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jagginessluciousjr, that's good00:01
nishanthanyone know how to fix some heating problem with 12.04?00:02
jagginessluciousjr, did you try gimp? it has that preference setting to try extended input devices (from the wiki page i posted)00:02
luciousjrjagginess, i'll try that00:02
nishanthanyone having over heating issues with 12.04?00:05
bekksnishanth: Nope, me not.00:05
nishanthwell i am having over heating issues with 12.04 , is there any fix for this?00:06
jagginessnishanth, well 12.04 is kinda hot i have to admit..00:06
jagginessnishanth, hot and wow :)00:06
nishanthjagginess well personally i think it is kind of stupid that it has issues with sandy bridge architecture00:07
luciousjrjagginess, it shows my device and I set it to screen and 3. but it still does not work00:07
luciousjrjagginess, something changed down the line. might be a victim of update breakage.00:08
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nishanthanyone know if there is a way to downgrade to 10>0400:09
bekksnishanth: No, besides a reinstall.00:10
YangYinhey i have recently installed xl2tp ppp openswan and followed the tutorial to setup an L2TP/Ipsec VPN on my local server. When i run xl2tpd -D or look at the auth logs for xl2tp i dont see any attempts at a connection despite the attempted connections... this is all within the local network. Anyone have an idea as to why i dont even see connection attempts?00:11
nishanthback to windows i guess00:11
jagginessluciousjr, I may be taking a light jab at this, but I believe you should be trying either 1 type of test or the other-- the evtest means you don't use the X's wacom driver..  (for eg: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Evtest ) -- someone else reported that their wacom intuous 2 is problematic, but this is a couple moonths back-- http://sourceforge.net/tracker/in00:12
jagginessdex.php?func=detail&aid=3462347&group_id=69596&atid=525124 ) -- if i were u i'd try to upgrade with apt-get upgrade and see if anything improves00:12
jagginessluciousjr, my wildest guess is that the evdev or X's wacom driver are fighting.. just a guess (you may want to see if this is an issue)00:13
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luciousjrjagginess, interesting theory. I'll look into the evdev thing. Thanks for the suggestions00:16
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nishanthanyone know how to down grade00:19
daxnishanth: from one version of Ubuntu to an earlier one?00:21
nishanthdax,  yes to 10.0400:21
daxnishanth: We don't support that.00:21
nishanthdax, any idea if there is some channel where i could get some help with this? my computer has been having overheating issues ever since 12.04 upgrade00:22
daxnishanth: I don't know of anywhere that will help you downgrade to 10.04, no. It's likely to break your computer, and thus we don't do so here.00:23
nishanthdax, thanks00:23
daxYou're better off fixing your overheating problems, though I'm not able to help with that since I don't have a laptop.00:23
systestCan anyone point me to a doc explaining the difference between the qemu-system-i386 and qemu-i386 binaries in 12.04?00:24
jagginesssystest, apt-cache show <packagename> shows description of package00:28
Laicelo all, having some trouble with my gps device00:30
systestjagginess, tks, so does "dpkg -p <packagename>", but they're both in that package :-)00:30
systestman pages don't explain the difference, neither does "<binaryname> -h"00:31
systesti.e. they're both in qemu-kvm00:31
Anxi80hello all, I encountered a sever error today which displayed a black screen with a stack dump. Looked like wireless driver. Was the dump written to a file on disk somewhere?00:31
Laiceessentially i can start the gps device with 'sudo gpsd /dev/ttyACM0' but it doesnt seem to be acquiring a locatoin00:31
sarsaeolwhat is more ligthweight… dovecot or cyrus?00:42
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moocowsok, i have a question, how does one go about making ubuntu respect the poerbutton for a graceful shutdown00:48
moocowsthe case is Ubuntu LTSP Server 12.04 running as a VM in a QEMU/KVM setup00:48
moocowsI have confirmed that system_poweroff command to the QEMU monitor does indeed send an ACPI power button event by running the live distro of freebsd and issuing the command, it properly responded by shutting down gracefully00:51
moocows*not exactly live distro, but booted off the cd to a terminal, issued the command, and it shut down00:51
jagginessmoocows, qemu runnin on ubuntu?00:51
moocowsubuntu running *in* qemu00:52
jagginessmoocows, lol.., this is #ubuntu00:52
moocowsubuntu is the issue here00:52
jagginessmoocows, uh huh.. but the majority people here are running ubuntu natively..00:52
moocowsits the only vm that does not respect the ACPI power off command00:52
OerHeksmoocows, all you need is acpid > http://askubuntu.com/questions/72888/how-can-i-enable-the-power-button-on-my-server00:53
moocowsno, its in and running00:53
jagginessmoocows, maybe ubuntu is loading a module allowing it to do what its doing00:53
moocowsdoes not correct the issue00:53
moocowsacpi support seems to be in the kernel (dmesg | grep -i acpi)00:54
OerHekssee answer 1 in that url.00:55
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moocowsacpid is installed and running, along with acpi-support00:55
OerHekslogically it is a qemu issue.00:56
moocowsheh, you know, i went there too, but I have confirmed that other distros behave correcty00:57
pngkUbuntu 12.04 does not recognize my graphics card (ATI X300SE). I installed the proprietary drivers from the AMD website and my computer rebooted in low-graphics mode. I do not know what to do. There is something in the X server logs about incompatibe module versions.00:59
jthanpngk: Did you check out the forums / askubuntu?01:00
c0deMasteri'm dropping icmp-type 0 and  8  but still can ping01:00
pngkjthan: yes01:01
melkorpngk: are you using the default kernel?01:01
pngkmelkor: I think so. I did an automatic install from USB disk (32 bits)01:01
moocowsI've even looked at the /etc/acpi directory and all the proper scripts seem to be there; however watching dmesg it never mentions anything about an ACPI event, even though its been confirmed that the event is being issued01:02
melkorpngk: ATI sounds old ... it is possible it doesn't work with the latest kernel.01:02
jagginesscant you configure qemu to prevent this? maybe pass something to the kernel bootline01:02
jthanpngk: Yeah. Not turning up much as I dig around here..01:03
moocowsim not trying to *prevent* anything, I'm trying to make it actually recognize it01:03
melkorpngk: There is an #ati channel too, which I beleive is for linux + ati/amd01:03
pngkmelkor: thanks, I'll report it there as well.01:03
moocowsthe event is sent and ubuntu is ignoring it01:03
pngkmelkor, jthan : The exact message is "RADEONDRIGetVersion failedbecause of a version mismatch. This chipset requires a kernel module version of 1.17.0 but the kernel reports a version of 2.12.0. Make sure your module is loaded prior to starting X, and that this driver was built with support for KMS."01:04
jthanpngk: Yeah, it seems your kernel is too new for the module which you are  trying to use.01:06
melkorpngk: you can get a kernel from ubuntu mainline, maybe 2.6.XXX.01:07
nishttal2hi all.. i am trying to make a VPN connection to my office but no love.. windows virtual machine on the same computer is able to connect..01:08
nishttal2any ideas what could be wrong?01:08
pngkjthan, melkor : Does the following seem sensible ? The title of the ATI channel indicates Catalyst does not support my X300SE. How can I 1) go back to my previous configuration 2) use the open source drivers ? (I believe they were not in use, considering how slow Ubuntu was behaving and that it said my graphics card was "Unknown")01:08
moocowsis there an ubuntu dev channel or something?01:09
ckrailomy google-fu is failing me here. anybody know of a command-line PDF validator that i can run on my server to check if a PDF file isn't fubar (aka will open in Preview or Adobe Acrobat or whatever)?01:10
melkorpngk: apt-get remove xorg-video- (then press tab a few times you should see some options) one of them will be fglrx.01:10
melkorckrailo: did you check ghostscript?01:11
cihhanHi all! Does anybody know if I can use Virt-Manager without any GUI?01:11
melkorpngk: also there are older versions of catalyst that might support your card.01:11
ckrailonope, ill google that now :)01:11
moocowsanyone? ubuntu devs? anyone?01:11
moocowsyes its called libvirt, use virsh01:11
escottckrailo, what about pdfinfo. maybe it will validate01:11
moocowscihhan: that was @ u01:12
jthanmoocows: I think there is - just search for it01:12
ckrailoi'll look for that too :)01:12
melkormoocows: did you try #ubuntu-dev01:12
pngkmelkor: is it possible that the open-source drivers were not enabled after the install of ubuntu?01:12
cihhanmoocows: thanks a lot =)01:12
moocowsha no, i didn't does such an animal exist?01:12
melkorpngk: possible, you can try installing them. are you using a package manager?01:12
pngkmelkor: apt-get?01:12
ckrailooooo, i bet pdfinfo could work nicely for me01:13
melkorpngk: the drivers are called radeon, I cannot remember all of the files though.01:13
ckrailomuch thanks escott :)01:13
moocowscihhan: np, been writing my own scripts around qemu though, the whole libvirt thing was lost on me, It reminded me too much of xen01:13
moocowsqemu is *really* flexible through the cli01:13
cihhanmoocows: unfortunately, i m new to virtualization domain01:13
moocowswell KVM is the right way to go01:14
cihhanso im trying to learn and make a system run in the lab01:14
moocowsunless you at some point want to pay someone that is :)01:14
cihhanhave you every used openstack?01:14
moocowsmy company isn't big on that lol01:14
pngkmelkor: thanks a lot. I'll try and get back to you.01:14
cihhanim just a student :)01:14
moocowsran vmware....briefly lol, then XenServer.......really nice I must say but that lst me at no memory over commit without a license01:15
recon_lapmoocows: you should leave some news papers around the office with the RBS story01:15
moocowsKVM + KSM is the shit, not to mention it does migration and all that noise too01:15
recon_lapmoocows: royal bank of scotland, IT system meltdown.01:16
moocowsheh, for best results: build it from scratch, hooray Gentoo :)01:16
ckrailoescott: where can i find the source for it?01:16
jthanmoocows: +101:16
abimaelhow can i start contributing to ubuntu? i see all these developers fixing and submitting bugs in launchpad, how can i start contributing code?01:16
escott!info poppler-utils | ckrailo i think its here01:16
ubottuckrailo i think its here: poppler-utils (source: poppler): PDF utilities (based on Poppler). In component main, is optional. Version 0.18.4-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 132 kB, installed size 368 kB01:16
moocowsrecon_lap: jus curious, what happened? brief version?01:17
IdleOnemoocows: your enthusiasm is great but please keep the language clean in here :)01:18
recon_lapmoocows: no idea really, it's a bank, upgrade went wrong, looking at 3 weeks to fix all accounts, but off topic01:18
moocowsIdleOne: sorry :) didn't realize I offended01:19
moocowsrecon_lap: it is, what is relevance, just curious? open source infrastructure?01:19
melkormoocows: What do you actually want?01:20
melkormoocows: sorry I just back scrolled to you asking about a dev channel.01:20
jaakehey, quick question, anyone have success with those at&t (or other major service provider) usb 3g dongles? Can't find much on the forums which leads me to believe it may work ootb01:21
jaakeI was thinking of getting one for my neice but was just trying to do a little research first01:21
moocowsheh just to know why other distro's / BSD will respond the the acpi event issued by qemu with the monitor command "system_powerdown" (supposed to be same as hitting power button) but ubuntu 12.04 will not (with acpid, acpi-support, and even a package called acpi)01:22
psusijaake, I just use my android phone01:22
pngkmelkor: OK, I think I'm now using the open soruce driver (Gallium 0.4). However it is extremely slow. Is that expected with a card like X300SE? Or is something wrong?01:22
compdocmoocows, its easy to get 12.04 to shutdown on power button01:22
melkormoocows: you could go to launchpad and file a bug, or see if other people have filed the same bug.01:22
jaakeright, as do I. I am unfamiliar with those dongles however01:22
moocowsmelkor: yeah, time crunched though.......unfortunately01:23
melkorpngk: It might be expected, I don't know of all the features that card supports.01:23
* psusi wonders what maketing doofus started calling them dongles... they aren't dongles, they are modems01:23
jaakecompdoc, xbindkeys yea?01:23
moocowscompdoc: wish that was true, it simply doesnt respond, and yes it has been confirmed that qemu is actually issuing the event01:23
compdocno, I had to edit the powerbutton.sh script01:23
moocowscompdoc: do tell01:24
jaakepsusi, lol, okay then modems01:24
compdoclet me find the url01:24
psusidongles are those damned annoying things some companies use for copy protection... used to be something you plugged into a serial or parallel port but now they are usb... I hate those things01:25
chimneyhey, trying to apt-get php5-sqlite --> perl: warning: Setting locale failed01:25
chimneychimney: what should I do? got this now the third time … something is broken in 12.0401:26
moocowspsusi: i've heard everything from those old laptop cards that had an external "dongle" to provide rj11/rj45 called dongles, to what you referred to, to really anything the "dongles" from your machine01:26
moocowsmine has balls01:26
melkormoocows: is the powerbutton disabled?01:26
moocowswell as far as I know no, I have done nothing to disable it01:27
compdocmoocows, jaake, edit   /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh  to delete all but one line:   sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now "Power button pressed"01:27
melkormoocows: it might be disabled by default for a server.01:27
compdocdont know why, but all that code in there does not work01:27
moocowswell it was an alternate install, its a LTSP server01:28
psusimoocows, true... those were dongles too... part of it was that the thing was nearly useless and annoying...01:28
moocowsnot so much a server, but a desktop virtualization server, that yes I have virtualized in KVM, got to love that :)01:28
moocowspsusi: i agree lol01:29
moocowscompdoc: checking....... go go comments01:29
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melkordid you check the man pages? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man4/acpi.4freebsd.html01:30
compdocsomeone should trace the code and see what prevents the shutdown, but removing the code works too01:30
* psusi starts counting the years since he last used a dial up modem and starts to feel old01:30
moocowsmelkor: no not yet actually01:31
chimneyok, get locale set error, help01:31
moocowscompdoc: well holy shi.....stuff!01:31
moocowsi've been repremanded one lol01:32
compdocI like being able to press the power button on my headless servers01:32
compdocand qemu-kvm now waits till the guests shutdown when the button is pressed01:33
moocowsi like being able to 'printf "system_poweroff" | nc -U /run/qemu/<vmname>.mon' :)01:33
compdocdidnt used to01:33
moocowsreally! that would make me most happy to not have to call sleep after issuing the above01:34
compdocthe guests need to shutdown gracefully when asked01:34
compdocor it will timeout01:34
moocowsyes, yes they do, they are guests after all, its not *their* house01:34
compdocand shut down anyway01:34
compdockvm issuing a shutdown to the guests is new01:36
moocowscompdoc: not that new I dont believe01:37
moocowsnow I'm pretty sure if you issue "stop" or "quit" it does no such thing :)01:38
Zyleki've asked this in mozilla & thunderbird channels but the people there are not helping. they're just redirecting or complaining "why do that?" ...so hopefully someone in here can help....01:38
Zylekdoes anybody know how to remove the "-- " in the auto-signature feature in mozilla thunderbird?01:38
moocowsbut "system_powerdown" if just for that purpose01:38
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szalZylek: the "-- " is the signature separator01:38
homefor some reason, I cant burn dvd's on ubuntu01:39
Zylekyes i know what it is.01:39
Zyleki am just asking01:39
homeusing braser01:39
Zylekhow to remove it from auto-sig01:39
Zylekthat's all01:39
FloodBot1Zylek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:39
home"please replace te disc with a supported CD or DVD01:39
moocowshome: have you tried with another burner?01:39
moocowsim talking hardware01:40
moocowsor does it work in another distro01:40
homeit works on Windows01:40
moocowsI've seen writers do that if their lasers are getting weak01:40
moocowsah ok01:40
fritzophrenicHi, my unity-greeter is NOT showing user-specific wallpaper, and I want it to. I found a few pages about turning it OFF, so I checked the value of draw-user-backgrounds with gsettings, but it's already true. Why might lightdm not be showing user-specific wallpaper?01:40
fritzophrenicsee http://askubuntu.com/questions/101115/is-there-a-way-to-shut-off-showing-the-users-wallpaper-in-lightdm01:40
moocowshome: try cdrecord and see what it says01:42
moocowsuse -v for verbose01:42
Zylekanybody know how to remove "-- " in auto-sig?01:42
homelet me be more specific: Ubuntu is not detecting my cd drive at all01:43
moocowsaha, I see01:44
moocowsls -l /dev/sr*01:44
moocowswhats it say?01:44
Ben_Is it possible to install netbook edition with wubi?01:44
homeit wasnt even connected01:45
visslikI just put Ubuntu (or more specifically XBMCbuntu) on a Zotac Zbox nano and it was working fine as I poked around and tested, until I found out the internal CIR wasn't working. Poking around I saw something about editing the hardware.conf to fix it. However it seems any time I try to get into the box from outside (either sftp or http) the networking on the device drops.01:46
OerHeksBen_, there is no seperate netbookedition anymore, use the regular ubuntu iso01:46
Ben_Would xubuntu run good on a slow netbook?01:46
Zylekokay i'm leaving this channel.01:46
Zylekno help here b'bye01:46
sarsaeolBen_: in my opinion yes, xubuntu is good for lite installations01:47
moocowsBen_: Gentoo will run amazing on anything :)01:47
visslikOutbound network connectivity never seems to have been affected; only when I try to access the box from another machine does connection drop (pings timing out, etc)01:47
OerHeksxubuntu * lubuntu will run fine01:47
sarsaeolBen_: you may also want to look at lubuntu01:47
sarsaeoler what OerHeks said :-/01:47
Ben_I've used both01:47
OerHeksmoocows gentoo advise not needed, thankx01:47
Ben_Xubuntu seems to be more useful01:47
moocowsif you feel comfortable customizing a distro......I've ran it on 900MHz athlons that did just fine :)01:47
moocowsOerHeks: just the best fit for slow machines01:48
OerHeksdrop it moocows01:48
moocowsunless there are ubuntu distros customized for your processor and hardware01:48
visslikscratch that, it looks like it is just randomly dropping on its own; I can just force it by trying to access a network service.01:49
moocowsOerHeks: It'd be neat to do! I'd be game for lending my cluster as a compile farm for the project01:50
moocowshaha no support on that one though ;) anyone that used an image like that would have to be on their own :)01:51
OerHeksif you want to build up your own installation from scratch, use the minimal iso01:51
moocowsexcept you dont get to set your build CFLAGS :) thats where the magic happens01:51
ultrixxwhy are there so many sound servers/systems on linux? alsa, oss, pulsaudio etc. and which one is the most modern/best?01:52
moocowsbut it would be neat to rebuild the whole distro for the like.......14 different archs commonly used now01:52
moocowsexcept getting the processor cache settings right might be a bit of a bear (for the end user....building is easy :)01:53
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moocowsshoot, might be able to even get a script up that would chose for the user and download the distro on the fly01:55
ultrixxmoocows: or you can just use gentoo ;-)01:56
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moocowsI got hated on for saying that :)01:56
moocowsI was just offering a jointly amicable solution01:56
moocowsI'm not anti ubuntu, i'm pro speed :)01:56
ultrixxi know gentoo, have installed it on my intel atom netbook and it works fine. on my workstation however i prefer ubuntu, because it is very comfortable to work with and to update01:59
moocowsheh on all the machines I run......it seems as though all I look at all day long is konsole :)02:00
moocowsor firefox......links is just hard to use sometimes on today's web :P02:00
moocowsso as far as comfortable goes.....lol does it have a good terminal? :)02:01
ultrixxtoo few "optimized for lynx/links" websites02:01
moocowsyeah something about people not using the console to browse the web much......anymore02:02
moocowsdont know why that stopped02:02
xiamxis there a way to disable framebuffer or anysort of non-fallback console video driver? My Lucid console blink and is very unusable02:02
moocowsrm -r /lib/modules/..........no wait dont do that02:03
moocowsactually im not even sure if that would be the correct location in ubuntu02:03
moocowsbut either way dont do it02:03
recon_lapASCII art was not sex enough02:03
recon_lapsexy enough*02:04
moocowsxiamx: you'd want to blacklist any framebuffer drivers for your card02:04
moocows........or just all of em :)02:04
moocowsor theres always rm -r......that would stop if from loading :)02:04
xiamxmoocows, how do i do that?02:04
moocowshmm........any of the more ubuntu savy guys want to tell him where the file is, I cant remember02:05
xiamxthe issue now is that when i go to recover mode,console output was first good, then after some second, screen blink and it seems that a new vid driver is loaded and become unsuable02:05
moocowshmm output of lsmod?02:05
moocows(if i was being unclear, run "lsmod" and tell me what it says)02:06
xiamxi'd love to do that if i could read anything from that screen ...02:06
xiamxit's just a pain to look at it02:07
xiamxwhat is it called, the thing, that provide smooth transition from boot screen to lightdm/gdm screen?02:08
moocowsxiamx: heh "lsmod > <some_file>" read the disk with another distro02:09
xiamxi think that is the one bugging me02:09
xiamxmoocows, will do that02:09
bwayne hi.  i'm wanting to automatically download and begin torrenting the latest releases (alphas, betas, not dailies) of quantal.  i think I can do this through RSS from within uTorrent.  I'm trying to find a link to such an RSS feed.  is there one for Quantal?02:11
xiamxah it's called kms02:12
melkorbwayne: you can also check #ubuntu+102:12
bwaynemelkor, i asked there first.  no one responded.02:13
moocowsyes yes, kms....but is that a module?02:14
enkariHey guys02:14
moocowsi may sound stupid there, i just usually include everything into my kernel02:14
enkariAnyone know about forcing display resolutions?02:14
melkorenkari: such as with xrandr?02:15
enkariWell I'm really new to linux, so I haven't a clue to what that is02:15
melkorenkari: if you want to change your resolution it is in system settings->displays02:16
bwayneah ... looks like there's a brainstorm for it but doesn't appear to have traction ->  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/27717/02:16
enkariYeah I've looked there, but it doesn't show my max resolution02:17
melkorenkari: what video card are you using?02:17
enkariNVIDIA GeForce GTX 46002:17
enkarinvidia-settings shows that it can go up to 1360x76802:18
enkariYet on Windows 7 I use 1920x120002:18
melkorenkari: you can type xrandr from the command line, and it will show you all the options available to x02:19
cookieI think there are packages missing from python and I need help figuring out what...When I enter items = ['a'. True. 7] I get File "<stdin>", line 1 and an arrow pointing to true02:19
melkorenkari: I suspect you need to update your nvidia driver, but I don't use nvidia.02:19
enkariWell I've switched to the stable recommended driver and to the experimental one02:19
melkorcookie: what you typed wouldn't work on python.02:20
enkariand they make no difference02:20
enkarinow as for xrandr02:20
cookiemelkor: the tutorial book my class is providing told me to use that. What is wrong about it?02:20
enkariIt says the maximum is 1360x76802:20
tamara_so i just installed ubuntu on an old laptop, it has a BCM4311 wireless card, i installed firmware-b43-installer, and its now listed on additional drivers. But when i click on network symbol on top, i dont see wireless connections02:20
melkorcookie: does . separate lists?02:20
Grant_PHi All,02:21
cookiemelkor: I should use ,02:21
cookiemelkor: thanks02:21
melkorcookie: I think so, unless it is a locale issue where comma's and periods are switched.02:21
enkariSo I can't see why it isn't showing the max resolution02:21
Grant_PHi All, Where can i find the older iso images for 12.04? I need an older one as recent updates have broke my sound.02:21
cookiemelkor: no, that was the problem xD. I put the book on my kendle so that has been an ongoing issue for me02:21
melkorenkari: In the xord.conf file you can set the size of your desktop. If that is too small then you cannot set a better resolution. I haven't done this for long time though so I doubt you need to do it.02:22
enkariWell I've tried forcing it to 1600x900 and other resolutions in xord.conf and it just distorts my display and colours02:23
enkariand gets reset to 1024x76802:23
LecramBrand new to Ubuntu/Linux platform and having issues installing 12.04 on an old Dell desktop02:23
trismGrant_P: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ the 12.04 iso is the same as when it was released in april, until 12.04.1 comes out02:24
tamara_so i just installed ubuntu on an old laptop, it has a BCM4311 wireless card, i installed firmware-b43-installer, and its now listed on additional drivers. But when i click on network symbol on top, i dont see wireless connections02:24
enkariI might just plug in a different monitor02:24
enkariThis one is too big anyway @ 32"02:24
Grant_Ptrism: Hrmm ok, perhaps i'll turn off the download packages while installing. I'm sure a recent install i did looked different to my original install.02:25
LecramSays installer failed then boots environment from cd.Try to install from there but install doesn't complete.02:25
enkariCheers anyway melkor02:25
melkordamn I just found a site02:26
V3NG3NC3is there a series of videos for a into to linux,.. my friend is wondering and I don't have time to teach them02:26
recon_lap Lecram: have the cd check itself for errors02:26
melkorI was reading it and the conversation devolved into gibberish, I looked back right when enkari bailed.02:26
moocowsnot sure, but i'd imagine youtube has a myriad of them02:27
V3NG3NC3yea was looking fro a set really02:28
Grant_PIs there a way to take a working snapshot of your system? Updates have broken me twice now and it's hard to track down the root cause of the issue.02:28
V3NG3NC3Also,.. while I got yea all on the horn02:28
V3NG3NC3any of you use a toshiba?02:28
moocowsGrant_P: ever looked at rdiff-backup ?02:29
dr_willistoshiba makes a lot of things02:29
escottGrant_P, not a good way without something like btrfs02:29
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V3NG3NC3need an athros chipset for PCIe. from what I hear those are tricky for them as they are not all compatable02:29
dr_willislots od those also. my x505 ran fine02:29
moocowsbut that requires some......playing with things :)02:29
aFeijohi guys, how can I use a param in my bash .sh file, like this: mysql DBS=`mysql -e"show databases like '$2%'"`02:29
dr_willisaFeijo: you may need to use a bash function not an alias02:30
V3NG3NC3brb phone pm me if you have an answer plz ,.. brb'02:30
Grant_POK thanks guys, back to reinstalling i go, think i'll just have to be more cautious of my updates and really inspect them.02:30
moocowsGrant_P: but most definitely if you have a disk to backup your system to, a simple rsync will give you a mirror to restore from, and rdiff-backup does the same thing (like uses rsync) but it allows you to store incremental backups02:31
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aFeijodr_willis, ouch ...02:31
moocowsnot as fast as snamshots, but very good when in a bind02:31
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:32
LecramAny suggestions for when installer fails and loads from cd to investigate?02:32
recon_lapLecram: instead of booting to linux, select "test CD" instead, if that fails you need new CD02:33
LecramThanks recon_lap. I've burned 2 disks and neither worked for install. Will try test.02:36
recon_lapLecram: if the CD fails, check the MD5 value of the ISO you downloaded to see if it got errors before creating a new CD02:37
Duality__how to scroll up in irssi ?02:41
chuDuality__: PGUP02:41
Duality__hmm thank, i though it would be a key combination :)02:42
Duality__screen is awesome02:45
V3NG3NC3no guesses on that wificard?02:45
Lecramrecon_lap: I selected 'Try Ubuntu' instead of install and the desktop environment seems to have loaded ok.02:46
enkariYo I'm back with another dilema :P02:47
enkariAnyone know how to reset linux to make it redetect the monitor?02:47
enkariIt seems to think I'm using the same monitor, yet I've just changed it02:47
rigelenkari: reboot. sometimes you have to reboot 4 or 5 times before it detects the monitor properly.02:48
enkariAh right, I've restarted twice but I'll give it a few more in a bit02:49
IdleOneThis can only go bad. Please stop the silliness03:03
moocowsheh, come on programmers are a silly breed, ever read comments? or better yet, eror messages no one was supposed to see?03:07
jthanAngrySpam98: Hey03:10
AngrySpam98When i start Ubuntu it takes me to a black screen saying something relative to "GRUB 2 with limited bash-like line editing" and i dont know what to do to just get to ubuntu.  (Note: im running dualboot with windows 7) any help?03:10
jthanAngrySpam98: Did you use the ubuntu installer from a livecd or something of the sort?03:11
jagginessAngrySpam98, you using two drives?03:11
AngrySpam98jthan, i honestly have no idea what any of that crpa is. :P03:12
jthanOh boy.03:12
jthanSo - are you using two hard drives? Did you install Ubuntu with a CD?03:12
AngrySpam98I know right? <303:12
AngrySpam98If by CD you mean a disk you insert into your computer, no.03:12
jthanOkay - how did you install then?03:12
V3NG3NC3anyone know how to look up compatibility of wifi cars in laptops?03:12
jthanV3NG3NC3: google03:13
AngrySpam98I went to the website and clicked a big button labeled "DOWNLOAD"03:13
jthanYes, so then you had a .iso file. Which you had to burn to a disk.03:13
bazhangjthan, dont say that here03:13
V3NG3NC3duh, and I havn't found anythin03:13
bazhang!google | jthan03:13
ubottujthan: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.03:13
AngrySpam98jthan, i didnt HAVE to...03:13
bazhangV3NG3NC3, usb or pci03:13
jthanAngrySpam98: Well chances are you did.03:13
V3NG3NC3PCIE mini half stack03:14
AngrySpam98jthan, well...define disk03:14
jagginessV3NG3NC3, you using windows? (imgburn is free, you choose 'burn image iso' sort of button .. it'll be very apparent with this app)03:14
V3NG3NC3need to see if an atheros one will work for my lappy03:14
jthanAngrySpam98: Removable medium of some sort? A compact disc? A USB thumb drive?03:14
bazhangV3NG3NC3, lspci to paste.ubuntu.com please03:14
jagginesswho's asking to burn?03:14
AngrySpam98jthan, i dont have a place to put those into my computer, so chances are i did burn it to a disk?03:14
V3NG3NC31 sec on win now, but need to copy n paste03:14
jthanjagginess: We are trying to determine how AngrySpam98 installed Ubuntu with little luck.03:15
V3NG3NC3from lappy03:15
V3NG3NC3actually,.. I'll install xchat there03:15
jagginessoh, he has to check the checksum first..03:15
jthanAngrySpam98: did you follow an installation guide?03:15
bazhangV3NG3NC3, give us the pastebin url03:15
AngrySpam98jthan ...03:15
V3NG3NC3that will work03:15
V3NG3NC31 sec03:15
jthanAngrySpam98: How about wubi? Does that sound like something you used?03:15
AngrySpam98jthan, i used wubi03:15
jagginesswubi sucks..03:16
jagginessnobodfy here uses it03:16
AngrySpam98jthan, so?03:17
jthanAngrySpam98: Hold on. Been a LONG time since I worked with wubi.03:17
fritzophrenicin case anyone was around when I asked earlier, my lightdm was not showing user wallpaper because every user had specified one outside of the default wallpapers, and had read permissions set to only themselves03:18
hanscomI am on Linux Mint right now03:18
fritzophrenicI fixed it by moving wallpapers into a public folder and setting the read bit for "everyone"03:18
hanscomOkay B thanks for letting me know03:18
vn-heya, how can I set a 1080i resolution on a projector? I seem limited in resolutions...03:18
jthanAngrySpam98: So.. I found something :-) http://shakthydoss.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/fixing-wubi-ubuntu-grub-problem/03:19
AngrySpam98jthan: i'll check it out.03:19
Onixscan i just skip the "update" during server edition installtion ?03:19
jthanOnixs: I believe it asks you if you want to perform updates or not. If you're really adament about not doing them, disconnet your NIC03:20
AngrySpam98jthan: i found a typo on the site.  Are you sure its reliable? :P03:21
OnixsAh, Ok… Thanks! :)03:21
bazhangV3NG3NC3, pastebin url here, not via PM please03:22
sassas123guys, could you help me wit non-working ethernet on my notebook on ubuntu 12.04?03:22
jthansassas123: We can try.03:22
V3NG3NC3right well, what info do you need?03:22
bazhangAngrySpam98, typo on what site03:22
V3NG3NC3there is a realtek in there now, but that's nto athros03:22
V3NG3NC3that's what I need03:22
AngrySpam98bazhang: the one that im on.03:22
bazhangV3NG3NC3, the lspci info I asked for earlier, thats what info03:22
jthanAngrySpam98: It's worth a try, wouldn't you say?03:22
V3NG3NC3need model?03:23
bazhangAngrySpam98, and what website is that, praytell03:23
bazhangV3NG3NC3, lspci in terminal for the chipset03:23
AngrySpam98bazhang: I give you a hint: it has a 'w' in the adress03:23
wantharryHi All, I have problem in my ubuntu , when i play music or videos , it is playing faster than normal , both video and music, what can cause this problem how to fix it??03:23
bazhangAngrySpam98, thats not helpful03:23
AngrySpam98bazhang: It was a tiny bit.  Face it.03:24
jthanbazhang: It's a wordpress blog in which someone had the same issue and has a fix with screenshots.03:24
jthansassas123: So you plugged in your cat5 cable, and you have no internet?03:24
V3NG3NC3i just posted it03:24
cooncan someone give me a hand with a printer problem i have plz03:24
V3NG3NC3Realtek semiconductor Co ltd, RTL8187SE Rev 2203:25
bazhangcoon, whats the printer make and model03:25
V3NG3NC3that's what it has now03:25
AngrySpam98jthan: How do i determine my '(kernal version)' xD03:25
wantharryHi All, I have problem in my ubuntu , when i play music or videos , it is playing faster than normal , both video and music, what can cause this problem how to fix it??03:25
IdleOneAngrySpam98: uname -a03:25
cooncannon pixma mg312203:25
AngrySpam98Thanks IdleOne03:25
V3NG3NC3don't think you need other info then that03:26
cooni couldnt find any drivers for ubuntu anywhere03:26
sassas123jthan: yes, i plug it into and it's typing "getting network adress" after second "network cable disconnected"03:26
IdleOnecoon: because Canon doesn't provide any linux drivers that i know of.03:26
jthansassas123: Did it work before Ubuntu? If so that would most likely eliminate a hardware issue.03:27
coondo you know of any restricted drivers?03:27
IdleOnecoon: nope sorry03:27
coonthanks man appriciate it03:27
jthansassas123: Or try a different cable - same idea.03:28
AngrySpam98jthan: I cant fix it (or try this, whatever you want to say) right now, but i'll try later. :)03:28
jthanAngrySpam98: Okay - PM me if you need help and I'll try to assist you03:28
V3NG3NC3what info do you neeeed?03:29
wantharryHey can anyone help me?03:29
jthanwantharry: What's up my friend?03:29
wantharryhey jthan,  I have problem in my ubuntu , when i play music or videos , it is playing faster than normal , both video and music, what can cause this problem how to fix it??03:29
V3NG3NC3how about telling me what I need to know to find this info myself03:29
sassas123jthan: cable is working cause i use it on my PC (Xubuntu).03:29
jthansassas123: Okay, so the cable is working but we don't know about a different install on the same computer that is 'broken'?03:29
jthanPerhaps it could be your nic?03:30
wantharryit play like a broken tape03:31
jthanwantharry: Hm.. Give me a second.03:31
sassas123jthan: i've installed windows xp and no result. but I'm downloading official windows 7 with new drivers support03:31
vn-how can I setup my linux to have a 1080i resolution?  im stuck at 1360x768...03:31
vn-using a projector btw03:32
jthansassas123: So we're waiting for that? If you want to try to troubleshoot in the mean time.. pastebin the output of "ifconfig" paste.ubuntu.com03:32
jthanwantharry: Is it all flash content that is moving too fast?03:32
bazhangV3NG3NC3, what version of ubuntu is this03:32
wantharryyes like youtube or pandora03:33
jthanwantharry: Okay - do me a favor.  Download some kind of file and play it (something that is not flash) and see if the problem still persists.03:33
moocowspeace y'all :) I've done as much work on my KVM scripts as I can handle tonight :)03:33
wantharryi can play my mp3 downloaded without problem03:34
wantharrylooks like the problem is with music or videos online03:34
bazhangV3NG3NC3, there's no such version.  pastebin your sources.list please03:34
IdleOnewantharry: try www.youtube.com/html5 if you are having problems with youtube03:34
jthanwantharry: Try a different browser and see if it still persists03:34
wantharryi tried all the browsers03:34
V3NG3NC3really,. what does any version of that have to do with what my bios can detect? thatw as the question or did you miss it?03:34
wantharryproblem is in all the browsers03:35
bazhangV3NG3NC3, is this ubuntu at all? or some other distro entirely03:35
jthanwantharry: I did find a forum post regarding people having flash issues.03:35
jthanDid you install flash from adobe or through the software center?03:35
sassas123jthan: just a minute03:35
IdleOneV3NG3NC3: the true question is why you are asking for support in an Ubuntu channel after you stated you were not running Ubuntu. So if you want help, please install Ubuntu and the helpers in here will be happy to oblige. Till then, stop wasting the valuable time of the people in here with your non supported distro.03:36
wantharryhmm i keep installing software not sure which one i have installed03:36
wantharryis there a way to check it?03:36
bazhangwhats the distro IdleOne03:36
IdleOnebazhang: he won't say.03:36
jthanwantharry: Sure. You familiar with the terminal?03:36
V3NG3NC3it based on kubuntu 10 so what is the problem?03:38
bazhangV3NG3NC3, whats the name03:38
IdleOnebased on is not equal to03:38
V3NG3NC3if I asked a debian question in here would that not be allowed either?03:38
jthanFire it up. Let's try "sudo dpkg -s flashplugin-nonfree" wantharry03:38
L3topRTL8170  is supported in *buntu afik.  V3NG3NC3 this is not #debian, it is #ubuntu.03:39
wantharryis saying a message Package `flashplugin-nonfree' is not installed and no info is available.03:40
V3NG3NC3yea know,.. I really don't get this ____ contest with other distro's.03:40
jthanwantharry: But you do recall installing flash?03:40
itawscan somebody explain me what does backtrack-track penetration is about ?03:40
wantharryi dont recall anything i have installed03:40
jthanwantharry: Well then let's start there.  "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"03:40
bazhangitaws, try in the backtrack channel03:40
IdleOneV3NG3NC3: neither do we. They should just switch to Ubuntu and we can all be one big happy family. Until that happens (not likely) we support our stuff, they support theirs.03:40
L3topV3NG3NC3: it is not a contest. You are simply asking for support on that which we do not and most cannot support.03:41
IdleOneback to helping people who really need it :)03:41
wantharryit installed03:42
jthanwantharry: Close your web browsers, fire them back up, see how it goes.03:42
FloodBot1FckBEye: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
corvaxiaSo I have a rather strange question that I am probably in the wrong channel to ask. I am using emacs to relearn java. Every time I try hitting tab to leave a comment at the end of the line it doesn't move. Is there something I am doing wrong or a switch I need to flip?03:43
wantharrystill the same problem ,i tried playing youtube, its running faster than normal!!03:43
L3topflashplugin-nonfree? What version are we talking about wantharry/jthan?03:43
IdleOnecorvaxia: join #ubuntu-offtopic and ask chu. resident emacs guru03:43
jthanL3top: He just installed flashplugin-nonfree03:43
jthanL3top: Everything that is flash-related has doublespeed video/sound03:44
L3topthat does not answer my question jthan03:44
jthanL3top: What version of what, then?03:44
jthanOf Ubuntu, of flash?03:44
ki4rois there a way to do incremental backups to a cd/dvd in ubuntu?03:44
L3topmcc@cylon:~$ apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree   Candidate: (none)03:44
L3topIt is a straightforward question.03:44
wantharryapt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree03:45
wantharryPackage flashplugin-nonfree is a virtual package provided by:03:45
wantharry  adobe-flashplugin
wantharry  flashplugin-installer
L3topagain... this does not answer my question.03:46
jthanWhat is straightforward to you is not to us, then.03:46
dr_willisi saw a weird bios bug ages ago that made flash. wine. and even the system clock tick by at about 2x normal speed.03:47
wantharryhow do i check for the flashplugin-nonfree version?03:47
L3toplsb_release -c -s   @jthan03:48
sassas123jthan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079067/03:48
L3toplsb_release -c -s @wantharry03:48
Chad___ki4ro: I believe duplicity can do this.03:48
wantharry$ lsb_release -c -s03:48
wantharryprecise is what i get03:49
L3top!info flashplugin-nonfree03:49
ubottuPackage flashplugin-nonfree does not exist in precise03:49
ki4roChad___: Is duplicity a program?03:49
jthanL3top: well that much was evident when it said it was a virtual package provided by. . .03:50
L3topThis is the source of my confusion... for the two of you. No. This is not a precise package.03:50
Chad___ki4ro: Yes, but it has a command-line interface. If you're comfortable with that, go for it.03:50
IdleOnewantharry: the command: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree :should have a 3line output, Installed and Candidate. What is the output you get when running that command?03:50
ki4roChad___: Not really :(03:51
IdleOneL3top: I think it might have to do with it being a virtual package03:51
wantharry apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree03:51
jthansassas123: definitely not connected. I can't imagine your card isn't supported but how about you paste the output of lspci for me03:51
wantharry$  apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree03:51
wantharry  Installed: (none)03:51
wantharry  Candidate: (none)03:51
FloodBot1wantharry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
wantharry  Version table:03:51
L3topIdleOne: I do not understand why it is avail to both without specification, while repo holds current version. Sorry for my confusion... I am not trying to be obstinant, but understand.03:51
jthanL3top: Truthfully I try not to take on package-based issues because I don't even have Ubuntu with me right now.03:52
jthanL3top: And in addition I haven't touched precise yet.03:52
cg2916After an X window reboot and a reboot, Flash is still running too fast03:52
L3topwantharry: I would expect the package you are looking for is flashplugin-installer.03:52
jthanL3top: But the first time he ran apt-cache policy it had information about the 'virtual package'03:52
sassas123jthan: I'm installing windows 7 now and after 40 minutes I 'll have to go, so I can do that later03:52
jthansassas123: Okay.03:52
sassas123jthan: What's your timezone?03:53
ki4roChad___: It has about a million options!  Whew!!03:53
wantharry$  apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree03:53
wantharry  Installed: (none)03:53
wantharry  Candidate: (none)03:53
wantharry  Version table:03:53
FloodBot1wantharry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:53
L3topThat is all I am after. Helping user wantharry. wantharry sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer03:53
sassas123jthan: I'll be back in Monday03:53
ki4rois there a way to do incremental backups to a cd/dvd in ubuntu with a program with a GUI?03:53
jthansassas123: Okay - track me down. If it doesn't work in windows you can likely assume it's a hardware issue.03:53
IdleOne!backup | ki4ro03:54
ubottuki4ro: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:54
jthanki4ro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackupYourSystem03:54
Chad___ki4ro: Hmmm, I'm not sure if Deja Dup would suit your needs or not. As a workaround, you could back up to a folder than burn that to a DVD.03:54
Celsosommeone here that is looking to use the vgaswicheroo with intel/ati hd5000 series for hybrid swich?03:54
cg2916After an X window reboot and a reboot, Flash is still running too fast. How do I fix this?03:55
Chad___ki4ro: I don't think DVDs are an ideal backup medium.03:55
ki4roChad___: Thanks03:55
ki4roChad___: What's a good medium?03:55
cg2916I have messed with PulseAudio a lot, if that helps03:55
sassas123jthan: my internet provider said it was problem with a driver. Bit I know Ubuntu has all the drivers03:55
wantharryI run this again  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer03:56
Chad___ki4ro: I don't know very much, but maybe an external hard drive. If you don't have much data, a flash drive would be fine. At least you won't have to continue to burn DVDs.03:56
wantharrytried to open the browser and play03:56
wantharrystill having the same problem03:56
ki4roChad___: Thanks03:56
wantharrythe cpu usage is more than 40 percent whenever i am running youtube03:57
Chad___ki4ro: Then you can more easily use GUI programs that you're more comfortable with. And no problem.03:57
rundmchi, i want to share files between about 20 computers in a school, mostly win7 and some osx. my plan is to install ubuntu server and use webmin as the gui , is that the way to go?03:57
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:58
