
burnbrightercan you guys tell me if there is stored/cached information besides .juju/cache that gets stored?  I'm finding that my originally bootstrapped node is the always the first node that is getting chosen for bootstrapping.  So that is telling me the information must be stored somewhere?00:03
burnbrighterie. after I do juju bootstrap00:04
SpamapSburnbrighter: no, its likely just maas choosing using predictable rules00:06
burnbrightermaas, really?00:06
SpamapSare you not using maas?00:07
burnbrighterI sure am.  But I thought this problem was on the juju side00:07
burnbrighterok, maybe someone knows something over there...00:08
SpamapSburnbrighter: or do you have placement: local maybe?00:10
burnbrightereh, placement: local?00:12
burnbrighteroh, you mean the charms?00:13
m_3I doubt it's ordering by mac, but it's possible... mostly likely something like dnsmasq or maas itself00:18
imbrandonzomg SpamapS look what i fixed00:19
m_3`ps awux | grep dnsmasq` to see where it's caching00:19
imbrandondocs working again ( still 0,6,4 )00:19
imbrandonlooks like your meta stuff at the bottom isnt tho, but i'll cheeck that in a bit00:20
burnbrightermy dnsmasq is fairly standard - it only sets static IPs for the given mac addr, and sets the domain to localdomain00:29
imbrandonoh now THAT is nice00:33
imbrandonfirst chrome app worth something , a fill working native ssh client00:34
imbrandonin a tab00:34
imbrandoneven draws things correctly00:34
m_3imbrandon: wow00:36
imbrandonyea you can even bookmark the server00:37
imbrandononce logged in00:37
imbrandonand its made by the chromium devs00:37
imbrandon( intended for chromebooks but i have it open on osx and it works fine here )00:37
imbrandonworks great actually00:37
imbrandoneven irssi and byobu hotkeys work00:38
m_3imbrandon: have to play with it... wonder if you can pass args through the url00:39
m_3great for classroom stuff if you could00:39
imbrandonwow and inspecting element on the page, its normal html output but realtime00:39
imbrandonthats why it looks so nice00:39
imbrandonand yea you can it loks like00:39
imbrandonlooksing at the bookmark00:39
m_3when did you start having to sign in to add extensions00:41
imbrandonumm since forever00:41
m_3no way00:41
imbrandonyea, iirc its always been like that00:41
m_3there were several extensions I've installed without having to sign in to my google acct00:41
imbrandoncuz it follows ya profile to other computers00:42
imbrandonhow do you run chrome at all without signing in ?00:42
imbrandonmine nags to sign into the BROWSER00:42
m_3've got like 6 different profiels00:42
imbrandonyea i use 300:42
m_3one is signed in for gmail... the others aren't00:42
imbrandongonna make a special one jusy for this00:43
imbrandonthis rocks00:43
imbrandonand you could easily short url that i think,dunno but definatly a href= link it00:43
imbrandoni cant get over just how much it is like a term and not like a JS rendition of a term00:44
imbrandonand things like CTL+a baksp work00:45
imbrandonas expected etc00:45
imbrandon<embed style="position: absolute; height: 0px; " src="../plugin/ssh_client.nmf" type="application/x-nacl">00:46
imbrandoni'ma have to look into these native client apps, man00:46
m_3imbrandon: ah, only _some_ extensions require this00:46
m_3prob all ones after a certain date or something00:47
imbrandoni bet00:47
burnbrighterif anyone has any ideas, I am seeing this...00:47
burnbrighterituser@maas01:~$ juju -v status00:47
burnbrighter2012-06-29 00:46:10,105 DEBUG Initializing juju status runtime00:47
burnbrighter2012-06-29 00:46:10,114 INFO Connecting to environment...00:47
burnbrighter2012-06-29 00:46:10,213 DEBUG Connecting to environment using maas03...00:47
burnbrighter2012-06-29 00:46:10,213 DEBUG Spawning SSH process with remote_user="ubuntu" remote_host="maas03" remote_port="2181" local_port="54681".00:47
burnbrighter2012-06-29 00:46:13,223 ERROR SSH forwarding error: ssh: connect to host maas03 port 22: No route to host00:47
burnbrighterthat must be cached info from somewhere?00:47
m_3burnbrighter: once you've bootstrapped, yes the bootstrap nodes' info is cached for all subsequent commands to know where to route to00:48
m_3burnbrighter: but that should be destroyed on a `destroy-environment`00:48
burnbrighterbut it always ends up going to the same node - maas0300:49
m_3burnbrighter: the initial bootstrap is handed a machine from the provider (maas in this case)... I'd expect that maas makes the decision of which machine is the bootstrap node00:49
imbrandonthen the chooseing alg could be the same00:49
