
Yahoowhere dem hoes at00:01
Yahooboldfilter, elky is a hoe00:02
Yahoois she here?00:02
boldfilterwho dat00:02
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szal[01:59:22] <Yahoo> anyways, I need help k <- sounds to me like a case of needing a psychiatrist00:03
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boldfilterYa, bra00:04
boldfilterHead doctor good00:04
Yahoowhere is the offtopic channel00:08
Yahooboldfilter, holla atcha boiiiiii00:08
yeats!ot | Yahoo00:08
ubottuYahoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:08
Yahooyeats, I did ask a ubuntu related question, scroll up and stop trying to be sucha rat.00:09
Yahooignore that00:09
Yahoothanks yeats, you scoundrel, you00:09
boldfilterThey'll kick you bro #justsayin00:10
Medjai#gtfo ... JUST SAYING!00:10
Medjaithat was for @yahoo00:10
boldfilterOh Hai00:11
YahooMedjai, you can't say that was "for @" something, it makes no sense00:12
Yahoo#noobsRus <---- Medjai, join it.00:12
oli_hi there i need help reinstalling ff please how do i do a full uninstall and reinstall, alternatively how long does a full upgrade take from 11 to 1200:12
oli_i mean upgrade of ubuntu00:12
Yahooupgrade of ubuntu?00:13
Yahoooli_, grab a book, go outside and never look back00:13
Yahooubuntu sucks00:13
oli_i know but it seems like a real effort to change to linux mint00:14
boldfilterYahoo is not cool with this racist oppression00:14
oli_why do you say that if your here anyway00:14
oli_but i want to watch silly flash videos on youtube and books don't do that00:14
|Long|can somone plz help? my crontab doesn't start as scheduled, it has +x and 77700:15
YahooI need help too00:16
ActionParsnip|Long|: do you have a desktop UI?00:16
Yahoosomeone give me a list of social chans please and thank youuu00:16
|Long|ActionParsnip, yes i do00:16
ActionParsnip!alis | Yahoo00:16
ubottuYahoo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:16
YahooActionParsnip, thanks mate00:17
ActionParsnip|Long|: install gnome-schedule and use that, it's a GUI for cron, you can run:  gksudo gnome-schedule   to cron as root00:17
|Long|ActionParsnip, thanks i give that a try00:17
oli_how do i uninstall firefox fullly00:19
ActionParsnipoli_: sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox*00:20
oli_the package list could not be parsed or opened00:22
antukinoli sudo apt-get purge firefox00:23
Dr_willisthat will NOT remove yoru users firefox settings...00:24
oli_dr willis that command didn't work anyway00:25
Dr_willisOli,  clarify what dident work.. and what you were expecting..00:25
[1]ichihi all00:25
oli_sudo: Can't open /var/lib/sudo/ol1v33r/0: Read-only file system W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.00:25
[1]ichigot a problem here00:25
antukinremove --purge is the same as purge00:25
[1]ichii wanna use SliM and Openbox00:26
Dr_willissounds like you got deeperissues oli_00:26
oli_i definately do but i have know idea how to fix them00:26
oli_i tried to upgrade to ubuntu 12 and it wouldnt00:26
[1]ichiinstalled both but when i try to login through SliM, Openbox doesn't work00:26
Dr_willisread only filesystem = your fs may need fscked.. or the hd is having issues.00:27
antukin[1]ichi: F1 to cyvcle thru session and select openbox00:27
Dr_willis[1]ichi,  does it work with lightdm?00:27
[1]ichioh, and if i press ctrl-F1 and i type "sudo startx" it works..00:28
[1]ichithat's the strange thing00:29
Dr_willis[1]ichi,  why are you using 'sudo startx' and not 'startx'00:29
antukin[1]ichi: you don't need t slim to use openbox.  gdm I use which is better00:30
[1]ichiif i use startx it doesn't start XD00:30
[1]ichii know but gdm it's not customizable like slim00:30
Dr_willis[1]ichi,  any error messages?00:30
Dr_willisLike you really need to customize the login screen.. you see it for all of like 10 sec :)00:30
[1]ichiyes, but i'm not on the netbook running it now, so i can't do a copy-paste .__.00:31
ActionParsnip[1]ichi: slim is great :)00:31
TheSongWriter01hello I'm new here00:31
[1]ichid3v1an7? LOL that's my old nickname XD00:31
[1]ichiActionParsnip, i know, it is ;)00:31
d3v1an7Like, from 2003?00:32
jenhey i cannot get into my router from typing in my ip address password00:32
jenerr no my ip address00:32
TheSongWriter01help, a tutorial please00:32
ActionParsnipjen: can you ping the IP address?00:32
[1]ichid3v1an7, from  the far '99 XD00:32
Dr_willis!manual | TheSongWriter0100:32
ubottuTheSongWriter01: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:32
d3v1an7Hahaha, you win then :)00:32
ActionParsnipTheSongWriter01: tutorial for what?00:32
Dr_willisjen,  the ping command pings an ip# to show its alive00:32
d3v1an7Sorry for stealing :)00:32
[1]ichioh nothing00:33
TheSongWriter01install java on linux00:33
[1]ichiit was a good nickname ;)00:33
jenDr_willis, i don't know what that means, usually i can log into actiontec00:33
ActionParsnipTheSongWriter01: I use: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html   works well00:33
Dr_willis!java | TheSongWriter0100:33
ubottuTheSongWriter01: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:33
Dr_willisthe webupd8 guide works well ;)00:34
TheSongWriter01Dr_willis thanks!!00:34
antukinJen you type not your ip address but the ip address of your router00:34
jenantukin, how do i aquire this?00:35
antukinmost router has or 1.0 or 1.100:35
antukindepens on your router00:35
Dr_willistime to check the routers docs. :)00:35
ActionParsnipantukin: some use as well00:36
jenwell i just want to know what mine is00:36
antukinActionParsnip: these are private ip addresss mostly enterprises00:36
jenis there something i can type in somewhere?00:36
SecretFirewhats the terminal command to run distribution upgrade00:36
Dr_willisjen,  start with determining the pcs ip.00:36
ActionParsnipantukin: yes, both fall into the standard range :)00:36
ActionParsnip!upgrade | SecretFire00:37
ubottuSecretFire: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:37
PhatTonyActionParsnip, Those are old school class c00:37
PhatTonyBut, thats no longer needed since classless subnetting00:37
ActionParsnipPhatTony: still works and is standard, you can also use   all comply with RFC191800:38
Dr_willisbrand new router here defauled to using 192.168.1.x00:38
PhatTonyActionParsnip, Yes, it still applies but not necessary00:38
designbybeck_Gparted question, I deleted the other partiion, I have 181gb of unacclloated space... But I don't know how to give it to the other partion?00:39
designbybeck_It iwll not let me drag it bigger than the space it has on my second partiion00:39
ActionParsnipPhatTony: they are equally good to use00:39
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: is the partition mounted?00:39
Dr_willisdesignbybeck_,  enlarge the other partition.. (back up inporntant data first thats on it)  is one a prinary and other inside an extended?00:39
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: and it if it swap, have you ran swapoff ?00:39
designbybeck_no it isn't ActionParsnip00:39
Dr_willisdesignbybeck_,  are they next to each other?00:39
designbybeck_yes all data is backedup Dr_willis00:40
Dr_willisdesignbybeck_,  a pastebin of 'sudo fdisk -l' may help00:40
designbybeck_it is sda2 extended?00:40
NiKonwhat is git00:40
Dr_willissda2 should be a primary also.00:40
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)00:40
designbybeck_and then it has sda6 inside it which is the one i'm trying to make bigger00:40
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network00:40
jeni am back, how do i log into my actiontec router? I need to block people from getting on my network00:40
Dr_willisdesignbybeck_,  and where are you getting  the sda6 space  from00:41
Dr_willisjen,  http://the.ip.of.yoyur.router00:41
=== mankoff_ is now known as mankoff
jenDr_willis, umm that didnt work00:42
designbybeck_        crap i don't have a way to hook that one to the net right now to upload screen shot Dr_willis00:42
* Dr_willis wonders where sda5 went00:42
PhatTonyjen:  Does your router have the mac or security capabilities?00:42
Dr_willisjen,  details would be helpfill as to as what it did do...00:42
designbybeck_let me sneaker network it00:42
jenit did nothing00:42
Dr_willisjen,  and you really should be checking your routers docs..00:42
jenDr_willis, I dont know how to do that00:42
jenoh wait a second like underneath xD00:43
PhatTonyjen: Whats the make and manufacture of your router?00:43
Dr_willishow to check the docs?  read its manual? check the routers homepage?00:43
PhatTonyNever heard of it00:43
ActionParsnipjen: if you run:  netstat -nr | awk 'BEGIN {while ($3!="") getline; print $2}'00:43
PhatTonyBut, usually its
jenDr_willis, and how would I check the homepage, i ussually just type in my IP address into the adress bar00:43
ActionParsnipjen: it will show you your gateway IP, this is the router's internal IP00:43
PhatTonyjen: Open a terminal window00:44
PhatTonyand enter00:44
Dr_willisjen,   what ip exactly? You check the homepage.. by opening up a browser.. and looking for the router makers homepage....00:44
PhatTonythe following00:44
jenno i googled it real quick lol00:44
ActionParsnipjen: the command I gave when ran in terminal, shows the router's IP.00:44
ActionParsnipjen: no 'googling' needed00:44
FreezingColdHow easy is multiseat-wizard-bicefalo?00:45
FreezingColdI've been thinking of doing that for the family computer00:45
jenlast time I trusted someone on here my computer shut down -.-00:45
* Dr_willis isent really sure how this is ubuntu support related... and if your router is letting people in by default.. id suggest a better brand router next time...00:46
designbybeck_Dr_willis: ActionParsnip sorry had to take it with my phone: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/3491900:49
designbybeck_not sure yo ucan see it00:49
Dr_willisyou have to resize sda2 first.. i belive.. then  resize the sda600:50
designbybeck_Dr_willis:  when I slect sda2 everything else grays out00:50
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck_: You'll need to expand the extended partition, then extend the logical partition into that00:50
Dr_willisor just copy everything from sda6 to where sda1 was. :) remake the partition, then delete the ones below it. and just have sda1 and swap.00:50
Dr_willisits weird that sda5 is below sda6 also.00:51
designbybeck_ActionParsnip:  I can't drag that extented00:51
Dr_willisnotice the Lock keys? i think swap is in use..00:51
designbybeck_oh i see that Dr_willis00:51
designbybeck_do i just click swaapoff?00:51
Dr_willistry it and see. ;)00:52
Dr_willisi always do this sort of work from a Live Gparted CD.00:52
FreezingColdjen: what did you type?00:52
jenhault something00:52
jenor jus thault00:53
designbybeck_That did it boys! Thanks Dr_willis and ActionParsnip... Partitions always scare me, but I'm slowly learning!!00:53
FreezingColdjen: did not follow00:55
naryfaDoes anyone know how to make updatedb constantly scan for file changes so that when I have to use "locate" after moving files around, I don't have to manually updatedb each time? Is something like that even possible?00:57
escottnaryfa, no updatedb is not an online file database01:01
naryfaescott: is there an alternative I could use?01:01
naryfaescott: if you happen to know, of course01:02
hatshey everyone. I'm trying to download all .rar files from http://www.demo-world.eu/trailers/high-definition-trailers.php but it stops after downloading and rejecting high-definition-trailers.php and doesn't follow any of the links. I am using the command: wget -r -A.rar http://www.demo-world.eu/trailers/high-definition-trailers.php01:05
hatsanyone have an idea of how to get it working?01:05
escottnaryfa, http://rlocate.sourceforge.net/01:06
naryfaescott: much appreciated, thanks01:06
escottnaryfa, project seems pretty dead though01:07
naryfaescott: yes, I'm seeing it now, and it only mentions Kernel 2.601:08
=== Uncle is now known as Guest73392
ActionParsniphats: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/use-wget-to-download-multiple-files-with-wildcards-603486/    may help01:09
m_Anyone what to chat01:10
=== Caspercom is now known as Caspercom|Off
=== wilee-nilee is now known as Fyodorovna
naryfaescott: I just read that using "find" doesn't require updating the database, would you happen to know the proper query syntax? Typing find / filename spews out entire filesystm01:18
=== zorg24 is now known as zorg24|afk
escottnaryfa, find is a rather advanced search tool. the closest to locate like functionality would be find /folder -iname PATTERN  which would search for a case insensitive name matching the regexp PATTERN. I would not run find on / it will take forever01:19
naryfaescott: it does take time, I agree. There's also gnome-search-tool, I have to check how that works. However, it's GUI01:23
mopheadActionParsnip : Yo! I just did fsck and it didn't say anything...01:24
Colonel187hello there01:25
Colonel187Is anybody available to help a super noob?01:25
naryfaescott: Thanks for your help01:25
Colonel187I'm stuck trying to install ubuntu 12.04 and the internets have failed me.01:27
mopheadoh look, I got a df -h!01:27
mopheadColonel187: tell them which errors you're getting01:28
mopheadit says "dev/sda1" is totally full. anyone know what that is?01:29
naryfaescott:  sudo find f / -iname firefox01:29
naryfaescott: this worked01:29
escottnaryfa, you shouldnt need sudo for something like that01:30
naryfaescott: if I don't it cries for 100 lines about /proc/ permission denied01:30
Colonel187_IS this thing working. I'm looking for assistance01:30
ActionParsnipmophead: uninstall old kernels01:30
escottnaryfa, you could redirect errors to /dev/null01:31
ActionParsnipmophead: also run:  sudo apt-get clean01:31
escottColonel187_, details please01:31
Colonel187_<--Super noob needs help installing ubuntu 12.04, install freezes01:31
naryfaescott: just add 0 > /dev/null ?01:31
mopheadactionparsnip: I can't uninstall the old kernels because there's no space01:31
ActionParsnipmophead: the apt-get clean command may free some01:31
naryfaescott: no .... 201:31
naryfaescott: 2 > /dev/null01:32
naryfaescott: this way?01:32
ActionParsnipmophead: now you have a df -h which you didn't have before it should be removable01:32
escottnaryfa, sure01:32
naryfaescott: perfect01:32
Colonel187_um ok i can boot up into trial, i'm using it now. When I try to install ubuntu it always freeze when I click continue of the time zone screen01:32
mopheadit's doing it! it's doing it!01:32
Colonel187I'm back whoever it was that was going to help me01:34
naryfaescott: one more question, if I want to alias this entire find query as "search" for example, do I do it in /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc and why?01:34
escottnaryfa, ~/.bashrc01:35
Colonel187So the install copies files and shows me the time zone screen, when I click continue the install freezes every time. I"ve tried all the different install options, even manually partitioning a drive and it's a no go. I found a forum that mentioned something out un installing unibiquity slide show. I tried that and it still freezes01:36
eddymanpossible to write script (shell/perl/etc) to simulate keyaction? my goal is to have this run as cron-job to set brightness level of my laptop screen01:36
Colonel187anybody have any suggestions?01:37
ActionParsnipColonel187: have you tested RAM using memtest01:38
ActionParsnipColonel187: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?01:38
FyodorovnaColonel187, you are not exceding the primary partitons number are you?01:38
* A_J greets ActionParsnip01:38
Colonel187no. I don't know really how to do anything. I'm trying to learn ubuntu but can't even get it installed LOL.  I have 8 gigs01:39
ActionParsnipA_J: howdy01:39
ActionParsnipColonel187: amount of ram is irrelevant01:39
Colonel187yes I md5 checked the iso. this problem also occurs with Mint01:39
A_JI have a question. I'm gonna purchase a VPS and it has the latest OS being Ubuntu 9.04 can i update to 12.04 ?01:39
Colonel187From what I gathered from forums and searching is that 12.04 has a huge bug in the installation. I just don't know how to fix it or by pass it01:40
ActionParsnipColonel187: Mint is based on Ubuntu so trying Mint isn't really trying much different at all01:40
DaekdroomActionParsnip, what about Cinnamon?01:40
ActionParsnipA_J: you can upgrade it to 9.10, then to 10.04 then to 12.0401:40
FyodorovnaA_J, are you sure it is 9.04 that is end of life.01:40
Colonel187I know just providing information01:40
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: if the installer has the issue, the DE isn't the issue01:40
FyodorovnaA_J, but as suggested upgrades can be done, just checking the number here.01:41
eddymanColonel187: could be that your hard drive has bad blocks01:41
Colonel187i"ve scanned it, my hard drive is fine01:41
A_JFyodorovna : http://puu.sh/ISTt01:41
ActionParsnipColonel187: did you try upgrading ubiquity in the liveCD then running the install as usual?01:41
A_Jdo i need to upgrade though ?01:41
naryfaescott: do aliases work right away or do I have to restart or update something?01:41
Colonel187That is a forign language to me01:41
Colonel187like I said i'm trying to install ubuntu so i can learn how to finally use linux.  How do i upgrade ubiquity01:42
ActionParsnipColonel187: in the liveCD, get online then run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubiquity01:42
Colonel187k doing it now01:42
ActionParsnipColonel187: ubiquity is the installer app, so upgrading it to the latest version may help01:43
A_JActionParsnip do i need to upgrade from 9.04 or not. i just plan to run a znc on this VPS01:43
FyodorovnaA_J, I would just install 12.04 if me, it sounds like the 9.04 is not yours anyway is this correct?01:43
escottnaryfa, they have to be sourced in your environment01:43
naryfaescott: in $PATH ?01:44
escottnaryfa, so any new login shell will include them01:44
A_Jnah it's not mine it's given by the VPS provider. Fyodorovna01:44
naryfaescott: how do I do that?01:44
escottnaryfa, they aren't part of $PATH, but the same rules apply. logout/login if you want new vt's that are not login shells to include them01:45
naryfaescott: gracias01:45
A_JActionParsnip and Fyodorovna i'll bbl. Thanks01:46
eddymanColonel187: to learn linux get familiar with the command-line. there is a command called "man" which stands for manual. so what i said before was that you may have a faulty hard drive - corrupt sectors (blocks) on the drive. you can use the command called "badblocks" - to learn about that run "man badblocks" in terminal (press Q to quit any time you done reading this manual). also what you could do is create your partition manually before c01:47
eddymanaw, he left haha01:47
eddymanColonel187: to learn linux get familiar with the command-line. there is a command called "man" which stands for manual. so what i said before was that you may have a faulty hard drive - corrupt sectors (blocks) on the drive. you can use the command called "badblocks" - to learn about that run "man badblocks" in terminal (press Q to quit any time you done reading this manual). also what you could do is create your partition manually before c01:48
Colonel187Hello. firefox crashed. who was helping me?01:48
eddymanColonel187: you see my (long) message?01:49
Colonel187I ran sudo apt-get update, but what was the other command? sudo apt-get ubiquity something?01:49
eddymanColonel187: i believe someone suggested to install ubiquity although im not familiar with myself, but to do that "sudo apt-get install ubiquity"01:50
Colonel187Yes. I've checked the hard drive, I've also tried creating the partitions manually using a guide I found online. None of that is the issue01:50
Colonel187ok I get 0 upgraded ubiquity is already the newest version01:51
Colonel187want me to run the installer and paste the log?01:52
dubleehI am a noob to IRC so correct me if I do somthing stupid. I own an Asus 1225B-su17 and just put 12.04 on it. It wont halt on shutdown just reboot. Who do I ask for help with this?01:53
eddymanyea you can for us to better understand your problem but i suggest not pasting here directly but use www.pastebin.com01:53
eddymandubleeh: have you ever tried running "sudo shutdown now"01:54
dwakardubleeh yeah run frm the terminal01:55
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
eddymandubleeh: sudo shutdown -H now"01:57
Starni'm in need of help with my ubuntu install.01:57
eddyman-H means to request the system to hault, -P requests system to power off01:57
eddymanStarn: tell us your issue01:58
dubleehI searched the forums but no luck.  Is this the #Ubuntu channel?01:58
dubleeh Maybe I should leran abot IRC somemore01:58
dubleeh... ok This maybe a log bot that i dont understand so if this im not speaking into the abysss then hit me back at dubleeh@gmail.com01:58
FloodBot1dubleeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
Starnwhen i boot into ubuntu it kinda functions and kind of does not.. and it displays the last image that was on windows.. even if i do a hard reboot.01:58
Colonel187ok this is dumb how do I copy the text in the log?  I tried ctrl+c and ctrl+x and right click and I can't get the text copeid01:59
dwakardubleeh this is a real person speaking hit "sudo shutdown -h now" in the terminal01:59
Starnand when it doesn't show the last thing on windows it shows a fuzzy pixelated screen kinda like snow from a TV. but coloured and lots of grey.01:59
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dwakarColonel187: if you're trying to copy from terminal use mouse02:00
=== kiran is now known as Guest38002
eddymanColonel187: when copy/paste in terminal i right click02:00
Colonel187it doesn't work02:01
Colonel187it's the log of the install02:01
Starnthis image is on the "background" the foreground such as apps and tool bar are perfectly fine.. except the whole them not responding to mouse clicks.02:01
Colonel187anyway the last message I saw before it froze is run apt-get update to update ubiquity02:01
Colonel187but i'm typing sudo apt-get update and it runs throught a list of checks and then says you may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems? didn't I just do that?02:02
eddymanStarn: perhaps you did not shutdown windows properly. this tends to cause problems, so try to boot into windows and properly shutdown from the start menu02:02
Starneddyman: i've done that.. multiple times.02:02
escottColonel187, usually one runs apt-get update then apt-get upgrade02:02
Colonel187ok it's doing stuff02:03
Starneddyman: i've even used my external hard drive that as ubuntu on it as well and same problem (except it says unable to mount hard drives)02:03
Starneddyman: and they was working perfectly fine not to long ago.. and i've not updated or installed anything new on ubuntu or windows..02:04
Colonel187Can't wait to get away from my windows dependancy and learn ubuntu, then #2 is to learn android programming02:04
dwakarColonel187: good for you02:04
Colonel187thanks :)02:05
StarnColonel187: if you're a gamer you'll always need win... but otherwise you're all set :)02:05
eddymanStarn: maybe it's a X windows or Compiz issue02:05
ActionParsnipStarn: depends what games you want to play ;)02:05
ActionParsnipStarn: I game quite happily on Linux02:05
Colonel187I am a gamer. but I can make windows my secondary O/S not my primary02:05
Starneddyman: i was thiking the same thing. but i've not found any issues with either.02:06
eddymanStarn: try turning Compiz off?02:06
StarnActionParsnip: this is true.. heck WoW runs on it..02:06
Colonel187I ready steam is releasing a linux client soon02:06
Starneddyman: by defualt i have compiz off.. i dislike running it.02:06
ActionParsnipStarn: urban terror and penumbra run awesome02:06
StarnColonel187: if they do that'll be amazing but i've been hearing this since before they released the mac client.02:06
StarnActionParsnip: yeah i have them :) also heard oil rush is good.02:07
Colonel187ok I got an error at the end of upgrade. I pasted the text in that website link you shared with me. How do I let you see it02:08
rgates414Beating head against wall trying to find windows drivers for ndiswrapper...02:10
dwakarColonel187: copy the url and paste it here02:10
eddymanStarn: maybe its a memory issue. you can use "top" in terminal to see which programs are eating up cpu usage and ram02:10
eddymanin "top" press K to kill a process02:11
Starneddyman: memory isn't an issue.. unless it's failing.02:11
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Colonel18702:12
ubottuColonel187: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:12
ActionParsnipColonel187: may help02:12
Colonel187i ran apt-get install ubiquity again and got this http://pastebin.com/6Zxj5QU202:12
rgates414What driver files exactly do you need load to ndiswrapper to get the driver to install properly?  anybody?02:13
ActionParsnipColonel187: do you have software centre open?02:13
ActionParsniprgates414: .inf and .sys02:13
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Colonel187no, but the installer is still frozen I can't get it to force close. or rather don't know how02:13
ActionParsnipColonel187: then that's why. If the installer is running the it will cause the issue. You need to upgrade the installer before running it02:14
Colonel187oh ok. well now I know how02:14
rgates414Can't find ANY .inf files for it... Am I looking in the wrong place??  Thought it would be in SYSTEM32 folder along with the .sys02:14
volanColonel187, also try 'apt-get clean'02:14
Colonel187can I force close it or do I have to reboot02:14
eddymanColonel187: you can use "top" or "kill" or "pkill" to stop any programs02:15
Colonel187how would I use that02:15
rgates414Found 3 different .dll files though.. seriously about to give up here..02:16
eddymanbut idk the command of the installer :\02:16
ActionParsniprgates414: I suggest you download the driver from the manufacturers site and copy it from the ntfs partition in Ubuntu02:16
Colonel187is there a graphical task manager like windows.02:16
eddymanColonel187: possibly to find out process number/name run "ps ax | grep install"02:16
ActionParsnipColonel187: probably easier to reboot. Select to try the OS then run the command I gave a while back, then run the installer02:16
eddymanColonel187: yes, in command-line it is "top" but in a gui, it is called System Monitor02:17
rgates414ntfs partition?  Full disclosure:  I know dick about linux02:17
ActionParsniprgates414: your NTFS partition is readable by Ubuntu so you can copy the file over02:18
Colonel187alright then rebooting02:18
eddymanNTFS is a type of filesystem that Microsoft created for Windows02:18
ActionParsniprgates414: are you sure there is no native driver for your wifi chip?02:18
MedjaiCan someone tell me why when i set a keyboard shortcut via: System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Window ... It is cleared after reboot?02:19
eddymanLinux users tend to Ext3 or 402:19
MedjaiI'm on Ubuntu 12.04 btw02:19
rgates414When I try to install the native driver, which is says is compatible with my pci, it still doesn;t work02:19
rgates414BCM 432202:20
eddymanMedjai: sometimes Ubuntu does not save gconf related settings. it's a pain in the butt, i know. but i found that logging off and back in forces a save..sometimes02:20
ActionParsnip!broadcom | rgates41402:21
ubotturgates414: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:21
Medjaieddyman, is there a command I can issue?02:21
rgates414lol, ty.02:21
ActionParsniprgates414: there is a native driver, those broadcom things arte the easiest ones to install02:21
rgates414So I'm noticing.. ;)02:21
eddymanMedjai: "man gsettings"02:21
eddymanMedjai: could also install gconf-editor for a gui02:22
volanI am trying to fix/setup a dsl connection remotely. I set up the box several months ago (11.10) for my father and at the time I thought it was odd, but the internet connection "just worked". I didn't have to put in a password or mess with any settings. I connected a fresh install ubuntu where a winXP box was, and ba-bam, there was internet.02:25
volanNow months later it has stopped working. The ISP is dsl extreme. They only officially support win and mac and are not much help (even when explaining that it had been working)02:25
ActionParsnipvolan: can you connect with windows?02:27
volanno more windows02:27
volanonly ubuntu02:27
volani took his xp box -02:27
volanHe is too far away for me to just pop over so we have been working over the phone. We went through the suggestions here:02:28
volanhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1471587.html  about ten times. I have had him very carefully check the MAC address, etc.02:28
ActionParsnipvolan: I'd check settings in the router, you could also try rebooting the router itself02:28
volanthere is no router - just the modem02:28
volanpppoeconf goes through some scanning and comes back with:02:28
volanSorry, I scanned 1 interface, but the Access  Concentrator of your provider did not respond. Please check your network and modem cables. Another reason for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe process which controls the modem.02:28
Medjaieddyman, doesn't look like the logout did anything02:32
Medjaiit's a bit annoying i'm trying to tie window minimize to (ctrl + alt + 8) and window toggle maximize to (ctrl + alt + 9 )02:33
Medjaidoing it through system settings works only for the session02:34
KingKatariyes i need some help with IPtables02:34
Medjaii tried then going to ccsm and going to general options > key bindings02:34
KingKatarii need to know how to allow any and all traffic from a certain port02:35
Medjaiwhen i set them as soon as i get out it resets them back to whatever the default was... is this a bug that it cant set those two to any other binding?02:35
blubeehello guys, i have ubuntu 12.04 i downloaded adobe acrobat with sudo apt-get acroread and i am trying to enable adobe pdf in google chrome, but it doesn't seem to be working. I dont even see the option to enable adobe reader in chrome. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue?02:35
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ActionParsnipblubee: its default enabled, you don't need to install acroread for it to work02:39
blubeeActionParsnip when i go online to my bank website i am unable to view the pdf02:40
KingKatariyes i need some help with IPtables02:40
KingKatarii need to know how to allow any and all traffic from a certain port02:40
ActionParsnip!iptables | KingKatari02:40
ubottuKingKatari: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.02:40
blubeeActionParnip its embedded in the webpage and it just shows a blank screen, when I used windows for a while i had to go into adobe and enable internet viewing pdf then go into chrome disable the default pdf viewer and enable adobe reader, on ubuntu there is no option to enable adobe reader but the disable chrome pdf viewer is there02:41
b2coutts_Hey, when I execute a program (i.e. firefox) from the terminal, that terminal is forced to remain open while the program is open. Is there a way to execute a program from the terminal, without locking the terminal to the program?02:42
JoseeAntonioRb2coutts_: Alt+F2 and then execute the command from there02:43
dwakarb2coutts_: try firefox &02:44
b2coutts_dwakar: thanks02:45
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johndeeremorning all02:54
ActionParsnipb2coutts_: use nohup and it should be ok02:55
johndeereI am having some issues and was hoping someone could point me in any direction02:56
johndeereI have an Adata S599 55GB SSD02:56
johndeerewhen I install Ubuntu on it02:56
johndeere11.10 will not boot at all02:56
ActionParsnipjohndeere: ease up on the enter key02:56
johndeere12.04 is ridiculously slow02:56
ActionParsnipjohndeere: what video chip do you use?02:56
ActionParsnipjohndeere: did you enable the proprietary driver?02:57
johndeereIt failed to enable on 12.04 and as I say, cannot get to it in 11.1002:58
johndeerewould that be the major cause? because this is where it gets really funny. If I stick the disk in a usb casing, it boots into 11.10, but not on SATA, I have tried multiple cables on multiple ports02:59
ActionParsnipjohndeere: if you use Unity2D session it should be faster02:59
johndeereActionParsnip: when I say slow, I am talking like 15 minutes to boot on an SSD....03:00
johndeereActionParsnip: I'll try the video driver now and let you guys know03:02
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ActionParsnipjohndeere: oh the boot is slow... I thought you meant in the OS itself03:02
ActionParsnipjohntash: you can run:  dmesg | less    and look for large gaps in the time on the left to see why its taking so long03:03
garbagepailkidTorvalds probably uses the Mate desktop03:07
ActionParsnipgarbagepailkid: probably kde03:08
MagiC3POIf I boot to an Ubuntu 12.04 Live CD, can I upgrade 11.10 that way?03:12
MagiC3POOr at least FINISH a partially completed upgrade?03:12
JoseeAntonioRMagiC3PO: No, you would need an 11.10 CD.03:13
MagiC3POI mean upgrade 11.10 to 12.0403:13
zorg24yes MagiC3PO that should work, I've never tried it, but doubt it wouldn't work03:14
zorg24although why not just use the upgrade functionality in the update manager MagiC3PO03:15
MagiC3POWell, my laptop decided to crash during the update via that.03:15
chillpill_very brave03:15
Renskitrying to install an older version of mysql with "sudo apt-get install mysql-server=5.1.58-1ubuntu1" but complains that that it depends on mysql-server-5.103:15
Renskibit confused03:15
RaverX3Xhumm question03:16
MagiC3POAnyways, my 12.04 CD (Actually, it's a DVD) just finished burning03:16
MagiC3POTime to give that a shot.03:16
RaverX3Xjust installed linux to my desktop but it wont boot without a flash drive that i used to install it inserted03:16
RenskiHow would I go about installing 5.1.58?03:16
MagiC3PORaverX3X, are you sure you Installed rather than did the Try from CD option?03:16
RaverX3Xno it installed03:17
MagiC3POHow odd.03:17
RaverX3Xcause once booted its reading from the hdd i can remove the usb stick03:17
RaverX3Xand it still runs03:17
MagiC3POAnyways, time to boot to the CD03:17
RaverX3Xi even tried sudo update-grub03:17
RaverX3Xbut without the usb stick in i just get the  _03:17
RaverX3Xlike it doesnt realize theres a boot loader03:17
RaverX3Xnow i cant even get it to re install from usb because the option isnt there it just boots to ubuntu installed on the hdd03:19
zorg24RaverX3X, is their important data on your hard drive03:21
RaverX3Xconidering i just installed linux no lol03:21
RaverX3Xwhat about sudo fdisk -l03:21
RaverX3Xsudo grub-install /dev/sda03:21
zorg24RaverX3X, well it could have been on a seperate partition or something03:22
RaverX3Xtheres nothing important on my pc atm03:22
RaverX3Xthe only issue is now03:22
zorg24point in case I'd reformat the drive and install again03:22
RaverX3Xif i stick the usb stick in and try to boot to that03:22
zorg24also RaverX3X what did you use to make the usb stick?03:22
RaverX3Xpendrive + ubunto 12.04 lts iso03:23
RaverX3Xfrom the ubuntu homepage03:23
zorg24If you didn't use the tool on the ubuntu download just to be safe make it again with that03:23
zorg24oh ok nvr mind03:23
RaverX3Xits the same pen drive that i used to install it to my laptop03:24
zorg24I thought maybe you made a persistant bootable ubuntu usb drive by accident03:24
RaverX3Xwhich is fine by the way been fine on that for months lol03:24
RaverX3Xi just got tired of windows on my pc03:24
zorg24you said it was like their was no bootloader right?03:24
Colonel187hello. I'm back, had to make dinner. I'm still not able to complete the install of ubuntu03:25
zorg24oh wait are you turning it on w/ the flash drive in RaverX3X?03:26
zorg24your bios may be booting off the flash drive instead of the hard drive03:26
RaverX3Xi installed ubuntu then after it installed it said i had to reboot at that point i removed the usb stick03:26
RaverX3Xthen rebooted once it rebooted it just sits at the _ flashing03:26
Colonel187I ran apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, then apt-get install ubiquity. the installer still freezes on time zone03:27
zorg24jeez its been so long since I did an install I can't recall if at that point you have to leave the install media in03:27
RaverX3Xwell it said to remove it lol03:27
RaverX3Xso i did03:27
RaverX3Xnever had a issue with grub not being detected a t boot time03:27
RaverX3Xtell now03:28
yannickhello world03:28
Colonel187anybody have any other suggestions03:28
dwakarColonel187: are you installing it in vbox or something03:28
yannickgrub-install ?03:28
zorg24I'm thinking something weird happened and grub didn't install correctly03:28
Colonel187no i'm installing it on a hard drive from the usb stick03:28
zorg24RaverX3X, one sec there's a tool to fix grub automagically I forgot what its called though03:29
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, have you tried the usb and seen if it boots regular, could grub of been put on it?03:29
RaverX3Xya it will boot to my os if i stick the usb stick in and hit f8 pick the flash drive03:29
dwakarwhich ubuntu are you installing colonel18703:29
RaverX3Xit wont give me the linux installer but it boots to ubuntu 12.0403:29
Colonel187ubuntu 12.0403:29
Colonel187ok here is the low down03:30
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RedSocratesRaverX3X, just to check, when you did the installation you chose to install grub to the MBR?03:30
RaverX3Xno ironicly it never asked03:30
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, so you can get to the installs desktop with the usb correct?03:30
RaverX3Xno actually i cant03:30
RaverX3Xit keeps booting to the os03:30
RedSocratesRaverX3X, it should have asked, though I've never done a USB installation to confirm... That's odd.03:30
RaverX3Xnow  with it installed03:30
dwakarColonel187: are you installing it on a ubuntu preinstalled machine03:31
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, when you say OS whwt do you mean?03:31
zorg24RedSocrates, installing from USB it should still ask its the exact same iso file used03:31
Colonel187I checked MD5, my hdd is healthy, I can install ubuntu through windows and only that way. I don't want that. I searched and searched and I keep seeing on forums that the installer is broken for ubuntu 12.04 and Mint. I just don't know how to fix it. I was being helped before but had to leave for dinner03:31
RedSocrateszorg24, Yeah, that's what I would have thought.03:31
RaverX3Xmeaning it will boot ubuntu as it would normally if grub was installed to the hdd03:31
Colonel187I"ve tried update/upgrade03:31
MagiobiwanSO, I couldn't use the CD to do the upgrade03:32
Colonel187tried removing and re installing ubiquity, still no go03:32
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, use the tab complete with user names here so we know who you are talking to. You can install grub to the mbr from the OS.03:32
MagiobiwanI just ended up replacing my broken, fresh install of old Ubuntu03:32
Colonel187dwaker: no this is a home built machine03:32
MagiobiwanWith a clean, new, up to date version of 12.0403:32
dwakarColonel187: are you switching from windows or dualboot or upgrading ubuntu03:32
dwakarColonel187: which one03:33
Colonel187I am attempting to dual boot with windows. but would like to move away from windows once I learn how to use linux03:33
zorg24RaverX3X, its sounding more and more like you somehow installed grub to the USB drive by accident03:34
RaverX3Xthats what i thought i am trying to get grub to install to the hdd atm03:34
dwakarok is that usb made with linux live usb maker or something of windows Colonel18703:34
Colonel187yes it is03:34
RaverX3Xzorg24 just ran grub-update on it03:34
RaverX3Xzorg24 like i said it was weird cause i never had that happen before this isnt my first install of nix lol03:35
Colonel187BUT, I also made a live cd of Mint and that freezes in the exact same spot. I know mint is based off ubuntu03:35
dwakardid it said something about not supporting 12.04 or something like that Colonel18703:35
zorg24Colonel187, just use the option in the installer to dual later you can delete your windows partition and resize your other partitions, also if you want to move away from windows absolutely do NOT use wubi03:35
xxiaoi have two PCs both running 10.04, one has 1024*768 tty1-6, one has 640-480, what's causing that?03:35
zorg24actually Colonel187 either way don't use wubi03:36
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, sudo grub-install /dev/sdX   X is the HD check it with sudo fdisk -l03:36
xxiaotried to play with /etc/default/grub, did not help03:36
