
min|dvir|uslcabreza2: what about other connections, like SSH or IRC?00:00
kimberlydaemonicApathy: okay i just wanted to make sure there's nothing I should do in gparted first thanks00:00
Conglcabreza2, are you kidding?00:00
lcabreza2min|dvir|us: may concept is that when people are connected to wifi, it will get connected but when they open their browser it will redirect to a website which requires username and password before they can browse internet00:01
kimberlyactually is there a way to use gparted though00:01
RicCrouchlcabreza: you mean like a "login page" for your wifi network?00:01
wilee-nileekimberly, So what is your actual goal here getting back a windows 7 setup?00:01
lcabreza2RicCrouch: that's right ..00:02
kimberlywilee-nilee: yes, i have a reinstallation disk and all that shit00:02
n2diy_I upgraded my test box from 12.04 to 12.10, and now X doesn't display correctly, and the mouse isn't working. I can use command line in a console.00:02
TeruFSX2What's the workaround for getting wxMaxima to show its menu bar in the window?00:02
lcabreza2RicCrouch: im planning to setup a wifi network at home and want my neighbors to pay for the service ..00:02
TeruFSX2i'm using KDESC and i don't have the unity menu00:02
min|dvir|usCong: I don't think it's so ridiculous.00:02
ahmadhello everyone :)00:02
kimberlyjust using that before did not work00:02
TeruFSX2kimberly: what went wrong while trying to install00:03
Congmin|dvir|us, I thought he wanted people to open a web browser before they even connected.00:03
TeruFSX2(win 7 that is)00:03
Smackbookhow can I test and find out why ubuntu isn't recognizing my usb wifi adapter?  I got the drivers before and compiled them and installed them, and it was working fine until I unplugged it and now no amount of uninstalling/installing/unplugging/replugging/rebooting seems to make any difference.  any suggestions?00:04
wilee-nileekimberly, Personally I don't allow windows to make a boot partition. So I just make a single ntfs with a boot flag with gparted then use the manual instal with the windows disc, sda1 is a boot partition and has the boot flag as of now and sda2 is the OS.00:05
wilee-nileeThe boot partition is needed for the encryption in the ultimate version, and or if there is a recovery partition I use neither.00:06
DaemonicApathylcabreza2: This might interest you - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZoneCD00:06
lcabreza2DaemonicApathy:i'll try this one ..00:07
RicCrouchSmackbook:  Had a similar problem with my wired adapter... does your wifi adapter show up when you run ifconfig from the terminal?00:12
SmackbookRicCrouch: it did when it was working00:12
planetaryI need help getting my computer out of a very low resolution. I cant find commands to change it00:15
Noobuntuany solutions for cpu overheating problems?00:15
wolsSmackbook: what does dmesg say after you plugged in your usb wlan stick?00:15
wolsplanetary: what videocard do you have?00:15
wolsNoobuntu: buy a better heatsink00:15
Noobuntui have a dual boot system00:16
lcabreza2Noobuntu: buy Larkooler water cooling system00:16
Noobuntuwindows 7 works fine00:16
planetarywols: I idnt remember, Im helping my uncle on the phone! :000:16
Noobuntubut even when I am not doing any heavy operations my CPU heats up on Ubuntu00:16
wolsplanetary: then tell your uncle to install ssh, so you can log on to his PC and do it for him (imho)00:17
wolsor tell him to come online himself00:17
Noobuntuits just a laptop I use for basic day to day tasks - nothing fancy00:17
DaemonicApathyNoobuntu: You should install and run htop to check out what might be overusing it.00:17
wolsNoobuntu: if your CPU overheats, it's NOT a ubuntu problem. the same would happen under windows when you actually use your PC then00:17
DaemonicApathyNoobuntu: I would suggest the System Monitor, but that tends to be a little heavy itself.00:17
Noobuntuwols: I have never faced overheating issues on Windows00:18
Noobuntuin Ubuntu, it goes up to even 100 degrees00:18
wilee-nileeNoobuntu, I would at the least install the sensors from this wiki's instructions to confirm it is overheating rather then you assume this from the fans running, as you give no real details here.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto00:18
wolsNoobuntu: optimus?00:18
Noobuntuwilee-nilee: reasons to believe its over heating: a) It feels really really hot00:19
Noobuntub) Conky tells me the temperature is close to 10000:19
Noobuntuwols: sorry, didn't get your question..00:20
TeruFSX2how old is your machine?00:20
Noobuntu1.5 years00:20
TeruFSX2i'm assuming it's pretty recent, yeah00:20
TeruFSX2what processor type?00:20
Noobuntuintel i300:20
wolsNoobuntu: does it use nvidia optimus?00:20
Noobuntuits an HP v6t machine00:21
Noobuntuno graphic cards00:21
Conglaptops aren't for gaming00:21
Noobuntujust the one that comes wiith the chip00:21
Smackbookwols: is there a way to clear dmesg output so I can tell where the new stuff starts?00:21
NoobuntuI don't use it for gaming00:21
wolsSmackbook: no. and it's not needed either00:21
Noobuntulike I said, it heats up even when I am browsing00:22
wolsSmackbook: the new stuff is added at the end00:22
Smackbookwols seems like pages and pages of stuff00:22
Noobuntuif I open up a few extra tabs00:22
Smackbookrelated to the usb wifi00:22
wolsSmackbook: yes. those are logs and in your case most likely errors00:22
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alecbwhat's the name of the applet that displays the volume control?00:23
TeruFSX2the dv6t does not have optimus00:23
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Smackbookwols: http://pastebin.com/bV4uX1RE00:24
trismalecb: indicator-sound ?00:25
trismalecb: sort of depends which desktop you run00:25
TeruFSX2actually it does appear to have optimus-like technology00:25
TeruFSX2Noobuntu: the dv6t uses some gpu-swapping things that aren't supported that well right now00:26
josy1982ubuntu is the best distribution!00:26
wolsSmackbook: most likely [59582.997871] wlan0: 00:1c:10:8a:87:e6 denied association (code=12)  WPA password correct?00:27
snarkSmackbook, this command " dmesg | tails 5 "     gives the last 5 new lines from dmesg00:27
NoobuntuTeruFSX2: thank you for the information. Is there any way to make things a bit better maybe?00:28
TeruFSX2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics might give some tips, but i'm not sure if 3D acceleration works with this00:28
snarkSmackbook, this command " dmesg | tail "    (this one is correct! )00:29
alecbtrism: I'm referring to the one that runs in unity I guess. like I run nm-applet to get the network indicator as a tray icon in any wm with a tray app00:29
wolsNoobuntu: use powertop as well00:29
alecbis there something I can run to get any of the other indicators00:29
Noobuntuthanks guys. Let me see if anything works for me00:29
dr_willisTheres a list of addaditonal indicator-applets at the askubuntu.com site.00:30
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trismalecb: yeah most indicators don't work like that, indicator-sound loads when the panel starts00:31
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )00:40
RicCrouchI know that sometimes with Realtek cards you have to blacklist a driver that gets in the way--I think that is what this accomplishes00:41
martinette-i know it is a ubuntu channel...but can i talk in private with soneone who has good knowledge about it00:41
RicCrouch(oops.. wrong window! :)  )00:42
dr_willisabout what martinette- ?00:42
zymasterOk quick question. So I just installed Ubuntu. I have a 750g hard drive and wanted to give ubuntu 300g and windows 450g but due to the lack of info the Ubuntu installer gave I accidentally gave Ubuntu the 450g and windows the 300g. I am currently inside my ubuntu boot disk so I can mess with my partitions without using them. I am currently in gparted and I was able to shrink my file system down to what it is supposed to be, but now 00:44
martinette-well, last time I installed uuntu...I had to reinstall windows...due to some mistake i did...with GNU (i think its the name of the dual boot soft to boot either windows or ubuntu)00:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 300 in mysql-query-browser (Ubuntu) "reproducible segfault in "edit" mode for a query" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30000:44
zymasterunallocated space in the partition that has the swap and the file sytem within it00:44
martinette-my question is can i install ubuntu with out installing gnu....but but on windows or unbuntu if in plug my usb key00:44
zymasterI can not resize this partition even after i checked swapoff on the swap partition00:45
dr_williszymaster:  if you have logical partions inside an extended partion. you may need to shrink them first.. then shrink the extended partition. then enlarge the primary00:45
joeeeeehey may i ask ?00:45
dr_williszymaster:  i always just use primary partions. ;)00:45
wilee-nileezymaster, Are you trying to resize a partiton yuou are booted into?00:45
dr_willismartinette-:  you mean with out installing the GRUB bootloader?00:45
zymasterdr_willis: I have 1.5g unallocated space in my exteded martition but I can't resize it to move the unallocated space out to the main hard drive so I can use it to resize windows00:46
dr_willismartinette-:  you can do a full install of ubuntu onto a decently sized usb flash drive. including GRUB on the MBR of the flash drive00:46
zymasterwillee-nillee: I am booted into an ubuntu boot disk so I have no partitions mounted00:46
dr_williszymaster:  i recall getting space out of a extended into a primary was doable. but tool like 2 to 3 steps.00:46
wilee-nileezymaster, Sorry you addressed that already can you take a screen shot of gparted and imagebin it.00:46
dr_willisi always use primaries so its been ages since ive had to do this.00:47
zymasterwilee-nillee: forgot the screenshot shortcut what is it again?00:47
wilee-nileezymaster, prtsc00:48
wilee-nileethe key00:48
martinette-yeah grub sorry00:48
martinette-just by setting my laptop boot sequence with ubs drive 1 and second hard drive00:49
KlamirHello, im getting a error when installing gstream in ubuntu 12.10 > http://paste.ubuntu.com/1301577/ ... how can I verify if this packages are installed ? how can I install if necessary ?00:50
zymasterwilee-nilee: Ok GParted screenshot: http://imagebin.org/23303000:50
trismKlamir: libglib2.0-dev00:51
t1ckt0ck@Klamir apt-get install libglib2.0-dev00:52
KlamirThx ! It worked !00:52
wilee-nileezymaster, So you want the Windows partition bigger right?00:52
zymasterYeah I want to make it bigger with the unallocated space in the extended partition00:53
zymasterMainly just get the unallocated space to the primary hard drive00:53
zymasterthx by the way00:53
snarkzymaster, your swap is inside the extended partioion so you could delete it00:54
wilee-nileezymaster, No bigie it will take awhile though. YOU should of resized ubuntu to the roght, but you can m,ove the whole partition to the right with the resize button, then right click the extended in the menu and resize it up against the ubuntu partition the the unallocated will be next to the windows fro it to exspand into.00:54
wilee-nileesorry for the spelling erors DOH.00:55
goddardi have a program I cant see00:55
goddardit is launched but it must be off the screen00:55
martinette-my question is can i install ubuntu with out installing gnu....but but on windows or unbuntu if in plug my usb key just by setting my laptop boot sequence with ubs drive 1 and second hard drive00:56
wilee-nileezymaster, Just for information you could make a NTFS in that unallocated now and windows will see and and you can use it.00:56
wilee-nileeyou could have that ntfs be a shared partition for media....etc00:57
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yeehiHello! I am installing calibre, the ebook manager - i need to specify an installation directory. What should I use?00:58
DaemonicApathyIs there any real benefit to NTFS over FAT?00:58
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zymasterwilee-nilee: it wont allow me to resize extended partition. I can click resize but cant change the volume at all00:58
snarkwilee-nilee, he want to expant the current windows partition00:58
RicCrouchMartinette--As mentioned above, I think you mean GRUB, not GNU.  And yes, you can.  Check this out:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/liveusb-install-not-just-another-live-usb-creator-for-linux00:58
loadidis there a default yeehi?00:58
snarkwilee-nilee, he want to expand* the current windows partition00:58
yeehii think ntfs is journaling, DaemonicApathy00:58
yeehino default, loadid00:58
yeehilets you go anywhere00:58
martinette- yes imeant grub00:59
zymastersnark: thx too00:59
yeehiwhere is the usual installation folder for new programs?00:59
martinette-thank you00:59
wilee-nileezymaster, It is up against the ubuntu  on the left you have to move the ubuntu to the right, the whole partition at once.00:59
loadidyeehi: /bin00:59
snarkDaemonicApathy, fie size limit on FAT00:59
RicCrouchMartinette-better yet, look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81139700:59
yeehithanks, loadid! i will specify /bin and hoep for the best!00:59
DaemonicApathyAh, ofc snark. I knew I was forgetting something. Thanks.01:00
loadidyeehi, maybe a subdirectory in /bin01:00
loadidin case it's installing a lot of files01:00
goddardi have a program I cant see01:00
goddardit is launched but it must be off the screen01:00
loadidyeehi: maybe a subdirectory in your /home folder01:00
wilee-nileesnark, I know I am telling them how to get that unallocated next to windows in order to do this the ubuntu has to be moved against the swap then the extended up against the left end of the ubuntu.01:00
PatrickDickeygoddard, you can click on the workspace switcher to see if it's in another workspace.01:01
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wilee-nileezymaster,YOU can move the ubuntu partition as a whole to the right.01:01
goddardPatrickDickey: it is not present when i click that icon01:01
zymasterwilee-nilee: what do you mean move to the right? Sorry didnt understand. And by Ubuntu do you mean the whole extended partition or the file system?01:01
goddardin gnome shell i can see all applications01:01
t1ckt0ck@goddard are you trying to find it or kill it?01:01
goddardt1ckt0ck: im trying to find it01:02
PatrickDickeygoddard, open System Monitor and make sure it's actually running.01:02
goddardi think it is loaded off screen so i cant see it01:02
goddardPatrickDickey: it is01:02
goddardits netbeans01:02
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snarkzymaster, would you be up for deleting the ext4 partition?    much faster then01:02
PatrickDickeygoddard, which version of ubuntu are you on?01:03
wilee-nileezymaster, Click on the resize, you can move the whole sda5 to be up against the swap, then using the resize again on the extended move it up against the ubuntu.01:03
* PatrickDickey hasn't installed Netbeans yet, but I may just to see if I have this issue.01:03
dem0nhow is everyone doing today...?01:03
goddardPatrickDickey: i have multiple displays01:03
t1ckt0ck@goddard have you tried simply killing the process and restarting it?01:04
PatrickDickeygoddard, is it on any of them?01:04
wilee-nileezymaster,Basically you are first moving tha unallocated to be in front of the sda5 then resizing the extended to be against the ubuntu then the unallocated will be next to the windows.01:04
goddardt1ckt0ck: i can see the program and close it and open it with the toolbar01:04
goddardPatrickDickey: no and i disconnect them and reconnect them and it doesn't work01:04
t1ckt0ckJust no gui...01:05
snarkzymaster, you say you have *just*  installed Ubuntu so why not trash it and start again01:05
* PatrickDickey wonders if it thinks it's on a display, but that isn't the right one anymore...01:05
zymasterwilee-nilee: Ok it worked01:05
wilee-nileezymaster, No sure what worked but moving the whole ubuntu partition should take awhile.01:06
kevin____hi all. so i need to reconfigure grub2. it looks like my bootloader was overwritten by windows (sigh...) .  i am currently booted in a livecd. how can i reconfigure grub?01:06
goddardthis sucks i gotta get some work done01:06
PatrickDickey!grub | kevin____01:07
ubottukevin____: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:07
kevin____wonderful. thanks01:07
zymasterwilee-nilee: It was practically instant, maybe because I haven't really put anything on ubuntu partition yet other than the os01:07
wilee-nileekevin____, You ever chrooted before?01:07
wilee-nileezymaster, cool, so you understand the process then.01:08
zymasteranyway it worked thx all01:08
t1ckt0ckGoddard. Have you tried alt-f8 or f7 to resize or move net beans?01:08
PatrickDickeygoddard, you could try rebooting and then opening it. I'm trying to remember what I've had to do in that situation, but it's been a while. I think I had to disconnect all the other displays, reboot, open the app, and then I could reconnect everything.01:08
snarkzymaster, as long as its worked and your happy!01:08
PatrickDickeygoddard, I'd try t1ckt0ck 's suggestion first.01:08
bretoliusI installed 12.10 and everything was going okay.01:09
bretoliusI then installed the nvidia drivers01:09
bretoliusnow when I retart, the screen is in this weird zoomed in low res mode01:09
bretoliusand there is no unity interface when I log in01:09
bretoliusjust the desktio01:09
wilee-nilee!enter > bretolius01:09
ubottubretolius, please see my private message01:09
loadidbretolius: sudo nvidia-settings01:09
PatrickDickeybretolius: did you install them through ubuntu or from nvidia.com's site?01:09
loadidcan you change the resolution from there?01:09
goddardPatrickDickey: what suggestion killing the process?01:10
JayLoSkeeHello Room.  I've been using Ubuntu exclusively for 6 months.  Still new to Linux. Upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 yesterday.  Process was smooth.  However I lost functionality of the VirtualBox application. I really need this working!  Every time I try to start my virtual machine I get the error "  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vb01:10
JayLoSkee'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'01:10
JayLoSkeeas root. If it is available in your distribution, you should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary."01:10
PatrickDickeygoddard alt+F8 or alt+F7 to resize netbeans.01:10
bretoliusloadid: no, no launchbar is shown wilee-nilee: i used the ubuntu installer01:10
t1ckt0ckgoddard: trying your alt f keys01:10
loadidJayLoSkee: run /etc/ini.d/vboxdrv setup as root01:10
JayLoSkeeHelp me ubuntu   you're my only hope01:10
bretoliuswilee-nilee: or loadid do you know how I could launch the software sources from terminal?01:11
PatrickDickeyJayLoSkee to build on what lodid said, type sudo /etc/ini.d/vboxdrv in a terminal and then put your password in.01:11
bretoliusI would like to just roll back the driver01:11
loadidbretolius: sources are in /etc/apt/sources.list01:11
kevin____alright. looks like it worked. thanks a..01:12
loadidbut that's not where your problem is01:12
JayLoSkeeokay...trying it now01:12
wilee-nileebretolius, I'm not in 12.10 right now but I would just access it from the software center01:12
bretoliusloadid: I can launch some gui apps01:12
PatrickDickeybretolius software-center will launch the Software Center.01:13
wilee-nileeedit-software sources in the software center bretolius01:13
loadidbretolius: you don't need to roll back a driver, you just need to install the correct one.  or perhaps configure the one your using... with nvidia-settings01:13
bretoliusI want to roll back to the X.Org for a moment01:13
PatrickDickeybretolius: which video card do you have?01:13
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bretoliusI have an nvida 26001:14
JayLoSkeePatrick....... My terminal returns "sudo: /etc/ini.d/vboxdrv: command not found"01:14
bretoliusits not just a resolution issue01:14
bretoliusits like unity isnt launching or something01:14
loadidyou typed something wrong JayLoSkee01:14
wilee-nileeJayLoSkee, Are you running in root?01:14
PatrickDickeyJayLoSkee: try sudo ./etc/ini.d/vboxdrv instead.01:15
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loadidJayLoSkee: learn to use tab complete01:15
loadidyou have no ini.d directory01:15
physically_fitguys why 12.10 doesn't appear in my update manager? i've been waiting, but wikipedia says it was released on 10/18. what should i do?01:15
bretoliusloadid: PatrickDickey and wilee-nilee: I tried the current update nvidia drivers, ill try the tested ones next...01:16
ardchoilleshould be /etc/init.d01:16
PatrickDickeyAnd JayLoSkee did you install dkms like it recommends?01:16
wilee-nileephysically_fit, Go to the software sources and set it for all upgrades01:16
loadidphysically_fit: update-manager -d01:16
PatrickDickeylodid, I think he's copying your command from earlier (which I mistakenly copied and pasted to him).01:16
wilee-nileebretolius, I know nothing about this area, just a heads up.01:16
loadidyou're right, i see that now01:17
wilee-nileephysically_fit, ubuntu software center-edit-software sources01:17
physically_fitwilee-nilee, i only have not proposed uncheked01:17
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: Open Software Sources. On the "Updates" tab, change the notify me of new versions from LTS to "any" and it will prompt you after reloading.01:17
physically_fitloadid, why isn't automatic?01:17
loadidJayLoSkee: see where it errors and says "run  '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root".... do that01:18
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: The default is Long Term Services only because typically the intermediates are "beta" versions. (I use that term VERY loosely).01:18
physically_fitPatrickDickey, loadid, wilee-nilee got it! thank friends.01:18
wilee-nileephysically_fit, updates tab bottom drop down set it to for any new version01:18
loadidyou only asked if the software was upaded to the currect repositories physically_fit01:18
wilee-nileephysically_fit, cool01:19
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loadidyou didn't ask it to look at alternate repositories... i.e. 12.10 instead of 12.0401:19
JayLoSkeeloadid....whats the command for root?  is it su?01:19
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: make sure you read the release notes first.01:19
wilee-nileeJayLoSkee, sudo -i01:19
physically_fitPatrickDickey, why?01:19
JayLoSkeethanks willie.....hold on guys01:20
drwormif you want to run a command as root, use "sudo <command>"01:20
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physically_fitPatrickDickey, i just update01:20
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PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: because if you're using an older ATI card, you might run into issues.01:20
physically_fitPatrickDickey, oh no, i am using an ATI indeed.01:20
wilee-nileeand always be backed up01:20
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: which card is it?01:21
drwormif you have an older ATI card, you'll have to download and install the previous legacy drivers01:21
JayLoSkeethanks for the reminder....i'm in root now...next step?01:21
physically_fitPatrickDickey, thanlks for warning01:21
loadidJayLoSkee: see where it errors and says "run  '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root".... do that01:21
Girls_EscortPorn SEx Girls http://fredfilms.blogspot.com01:21
PatrickDickeydrworm do they work now? When I upgraded, I lost all of the panels on Unity. I had to purge the proprietary drivers. Now everything is slow.01:21
drwormPatrickDickey, yes they work.01:22
wilee-nileelol like there is not enough on the web to find that.01:22
rocktophello is tcp_window_scaling best for network performance ?01:22
physically_fitPatrickDickey,  ATI Radeon Mobility X140001:22
drwormPurge the fglrx and fglrx-amdcccle01:22
PatrickDickeydrworm do you have steps (or a link to steps) for getting them installed?01:22
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drwormYeah, one sec.  Let me find the link.01:23
physically_fitPatrickDickey, it's in my laptop i use for everything, watch movies connected to my tv.01:23
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Rempalain 10.04 how do i disable the screen blanking from the console? (I do not have X installed)01:24
PatrickDickeyyou might not have a problem then physically_fit. I upgraded my laptop and it worked. My desktop however.....01:24
JayLoSkeeloadid.........no dice here is a copy of my shell. tell me where i'm wrong01:24
JayLoSkee/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup01:24
cerberusXXHello, need help with Broadcom driver here, anyone??01:24
wilee-nilee!broadcom | cerberusXX01:24
ubottucerberusXX: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:24
JayLoSkee/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup01:24
loadidwhat's the error JayLoSkee?01:24
physically_fitPatrickDickey, friend, i have an older desktop with ubuntu too. what thing didn't work in your desktop?01:25
wilee-nileecerberusXX, Not sure if you had seen that link, otherwise I can't help.01:25
cerberusXXi have done what's said there already wilee_nilee01:25
JayLoSkeeno such file or directory01:25
drwormPatrickDickey, go to unixmen.com and the article on how to install the legacy 12.6 ATI drivers with 12.10 is there.01:25
PatrickDickeyUnity didn't work right. I didn't have any panels at all (top or side).01:25
drwormRunning 12.10 with an older ATI card myself and it's working.  :)01:25
drwormFor the record, it's not an Ubuntu problem, per se...01:26
PatrickDickeydrworm do I have to get out of unity first?01:26
loadidi still say you're typing something wrong JayLoSkee01:26
cerberusXXthis is macbook 8.2 with latest lts, driver wont show up anywere. im stuck to a wall consequently01:26
PatrickDickeyNope, it's an ATI problem. They don't want to support their older cards on X.Org 11.01:26
physically_fitPatrickDickey, now i am getting scared... but i'll update anyway both machines XD01:26
loadidohh.. JayLoSkee exit out of root and run as sudo01:27
drwormnope.  purge fglrx and fglrx-amdcccle, reboot and then install the 12.6 drivers from AMD's site.01:27
eankeleJayLoSkee - had the same problem yesterday - check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/205154/virtualbox-etc-init-d-vboxdrv-setup-issue01:27
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: Do the laptop first (back it up before you start though). If it works, then do the desktop.  Don't do them at the same time.01:27
JayLoSkeeloadid....verify the command with "" please01:27
loadid"sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"01:27
physically_fitPatrickDickey, yeah i won't, i'll need the interwebs to search for help just in case...01:27
loadidbut don't be logged in as root JayLoSkee, just run as root01:28
ahmadquick question the 'sudo apt-get -y install build-essentials' also installs gcc compiler?01:28
cerberusXXif a recent macbook can't even get a wifi driver i donno what can01:28
PatrickDickeyphysically_fit: I can't emphasize the backup first part enough though. If it doesn't work, you may have to reinstall 12.04 (or whatever version you're on now).01:28
ChrisPartridgeI've added two users to my system, both with adduser - one user can run a process which outputs to stdout fine, the other user recieves an error "Error: Unable to write to destination" - any clues as to where I can start looking to trouble shoot this?01:29
physically_fitPatrickDickey, thanks friend for all your advices, you are so nice :)01:29
t1ckt0ck@PatrickDickey. You're fighting the good fight here. Thanks for being available.01:29
loadidmake sure the second user is part of the stdout group t1ckt0ck?01:29
drwormChrisPartridge, are the user directories being created properly in /home?01:29
ChrisPartridgedrworm: Yeah both have home directories01:30
dem0nhey guys any time you use dd it automatically formats whatever drive it is writing to right? like i wrote an image file to my sdcard and dd gave me an input/output error and i did it again but i didn't format my sdcard because dd would do that for me, am i correct?01:30
loadiddd does not format01:30
dem0ndoesn't it erase everything on the sdcard drive?01:31
loadiddd clones a disk sector for sector, bad sectors and all01:31
PatrickDickeyt1ckt0ck: no problem. I don't know a lot, but I try to help when I can.01:31
JayLoSkeeloadid....updating my dkms package w/ linux kernal image....i'll try it again in just a minute01:31
PatrickDickeydrworm, did you use the ppa method on your card, or did you download the script from ati's site?01:31
ahmadi guess so, the answer is yes :P01:31
loadidJayLoSkee: vbox needs reconfigured around the new kernel you installed, that's why this process is necessary01:31
JayLoSkeethks eankele hope this works :)01:31
drwormPatrickDickey, I downloaded the drivers from AIT's site01:31
loadidit should JayLoSkee01:32
PatrickDickeyI'll try it in the morning. Time to leave for work now...01:32
loadidnot sure why that setup isn't availble while rooted01:32
trismahmad: for future reference with packages like that: apt-cache depends package_name; helps01:32
drwormHave a good day/night at work!01:32
ahmadty trism01:32
bretoliusSo the package maintainers effed up nvida settings i guess http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12303179#post1230317901:34
dem0nsee what i am wondering is i have an sdcard drive and i am trying to write and lubuntu image to my sdcard drive with dd, so i ran dd and the first time it gave me an input output error and records in and records out where off by 1 sector, so i ran it again but i did not format the sdcard drive because i thought dd would do that for me (format as erase the bad image file) and when i ran it the second time it i believe everything worked, the records in match th01:35
dem0ni hope you guys can understand what i am asking...01:35
gh0st_i <3 ubuntu!01:35
yatoyatogh0st_: Me too! :)01:36
drwormme too, gh0st_!01:36
JayLoSkeeupdated dkms package w/ linux kernal image upgrade....ran command again but no luck....should i try to uninstall vbox then reinstall?01:36
dem0nthis is the output that i recieved from dd01:36
gh0st_Ubuntu Server/backtrack is all you need! :D01:36
bretoliusanyone else getting modem-manager caught signal 15 on shutdown errors?01:36
ActionParsnipgh0st_: why backtrack?01:36
gh0st_because i use it01:37
gh0st_and like it alot :D01:37
ActionParsnipgh0st_: I hope not for casual browsing and so forth01:37
drwormdem0n, are you trying to make a bootable flash drive?01:38
gh0st_action: im a student in security01:38
gh0st_thats why01:38
gh0st_great learning distro :D01:38
lotuspsychjeany known issues on 12.10 install from usb, freeze just before partition section?01:38
dem0ndrworm: yes, i have a mini pc -> mk802 3rd generation which runs natively on the android 4.0 operating system but i am trying to get ubuntu working on my mini pc the mk80201:39
dem0ngh0st_: where are you a student in "security" ?01:39
lotuspsychje!ot | dem0n01:40
ubottudem0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:40
Calisto94One question: Which NTFS driver is included to Ubuntu 12.04? Is it ntfs-3g? And: It supports writing to NTFS, but i was told it'01:40
Calisto94+ is just experimental01:40
Calisto94Is it safe to write on NTFS with Linux already?01:40
lotuspsychje!ntfs | Calisto9401:40
ubottuCalisto94: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:41
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:41
dem0nwell my question is really just dd, which i believe is on topic for ubuntu as far as general questions, but let me know if dd is considered "off topic"01:41
kfedMuon isn't working for me and I can't seem to download any packages01:41
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems01:41
kfedWhether from within Muon or using apt-get on the terminal01:41
xrs1https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency/+bug/1068660    recommended fix has no effect. New updates installed today and now when i plug my thumbdrive in it just blinks repetitively and doesnt stop. no icon appears on desktop. gparted reports the drive as unallocated with a red triagle w/ !01:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068660 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount USB Mass Storage Devices" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:41
kfedMy internet connection is fine, and I have tried changing the server it retreives packages from01:42
Calisto94Okay, from the link i followed i'm told "NTFS-writing is experimental but already meant to be safe on Linux. It just sometimes causes an error and aborts - then the user needs totry again01:42
Calisto94My question was answered :)01:42
sazawalThe minimode plugin in exaile in Ubuntu 12.10 does not remember its position. Help!01:43
kfedbut in Muon I always get the error message "Failed to download http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources"01:43
loadidkfed, try changing the main server in your edit software sources01:43
loadidor disable that specific repo and deal without the upgrades of the ubuntu extras01:44
dlwubuntu install failed, can only access via install CD, need help to figure out what went wrong01:44
end_guyI've recently updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and while upgrading I recieved errors installing some packages. Now everytime I have updates it errors with this: https://gist.github.com/394323001:45
loadiddlw, a fresh install or an upgrade?01:45
|Anthony|is there a way to specify that all files in a folder (current and future) will belong to a group? say i put a file in a folder, instead of it being user:anthony and group:anthony have it be group:somegroup?01:46
dlwfresh install01:46
loadidi would confirm the md5sum and try again01:46
dem0nso dd does erase all data, i found that doing some research01:46
loadiddon't try to fix it, more work that worth it most times01:46
dem0ni need to setup a vnc server now...01:46
loadiddem0n: dd doesn't erase all data01:47
loadidonly erases over sectors01:47
|Anthony|it sure can01:47
end_guyI've tried using apt-get update -f, apt-get dist-upgrade, and still recieve https://gist.github.com/394323001:47
loadiddd copes sector for sector, so if it only uses half of the sectors your writing into dem0n.. then it will leave the second half untouched01:48
loadidthus NOT erasing all data01:48
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sazawal The minimode plugin in exaile in Ubuntu 12.10 does not remember its position. What to do?01:49
|Anthony|dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda01:50
dem0nya that would erase everything01:50
|Anthony|so that doesn't zero fill a drive01:50
|Anthony|right, it can erase all data01:50
joeeeeemay i ask ?01:51
xrs1i am having trouble with a bug. there seems to be a fix, but the fix doesnt work for me. New updates installed today and now the problem seems to be worse, not better01:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:52
|Anthony|is there a way to specify that all files in a folder (current and future) will belong to a group? say i put a file in a folder, instead of it being user:anthony and group:anthony have it be group:somegroup?01:52
dlwAt boot up, a screen opens asking to select W7 or ubuntu. Selecting either on of them does not work. Do I need to fix grub, if so, how? Typing grub or lilo in a terminal it says they are not installed.01:52
DaemonicApathy|Anthony|: You could probably write a script for that.01:52
joeeeeeok . when i plug headphone jack speakers don't mute01:52
sazawal The minimode plugin in exaile in Ubuntu 12.10 does not remember its position. Help!01:53
loadidyou would need to write a script |Anthony|... if "file exists in /foo" then "chmod /foo/file"01:53
|Anthony|DaemonicApathy, blah. no scripting. was hoping there could be a more sane way of doing it with something builtin01:53
|Anthony|playing with ACLs and just noticing some annoyances01:54
|Anthony|shared folders and whatnot01:54
|Anthony|primary annoyance is that acl modifications won't take effect till the next login01:55
DaemonicApathyjoeeeee: There is one solution that has worked for some people... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79894501:55
DaemonicApathydlw: What color screen/text?01:56
dlwBlack screen white text01:56
DaemonicApathydlw: So you installed Ubuntu with wubi?01:56
dlwI installed it off a live CD01:57
DaemonicApathydlw: You can use a live CD to install and configure grub, which will result in a different boot screen. Sounds like the Windows loader is currently handling it.01:57
dlwHow is this solved?01:58
dormitoI have some ntfs partitions that I would like mounted at boot up (instead of only when I try to access them as is the default for ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10) since I know very little about the mount command and the files used in boot up (though I suspect its an excllent place to break things) should I just find a third party util to do this or ubuntu 12.10 come with such a tool?01:58
* stevecam is upgrading01:58
stevecamI love the new download page, good idea01:59
DaemonicApathydlw: http://www.av8n.com/computer/htm/grub-reinstall.htm01:59
DaemonicApathystevecam, the donation page?01:59
loadidnetworking acl's = hdmi |Anthony|?01:59
stevecamyeah, i hope it helps with the project01:59
DaemonicApathyMe too.01:59
|Anthony|i don't follow there loadid01:59
loadidme either...02:00
wilee-nilee!fstab > dormito02:00
ubottudormito, please see my private message02:00
loadidnever mind02:00
|Anthony|loadid, what does hdmi have to do with it? did i mention anything about hdmi?02:00
loadidhdmi ports usually say no02:00
|Anthony|oh. no. just setting up file/folder permissions for shared access02:01
|Anthony|and Access Control Lists are the tool at hand02:01
loadidyeah, bootie traps02:02
|Anthony|don't think there is a way to let someone into a folder, but not back out02:02
viniciusarqhey plp02:02
DaemonicApathy|Anthony|: In Ubuntu, sharing options are usually in the right-click menu with a folder.02:02
|Anthony|that would be sweet though02:02
wilee-nileedormito, This might help as well it is a bit more clear.  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindowsfstab02:02
|Anthony|DaemonicApathy, nah... this is a server. no gui please =P02:02
DaemonicApathyHehe, fair enough.02:03
dormitowilee-nilee: thanks for the info02:03
wilee-nileedormito, No problem. ;)02:03
digitalvaldostahello. Trying to reinstall ubuntu server 12.04.1 unfortunately it does not find my raid. But if I choose "Rescue a broken system" at the first menu it will. However, this will take me to busybox for a "rescue mode" of sorts. Is it possible to start  the standard installer from busybox since it finds my partitions? I am actually trying to do a repair install.02:03
|Anthony|dormito, your nick is close to trademark violation02:03
Calisto94One question: Is idling here allowed (ZNC, BNC or such tools to keep the connection awake) ? :P02:03
Calisto94If yes, i'd like to create a ZNC for here :P02:04
loadiddigitalvaldosta: is it online at your recovery console?02:04
bazhangCalisto94, of course yes02:04
digitalvaldostaI restarted and have it waiting at the first menu02:04
dormito|Anthony| : I am pretty sure you can not trade mark a single latin word02:04
|Anthony|lol i love doritos02:04
loadidyou can try "apt-get -f install" or "dpkg-reconfigure something..."02:05
Smackbookis there any toolis there a tool for recording throughput between two machines over a length of time and graphing it, to look for the frequency of dips?02:05
klaxtrim starting a small web design company an i wonder if any one here would rekon a good hosting company for hosting 10 to 15 websites per year based on linux?02:05
digitalvaldostadon't think that will work in BUSYBOX prompt02:06
|Anthony|klaxtr, i've enjoyed 1and102:06
DaemonicApathySmackbook: like these? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html02:06
klaxtrhow many site you host there??02:06
Nine_9klaxtr: generally, dreamhost is the most recommended.02:06
|Anthony|past tense: "enjoyed"02:06
loadidSmackbook: it's called an oscilloscope02:07
Smackbookloadid: even as a joke thats a stretch02:08
klaxtrNine_9: can you host many websites on linux02:08
