
ailolen-dt: I was just working on a script to build kernels. Going to set up VM's for both arches for development00:00
ailolen-dt: I'm on an install that uses noatime for mounting the hard drives00:01
ailoNot very smooth00:01
ailoThe hard drive has been active for a long time, and more or less freezes the system00:02
ailoPeriodically, that is00:06
ailoAh, yeah. My RAM is filled up00:11
len-dtailo, The bug about jack_control... the kxstudio version had it and fixed it. I don't know if they passed the fix upstream or not. Ask Falktx next time he's on.02:21
ailolen-dt: I've read about the bug. It's just a missing "(" from a python script02:58
ailoSomeone just added a bug about it02:58
ailoAnd we should probably do a SRU with a patch for that02:59
len-dtailo, I don't think the version of jack that shipped with 12.04 had that bug.03:42
len-dtI used jack_control frequently and in fact was the one who reported it to falktx when I found it in the kxstudio version of jackd I had.03:43
len-1210ailo, with regards to nautilus in 12.10, can you confirm something for me?05:42
len-1210Everything I tried that opens a file manager opens nautilus, even desktop icons for devices.05:42
len-1210It appears thunar when used as the desktop or whatever is making device icons on the desktop, uses the user selected file manager.05:45
len-1210There is a blueprint item to fix this... maybe it is fixed.05:46
len-1210I also filed a bug report for nautilus: Bug #1029767 05:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029767 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "help button in preferences points to invalid page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102976705:47
len-1210Is there a nautilus-doc package we need to install?05:48
len-1210Confirmed that jack still has stopping problems, does not have the patch kxstudio has, and that jack_control is now broken.05:50
len-1210ailo, I have an idea, Have a script run as the last thing on session start that looks for .mozilla and if it's no there, starts firefox with a local webpage introducing some of the features. This would create the .mozilla directory and the next session start would not have this feature.06:02
len-1210This could be the same as what the help button shows.06:03
len-1210good night.06:04
ailolen-dt: I also tested the kxstudio version, and got the same issue with that one10:16
ailoThere's no patch10:16
ailolen-dt: About thunar. It should be a configuration thing. If not Gconf, then, whatever XFCE uses10:17
ailolen-dt: I had a go at trying to find the bug with the theme, and was able to change some colors. Unfortunately, it seems the change only comes after re-logging in10:36
ailoSo, hunting down the right line can be a bit of work..10:36
ailoUsually, it would be when changing themes10:59
ailoAha, knome is the man to ask about that11:01
ailoknome: Greybird seems to be in need of some maintenance. Is this inprogress?11:02
ailolen-dt: I just spoke with nedko about this. Had forgotten about a patch, which did not fix the issue though. http://lists.jackaudio.org/private.cgi/jack-devel-jackaudio.org/2012-April/009417.html12:15
len-dtailo, mhwaveedit plays with jackd so much nicer than audacity. It looks like the only downside is that audacity has some of it's own effects.14:06
len-dtI think the one most people like is the noise reduction effect. However mhwaveedit does use any of the plugin effects we ship.14:08
ailoaudacity is the most popular open source multimedia app in the world, so just for that reason, it makes sense to keep it14:25
ailoIt's actually one of the most popular open source projects14:25
holsteinaudacity is out right?14:26
len-dtYa, I know. I am thinking mhwaveedit may be something to sugest for people who are having issues with audacity14:26
holsteini thought that was a bit odd, but i know how to install software from the repo14:27
holsteinim trying to keep quiet on the list about all the "where did my software go" chatter14:27
ailolen-dt: I just tried mhwaveedit, but don't think it has much compared to audacity14:27
len-dtholstein, I've added a per/menu installer based on software center that shows just SW for that menu.14:27
holsteinlen-dt: i like that14:28
ailoAudacity is a full fledged audio editor, and while there are a couple of others that come pretty close, function wise, I don't see anything coming close when it comes to user experience14:29
len-dtI'me trying to make it so we can keep our DVD at a reasonable size while offering an easy way to get what people want for their system14:29
len-dtMaybe we need to bug the audacity devs about how jack support is done.14:29