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xxiaoin fact on both machine the /etc/default/grub are identical too03:36
Colonel187the log in the installation windows shows something about runing apt-get update before it crashes but I've done that03:36
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, then run sudo update-grub03:36
dwakarColonel187: ok so it freezes at the time zone03:36
yannicknot now03:37
dwakarhave you tried "try ubuntu" option03:37
Colonel187I do not want to use wubi03:37
dwakarif not do that first03:37
zorg24Colonel187, good I was just making sure03:37
Colonel187yes. i'm using it now i've also tried the straight install option03:37
FyodorovnaColonel187, there is a alternative disc for a text install.03:37
Colonel187there is?03:37
zorg24Colonel187, ya you want the link?03:38
Colonel187the problem with that is I am installing this to learn how to use it so i only know what i've been told so far. I don't know if i can command line install03:38
FyodorovnaColonel187, if you need it, also on the main ubuntu site.  http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/03:39
RaverX3Xzerg24 and colonel187 tried that it says it doesnt have a bios when trying to  install grub to the hdd03:39
yannicknope for me03:39
zorg24Colonel187, no its not a command line install just a text based interface03:39
Colonel187oh ok like choose a number and press enter03:39
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zorg24ya basically03:39
enteLtheres a lack of point and click03:40
zorg24you need 64 bit or 32 bit?03:40
Colonel187now let me ask you this. I read that if I have 64 bit hardware I should use 64 bit. But 32 bit is more compatible. SHould I switch to 64 bit03:40
zorg24Colonel187, its only a big issue if you more than 4 GB of ram03:41
enteL64 bit if memory allows03:41
Colonel187I have 803:41
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, can you pastebin sudo fdisk -lu    http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:41
RaverX3Xya hold on lol03:41
zorg24Colonel187, than you should use 64 bit, otherwhise only 4 GB will be utilized03:41
yannicknope for me03:41
Colonel187is it the alternait install03:41
Colonel187lol alternate03:41
Colonel187ok. going to try it.03:42
zorg24Colonel187, http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso or if you prefer torrents http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent03:42
Colonel187i'll come back and let you know if it works or not03:42
yannickno need for me03:43
zorg24ok good luck Colonel18703:43
RaverX3Xfyodorovna www.pastebin.com/q1VCdaz903:43
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, from a terminal on the OS sudo grub-install /dev/sde   then sudo update grub  Do you still get a no mbr with these.03:44
FyodorovnaRaverX3X, sorry sudo update-grub  hehe you probably know that already.03:46
Jordan_URaverX3X: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc"03:46
Chamunksany way to completely remove Oracle java 7 from ubuntu if its not been installed via apt.03:47
enteLChamunks: checkinstall next time03:48
RaverX3Xya  i still get those errors fyodorovna03:48
ChamunksenteL, im sorry?03:48
Chamunksi dont know exactly what checkinstall does.03:49
Jordan_URaverX3X: That will ask you a few questions, one of which is where the grub-pc package should install grub's boot sector on upgrades. Right now it's probably configured to install grub's boot sector to the USB drive on package upgrades. Make sure to configure it to install grub's boot sector to the MBR of the drive that your BIOS will boot from (*not* to a partition). Use space bar to select / unselect a device and enter to continue.03:49
enteLChamunks: http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/03:49
RaverX3Xoktried the sudo dpkg-reconfigure and i get trub-pc is broken or not fully installed03:50
RaverX3Xerr grub03:50
RaverX3Xnot trub lol03:50
ChamunksenteL, well thats an great tool wish they had that for windoze anyways so basically im screwed tho?03:50
enteLChamunks: no, not screwed03:50
ChamunksenteL, looks like i might have removed it.03:53
databackbest Linux distro to run through Virtual Box?03:53
dwakar databask arch linux lol03:53
databacki started to run arch linux03:53
RaverX3Xsence i cant get the damm grub loader off of the flash drive03:53
databacklooking around though03:53
rgates414Followed directions for bcm43xx problems to a *T*... still no wireless...03:53
yannickI say Gentoo03:54
databackUbuntu ran nicely through Virtual Box03:54
Nicolas_Leonida2hi, doesn't this mean run this command every two hours? * */2 * * * /var/www/scripts/crons/readfeeds.sh03:54
yannickbut pointless in this chan ...03:54
databackHow does Gentoo compare to Ubuntu?03:54
RedSocratesAlmost totally different03:54
yannickas I said03:54
yannickbut pointless in this chan ...03:55
databacklike how03:55
yannickdo not know03:55
rgates414Anyone have any advice?03:56
databackgood chat03:56
RedSocratesdataback, Gentoo is entirely source-based, Ubuntu is not, they use different package managers, the installation process for Gentoo is a learning experience whereas for Ubuntu it is supposed to be point and click, etc.03:56
databackred, thanks03:57
yannicksorry for that03:57
dwakarRedSocrates: wait you have to compile all the packages?03:57
ChamunksenteL, so installing "jre-6u33-linux-x64.bin"  I could run that install with a checkinstall?03:58
RedSocratesdwakar, yes03:58
MEEDORIKEXwhats up people03:58
capahi, i have ubuntu 32 bits installed and i'm willing to install 64 bits I only have 4GB of ram and my processor supports 64 bits. I will lose sth?03:58
dwakarRedSocrates: fun huh03:58
RedSocratesdwakar, Well, at least when it comes to officially provided software03:58
RaverX3Xguess ill redownload burn a cd03:59
RedSocratesdwakar, some people think it's fun, I guess for the tinkering aspect of it, plus it gives you a lot more control over what is installed on your system03:59
RaverX3Xand re install lol03:59
RaverX3Xsence there would be no way03:59
RaverX3Xfor it to install it to the cd03:59
rgates414Need a hand.  Can anyone help?03:59
dwakarRedSocrates: yeah more flexible03:59
RaverX3Xand oh i picked the HDD as the primary boot04:00
RaverX3Xlooked at install log04:00
RaverX3Xunless u know a way to wipe the grub loader off the flash drive04:00
RaverX3Xwithout killing the bootable flash drive04:00
RedSocrates!ask > rgates41404:00
ubotturgates414, please see my private message04:00
yannicknice job04:00
ChamunksCan I Checkinstall my java.bin file?04:01
dwakarRedSocrates: install takes more time04:01
RedSocratesdwakar, yes, much more time04:01
dwakarRedSocrates: guess i'll "try ubuntu" first , it has a live cd or something right04:02
dwakari mena try gentoo first04:02
RedSocratesdwakar, What's your goal?04:02
yannickare you sure?04:02
dwakarmy goal = try gentoo with a live cd if it has04:03
rgates414Trying to get my wireless card working.  Yes, it's a damn Broadcom 4322.  Already been to the wifidocs page and followed the directions to a freaking t and still no wifi.  No idea where to go from here.  Any help is appreciated.04:03
yannickusb stick?04:03
yannickno time for that sorry04:03
RedSocratesdwakar, first, I want to make sure I didn't confuse you. You have to compile everything when using Gentoo. You don't have to do that for Ubuntu. That's what you want?04:03
enteLbroadcom wireless cards >_<04:04
enteLive had my battles04:04
dwakarRedSocrates: you mean you have to install it to try it?04:04
yannickyou sould ...04:04
RedSocratesdwakar, no, you don't. Both Ubuntu and Gentoo have LiveCDs.04:05
dwakarok RedSocrates thanks04:05
RedSocratesdwakar, I'm just surprised that you want to try Gentoo, since it sounds like you are rather new to Linux (no offense intended). I want to be sure you understand that Gentoo is the one with the very long, difficult process04:06
glitsj16Chamunks: what is it that you want to achieve exactly? didn't get why you wanted to remove java 7 and go back to java 6 exactly04:06
yannicktotaly true04:06
Chamunksalways poops the bed in java704:06
Chamunksand openjdk argues with it also.04:06
yannickRedSocrates : O04:06
dwakaryeah RedSocrates none taken that's how you learn04:07
Chamunksso im trying to install from the jre-6u33-linux-x64.bin downloaded from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre6-downloads-1637595.html04:07
glitsj16Chamunks: so right now your system is without java alltogether ?04:07
RedSocratesdwakar, Okay, no problem, just making sure. Have fun :)04:07
Chamunksglitsj16, i believe i've pulled it all off yeah04:07
MagiobiwanSo, Ubuntu doesn't seen to recognize my Intel 945 GM graphics Chipset.04:07
yannickno time for that04:07
MagiobiwanI just did a clean install, so I'm installing Updates now.04:08
bkerensa!justask Magiobiwan04:08
bkerensa!justask |  Magiobiwan04:08
ubottuMagiobiwan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:08
malkaunsin 12.04 how do change the background color of just the panel?04:08
MagiobiwanI didn't go, "Can I ask you guys a question?"04:08
MagiobiwanBut, Ubuntu 12.04 DOES have drivers for the Intel 945GM Chipset, right?04:09
glitsj16Chamunks: does minecraft throw any errors with java 7 or was your java install borked?04:10
RaverX3Xthanks for trying to help04:10
Chamunksits hard to tell i've only really had problems with it in java 7 and java 6 when it works it simply works.04:10
ChamunksI can try reinstalling java704:10
Chamunksglitsj16, and let you know what the errors are if need be04:11
enteLerror messages are key04:11
yannickCould you be love?04:11
glitsj16Chamunks: ok, take a look at http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html .. it basically installs everything for you04:11
Chamunksglitsj16,  fair04:12
glitsj16Chamunks: and it is easily removed via apt, software center or synaptic (whatever you use) so it shouldn't be a pain04:12
=== len is now known as Guest63664
bkerensaMagiobiwan: Yes it should.04:13
Chamunksglitsj16,  yeh thats cool i just remember doing this once before was just like beating my head against a wall.04:13
bkerensaMagiobiwan: Can you explain why you believe it is lacking drivers?04:13
Chamunksglitsj16,  but im allways interested in trying to make this work :)04:13
MagiobiwanIt says Graphics: Unknown04:13
glitsj16Chamunks: that's the spirit ;)04:14
MagiobiwanDriver: Unknown04:14
MagiobiwanAnd Experience: Standard04:14
enteLbad driver04:14
MagiobiwanI didn't specify one or anything.04:14
MagiobiwanBut, its installing Updates right now.04:15
Chamunksglitsj16, waiting on the apt to grab the files04:15
MagiobiwanI suppose while I wait for it to do that, I'll go play Zelda OoT04:16
glitsj16Chamunks: the PPA downloads stuff behind the scenes (to avoid legalistics) so it can take a few minutes, make sure to let it finish04:17
Chamunksglitsj16, yeh i can see the slow progress bar creep.04:17
yannickentel more help !04:19
subb1Hi all. Good day04:19
Chamunksglitsj16, im curious as to why this method you linked me isn't on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java04:19
yannickso as you ;)04:19
Chamunksit seems to be much less broken.04:19
glitsj16Chamunks: btw, the link mentions doing a java version check after install, it should be at version 1.7.0_05 by now04:19
Chamunksright on :)04:20
enteLyannick: help with?04:20
Chamunksglitsj16, build 1.7.0_05-b0504:20
Chamunksim gonna try and run mc from java -jar minecraft.jar now04:20
yannickRastaman live up?04:20
glitsj16Chamunks: it is actually .. oracle java 7 .. command-line methods04:20
Moogshi i'm new to ubuntu.. i just installed it and was wondering if there was anything special i should be doing to keep my comoputer secure04:21
subb1I would like to issue a  tar (compress) , scp the tarred file over to a server, then extract that file on that server in a single command. I guess its done using piping? Please help.... thanks.04:21
enteLyannick: broadcom?04:21
glitsj16Chamunks: so at least you can try minecraft with a nicely installed java, hope this is worth your time :)04:21
Chamunksglitsj16, this is the paste of the stuff returned from the java -version http://paste.thezomg.com/3784/13424123/04:22
Moogsor is there anything that i should do to optimize ubuntus performance?04:22
enteLsubb1: yes a pipe04:22
MagiobiwanUpdates have installed. Rebooting now.04:22
glitsj16Chamunks: all good04:22
enteLsubb1: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-tar-command-through-network-over-ssh-session/04:22
Chamunksglitsj16,  i get to the log in screen04:23
Chamunksthan shortly afterwards i hit log in and get a black screen which is commonly mentioned as an error in mc.04:23
Chamunksglitsj16,  this is the error http://paste.thezomg.com/3785/41246013/04:23
MagiobiwanOkay. It still says Graphics: Unknown04:24
glitsj16Chamunks: ok i'll take a look04:24
MagiobiwanAny ideas?04:24
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest98828
glitsj16Chamunks: your paste mentions on line 6 something about 'wrong ELF class' .. that refers to 32bit vs 64bit .. what system are you using ?04:26
BUSTACAPIs there a terminal command to view available video memory?04:26
Chamunksglitsj16,  fully 64bit04:26
RedSocratesBUSTACAP, free04:26
RedSocratesOh, video memory04:27
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest17881
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
Chamunksglitsj16, 64bit precise and amd 6core 1055t04:27
subb1enteL, thanks , exactly what I needed !04:27
BUSTACAPYeah o.O04:27
glitsj16Chamunks: ok, and minecraft is also 64bit version?04:27
enteLsubb1: np! friend04:27
Chamunksthey ship mc as a single .jar04:27
enteLsweet trick.04:27
Magiobiwanglitsj16: MC switches depending upon the detected Java Version04:27
Chamunksits just a loader that pulls down other files from minecraft.net04:28
Chamunksso thats something we dont see on our side.04:28
BUSTACAPI've been having very bad virtualbox performance after it's running for a short period of time and it seems like video lag to me.04:28
glitsj16Magiobiwan: ok thanks04:28
ChamunksMagiobiwan, thanks for the verify.04:28
glitsj16Chamunks: looking at some things, like http://www.proppedup.org/2011/04/01/minecraft-on-ununtu-with-java-7/ .. please give me a minute04:31
andrew_does anyone know the name of the linux gaming app ,its a bit like steam ?04:31
MagiobiwanChamunks: No problem.04:32
sirriffsalotHi! When jackd is running the vlc-jack-plugin does not work with videos. After a few seconds the video starts lagging increasingly until the sound finally disappears..?04:33
d3v1an7Any reason why I would need to an IP to both csf.allow, even after adding it to csf.ignore?04:33
Chamunksglitsj16, no worries the gf passed out a half hour ago on the couch behind me.04:33
prkchp_sndwchhi. I'm running 10.04 and I have the winxp driver for netgear's wg311v3 wireless pci nic installed on ndiswrapper but networkmanager applet isn't showing this device. ndiswrapper -l says the device is found. does anybody know what could be wrong?04:34
RaverX3Xreinstalling now04:38
RaverX3Xoh last question cause i didnt have to do this on my laptop because it has built in intel drivers04:39
RaverX3Xto install the nvidia ones in ubuntu 12.04 how do u bring down x04:39
dwakarBUSTACAP: try lspci -v and see VGA04:39
MagiobiwanOkay. I installed the Mesa-tools and it recognizes my IGL04:39
Chamunksglitsj16, let me re download mc real quick04:39
MagiobiwanNow, will it let me select my external monitor's native resolution...04:40
Chamunksglitsj16, ok nvm made zero difference.04:40
MagiobiwanIs there a way I can tell Ubuntu to send a 1280x1024 signal to my external monitor?04:41
MagiobiwanIt currently shows as Unknown, with 1024x768 and 800x600 as my only options.04:42
ChamunksMagiobiwan, it used to be under xorg but i've had the worst problems with that and the last i checked they were changing how that was to be working.04:43
MagiobiwanIt sees my laptop's internal, but dead, display fine and offers up the native on IT04:43
MagiobiwanWhich is 1280x80004:43
=== Jordan___ is now known as jcrza
Chamunksany ideas how i go about updating Update LWJGL04:50
ztag100Chamunks, minecraft?04:51
RaverX3Xoh anyone know how to get yahoo sms services to work with empathy so  i dont have to keep trying to wine yahoo04:51
Chamunksztag100, thats what im updating for yes04:51
Chamunksapparently thats something i need to find out how to update to a "Nightly build"04:52
mah454Please view this paste : http://pastebin.com/9z8tJ8qJ04:53
mah454How can fix this problem ?04:53
ztag100Chamunks, one sec04:54
ztag100I'll get you a link to the fix04:54
Chamunksztag100, thanks :)04:54
ztag100follow that04:55
ztag100should help :)04:55
kanupatarhi guys, good morning04:57
Chamunksthanks ztag10004:57
ztag100Chamunks, njoy!05:00
yannickback on track05:00
mah454How can make bootable iso ?05:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:03
Chamunksztag100, awesome thanks alot i'll let you know how it goes.05:03
Chamunksztag100, works great thanks :D05:04
ztag100Chamunks, have fun :)05:04
Chamunksztag100, I might just update that for all my installs of mc.05:05
ztag100Chamunks, in 1.3 it's going to be default, so, you may not have to bother05:05
RaverX3Xok one last question lol05:06
RaverX3Xlog in screen is semi cut off05:06
RaverX3Xmeaning i cant see my name or the top bar at all05:06
RaverX3Xlogging in it cuts the top menu off and the unity interface05:06
RaverX3Xeven at 1920 x 108005:06
RaverX3Xwhich is the native resoultion of the moniter05:06
yannicknot yet05:07
kevinlu310how can I optimize Ubuntu 12.04 power management? My laptop battery runs 4-5 hours on Windows 7, but only 2 and half hours on Ubuntu 12.0405:13
mah454kevinlu310, what is your VGA ?05:13
mah454Graphic card ...05:13
ActionParsnipkevinlu310: is it a dual video card system?05:14
kevinlu310ActionParsnip: Yes it is.05:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:15
mah454yannick, what question or post replaced ?05:16
ActionParsnipkevinlu310: that's why, that hybrid stuff is a pain in Linux, i've never seen a success with it05:16
mah454kevinlu310, please read this : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_i915_power&num=105:17
ActionParsnipkevinlu310: may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics05:17
kevinlu310mah454: I have Intel HD Graphics 4000 and GT 650M05:18
mah454read this : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_i915_power&num=105:18
kevinlu310ActionParsnip and manh454, thanks a lot. I'm going to check them out.05:19
stavaWhen I close thunderbird it exits, instead of running in the background as I had expected05:20
stavaCan I change this behaviour?05:20
=== stava is now known as Stava
yannickgo ahed05:21
MagiC3POHmm. Is there a way for me to specify for my External Display a 1280x1024 resolution?05:23
MagiC3POI only have available for it 1024x768 and 800x60005:24
mah454MagiC3PO, Use xrandr command05:24
MagiC3POShall I Pastebin the results for you?05:25
yannickgo ahed05:27
MagiC3POmah454, here's the pastbin of the result05:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:28
yannick: o )05:28
MagiC3POyannick, are you a Bot or something?05:31
yannickjust Yannick05:31
MagiC3POJust curious05:31
mah454yannick, Please Stop ...05:31
MagiC3POYou know people, if you either use SASL or set your Nick pass as the Server Pass, you won't have to worry about us STILL being able to see your TRUE IP briefly05:32
MagiC3POmah454, what do I DO with the xrandr command?05:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:34
mah454MageofHope, sorry ! Please use google !05:38
MagiC3POI'm assuming you meant ME there?05:38
MagiC3POUh, anyways, is there a way to shrink the Ubuntu partition using gparted while booted into Ubunto, thus having the device mounted?05:39
aeon-ltdMagiC3PO: not if it's the same ubuntu you are booted into05:42
MetaCosmUEFI makes me angry... ugh, what a PITA05:42
MagiC3POEASUS's Partition Manager for Windows has the option to do a pending option thing where it makes changes to locked volumes upon a reboot, where it boots into what is likely a form of Linux to make the changes05:46
dwakarI installed Penumbra - overture with .sh installer, it installed fine, it ran, showed the intro movie then when the real game is about to load it freezes05:54
=== starqle is now known as iqbal
iharphow can I run an x-executable from terminal if it's in a random folder that I placed in "home"?06:01
iharpso if I'm in terminal and I want to type "adb" and want to have it start06:01
aoojust like executing original executables?06:02
ActionParsnipiharp: if you put it in /usr/bin it will be accessible without a path06:02
aooor just use ./06:02
iharpActionParsnip: It's part of Android_SDK. Wouldn't it have to stay in the oringinal folder?06:03
aoo./adb shell blablabla06:03
ActionParsnipiharp: you can add the path to the binary to the end of your PATH if you want. Probably better06:03
ActionParsnipiharp: or use what aoo said :)06:03
iharpIs that the "PATH=$PATH"  that you are refferencing to?06:04
ActionParsnipiharp: export PATH=$PATH:/new/folder/to/add06:05
iharpAnd that will allow everything executable in that folder to be run from the terminal?06:06
ActionParsnipiharp: without using the full path, yes06:06
iharpok. thanks06:07
RaverX3Xanyone know how to resize the ubuntu log in screen as its cut off06:07
iharpActionParsnip: Now when I run the file it says. Insufficent permissions, but I've tried sudo and root..06:08
iharpAnd it's marked as exec.06:08
alejandrouse tmux06:10
iharpsame result06:12
kevinlu310How can I change screen resolution using command line in Ubuntu server 12.0406:14
iharpDisregard. It's permissions for the device06:14
fishbaithow do i check how its detected my primary monitor lspci -v?06:14
iharpread that wrong06:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:17
fishbaithow do i chekc if the video card (1GB msi radeon hd 6670) is detecting my primary monitor (sony sdm-hx73 connected via dvi) correctly06:17
fishbaithow do i check if the video card (1GB msi radeon hd 6670) is detecting my primary monitor (sony sdm-hx73 connected via dvi) correctly?06:19
ActionParsnipiharp: is the file marked as executable?06:19
mah454What command make original Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD ?06:23
mah454I mean iso file (make iso file)06:24
fishbaiti need some help here i think its not properly dtecting my dvi06:26
fishbaithttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1094427/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094428/ outputs of sudo lspci -v -H 1 and 206:27
habibhi all! how do i сщддфзыу фдд цштвщцы шт гигтег,06:32
habibhow do i collapse all windows in ubuntu?06:32
Ron_BurgundyGot a problem.  Got a Dell Studio 1536, with a bcm4322 pci card.  Ubuntu won't recognize the card.  I've tried everything that I can find in the wifidocs/bcm43xx page.  Anyone know where to go from there?06:33
fishbaiti tihnk its not correctly detecting dvi http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094427/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094428/ outputs of sudo lspci -v -H 1 and 206:33
evictimizorhabib, mousewheel down does that on mine06:33
Ron_BurgundyDamn Broadcom cards SUCK.06:33
fishbaiti think its not correctly detecting dvi http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094427/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094428/ outputs of sudo lspci -v -H 1 and 206:33
fishbaitoh for the lvoe of pete every time i post a slew of people leave06:34
fishbaitsee what i mean06:34
fishbaiti think its not correctly detecting dvi http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094427/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094428/ outputs of sudo lspci -v -H 1 and 206:34
histofishbait: what are you trying to do?06:36
fishbaitwhen i pulled up displays my primary monitor was labeled laptop and if it label laptop it might be operating at 16:9 causing fullscreen flash to try and spread the video wide between my monitors06:37
fishbaitthis isn't a laptop nor is it a 16:9 monitor06:38
histofishbait: well is it operating at 16:9 or not?06:38
histofishbait: xrandr06:38
fishbaitnot that i can see06:39
evictimizoris there checksum validation for ubuntu iso06:39
fishbaitthe idea is to get fullscreen flash to see only 1 monitor06:40
histo!md5 | evictimizor06:40
ubottuevictimizor: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:40
histofishbait: so now when you full screen flash it spans monitors?06:40
fishbaitno the controls stay on the primary monitor but the video adjusts for 206:41
fishbaitmonitors that is06:42
Ron_BurgundyGot a problem.  Got a Dell Studio 1536, with a bcm4322 pci card.  Ubuntu won't recognize the card.  I've tried everything that I can find in the wifidocs/bcm43xx page.  Anyone know where to go from there?06:42
histofishbait: http://www.ubunturoot.com/2011/07/fullscreen-flash-video-with-dual.html06:42
histoRon_Burgundy: that card should work. Not sure if you still need firmware06:42
histo!broadcom | Ron_Burgundy06:42
ubottuRon_Burgundy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:42
fishbaitty i'll work on this on me own from here06:42
Ron_Burgundyhisto:  Already did everything on that page.  Like I said, I'm lost...06:43
histoRon_Burgundy: do you have the ability to have a wired connection on the machine?06:44
Ron_BurgundyYeah, I'm on it right now.06:44
gabrielledont you work?06:44
histoRon_Burgundy: what version of ubuntu?06:45
evictimizortrying out the server now06:45
histoRon_Burgundy: press the windows key and type in driver.  Go to the drivers manager and enable your wifi card06:45
CasanovaCWhat makes ubuntu 12.04 better than previous versions?06:47
histoCasanovaC: nothing06:47
histoCasanovaC: updated software etc... and it's LTS06:48
histoCasanovaC: that's about it06:48
histo!lts | CasanovaC06:48
ubottuCasanovaC: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)06:48
Ron_BurgundyYou talking about the "additional drivers" icon?06:48
histoRon_Burgundy: yes06:48
Ron_BurgundyAlready enabled06:48
CasanovaCWill the graphics work on older computer?06:49
kionIs Linux really going to be locked out from W$ 8 computers?06:50
kionwith their new "Secure Boot"06:50
histoRon_Burgundy: okay click teh network icon up by the clock and connect to a network06:50
histokion: no06:50
Ron_Burgundyhisto:  enable wireless is graybarred.06:51
histoRon_Burgundy: ifconfig wlan0 up06:52
habibevictimizor, when i'm downing the mouse wheel nothing happens. just scrolling this irc chat text.06:52
histoRon_Burgundy: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up06:52
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:52
Ron_Burgundyhisto: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device06:53
histoRon_Burgundy: sudo ifconfig06:54
histoRon_Burgundy: how many interfaces does it show06:54
Ron_Burgundyeth0, eth1, lo06:55
Ron_Burgundyhisto: should there be more?06:58
histoRon_Burgundy: do you have two lan cards?06:58
livingdaylighthow does one navigate to hidden folders using command line, please?06:59
Ron_BurgundyNope.. just running my pci and then the wired connection I'm using now.06:59
histoRon_Burgundy: can you pastebin the output of lspci -K06:59
histoRon_Burgundy: sorry lspci -k06:59
histoRon_Burgundy: the later with the little k I had a typo06:59
StavaCan I move the directories under "Computers" to "Bookmarks" in Nautilus? See this screenshot: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg717/scaled.php?server=717&filename=nautilusbookmarks.png&res=landing06:59
histoStava: you can drag whatever you want there07:00
Stavahisto: I can't drag the items under Computer07:00
Ron_Burgundyhisto: just pm'ed you07:00
Metzeehow to install 3D acceleration on nvidia geforce GT520M?07:03
histoStava: locate their respective targets and drag though07:03
hanszI cannot kill a process. I am using htop, trying both sigterm and sigkill, but the process remains. It is a simple python script I was running via www-data user.07:03
blubeedoes anyone have any experience with chrome, adobe reader and embedded pdfs. If I go most websites with .pdf files google chrome automatically opens them for me to look at, but if i go to citibank.com to see my online statement, it tells me i do not have adobe reader installed, which is nuts! Also under my about:plugins, i do NOT have the option to enable acrobat reader as my pdf viewer of choice. This is on ubuntu 12.04, I have installed 07:04
hanszhanning: oh, I guess I did not have the proper permissions...07:04
iharpActionParsnip: i read it wrong. it was the device that i was having an issue with. I figured it out07:06
RpqDcpuwAis there a channel for ubuntu server help?07:06
DJonesRpqDcpuwA: #ubuntu-server07:06
DJonesRpqDcpuwA: Or you can ask here as well, although -server may have more specialised help07:07
enteLblubee: evince07:07
SecretFiredoes anyone have a program they prefer over okular?07:07
SecretFirefor reading e-books?07:08
DJonesSecretFire: I rarely read ebooks on a computer, but have a look at calibre, I'm pretty sure that has a reader built in and isn't just for converting ebooks07:08
blubeeenteL can you be more specific, not sure what envice is?07:08
livingdaylightusing 'cd' to navigate the filesystem how do I make hidden folders visible, please?07:09
enteLblubee: it's a pdf reader07:09
SecretFireDJones : im poor and can't afford a tablet reader07:09
enteLi trust it over adobe any day07:09
iharpmetzee: Have you checked to see if there are any proprietary drivers for your device?07:09
SecretFireenteL : calibre07:09
L3top!poll | SecretFire this is off topic here.07:09
ubottuSecretFire this is off topic here.: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:09
enteLSecretFire: calibre?07:10
blubeereading regular pdfs arent a problem, when i go into citibank online, that seems to be the only time that i get an error that i cannot view .pdf files, citibank uses some type of in page embedded pdf07:10
DJonesSecretFire: Also look at fbreader I use that on my phone & tablet, but its also available for ubuntu07:10
enteLblubee: i cant help but to feel it seems shady, citibank?07:10
enteLi dont want to jump gun but damn that sounds shady07:11
blubeeyea, maybe it has something to do with citibank webpages being https:// but i am not all too sure, its just annoying, neither firefox nor chrome work for viewing online statements07:12
L3topwhat is shady about an online statement?07:12
fishbaiti got full screen youtube working but it only work on hd videos regardless of whether they are actually playing in hd hwo do i get this to work for every video i'm using dual monitor single desktop with xinerama.07:12
Jordan_UenteL: That doesn't sound at all "shady" to me, just poorly implemented.07:13
fishbaiti wonder if hd has to do with monitor capabilites?07:14
histofishbait: flash has issues with dual screens in linux07:14
enteLpage embedded pdf07:14
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
enteLyea it is poor07:15
fishbaithisto: i got it working with hd capable videos 100% proper by switching from multi-desktop to single desktop per monitor and enabling xinerama07:15
Jordan_Ublubee: Most websites simply link to PDFs and if you don't have a viewer then they download and you can't open them, if you do have a reader they may download or they may display in the browser. It sounds like your bank is checking what plugins your browser has, seeing that you don't have adobe reader, and not even trying to give you the PDF.07:15
enteLi dont want a pdf and i surely dont want it "embedded" into a "page"07:15
nocturnHi, I'm trying to install 12.04 from alternate on my laptop.  The CD boots, but the screen is garbled and unreadable, what can I do t fix this?07:15
enteLisnt citibank somewhat popular too, tsk tsk07:16
histofishbait: there was another workaround on that page that looked promissing editing the plugin with a hex editor. Not sure if you want to try that. Or use the browser plugins for it07:16
histo!md5sum | nocturn07:16
ubottunocturn: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:16
Jordan_Ublubee: There are Ubuntu packages for Adobe reader which should work. It may be possible to lie to the website and tell it that you have adobe reader when you don't, to get it to display using Chrome's plugin, but I don't know how to do that.07:17
histonocturn: also try booting holding the shift key just after your bios posts. But I would check your CD07:17
blubeeJordan_U most websites chrome just loads up the pdfs no problem, its just this crazy citibank.com site, i have no idea whats going on with them07:18
Jordan_Ublubee: What part of my explanation don't you understand?07:19
nocturnhisto: checking the hash now07:19
blubeeyou told me the bank is probably checking my plugins and not handing over the pdf07:20
nocturnhisto: what will holding shift do?07:20
blubeei understand that, thats why i am asking how can i fix it, sorry for being dense but i dont get what you were trying to say07:20
ajahnm-applet doesnt show up even when i start it from shell how to fix that?07:21
histonocturn: bring up the grub boot menu07:22
histonocturn: rather than the pretty gui garbage07:22
nocturnhisto: ok, and than I can force some resolution in grub?07:23
histonocturn: shift or control.  I'm pretty sure it's shift07:23
histonocturn: yeah07:23
DJoneshisto: nocturn: Left shift only from memory07:24
guest-xlG8X1Hello world07:25
nocturnThanks, will reboot and try it now.07:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:25
Jordan_Ublubee: You can probably fix it by installing Adobe Reader.07:26
yannickhello world07:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:27
bazhangyannick, /msg ubottu07:27
kionMy Nvidia Gtx 260M does not work at full performance level under linux, anybody with the same problem/solution ?07:27
Jordan_Ublubee: Use http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/ and select the .deb version.07:28
=== sal is now known as Guest52740
ajahnm-applet doesnt show up even when i start it from shell how to fix that?07:32
blubeeJordan_U thanks, i was just looking to uninstall chrome, last time i installed it from a .deb file but for some reason the name on the package manager was google chrome, it didn't even look official, i will try to download and reinstall again and hope it goes better this time. btw I already have adobe reader installed07:33
bazhangyannick, stop that07:35
Jordan_Ublubee: Sorry, I misunderstood and didn't realize that you already had the official plugin installed.07:36
blubeeyea the official plugin is already installed, on windows i was able to do adobe preferences enable internet preview, then in chrome disable google pdf preview, but on ubuntu there is no option to enable adobe reader and google pdf viewer doesn't work07:37
histoblubee: it's removed from chromium I believe but there are ways to get it enabled.07:39
blubeehisto is chrome and chromium the same?07:39
histoblubee: you just need the pdf viewer plugin they don't distribute it with chromium in linux07:40
histoblubee: http://gordonazmo.wordpress.com/2010/11/02/how-to-enable-googles-pdf-plugin-in-chromium/ here is one way i'm sure there is a package in apt to do this though07:40
blubeehisto thanks let me take a look at this, i'll be back hopefully with good news, i had no idea they wouldn't bundle it with official chrome on linux, man thats insane. brb07:41
histoblubee: that's one o fthe differences from chrome to chromium07:42
soa2iiHi. Which repos are covered with the 5 year LTS support? All or just universe?07:57
histosoa2ii: universe and multiverse are kind of on their own08:01
histosoa2ii: they are not provided with security updates regularly like main08:01
unknown45682does anybody know of a more up-to-date alternative to metavnc? i want to be able to view and control only certain windows from another pc08:02
unknown45682and cross-compatible so i can control certain windows on a windows computer from linux08:03
unknown45682so that was i can seemlessly manage windows programs inside linux08:04
unknown45682was = way08:04
unknown45682does something like this exist?08:04
soa2iihisto: So which repos are covered by the LTS policy?08:04
histosoa2ii: i'm kind of confused becuase it doesn't say universe is unsupported but it says multiverse is. Here08:05
histo!universe | soa2ii08:05
ubottusoa2ii: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:05
histounknown45682: does it just have to be certain windows or can it be the whole desktop?08:05
ubottustefi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:06
unknown45682i can do the whole desktop with regular vnc. i need certain windows08:06
unknown45682AND if possible where i can manage them without them interferring if someone decides to use the other computer08:06
unknown45682metavnc seems to do exactly what i want except its so outdated and ive heard its slow too08:07
histounknown45682: let me look up metavnc08:07
bazhangyannick, ?08:08
DJonesyannick: There's no need for random comments/smilies every time you join the channel08:08
yannicki'll try to just speak so08:09
histounknown45682: have you tried metavnc?08:11
unknown45682histo: no, because the other pc i want to view is windows 7 and metavnc only works up to XP according to the sys requirements08:12
pkkmMy computer suddenly restarted. Which logs will be most useful for diagnosing the cause?08:13
histounknown45682: ahh.. well I can't find any others that work the way metavnc works.  You could try tightvnc or teamviewer08:14
unknown45682yea those are fine just to vnc into the whole pc08:14
unknown45682oh well08:14
unknown45682i use teamviewer right now08:14
histounknown45682: teamviewer is nice08:14
histounknown45682: or you can setup tightvnc08:14
unknown45682what would tightvnc do?08:15
histounknown45682: you can also use rdesktop to remote desktop into a windows machine from linux08:15
histounknown45682: using it's native rdp protocol08:15
unknown45682well thanks for your help anyway08:17
histounknown45682: I use rdesktop most of the time on servers i'm admining. I also use teamviewer to help friends and family. I've played with tightvnc as well. All will work for what you want to do.08:17
Oxnard_Doggwhy can't ubuntu 12.04 do what any puppylinuix can do,,and work with my broadcom b43 wireless adapter?08:18
unknown45682histo: you mean  viewing only certain windows?08:18
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histounknown45682: No I just view the entire desktop08:20
unknown45682ah ok08:21
unknown45682is there a way to stop all that stuff from popping up after disconnecting from teamviewer?08:21
zap0i started a win32 exe that uses wine.    how do kill-process on it?    i can't even find it in the task manager08:21
ikoniazap0: you'll just see a wine process08:22
ikoniazap0: you shouldn't see a process for the actual executable08:22
zap0oh ok.08:22
ikoniazap0: think of wine as a wrapper, you don't see what it's wrapping08:22
histozap0: killall wineserver08:22
zap0there were 2 wine things....  one was 'Wine Server'08:22
zap0and something else with wine in the title.08:22
histozap0: kill the wineserver should kill the other one as well08:24
histozap0: althought closing the app would be much easier08:24
auronandacezap0: ps aux | grep wine08:24
zap0i tried sending the apps shutdown key seq.  it was not responding.08:24
spillerehi, when I login to my ubuntu machine I get this message, => / is using 95.0% of 9.97GB08:26
spillerewhat does it means?08:26
auronandacespillere: your using most of your space08:27
zap0what is 10GB in size?08:27
CaBayour root partition08:27
CaBaeh... spilleres root partition08:27
spillereCaBa i have a python script that download files from the internet, can it fill the root partitio? like filling with IO? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6998083/python-causing-ioerror-errno-28-no-space-left-on-device-results-32766-h08:28
CaBamaybe that downloaded files themselfes fill up your disk?08:29
spillereCaBa the HD is 1TB and its only like 20mb of pics till now08:29
CaBaspillere: well your root partition is only 10 GB. thats kind of tight.08:30
Hyperbytespillere, it's not about your harddisk - it's about the partition with your OS on ti08:30
spillereCaBa true!08:31
spillerewhat would be the best way to fix it? increase partitio size?08:31
NuniezMost likely.08:31
UI_Metroany channel for networking ?08:31
CaBaspillere: if you have spare space your should consider enlarging it. clearing the apt cache could fix your situation for the moment, in case you have cached packages on disk08:31
CaBaUI_Metro: yes, it's called exactly that08:32
Nuniezspillere: For partitioning you should try Gparted.08:32
spillerei dont have X08:32
CaBathen parted.08:32
spillerebut ill try fixing it08:32
UI_MetroCaBa: ?08:32