burnbrightereven after destroying things and deleting the cache directory00:49
m_3so that's possible cached in maas, or at a lower level in dnsmasq00:49
imbrandonits maas choosing not juju00:49
imbrandoni dont think juju COULD choose if it wanted to00:50
burnbrighterok ok, you guys win :)00:50
m_3imbrandon: there're constraints for juju to choose, but I don't think that's implemented in the maas provider (or maas itself) yet00:51
imbrandonright but even then they cant say i want the node with this mac00:51
imbrandonthey just say i want the one that has a quad proc00:52
imbrandonor soemthing00:52
m_3imbrandon: similar to 'juju deploy --constraints="instance-type=m1.large" ...'00:52
imbrandonsure but even then you could get a diff m100:52
imbrandonevery time00:52
imbrandonjuju cant garentee it would be the same one00:52
m_3imbrandon: there were specs for '--constraint="tagged-with=junk"'... but dunno what'll come out of it00:53
imbrandonyea now that could00:53
imbrandonand that would rock00:53
m_3(we need that for rack-locality in openstack)00:53
imbrandonyea we need access to alot of the lower stuff, maybe not needed for every charm etc00:54
imbrandonbut we cant not care about it00:54
m_3need to start pushing for tag constraints in ec2 too00:54
imbrandonelse we'll have to have another provisoning agent00:54
imbrandonbetween us and the provider to do it00:54
imbrandonus = juju00:54
imbrandonbut as long as juju must provision then we must have access to configure the bare metal if needed , sure abstract it 99% of the time00:55
imbrandonbut the 1% will make it 100% unuseable00:55
* imbrandon preachin to the quior00:55
m_3I do see the value of pushing the abstraction... but yes, the tool should support the corners as well... we can push the abstrction socially with examples00:56
imbrandonohhhhhhh i havent tried my new hpc config yet ....... /me does that00:56
imbrandonm_3: exactly00:57
m_3i.e., it really is a totally new way of approaching most problems00:57
m_3especially when you start looking at maas as using "ephemeral" instances00:57
imbrandoni mean its very very simple to give us EVERYTHING , all in one swoop, i've already got it figured out00:57
m_3gotta balance the paradign shift with just outright saying "no" all the time00:57
imbrandonits like 25 loc + tests00:58
m_3everything wrt what?00:58
imbrandonanything below juju we may need00:58
m_3more coffee brb00:58
imbrandonall we need is the ability to pass in one string ( a https url ) to a user script that gets appeneded to cloud-init like the other scripts and settings juju does00:59
imbrandonthis bypasses the 16kb limit on size and the script can then be in bootstrap at clout init just like juju and do whatever it needs01:00
imbrandonand pass info etc etc , basicly it would be a custom juju plugin or equivilant as there would be not a juju api to use01:00
imbrandonbut your loading in initramfs at that point01:01
imbrandonand thats all the code it took, the hard work was laid out by the cloud init team01:01
imbrandonyou seen that you can run puppet and chaef and01:01
imbrandonall kinda stuff directyl from clout-init01:01
m_3best way to communicate about it is a combo of jistu and charm-tools branches that implement01:02
imbrandonyup, already on it :)01:02
imbrandongot it so far decided i did not know node well enough so i started a new design doc and am going with something i know .... not phpp01:03
twobottuxaujuju: Unable to fully remove Juju <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157093/unable-to-fully-remove-juju>01:03
imbrandonruby :)01:03
imbrandonwell probably as i know it the 2nd best01:03
imbrandonand i dont want to be learning node AND pulling some coool hacks01:03
imbrandonsides i can take advantage of cloud-inits capistrano client then too :)01:04
imbrandonm_3 / SpamapS / jcastro : http://bholtsclaw.github.com/html5slides/templates/ubuntu/01:08
imbrandonlast slide tells how to dl the template , i'm gonna make a slight variation for juju specific too01:08
imbrandon( plus looks great on an ipad and iphone for postign online after the talk too, as well as when ya give it :P )01:09
imbrandonsugestions welcome :) but that gives the team a consistan look and feel for the charm school slides and stuff01:10
m_3imbrandon: nice01:11
imbrandonyw :)01:11
imbrandonbah i goofed the link on the last page01:12
imbrandonit has to be https:// to work fixing now but if you already loaded it you need to refresh01:12
imbrandonor add https://01:13
imbrandonto get the downloadable index.html01:13