L3topwantharry: I just walked into seeing a package I did not recognize, being fairly well aware of flash. What is the original problem? I also tend to recommend reboots, because people forget an open download manager etc... and the browser never truly finishes shutting down etc... this should not be necessary in linux... however it is always my recommendation.03:58
wantharryok let me restart and come back again03:59
x1kif i want to install the latest version of an application that is not yet available in the repos, should i uninstall the current installed version first then install the latest version? or can/should i just install the new .deb as is?04:00
L3topI would recommend it x1k04:00
rundmcIdleOne, ok, is there something similar that would allow me to setup and control my server remotely ?04:00
L3topdepending on ITS depends. If it wants to unload 30 other pieces of software as dependencies... I tend to just overwrite.04:01
L3topx1k: ^04:01
x1kL3top: nmap doesn't have many dependencies, i don't believe... is uninstalling it first cleaner?04:02
IdleOnerundmc: secpanel - graphical user interface for SSH and SCP. I have no experience with it though.04:02
Pinkamena_Dhi i type ip rule flush to get rid of any rules i had made that were useless but it deleted all of them even the nessasary ones. How do restors or recreate the default ip rules?04:03
rundmcIdleOne, thanks, but it's for SSH, i really just need something similar to FreeNAS' web interface, you know?04:04
L3topx1k: yes. I would... but I live mostly in video detection... where it is crucial... however it is never a bad policy, unless it unhinges something major.04:05
Laiceif you're using ubuntu just type "ssh user@host" and away you go.  If your server is on a different port it would be "ssh user@host -p 'portno'"04:05
Laicei'm currently using irssi as my irc client on a server i'm not at :P through ssh :P04:06
L3topjthan: I wasn't trying to stomp on you... it just seemed like debian advice as ubuntu has not had that nomenclature since at least 1004... and I thought it might be confusing to the end user.04:07
Laicewhois MrMibbit04:08
wantharryHey L3top looks its fixed the issue after restarting for most part..only when there is no buffering its doing the same04:08
Laicewith a / that was.04:08
jagginessrundmc, samba, and use swat (http://localhost:901 << only good for administration)04:09
Laiceanyone know any services that use port 8081?04:09
rundmcjagginess, thanks, googling .,....04:10
=== AngrySpam98 is now known as AngrySpam98|away
jagginessrundmc, #linux (i can tell you never used linux before)04:10
* jagginess is on #linux too04:10
L3topwantharry: flash is obnoxiusly glitchy. Their last (ever) linux iteration is particularly buggy... and unfortunately there is nobody to lodge a complaint with. It is a third party closed source driver that I tend to hold conspiracy against. It will never be perfect I am afraid.04:10
wantharrythanks l3top04:11
wantharryHey jthan thanks a lot for helping me out04:11
bhaveshI cannot load any pages in google chrome nor I could connect the Empathy but Xorg works. Same happened in windows 7 and I fixed it by changing the Speed/Duplex settings from Auto negation to 10Mbps Half duplex. How can I do so in Ubuntu?04:11
bhaveshand now everything seems to be working fine.. -.-04:12
jagginessrundmc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/04:12
L3topbhavesh: out of curiosity, can you give me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA04:12
jagginessrundmc, there's also sftp with ssh, but samba would probably be better for you04:12
jagginessrundmc, (filezilla can do ssh/sftp on windows)04:13
bhaveshL3top, 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] [10de:03d0] (rev a2)04:13
bhaveshand now it does not work..04:13
bhaveshcan't I change the Speed/Duplex settings in Ubuntu like I did in windows?04:13
jagginesslol.. 1 sec it works and next second it doesnt.. you sure know how to confuse people04:14
rundmcjagginess, swat looks ideal, in the wiki you suggested they say "Point your browser to http://localhost:901/" , i assume i can replace localhost with the server's IP if im using another computer?04:14
L3top430... look forward to the 304 nvidia driver. It is gonna take a while before linux release. \04:14
jagginessbhavesh, y.. mii-tool does it temporarily, i think half-duplex can be set with the networkmanager.conf file (or maybe in the gui network panel it can be changed as well)04:14
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bhaveshjagginess: ok ill try after my morning shower04:15
Pinkamena_Dhi i type ip rule flush to get rid of any rules i had made that were useless but it deleted all of them even the nessasary ones. How do restors or recreate the default ip rules?04:15
L3topbhavesh: in 1204 the /etc/X11/xorg.conf is depreciated. You might try creating one so you can edit values with nvidia-xconfig04:15
cg2916After an X window reboot and a reboot, Flash is still running too fast. How do I fix this? I have messed w/ PulseAudio a lot, if that means anything.04:16
jagginessrundmc, well its not set to https:// (dunno if it can), you basically setup swat from the server machine, (if you need to do it remotely, you'll have to configure swat to listen beyond localhost) -- but again i dont know if https:// can be set04:16
jagginesscg2916, you not using gnash instead/04:16
cg2916jagginess, I could use it, I guess... will it mess anything up?04:17
L3topcg2916: is this a 64 bit install? (uname -m)04:17
jagginesscg2916, saying to be sure you really are using flash04:17
cg2916L3top, yes04:17
bhaveshL3top: ok04:18
cg2916jagginess, Yes. However, the problem also happens with java applets04:18
L3topcg2916: lspci -nn | grep VGA04:18
jagginesscg2916, maybe you're using a malbehaving 32-bit firefox on 64-bit ubuntu04:18
cg2916jagginess, Chrom04:19
L3topcg2916: jagginess may be on to the root problem as it turns out04:19
Laiceeeeew cross architecture *spits in conveniently placed metal bucket*04:19
natolw45join #xubuntu04:19
cg2916L3top, will post in just a sec, grep is taking forever04:19
cg2916Should it be taking this long?04:19
rundmcjagginess, the manpage says " Note  that  you  can  attach  to SWAT from any IP connected machine but connecting from  a  remote  machine  leaves  your  connection  open  to password sniffing..."04:19
jagginesscg2916, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome  - License (Proprietary)04:20
L3topcg2916: run top04:20
rundmcjagginess, so i think i will use swat then , thanks!04:20
Laiceanyone used gps with ubuntu?04:20
cg2916l3top and jagginess, now, this has been fine for a while now, but it just randomly started... if that's the issue, would it still be spontaneous?04:20
giteshHello world!04:21
cg2916l3top, running top, what now?04:21
L3topx-swat is awesome for a lot of things... but rundmc please give me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA04:21
Yourmomsomeones been naughty in here04:21
L3topcg2916: look for anything eating up serious resources.... should be self evident04:21
jagginessL3top, i think you mean the other one04:21
giteshI have problem in gnome-settings-daemon. how do i upgrade that?04:21
L3topjagginess: I do not understand04:21
cg2916L3top, nothing04:21
Laicewhats the problem gitesh04:22
rundmcL3top, i'm on a different computer now, i intend to 1.buy a headles server  2. install ubuntu server  3. manage it remotely for file sharing (remotely in this case meaning from the same subnet)04:22
jagginesscg2916 has the vga problem (rundmc was checking out swat)04:22
giteshLaice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079086/04:23
jagginessrundmc, well there's a tricky way to do http://localhost from a separate physical machine (but this is advanced stuff called 'proxying')04:23
L3topcg2916: If  you are running forever checking lspci | grep VGA... then SOMETHING has to be heating stuff up.04:23
cg2916L3top, gimme the full command, i'll run it once more04:24
L3topcg2916: lspci -nn | grep VGA04:24
cg2916OH, I ran them seperately, derp04:24
L3topyeah... that will be a problem04:24
cg2916L3top, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0116] (rev 09)04:24
Laicegitesh: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:25
jagginessrundmc, it's also possible to do a remote desktop, and then do http://localhost , or maybe find an elegant way to encrypt swat if you feel you need to..04:25
Laicegitesh: into a terminal04:25
Laiceif that doesnt update the packages, let me know04:25
* Yourmom smiles04:25
giteshLaice: ok, Thank you. I will try.04:25
L3topmy best advice cg2916 is to sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver04:25
L3topcg2916: ^04:25
cg2916l3top, given my past experience with Linux, i hope this doesn't break my system ;)04:26
rundmcjagginess, security is really not a big issue , we are just sharing files in a subnet, the server is not even connected to the internet04:26
Laicecg2916 what could possibly go wrong! *grabs fire extinguisher*04:26
rundmcits for a school04:26
ghostchickrundmc,  sshfs or nfs?04:27
Yourmomthinks someone just got schooled04:27
Laicerundmc dont underestimate school pupils :P  I killed a server at 12 years old without being in the room :P04:27
L3topIt will not cg2916. It is simply a graphics accellerator for intel GPUs. It is benign.04:27
cg2916Laice, I've sent this laptop to hades and back many times. I wiped out Windows while attemping to dual-boot, then Ubuntu wouldn't work at first04:27
cg2916L3top, I hope so... ;)04:27
rundmcLaice, it's a big kindergarten.,.,.,,i still feel safe04:27
L3topcg2916: I would not tell you it was something I was unsure of.04:27
Laicerundmc sounds like a challenge :D04:27
cg2916L3TOP, Thank you04:27
cg2916l3top, should i restart browser, xorg, comp or anything after install?04:28
L3topcg2916: I recommend a reboot to fully utilize the frame buffer.04:28
jagginesscg2916, you wiped out windows? lol. good one! I hope you backed up your data!04:28
cg2916l3top, can i try w/o?04:28
cg2916jagginess, not really04:28
Laicejagginess i don't want to sound anti-windoze but i don't tihnk there's anything in it worth backing up :P04:28
cg2916jagginess, i almost wiped out linux as well... i'm just an idiot who never learns from mistakes04:28
rundmcok, thank you all for your advice, have a nice day (/night)04:29
adrenmusic :D04:29
jagginesscg2916, dunno how you could of done that.. you sure must of done the setup phase fast.. nways..04:29
cg2916l3top, OMG it worked! Thank you!04:29
* Yourmom sneaks around the room with a club04:29
cg2916jagginess, if you have time, it's quite the story04:29
cg2916l3top, thank you so much!04:30
L3topIf I had written it, I would love the credit. I have become an Intel fanboy recently after a long love affair with nVidia.04:30
adrendoes ubuntu iso come with syslinux?04:30
Laiceit's very easy to screw up the boot device.  My desktop grub currently thinks i have 3 different copies of windows installed even though i only have 1, but as i know which devices are real i dare not change them haha04:31
cg2916l3top, have you seen what linus torvalds said to nvidia?04:31
adren"fuk u nvidia"04:31
L3toptheir OS drivers, are written to handle abstraction on a much more pure relationship than the "other" manufacturers. And yes... but... Linus gets testy when not given the keys to the palace... I do not base this on his opinion.04:32
cg2916l3top, on a different note, do you know any good and SIMPLE emulators? Qemu didn't work and Virtualbox almost broke my system04:32
jagginesscg2916, emulators?04:33
cg2916jagginess, as in Virtualbox04:33
jagginesscg2916, you have to be specific what you're trying to emulate04:33
cg2916Tiny Core04:33
ghostchickcg2916, kvm  ?04:33
Yourmomemulators,.. unless you have the know how to rip the game you already own, we do not condone stealing here04:33
cg2916Not video games04:34
cg2916Just to clarify04:34
L3topcg2916 means virtual machines... as you know jag... and virtualbox works lovely on everything I use... but... I give it room to do so.04:34
cg2916ghostchick, i guess04:34
cg2916Virtual machine, WHY on earth that didn't come to mind is beyond me04:34
jagginesscg2916, your processor should have a VT-like feature which supports vm's performance, otherwise emulation sucks..04:35
L3topkvm is a favorite among many... but keep in mind that there is a problem with vesa drivers on kvm, and those should be forced to use the fbdev driver04:35
cg2916l3top, will kvm almost break me like vbox?04:35
L3topNothing should break your host environment cg2916.04:36
cg2916l3top, well, that's linux for ya04:36
L3topIf you crash running a specific vm... that is one thing04:36
jagginesscg2916, what gets broked?04:36
ghostchickcg2916,  What happpened then ;04:36
L3topbut the host itself should not be affected04:36
jagginesscg2916, the vm stalls?04:37
cg2916jagginess and ghostchick, got*... i seem to have forced the memory away, but... oh yeah, broke my apt04:37
cg2916thanks to the kernel module not being installed04:37
ghostchickcg2916,  virtualbox broke  apt?04:38
jagginesscg2916, if you get stalls, you may want to force using the VM in plain mode (meaning not choosing what the target OS is-- the performance would be less fast but more stable)04:38
cg2916jagginess, i uninstalled it and feel like avoiding it like the plague04:38
fifadf -h  df: cannot read table of mounted file systems: Input/output error04:39
cg2916It was the glitch where it was like "Wrong port"04:39
Yourmomhas virtual box gotten any better in the last few years?04:39
cg2916SPICE port!04:39
cg2916That was it04:39
jagginesscg2916, you should look above (you should be using a processor with a VT feature if you do x86 emulation)04:39
roanshGuys, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my Samsung NP300 laptop. Fn + F1-F8 key combinations worked before as expected. i.e. for brightness, volume, etc. Now, the function keys alone work for brightness, volume.. But, the won't work when used to switch to 1-6 virtual terminals..04:40
fifamy filesystem not behaving properly ,i can't mount my HDD04:40
cg2916jagginess... hmm... don't know how to find that out... i was going to emulate it so i could learn to program for the kernel without programming on my MAIN kernel, which is sorta why windows got wiped in the first place... geez, i'm an idiot04:40
cg2916I don't even accomplish my original goal04:41
giteshwhat should be a installation directory(to install Abode reader)? Sorry guys(in advanced), i am quite new to this.04:41
roanshalso, Alt + F4 won't work04:41
Yourmommost after distro programs go in opt04:42
Yourmomtise where you should install Firefox or whathave you04:42
Yourmomfor example ;)04:42
jagginessgitesh, reader is in the thirdparty repos, run the 'Software upgrade' app and turn on 'Third party' partners, (you can also enable universe/multiverse), then try to install adobe reader (which is in i386 only, meaning alot of files would be needed if you use 64-bit already)04:42
jagginessgitesh, apt-get update, then, apt-get install acroread (or do it from synaptic/ubuntu software center)04:43
cody__hey guys i'm trying to get mine craft lol having a lot of difficulties can anyone help04:44
Laicegitesh did those commands i sent your earlier solve your problem?04:45
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cody__does anyone know how to get mine craft nothing seems to work for me04:46
cansranmaI have dual boot with ubuntu and windows xp (ubuntu has never worked) but today my computer has been powering down randomly, also extremely slower than usual. I performed virus checks and everything checked out ok. When I try to boot up after it post i get the message " Error: Unknown file system Grub rescue > ......04:46
cansranmaI dont know what to do04:46
Laicecody__ have you downloaded the .jar from minecraft.net04:46
cansranmaive been researching it online but nothing has helped04:46
cansranmawhat is grub rescue >04:46
Laiceand are we talking server or client04:47
cansranmahey is grub rescue something to do with ubuntu?04:47
Laiceone sec ironically i was just setting up my minecraft server again and have to set the client up :) just going to run through it myself then tell you how i did it04:48
cg2916l3top, problem not solved04:49
cody__okay thanks04:49
L3topcg2916: please restate original problem04:49
ghostchickcansranma,  grub was the bootloader used by ubuntu and it means there is a problem with the grub installation04:49
cg2916l3top, flash too fast04:49
* PURE grins04:50
cansranmawell i cant even get into windows or ubuntu04:50
cansranmaright after it post it says this04:50
cansranmawhat hsould i do?04:50
cg2916l3top, ok, on chrome, it's way too fast, on firefox, it's too slow... hmm04:51
PURE64bit nightly is pretty good04:51
ghostchickcg2916,  in chrome check in chrome;//plugins which flash is running04:51
L3topcg2916: chrome right... oh... I see04:51
Laicecody__ just installing openjdk-7-jre and it's 100MBb on my 2MB/S line so it mate be a few :S04:51
PUREFF64 bit for nightly04:51
cody__is that in the software center04:52
Laicemake sure you chmod +x the minecraft.jar04:52
cody__okay will do04:52
Laiceshould be yes search for openjdk04:52
PUREI got FF64 right from their site04:52
cg2916ghostchick, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079112/04:52
PUREworks great04:52
L3topcg2916: I would onlyy expect it slow in firefox if you still had chrome open doing doubletime, even in buffer04:52
Laicei don't like sun java as a preferance but thats because i used to run a minecraft server and sunjava generally sucks these days compared to open04:53
L3topcg2916: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141692/youtube-movies-are-playing-too-fast-with-chrome04:53
cody__how would i get the java your downloading?04:53
bob__dont mean to funk the flow of the convo, but has anyone gotten ubuntu to run on the nexus 7 tablet04:54
PUREHow do you play mine craft?04:54
cg2916l3top, nope04:54
PURELike,.. I seen it before but where do you get it?04:54
L3topcg2916: I do not understand that answer to the link I gave you.04:54
cg2916l3top, that doesn't fix the problem04:54
PURElike what is the object of it? ussually I just see people running around a screen04:55
cody__laice: how would i get the java your downloading im not very good with the terminal04:55
L3topcg2916: you COULDN'T have rebooted... and I doubt you reloaded. Jes sayin.04:55
cg2916l3top... pretty much... should i reboot?04:55
cansranmawhat should i do?04:57
cansranmawill someone help it says ERror: unkown file system grub rescue >04:57
cansranmacant get into the desktop on windows xp or ubuntu04:57
cg2916l3top, i'm gonna take that as a yes04:57
L3topcg2916: I don't know how people handle their OS/windows... so I always tell people to reboot. It probably won't fix your specific issue... and people yell at me... but I like a fresh boot before I burn an answer.04:58
cg2916l3top, i won't yell, i'll reboot... fingers crossed!04:58
cansranmaany help is appreciated?04:58
cansranmaits a problem with ubuntu04:58
osmosisif I am listening to pandora, is there any way for me to get cool  visualizations going on ubuntu?04:58
Laicecody__ "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre"04:59
L3topcansranma: first of all, do not use the enter key as punctuation... secondly... it sounds like grub is hosed... do you have a live cd you can boot to?04:59
cansranmai have a ubuntu cd05:00
cody__how to i go to the download directory in termianl05:00
Abhijitcansranma, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193061005:00
cansranmal3top, i have the ubuntu cd i used to install it05:00
Laicecody__ to explain that command to you, "sudo" says run this at root permissions (kind of like an administrator) "apt-get" is a package manager (like the ubuntu software centre) install tells apt-get to install (obviously) and "openjdk-7-jre" is the package we're looking to install05:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Laicecody__ "cd ~/Downloads"05:01
cody__ty again05:01
cansranmawhat is grub?05:01
L3toposmosis: this is, for whatever reason... holy grailish on ubu. try apt-cache show synaesthesia05:01
cg2916l3top, thank you, it's working at least for now05:02
Abhijit!grub | cansranma05:02
ubottucansranma: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:02
osmosisL3top, i just installed  projectm-pulseaudio   and I am absolutely amazed05:02
Laicecody__ "cd" stands for change directory, and you can use "~" instead of typing /home/yourusernamegoeshere to make life easier.  Remember that commands in the temrinal are CaSe SeNsItIvE!!!05:02
cody__thanks for helping me laice05:03
cansranmano i installed windows first05:03
Laicecody__ you can send the cheque in the post :P05:03
L3topty osmosis. I have built a couple of terrible virtualizers for my given project... but they are just vector madness. hopefully these will give me some direction.05:03
bhaveshL3top, and how am I supposed to change Speed/Duplex settings using nvidia-xconfig?05:03
L3topno bhavesh05:04
Laicecody__ dont worry i'm kidding :P05:04
cody__oh xD i opened minecraft with java and got a black screen after it downloaded05:04
cody__the files it needed05:04
cody__what do now05:05
Laicecody__ what you can do is right click on the minecraft.jar in your downloads folder and select open with -> OpenJDK JRE 705:05
fritzophrenicI installed Eclipse from the SW center, where might I find the "Eclipse Home Directory"?05:06
bhaveshcody__ MC works fine without black screen with OpenJDK 6 and not 705:06
Laicesometimes you have to give permissions for the file by right clicking on it and going into the properties and checking "Allow Execution"05:06
L3topbhavesh: cat /etc/apt/xorg.conf to check settings you need to know...  however I sent you there to realign your audio, not reinstall it. please pastebin sudo lshw -c audio05:06
rinzlerDoes anyone know of a tool to find out why chrome is taking an inordinate chunk of my CPU bandwidth?05:06
LaiceCody__ really mine's running in OpenJDK7 right now, but no problem if you've found a solution that works for you!05:06
L3topbut I am fading fast kids...05:06
cansranmai have no idea05:07
cody__im trying xD05:07
cansranmaright now its stuck at a black screen with the )_ flashing05:07
cansranmai tried inserting the ubuntu cd05:07
* Laice doses L3top 's caffeine drip up a notch05:07
cansranmaand booting05:07
ghostchickrinzler,  look at the chrome urls05:08
rinzlerghostchick: ok, what about them?05:09
bearphatI am sorry i did not think that posting a link for fellow gnomies to come hang was spamming05:09
cody__im uninstalling jdk and trying the code you gave me05:09
cansranmaok now it's trying to boot from the cd but the screen is black with the dash flashing05:09
ghostchickrinzler,  the chrome pages , there is some tools for checking cpu/mem consommation and co05:09
cansranmathe ubuntu cd05:09
cansranmaits stuck at a black screen with a flashing05:10
=== anony is now known as zzz
rinzlerghostchick: like, in chrome?05:10
cansranmacd rom lights arent on05:10
zzzwhat is matter?05:10
cansranmaI had dual boot with windows xp and ubuntu but for some reason computer shutdown when i tried to boot up i got the error message " error: unknown file system grub rescue"05:11
zzzhow do you install?05:12
cody__laice when you said chmod +x05:13
Shano_56cansranma, you will probably need recovery disc05:13
cody__did you mean chmod a+x?05:13
jheskethHowdy. So on a live CD I notice that ubiquity is launched using an upstart config starting on when lightdm starts. So how does lightdm know to let ubiquity to act as the display manager until it has quit? (ie lightdm doesn't do the auto-login into unity until ubiquity has exited)05:14
Laicecody__ chmod +x minecraft.jar05:15
jhesketh_(sorry, if anybody replied, x-chat inconveniently died)05:15
OU812I know the feeling05:15
Laicecody__ or you can right click on the file and click properties and check it on the permissions tab, it's just the permissions to execute05:15
cody__laice the jdk 6 fixed the problem05:15
Laiceirssi for the win :) cody__ good stuff05:15
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cody__but thanks for all the help xD05:16
Laicehad an error with ATI drivers refering to jockey.log, any ideas?05:24
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joelperezcan i reformat from the liveboot desktop?05:26
ghostchickjoelperez,  you mean reformat you harddrive?05:27
joelperezi cant reinstall ubuntu :[05:28
rinzlerjoelperez: that's an option in the live disk installer05:28
cansranmahere's the error message when i try to boot into ubuntu05:29
cansranmasorry about the quality i took it with smartphone05:30
cansranmasays the disk contains an unclean file syetem05:30
cansranma"the file system wasn't safely closed on windows, fixing, *checking battery stats...05:31
cansranmaand you see the rest05:31
FloodBot1cansranma: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
joelperezFloodBot1 is so rude05:31
adrencansranma: is this grub-legacy?05:32
rinzlerjoelperez: boot to the install disk, start the install process, and it'll walk you through installing your system. If you choose the right install options, it'll completely reformat your HD, and install Ubuntu for you.05:32
joelperezrinzler, it doesn't do that anymore :(05:33
cansranmano icant type into the command prompt either :(05:34
rinzlerjoelperez: it doesn't do what anymore?05:34
cansranmacheck this out05:34
joelperezit doesnt want to install ubuntu05:34
joelperezit just freezes05:35
cansranmait says failed to set mode on [CRTC:6] whats this?05:35
rinzlerjoelperez: is this before or after you boot to the disk?05:35
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:36
rinzlerjoelperez: have you tried the alternate installer? it does just an install and doesn't mess with loading the entire GUI.05:37
dr_willisweird that it used to Work05:37
rinzlerdr_willis: is that for joel?05:37
adrencansranma: have you try nomodeset?05:37
adrencansranma: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=9239405:37
rinzlerdr_willis: nevermind05:37
adrenI'm kinda sad to see not a lot of support going on here in ubuntu during the night hours05:38
fifa: (05:38
adrenthen again it is the holiday05:38
dr_willisits only 2 am.. on a sat night in the usa. ;)05:39
rinzlerFri night05:39
dr_willisits daytime in.. err.. somewhere05:39
randomDudehow does one work out which exact version of gnome-shell they have?05:41
randomDudealso extensions.gnome.org no longer lets me install extensions in google chrome05:43
adrenrandomDude: I think it's apt-get -V package-name , though I don't use ubuntu , you can try it , or man page apt-get.05:43
adrenI think it's time I try ubuntu05:43
cansranmawell i tried to bootup with ubuntu live cd05:43
dr_willistry firefox randomDude ?05:44
cansranmaand its at a black screen with a dash mark flashing05:44
cansranmai think its stuck beca05:44
randomDudeadren: dpkg -l gnome-shell05:44
cansranmaany help is appreciated05:44
cansranmayeah when i enter05:44
cansranmathe ubuntu cd then try to bootup the textmode cursor is just blinking05:44
cansranmaand there is a black screen05:44
randomDudedr_willis: i would except starting up firefox instead of google chrome is like logging out of ubuntu to restart into windows05:44
cansranmai meant the underscore05:45
dr_willis!nomoseset  | cansranma05:45
adrencansranma: have you try the nomodeset in the kernel line?05:45
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:45
cansranmaadren, i havent tried because i cant type05:46
cansranmathe underscore is flashing at the top left05:46
cansranmaand has been doing it for the past 30 min05:46
rinzlercansranma: how far into the boot process does your computer get before it gets stuck?05:46
cansranmait only does this when i try to boot with ubuntu cd05:47
cansranmaright after it posts05:47
cansranmait goes straight to this screen05:47
cansranmaanyway to unisntall it inside windows05:47
cansranmathen reinstall or should i try to bootup05:47
cansranmathen install over it05:47
fifaHELP ME 1 Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda2 is already mounted on /media/Lex05:47
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:48
rinzlercansranma: can you tell if you get past your BIOS before it gets stuck?05:48
cansranmayeah i can get past my bios05:48
rinzlercansranma: have you tried again. I know it might be a silly question, but it wasn't clear from what you said.05:50
cansranmawhy should i go into the BIOS?05:50
cansranmawhich part?05:50
cansranmasure i can get into the bios but i have to press f105:50
rinzlercansranma: from powered off.05:50
DWSRWhat command can I use from bash that will show me what drives are connected to the computer and how much space they have available on them? I'm talking physical drives, not block devices.05:50
cansranmaform powered off?05:50
ghostchickanyone knows how to make the grub appear at the boot time05:50
cansranmaim lost05:50
daxghostchick: hold down either shift or ctrl, I forget which05:51
rachelrachelHow come flash freezes my whole browser for a few seconds and messes with my webcams which aren't even running in a browser?05:51
cansranmayeah i have no idea05:51
ghostchickcansranma,  then you can hold down either shift or ctrl , til l05:51
adrencansranma: restart, go back to grub again, press E, to edit your kernel line05:51
cansranmawheres the grub05:52
cansranmawhen you boot up ubuntu you know how it gives you three different options to select?05:52
cansranmaone is winxp05:52
cansranmai cant eedit anything adren :( did you see the screen shot05:52
cansranmano underscore05:52
adrenmy mistake, I shoudn't try to help if I don't use ubuntu in the first place.05:53
adrenthe other method I can think of is chroot into your / , change the kernel line from there.05:54
rinzlercansranma:  have you tried rebooting?05:54
ghostchick adren, i agree as for the chroot , but to work with a chroot , he needs the livecd(the system is he trying to repair is on the hd)05:55
rinzlerI'm gonna stop now, I don't think I'm helping at all :P05:56
linux_is_my_heroanyone know of a chatroom on irc for texas instruments graphing calculators?  i know this is off-topic but they ARE based on linux, so i figured i'd ask...05:56
cansranmashould i go into recovery mode?05:57
bazhang!alis | linux_is_my_hero search using this05:57
ubottulinux_is_my_hero search using this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:57
anonyare you know this font?05:57
cansranmaok im in the recovery menu now whwat?05:57
bazhanganony, for irssi?05:58
bazhanganony, whats the real question05:58
dmp450hey, if nobody is logged into my computer I can't seem to ssh into the computer unless someone is logged into the machine? Would anyone know why this would be?05:59
linux_is_my_herossh is something i tell my gf when she talks too much05:59
voxdmp450: that doesnt make much sense05:59
anonyname of font in the picture?06:00
dmp450vox, I know. I'm thinking of it differently than I'm describing it. if my desktop is at the ubuntu login screen, and I try to ssh into the machine, it doesn't let me06:00
adrenanony: could be , Consolas, Inconsolata, liberation mono, monofur , ttf-monofur06:00
bazhang!behelpful | linux_is_my_hero06:00
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.06:00
dmp450but if I use the machine and actually log in as a user it will let me ssh into the machine after06:01
anonyoh, thank adren06:01
anonyi will try06:01
voxdmp450: that doesnt make any sense either06:01
bazhanganony, you could also ask in #irssi06:01
voxdmp450: what error do you get?06:01
dr_willisdmp450: wired or wirelesses  networking?06:01
adrenanony: i can't tell if that's truetype, bitmap, or sans-serif, but you can try all the fonts listed on the web :) http://www.lowing.org/fonts/06:01
dmp450vox, hold on, I'll disconnect and come back.06:01
dmp450dr_willis, wired06:02
dr_willisthat kills my idea.;)06:02
DWSRHow can I figure out the size of a disk from bash?06:02
anonythank a lot adren! :-)06:02
ghostchickDWSR,  fdisk -l?06:02
dr_willisDWSR: sudo fdisk -l06:02
dmp450vox, it says connect failed: EHOSTUNREACH06:03
dmp450no route to host. I don't recall changing anything. just noticed this when I logged in, but it seems my internet connection to my PC doesn't connect until I log on06:04
dr_willisdmp450: login via the console on the server. not x as a test. see if it works06:04
dmp450dmp450, console?06:05
dr_willisdmp450: dies ping also fail?06:05
DWSRdr_willis: I'm using gpt,06:05
DWSRdr_willis: But parted answered my question well enough.06:05
dr_willisalt ctrl f1   console06:05
dmp450why am I messaging myself? dr_willis console? ping fails06:05
arashbhey guys, in ubuntu 12.04 is the "sudo apt-get install grub-efi" command still neccesary?06:05
dr_willisnetworking is down  it seems06:05
arashbif i want efi boot that is06:06
dmp450dr_willis, yeah, and it doesn't seem to be up until I log in through gdm06:06
dr_willisdmp450: whish is why i said try the console login. not  x.06:06
dmp450dr_willis, on the machine itself? or on my ssh client?06:07
dr_willisalt ctrl f1   to get to the  console06:07
dr_willison the server...06:07
dmp450dr_willis, will I have to log out of tty7?06:07
dr_willisno need to logout.06:08
dr_willistty7 is still lightdm login screen. or did you login?06:08
arashbis there a separate apple ubuntu irc?06:09
dmp450dr_willis, when I logged into tty1 and I tried to ctrl alt f7 to get back and talk to you it just had a black screen and said sabnzbd was starting06:10
dmp450so I restarted gdm and had to re-log in. something weird is going on06:11
dwakarit seems that you can't watch video in vlc and youtube at the same time. The sound in one of them is muted. or is it just me?06:11
dr_willisthere are console irc clients also.06:11
dmp450dr_willis, okay, I'll grab one of those, log into tty1 then come back?06:12
dr_willisdwakar:  i got my browser set so i watch youtube vudeos in vlc. :)06:12
cansranmai was able to upgrade in recovery mode and im at the dekstop06:12
cansranmanow it says says sorry ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error06:12
cansranmahow do i change the owner to soemthing different06:12
cansranmathis is my first time using ubuntu06:13
dr_willisdmp450:  a dirty fix could be to restart networking from /etc/rc.local06:13
dwakardr_wills so that's the only workaround06:13
dmp450dr_willis, so just sudo /etc/rc.local restart?06:13
elliot__hi all06:14
cansranmahow do i open a terminal in ubuntu/06:14
dr_williswhat owner?06:14
cansranmathe username when u log in is owner06:14
dr_willisi hit alt. then type  term    it shows up06:14
cansranmawhen i got to user accounts06:14
dr_willisadd a new user. is my advice dont mess with the first made user.06:15
dwakardr_willis how to watch youtube videos with vlc?06:15
linux_is_my_herobazhang: may i pm you?  i have a question.  i am confused.06:16
cansranmaI hit alt and the tools drop down menu popped up06:16
cansranmait says bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in g-assertion_message()06:17
dr_willisdwakar: a firefox extension called flashreplacer06:18
dwakardr_willis thanks06:18
dr_willisdwakar: bookmarked at delicious.com/dr_willis06:19
dr_williscansranma:  thats weird06:20
dmp450okay, I can't get into tty7 now06:20
DWSRI have a parted process that's just hanging. Kill -9 doesn't get rid of it. What do?06:20
dr_willistry tty6 and 8 and 9 ?06:22
dmp450dr_willis, you are a genius. tty8 works. you still think restarting networking would do it?06:23
dmp450and why would it switch from always being tty7 to now being tty8?06:23
dr_willisits a possible work around06:24
dr_willisx is on tty8 for some reason.06:24
dr_willis7 was in use06:24
dmp450weird. I have always had it on tty7. tty7 shows startup type stuff and just ends off with checking battery status06:25
cansranmaweird got an error message after i booted up and selected ubuntu06:25
cansranmaminitor lost the signal and then06:25
cansranmaone sec heres the pic06:25
dmp450dr_willis, so would I just sudo /etc/rc.local restart then? is that how that would work?06:26
dr_willisrc.local is a file you edit...06:27
dmp450dr_willis, so how would I restart networking from there?06:27
dr_willisits the last thing ran on a normal bootup06:27
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dr_willisservice networking restart     perhaps06:28
dr_willisi cant imagine what the user login is doing to mess with networking06:29
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html06:30
dmp450dr_willis, I did do one thing. Ubuntu notified me of a kernel upgrade, so I did that. I don't know if this is when the issue started isnce I haven't had to ssh into here for a while06:30
dr_willisyou could check the network settings i guess. may be its somehow under user control06:31
arshbany mac users with 12.04 here?06:32
meadhikarihello all, how to find which in dev/? is the input stream from the mic? please help06:32
dmp450dr_willis, where would I edit the startup daemons? Would that be in the rc.local?06:32
dr_willisrc.local is just a catch all script06:33
dmp450because I'm wondering if it isn't starting network until after I log in maybe?06:33
dmp450ah, I see. Is there an equivalent to /etc/rc.conf like in arch?06:33
ghostchickdmp450, sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart06:33
dr_willisthats why i said check the network manager settings.06:33
dr_williswired should not need a user login.06:34
ghostchickdmp450,  sadly no equivalent in debian based systems as far as i know06:34
cody__hey everyone im trying to get this program multimc but it needs a requirement called mono can anyone help with this06:35
dmp450where would I find the network manager settings?06:35
dr_willisit should be in the repos cody06:36
Asad2005i have liferea rss running but minimized but not in unity panel and alt tap dnt see it i think it has to do with all tray in gnome classic how can i maximize it from cli?06:36
dr_willisdmp450:  network manager icon on the top right panel on desktop06:36
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dmp450dr_willis, yeah, it says it should connect automatically :/06:37
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dmp450I'm going to try a reboot here06:40
cansranmahey cool chick06:41
cansranmasorry battery shutdown06:42
overdose /server irc.efnet.org06:42
cansranmawhat do you press to get windowed screens in ubuntu?06:44
cansranmasplits screens...06:44
dmp450dr_willis, restarted and things worked fine :S06:45
meadhikariwhat would be the device for the micrphone input stream? dev/?06:48
hydrox24do you need help with  anything?06:53
arshbi need help with EFI booting x[ if anyone has experience with it06:53
nibbiermeadhikari, /dev/snd/something06:53
hydrox24!ask | arshb06:53
ubottuarshb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:53
heyuxianghello, when i run apt-get update, it said: GPG error  ............. because the public key is not available,06:53
zienHere are the Chinese?06:54
hydrox24heyuxiang: I would recommend googling for the specific repo and trying to add the key manually.06:54
hydrox24zien: try #ubuntu-ch06:54
zien请问  有会说中文的吗?06:54
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:55
hydrox24zien: try #ubuntu-cn06:55
Guest86384im new to backtrack06:55
hydrox24sorry, it's cn06:55
Guest86384i need guidlines to get started06:55
hydrox24Guest86384: shouldn06:55
arshbalright well i was following every guide online and everywhere says to do "sudo get-apt install grub-efi" but it not longer exists, i've converted the drive to EFI but I can't load Linux without a boot file for redit to see06:55
nibbierGuest86384, this is ubuntu support, try #backtrack06:55
hydrox24Guest86384: shouldn't have said that. We don't support BackTrack users here.06:55
cansranmahow do i check HD space in ubuntu in the file system?06:55
nibbiercansranma, df -h06:56
adrenyou don't need backtrack to use backtrack software, it's gnu free. :)06:56
hydrox24cansranma: try using the df -h command06:56
cansranmatype that in the terminal?06:56
nibbiercansranma, sure06:56
cansranmais there a guide somewhere? and how do i get to it or a list of commands06:57
cansranmathis is my first time using ubuntu and i dont know all the commands yet06:57
cansranmai need to get accustomed to it like a chart to see06:57
heyuxianghydrox24: ok, thanks, solved06:57
hydrox24that's fine.06:57
nibbiercansranma, http://fosswire.com/post/2007/08/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/06:57
hydrox24cansranma: what version of ubuntu are you using?06:57
zientry  #ubuntu-cn06:57
hydrox24cansranma: at any rate, just hit ctrl-alt-t to open a terminal06:58
zientry #ubuntu-ch06:58
nibbierzien, whats up?06:58
cansranmathanks nibbler06:58
magpiegaelfx how do i register my nickname?06:58
cansranmait satys06:59
zienCan input Chinese ?06:59
cansranmabamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()06:59
nibbier!cn | zien07:00
ubottuzien: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:00
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...07:00
cansranmabamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() says fixed released07:01
imacakeI have ubuntu 12.04 on a macbook. somewhen the networking stopped working. neither wireless nor cable.07:01
imacake:o halp07:01
cansranmahow do i get into gnome control center?07:01
nibbierimacake, you tried rebooting? what is the output of "ip addr show"?07:01
lotuspsychjeimacake: can you see errors on /var/logs?07:02
imacakei tried reinstalling the broadcom driver. didnt work.07:02
zienwho  can speek chinese?07:02
lotuspsychjezien:only english here07:02
nibbierzien: the people in #ubuntu-cn can. here is english support, go to one of the chinese speking channels advertised to you before please07:02
zienMy English is very poor !07:03
nibbier /join #ubuntu-cn07:03
imacakenibbier: lo, eth0, eth1 :o07:04
imacakeout of which eth1 looks legit07:04
zienwhere are you ?07:04
nibbierimacake, so can you ping your default gateway?07:04
zienI am chinese07:05
zienWhere are you ?07:05
nibbierimacake, try: ip r l07:05
zienI like ubuntu very much07:05
imacakenibbier: no output. the command just executes (`sudo ip r l`)07:06
lotuspsychje!ot | zien07:06
ubottuzien: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:06
nibbierimacake, that means you dont have a route set, i guess you get your ip configuration via DHCP from a home router/dsl router?07:06
imacakenibbier: yep. avarage home network, no datacenter sadly =)07:08
ghostchickA stupid question here, does anyone knows of a system to accelerate cp/mv transfers  like axel?07:09
nibbierimacake, do you have other computers that work with this network/router? i'd focus on wired connection first, its easier than wifi. try to ping your default gateway, try "sudo ip route add default via <ip of your router>" to fix this.....07:09
nibbierghostchick, mv should be almost instant if executed on the same filesystem07:10
imacakeghostchick: the move can become done and effective before the content has even been moved/copied...07:10
nibbierghostchick, and i dont know "axel" anyway07:11
lotuspsychjeghostchick: speed also depends on the harddisk, buy an SSD drive for very fast transfers07:11
imacakenibbier: i have 3 more systems and a phone hanging on the network.07:12
lotuspsychje!info axel07:12
ubottuaxel (source: axel): light download accelerator - console version. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1 (precise), package size 50 kB, installed size 216 kB07:12
ghostchickwell i need to move huge amounts of gbs from one partition to another  , so i was wondering07:12
nibbierghostchick, no, these tricks that download accelerators use are not available or necessary when you operate on local file systems07:12
nibbierghostchick, yet i'd suggest you use rsync, especially when moving stuff over wan links07:13
lotuspsychjeghostchick: clone drive software might be very fast aswell07:13
nibbierlotuspsychje, should hardly be faster than a cp, but way less flexible07:13
lotuspsychjenibbier: cloning software can sometimes do it in 1 minute07:14
ghostchickyeah ,  i  thought of using rsync ,thanks07:14
nibbierlotuspsychje, i have seen cp finish in less than 1 second!!11!07:14
imacakenibbier: RTNETLINK anwers: no such process07:15
lotuspsychjenibbier: not for huge ammounts of data u dont07:15
nibbierimacake, well, full pastes of the commands i asked you before would be helpfull ./ but i see the problem07:15
nibbierlotuspsychje, you did not get my message.07:15
heyuxiangi found there is no aircrack-ng in official repo, am i right?07:17
lotuspsychje!info aircrack07:17
ubottuPackage aircrack does not exist in precise07:17
lotuspsychje!info aircrack-ng07:18
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise07:18
nibbierlotuspsychje, when copying (not moving) stuff from A to B its always a matter of disk throughput, in the case of cp especially for plenty  of small files also a matter of access time. when cloning a drive you either skip the access time and do it as a whole, sequencially which also copies, so reads and writes, unused sectors, or you start seeking a lot as well.... hard to see the benefit07:18
imacakenibbier: if you want i can copy them by hand, but how shall i post them to the internet with no connection :( ?07:18
lotuspsychjenibbier:she asked for a huge amount of data, i dont see how you can copy that in 1sec07:19
heyuxianglotuspsychje: why07:19
hydrox24heyuxiang: well, it07:19
hydrox24heyuxiang: well, it's on my laptop07:19
lotuspsychjeheyuxiang:why what?07:19
heyuxianglotuspsychje: why no aircrack on ubuntu repo?07:20
hydrox24heyuxiang: I'm on 11.10 though07:20
nibbierimacake, as i said, i see the problem :/ - copy the full line of "ip addr show | grep eth0"07:20
heyuxianghydrox24: im on newly installed 12.0407:20
heyuxiang!info aircrack-ng07:21
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise07:21
nibbierimacake, cam+picturebin might an option, too07:21
lotuspsychjeheyuxiang: lol im not responsible for the repos mate,07:21
heyuxiang!info reaver07:21
ubottuPackage reaver does not exist in precise07:21
heyuxiangi came to linux for aircrack... and i found nothing07:22
cansranmahow do i get to the gnome center?07:22
heyuxiang!info gnome-center07:22
ubottuPackage gnome-center does not exist in precise07:22
heyuxiang!info gnome-center-*07:22
ubottuPackage gnome-center- does not exist in precise07:22
lotuspsychjeheyuxiang: i think you might wanna join #backtrack-linux07:22
cansranmactral alt what?07:23
nibbierheyuxiang, try backtrack if you want to have everything prepared for this kind of stuff, or build it yourself. please mind: neither of this is supported on #ubuntu07:23
cansranmabrings up terminal07:23
auronandace!info aircrack-ng oneiric07:23
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-1.1build1 (oneiric), package size 1561 kB, installed size 2840 kB07:23
heyuxiangnibbier: ok, i see, people said this is not supported, and people still use it to hack, what a lier07:23
lotuspsychjeheyuxiang: not because its not supported, you can install it manually..07:24
heyuxiangauronandace: what is oneiric07:24
auronandaceheyuxiang: 11.1007:24
imacakenibbier: one more second...07:24
heyuxiangi see, this package is removed from 12.04 maybe07:25