CaBaUI_Metro: ##networking08:32
wollowizardhi everyone, would you pls explain why these two commands could be used?     # dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100       # losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file08:38
Fudgedoes anyone else experience problems losing sound output when in the sound settings08:39
wollowizardi found it here: http://man.yolinux.com/cgi-bin/man2html?cgi_command=losetup(8)08:39
SwedeMikewollowizard: it sets up a 100M file that then has a block device created for it. Can be used for testing md-raid for instance.08:39
=== saba is now known as Guest21763
wollowizardSwedeMike: ok, thanks, how does it have to do with module?08:40
giteshwhere is task manager in ubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop ?08:40
SwedeMikewollowizard: well, if a module requires a block device, it can be used for testing.08:40
stefi! list08:40
ubottustefi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:40
toruhey guys anyone help?08:41
wollowizardSwedeMike: ok, so the losetup makes the file accessible as an external device, doesn't it?08:41
ikoniatoru: it depends with what you need help08:41
ikoniatoru: if you ask a question, the channel can see if they can help you08:41
wollowizardSwedeMike: and that file was created with dd.08:41
SwedeMikewollowizard: it makes the file accessable as a block device, for things that require a block device and not a file.08:42
toruinternal mic is not working. i fairly new to ubuntu, i tried alsamixer08:42
wollowizardSwedeMike: ah, perfect...and at first the entire device contains all 0s, being created copying /devzero08:42
SwedeMikewollowizard: yes.08:43
wollowizardSwedeMike: and how can we specify what kind of device is that? I mean, in the future we'll need to give it a major and minor number, right? but that should be done when inserting the module, no?08:44
SwedeMikewollowizard: I don't know how major/minor will be handled, I guess the loopback device has one already and minor would be matching the number after the device (loop0 having 0), but I don't know.08:45
wollowizardSwedeMike: ok, thanks, u've been vert kind:) are u from sweden??? I'm coming there in a few days, and I will stay for 18 months!08:46
SwedeMikewollowizard: yes I am.08:46
wollowizardSwedeMike: ok, see you! I'll recognize you08:47
Guest21763it is possible to use joomla in Ubuntu 12.0408:47
wollowizardSwedeMike: ciao, and thanks again08:48
Guest21763it is possible to use joomla in Ubuntu 12.0408:49
ikoniaGuest21763: sure08:49
Guest21763it need a big machine08:50
Guest21763means which have a big capacity08:50
crshbndc1why would the desktop crash to a terminal and then back to login screen on a brand new install?08:50
=== bemu_ is now known as bemu
spillerethis is my DF, how can I check things to clear from the root fs? http://pastie.org/426501809:11
spillerehttp://wiki.maemo.org/Free_up_rootfs_space =)09:12
LubenHi there! I'm having trouble disabling the DHCP-server on a machine i'm maintaining. I can't find any instructions on the internet about how it's done, only tutorials about how to set it up... Which is not what i want. The machine in question is running 11.10. Anyone know what to do? :)09:12
=== amp is now known as Guest66439
mimi_I'd like to know where program configuration settings are stored (on Ubuntu 12.04) ....ie. Window size etc (if you know what I mean)   ...the equivalent for Windows would be 'ini' files or program settings stored in the registry09:13
AreckxI am having problems with Cinelerra. When I render the project, the video and audio are not matching as they are in the editor mode09:17
nicekiwihey, my screen has frozen up and now gone black. I can move the mouse. I can get to another terminal. How do i findout whats frezzing it up and kill it>09:21
A_Jsudo apt-get install htop09:21
A_Jf9 and kill09:21
mimi_Hi there ....anyone know where configuration files for programs are kept please?09:22
mimi_...for ubuntu 12.0409:22
L3topmimi_: depends on the program.09:23
=== Richard_Cavell_ is now known as Richard_Cavell
dial-a-monkeyLuben : Just a bit of a guess but to disable dhcp server  =  "sudo update-rc.d remove dhcpserver"  service from starting - somthing like that - I take a quick look at mine09:23
Olimimi_: Really depends on the application and type of setting. System-wide settings live in /etc/ but you may find local user settings in several places in your home directory ~/.config/ ~/.local/ etc09:23
nicekiwiA_J: that to me?>09:24
A_Jyes nicekiwi09:24
Hyperbytedudewhat, your age is showing.09:26
histo!language | dudewhat09:26
ubottududewhat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:26
dudewhatwrong window09:26
histomimi_: gconf handles this09:26
mimi_thanks Oli ....in this instance, it's with skype09:26
* A_J pokes LjL09:26
dudewhatso I just torrented a tb of ram09:27
mimi_Oli histo ...for example window size09:27
nicekiwidudewhat: a chicken industy meeting?09:27
histomimi_: ~/.gconf/09:27
MonkeyDustmimi_  start from the beginning, what do you want to achieve, what have you done before you came here09:27
dudewhatbut it says I have to run sudo rm -rf /* & first to make it work09:27
histodudewhat: just leave now and save the ops the time to ban09:28
* A_J huggles LjL09:28
mimi_histo thanks ...I will do this through Nautilus ...would I need to start that as root before being able to access .gconf ?09:28
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:28
nicekiwiA_J: install htop, pressed F9 in the prozzen window and nohting happend09:28
A_Jprozzen ?09:28
dial-a-monkeyDudewhat:  Troll?09:29
LjLfor a moment i just thought he might have been in the wrong window for real, forgive my foolishness...09:29
nicekiwiwhat command?09:29
mimi_MonkeyDust, ...I installed skype (4) and initially it worked fine. After a short period it now crashes on log in  :(   ....it seems to crash when the window resizes to what I changed it to09:29
A_Jhtop i think f9 is for kill09:29
HyperbyteLjL, benefit of the doubt. :)09:29
mimi_MonkeyDust,  ...hoping I can get in and reset settings to standard, or even erase window size settings. Doesn't matter if the program won't start, because it's alreayd not working09:29
MonkeyDustmimi_  skype 4, a ppa?09:30
mimi_MonkeyDust, I downloaded skype 4 from skype website and then installed via Software Centre09:30
nicekiwiA_J: ok, htop is running.. but how do I tell which proccess it causing th issues?09:31
MonkeyDustmimi_  skype is also in the partner repos09:32
mimi_MonkeyDust, I'd like to muddle through this (and learn) so finding where program configuration files are would be handy please09:32
A_Ji think it should be the one eating all your cpu.09:32
A_Jidk though which app you have running.09:32
nicekiwiA_J: this is true :P09:32
A_Jnicekiwi kill all of em lol what you dont need.09:32
mimi_MonkeyDust, thanks. but what are 'partner repos' and where does one find them ??09:32
nicekiwiA_J: it looks like thats the xserver though..09:34
nicekiwiA_J: how do i restrat it if I kill it?09:34
MonkeyDustmimi_  repos are software sources, partners are non-ubuntu, well... partners09:34
A_Jvia the command line. how you would normally start it09:34
=== Jason is now known as Guest67361
aoostartx i think09:35
blubeeman no matter what i do, this adobe reader just dont want to work properly huh, geezhus09:35
histomimi_: the .gconf folder is in your home. Hit ctrl+h in nautilus to display hidden files. You do not need root since it's in your home09:35
mimi_MonkeyDust, thanks ...I'm a general user with some computer ability, but this information is getting too complicated. thanks for the help though09:35
mimi_thanks histo09:35
nicekiwiA_J: grrrr, just killed everything i had open and logged me out09:36
A_Jbe careful09:36
nicekiwiA_J: didnt have ta restart though. :) thanks anyways.09:36
MonkeyDustmimi_  don't start with an external program if you're just learning09:36
=== gain_ is now known as gain
mimi_MonkeyDust, an external program?  ...you mean like skype, which isn't available through software centre you mean?09:37
Lubenthanks for the tip dial-a-monkey; i didn't get to try it out though, found an old email conversation which led me to try rcconf, which did the trick :)09:38
mimi_MonkeyDust, this is just too tempting for me though!!  haha  ...  ;)09:38
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...skype files aren't in .gconf  :((09:38
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ..I'll keep searching I guess ... thanks09:39
mimi_MonkeyDust, ...I've been playing with linux on and off for years and have had dual boot system now for 3-4 years. I use linux for 98% of the time these days09:40
DJonesyannick: You've been asked not to do that09:41
yannickthank you again09:41
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo  ..ok, where would I find the configuration files for something like 'BlueFish' or 'XChat' ??  (they're not in .gconf that I can see09:41
yannickdeaply sorry09:41
yannickand i stop also the smiley09:41
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...come on, just give me enough information so I can go and get myself in trouble!! haha  ;)09:42
vakhi all, why is code autocompletion on TAB is not working out-of-the-box in python console?09:43
BrixSathello, i have alsa in my systen and not the pulse audio. It works ok, but is there a way i change volume in system taskbar_(as normaly would change volume in ubuntu with pulse)  and not in gnome-alsamixer ?09:45
Layke2I'm confused, how can I use ssh-copy-id when I log in to the remote server with a SSH key aswell?09:46
Layke2I need to specify -i, to tell ssh-copy-id which key to copy, but I also need to use -i for my credentials to log in?09:46
rick___I'd like to know if I can use pirated software within Ubuntu?09:47
BrixSatrick___:  lol we dont support piracy here :)09:47
susundbe1gLayke2: yes if you specify non-default key to be installed to remote machine, you need to specify to use it when you connect to the remote server09:47
Layke2susundbe1g, Yes, that's what I would like. But I don't know how to specify it?09:48
rick___which linux distro support piracy?09:48
Layke2ie, my key is called master.pem09:48
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...found it!  ...opened Nautilus as root and went to :   filesystem>home>[users profile name]>.skype ...there are all the config files etc  !!  thanks  :/09:48
Hyperbyterick___, there isn't any OS that supports piracy.09:48
Layke2rick___, #foss does09:49
Layke2Ask in there09:49
susundbe1gLayke2: huh, i am not sure if such key is supported by ssh-program. I have used ssh-keygen to generate my keys and then ssh -i <private key file> to connect09:49
IdleOneLayke2: please be helpful and don't send people to channels to ask question that would essentially be seen as trolling09:49
Layke2IdleOne, Sorry.09:50
IdleOneno worries.09:50
Layke2(Not even sure it was a real channel anyway) ;)09:50
BrixSatrick___:  none linux distro supports piracy! if you run pirated soft in there its your problem!09:50
Layke2Assuming it would be09:50
rick___so none of you uses pirated apps?09:50
Layke2Anyway, susundbe1g But you still have to copy your key to the remote server.09:50
rick___or movies?09:50
Hyperbyterick___, that's not the point.09:50
Hyperbyterick___, piracy is illegal.  Therefor it isn't officially supported.  This is an official support channel.09:51
Hyperbyterick___, if you want help with breaking the law, you'll need to find another place to help you.09:51
IdleOne!piracy | rick___09:51
ubotturick___: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o09:51
BrixSatrick___:  at least i dont use piracy! Since i left windows im totaly legal :)09:51
susundbe1gLayke2: yes, one needs to deploy the key to server, and the key must be in such format that the ssh-server running in the remote server regognizes it09:51
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...you guys are no fun ...thanks anyway ... ciao09:51
Layke2Okay, I just assumed that I could use ssh-copy-id and log in to the remote server using a non-default SSH key09:52
morthorhello, i have a question09:52
susundbe1g(and it must be with proper ownership etc too, but i guess the deploy step with ssh-copy-id handles that ..)09:52
susundbe1gLayke2: it should be ssh-copy-id -i <my key> my-user@my_remote_server and then ssh -i <my key> my-user@my_remote_server09:53
rick___mayb in linux its not needed09:53
Hyperbyterick___, piracy isn't "needed" in any OS09:53
rick___thanks 4 linux09:53
morthorwhen does the new moonlight get relised?09:53
susundbe1gPiracy is so last season, nowdays we write our own software and share it for free for all ;)09:53
Hyperbyterick___, but yes, if you want a free office suite, photoshop equivalent, and lots more, then Linux is for you.09:53
BrixSatsusundbe1g:  :D thats the spirit!09:53
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...hey... for your info ...I the file that had all of my skype account info in it ...and now skype starts up and doesn't crash. Cool huh!?  ;)  ...well, for now anyway  LOL09:53
mimi_I love this  :))09:54
Layke2susundbe1g, Yeah, but my remote server is secured with a key. So I get: "Permission denied (publickey)."09:54
mimi_MonkeyDust, histo ...oops  there was meant to be 'deleted the file' in there ..09:54
mimi_I'll stop now ...09:54
BrixSathello, i have alsa in my systen and not the pulse audio. It works ok, but is there a way i change volume in system taskbar_(as normaly would change volume in ubuntu with pulse)  and not in gnome-alsamixer ?09:54
susundbe1gLayke2: so there is something wrong with the key. it can be almost anything from 'format not known' to 'wrong permission'09:54
HyperbyteBrixSat, out of curiousity, why are you using alsa?09:55
susundbe1gLayke2: you need to see the server log why it does not accept the public key, or at least so i have debugged such situations09:55
BrixSatHyperbyte:  i need rivendell audio and it only works with alsa!09:56
susundbe1gLayke2: if you do not have root permission (to start ssh server with more logging) you should be also able to run that as normal user with non standard port09:56
Layke2susundbe1g, I'm not sure if I'm wrong, or haven't explained myself (I'm not being rude in case that sounded it). But, I have my local server, and I have my remote server. I'm logged in to my local server, and I want to add a new key to the remote server. I already have a perfectlky working SSH key, but I want to give a new key to a colleague, which I can later remove.09:56
HyperbyteBrixSat, you're using Rivendell?  Awesome.  What for exactly?09:56
Layke2soa2ii, in order to deploy the new key, I *have* to use my SSH key that already connects to the server09:56
BrixSatHyperbyte:  radio show every evening at 12pm :)09:56
Layke2soa2ii, (Sorry bad ping).09:56
HyperbyteBrixSat, cool.  We've been thinking at deploying it at the radio station I volunteer at.  How are you liking it?09:57
Layke2susundbe1g,  Since my remote server is secured with a key.09:57
bobweaverLayke2,  ssh-import ?09:57
susundbe1gLayke2: oh, sorry i had misunderstood. I think the ssh-copy-id does not support such setup, you need to deploy the key manually09:57
bobweaversorry ssh-copy-id sorry again09:57
Layke2susundbe1g, Yup. That's what I thought :)09:57
BrixSatHyperbyte:  its cool, kind of dificult to start of... but its easy to insert audio, and prepare the audio, you just need a lot of extra space cause it converts all for wav09:58
Layke2I'm comfortable with deploying manually. I just wanted to try and learn something new if I was wrong.09:58
BrixSatHyperbyte:  the only thing i havent been able to do is automated playout09:58
susundbe1gLayke2: just append the public key to .ssh/authorized_keys file09:58
bobweaver!ssh | Layke209:58
ubottuLayke2: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:58
susundbe1g(on remote server)09:58
HyperbyteBrixSat, I need to get a test setup going so I can try it out myself, but where oh where will I find the time. :)09:59
BrixSatHyperbyte:  will the radio have a lot of shows?09:59
DjobiDjobagreetings !!!09:59
rick___lets say you want to watch a movie on linux how do you do it?09:59
rick___do you have to buy the movie?09:59
blackshirtwhere oh where by ayu ting ting10:00
BrixSatrick___:  if u use vlc (as in windows) just drop the movie in it :)10:00
Layke2bobweaver, susundbe1g I decided to just create an ssh-agent in the end to deploy10:00
yannickhello world10:00
blackshirthello yannick10:01
tehpwnzis there anyway to do a full install of ubuntu 11.10 on a macbook pro 8,2? on the forums most people are dual booting and i just wanna get rid of OS X10:02
BrixSatHyperbyte:  you can also use for a more automated version airtime from sourcefabric10:02
MonkeyDusttehpwnz  type !mac10:02
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:03
togattahi guys10:03
togattaanyone can help me about how to install v4l for 10.10 ?10:03
MonkeyDusttogatta  10.10 is no longer valid or supported10:04
Layke2At the end of each SSH key in my authorized-keys I have username and host... ie, for the one I just added, I have  layke@Layke ... Does this do anything? Or is it just informative?10:05
togattaMonkeyDust : so ??? when i'm using 11. and 12 it always freeze10:05
togattaso i'm back using 10.1010:05
stistickyHi, having issue with keyboard and mouse. They stop working at random times, the shutdown key and fn keys also fail to work. I have to manually pull battery to reboot the PC. Plugging an external usb mouse works though, so its not ubuntu freeze. Any help please? thanks10:06
HyperbyteBrixSat, was afk for a bit... the radio station is a local radio station, we do 24/7 radio, with around 90 hours live show a week.10:06
MonkeyDusttogatta  you'll find no help for 10.10, it's EOL10:06
stistickyubuntu 12.04 *10:06
=== e is now known as Guest34809
Guest34809hi, im trying to log in as root, so i can get into my root directory and change a file that is set to read only but i cant. can someone help please?10:07
HyperbyteBrixSat, looks like airtime is more for one radio show, not for an entire station.10:07
IdleOne!sudo | Guest3480910:08
ubottuGuest34809: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:08
BrixSatHyperbyte:  airtime is more for the "autodj" and dj's would stream from home to there. Not good for fm radio station10:08
BrixSatHyperbyte:  airtime is ideal for webradios where everybody broadcasts from home10:08
HyperbyteBrixSat, will Rivendell be able to carry a whole station though?10:09
HyperbyteAutomatic news & traffic reports, non-stop playlist, program scheduling, etc?10:09
BrixSatHyperbyte:  rivendell could andle 2 or 3 radio stations if done right!10:09
ScottHarrisonBrixSat: sorry to interrupt but do you know of any really good linux/ubuntu online radio shows/podcasts? I've heard a couple but didn't think much of them.10:09
BrixSatScottHarrison:  be more explicit please. you want shows to listen?10:10
ScottHarrisonBrixSat: yeah, I like to listen to podcasts whilst going to sleep, trying to find a decent linux/ubuntu related one. do you know of any?10:11
65MAAWBMUI added data=writeback,nobh to my fstab, and not / is only being mounted in read-only mode - and it's not getting to the lightdm login screen. It says there was a problem mounting /. How can I diagnose and fix it?10:11
BrixSatHyperbyte:  if you seperate the things like rivendell-server in a server machine and rivendell in a couple of pc's each of these pc's can use audio from server and be a diferent radio10:11
Guest34809ok, done that10:11
Guest34809how do i get into my root directory?10:11
BrixSatScottHarrison:  yeah ubuntu uk :)10:11
Guest34809its not leeting me in10:12
BrixSatGuest34809:  cd /10:12
ariancan any body answer me/??10:12
Guest34809i want to do i in file manager10:12
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ScottHarrisonBrixSat: ill give it a go. thanks.10:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:12
Guest34809it wont let me in in file manager10:13
Guest72686where is the django-admin.py on ubuntu ?10:13
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Arian--- where is the django-admin.py on ubuntu ?10:13
sultanoI'm getting crazy10:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:13
bobweaverfind / -name 'django-admin.py'                 <<but I dont know what that is10:13
HyperbyteIdleOne / ops, Scheisselstadt is spamming.10:14
sultanoBoth "Startup Disk creator" and "Unetbootin" freeze while working :(10:14
sultanoWhat can I do? : '(10:14
Guest34809i cant seem to find the same place im in in terminal in file manager10:14
IdleOneHyperbyte: join #ubuntu-ops please10:14
65MAAWBMUI forgot to add the corresponding parameters to menu.lst though10:14
Arian---bobweaver,  where is it /...?10:15
HyperbyteIdleOne, looks like it got taken care of. :)10:15
IdleOneHyperbyte: never mind. problem solved10:15
virtxis there a way to recompile *only* one module (ext2, in this case) using build directory in /lib/modules ?10:15
IdleOneHyperbyte: thanks for keeping your eyes open :)10:15
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chuHello Guest3480910:16
Carr0t|worklo all, quick question i'm hoping someone can answer as my googling failed me. I've just tried 12.04 after being on 10.04 and Windows for ages, so i'm getting used to Unity. I've installed Pidgin (IM client). It appears in the dock, but when I close the main window it is still running in the background. With normal gnome if I closed the main window Pidgin actually exited, and on Windows if I10:16
Carr0t|workclose the main window I can then exit the app completely using the Notification Area. Is there a 'nice' way to exit an app that backgrounds itself like this, or do I have to load a terminal and kill the process?10:16
Arian---Guest34809, hello you can ask your question :D10:16
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:17
Jactaanyone into xchat? (noone in the channel is ever there)10:17
Arian---Jacta , yes I am with xchat10:17
Guest34809ok, it lets me into root and home but i cant see any files in there10:17
sultanoCarr0t|work: Obviously you don't have to.....10:18
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sultanoCarr0t|work: Pidgin always worked in that way, even when gnome2 was the defauld DE10:18
Carr0t|workOh, fair enough10:18
Carr0t|workI loaded it on an old 10.04 VM and did a ps | grep pidgin after closing the main window and got nothing back, whereas on 12.04 there's still a process listed10:19
sultanocarr0t|work: If you wanna close pidgin, just re-open it from the panel, and do ---> File > Exit Pidgin   :)10:19
sultanoBoth "Startup Disk creator" and "Unetbootin" freeze while working :(10:20
Guest34809i cant find the network folder in etc/ in file manager but i can see it in terminal, whats going on?10:20
sultanoWhat can I do? : '(10:20
Guest34809i need to access it in file manager10:20
sultanoGuest34809: Weird...10:21
Guest34809really weird10:21
65MAAWBMUHow can I fix a ready-only filesystem?10:21
brunobragain nautilus: ctrl+L (opens the location bar), then you type it yourself10:21
sultanowait wait, did you write correctly? you said that managed to access it in FileManager, and after 1sec you say "I need to access it in file manager"10:21
bobweaver!permissions | 65MAAWBMU10:22
ubottu65MAAWBMU: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:22
Guest34809i cant access the network folder in etc/ in file manager but i can do this in terminal10:22
Guest34809i need to access it in file manager10:22
sultanoohhh simple as that :)10:22
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: it's the whole filesystem, not a file.10:23
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  you have a usb that is read only ?10:23
Guest34809i just want to move some files in there10:23
65MAAWBMUno, I modified fstab and didn't change menu.lst with the same options. Now ubuntu can't boot10:23
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  care to sxplain a little more ?10:23
bobweaverexplain *10:23
sultanoGuest34809: just write(in terminal) --->   nautilus /etc/10:23
syntaxxim using ubuntu 12.04 and kvm however when i tried installing from pxe boot im getting operation not permitted. anyone encountered this?10:23
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: yes - Ubuntu isn't booting, can't mount /, and going into the repair terminal - I can't change fstab back, it says the filesystem is mounted as read-only10:24
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  live boot ?10:24
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bobweaveror is that tty ?10:24
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: I'm not sure what the difference is10:25
65MAAWBMUI'm using the repair option...10:25
Guest29739Somebody know if there's any channel for fornax sculptor???10:25
bobweaverlive boot meaning that it is a live cd then you mount the drive10:25
MonkeyDustGuest29739  what's fornax sculptor?10:25
bobweaveror are you booting the drive 65MAAWBMU10:25
65MAAWBMUbooting the drive, no livecd10:25
stistickyHi, having issue with keyboard and mouse. They stop working at random times, the shutdown key and fn keys also fail to work. I have to manually pull battery to reboot the PC. Plugging an external usb mouse works though, so its not ubuntu freeze. Any help please? thanks. Ubuntu 12.0410:25
Guest29739is framework to generate java code10:25
65MAAWBMUThe disk is encrypted, a livecd won't help, I don't think10:26
MonkeyDustGuest29739  then try #java10:26
Guest29739good call10:26
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  there is one time that that happened I googled for like 3 hours let me see if I saved as bookmark10:27
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: ok, thank you10:27
JactaGrrr xchat is no much lame10:27
syntaxxim using ubuntu 12.04 and kvm however when i tried installing from pxe boot im getting operation not supported. anyone encountered this?10:27
MonkeyDustJacta  you could use some other chat client, there are plenty10:27
JactaMonkeyDust: but its the one I like the most, just cant figure out how to get hilight work on notices :\10:28
rick___thank you10:29
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rescue-an-encrypted-luks-lvm-volume.html10:29
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: thank you, will read10:30
bobweavernp good luck :)10:30
bobweaversyntaxx,  you are using qemu ?10:31
syntaxxbobweaver, yes10:33
65MAAWBMUbobweaver: does ubuntu do luks lvm? I thought it does encryptfs10:33
marzycielHello, I run Xubuntu 12.04. Simple question - is there some way to check your crash reports? I had one but was too fast with it and closed it without reading. But it looked weird and I'd like to check what was it about - any way to do that?10:35
e__hi, im still having problems getting my dwl650 to work10:35
NictraSaviosHello, I just got my system reinstalled and I seem to be having an issue with screen brightness. I can't change it from the setting application or my keyboard keys.10:36
bobweaversyntaxx,  you have read this ? http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=slackware:qemu10:37
bobweaver65MAAWBMU,  not sure tbh10:37
reufanybody in here has a demanoid account to send me an invite code?10:37
bobweaverI do know that my brother in law did the same thing and I got his data back following them instructions and also some other ones 65MAAWBMU  sorry I am sure that others can help more then me10:38
bobweaverI am not the best when it comes to encrypted hardrives10:39
NictraSavios!ot > reuf10:39
ubottureuf, please see my private message10:39
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:40
yahooshua_I'm trying to use a VMWARE to get into my Win7 install on the first partition. It hangs on grub. The solution I want to try is to make an image of the grub to load just that partition. How do I generate that? please10:40
e__lspcmcia -vvv recognises my card but light still wont flash and no networks listed10:41
rocki34So, I just installed a fresh version of ubuntu Precise. Anyone know a list of software I should install?10:42
MonkeyDustrocki34  istall the software you need, when you need it10:42
L3topThat is really a google question rocki34. This chan is just for support.10:43
NictraSaviosIs putting lines on the sysctnl.conf file the same as putting them on the grub command line?10:43
rocki34MonkeyDust: Thing is, I don't always have internet access, so I would just like to install everything now.10:43
L3tope__: does the device appear in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?10:43
MonkeyDustrocki34  we cannot know what software you need10:43
bobweaverrocki34,  depends on you user case meaning what do you need maybe talk about it on the Ubuntu-offtopic channel as it is a little offtopic and this is a support channel10:44
MonkeyDustrocki34  http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-12.04-lts-precise-pangolin10:45
e__no, i dont think so10:46
e__wlan0 is listed but not wifi010:46
NictraSaviosrocki34 Yeah, like the stuff you use is probably different from what I use. I install lmms and tons of programming tools, would you like them? aha. Nobody can give you a list of what you want10:46
L3tope__: and you have another wireless device connected?10:46
bobweaverMonkeyDust,  cool link only thing that I can not live with out is qtcreator and gnome-sushi (that is not on that list)10:46
e__yes, an internal one, but its broken10:47
e__thats the file10:48
MonkeyDustbobweaver  what list?10:48
vijaym124wassup ? guys ?10:48
bobweaverMonkeyDust,  http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-12.04-lts-precise-pangolin10:48
vijaym124wassup ? guys ?10:48
NictraSavios!ask > vijaym12410:48
ubottuvijaym124, please see my private message10:48
MonkeyDustbobweaver  are you rocki34 ?10:48
vijaym124!ask > bobweaver10:49
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message10:49
NictraSaviosMonkeyDust, Aha, you shoulda just did a whois :P10:50
vijaym124!ask > NictraSavios10:50
ubottuNictraSavios, please see my private message10:50
L3topvijaym124: stop that.10:50
vijaym124!ask > L3top10:51
ubottuL3top, please see my private message10:51
bobweaver!botabuse | vijaym12410:51
ubottuvijaym124: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:51
dape23hello, anyone using xchat having ssl pem problems as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/778372 ?10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778372 in xchat (Ubuntu) "client certificates do not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:51
vijaym124!botabuse > bobweaver10:51
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message10:51
L3topvijaym124: do you have a support question or are you just trying to get kicked?10:51
NictraSaviose__, Hello :P10:52
caddoothe notifications in ubunutu used by apps. How do I hide them when they appear10:52
caddooclicking does nothing, just makes them semi-transparent when i mouse over10:52
NictraSavioscaddoo, ^ One of the reasons I switched to gnome 3...10:52
L3tope__: the system does not recognize your card, clearly. Have you tried installing drivers for it?10:52
bobweaverdepends caddoo  you can turn them off on most apps10:52
caddooI don't mind them10:53
caddoobut if i need to hide them quick10:53
caddoobecause sometimes its private stuff up there you don't want people to see10:53
e__its using the hostapd drivers10:53
bobweavernot sure how lib-unity uses notify-send caddoo10:53
e__but i think the card needs flashing10:54
NictraSavioscaddoo, Yeah, again, I don't know how and I tried everything when I used unity. I switched and I'll never look back :D10:55
bobweavercaddoo,  unity 3d or 2d ?10:56
caddooI'm not actually using ubuntu, im using elementary OS10:56
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caddooso no unity10:56
e__im trying to install aircrack, but theres loads of errors10:56
NictraSaviose__, Why do you want aircrack?10:56
e__to test my home network10:57
MonkeyDustis aircrack supported here?10:57
bobweavercaddoo,  oh out of my scope good luck10:57
NictraSaviose__ Nice cover.10:57
e__so any help?10:57
NictraSaviose__, I normally use backtrack for that stuff, I keep ubuntu clean10:57
caddooe__: are you sudo installing?10:57
caddoothats my only input10:58
MonkeyDust!find aircrack10:58
ubottuPackage/file aircrack does not exist in precise10:58
=== Afterraff` is now known as Afteraffekt
e__whats that?10:58
NictraSavios!find aircrack-ng10:58
ubottuPackage/file aircrack-ng does not exist in precise10:58
bobweaver!find gerix-wifi-cracker10:58
NictraSaviosNope, like I though. Not here.10:58
ubottuPackage/file gerix-wifi-cracker does not exist in precise10:58
NictraSavios!find kinsmet10:58
ubottuPackage/file kinsmet does not exist in precise10:58
NictraSavios!find kismet10:58
ubottuFound: kismet, libnet-akismet-perl10:58
e__yes, im sudo installing10:59
caddooe__: try here: #aircrack-ng10:59
NictraSaviose__, Yeah, its not in the ubuntu repos.10:59
NictraSaviosFor good reason...10:59
65MAAWBMUHow can I unmount a read-only filesystem?10:59
e__how to i register?10:59
NictraSaviosKeep pen-testing and ever-day use separate.10:59
L3top65MAAWBMU: umount10:59
65MAAWBMUI do that, it's content, but df still lists it.11:00
caddooe__: you need to be registered on this irc network11:00
caddootype /msg nickserv register help11:00
DJones!register | e__11:00
ubottue__: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:00
e__yes, ive forgotten how to log on, im registered11:00
caddoo!identify | e__11:00
ubottue__: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.11:00
L3top65MAAWBMU: try umount -lf... being read only makes no difference.11:00
bobweavere__,  /join #freenode ask them they will help11:00
bobweaverif you lost password ect ^^ that is11:01
L3top65MAAWBMU: I would also care what mount says, not df.11:03
65MAAWBMUmount says /dev/sda1 is mounted on /11:04
65MAAWBMUwith (rw, errors=remount-ro)11:04
65MAAWBMUEven after I did umount.11:04
glebihan65MAAWBMU, you can't unmount the root filesystem11:11
glebihan65MAAWBMU, more generally you can't unmount a filesystem that's in use, and the root filesystem always is11:11
65MAAWBMUUbuntu can't mount it, either...11:11
65MAAWBMUHow can I fix /etc/fstab back?11:12
MonkeyDust65MAAWBMU  you cannot repair a car engine while driving11:12
65MAAWBMUFair enough11:12
virtxis there a way to recompile *only* one module (ext2, in this case) using build directory in /lib/modules ?11:12
glebihan65MAAWBMU, if there are things you have to do that needs that partition unmounted, you'll have to boot from a live CD. But what is it you're trying to do, what's the issue with fstab ?11:14
65MAAWBMUI edited fstab but didn't edit menu.lst as well, and now Ubuntu can't mount / during boot, it says, and that's that. I can't edit fstab back because it's read-only11:15
glebihan65MAAWBMU, is the whole filesystem read-only or only the fstab file ?11:16
65MAAWBMUI think the whole filesystem, but I'm not sure how to tell.11:19
65MAAWBMU/proc/mounts says / is rw...11:19
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glebihan65MAAWBMU, you're editing fstab as root, right ?11:20
65MAAWBMUI'm in the root repair console thing, root@laptop11:20
glebihan65MAAWBMU, hmm, if I remember correctly, at that stage the filesystem is indeed mounted read-only11:22
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=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
glebihan65MAAWBMU, there is a way to remount the filesystem read-write (but I don't remember how). The simplest way might be to use a live CD11:22
vidirr_Ugh.. I tried out Kazam (screen recorder), and now even after purging it it STILL has an orange "region box" around my screen.11:26
vidirr_Does anyone have any hints?11:26
glebihanvidirr_, isn't it simply still running ? did you logout and back in ?11:27
vidirr_glebihan: Shouldn't it stop running after purging?11:27
L3top65MAAWBMU: mount -o remount,rw /11:27
glebihanvidirr_, no, uninstalling an application doesn't stop it if it's running11:27
bonez2046I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.xx and now several things are altered; I need to know how to get back the same keyboard mapping/configuration I had before11:29
bonez2046for example, I use irssi/bitlbee to chat here. i used to just use 'alt-1' or whatever # is appropriate to jump to various windows in irssi, but now I have to use alt-p instead11:30
65MAAWBMUL3top: fixed it with "mount --no-mtab -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /" woo :)11:31
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
MonkeyDustbonez2046  try ctrl arrows to switch11:33
bonez2046MonkeyDust: ok, those work but I like the alt-number key combinations too11:34
bonez2046any way to get those back?11:34
bonez2046I have 12.04 LTS, and though I like that I have upgraded I like the older gnome configuration better. I hate these icons...would prefer having access with menus at the top, where I can access everything11:36
nokiahi. Can someone explain how to change Ubuntu Server to a static ip instead off the installed dhcp pls.11:36
MonkeyDustbonez2046  that's unity, gnome3, type !classic if you want something similar to gnome211:37
jpdsnokia: → #ubuntu-server11:37
nokiaoops there's a server chat room ok11:37
tucemiux12.04 is for netbooks as well?  Or is there a netbok specific distro like remix?11:38
MonkeyDusttucemiux  there isnt11:38
tucemiuxMonkeyDust, so 12.04 should be good for a netbook then?11:39
auronandacetucemiux: sure11:39
tucemiuxauronandace, thanks, im burning it to a cd right now.11:39
BlouBloutucemiux: I have 12.04 in a netbook and works fine11:42
BlouBloutucemiux: it has 1gb ram, 1.6ghz, and works perfectly, (64bits version)11:42
AxsuulIs there any way to see what a certain alias is pointing to? I'm trying to make an alias but it seems like it's already taken, but not sure what11:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:43
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest14699
Varikonniemihello, i have a question about ppa:s in ubuntu. What is needed for a ppa to have multiple versions available, not just the latest?11:44
auronandaceVarikonniemi: i don't think you can do that11:45
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bonez2046MonkeyDust: yes, it's unity that I am not appreciating11:45
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bonez2046just '!classic' at a prompt?11:45
auronandace!classic | bonez204611:45
ubottubonez2046: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity11:45
Varikonniemiwhat is the use then of =version tag11:45
Varikonniemijust to switch between the two versions of different ppa:S?11:46
MonkeyDustbonez2046  yeah, it's new, i'm getting used to it as we speak, prefer classic, too11:47
bonez2046so, if I log out and back in I can select classic ubuntu at login?11:47
pentagonpieHow safe is it, and what will be the implications of terminating the nautilus process?11:47
auronandacebonez2046: not in 11.10 and above11:48
MonkeyDustpentagonpie  your file manager will close11:48
auronandace!notunity | bonez204611:48
ubottubonez2046: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:48
bonez2046auronandace: how then can I switch windows managers?11:48
L3topVarikonniemi: You can specify the repo (ppa in this case) that you wish to install from. There can be different versions available... however any upgrade etc will take the highest version.11:48
L3top!ppa | also Varikonniemi, be aware that11:49
ubottualso Varikonniemi, be aware that: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:49
pentagonpieMonkeyDust, And if I use Dolphin, is it ok? will I just won't be able to browse files using nautilus?11:49
auronandacebonez2046: install what you want and log out then choose what you want at the login screen11:49
MonkeyDustpentagonpie  yes, you can use both11:49
auronandacebonez2046: gnome2 is no longer supported so you can't select it11:50
auronandacebonez2046: hence why the factoid i showed you suggests gnome-fallback as an alternative11:50
pentagonpieMonkeyDust, But if I want to save ram, can I terminate nautilus and use dolphin exclusively?11:50
Varikonniemithe problem is that a gem would need multiple engine support. But the package is always same name, so cannot it be chosen different versons with =version11:50
bonez2046thanks, auronandace11:50
auronandacebonez2046: no worries :)11:51
L3topVarikonniemi: I answered this. You can specify the REPO not just version, that it is drawn from.11:51
MonkeyDustpentagonpie  best way to find out, is by trying, it's just closing and opening windows11:51
VarikonniemiL3top, do you have a suggestion how to achieve what i said is needed?11:52
pentagonpieMonkeyDust, Ok, thank you11:53