ailoAudacity doesn't need jack support as other software does14:30
len-dtFor some cases it seems to need it.14:30
ailoSince it's not a DAW14:31
ailoBut, it does work quite well with jack, in my vierw14:31
ailoJust that it doesn't keep the audio engine running, while stopped14:31
len-dtWe were talking to a user a while ago who uses channels 3&4 for input. Try that with pulse or jack14:31
ailolen-dt: If you remember, all he needed to do was create a conneciton profile14:32
ailoThere are other jack compatible applications that do the same thing14:32
len-dtIt didn't work in the end.14:32
ailoIt did14:32
len-dtportaudio kept opening different named ports every time. So the first run worked great.14:33
len-dtthe second record try failed.14:33
ailoYou're right. It makes new outputs each time14:37
len-dtAnyway I was not suggesting to get rid of audacity, if for no other reason than everyone has seen it no matter what os they come from.14:37
len-dtI am thinking... use Audacity->pulse->jack. The connection from pulse to jack can be setup 1&2 to 3&4 quite easliy14:38
ailoThat would work14:39
ailoWeird about the channel numbers. 14:39
len-dtAnd a connection profile should do that. I/we need to find out more about pulse setup.14:39
ailoIt is possible to create more jack sinks for PA14:39
len-dtSome cards have mic pres in C1&2 or use 1&2 for spdiff14:39
ailovaev did that14:39
ailoBut, wouldn't the easiest way be just to create a profile in qjackctl?14:40
len-dtAck!, One is enough14:40
len-dtThe only problem is that there seem to be a lot of things that make pulse redo its connections14:40
len-dtI found that I would do a disconect all to get all the pulse-jack stuff out of the way. But if I plug in a usb midi IF all the PA-jack stuff reconnects.14:42
ailoIf you have an active jack profile, the connections will stay the same14:42
len-dtGood. So I can't manually change or add things?14:43
ailoEr, not sure..14:43
ailoHaven't used it much14:43
ailoGoing to try vlc now14:43
len-dtEvery time an application opens a PA port, PA changes my D66 patchbay settings.14:45
len-dtIf I have the monitor mixer set up for monitoring PA switches it to dac straight out.14:46
len-dtPA also resets levels on the card.14:47
ailoSeems like the program autoconnects, if it set to do so. vlc can be set to not auto connect14:47
ailoSo, if I have a profile, the profile connections will be set each time, but there will also be an auto connect to outputs 1-214:47
ailoWould be good to have a toggle for autoconnect y/n for audacity as well14:48
len-dtAudacity when in Jack mode, should connect at session start and not dissconnect till the program closes.14:49
ailoIf it was designed to do that, yes14:49
len-dtIt should be. That is the proper way to work with jack14:50
len-dtIt is not a bad way to work with pulse either. But it would not work so well with ALSA dirrect.14:50
ailoThe problem seems to be that the jack part is just an adapter 14:51
ailoSomeone just needs to write the code14:51
len-dtAs far as I can tell audacity uses portaudio for all it's output.14:51
len-dtI think it makes things easy for using the same code linux/win/osx14:52
ailoWhat shows up in jack, is of course not portaudio14:53
len-dtI don't know if audacity restarts portaudio every time the record button gets hit or not.14:53
ailoBut, as said, the jack code is just an adapter for the inner engine14:53
len-dtInmy pannel in jack it says portaudio14:55
len-dtIn fact it does not say audacity at all14:55
* len-dt should say in the qjackctl connection pannel14:56
ailoWell, last time I checked, only jack can connect to jack14:56
ailoThere's jack code in Audacity, but it's very rudimentary14:57
ailoThey don't work on it themselves, it seems14:57
ailoWhen you use alsa as a driver, it's not portaudio. The Audacity ports are called portaudio, and perhaps Audacity uses portaudio design for it's inner workings14:58
ailoBut the connection with jack is jack code14:58
ailoI tried seeing if it was possible to run portaudio on Linux a while back. 14:59
ailoNot out of the box, anyway14:59
len-dtThat webpage about sums it up all right15:01
len-dtThat was what I liked about mhwaveedit. As soon as the program starts, jack gets connected and stays that way.15:04
len-dtHow hard is it to do it that way? I wish my coding was better, I might patch audacity15:05
ailolen-dt: You could look up some tutorials. There's a bit on jack homepage, and a guy on LAU was going to make some linux audio coding tutorials15:06
len-dtAs soon as Jack is selected in pref. the jack port should open and stay that way. record or playback should just send receive audio when  it needs to. This would require something running all the time sending silence or receiving and throwing away input.15:07