digitalvaldosta*** Any ideas for starting the install for Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 from "Rescue a broken system" would be great. This is the only option that actually finds the RAID partitions that I need to repair the install on. ****02:09
loadiddigitalvaldosta: apt-get -f install02:09
ex0aklaxtr: if you sign up with amazon you can host micro instances for free for a year (usually run me around 1.5$ a month for bandwidth on low b/w stuff)02:09
digitalvaldostaloadid, are you saying to do this from Busybox?02:09
Nine_9klaxtr: depends on the plan i think, personally I use hostgator and the business plan is quite good and allow you to host as many sites as you want (unlimited)02:10
loadidyeah, try to get the install process to pick up where it left off02:10
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klaxtrex0a micro instances means what?02:10
Nine_9there are some technical limitations though, like only 64MB of ram guaranteed (although mine server always has >1GB)02:10
ex0alow resources02:10
ex0ago read up on it :P02:11
bazhang!ot | klaxtr02:11
ubottuklaxtr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:11
bazhangklaxtr, lets take chit chat elsewhere please02:11
DaemonicApathydigitalvaldosta: This is all I can find that *might* help you - http://blog.neolocus.com/2012/04/ubuntu-12-04-lts-and-soft-raid-with-mdadm/02:11
Nine_9klaxtr: http://dreamhost.com/servers/compare-our-products/02:12
Nine_9unlimited domains02:12
klaxtris it possible to use ubuntu one02:12
klaxtrok sorry02:12
bazhangNine_9, could we get back to ubuntu support please02:12
bazhangklaxtr, ask in #ubuntuone02:12
Nine_9bazhang: i was just helping the guy. sry02:13
klaxtrNine_9 thanx a lot02:13
Nine_9klaxtr: you're welcome02:13
klaxtrbazhang: simple question sorry02:13
ChrisPartridgeTo rephrase my earlier question, when i run "wkhtmltopdf www.google.com -" on one user, it outputs to stdout fine, when I run it under another user (both users created with adduser), i get an error that it cant write to stdout. Does anyone know where I can start troubleshooting this?02:14
svrnmnd I need some help with a multiboot usb..I made it using multisystem and there is a grub4dos a grub2 and a syslinux menu02:14
svrnmnd everything installs automatically and besides the windows 7 iso everything else installed on the grub2 menu ...How can I get the windows install iso to boot from the grub2 menu? these are the values under syslinux :02:14
svrnmnd MENU LABEL Windows install kernel chan.c32 hd0 1 ntldr=/bootmgr02:14
svrnmnd when I boot syslinux I get the argument02:14
svrnmnd boot:02:14
FloodBot1svrnmnd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
svrnmnd usage: chain.c32 (hd#:fd#:mbr:#) [partition]02:14
end_guysudo /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-remove xemacs21 fixed my problem :)02:15
end_guyForum post of similar problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12314505#post1231450502:16
k4r1mwould anyone have any idea why would git show modfications on a repo if I'm rsync'ing my repo from/to ubuntu/os x and vice versa?02:16
loadidsvrnmnd: add your windows boot string into /etc/default/grub.cfg02:16
svrnmndloadid: what would my windows boot string be?02:17
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digitalvaldostaloadid, that will fix broken packages. That's not my case. Thanks. DaemonicApathy, we have a RAID controller on the MB. The system runs but the guy that installed it must have done something strange, because it throws errors constantly when running anything via the cli. I managed to fix some of the errors by chmoding the directories that it mentions but I was hoping to use the installer to either replace the core system files (like a Windows XP repair i02:17
loadidlooks something like this set root='(hd0,msdos1)' svrnmnd02:19
DaemonicApathydigitalvaldosta: The RAID controller I referenced was to get the installer to recognize it, not the system itself.02:19
DaemonicApathy(The Ubuntu installer seems not to recognize RAID setups by default.)02:20
svrnmndloadid "hd0 1 ntldr=/bootmgr" is what I have in syslinux but how do I make that a menu option on my grub.cfg ..things are written differently02:21
loadidsvrnmnd: hd0 1 is usefull02:21
RxDxi have a netebook with a geforce 540m.. i installed ubuntu 12.10 and them bumblebee... works fine initially but after some reboots, when i try to log in appears a msg saying "running in a low graphic mode".. and I cant move the mouse.. is this a problem with nvidia-driver for optimus?02:22
loadidsvrnmnd: enter blkid in terminal02:23
loadidpastebin it02:23
dormitoI am trying to setup my .desktop file I have it set to execute  this command: /var/chroot/wine/wine explorer /desktop=SW:TOR,1000x614 "~/.wine/dosdevices/d:/games/Star Wars-The Old Republic/launcher.exe" A desktop is poped up, but only the blue background is shown(I have tried the command from the command prompt as well wit the same result). however if I cd to the directory of launcher.exe(which I checked to make sure is written correctly) and02:23
dormitothen run the command (sans the path preceeding launcher.exe) it works properly02:23
digitalvaldostaDaemonicApathy: I'll read further but the first sentence says Software RAID02:23
svrnmndloadid you know this is for a bootable usb right? not my computers startup?02:24
bazhangdormito, that would be an issue for checking in the appdb and joining #winehq02:24
bazhang!appdb | dormito02:24
ubottudormito: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:24
dormitobashanh: my appoligise, I had joined winehq, but neglected to make sure I was in the correct channel before posting02:25
loadidi don't think it will matter, i'm looking for the UUID of your windows partition02:25
loadidsvrnmnd: ^02:25
tsimpsondormito: you could write a simple wrapper script, put in in ~/bin for example, and cd to the directory before running the command. then just have the .desktop file execute that script instead02:25
FloodBot1univerz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
Zach_For some reason my flash player doesnt work. after about 10 min. my computer shuts down. i have a dell inspiron 1525 running 12.04 lts02:26
loadidhttp://pastebin.com/SHWBy357 svrnmnd02:26
svrnmndthere is no windows partition on my machine it is just blackbuntu , I used multisystem to unpack the windows iso onto the usb02:26
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dormitotsimpson: I would have tried that, but I know nothing of any scripting for ubuntu, how/where would I go to find out? (since I assume such documentation would be lengthy)02:27
loadidwell that changes everything02:27
svrnmndwhat do you need to know ?02:27
univerzPing Dormito !02:28
tsimpsondormito: you just write a plain text file starting with the line "#!/bin/sh", then write each command on each line, just as you would write them in the terminal. then just make the file executable with "chmod +x /the/text/file", and you're done02:28
svrnmndwhat you sent was actually what I am looking for : a way to add it to my grub2..I just think everyone keeps thinking there is a partition on my computer with it when it is an unpacked iso02:29
ner0xLooking to get the ChromeDriver installed, from what I understand chromium comes with it?02:29
loadidi don't know what your trying to do svrnmnd... add http://pastebin.com/SHWBy357 to your /boot/grub/grub.cfg and replace UUID02:29
fagioliubuntu gnome remix 12.10 is > *02:29
dormitotsimpson: thats a nice and elegant way to do it: thanks :)02:30
svrnmndthe uuid of my swap or ext4?02:30
svrnmndor of the usb?02:31
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eziowhat's the scriptfix command in ubuntu02:38
eziohow do i clean up script file junk02:43
satch5150hi all, im using ubuntu 12.04 server - is selinux enabled by default ?02:43
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eziothat's my awnser02:46
yeehiwhat is that nice program (gnome i think) that helps you take a screenshot and edit /highlight areas of the picture...02:47
lotuspsychjehowto rollback to an adobe flash that actually works and dont bug?02:47
lotuspsychje!info scrotch | yeehi02:48
ubottuyeehi: Package scrotch does not exist in quantal02:48
lotuspsychje!info scrot | yeehi02:49
ubottuyeehi: scrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB02:49
yeehioh, thank you lotuspsychje - i am sure i would remember a name like scrot - i think it was another one - it had a gui ...02:50
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, If you know what version of flash you want a search on the web would probably find it.02:51
xtingrayapt-cache search quazip <- somebody knows if this project will be part of the Ubuntu repositories soon?02:53
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wilee-nileelotuspsychje, YOu can't roll back persay, but you can remove the one there if you get a earlier version. sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer02:56
trism!info libquazip0-dev quantal | xtingray02:57
ubottuxtingray: libquazip0-dev (source: libquazip): C++ wrapper wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-1 (quantal), package size 24 kB, installed size 121 kB02:57
trismxtingray: it appears to be in 12.1002:57
xtingraytrism, as part of the default repository?02:58
fraggyhey, after upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10, apache now no longer starts, i get "...etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory"02:58
trismxtingray: yes it is in universe in 12.1002:58
xtingraytrism, great news! thanks! :)02:59
loadidis there such a directory fraggy?02:59
fraggyloadid, yes /etc/apache2/ exists, just not the httpd.conf file03:00
loadidso create one03:01
_underscoreHey guys, anybody checked catalyst 12.11beta with quantal? Is the xserver 1.13 clash issues still there?03:01
jarray52My speaker stopped working on my Ubuntu 10.04 install. Now, I don't have any sound. Any suggestions?03:02
loadidjarray52: reboot03:02
jarray52loadid: That doesn't fix the problem.03:03
tim`is there a fix for zeroc ice being broken on 12.10 ?03:03
tim`i am seeing this behavior https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeroc-ice/+bug/106754503:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1067545 in zeroc-ice (Ubuntu) "Ice C++ Applications not building under (K)Ubuntu 12.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:03
ESphynxHey guys... I'm getting a dependency error trying to install a 32 bit only package that depends on fonts-freefont-ttf ...03:03
loadidhave you changed anything since it's stopped working jarray52?03:03
ahmad_anyone know of the link for tutorial on how to enable keyboard backlit function keys for samsung series 9 np9003xa03:04
ESphynxIt won't seem to install because of the :i386 thing on freefont, but really the fonts should be architecture independent?03:04
jarray52I'm not sure. It stopped working a couple of weeks ago.03:04
loadidjarray52: type alsamixer in a console03:04
xrs1i fixed the issues im having with Bug #1068660. what should I do in launchpad to report that i don't need help with this bug anymore?03:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068660 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount USB Mass Storage Devices" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106866003:04
loadidare all the volumes turned up03:04
MestreLionGuys.. I really *LOVED* the Lucid 10.04  netbook launcher. It is a killer interface for a netbook. Is there any way to get it back in Precise 12.04? Or a similar one?03:05
jarray52loadid: I typed alsamixer and turned all volumes up.03:05
MestreLionAny direction on a similar interface, or how to port Lucid's netbook-launcher to Precise would be highly appreciated03:06
ESphynxMestreLion: I admit that was kinda nice!03:06
ESphynxMestreLion: much less horrible than Unity :P03:06
MestreLionESphynx: It was the very thing that made me switch from Windows... It felt perfect for a netbook03:07
jarray52loadid: All volumes are turned up.03:07
seredoes lts. 12.04 still use fstab to mount.. for some reason fluxbox does not mount my drives in pcmanfm but lxde does??03:07
MestreLionthere has to be a Precise port, or a similarly-looking package....03:07
loadiddoes your volume work jarray52?03:08
jarray52loadid: No03:08
loadidinstall pavucontrol03:08
jarray52pavucontrol is already the newest.03:08
MestreLionsere: Ubuntu 12.04 (and its derivatives) all use /etc/fstab... not sure about fluxbox, tho.. prolly not.. it's a very tiny distro03:08
loadidopen pavucontrol03:08
jarray52loadid: okay. It's opened.03:09
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loadidplay around in there and see if it turns on, maybe in the profiles section03:09
MestreLionSo.. no one has any info on a similarly-looking netbook-launcher for Precise 12.04 ? I really miss it03:10
digitalvaldostaWhats the difference between running LAMP from Ubuntu Desktop and Server?03:11
MestreLiondigitalvaldosta: I can't think of any, why?03:12
wilee-nileeMestreLion, I've not seen any notices on a return of it.03:12
fagioliubuntu gnome remix 12.10 would be best for netbook03:12
Jagst3r15i cannot install nvivida stable drivers03:13
MestreLionfagioli: "gnome remix" ? Never heard of it... Any URL?03:13
sereMestreLion,  i use lubuntu03:13
Jagst3r15this is what I see http://i.imgur.com/AurmP.png03:13
loadidtry another version Jagst3r15, maybe nvidia-9603:13
jarray52loadid: I opened pavucontrol and tried all the profile options under configuration.03:13
Jagst3r15how come I only see experimental03:13
MestreLionwilee-nilee: I'm sure it won't "come back", since canonical is promoting Unity. But is there a known port of it? or an alternative? Maybe a PPA?03:14
jarray52loadid: None of them help with audio.03:14
DaemonicApathyMestreLion: http://ugr.teampr0xy.net/ I believe.03:14
loadidnot sure what to say jarray5203:14
Jagst3r15loadid any idea03:14
MestreLionsere:  ad what does #ubuntu or lubuntu have to do with fluxbox?03:14
wilee-nileeMestreLion, Ubuntu has different OS in the works I believe I was just looking around I see nothing yet.03:14
loadid are there any hardware volume controls that need turned up jarray52?03:15
ahmad_quick question guys in bash, what is the best way to append text to a root owned file?03:15
jarray52They are turned up all the way.03:15
digitalvaldostaHave an Ubuntu Server install, with KDE installed, that is throwing errors for /home/"user"/somefiles and have been trying to get the server install disk to recognize my RAID with no luck (except from the "repair a broken system" option). Also the desktop version sees my raid also. I am needing this server to run LAMP for a PHP application for a customer.03:15
ahmad_i tried  sudo -su -c "echo 'hello' >> /temp/new.txt"03:15
ahmad_it works great, just wondering03:15
sereMestreLion,  on my netbook.....and nothing lol03:16
MestreLionDaemonicApathy: I'm taking a look, thanks :)03:16
Jagst3r15loadid should i download from official geforce.com site03:16
DaemonicApathyMestreLion: Any time. GIMF :-)03:16
loadidno Jagst3r15.. use the repositories03:16
narwalrusHello... a bit of a generic issue, but all of the other channels seem to be dead at the moment:03:17
sereMestreLion, my problem is not with fluxbox anyway... its with hal or something whatever it uses to automount the drives03:17
loadidsere.. fstab is used to mount drives03:17
MestreLionahmad_: best is to use sudo tee -a file > /dev/null03:17
MestreLionDaemonicApathy: GIMF?03:17
Jagst3r15loadid how come they experimental though?03:18
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DaemonicApathyGoogle Is My Friend </ot>03:18
loadidno official nvidia drivers for linux03:18
MestreLionohh lol03:18
loadidi don't know03:18
narwalrusI'm attemption to edit a launcher to function properly (A .desktop file) to run it from terminal I: "cd ../.../opt/nxengine ./nx"03:18
narwalrusThe launcher defaulted to a script (StartNX.sh)03:18
narwalrusBut I assume I could do this command from the .desktop file?03:19
narwalrusIn this case what would be the proper syntax from the aforemention terminal task?03:19
narwalrus(cd ../.../opt/nxengine ./nx)03:19
DaemonicApathynarwalrus: You can do any command you like from the .desktop file. Try making a new one (for messing around) that calls that script directly. See what happens.03:19
Jagst3r15loadid http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/5019603:20
MestreLionDaemonicApathy / fagioli : seems a nice project, but it has no word about the netbook launcher. It looks like a vanillla gnome-shell in 12.0403:20
ahmad_MestreLion, thank you i will try it out03:20
narwalrusOkay, so what would be the default .desktop command to run /bin/StartNX.sh?03:20
narwalrusI already overwrote it :3:03:21
narwalrusI assume I'll just go back to editing the .sh03:21
MestreLionahmad_: also, guys at #bash are really amazing for bash questions... true pros :)03:21
ESphynxguys, I have an explicit dependency to 'Depends: fonts-freefont-ttf' ... but installing the i386 package on a 64 bit system says fonts-freefont-ttf:i386 is not installable :( Any way I can force install ignoring the dependency?03:21
ahmad_MestreLion, awesome will check it out03:21
DaemonicApathynarwalrus: "cd /bin ; ./StartNX.sh"03:22
MestreLionnarwalrus: is StarNX.sh a script you wrote yourself?03:23
narwalrusNo, a script that doesn't/no longer works03:23
MestreLionDaemonicApathy: I'm not sure you can use that syntax in a .desktop file03:23
DaemonicApathynarwalrus: If it starts editing it by default, you may need to make the script executable.03:23
narwalrusNo, I'm using vi03:23
MestreLionnarwalrus: I wonder where it came from, because it has several issues: A) should not be in /bin B) should not use Caps C) should not have .sh suffix03:24
narwalrusThis is a mobile device, root directory is locked unless you use command line03:24
DaemonicApathyYou may be right, MestreLion. I rely too much on scripts themselves, and tend to forget the differences with .desktop03:24
narwalrusThat may be relevent, the device channel is dead atm03:24
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narwalrusSo I have a desktop file I need to link to a shell file that should run "cd ../.../opt/nxengine ./nx"03:25
narwalrusJust to be clear03:25
Jagst3r15ill just use the Nouveau drivers03:25
Jagst3r15i cant figure this out03:25
MestreLionnarwalrus: a script that requires cd? ewwww03:25
narwalrusNot necessarily; that's just how I get the program to run from shell03:26
shihananyone know why ubuntu's libvirt starts vms with a seemingly random uid?03:26
narwalrusSo I effectively wish to automate that so it starts from the .desktop file03:26
cowsquadis there any way to make windows in ubuntu 12.10 have the menu bar on the actual windows?03:28
cowsquadnot the one by the dash03:28
narwalrusSwitch to KDE03:28
narwalrusI kid..03:28
elesbbHey guys, just upgraded to ubuntu 12 from 11 CLEAN install.03:29
MestreLionnarwalrus: well, my suggestion is: 1) create a wrapper script that do exactly what you need/want: cd, parameters, etc. 2) save it as ~/bin/myscript (yes, in your $HOME), 3) make it executable 4) logout and log in 4) the .desktop line would be simply Exec=myscript03:29
elesbbmy brightness settings dont work, and my wifi never connects again after sleep mode.03:29
trismcowsquad: for individual apps: UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= command; still works, otherwise you're probably still uninstalling the appmenu stuff03:29
MestreLioncowsquad: remove appmenu package03:29
narwalrusSounds simple enough.. any issues with naming it .myscript?03:29
narwalrusAs to hide it03:29
elesbbi remember having to edit something to get it to work but forgot what that something was03:29
MestreLionnarwalrus: don't hide executables03:30
cowsquadtrism do i add the command to my bahsrc, or where to I input that03:30
narwalrusBut it's a phone, and it makes the home directory look ugly, and it will never be updated03:30
MestreLionits really bad practice. If you want it out-of-sight, install it to /usr/local/bin/myscript03:30
MestreLionwait.. a phone?03:30
MestreLionrunning #ubuntu ?03:30
narwalrusNope, this channel is the only one that isn't dead right now03:31
ahmad_can anyone please tell me how to scroll back up on ubuntu server 12.10      right ctrl + shift up is not working...03:31
narwalrusIt's debian based though03:31
narwalrusSo close enough03:31
MestreLionnarwalrus: but what OS is this phone running?03:31
shihanahmad_,shift-page up usually works for me03:31
narwalrusNokia N900; Maemo 5 based on Debian/BusyBox03:31
MestreLionnarwalrus: debian is very different from ubuntu... specially regarling default dirs in $PATH.. for example, my ~/bin trick would not work by default in debian03:32
MestreLionand BusyBox is a totally different beast03:32
trismcowsquad: before you run a gui app, you can use a shell script...for instance my google-chrome has: export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 before running google-chrome since the bookmarks menu can kind of lag and it isn't necessary anyway03:32
silentmystOk so, I have a stupid question I suppose.... I get what the "cut -d: -f1" command DOES, but I don't fully under stand HOW or WHY the syntax works. Can anyone seriously elaborate on this for me please?03:33
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narwalrusWhat would you recommend then?03:33
MestreLionsilentmyst: have you tried "man cut" ?03:34
narwalrusPlacing the script in a nice place sounds straighforward03:34
silentmystfor example  - cat /etc/passwd | grep /home | cut -d: -f103:34
MestreLionnarwalrus: the problem is "nice place" depends a lot in the distro...03:34
tsimpsonsilentmyst: have you looked at "man cut"?03:34
MestreLionsilentmyst: run "man cut", and try to find out... come back if you still don't understand03:34
cowsquadmastrelion, whick appmenu03:34
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cowsquadthere are like 303:35
silentmysti have tsimpson, just it removes sections from the file lines - but where does the "d: -f1" come from?03:35
ESphynxis there a dev Ubuntu channel? :|03:35
MestreLionESphynx: read the topic ;)03:35
tsimpsonsilentmyst: -d specifies the delimiter, -f specifies the field number (fields are separated by the delimiter03:35
MestreLiontsimpson: I doubt he reall read it03:35
cowsquadappmenu-gtk and gtk303:35
silentmystok... suppose i need to be educated on what a delimiter is to get it03:36
MestreLioncowsquad: remove the ones that are installed03:36
narwalrusSo pwd from a new terminal gives me /home/user, as with blank "cd" bringing me there03:36
tsimpsonsilentmyst: the delimiter is the character that separates fields, in the above command you set it to a colon character03:37
snarksilentmyst, you might like this    http://www.linuxintheshell.org/2012/03/28/episode-003-cut/03:37
MestreLionsilentmyst: a delimiter is a character that you specify... to be used as a field delimiter. A "separator" -d: means "break the string using ':' as a separator", and -f1 means ".. and get the 1st field"03:37
SuperMiguelbesides md0 what other name can i use for mdadm arrays?03:37
MestreLionESphynx: #ubuntu-dev03:38
narwalrusAlso to get proper help as the channel for the phone is predominantly europeon therefor offline for the next 3-4 hours, would debian or busybox be a good channel to go to?03:38
silentmysti "think" i get it - sooooo when for example it breaks it down to xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxx each listing after : is a field, and your telling it which field to display?03:39
MestreLionnarwalrus: if your phone uses Maemo, I would try #maemo03:39
MestreLionnarwalrus: the phone itself is irrelevant.. what matter is the specific distro it runs03:39
snarkto cut03:39
MestreLionsilentmyst: exactly03:39
tsimpsonsilentmyst: each entry separated by :, including the first one03:39
wormSerious problem. I installed kubuntu-netbook in a newly installed ubuntu 12.10, then all of my windows are in KDE style. see the screenshot: http://imagebin.org/233045 How can I change it back to gnome style?03:39
narwalrusIt's essentially dead right now as I said, I meant the maemo channel not the n900 channel excuse me03:39
silentmystok, thank you guys - seriously a big help03:39
WeThePeoplei transfered data to ubuntu from windows and deleted the data on windows.. i booted back into windows and the windows dosent recognize i deleted the data.. whats goin on??03:40
MestreLionworm: that's exactly what installing kubuntu is for.03:40
MestreLionnarwalrus: well, we could try to help you, but there's no way our help will be useful in a mamemo, specially if it uses Busybox03:41
MestreLionWeThePeople: more info about how you trnasfered and deleted would help03:41
wormMestreLion: But when I was still in 12.04 or earlier, those two desktop environments are not like this. In gnome, all of the windows are shown in Gnome style, and in KDE, all the windows are shown in KDE style.03:42
digitalvaldostaROCK OUT WITH meh COCK out03:42
xanguaworkcjk: just change the gtk theme03:43
wormEven the firefox is in KDE style. Terrible. Then I tried to purge the kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-netbook, but nothing happened.03:43
ESphynxthanks MestreLion03:43
ESphynxno one there MestreLion :P03:43
jarray52When I run nmap, I see that some service is running on port 2049(tcp). How do I determine what process is running on that port?03:43
xanguaworm: uninstalling kubuntu-desktop won't remove kde, is just a metapackage03:44
WeThePeoplemestrelion, i was in ubuntu when i transfered the data to the ubuntu partition from the windows partition.. after the data transfer was complete i (still in ubuntu) i deleted the data from the windows partition. then i booted into windows and check to see the hdd space and it didnt recognize that i had deleted the data.03:44
wormxangua: I know, but then apt-get autoremove doesn't help also.03:45
xanguaworm: have you already tried to change the gtk theme¿03:45
tsimpsonjarray52: "sudo netstat -lnp" will list all processes listening on network sockets, just look for :2049 (you may want to pipe the output through less or grep)03:45
MestreLionWeThePeople: have you emptied the trash?03:45
adoilyMestreLion: where u from ?03:46
WeThePeoplemestrelion, the recycle bin is empty03:46
MestreLionadoily: Rio, why?03:46
adoilyMestreLion: sp03:46
MestreLionnice :)03:46
wormChanged in tweak tools. screenshot: http://imagebin.org/23304803:47
xangua!puregnome | worm: if you wish to remove all kde, neither uninstalling a metapackage or runing autoremove will do it03:47
ubottuworm: if you wish to remove all kde, neither uninstalling a metapackage or runing autoremove will do it: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome03:47
virusWeThePeople: windows troll you again and again and again ....03:47
MestreLionWeThePeople: and, in Ubuntu, does it look like the data from windows partition is deleted?03:47
wormxangua, but that still don't work.03:47
xanguaworm: the puregnome¿03:48
narwalrusWell just on standard..03:48
wormxangua: I mean, change GTK+ don't work. Thanks I am gonna remove the kubuntu.03:48
narwalrusHow do I in an exec: statement run a .sh?03:48
WeThePeoplemestrelion, yes03:49
narwalrusI think it was previously: exec:"sudo /bin/StartNX.sh" ... logical?03:49
MestreLionnarwalrus: exec in a .desktop file?03:49
jarray52tsimpson: Thanks.03:49
WeThePeoplemestreloin,  the hdd says i have 280 some mb left on the hdd, but i transfered over a gig and deleted over a gig of data03:49
MestreLionnarwalrus: nope... it should be gksudo instead of sudo03:49
narwalrusThe shell script launches the program, the .desktop launches the shell script03:50
wormxangua: But the newest version of ubuntu listed there is just 11.10. Wish it works with 12.10.03:50
narwalrusand how do I just test my .sh files via terminal?03:50
narwalruschmod +x;              ./file.sh03:51
MestreLionnarwalrus: just... type their name (with full path) and hit ENTER :)03:51
narwalrusAh okay03:51
MestreLionyes... but chmod only once03:51
xanguaworm: there you go ;) http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu03:51
MestreLionnarwalrus: and... avoid naming your executable files .sh03:51
wormxangua: Thanks a lot.03:51
MestreLionnarwalrus: they are executables, regardless if they are shell scripts, C++ binaries or python scripts03:52
MestreLionnarwalrus: the same way in windows you name all executables .exe regardless of the language they are written03:53
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snarkMestreLion, why avoid naming scripts   .sh  ?03:55
MestreLionsnark: in windows, do you call executables "firefox.vcnet" ? or "utorrent.vbasic" ?03:56
MestreLionsnark: executables are executables. Their language is irrelevant03:57
MestreLionyou don't want to rename an executable if, later, you change a bash script to a python script03:57
snarkMestreLion, sorry my misunderstanding  windows you were saying about03:58
CoopDot^^anybody here smart enough to know about VLANs in DDWRT router03:58
MestreLionsnark: the same goes for Linux: in linux, executables don't have extensions03:58
snarkMestreLion, they do now!03:58
MestreLionCoopDot^^: I'm sure there are smart folks in #dd-wrt03:58
CoopDot^^i  cannot type in that room03:59
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MestreLionsnark: no, they don't03:59
narwalrusOkay so my shell script is working now... :D03:59
narwalrusBut my desktop file is not.03:59
digitalvaldostaAnyone know how to keep teamviewer running or maybe a script to restart from webmin?03:59
cyclobshi guys, need a little help with smtp authing on postfix, courier and mysql04:00
snarkMestreLion, what about .so lib files?04:00
MestreLiondigitalvaldosta: you sure you don't want to use vnc or even rcp ?04:00
MestreLionsnark: those are not executables, they are shared libraries04:00
MestreLionequivalent of window's DLL, not EXE04:00
spupuser2any puppy guy here?04:00
yeehiHey! I would like a GUI that would help me find lost files on a partition - i reinstalled GNU/Linux and there weren't any files left in my home partition04:01
digitalvaldostaWould prefer to use Logmein as the company I work for has all of our customers on it. but no support for that as far as I know04:01
MestreLionnarwalrus: ./myscript will only work if you are in the same dir as the myscript. This is true for your terminal session, but may be not true for .desktop files. I have no idea of default dir in a maemo session04:02
narwalrusThanks sooooo much for the help!04:02
narwalrusIt's fully working now!04:02
narwalrusI needed to chmod +x both of them04:02
MestreLionnarwalrus: of course04:02
narwalrusTotally spaced out that I'd need to after my vi edits04:02
MestreLionactually, not really... in Ubuntu you don't need to chmod .desktop files04:02
digitalvaldostaI had created a script that I ran from webmin to start teamviewer.exe but it wouldnt actually start the program so that I could remote in. :-(04:03
narwalrusNonetheless I wouldn't have though of it but it worked... lol04:03
digitalvaldostaMestreLion: never could get VLC to work.04:03
MestreLiondigitalvaldosta: vnc or rcp are your friends :)04:03
DaemonicApathynarwalrus: I told you that almost an hour ago. -_-04:03
MestreLionand VLC is a video player04:03
MestreLiona great one, btw :P04:04
narwalrusHey, don't blame me, it's my brain. It's the stupid one.04:04
CoopDot^^anybody here smart enough to know about VLANs in DDWRT router04:04
MestreLionDaemonicApathy: in ubuntu they don't need to be +x'ed04:04
narwalrusBy the way.. just had 5 terminals open on a phone..  o_004:04
MestreLionCoopDot^^: how is that even remotely related to ubuntu?04:04
yeehiHello! Please help me - i need a GUI04:05
MestreLionCoopDot^^: have you noticed you are in #ubuntu?04:05
yeehia GUI for finding files on a partition04:05
CoopDot^^what room should i go then04:05
digitalvaldostaMestreLion: wouldn't you have to be in the same network?04:06
MestreLionyeehi: gnome-search-tool04:06
yeehibut the files aren't in nautilus - they were there on the previous installation though04:06
MestreLiondigitalvaldosta: not if you configure you router appropriately04:06
yeehithanks MestreLion - will that help me find images of files on a partition?04:06
MestreLionimages of files?04:06
cyclobsanyway, i'm having issues with postfix dropping my domain names when it tries to authenticate SMTP to send e-mails.. any reason why it would be doing this?04:07
MestreLionCoopDot^^: no idea. maybe dd-wrt website has any directions?04:07
aguaditogod, ubuntu won't stop fucking crashing. worse than windows04:09
bazhangaguadito, no cursing here04:09
xrs1then spend $200 and buy windows so you can bitch at them04:09
MestreLiondigitalvaldosta: teamview is a proprietary windows app, packaged to linux with a built-in wine... So I would not consider it for a production environment04:09
MestreLionaguadito: If I were you, I would request my money back. Full refund04:09
aguaditoi'ts just ridiculous, ubuntu can't handle java and flash worth a shit04:10
aguaditomy win7 partition crashes less, freebsd crashes almost none but thats because of how i use it, and ubuntu crashes the most04:10
cyclobslol flash04:10
xrs1sounds like a personal problem to be honest04:10
MestreLionaguadito: that's very true. Go to the store where you bought it and claim your full refund04:10
bazhangMestreLion, thats not helpful04:10
MestreLionbazhang: there's a better way to handle trollers?04:11
bazhangMestreLion, just dont respond. lets move on04:11
furiousscissorshello all, is there anyone that has experience using dual monitors with a laptop and an nvidia chipset?04:11
WeThePeoplemestrelion, i had to boot back into ubuntu and delete the trash from there.. thanks04:11
MestreLionWeThePeople: like I told you ;)04:11
ESphynxbazhang, MestreLion: I see that as a valid unsatisfied user.04:11
MestreLionESphynx: no one is forced to use ubuntu... zillion other distros out there04:12
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[_-S1L3NC3-_]How to I set up identD ?04:12
WeThePeoplemestrelion, i thought you meant windows.. did not connect when you used the word trash.. lol04:12
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bazhang[_-S1L3NC3-_], why do you need it04:12
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xrs1i havent had any issues with java or flash yet.04:13
MestreLion[_-S1L3NC3-_]: search for identd in software center... there're a few packages.. but, imho, if that's only for IRC, I wouldn't bother about it04:13
hazardous[_-S1L3NC3-_]: apt-get install oidentd?04:13
[_-S1L3NC3-_]for a serrver that rquires it04:13
FuriousScissorscrickets ... would that be a question for the x server folks?04:13
ESphynxMestreLion: sadly, Ubuntu is still one of the best.04:14
MestreLion[_-S1L3NC3-_]: and, personally, any irc server that requires identd is not worth using, seriously04:14
WeThePeoplefuriousscissors, whats the issue04:14
[_-S1L3NC3-_]reguardless of opinions it's needed04:14
IdleOnePersonal opinions on what application should or should not be used are not helpful.04:15
MestreLion[_-S1L3NC3-_]: check wikipedia's article on ident to know why it's a fundamentally flawed "security" method... and why no decent irc server requires it04:15
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it's not a popular IRC server04:15
IdleOne[_-S1L3NC3-_]: oidentd will work for what you need it for.04:15
[_-S1L3NC3-_]but it's one i visit04:15
MestreLionIdleOne: I disagree. Sometimes one may *think* a given software is the best (or only) solution for his problem, but it may turns out there is a better approach04:16
MestreLionI also provided the solution he asked for, mentioning "identd" in software center04:17
cyclobsso i guess no one has any idea on my issue?04:17
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: XChat locked, sorry04:17
WeThePeoplecyclobs, whats the issue?04:18
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: I configured a second monitor, it works just fine. I reboot my laptop without the second monitor plugged in and my mouse is confined to the y-axis only on the far left side of the window04:19
cyclobsi'm having trouble getting postfix to auth my SMTP against my mysql. It appears to be dropping my domain name on the user when it submits the sql query.. but i can't find a reason why it should be doing that04:19
MestreLionFuriousScissors: ubuntu 12.04 ?04:20
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Yes, 12.04 Desktop04:20
cyclobsoh not me >.<04:20
WeThePeoplefurioussciccors, i take it this happened after you installed the software for the dual monitors04:20
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: It happened when I configured the second monitor04:20
IdleOne!10.10 | cyclobs04:20
ubottucyclobs: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.04:20
snarkFuriousScissors, is the far left side of the window   where the second monitor is ?04:20
MestreLionFuriousScissors: have you tried opening the Displays (via dash) ? can you post a screenshot of it?04:21
IdleOnecyclobs: 10.10 is no longer supported.04:21
WeThePeoplecyclobs, matbe #networking may have a answer04:21
FuriousScissorssnark: The second monitor is at home while i travel with my laptop04:21
cyclobsokay i'll check with them, thanks WeThePeople04:21
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Sure, I can do that. Btw, I should also mention that I am using Cinnamon04:21
MestreLionFuriousScissors: cinnamon may work very differently from ubuntu regarding dual-monitor setup. have you tried the Mint folks?04:22
MestreLionFuriousScissors: also... how did you configure it? using proprietary drivers or the vanilla "displays" window in system settings?04:23
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Not yet. This is an issue at the login screen, before I can even access the desktop. If this is not an ubuntu related issue, I will try the Mint support04:23
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Using the nvidia-settings gui04:23
MestreLionFuriousScissors: but are you using mint or ubuntu? they use different login screens... ubuntu uses lightdm and mint uses mdm04:24
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Ubuntu04:24
WeThePeoplecyclobs, fyi #postfix, #postfixadmin04:24
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: with the Cinnamon Interface04:24
cyclobsoh cool they might help even more04:24
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: I should also note that my displays are not being detected correctly with the default Display app, I can screen shot that ... 1 sec04:25
WeThePeoplefuriousscissors, what app did you install for the dual setup?04:26
MestreLionWeThePeople: nvidia-settings gui04:26
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: http://i.imgur.com/ML3sX.png04:27
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: Default ubuntu nvidia drivers04:27
MestreLionFuriousScissors: you disabled the wrong monitor04:27
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Huh? This is how it showed up by default. The Current enabled monitor is the main laptop display.04:29
MestreLionFuriousScissors: and is it 1600x900? and larger than the stand alone 2nd monitor?04:30
WeThePeoplefuriousscissors, have you enabled the other 'monitor' in the gui to see if it would work?04:31
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Both monitors are 1600x90004:31
snarkFuriousScissors, just removethe second monitor till you get back home04:32
snarkFuriousScissors, to see if that helps your mouse issue04:33
FuriousScissorssnark, WeThePeople, MestreLion: wow ... ok, let me back up for a second. I've been able to enable and use the second monitor just fine. Suppose I've decided to go to a coffee shop without the second monitor ... ok. I boot up Ubuntu and I cant move the mouse beyond the Y axis of the window. To fix this, I have to connect the second monitor and disable it. Then it works just fine. Is there any documented issues regarding this in conjunction with a04:35
FuriousScissorsn NVIDIA based laptop.04:35
MestreLionFuriousScissors: i don't use nvidia here, but maybe googling may show if this is a known issue. Have you tried using the open--source drivers, just to test?04:37
snarkFuriousScissors, thats what I was trying to say to you earlier04:37
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: I have not installed the opensource drivers yet ... I might give that a try.04:37
FuriousScissorssnark: Ah, ok.04:37
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: If that does not help i might put together a ticket to fully document this using the standard unity interface.04:38