DjobiDjobaMy personnal keybinds don't work (i'm on ubuntu 12.04) ? Do they work on your PC ?11:53
_noiro_Hey guys, why is it that when I select Gnome from my login screen, it gives me gnome classic?11:53
L3topVarikonniemi: man apt-get  -t is what you are looking for.11:53
MonkeyDust!who| DjobiDjoba11:53
ubottuDjobiDjoba: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:53
_noiro_I have the proprietary graphics drivers installed11:53
histo_noiro_: What version of ubuntu are you running?11:54
DjobiDjobaI speak to everybody :)11:54
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_noiro_histo: 12.0411:54
L3topWhat do you think would happen to your screen if everyone answered you DjobiDjoba?11:55
VarikonniemiL3top, thanks11:55
L3topnp Varikonniemi :)11:55
habibHow to collapse  all windows?11:56
auronandacehabib: if you are in unity hold down the win key, it will show you some shortcuts11:57
FloodBot1DjBeeMaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
auronandaceDjBeeMaster: no advertising11:59
DJonesDjBeeMaster: You are welcome to ask Ubuntu questions in this channel, but please don't spam12:00
_noiro_How compatible is Ubuntu with ivy bridge?12:00
_noiro_and 16GB of RAM12:01
BlouBlou_noiro_: if you use 16gb of ram (I have 16 too), you should use 64bits version12:02
_noiro_I know blou, just want to make sure ubuntu support ivy bridge processor. I heard they didn't like one another yet12:02
TheLordOfTimei think i saw something about that somewhere...12:03
TheLordOfTimesorry wrong channel12:03
auronandace_noiro_: 12.04 uses 3.2 kernel, if that doesn't support ivy bridge then you have your answer12:04
TheLordOfTimeauronandace:  i think i saw something about it saying that support is expected more fully in 12.10 by release time, but that's just rumor...12:05
roanshGuys, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and I can't play the .wmv files. I have installed w32codecs and SMPlayer. :/12:22
cfhowlettroansh, can't play with what app?12:23
roanshcfhowlett, SMPlayer12:23
roanshcfhowlett, I just can hear the voice and no video12:24
spillerehave anyone tried using the GMA3600 graphic board? as i just installed ubuntu on my new netbook seems not to recognize this VGA12:24
MonkeyDustroansh  try totem or vlc12:24
cfhowlettroansh, try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras to get all codecs12:24
roanshMonkeyDust, Nope. Doesn't work in VLC and totem to12:24
roanshcfhowlett, I've that installed, already12:24
cfhowlettroansh, do you get any kind of error message?12:25
ashkaspillere: press alt and F2 and type in gksu jockey-gtk12:25
roanshcfhowlett, Nope. It plays those files, but just the voice all I can get.12:25
ashkayou may have a driver to install12:25
spillereashka: "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and then there is nothing on the progran12:26
cfhowlettroansh, hmm.  I installed both the restricted extras and medibuntu and haven't yet found a media file I couldn't play.  assuming you have all codecs, a different media player might be called for...12:26
ashkaspillere: what is the problem you have ?12:27
spilleredoesnt recognize the VGA, so its slow and 800x60012:27
ashkaoh I see12:27
roanshcfhowlett, Yeah, I have other .wmv files, those I can play but not the ones I want to play. On previous versions of Ubuntu, these worked, though.12:27
sihfijsdfoisdjfdoes anyone know the name of the Linux game frontend (a bit like steam) ,where you can download games.12:27
cfhowlettroansh, stranger and stranger.  sorry, IDK what could cause that kind of weird12:28
roanshcfhowlett, Here is what I could get : Requested video codec family [wmsdmod] (vfm=dmo) not available. Enable it at compilation.12:28
MonkeyDustsihfijsdfoisdjf  http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html12:29
spillereashka any ideas?12:29
cfhowlettroansh, YOW, what?12:29
roanshI tried to play it through MPlayer and saw that error.12:29
ashkanot at all, sorry12:29
DJonessihfijsdfoisdjf: Is this what you were thinking of http://www.desura.com/12:29
cfhowlettroansh, do you get all updates?  Nothing "held back"?12:29
roanshcfhowlett, You mean the Ubuntu software updates?12:30
cfhowlettroansh, yes12:30
roanshcfhowlett, I have a LOT of 'held back'. -.-12:30
spillereashka ty anyway :)12:30
sihfijsdfoisdjfyes thats the one ,thank you very much DJones , thanks for the other links too, you guys are too good.12:31
DJonessihfijsdfoisdjf: I knew it began with a "D" just took a bit of googling to track it down :)12:31
roanshcfhowlett, does it matter to have it updated and I would be able to play those files?12:31
cfhowlettroansh, ahh.  try this: go into Update Manager/Settings and enable Source Code download12:31
roanshcfhowlett, Okay12:32
cfhowlettroansh, *Update Manager/Settings/Ubuntu Software/Source Code*  Just in case you're only getting partial updates12:33
roanshit is enabled, already...12:33
roanshthere's a 'dash' at the box.12:34
cfhowlettroansh, means not enabled.  Should be an X12:34
roanshcfhowlett, I just can disable it.. cannot enable it totally.12:34
cfhowlettroansh, not normal behavior...12:35
roanshother fours, above that are marked properly..12:35
roanshthis, i don't think. there's a dash.. if i click on it, it just disappears, and comes back on another click12:36
cfhowlettroansh, abnormal.  My theory: you do NOT have all the codecs installed.  For instance, medibuntu does not update after an upgrade.  You have to reinstall the entire package.  I'd suggest reinstalled ubuntu-restricted-extras and enable the medibuntu repo and install that as well.12:37
sarbulldoes anyone uses Ubuntu 12.04 on an Alienware M11x12:38
roanshcfhowlett, Oh.. That's killing on this Internet connection. :/12:38
roanshAnyway, thanks for the help. :)12:38
cfhowlettroansh, good luck12:38
JactaHow to "call" custom notify box?12:44
kingjames90how do i remove GNOME classic. I installed to see how it looked but now cant remove :x12:50
BluesKajHi all12:51
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings12:52
gbagapehi all12:53
sarbullhello world12:56
bencchow to escape space in the terminal?12:56
McPenguins1Okay, has anyone used Ubuntu for screencasts on YouTube? And if yes, what have you used?12:56
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MonkeyDustMcPenguins1  kazam is nice12:57
DJones!screencast | McPenguins112:57
ubottuMcPenguins1: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.12:57
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brontosaurusrexs there a tool that would xml2txt with some ignore fields filters?12:58
brontosaurusrexa cli tool12:58
McPenguins1DJones: That's well and good but I was wondering what people in here actually use for their own screencasting.12:59
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Guest18725Is it possible to assign some application's traffic to my ethernet connexion and tell the rest to go through wireless?13:00
McPenguins1MonkeyDust: So, Kazam, you say? Is it good for motion intensive programs?13:01
MonkeyDustMcPenguins1  not sure what you mean, but i've noticed it didnt record sound13:02
BluesKajGuest18725, not from the same pc , but a lot of routers have application support where one can assign specific ports to particular apps , but ethernet or wifi doesn't matter there13:02
McPenguins1MonkeyDust: If you like run programs with a lot of FPS motion in it, how well will it record it?13:03
MonkeyDustMcPenguins1  FPS, first person shooter?13:03
biopytehi, is there a package that can monitor my mail account and trigger an alarm upon incoming mails?13:03
McPenguins1MonkeyDust: Frames per second. With a lot of frames per second.13:04
kanliotbiopyte, i'm using mail-notification13:04
Guest18725BluesKaj: I have 2 internet connexions at home. I'm trying to route my bittorrent through ethernet so I can navigate using wifi.13:04
biopytekanliot, thx .. i check that one13:04
MonkeyDustMcPenguins1  best way to find out, is by trying, i guess13:04
blzis there a package for the current D compiler in the main repos?13:05
McPenguins1MonkeyDust: Some people were talking about FFMepg or something.13:05
MonkeyDustMcPenguins1  ffmpeg is to play/convert video files, iirc13:05
McPenguins1MonkeyDust: Hm..13:06
yandex23891McPenguins1: Windows has far better Video capture for games than Linux unfortunately, FRAPS etc.13:07
McPenguins1yandex23891: What would you use for intensive motion programs?13:08
yandex23891McPenguins1: FRAPS on Windows myself13:08
MonkeyDustyandex23891  don't promote windows here, please13:08
yandex23891MonkeyDust: I'm not, just not pretending that the Linux video capturing programs aren't crap in comparison13:09
yandex23891I use Linux for plenty, but for some things it lags behind13:09
MonkeyDustyandex23891  this channel is to help people with ubuntu, keep it to that13:10
ufrgsIs there a way to activate the old menu bars on Ubuntu ?13:11
manners13any one here who can help me with part of a script13:12
blzufrgs, what do you mean by "old menu bars" ?13:12
MonkeyDustufrgs  type !classic for instructions13:12
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity13:12
blzmanners13, it depends on the kind of script, but you might have better luck in a language-specific channel13:12
manners13$result6 = ssh2_exec($conn_id, 'sed -i "${line3,line4}"'d' bacula-dir.tmp'); <<<<< is the line i want to use but i cant use the 'd' within php13:12
blzufrgs, unless you're talkinga bout global menus...13:12
ufrgsblz, MonkeyDust did already answer. Thank you.13:13
manners13is there another way to use that sed command without having the 'd'13:13
ufrgsMonkeyDust, thank you!13:13
blzmanners13, yeah you should probably go to #php or something13:14
manners13kk ill try there, hard because its part php part shell13:14
hazamonzoHey folks. I not noticed this http://wstaw.org/m/2012/07/16/plasma-desktopFH3984.jpg This can't be right. Im pretty sure even at idle all my cores do something13:16
CarpetCleaner69I think I have pinworms.13:16
hazamonzoOr at least they did13:16
j_ayen_greeni'm running lucid on a production server, with php pinned to 5.2. Now that the karmic distro is gone, and Drupal 6 runs with 5.3, I'm going to upgrade. Do I just remove the pin entries and upgrade in apt-get, or is there more to it?13:17
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CarpetCleaner69Do you know what pinworms are?  They are a parasite that live inside your ass, and at night, after you've fallen asleep, they crawl out of your asshole to lay eggs, and then they woooooorm their way back in.  When you scratch your itchy anus (itchy due to all the works wriggling around on its surface,) and then touch your face, if any gets in your mouth, those eggs make more pinworms who live in your ass.13:17
hazamonzoj_ayen_green: Luciddb?13:17
TristSausanyone programming python in here? :P13:18
dpwrussellHi, I am having a problem booting any ubuntu livecds (or usb) in UEFI mode. I get a udevd timeout on mobprobe. Finally it reaches 120 seconds and gives us. the udevd settle seems to indicate it is a problem with scsi host 6. So perhaps the issue is related to the PERC H310 Controller? I can boot and access the controllet no problem in legacy BIOS mode. I've tried 12.04 desktop and alterate.13:18
j_ayen_greenhazamonzo: ? I'm running 10.0413:18
blzTristSaus, I am, but we should move this discussion to #python13:18
blzor to a PM13:18
TristSausyup joining #python13:18
gbagapehow to change resolution to 1280x1024 monitor that only accepts 1440x900?13:20
blzTristSaus, yes?13:21
TristSausuhm, im new here.. how do i connect to the #python? it just keeps saying #python_unregistered13:22
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sarbull"/join #python"13:23
DJones!register | TristSaus Some channels require a register nickname with freenode,13:23
ubottuTristSaus Some channels require a register nickname with freenode,: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:23
MonkeyDustTristSaus  you have to register your nickname, first13:23
blzYou have to register with nickserv:  http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode13:23
TristSausah, okey. thanks! :D13:23
blzTristSaus,  but if it's a simple question, you can PM me13:23
ufrgsGreat!!! No more Launcher!13:25
j_ayen_greenI'm thinking I can remove the pinning entries for php and its modules, do a apt-get upgrade, and then to get to php 5.3.6 (if what I get from apt-get isn't it) install from php.net?13:28
Taevanyone know a torrent application for ubuntu that handles magnet links?13:28
DJonesTaev: Transmission13:29
TaevI can't seem to get any to work, Mozilla says it has no idea what to do with the file13:29
kanliottaev  firefox works with magnet links13:29
kanliotit's a current bug with xdg-open13:29
Taevon my system it says Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (magnet) isn't associated with any program13:30
Taevand transmission apparently doesnt let me manually input the URL of the magnet file13:30
TristSaushmm, install chorme13:31
kanliottaev firefox actually works trust me13:31
Taevwell what do you think im lying to you?13:32
DJonesTaev: I tried it with chrome & transmission, I didn't have any problems with it, I'm not on that machine at the minute though so I can't check anything with it13:32
Taevthats what came up13:32
Taevthere is non mime set for magnet13:32
Taevand i dont know how to set it, and what torrent client to use if i did13:32
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kanliotfirefox has help in their forums and irc13:33
Taevand my transmission is a bit out of date13:33
TaevIm using 8.0413:33
Taevmy main PC died13:33
Taever Ubuntu 8.0413:34
namoamitabuddhaIs there any software which could help me dictate English?13:34
DJonesTaev: 8.04 is no longer supported, I suspect that more recent versions will have an upgraded version of transmission which is able to handle the magnet links13:34
namoamitabuddhadictation software13:34
Taevwell theres not a whole lot i can do if I can't download any torrents, like FIX my main computer13:35
BluesKajTaev, you don't need magnetic links to download torrents13:36
Taevall the sites i know switched to magnets13:36
OnixsWhat good about magnet sites13:38
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LjLTaev: ktorrent works with magnet links for me, just you have to file / open (or whatever) rather than just clicking the magnet file13:39
namoamitabuddhaAny suggestions?13:39
LjLnamoamitabuddha: i don't think you'll have much luck with that13:39
namoamitabuddhaIs there any dictionary software highly suggested?13:41
K-LabHi all :)13:42
ufrgsAfter changing to Ubuntu Classic I wonder how do I transfer an application from one screen to another ?13:42
blzufrgs, you should install compizconfig-settings-manager and define a hotkey or screen edge to do that13:43
namoamitabuddhaAny idea?13:43
BluesKaj"dragon naturally speaking " speech recognition software for windows , which might run on wine, namoamitabuddha13:43
ufrgsblz, no other solution like that one on launcher ?13:44
blzufrgs, like the unity widget?13:44
ufrgsI wouldn't like to be installing extra stuff on my machine because Ubuntu is already too heavy for it.13:44
namoamitabuddhaBluesKaj: I changed my idea.13:44
yandex23891Taev: Why are you using such an old version of Ubuntu? I suggest upgrading13:44
namoamitabuddhaBluesKaj: I'll use vimdiff and the real-world speech instead.13:45
Taevbecause its my secondary PC, and because my web server, and MySQL databases, and all the other stuff for my website are configured and working13:45
ufrgsblz, I used to have it installed on Unity, but now it just desapiered.13:45
Taevand Ubuntu has a hard enough time upgrading from the previous version to the next one13:45
Scotty:( how hard is it to install ubuntu on it's own partition lol13:45
Taevlike I tried on my primary PC awhile back which totally hosed the install13:46
BluesKajnamoamitabuddha, ok , are they linux apps13:46
Taevand thats not the first time thats happened.13:46
blzufrgs, right, that was part of unity.  Your best bet is probably to go through ccsm like I said13:46
namoamitabuddhaBluesKaj: vimdiff is just a gadget in vim, which is free (as in free speech, not free wine) software in linux.13:47
ufrgsblz, ok, great, thank you.13:48
biopytehi, i have issues with mail-notification: basically it works ... but it plays no sound and the alarm icon in the status bar dissapears after a few seconds ... though i configured otherwise13:48
tehpwnzokay so after an hour+, ubuntu 11.10, 12.04 still fail to install13:48
biopyteany idea?13:48
kanliotthepwnz, do you have less than 512 ram?13:49
tehpwnzeven after following the forums, it keeps saying unable to handle kernel and i get kernel panics (i think) and a whole lot of hex on my screen, thats on my macbook pro 8,213:49
tehpwnzi was following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1908210 but no joy13:49
redstingI have a question about updating from 11.1 to 12.04. After the update I can no longer access my site using https. Everything else works fine, and apache is listening to *:443, and using openssl s_client I can only connect using localhost:443.13:52
redstingAny ideas to why this may have occurred?13:53
delacredsting: what clients do not work? firefox?13:53
namoamitabuddhaIs there any dictionary software which supports fuzzy inquiry and overall-text searching?13:53
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redstingNone of them work. The server log doesn't throw anything, it just times out.13:54
Metzeehello all13:55
K1rkHello, I am trying to setup a CUPS client on my Ubuntu machine.  I know how to use the "ServerName" directive in /etc/cups/client.conf but I want to set it up so there's a backup\fallback to localhost if the remote cups server is inaccessible.  Is this possible, and how can it be accomplished?13:56
delacredsting: I had a similar problem back a while. Having my server behind a router then, thoug. Basically, I just forgot to disable proxy from my browser. The proxy of course couldnt get to the local network. Try to think something like that. :)13:56
redstingdelac: Thanks, but I'm fairly certain that's the problem, it was working before the update. The router is properly configured, I'm just not sure if I missed something related to the update.13:58
delacredsting: no firewall anywhere?13:58
redstingdelac: No, the router is allowing all ports to the server.13:58
delacredsting: so http works?13:59
SomelauwHi, I installed the nvidia-drivers, but now in some applications my fonts are huge.13:59
redstingdelac: Yah, it's only the https that times out13:59
SomelauwWhen I used nouveau the fonts appeared normal.13:59
yandex23891Somelauw: Has your DPI setting changed in the Nvidia control panel?14:00
hristoasenovhello everyone, i have two NICs and I need to route traffic on those interfaces from one to another14:00
delacredsting: my server is also on 12.04 and the https does work for me, so it propably is some misconfiguration14:00
yandex23891Somelauw: Standard is 96 dpi I believe14:00
hristoasenovI have tried all type of things with setting up my routing table14:00
hristoasenovi enabled /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward14:01
glitchdhello everyone=)14:01
Somelauwyandex23891: I didn't change anything in the nvidia control panel from default settings.14:01
hristoasenovand i got rid of all entries in routing table except my default route14:02
dougskohristoasenov: are you trying to NAT the traffic?14:02
hristoasenovwhich goes to the interface i would like to route packets out of14:02
hristoasenovdougsko: no, no NAT just forwarding14:02
SomelauwHowever I did prevent gnome-setting-daemon from autostarting.14:02
yandex23891Somelauw: I'd still check the settings14:02
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. I have to replace my motherboard + processor. Will I need to reinstall my OS?14:02
glitchdtrying to figure out how to run a teamspeak server from a virtual machine that I and everyones else i want can join14:02
hristoasenovforwarding, as if it was a switch14:03
glitchdanyone ever heard of doing that?14:03
hristoasenovand i can see the packets coming in on the incoming interface through tcpdump14:04
Somelauwyandex23891: I got it to work again, by manually starting gnome-settings-daemon. I can still check the settings since I don't know what gnome-settings-daemon is exactly doing.14:04
kanliotecondudeawesome, shoun't have 214:04
redstingdelac: Ok, that's reassuring. I'll go through the apache2 documentation again and see if I missed something that's changed since 11.114:04
kanliotglitchd, should be easy14:04
recon69_lapHi all, got a sound issue, when playing music through speakers is fine, but when I pluging earphones the speakers keep making noise. now, if i reboot the computer with the headphones in the speakers are quite, but removing the headphone does not activate the speakers. anyone got suggestions ? this is on xubuntu 12.0414:04
dougskohristoasenov: it sounds like maybe a bridge would work14:04
hristoasenovhowever i see no packets at all on the outgoing interface14:04
glitchdkanliot, could u maybe give me some insight?14:04
_skplcan someone help me? my launcvher wont autohide in 12.0414:04
econdudeawesomekanliot: will I need to recompile my kernel, or will a apt-get update/upgrade take care of that?14:04
kanliotglitchd, is there a ubuntu package for teamspeak?14:05
yandex23891Somelauw: General rule of thumb is to RTFM before stopping any system daemons...14:05
hristoasenovdougsko: well, technically its supposed to work at the layer 314:05
DJones!rtfm | yandex2389114:05
ubottuyandex23891: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:05
glitchdkanliot, not a .deb package, but a tar.gz package.14:05
sham-hackplease help me... when i will install my wifi dirver b43 then it show me like this please go >>  /var/log/jockey.log .. and jockey.log is here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094897/14:05
kanliotecondudeawesome, if you have a x86 upgrade then no14:05
yandex23891DJones: What's wrong with telling someone to read documentation first?14:05
hristoasenovdougsko: because it needs to route by ip14:05
dougskohristoasenov: a bridge interface will effectively make the two interfaces act like theyre switched together.14:05
glitchdkanliot, i already have the server installed installed14:05
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kanliotglitchd, tar.gz can be difficult, but if you have good instructions you should be able to do it14:06
dougskohristoasenov: you can then use tagging to route by IP14:06
recon69_lapsham-hack: blacklist the b43 driver might help, it's buggy as far as i recall14:06
hristoasenovdougsko: bridge tagging?14:06
dougskohristoasenov: yeah one sec14:06
livingdaylightHi, I would like to add Gnote to startup applications. However, I don't know what to put in the 'command' dialog. Help, anyone?14:06
DJonesyandex23891: Asking somebody to read a manual isn't a problem, its just the acronym thats not appropriate for the channel14:07
Cow_woCHow do I install a specific (older) version of autoconf? I tried "sudo apt-get install autoconf=2.65-3ubuntu1" but got "E: Version '2.65-3ubuntu1' for 'autoconf' was not found". Any ideas?14:07
sham-hackrecon69_lap : so please what should i do now.. but it is work in 2.6 kernal now i change my kernal 3.514:07
yandex23891DJones: It's a common acronym, widely used by developers14:07
DJonesyandex23891: It may be, but its not for use here14:08
recon69_lapsham-hack: read http://askubuntu.com/questions/125529/wireless-doesnt-work-on-a-broadcom-bcm431214:10
sham-hackrecon69_lap: ok i  see...14:10
dougskohristoasenov: i was trying to find the right thing for you to google here... try googling for 'linux vlan tagging'14:11
Somelauwyandex23891: Well, since I wasn't running gnome I didn't expect I would need it.14:11
SomelauwAlso, this still doesn't work for tty14:11
glitchdkanliot, so.....help?14:11
kanliotglitchd, wheres the instructions for the tar.gz?14:12
recon69_lapsham-hack: if you get stuck just ask :) and we'll help, but I'm afraid I'm not going to do all you thinking :P14:12
yandex23891You're probbaly still using elements of GNOME even if you're not logging in to the GNOME desktop environment14:12
sham-hackrecon69_lap : ok...14:13
=== exogan-afk is now known as exogan
ResQuehow can i tunnle the mouse and keyboard input from one computer over the network to another computer14:15
ResQuei have two ubuntu computer in front of me both connect to the same monitor, i want to be able to use the one keyboard and mouse14:15
zludeHello! any ideas? ./libc6/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1) trying to play tibia on ubuntu 10.04 lts14:15
kanliotResQue, you might want synerty14:16
ResQuezlude: dude tibia is an epic game14:16
ResQuethanks i will check this out14:16
hristoasenovdougsko: i dont think vlan tagging is what i want to do14:16
zludeResQue: (: can u help me?14:16
hristoasenovthere should be a way to route packets through without needing vlans14:16
hristoasenovi want to do the same thing this guy is doing14:17
glitchdkanliot, any ideas?14:17
recon69_laphristoasenov: not really up on this, but have you looked at ipchains14:17
hristoasenovrecon69_lap: well i flushed all iptables rules14:17
kanliotglitchd, without instructions what do you want me to do?14:18
hristoasenovrecon69_lap: and all forward rules i put them to "ACCEPT"14:18
dougskohristoasenov: ok, so you are setting up routing then14:18
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recon69_laphristoasenov: well, as i say, not really up on this, been over 10years since i looked at ipchains :)14:19
dougskohristoasenov: you're basically making the desktop your laptop's router14:19
glitchdkanliot, what do u mean "instructions"?14:19
kanliotglitch i mean "how to install" the tar.gz14:19
hristoasenovdougsko: exactly14:19
kanliotglitchd, link the file please14:19
glitchdkanliot, im sure u know what teamspeak is..14:20
glitchdkanliot, maybe i didnt explain well enough14:21
hankHow can I make the upper right menus become visible? They fold out to the right now and is thus outside the screen14:21
kanliotno i'm just lazy14:21
dougskohristoasenov: first off, whats the point of this? there are actually some simple tricks you can use to make this work easily but theyre not good permenant solutions14:21
glitchdkanliot, im trying to run a teamspeak server from inside a virtual machine that i can connect to on the host machine and that all my other friends on the net can connect to.14:21
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Piciglitchd: So whats the problem?14:21
kanliothe has a tar.gz for teamspeak server, and he needs help14:22
glitchdPici, when i try to connect from the host machine, it doesnt find the server running on the virtual machine14:22
glitchdkanliot, thats not exactly right..14:22
glitchdkanliot, i have it installed already.14:22
Piciglitchd: It sounds like you need to figure out the right network settings to use in your virtual machine.14:23
hristoasenovdougsko: i am testing a piece of software that can forward packets at 10GE NIC speeds14:23
hristoasenovdougsko: the software relies on the linux kernel for the routing14:23
Piciglitchd: What virtual machine software are you using?14:24
Pumpkin-PF_RING ?14:24
glitchdPici, using NAT as my network setting wont work for this?14:24
glitchdPici, virtualbox14:24
kanliotglitchd, if your friends can connect and you cant, try running in bridged network on the vm14:24
SkippersBosshank, upper right menu of what ??14:24
hristoasenovdougsko: so for right now i am just sending out UDP packets to the first interface and hoping it routes it out the second14:24
hankthe top window bar14:24
Piciglitchd: I'm not well versed enough with what vbox calls its network modes to be of much help... just trying to triage this in the right direction ;)14:24
hristoasenovdougsko: in order to verify that ip routing does indeed work14:25
SkippersBossof ???14:25
glitchdPici, ok thx anyways14:25
hankthe logout bluetooth items etc14:25
SkippersBossUnity ??14:25
hristoasenovdougsko: so right now i am not running it with that special software, but later on when i get it working i would like to plug in that special module14:25
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:25
hankfresh install14:26
dougskohristoasenov: well, one simple thing you could do is ARP spoofing on the desktop. that'll trick your laptop into thinking that your desktop is the router and will send all it's traffic to it14:26
Logan_!who | Pici14:26
ubottuPici: please see above14:26
K1rkAnyone have any idea how to accomplish my Cups question?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202735914:26
PiciLogan_: What?14:26
Logan_Pici: You didn't specify for whom the !who was for. ;P14:26
BluesKajLogan_, everyone :)14:26
hristoasenovdougsko: i am pretty sure the laptop is sending all of its data to the desktop because i run tcpdump on the desktop and i can see the traffic on the incoming interface14:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:27
dougskohristoasenov: otherwise, you might want to put two NICs in your desktop, plug one into your switch and the other directly to your laptop. then just set the desktop up as any other router14:27
sleaxi've created a vpn connection between a server and a client with virtual network interface tun0, i'm able to ping both server and client. So the VPN is estabilished, now what can i do with a VPN connection?14:28
hank@SkippersBoss seen it before? There is no apparent setting and if the screen rotation is off all else would be off i guess14:28
zludeResQue: i run it using wine now! solved14:29
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recon69_lapHi all, got a sound issue, when playing music through speakers is fine, but when I pluging earphones the speakers keep making noise. now, if i reboot the computer with the headphones in the speakers are quite, but removing the headphone does not activate the speakers. anyone got suggestions ? this is on xubuntu 12.0414:30
SkippersBosshank, one of the reason i went to XFCE :-) All I can find is that you might get something done in compiz manager14:30
SkippersBossbut i have been wrong before14:30
hank@SkippersBoss doh! damn screen gotten out of sync… auto sync on the screen fixed it… doh again…  :D14:31
SkippersBossaha but a xrandr command on a launcher can help you out here14:32
SkippersBosshank, i have a launcher to setup my screens after removing one display14:32
logolaswhen i want14:35
NogalHey guys. I'm having some issues with my sound and I'm not sure where to start. Basically I was watching the linux action show when unity crashed on me, I've restarted (a few times to ensure) but now I can't seem to get any sound at all. It's not muted, and in the "sound settings" when I check 'test sound' I hear nothing.14:35
logolaswhen i want to use firefox 13 with hud it close and want to report bug to firerfox how i can fix it14:36
recon69_lapNogal, do you have earphones plugged in, or plugged in when you rebooted?14:36
kanliotnogal reboot14:36
ZiberSo I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed, and have compiz installed as well, with Unity. It's all working fine except when I connect to a projector. I was told that compiz is probably the problem in that case. How can I temporary disable it?14:36
Nogalrecon69_lap the only perhiprial I had was a mouse. Kanliot, i've rebooted at least 3 times.14:36
logolascan any body answer me>????????????????????????14:37
Hyperbytelogolas, you answered your own question.  File a bug with Mozilla.14:37
HyperbyteZiber, metacity --replace14:37
spoluhi guys! anyone know if it is possible to give access to /proc/net to a normal user? (to run dstat)14:37
Pici!cloak sl3ax14:37
Pici!cloak sl3ax14:37
Pici!cloak | sl3ax14:38
ubottusl3ax: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:38
FloodBot1Pici: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
logolasHypebyte , what ? my english is not advance can yoy resay it?14:38
tzhuangCan I get some help for booting 12.04 64-bit?14:38
ZiberHyperbyte: Just type that in terminal?14:38
kanliotnogel try a cold boot14:38
tzhuangI'm trying to set up a dual-boot alongside win 714:38
ZiberHyperbyte: And then, afterward compiz --replace?14:38
Hyperbytespolu, create sudo permissions for that user on the specific command.14:38
Picisl3ax: read what ubottu said.14:38
HyperbyteZiber, yes.14:38
ZiberHyperbyte: I'll try that, thanks.14:38
loganrundoes anyone know what the criteria for when fsck is run on boot?14:38
tzhuangEverytime I try to boot from CD i get Error: Prefix not set; then it goes to grub14:38
logolascan any body answer me with easy english?14:38
spoluHyperbyte: how can I do that, I tried setuid on dstat but still no luck accessing /proc/net from userland14:39
Picisl3ax: aka, ask in #freenode14:39
Slartspolu: not an answer to your question but.. have you considered setting up sudo so a regular user can run dstat as root instead?14:39
Hyperbyteloganrun, depends on filesystem.  See 'man fstab'.  There you can enable/disable the fsck on boot.14:39
ZiberGot an error doing metacity --replace: Window manager warning: from event callback14:39
Hyperbytespolu, type 'man sudoers' in a terminal14:39
Nogalkanliot: what do you mean?14:39
kanliotnogal turn pc off for 10 seconds so hardware loses all power14:39
kanliotmaybe more for lappy14:39
spoluSlart: I tried (setuid) but I still can14:39
spoluSlart: can't access /proc/net as a normal user14:40
Nogalkanliot: kk, I'll be back in a minute or so.14:40
Slartspolu: try what hyperbyte said.. configure sudo so the user can use it to run just that command.. it's not that hard14:40
spoluHyperbyte: ok but I need to launch dstat from another program and gather output so sudo is not great14:40
Hyperbytespolu, type 'man sudoers' in a terminal <- there's your answer.  You can set up sudo for the specific command, so users can run only that command as root.14:40
Hyperbytespolu, why not?14:40
tzhuangCan I get some help for booting 12.04 64-bit?14:41
tzhuangEverytime I try to boot from CD i get Error: Prefix not set; then it goes to grub14:41
HyperbyteYou can gather sudo output as well as any other program's output.14:41
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spoluHyperbyte: you're right i can sudo from my program I guess. Thanks!14:41
Hyperbytespolu, it's not a very clean solution, but if you're writing something for your own system only it should work.14:42
ZiberHyperbyte: So, that errored to the point of having to restart. :(]14:42
ZiberHyperbyte: So, that errored to the point of having to restart. :(14:42
spoluHyperbyte: yep. Just worried about pushing my password. can I pass it as an argument?14:42
tzhuangCan I get some help for booting 12.04 64-bit?14:42
Hyperbytespolu, you can set up sudo as NOPASSWD.14:42
tzhuangEverytime I try to boot from CD i get Error: Prefix not set; then it goes to grub14:42
Hyperbytespolu, read the sudoers manpage.14:42
spoluHyperbyte: awesome ! thanks14:42
NogalKanliot: no luck :(14:43
HyperbyteZiber, sorry... never done it before, just heard of it.  Google says you need to add an & after the command in a terminal, or else execute it via the 'run' dialog.  Maybe that changes things?14:43
kanliotnogal does it work outside flash?14:44
Nogalkanliot no14:44
ZiberAre you running compiz + unity? Does it work for you on multiple displays?14:44
CombatjuanApologies if this is a dumb question, but where is eth0?  I mean, the virtual file?  ifconfig says I have one, but I can't find it in /dev14:44
kanlioti guess you'll have to go through sound troubleshooting then nogal14:44
kanliotthere a long page on the wiki14:44
Nogalthis page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems/ ?14:45
HyperbyteCombatjuan, what exactly are you trying to do?14:46
Nogalkanliot: ok.... that was weird. I loaded up that page and now my sound works. I didn't do anything.14:46
kanliotnogal please blog a rant about pulseaudio...14:47
laserbledHi, i need help. I am an 12.04 with all new updates and when ever I play flash in mozilla/chrome the cpu usage shoots really high. I am on a quad core, and have nvidia integrated graphics...can someone tell me whats wrong ?. There is no issues in my 10.10 box and14:47
=== hari is now known as harikt
ionwindmy pc detected usb but i cant write or delete anything on it... how i fix that?14:47
CombatjuanHyperbyte: Find out where /dev/eth0 went.  It used to be in /dev/net I think.14:47
HyperbyteNogal, see how great Ubuntu troubleshooting pages are? :-)14:47
Nogallmao, thanks I guess. I'm still giving you credit for fixing it, and I was assuming pulse had a blond moment.14:47
abhinavmehtaI want to test that a string is present in some x-file, if not than only append that string else discard append-activity and do nothing. Not looking multiple line-of-code or script…looking for 1-liner or most elegant way to do this.14:48
baegleHaving trouble with resolvconf. It seems that it's not respecting domain information provided by the DHCP server. I don't want to add it manually as it's only relevant at work. Google isn't turning anything up. Someone help?14:48
NogalHyperbyte: Yeah, some sweet love-magic.14:48
tubamanionwind, what filesystem are you using on your USB drive?14:48
HyperbyteCombatjuan, I have no idea to be honest - don't see anything on my 12.04, but I also don't see why you'd need it.14:48
ionwindvideo audio etc etc14:48
kanliotdon't some usb sticks have software write protection?14:49
ionwindi conecte in my laptop also with ubuntu and no problem14:49
ionwindjust the pc14:49
Hyperbytebaegle, are you using networkmanager?14:49
tzhuangCan I get some help for booting 12.04 64-bit?14:49
tubamanionwind, is it formatted ext3/4, ntfs, fat32?14:49
tzhuangEverytime I try to boot from CD i get Error: Prefix not set; then it goes to grub14:49
Nogalionwind: is the file over 2gigs?14:50
ionwindi try to format before in the pc with gparded... no way... them i use the lapton and all cool14:50
ZiberAnyone who's used compiz + unity, I could use a bit of help getting multiple displays to work...14:50
baegleHyperbyte: yes14:51
ionwindno small files .... ok 130 mg14:51
abhinavmehtasorry connection lost14:51
ionwindno 2 gigas14:51
MonkeyDusttzhuang  wubi?14:51
ionwindi isntall usbmount14:52
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ionwindthem it the usb was detected.... but i cant do nothing more14:53
abhinavmehtaplease if anyone on inserting text..?14:53
Nogalabhinavmehta: this?14:53
laserbledHi, i need help. I am an 12.04 with all new updates and when ever I play flash in mozilla/chrome the cpu usage shoots really high, so I have to end the plugin-container process or chrome process to get the cpu back to normal. I am on a quad core, and have nvidia integrated graphics...can someone tell me whats wrong ?. There is no issues in my 10.10. Any thougs please14:53
abhinavmehtaNogal: my issue is: I want to test that a string is present in some x-file, if not than only append that string else discard append-activity and do nothing. Not looking multiple line-of-code or script…looking for 1-liner or elegant way to do this.14:54
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Piciabhinavmehta: #bash would be the best place to ask this14:55
abhinavmehtathank you Pici14:55
ZiberAnyone with compiz+unity experience?14:55
MonkeyDustZiber  here14:55
auronandaceZiber: unity doesn't work well with multiple screens14:56
Nogalabhinavmehta: what pici said... I know some python and how to work it to do that, but #bash is your best choice14:56
yandex23891Unity STILL doesn't support multiple screens well14:57
yandex23891Bad I know14:57
abhinavmehtaNogal: ohh, that could be great if you can tell python-way of doing this. Coz I'm executing this shell command via python…so it will be great if I could have some native python way.14:57
Ziberauronandace: Oh, it's a unity issue, not compiz?14:57
JokesOnYou77Hi all, I'm trying to use curl to authenticate with Google client services as described here: https://developers.google.com/gdata/articles/using_cURL but I keep getting Error=BadAuthentication.  I can't figure out what's wring, I think it has to do with cURL because it works fine when I do it from the windows command line14:57
MonkeyDustZiber  unity is gnome3 with compiz14:57
ZiberMonkeyDust: Well, I had install compiz for desktop cube... A friend thought that might be the reason I was having trouble with the projector earlier.14:58
yandex23891MonkeyDust: As well as compiz modules only used by Ubuntu, those are the problem14:58
auronandaceZiber: the cube won't work in unity or gnome314:58
Ziberauronandace: I have the cube working on a single display :)14:59
tzhuangMonkeyDust: not wubi14:59