ailolen-dt: https://github.com/harryhaaren/openAudioProgrammingTutorials15:08
ailoIf I would guess, creating a true jack interface might be a bit of work15:08
ailoWhile adressing two other issues might be simpler: 1. don't create new output numbers each time Audacity output spawns 2. Add a toggle for auto connecting15:09
len-dtI think the workaround for those using non-standard ports is to use pa-jack with a profile15:11
len-dtany other use just use pulse.15:11
len-dtAudacity is very useful, in its place. It is not a good multi-tracker or over dubbing app.15:12
len-dtIt is a great recorder though, and wav editor.15:13
ailoIt is primarily an editor15:14
ailoA great tool for dealing with audio, not that great for creating music15:14
ailoThe only situation where creating music makes sense is when you are not using tempo or harmony at all. Just audio15:15
ailoRecording is less important, but would be strange not to have that15:16
ailoUsually you work with prerecorded material, when editing15:16
len-dtYa, that is why pulse or pa-jack would be fine.15:31
ailoThat's my view as well15:31
len-dtI will include the other mhwaveedit as an installable if people want to install it after the fact.15:32
ailoIs the menu going to be full of "install-this" now?15:32
ailoOr is it a part of a search pattern for Software Center?15:33
ailolen-dt: ^15:33
ailoI mean, where you only have one "install-more"15:33
len-dtEach menu would have one (and only one) install more icon.15:34
ailoI installed two virtual vbox studios now, that share the home folder, so I can work on the same stuff from one desktop15:34
ailolen-dt: Sounds cool15:34
ailoPretty practical with virtual systems really. Easy to back them up15:35
ailoJust save snapshots now and then15:35
len-dtIt has been pushed to default-settings. Just needs to be rerolled15:35
len-dtI need to do some work on the seeds. photogrphy needs its own meta and DTP needs to be created.15:36
ailoI'll be contininuing with testing scripts15:36
len-dtAudacity... now that I have been running it for a bit... most of the menu bar seems to vanish at some point...15:38
len-dtI have half of the file button15:38
len-dtIt doesn't seem to be a display problem, minimize and unminimize don't seem to help and I only have acces to the file menu15:40
knomeailo, did you try the github version?15:45
ailoknome: Nope. I did notice that Greybird was not the only affected theme. gtk3 issues on most of them15:46
knomeailo, try the github version. it should have most things fixed15:46
ailoknome: Ok15:46
len-dtailo, re vanishing audacity menubar. The audacity website says:15:55
len-dt(Linux) On Linux systems using wxGTK 2.8.12 without Unity, closing Preferences will lead to loss of the Audacity Menu Bar (only "Fi" from "Files" will be visible). On Ubuntu using the Unity shell, a small black square will appear, but the Audacity menu in the Global Menu is unaffected. Workaround: Resize (or maximize/unmaximize) the Audacity window after closing Preferences. Solution: This is a wxGTK bug, as reported here (http://trac.wxwidgets.or15:55
len-dtg/ticket/13280) and fixed in changeset 67929 (http://trac.wxwidgets.org/changeset/67929). To resolve this problem, wxGTK 2.8.12 needs to be patched on the target system, ideally by updating the distribution package. This fix will be included in wxGTK 2.8.1315:55
len-dtfalktx, I am playing around with software center to set up installers in menus to add extra software. The SW center doc says I can include an apt-url. I would like to try including some of the apps on kxstudio16:02
len-dtIs there a url where I can see the dep files on my browser?16:02
falktxapt:/ stuiff?16:03
len-dtI think SW-C needs the complete url right down to the file name. probably the https:// one16:03
len-dtbut apt:// might work too.16:04
len-dtAnd then I might run out of command line room real quick :-)16:04
ailolen-dt: Just make sure it's clear to the user, that it's a question about unofficial PPA packages, and that it has links to what that means16:08
ailoWould be cool if PPA could be added from SW16:09
ailoOr just single packages16:09
ailoSoftware Center, not SW16:09
ailoIt should probably be possible to create a package for adding PPA16:10
ailoAnd upload it to the Ubuntu repo16:10
ailoBut, again. It's important that the user knows it's not official16:11
ailolen-dt: If you go to a PPA page on launchpad, you can always download packages inpedently from there.16:16
ailoWorks fine, if you don't require dependencies16:17
ailoIn that case, adding a PPA would be the best16:17
ailoI don't think a KXstudio PPA is the optimal, or not sure16:17