FuriousScissorsMestreLion, snark, WeThePeople: Thank-you for helping. It looks like i need to do some more research into this. :)04:39
MestreLionFuriousScissors: good luck opening a ticket against a proprietary binary driver :(04:39
snarkFuriousScissors, Ive had the same problem before (and thats how I fixed it and I dont think its a driver issue as I was using ubuntu drivers04:39
WeThePeoplefuriousscissors, i would look for a new piece of software to handle the issue04:39
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: yea, thats the unfortunate side effect of proprietary drivers. I was looking into the open-source version of the driver a while back ... couple years ago ... and the driver was fine but it didn't support all of the features I wanted. Since this is just a basic dev box I might reconsider it.04:42
WeThePeoplefuriousscissors, http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/2012-10/msg26702.html04:42
patrick99e99hi guys..  I am kind of new to installing stuff on ubuntu..  I have an older version of imagemagick that I am trying to install, and I ran configure, and it output a list of options04:43
FuriousScissorsWeThePeople: o.O Interesting ... thank-you very much04:43
patrick99e99RSVG              --with-rsvg=yes     no04:43
patrick99e99I assume the no means I don't have it intalled ?04:43
MestreLionFuriousScissors: feature-wise the open source is great... also stability and integration. the major issue is performance. But if you don't care about 3d games, the open source ones may suit you fine04:44
MestreLionit's worth trying at least for debbuging04:45
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: It looks like its not a driver issue ... i suspected this ... its an issue with ... sticky edges and disabled monitors.04:46
WeThePeoplepatrick99e99, http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#unix04:47
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Sticky edges for some people .. but ultimately an issue with xorg04:47
patrick99e99WeThePeople: I need to install
MestreLionhumm, interesting FuriousScissors04:47
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/990904, this is from the link WeThePeople found04:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Dual monitor problem after upgrade to 12.04 " [Undecided,Confirmed]04:48
MestreLionFuriousScissors: I use sticky and I have a dual-monitor setup, and I also enable and disable one of them all the time.. never had an issue... maybe its nvidia-only?04:48
FuriousScissorsMestreLion: Dunno, i'll still try the open source drivers ...04:49
WeThePeoplepatrick99e99, what version of ubuntu you on04:49
cowbudcan I easily upgrade from natty to precise or do I need to first go to oneiric?04:49
patrick99e99WeThePeople: 12.0404:50
MestreLioncowbud: oneiric then precise04:51
WeThePeoplepatrick99e99, is it a tar.gz ?04:52
MestreLioncowbud: only exception are LTS release, like Lucid04:52
patrick99e99WeThePeople: https://gist.github.com/621b881ab1f04a9385ec04:53
patrick99e99WeThePeople: I untarred it.. ran ./configure on it04:53
patrick99e99that's the output I got04:53
patrick99e99this is a fresh VM install of ubuntu04:53
patrick99e99so I assume I need to install all the dependencies.. but I am just not sure how to do that?04:53
patrick99e99like .. how do I know what I need to install prior to installing imagemagick?04:53
cowbudapt-get build-dep imagemagick04:54
WeThePeoplecowbud, deb ??04:54
patrick99e99ahhhhh thanks cowbud.. thats what I was looking for04:54
cowbudWeThePeople: full sentence?04:54
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MestreLionpatrick99e99: you said imagemagick ?04:57
MestreLionpatrick99e99: if you sure the one available in precise is not enough for you, it may be easier to install the quantal's version of it instead of using the upstream .tar.gz04:59
MestreLionpatrick99e99: backporting a source package already provided in ubuntu is usually much easier (and 'safer', in  a way) than using vanilla's upstream05:02
patrick99e99should I be concerned at all about a bunch of rsvg deprecated warnings?  I assume because the apt-get dep got all the current dependencies for imagemagick05:06
patrick99e99rather than getting the dependencies that were current back when 6.7.5 was the latest and greatest...05:07
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MestreLionpatrick99e99: read my suggestions above05:08
patrick99e99MestreLion: what does "backporting" and "vanilla stream" mean?05:09
ahmad_hey guys, can anyone please tell me how to scroll up on output inside virtualbox 4.2.2 on ubuntu 12.10 server 64-bit?   ctrl + left shift + up is not working !05:09
MestreLionpatrick99e99: theres imagemagick for ubuntu 12.04 in the software center. You said you need a more recent version, correct?05:11
MestreLionahmad_: change your HOST key from Left-CTRL to another key05:12
patrick99e99MestreLion: well, there were some changes recently that affect the way graphics are rendered.. Not sure what version that happened on..  But I know 6.7.5-7 was the previous version I had installed where everything was "right"05:12
MestreLionahmad_: or try using the the other ctrl05:12
MestreLionpatrick99e99: and how did you have 6.7 in 12.04? It is not available "by default" in software center05:13
patrick99e99MestreLion: I had 6.7 on mac os x05:13
MestreLionoh, ok05:13
MestreLionWell, you have 2 choices: either use the upstream source (upstream = downloaded from developer website), OR you can use a version that is packaged to a newer ubuntu release, like the one from Quantal 12.1005:14
MestreLionwhich is
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bassnawould anybody be able to help me get projectm to install correct?05:15
ahmad_MestreLion, i was just thinking that :005:15
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok.. well I just finished this manual install of 6.7.5-- it seems to be working..05:15
patrick99e99but I am going to test it..05:15
MestreLionahmad_: I have mine set up as right-alt... rarely interferes with anything05:15
ahmad_if you remember MestreLion what is the path to change that?05:16
MestreLionpatrick99e99: it is usually better to install the ubuntu version of any software... there are less issues05:16
zymasterHey quick question. I have an Alienware M14x with Ubuntu. Whenever I try to put some sound on my laptop speakers, the sound makes a little staticy sound every few seconds at an almost exact rhythmic pulse but only when Im trying to use my speakers.05:17
ahmad_nvm got it05:17
zymasterAny ideas for fix05:17
MestreLionahmad_: File > Preferences > Input05:17
lotuspsychjeany known issues on 12.10 usb install freezing before partioning screen?05:18
zymasterone sec im going to try reboot05:18
patrick99e99MestreLion: hmmmmmmm.. "No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2614."05:19
patrick99e99MestreLion: so how do I install ?05:19
MestreLionpatrick99e99: and it's also easier. here's how: dget --build http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imagemagick/imagemagick_6.7.7.10-2ubuntu4.dsc05:19
patrick99e99MestreLion: should I do a clean install of this VM again?  Since I already installed stuff?05:20
patrick99e99or does it not matter?05:20
ahmad_MestreLion, its still not working :|05:20
MestreLionpatrick99e99: do that in a new, empty directory, just in case05:20
ahmad_oh crappy me let me restart machine first05:21
MestreLionpatrick99e99: no need. software you install using "./configure && make && sudo make install" go to a different place05:21
MestreLionbut you do need to uninstall the version you compiled05:21
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok cool..  im installing the dget stuff first05:21
chendo_is there a way to easily get mysql 5.1.x on 12.04 without having to resort to compiling from source?05:22
ahmad_ahh hell, it wasn't that i needed to restart machine, when i change host key to right alt i cant click OK so i cant save05:22
patrick99e99MestreLion: uh oh... dscverify: imagemagick_6.7.7.10-2ubuntu4.dsc failed signature check:05:22
ahmad_when i close the dialog its back to right ctrl, any ideas?05:23
patrick99e99MestreLion: gpg: keyblock resource `/home/vagrant/.gnupg/secring.gpg': file open error05:23
patrick99e99gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found05:23
MestreLionpatrick99e99: try adding -us -uc05:23
bretoliusIs anyone aware of the modem manager error on shutdown?   It says it catches signal 15 or something?05:23
MestreLionpatrick99e99: dget -us -uc --build http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imagemagick/imagemagick_6.7.7.10-2ubuntu4.dsc05:23
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patrick99e99it says "unknown option s and c"05:24
ahmad_it says "The value of the host field on the Proxy page is not complete"05:24
MestreLionpatrick99e99: this is expected. but it did download 3 files and created a new subdir with the source, correct?05:25
patrick99e99well no subdir05:25
wilee-nileebretolius, If your OS is runnimg fine I would ignore the start and stop code.05:25
patrick99e99ive got two .bz2 and a .dsc05:25
MestreLionpatrick99e99: (this error, if you are curious, happens because to build a proper source package, you need to sign it with your personal Gpg key... but you don't have created any personal key yet)05:26
ahmad_ahh got it working :) both proxy host and port set to 005:26
patrick99e99should I create a key?05:26
MestreLionpatrick99e99: you could create a key, or you can ask dget not to sign your package05:26
MestreLionlet me check how05:27
patrick99e99MestreLion: I am open to either way.05:27
MestreLionpatrick99e99: -u05:27
Seven_Six_TwoI can't figure out why my webserver isn't accessible outside my own network. I am trying to set up openvpn, and didn't touch apache205:27
Seven_Six_Twowww has been working perfectly for months.05:28
ahmad_good gawd, even with right alt set its not letting me scroll up to see previously output text05:28
wtf911is there anyone here who wouldn't mind helping a noob setup reverse dns for either an ipv4 or ipv6? i have bind any a domain...i can't figure out setting this named.conf and stuff05:28
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok.. its doing its thing05:28
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok now there is a subdirectory with the code05:29
patrick99e99do I just do configure, install, make install now ?05:29
MestreLionit already build a .DEB for you, didn't it?05:29
patrick99e99MestreLion: how do I know?05:30
MestreLionerr... ls ? :P05:30
Seven_Six_Twocan anyone else get a webpage from me? http://dotcadot.ca  I even DMZ my server...dangit05:30
patrick99e99MestreLion: I've got imagemagick- (dir), then 2 .bz2 and a .dsc05:30
MestreLionpatrick99e99: can you paste the output? Usually dget -u --build URL.dsc aleady builds a .deb file ready to be installed if you double-click it05:31
patrick99e99sure hold on05:32
patrick99e99I didn't even read the output!!!05:32
patrick99e99dpkg-buildpackage: warning: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.05:32
patrick99e99dpkg-buildpackage: warning: (Use -d flag to override.)05:32
patrick99e99I guess I should do -u -d then ?05:32
zymasterOk I am back anything google said to do did not help nor did reboot.05:32
wilee-nileeSeven_Six_Two, THat address does not complete here.05:32
MestreLionhumm... have you already run sudo apt-get build-dep imagemagick ?05:33
zymasternow I need some help05:33
Scott_SWhat was the issue, zymaster?05:33
patrick99e99-d made no difference...05:33
wubinocan I write a bash function thats arguments will not get written to the bash history?05:33
MestreLionpatrick99e99:  check the previous line, the one that lists the dependencies05:33
patrick99e99dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: fftw3-dev liblcms2-dev libtiff5-dev liblzma-dev05:33
MestreLiontry installing them05:34
MestreLionif this does not work, it means Quantal's version of imagemagick uses libs that are in different packages (or versions) than PRecise05:35
patrick99e99so apt-get install fftw3-dev ?05:35
ahmad_MestreLion, any ideas? i changed screen capture to right alt even then ctrl + shift + up is not working05:35
MestreLionapt-get install fftw3-dev liblcms2-dev libtiff5-dev liblzma-dev05:35
Scott_S^ Beat me to it.05:35
MestreLionahmad_: screen capture? you mean the host key?05:36
soc42hi #ubuntu05:36
Scott_SHello, soc42. What can we help you with today?05:36
ahmad_MestreLion, yes05:36
soc42i did a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 in a vmware box and now i wonder how to install the vmware tools...05:37
MestreLionno idea ahmad_ . is 3D enabled (not sure if required)05:37
klaxtris there a way to autohide the panle on top of the screen???05:37
MestreLionsoc42: which is the host OS ?05:37
Scott_Ssoc42: sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools05:37
soc42hi Scott_S thanks for this friendly welcome or are you kind of annoyed?05:37
Scott_Ssoc42: I'm not annoyed at all. :) Just a friendly greeting.05:37
wilee-nileeklaxtr, unity?05:38
patrick99e99MestreLion: so...  I installed all of them except one.. because apparently I can't install it..libtiff5-dev05:38
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soc42currently the host os is mac os05:38
patrick99e99"Package libtiff5-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package."05:38
zymasteranyone have any idea what would solve? thx if you can help this is very frystrating. if you guys missed what my problem was I have an alienware m14x and every time I try to play some sound, my speakers just start making this clicking noise and Itried all of the power save settings others have suggested05:38
ahmad_MestreLion, i got it on my ultrabook its set to function key + shift + page up05:39
johnjacobjingerhzymaster did it just start happening?05:39
wilee-nileeklaxtr, There is one for the gnome-shell that works up to 12.0405:39
Scott_Szymaster: Have you checked your sound settings to ensure that you have selected the appropriate output?05:39
MestreLionpatrick99e99: then unfortunately the dependencies changed from quantal to precise. you may try to do a dget with quantal's libtiff5-dev05:39
soc42Scott_S: thank you very much! i really prefer beeing friendly at all05:39
johnjacobjingerhzymaster: did u update recently05:39
ahmad_MestreLion, thank you :)05:39
Scott_Ssoc42: You are very welcome, I am glad it worked.05:39
johnjacobjingerhsame thing happened to me05:39
patrick99e99MestreLion: how does one do that?05:39
klaxtryes unity05:39
zymasterjohnjacobjingerh: yep05:39
Scott_Spatrick99e99: If you are unable to install the package via apt-get, it is possible to download the source and do a "make && make install"05:39
johnjacobjingerhyep same thing happened to me after last update on my M16x05:39
johnjacobjingerhi reinstalled ubuntu and never did the update05:39
localg0dI accidentally copied a file to my root folder and then back out of the root folder and now the files won't show up ..05:39
johnjacobjingerhproblem solved05:40
patrick99e99Scott_S: the libtiff5-dev package you mean?05:40
johnjacobjingerhi dunno what update caused it tho05:40
Scott_Spatrick99e99: That is correct.05:40
zymasterScott_S: I am on the right output05:40
MestreLionpatrick99e99: the same way you did with imagemagick itself...  go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/, search for it, dget its .dsc file, etc etc05:40
localg0dcan someone please help me get ownership back of my files an the folder ? like chown or sudo chown ? how do i do it again ?05:40
johnjacobjingerhchmod localg0d05:40
Scott_Szymaster: That's very odd... It's possible that the device drivers are not installed. Do you know what sound board your laptop uses?05:40
johnjacobjingerhoh wait05:40
johnjacobjingerhsorry... chown yea05:40
MestreLionScott_S: he is trying to upgrade his imagemagick. I suggested backporting from quantal instead of using vanilla upstream05:41
johnjacobjingerhsudo chown <username> /file/name/here i think05:41
Scott_Szymaster: correction ** It's possible the built-in drivers on the Linux kernel aren't proper.05:41
Scott_SMestreLion: Ahhh, I see. I can't help too much there, I'm not -that- knowledgeable haha.05:41
riqdiizwhat's backporting?05:41
MestreLionriqdiiz: instaling a version from a more recent release in a previous one05:42
zymasterCreative Sound Blaster Recon3Di High-Definition 5.1 Audio05:42
thesadmafiosohi room05:42
wilee-nileeriqdiiz, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backporting05:43
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soc42Scott_S: yup. vmware tools installed successfully, thanksalot05:43
Scott_Ssoc42: You're welcome.05:43
Scott_Szymaster: I'm doing a little research. Give me a minute.05:43
zymasterok thanks I will see if I can find a solution as well05:43
localg0djohnjacobjingerh, : chmod ???05:45
thesadmafiosoI'm considering upgrading to 12.04 from 10.04 and have a few questions05:45
soc42how can i change the keyboard layout to match my local preferences?05:45
Scott_Szymaster: Have you done the following >> http://pastebin.com/ZNn5Hw9K05:45
riqdiizthanks got it.05:45
johnjacobjingerhlocalg0d, i was wrong misread ur question05:45
johnjacobjingerhchown changes ownership05:45
localg0djohnjacobjingerh, : i want localg0d to be the owner .. what would the syntax b ?05:45
thesadmafiosoI've never done an upgrade before, will I be able to keep all my installed third party software and things like bookmarks?05:45
Scott_Ssoc42: Press the Windows key and type in 'Keyboard Layout'05:45
johnjacobjingerhchmod changes permissions05:46
Scott_Sthesadmafioso: What version of Ubuntu are you upgrading from? Generally, it is highly recommended to do a clean install.05:46
kunjiHmm, I know it's kinda off topic, but would anyone know why the performance of https://launchpad.net/gl-cairo-simple  degrades very quickly as the window size is increased.  The default size has quite good performance, but when fullscreen it crawls and uses close to 100% CPU.  Also, is this typical for relatively simple constructions with Cairo, or do you think something else is at fault (the openGL or SDL compnents?)?  Or could this be a p05:46
Tech-1thesadmafioso-  i prolly wouldnt advise that05:46
zymasterScott_S: Thx trying it now. I will reboot and be right back05:46
Tech-1totally different monstor05:46
thesadmafiosoScott_S: I am upgrading from 10.04 to the newest LTS release 12.0r05:47
Scott_Skunji: I'd assume because as you increase the size of the window you increase the resolution, thus increasing the load on CPU/GU.05:47
Scott_SGPU **05:47
thesadmafiosoScott_S: 12.0405:47
wilee-nileethesadmafioso, You will have to check if the 3rd party runs in 12.04, if ppas turn them on, book marks hard to say if you mean in nautilus, you will have a new desktop, probably.05:47
thesadmafiosoI guess I could just back that stuff up to a flash drive05:48
Scott_Sthesadmafioso: Honestly, it's a better idea to simply reinstall the apps after a clean installs. Distribution upgrades are... well, hectic, in my personal opinion.05:48
thesadmafiosoScott_S: That's what I'm afraid of haha05:48
riqdiizwhile navigating must you types all the hirachy tree to the file you want to open?05:48
patrick99e99MestreLion: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH this is soooo annoying.  Everything has a missing dependency.  First its libjbig-dev.. then I install that.. then its libtool..  then I install that.. then it still tells me libjbig-dev is missing or in conflict05:48
Scott_Szymaster: Has that resolved your issue?05:48
MestreLionpatrick99e99: are you still here? I managed to do it05:48
kunjiScott_S: yeah, I guessed that much, I guess I was just wondering why it drops off that badly, considering that the example is fairly simple, i.e. why does this get so bad while running SCII in Wine will still get 60 ish fps on my system05:48
zymasterScott_S: Sadly it has not resolved anything ):05:48
thesadmafiosowilee-nilee: I really don't like the unity desktop and would rather use GNOME of cinnamon05:48
johnjacobjingerhlocalg0d sorry for the delay... are u trying to take ownership of an entire directory or a single file?05:49
wilee-nileethesadmafioso, I would not upgrade without a clone of the original myself, I always fresh install.05:49
patrick99e99MestreLion: still here.. but not having any success05:49
patrick99e99im stuck on dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cdbs (>= 0.4.106~) libjbig-dev05:49
patrick99e99I cant get that to go away05:49
Scott_Szymaster: I'm sorry for that. :( I'd guess it is due to the built-in drivers do not fully support that chip.05:49
localg0dthe entire folder like05:49
wilee-nileethesadmafioso, Just be aware that cinnamon is not supported here.05:49
johnjacobjingerhlocalg0d, and everything in the folder?05:49
thesadmafiosowilee-nilee: right ;)05:49
zymasterScott_S: Ok I will poke around see if I can find some proprietary drivers05:49
johnjacobjingerh(directory excuse me)05:49
localg0dlike " sudo chown /home/localg0d/desktop/folder1" but it says doesn't work ..05:49
johnjacobjingerhwell u have no username05:50
MestreLionpatrick99e99: that is good. now you need the same with  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/jbigkit/jbigkit_2.0-2ubuntu1.dsc05:50
johnjacobjingerhsudo chown <username> /folder/name/and/location/here05:50
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:50
soc42Scott_S: sorry, didn't work changing the keyboard locale with your hint05:50
patrick99e99MestreLion: yeah but I did that already..05:50
johnjacobjingerhsudo chown localg0d /home/localg0d/desktop/folder105:50
patrick99e99and apparently it wasnt good enough?05:50
patrick99e99trying again05:51
MestreLionpatrick99e99: this only happened because: 1) Imagemagick has a *huge* dependency list, and 2) those dependencies changed a bit from qualtal to precise05:51
Scott_Ssoc42: That's very odd, as that is the locale settings area... Let me check some more stuff then.05:51
MestreLionpatrick99e99: but in my system, only 3 dget's were necessary:05:51
johnjacobjingerhlocalg0d, also i'm sure the messsage didnt say "it doesnt work"05:51
johnjacobjingerhit prob says what the issue is in the error05:51
patrick99e99MestreLion: https://gist.github.com/621b881ab1f04a9385ec05:51
johnjacobjingerhor at least gives u a clue05:51
patrick99e99I get all those warnings05:51
MestreLionpatrick99e99: jbigkit-0, libtiff5 and imagemagick itself05:52
johnjacobjingerhbut localg0d if you want to be owner of everything in that folder as well as the folder you need to use the -r flag05:52
Scott_Ssoc42: Is it because the locale you are looking for is not listed?05:52
patrick99e99and then tiff still says dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cdbs (>= 0.4.106~) libjbig-dev05:52
johnjacobjingerhsoooo.... sudo chown -r localg0d /folder/location/here05:52
localg0dsoo do u mind typing out the syntax / like / chown -r05:52
MestreLionpatrick99e99: great, it worked... you may check that now you have some .debs in your build dir :)05:52
localg0dahhh ok thank u !05:52
BustacapHow can I get the sound indicator back onto my taskbar?05:52
patrick99e99MestreLion: I do have some debs..05:53
MestreLionpatrick99e99: you need to install those required .DEB05:53
patrick99e99so what do I do with the debs?05:53
MestreLiondouble-click them :)05:53
soc42if i type:  sudo locale-gen i can only find locales beginning with "en_..." like "en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date"05:53
bhavanahow to find new  themes in drupal?05:53
patrick99e99MestreLion: I'm in a terminal.. no double clicking here05:54
Scott_SIf you installing multiple: sudo dpkg -i *.deb05:54
localg0dit's sayng ambiguous or invalid argument johnjacobjingerh05:54
MestreLionpatrick99e99: or, since you're already in command-line, sudo dpkg -i *deb05:54
soc42Scott_S: i guess i'll have to install additional ones first, but how?05:54
Scott_Ssoc42: One moment, I'll check.05:54
patrick99e99ok tiff now says dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cdbs (>= 0.4.106~)05:54
openbeesbhavana : I think its Ubuntu channel .. try #Drupal :P05:55
MestreLionpatrick99e99: sudo apt-get install cdbs05:55
Scott_Ssoc42: Under the 'Keyboard Layout' menu, there is a Plus (+) sign. Click on that to view a list of locales.05:55
johnjacobjingerhsorry localg0d try -R05:55
johnjacobjingerhcapital R not lowercase05:55
BustacapHow do I add to the taskbar panel? I tried alt+right click and I don't get the menu.05:55
riqdiizwhile navigating must you types all the hirachy tree to the file you want to open?05:56
wilee-nileeBustacap, You have unity?05:56
soc42Scott_S: oh wait... are your hints targeting Unity Desktop Environment? i am still in CLI mode, didn't install any X-Window yet05:56
patrick99e99MestreLion: sigh... that did not work..  And so I tried the dsc version of it05:56
localg0dno luck bro05:56
patrick99e99and now it tells me dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: dh-buildinfo realpath python-dev python-all-dev python3-all-dev ant default-jdk sharutils05:56
Bustacapriqdiiz what is unity?05:56
patrick99e99this feels like it will never end05:56
johnjacobjingerhlocalg0d can u tell me what it says05:56
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:56
patrick99e99trying to install those now...05:57
BustacapI have whatever 12.04 has.05:57
MestreLionpatrick99e99: the pattern is: install all dependencies, either using "apt-get build-dep <your package>" (easier, but may not be available), or "apt-get install <dep1> <dep2>.. ", or dget + build + dpkg (install) them05:57
DaemonicApathyriqdiiz: you can use * for some of the levels if you like05:57
mhaubottu, Bustacap: to see a Gnome 2 experience; Install Mate desktop... http://mate-desktop.org/05:57
ubottumha: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:57
mhaScott_S: ^ :]05:57
DaemonicApathye.g. cd /*/*/*/file05:57
johnjacobjingerhalso the other thing to note is if the file or folder is on an NTFS drive i dont think it will work with Unix/Linux permissions, but perhaps someone can correct me if i am mistaken05:58
wilee-nileeBustacap, 12.04 doesn't have add ons for the top panel, there are ppa's that have apps that wil show there though.05:58
Scott_Smha: Someone asked what Unity was, I used Ubottu to answer.05:58
orlokCan anybody tell me exactly what requirements libpasswordqc needs to be satisfied?05:58
orlokI cant see a config file or similar for it05:58
zymasterextra info. If I plug in headphones I have no problem so its just for my speakers.05:58
thesadmafioso1does anyone know if when downloading updates from official repositories if the connections are through SSL or otherwise secure?05:58
klaxtrsorry got disconected05:58
mhaklaxtr: we still love you.05:59
MestreLionpatrick99e99: this may be a pain, but it is expected. you said you have a vanilla VM install, and ubuntu has very few development packages out-of the box. but whenever you see "unmet dependencies: a b c", you simply "apt-get install a b c"05:59
orloklibppasswdqc, even05:59
MestreLionpatrick99e99: copy and paste the list05:59
thesadmafioso1mha: haha05:59
riqdiizwill it land you to the target ?05:59
johnjacobjingerhthesadmafioso1, i believe it depends on the repo but if they start with https then it is ssl05:59
localg0djohnjacobjingerh, thanks but it ain't working im going to bed .. ill ask again tmro when im more wide awake bro05:59
patrick99e99MestreLion: got it...  its 78% done05:59
DaemonicApathyriqdiiz: It always works for me.05:59
klaxtrmha: aww thanx but who are you05:59
mhathesadmafioso1: the packages distributed are signed.05:59
Scott_SSorry guys, I want to help more, but I've gotta get some sleep. :) Work in the morning. Best of luck to all.05:59
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: yeah, that's what got me wondering because I noticed some ppa's are just HTTP05:59
mhathesadmafioso1: man apt-key05:59
klaxtrshow me some love and tell me how to autohide the unity panel06:00
wilee-nileethesadmafioso1, The repos are secure.06:00
wilee-nileeubuntu's anyway06:00
MestreLionpatrick99e99: some packages have the same dependencies in both quantal and precise... some require you to install a few.. and some, a lot... you're just unluck that imagemagick changed so much in the last 6 months :P06:00
johnjacobjingerhthen they are not ssl06:00
klaxtrmy heart made out of a robot will thank you06:00
johnjacobjingerhthesadmafioso1, does it matter though?06:00
kunjiScott_S: thanks for taking a quick stab at the Cairo stuff, I know it gets complicated and you were trying to help others at the same time, sleep well06:00
thesadmafioso1mha:now I think I see why I couldn't see those PPA keys I grabbed in my typical list using GPG06:00
DaemonicApathyklaxtr: Which version of Ubuntu?06:00
kunjilol... just missed him06:00
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok done!06:00
patrick99e99so now I go back and do the imagemagick dsc ?06:01
MestreLionpatrick99e99: have you installed the .DEBs you have just built?06:01
DaemonicApathyklaxtr: System Settings>Appearance>Behavior, select Autohide06:01
DaemonicApathyRather, turn it on.06:01
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: well, yes, it does to me for several reasons06:01
mhaFinally got 3.6.3 built with tresor + grsecurity, and got virtualbox to play along. whi.06:01
patrick99e99MestreLion: MestreLion the only debs I see are the ones I already had installed..  jbigkit, libjbig06:02
johnjacobjingerhthesadmafioso1, i'm curious to know why it matters if it's SSL or not06:02
JamoBoxHey guys, I've just used wubi to install ubuntu alongside windows on my PC, but when I try and select ubuntu from WIndows Boot Manager, a black screen shows saying that windows could not boot properly. Is there a way to get rid of this? I can't start ubuntu up because of it.06:02
johnjacobjingerhthey are just repos... it's not like u're sending ur credit card number :-P06:02
klaxtri mean the pannel on top where the time is06:02
thesadmafioso1johnjacbojingerh: it's more because I'm interested in privacy and security06:02
wilee-nileeJamoBox, Wubi is a inside of windows install.06:02
DaemonicApathyklaxtr: Ah, sorry about that. I don't think it's an option with Unity.06:02
msxhi everybody! does any1 been able to run 12.10 on a virtualbox VM _and_ make the virtualbox extensions work? so far 12.04 works as expected (also all previous releases) but i can't make the new bird work so far :P06:03
johnjacobjingerhthesadmafioso1, ummm... you dont pass anything to them so it isnt unsecure06:03
johnjacobjingerhu only retrieve information06:03
patrick99e99MestreLion: so...  How do I tell this imagemagick dsc to use the libtiff5-dev I installed already?06:03
johnjacobjingerhit's not like it contains anything "private" if you will06:03
MestreLionpatrick99e99: it will try them automatically06:03
JamoBoxwilee-nilee: Yeah, I select ubuntu from WBM but I just get an error saying that windows didn't boot; it's like its cockblocking ubuntu from starting up06:03
klaxtrthanx DaemonicApathy06:03
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: they're still passing things to you though . . . and who knows who's sitting in between the two of you?06:04
johnjacobjingerhyes but it contains nothing private06:04
wilee-nileeJamoBox, Please do not use that language.06:04
patrick99e99MestreLion: ummm... that imagemagick dsc still gives me "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libtiff5-dev"06:04
patrick99e99same as before06:04
klaxtrmha : you see no love from unity to us... we are nothing, nothing at all06:04
JamoBoxwilee-nilee: Sorry, only term I could think of to describe it06:04
MestreLionpatrick99e99: actually, it's the other way around: the dsc file tells you that it requires libtiff5-dev to be installed. And since you just built and installed it, it should work06:04
johnjacobjingerhso all it sees is u requested a page06:04
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: right but it could contain something malicious or have something malicious injected into it on its way06:04
patrick99e99MestreLion: so-- what do I do now?06:04
johnjacobjingerhso could HTTPS06:05
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: as improbable as that is06:05
MestreLionpatrick99e99: are you sure you installed libtiff5-dev's .deb ?06:05
johnjacobjingerhhttps doesnt stop something from being malicious06:05
patrick99e99MestreLion: I don't have a libtiff5 deb06:05
JamoBoxwilee-nilee: But any ideas how to stop it from preventing ubuntu loading? It's like it doesn't want any OS other than windows running06:05
johnjacobjingerhit stops people on your network from sniffing the traffic tho06:05
MestreLionpatrick99e99: have you tried to build it?06:05
johnjacobjingerhlike if you were entering a username and password for example it'd block that06:05
johnjacobjingerhbut none of those repos require you to do that06:06
johnjacobjingerhanyone can put malicious stuff on https as well06:06
thesadmafioso1johnjacobjingerh: yes, I'm aware that it only stops people from sniffing packets/traffic06:06
patrick99e99MestreLion: what do you mean?06:06
wilee-nileethesadmafioso1, Like what is going to be injected, your just using a as if argument, this has never happened, and it is off topic.06:06
thesadmafioso1wilee-nilee: I never asserted that I was using it for anything other than the sake of argument.06:07
patrick99e99when I searched for libtiff5 on the packages list, it gave me tiff_4.0.0206:07
soc42Scott_S: to change the default keyboard to match your local keyboard, use:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration06:07
johnjacobjingerhthesadmafioso1, i think you are overly worried (like the risk is non-existent), but if you are concerned, by all means change them to have https:// instead of http06:07
thesadmafioso1wilee-nilee: purely hypothetical and just something I was WONDERING about.06:07
patrick99e99which I installed.. but I never got a deb06:07
MestreLionpatrick99e99: since there is no libtiff5-dev in precise, you need to dget (and build, and install) its .dsc, the same way you did with libjbig006:07
wilee-nileethesadmafioso1, It is offtopic take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ;)06:07
johnjacobjingerhthen make sure they actually work06:07
thesadmafioso1wilee-nilee: ha, ok. didn't know about that.06:07
patrick99e99MestreLion: yeah I did that06:07
patrick99e99but like I said:06:08
johnjacobjingerhno way of knowing if the server has https or not06:08
patrick99e99on the right side it gives me tiff_4.0.2-1ubuntu2.dsc06:08
patrick99e99which I installed with dget06:08
johnjacobjingerhbut anyhoo... moving on before i get yelled at06:08
MestreLionpatrick99e99: no problem06:08
MestreLionpatrick99e99: ok, did dget output any error? it was supposed to generate some debs06:08
soc42Scott_S: now all keystrokes showup in CLI as expected – what certainly helps a lot - much better than guessing ;o)06:09
JamoBoxSo anyone have any ideas about my problem? I get an error message at WBM when I try and load ubuntu saying that "windows did not load"; and the error blocks me from trying to get onto ubuntu06:10
thesadmafioso1ok well thanks all for the advice on an upgrade06:11
JamoBoxWindows Boot Manager06:11
MestreLionoh, Wubi... eww :P06:11
JamoBoxYeah :l06:11
BostonHey how do i get on other servers??06:11
MestreLionBoston: care to be more specific?06:12
Bostonim not gonna lie im completley new to xchat06:13
MestreLionBoston: you can join another channel with /j #channelname06:14
MestreLionas in /j #xchat06:14
patrick99e99MestreLion: yes.. apparently its complaining about cdbs again06:14
andrewacltBoston, ctrl-t to open a new server tab and then type /server server.com06:14
MestreLionfolks there can help you with all other xchat issues06:14
MestreLionandrewaclt: wow, nice hint :D06:14
Bostonlike irc.trolol.net06:15
MestreLioni always used Xchat > Network List > Add ... etc06:15
johnjacobjingerhi'm from boston06:15
MestreLionpatrick99e99: check the version you have installed against the one required06:16
andrewacltWell, sure, if you add it via the gui then it's persistent and you don't have to do it manually06:16
Bostonha my friends call me Boston because I always wear a boston redsoxs hat06:16
MestreLionpatrick99e99: apt-cache policy cdbs06:16
johnjacobjingerhoh... i'm sorry then... should prob take it off about now06:16
johnjacobjingerhthey are doing terrible06:16
MestreLionpatrick99e99: if the required version is greater than the one installed... you know what to do :P06:17
ferlegendi Have a question06:18
ferlegendcommunity in Guatemala we are thinking of doing a translation for that ubuntu is also available in our most lenjuages06:19
ferlegendmy question is06:19
ferlegendhow i can do this06:19
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klaxtrdo what?06:22
patrick99e99MestreLion: https://gist.github.com/5f49d0aaf0b427eee70c06:22
InstantKrimsonferlegend: I don't know much about this, but you can start checking this out: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/non-technical-users06:23
patrick99e99what do I know what to do?06:23
somsipferlegend: this might help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase06:23
MestreLionpatrick99e99: you have cdbs 0.4.100ubuntu2, you need  cdbs (>= 0.4.106~)06:23
patrick99e99MestreLion: right..06:24
Dan39hello i have ubuntu 12.04 server from ovh. it seems they have BIND installed and running by default.. do i really need this installed? i run some basic websites with apache2, dont think i need BIND, and it takes while to startup on boot :|06:24
patrick99e99but I just tried to dget [cdbs_0.4.111ubuntu1.dsc]06:24
patrick99e99and it's not doing anything..06:24
MestreLionpatrick99e99: hint: quantal's cdbs is 0.4.111 ;)06:25
ferlegendthank you very much interesting is that it is one of our projects here in Guatemala06:25
MestreLionpatrick99e99: paste the command and output06:25
patrick99e99I did.. it's in that gist06:25
johnjacobjingerhDan39 it's a dns server06:26
ferlegendsomsip if the project is to translate esque entire operating system06:26
johnjacobjingerhDan39, do u use your server as a dns server ?06:26
Dan39johnjacobjingerh: yes i kinda know what it is..06:26
soc42i am watching a video on the ubuntu HUD feature... looks a lot like 'Alfred' for Mac06:26
MestreLionpatrick99e99: you forgot to install it06:26
Dan39no i dont think so06:27
soc42if your totally new to ubuntu, which x-window manager would you suggest?06:27
johnjacobjingerhDan39 then probably dont need it06:27
Dan39ill just disable it first06:28
johnjacobjingerhSoc45 X-Window manager?06:28
Dan39anything bad happens i can just re-enable :P06:28
soc42what are the main differences between gnome, kde, lxde, xfce, unity etc... ?06:28
johnjacobjingerhu mean desktop environment soc42 ?06:28
patrick99e99MestreLion: oh... another deb...06:28
soc42or is just a matter of personal habits06:28
johnjacobjingerhthey all look different and it's a matter of which u like06:28
MestreLionsoc42: if one is totally new to ubuntu, I would suggest not messing with x-window managers and use the default until you're not totally new to ubuntu :)06:28
soc42johnjacobjingerh: yup, desktop environments...06:28
johnjacobjingerhXFCE is very light weight06:28
johnjacobjingerhunity is apart of GNOME06:28
Dan39very? i dunno about very, but its pretty light weight :p06:28
johnjacobjingerhGNOME reminds me of the older classic macs06:28
johnjacobjingerhbut KDE kinda resembles windows (at least when I used it)06:29
johnjacobjingerhi prefer GNOME over the rest06:29
Dan39unity is piece of junk IMO06:29
johnjacobjingerhbut XFCE is great if u have old hardware06:29
johnjacobjingerhi dont like unity06:29
johnjacobjingerhi use GNOME classic06:29
Dan39go with KDE :P06:29
Dan39or xfce06:29
johnjacobjingerhon KDE06:29
johnjacobjingerhi just used it and hated it06:30
johnjacobjingerhswitched back to gnome06:30
Dan39i swear i recall 5 years ago gnome and kde working much better, but o well06:30
MestreLionsoc42: using virtual machines or multi-boot you can easily try them all. They all serve the same purpose: to manage your desktop environment, so take a look at each (and use each for a day or a week) then stick with the one that most pleases you06:30
johnjacobjingerhgnome most pleases you soc42 trust me06:30
MestreLionjohnjacobjingerh: gnome is great, but why trust you if he can play with them all by himself?06:31
soc42johnjacobjingerh: hehe, i am always open for critics & suggestions06:31
johnjacobjingerhi dont have a good reason06:31
johnjacobjingerhbut i know i should be trusted06:31