auronandaceheyuxiang: precisely07:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949531 in aircrack-ng (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] Aircrack-ng is not included in Precise" [Wishlist,Fix released]07:26
heyuxiangi would go back to archlinux if arch haven't slow down my SSD.07:26
imacakenibbier: http://i.imgur.com/W2JNz.jpg07:26
auronandace!rootirc | cocolino07:27
ubottucocolino: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:27
nibbierimacake, i see no carrier, can you please confirm the color of the LED on your network card or on the router?07:28
laumonierhi how can i update my kernel ubuntu? ive try apt-get dist-upgrade but it doesnt work thx for help07:28
heyuxiangi sill love my archlinux07:29
imacakenibbier: how else shall i be typing here.07:29
nibbierimacake, i'm talking of the port where the non-working computer is plugged07:29
heyuxiangi'll go back to archlinux after i  buy a new laptop07:29
auronandace!info linux-image | laumonier07:30
ubottulaumonier: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB07:30
=== administrator is now known as Guest22880
Guest22880 dds07:30
nibbierimacake, i also see that the wifi interface seems to find a carrier, but cannot connect, what happens if you enter the right password?07:33
in_how to install penumbra overture for ubuntu 1207:34
in_how to install penumbra overture for ubuntu 1207:34
memeticI've recently purchased an Asus Rampage IV Extreme, which features on-board RAID0, 1, 5, 0+1.  I've configured four SATA drives in RAID0+1 configuration, but Ubuntu doesn't see the volume.07:34
memeticHow should I approach solving this problem?07:34
lotuspsychjememetic: are you sure the drive is connected right?07:35
nibbiermemetic, do not use onboard raid, use linux softraid - onboard raid is a lie anyway07:35
Ghosthunter007Hardware raid it will not see it07:35
=== Dorito is now known as Guest84602
memeticnibbier, well is it really?07:35
imacakenibbier: oh sec, this is of when lan was disconnected. here with(eth0 changed a bit): http://imgur.com/VrRCS07:35
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:35
memeticIs it really Fake Raid?07:35
nibbiermemetic, what raid controller does this board feature?07:35
heyuxiang in_ we don't know what it is07:35
lotuspsychjehi there ghosthunter00707:36
Ghosthunter007hello lotuspsychje I looked in to haarp07:36
lotuspsychjepm ghost07:36
in_heyuxiang it is a game full circle issue 1107:36
nibbierimacake, now it is connected, but does not have an ip address. do you know the ip of your gateway?07:36
Guest22880     有没有规划哦三天07:36
imacakenibbier: gateway = router? then
heyuxiangin_: what's your problem?07:37
nibbier!cn | Guest2288007:37
ubottuGuest22880: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:37
in_heyuxiang the full name is penumbra:black plague07:37
auronandacein_: is it a windows game?07:37
nibbierimacake, "ip addr add" and "ip route add default via" then "ping"07:37
auronandace!appdb | in_07:38
heyuxiangin_: there is no suck game in ubuntu 12.04, at least for me07:38
ubottuin_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:38
in_No. I read about it in the 11th issue of full circle ubuntu free magazine07:38
in_Us ual l y07:38
in_ t h07:38
in_ e07:38
in_s carie s t part of07:38
in_adv e nt07:38
FloodBot1in_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:38
in_ uring on a07:38
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | in_07:39
ubottuin_: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.0.14-1 (precise), package size 2031 kB, installed size 3594 kB07:39
dr_willisplayed the earlier  penumbra game befor. dident care much for ut07:40
imacakenibbier: fail on the frist one (dev argument required)07:40
nibbierimacake, just noticed, add "dev eth0"07:40
heyuxiangin_: :(07:41
in_ inds h im s e lt07:41
in_ f rappe d in an unde rground07:41
in_ unne l07:41
FloodBot1in_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
in_ com pl e07:41
in_ x in t h07:41
auronandacein_: stop doing that07:42
in_sorry guys07:42
in_Here is the link of the site http://www.penumbragame.com/07:43
in_yeah sure07:43
dr_willisin_: what about ut?07:43
in_how do i get the game installed? penumbra:black plague07:44
dr_willisif its a windows only game. use wine. if it has a linux download. it depends on the download07:45
imacakenibbier: pinging workd :D07:45
ActionParsnipin_: is it on playdeb?07:46
cansranmawhen i take a screen shot in ubuntu its not giving me an option to save07:46
cansranmahow do i pull up07:46
laumonierhi how can i update my kernel ubuntu? ive try apt-get dist-upgrade but it doesnt work thx for help07:46
cansranmai click print screen07:46
FloodBot1cansranma: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
in_The Penumbra Series consits of three games, all of which have been released and can be bought as digital downloads for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Penumbra for Windows also comes as a boxed retail version, available from online retailers and in your local game store.07:46
in_Penumbra: Overture is the first game in the series, Penumbra: Black Plague is the second title and Penumbra: Requiem is an expansion for Black Plague.07:46
ActionParsnipin_: yes, I have it, no need to spam the channel07:46
lotuspsychje!upgrade | laumonier07:46
ubottulaumonier: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:46
nibbierimacake, ok, thats good news, your network works. a bit ;-) try "sudo dhclient eth0"07:46
dr_willisso download the linux files.. and install it.07:47
auronandacelaumonier: what does uname -a reveal?07:47
in_i dont get it? I used the paste.ubuntu.com link07:47
ActionParsnipimacake: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null07:47
laumonierauronandace, 3.2.0-26-generic-pae07:47
ActionParsnipimacake: then retry web access (sounds ike you have no web access but can ping
in_how to "not flood" the channel07:47
ActionParsnipin_: use a pastebin07:47
dr_willisin_:  you paste the url of the padtebin link07:47
auronandacelaumonier: then you have the most up to date kernel from the repos07:47
imacake-ubuntunibbier: yay, connected from ubuntun ow07:48
in_Oh! got it. :P my bad07:48
MechanisMhello I'm having problem with drivers for soundacrd. after updates I lost sound, but one guy in this room helped me by advicing command: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, but still after reboot I'm loosing sound and sometimes after this command not all output devices being activated07:48
nibbierimacake: so i believe you screwed up your network manager. 1st try to use dhclient eth0, if this gives you a valid IP, nameserver etc, then its your network manager, if this does not work, its your router ( i'd bet)07:48
ActionParsnipin_: download the Linux file from the website07:48
laumonierauronandace,  so why i ve three packet which are non up to date? linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae07:49
in_no apparently it is not in playdeb? that's y i'm asking your help07:49
imacake-ubuntunibbier: okay, so how do i make that permanenet and get it working for wireless (or is it working already? as far as I'd guess the problem was the configuration only, but dunno)07:49
MechanisMin sound settings for devices I see "Dummy Output"07:49
nibbierimacake-ubuntu, please as a first step follow the further debugging07:49
ActionParsnipin_: download the file from the web and mark it as executable, then run it in terminal with sudo07:49
auronandacelaumonier: did you apt-get update before you apt-get dist-upgrade?07:50
laumonierauronandace,  ofc07:50
auronandacelaumonier: what was the output of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?07:51
ActionParsnipin_: cracking game btw, very worth the money :)07:51
in_ActionParsnip: Thanks! and about that flooding. I'm really sorry07:51
ActionParsnipin_: np dude :)07:51
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dr_williscreepy games creep me out..07:52
in_ActionParsnip: Just wondering is there anyplace where we get linux game torrents07:52
ActionParsnipdr_willis: very creepy indeed07:52
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip, nibbier: now nameserver isnt working. (still this irc works, but not even pinging works now anymore)07:52
imacake-ubuntualso, im all time on wired connection, just so you know07:52
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/07:53
ActionParsnipin_: depends how the game makers ditribute their games, there is a torrent for the penumbra demo07:53
nibbierimacake-ubuntu, did you execute the dhclient command?07:53
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: can you ping your router's internal IP?07:53
imacake-ubuntushall i reinvoke it now07:53
in_ActionParsnip: Who is looking for the demo? :P07:53
dr_willisin_:  buy it. no warez here07:54
ActionParsnipin_: I used a direct link when I got my full copy, not sure if there is a torrent, its been a while07:54
laumonierauronandace,  http://pastebin.com/EpDie8Cr07:54
nibbierimacake-ubuntu, no but see if "ip route list" still points to your router and if "ip addr show" still shows an IP from the right network07:54
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip: i can still ping reexecuting `dhclient eth0` gives me file exists.07:54
dr_willisit was part of the humble bundles i thiught07:55
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: if you can ping the router, you have an IP and so forth, so dhclient isn't needed any more :)07:55
in_ActionParsnip: i just got one :) here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079261/07:55
auronandacelaumonier: maybe you'd be better off in #ubuntu-fr07:55
imacake-ubuntubut that nameserver echo thingie made no hostnames work =(07:55
nibbierActionParsnip, imacake: the question is: did your dhcp server give you a gateway, so please follow the instructions to check this out07:55
ActionParsnipin_: we don't support illegal behaviour here07:56
panzhello guys i cannot run NVIdia X server07:56
dr_willispanz: your video card us a? you installed the nvuda drivers how?07:57
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu:  try:    sudo route add default gw eth007:57
panzdr_willis, by jockey-gtk07:57
in_yeah! wont happen again07:57
panzand nvidia-current07:57
panzalster reboot07:57
panzlater reboot07:57
panzand i im click to seperate screen and i im Clicking on "NVIDA X Server Settings" and Nothing...07:58
panznone reaction07:58
auronandacepanz: try the other screen07:58
imacake-ubuntuSIOCADDRT: file exists07:58
ActionParsnipin_: you do realise that the full set is $20...pretty cheap compared to Windows games...07:58
nibbierActionParsnip, we are way beyond this point, this works, the question right now is how to make it permanent, at best how to make it permanent with network-manager. so the first thing is, as he gets IP via dhcp, see why it does not work, so see if he gets gateway/nameserver - if its worng or empty, if so fix dhcp server, and not execute cli to temporarily fix it07:58
panzauronandace, how? as i cannot run X Server NV Sett....07:59
dr_willispanz:  so the nvida-settings tool runs?07:59
ActionParsnipnibbier: you can set the IP and so forth in network manager by setting the interface to static and set the addressing07:59
auronandacepanz: i thought you just said you click to seperate screen07:59
panzdr_willis, no, none reaction from clicking07:59
nibbierActionParsnip, sure. but this would be my last choice of fixing this problem07:59
panzclick and nothing...08:00
dr_willispanz:  use the terminal08:00
in_ActionParsnip: 20$ is 1200 rupees in India. Not cheap here. Even GTA4 costs around 400 rupees. And that is not cheap08:00
nibbierActionParsnip, as there is an existing dhcp i'd see if this delivers the right config and fix this if not08:00
panzbash: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu ( not file and  catalog)08:00
ActionParsnipnibbier: if it works then I'd go for it, could try installing wicd and remove network manager, may help. If the system is always going to use wired connection, you could remove the GUI apps and use /etc/network/interfaces :)08:00
ActionParsnipin_: still doesn't make what you are doing 'ok'08:01
panz/usr/bin$ ls nvidia*  :  nvidia-bug-report.sh  nvidia-settings  nvidia-xconfig nvidia-detector       nvidia-smi08:01
nibbierActionParsnip, and leave the network with a non-working dhcp.... sounds like a plan ;-) but feel free... i'm out08:01
panzbut from terminal says that file nvidia-setting not exist... lol?08:01
auronandacepanz: you missed the s on the end08:02
ActionParsnipnibbier: is the ubuntu system a dhcp server?08:02
dr_willistab key is our friend....08:02
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip: my router is a dhcp server. i have multiple clients going cleanly.08:03
panzauronandace, bash: ./nvidia-settings: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu ( not file and catalog)08:03
panznvidia-settings: command not found08:03
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: then in network manager, set the interface to static IP at the highest address in your subnet so you don't upset your router08:03
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip: but dhcp works fine...08:04
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: then what bit of info is missing in the config of the ubuntu ssytem?08:04
imacake-ubuntui can tell you what i know,08:05
imacake-ubuntucurrently, hostname resolving doesnt work (e.g. im still connected to this irc from the affected system, so it works somehow. but pinging google.com gives me, obviously, unknown host)08:06
nibbierActionParsnip, i'd guess the router is (normally)08:07
JohnTeddyI have a laptop, and an external monitor. When I full screen a youtube video on my external monitor.. it opens on 2/3rds of the monitor. So the left 1/3rd side is blank, and the right 1/3rd side of the video doesn't show. I only see the left 2/3rd, and it's offset.08:09
ActionParsnipnibbier: if you manually add a DNS server, is the web then ok and are you fully updated?08:09
JohnTeddyDoes that make sense... how can I fix this?08:09
hydrox24JohnTeddy: What version of ubuntu are you using and are you using the proprietary nVdida graphics card drivers?08:10
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip, nibbier: you two are awesome.08:10
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: :)08:11
JohnTeddyhydrox24: I have the latest version of Ubuntu witha ll the updates, and I'm using Intel graphics.08:11
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: are you fully updated?08:11
imacake-ubuntuwill you be online later, too? because we darely need to go shopping in the morning, else the stores will be overcrowded. gonna take two hours more or less.08:11
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip: i dont have how to update =P08:11
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ActionParsnipJohnTeddy: is the resolution of each display set correctly?08:12
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JohnTeddyActionParsnip: I think so.08:14
hydrox24JohnTeddy: is the flash up to date? what version is it?08:15
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: so do you not get web access until you manually add the DNS server, is that right?08:15
hydrox24JohnTeddy: also, does the issue also occur when using html5 video?08:16
JohnTeddyFlash (2 files) - Version:
JohnTeddyShockwave Flash 11.3 r3108:16
JohnTeddyhydrox24 / ActionParsnip How can I reset all my monitor settings and redo them?08:16
JohnTeddy(I only used the gui)08:16
ActionParsnipJohnTeddy: shockwave haven't owned flash for ages now :)08:16
cansranmahow do u get to the software manager ?08:17
cansranmaI click on the software center08:17
hydrox24cansranma: it's the software center now.08:17
ActionParsnipcansranma: search dash for: software08:17
imacake-ubuntuActionParsnip: will you be online later, too? because we darely need to go shopping in the morning, else the stores will be overcrowded. gonna take two hours more or less.08:17
cansranmafrom what i heard you hover the mouse over the title ndits there08:17
cansranmahydrox24, is that the new one?08:17
ActionParsnipimacake-ubuntu: I'll be online for another 10 hours08:18
JohnTeddysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:18
hydrox24cansranma: essentially, though it's more soft and user friendly now.08:18
hydrox24less powerful.08:18
imacake-ubuntuk :D08:18
ghostchickcansranma,  it is the software sources we opening . sofware manager is the one already opened08:18
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ActionParsnipcansranma: press SuperL (aka 'windows key'), that is dash08:19
ghostchickActionParsnip,  trying to explain mouse discoverability of menus via irc is so  "easy"  ; )08:20
GolfgeoHi all08:20
GolfgeoRunning lubuntu 12.04 and trying to get an msn type client to work with webcam... can someone give me a pointer to the right howto?08:21
ActionParsnipghostchick: yeah, thats why I use keyboard more. Mouse is too slow08:21
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: amsn supports webcam08:21
ghostchickActionParsnip,  I agree, but try to really it is so effing hard to explain it to people, when you have to show the gui way lol08:22
GolfgeoActionParsnip: Tried it and it stated it cannot detect a webcam08:22
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: does th webcam work in cheese08:22
GolfgeoActionParsnip: Yep08:22
GolfgeoActionParsnip: looking at myself in cheese now haha (had to check again)08:23
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc; uname -a08:24
JohnTeddyApparently I'm not the only one with this problem.08:24
GolfgeoActionParsnip: precise Linux Skylab 3.2.0-26-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 16:26:01 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux08:26
GolfgeoActionParsnip: had to add the old repositories to install amsn08:26
ActionParsnipGolfgeo: ok let me search08:26
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an5hulbest IRC client for ubuntu ?08:33
ActionParsnipan5hul: neither 9.10 or 9.04 are supported any more, so you won't be able to install anything08:34
ghostchickxchat ftw08:34
ActionParsnipan5hul: also, there is no single best irc client for any release, or any OS08:34
Mario2xchat ftw 2nded08:34
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:35
an5huli'm using 11.1008:35
an5huli'll take care08:36
ActionParsnipan5hul: 'Ubuntu 9' isn't 11.10, is it?08:36
ActionParsnipan5hul: ahhh, my bad, sorry08:36
ActionParsnipstupid new monitors scewing text08:36
DiazoI don't know if this is the right place to ask but does anybody know how to go about zero-filling a harddrive? I'm trying to reinstall Ubuntu yet I'm getting a couple of errors in GParted and Disk Utility.08:37
GolfgeoActionParsnip: need to reboot, be back later :)08:38
dr_willisDiazo:  use the dd command with the right.options08:42
dr_willisDiazo:  but a failing hard drive is.. well  failing. ;)08:43
Diazodr_willis, Harddrive is an SSD about six months old.08:43
dr_willisDiazo:  so? that dosent prove much. but im not sure zeriing a sdd is a good test or way to fix it.08:45
DiazoOne of the techs told me to zero-fill the drive to try and fix it. Seeing as GParted can't seem to delete my primary partition and Disk Utility doesn't seem like it wants to give in. I did somehow get the drive to format in disk utility.08:45
ActionParsnipDiazo: if you delete the partitions in the liveCD, then run the installer, it may help08:46
compdocDiazo, be sure to enable trim for the drive in /etc/fstab08:47
DiazoMight not prove much but the way the drive got corrupted was when I tried to 'encrypt my home folder' and there was no indication of the progress on encrypting the entire drive. So I assumed the installation hanged or stalled and of course I mistakenly power off the machine and I couldn't delete my encrypted partition.08:47
Diazocompdoc, I never zero-filled a drive before so I pretty much am new to the computer term and doing it.08:48
Diazocompdoc, More or less I'm going to wait for confirmation from the tech.08:48
DiazoI was just curious. Cause if I zero-fill the drive and it gets trashed i don't know if the warranty covers it.08:49
compdocDiazo, I dont see any advantages to doing that. but if 'trim' is not enalbed, you'll shorten the life of the ssd08:49
ActionParsnipDiazo: you can use dd if you want, not sure how much zeroing will achieve. I suggest you don't use encryptfs08:49
DiazoActionParsnip, I'm assuming encryptfs isn't an ideal thing?08:50
Diazocompdoc, Nice to know that if it shortens the lifespan I can always ask the tech.08:51
ActionParsnipDiazo: it just adds extra complication for reinstalls and stuff like that08:51
Diazocompdoc, Zeroing the drive seems like the only way I can install Ubuntu unless I buy a new SSD which I'm not going to do.08:52
DiazoAs of right now I'm using a USB flash drive for Ubuntu as a livecd.08:52
JohnTeddyhydrox24 / ActionParsnip It is a known problem with 11.3; I downgraded to 11.2 (the default on Ubuntu). Everything works fine now. It's because i was using third party software from Google. The Google chrome version uses the latest 11.3 which is broken currently.08:52
ActionParsnipJohnTeddy: is what a problem, you lost me...08:54
compdocDiazo, why do you have to zero the drive at all? Because it's hanging at install? Ive had an SSD drive do that to me when it was installed in a computer that didnt support it properly08:55
DiazoActionParsnip, I tried deleting the partitions gave me nothing but errors I can't even delete my primary partition in gparted or disk utility. GParted shows a keylock on my primary partition.08:55
JohnTeddyActionParsnip: no, it works now. It's fixed. I downgraded. I'm just letting you know what the problem was, in case anyone else has it.08:55
Diazocompdoc, Because I simply cannot install Ubuntu.08:55
JohnTeddyI think people with two or more monitors using the Google chrome will all have this problem.08:55
JohnTeddyUntil Google/Adobe fix it.08:55
ActionParsnipJohnTeddy: sweet08:55
dr_willisi play youtube in vlc..08:56
ActionParsnipDiazo: try the wipe then, why not. it will labour the drive though08:56
Diazocompdoc, I tried installing Ubuntu using the USB installer to install on top of the SSD. Instead, the USB installs on top of the USB and not the SSD.08:56
dr_willis ;)08:56
ActionParsnipminitube ftw :)08:56
dr_willisflashreplacer extension.08:57
compdocDiazo, that does not sound like theres a problem with the ssd08:57
ghostchickActionParsnip,  umplayer ftw08:57
compdocunless the system does not see the drive08:57
DiazoActionParsnip, What kind of wipe?08:57
ActionParsnipDiazo: could use dd08:57
dr_williszeroing is whipeing tge drive08:58
lisakhi, I have some kworker/rtkit-daemon  cpu load issues every third second after kernel upgrade to
DiazoIsn't using DD zero-filling the drive?08:59
ActionParsnipDiazo: same difference, it will wipe all the bits to 008:59
DiazoActionParsnip, http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_wipe_a_hard_drive_clean_in_Linux08:59
lisakwhat is the best way to downgrade kernel ?08:59
lisakto the previous version09:00
dr_willisand a zero fill is eraseing the whole drive. whipeing it clean09:00
ActionParsniplisak: there is no single best way to do anything09:00
lisakbest practise then09:00
ActionParsniplisak: if you have the old version still installed, you can hold shift at boot and select the older kernel09:00
gaelfxhow can I remove a package and everything that depends on it?09:00
cybic_hey everybody.... how to finde the manufacturer of a display-panel built into my notebook?09:01
DiazoActionParsnip, That's what the tech suggested zero-filling. As far as I know that's the only way it would fix the bad partitions. But the thing is I'm afraid that if the drive does get reset and I try to install Ubuntu and something about the SSD going bad or something like that is in my mind.09:01
wubinowhat compiler do I need to use to compile wine-mono?09:01
ActionParsnipcybic_: dmidecode may tell you, read it's man page :)09:01
cybic_ActionParsnip, thanks, will give a try :)09:01
ActionParsnipDiazo: you say you are using Ubuntu on a USB stick/09:02
gaelfxdo I just have to remove the package and then run apt-get autoremove?09:02
dr_willisdd the usb stick to the drive.. instant cloned install..  ;)09:03
ActionParsnipgaelfx: that'll do it, you can also add --purge to remove old configs too :)09:03
gaelfxActionParsnip: thank you, I was just gonna ask that09:03
gaelfxI wanted to be sure I understood the man page correctly09:03
DiazoActionParsnip, Yes I don't know how the term is.09:04
DiazoLiveUSB I guess?09:04
ActionParsnipDiazo: those are cheap dude, I wouldn't worry too much :)09:04
DiazoI'm less worried about the USB but more about the SSD.09:04
DiazoSSD's don't come cheap.09:05
dr_willisso try to fix it... or leave it alone and have a yseless drive?09:05
gaelfxproblem is, that after I remove lubuntu-desktop, all the packages that were installed with it are not being marked removable :/09:05
Diazocompdoc, What had happened is I wanted a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to clear the Ubuntu 11.10 junk out so I went about my business and use the LiveUSB. Went through the installation process and checkmarked 'encrypt my home folder' there was no progress indicator to verify indication of how long it takes to encrypt a drive. So in turn I thought the installation stalled or hanged I mistakenly powered off the machine and Ubuntu wouldn't09:06
Diazo boot at all. So I figured the entire drive died and got completely corrupted.09:06
ActionParsnipDiazo: well, if it's already useless, you may as well have a crack09:08
gaelfxis there any way to remove packages that were installed as part of a *-desktop command, or do I need to go through and uninstall them myself?09:08
Diazocompdoc, From there on end I ended up trying to check GParted and Disk Utility the encrypted partition was not possible to delete it had about 15GB of harddrive space. I tried deleting it in GParted and Disk Utility to no luck...from there when I tried to reinstall Ubuntu for some odd reason it didn't install from the SSD but it installed on the USB.09:08
compdocDiazo, try without encription? or does it just not work anymore? I would boot gparted and see what the partition looks like, and delete it from there.09:08
dr_willisor just use fdisk to delete all partitions09:08
DiazoIt showed that there was 63GB left on the SSD but when I tried to boot from the SSD it gave me nothing but a black screen with a cursor blinking on the top left of the screen so that's why I ended up being stuck on the LiveUSB.09:09
DiazoSo the installation ended up installing on the USB.09:09
compdocinstall from the SSD? you have the ubuntu installer of the ssd drive?09:09
Diazocompdoc, I can't delete the primary partition within GParted the delete button is grayed out.09:10
Diazocompdoc, Somewhat implying that it's mounted and can't be unmounted.09:11
gaelfxI installed lubuntu-desktop package a few days ago, now I want to clear out everything it installed, is there a simple command I can use to do that?09:11
compdocthat is odd09:11
DiazoActionParsnip, It's a headache but pretty much zeroing the drive is the only way I see.09:11
Diazocompdoc, No kidding huh.09:11
compdocdo you run gparted from Ubtunu, or use the stand-alone gparted cd?09:11
dr_willisgaelfx:  not with meta packeges that i know of09:12
Diazocompdoc, I'm using GParted on the LiveUSB but isn't so called Live anymore when the installation is completely on the USB.09:12
gaelfxdr_willis: I really wish they would fix that :P09:12
ActionParsnipDiazo: go for it dude09:12
compdocDiazo, yeah, its still live if its the install iso09:12
gaelfxalso, would it be appropriate to file a bug regarding installing a second desktop environment changing an aspect of the already-installed desktop environment?09:13
ActionParsnipgaelfx: you can uninstall openbox lxde and the lubuntu-desktop package and it should remove most things09:13
dr_willisgaelfx: meta packages are a trick to let you install a lot of things. so not likely fixable09:13
DiazoActionParsnip, I would panic so bad if everything just went wrong I'm going to wait till tomorrow until I hear more from the tech. I bought the system from http://www.system76.com/ they specialize in Ubuntu and such.09:14
joelperezjust installed ubuntu on this laptop09:14
joelperezit doesn't detect my wireless router09:14
gaelfxdr_willis: yeah, but apt has a history of packages installed, it would stand to reason you could add something like "reason for install" to the logs and then when someone wants to remove the meta packages, it would remove other items installed with it, so long as they aren't vital to any other apps09:14
DiazoBut I do appreciate you guys trying to help and give it a go to see if there were an alternative.09:14
ActionParsnipjoelperez: if yuo run:  sudo iwlist scan    does it see wireless networks at all?09:14
CompuChipHi. I am running Jaunty on my server, and I need to install some package (texlive-lang-cyrillic). However, apparently Jaunty is out of support and I can't use apt-get install anymore. Is there any way to install the packages without upgrading the whole OS?09:14
joelperezlet me do that ActionParsnip09:15
dr_willisgaelfx: remiveing gedit. remives ubuntu-desktop.. so that in turn would remive most everything.....09:15
dr_williscould get ugly real fast09:16
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iceroot!eol | CompuChip09:16
ubottuCompuChip: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:16
ActionParsnipmetapackages are ok to remove, just causes issues when upgrading to the next relase09:16
icerootCompuChip: there is an info in the last link how the eol repos are named09:16
icerootCompuChip: but we suggest to update to a supported version instead09:17
joelperezActionParsnip: how do i run that?09:17
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ActionParsnipjoelperez: press CTRL+ALT+T and run the command there09:17
DiazoAlright time for me to hop on outta here thanks for trying y'all and I appreciate it. :)09:18
joelperezlo Interface doesn't support scanning.09:19
joelperezeth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.09:19
joelperezis what i got09:19
ActionParsnipjoelperez: then its not seeing ANY netwoks, not just yours09:19
ActionParsnipjoelperez: if you run:  lsb_release -sc     what is output?09:19
CompuChipiceroot: I'll look into upgrading but I don't want to do that without making sure I won't break anything :) But I'll just try to get the packages from the old repo as I need them now09:19
gaelfxdr_willis: ah, I see what you mean09:19
joelperezit says 'precise'09:20
ActionParsnipjoelperez: run:  sudo lshw -C network      read the product line for the wireless device and you can use it to find guides09:20
icerootCompuChip: just change the repo-urls in /etc/apt/sources.list to the jaunty-eol repos09:20
ActionParsnipjoelperez: if it says broadcom 43xx, then its a whole lot easier :)09:20
CompuChipiceroot: Thanks, I found my mistake, I should use old-releases.ubuntu.com instead of nl.old-releases.ubuntu.com09:20
icerootCompuChip: yes09:20
icerootCompuChip: but please remeber jaunty is eol and not supported here anymore09:21
joelperezthat command is taking a moment to complete09:21
ActionParsnipjoelperez: yes, your PCI bus is slow09:21
foobaarI don't get it. How do i install this? https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer/ I have a tar.gz extracted in folder downloads and now i have some files but no executable (like in windows) ???09:22
CompuChipiceroot: will do, I'll discuss upgrading to the latest LTS with the owner. Thanks for the help nonetheless09:22
ActionParsnipfoobaar: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc09:22
foobaarActionParsnip: lucid09:23
ActionParsnipfoobaar: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install grub-customizer09:23
foobaarCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)09:24
foobaarUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:24
foobaarCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)09:24
foobaarUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:24
dr_willisso.. is another package manager tool open?09:24
ActionParsnipfoobaar: please don't flood09:24
foobaarit was posted 2 times in the terminal, i laughed because i just saw that now09:25
ActionParsnipfoobaar: do you have software centre open, or are updates installing?09:25
foobaarSynaptic package manager i open09:25
foobaarand computer janitor09:25
ActionParsnipfoobaar: then that's what is causing the issue09:25
ActionParsnipfoobaar: close both, then  retry09:25
joelperezActionParsnip: http://i.imgur.com/6EABC.jpg09:25
mkanderHey. I am planning to set up a home server for storage. What would be the optimal disk config considering safety and speed? I can buy up to 4 disks.09:26
dr_willisfor storeing what09:26
mkandermusic, photos, personal stuff09:27
dr_willis4 big hds... ;)09:27
ActionParsnipjoelperez: all I needed was the product line, not the rest :)09:27
mkanderbackup from my other computers09:27
ActionParsnip!broadcom | joelperez09:27
ubottujoelperez: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:27
mkanderdr_willis: yeah, but RAID 10? 6 maybe?09:27
=== arian is now known as Guest19816
Guest19816is there any body here09:27
ActionParsnipGuest19816: nope, noone at all09:28
dr_willismkander: you need speed or space?09:28
imacakeGuest19816: only ponies.09:28
ActionParsnipRAID50 :)09:28
Guest19816Hello all09:28
Guest19816waht is this09:28
ActionParsnipGuest19816: ubuntu support, didn't you read the MOTD when you joined...09:28
dr_willisi need space. i dont raid09:28
mkanderdr_willis: Planning to buy 2 tb disks and I dont need more than 4 tb max09:28
foobaarActionParsnip: done09:29
ActionParsnipfoobaar: ok, rerun the command (use up cursor in terminal)09:29
dr_willismkander:  i got over 10tb.  need moar09:29
ActionParsnipfoobaar: you do know Lucid's life is quie short now...09:29
foobaarNow i do09:29
foobaar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 145 not upgraded.09:29
mkanderdr_willis: Ok, I dont need more than 4 now, but it would be nice if it was easily expandable09:30
ActionParsnipfoobaar: ok, then run:  sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     to get all those updates09:30
ActionParsnipfoobaar: did the PPA get added ok?09:30
=== arian_ is now known as Guest11086
foobaarHave not an ounce of clue ActionParsnip09:30
compdocActionParsnip, you only need to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:31
joelperezthank you, ActionParsnip.09:31
joelperezgoing through the steps right now :)09:32
Guest11086hello all I am using "at" in terminal but I can not run that for the apt-get update09:32
ActionParsnipcompdoc: the upgrade does the packages it can safetly, the dist-upgrade then adds things like kernels and libc6 in a seperate move. Just habit but you are right :)09:32
ActionParsnipGuest11086: use:  sudo at    if you want to use at that needs root access09:32
Guest11086sudo su09:34
Guest11086sudo at 11:0009:34
Guest11086apt-get update09:34
FloodBot1Guest11086: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:34
ActionParsnipGuest11086: no, just use:  sudo at 11:0009:34
Guest11086aha tnx09:34
ActionParsnipGuest11086: if you sudosu (which isn't advised) you are already root, so no need for sudo after that09:34
ActionParsnipGuest11086: use:  sudo -i09:34
Guest11086another question : I want to update only one ppa and i don't  want update all packages what can i do?09:35
dr_willisyou update the list of things you can upGRADE09:36
Guest11086is there any to answer my que?09:36
Guest11086I want to update only one ppa and i don't  want update all packages what can i do?09:36
dr_willisyou want to ugrade a single app?09:37
ActionParsnipGuest11086: sudo apt-get install packagename     that wil upgrade only the packagename you give09:37
Guest11086can you paste that on ubuntu?09:37
ActionParsnipGuest11086: you can paste as you wish09:38
Guest11086can you paste the answer on paste.ubuntu.com?I want to update only one ppa and i don't  want update all packages what can i do?09:38
ActionParsnipGuest11086: depends on the PPA09:39
lethargicI know netcat has a -i switch to wait for the response, but it's in seconds. is there something like that but in milliseconds ?09:39
nrdbwhere does thunderbird keep its configuration now?09:39
ActionParsnipGuest11086: you can't just say 'PPA' and expect us to know every package on every PPA09:39
ActionParsnipnrdb: ~/.mozilla/thunderbird09:39
nrdbActionParsnip, thanks09:39
ghostchicklethargic,  local or on the network?09:40
lethargicghostchick: local..09:40
hpuser23422The notebook's touchpad is way too sensitive and keeps switching desktops.  How can I disable desktop switching by touchpad as I only want the panel icons to change desktops.09:40
ghostchicklethargic,  why dont you use nfs it is said to be faster09:40
joelperezcan someone walk me through this 'System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers'09:40
lethargicghostchick: erm, I don't transfer stuff with it09:41
ActionParsnipjoelperez: in dash, search for: driver09:41
lethargicghostchick: I want to use it to test some server I'm writing09:41
hpuser23422at the moment, two fingers on the touchpad causes desktop switching..I want to disable that.09:41
ghostchicklethargic,  ah sorry , maybe ping?09:41
joelperezit found 'Additional Drivers'09:42
ActionParsnipjoelperez: thats the one09:42
lethargicghostchick: erm, ping ?09:42
joelperezthank you again, ActionParsnip09:42
lethargicghostchick: no, ping is something else09:42
dr_willisping pong ;)09:43
joelperezActionParsnip: it didn't bring up anything :[09:43
oCeanlethargic: maybe the guys in ##networking know alternatives to netcat09:43
ActionParsnipjoelperez: I suggest you get fully updated over the wired link first09:44
joelperezi am on a wired link09:44
joelperezeverything is up to date09:44
ubottudani912: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:44
joelperezfallowed the steps and everything09:44
ActionParsnipjoelperez: then try the CLI method, probably easier09:45
joelperezwhat's the CLI method?09:45
ccvvcchow can i search in man?09:45
dr_willisccvvcc:  /pattern09:46
dr_willissee man less or vi docs for pattern options09:46
dr_willis regular expressions are powerfull09:46
ccvvccthanks, suggested answer will be "look at the manual"09:47
ccvvccwhich will give me powerful paradox09:47
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nrdbActionParsnip, are you sure about that directory... I just upgraded to 12.04 ... I have the my old email configuration now in ~/.mozilla/thunderbird ... when I start thunderbird it is asking me for configuration setup ... :(09:47
dr_willis  /pattern is the basic syntax....09:47
oCeanccvvcc: dr_willis answered your initial question: search manualpages by using  /searchpattern09:47
ccvvcci know09:47
ccvvccI just suggested answer =p09:48
dr_willismanpages are shown in 'less' text viewer09:48
ccvvccgreat i'll man less09:48
dr_willistheres are gui man page readers also09:48
ActionParsnipnrdb: could try: find $HOME | grep -i thunder09:49
revol0xfnrdb: i believe its ~/.thunderbird/ in 12.04. I would try creating a symlink to the old path09:49
ccvvccin nano, ctrl +w then i have options M-R M-C09:50
ccvvcchow i perform M-R09:50
dr_willistry alt-r  perhaps. m=meta=alt key09:51
nrdbActionParsnip, ahh.... it seems to be ~/.thunderbird I will try that09:51
hpuser23422How to disable mouse wheel desktop switching in lxde?09:51
cansranmaso you cant use gmail with ubuntu?09:52
foobaarso now where the heck do i find grub customizer after i installed it09:52
ccvvccthanks again dr_willis09:52
joelperezit's weird that 'additional drivers' didn't launch :(09:52
joelperezrestarting laptop09:52
dr_willisfoobaar:  tap alt to start the HUD. then type gurb     perhaps?09:53
dr_willisgrub. ;)09:53
hydrox24joelperez: you have to be *really* patient with 'additional drivers' sometimes.09:53
foobaaralt start?09:53
foobaaralt to start09:54
foobaardidnt see to =)09:54
dr_willisthe alt key..brings up the hud search in 12.0409:54
nrdbActionParsnip, revol0xf , fixed... its going now.09:54
foobaartapping alt doesn't do anything09:54
dr_willisyou in unuty 12.04?09:54
foobaardon't think so09:55
dr_willistgats why then09:55
foobaarfound it09:57
foobaarunder system administration09:57
foobaarBut when i launch it, it says "starting ..." and then quits (?????)09:58
foobaar"Starting administration application"09:58
dr_willisrun it from terminal perhaps09:58
dr_willislook for error messages.09:59
mukundanprlike to instal wordweb engish dictioinary, how?09:59
mukundanpriam new to ubuntu10:00
dr_willis!info wordweb10:00
ubottuPackage wordweb does not exist in precise10:00
dr_williswhats wordweb10:00
LjLmukundanpr: i don't think it's available for Linux, but you can get WordNet. WordWeb is based on WordNet.10:00
dr_willisa windows app?10:00
LjL!info wordnet10:00
ubottuwordnet (source: wordnet): electronic lexical database of English language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0-26.1 (precise), package size 62 kB, installed size 172 kB10:00
wubinowhere does the ubuntu mongodb pkg install the db directory?10:00
arian__Hello all i want to know the best server os for servers?10:01
wubinobest server os is ubuntu10:01
dr_willisarian__: depends on your needs10:01
arian__about security10:01
mukundanprLIL: how to instal wordnet?10:02
foobaarhow do i find out the path to it so i can open it in terminal?10:02
LjLmukundanpr: "sudo apt-get install wordnet"10:02
wubinoarian__: security is only as good as the admin10:02
dr_willissecurity is an ongoing process...10:03
wubinoredhat is prized in enterprise since little changes between distro releases, principle of least surprise10:03
ActionParsnipwow not heard wordweb for a long while..10:03
arian__how i can get backup from my updates?10:04
foobaarsudo open /usr/bin/grub-customizer doesn't do anything10:04
dr_willisfoobaar:  gksudo guiappname10:05
ghostchickfoobaar,  gksudo10:05
ActionParsnipfoobaar: proably need: gksudo /usr/bin/grub-customizer10:05
arian__ow i can get backup from my updates?10:06
arian__how i can get BACKUP from my updates??10:06
foobaarActionParsnip: gksudo didn't do anything either but gksudo grub-cutomizer worked i think because i have now in terminal "iinitializing (w/o specified bootloader type)… * reading partition info…"10:06
foobaarYet nothing happens now :-)10:06
foobaarProbably have to wait longer10:06
ActionParsnipfoobaar: give it time.10:06
ActionParsnipfoobaar: I sugest you contact the PPA maintainer with any issues10:06
ActionParsnipfoobaar: what do you actually want to do with grub?10:06
foobaaris it normal for two grub customizer windows to open (they are both loading) maybe i should close one of them10:07
ActionParsnipfoobaar: its probably really easy to do without a 3rd party app10:07
foobaarActionParsnip: i want to remove some older versions of ubuntu from the menu for start10:07
ActionParsnipfoobaar: you can do that in software centre, or even CLI10:07
dr_willisfoobaar: uninstall the old kernels...10:07
nrdbwith 12.04 the icon bar is not disappearing like it used to... how can I fix this?  is there a config. item that could have been changed?10:08
dr_willisor delete the old installs and update-grun10:08
ActionParsnipfoobaar: uname -a   shows the running kernel,  dpkg -l | grep linux-image     shows installed kernels. You can remove any kernel you want just not the metapackage or the running kernel10:08
ActionParsnipnrdb: http://www.tuxtree.com/2012/05/how-to-auto-hide-unity-in-ubuntu-12-04precise-pangolin.html10:09
arian__ow i can get backup from my updates?10:09
foobaarthank you10:09
ActionParsnipnrdb: source: http://www.tuxtree.com/2012/05/how-to-auto-hide-unity-in-ubuntu-12-04precise-pangolin.html10:09
ActionParsnipfoobaar: most things you don't need an app, just ask and we can advise and you wont need to bloat your OS with weird apps10:09
arian__any body can answer?10:09
ActionParsniparian__: backup of what?10:10
dr_willisarian__: you makeing no sence10:10
ActionParsniparian__: can you rephrase the question10:10
arian__backup for my ubuntu updates.10:10
wubinoarian__: backup your system before the update10:10
arian__no no10:10
ActionParsniparian__: to use on another system you mean?10:10
arian__yes i want use my backups on another system10:10
dr_willisyou should have just said so..... ;)10:11
ActionParsniparian__: so you mean back up the DEB files to transport to another system to update offline?10:11
arian__yes backup from all files on sudo apt-get upgrades  (that downloaded)10:11
ActionParsniparian__: `then why no say that, instead of what you said initially which confused so many?10:12
ActionParsniparian__: you can copy the debs from /var/cache/apt/archives   and copy them to the other system, or yuo can use aptoncd10:12
dr_willisarian__:  to a different box on the same network?10:12
ActionParsniparian__: in future, just use plain language, it's easier :)10:13
dr_willis!info apt-cacher-ng10:13
ubottuapt-cacher-ng (source: apt-cacher-ng): caching proxy server for software repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 381 kB, installed size 1109 kB10:13
arian__I uesd the aptoncd but  I want to know how i can install the deb files   (when i want to install them that write the error)10:13
arulmozhiWhat is the difference between "Makefile.am" , "Makefile.in", "Makefile"10:13
altanGood morning fellas!10:14
dr_willisgdebi foo.deb     is handy way to install them10:14
SplinterOfChaosI'm trying to install Ubuntu and i already have Gentoo on the same box with a boot partition. When i tell the installer to use /dev/sda1 for /boot, it demands a reserved BIOS boot area (RBBA). /boot does not imply RBBA, but does RBBA imply /boot?10:14
ActionParsnipwow that's 2 ends of the spectrum, gentoo and ubuntu10:15
joelmperezActionParsnip:  http://i.imgur.com/mK7j4.png10:15
joelmperezbut i still don't see my wireless router10:16
arian__can any body answer10:16
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: did you reboot?10:16
ActionParsniparian__: i already did.....10:16
wolverinecan you repeat the question arian10:16
arulmozhiWhat is the difference between "Makefile.am" , "Makefile.in", "Makefile"10:16
wolverineoh seems like someone already answered10:16
wolverinenever mind10:16
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: ok if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm    do you see 'missing firmware' lines?10:16
SplinterOfChaosActionParsnip, until Gentoo has Ubuntu One...10:17
arian__only copy them? how to install them?10:17
ActionParsnipSplinterOfChaos: it can if you compile it10:17
ActionParsniparian__: double click them or use:  sudo dpkg -i filename.deb10:17
ActionParsnipSplinterOfChaos: ANY linux distro can have ubuntuone10:17
arian__when i double click on them they has error10:17
joelmperezActionParsnip:  no such line10:18
ActionParsniparian__: use CLI, its probably easier10:18
arian__what is cli?10:18