imbrandon( rest of the assest load remotely from the one JS call in the top01:13
imbrandonfixed :)01:15
imbrandonis the raw01:15
imbrandonjcastro: new docs are LIVE!01:16
m_3imbrandon: and here I was all excited about tpp01:18
imbrandonhehe :)01:18
imbrandoni think i can embed EVERYTHING too, into data uri's and put it at the bottom, ( the css and js and logo images )01:20
imbrandonthen it would be truely just one file01:21
imbrandonfirefox, safari, chrome and ie8+ would all be fine01:21
imbrandondunno if i care about ie7 enough to let it stop me01:22
imbrandonwhats tpp ?01:23
* imbrandon hugs his avatar http://bholtsclaw.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/brandon-penguin.png01:27
m_3imbrandon: apt-cache show tpp01:29
imbrandonoh nice :)01:30
m_3ncurses slides... they're fun let's do you stuff like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1065310/01:30
m_3depends totally on the crowd... but it works if you're already in a tmux session on a shared ajaxterm doing a demo01:31
imbrandonhrm but with mine you can put a whole ssh term into the iframe of a slide :)01:32
m_3and since _tmux_ lets you control everybody's screen that they're looking at... :)01:32
m_3ha yes01:32
m_3exactly inverted01:32
m_3that rocks01:32
imbrandonthat is pretty slick tho01:33
imbrandoni'ma have to check it out01:33
imbrandonmore of the sleep movie01:34
imbrandonyo dawg i herd u liked ssh so we put some ssh into your slides that have some slides in their ssh01:34
lifelessSpamapS: I replied fwiw01:42
negronjlhazmat: you still around ?03:34
negronjlflame on03:53
negronjl... and with that ..... I call it a night ... later all03:54
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jmltee hee: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/write-formula.html10:25
m_3jml: doh!10:42
jmlI want to fetch some branches in my charm. They require authentication (username, ssh key) to get. What do I do?10:45
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hazmatjml, service config13:44
sidneihazmat, is it safe now though? i remember there was some discussion about it being publicly accessible from zk13:50
hazmatsidnei, zookeeper isn't encrypted or acl'd, a zk client can discover information yes, that's not a permanent scenario though13:51
SpamapSjml: is there any reason you're not just embedding the branches in your charm btw?13:52
SpamapShazmat: IMO we have to remove all of the data from ZK and only use it for structure13:52
jmlSpamapS: Canonical Webops deploy to production from config-manager branches that are kept private13:52
jmlSpamapS: I want to re-use as much of their deployment chain as possible13:53
SpamapShazmat: config settings should go directly to units, and on add-unit, the settings should be sent peer to peer. Same with relation data. It terrifies me that ZK has all of the usernames/passwords for the entire environment.13:53
SpamapSjml: ah interesting13:54
jmlcurrently, my branch uses a public fork of that config-manager config.13:54
hazmatSpamapS, then it should terrify for you any config management system, because they all have it centrally13:58
hazmatthey do a better job of protecting the kitty13:58
hazmatand if i can nail this libzk issue, we can haz some acls13:58
hazmatalthough perhaps that will get last minute veto'd too13:59
jmlSpamapS: also, that config-manager branch fetches other branches -- the project itself and some of its dependencies. I don't want to embed them in the charm. That would be getting the cart before the horse.14:01
hazmatjml, service config is the mechanism for this14:02
jmlhazmat: `juju set libdep-service launchpad-private-key-file=~/.ssh/id_rsa`?14:03
hazmatjml, contents of the key14:03
jmlhmm, no, because it wouldn't be able to access it.14:03
jmljuju set libdep-service launchpad-private-key-file="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"14:03
jmlwell, except presumably the decrypted version14:04
hazmatjml, right no password on the key since their is no user agent on the remote sys, but that already applied i assumed14:05
jmlI'm sure the other developers won't mind sending their private ssh keys in the clear14:05
hazmatjml, ? why not create a separate user in the lp group for this14:06
hazmatie a deployment user14:06
hazmator are you doing this not from group owned branches14:06
jmlno, they're all owned from groups. we could do that.14:07
jmlit's a bit annoying that the deployment user would have write access.14:07
jmlbut that's LP's problem.14:07
hazmatjml, that's an lp issue14:07