MestreLionsoc42: install them all and try by yourself06:31
soc42MestreLion: i will, that's a really good hint06:32
MestreLionsoc42: use a virtual box, or install in different partitions06:32
johnjacobjingerhactually u dont even need a virtual machine or multi-boot06:32
johnjacobjingerhu can install them all and select them at the login session06:32
johnjacobjingerhi have KDE and GNOME on mine06:33
MestreLionjohnjacobjingerh: i never tried this approach... do they all play nicely when installed togheter?06:33
junior@MestreLion ola06:33
johnjacobjingerhthey play fine06:33
MestreLionI always think it will create a huge mess :)06:33
johnjacobjingerheh.. they can be a pain to remove sometimes06:33
johnjacobjingerhand they do take up space06:34
MestreLionspace is not an issue... it's far less than separate distro installs06:34
johnjacobjingerhbut seeing that they are harder to remove than virutal machines it might be easier to use a VM06:35
Hootchhey, how can i show the desktop with kde? shortcut?06:35
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok its actually installing!!!06:36
MestreLionpatrick99e99: congratulations :D06:36
patrick99e99MestreLion: my question now is--  how do I make sure the previous 6.7.5 version I installed with configure/make/make install doesn't get run?06:36
johnjacobjingerhremove it06:37
DaemonicApathypatrick99e99: Uninstall it.06:37
MestreLionpatrick99e99: this whole workflow may be a pain, but its MUCH more secure and stable in many ways than using upstream source06:37
MestreLionpatrick99e99: depends on how did you install it. you may try "sudo make uninstall" and pray it there is an uninstall06:37
MestreLionthat's why I rarely install tuff this way... there's no way to guarantee a clean removal06:38
soc42at least i see one blink of red marked [fails] in the bootup screen, but it's going away too fast...06:38
MestreLionthe .DEB way is the most trouble free way :)06:38
soc42how do i know what's going on there?06:38
DaemonicApathysoc42: check your system logs06:39
MestreLionsoc42: soc42: actually, I suggest separate partitions... ok, it's not as easy as VMs, but VM is not your actual hardware, so your experience may not be the same as with a real install06:39
MestreLionsoc42: for example, Unity requires 3D, and in a VM it may fallback to the 2D version... same may happen with other desktops06:40
MestreLionpatrick99e99: to check out which version is running, try any of imagemagic's commands with --version06:41
soc42MestreLion: i see, the Desktop Environments depends heavily on graphic card, OpenGL features etc...06:41
patrick99e99MestreLion: yeah.. waiting for it to finish installing06:42
MestreLionsoc42: exactly... and in a VM you don't have those (or have to configure them). So for a fair test trial you may install each in its own, real partition.. and multiboot06:42
soc42is ext4-fs the default filesystem on ubuntu?06:44
Jordan_Usoc42: Yes.06:45
MestreLionsince 201006:45
soc42the blinking bootup fail was 'EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errprs=remount-ro"06:45
MestreLionsoc42: there may have erros in that hard drive...06:46
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soc42but it's a VM?06:46
MestreLionmaybe the VM file is corrupted?06:47
soc42mmmh... it's a totally fresh install... i hope you're wrong ;o)06:48
MestreLionit's really weird for a freshly created VM to re-mount a partition due to errors06:49
Jordan_Usoc42: Boot from a LiveCD and fsck the filesystem.06:49
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voldymani need to auto mount a ntfs partition in the home folder and be able to compile projects.06:51
voldymancan anyone help me with the fstab file statement ?06:51
bin_bash!ask | voldyman06:51
ubottuvoldyman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:51
voldymanbin_bash, i asked the question. :-)06:52
Jordan_Uvoldyman: What type of projects? Many build systems probably depend on POSIX semantics which aren't available when using ntfs.06:52
bin_bashthat's not specific06:52
voldymani have vala projects06:52
voldymanvala compiles to c and c to binary06:53
voldymanJordan_U, i use cmake06:53
MestreLionpatrick99e99: I'm curious.. did it work?06:55
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patrick99e99MestreLion: still installing....06:55
patrick99e99sooo slow06:55
MestreLionpatrick99e99: installing or building?06:56
MestreLionvoldyman: don't use ntfs partitions to compile linux projects...06:56
dat-lewisHey, can anyone help me: Our 12.04 Server loses connection on a daily basis (mainly at night) but I can't find anything in the log files..06:56
voldymanMestreLion, i need to. ubuntu is installed in a 8 gig usb disk which is getting full so i have to keep the heavier files on the ntfs disk06:57
MestreLionpatrick99e99: weird... compile may take several minutes... but install is usually very fast... is there any relevant output?06:57
MestreLionvoldyman: source code files are usually not heavy06:58
MestreLionvoldyman: use ntfs for platform-independent files like images, music and videos06:58
voldymanMestreLion, but many projects = many files = many images/data = heavy06:58
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voldymanMestreLion, i already have all my music and videos on the ntfs partition06:59
MestreLionor, if your build system allows it, use a temp build dir, outside of source code dir, for compiling06:59
Ob1-W4nhi, im having a weird issue, looked in some forums but couldnt find anything07:00
crimsonmanedat-lewis: modem/router issue?07:00
voldymanMestreLion, isn't there a way to mount the ntfs partition with exec permissions07:00
patrick99e99MestreLion: sigh.. failure07:00
dat-lewiscrim: no thats not a problem, this machine is a guest on a qemu host. all other machines are running fine07:00
MestreLionvoldyman: that said, the line I use for my ntfs data partition is this: LABEL=DADOS                      /dados                 ntfs   defaults,umask=002,uid=1000,gid=plugdev         0  007:01
JavaDoganybody in?07:01
patrick99e99MestreLion: https://gist.github.com/164f7753a8beb3515dc507:01
Ob1-W4nfor w/e reason i cant delete things from my desktop, like if i make a folder there, i cant del it right afterwards, the only way i can del it is if i open it as root and del in the file browser or rm -rf from the terminal :/07:01
JavaDogHello every,this is my first time to use IRC07:01
JavaDogso cool07:01
patrick99e99why does it say its not configured?07:02
voldymanMestreLion, i'll reboot07:02
MestreLionimagemagick depends on hicolor-icon-theme; however:07:02
MestreLion  Package hicolor-icon-theme is not installed.07:02
bin_bashJavaDog, did you need help with somwething07:02
patrick99e99when will it ever stop?07:02
MestreLionpatrick99e99: just read the output... :)07:03
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JavaDognot yet07:03
patrick99e99MestreLion: ok I installed that.. and ran the dpkg -i *deb again07:04
patrick99e99no errors07:04
patrick99e99but.. convert gives me "no such file or directory"07:04
patrick99e99its a path issue07:04
MestreLionconvert --version to make sure you're using the new version07:04
Jordan_UOb1-W4n: Please pastebin the output of "mkdir ~/Desktop/this_is_only_a_test/ && rmdir /Desktop/this_is_only_a_test/"07:05
patrick99e99Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-1007:06
patrick99e99wooo hoooooooooooooo07:06
jt__hello ppl07:07
somsipOb1-W4n: missing ~ in rmdir07:08
jt__i cant use startup manager in precise amd6407:08
MestreLionpatrick99e99: Congratulations :D Wow, that was a wild ride, wasn't it? ;)07:08
Ob1-W4nhmm, sry i just copied and pasted07:08
Ob1-W4nyea worked, nuthing came back07:09
Ob1-W4nso it must of made/deleted07:09
Ob1-W4nbut i was always able to del from terminal, just couldnt do it from the desktop07:10
MestreLionpatrick99e99: this may be much harder than a simple ./configure && make && sudo make install, but it has 2 HUGE advantages: 1) you get all the patches and changes Ubuntu team did to imagemagick (so its more stable and trusted instaall)07:10
MestreLionand 2) everything you installed is registered in your package manager, meaning software center (and apt-get) will be aware of it. So new versions that may appear will handle them nicely07:11
voldymanMestreLion, it WORKED!!07:11
robertzaccourI've got guvcview set on 30 fps but its recording 20 at the most usually a little less. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.07:13
MestreLionvoldyman: the mount works, sure. But really... do not build ubuntu software in an ntfs partition07:13
Calinourobertzaccour: what are you recording?07:13
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voldymanMestreLion, i am currently building abiword. make is running fine. so why not??07:13
Calinouif you're recording opengl apps, your graphics card should be fast enough to render the app quickly WHILE recording07:14
robertzaccourCalinou, guvcview is a webcam program that takes photos and records video.07:14
MestreLionvoldyman: is it using a different build dir?07:14
Calinouso, is it recording from a webcam? then the webcam might not just record 30fps07:14
himanshu_linuxhi ..07:14
voldymanMestreLion, it is in /media/Data/abiword/ and i am building there07:15
robertzaccourCalinou, I thought the software controlled the webcam.07:15
himanshu_linuxhi ..07:15
Calinousome webcams can reach 30fps but most of them only go to 25 or 20fps07:15
MestreLionvoldyman: you may notice that *all* files there have the +x attribute.... and when compiling software, that is simply wrong :P07:15
voldymanoh :-)07:16
voldymanMestreLion, why can't i change the permissions??07:16
MestreLionvoldyman: because an ntfs partition has no unix permissions :P07:16
kunjiMestreLion: umm... is that actually relevant while compiling though, why should the compiler be using the permissions?07:17
MestreLionkunji: it will not *use* them, but it will generate "executables" for all files07:17
himanshu_linuxI am using USB modem for internet. the problem is that, after every 1 hour it disconnects automatically .  this does not happened when i used to use win7 . any solution ?07:18
Calinouwhy do you use an USB modem?07:18
MestreLionexecutable man pages, /etc config files, and so on :)07:18
Calinouinb4 winmodem07:18
kunjiMestreLion: Hmm, the hell?  You mean in conjunction with a poorly written makefile?07:18
MestreLionkunji: I mean in conjunction with building in an ntfs partition :P07:19
Ob1-W4nso is there something else i can test ?07:19
kunjiMestreLion: hmm, I guess I could use an explanation of why it matters if they're executable or not, considering that .c and .cpp files are not executable anyway.07:20
kunjiNor are object files07:20
somsipOb1-W4n: what is your end goal?07:20
bin_bashsomsip, to bring balance to the force07:20
Ob1-W4nto be able to right click a file/folder i had just made on my desktop and select "send to trash" lol07:21
somsipOb1-W4n: can't help then, sorry07:21
MestreLionkunji: not sure if it *really* matters, but the point is: *all* files in an netfs partition are executable files (or none are)07:21
JavaDogwhich channel's theme is program design?07:21
Ob1-W4nwhy not? is that normal07:21
kunjiMestreLion: yeah, permissions just don't exit on NTFS, I certainly won't dispute that07:22
MestreLionkunji: if not having permissions is relevant or not for compiling, I'm not sure... may depend on the build system used07:22
MestreLionbut I would not like a "make install" to copy executable files to /usr/share/man or /etc07:23
kunjiMestreLion: yeah, that's what I was trying to get at, it might even be possible to consider it a bug in a way :P07:23
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MestreLionkunji: bug how? thats how ntfs-3g works07:24
gabkdllyhimanshu_linux, hi,  did you try searching for the make of your USB device and the word "linux" or "ubuntu"07:24
kunjiMestreLion: that the compiler would need to use file permissions, if it does.  Actually the install part could very well be the problem rather than the compiling part07:25
MestreLionkunji: the install may assume that permissions exists... not only executable, but user, group, setuig bits, etc07:25
kunjiMestreLion: yeah, that I could see being that case07:26
himanshu_linuxgabkdlly : i am new . can you tell me where to find it ?07:26
gabkdllyhimanshu_linux, take a look at your device. is there anything written on it ? The name of the manufacurer, a model number ?07:27
kunjihimanshu_linux: try pluggin in the usb (if plugged, else remove and put back in), then run "dmesg | grep usb"  Will probably give you some info to work with.07:28
bazhanghimanshu_linux, the output of lsusb to paste.ubuntu.com07:28
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himanshu_linuxbazhang : output of lsusb .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1301983/07:31
kunjihimanshu_linux: maybe the conents of your syslog as well (it's at /var/log/syslog)07:31
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bazhanghimanshu_linux, whats the brand of usb modem: avago, sunplus, or something else07:33
himanshu_linuxgabkdlly : manufacture - micromax ,model - MMX352G07:33
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himanshu_linuxbazhang : manufacture - micromax ,model - MMX352G07:33
athoni have an ubuntu 12.04 server with eth1 eth2 and when i make bridging the other pc of the network connects succesfully on the internet but the server no internet...any idea?07:35
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/146348/micromax-usb-modem-model-mmx-352g-not-recognized-in-ubuntu-10-04-lts  himanshu_linux07:35
jalexandruI can't boot my computer, I tried to install centos, had issues installing it, now I try to run ubuntu 12.04 from usb and all I get is grub rescue, can anybody help?07:35
kallol<jalexandru> please chk ur ram and hdd condition07:37
MestreLionjalexandru: boot using ubuntu's live CD/USB, then in terminal: sudo grub-install sda107:37
Jordan_Ujalexandru: How did you create the Ubuntu 12.04 USB? Are you sure that your BIOS is actually booting from USB and not your internal drive?07:38
Jordan_UMestreLion: That advice is wrong in multiple ways.07:38
MestreLionJordan_U: true, I completely misread the question07:38
Shazer[2]Hey guys07:38
Shazer[2]My Ubuntu keeps crashing, but I have no idea why...07:38
jalexandruMestreLion: I can't boot from ubuntu live usb .... it's not booting it gives me grub rescue,  Kallol how can I chk my ram and hdd? Jordan_u: yes I'm sure I set up bios to boot from usb07:38
Shazer[2]Is there any logs I can have checked?07:38
Jordan_UMestreLion: grub's boot sector should also be installed to the MBR, not to a partition, and when running grub-install from a LiveCD/USB environment you need to first mount the Ubuntu partition and either chroot in or pass an apropriate --boot-directory argument to grub-install.07:39
MestreLionjalexandru: forget what I said... I misread your question and assumed you wanted to restore an *hdd* ubuntu install07:40
jalexandruJordan_u: i tried to create the usb stick using startup Disk creator and netbootin07:41
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Jordan_Ujalexandru: Both of those tools use syslinux rather than grub, so it's basically impossible for you to be getting a grub rescue shell if you're booting from a USB drive prepared with either of those tools. My guess is that your BIOS is failing to boot from USB and is falling back to trying to boot from the internal drive.07:42
athoni have an ubuntu 12.04 server with eth1 eth2 and when i make bridging the other pc of the network connects succesfully on the internet through server but the server no internet...any idea?07:43
Jordan_Ujalexandru: Actually, there is one possible way, if your firmware uses UEFI. Do you know if it does?07:43
jalexandruJordan_U: I see your point, could I have broken anything in bios while trying to install centos? I don't know anything about UEFI07:44
Jordan_Ujalexandru: No, you can't really break a BIOS by doing anything in software.07:45
himanshu_linuxkunji : here is /var/log/syslog .. http://pastebin.com/GDj3TcCk07:47
somsipJordan_U: except for a flash upgrade failing to complete properly (IME), though maybe this is off thread as I've not been foloowing07:47
benxyzzyCan I just edit /etc/crontab and it'll work, or do I need to reload anything etc07:48
Jordan_Usomsip: Indeed, I did think of that and decided to (over) simplify my statement anyway. A more accurate statement would be that no part of the process of installing CENTOS will attempt to flash new firmware or do anything else which could affect the BIOS, nor would that ever be something you could do without clear intention.07:50
somsipJordan_U: fair dues - like I said, I've not been following context of the thread so I'll step back again07:51
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bhueyIs there any planned fix for the upgrade problems with the desktop not working ?07:56
saviohow can is encrypt my home directory07:56
bin_bashbhuey, what07:56
bhueylast time I was here there was some kind of problem with Unity and the window manager crashing. I've noticed this on my machine07:57
bhueyeven with new accounts07:57
bin_bashbhuey, have you considered installing a better desktop environment and window manager?07:57
saviobhuey, which desktop you are using?07:57
bhueyuh, the Unity stuff should work and I don't feel the need to move to another system07:57
bhueydefault stuff07:57
bhueyprobably gnome-session07:58
bhueyand Unity07:58
bhueyit use to all work before the upgrade and I've talked to folks here about others having the same kind of problems07:58
kamil_Issue with sound setting not opening anymore07:59
kamil_This is the out of running gnome-control-center through terminal07:59
Frink_Should I defrag my EXT4?08:00
kamil_Frink_: Nope08:00
somsip!defrag | Frink08:00
ubottuFrink: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.08:00
rameshworwhere can i find the md5sum of the ubuntu 64 bit  12.10 iso ?08:00
Frink_If I shouldn't defrag EXT4 then what is HDD Ranger in the Software Centre for?08:01
rameshwori want to check integrity of the downloaded ISO file , how do i do that ?08:02
somsip!zh | qiou08:02
ubottuqiou: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:02
kamil_rameshwor: do "md5sum then path to the iso"08:02
krababbelrameshwor: google it, it seems a bit hidden, it is on their download server08:02
qiou/join #ubuntu-cn08:02
rameshworkamil_ : and the correct md5sum of the file , can be found at ?08:02
kamil_go the download page08:03
kamil_and get it from there08:03
rameshworthanks, got it  here =>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes08:04
Frink_Can anyone tell me why this is in the software Centre? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/hdd-ranger/08:05
Jordan_UFrink_: Because people who incorrectly think that they need to defrag will pay $8.00 for a utility that will do so, despite the fact that ext4 rarely gets signifigant fragmentation and there are Free tools for defragging it in the rare cases that it does (like if you keep your filesystem at 95% full and add and delete many large and small files).08:06
Frink_Jordan_U: So, in other words, there is no quality control in the Software Centre.08:07
Jordan_UFrink_: Given those Free tools don't have a nice GUI (and I would guess that HDD Ranger is just a front end for them).08:07
Jordan_Uqiou: "/join #ubuntu-cn" not "/join #ubuntu-cn"08:10
Jordan_U!cn | zhanglang08:11
ubottuzhanglang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:11
somsipqiou: zhanglang 请私下交谈。这个地方是支持08:12
bazhangzhanglang, qiou English here08:12
bazhangzhanglang, qiou #ubuntu-cn for Chinese NOT here08:12
Jordan_Ubazhang: somsip: At least qiou tried to follow ubottu's instructions to "/join #ubuntu" but instead used a similar forward slash character with "/join #ubuntu-cn" which clearly won't work. If you could explain that it might help.08:14
zhanglang /join #ubuntu-cn08:14
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* MestreLion is reading that "HDD Ranger" description.. I wonder how a defrag can "also extend your harddisk life."08:20
MestreLionand wow... theres not even a native 64-bit version08:22
Jordan_UMestreLion: Theoretically by preventing seeks, which theoretically cause more wear than contiguous reads.08:23
alex88hi guys, how can i install the libvips-dev pre-requisites without installing the package? because i want to have the dependencies but compiling via source to get the latest version08:23
MestreLionalex88:  sudo apt-get build-dep libvips-dev08:25
alex88MestreLion: oh great, thank you!08:26
MestreLionalex88: but this will install the dependencies of current version, and the lastest version dependencies might be different08:26
alex88MestreLion: i know, but this is not the case, i just want to remove the "autoremove" warning on each apt-get :)08:26
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alex88thanks anyway it worked08:27
MestreLionthat warning may have nothing to do with that particular package08:27
MestreLionapt is simply telling you that you have uninstalled some packages but not their (auto-installed) dependencies08:28
hunktarre, y'a des gens dispo?08:31
MestreLionhunktar: ?08:32
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Rohith I just updated my ubuntu 12.10 today and it went fine and I was told to restart system and after i restart my wifi stopped working. Mine is broadcom BCM4312 card .08:33
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alex88MestreLion: yeah, how can i remove that warning without uninstalling those packages? that was my idea, to directly install dipendences for that package so it goes away08:34
RohithI just updated my ubuntu 12.10 today and it went fine and I was told to restart system and after i restart my wifi stopped working. Mine is broadcom BCM4312 card . It was working fine just before the update !08:34
cremDoes ubuntu support dual battery setup? For me when one battery is dischagged and another is still full, it hibernates/sleeps/powers down/whatever08:35
MestreLionalex88: you can change their auto-installed flag using aptitude. But.. are you sure you don't want to remove them? This warning indicates that those packages are not needed anymore..08:35
alex88MestreLion: i do, because those packages are required to compile the updates vips tools and also a package that uses vips08:36
MestreLionalex88: once you install any package that depends on them, the warning will disappear08:36
VlanZis it a problem to have an NTFS external HDD on Ubuntu 12.04 using EXT4 ?08:36
RohithI just updated my ubuntu 12.10 today and it went fine and I was told to restart system and after i restart my wifi stopped working. Mine is broadcom BCM4312 card . It was working fine just before the update !  I tried reinstalling driver from software sources and it didnt work, it shows the propriety driver in use but network manager doesnt detect my wifi card08:36
alex88MestreLion: i know, but i can't reinstall vips as it will replace the updates install i did08:37
MestreLionVlanZ: not at all08:37
VlanZMestreLion: k thanks :)08:38
VlanZbtw are you from italy?08:38
MestreLionalex88: I didn't understand what you said, but... to un-mark packages as auto-installed, just use: aptitude unmarkauto package1 package2...08:38
alex88MestreLion: thanks for that ;)08:38
soc42for a good overview of ubuntu gui's, see: http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04-server/ubuntu-12-04-server-how-to-install-a-gui08:40
MestreLionalex88: but... if you don't use these packages directly, and there are currently no packages that depend on them, it makes sense for them to have the auto-installed flag (and the warning)08:40
soc42regarding performance issues08:40
RohithI just updated my ubuntu 12.10 today and it went fine and I was told to restart system and after i restart my wifi stopped working. Mine is broadcom BCM4312 card . It was working fine just before the update !  I tried reinstalling driver from software sources and it didnt work, it shows the propriety driver in use but network manager doesnt detect my wifi card any one ???08:41
alex88MestreLion: i use these packages.. i'm compiling an app that requires them, but i can't install the package that depends on them because it's outdated, btw, that command asks me to remove them08:42
MestreLionsoc42: you realize that tutorial is for server version only, right?08:42
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MestreLionalex88: aptitude unmarkauto is asking you to remove packages?08:44
vulcanmummie_hi, someone in here gave me a site or something that would help see if my hard drive was bad, does anyone know what that was?08:44
sorsegHi! I have a problem: I've performed an "apt-get upgrade" and my 3d acceleration is gone =( all gl applications are acting weird, unity works without acceleration, blender shows gibberish, wine games says that my drivers are incorrect. Has anyone experienced something like this? I'm using ubuntu 12.04.1 and NVIDIA 55008:44
sorsegAnd my drivers are installed from nvidia site08:45
alex88MestreLion: yup, i do "sudo aptitude unmarkauto libgconf-2-4 etc…" and it says "The following packages will be REMOVED"08:45
MestreLionalex88: pastebin the whole output08:45
alex88MestreLion: oh wait, i re did the same command and it worked now :/08:46
MestreLionsorseg: you may need to rebuild the drivers and reboot, have you done that already08:48
alex88i have that wifi card also and is a pita due the fwcutter thing you have to do08:49
sorsegMestreLion I tried to reboot, do you know a way to rebuild nvidia drivers without completely reinstalling them?08:49
alex88sorseg: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/125529/wireless-doesnt-work-on-a-broadcom-bcm431208:49
sorsegalex88 I don;t undersand...08:50
MestreLionsorseg: i'm not familiar with nvidia drivers, sorry. in amd/ti, it automatically rebuilds itself when I upgrade kernel, but now sure if a reinstall would be required after an apt-get distupgrade08:50
MestreLionalex88: I believe this was for Rohith08:51
sorsegMestreLion ok, I didn't use distupgrade, I just installed package updates. It did update some glpackages though, so I will go and try to reinstall drivers, thanks =)08:51
alex88MestreLion: oh, you're right, sorry!08:52
alex88Rohith: look at the link above08:52
soc42MestreLion: i used the alternate install CD of 12.04 so this might be alright for server, right?08:55
MestreLionsoc42: alternate cd and server cd are not the same08:56
soc42MestreLion: so is this the reason that the alternate has been removed in 12.10?08:57
soc42for learning purposes i prefer a kind of bare installation with upgrades of what's needed08:58
soc42so it seems that alternate might be right for this purpose. please correct me if this is a wrong assumption08:59
MestreLiondepends what you mean by "learning purposes"09:00
MestreLionwhat are you trying to learn? How to build a desktop environment from scratch?09:00
MestreLionubuntu is not a good distro if you're looking for a "bare minimum install"... the point of ubuntu is providing many features ready out-of-the-box09:02
lantiziaHi... what exactly is "USB Ethernet" in the context of Scanners and SANE?09:02
soc42MestreLion: well, do you suggest to use debian for a bare minimum install learning curve?09:03
MestreLionsoc42: it depends a lot on A) what exactly do you want to learn, B) what do you consider "bare minimum" :P09:04
kexworkslackware, arch, gentoo, LFS09:04
somsipsoc42: go for Linux From Scratch if you want the full experience...09:04
kexworkLFS prob taught me most of what I know today09:04
MestreLionsoc42: i also love LFS :)09:04
johan_hehe, I've tried LFS twice, and failed to get it working each time :P09:05
soc42you mean http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ ?09:05
MestreLionBut again... that is *really* from scratch... so.. what exactly you want to learn? How to *build* a distro, or how to *use* one?09:05
somsipsoc42: yes09:05
kexworkjohan_: try and try again, you will succeed :)09:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:05
johan_kexwork: hehe, sure thing ;)  thinking of giving arch a go though09:06
kexworkjohan_: I use arch on several boxes, quite happy with it09:06
kexworkfor my main dev machine at work, been using xubuntu for a while now.09:06
kexworkalongside a gentoo laptop/slack netbook09:06
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cnfhow can i take back the windows key from unity?09:13
chaos_if a solar flare takes us out -> I am letting everyone know I love Ubuntu the most!09:14
chaos_Fedora is good but I came back to Ubuntu after a year and ya its awesome09:14
=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
akishi. i installed on my xubuntu 12.04, in my /home new icons' set: faenza blue-dark 2 and are amazing but i realized that in some applications there is no icon, eg in calculator is missing icon for 'undo' and "clear display". is there any way to fix it and make the system to use icons for those buttons too?09:15
hualethello, can anybody tell me why i don't have a /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch file?09:15
cnfi'd like to remap the dash thing to windows-space, and give me back my windows key for binding09:15
hualetno one knows?09:17
soc42some of the purposes include finding and getting closer into a linux-based OS for programming and infrastructure services (development services like databases, built server, etc... ) with stability, performance and security in mind as an alternative to Mac OS as it's very bound to hardware.09:21
soc42another purpose is to get deeper into virtualization meaning that i am looking for a performant host os which could be also used as computing nodes in a render farm09:22
soc42also this host os should be able to server windows environments as an alternative to vmware09:22
soc42able to serve09:24
soc42so there are many usage scenarios and a lot to learn...09:24
soc42meaning the host os should be very flexible without having to learn too many different distros09:25
jalexandruI have a network of computers, on one of my computers I need to install ubuntu 12.04 but I can't use a usb stick, it has no floppy or cd-rom, can I do it throw network boot? and how would I go with this?09:28
bin_bashjalexandru, have you tried via USB09:29
SharkMuttleworthjalexandru: There's a few ways of doing a network install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations09:31
Jonne_i'm running ubuntu on a laptop with a broken screen (as a server, but it has the ubuntu desktop packages installed because i use it for pulseaudio stuff).  After upgrading to quantal, it won't shut down properly any more. How do i debug this if i have no screen? The logs don't seem to have anything in them09:31
brontosaurusrexJonne_: connect an external screen?09:33
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Jonne_i did that, but it doesn't show anything on the external screen09:33
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Jonne_and when i try running xrandr over ssh it affects my local display instead of the remote one09:34
brontosaurusrexJonne_: some laptops have function keys to switch screens09:34
Jonne_haven't thought of that, will check that out when i get back home09:34
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Jonne_thanks brontosaurusrex09:36
SharkMuttleworthJonne_: You could just connect via ssh and investigate via the terminal09:36
jalexandrubin_bash: I tried via USB and it's not booting the usb .... the hdd seems to have the boot fault so the only way I see it is network boot, I'll check the link given by SarkMuttleworth (thanks for it by the way)09:36
Jonne_i am connected over ssh, but as soon as i try to run 'reboot', i'll get disconnected and won't be able to reconnect due to it being stuck on shutdown09:37
Jonne_and nothing in /var./log/syslog that looks suspicious09:37
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akishi. i installed on my xubuntu 12.04, in my /home new icons' set: faenza blue-dark 2 and are amazing but i realized that in some applications there is no icon, eg in calculator is missing icon for 'undo' and "clear display". also in "ubuntu software center" there is no icon for the magnifying lens.  is there any way to fix it and make the system to use icons for those buttons too?09:41
Max71ciao a tutti09:45
ubottuMax71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:45
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:46
Max71alis list09:46
Jonne_lame response, it should just DCC an ubuntu iso instead09:46
soc42MestreLion: what do you say about my purposes... is ubuntu still the way to go?09:47
lantiziaHi... what exactly is "USB Ethernet" in the context of Scanners and SANE?09:48
fmooI just switched to 12.10, and every 10 seconds or so, on the console, I get an error about being unable to read lba 0 from /dev/fd0...  I don't have a floppy drive in my system.09:48
soc42lantizia: i guess you are trying to install a network scanner i.e. have one scanner at a usb port used for the server and shared this device over ethernet to other clients on the lan09:49
joosenhi evey body09:49
lantiziasoc42, no09:50
joosenCan I add update manager on to the right of top cornor?09:50
fmooalso, for whatever reason, when it updated grub, it nuked the windows 7 loader from the grub conf.  I manually ran "sudo update-grub" and that brought it back09:50
lantiziasoc42, the SANE compatibility database lists some types of connectivity between SANE and the Scanner as "USB Ethernet" instead of "USB"09:50
soc42i guess "USB Ethernet" is for a a device shared on a USB port that has a virtual IP (for the other clients in the network) even if the attached scanner has no NIC/LAN-card.09:55
joosenkeyboard indicator dont show09:58
joosenin ubuntu 12.1009:58
joosenwhy it lost  i don't know.09:59
joosensomeone found this or not?09:59
oxidizer000did you updated ?09:59
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joosenit be the bug of this version ubuntu or not?10:00
joosenIt have so many bugs or not?10:03
SharkMuttleworthjoosen: Ubuntu has no bugs, only features10:05
joosenHow can I do?10:05
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joosenPrevious version it show.10:05
joosenbut 12.10 don't show now after update?10:05
Liger86I remember that one time I was able to get dynamic resolution changing on my virtualbox instalation, now I seem to have a problem finding this option. Any suggestions?10:06
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MestreLionsoc42: well, if this is your first time using a linux-based OS, then I suggest you skip the server and alternate installs and go with the desktop one. You can do all development and virtualization you want and, if performance is not enough, you can later remove and configute it the way you want10:07
joosenHow can I do?10:07
MonkeyDustLiger86  some 260 people in #vbox10:08
Guest8440how is 12.10 operating system10:08
soc42MestreLion: it's not the first time on linux, promise – but on ubuntu ;o)10:08
Guest8440did any one try virtualization on that yet10:08
MonkeyDustGuest8440  i'm happy with it, ok10:08
Liger86I thought this was Ubuntu, is this only for server instalations?10:08
MonkeyDustLiger86  i missed the server part in your question10:09
bin_bashLiger86, did you have a question10:09
joosenwhat's about the gnome remix?10:09
joosenI found it from this link10:09
Liger86yea, I just installed desktop version onto virtualbox, and I can't get resolution to change when i resize window.10:09
MestreLionLiger86:  usually the guest additions is all that's needed for auto-resize10:10
Guest8440did anyone try ubuntu 12.1010:10
Guest8440server edition10:10
MonkeyDustGuest8440  about everybody here10:10
joosensomeone tell me about that?10:10
Guest8440lol ok10:10
Guest8440and its working fine with virtualization ya?10:10
fir_edAfter installing a package(ruby1.9.1), ruby -v doesn't work10:11
fir_edany suggestions?10:11
MestreLionjoosen: what is to know that is not already there?10:11
SharkMuttleworthGuest8440: What virtualization software are you using?10:11
joosenkeyboard indicator don't show.10:12
joosenand network indicator don't show together.10:12
MestreLionjoosen: in ubuntu gnome remix?10:12
joosenI just found it and now i'm trying to do follow that?10:13
joosenMaybe the keyboard indicator will come back.10:13
joosenNow, may I go to toilet .10:14
MestreLionjoosen: ubuntu gnome remix is not an official ubuntu derivate. It's not really a distro actually... and Support via IRC can be found in the #ubuntu-gnome channel on the freenode network.10:14
MestreLionerr... good toilet for you :P10:14
InstantKrimsontoo much details!10:14
MonkeyDusttmi, too much information10:15
MestreLionfir_ed: try ruby --help10:15
Liger86I only have limited number of choices for resolution, I can't even tell if I have installed guest additions correctly.10:16
MestreLionLiger86: Host+D and reboot10:16
abdelghaniany program to read wmv files?10:18
Liger86Still won't dynamically resize.10:18
DJones!wmv | abdelghani10:19
ubottuabdelghani: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:19
DJonesabdelghani: I find that vlc will play pretty much any media format10:19
abdelghaniI used vlc but no result10:20
zl2todabdelghani, start vlc in a terminal and it'll tell you what's going on10:20
MestreLionLiger86: can you paste / print screen the output after Host+D ?10:20
MrokiiHello. Does anybdoy know a OCR-software that lets one scan documents into readable PDFs? I don't care if it paid or free, but all open source solutions for Ubuntu I could find suck.10:21
soc42if there is a package file .deb can i use it for ubuntu or is the a .ubu package naming convention?10:21
MestreLionLiger86: looks like a host OS / vbox issue10:22
Safiyyah /msg NickServ identify <1215225>10:23
DJonesSafiyyah: Password change time10:23
Liger86well I already ran it, and restarted after that, I can unmount it, but it doesn't help.10:23
SharkMuttleworthLiger86: Use VMWare, Virtualbox is barely maintained10:23
MestreLionsoc42: ubuntu uses .deb it package format. But not all .debs you find on the net were made for (or tested with) ubuntu10:24
Liger86So I have to do physical instal?10:24
MestreLionSharkMuttleworth: you mean for Windows or in general?10:24
SharkMuttleworthIn general10:25
MrokiiActually, I guess what I'm looking for is a paid solution for producing readable (ORC) PDF-documents, because none of the open source solutions I found worked well, if at all.10:25
soc42so it's not safe to use .deb packages on ubuntu even if ubuntu derives from debian?10:25
io!ciao a tutti10:25
ubottuio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:25
ubottuio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:25
DJones!vmware | SharkMuttleworth Liger86 (Just be aware that vmware isn't supported in this channel as its not part of the official repositories),10:25
ubottuSharkMuttleworth Liger86 (Just be aware that vmware isn't supported in this channel as its not part of the official repositories),: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:25
MestreLionSharkMuttleworth: how come? they release versions almost every month10:26
SharkMuttleworthDJones: That's irrelevant, if Virtualbox breaks you're telling me ubuntu developers will invest time to fix it? They only package the software10:26
dr_willissoc42: ubuntu uses debs. but it depends on which os or release the deb was made for10:26
MestreLionsoc42: .deb is a package format. Many distros use it, including Debian and Ubuntu.10:27
MestreLionsoc42: but you should preferably only install debs that were made for Ubuntu10:27
dr_willisubuntu devs wont fix vmware with thar logic either... or did i miss somthibg.)10:27
samurai2hi there, what is the command to find a folder that contain some word in it? thanks10:28
soc42dr_willis: you mean for which os/distro it was compiled. is there a way to find out or does one depend on the distributors information anywhere...10:28
MestreLionsoc42: Ubuntu is derived from Debian, but there are many differences. Ubuntu is not Debian, and is not 100% compatible with it. Some packages made for debian may work in ubuntu, some may not10:28
samurai2like for example /folder/myfolder_2012_10_2310:28
samurai2and I want to find it if it's had 10_2310:29
dr_willissoc42: no idea. one normally dosent just grab some deb off the net. use repos and ppas to install stuff from10:29
joosendebian or ubuntu is better than10:29
bin_bashcompiling from source is best.10:29