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: ok if you now run:  sudo iwlist scan     do you see networks?10:18
ActionParsniparian__: in terminal. CLI == command line interface10:18
SplinterOfChaosActionParsnip, oh, crap, last time i googled it, there wasn't a Fedora/Gentoo port! I guess problem averted.10:19
altanis it at all possible to boot into os x w/ grub?10:19
joelmperezsame errors as before10:19
joelmperezlo        Interface doesn't support scanning.  eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.10:19
arian__can you get me a  code that install all of the deb files in a folder?10:20
Great_Dantonhi all, can someone tell me how to set up xchat so i can chat on #ubuntuforums server. Thanks.10:20
MonkeyDustarian__  if all goes well, .deb files are installed /usr/bin/10:20
ActionParsnipSplinterOfChaos: if you get the source code which is freely available, there is nothing stopping you compiling a client for any distribution10:21
arian__I have one error on CLI install : see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079408/10:22
wolverinecan you tell me the package which you are downloading10:23
SplinterOfChaosActionParsnip, Theoretically true, but when it first came out, for whatever reason, i concluded that wasn10:23
SplinterOfChaoswasn't the case.10:23
wubinoupstart is unrecognized at the command line but apt says it is installed.  what should I do?10:24
ActionParsniparian__: what is the output of: file :~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages$ sudo dpkg -i vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:24
ActionParsniparian__: what is the output of: file ~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages/vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:24
wubinoCan I uninstall upstart and reinstall via apt without a huge risk to the os?10:24
ActionParsniparian__: I hate putty sometimes10:24
wolverinewubino: sudo apt-get remove upstart*, sudo apt-get install upstart*10:25
joelmperezActionParsnip:  do you have any idea what could be causing this? :\10:25
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: do you dual boot?10:26
geirhawubino: I wouldn't attempt to remove upstart. Try just reinstalling it. sudo apt-get install --reinstall upstart10:26
joelmperezthis is the only OS10:26
arian__ActionParsnip: my english is not very advance and i am a persian iniran can you tell me what can i to do     with easily english?10:26
joelmperezjust installed10:26
ActionParsniparian__: copy the command I gave, paste it in terminal, what is output?10:27
joelmperezhardware was working fine with windows 710:27
=== arian is now known as Guest44961
geirhawubino: Though upstart is not a command10:27
wubinogeirha: you are miliseconds too late, and I hesitated for a second opinion : )  whish me luck10:27
joelmperezif that's what you're trying to figure out10:27
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: if you run:  dmesg | less     do you see the broadcom mentioned10:28
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: Windows is a completely different OS so it will act differently. It has completely different support10:29
arian__it is the output of that10:29
ActionParsniparian__: what is the output of: file ~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages/vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:29
joelmperezActionParsnip: i was only trying to say it's not a hardware issure :)10:30
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: its not incredibly useful10:30
arian__this is output of the install of this file http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079418/10:30
dr_willisthat vlc deb seems currupted10:31
ActionParsniparian__: that's not the command I gave10:32
ActionParsniparian__: the word 'file' is an ubuntu command10:33
revol0xfarian__: Just run the command ActionParsnip gave. Here *file* is a command.10:33
ActionParsniparian__: it tells you what a file is10:33
ActionParsniparian__: what is the output of: file ~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages/vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:33
ActionParsniparian__: so copy from the word 'file' all the way to the end, run that10:33
arian__it isn't that?sudo dpkg -i vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:34
ActionParsniparian__: no, I'm giving you the commadn to run10:34
ActionParsniparian__: copy the file I have given you and run it10:34
ActionParsniparian__: there is no 'dpkg' word in the command I am giving...10:34
arian__you wrote this:10:35
arian__<ActionParsnip> arian__: double click them or use:  sudo dpkg -i filename.deb10:35
MonkeyDustarian__  please follow the instructions if you want to be helped10:35
ActionParsniparian__: yes but after I asked for the output of a command and you gave a pastebin of something completely different...why?10:36
arian__can you copy the code is your mean on a pastebin?10:36
ActionParsniparian__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079431/10:37
zoraelIs it possible to set a sysfs value via the kernel boot args? Specifically I'd like to set a specific CPU scheduler10:38
arian__what is this? 4th time now....10:38
joelmperezis there a way to search for a keyword such as broadcom in the terminal?10:39
joelmperezlist is pretty long10:39
bekkszorael: Yes.10:40
zoraelbekks: Any hints?10:40
bekkszorael: kernel cmdline: iosched=cfq10:40
MonkeyDustjoelmperez  a keyword in a list or in a document? there's grep10:40
zoraelbekks: Ah, my apologies if I'm not clear; I want to set the CPU scheduler governor to performance10:41
joelmperezMonkeyDust:  from this output; dmesg | less10:41
ActionParsniparian__: just reminding you how many times i'veasked you for the same detail..10:43
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: dmesg | grep -i broad10:43
MonkeyDustjoelmperez  i was typing the same, ActionParsnip was faster ;)10:43
bekkszorael: Thats a userspace governor, and thus cant be set via kernel cmdline, BUT you could set it in /etc/rc.local by using cpufrequtils.10:43
joelmperezhow do i get out of 'dmesg | less'?10:44
zoraelbekks: All righty, thanks. I'm hesitant to recompile my kernel and set performance as default, else I guess I could do that, too.10:44
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: press Q10:44
joelmperezdmesg | grep -i broad returned nothing10:45
ActionParsnipjoelmperez: does it show in :   sudo lshw -C network10:46
altanhow can i install osx onto another partition and boot into it with grub?10:46
arian__این جا کسی هست فارسی بلد باشه؟10:46
MonkeyDustaltan  type !mac10:46
ActionParsnipaltan: I'd get the OS installed first10:46
BluesKajHi all10:46
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:46
arian__is there any body who is persian?10:46
noobahi, is anyone getting some weird behaviour with ati cards and ubuntu 12.04? my opengl application is behaving strangely, chrome doesn't render properly, stuff like this10:47
MonkeyDust!ir| arian__10:47
ubottuarian__: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.10:47
arian__هیچ کسی روی #ubuntu-ir جواب نمیده :(10:48
MonkeyDustarian__  type /join #ubuntu-ir10:48
joelperezhe's in there10:49
wubinowolverine: thanks, your tip was priceless10:49
arian__هیچ کسی روی #ubuntu-ir  جواب نمیده چرا؟10:50
wolverineNo problem Wubino happy to help10:50
LjLarian__, be patient. it's a small channel.10:50
wubinogeirha: but your advice was best10:50
ActionParsniparian__: can you pastebin the output of the command please?10:50
joelperezActionParsnip: it does show up10:50
=== imacake is now known as imapony
ActionParsnipjoelperez: is it a laptop?10:51
ActionParsnipjoelperez: try shutting down, remove power and remove battery and leave it out a few minutes10:51
wubinowolverine: I am currently booking tickets via the command line to come and see you and thank you in person10:52
wolverinewell no need to waste money i took your thanx via IRC ;)10:52
arian__output of which code?10:52
wubinowolverine: time, money is nothing to a grateful netizen like me.  I am now setting up the bash scripts to restore ubuntu desktop and applications while I am on my trip.10:54
ActionParsniparian__: the command I gave in the pastebin which you requested10:54
wolverineyou are very humourous wubino10:55
wubinoexcuse me folks while I reboot again10:55
wolverinebut its time for me to have some tea10:55
wubinoIll be back10:55
MonkeyDustarian__  type this in a terminal and press enter    file ~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages/vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:55
joelperezActionParsnip: battery removed10:55
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arian__this is the answer10:55
arian__file ~/Downloads/aptoncd-20120629-DVD1/packages/vlc_2.0.1-4_amd64.deb10:55
joelperezi've set a timer for five minutes10:56
arian__see this10:56
joelperezis that satisfactory enough for you, ActionParsnip?10:56
joelperezwould you like me to give it more time?10:56
ActionParsniparian__: yes, the 2nd paste is MY pastebin, it even says my name on it, so why do I need it?10:56
ActionParsniparian__: you didn't run the command corectly, coy from the word 'file' including the word 'file' right to the end10:57
arian__this is the output of that.10:57
ActionParsnipjoelperez: should be enough :)10:57
ActionParsniparian__: then you are either running it wrong, or the data is corrupted. Here is what the output should say: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079464/11:00
arian__ok what can i do for this"?11:02
ActionParsniparian__: redownload the deb files is my suggestion11:03
arian__but these are all my downloads :(11:03
arian__these were my updates and my backups :(11:03
joelperezthat didn't work ActionParsnip11:04
=== root is now known as Guest77240
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest8711011:08
ubottuGuest87110: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:08
ActionParsnipGuest77240: ^11:08
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iamelliothas anyone encountered this problem? LOAD LOCAL INFILE cannot be used in mysql client11:10
reufhello all - i installed compiz configuration manager - and i used static application switcher to change alt-tab switchin behaviour - i now have only icons - question: how can I make the icons very small?11:10
ActionParsnipiamelliot: have you asked in #mysql etc?11:10
iamelliotActionParsnip, eh.. i am sorry but i have not11:11
arian__how i can install  a file on ubuntu?11:14
spatI have an adobe-flashplugin that is broken (pre-remove script fails) How can I manually remove this package?11:14
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altani accidentally edited the /etc/default/grub file without making a backup. It still works, but I would like to return it to defaults. How can I do that?11:16
spatI know I can probable find it on the internet but it's blocking my firefox installation11:16
ActionParsnipaltan: i'll pastebin you mine11:16
altanActionParsnip, thanks11:16
joelperezActionParsnip: where are you from?11:17
BluesKajspat, /etc/alternatives/mozilla , the libflashplayer.so file might work from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins as well , unless the app itself is corrupted11:17
ActionParsnipjoelperez: UK11:17
joelperezi was hoping you were close to me11:18
joelperezi would have brought some pizza over while you looked at the laptop11:18
joelperezi dont understand why it isn't working11:18
ActionParsnipaltan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/107948611:18
ActionParsnipaltan: how do you accidentally delete the file?11:19
joelperezcould it be because i'm on ubuntu x64?11:19
spatBluesKaj: Those files don help me remove it from the apt database11:19
ActionParsnipjoelperez: doubt it11:19
altanActionParsnip, i didn't delete it, just edited.11:19
BluesKajspat, sorry , look in , /etc/alternatives/mozilla11:19
ActionParsnipaltan: ah, then remember to make a backup before playing11:19
BluesKajwrong again11:19
ActionParsnipaltan: even something like:  sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub_old   wil do11:19
BluesKajspat /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer11:20
altanActionParsnip, yup, haha11:20
ActionParsnipaltan: I suggest you use someting similar in future11:20
ActionParsnipjoelperez: do you have a switch to enable and disable wifi?11:20
joelperezit's enabled11:20
ActionParsnipjoelperez: tried switching it off, waiting a litle then back on? Or tried booting with it in either position?11:21
spatBluesKaj: there is no such file. I do have /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so11:21
joelperezi'll try that11:22
BluesKajspat, my copy and paste failed me , it 's definitely , /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer, but use root permissions if you want to remove the /libflashplayer.so11:22
joelperezi have been playing with it11:22
joelperezbut i haven't tried booting it while its off11:22
BluesKajspat, yes just remove libflashplayer.so, not the whole file11:23
lcchi, how can I download kernel src?11:23
spatBluesKaj: Ok after I have done that what should I do?11:23
lccapt-get source linux-image-generic doesn't work.11:24
ActionParsnip!kernel | lcc11:24
ubottulcc: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:24
BluesKajtry to install Firefox , you said flashplayer was blocking it , spat11:24
altanActionParsnip, mind if i have your /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme too?11:24
ActionParsnipaltan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/107949111:25
spatBluesKaj: I think you missed my first message. I could not care less about the .so file. It is apt that is failing me.11:25
ActionParsnipaltan: btw, my grub file disables ipv6, this sin't default and is the only change to the file11:25
BluesKajspat, how do you know apt is the culprit11:25
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altanActionParsnip, shouldn't be a problem, i dont use ipv6 at the moment11:26
joelperezdidn't work ActionParsnip11:26
Guest75001hi guys im having a problem here installing ubuntu11:26
spatBluesKaj: aptitude gives an error on removing adobe-flashplugin 10. (so the broken package is the culprid) and its blocking all kind of stuf11:26
magpieguest75001 what seems to be the prob?11:26
spatI just want to remove it from the apt database. after that I will remove it manualy11:27
Guest75001im wanting to do a tripple boot on my laptop11:27
Guest75001win 7 win server 2008 and ubuntu 12.0411:27
ActionParsnipaltan: just covering the bases :)11:27
magpie75001 dont you have an option of installing them side by side?11:27
altanActionParsnip, thanks!11:27
BluesKajspa don't use aptitude , it has problems installing the proper dependencies, use apt-get11:27
ActionParsnipGuest75001: sure.ly you'd want the serve with maximum uptime....?11:27
Guest75001but when i went to do my partitions it wont let me make anymore even though i have enough space11:27
BluesKajspat ^11:27
Guest75001its for academic reasons11:28
ActionParsnipGuest75001: do you have unpartitioned space?11:28
Guest75001yes but it says i already have 4 primary partitions11:28
Guest75001but i only have 2 os on atm11:28
ActionParsnipGuest75001: is the space you want to install Ubuntu to, partitioned or is it unallocated?11:29
Guest75001but one of the partitions is my recovery partition11:29
Guest75001unallocated but it wont let me set it up11:29
BluesKajspat, did you see my post above about not using aptitude ?11:29
ActionParsnipGuest75001: I'd check in disk manager, see how many partitions you actually have11:29
Guest75001im using the live cd and in gparted11:30
spatBluesKaj: apt-get fails just as hard. I managed to get a working browser and found some stuff about removing it. brb11:30
Guest75001i have 4 partitions atm11:30
spatBluesKaj: roger that will use apt11:30
ActionParsnipGuest75001: can you run:  sudo fdisk -l   and pastebin the output. I assume you have web acces in live CD11:30
Guest75001yes but im on my pc atm not my laptop11:30
rajeshpthere are 2 issues I am facing with ubuntu 12.04 installation in my Dell Inspiron n5010 laptop, 1) when I set two-finger scrolling settings in mouse and touchpad settings they get reset everytime I boot,  2) when I lock the screen, and comeback and login the screensaver keeps running and I am not able to login again11:31
ActionParsnipGuest75001: if you have 4 partitions, you will need to delete one to make it an extended partition as well as the free space, then install Ubuntu in logical partitions in the extended11:31
ActionParsnipGuest75001: you should have planned your partitions better11:31
BluesKajspat , then you should check your sources.list , maybe a different server or enable some commented repos , thay are required to install your packages11:31
Guest75001ok but one is my system partition 1 is my windows 7 1 is server and 1 is my hdd recovery11:32
ActionParsnipGuest75001: surely, the server and win7 would only be 1 partition each, plus the recovery = 3 partitions...11:32
Guest75001yes but for some reason i also have a system partition as well11:32
Guest75001its a toshiba laptop so im not sure what they did there11:33
ActionParsnipGuest75001: maybe it's a server / win7 thing but you need to remove one to make it an extended partition#11:33
rajeshpHi guys,im facing 2 issues with ubuntu 12.04,11:33
rajeshp 1) when I set two-finger scrolling settings in mouse and touchpad settings they get reset everytime I boot,  2) when I lock the screen, and comeback and login the screensaver keeps running and I am not able to login again11:33
Guest75001ok so i guess i have to back up my hdd recovery and then remove it11:34
ActionParsnipGuest75001: thats one way11:34
Guest75001as my system has my boot info ect...\11:35
ActionParsnipGuest75001: when you install ubuntu, the boot will be handled for you11:35
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Guest75001so grub 2 will still detect win 7 and win server?11:35
ActionParsnipGuest75001: yes11:35
Guest75001ok then ill delet the system and cross my fingers lol11:36
ActionParsnipGuest75001: unlike the Windows boot loader which is tricky to get it to boot anything but windows11:36
Guest10335are there chinese?11:36
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Guest75001ok well ill stay in chat incase i have more probs will try again now11:37
BluesKaj!cn | Guest1033511:37
ubottuGuest10335: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:37
Guest75001ok now i have the option to install alongside windows again hope thats what i should select11:38
BluesKajwish you Guest75001 guys would use a real nick11:38
Guest75001or should i manualy set my partitions11:39
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cirustusis that better11:39
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BluesKajcirustus, yes , now you're more easily distinguished11:40
cirustusnp sorry i didnt do it earlier11:40
BluesKajyeah , too many guests11:41
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cirustusso once ubuntu is installed will i need to configure the grub 2 to pick up my windows os11:45
IdleOnecirustus: possibly, but usually grub sees any Windows installs and adds them to the grub menu.11:46
ActionParsnipcirustus: it will be detected during the install11:46
cirustusok cool cool11:46
Arch_How can i create another partition on ubuntu? I've one partition "/", and can't unmount it.11:46
Arch_I've "Gparted" app.11:47
cirustususe gparted to creat a partition11:47
Arch_I've it, but it said "The partition could not be unmounted from the following mount points:11:47
Arch_Most likely other partitions are also mounted on these mount points. You are advised to unmount them manually."11:47
Arch_when i wanna unmount "/".11:47
BluesKajcirustus, during the the install , probly near the end you'll be prompted to include the windows OS in grub11:47
cirustusok cool does 12.04 include gnu grub 2 as standard so i can customize or do i need to install that seperate11:48
alfabravohi guys!11:48
ghostchickcirustus,  it is grub211:48
cirustusok lol11:48
Cottushi alfabravo11:49
BluesKajcirustus, depending on the type of install you're using11:49
cirustus64 bit lts11:49
Arch_Can someone help me to create another partition on Gparted and how to fix that error?11:49
spatBluesKaj: Fixed it. There was something broking in the alternatives stuff. (some crap about iceape). I simply "fixed" it by creating a dummy update-alternatives...11:49
Arch_How can i unmount this "/" partition, and/or unmount other app's that mounted in it.11:50
BluesKajspat, right ,..good to hear11:50
ghostchickArch_,  you can not umount the / , while the system is working11:50
Cottus / is the ROOT partition, it's where linux resides in, it can be remounted readonly11:50
cirustusif i remember / is your root partition11:50
ActionParsnipArch_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:51
ActionParsnipcirustus: you remember well :)11:51
Arch_ghostchick, so how can i create another partition near it?11:51
cirustuswell i need to learn this for my I.T studies11:51
Sprocksdoes anyone here know how to set up a PPTP VPN server that uses RSA on ubuntu server?11:51
cirustusis there any unallocated space?11:51
Arch_I need another partition and i need "/" to extend it to 2 partition.11:51
IdleOneArch_: easiest way is to use a LiveCD or USB11:51
Arch_No cirustus11:52
cansranmawhat kind of error message is this11:52
cirustusthe other option is to shrink one of your partitions11:52
cansranmaand how can i fix this11:52
alfabravoI know it's a little bit off topic, but I'm in my friends house and they wanted me to upgrade ubuntu. So I did and so I upgraded Thunderbird also. The problem is that they need it in German. I found some packages, but they doesn't seem to work. I don't want to take any risks here, so my question is: if I remove Thunderbird and install it again from the german site, will all accounts and content remain? Anyone tried this before?11:52
CottusArch_, remember to add the 2 to fstab,11:52
ActionParsnipArch_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:53
ghostchickalfabravo,  just download the german localisation for thunderbird11:53
cansranmawhen i try to startup ubuntu i get this message http://imagebin.org/21983511:54
cansranmaany help is appreciatede11:54
ActionParsnipalfabravo: just backup your thunderbird (as you should already have) then just restore the data from bacup11:54
ActionParsnipcansranma: what video chip do you use?11:55
Arch_ActionParsnip, it is "natty"11:55
ActionParsnipArch_: natty is EOL in October, giving you only 4 months of support....11:56
ActionParsnipArch_: I'd recommend a clean install of Precise and wipe out Natty11:56
IdleOneArch_: Why do you need this extra partition if I may ask?11:57
cansranmahey actionparsnip11:57
ActionParsnipArch_: is this natty install a new install?11:57
Arch_IdleOne, i need to install windows 7 near it to work with some other app's. and i need to keep ubuntu on my pc.11:57
Arch_yeap ActionParsnip11:57
cansranmacould u help me for a min11:58
ActionParsnipArch_: I'd get rid and install Precise. Why such an old release?11:58
alfabravoghostchick ActionParsnip Yes, I'm about to download german version, but first I need to remove an english one. Will it also remove the accounts and content? I will back it up anyway, but as soon as I install german version, I will have no idea how to restore the data, because I don't speak german....11:58
giteshhow to save file into Terminal(trying to create a new site) ?11:58
ActionParsnipalfabravo: i believe the settings files are identical11:58
cansranmahey actionparsnip11:58
ghostchickalfabravo,  you should have installed the localization package11:58
ActionParsnipcansranma: ask the channel and it will help if it can11:58
cansranmado you know what is causing this bug11:58
Arch_is there anything change on new upgrade ActionParsnip?11:59
cansranmaor how to fix it11:59
alfabravoI'll give it a try. Do you know answers to my questions?11:59
IdleOneArch_: ok, backup any data you want to save. Install Windows 7 then install Ubuntu 12.04 that way the grub boot loader will pickup all your OS'es.11:59
ActionParsnipcansranma: what video chip do you use?11:59
ghostchickActionParsnip,  I agree as for the identical settings but i would advice saving the data first by prudence11:59
alfabravoActionParsnip I'll give it a try. Do you know answers to my questions?12:00
ActionParsnipArch_: even if you got Ubuntu working today, you'd have 4 months then all updates and support will end, so why bother12:00
cirustusso nividia12:00
Arch_aha, surely i just have this way IdleOne. Also i wanna ask what's your opinion about "chakra" and "mint" linux version instead of ubuntu?12:00
cirustusok is this in a pc or laptop12:00
cansranmanvidia chipset12:00
cirustusok can you go into bios and dissable your nvidia and boot using your onbaord graphics?12:01
ActionParsnipalfabravo: You can copy the ~/.mozilla/thunderbird folder back and it should work12:01
cansranmais it normal to have several options to be selected at startup12:01
IdleOneArch_: I have no opinions on those distros. besides that is off topic for this channel. you may want to join #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss other distros12:01
ActionParsnipcansranma: did you install the proprietary video driver yet?12:01
Arch_IdleOne, however on my update manager said: "new release of ubuntu 11.10" no sign of 12.0412:01
cansranmai dont think i have onboard graphics12:01
cansranmanope i dont12:01
Arch_aha, thanks IdleOne12:01
alfabravook, bye.12:02
cirustusall motherboards should have an onboard graphics12:02
ActionParsnipcansranma: like an onboard nvidia gpu?12:02
cirustususually vga12:02
ActionParsnipcansranma: 'onboard graphics' doesn't tell us much12:02
cansranmayeah thats not the prob because i was ble to get in through the recoery mode and it was fine12:02
cirustusok im guessing your graphics is  card in the epasnsion slots on your motherboard12:02
cansranmabut the thing is its a pain in the ass having to go through that process everytime12:02
reufwhere is eclipse.ini located under 12.04?12:02
cansranmai have winxp on the machine12:03
ActionParsnipcansranma: use the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=112:03
cansranmadual gbboot12:03
Arch_Thanks all, i'll install cursed win7, and connect here after i can install one of it's distros.12:03
cansranmawhere is this action?12:03
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | cansranma12:03
ubottucansranma: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:03
ActionParsnip!find eclipse.ini12:03
ubottuFile eclipse.ini found in eclipse-platform12:03
ActionParsnipreuf: do you have  eclipse-platform installed?12:04
reufyes i do12:04
ActionParsnipreuf: then run:  sudo updatedb; locate eclipse.ini12:04
ActionParsnipcansranma: just change the boot option for nouveau.blacklist=112:04
reufit found eclipse.ini.ignored12:05
ActionParsnipreuf: sweet12:05
ActionParsnipreuf: locate is a badass command :)12:05
reufwhat does the ignore part mean?12:05
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ActionParsnipreuf: no idea, could ask in an eclipse channel12:05
tkinganyone here using HP envy 17 (8gb ram and 1.5tb) am having probs bcos my computer goes off on linux after 24hrs of none shut down, but doesn't on windows12:06
angshow can I check what compilers does my ubuntu have?12:08
angsapart from gcc ?12:08
bekksangs: It doesnt have other compilers unless you installed some, which you would know of.12:09
ActionParsniptking: so you get random power downs?12:10
cirustusok now im stuck i just finnished installing ubuntu and i can select windows boot loader but it only boots win7 sever 2008 has dissapeared12:10
angsbekks: thanks, I am using a ubuntu image, is there any command to see the existing compilers?12:10
ActionParsnipcirustus: biit to ubuntu and get fully updated12:10
tkingActionParsnip, yes, because ubuntu makes my computer overheat (before ubuntu, i cud have my computer up for 1 meek windows are open room temperation is cold)12:11
cirustusok no probs will do will post back if that doesnt solve the problem12:11
ActionParsniptking: does it use hybrid/switchable graphics?12:11
ghostchicktking,  cpuutils?12:11
tkingActionParsnip, i never heard abt that before12:12
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
ActionParsniptking: it has a radeon GPU and an intel one, doesn't it?12:13
tkingActionParsnip, ghostchick i wish i hv heard of those before, am using ubuntu 3weeks ++ now, i wont stop using it though12:13
ActionParsniptking: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display   you will see both...12:13
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dekker3dHey all. I'm kinda stuck.12:13
ufrgsHello folks!12:14
cansranmachange what option to blacklist112:14
cansranmai cant even get into ubuntu12:14
ufrgsdoes anybody knows a application to control the computer fans speed please?12:14
cansranmaunless i go through the recovery mode12:14
tkingActionParsnip, i hv checked it now trying to get pastebin up12:14
dekker3dI just added a third screen on my computer, a Cintiq, and Ubuntu freaked out over it. The whole thing was pretty much impossible to use. So I chose to try Gnome-classic (which didn't work either)...12:14
cansranmabut then thats a huge pain in hte ass12:14
dekker3dAnd then I tried the recovery console. It won't respond and now it always boots into that.12:15
dekker3dHow do I get out of the recovery console, and is it supposed to not react when I type?12:15
tkingActionParsnip, ghostchick http://pastebin.com/sJKneprn this is the result on terminal12:15
ActionParsnipcansranma: hold shift at boot, then press E to (e)dit the boot, then remove 'quiet splash' and add 'nouvaeu.blacklist=1'  press ENTER to continue the boot12:15
ActionParsniptking: yep, dual GPUs, it causes all kinds of hell in Linux12:16
ActionParsniptking: may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics12:16
cirustusbad enough having nvidia graphics in linux :)12:16
dekker3dOh lol.. ActionParsnip, could that be the cause of my screens freaking out? I have two screens attached to one GPU and another to the second GPU in a SLI setup12:17
cansranmaaction i ahve dual boot12:17
cansranmaright after it post hold shift?12:17
ActionParsnipcirustus: never had an issue. If you want another way, you can chroot using liveCD and get updated and install the proprietary driver, you'll be ok then :)12:17
dekker3dOnly the left screen works, it cuts off part of the screen on the left and my mouse is stuck on the left side (while clicking anything will act like I clicked on the right side)12:17
ActionParsnipcansranma: indeed, hold shift and you'll see grub :)12:17
tkingActionParsnip, thanks let me read thru12:17
cirustusnot really a big prob all my pc's us nvidia just gotta install driver before i can dual screen12:18
ActionParsnipcirustus: well, yeah. Same in windows...12:18
cirustuswell being a toshiba laptop it already comes pre installed12:19
cirustusbut no biggie12:19
ufrgsdoes anybody knows a application to control the computer fans speed please?12:19
ActionParsnipcirustus: if the lappy came preinstalled with Ubuntu, it'd be the same as your pre-installed windows :)12:19
cirustusyour bios should be able to do that12:20
ufrgsMy laptop is kind of frying here...12:20
tkingActionParsnip, ls -l /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch can not access permission denied12:20
dekker3dUhm. I'm about to reboot. Does anybody have -any- advice on my situation before I relog?12:21
ActionParsniptking: prefix with sudo12:21
ufrgscirustus, but I don't need a restart right now.12:21
cirustusufrgs: well its one way to sort the problem another is to buy a laptop cooling pad12:21
dekker3dRight. Brb then.12:22
ufrgscirustus, well, I rather do cheap way now.12:23
cirustusok im looking into it for you12:23
cirustusok this may help http://tuxtweaks.com/2008/08/how-to-control-fan-speeds-in-ubuntu/12:24
ufrgscirustus, having a look, thank you.12:25
cirustusno probs just remember google is your friend :D12:25
ActionParsnipgoogle is too constricting12:26
cirustusyes and no12:27
cirustusits helped me 80% of the time12:27
chuYep, but as the factoid says... !google12:27
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:28
dekker3dYo. I'm back. Installing nvidia-current and rebooting didn't help.12:28
ActionParsnipcirustus: try duckduckgo :), the bang syntax is fantastic12:28
cirustus?? ok that one lost me12:29
dekker3dAnd I don't have access to a browser right now due to no visual environment, so you folks are my only hope12:29
dekker3dIt's not like the #linux folks will want to tell me how to get out of Ubuntu's recovery console, I think, since it seems distro-specific.12:29
ghostchickdekker3d,  why dont you try xfce?12:29
dekker3dghostchick: I'm not sure what xfce is. Desktop environment/windowmanager?12:30
ghostchickdekker3d,  DE12:30
dekker3dghostchick: the environment started by the startx and unity commands are also DEs, right?12:31
dekker3dBoth of those don't work because of resources taken up by the recovery console12:31
cirustuslol @ action just looked at it and yeah i see what you mean12:31
dekker3dAnd I can't figure out how to kill the recovery console12:31
dekker3dIn other words, I need to recover my pc from the recovery console. How's that for irony? :P12:32
imancthe lenovo x1 isn't in ubuntu's approved hardware list, but I'm wondering if anyone has installed ubuntu on it and if there were any issues?12:32
ActionParsnipcirustus: what, duckduckgo?12:32
ghostchickyou mean you are stuck in the recovery?12:32
ActionParsnipcirustus: leaves google for dust.    try:   !yt ubuntu12:32
dekker3dIt does not respond to my keyboard. All I can do is ctrl-alt-f6 and just use a console.12:32
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dekker3dTo be precise, I get "dekker3d@Dekker3DPC:~$ <little rectangle symbol>12:33
tkingActionParsnip, $ sudo echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch12:34
cirustus@action nice took me staright to youtube with ubuntu querys12:34
tkingActionParsnip, results on bash: /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch: Permission denied12:34
dekker3dIs it possible to kill the recovery console using the kill command? Does it have a single process name in ps aux?12:35
geirhatking: Because bash tries to open the file for reading, then run sudo echo ON12:35
ActionParsniptking: echo "ON" | sudo tee  /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch12:36
geirhatking: sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch <<< ON   or   sudo sh -c 'echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch'12:36
ActionParsniptking: the sudo doesn't traverse the redirection, so the only part of the command you ran getting sudo power is echo12:37
ActionParsnipcirustus: exactly, bang syntax. Leaves google in it's tracks.12:37
ubuntu_abhican anyone tell how to install gtk + latest version on 10.1012:37
geirhas/open the file for reading/open the file for writing/  how did I manage to get that wrong?12:37
ActionParsnipcirustus: also try !w !ebay !man   and so forth12:37
cirustusok will do12:38
ActionParsnipcirustus: you can also sort the results with extra options in the search box12:38
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icariousi have an IBM ultraport webcam. how do i enable it under trisquel? is there a driver?12:38
ActionParsnipcirustus: hence "google is restrictiv" :)12:39
dekker3dghostchick, do you have any ideas?12:39
IdleOneicarious: trisquel is not supoported in this channel12:39
cirustus@ action i see what you mean12:39
ghostchickdekker3d,  look at your pms12:39
cirustusnever even knew this existed12:39
geirhadekker3d: getty is the command running on each VC12:40
ActionParsnipcirustus: most are ignorant, don't sweat it12:40
cirustusalways willing to learn and have an open mind12:41
ActionParsnipcirustus: you'll get people say 'what, you don't use google' and so on now :)12:41
cirustussuits me i dont like being a sheep that follows the flock12:41
MonkeyDustyes, or 'what! you have no facebook?'12:41
ActionParsnipcirustus: you can use it to search google too though, just use !g   or to search images use !gi12:42
dekker3dgeirha: thanks, I guess. I could always try killing any getty process then :P12:42
ActionParsnipcirustus: or g-maps with !map london   for example :)12:42
cirustusyes i have facebook but mainly for contact with family ect.. i dont get into the fb politics12:42
geirhadekker3d: the one with tty6 as argument is the one running on Ctrl+Alt+F6. It will be respawned automatically12:43
Cottus!g test12:43
arianHello all12:43
IdleOnepolitics/race/war/religion/Facebook/choice of favorite search engine are all off topic. Please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic.12:43
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Guest10381can i remove the launch bar between 2 monitors on 12.o4?12:43
TR41N3DHello fellas - quick question. Will I be able to set up software RAID 5 with the H61 chipset, in ubuntu server?12:44
geirhaGuest10381: yes, in Display settings12:44
TR41N3D(Has to be bootable)12:44
Guest10381thanks i never saw that before it :D12:44
TR41N3DOr, rephrased: is bootable software raid chipset dependable?12:45
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Guest57262when i want to move my mouse between 2 monitors on ubuntu 12:04 it stop for a secend if i move slowly.How i can remove that stop?12:46
jelly-homeHi, what image viewer is installed by default in 12.04?  When I run "see foo.PNG" in command line, I get12:47
jelly-homeError: no "view" mailcap rules found for type "image/png"12:47
tkingActionParsnip, how u get to know all this command12:47
jelly-homeI find it amusing that Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't have a simple image viewer tool available12:48
arian__when i want to move my mouse between 2 monitors on ubuntu 12:04 it stop for a secend if i move slowly.How i can remove that stop?12:48
tkingActionParsnip, i tried to enter every command on their and reading the stuff to the best of my knowledge but i don't think its solved though12:48
cirustustype in image in the dash home i can see image viewer in there12:49
nibbierjelly-home, does it not? try eog12:49
ActionParsniptking: mainly experience12:49
jelly-homenibbier: eog works, thanks12:49
arian__i found that12:49
petoosuggest me some good IDE for "c/c++" , 8.0412:54
slackinso uhh, I have a wifi 802.11n card that uses the ath9k kernel module, but iwconfig never reports more than 54Mbit link, but my router is N also and when I'm in windows on my laptop it connects much much faster. It seems none of my 802.11n wifi cards ever report more than 54mbit connection in linux, what am I missing?12:55
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator12:55
ActionParsnippetoo: 8.04 on desktop is EOL12:55
petoocan't help ActionParsnip my machine is lot more old than hardy12:56
petooneed one mre suggestion , which one is lighter and still good for big projects12:57
OerHekspetoo, i think you cannot install any software, because 8.04 is EOL, no updates or repository's available anymore.12:59
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petooI installed git a few days back13:01
MonkeyDustpetoo  what OerHeks says, 8.013:01
MonkeyDustpetoo  what OerHeks says, 8.04 is dead13:01
petoomay all of those aren't updated , yes you're right13:01
KM0201if you're machine can't run ubuntu 12.04, install one of the lighter alternatives (lubuntu or xubuntu)13:02
OerHekshi Griffrez13:02
GriffrezJust a quick question. On the Ubuntu's website, when I get the choice to choose between the x86 and x64 architectures, (32 and 64 bits), it recommends me the 32 bits one, even though I got 4GB of RAM.13:03
GriffrezThe question is, should I get the 32 bits version, either way?13:03
ActionParsnippetoo: install Precise but install Xubuntu 12.04 and it will run just fine. It is also LTS so is supported all the way up until 201713:03
cirustuswhat is your chip 64 bit or 32 bit13:03
petoook , can a 1 gig ram , 1.8ghz machine run ubuntu  10.** ?13:03
Griffrez64 bits.13:03
OerHeksGriffrez, if you have a 64 bit cpu + 4 gb, go for 64 bit!13:04
GriffrezI'm running 64 bits Windows 7, right now.13:04
cirustusthen install the 64 bit version13:04
OerHekspetoo sure.13:04
GriffrezI thought the same.13:04
ActionParsnipGriffrez: use 64bit, it'll give easier upgrades later :)13:04
GriffrezI just was a bit unsure.13:04
chupetoo: You could be running 12.04 too13:04
chu!minimal ! petoo13:04
FloodBot1Griffrez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
MonkeyDustpetoo  10.04 is still supported13:04
cirustusit will utilise you cpu to its full potential13:04
ubottuchu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:04
KM0201petan: 1gig of ram, I'd go Lubuntu...13:04
ActionParsnippetoo: that system is better than anything I have13:04
chu!minimal | petoo13:04
ubottupetoo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:04
GriffrezI'm not flooding. o.o I am... but accidently. :P13:04
petoono you aren't :D13:05
LjLGriffrez: don't worry about it too much, just be easy on the Enter key13:05
GriffrezYeah. The problem is that I sometimes have the tendency to do small sentences. :P13:05
petooi want new OS ,, xubuntu 12.0413:06
GriffrezAnd make a separate entry for a face expression. xD13:06
petoolet's see if it works13:06
GriffrezI'm not downloading at full speed.13:06
GriffrezMaybe someone is using my internet. xD13:06
GriffrezAnyway, I might have more technical issues once I am done installing.13:07
GriffrezAnd I'll return here for so.13:07
cirustusno probs13:07
ActionParsnipGriffrez: try using torrents13:08
ActionParsnippetoo: should be fine, its light and fast :)13:08
cirustusdoes ubuntu 12.04 take advantage of the i7 cpu?13:08
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Saikianyone know how to fix this error, or could point me in the right direction": java.lang.SecurityException: Servlet of class org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application13:09
ActionParsnipcirustus: yes13:09
canis_Has anyone gotten the 3rd gen drivers for the wacom bamboo series (gen III) into an install package somewhere yet?  These multi step processes aren't working for me.  I'm using mint 12, but will give ubuntu 12.04 a shot if the answer is yes.13:09
dekker3dHey. I have returned. Still with the same problems... Ubuntu launches its recovery console thing the moment it starts, without even asking me if I want that, and the console is irresponsive.13:10
dekker3dPerhaps someone can tell me how to disable autologin from the console, that would help a lot I think.13:10
Cottusdekker3d, have you tryed other options in the boot menu?13:12
GriffrezActionParsnip: Too late. I'm already half way through the HTTP download. And I think it has to do with the fact that someone might be using my bandwidth, in the house.13:12
dekker3dI have tried the recovery mode option, Cottus. That's about it.13:12
Cottusdekker3d, are the others functional?13:12
ActionParsnipGriffrez: torrents will be faster and more reliable, also you can pause and resume them13:13
dekker3dNop. Except the Windows boot option, but yeah.... I kinda want my Linux to work too13:13
GriffrezI know13:13
GriffrezI use torrents.13:13
GriffrezBut, it's a bit irrelevant, now that I'm already half way. I'd be just wasting time.13:13
dekker3dAnd I didn't bother trying the memtest boot options since those seem irrelevant :P So really, I only tried Ubuntu and Ubuntu (recovery mode)13:13
Saikialso this error?: SEVERE: Creation of the naming context failed: javax.naming.NamingException: Context is read only13:15
GriffrezI have the intention of using Java for gaming (Minecraft-related stuff, mostly). In your opinion, what is the most reliable and most well performing alternative, open source or closed source runtime? On Ubuntu, that is.13:15
dekker3dCottus: I should say though, that before I chose the recovery console I could at least log into an only-moderately-messed-up unity or gnome-classic. Now I don't get that option anymore13:15
dekker3dI think if I can disable autologin, I can at least get to unity again13:15
dekker3dGotta shutdown and do something, back soon again13:18
jiltdilshell script  channel13:19
chujiltdil: Possibly #bash13:19
Saikiis there a java help channel?13:23
petooSaiki: #java13:23
Saikipetoo: I shoulda figured that one lol13:24
shaneohey guys after a fresh install all my applications show icons in the panel is there anyway to make them not show the icons13:25
ActionParsnipshaneo: in unity, that's how you manage running apps13:26
shaneoActionParsnip, ok well for example xchat has an icon how do i get it to only show in the messaging menu?13:26
shaneoas well as thunderbird13:27
shaneothey never did this before only after the fresh install13:27
ActionParsnipshaneo: thunderbird has a systemtray addon I believe, xchat may have a setting. I don't use either app tbh13:27
shaneoActionParsnip, ok thanks ill look around13:29
krababbelHi, I have an USB mouse and I wanted to change the button mapping. Is there a way to assign a static xinput id for it? Also my setup worked for some days and now the driver seems to have changed behaviour, and broke the mapping setup. I guess I can't do anything about that?13:29
ActionParsnipshaneo: another xchat user may be able to advise13:29
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shaneoActionParsnip, ok thanks13:30
shaneoAny xchat users ?13:30
Saikishaneo: what icon are you refering to>13:30
shaneoSaiki, the xchat icon i want it to minimize to message menu but it shows icon on panel instead13:30
shaneoSaiki, its also in messaging menu13:31
meisth0thi've made an application and i want to make it available on launchpad, can you please help me?13:31
Saikishaneo: you mean to taskbar?13:31
shaneoSaiki, :) yes13:31
Saikishaneo: that should eb in general preferences somewhere13:31
Saikishaneo: moment, I'll grab the windows one13:31
shaneoSaiki, yes theres an option to hide the icon but it doesnt close to the messaging menu it just quits13:32
Melampo_Can I ask you guys a question or are you busy?13:32
cirustusgo for it13:32
shaneomy previous install did it differently when i closed the app it minimized the the message menu13:32
Saikishaneo: patience please?13:33
shaneoSaiki, sorry missed that message thanks13:33
Melampo_I'd like to change Firefox tmp directory in order to put it in the RAM13:33
Saikishaneo: I haven't used x-chat in a while13:33
shaneoSaiki, its ok thanks for the help either way13:34
Saikishaneo: just installing it now13:34
shaneoSaiki, ok no rush13:34
cirustusok action beat me to it13:35
ActionParsnipMelampo_: may need to make an alias. I used the 'or' method for chrome, works well13:35
Melampo_That's some confusing guide13:35
Melampo_is this good? http://www.fewt.com/2010/07/move-your-logs-and-temp-files-to-ram.html13:35
Melampo_It involves editing my FSTAB file13:36
canis_Is there a way, once done testing 12.04 from a usb and having everything the way I want it, to transfer the install to a hard drive for use on a pc?13:36
Saikishaneo: you see the system icon option?13:38