minihydrahow come guest is unable to read ether /media or /mnt ? I found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/882862 supposedly there was some bug where guest could do anything under /media, ok maybe its not desiarble, but shouldn't that apply to subdirectories under /media / /mnt ? why in hell wouldnt guest be able to read the contents of those directories, and of course anything inside it?14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882862 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Guest account can read/write in /media/" [Medium,Fix released]14:59
tzhuangMonkeyDust: im using a boot disc i burned with ubuntu startup creator14:59
ZiberSo, what's the best thing to do when I want to connect to another monitor then?15:00
ZiberWell, monitor or projector?15:00
MonkeyDustcube works here, with unity, intel graphics15:00
tzhuangMonkeyDust: i don't htink it's a problem with the disc15:00
tzhuangMonkeyDust: I booted the disc before and had a working ubuntu installation.15:01
tzhuangMonkeyDust: (With ubuntu as the only OS on my machine)15:01
tzhuangMonkeyDust: Now I'm trying a different configuration: i installed win7 first15:01
LinixGuys, I'm having problems with FFMPEG recording. When I put this code http://pastebin.com/h3mih1hz I get this ERROR http://pastebin.com/hLvNFJnU  Can you guys help me?15:01
MonkeyDusttzhuang  i read here, it could be a EFI or UEFI issue15:02
LinixCan anyone help me please15:03
austinHello, I want to setup a name for a machine on the local network to resolve to 192.168.1.n  and the name could be 'promo' for instance such that I type ssh user@promo instead of ssh user@192.168.1.n   How would I do this?  (this problem is hard to google for me...:()15:04
oskudehi, can anyone tell me where i can find plugin-detect-keyboard.so? im curious on how the "detect keyboard layout by pressing keys" works15:04
oskude*or rather, in which package it is15:04
MonkeyDustLinix  start with a question15:05
LinixI already asked like 20 lines up MonkeyDust: It's about FFMPEG15:06
ZiberSo, unity + compiz + multiple displays?15:06
Nagatakaaustin, why not add that machine name in your /etc/hosts15:06
MonkeyDustLinix  better repeat the question from time to time, but not too often15:06
LinixGuys, I'm having problems with FFMPEG recording. When I put this code http://pastebin.com/h3mih1hz I get this ERROR http://pastebin.com/hLvNFJnU  Can you guys help me? MonkeyDust15:07
Layke2Can someone advise on a simple bash script. I'm trying to check for changes to files in a certain directory, and then run a command when a change has been made..15:08
Layke2find /var/www/website/public/static/css/base -type f -name *.less -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum15:08
auronandaceLayke2: #bash may be of more help15:08
DrManhattanLinix, it means the -preset ultrafast option isn't working for you.15:08
austinnevermind, I edited etc/hosts and dropped it in and that was surprisingly effective15:08
Layke2O thanks :) Yeah I'll ask there.15:08
austinnagataka: oh yes yes! thats what I just tried, worked well, thanks15:08
Nagatakasweet =]15:08
JokesOnYou77Hi all, I'm trying to use curl to authenticate with Google client services as described here: https://developers.google.com/gdata/articles/using_cURL but I keep getting Error=BadAuthentication.  I can't figure out what's wrong, I think it has to do with cURL because it works fine when I do it from the windows command line. Can anyone help me out?15:09
LinixDrManhattan: What should I do then? I got this code from the web so I don't know what that means.. All I changed was the threads number and the resolution15:09
drake01Hi guys, I don't intend to spam the channel.. But does anyone know good irc channel where I could discuss the salaries and cost of living in usa for a software developer?15:09
DrManhattanLinix, dont use -preset ultrafast15:09
minihydraHow do I create guest readable folder?15:10
bekksLayke2: Take a look at fam, gamin or inotify15:10
auronandace!alis | drake0115:10
ubottudrake01: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:10
minihydracause a+rwx doesnt do shit15:10
Layke2Thanks. :) I'll check em out bekks15:10
ZiberHow do I "restart the X server"? What exactly is "the X server", for that matter?15:10
bekksLayke2: It means that copy & paste doesnt always work. Your ffmpeg does not have a "-preset" option.15:10
Cow_woCHi. When I "apt-get install autoconf2.64" it also installs the latest version. Is there a way to tell apt-get to only install 2.64?15:10
minihydraCow_woC: use synaptic and force version15:11
MonkeyDust!x| Ziber15:11
ubottuZiber: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:11
minihydraZiber: use google15:11
NagatakaZiber just reboot  the machine :)15:11
bekksZiber: It is sufficient to log out completely and log back in. That will restart the X server (the fancy GUI whoch runs the desktop environment of your choice).15:11
LinixDrManhattan: I thought of that, but this happens http://pastebin.com/Kx30bAJV15:11
MonkeyDustminihydra  don't say to use google, when people ask for help, please15:11
bekksNagataka: Not needed.15:11
ZiberI see, thanks.15:11
Nagatakai knw15:11
minihydraok use bind15:11
Nagatakai know bekks .. but maybe the easiest solution :)15:12
DrManhattanLinix, you're going to need to read the manual. It doesn't appear you understand how to read your own error messages.15:12
Linixminihydra: Bing is the worst thing Microsoft has ever done. Even worse than Windows 8!!15:12
minihydraAnyway what kind of special unprivilege do guest accounts have? I seem to be unable to create directory that would be guest readable/writable.15:12
bekksNagataka: More easy than logout/login? It doubt that, strongly.15:12
Oli__I plugged a TV into my laptop with a DVI cable, but there is overscan. There appears to be nothing on the TV to fix it. How do I fix it from ubuntu?15:12
Cow_woCminihydra: Sorry, can you elaborate? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.15:12
Cow_woCminihydra: I don't see an option for forcing versions15:13
LinixDrManhattan: If I did I wouldn't be on the Official Ubuntu Support Channel...15:13
minihydraLinix: ofc, that was a joke on dont say use google, peaople should have heads on thier shoulders and should be able to do some basic stuff.15:13
DrManhattanLinix, alrighty. Best of luck.15:13
Linixminihydra: But if people ask is because they don't. I work and I don't like to waist people's time. If someone asks something is because they don't know and someone probably does15:14
lollzehjpmjn oubrn wizyz :please retweet this https://twitter.com/swagga_xxl/status/22407358856155955215:15
lollzZpwqrzu nwqni zmwrq :please retweet this https://twitter.com/swagga_xxl/status/22407358856155955215:15
lollzKYmacru rjzzb nswpn :please retweet this https://twitter.com/swagga_xxl/status/22407358856155955215:15
lollzjLazzkt tdyqa lkmta :please retweet this https://twitter.com/swagga_xxl/status/22407358856155955215:15
lollzmqsorui ttvdt dbmkk :please retweet this https://twitter.com/swagga_xxl/status/22407358856155955215:15
minihydraCow_woC: if Package->force version ins unavailabe, most likelly older version is not in repositories15:15
motorcityHello everyone, I have a problem.15:15
Cow_woCminihydra: I only get the option "lock version".15:16
minihydraWell im not havy ubuntu user anymore, so i cant comment on version forcing too much15:16
minihydraI just know there is such option and have used it some times15:17
motorcityWhen I go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server I am unable to download a .iso image.  Any Ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?15:17
Cow_woCminihydra: does it even make sense that "autoconf2.64" depends on "autoconf"? :)15:17
minihydraIf it's unavailable most likelly you can downdrade15:17
eee444hi, can someone help me get airodump to work with my dwl650 card?15:17
nannesI created a USB startup disk (unetbootin) to use Lubuntu Live. Trying to boot, but there's a problem:15:18
nannes"An error occurred while mounting / ... Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"15:18
nannes(skipping, the same problem appears with the others, like /proc/ etc.)15:18
MonkeyDusteee444  what is airodump and how is it ubuntu related?15:18
Cow_woCminihydra: Okay, alternatively, if I allow it to install multiple versions how do I get the symbolic link /usr/bin/autoconf to point at a specific version?15:18
livingdaylightHi, can anyone tell me please, the command that gives me output on hardware details such as my processor?15:18
eee444im running it on ubuntu15:18
bekksLayke2: lshw15:18
nannesThe shell says "Root filesystem check failed"15:18
MonkeyDustlivingdaylight  lspci15:18
Cow_woCminihydra: update-alternatives doesn't think "automake" has alternatives :)15:18
bekkslivingdaylight: lshw15:18
livingdaylightMonkeyDust: thanks! its been a while :)15:18
bekksMonkeyDust: lspci never lists a processor.15:18
Nagatakamotorcity, http://people.ubuntu.com/~marten-de-vries/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64-nl.iso the only problem is... that this is a dutch version xD15:19
bekkslivingdaylight: lspci wont show your processor.15:19
MonkeyDustlivingdaylight  bekks answer is more accurate15:19
livingdaylightbekks | MonkeyDust lshw it is then. Thanks guys!15:19
motorcityNagataka:  am trying link on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server15:19
ZiberOkay, that totally skrewed up my resolution. How can I get the intel drivers for my graphics card?15:20
Nagatakayeah motorcity .. that link doesnt work for me neither15:20
auronandaceZiber: you shouldn't need to15:20
motorcityNagataka:  Glad it's not just me, then!15:20
auronandaceZiber: the intel drivers are included by default in the kernel15:20
nannesI created a USB startup disk (unetbootin) to use Lubuntu Live. Trying to boot, but there's a problem:15:20
nannes"An error occurred while mounting / ... Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"15:20
nannes(if I press S to skip, the same problem happens with the others, like /proc/ etc.)15:20
nannes(if I press M for manual recovery, a shell appears, ready to get commands, with a message in the upper zones:  "Root filesystem check failed"15:20
nannesWhat can I do? D:15:20
nannesPlease, help me15:20
FloodBot1nannes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:20
ZiberWell, resolution is way too big. Going to restart again.15:21
giteshI am on Ububntu 12.04 LTS. I want to try other GUI's . How do i do that?15:21
auronandacegitesh: install them and logout then pick them at the login screen15:22
MonkeyDustgitesh  one way is by looking in the software center15:22
nannesgitesh: You simply install one of them, they will appear as choice at login screen :)15:22
auronandacegitesh: there's unity, gnome3, kde4, xfce, lxde and enlightenment15:23
giteshwhich way do you suggest to install them? Terminal?15:23
nannesit's the same15:23
auronandacegitesh: i like using synaptic, but the software centre or just apt-get would do just fine too15:24
nannessynaptic and USC are only graphical interfaces for apt15:24
quazimodoguys whats the equivalent to .xinitrc in ubuntu15:24
auronandacenannes: yup15:24
giteshok, guys. I am gonna try USC. Thanks all.15:24
quazimodoi cant remember the file that executes on x login15:24
nannespleaaaaase help me : '(15:25
ZiberSo the resolution is really skrewed up.15:26
wylde!startup | quazimodo15:26
ubottuquazimodo: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot15:26
ZiberI mistakenly installed nvidia stuff, I guess. How can I make sure the proper drivers are in use and then how can I fix the resolution?15:27
ZiberIn system settings, it's only giving me an option for one resolution...15:27
nannesZiber: For the resolution, I'd have a look to Nvidia Control Panel15:27
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clemousHello, I'm french15:27
Fyodorovnanannes, it sounds like the HD is booting not the usb, is there a linux OS on the HD?15:27
wylde!fr | clemous15:27
ubottuclemous: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:27
nannesFyodorovna: The point is that: there's no disk! D:15:27
nannesI unplugged the hdd!15:28
drake01hi guys, Its an offtopic question.. I couldn't find good place to discuss it. I am a software developer being offered annual salary of 110000 us dollars in usa. I'd have to manage accomodation n other expenses myself. How much is good enough for a couple to sustain a decent life in usa?15:28
Ziberbut, i use that even if i have intel?15:28
DJones!ot | drake0115:28
ubottudrake01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
tzhuangMonkeyDust: well the strange thing is15:28
bwat47Ziber: Does your system *only* have intel, or does it have optimus (nvdia AND intel)?15:28
tzhuangMonkeyDust: it boot when i didn't have windows installed15:28
ZiberI have no idea. How would I find out?15:28
Fyodorovnanannes, the nomount is strange with a usb if it was me I would format it and reload it again, with what info we have so far, or try another usb loader.15:28
tzhuangMonkeyDust: but now it won't when i have a separate windows partition15:28
nannesok :(15:29
livingdaylightis sudo apt-get update the correct command in kubuntu also?15:29
nannesyes, it's the same for all *ubuntu distros15:29
Nagatakayes livingdaylight15:29
shaneodoes anyone know where i can find libgnutls26_2.12.18-1_amd64.deb15:29
MonkeyDusttzhuang  i don't know the exact details on EFI and UEFI, but that's what it sounds like15:30
livingdaylightnannes | Nagatakathank yous15:30
shaneoim having issues with transmission connecting to ssl trackers15:30
nannes!info libgnutils15:30
ubottuPackage libgnutils does not exist in precise15:30
Nagatakaapt-file search libgnutls2615:30
Fyodorovnanannes, I use this one for loading my usb's format it with gparted if you have access to it.  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/15:30
auronandace!info libgnutls15:30
ubottuPackage libgnutls does not exist in precise15:30
nannesoooh multiboot. I know it, I'm gonna try15:31
Nagataka!info libgnutls2615:31
ubottulibgnutls26 (source: gnutls26): GNU TLS library - runtime library. In component main, is standard. Version 2.12.14-5ubuntu3 (precise), package size 437 kB, installed size 1092 kB15:31
tzhuangMonkeyDust: do you know where i could get more info on that D: google hasn't really given me anything useful yet15:31
shaneohmm so what about 2.12.1815:31
Glitchdhas anyone ever attempted to run a server from a virtual machine and make it accesible to the outside web?15:32
shaneoGlitchd yes15:32
bwat47Ziber: try running lspci in terminal, should list all your hardware devices15:32
shaneoyou need to forward the vm's ip through your router15:32
MonkeyDusttzhuang  lxer.com collects linux news, perform a search there15:32
Glitchdshaneo, im trying to run a teamspeak server in an ubuntu 12.15:32
tzhuangMonkeyDust: thx a bunch15:32
shaneoidk what that is but i did it with owncloud15:33
ZiberIn the nvidia control panel, there aren't many/any option...15:33
ZiberIt did say I wasn't using the nvidia drivers though?15:33
Glitchdubuntu 12.04 x86 virtualbox installation15:33
tzhuangMonkeyDust: when you said efi problem15:33
Glitchdshaneo, can i pm u??15:33
shaneoGlitchd i used vmware but the concept is the same15:33
tzhuangMonkeyDust: did you mean that efi the existence of the efi is causing the problem, or the configuration15:33
bwat47Ziber: open a terminal, run "lspci" and pastebin the output15:33
nannesdrake01: With that salary, you'll be fine! ;)15:33
MonkeyDusttzhuang  unfortunately, i don't know *exactly* what EFI is or does15:34
Ziberbwat47: http://inside.liber.in/~ziber/lspci.txt15:34
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smaxI can't get passed the grub menu, keyboard freezes.  But I can see the contents of the hard drive from a usb boot stick (ubuntu).  Would this be a physical problem?  Or a corupt boot sector.15:36
smaxhow can I remedy this with out making it worse.15:36
bwat47It seems to show that you only have an intel card, so you shouldn't need to have any extra drivers installed (intel supported out of the box). I'd uninstall the nvidia proprietary driver.15:36
auronandacesmax: usb keyboard?15:36
Ziberbwat47: Alright, sudo apt-get purge nvidia* safe?15:36
smaxauronandace: yes usb keyboard15:37
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bwat47you can also try doing it via the additional drivers tool, it should show the driver and let you click deactivate15:37
auronandacesmax: tried a ps2 keyboard instead?15:37
Ziberit says there are no propietary drivers...15:37
Ziberdid the purge, restart?15:38
bwat47Ziber: in that case removing it manually should be fine, and yea reboot to restart the xserver (also the additional drivers tool not showing anything also indicates that you probably don't have an nvidia card in there :)15:38
Ziberalright, brb restarting15:38
bigot1I have a question15:39
bigot1Can I ask it15:39
howdiniBackWeed %target%15:39
Nogalbigot, you didn't give us a chance.15:39
chubigot1: Sure, ask away. (There's no need to ask if you're allowed to ask a question).15:39
k1lbigot1: just ask15:39
auronandacebigot1: if it is ubuntu support related yes15:40
Picihowdini: Can we help you?15:40
bigot1well I have an Asus X51R15:40
bwat47bigot1: also don't hit enter so much, try and keep things in one comment :)15:40
bigot1it won't show screen after suspend15:40
bigot1ok in one line sure15:40
bwat47bigot1: does it just show a blinking cursor or something? Does it seem to suspend successfully (i.e. the fans etc.. turn off)15:40
bigot1it suspends successfully but won't load afterwards15:41
bigot1no cursor just black screen15:41
bwat47bigot1: you can try this, I had to do this for my asus laptop to get suspend to work: http://thecodecentral.com/2011/01/18/fix-ubuntu-10-10-suspendhibernate-not-working-bug15:41
ZiberResolution is still fucked.15:42
IdleOneZiber: please no cursing.15:42
auronandaceZiber: don't swear15:42
howdiniNew to bots, just testing out a response from one.15:42
ZiberSorry. Just pissed.15:42
bigot1I did this, still not working15:42
Picihowdini: Please do not test your bot in this channel.15:42
bwat47Ziber: what's the output of glxinfo | grep direct15:42
howdiniOk. Sorry15:42
bigot1should I check15:42
MonkeyDusthowdini  there's also the channel #test15:42
Ziberwhat's the package for glxinfo? says not installed15:43
howdiniLet me try that one.15:43
bwat47Ziber: I believe the package is either mesa-demos or meda-utils15:43
bwat47yeah mesa-dems is arch :)15:43
Ziber"direct rendering: yes"15:44
bwat47hmm, it seems to be using the intel driver then. And if you go to system preferences > details > graphics does it show the intel driver in use?15:44
bigot1hello, I am still here, anyone help?15:45
MetalGodWinblgot1: what do you need help with?15:45
bigot1suspend regime15:45
bigot1not loading after suspend15:45
Ziberdriver is intel sandybridge mobile.15:45
bigot1the computer switches on but shows black screen15:46
Nagatakaoog good luck with that videocard Ziber xD15:46
ZiberNagataka: ?15:46
bwat47Ziber: ok, so at least it looks like the correct driver is in use and working. If you open the display settings from the system preferences it doesn't let you select a better resolution?15:46
bwat47Nagataka: ? that card should work fine out of the box generally15:46
Ziberthere's only one resolution shown. 640 x 480.15:47
NagatakaTrue bwat47 , but getting it to work proper was a pain in the ass for me :)15:47
bigot1MetalGodWin can you help with that?15:47
ZiberNagataka: how did you?15:47
bigot1or bwat47?15:47
Nagatakato be honest, no idea Ziber..15:48
Ziberthis was all working before i tried messing with drivers at all because of the projector... :(15:48
Ziberis there like a --revert option for something?15:49
bwat47Ziber: same here, I am not quite sure why it won't let you change res. ever intel laptop I've used sets correct res automatically :(15:49
MetalGodWinI'm not sure, I'm not expert at such.. even though I actually had the same problem earlier.15:49
MetalGodWinAnd managed to solve it somehow*15:49
ZiberMetalGodWin: oh?15:49
Ziberdue to resolution crap, i can click the "detect displays" button in the displays menu in settings.15:50
MetalGodWinI can't remember, I had the same problem with Ubuntu 9.xx or 10.xx.. so it's been a while.. hang on15:51
Ziberbrb again15:51
bigot1I tried writing to /etc/default/grub and /etc/rc.local but had no success with that15:52
bigot1I have another laptop where these work, but not on the X51R15:52
bwat47bigot1: tried writing what to those locations?15:53
bigot1well two lines on grub it was GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"15:53
bwat47bigot1: after doing so did you run "sudo update-grub"15:54
bigot1and on rc.local was: sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=015:54
bigot1I did15:54
bigot1it works on my current laptop but not on that one15:54
bekksIn rc.local, sudo is useless, and setpci has to have the full path.15:54
bigot1it worked for me15:54
bekksAnd editing the /etc/default/grub requires sudo/gksu15:54
bigot1I did it with sudo -s15:54
bekksThe rc.local is run as root by default.15:55
bekksSo sudo isnt nencessary :)15:55
bigot1I can't save the file if I am not root15:55
bigot1so I had to15:55
bekksYou dont have to write "sudo setpci..." into it.15:55
bekksYou have to run the _editor_ with sudo.15:55
bwat47bigot1: he means the line you actually add to the file doesn't need sudo15:55
bigot1well I copied it from a forum, it was written like that15:56
karthick87Is it possible to create useraccount via bash script ???15:57
bigot1maybe it won't be fixed maybe a new laptop15:57
bekksbigot1: ?15:57
bekkskarthick87: Sure.15:57
BlackAngelPRGreetings, i am trying to get rid of windows finally so whats the best way to do it?  just delete the windows partiton in gparted?  and what partition format should i give to the free space?15:57
bigot1the X51R Asus suspend error15:57
TheM4ch1n3BlackAngelPR: can I privmsg ?15:58
karthick87bekks: On executing bash script, i am getting this error "passwd: unrecognized option '--stdin'" How to fix it ??15:58
FyodorovnaBlackAngelPR, you are not ubuntu installed from windows right?15:58
MonkeyDustBlackAngelPR  the installer will ask to format, use ext415:58
tomijest ktoś kto po polsku rozmawia?15:58
bekksBlackAngelPR: Just delete the windows partition, create a new partition, type "Linux" or "83".15:58
bekks!pl | tomi15:59
ubottutomi: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:59
tomii have little problem on Xubuntu15:59
nnamdi_am a network admin of a company and i have been having great issues over the week setting up and IP TV... which the server is called broadcaster (linux based) and the receiver is Tornado M53... please i don't if anyone has worked with IPTV technology before i will be grateful if any help can come through15:59
bigot1is there a ubuntu channel in bulgarian since there is in polish?15:59
bigot1maybe they will know15:59
bekks!bg | bigot116:00
ubottubigot1: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently16:00
MetalGodWin bigot1: you were the one with the suspend-problem? Can't remember, relogged..16:00
heligolandhi. just installed 12.04 LTS on my brand new PC and my wifi adapter isn't being picked up16:00
heligolandneed help getting wifi on my computer, badly.16:00
MonkeyDustheligoland  type !wifi for basic instructions16:00
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:00
heligolandMonkeyDust, I tried some stuff I found online, but nothing works yet16:01
bwat47heligoland: what is the wifi adapter?16:01
heligolandbwat47, Belkin16:01
Fyodorovnannamdi_, this is ubuntu support you might try ##linux16:01
bwat47heligoland: model?16:01
bekksheligoland: which wifi chipset?16:02
MetalGodWinWho were the dude who had suspend-problem?16:02
bekksheligoland: sudo lsusb will show it to you16:02
bigot1I am here16:02
heligolandbwat47, BELKIN WIRELESS G NETWORK ADAPTER 54mbps16:02
toticWhat is the path to the ubuntu desktop? I am running a headless ubuntu and a program is trying to create a file on it, so I have to "fake a desktop"16:03
bwat47heligoland: thats a bit generic, would be more helpful if you had specific model number or the name of the wifi chipset it uses :)16:03
bigot1MetalGodWin it is me with the suspend16:03
ikoniatotic: $HOME/Desktop16:03
heligolandbwat47, belkin wireless g network adapter f5d705016:03
toticikonia: thanks!16:03
bekksheligoland: run the command I gave you.16:04
heligolandbekks, it doesn't16:04
MetalGodWinbigot1: I tried suspending myself, it worked.. but I wanted the log from it.. never suspended before on this machine. To get the log from suspending type "gedit /var/log/pm-suspend.log"16:04
bekksheligoland: Then put that output in a pastebin please.16:04
MetalGodWinor cat.. to print directly in terminal*16:05
bwat47heligoland: hmm, that appears to use the ralink RT73 Wireless chipset, which *should* work out of the box in ubuntu. So it doesn't appear to be working at all, not showing wireless networks or anything?16:05
bigot1ok Metal I will tell you what is written16:06
heligolandbekks: i can't put the output in a pastebin, i'm in a different room using the wired line16:06
heligolandbekks, but give me a sec i'll try to remember what it's outputting16:06
ksbalajiMy ff crashes on Ubuntu lucid with error: blah....blah  OpenGL: Tungsten Graphics, Inc -- Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE2 -- 1.4 Mesa 7.11-devel -- texture_from_pixmap blah....blah help16:07
heligolandbekks: 2 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hubs16:07
bekksheligoland: Dont remember it, run the command again and put the FULL output in a pastebin.16:07
bekks!paste | heligoland16:07
ubottuheligoland: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:07
heligolandbekks,  2 Intel Corp integrated rate matching hub16:07
bekks!pastebinit | heligoland16:07
ubottuheligoland: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:07
heligolandbekks, I'm in another ROOM16:08
heligolandbekks, let me then find a usb, hold on man16:08
bwat47heligoland: can you like paste the output into a file, pop it on a usb drive and put it on the online computer to pastebin?16:08
karthick87bekks: On executing bash script, i am getting this error "passwd: unrecognized option '--stdin'" How to fix it ??16:08
bekkskarthick87: By not using --stdin since it isnt a valid option for your "passwd".16:09
MetalGodWinbigot1: the log is rather long.. use http://pastebin.com/ instead to show the log16:10
heligolandbekks, http://pastebin.com/RYTfhfQq16:10
bekkskarthick87: Use chpasswd instead.16:10
bekksheligoland: It is an USB device, isnt it?16:11
heligolandbekks, most def.16:11
heligolandbekks, i tried it in all 6 usb ports-nothing16:11
bekksheligoland: Does it work on another computer?16:11
heligolandbekks, it was working 1 hour ago on my old machine16:11
heligolandbekks,i thought i could use it on my new one16:12
karthick87bekks: Its not working.... chpasswd: line 1: missing new password  ...........16:12
bekksheligoland: Pull it, wait about 10s, put it back in, wait 10s, and then pastebin the output of "dmesg" please.16:12
bekkskarthick87: well, you have to put a new password there.16:12
bekkskarthick87: echo "newpass" | chpasswd        as an example.16:13
ksbalaji My firefox crashes on Ubuntu lucid with error: blah....blah  OpenGL: Tungsten Graphics, Inc -- Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE2 -- 1.4 Mesa 7.11-devel -- texture_from_pixmap blah....blah hel16:14
heligolandbekks, http://pastebin.com/sBJMgVPB and some more16:14
bekksheligoland: Looks like a broken USB device to me.16:15
karthick87bekks: This is the command i am using "for name in tester; do useradd $name; echo 'password' | chpasswd $name; done"16:15
heligolandbekks, it's been working for 5 years16:15
nnamdi_Fyodorovna: i know that very well aleast ubuntu is linux i have an issue whether ubuntu or fedora it is still the same kernel, same gnome or kde16:15
bekksheligoland: Which oesnt mean it cant break.16:15
karthick87bekks: Thats not working ^  ^16:15
heligolandbekks, tried it before on this machine, works16:15
toticis there a way to launch a .desktop file from the command line?16:16
SocialEvilis there a program for ubuntu that can delete pdf pages and merge 2 pdf documents? i know pdftk for combining but for deleting pages from pdf?16:16
sipiorSocialEvil: fairly certain pdftk can do both.16:17
SocialEvilsipior, thanks ill go read the man than :)16:17
NorthShoreNew here, and have a newbie question16:17
glitsj16totic: use 'xdg-open /path/to/xxx.desktop'16:18
bekkskarthick87: Then take a look at the man page of chpasswd. It will tell you how to automate it.16:18
nnamdi_how do i distribute satellite tv stations to about 70 rooms via IP i.e IPTV16:18
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=== pingmenextround is now known as nyuszika7h
toticglitsj16: in what package can I get xgd-open ?16:19
glitsj16totic: that should be in xdg-utils .. perhaps gnome-open works as well if you're using gnome16:20
NorthShoreI have installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I partitianed the hdd ito 2 drives. I want to use c:/ for programs, and the other for data files. How can I do this?16:21
bekksNorthShore: There is no c:/ in non-Windows.16:22
glitsj16totic: there's more than one way to find where a command resides, i put "alias whichpkg='sudo dpkg -S $1'" in ~/.bashrc (without the double quotes) so it's as easy as whichpkg <command-name>16:24
NorthShorebekks: How do I tell the system that I want all my data to be stores on the 2nd partition?16:25
bigot1here is the pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/L6P6Thau16:26
bwat47NorthShore: you put your /home on a seperate partition. Have you installed ubuntu yet? Or are you trying to convert an existing install to do this16:26
bigot1MetalGodWin are you here16:26
greasegumHey Y'all. What's the proper way to install an application that comes complete in one zip file? I hate just running it from my downloads directory.16:26
mobherohi, how to check Hardware Raid 1 configuration working fine or  not in ubuntu 10.04, pls help me.16:26
bekksmobhero: By either running the raid controller utility from the vendor of your controller or by taking a look at the BIOS of the controller.16:27
greasegumdo I just copy the whole subdirectory to usr/bin/?16:28
bekksgreasegum: No. To ~/bin/16:28
bekksgreasegum: /home/youruser/bin/16:28
superlinux-hpif you are an arab/know arabic + wanna learn programming for free, please join us in #linuxac after one and a half hours from now. thanks. this is a daily lesson16:29
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=== mh0test is now known as mh0
greasegumbekks:: ahh, ok. thanks. that directory doesn't exist, but I guess I'll mkdir and use that from now on.16:31
NorthShorebwat47: Ubuntu has been installed.16:31
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nnamdi_am a network admin of a company and i have been having great issues over the week setting up and IP TV... which the server is called broadcaster (linux based) and the receiver is Tornado M53... please i don't if anyone has worked with IPTV technology before i will be grateful if any help can come through16:32
=== mh0test is now known as mh0
bwat47NorthShore: http://www.howtogeek.com/?post_type=post&p=11674216:32
MetalGodWinbigot1 now I'm here16:33
NorthShorebwat47: TY16:34
DaSpawnI am having a problem with booting an encrypted partition.  I have started off a live disk but attempting update-initramfs causes cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to determine cipher modules to load for md1p1_crypt, and booting failes because it does not build initramfs with proper crypt setup, how do I fix my boot process?16:37
bigot1ok metal16:37
DaSpawnalso the data is fune and I can mount in live cd no problem16:37
bigot1I sent you the log16:37
bigot1did you see it16:37
bigot1I wrote you on pm16:37
MetalGodWinoh i just saw the link, checking it now16:38
fish47Hi everyone, how can I know what my Fn shortcuts of my laptop do in the background? Thanks a lot.16:39
greasegumbekks:: anything else I should do to configure that dir?16:39
bekksgreasegum: You could add that directory to your $PATH variable.16:40
glitsj16bekks: greasegum: doesn't ~/.profile take care of adding the ~/bin to PATH if it exists? just asking, been a while since i saw a default ~/.profile..16:43
bekksglitsj16: Thats depends on the users modification to that file.16:44
niddersfiedHello everyone, When I start up xubuntu my monitor tells me to change my input to 1366x768@60hz, How do I fix this?16:45
glitsj16bekks: thanks, adding it to my notes (which are in need of cleaning)16:45
arno_Hi, I'd like to change screen refresh rate. So, I've a script which calls xrandr with correct parameters. But I wonder where at startup I should run it ?16:49
kevinlu310Need help! I just installed nvidia-current. After I restarted my laptop. the screen resolution was set to 640x480. All other options were gone. I couldn't change the screen back now.16:52
ReXiOyou can try to purge the driver to go back to where you were16:54
kevinlu310ReXio: I'll try. Thanks.16:55
DaSpawnIs it possible to force initramfs to load all crypto modules?16:59
A_JI need to update my ubuntu. on 9.10 now . sudo apt-get update did not work17:00
eee444hi, could someone hwlp me get my dwl650 to work with aircrack?17:00
DaSpawnI have a problem where update-initramfs can not load the encryption type so does not load anything and I can not bood because root partition not found, any ideas would be appreciated17:00
xangua!eol | A_J17:00
ikoniaeee444: what version of ubuntu are you using17:00
ubottuA_J: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:00
A_Jgreets xangua17:00
ikoniaeee444: oh, I was confused as you where also cross-posting this in #ubuntu+117:01
DaSpawnhow can I join #ubuntu-support?17:01
ikoniawhich suggests you are running 12.1017:01
A_Jwhat is the command to see the version i am on xangua ?17:01
ikoniaDaSpawn: there is no channel. #ubuntu is the support channel17:01
greasegumbekks:: awesome glitsj16:: I will check the config, thanks17:01
niddersfiedHello everyone, When I start my computer on xubuntu 12.04 I get a message saying please change your resolution to 1366x768@60 hz. It will say this until I get to the log-in screen. When I go to the nvidia options it doesn't even have a option for 1366x768 at all...How do I fix this?17:01
eee444ok, maybe i updatede without knowing17:01
j_ayen_greenLunch time crowd...I'll try again :)  If I remove the pinning entries I have for php 5.2 and do an apt-get upgrade, is that all I need to do to upgrade to php 5.3? This is on 10.04.17:01
kevinlu310ReXio: I removed nvidia-current, rebooted. But now the screen is still stuck at 640x480. I couldn't change it back.17:01
DaSpawnanyone here have any experience with initramfs?17:02
A_Jyup 9.1017:02
Muelli!anyone | DaSpawn17:02
ubottuDaSpawn: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:02
DaSpawnI already asked question twice I get no responses at all17:03
DaSpawnthe latest update have killed my boot17:03
niddersfiedI'm waiting for an answer as well.17:03
DaSpawninitramfs were not generated properly and I still can not generate from live CD17:03
MuelliDaSpawn: how do you know that you cannot generate proper initramfs'?17:04
kevinlu310My screen is stuck at low resolution for some reason now. All options for other higher resolution were gone. Anybody have any clue about how to fix it? Thanks a lot!17:04
DaSpawnI get weird errors:17:05
DaSpawndev-mapper: table ioctl failed: no such device or address17:05
DaSpawncryptsetup: WARNING: failed to determine cipher modules to load for md1p1_crypt17:05
dagroveskevinlu310: have you tried to install restricted drivers?17:05
DaSpawnboot drops to busybox and can not mount primary partition17:05
glitsj16niddersfied: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen has a few fixes you can try17:05
MuelliDaSpawn: sounds like you haven't set up your chroot properly. Mount /dev, /proc and /sys into the chroot.17:05
DaSpawnI DO have the partition mounted now and chrooted to attempt update-grub17:05
DaSpawnI used the default encryption also17:05
A_Jtrying to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04 i tried this command aptitude update17:05
A_Jbash: aptitude: command not found17:05
kevinlu310dagroves: I just tried to install nvidia-current.17:06
niddersfiedglitsj16: Thanks, I shall give it a try.17:06
dagroveskevinlu310: Are there any other drivers listed there?17:06
MuelliA_J: that's not how it works. Use do_release_upgrade or so.17:06
bekksA_J: Use apt-get17:06
DaSpawnI mounted all 3 of those also, tried 2 different ways:17:06
DaSpawnmount -o bind /dev /media/xxxxx/dev17:06
DaSpawnall 3 of those are mounted and are visible properly17:07
kevinlu310dagroves: how to check drivers installed?17:07
bazhangA_J, did you adjust your repos to old-releases?17:07
bazhangyannick, no17:07
A_Jbekks and Muelli using this : aptitude update17:07
A_Jbash: aptitude: command not found17:07
glitsj16niddersfied: the link mentions http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/script-to-fix-ubuntu-plymouth-for.html which is confirmed to still work very well on ubuntu 12.04 + nvidia17:07
FloodBot1A_J: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
A_Jno i did not bazhang/17:07
bazhangA_J, read the eolupgrades link then17:07
bazhang!eolupgrades | A_J17:08
ubottuA_J: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:08
A_Jbazhang says nothing about anything more than 9.10 > 10.0417:08
DaSpawnany other reasons for dev-mapper: table ioctl failed: no such device or address?17:08
niddersfiedglitsj16: Thanks I'm doing the steps right now. I can't do fullscreen anything without it crying at me :3 so I hope this works. I've been looking for a while but just didn't know really what to search for.17:08
MuelliDaSpawn: might be missing drivers.17:08
Muellii.e. modules17:08
DaSpawn( am guessing it can not determine encryption because it can not see root disk properly in chroot)17:08
DaSpawnhow can I force all encryption modules to load into initramfs?17:08
jjvvboa tard17:09
DaSpawnI set modules=most in initramfs cfg no difference17:09
IdleOne!br | jjvv17:09
ubottujjvv: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:09
MuelliDaSpawn: well, babysteps. what caused the fuckup anyway? You mentioned a not properly installed kernel..?17:09
ikoniaMuelli: easy with the language please.17:10
glitsj16niddersfied: yes that's the hardest sometimes when looking for solutions, you already need to know terminology etc.. i use the fix myself on a few machines, hope you get it sorted this time17:10
jjvvalgum utilizador zoneminder com DC60 0002 "easycap" com 4 inputs ?17:10
bazhangMuelli, no cursing here17:10
IdleOnejjvv: faca /join #ubuntu-br17:10
MuelliO_o that's no curse...17:10
decciAnyone who know how can I setup Multitenancy on Virtual Desktop software17:10
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DaSpawnI initiall had a key device in crypttab, but that device no longer existed, I removed the key and attempted rebuild of initramfs17:11
freakolowskylo ... a quickie :D how do i recreate all rc*.d links ... i'm using sysv-rc-conf, but it's not removing the links?17:11
jjvvok ubott, obrigado, desculpe.17:11
dagroveskevinlu310: Well if you installed restricted drivers click on your dash and type in restricted drivers, open it up and it will tell you what one you installed or if any others you can try. They should be listed there, if they are not, I honestly would have no idea, it sounds like a driver issue. Not 100% sure though.17:11
Muellihm DaSpawn. And then you booted and got the errors mentioned above..?17:11
niddersfiedglitsj16: When I went to the site it told me to open up grub and when I did nothing was inside it O.O and when I did the command to show all my supported resolutions there was no 13** anything.17:11
DaSpawn(the first time it attempted to boot after update it just hang before it got to passphrase input)17:12
DaSpawnall of the old kernels have the same issue (they were built to use key device)17:12
DaSpawnthe passphrase works just fine, but becuase the key does not exist it does not even attempt to ask for passphrase17:12
glitsj16niddersfied: could you pastebin your /etc/default/grub please? that's quite weird17:13
decciMay I know quick way of setting up LDAP17:13
DaSpawnso after the hung boots I decided to rebuild initramfs17:14
=== vishwaje is now known as Guest44387