dr_willissource in not best....10:30
MestreLionsamurai2: find / -name 10_2310:30
soc42dr_willis: y != ?10:30
ahhughesI want to install a specific version of a package, how can I do this?10:31
ahhugheswith apt10:31
samurai2MestreLion : thanks, I'll try it :)10:31
dr_willis!pin | ahhughes10:31
ubottuahhughes: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:31
MestreLionbin_bash: compiling from upstream source is definately NOT the best way to install software in Ubuntu, specially for newcomers10:31
soc42MestreLion: the other way round, do ubuntu packages work on debian in general?10:31
MestreLionsoc42: nope, for the same reason. they are different OSses10:32
MestreLionthey simply use the same package *format*10:32
bin_bashMestreLion, compiling from source is the best way to optimize software for your build.10:32
ahhughesdr_willis, looks like I can just use apt-get install packagename=1.2.310:32
dr_willissoc42: in general you DONT mix the two10:32
Liger86http://i.imgur.com/lyrRz.jpg here's what I got after I ran host+d10:32
soc42MestreLion: sad, but true (if you're right)10:32
MestreLionsoc42: why sad?10:33
dr_willisnot sad at all...10:33
MestreLionbin_bash: precisely my point. Upstream software is not optimized for Ubuntu. Packages in repos are10:33
ahhugheshow can I list all potential versions of a package I have not installed yet with apt?10:34
dr_willisyou dont want to mixx up different ubuntu releases packages either10:34
MestreLionLiger86: looks fine. reboot and try10:34
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=== bloodninja is now known as bin_bash
MestreLionahhughes: apt-cache policy <package>10:35
Liger86just did, no progress, if I resize vbox window the resolution stays the same10:35
MestreLionLiger86: have you tried Host+F, host+A, etc?10:35
MestreLionhost+L and host+C  may also help10:36
Liger86host+l is greyed out10:37
Liger86host+c works, but doesnt change resolution10:37
MestreLionbin_bash: actually, "optimized" is not the right word... "configured for ubuntu" is more correct. Upstream sources are generic, there may need tweaks for it to work properly in ubuntu10:38
ahhughesbugger thanks Messenger_bird / dr_willis I can't get the same version of this package in 32 and 64 bit... oh well :)10:39
MestreLionbin_bash: also, compiling from source has no dependency resolution, conflicts or upgrades at all10:39
john_ramboWhen I do sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox       I get aa-enforce command not found10:39
dr_willis!find aa-enforce10:40
ubottuFile aa-enforce found in apparmor-utils10:40
MestreLionjohn_rambo: try running just "aa-enforce" and read the output10:40
john_rambo sudo aa-enforce10:41
john_rambosudo: aa-enforce: command not found10:41
MestreLionwithout sudo10:41
=== Mining|away is now known as MiningMarsh
dr_willisit may say to install apparmor-utils10:42
MrokiiHow can I stop Ubuntu/Desktop from making windows "snap" to a certain position when I move them too close to one of the screen-borders?10:42
marsfligthUbuntu 12.04 blanks the screen after ten minutes even if I set 'don't suspend' in power and brightness and set the lock as off. How to keep the always on?10:42
john_ramboYes it says to install apparmor-utils10:43
dr_willisMrokii: its one of the compuz plugins you can tweak with the ccsm tool...10:43
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz10:43
MestreLionjohn_rambo: so go for it ;)10:43
john_ramboMestreLion, Okay10:44
Mrokiidr_willis: I'll take a look.10:44
Mrokiidr_willis: Thanks.10:44
Mrokiidr_willis: I know about CCSM but I thought it was a Unitiy-thing.10:44
dr_willisunity is a compiz plugin10:45
MestreLionMrokii: it's the other way around... Unity is build on top of compiz :)10:45
PupuserI want install ubuntu on usb , should I install it with normal instalation like on hdd or with usb creator?10:45
MrokiiMestreLion: I see. Thanks.10:45
MestreLionPupuser: depends on what you want on the USB: a live session or a full install?10:45
Pupusermestrelion Full install10:46
MestreLionPupuser: then normal installation10:46
PupuserBut I guess I shouldn't make swap on usb yep?10:46
MonkeyDust!usb > Pupuser start here10:46
ubottuPupuser, please see my private message10:46
MestreLionPupuser: with enough RAM swap location is irrelevant10:47
sawrubhello all, i'm facing issues with the AR9485 wifi driver in 12.1010:47
sawrubany help10:47
MestreLion!usb > MestreLion10:47
ubottuMestreLion, please see my private message10:47
PupuserMy other question , will ubuntu be bootable if i copy it on usb with dd copy?10:48
marsfligthHow to keep the screen always on? I set the system setting to never suspend, but after ten mins it blanks10:48
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MonkeyDustmarsfligth  system settings, brightness and lock10:49
adminuserhi all ! >(10:50
thmcmahonhey guys i'm trying to edit a menu in xfce using alacarte, but nothing saves/happens when i make changes. any ideas?10:50
MestreLionPupuser: you dd the partition? No, unless you install grub on the usb afterwards10:50
marsfligthMonkeyDust: I done but it still to blank the screen, I don't understand. It does the same on two my Precise10:51
MestreLionmarsfligth: have you looked in system settings > brightness and lock ?10:52
MestreLionmarsfligth: not power options10:52
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MestreLionPupuser: regarding the urls provided about usb persistent install... please realize that while it is great, it is still a live session... very different from a normal install10:54
MiningMarshthmcmahon: you can edit the menu file manually.10:54
marsfligthMestreLion: yes, of course. I'm here because the standard ways are failing on two my precise installations10:55
MestreLionmarsfligth: care to post a screenshot?10:55
MiningMarshthmcmahon: cp /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu  ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu, gedit ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu10:56
MestreLionMiningMarsh: that will prevent removed software to be automatically removed from menu, won't it?10:57
MiningMarshMestreLion: nah, you specify categories and xfce puts apps from those categories in that menu.10:58
MiningMarshMestreLion: xfce never touches its own menu file.10:58
MestreLionoh... quite different from gnome then. I thought they both used xdg standard10:59
MiningMarshxfce does10:59
acidflash i checked the file /sys/block/sde/queue/scheduler and inside it was the following -> noop deadline [cfq]10:59
acidflashthis means that cfg is the current scheduler?10:59
MiningMarsh            <Category>Settings</Category>11:00
MiningMarsh        </Include>11:00
MiningMarshThats how the xdg standard says you are supposed to create a submenu, by including a category in it11:00
MestreLionhumm, true. I was confused because of a wine issue i had in the past with gnome2. wine installs a menu file. i had copied it to my user's config and, of course, it wasn't removed when wine was uninstalled11:02
MiningMarshMestreLion: but the xdg standard also says you can include a desktop file by itself, thats how alacarte works.11:02
MestreLionso I had a few .menu (and some .desktop) files for non-existing apps, because i manually copied them to my user dir11:03
MiningMarshMestreLion: thats a whole nother mess. the standard says if you put a menu file in a certain location then its contents will be merged wiht the master menu file where specified. Gnome forgets to add the emrge line, so it ends up ignoring wines menu file.11:03
MiningMarshMestreLion: XFCE is the only desktop I have seen handle merging according to the standard.11:04
MestreLion"certain location" being ~/.local/share/menu/applications-merged I assume, correct?11:05
MiningMarshMestrreLion: yes.11:06
bunnyhi guys11:06
MiningMarshMestrreLion: I think gnome looks at ~/.local/share/menu/gnome-applications-merged or something like that. It breaks things.11:06
cyberflyzcan i ask some thing ?11:06
MiningMarshMestrreLion: I gotta go.11:06
MestreLion!ask > cyberflyz11:06
ubottucyberflyz, please see my private message11:06
=== MiningMarsh is now known as Mining|away
physically_fitwhat version of flash do you guys have? i have firefox 16.0.1 (latest i think) but i can't get to install flash's latest version:, i only get is there any reason for that?11:07
bunnycan anyone tell me how can we find multiple commands using find11:07
cyberflyzi just change my vps time zone, but it still shows the wrong time. can u help me11:08
MestreLionbunny: multiple commands?11:08
physically_fitwhat version of firefox and flash do you guys have?11:10
MestreLionphysically_fit: please paste output of apt-cache policy flash*11:10
profiler1982did is possible to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.1011:10
MestreLionphysically_fit: for you need to enable the updates repository11:11
MestreLionprofiler1982: nope, you need to upgrate to 12.04 first11:12
physically_fitmestre, how, what part?11:12
pangurI am looking at the list of Freenode logs for today at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/10/24/.  How is the one for this channel identified, please?11:12
physically_fitMestreLion , how, what part?11:12
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MestreLionphysically_fit: pastebin the whole output11:12
IdleOnepangur: #ubuntu.txt11:13
pangurThanks, IdleOne  :)11:14
viniciusarqhey guys11:14
FloodBot1Arek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:14
profiler198212.04 is not work properetly on my eee pc but 11.10 is work exelent. did 12.10 have some change for apu c-6011:15
MonkeyDustj #ubuntu-offtopic11:15
physically_fitMestreLion, you said i need to enable the update repositories, to get  i only have unckecked "quantal proposed", should i check it?11:15
viniciusarqi've installed lubuntu here but neither gmd or lightdm starts... it gets me to a black screen.. do you think it's a driver problem?11:15
MestreLionphysically_fit: nope, proposed is not necessary... updates and security are enough11:16
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profiler1982on 11.10 unity, gnome-shell, gnome-classic with compiz is working on free drivers in 12.04 not11:16
MestreLionprofiler1982:  have you tried 12.10 in a live session to see if it works?11:17
samurai2how to get the only creation date of a specific folder? thanks :)11:17
profiler1982yes and unity works but not well11:18
MestreLionsamurai2: stat --help is your friend ;)11:18
profiler1982in 12.10 live mod, unity is slow11:19
physically_fitMestreLion, friend, the output of  apt-cache policy flash* is long an it only mentions, no references to, but if i right click on the flash video it says
MestreLionso keep 11.10 until 13.04 comes out :)11:19
MestreLionphysically_fit: use a pastebin :)11:20
profiler1982am using gnome-shell as primary DE. did sugest me to try gnome-shell remix 12.1011:20
profiler1982ok that was my plan... to wait 13.04 tnx11:21
physically_fitMestreLion, what should i look there? because there are no references to the older version
MestreLionphysically_fit: flashplugin instead of flash* shows fewer (and more relevant) results11:23
profiler198213.04 anounced (bad eng sorry) beter support for laptops and netbooks. my model is r051bx11:23
MestreLionphysically_fit: paste the whole output to any pastebin and paste the url here11:23
MestreLionphysically_fit: also, check http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ and compare the results11:24
ericmarI have a new intel i7 processor with 16gb ram11:25
ericmarShould I still be using the 32bit version of ubuntu?11:25
MestreLionericmar: i don't see any point in using 32-bit with this hardware, unless you have a specific issue with 6411:27
ericmarSeems very unstable11:27
ericmarThat's why I was wondering11:27
ericmarI mean VERY unstable11:27
ericmarI was assuming that in 2012 one would use the 64 bit on a 64 bit chip and a native install11:28
MestreLiondid you compare both 32 and 64 clean, fresh installs ?11:28
SharkMuttleworthericmar: Yeah, it would be mad to use 32-bit11:28
SharkMuttleworthericmar: What specific stability problems are you having?11:28
ericmarI can't shut down without it going into a memory test mode of some sort11:29
ericmarI am using 10.1011:29
ericmarMaybe Going to 12.04 will help, which is what I am going to try next11:29
MestreLionericmar: I also have 16GB, and using 64-bit ubuntu since 10.04 with no issues at all11:30
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MestreLionericmar: but to properly test it, I would do a clean install in a new partition to rule out any software-related issue11:31
MestreLiondo a fresh install, install all updates, reboot and test11:31
DJonesericmar: In the early days of 64 bit ubuntu, some software didn't work very well, or was a pain to install, which was why 32 bit has always been recommended, its come a long way since then, I've been using 64 bit for about 18 months without any software issues11:31
DJonesericmar: It might be worth trying a 12.10 64 bit live usb before installing anything to see how that works on your system11:32
cnfhow do i make a new terminal in unity not open in the directory i was in?11:32
MestreLioncnf: new terminal by default opens in your home dir11:33
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ericmarThanks for the input11:34
ericmarI am trying 12.04 I suppose11:34
cnfMestreLion: it's not doing that, so where is the setting to change that11:34
MestreLioncnf: how are you opening this new terminal?11:34
cnfMestreLion: "open new tab"11:35
ericmarI really want to try the Xubuntu since I don't like the reg interface, but I am going to buy support from Caniconal11:35
MestreLioncnf:  oh...  new tab, not a new terminal window11:35
cnfMestreLion:  behaves the same way11:36
marsfligthMestreLion: sorry for the delay. The screen-shoots: http://imgur.com/Sewtz,OBrZh#011:36
BlackNarcissusHello. Anyone using jabber.org with empathy on 12.04 is having a certificate warning upon connection ?11:36
StefanMwhat's the recommended / size for ubuntu 10.04 server? I had to upgrade 6 Ubuntu 9.x servers to 10 LTS and after the upgrade the / partition is too small.11:38
MestreLioncnf: ctrl+shift+n in a terminal window is not the same as crtl+shift+t . When you open a new window (or tab) *from a previous termial*, it remains in same dir11:38
cnfMestreLion:  so how do i disable that?11:38
MestreLioncnf: if you open a new terminal using ctrl+shift+t (or use dash, or mouse middle-click), then it will always open in your home dir11:39
MestreLionmarsfligth: brightness and lock, NOT power11:39
cnfMestreLion: sorry, but what are you saying?11:40
marsfligthMestreLion: If you press next pics will find it11:41
sireorionhi foks... Ihave an old crap computer with follow: 500MHz I586 CPU 1024MB SOLID DRIVE HDD 512MB RAM... Can i install ubuntu on it?11:41
MestreLioncnf: open a terminal and cd to any dir. now open a new terminal using dash11:42
cnfMestreLion: yeah, but that's not somehting i do, or need11:42
MestreLionso what do you need?11:43
cnfto open a new tab, and it NOT going to whatever directory my other tab was in11:43
MestreLionsireorion: not the standard desktop... you need a larger hdd11:43
MestreLioncnf: does it need to be a new tab? can't it be a new window?11:44
sireorionMestreLion:  okey... but are there other distros? i have tryed Puppy but i dont like it11:44
MestreLionsireorion: there are zillions od linux distros.. try distrowatch website11:44
curtmanHow do I stop Ekiga and Empathy from loading when I log in?11:45
dr_willissireorion: tinycore linux11:45
sireorionMestreLion: i have looked on that.. but no site tells how much HDD u ned to have11:45
sipiorStefanM: a few GB would be the absolute minimum for comfort. i wouldn't use less than about 10GB myself, and hard drive space is cheap. but consider using LVM2 for future installs, which will give you flexibility to resize / if needed without the annoying repartitioning.11:45
marsfligth'MestreLion: on the top left of the page you find 'First Image - Second Image' aswell 'next'. Brightness screenshoot is in the second page11:45
MestreLioncnf: if you hit crtl+shift+t , it should open a new window in ~ regardless of other terminals11:45
dr_willissireorion: tiny core is like 30 mb. ;-)11:45
MestreLiondr_willis: so is busybox, but I don't think those are what he wants :P11:46
cnfMestreLion:  that it doesn't do11:46
MestreLioncnf: ctrl+shift+t does not open a new terminal?11:47
sireoriondr_willis: okey... im on that site now... and it have 3 differnt files :S11:47
dr_willisno idea what he wants.. he wanted a small distro.11:47
dr_willisi think11:47
sireorioncore tinycore & coreplus11:47
cnfMestreLion:  it does, with the same pwd as the previous tab11:47
MestreLionhe wants a, *i guess*, "normal" distro11:47
StefanMsipior: do you perhaps know what is wrong when this happens? http://pastebin.com/rSqBhGvs11:47
dr_willislubuntu then...11:47
sireorionlubuntu needs 1,5 GB hdd11:48
MestreLioncnf: you say that, for you, crtl+shift+t works the same as ctrl+shift+n ??11:48
StefanMlots of free inodes on /11:48
Liger86Can anyone recommend a site for learning command line, there are so many out there.11:48
* curtman thinks there definitely needs to be a "startup programs" UI for Gnome.11:48
cnfMestreLion:  no, n opens a new window, t a new tab, BOTH with the shell in the pwd of whatever one i had active when i pressed it11:48
MestreLionmarsfligth: yes, I saw, sorry. well, it looks fine, have no idea why it isn't working. maybe you tinked with compiz settings directly?11:49
dr_willisLiger86: see what ones on delicious.com have the most tagged ;-)11:49
sipiorStefanM: looks like treesize missed a spot. no dotfiles in /, i assume?11:50
Liger86will do.11:50
MestreLioncnf: i just realized gnome makes a mess with keyboard shortcuts...11:50
StefanMsipior: no, treesize is just a script for du with formatting using awk.11:50
StefanMdu doesn't miss files as far as I know11:50
* curtman assumes nobody knows, when people ignore him. He also finds that sad.11:50
* curtman speaks in 3rd person when he's frustrated11:51
sipiorStefanM: well, something is clearly not right :-)11:51
cnfMestreLion:  right mouse, open terminal or open tab does the same things respectively11:51
MestreLioncnf: omg, i'm truly sorry: ctrl+ALT+t11:51
cnfok, that's better11:52
cnfnow where do i remap that?11:52
ericmarMy install seems to be working ok but how do I install new drivers?11:52
MestreLioncnf: ctrl+ALT+t is also the same as middle-click in launcher11:52
ericmarShould I install any additional drivers11:52
cnfmiddle click where?11:52
ericmarI am getting some crashing and erratic behavior11:52
MestreLioncnf: in launcher...11:52
InstantKrimsontrying to compile kernel with "make menuconfig"11:52
InstantKrimsonget error that NCURSES is needed and that I should install NCURSES-DEVEL11:52
InstantKrimsonCannot find that in the repositories, anybody got a clue as what I should do?11:52
dr_willisericmar:  drivers for what?11:53
MestreLioncnf: in launcher, assuming you locked the terminal in launcher11:53
cnfMestreLion:  which is what? (i am SO not used to graphical stuff in linux)11:53
cnfoh, the side bar thingie?11:53
cnfi have 2 terminals side by side, nicely lined up11:53
cnfand i open up tabs in that11:53
MestreLionnd you can remat it in system settings > keyboard > shortcuts tab > launchers11:54
sipiorInstantKrimson:  i believe you'll want libncurses*11:54
cnfaha, i was looking in terminal settings itself11:54
cnfoh, hmm11:55
cnfMestreLion:  that doesn't do new tabs, though11:55
ericmargraphics etc...11:55
MestreLioncnf: nope11:55
dr_williscnf when doing a lot of ttterminal work - i tend to use terminator11:55
cnfhmz, crap11:55
Oprrhi everyone11:55
MestreLioncnf: i don't know if there is a way to change the tabs behavior11:55
InstantKrimsonsipior: Thanks, I'll try that! :-)11:55
dr_willisericmar:  no need to msg me. tell the channel your video specs.11:55
ericmarI am trying to install VMware and the install says the default package file should handle the install, but it will not seem to work11:56
cnfhmz, balls11:56
cnfdr_willis: java, no thank you11:57
dr_williscnf:  java?11:57
InstantKrimsonsipior: installing libncursesw5-dev did the trick, thank you very much! :-D11:57
dr_willis!info terminator11:57
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 256 kB, installed size 1775 kB11:57
sipiorInstantKrimson: yep, have fun.11:58
cnfdr_willis: terminator thing says it needs java 611:58
dr_willisubuntus terminator does not use java11:58
ericmarDr - it's a lenovo x230 with on board intel graphics11:58
dr_willisyou may be looking at a similar named project11:58
EaglemanIn what format do i add a dns entry to look at the ownt server in /etc/hosts?  I want hgg-fs to point to the local server11:58
MestreLionericmar: afaik, there's no vmware in ubuntu repos11:58
Da_Wihi, i have a strange problem, and perhaps one of you have a hint. I'm running an ubuntu 12.04, works fine ... almost. If i look at "free -m" i have 740 MB total memory. But i have 1GB build in. Is the memory broken and cannot be used? Any other ideas?11:59
dr_willisericmar:  intel drivers are built in by default normally11:59
PiciDa_Wi: do you have an onboard video card? often those use shared memory, i.e. it steals it out of your RAM11:59
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ericmarSeems like it Mestre, so now I don't know how to install12:00
ericmarWhich isn't the end of the world, but would be nice12:00
MestreLionDa_Wi: onboard video ram perhaps?12:00
ericmarI have an old image I want to access12:00
Da_WiPici, jupp. It's a laptop. Thus onboard. And to steal 250MB sounds reasonable. cc MestreLion12:00
ericmarI would assume so Dr_12:00
dr_williscnf:  i recall some osx project with a similer name. ;) not the same as ubuntus terminatoe, which uses python and gnome-terminal12:00
ericmarI am looking12:00
Da_WiPici MestreLion should i leave that alone? Or is there a way to get it back (e.g. 100 MB)?12:00
MestreLionDa_Wi: some laptops have a dedicated video card that don't use your main RAM12:01
MestreLionDa_Wi: you can probably set up your video ram size in your laptop's BIOS12:01
PiciDa_Wi: There may be a setting in your BIOS, I've never seen a configurable setting for this past boot.12:01
ericmarDr_ it says intel HD4000 onboard graphics part of the i&12:01
ericmarSo, I assume so12:01
Da_WiPici, MestreLion okay. I'll try that. Do you think I should reduce that to e.g. 150 MB?12:02
curtmanWorst support channel ever....12:02
MestreLionDa_Wi: that depends on what is your usage bottleneck... video ram or main ram?12:02
Da_WiMestreLion, I need more Ram. And i make normal desktop stuff, thus no fancy video stuff or games. So I should make it smaller.12:04
MestreLionDa_Wi:  go for 128mb (or even 64mb) and see if video is still confortable12:04
Da_WiMestreLion, thx. I'll try that (if I find something :/)12:04
EaglemanIn what format do i add a dns entry to look at the ownt server in /etc/hosts?  I want hgg-fs to point to the local server12:05
ericmarThanks for the help all!12:05
[HUN]Btvilaghi everyone. I have an issue with lvm and deleted partitions. I managed to find a way to recover however i have one problem. I dont know the order the hardrives were in. Is UUID for life or does it change everytime i unplug-plug the harddrive to the ubuntu? because lvmrestore thing is made by UUID but now it seems it had a different than before (I unpluged and plugged )12:05
MestreLionDa_Wi: and the usual deniability disclaimer: be VERY careful when you tinkle with your BIOS...12:05
cnfdamnit, so frustrating >,<12:06
MestreLioncnf: why you prefer tabs over windows?12:06
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cnfMestreLion: because windows get lost12:06
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MestreLionerr... double-click the terminal icon in launcher12:07
Da_WiMestreLion, I know. I'm searching for the required infos. When I come back ... it worked. If not I screwd up everything! :D12:07
* pangur has 15 minutes to go to finish backing up his data.12:08
cnfMestreLion: i don't want to work like that12:08
cnfi have 2 windows, sized and lined up just the way i want them12:08
MestreLioni hope he knows what "I screwd up everything" means when it comes to BIOS settings...12:08
pangurOnce I have finished backing up my data, is the best way to restore my /usr/bin simply to reinstall my wubi installation?12:09
cnf83c by 43r12:09
cnfside by side12:09
[HUN]Btvilaganyone with an idea12:10
[HUN]Btvilagabout my issue12:10
cnfMestreLion: and i have little interest in changing my work habbits on that12:10
jrib!helpme | [HUN]Btvilag12:10
ubottu[HUN]Btvilag: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:10
cnfi just expect new terminal tabs/windows to open in $HOME, and no where else12:10
jrib[HUN]Btvilag: uuid should not change because you unplugged and plugged it in somewhere else12:11
jrib[HUN]Btvilag: but I don't use lvm12:11
MestreLioncnf: they do when you use ctrl+alt+t12:12
[HUN]Btvilagjrib: thanks. is that like max address?12:12
cnfMestreLion:  except that doesn't open new tabs12:12
EaglemanIn what format do i add a dns entry to look at the ownt server in /etc/hosts?  I want hgg-fs to point to the local server12:12
MestreLion[HUN]Btvilag: kind of.. they only change when you format them12:12
[HUN]Btvilaghow about new partition tabée?12:13
cnfMestreLion: i want that behaviour off, not be forced into a new workflow12:13
MestreLioncnf: some options: 1) use a different terminal other than gnome-terminal (someone suggested terminator), 2) change the shell to a custom command like "bash -c 'cd $HOME'"12:13
MestreLioncnf: of 3) use Xmonad for perfectly aligned windows12:14
cnfi hate tiling WMs12:14
jribcnf: if I can offer an alternative, have you considered simply using tmux or screen instead of two terminals?12:15
pangurIs 5.8MB/sec fairly slow for copying files?12:15
cnfjrib:  no, because that is again, a totally different workflow which doesn't fit me12:15
cnfand i don't like screen, nor tmux12:15
jribcnf: ok12:15
[HUN]Btvilagok thanks all now off later back with the same issue:S12:16
MestreLioncnf: you can also add 'cd "$HOME"' to your ~/.bashrc12:17
jribcnf: how do you start the terminal?12:17
ahhugheswhen trying to update I get an error that says "Requires installation of untrusted packages".... Details: "eog" wtf is that?12:18
cnfjrib: i click the terminal icon twice12:18
llutz!info eog | ahhughes  update your apt-keys12:19
ubottuahhughes update your apt-keys: eog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.91-0ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 756 kB, installed size 2692 kB12:19
MestreLioncnf: may I ask what was your workflow before bumping into this issue?12:19
cnfMestreLion:  like i said, i open 2 terminal windows side by side12:20
cnfeverything is tabs in either of those 212:20
cnfright one is where i edit, left one is where i have output, or read stuff (man pages etc)12:20
MestreLionis adding 'cd "$HOME"' to your ~/.bashrc an acceptable solution ?12:21
cnfMestreLion:  it wouldn't do anything12:21
cnfbecause i don't use bash12:21
cnfalso, it would mess with some of my other configs, i think12:22
MestreLionwhat shell do you use?12:22
blackshirtcnf, what are you trying to config?12:23
MestreLionand doesn't zsh have a similar option like ~/.bashrc ?12:23
MestreLion(also, I doubt a cd would mess with anything.. that's what you want actually)12:23
BluesKajhowdy all12:23
cnfblackshirt: NOT being thrown into another path when i open a new tab in gnome-terminal12:24
ahhughesllutz, kewl.. I tried `sudo apt_key update`... no joy. Am I doing something wrong?12:25
MestreLioncnf: actually, that's what a new tab does. it inherits the previous environment. what you want is for it TO throw you back to $HOME12:25
MestreLionahhughes: apt-key , not apt_key12:26
ahhughesyeah, I did apt-key :) sorry for typo in here12:26
MestreLionpastebin output12:27
MestreLion"no joy" is not very informative12:27
cnfMestreLion: no, i don't WANT to inherit anything12:27
cnfi have my own config, stop messing with it12:27
ahhughesMestreLion, it just halts the process.12:28
ahhughesMestreLion, as shown here, the only option is to 'close' http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/27045/12:28
MestreLioncnf: add 'cd "$HOME"' to ~/.zshrc12:28
ardchoillecnf: Just my opinion, but it appears that creating a new workflow and going from there would be beneficial. we all need to change things now and then because software is always changing and updating12:29
MestreLiondid any software change in this case? what you used prior to gnome-terminal cnf ?12:30
cnfMestreLion: terminal.app12:30
cnfwhich i still use, at home12:30
MestreLionoh, osx ?12:31
jribcnf: if I were in your shoes, I would do the following (I presume you are on 12.10 so I cannot help much as I'm still on 12.04): check dconf-editor for a relevant setting; apt-get source gnome-terminal and figure out what changed regarding how new tabs are handled (and then find a suitable way to change the behavior)12:32
pangurNow that all my data is backed up, what would be the best way to restore my inadvertently deleted /usr/bin?  My inclination is to download the latest wubi and reinstall.   However, if I could copy from my live cd a few restorative files that might be better?12:32
cnfMestreLion: yep12:32
wastrelafaicr gnome-terminal has always opened tabs in the cwd12:32
cnf"check dconf-editor"...12:32
ardchoillewastrel: still does here12:33
dr_willispangur:  best would be to stay as far away from wubi as you can12:33
pangurWubi has worked fairly well for me up until now, dr_willis - and this time, it was my own stupidity :)12:33
auronandacepangur: wubi isn't meant to be used as a long term solution12:34
wastrelreinstall would be my inclintation but if you want to do it the hard way you could copy /usr/bin from the livecd and then try to individually fix all the broken packages12:34
cnfidno what the hell i'm even looking for in dconf-editor12:34
wastrelcnf: apps > gnome-terminal  probably12:35
wastrelthen look in each of the subcategories and see if there's a relevant config option (likely not)12:35
MestreLionjrib: nothing changed in gnome-terminal... it always worked like that12:35
cnfwastrel: you'd think so, but that's not there12:35
jribMestreLion: oh12:35
NastyNazweird question but what are the opendns.org dns addresses? I don't have a dns server so can't look them up :/12:36
zetherooanyone have hotswap working in Ubuntu?12:36
zetherooI have an Optical Drive and HDD caddy which I want to swap in my Ultrabay ...12:36
wastreloh what's dconf-editor i thought we were talking about gconf-editor12:36
llutzNastyNaz: IP address:
NastyNazllutz: thank you SO much!12:37
zetheroobut when I put the HDD caddy in there the drive does not mount12:37
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wastrelit's in apps > gnome-terminal in gconf-editor12:38
MestreLioncnf: apart from an unknown, undocumented obscure setting hidden somewhere in dconf or gconf, gnome-terminal always open new tabs in pwd, not $HOME. so your options are to either add a harmless 'cd "$HOME"' to your ~/.zshrc file or use another terminal emulator. there are dozens available besides gnome-terminal12:38
_black12.10 is giving me popups for updates :P12:38
wastrel_black: me too12:38
MestreLionwastrel: gconf and dconf are 2 config databes currently used in gnome.12:38
_blackim afraid to update at this time :P12:38
pangurI have a Medion computer (which is touch screen in Windows).  Using wubi, I am able to boot into Ubuntu.  I tried once before to install Ubuntu in the traditional way from a CD and I got some message saying that I could only have four partitions on the Medion.  That is how I ended up using wubi.12:38
wastrelthat's hella dumb i never heard of this dconf12:39
MonkeyDustpangur  that is correct, if you want more than 4 partitions, you need an extented partition12:40
naxaHow can I update to unity 5.12 on 12.04? I did `sudo apt-get update` and `sudo-apt get upgrade` (said 0 upgraded), still, `unity --version` gives "5.10.0".  my lsb-release says I'm 12.0412:40
blackshirtif the repository provides the updates,you can update it12:40
MestreLionwastrel: then you're very outdated... gnome3 is gradually moving all its settings from gconf to dconf backend.12:40
wastrelMestreLion: yeah i just installed 12.10 i was using 10.10 until last week12:41
blackshirtmestrelion, what the differences between of both backends?12:41
pangurMonkeyDust, could I put Ubuntu on an extended partition?12:41
MestreLionblackshirt: i have no idea12:42
MestreLionpangur: yes12:42
MestreLionpangur: actually, in a logical partition inside the extended12:42
zetheroohotswap in Ubuntu 12.04 ... need help getting this to work12:42
blackshirtmestrelion, what you mean with no idea? Do you don't know that?12:42
pangurOK, thanks.  That sounds more like what I should do rather than return to the wubi.12:42
MestreLionblackshirt: they are just 2 different database formats. maybe dconf improves some aspects of gconf. Maybe gnome just like to revamp eveything every couple of years :P12:43
jribcnf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302396/ unless something changed in 12.10 you're out of luck unless you want to hack gnome-terminal.  Although I guess you should go look at terminal_screen_get_current_dir_with_fallback too.  Depends how committed you are12:44
kollapseHello. I am getting an error while trying to install Teamviewer - http://pastie.org/5108775 Any help ?12:44
MestreLionblackshirt: All I know is that they are 2 disticnt databases, stored in distinct files, both can be accessed by the same gsettings interface. AS for the techinical differecenes between them, or why gnome created a brand new backend, I have no idea12:44
naxablackshirt: I did `sudo apt-cache madison unity` but my repo only has 5.10.0. How do I get 5.12? which repo?12:44
MestreLionjrib: I think he is just trolling12:46
MestreLionwastrel: oh, maverick.. you will be much missed <312:46
AristideHi !12:46
cnfjrib:  yeah, i'm not gonna hack gnome-terminal ^^; looking for another term emulator :/12:46
AristideI have a problem with jack and Alsa. For create a bridge between Alsa to Jack, I must create a loopback. http://privatepaste.com/307e461f08 (for asoundrc). But the sound is bad :(12:47
ardchoillekollapse: which Ubuntu release are you running?12:47
AristideAlsa is not bridge to Jack for the moment12:47
wexHello  i installed today my first os other then windows so this was ubuntu 12.1012:47
MestreLionkollapse: teamviewer is not available in ubuntu official repos12:47
wexNeed some hel to see the partition created with win12:47
physically_fitwho here, having an old machine, right before attempting to install 12.10 got a message saying your graphic card wont's support unity and it will run slow, but you went for it and 12.10 runs better than expected on it?12:48
MestreLioncnf: you honestly think this is better than a simple 'cd' in ~/.zshrc ?!?!12:48
kollapseMestreLion, I know, I got the deb file from the site and followed http://www.ihaveapc.com/2012/03/how-to-install-teamviewer-7-in-linux-mint-ubuntu/12:48
pangurI like your nick, ardchoille  - Forest Height , I think it means.12:48
cnfMestreLion: people in #zsh think it's a bad, bad idea12:48
ardchoillepangur: Aye! "To the high trees!"12:48
cnfMestreLion: and tbh so do i12:48
ardchoillekollapse: which Ubuntu release are you running?12:48
wexAny1 how can i see the partition from windows12:49
MestreLioncnf: I would love to hear their reasons, but, hey... it's your workflow :)12:49
kollapseardchoille, You got me - Mint12:49
ardchoillekollapse: Thought so, Mint isn't supported here. I wondered why you asked the same question here and in #linuxmint12:49
cnfMestreLion: please do remember i share my config across systems and operating systems12:49
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AristideI try to reboot my computer ><12:49
kollapseardchoille, Probably because that room is silent almost all of the time.12:50
MestreLioncnf: thankfully 'cd' and '$HOME" are POSIX12:50
cnfMestreLion: zsh people are debating it, in zsh it's a BAD idea12:50
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:50
cnfthey are now debating hacks to fix it12:50
cnfone uglier than the next12:50
MestreLioncnf: because... ?12:50
cnfidno, i'm not privvy to the innards of zsh yet12:51
MestreLiongeez, it's a CD12:51
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ardchoille"cd" is core, it should work regardless of $TERM12:51
MestreLiondo they need to debate how bad a cd "$HOME" is to an rc file??12:51
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Guest87843 can i install 0.24 fixes mythfrontend on 3.2.0-23 generic platform12:53
MestreLionkollapse: official mint support channel is not in this server12:53
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MestreLioncnf: if you can, please post a summary of their reasons in a private window... I'm really curious on why would someone say a cd $HOME is *BAD*12:55
MestreLionkollapse: also, I know this is not what you asked but... both ubuntu and mint have many better alternatives to teamview.. native ones12:56
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MestreLionteamview is not only proprietary and closed-sourse, but also is a windows app inside a build-in wine12:57
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MestreLionalso, teamview is not a replacement for logmein... at least not for free12:58
kollapseMestreLion, do you mean VNC / RDP ?12:58
MestreLionyes, those are the most popular alternatives12:59
cnfMestreLion:  i don't understand most of it, but zsh does a lot of precompiling of settings etc12:59
MestreLionyou can even use ssh and remotely open x windows12:59
cnfMestreLion:  they came up with an ugly hack to detect if it was actually gnome-terminal that was the caller, and hacking that in13:00
cnfMestreLion: yes, a hack13:03
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MestreLiondoes it need to be more complicated than [[ "$TERM" = xterm ]] && cd "$HOME"13:03
Guest41270after installing 12.10, my computer no sound, help13:04
mwichey guys, I'm running Distribution upgrade to get from 11.10 to 12.4 , but it is apparently proposing to remove "nvidia-current" package and I'm not sure why13:04
mwicor what's going to replace it?13:04
SharkMuttleworthmwic: Probably because you have to explicitly enable the properietary driver repository in each version. I guess if you remove it will just use the open source "nouveau" driver13:06
Guest41270after installing 12.10, my computer no sound, help13:07
mwicthx .. love yr nick btw13:07
SharkMuttleworthmwic: I'd always do a clean install if you can spare the time, had too many fuckups from in-place upgradeing13:07
SharkMuttleworthmwic: Cheers13:07
angs what is the ubuntu command to check if I have libnl?13:08
mwicin-place upgrading still doesn't work ?13:08
mwic? (!)13:08
wastrelangs: you could do dpkg -l | grep libnl13:10
angswastrel: thank you!13:11
dr_willismwic: what?13:11
mwicdr_jesus,  the Distribution  Upgrade is apparently not reliable yet?13:11
mwicsorry i meant dr_willis13:11
jpdsmwic: Pardon?13:11
dr_willisit works for many13:11
Unicron_hi - anyway when installing a package via apt-get to pass options?  specifically want postgresql to have a different data_directory without having to do it post install13:12
mwicUnicron_, that would be awesome but I highly doubt it13:13
hualethello everybody, when i did 'mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug/ ', i got this error message  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302457/ can anybody help me13:13
Unicron_mwic, using chef and it makes it kinda awkward to do an initdb after the fact - get rid of the original data_dir etc..13:14
wastrelif you're using chef you can tell chef to make the changes can't you?13:14
Unicron_yes, but postgresql installs with default conf,, creates data dir and starts the server - then you have to create the new directory - initialise it and restart then remove the old one - just makes things more complicated13:15
hualetsome one give me a hand, please.... :-(13:16
hualetwhen i did 'mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug/ ', i got this error message  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302457/13:18
hualetdr_willis, can you help me ?13:18
dr_willisnope.. never even heard of debugfs13:19