ailoWould be better to have at least two different ones16:17
ailoOne for adding software we don't have, and one for updates16:17
len-dtailo, I see what you mean. The chances of not needing deps is pretty small.18:44
len-dtIt is best to include the name of the packages (which just don't show if the PPA is not active) and have another way of adding/removing ppas18:45
len-dtI think it would need to be ubuntustudio specific. Something in a script would be best, or better than new software.18:46
micahgno including PPAs in the default install :)19:35
micahgif something needs to be fixed, let's fix it19:35
* micahg would love to see the KXstudio people pushing fixes into the archive19:36
micahgor even better to Debian19:36
ailomicahg: I think we're just fooling around with ideas so far, but there has been an idea of keeping official Ubuntu Studio PPA's as addable extras20:22
ailoThere are some software that aren't included in the main repo20:23
ailoDon't know the specifics of licenses, etc. How that would work20:23
ailoStill, it's fun just to see what different solutions you can come up with. Adding a PPA from the menu might seem a bit drastic. But, how is it, if you would create a package specifically for it, that would show up in Software Center20:29
ailoThere are PPA's and PPA's after all20:29
micahgailo: I'd suggest pushing them to Debian and leveraging backports, more users will benefit20:33
ailomicahg: We can't push things like linux-sampler20:33
micahgwhy not?20:33
ailogpl, with an addition..20:33
micahgis it redistributable?20:34
ailoI don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure it would have been pushed a long time ago, if it was possible.20:34
ailoAll it's tools are redistritable, but not the linux-sampler server itself, at least not without some conditions20:35
ailoI think mostly they are trying to avoid companies adding it to hardware samplers20:35
micahgso, it would go in non-free then20:36
ailoThere's also cinerella20:36
ailoSame sort of dilemma20:36
micahgdebian 561443, free for the taking20:37
ubottuDebian bug 561443 in wnpp "RFP: linuxsampler -- realtime audio sampler" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/56144320:37
micahgI'd suggest joining Debian multimedia and preparing packages20:38
ailoI guess so..20:38
ailoI'm going that path20:38
micahgthis way every derivative of Debian can have access to these packages as opposed to those who happen upon a PPA20:41
ailoYes, of course. I've read about linux-sampler in the past, and something about why it had not been packaged yet20:42
ailoBut, doesn't hurt putting some focus on the issue20:43
micahgLen-nb: need a meta upload?20:54
micahgor do you have more changes you're making (the photography seed looks good)20:54
Len-nbmicahg, I was going to see how that went, but if you like I can do the publishing meta first21:01
micahgLen-nb: whatever you like21:01
micahgeach new binary requires a NEW  queue review21:02
Len-nbIf I do this first, then there will be another quite soon21:02
micahgright, so, when you're ready, let's just upload it all so it only needs 1 review21:02
Len-nbnew binary added to the seeds?21:02
micahgit'll show up in binary NEW after upload and it's built21:03
Len-nbI haven't added any new binary so far, just finished what was supposed to be done last cycle21:03
micahgubuntustudio-photography will be a new binary21:03
Len-nbOK, I will add publishing first then21:03
Len-nbThen there will be two21:04
micahghrm, I just found a bug in the packaging as well :-/21:04
Len-nbmine or old?21:06
Len-nbanything I should fix? (or would know how?)21:07
micahgno, it should be fixed on the next upload21:08
micahgit's not in the seed, but in the -meta packaging, one of the substitution variables is wrong21:08
Len-nbok, should I still add publishing now then?21:10
micahgat your leisure, I should probably review the whole thing in depth before I upload which won't happen before Monday21:11
Len-nbOk thanks21:11
Len-nbmicahg, in case you haven't noticed ubuntustudio-default-settings is changed too. (again) I think I'm finished for now on that.21:13
micahgnope, haven't noticed, can try to look at it Mon or Tue21:15
micahgI'm only subscribed to the seeds21:15
Len-nbmicahg, that should be it.22:07
* Len-nb means for the seeds22:07
len-dtailo, do you still have a machine running quantal? If so, could you check if after making a new directory on the desktop, if you double click on it if it gets opened by nautilus?22:34
len-dtI think that is the only thunar to nautilus thing I haven't checked.22:35
* len-dt is off for family time.22:35

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