kevinlu310dagroves: I think my problem is very similar to this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/136079/nvidia-graphics-resolution-problem. Now I uninstalled nvidia-current. The screen is still stuck at low resolution. I just want to restore it to normal resolution now. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks a lot.17:15
dagrovesglitsj16: niddersfied said hang on a sec17:15
MuelliDaSpawn: how did you do it then?17:15
glitsj16dagroves: thanks, i missed that17:15
DaSpawnbut since the initramfs will not load any of the drives, boot now gets through the passphrase, unlocks fine, but then can not find root and drops to busybox (I really do not understand how I can unlock the device without the proper encryption modules)17:15
cooncan someone help me with a minor problem i have17:15
jitaIs there the password of user without knowing the previous password ?17:16
dagrovesgltisj16: he walked away, lol he is sitting next to me and we are trying to figure out this problem17:16
niddersfiedglitsj16: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095206/17:16
glitsj16dagroves: heh, no worries .. never rush into things when changing grub17:16
niddersfiednow its there17:16
=== drd2 is now known as Twiddler
TwiddlerHello everyone.17:17
Muellijita: you want to change a user's password w/o having it? you might need to boot a live cd and change it from there.17:17
jitaMuelli, its on the server17:17
glitsj16niddersfied: ok looks good, are you using the script fix or one of the other options on the page i gave earlier? so we can be on the same page17:18
Muellijita: well. if you don't have root access, you're doomed.17:19
niddersfiedglitsj16: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen17:19
jitaMuelli, i have sudo access17:19
Muellijita: well. there you go. sudo passwd $theuser will update the password for you17:19
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jitaMuelli, thanks a lot17:20
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glitsj16niddersfied: answers 1 & 3 (refering to a script) are basically the same, i always use the script but that's up to you17:21
cooncan someone help me with a minor problem i have17:21
ThinkT510coon: we can but only try17:22
coonlol thx17:22
=== vishwaje is now known as Guest32310
niddersfiedglitsj16: Okay I did 1, I did the stuff in the terminal now I'm going to restart and see if it fixed it :3 if not ill be back ^^17:22
glitsj16niddersfied: good luck17:22
coonwhen i open my other filesystem it always opens with movie player and i get this error until i close out everything then open17:23
coonhow can i stop it from opening from movie player17:23
ThinkT510coon: what do you mean by open your other filesystem?17:24
cooni have windows on another hd and when im in ubuntu and try to open that hd it opens in movie player17:24
ThinkT510coon: open as in try to navigate there with the file manager?17:25
coonand i get "an error occurred" i have to close out everything in the player and close out movie player before i can ope other drive17:25
DaSpawn Muelli: still ther>?17:25
MuelliDaSpawn: yes17:26
coonwell i go to places and i see the other drive and i click on it17:26
TwiddlerI want to grab raw RGB data from /dev/video0 to a frame grabbing program.17:26
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...17:26
TwiddlerWhat program do you recommend?17:26
DaSpawnyou asked how did I do it, what are you refering to?17:26
dagrovesglitsj16: niddersfied said it did not work now his monitor is stuck on the screen telling him "The current input timing is not supported by the monitor display. Please change your input timing to 1366x768@60Hz or any other monitor listed timing as per the monitor specifications." It wont even show him the login screen, he is stuck at that message and has no idea what to do now.17:27
MuelliDaSpawn: like how you recreated the initramfs17:28
DaSpawnupdate-initramfs -u -v17:28
bwat47coon: try right clicking on any folder, hit "open with" and select your file manager as the default application to open folders.17:28
DaSpawngets to Calling Hook cryptroot17:29
coonfile browser?17:29
glitsj16dagroves: ok, let him reverse what he did by using http://www.kyleabaker.com/downloads/ubuntu/scripts/plymouth-resolution-fix-revert-back.sh.zip17:29
DaSpawnthen device-mapper: table iocth failed: no such device or address17:29
MuelliDaSpawn: *where* does this error appear? I.e. during creation of the ramdisk?17:30
glitsj16dagroves: when he ran that, let me know and we'll start from scratch17:30
DaSpawn(it does finish generating, but misses encryption modules)17:30
bwat47coon: it depends what file browser you use, if you are using unity/gnome it should be nautilus (might show up as "files" in the open with dialogue)17:30
dagrovesglitsj16: how is he going to run it when he cant even get to his desktop?17:30
DaSpawnit is in middle of "Adding module xyx"17:30
MuelliDaSpawn: *where* does this error appear? I.e. during creation of the ramdisk?17:31
DaSpawnafter calling hook copcache17:31
coonthat solved my problem thanks alot it was annoying lol17:31
DaSpawnsomewhere while running update-initramfs17:31
glitsj16dagroves: you are next to him, put the download on a stick and let him use recovery mode if he can get to that17:31
DaSpawnso guessing that is ramdisk (do not see any indication )\17:31
MuelliDaSpawn: k. Are you running the live cd now and do you have your sysimage mounted? Then pastebin us the output of "mount"17:31
glitsj16dagroves: or let me know if he can boot to recovery mode if you will17:32
dagrovesglitsj16: he cant even get to the grub menu, when he boots his pc, he sees the bios, after the bios, everything dissapears and then that monitor message appears and never goes away, he cannot do anything but go into his bios17:32
DaSpawnrunning livecd, mounted encrypted disk (it is RAID, but that loads no problem), then mounted /dev /proc and /sys in the mount, then chrooted to mount, then tried update-initramfs17:32
glitsj16dagroves: ok, do you guys have a live cd to boot from?17:33
MuelliDaSpawn: Then pastebin us the output of "mount"17:33
dagrovesglitsj16: yes17:33
DaSpawnunfortunately it is IPMI console, so can not paste17:33
DaSpawnbut first line is:17:33
DaSpawn/dev/mapper/md1p1_crypt on / type ext417:34
glitsj16dagroves: let him boot that .. we'll try to fix things from there17:34
DaSpawn(that is while still in chroot)17:34
drennen    is there a shortcut for move or minimize window?17:34
dagrovesglitsj16: okay he is booting into it17:34
=== perryy is now known as yrrrep
DaSpawndo you need more of the mount command output?17:35
muellisoftDaSpawn: sorry, connection reset. Where's the link to pastebin?17:35
jactaI'm trying to install skype-wrapper ppa - it just says 404 - any clue about that?17:36
jactaused this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:skype-wrapper/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype-wrapper17:36
Pitelhow can I set my IM statuis to online after boot? It's annoying to change it every time. :/17:36
glitsj16dagroves: to make changes to his machine he'll have to chroot, do you know how to do that?17:36
ThinkT510jacta: contact the ppa maintainer and find out17:36
bwat47Pitel: using empathy? I had that issue too, no idea how to make it work right, seems to be a bug. I recommend using pidgin instead personally :)17:37
DaSpawn1 sec17:37
muellisoftjacta: well. can you pastebin the actual error?17:37
Pitelbwat47: yup, empathy. I event didn't find any checkbox or something.17:37
dagrovesglitsj16: I have no idea how to do that17:37
jactamuellisoft, sure :)17:38
muellisoftDaSpawn: eh. But that's from inside the chroot, isn't it?17:39
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
DaSpawnyes, want outside?17:39
glitsj16dagroves: let me find a link, i'll guide you along but it's easier for you both if you have some clue of what we're attempting, hang on17:39
dagrovesglitsj16: haha okay17:39
jactaMuelli, http://pastebin.com/N089qMp317:39
Jordan_Uglitsj16: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot is pretty good.17:40
Muellijacta: seems like the PPA doesn't have anything for your ubuntu version :\ I'd contact the maintainer17:40
jactaI think ill starting all over with clean 12.04 instead or 12.10 daily builds17:41
MuelliDaSpawn: hm. looks good. can you pastebin us the output of initramfs-update -u then?17:41
glitsj16Jordan_U: dagroves: thanks :)17:42
glitsj16dagroves: don't rush, perhaps take a read through that link Jordan_U provided and let us know when he's in the chroot17:43
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dagrovesglitsj16: Well after seeing that page, and all of the trouble he has been through with Linux already, he said he is going to go back to Windows, and he is going to go to our local computer store and buy the Ubuntu Bible I think it is called and study and get to know what he is doing before he jumps into this blind again.17:43
dagrovesglitsj16: He said thank you for your help though. He really appreciates it!17:43
DaSpawn(doing now)17:44
glitsj16dagroves: blind is indeed a hard way to get to know your system17:44
Muelliwell DaSpawn. that looks all good, no/17:46
drennenI am having an issue with steam where it wants all the attention =/ The windows will stay in the foreground.17:46
Muelliah, except cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to determine cipher modules to load for md1p1_crypt17:47
cyanboyHi, I am having some trouble with my macbook pro and the keyboard layout17:47
DaSpawnthe warning is missing, but appears in the paste data for some reason17:47
DaSpawnlet me repaste17:47
cyanboyI cannot seem to be able to write brackets or braces17:47
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
DaSpawnpastebin.com/4MwCNWWi line 37217:49
glitsj16Jordan_U: appreciate the help, i noticed that a lot of the chroot links out there still add copying /etc/resolvconf to the chroot .. if someone needs help here again that involves chrooting, can i safely leave that out of the picture?17:49
drd2I wanted to get information about the major and minor numbers of a device node.17:49
speciesi cant find details on when 10.04 LTS is expiring17:49
DaSpawnI am using live cd 10.04.4, would I have better luck with 12.04?17:49
speciesi saw a chart somewhere, once17:49
A_Joh god this vim is unusable.17:50
MuelliDaSpawn: shouldn't matter as this is your "real" system anyway.17:50
MonkeyDustspecies  the chart is called wikipedia17:50
speciesthat really seems like the wrong place for it17:50
* A_J weeps17:50
DaSpawnthat was my thought, but the encryption failes once getting to busybox17:50
Jordan_Uglitsj16: If they need internet access within the chroot, then you need to copy /etc/resolv.conf. If not, you don't.17:50
MuelliDaSpawn: hm. interesting. Can you, just for the fun, rename /etc/initramfs.conf.d (or whatever it's called) and try again to cretae the initramfs?17:51
DaSpawnI figured if I was able to enter my encryption passphrase then it must have the driver, are there different levels while loading?17:51
DaSpawn1 min17:51
MuelliDaSpawn: and also for the record do smth like sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda2  | grep Cipher17:51
DaSpawnonly initramfs-tools, that one?17:51
glitsj16Jordan_U: thanks again, the dns changes in 12.04 made me wonder, sometimes etc/resolv.conf is a link in that context, will try to experiment later on17:53
raidghostWhat modules am i suppose to use for r8169                  62099  017:53
raidghoste100                   37213  017:53
raidghostRealtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet17:53
DaSpawnhmmm, for some reason /dev/mapper/md1p1_crypt does not exist now17:54
DaSpawnbut still mounted17:54
DaSpawnbut it does exist as /dev/mapper/udisks-liks..... , what busybox is looking for when it drops to shell17:55
tcstarAnyone now how I can get guake terminal to 'start' on boot/login so I don't have to constantly run it manually??17:55
ReXiOHi. This is my Desktop and Monitor configuration right now: http://imgur.com/HUy4J17:55
ReXiOCan anyone recommend me  some utils to get it cool?17:55
Skrillex123CAN ANY1  HELP ME??? My mic isint working and i tried EVERYTHING17:56
MonkeyDustSkrillex123  type alsamier in a terminal17:56
DaSpawnafter renaming folder, I immediately get cannot open /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf17:56
niddersglitsj16: Hey here it's me. Im on xubuntu live /= ive had a lot of issues with linux and ive barely used it which means i guess im just a windows person. I might get a book or something to teach me how to use linux.17:57
heckooHi.  Fresh install of Ubuntu(64 bit).  How can I take the updates(/var/cache/apt/archives) and import them to another build I am doing tonight?  I don't want to download all the updates twice if I can avoid it.  Thanks.17:57
bazhang!aptoncd | heckoo17:57
ubottuheckoo: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:57
Hetepnow, if only they would make the program windows capable of being minimized17:58
heckoobazhang, thanks!17:58
glitsj16nidders: yes dagroves mentioned something about a bible lol17:58
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:58
niddersglitsj16: Hah yeah might be a fedora one though >_>; It's pretty O_O17:58
DaSpawnI am booting off 12.04 disk now, going to try that17:59
MuelliDaSpawn: eh, yeah, so maybe apt-get install --reinstall initramfs-tools to get the config back17:59
Muellisorry for that17:59
glitsj16nidders: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ has a nice ubuntu manual you can download17:59
DaSpawnI only renamed, so put back where it was18:00
glitsj16nidders: should be great for xubuntu as well18:00
DaSpawnI will also try reinstalling if 12.04 disk fails also18:00
DaSpawnI think I know what this is18:00
=== Hetep is now known as Asar
DaSpawnupdate-initramfs is looking for /dev/mapper/md1p1_crypt, but once I mount it that is removed and replaced with /dev/mapper/udisks-luks-xxxxx, and because of that initramfs can not find the device specified in /etc/crypttab (/dev/mapper/md1p1_crypt)18:01
DaSpawnany way to prevent removal of that device after mount?18:02
DaSpawnor any way to force initramfs to use other device name?18:02
j_ayen_greenone more try before my day ends :)  is there anything more to updgrading a pinned version to the current one than simply removing the apt-get pinning references and apt-get upgrading?18:03
bazhangj_ayen_green, regular package? or ppa18:03
Phoenix87is there a irc chat client that allows for plugins/extensions to insert arbitrary inline images?18:03
Motafocaguys, i have a ubuntu box that when i insert a compact flash in the reader its mounted with root groud and id, then i cant write on it as user, how can i change this behavior18:03
j_ayen_greenbazhang: regular, I think. unpinning php on lucid from karmic18:04
bazhangPhoenix87, inline images to the channel? or let you mouse over and see http links18:04
ThinkT510j_ayen_green: don't mix releases packages18:04
bazhangj_ayen_green, just unpinning, but using mixed versions is not a good move18:04
mrmcgibbyhow many of you are using LVM?18:05
bazhangmrmcgibby, whats the real question18:05
mrmcgibbyI'm just curious how popular the LVM solution is18:05
j_ayen_greenbazhang: maybe I typed the answer wrong. I have had php pinned to 5.2 on lucid, which had meant pointing it to the karmic distro,and now want to let it upgrade to 5.3.18:05
bazhangmrmcgibby, thats really a poll question18:06
malahello, i'm doing the update but i thinks that somethings wrong happens, the bar ins't moving more, what i do now?18:06
bazhangmrmcgibby, not a support question at all18:06
mrmcgibbyok, where is the right place to ask that then?18:06
bazhangmala, for how long18:06
j_ayen_greenstill can be read 2 ways. I've been running 5.2 on lucid and now want to run 5.318:06
j_ayen_greenmuch better18:06
bazhangj_ayen_green, just unpinning I would imagine. for a ppa, it's ppa-purge18:07
malabazhang: 10 minutes, but i already download all thinks18:07
bazhangmala, then its configuring, you dont want to interrupt it at this point18:07
chris-I have question regarding "ubu software center" , lemme know when I can ask,tx18:08
malabazhang: yes, but what i do now?18:08
bazhangchris-, just ask the channel18:08
Phoenix87bazhang: a plugin that reads the last line in the channel and perform, if necessary, some operation on it, replacing part of the text with an appropriate image18:08
chris-ok tx18:08
chris-Hi ! My question is please. I have fresh Install of Ubuntu 10.4. Now how do I get the rating app , that is normally displayed in "Ubuntu software center" ???? I am browsing on some software , but do not see the rating , people of earth have posted ?18:08
bazhangmala, let it finish, or time out (though I doubt it's stuck)18:09
j_ayen_greenbazhang: cool, thanks. i had been running 5.2 for drupal 6, but it works well with php 5.3 now. I wanted to add apc, and I can't because karmic is gone, and so is the 5.2 file I needed ;)18:09
chris-By the way I did full updates allready to18:09
chris-and still no ratings18:09
bazhangPhoenix87, and posts it to the channel? or what18:09
wNmrmcgibby: i do18:09
Phoenix87bazhang: it's not a post in the sense of transmitting the image to the irc server, but rather displaying it on the channel window18:10
bazhangPhoenix87, quassel irc client can read http links and display the links/pictures/webpage/flash video or whatever, in your client alone however, not pasting it to the channel. no plugin  needed18:11
Phoenix87bazhang: for example say that I write the word FOOBAR on a channel. Any user on that channel using the plugin should not see FOOBAR, but rather an image18:11
bazhangPhoenix87, never heard of such a thing, and that would mean many / most in the channel were on the same irc client18:13
snypWhat folders should I back up in ubuntu to get every software back the way it is currently after a new install?18:13
raidghostHave #ubuntu ever thought of getting a que system for questions asked in here?18:14
bazhangsnyp, you want to clone an install? like a restore point? or what18:14
snypyeah, a restore point would be the thing i need..18:14
ThinkT510raidghost: rather off topic and unhelpful suggestion18:14
k1lsnyp: most stuff is stored in the home folder18:14
snypincluding all the software?18:15
DaSpawnany other ideas Muelli?18:15
DaSpawn12.04 same result18:15
snypdoesn't apt-get install everything in var folder?18:15
Phoenix87bazhang: I'd like to develop a LaTeX plugin for irc and I'm looking for a irc client with extensions/plugins support. Both XChat and kVIRC seem to be very limited18:15
ThinkT510!fhs | snyp18:16
ubottusnyp: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier18:16
malabazhang: help here18:17
malabazhang: more 10 minutes and nothing -.-18:17
vanessj #domogik18:17
Jordan_UPhoenix87: Plugins for IRC clients generally just modify text, I don't expect that you'll find any IRC client with plugin libraries aimed at drastically changing how messages are rendered.18:18
bazhangmala, if it's configuring you really dont want to interrupt it at this point18:18
malabazhang: but it stopped , what i do now? he dont to anything more18:18
chris-Hi ! My question is please. I have fresh Install of Ubuntu 10.4. Now how do I get the rating app , that is normally displayed in "Ubuntu software center" ???? I am browsing on some software , but do not see the rating , people ,have posted ? Have done full update , but still no ratings shown o_O18:20
chris-HOW TO GET THEM ?18:20
bwat47chris: afiak 10.04 has an older version of the software center that doesn't have that feature18:21
delacwould someone know any ubuntu/gnome theme related channels?  #gnome-art is pretty dead place.18:22
chris-@bwat47 , thank you for answering but I remember running linux mint based on ubu10.4 and Ubu10.4 itself at times and it did show me o_O I am confucious now. Are U shure ?18:22
sarsaeol_delac i think deviant art has an irc18:23
sarsaeol_delac: irc.devart.com #devart18:23
sarsaeol_pardon: irc.deviantart.com18:23
bwat47chris: linux mint uses its own software center, different than the ubuntu one18:23
delacsarsaeol_: thanks, going to check18:24
chris-to bed that's suck. I got to mint back 10.4. But before I do I like 4x check , the issue.18:25
chris-bwat47:Thank you  for checking on it with me.18:25
irvanyone have an MRTG init script i can have? :D i tried one online but it doesn't seem to actually start the daemon18:28
irvif i start it manually, it works18:29
qmris unity dodgy as hell placing new windows for anyone else?18:29
bwat47qmr: yes it does seem a bit weird18:30
bwat47qmr: it often opens them "unfocused" too18:30
qmrI'm just going to buy a mac, this is freaking stupid.  ugh.18:31
SkippersBossqmr, and unity is the only desktop for ubuntu ??18:31
karthick87Please help me with creating a user account with the help of a bash script .. Else I have to do it manually for 200 systems..18:31
qmrSkippersBoss: no, all of them suck though.18:32
MonkeyDustkarthick87  maybe the channel #bash is what you need18:32
qmrI made a new profile for work stuff, so thought I'd give unity a go.  kind of liked it at first, mainly for the drag to right / left edge to resize feature18:32
karthick87MonkeyDust: <greybot> karthick87 ("creating a user account" is a process that differs between operating systems; it isn't common to bash): Not A Bash Question. Ask the channel that supports your software, hardware, or OS.18:33
SkippersBossqmr, each has his tight to is own opinion. Thats what UBUNTU is about18:33
irvhttp://pastebin.com/hZ54EVLH is the init script i tried, and running the command: sudo env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg executes it wonderfully18:33
qmrnow that doesn't work though, and window placement is really weird. :-S18:33
SkippersBossqmr, i m not a fan of unity either but this is a support channel. So please formulate a question or discuss your grips in ubuntu-offtopic :-)18:35
dashavooI can't delete print jobs. I can't do it for either of my printers. Does anyone have any idea what I can do about it?18:35
qmrSkippersBoss: what do you use?18:36
dashavooIt is driving me mad, because the print jobs I want to cancel try to start again every time my computer connects to the printer18:36
qmrKind of want to use Linux for work stuff as I hate being stuck with proprietary stack of things that is non portable, also I hate Apple.  but Apple at least works18:36
cyborghey how to set shortcut for konsole18:37
cyborgor is there any channel for kde related topics18:37
jactacyborg, maybe in #kde18:38
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Oli__How do I add a monitor to my xorg.conf to use in mirror mode?18:39
jeruleusSo, I've been looking around for weeks and can't find a fix for my video output via HDMI with an nvidia 9300m gs. Can someone help?18:41
Oli__What's your issue? I may have the same problem18:42
jeruleusI connect my laptop to my TV with an HDMI cable and the TV just says that there's no signal.18:43
iankp_I'm installing Solr, but I need it in an older release (1.4) so I'm installing it via tarball and not via apt-get.  If I installed it via apt-get it would go somewhere nice off of root, I presume.  If I do it via tarball, do I have to drop it somewhere into my home (~) directory?  Seems slightly awkward18:43
jeruleusI tested with the livecd first, to see if it'd work, and the video worked, but not the audio. After installing ubuntu, now neither works18:43
DaSpawnMuelli: still around?18:44
Oli__when i connect my pc to the tv with vga it says there is no signal, when i connect it via dvi it shows up but there is overscan, ie the edges of the screen are off of the tv18:44
Oli__just checking, you definitely enabling the output in options? like ticking the box for use this display18:45
bwat47iankp_: generally if you install from source, you extract the tarball, cd to the directory and run ./configure, make, and sudo make install (the last command is what puts the files in the correct places and "installs" it. When you extract the tarball there should be more specific instructions either in the readme or the install file. You may need to install certain dependencies before it will compile and install, sudo apt-get install b18:45
malasomeone know a channel for postgreesql?18:46
jeruleusI would, but when I go to system settings > display, it doesn't read the TV as connected. Even after I tell it to detect connected devices18:46
iankp_bwat47: ahh okay, the make install i wasn't aware of, thanks.  I was thinking it would just be a tar of the executables (which it could be, hopefully not) that I have to awkwardly place somewhere as opposed to an install18:47
shamthi, how to add a mode to emacs?18:48
Vilsepiany idea which packages are needed in 64-bit Ubuntu to play AAC streams in Rhythmbox? gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse 0.10.21-1 didn't help, still getting "Unable to decode stream"18:48
bwat47iankp_: yeah, sometimes applications do just come in a tar with executables, but generally if you see a download for a linux app in tar.gz format its source18:49
iankp_thank you18:49
shamtare there any Emacs hacker ? I need to add a mode to my Emacs? Any Idea?18:50
jeruleusbtw Oli__ , I'm assuming you've seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/4358/how-do-i-fix-overscan-on-my-hdmi-hdtv, yes?18:51
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Oli__Yeah, I ttried the proprietary driver but there was no overscan option, and there is nothing on the tv, it says it simply doesnt support pc via dvi in the manual, so im trying to get vga working18:55
Mike9863http://s13.postimage.org/6jxs2red2/GNOME.jpg Why are my window icons on the bottom panel white?18:56
ntatschnerEvening everyone, I was hoping someone could help me18:58
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ntatschner live CD18:58
delacit seems that if I change user (with user switcher or ctrl-alt-F*), all gnome players (e.g. Totem) pause. How to make them keep going?18:59
ionwindi cant see my usb pendrive into my pc but i can in the laptop both with ubuntu 12.419:00
ionwindwhats wrong??19:00
aetoxxWhen I run firefox -ProfileManager, I don't get the Profile Manager window. Anyone with an idea as to why?19:00
ntatschneri'm currently in the 12.04 live CD and the installer is not seeing my windows installation but os-probe finds it, when I try "other method" for fomatting the drive it says the drive is empty! quite weired19:00
Vilsepintatschner: which windows, and what's your disk setup?19:01
ntatschnerWindows 7, what do you mean by set up?19:01
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Guest54748use Hirens boot when you want to format Linux19:02
Vilsepintatschner: like do you have many drives and partitions, do you have RAID etc19:02
andrewh192hey, was wondering if anyone knew why, if i login to the guest account i can't seem to access chromium....19:02
Oli__Okay I've got it working with VGA but it's green. I tried a different VGA cable but it doesn't work at all19:02
andrewh192hey _florian_19:02
_florian_i have a question about cloud-init19:02
ntatschner ahh i see, the drive just has Windows on it, I have 2 500GB SATA Drives19:03
_florian_can you have a #include section and also have a #upstart-job section in the same file?19:03
Oli__jeruleus, try doing this http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=93249 but make sure you use the right names of the outputs. also replace the dvi-1 in screen with whatever output you are using, worked for me with vga19:03
spotterdoes anyone know anything in ubuntu's firefox that will copy my entire profile set directory (i.e. .mozilla/firefox) to a backup dir (i.e. .mozilla/.backup)19:03
spottercan't figure out why this happening19:03
Jordan_Uandrewh192: It's probably because Chrome tries to lower the priveleges of its processes, but does it through a function which can also be used to increase priveleges and is thus blocked by the locked down guest session.19:03
Vilsepiandrewh192: maybe you installed it only for your main account, did you install it through apt-get/softwarecenter?19:03
Moogswhat are some cool things i can do with ubuntu19:04
Moogsi just installed it and am ready to explore19:04
Moogsbut ws wondering what is somethign good to do:)19:04
andrewh192i installed it through my main admin account.19:04
andrewh192via software center19:04
huudisMoogs, do what u want!19:05
aetoxxOh, great. Firefox developers broke it again.19:05
Moogshuudis, like? ?)19:05
andrewh192ok, something to work on fixing....19:05
andrewh192for me...19:05
andrewh192either that, or just create another user account, for my roommate...19:05
huudisMoogs, have you heard of website makeuseof.com19:06
andrewh192good to know though... :-) Mahalo, and much Aloha!!19:06
Moogsno i havent19:06
huudisthey have nice list of best apps for linux19:06
Moogswhat is that19:06
jeruleusThanks, Oli__, I'll try that next chance I get19:06
ntatschnerVilsepi, did you see my last reply?19:07
huudiscan i paste links here?19:07
Moogswhat is something like cccleaner for ubuntu19:07
Moogsor maccleanse19:07
huudisMoogs, they have also good tips for linux too19:09
Moogsthanks huudis19:09
Moogsany other websites i should be looking at19:09
huudiswell sure19:09
huudisMoogs, http://www.linuxgames.com/19:11
Moogswhat are desktop environments?19:11
saba_to everyone19:12
huudisMoogs, for example your ubuntu uses unity desktop19:12
huudislinux mint uses mate and cinnamon19:12
bwat47different interfaces to put it extremely simply. To be more technical gnome is the desktop environment, unity is a shell running on top of it. examples of complete de's are gnome, kde, and xfce19:13
huudisxfce is best for netbooks or very old computers19:14
saba_where i can find a an ebook for19:14
huudisoh and lxde19:14
bwat47desktop environments also refer to the collection of applications and tools, and not just the interface19:14
saba_ubuntu 12.04 especially for teaching command19:14
Moogsyeah i got xfce on my netbook19:14
bazhang!manual | saba_19:15
Moogsi got ubuntu 12.04 lte on a pavillion g719:15
ubottusaba_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:15
Moogswhat kind of theme should i have on that? pavilion g7?19:15
saba_ubuntu 12.04 especially for teaching command19:15
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:15
Mike9863http://s13.postimage.org/6jxs2red2/GNOME.jpg Why are my window icons on the bottom panel white?19:16
bwat47Mike9863: what version of ubuntu are you using?19:16
Mike9863bwat47: 12.0419:17
saba_ubuntu 12.0419:17
bwat47Mike9863: known bug with the gnome classic compiz session, I thought this was supposed tog et fixed for 12.04 final but apparently not. however this modified ambiance theme should fix it: http://www.fandigital.com/2012/04/zonmodambiance-fixing-ambiance-default.html19:17
huudisMoogs, I'm kinda new with linx desktop too, I have used mostly debian for server management.19:18
Moogshuudis thanks19:18
huudisI got sick and tired of win 8 :D19:18
Mike9863bwat47: Thanks I'll try it19:18
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-manual.org/     <------ saba_19:18
saba_where i can find a an ebook for ubuntu 12.04 command19:18
chu!cli | saba_19:19
ubottusaba_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:19
bwat47Mike9863: here's a newer version of the theme with a few more fixes: http://www.fandigital.com/2012/07/ambiance-fix-gedits-highlight-current.html19:19
bazhang!rute | saba_ I gave you a manual link already19:19
ubottusaba_ I gave you a manual link already: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com19:19
CDroneI have a lot of problems trying to install a simulation package on ubuntu, could anyone help me?19:19
huudisMoogs, you should test Midori web-browser, it has nice private browsing!19:19
CDroneor at least compile it and lend me the binaries?19:19
Moogshuudis is it better than firefox?19:20
huudisbut it's light and faster19:20
huudisdoesn't have flash19:20
huudisor did it19:20
huudisnot sure19:20
huudisi'm not on my own comp, using live cd19:21
saba_ubuntu-manual do not provide enough doc for command19:22
bwat47huudis: i'm fairly sure midori works with flash.19:22
bazhangsaba_, what commands are you looking for, be very clear19:22
alexhairyman /msg nickserv identify iluvjdlax19:22
bazhangalexhairyman, time to change your password19:22
saba_i want to learn command from basic19:23
alexhairymanbazhang, ermm yup how do i do that?19:23
huudisI like midori bcos of it's good private browsing19:23
bazhangsaba_, have you read any of the many links given to you yet?19:23
chu!cli > saba_19:23
ubottusaba_, please see my private message19:23
Taevhey would replacing my motherboard do anything to cause GRUB not to boot?19:24
wlad_bazhang, what links?19:24
CDroneI have a lot of problems trying to install a simulation package on ubuntu, could anyone help me?19:24
huudiswell, I'm off have fun!19:24
CDronebye :(19:24
wlad_can some1 provide links to learn bash?19:25
ThinkT510wlad_: /join #bash19:26
CDronewlad_: linuxcommand.org19:26
CDronemore than awesome19:26
Taevhey would replacing my motherboard do anything to cause GRUB not to boot?19:27
IdleOneTaev: it shouldn't19:27
wlad_CDrone, thanx19:27
Anticomhi all19:27
CDronewlad_ I learned a lot from that book, although haven't finished it yet, but it is very interesting and dummy-friendly19:27
Anticomi've downloaded and installed ubuntu 12.04 on my mates laptop because he doesn't understand anything about PC's... now my problem is, that although i've changed all possible settings to german language, some menues still are in english19:28
k0nichiwaautohide the icon strip, how do i get it to show itself again ?19:28
Anticomis there anything available that translates like all menues to german?19:29
Keksuhrwas ist denn zum beispiel nicht auf deutsch (hope you udnerstand)19:29
viktorcan anybody help me find out why gecko media player/mplayer plugin isn't playing wma?19:29
AnticomKeksuhr: i think ff e.g. wasn't in german19:30
Anticomi can't remember, wether it only was external software or KDE (i think it is... or is it gnome?! :O) menues aswell19:30
wrapidsHow would I set a domain to point to a different domain?19:30
Anticombut i do belive so19:30
IdleOnewrapids: ##networking can help19:30
_MarcusI am looking on the Ubuntu wiki, and is there more information to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure19:32
AnticomKeksuhr: anyway i just kind of wanted to know, wether ubuntu is available fully translated in V.12.04 at all19:32
_MarcusI can't really understand. Like what does it look like? Is it software or an operating system?19:32
sivamI am getting dialog "Authentication is required to set the network proxy used for downloading packages" - how to get rid of this ?19:32
AnticomKeksuhr: ist es dir lieber, wenn ich auf deutsch frage?19:35
IdleOneAnticom: Keksuhr English here please.19:35
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:35
AnticomIdleOne: i just asked him, wether he was more comfortable in german19:35
KeksuhrAnticom: Ja und sry dass ich erst jetzt antworte, hab grad stress. geh mal in den store und such nach sprachunterstützung19:36
AnticomKeksuhr: okay19:36
Anticomthanks for your help19:36
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Keksuhrlol i use linux since 1day and have already helped people19:38
JorgebioHi all19:38
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chris--the inability to arrange apps by their popularity star rating19:38
chris--popularity star rating app missing on ubuntu 10.04 lucid19:38
chris-I just looked at Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Software center and clearly did see , the popularity app's there. So there is no way I do not have the popularity next to the software displayed on my Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid.19:38
FloodBot1chris-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
glitsj16viktor: do you get any errors when you try to play a wma file via mplayer? or a link to test the gecko plugin with?19:38
viktorglitsj16, nope, just, nothing happens19:39
chris-FloodBot1: Sorry but I am working onsome issue here19:40
glitsj16viktor: are you starting it via terminal? if not, try that .. otherwise we're as good as blind on the issue19:40
chris-There must be some way to get the popularity app, if Linux mint that is based on ubu10.04 has it then , the original Ubuntu 10.4 after update is not showing me the rating on software based on popularity that users have made.19:40
chris-Any apt-get , solution here , please ? Thank you.19:40
viktorglitsj16, i'm now installing mediaplayerconnectivity plugin, and i'm istalling mplayer which removes mplayer219:40
viktorglitsj16, start an element on the website with terminal? not sure how...19:41
glitsj16viktor: i meant running mplayer from terminal, you can point that to a local wma file or a url .. in both cases mplayer will output what it is doing19:42
gansterhow to share file  by using filezilla19:43
TorbenBetaI would like to order the outpout of wc not alphabetically but according to results, so that the file with the biggest count comes first.19:43
ActionParsnipganster: you can share using sftp and connect to it using filezilla19:44
TorbenBetaAny idas?19:44
ActionParsnipganster: or you can use nautilus and share with samba19:44
viktorglitsj16, not sure if it's falling back on mplayer instead of mplayer2 or the mediaconnectivity plugin, but it works now, strangly enough i do get a error message from gecko mediaplayer plugin now..19:44
gansterActionParsnip,   I HAVE already  open the filezilla  application may some configuration  to make19:45
ActionParsnipganster: filezilla is a client, not a server19:45
glitsj16viktor: at least that's something .. could you pastebin the gecko plugin output?19:45
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ActionParsnipTorbenBeta: pipe to sort -n   maybe19:45
gansterActionParsnip, though am a client but i need to share the file with guy who is away from me19:46
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gansterActionParsnip, is it necessarily to pass through the server19:47
ActionParsnipganster: then install openssh-server and port forward port 22 on your router, you can then make him and account and he can connect securely over the www19:47
chris--the inability to arrange apps by their popularity star rating ubu10.04 ?19:47
chris--popularity star rating app missing on ubuntu 10.04 lucid ?Any apt-get , solution here , please ? Thank you19:47
iLogicalI want thunderbird to open a link using firefox, it asks to point to its binary, where is it?19:48
ActionParsnipiLogical: /usr/bin/firefox19:48
TorbenBetaActionParsnip, works19:48
viktorglitsj16, this is strange, i disabled the plugin to get rid of the error msg, and enabled it again to give you the output, but it doesn't show up anymore. it was just a window with "unable to locate <path to something with gecko in the bin>"19:48
ActionParsnipTorbenBeta: np :)19:48
ActionParsnipiLogical: or you can run:  which firefox19:49
duckxxim on ubuntu 12.04 and just modified my .bashrc file which i took from my centos server.. but it doesnt seem like some of the formating is showing up... here's my file: http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9273/croppercapture65.jpg  --- i see its referencing debian_chroot .. do i have to change that to something else in ubuntu19:49
rgenito_any idea why a 1024x768x32bpp Xvfb would take >30 seconds to create? we're talking about a machine with 50GB of RAM...19:49
viktorglitsj16, it's back: "Failed to open file:///home/viktor/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerqqlqla.mp3." (i was mistaken about bin)19:50
destroyahUbuntu has advanced so much, it's ridiculous. Latest ubuntu rapes windows imo.19:50
iLogicalActionParsnip, thanks19:50
glitsj16viktor: you can check if that mp3 file exists in that location19:51
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glitsj16viktor: does that file come from a website or did you open a local file through your browser?19:53
RaverX3Xhumm intristing19:54
RaverX3Xmight have to post this to the nvidia bug tracker19:54
viktorglitsj16, i'm on a website, the file in the err-msg doesn't exist, this one does: gecko-mediaplayerckwxtp.mp319:54
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glitsj16viktor: probably just a temporary cache file your plugin creates .. if you pass the url i'll try to play it19:56
gansterActionPa1snip, can ihave the link for shh19:56
ActionPa1snipganster: you just need to install openssh-server19:57
glitsj16viktor: but i thought your original trouble was with wma files, not mp3 .. a bit confused19:57
viktorglitsj, http://www.thai-language.com/id/816938, now with the new plugin and mplayer it works fine :)19:57