Saikishaneo: catting > alerts13:39
shaneoSaiki, yes but unchecking it than closing it wont put it in the message menu it just closes13:40
SaikiActionParsnip: just an fyi. Psytrac is me, testing something on X-chat13:40
Saikishaneo: ou can minimize it13:41
Saikishaneo: when you minimize it it goest to system tray, and not taskbar13:41
shaneoSaiki, it minimizes to the system tray icon and messaging menu13:42
Saikishaneo: show me a picture of what you're refering to please?13:43
shaneoSaiki, ok 1 sec13:43
rhumbothi all. im new to ubuntu and would like to install a library from this website: http://jump.to/fleury - how can i do this?13:45
shaneoSaiki, sorry it wont let me screnshot with the messaging menu open :(13:46
wakeupI seem to have accidentally removed the networking modules or something on a lucid box13:48
wakeupany ideas how I can find out whats missing, or can give an overview of the network toolchain?13:48
NurseDadi find it hard to understand why Ubuntu continues to have these wifi connection problems. Fix it!13:50
compdocyeah, I see lots of ppl having issues that way13:50
ActionParsnipNurseDad: never had a single wifi issue13:51
x1kwakeup: i sent you a msg to help with your wireless issue, have you received it?13:52
NurseDadActionParsnip: many are, I have used Ubuntu since 2004 or when ever it came out can't remember13:52
magpiedead silence?13:53
x1kNurseDad: i think it has to do with the usage of ndiswrapper to install many windows drivers... the package in Software Center makes is crazy easy though.13:53
NurseDadx1k; what package in SC?13:54
NurseDadx1k: i have never installed that in all the years i hsve used Ubuntu13:55
x1kNurseDad: it's called Windows Wireless Drivers in the SC.. a lot of wifi cards rely on proprietary windows drivers, and ndiswrapper handles that13:56
AsterAre there any programs like htop, but that only monitor one process?13:56
x1kNurseDad: all you have to do is provide the .inf driver file that would be used to install the driver on windows13:57
ActionParsnipNurseDad: what wifi chip do you use?13:57
NurseDadx1k: I have no idea what chip, I know where to go to find it. But that is not the point the avg user that is considering switching from windows will not do that13:58
MissVeraI have had the same exact issues whether im trying to install Ubuntu, or Xubuntu (and various flavors of it), And someone had recommended memtest.org to see if my RAM was malfunctioning or something? But I dont understand how to put it on a flash drive or how to use it period. Could anyone help me?13:58
jiohdiAster, you can f3 and highlight the process, then make the window small so you only see it13:59
x1kAster: i think 'atop' can focus on singular processes14:00
x1kmay be an alternative14:00
x1kwakeup: you get your wireless issue resolve?14:01
compdocMissVera, memtest86+ comes on the Ubuntu install cd14:01
compdocor you can download it from memtest.org14:01
Saikianyone know where java is installed by default on ubuntu server 12.04?14:02
compdocSaiki, Im not sure it is installed by default14:03
radioactifis there some one  who would help me plz ? this s my 1st day with linux ^^"14:03
ActionParsnipSaiki: by default I doubt it, you can check packages.ubuntu.com. I have a PPA for 1.7 oracle java if you want14:04
NurseDadradioactif: just ask your question14:04
SaikiActionParsnip: I mean where the java packages install14:04
SaikiActionParsnip: I think I have a permissions issue for tomcat with java14:05
ActionParsnipSaiki: all you need to use is the java command, it's all handled for you14:05
SaikiActionParsnip: java.lang.SecurityException: Servlet of class org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application14:06
SaikiActionParsnip: is this handled by tomcat, or java?14:06
MissVeracompdoc, when i try to run it from the install cd, it tells me, "cannot load  ramdisk with an old kernel image"14:07
compdocMissVera, you created the install cd? or is it a usb stick?14:07
ActionParsnipSaiki: not sure, you could ask in the tomcat channel maybe to verify14:07
compdocMissVera, do you ever open your computer?14:08
Sprockshow do i list all things installed using apt-get?14:08
MissVeraIts not mine, but to my knowledge, they havent.. ?14:08
SaikiActionParsnip: tomcat channel is dead as dust14:08
ActionParsnipSprocks: history | grep apt-get | egrep -v remove14:09
SaikiActionParsnip: I have been asking in there for a few days lol14:09
MonkeyDustSprocks  try dpkg -l| grep ii14:09
ActionParsnipSaiki: good to try ;)14:09
netraamehtCan somebody help me? I cannot connect with the wired connection14:09
compdocMissVera, ok. well, memtest86+ is the easiest way to diagnose14:09
compdocMissVera, it does not tell you everything, but its a good start14:09
SaikiActionParsnip: have been for a few days lol14:10
netraamehtCan somebody help me? I cannot connect with the wired connection14:10
Erealznetraameht, did you restart your router14:10
cirustusActionParsnip, i did the updates and it still wont do server 200814:10
Erealzand reboot your machine14:10
compdocMissVera, whoever created the usb stick shouls also create a usb stick containing memtest86+ and boot from it14:10
netraamehtErealz, let me try14:10
MissVeracompdoc, I downloaded it, and don't know how to use it. I tried putting it on a usb, but when i boot from it, it just tells me i dont have an OS installed, so im assuming i've done something wrong. My hardware/software know how is very limited.14:10
javaquestionHello, I have a question about java -- someone is going to help teach me, but I have to install Jampack to my CLASSPATH -- which I don't know where it is. Where is the java classpath by default? I found this thread, but it didn't seem to help me... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33145214:11
Erealznetraameht, i had the same kinda problem or at least i thought after takeing the power plug out of both router and pc the light of the ethernet wire finally came on14:11
compdocMissVera, it comes compressed, so it has to be uncompressed first. then, you use a program like unetbootin to create the usb booter14:11
MissVeracompdoc, I had used unetbootin, to make all the live cd/usbs. Lubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu. All fail.14:11
MissVeracompdoc. I did that. ol.14:12
Erealzwitch was weird when it problem started i got a new router14:12
compdocsomething is wrong - maybe the usb stick is damaged, or, you do have bad ram in that pc. use another pc to create14:12
blotekErealz, never heard of "ifup" "ifdown" commands?14:13
Erealzoh wait14:13
FloodBot1Erealz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
Erealzdidnt work14:14
EisenhornGuys, I got an issue with either OpenSUSE or grub. I recently installed OpenSUSE on my laptop, found out I didn't like it and now I want to go back to Ubuntu14:14
Erealzyou have to reset the power sometimes14:14
MissVeracompdoc, I've alternated 3 different flash drives. And I'm using my laptop to make the bootups. My laptop is new and runs peachy.14:14
netraameht_Erealz, it says Device not managed in the dropdown menu14:14
javaquestiondoes anybody know where to get help with Java on ubuntu?14:14
EisenhornI created an USB boot drive and tested it on my desktop to see if it's bootable14:14
EisenhornNow, if I'm on my laptop and I say I want to boot from usb14:15
compdocMissVera, the pc your testing might need to be set to boot from the usb14:15
Eisenhornit just says screw you and continues booting to grub14:15
Erealzwhat the output14:15
zykotick9netraameht_: if you have something configured in /etc/network/interfaces then NetworkManager gives the "not managed" message.14:15
compdocMissVera, the pc youre testing does not have a cd drive?14:15
Erealzremember to unplug everything modem router and pc14:15
MissVeracompdoc, I select that from the beginning. Which is how I've "tested" the memory, and the different OS' to see how they run.14:15
netraameht_zykotick9 what can I do now?14:16
radui have a question about ubuntu 12.04...tried to install in dual boot with win 7...i installed ubuntu 12.04 on an external hard drive, the instalation worked fine but  when i rebooted the screen became black, coputer freeze...i tried to press alt ctrl del.nothing works14:16
Eisenhornanyone familair with it perhaps?14:16
blotekradu, google "grub manual"14:16
MissVeracompdoc, It does have a cd drive, It just never seems to install well from the cd.... and i got tired of wasting cd's with failed writes and my own various screw ups. the flash drive seemed like a better idea.14:16
zykotick9netraameht_: ? i haven't been following your issue - just saw your "not managed" statement.  remove the settings for the device in /etc/network/interfaces will allow N-M to use the device.14:17
ActionParsnipradu: what gpu do you use?14:17
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kiamowhat's the apt-get command to install the current ati drivers?14:17
kiamolike apt-get install nvidia-current14:17
ivancoHey guys I need help  with Ubuntu studio14:17
radui have nvidia optimus on my laptop but ubuntu 10.10 worked with it14:17
petooHey , want to know a thing , if use minimal install for further installation it needs Internet connection, I use USB wireless dongle to connect to Internet , is it still possible for me to complete installation?14:18
ivancoI've installed Ubuntu Studio but appears like its basic normal Ubuntu14:18
compdocMissVera, well this is an impasse. Maybe a friend or a shop can create a cd or usb stick for you14:18
ivancowithout studio applications14:18
zykotick9petoo: 1) your wireless would need to be supported in mini (many aren't) & 2) you "might" only be able to connect to open or WEP (ie no WPA) networks14:19
EisenhornGuys, I've installed OpenSUSE a few days back. I didn't like it and wanted to go back. Now I created an bootable ubuntu 12.04 flashdisk and tested it on my homepc to check if it works, which it does. However, when I try to boot from it on my laptop it just continues to the OpenSUSE/grub screen. Is it possible it's interfering somehow?14:19
MissVeracompdoc, its not the creating thats the issue. Its the hardware in the other Computer thats the issue. Anyway. All im trying to figure out, is how to get that memtest thing onto a flash drive, or which one im supposed to download14:19
mz|`Eisenhorn: modify your bios settings to boot on usb14:19
compdocMissVera, oh, I didnt think - you can boot the usb stick on your laptop?14:20
EisenhornI chose that14:20
EisenhornI press F12 then boot from USB14:20
mz|`tried all usb ports ?14:20
EisenhornThere's only 2 on them, but yes14:20
EisenhornThe weird thing is, it works on my desktop so I'm 100% it isn't the USB stick14:20
IdleOneMissVera: make an Ubuntu Live USB. memtest is included on it.14:20
EisenhornHence my question, is it possible for OpenSUSE to somehow interfere with booting from USB?14:21
Eisenhornor grub14:21
MissVeracompdoc, I dont know about the memtest program, but all the other .... I dont know if im not explaining myself well or not.  I Need the program from memtest.org on a flash drive, to see if the memory in Another computer is bad, which is why all these installs keep screwing up.14:21
compdocMissVera, this is a tutorial to create a usb stick with memtest:     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHL9usaM4Q14:21
cirustusActionParsnip, i still cant access server 2008 i can get into windows 7 though14:22
MissVeraIdleOne. Ive done that. which i already said.  [09:06] <MissVera> compdoc, when i try to run it from the install cd, it tells me, "cannot load  ramdisk with an old kernel image"14:22
compdocMissVera, if you create it porperly, you can boot your laptop with it, so thats the best way to test the usb14:22
netraamehtzykotick9 its working!14:22
blotekcirustus, can u access windows server from w7 ?14:22
cirustusits not in the boot loader but was before i installed ubuntu14:23
compdocMissVera, hmm, that video may not be the best example - but there may be others14:23
MissVeracompdoc, I have windows on my laptop, and the tutorial is in....   lol14:23
zykotick9netraameht: nice14:23
compdocoh good14:24
cirustusblotek, i install win 7 first then server 2008 and could dual boot them14:24
blotekcirustus, but i asked if u can access windows server from windows 7 install14:24
cirustusblotek, yes i can see the partition on wich its installed and view the files14:24
theoldmonkhello ................NEED INFORMATION14:25
theoldmonkHave Ubuntu server 11.04/ 64 bit, need to make it storage which stores .vdi's or vmdk's containing bootable OS.14:25
theoldmonkThose vdi's/vmdk's should be booted using ISCSI over the diskless physical machine may be via pxe, dont know how.14:25
FloodBot1theoldmonk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
EisenhornIs it allowed to repeat your question if it isn't fixed?14:25
Eisenhornor answered14:25
blotekcirustus, well i asked cuz i thought windows 7 is another pc and could be rejected by windows server somehow (ip filter etc)14:25
EisenhornGuys, I've installed OpenSUSE a few days back. I didn't like it and wanted to go back. Now I created an bootable ubuntu 12.04 flashdisk and tested it on my homepc to check if it works, which it does. However, when I try to boot from it on my laptop it just continues to the OpenSUSE/grub screen. Is it possible it's interfering somehow?14:25
gopostalis there any app for ubuntu for coding live with multiple users in one file? (at the same time)14:25
Eisenhornand yes, I'm booting from USB via the boot menu14:26
cirustusblotek, no im making a tripple boot pc for my I.T studies14:26
compdocEisenhorn, you have to tell the bios which devices to boot first. the boot order14:26
BluesKajEisenhorn, does your laptop bios allow booting from a USB ?14:26
EisenhornI know, I'm choosing to boot from USB via the bootloader14:26
blotekcirustus, try to get manually by typing smb:\\windowsservername14:26
EisenhornYes, BluesKaj, I had to do the exact same thing to install OpenSUSE in the first place14:26
blotekin thunar/nautilus or whatever u use14:26
compdocEisenhorn, once the boot loader is running, its too late14:27
BluesKajEisenhorn, ok14:27
ActionParsnipEisenhorn: press F11 at boot, works on most PCs14:27
EisenhornIt's F1214:27
Eisenhornon my laptop14:27
cirustusblotek, im meaning all 3 os are on the 1 hdd14:27
EisenhornYes, I know, compdoc14:27
blotekcirustus, wtf does that have to do with your samba problem :>14:27
ActionParsnipEisenhorn: ok, it does vary, should bring up a boot selection menu14:27
EisenhornBefore I even see the whole grub/OpenSUSE boot thingey14:27
EisenhornI press F12 and I get like 4 options to boot from14:27
compdocEisenhorn, I misunderstood14:28
EisenhornI select the USB (Tested it on my desktop and it works and boots into the ubuntu live cd/install thingey)14:28
cirustusblotek, i dont have a samba problem im having problem with booting into windows server 2008 since installing ubuntu 12.0414:28
Eisenhornand then it just blatantly ignores it14:28
Eisenhornand continue booting as usual14:28
ActionParsnipEisenhorn: tried a different usb port?14:28
EisenhornThere are 2 and I've tried 'm both14:28
UndiFineDcirustus, I think you would have more benefit of installing virtualbox or something alike, so you can use them all simultaneous14:28
cirustusUndiFineD, thats true but i know i have had it working before but since i tried it on my laptop it seems to be mission impossible14:29
compdocEisenhorn, might try loading the stand-alone Gparted on the usb stick, then deleting the OpenSUSE partitions, then go back to loading ubuntu14:30
BluesKajcirustus, have you run sudo update-grub ? I assume the windows server is on the same pc ?14:30
blotekcirustus, then update grub menu14:30
cirustusBluesKaj, ill do that and how do i update the grub menu14:30
EisenhornI'm not sure what you mean compdoc14:31
BluesKajcirustus, open the console , sudo update-grub14:31
skumara /msg NickServ identify stpm9914:31
EisenhornI created the bootable USB stick on my windows machine14:31
BluesKajcirustus, your windows install should be listed in the output14:32
theoldmonkneed help http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079770/14:32
cirustusBluesKaj, only show win 7 loader and win recovery14:32
BluesKajwin 7 loader is good14:33
cirustusbut when i use loader i dont get the option to select win 7 or server 2008 like i did before14:33
ActionParsnipskumara: time for a password reset :)14:33
skumarahow to reset password?14:34
BluesKajcirustus, ok use windows recovery , and run fixmbr14:35
cirustusBluesKaj, im about to do that will let you know if it fixed my problem14:35
pythonirc101When I kill a process, it becomes defunct. Any ideas how to kill it completely? I'm using SIGKILL14:35
BluesKajBBL.... stuff to for a couple of hrs14:35
kiamoso, kde or gnome?  does it really matter at the end of the day..?14:37
theding0I'm not really sure if this is where I should go, but I need some help14:40
i7ckiamo: is this a question? :D14:40
i7ctheding0: if it's ubuntu related, go ahead14:40
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
kiamoI know it's subjective, I just wanted to hear peoples opinions :)14:41
ariandoes sudo at 11:00 work?14:41
oCeankiamo: this is not the right channel for that. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or even #ubuntu-discuss for ubuntu specific topics14:41
=== arian is now known as Guest86911
i7ckiamo: kde seems windows-alike while gnome has its own concept. i'd prefer gnome over kde but i use xfce ;)14:42
theding0I own a K50IJ Asus notebook. Originally it was a Windows 7 PC, but when it stopped working I just loaded Ubuntu and formatted my hd. I'm wanting to flash my BIOS but when I try and find the utility for my motherboard, it doesn't show Linux as an operating system to download utilities. Is it possible to flash my BIOS running Ubuntu or am I out of luck?14:42
arian_what is the best ide for python?14:42
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:42
=== arian_ is now known as Guest66470
kiamoooo ok :)14:43
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator14:43
zykotick9theding0: see if you BIOS has EasyFlash (or similar name) - it allows updating FROM Bios (no OS required)14:43
=== tazjin is now known as tazjin|away
theding0zykotick9, I don't know if i need a certain utility for what I'm trying to do. I'm just tinkering with my laptop and wanting to change the BIOS splash. Would EasyFlash allow me to do that?14:45
AchillionHey all. Im trying to install 12.04 on a softwqre raid stripe. I created the stripe using mdadm as /dev/md0 and I can see it in the partition manager of the installer, but I can onle create one partition on it and then "add" becomes greyed out. Am I doing something wrong?14:45
zykotick9theding0: i wouldn't know.  good luck.14:45
theoldmonkcan any one please help with?     Scenario:14:46
theoldmonkHave Ubuntu server 11.04/ 64 bit, need to make it storage which stores .vdi's or vmdk's containing bootable OS.14:46
theoldmonkThose vdi's/vmdk's should be booted using ISCSI over the diskless physical machine may be via pxe, dont know how14:46
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ngomesanyone used w_scan with dvb-t ?14:47
theding0zykotick9, Ok one last question. I ran dmidecode and it says the BIOS is upgradeable. Does that mean I would have something similar to EasyFlash or do I need to go into the BIOS to see that?14:48
MissVeracompdoc, I finally got it running.  Does it just shut off on its own eventually? I mean... What am I learning from this?14:49
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compdocMissVera, you let it run as many passes as possible. overnight is really great14:49
theding0Or does anyone know of another room that would be able to help me further?14:50
compdocif you have bad ram, it will show14:50
shaneois there much of a difference between xchat and xchat-gnome?14:50
theoldmonkam I asking help at wrong place?14:50
shaneotheoldmonk, try ##networking14:50
theoldmonkthanks shaneo... tc14:51
theding0Anyone? I don't know my way around Freenode14:51
MissVeracompdoc, this is an older computer, doing this wont overclock it and oh, i dont know, make their computer spontaneously combust, will it?14:51
compdocMissVera, nope, its just writing patterns to ram, then readin them back14:52
compdocif any ram locations are bad, they wont come back the same value14:52
MissVeraThat,I .. dont understand14:53
reonfus[i'm in ubuntu] i'm trying to install some tar.gz. I unpacked it. When i'm using command ./conigure it tell "configure: error: no C# compiler found"14:53
Achillionreonfus: install gcc14:53
compdocMissVera, no need to understand - its just testing, and will pop up red stuff if the ram is bad14:53
compdocred warnings14:53
oCean!compiling | reonfus14:53
ubottureonfus: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:53
Achillionreonfus: better yet, install the build_essential metapackage14:53
reonfusachillion: what gcc is?14:54
MissVeracompdoc.  :) Red stuff. lol. Thank you.14:54
const_antinehi, question: does anyone know of an electronic circuit simulation software for Ubuntu?14:54
Achillionreonfus: oh wait, you said c#. read what ubottu liked14:54
zykotick9!info build-essential | reonfus a good starting point14:54
ubottureonfus a good starting point: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu2 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB14:54
MissVeracompdoc,one last question. Can I just leave it for a few hours then? And then if theres an issue, the warning will be there when i get back?14:55
itachihow to view cdfs file system that comes in usb modems14:55
compdocMissVera, in the upper left area of the screen, it show speeds for L1 and L2 cache. what speed is it listing for main memory? its in MB/s14:55
compdocMissVera, yes, just leave it running until youve had enough14:56
MissVeracompdoc, by main memory, do you mean where it says memory, BELOW L1 and L2 cache? If so, Memory is at 460 mb/s   the cache's are higher though...14:57
AchillionNo help on the software raid?14:57
reonfusthank you for advices. im newbie in ubuntu so first i will read abut biuil-essentials14:58
compdocMissVera, 460 mb/s ? thats horribly slow. modern computers read 4000 to 16000 MB/s14:58
compdocMissVera, thats a really old PC14:58
itachi<compdoc> how to view cdfs that comes in usb modem14:58
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compdocitachi, sorry, I have no idea. try a windows computer?14:59
zykotick9reonfus: fyi - you really shouldn't be installing stuff from source (if you can avoid it... it can lead to issues very quickly)14:59
itachi<compdoc> in windows it works and shows as CDFS, but in Linux, it does not read the contents of usb modem...15:00
MissVeracompdoc, L1 cache is at 11903 MB/s, L2 cache is 3794 mb/s, and then below it, Memory, is 460 mb/s.   But, I had pulled the specs from windows before i reformatted it, and it said it had a gig and a half of ram?15:00
compdocMissVera, those are just the speeds, not the amount15:01
compdocthe amount is listed tho15:02
compdoclook around15:02
reonfuszykotick9: im just trying to install incollector. main page of this program is down http://www.incollector.devnull.pl/. So i found only tar.gz file in Internet. i need this program as hell ;)15:02
MissVeracompdoc, the thing isn't ancient, it was running xp just fine.so... if im not getting errors, i dont see how memory is the issue with trying to install ubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, etc.15:03
AchillionOooooh, boot partition can't be on the raid!15:03
AchillionSilly me15:04
compdocMissVera, if there is a bad memory location, it corrupts programs and the operating system. Causing crashes, freezes, reboots15:04
MissVeracompdoc, are you saying, just keep waitting to see if i get an error?15:05
compdocMissVera, however, since you had so many issues getting memtest running, maybe its not ram at all. but its very good to know if there is a problem with ram15:05
reonfusubottu: ok i have just install build essential. what should i do next?15:05
ubottureonfus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:05
compdocMissVera, let it complete a couple of passes, and yes, just wait15:05
compdocthere is a count for passes there. shoudl show 0 right now, or manybe 115:06
dayam22hey there...total noob, got questions15:06
MissVeracompdoc. i had issues because my friends a jerk and told me to download the wrong file >.>  I paid attention to the page and realized i had the wrong one, which was why i couldnt get it to boot from the usb15:06
compdocMissVera, so you think the PC is ok? you might well let it complete one pass since youre doing it15:07
compdocas well15:07
MissVeracompdoc, unless you mean, I could never get it running from any of the live cd's for an "outdated kernel"reason... whatever that was all about15:07
dayam22got an online class and have to download the iso and create a boot disc or USB drive to check out the OS...15:07
compdocMissVera, yes, that. at least thats what I saw15:07
compdocare there other issues?15:07
dayam22ok....here's my deal.  My 'net speed @ home is dismal and it's taking forever to download the iso....any suggestions on how to get it any quicker?  LOL, sorry to ask such a dim question but I have to dl it by today15:08
MissVeraoh yes15:08
compdocMissVera, by the way, 460 mb/s is very very slow15:08
MissVeraI dont know enough about hardware to know what is fast or slow, or how to change it.15:08
dayam22i've got the iso queued in my dls but it's just going to take forever if it doesn't just time out15:09
Achilliondayam: are you getting less than your max bandwidth?15:09
thiebaudedayam22: i dont know how much faster, but i you tried open dns?15:09
recon_lap           dayam22 : go to a internet cafe, you be able to get it quicker15:09
thiebaudehave tried15:09
MissVeradayam22, sometimes different mirrors take less time  :x  My only advice.15:09
Dr_willistorrents would give the fasterst download speeds i find.15:09
Achilliondayam22: also try a torrent15:10
thiebaudeDr_willis: thats true15:10
Achilliondayam22: linu isos are usually very well shared on torrents15:10
compdocMissVera, cannot be changed without buying a new computer, basically. just dont expect it to run fast15:10
thiebaudeor a server that is closet to your home15:10
dayam22not an avid user of torrents to even know what i'm doing, jeez i feel like a tech101 person.  promise i'm not15:10
Dr_willisdownload torrent app.. find torrent file.. let it download...15:11
Achilliondayam22: Download utorrent if you dont have it and just add the ubuntu torrent15:11
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Dr_willissome browsers even come with torrent features ;) Opera does i belive15:11
MissVeracompdoc, I didnt. Which is why I've been trying my hardest to get Xubuntu to work. It doesnt need to do anything intensive though. Its for a group of kids. All they need it for is school projects, web browsing, and skype or some other type of video chat.15:11
compdocMissVera, good, its perfect for that15:12
Achilliondayam22: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:13
Junix™™™™™™™™™™ Ciao a tutti ™™™™™™™™™™15:13
Saikiis there some reason ubuntu slows down after hitting 11gb of ram used?15:13
Junixsomeone help me ?15:14
recon_lapSaiki: may because it's using to much ram15:14
Dr_willisJunix,  and the problem is?15:14
ubottueXp`iRc|4666: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:14
Junixbacktrack there is live cd ? whitout install ?15:14
bekksSaiki: How much RAM do you have?15:14
Junixexcuseme for my english15:14
Saikirecon_lap, bekks: should be 16gb15:14
Dr_willisJunix,  yes i think so.,.,and backtrack is not Ubuntu. It has its own support channels and web sites and forums15:14
bekksSaiki: "should"? how much is it in real?15:15
Junixthere is download link please15:15
thiebaudeJunix: maybe google it15:15
Junixversion live cd or dvd15:15
bekksSaiki: "free -m" will show you.15:15
Junixi search but no have find15:15
recon_lapSaiki: you got a 32bit os or a 54bit os?15:15
Junixonly fileserve... filesonic..15:15
moljac024how do i enable a service?15:16
AchillionJunix: Most linux install dvds are "live" by default. Don't know about backtrack though15:16
moljac024i cant find documentation anywhere15:16
Saikibekks: Mem:         16020      11607       4413          0         25        98815:16
Saikirecon_lap: 6415:16
moljac024i found chkconfig but it is broken15:16
moljac024trying to enable a service with chkconfig i get /sbin/insserv: no such file or directory15:16
compdocchkconfig has to be installed - its not on there by default15:16
bekksSaiki: You still have about 4GB free.15:16
destihi, is it normal, that the live ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 detects only 1.9 gib ram of the 4 gib installed?15:16
zykotick9moljac024: chkconfig / rc-conf don't do upstart15:16
Junixi install for see big potenziality15:17
Saikibekks: I'm aware of that, it's still running very slowly15:17
bekksdesti: It detected 16GB here.15:17
bekksSaiki: It's not a memory issue.15:17
recon_lapSaiki: sry, but have nothing to add. think you'll have to do a lot of digging to identify your issue15:18
Saikibekks: cpu then perhaps? 2.6 dual15:18
Saikirecon_lap: np, thought I'd ask, figured if there was some kind of but #ubuntu would know :)15:18
moljac024zykotick9: so how do i do upstart?15:19
moljac024specifically i want to enable network-manager service15:19
moljac024its not enabled by default, i used netinstall15:19
zykotick9moljac024: ? there is very little documentation (ubuntu users aren't expected to use services)15:19
moljac024lol so dont even provide documentation, right?15:19
schnuffle1moljac024: all config is done in /etc/init there should be a init file for network manager if you installed it15:19
zykotick9moljac024: if you install it - then it should autorun by default15:19
recon_lapSaiki:  you more likely to get an answer in ubuntu-dev, but you describing what is likely to be a very specific issue and hard to answer without real testing.15:20
moljac024zykotick9: it doesnt15:21
schnuffle1moljac024: and as far is I know the network manager is started during X login15:21
moljac024i have to enable it when i login with sudo service network-manager start15:21
Saikirecon_lap: true, I'm doing some tests right now15:21
moljac024schnuffle1: well it isnt, i login with lightdm and networkmanager isnt running15:21
zykotick9moljac024: check your /etc/network/interfaces, disable settings for eth015:21
schnuffle1moljac024: Wait I check15:21
schnuffle1moljac024: you shoulld have a file /etc/init/network-manager.conf15:22
moljac024zykotick9: did that15:22
moljac024but didnt reboot15:22
IdleOneabbasba: what is that video?15:22
zykotick9moljac024: reboot or ifdown/ifup15:23
recon_lapsaiki: what using all that memory?15:23
schnuffle1moljac024: it depends on dbus though15:23
cajunI'm attempting to scan my XP partition with Clam and it keeps crashing after only a few minutes of scanning. How can I check to see what's wrong? I've done the memtest which gave no errors.15:23
cajunI'm using 12.04.15:23
ceed^I'm having three packages, kernel, header and image kept back, but I do not understand why. Anyone know how I can find out?15:23
Dr_williscajun,  clamav is crashign the whole system? it reboots or does what?15:23
moljac024k i will try to reboot now15:23
moljac024tnx guys15:23
zykotick9ceed^: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to get new kernels15:23
schnuffle1cajun: have you checked if the harddrive is okay with fsck15:23
dayam22trying the opera route - utorrent didn't work because of permissions issue (haha, this is a work laptop)15:24
cajunIt crashes the whole system. I have to turn it back on.15:24
IdleOneabbasba: Please do not post links that have nothing to do with Ubuntu.15:24
ceed^zykotick9: I tried that, but they are still being kept back15:24
Dr_williscajun,  using the cli version of clamscan? or some gui tool?15:25
cajunschnuffle1, I haven't used fsck but I checked the smartdrive stats and it seemed fine.15:25
cajunwell I installed the GUI but when I start it, there's an x next to the GUI Version 4.38. I just installed it.15:26
schnuffle1cajun: one reason could be a archive bomb but I'M not really familiar with clamav15:26
cajunok. do you have another suggestion on scanning my Xp partition?15:26
moljac024hey rebooting fixed it, thanks15:26
moljac024i have on more question - i installed lightdm on top of the minimal system and it starts and works fine but it is ugly with the default gtk theme and black background - how can i theme it?15:27
schnuffle1cajun: use desinfeCT or the Microsoft liev Virus CD15:27
cajunok.  thanks.15:28
Junixschnuffle can u help me ?15:28
schnuffle1Junix: ask and if anybody has knowledge you'll get an answer, and remember going private without asking is seen unpolite15:29
arianwhat is the best ide for python?15:32
=== arian is now known as Guest14411
schnuffle1arian: good question, GUI devel?15:33
MechanisMhello I'm installed some program to view pdf and don't liked it. after I'm uninstalled it, system don't have any program associated with pdf.15:33
Fed44in my /etc/networking/interfaces file I have the line "up route GATEWAY_IP dev eth0" but upon networking restart it is not added, has up/post-up been deprecated or is itrelated to something else? or is there an alternative15:33
MechanisMhow to associate program to pdf? and what is default pdf viewer in ubuntu?15:33
MonkeyDustMechanisM  try evince15:33
Guest14411what is the best ide for python?15:34
IdleOne!ide | Guest1441115:34
ubottuGuest14411: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator15:34
MonkeyDustGuest14411  'best' depends on your goals and skills15:34
MechanisMGuest14411 PyCharm15:34
MechanisMI'm python/django developer15:34
IdleOnePlease stop asking which is the best. pick one, try it, decide yourself.15:34
abimaelayyy IdleOne, great answer15:35
MechanisMI'm using Sublime Text 2, but it's not IDE. If you want IDE then PyCharm is best out there15:35
Guest14411what is the best and userfriendlier ide for python15:35
IdleOne!polls > Guest1441115:36
ubottuGuest14411, please see my private message15:36
MechanisMor Aptana Studio 3 with PyDev15:36
schnuffle1MechanisM: There's http://pydev.org/manual_adv_django.html but I haven't used it. I use gedit and some cli tools for Django Dev15:37
Junixmy ?15:37
MechanisMschnuffle1 I'm used gedit with some django-related plugins too. but now I'm on Sublime Text 215:38
Junixok i read15:38
arian_what is userfriendlier ide for python?15:38
=== arian_ is now known as Guest94942
=== Guest94942 is now known as Arian--
MechanisMseems like bots?15:38
MechanisMasks IDE for python15:38
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator15:39
MechanisM<arian_> for python and most user friendly is pycharm or pydev15:40
IdleOneMechanisM: You're not helping by answering polls that are clearly not what this channel is for.15:41
Arian--what is the best ide for django?15:42
IdleOneArian--: enough. you are wasting our time15:42
MechanisM<IdleOne> I didn't even noticed it was poll15:42
MechanisMArian-- PyCharm15:43
IdleOnemost question with the words what is the best are considered to be polls. I can't tell you what the best is because it may be different for you then what it is for me.15:43
Saikithis may be server-dependant (as in the files I'm using, but I thought I'd ask if anyone knows any way to fix this: TRACE : gdelivery::matrixpasswd cache missing, user=****15:45
Diran_Skyhi i'm trying to upgrade but my update manager is throwing up loads of errors, it's being doing it for a while but i kinda ignored it15:50
=== Arian---- is now known as legolas
legolasexcuse me how  i can answer the questions on here?15:51
Murd0ckDood morning15:52
Murd0ckwhat goes on in here?15:52
compdocDiran_Sky, apt is not seeing the repositories15:53
ylmfosnice day isn"t?15:53
compdocDiran_Sky, it seems to be trying to load from a cache or proxy15:53
Diran_Skyhow do i change that compdoc?15:53
Diran_Skyi was mucking about with proxies a while ago15:53
Diran_Skyso probably my own error but i don't know how to fix it15:54
Murd0ckthat would be my very firsrt Gutentag15:54
Murd0ckproxies are fun15:54
legolashow i can update the internal python on  terminal?15:54
legolasupdate to python ver.315:54
Murd0cksudo apt-get python?15:54
ActionParsniplegolas: you may find a PPA15:55
Murd0cksudo apt-get update python?15:55
ActionParsnip!info python315:55
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 30 kB, installed size 206 kB15:55
compdocDiran_Sky, your computer tying to connect to itself on port 8118. Have you installed Tor, or some other apt related program?15:55
=== mike is now known as Guest89799
IdleOnelegolas: This is getting tiresome. Please stop.15:55
delacanyone familiar with bugs 862430 and 974242,  if they are going to be fixed on precise and if so, any guesses how soon?15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974242 in Compiz "Compiz is moving windows against my will" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97424215:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 862430 in Compiz Core "window flicker for a short time after switching workspaces" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86243015:55
Murd0ckSO I must confess15:55
legolasfrom where?15:55
ActionParsnipdelac: probably15:55
Murd0ckLinux has made meh smile lately15:55
Diran_Skyi did install Tor, yes compdoc, would uninstalling it help?15:56
ActionParsnipdelac: could use Unity2D until it gets fixed. It'll be faster too :)15:56
IdleOneMurd0ck: this is the Ubuntu support channel if you feel like chattig join #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic15:56
legolasok only answer my last question from where ppa can i install internal python 3?15:56
delacActionParsnip: not using unity at all. Classic :)15:56
compdocmaybe so - I have no experience with Tor. Its possible it might be easier to repair Tor15:56
compdocDiran_Sky ^15:56
ActionParsnipdelac: then switch WM to metacity, same deal :)15:56
Diran_Skyi don't really use it i was just playing about with it15:57
compdocremove it then15:57
ActionParsnipdelac: takes compiz out of the equation15:57
delacActionParsnip: I dont think metacity can do half of the things compiz can (and witch I need)15:57
compdocDiran_Sky, use the --purge option15:57
ActionParsnipdelac: then you know your 2 choices15:57
IdleOnelegolas: https://launchpad.net/~irie/+archive/python3.215:58
legolasthanks :D15:58
Diran_Skycompdoc: removed. and i'm still throwing the same errors15:58
delacActionParsnip: yes, but my guestion was about getting some information on when to expect fixes15:59
Diran_Skydid it through the GUI though, i'm a bit of a n00b15:59
compdocDiran_Sky, where apt searches for its upgrade files is a config in /etc/apt/15:59
compdocDiran_Sky, but you might need to retart apt after removing tor15:59
legolasیه سوال دارم که فقط افرادی که تو ایران  هستن می تونن جواب بدن   کسی هست؟15:59
compdoclegolas, thats cool looking text, but we have no idea what it means16:00
Diran_Skyi can tell it's arabic...but that's all lol16:00
legolasabout what?16:00
i7cit means legolas is a troll16:00
ActionParsnipdelac: how long is a piece of string16:00
Diran_Skyand i'm still not sure how to do that compdoc, can you talk me through it?16:01
legolasI want ed to update chrome from iranians16:01
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legolasbecause my english is not very good16:01
Quantum_Ionlegolas: Wow from Iran you still have internet acesss ?16:01
delacActionParsnip: right... I do have a another option. Take the sources, apply given patches and compile compiz myself. However that is a bit of a pain, so I would not like to do it if the fixes are coming like next week.16:02
ActionParsnipdelac: subscribe to the bug and you can watch it unfold if you want16:02
compdocDiran_Sky, now that tor is removed, try:  sudo apt-get update16:02
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ActionParsnipdelac: they'll come when they get made dude, its all we can say for sure16:02
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legolasis there any irc for opensource softwares?16:03
MonkeyDustlegolas  try #ubuntu16:04
ActionParsniplegolas: here is one such place16:04
delacActionParsnip: yes, I do understand that. I was just hoping that there might be somone here who is keeping close eye on these developments here and could say something more about the situation.16:04
ActionParsnipdelac: could try in #compiz16:04
Diran_Skycompdoc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079907/16:04
legolasany body know  best  opensource softwares  (with out purshace) that is very userfriendly for   editor?16:05
ActionParsniplegolas: 1, there is no single best software for anything16:05
ActionParsniplegolas: editor of what? text? image? sound?16:05
legolas3 bests16:05
compdocDiran_Sky, look in the file /etc/apt/sources.list   and then search for 811816:05
ActionParsniplegolas: there is no best16:06
legolas3 of bests16:06
compdocgedit is great16:06
ActionParsniplegolas: try a few, gedit, leafpad, mousepad, kate, kwrite I can think of quickly16:06
Quantum_Ioncompdoc: They use pluma on Linux Mint16:06
ActionParsniplegolas: or in cli, emacs, vim, vi, nano16:06
legolasthank you :D16:07
Diran_Skycompdoc: how do i look in the file? can i do it through the GUI?16:07
compdocDiran_Sky, open a term window, and type: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:07
legolaswhat about text editor for programming (python support)16:07
ActionParsniplegolas: try a few, see which you like then use it16:07
Quantum_Ioncompdoc: Linux mint is an Ubuntu fork that is up and coming because it doesn't use the Unity interface and people are starting to love it16:08
ActionParsniplegolas: some do format highlighting16:08
michelle_hey guys, i need some help with booting ubuntu16:08
Saikithis may be server-dependant (as in the files I'm using, but I thought I'd ask) is there any way to fix this: TRACE : gdelivery::matrixpasswd cache missing, user=****   (something tells me it's java or mySQL doing it..)16:08
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: shame the mint community isn't as large as ubuntu's16:08
legolascan you introduce few of them?16:08
ActionParsniplegolas: gedit does it16:08
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: Give it 5 years and it will be16:09
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: we'll see16:09
legolascan u name 2 another?16:09
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: just remember though, you don't have to use Unity. You can use XFCE in ubuntu and not even see Unity16:09
ActionParsniplegolas: nano will16:09
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: That is true16:09
compdoclegolas, are you taking a test in class?16:09
Saikimichelle_: What's the issue?16:09
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: I just recently started using Linux Mint and for some reason I like it a lot better then Ubuntu now16:10
legolaswhat? what is mean of test in class?16:10
Diran_Skycompdoc: i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079915/ in sources.list16:10
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: thats why choice exists ;)16:10
SaikiI personally use xubuntu when I use a GUI version16:11
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: I'm using xpud more and more16:11
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: Never heard of xpud16:11
michelle_Saiki: The thing is I just downloaded and installed ubuntu 12.04LTS using the windows installer and now, I no longer get the boot menu to choose between operating systems on start up16:11
Diran_Skywondering if it would be easier to just put pangolin on a CD, but i don't want to leave redundant stuff on my box. and i'm a bit worried about loosing the (admittedly non essential) stuff i don't have the space to back up16:11
bekksmichelle_: ...instead, now, what happens?16:12
Saikimichelle_: pastebin the grub list?16:12
compdocDiran_Sky, ok, with gedit, open /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/  and look at the list of files in there. is one named 'proxy'16:12
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: I am not down with Cloud Computing16:12
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: if you use youtube, you are16:12
michelle_bekks: now it automatically opens into windows xp16:12
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: and webmail16:12
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: I believe what Richard Stallman said it gives them too much power the owners of those servers16:12
Diran_Skycompdoc: which window is gedit?16:13
legolasany body know the 4 bests of django ide s?16:13
michelle_Saiki: I dont know what that means....I just downloaded it to try and learn about it16:13
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: if it does the job, and well then why is it an issue16:13
Saikimichelle_: you installed it usign wubi?16:14
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: I don't want my personal data on someones cloud16:14
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: you can make your own clioud server16:14
compdocDiran_Sky, use whatever program you like to look in that folder to see the list of files16:14
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: means end user systems can be cheaper16:14
SaikiQuantum_Ion, ActionParsnip: This is all ways the govenrment is slowly monitoring everything we do16:14
bekkslegolas: vi, vim, gvim, eclipse16:14
Quantum_IonSaiki: Exactly16:14
michelle_Saiki: Yep! I tried searching the net and every site tells me that i need the installation cd but I never actually made use of one. So Im wondering if there's any other way.16:14
Quantum_IonSaiki: I hate the government monitoring me16:15
legolasany body know how i can answer only a person16:15
Saikimichelle_: not that I know of16:15
ActionParsniplet them monitor away, see how much they learn16:15
IdleOnelegolas: Please stop asking the same question over and over. You are wasting the time of the helpers and taking it away from people who actually need help.16:15
SaikiQuantum_Ion: join the crew16:15
legolasOK got it16:15
michelle_Saiki: Thanks for the help!16:15
Saikimichelle_: np16:15
bekksmichelle_: Yes. The non-windows installation cd (burned onto an empty cd) and then booted from will install ubuntu in parallel of windows, not inside windows.16:15
Diran_Skycompdoc:  i get a big red thing telling me it's a directory and to make sure i've typed correctly and try again16:16
GriffrezHow much Swap disk space should I allocate on installation?16:16
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: When the NSA comes knocking at your door Linux just makes it a little more difficult to decipher the information16:16
legolasآیا اینجا ایرانی هست؟16:16
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.16:16
IdleOnelegolas: English only in this channel16:16
bekksGriffrez: As much as your RAM, to be able to hibernate.16:17
Quantum_Ionlegolas is  dude from Iran16:17
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: when your browser uses defacto standards, it doesn't16:17
