Okay cool23:25
nibbler_r4y, free -m gives you mem info, cat /proc/cpuinfo gives you... cpuinfo23:27
syn3rgyyeah it does nibbler . I am in freeBSD at the moment and do not have /proc though23:27
RirishiI get a kernel panic as soon as i do something...23:27
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syn3rgyseems cat /etc/issue  (ssh in a headless ubuntu server) is saying 11.04 but the kernel version is not matching???23:29
syn3rgyhence I need to know that kernel is the std one with 11.0423:30
genii-around!info linux-image natty23:30
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB23:30
SomelauwDoes anyone know if there is a font package that contains 'consolas'. I can't find it?23:31
SomelauwOr another similar font?23:31
SomelauwI searched synaptic, but can't find 'consolas'.23:31
syn3rgycan somebody do a uname -r and then tell me what version of Ubuntu they are using.23:31
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abhinavmehtaanyone on how to get super-fast file-transfers between PC's over Local-wifi, preferably with > 20Mbps…like crashplan  http://cl.ly/0p1c38471a472l3M1E0823:32
SnakeoilsalesmanUbuntu Mono looks similar23:32
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ki4roSomelauw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176495023:32
syn3rgyomg this # is like the retard class.23:32
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chuHe quit.23:34
yeatsfuzzynurfhurter: Somelauw: (s)he's gone23:34
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fuzzynurfhurtertheres a new 1 ??23:34
ki4roSomelauw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176495023:34
ratcheerMine is like Somelauw 's23:34
=== zz_Htbrdd is now known as Htbrdd
Somelauwki4ro: Thanks, lemme take a look23:35
fuzzynurfhurtermines been bugging23:35
ki4roSomelauw: welcome...good luck23:35
nibbler_abhinavmehta, what would your wifi speed have to to with your appliaction?23:38
abhinavmehtaI mentioned to clear the air, that my hardware supports that kind of performance…at least I concluded that after seeing crash plan transfer rates…may be I could be wrong..23:39
arimailHi guys.23:39
abhinavmehtaand thats why I'm asking to you guys..how we can setup a high-speed file-server23:40
nibbler_abhinavmehta, 1) identify bottleneck 2) buy bigger bottle23:41
abhinavmehtanibbler_: :)23:41
nibbler_and don't run smb over low latency links23:41
squeeeshiecan someone tell me how to add a .zip file brush to gimp? (yes Im in gimp but im talking to one person who doesnt know anything about ubuntu)23:41
abhinavmehtanibbler_: feeling that software layer(web server) are wrong..adn should be tweaked.23:41
abhinavmehtanibbler_: hmm23:42
arimailI'm getting a HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument And i'm trying to use edit parameters in Grub to find my disk. It's a Ubuntu intall on a USB external disk23:42
jribsqueeeshie: gimp docs go over it (you have to copy it to some directory in ~23:42
nibbler_abhinavmehta, i'm feeling you are feeling wrong23:42
squeeeshiewhats a directory?23:43
arimailBut I don't figure out what do change/do to be able to boot my ubuntu. Could someone please help me?23:43
squeeeshiejrib, whats a directory?23:43
jribsqueeeshie: folder23:43
WeThePeoplehi, is it possible to view source in lynx?23:43
nibbler_WeThePeople, -dump23:43
abhinavmehtanibbler_: nope…never dude. Everything is fine. :)23:44
jribsqueeeshie: see http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-using-brushes.html I believe the directory is ~/.gimp-GIMP_VERSION/brushes/23:44
taipresis ubuntu 11.04 server have patched mysql in repo yet?23:44
jribtaipres: "patched mysql" is too vague.23:45
nibbler_WeThePeople, sorry, its -source, not -dump :/23:45
RirishiWhat is the lightest Linux Distribution?23:45
nibbler_jrib, guess its about "you dont need a password to be root in mysql" ,-)23:46
jribRirishi: try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux23:46
lupintheethirdhow safe are programs like myunity and ubuntu tweak to use?23:46
Ririshijrib: I'm seriously asking >.>23:46
squeeeshiejrib, and after I save it as a gbr? what do I do and how do I import it?23:46
jribRirishi: and I'm telling you it's not an ubuntu support question so you are in the wrong channel23:46
WeThePeopleririshi, featherlite might be23:46
jribsqueeeshie: see http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-using-brushes.html I believe the directory is ~/.gimp-GIMP_VERSION/brushes/23:46
Ririshijrib: ok23:46
squeeeshiei want windows T_T23:47
jribsqueeeshie: what?23:47
usr13Ririshi: They are all the same.  You can make a system as lean as you want.  Try xubuntu.  It's a full featured desktop OS that is very lightweight.23:47
yeatsWeThePeople: you can hit \ (backslash) when on a page to view the source in lynx23:47
squeeeshiewhat do I do with this ~/ gimp-GIMP_VERSION/brushes ??23:47
WeThePeopleyeats, thanks23:48
jribsqueeeshie: you put your brush in ~/.gimp-GIMP_VERSION/brushes/ (~ means your home directory and GIMP_VERSION means your gimp version...)23:48
Ririshiusr13: okay. I want to have linux, but on ubuntu and lubuntu, the kernel keeps panicing..23:48
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yeatsRirishi: sounds like a hardware issue on the face of it23:48
squeeeshiestill no idea how to do that23:49
SomelauwThanks, that worked.23:49
Ririshiyeats: like what?23:49
mikefarrNeed some help23:49
yeatsRirishi: no idea, but kernel panic could mean bad RAM, bad hard drive... you know - hardware ;-)23:50
squeeeshieokay wait a minute23:50
usr13Ririshi: As they've told you before, you need to be on another channel  like ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic23:50
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Ririshiyeats: why ;-) its not cool or fun23:50
squeeeshieno wonder i cant find it, its under hidden folders23:50
mikefarrThis is a new install of 12.04 and when I went to bed last night all was well - this morning when I logged in I had issues23:51
usr13mikefarr: What issues?23:51
mikefarrusr13, i can not bring up certain apps like windows manager23:51
usr13mikefarr: Did you do updates?23:52
mikefarrusr13, not for a couple of days23:52
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squeeeshiejrib,  they are NOW in my brush folder I renamed one under gbr23:52
mikefarrusr13, i did try to resolve a dvd playing issues and installed the library for decryption23:52
usr13mikefarr: First, see that your system is fully updated.  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade23:53
usr13!dvd | mikefarr23:53
ubottumikefarr: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:53
mikefarrusr13, doing the upgrade23:54
usr13mikefarr: Good. Let us know if it works better.23:55
zidpodA package I was installing needs linux-libc-dev_3.2.0-24.39_i386.deb, but the repo gave a 404 for it, and so far I haven't been able to find it online... would it be safe to install a different build of 3.2.0?23:55
zidpod**would it work to install23:55
usr13zidpod: apt-cache search linux-libc-dev23:56
mikefarrusr13, its really weird because none of the apps that I open have the - + to minimize or maximize and things dont go to the taskbar and I had configured 4 windows and I only have one - ok its done im gonna reboot and brb23:56
usr13zidpod: and then  sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev  #If you want to install it.23:57
zidpodusr13 I23:58
zidpodusr13 I'm still getting a 404 :/23:58
usr13zidpod: Is your network connection ok?23:58
zidpodI am pretty sure, all the other packages were downloaded and installed23:59
mikefarrusr13, no change23:59
squeeeshieI deeeed iiiiiiiittttt23:59
usr13zidpod:  Give us the entire error msg.23:59

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