
Physicistjrib: Thank you!00:00
znxanyone got any ideas for me to experiment with?00:02
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Ben64znx: can you open a terminal00:03
znxBen64: yup00:04
znxas it ctrl+alt+f100:04
braiam^ learn something new00:04
Physicistjrib: Could you see the xorg.log?  I send a link to you see what is wrong in my system.. Please.00:04
test_serverznx what kind of machine u trying to install on00:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:04
jribPhysicist: sure, paste the link in the channel (i have to step out for a bit)00:04
znxtest_server: a tower ? .. what do you mean?00:04
Ben64znx: oh, i meant in gui... does ctrl+alt+t not work?00:04
znxBen64: this is the installer .. ?00:05
test_serverznx: just wondering to see if i can help. didn't know the reason why ubuntu wouldnt install00:05
znxi tried 12.10 it wouldnt pass the disk prep00:05
znx12.04 has passed that but is now stuck at the "reading package infomation"00:05
znxbut i dont know how to work out what is wrong00:05
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Ben64znx: how far into the process is that00:06
Ben64also, laptop or desktop? 64 or 32 bit? computer specs?00:06
znxBen64: um very close to the start after the gui loads .. maybe two windows in from that00:06
Ben64trying to dual boot?00:06
znxthe computer is old .. around 2008/900:06
znxbut ive been using fedora and mint on it .. up until yesterday00:07
znxso i know it to be good working order00:07
znxid really just like to find something that i can look at that would say "error this is wrong" ..00:07
znxbut there isnt anything :\00:08
znxthe /var/log/installer/debug doesnt say anything useful either00:08
Physicistjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1660305/00:08
Ben64maybe bad media?00:08
znxBen64: i initally used a DVD .. then switched to USB .. then to another USB just to make sure00:09
znxbasically .. i dont think so00:09
PhysicistMy system does not start. Stay in a endless loop: put my password, back to log screen...00:09
Ben64have you checked the md500:09
znxthe original iso i used has been confirmed as matching the md5sum00:09
znxid be happier if it was to blow up and dump errors at me .. but it simply hangs and says nothing00:10
ubuntu22Can anyone help me recover my Ubuntu system? I am trying to uninstall packages on the bad system from the live cd but I am getting errors from chroot.. read more here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/256653/cant-chroot-to-recover-ubuntu-64-bits00:10
antony_does anyone know if its possible to duel boot windows 7 with ubuntu  and have MBr?00:11
Ben64antony_: define MBr00:11
ubuntu22antony_, you need to install grub to the mbr00:11
znxubuntu22: do the obvious is /media/x/bin/bash there ?00:11
ubuntu22znx, yes sir.00:12
znxubuntu22: is it a link to another binary .. or it is the binary itself00:12
znxmaybe select /bin/sh00:12
ubuntu22znx, how do I check that?00:12
znxubuntu22: ls -l /media/x/bin/bash00:13
ubuntu22znx, I get this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 934336 2010-04-19 02:16 /media/x/bin/bash00:13
znxls -F /media/x/bin/bash ... that can work too00:13
ubuntu22znx, the F flag returns: /media/x/bin/bash*00:14
PhysicistCan anybody have a look in that link http://paste.ubuntu.com/1660305/00:14
antony_actually ignore that question i said,    next question is   can someone tell me the difference between wubi  and a regular install?00:14
znxubuntu22: a * means its an executable .. so thats good00:14
znxan @ would represent a link to something00:14
znxubuntu22: try doing: ldd /media/x/bin/bash00:14
ubuntu22znx, okay great.  I think the answer is quite complex looking at the link I posted.00:14
ubuntu22znx, what would you like to know about the ldd return info?00:15
znxubuntu22: it should list a bunch of lib<something>.so.<something> ..00:15
ubuntu22znx, yes it did.00:16
znxcheck to see that those exist in the /media/x/lib directory00:16
anewdo u guys use the gui on ubuntu ?00:16
ubuntu22znx, okay thank you so much I will do that.00:16
znxthis is checking that the shared libraries exist .. as the second answer suggests they might not ubuntu22  ..00:16
znxi.e. you maybe havent mounted all the partitions .. or maybe something broke on your system and removed the library it needs00:17
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znxubuntu22: basically you did something a bit bad .. libc is one of those core packages00:18
znxbreaking that breaks the whole system pretty much00:18
haiciMHello!  Many ISPs' DHCP servers tell clients to use broken nameservers that resolve nonexistent domain names.  I want to configure NetworkManager and dnsmasq to ignore the nameservers the ISP specifies and always to use and  What is the best solution?00:18
znxubuntu22: oh i have an idea .. may/may not work .. try busybox00:19
haiciMI'd rather not have to go through each connection in nm-connection-editor to configure the nameservers.00:19
ubuntu22znx, I'm pretty sure something did break.  I can't find linux-vdso.so.1 or linux-vdso.so.5 in the lib folder.00:19
ubuntu22znx, I forced install of 32 bit packages.00:19
znxugh :-)00:19
znxubuntu22: try chroot /media/x /bin/busybox00:20
znxbut i have to say .. even if you manage to chroot00:21
znxyou might find you cant run things .. because of the libraries that you are missing00:21
ubuntu22znx, busybox worked00:23
ubuntu22znx, oh wait.  When I run sudo chroot /media/x /media/x/bin/busybox it errors00:24
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ubuntu22znx, chroot: cannot run command `/media/x/bin/busybox': No such file or directory00:24
Physicistdr_willis: Hello. My system does not start. Stay in a endless loop: I put my password, back to log screen... Could you see my xorg.log and tell me if something is wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1660305/00:25
dr_willisyour system IS starting Physicist00:26
dr_willisX is just crashing back to the login screen00:26
dr_willis#1 - does the guest user work?  #2 - make a new user at the console. See if they work 'sudo adduser billgates'00:26
dr_willis#3 - if those users DO work. then its a setting issue with your problem user.  login to their accoiunt at the console and  make a backup direcory and start moving the various config files into it.  this will force your users settings back to defaults00:27
Physicistdr_willis: I disabled the guest account.00:28
dr_willisso make a new user then00:28
dr_willistheres some guides out at askubuntu.com and omgubuntu and webupd8 on how to 'reset users settings back to defaults'  which may be all you really need to do.00:30
dr_willisthe .Xauthority file is a common problem file00:30
mike304guys, anyone experiencing this: after login ubuntu freezes and then restarts randomly?00:30
dr_willismike304 could be a dozen reasons why it does it.. X crashing. drivers crashing. window manager crashing..00:31
dr_willisover heating.00:31
mike304how can i troubleshoot?00:32
compdocmike304, you make any changes recenly? install anything?00:33
PhysicistThank you dr.00:33
mike304to be honest i just installed ubuntu00:33
mike304was having issue with nvidia first, when the whole screen would go all weridy pixelated00:34
mike304then was fixed when i used cd to boot00:34
mike304but now sometimes the whole system freezes and then restarts00:35
Ben64sounds like hardware problem00:35
compdocdid you install the proprietory vid card driver? or install any drivers?00:35
Ben64like cpu or gpu getting too hot00:35
czierhave  you looked through /var/log/syslog to check for hints?00:35
mike304i did do update on nvidia00:36
mike304doesn't seem like hardware getting too hot00:36
mike304windows runs fine on it without any problems00:36
anewwell this is going to sound stupid but i cant resize my firefox window00:37
osmdaveHi how do I connect to a ubuntu 12.04 desktop remotely from 12.10 and run it in a window so that I can use both?  What software do I need?00:37
histoosmdave: there is desktop sharing built in.00:41
brainbaobaoi'm wondering if anybody can help me reset to preloaded windows 800:42
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: did you install Ubuntu over windows 8?00:43
osmdavehisto, thanks I could only see it in the login screen how do I run it in a window so I can see both?00:43
brainbaobaoi created a partition, and installed it in the 100gig partition00:44
exutuxhow can you see las tune2fs was executed?00:44
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: have you tried accessing the advanced options at boot by tapping SHIFT after the boot splash screen?00:44
brainbaobaoi'm sorry, but i'm pretty new to ubuntu, whats a boot splash screen?00:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: has nothing to do with Ubuntu00:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: its a screen that shows right before the boot loader trys to boot an operating system00:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: can you still boot into Windows 8?00:46
brainbaobaois it the acer logo screen?00:46
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: if it's an acer computer, than yes00:46
brainbaobaono, i can't boot to windows 8, it boots directly to ubuntu00:46
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: did you make restore discs?00:47
brainbaobaowiggmpk: i haven't tried after, but i tried pressing and holding shift during00:47
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: you probably cant access it, im taking a guess but I think grub replaced the master boot record.. so you would need to access the grub menu and select Windows 8 and boot into the OS, then you can refer to this http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-restore-and-reset-windows-8-to-factory-settings/00:48
brainbaobaounfortunately, no00:48
bentinataWhat mean "filesystem check or mount is failed"?00:48
brainbaobaohow would i enter grub?00:49
brainbaobaomiggwmpk: also my laptop came preloaded with win800:50
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: by holding SHIFT when it displays00:50
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: the default option is to have the grub menu hidden.. so there is like a 5-10 second window after your ACER screen to hit shift to access the menu00:50
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: if you installed Ubuntu over your Windows 8 parition, there is nothing you can do but contact the manufacturer and have them send you restore/recovery discs00:51
dr_willishmm. Firstr thing i do on any new windows machines.. spend like 4 hrs making a recovery dvd set.. not sure why it always sems to take forever for windows to make those things...00:52
wiggmpkdr_willis: cant tell you how many times people bring brand new computers to me (that they screwed up) and didnt have restore disc's00:52
brainbaobaoi didn't install over, i created an empty partition and installed ubuntu in the empty partition00:55
dr_willisamazing thing us the pc makers cant just put the 4 iso images on the hd...00:55
brainbaobaoi personally usually use mac, but decided to try windows800:55
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: just covering all my bases man00:55
dr_williswhy its 4 dvdv is anither oddity.. shovelware i guess.00:55
wiggmpkdr_willis: your absolutely right.. plus the vendor gets to charge the customer if they want the recovery discs00:56
bentinataI always install Ubuntu first, then Windows.00:57
wiggmpkdr_willis: i have a NFS copy of Windows 8 Pro from my MS rep, 1 single DVD go figure00:57
bentinataWhat mean "filesystem check or mount is failed"?00:57
PoolShark_I always install Ubuntu first and then VirtualBox and then Windows inside Vbox00:58
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: i just tried that, but all it does is what it usually does00:58
savagecrocwith service whatever start.. do all of them usually just call start-stop-daemon ?  is there any process monitoring built into the ubuntu service system?00:58
brainbaobao_say it is checking disk for errors00:58
wiggmpkit is SHIFT to access the GRUB menu? anyone?00:58
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:59
bekksAh :)00:59
=== TheRainbowDawn is now known as Dawn_
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: you can refer to this site to make the grub menu unhidden http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/grub-menu-visible.html01:00
brainbaobao_but the thing is that the dvd is in, it's that the computer won'tboot from the dvd01:01
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: you would have to change the BIOS setting to try and boot from your DVD drive before your hard drive..01:02
brainbaobao_windows 8 changed it,01:02
brainbaobao_before installing ubuntu, i changed bios to read dvd-rom first01:02
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wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: I dont think an operating system can change BIOS options.. its like the government.. seperation of powers by layers01:03
brainbaobao_you have to go to windows 8, press shift and click restart to get into eufi01:03
wiggmpkEUFI is a different story01:04
bentinata"filesystem check or mount is failed"? I can't mount my windows partition.01:04
PoolShark_what's EUFI?01:04
brainbaobao_of uefi for that matter,01:05
_DomY-DomHi #ubuntu, which convertibles would you recommend for using Ubuntu with ?01:06
brainbaobao_bios is replaced by uefi, and01:06
brainbaobao_bios is dead01:06
brainbaobao_and one can only access uefi from windows01:07
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: BIOS isnt dead01:07
Deezohaha i think i broke the GUID partition table and now i cant boot into linux01:08
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: but there is not really a practical reason to use UEFI for MOST average users01:08
brainbaobao_or at least not accessible from direct boot is what i know and experienced01:08
_DomY-Dombrainbaobao_: even for those which don't run Windows RT but regular Windows 8, I can't partition ?01:09
Physicistdr_willis: Was created a new user and works sucessfuly. Meantime I see that I cannot make changes with sudo because the " new user" is not in sudoers. You sayd about the possibilitie of restore the configuration. How can I do it?01:09
_DomY-Dombrainbaobao_: Also there has to be a way to dualboot, Ubunutu does have a tutorial about how to boot an OS using UEFI surely right ?01:10
dr_willisPhysicist: login at the console as the problem user and move the config files to a backup dir.01:10
wiggmpk_DomY-Dom: Windows RT is for ARM systems like a tablet, and yes Ubuntu supports UEFI (99% sure)01:11
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: since ubuntu may support uefi, can one access it?01:12
Physicistdr_willis, Could you give more detail about HOW do that?01:12
dr_willisPhysicist:  bash basics..      mv file backupdir01:12
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: why exactly would you need to access it?01:12
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: it's just an application layer to start the booting process of an operating system01:13
brainbaobao_i just need to get to bios01:13
dr_willistgeres detailed guides at the askubuntu.com   and omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites01:13
brainbaobao_which seems impossible01:13
rmwhI wish to temporarely unmount my home partition, by copying all the files into a tmpfs and then mount the tmps as /home. Can this be done and if so, how?01:13
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: there should be a button.. typically F2 / F12 / or DEL at the BIOS splash screen (your acer logo) to get to the BIOS01:13
brainbaobao_i've tried every one of them, but to check i'll do it again, please excuse me for a moment01:14
Noorideendr_willis: hello01:15
dr_willis rmwh  be safer to put them on a real hd.. if you lose power while they are moved.. they wll be gone01:16
dr_willisrmwh:  is home on its own partition now?01:16
rmwhdr_willis, yes01:17
dr_willisrmwh: and what are you wanting to do with it?01:17
rmwhdr_willis: resizing it. I tried to do it using parted magic, but it didn't work01:17
dr_willisyou can just unmount it.. resize it. and then mount it back. just watch out for any apps trying to access home for the time it takes to resize.. personally i resize  from a live cd. makes things easier01:18
rmwhdr_willis: thanks, will try that!01:18
osmdavidhi can someone tell me how to connect to a remote ubuntu server graphicly 12.04 from ubuntu 12.10? I can open the terminal with ssh. But the build in remote desktop tutorial needs a gui in the first place and email address and xrdp tutorial is only for windows01:18
Jofironsesosmdavid: are you looking for X forwarding through ssh?01:21
savagecroci've setup the following script for nginx.. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6fa4811e7e21b5c77631   notice on line 37 i've specified the --retry option. However when i call it the process doesn't warn me that that nginx is still running01:21
savagecrocand it doesn't actually shut it down01:21
brainbaobao_wiggmpk:f2 works sometimes, but i held down some random keys, and it displayed error, and i got into bios,01:22
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: do you suggest that i put windows boot loader at the top?01:22
dr_willisosmdavid:  depending on wha tyou need to do. ssh and x forwarding can acomplish most tasks. no need for a full desktop to be forwarded01:23
osmdavidJofironses, I want to run it remotely I can do it from windows with xrdp but I want to control it in a window in my ubuntu desktop not windows. Not sure about X. Its Unity.01:23
dr_willisosmdavid:  X is the foundation of the whole Desktop in linux.01:23
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: well you cant do that from the BIOS.. if you plan on keeping Ubuntu alongside windows you'll have to decide which bootloader you want to handle booting.. GRUB which is installed by Ubuntu or the Windows boot loader.. but it should be on the MBR01:23
dr_willisUnity is a shell on top of gnome3 which runs on top of X01:24
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: if you can boot into windows.. then you can research how to restore the MBR01:24
osmdaviddr,willis ok as long as I dont loose my current desktop. I just want to view one inside the other and control it by remote desktop01:24
tiglionabbitUbuntu isn't starting up graphically because I wrote an xorg.conf file it doesn't like and then restarted.  How do I get to a terminal to fix this?01:25
brainbaobao_I'm not sure if GRUB is damaged, or if it's just because ubuntu changed the boot settings of my computer01:25
dr_willisosmdavid:  then you want to enable the gnome remote desktop. or use x11vnc if you want to share the CURRENT vidsible desktop.  if you can see both monitors..  you can remote controll the other pc from a differnt one via syngery.01:25
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: are you booting into Ubuntu?01:26
Physicistdr_willis, Could you give me a link?01:26
dr_willis!text | tiglionabbit01:26
ubottutiglionabbit: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:26
dr_willisPhysicist:  a link to what?01:26
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: yes, the system running is ubuntu01:26
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: then GRUB isnt damaged.. it just doesnt "see" Windows 801:26
osmdaviddr_willis I only have one monitor im on a laptop. I how do I install the gnome remote desktop for unity from the command line?01:27
brainbaobao_wiggmpk:ok, so since i'm a newbie, what do you suggest me to do01:27
Physicistdr_willis, To resolve my problem dr. Backup the files...01:27
dr_willisosmdavid:  its allready installed. you just need to enable the remote desktop feature.01:27
dr_willisPhysicist:  i mentioned the askubuntu.com site. and  the omgubuntu, and webupd8 blog sites01:27
osmdaviddr_willis ok so how do I enable it from the command line and how do I connect to it from this side?01:28
dr_willisPhysicist:  you login at the console as tghe problem user. and move the  .config and .Xauthority and perhaps other files to a backup directory01:28
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: open a termina and try "sudo apt-get install grub-pc" to see if it detects your other OS01:28
dr_willisosmdavid:  no idea on doing it from trhe command line. normally one logs in and uses the menu/settings to enable it.01:28
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: there is another problem that is very urgent01:29
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: root does not work01:29
osmdaviddr_willis yes this is my problem I cant see the desktop until I find a way to connect to the server remotely01:29
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: how did you determine that?01:29
=== cameronc is now known as CC
dr_willisosmdavid:  no monitor?  if theres no current desktop running.. then you can just use a normal vnc server that can be started once you ssh in.01:30
osmdavidthat is why I want to connect to it so I can see it01:30
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: either its that i entered a very similar but different password with a typo during setup, or ...01:30
dr_willisosmdavid:  theres 2 ways you can do it.. share the CURRENT visuble desktop (which you aparently dont have) or ssh in, run vncserver and have a 'hidden' desktop thats NOT visible on the remote machine01:30
CCdr_willis: Nice to see you again. I need help allocating more space to linux. I'm trying to download TF2 but my /dev/loop0 is out of memory01:30
osmdaviddr_willis no it is a rented dedicated ubuntu server and I have installed unity but I can only connect from here to the command line with ssh I want to know how to remote view the desktop01:30
dr_willisit will only be visible when you vnc into it01:30
bentinata"filesystem check or mount is failed"? I can't mount my windows partition.01:31
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: if your logging into the user you made when you installed Ubuntu, then its YOUR password01:31
brainbaobao_wiggmpk:  it exists, but authentication process says that root is incorrect,01:31
dr_willisosmdavid:  a vps you mean?01:31
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: then root is...?01:31
Jofironsesosmdavid: you could try x11vnc01:31
dr_willisosmdavid:  if its a virtual machine.. then you ssh in, and run vnc.. but thats not secure over the internet. Best to use SSH and X forwarding01:31
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: in fedora, administrator password=root01:32
dr_willisx11vnc on a virtual server dosent make a lot of sence.. since theres no actual display for it01:32
mike304can someone troubleshoot this01:32
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: your not technically using "root", sudo is just requesting super user privileges.. its YOUR password for your regular user, because you SHOULD belong to the "sudo" group01:32
mike304see if there is any problems?01:32
Ben64!root | brainbaobao_01:32
ubottubrainbaobao_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:32
CCAnyone? I need help allocating more space to linux to download a program.01:32
brainbaobao_yes, but as i disabled my password, it still asks for sudo, and as i entered the previous password,  it displays it failed01:33
dr_williscc youmay want to give some background details.. since its not clear what your setup is01:33
cmanpurge win801:33
osmdaviddr_willis ok Can I use X forwarding and keep my current unity desktop at the same time?01:33
Ben64brainbaobao_: how did you disable it01:33
bekksosmdavid: Yes.01:33
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: more importantly, why on earth would you disable your password01:33
dr_willisosmdavid:  what current desktop? the one on the LOCAL box? you said the server had no desktop running01:33
CCdr_willis: I've got Ubuntu 12.10 with 19gb memory allocated to /dev/loop0,  all of which I've used01:34
dr_willisosmdavid:  if you X forward. the apps appear on the local X desktop01:34
Jofironsesosmdavid: try logging in to your server with 'ssh -L5900:localhost:5900' then connect your vnc to localhost and your connection is secure01:34
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: because nobody else will be in this house but me for the next 4 months01:34
dr_williscc meory allocated to loop? huh?01:34
Sazpaimonhow can I make an NTFS junction point from within linux?01:34
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: its not good practice.. thats some Windows stuff right there.. the most dangerous threat to your computer is physical access01:35
JofironsesSazpaimon: I don't think there is a way01:35
dr_willisCC so you are on a live cd? or live usb? or what exactly?01:35
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: I dont know how to recover a *nix password mate, sorry01:35
brainbaobao_true, that was kind of stupid,01:35
CCdr_willis: I've got my install of ubuntu alongside Windows01:35
bekksbrainbaobao_: When disabling a password, you have to have another account with root access to reset it again.01:35
Ben64!password | brainbaobao_01:36
ubottubrainbaobao_: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords01:36
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wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: if it were me.. and this is my opinion.. I would just reinstall Ubuntu..01:36
JofironsesSazpaimon: you could try ln, but still that would work only on linux and wouldn't be a junction point01:36
Ben64it's not that hard to fix a password01:36
SazpaimonJofironses, I already tried regular linux symlinks, it makes interix-style symlinks01:36
JofironsesSazpaimon: yep, it's only linux01:37
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: provided that windows boots correctly, your probably correct01:37
Sazpaimonwhich works in interix on windows, but they're not junction points01:37
osmdavidhmm I think I will go back to windows. I can connect with putty. Run xrdp and then open it in a window and carry on using this machine as well as the other one in a window01:37
SazpaimonJofironses, well technically interix is part of windows01:37
dr_willisCC you mean you have a WUBI install?01:37
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: it should automatically detect your other operating system and place that entry in the Grub menu for you to decide which to boot01:37
CCdr_willis: Indeed01:37
osmdavidI just hoped I could do that ubuntu to ubuntu instead of ubuntu to windows01:37
dr_willisCC theres  guides out there on resizeing WUBI  installs.01:37
brainbaobao_it hasn't done so yet, after 7 attempts01:38
Sazpaimonwhat about NTFS volume mount points?01:38
Sazpaimonlike how they're done with mountvol on windows?01:38
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JofironsesSazpaimon: indeed, but windows does not support linux's sym links, at least natively01:38
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: and installing "grub-pc" was our attempt to do that.. but without sudo access.. I cant really help ya01:38
Sazpaimonyeah it's weird that ntfs-3g makes interix symlinks since I dont think anyone uses interix anymore'01:38
bekksbrainbaobao_: Fix your password first, to gain user access and sudo access.01:39
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wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: if you decide to reinstall.. you should have a look at this first though https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:41
brainbaobao_bekks: how? i've tried everything inmy limited knowledge and searched google for hours, but as wiggmpk says, i don't have sudo access01:41
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: thank you so much01:41
JofironsesSazpaimon:  http://serverfault.com/questions/165389/create-ntfs-symbolic-links-from-within-linux01:41
dr_willisyou can reset the users passwords from the recovery console i think01:42
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: your also using Windows 8 with UEFI and could possibly be using Ubuntu without UEFI, and im not sure they would mesh together properly01:42
Sazpaimoncool, but I actually dont want symlinks01:42
SazpaimonI want an NTFS mount point01:42
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: also i don't recall disabling intel smart response01:42
savagecrocdoes UEFI allow you to run multiple OSs kinda like VMs but on a hardware level?01:43
Sazpaimonlike when you mount an actual volume to a directory in windows01:43
wiggmpksavagecroc: no01:43
wiggmpksavagecroc: UEFI is just an application layer between vendor firmware and operating systems.. much like the BIOS01:44
CCdr_willis: Will creating a new virtual disk with higher memory capacity remove the data that I have on the one I'm using now?01:44
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: put this in a terminal and tell me what it says01:44
savagecrocright.. so it's main purpose is for what secure boot? or just making life easier for OS developers01:44
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in EFI mode" || echo "Installed in Legacy mode"01:44
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: literally?01:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: yes01:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: will either say Installed in EFI mode or Legacy mode01:45
JofironsesSazpaimon: something like 'mount -t ntfs /dev/sdX /media/windows' ?01:45
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: sorry, it was cut off     [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in EFI mode" || echo "Installed in Legacy mode"01:46
Jofironseslike that you're mount your ntfs volume on the directory /media/windows01:46
bekksbrainbaobao_: You have to boot a livecd, chroot into your installation, reset your password.01:46
SazpaimonJofironses, no, like in windows I would do mountvol C:\mountpoint \\?\Volume\{2eca078d-5cbc-43d3-aff8-7e8511f60d0e}\01:46
Sazpaimoni want to make a mountpoint like that that would apply in windows01:46
ctmjrSazpaimon: is your nfs server setup?01:47
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: says legacy01:47
Sazpaimonctmjr, I said NTFS not nfs01:47
Kuuipo/sys/firmware/efi: Is a directory01:47
KuuipoInstalled in Legacy mode01:47
Sazpaimonfor some reason ntfs-3g sets those directories as /mnt/ntfsvolume//.NTFS-3G/Volume{bc90b059-d55c-11de-9c5e-806e6f6e6963}01:47
wiggmpkKuuipo: yeah if you dont have the directoy you probably have /sys/firmware/acpi or something01:47
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: then I would read that article about UEFI and ubuntu and reinstall... will probably make things a bit easier to co-exist with Windows 801:48
savagecrochas anyone got macosx working in virtualbox?01:48
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: thanks, but even with the cutoff it still said legacy,01:49
wiggmpksavagecroc: I have, but its a pain01:49
Kuuipothnx wiggmpk01:49
JofironsesSazpaimon: Ok let me understand, what are you running, are you providing some kind of sharing service like nfs?01:49
SazpaimonI'm nor01:49
dr_willissavagecroc:  ive seen guides on  the lifehacker site about doing that.01:49
savagecrocwiggmpk: oh :(  really? pain in what way... just difficult to configure?01:49
SazpaimonIm migrating a failing drive to new drives01:49
Jofironseswhat distro are you using01:49
Sazpaimonubuntu 12.0401:49
wiggmpksavagecroc: you need special images to get it to boot, then special images to install it01:49
SazpaimonBasically the old drive had the Users directory mounted to another drive in windows01:49
savagecrocI basically want to setup a computer with ubuntu as the primary but also have OSX / Windows 8 as VMs01:50
SazpaimonI need to re-create that mount point from within linux so it works in windows01:50
brainbaobao_wiggmpk: i see, there is no efi partition in my computer, sorry for the trouble.. and thanks!01:50
wiggmpksavagecroc: google something called "hackboot"01:50
CCI need about 1gb more space on my virtual disk. Any way to do this without wiping data?01:50
savagecrocwiggmpk: googling01:50
JofironsesI see, if I understood it correctly, you want to mount your ntfs partition in linux so that when you start windows you could transfer your old files01:51
savagecroci might also ask over at vbox01:51
Jofironsesis that it?01:51
wiggmpkbrainbaobao_: its no trouble.. but read that article and get ubuntu installed with UEFI support.. will probably solve your problems01:51
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savagecrocwiggmpk: if you get it to work, would you expect it to work?01:51
dr_willisCC i recall seeing some guides on resuzeing your wubi install from within windows. Or you could make a  second   filesystem inside a file and mount it somewhere..01:51
savagecroci.e. the various iOS functions.. pretty much want to use it for iOS development01:51
QuantenHi, I'm trying to run GParted, but it hangs on "Scanning all devices"01:52
savagecrocsorry OS functions*01:52
wiggmpksavagecroc: I don't understand your question....01:52
QuantenDoes any one know why? (I'm trying to remove a corrupted Windows partition)01:52
savagecrocwiggmpk: do you get a half working OS is what i'm asking01:52
dr_willisQuanten:  could be a HD is failing and hanging it up01:52
wiggmpksavagecroc: yes and no01:52
fwilsonQuanten: How long have you waited?01:52
QuantenAround five minutes.01:52
JofironsesQuanten: you might have to run windows chkdsk before you can work with gparted01:52
QuantenI'm running ubuntu from a live cd01:52
wiggmpksavagecroc: it works.. updates (even though the copy of Mac OSX i have isnt legal) but there are hiccups.. lockups.. etc01:52
Quantenthe windows partition is corrupted i can't boot it.01:53
dr_willisif you just want to delete a windows partion. fdisk, or parted can do that01:53
QuantenWhat is fdisk and parted?01:53
dr_willisdisk partioning tools01:53
savagecrocwiggmpk: it's a pain having to have multiple computers for development.. especially since i do 90% in ubuntu01:53
dr_willisfdisk, parted, cfdisk   are command line partioning tools01:53
QuantenGparted is not working. It just hangs while searching for devices ;/01:53
dr_willisQuanten:  yes.. you said that... which is why we recommended you try the cli tools01:54
wiggmpksavagecroc: I only did it as an experiment.. I have no intention on using Mac OSX for any practical purpose..01:54
wiggmpksavagecroc: but I believe VMWare fully supports the install of Mac OSX, dont quote me on that though01:54
savagecrocwiggmpk: yeah... i'm worried if xcode and all it's dependancies will work01:54
QuantenOh, they are for the terminal? Sorry, I'm not very experienced with ubuntu01:54
martincho :)01:55
fwilsonIf you've only waited 5mins that might not be enough time... it can take a bit depending on the disk size and the number of partitions I think01:55
dr_williscommand line = terminal01:55
Quantenthere's only 1 partition; windows01:55
dr_willisQuanten:  what versionof windows?01:56
Quantenwindows 7 home premium x6401:56
dr_willislast i looked windows7 normally has like 3 partions it uses... on a normal setup01:56
CCdr_willis: One more problem. When I boot my computer and try to choose my OS, it flashes between windows and ubuntu01:56
Quanteni thought it was just one, sorry.01:56
dr_willisits own /boot thing, the actual partion and the companies tend to put a recovery partion on the hd01:56
Quantenokay, i booted fdisk from the terminal. How do I proceed to remove windows from the cli?01:56
wiggmpkoh yeah, then 301:57
QuantenI see Usage, Options01:57
brainbaobaowiggmpk: thank you so much, windows has successfully booted, i'll reinstall ubuntu01:57
Quantenwith stuff underneath each of the categories01:57
dr_willisQuanten:  you need to look  and see what partions exist.. and what ones you want to delete01:57
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: with UEFI support??? hehe01:57
JofironsesQuanten: try man parted01:57
dr_willisQuanten:  you want to totally delete ALL windows partiions?01:57
Quanteni have nothing on there i need01:57
Quantenit's very corrupted01:57
dr_willisis there a existing linux install on it? is there anything on the hd you are trying to save?01:58
CCdr_willis: One more problem. When I boot my computer and try to choose my OS, it flashes between windows and ubuntu01:58
dr_willisThen you should be able to tell the installer to delete/use the whole hard disk and it should do so... no need to delete stuff befor hand01:58
silveroneHello!, I made a small bash script in case my mumble/openvpn/samba processes crashed, could any of you take a quick look at it and tell me if it's any good :P ... for all intents and purposes, it works ( i think )01:58
dr_willisCC i dont use wubi.. so no idea on how it works. I advise NOT using wubi.... ever...01:58
Quantenyes, but the intstaller hangs before i get to that step.01:58
brainbaobaowiggmpk: of course, or at least of course i'll try!01:58
znxok .. im admitting defeat .. ubuntu will not install on my hardware .. BOOO01:59
Quanteni waited for two hours and it just kept showing the loading wheel01:59
wiggmpkbrainbaobao: hehe you'll get it01:59
znxi have another old beast i can give it a go on i guess01:59
brainbaobaowiggmpk: thanks01:59
Quantenit's hanging on the "Preparing to install" step01:59
dr_willisQuanten: fdisk has a 'd' for delette option. delete the partions, then 'w' to write changes to disk.. that will delete them all.01:59
CCdr_willis: Well to be honest I'm just using linux to open Team Fortress 2 for the promotional item XD I figured wubi would be a good "do it and be done with it" thing01:59
Quantenhow do i type it onto the cli?02:00
Quanteni tried fdisk d and fdisk -d02:00
Quantenbut none work02:00
dr_willisQuanten:  IN fdisk.. you use 'd' for delete02:00
dr_willisl for list.. and so forth,, its menu deiven02:00
dr_willisp for print partion info...02:00
dr_willish for help.... :)02:01
Quantenoh, is fdisk a program?02:01
Quanteni just typed fdisk into the cli02:01
dr_williserr.. yes...02:01
Quantenoops. derp.02:01
Quantenhow do i install it?02:01
dr_willisand that runs fdisk,. and you then use its text based menus...02:01
dr_willisyou said it ran.... so its installed..02:02
Jofironsesfdisk is already insntalled by default02:02
Quanteni meant like02:02
Quantenit just showed some options02:02
Quantenin the terminal02:02
dr_willisNow would be a good time for you to hit up google for a Fdisk tutorial i think...02:02
Quantenwhen i said fdisk02:02
FloodBot1Quanten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
dr_willisand the options said what?   those were the fdisk menu items...02:02
dr_willisi am guessing02:02
Jofironsestry 'fdisk -l /dev/sda'02:02
Jofironsesit should list your partitions02:03
dr_willissudo fdisk -l /dev/sda   may  be needed..  'sudo fdisk /dev/sda' may also be what you need..02:03
dr_willisif you are SURE you want to delete all partions on sda.. it will be somthing like...02:03
dr_willissudo fdisk /dev/sda02:03
zykotick9dr_willis: ;) old timer.  it's "sudo parted -l" for the gpt-generation :p02:04
dr_willisthen hit d (enter) to delete the first partion... and repeate the d (enter) a few times to delete the next and next... then w to write changes...02:04
dr_willisif hes even on a gpt disk. ;)02:04
zykotick9dr_willis: i was just joking!  i'm not following the issue!02:04
Quantenwhen i hit d, it says Partition number(1-4): ..02:04
Quantenand when i type 102:04
Quantenit just repeats it02:05
Quanteni tried sda1, /dev/sda102:05
FloodBot1Quanten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
dr_willisyou just deleted #102:05
Quantenah, thanks.02:05
dr_willisso repeate the d for 2 3 4 and so on02:05
dr_willisdont expect a lot of feedback. ;)02:05
dr_willisnote the p = for PRINT partitions (i think)02:05
dr_willisd 1, d 1 , d 1.... w02:06
dr_willisto write changes.. ;)02:06
dr_willisthen p or l to show what pattiions are on the hd.02:06
dr_williswhen in doubt read the help item fdisk offers02:06
Quanteni accidentally closed the cli, and now when i run sudo -l /dev/sda02:07
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Quantenit says "building a new sundisk label...etc etc until you decided o write them"02:07
dr_willisits sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda02:07
Quantenthat's what i meant, sorry02:07
infinituxhi. for some reason my wife's laptop battery is coming up dead in ubuntu02:08
infinituxbut it shows a full charge when windows is booted02:08
dr_willissudo fdisk /dev/sda to  partition the disk... the -l just lists whats there02:08
Quantenso it says "building a new sun disklabel. changes will remain in memory only, until u decide to write them."02:08
Jofironsesinfinitux: seems like a driver problem02:08
Quantenokay, when it ype that02:08
Quantennothing appears02:08
Quantenis that good?02:08
Quanten(only thing is command (m for help))02:08
dr_williswhen you type what?02:08
Quantensudo fdisk /dev/sda02:08
QuantenCommand (m for help):02:08
Quantenis what appears02:08
FloodBot1Quanten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
dr_willisread the help,,, it shows  what keys do what.. look at thelist or partions02:09
infinituxJofironses what kind of driver problem?02:09
dr_willisits either L or P02:09
cameroncdr_willis: What is the command to find what is taking up the most space02:09
JofironsesYou might be mmissing your battery's driver or maybe you've got the wrong driver02:09
dr_willisif no partions are shown.. then the disk is blank.. no partitions... see if the installer can work now.02:09
Quantenhow do il ook at the list?02:09
dr_willisQuanten:  again.. hit the m for HELP and read what keys do what...02:09
ctmjrpress m02:10
dr_willisit should show L for list. or P for paretions.. or somthing ..... read....02:10
* dr_willis is having to do this from, memory02:10
sudo-apt-getAnyone uses bestukvpn here in ubuntu? What to put in Gateway and NT Domain in vpn settings?02:11
Quantenokay so i hit w02:11
JofironsesI'm sorry but I can't help much with that, you could look into lsmod and seed if something related to your battery shows up02:11
Quantenand it says "The partition table has been altered!" Calling ioctl() to reread partition table"02:11
dr_willisyou use d to delete the partions. then w to write the changes.. that exits fdisk.. then you can try the installer again02:11
Quantenand then "Warning: rereading the partitino table failed with error 16: device or resource busy"02:11
dr_willisQuanten:  so now i would reboot. and retry the installer.02:11
cameroncdr_willis: What is the command to find what is taking up the most space02:11
Quantenokay thanks.02:11
dr_williscameronc:  df or du with some options..02:12
Jofironsescameronc: find02:12
sudo-apt-getAnyone uses bestukvpn here in ubuntu? What to put in Gateway and NT Domain in vpn settings to connect to bestukvpn? Or maybe suggest a good vpn site which works in ubuntu...02:12
Quantenwhen i hit l in fdisk, it shows a lot of partitions that i never installed (0 unassigned, 1 boot, 2 sunos root, 3...etc all some sort of linux or sunos thing)02:13
Quantenis this the cd?02:13
Quantenoh wait02:13
Quantenthe installer pulled through02:13
Quantenthanks you so much dr_willis02:13
* Quanten shakes dr_willis' hand vigorously02:13
thoonaihow do I create a self signed certificate for my webserver the best way?02:14
bonhoeffer_anyone know how to find the path i'm at when i browse somewhere in the file manager02:14
BHXSpecter*sigh* well today was going good until I installed Steam and now I can't get my system to upgrade to 12.10 or update because of an install issue with libdrm-nouveau2 ...still Googling for a solution02:14
bonhoeffer_oh i see i'm at smb://
bonhoeffer_how do i "cd" to this02:15
sudo-apt-getHELLO,Anyone uses bestukvpn here in ubuntu? What to put in Gateway and NT Domain in vpn settings to connect to bestukvpn? Or maybe suggest a good vpn site which works in ubuntu...02:15
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dr_willisbonhoeffer_:  'pwd' shows your current working direcgory path02:15
OerHeksthoonai, see https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/certificates-and-security.html#generating-a-csr02:15
cameroncdr_willis: Are there any non-essential files I can get rid of? I need about 80mb more of space D:02:15
dr_willisbonhoeffer_:  and tghe prompt shows it also02:15
bonhoeffer_dr_willis, i can't get there in terminal02:15
thoonaiOerHeks: thx02:15
dr_williscameronc:  chean your apt cache perhaps02:15
dr_willisbonhoeffer_:  cant get where?02:16
bonhoeffer_it is an smb mount that i only get to through the file manger02:16
fwilsonsudo-apt-get: Any VPN *sites* should work, there is a built in VPN client.02:16
bonhoeffer_to smb://
bonhoeffer_cd:cd:10: no such file or directory: smb://
dr_willisbonhoeffer_:  nauilys mounts those in your .gvfs directory in your home02:16
bonhoeffer_ah .. .02:16
dr_willisbonhoeffer_:   smb:// are NAUTILUS  special addresses.. NOT bash paths02:16
sudo-apt-getfwilson, what to put in NT Domain box and Gateway box?02:16
sudo-apt-getfwilson, I have tried a lot before asking here.....02:17
WHAT_UPis there a way to make something "always on top" with such high priority that it even goes on top of something that goes fullscreen?02:17
hylnice to meet you!02:17
fwilsonsudo-apt-get: It's not an Ubuntu-specific question, you're unlikely to get an answer here, sorry :(02:17
cameroncdr_willis: That's almost got it. Is there anything else i could do?02:18
WeThePeoplehow to copy my localhost db (xampp) to a server?02:18
ctmjrWHAT_UP: gnome?02:18
dr_williscameronc:   i dont even know what you are doing...02:18
WHAT_UPctmjr: i'm using xfce now02:18
BHXSpecterdoes this mean my system is messed up or is there a fix I'm not finding ? http://pastebin.com/vQhSSySP02:18
sudo-apt-getfwilson, but the same settings work in windows, this must be a ubuntu problem02:18
PoolShark_xfce ricks02:18
PoolShark_er, rocks02:18
cameroncdr_willis: Trying to clear a little bit of space. I don't need as much as I though.02:18
fwilsonsudo-apt-get: What do you mean? You use the same gateway and NT domain?02:18
WHAT_UPPoolShark_: it does indeed never let me down02:18
sudo-apt-getfwilson, there are two boxes where I put BestUKVPN.com and thats all in windows02:19
fwilsonsudo-apt-get: Have you tried just leaving NT domain and gateway blank?02:20
andsimhello i need help on ubuntu 12.04, i trying get other user able to use port 80 but it in use, but root shgow no 80 port was in used02:20
Sazpaimonhere's a general linux question that's bothered me for years02:20
WHAT_UPin particular, i'd want eventually to have a grid display on my screen regardless of what is running02:20
sudo-apt-getfwilson, yes, but with no help02:20
Sazpaimonwhy does it take longer to tell me a password is incorrect than when it's correct02:20
fwilsonandsim: Only root can open ports below 1024.02:20
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Sazpaimonusually when I type an incorrect password, it takes like 5 seconds, a correct password is usually near instant02:21
WHAT_UPSazpaimon: it slows down on purpose to prevent brute forcing02:21
fwilsonWHAT_UP: beat me to it :)02:21
Sazpaimonwell I dont know why I didn't think of that02:21
andsimgreat so i cant use other user use 80 at all?02:21
Guest42963guess not02:22
fwilsonandsim: You could redirect ports and things, but then it gets complicated02:22
GeekSquidandsim: you can user apache user folders and the sites showup as site.com/~username02:23
fwilsonGeekSquid: Didn't think of that :) andsim: that requires some configuration, just to let you know02:24
andsimno it aurora-sim http call02:24
cameroncdr_willis: How would you go about removing files from the file system. Trying to remove firefox :302:24
fwilsoncameronc: Don't delete firefox from the filesystem, use apt-get to remove programs in ubuntu02:25
GeekSquidcameronc: you don't like firefox? sudo apt-get remove firefox02:26
BHXSpecterneed help, but not sure if my problem is a Steam issue or a Ubuntu issue as it came about after installing Steam, but it is making it so I can't install or update anything in ubuntu now :/02:26
cameroncGeekSquid: Can't remove for some reason. One second for pastebin02:26
ZeroUmmay I ask something02:27
ZeroUmI loaded 12.10 on a virtualbox on this mac02:27
ZeroUmthen i tried to disable compiz02:27
ZeroUmwhich ended with me disabling the composite window and losing unity02:28
ZeroUmdo I'm w/o the window manager atm02:28
ZeroUmI've been trying to reset it looking for some answers on google, but no luck02:28
cameroncGeekSquid: http://pastebin.com/1jHfyZTn02:29