MonkeyDustlegolas = arian16:17
SaikiifI'm getting password cache errors (for databases) is it likely from mySQL, and not the program itself?16:17
legolashow did you know? monkey dust?16:17
Quantum_IonI thought they cut internet acess in Iran16:17
compdocDiran_Sky, which version of ubuntu is it?16:17
lrcaballeroGriffrez: I normally allocate twice as much your Ram, so say you have 4 GB of RAM you want to do 8 GB...or just do the same amount of RAM16:18
Quantum_IonU.S Sanctions16:18
MonkeyDustlegolas  observation and deduction, dear watson16:18
Diran_Skycompdoc: lucid lynx 10.0416:18
GriffrezI'll allocate twice as much16:18
Quantum_IonThe main internet servers are underground in Virgina somewhere16:18
GriffrezSince I got plenty of disk space16:18
compdocDiran_Sky, well, that might be different since its so old. look for a file named /etc/apt/apt.conf16:18
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: how are they main? Or are they just the earlier ones?16:18
legolasyes you got it from my notes   this is not very difficult :D16:19
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: You have to remember the Internet was invented by the US government as a resource to store data and knowledge in case of a nuclear war16:19
lrcaballeroGriffrez: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning use this as reference16:19
bekksGriffrez: You dont need more than your RAM. Twice as much is wasting space, honestly.16:19
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: See DARPA16:19
Diran_Skycompdoc:  all i get is Acquire::http::proxy "";16:20
compdocDiran_Sky, thats the problem16:20
* Debolaz[Lo] feels 512 MB swap is always sufficient. 16:20
Diran_Skyyay! how do i fix it?16:20
Saikibekks: I usually use 1.5x ram, makes things run smoothe imo16:20
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: it was made for the military and universities to communicate16:20
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: see arpanet16:20
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: you run web servers and stuff?16:20
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: Among other things.16:20
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: Though I was primarily thinking of desktops now.16:21
=== legolas is now known as narenji
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: define "otherthings"?16:21
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: The first two nodes of what would become the ARPANET were interconnected between Leonard Kleinrock's Network Measurement Center at the UCLA's School of Engineering and Applied Science and Douglas Engelbart's NLS system at SRI International (SRI) in Menlo Park, California16:21
bekksSaiki: Thats not true ;) Unless you have a very small RAM size.16:21
Saikibekks: 4gb16:21
bekksSaiki: Since swap is about 1000 times slower than RAM, there is no chance to run things smoother with more swap.16:21
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: arpanet pre-dates darpanet by 10 years16:21
narenjihow i can update my personality compile of kernel 3.2.2 to 3.416:21
Diran_Skycompdoc: what should i do to fix it?16:21
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: That was the cover story16:22
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: yeah, sure :)16:22
compdocDiran_Sky, im tyring to google what the default should be for your version16:22
Diran_Skycompdoc: thanks, i really appreciate all this help16:22
schnuffle1I don't know if it's still true, but in old times you needed as swap at least as big as RAM to use ruhezustand16:22
narenjihow i can update kernel 3.2.2  to 3.4   by patches16:22
ActionParsnipnarenji: you'll need to 3.4 kernel source16:23
bekksschnuffle1: It is called hibernation, and it is still true today.16:23
narenjibut i don't have time to compile that16:23
schnuffle1bekks: aah thats the word I was searching for :)16:23
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Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: Well, my philosophy behind that swap size is that you should always have enough memory to fit everything you need, and the swap should just be there to let the virtual memory manager handle certain things more efficiently.16:23
Quantum_IonSaiki: At least you know the whole story16:24
narenjiany body can answer?16:24
narenjican i use patches for update linux kernel? how?16:24
SaikiQuantum_Ion: ?16:24
schnuffle1narenji: you want to install a 3.4 kernel? HAve you checked if there's aPPA for it?16:24
Saiki!repeat | narenji16:24
ubottunarenji: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:24
whit3b0ycan I install two versions of apache running side by side via the apt-get install?16:24
whit3b0yi need one with php 5.2 and one with 5.316:25
bekkswhit3b0y: You cant.16:25
schnuffle1whit3b0y: better use php with fastcgi, so you can run both versions on the same apache16:25
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: That being said, there are special cases where this is not optimal. For instance, the varnish HTTP cache program is designed with the assumption that you have extensive amounts of swap.16:25
grasshopper87I'm sorry to interrupt. I have a question. Is this server only for ubuntu related chatting? I mean, where can I go to chat about psychology, or subversive philosophy here?16:25
ActionParsnipnarenji: there are PPAs with debs but the kernels are not supported here16:25
schnuffle1whit3b0y: of course in different virtual domains16:25
whit3b0yhow can I go about setting up fastcgi?16:25
bekkswhit3b0y: You have to install them manually to different locations, and you have to install a second apache to a different location.16:25
whit3b0yschuffle1 - no doubt16:26
narenjican you type a ppa that have new kernels for ubuntu 12.0416:26
schnuffle1whit3b0y: what system?16:26
whit3b0yschnuffl1 - ubuntu 1216:26
bazhang!alis | grasshopper8716:26
whit3b0yschnuffl1 - ubuntu 12 server16:26
Quantum_IonSometimes I wish the Linux kernel was a plug and play type of situation16:26
ubottugrasshopper87: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:26
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: not greatly familiar wth much of servers, still learning16:26
whit3b0ybekks - I tried that already but am missing libmysqlclient_r16:26
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: When in doubt, it's not wrong to have more swap. It wont affect you negatively.16:26
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: also, would a password cache error be mysql or a server itself?16:26
BluesKajschnuffle1, my experience with swap is thaty it's seldom ever needed , aamof Ive never seen it used in system monitor , and I hav only 3G RAM available , altho my gpu may be sharing the load somewhat .16:26
schnuffle1whit3b0y: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-apache2-with-mod_fcgid-and-php5-on-ubuntu-8.1016:26
whit3b0ybekks - which is there bu as 18.so16:26
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bilelis there a way to close the console and let only the navigator opened when doing sudo nautilus?16:26
bekkswhit3b0y: Then you have to install that too, manually.16:26
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: Can't say without knowing more specifics.16:27
compdocDiran_Sky, try: cat /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf16:27
schnuffle1BluesKaj: its needed for hibernation16:27
whit3b0yschnuffle1 - thanks.. will it run any slower than normal?16:27
bekksschnuffle1: That manual doesnt explain how to setup a _second_ apache in parallel.16:27
narenjithank you16:27
narenjithank u16:27
schnuffle1whit3b0y: depends on your setup but my experience is that its faster and uses less memeory16:27
BluesKajschnuffle1, well , I don't have ay hibernation settings enabled16:27
schnuffle1whit3b0y: and what is the main reason its saver :)16:28
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: next 2 lines:16:28
SaikiTRACE : gdelivery::passwdtimeout. user=saikadmin16:28
SaikiTRACE : gdelivery::matrixpasswd cache missing, user=saikadmin16:28
whit3b0yschnuffle1 - only 2 domains being hosted...16:28
Debolaz[Lo]Saiki: Unfortunately, that's outside my area of knowledge. :)16:28
whit3b0yschnuffle1 - k..will give it a shot16:28
GeeksOnHugsWhy doesn't Google Play Movies & TV NOT work on Ubuntu?16:28
bekksschnuffle1: fastcgi safer than the native apache module? Did they rewrite PHP completely in a few days?16:28
Quantum_IonGeeksOnHugs: huh ?16:28
schnuffle1bekks: I said one apache but two php16:28
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: it's not gdelivery, that much I know 100%16:28
GeeksOnHugsI bought a TV season on Google Play and when I try to play it in ubuntu it says "This cannot run on your system"16:29
schnuffle1bekks: php runs under a different user for example thats a security plus16:29
GeeksOnHugs@Quantum_Ion ^16:29
Quantum_IonGeeksOnHugs: lol I am lost16:29
MonkeyDustGeeksOnHugs  sounds like a question for Google16:29
bekksschnuffle1: Thats security by obscurity, when talking about PHP.16:29
GeeksOnHugsGoogle Play sells movies and apps and magazines and books and junk16:30
Quantum_IonGeeksOnHugs: Maybe you need a digital TV tuner card that works with Ubuntu16:30
Diran_Skycompdoc: now the update manager wont run at all16:30
schnuffle1bekks: do you really know what your talking about or do we misundestanbd each other?16:30
GeeksOnHugsno, you shouldn't it's streaming video16:30
Quantum_IonGeeksOnHugs: I don't use my laptop pc to watch digital TV16:30
SaikiGeeksOnHugs: try installing more codecs for ubuntu?16:30
compdocDiran_Sky, what have you done with apt-conf?16:30
GeeksOnHugsNetflicks doesn't work either...these bum me out...I only watch my movies and TV on computers and I've switched to ubuntu16:30
bekksschnuffle1: I think the latter, since I administered php webservers for years.16:31
SaikiGeeksOnHugs: then question forgoogle it is lol16:31
GeeksOnHugsSaiki that could be it...with netflix they just don't support linux because we are all supposedly a bunch of raving pirates16:31
ActionParsnipGeeksOnHugs: netflix is known to not work, they threatened a client then didn't16:31
schnuffle1bekks: :) but what has fastcgi to do with obscurity?16:31
Diran_Skyi changed the line that said Acquire::http::proxy ""; to the one you said16:31
compdocis anyone in here running ubuntu 10.04 right now?16:31
grasshopper87thanks for the help. if anyone here wants to chat about random stuff, related to art, science, philosophy, etc... with a semi-literate person, msg me.16:31
compdocDiran_Sky, no, that wasnt a line to place in there16:32
bekksschnuffle1: It is just as unsafe as running php natively.16:32
MonkeyDustgrasshopper87  there are other channels, too16:32
BluesKajGeeksOnHugs, , got ubunutu-retricted -extras installed ?16:32
SaikiGeeksOnHugs: LOL  netflix has a <youknowwhat> <youknowwhere>16:32
Diran_Skycompdoc:  oh :(16:32
compdocDiran_Sky, in a term window, type:  cat /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf16:32
compdocthat should give you an example16:32
GeeksOnHugsBluesKaj, yes I think so16:33
BluesKajerr ubuntu-restricted-extras , GeeksOnHugs16:33
Quantum_IonGeeksOnHugs: : Hopefully Google will buy netflicks soon and you won't have compatibility problems with Linux anymore16:33
schnuffle1bekks: php itself I aggree but the whole environemt gives you more options with fastcgi. Very interested in that subject. Should we continue on ubuntu-offtopic?16:33
GeeksOnHugslike when I installed ubuntu I selected "Install Third Party Software"16:33
wyldecompdoc: I have a machine here on 10.0416:33
GeeksOnHugsthat would be awesome Quantum_Ion <3 Google16:33
SaikiQuantum_Ion: we don't need google to have a monopoly..16:34
Diran_Skycompdoc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079959/16:34
BluesKajGeeksOnHugs, give ua a sample url , that doesn't require joining , if possible16:34
SaikiDebolaz[Lo]: at best guess, what do you think it could be?16:34
lrcaballeroGeeksOnHugs: Perhaps you can try iTunes via wine and play your videos/movies this way, I don't just giving you an idea16:34
compdocwylde, does it have a file /etc/apt/apt.conf, or is there a directory /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/   instead?16:34
wyldecompdoc: moment, I'll ssh over to it.16:35
GeeksOnHugsOh those bastards16:35
compdocDiran_Sky, lets see what wylde finds on his computer16:35
GeeksOnHugsThe previews work16:35
GeeksOnHugsI'm reading some links...apparently it's a DRM thing on linux16:35
stoahello world16:35
wyldecompdoc:  a directory16:36
lrcaballeroGeeksOnHugs: follow this thread  http://www.thisweekinlinux.com/forum/index.php?topic=333.016:36
SaikiGeeksOnHugs: bruteforcing it is? lol16:36
compdocwylde, thanks. so there is no /etc/apt/apt.conf  file ?16:36
Quantum_IonSaiki: Google is a secret friendly monoply they own all the things that are most interesting, such as gmail, youtube, google-earth and so on16:37
GeeksOnHugshah thanks I'll check it16:37
wyldecompdoc: no apt.conf file16:37
compdocDiran_Sky, in a term window, type:    sudo ls -al /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/16:37
Quantum_IonI see Linus Torvalds has a Google+ account16:38
BluesKajGeeksOnHugs, then install the medibuntu repos and install libdvdcss2 to defeat the DRM16:38
BluesKaj!medibuntu | GeeksOnHugs16:38
ubottuGeeksOnHugs: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:38
Quantum_IonSupport for Blue Ray devices will be a big issue on Linux16:38
lrcaballeroQuantum_Ion: indeed Linus does have an Google+ account16:39
Diran_Skycompdoc: wylde http://paste.ubuntu.com/1079969/16:39
wyldecompdoc: output of ls -a -R /etc/apt  -- http://pastebin.com/uKyELfvr16:39
ufrgsCould someone point me a OS process list application which is not TOP (better with a GUI) please?16:39
lrcaballerosocial media is big now a days!!!16:39
Quantum_Ionlrcaballero: I don't have Google+ or FaceBook because you must divulge your real name16:39
bazhang!ot | lrcaballero Quantum_Ion16:39
ubottulrcaballero Quantum_Ion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:39
SaikiQuantum_Ion: I have friends using a screen name16:40
compdocwylde, can you:    sudo ls -al /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/16:40
lrcaballeroQuantom_ion I don't either....for same reasons16:40
bazhangSaiki, lets get back on topic16:40
compdocwylde, oh you did - sorry16:40
schnuffle1whit3b0y: I've got another idea. you can  run two apaches, each in a LXC environement16:40
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whit3b0yschnuffle, never messed around with that before16:41
shahriyarguliyevcompdoc: may i ask a question in private?16:41
schnuffle1whit3b0y: I use it for Dev Env as I don't want to have the Servers running on my machine when I don't need them. For now I use it like a VM but it's also possible to only run several processes16:42
compdocDiran_Sky, you should delete the file /etc/apt/apt.conf     and then backup and delete the file  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20packagekit16:43
whit3b0yscuffle1 -  I am going to try this fast cgi16:43
Diran_Skycompdoc: ok, how do i do that?16:43
compdocDiran_Sky, do not accidentally delete the directory /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/16:43
compdocDiran_Sky, in a term window type:  sudo nautilus &16:44
farisada yang dari indonesia?16:44
bazhang!id | faris16:44
ubottufaris: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia16:44
bazhang!gksudo compdoc Diran_Sky16:44
ubottubazhang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:44
compdocbazhang, gksudo doesnt work as well as just sudo16:45
Diran_Skycompdoc: that oped a window showing my desktop16:45
bazhangcompdoc, gksudo for graphical apps16:45
bazhangcompdoc, thats not correct16:45
compdocDiran_Sky, ok, click on Filesystem in the left side there16:45
bazhanghttp://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo compdoc16:46
BinnziDoes anyone know why rtorrent gives me this error on all torrents: "tracker, server returned nothing"? :l16:46
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Diran_Skycompdoc: ok, lots of files.16:46
compdocDiran_Sky, ok now open etc and then apt16:47
compdocin the main window16:47
Diran_Skyok, found apt.conf16:47
compdocdelete that one16:47
compdocthen open apt.conf.d16:47
compdocand copy the file 20packagekit to your desktop for backup16:48
compdocI dont know what that is16:48
lrcaballeroDiran_Sky: it should be something similar to this: NOTE: I used this in my Archlinux box...            Backup your pacman.conf16:48
lrcaballero # sudo mv /etc/pacman.conf ~/pacman.conf.backup   Move pacman.conf.pacnew to pacman.conf# sudo mv pacman.conf.pacnew pacman.conf16:48
compdocthen delete 20packagekit16:48
compdocfrom apt.conf.d16:49
bazhanglrcaballero, there's no pacman.conf in ubuntu16:49
dubacoHELP: ubuntu 12.04 ubuntu one client wont die nore the deamon, and it is using 104% cpu16:49
Diran_Skyok, deleted16:49
ActionParsnipdubaco: you can use:  kill -9 PID16:49
ActionParsnipdubaco: obviously change PID for the actual PID16:50
lrcaballerobazhang: I know this, is just an example of what it would look like in your terminal using the Ubuntu guidelines ofcourse!16:50
compdocDiran_Sky, now try in a term window:  sudo apt-get update16:50
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dubacoActionParsnip: have tried. killall too... no effect16:50
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hje841Using Archive Manager I'm trying to extract an ISO file, but it's been going on for like 2 hours now. is that normal? (Ubuntu 11.10)16:50
Diran_Skycompdoc: yay! it's downloading things!16:51
dubacoalso ActionParsnip  i tried sudo apt-get remove ubuntuone ubuntu-one16:51
compdocDiran_Sky, when its finished, try sudo apt-get upgrade16:51
lrcaballerohje841: do you know how big is the file (ISO) you are extracting?16:52
Diran_Skycompdoc: downloading nearly 100days of upgrades now16:52
compdocDiran_Sky, also, open the file 20packagekit and see whats in there16:52
dubacohmm wait here ActionParsnip  ill try the software center - i am running in text at the moment16:52
hje841lrcaballero, it's 1.1 GB16:53
lrcaballerohje841: I don't think is normal...it should've been done by now, do you get an option to cancel the process?16:53
XiRoNHow can I make a file have 2 owners?16:53
ActionParsnipdubaco: with the -9 option16:54
compdocDiran_Sky, if those updades include a new kernel, you need to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:54
hje841lrcaballero, yeah. I'm running it with GUI. the folder tree is there when I explore the result in nautilus16:54
Diran_Skycompdoc: i can't find the 20packagekit now :( will i have ruined everything if i've lost it16:55
hje841lrcaballero, any alternatives to the extracting?16:56
compdocDiran_Sky, thats not a default file. it was placed there by some program you installed. so it possible that program will have problems16:56
Diran_Skycompdoc: well, will deal with that when it happens i suppose16:56
Diran_Skycompdoc: what i'd really like to end up with is dual booting precise pangolin and windows, do you think attempting that would be really stupid for me?16:57
GriffrezHello, again.16:57
GriffrezI wanted to make a question.16:58
Dr_willishje841,  you can mount an iso file and copy files from it.16:58
Dr_willis!iso | hje84116:58
ubottuhje841: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:58
ActionParsnipor use mounty :)16:58
waterhello everyone!!16:58
Dr_willisGriffrez,  ask it and see who can answer...16:58
compdocDiran_Sky, I found this on google about 20packagekit:  THIS FILE IS USED TO INFORM PACKAGEKIT THAT THE UPDATES MIGHT HAVE CHANGED16:59
compdocI dont know what packagekit is16:59
hje841Dr_willis, right. thanks :)16:59
compdocDiran_Sky, I dont dual boot, but lots of ppl do without issus16:59
lrcaballerohje841: this might help...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197013916:59
GriffrezI have an ATI graphics card. Namely a 4770 HD. I wanted to know if there's a difference between the drivers that Ubuntu notifies me about ("Restricted drivers"), and the drivers given by ATI itself on their website. And if there is, which one is better? The ones given by Ubuntu, the ones at ATI or the open source alternatives, that exist out there?17:00
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LuGiXHallo :)17:00
LuGiXIch habe folgendes Problem:17:01
LuGiXalso folgendes: ich will auf einem Server folgendes OS installieren: "Ubuntu Server X64 12.04", habe zwei 512GB-Platten drin und beide im BIOS als RAID0(striped) konfiguriert. Das Ubuntu Setup erkennt es als eine Striped-platte mit 1TB, ich lege zwei partitionen an, eine swap mit 4GB und eine ext4 mit 920GB, Die Installation funktioniert doch grub lässt sich unter keinen umständen installieren17:01
Diran_Skycompdoc: packagekit doesn't appear to be that important, but i can reinstal it if it is17:01
bazhangLuGiX, #ubuntu-de for german17:01
compdocGriffrez, you can try the Restricted driver and see if the video is less laggy, or switch back if there is no improvement17:01
compdocDiran_Sky, good thinking17:02
compdocGriffrez, hopefully you end up with working video either wat17:02
VirtualBlacknesscompdoc: switching back takes a bit of effort really. Griffrez there is a difference. one is the open sourced radeon, the other the proprietary fglrx driver which should give better performance.17:03
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: That was what I was getting to. I would want to know who would have the best performance.17:03
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: And you misunderstood what I wanted to compare. I want to compare the drivers that get automatically detected for download by Ubuntu, or the ones provided by ATI, directly, at their website.17:04
GriffrezI did not want to compare Open vs Proprietary.17:04
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: that is precisely what you are doing. The proprietary driver gives better performance. I did not misunderstand.17:05
compdocGriffrez, best way to compare is to try17:05
lrcaballeroGriffrez: did you ask in the Ubuntu forums yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/17:06
compdocGriffrez, is your video lagging or slow?17:06
GriffrezNo. I haven't installed any variant of the driver.17:06
GriffrezI came to ask, to question what would be the best17:06
compdocI mean with the default dirves17:06
GriffrezI haven't tested17:06
GriffrezANd the default drivers aren't really drivers.17:06
Diran_Skycompdoc: i just got "not all changes and updates suceeded" i can't copy the details17:06
GriffrezThey are.17:07
compdocDiran_Sky, thats because theres a new kernel, most likely17:07
compdocreboot and try again17:07
GriffrezBut... they aren't as good as complete drivers. Well, doesn't matter.17:07
Diran_Skyand now it wants to restart. so back afterwards.17:07
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GriffrezSo, VirtualBlackness, are you saying that the drivers provided by Ubuntu itself are the open ones?17:07
OerHeksGriffrez, the standard driver is oke for 2D, and improving anyway.17:08
OerHeksGriffrez, keep filling in bug-reports17:08
compdocI try to use the default drivers when possible17:09
lrcaballeroGriffrez: here I found this that can be of help to you...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:09
Griffrezlrcaballero: Thank you.17:10
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: you will have video accelleration, h.264 and 3d will utilize the vaapi with the proprietary driver. The radeon driver was made open source by ATI way back in the day, and they no longer maintain it. The fglrx driver is produced by ATI with ever dropping card support, but for what they do support they support gpu accelleration and all the new bits (compositing etc) which make for a better experience, typically.17:10
VirtualBlacknessHowever it can be a problematic clustermuff depending on several situations. And yes, the xserver-xorg-video-radeon IS a driver.17:10
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: So, if I want the MAIN OPEN source driver... I just... don't install anything else?17:11
ePaxI have installed ubuntu 12.04 desktop how do i install server and remove desktop17:11
VirtualBlacknesscorrect Griffrez. My experinece with these things is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"17:12
dr-freak i cant not login in my ubuntu desktop with my passwords17:13
ActionParsnipePax: just add the boot option: text    and the UI won't load17:13
dr-freakplz someobody help me17:13
ActionParsnipdr-freak: so, you want autologin do you mean. double negatives confuse17:13
dr-freaki can not login in my ubuntu 12.04 desktop with my password17:14
ActionParsnipdr-freak: ahh so you want a password reset?17:14
dr-freakno..i reinstall my os in virtualbox..but i can not login17:14
dr-freakmy pasword is correct17:14
blotekturn off capslock ?17:14
blotekor turn on ;p17:14
ActionParsnipdr-freak: what happens when you try to log in?17:14
dr-freakafter i give pasword a blank window comes and again go back to login screen17:14
ActionParsnipdr-freak: how much free space does the system have?17:15
ActionParsnipdr-freak: are you fully updated?17:15
dr-freak30 gb17:15
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: Well. I appreciate your help.17:15
ActionParsnipdr-freak: in the VM..does the VM have 30Gb o space?17:15
blotekdr-freak, omfg but it doesnt tell u password is wrong17:15
dr-freakwhy i can not login to my desktop17:15
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I'm a complete n00b to Linux enviroment.17:15
dr-freaki make hdd for 30 gb17:15
ActionParsnipdr-freak: wiash I had that to throw around :)17:15
Dr_willisdr-freak,  could be X is crashing so you are in fact logging in.17:15
dr-freakyes it does not tell me pass is wrong..if i give another pasword it tell me it wrong17:15
ActionParsnipdr-freak: if you make a new user, is it ok there?17:15
Dr_willisdr-freak,  try logging in at the console perhaps.17:16
dr-freaki am in virtualbox how to get console?17:16
Dr_willisNot sure. :)  there ssome xpecial keycombo17:16
blotekdr-freak, try to switch to ttl1 (ctrl +f1) type in mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup and restart session /pc ;)17:16
dr-freaki am not able to do anything until i am not login17:16
lrcaballerodr-freak: have you tried login in as guest? and if yes what happens?17:16
Dr_willisYou could just reboot the vbox install and use the text mode.17:17
ActionParsnipdr-freak: on the login screen press CTRL+ALT+F1  and log in there, then run:  sudo adduser testy     set the password then reboot and log in as testy with your new password, is it ok?17:17
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:17
bloteki bet it's wrong .xinit config or xorg config;)17:17
dr-freakif i press ctrl+f1 then my backtrack console open..ubunt 12.04 is in virtualbox17:17
VirtualBlacknessNo worries Griffrez :) welcome. I would not mess with it unless you encounter a problem. The proprietary driver can be problematic.17:17
ActionParsnipdr-freak: could also try a different session with the current user, like Unity2D17:17
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  how do you do alt-ctrl-f1 in the vbox guest OS. :)17:17
ActionParsnipDr_willis: use the left hand buttons ;)17:17
blotekdr-freak, then go fullscreen first in VB  lol17:17
VirtualBlacknessright ctrl right alt f117:17
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: Yes. I've had problems with it before. One of my monitors doesn't seem to have EDEI (I think that's how it is called) information, so, the Refresh Rate goes off range...17:18
dr-freaki dont know how  to get console in virtual box because ctrl+f1 not work in vbox17:18
VirtualBlacknessActionParsnip: backwards for me17:18
ActionParsnipdr-freak: try selecting a different session, use the ubuntu logo near your username to switch17:18
blotekdr-freak, the only button that should be binded in full screen is probably turning off fullscreen17:18
VirtualBlacknessEDID... that is the fault of the monitor, and is unlikely to be rectified by the driver Griffrez.17:18
dr-freaki am not able to do anything17:18
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I know that.17:19
ActionParsnipdr-freak: you can, at the login screen17:19
blotekthen run system in fallback mode or anything17:19
bloteki bet ubuntu has shit like that :> ?17:19
VirtualBlacknessHowever you can send commands directly to xrandr to rectify it Griffrez.17:19
dr-freaki try to get console but it give me backtrack f1 console17:19
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: But the prop Driver, on my previous installations, was trying unvalid refresh rates, on the start. So I could even change the RR.17:19
dr-freaknot in virtualbox17:19
IdleOne!language | blotek17:19
ubottublotek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:19
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: Yeah... commands... -genius-17:19
bulletrulzi cannot install apps from software center17:20
ActionParsnipdr-freak: in the login screen, change session17:20
blotekdr-freak, first of all why u're using backtrack if u dont know how to switch TTL in VM ? lol scriptkiddie ?17:20
bulletrulzi get the untrusted error17:20
bloteki dont help script kiddos sry ;P17:20
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I need a lot of insight...17:20
IdleOne!backtrack | dr-freak17:20
ubottudr-freak: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:20
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I'll slowly learn, if I grow determination in me.17:20
VirtualBlacknessdr-freak: stop with the caps.17:20
dr-freaki am using ubuntu 12.04 in virtualbox17:21
dr-freaki am asking for ubuntu not for backtrack17:21
ActionParsnipdr-freak: try making the new user then, or boot to root recovery mode if the usual method doesn't work17:21
bulletrulzhelp is anyone gonna help17:21
IdleOnebulletrulz: what is the exact error?17:21
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/11/10/002-HowToCreatePGP.ogv17:21
schnuffle1bulletrulz: can you install from terminal?17:21
dr-freakok i will will make new use to recover mode17:21
dr-freakwait lem me check17:21
OerHeksbulletrulz, what did you download that software centre does not know?17:21
bulletrulzok hold on17:22
GriffrezIs there any noticable difference between the default Firefox and the Firefox coming from Mozilla?17:22
GriffrezThis seems a bit... less complete.17:22
GriffrezThan the one from Mozilla. :P17:22
Dr_willisGriffrez,  ubuntu has their filefox extension that removed the buttons at the bottom of the start page i noticed.17:22
Dr_willisGriffrez,  other then that. ive not noticed any differances17:22
GriffrezHmmm. Yeah. It lacks many buttons.17:23
GriffrezLike the firefox button. xD17:23
Dr_willisonly buttons i noticed lacking where the 5 at the bottom of the start page.17:23
GriffrezI come from Windows...17:23
GriffrezI mean17:23
Dr_williscant say ive noticed any other buttons missing.17:24
bulletrulzThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.17:24
bulletrulzthats the eroor17:24
superuserwhat is the command to ge rhythm box?  apt-get install...17:24
blotekxD omg :D17:24
deadmundsuperuser: apt-get install rhythmbox17:24
Dr_willissuperuser,  use apt-cache search PATTERNNAME to find package names17:25
ActionParsnipsuperuser: sudo apt-get install rhythmbox17:25
IdleOnebulletrulz: does it say something about GPG key?17:25
superuserDr_willis how dose that work?17:25
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
bulletrulzno i dont think so :/17:25
GriffrezHow I install tar.bz2 binary packages?17:25
bulletrulzwhat is a gpg key17:26
bloteku guys rly help ppl which didnt read any manual at all  ?17:26
Dr_willissuperuser,  how does what work? its a feasture of apt.17:26
IdleOnebulletrulz: kinda hard to help you without full info17:26
lrcaballerosuperuser: you may also use the software center to install software if you prefer...17:26
IdleOneblotek: yes.17:26
superuserDr_willis oh okay well thanks17:26
Dr_willis!apt | superuser17:26
ubottusuperuser: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:26
dr-freakcan anyone tell me how to install gdm?17:26
Dr_willisdr-freak,  sudo apt-get install gdm17:26
schnuffle1blotek: yes17:26
IdleOne!gpgerr | bulletrulz17:26
ubottubulletrulz: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »17:26
dr-freakok thanks17:27
oCeanGriffrez: .tar.bz2 is a compressed zip archive. use   tar xjvf name.tar.bz2 to extract.17:27
oCeanGriffrez: but I recommend installing software from the official repositories17:27
ActionParsnipGriffrez: extract it and slam it in /opt  you can then link the binary to /usr/bin for easy launching17:27
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: there is not usually a good reason to compile from source if you are new to linux. What are you trying to install, firefox?17:27
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: nm... listen to ActionParsnip17:28
Debolaz[Lo]What would be the command to see the cipher used on a full disk encryption installation? I know it's AES, but what's the command to get that information?17:29
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: However I believe the difference is going to be mostly between windows firefox and linux firefox, not ubuntu firefox and mozilla linux firefox.17:29
lrcaballerocan someone provide me with the command to search for installed packages in Ubuntu 12.04? thank you!17:29
=== robert_ is now known as Guest29560
ActionParsnipVirtualBlackness: i'd try finding a PPA, it will make the app gel with your OS better17:29
oCeanlrcaballero: dpkg -l shows every installed package17:29
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I guess.17:30
VirtualBlacknesslrcaballero: a specific package? I tend to go with apt-cache policy <package>   show is a bit verbose17:30
* nrd hi all17:31
=== bobbyaldol is now known as bobbyaldolAFK
lrcaballerooCean:VirtualBlackness Thanks!17:31
lrcaballerois on my journal now!!!17:32
fellayaboyin a bash script is there a way to run a command after u close the shell...say i have a script to mount a file...after i click x can it then be umounted17:32
=== newbie is now known as Guest74757
GriffrezWhat is the main way to change my enviroment?17:33
bekksfellayaboy: You dont mount file normally. And for sure it can always be unmounted, even after closing the shell.17:33
VirtualBlacknessfellayaboy: you could setup a trap.17:33
GriffrezLike... Unity to GNOME, or whatever else I might want?17:33
fellayaboyhow do u setup a trap17:34
VirtualBlackness!nounity | Griffrez17:34
ubottuGriffrez: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:34
VirtualBlacknessfellayaboy: That is really outside of support here... I will pm you with an example trap within a bash script.17:35
schnuffle1fellayaboy: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_12_02.html17:35
fellayaboyokk thanks17:35
LaOdeAliFarisiAll : Hallo17:35
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: Thanks.17:35
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: I try to be as nice as possible to make up for my fail at using Ubuntu. :P17:36
fellayaboywhat does echo $$ produce?17:36
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez: you have nothing to make up for. You are learning linux. I applaud you.17:36
VirtualBlacknessfellayaboy: the process id of the shell/subshell17:37
fellayaboyoh ok thank u17:37
GriffrezVirtualBlackness: Okay. I got GNOME installed... how do I switch to it... log off? And there will be an enviroment option?17:37
fellayaboygriffrez use..17:38
fellayaboyi mean yes17:38
Griffrezfellayaboy: Haha. Nice typo. :P17:38
Griffrez_Oh... GNOME 3 is quite different.17:39
Griffrez_That is, in relation to GNOME 2.17:40
Pinkamena_Dhi i type ip rule flush to get rid of any rules i had made that were useless but it deleted all of them even the nessasary ones. How do restors or recreate the default ip rules?17:40
ziyadbHi all!17:40
ziyadbSo how do I transfer data to my iPad? libmedia & gtkpod already installed. Everything is just not working.17:41
ziyadbiPad 3, Ubuntu 12.0417:41
ziyadbIt's really frustrating.17:41
flan_suseUbuntu 12.04 and themes have thrown me for a loop.17:41
Griffrez_GNOME 3 is confusing.17:42
Griffrez_Even more than Unity17:42
schnuffle1Pinkamena_D: resarting network should do the job17:42
flan_suseWhen you apply a "theme" is it GTK3 or GTK2? And what's the difference betweens setting the Theme under "Appearance" and setting it under MyUnity? Nothing seems consistent.17:42
nascentmindHi. Does amarok play internet radio streams. I am getting frustrated with it.17:42
schnuffle1nascentmind: yes it does for me17:42
Pinkamena_Dit does not, i still only have one route in route-n17:43
Griffrez_VirtualBlackness: Can you give me that bot entry about GNOME, again? I don't remember the package for GNOME 2.17:43
flan_suseAnd how come some themes look ugly when setting them (flat, windows-2000) but others look fine?17:43
Pinkamena_Dits missing the return17:43
nascentmindschnuffle, does it play streams from this http://radio.h4xed.us/radio/news17:43
schnuffle1Pinkamena_D: static config or DHCP17:43
ActionParsnipflan_suse: if you are using Precise (12.04 Ubuntu) it will be GTK317:43
flan_suseActionParsnip: So GTK2 themes will not work at all then?17:43
schnuffle1nascentmind: can'T check right now as I'm on Mint17:43
ActionParsnipflan_suse: unfortunately not17:43
nascentmindschnuffle, it doesn't play anything for me. m3u,asx,pls nothing!17:44
flan_suseActionParsnip: And what about the window manager? Anything special for those? Does it have to be compiz themes?17:44
VirtualBlackness!nounity | Griffrez_17:44
ubottuGriffrez_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:44
schnuffle1nascentmind: have you other players installed that work? missing codecs?17:44
flan_suseActionParsnip: I'm getting mixed up between setting a theme under Appearance or setting a theme under MyUnity.17:44
OerHeksflan_suse, be sure you have GTK3 and unity theme, not gnome-panel themes17:44
nascentmindschnuffle1, amarok was playing before. suddenly it stopped after I reinstalled it. Even before it would play only asx I think.17:45
Griffrez_VirtualBlackness: Is there a way to have GNOME 3 show windows, on the bottom, like GNOME 2?17:45
flan_suseOerHeks: And that will take care of the window decoration too? (window manager theme)17:46
Griffrez_That's the only thing that is bothering me about GNOME 3.17:46
fellayaboydoesnt it do that by default?17:46
ActionParsnipGriffrez_: depends on the shell, if you use gnome-panel then yes17:46
nascentmindschnuffle1, winamp etc plays very well with these streams.17:46
schnuffle1nascentmind: start amarok from a terminal and watch if any errors appears when you try to play something17:46
nascentmindschnuffle1, amarok has to be the most useless player I have ever seen. It has only gone downhill.17:46
VirtualBlacknessGriffrez_: I do not believe so, but... I use KDE... so... all I can tell you is that gnome2 is gone... and we must accept this loss.17:46
OerHeksflan_suse, you could use ubuntu-tweak to install themes. be carefull with the options :-)17:47
nascentmindschnuffle1, I have done that with the --debug option.  It gives out engineNewTrackPlaying: "Stream (http://radio.h4xed.us/radio/tunein/7080/asx)" does not match what the playlist controller thought it should be17:47
Griffrez_VirtualBlackness: I don't really like GNOME 3. It's inbetween of GNOME 2 and Unity... and it's really messed up, in my opinion.17:47
flan_suseOerHeks: This is going backwards, though.17:47
fellayaboyGriffrez i use gnome 3 and i believe that bottom bar ur talkign about exists in gnome 3...where ur windows are nested when you minimize17:47
flan_suseOerHeks: There seems to be 3 ways to set themes: Appearance, MyUnity, and ubuntu-tweak.17:47
Griffrez_fellayaboy: To change windows I have to press "Activities".17:48
Griffrez_fellayaboy: And there's no minimize icon.17:48
OerHeksflan_suse, i find myunity not so handy with themes.17:48
flan_suseOerHeks: This fragmentation was not a problem back in 10.04, for example. I just want to know how to set the entire theme, like I did on 10.04 (with a single click, it sets the colors, gtk2 theme, metacity theme, icon theme, and wallpaper.)17:48
Pinkamena_D..should i try dhcp instead?17:48
trismflan_suse: the themes in Appearance are hardcoded, myunity and probably ubuntu-tweak allow you to set any theme (and probably do it the same way with gsettings)17:48
flan_suseOerHeks: I'll look into ubuntu-tweak. Just kind of disappointed in the direction *everyone* is going.17:49
Griffrez_fellayaboy: Ops. Scratch that last sentence. Found how to activate the minimize button.17:49
OerHeksflan_suse, GTK themes are just started, i am waiting for a good theme editor.17:49
Griffrez_fellayaboy: But still. It nests the windows on the top left corner, at "Activities".17:49
cristian_cHow can I activate gestures with Ginn?17:49
schnuffle1nascentmind: vlc can play it, what a music :)17:49
fellayaboyoh no u did soemthing then griffrez17:50
flan_suseOerHeks: Right, but it still feels "unpolished" and discarded.17:50
cristian_cThere is this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Ginn17:50
nascentmindschnuffle1, I am thinking of switching to vlc now.17:50
stack_Hi, I mounted my / as nfs on another machine, and by mistake changed the permissions on / as chmod -R 777 *. Now I can't ssh into the server. Is it possible to repair it without formatting it ?17:50
cristian_cbut I don't understand how to use it17:50
flan_suseIt's like no one's really expected to use full themes anymore, and if they do, they have to go 3rd-party routes just to do what was standard in 10.04 and Gnome 2.17:50
cristian_cAny ideas?17:50
ActionParsnipflan_suse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eUGKrFwPOw17:50
nascentmindschnuffle1, is the music good or bad :) ?17:50
Griffrez_fellayaboy: No. I just installed the package, log off, change the enviroment to "GNOME" and it was like this already.17:50
fellayaboyalt+click delete that window manager from the top...then alt+click to add a panel to the bottom17:50
flan_suseActionParsnip: gnome-tweak-tool? Another tool?17:51
=== AndroUser is now known as Diran_Sky
flan_suseActionParsnip: So use gnome-tweak-tool under Ubuntu, but not ubuntu-tweak or MyUnity?17:51
schnuffle1nascentmind: not my style but I'm used to it as I have a lot of metall heads as friends17:51
Griffrez_fellayaboy: Not understanding what you mean with that.17:51
fellayaboygriffrez then add that window manager..i forgot what its called...but it manages the windows being nested into the panel17:51
fellayaboyGriffrez if you need help PM me17:52
ActionParsnipflan_suse: try it17:54
fellayaboy(/msg Griffrez_* hey17:55
fellayaboyyeah pm me again17:55
princej88Hey guys, I recently just set up ufw on my ubuntu server. Now I can't run apt-get because it is blocked by the firewall. Netatalk seems to be blocked by the firewall as well17:56
Ihsan_Hello, am I right here for support?17:56
princej88any idea what ports i would need to open?17:56
Ihsan_I need a chat (support) with a Ubuntu professional because I got a weird problem. :)17:57
fellayaboymake sure u log out or reboot and choose gnome 317:57
schnuffle1princej88: apt-get is Port 80/443, netatalk 548 and more I think17:58
princej88Thanks! i'll give that a shot17:59
ActionParsnipIhsan_: ask and the chanel will reply if it can17:59
Ihsan_allright :)17:59
Diran_SkyAfter updates my computer restarted but I have no GUI. What should I do?18:00
Ihsan_I got a problem with the following: I'm quite new to Ubuntu, I installed Gnome 3 and I'm using a 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Since I updated everything with update manager and changed everything to my favor, I got a problem. When I for example 'Empty' my trash, all the iconds on the desktop will be gone, I have to open 'Files' or 'Computer' to let the icons show on the desktop again18:01
tkingActionParsnip, hello i hv done the driver thing, i just want to ask 1 question18:01
L3topDiran_Sky: what desktop do you use? Try simply: startx18:01
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
Debolaz[Lo]Ihsan_: You voluntarily use gnome 3? :o18:01
Ihsan_I love it :)18:02
Ihsan_I jumped from Windows to Ubuntu for ever xD18:02
tkingActionParsnip, it has made my computer fan stop making noise and its cold for over hours battery life has trippled.... but i am not sure if i must run the a paticular script always18:02
tkinga bash file18:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:03
stack_by mistake changed the permissions on / as chmod -R 777 *. Now I can't ssh into the server. Is it possible to repair it without formatting it ?18:03
Griffrez_What is the best variant of Java I can use on Ubuntu, in terms of performance?18:04
stack_by mistake changed the permissions on / as chmod -R 777 *. Now I can't ssh into the server. Is it possible to repair it without formatting it ? I do have physical access to the server18:04
ActionParsniptking: try a reboot to test18:04
Diran_SkyL3top just throws up lots of errors and stuff.18:04
Ihsan_How to unselect everything on Gimp? O-O18:04
L3topThat is not a particularly helpful reply Diran_Sky.18:05
* tMH is gone. nsf18:07
Diran_SkyI'm connecting on ky phone sorry do typing is hard. It tells me no such file or directory no such process unable to connect to x server and server error but the left side of the text goes off the screen18:08
Ihsan_I got a problem with the following: I'm quite new to Ubuntu, I installed Gnome 3 and I'm using a 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Since I updated everything with update manager and changed everything to my favor, I got a problem. When I for example 'Empty' my trash, all the iconds on the desktop will be gone, I have to open 'Files' or 'Computer' to let the icons show on the desktop again18:08
fellayaboywow im having some major problems here...my ubuntu automatically logins into a terminal instead of the gui...tty118:09
fellayaboyim guessing the new update to default.list mustve doen something18:09
ActionParsnipIhsan_: What is the output of: lsb_release -sc18:09
L3topSorry... my build is done... I have to go test stuff.18:10
Ihsan_The output of lsb_release -sc = "precise"18:10
ActionParsnipIhsan_: then it comes with Gnome3 already...18:10
fellayaboygriffen u tehre18:10
Ihsan_I installed Gnome 3 manually18:10
=== drew is now known as Guest27454
Ihsan_I followed an article on the internet18:11
ActionParsnipIhsan_: its part of the OS18:11
Ihsan_Hmm, yes but the rproblem is, after updates and stuff, when I empty trash then all icons will hide on the desktop18:11
Griffrez_How do I open the Ubuntu's equivalent to Windows' task manager?18:11
Ihsan_and I open 'Files' and browse in it and then you see the icons will show on the desktop again18:11
codemaniacGriffrez_: top command can give you the idea about resource hungry processes18:12
codemaniacshift +M18:13