hazmatSpamapS, re p2p rels via zeromq.. its interesting and definitely has merit imo.. but i don't see it happening without some advocacy to juju-dev and the core team.14:09
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sidneijml, one alternative i've considered is packing all the branches into a 'dumb' package, putting into a private ppa.14:19
sidneijml, effectively, just running the build step that triggers the config-manager bits and throw that into a .deb.14:20
_mup_Bug #1019294 was filed: a charm publisher instance should handle the same charm being uploaded twice  <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019294 >14:22
negronjl'morning all14:41
negronjlhazmat: lp:~hazmat/juju-jitsu/deploy-to is empty. ??14:47
sidneiSpamapS, hazmat: know about the status of #993034? seems like it should be resolved, but i just upgraded to the ppa version (was running a version before the fix) and it doesn't seem to have fixed the issue?15:18
_mup_Bug #993034: lxc deployed units don't support https APT repositories <verification-needed> <juju:Fix Released by davidpbritton> <juju (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju (Ubuntu Precise):Fix Committed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/993034 >15:18
hazmatsidnei, that should be fixed15:21
hazmatsidnei, pls comment on the bug if you have a reproducible case for it15:21
sidneimaybe i need to juju bootstrap again or something (after apt-get upgrade juju)?15:21
hazmatnegronjl, it should be there15:22
* sidnei checks what the actual fix is15:22
negronjlhazmat: It's empty ... forgot to push maybe ?15:22
negronjlhazmat:  I reviewed the code from the other webapp ( codereview .... )15:23
hazmatNo new revisions or tags to push.15:23
negronjlhazmat:  What do you see when you check this page: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hazmat/juju-jitsu/deploy-to/files15:24
hazmatnegronjl, oops15:25
sidneihazmat, i think the lxc template needs to be refreshed after upgrading, a destroy-service/deploy combo still has the old version of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02juju-apt-proxy, even though i confirmed that /usr/share/pyshared/juju/lib/lxc/data/juju-create has the fix15:26
hazmatsidnei, its only cleand out if the env is destroyed15:26
hazmatsidnei, each env has a template container with customization thats cloned for units15:26
sidneihazmat, as suspected. thanks!15:27
negronjlhazmat: can you merge it into jitsu ?  I approved your MP already but, can't get to your branch15:27
hazmatnegronjl, i'm waiting for the last sparks to fly15:29
* negronjl nods15:29
hazmatec2-east down again15:34
hazmati find it odd that jujucharms has managed to survive all the recent ec2-east outages15:34
hazmatnot doing enough 'real' work i guess15:34
sidneisurvival of the weakest, that's how the cloud rolls *wink*15:35
negronjlhazmat:  dont jinx it :)15:36
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jcastronegronjl: SpamapS uhhh wow. The queue has _2_ items in it.17:39
jcastrodid you guys do a massive sprint or something?17:39
hazmati should remove those17:48
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negronjljcastro:  check again ... nothing on the queue :)18:32
bkerensajcastro: is uber list live yet?19:33
bkerensajcastro: for HP Cloud19:33
jcastrohey we demoed subway live at velocity19:34
jcastronope, unfortunately we are still waiting on them19:34
jcastroI've asked for a status report this week already19:34
sidneiis there anything in charm-tools for 'give me the public address of this unit'? i saw some charms using hostname -f but i guess that doesn't generally cut it22:02
SpamapSsidnei: get-unit-info in juju-jitsu has stuff for that I think22:07
twobottuxaujuju: juju: ERROR Unexpected Error interacting with provider: 409 CONFLICT <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157785/juju-error-unexpected-error-interacting-with-provider-409-conflict>22:08
sidneiSpamapS, uhm, i guess i need to be more specific. i need the external address for exporting the hostname for the http interface22:21
sidneiSpamapS, eg, haproxy's charm website-relation-joined has "relation-set port=80 hostname=`hostname -f`"22:21
sidneiSpamapS, but running local with the lxc provider i got 'localhost' out of 'hostname -f'22:22
SpamapSsidnei: haproxy should have `unit-get private-address` not hostname -f22:22
sidneiSpamapS, awesome, that's the one i was looking for. thanks!22:23
sidnei(also, will send a MP for fixing that if no one beats me to it)22:23
SpamapShaproxy's charm needs a lot of work22:26

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