BHXSpecterI installed Steam then added the ppa it recommended (x-updates or something like that), checked for updates and told them to install..tried to install a mesa lib dependent on libdrm-nouveau2 and then failed, but now I can't upgrade to 12.10 due to error or install anything due to mesa/libdrm error and can't find a solution on Google02:29
DaemonicApathyZeroUm: Does Ctrl+T bring up a terminal?02:29
ZeroUmone moment02:29
DaemonicApathyEr, Ctrl+Alt+T02:29
fwilsonBHXSpecter: Try "sudo apt-get -f install"02:30
BHXSpectertried that command several times today with no luck02:30
fwilsonBHXSpecter: Oh... hmm... can you pastebin the output of that command?02:30
BHXSpecteryeah just a sec02:31
ZeroUmoh yes, c+a+T does it02:31
thoonaiOerHeks: hey02:31
DaemonicApathyZeroUm: You can use that to run compizconfig-settings-manager (after installing it, if necessary).02:31
BHXSpecterfwilson: here http://pastebin.com/MXGCveQ102:32
thoonaiOerHeks: whats this openssl req? I don't see clearly what ist does02:32
ZeroUmyes, I'll try that now, thanks02:32
rushboyHello , Can anyone please guide me with this : How do I install libjogl2 in ubuntu ?02:32
cameroncis there a way to remove a small amount of data so I can uninstall firefox02:33
WHAT_UPis there any way to directly set the color of a pixel, in such a way that moving a window behind it won't change the pixel's color?02:33
cameroncBesides apt-get clean02:33
fwilsonBHXSpecter: this SHOULD work... "sudo apt-get remove libdrm-noveau1a"02:33
BlackBeardHello there! Anybody know install ms office 2007 with vba freatures enabled?02:34
fwilsonBHXSpecter: then sudo apt-get remove libdrm-noveau202:34
BlackBeardSorry for my english. I talk from Brazil!!!02:35
fwilsonBlackBeard: In Ubuntu? I would think Wine, if that doesn't work, I would use a virtual machine02:35
ZeroUmDaemonicApathy:  Thanks, I've reset it successfully with dconf reset and setsid unity. Just couldn't do it before as i had errors running these commands from the system terminal02:37
BlackBeardfwilson: Yes... The office instaled ok through wine. The problem is VBA!!!02:37
BHXSpecterfwilson: when I try to install or remove anything I get this every time http://pastebin.com/vWVvQ0HZ02:38
DaemonicApathyZeroUm: That can happen when you try to configure an aspect of the GUI from a pure CLI.02:38
cameroncI'm trying to install TF2 and I don't have enough space. I need to delete useless files if possible. I need the command to do so.02:38
fwilsonBHXSpecter: OH i see now02:38
BHXSpecterit all came about after doing Steam's recommendation of adding the x-updates for keeping drivers up to date02:38
fwilsonBHXSpecter: sudo apt-get -f remove libgl1-mes-dri libgl1-mesa-dri:i38602:38
cameroncPlease someone help i've been at this for atleast 10 hours with no result.02:40
BlackBeardUnfortunately my work depends of sheets developeds with codes in VBA. :/02:40
BHXSpecterI guess I will just have to remove the steam client because those are all needed by steam but have messed up ubuntu so I can't do anything program or upgrade wise02:41
BHXSpecterI typed that and it came up with dependent for Steam and xorg02:42
Huddlestonhey guys02:42
BlackBeardWell, the way will be developer all again in php.02:42
cameroncIs there a way to remove programs from the file system without using the apt-get terminal command02:43
fwilsonBHXSpecter: ouch, yeah don't do that. This is really confusing... xorg shouldn't be dependent on a package which can't be installed...02:43
fwilsoncameronc: Yes, but it's a terribly bad idea.02:43
cameroncfwilson: It's my only option because I can't use the terminal command due to the lack of memory -.-02:44
HuddlestonI've been seeming to have a monitor issue, I have an HP Pavilion g6, core i3, 4gb ram with sandy bridge IntelHD, and my issue is that the laptop monitor does not display but the external monitor does02:44
fwilsoncameronc: So you can't run terminal commands? Can you pastebin an error?02:44
Huddlestonany solutions?02:44
cameroncfwilson: http://pastebin.com/1jHfyZTn02:45
DaemonicApathyHuddleston, have you checked the Displays setting in the System Settings, to be be sure the laptop screen is enabled?02:45
HuddlestonDaemonicApathy: yes, multiple times... no dice02:45
DaemonicApathyHuddleston: does the laptop screen work when the external monitor is detached?02:46
fwilsoncameronc: try sudo dpkg -r firefox02:46
BlackBeardAnybody viewed the asteroid in Russia? Sensational!!!02:47
BHXSpecterthis all started because I installed the Steam client on ubuntu and added the PPA ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates which said I needed to install a few things and those are the things that have locked up, but now I can't do anything with updates/upgrades *shrugs* don't have a clue how that broke it heh02:47
fwilson!offtopic | BlackBeard02:47
ubottuBlackBeard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:47
wiggmpkcameronc: how did you run out of disk space?02:47
Kuuipometeor was cool02:47
BlackBeardSensational, but dangerous.02:47
HuddlestonDaemonicApathy: I had it working for a split second by messing with resolutions but then it stopped again02:47
cameroncwiggmpk: I'm trying to install TF2 which is 12gb and I only allocated 19gb when I loaded linux02:47
* fwilson complains about dependencies along with BHXSpecter02:47
BlackBeardBye there02:47
cameroncfwilson: I'm getting "Dependency problems prevent removal of firefox"02:48
fwilsoncameronc: Pastebin please?02:48
wiggmpkcameronc: you dont have another disk to use?02:49
ubuntunoobHello, anyone here an expert with ubuntu?02:49
BHXSpecterjust frustrating because I tried to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 and still get the lib-mesa-dri and libdrm-nouveau2 so it stops all my updates and the upgrade to 12.10 heh02:49
wiggmpkubuntunoob: just ask the question.. if someone knows the answer, they will reply02:49
cameroncwiggmpk: I wouldn't know how to add another to use02:49
cameroncfwilson: http://pastebin.com/dPT4TiCi02:49
fwilsonBHXSpecter: heh yeah... i hate dependencies sometimes :)02:49
ubuntunoobHow to dual boot windows with ubuntu?02:49
wiggmpkcameronc: well your only allowing 7GB for your OS, poor planning really02:50
BHXSpecterI wonder if I unchecked all links in the update settings if I could update to 12.10 at least?02:50
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mrsudoerHi, I'm trying to install g++ on a computer that doesn't have internet access. How can I download the .deb along with dependencies to copy/install on that computer?02:50
HuddlestonDaemonicApathy: it seems that it doesn't want to be the primary... I want it on as a primary so when I disconnect the monitor it'll go onto the laptop monitor02:50
fwilsoncameronc: yeah you might not want to do that.02:51
fwilsonmrsudoer: sudo apt-get --download02:51
cameroncwiggmpk: My bad. Poor planning indeed. But I need a solution that doesn't involve a disk wipe because TF2 took ages to download02:51
mrsudoerfwilson: the computer that has internet (this one) is running windows only02:51
cameroncfwilson: I need just a small amount of memory. Is there any command to remove any non-essential files or such02:51
wiggmpkcameronc: then your going to have to manually remove un-needed or un-used packages..02:51
fwilsoncameronc: sudo rm -r /tmp02:51
cameroncfwilson: Added 2mb02:52
cameroncwiggmpk: I'm not sure how to do that, and which ones are needed and which are un-neded02:52
DaemonicApathyHuddleston: I'm sure you can configure that manually, but I don't know exactly how, offhand.02:53
wiggmpkcameronc: sorry mate, there is no simple way to do this.. you have to decide what you dont want on the system.. otherwise my recommendation is create a bigger partition for your system02:54
deadmundHow can I get the following permissions on a file?  -rwsr-sr-x  ??02:54
thoonaiim a bit confused ... how do I make my .pem file?02:54
thoonaiOerHeks: ?02:54
thoonaiim sorry02:55
fwilsonwiggmpk: Isn't there a script somewhere to resize your root.disk?02:55
wiggmpkfwilson: not that im familiar with02:55
deadmundchmod 6755 ?  makes rwsr-sr-x  ?02:55
BHXSpecterfwilson: well thanks for trying to help. I'll just give up on it for now as I can't do anything to fix it and Google is not showing anything helpful.02:56
fwilsonBHXSpecter: Yeah, sorry about that. Those dependencies are really weird... haven't seen anything like that02:56
fwilsonwiggmpk: found it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeandDuplicateWubiDisk02:56
ZeroUmugh… installing virtualbox guest addons furbared the system...02:56
DaemonicApathydeadmund: do you mean -rwxr-xr-x?02:56
wiggmpkfwilson: it copy's, so he would need somewhere to temporarily store it.. my guess is he wont have the disk space to run the script02:57
HuddlestonDaemonicApathy: bleh, thanks anyways though02:57
hyl /nick hyl02:58
fwilsonwiggmpk: Sounded like he was using Wubi and only allocated 17GB to root.disk cameronc: how much space do you have for windows?02:58
cameroncfwilson: Disk space?02:58
DaemonicApathydeadmund: never mind, 6755 does seem to do what you want.02:58
fwilsoncameronc: Total hard drive space02:58
deadmundDaemonicApathy: haha, thanks02:58
deadmundsticky bit ;)02:58
cameroncfwilson: 410gb02:58
cameroncfwilson: Well 987gb total, 410gb available02:59
fwilsoncameronc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeandDuplicateWubiDisk might help you02:59
cameroncfwilson: When I try to download the file for that I get the error "/tmp could not be saved"03:00
fwilsoncameronc: but you aren't trying to download to tmp... silly ubuntu... you are saving it to your Downloads right?03:02
Huddlestonokay so the monitors working but not the backlight, how would one turn that on?03:04
cameroncfwilson: Yup. I even changed it so it should prompt me where i want it to download to and I have the same error03:05
xtalkhi, I have a new sony vaio. it has windows 8, i want fedora/ubuntu on it too. But i failed. They said they dont support linux, anyone knows a workaround, thank you03:08
cameroncfwilson: No matter what file I try to download it gives me that error.03:10
thoonaiI have a question to nginx directory locking03:10
thoonaihow does "^/url" works?03:10
thoonaiis it a wildcard that at every place url appears its forbidden? or does '^' it the root url?03:11
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juancDoes anyone use Rivendell? Still need some help.03:15
Sydushi this might sound noobish but i need some assistance, just done a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04   and was just wondering  how can i make   applications  like firefox fullscreen, when i maximize it doesnt fully maximze  because of the launcher to the left.03:16
PoolShark_Rivendell? Isn't that where the elves live?03:16
dijzonphone os03:17
Hatzwell. the last of the elves03:17
dijzonso what do ya think about ubuntu phones03:18
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_mainMethod@dijzon They will take over the world within 3 years.03:19
Sydushi this might sound noobish but i need some assistance, just done a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04   and was just wondering  how can i make   applications  like firefox fullscreen, when i maximize it doesnt fully maximze  because of the launcher to the left.03:19
Bauer1hello guys :) I am in the process of installing Ubuntu, I have HDD sda which I want to split: sda1 (100gb old ntfs) - becomes ext4, sda3 (800gb ntfs remains ntfs) and I have more 10GB unused - I thought of making SWAP partition, and EFI partition03:20
_mainMethodYou can set the launcher to auto hide.03:20
Bauer1but I cant find information which SIZE EFI should be03:20
Bauer1Also I have currently 8GB ram here, not sure if SWAP is really needed?03:20
znxBauer1: swap is always needed really03:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:22
Bauer1znx, how large for a 8GB RAM system? and how large EFI partition should be?03:22
znxBauer1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq   :-)03:23
DeepfriediceBauer1: 10GB ?03:23
Bauer1Deepfriedice, its the free unpartitioned space I have left to allocate to SWAP and EFI03:24
samuelHello, I am having problems installing the 64 bit version of U-12.10 on my Dell 1558, the DVD boot but then freeze and the USB flash boot doesn't work. Currently I am using the 32 bit version which seems to work. My Laptop was using Windows 7 6403:24
juancDoes anyone use Rivendell? Still need some help.03:25
evonWhenever I'm copying something to a USB it always stars out really fast then slows down to a crawl then takes forever to finish.  Any idea why? Using Ubuntu 12.04 and copying to fat3203:25
znxevon: on all USB devices?03:26
Deepfriediceevon: It's probably just going to cache.03:26
evonznx yes03:26
evonDeepfriedice, any way to solve it?03:26
DeepfriediceNot that I know of.03:26
DeepfriediceIs it a problem?03:26
evonznx, Deepfriedice  it's pissing me off. right now it's stuck at 733.1 of 733,303:27
evonznx, Deepfriedice  hasn't moved in 5 minutes now03:27
DeepfriediceWait, I take that back, Thats not going to be cache.03:27
HatzWell I give up. "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again."  How do I see what errors were produced?03:27
Bauer1znx: is the recommended estimation for SWAP linear: eg 1:1 on 8GB as it says for 2GB, or can be less as the amount or RAM increases?03:27
samuelAny help for my install problems ?03:28
Hatzsamuel can you elaborate on the "usb flash boot doesnt work"?03:28
Deepfriediceevon: I mean, the cache might be why it appears to go fast, but it sounds like something more serious.03:28
thoonaimy lighttpd wont accept my conf :(03:29
znxBauer1: it is really up to you .. how swappy will your machine be etc etc .. i would say that 1:1 for 8Gb is acceptible in my eyes03:29
samuelHi Hatz, I made an bootable USB flash drive, but it just doesn't boot directly goes to HD boot. I tried to tweek the boot options or even use other programs to create the bootable USB but doesn;t work03:29
evonDeepfriedice, So no solutions? I don't have this problem on windows machines03:30
Deepfriediceevon: I probably can't help, but can you try to find out what speed constitutes "very slow"?03:31
DeepfriediceThat might help someone.03:31
Bauer1thanks znx :) what should the boot loader device be? sda or sda6 (which is EFI partition)03:33
Bauer1instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing says sda, but setting it to sda6 sounds like the right thing.. no?03:33
Loki_when I enter my password at the login screen, the screen dims and goes back to the same login screen, not giving me access to the system. I found that I can make changes to some system files to solve the problem, but as they got bigger and clearer instructions could not solve. Someone could understand and help me?03:33
znxBauer1: i generally put the boot loader in the mbr .. ie sda would be my choice03:34
DeepfriediceBauer1: I have done that before, and it breaks things!03:34
thoonaisomeone using lighttpd?03:34
Hatzsamuel do you have a) BIOS set to boot from portable media first, b) an 4+ GB USB drive formatted to FAT32 c) the .iso you want to install and d) the pendrive linux tool?03:34
znxthoonai: i have used it before .. not a lot but enough to play around with it03:34
Bauer1Deepfriedice, do you mean choosing efi parition as boot loader breaks things?03:34
DeepfriediceBauer1: use sda, the installer will spot the flag on sda603:34
Bauer1thanks :)03:35
thoonaiznx: how did you managed the directory access denials?03:35
evonDeepfriedice, It's more the fact that it hangs at the end.  It goes from 30mb/s to like 6mb/s then hangs forever at the end03:35
samuelyes to all questions, the linux tool I used is "startup disk creator", and other 203:35
Deepfriediceevon: huh, so it doesn't slow to some consistent speed?03:35
znxthoonai: look at the mod_access stuff on lighttpd03:36
Hatzsamuel i had some issues last night due to drive size. how big is your USB drive?03:36
evonDeepfriedice, by the time it gets to a low speed, it's practically done but then hangs forever03:36
znxthoonai: its not as simple/nice as htaccess stuff but you know .. "light" :-)03:37
samuel4GB rated, really 3,37GB but barely 20 MB was used03:37
Huddlestonokay, so... monitors fixed, Flash installed... But I corrupted Steam so now it can't install from the ubuntu software centre... any tips?03:37
Hatzhmm. so you wouldnt have problems with the tool failing to format a 64G drive to FAT32.03:37
Hatztry this tool http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/#button03:38
Loki_when I enter my password at the login screen, the screen dims and goes back to the same login screen, not giving me access to the system. I found that I can make changes to some system files to solve the problem, but as they got bigger and clearer instructions could not solve. Someone could understand and help me?03:38
thoonaiznx: hes complaining about the owncloud snippets :(03:38
znxive never played with owncloud03:38
samuelthx hatz :)03:39
thoonaiznx: may you please look for my conf file?03:39
Player1*Player1 jumps out of plane*03:39
znxthoonai: sure pastebin it03:39
HuddlestonI seem to get the error "Package dependencies cannot be resolved"03:40
znxthoonai: im just googling owncloud lighttpd conf .. there is documentation .. have you seen this03:41
thoonaiznx: sure but its complaining about though :(03:42
thoonaiznx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1661099/03:42
znxthoonai: whats the complaint?03:43
znxand what version of lighttpd are you running ..03:43
thoonaiznx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1661108/03:44
=== xtalk2 is now known as moerpheus
thoonaiznx: 1.4.2803:44
katyhi, i just installed ubuntu 12.04 on my macbook and i am having trouble getting the headphones to work (they work on OSX). when the headphones are plugged in the speakers still play, but no sound comes out of the headphones. if someone can help i'd really appreciate it!03:45
Loki_when I enter my password at the login screen, the screen dims and goes back to the same login screen, not giving me access to the system. I found that I can make changes to some system files to solve the problem, but as they got bigger and clearer instructions could not solve. Someone could understand and help me?03:46
HuddlestonI broke steam guys :c03:46
thoonaiznx: any idea?03:46
Deepfriedicekaty: I hate to be "That Guy", but open up pulse audio controller and check that they aren't disabled or something.03:47
Oblivion1500hello im having a little bit of trouble installing ubuntu server, its old hardware but whatever, i get to a point in the installation where it says there was a problem reading data from the cd rom, and im installing via the usb.. anyone know what may cause this problem or if it is even a problem?03:49
znxthoonai: ok so it doesnt like =^ .. you could just use == as the regex had a ^ prefix match anyway03:49
znxi thought that =^ was valid for 1.4x .. but maybe its a v2 thing only?03:49
thoonaimy znx whats '^' doing ?03:50
znxthoonai: =^ means "match prefix"03:50
znxthoonai: oh wait .. i meant use =~03:51
znxffs .. my brain ;-)03:51
znx=~ means do a regex match03:51
Oblivion1500it says load installer components from cd, can i change that to usb somehow?03:51
znxso basically it will do the same thing as =^ as long as the ^ is present in the regex03:51
znxthoonai: basically .. =~ /^regex/  is the same as =^ /regex/03:52
datruthhow can I get an IPv4/IPv6 firewall for ubuntu 12.04?03:52
samuelHatz it didnt5 work, "unable to copy syslinus", tried and failed03:52
Hatzdid you run as administrator?03:52
samuelI am in linux03:52
=== Dark-Ace-Z is now known as 1JTAAJYIQ
samuelu 12.10 32, I want 6403:53
thoonaiznx: so if ot matches some *someurl*/owncloud/data its denies access and listing?03:53
Loki_when I enter my password at the login screen, the screen dims and goes back to the same login screen, not giving me access to the system. I found that I can make changes to some system files to solve the problem, but as they got bigger and clearer instructions could not solve. Someone could understand and help me?03:53
SolarisBoydatruth: ufw/iptables should be installed by default i believe - you just need to configure and enable it03:53
baggyHi, I'm having problems updating Chrome's Java plugin to 1.7.0_13. It keeps crashing when trying to use Java-based content and saying it "Can't load the plugin." I am on Ubuntu 12.04. I use OpenJDK from USC, which appears to be the latest implementation. How can I get Chrome to use it?03:54
Bauer1Guys,  I just rebooted after install and get error "This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable foppy..."03:54
katyDeepfriedrice, I've already tried that. theyre not muted03:54
datruthSolarisBoy: how can I harden the system? such as locking it down abit?03:54
SolarisBoydatruth: try 'sudo ufw status'03:54
Hatzhmm. cant say i can help you then samuel. getting the USB drive working is the farthest i have gotten on my physical install.03:54
SolarisBoydatruth: use a policy with default of DENY ;>03:54
znxthoonai: yes =~ will work .. you can prove it when it runs of course :-)03:54
Hatzmy VM works more or less.03:54
escottLoki_, im not sure why the screen would dim, but being logged out is often because your ~/.Xauthority file is root owned03:54
thoonaiznx: i must03:54
thoonaiznx: no interest in having pics of my broken pinky toe onthenet :P03:55
Bauer1Znx,  any idea why the boot configuration we made is not booting?03:55
znxthoonai: strangely you have just triggered my fetish .. I NEED THOSE PICS03:55
SolarisBoydatruth: the base install of ubuntu is pretty secure - when you enable the firewall - nothing will be able to get in unless you allow it - so i guess simply enable your fw for starters if security is the concern - you should take note of what allowances you need to make so you don't lock your self out etc etc - (ssh, vnc ports if needed)03:55
thoonaiznx: the hell no03:56
baggyWoop, nevermind. Got it.03:56
znxBauer1: um .. we made a boot config?! .. you mean the install of the boot loader to sda ?03:56
znxwhat error is it saying?03:56
SolarisBoydatruth: unless your concerned with outbound traffic which in most cases people aren't - thats about it - let me know if you need something more specific03:56
Loki_escott, any device about how fix that problem??03:56
Bauer1Znx yes, and sda6 as efi partition03:57
znxerror is?03:57
datruthSolarisBoy: I'd like to stop users from seeing each others procs03:57
Bauer1Znx: "This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable foppy..."03:57
ruslan_osmanovHi. How do I install this package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libevent ?03:57
SolarisBoydatruth: a firewall isn't going to help with something like that - what do you mean see procs - like in ps output and such?03:58
dr_willis!find libevent03:58
ubottuFound: libevent-2.0-5, libevent-core-2.0-5, libevent-dbg, libevent-dev, libevent-extra-2.0-5, libevent-openssl-2.0-5, libevent-pthreads-2.0-5, libverto-libevent1, libev-libevent-dev, libevent-1.4-2 (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libevent&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all03:58
SolarisBoyif so - i don't see why you would want that03:58
znxBauer1: urg .. i havent used efi partitions before .. i can only suggest going back in with system rescue and switching the boot loader to sda6 to see if its any better03:58
SolarisBoydepending on the arguments ps is given is can show the users processes or it can list all processes on the system - those values are read only by anyone under /proc/ -03:59
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datruthSolarisBoy: for example ps auxw would show everything running on the system how does one stop this?03:59
SolarisBoyone doesn't03:59
escottLoki_, sudo chown username:username ~/.Xauthority03:59
SolarisBoywell - you could - if you ran chroots03:59
datruththere is not a sysctl that would solve this?04:00
SolarisBoydatruth: possibly research it04:00
thoonaisomeone any idea how to mount google webspace as a block device?04:00
katyanyone have any suggestions on how to get headphones to work on macbook running ubuntu 12.04? speakers keep working after headphones plugged in even tho headphones are enabled in audio settings04:00
Loki_escott, will work with common user?04:00
SolarisBoydatruth: again - those values are ro by anyone - so i dont see how/why it would by a security issue - if it is there is a thing called sandboxing that you would be interested in04:00
huddlestonSo I can't install Steam x64 from ubuntu software centre, any ideas?04:00
escottLoki_, common user?04:00
dr_willisthoonai:  check oiut the various fuse filesystem tools. there might be one for it... theres one for about everything else in existance. ;)04:00
SolarisBoydatruth: you can sandbox users with chroot04:01
thoonaidr_willis: ok04:01
Loki_escott, another user?04:01
supernoobIs there any ubuntu experts out there who might be able to give me a little advice on my first linux/Ubuntu build I am working on ?  Mostly questions about what would be optimal setup - desktop vs server? Got all the parts just a question of which version would be best.04:01
ruslan_osmanovdr_willis, thanks. I even have it installed :-/ Weird, just before the last reboot apt-cache search libevent shown libevent-1.4 entries only04:01
datruthSolarisBoy: is there documentation on how to do this?04:01
dr_willishuddleston:  yesterday people were getting the steam_latest.deb from their web site. and doing a 'sudo gdebi steam_latest.deb'04:01
SolarisBoydatruth: tons04:01
escottLoki_, it would be sudo chown username:username /home/username/.Xauthority04:01
thoonaidr_willis: any hint?04:02
huddlestondr_willis: It says command not found...04:02
* dr_willis still hasent figured out how people get their .Xauthority messed up04:02
dr_willishuddleston:  so install gdebi then. ;)04:02
dr_willisgdebi pulls in any needed depsendencies.. dpkg -i foo.deb often wont.04:02
huddlestondr_willis: how would one do that?04:03
dr_willissudo apt-get install packagename   or use the sofgtare center04:03
dr_willisactually if you typed 'gdebi' it should give the command to install it.. if its not installed....04:04
dr_willis!info gdebi04:04
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5ubuntu1.1 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 196 kB04:04
Bauer1Znx: how to modify the boot partition from livecd after installation? Deepfriedice specifically said it won't work this way04:04
supernoob!info mdadm04:04
ubottumdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.5-1ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 516 kB, installed size 1189 kB04:04
huddlestondr_willis: now where do I put Steam_latest.deb so it'll find it?04:05
dr_willishuddleston:  anywhere you just have to be in the same directory when you do that command04:06
dr_willisor give the full path to the file04:06
Loki_escott, user is not in the sudoers file. --04:06
huddlestondr_willis: says file not found :c04:06
dr_willishuddleston:  anywhere you just have to be in the same directory <<<<<<<   when you do that command04:07
dr_willisso cd to where the file is at.04:07
supernoobFor a linux media server is it going to be better to use the actual server (no GUI) over the desktop edition ? It's going to be headless and I'd like to maximize performance. Or does it not really matter?04:07
huddlestondr_willis: I've never used ubuntu before so i'm not a genious here04:07
dr_willisor     use  sudo gdebi  /home/billgates/Downloads/whatever/path/it/is/Steam_latest.deb04:07
dr_willisuse the ls command to LOOK and see what files are  where your shell is cd'd to...04:08
dr_willisyou need to cd TO where that file is saved to.. or use the full path04:08
dr_willisor in a terminal   type 'sudo gdebi '   then drag/drop the file into the terminal. ;) that may work04:08
Bauer1Znx,  damn I see the problem... It created efi partition under /dev/sda2 as /dev/sda6 and it already has boot flag04:09
dr_willisit should put in the path to the file04:09
Bauer1So what I do now?04:09
huddlestondr_willis: sadly it's the wrong architechure04:09
dr_willishuddleston:  Hmm..  the #ubuntu-steam channel may know what to do to fix that.04:10
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.04:10
Quantenhey again all04:12
Quanteni'm trying to install ubuntu04:12
huddlestondr_willis: because when I use the ubuntu software cnetre and select install I get: "Package dependencies cannot be resolved" and details: "steam64: Depends: steam (= but it is not going to be installed"04:12
Bauer1Znx: moving the boot flag to sda gives me the missing operating system error at boot...04:13
escottLoki_, login to the console ctrl-alt-f1 and then get back to the gui ctrl-alt-f704:13
Quantenand when i cilck erase everything and install, it hangs and then shortyl after displays this message: "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed"04:13
Quanteni've tried restarting the live cd, but nothing has worked04:13
dr_willisQuanten:  this was the HD that was failing under windows?04:13
Quanteni have removed the windows part though04:13
dr_willissounds to me like its a dead/dieing hd issue04:14
dr_williswhich is sadly rather common.04:14
znxBauer1: im sorry but i really dont know efi stuff .. im sort of at a loss with it :-\04:14
Quantenit just appeared too04:14
dr_willisyou could try making partions by hand with gparted.  try to make several and  you may be able to get some made it can install to.. but i wouldent trust that HD very much04:15
dr_willisyou could also try gparted to zero/wipe the hd. it might kick it in the head enough to get it going04:15
Loki_escott, only this will be necessary?04:15
Quanten i have no idea how to do that sorry ;/04:15
Bauer1:-( Deepfriedice around? Or anyone with efi experience?04:15
dr_willisrun gparted.. use its features04:15
escottLoki_, this?04:15
dr_willisbut if the HD is failing/failed - this may  be why you had gparted issues to begin with04:16
escottBauer1, ask the question04:16
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Loki_escott, ok got it. Thank you!04:16
Bauer1Eacot: after install and get error "This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable foppy..."04:17
supernoobare you running uefi ?04:18
Bauer1Supernoob I believe so because motherboard is uefi04:18
supernoobtry turning it off in bios ? I sent myself an email reminder to do that b/c I had heard about people having trouble booting04:19
Bauer1Supernoob, the mobo is Asus m5a97 r2, but I was not able to find any setting for this in the bios or the manual... Which is weird04:20
supernoobI have no idea if this will actually fix your problem or not, just something that popped into my head after reading about how the linux foundation just released some kind of software to make things work with uefi04:20
escottsupernoob, ubuntu grub fully support secure boot.04:21
supernoobwell, listen to escott... as you can tell from my name I am very new :) have only used linux on a VM so far...04:22
Marscrhola alguien puede ayudarme?04:22
DeepfriediceBauer1: did you set the grub flag on sda6?04:22
Bauer1Well this is custom made box so no secure boot issues04:22
Bauer1Deepfriedice : not initially I left it as you suggested to sda and got the mentioned error04:23
DeepfriediceBauer1: No, you need to use Gparted to set the grub(I think) flag on sda604:24
DeepfriediceBauer1: THEN you isntall the bootloader to sda04:24
Bauer1Deepfriedice : it was actually set to this when I booted back from usb key04:25
escottDeepfriedice, Bauer1 grub_bios is for bios boots of gpt partitioned disks04:25
evonDeepfriedice, no it doesn't slow to a consistent speed.  it just slows to a complete halt04:25
Deepfriediceescott: DUH, sorry. My experience was with grub_bios04:26
Deepfriediceevon: I have no idea. Try usb on a live cd from a different distro?04:26
Bauer1Deepfriedice, escott:  right now boot flag is back to sda6, and I still get that error.04:27
escottBauer1, it would help to have some kind of recap of what you have done and what you know of your configuration04:28
Bauer1Escott,  a screen shot of my partitions from gparted would help?04:29
escottBauer1, sudo parted -l is easier to read04:29
decciI am trying to run Hadoop over Lustre rather than HDFS04:30
decci http://paste.ubuntu.com/1661235/04:30
decciNeed few clarification on the setup04:31
FernestI have the GMA 3150 graphics card in my netbook. Is there a simple way to install the driver for 12.10?04:35
FernestAfter some search I landed here: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2012/2012q4-intel-graphics-stack-release but I don't even know what/how/why I install those packages04:35
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Bauer2
Bauer2escott, the output is: http://codepad.org/E7uKWucm04:37
Bauer2what do you think?04:38
Quantendr_willis, sorry for the delay, i had to do something. i don't know how to make partitions by hand with gparted04:38
dr_willisQuanten: right click... new partotion.....  i think04:39
escottBauer1, what version of windows is installed?04:39
dr_willisor in the menus.. new partition04:40
Bauer2escott, there used to be windows7 in sda1 (the 105GB ext4 now)04:40
Bauer2escott, the 885GB partition is media like movies etc, so I left it as ntfs04:40
escottBauer1, then it sounds like you are doing a normal bios boot. i dont know why you are bringing up uefi04:40
escottBauer1, also you should not have an NTFS partition unless you have easy access to windows to repair it04:41
Bauer2escott, what makes you think so? sda6 I've set up as efi partition04:41
escottBauer1, no you haven't and its not a gpt disk04:43
histoewww ntfs04:44
Bauer2escott, what do you mean a gpt disk? I dont understand why its not efi? I've selected as suggested sda as boot loader, created sda6 as efi using the ubuntu installer04:44
k1lumin4t1I'm having an issue with a HP PROLIANT ML370 server using Linux, specifically Ubuntu04:44
histo!uefi | Bauer204:44
ubottuBauer2: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:44
k1lumin4t1 The server runs fine with Ubuntu 6, 8 and 904:44
Bauer2perhaps the motherboard (Asus M5A97) doesnt support UEFI boot despite it is a UEFI mobo?04:45
histo!details | k1lumin4t104:45
ubottuk1lumin4t1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:45
k1lumin4t1 but when I do an upgrade to 10 or 12 it fails to load the root filesystem and starts busybox up04:45
histok1lumin4t1: Any errors?04:45
escottBauer1, its pretty clear you don't know the first thing about uefi. why are you messing with efi when your system is and was clearly configured to boot in bios mode04:45
k1lumin4t1histo, the server fails to load the root filesystem using Ubuntu 12, specifically after taking the power cord out04:46
histok1lumin4t1: Can you mount the root filesystem?  Perhaps it needs checked.04:46
Bauer2histo, I actually followed this one to the letter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:47
k1lumin4t1histo,  it's a fresh install04:47
Bauer2err - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Creating_an_EFI_partition04:47
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
k1lumin4t1histo, under Ubuntu 6 or 8 works, also doing a fresh install04:47
histoBauer2: But if your firmware is set to auto mode then you are probably booting in some compatibility mode.04:47
histok1lumin4t1: How are you formatting /?04:48
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark
k1lumin4t1histo, using LVM, taking boot out04:48
k1lumin4t1histo, root + var + usr + tmp + home + swap inside the LVM and boot outside04:48
k1lumin4t1histo, it's a ultrascsi array with two scsi disks04:48
histok1lumin4t1: Okay can you mount / or /var or any of the others from busybox?04:49
Bauer2histo, hmm it does say this: "ther: must be located at the start of a GPT disk, and must have a "boot" flag. " I am not sure my sda6 is set to /boot/efi, and that it is in start of GPT disk, is my disk GPT at all? escott says that it is not - how can I make it GPT disk?04:49
k1lumin4t1histo, I'll try that... but why is it that ubuntu 6 or 8 work fine?04:49
histoBauer2: Repartitioning.04:49
Bauer2also another problem is that I dont see any switch in the BIOS to set whether it is UEFI or normal boot device...04:49
escottBauer2, you had a car that was running fine on gasoline, but you heard about cars running on natural gas and despite knowing absolutely nothing about engines you started converting your car engine to run on natural gas04:49
histoBauer2: But again why not just use bios mode.04:49
Fernestcan anyone help me to install a GPU driver (GMA 3150)?04:49
DWSRWhat's the factoid for recovering GRUB after a Windows install?04:49
escott!grub | DWSR04:50
ubottuDWSR: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:50
DWSRmuch obliged04:50
histok1lumin4t1: Who know untill you troubleshoot and figure it out. Are you reformatting the drive when you install?04:50
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k1lumin4t1histo, yes, completely fresh installs on both sides (8 or 12)04:50
Bauer2lol escott  :) very nice analogy.. but I did follow the guide to the letter :)04:51
histok1lumin4t1: And recreating the VG?04:51
znxi just upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 .. and my desktop has loaded (i can see an icon there) but the top and side bar are not present04:51
k1lumin4t1histo, hmmm the old-version install wasn't with LVM04:51
k1lumin4t1histo, I used LVM with 1204:51
Bauer2histo, repartitioning manualy? or just using the installer again, this time not making EFI partition at all04:51
escottBauer2, start with www.rodsbooks.com its probably ~50pages04:52
histok1lumin4t1: Okay then most likely an issue with the way you setup LVM.04:52
histoBauer2: IS there a reason you want to use UEFI?04:52
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
k1lumin4t1histo, but why is it that the LVM gets built up fine?04:52
znxhelp .. what can i do to fix :-)04:53
histok1lumin4t1: It's obviously not built fine if you cant mount it.04:53
Bauer2histo, no real reason that I can say.. just that they "say" it is faster booting, and that my new motherboard is uefi so I thought it would be best04:53
histok1lumin4t1: Try not using LVM installing 12.04 and see if it will boot with just a regular partition.  Then you will know if that's the issue.04:53
escottBauer2, its probably worse04:54
k1lumin4t1histo, Ok, I will, but the thing is two of my coworkers already did that04:54
k1lumin4t1histo, let me explain it04:54
k1lumin4t1histo, they had the server installed with Ubuntu 8 with no LVM04:54
Bauer2ok escott so I re-install, and this time without efi partition? hopefully it works this time...04:55
k1lumin4t1histo, then they, through a series of upgrades, got it to 12, and voilá04:55
k1lumin4t1histo, boot failure04:55
GeorgeTirebiterSomeone suggested to me, last night, that I would like Mint.04:56
GeorgeTirebiterWhoever that was was correct. It's awesome!04:56
GeorgeTirebiterespecially compared to ubuntu04:56
GeorgeTirebiterDo any of you know if there's a mint channel?04:57
histok1lumin4t1: I would start fresh coming into that situation. Or atleast try to mount whatever parition/LV they created either from busybox or via a live CD/USB to verify that it's created properly04:57
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histok1lumin4t1: Then you can start eliminating things as being the issue.04:57
histo!mint | GeorgeTirebiter04:57
ubottuGeorgeTirebiter: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:57
k1lumin4t1histo, ok04:58
histoGeorgeTirebiter: btw you can install cinnamon in ubuntu04:58
znxive lost my unity desktop .. what can i do to resolve this?05:00
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k1lumin4t1znx, you've lost unity?05:00
histoznx: Start a search party.... Perhaps you can explain a little more what "lost" means05:01
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znxhisto: no top and side bars05:02
znxi just upgrade from 12.04 to 12.1005:02
znxand the res is really low 800x60005:03
histoznx: Okay then you didn't lose unity you just need to fix your resolution.05:03
znxbut where are the bars?05:03
histoznx: Off the screen05:03
HatzSo. I have a fresh out of the box SSD into my old PC. I have my USB drive with the ubuntu boot on it. Why does it keep saying installation failed before i even get to a prompt for anything?05:03
histoznx: What type of video card do you have05:04
znxnvidia of some sort i forget at this moment05:04
halfiehi, which font is used by gnome-terminal as default one?05:04
histo!md5sum | Hatz05:04
ubottuHatz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:04
[db]_Gary_CantWould anyone happen to know how I would go about installing Ubuntu and running it alongside Windows?05:04
Bauer2escott, btw why did you recommend not having ntfs unless I have easy access to windows to repair it? what is my alternative? I dont want to loose the 800gb data on it just to convert format...05:04
histohalfie: in ubuntu? it's the ubuntu font05:04
halfiehisto: is ubuntu font a monospace font?05:05
evon[db]_Gary_Cant, as long as you install windows first, when you install ubuntu, it will automatically make it so you can dual boot05:05
histohalfie: I have no idea05:05
evon[db]_Gary_Cant, Ubuntu's installation instructions are really strait forward05:06
[db]_Gary_CantAh, alrighty then05:06
znxhisto: i just opened a terminal ..it has no window borders ..05:06
znxxrandr only shows 800x60005:06
histoBauer2: You are kind of stuck with ntfs then unless you can move the data elsewhere. But 800GB of data with no backup isn't very safe no is it.05:06
znxso im pretty sure unity is buggered05:06
histoznx: What video card do you have?05:06
escottBauer2, move the data to a partition type that can be repaired05:06
Bauer2I do have a laptop with windows 8.. will it allow me to repair it somehow if needed?05:07
znxgeforce 630i or compatible05:07
histoBauer2: You can fix ntfs with linux but I don't trust it.05:07
evonznx, i had a lot of probs with unity and my nvidia cards too. didn't start working till i install 12.04 instead of 12.1005:08
Bauer2histo, is this parititoning good? I would like to have an OK this time before proceeding :) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/partitionsw.png/05:08
znxevon: oh dont say that i just bloody well upgraded it .. :(((05:09
Hatzhisto md5 is good05:09
znxdo i really have to reinstall ubuntu again05:09
znxthis if f'in maddness05:09
evonznx. not saying there isn't a solution. i'm just saying that it pissed me off so much i felt i had to downgrade05:10
halfiehisto: no problem, and what colors are being used in ubuntu's gnome-terminal, any ideas?05:10
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znxevon: i have been attempting to get ubuntu 12.10 for 2 days now ..05:10
evonznx. but even then it didn't work properly at first05:10
znxits a pain in the ring05:10
escottBauer1, if you yank the disk put it in an external enclosure and attach that to the laptop05:10
evonznx. i decided it wasn't worth the pain.  I'm waiting for 13 and hoping for the best05:10
znxi cant believe how bad the installer was for 12.10 that it didnt tell me anything when it simply hung05:11
znx12.04 installed but only after me manually fiddling the disks05:11
znxand now the upgrade works but butchers my system05:11
Bauer2escott, I think that should work using external sata :) what do you think of my partitioning this time? good to go ahead?05:11
znxcant believe this05:11
znxi swear ubuntu doesnt want me to use it05:11
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znxevon: i want 12.10 because it has the latest nvidia drivers .. which will allow me to play steam games05:12
dr_willisyou could beta test out 13 now and report any issues you are having.. that may get them fixed.05:12
znxdr_willis: you mean me?05:12
dr_willisIf you are waiting for 13, and want to help - yes you. ;)05:12
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znxdr_willis: well no im not waiting for 13 .. and no i dont really want to help05:13
dr_willisim about to insgtall 13.04 this weekend when i get time.05:13
histoBauer2: swap looks rather large to me. But it all depends on what you need/want.05:13
znxid much prefer to have a working system .. not a pooched system05:13
evonznx i pray for the best man. I'm too scared to try it again. took me a while to get this damn thing to work the way i want it to05:13
Bauer2histo, well I got 8GB ram, will probably increase it more, otherwise any other suggestions before I click Install?05:13
escotthisto, but there is nothing else useful he can do with that chunk05:14
znxthe disappointing thing for me is ive been using fedora since v13 and upgraded it all the way to f18 .. and never had anything bumpy at all05:14
znxthis is my first attempt at ubuntu .. and its really disappointing me05:14
znxgrumble grumble05:14
Bauer2znx: well, sometimes she is playing it hard to get, but is definitely worth it imo :)05:14
znxso i guess i will go back and install 12.04 again .. and see if i can do something else to get the nvidia drivers on it instead of 12.1005:14
evonznx, sorry man.  Ubuntu is a great OS but this kind of crap happens every so often.05:15
znxBauer2: i have a funny feeling that i will finally install steam .. see that its no good and blank this system going back to fedora with the nasty wine hack for steam05:15
evonznx, Linux Mint might be worth a shot lol ;-)05:16
znxevon: i guess i just expected the install to you know .. install .. or at least bitch at me about why it wasnt installing05:16
znxno i will be going back to fedora05:16
znxthat is if steam isnt better under ubuntu05:16
evonznx.  Good luck brother man. I'm gone to bed05:17
znxthanks for listening to me moan05:17
Bauer2znx, irc is best place to find free psychologists :P05:18
Bauer2I am disappointed with my new case here.. Nanoxia - its perfect in every way.. except it does not have HDD LED!05:19
Bauer2I missed that at the store05:19
Bauer2now I cant tell when the hdd is reading/writing05:19
wynnI have tried to install several verisions of ubuntu on an old PC but everytime screen starts to roll.  any ideas?05:21
logavancScreen starts to roll?05:22
SolarisBoysounds cool05:22
wynnthe logo rolls from top to bottom05:22
wynnlike a old tv would if its horzontal sync was bad05:23
logavancOnly thing I can think of regarding video is setting the 'nomodeset' flag on boot, or 'xforcevesa' maybe.05:24
HatzHAH. FINALLY. My intallation is working.05:24
wynnim new to linux   how would i do that05:24
logavancOn boot, hold the SHIFT key to drop you into the GRUB menu, then hit 'e' to edit the default entry. On the line with 'quiet' add the word 'nomodeset' then press F10 to boot.  It isn't a permanent change, and shouldn't mess anything up.05:26
znxBauer2: haha tis horribly true :P05:26
wynnokay ill try that   thank you very much05:26
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logavancIs this with the live cd?05:27
logavanc(Instructions would differ if this issue was present when booting the livecd)05:27
wynnyes i'm booting from a iso cd  not really sure if its a live cd05:28
logavancAhhh... well then. Forget everything I just said.05:28
logavancThe live CD can set the same options, the way to do it is actually easier though.05:29
logavancAt some point in the live-cd boot, the screen will turn purple and there will be a little picture of a keyboard on the bottom of the screen, if you hit any key at that point, it will bring up a language selection menu.05:29
logavancI select english, but whatever.05:30
Quantenhey guys, i'm getting a "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at / failed." error when i try to install ubuntu05:30
halfieUbuntu seems to be using "Monospace 10" as the default terminal font. Correct?05:30
logavancThen there will be a cool boot menu displayed where you can hit F6 to bring up additional boot options.  You can just select 'nomodeset' or 'xforcevesa' right there.05:31
logavancTry it out, you never know. It might work.05:31
wynni should of swallowed my pride and came on here and asked a week ago05:32
Quantenhey guys, i'm getting a "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at / failed." error when i try to install ubuntu05:32
histohalfie: It uses the ubuntu font05:32
histohalfie: notice the n's05:33
logavancQuanten, is this error showing up when you attempt to boot the live cd?05:35
Quantennope. it's showing up when i click delete everything and install05:35
Bauer1halfie: damn,  different error each time! After installing with the partitions as you saw,  I got the unhelpful error "Operating system load error",  If I disable dvd as first boot device, I get "Multiple active partitions"05:38
logavancWhat a pretty font... I love Ubuntu Monospace.05:38
Quanten no one knows? ;/05:38