ActionParsnipGriffrez_: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20355/use-ctrlaltdel-for-task-manager-in-linux-to-kill-tasks-easily/18:13
chasecome on18:13
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=== capr1corn is now known as capr1corn-afk
LaOdeAliFarisiini enak kalo tidur18:16
=== capr1corn-afk is now known as capr1corn
ImJustAwesomeid like to spread the word about an awesome game i stumbled upon18:16
ImJustAwesomeis that ok?18:16
Guest98198fine by me18:16
LaOdeAliFarisiada yang bisa dengar saya?18:16
ImJustAwesomecheck out think link18:16
ImJustAwesomegame is browser based18:16
ImJustAwesomepretty cool18:16
FloodBot1ImJustAwesome: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
LaOdeAliFarisican i see your smile?18:16
ImJustAwesomehuh, i dont get18:17
ImJustAwesomewhat that means flood pot18:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:17
ImJustAwesomeCHECK IT OUT GUYS18:18
chaser u on18:18
d4gg3rhey, it is a few days that my laptop running ubuntu 12.04 gets disconnected from the wifi access point at my home18:19
d4gg3rthe state of wifi is connected but no data can be transmitted18:20
d4gg3rwhen I reconnect to wifi it gets fixed for a few seconds and then dies again18:20
djzylexdoes anybody know how to add a run as root option in the main application window?18:20
djzylexin ubuntu12.0418:20
L3top!id | LaOdeAliFarisi18:20
ubottuLaOdeAliFarisi: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:20
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L3topdjzylex: this is typically a very bad idea... what application?18:21
djzylexsome apps need to run as root like partitioning apps and what not18:22
djzylexi need to be able to put in what i want to run and have it do that18:22
djzylexa click instead of typing in the term18:23
Ghosthunter007question why is firestarter entering LSO entries18:23
Ghosthunter007when I tell it to reject or drop18:23
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augustlhi folks. Switching workspaces takes 1 second and is laggy. Alt-tabbing between emacs and terminal also takes about 1 second. "compiz" shows up at 70% or so in top. Any suggestions for a fix?18:26
jordan_Hey, What is the process for getting the android sdk adb tool to work on ubuntu? I have it installed but it says "adb command not found" when trying to run "./adb devices" in the folder adb is located in.18:26
Dr_willisdjzylex,  make a launchter that runs 'gksudo appname'18:27
Dr_willisjordan_,  make sure the binary is marked executable perhaps?18:27
djzylexhow do i make a launcher?18:27
jordan_Ahh good point. I'll check that now.18:27
Dr_willisdjzylex,  make a .desktop file or i think you can right click, make shortcut/launcher or somthing like that18:27
djzylexok what i want is a button that i can click and it asks me for the program to run as root18:27
Dr_willisdjzylex,  you would have to make a script for that.18:28
fellayaboycan someone help me...i updated my box and now i cant log into the gui18:28
jordan_Dr_willis, it is o.O18:28
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  what does it do exactly, and can youlogin to the console.18:28
Dr_willisjordan_,  try 'file adb'18:28
fellayaboylogs in into tty1 console18:28
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  so what happens when you login via lightdm?18:28
fellayaboywhats lightdm18:29
L3toplightdm is the unity desktop manager fellayaboy18:30
divineslightnp matey18:30
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  the login gui screen.18:30
jordan_Dr_willis, it is o.O18:30
jordan_Sorry for the double post18:30
divineslightlol slow-motion has joined18:30
Dr_willisseems lately people think they cant 'login' when in fact they are logging in, its just X crashing on them back to the Login Screen.18:31
Ihsan_Well I need support!18:32
Ihsan_I got a problem!18:32
divineslightYes Ihsan18:32
divineslightwhat is your problem?18:32
Ihsan_When I try to login on my root account.18:32
reufhello guys - can some one point me to some good tutorial on how all this apt-get package management works - i know the man pages, can some one give me some simplified bird eye overview - of what happens when im installing a package, conflicts and when i uninstall - it is such a big mess now in my head18:32
divineslightwe are here 24/7/1218:32
Dr_willis!apt | reuf18:32
ubottureuf: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:32
Ihsan_I get a black screen that flickers and its says something like: diconnected from plymouth18:32
Ihsan_and then I get back to login screen18:32
Ihsan_Im currently logged in as guest18:33
Ihsan_I cant login to my own account..18:33
Ihsan_please help me18:33
Dr_willisIhsan_,  how about your normal user account?18:33
Ihsan_I typ in my password18:33
Ihsan_and then I get a black screen it says blablabla: disconnected from plymouth18:33
Ihsan_and then I get back to login screen18:33
Ihsan_I can only login with Guest account18:33
Dr_willisIhsan_,  you said that allready... like 10 sec ago...18:33
ncpIhsan_, what has changed since it worked? did you play with anything relevant to this issue?18:34
Dr_willisIhsan_,  you are trying to login as the user 'root' ? or do you have an actual user added?18:34
Ihsan_No, I just installed screen capturing program18:34
Ihsan_No just user18:34
Ihsan_Iḿ new to ubuntu i can say wrong words :)18:34
Ihsan_My normal account that i created when I installed ubuntu18:34
L3top!enter | Ihsan_18:34
ubottuIhsan_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:34
=== newbie is now known as Guest24044
divineslight!enter | L3top18:35
ubottuL3top: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:35
Ihsan_Do you know what the problem can be??18:35
divineslight!spam | Ihsan_18:35
Dr_willisIhsan_,  so try going to the console 'alt-ctrl-f1' (alt-ctral-f7 to get back tot he desktop) and see if the user can login.18:36
reufDr_willis, ubottu, thanks18:36
Dr_willisIhsan_,  seems lately people think they cant 'login' when in fact they are logging in, its just X crashing on them back to the Login Screen.18:36
L3top!msgthebot > divineslight18:36
ubottudivineslight, please see my private message18:36
divineslightwho is this l3top guy?18:37
Ihsan_Yes I am able to login from the console..18:37
ncpdunno, but he is funny :P18:37
Ihsan_So I'm crashing when I want to login18:37
fellayaboyhey sorry i got booted out...i cant boot into the gui..i just get booted automatically into console...tty1... i tried to use lightdm and boot using X but all i get is the screen where the modules are loaded and then it just hangs and freezes18:38
Dr_willisIhsan_,  as a test. use the console logined user.. and add a new user 'sudo adduser billgates'    THEN at the Login screen see if 'billgates' can login correctly18:39
L3topfellayaboy: please give me the output of lspci -nnk | grep VGA -a2       in a pastebin18:39
fellayaboyok brb18:39
SebbohI have added a PPA via the add-apt-repository method.  The PPA contains packages for oneiric and precise.  I'm running precise, but the package I want is from oneiric.  How do I install it?  (I could manually download the .deb, but I'd rather learn to do it "the ubuntu way" (if there is one!).)18:40
Dr_willisSebboh,  what package is in Oneriric but not in Percise?18:40
Dr_willisSebboh,  the ubuntu way is to NOT mix differnt release versions packages. ;)18:41
SebbohDr_willis, I'm using a PPA.  As I understand it, the PPA maintainers could put this package into their precise section, but they didn't.18:42
Dr_willisthere may be other PPA's with versions for 12.0418:42
L3topSebboh: then it is not available.18:42
Dr_willisYou dont mix differnt release versions..18:42
L3topDo not cross the streams...18:42
divineslightor you will create Ubuntu remixed edition18:42
SebbohFYI, the package I want is a dri driver for r128, which won't build with mesa 8.0, but does build in mesa 7.11, so the trick is to just borrow the bins from 7.11, and it will run fine on my 8.0 system.18:42
divineslightin Two boats!18:43
=== michael is now known as Guest44577
Dr_willisSebboh,  i would be very suprised if it 'run find'18:43
Sefid_ParHow can I install gspca?18:43
Dr_willisfine. :)18:43
Dr_willis!info gspca18:43
ubottuPackage gspca does not exist in precise18:43
Ihsan__Okay, I did 'sudo adduser billgates' and then I'm able to login, I only can't login to my main account.....18:43
XiRoNIs there a command to deny a specific user to login via SSH?18:43
Dr_willisSefid_Par,  and whats gspca? tryed a 'apt-cache search gspca' ?18:44
Ihsan__I get error Mountall(or something): Disconnected from plymouth.18:44
L3topSebboh: why do you want to try and create that driver? It should be covered by radeon now days.18:44
Dr_willisIhsan__,  so that shows its some setting in the problem users account thats the issue.18:44
Ihsan__Yeah, so what should I do now?18:44
Dr_willisIhsan__,  i doubt if thats the error.. thats most likely the console flashing by.18:44
Sefid_ParDr_willis: It is a webcam driver. Thank you, I am going to check.18:44
Dr_willisIhsan__, is there any imporntant settings that user has?  You can delet the various .config dirs and reset their settings or tyr a command like 'unity --reset' or 'unity --reset-icons' and tyr logging in18:45
Sefid_ParDr_willis: Got nothing.18:45
Ihsan__Well not really but I have installed games and programs Iḿ using, will they get deleted when I use that commands??18:45
Dr_willisIhsan__,  you could also try a differnt desktop session  from the 'gear' icon on the login screen and see if any other ones work.18:45
Ihsan__I did, but the problem is the same18:46
SebbohI accept the consequences of mixing Ubuntu releases.  Your surprise about it "running fine" won't affect whether or not it does run fine. :)  (Folks, we're talking about rage128_dri.so here.. it's a video card driver.  It will work fine if I manually download the .deb and install it.  I just want to learn how to make a package in the oneiric section of a PPA show up on my Precise system so I can apt-get install it.  ...I guess I don't really need to do th18:46
=== Kira is now known as Kira-Phoenix
Dr_willisIhsan__,  users home dir does not hold stuff you installed by the package manager. Just any configs and perhaps saved games.18:46
fellayaboyhey i cant pastebin right now but this is what i have as the kernal driver fglrx_pci18:46
Sebboh(Isn't this the point of PPAs?)18:46
Ihsan__Allright, so what do I have to do now? Could you please explain it in steps since im new to ubuntu?  :)18:46
xanguaSebboh: mixing repositories¿ nop :)18:46
SebbohL3top, actually, mesa 8.0 broke dri support for rage128 cards.  Too old, wontfix.  Work around is: install the rage 128 dri driver from mesa 7.11.  ...Thus my question. ;)18:47
Dr_willisIhsan__,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/70572/reset-unity-and-gnome-to-default-values18:47
Kira-PhoenixCould I have someone help me install ubuntu on a flash drive and then making it bootable?18:48
Ihsan__Allright thanks will look at it18:48
xangua!usb | Kira-Phoenix18:48
xanguaor just follow ubuntu.com instructions18:48
ubottuKira-Phoenix: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:48
L3topSebboh: This is not my understanding, but my understanding could be wrong. Will research. What PPA are you using?18:48
Kira-PhoenixI followed the steps for Mac OS X, and it's on the flash drive, but the system won't recognize it as a bootable drive18:49
Dr_willisIhsan__,  thers several 'answers'  so read through them all first.18:49
Dr_willisIhsan__,  id start with  gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-118:49
Dr_willis     then  unity --reset18:49
SebbohL3top: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2001548 http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2012-March/019628.html18:49
fellayaboyhey i cant log into x i tried lightdm and X but i still get automatically logged into console...my kernal driver in use is fglrx_pci18:50
SebbohL3top: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/xorg-edgers/oneiric/main/base/mesa-legacy18:50
Kira-Phoenixanyone have any ideas for forcing a mac to recognize a linux drive as a bootable drive?18:50
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  seems you are about the 4th person today with a similer issue. ;)18:50
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  console works? Guest user works? Tried making a new user via console see if they work?18:51
Ihsan__allright will try thanks18:51
fellayaboyit has to do with that update dr_willis..i dont know if ur trying to imply i keep that i keep asking but i need help big time18:51
L3toptry xswat Sebboh. https://launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-r12818:51
SebbohKira-Phoenix: I don't know how to do it, but it has something to do with EFI.  Hope this sends you in the right direction! :)18:52
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  literally in the last 30 min - i thionk thers been 3+ people who cant login to the desktop.18:52
SebbohL3top, checking, thanks.18:52
Kira-PhoenixEFI…i'm not too familiar with that.18:52
fellayaboyno dr_willis i didnt try all that..do u think creating a new user will actually work>?...i mean im logged in right now using the console...18:52
fellayaboyim using irc18:52
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  its a trouble shooting step.18:52
fellayaboyok wel let me se18:52
Dr_willisIf a new user works.. old user dosent.. => your users settings may be the issue.18:53
L3topfellayaboy: can I get the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA at least?18:53
fellayaboythe thing is that i cant use pastebin im stuck in console...18:53
L3topthats fine... that is one line18:53
L3topdrop it here.18:53
fellayaboyoh ok hol don18:53
* L3top is just trying to see if it is related to a driver/chipset Dr_willis18:54
=== tazjin|away is now known as tazjin
fellayaboy01.05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880M [mobility Radeon HD 4200 series] [1002:9712]18:55
SebbohL3top, I don't understand your link.  It appears to be the default rage 128 driver for Ubuntu 12.04...  And that's the one that isn't DRI capable anymore.18:56
Katronixafternoon all, can anyone recommend a good website to look at for setting up Ubuntu as a web server?18:56
NithHas anyone had their default language change to chinese after an update recently?18:57
=== SkippersBoss_ is now known as skippersboss
L3topsorry  Sebboh, you are correct. I linked out of x-swat. My mistake russhing.18:58
L3topfellayaboy: does lsmod | grep fglrx return a result?18:59
fellayaboycan someone help18:59
fellayaboylet me see hold on18:59
fellayaboyyes it returns 3263966 018:59
GriffrezI have GNOME 3 Classic. The clock is on AM/PM mode, how can I change it to 24-hour? I tried the Time and Date settings, but that isn't influenciating GNOME's clock.19:00
fellayaboyL3top it returns 3263966 019:00
=== james is now known as Guest76481
fellayaboyive been getting so many crash reports before complaining about xorg. or color.d19:01
Ihsan_Hey I'm back, it didn't work for me, I stil lget the same error :(19:01
fellayaboybut i never modified any of there contents19:01
SebbohThanks for your help, L3top.  And others.19:01
Katronixafternoon all, can anyone recommend a good website to look at for setting up Ubuntu as a web server?19:01
trismGriffrez: if you are using indicator-datetime, then it is in those settings, but you can only access them from unity19:02
L3topfellayaboy: I want to give you a list of commands. I will pm you again.19:02
trismGriffrez: as a workaround, you can use: gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime time-format 24-hour19:02
Ihsan_Help me, I get this error when I want to login in my account: *blabla* Mountall: Disconnected from plymouth. (This only happens on my main account, I am able to login on guest).19:02
jagginessanyone here knows where all the terminals are listed? (/usr/share/terminfo shows-- but nowhere for TERM=linux , i see "linux-vt" but no "linux")19:02
Griffreztrism: Thanks a lot. C:19:03
Griffreztrism: Is there a way to make the clock at the center of the panel?19:04
trismGriffrez: if you add the clock applet, it should be in the center, otherwise not really easy to move them around19:06
GriffrezHow do I create that applet?19:07
fellayaboywell ima reboot right now and see if that worked brb19:08
trismGriffrez: alt+right click the panel19:08
trismGriffrez: or possibly alt+super+right click if you are using compiz19:08
Griffreztrism: I'm using GNOME Classic 319:09
Griffreztrism Alt + RBM is doing nothing. :S19:09
trismGriffrez: well, there are two versions, the (no effects) one uses metacity, and alt+right click should work, the other uses compiz, and you generally need alt+super+right click because compiz captures alt+right click19:10
GriffrezWhat does the super mean?19:10
Griffrez<--- N00b19:10
trismGriffrez: the windows key19:11
GriffrezAh. :P19:11
fellayaboywhere is default.list located?19:11
Griffreztrism: Ops. I accidently took the default icons off...19:12
trismGriffrez: indicator applet complete is the default applet at the top right19:13
Griffreztrism: :D Thanks, once again.19:13
fellayaboythats what im doing right now19:14
fellayaboyi tried to do soemthign and it said that it had broken packages or something so im hoping this will work now19:15
L3topWell... then it is unlikely the other commands completed19:16
lunxGood day!19:16
lunxWhere i can finde developer download-monitor? Some 1 can help me?19:16
fellayaboywell if this doesnt work then ima just reinstall the crap again..ive been having so much problems with ubuntu lately19:17
Griffreztrism: I can't seem to be able to move the clock. o- o19:17
fellayaboygriffrez alt+rightclick move19:17
trismGriffrez: if you are trying to move indicator-datetime, you won't be able to, the clock applet is different19:18
Griffreztrism: I understood that. C: But thanks for the reminder. I do have the seperate applet. But, related to that, is there a way to hide the Full Indicator's datetime section? Just that section?19:19
lunxfellayaboy: ty, just finde bag and fix it, try help.19:19
trismGriffrez: you would have to uninstall it, unfortunately that will remove it from unity-greeter if you use that19:21
fellayaboyBINGO! it worked l3top19:21
Griffreztrism: I don't intend to use Unity... and I suppose I can reinstall it if necessary, I guess?19:21
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fellayaboyso tell me what causes x to crash like that or not run?.... bad drivers??19:22
trismGriffrez: you can: sudo apt-get remove indicator-datetime;19:22
L3topDr_willis: may I pm you?19:23
Dr_willisL3top,  im in and out right now. Wifes doing  a Rummage Sale - so im babysitting the grandkids.19:23
Dr_willisNever know when the kids will set the dog on fire again......19:23
fellayaboywow hes an elder...a wise wizard19:24
Dr_willisa Neck-Beard ;')19:24
Griffreztrism: Do I have to log off and in to apply?19:24
trismGriffrez: that or remove/add the indicator applet or killall gnome-panel;19:25
fellayaboyhey how do you scroll up and down in console??19:26
Griffreztrism: Working. :) Thanks for everything. :D19:26
Griffreztrism: Wanna help me again? :P19:26
guntbertfellayaboy: shift+pgup/pgdn19:26
fellayaboyi couldnt scroll up or down..usually i use ctl+alt up and down to scroll but in console u cant..does anyone know how to do that?? i even tried pageup and down but nothing19:26
trismGriffrez: you're welcome, and just ask the channel, I'll chime in if I know19:26
fellayaboyoh ok19:27
fellayaboythanks guntbert19:27
guntbertfellayaboy: you're welcome :)19:27
GriffrezWell, I'm using GNOME Classic 3, and I wanna know how I can change the color of the characters and numbers,etc. of the text on the panels (Like the clock applet, change the color of the date and time... etc.)19:28
fellayaboyi tell ya i need a lil bit more crashes to spice up my knowledge..19:28
L3topDr_willis etc... I am half here. If more peoples desktops are borked after upgrade on ATI using fglrx this was how I restored. http://pastebin.com/ZAYs2nR019:29
xuriousI'm trying to get a program to autostart on boot. I added a script in /etc/init.d and made sure  it was set to executable. However, it is still not working. Anyone have any tips on getting something to start on boot that is relatively idiot proof?19:29
L3topxurious: sudo update-rc.d script_name defaults19:31
fellayaboythats probably what went wrong19:34
fellayaboythats why i crashed etc and have been having all these problems19:34
fellayaboyi see19:34
fellayaboyfrom what i remember i believe i had to use the driver from the website because i needed to get my hdmi to work but its very vague at the moment why i used the website19:35
L3topfellayaboy: aplay -l | grep -i hdmi19:36
GriffrezNo one can help me with my "issue"?19:36
fellayaboycard 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]19:37
fellayaboyGriffrez whats up19:37
GriffrezI posted "Well, I'm using GNOME Classic 3, and I wanna know how I can change the color of the characters and numbers,etc. of the text on the panels (Like the clock applet, change the color of the date and time... etc.)"19:37
L3topfellayaboy: speaker-test -c 2 -t sine -l 1 -D hw:1,319:37
fellayaboyL3top ill pastebin u the results brb19:38
L3topfellayaboy: I dont need that. Did it make noise or spit errors?19:38
fellayaboyno it didnt19:39
fellayaboyno noise19:39
L3topsorry fellayaboy... let me start over... when I see "get my hdmi to work" I assume audio for some reason...19:39
L3topIs that what you meant? HDMI audio?19:39
fellayaboyits ok19:40
fellayaboyyeah usually it was the audio before19:40
fellayaboyi couldnt get it to work19:40
fellayaboyso i believe i had to use the latest driver..thats what i read from a website19:40
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fellayaboyi think thats why i had used the driver from the website19:40
L3topIt is the same driver. The latest driver will only break your stuff.19:40
fellayaboyafter i updated it worked19:40
fellayaboyyeah if i remember correctly which i do belive is t he correct reason i used the website driver...19:41
fellayaboywell forget it..im no longer using drivers and programs out of the scope of the operating system19:41
Maximus_1stis there a way to sync my homne folder and my windows "My Documents" at startup of ubuntu19:41
XiRoNWhat are the potential risks of giving www-data root privileges19:41
L3topfellayaboy: I can probably make your hdmi audio work if you want.19:42
fellayaboyi think with Maxiumus_1st situation it involves a script if im not mistaken19:42
legolashello all can you get me the best python irc ?19:42
xuriousL3top: is there an easy to get around the lsbinit part of the s cript?19:43
Maximus_1stscript that would be run at startup of my system, when i boot ubuntu?19:43
fellayaboyyes or when u give it the command to from your shell or whatever u want19:43
L3topI do not know what you are referring to xurious.19:43
ch_can anybody tell me how to configure bitlbee?19:43
Maximus_1stalright imma check it out19:43
fellayaboygo to #bash19:43
fellayaboymaybe they already have script they can give u19:44
samster34hi guys...I have a video driver problem. the default driver that comes with 12.04 doesn't recognize my screens proper resolutions, and only recognizes 1 screen. And if I install actual nvidia drivers, nothing works19:44
ch_shall I go to #bash in case of bitlbee?19:44
L3topfellayaboy: first please try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=auto        to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf   then sudo alsa reload19:45
m4tthumphreyhey all19:45
fellayaboylet me see19:45
m4tthumphreycan someone give me some advice on how to partition19:45
fellayaboych_ idk what u mean by bitlbee19:45
TJPedenSo, I took my FreeBSD server which had a zfs pool and installed Ubuntu server on it and installed the ZFS-Native stuff from the PPA but when it mounts the pool there are no files in the mount point, if I play around with exporting and importing and such I can get them to show up, any idea what would cause this issue?19:45
m4tthumphreyie the best set up for my needs19:45
legolascan any body write the best python irc?19:45
ch_bitlbee i19:45
m4tthumphreylinux noon btw19:45
ch_using bitlbee with irc you can connect to facebook-chat, jabber, google chat and so on from fx irssi or any other irc-client19:46
legolascan any body inform the best irc for python?19:46
Maximus_1sti use empathy19:46
fellayaboyu know what L3top i dont even need to do anything cause it works19:47
ch_i like the commandline ...19:47
Maximus_1stwitch is quit good with irc , and stilll can connect to facebook, jabber , windows live , yahoochat gtalk etc19:47
L3topgreat fellayaboy. Like I said... they are the same driver.19:48
fellayaboythe hdmi audio works fine...i guess i totally missed up...i think i installed those website drivers without first changing from built in audio to hdmi audio in sound settings fromt he sound panel on the top right panel19:48
samster34help...I don't really need awesome 3d performance, so I don't really need the nvidia drivers, I'd just like to use my screens proper resolution (2560x1440), and the other screens as well if possible...19:48
ch_empathy is good as long your computer is faster than mine ... i need progs with little footprint .. irssi and bitlbee19:48
fellayaboyim so use to windows where when i pluged in the hdmi the audio will work right away19:48
TJPedensamster34: just install the drivers, that's what they are for19:48
samster34TJPeden: if I install nvidia-current drivers, I get nothing at all19:49
fellayaboythat spiraled me down to the point of the crash im guessing...but itcould still be an issue with the update so idk19:49
L3topsamster34: you will need the nvidia driver... what is the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA19:49
TJPedensamster34: ouch :-/19:49
guntbertXiRoN: when a user can launch an exploit against your web server they will be able to run any command with the permissions of www-...19:49
fellayaboythats cool ch_ i didnt know all that19:50
samster34TJPeden: http://pastebin.com/brNV94Jm19:50
fellayaboyhey Griff*19:50
samster34L3top: err, you too19:50
Jidsi just downloaded and burned the latest ubuntu x64 to do a test on memory... how do i do it?19:50
Jidswhen i boot, it goes straight to language and then install/try19:51
samster34L3top, TJPeden: first card is a GTX 670, second a 57019:51
koskoscp is recursive, right?19:52
L3topsamster34: you will probably have better luck with nvidia-current-updates... but first you need to make sure you do not still have nvidia-current installed.19:52
koskoi.e. i can copy the whole directory?19:52
koskowith it's content?19:52
trismkosko: with -r it is19:52
samster34L3top: this is a fresh live system19:52
L3topsamster34: also please run: update-pciids19:52
L3topnow if you rerun the lspci -nn | grep VGA you will get a better result.19:53
samster34L3top: ok, now it recognizes the 670 as that :)19:53
Jidsdoes anyone know how to run a memtest in the latest ubuntu (x64)?19:54
samster34L3top: what do I do if this turns into a disaster again? boot with nomodeset?19:54
fellayaboyhey when using screen...how do u scroll up and down?? i tried shift+pgup and down but nothing19:54
guntbertfellayaboy: ctrl+a, esc19:54
muellifellayaboy: ^a+[, then you can move on the screen, i.e. with page up19:54
guntbertfellayaboy: then pgup/dn19:54
koskotrism: thanks19:55
fellayaboyguntbert it didnt work actually19:55
fellayaboyi think u have to use ctrl a and somethign else hold on19:55
muellikosko: you can also set screen up in a way that allows you to use your terminal's scollback buffer. But I haven't found how to do that properly yet.19:55
Slasher`anyone know how i can remove a program from an install that wont boot with a live cd please?19:56
muellifellayaboy: ^a+[ gives you copy-mode. You can navigate then on the screen.19:56
samster34secondary problem, under ubuntu my wireless gets me slows as crap internet download speeds19:56
muelliSlasher`: erm. what? apt-get remove will uninstall things for you.19:56
fellayaboyyes im seeing hold on19:56
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Slasher`muelli; i can't boot the system in question though, it is failing to boot and i suspect webcamstudio to be the problem19:57
muelliSlasher`: very unlikely.19:57
muelliSlasher`: how do you know that you can't boot?19:57
Slasher`it's hanging at "depmod -ae" "WARNING: -e needs -E or -F"19:57
rhizmoedoes anybody know gnu-screen well? can i convert two windows into a split-screen?19:57
_ravenxubuntu 12.04 - how to install also "non-vital" packages automatically without the need of clicking "install all" every day?19:57
samster34on win7 the reception is still crappy, but the network speed doesn't drop to 26Mb/s like it does here...19:57
fellayaboyrhizmoe go to youtube19:57
Slasher`muelli; if i could remove it from the startup somehow then that would eliminate that being a possible issue19:58
Slasher`i don't need webcamstudio anyway19:58
fellayaboyjust type in gnu linux in youtube and youll get some good tutorials rhizmoe19:58
muellirhizmoe: ^a+S?19:59
fellayaboyexcuse me i mean gnu screen19:59
guntbertrhizmoe: have a look at http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html19:59
rhizmoemuelli: testing...19:59
ringthestaranyone has problem after installing GNOME for 12.04? @@19:59
muelliSlasher`: eh. well. you can boot any medium, chroot into your actual system and then do whatever you like. i.e. apt-get remove19:59
muelli!anyone | ringthestar19:59
ubotturingthestar: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:59
samster34anyone have a clue why wireless would be so much slower on ubuntu, while it's fine on win7?19:59
rhizmoeah, nice. sorry for n00b-ungooglage20:00
xuriousL3top: My script are on the first 2 lines, results of the update rc.d as the rest. http://pastebin.com/FxuQjLk720:00
Jidsno one knows how to run a memtest in the latest ubuntu?20:00
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
Slasher`muelli; do you have a tutorial anywhere for doing the chroot please?20:00
rhizmoethanks for not biting my head off :)20:00
GriffrezAh. What is the repository package for KDE shell?20:00
Slasher`well, a recommended one20:00
BobMarleyhow do i check if i have the binutils installed?20:00
muelliSlasher`: man chroot20:00
Slasher`never thought of that20:00
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:00
muelliBobMarley: apt-cache policy binutils20:00
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koskomuelli: it is ctrl a then [20:02
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.20:02
muellikosko: yes, obviously20:02
dubacoi need to prevent ubuntuone from satrting20:02
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:02
L3topxurious: look at some other scripts in /etc/init.d  it wants information as to when to start it, etc... does networking need to be up first... etc...20:02
koskomuelli: and i don't know why you told me that :)20:02
TJPedenHow do I tell Ubuntu server to load the ZFS driver on boot?20:02
muellikosko: well. I presumed you used screen at least a little.20:02
tensorpuddingwhat zfs driver is that20:02
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
guntbert!askthebot | ringthestar20:03
ubotturingthestar: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:03
tensorpuddinghow are you currently using this driver?20:03
koskomuelli: i mean i asked question about recursive scp copying :)20:03
xuriousL3top: Thanks, was hoping there was a more idiot friendly method.20:03
koskomuelli: or was it just a personal question?20:03
koskomuelli: "you can also"20:03
tensorpuddingTJPeden, where is the module?20:04
L3topxurious: to be clear... it should work anyway. it is just complaining that it wanted it.20:04
JidsL3top: any idea how to do a memory test?20:04
TJPedentensorpudding: I'm not sure I follow? I installed it from a PPA20:04
xuriousYea, I tested it out and it never started. I'll investigate the other scripts and see if I can cobble something together.20:04
xuriousThanks by the way!20:05
L3topnp xurious... Jids on your install cd one of the options is memtest20:05
muelliTJPeden: I guess you can put the module in smth like /etc/modules-load.d/20:05
tensorpuddingTJPeden, kernel modules are .ko files that are stored somewhere20:05
muellilike the name20:05
fellayaboyjust for curiousity sake whats important about doing a mem test what is it testing...20:05
L3topfellayaboy: it is testing your system memory (RAM).20:06
tensorpuddingi think in /lib/modules/<kernel version>/20:06
TJPedentensorpudding, right, but like I said, it was installed by apt... I don't know where it is20:06
koskomuelli: answer! have confused me with someone else? :)20:06
tensorpuddingbut since your module isn't part of the upstream kernel, i don't know where they'd put it20:06
tensorpuddingbut how are you using it now20:06
muellikosko: maybe. sorry if I did. there are so many nicks here. I might have tabbed wrongly -.-20:06
avishows everyones sight ?20:07
koskomuelli: it is ok, i was just curious :)20:07
tensorpuddingdo you modprobe it directly20:07
tensorpuddingmaybe the package added a suitable file to /etc/modprobe.d/20:07
fellayaboyoh ok i googled memtest+ to get a more indepth explation20:07
tensorpuddingusually the file /etc/modules tells which modules to be inserted at boot time20:08
TJPedenWell, it seems that when I use the zpool command to export and re-import the pool it loads the module and then I can see my files... before that it shows as being mounted but with no files in the mount point20:08
TJPedentensorpudding, word20:09
fellayaboyhey is it possible to automatically login into a screen shell when you ssh into a server20:09
TJPedentensorpudding, immediately after reboot: https://gist.github.com/306794420:10
tensorpuddingmaybe you didn't install the kernel module20:10
tensorpuddingthough i don't know how you'd do it otherwise...20:10
tensorpuddingso the zfs module is already there20:11
tensorpuddingon boot20:11
tensorpuddingso then your problem is solved already20:11
fellayaboytake care guys20:11
muellifellayaboy: sure. You could define "screen" as your shell. Check "chsh". Or you could force the command onto your SSH users via a sshd_config.20:11
fellayaboythanks muelli20:11
TJPedenWell, sort of20:11
tensorpuddingthe problem them would be that your zfs filesystems aren't being mounted20:11
tensorpuddingand that, i don't know how to handle20:11
fellayaboyoh wow chsh looks promising20:12
guntbertfellayaboy: install byobu (a screen with candy :-), in the menu you can set it to start automatically20:12
tensorpuddingfreebsd runs some kind of zfs mount command that finds zfs filesystems and mounts them for you, it doesn't use fstab20:12
fellayaboythanks guntbert20:12
TJPedentensorpudding, thanks for your help though :-)20:12
tensorpuddingthat might be what you need to do, or it might not20:12
TJPedenthe documentation for ZFS on Linux says it does that too :-/20:13
samster34L3top: well that didnt work so great. installed nvidia-current-update, black screen on reboot, and trying any of the text terminals gives me a flashing red screen. nomodeset does nothing.20:15
Slasher`ok got rid of that error... can anyone please tell me how to reset the x back to default settings please?20:16
muelliSlasher`: maybe http://superuser.com/questions/69045/how-do-i-get-the-default-configuration-from-a-deb-file helps20:17
samster34anyone? :(  whichever version of nvidia driver I install, I end up with a black screen and text terminals don't work either, and nomodeset doesn't get me back in either20:17
samster34is there a general problem with kepler chips, or is something else amiss?20:19
JidsL3top: actually, it isn't... it goes straight to language, and then asks me if i want to install or run as a LiveCD20:20
GriffrezWhere are all the theme options, like colors?20:21
GriffrezI use GNOME 3 Classic20:21
AsterLol Gnome 3.20:22
GriffrezWhat's wrong with GNOME 3?20:22
Slasher`fixed it muelli many thanks :)20:23
samster34help? I can't get the drivers to work with my gtx 67020:23
samster34nobody? :(20:25
Slasher`i probably won't be able to help you samster34, but if you could provide a little more info, someone else may be able to20:25
samster34well, system has an i7 2600K, a gtx 670, and I'm trying to install any sort of video driver...and whichever I try, I just get a black screen and not even the text terminals work20:27
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samster34each try has been on a fresh ubuntu since I can't even remove the drivers once everything is messed up20:28
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samster34so, nobody has video driver issues anymore? :/20:30
i7csamster34: is the video card on the list of supported hardware?20:32
samster34list of supported hardware of what, exactly20:32
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i7cehm hold on a sec20:34
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samster34i7c: the mainboard's support list? ubuntu's? the nvidia driver's?20:35
L3topsorry Jids.. you could just hit shift repeatedly as you boot to bring up a grub menu, and it will be there as well I believe.20:35
L3topsamster34: The GTX 670 is like, smoking brand new.20:35
L3topone second20:35
i7csamster34: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/server/20:37
calamariI upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and I've noticed significantly longer boot times and slowdowns across applications. Did something change in the kernel?20:37
L3topsamster34: BOTH of those cards have no support afaik... I am checking... will take me a second.20:37
samster34i7c: uhm...?20:37
OerHekscalamari, disabling IPv6 helped me 9 sec boottime, and browsing is a lot faster.20:38
samster34L3top: the 570 just alone used to work out of the box with I believe the nouveau drivers :/20:38
samster34and multiple screens20:38
i7csamster34: oh sorry that was trash i sent you20:38
i7csamster34: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/20:39
GalvatronUnity launcher in 12.04 has problem with returning from the autohide, when you set the top-left screen corner as active. Is there maybe some fix for it?20:39
calamariOerHeks: interesting20:39
alazare619can someone tell me what process x/k/ubuntu uses to build the isos after the chroot is squash.fs'd20:39
L3topsamster34: how many screens are you trying to have?20:39
OerHekscalamari, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6#Disabling_IPv620:40
L3topsamster34: the 670 is a rev D card... that might have something to do with it as well... still checking.20:40
samster34L3top: 3, but just one at proper resolution would be fine...20:40
calamariOerHeks: thanks20:40
Galvatronsamster34: Have you tried the latest drivers (302.17)?20:40
jase_could anyone help me with getting a ustart job to work in ubuntu 11.1020:40
samster34Galvatron: I have no clue. I tried whatever nvidia-current-update is20:40
Galvatronsamster34: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/20:41
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L3topyeah samster34 NEITHER of those cards are certified on our version of nvidia. http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/295.40/README/supportedchips.html20:41
superuserhow do i know what display manager im useing?20:42
L3topsamster34: I recommend, what Galvatron is suggesting.20:42
L3topsamster34: please apt-get remove --purge nvidia*   before trying to install the new one.20:42
lunxsome one can help, what disable bottom menu in gnome shell classic, find in configuration -> panel (need delete all information about bottom panel?) thanks for all help.20:42
samster34can I just install them via apt-get after adding the repository? or do I have to do some black magic..20:42
terranautI'm missing the text under my desktop icons in 12.04 on my laptop (toshiba satellite p-100). I checked with dconf-editor that ubuntu 11 should be used as font.20:42
terranautAdditionally when i create a new icon using gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new it's very small. Any help appreciated.20:42
roastedIs there a "top"-like command I can use in terminal to watch my current network traffic?20:43
L3topcorrect samster34... once the ppa is added just apt-get20:43
Galvatronsamster34: Yup. You don even need to reinstall - just update.20:43
samster34ok..because the binary download form nvidia says some stuff about not having any x server running etc20:43
* L3top would still purge and reinstall... 20:43
samster34Galvatron: there's nothing to update ;920:44
GriffrezWhere can I change the colors of my GNOME theme?20:44
L3topsamster34: yes you would have to kill x to do that.20:44
GalvatronUnless your current drivers come dorectly from the nVidia's website (the *.run package).20:44
samster34L3top: well, there is another problem. I can't get into the text only terminals to do that20:44
samster34just a black screen20:44
samzhao_Hi everyone, how do I open files with sublime text in the terminal?20:44
samster34samzhao_:  sublime file.ext?20:45
samzhao_samster34: what's that?20:45
Galvatronsamster34: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" ==> Alt + Ctrl + Del ==> VOILA!20:45
L3topsamster34: almost guaranteed that it is kicking on ONE of the heads.20:45
samster34Galvatron: wha, huh? that will select the newest driver and install it?20:46
samster34L3top: ???20:46
alazare619can someone tell me what process x/k/ubuntu uses to build the isos after the chroot is squash.fs'd20:50
gnexushello. I just want to let everyone here know that a new Allwinner A10 Lubuntu 12.04 LTS SD card has been uploaded to our site which fixes the previous wireless bug.20:51
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xuriousYea, I've triple checked. UDP 53 is forwarded. And TCP20:51
samster34Galvatron, L3top: ok back, back on ubuntu now..20:52
GriffrezWhat is the best variant of Java's Runtime for Ubuntu?20:53
GriffrezIn terms of performance20:53
Galvatronsamster34: Yes20:53
samster34so, even if I have no nvidia driver installed, the line you wrote will download it? or do I still have to do sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-driver ?20:53
Galvatronsamster34: This PPA is updated regularly, so you will automatically always have the latest drivers.20:54
samster34no, I mean now.20:54
CongI need a way to add files into a tar archive without the directory. I don't want to go into the directory to make it. I just want all the files in the directory in the tar archive.20:54
timothyjrWhereś a good site for downloading utilities?20:54
Galvatronsamster34: Yes. 302.17 is the latest stable release from nVidia.20:55
samster34Galvatron: do I need to get the drivers myself the first time, for it to update them, or will it just download drivers for any hardware I have?20:55
timothyjrcpu temperature, cpu overhead, etc.20:55
Catbus_are there laptops sold with linux?20:55
Catbus_i have never seen a laptop for sale without windows pre-installed20:55
Chad___Catbus_: Try System76 or ZaReason20:56
Galvatronsamster34: What drivers? Other than the graphics card, all the other drivers are in the kernell.20:56
GriffrezCatbus, it's really easy to install Linux.20:56
GriffrezI don't see the problem, in that.20:56
samster34Galvatron: yes, the graphics driver. do I need to tell it to install the nvidia drivers myself, or not?20:56
GalvatronGalvatron: Like the chipset, sound, networking etc.20:56
Catbus_thanks Chad___¬20:56
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Galvatronsamster34: Have you already installed nvidia-current?20:57
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samster34when I do, the system becomes unusable20:57
L3topsamster34: the nvidia-graphics-driver == nvidia-current from that ppa20:57
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aguitelwhy unity and gnome 3 are too ugly ?20:58
GalvatronDid you ads the PPA I gave you and update the repository list?20:58
samster34L3top, right, so what do I type now... sudo apt-get install nvidia-current or nvidia-graphics-driver?!20:58
L3topthe difference between it and what you have done samster34 is that it is version 302.xx vs 295.4020:58
L3topsamster34: either would do the same thing, but I would go with current20:58
samster34Galvatron: still in the process of doing that20:59
GalvatronWhen you're done, just "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"20:59
samster34just out of curiosity...where exactly will it install the driver if I'm doing this on a live ubuntu with no persistence file20:59
L3topsamster34: the command Galvatron gave you will add the ppa, do an update, and install nvidia current which will NOW be 302.xx20:59
GalvatronBut the driver will NOT be installed to the existing installation, on the HDD.21:00
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GalvatronIf this is your intent21:00
samster34Galvatron: there IS no existing installation21:01
samster34I'm just confused, if I have no persistence file, where does it put the rather large driver?21:01
Congjust a guess, in ram21:03
samster34so, if I were to reboot, the driver would be gone?21:03
GalvatronTo tell the truth, I've never checked how exactly the LiveCDs work.21:03
samster34I have some spare room on a hard drive if I really need to do a proper install, but just keeping the live one on my flash drive would be a lot more comfortable21:03
GalvatronYou're checking things before installing the system?;)21:04
samster34argh, so yeah I'm back to..why is my wireless so slow on ubuntu :(21:04
samster34update is taking forever21:04
samster34upgrade, rather21:04
samster34Galvatron: well, not exactly. I use win7 mainly, but I do need lnux every now and then21:05
GalvatronI recommend  you rather install the system on the HDD21:05
samster34plugging in a flash drive is a lot more comfortable than shuffling hard drives around21:05
samster34and more importantly...recreating it is a lot quicker than doing a reinstall everytime I mess up the drivers >_>21:06
samster34say, while we're talking...you wouldn't happen to know of a program that is good with resizing huge images with little RAM?21:07
samster34I have this 14.5GB bitmap that I need to resize, but with the whole thing in memory, there's less than 1GB free RAM21:07
GalvatronSorry, but no -  never tried to work with an image that big.21:08
GalvatronBest install this linux on the HDD, next to Windows21:09
samster34I'd prefer not to - that's why I need to downsample it :)21:09
samster34if this works, I might21:09
GalvatronIt's the easiest and lest problematic way. Don't combine with some pendrives, or other detachable drives.21:10
saulotoledoI'm moving samba installation to a chroot, the install connects at LDAP instalation, but the chrooted machine does not find the groups inside LDAP, I receive the error "cannot find name for group ID 512". What I'm missing?21:11
tensorpuddingimagemagick has options to limit the RAM that it can consume21:11
samster34tensorpudding: ah, neat, I was using that already21:11
tensorpuddingyou might end up swapping heavily anyway though21:11
samster34I guess I'll need to provide some swap space then...21:11