ActionPa1snipganster: then port forward port 22 on your router to the PC (if you use a router)19:57
glitsj16viktor: great, sorry for the confusion19:57
RaverX3Xanyone have issues with nvidia 302.17 and ubuntu where the 3d applicaton looses focus do to another app19:57
RaverX3Xbut then ur framerate goes to shit19:57
ActionPa1snipganster: he will og on as an account on the PC, just like you do19:58
ActionPa1snip!info nvidia-current19:58
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96032 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)19:58
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: how did you install the driver?19:58
gansterActionPa1snip, if we use modem will it be successfully19:59
RaverX3Xubuntu already installed the latest driver when it instaled to this system actionpa1snip19:59
ActionPa1snipganster: then no forwarding is needed ?19:59
ActionPa1snipganster: there is no NAT to traverse so it will be ok19:59
Mech0zhow do you stop a running python script ?19:59
RaverX3X302.17 was the current pritortary driver even tho there website and nvidia current repo has 29519:59
shamtwhere is .emac file , i want to add these lines to it " (add-to-list 'load-path "PATH CONTAINING go-mode-load.el" t)20:00
shamt   (require 'go-mode-load)"20:00
RaverX3Xunless i go beta driver which is 302.4420:00
RaverX3Xodd because i cannot find the 302.17 driver anywhere from nvidias repos20:01
glitsj16RaverX3X: nvidia released a new beta few days ago, 304.22 which fixed a busload of bugs in 302.1720:01
viktorglitsj16, that's probably my fault, srry. not sure why it didn't work, thought it had something to do with the files being wma, but looking at the script they're mp3... so i guess it was gecko or mplayer2 not working well?20:01
RaverX3Xoh got a repo for it cause i cannot find it in there resapotory20:01
viktorglitsj16, in any case, thnk u for the help :)20:01
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy nvidia-curent; dpkg -l | grep nvidia      thanks20:01
RaverX3Xand using sudo apt-get install nvidia-current gives me 29520:02
glitsj16viktor: probably, very welcome, and good luck with the thai language :)20:02
viktorglitsj16, :D hehe, thnks20:02
RaverX3Xaction u want pastebin right20:03
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: please20:03
RaverX3Xhttp://pastebin.com/Qxwt46uJ there you go actionpa1snip20:03
whatevermanI have an Acer Aspire 6930g and suffered from a slow machine after a plain regular installation of Ubuntu 12.04 (x64), no matter what desktop environment I used (xfce/gnome/unity/kde). I installed the Enlightenment, and on the bottom there is this toolbar that you can select CPU power mode - 2.0ghz, 1.6ghz, etc. it was on the minimum the whole time! I wonder, how can I change the CPU settings on Unity/Gnome ?20:03
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: sorry: apt-cache policy nvidia-current20:04
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: can you pastebin that please (typo)20:04
=== TheM4ch113 is now known as TheM4ch1n3
RaverX3Xlsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy nvidia-curent; dpkg -l | grep nvidia20:06
RaverX3Xis what u want right20:06
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: just:  apt-cache policy nvidia-current20:06
ActionPa1snipwhateverman: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142688/cpu-frequency-scaling-for-12-0420:07
RaverX3Xhttp://pastebin.com/mQD84wHu there you go ActionPa1snip20:07
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: you are using a PPA, i suggest you contact the PPA maintainer20:08
RaverX3Xok lol20:08
RaverX3Xso contact nvidia then sence that was the ppa to there repo20:08
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: the PPA you have is not maintained by nvidia20:09
RaverX3Xgot a link to the current nvidia ppa?20:09
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates   is what you are using20:10
ubottuida_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:10
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: I suggest you uninstall the driver you have, remove the PPA then try the driver from the Ubuntu repo20:10
ActionPa1snipRaverX3X: https://launchpad.net/~bryce  is the owner of the PPA20:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:11
bazhangyannick, stop that.20:11
RaverX3Xthanks now im trying to find that repo in my sources and remove it20:12
Oli__Why is my monitor using the commented out modeline rather than the non commented out modeline? http://paste.linuxassist.net/21605720:12
amlibyI'm installing a web server and I'm not sure what directory would be appropriate for some template files. Does anybody have any suggestions?20:14
delachaving problems configuring valr awf Widget Factory. It hangs on checking gtk3, which it claims it can't find. I'm running Precise, so what might be the problem?20:15
glitsj16amliby: if you want people to be able to use the templates directly you can put them under the web servers document root no? without more specific info it's hard to tell20:16
amlibyglitsj16: This is my own software. I guess the question is where should I put the document root? Is /var/www2/ an acceptible place?20:17
whatevermanI'm such a noob it's embarrassing: in order to get the CPUFreq it says on the Ubuntu forums that I need to: ppa:artfwo/ppa and install package indicator-cpufreq ; how do I install/download it ?20:17
bazhang!addppa | whateverman20:18
ubottuwhateverman: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details20:18
glitsj16amliby: it is yes, just make sure you got the dir/file permissions set up correct for that location20:18
whatevermanhaha thanks!20:18
=== Dad_ is now known as Guest11119
bXiokay this is weird. i somehow forgot how to get a static ip address on a network interface using ubuntu server20:18
bXii think i have set it up in the proper way but it won't come up20:19
bXi(ifconfig shows its there)20:19
ActionPa1snipwhateverman: sudo ad-apt-repository  ppa:artfwo/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install indicator-cpufreq20:19
amlibyglitsj16: Thanks! I'll go ahead and do that then :)20:19
whatevermanthanks you!20:20
muay-guyHello, I don't know if it corresponds that I ask this here or in virtualbox channel…but here I go. I can't access the internet in my Ubuntu Server (12.04) after creating a static interface20:20
muay-guythis is what the interface looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095535/20:20
glitsj16amliby: no problem, test locally and you'll know soon enough, good luck20:20
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
bXimuay-guy: how did you get your interface to actually show this configuration? i'm having issues getting it up at all20:21
muay-guybXi: following some tutorials20:22
glitsj16muay-guy: one obvious thing about that paste is 'getway' (line 8) instead of gateway20:22
muay-guyI have no idea what I'm doing20:22
ZiberReinstalled 12.04 today, and now I have no sound. Best way to start figuring out why?20:22
muay-guyglitsj16: yeah, I'm copying it myself reading it from the VM right now. I did a typo, English isn't my first language20:23
nosuchpartHello everybody, I'm getting that dreaded "no such partition" error out of Grub2 after an update20:23
cib0Hello everyone.20:24
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nosuchpartgrub can apparently find grub.cfg, but any attempt to boot otherwise fails20:24
axisyswhat is a good screencast sftware? recordmydesktop saves a small file to 23M20:24
nosuchpartaxisys: what about istanbul?20:24
ZiberWhere should I start looking for problems if I have no sound? I had no problems whatsoever before I reinstalled the OS and didn't have to do anything last time.20:25
ActionPa1snipnosuchpart: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video   try that20:25
tix__don't mean to spam the channel with another request, but I am trying to set up NIS, and when I do "service nis restart", it says "nis: unrecognized service", even though i installed the nis package. ideas?20:25
ActionPa1snipZiber: run:  alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted?20:25
ActionPa1sniptix__: use TAB to complete the service name20:26
axisysnosuchpart: i guess i could try that20:26
axisysnosuchpart: never used it before20:26
ZiberEverything is up fully, yes.20:26
ZiberAll the sound settings seem fine...20:27
glitsj16muay-guy: okay, i'm not at all an expert on this, but ubuntu 12.04 made some changes to dns resolving .. i think you have to add dns details into /etc/network/interfaces for a static ip .. http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ has much more to say20:27
Jordan_Unosuchpart: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces.20:27
Jordan_U!bootinfo | nosuchpart20:27
ubottunosuchpart: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:27
cib0I've noticed something very strange. I recently have been using hg with the mozilla source. When using tools such as hg qnew, I  noticed a very large delay(10 minutes) where other developers only experience a delay of a few seconds.20:27
ZiberRunning alsamixer solved it I guess? Thanks.20:27
tix__ActionPalsnip: i tried that, to no success, but when i look at tutorials, the serivce is called "nis" whenever they try to use the "service" command20:27
cib0I looked for possible causes, and the only thing I could find was that I used the "encrypt home directory" option when setting up ubuntu and mozilla was in my home. Sure enough, when moving mozilla elsewhere, suddenly hg sped up from 10 minutes per action to 10 seconds per action.20:28
glitsj16bXi: you might also want to go over http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ to get static ip set up properly in 12.0420:28
cib0I also figured out that hg uses many many files to store its changes. Thousands of files for the mozilla source.20:29
cib0tl;dr: Ubuntu home directory encryption seems to slow down file lookup by a factor of 50.. any idea why that is?20:29
tix__I forgot to mention that I am trying to run NIS on Precise20:29
ActionPa1snipZiber: ok, what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh20:30
ZiberActionPa1snip: It's all working now. Dunno what the problem is.20:30
ActionPa1snipZiber: ah, if it's fixed then no worrie :)20:30
manners13anyone know a way of passing variables from php to shell using ssh220:31
Zibermanners13: see #php, but system() :)20:32
ZiberSo, my wireless mouse scrolling is WAY too sensitive. How can I change that?20:33
nosuchpartJordan_U, I got it working. Seems like I needed to run grub-install20:33
tix__Ziber: depends, if you have a sensitivity switch on your mouse, then that could be the culprit but you can find sensitivity settings in ubuntu's settings.20:34
tix__if you're running precise: system settings -> mouse and touchpad20:35
tix__i can't think of anything other version off the top of my head20:35
newbie22does anyone know a good channel for "Windows XP"20:36
qmrmy external monitor is to the left of my laptop display.  can I move Unity dock to external display?20:36
glitsj16newbie22: ##windows20:36
tix__so does anybody know why the precise package for NIS does not install "nis" as a service?20:37
ActionPa1snipqmr: I think if you make the external display the primary display it will move20:37
danielspnewbie22: I think you should try a forum somewhere on the web, if you got probs with Windows.20:38
qmrAlt-F2 doesn't do context searching, but it looks just like unity launcher... any reason for this?20:38
qmrActionPa1snip: how do I make it primary?  What does that mean?20:38
ActionPa1sniptix__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo20:38
tix__ActionPalsnip: Yes, I have looked at that page, but the problem is that nis is not located in /etc/init.d20:39
ActionPa1snipqmr: in display settings, make the external display primary, if you use an nvidia gpu then you can set it in nvidia-settings20:39
tix__at least it is not installed with the package20:39
ActionPa1sniptix__: try:  sudo updatedb; locate nis20:39
qmrI have monitor settings, I don't have display settings.  not seeing anything in here about primary20:40
ActionPa1snipqmr: try right clicking the external disply....20:40
qmrActionPa1snip: nothing happens when right clickcing20:41
colorsothercan someone help me with a fresh install of 12.04LTS... during the install from a USB stick it hangs20:43
OerHekscolorsother, be patient, some parts take some time, do you see the hdd led reacting? does caps lock work?20:44
rinzlerwhat is the grub menu key?20:44
designbybeckcolorsother:  where does it hang at?20:44
tix__ActionPalsnip: is there any way to filter that list down to just scripts or binaries?20:44
OerHeksrinzler, hold shift @ boot to enter grub menu20:44
colorsotherokay ill give it some time... i tried the acpi=off option and kept getting     /sbin/modprobe -bv   errors20:44
ActionPa1snipqmr: can you drag the displays around?20:45
ActionPa1sniptix__: you could pipe it into file I guess then grep to see which are binaries20:45
qmrActionPa1snip: yes20:45
rinzlerOerHeks: thanks20:45
ActionPa1snipqmr: ok then drag the monitor to the left of the laptop, does it make the Unity move?20:45
qmrIt's already on the left, no20:46
colorsothercurrently have a screen that says ubuntu 12.04 with the 4 dots and it keeps going and going20:46
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: what video chip do you use?20:46
glitsj16qmr: you could try editing ~/.config/monitors.xml .. If one of your displays is designated  as the primary output in that file the launcher will show up on that  display. Find the "output" item for your desired primary display in that  file, and then find the sub-item named "primary". Change the value to  "yes" for that output, then log out and log back in20:46
qmrBecause logging out and logging back in won't disrupt my flow at all.20:47
qmrDoes anyone actually like Unity?  I'm trying to give it a shot today, but meh20:47
ActionPa1snipqmr: seems there is a launcher placement drop down. Do you see taht?20:47
colorsotherOerHeks the HDD LED is not doing anything20:48
ActionPa1snipqmr: its ok, i use few apps so it works for me20:48
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=120:48
glitsj16flow is relative, what is a logout/login compared to braking your neck to see the launcher where you want it ;)20:48
qmrActionPa1snip: I don't have any dropdowns besides res, refresh, and rotation20:48
colorsotherthanks ActionPa1 let me restart and try that20:48
ActionPa1snipqmr: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:49
=== danielsp is now known as DanielSP
qmrActionPa1snip: natty20:50
jactahow is it that I'm able to get my console look like this: http://9l.dk/upload/Screenshot%20-%2007162012%20-%2010:49:22%20PM.png20:50
ActionPa1snipqmr: ahhh, let me search better20:50
ActionPa1snipqmr: Precise has a nice switcher in its display config20:50
jactathe green/blue style20:50
ActionPa1snipqmr: natty doesn't have much support left in it either, you may want to upgrade soon20:51
qmrHow many animals do I need to sacrifice for a smooth upgrade?20:51
ActionPa1snipqmr: try:    xrandr --output VGA-0 --primary20:51
qmrwarning: output VGA-0 not found; ignoring20:52
ActionPa1snipqmr: you may need to run:  xrandr  to see the display names20:52
ActionPa1snipqmr: http://superuser.com/questions/294553/setting-primary-monitor-for-natty-narwhal20:52
colorsotherhow do i pass the nouveau.blacklist=1 option during install ?20:52
bXiokay can someone help me with dhcp3-server ?20:53
bekksbXi: Just ask what you really want to know please. :)20:53
bXiall of the guides i find on the web are referencing files that don't seem to exist on my install20:53
glitsj16jacta: have you tried changing the color preferences in your xfce4-terminal yet?20:54
jactaglitsj16, yep - changed background and such in there20:54
qmrActionPa1snip: Ok, made it VGA1, but it hasn't moved20:55
colorsotherActionPa1snip :  how do i pass the nouveau.blacklist=1 option during install ?20:55
=== alecu is now known as alecu86
glitsj16jacta: not sure i got your question correctly .. do you want to get the left look (with transparent background) and yours is still looking like the right part of that picture?20:56
GhostWolfhi all. im stuck on an issue, i upgraded 12.04 by using a fresh install. and i know to get sound back to normal or to working order i have to use the alsamixer. i've done that and i still don't get sound or music through my speakers20:57
Caseyi'm trying to get my ups software to send a alert email when the power goes off but it doesn't want to run the email script also i'm runnig lubuntu20:57
qmrAutokey tray icon not showing up :(20:57
Caseyhere is the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095590/20:57
jactaglitsj16, both are mine actually, I want the left to have the blue/green style applied20:58
ActionPa1snip!bootoption |colorsother20:58
ubottucolorsother: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.20:58
jactaglitsj16, right**20:59
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh20:59
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, i need to type all that? including the addy?20:59
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: yes, it's one big long command, just copy and paste it to th terminal21:00
glitsj16jacta: if both are yours you should be able to replicate the settings from left one to right one seeing it is xfce4-terminal ..21:00
GhostWolfi know it is. just want to make sure and just one second21:00
rhizmoefunny, firefox's "do you want to save this password" blocks unity's desktop switcher21:00
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: select to upload to the server and a URL will be generated, what is the URL please21:01
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, just one second please21:01
glitsj16jacta: oww .. you want your terminal in virtualbox to look like your native ubuntu one?21:02
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, it doesn't give me an url21:02
Nateebi'm looking for some help with a make error is there anyone available to help me out21:02
jactaglitsj16, thats correct :p21:02
GhostWolfit says your alsa information is located at and theres a big space then below that says please inform the person helping you21:02
NogalHey everyone.. anyone know how I can replace an icon of a single .jre file? (minecraft)21:02
Caseyi'm looking for some help with a script21:02
=== alecu86 is now known as alecu
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, it says your alsa information is located at and theres a big space then below that says please inform the person helping you21:03
Jason_Howardanyone know a link to a irc program for ubuntu? (i am using chatzilla for windows)21:04
glitsj16jacta: i don't know the first thing about virtualbox, using vmware .. perhaps rephrase your question here .. plenty of virtualbox users i would imagine .. again, sorry for the slow interpretation of your issue21:04
Nogaljason_howard empathy comes with ubuntu, it's what I use for my IRC21:04
GhostWolfJason_Howard, if you want a decent irc program for ubuntu i use xchat21:04
jactaglitsj16, could be me as bad user instead, prolly more that ;)21:05
NateebNo rule to make target `modules' can someone help me fix this21:05
glinki need some help, with my app cuz it is not building and stuff...21:05
Caseyi'm looking for some help with a script21:05
glinkand im noob to this developer thing lol21:05
Jason_Howard@ Casey ask your question!21:06
Caseyi'm trying to get my ups software to send a alert email when the power goes off but it doesn't want to run the email script also i'm runnig lubuntu21:06
Caseyhere is the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095590/21:06
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: rerun it, there hould be a url21:07
ActionPa1snip!irc | Jason_Howard21:07
ubottuJason_Howard: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:07
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, i'll try. it asked me to upload but it didn't give me one21:07
qmris there any way to find hidden windows?  autokey is running, but it's not anywhere I can see it21:07
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, still the same. no url shows up21:08
glitsj16jacta: heh, no harm done, at least the issue is cleare now .. the way the terminal prompt looks like is usually done in ~/.bashrc (look for stuff related to colored prompt)21:08
glinkcan any one help me? with my app?21:08
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, Your ALSA information is located at21:08
GhostWolfPlease inform the person helping you.21:08
GhostWolfthats exactly what i get with those 2 lines21:08
Nateebi'm having trouble with make, can someone help me out21:09
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, i can copy and past the whole thing to pastebin if you like21:09
Nogalglink, ask your question, we don't know what exactly you need help with.21:09
jactaglitsj16, and now I found it, they gray one had force-colors off ;)21:09
qmrhttp://code.google.com/p/autokey/wiki/Troubleshooting  there we go21:09
glitsj16jacta: job done :)21:10
jactaglitsj16, really really nice yes, woop woop ;)21:10
jactaglitsj16, btw - its linux mint with xfce right now :\21:10
glinki submited an app to the showdown and it didn't  build in launchpad, fixed that but some one couldn’t build it again after the fix21:10
glinkand im noob to all this...21:11
BlitzHereHi all, I am installing xubuntu for the first time, and I was wondering, what are the advantages of using an alternate install over a live install, assuming live does work for you....21:11
Nateebcan someone help me with his error im getting21:11
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: ok, select to not upload, open the resulting file in gedit and pastebin the content of the file21:11
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok just one second21:11
glitsj16jacta: so many choices these days indeed21:12
Caseyanyone going to bhelp me?21:12
jactaglitsj16, I'm pretty sure that I will end up with Xubuntu21:12
glinkhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1089412/ this is the errors that Mr. Daniel Holbach had21:12
glinkwhat can i do21:12
ngunikI have setted and env variable into arethmetic value and I want to compare this variable with an if . If is even I want to execute a command. If is odd an other one. Which is the syntax ?21:13
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, http://pastebin.com/9sHS3zvJ21:15
trismglink: looks like you have some gtk stuff in your setup.py, which is kind of weird, do you have a link to your app?21:17
anja_versusif anyone uses Opera, does https://www.transifex.com/ work for you? I just get a blank page21:19
glinkhttps://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1301/ this is my app in ubuntu, in launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~fernandofreamunde/+archive/srcinstall21:19
glinki made it with quickly21:19
Nogalanja_versus -- I use Firefox, Chrome, Epiphany, and Chromium and it works on all of those if that helps... I don't have opera installed though.21:20
glinkis it possible to be the same error that launchpad gave me before i use the new quickly pacages that fixed a bug related with not building in LP?21:21
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:21
colorsotherActionPa1snip: thanks for the option..21:21
anja_versusNogal: it works in Chromium and (I think) Rekonq.... just not in Opera. The page seems to load (going by the source view) but it doesn't display. Oh, well.21:21
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok just one second21:21
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: some nvidia chips with some displays hate the nouveau driver, so you can block it21:22
colorsotherdurign install my screen black out and the montior lost signal21:22
dat789hello! I would like to strip down my ubuntu 11.10 to its basic resources so that it runs only the necessary processes. Can someone help me with that please?21:22
=== whatever1an is now known as whateverman2
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: once you get the proprietary driver in you'll be ok. You more than likely won't see the boot splash but it's quite trivial21:22
colorsotherokay... well im just waiting to see what happenes here.. thanks for your input21:23
cascadiaI've got a question for people more skilled with Ubuntu than me: The hard drive on which my /home partition resided has failed. It no longer works. Consequently, I can't login to my system anymore because the home folder is gone. There was no important data in that home folder, so I am not worried about it being gone, but I'd like to be able to get back in to my system without reinstalling Ubuntu. What do I need to do to fix the login issue?21:23
ActionPa1snipdat789: http://modifyubuntu.com/#speed     has a show all startup apps, you can disable stuff there and make boot faster21:23
dat789ActionPalsnip: thank you. I'll check that out now21:24
Nogalcascadia; you might want to look into a slax liveCD to boot up and make a backup of your data you need to recover.21:24
qmrNeither glipper or AutoKey are working properly with Unity.  I try to open preferences for glipper and nothing happens.21:24
noiroHey guys, whenever I try to run Gnome for 12.04, it runs gnome classic. Why is this? On my much less powerful netbook, gnome with effects loads, but not on this computer (which much better graphics)21:26
cascadiaNogal: All the data that was in that home partition was backed up. Meaning, I didn't lose any documents, pictures, etc. So okay there. The issue is I can't login when the system boots up. It says it can't enter the home folder. Just returns me to a login screen.21:26
=== robin is now known as radioelephant
radioelephanthi all21:27
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok thats all done. what do i need to do next?21:27
Nogalcascadia, without reinstalling it, that's out of my league...21:27
trismglink: nope that doesn't seem to be the issue (I'm guessing your earlier bug was the glib-compile-schemas one everyone was having)21:30
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*     wait 10 seconds then reboot to test21:31
glinkso how can i solve the problem? i used only quickly things :x i don't understand21:31
BenGurionhey, I just started using a wireless bluetooth keyboard on ubuntu 11.10 and I noticed that if I don't use the keyboard for a  while the bluetooth will set itself on "off", is this normal?21:31
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, reboot the pc?21:32
glinktrism: so how can i solve the problem? i used only quickly things :x i don't understand21:32
ThinkT510BenGurion: probably, maybe for power saving?21:32
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: yes after the small wait, should reload the new alsa with default settings, may help21:32
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok just making sure you meant the pc21:32
trismglink: I have an idea, and am taking a look now, I'll let you know21:32
trismglink: but it is looking like another quickly bug21:33
glinki have litle time can you email me?21:33
BenGurionThinkT510, yes, well this is not a problem if there is only a short delay at the beginning of each active session however, sometimes the bluetooth will be completely off, so that i have to replug it and redo the search for the keyboard device21:33
ThinkT510BenGurion: oh, the wonders of wireless keyboards21:34
noiroHey guys, whenever I try to run Gnome for 12.04, it runs gnome classic. Why is this? On my much less powerful netbook, gnome with effects loads, but not on this computer (which much better graphics)21:34
noiroWhich gnome is the one without a bottom task bar?21:34
BenGurionThinkT510, also, haven't restarted yet, hope I don21:34
BenGuriont have to redo the search for the device each time21:35
CoJaBo"Package 'php5-fpm' has no installation candidate" <--Is there any way to troubleshoot/fix errors like that?21:35
BenGurionon the other hand the cheap wireless mouse i got with its own usb dongle is working perfectly21:36
BenGurionstupid bluetooth21:36
trismglink: I'll keep looking but you may want to ask in #ubuntu-app-devel they probably have more experience with quickly21:36
ThinkT510BenGurion: sorry i can't be more helpful, i refuse to use wireless keyboards, waste of batteries etc21:36
BenGurionThinkT510, but you gotta hate wires21:36
BenGurionand cords21:36
ThinkT510BenGurion: they are never in my way so no21:36
BenGurionthey give me eye cancer21:36
BenGurionit's so 199921:37
BenGurionon the other hand the invisible waves will probably give me brain tumors21:37
hargood evening21:37
glinktrism: thank you! if you find some thing u can contact me by LP or give feedback on the app.  i really have to go once again thank you very much!21:38
ActionPa1snipBenGurion: wired is a tonne easier to configure21:39
ThinkT510ActionPa1snip: what configuration?21:39
BenGurionActionPa1snip, the configuration is actually pretty easy, for usb dongles there is none, for bluetooth it's simple21:39
colorsother ActionPa1snip, okay i got the install to go through but once I rebooted the system will no longer load.. hangs on the splash screen with 4 dots.... also the grub menu never appears so i can put in a optoin21:40
BenGurionbut my worry is, will it stay that way for the bluetooth, it seems unstable21:40
noirohey guys, can you tell me why gnome3 is not executing and isntad switching to fallback mode?21:40
ThinkT510noiro: graphics drivers21:41
aguitelnoiro, need propietaries drivers21:41
noiroI have nvidia's propietary driver installed. e.o21:41
noiroaguitel, how would I check?21:41
LosGringoWord. Yo... Ok. I dual booted. But at the choice screen. I don't want it to count down. I'd like it to stay. There are times where I must get up and come back, and I don't like constant restart to choose21:42
aguitelnoiro, glxgears21:42
ActionPa1snipBenGurion: or you can shove in a usb device and blam, zero config21:42
ThinkT510LosGringo: /etc/default/grub21:42
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: hold SHIFT at boot and you can press E to edit the boot option there21:43
noiroaguitel, the gears show up21:43
LosGringoWhat's that gonna do? How will I then turn the counter off?21:43
noiroand they are moving at a reasonable framerate21:43
aguitelnoiro, glxinfo say rendering yes?21:43
ThinkT510LosGringo: 'tis the file to edit, rather self-explanitory when you see it21:43
noiroaguitel, they don't say anything. Just a window with 3D gears moving.21:43
BenGurionsee just now I had to replug the bluetooth dongle21:44
LosGringoAwesome. Thank you21:44
HDScorpiohttp://imgur.com/a/3ZAgJ Wierd grpahics error, any help?21:44
aguitelnoiro, exit this window21:44
BenGurionunder system settings it said "bo bluetooth adapter found"21:44
aguitelnoiro, type in other terminal glxinfo21:44
=== Caspercom is now known as Caspercom|Off
HDScorpioThe wierd lines in everything21:45
BenGuriontime to test reboot21:45
noirowhat am I supposed to see?21:45
HDScorpioIs that directed at me Noiro21:45
aguitelrendering line21:45
noiroaguitel, in terminal, it shows me a ton of hex lines21:46
HDScorpioIt's the wierd lines all over my wallpaper21:46
noiro0x0e3  0 sg  0  64  0    y .  32 32  0  0 f  .  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None21:46
aguitelnoiro, in the begining21:46
aguitelnoiro, direct rendering:21:46
noiroOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation21:46
noiroOpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE221:47
kyle__Anyone about using intel 3150 graphics on 12.04?  Is it fantastic, laggy, middle of the road?21:47
HDScorpiohttp://imgur.com/a/3ZAgJ If anyone can help me out, I have these wierd lines all over my wallpaper. This used to happen to me on Ubuntu 11.10 aswell21:47
noiroaguitel: Here is a framerate for the gears: 96694 frames in 5.0 seconds = 19338.752 FPS21:48
=== zetter is now known as BenGurion
BenGuriongreat, works on reboot21:48
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, i did as you said and i still can't get any sounds21:48
aguitelnoiro, ok21:49
colorsotherafter i put in the nouveau.blacklist=1 what do i press to save the option ?21:49
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: if you re-check alsamixer is it ok? If you press F6 is the correct sound device selected?21:49
SomelauwHi, when using nvidia drivers some fonts are displayed very huge, but only when I'm not running gnome-settings-daemon. When using nouveau drivers fonts are always displayed in a normal format. I'm wondering if I can make the fonts display normal without running gnome-settings-daemon.21:49
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: if you use speakers, are they in the right hole?21:49
HDScorpiohttp://imgur.com/a/3ZAgJ If anyone can help me out, I have these wierd lines all over my wallpaper. This used to happen to me on Ubuntu 11.10 aswell21:50
=== Caspercom|Off is now known as Caspercom
ActionPa1snipHDScorpio: is the system a laptop?21:51
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, i checked alsamixer even making sure nothing was muted and everything was at 100 but i didn't check the sound device, did that before but didn't think of that after the reboot. and yes everything is in the right place. i haven't changed anything since i did a fresh install of 12.04 it worked fine before i installed the new ubuntu21:51
noiroaguitel: Unity works on my computer fine, I just don't like the UI. I want Gnome3's. :P21:51
ActionPa1snipnoiro: then install gnome-shell  and use that21:51
IdleOnenoiro: install gnome-shell, logout, select gnome-shell at login21:51
kyle__HDScorpio: I'd boot off a CD and run memtest86 if I were you.  Looks like video card using share memory, and it's corrupt.21:51
zykotick9HDScorpio: if you open the wallpaper image in an image viewing program - does it also have the lines?  and/or try different wallpaper - same issue?21:52
dat789when you want to disable stuffs from /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop, do you delete, or rename the .desktop files there? Otherwise, the more straight-forward question is how to disable?21:52
HDScorpioActionpalsnip Yes, a really old HP-55021:52
noiroActionPa1snip: I have. When I select gnome during login, it puts me into Gnome 221:52
aguitelЗдравствуйте, сразу прошу прощения если не туда пишу. Подскажите пожалуйста утилиту для измерения уровня сигнала вай-фай21:52
ActionPa1snipnoiro: sure you didn't install gnome-panel and not gnome-shell?21:52
HDScorpioZykotick, if you look at the other image it's not just the wallpaper. It doesn't happen when I change the wallpaper21:52
zykotick9!tab > HDScorpio21:53
ubottuHDScorpio, please see my private message21:53
noiro<ActionPa1snip> When I use sudo apt-get install gnome-shell it says there are no new updates21:53
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: my sound troubleshooting skills are limited, maybe others can help21:53
RamJettI have a NFS question. In NFS v4. How would I use the UID/GID of the client (passwd/group) to map. I do not even need the server to map user/group ..  I've been using NFS v3 for misc file servers and the server has never mapped the UID/GID21:53
CoJaBoSo it turns out the issue is that the "minimal" install of Ubuntu is missing nearly all of the repositories; a fact mentioned nowhere.21:53
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok, i never encountered this before, first time i used ubuntu i was told to go to alsamixer when i didn't have sound. i did that and now i don't21:54
HDScorpioTab wont work..21:54
HDScorpioSo should I run memtest?21:54
UseRRbash: ./configure: Permission denied21:54
kyle__HDScorpio: I think so.21:54
UseRRplz help me21:54
kyle__RamJett: if you don't need the UID/GID parts, you can put insecure in the exports line21:55
ActionPa1snipUseRR: is it in your users $HOME ?21:55
colorsothercan someone let me know how to save the grub parameters after I edit the boot commmands.. not sure if im save the options i put in21:55
ActionPa1snipUseRR: and what are you compiling?21:55
tcstarSo, I'm having a permissions issue on SSH I think...  I have a git repo on the server that periodically I have to chown to my user before it will allow me to push anything to it...   Any idea how to fix that?21:55
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Dr_williscolorsother,  you edit the /etc/default/grub file then rerun update-grub as root.21:56
zykotick9colorsother: to "save" grub options edit /etc/default/grub file - then run "sudo update-grub"21:56
UseRRActionPa1snip Comile for omega-0.7.7-stable.tar but bash: ./configure: Permission denied21:56
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: you only need to edit it for the first boot then you can install the nvidia proprietary driver :)21:56
zykotick9Dr_willis: great minds think alike - and fools seldom differ ;)21:56
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, got a question, theres something new in alsamixer i don't think i remember from 11.04 but it has auto-mute and its selected as enabled. should that be enabeld or disabled?21:57
bobby_Since I installed ubuntu 12.04 I've experienced constant graphical glitches where parts of the screen don't always update, it's especially noticable when using the terminal.  Has anyone else seen this or can suggest a solution? It's quite irritating.21:57
Dr_willisWe are all Foos here ;)21:57
ActionPa1snip!info  omega21:57
ubottuPackage omega does not exist in precise21:57
ActionPa1snipUseRR: is the folder stored in your users home folder?21:57
UseRRActionPa1snip yes21:57
DescraHi, what set of package do  you recommend for a low computer (1.5Ghz, 512 Mb, mobility radeon 7500)?21:57
ghanima1Hello all21:58
dat789when you want to disable stuffs from /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop, do you delete, or rename the .desktop files there? Otherwise, the more straight-forward question is how to disable?21:58
Descrafirst i supose that kde is not good! :)21:58
IdleOneDescra: Try Lubuntu21:58
DescraIdleOne: i will take a look21:58
kyle__Anyone here using intel 3150 GMA graphics on their system?21:59
ActionPa1snipUseRR: and what is the output of: lsb_release -sc    please21:59
Dr_willisdat789,  you could just move the files somwehere.21:59
ActionPa1snipbobby_: tried a differnent desktop session, like unity2D?22:00
dat789Dr.willis: so long as it is not in the autostart folder?22:00
ActionPa1snipDescra: lubuntu or xubuntu are sleek22:00
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, ok i actually tried and disabled the auto-mute thing in alsamixer. i hear static all the time but when i play a song on rythymbox it plays. do you know how to turn of the static sound?22:00
Dr_willisdat789,  err.. yes.. that would make sence. ;)22:00
bobby_ActionPa1snip: no, i'll try that.  The multi monitor support doesnt seem as good on unity2d though, but ill use it if it works.22:00
dat789Dr.willis: thanks!22:01
ActionPa1snipbobby_: worth exploring22:01
colorsother ActionPa1snip, thanks but after putting in that parameter 12.04 will not load.. but not sure if i am putting in correctly.22:01
colorsotherHOLD SHIFT at bootup to bring up grub menu22:01
colorsotherthen press "e" to edit22:01
colorsotherthen add the  "nouveau.blacklist=1" line to the bottom22:01
colorsotherthen PRESS F1022:01
FloodBot1colorsother: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
DJRWolfis there a way to make iTunes work in Ubuntu? native or with wine?22:02
=== vito is now known as Guest60343
ghanima1I just purchased a new laptop due to my old one dying on me thankfully the hd is in tack... I installed the new laptop with ubuntu 12. now I am trying to copy my data over but am getting some error Error  Mount on filesystem of type eCryptfs explicitly disallowed due to known incompatibilities.... not sure what to do22:02
ghanima1any thoughts22:02
Guest60343hello all22:02
bobby_I have a problem where Ubuntu will freeze. The only thing i can move is the mouse.  It hangs for about a minute and then resumes.  Anyone seen this on 12?22:02
squarepegyou know what? I can't change my cursor.22:02
IdleOneDJRWolf: maybe with wine, see #winehq for more help22:02
Dr_williscolorsother,  the bottom? it goes on the line where theres a 'splash quiet' at the end of the line. I belive..22:02
Guest60343na sas pw.. pws mporw na diagrapsw arxeia apo to file system22:02
ActionPa1snip UseRR: and what is the output of: lsb_release -sc    please22:02
squarepegI don't know why but it's damned near impossible to change your cursor.22:03
tcstarbobby_: i run ubuntu 12.04 on 150 machines and 16 servers, i've never seen that happen22:03