kyle___I doughnut suppose anyone hanging out in ubuntu has a 3d printer they use from it?  And could give some tips on getting repetier to fscking work.05:39
logavancQuanten, I would say try to mount the FS without using the installer and see if that works (from the live cd).05:39
wynnlogavanc    thanks that seems to have fixed it05:39
Quantenlogavanc, idk how to do that ;/05:39
Quanteni'm a newb, i don't even know what FS is05:39
Bauer1Quanten look at dmesg for errors05:39
kyle___Quanten: File system05:39
Quantenhow would i moutn the file system?05:39
logavancBoot live CD.05:39
CavalierPrimeBauer1 d/l bootrepair live cd and use05:39
logavancSelect 'Try it"05:39
Quantenyes, that works05:40
logavancOpen nautilus.05:40
logavancFind drive on the left and click it.05:40
logavancI am assuming that it has a file system of course.05:41
Bauer1CavalierPrime can I burn it using the ubuntu live cd?05:41
Quantenwhat do you mean?05:41
dr_willisif the installer failed to format the drive. then it wont be accessable.05:42
Quantenguh ;_; that sounds bad05:42
Quanteni mean it worked before05:42
Quantenbut then another error happened05:42
Quantenis there any possible way to fix the error in the ext4 file system05:43
dr_willisyou said the hd was having issues earlier.  hds can die with little warning05:43
Quantenin partition 105:43
Quanteni know. but is there any other possible solutions?05:43
Quanten*are there05:43
dr_willistry partitioning and formating it by hand05:43
=== anonymous is now known as Guest59330
logavancFire up GParted.05:43
logavanc(Disclaimer: You can f*ck stuff up with GParted.)05:44
dr_willisif its dead... it may be  very dead. or just sort of dead. ;-)05:44
Quantenit's fine there is nothing on this computer05:44
logavancGod I hate mostly dead hard drives.05:44
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
Guest59330are you sure there is nothing05:44
logavancGuest59330, yes?05:44
Quanteni deleted everything05:44
dr_willisnothing on the pc.. you can play with gparted and parted and fdisk all you  want.  ;-)05:44
Guest59330i have a good mission for us to do05:45
Quanteni'm willing to try anything to install ubuntu05:45
Bauer1CavalierPrime: is boot repair not included in the ubuntu live cd somewhere already?05:45
Quantenokay so on /dev/sda1 i have a 462 gig unknown fs05:45
Quantenon /dev/sda205:46
Quanteni have a 3.85 g extended fs05:46
Quantenand within /dev/sda2 i have a /dev/sda5/ linux swap also 3.85 gigs05:46
Quantenand then finally 1 MiB of unallocated fs05:46
=== fabiane is now known as fabinhaaa
Quantenif that helps05:46
logavancSo, pretty typical drive setup when installing Ubuntu.05:46
Guest59330so any want to help attack a place05:47
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest26607
logavancSelect the big one (sda1), right click and tell it to format to ext405:47
logavancThen click apply (realize that this will wipe everything on the partition)05:47
Guest26607how to retrive the passward05:47
Quantenwhen i click apply an error occured05:48
Quantenit fails when 'create new ext4 file system"05:48
logavancYeah, figured. That is not a good sign dude... =)05:48
Quanteni mean, it was just working before05:49
Quantenidk why05:49
Quantenit stopped now05:49
Quantenany other possible work arounds05:49
FloodBot1Quanten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
logavancHate to say get a new HDD, but...05:49
dr_willisyou could try to zero the hd with the dd command..  but i bet its a dead hd.05:50
histoGuest26607: retrieve password for what?05:50
Quanteni'm willing to try that05:50
Quantenhow would i do that?05:50
dr_willishow big is the hd?05:50
histoQuanten: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/you/want/to/blank bs=1M05:50
logavancdd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda bs=4M05:50
Quantenaround 500g05:50
logavancThen get some sleep... =)05:51
histologavanc: /dev/null won't zero05:51
logavancCrap, histo you are right.05:51
logavancI meant /dev/zero... couldn't you tell? =)05:51
Quantenso what do i do?05:51
logavancOpen a terminal.05:51
dr_willisif dd fails.... its dead jim...05:51
CellSo is there some reason Steam needs to be reading files in my .ecryptfs folder?05:52
Quantenokay, terminal opened ;P05:52
logavanctype the following:         dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/you/want/to/blank bs=4M05:52
logavanctype the following:         sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/you/want/to/blank bs=4M05:52
Quantenyou want to blank?05:52
dr_willisyou said you wanted to...05:52
logavanctype the following:         sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M05:52
logavanc^that one!05:52
Guest59330can you mentor me05:52
Quantenokay i added sudo to it05:53
logavancGuest59330, I am not attacking anyone.05:53
Quantenand now it's blinking05:53
Quanteni mean05:53
Quanteni changed it05:53
Quantenand yeah, it's just a blinking cursor05:53
dr_willisit will take some time to zero the disk...05:53
Quantenwhat does zeroing the disk mean?05:53
dr_williswriting  00000000000000 to the disk05:54
logavancYou are literally writing 0 to every bit on the drive right now.05:54
Quantenwhat will that do?05:54
dr_willistotally erase it05:54
DeepfriediceQuanten: wipe everything.05:54
logavancAnd maybe show if any errors occur.05:55
dr_williswhen its done reboot and  try the installer again05:55
logavancIf it pukes during the DD, then the drive has... issues.05:55
logavancCell, Shit what?05:56
dr_willisit will give some error when its done about end if device.. and show how much it wrote.. which should be clise to 500gb05:56
Guest59330can some one tell me how to break in to a nather computer05:57
DWSRUse a screwdriver.05:57
DWSRTake off the side door.05:57
DWSRThere, you are in another computer.05:57
dr_willisi use a hammer05:57
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com05:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:58
histodr_willis: it won't get an error05:58
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:58
histowhats a nather computer?05:58
DeepfriediceGuest50330: Is it HP or dell that makes the nather series?05:58
histoI think that's the next version of the MS surface05:58
logavancAsus maybe?05:58
histoeven worse05:58
histoRT > PRO > NATHER05:59
logavancIf it is a MS product, you don't need to break into it, just wait a bit and it will break itself.05:59
dr_willishome basic enhanced  premium  light  exasperated  edition06:00
histowith all new app store to buy all your apps06:00
Ackiswhat would the best way be to install ubuntu for someone who hasn't played with linux in 10ish years, has a partition for the install, and is using windows 806:00
logavancBut no Start(C) button.06:00
histoAckis: put cd in drive and install06:00
histoAckis: or install off of usb06:01
DWSRAckis: Just install via LiveCD.06:01
Quantenso far so good no error T_T06:01
dr_willisbackup  the system first.06:01
Quantenif it doesn't return an error and finishes, what should i do?06:01
histoAckis: You will be plesently suprised if it's been 10 years. Many changes06:01
logavancQuanten, try the install again.06:01
dr_williswhen its done reboot and  try the installer again06:01
AcidRain2012Ackis: just dont use unity.06:01
Ackishisto: I loved it before, it just wasn't practical for my uses06:01
logavancAckis, and Ubuntu will hold you hand through the whole process.06:01
histoAckis: that's another option is the install cd is actually a livecd you can boot to and check things out see if you like it etc..06:01
AcidRain2012if u see that u may think that 10yrs was -20yrs06:01
Quantenhow long does it generally take?06:01
histoAckis: I bet it's practical now. Download and check it out.06:02
logavancQuanten, for 500 G... a while.06:02
histoQuanten: It returns output wrote X bytest etc... blah blah06:02
histoQuanten: It won't take that long if you did bs=1m06:02
histostupid caps lock 1M06:03
dr_willisthe fact it hasent failed yet... is a good sign06:03
Quanteni did bs=4m06:03
logavancWanna see something cool Quanten?06:03
histosay you get 80MB/s  so do the math06:03
Quantensure :o06:03
JDuke128hello i m developer for windows and mac. I m making cross platform tool.I can get foreground window on the system on win32 by utilizing GetForegroundWindow , how can i get same ? i want foreground window title name? possible ?06:03
histoQuanten: you can check it's speed with something like nmon or iotop06:04
logavancOpen another terminal, type the following 'ps aux | grep dd' and look for your command.06:04
Quantenis it supposed to signify something?06:05
logavancThe line with your command will have a number shown in the second column (from the left, the first is the user name that ran the command, then the next is the PID).06:05
histoQuanten: or ps aux as logavanc suggested will show that it's running using cpu ram etc...06:05
histoQuanten: top or htop is another way to monitor running PIDS06:05
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Quantenthe number is 1412706:06
logavancOnce you have that number, run the following command 'sude kill -USR1 0000' where 0000 is whatever number you got before.06:06
logavancSo... 'sudo kill -USR1 14127'06:06
histoQuanten: That's only if you want to stop it06:06
histologavanc: Why are you having him kill the PID06:06
logavancThat will not stop it.06:06
logavancCheck the DD man page.06:07
logavancIt tells the DD command to dump statistics to the screen.06:07
Quanteni went to the original terminal06:07
Quantenand yeah06:07
histooh yeah06:07
Quantenthere are statistics06:07
histodidn't see the usr06:07
FloodBot1Quanten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
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Quanten806.946 s, 77.5 MB/06:08
logavancIf I remember correctly, one of the stats given should be the rate...06:08
logavancYeah, so there you go, ~77 MB/s.   500GB / 77 MB = #of seconds (roughly)06:08
dickiebhello, I got a question. Every time I boot to ubuntu from the installation, the screen goes blank around 10 minutes after the DVD is booted up. Im guessing that its because I have an ATI card. Is there anyway I can fix this so I can install ubuntu?06:09
histoQuanten: 119 minutes at that rate06:09
histoQuanten: but it will speed up as it gets to the outside of the disk.06:09
histoand slow down near the inside actaully.06:09
historoughly 2hrs.06:10
logavanchisto, that is why they like to put the swap out at the end, right? Not sure if that is a wives tale though.06:10
histologavanc: Well on a mechanical disk it's spinning faster on the outside that's why06:11
logavancdickieb, Try setting 'nomodeset' when booting the Ubuntu LiveCD.06:11
dickiebthank you!06:11
logavancYou know... I think I wanna run an experiment on the read/write times of a spinning disk based on disk location.06:12
logavancMythbusters style.06:12
Deluxit is possbile to install a Windows XP VM on Ubuntu Server and RDP into that Windows machine?06:12
histologavanc: It's not hard to understand that the outside of the wheel will pass a fixed point at a higher speed than the inside of the wheel.06:13
Quantenthanks you guys06:13
Quantenhope it works06:13
dr_willisswap partitions dont have to be on the end06:13
Quantenso far so good, no errors06:13
logavancOh I agree histo, I am just not sure what kind of difference that would make.  Seems an insignificant sort of difference.06:13
histologavanc: the actually differences in speed I believe would be minimal.06:13
dr_willisof course if you are actually using swap.. thatss going to be such a major reduction to speed that  any differances btween the start and end of the disk will be barely noticeable06:14
logavancIts all sorta moot for me anyway, I use SSDs.06:14
dr_willisif you want better swap speeds.. spread swap out amoung several hard drives06:14
dr_willisthats old skool tricks. ;)06:14
sasorihi, how to install crunch on ubuntu 11.04 ? ..because i tried "sudo apt-get install crunch" ...it says "Unable to locate package crunch"06:14
histologavanc: The bigger issue is moving the heads. These disks spin so fast no adays. I just use SSD's when possible also and don't worry about it.06:14
logavancWow... that is actually a really good idea dr_willis .06:15
histo!info crunch06:15
ubottuPackage crunch does not exist in quantal06:15
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sasoriubottu: how to solve this issue?06:15
ubottusasori: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:15
histosasori: Aparently there is no package crunch or it has a different name.06:15
logavancI have 4 drives in my machine, with a different version of Linux on each, but I don't mount the other's swap space.06:15
sasoriany idea how to solve this?06:15
histologavanc: RAID is multiple dirves06:15
marshal. /var/log/dist-upgrade does exists but apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't write any info their and i'm trying to debug some dist-upgrade issue.. any ideas? thanks06:16
histosasori: See if the persont hat wrote the crunch package has source code availible.06:16
HatzI must be an idiot because i can't see the notification or the Administration -> additional drivers this guide talks about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:16
dr_willisi got no idea what 'crunch' is... ;)06:16
sasorihisto: and then?06:16
dr_willisHatz:  in 12.10 the addational drivers tool is in a tab under the 'software sources' tool06:16
phunyguySo I have a mid-2011 mac air 13" with ubuntu 12.10 on it that I JUST installed.... and after running updates and restarting/powering off/powering pack on, the wireless will not detect any networks.  I should also note that it was running Kubuntu perfectly before that.06:17
histosasori: build the source and install it with checkinstall06:17
histo!checkinstall | sasori06:17
ubottusasori: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:17
logavancThat is awesome!06:18
histophunyguy: what wireless chipset is it?06:18
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:18
logavancHow for come I aint never seen that before???06:18
dr_willisdont reply on checkinstall to work properly for all code also. :)06:18
Quantennight all06:18
Quantenthanks for the help06:18
histodr_willis: You've seen it fail? I haven't06:18
Quantenmay tux be with you06:18
dr_willischeckinstall is considered a bit of a hack/dirty work around06:18
histodr_willis: for building debs it's a hack06:19
phunyguyhisto, Broadcom BCM4322406:19
histosasori: You could also look for a PPA someone may have already done all the hard work for you.06:19
dr_willisIve rarely needed it.. i do recall seeing someone in here had some issues a few mo back.. but i dont recall the details06:19
dr_willisPPA's are definatly the better answer06:19
histo!bcm | phunyguy06:19
ubottuphunyguy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:19
histo!ppa | sasori06:20
ubottusasori: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:20
logavancSpeaking of PPAs, how come LibreOffice don't have a PPA for their newest releases??? I want 4.0!06:20
phunyguyhisto, it worked great in Kubuntu06:20
quinn_Libreoffice does have a PPA I belive06:20
histologavanc: Have you checked backports?06:20
quinn_I just use the deb package from their website though06:20
Deluxis it possbile to install a Windows XP VM on Ubuntu Server and RDP into that Windows machine?06:20
histologavanc: and I'm sure they have a ppa06:20
logavancLast time (several times actually) I put the backports on my system, it blew up.06:20
histoDelux: yes06:20
dr_willisDelux:  yes06:20
logavancDelux, yes.06:21
dr_willisDelux:  we said yes earlier. ;)06:21
Deluxdo I have to build the machine elsewhere?06:21
histoDelux: infact virtualbox has rdp built in06:21
phunyguyhisto, I also don't have an ethernet port on this thing to connect to a wire and get the wifi working ><06:21
histoDelux: Build what machine?06:21
quinn_Here's the ppa - https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa06:21
Deluxthe virtual machine06:21
histo!offline | phy172906:21
ubottuphy1729: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD06:21
histophunyguy: ^^^^^^^^^06:21
histoDelux: You don't build virtual machines. They are virtual.06:22
phunyguyhisto is it just the firmware missing?06:22
histophunyguy: sounds that way06:22
logavancThere is a PPA dedicated for the 3.5 series which supports Lucid/10.04, Oneiric/11.10 and Precise/12.04 for a more stable experience!06:22
phunyguyI can make that happen then06:22
logavanc^ quinn_06:22
Deluxhisto - build meaning click boxes and do all the settings06:22
histophunyguy: broadcom chipsets need firmware. Other option is if you have  a USB dongle that doesn't use gcm06:22
histophunyguy: sorry bcm not gcm06:22
phunyguyI DO!06:23
da3m0n__I need some help regarding private cloud deployment for my project work06:23
FloodBot1phunyguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:23
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dr_willisIts handy having a usb dongle that works out of the box with linux. ;)06:23
histoDelux: You don't need to click boxes. You cant start the virtual box guest form the cli booting the winblows install iso. And connect via rdp to install etc....06:23
histoDelux: /j #virtualbox06:23
logavancI was saying that I want LibreOffice 4.0, and I was bummed that there wasn't a PPA for getting it in Ubuntu 12.04.06:23
dr_willislets you get the addational-drivers  for your built in wifi easier..06:23
Deluxthanks histo06:23
histoDelux: NP06:24
phunyguy4 lines causes a flood trigger... wow... ok.    Shouldnt have added the last smiley  ;)06:24
histologavanc: did you find it?06:26
phunyguyhisto, that wasnt at all the fix.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/223246/why-do-i-have-no-wifi-on-a-macbook-air-14-206:26
logavancMaybe... still looking.06:26
phunyguythanks anyway06:26
phunyguyI think those broadcom docs are very dated.06:26
logavancThis might do it...    ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases06:27
histologavanc: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=libreoffice+ppa  first result06:27
histophunyguy: How'd the driver get enabled in the first place?06:28
phunyguyhisto, I didnt do it.  I installed the OS, and then ran updates06:28
logavancRight histo... see earlier:  There is a PPA dedicated for the 3.5 series which supports Lucid/10.04, Oneiric/11.10 and Precise/12.04 for a more stable experience!06:28
phunyguythat was it.  I'm no spring chicken with Ubuntu06:28
histophunyguy: That's a silly bug06:29
phunyguyhisto, agreed.06:29
phunyguysounds like an issue with the STA driver06:29
phunyguyit ay get fixed with a future update release.06:29
histoWhy is everyone so hyped up for libre office 4.0?06:29
logavancWhy wouldn't you be?  I suppose you just love MS Office histo?06:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:30
histologavanc: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice06:30
phunyguylogavanc: be respectful.06:30
histoIf there is no greate bennefit why go through all this drama just to install it.06:31
logavancReally??? After getting a lfgtfy link? I am the one being disrespectful???06:31
phunyguylogavanc: please understand, the errors of a few should not be blamed on the entire community, and two wrongs dont make a right.06:32
histosense of humor?06:32
bazhanglets move on logavanc06:32
phunyguyeveryone here works for free06:32
logavancI thought I was being good...06:32
phunyguywith that being said.....06:32
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:32
logavancNo swearing...06:32
logavancAlthough I guess that I do see some humor in the fact that accusing someone of using an MS product is this community would be considered a low blow. =)06:33
phunyguynow you get the idea.06:34
phunyguygo with the flow, brotha, and realize that lots in here want to help, and their intentions are good, even if their methods might be not in the best interest of supporting the community.06:34
histologavanc: I didn't take offense to your comment in anyway just FYI06:35
logavancHaha! I probably would have!06:35
phunyguyand never be too proud to ask for help. :) - I have been using Ubuntu since 2007, and I still come in here for assistance, fend off some bad advice, and come up with a working solution after a while.  Speaking of, histo, that link I posted worked, and maybe we should try not to blast the !bcm trigger so fast, considering the latest version of Ubuntu mentioned in it is 11.10.06:38
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ricomoss_Anyone up to help solve a dual monitor issue on a System 76 laptop?06:39
logavancFire away ricomoss_06:40
historicomoss_: Doesn't system 76 provide support for their hardware under their terms?06:40
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ricomoss_I have a VGA and HDMI monitors that I'm trying to connect for dual monitor sans the laptop screen.   When I connect the HDMI monitor the system "recognizes it" but when I configure it the monitor displays "No HDMI Input Found".06:41
ricomoss_I've tried contacting s76 support but I have yet to hear back from them.  I thought I might be able to find a solution sooner.06:42
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logavancSo in Ubuntu, you set up the desktop to be mirrored or extended onto the HDMI screen?06:44
historicomoss_: is it a nvidia card?06:45
dr_willisive seen laptops that have to have the external monitors plugged in - when powered up.  or else the port is disabled.. also seen  where you have to  hit some special fn-whatever keys to actually turn on the extra port06:45
ricomoss_No, it is Intel HD Graphics 400006:45
phunyguydr_willis: this mac air is a good example of that.  the thunderbolt port wont see anything unless it is there at power on.06:46
dr_willisfor an intel laptop once.. i had to use the fn keys.. till it turned on.. then for some reason it always saw it after a reboot after that one time..06:46
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ricomoss_I've tried booting with both monitors plugged in...in this none of the monitors work and I am unable to see anything.06:46
dr_willisive had  a nvidia laptop once.. i had to have the nvidia drivers installed or else the external port wouldent work at all..06:46
dr_willishad a weird laptop once - it Defaulted to the external monitor port... even with nothing  plugged into it.. :) had to hit the FN--? key at each bootup like twice to toggle the lcd to turn on..06:47
dr_willisjust luck i discovered that.. it was playing sound.. no display... smacked some keys.. it worked.. ;)06:48
phunyguyif this mac air is anything though, it is fast.  boots from power off to login screen in about 7 seconds.06:48
dr_willisThe joys of laptop weirdness over theyears06:48
l057c0d3ryeah...  dr_willis with this lappy..  and amd radion hd.  the hdmi worked..  but until i put catalist on it.. i could not get 1080p from it06:48
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ricomoss_So should I attempt a reboot with both monitors plugged in and try hitting the fn+some key until it works?06:49
dr_willisricomoss_:  yea..  you may want to actually power off.. plug them in. and power on.  not just a reboot06:49
l057c0d3rusually there on lappys there is a little box with lines on both sides of it.. on f4 or around there..  which toggles the displays06:49
l057c0d3rif you have that button ricomoss_ i would try that06:50
dr_willisdance in a circle around the room 3 times chanting hiku verses also...06:50
ricomoss_Ok.  I'll try that.  brb06:50
gregory58Hello, I am getting started on a VPS and contemplating between a 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu server.....which one is recommended?06:50
Ben64gregory58: 64 if it is supported06:51
dr_willisgregory58:  i imatine it depends on your needs.06:51
l057c0d3rhelps to have the drivers installed though...  and a utility to control the monitors..  for some strange reason.. my hdmi keeps default to a different res then the one i set when using it..  even when i hard set it in the xorg.conf06:51
gregory58Ben64: Cool, 64 it is..06:51
l057c0d3rso i have to use amd control manager to change it to 1080p when i want to use it06:51
Celldoes anyone know about apparmor?06:52
logavancI know more about SELinux, but...06:52
dr_willisseems like these virtual servers are getting like.. really cheap. ;) saw one the other day for $5 a month.   tempted to get one just for a znc server/toy06:52
CellIf you get one, can I have root on it?06:52
dr_willisgo spend your own $5 a month... phhhht!06:52
logavancI was eying Linode the other day, but it wasn't no 5 a month.06:52
burtoniumdoes anyone have glittching in sound when watching youtube videos? It happens for a second every minute or so? I use external NI audio 2 adapter06:52
Cellits probably just an ubuntu box hosted out of some kid's mother's basement :P06:53
histoburtonium: not here06:53
dr_willisi saw one advertised just yesterday for $5 a mo for the lowest one.. they were touteing 'servers use a ssd' still not sure how thats doable.06:53
histoCell: get one what?06:53
histodr_willis: did you check out weechat's relay yet?06:54
* histo has been eying up dotblock hosting.06:54
dr_willishttps://www.digitalocean.com   $5 mo. claims they are using ssds..  not sure of the details.. ive never used any of these cloud servers..06:57
dr_willishisto:  i toyed with it.. but the android client kept crashing. ;)06:57
bazhanglogavanc, dont paste that here06:57
Cellhavent you seen that xkcd dr_willis06:57
dr_willisi rarely read xkcd.. ;) im not nerdy enough.  ;P06:58
logavanc? What is wrong with xkcd bazhang?06:58
Celldr_willis: https://xkcd.com/908/06:58
histodr_willis: Yeah dotblock is advertising $9.99 ssd06:58
bazhanglogavanc, it has Nothing to do with Ubuntu support06:58
bazhangCell, lets stay on topic06:58
histodr_willis: 30 day trial06:59
Cellit is on topic, trollop06:59
dr_willisare we going to neeed a #ubunt-vps or #ubuntu-cloud eventually?06:59
histodr_willis: Probably06:59
bazhangCell, no its not. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat NOT here06:59
histoalthough #ubuntu-server isn't being used like it should.06:59
CellFor someone who spends his all time trolling #defocus you sure are touchy, bazhang06:59
dr_willisI really need to read up on this stuff someday.  - I just dont know what all you can do on them to  even justify $5 a mo. but i bet i could do with a ubuntu cloud server what i am doing with my raspberry pi.07:00
braaaainsany ubuntu gurus out there who might let me pick their brain about server vs desktop advantages ?07:00
Cellhow do I clear apparmor entries07:00
Cellin the log files07:00
bazhangbraaaains, ask the channel07:00
dr_willisbraaaains:  install a service on a desktop install.. you got a server. ;)07:00
dr_willistheres not a server kernel any more is there? there used to be i rember.  getting where the diferances tween a desktop and server are blury these days07:01
logavancbraaaains, Install ubuntu-desktop on a server install and you have ubuntu desktop.07:01
braaaainsso the desktop GUI doesn't detract too much from the processing power of the server then ?07:01
bazhangbraaaains, of course it does07:02
dr_willisMy little Raspberry Pi works as an ok home server. ;)07:02
logavancbraaaains, I didn't say that.07:02
dr_willisso it depends on what you are actually serveing..07:02
histobraaaains: That's the difference GUI no GUI07:02
histobraaaains: You don't need the GUI07:02
logavanc(An option, I might point out, that I am pretty sure that MS Windows does not give you.)07:03
ricomossNo luck on the HDMI monitor - I even tried another monitor.07:03
braaaainsthats what I was thinking.... that the GUI would just slow it down since it will be headless anyways, I plan to do all my admin through SSH and webmin07:03
GneaHaving a GUI on a server is like riding a bicycle with training wheels.07:03
GneaSome things you just outgrow...07:03
logavancWhich is perfect for Windows server admins... =)07:03
braaaainsthanks for the info guys, i'll stick with the server installation then...07:04
bazhang!webmin | braaaains07:04
ubottubraaaains: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.07:04
bazhang!ebox > braaaains07:04
ubottubraaaains, please see my private message07:04
Cellanyone know how to delete apparmor events from the log files07:04
ricomossAny other suggestions for getting the dual monitor setup to work on the s76 laptop?07:05
GneaCell: why would you need to do that?07:05
logavancIsn't there an apparmor gui front end that you can install for doing that?  I know there is for SELinux.07:05
bazhangricomoss, using xrandr?07:05
Cellbecause I was doing some profiling and now its giving me errors07:05
braaaainsbazhang: Oh, thanks for the info. I had been using it fine in a VM but there was not extensive testing07:05
Cellso I think the log file might be screwed up07:05
ricomossbazhang, I'm not sure what xrandr is.  How can I find out?07:05
Cell(I)nherit / (P)rofile / (C)hild / (N)ame / (U)nconfined / (X)ix / (D)eny / Abo(r)t / (F)inish07:05
CellArgument "" isn't numeric in sort at /usr/share/perl5/Immunix/AppArmor.pm line 4312.07:05
bazhang!xrandr | ricomoss07:06
ubotturicomoss: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:06
logavancbraaaains, You might check out Zentyal too.07:06
GneaCell: looks more like a warning, not an error07:06
Cellwell its an error because its stops the profile editor from working07:06
Gneaare you sure it wasn't already finished anyway?07:07
Cellit was just hanging at the command line07:08
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Gneaoh, the HDD LED wasn't lit anymore?07:08
Cellwell I didnt check but it was hanging07:09
Cellthe program is supposed to ask me to approve behaviors and then save a profile07:09
ricomossbazhang, ubottu, I am reading about xrandr and I can't see what to do to get HDMI to work.07:09
Gneawell sometimes programs are still running but don't always display output in a terminal until they get to a certain point07:09
Cellok well still I would like to delete those entries07:10
Cellcan I just delete syslog?07:10
Gneayou could07:10
CellI dont think I have much use for it07:10
logavancGood night all.07:10
Cellits 300 mb, that's a ridiculous waste of space07:10
Gneajust remember that there is a process that's currently writing to it07:10
Gneaonly 300?07:10
ChojekThis is the chat for Ubuntu help yes?07:10
bazhangChojek, for support yes.07:10
braaaainsbazhang: I'm looking through that link (and doc.zentyal.org) and I'm having trouble figuring out if Zentyal will help me to setup softraid with MDADM like Webmin did, you wouldn't happen to know off the top of your head would you ? That was pretty much the whole reason for installing webmin to be honest, manually dealing with MDADM was making my head spin.07:11
histoChojek: /topic07:11
Chojek./topic doesn't work..07:11
histoChojek: remove the .07:11
GneaCell: well, it sounds like you have a lot of verbosity turned on from various apps, so yes, 'only'.07:11
bazhangChojek, what is your ubuntu support issue. please ask the channel07:11
bazhangbraaaains, not looked into that deeply, my apologies07:12
Chojeki don't have it installed, i was just curious07:12
Chojekive been thinking of installing it07:12
Cellis there a way to limit the size?07:12
bazhang!manual | Chojek first have a read07:12
ubottuChojek first have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:12
bazhang!rute | Chojek and these07:12
ubottuChojek and these: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:12
bazhangChojek, you would actually read those links.07:13
Chojeki have a usb, can I use it to install Ubuntu on it?07:13
ChojekAnd can I switch between Windows and Ubuntu?07:13
bazhangChojek, yes07:13
CellIs there an apparmor specific channel?07:13
bazhang!alis | cell have a look07:13
ubottucell have a look: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:13
ricomossIf I plug in my HDMI monitor and "enable" it in the Display settings and then run xrandr it seems to say it's connected and shows all the settings available.  What should I do after this?07:14
GneaCell: yes, you could tell your processes to not be so noisy.  also, syslog files tend to get archived on a daily basis, so it will shrink considerably.07:14
ChojekSweet, so do I just go on http://www.ubuntu.com and download the file and put it on my usb?07:14
Chojekand just go from there?07:14
bazhangChojek, essentially, yes. not quite drag and drop though. there are instructions on the site07:14
GneaCell: no idea, the only thing I can see from here is the website07:15
MNichieI have a custom udev rule for my phone, but it looks like Ubuntu is overriding my rule and trying(unsuccessfully) to mount automount it.  Does anyone know how Ubuntu is deciding to try to automount a device?07:15
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor07:15
Chojekis Ubuntu faster than Windows?07:15
CellFor certain things07:15
bazhangChojek, thats pure speculation07:15
bazhang!ot | Chojek07:15
ubottuChojek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:15
GneaChojek: is a ferrari faster than a corolla?07:15
Chojekis a ferrari faster than a corolla?07:16
Chojeki'd assume so07:16
bazhanglets move on please07:16
Chojeki found a windows installer for ubuntu07:16
bazhangthats wubi Chojek07:16
bazhang!wubi > Chojek07:16
ubottuChojek, please see my private message07:16
ChojekYep, wubi.07:16
ricomossI was able to get my HDMI monitor working if I disable the VGA monitor.  So it's as if the laptop screen has to be 1 of the 2 monitors.  Any ideas around this?07:17
ChojekThanks for the helpful information guys.07:17
burtoniumricomoss: no its more like, you have crapy drivers07:18
dr_williswubi can be problematic07:18
ChojekI have no real reason to use Ubuntu, just out of curiosity I guess.07:18
braaaainsDoes anybody have a solution to creating a softraid that doesn't use webmin ? Besides manually through the console with MDADM because I could not figure that out for the life of me. :( This has kind of thrown a wrench in my plans.07:18
ricomossTo fix "crappy drivers" I should...?07:18
dr_willisricomoss:  perhaps the xswat ppa may hav updated ones07:19
nbastinanyone know the context in which the preseed file runs late_command?07:22
nbastinit works perfectly fine at the ash shell07:22
burtoniumricomoss: I don't know really, but on my hackintosh, I had to change framebuffer settings so i could connect 1xHDMI and 1xVGA monitor, so I assume it's problem with drivers, but don't take that for granted.07:22
nbastinbut the install complains it dies with exit 207:22
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braaaainsbazhang does webmin not work with any versions of ubuntu ? I was going to install it on the 12.04 server and there seems to be many installation/usage guides online for it... is it just 12.10 that is not compatible?07:26
bazhangbraaaains, webmin has been a no go for a long time, many releases of debian/ubuntu07:26
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sasorihow to remove the dual booted linux in a windows machine?07:27
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ricomossYou'll be happy to know that I finally got it to work.  I have no idea what I did, but they are functioning like a dream!  So happy, now I can actually do some development.07:29
braaaainsbazhang thank you, do you think it would be advisable for me to install ubuntu desktop then ? it seems like it might be possible to disable the GUI after I've gotten everything setup and running how I want it to ? Because I may need to use something like gparted to create my raid array...07:29
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bazhangsasori, you wish to go back to windows only?07:31
astro5when i left click on a window title bar and try to drag window...the mouse pointer comes detached from title bar and floats around screen, is there some setting i can use to change this?07:31
maxjezyanyone installed the ubuntu for phone on their nexus galaxy?07:32
sasoribazhang: yep...and replace the current dual boot linux distro that i have07:32
sasoriinto another linux distro07:33
bazhangsasori, remove the offending partition then update grub07:33
bazhang!grub2 | sasori07:33
ubottusasori: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:33
grendal-primehey i have a werid sound card issue.  Every time i suspend my laptop and bring it back up..my Mic does not work..untell i open my pulse audio volumn control and toggle the mic from "internal Microphone" and back to "microphone""07:34
grendal-primethen it works fine..07:34
azizLIGHTShow do i mount a ntfs drive from the command line for a short period07:34
azizLIGHTSi want to read/write07:34
grendal-primefirst make adjustment to ftab07:34
grendal-primefstab that is07:34
grendal-primethen mount /mnt/mymount07:34
grendal-primedo that as root.  now the nfs mount must have permissions for you to read and write.07:35
grendal-primethat you will have to set on the server that has the nfs server running on it07:35
azizLIGHTSwhat do you mean the nfs mount must have permissions for me to read/write07:35
bazhanggrendal-prime, he was talking about ntfs not nfs07:36
histoazizLIGHTS: fstab is for mounting on boot07:36
grendal-primeoo sorry man07:36
histoazizLIGHTS: or automatically mounting it later on.07:36
azizLIGHTSi just wanna mount it for now, not set it in fstab for boot07:36
histoazizLIGHTS: if you want to mount it temporarily just make a directory to mount to.07:36
grendal-primehisto, ..not totally07:36
histoazizLIGHTS: then mount /dev/path/to/ntfs/partition /directory/created.07:36
grendal-primeon the mounting only at boot07:37
histogrendal-prime: I know07:37
grendal-primeit also makes it easyer to just mount it from command line07:37
azizLIGHTShisto: thats it? theres no switches?07:37
histogrendal-prime: could give a regular user permision to mount it.07:37
histoazizLIGHTS: You shouldn't need any for ntfs by default anymore.07:37
grendal-primeya..i think you can just mount it..07:37
azizLIGHTShisto: ok, im on ubuntu 8.10 . should have mentioned this earlier07:37
histoazizLIGHTS: you can add -o rw if you doesn't give you rw for some odd reason.07:37
azizLIGHTSmy ntfs-3g is 1:1.2506-1ubuntu207:38
grendal-primehisto is right on that07:38
bazhangkinetz, stop that07:38
histoazizLIGHTS: yeah you should be able to mount it with ntfs-3g installed. However your version of ubuntu is old and passed End of Life07:38
histoazizLIGHTS: Any reason you haven't upgraded?07:38
azizLIGHTSim gonna upgrade once i move my files07:38
azizLIGHTSi just pulled it out ofmy storage unit07:39
histoazizLIGHTS: Well after you move your files you may want to just reinstall would be faster than upgrading.07:39
histo!botabuse | kinetz07:39
ubottukinetz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".07:39
azizLIGHTSarrh, yeah reinstall. upgrade would be insane07:39
ubottukinetz: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:39
bazhangkinetz, no warez here, stop it07:39
grendal-primeya if i remember right old ntfs-3g did not do rw  by default07:39
grendal-primeyou needed to add that options07:39
DIGIMONany hackers in here  msg me07:39
azizLIGHTSgrendal-prime: ok ill read man mount then?07:40
bazhangDIGIMON, wrong channel for that07:40
grendal-primehackers or crackers?07:40
histoWhat is going on tonight07:40
manickamhi friends07:40
DIGIMONim not a cracker lol07:40
bazhangDIGIMON, thats offtopic here07:40
azizLIGHTSgrendal-prime: read man mount for the rw mount for the old ntfs-3g?07:40
grendal-primeazizLIGHTS,   ya, i would read the ...ya ya07:40
azizLIGHTSlol ok thx07:40
DIGIMONwere do i go for hackers chat room then07:41
manickami want add new package in buildroot please help me07:41
bazhangDIGIMON, try asking in #freenode07:41
grendal-primethere was a message that use to get dumped to syslog about adding those options if you needed to get rw on ntfs drives07:41
histobazhang: lol07:41
grendal-primenowadays..it just does it.07:41
histoazizLIGHTS: -o rw07:42
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histoazizLIGHTS: mount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/path/to/partition /path/to/directory/for/mount07:42
grendal-primeanyone ever wind up with a mic that stps working after suspend?07:42
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azizLIGHTShisto: cool!!07:43
azizLIGHTSthank you very much07:43
DIGIMONwho can voice chat07:43
DIGIMONhow do i set that up any help07:43
histoDIGIMON: do you have a ubuntu related question?07:43
pishkurneed some help with wine/soundcard please...if i start wine/windows app first and then try to run any other program that uses sound/video, it hangs itself...if i start the audio/video app first and then the wine app, all is normal...any ideas?07:43
grendal-primeDIGIMON, get gmail account07:44
DIGIMONyea the ubuntu on my computer wont let my mic work07:44
grendal-primeit works right through the browser  hangouts.07:44
grendal-primeDIGIMON, look into alsamixer07:44
DIGIMONoh cool i got it ty07:44
histo!sound | DIGIMON07:44
ubottuDIGIMON: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:44
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nikilcan anyone tell me the difference between when a script will run in /etc/network/if-up.d versus /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d?07:46
histopishkur: possible bug with wine?07:47
captinepishkur, sorry, my wine skills are pretty poor.  cannot help07:47
pishkurhisto: perhaps.. i tried changing the outputs in wine settings to different soundcard, but still the same07:47
histopishkur: Is it app specific?07:47
pishkurthe funny thing is, the "test sound" button still produces sound even when output is selected to a sound that doesnt have a physical sound out07:47
mvt007geekpishkur: wine has so  problems with win apps07:48
pishkurhisto no idea, since this is the only app Im running through wine07:48
histopishkur: maybe see if anyone in wine support has heard of it. I haven't here.07:48
pishkurdo they have a chan here?07:49
mvt007geekpishkur: check your app bugs in wine site07:49
pishkurah ok, thanks histo, mvt007geek07:49
bazhangpishkur, #winehq07:50
mvt007geekpishkur: in wine site search your app name. there is a part that explain about the problems that might happend.07:50
bazhang!appdb | pishkur07:50
ubottupishkur: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:50
mvt007geekyes exactly check the page that bazhang wrote07:51
azizLIGHTSheres my rsync command to copy files from my ntfs hdd to my ext. any advise or suggestions?07:58
azizLIGHTS rsync --verbose --archive --partial --progress --dry-run /media/W2K/ /home/decepticon/rosewill/w2k/07:59
manickambuildroot help07:59
azizLIGHTSi wanna eventually format the ntfs hdd07:59
azizLIGHTSso i wanna save the files and their properties/attributes as they exist now on the hdd07:59
samrhow to chang ip address in linux???08:00
histoazizLIGHTS: rsync -avz /sourc /desination08:02
histoazizLIGHTS: you won't be able to save attributes though I believe08:02
histoazizLIGHTS: or permisions due to the way ntfs works.08:02
dr_willissamr:  use the  networkmanager to set a static ip - if thats what you mean08:03
aeon-ltdsamr: ?08:03
bazhangsamr, change it for What purpose, please be very clear08:03
azizLIGHTS--archive is -a, --verbose is v, and -z is compress? why compress08:03
azizLIGHTSdoes it make a tar?08:04
grendal-primeoh by the way is there a way to change 12.10 them back to have normal  non hidey go peek scroll bars and normal vizible window resize handls08:04
azizLIGHTShisto: and why not --partial or --progress08:04
bazhanggrendal-prime, using gnome-shell , sure. or gnome-panel08:04
dr_willisyou can disable the special scroll bar thing - yes...08:05
dr_willisi belive the webupd8 or omgubuntu blog sites had some guides on the vvarious tweaks like that08:05
histoazizLIGHTS: You can if you want. Thye are just options. If you have rather large files use --partial.  I wouldn't do -z though that was a typo from me. You don't need compression since it's local.08:06
histoazizLIGHTS: like hidden files in windows are not going to be hidden according to rsync etc... The filesystems you are copying from to aren't the same keep that in mind.08:07
histoazizLIGHTS: is this just a bunch of files or an actual OS partition that you want to backup?08:07
azizLIGHTSoh, right08:07
azizLIGHTSjust the files, i dunno where they all are08:07
azizLIGHTSi dont think theyre in c:windows for example08:07
azizLIGHTSbut might as well get it all08:08
histoazizLIGHTS: yeah just -av will get them all.08:08
azizLIGHTScool cool, gonna do it now :D08:08
azizLIGHTSahh i miss my linux days08:08
histoazizLIGHTS: well more specifically -a  -v is verbose. a is short for a bunch of options that are listed in the man pages.08:08
azizLIGHTShisto: yup i looked em up08:09
histoazizLIGHTS: -z was compression. I'm used to using rsync over ssh for offsite backups so that's why I typed that.08:09
histobut if you are local I believe it would probably slow things down more than help.08:09
azizLIGHTShisto: yeah thats what i thought, since rsync is used locally and over networks as well08:10
histoyeah it's like carbonite but free08:10
histoand more secure probably08:10
magn3tsif my sound stops working system wide, what do you recommend I do besides restart pulseaudio?08:11
aeon-ltdmagn3ts: check alsamixer08:12
magn3tsaeon-ltd: already did :(08:13
magn3tsand pavucontrol08:13
aeon-ltdmagn3ts: check sources and what you're outputting to works08:15
manickambuildroot help08:15
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magn3tsaeon-ltd: have tested with multiple sources as well as checking with multiple outputs both speakers and headphones and both the outputs on the motherboard, (front of case, back, etc)08:16
magn3tsit's D-E-A-D dead08:16
magn3tshappened mid video08:16
Mantas7776how should i partition 3008:16
magn3tsI rebooted last time and thought it was a fluke, nope!08:16
Mantas777630 GB space08:16
samrhow can i get an operating mannual of each linux version.i mean to say every topic in explain how to work..08:17
Mantas7776how should i partition 30 GB space for ubuntu?08:17
dr_willissamr  thats still a big vague.. or you want a 100000000+ page book. ;)08:18
dr_willissamr:  i tend to hit the half price book stores or bargin bins and grab whatever linux book looks interesting on whatever topic i see..08:19
manickambuildroot help08:19
histosamr: There is an android man page app08:19
Dukehi guyz....08:20
dr_willissamr:  worth grabbing is the  Oreily 'Using bash' book. and their books on 'mastering Regular explressions'    - if you can find the 'using vim' and 'using sed and awk' on sale. they are worth grabbing also08:20
samrdr_willis:any pdf can downloaded on it???08:20
Dukei try to install Linux but now i get all the time "grub rescue>"08:20
histosamr: yeah they have digital versions08:20
dr_willissamr:  no idea. theres many ebooks you can buy08:20
Dukeas a prompt08:20
Dukedid i lost all my data?08:20
histosamr: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.calibretech.manpages&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5jYWxpYnJldGVjaC5tYW5wYWdlcyJd08:21
histoDuke: No.  Did you already install ubuntu?08:21
Dukethis disk had windows 8. :/08:21
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histoDuke: So how are you getting a grub prompt if you didn't install ubuntu?08:23
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Dukehisto: probably i install it wrongly over windows.08:24
magn3tsin search of tux?08:25
Dukeand i don't know what to do now. i think i will visit the shop i bough it. i hope they can at least save some important documents08:25
histoDuke: Hold down shift as the machine boots to get to a grub menu08:25
manickambuildroot help08:25
Dukehisto: ok. one sec08:25
histoDuke: Your documents are there unless you deleted your windows partition.08:25
jiu-jitsjiu-jitsHYOUGATem um caráter honesto e justo.Quando se dividem e lutam entre se junto com armadura.08:25
magn3tsDuke: did you use wubi by any chance?08:25
Dukehisto: ereror: no such partition.08:25
histoDuke: the default install installs along side windows.08:25
Dukegrub rescue>08:25
Dukemagn3ts: no. i didn't :/08:26
magn3tsokay, is there any chance you stopped the install partway through?08:26
histoDuke: okay you need to fix grub is all.08:26
Dukemagn3ts: i think this is what happened.08:26
histoDuke: oh hold up you stopped theinstall midway?08:26
histomagn3ts: how would he have stopped the install if grub got installed?08:26
Dukehisto: yes. pc restarted08:26
histomagn3ts: that's the last step.08:26
histoDuke: as it reboots keep rpessing shift.08:27
magn3tshisto: I agree, never mind, histo sounds much more right :P08:27
Dukesame thing. it  wrotes this:08:27
histoDuke: Boot to the installation media again.08:27
Dukeerror: no such partition.08:27