mimirhi, i'm using ubuntu 12.10. is there any way of making the unity launcher smaller? i don't want it to take all my height... ie: i just want to be from top to bottom of my screen.. just half or something like that13:19
wastrelmimir: there is a way to make the launcher smaller13:19
dr_willismimir: you can make it narrow er13:20
wastrelmimir: open system settings > appearance  there's a slider at the bottom13:20
wastreloh i see13:21
MestreLioni think mimir means shorter, not narrower13:21
wastrelyou want it shorter not narrower13:21
wastrelthere's not a way to do that13:21
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mimirwastrel: that's to make it narrower (ie: make the icons smaller)13:21
mimiri want to be able to make it shorter13:22
mimirdon't want it taking all my screen13:22
mimiri want to have to have the desktop in the rest of the screen, as i can do mouse gestures over desktop, not over it13:22
mimirMestreLion: you are right13:22
ardchoillemimir: would those mouse gestures work while the unity launcher is active?13:23
Rods_TigerSomething odd has happened since I upgraded my installation to 12:10 - any powerpoint I used to be able to show, all my class lectures, now doesn't load into impress, instead it loads into writer and displays nonsense characters instead, in a word processor doc.13:23
mimirardchoille: basically what i'm doing is using my mouse buttongs to change workspaces, well, viewports, and they work just fine over desktop, but not over any kind of window, that including the launcher13:24
ardchoilleRods_Tiger: sounds like you did something that changed file associations13:24
Rods_Tigerno, I did nothing. I'd know about it if I did.13:24
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Rods_TigerAll I did, as I explained, was to upgrade to 12:10.13:24
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ardchoillemimir: if the unity launcher is a type of menu, then mouse gestures may not work while that "menu" is active, that's how most menus work13:24
Rods_TigerBefore, it worked, and I could use my material to teach with, now, since the upgrade, I'm unable to.13:25
MestreLionmimir: as a quite extreme workaround you may use another desktop (besides unity) and install a laucher like AWN, which has this kind of customization13:25
mimirardchoille: yeah, but if i make it smaller, since i won't be over it, it won't be active, so i will be able to use it...13:25
mimirMestreLion: tried it, didn't liked it... :)13:25
ardchoilleRods_Tiger: right-click a presentation, choose "Properties", then go to the "open with" tab and see which app is default to open the file13:25
Rods_TigerIt is impress.13:26
ardchoillemimir: you need to test that, most menus it doesn't matter if you're "over" them, they deactivate other mouse gestures. You should test that13:26
MatBoyguys, I cannot resolve domainnames, only their subdomains... what can be wrong here ?13:26
MatBoyguys, I cannot resolve domainnames, only their subdomains... what can be wrong here ?13:26
ardchoilleRods_Tiger: Well, there goes my idea, lol13:26
wastrelRods_Tiger: if you file-open from within impress does it work?13:27
Rods_TigerEven if I explicitly open impress, then go to open from there, it still goes into writer as nonsense characters instead. Nothing's changed as far as I'm concerned, it just stopped working, and it stops me from working too.13:27
mimirardchoille: now over unity launcher, i can't use my mouse gestures, that's why i want to make it smaller13:27
ardchoillemimir: what I'm saying is it may not matter how small it is, the launcher may deactivate mouse gestures13:27
wastrelhm i don't even have ooimpress i have libreoffice13:27
Rods_Tigerthis is libreoffice13:28
MestreLionRods_Tiger:  "Even if I explicitly open impress, then go to open from there, it still goes into writer" - this is very worrying13:28
wastrelmaybe change from ooimpress to loimpress ?13:28
wastrelin the open with thingy13:28
Rods_Tigerit's whatever is on ubuntu - it comes with libreoffice, doesn't it.13:28
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MatBoymhh, anyone an idea ? none of my servers can't it seems13:29
MestreLionRods_Tiger: it used to come with OpenOffice... then changed to LibreOffice, which is a fork of OO13:29
Rods_Tigerwell, it was libreoffice before the upgrade, and it's libreoffice now that the upgrade has crippled it.13:30
MestreLionRods_Tiger: hence the terms "ooimpress" and "loimpress" to tell them apart13:30
wastreland the open with thingy is loimpress rather than ooimpress?13:30
wastrelRods_Tiger: what if you do loimpress <filename> at the terminal ?13:30
Rods_Tigerwhy are we even talking about open office? I didn't mention it at all.13:30
MestreLionwastrel: it is LO since 11.0413:30
Rods_TigerI don't have open office.13:30
wastrelbecause i'm from olden days and i used to use ooffice13:30
wastrelok i'm sorry13:30
wastreli haven't used ubuntu since a long time13:30
jpdsMatBoy: dig +trace domain.com13:31
wastreli don't know from these modern distros from 201113:31
MestreLionRods_Tiger: please try this in a terminal and pastebin the whole session: file /path/to/some-presentation-youre-trying-to-open13:32
Rods_Tigerwell, it worked last week, but now I've updated to 12:10 it doesn't. Nothing else has changed.13:32
redwarriors25how to backup files in ubuntu13:32
MatBoyjpds: that gives reply13:32
MestreLionredwarriors25: it comes with Deja-Dup pre-installed, and I recommend it13:32
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:32
Rods_TigerI'll go and try that then. I have to reboot as I'm back on OS X now, in order to actually get work done.13:32
redwarriors25i see13:32
ardchoilleRods_Tiger: was this impress document created in MS Excel?13:33
Rods_TigerNo, it's created the usual way for me, that I've been doing for years — create either in Google Docs, or directly in Keynote, then export as .ppt, because apparently Libreoffice doesn't read keynote docs, and I was told I have to do this instead.13:34
VinceBrowningCan anyone explain to me how to use xchat and IRC in general? I dont know how to access the channels under Ubuntu13:34
Rods_TigerThe current .ppt files I use lately are all exported from Keynote, and of course, have been working for several years in Libreoffice, until just now. Nothing in the files has changed, they're not newly created.13:35
dr_willisVinceBrowning: xchats help menu usrd to have beginner guides13:35
VinceBrowningty dr_willis13:36
Rods_TigerIf libreoffice directly read keynote docs I wouldn't have to mess around with all this .ppt intermediary nonsense.13:36
teelis it possible to use gnome2 in the new ubuntu version?13:36
teelor atleast a look-alike?13:36
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity13:37
blacknesshow do you change the theme for GDM?13:37
teeli mean in the _new_ ubuntu13:37
blackness12.10 teel ?13:37
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:38
teelthat will work withhout problem?13:38
redwarriors25deja jup in 12.10?13:38
teelor it will f*ck up everything?13:38
michealPWI seem to have lost the default theme for LightDM that ships with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Anybody know where I can find it?13:38
dr_willisi dont use it..13:38
teelcan i do distro-update safely or that will nullify everything like it once did?13:39
InstantKrimsonteel: have you tried Cinnamon (Linux Mint's UI)? Also a very nice gnome2 look-alike....13:39
teeland what is a "ubuntu setup" and how does it compare to a PC/MAC? http://www.ubuntu.com/static/u/img/ubuntu/ubuntuforyou-laptop-bubble.jpg13:39
teelno im still on 11.04 ;)13:40
teeli tried the follower once but didnt like unity, and etc13:40
teelbut there seem to come no more updates (only very rarely) so i think about upgrading13:41
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110413:41
dydcan somebody help me? i'm lost... apt-get -f install is not working :( http://pastebin.com/GTXUvFcf13:41
dr_willisnot sure when its eol.13:41
blacknessend of life13:42
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:42
mirela666Hi, I'm having some 404 issue for some package index when trying to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.1013:42
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110413:43
teelhaha mirela666! thanks for the info! i just askes about if distro-update can be done by now safely unlike in the past, i mean were in the year 2012 so such things should actually be working13:43
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mirela666teel: :)13:44
teelwe're flying to mars etc, cloning sheeps but can't do a safe distro-upgrade13:44
blackness!ot | teel13:45
ubottuteel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:45
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:45
dr_willisi find it faster to clean install. cleans out my cruft also.13:45
bert_macklandI am running 12.04 and cannot find a way to have sound in console mode13:45
dr_willisi beta test a lot....13:46
teelis there a way, if i was to just backup my home folder, that linux will clean out the unused garbage when copying it to a clean version?13:46
michealPWOhhh I think I know what happened... My LightDM is no longer using the Unity Greeter, maybe!13:46
michealPWLets see if I can't figure this out, hrmm13:46
blacknessAnyone care to explain, i setup Two laptops at the same time with 12.04.1, switched from lightdm to GDM, one GDM theme is different then the other. any ideas why?13:46
mirela666Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/rs.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch13:47
SuperLagIs the only way to disable bluetooth on startup, is by disabling Network Manager?13:47
MestreLionteel: you can either use a tool like deja-dup, or simply tar you home dir13:47
blacknessone of them had lightdm removed aswell.13:47
SuperLagHow exactly do you disable bluetooth on startup?13:47
SuperLag(in 12.10)13:47
MestreLionSuperLag: you can disable it in bios13:47
bert_macklandcan anyone help with sound in console mode?13:48
MestreLionSuperLag: or using an FN+<some F-XX> key13:48
dr_willisbert_mackland: with what app?13:48
teelwell thanks for now, i will consider upgrading now13:48
SuperLagMestreLion: not exactly... no BIOS here. I'm on a Mac, and this is in a VM. And I use Bluetooth on the Mac13:48
MestreLionbert_mackland: what kind of sound?13:48
SuperLagbut not in the VM13:48
bert_macklanddr_willis: clementine13:49
sophosI get problem with ubuntu 12.10. After each start, I get system crashed warning. What is up with that?13:49
MatBoyweird, I cannot ping but dig works13:49
bert_macklandMestreLion: I am trying to play music while I am on tty113:49
MatBoyI mean, nslookup does not work13:49
blacknesswhat are the details of the crashed warning sophos ?13:49
MestreLionSuperLag: do VMs now expose bluetooth ??13:49
sophosI dont read them. I get the small window saying report error or close it, blackness.13:50
SuperLagMestreLion: apparently... I didn't think of turning it off from VMware. Completely forgot about that aspect. I'm going to check there.13:50
blacknessWell, reading them might allow us to help you with the problem.13:50
dr_willisor its just seeing old crash reports13:51
sophosWell ok, I will come back next time when I boot on my pc again. Thanks anyway13:51
SuperLagMestreLion: that did the trick... VMware Fustion 5 gives you the option of sharing your BT devices with the VM13:51
dr_willisit can be disabled13:51
MestreLionSuperLag: :)13:52
SuperLagTime to ditch this crusty RHEL VM and move to Ubuntu.13:52
redwarriors25deja jup in 12.10?13:53
dr_willis its in the repos i think.13:54
michealPWThat's all that happened. When I installed KUbuntu, it set the lightDM greeter to lightdm-kde-greeter. So I think I can just set it to unity-greeter and it will be back like a default Ubuntu 12.04, correct?13:54
dr_willisshould be michealPW13:55
dr_willistry it and see13:55
MestreLionredwarriors25: deja-dup, and it's installed by default since 12.0413:56
MestreLionit even pops up the after the first boot13:56
michealPWmm, should I use this /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --greeter=unity-greeter or manually edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with vim?13:57
michealPWOh, I guess either way works.13:57
MestreLionmichealPW: the former is safer13:57
michealPWI used that script and then opened the lightdm.conf and it modified the file properly according to the manual so hmm I guess that script is the best approach :P13:58
dr_willisbackup the conf just in case13:58
MestreLionavoid hand-editing config files if there's a command that does that for you :)13:58
michealPWThx everyone!13:58
michealPWSo I had it all wrong. It didn't change the "theme" it totaly changed the greeter. Pretty cool that LightDM can have different greeters like that hehe.13:59
milfoilhi.  i'm having some trouble video a slow desktop and ui with 12.10.  my computer has an ati es1000 video card [128m of ram], which seems to be recognized and is using the radeon and radeonfb kernel modules as far as i can tell, but performance seems to really be suffering.13:59
michealPW Also, lightDM is only ~5k lines to GDM's ~50k lines (rofl) talk about light-weight :P13:59
milfoil*video and a13:59
michealPWI can totaly see why Canonical adopted lightDM as the main DM, now that I've got it working properly LOL!14:00
michealPWOh, need to make sure I can still log-out/restart/shutdown hehe, brb14:00
redwarriors25how about 8+ version is there any14:00
Grolmilfoil: what CPU and how much RAM?14:01
cnfooowkay, running a VM inside a VM isn't easy :P14:03
milfoilGrol: dual 2.5ghz xeon quad core and 32gb of ram14:04
BustacapAny way for ubuntu to restore itself to all default settings without a reinstallation/14:04
michealPWI figured it out, hehe!14:04
michealPWGot my normal Ubuntu log-in, that shows the background picture from each account heehee. So pretty :)14:04
Grolmilfoil: should be enough power14:05
milfoilGrol: yeah, i would think so.  that's why i think it maybe has something to do with the video card/drivers.14:05
MestreLionmichealPW: what's the difference between a "theme" and a "greeter" ?14:05
milfoilbut i'm having trouble figuring out how to troubleshoot further.14:05
michealPWMestreLion: From an end-user's perspective, not much. Technically speaking, though, the "theme" changes the way the "greeter" looks. The "Greeter" is the program that you interact with when you log-in to Ubuntu.14:07
Grolmilfoil: deactivate 3D-stuff, try original radeon-driver over repository14:08
michealPWMestreLion: LightDM can have different greeters. Most traditional desktop managers, like GDM (GNOME Desktop Manager) or KDM (KDE Desktop Manager) have a built-in greeter and so you can only change the theme for that built-in greeter.14:08
MestreLionmichealPW: humm...14:09
milfoilGrol: ok, i'll try that.  what do you mean by "over repository"?14:09
MestreLionI assumed the greeter *was* == lightDm14:09
michealPWMestreLion: With LightDM, the greeter is a plug-in. There's a unity-greeter, a lightdm-gtk-greeter (Tightly integrated with GNOME) and a lightdm-kde-greeter (Tightly integrated with KDE)14:09
michealPWMestreLion: So did I, haha.14:09
Grolmilfoil: Install by synaptic - NOT download from web and manual install14:10
drwormif you are having problems with 12.10 and an older ATI card, you'll have to download the legacy 12.6 drivers from ATI's website and install after purging fglrx and fglrx-amdcccle14:10
milfoilGrol: i see.14:10
michealPWMestreLion: Technically speaking, what's going on with the different greeters is integration with your Desktop Environment. So, for example, I use KDE which is based on the Qt graphics library. So all the windows and buttons are made with the Qt library.. So to have a greeter that draws a pretty log-in screen using, say, GTK (The GIMP Toolkit, which is what GNOME uses as it's graphics library, not QT) it adds a whole layer of memory (Loading GTK) when14:11
michealPWreally your desktop uses Qt..14:11
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wols_"greeter"? wtf?14:11
michealPWwols_: Greeters are the userland programs that present you with a login/password form and hand-off what you type in to PAM, the Personal Account Manager. Iunno much 'bout PAM :P14:12
wols_michealPW: display manager. ever heard of it?14:12
michealPWI imagine PAM is basically like the NT SAM, though.14:13
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michealPWwols_: Right, monolithic Display Managers like GDM or KDM have built-in greeters. LightDM does not, it has extensible greeters.14:13
lotuspsychjei cant get flash 11.2 to work on xubuntu 12.04.1 any suggestions?14:13
michealPWlotuspsychje: Do you have to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, or have you already?14:14
michealPWI can't remember. I think I just went to adobe.com and got flash from there hehe.14:14
lotuspsychjemichaelPW: think i tryed the xubuntu-restricted-extras on it14:15
SadlyMistakenHello everybody, i would love to know how to configurate or install the plugin of JAVA in firefox, because in the guides i read, it is not working. Please help me14:15
GrolI always isntall flash over Synaptic- never got problems14:15
lotuspsychjeGrol:what version?14:15
SadlyMistakenI use ubuntu 12.04, and firefox 1414:15
lotuspsychje!java | SadlyMistaken14:16
ubottuSadlyMistaken: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:16
GrolAlways the version from repository - dont know what number14:16
cipheredwhen trying to sniff overe my wireless network (already authenticated and logged in) i am not able to see the ethernet packets from the clients to the internet or vice versa, i can only see ethernet headers of my client pc ( here is a snapshop, only LLC are seen as network activity, i need to see all packets from other clients to the internet http://justpaste.it/saved/1175073/fe8cabc114:16
lotuspsychjeGrol:i think its latest that bugs on my system14:16
michealPWOh yea, Grol's right. It's in the repository as "flashlugin-nonfree"14:16
SharkMuttleworthSadlyMistaken: Java isn't an acronym14:16
cipheredsorry http://justpaste.it/1g7914:17
Grolyes, always with firefox14:17
lotuspsychjeGrol:ill try from synaptic14:18
SadlyMistakenIt doesn't work :_(14:20
SadlyMistakenI mean, I need a plugin, but the plugin doesn't install14:20
lotuspsychjeSadlyMistaken:did you install the icedtea plugin?14:20
klpktHello, I have a question. Is it normal that whenever I plug in my headphones, the volume turns way down?14:21
SadlyMistakenI am pressing over this link the page offers me, but nothing happends14:21
SadlyMistakenI mean, they treat to open it with Center of Software.. i press AGREE14:21
SadlyMistakenbut nothing begins to be installed.14:22
lotuspsychjeSadlyMistaken:try it from terminal14:22
SadlyMistakenuhmm.. only "sudo apt-get install icedtea"14:23
SadlyMistakenIt isn't in the repositories14:23
XORwhoreklpkt: no, I think I might have had an issue like that way back in the day though14:23
blacknessIS there a reason i keep getting 'update to 12.10' like every hour after i click cancel?14:24
michealPWSadlyMistaken: It's icedtea-7-plugin14:24
michealPWSadlyMistaken: Always remember, apt-cache search is your friend. I did: apt-cache search icedtea to find that :P14:24
XORwhoreklpkt: check your sound preferences and make sure that the headset volume is adequate compared to the master volume14:24
Guillemblackness, sure, that you have not updated14:24
blacknessi dont want to update yet, so how do i disable this?14:25
Guillemblackness, you can set to ask for upgrading only for LTS releases14:25
MestreLionmichealPW: thanks SO much for the amazing lessong about greeters :)14:25
marenostrumUbuntu 12.04 here. For some reason I need to start Calibre with something different than my locale which is Turkish. Its OK if I start it from the terminal with the command LC_ALL=C calibre . I want to make it parmanent, ie I want to have the same result when I click from the Unity launcher. I found the file /usr/share/applications/calibre.desktop and tried to edit it but it didn't yield the expected result. Most probably I don't know how to edit i14:25
marenostrumt, or that's not the file to be edited. Any idea how I can do this?14:25
michealPWMestreLion: haha, don't mind me I talk a lot (blush)14:25
blacknessGuillem, do you know how i would do that?14:25
Eagleman>Some clients unfortunately try to do plaintext authentication without STARTTLS  So i can see the passwords in wireshark being sent?14:26
Guillemblackness, at the repositories setup dialog there is a checkbox for that14:26
blacknessSoftware Center repo setup?14:26
michealPWmarenostrum: You can change the shortcut itself for Calibre. It will be in /usr/share/applications14:26
SadlyMistakenOk, and now, which is the next step?14:26
SadlyMistakenrebooting firefox?14:26
Guillemblackness, I would say yes. Since I've upgraded myself I cannot check it in the same release than you....14:26
blacknessYou're on 12.10?14:27
michealPWmarenostrum: I find it's easier to find things in /usr/share/applications from the terminal, 'cause friggin' Dolphin wont show them as the text-based .desktop files that they are hehe.14:27
blackness3.5 Kernel?14:27
lotuspsychjeSadlyMistaken: or system reboot might do the trick too14:27
Guillem 3.5.0-17-generic14:27
SadlyMistakenlotuspsychje: uhm, ok, I will back in some minutes14:27
michealPWmarenostrum: Basically your entire menu is made up of those .desktop files stored in /usr/share/applications. You can open them with a text-editor such as vim (from a terminal) or Gedit (From Unity) and what you're looking for is the "Exec" line, you can add switches or arguments right there14:28
blacknessokay. thanks for your help, btw you dont use GDM do you Guillem ?14:28
lotuspsychjeI got a freeze on usb 12.10 install just before the parttioning screen..any thoughts?14:28
Guillemblackness, actually I do14:28
blacknesshow do i change the themes?14:28
donofriofolks - without suggestiing to reinstall workstation how would I resolve the14:28
donofrioroot@donofrio-OptiPlex-745:~# apt-get install unity14:28
donofrioReading package lists... Done14:28
donofrioBuilding dependency tree14:28
donofrioReading state information... Done14:28
donofrioSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have14:28
FloodBot1donofrio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
Guillemblackness, I use gnome-shell and in 12.10 it does not lock screen unless when GDM is on14:28
pestilencecould somebody help me understand what's going on at the top of my screen by the clock?  I have several apps that can show up there (e.g. pidgin, spotify, skype), but they will randomly disappear even though the application is still running.  where did they go?14:28
pestilencehow can I see them without just force killing them?14:29
Guillemblackness, but I've not been able to change anything about it14:29
XORwhorelotuspsychje: check that the disk/usb isn't damaged?14:29
GuillemGDM I mean14:29
donofriothis is a 12.10 install14:29
donofriono unity at all currently14:29
blacknessi use OpenBox, with GDM for login windows. and ive seen in 11.10 you could set the theme with GDM-Theme GUI, but i doesn't work past 11.10.14:29
donofriojust managed to get xterm up and installed xchat for help14:29
Grolwhat has better 3D support: xubuntu or lubuntu?14:29
Guillemblackness, btw, there is something called "Software Sources" where at "updates" tab you can select "Notify me a new Ubunto version:"14:29
blacknessyes, i just found it Guillem14:30
marenostrummichealPW, what should I write after exec= ? At the moment there only writes calibre. Editing it as LC_ALL=C calibre does not do the job. I am not sure about what I should write. Thanks for your help.14:30
=== guang is now known as guang_
donofrioshould be better14:30
klpktHello? I have a problem on my Ubuntu computer, whenever I plug in my headphones, the volume drops way down.14:30
donofriostill need help14:31
michealPWmarenostrum: Change the "Exec" line from, say: Exec=/usr/bin/calibre to Exec: export LC_ALL=C calibre; /usr/bin/calibre. If you get errors, it might be because of the spaces in that, try playing with quotation marks a bit. Good luck! :)14:31
donofrioklpkt - alsamixer resolves that14:31
donofrioanyone know about the missing packages for unity compiz-core-abiversion-20120920 and libnux-abiversion-20120917.0114:32
klpktdonofrio: Yeah, I know that, and I use it, but I have to fix it every single time... Isn't there a way to do it automatically?14:32
michealPWI'm not an expert with the shell, but I think if you do export LC_ALL=C calibre; it will execute that (Which will update our LC_ALL environment variable) and then execute /usr/bin/calibre afterwards.14:32
marenostrummichealPW, Thanks a lot. I'll try. :))14:32
michealPWMaybe somebody else can help with exactly how to craft your Exec, but I think that's how.14:32
michealPWmarenostrum: No problem. Good luck, mate! :)14:32
reufhow can i shorten display name of files on my desktop - to limit the number of characters displayed?14:33
michealPWbtw I didn't even realize I had calibre installed and that it's an ebook reader.. Nice! :)14:33
omnip0Hello, I have win8 with NTFS. I have shrinked my partition and made a fat32 to install ubuntu there, but when I start ubuntu installer It shows that there is no partition on the drive at all. It is interesting, because the gparted cannot the the partitions, but the ubuntu drive manager can see it. Do es someon  have an instant solution to install ubuntu somehow? Thank you.14:33
marenostrummichealPW, Yes e-book reader. Useful tool. :)14:34
=== HardFu|AFK is now known as HardFu
lotuspsychjeXORwhore:i tryed the usb stick both, but good idea maybe ill try another stick14:34
XORwhorelotuspsychje: make sure to check the md5sum from the ubuntu website as well14:35
SharkMuttleworthreuf: Find which bit of software reads the names of Desktop files, change the code, recompile it14:35
SadlyMistakenHello I am here again. I just installed icedtea7-plugin, and i just reboot the system. NOW i can't to open firefox14:35
SadlyMistakencan someone help me please?14:35
zvacetAs far I can see upgrade to 12.10 is possible only from network is that correct?14:36
lotuspsychjeXORwhore:ok ill try14:36
archlichanyone know where i can find documentation on why pid and socket files are now in /run instead of /var14:36
reufSharkMuttleworth: i downloaded nautilus source - and im greping through it - i found some changes to make to labels of icons, but cannot seem to find how to shorten file names14:36
SadlyMistakena windows tell me "Your firefox profile cannot be loaded. It maybe missing or innacesible"14:36
klpktCan anyone help me?14:36
SharkMuttlewortharchlich: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory#Overview14:37
SharkMuttleworthreuf: I was sort of joking, I'm impressed you went to so much effort for a fairly trivial customization14:38
archlichSharkMuttleworth: thank you14:38
SharkMuttlewortharchlich: I think /run was originally proposed by Fedora developers, could be mistaken. Possibly one of Lennart Poettering's projects14:39
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darvin33hello where can i donwload ubuntu gnome remix 12.10?14:39
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michealPWI think you're right, SharkMuttleworth14:39
gordonjcpSharkMuttleworth: sounds like Lennart's genius14:40
donofriohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1302622/ - need resolution to this **anyone know*** this is from my 12.10 day-to-day workstation @ work14:40
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
veryapedarvin33: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.1014:41
reufSharkMuttleworth: here i edited the source two days ago to have names next to icons > http://askubuntu.com/questions/164284/how-do-have-icons-in-a-listview-on-desktop/203871#20387114:41
donofrioanyone else running 12.10 and do a update-disto -y today???14:42
reufi wrote the procedure there14:42
zvacetis there any other way to upgrade to 12.10 then using update manager?14:42
archlichSharkMuttleworth: i dont understand why they'd create yet another directory, there's reasons why you don't want /var/run or /var/lock to be a tempfs14:42
somsipzvacet: do-release-upgrade in a terminal. Update first though, of course14:43
zvacetsomsip:  so it is not possible to use cd/dvd usb14:43
SharkMuttlewortharchlich: It makes more sense logically, given the nature of the files14:43
donofrioanyone else having unity launcher issues in 12.10 this morning14:44
SharkMuttlewortharchlich: Lennart gives his jusitfication here: http://lwn.net/Articles/436012/14:44
somsipzvacet: I don't know. You didn't ask that at first. Over to someone else...14:44
donofriohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1302622/ - package pulled?  no replacement systems almost unusable...14:44
zvacetsomsip:  I know how to upgrade using terminal but I˙m iterested in upgrading from cd/dvd or usb14:45
blezI'm thinking to install 12.0414:45
blezI got 1114:45
blezbut is there an easy way to change the system colors?14:45
blezcause in 11, it was pain14:45
tdrizzyI'm currently trying to write an upstart script. I need the demonized process to have access to an environment variable, but it doesn't. Is there any particular trick so that the daemon has access to an environment variable set within the upstart script?14:45
Calinou11 != 11.04, 11.1014:48
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Calinouuse the real version number; this is not linux mint14:48
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yeehiI created a live CD/USB. I only set 1GB for storage on the live USB - now I need to increase that storage allowance - how do i do that? I am using the live USB now...14:49
blezit doesn't matter14:49
somanHi all. Which good programs do you know for a task list on a desktop? I need auto startup on PC run, changable bgrnd colours, such as standart app in Win714:51
SharkMuttleworthsoman: Gedit14:51
deadmundSharkMuttleworth: how disingenuous14:51
deadmundsoman: task list: ps -e or top14:51
Calinoudeadmund: inb4 bash script14:51
adac"Dir.foreach('../path/to/folder') do |file|" does notr work since it cannot find the folder (due to relative path?) Any ideas?14:52
somsipsoman: you want cli or gui?14:52
somansorry guys14:52
lotuspsychje!info htop | soman14:53
ubottusoman: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3 (quantal), package size 64 kB, installed size 180 kB14:53
lbsoman, maybe you were searching for something like conky14:53
somanI am not good at english.. No tasks in OS (such as processes) but an empty GUI field at desktop where I can write my own tasks for a day for example\14:53
lotuspsychjeah post-it?14:53
somsipsoman: you want gui or cli?14:53
lbsoman, tomboy?14:54
somansorry for wrong explanation14:54
mariannaI'm having this problem. Any ideas? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/99318714:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993187 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "ubuntu 12.04 completely freezes frequently." [Critical,Won't fix]14:54
SharkMuttleworthsoman: In that case, I recommend gnote14:55
lotuspsychjemarianna:you have an ati card?14:55
mariannalotuspsychje: I have both ati and nvidia, currently using nvidia geforce 210. Could switch back, but both freeze.14:56
somanSharkMuttleworth: will try now14:56
lbSharkMuttleworth, what's the difference between tomboy and gnote?14:56
lotuspsychjemarianna:did you try unity2d?14:56
mariannalotuspsychje: No, but that solution caught my eye. do you think that would work?14:57
archlichSharkMuttleworth: yeah that makes a lot of sense, create a tmpfs earlier in the boot processes to not pollute /dev with .files14:57
lotuspsychjemarianna:interesting to know if its compiz related, also nomodeset would be good idea for testing14:57
SharkMuttleworthlb: Tomboy came first, it's written in C#. Gnote is a Tomboy clone written in C++. It's faster and possibly less worrying as not encumbured by (possible) issues surrounding C#14:57
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | marianna14:58
ubottumarianna: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:58
chamunks_Do design plotters work with ubuntu? I've got to hook up a HP Design Jet 750C and set it up as a network printer.14:58
lbSharkMuttleworth, ah thanks, just found it by using google. i should have done this before asking bad questions. thanks14:58
chamunks_I'd like to avoid using windows as the print server if at all possible.14:58
somanSharkMuttleworth: thanks, gnote is what I need14:58
archlichchamunks_: yeah it depends on the maker, hp has pretty darn good support for plotters, i found drivers for the last hp plotter i used14:58
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mariannalotuspsychje: I thought that was just for boot glitches. Mine boots fine.14:59
lotuspsychjearchlich:does hpliptools also support plotters? or you need something else?14:59
lotuspsychjemarianna:i had issues with xorg and ati myself, ang got troubles away on nomodeset,but at the end an updated fixed it all15:00
ovnicrafthello i want to know how to run swat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat in docs tell me about xinet.d services but in 12.04 server edition does not existe15:01
deadmundI have a HDD that isn't remapping 36 sectors (that need to be remapped) for some reason.  Windows won't boot on this machine.  The ubuntu live CD boots fine (and the drive can be mounted and data pulled off it).  Are there any ubuntu programs I can run that can repair the hdd?15:01
ovnicraftany hints ?15:01
lotuspsychjedeadmund:recocery software?15:01
deadmundlotuspsychje: Is that the name of a program?15:02
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"15:02
lotuspsychjedeadmund:i mean you want to recover data or actually repair sectors15:02
deadmundlotuspsychje: Pici data has not been lost.  I was able to make a backup from the "failing" drive.  Now I want to fix the 36 sectors that need to be remapped problem. I learned about these sectors from "disk utility"15:03
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archlichlotuspsychje: i dont remember how i got it working, i think i had to download the driver for windows and use the PPD file15:05
lotuspsychjedeadmund: man fsck15:05
deadmundlotuspsychje: I'll take a look at it.  Thanks! :)15:05
deadmundoh :P15:05
dr_willisbut its a ntfs filesystem?15:05
deadmundAnd the laptop won't boot the installed OS, windows xp, which is why it was brought to me in the first place)15:06
dr_willisand you have no restore or rescue xp disks?15:06
_cronus_deadmund, install gddrescue then info ddrescue > Fill Mode15:07
mariannalotuspsychje: does changing to nomodeset/quite splash have any effect on things after it's booted? This happens while I'm using the booted computer.15:07
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_cronus_deadmund, i think this is what you are trying to do...15:07
deadmunddr_willis: The laptop has a recovery partition, haven't tried to use it.  I don't have a windows xp disk of any kind.15:07
deadmund_cronus_: I'll take a look at that.  Will it repair NTFS?15:08
lotuspsychjemarianna:yes it would be interesting to know what your system does without compiz..just to test15:08
_cronus_deadmund, nope15:08
deadmund_cronus_: Well then it is not useful.15:08
jorgpwill 12.10 work with ssd drive? I currently have windows 7 on a new dell laptop that has a 128GB SSD drive and I am thinking about putting ubuntu on it15:08
_cronus_deadmund, just force relocation of the sectors15:08
Anvarjorgp, yup without a proble15:08
dr_willisjorgp:  works fine here on my ssd15:08
deadmund_cronus_: That's what I want to do.  I don't know how to do it.15:08
lotuspsychjejorgp:good choice15:09
jorgpgreat news15:09
Anvarjorgp, little adivce, google on ubuntu ssd tweaks. there a few nice tweaks15:09
dr_willisdeadmund:  thay may not fix the os however15:09
mariannalotuspsychje: ok thanks, I'll try that.15:09
jorgpok, thanks for the info Anvar15:09
_cronus_deadmund, it uses a 2 stage procedure. first it finds the bad blocks and then it writes zero to it (thus forcing firmware to relocate)15:09
deadmunddr_willis: Can you elaborate?  I don't fully understand why x number of sectors waiting to be remapped causes the OS not to boot in the first place.15:10
_cronus_deadmund, but it knows nothing about ntfs15:10
lotuspsychjejorgp:what ssd brand did you buy?15:10
dr_willisdeadmund:  the data inn those sectors may be lost. and it may have been data xp needed to boot..15:10
deadmund_cronus_: ddrescue does this?  If it doesn't work with ntfs then it won't solve my problem right?  The 36 sectors are on an ntfs partition.15:10
nishttal2how do i make a running process nohup so it continues to run when i close the terminal15:10
lotuspsychjehmm doesnt testdisk repair sectors too?15:11
jorgpnot sure, it came installed in the dell laptop15:11
dr_willisdeadmund:  so those comands may get the hd working. but may not fix a bad ntfs filestystem15:11
deadmunddr_willis: I see.  That seems likely.  Since I was able to get the vast majority of the data off the drive.15:11
deadmunddr_willis: I guess, strictly speaking, the harddrive is working.  The OS cannot boot because some OS related data was lost.  Thus, the sectors are not remapped because the OS cannot boot to remap them.15:12
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | deadmund15:12
ubottudeadmund: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (quantal), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB15:12
dr_willisi thought the hd's  amart stuff did the remaping. not the os15:12
deadmunddr_willis: Mmm, IDK.  So maybe the problem is two fold.15:13
dr_willisthe rescue stuff above forces the hd to do its thing15:13
deadmundI think I'll ask about this in #hardware.  I got a nice list of tools I can try using on it.  Also, there is the recovery partition.15:13
iron1968ciao a tutti15:13
lotuspsychje!it | iron196815:13
ubottuiron1968: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:13
_cronus_deadmund, i'm not sure that i would trust a disk with so many sectors bad to be honest15:13
dr_willisi would use ddrescue to image that rescuuue partition somewhere.. or image the whole hd to a new hd. just in case15:14
deadmund_cronus_: You should see the number of already remapped sectors! (hint: it is not small)15:14
deadmunddr_willis: thanks for the tip15:14
=== Luna is now known as PrincessLuna
dr_willisi take flakey hds like that. load them with cartoons and lets the kids have them for their 'media' drives ;) for the roku15:14
_cronus_deadmund, i support dr_willis opinion, copy everything to a new disk15:15
deadmundthanks guys!15:15
deadmundI don't have an ubuntu / linux computer with me right now.  What is the keyword / feature of ddrescue that will force remap the bad sectors?15:16
Remisalut salut15:16
lotuspsychje!fr | Remi15:16
ubottuRemi: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:16
=== Remi is now known as Guest25247
=== Guest25247 is now known as wtp
angshow can I see chipset of my wifi adapter?15:17
angsit is a usb dongle15:17
wtphelloyo yo15:17
deadmundangs: lsusb I believe15:17
wtpwhat's up here15:17
=== matt_ is now known as Guest47021
angsdeadmund: thanks15:18
_cronus_deadmund, it is not a keyword i am afraid, it's a procedure. use the command info ddrescue and check under fill mode15:18
lotuspsychjewtp: you have joined ubuntu support channel, welcome15:18
deadmunddr_willis: lotuspsychje _cronus_ Thanks for all the help!15:18
deadmund_cronus_: will do!15:18
lotuspsychje!yay | deadmund15:19
ubottudeadmund: Glad you made it! :-)15:19
deadmundHa, I guess I have "made it"15:19
lotuspsychje!test | chamunks15:21
ubottuchamunks: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:21
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:22
chamunksthere was a problem with my voice apparently due to webchat15:22
lotuspsychjewhats a good lightweight pps viewer for xubuntu?15:22
chamunksback to my issue I need to hook about 3 plotters and 4 printers up to a ubuntu instance and have them shared to windows boxes running autocad.15:23
gordonjcpchamunks: sounds like you need to learn about CUPS and samba15:23
SharkMuttleworthlotuspsychje: Libre office is probably the best, but not lightweight15:23
chamunksgordonjcp: I dont know much about cups and I know samba.conf is a pain.15:23
dupondjeAny ideas on how to debug shutdown freeze,15:23
softcoderanyone know in 12.10 how i can isntall a keyboard for Gaelic Scotish?15:24
SharkMuttleworthlotuspsychje: Well, it depends what you mean by lightweight. It doesn't use a huge amount of RAM to run, but the software install size is large15:24