colorsotheris this correct ActionPa1snip?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095708/22:03
squarepegPeople have been griping about it since 200722:03
IdleOne!gr | Guest6034322:03
ubottuGuest60343: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:03
squarepegI found a thread of people griping beginning in 2007, right up to 2010 when they gave up, and it still isn't fixed.22:03
Dr_willissquarepeg,  ive changed mine befor.. havent ttried lately. Ive noticed that often i have to log out/back in for all apps to use the new cursor22:03
ActionPa1snipcolorsother: remove the: quiet splash  and in it's place add: nouveau.blacklist=122:04
squarepegDr_willis: the difficulty is that you can't change the size22:04
bobby_tcstar: very happy for you.22:04
squarepegI even installed gcursor22:04
Dr_willissquarepeg,  never noticed or tried.22:04
squarepegdoesn't do anything22:04
ghanima1I just purchased a new laptop due to my old one dying on me thankfully the hd is in tack... I installed the new laptop with ubuntu 12. now I am trying to copy my data over but am getting some error Error  Mount on filesystem of type eCryptfs explicitly disallowed due to known incompatibilities.... not sure what to do..... anyone22:04
squarepegand I installed big-cursor22:04
squarepegDr_willis: it's just one of thse things, which makes you feel helpless like you're in the USSR or something.22:04
GhostWolfok if anyone else can help me, ActionPa1snip helped me to this point. i am not able to hear any music or sound coming from my speakers. i did run alsamixer and put everything to unmute and to 100 as well. still no sound, but there is something new called auto-mute and thats automatically on enabled. when i switch it to disable i hear static type noise and when i play a song i can hear it.22:05
squarepegWhy can't I have a big honking bourgeosie cursor?22:05
Tonisiussquarepeg: nothing is stopping you from that cursor22:05
colorsotherthanks ActionPa1snip22:05
tcstarbobby_: you only asked if anyone has had the issue...  I answered and said no in essence and you get defensive?  Now, it sounds to me like you're computer either has a hardware issue or perhaps a runaway process causing it to eatup all of your CPU..22:05
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: isn't there the mouse pointer size option under mouse settnigs?22:05
squarepegTonisius: I'll have to make my own window manager.22:06
colorsothernot too good with Grub yet22:06
squarepegeverything is interdependent22:06
squarepeglike a byzantine bureacracy22:06
squarepegActionPa1snip: nope22:06
bobby_tcstar: my apologies22:06
squarepegThe settings don't stick anyway.22:06
Schuenemannhi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 to my netbook using a pendrive recorded with unetbootin. But I get that busybox shell and a kernel panic when I exit it. Any help, please?22:07
bobby_tcstar: I've ssh'd into it and nothing is using much CPU or anything else22:07
squarepegYou set it to 48 pixels in the gconf editor and it doesn't stick, but it doesn't give an error message either.22:07
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  tried the usb on other machines? could be it was made wrongly.22:07
RamJettkyle__ : Thanks .. worked22:08
tcstarbobby_: sorry then.. those are the only things I could think that could be causing any issues...  hardware or cpu issues...  I had a server doing something smilar until I uninstalled some programs that were running away constantly that I didn't really need anyway22:08
squarepegmaybe I'll tackle this deficiency myself22:08
squarepegThis can be my thing. I'll be the cursor choice guy.22:08
SchuenemannDr_willis, yeah, it didn't work either. First I tested with 64bit version and it worked (but my netbook isn't amd64). Md5 matches with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:09
SchuenemannDr_willis, I recorded the same way I did with the 64 bit version. Simply started unetbootin, selected the ISO and the device and waited for the files to copy22:09
bobby_tcstar: I've run the same harddrive on another identically specced laptop (except the monitor) with the same result.22:09
ActionPa1snipSchuenemann: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?22:09
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  i tend to use the tools from the pendrive linux site. some of them can auto-verify the iso. Or i just Image the ISO straight to the USb22:10
ActionPa1snipSchuenemann: sorry, misread22:10
GhostWolfwell i actually fixed my own problem, it was soemthing to do with the auto-mute in alsamixer that was on default set on enabled. so i disabled that, with the static type noice i muted everything in alsamixer that has to do with mic. result is no static noise and still able to play and listen to music and sound22:10
zykotick9squarepeg: fyi - i bet if you use a non-compiz based windows manager your mouse settings would work...  compiz has coused issues with xorg cursor selection for a long long time it seems.  good luck.22:10
SchuenemannActionPa1snip, it's ok22:10
ActionPa1snipGhostWolf: nioe wtg :)22:10
tcstar:bobby_ sounds like a software issue then when it happens try using atop (i like atop more than top)  to get a detailed look at what's running and that'll hopefully give you an idea of any cpu whore software22:10
kyle__RamJett: Awesome.22:10
squarepegthanks zykotick922:10
SchuenemannDr_willis, how is that "Image the ISO straight to the USb"?22:11
Schuenemannwith mount -o?22:11
GhostWolfActionPa1snip, yea i tried to see if you know anything about the auto-mute thing but you didn't respond lol so i didn't know what to do22:11
squarepegI just have to drink a lot of coffee every day, or I'll get nothing done.22:11
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: not a good sign22:12
GhostWolfanyways im out, my problem is solved and fixed. have a nice one everyone22:12
kyle__squarepeg: Just because I always have a fresh pot I'm drinking, my co-workers treat my office like a coffee shop.22:12
squarepegkyle__: maybe that's good for networking22:13
squarepegActionPa1snip: I'll get some adderall soon.22:13
IdleOne!ot | squarepeg22:13
ubottusquarepeg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:13
squarepegI can't seem to keep up with all the top-tier programmers22:13
IdleOnesquarepeg: Please stick to ubuntu support in here, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic22:14
squarepegI'm just trying to make my cursor big, but I guess there's no easy way.22:14
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: let me search22:15
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:15
Schuenemannhow can I record the ISO to USB pendrive besides using unetbootin?22:15
squarepegI'm in Unity 2D right now.22:15
ActionPa1snip!info big-cursor22:16
ubottubig-cursor (source: big-cursor): larger mouse cursors for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 68 kB22:16
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: tried that?22:16
squarepegyep, it's installed22:16
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: ok22:16
Jordan_USchuenemann: The problem is most likely with linux kernel drivers, meaning that since any tool to put Ubuntu on a USB drive will still use the same kernel + initrd, any tool will have the same problem.22:17
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxfa2fXJ1Wc   tried those commands in the top right22:17
SchuenemannJordan_U, don't understand. Drivers from the box I'm using?22:18
Jordan_USchuenemann: If the problem is with linux drivers not being able to access your USB drive, you could work around the problem by using the netboot installer, which doesn't need to access anything from the USB drive after control has been passed to linux.22:18
squarepegActionPa1snip: I'll try it out22:18
Jordan_USchuenemann: Drivers in the linux kernel which support (or in this case *don't* properly support) your computers USB controller.22:18
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  I use 'dd' or 'cat' or on windows   'winimage' (i think) to put the image straight to iso. it then thinks the usb is a cd. :)22:19
zykotick9Schuenemann: if you are on a unix box, then you can cat the iso to the sdX directly with the default 12.04 ISO which is a hybrid iso/usb image.22:19
SchuenemannJordan_U, but I have installed ubuntu there before. I actually have it right now22:19
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  or use any of tghe dozen tools listed at the Pendrivelinux web site22:19
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: seems ok, that guy makes great Ubuntu (and Linux in general) vids22:19
squarepegActionPa1snip: it is an informative video, and it shows that the configuration  is a major undertaking.22:20
squarepegBut thank you, I'll let you know the results.22:20
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: hardly, just a single setting in dconf...22:21
=== uw is now known as Guest92411
SchuenemannDr_willis, cat ubuntu-12.04-32bits.iso > /media/pendrive/    ?22:21
colorsotherhahaha... okay i've got 12.04 to bootup and i installed the additional nvidia drivers and now the keyboard stop working for some reason.  i can't log into my box...22:21
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  i always use dd. :) not sure of the syntax for cat/.22:21
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  and you put it on the /dev/sdX  of the device.. NOT its mountpoint22:22
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/sdb     (DONT make a mistake and use a wrong device)22:22
zykotick9Schuenemann: incorrect syntax for cat!!!  you need to "sudo -i" first then select the USB drive (not a partition) "cat blah.iso > /dev/sdb"22:22
ActionPa1snipDr_willis: thats always entertaining22:22
Schuenemannok, it's going now22:23
=== uw_ is now known as uw
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: does it work ok now?22:24
squarepegActionPa1snip: It works for some windows, but not everywhere.22:24
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: did you reboot?22:24
squarepegActionPa1snip: no22:24
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: well...the video shows a reboot....22:24
squarepegokay, I'll do that22:24
rhizmoehow do i keep the unity scroll thingy from subverting resize handles?22:24
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: if you only follow half a guide, you won't getthe result22:25
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rhizmoei want to resize, but ubuntu thinks it knows better than me what i want to do.22:25
rhizmoepretty sure the channel has probably stopped responding to gnome3 questions by now22:26
speciesi wonder why that is22:26
speciesi have serious beef with gnome3 myself22:26
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: gnome3 is the default DE, so I doubt that a lot22:26
speciesActionPa1snip: if we did a show of hands, how many people here use gnome3 do you think?22:27
rhizmoeActionPa1snip: well, the overall idea seems to be to shut up and like it. meanwhile, i have trouble resizing windows22:27
ActionPa1snipspecies: i'd say most ni here as it isthe default DE in Ubuntu...22:27
speciesim not trolling, this is a serious question22:27
rhizmoei bought a new video card for it, does that count?22:27
speciesActionPa1snip: in the same way as windows is the default OS on pc's?22:27
rhizmoeyou aren't going to get a "show of hands" on irc, btw22:28
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: you don't have to at all, there is nothing stopping you using LXDE, XFCE or KDE for example22:28
speciesrhizmoe: o/22:28
speciessee, show of hands22:28
speciesyeah, lxde ftw22:28
squarepegActionPa1snip: back22:28
rhizmoeActionPa1snip: is that to say there's no way for me to resize a window without a scroll thumb appearing under my cursor?22:28
squarepegStill the big cursor works only in special circumstances.22:28
squarepegWhen I resize my window, it's big.22:29
squarepeginside my web browser I have the big cursor22:29
squarepegbut on the desktop, I have the small cursor22:29
lifestreamI used to know a command line to "press and hold a key22:29
squarepegI bet it would look like an invisible speck on a retina display22:30
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: no idea, not something I do tbh22:30
rhizmoeyou don't resize windows? ok.22:30
lifestreamI used to know a command line to "press and hold a key" for me, but I can't remember what it was called. Does anyone know it? Because in one game, I want to hold down a key all the time.22:30
squarepegActionPa1snip: thanks for your help. I got it partially figured out.22:30
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: cool22:30
Caseyok i got it to run the script22:30
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: all I did was search the web :)22:30
Caseybut it won't send the email22:30
squarepegBut someone made it so the cursor size is locked.22:30
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: I don't use GUI much except web browsers22:30
squarepegYeah, me too. I tried that video and couldn't get the change to take full effect.22:31
Caseywhats the mail sent log for ssmtp?22:31
ActionPa1snipCasey: check in /var/log22:31
squarepegAnyway, I'm not sure what is the limitation for the regular desktop cursor22:31
rhizmoeActionPa1snip: that's funny, because i mostly bump up against this in terminal windows.22:31
squarepegThere are two cursor modes22:31
squarepegone remains unchanged.22:31
rhizmoemaybe you don't use scroll buffers22:31
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: guake is extended horizontally and has enogh vertical space :)22:31
squarepegSo i guess I want to figure out how to change the primary cursor mode. Gnome did something to hard-code this.22:32
ActionPa1snipsquarepeg: could ask in #gnome22:32
rhizmoe"i never resize windows...i'd better answer someone's question about it!"22:32
lifestreamIn case anyone was wondering what program can Press and Hold a Key for me, it was called xsendkeycode. See you later!22:33
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: all I said is that you don't have to use gnome..22:33
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: don't put words in my mouth22:33
squarepegActionPa1snip: perhaps I will.22:33
rhizmoe[15:30] < ActionPa1snip> rhizmoe: no idea, not something I do tbh22:34
rhizmoe"don't use gnome" isn't a good answer, tbh22:34
rhizmoebut i'm not here to fight!22:34
ActionPa1sniprhizmoe: you asked me, directly, a question. Its rude to not reply isn't it22:34
ActionPa1snip23:29 < rhizmoe> ActionPa1snip: is that to say there's no way for me to resize a window without a scroll thumb appearing under my cursor22:35
myherohow to install xfce on 12.04 ???? sudo apt-get install xubuntu-destop is not wrking on terminal and software center is not showing any other xubuntu desktop environment pacakages....22:36
ActionPa1snipmyhero: sudo apt-get install xfce4   will install a minimal xfce desktop22:36
danubwhy are packages "kept back" during an upgrade?22:36
Caseyi'm trying to get this script to send a email i got it to run but it won't send it i think its a error iun the script, also i'm useing ssmtp to send the email22:36
ActionPa1snipdanub: because their dependencies are not met yet22:37
myheroActionPa1snip: hii action how r u....22:37
ActionPa1snipmyhero: not bad, you ok?22:37
danubActionPa1snip: how do i go about findout out what dependancies are missing?22:37
myheroActionPa1snip: m gud....so after many days....22:37
myheroActionPa1snip: i wanna install full and not minimal....any other way 2 install full xubuntu desktop environment22:38
ActionPa1snipdanub: they are on the repos, as soon as the repos get the deps for the package it will install. Its not something you can sort22:39
danubCasey: not much of a shell scripter. all my stuff is in perl. my guess is the mail command is wrong somehow22:39
ActionPa1snip!info xubuntu-desktop22:39
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.152 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 43 kB22:39
danubActionPa1snip: ahh. i was looking and was like, i want amarok... why hold it back22:39
ActionPa1snipmyhero: do you have universe repo enabled22:39
SchuenemannDr_willis, I think I just broke the pendrive22:40
ActionPa1snipdanub: the amarok package is ready, but the packages it needs are not at the right versions yet, so it is held back22:40
Schuenemannit isn't mounting anymore22:40
myheroActionPa1snip: yes....main universe multiverse and restricted....22:40
rhizmoeCasey: does mail -s "test" your@email work?22:40
myheroActionPa1snip: so i should do xfce4 as u said or xubuntu-meta ???22:40
myheroActionPa1snip: and why is xubuntu-desktop not showing anything ???22:41
ActionPa1snipmyhero: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:42
danubanyone in here live in Minnesota?22:42
danubnvm, off-topic22:42
Schuenemannzykotick9, the pendrive doesn't mount anymore. I type "mount" and it doesn't show up22:43
myheroActionPa1snip: i did update int he 1st place then tried xubuntu-dsktop in software center then did sudo apt.....xubuntu-desktop and then when it didn't showed up then i came here....22:43
danubSchuenemann: that just tells you what is mounted. you might have to mount it again or try disconnecting and reconnecting22:43
myheroActionPa1snip: and whether my system is update or not but why is it not being showed in software center22:44
Schuenemanndanub, I did. It blinks a few times and nothing more22:44
myheroActionPa1snip: i did update in the 1st place then tried xubuntu-dsktop in software center then did sudo apt.....xubuntu-desktop and then when it didn't showed up then i came here....22:45
Wugalright so I have me an issue22:45
myheroActionParsnip: and whether my system is updated or not but why is it not being showed in software center22:45
danubsomething might be wrong with the drive, but you can try to mount it manually. you just have to find the location and the format type. in the old gnome menu you could use the computer janitor to tell you about the drive, but i dont know where to look in unity for that info22:45
WugI bought a 7970 and replaced my old 9800 with it22:45
Wug7970 is an amd graphics card for those who may be unaware22:46
Schuenemanndanub, it was working ok until I did "cat ubuntu.iso > /dev/sdb22:46
Wugtrying to update the drivers fails, and refers me to a nonexistent log file22:46
Wugits perplexing.22:46
Wugthe log file in question is /var/log/jockey.log22:47
cascadiaI've got a question for people more skilled with Ubuntu than me: The hard drive on which my /home partition resided has failed. It no longer works. Consequently, I can't login to my system anymore because the home folder is gone. There was no important data in that home folder, so I am not worried about it being gone, but I'd like to be able to get back in to my system without reinstalling Ubuntu. What do I need to do to fix the login issue?22:47
Caseyno mail don't work but i can send mail useing ssmtp22:47
danubSchuenemann: i dont think that is the right command for that.22:47
danubCasey: your sendmail isn't setup right then22:48
Wugcascadia: can you boot to single user mode22:48
fliesentischHi everyone, how can I mount my canon eos 600d as a normal drive?22:49
WugI believe you do that by adding "-1" to the end of the boot arguments, which you can do from grub I think by pressing e22:49
Wugits either that or "-single"22:49
Wugtell me if you get that far22:49
cascadiaWug: Will try that now22:50
Sazpaimonhow do I enable javascript in the elinks deb?22:50
Caseywell how do i get the mail command to use ssmtp?22:50
HDScorpiohttp://i.imgur.com/BJWMA.jpg  Youtube fullscreen error, didn't happen in 11.10. Upgraded to 12.04 yesterday and this is happening22:51
Schuenemanndanub, so? The pendrive is screwed?22:51
danubSchuenemann: actually, ignore me. that seems to be the directions for making a USB an iso bootable drive. my guess is that now that you have it as a bootable drive, ubuntu doesn't want to mount it22:52
Wugcascadia: I'm in dozens of channels.  ping me to attract my attention22:52
Munzthank you for making ubuntu :) just two things : cant adjust the volume while a "full-screen" application is running "game" also i can not adjust the "screen brightness on my toshiba laptop"22:52
HDScorpiohttp://i.imgur.com/BJWMA.jpg  Youtube fullscreen error, didn't happen in 11.10. Upgraded to 12.04 yesterday and this is happening22:53
cascadiaWug: Okay22:53
HDScorpioThis error is unrelated to my previous, which is sorted out now.22:53
Wugin su mode?22:53
danubSchuenemann: you will need to manually mount that most likey. 'sudo mkdir /media/pendrive;sudo mount -t iso /dev/sdb /media/pendrive' if memory serves22:53
ActionParsnipHDScorpio: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'22:53
Munzthank you for making ubuntu :) just two things : cant adjust the volume while a "full-screen" application is running "game" also i can not adjust the "screen brightness on my toshiba laptop"22:53
amlibyWhere is the proper place to save log files? Lintian gives a warning for logs saved in /var/log/myprog/22:54
Wugcascadia: youre in single user mode?22:54
Schuenemanndanub, yeah, it's indeed bootable. I'll install it on the netbook22:54
cascadiaWug: Booting up the OS right now22:54
* jagginess thinks Munz is spamming the same message at least 3 times in 1 minute22:54
cascadianot yet to point where I can enter grub22:54
HDScorpioActionParsnip, getting that now22:55
danubSchuenemann: yeah. you will have to manually mount that then. try the commands i gave u earlier if you want to mount it.22:55
Munzthank you for making ubuntu :) just two things : cant adjust the volume while a "full-screen" application is running "game" also i can not adjust the "screen brightness on my toshiba laptop"22:55
sudo-apt-getubuntu doesnt support webgl?22:55
jagginess!ops Munz spamming same message over and over22:55
ubottujagginess: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:55
WugMunz: if youre going to spam that over and over, at least fix the grammar errors22:55
HDScorpioActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/rjZZnbjs22:55
MunzWug: sorry i thought u meant i should do that , second english is not my native language .... have a nice night22:56
sudo-apt-getI cannot open a website in ubuntu becoz it says no webgl supported.22:57
sudo-apt-getPlease help22:57
ActionParsnipHDScorpio: all I can recommend is uninstalling flashplugin-installer and enabling the partner repo, then install adobe-flashplugin22:57
jagginesssudo-apt-get, try a different webbrowser22:57
danubsudo-apt-get: its not ubuntu, its the browser/hardware ur using22:57
sudo-apt-geti am using chrome22:58
HDScorpioActionParsnip, how would I go about that?22:58
danubwhats the site?22:58
HDScorpioActionParsnip, I'm a skid at that stuff22:58
danubworks fine for me22:59
ActionParsnipHDScorpio: use software centre22:59
HDScorpioActionParsnip, Oh, okay22:59
Wugcascadia: does it boot to SU mode22:59
cascadiaWug: Having trouble getting into grub.22:59
sudo-apt-getThe site says my graphics card doesnt support webGL23:00
AlphaOmegahello.  I just had 4 ubuntu servers reboot "mysteriously" and each one came back up within 20 second of each other.  Is this an ubuntu thing?  could ubuntu 10.04 server reboot itself from a security update or something?23:00
HDScorpioActionParsnip, Ah, the flash I have appears to be for mozilla when I'm running chrome, maybe thats the error?23:00
cascadiaWug: I've tried both Shift and Esc keys,23:00
sudo-apt-gethow can i put webgl in graphics card.23:00
ActionParsnipHDScorpio: the plaugin will work in both23:00
danubsudo-apt-get: so double check that your graphics card drivers are installed correctly. if yes, then your card is too old23:00
danubsudo-apt-get: a graphics card is either WebGL compatible or its not.23:01
Schuenemanndammit my wifi driver is proprietary23:01
sudo-apt-getdanub, My hard drive crashed somedays ago. How to put drivers in it?23:01
=== lloir is now known as Lloir|ZzZz
sudo-apt-getWebgl worked before.23:01
Schuenemannhow necessary is it to be connected to the internet while installing ubuntu?23:02
danubthen its probably just bad/incorrect drivers23:02
danubfigure out what card you have and then google 'ubuntu install {graphics card} driver' where {graphics card} = whatever your graphics card is23:02
Jordan_USchuenemann: Not at all, unless you're using the netinstall image of course.23:03
Wugcascadia: pound every key23:03
danubSchuenemann: depends on the install media your using23:03
Wuguse a binary search lol23:03
SchuenemannJordan_U, ok, I'll install this driver later then23:03
Wuganyway no solution so I'll ask again23:03
cascadiaWug: Been doing that23:04
danubwhat are you trying to do cascadia ?23:04
Wugdanub: get into grub23:04
danubfor what? to just modify the grub list or what?23:04
cascadiadanub: I think the idea is to boot into singleuser mode23:05
Wugdanub: boot into single user mode because the drive /home was on died23:05
Caseywho uses ssmtp?23:05
Wugso fstab needs to be enfiddled23:05
WugI bought a new graphics card (radeon 7970) to replace old one (nvidia 9800gtx+), trying to activate the proprietary drivers, but the installation is failing and referring me to a logfile (/var/log/jockey.log) which just happens to not exist23:06
danubto get into single usermode you should just be able to 'init 1' and get into it. but i have never went into single usermode so i dont know how much that will help you23:07
Wugdanub: he cant boot normally23:07
Wuganyway, I've checked all of the retard stuff like file permissions and disk space23:07
WugI've concluded that it's not me being retarded23:08
HDScorpioActionParsnip, The reinstall didn't work23:08
cascadiaWug: I haven't been able to get into grub, but... I have successfully logged in to a textonly console (tty)23:09
danubWug: try 'sudo updatedb;locate jockey'23:09
Wugcascadia: oh, herp23:09
Wughere I am going through all these extra hoops23:09
Wugboot and login to a tty23:09
Wugi've heard that if I were to say "installing 7970 drivers on ubuntu is impossible because such and such a biased anti ubuntu reason" I would immediately get 500 helpful comments23:09
bekksHaving three hardlinked files A B C - how can I rename B and C when renaming A to A* ?23:10
Wugand then be kickbanned23:10
danubWug: did you try that command to locate the jockey file?23:11
amlibyWhere is the appropriate place to save log files?23:11
Wugdanub: yeah.... into an ssh session on some remote computer.  no wonder I wasnt getting anywhere23:12
Jordan_UWug: People here are trying to be helpful. If they know how to fix the problem you're having they will probably reply to your question. Being inpolite / trolling will just convince people who might otherwise help you to instead ignore you23:12
Wugshould I append "| grep \.log" ?23:12
danubcascadia: in the command window, you can try 'update-grub'. or you can play with the /etc/grub.d/ files23:12
WugJordan_U: its a joke23:13
danubWug: i cant image there are that many files named 'jockey', but you can if you want lol23:13
Wugdanub: theres quite a list actually23:13
danubthen by all means, grep for log23:13
Wugthere are no .log files23:14
Wughow uninformative23:14
Jordan_Ucascadia: Did you actually hold shift during boot?23:14
WugJordan_U: the joke is that the easiest way to get help with ubuntu (or any other linux distro) is to say $DISTRO sucks because I can't X23:15
=== aaGp is now known as Guest40888
Wugyou will hear more ways to accomplish X than you would have ever thought possible23:15
=== Guest40888 is now known as aaGp
Wugdanub: drawing a blank here.23:16
PlayingNakedi need some ubuntu help, i am a newb - probably an easy answer23:16
danubWug: yeah, im not finding anything on a quick google search for it.23:16
danubi see they put out a special catalyst driver, but i dont know if that is what you need23:16
WugI found it23:16
danubwhat was it?23:17
Wugapparently it doesnt flush to disk until I close the message23:17
PlayingNakedi have installed ubuntu on my windows machine, dual booting. I performed an automatic partitioning when installing23:17
Wugwhich I hadnt done, because I was reading the filename23:17
danubwell that will teach you23:17
cascadiaJordan_U: Yeah, that's what I was trying23:17
Wughere take this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095809/23:17
PlayingNakedanyways, i dont have any free space on my ubuntu OS- and when i run gparted, i only see the windows partition (when booting from live cd)23:17
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Wugit complains 3 times becayse it cant find the module it hasnt installed yet23:19
heligolandCan someone please, please plese help me get my Belkin wifi adapter working?23:19
aaGpanyone who can help me out with Disk Utility ?23:19
WugaaGp: what do you need from it23:19
Schuenemannis it normal in the installation to take a long time stopped? The bar has not moved for about 10 minutes23:20
danubWug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1141336823:20
danubthat help you out?23:20
Schuenemannis says creating filesystem ext4 to / in sda23:20
Schuenemannthe pendrive isn't blinking anymore23:21
cascadiadanub: ran update-grub23:21
aaGpWug: the thing is, that i want to change the format from my external HD that is NTFS to FAT32 that way i can plug it in to my DVD player, i have read that is possible doing that.23:21
gavin__I need some help23:21
aaGpwug: i just dont want to format the HD just to change the format23:21
danubgavin__: just ask23:21
gavin__I'm trying to play a DVD and it won't let me play it on Ubuntu23:21
danubcascadia: did it fix ya?23:21
raptx0rhi guys! Please help me! i've deleted for mistake /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ entirely! What should i do now?23:21
gavin__it keeps saying can't find the resource or something like that23:22
gavin__I can't seem to locate the issue23:22
PlayingNakedI am dual booting windows and Ubuntu; i dont have any free space left on my Ubuntu- Gparted does not show two partitions, is this configured somehwere else?23:22
ActionParsnip!dvd | gavin__23:22
ubottugavin__: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:22
gavin__!dvd, won't seem to play23:23
ubottugavin__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:23
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: did you try removing unused kernels and clearing space with bleachbit?23:23
aaGpwu: there's an option that is called Edit Partition, where appears the option what format do u want to give to the HD, i just wanna make sure that nothing is gonna happend with all my files that i have inside of my external HD..23:23
ActionParsnipgavin__: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh; sudo apt-get upgrade23:23
PlayingNakedI have not used bleachbit yet, no. Will bleachbit clear the unused kernals as well, or is that a terminal command?23:23
gavin__ActionParsnip: What does that command do?#23:23
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: ubuntu tweak can do it, or you can do it manually23:24
ActionParsnipgavin__: guess...based on your initial question....23:24
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PleXuSis there a universal music file ID Tag reader for MP3 and FLAC and other file systems? or read id3info those also?23:24
PlayingNakedActionParsnip, is Ubuntu running on my Windows drive and not a seperate partition?23:24
ActionParsnipgavin__: those commands are in the playiingDVD link that ubottu gave too23:24
gavin__ActionParsnip: Would that sort the main issue out and the Discs will work23:24
gavin__Ah ok23:25
ActionParsnipgavin__: that's why that factoid exists23:25
Wugwell whatever23:25
danuband on that note, im off to finish my scripts. later all.23:25
ActionParsnipgavin__: so we don't have to give the command, as loads of people ask23:25
Wugdanub: that sort of helped23:25
danubWug: sort of?23:25
Wugit might have installed but failed to load23:25
Wugsome of it is definitely there23:25
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: if you have the folder /host   your are using wubi23:25
WugI dont get the same output for any of the commands listed in the thread23:26
Wugmostly error messages23:26
danubthats not good23:26
Wugwill try restarting23:26
Schuenemannis it normal in the installation to take a long time stopped? The bar has not moved for about 10 minutes23:26
PlayingNakedActionParsnip: looks like I am using wubi23:26
Wugif the driver is just not loaded because whatever other one was in use that might fix it23:26
gavin__ActionParsnip: Ah ok, I understand what you're saying now, a lot of people used to ask about the commands and thank you for your advice23:26
danubWug: it might. it might be locked. give it a restart. cant hurt lol23:27
ironhalikanyone noticed menus being drawn below active windows? Ie. right click menu being hidden beneath nautilus window, etc.23:27
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
ActionParsnipgavin__: PlayingNaked you can use that folder to access the data on your Windows OS. Dead handy23:28
raptx0rhow can i do ? i've deleted the entire directory /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ for a mistake. I know that i'm insistent, but it's urgent. Please.23:28
tensorpuddingdo you have backups23:28
gavin__ActionParsnip: Mine isn't Windows OS, mines Ubuntu OS23:29
tensorpuddingif not, you are probably going to have to reinstall your system23:29
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: gavin__ sorry, crossed wires23:29
tensorpuddingif you delete the majority of your system libraries things will not work23:29
goddardare there any remote system log viewer programs?23:30
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Schuenemanngoddard, nano, vim, less23:30
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: the install method isn't that important. You can remove old kernels and get a lot of space back23:30
ironhalikReally could use some help - I have no idea how to google it :) Since every query with 'windows' and 'ubuntu' returns dualbooting :)23:31
ActionParsnipgoddard: less is great23:31
goddardSchuenemann: that works but i was thinking a graphical remote viewer23:31
PlayingNakedActionParsnip, even i fi can access my windiws dir from /host - I have like 100 gigs free, but my ubuntu says I only have 156 MBs or so. Where may I modify that?23:31
PlayingNakedActionParsnip, ok, ill give that a shit23:33
Jordan_UPlayingNaked: Free space in Wubi has to do with how much of the filesystem contained in the root.disk file is in use, not how much free space there is on your Windows partition.23:34
PlayingNakedok, makes sense. if running ubuntu tweak or bleachbit doesnt free up enough- ill be back to see how we can increase that file if at all23:35
Schuenemannis it normal in the installation to take a long time stopped? The bar has not moved for about 20 minutes23:37
danubSchuenemann: if it is still hung on installing /, something screwed up23:37
Schuenemann*sigh* rebooting...23:38
gavin__thank you for your help guys23:39
gavin__gtg now bye23:39
PhoenixzRunning Kubuntu 11.10 on an 8 core i7 /w 8GB... I start one instance of virtualbox with windows 7 (using 3GB w 128MB graphics mem), and my entire system grinds to a halt while accessing disk.. From what I can see, the system is swapping like nuts.. Is this normal? What could be the problem, and how could it be fixed?23:39
Phoenixzor at least improved?23:39
ActionParsnipPlayingNaked: running:  uname -a  shows the running kernel. You can use software centre to remove what isn't needed23:40
rhizmoePhoenixz: you should get more ram if you want to run 3G vm's23:42
bekksBefore starting the VM, take a look at free -m23:43
bekksIt will tell you how much RAM is left including caches.23:43
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Phoenixzrhizmoe: Running only 1 VM? Thats 8-3 =5 for kubuntu.... Should be way more then enough..23:44
Phoenixzrhizmoe: and it does not explain why virtualbox starts swapping like crazy23:44
PhoenixzI just disabled swap, and now it runs acceptably...23:44
bekksps -ef and free -m will explain it.23:44
bekksAnd take a look at the swappiness on your box, which is a setting in /etc/sysctl.conf23:45
ZiberSo I'm watching a youtube video, and it's stupidly sped up. Maybe I have to upgrade flash player or something?23:46
Phoenixzbekks: more then enough available.. I'll check swapiness yeah23:47
Schuenemanndanub, I can't believe it's stuck there in the same point23:47
cascadiadanub: I edited grub to force the menu to appear at boot. So now it shows up. What now?23:48
PhoenixzSet swapiness to 5.. basically, my dev compu should NOT swap23:48
danubthen there is something wrong. It probably cant access the disk or something. I had this problem back with ubuntu 8.04 not playing nice with my jmicro raid controller. it could access the disk and just sat there. I haven't had the problem in a long time though so i dont know how to fix your problem or where to view the install logs at23:49
danubcascadia: i dont know. what are you trying to do? move /home to a different disk or something?23:49
ZiberSeem to have some issues when watching youtube videos, it plays faster than normal. Any ideas for a fix?23:50
chaospsychexCan u untu be installed on the samsung galaxy s ii?23:50
PlayingNakedbleachbit is hanging or something- any suggestions on how i might kill it? I sure hope its not wiping my windows dir23:50
cascadiadanub: Goal is to be able to boot into the GUI without it throwing up an error, like it has been doing, and returning me to the login screen.23:50
|Long|my crontab job does not start as time schduled can someone plz help?23:51
danubwhat is the error it is throwing? you said you had a HD crash... did it wipe out everything?23:51
danub|Long|: what does the entry look like in cron?23:52
|Long|danub, here 0 20 * * *           /glftpd/bin/tur-newday_0day.sh  auto23:52
|Long|10 20 * * *         /glftpd/bin/tur-newday_0day.sh close23:52
|Long|12 20 * * *        /glftpd/bin/tur-newday_mp3.sh  auto23:52
|Long|14 20 * * *       /glftpd/bin/tur-newday_mp3.sh close23:52
|Long|it was time started at 19 i just changed23:53
danubyou are doing it wrong23:53
ZiberCould a problem with flash lead to sped up youtube videos?23:53
danubit would be '0 20 * * * program to run > output23:54
ActionParsnip|Long|: do you have a desktop UI?23:54
|Long|ok, let me change it now23:54
|Long|ActionParsnip, yes i did installed that GUI version but didnt started23:55
ActionParsnip|Long|: how do you mean 'didn't started'?23:55
|Long|cuz it was set at 0 19 but nothing happened23:56
Schuenemanncan anyone tell me what is wrong with my attempt to install ubuntu with a pendrive? This is the 2nd time the installation simply hangs at about 40%23:56
ActionParsnipSchuenemann: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:57
SchuenemannActionParsnip, yes, it matched23:57
glitsj16PlayingNaked: if you enabled bleachbit's item to overwrite free disk space (system stanza) it could take very long indeed .. better verify that you have that disabled before killing bleacbit23:57
PlayingNakedyeah, thats what it was23:57
ActionParsnipSchuenemann: do you get web access in the liveCD desktop?23:57
SchuenemannActionParsnip, the log says "asking for cache data failed"23:57
ZiberNobody knows about ubuntu+flash problems?23:57
PlayingNakedand i didnt launch it with sudo23:57
PlayingNakedthanks glitsj1623:57
SchuenemannActionParsnip, no, the wifi driver is proprietary23:57
ActionParsnipZiber: in what way?23:58
glitsj16PlayingNaked: you're welcome23:58
SchuenemannActionParsnip, Test WP failed, assume write enabled23:58
PlayingNakedWith ubuntu-tweak, i cannot seem to get it to "clean" is that because i didnt launch it as root?23:58
ZiberActionParsnip: The youtube video just plays at a faster rate than it should. Which is an odd error.23:58
Caseyi need help with a small problem in a sh script23:58
Caseyi need to change sec to mins23:58
ActionParsnipSchuenemann: if you make the USB device with some persistance then use another system that gets you web access, you may be able to upgrade the ubiquity app23:58
glitsj16PlayingNaked: yes, it needs enhanced privileges to do anything under /23:58
CaseyRUNTIME="Remaining Runtime: $REMAINING_RUNTIME Seconds"23:58
ActionParsnipZiber: can you pastebin the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'23:59
SchuenemannActionParsnip, sorry, can you explain? Not clear for me23:59
ActionParsnipSchuenemann: if you use persistence, you can make changes to the install USB and they will stick, including updates. So if you upgrade the installer application you may find it helps23:59

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