Dukegrub rescue>08:27
Dukeif i try ls08:28
Dukei get08:28
b3_how to install fdisk?08:28
grendal-primeya thanks i just disabled the overlay sliders...thats a bunch of crap.08:28
PeTazis ubuntu using lvm2?08:28
histoDuke: please boot to the cd you installed from.08:28
grendal-primeit sucks shuttlworth drank the coolaid on that shit08:28
Mantas7776how should i partition 30 GB space for ubuntu?08:28
PeTazshould i use lvm2?08:29
b3_how to install fdisk?08:29
histo!partition | Mantas777608:29
ubottuMantas7776: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:29
Dukehisto: ok. and then?08:29
histob3_: fdisk is there by default08:29
histoDuke: Select Try Ubuntu08:29
grendal-primeya i was just wondering if i read that right08:29
b3_ histo i have installed trisquel and it is not here08:30
grendal-primeit should be onyou system fdisk that is08:30
Dukehisto: ok, give me a sec08:30
histoDuke: Follow these directions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair#A2nd_option_:_install_Boot-Repair_in_Ubuntu08:30
Dukehisto: thnx!08:30
histob3_: what is triquel?08:30
Dukehisto: do you know if i lost all these documents ? they are my bigest worry :(08:30
b3_histo: ubuntu-based distro08:31
histo!derivatives | b3_08:31
ubottub3_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)08:31
histoDuke: It's too early to tell. Let me know when the live cd is up and we can check08:32
Dukehisto: ok. i'm in try ubuntu mode.08:32
histoDuke: Did you connect to your network?08:32
b3_histo: bash says: fdisk: command not found08:32
dr_willis!info fdisk08:33
ubottuPackage fdisk does not exist in quantal08:33
histob3_: sudo apt-get install fdisk08:33
dr_willis!find fdisk08:33
ubottuFound: acorn-fdisk, amiga-fdisk-cross, gnu-fdisk08:33
histob3_: sudo apt-get install gnu-fdisk08:33
dr_willissk  now08:33
auronandaceb3_: trisquel is still not supported here08:34
dr_willisyou really should be using parted these days.08:34
histob3_: You need to find support for trisquel08:34
azizLIGHTSis there any reason why my local rsync file transfer speeds are slow, theyre under 1MB/s, from my ide ntfs hdd in usb enclosure connected via usb directly to the back of my pc's usb ports08:35
Dukehisto: yes08:36
histoazizLIGHTS: If there are a bunch of little files it will slow it down.08:36
b3_histo: actually fdisk is installed by default on trisquel but its directory is not added to PATH by default08:36
histoDuke: opne a terminal with ctrl+alt+t   then run lsblk | pastebinit    and provide me with the link08:37
azizLIGHTShisto: thats what i thought too for the small files under 10kb, but now its also doing it for mp3 files that are 5mb+08:37
azizLIGHTS10256512 100%  498.19kB/s    0:00:20 (xfer#2265, to-check=1483/4271)08:37
histoazizLIGHTS: yeah i've seen it slow down before like that with usb stuff.08:39
histoazizLIGHTS: are you copying to usb or from?08:39
azizLIGHTSfrom usb to ide hdds08:40
azizLIGHTSah, i have two processes going on08:40
b3_help me to write an iso on a dvd+r disk08:42
azizLIGHTSyeah, two different source locations to two different destinations, both from the same source hdd and to the same destination hdd08:43
azizLIGHTSi just stopped both and did command 1 && comand 208:43
histob3_: please find trisquel support08:43
b3_histo: using fdisk and dd08:43
histob3_: can't08:43
histoit's nto a block device08:43
histob3_: you can't use dd or fdisk08:44
b3_histo: say how you would do that on ubuntu08:44
histob3_: i'd use brasero or cdrecord08:44
b3_histo: what about command-line08:44
histoazizLIGHTS: did you start multiple instances of rsync somehow? I didn't think it spawned multiple shells08:44
histob3_: cdrecord08:44
azizLIGHTShisto: in screen, two windows, yeah i ran two isntances08:45
b3_histo: what about wodim?08:45
dr_williscdrecord is wodim these days.. i think08:45
histoazizLIGHTS: Why?08:45
azizLIGHTShisto: i got excited, i dunno08:45
=== picca_ is now known as picca
histoazizLIGHTS: Run one instance08:45
b3_i read that cd record is not free08:45
dr_willis!info cdrecord08:45
ubottuPackage cdrecord does not exist in quantal08:45
histoyeah maybe wodim08:46
histo!info wodim08:46
ubottuwodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 359 kB, installed size 845 kB08:46
histob3_: ^^^^^^^^08:46
=== jack is now known as Guest71492
azizLIGHTSok well, looks like 8gb at 1.0mB/s will take 2 hours+. gonna go sleep. thanks for all your help histo08:46
histoI haven't burned a cd in ages.08:46
histoazizLIGHTS: it will speed up08:46
azizLIGHTSi hope so08:47
azizLIGHTSregardless, i am out, its late08:47
azizLIGHTSthanks again histo08:47
Dukehisto: it didn't work . i tryed lsblk > pastebinit08:48
operatorplikuse downloas yuotube08:49
Dukeand now in file pastebinit i have a folder tree08:49
histoDuke: lsblk | pastebinit  not >08:49
Dukeloop0, sda-> sda1, sda2, sda5 and sr008:49
histoDuke: the | is shift + backslash      also do sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit please08:50
Dukehisto: it says "The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed'08:50
histoDuke: sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:50
Dukeok i'll try it08:50
histoDuke: or you can just copy and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com08:50
histoIt's up to you. But i'd like to see the output of lsblk and fdisk -l08:51
operatorplikdownload yotube what program08:51
* histo bites lip08:51
Dukehisto: E: unable to locate package pastebinit08:51
histoDuke: just copy and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com08:51
dr_willis!info minitube08:51
ubottuminitube (source: minitube): Native YouTube client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-1 (quantal), package size 653 kB, installed size 1824 kB08:51
unheeding!info terminator08:52
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 256 kB, installed size 1775 kB08:52
b3_histo: do you know a pastebin service that does not covert files to dos format?08:52
histob3_: What?08:52
histo!screen > unheeding08:52
ubottuunheeding, please see my private message08:52
dr_willistheres dos2unix converter tools out08:52
unheedinghisto: i am using screen and terminator.  terminator is more like tmux08:53
b3_dr_willis: why do they convert files to dos format08:53
histounheeding: I still don't understand what's wrong with gnu screen?08:53
histob3_: they dont08:53
dr_willisb3_:  ive never noticed them being converted..08:53
histob3_: That's why I asked what?  you question makes absolutely no sense08:54
llutzb3_: cdrecord is free, it's just not GPL. there are lengthy discussions about schilis postition if you want to google08:57
jnhghyHi, I had a faulty hdd with ubuntu 11.10 I've fixed the hdd error but now I can't start software-center (it was affected by the hdd error) now I thought I can uninstall and reinstall it but running "apt-get remove software-center" will remove 2 components: software-center and ubuntu-desktop. How can I remove only software-center? is this a good aprouche? any better idea?or any idea at all?08:59
=== qos is now known as qos|away
histojnhghy: What error are you getting with the software center?09:00
cfhowlettjnhghy, sudo apt-get remove pacakge --purge09:00
dr_willisubuntu-desktop is just a meta package. let it be removed09:00
jnhghyhisto: failed to execute child process: /usr/bin/software center No such file...09:01
cfhowlettjnhghy, personally, I'd do a forced reinstall before I tried to remove and reinstall.  sudo apt-get install package.name --reinstall09:01
cfhowlettjnhghy, note:  11.10 is end of life in a couple of months.  Assuming you've fixed the HDD issue, perhaps it's time to consider upgrading?  1204 is Long Term Support ...09:02
jnhghycfhowlett: thanks for the tips will try the reinstall, the user doesn't give me the green light for upgrade yet ... :009:03
cfhowlettjnhghy, best of luck ...09:04
hj3lmenhow do I change the ubunto server root password ? I did not get the option in the install proces..09:05
jnhghycfhiwlett: thanks for the wishes but it didn't work, it can't download software-center I'm guessing it can't read the ppa? that were hosted by software-center? or it might be another issue? I can ping google.com....09:06
Ben64!root | hj3lmen09:06
ubottuhj3lmen: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:06
ubottuhj3lmen,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:06
cfhowlettAkif{INDIA}, greetings09:06
cfhowlettjnhghy, software center is NOT a ppa!09:06
cfhowletthj3lmen, that said, I don't know if USC will install in 11.10 ... ask in channel ... (I only run LTS , so 10.04 to 12.04 ...)09:07
sasorihi, am about to install a new linux distro in my windows 7 machine..i booted from usb...but i have an existing ubuntu as dual boot.....now there's this windows in the linux installer that says, "Prepare disk space"09:07
jnhghycfhowlett: thanks again :)09:08
sasorithere are 3 options..install side by side, rease and use the entire disk, specify partitions manually09:08
Oblivion1500do you want to fresh install?09:08
Oblivion1500or do you want to keep windows 7?09:08
sasorimy guess is, i should select the 3rd option..the select partitions manually..but am confused with this...the windows 7 (loader(/dev/sda1), /dev/sda2,/backtrack live, ubuntu 11.04(/dev/sda5),swap(/dev/sda6), /dev/sda3)09:09
sasorii wanna keep windows 709:09
sasorii dunno which to select from those that I wrote above09:09
Oblivion1500do you want to keep all of them?09:10
cfhowlettsasori, easiest method would be to delete the backtrack stuff and tell ubuntu to use the freed space ...09:10
sasorihuh?..backtrack is were am currently booted right now..it's in the usb..... the current OS of my machine is windows 7 and ubuntu 11.0409:11
cfhowlettsasori, thought you were install ubuntu?09:11
sasoriwhat i want to happen is, keep my original os , which is the windows 7....and then remove the ubuntu 11.04 and replace it with backtrack09:11
cfhowlettsasori, ok.  delete ubuntu, install BT in the freed space.  and for the record BT is not supported here, so that's all we can help you with .. best of luck09:12
TheLordOfTimewhat cfhowlett said: BT's not supported here, so that's about the extent we can help you09:12
purplerainsasori: ask in #backtrack-linux channel09:13
sasoriok...question not related to backtrack...let's say "just" linux itself09:14
sasoriwhatshould be the type? is it ntfs or swap?09:14
dr_willistype for what09:14
gr1603Hi everyone09:14
dr_willislinux would be ext4  normally09:14
cfhowlettsaso.ri, hhahaha ,but no.  Off to BT with you09:14
gr1603I would need some help with installing in dual boot X-light-mind and Ubuntu09:15
dr_williswhy would you want ntfs?   ;-)09:15
cfhowlettgr1603, no idea with x-light-mind is but xubuntu  ....09:15
sasorii can see alot of options..Ext4 journaling file system, Ext3 journaling file system09:15
cfhowlettdr_willis, BT ...09:15
sasoriext2 file sytem09:15
sasorithere's more09:15
=== qos|away is now known as qos
gr1603The problem is that I can not run Xlightmind after installing because there is no track of it in the boot screen. What should I do to select the System?09:16
TheLordOfTime!bt | sasori09:16
TheLordOfTimethey modified ubottu...09:16
sidusnareany ideas why /etc/default/grub's GRUB_DEFAULT=0 is ignored? Yes I ran update-grub.09:16
TheLordOfTimeor not :P09:17
TheLordOfTime!backtrack > sasori09:17
ubottusasori, please see my private message09:17
dr_williswhats xlightmind? some linux distro?09:17
gr1603Yes it is09:17
cfhowlettgr1603, still trying to find xlightmind ....09:17
sasoriok ubottu ..i thought you said you're a bot09:18
sidusnaregrub just refuses to default to anything, I have to hit enter09:18
dr_willisif update grub fails to see it. you can make a entry  for it in  /etc/grub.d/40_custome09:18
ry|an!backtrack > ry|an09:18
ubottury|an, please see my private message09:18
TheLordOfTimesasori, she is a bot.  i told her to send you a message :P09:18
cfhowlettgr1603, ok found it ...09:18
gr1603Should I run "sudo update grub" from Ubuntu?09:19
cfhowlettgr1603, try that ...09:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:19
gr1603ok I will have a try09:19
cfhowlettgr1603, what was the installation order?09:19
gr1603the last one was X-light-Mind but I assume I should update Ubuntu which was installed just earlier09:20
* cfhowlett is pleasantly surprised to hear ubottu is a "she" ...09:20
llutzsidusnare: "GRUB_DEFAULT" just places the cursor on the entry, you always have to hit enter or to wait the timeout-time09:21
gr1603I am not an English native speaker, so should you spot any mistakes, I beg your pardon09:21
cfhowlettgr1603,  no worries.  OK, and these are true dual booting ?09:21
sidusnareI set the timeout to 1, it still waits for me to press enter09:21
gr1603I am going to have a try with running "sudo update grub"09:22
jnhghycfhowlett: me again, hope you don't feel like I'm harassing you, I decided I will go to ubuntu 12.04, upgrading would be an option? or should I do a fresh install? I prefer upgrade if it causes no issues....?09:22
gr1603see you later09:22
llutzsidusnare: "grep time /boot/grub/grub.cfg"09:23
cfhowlettjnhghy, no worries09:23
dr_willisits   update-grub09:23
llutzsidusnare: grep "set default"  /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:23
cfhowlettjnhghy, from 11.04 I'd highly recommend a fresh installation... Download the iso via torrents, make a booot usb/cd and go to town.  to upgrade you'd have to go 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.0409:24
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SkyrdrOkidoki.. So, I shouldn't use Wubi.09:24
SkyrdrHow else can I install ubuntu as dual-boot with Windows?09:24
dr_willisa normal install can dual boot Skyrdr09:24
cfhowlettSkyrdr, wubi is for testing ubuntu not for long term installation - sayeth the developers09:24
jnhghycfhowlett: I see well I'm going from 11.10 to 12.04 so I started the upgrade thanks.09:25
dr_williswubi us not a normal install09:25
cfhowlettjnhghy, good deal ...09:25
dr_williswubi is best avoided. ;-)09:25
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SkyrdrHeh, I figured. I can't even use Wubi09:25
Skyrdrmbr issues..09:26
cfhowlett!LTS|jnhghy,   not that 12.04 is LTS so you don't "have" to upgrade for  5 years!09:26
ubottujnhghy,   not that 12.04 is LTS so you don't "have" to upgrade for  5 years!: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)09:26
SkyrdrBesides.. I can't even install Ubuntu atm...09:26
SkyrdrAs I mentioned yesterday, it can only find the entire HDD to install it on.09:26
SkyrdrRather than existing partitions.09:26
cfhowlettSkyrdr, seen this before ... was this HDD ever formatted for gpt?09:27
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Skyrdrcfhowlett: Doubtful.09:28
SkyrdrI always used Windows.09:28
cfhowlettSkyrdr, mmmm09:28
arandcfhowlett: I think you meant "note" rather than "not" there ;)09:30
brightknightUbuntu: Whats the deal that I cant seem to get keys imported to seahorse, everything seems dumbed down and broke.09:30
cfhowlettarand, )(*_)(*#$!!!! right.  thanks.09:30
llutzhrhrhr "traceroute -m66"09:30
llutzoops, wrong window09:30
brightknightWhat is going on here?09:31
brightknightDoes 10.04 still use the 2.xx kernel?09:31
xxxhey guys, please help...how to access to ubuntu server directly as root user using ssh? i can't seems to access the remote server even i enable PermitRootLogin09:32
Oblivion1500so on the ubuntu server, why do i get an auth fail when i su? is it because my name is root instead of root? or whatever? still should i get a auth fail when trying to su? is there a default pass for su?09:32
samrhow to creat free space on hdd for linux install...where windows 7 is installed & i want stay this..09:32
llutzxxx: root-account is locked by default, you can't. use sudo09:32
cfhowlettOblivion1500, "root" is a forbidden user name09:32
auronandace!info linux-image lucid | brightknight09:33
ubottubrightknight: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB09:33
ubottusamr,: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:33
xxxthanks llutz..but is there anyway to breach that?09:33
brightknightauronandace: looks like what i want09:33
llutzxxx: there is no need to do so but yes, there is09:34
Oblivion1500..... uhm what? so, ... wait, uhm how the hell am i supposed to do all the good stuff? can i just do this by default?09:34
llutzxxx: PermitRootLogin yes    is a really bad idea09:34
xxxllutz: how? please help09:34
ikonia!sudo | Oblivion150009:34
ubottuOblivion1500: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:34
arandsamr: The Ubuntu installer should take care of that if you want to do a fairly normal install at least.09:34
Oblivion1500ok so i can sudo i just cant get into root09:35
Oblivion1500or as root09:35
ikoniaOblivion1500: you don't need root09:35
xxxactually yes, but i'm enabling it only everytime i setup my first web application server09:35
ikoniaOblivion1500: that is the point of sudo - it's for your own security09:35
ubuntuw1204how to check whether root is disabled or enabled09:35
ikoniaubuntuw1204: it's disabled09:35
Oblivion1500.... im confused. i can still get into everything i need to right?09:36
ikoniaOblivion1500: you can do anything you would need to do using sudo09:36
dr_willisOblivion1500:  with sudo yes09:36
ubuntuw1204ikonia: how do u know09:36
Oblivion1500ok good thanks09:36
ikoniaubuntuw1204: because it's disabled by default09:36
dr_willisyou did make a user at install Oblivion1500 ?09:37
ubuntuw1204ikonia: and if i enabled and now i don;t remember then?09:37
ikoniaubuntuw1204: you'd remember enabling it09:37
xxxllutz: please tell me how to access ubuntu server as root..im just doing it everytime im uploading a big bunch of web application09:37
ikoniaxxx: you don't need root to upload a web application09:37
llutzxxx: there is no need to ssh in as root, use your user and sudo to setup your env09:37
cfhowlettxxx, this is YOUR system you're trying to access?09:38
xxxllutz: then please tell me how to, other ways?09:38
llutzxxx: sudo, chown/chmod   as keywords09:38
brightknightubuntuw1204: seems like ubuntu doesnt have a tool to check it09:38
ubuntuw1204ikonia: yes, i think so?09:38
* cfhowlett ... *sniffs* air suspiciously. 09:38
ikoniaubuntuw1204: so lock it, "sudo passwd -l root"09:38
ikoniabrightknight: you don't need a tool, just look at the shadow file09:39
ikoniaor the password file to see if it's locked09:39
brightknightikonia: oh wheres it?09:39
brightknightthings keep moving09:39
* dr_willis is sometimes scared by what he sees in here. ;)09:39
xxxcfhowlett: yap, the big issue was, i cant upload a file using flezilla directly to /var/www folder using sftp if I did not use root login09:39
ikoniabrightknight: this has never moved ever09:39
brightknightikonia: the shadow file is the password file i thought09:40
ikoniaxxx: then you fix permissions09:40
dr_willisits been in /etc/ for err... decades? ;)09:40
ikoniabrightknight: no it's not09:40
ubuntuw1204ikonia: actually i want to know, how to check whether root is enabled or disabled, that's it.09:41
ikoniaubuntuw1204: just lock it, then you know it's not09:41
ikoniathat will put your fears away09:41
brightknightubuntuw1204: look at /etc/shadow09:42
ubuntuw1204"sudo passwd -l root" right09:42
brightknightwait not sure that would work since there should be a shadow even if its locked09:42
ikoniaubuntuw1204: correct09:42
brightknightI think the locking is defined by the password expiration date09:43
ubuntuw1204waht about the recent java threat?09:43
ubuntuw1204is ubutnu safe?09:43
ikoniabrightknight: no, its not09:43
brightknightSo to see if its enabled or not you need to be able to see the expiration date09:43
f0r3sthi guys09:43
ikoniaubuntuw1204: it's locked09:43
Flannelbrightknight: look in shadow, and verify that the password hash has a '!' in it.09:43
ikoniaubuntuw1204: it's as safe as you make it09:43
Kiiksucan anybody help me with smth09:44
cfhowlettKiiksu, ask with details09:44
ubuntuw1204how  to make safe if am using java09:44
ubuntuw1204on the internet jre enabled09:44
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, java is UNsafe.  Don't use java.09:44
dr_willisbe sure your java is updated to the latest that has the fixs ?09:44
brightknightubuntu is not safe its open source09:45
KiiksuI have been trying to install Hamachi to my computer and all the guides say I have to use the command "sudo tuncfg" but when I try to use the command then it says that the command was not found09:45
ubuntuw1204cfhowlett: that;s what i read in the news..09:45
brightknightthe only way to have security is to use closed source09:45
Ben64brightknight: uh... don't bring silly thinking in here09:45
dr_willis!fud | brightknight09:45
ubottubrightknight: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt09:45
ikoniabrightknight: please stop with life09:45
dr_willisikonia:  first was better.. ;P09:45
ikoniabrightknight: that is just made up nonsense, please do not spread it here09:45
ikoniadr_willis: first was unacceptable09:45
brightknightcompiled from scratch on your own between the two machines in use as far as internet goes09:45
dr_willismade me about spew my soda however.. ;P09:45
cfhowlettKiiksu, nope not in 12.04.09:45
brightknighteven binary gets crack so you would need a hueristically compiled system for better security09:46
ikoniabrightknight: final warning - stop with the lies09:46
KiiksuWell how do I install hamachi then, I havent found a guide that doesnt use a command tuncfg09:46
brightknightit isnt a lie09:46
ubuntuw1204brightknight: you use closed source if u want to we all know how safe windos is09:47
brightknightjust a matter of taste09:47
Ben64Kiiksu: isn't hamachi a windows thing?09:47
cfhowlettbrightknight, any other actual support questions?09:47
ikoniaubuntuw1204: lets not go down this route.09:47
brightknightwindows isnt really closed source09:47
KiiksuIt is but there should be a way to get it working on ubuntu09:47
Ben64Kiiksu: why09:47
Ben64it's a lame implementation of a vps, usually for people who can't figure out how to open ports09:48
ubuntuw1204i use jre sometimes for confernecing with ubuntu os  so that's why i am concernced09:48
ubuntuw1204about java threat09:48
KiiksuCuz im running ubuntu and I want to play games with my friends that they maybe haven't bought09:48
cfhowlettKiiksu, different OS's, different results...09:48
cfhowlettKiiksu, sorry to break it to you, but unless that specific program has been backward engineered to work on linu ...09:48
Ben64just tell them to buy minecraft and/or terraria09:48
KiiksuSo basically there is no way to create a LAN network in linux that can coexist within Windows?09:49
Ben64thats not what hamachi is09:49
KiiksuIt basically creates a LAN network between different computers that are connected to the interrnet09:49
Kiiksuits a VLAN if im not mistaken09:49
Kiiksuor VPN09:50
dr_willis!info openvpn09:50
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.1-8ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 435 kB, installed size 1064 kB09:50
cfhowlettKiiksu, virtual box + windows + your game ... fixed.09:50
KiiksuThe thing I want to achieve is to run a server so they can join aswell09:50
KiiksuWe tried to do that without a VPN and it didnt work09:51
dr_willisI need to look into vpn's someday also.  :) such a handy tool it seems i know so little about.09:51
Kiiksuopenvpn seems like it could work09:51
rkhshmdoes the AIO library come by default in 2.6 kernels?09:51
Ben64or you know... just buy the game legally09:51
Kiiksuthats not the problem09:51
Kiiksuwe both have the game09:51
Kiiksubut we want to run a server09:52
FloodBot1Kiiksu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:52
Ben64key word there is legally09:52
dr_willisIf you had a Ubuntu VPS. you can then install OpenVPN on it and have pcs  from around the internet connect to it and they all see each other as if they were on a local lan correct?09:52
Ben64dr_willis: yeah09:52
llutzdr_willis: if your VPS has tun/tap support, yes09:52
Ben64thats usually what vpns are used for. insecure communication over a secure tunnel. like using vnc over ssh09:53
rkhshmguys any info.. where can i find the AIO interface.09:53
Ben64rkhshm: explain more?09:54
nn0101rkhshm: man 7 aio09:54
rkhshmlinux AIO (async IO) is  a library that provides aio_read, aio_write .. APIS..09:54
rkhshmnn0101: i have the done that.09:54
npaz_Hello Everybody!09:55
david__hello. i'm new to all of this and have quite some problems getting my nvidia card working (optimus) ... macbook pro with hybrid intel / nvidia... any tips for me?09:55
Ben64!info libaio1 | rkhshm09:55
ubotturkhshm: libaio1 (source: libaio): Linux kernel AIO access library - shared library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.109-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 6 kB, installed size 52 kB (Only available for linux-any)09:55
cfhowlettnpaz_, greetings09:55
nn0101rkhshm: its in libc09:56
npaz_Im pretty new at all of this irc things. But cfhowlett. You have a yellow name. What does that stand for?09:57
rkhshmnn0101: in that case http://pastie.org/619310209:57
rkhshmwhy i see that.09:57
cfhowlettnpaz_, couldn't even begin to guess ... something to do with your particular IRC client09:57
bazhang!tab | npaz_09:58
npaz_ctfhowlett, oh okey so its not like your a moderator then?09:58
ubottunpaz_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:58
david__anyone? :D :D09:58
bazhangnpaz_, it is just your client. if your nick and message is red, then someone has appended you r nick to it (at least in some clients)09:59
cfhowlettnpaz_, I am NOT a mod.  They wouldn 't have me.  probably just means I highlighted YOUR name in conversation09:59
cfhowlettgodzilla48, greetings09:59
npaz_Oh, okey cool.09:59
nn0101rkhshm: because aiocb is a struct.09:59
nn0101rkhshm: ##c09:59
godzilla48been a long while since I use IRC10:00
nn0101struct aiocb*10:00
dr_willisjust been reading up at the DigitalOcean site/guide on their vps services. :) havent seen tun/tap mentioned yet. will read some more.10:00
DouglasI would like to open the code of this site, so that more gaming websites would me created: http://www.jogosdemoto.net.br/10:00
npaz_So, does any of you guys use metasploit?10:00
DouglasSomeone would help me?10:00
nn0101npaz_: #metasploit10:01
ubottuDouglas,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:01
SkyrdrWell this is odd..10:01
DouglasIt's an organized code.10:01
SkyrdrCurrently have launched Gparted live.10:01
SkyrdrMy HDD is "unallocated"10:02
SkyrdrWhile it has 3/4 NTFS partitions.10:02
npaz_How do i change irc-server?10:02
SkyrdrIf I connect my external HDD, it finds the NTFS partitions just fine.10:02
david__how can i downgrade my intel graphics drivers? on 12.10 now10:04
bla_when I try to install ubuntu in UEFI mode all I get is a black screen after choosing an option. I've tried nomodeset and xforcevesa without luck.10:04
SkyrdrSo help would be nice :D10:06
cfhowlettbla_, what version of ubuntu?  what hardware?10:06
ubottubla_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:07
dr_willisSkyrdr:  you mean the system sees your external ntfs disk. but not the internal one?10:07
SkyrdrWell, define system.10:07
SkyrdrGparted shows my entire HDD as unallocated.10:07
bla_Ok. I've tried Ubuntu 12.10, Kubuntu 12.10, Kubuntu 13.04, all without luck. When I change to Legacy BIOS Mode it works without problems. It's a MSI GE60 and a Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M and an Intel Core i7 3630M10:07
SkyrdrWhile as you said, the external shows the partitions just fine.10:08
bla_It's in dual graphics mode I can't change this setting in the BIOS/EFI10:08
SkyrdrWith entire HDD I do mean internal, yes.10:08
dr_willisgparted shows the internal disk as unallocated.  how about sudo parted -l,  or sudo fdisk -l, or sudo blkid10:08
cfhowlettbla_, so run it in legacy bios mode ???10:08
bla_well ok, I just wanted to use a Dual Boot10:08
SkyrdrLet me see if I can find the terminal.10:08
bla_Windows and Kubuntu. It only works in UEFI mode10:09
dr_willistap super. type 'terminal' ;)10:09
cfhowlettbla_, and nomodeset doesn't work???10:09
bla_just get a black screen10:09
bla_there is "10:09
bla_there is a line with "--" in the GRUB boot options. I've tried to insert nomodeset before it but still a black screen10:10
SkyrdrOki, I used dusk fdisk -l10:10
Skyrdr** sudo10:10
SkyrdrI see a bunch of hdd info, what am I looking for exactly?10:10
dr_willisshould show the internatl hd with what partions are on it10:10
bla_also in BIOS mode, when I try to install the nvidia drivers I'm stuck in 640x480 resolution and have to reinstall Kubuntu10:10
dr_willisactually it will show all hds :) internal and external10:11
SkyrdrThis is what I see10:14
SkyrdrUnsure what to do so now :(10:16
DJones!language | RAVEN73710:16
ubottuRAVEN737: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:16
RAVEN737i just installed ubuntu for the 8th time and installe dupdates now i can't boot only see gtrub wTF10:17
Huddlestonsooo how would I extend the allolocated drive space for ubuntu? I wanna give it 80Gb10:17
bla_Huddleston: With a partition manager like GParted?10:18
RAVEN737'need to restart' now nothing works fuk great10:18
ry|anRAVEN737 have you perhaps tried some other linux distros? like gentoo10:18
SkyrdrOddly enough though..10:18
SkyrdrGParted does show the internal HDD partitions on the desktop.10:18
RAVEN737 never had any problems wuith debian.. how did you manage THAT?10:18
cfhowlettraven, reboot.  try to login to an older version of ubuntu.10:19
RAVEN737ok so no error, just neatly boots to 'minimal bash-like; etc.. can this be fixed?10:19
dr_willisthats the grub shell... your bootloader/grub is broke sounds like10:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:20
dr_willisor is that the busybox shell.10:20
Huddlestonbla_: I used ubuntu with Windows 7, if I use something like that to take a free 80Gb will it be okay on the Windows side?10:20
RAVEN737it says gnu grub at teh toip.. but no error10:20
dr_willisHuddleston:  windoes will want to check/scan the windows partions aftger they get resized. but it should work. you should have backups befor doing any resizeing of partitions10:21
bla_Huddleston: I don't know, I'm not an expert. Is your drive using GPT orMBR?10:21
cfhowlettRAVEN737, yes it can probably be fixed.  reinstall grub10:21
SkyrdrSo yea, I r stuck10:21
ubottuRAVEN737,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:21
Huddlestonbla_: no idea, I just started today10:21
RAVEN737cfhowlett: how do i do that.. if i can't boot?10:21
dr_willisRAVEN737:  a live cd is the normal way10:21
Huddlestondr_willis: I have a windows Repair disk, will that work?10:22
bla_Huddleston: You might try  gdisk -l /dev/sda and tell if it's using MBR or GPT10:22
dr_willisHuddleston:  work for what? windows can resize its own partions while windows is running.. if you plan on shrinking wwindows.. then you can use gparted  and a live cd to enlarge the linux side10:23
RAVEN737oh man i might as well reinstall from scratch then.. oh.. i think i know why it f'up .. i chose xfs as fs on install.. iw roekd fine.. until updates :((10:23
bla_Usually if it is GPT it should work. That's also the problem on my side, because I can't install Ubuntu in UEFI mode10:23
SkyrdrYou know what...10:23
SkyrdrI give up on this internal hdd..10:23
dr_willisNo idea if grub has issues with xfs or not.10:23
SkyrdrI think it's an overlapping hdd/partition issue.10:23
Huddlestondr_willis: I wanna extend ubuntu from 30Gb to 80Gb10:24
dr_willisSkyrdr:  thats possible.  ive seen windows hds bein some very weird states10:24
SkyrdrAs such, I'll just add a 200gb hdd (old one) and use that one instead.. :)10:24
SkyrdrI think that's the easy solution10:24
RAVEN737all i want is my tf2 pinguine >_<./. i have been at this since 9 in the morning *cry*10:24
dr_willisHuddleston:  so shrink windows partiion, enlarge the linux one.. its doable from a Ubuntu luve cd with gparted10:24
SkyrdrRAVEN.. Try using VMWare..10:24
SkyrdrI installed it yesterday and got my Tux a few hours later.10:24
Ben64: /10:24
dr_willisRAVEN737:  you can do a full install to a 16gb usb flash drive if you really wanted to10:24
Ben64they should only let linux users get tux10:24
Huddlestondr_willis: thing is... I want windows to take the remaining left, I want ubuntu at a fixed 80GB10:25
dr_willisThe things people do for in game collectables...10:25
dr_willisHuddleston:  so you want to shrink ubuntu and enlarge windows?10:25
bla_So   does anybody have other ideas beside xforcevesa and nomodeset? Because all I get is a black screen in UEFI mode10:25
SkyrdrOkidoki, second HDD time.10:26
bla_Maybe it's because of the dual graphics (Intel/Nvidia), but I can't disable that in BIOS10:26
RAVEN737thanks for the help.. i will try again10:26
Huddlestondr_willis: Okay... I know I suck at tanslations... but i'm trying here... right now ubuntu sucks up 30Gb and windows uses the rest, I want to extend ubuntu to 80Gb and still have windows use the remaining portion10:26
dr_willisHuddleston:  so you want to enlarge linux, and shrink windows...  the ubuntu live cd with gparted can do that. Backup imporntant stuff first...10:27
dr_willisHuddleston:  depending on how your disk is partioned you may need to do it in several steps with gparted.10:28
Huddlestondr_willis: I used wubi... I know it's stupid but I don't have any of this stuff atm10:28
dr_willisHuddleston:  you dontg use partions with wubi.. you just enlarge your wubi hd file10:28
dr_willisid say defrag your windows setup. be sure you got the empty space on it.. and find a guide on resuzeing a wubi install10:29
SkyrdrMeh.. wubi10:29
SkyrdrCouldn't even get that to work10:29
Huddlestondr_willis: I see... because when I installed today it said "installation size" and the max size was 30Gb, assuming it's what I was allolacated10:30
dr_willisnow i have to go home.. fire up steam on my ubuntu box and get into TF2 just to get a penguin... ;P10:30
SkyrdrI'm going to get 26x Tuxes.10:30
SkyrdrThe more, the better.10:30
dr_willisHuddleston:  wubi is not ment for long term ussage.. you really need more then 30gb of space with it? if you are doing that much real work in ubuntu. you may want to switch to a normal install10:30
dr_willisnot played TF2 in perhaps a year.. it gets old..10:31
Daniel_GTIs anyone online building android source succesfully on a 64-bit machine with 12.04 installed? I have a problem initialising the environment.10:31
Huddlestondr_willis: I'm probably going to be using games and stuff, and TF2 takes 12 Gb minumum10:31
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=== guard is now known as isaias
SkyrdrSpeaking of ubuntu10:32
dr_willis Huddleston  you should be looking into doing a normal install then and forget wubi exists10:32
dr_willisthere are guides out on resuzeing wubi instgalls past the 30gb  size10:32
SkyrdrLatest features or LTS10:32
SkyrdrDoes it differ much?10:32
Huddlestondr_willis: Tried to this morning but the USB didn't work, and I don't think I have bigger than 700Mb disks atm10:32
dr_willisHuddleston:  use some of the other tools at the pendrivelinux web site.. or just dd the iso straight to the usb10:33
dr_willissince i have no idea what 'dident work' actually means.  ;)10:33
Huddlestondr_willis: Ubuntu wouldn't boot from the USB drive when I rebooted my computer, even after setting the BIOS10:34
dr_willistry the other tools to make the usb10:34
Huddlestondr_willis: I tried the direct USB, am I supposed to throw the whole .iso itself in there or each file within it?10:36
dr_willisthe direct usb?10:36
Huddlestondr_willis: slap the files in and pray for the best,10:36
dr_willistheres a dozen differnt tools that can make a bootable usb from the ISO at the pendrivelinux web site10:36
dr_willisjust drag/dropping  the iso file on the usb is not the correct way...10:37
dr_willistheres a reason theres a dozen+ tools to make a bootable usb from the iso....10:37
npaz_Could anyone tell me how to join another channel?10:37
dr_willisnpaz_:   /join #channelnames10:37
Skyrdr .. /join #channelname10:37
SkyrdrThey don't really make it simple for Windows user to install ubuntu as dual..10:38
SkyrdrBut that's m y opinion10:38
dr_willisthey - as in 'microsoft'10:38
npaz_I did that but nothing happened?10:38
dr_willisnpaz_:   look for any status messages perhaps? or in the server window10:38
dr_willisnpaz_:  where are you trying to join?10:39
cfhowlettnpaz_ what channel did you want?10:39
npaz_A channel called metasploit.10:39
Huddlestondr_willis: How would one burn a install CD?10:39
dr_willisand look for any messages of the  tyoe   'regiestered nicks only' npaz_ ?10:39
dr_willisHuddleston:  theres dozens of iso burner apps out for windows and linux.10:40
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:40
dr_willisinfrarecorder is a good one on windows.. thers others10:40
dr_willis12.10 needs a dvd10:40
cfhowlettnpaz_, same thing here.  NO reaction to the command ... channel might be gone10:41
npaz_If you want to dual boot just use wubi. Search "wubi" in google.10:41
Huddlestonnpaz_: the stupidity of the situation is that it only gives me 30Gb10:41
dr_willis i joined #metasploit just fine10:41
cfhowlettnpaz_, wubi is for TESTING ubuntu, not for long-term installation.  Thus say the wubi developers10:41
dr_willis regiestered nicks only i imagine10:41
dr_willisHuddleston:  as i mentioned.. there are tools out for windows to resize that 30gb to somthing bigger.. but its best to get away from wubi10:42
npaz_ohh shit. Cant you use a virtuell dvd? Like poweriso or deamon-tools ?10:42
dr_willisyou dontt use deamon tools or poweriso to BOOT/install ubuntu onto the hard drive10:42
npaz_or right. My bad.10:42
dr_willisyou make a bootable USB or DVD10:42
Huddlestondr_willis: sooo obviously it needs to be a DVD and a CD rom won't work?10:43
dr_willisyou could use the wubi install to 'dd' the iso file straight to USB10:43
dr_willis12.10+ ubuntu needs a DVD10:43
cfhowlettnpaz_, actually, metasploit DID respond ... #metasploit :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services10:43
dr_williscfhowlett:  ;)10:43
npaz_Oh okey hehe.10:43
=== altair is now known as Guest21234
dr_willisMost channels need you to regiester/identify these days it seems10:44
FloodBot1bla_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
gh0stheadhey guys10:44
Huddlestondr_willis: So would it be easier to just go buy some DVD-ROM's than mess around with Trying to make my USB into an installation disk?10:45
SkyrdrAnyone here familiar with Linux Live USB creator? (lili)10:45
SkyrdrIf so, step 3, persistance.. (Choose how much MB to write) is not required for installation, correct?10:45
SkyrdrOnly for live usage.10:45
nibbler__Skyrdr: correct. even there its only optional10:46
dr_willisyou havent even tried a proper tool to make a bootable  usb.....10:46
SkyrdrAwesome, thanks.10:46
SkyrdrI wish to install it on my second hdd which I just installed.10:46
SkyrdrSo I don't need live.10:46
npaz_Just burn the iso file?10:46
dr_willislili is a little annoying. but it works10:46
SkyrdrAs long as it works :)10:47
gh0stheadcan someone explain to me why I can't chat with my friend with the command /chat <nickname> ?10:47
gh0stheadconnection timeout10:47
SkyrdrTry /query nickname10:47
gh0stheadit works10:48
gh0stheadwhy didnt chat command work?10:49
Huddlestondr_willis: and after all that how do I uninstall wubi's boot?10:49
SkyrdrAs you would remove a normal software in windows10:49
SkyrdrUbuntu is under the uninstall software list10:49
dr_williswubis main feature is it puts an entry in the software list10:50
gh0stheadSkyrdr thank you!10:50
SkyrdrBeats me, depends on the client gh0sthead10:50
SkyrdrSome supports /chat, but mainly it's /query10:50
Huddlestonwell that's convinient, what about the .iso ubuntu? how does one kill off that when I don't want it anymore?10:50
Skyrdrbut np.10:50
bekksHuddleston: Delete it...?10:51
bekksHuddleston: Even in Windows, files can be deleted.10:51
Huddlestonbekks: yes, let's remove an entire operating system from windows10:52
bekksHuddleston: You were asking about a single .iso file in your laste question.10:52
Huddlestonbekks: .iso ubuntu as in installed from a CD instead of wubi10:53
SkyrdrIf I install Ubuntu on my second hdd..10:53
bekksHuddleston: And when you dont need that .iso file anymore, you can delete it.10:53
SkyrdrWill the installation overwrite any boot records?10:53
SkyrdrI prefer to keep the dual boot.10:53
ntzrmtthihu777I have a DLink DW-160 usb wifi card, ub. 12.04x64. I am looking to get it working, but the site referenced by any guide I find in the forums, askubuntu, etc, refuses to load. can anyone help?10:53
bekksHuddleston: Thats whats you were asking, and thats what has been answered.10:53
ntzrmtthihu777grub takes over booting, and you can boot both os's Skyrdr10:54
Huddlestonbekks: okay cool10:54
SkyrdrSweet, thanks.10:54
Daniel_GTIs anyone online building android source successfully on a 64-bit machine with 12.04 installed? I have a problem initialising the environment10:54
SkyrdrWould it be wise to disable my windows internal hdd..10:55
SkyrdrTo be sure I won't overwrite / format the wrong hdd?10:55
histoDaniel_GT: /j #android10:55
ntzrmtthihu777not sure, I never did a dual hdd dual boot with windows and ub.10:56
bekksSkyrdr: That way grub will not discover your windows to create a menu entry for booting.10:56
SkyrdrI never got the option "install with windows alongside" or something either.10:56
Daniel_GTThe problem is with the files to be installed in Ubuntu, I understand what I should do (the android guidelines) but Ubuntu won't let me!?10:56
SkyrdrTrue that, but I never installed Ubuntu before.10:57
ntzrmtthihu777fellas I'm on a tenuous connection running irssi, if someone could pastbin the contents of the site I would be eternally grateful10:57
bekksSkyrdr: well...10:57
histo!dualboot | Skyrdr10:58
ubottuSkyrdr: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:58
Huddlestonanyways... I think i'm done with here ... later10:58
Daniel_GThisto: specifically http://askubuntu.com/questions/256487/initialising-the-build-environment-for-android-on-64-bit-12-0410:58
ntzrmtthihu777this is the link, anyone? http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/229-ubuntu-precise-dlink-dwa160-revb210:59
cfhowlettntzrmtthihu777, works fine for me...11:00
ntzrmtthihu777I cannot reach it either on my buntu box or my win7 allinone11:01
keplerworks fine for me11:01
ntzrmtthihu777I can't even wget -pk the damn thing11:02
cfhowlettntzrmtthihu777, try it with https:// in front11:02
ioriantzrmtthihu777:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1662549/11:02
ntzrmtthihu777cfhowlett: I swear to god if that does it....11:02
keplerntzrmtthihu777: try
kepleractually, that is weird11:02
keplerdyndns is pointing to
cfhowlettntzrmtthihu777, see loria's link ... nicely done, Loria!11:03
keplerlooks like they have it routed different11:03
ntzrmtthihu777thankyou thankyou thankyou!11:03
=== venkannareddy is now known as HackerZedi
ntzrmtthihu777I'm good enough at buntu to follow instructions, and even forge off on my own with guidelines, but this was outta my league to do blindly. ioria, thank you so much, I am eternally gratefull. If you should ever need something I can provide, do not hesitate to ask11:05
ubottuioria,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:06
Deluxwhat dictates that a disk a sda, sdb and so on? Is it the SATA port it's plugged into on the motherboard? Is it boot priority in BIOS?11:07
ioriantzrmtthihu777:  you're wellcome11:07
ntzrmtthihu777sda would be hd0 I believe, Delux11:07
HackerZediI upgraded my Kernel to 3.2.0-38 and now the computer hangs everytime I login. It works pretty fine when I use the previous version of the kernel. Does anyone have a solution?11:08
Deluxso without physically moving sata cables I cannot change what shows as sda, sdb and so on?11:08
histoDelux: correct. but you should be using uuid's11:09
Deluxuuid does not help me during install11:09
histoDelux: So why does it matter what sdx they are?11:09
jared__who has gnome3 on ubuntu11:10
Deluxbecause booting to sde and loading the GRUB Loader on something other then sda can be troublesome11:10
jared__how many11:11
bekks!poll | jared__11:11
ubottujared__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:11
histoDelux: Doesn't really matter. Grub uses different naming conventions and again when you are booting youare using UUID in your fstab also.11:11
Deluxfstab is great after install is done11:12
Deluxbut during installation I keep having failure when trying to load GRUB loader on something other then sda11:12
histoDelux: it's only for your sanity that the installer still says sdx11:12
histoDelux: Because the drive that is sda is probably already marked as bootable.11:13
jared__ok bye11:13
histoDelux: You can select which ever drive you want to install grub to. If it will only default to sda just tell it no11:14
Deluxhisto, I deleted every partition other then the partition on sde11:14
Deluxand it fails11:14
xjdesxcan someone help me with something11:14
ntzrmtthihu777Delux: I have personally installed ubuntu fully to a usb key from a sdcard on a this laptop, so from sda to sdc, and it gave me no issue11:14
histoDelux: How does it fail do you get an error?11:14
bekksxjdesx: How can we know?11:14
xjdesxI am trying to use aircrack-ng11:14
histoDelux: I've also installed grub to all kinds of block devices11:14
ntzrmtthihu777erm, sdb to sdc11:14
ntzrmtthihu777xjdesx: #aircrack-ng11:15
xjdesxI k11:15
ntzrmtthihu777I use bt5r3, but this is not where you get support for that11:15
histoDelux: To answer your question you can't change it. Grub doesn't even understand sda so it doesn't matter you are experiencing some other issue.11:15
xjdesxwhere can i get support for t?11:15
xjdesxI'm new to this whole IRC ubuntu11:16
histoDelux: you'd ahve to move cables11:16
ubottuxjdesx,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:16
ikoniaxjdesx: #aircrack-ng as you've just been told11:16
xjdesxi know i typed that but it didn'hingt do anyt11:16
xjdesxi'm new to IRC....dont know how to use11:16
ntzrmtthihu777ikonia: he probably came here automatically. xjdesx: type /join #aircrack-ng11:16
ikoniaxjdesx: /join #aircrack-ng or /join ##backtrack-linux11:16
xjdesxthank you!11:17
k1l_xjdesx: that is not a twitter hashtag, that is a channel you should enter for support11:17
Deluxtrying again now histo11:17
ioriaxjdesx: sniffing is bad, my mom says :P11:17
rexleoHellu all, I have managed to hide/uninstall my toolbar, is there a way to get it back?11:18
k1l_rexleo: which desktop?11:18
rexleovanilla ubuntu11:19
k1l_that means unity? and which version of ubuntu?11:19
rexleolatest, was up to date yesterday11:19
ntzrmtthihu777xD unity?11:19
rexleoyes unity11:19
ntzrmtthihu777latest, what do you mean, latest precise, latest quantal?11:20
k1l_rexleo: yo you need to reset the launcher bar on the left?11:20
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rexleoubuntu 12.10 and updated it yesterday11:21
* xjdesx anyone know the channel for Xbconnect?11:22
xjdesx#Xbconnect ...but it's on dynasty.net11:22
ikoniaxjdesx: join that network ?11:22
k1l_xjdesx: then connect to the other network.11:22
k1l_rexleo: ok then try some "unity --reset-icons && unity --reset" in a terminal. but that will erase all the launcher settings made before11:23
BluesKajHowdy all11:23
rexleokll: i will try, thanks11:24
ntzrmtthihu777did I just lose connection for a bit?11:27
histontzrmtthihu777: yes11:27
Fuzzlessteam gives me an error about updateing open gl when i try to play TF211:28
ntzrmtthihu777man I needa get this card running, lol.11:29
histoFuzzles: what drivers are you using?11:29
histontzrmtthihu777: What chipset does that card use?11:29
Fuzzleshisto, the only one listed in the additional drivers, its an ati radeion hd 3 series i think11:30
ubuntu-studioweb cam11:30
histo!webcam | ubuntu-studio11:31
ubottuubuntu-studio: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:31
ntzrmtthihu777not entirely sure, histo. following a guide ioria was kind enough to pastebin for me *love*11:31
SkyrdrInstalled ubuntu on my Second HDD11:32
histontzrmtthihu777: lspci    will show you which chipset11:32
SkyrdrGetting "installing bootloader failed"11:32
SkyrdrAny help would be appreciated :)11:32
ikoniaSkyrdr: long shot...raid disk ?11:32
histoSkyrdr: Where are you trying to install the boot loader to?11:32
ikoniaSkyrdr: efi ?11:32
SkyrdrRAID? Nope.11:33
ikoniaSkyrdr: where are you installing the boot loader, and how11:33
SkyrdrI assume the bootloader installs default on the HDD I'm installing it to.11:33
SkyrdrI haven't selected anything yet..11:33
SkyrdrI assume it installs it currently on /dev/sda11:33