softcoderI need to test entry of special characters from that language in an sdl application (this works for Germna)15:24
Anvarchamunks, install webmin. Setting up samba is a whole lot easier then15:24
lotuspsychjeSharkMuttleworth:i only got 512 on this xubuntu laptop, any way to rip the pps viewer only from libreoffice?15:24
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:24
softcoderI cannot find Gaelic in the selection list of keybaord layout15:25
chamunksAnvar: i thought (what dr_willis said)15:25
SharkMuttleworthlotuspsychje: That should be enough to run libreoffice15:25
dr_willissambas not too hard to get going15:25
Anvarubottu, not support perhaps, but runs here perfectly on all 18 ubuntu 12 servers15:26
ubottuAnvar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:26
lotuspsychjeSharkMuttleworth:ok ill install15:26
dr_willisand cups works with it'15:26
eucalyptusubuntu which version have network install os as kickstart15:26
SharkMuttleworthlotuspsychje: Libre office says it'll run on 256MB, but 512MB recommended15:26
chamunksdr_willis: well i've got a HP DesignJet 750C and 50015:27
softcoderanyone.. Gaelic.. how to get this in keyboard layout?15:27
dr_willischamunks: if cups supports them it should work15:27
chamunksdr_willis: Then I have HP officejet pro k8600 and a few others.15:28
chamunksdr_willis: how do i find out of they do?15:28
Azzle-DazzleDoes anyone here use 'Audacious' ?? If so, Is there a way to get preset EQ's ? Im no good with the mixer and im fcuking things up lol15:28
SharkMuttleworthsoftcoder: have you tried the GB - extended layout?15:28
dr_williscups.org perhaps15:28
Guest6129my laptop seems to be overheating more since upgrading to 12.10; has anyone else found this?15:28
chamunksdr_willis: fair thanks for the spoonfed link :)15:29
softcoderhow to i install that SharkMuttleworth ?15:29
SharkMuttleworthYou don't need to install it, you should just be able to select it from your preferences somewhere15:29
SharkMuttleworthSharkMuttleworth: It'll be in keyboard or country or something, not on ubuntu atm15:29
softcoderi cannot find it15:30
softcoderi'm in choose layout15:30
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ActionParsnipstill filling the channel out huh15:32
* lotuspsychje runs away fast15:33
ButtDogHow does Lubutu compart to Ubuntu resource wise?15:34
ActionParsnipButtDog: lots less15:35
softcoderthink i found it15:35
cfhowlettButtDog: much lighter system demands.15:35
ButtDogLubuntu uses a lot less?15:35
ActionParsnipButtDog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302800/15:35
ActionParsnipButtDog: 237Mb used RAM. 2.7Gb used for apps (I have al the addons and media codecs etc)15:36
ActionParsnipButtDog: it;s why I set 4.2Gb for / :)15:36
ButtDogActionParsnip and you're running Lubuntu?15:37
Guest6129my laptop seems to be overheating more often since upgradingto 12.10; any thoughts on what might be the cause?15:37
lotuspsychjeGuest6129:ive seen few users complain on same issue already, not sure what fixes it15:38
ActionParsnipButtDog: yes, Lubuntu 12.10. I also removed abiword and gnumeric and install libreoffice15:38
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ActionParsnipButtDog: I also have xcompmgr installled so I can run docky :)15:39
ActionParsnipButtDog: openbox doesn't do compositing so it needs a helping hand15:39
Guest6129lotuspsychje: ok, thanks. guess ill look into downgrading for now15:39
lotuspsychjeGuest6129:maybe search for similar bugs on 12.10...15:40
ButtDogActionParnsip, I've got a bunch of old boxes i'm looking to run some python stuff, it's super light weight was wondering if I should go with lubuntu or ubuntu server15:40
ActionParsnipButtDog: could install ubuntu minimal then install openbox and slim to get a lightweight OS15:41
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:would openbox be smart on xubuntu?15:42
zniavregood afternoon15:42
zniavrewhat is the new command line to reset unity please ?15:43
subz3r0does any1 know how i can transfer data from a pc to a playstation 3 (without the ps3 media server) i dont like it to install software which in need just temp...15:43
blazemoresubz3r0: It probably depends what you're trying to achieve15:44
gustav__Hey. You Ubuntu people. Fix better support for Blackbox.15:45
subz3r0just want to use a crossover cable (rj45) and transfer data from the pc to the ps315:45
gustav__Wireless data connection manipulation, for instance, in Blackbox.15:45
BrianBlazelol  Ithought you wrote blackberry and I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! lol15:45
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: why install xubuntu in the first place?15:45
subz3r0using a stick is also not an option, coze the ps3 only accepts fat as filesystem... and fat has its restrictions15:45
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:just installed xubuntu on older laptop, runs smoother the lubuntu for me15:46
BrianBlazeu are transfering files bigger the n4GB sub?15:46
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: that can happen.I've seen it vary between systems some15:46
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:so i wondered would openbox be even faster on it15:47
natmanI have kubuntu 12.10, was told to come here for some help since they could not solve my problem, can i ask away?15:47
zniavre setsid unity   thank yuo #ubuntu15:47
BrianBlazebut for what u want to work sunz3r0 is by making a media server15:47
blazemorelotuspsychje: I just installed OpenBox on Debian15:47
blazemorelotuspsychje: Offtopic, but if you're looking for a lightweight debian-based distro for an older topic, come into #crunchbang and ask them about that15:47
subz3r0like i said, i dont want to install any serversoftware which i just need temporaly15:47
BrianBlazeon ubuntu then u can connect it to the ps3 and it shall see whatever u want it to see15:47
ubottunatman:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:47
subz3r0its not for me... a friend asked me... and he has no internet. so i need how to figure that out without the ps3 media server15:48
BrianBlazepms (playstation media server) is pretty easy to install and is not really a server unless you have it running all the time... it doesn't run automatically unless you make it of course15:48
subz3r0well i could download it and give it to him on a usbstick....15:48
BrianBlazeya man15:48
BrianBlazeit's really good15:48
BrianBlazeI have made all my friends switch to linux and the ones that need media servers use that15:49
natmanrunning kubuntu 12.10 unable to shutdown laptop ( just stalls on shutdown screen ), if i run shutdown via terminal i see this http://i45.tinypic.com/34j52ra.jpg All i know is if i disable the wireless it seems to fic the problem ( #kubuntu told me to ask here )15:49
subz3r0well... ok in other words. what does the ps3 media server?15:49
subz3r0whch protocol? filesystem? etc..15:49
subz3r0guess it should be possible somehow without it15:49
subz3r0mhh, u dont understand me, do you?15:50
subz3r0i dont want to use this one15:50
subz3r0and there you cant find information what protocols etc.. are used for it15:50
BrianBlazeI understand you don't feel like getting info for yourself lol15:51
BrianBlazeI believe if I remember correctly its port 500115:51
subz3r0no, u just do not answer my question or are not able to15:51
subz3r0either doesnt matter... i just wanted to know if there is another way. BESIDES the mediaserver15:52
subz3r0thats it...15:52
BrianBlazeno other way15:52
BrianBlazeI wish there were more options15:52
BrianBlazeI had so much trouble install pms on one friends computer it turned out the only way it worked was by downloading an earlier version lol15:52
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: well openbox doesn't need a DE, so should be lighter15:54
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lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:ok another question: cant get adobe flash to work on xubuntu, i activated partners source, installed xubuntu-restricted-extras and synaptic shows latest flashplugin-installer marked...but still youtube shows nothing15:57
cdzruse chrome instead15:58
subz3r0BrianBlaze, that s.... :/ he bought some camcorder with 720p but has no pc... also connection camcorder <-> ps3 doesnt work. (im pretty sure its the filesystem of the camcorder)15:58
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: what is the output of:  uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'     please use a pastebin15:58
ActionParsnipcdzr: chrome flash is pretty sweet15:59
lotuspsychjecdzr:chrome shows nothing either: showing shockwave plugin missing15:59
MrokiiHello. I was trying to set up a cgroup as described here: http://jlebar.com/2011/6/15/Limiting_the_amount_of_RAM_a_program_can_use.html but as soon as I use either "restart cgconfig" or "start cgconfig" I get the error message "restart: Unknown job: cgconfig". What can I do about that?15:59
cdzrlotuspsychje: does youtube work? if it does there the website is broken not flash16:00
ActionParsnipsubz3r0: can ps3 access samba shares?16:00
subz3r0i dont know. i guess not16:00
subz3r0coze smb would be no problem and very welcome :)16:00
subz3r0even ftp would be fine16:01
ActionParsnipsubz3r0: I'd check, you could then just setup a samba share and stream that way16:01
ActionParsnipsubz3r0: you'd need to check what the OS can do16:01
majActionParsnip: Linux maj-Aspire-1350 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:04:05 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux16:01
majii  flashplugin-installer                     Adobe Flash Player plugin installer16:01
ActionParsnipmaj: are you lotuspsychje?16:02
lotuspsychjethats the xubuntu box16:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: just checking :)16:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: uninstall  flashplugin-installer then enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin package16:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: or just remove it and use chrome, it has inbuilt flash (chromium does not have it)16:03
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:ok lemme try that16:03
BrianBlazesub there is no way the ps3 will see anything unless it is fat32... or a media server lol16:03
=== sander is now known as Sander^home
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=== root is now known as SouravAJ
ActionParsnip!rootirc | SouravAJ16:07
ubottuSouravAJ: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:07
SouravAJhi i am using backtrak 5 i make  a user but whenever i wanted to startx with local user it take long time16:07
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:07
BrianBlaze@SouravAJ I set up my backtrack to automatically start up with a user logging in to startx so when I boot up it goes right to a GUI with a user16:08
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:08
syrehey guys what file should i put startup commands in?16:08
BrianBlazethe only useless part of that is most tools need to be run as root anyways16:09
ActionParsnipSouravAJ: backtrack has it's own channel. You should ask there, not here16:10
syrei tried putting the startup command in .xprofile but it didnt owkr16:10
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:says the adobe-flashplugin has no release candidate16:11
ActionParsnipsyre: do you have a desktop OS or is it Ubuntu server16:11
syre12.04 desktop16:11
ActionParsnipsyre: there is a startup app manager in dash16:11
BrianBlaze.bashrc is where I put my start-up shtuff16:11
ActionParsnipsyre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302912/16:12
Help112.04 LTS16:12
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: ^16:12
syreBrianBlaze: but im putting the command "xset m 0 0" wouldnt X have to be started first?16:12
Help1I need to install my printer & scanner driver16:12
ActionParsnipsyre: or copy the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications to ~/.config/autostart16:12
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip:do i have to enable both 'partners' sources16:12
Help1Can anyone help ?16:12
syreActionParsnip: it's a scrip i want to be run at startup, not found in /usr/share/applications16:13
syreActionParsnip: does scripts work in .config/autostart aswell?16:14
ActionParsnipsyre: then in the startup items, make a new entry to run the command, a desktop file will be made16:14
MrokiiDoes anybody know if I can change the background on active Gnu screens when in split mode? I mean, when I show two Gnu screens in one window. Or is there any other way I can make the currently active Gnu Screen stand out?16:14
natmanrunning kubuntu 12.10 unable to shutdown laptop ( just stalls on shutdown screen ), if i run shutdown via terminal i see this http://i45.tinypic.com/34j52ra.jpg All i know is if i disable the wireless it seems to fic the problem ( #kubuntu told me to ask here )16:14
ActionParsnipHelp1: seems to use splix16:14
ClitorisErrantehello guys. i am looking for a way to use rainbow tables in android16:14
ActionParsnipnatman: are there any bugs reported?16:14
syreActionParsnip: ok thanks16:15
natmanActionParsnip:  not that i know of16:15
ActionParsnipHelp1: it uses the Samsung SCX-4500 Series driver. Source: http://forum.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=202&t=5750316:15
ActionParsnipHelp1: scanner will need the samsungmfp-scanner package16:16
ActionParsnip!info samsungmfp-scanner 16:16
ubottuPackage samsungmfp-scanner does not exist in quantal16:16
ActionParsnipHelp1: well, you'll need it from somewhere16:16
Help1Okay, thanks anyway  ActionParsnip16:16
BrianBlazeam I the only one who found it odd that on the ubuntu server live cd you don't have a proper terminal to play with until you actually install it? I was suprised that if I wanted a fully functional CLI off a live cd I needed the desktop edition16:17
ikoniaBrianBlaze: the sever Cd16:18
ikoniaBrianBlaze: the server Cd isn't a live Cd16:18
BrianBlazethen I guess that makes sense lol16:18
BrianBlazebut they still have a small terminal type thing but hardly any commands work16:18
ageisomg 10.04 to 12.04 totally borked my network. ifup eth1 RTNETLINK answers: File exists...im a certified sysadmin yet i cannot figure this shit out16:18
nabblet1hi, my system froze - what can i do16:24
katrei dont know what you can do16:24
gustav__nabblet1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key16:24
donofriohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1302622/ - package pulled?  no replacement systems almost unusable...16:26
nabblet1gustav__, doesn't help\16:28
urdachow do i reset x to its defaults? I tried to set 12.10 64b to amd's drivers, but now the panel doesn't start16:28
nabblet1gustav__, doesn't help :(16:28
gustav__nabblet1: Did you try b?16:28
urdaci just a screen with my backdrop and no menus/panel16:28
nabblet1gustav__, yes16:28
gustav__nabblet1: Are you using an nVIDIA GPU? Or Intel?16:28
gustav__nabblet1: Optimus?16:29
nabblet1gustav__, intel16:29
gustav__nabblet1: What kernel? uname -a16:29
nabblet1gustav__, 3.2.0-3116:29
nabblet1gustav__, generic pae16:29
nabblet1gustav__, generic-pae what does that mean?16:30
gustav__nabblet1: Try 3.5.16:30
nabblet1gustav__, ok, just found out about pae16:30
a5m0hi guys, 12.10 question, previously I have been following this full-disk-encryption guide http://blog.markloiseau.com/2012/05/ubuntu-aes-xts-plain64/ that sets up aes-xts-plain64 and a randomly encrypted swap, does the newly included FDE in the installer make this unnecessary or does the installer use something inferior to aes-xts?16:31
nabblet1gustav__, ok, thank you for your help16:31
=== Sp00kan is now known as Spookan
Guest64351Has anyone set up a load balnceR? I need some help16:32
Guest64351join #iptables16:33
donofriohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1302622/ - package pulled?  no replacement systems almost unusable...yes its a 12.10 install but someone's gotta know how to resolve this16:34
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OerHeksdonofrio, what linux version are you on?16:35
donofrioubuntu 12.10 AMD6416:36
ActionParsnipnabblet1: it means you 32bit kernel can access up to 64Gb RAM16:36
gordonjcpchamunks: yup16:36
nabblet1ActionParsnip, thank you - i just have 2 GB of ram though - any advantage from diableing it?16:37
donofrioOerHeks, I'm using ubuntu 12.10 on amd64 platform and I did a apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y16:37
nabblet1ActionParsnip, *disabling16:37
OerHeksdonofrio, oke, that would be my 2nd question, you did update.16:37
donofrioOerHeks, now I cannot find the unity package (seems to have be removed from my machine and the repository)16:38
ActionParsnipdonofrio: can you pastebin the output of:  apt-cache policy compiz-core-abiversion-20120920 unity unity-lens-music; lsb_release -a; uname -a; head /etc/apt/sources.list16:38
donofrioActionParsnip, - sure thing - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1302988/16:39
ActionParsnipdonofrio: wget -O compiz-core.deb; http://launchpadlibrarian.net/116719342/compiz-core_0.9.8.2%2Bbzr3377-0ubuntu1_i386.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./compiz-core.deb; sudo apt-get -f install16:40
ActionParsnipdonofrio: source https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/i386/compiz-core/1:
donofrioActionParsnip, - I'm amd64 not i38616:41
ActionParsnipdonofrio: ok let me check16:41
donofrioActionParsnip, you rock thank you for helping me.....doi16:42
a5m0anyone know what version of aes the new 12.10 installer uses by default for FDE?16:42
ActionParsnipdonofrio: wget -O compiz-core.deb http://launchpadlibrarian.net/116719278/compiz-core_0.9.8.2%2Bbzr3377-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./compiz-core.deb; sudo apt-get -f install16:42
orpokhow can i start x in safe mode? ubuntu 12.1016:42
ActionParsnipdonofrio: should help16:42
ActionParsniporpok: I think if you run: startx    it should start16:42
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orpokall it shows is my desktop background with no panel or menus16:43
orpokit didn't like amd prop drivers16:43
Bombohm i installed 12.10 with Universal USB Installer onto my usbstick, it booted, but when i tried to install nvidia-current it complains about 'no disk space available' (but there is on / like 2gb) when it tries to run update-initramfs, how to fix that?16:43
orpokjust want to set it back to default drivers, it worked then16:43
apple314Hello all. I need help, or to be pointed into the right direction... I need to setup linux, prefrebly desktop computer for hotel guests... I'm asked to make desktop icons (firefox, libreoffice...) undeletable since some users make problems. Please advise.16:44
ActionParsniporpok: did you uninstall the proprietary driver?16:44
gordonjcpapple314: look into "kiosk mode"16:44
ActionParsnipapple314: make them read and execute only to the user16:44
=== root____5 is now known as terje1311
donofrioActionParsnip, = root@donofrio-OptiPlex-745:~# unity -help16:45
donofrioNo command 'unity' found, did you mean:16:45
ActionParsnipdonofrio: why are you running unity as root?16:45
donofrioActionParsnip, dunno I'll try as me...16:45
donofriodonofrio@donofrio-OptiPlex-745:/usr/bin$ unity-16:45
donofriounity-greeter               unity-webapps-desktop-file  unity-webapps-runner16:45
donofriobut no unity itself )-: granted this is without a reboot fwiw16:46
lmatHow do I run something in ubuntu (unity? (== lightdm?))16:46
ActionParsnipdonofrio: are the packages all square now?16:46
lmatI got eclipse and would like to run it.16:46
lmatThe only way I know how is to run the terminal and type "eclipse"16:46
lmatIt doesn't feel right though.16:46
apple314ActionParsnip:I tried giving them only chmod 5, but desktop link can still be deleted. gordonjcp: kiosk mode? Never heard, seems some googling is in order thank you.16:46
ActionParsnipapple314: chmod 500 ~/Desktop/filename16:47
lmatOh, and of course bg16:47
ldurosI recently installed Ubuntu for some people who are not computer-savvy, and they told me that they tried to use picasa and it doesn't work16:47
lmatOh, is "super" then "eclipse{enter}" the right way?16:47
donofrioActionParsnip, = nope )-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303003/16:47
apple314ActionParsnip: Tried, but icon can still be deleted.16:47
ldurosanyone knows about the web picasa interface and Ubuntu?16:47
ldurosare there issues with it?16:47
nikhil_hi all16:48
ActionParsnipdonofrio: did the deb I gave install ok?16:48
nikhil_has anyone installed ubuntu on a sony vaio Z ?16:48
nikhil_or some such16:48
ActionParsnipnikhil_: ask your real question please16:48
ActionParsnipapple314: try making it immutable then16:48
donofrioActionParsnip, yes the wget installed/upgradedf just fine...16:49
nikhil_ActionParsnip, I am looking to install ubuntu on my vaio Z, but the link for the janitor script (https://launchpad.net/~sony-vaio-z-series) seems broken, and there is a complication with the RAID HDD's, so I was hoping someone with some experience could point me in the right direction16:50
donofrioActionParsnip, results of last wget suggestion = http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303012/16:50
apple314ActionParsnip: you mean chmod -i 500? Tried, doesn't work...16:50
ActionParsnipdonofrio: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/118028029/unity_6.6.0-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb    install that16:50
ActionParsnipapple314: is that how you make things immutable?16:51
donofrioActionParsnip, k I'll try it16:51
apple314ActionParsnip: chattr +i, sorry my bad. I'll try. Thank you for your time.16:52
ActionParsnipapple314: if you try to guess commands you may damage the file16:52
apple314ActionParsnip: testing in virtualbox...16:53
BrianBlazevirtualbox -> file -> virtual media manager -> right click the machine u wanna make immutable16:54
BrixSathello, im having an issue, if i activate transparency in terminal i only get to see the desktop image :/ not the windows that are on background..... why?16:55
BrianBlazethen click modify :)16:55
BrianBlazeapple I hope that helps16:55
donofrioActionParsnip, sadness = http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303032/16:55
=== lantizia is now known as Lantizia
donofrioActionParsnip, any thoughts?16:57
ActionParsnipdonofrio: I  suggest you remove all unity packages, then reinstall them16:58
fzlamnHi.. I cannot add ppa via terminal and get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1303008/16:58
donofrioActionParsnip, got a handy one line cmd for that (-;16:58
donofrioActionParsnip, do you know a handy one line command to do that16:59
ninwaHi folks. I have a chinese SNES USB knockoff and I've identified it as a Dragonrise Gamepad, lusb gives me devID 11. I'm trying to get it working, and in looking for some help online I found that someone has written a patch to support this very specific gamepad: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/494561/17:01
ninwaMy question is, where do I go from here? How do I know if this patch is included in a more recent kernel? (I have 3.2)17:01
ActionParsnipdonofrio: sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | awk {'print $2'} | grep unity`; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install unity17:01
ninwaOr, how can I apply it?17:01
javierf_Hi! I've been using geeqie to see my pictures since long time, but since I upgraded to 12.10, it's broken. If I start it, geeqie opens for half a second and closes automatically. No change to enter "preferences" and see if something is wrong. Have been googling it, but didn't find a thing about the issue. Anyone has an idea what can be happening=17:02
lyseki just have installed ubuntu on my lenovo g580 and when i restarted it says "noo boot device please insert boot device and press any key", how do i fix it now i only have usb stick with ubuntu x64 ?17:02
Bomboi installed 12.10 with Universal USB Installer onto my usbstick, it booted, but when i tried to install nvidia-current it complains about 'no disk space available' (but there is on / like 2gb) when it tries to run update-initramfs, how to fix that?17:02
ahzihello i have an eeepc 901 running 10.10 on a 4gb + 8gb ssd. stock item. i'm trying to swap out the stock ssd for a runcore 64gb sata. any tips?17:03
Bombowhy is update-initramfs needed when i just want new nvidia-current drivres?17:03
donofrioActionParsnip, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303056/17:03
s9iper1how to add empathy in the startup programm applications list ??17:03
donofrioActionParsnip, PM me if you would....17:04
ActionParsnipdonofrio: looks like your packages are in a real mess. Try: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage17:06
lysekso how do i fix the boot loader with just usb stick ubuntu x64 install disk17:07
lysekbecause maybe it forget to install it17:07
lysekor smth17:07
andygraybeal_is it possible for two people to use one monitor with two seperate mouse cursors and two seperate keyboards?  the display split in half the left side for user 1 and the right side for user 2?17:07
nabblet1andygraybeal, why do you want that?17:08
andygraybeal_maybe because i'm crazy.. but i was thinking that if i get a big monitor, my wife and i could share it in the living room17:08
andygraybeal_she could have her half and me mine.17:09
nabblet1andygraybeal, hm... i thing it would work with two monitors and one computer17:09
nabblet1andygraybeal, but for a split monitor i think you will have to mess with X17:09
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ahzionly one cursor, will have to share that. can do pic-in pic (side by side) option17:10
nabblet1andygraybeal, afaik X is in charge of displaying your stuff plus managing mouse and keyboard input17:10
andygraybeal_ahzi, interesting17:10
andygraybeal_nabblet1, oka ythank you17:10
andygraybeal_something to do with multiseat and two monitors then.17:11
nabblet1andygraybeal, wait17:11
nabblet1andygraybeal, Splitscreen multiseat ubuntu - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o92RoCV8RU17:12
nabblet1andygraybeal, maybe that interests you17:12
andygraybeal_nabblet1, you are effin genious17:12
andygraybeal_i'm watching now17:12
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
=== Youri is now known as YBook
BlackNarcissusHello everyone. Anyone else using jabber.org as a jabber server is having a certificate error message upon login in empathy ?17:13
andygraybeal_splitscreen multiseat is geniuos17:13
nabblet1andygraybeal, hope it helps :)17:13
andygraybeal_this is totally cool17:14
nabblet1an other case of: "try that in windows" b*tch XD17:14
andygraybeal_nabblet1,  :))))17:15
nabblet1andygraybeal, it says it uses compzip-fusion17:15
nabblet1andygraybeal, not sure how it will work out with a newer ubuntu - also i am not sure if there are two keyboards used or only one17:16
andygraybeal_multiseat means more than one keyboard and mouse17:16
andygraybeal_but yea, i see what you mean17:16
nabblet1andygraybeal, so the magic word is multiseat :)17:16
=== daniel__ is now known as danielbauwens
wols_nabblet1: multiseat is doable with any linux. and yes, every "seat" has its own input devices17:17
nabblet1wols_, ok thank you  - didn't know that17:17
nabblet1andygraybeal, related video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5y1Ydls9lo17:18
wols_you will have to configure your X manually tho. no autoconfig with such a setup :)17:18
ActionParsnipnabblet1: userful is a distro made for multiseat :)17:18
ActionParsnipnabblet1: not free though17:18
nabblet1ActionParsnip, just wanted to say...\17:19
nabblet1wols_, kein schweiss, kein preis - sorry, don't know the engl. translation... means no effort, no price17:19
nabblet1andygraybeal, well... see you soon i guess... working on X is hell :D17:20
andygraybeal_nabblet1,  :))17:20
=== Ex0deus is now known as Guest91594
andygraybeal_thank you for you help17:21
andygraybeal_i will think about it - not a project i'm going to start today17:21
nabblet1andygraybeal, sure... uhm, maye a small hint form my side... maybe go with debian or an other distro, where it's community is used to mess around with X (no offense - ubuntu folks)17:22
andygraybeal_nabblet1, okay thank you for the advice :)17:22
nabblet1it's ->its17:22
Alperenhi. How can i enable suspend in my ubuntu? It wont resume when i suspend my pc.17:23
nabblet1andygraybeal, but maybe you're lucky and you can do it with compiz and without X-magic17:23
=== betinho is now known as kenlik
ActionParsnipAlperen: what make and model is the system?17:23
nOStahlwhat is channel for ubuntu future editions17:24
ActionParsnipnOStahl: #ubuntu+1   but it won't be there now17:24
AlperenActionParsnip, i have sony vaio vgnaw290j with nvidia 9600m gt ubuntu 12.0417:24
danielbauwensCan someone help me? It's about my profile on ubuntu forums17:25
andygraybeal_holy crap, here's a way to do that on a polarized monitor .. no 'split-screen' needed.  one person is vert and the other person is horiz. polarized.17:25
AlperenActionParsnip, i am using binary driver.17:25
andygraybeal_i wonder how that would effect eyesite in the long term17:26
gordonjcpandygraybeal_: have you seen those LCDs with prismatic lenses that they use for car dashboards?17:26
nabblet1andygraybeal, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX17:26
danielbauwensIt says there you need at least 25 posts to be able to access your User Configuration page17:26
ActionParsnipAlperen: does it use dual GPUs (intel and nvidia)?17:26
AlperenActionParsnip, no17:26
danielbauwensWell, i'm over 25 posts, but all I can do is go in my CP17:26
gordonjcpandygraybeal_: you halve the horizontal resolution, but it means that the driver and passenger can see different displays from the same LCD17:26
AlperenActionParsnip, only nvidia17:26
nabblet1andygraybeal, you could also do it on green-red like in the old 3d-movies :D17:27
ActionParsnipAlperen: good, makes things good17:27
andygraybeal_gordonjcp, that is incredible17:27
danielbauwensUm, can anyone help me with that?17:27
danielbauwensokay then17:28
ActionParsnipAlperen: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc17:28
AlperenActionParsnip, precise17:28
Bomboanyone knows if update-initramfs works with ubuntu 12.10 live sys on a usbstick?17:30
nabblet1gordonjcp, hm... you could play games without this stupid splitscreen :)17:30
gordonjcpnabblet1: yes you could17:31
c_smithHi, in 12.10 FGLRX boots me to the low-graphics mode in which I can't get past the second menu (input doesn't work in that menu, and only enter works on the first) and FGLRX worked on 12.04, is there something I can try to get fglrx working?17:32
=== aaron is now known as Guest53328
Myx0x3_why do i get an blinking underline when i try booiting from my usb drive?17:32
lysekso anyone can help me i tired already, i chrooted into my installation which installed an hour ago, so i chrooted because my pc says there is no boot device17:32
PortoHi, i have 12.04 when i doing the upgrade to 12.10 i have a problem and the pc turns off17:32
Guest53328Can someone recommend me a good music player with preset EQ's ? Ive tried Clementine and Rhythmbox - Dont like either17:32
c_smithMyx0x3_, that usually means it failed to boot17:32
Portohow can i upgrade ?17:32
lysekand now i dont know how to install grub again17:32
Myx0x3_c_smith: have the 12.10 any known issues with this problem?17:33
dr_willisMyx0x3_: try the nomodeset option17:33
AlperenGuest53328, you can try noise17:33
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:33
Portoi write sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:33
Portoand sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:33
Myx0x3_dr_willis: how do i enter that option? im not even able to get any grubmenu17:33
Portoand thats upgrading17:33
Portoit's ok?17:33
Guest53328Alperen - thanks ill look into it now17:33
c_smithMyx0x3_, several. most of which I don't know, but one is some proprietary drivers don't work with the kernel.17:34
dr_willisif no usb boot menu then sounds like the iso was bad17:34
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
Myx0x3_dr_willis: okay.. i downloaded it from the ubuntu.com site17:34
Myx0x3_im trying to download the 12.04 now17:34
dr_willisor put on the usbwrong17:34
c_smithMyx0x3_, but if you use an Intel GPU, those are working beautifully in 12.1017:34
Myx0x3_dr_willis: i did the dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/disk117:34
dr_willis!md5 | Myx0x3_17:34
ubottuMyx0x3_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:34
dr_willisverified the iso?17:35
ActionParsnipAlperen: if you run:  sudo pm-suspend      is it ok?17:36
aptosidi cant update in the chrooted area because of a /etc/resolv.conf problem17:36
Myx0x3_dr_willis: no, where do i find the md5 of the iso?17:36
ActionParsnipAlperen: also try the boot option:   acpi_sleep=nonvs17:36
ActionParsnipAlperen: source: http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/issues/detail?id=2317:36
Myx0x3_dr_willis: found it17:37
Myx0x3_yupp its valid17:37
AlperenActionParsnip, yes. pc suspends and led indicates that it has suspended but when i push the button. It starts over from scratch17:37
Myx0x3_ill try the LTS version..17:37
AlperenActionParsnip, i am trying it now17:37
lysekso i try to reinstall grub from livecd 'grub-install /dev/sda' and it says: source_dir doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory17:38
PortoHello, when was the upgrade to 12.04 to 12.10 the power turned off, can I still upgrade using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?17:39
ActionParsniplysek: run:   sudo fdisk -l     to see the device name17:39
ActionParsnipPorto: you will need:   sudo apt-get -f install17:39
Portoho :(17:39
Portoi run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f17:40
Portoi gona mess ?17:40
lysekActionParsnip: i am chrooted into my installation because after installing newest ubuntu i had "no available boot device" so i figured it forgot to install grub, and now fdisk -l shows /dev/sda17:40
lowtaxhi, where is the configuration file with my network settings in it?17:41
Portook ActionParsnip17:41
Portogona wait until end of dist-upgrade -f17:41
BluesKajwhat's the new replacement key combo for stopping a session like ctrl+alt+backspace used to do ?17:41
MrokiiWhy can't ise use two asterisks when looking for a file via ls? What I mean is, I can do somethiing like "ls .xmod*", but something like "ls *xmod*" doesn't seem to work.17:42
Mrokii*I use17:42
ActionParsnipPorto: did the power turn off due to battery by any chance?17:43
Portono turns off because power fail iin my neighborhood17:44
Portoat moment i'm doing dist-upgrade -f17:44
ActionParsnipMrokii: works here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1303154/17:45
Portodono if that is correct but i don't stop that process17:45
AlperenActionParsnip, thanks it worked.17:45
Portountil end17:45
jilebedevHi hi: quick question about nfs mounts. Mounting reading/writing is all ok: I'd like to know what are the gotchas/consequences/best practices for mounting the root of a filesystem via nfs? I've ~10 ubuntu servers, and on each of them, I'd like to mount the 9 others' filesystems (at mount point root /): is this a poor idea? Will NFS disallow me to do this? I'm moving a lot of files around, and I'd like to make it seamless.17:45
ActionParsnipAlperen: nice, great what a bit of websearching drags up17:45
lowtaxso i have  network card configured but i dont see its static ip settings in /etc/networks/interfaces17:45
ActionParsniplowtax: how did you configure the devices?17:46
lowtaxActionParsnip: i didnt17:46
chris__Anyone have a suggestion on software to monitor uptime/process on a LAMP server?17:46
ActionParsniplowtax: then it won't be static IP, the interfaces will use DHCP by default17:46
lowtaxchris__: monit17:46
AlperenActionParsnip, yes. I have searched the web tried some of them. But i couldn't do it. I didnt see this web page. Thanks17:46
FLeiXiuS`After creating a custom live iso, all I did was unsquash the fs and resquash it ... yet it hangs at starting cups on bootup.  Any ideas?17:47
chris__lowtax: thanks, will check it out17:47
ActionParsnipAlperen: bet you used google ;)17:47
llutzMrokii:  shopt -s dotglob ; ls -l *xmo*17:47
AlperenActionParsnip, :)17:47
lowtaxActionParsnip: eth0 has a non private address and there is no line in network/interfaces for eth017:48
MrokiiActionParsnip: I think it might have something to do with files starting with "." It seems that using two asteriks with "visible" files works, just not with files that start with "."17:48
Mrokiillutz: What does that do?17:48
ActionParsnipchris__: ssh -fCT user@server uptime17:49
llutzMrokii: enables asterisks working on "." (dotfiles) too17:49
mrsplendiddoes anyone know how to configure adb usb device on xubuntu17:49
Mrokiillutz: Thanks. Is that permanent or do I need to change some config file for that?17:50
chris__ActionParsnip: Looking for something a little more full featured than that17:50
ActionParsnipchris__: why, what you are wanting is simple.....17:50
llutzMrokii: you have to edit ~/.bashrc to make that permanent.17:50
Myx0x3_oh crap.. my computer with usb boot support dont want to boot from usb :(17:50
Mrokiillutz: Okay, thanks.17:51
lowtaxchris__: what about monit17:51
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the USB?17:51
Myx0x3_ActionParsnip: yupp17:51
wilee-nileeMyx0x3_, You familiar with the out of the bios boot from option?17:51
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: how did you put the ISO on the USB device?17:51
chris__lowtax: checking it out now. seems like a decent package17:51
Myx0x3_ActionParsnip: no i first tryd unetbootin, then DD (OS X), then 12.04 on unetboootin..17:52
Myx0x3_wilee-nilee: uhm, no?17:52
wilee-nileeMyx0x3_, This on a apple computer?17:52
Myx0x3_wilee-nilee: no, its an Asus UL30VT17:53
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: are you installing on a Mac ?17:53
Myx0x3_ActionParsnip: ^^^17:53
willdabeastmyx0x3_: you need to go to your bios on boot and set the usb drive to the top, I would remove the other options from the boot list as well.17:53
Myx0x3_ive got access to Windows, maybe try unetbootin in windows?17:53
wilee-nileeMyx0x3_, Besides the great help ActionParsnip will give you there is a boot from menu reached by a key or set of key prompts at powering on mine is f12 your may be different,17:53
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: did you try the shortcut key to bring up the one-time boot option?17:54
Myx0x3_willdabeast: ive did that17:54
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: wilee-nilee is right, or try F1117:54
Myx0x3_its ESC17:54
Myx0x3_on this computer17:54
Myx0x3_ive tryd that17:54
chris__lowtax: Did you ever run into this bug with monit? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monit/+bug/101732717:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017327 in monit (Ubuntu) "Monit 5.3.2 not working on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:54
Myx0x3_like 10 times17:54
FloodBot1Myx0x3_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: tried a different USB port>17:54
lowtaxchris__: i dont use ubuntu17:54
kracekumarI tried to install ubuntu in macbook but it din work, I tried with/out refit. My liveusb is detected , when I click on the HD(refit detects usb asHD) to boot from, I get the error message as "Missing operating system". I used fat32, fat, mac journal as partition it din work, I made .img file using dd & unetbootin, my liveusb works in non mac system17:54
lowtaxits not for me (tm)(r)17:55
lowtaxto put it nicely17:55
Myx0x3_ActionParsnip: did that also :P17:55
barcodeHi I need to load libphp5.so and cant find it on my ubuntu system. I looked in /etc/apache2/mods-available, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled and there's no .so files at all. Can anyone help? I'm trying to get apache to recognize .7 file extension as php17:55
Myx0x3_ActionParsnip: i try unet on windows after the food.. my gf came with food now :D17:55
dr_willis!find libphp5.so17:55
ubottuFile libphp5.so found in libapache2-mod-php5, libphp5-embed, php5-dbg17:56
jrib!php | barcode17:56
ubottubarcode: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/php5.html17:56
barcodehandy bot17:56
ActionParsnipMyx0x3_: try the 1 2 3 app from pendrivelinux, may help17:56