GalvatronYou can configure GRUB (the Linux bootloader) to load Windows by default. You can also set how long will the system list be visible (3 seconds is just fine).21:12
samster34taking forever is better than not happening21:12
samster34Galvatron: I won't be using grub to boot windows21:12
GalvatronSlow internet onnection?21:12
samster34Galvatron: ?21:12
Galvatronsamster34: Why not GRUB?21:13
samster34I prefer to keep the bootloaders isolated to the disks the OS is on :)21:13
samster34so I can unplug and move them to other PCs easily21:13
GalvatronOh, I get it now21:14
jordan__For some reason I can't get youtube video's to go full screen, anyone know a fix?21:14
GalvatronWhat browser?21:14
samster34Galvatron: ah I can see it's downloading 302.something now. so far so good :)21:15
GalvatronWithout GRUB Ubuntu will not boot on the PC you'll move it to.21:16
samster34GRUB stays on the disk ubuntu is on, windows' bootloader stays on windows' disk21:16
GalvatronSo I'm not sure if it's not better to have the bootloader on the very same disk.21:17
Galvatronsamster34: OK21:17
uiUbuntu LiveCD: I've written too much on /, now it says I haven't more free space. However I have a lot of swap. How can I extend / on the swap?21:17
samster34I don't know if setting up grub to allow me to resume windows from hibernation is something I want to get into :p21:17
aguitelwhy unity and gnome 3 are too ugly ?21:18
GriffrezHow can I make a terminal command shortcut.21:18
GriffrezLike... run it, and it will run a certain piece of terminal command code.21:18
GriffrezSimilar to a .bat file.21:18
expoernie<how do <i find out why my HP-mini is so slow on ubuntu?21:19
uiGriffrez: type in the file what you would type in the terminal21:19
samster34Griffrez: make a shortcut, and point it to the (executable ) text file with your shell commands in21:19
uithen prepend this line to the file:21:19
ui#! /bin/bash21:20
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samster34Galvatron: alright, wish me luck..driver finished installing. gonna reboot...21:20
L3top#!/bin/bash          ui had a space in his.21:20
Galvatronsamster34: STOP!21:20
GriffrezWait... I'm confused... so... I make a text file?21:21
samster34Griffrez: yes21:21
uiyeah, L3top is right21:21
L3topYes Griffrez... and begin that text file with the line #!/bin/bash21:21
samster34Griffrez: you will need to mark the text file as executable21:21
samster34Galvatron: what is it21:21
L3topGriffrez: then chmod +x file.name21:21
Galvatronsamster34:: I'm a bit sleepy so I didn't tell you thet rebooting a LiveCD will completely destroy everything21:22
fbhexpoernie: Does it have high load averages?21:22
GriffrezL3top: Like... in the second line?21:22
L3topGriffrez: the very first line.21:22
Galvatronsamster34: You can only try restarting X21:22
L3topGriffrez: what are you trying to get it to do?21:22
uiGriffrez: #!/bin/bash is the first line of the file21:22
samster34Galvatron: ok, how do I go about that21:22
geirhaGriffrez: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide21:22
uichmod must be run on the terminal, NOT in the file21:22
expoernieIs there xchat2 for 12.04 ? I did "sudo apt-get install xchat2" and it did not find xchat2 (I am tripelb, helping ernie)21:22
GriffrezL3top: Run Minecraft with specifications. :P21:23
Galvatronsamster34: Sorry, it won't work either21:23
samster34Galvatron: HAHA, OK21:23
L3topoh... I see the confusion... sorry see ui's post Griffrez... and geirha has given you a link to the best bash guide on the net21:23
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Galvatronsamster34: The system needs a reboot, so the only way its to first have it on a HDD21:23
L3topGalvatron: he has persistence... I expect it can work...21:24
uiexpoernie: did you enable repository 'universe'?21:24
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BUSTACAPI'm having a problem with my wlan adapter. It's a linksys wusb54g. My internet is going very very very slow. Anyone have any suggestions?21:24
defer_Hello, is there some way to install ubuntu from other linux os? I have empty partition left.21:24
samster34L3top: actually, I didn't create a persistence file :D21:25
GalvatronNo. The only way to install the proprietary GPU drivers is to have the os on the disk.21:25
samster34so, yeah21:25
defer_Or if not, have anyone found working guide on how to boot iso livecd with grub2?21:25
uino defer_, you must be running Ubuntu21:25
samster34well, I guess it's install time again. :)21:25
defer_Ok thanks so ill try to somehow boot livecd image with grub :)21:25
Galvatronsamster34: Installing will take you like 10-20 minutes21:25
L3topui why could he not debootstrap?21:25
L3topoh... nm sorry ui21:26
uidefer_ try with unpacking the ISO and link grub to the unpacked files21:26
giulia27hello. How can I start chatzilla in /usr/lib/chatzilla please ? Thank you21:26
geirhaGriffrez: Custom commands like that should be put in the directory "bin" (doesn't exist by default) in your homedir, so you might as well run   mkdir -p ~/bin  right away to make sure it exists.21:26
uibut I personally don't know how to do that, it's +just an idea21:26
Griffrez~ = /home ?21:27
guntbertgiulia27: from firefox, under tools if I recall correctly21:27
GriffrezJust wondering21:27
geirhaGriffrez: run  echo ~  to see21:27
giulia27guntbert, the thing is that I want to make it work as a standalone21:27
defer_I have managed to get it work times ago with grub1 and memdisk if i remember it right21:27
GriffrezC: Thanks for the info. :D21:28
Galvatrongiulia27: It should be /usr/bin/chatzilla. The /lib directory contains only libraries, as it's name state - nit the executable binaries.21:28
giulia27like explained there : http://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/21:28
vicesquadhello all21:28
guntbertgiulia27: no idea, never tried21:28
expoernieul -- no <<<i didnt enable it. (I am kind of lost on unity too) will you please tell me how to do that, preferable in terminal.. thanks21:28
L3topGriffrez: keep in mind that if you are root or this is a startup script ~ will be /root21:28
xsoh_Hello ت21:28
giulia27Galvatron, the thing is when I enter the command in the termina, it says that it does not exist21:28
vicesquadi need some helo with my freshly baked ubuntu 12.04 install21:29
uigiulia27: run 'locate chatzilla'21:29
expoernieul this is Empathy and it did not highlight you answer, grr. <was difficult to find it again. I;m also searching for how to enable repository in a browser window21:29
expoernie!ask vicesquad21:30
giulia27ui, it works only with Firefox. On the page http://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/ I managed to install it until the step 421:30
xsoh_I've got problem with the Image viewer. It doesn't open anything at all even after restart or updates. any ideas?21:30
uiexpoernie: open Software Center, menu Edit >> Software Sources >> enable the universe21:30
expoernieul ty21:30
vicesquadinstalled using wubi, but the laptop monitor is not displaying anything, have to use a an external monitor to view desktop21:31
Galvatrongiulia27: Have you tried simply "chatzilla" in the terminal?21:31
giulia27ui, here is the pastebin for "locate chatzilla"21:31
L3topvicesquad: typically there is a combination of fn key + f? to swap outputs21:31
L3topvicesquad: in my case it is f421:32
giulia27Galvatron: yes, and it tells me that it has not been found21:32
Galvatrongiulia27: It seeming didn't install21:32
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GalvatronAll the files are in the home directory21:33
giulia27well, strange21:33
GalvatronDid you follow all these steps21:33
GriffrezSorry, guys.21:33
giulia27because I have followed all the first 4 steps without any problem21:33
GriffrezAccidently did Ctrl + Alt + F2...21:33
uiand what happened when you tried step 5?21:33
vicesquad_sorry for the dropoff, i have done that fn, still nothing, seems set to black?21:34
Galvatrongiulia27: And what's the output of this: ./xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip.?21:34
giulia27Galvatron, I found in the opt that Chatzilla is not there21:34
samster34Galvatron: I don't suppose you have an idea why my wireless is so much slower under ubuntu with the same crappy reception as on windows?21:34
uiwithout the dot at the end--21:34
giulia27despite having followed the steps21:34
giulia27samster34, what computer and model do you have ?21:35
samster34giulia27: it's not a laptop21:35
Munzhi! how can i move the launcher to the bottom21:36
giulia27Galvatron, no file or folder21:36
samster34giulia27: the wireless antenna is some generic n draft usb antenna.21:36
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giulia27samster34: , yes but which brand and which model ?21:36
GriffrezI'm trying to do that executable command, but, I can't do it right, I launch it, but the terminal glympses too quick for me to see the error.21:36
giulia27did you activate the backport deposit ?21:36
samster34giulia27: it doesn't have a brand, or a model..it's a collection of parts from different brands21:36
GriffrezHow can I make the terminal stay still? Or wait for a prompt to close?21:36
uiGriffrez: open the terminal, then run the command from there21:36
giulia27maybe the backports deposit package can help you21:37
Munzis there is a way to move the launcher to the bottom?!21:37
L3topvicesquad: echo "$DISPLAY"21:37
GalvatronSorry guys, but I must go now21:37
samster34Galvatron: thanks for the help21:37
GriffrezOh, it's related to Minecraft.21:37
GriffrezI'll look into it21:38
Munzhi! is there is a safe way to move the launcher to the bottom21:38
samster34giulia27: I can list you all the major parts if you like..?21:38
giulia27Galvatron: no such file or folder available, here is the error message I get after I enter ./xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip21:38
ShawarmaJunkieHow do I resolve an httpd dependency not satisfiable21:38
giulia27samster34, do you have any Ethernet cable first ?21:39
giulia27then, activate the backports deposit package21:39
SerbiaShawarmaJunkie, may I reccomend21:39
giulia27normally, after that, Wifi should work21:39
SerbiaShawarmaJunkie, may I reccomend21:39
* Serbia is now playing: Wiz Khalifa - Hopes & Dreams21:39
* Serbia is now playing: Wiz Khalifa - Hopes & Dreams21:39
* Serbia is now playing: Wiz Khalifa - Hopes & Dreams21:39
FloodBot1Serbia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
samster34giulia27: ethernet is not an option21:39
uiMunz: here it is said it is not supported, by choice21:39
giulia27samster34, then I have no idea21:39
samster34giulia27: wifi works, it's just dropping to extremely low datarates21:39
uisee answer of MestreLion (2nd from the top)21:40
giulia27samster34 I had the problem with my computer, a laptop, but the backports deposit packages solved the mystery21:40
uigiulia27: try 'sudo ./xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip'21:40
vicesquadl3top: thanks but just getting back into linux and a bit rusty]21:40
samster34backports deposit package...???21:40
vicesquadcan you start again please, so sorry for my goof ups21:40
L3topvicesquad: echo "$DISPLAY"21:41
giulia27ui, I have a command not found21:41
giulia27yes samster3421:41
giulia27it is called like that21:41
uiwhat command is not found?21:41
mesodermIs there an offline translation tool that is available for Linux? That is, I am looking for something where I can download "language packs" (i.e. one for spanish, one for japanese, one for english, etc.) and then type text into a program just like I do for Google translate, and have it translate the text for me.21:41
giulia27I utemostely believe that it is a driver problem21:41
mesodermI want something that doesn't need an internet connection to do translation.21:42
giulia27ui, sudo ./xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip is the command not found21:42
uithere are two commands - sudo and xulrunner. Which one is not found?21:42
KM0201giulia27: are you in the right directory?21:42
giulia27KM, I should do it in the opt then ?21:43
alexxxxaIs it anyway possible to install mousetrap on ubuntu 12.04?21:43
uimesoderm: I do not know whether there exists such a program, but it's unlikely you'll habve a single language pack - typically you have instead a file between language A and language B21:43
uispecific for a couple of languages21:43
uiyup, giulia, cd /opt/xulrunner+21:43
uiwithout the plus (it's a typo -.-'')21:44
mesodermui -- OK. Thank you ... I'll keep looking around.21:44
giulia27ui, even in opt, it does not work21:44
giulia27it gets me the same error message21:44
KM0201alexxxxa: mousetrap?21:44
vicesquadu there L3top?21:45
giulia27http://pastebin.com/aaLujvsF for ui21:45
=== dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
uirun /opt/xulrunner/xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip21:45
alexxxxaKM0201: Mousetrap is the app that enables user to control mouse using webcamera21:46
giulia27ui, how do I run it ?21:46
KM0201ah ok21:46
uitype on the terminal '/opt/xulrunner/xulrunner --install-app chatzilla-0.9.88-xr.zip' then press 'Enter'21:46
giulia27no message21:47
uinow run 'locate chatzilla'21:47
giulia27but /usr/lib/chatzilla still "no such file or directory"21:47
KM0201giulia27: why don't you just install chatzilla from the repositories>21:48
giulia27KM, and how do I do it ? Can it work as a standalone ?21:48
giulia27http://pastebin.com/CW4XvgZJ pastebin for the locate chatzilla in the terminal ui21:49
KM0201gi, what do you mean operate as a standalone?21:49
avisAthanasius, is Pantera and has killed Jonathan Joe.  he gets the death penalty.  he also gets a gag order and internet taken away his fibonacci is 319072638726138649231872649127382169238479721:50
alexxxxaAnybody knows if there's some substitution for mousetrap?21:50
KM0201!info chatzilla21:50
ubottuPackage chatzilla does not exist in precise21:50
vicesquadhello, can anyone help me with an acer laptop display issue in ubuntu 12.04?21:50
uishouldn't be like that :/21:50
L3topyes vicesquad. You need to please actually type, in a terminal: echo "$DISPLAY"21:50
giulia27KM, that you don't need to go to Frefox in order to use Chatzilla21:51
uiKM0201: she's trying to install chatzilla from http://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/21:51
ShawarmaJunkieI just installed Monitorix.  Can anyone help me figure out why Iḿ getting a cannot connect to localhost message in Firefox?21:52
vicesquadI GOT :021:52
ShawarmaJunkieProblem loading page21:52
ghostconnis there a way to add a .gif as a background image? im running ubuntu 12.0421:53
ghostconnplease help21:53
vicesquadL3top: i got :021:53
L3topone moment vicesquad21:54
L3topin the meantime vicesquad please give me the output of: lspci -nn | grep VGA21:54
vicesquadL3top: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a42] (rev 09)21:55
expoernieul universe was already enabled.  ANYone, how do I install xchat2 from terminal please?21:56
L3tophmm... I would not expect that to be a problem vicesquad. I am away for a moment checking something21:56
deper29expoernie: sudo apt-get install xchat21:56
expoernieok thanks deper29 - I did xchat2 (duh) -- I prefer not to get xchat-gnome21:57
uiIt seems that the zip file does not contain the xulrunner binary21:58
L3topvicesquad: please  give me the output of: xrandr            in a pastebin21:58
vicesquadL3top: when i restart  the machine, i see the laptop screen flash21:58
vicesquadL3top: what is pastebin, sorry for being such a noob21:59
L3top!pastebin | vicesquad don't apologize for not knowing things. Now you do :)21:59
ubottuvicesquad don't apologize for not knowing things. Now you do :): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:59
giulia27so still no idea for my Chatzilla stuff22:01
giulia27maybe a good night of sleep will help22:01
giulia27good night22:01
vicesquadL3top: done22:01
L3topI need the url vicesquad22:01
uiAsking into irc://irc.mozilla.org/chatzilla maybe they can help22:02
vicesquadL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1080393/22:02
L3topvicesquad: xrandr --output LVDS122:02
vicesquadL3top: nothing22:03
hanscomCan you help me with something22:04
hanscomI need someone to help me test out some video desktop recording scripts using FFMPEG ?22:04
L3topvicesquad: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf         does that tell you it does not exist?22:04
hanscomDoes anyone here have FFMPEG install on their Ubuntu Linux system ?22:05
vicesquadL3top: right, does not exist22:05
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L3top!ot | Quantum_Ion this isn't the place to troll for guinea pigs... but I am curious to see what you are doing in #ubuntu-offtopic22:06
ubottuQuantum_Ion this isn't the place to troll for guinea pigs... but I am curious to see what you are doing in #ubuntu-offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:06
ghostconnis there a way to use a .gif for a background image?22:08
L3topvicesquad: I am a bit confused by your situation. It SHOULD be giving output.22:10
vicesquadL3top: i think it is, a blank or black screen, wuld a new install from cd or usb work?22:11
L3topvicesquad: aha22:11
L3topvicesquad: I bet your lcd lamp is not firing... there is a fix for that... a grub parameter... like... noacpi or something... gimme a minute to check22:12
vicesquadit's a dual bot, so windows works fine, save that when windows starts it starts on monitor then switches to laptop22:12
alexxxxaHow big difference is there between Unity and Gnome? Does it affect apps that are written specifically for one of them?22:12
vicesquadL3top: thanks22:12
GriffrezI want to go to /root, but the explorer tells me I don't have permission for so... how can I fix this?22:13
jordan__I'm having trouble getting my linksys wireless internet adapter to work properly. It's getting detected, and connecting to my router, but it's going very slow. Is there some kind of driver I need to get to make it work right?22:13
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dubac0http://paste.ubuntu.com/1080408/ as you can see i have a large cpu issue with ubuntu one any chance you can help me?22:15
bazhangdubac0, asked in #ubuntuone yet?22:15
dubac0asked in #ubuntu-one yes22:16
alexxxxaI know my question is kind of nooby, but I would be really greatfull to have my question answered (and forum staff also, since I won't open a new thread there if I get answer to my question)22:16
jordan__Will I get a better wireless connection with an external adapter using NDISWrapper?22:16
MonkeyDustalexxxxa  unity is gnome3 with eye candy22:16
alexxxxaAnd my question is: How big difference is there between Unity and Gnome? Does it affect apps that are written specifically for one of them?22:16
bazhangalexxxxa, unity and gnome-shell are shells for gnome322:16
tripelbI'm helping a guy with a unity interface ACK! (I dont know it.) How can I get to gnome? Will I have to close all the programs open in the GUI? Will I need to reboot the computer? Thanks.22:17
alexxxxaI'm using 12.04 ubuntu and can't get mousetrap to work. Since the package name is gnome-mousetrap, I thought it has something to do with my unity22:17
bazhang!notunity | tripelb22:18
ubottutripelb: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:18
bazhangdubac0, /msg ubottu22:18
L3topvicesquad: can you tell me if this does anything: sudo setpci -s 00:02 F4.B=022:19
tripelb<- blank mind. what's the simple text program in ubuntu (the mind goes.. textedit/notepad/wordpad - sorry for dumbness22:19
luzilhi, just set up 12.04, while installing jedit editor in software center I saw download size is 40 Mb compared to 4 Mb .deb file on the home page, same with many other programs, why are they so large on ubuntu? Even when i install jedit fresh on windows its never 40 Mb22:19
bazhangtripelb, gedit22:19
MonkeyDusttripelb  leafpad22:20
jh3if i ran `sudo shutdown now` remotely, how would i "start" my box up again?22:20
bazhangMonkeyDust, you maybe thinking of xubuntu or lubuntu22:20
L3topjh3: you wouldn't. you should run sudo reboot22:20
MonkeyDustbazhang  wasnt aware, i use it in plain ubuntu22:20
vicesquadL3top: sweet22:20
jh3L3top: yes, i know that now.22:21
L3topvicesquad: well for now... I do not believe it will be after reboot. Try and see while I try and figure out how to do this the right way.22:21
L3topvicesquad: but at least we know it is the backlight22:21
vicesquadL3top: how do I make it permanent and will it affect presenation modes?22:21
jh3L3top: but i'm guessing i need to be physically in front of the machine to bring it back up22:21
vicesquadL3top: np22:21
LINUX111111i am having problem in internet connectivity22:23
vicesquadL3top: are you saying I should reboot?22:23
LINUX111111i am using ubuntu 12.04..i can ping by ip address i cant ping from site name22:23
MonkeyDustLINUX111111  dns issue22:24
LINUX111111my internet connected but it resolve only ip ..not domain name22:24
LINUX111111yah i know..so how to solve it?22:24
L3topvicesquad: yes please. I expect we will need to do that again once you get back... and dump it into a script somewhere. Please tell me where it dies after post.22:24
LINUX111111what is solution for that?22:24
L3top!patience | LINUX11111122:24
ubottuLINUX111111: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:24
LINUX111111i can ping google.com by thire ip address but i can not ping google.com by thire domain name22:25
degobrahhey guys, I've been googling this and can't find any good answers, I want to use ufw to deny port 22 on ipv6 but not on ipv422:26
vicesquadL3top: ok? all I plan to do is restart, do i need to run a command or make some notes on the restart?22:26
degobrahhow can I do that?22:26
MonkeyDustLINUX111111  yes, you just said so -- what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?22:26
LINUX111111my internet is connected and it can resolve connection by ip address..can not resolve by domain name..i guess it dns issue22:26
L3topnow you want us to wait. ME ME ME !!! ANSWER NOW... oh... ok wait a minute...22:26
=== jeka is now known as abcde
MonkeyDustL3top  i've had girlfriends, i'm used to worse22:27
sunzskype incoming call window is rendered off the screen! how to get it back on screen?22:27
L3toplol... I was under the impression resolv.conf was depreciated and was trying to look up the "new" way... but he just kept blasting text so I stopped.22:28
mauriliohello guys!22:28
L3topvicesquad: yeah... just reboot and come back. We can run the command again to get laptop backlight up... and I can definitely provide you a hack... but I am looking to see a "proper" way to do it22:29
L3topvicesquad: do try and make a note of when it dies.22:29
maurilioAny one from Brazil?22:30
L3top!br | maurilio22:30
ubottumaurilio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:30
LINUX11111i ma back22:33
LINUX11111here is my resolv.conf22:33
LINUX11111i can ping ip address but can not hostname22:33
bazhang!enter | LINUX1111122:34
ubottuLINUX11111: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:34
LINUX11111ok boss..22:34
vicesquadL3top: shutdown was normal, restarted, after the selection of ubuntu at dual boot menu, when blank, flickered right before the login screen, flickered once again and it is still off, about to paste command22:34
MonkeyDustLINUX11111  try changing the nameserver to your router's local ip address -- or so22:34
LINUX11111i am using usb data card22:35
LINUX11111i dont have router monkey dust22:35
MonkeyDustyeah yeah22:35
MonkeyDustLINUX11111  i'm not familiar with that kind of card22:35
LINUX11111isp give dns name22:36
LINUX11111no router no local ip22:36
arooni-mobileanyone have a broken screen kindle?   i need the motherboard/internals to swap into my kindle keyboard (wifi+3g).  the screen works (though its frozen).  if i can obtain the internals from another person i can do the swap myself.22:36
LINUX11111any solution?22:36
L3toparooni-mobile: that has nothing to do with ubuntu support.22:37
DiazoQuick question is the 'fdisk' command a low-level format tool?22:38
arooni-mobilei do plug my kindle into my ubuntu laptop ;p22:38
samster34well, that didn't work. after installing, I can't boot the installation at all, muhc less install the video drivers :/22:38
L3topI plug my ubuntu laptop into a power adapter, but I would not expect ubuntu support to  tell me how to rewire my circuit breaker arooni-mobile.22:39
Linuxuser_hey guys I just download ndiswrapper and installed my windows driver and it says the hardware is present but when i try to use firefox it won't work22:39
Quantum_IonL3top: What kind of laptop ?22:39
samster34evertime I boot, no matter the options, I get a screen that says "running in low graphics mode", and whatever option I choose there it gets stuck and nothing happens22:39
Linuxuser_could any help please?22:39
Quantum_Ionsamster34: What kind of laptop do you have ?22:40
L3topsamster34: this is with the 302 nvidia driver installed?22:40
Linuxuser_no one?22:40
L3top!patience | Linuxuser_22:40
ubottuLinuxuser_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:40
samster34L3top: I don't get to install anything22:41
samster34Quantum_Ion: not a laptop22:41
samster34L3top: right after installing ubuntu, I can't boot the installation one way or another22:41
ncpquick question, best/preferred torrent client? transmission and me are bad friends :)22:41
jordan__I'm missing the option to enable wireless. My wireless adapter stopped being detected. What can I do?22:41
MonkeyDustncp  wrong channel22:42
L3top!poll | ncp22:42
ubottuncp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:42
L3topjordan__: stopped being detected by lspci?22:42
L3topsamster34: You are the one with the two nvidia cards yes? from earlier?22:43
jordan__L3top, Idk what that is? It was working, just very slow, then I installed ndiswrapper and the driver and it wouldn't work so I uninstalled ndiswrapper and now I can't enable it the original way.22:43
samster34L3top: yes, although I removed the second card just to avoid any unecessary complications for now22:43
L3topjordan__: lspci | grep -Ei '(wlan|wireless)'22:44
L3topsamster34: so you have the 5xx in there now?22:44
jordan__L3top, didn't do anything22:44
jthanL3top: It's all good. No hard feelings. We're all here with a common goal. (in reference to last night) And, of course, the common goal is to help others.22:44
samster34L3top: no, the 67022:44
Linuxuser_so does anyone know why my wireless adapter isn't working on ubuntu?22:45
L3topsamster34: try creating an xorg.conf... nvidia-xconfigure   if memory serves22:45
jordan__Linuxuser_,  I'm trying to figure the same thing out.22:45
samster34L3top: where, how, what?22:45
Linuxuser_i used ndiswrapper and it says it's working22:45
vicesquadL3top: have to run, can I log on later and get a response? till then I will run the command22:46
Linuxuser_it says the hardware is present22:46
jordan__Mine did too. I uninstalled ndiswrapper cause I still couldn't connect with it.22:46
L3topjordan__: can I see a pastebin of lspci -vv22:46
samster34L3top: I'm on the live system from the flash disk again, how do I get stuff on the HDD partition?22:46
L3topvicesquad: yes...22:46
jordan__L3top, of course. 1 sec.22:46
Linuxuser_hey l3top do you think you could help jordan__ and i22:47
AriiiHow should Ubuntu run on a 1 GHz PowerBook G4 with 512 MB RAM?22:47
jordan__L3top, http://pastebin.com/a4JZERRZ22:47
AriiiBy the way, it22:48
Ariii's running fine on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.22:48
jordan__L3top, it's a linksys wusb54g if that matters22:48
L3topsamster34: Well... you will want to mount the drive, then chroot into it after binding dev.22:48
L3toplooking jordan__.22:48
samster34L3top: 1) I don't know how to do that. it seems to be mounted from what disk utility says, but I cant explore it22:49
samster34L3top: I do not have permission to view the contents of the partition22:50
L3topsamster34: it is involved. Give me a minute.22:50
Linuxuser_hey you find anything out yet jordan__22:51
L3topjordan__: yeah... your system does not see that card at ALL22:51
AriiiAlso, should I use 12.04 or an older version for my PowerBook?22:51
samster34L3top: ok, thanks.22:51
jordan__L3top, strange right? it was until i used ndiswrapper.22:51
L3topoh... duh jordan__... sorry... lsusb22:51
iharpHow can I find out if 12.04 supports an ATI radeon 9200 SE without running a live cd or installing it to my hard drive?22:51
Linuxuser_hey L3top it says it see's my card but the internet still won't work22:51
jordan__L3top, lol ok22:51
DestinyCyrushey people :-)22:52
L3topiharp: I need to see the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA22:52
L3topiharp: and I can tell you.22:52
AriiiDestinyCyrus: Hi!22:52
jordan__L3top, finds it "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:000d Linksys WUSB54G v4 802.11g Adapter [Ralink RT2500USB]"22:52
DestinyCyrushow are you ariii?22:52
iharpL3top: It's a different computer. ill need to get it up and running before I can post.22:52
AriiiDestinyCyrus: Pretty good :).22:53
samster34L3top: ok, I managed to mount the partition22:53
jordan__Linuxuser_, give him time. He's helping a lot of people right now.22:53
L3topLinuxuser_: I can only help 5 people at a time... lol. I will do my best if you have patience.22:53
iharpL3top: I know that 11.04 supports it. I just didn't know if 12.04 would22:53
Linuxuser_ohh sorry!! haha kk22:54
L3topsamster34: you will need to bind dev.22:54
samster34L3top: I don't know what that means. lol. I can view all the folder son the partition, including dev...?22:54
m0sswhats the new linux kernel written in22:55
m0ssC11 or C9922:55
L3topjordan__: Can you please paste the output of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules   that goes for you too Linuxuser_22:55
L3topby paste I mean pastebin jordan__ and Linuxuser_22:55
jordan__L3top, i know :P22:56
Linuxuser_we'll im on my mac so i'm gonnna have to type it out22:56
Linuxuser_ya i know too...22:56
samster34macs can't copy&paste? :S22:56
L3top!pastebinit | Linuxuser_22:56
ubottuLinuxuser_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:56
jordan__L3top, http://pastebin.com/1QPV993D22:57
L3topsamster34: mount -o bind /dev /path/to/mount/dev22:57
Linuxuser_oh ok22:57
Linuxuser_l3top couldn't find package pastebinit22:57
samster34L3top: should I have the volume mounted when I do that or not?22:57
L3top!info pastebinit22:58
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu2 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB22:58
L3topsamster34: yes.22:58
cody__hi everyone i installed a program with the name of logmein-hamachi- what is the command to install it in terminal22:59
deper29cody__: that is a tgz file. Did you download a tgz, or did you install it?22:59
Linuxuser_we'll it won't install. anyway i think i can type this out pretty quick l3top22:59
cody__i downloaded it22:59
shuffHi, I've been trying to get an ubuntu server configured on a legacy server I had sitting in a corner (Dell PowerEdge 1750) ... for some reason I can't get my command line to show up after install ... I just get "video mode not supported". I have tried setting the "nomodeset" option to my grub file, but that didn't resolve anything. Somebody who could help me out?22:59
L3topsamster34: for good measure you could mount none -t proc /path/to/proc; mount none -t devpts /path/to/dev/pts; mount none -t sysfs /path/to/sys                where /path/to is your path to the mount22:59
shuffUsing 12.04 LTS server btw22:59
jordan__L3top, did you see my pastebin link?23:00
L3topsamster34: this presumes you are root (sudo -s or place sudo in front of each command). Then chroot /path/to/mount/23:00
deper29cody__: so tar zxf path_to_file.tgz23:01
deper29cody__: ignore the 'so'23:01
cody__oka ty23:01
L3topyes jordan__. The system sees it and it is assigned as eth1. I assume the network manager is running?23:01
samster34L3top: should it look like this? there's so many /dev/s in that line :P sudo mount -o bind /dev /dev/sda3/dev/   ??? that seems...weird23:01
L3topjordan__: s/eth1/wlan0/23:01
deper29cody__: that will decompress the file. you should be able to find an installer or a README file in there23:02
L3topno samster34. You said it is mounted. Where is that mount point?23:02
Dayofswordsdeper29: tar -zxf path_to_file.tgz              you need that dash23:02
samster34L3top: /media/New Volume23:02
samster34urgh, the path has a whitespace23:02
Linuxuser_l3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1080442/23:03
deper29cody__: do waht Dayofswords said :P23:03
jordan__L3top, at the moment i'm connected wired but like this the rest of my family won't get internet. only 1 ethernet cable. so I need to get my wireless working right o.O23:03
L3topsamster34: sudo mount -o bind /dev /media/New\ Volume/dev23:03
deper29Dayofswords: thanks, forgot :P23:03
cody__i have the file in the downloads folder so what would the path be23:03
samster34L3top: ok23:04
deper29cody__: most likely ~/Downloads/filename.tgz23:04
L3topLinuxuser_: YOURS however is nowhere to be seen. I need a lot more data, and you dont want to type it. Make sure universe repo is avail and install pastebinit.23:04
deper29cody__: ~ is the same as /home/username23:05
Linuxuser_how do i make sure universe rep os avail23:05
jordan__Linuxuser_, congrats on your first pastebin :P23:05
Linuxuser_no i've done pastebin 1000 times...23:05
jordan__it was a joke23:05
Linuxuser_i go on other irc sites too that are associated with a website..23:05
Linuxuser_oh ok23:06
MonkeyDustLinuxuser_  one way is in synaptic settings23:06
samster34L3top: now chroot to where? /dev ?23:06
L3topsamster34: mount none -t proc /media/New\ Volume/proc; mount none -t devpts /media/New\ Volume/dev/pts; mount none -t sysfs /media/New\ Volume/sys23:06
Linuxuser_where's taht23:06
L3topsamster34: sudo -s         first23:06
jordan__L3top, you know how normally when you click up on the top bar and see all the networking options? under Enable Networking I should have an option for Enable Wireless but I don't.23:06
Linuxuser_synaptic package manager?? MonkeyDust23:06
MonkeyDustLinuxuser_  yes23:06
samster34L3top: and then chroot where? /dev gives me an eeor23:07
L3topjordan__: is there a physical switch or fn toggle for this?23:07
Linuxuser_pastebinit isn't there!23:07
Linuxuser_i am on version 8.04 of ubuntu :)23:07
jordan__L3top, nope :/23:07
MonkeyDustLinuxuser_  8.04 is EOL, no longer valid or supported23:07
L3topsamster34: chroot /media/New\ Volume/23:08
Linuxuser_ohhh hm so how do i update without deleting everything?23:08
daxheh, i could have sworn we had that23:08
samster34L3top: ok23:08
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:08
Linuxuser_event not found23:08
L3topnice save dax23:08
jordan__L3top, what is the command to disable and enable the wlan interface?23:09
L3topsamster34: Now you are root, on the root of the HD and can run commands. Be cautious as you ARE root.23:09
Linuxuser_so how do i upgrade to 12.04 without deleting my stuff??23:09
L3topiwconfig something jordan__... I will have to look it up23:09
Linuxuser_dax or l3top23:09
samster34L3top: ok, now that we are here...what do we want to do23:09
L3topnvidia-xconfig     or nvidia-xconfigure     I cannot remember which.23:09
davv3_is it possible to have it so that windows resize happens with modkey and rightclick?23:10
davv3_aching to xmonad.23:10
samster34L3top: I don't have an nvidia driver yet though, is that alright?23:10
davv3_unityrelated question obviously23:10
daxLinuxuser_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades , as the bot said. It's rather obnoxiously complicated, though, since you'll have to upgrade to 10.04 first23:10
L3topthen I would like to see the output of cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf samster3423:10
L3topsamster34: no...23:10
jordan__L3top, "wlan0     No such device"23:10
samster34L3top: so can I install the driver now? being root, and stuff?23:10
L3topsamster34: lol ok well ... you will need to installa the ppa... and then update... and then the driver yes...23:11
jordan__samster34, having the nvidia driver and not having it isn't much of a difference. i still got major video lag.23:11
L3topjordan__: give me a moment.23:11
daxLinuxuser_: oh, they stopped maintaining that page after Jaunty. Never mind then >.>23:11
jordan__L3top, no probs23:11
samster34L3top: ok, got that part, see you in a couple minutes23:11
L3topjordan__: his is a diffferent animal.23:11
Linuxuser_so then what23:12
mimikuridondori puto kukuruzo23:12
samster34jordan__: I just want to be able to boot the goddamn OS ;_;23:12
myersghow would I install this? https://github.com/KHresearch/subsonic23:12
jordan__samster34, haha oh it's like that :P i at least boot. i'm just getting a lot of video lag in a virtual machine even with the driver ha23:12
Linuxuser_should i just reinstall.23:12
Linuxuser_how would i?23:12
Linuxuser_without deleting my partition23:12
L3topSorry... family stuff... be back in 10 min.23:13
jordan__L3top, kk23:13
myersgI need help installing this: how woul23:13
samster34L3top: say, is there anyway I can make the upgrade not download a lot of crap like libreoffice? I really don't need that upgraded and my wireless connection is being slow as hell :/23:13
jordan__L3top, the wireless being slow is my problem, or should i say was. now it doesn't work at all o.O23:14
Linuxuser_hey l3top how would i reinstall to get 12.04 without deleting my partition?23:14
myersgCan someone please help me install this??? https://github.com/KHresearch/subsonic23:15
jordan__Linuxuser_, he left. said family stuff. he'll be back in 10 min23:15
samster34jordan__: my reception is really crappy, but on windows I've never had trouble getting at least the 3MB/s internet bandwidth through...on ubuntu, my downloads slow to a crawl :/23:15
Linuxuser_oh well do you think you would know jordan__?23:15
jordan__samster34, i'm lucky if i get to 2 websites before it stops working, and my wireless adapter is sitting right next to my router lol23:16
samster34jordan__ ouch23:16
jordan__ubuntu has always had problems with wireless though23:16
jagginessLinux, there should be an option either to format it or not..23:16
ki4romyersg: I've been to the website and don't have an answer...please be patient with us...you've asked your question 2 or 3 times in 2 minutes23:16
Linuxuser_yup and drivers23:17
Linuxuser_the improved a little though23:17
samster34the silly thing is, if I share the internet connection from my win7 pc (which it gets over wireless) to my other pc with ubuntu on it, it gets the full 3MB/s downstream. but if I give it the wireless connection directly....23:18
ki4romyersg: I went back and clicked on downloads on the right which gives a tar.gz file as an option which I've used in the past but not very comfortable for me23:19
cody__okay im trying to install hamachi, i downloaded the file from their website and got a file named logmein-hamachi-
cody__i need help installing it23:19
myersgYes I did that but I don't know what to do from there...23:19
ki4romyersg: If you are a tar.gz person or can find one you'll be in business23:19
jordan__samster34, there's some weird stuff that happens on ubuntu hah23:20
ki4roAnyone help myersg with using a tar.gz file?23:20
samster34jordan__, yup. in my VM on my windows host, the launcher thing turned purple, and stayed that way.23:20
samster34no matter what I change the wallpaper to ;)23:21
L3topOk... samster34 you do not have to upgrade at all... you can just apt-get install.23:21
cody__im trying to download hamachi does anyone know how?23:22
samster34L3top haha now you tell me :) so can I cancel the upgrade?23:22
samster34I really don't need office and thunderbird and whatnot upgraded..23:22
L3topjordan__: I need a minute to look up iwconfig stuff. I never deal with it so it isn't at all native to me.23:22
L3topsamster34: yes23:22
samster34good. thanks23:22
samster34so, do I do the apt-get install in the chroot shell? I assume so23:23
ki4romyersg: Try here:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-tarballs/23:23
jagginessmyersg, http://www.subsonic.org/pages/download.jsp23:23
jordan__L3top, ok thats fine. i'm in no hurry.23:23
L3topLinuxuser_: well... what I would do if I were you is copy off your /home directory, do a fresh install and move it back. Or if you had enough space, you could do a "side by side" install and handle it that way.23:23
myersgThe one Im trying to install is a fork23:23
jagginessmyersg, i got that link from https://github.com/KHresearch/subsonic/tree/release/subsonic-main23:24
L3topthat is unsupported here myersg. If someone chooses to try to help that is one thing... but... it is not supported.23:24
myersgwhat? didn't undersand the last comment23:24
ki4roL3top: Me either...what's not supported?...how to use tar.gz?23:25
ki4roL3top: His question is how to use tar.gz nothing else.23:25
Linuxuser_ya im trying to delete the partition and restart all over l3to23:26
studioi have a problem my laptop suspends when the lid closes and i changed it from power settings.laptop is connected to an external monitor23:26
L3topHow to install things from source is not supported afaik... Someone can correct me if I am wrong.23:26
jagginessLinuxuser_, why would you want to do that/23:27
L3topbecause he is on 804 jagginess23:27
Linuxuser_cause 8.04 is too old23:27
Linuxuser_i need 12.0423:27
Linuxuser_you get me jagginess?23:28
MonkeyDustLinuxuser_  http://www.ubuntu.com/download23:28
Linuxuser_yes.. i know that MonkeyDust..23:29
L3topLinuxuser_: again... i would copy /home to someplace else... then do a fresh install, and copy it back... and work from there.23:29
samster34pfff...is there any way to stop ubuntu from throttling the wireless bandwidth because of bad reception so much?23:30
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studio i have a problem my laptop suspends when the lid closes and i changed it from power settings.laptop is connected to an external monitor23:31
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samster34L3top, ok, 302.something is installed23:31
L3topreboot and see if it comes alive.23:32
samster34yay :/23:32
samster34wish me luck, for I won't have to bother you again if it works :D23:32
MonkeyDustGuest67311  with /23:33
L3topOk jordan__ please pastebin the output of: iwconfig23:33
t_ackohow is it I can edit my /etc/ssh/sshd_config to change the port to 2222, do /etc/init.d/ssh reload and the port hasn't changed from 22?23:35
jordan__L3top, http://pastebin.com/WzfMqkAt23:35
drPooI started uninstalling a program while it was still working now my apt-get does not work. I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1080479/23:35
drPooany ideas?23:35
L3topjordan__: That is highly confusing to me.23:36
myersgI emaled the guy..23:38
samster34L3top, bad news23:39
myersgthis is what he sent back..I don't understand23:39
jordan__L3top, me too lol23:39
myersgcan someone help understand what he is saying?23:40
samster34L3top, things were looking good, got the fancy looking boot progress screen, then both screens flashed, and I ended up on a screen saying "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [OK], starting CUPS printing spooler/server [OK]"23:40
samster34with a flashing cursor, and that was it.23:41
GrivvelHello! I just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and I'm having an issue with my music player. I'm using cmus and the built-in sound controls aren't working. It always stays at the same volume regardless of what shows in the application. Does anyone have any ideas what would cause this or how to fix it?23:41
MonkeyDustGrivvel  in a terminal, type alsamixer, use arrows to navigate, MM means mute23:42
OerHeksjordan, disabling IPv6 decreased boottime for me, and made browsing faster. else i can think of is energy-saving issues with your wireless card.23:42
myersgki4ro : can you help me?23:43
L3topsamster34: try and ctrl alt f2, login and: sudo nvidia-xconfigure   then reboot (nvidia-xconfig if that isnt right).23:43
AriiiHow much should burning the Ubuntu install onto a flash drive take? It's gone 30 minutes for me on Mac OS X.23:43
samster34L3top, alright, trying again23:43
jordan__OerHeks, my usb detects the wireless adapter but i can't even connect with it.23:43
L3topjordan__:  samster34 Linuxuser_  I have to go now. Wife is giving eye daggers. We are supposed to be watching a movie.23:43
drPoomyersg, i saw your pastebin, but what is the problem???23:44
jordan__L3top,  alright. thanks for trying!23:44
samster34L3top, haha, ok. thanks for all the help23:44
myersgI don't understand what he is saying to do?23:44
GrivvelMonkeyDust: Sorry, I think I was unclear. I can still change the volume of the system as a whole with no issues (either via alsamixer or the GUI). It's only changing the cmus-specific sound level that is causing me issues.23:44
drPoomyserg, are you having difficulties deploying a WAR?23:44
OerHeksJordan_, oh, i read "i'm lucky if i get to 2 websites before it stops workin" ...23:44
OerHeksJordan_, what adapter is it?23:45
jordan__OerHeks, that was the initial problem, then i decided to try ndiswrapper and it broke it now lol23:45
jordan__OerHeks, linksys wusb54g v423:45
OerHeksoke, turn back and see if powermanagment can help, see http://uselessuseofcat.com/?p=6723:46
OerHeksand disable IPv6 >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6#Disabling_IPv623:46
jordan__OerHeks, "SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device."23:47
jordan__OerHeks, thats my problem. it detects it, but not as a wlan device23:48
ionwinddid any one know how to connect samsung galaxy tab p7500 to a pc with ubuntu? at the moment i can see the massive disk but when i try to copy some thing inside it give me error23:50
myersgdrPoo : so what is he saying? do I need to capile somthing?23:52
Ariiiionwind: Sorry I don't have much help on this, but as a last-resort thing you could try ReactOS to use Windows drivers if whatever you do doesn't work, if you haven't heard of it already/23:52
GrivvelMonkeyDust: Looks like I found a work-around. Switching cmus from using alsa to using pulse seemed to solve the issue. No idea, but don't seem to be any drawbacks23:52
MonkeyDustGrivvel  if it works, it works23:54
drPoo<myersg> from what I see written here http://pastebin.com/KfLkF99S I do not have enough context to answer the question. However, it is clear that this a question to be posted in another channel given that it is off topic. See #java23:54
ionwindariii how i do that??23:54
myersgI can't get go to that channel..Invite only23:55
ionwindi soo the web page from samsung and they dont have anything for ubuntu just for windows or mac23:55
MonkeyDustmyersg  you have to register your nickname, type !register to find out how23:55
myersghow do I login with a nicname?23:56
myersgI already have one registerd23:56
jagginessmyersg, ask #freenode about registration23:59
Dr_willis!register > myersg23:59
ubottumyersg, please see my private message23:59
flan_suseWhat is the default cipher (for encryption) on the 12.04 alternate installer CD? aes-xts? aes-cbc?23:59

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