Fuzzleshisto, any ideas?11:33
histoSkyrdr: You should install it to the drive you nomrally boot the machine off of.11:33
ikoniaSkyrdr: no, it installs on the mbr of the boot hard disk11:33
* riderplus is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]11:34
histoFuzzles: haven't got a clue11:34
Skyrdrah, okidoki, main hdd.11:34
ntzrmtthihu777ah, I knew that, and the data matches the guide. I'm just not sure which part is the chipset, to be honest11:34
SkyrdrThe "boot" hdd is the windows hdd though.11:34
SkyrdrI should select that one?11:34
welovefreeis ubuntu supports games "like windows"?11:34
ntzrmtthihu777histo: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2001:3c1a D-Link Corp.11:34
* riderplus is back from the dead. Gone 0 hrs 0 min 53 secs11:34
ikonia!away > riderplus11:34
ubotturiderplus, please see my private message11:34
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ntzrmtthihu777some, not all welovefree11:35
ubottuwelovefree,: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/11:35
ikoniawelovefree: no, it really doesn't11:35
histontzrmtthihu777: What it's usb device?11:35
cfhowlettRonalds_M, greetings11:36
histowelovefree: steam on linux now also11:36
Prikkebeen@welovefree steam is also available on linux now (beta)11:36
ikoniait's in a beta stage, and very limited though11:36
Ronalds_MI have kde and unity side by side, and lightdm has been themed as well11:36
ntzrmtthihu777dev 003, it said.11:36
welovefreebecause I really like ubuntu it's safe and great what keeps me on windwos is the games matters11:36
Ronalds_Mhow to bring back stock lightdm theme11:36
ntzrmtthihu777Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2001:3c1a D-Link Corp. I am not entirely knowledgable in this area11:36
SkyrdrOke.. It seems Ubuntu is attempting to install the bootloader on my main HDD with windows on it.11:37
welovefreehisto: i've heared that EA also11:37
SkyrdrOf which, failed.11:37
histontzrmtthihu777: Is it plugged in via a USB port?11:37
SkyrdrSo, any advice?11:37
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ntzrmtthihu777yup, if thats what you were asking you shoulda not used too much techie for a simple thing, lol11:38
Ronalds_MI installed plasma, just so I can theme kde apps I mostly use with unity, in ubuntu style, but it changed style of login manager.11:38
Prikkebeenjust remove the windows hdd11:38
Deluxhisto - when running ubuntu from a usb drive, any degrade in performance?11:38
MonkeyDustwelovefree  http://store.steampowered.com/browse/linux/11:38
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thunkeewelovefree: with wine you get some native support, but its not that easy, check http://appdb.winehq.org/ for example11:38
histoSkyrdr: because it needs to install to the disk not the partitioin so if, windows is on /dev/sda1  it needs to install to /dev/sda11:38
histo!dualboot | Skyrdr11:38
ubottuSkyrdr: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:38
ntzrmtthihu777DLink DW-160 revision A11:38
histoDelux: yes11:38
cfhowlettDelux, yes, as performance is throttled by ram ...11:38
histocfhowlett: ???11:38
histoDelux: It has to do with the slow reads off of USB.11:39
ntzrmtthihu777Delux: it never gave me issue, and a usb drive is basically a small ssd.. or do you mean a normal external hdd?11:39
Deluxnot going to be sending files to/from usb - i have HDD installed for that just wondering if the OS runs slower11:40
welovefreethunkee: wine is great but not always11:40
thunkeewelovefree: right :)11:40
Ronalds_Manybody on lightdm theme>11:40
Ronalds_MI need to stock it11:40
histoWhile USB is like a small SSD its connected through a straw as opposed to a highway that a normal SSD is connected through11:40
histomore like a coffee stirer11:41
ntzrmtthihu777ah, gotcha.11:41
histoUSB is slow11:41
MonkeyDustwelovefree  John Carmack from ID suggests to improve wine support, rather than porting games to linux11:41
ikoniaMonkeyDust: and his post doom business have failed11:41
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, gotta say, that's a short sighted recommendation IMHO11:41
ntzrmtthihu777see I got a buddy with a dell inspiron mini, but the ssd is burned out and we are both broke, lol. so I made him an install to usb to serv as hdd11:42
histooh boy11:42
Deluxhisto - if this is being used like a NAS where all transfers on witht he HDD, still a hit in performance?11:42
PrikkebeenRonalds M give enlightement a try, runs great11:42
histontzrmtthihu777: Yeah go pick up a cheap normal laptop drive11:42
ntzrmtthihu777its a mini, will it even fit? damn thing is tiny11:42
welovefreeMonkeyDust: that what it should ve done11:42
histoDelux: yes11:43
Deluxhisto - if this is being used like a NAS where all transfers are with the HDD, still a hit in performance?11:43
MonkeyDustwelovefree  well, apparently, there was information I missed (see up)11:43
Deluxtaking forever to install, that's why I asked11:43
histoDid you get grub installed yet?11:43
histoDelux: yeah because USB is slowwwwwwwwww11:43
Deluxnot yet11:43
welovefreeMonkeyDust: it's about wine11:44
histoWhat's taking for ever to install?11:44
Deluxinstalling server to a thumb drive11:44
Deluxsounds like it is probably a mistake11:45
welovefreedo you guys think that ubuntu will always be free?11:45
Skyrdrubuntu installed..11:45
SkyrdrFound windows (2 even) partitions.11:45
Skyrdrbootloader works.11:45
histoDelux: Well I guess you could load everything into RAM technically on a NAS box.11:46
Andy80this morning I've upgraded some packages in Ubuntu... but I don't remember which one... is there a log or an history I can look at?11:46
Prikkebeenwelovefree its what they say, but amazon ís already included so....11:46
Andy80just to check if I upgraded some pulseaudio packages...11:46
* riderplus is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]11:47
DJones!away > riderplus11:47
ubotturiderplus, please see my private message11:47
welovefreePrikkebeen: what do you mean?11:47
histoAndy80: /var/log/apt?????11:47
* riderplus is back from the dead. Gone 0 hrs 0 min 37 secs11:47
somsipAndy80: /var/log/apt/history from memory11:47
Prikkebeenthey are becoming commercial11:47
cfhowlettwelovefree, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic11:48
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SkyrdrHow does ubuntu actually work with graphic driver/cards?11:48
cfhowlettDeathMan|, greetings11:48
SkyrdrSome kind of automated installation or do I need to do this myself?11:48
DeathMan|can someone tell me how to install newest xen on ubuntu?11:48
Andy80gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio:i386 upgraded, and my subwoofer setup is screwed up again :(11:48
DeathMan|repost seems to be old and have 4.111:49
DeathMan|and there is 4.2.1 out11:49
cfhowlettDeathMan|, 4.1 what???11:49
DeathMan|xen 4.111:49
DeathMan|and there is already 4.2.111:49
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:49
dr_willis_backports. or  the PPA's11:49
cfhowlettDeathMan|, repos often lag the newest versions. compile from source ...11:50
Prikkebeenfor older cards x.org driver newer cards agallium by default i believ ( for ati911:50
DeathMan|compiling from source gives me pythin errors etc11:50
Andy80I had this problem and I tried to fix in this way http://askubuntu.com/questions/256394/subwoofer-is-not-working-in-dell-inspiron-660-with-ubuntu-12-1011:50
Andy80but now it's not working anymore11:50
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cfhowlettDeathMan|, see the zen package site.  There will certainly be a method to get the latest version from there ... or wait for the repos to catch up.11:51
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DeathMan|well i may try again wait a bit11:53
kubanchellow! I'm getting blank screen after few minutes, but the settings for turn screen off when inactive for is set to NEVER11:53
cfhowlettDeathMan|, patience and linux go together quite well11:53
savagecroccan anyone describe to me what the point of this file is: https://github.com/freedomfreddy/nginx-init-debian/blob/master/etc/init/nginx.conf11:53
savagecrocdoes it dictate when the service starts up and shuts down?11:54
savagecrocany idea what respawn does?11:54
dr_willis_savagecroc:  looks like a upstart init config file11:54
savagecrochttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#respawn << found docs :D11:54
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.11:55
=== timbertim is now known as posdifu
dr_willis_lovely.. steam still tells me its in closed beta. ;P11:57
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savagecrocupstart does process management as well?11:59
savagecrocfor example it monitors running processes?11:59
savagecroc https://github.com/freedomfreddy/nginx-init-debian/blob/master/etc/init/nginx.conf << i noticed in here they have just writtain spawn .. but there is no http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#expect stanza like it suggests in the docs... will it not work as expected12:00
savagecrocand how am i supposed to work out if nginx forks or daemonizes?12:01
=== Guest23685 is now known as Mojojojojo
Mojojojojohello, I need help with my Windows 7/Ubuntu 12.10 dualboot12:02
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
Mojojojojothe computer just boots direct into ubuntu, there's no GRUB to choose Windows 712:03
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark
dr_willis_Press and hold shift at boot time to see the grub menu12:04
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:04
dr_willis_you may need to rerun 'sudo update-grub' to see if it rescans/detects the windows install12:04
ntzrmtthihu777that too, but it should come auto when you have multiple os's12:04
Mojojojojoyeah I did boot repair coz my pc refused to boot into ubuntu.... now i am tryping this from ubuntu but my windows 7 and grub are no longer available12:04
ntzrmtthihu777try the update-grub, it should do the trick12:05
Mojojojojook maybe it worked let me re-boot12:05
Mojojojojowill be back to report12:05
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
HaliteCan Ubuntu run Windows programs12:08
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:08
cfhowlettHalite, sometimes12:08
ubottuHalite,: please see above12:08
yeatsHalite: whether wine works depends greatly on the program you're trying to install - you're usually better off trying to find a linux-friendly replacement for what you need to get done IMHO12:09
cfhowlettyeats, agreed12:09
cfhowlettHalite, specific program you're wanting to use in ubuntu?12:10
DeathMan|i get configure: error: Unable to find Python development headers how to fix this?12:10
dr_willis_install all the python -dev packages you may need. ;)  what are youy trying to compile?12:11
NetFlamHi all!12:12
polacomarcin25ola a todos12:12
DeathMan|pfff now it says no package glib-2.012:12
Mojojojohello I'm back12:13
polacomarcin25hay gente de españa ?12:13
ubottupolacomarcin25,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:13
MojojojoI have both windows 7 and Ubuntu working in dual-boot12:13
cfhowlettMojojojo, congrats12:13
Mojojojobut I don't want to choose windows 7 in GNU Grub 2.012:14
polacomarcin25algun español ?12:14
MojojojoI prefer the traditional windows 7 grub12:14
Mojojojodoes that make sense?12:14
dr_willis_you can use the apt-get build-deps packagename   to pull in all needed dependencies to compile somthing i recall12:14
bekks!es | polacomarcin2512:14
ubottupolacomarcin25: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:14
cfhowlettMojojojo, windows 7 does not use grub12:14
MonkeyDustpolacomarcin25  type /join #ubuntu-es12:14
dr_willis_windows 7 grub?12:14
dr_willis_You mwan the windows 7 boot manager?12:14
Mojojojothere is that black screen with white fonts12:15
dr_willis_You can set grub2 to use just a simple text menu12:15
Mojojojomaybe thats the one. Then it selects the default os to boot in 30 seconds12:15
bekksMojojojo: Take a picture of it :)12:15
cfhowlettMojojojo, yes, that's grub ...12:15
bekkscfhowlett: You can set windows to wait for 30s too, and it has whit fonts on black screen. :)12:16
MojojojoI created that grub with Easy BCD before, but now I tried to create it again it's refused12:16
cfhowlettbekks, realized the instant I sent "send".  I hangz me in head in shame.12:17
DeathMan|yay ... make: *** [tools/qemu-xen-traditional-dir] Error 212:18
Mojojojoit's disapeared now so icant take a picture bekks :)12:18
bekksDeathMan|: The actual error is somewhere before that message.12:18
dr_willis_You can configure grub to be just a simple text menu.. or its even themeable if you want to bother12:18
bekksMojojojo: Then reboot again...12:18
dr_willis_I suggest not using easybcd12:18
dr_willis_and stick to the normal ubuntu grub212:19
Mojojojook how do i configure grub to use simple text menu?12:19
cfhowlettMojojojo, pretty sure that's the default ...12:19
HaliteHow do I get root permissions on 12.1012:19
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:20
bekks!sudo | Halite12:20
ubottuHalite: please see above12:20
ubottuHalite,: please see above12:20
dr_willis_you use sudo as needed12:20
HaliteI need to make an ubuntu32 dir12:20
dr_willis_!grub | Mojojojo12:20
ubottuMojojojo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:20
dr_willis_Mojojojo:  its a setting in /etc/default/grub12:20
HaliteHow do I mkdir with sudo12:20
dr_willis_Halite:  why do you think you need such a dir?12:20
dr_willis_Halite:  and where ecxactly do you need to make it at?12:21
DeathMan|sigh this is way too hard12:21
DeathMan|tons of erros and other stuff12:21
Halitedr_willis_, backwards compatibility and ability to download Wine12:21
DeathMan|any way to update xen from 4.1 installation?12:21
dr_willis_Halite:  cant say ive ever needed to make it when i use wine..12:21
cfhowlettDeathMan|, go to the xen package site.  look there and you'll find an update method12:21
dr_willis_DeathMan|:  look for a PPA?12:21
polacomarcin25hellow all !12:22
cfhowlettpolacomarcin25, greetings12:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:23
MonkeyDustDeathMan|  an external software source12:23
polacomarcin25im from poland12:23
polacomarcin25poland irc what is this12:24
ubottupolacomarcin25,: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:24
Mojojojohmmmm, the menu I have now is not the same I had before, before it was black screen with white back ground here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1663095/12:25
hilarieCould someone point me in the right direction on how to do step5? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MpichCluster I don't know how to make a user with a specific UID, or what a UID is for that matter12:25
MonkeyDustpolacomarcin25  it's /join #ubuntu-pl12:26
polacomarcin25jak wejsc na kanal polski irc ?12:26
=== Guest47859 is now known as kgs
Mojojojoanone read my pastebin12:26
hilariesudo chown -R root:root /home/username/ is the root:root the User ID?12:27
bekksMojojojo: A pastebin is not a screenshot.12:27
dr_willis_Why are you worried about somthing you see for about 5  seconds?12:27
bekkshilarie: NO.12:27
polacomarcin25thanks monkeydust12:27
bekkshilarie: What are you trying to do?12:27
dr_willis_hilarie:  you dont want your users files owned by root..12:27
Dark_ApostropheIs TRIM enabled by default on systems running on SSDs?12:27
dr_willis_Dark_Apostrophe:  i dont think so.12:28
Dark_ApostropheHow is it enabled, then?12:28
* xjdesx general question...anyone know how to change your ip address in terminal on ubuntu?12:28
hilariebekks trying to set up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MpichCluster specifically stuck at the user with same UID accross nodes12:28
Jonny1Good morning. I have recently noticed when I shut down my laptop, I see apache shutting down. How do I find out why I have apache running? I didnt install this. Does something else depend on it?12:28
dr_willis_Dark_Apostrophe:  i modified my fstab like the guides say12:28
hilarieJonny1 https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html12:28
Dark_Apostrophedr_willis_: Where can I find these guides?12:28
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dr_willis_Dark_Apostrophe:  i hit up google and askubuntu.com12:28
hilariexjdesx https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html gotta lvoe when you have the page up already!12:28
bekkshilarie: The User ID has NOTHING to do with the USERNAME you are using in your command.12:28
Mojojojodr_willis because I share this computer with my grandad and he is not too savvy, I want it to boot into windows 7 by default when he uses it (to simplify things) and I can make the choice when I want to use ubuntu12:28
hilarieBekks Could you point me to where I can change User IDs?12:29
hilarieBekks I am creating 10 nodes that each need a username/uid to be the same12:29
bekkshilarie: Just create a new user with the same ID (the name is irrelevant) on every node.12:29
hilariebekks how :(12:29
dr_willis_Mojojojo:  you can set up grub where windows is the default.. thats mentioned at the grub2 guides and askubuntu.com12:29
bekkshilarie: Using the useradd command.12:30
Jonny1hilarie: Neither apache nor xjdesx appears on that page12:30
hilarieuseradd -u !!!12:30
Mojojojook thanks dr_willis :) will try12:30
Dark_Apostrophedr_willis_: Found this via askubuntu, thanks! :) http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/enable-trim-on-ssd-solid-state-drives.html12:31
Jonny1If I remove apache will something else stop working? How can I find out what depends on it?12:31
hilarieBekks what should I put in the the field useradd -u stuffhere Username?12:31
ntzrmtthihu777does anyone know how to list the modules you can load?12:31
bekkshilarie: the numerical userid you want.12:32
dr_willis_every module? that would be  all the .ko files on the system :) for the current kernel12:32
nibbler__ntzrmtthihu777: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f12:32
ntzrmtthihu777Jonny1: just give it a try via apt, if it lists other packages to be removed, they depend on it12:32
hilariebekks so anything I want that is a number?12:32
Jonny1I guess I should try removing apache in synaptic and hopefully it should warn me what else depends on it. Is that the only was?12:32
bekkshilarie: That number is called "userid".12:32
thunkeeJonny1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5636/can-i-see-why-a-package-is-installed12:32
Jonny1ntzrmtthihu777: Ah you anticpiated my question12:33
=== Dmnchild_ is now known as Dmnchild
hilariebekks thank you for your time!12:33
* xjdesx i can't find it on the page...I'm sorry i know this. isn't a help section . im totally new to ubuntu12:33
* xjdesx can someone just direct me to how to change your ip address thru terminal ? ubuntu 12.0.412:34
dr_willis_xjdesx:  change for what reason?12:34
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
dr_willis_You can set a static ip if you are on a home lan..12:34
xjdesxi was ip suspended on a irc channel for talking too much too fast12:34
xjdesxpretty dumb12:34
nibbler__xjdesx: ip dev eth0; ip a d <old-ip/nm>12:34
xjdesxnot spam even12:34
dr_willis_xjdesx:  thats not going to work i imagine....12:34
Jonny1xjdesx: I think you might you ifconfig. Try man ifconfig12:35
xjdesxi did12:35
Lundy|WOrkany tools out there with a GUI to monitor my network? iv got 2 computers and a adsl router .... wanna keep a eye on traffic, if internet is up and if computers are on / off12:35
dr_willis_xjdesx:  and how are you connected to the internet?12:35
xjdesxi puled up ifconfig12:35
ntzrmtthihu777RT2870ok, I found the module, but sudo modprobe rt5572sta does not load it12:35
hilariexjdesx changing your ubuntu IP address most likely wont change your external IP address12:35
MonkeyDustxjdesx  start here http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=405312:35
Jonny1xjdesx: Or try ifconfig --help12:35
dr_willis_xjdesx:  your isp will still be giveing your router the same  ip. i imagine12:35
xjdesxyeah i know =/12:35
nibbler__xjdesx: Jonny1: first i guess changing the ip he needs to change, would mean reconnect the internet. 2nd: ifconfig, route and netstat are deprecated, ip should be used12:35
ntzrmtthihu777macchanger is nice, and tor is too12:35
xjdesxi dont have my VPN up and running either12:36
xjdesxnot on ubuntu12:36
xjdesxany good VPNS you recommend for Ubuntu?12:36
=== erry is now known as zombierry
ntzrmtthihu777haguichi for hamachi12:36
DeathMan|i give up this is retarded12:37
ntzrmtthihu777free up to five connections12:37
ntzrmtthihu777but if you use the tor browser it masks your ip12:37
nibbler__ntzrmtthihu777: why would you recommend a proprietary, untrustworthy vpn to ubuntu users?12:37
kubancHellow! I disabled blank screen after a period of minutes, but i still get it? Any idea?12:37
DeathMan|can someone tell me linux distro that already has binary package of xen 4.2.1?12:37
IloveWin8nUbuntuHello people12:38
dr_willis_DeathMan|:  check on the disrtowatch web site perhaps12:38
ntzrmtthihu777*shrug* it worked for me playing d&d over rptools, nibbler__12:38
dr_willis_DeathMan|:  or see what 13.x has12:38
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Jonny1nibbler__: I just tried ipconfig and that command is not found12:38
cfhowlettIloveWin8nUbuntu, greetings12:38
ntzrmtthihu777sudo iwconfig12:38
nibbler__ntzrmtthihu777: i never suggested it would not work, just pointing out that its neither secure, nor open, and not in the repositories i'd guess12:39
IloveWin8nUbuntuI want to install Ubuntu in a netbook. Will it affect performance?12:39
ntzrmtthihu777not the default ones, no12:39
nibbler__IloveWin8nUbuntu: sure!12:39
cfhowlettIloveWin8nUbuntu, depends.  for a low spec machine like a netbook, I suggest you try lubuntu or xubuntu ...12:39
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: Ubuntu will probably run faster than windows on any machine12:39
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IloveWin8nUbuntuNetbook I want to install is the HP Pavilion dv212:39
ntzrmtthihu777if it was running win7 before, you should expect it, big resource hog12:39
ntzrmtthihu777blech, hp. I have a need/hate relationship with them12:40
IloveWin8nUbuntuIt was running Vista Business pre-installed and boy. It was a sure lag.12:40
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: Try resizing your windows partition and installing it alongside windows and see how you go with it. If you don't like it, you can always remove it and resize the windows partition back again12:41
ntzrmtthihu777anyone? the module is here /lib/modules/3.2.0-37-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt5572sta.ko but does not load with sudo modprobe etc12:41
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: By "it" I mean Ubuntu or any other flavour like lubuntu or xubuntu as suggested by someone else12:41
ntzrmtthihu777i do gubuntu12:41
IloveWin8nUbuntu<Jonny1> Why do you guys call it "flavour" instead of "editions"?12:42
ntzrmtthihu777because windows 7 is an edition, utimate is a flavour, basically12:42
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
ntzrmtthihu777so you can have ubuntu 12th12:42
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: I have stopped being surprised how much faster my computer runs on ubuntu than windows now. Don't know why I called it a flavour. Be thankful I didnt use flava!12:42
IloveWin8nUbuntuJonny1: Haha12:43
ntzrmtthihu777so you can have ubuntu '12th edition' kubunto flavour12:43
BurritohStrictly speaking, the version numbers aren't editions, they refer to the year of release12:44
Burritohand that system only started being used after the first few versions12:44
bekksntzrmtthihu777: There is no "ubunto 12th edition". There is [k|x|l]ubuntu 12.04 and 12.1012:44
ntzrmtthihu777hey! do you think if enough people got behind it gubuntu could become standard like lubuntu or xubuntu etc?12:44
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: Recently I installed ubuntu for my not terribly computer literate friend because she suspected her windows7 was infected with malware and she didnt trust it. It was gratifying when she noticed it booted and ran much faster than windows and now she refuses to go back to windows!12:44
IloveWin8nUbuntuDamn. Looks like I wasted money upgrading to the Lenovo ThinkPad SL400. I have installed 12.10 and boy it was totally 100% pure awesome. Nice work developers,12:44
ntzrmtthihu777I'm just tryina explain the dif between flavors.12:44
Burritohntzrmtthihu777: I think so, but largely depends on Canonicals whims :P12:45
ntzrmtthihu777blech unity12:45
cyphawhello there, anyone could help me install ubuntu?12:45
ntzrmtthihu777sure, not a prob cyphaw12:45
MonkeyDustcyphaw  let's hear it12:45
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Which doesnt change the fact, that it is a) "Ubuntu" instead of "Ubunto" and b) there is no 12th edition at all.12:45
purplerain!install | cyphaw12:45
ubottucyphaw: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:45
ntzrmtthihu777xD but yeah, typo on the first, and just a way of speach12:46
MonkeyDustntzrmtthihu777  12.10 means 2012, 10th month12:46
cyphawit's a bit tricky, I can't boot on any live usb/cd, but I can boot on ubuntu which is installed on a usb stick12:46
Jonny1cyphaw: The live cd will pretty much guide you through the process. I recommend creating a separate home partition so that when you want to try another linux distribution, you can share your home with all of them12:46
ntzrmtthihu777erm, isnt that in fact a live usb?12:46
cyphawthat ubuntu doesn't have the "install ubuntu" icon on the desktop, I'd need it12:46
bekksntzrmtthihu777: A pretty childish way of speaking...12:46
Burritohcyphaw: oh.. there is a way to install from another installation. But it's nonstandard.12:46
Burritohbekks: tolerance - the Internet is full of strange people ;)12:46
cyphawBurritoh: yes, that's what I'd need12:47
* ntzrmtthihu777 shrugs12:47
IloveWin8nUbuntuCan I select the "Try Ubuntu" option when I use a CD Install? Sorry. Never used Ubuntu before.12:47
dr_willis_sounds like the usb sticks are not being made right.12:47
ntzrmtthihu777I talk how I talk, and thank you Burritoh, strange b I.12:47
bekksBurritoh: And full of people not knowing the difference between u and o :P12:47
cfhowlettcyphaw, or you can install virtualbox and test different flavors there12:47
BurritohIloveWin8nUbuntu: yeah, you can :)12:47
dr_willis_cyphaw:  there are ways to set up grub2 to boot an ISO file that you could have on that usb stick12:47
MarlincThe Canonical Teamfortress 2 server is outdated :p12:47
ntzrmtthihu777nah, i bet he actually has a full install to usb and not the "install disc" usb12:47
IloveWin8nUbuntu@Burritoh woo. Ubuntu FTW!12:48
dr_willis_You could set up a 'full install on a usb flash'  and customize its grub menu to boot an ISO file.12:48
dr_willis_if you had a big enough usb flash12:48
cyphawdr_willis_: do you have a link for that? that could indeed help12:48
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: I know the diff, I'm just getting used to a new keyboard, lol12:48
dr_willis_cyphaw:  not done it in ages.. should be plenty of guides out on booting iso file with grub212:48
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis_: yeah there is a great guide in the wiki12:49
dr_willis_cyphaw:  i just made a custom entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom for the ISO file i had.12:49
bilelis it possible to put some content in a symlink directory? I'd like to have a mirror directory, but when I put some content in it, it takes the priority on the other symlinked directory content.12:49
cyphawdr_willis_: found some docs on google, I'll try that, thx12:49
dr_willis_I had /boot/ holding an ubuntu iso file as a rescue/recovery method for a long time12:49
IloveWin8nUbuntualright. gtg.12:49
Jonny1IloveWin8nUbuntu: By the way, I think the difference between editions and flavours is that 12.04, 8.04, 8.10 and 12.10 etc are different editions of Ubuntu. Anyone else feel free to correct me. Redhat, Ubuntu, Suse etc are all different distributions of GNU/Linux. I guess I use the word flavour where I should probably use distribution.12:49
dr_willis_theres some tools at the Pendrivelinux site that can do it alwo12:49
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, /boot/iso/*.iso for me12:49
ntzrmtthihu777well [x|l|u]buntu is all one distro, but three flavours12:50
BurritohAppears kinda right... I see them as three distros which are closely related12:51
ntzrmtthihu777um, no one has taken a shot at my question :/12:51
Burritohin the same way that LMDE and Linux Mint are different distros, but have a very overlapping community and development12:51
BurritohI wasn't here when you asked :P12:51
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Jonny1Looks like ILoveWin8nUbuntu who asked the question has gone anyway, before we get too hung up on semantics. I will  probably continue to be lazy with language when it doesnt matter too much12:52
ntzrmtthihu777yay lol. I just compiled the drivers for my wireless card, but they wont load when I sudo modprobe them12:52
ntzrmtthihu777win8 = shudder.12:53
ntzrmtthihu777any idea as to why, and how I can fix?12:53
sgtkilljoyntzrmtthihu777: wat card?12:53
BurritohI haven't personally compiled drivers before... are you sure there isn't a driver with a conflicting name?12:54
ntzrmtthihu777DLink DW-16012:54
ntzrmtthihu777rev A12:54
bekksntzrmtthihu777: How can we know it, without you even giving us the chipset name and the error message?12:54
Jonny1I hate when I have to use windows. Win 7 has an annoying habit of installing updates without permission when you try to shutdown. It's particularly irritating when you have a train to catch and windows needs to stay connected to the mains and to the internet to update and there is no cancel. Or when you needed to reboot and you really need to get on with something else!12:54
ntzrmtthihu777nah, I grepped out all the similar names, only one12:54
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that rally sucks12:54
ntzrmtthihu777sorry, I had spoke of the chipset earlier, but its a new crowd it seems12:55
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ntzrmtthihu777ID 2001:3c1a D-Link Corp12:55
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Thats an USB ID, and no chipset name.12:55
ntzrmtthihu777derp, one sec12:56
sgtkilljoyntzrmtthihu777: wat drivers are u trying to install?12:56
anewwhat do you guys recomend i read to get the basics of ubuntu down ?12:57
ntzrmtthihu777rt5572sta; patched and compiled from source12:57
ntzrmtthihu777forum, anew12:57
anewlink ?12:57
rushboyhello can anyone please guide on how to install jogl2 on ubuntu ? I badly require help in this regard . Any sort of guidance is appreciated :-)12:57
anewcool thx12:57
anewwait does this have tutorials and stuff ?12:57
bekks!beginner > anew12:57
bekks!beginners > anew12:57
ThinkT510!manual | anew12:58
ubottuanew: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:58
ntzrmtthihu777it has whatever you could want, anew.12:58
sgtkilljoyntzrmtthihu777: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/229-ubuntu-precise-dlink-dwa160-revb212:58
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that's what I'm doin, hadda have someone pastebin it for me because I simply could not reach the site12:59
ntzrmtthihu777hang on, think I missed something, sgtkilljoy13:00
Coded1can anyone recommend an alternative to ciaro-dock?13:01
Soelenhello everyone, I have a problem with my utms stick right now, it worked on ubuntu 10.x but not on 12.04, what can I do?13:01
cfhowlettcoded awn13:01
cfhowlettCoded1, look in ubuntu software center for docks ...13:01
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.13:01
Jonny1Back to my apache issue. When I shut down my laptop I see apache closing. I don't know why apache is even running since I dont use my machine as a server (and dont want to). It just seems like something to eat CPU power and possibly expose my machine to incoming connections risking threats. I do have dropbox running but that doesnt appear to depend on apache. I checked in synaptic and if I mark libapr1 for removal it prompts me that the fol13:03
bilelI'm trying to set up acl following an ubuntu tutorial, it says I have to edit /etc/fstab and add an acl keywork on it, but it doesn't contain a /home partition, only "proc" and "none", what should I do?13:04
Jonny1I would also be interested to know why apache was installed and running in the first place under ubuntu desktop rather than server.13:04
bilelI'm following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions#Setting_up_ACL13:05
ThinkT510Jonny1: perhaps a dependency for something else you installed?13:05
HaliteHow do I move the bar at the left side to the bottom13:05
santaopi try so many things to  manually add win 8 entry in grub2 .i added but it gave me error '"invalid signature "" on clicking win 8 during boot .please help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/1663349/  please help me to coorct it13:05
riderplusset auto_away_time13:05
dr_willis_Halite:  short answer.. You dont13:05
ThinkT510Halite: you don't, thats the way unity is13:05
dr_willis_Halite:  if you want a bottom dock use a dock.13:06
anewwhat are 'guest additions' in ubuntu ?13:06
Jonny1ThinkT510: That's what I thought but synaptic doesn't highlight any other dependencies so I guess I can safely remove it. Just wanted to check13:06
dr_willis_Guest addations are normally for virtualbox  setups anew13:06
cfhowlettanew, they are not ubuntu.  they are part of virtual bod13:06
Halitedr_willis_, how13:06
ThinkT510anew: guest additions is for virtualbox, it allows mouse integration and shared folder support13:06
Sven_vBcan i make sed insert a blank line if the first 10 chars (date) of the line differ from the date of the previous line?13:06
dr_willis_Halite:  How what? theres numerous docks in the repos13:06
ntzrmtthihu777guest additons are a way of making a guest and host talk better, basically13:06
Jonny1cfhowlett: I think much prefer virtual bod!13:06
anewoh i see13:06
Halitedr_willis_, how do I add a dock13:07
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Which is wrong, basically.13:07
anewah ok so it is not a 'guest' in the sense of ubuntu, it's 'guest' in the sense for fb13:07
dr_willis_Halite:  fire up the package manager tools.. and install one13:07
dr_willis_!manual | Halite13:07
ubottuHalite: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:07
cfhowlettanew, correct13:07
dr_willis_!dock | Halite13:07
ubottuHalite: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.13:07
bekksntzrmtthihu777: The guest additions do provide a graphics driver, and a shared folder driver. Both have nothing to do with "talking better".13:07
HaliteHow can I choose a dock13:07
dr_willis_Halite:  flip a coin?13:07
santaopdr_willis_:  sir please help me :(13:07
dr_willis_Halite:  read their decriptions and try them all?13:07
Jonny1anew: Guest additions give you for example  folder that can be shared between your host and guest operating systems. I think it also gives you a seamless guest display rrather than the guest OS in a window13:08
dr_willis_santaop:  with?13:08
ntzrmtthihu777not really, bekks. I know what they do, I have a vbox of winxp13:08
cfhowlettHalite, make a list.  try each one.  choose a flavor.  install13:08
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Then you never read the manual of vbox.13:08
anewok, hopefully it makes the vm run faster13:08
santaopdr_willis_: grub2 ,,,,i can't boot to win 813:08
dr_willis_santaop:  i dont use Win8. no idea on it.13:08
ThinkT510anew: nothing to do with speed13:08
ntzrmtthihu777just general gist, better integration = better talking. it may not be the technical term but it works13:08
ntzrmtthihu777and not the whole thing, but I did read the section of guest additions13:09
anewrun faster = allocate more mem to the vb ?13:09
santaopdr_willis_: could you gave me documenatation to manually add window to grub213:09
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Then you know that the guest additions only provide a graphics driver and a shared folder driver. And no "better integration".13:09
cfhowlettanew, yep.  in vb, mem matters13:09
dr_willis_!grub2 | santaop13:09
ubottusantaop: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:09
rushboySorry to post this again ,but can anyone please guide on how to install jogl2 on ubuntu ? I badly require help in this regard . Any sort of guidance is appreciated :-)13:09
znfHello. I'm trying to install the Binary driver for an AMD/ATI Card. I tried using the "Restricted Drivers" option from System Settings but that didn't work out (either with the normal or -updates driver). Now I manually built the driver that I downloaded from the AMD, installed, run aticonfig --initial, rebooted, I get the "amd testing only" (downloaded the beta driver) watermark, but fglrxinfo still throws an error. Any other help I can get?13:09
anewok let me give it a little more mem13:09
ntzrmtthihu777so you would not consider seamles mode to be a better integration between host and guest, then?13:10
ThinkT510anew: memory can help but very difficult to know by how much13:10
Jonny1anew: I doubt it will make the vm run faster, possibly a little slower but not noticeably. I use guest additions so I can share files between my host ubuntu and guest OS. It wont allocate more memory to the vm. You choose how much memory to allocate in the vm's settings13:10
bekksntzrmtthihu777: I dont use seamless mode at all. :)13:10
ntzrmtthihu777or sharing folders13:10
Guest21321Gday !13:11
Jonny1anew: I also like seamless mode but it's not everyones choice13:11
znfIn addition, when I try "modprobe fglrx", I get module not found :-/13:11
Jonny1!hello | Guest2132113:11
bekksntzrmtthihu777: And it is working just because of the grapics driver provided by the guest additions. And shared folders dont integrate anything, the just create the ability of shring files between host and guest without involving a network connection.13:11
ThinkT510Jonny1: that factoid was removed years ago13:11
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Since which version do you use vbox?13:11
anewhmmm seelmess mode seems to not be available for me13:11
ntzrmtthihu777my router and card do not really "shake hands", but that is what its called anyways. I generalize to get the point across, it lets your guest/host transfer files/data, "talk"13:11
Jonny1ThinkT510: Oh well!13:11
stu314Hi. I am trying to downgrade "compiz" on precise due to segfaults in new version. I do "apt-get install compiz=oldversion", but I am getting an error: "Version '1:' for 'compiz' was not found". Do I need to add some "archive" source to sources.list?13:12
Jonny1Guess it was though impolite13:12
ntzrmtthihu777hah, so you gonna pull the old-timer card?13:12
bekksntzrmtthihu777: No, I am just curious.13:12
ThinkT510Jonny1: people just kept abusing it13:12
ntzrmtthihu777Im a linux greenie, almost a year now13:12
ntzrmtthihu777vbox about half the time.13:13
Jonny1ntzrmtthihu777: Welcome to this wonderful world! I've been a greenie since 2008!13:13
kj4brownie since 9913:13
ThinkT510stu314: downgrading isn't really supported13:13
Jonny1Guest21321: How can we help you? Just ask your question.13:14
ntzrmtthihu777I only use win$ as absolutely needed, and I am making my own solutions to get away from it, lol.13:14
ntzrmtthihu777thankya Jonny113:14
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Welcome to vbox then - I have to pull the old-timer card, since using it since 2007 ;)13:14
anewshould i change base mem or video mem ?13:14
bekksanew: Yes, change them to your needs.13:14
anewok made base mem 2gb13:14
bekksanew: How much RAM does your computer have?13:15
ntzrmtthihu777honestly once I finish the tools I am working on I may do away with vbox, wont need winxp anymore13:15
viashimohello; is there any way to connect hdmi without having to reboot? I'm using 12.0413:15
Jonny1anew: If you are trying to make your vm faster, then try it. You can always change it back. Just be aware that the more resources you allocate to your guest OS, the less will be available to your host OS13:15
stu314ThinkT510: Do you mean, that it is not possible to find the older version in any source?13:15
znfSo... nobody? AMD/ATI video problems?13:15
Jonny1viashimo: Yes, just plug it in. It should start working immediately13:15
Jonny1anew: If your host machine doesnt have much memory you could run into problems13:16
ThinkT510stu314: i only stick to what is in the default repos, adding other repos is a very easy and quick way to mess up dependencies, i really wouldn't recommend it13:16
viashimoJonny1, it doesn't unfortunately. xrandr shows that HDMI is disconnected. my monitor picks up no signal and sleeps13:16
anewi dunno why my vm is going so slow13:16
ThinkT510anew: unity doesn't perform well in a vm13:16
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I gave my winxp vbox 1 of my 6 gigs, plenty for that13:17
anewis there something else i can run with ubuntu instead of unity13:17
ThinkT510anew: plenty, my favourite is xfce13:17
anewor at least turn down all these graphics options in sentence13:17
Jonny1viashimo: Oh bummer! Mine just works when I plug it in (not that that helps you, unfortunately) but I remember I did enable the second monitor in the Displays applet under settings13:17
cfhowlettanew, of course.  logout login and choose a different session13:17
laddu_o/ I've got wifi issues. Ath9k driver keeps disconnected. My wifi card is AR982X. My dmesg shows wlan0 link disconnected. I've tried instlal wicd. I've tried the hwconf edit. I've tried installing compat-drivers. WHY is wifi such a difficult thing to setup is mind boggling...I've googled around for days. If I cannot receive I response, I feel I'll need to revert back to windows. I really need this to work. Please help me.13:17
ThinkT510anew: theres also kde, gnome-shell, lxde, enlightenment13:18
Jonny1anew: I like gnome classic13:18
cfhowlettanew, or you can install others ... xfce  kde lxde ...13:18
anewand i can access all those just by logging out and back in ?13:18
viashimoJonny1, I normally have clone display set for 2nd monitors. works fine with vga. I'll keep poking around, thanks anyway :)13:18
stu314ThinkT510: You probably misunderstood my question. The desktop does not work, compiz segfaults. There is no way to use the computer, my only option is to downgrade. I don't need a recommendation, how to not mess dependencies, I need a way to install an older version of a messed up package.13:18
ThinkT510anew: once they are installed you select them on the login screen13:18
anewwhat is the most basic, gnome classic13:19
ThinkT510stu314: ok, sorry13:19
Guest21321<Jonny1> Can I message you ?13:19
Jonny1stu314: In synaptic you can right click on a package and force it to use an older version13:19
laddu_anyone ;_;?13:19
ThinkT510anew: lxde would likely be the lightest13:19
Jonny1Guest21321: Yes but it's better to ask your question here so everyone else can see it and if anyone else knows an answer they can chip in13:19
anewgreat let me give that one a shot13:20
anewthis channel is great13:20
Jonny1OK. I'm going to remove apache. I hope it doesnt break anything13:20
Jonny1anew: It certainly is. Lots of helpful people around.13:20
iorialaddu_:  can you ping something ?13:20
Jonny1Before I remove apache, does anyone have any reason for me to keep it (don't want to break anything)13:21
stu314Jonny1: The problem is, apt-get can't find the older version. So I thought, that it is probably not in the sources anymore. Am I right? Are older versions deleted from the sources?13:21
anewok installing lxde so this one should not use a lot of mem i'm hoping13:21
Jonny1stu314: No idea. Have you tried it from synaptic?13:21
Jonny1stu314: sudo apt-get install synaptic if you don't already have it. I much prefer synaptic to the Software manager13:22
ntzrmtthihu777unity does not perform well at all *chuckle*13:22
ntzrmtthihu777am I still connected13:22
Joel__Whoop, there is quite a lot of people here.13:22
Jonny1ntzrmtthihu777: Yes you are. I just find Unity to be user unfriendly. Gnome is much easier to use in my not very humble opinion13:22
stu314Jonny1: Never mind, thank you.13:23
Joel__I am about to install ubuntu 12.10, what would you guys recommend for installation, a new partion on the harddrive or can I just install it and I get some sort of dualboot? I've never tried two OS'es at once.13:23
Jonny1anew: I don't know if gnome classic is most basic. It's just the interface I am used to since Ubuntu 8.0413:23
anewi'm giving lxde a shot13:23
anewi need it to run on 512 because my raspberry pi is coming soon13:23
ThinkT510Joel__: a new partition would be a dual boot13:24
ntzrmtthihu777I like my old-school gnome-falback, lol13:24
HaliteThe manual doesn't tell me how to install a desktop interface other than Unity13:24
bileldo you know why "fdisk -l" can fail on ubuntu 10.01 lucid? It tells me 'cannot open /proc/partitions"?13:24
Jonny1Joel__: What do you have running already? I recommend a new partition in case it doesnt work. Then you can fallback on whatever you already had working. I never trust a new edition until I've seen it working13:24
arunkumar413how to load the correct kernel module and driver for my laptop sound card13:24
HaliteI'd prefer an interface that looks like Windows 713:24
bilel10.04* lucid13:24
Joel__ThinkT510: Ah, then I do one then, can the ubuntu OS access the files from the windows partion?13:24
cfhowlettHalite, xfce or lxde13:24
* riderplus Go away!13:25
ntzrmtthihu777dude, I feel like such a geek. I am using irssi, an in-terminal irc client, and I use lynx, a terminal web-browser, prowl the forums :D13:25
Jonny1Halite: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/classicgnome13:25
ThinkT510anew: mind if i ask what do you plan to use your pi for? i've been contemplating getting one13:25
anewwell two things13:25
Guest21321Jonny1 Thanks for the attention ! I dont need a help for now . Its just my first time in this channel ! Gday to All !13:25
ThinkT510Joel__: indeed, ntfs support works great13:25
Joel__Jonny1: I am a ol' windows user,  I wanna give ubuntu a  shot. I run W7 at the moment and wanna convert to ubuntu-12.10 pretty much13:25
anew1) play around as a webserver and 2) (my real use for it) running perl scripts13:25
Joel__ThinkT510: So the new partion doesnt need to be huge then? Just enough for the OS?13:26
Jonny1Joel__: I remember the feeling. I recommend resizing your windows partition, then creating a partition of about 20-50 GB for your Ubuntu OS, a swap partition of approximately 1-2 times your RAM and then the rest can be a home partition for your files.13:26
ThinkT510Joel__: and whatever you install, yeah13:26
ntzrmtthihu777sudo apt-get install whatever, in general Halite13:27
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I came here first after installing irssi just to test it out13:27
SkyrdrHah, well... this sucks..13:27
Joel__Jonny1: Thanks man, will give that a shot.13:27
SkyrdrI installed some ATI package(s), and now I can only see desktop item(s) that I installed.13:27
SkyrdrThe above / side bar is missing now after a reboot.13:28
Jonny1Joel__: If you later want to try another distro or edition, you can simply shrink the home partition to make room for it. I use 12.04 as it's a long term support edition so possibly more stable. I just tried installing 12.10 on my work laptop and there are some problems I havent fixed yet.13:28
ntzrmtthihu777sup Skyrdr?13:28
SkyrdrI wonder who to revert the packages13:28
ntzrmtthihu777press alt+f2 and type gnome-panel13:28
SkyrdrThat I installed.. I assume this is the cause of the ati package.13:28
murlidharhi all. how to run java run time apps from internet ?13:28
Jonny1But that may be down to the crappy Toshiba laptop I have at work (it won't even boot from USB even though it's enabled in the BIOS)13:28
murlidharsome java games need it13:28
Joel__Jonny1: Ah thanks for warning me. I am getting the 12.04 then. :) How hard is it to up a distro then? Just download it?13:28
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:28
anewthinkt510 when you say 'lightweight' does that mean use the least resources ?13:29
ThinkT510!install | Joel__13:29
ubottuJoel__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:29
ThinkT510anew: yes13:29
ntzrmtthihu777I install my java from ppa, I can give you a link if you like, murlidhar13:29
Jonny1Joel__: Follow the instructions at the ubuntu download page. Create a live CD and then go for it13:29
SkyrdrAlmost nothing works..13:29
murlidharntzrmtthihu777: sure13:29