dr_willisi like the grub2 booting iso files tool at pendrivelinux ;-)17:57
barcodewhat a pain this is to try an get .7 files working.17:58
roopim rupesh from india(hyd)17:58
barcodeits been about 3 hours now.17:58
kracekumarany one have installed ubuntu in macbook ?17:58
Myx0x3_kracekumar: me,  ut it was like 9.XX17:58
ItsAllGoneWierdWhen I type "sensors | grep temp1" I get two readings. Can I use awk or something to chose one of them?17:58
roopany 1 here17:59
kracekumarMyx0x3_, yes don't ask why17:59
ItsAllGoneWierdhello, roop :)17:59
dr_willisItsAllGoneWierd: you could. or use head. or tail..17:59
lowtaxItsAllGoneWierd: what does it look like in output17:59
roopdiff between open-source and free software17:59
llutzItsAllGoneWierd:  sensors | awk '/temp1/ {print $2}'18:00
dr_willisroop: source is there for you...18:00
lowtaxroop: just because you can see the source code doesnt mean you can use it freely18:00
roopohh thx18:00
PiciItsAllGoneWierd: sensors | grep -m 1 temp118:00
roopand i hav a webcam connected to my system(zebronic viper vga camera) skype didnt detecting it. wat to do..?18:01
ItsAllGoneWierdOh, lots of answers! Like that :)18:01
jribItsAllGoneWierd: cut or sed too18:02
lowtaxok so the networkc ard is configured in the stupid UI, and so it didnt put any entries in the config file?18:02
ItsAllGoneWierdOk, thanks! Now I've got something to begin with! Tnx alot!18:02
Tr0xitYI think I did something stupid :P After il installed, then uninstalled openSSH, i cant reach my server with putty and sftp :s18:02
lowtaxTr0xitY: perhaps its because you REMOVED OPENSSH18:04
Guest38160hello  eveeryone18:04
jribTr0xitY: you uninstalled it while in ssh?18:04
Tr0xitYlowtax: but i installed openssh-server ,then uninstalled openssh-server18:04
Tr0xitYand it was openssh server18:04
lowtaxTr0xitY: you uninstalled openssh-server18:04
jribTr0xitY: that session should still be open I think18:04
Tr0xitYnow i cant connect, "Connection refused"18:05
jribTr0xitY: unless you exited, in which case you likely can't ssh in anymore18:05
Guest38160pls any one here to help a noob with virtaul box installation18:05
jribTr0xitY: use the session you still have open where you uninstalled it18:05
Tr0xitYbut why, I did just install, then uninstall openssh-server :s18:05
lowtaxTr0xitY: so connect via some other method18:05
Tr0xitYjrib: was 1 day ago :P Its cclosed18:05
Tr0xitYlowtrax: how :-)18:05
Guest38160been ttrying to install an os os and all i get is vboxdrv missing18:05
lowtaxTr0xitY: get access to the machine and re-install openssh-server18:05
jribTr0xitY: well if the last thing you did was UNINSTALL ssh, you can't expect it to still be running18:06
llutzTr0xitY: what did you expect to happen, when uninstalling openssh-server?18:06
Tr0xitYbut I did not have openssh-server, so why do not sftp and ssh work when removing ssh server :P18:06
Tr0xitYllutz: since it was "Open"-ssh server i thought it was just another version i installed and did not need :P18:07
jribTr0xitY: what do you want to accomplish now?  Your current state is that you cannot ssh.  So connect by some other means or gain physical access and install ssh.18:07
Tr0xitYsorry, as you can see im not the sharpest knife in linux ;)18:07
lowtaxjust the loudest18:07
ASHER1somone in here know how install SMF in ubuntu?18:07
Tr0xitYjrib: tip how i can get access other ways?18:07
gordonjcpASHER1: smf?18:07
jribTr0xitY: there is no other way by default.  So if you haven't installed vnc for example, you can't18:08
lowtaxkeyboard and mouse works for me18:08
ASHER1you know how?18:09
gordonjcpASHER1: I don't know what it is18:09
ASHER1smf this websit18:10
Milos_SDI have a little problem with xv and not enough video memory ... If I have too many applications open, or 2 tabs in firefox with flash, I can't get tvtime or mplayer (smplayer) to go fullscreen .... tvtime crashes with complains about not enough video memory to allocate, and smplayer just freez the video when I go fullscreen or enlarge the video screen... I had that problem in 12.04 beta, but then, it was fixed somehow... I upgraded to 12.118:10
Milos_SD0, and now I have this problem again ... if I disable compiz and unity, all works great ...  anyone has any idea what can be wrong here? I have old nvidia 7600gt card with 256MB vram18:10
lyseki think i figured it out i needed to run sgdisk --zap /dev/sda and make new partition table i hope i will be able to boot now after installation :)18:13
yanwen_I have no idea...18:13
OerHeksi need help with BCM4312, i look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx and i noticed the list with cardnumbers are gone18:13
BluesKajMilos_SD, the 7600gt works with the nvidia-current driver18:13
OerHeksif i remember right, all i need for the 4312 is " sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer " correct ?18:14
Milos_SDBluesKaj, yes it does... drivers are not the problem... it is a bug in compiz or in xserver.18:14
leepingHi there, I just installed a package on my machine which runs 12.04 LTS.  The package was for 12.10, and I had to install with the extra option to dpkg: "--ignore-depends=debhelper" .  However, now aptitude is broken.  I want to automatically ignore the unmet dependency when I run apt-get, is this possible?18:18
amokhey, how do i launch the gl teapot ?18:18
XMLnewbihow do you edit the vsftpd.conf   for an FTP server via command line? SSH?       for some reason Im getting an access denied error when trying to upload via FTP18:19
Calinouamok: launch yourself18:19
=== Youri is now known as YBook
err-orXMLnewbi: i'd choose SSH18:20
leepingSorry, I just got disconnected, so if anyone posted an answer I didn't see it.18:20
XMLnewbiim in SSH, putty. thats the only way I know how to connect to my VPS.18:21
err-orleeping: which package did you install? and why?18:21
err-orXMLnewbi: so whats the problem now?18:21
XMLnewbiI want to edit my vsftpd.conf file18:21
leepingerr-or, I installed a package called environment-modules.  It's a fairly well known method to load environment variables in a modular way (such as Intel compiler or CUDA environment variables.)18:21
XMLnewbibecause I think my permissions are not set right18:21
leepingIt depended on "debhelper" and I guessed that debhelper wasn't really essential.18:22
Fox_candyhi, anyone still awkae?18:22
err-orXMLnewbi: nano, vi, vim anyone ;)18:22
leepingbecause environment-modules is quite a simple package18:22
leepingIt appears to work properly18:22
err-orleeping: tried aptitude yet?18:22
err-orleeping: im an aptitude user ;)18:22
leepingerr-or, aptitude for what?18:22
leepingfor environment variables?18:22
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project18:23
leepingerr-or, the program "aptitude" isn't in my path or on the command line18:24
andygraybeal_in the old days i think to install the GUI onto ubuntu server was to do something like: sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop ... in 12.04, i would like the unity interface would this command do the trick?  or will this install gnome?18:24
err-orleeping: sadly ubuntu doesn't come with aptitude preinstalled anymore...18:24
Picierr-or: it does not handle multiarch properly.18:25
leepingerr-or, I just installed aptitude, but I had to remove the environment-modules package first.18:25
Piciandygraybeal_: the ubuntu-desktop meta package will will install unity18:25
err-orPici: ah i didn't know that. but its more handy to use imho18:25
leepingerr-or, I'm running aptitude right now.18:25
leepingIt's suggesting that I remove the "environment-modules" package18:26
adacany ideas: "The NVIDIA X driver on xxxx is not new enough to support the nvidia-settings Display Configuration page"18:26
leepingbut I would just prefer apt-get to ignore this package as if it didn't exist18:26
err-orleeping: you can hit 'n' and it will recommend another solution.18:26
err-oradac: where does this pop up`18:27
leepingerr-or, the keys I can press are '!' : Apply18:27
leepingor '.' : Next18:27
leepingOtherwise it's suggesting a rather large number of installs18:28
adacerr-or, when I start "nvidea-settings" under X server display configuration. After an update on my precise machine this apperas18:28
leepingShould I proceed with the installs? Would this resolve the problem?18:28
leepingI'm worried it might make things worse.18:28
err-oradac: maybe you try the drivers from nvidia homepage18:28
eutheriashould i use bumblebee or ironhide for optimus support?18:28
adacerr-or, kk. but yeah this shouldn't happen, right?18:28
err-orleeping: better not. but why you don't compile the environments-modules package yourself?18:29
lysekyay it works, tnx for help guys, cya later18:29
err-oradac: shouldn't but could be your hardware is newer than the driver provided?18:29
err-orleeping: to get around a 'dependency hell'18:29
leepingerr-or, I tried in the past, and I compiled it successfully I couldn't figure out how to enable the package.18:29
adacerr-or, but it worked before the apt-get upgrade18:30
err-orleeping: ever used checkinstall?18:30
leepingerr-or, no I haven't .. what is it?18:30
adacerr-or, and my hardware didn't get any newer ;)18:30
err-oradac:  then im lost ;)18:30
adacerr-or, darn!18:30
err-orleeping: it creates a deb package from your compiled software. check it out ;)18:30
adacerr-or, at least i do not feel that alone beeing lost then18:31
leepingerr-or, I will. :) Thanks.18:31
waza-ariHey all. I currently try to install ubuntu 12.10 on a harddisk, where a bitlocker encrypted windows 7 is already present. I disables bitlocker, started ubuntu setup and created a 500MB unencrypted /boot partion. I now have ~260GB free and neet a swap space and a root partition. Both should be encrypted. How can that be done?18:31
Portowow... when i upgrade my 12.04 to 12.10 the power goes off in the midle of upgrade and i run sudo apt-get distr-upgrade -f and restart and all thats ok :D18:31
Portogreat ubuntu :P18:31
err-orwaza-ari: cryptsetup is your friend18:31
err-orwaza-ari: boot can't be encrypted then18:32
dr_willisPorto: you got lucky18:32
Portonow i'm running sudo apt-get install -f18:32
Portoto correct broken packages18:32
Portoi think :D18:32
waza-arierr-or: sure, boot cant be encrypted. Want to encrypt swap and /root. i am currently in the ubuntu setup, in the partioning screen18:32
err-oradac: may be a bug or something18:32
leepingerr-or, I just ran "configure ; make ; make install" as root for the environment-modules package.  The thing is, I've done this before and the package doesn't work18:33
leepingIt seems silly, but the "module" commands are not scripts in the PATH18:33
err-orwaza-ari: i use lvm and cryptsetup for this purpose. but i don't do this with the setup. i boot a live cd first. encrypt stuff create lvm and install ubuntu into this environment.18:33
leepingthey are more like macros18:33
leepingand I don't know how to enable them18:33
pibarnasis there a way to modify the ubuntu font natively, without installing new software? I intend to install it on a machine without internet and the its monitor's very large...18:33
Portogreatttttttt :D18:34
err-orleeping: don't use make install, user checkinstall: ./configure, make, sudo checkinstall... first apt-get install checkinstall.18:34
eutheriadamn this optimus technology18:34
err-orleeping: maybe you need to adjust your configure. try configure --help18:34
tyler_dwell thank-you ChanServ18:35
mustuhi apparmor is not starting mysql after i setup the replication parameters in my.cnf..18:35
leepingerr-or, the readme is a bit complicated.  Basically I need to edit the global bashrc in /etc/bash.bashrc to load this new bashrc file18:36
tyler_dmustu: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-the-mysql-data-default-directory.html <--- or such18:37
waza-arierr-or: okay, thanks. Will try it this way, somehow thing, its not possible directly from the setup. Do you have some more reading for lvm / cryptsetup encryption and installation?18:37
User123Hello! How do I make shortcut for hibernating?18:37
err-orwaza-ari: maybe this helps: http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=encrypt%20root%20ubuntu%20lvm&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCgQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FEncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto&ei=eTWIUK6vBo_GswaY9YGIBQ&usg=AFQjCNGOJEbNfckDUziMMS7SFtvrWKZr7g18:38
err-orups sorry.18:38
err-orwaza-ari: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto18:38
User123Command pm-suspend works only in console.18:39
waza-arierr-or: "# outdated, no good. " should not be a problem? ;)18:39
err-orwaza-ari: as i read it its almost the same procedure.18:39
waza-arierr-or: okay, i will give it a try18:39
err-orwaza-ari: it also links to this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems18:40
err-orwaza-ari: maybe you should adopt to actual mechanisms ;)18:40
err-orwaza-ari: for encrypting i use aes-xts-benbi on x64 systems and aes-xts-plain18:41
err-orwaza-ari: for x8618:42
waza-arierr-or: okay, thanks... the link suggests to install the packet hashalot. What does it do? It is not in the repos anymore18:43
waza-arierr-or: ah, forget it, sometimes it helps to read. its included in cryptsetup now.18:44
err-orwaza-ari: i don't install it. if you want to get sure that NO ONE can read your files. first overwrite the whole disk with random stuff like dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda, encrypt the disk (except boot) cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 luksFormat /dev/sdX218:45
waza-arierr-or: the device is brand new, there are no old data. its a completly new setup18:46
err-orwaza-ari: open the encrypte disk cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX2 bla. then create lvm on encrypted disk. pvcreate /dev/mapper/bla... and so on ;)18:46
err-orwaza-ari: do it anyhow. brand new disk is zeroed. so you can guess where is data and where not18:47
=== Mike is now known as Guest62360
waza-arierr-or: okay, ill do that.18:49
err-orwaza-ari: can take some time ;)18:49
err-orleeping: can't help you with that sorry...18:52
dr_willisfor the truely paranoid ;-)18:54
lourtypI cant install kexec-tools. stuck for hours :(18:55
err-ordr_willis: sure ;)18:55
waza-arierr-or: yeah, even with urandom it will be slow. Spent the whole evening encrypting the windows partion with bitlocker already18:56
wilee-nileelourtyp, Must be an error in done from the cli, pastebin them.18:56
waza-arierr-or: thanks for your help, i guess it should now be possible for me ;)18:56
lourtypSetting up kexec-tools (1:2.0.3-1ubuntu2) ... Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ... Found kernel: /vmlinuz-3.5.0-17-generic Found kernel: /memtest86+.bin18:56
err-orwaza-ari: thers a faster method. frandom, but i don't know how to use it with ubuntu.18:56
kracekumarI made liveusb and boot flag is set up, but I get boot error during booting.18:57
err-orkracekumar: how did you made this live usb?18:57
waza-arierr-or: hope it will be less than two hours or so, i will just wait. Have another pc and a huge amount of work to do, so.... no problem to wait ;)18:57
kracekumarerr-or, unetbootin18:57
lourtypwilee-nilee: it gets stuck at Found kernel: /vmlinuz-3.5.0-17-generic Found kernel: /memtest86+.bin18:58
kracekumarerr-or, created two partitions one fat32 where OS is copied with boot flag18:58
wilee-nileelourtyp, You running grub legacy?18:59
lourtypnot sure. I guess19:00
lourtypits not grub219:00
mustuhi on ubuntu in my.cnf i see log_bin instead of log-bin .. are they same?19:00
wilee-nileelourtyp, what does this command show. lsb_release -a19:01
=== Guest62360 is now known as mikeUTM
lourtypwilee-nilee: ubuntu 12.1019:02
lourtypit actually is lubuntu19:02
wilee-nileelourtyp, Not sure why you are having problems to be honest, or why you would run grub legeacy but the appears to be within that area, as far as what you have posted.19:03
leepingerr-or, I successfully installed the package at last. :)19:03
wilee-nileebut the error19:03
leepingHopefully I can remember how to do it next time.  Thanks for your help.19:03
lourtypwilee-nilee: I want to boot from SD (which is essentially usb interface in bios). but I don't have boot option from SD. so I figured I can modify grub to do that.19:04
wilee-nileelourtyp, Did you completely purge grub219:04
lourtypno wilee-nilee, should I?19:04
mustuhi, apparmor isn't allowing me to setup replication in mysql. what parameters needs to be changed in apparmor mysql config19:04
wilee-nileelourtyp, Having both can cause problems19:04
lourtypI can't do any more apt-get19:05
lourtypbecause kexec install get stuck wilee-nilee19:05
lourtypE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock -19:05
=== Mining|away is now known as MiningMarsh
wilee-nileelourtyp, I would not use grub legacy myself, I'm not certain this is your problem though.19:05
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lourtypI searched around a lot. couldn't find one tutorial that actually works. I have the mint iso written on SD. just want to boot from it19:07
Hetep-AFKhey, am wanting to use apache2 to host webpages on a personal home desktop... is somebody around who can give a walk-through?19:07
MiningMarshlourtyp: you just want to boot an iso from sd? I can help you set that up with syslinux.19:07
MiningMarshlourtyp: Is it a livecd iso? I can only help with that.19:08
lourtypcheers MiningMarsh. yeah I did write it to SD using unetboot19:08
lourtypyes MiningMarsh19:08
lourtypXubuntu live cd MiningMarsh19:08
MiningMarshlourtyp: Well, try this first: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ It has been a while, not sure I remeber exactly how to set it up manually...19:09
XMLnewbiany idea why I get an "Accress denied error" when I try to edit top level files on my FTP server, but I can edit files in the folers just fine?19:09
lourtypI dont have windows MiningMarsh19:09
XMLnewbicant even edit my index.html19:09
lourtypwould be super easy if I had :D19:10
MiningMarshlourtyp: Well, this method is supposed to work for any iso: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-via-grub2-using-linux/ That entire site is pretty nice for that stuff.19:10
MiningMarshthats an install from linux19:11
yakebhi #ubuntu, i am struggling getting a wifi card working. the chipset is realtek 8188cu, kernel is 3.0.0-12, 11.10 oneiric. it automatically installed when plugged in, but would not connect to wifi network. i've uninstalled the driver but can't get it reinstalled. any help would be greatly appreciated.19:11
lourtypwilee-nilee: how can I abor kexec installation? I give that up19:11
Hetep-AFKanybody know how to setup an apache server for hosting webpages on a desktop?19:11
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lourtypMiningMarsh: isn't it an exe file?19:11
lourtypI give it a try MiningMarsh19:12
MiningMarshlourtyp: no, that page is linux only. You install grub2 to the flash drive, and grub 2 pretends the iso is a cd19:12
lourtypMiningMarsh: my apt-get is stuck whilst installing kexec-tools19:13
lourtyphow can I abort it?19:13
MiningMarshlourtyp: Do you already have grub2?19:13
lourtypI have grub19:13
lourtypnot sure its grub2 or not19:13
MiningMarshlourtyp: Grub or grub2? If you ahve grub2, you don't need apt-get for that page. All standard terminal commands.19:13
kracekumarwhat are the possible situation live usb bootup showing Boot error, built with unetbootin & boot flag is set19:13
Tr0xitYCan i install openssh through LARA? Remote Console (LARA)19:14
lourtypMiningMarsh: I dont have grub2 command. so no I guess I dont have it19:14
MiningMarshlourtyp: The command is actually grub-install. not quite sure how to test if you have it for grub or grub2 though.19:15
lourtypdo you know how to abort kexec install?19:16
zetherooalmost the end of October ... isn't 12.10 supposed to be released this month? :D19:19
Trogoniformesset activity_hide_level parts joins quits nicks modes19:20
wilee-nileelourtyp, close all install apps open a terminal and run sudo dpkg --configure -a19:20
stercorHow do I mount an LVM disk?19:20
donofrioActionParsnip, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303056/19:20
lourtypwilee-nilee: it goes back to stuck that way. tried that19:20
h22turbois anyone else having problem when apt-get update? Im froze at 90% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]19:20
wilee-nileelourtyp, Ah, I wish I new more here.19:21
h22turbous.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be down19:21
JuanNightStandhow do I restore window themes after activating dual monitors?19:21
donofrioroot@donofrio-OptiPlex-745:~# unity --reset19:21
donofrioERROR: the reset option is now deprecated19:21
donofrioreset is removed - really??19:21
countleybest program to use to convert movies???19:21
ActionParsnipcountley: there isn't a single best app for anything, in any OS19:22
dniMretsaMcountley: I would look into FFmpeg19:22
ActionParsnipcountley: whatare you converting from-to?19:22
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
zetheroowas 12.10 supposed to be released on the 18th of October?19:22
countleyfrm avi to dvd format19:22
zetherooas per  ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule19:23
ActionParsnipcountley: I use devede19:23
wilee-nileelourtyp, With all closed you can delete the lock with sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock19:23
ActionParsnipcountley: you can make a menu item for each video and you will get a DVD ISO you can burn with any burner19:23
lourtypwilee-nilee: done that. let me try install something.19:23
keithzgzetheroo: are you trolling? 12.10 has been out for days now.19:23
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1019:24
Tr0xitYCan i install openssh through LARA? Remote Console (LARA)19:24
keithzgIt's even in the topic for this very channel, heh, and of course on the ubuntu.com front page.19:24
wilee-nileelourtyp, You probably have broken packages, which may cause problems, you will have to remove those.19:24
zetherooshoot! I missed the release party again! :P19:24
countleythankyou will try tht19:24
rhaguhi, I have some trouble with my harddisk this is what syslog shows, but I do not know, what it means: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1303381/19:25
ActionParsnipcountley: your question is as intelligent as asking "What is the best drink, I'm thirsty"19:25
zetheroowow ... ubuntu.com is being hammered ... can't even open the home page19:25
ActionParsnipcountley: you will only get opinions, none are 'best'19:25
donofriocan anyone help - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1303383/19:25
h22turbois anyone having problems with apt-get update???? or us.archive.ubuntu.com ?????19:26
yeehigenerally speaking, if there is an application listed in synaptic for ubuntu, such as keepass2, but there is a more recent version available on the developers website, what should we do? Install using the ubuntu version, then download and somehow use the newer package to update the existing one? is that difficult to do?19:26
donofrioits unity issue - its not working19:26
ActionParsniph22turbo: try switching to the main repo19:26
wilee-nileezetheroo, opens here, must be a problem between you and the site.19:26
dniMretsaMh22turbo: I'm not (I just used it on 2 machines). What errors are you getting?19:26
donofrioActionParsnip, your back19:26
donofrioI mean I'm back19:26
lourtypI cant install anything with apt-get anymore. says "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." if I do that, then it gets stuck again in installing kexec-tools. how can I abort that and delete kexec-tools19:26
ActionParsnipdonofrio: "you're"   not your19:26
donofriowhat did you type last time as to how to resolve this - unity : Depends: libunity-core-6.0-5 (= 6.6.0-0ubuntu3) but 6.6.0-0ubuntu1 is installed19:27
ActionParsnipdonofrio: you could grab debs from launchpad and install them19:27
ActionParsnipdonofrio: you can see old commands with:  history | grep wget19:27
wilee-nileelourtyp, Find the packages installed in that attempt to install kexec-tools and remove them they are broken, I think that is what is going on.19:27
donofrioI cannot browse launchpad?  or at least not that url19:27
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h22turbodniMretsaM: http://pastebin.com/RSDDVULV19:28
trismdonofrio: are you on 12.10? if so, you should instead run: sudo apt-get update; plus upgrade and dist-upgrade, since unity is at 6.8.019:28
=== tensorpudding_ is now known as tensorpudding
aptosidsudo mount -o bind /lib/init/rw/resolvconf/resolv.config /mnt/etc/resolv.conf19:30
aptosidmount: mount point /mnt/etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to nowhere19:30
ActionParsnipdonofrio: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/119571639/libunity-core-6.0-5_6.8.0-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb19:30
h22turbodniMretsaM: us.archive.ubuntu.com resolves to and - I've tried all ips and same thing19:30
=== matt_ is now known as Guest10666
donofrioThe following packages will be REMOVED:19:30
donofrio  unity19:30
wilee-nileelourtyp, Try sudo dpkg --purge kexec-tools19:31
dniMretsaMh22turbo: well. you could try another archive as a temporary fix. I just checked again and I have no issue19:31
wilee-nileelourtyp, then sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:31
willdabeastcan anyone tell me whether they feel LFS(Linux from scratch) is a good idea to learn the internals of linux? Anyone with experience with it?19:31
ann-sophiei'im questoning myself on the ncessity of the install of ubuntu...i dowloaded it...and it start on my usb key...asking me if i want to install it....19:31
ann-sophiewhen i say yes it install on my usb3 drive...it wont boot19:32
aptosidhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12315665&postcount=12 i also cant update from chroot19:32
lourtypI thing clean one did the trick willdabeast19:32
ActionParsnipdonofrio: i'd remove all the unity packages in root recovery mode then reinstall unity. or install xfce4, log in to the xfce session then do it there19:32
lourtypI thing clean one did the trick wilee-nilee19:32
andrewh192hey, i am having troubles with the new version of ubuntu 12.1019:32
dniMretsaMh22turbo: try visiting it in your browser. if it doesn't work, it's probably a network issue. otherwise I would assume you have an APT issue19:33
willdabeastlourtyp you think clean one did the trick? what is that?19:33
dniMretsaMh22turbo: "it" being us.archive.ubuntu.com19:33
wilee-nileelourtyp, Cool I found a old ubuntu forums post with the exact same problem, it was very long so I just found the fix.19:33
aptosiddniMretsaM its an dns issue19:33
andrewh192the sidebar unity thing, that i usually have to open programs and folders, isn't available, and every time i start up, it says there is a unity greeter problem detected19:33
h22turbodniMretsaM: browser says connection timed out19:33
lourtypsorry wrong username willdabeast I meant wilee-nilee19:33
willdabeastlourtyp, gotcha19:33
andrewh192has anyone else had the same problem...19:34
bekksaptosid: Then replace the resolv.conf inside the chroot and use another mirror.19:34
donofrioActionParsnip, =  xfce4 : Depends: xfwm4 (>= 4.10.0) but it is not going to be installed19:34
dniMretsaMaptosid: that would be a network issue. but how were you able to tell that?19:34
andrewh192the only reason i was able to open my irc program is cause i pushed the alt-shift-t thing and a terminal window opened up, and i then typed in quassel19:34
wilee-nileeann-sophie, Did you boot the usb to the desktop, and it seems you say that you want a install or tried a install where?19:34
andrewh192and it opened...19:34
=== Youri is now known as YBook
aptosidbekks sudo mount -o bind /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf  mount: mount point /mnt/etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to nowhere19:34
bekksaptosid: I said replace, not bind mount :D19:35
aptosidsudo mount -o bind /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf19:35
aptosid<aptosid> mount: mount point /mnt/etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to nowhere19:35
aptosidbekks and how?19:35
ann-sophiewilee-nilee,  I downloaded 12.9 and used the usb apps to put it on my usb drive...to install it on my usb3 drive....19:35
bekksaptosid: By using "cp".19:35
lourtypwilee-nilee: Errors were encountered while processing:  man-db  isc-dhcp-client E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:36
dniMretsaMh22turbo: then it's a network issue. according to aptosid, a DNS problem19:36
Zentauri want to have a new e-mil account for many years, safe, private, imap support...19:36
lourtypbut I can install packages wilee-nilee19:36
Zentaurcoud yu recomend mesomething?19:36
wilee-nileeann-sophie, These are two different drives?19:36
tacomasteri was wondering i'm trying to get kleopatra to work for gpg messages but when i start the program i get "Unexpected error while asking gpg-agent for its version. The error returned was: IPC parameter error." anyone know how i can resolve this error or know a better program for gpg?19:37
Zentaurgmail is ok but i'm worried about my privacy19:37
ann-sophiethe iso that i have put in my firstone to boot and install19:37
ann-sophieto install it on my second19:37
wilee-nileeann-sophie, You can't boot a usb with the ISO and then install to it, if that is what you are trying to do19:37
Zentaurhushmail is perfect but it is webmail only and 25mb19:38
aptosidsudo cp /lib/init/rw/resolvconf/resolv.config /mnt/etc/resolv.conf19:38
aptosidcp: cannot stat `/lib/init/rw/resolvconf/resolv.config': No such file or directory19:38
ceborhase anybody else problems with setting up the time when screen turns off after, idle! The time i can set up has no effect, it always switch off after 5-10 min19:38
ceborubuntu 12.1019:38
ActionParsnipaptosid: i don't have resolv.config anywhere in the OS19:39
=== BrianBlaze is now known as BrianBlaze420
wols_aptosid: "mount"19:39
=== BrianBlaze420 is now known as BrianBlaze
aptosidso how to solve that?19:40
XMLnewbi"index.html - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot put index.html.  Access denied.  The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.   Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured."19:40
donofrioActionParsnip, any idea I'm installing xcfe4 and get this for first file - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/118028029/unity_6.6.0-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb19:40
donofrioit is called "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/universe desktop-base all 7.0.0ubuntu119:40
donofrio  404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:40
donofriowhere is this file on launchpad?19:41
ActionParsnipdonofrio: did you try the fixpackage script19:41
donofriouh what where?19:41
trismdonofrio: I said earlier you need to: sudo apt-get update; (you may also need to change mirror), those packages are old19:41
trismdonofrio: though archive.ubuntu.com should be okay19:41
wilee-nilee!md5sum > willee19:42
ActionParsnipdonofrio: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage19:42
XMLnewbiThis was working before. For some reason i can edit files in folders on the FTP server but not my index19:43
donofrioActionParsnip, running it now19:43
willdabeastcan anyone tell me whether they feel LFS(Linux from scratch) is a good idea to learn the internals of linux? Anyone with experience with it?19:44
donofriowow taking awhile (-:19:44
wilee-nileewilldabeast, never heard of it I think it is a personal journey man, use what works for you.19:46
trismwilldabeast: it is a fun project, but you mostly learn compiling plus the basic structure of a linux system than any internals (not really on-topic here though)19:47
willdabeastwilee-nilee I mean it is basically a book that shows you how to start from scratch with building a linux OS. I just thought it would be interesting and helpful for learning the background of the filesystem etc. A little more hands on19:47
willdabeasttrism ah I gotcha, yea that sounds pretty helpful though, but yea I will stop talking about it haha :)19:48
gordonjcpwilldabeast: no, it's not a good way to learn the internals of linux19:48
willdabeastgordonjcp - any other suggestions?19:49
=== gruber is now known as jsjgruber
gordonjcpwilldabeast: a good way to learn the internals of linux is to use some relatively easy-to-get-running distro like, uh, Ubuntu19:49
wilee-nileewilldabeast, Might be, I learned the little I really know from using it and lurking the UF until I could help same here. I am not a person who wants to be a IT person persay though.19:49
gordonjcpwilldabeast: once you have some proficiency with Linux in general start looking at how the system is put together19:49
=== jsjgruber is now known as Guest54285
gordonjcpwilldabeast: if you want something *useful* to do, look at OpenWRT and how that is built19:49
=== aaron is now known as Guest54855
mystManhow do you kill skype on ubuntu19:50
mystMandamn program wont shut down to restart19:50
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willdabeastok well thanks for the help guys, I mean Ubuntu is helpful (obviously) but I am a very detail-oriented person, I love to see every nook and cranny of what's going on. ya know?19:51
wilee-nileemystMan, try killall skyoe19:51
wilee-nileekillall skype19:51
JimmyNeutronAnyone know how to remove the hostname from the login screen in terminal console(no X11 server installed)?  I was able to get rid of the Ubuntu release # by modifying the /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net, but can't get rid of the hostname.19:55
NaZZaXdumb question and i saw it said solved in the www.ubuntu.com help forum....but i changed my IP address for my host and when i do: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart I get the following error : (98) address already in use make_sock: could not bind to address
NaZZaXis there a file other than /etc/hosts and interface that has an IP in it?19:58
ann-sophiehello again sorry got dc, what should i do...I have the partition edition menu...from ext4 journaling files system, to ext3, ext2, reiseerfs, jfs or xfs19:59
JimmyNeutronNaZZaX, /etc/sysconfig/networking/*19:59
bekksNaZZaX: You already have a apache instance running.19:59
bekksStop it, and restart your apache.19:59
donofrioActionParsnip, what are these and why it it still runnning19:59
donofrioE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:59
donofrioE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:59
donofrioE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:59
donofrioE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:59
donofrioroot@donofrio-OptiPlex-745:~# ps -ef | grep update19:59
donofriodonofrio  2161  1894  0 09:26 ?        00:00:01 update-notifier19:59
donofrioroot      9568  7200  0 15:42 pts/1    00:00:07 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/update-manager19:59
FloodBot1donofrio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
ActionParsnipmystMan: ps -ef | grep -i skpe19:59
ActionParsnipdonofrio: use a pastebin for multiple lies20:00
ActionParsnipdonofrio: close the update manager app off20:00
donofrioI see - penalty box fr me20:00
Hetep-AFKhey, does anybody know how to setup an apache2 server for hosting webpages?20:00
ActionParsnipHetep-AFK: sudo apt-get Install apache220:01
donofrioActionParsnip, they were are closed no pid for update-manager werre running before your fixpackages script20:01
Hetep-AFKyeah, already did that20:01
NaZZaXstill will not bind : to ip20:01
wilee-nileeann-sophie, This the something other menu in the install gui?20:01
=== Youri is now known as YBook
willdabeastdoes anyone know a program that I can add to a bootable usb so I don't have to enter the BIOS and change the boot order for every computer I stick the usb in?20:02
TheLordOfTimeHetep-AFK, then you're already done for basics, are you asking how to do multiple domains on one server?20:02
ann-sophieits is now in fat3220:02
Hetep-AFKwell, setting up the configuration for hosting a website is more involved than just installation20:03
NaZZaXthere is no /etc/sysconfig/networking20:03
ann-sophie./dev/sdc11 fat3220:03
TheLordOfTimeHetep-AFK, you didn't answer my question.20:03
wilee-nileeann-sophie, You want ext4 click the format and the mount as / and make sure the screen leading to that, that has grub placement is to that usb, not a partition on it but to it sdX   X is the usb.20:03
Hetep-AFKyeah, probably eventually20:03
blacknesswhat package contains 'pango'? im getting this error: checking for PANGO... no Cannot find Pango! If you are using binary packages based system, check that you20:03
blacknesshave the corresponding -dev/devel packages installed.20:03
ann-sophiei dotn want grub20:04
Hetep-AFKright now just have 1 domain purchased20:04
donofriothe crash reporter crashed20:04
wilee-nileeann-sophie, You can have grub installed to that partition you install to then to not have it in the mbr.20:04
wilee-nileeann-sophie,What are you going to use as a bootloader?20:05
XMLnewbiare there any good web hosting FTP control panels for ubuntu server?    not getting very far with this command line stuff20:05
ann-sophiewelll tell my netbook to either boot from usb key and if no key boot from main hd20:06
NaZZaXis there a process called graphite I can stop thats using port 8140 ?20:07
wilee-nileeann-sophie, Ubuntu wont boot from the usb the way you suggest unless you use like easybcd in windows if that is the setup, and the usb, wont boot on another computer randomly with grub in the mbr.20:07
wilee-nileewithout grub in the mbr*20:07
=== milind is now known as abyss42
ann-sophiethanks for the help20:07
ann-sophie:) much appreciated20:07
[TiZ]So I'm going to do a clean install upgrade to Quantal... but I want to do a minimal install. The alternate CD seems to be gone. Can I do a minimal install from the desktop CD now?20:08
wilee-nileeann-sophie no problem I would put grub in the usb's mbr myself, it would still boot with easybcd from windows if needed.20:08
wilee-nileewell maybe not actually with easybcd now that I think about it ann-sophie20:08
willdabeasthow do you see what kernel you are currently running in terminal again?20:09
alonewilldabeast: uname -a20:09
willdabeastalone ty20:09
trismJimmyNeutron: hmm, I see that adding --nohostname to the getty line in the upstart /etc/init/tty?.conf removes the hostname from the login: line20:10
willdabeastwilee-nilee you were telling me how to delete the extra kernels the other day, you said you use tweak, which part of tweak is that option?20:12
wilee-nileewilldabeast, click the start janitor you will see the cleanup list.20:13
trismJimmyNeutron: better yet, you can copy just the exec line to /etc/init/tty?.override; and add it there20:14
wilee-nileewilldabeast, It will remove all but the one you are using so if you want at least two sets which is generally advised look close.20:14
willdabeastwilee-nilee yea I see it, well organized, I like it20:15
wilee-nileewilldabeast, easy cleaning for sure.20:16
XMLnewbianyone have any suggestions on any control panels for website managment? is webmin any good? is it compatible with 12.04 I want to dl the debian package right?20:16
trismJimmyNeutron: though if you meant the hostname above that it appears to be the \n in /etc/issue20:17
iceroot!webmin | XMLnewbi20:19
ubottuXMLnewbi: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:19
donofrioActionParsnip - just in case I never tell you - you are great and the other like you that help us out - please never give up on knowledge transfer that you all do....20:19
Hetep-AFKcan't seem to get the ServerName to respond with the url of the webpage20:20
XMLnewbiare there any good alternitives?20:20
Hetep-AFKwas reading, & it says add the ServerName directive for directing to the url of the website20:20
yitz_Ubuntu 12.04. Is there away guides on getting a VPN server up and running on a box?20:21
iceroot!vpn | yitz_20:21
ubottuyitz_: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN20:21
mirakif i do a lvm snapshot of device A, then do dd if=A-snapshot of=B, will there be a problem like same uuid for the device, stuffs like that ?20:21
dzuphere we go again, after installing ubuntu i lost my windows 7, how can i recover my win7 partition and do not lost my ubuntu partition?20:22
yitz_Meh. I'd like OpenVPN without requiring X1120:22
SolarisB1ymirak: are you trying to restore the contents of a snapsht bac