SkyrdrThe only thing that works is rightclick, create directories.13:29
Jonny1Joel__: Sorry, I mean, just boot from it and try it13:29
Skyrdrand getting in the system settings.13:29
Joel__Jonny1: Is it bootable from an USB too?13:29
ThinkT510anew: if you want to go even lighter there are things like fluxbox or maybe a tiling wm if you are feeling adventurous13:30
murlidharntzrmtthihu777: thanks :)13:30
anewwhat about lubuntu ?13:30
Coded1has any one tried sidewall on 12.10?13:30
Jonny1Joel__: Yes, but not if you are using my crappy Toshiba!13:30
ntzrmtthihu777did you try the alt+f2 thingus?13:30
SkyrdrYup, nothing happens.13:30
savagecrocI'm setting up an ubuntu server (which will also be their internet gateway) and a network with 20 computers. What is an easy way of allowing all the computers to communicate to the server but preventing communication between the computers?13:30
ThinkT510anew: lubuntu is ubuntu with lxde by default13:30
Coded1W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/fioan89/slidewall/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found13:30
Jonny1Joel__: For some reason I am in the habit of always installing from CD. Probably because my old computers couldnt boot from USB13:30
anewi dont get the difference between lubuntu and lxde ?13:30
Joel__Jonny1: Haha thank god my pc got USB support on boot13:30
ntzrmtthihu777nope, no idea Coded113:31
anewlubuntu is built on lxde so lxde is actually lighter ?13:31
cfhowlettanew, get them both13:31
Joel__Jonny1: I never installed from USB, always used a disc myself too. I dont trust USB's really.13:31
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I know the feel Jonny113:31
ThinkT510anew: lxde is the desktop environment, lubuntu is a meta package which provides lxde and some other default apps13:31
cfhowlettanew, different set of packages by default. lighter system load is the goal of both xubuntu and lubutnu13:31
ntzrmtthihu777I use usb mostly now13:31
Halitewhat about kubuntu13:32
Joel__I downloaded the windows ubuntu installer thing, I hope it make me able to select the partion. :P13:32
Jonny1Joel__: ntzrmtthihu777: For an old geezer like me there is also some comfort in having a disc in my hand that I can right on with a marker pen13:32
ntzrmtthihu777unetbootin gave me shit, but the usb-creator-gtk does the trick well13:32
Jonny1And CDs are cheaper too13:32
SkyrdrI'm stuck now13:32
* ntzrmtthihu777 llols13:32
ThinkT510Halite: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde by default13:32
Jonny1Or even write on (I should be able to spell better)13:33
cfhowlettJoel__, windows installer is for installing ubuntu as  fake "windows" program.  It's for testiing purposes....13:33
ntzrmtthihu777and they need to (re)make gubuntu *rawr*13:33
MonkeyDustJonny1  yes, but usb sticks can be erased and used for the next version13:33
purplerainwhat's a gubuntu?13:33
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, wubi.exe = fail13:33
maxbCDs are also very slow13:33
Joel__cfhowlett: So it's kind of a virtual OS/machine?13:33
Jonny1Joel__: If you use the windows installer it will install ubuntu as an application running under windows. Kind of like a virtual OS13:33
ThinkT510Joel__: avoid wubi, a vm would be better than wubi13:33
ntzrmtthihu777it does not exist, but it should. ubuntu with pure gnome lol13:33
Jonny1Joel__: To install it on a partition, you need to boot from a live CD or live USB13:34
ThinkT510Joel__: not exactly like a vm because no emulation takes place13:34
Joel__Then I avoid the Wubi haha.13:34
cfhowlettJoel__, no it actually is ubuntu running but the configuration is a mock "windows" compatible package13:34
Halitethere should be Wubuntu13:34
MonkeyDustntzrmtthihu777  there's gnome-remix13:34
Joel__If you guys would recommend any kind of OS, would you recommend ubuntu?13:35
anewhmm i think i'll go with lubuntu13:35
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I heard of that. I just did my fallback and I'm good. I just wish it had a default like kxlbuntu does13:35
purplerainntzrmtthihu777: what happen if you download ubuntu core and then install the gnome-core package. isn't it the same like "pure" gnome?13:35
MonkeyDustJoel__  yes, as this is the ubuntu channel13:35
cfhowlettJoel__, ummm ... yes??? (as he asks in #ubuntu ..._13:35
HaliteWubuntu would have a Windows interface (probably not gnome) and would be compatible with Windows .exe13:35
Joel__Haha yeah I know this is ubuntu but I am not familiar with the other similar OS'es13:35
ntzrmtthihu777I just mean it should be an option to download the iso with it default like ubuntu13:35
Joel__I am downloading the 12.04 iso now13:36
ntzrmtthihu777!wine | Halite13:36
ubottuHalite: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:36
Jonny1MonkeyDust: I didn't say I wasnt old fashioned. My collection of CDs mean I can install old versions not available for download if I want. I own two old machines that cannot run anything beyond 8.04. Then again rewritable CDs or DVDs are still cheaper than USB sticks.13:36
ioriaJoel: if you love risk, you can install cygwin and the gnome enviroment13:36
MonkeyDustHalite  there's a ubuntu fork with a windows-like look, i forget the name and it's not supported here13:36
ThinkT510Joel__: if in doubt, try it out in a vm. a vm is a brilliant testing environment (you can mess up anything you want in a vm)13:36
Halitentzrmtthihu777, WINE is too confusing13:36
Joel__ioria: Since I got no experience at all with the OS I rather take the safe route. :)13:36
ntzrmtthihu777no, its very easy ^_^13:36
ntzrmtthihu777in fact if you have the gnome destop the wine programs have their own division in the "start menu"13:37
Jonny1Joel__: It's a matter of personal preference. I prefer Ubuntu because when I first went to linux back in 2008 it was the first one I found easy to install. I think I also tried opensuse and something else but I couldnt figure them out. Ubuntu just installed from the CD and worked13:38
* riderplus is back from the dead. Gone 0 hrs 13 min 10 secs13:38
bilelIs this tutorial valid for ubuntu 10.04 lucid? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissionsACLs), I don't have any "home" entry in "/etc/fstab" please help me13:38
anewman i'm confused, lubuntu is lxde+ubuntu... so then what is lxde by itself then? is that possible to install ?13:38
ThinkT510!away | riderplus13:38
ubotturiderplus: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»13:38
ntzrmtthihu777that's because your home folder is not on a separate partition13:38
Jonny1Joel__: I also use Ubuntu Studio. You could try Ubuntu Satanic Edition if you like heavy metal and want a laugh13:38
jribbilel: what do you have in /etc/fstab?13:38
MonkeyDustbilel  instead of struggling with 10.04, consider upgrading... 10.04 will be unsupported in a few weeks from now13:38
cfhowlettanew, yes.  as I said, you can install lxde13:39
ntzrmtthihu777holy sh*t, that exists Jonny1 ?13:39
ThinkT510anew: lxde is the desktop environment, if you are already on any ubuntu flavour then you can install lxde13:39
Joel__Jonny1: It sounds like a safe bet then. I'll burn it to a CD then. :)13:39
hutonggator_lubuntu is ubuntu with lxde and a suite of applications as well as a nice startup screen and custom settings to make it pretty13:39
anewcan you install lxde without ubuntu ?13:39
cfhowlettanew, install it to what?13:39
Joel__If I want photoshop to run on ubuntu, will I need to use WINE or something like that?13:39
ThinkT510anew: what do you mean?13:39
Jonny1bilel: That could just mean you don't have a separate home partition and your /home is simply a subdirectory to / (the root directory)13:39
bileljrib: http://pastebin.com/Yb8Sfh1513:39
Jonny1ntzrmtthihu777: Google it. It's a laugh13:39
hutonggator_you can anew, download the mini iso13:39
ntzrmtthihu777likely, Joel__. or learn to GIMP13:39
cfhowlettJoel__, wine maybe.  OR you could use gimp13:39
jribbilel: what's the output of « mount »?13:40
anewdunno ... so if i install lxde, and i have ubuntu - isnt that essentially lubuntu ?13:40
hutonggator_and apt-get install lxde13:40
BluesKajanew, lxde is the desktop , ubuntu is the OS ..do some research13:40
ThinkT510anew: yes13:40
Joel__I refuse to use GIMP. Only bad experience from that satanic software.13:40
ntzrmtthihu777I GIMP and imagemagick the hell outta stuff13:40
bileljrib: "/dev/vzfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)"13:40
cfhowlettanew, no. lxde is ONLY the desktop environment.  lubuntu-desktop is the metapackage of all the lubuntu applications13:40
hutonggator_if you install lxde it's not lubuntu as lubuntu has some differences in configuration from the stock lxde13:40
anewmmmm i see13:40
anewok i think i understand now, thanks13:40
jribbilel: you're using openvz?13:41
anewso the 'most' lightweight thing to have would be lxde plus ubuntu13:41
ntzrmtthihu777ubuntu + lxde + other apps = lubuntu13:41
anewNOT lubuntu13:41
ThinkT510!lubuntu | anew13:41
ubottuanew: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:41
Jonny1Joel__: Probably. However, there are some programs that wont install under WINE. For them you might need windows running in a virtual box. I use GIMP that comes free with Ubuntu. Once you get used to it and read the wiki you will find it pretty powerful. It might not have all the bells and whistles of photoshop but I like it13:41
hutonggator_if you're going for lightweight just start with lubuntu13:41
ntzrmtthihu777Yeah, I have my vbox for RPG Maker XP13:41
hutonggator_it's easier13:42
ioriaanew: i'm with lubuntu on a pentium 3 with 500 mb ram13:42
cfhowlettPhotoshop 2003 is free online from adobe fwiw13:42
rj_Hello ; any one tell me about over heating and loss battery power in ubuntu 12.1013:42
Jonny1ioria: Wow!13:42
ntzrmtthihu777what kinda laptop, rj_ ?13:42
hutonggator_as it seems that you don't know where to start with lxde, another option would be to install lxde and just the lubuntu-settings package13:42
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)13:42
bileljrib: not me, I have a virtual host, it's like shared hosting but withouth sharing the system resources with others, each people has its own limitation, i's isolated apparently13:42
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux13:42
anewhutonggator i think i'll just download lubuntu13:42
ThinkT510!msgthebot | Halite13:42
ubottuHalite: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:42
rj_acer E1-571G13:42
anewseems eaiser, but still a tad confused on the difference, seems lubuntu has more apps13:43
hutonggator_yeah :-) i think that's the best idea13:43
JustakillI have a corsair k90 keyboard and I can't get it to work properly in ubuntu. its a 16 bit usb keyboard13:43
jribbilel: ask your provider how you can enable ACLs then.  They may not even allow you to13:43
rj_with dual graphics card13:43
Joel__Jonny1: Ah I see. I've grown up with PS and uses it daily so not having that would be kinda sad.13:43
Justakillanyone here know how I could get it to work13:43
ThinkT510anew: no, lubuntu has a different set of default apps, thats all13:43
ntzrmtthihu777rj, what kinda laptop?13:43
ntzrmtthihu777if its an hp its got nothing to do with ubuntu, hp is notoreous for overheating.13:44
Coded1is there something similar to sidewall (clock/widget overlays, live earth, etc) ?13:44
Coded1for wallpaper13:44
Jonny1Joel__: I'm not saying it wont work under WINE. You wont know till you try it. I have some windows apps I still need to run. I run some of them under wine and some under windows xp on virtual box13:44
ioriaanew: but you can install what you want13:44
ntzrmtthihu777conky is nice, Coded113:44
cfhowlettCoded1, look in the software center ....13:44
ioriaanew: i installed gnome too13:44
hutonggator_basically the lubuntu makers decided on a suite of applicaitons that they thought met the goals for the lubuntu project13:44
* ntzrmtthihu777 byes13:44
MonkeyDustHalite  i guess you want zorin, support in #zorinos13:44
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hutonggator_and made those default in a standard lubuntu installation13:44
Joel__Jonny1: Ah then I get to see if it works. Does WINE have an impact on the perfomance?13:44
* riderplus is away: (gone away) [BX-MsgLog On]13:45
ubottuJoel__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:45
Jonny1Joel__: I would also recommend you install gnome classic as your desktop environment13:45
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.13:45
* riderplus is back from the dead. Gone 0 hrs 0 min 14 secs13:45
jribriderplus: please disable the public away notifications13:45
ThinkT510riderplus: turn that off please13:45
Jonny1Joel__: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/classicgnome13:45
bileljrib: I don't see why I'd wont be allowed, I have no limitation I can install all the packages I want and so13:46
Jonny1Joel__: You will also probably want medibuntu13:46
jribbilel: well ask your provider :)13:46
=== hatake is now known as terlalu
Joel__Jonny1: Some sort of multimedia thing?13:47
bileljrib: ok..13:47
a2rHi, I have a weird problem. I was on my Ubuntu 12.04 installation and wanted to try the new KDE, so I installed it from kubuntu-ppa/backports and then my audio input was weirdly broken, so i removed it again, after a reboot the computer schows me only this http://i.imgur.com/bRgFmaY.jpg (last sentence is mountall: connection to plymouth closed. Does anybode have some tipps?13:47
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:47
ThinkT510Joel__: most people won't need medibuntu13:47
Jonny1Joel__: It gives you things like DVD and MP3 support13:47
rj_my acer aspire E1 laptop lose power13:48
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:48
ThinkT510Jonny1: mp3 support is available in the default repos already13:48
Joel__Why wont it support dvd and such in the first place?13:48
ThinkT510Jonny1: has been for years13:48
cfhowlettJoel__, because those are propietary codecs13:48
Jonny1Joel__: Also see restricted extras. Because of a licensing issue. The DVD encrypted format can't be released under the GNU Public Licence I think13:49
ThinkT510Joel__: lisence issues13:49
Jonny1ThinkT510: Shows how out of date, I am13:49
Joel__Ah. Thats odd13:49
SterkaSorhi will the feutures and things for unity that will land in 13.04 be backported to ubuntu 12.04.*?13:50
Jonny1Joel__: It's a slight pain of open source but there is a way round it. Just installing proprietary codecs sorts it. I think they can't be included in Ubuntu because in some countries they might not be legal or something like that. I forget exactly why but it probably mentions something in the webpages other people posted13:51
theadminSterkaSor: Usually not, unless someone else does it.13:51
DJonesSterkaSor: Generally no, some things may be, but normally, the versions in 12.04 will stay the same13:51
ubottuSterkaSor,: Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:51
SterkaSortheadmin: what is then benifit of running LTS?13:51
Joel__Jonny1: I never thought there would be such a problem, I've used windows 7 all the time and took it all for granted eh? :P13:51
ThinkT510SterkaSor: longer support13:52
cfhowlettSterkaSor, long term support ... 5 years for 12.0413:52
Jonny1Joel__: Are you OK for a few minutes? I have to reboot into win7 now as my work's remote desktop connection doesnt work under ubuntu since they couldnt be arsed to develop it for linux. I will be back in a few minutes13:52
DJonesSterkaSor: Stability, people planning to use it know that the software versions won't change13:52
SterkaSorThinkT510 and cfhowlett yeah I know longer support. But how does it help when package gets outdated?13:52
Joel__Jonny1: Aight, godspeed! :)13:52
hutonggator_it's like buying a sedan vs. an experimental race car you know the sedan will work for a while13:52
hutonggator_the race car could break down and you'd need to install new components or tinker more13:53
jribSterkaSor: what you are thinking of as "outdated", others think of as "stable".  Newer software isn't necessarily better software13:53
SterkaSorDJones: outdated package is not the same has program will work during al does years correctly.13:53
Jonny1Joel__: You will get used to the limitations. Generally less than the limitations windows puts on you but ultimately you will decide what you prefer and make your own choice what you use. You can always go back to win when you need to13:53
cfhowlettSterkaSor, the overall LTS releases are more "polished" and less bleeding edge than the interim releases.  future updates can be had via backports or manually installing them.13:53
cfhowlettSterkaSor, for example, I installed libreoffice 4.0 last night.  not in the repos, yet.  3 command lines, 15 minutes, done.13:54
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
mike304morning guys13:56
HyperbyteInstalling Ubuntu on my laptop says, near the end of the install, "the installer has encountered an unrecoverable error"... any way it's going to tell me what exactly the error is, so I can fix it? :)13:57
cfhowlettmike304, greetings13:57
mike304anyone experiencing random freeze and then restart right after that?13:57
cfhowlettHyperbyte, is it still running?13:57
ubottumike304,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:57
Hyperbytecfhowlett, sure, it dropped me to a desktop session13:57
nibbler__Hyperbyte: try accessing the text-consoles (ctrl)-alt-f1-f413:58
purplerainmike304: random freeze after GRUB?13:58
mike304not sure13:58
mike304its just random freezeing, mouse stops working13:58
mike304and then it restarts13:58
Hyperbytenibbler__, no info there, just shells13:58
cfhowlettHyperbyte, good deal.   access console, check the logs.  sadly IDK which log you'll want, but it should be there somewhere13:58
cfhowlett!details|mike304, not enough info to help.  details matter.13:59
ubottumike304, not enough info to help.  details matter.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:59
nibbler__Hyperbyte: check higher consoles13:59
Jonny1Joel__: The things I prefer about Ubuntu: I can install ubuntu in under an hour and it comes with a bunch of apps built in. My current record with win xp and all the updates is a day and a half and about twenty reboots (or at least it feels like it). Installing software is usually very quick and can be done with one command from the command line or is as simple as clicking a box and pressing submit in the Software Centre. Occasionally if th13:59
Jonny1Joel__: Then you add better security and almost complete immunity to viruses. I could go on ad nauseam!14:00
Joel__Jonny1: I saw my friend play around with it in school. All he seems to do is to play around in terminal and update his OS.14:00
Hyperbytecfhowlett, nice!  Found it... in /var/log/installer/dm... it says "Illegal instruction" :-)  Hopefully there's more somewhere.14:00
Jonny1Joel__: Maybe he's a geek!14:00
* cfhowlett ... MAYBE he's a geek???14:00
Joel__Hes an ubuntu fanboy alright, if he was on I would let him guidem through the process but hes probably off somewhere installing ubuntu on a machine from '9714:01
Jonny1My friend doesnt know anything technical about computers and she is quite happy using ubuntu. In fact she prefer's it to windows now and that happened on the first day14:01
Joel__I've got the iso downloaded, would it just be that easy to burn it with nero or something, then boot the cd?14:01
=== terlalu is now known as terajana
theadminJoel__: Yeah, just burn the image like you normally would.14:01
cfhowlettJoel__, nero is good14:01
Jonny1Joel__: You have to burn it as an image not as a file but yes14:02
theadminJoel__: You can also use a USB stick.14:02
ioriaJoel_: pay attention... not copy but burn the compressed image14:02
Jonny1Joel__: You can get under the hood as much or as little as you like.14:02
Joel__theadmin: How would I proceed to do on an USB? Just put the file on there and then boot from USB? THat easy?14:03
MonkeyDustJoel__  use unetbootin14:03
theadminJoel__: No, not that easy14:03
Joel__Jonny1: Nero seem to know how to burn Iso files haha14:03
cfhowlettJoel__, unetbootin14:03
Jonny1Joel__: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8ion=1&#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=3&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=4y_HAmpQI9iWbKQhBMlKGQ&cp=23&gs_id=8&xhr=t&q=install+ubuntu+from+usb&es_nrs=true&pf=p&newwindow=1&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=install+ubuntu+from+usb&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.d2k&fp=c73b2e14325bafc9&biw=1280&bih=93814:03
theadminJoel__: Use the imagewriter tool provided by the Ubuntu team, or unetbootin14:03
MonkeyDustJoel__  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:04
theadminJoel__: or dd, if you're on a UNIX system.14:04
Jonny1Joel__: Sorry that was my google search for install ubuntu from usb. What I meant to post was https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:04
VlanXit is not possible to have nautilus to sort the folder based theyr size, right?14:04
Jonny1VlanX: I don't see why not. View the file list as a detail view and then click on the date column14:05
theadminVlanX: Folders don't have size14:05
jribVlanX: right click → arrange items → by size14:05
Joel__Okay I'll download the software for boot from usb now. :p14:05
theadminjrib, Jonny1: Folders don't have "size" as such. I'm not sure if that's the case for Nautilus, but Thunar only displays the overall size of all items in a folder if I go into its' properties14:06
Jonny1Joel__: Good luck. If  you can stay in here on another device, people will be able to hold your hand if you encounter problems14:06
theadminQuite likely that Nautilus acts in a similar fashion14:06
Joel__Jonny1: For this occasion I wish I brought home my schoollaptop14:07
Jonny1Joel__: I use an irc client on my phone when I have problems with my computer and I cant get access to another computer14:07
mvt007geekwhat is DVEVM boards? and is a usb nand flash?14:07
Jonny1Joel__: But the first time I installed Ubuntu I didnt even know about IRC or the forums and it installed with no problems. This was back in 2008 on ubuntu 8.0414:08
jribtheadmin: I think nautilus just computes the sum of the sizes of files in the directory14:08
livingdaylightcan i install ubuntu on my HTC Desire HD?14:08
Joel__Jonny1: I should be alright, I am just installing it on another partion so nothing should go wrong haha14:08
thaurwylthIs this information dated or current? Ubuntu 12.04 here. 'Like other USB  devices, Terratec audio devices do not have hardware mixers. You need to create a custom .asoundrc file, using the softvol  plugin, to provide software level mixing.14:08
Jonny1Back in a minute. I need to boot into windows14:08
cfhowlettlivingdaylight, is that a phone?14:08
Jonny1For my work remote connection14:09
theadminjrib: Thunar seems to get the data from the output of "ls -l" or somesuch, because all folders are displayed with a 4K size14:09
livingdaylightcfhowlett: yes14:09
neowbDoes anyone know how I can use my ext4 formatted USB drive from multiple Computers and Ubuntu accounts without Ubuntu restricting the newly created files and folders???14:09
ubottulivingdaylight,: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.14:09
ubottulivingdaylight,: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone14:09
mvt007geekwhat is DVEVM boards? and is a usb nand flash?14:09
hilarieOkay, I need help installing a package that works for 12.10, but is broken for 12.04, and I would rather not upgrade 10 machines to 12.10 for one package, is this at all possible?14:09
ubottumvt007geek,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:09
jribhilarie: be more specific14:09
MonkeyDustmvt007geek  http://www.dm6446.com/dvevm/14:09
hilariejrib mpich2 - 1.4.1-4ubuntu114:09
cfhowletthilarie, possibly.  details ....14:10
vekexasiaHello everyone. I'm getting mad trying to filter the mysql traffic with iptraf 3.0... It always show me 014:10
hilarieThis bug is getting me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mpich2/+bug/103805114:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 1038051 in mpich2 (Ubuntu) "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libmpich.so.3: undefined symbol: MPL_env2str" [Undecided,Fix released]14:10
jribhilarie: you should say how it's broken and link to bug report14:10
neowbmvt007geek  was the question towards me?14:10
mvt007geekneowb: why? :)14:11
hilarieThis is the error I am getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1663737/ and this is the bug report I believe is affecting me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mpich2/+bug/103805114:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1038051 in mpich2 (Ubuntu) "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libmpich.so.3: undefined symbol: MPL_env2str" [Undecided,Fix released]14:11
mvt007geekMonkeyDust: so it is something like pandaboard?14:12
neowbwasnt sure nvm  I can now see its not :)14:12
mvt007geekMonkeyDust: an embeded?14:12
jribhilarie: seems like the fix should be backported since the package is unusable without it.... But you can grab the source package from 12.10 and attempt to rebuild it on 12.04.  That's probably the most straightforward method.  Also see ubottu about backports, there may be some hints there14:12
jrib!backport | hilarie14:12
ubottuhilarie: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:12
MonkeyDustmvt007geek  i had never heard about it before you asked, maybe that link is useful to you14:12
hilarieOh god, building from source is scary though14:12
mvt007geekMonkeyDust: yes that was  my friend14:13
Jonny1hilarie: Dont sweat it. Just follow instructions and work methodically14:13
Jonny1hilarie: For me it's not scary, I am jsut lazy!14:13
jribhilarie: you're just build a package from the source package.  It's not the same as what you are thinking of when you say "building from source" probably14:14
jrib!source | hilarie14:14
ubottuhilarie: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html14:14
hilarieEvery time I have broken away from apt-get something or the other, I have blown up my server, for instance, I once found something that had me enable the debian Sid repo for a dependancy....14:14
jribhilarie: here's the sru process.  You might want to request that it be done if this package is unusable without the fix in 12.04:14:15
yeatshilarie: yeah - that's when you weigh the benefits of installing the package vs. the cost of the pain installing it and risking your system14:15
jrib!sru | hilarie14:15
ubottuhilarie: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:15
jribhilarie: you aren't breaking away from apt-get14:15
Jonny1hilarie: You could test it on a virtual box guest OS first to mitigate the risk14:16
Jonny1or on another machjine14:16
hilarieThese are all already in virtualbox, I suppose I could make snapshots...14:16
some1_hi there14:16
yeatshilarie: yep +1 to that idea14:16
hilarieI am 30 hours into making an imaginary beowulf cluster14:16
Burritohwow, this ubottu thing really knows its stuff :P14:16
some1_happy ubuntu-ing14:16
hilarie28 of which was on virtualbox networking14:16
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:17
yeatshilarie: wow - you might consider KVM for that14:17
yeatshilarie: oh -nevermind - I though you meant 28 machines - sorry ;-)14:17
LaserSharkaptitude! no wait, apt-get.14:17
hilarie10 Machines :)14:17
yeatshilarie: well it would be a project for another day, but you might *still* want to look into KVM14:18
hilarieYeats My next project is actually just that, want to set up a home cloud and see if you can make 1 cloud virtual machine and have it span accross many computers14:19
yeatshilarie: cool14:19
VlanXjrib: no, i mean how to recursively view the size of every folder...14:20
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Jonny1hilarie: Sounds a bit like Citrix14:20
jribVlanX: use baobab for that14:20
hilarieOkay, I got distracted, could anyone explain to me what I should do to get that 12.10 package on 12.04?14:20
VlanXjrib: so there's nothing that can work inside nautilus?14:21
yeats!info mpich214:21
ubottumpich2 (source: mpich2): Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-4ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 319 kB, installed size 919 kB14:21
jribVlanX: not recursively, that I know of, no14:21
yeats!info mpich2 precise14:21
ubottumpich2 (source: mpich2): Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 318 kB, installed size 926 kB14:21
VlanXjrib: ok, thank you for your help14:22
hilarieYeats MPICH2 is broken on 12.0414:22
yeatshilarie: yeah - I was just seeing what the versions were14:22
hilarieSorry :)14:22
Rucheejoin #rails-cn14:23
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yeatshilarie: I would consider just downloading the deb for your architecture here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/mpich2 - then doing 'sudo dpkg -i <packagename>'14:24
SkyrdrI've installed steam, installed tf2..14:25
SkyrdrWhere are the local files..14:25
hilarieYeats I will give that a shot, thank you14:25
yeatsSkyrdr: try ~/.steam14:27
hilarieYeats is this what they call dependancy hell? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1663810/14:27
yeatshilarie: yep14:27
hilarieIt was a great day when I learned about *.deb :D14:28
mikilihi all14:28
yeatsyeah - try installing http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/libmpich2-3 and then try 'sudo apt-get install libhwloc5'14:29
SkyrdrIt says it exists in home/skyrider/.steam14:29
yeatshilarie: ^^14:29
Skyrdrwhy is it hidden14:29
SkyrdrI can't find it when I browse my own home folder.14:30
yeatsSkyrdr: many apps have hidden folders in your home folder14:30
hilarieYeats will give that a shot14:30
yeatsSkyrdr: View -> Hidden Folders (or whatever it is)14:30
SkyrdrWhy ty14:31
mike304hey how come the animations are smooth enough? its laggy14:31
hilarieThank you Yeats, giving that a shot14:31
yeatshilarie: happy to help14:32
deojhey folks14:36
deojcan someone help me with some audio issues?14:36
deojaudio/recording/screen casting issues rather?14:36
Soelensudo apt-get install /leave14:37
hilarieHello Deoj, please have patience14:38
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hilarieWhat version are you running, what hardware are you running, what have you tried, what error are you getting, is probably some of the questions someone who knows how to help is going to ask14:38
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deojhold on, ill get the specs14:39
deojIntel® Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz × 214:40
deojKernel Linux 3.2.0-37-generic-pae14:40
deojMemory2.5 GiB14:40
deojI basically tried to mute my hd webcam to mute so I can record from my microphone14:41
deojbut when I mute the webcam, it mutes all other recording devices14:41
hilarieHello Dr_willis14:42
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hilarieDeoj, say all of that again, in 1 line for that guy, he is smart14:42
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mvt007geekhey guys i mounted  usb drive but it ask me the type of filesystem. i added -t ext4 but it didn't work14:43
mvt007geekwhat should i do?14:43
deojokay, should I go to an alsa room?14:43
zAo^2can someone help me installing server?14:43
MonkeyDustdeoj  in a terminal, type alsamixer    is that useful?14:43
hilarieDeoj It just takes patience sometimes!14:43
MonkeyDustzAo^2  #ubuntu-server14:43
zAo^2I got "Your installation CDROM couldnt be mounted"14:43
* riderplus Gooo away14:44
zAo^2k MonkeyDust14:44
neowbHi, would anyone know how I can use my ext4 formatted USB flash drive from multiple ubuntu Computers without Ubuntu setting file permissions to the newly created files?14:44
ntzrmtthihu777Just popping back on to say I got it partly done, my card is now recognized14:45
hilarieYeats each package wanted a couple more packages, thinking I will deal with shorter life cycle and upgrade to 12.10 lol14:46
cholby69I'm actually pretty impressed with Windows 814:47
deojthat is weird, now it works...forgive my ignorance, im still learning the ins and outs of ubuntu14:47
deojwas that command a reset type of command? it looked like just a general command to start a program14:48
HamtechpersonI'm impressed with windows 8 too... On tablets.14:48
HamtechpersonOr touch interfaces.14:48
hilarieWindows8 is great if you want to break half of the games, if you can't game on the newest version of windows, maybe devolopers will finally start doing more for linux :D14:49
DJones##windows for windows discussion pleae14:49
purpleraini thought i was looking at ##windows14:49
cholby69hilarie i game on xbox 36014:50
cholby69none of my friends are PC gamers.  :-(  so i have no reason to either14:50
cholby69oh question.  i just got a new laptop and want to benchmark it.  what's a good benchmark program and also what's a good game to test out graphics?14:50
cholby69is Crysis 3 out yet?14:51
Joel__You wanna kill your laptop already?14:51
deojJust curious, why is it that I have to raise the input recording level on 100%?14:52
deojanyways, its working now, thanks hil14:52
hilarieBecause 100% would be catching everything, and anything less is getting less of it?14:52
Naphatulwhy do i have "Online accounts" in my settings when i didn't install anything like that, what does it come with? also, why are there 2 of those?14:52
Naphatulsee here: http://i.imgur.com/ASMplwM.png14:53
hilarieIts if you had to raise it above 100 that I would be freaked out14:53
deoji guess im use to puting recording devices at 75 to 80%...anything higher was too sensitive14:53
sdrhrgjkngI've read conflicting advice, should I enable or disable intel speedstep in the bios?14:53
deojwhen i used xp and 714:53
Taylr0xIs there anywhere you can set filetype's to always open via a certain program?14:54
mike304anyone lagg on ubuntu? not hardcore lagg but just regular animation laggs?14:55
jorgeHi everyone.  I completed a fresh Ubuntu 12.10 earlier this week to replace my existing 12.04 install.  Compared to Precise, Quantal seems to run A LOT hotter, with the fans running at max rpm nearly all the time, whereas 12.04 was cool and very quiet.  What's odd is that neither System monitor nor Top indicate any cpu-intensive processes, with the CPU idling at 2-5%.  For context, I 've had Linux mint 13 KDE on the same laptop, which ran fine, however, Mint14:55
jorge14 KDE exhibited the exact same symptoms as 12.10.  Any ideas on why this is happening?14:55
MonkeyDustTaylr0x  right click on a file, properties, open with, set as default14:56
NaphatulTaylr0x, right click>open with>other application, it should be there somewhere14:56
Joel__Trying to shrink my partition and then the program stops responding hurrr14:56
Taylr0xExcellent. Thank you MonkeyDust & Naphatul.14:56
escottneowb, ext4 supports the normal permission set.14:57
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
escottjorge, what kind of graphics card15:00
jorge@ escott:  Intel integrated graphics15:00
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lskakko /load .xchat2/budus.so15:02
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jinsomeone online here?15:06
bekksLook at "/names"15:06
ThinkT510jin: don't need to greet everyone15:06
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kimirHow can I install compiz from 13.04? I want to have different wallpapers in each workspaces, but it seems it is broken in 12.10...15:08
kimirI'm not using raring...15:09
bekkskimir: You should not mix packages from different releases, it will most likely break your system.15:09
yeatskimir: no one here is going to recommend that you do that15:09
kimirHmmm... Is 13.04 stable enough to be used?15:10
kimirI really want different wallpapers :)15:10
BluesKajyou don't need 13.04 justy for different wallp[apers you use use your pictures file as a source for them if choose to, kimir15:11
theadminBluesKaj: I think that was a joke15:11
BluesKajtheadmin, ..how can you tell :)15:11
kimirWhat was a joke? O.o15:12
sahilhello i need a help in libre office15:12
theadminkimir: No release is considered stable before it's released, so nope, it's not stable15:12
theadminsahil: #libreoffice would be a better place to ask.15:12
BluesKajwell, i'm on 13.04 Kubuntu ...running very stable atm15:13
sahili have downloaded libreoffice 4.0  but i dont want to install full libreoffice components like base ,calc,database etc15:13
hilarieI have kind of on odd question, I have several VPS's with ubuntu on them, and they are all tiny when they start, like around 400mb of used disk space to start, where can I get an image like that?15:13
Taylr0xHow do I check if a program is running via terminal and then terminate it if it's malfunctioning?15:13
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MonkeyDustTaylr0x  ps -e|grep blah15:14
bekksTaylr0x: The latter is impossible.15:14
sahil_theadmin i just need a proper dpkg or related command to install few componets like writer and impress from downloaded debs(from their website)15:14
goodwini got a system error15:14
goodwinE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:15
bekksgoodwin: And whats the complete output of the command producing that error? Use a pastebin please.15:15
hilariesahil if you have .deb sudo dpkg -i *.deb will do it15:15
Taylr0xIsn't there a kill command?15:16
sahilany help?15:16
hilariepkill <name> or sudo pkill name15:16
bekksTaylr0x: There is. But that doesnt help you determining wether a program is malfunctioning.15:16
hilarieSahil which packages, from which website?15:16
bekksTaylr0x: There are kill and pkill.15:16
Taylr0xMany thanks hilarie. bekks I just want to end the program as I can't see it running to stop it.15:16
sevenhillnepomuk still try to index .h files even text/x-c++hdr is added default exclude-mime-type . On the other hand if i  add ".h" to exclude file type list its working fine. So text/x-c++hdr is not enough or text/x-c++hdr is not defined as15:17
hilarieTaylorox if you have a good idea of what it is you can also use wildcards and stuff, pkill *somth*ng15:17
MonkeyDustsevenhill  C development?15:17
sahil_hilarie that command installs everything.15:17
goodwinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1653123/15:17
Taylr0xhilarie, I'm trying to close down Banshee but it's still playing music in the background even when I go to 'close'.15:18
hilarieSahil is that not what you wanted? sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb15:18
Taylr0xI can't seem to stop it.15:18
sevenhillMonkeyDust, kde nepomuk project ( an indexer ) is acting wrong15:18
compdocthats why they call it Banshee15:18
compdocjk :)15:18
dr_willisTaylr0x:  looked in the  little speaker menu at the top right?15:18
hilarietry this in terminal sudo shutdown -r now (reboot)15:18
bekksgoodwin: You should read all that warnings too, thats why at least on file is being ignored.15:18
goodwinbekks: actually the same error for system error appearing on the screen top15:18
Taylr0xdr_willis, Didn't even know that little widget existed. That's where the little bugger is hiding. Many thanks!15:19
sahilI have downloaded the entire tar bar from their official website,extracting it contains deb files  of its full suite that is calc,base writer,math ... i just need to install writer and impress15:19
sevenhillbut it isn't probable because of kde . it is probably about ubuntu because the text/x-c++hdr is not defined15:19
dr_willisTaylr0x:  :) its a feature.. not a bug. ;P15:19
Taylr0xdr_willis, haha it's me being a complete prat more like and not knowing how to use it properly =p15:20
anewhmmm it seems i cant install guest additions?15:20
goodwinbekks: how do i get around this? I'd been annoyed by this issue for several days. cannot install anything15:20
bekksanew: Why...?15:21
bekksgoodwin: Choose another mirror.15:21
anewnot sure i've tried a few things, first straight from the menu it says it cant unmount15:21
hilarie!pm Sahil15:21
anewsecond from the command line i run the file15:21
bekksanew: How did you install vbox?15:21
anewit seems like it works, but then none of the guest addition options are available15:21
goodwinbekks: how? edit /etc/apt/source.list?15:21
anewi restart still nothing15:21
anewhow did i install vbox? what do u mean15:21
dearnHello ppl. Didn't use any Linux for a while, but noticed Ubuntu is starting pretty slowly, checked dmesg and seems like there is 15 seconds gap in log15:21
bekksgoodwin: Thats one of the many ways to do it.15:21
goodwinbekks: i did vbox many days ago. no this issue at that time15:22
bekksanew: I want to know how you installed vbox. Did you think about it, and it appeared, did you run some command, etc.?15:22
anewi mean i just downloaded it and installed it...15:22
kutulaldoes anyone knows a network tool which shows network transmission history?15:22
bekksgoodwin: vbox is the issue I am discussing with anew :)15:22
ThinkT510bekks: i think he is running ubuntu inside vbox on windows15:22
bekksanew: Then follow the vbox manual on how to install the guest additions.15:22
dearnhttp://pastebin.com/qp7Xbuvq any idea what might be causing this pause?15:23
anewi just described all the steps in the manual15:23
anewit didnt install... igoogled for some people with the same errors but couldnt find anything15:23
rita_i have a problem with my philips 17" ubuntu dedect a 15"15:23
bekksanew: No. The ONLY way described in the manual is to use the shipped iso to install the guest additions. And you did NOT describe the other ways described in the manual to install the guest additions.15:24
kutulaldoes anyone knows a network tool which shows network transmission history?15:24
bekksanew: Using the menu entry is just one of the ways to install the guest additions.15:24
mainerror__kutulal: Like sent packages?15:24
ThinkT510kutulal: kind of difficult after the fact15:24
anewbekks i'm not sure what manual you're looking at15:25
anewbut the one i'm looking at says click devices and go to install guest additions15:25
anewwhich is exactly what i just said above15:25
anewas i tried15:25
rita_join /iubuntu-be15:25
bekksanew: the official vbox manual.15:25
kutulallike how much dat you downloaded/uploaded in web for a month15:25
Joel__If I install ubuntu from a usb, what format does it need to be? NTSF?15:25
DJonesrita_: its "/join #ubuntu-be"15:25
anewif this isnt the official vbox manual then you know something the creators dont15:25
bekksanew: And that manual tells you a second, manual way to install the guest additions.15:25
mainerror__Joel__: vfat will do.15:26
TakeItEZ!info vnstat  | kutulal:  like this?15:26
ubottukutulal: like this?: vnstat (source: vnstat): console-based network traffic monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1 (quantal), package size 80 kB, installed size 308 kB15:26
Joel__mainerror__: The options I got when I format is exFAT, FAT and NTSF.15:26
kutulalthanks guys!15:26
rita_#join /ubuntu-be15:26
mainerror__Joel__: FAT15:26
Marlinc<DJones> rita_: its "/join #ubuntu-be"15:26
ThinkT510Joel__: its called ntfs not ntsf15:26
rita_how can i join a other channel15:27
sahil_hilarie i downloaded libreoffice full suite from their official website , a compressed file with 100s of debs,satisfying all dependencies.I want to install just the writer and impress from that15:27
Marlinc<DJones> rita_: its "/join #ubuntu-be"15:27
ThinkT510rita_: /join #nameofchannel15:27
Joel__ThinkT510: I was never able to remember the letters.15:27
rita_Marlinc, thnks15:27
sahili downloaded from here http://www.libreoffice.org/download/?type=deb-x86&lang=en-US&version=4.0.015:27
hilarieSahil I am sorry, I have *no* idea how to do that, why don't you want the whole suite though?15:27
OpiateHey, quick question here15:28
OpiateIs it possible to install Ubuntu without using a CD or a Flash Drive?15:28
Joel__mainerror__: For some reason my computer cnat find theUSB when its fat. I guess I have to go and burn it to a disco ro so15:28
bekksOpiate: Yes.15:28
mainerror__Joel__: That's easy. New Technology File System (NTFS)15:28
DJones!netinstall | Opiate15:28
ubottuOpiate: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:28
Taylr0xsahil, Why don't you install the individual office packages via the software centre?15:29
dr_willisOpiate:  you can set up a server to do a netboot from and install that way.  or a debootstrap install.. but thats getting hard core.15:29
OpiateWould mounting the .iso on virtual clonedrive work?15:29
kutulalhow to use vnstat?15:29
mainerror__Joel__: Interesting, which operating system are you on?15:29
bekksOpiate: No.15:29
dr_willisOpiate:  virtual clonedrive?15:29
Taylr0xsahil, You can install specific areas from in there. E.g. spreadsheets only, word processing only etc.15:29
ThinkT510kutulal: man vmstat15:29
Joel__mainerror__: W7, so it should work just fine. :|15:29
rita_ /jion #ubuntu-nl15:29
anewwell does anyone have any help for installing guest additions15:29
rita_ /join #ubuntu-nl15:29
kutulalany instruction, please15:29
MonkeyDustrita_  zonder die spatie15:30
mainerror__Joel__: Indeed, it should work. I don't have access to a Win7 machine right now, but formatting it using fat32 should work just fine.15:30
bekksanew: Insert the iso into the virtual cd of the vm, mount it, run the installer. THATS what the manual says.15:30
ThinkT510rita_: no space infront15:30
dr_williskutulal:  start with man vnstat  ?15:30
dr_willis!info vnstat15:30
ubottuvnstat (source: vnstat): console-based network traffic monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1 (quantal), package size 80 kB, installed size 308 kB15:30
anewthat's what i did and said i did15:30
kutulalopened man vnstat15:31
anewi cant even tell if ur helping or trolling15:31
rita_who can help me with my pilips monitor15:31
kutulalcan't get anything15:31
bekksanew: No it is not. You said you clicked on that menu entry.15:31
bekksanew: Which is not attaching an iso to the cd drive in the settings of the vm, etc.15:31
anewthat was the first thing i tried, the second thing i tried is running the installer after mounting it15:31
bekksanew: And running the installer produced WHICH output?15:31
BluesKaj!who | anew15:31
ubottuanew: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:31
rita_who can help me with my pilips monitor ubuntu say that it is a philips 15" but real it is a philips 17" philips 17B15:32
Joel__mainerror__: I try to add the files with another liveboot cd program. Maybe I am in better luck that way15:32
anewk sorry blueskaj15:32
mainerror__Joel__: Best tool I can recommend is Unetbootin15:32
anewbekks it produced the output that it succeeded ! which is why i dont understand why it's not installed15:32
dr_williskutulal:  and how long have you had vnstat running?15:32
Joel__mainerror__: That one didnt work15:32
anewlet me do it again and pastebin bekks15:32
oakwhizI installed fglrx-experimental-9 and now I'm stuck in text mode :-(15:32
Joel__Maybe it does work but I coudlnt find the USB on boot with it15:32
kutulalwhen try to run vnstat, get output: not enough data availiable yet!15:33
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BluesKajrita_, check  additional drivers , for a better graphics card driver15:33
mainerror__Is that option enabled in your BIOS Joel__?15:33
mainerror__Maybe you have to activate that manually.15:33
dr_williskutulal:  and thats why.. it has to record some data to have somthing to report...15:33
OpiateWell I just found a really quick and easy way to install ubuntu without a CD or USB drive15:33
UserLinuxhay All, I have a problem15:33
dr_williskutulal:  check it in a few hours15:33
Joel__mainerror__: I've looked through the options. It should work.15:33
mainerror__That's odd.15:33
rita_BluesKaj, how can i do that15:33
kutulaldr_willis: Okay15:34
UserLinuxwhen going to ubuntu booting, shift >> grub>> ubuntu recovery mode15:34
BluesKajrita` alt+f2 , additional drivers15:34
rita_BluesKaj,  im using ubuntu 12.0415:35
UserLinuxhay All, I have a problem15:36
kutulaldr_willis: got output,thanks!15:36
UserLinuxwhen going to ubuntu booting, shift >> grub>> ubuntu recovery mode15:36
unhumanmy ubuntu server is suddenly rejecting all ssh connections...what to do?15:36
BluesKajrita` alt+f2 , type in the textbox , additional drivers15:36
Opiatewait...damnit, I can't install ubuntu, I need another HDD15:37
UserLinuxlogin >> insert a password>> enter15:37
rita_BluesKaj, the i got a news screen with the possebility to type somthing15:37
mainerror__BluesKaj: That won't work.15:37
UserLinuxso... "login session error"15:37
ThinkT510Opiate: or reoganise your partitions or use a vm15:37
bekksunhuman: What did you do before? :)15:37
UserLinuxdo you know, why this?15:37
rita_how can i see what screen driver is installed15:38
UserLinuxerror in login-session...15:38
UserLinuxwho can help me?15:38
bekksUserLinux: There are numerous reason for that error.15:38
rita_how can i see what screen driver is installed15:38
anewbekks are you still there http://pastebin.com/jTj2a7Eb15:38
mainerror__BluesKaj: As far as I know jockey isn't installed anymore by default.15:38
anewthis is the output i get15:39
sirspazzolotso I have two computers on ubuntu here. internet working fine on both. tasksel installed and working (in theory) on both. one can install lamp-server, the other can't download files from the repositories.15:39
ThinkT510rita_: lsmod will give you a list of the loaded kernel modules15:39
bekksanew: Then reboot the vm now.15:39
unhumanbekks: the last thing i did was to edit some php files15:39
sirspazzolotthe problem computer can also never fully update the repos with apt-get update. a few of them always fail.15:39
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anewbekks lol i swear this didnt work the first 5 times i tried it... it's working now though thanks15:40
anewwow seamless mode is pretty badass15:40
sevenhillUserLinux, are you sure that you are not using keypad ? because mostly pc starts without numlock. So  maybe you are typing wrong15:40
rita_that is what i see by lsmod vor video videodev               86588  1 gspca_main15:41
amgumis there a way for me to change the color of my terminal when I ssh into another machine?15:41
BluesKajmainerror__, I'm not talking about jockey , I',m just asking to open the run command and type in additional drivers , it should show an option to open15:41
ThinkT510rita_: pastebin lsmod output15:41
UserLinuxbekks: can you give specific?15:42
AraneidaeDoes anyone know how to get a machine with Phoenix SecureCore Tiano BIOS to boot off a USB key?15:42
BluesKajmainerror__, if you have a better method , then post it for rita_15:42
bekksUserLinux: You could boot a livecd and check you have sufficient disk space left.15:42
UserLinuxmaybe this error, after upgrade kernel to v3.7.515:43
rita_BluesKaj, additional drivers don't work15:43
AraneidaeOr a Live CD, for that matter.  How can I get my new laptop to boot off a CD?15:43
bekksUserLinux: Which Ubuntu do you have?15:43
UserLinuxbekks: I sory I not using Live cd15:43
BluesKajthey don't work or you can't find them rita_  ?15:43
amgumor is there a way to change the color of the terminal when I'm root?15:43
AraneidaeI have the BIOS page open in front of me, but it won't let me change anything.15:44
goodwinbekks: i removed the file causing problem. then it works now.15:44
goodwinsomehow the problem file is an HTML page-dont know why. now everything back to normal. the same system error also disappeared15:46
rita_BluesKaj, i do alt+f2 get newschreen where i type additonal drivers + enter notting happend15:46
BluesKajnew screen ?15:46
UserLinuxbekks: how can fix this?15:46
Malsasabekks: it is UserLinux error message: http://pastebin.com/gAV1qy1415:47
UserLinuxMalsasa: hellp15:47
rita_BluesKaj, iot openen dash home15:47
AraneidaeDoes anybody know anything about working with UEFI?15:47
BluesKajwould some one pls direct rita_ to the additional drivers on gnome /unity ...I'm on kde and forgot where to look15:47
MalsasaUserLinux: ye, ye, I know. Be patient :)15:47
bekksUserLinux: Can you login to your computer somehow?15:47
sirspazzolotAraneidae: is your question about secureboot?15:48
AraneidaeAfraid so :(15:48
AraneidaeIt won't let me boot anything, and I can't see any way to disable it15:48
AraneidaeMy bios is Phoenix SecureCore Tiano15:48
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rita_how can i get the additional drivers in gnome unity15:49
AraneidaeI've tried three boot sources: a Mint image created with Unetbootin, a Ubuntu 10.04 live CD, and a Mint image created with Mint's USB creator tool.15:49
sirspazzolotAraneidae: I haven't worked with itself myself but I see news about it from time to time. is this new to you? http://blog.hansenpartnership.com/linux-foundation-secure-boot-system-released/15:50
BluesKajrita_, try alt+f2 , jockey15:50
sirspazzolotAraneidae: perviously there was also http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/20303.html15:50
AraneidaeThank you for both of those15:51
sirspazzolotI think a 10.04 cd would be too old, and if I'm not mistaken mint doesn't have secureboot stuff in it. I think fedora 18 and new ubuntus might.15:51
AraneidaeIs the problem so new that nothing's been integrated into existing installs?  Think we have a bit of a brick wall for people trying to install LInux on net hardware at the moment15:51
HatzWonderful. Rebooted with the nvidia drivers and now my desktop is gone. Just the steam shortcut. :I15:52
AraneidaeCrap.  So what *can* I install?  Or do those links give me wrappers that will work around the problem?15:52
AraneidaeAnd I thought we were being told, when this stuff was first mentioned a year ago, that we'd always have the option to turn it off15:52
AraneidaeI see no such option15:53
sirspazzolotAraneidae: hah yeah, I hate the direction we're moving in with respect to actual freedom. I don't know how to repair existing installs, you may be able to boot a working livecd and chroot in and do some work like that15:53
sirspazzolotI don't know the technical details involved, though. :( I should really learn them, since my next computer will likely have this crap to deal with15:54
Araneidaesirspazzolot, I'm afraid don't understand the first link you gave me: what is a .efi file?15:55
sahilwhich is the best ati radeon driver for elementary luna (based on ubuntu precise)15:55
ThinkT510sahil: we don't support it15:56
sahilchipset is 785 (hd4200 perhaps)15:56
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bekkssahil: We dont support anything else but Ubuntu in here. Ask your Elementary Luna support.15:56
AraneidaeSo is Linux effectively shut out of new Windows machines for the time being?15:57
sirspazzolotAraneidae: my current understanding is that they operate by magic and make your computer boot. there are probably tutorials or something online, I only had those two links bookmarked15:57
margaretaHow do I get the darn google icon out of my mail notifications?15:57
margaretaI do not use google+ at all.15:58
sahilerr okey whats the best driver for ubuntu precise,i am dual booting with luna15:58
Araneidaesirspazzolot, but somehow they need to be integrated into what is being booted ... and that bit is missing, exercise for the reader.15:58
sahilbest ati radeon* driver15:58
AraneidaeWhy is this not a big deal at the moment15:58
sirspazzolotAraneidae: I don't know. it's strange how on certain fronts linux is gaining huge ground, what with steam and all, but on others it's becoming the 'super geek technical thing' again15:58
bekks!best | sahil15:58
ubottusahil: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:58
psusiAraneidae, EFI is a smarter replacement for the BIOS... an .efi file is a file that the firmware can go read from the drive and execute to do things like boot the OS.. there's this secure boot crap now where the efi firmware verifies the digital signature on the boot loader image and won't load it if it isn't signed by the proper ( microsoft ) key16:00
sirspazzolotAraneidae: I'm afraid I can't help with the actual process. hopefully somebody else in this channel knows, or you might have to go to the forums with it16:00
sirspazzolotoh. right on cue. :)16:00
Aaron_`I am having trouble with iptables under ubuntu linux.  This is what I have, in this order, that is causing the issues. "-A FORWARD -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT" "-A FORWARD -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT" "-A FORWARD -s -d -j REJECT"  Whats wrong?16:00
sahilname a  "better" driver for ati radeon in which i can play some light games,and which doesnt makes the desktop a slow poke or breaks the system16:00
Araneidaesirspazzolot, it's pretty upsetting, actually.  My g/f is on at me about making her computer too complicated ... and now I find I can't even set up a new laptop.  Microsoft wins big.  I've had to pay for a Windows image I'm never going to use, and I'm probably going end up taking this f***ing machine back because of this sodding boot issue.16:00
=== margareta is now known as Marg
bekksAaron_`: Use a pastebin please, your last post is completely unreadable :)16:00
psusiAraneidae, the firmware should have an option to disable the secure boot16:01
Aaron_`bekks:  Aoligies..  One moment.16:01
Araneidaepsusi, how do I proceed if I have a bootable USB key in one hand (I want to put Mint on the laptop) and this POS laptop in the other?16:01
Araneidaepsusi, yes.16:01
AraneidaeBut it doesn't16:01
MargAraneidae its always a joy to see somebody rage quite.16:01
AraneidaeGood, eh?16:01
slax0rHello, I have a NetGear WNA3100 USB wireless adapter and have installed the driver using ndiswrapper, and everything is working, until I try to connect to WPA protected wireless. In /var/log/syslog I came accross wpa_supplicant authentication timed out error and have searched google....alot...but cant find a solution, any help?16:02
psusiAraneidae, you looked through all of the screens?  it should have an option to turn it off entirely, or an option to add a new, non microsoft key16:02
AraneidaeMarg, I think I'm working on it.  I've been putting off this laptop purchase for months now, and I see I'm deep in shit with no way forward apart from taking the laptop back16:02
Araneidaepsusi, adding a new key?  Interesting... There aren't so many BIOS pages, hang on a moment16:03
psusiand Ubuntu now has a signed grub that should work if you install the proper key into the firmware... I'm not sure exactly how to go about that though16:03
AraneidaeIt has a "Security" page with "Secure Boot Configuration" at the bottom, and that has a line saying: "Secure Boot: Enable"16:03
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Aaron_`Thats okay there was errors in it anyway.  Here is what I have in my iptables that isn't working.  Note that thee are other items there as well before these entries, but it was passing packets fine (I just want to restrict them to poty 5900) http://pastebin.com/YJwxDMTu16:04
psusiAraneidae, there you go.. make it disabled16:04
AraneidaeAlas, unlike all the other pages in the BIOS, nothing is editable on this page16:04
AraneidaeNice one16:04
MargI am a woman that just installed Ubuntu last night. Sure things look a little different on this Dell Inspiron.16:04
AraneidaeI've somewhere seen a hint that the only way to disable this is through Windows. WTF?!16:04
AraneidaeTHis page says "Configures Secure Boot features", but nothing on this page is editable16:05
MonkeyDustAraneidae  http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Foundation-Releases-UEFI-Secure-Boot-System-328103.shtml16:05
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sirspazzolotahaha. yeah that rings a bell, something about if it's an oem install only ms and the oem have the ability to tweak certain things16:05
nubcakeHi, could anyone please help me getting that SDHC card mounted so i have write access too? I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04LTS booting from that SDHC Card, but unetbootin won't copy the files onto it since it's mounted as ready only :(16:05
psusicall up the oem and demand they tell you how to disable it16:06
psusior return it for a refund16:06
MalsasaAnyone can help?? :grin: http://pastebin.com/RwEXX9xy   <<--   binary shell script error16:06
AraneidaeOh FFS.  I can't buy a laptop *without* a fing OEM install.  psusi, that's exactly it.  I suppose I can try contacting Fujitsu16:06
Araneidaethat'll be fun16:06
sirspazzolotokay guys so tasksel is refusing to work on this computer and instead of tracking down whatever bizarre behavior it's trying to do, does anybody have an alternate way to one-shot install a lamp server16:06
MonkWitDaFunkUefi is replacing the bios16:07
sirspazzolotlamp stack, if that's the more appropriate term16:07
AraneidaeAt least the shop say I have 14 days to take it back for a full refund, but that just moves the problem on...16:07
sirspazzolotyou could take it back and buy a computer with regular old bios16:07
sirspazzolotit can still come with win8 and be clean of the secureboot crap16:08
Araneidaesirspazzolot, best of luck finding one of those in the shop today16:08
sirspazzolotoh they're all uefi? that's sad.16:08
psusisirspazzolot, actually to get the "made for windows 8" sticker, it has to use uefi secure boot16:08
sirspazzolotoh. that's stupid.16:08
AraneidaeIndeed so, only hobbyist motherboards are UEFI free now16:08
Araneidaeand not for long, I'm guessing...16:08
psusiUEFI is fine and dandy, it's the secure boot crap that is the problem16:09
sirspazzolotso nobody has an alternate way to one-shot install a lamp stack?16:09
AraneidaeLAMP = Linux Apache M? PHP (can't remember the M)16:09
Araneidaeoh yeah.  Don't people use postgres instead these days?  (Not a db programmer)16:10
Burritohbut LAPP is a boring name16:10
rita_how can i see what screendriver is installed in ubuntu 12.0416:11
marjinal1sthi, when i use special PPA's, it always makes *.save files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d . How can i prevent it?16:11
ThinkT510rita_: pastebin the output of lsmod16:11
BurritohAraneidae: oh, looks like there is actually a "LAPP"16:11
Burritohwith Postgres16:11
anewso in my vh, the resolution of the desktop looks ok, but windows are enormous16:12
anewand text also ?16:12
MalsasaAnyone can help?? :grin: http://pastebin.com/RwEXX9xy <<-- binary shell script error16:12
theadminrita_: lsmod | grep '^video ' | awk '{print $4;}'16:12
BluesKajmarjinal1st, that's where ppas are stored16:13
sirspazzolotoh! a different error! maybe this is working!16:13
sirspazzolotthis computer likes to finish apt-related processes without unlocking the apt stuff16:13
rita_theadmin,  i91516:14
marjinal1styep, i know. i just wanna prevent *.save files occur in that folder because when i use apt on terminal, it shows some warnings about *.save files.16:14
AraneidaeGood grief, I found something: https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/WDB/FAQContentstart.asp?ID=233462327&Info=SA&Sprache=en&LNG=COM&Todo=FAQContact16:15
Araneidae"To change these settings it is necessary that a Supervisor Password is set."  Oh, FFS16:15
* riderplus is back from the dead. Gone 1 hrs 31 min 50 secs16:15
BluesKaj!away | riderplus16:16
ubotturiderplus: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:16
AraneidaeAny idea what CSM means in the context of booting?16:16
anewanyone having issues with resolution?  i have my desktop res set, but it seems window resolution is enourmous16:16
Esokrates@rita lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'16:17
rita_how can i see what screen diver is installed16:17
BluesKajAraneidae, that's CSM/Compiz starting up16:17
marjinal1stAraneidae, Compatibility Support Module16:17
theadminrita_: That's the driver, i915.16:17
theadminrita_: The opensource Intel video driver.16:18
AraneidaeAnd *now* I can change the Secure Boot Option!16:18
Esokratesrita, you can find out more about i915 with modinfo i91516:18
AraneidaeCompatibility Support Module?  Sounds promising ...16:18
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AraneidaeAnd with secure boot enabled I can enable CSM!16:18
MK`I am installing a fresh 12.04 and just partitioned an empty HD. When I clicked to install, it now says this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1664318/, but when I select either option it does nothing. What can I do?16:19
Esokratesrita, as i said  lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' will directly output the driver for example in my case nvidia (using proprietary driver)16:19
AraneidaeJesus ******* Christ.  This is so easy, anybody could do this without any blood pressure risk at all.16:19
AraneidaeExcept me.16:19
AraneidaeNow I have a stupid security password to forget :(16:19
rita_theadmin, why see untu 12.04 my philips 17" as a philips 15" and i had the same problem with the philips 19"  ubuntu say its a philips 18"16:20
theadminrita_: It... really doesn't matter what it says long as the resolution is correct. Is it correct?16:20
AraneidaeDamn.  Still getting boot failure16:20
rita_theadmin, how can i see of the resolution is correct16:21
theadminrita_: Uh, you should be able to tell yourself.16:21
Esokratesrita, look at the screen16:21
theadminrita_: I can't guess what the maximal resolution supported by your monitor is.16:21
anewmy resolution for programs seems huge compared to the desktop ?16:22
rita_theadmin, i didn't now it16:22
captineam hoping System 76 start shipping to more countries soon.  need something that will just work...16:22
AraneidaeOh, good grief.  At long last ... it works.  ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH16:22
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SolarisBoyrita_: sometimes its easier to look up the monitors (or laptop) documentation and check the supported resolutions/refresh rates etc.16:23
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qwGood Evening People16:25
qwPlease advise the program for the development of html pages16:25
theadminqw: Emacs.16:25
Araneidaevim ;^)16:25
theadminqw: Seriously, they all aren't great, they generate dirty code. Write it yourself.16:25
qwand where it is in Kubuntu16:26
bekksqw: Use the text editor of your choice.16:26
Araneidaeqw, best bet is to google something like linux web authoring software if you don't want to write raw html16:26
qwtext edit its not commfortable16:26
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator16:26
Araneidaehtml is a bit unsightly to edit16:27
MonkeyDustkompozer has been taken out of the repos16:27
bekkskompozer was outdated.16:27
OerHeksOpen Office  :-)16:27
Araneidaethose are all text based, I imagine, certainly the ones I recognise are, not what qw is after.16:27
Malsasaqw: comfortable: Kompozer16:28
MalsasaMonkeyDust: ooooh... take Nvu.16:28
MonkeyDustMalsasa  isnt that the same with a different name?16:28
Malsasaqw: if you can, take the source code of Kompozer and you compile it.16:28
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Malsasaqw: I agree with you about comfortable :)16:29
MalsasaMonkeyDust: oh, they are same? I don't know.16:29
qwwere i see proposition list program from my OS (kubuntu)16:30
rita_how can i switch to my destop screen with out minimize the programs16:30
=== Teufelchen_ is now known as Teufelchen
apb1963Anyone using dovecot? Do you know if there's a package I can use to install with apt-get?16:31
MK`is it better to put swap at the start of a drive than in the middle?16:31
TakeItEZ!info dovecot | apb196316:32
AraneidaeIf it really mattered, which it doesn't, middle is marginally faster16:32
ubottuapb1963: Package dovecot does not exist in quantal16:32
apb1963quantal?  I don't know what that is16:32
bekksMK`: It doesnt matter, since it will be 1000x times slower than your RAM.16:32
AraneidaeBut you won't be able to measure it16:33
MK`I am aware, just curious :P16:33
TakeItEZ!info dovecot-imapd  | apb196316:33
ubottuapb1963: dovecot-imapd (source: dovecot): secure IMAP server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.1.7-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 91 kB, installed size 582 kB16:33
apb1963why colon?16:33
TakeItEZapb1963: sudo apt-get install dovecot-pop3d dovecot-imapd     whatever you want16:33
qwhelp me please install KompoZer16:35
MK`how large should I make my /tmp partition?16:35
w431hellOw Everyone16:36
bekksMK`: Put /tmp into RAM.16:36
apb1963seems to be working... thank you16:36
Araneidaeqw, http://www.kompozer.net/download.php seems a good place to start16:36
qwfrom konsole16:37
MK`does ubuntu use /opt?16:39
bekksMK`: No, but 3rd party software does.16:39
MK`ok, thanks16:39
Naphatulwhen i click log in on steam it just closes, any ideas why?16:40
Naphatulwhen the box where i  need to put in the code pops up just a flash of it appears on the left side then steam closes16:41
kostkonNaphatul, running it in the terminal16:42
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Naphatulsegmentation fault16:42
kostkonNaphatul, any messages before that?16:43
Naphatulyeah a bunch when i'm typing my password16:43
NaphatulGenerating new string page texture 22: 384x256, total string texture memory is 974.85 KB16:43
Naphatullast one before segfault16:44
kostkonNaphatul, try reinstalling it. you could also try downloading it from the steam site instead of the usc16:45
Naphatuli did install it from the steam site16:45
kostkonNaphatul, remove it, then try the usc version16:46
Naphatulkostkon, i don't have the software center actually16:47
kostkonNaphatul, oh ok16:47
neo84Hi All, I need help: When I am connecting my USB modem(ZTE AC2787) to connect to MTS, sometimes it works and sometime it not. Is there a way to make sure that it always gets connected ?16:51
neo84I am on Ubuntu 11.1016:52
jDesHey can someone help me with installing wifi on ubuntu 12.0.416:52
ThinkT510neo84: just so you know 11.10 support ends in april16:52
Naphatuli just did aptitude remove steam and it removed a whole bunch of other stuff, was it just removing not needed packages or what?16:52
neo84ohh ok16:52
ThinkT510jDes: lspci16:53
neo84BUt i don't have good network to upgread to 1216:53
jDesWhat's that?16:53
ThinkT510jDes: a command you put in the terminal16:53
jDesI don't know it. Can u please help I'm really new16:53
rushboyHello :-)16:55
neo84ThinkT510 do you know how to fix issue16:55
ThinkT510neo84: i don't use a dailup modem sorry16:55
rushboyCan anyone please guide me on how to install jrosetta-engine in ubuntu ? Any sort of help is appreciated .16:55
kicklighterwhat is the jrosetta-engine....is is something useful for me????16:57
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Morganciao a tutti16:59
ubottuMorgan: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:59
kicklighterjrosetta-engine where can i download it people???\17:00
DJoneskicklighter: The only jrosetta-* I can see in the repo's is this http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/libjrosetta-java17:01
GibbyI am having an issue with my mediakeys, they are working but I can not seem to find out where to enable the repeat function... I would like volume down and volume up to repeat instead of having to keep pressing the key. I have tried using xev to set keycode 114 and 115 to repeat but no luck17:01
TomSlominskiHi. I'm playing Aisleriot and Klondike doesn't seem to be on the list.17:02
TomSlominskiEven though there is a file for it in /usr/share17:02
kicklighteri'm not in for java....maybe someother time....17:02
leopard_怎样安装  svn17:03
tongcxhi, is very off-topic question okay here?17:04
DJones!ot | tongcx17:04
ubottutongcx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:04
ThinkT510tongcx: no17:04
tongcxthanks, is there any channel just for chatting on random question17:04
tongcxnon-technical realted ones17:04
marcin25como entro en el canal polaco17:05
tongcxlike english language problem17:05
marcin25o español17:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:05
DJones!alis | tongcx You might find a channel listed using the bot,17:05
ubottutongcx You might find a channel listed using the bot,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:05
kicklightertongcx par le vou france????17:05
Joel__"No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" grrr17:05
MonkeyDusttongcx  try #defocus17:05
MalsasaAnyone can help?? :grin: http://pastebin.com/RwEXX9xy   <<--   binary shell script error17:05
tongcxno, i'm chinese17:06
bekks!fr | kicklighter17:06
ubottukicklighter: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:06
Gibbyshowkey and xmodmap are showing different keybodes for the same mediakey.... any ideas?17:06
dryhayhi. IBus is not working on my computer. How to check what is the reason? [Ubuntu 11.10 / 64bit[17:06
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:06
kicklighterje ze vie du arobr no trou france .... merci par vou english!17:06
Joel__Anyone ever had the problem "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" when trying to install from USB?17:06
Malsasaall: thanks, solved at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3099092/why-cant-i-use-unix-nohup-with-bash-for-loop17:06
Bama2054Hello, I'm trying to play TF2 but I need to install mesa 9. Can someone give me the noob friendly instructions?17:07
samsami need to write "sudo modprobe wl" everytime i start ubuntu to access internet...How do i automate it?17:08
rjx1Hello friend's17:08
Naphatulwell i tried reinstalling steam and it didn't help17:08
ioriasamsam: /etc/module17:08
Gibbysamsam, you can add it to /etc/module or put it in initramfs17:08
Joel__No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found! - When boot from USB, anyone with this problem?17:09
ioriasamsam: sorry.... /etc/modules17:09
cojackI have a big awesome requests to the package makers17:09
darkrayneed help in configuring dhcp server. could anyone do it ?17:09
bekksdarkray: Not without knowing the exact problem you are having. :)17:10
samsamso do i add that command to the modules file?17:10
cojackcan you link x.cmake modules into cmake modules location?17:10
ioriasamsam: no, just wl17:10
samsami cant save it ... permissions issue i guess17:11
ioriasamsam: sudo nano /etc/modules17:11
Ademanis there a music player in 12.04 that can rip CDs with working MusicBrainz integration?17:11
x35_I installed steam on my 12.04 box and now it gnome doesn't start on boot.. Like it will just hang.  I can change terminals though.  Anyone know how I can fix this??17:12
darkray@bekks i have configured a dhcp server with ip address and i want to give ip address to clients in the range could you help me ?17:12
bekksdarkray: So what have you done until now to do so?17:13
darkray@bekks: i've tried making changes in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file17:13
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bekksdarkray: Which changes...?17:13
darkraysubnet 10.2.10. netmask
darkrayand then i restarted dhcp server, but it failed17:14
bekksdarkray: And what was that line before...?17:15
darkraydhcp server failed to restart17:16
darkray@bekks: what now ?17:16
bekksdarkray: And what was that line before...?17:16
x35_I installed steam on my 12.04 box and now it gnome doesn't start on boot.. Like it will just hang.  I can change terminals though.  Anyone know how I can fix this??17:17
bekksdarkray: And did you take a look at the dhcpd logs yet?17:17
darkray@bekks: i'm sorry but i didnt get you17:17
darkray@bekks: no i didnt17:17
bekksdarkray: Then do it. And before chaning the line, what did it look like?17:17
darkray@bekks: earlier i configured dhcp server which ran succesfully:17:18
darkraysubnet netmask
bekksdarkray: And please omit the "@". This is neither quakenet nor twitter.17:18
bekksdarkray: Well, then the DHCP range has to be in the same subnet as the DHCP server.17:19
darkraybut if i try to give lease to the clients outside 141. network dhcp server failed to start17:19
bekksdarkray: Well, then the DHCP range has to be in the same subnet as the DHCP server.17:20
darkraybekks: it's not necessary. it's just that i couldn't able to configure it17:20
darkrayand pls tell me that where i can look for dhcp logs17:20
rjx2i am new to ubuntu and intrested to use it but my laptop is overheat17:21
bekksdarkray: The log location should be mentioned in the config file.17:21
SonikkuAmericarjx2: Overheating? Check your System Monitor.17:22
amongHello. I've got the feeling that music sounds better on my windows and on phone than on ubuntu. How can I fix that? Shall I download new drivers?17:22
MK`how long does a 12.04 install usually take? I can't tell if mine is busy or has hung. It's on the "where are you?" screen, I've already hit continue.17:22
bekksMK`: Half an hour?17:23
MK`alright, I was hoping it'd be more verbose :P17:23
SonikkuAmericaMK`: Toward the bottom of the window, there should be an arrow...17:23
MK`It just has the spinning wheel icon, not saying anything on the bottom.17:23
SonikkuAmericaMK`: ...next to what it says it's doing.17:23
MK`Doesn't say, the black bar on the bottom is blank.17:24
Akshayrhw can i change my nickname in xchat???17:24
SonikkuAmericaAkshayr: use the /nick command17:24
bekksAkshayr: "/nick mynewnick"17:24
nydeltype /nick newname17:24
SonikkuAmericaMK`: Sounds like it froze.17:24
Akshayrnick AkshayKochi17:24
nydeli'm having serious problems with ubuntu, i guess an upgrade got interrupted around kernel 3.5.0-20 and now everything is stuck17:25
bekksAkshayr: Dont forget the / in front.17:25
Akshayrbekks : Wat did u mean?17:25
nydelif there's someone here who can help me please do17:25
=== Akshayr is now known as AkshayRKochi
AkshayRKochithanks bekks17:25
AkshayRKochihi bekks17:25
AkshayRKochiI just installed Ubuntu Studio17:26
AkshayRKochiand i would like to start from the scratch17:26
bekksAkshayRKochi: So where's the problem? :)17:26
AkshayRKochibekks : no probs17:27
AkshayRKochii just wanna learn linux commands and start creating shell scripts17:28
coll?/who #nama channel?17:29
AkshayRKochijoin #balasankarc17:30
lehzeniAkshayRKochi, you need to put a "/" before the join command, like "/join"17:31
chrisbuchholzSo i am creating this program which need to be able to securely store a password and retrieve it when needed, but im in doubt as to how to do this in a way that dont need specific implementation for gnome, kde, and what about those not using a DE? Is there api i can use that works across all this? Perhabs across most of linux distros?17:35
bekkschrisbuchholz: I dont think there's an API like that.17:36
SonikkuAmericabekks/chrisbuchholz: Create a ghost user maybe?17:36
chrisbuchholzbekks: do you know what the trend is then?17:36
lehzenipassword for what? the program itself?17:36
bekksSonikkuAmerica: Which will not help in solvin the problem at all.17:36
bekkschrisbuchholz: I am not that deep into programming, sorry. I'd just use something like the gnome keyring, or the kdewallet.17:37
ioriaSonikkuAmerica: what is a 'ghost user' ?17:37
chrisbuchholzlehzeni: the program i have created manages encrypted encfs folders. On Mac OS X i use the built in Keychain framework to securely store the password so my program personally dont have to handle that.17:37
chrisbuchholzbekks: yeah, but that is too installation specific :/17:37
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brightsparkchrisbuchholz: try the secret service dbus api17:38
chrisbuchholzbrightspark: thanks, ill take a look17:38
dONALDHi people!17:38
dONALDI have a serious problem with keyboard shortcuts, can anyone help me?17:39
brightsparkchrisbuchholz: you're welcome17:39
MK`Hm I went to install again. It was doing "copying files" and that completed, so then I selected my location, but now it seems to have frozen again. I think it is related to that part, can anyone help me?17:39
akshayrdONALD : wats the prob17:39
dONALDI pressed ctrl+alt+f3 in a game, and everything disappeared, I had to reset my PC17:39
SonikkuAmericaioria: Just a user that sits there and takes up space17:39
autobushi people17:39
MK`dONALD: you accidentally switched to another terminal. To switch back, press ctrl-alt-f717:40
SonikkuAmericaioria: without actually being able to log in17:40
dONALDso is there a way to return to the desktop in such a case, or disable it?17:40
dONALDwait, let me try17:40
ioriaSonikkuAmerica: thanx  '_'17:40
dONALDLOL awesome17:40
dONALDis there a way to disable it? I need this keyboard shortcut17:41
dONALDit's the shortcut of the console in Alpha Prime17:41
dONALDthe game runs like it was MADE for linux, looks awesome17:42
dONALDthan wham, this happens17:42
lehzeniI suppose you could run the password through ssl, that has an api, and the end result will be that it becomes encrypted17:42
MK`should be an option in the keyboard settings somewhere17:42
dONALDI googled it of course,17:42
dONALDand my b*tch said17:42
Ronalds_Mhow to get one workspace in ubuntu17:43
Ronalds_Musing precise17:43
dONALDthat it's some low level shortcut, outside of X17:43
lehzenichrisbuchholz, I suppose you could run the password through ssl, that has an api, and the end result will be that it becomes encrypted17:43
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Unity I assume?17:44
Ronalds_MdONALD, you are inappropriate anyway17:44
dONALDRonalds_M: do you have the system tray enabled?17:44
Ronalds_MUnity assume right17:44
Ronalds_Musing it with combination of kde apps17:44
Ronalds_Minstead of gtk17:44
Ronalds_Msystem tray?17:44
dONALDRonalds_M: try to search for workspace17:44
Ronalds_Mwhy wouldn't it17:44
dONALDLOL never mind17:44
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Do you have CompizConfig installed?17:45
Ronalds_Mcan I do it without that tool17:45
CaReShello friends17:45
Ronalds_Mccsm is unstable17:45
Ronalds_Mfor me17:45
chrisbuchholzlehzeni: well, i still would have to store it myself right? Dont wanna do that17:46
CaReSplease i have a router tp-link 340g , on ubuntu how can i add a password to dont let anyone works on my wifi?17:46
yeatsCaReS: consult your router's documentation17:46
Ronalds_Mccsm is the only way?17:46
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Typically you can go into CCSM and change your workspaces in the Workspace Switcher plugin.17:46
Ronalds_Mcan I get rid of the icon?17:47
lehzenichrisbuchholz, safe it in the encrypted folder itself17:47
CaReSyeats i try and cannot show me the admin login17:47
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Not in Precise or Quantal. Raring will have that option.17:48
kicklighterCaRes are you from around????17:48
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: (I know this because I tested Raring in alpha)17:48
yeatsCaReS: yeah - that's not an ubuntu issue - you'll need to check the documentation for your router17:48
Ronalds_Mok, so is raring enough stable17:48
Ronalds_Mrepo anywhere?17:48
brightsparkCaReS: the exact web address varies- on mine it is
x35_I installed steam on my 12.04 box and now it gnome doesn't start on boot.. Like it will just hang.  I can change terminals though.  Anyone know how I can fix this??17:48
CaReSkicklighter how freind plz i am newbie?17:49
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Head for #ubuntu+1 and they'll tell you all about it.17:49
kicklighterwhat is the prob CaRes par le vouse france jeze vien allmagne possible???17:49
CaReSbrightspark i am living in venezuela17:50
kicklightermoderator can i speak other verb then english.....i you allow it17:50
CaReSkicklighter venezuela17:50
akshayrhw to change the passwrd of my xchat account?17:50
kicklighterespanol....ter le vous problem ... go ahead17:50
lehzenisuch hostility here17:50
ioriaCares: type in your browser17:51
CaReSioria no its not working17:51
kicklighterCaRes can you arange private chat i'm not common with this anybody can join but i think first everybody must $$!***&17:52
ioriaCares: your router should have a cd17:52
CaReSioria thats right but i cant found it17:52
ioriaCares: download from the site17:52
Naphatulso could anyone help me with steam segfaulting?17:53
CaReSioria the router is working fine but just i want to put a password to just like to be private for me17:53
kicklighterwhat's in friendname about17:53
ioriaCares: sure, i see. go to the tp-link website and look for your model17:53
kicklighterwhat has a router to do with ubuntu.,..only ubuntu speak alike17:54
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bazhangCaReS, your router has nothing to do with Ubuntu support. try ##networking17:55
kicklighterhey maybe we could program brand desktop for ubuntu based on amiga os 3.9 who wanna join...if ubuntu doesn't mind???17:55
bazhangkicklighter, chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic17:55
ioriaCares: but i think you can do editing /etc/networking/interfaces17:56
taotry networking setting-->net...17:58
CaReSioria but i want to know the gateway, i am not sure :(17:58
ioriaCares: right.... try some combo , ...17:58
bazhangCaReS, stop asking for router support here17:58
ioriabazhang: sorry :-/17:59
bazhangioria, feel free to support CaReS in ##networking17:59
x35_I am having trouble with gnome crashing / not working on boot.  Would it be advised that I just reinstalled gnome desktop?17:59
Naphatulhuh oh wow that was weird after trying the exact same thing a couple of times i got a different result, anyway steam now goes up to connecting then crashes17:59
Naphatulhere's the log from running it from the console: http://pastebin.com/DnhYGecU18:00
genii-aroundNaphatul: Have you tried the support channel for steam? eg: #ubuntu-steam18:00
Naphatulwell no i didn't know it existed18:01
MonkeyDustNaphatul  some 100 people are there18:03
Malsasagmg85: hi too... :)18:07
sifu_hello guys i am trying to configure the post fix for a Ubu install in a vagrant box...so a bit confused on the options i am supposed to select.18:08
taoDid you call me?18:08
bekkssifu_: So whats the actual problem we can help you with?18:08
x35_Can anyone tell me the service name for the gnome desktop?18:08
OerHeksx35_, lightdm18:09
taox35,  :   /etc/init.d/lightdm18:09
BluesKajservice lightdm18:09
x35_DerHeks, gnome is crashing on boot and I can't stop it from a terminal using service.18:10
x35_tao, i can get to a terminal but service isn't stopping it, it says it's stopped/waiting18:11
sifu_bekks, hmm okey thats a hard one...if i choose the internet site...what are the requirements18:11
SonikkuAmericax35_: Do you use lightdm or gdm?18:11
taox35, it is OK18:11
SonikkuAmericax35_: You can't use [ sudo stop lightdm ]?18:11
BluesKajsudo service lightdm stop , x35_ then try startx18:11
AnkhwatcherHey there! I'm having a bit of trouble with my wifi, how can I reset my broadcom driver settings back to standard?18:11
bekkssifu_: You have to have a server sending emails to, you have to have a static IP, you have to secure your server, you have to setup a MX domain record, etc.18:12
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: I wasn't aware that command still worked.18:12
taox35, sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop18:12
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, why not ?18:12
PhatTonybekks,  Yes. goto mxtools.com18:12
bekksPhatTony: What should I do there?18:12
SonikkuAmericaI thought it had changed to just [ start ] and [ stop ]18:13
BluesKajit worked here the last time I needed it , SonikkuAmerica18:13
x35_BluesKaj, I get error: /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: 3: exec: /usr/bin/X: not found, then some more errors18:13
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: OK...18:13
lundyomg flash player keeps crashing on me :'( in firefox18:13
SonikkuAmericalundy: Did you reinstall the Flash plugin?18:13
SonikkuAmericalundy: (yet that is)18:13
x35_BluesKaj, xinit: giving up xinit: unable to connecto to X server: No such file or directory xinit: server error18:14
sifu_bekks, hmm okey sounds a bit too much for the time i have...maybe some another time...thanks for the help18:14
fedoris there a bit-torrent client where i can play videofiles while downing them?18:14
lundynope, it shouldnt be that ... this is a fresh install18:14
fedorthere are some in windows18:14
BluesKajx35 did you try sudo service lightdm stop18:14
fedorhere i use transmission18:14
SonikkuAmericalundy: Give it a shot anyway: [ sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer ]18:14
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
x35_BluesKaj, well that was lame.. I just had to reinstall xserver but i don't know why it was uninstalled..18:16
BluesKajx35_, pok ..weird18:16
taox35,if you want to uninstall xserver. you should uninstall xserver-xorg18:19
IndustrialI have nvidia-current installed but GL apps can't run. e.g. steam says the GLX extension is missing. I don't have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf. How do I make sure nvidia is used (OUTSIDE of Unity. I am in i3wm.) ?18:19
rita__how to play live stream18:20
akash268hi all18:23
autobushi people18:28
autobusI need to install working nvidia drivers18:28
autobusfor steam and minecraft18:28
autobuscan someone help?18:28
daleharveyhey, the links for the image for installng ubunto on the macbook air are broken @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir4-218:29
daleharveyanyone know where to find it?18:29
IndustrialI have nvidia-current installed but GL apps can't run. e.g. steam says the GLX extension is missing. I don't have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf. How do I make sure nvidia is used (OUTSIDE of Unity. I am in i3wm.) ?18:31
MO_Handesdoes ubuntu has touch version or touch support for use with a touch notebook like Asus Vivobook?18:32
RoublesSo am I correct in understanding that ubuntu 12.10 has no non-pae install available?18:32
bekksRoubles: Yes.18:32
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
john_rambo When I click on alink firefox opens. I want Chromium to open the links. What to do ?18:34
Gerowenjohn_rambo: Are you using Ubuntu 12.10?18:34
john_ramboGerowen, No. 12.0418:34
Gerowenjohn_rambo: Go to "System Settings", you can find it quickly by typing "Settings" into the search bar in the Unity menu, then once you have "System Settings" open, click "Details", in Details there should be an option on the left that says "Default Applications", in there you can change your default web browser.18:35
GerowenGuest11778: Hey, :-)18:36
Guest11778i changed networking settings because wired networking wasnt working on ubuuntu but now i cant boot up, login screen just goes to a black screen18:36
anewquestion - if i set up a shared folder with virtualbox and automount it, doesnt that automount it on the guest os ? why do i have to run mount -t everytime?18:37
Guest11778Gerowen: hey18:37
=== Guest11778 is now known as ielo
eosswhere does sshd keep logs?   i have no auth log or syslog in var/log18:38
RoublesIf I install an older version of ubuntu from a non-pae image, will this become a problem for me when I need to make updates in the future?18:38
rita__how to listen to online radio that use windows mediaplayer18:38
autobusHi people18:38
ielo                        18:38
ielo  18:38
ielo 18:38
autobusI am on installing nvidia drivers from its own website18:39
FloodBot1ielo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
autobusWhat should I do after using the .run ?18:39
Gerowenielo: Sorry for not responding I was reading something else online.  I'm not familiar with that particular issue.  If you could provide some more info like what version of Ubunt you're running, and what other changes were made right around the time the problem started, somebody else in here may be able to help you, :-)18:40
rita__ho to listen to internet radio in ubuntu18:40
rita__ho to play internet radio on ubuntu that used windows media player18:41
=== boze is now known as boze_afk
SonikkuAmericaRoubles: Does your computer support PAE? (Physical Address Extension)18:42
RoublesIt's an old computer, centrino processor I think or pentium m18:42
RoublesI get an error message each time i try to install, "this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: pae" so I am assuming the answer is no.18:43
SonikkuAmericaRoubles: Guess not. Try getting a non-PAE kernel.18:43
SonikkuAmericaRoubles: Check this: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html18:43
RoublesSonikkuAmerica: Will it cause a problem for me when I update though?18:44
eosswhere does sshd keep logs?   i have no auth log or syslog in var/logs18:44
koffelhey all i have 10.04 lts with ssd should i have swap?18:44
SonikkuAmericaRoubles: Currently or after you install the ISO mentioned on the page?18:44
RoublesI mean, there will be kernel updates right?18:45
rita__ho can i listen to internet radio18:45
Roubles(I am trying to decide whether it's better just to walk away from ubuntu).18:45
SonikkuAmericaRoubles: No, you shouldn't. The Mini ISO is designed universally. You probably tried to install with an ISO that had a dependency on PAE.18:45
mdobrininhello all, I have a quick question. I am running win7 right now. Is it possible to install Ubuntu on a separate drive with its own boot-loader such that I choose which OS to boot by using the motherboard's boot devices priority?18:45
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compdocmdobrinin, sure18:46
SonikkuAmericamdobrinin: If you install it on another device (such as another HDD), yes.18:46
bilelis it possible to change a symlink target without having to delete it? The "-f" option odesn't do the trick18:46
mdobrininand I don't need to mess with my current hd's bootloader?18:46
SonikkuAmericamdobrinin: Although I'm not sure why you would want to do that...18:46
SonikkuAmericamdobrinin: Nope.18:47
koffeli am thinking i doing this wrong this my specs 8 gigs ram 256 sdd running 32 bit18:47
mdobrininSonikkuAmerica: I had an issue in the past where grub messed everything up and I had to reformat everything, so I'm trying to keep the OSes as separate as possible :)18:47
DeadWeaselI figured out my wifi issue.  got a new wifi card.18:47
SonikkuAmericamdobrinin: The Windows bootloader won't find Ubuntu, but Ubuntu *might* find Windows, no matter what priority setting you select in your BIOS.18:48
SonikkuAmericamdobrinin: Or at least GRUB218:48
theadminbilel: I don't think so, at least the ln manpage doesn't show an option for that18:49
theadminbilel: Why do you need to?18:49
mdobrininDoes the current Windows Installer replace the windows bootloader with GRUB?18:49
theadminmdobrinin: Err... no, it does the other way around :P18:49
theadminmdobrinin: Oh, you mean WUBI?18:50
mdobrinintheamin, yes I mean if I install Unbuntu with WUBI or whatever its called18:50
mdobrininbasically, I want to dual-boot Ubuntu, but minimize the risk of something going wrong :)18:50
theadminmdobrinin: It doesn't replace the Windows bootloader with GRUB, it makes the Windows bootloader chainload grub18:50
bileltheadmin: it's for a deploy script, I'm not sure wether having this small latency time when the symlink doesn't exist is a good idea18:50
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bilelbasically it's for symlinking the current production code to the new release18:51
fwilsonCamel`: Welcome to #ubuntu.18:51
bilelI've made a test script in order to understand the behavior but it looks strange to me : http://pastebin.com/bd61u8Qv18:53
theadminbilel: "mkdir a && mkdir b"... Really? "mkdir a b"18:53
theadminbilel: Geez18:53
bileltheadmin: sorry I'm a beginner, hope it didn't burn your eyes too much...18:55
theadminbilel: Meh, that's okay, just trying to help learn :D18:55
thufir_help.  my xfce looks like this:  http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-02162013-105008am.php and I cannot move or resize windows, and clicking on windows doesn't always bring them to the foreground.  The windows have "x _ []" to close, min or max the window.  it's very odd.18:56
bileltheadmin: np ;) but do you understand the output, apparently it should work but it' not the case, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1727280/is-there-a-way-to-edit-a-symlink-without-deleting-it-first for example18:57
rita__why can't i directy listen to the live stream of q-music.be but well when i copy the link in rhytmbox18:57
thufir_pardon, the windows do *not* have close, max or min buttons.  theirs a whole part of how windows tile, lay on top of each other, resize etc which is just suddenly broken.18:57
theadminbilel: Well, as you see, it should work with "ln -sf"18:58
rita__where did thunderbird store the mail files19:00
rita__where store thunderbird the mail files19:02
bileltheadmin: that's what I did, a comment below says it only works for files not folders, anyway I'll go for "rm mirror && ln ..." in that case19:03
=== TheSwed is now known as TheSwede
TheSwedeHey guys can you help me out with my ubunutu problem?19:04
DJonesTheSwede: Only if you explain what the problem is :)19:04
Naphatulok so here's the 'new' error that i've been getting: http://pastebin.com/Lc7TLCMj19:05
rita__TheSwede, what is the problem19:05
Naphatulcould anyone take a look? it's frustrating not getting clear error messages19:05
Naphatulwrong channel sorry19:05
theadminbilel: You can't "rm" a symlink like that, use "unlink"19:05
go8765_Prapoo h3050 + ubuntu  реально?19:06
TheSwedeOkay so here it is. I am trying to install the windows installer and dual boot it. I installed it to my seperate hard drive that does not have windows installed on it and it seemed to go okay. Then when I rebooted and chose ubuntu it asked me to put in the windows recovery CD and then directed me back to choose a boot option.19:06
bazhangTheSwede, wubi?19:06
go8765_P*sorry. rapoo h3050 + ubuntu  is real to use?19:07
bazhang!ru | go8765_P19:07
ubottugo8765_P: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:07
TheSwedei only had 10Gb free on my C: drive so i installed to to my D: drive instead to let me allocate more space to ubuntu19:08
ThinkT510TheSwede: i can recommend not using wubi19:11
wadAnyone else messing with the new Ubuntu steam?19:11
bazhangwad, #ubuntu-steam19:11
wadAh, thanks!19:11
TheSwedeokay, so if i was to install the 12.04 desktop version would it delete everything from the partition that it would be instlled to?19:12
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ThinkT510TheSwede: only if you specify it to19:12
TheSwedehow would i do that?19:12
fwilsonI believe there's an option in the installer -- something along the lines of "Use whole disk"19:13
ThinkT510TheSwede: naturally you'd need a separate partition for ubuntu19:13
fwilsonwait nvm that's the disk not the partition19:13
ThinkT510!partitioning | TheSwede19:14
ubottuTheSwede: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:14
TheSwedethe thing is that I already have a partition on the drive. So i cant create a new one19:16
Ice_StrikeI am considering moving to Ubunto from Windows 8 but how can I use Photoshop on Linux?19:17
Ice_Strikeand also Skype (with webcam support?)19:17
bekksTheSwede: Then how do you want to install Ubuntu without having space for it?19:17
theadminIce_Strike: Only via Wine. Skype is available natively.19:17
DJonesIce_Strike: Try using Gimp for photo editing19:17
Ice_StrikeI knew someone will say  Gimp19:17
theadminIce_Strike: You can run PS in Wine, it works fine most of the time iirc19:18
bazhangIce_Strike, check the appdb19:18
TheSwedei have 200Gb free im just wondering if i can install it to that partition and not delete my files that are on the same partition19:18
Ice_Striketheadmin I was thinking running virtual PC on Linux and install Windows on top19:18
bekksTheSwede: Only using Wubi which is not recommended.19:18
theadminIce_Strike: That'd work too19:18
bekksTheSwede: You could use virtualbox as well.19:18
Ice_Striketheadmin Which would be faster as performance?19:19
theadminIce_Strike: Wine would, most of the time, though on a decent machine it shouldn't matter...19:19
TheSwedei guess. I am just going to do a little experimenting for a while and get back to you guys if i have anymore problems19:19
yeatsIce_Strike: you can also run Windows in vbox (or just dual boot) if you don't want to let go of Windows19:20
DJonesIce_Strike: I've got XP & W7 in Vbox, both run pretty quickly (4gb, i3 laptop), I'd say its as fast as a native install if that helps19:20
Ice_StrikeDJones Thats sweet19:20
Ice_Strikewhat about Skype19:21
Ice_Strikewith webcam19:21
theadminIce_Strike: Skype is available natively, like I said already.19:21
Ice_StrikeHmm I see19:21
kicklighterpeople i installed the plasma netbook in ubuntu software center but nothing happens????19:21
MK`Hm I went to install again. It was doing "copying files" and that completed, so then I selected my location, but now it seems to have frozen again. I think it is related to that specific part, can anyone help me? I verified the md5 of the ISO...19:21
theadminkicklighter: Nothing will just "happen", you have to log in to it :/19:22
go87651I by rapoo h3050 headphones but in wireles mode they not working. is anyway to fix this?19:22
kicklighterand what should i state in the terminal19:22
kicklighteri  boot the thing log and out.....19:23
mdobrininDo I have to shrink my windows 7 partition to accommodate Ubuntu if I'm using WUBI? Or does it sit inside?19:23
bekksmdobrinin: It sits inside. You'd better use vbox.19:24
theadminmdobrinin: It installs to a file.19:24
theadminmdobrinin: You can install normally if you wish to do partitioning19:24
theadminmdobrinin: It's just a single button, really, "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" :P19:24
mdobrininI am fine with it sitting inside, is ther a reason I would use vbox?19:24
theadminmdobrinin: Well, wubi is broken half the time19:25
Ice_Strikeon Windows - I never had problem with my PC shutdown accidently or powercut19:25
Ice_StrikeShould be no problem with Ubunto?19:25
bekksIce_Strike: It is no problem with Ubunt_u_19:25
kicklighteri virtualbox you install steam for windows.....only in a tiny box....but that's all i need.....19:25
Ice_Strikebekks not even panic error issue ? :P19:26
ilovettcan someone please help tell me why I can see a 2nd hard drive but cant mount it http://pastebin.com/NcuJvzHP19:26
bekksIce_Strike: Whatever that may be. When having a panic, there is no facility living anymore that could display something.19:26
ilovettsdb is what im trying to mount, it was formatted in windows I think19:26
kicklighteri still got the prob plasma notebook....need some help19:27
bekksilovett: sdb is an entire drive, not a partition.19:27
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
DJonesIce_Strike: I've been using Ubuntu since 2006, I've not had any issues that couldn't be easily recovered from, certainly less issues than if I'd been using Windows19:27
MoL0ToV03:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5289 (rev 01)19:28
MoL0ToV suggestions?19:28
bekksMoL0ToV: On what?19:28
Ice_StrikeDJones Ok that is good to hear..19:28
ilovettbekks: I can use it when in windows 7 -- what do I need to do to be able to use it in ubuntu?19:28
MoL0ToVbekks, is a card reader howto recognize?19:28
bekksilovett: In Windows, there is a partition on that drive.19:28
MK`I got it working by disabling networking before selecting my location. That appears to have been making it hang.19:29
bekksMoL0ToV: I dont get what you are actually asking, I am sorry.19:29
ilovettbekks: do I have to reformat in linux? or can I just read / create the windows partition19:29
Ice_StrikeDJones If I install Ubuntu - what do I need to install and config for security?19:29
Ice_StrikeDo you all use Linux as root login?19:30
bekksilovett: No. You have to mount the partition not the entire drive.19:30
theadminIce_Strike: Nobody does that.19:30
bekksilovett: Hopefully noone have an open root login anymore.19:30
Ice_Striketheadmin Serious?19:30
DJonesIce_Strike: Ubuntu doesn't use root as default19:30
theadminIce_Strike: Yes, nobody uses a root account unless it's an admin task.19:30
SterkaSorwill ubuntu 12.04.3 have kernel from 13.04?19:30
bekks!root | Ice_Strike19:30
ubottuIce_Strike: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:30
ilovettbekks: there is no dropdown available in pysdm for sdb19:30
bekksilovett: Whatever psydm might be. Pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l please.19:31
theadminIce_Strike: In Ubuntu, the root account does technically exist but it's locked out (disabled), so use sudo for admin tasks19:31
bekks!paste | ilovett19:31
ubottuilovett: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:31
Ice_Striketheadmin I get it now19:31
motorsepI have unusual issue with my 12.04 64bit19:32
andreas__goodevening my fellow ubuntunistas!19:32
kicklighterif i kubuntu plasma netbook .. will it change my default unity....and suggestions???19:32
theadminkicklighter: It won't change anything... you have to log out, select a KDE session and log in to use it.19:32
kicklightertry it19:32
andreas__can anyone offer me some advice on voyager 12.10?19:32
motorsepI booted up Ubuntu today, logged in, a wallpaper momentarily flashed and Ubuntu went back to login screen. That's when I tried loggin in with Unity desktop. Logged in with Gnome without any issues. Any ideas how to fix?19:33
ilovettbekks: http://pastebin.com/NcuJvzHP19:33
ubuntu22I have a fresh install of 12.04 and I am having trouble making a call in skype, it will just crash.19:33
Myrttiandreas__: if it's not Ubuntu or officially supported derivative of it, then no19:33
bekksilovett: As you can see, there is a partition called "sdb1".19:34
theadminMyrtti: ...I think Voyager is a web browser used in QNX... But uh.19:34
SterkaSorIs nvidia geforce go 7400 still blacklisted to run Unity in ubuntu 12.04?19:34
SterkaSoror any newer ubuntu release19:34
ilovettbekks: ok, I have been using pysdm up to this point, its a nice mounting gui --- I will try to mount it manually19:35
ilovettbekks: thanks19:35
andreas_is there anyone who can assist me with voyager?19:35
aartistHow I can print from ubuntu?  Is this a no-brainer?19:37
theadminaartist: Should be the same way you print from anywhere else, open a document and click "Print" in whatever you open it with...19:38
theadminaartist: You can print plain text files with "lp" from the CLI, too.19:38
kicklighterthank you people or whoever help me plasma netbook it look reall stunning .... lol!!!!19:39
IdleOneandreas_: ##ubuntu-voyager     may be able to help you19:39
jakey1what is an LDAP19:39
kicklighter$$$!** is this allowed????19:40
DeluxInstalling Ubuntu Server and it fails on GRUB install. It's trying to load to /dev/sda but that's not the drive I have aprtitioned for the OS. See error here > http://oi48.tinypic.com/dwfalh.jpg19:40
bekkskicklighter: No. Only single characters are allowed.19:40
compdocDelux, how many drives in the system?19:41
Tex_Nick!ldap | jakey119:41
ubottujakey1: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer19:41
Deluxcompdoc = 6 HDD and a USB Thumb Drive19:41
motorsepSo, has anyone had this issue -  I booted up Ubuntu today, logged in, a wallpaper momentarily flashed and Ubuntu went back to login screen. That's when I tried loggin in with Unity desktop. Logged in with Gnome without any issues. Any ideas how to fix?19:41
IgneousHi all, I'm on a fresh install of precise, trying to get fglrx up and working on a HD 3000 series radeon card. Things *seem* like they should be working, my xorg.0.log looks promising, no warnings or errors, fglrx loads, but then xorg hangs with a black screen, and lightdm never comes up. Anyone ever had this problem?19:42
compdocDelux, I would just disconnect the other drives until after the OS installs. Btw, why couldnt it write to /dev/sda? sounds like thats lucky for you that it couldnt19:42
Deluxcompdoc - i dont have physical access to this box and it couldnt write to sda because it's not partitioned19:43
snubbehi, anyone know a ubuntu alternative to itunes for updating ios-devices?19:44
snubbetried itunes via wine and playonubuntu but its not working19:44
ThinkT510!rockbox | snubbe19:44
ubottusnubbe: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!19:44
compdocDelux, and you cant use /dev/sda for the OS?19:44
bekkssnubbe: There is none. You need Windows/OSX and iTunes.19:45
CheckpointThanks guys! :) I want to dedicate a computer to a very simple, special program of mine. 1) I'd like the fastest booting linux distro available. So if I turn on the power, I'd like the system to start as soon as possible. 2) I don't want a regular desktop GUI. I'd like it to power on and jump into my program. Do you remember playing playstation or xbox? You put the disc in and powered on,19:45
Checkpointand then you were right in the game. You didn't need to click a shortcut or navigate any folders or anything. That's what I want this to be. A computer where you turn on the power and the desktop is my simple program.19:45
Deluxcompdoc - I dont want to19:45
Deluxit's a smaller drive19:45
CheckpointHow would I build something like this?19:45
theadminCheckpoint: Well, you'd go with a plain X based setup and put your program startup directives into your .xinitrc, then make sure X starts on boot...19:46
CheckpointI'm thinking I might just be able to create my own Desktop/GUI. Maybe I don't need to make a new "base" linux?19:46
ThinkT510Checkpoint: probably better asked in ##linux19:46
DJonesCheckpoint: Sounds like something for ##hardware and ##linux rather than an Ubuntu support question19:46
CheckpointXubuntu, theadmin?19:46
theadminCheckpoint: No, "X" as in no desktop environment, just the Xorg server19:46
Checkpointtheadmin you rule!19:47
theadminCheckpoint: I once made something like that with app being Chromium, attempting to recreate ChromeOS :P19:47
theadminCheckpoint: So feel free to PM me for help19:47
=== zombiefox is now known as Fuchs
Deluxhttp://oi48.tinypic.com/dwfalh.jpg < what causes this error - I dont want to loaded to /dev/sda19:50
joker_hi everyone19:50
joker_hola a todos nigga's!19:51
joker_^_^ speak me19:51
joker_i have a problem19:51
FloodBot1joker_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
k1l!language | joker_19:51
ubottujoker_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:51
javilaHi, I open the terminal and I can't see it on alt+tab or where all the icons are placed in the left (dont know the english name)19:52
javilabut the terminal is still opened, why can this happen?19:52
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javilait seems to happen too with xchat19:55
IgneousHi, I have a thinkpad w500 with a firegl v5700. Trying to install fglrx on precise.. Xorg launches, xorg.0.log looks hopeful (detects my card), but ultimately xorg hangs and my screen just goes black.19:58
valtadorHi could someone help me please19:58
IgneousI can't kill -9 the pid, I can't do anything with X (DISPLAY=:0 fglrxinfo/xrandr actually creates another unkillable process)19:59
ilovettgetting a strange mounting error about invalid NTFS signature... what to do?   http://pastebin.com/jy0jJVxn19:59
ilovettpastebin has fdisk -l as well19:59
Deluxhttp://oi48.tinypic.com/dwfalh.jpg < what causes this error - I dont want to loaded to /dev/sda20:00
bekksilovett: Thats not NTFS. :)20:00
ilovettwhy does fdisk say it is?20:00
ilovettmaybe its fat?20:01
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bekksilovett: We dont know it.20:01
bekksilovett: It is your disk :)20:01
ilovetthow does fdisk determine the type of hd?20:01
bekksilovett: fdisk doesnt care about the FILESYSTEM, it only displays the PARTITION type.20:02
ilovettright then, the partition20:02
MK`My Ubuntu install is hanging at "Copying installation files." is it safe to reboot and consider it complete?20:03
ilovett/dev/sdb1               1       60802   488383488    7  HPFS/NTFS20:03
bekksilovett: The partition type has NOTHING to do withe filesystem on the partition.20:03
ilovettyea, but fdisk -l produces "System: HPFS/NTFS"20:04
Igneousoh lawd20:04
bekksilovett: The partition type has NOTHING to do withe filesystem on the partition.20:04
ilovettis that not neccessarily correct?20:04
bekksilovett: Read what I told you :)20:04
ilovetti think im reading fdisk wrong...20:04
linusHas anyone gotten upmixing to work with pulse audio?20:04
ilovettfile system != system?20:04
linusive set enable-remixing and enable-lfe-remixing to = yes and default-sample-channels to = 5 but im still getting 2 channel output. What am I missing?20:05
bekksilovett: PARTITION != FILESYSTEM ==> partition type != filesystem20:05
JutasHi. Is there a way to save display resolution settings from one system and apply to another?20:06
ilovettok, I think I got it...20:07
ilovettgot some reading to do20:07
ilovettthanks bekks :P20:07
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
Deluxhttp://oi48.tinypic.com/dwfalh.jpg < what causes this error - I dont want to loaded to /dev/sda20:09
linus@jutas /home/username/.config/monitors.xml20:09
Jutas@linus Thanks. I'll have a look20:10
gueriLLaPunKwhat does this mean?20:13
gueriLLaPunKinstall: missing destination file operand after `libssp0_4.1.1-21_amd64.deb'20:13
theadmingueriLLaPunK: "install" doesn't install things...20:13
theadmingueriLLaPunK: You want "sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb"20:13
gueriLLaPunKoh thanks!20:13
theadmingueriLLaPunK: May need to run "sudo apt-get -f install" afterwards if it complains about missing deps20:13
Igneousthe real question is why are you manually installing debs20:13
theadmin...That too20:14
theadmin!find libssp20:14
ubottuFile libssp found in gcc-4.4, gcc-4.4-multilib, gcc-4.4-source, gcc-4.5, gcc-4.5-multilib, gcc-4.5-source, gcc-4.6, gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi, gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabihf, gcc-4.6-multilib (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libssp&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any20:14
Igneousoh lord20:14
gueriLLaPunKi need that20:14
theadmingueriLLaPunK: Why are you installing a DEBIAN package in UBUNTU?20:14
linusthere are many reasons to manually install a package, not found in a repository or a ppa is the main one, but i could think of three more20:14
jakey1Are there 'things' that I could do with a custom designed CMS that I couldn't do with joomla, wordpress etc.?20:14
theadmingueriLLaPunK: They're NOT compatible distros.20:14
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: what's the problem you're running into that caused you to start hunting for that package in the first place?20:15
gueriLLaPunKim trying to compile rtorrent with xmlrpc-c and i got this error20:16
gueriLLaPunKconfigure: error: Could not compile XMLRPC-C test.20:16
theadmingueriLLaPunK: Why are you compiloing rtorrent.20:17
theadmingueriLLaPunK: It's in the repos.20:17
theadmingueriLLaPunK: sudo apt-get install rtorrent20:17
linus@gueriLLaPunk you are going to need more of that error before your problem can be solved20:18
gueriLLaPunKi know its in the repos, but i was told i need xmlrpc-c with rtorrent20:18
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
gueriLLaPunKim following a guide20:18
anewshit, i made my bash prompt bold and now i cant put it back to normal20:18
anewcan anyone help20:18
betz1Hi! I am looking for a command that would copy a folder, but where i get a progress indication. Does anyone know such command?20:18
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
theadminbetz1: vcp20:19
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: fair enough, I'd think that rtorrent was built with all possible options when it was packaged, but maybe not20:19
betz1checking it out20:19
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: can you maybe provide a bit more context than that one line regarding your build error?20:19
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: maybe pastebin the entire make log?20:19
anewlol i got it luckily20:19
theadminbetz1: Sorry, meant gcp, seems it's been renamed or something.20:19
gueriLLaPunKwell, i just finished compiling and installing libtorrent, got no errors, Igneous20:20
gueriLLaPunKthat was the last time in the error20:20
gueriLLaPunKit was doing a bunch of "checking..."20:20
gueriLLaPunK"checking for...20:20
OerHeksbetz1, rsync --progress /copy/from /copy/to20:20
MK`what is the name of the 64-bit steam package?20:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
gueriLLaPunKIgneous, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1665548/20:21
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
theadminMK`: "steam64", but it's not real.20:21
theadminMK`: There's no real 64-bit version of Steam, so that just pulls in the 32-bit version20:22
MK`hm, I am getting 'unable to locate package steam64', same for just 'steam'.20:22
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest10066
Pr0jectRec0nHello buddy20:23
theadminMK`: Also, for some odd reason, the Steam packages are in a private-ppa, so it's only installable via the Software Centre.20:23
MK`It's only letting me select "Buy" instead of "install"... is that correct?20:23
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: is there any further information in the config.log? there should be some compiler output associated with trying to compile and run that test, it would've gotten logged to config.log but not to stdout.20:23
theadminMK`: Yeah, it costs $0.00 though so you will not be charged, but you will need an USSO account.20:23
Guest10066I'm JUTAS. I'm from a LIVE CD.  There is no monitors.xml in the .config folder on the real filesystem partition20:24
betz1ok, rsync will do. thanks OerHeks and theadmin for the help20:25
gueriLLaPunKhow do i copy and paste everything in config.log?20:25
bekks!pastebinit | gueriLLaPunK20:25
ubottugueriLLaPunK: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:25
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: imo if you have curl installed you can throw it up on sprunge a lot easier than installing some script20:26
theadminIgneous: Except it comes preinstalled :P20:26
Igneousah, that I did not know20:27
theadminIgneous: Nowadays anyway20:27
gueriLLaPunKso whats the cmd that i need to use before pastebinit?20:27
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gueriLLaPunKto send config.log20:27
Igneouscat config.log20:27
=== mpmc|Away is now known as mpmc
gueriLLaPunKIgneous, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1665585/20:28
theadmin!sprunge is <reply> Sprunge is a simple, text-only pastebin that you can upload files to via the command-line. To use, make sure "curl" is installed, and then run your_command | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us20:28
theadminThere, for the heck of it :P20:29
theadminIgneous: You could also simply do "pastebinit config.log"...20:29
* Igneous sitting in a ubuntu rescue session wih no TTYs to check the usage of pastebinit20:29
Igneousbut noted :P20:30
theadminIgneous: You can still read the manpage eh20:30
Igneousmaybe if I background irssi20:31
IgneousI'm lazy20:31
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: so, it looks like that "checking for XMLRPC-C, result: failed" is probably a pkgconfig check for something20:31
IgneousI wish I knew what though, haha20:31
Igneousgive me a sec to google around20:32
gueriLLaPunKthank you kindly20:32
DJonesIgneous: Why background irssi? Thats where byobu/screen come in :)20:32
theadminOr tmux.20:32
gueriLLaPunKIgneous, i found an updated guide. im trying that20:32
gueriLLaPunKit makes use of curl and svn20:33
IgneousgueriLLaPunK: yeah I think the problem is actually more that --with-xmlrpc-c isn't a config option20:33
Igneousso it's looking for an ac test to enable that, and it's not there20:33
DeluxTrying to install Ubuntu Server on /dev/sdc1 but when it comes to selecting where to install the GRUB boot loader it fails to install. I tired selecting /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc - any thoughts?20:33
Igneousor maybe I'm full of it20:33
TatuusHi! Ubuntu 12.10... Doesn't recognize ANY dvd... Cd yes.. installed sudo apt-get install libdvdcss libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 -so whats my next move ?20:34
xpistoshas anyone had luck installing guest addtitions on an ubuntu guest in Vbox? Version 12.04.2 or 12.1020:34
Igneousit's been a while, let me re-ask this: I'm on a fresh 12.04 install, trying to get fglrx to work with a firegl v5700/mobility hd3650. fglrx installs, the kmod loads, xorg starts up and logs lots of pretty success messages, but xorg hangs at '[fglrx] FIREGL BOARD DETECTED'20:35
* |Slacker| had20:35
gueriLLaPunKIgneous, have you tried turning it off and on again?20:35
|Slacker|xpistos, I ain't got no problems installing vbox guest additions20:35
IgneousI just get a black screen, can't kill xorg, sometimes I can't even do 'ps aux', things get so hung up20:36
Igneousnothing particularly helpful in my dmesg, or any logs for that matter :(20:36
Tatuusdo i need to mount something ? I'm don't understand, cd's play but dvd's do nothing in drive20:36
IgneousWorks fine with xf86-video-ati or whatever ubuntu calls it though20:37
Igneousjust fglrx sucking20:37
xpistos|Slacker|: I won't install right for me. Did you do anyting special?20:37
|Slacker|Tatuus, there's alittle command you need to run in terminal....gimme a minute, I'll get that20:37
TatuusTHanks SLacker =)20:37
Tatuusi played dvd's fine before if i recall right20:38
xpistosI have tried 12.04.2 and 12.10. I tried using virtualbox-guest-utils, the cd ...20:38
|Slacker|xpistos, I had to access the folder through the terminal and run de vbox-guest-install as sudo from there20:38
ErtanERBEKanyone use optirun ?20:39
|Slacker|Tatuus, checke whether your system has libdvdread installed20:39
ErtanERBEKI mean anyone have nvidia optimus system20:39
DeadWeaselWhta is acceptable packets loss in ubuntu when using wireless?20:39
TatuusSlacer, yes it's installed20:39
Tatuusalso Libdvdcss20:40
|Slacker|Tatuus, try this: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh20:40
Tatuusand libdvdnav4 installed20:40
xpistosI am going to try install the headers it asks for20:40
TatuusOk thanks, i try20:40
xpistosbut I had this in an earlier version as well with no luck20:41
|Slacker|xpistos, oh...yeah...you'll need the headers20:41
|Slacker|I needed20:41
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sibisHi, I just installed ubuntu over Vista, and now the mouse is laggy and screen keeps flashing, any advice?20:41
aartistI see around 3000+ program in my /usr/bin,  what are they doing ? How they got installed , How I can find brief description of them?20:42
xpistosnot sure what lines 11 and 12 do though20:42
TatuusNo, still absolutely nothing... Cd's recognized though.. Could this be a damaged dvd drive? I'm very confused20:42
|Slacker|aartist, Ubuntu Software Centre20:42
|Slacker|Tatuus, I read somewhere that after that command a reboot might be needed20:43
TatuusOk.... rebooting20:43
Tatuusthanks in advance20:43
Guest43026hi! I have the laptop: HP Pavilon b005ea, which comes with Windows 8 (UEFI added, of course). I want to get rid of W8 and install just ubuntu. The PC has a 32G SSD (sdb) + 512G HD (sda). I tried several times to install / in the 32G but after BIOS I get the message not operative system found (in UEFI and in normal BIOS). I've removed all the fake raids too. Any clue?20:43
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=== Guest43026 is now known as eternalW8hate
eternalW8hateI've tried boot repair too, but not luck at all20:44
|Slacker|eternalW8hate, have you wiped all the partitions?20:44
aartist|Slacker|: Can I get that information in emacs?20:45
Ackisso I installed ubuntu and managed to mess things up so that I don't have the quick launch bar on the left side, nor do I have the menu bar on the top... pretty good for 5 minutes of use eh?20:46
eternalW8hate|Slacker|: yes. I've removed them on the installation process, and then create the news that I need: / in sdb and /home + swap in sda. I've tried with this bootgrub kind of partition too, but didn't work either :(20:46
|Slacker|aartist, dunno, dude...I ain't an advanced user20:46
ErtanERBEKanyone can give me glxgear result via optirun ?20:46
|Slacker|eternalW8hate, you have to create a 1MB partition with Bios_grub flag, otherwise it will never boot20:46
|Slacker|uefi systems require this20:47
TatuusSlacker.... Rebooted... still nothing. Cd's recognized still. I noticed that when i booted, the "boot from cd" with DVD disc in drive didn't even check the disk... maybe my dvd drive is damaged?20:47
|Slacker|by the way...I needed to creat a 2MB partition, for some reason 1MB didn't work for me20:47
ericusHey guys! Is there any easy way to remove two language sections from a PDF file? When I scroll from page 1 to the next page, it's in french and germany. So, there is a lot of scrolling to be done (650 pages). Screenshot of the PDf chapters:20:47
ericus<***> Playback Complete.20:47
ericus<ericus> www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0TAuLJyFJoxch haha så jävla rolig scen20:47
ericus* Pake (www-data@localhost) has joined #Kalix20:47
FloodBot1ericus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
ericus<ericus> hmm, någon som vill hjälpa mig med att få bort sektioner från en PDF-fil?20:47
|Slacker|Tatuus, maybe, yes20:47
eternalW8hate|Slacker|: what do you call tag? I've created 256M boot grub (this was on the list)20:48
|Slacker|eternalW8hate, how did you create it? using the Disks Utility?20:48
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Tatuusi try to replace the drive... and get back to you... if still no go, it suppose it's odd :D20:48
eternalW8hate|Slacker|: yep, the partition program at installation (Advanced option)20:48
|Slacker|and I said flag, not tag :p20:48
edgewalkerHi all! Anyone have any opinions on 12.04.2 LTS? The update manager said it's available.20:49
eternalW8hate|Slacker|: sorry :D I read about that flag/tag, but I just thought that was this kind of partition and this is all20:49
|Slacker|eternalW8hate, you need to have an  unformatted partition of at least 1MB reserved for the BIOS20:49
xpistosAH, Now it said I am having a problem with depmod20:49
eternalW8hate|Slacker|: I am on live system now, I will try to do it and let you know20:49
|Slacker|when you create it, you go in advanced and select BIOS whatever I forgot the name20:49
ericusHey guys! Is there any easy way to remove two language sections from a PDF file? When I scroll from page 1 to the next page, it's in french and germany. So, there is a lot of scrolling to be done (650 pages). Screenshot of the PDf chapters: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4375930/Screenshot%20from%202013-02-16%2021%3A29%3A41.png20:49
|Slacker|at the drop down menu for the FS20:50
eternalW8hateah ok, this is exactly what I made then |Slacker|20:50
eternalW8hateI will start the installation process again. But before that. Should I change my BIOS back? use uefi or legacy mode?20:50
|Slacker|I couldn't do it with UEFI, I had to disable it20:51
eternalW8hateThe manuals on internet recommend keeping uefi, but it didn't really wokr20:51
eternalW8hateok |Slacker| then, summarizing: disable UEFI + enable legacy + add boot partition of 10M?20:51
|Slacker|yup, it might work I guess20:51
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eternalW8hateok |Slacker| thanks!20:52
|Slacker|just remember it needs to be an unformatted BIOS whatever the name is partition :P20:52
|Slacker|np dude20:52
aartist|Slacker|: ok.. It would be nice, if it is available, like Emacs package manager.. .20:52
TomSlominskihi. how do i kill specific python scripts from the command line?20:53
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aartistTomSlominski: get pid and kill ..20:53
ericusTomSlominski, ps ax | grep python, find the process and kill it20:53
|Slacker|TomSlominski, ps -A | grep nameofscript?20:53
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TomSlominskiperhaps I haven't phrased the question right20:54
PRabyteim having a little trouble with xscreensavor on 12.10. as well as 12.04. i go to change the screensavor or whatever, and check as i check the Preview of it, it say with popup: The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0".  Launch it now?  it then The xscreensaver daemon did not start up properly. Please check your $PATH and permissions.   when i press ok.  also, when i do ctr-alt-L  it locks, but no screen 20:54
TomSlominskiit shows up as "python ./cloudprint.py"20:54
albivianhi all20:54
albiviani have a t40 with built wireless, but when i nm-tool, the decive isn't listed20:55
albivianused ndiswrapper, still won't show20:55
albivianbios shows the device is there20:55
albivianwhat's the hell is going on?20:55
|Slacker|TomSlominski, kill -9 name.py20:55
xpistosI also tried apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) but it said I have the correct header installed20:56
albivianubuntu 12.04 on thinkpad  t4020:56
|Slacker|albivian, your device is hard locked, maybe?20:56
k1lalbivian: look at lspci/lsusb if the device is found. check rfkill if its blocked. see dmesg what happens20:56
wizackHow do I execute "empathy"?20:56
wizackI've installed everything mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Empathy20:56
k1lwizack: press super-button and type empathy?20:56
albiviank1l: will try it briefly20:56
wizackk1l: What is supper-button?20:57
TomSlominski|Slacker|, even if i'm in the script's directory i still get a no process found error20:57
k1lwizack: the windows logo button20:57
TomSlominskithis is actually meant to be used in an init script20:57
TomSlominski|Slacker|, hang on, maybe ive killed it now. ive killed python entirely before20:57
rexleoHellu all, was wondering if anyone knows a way to get my Logitech G510 keyboard to work. ( M-keys,G-keys and the screen)? Using ubuntu 12.10 64 bit20:58
PRabyteim having a little trouble with xscreensavor on 12.10. as well as 12.04. i go to change the screensavor or whatever, and check as i check the Preview of it, it say with popup: The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0".  Launch it now?  it then The xscreensaver daemon did not start up properly. Please check your $PATH and permissions.   when i press ok.  also, when i do ctr-alt-L  it locks, but no screen 20:58
unheedingi think xscreensaver and unity don't play nice together20:58
PRabyteim starting to think that as well unheeding20:59
PRabyteim using gnome classic at login screen, and lightdm, not gd20:59
PRabytethe screensavor i have is gnome based20:59
PRabytegdm i would think must be perm'd for gnome only, but im running lightdm, actually this the first time im using lightdm on ubuntu vs say debian 621:00
PRabytewheezy i believe21:00
ZNaughtI am trying out Wubi and installed it with the 25GB option selected. However, I attempted to install a program that was 10GB and it told me I did not have necessary space. Looking under disk usage, it said I only have a 3GB partition. What can I do to expand it?21:00
PRabytewonders what the work around is for gnome screensavor to work with non-gdm dm manager21:01
sajanHow long does it generally take to get new versions of software into the repos?  I see that LibreOffice 4 has been released and was wondering when it would be in the official repos?21:01
PRabytebut the message is xscreensaver  thats what is annoying and it states perms or check path or whatever, everything is default here21:01
PRabyteim make not changes to an gconf confs21:01
PRabytelocally or as root21:01
k1lsajan: new versiones come with new ubuntu release (beside fixes for security reasons or other heavy bugs)21:02
sajank1l:  I see.  So the new LibreOffice probably won't hit Ubuntu's repos until 13.04 then.21:03
k1lsajan: im not sure what the route is for 12.04. but i think 13.04 will be the one to go21:03
PRabytei think the root cause, is when i log in, the xscreensaver is not starting... should i do a rc.local, but that wont help, i get the error above when i try manually, this its a root setting somewhere. i just want my screensaver to work when i lock it or auto does so...21:03
ZNaughtcan anyone help me with a larger wubi installation?21:03
ldiamondI just installed nVidia's latest drivers and one of my monitors flickers like crazy. Any idea?21:03
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Riflexsomeone knows, how i can reset the keyboard shortcuts?21:04
Riflexin ubuntu 12.04.221:04
PRabyteim this close to saying shine to gnome and moving to xfce4 if unity/ubuntu are going to bump heads like this21:04
PRabyteRiflex: under admin > settings there is system settings, there is a keyboard short cut gui awaiting21:06
grysajan, what's new with it, and what version did the new thing appear in21:06
PRabyteapps > sys tools > sys settings21:06
PRabytelook for the keyboard ;)21:06
linusis there anyway i can have different startup applications for unity and gnome?21:07
grysajan, https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-prereleases, find if you have your version there21:07
sajangry: To be honest, I haven't even tried 4.0.  The new libreoffice site looks well updated though.  I was just curious as I have about 40 computers to update and have a repo or a ppa is much easier.21:07
PoolShark_is there a process accounting package for ubuntu?21:07
sajangry: Thanks!  That PPA is exactly what I needed.21:08
PoolShark_I need to keep track of how much CPU my users are using21:08
PRabytelinus  apps > sys tools > sys settings > details > default apps. thats the only thing i noticed other than changing conf files all over the place21:08
gryPoolShark_, I use htop, is there something specific you're after other than a good task manager? would you want some per-user stats/logs/graphs?21:08
xpistosWarning unknown version of X windows system installed21:09
PRabyteno idea where the start up apps are anymore21:09
xpistosnot installing x windows system driver21:09
PRabyteim coming from 10.04. everything has changed, and moved around, its almost like a windows os21:09
PRabytegnome wont let you right click the gnome-panel anymore,,, wtf21:09
PoolShark_gry: yes, I need to keep track of per-user CPU usage with logs and stats and such...21:10
SonikkuAmericaPRabyte: In Natty/Oneiric and up, System Settings > Startup Applications21:10
PRabyteSonikkuAmerica: someone else asked that21:10
SonikkuAmerica!natty | Of course21:10
ubottuOf course: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see http://ubottu.com/y/natty for details.21:10
PRabytepoint it to them21:10
RiflexPRabyte: but there's no reset button :(21:10
PRabyteRiflex: eh?21:11
SonikkuAmericaPRabyte: Who asked? I came in late21:11
linusthe config file created by the startup application program is shared by both unity and gnome, i want to use two different21:11
PRabytelinus i think21:11
Mannequinhi. If I run 'umask', I get ths output: '0002'21:11
PRabyteyep linus is his nick lol21:11
PRabyterather bold21:11
Mannequinbut I can't find no place there the 'umask' is set to that value.21:11
SonikkuAmericalinus: Since Natty, System Settings > Startup Applications.21:11
tux__should http://www.ubuntu.com/testing not having raring ringtail?21:11
RiflexPRabyte: no button for keyboard shortcut reset21:11
linusits my real name, nothing bold about it21:11
MannequinThe places I checked (~/.profile and /etc/profile) set it to 02221:12
go8765hello. help me please to fix rapoo h3050 headphone working in ubuntu21:12
PRabyteRiflex: yah its tricky21:12
PRabyteRiflex: you backspace each as select each one, it disables it21:12
MannequinSo, where is the current umask being set?21:12
ZNaughtanyone know how to deal with wubi install sizes?21:12
RiflexPRabyte: ahh man thank you a lot21:13
gryPoolShark_, there is 'acct' tool, look it up in software center, does it do what you need. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-log-user-activity-using-process-accounting.html21:13
xpistosThis is so frustrating. I can't find anything that seems to work21:13
Riflexhave a good night everybody21:13
PRabytethe thing i hate about gui's is it doesnt really teach you anything, since 12.x ubuntu, its real kindergarten looking... gnome classic is have there, everything is moved around... someone kick shuttleworths balls already, and put stuff back. this unity format is horrendeous even to average users.21:14
Mannequinok, I missed the USERGROUPS_ENAB, that seems to be related to how umask will be set for some particular cases21:14
=== LaserShark is now known as BillyTheKid
linusthe only solution ive come up with is using different users for gnome and unity but that solution isnt elegant21:14
=== BillyTheKid is now known as LaserShark
AxonetBEwhat is the best ubuntu version now for webservers?21:15
PRabyteim starting to think there are unity program versions vs gnome desktop versions. look at screenshot in software center. and alas, screensavor, Xscreensaver daemon desnt't seme running yadda lanuch it now... come on... screensave isnt working by default?21:15
linus@PRabyte I find the unity interface quick and simple, but it is simple enough to add a gnome3, or gnome-classic, or lxde or any other desktop session21:16
linusscreensaver daemon was removed for security reasons21:16
PRabyteomg.. why21:16
computerexI hate installing other environments, so much duplication :(21:17
computerexSuddenly you have a billion appearance properties, and you have to sift through to figure out which one works21:17
linus@computerex there is hardly any duplication between untiy, gnome3 and gnome-classic21:17
gryalexxv46: hi.21:17
go8765anyone use rappo h3050 in ubuntu?21:18
bekksgo8765: Why?21:18
go8765bekks: what why?21:18
bekks!anyone | go876521:18
ubottugo8765: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:18
go8765bekks: my "next question" I asked, but anyone answer, so I ask if anyone use this headphones21:20
bekksgo8765: Just ask your REAL question please.21:20
go8765mb someone have no pb with its21:21
bekksgo8765: Do you have an ubuntu related support question?21:21
PRabytelinus your miles varies from mine, your purpose with your gui is diff than mine, i like to customize mine. unity does NOT allow this. as you well know21:21
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PRabytemine doesnt allow a friggen screensavor to run21:21
PRabytei find security not an issue with screensavor, anyone who has access to a box can access it, there is no way the gnome screensavor has an issue on this box and especailly through a fire wall...21:22
go8765bekks: ye. I have rappo h3050 headphonea that dont work in ubuntu. so i try to find way to fix it21:22
PRabyteits a local service21:22
bekks!details | go876521:22
ubottugo8765: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:22
PRabytematter of fact, dont run a gui, its a security issue, but the gui wasnt dropped... please...21:23
linusthere is a long descirption on launchpad about the secrutiy vulnerablity but it isnt really important21:23
PRabyteall services have security vunerabilties, but they are still starting at boot up...21:23
PRabytegood grief21:23
datruthI'm having issues getting ident to work for both ipv6 and ipv4 anyone have any pointers? i'm using oidentd21:23
linusubuntus goal has always been end user simplicty, that may why it seems like they take out customizations21:24
PRabytesomeone kick mark shuttleworth already, put gnome back the way it should be, and stop controling us.. sheshh21:24
yharrowis that *the* linus?21:24
linusbut in reality it is still all open source so you can always change anything you want21:24
bekksyharrow: No.21:24
yharrowoh ok :P21:24
linusim linus from fargo not sweden21:24
yharrowah ok21:25
linusif i was the linus, there is no way id be deffending unity21:25
SenjaiLinus made the kernel, not ubuntu21:25
go8765bekks: ubuntu 12.10 + rapoo h3050. in windows i have some troubles too with this headphones(some extended driver option, after remowing that all become work. is anyway to do the same in ubuntu?)21:25
yharrowi believe that ubuntu replaces the freedom of technical customization with the freedom of  user interface customization21:25
bekksgo8765: Windows problems are irrelevant in here. Please describe your problem without using "they do not work".21:26
w_who are you?21:26
PoolShark_Linus has lost his mind21:26
SenjaiYharrow: ubuntu doesn't replace anything. You can remove and customize whatever you want21:26
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yharrowsenjai, ubuntu offers less technical avenues of customization, aka less technical tools as far as i know21:27
w_time is appening21:27
linusWhy do you think mr torvalds would be a fan of unity? because i doubt it, if i had to guess id say he uses a version of debian but it might be something more obscure21:27
SenjaiYharrow: it doesn't. I'm afraid to say your ignorant21:27
bekksyharrow: It offers more than windows.21:27
linusno one is comparing anything to windows, i believe this discussion is about linux distrobutins or more specifically desktop enviroments21:28
yharrowSenjai, don't be afraid to say anything. And having not made an actual application by application copmarison, I can neither confirm my ignorance nor support my position21:28
SenjaiLinus this discussion is nothing of the sort21:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:28
yharrowSenjai, I was not implying that ubuntu is inferior in any way. Only that there are *some* distributions which cater to a more technical crowd21:29
linuxer1Is there any decent way to map an Ubuntu package that is coming from the security repo *back* to the Ubuntu USN without having to do a lot of manual searching?21:29
k1llets stick to technical support in this channel. we have #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic for the other topics, thank you guys21:29
yharrowbekks, I completely agree with you. Again I am not attacking ubuntu in any ay21:30
SenjaiYharrow: define a tool? Because afaik all Linux/gnu distros come with gnuutils and gnu tools necessary for manipulating th system. Just because ubuntu looks pretty doesn't mean it's different21:30
go8765bekks: I think that this is plug and play device, so I think that  it dont need any options to use it. But I dont now what to describe more.  I put wired-dongle and dont hear any sound in ubuntu. So I think mb deliting some extended options of this device(like in windows I do) help to fix  my sound trouble, but I dont know how do this in ubuntu.21:30
histoyharrow that's not true. you can customize just as much iin ubuntu21:31
PuFFsWhats a good secure FTP ?21:31
gryyharrow: You can install additional things on Ubuntu and customize it. It's newbie-friendly from the start, but can be customized to fit your needs. A Debian packaging system with an emphasis on newer packages is the reason I stick to it myself.21:31
linus@go8765 do you have pulse audio volume control installed?21:31
SenjaiPuffs secure FTP is secure ftp21:31
go8765linus: yes21:31
linusdoes you hardware show up as an option in there?21:32
linusif you have a usb dongle that is plug in play you will see it there21:32
yharrowI am well aware that a sophisticated packaging system with access to comprehensive repositories allows for the same level of customizations as any other system with access to those same or similar tools21:33
go8765yes. i see it21:33
go8765linuus 3 or 4 devices21:33
gryyharrow: That said this channel isn't all Ubuntu users; some people help here while using non-Ubuntu distributions.21:33
SenjaiYharrow: that sentence is 100% rhetoric and contributed nothing to your standpoint21:33
Ubuntu_Userhello, i'm having a bit of an issue with e2fsck. is this the right place to find help for it?21:33
gryUbuntu_User: Definitely a good place to start. Give your details and see what this channel can do for you.21:34
linusdo the headphones plug into the dongle or do they use RF or bluetooth?21:34
bekksUbuntu_User: Yes.21:34
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
Ubuntu_Userwell, it's no so much of an error as the percentage complete isnt going up. the time elapsed is updating, and the error count is going up, but it stays at 1.23% done.21:35
bekksUbuntu_User: It can take quite a long time. I've seen fsck running for more than 24 hours.21:35
MACscrcant i change my root passwd by booting into recovery mode and running passwd? seems im getting an authentication token manipulation error21:35
bekks!root | MACscr21:36
ubottuMACscr: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:36
go8765linus: I think that plug and play http://rapoo.com/showdetails.aspx?P_No=H305021:36
gryMACscr: Are you able to use sudo from another user?21:36
yharrowI as simply defending against insinuations that all distributions are more or less the same as long as they have a good packaging system included. Which to an extent, is not entirely false. Since, if you isntall the same packages on all systems they will all more or less be the same.21:36
Ubuntu_Userhmm. ok. i'll wait a bit more. its a 320gb drive, so it might take a while.21:36
Ubuntu_Userthank you.21:36
MACscrah, nvm. Didnt realize recovery mode was read only21:36
MACscri just need to remount things i guess21:36
k1lyharrow: please take it to the channels mentioned above and stick to technical issues in here. thanks21:37
SenjaiYharrow: all distributions come with the same21:37
Ubuntu_Userit has been running for over an hour, though...21:37
Ben64MACscr: you shouldn't have a root password though21:37
gryMACscr: Recovery mode for Ubuntu has a mode to write to disk too.21:37
yharrowk1l alright thanks21:37
bekksUbuntu_User: There are 23h left ;)21:37
Ubuntu_User1 hour is not 1.23 percent of 24 hours xD21:37
SenjaiYharrow tools, I can do anything in my archlinux vm which is command line only, in ubuntu. More to the point I can take a barb es system and install a package manager, just like how I can remove u untus understand?21:38
linusyou would have had a much easier time if youd have bought a bluetooth dongle and bluetooth stereo headphones, but if you can see a device in pulseaudio volume control when the dongle is pluged in you should be able to get them to work21:38
Ubuntu_Useroh, my, it just changed to 1.24. i guess ill be here a while.21:38
Ubuntu_Userat least i know its not stuck. thanks!21:38
k1lSenjai: same for you. #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss exists21:38
SenjaiBare bones** sorry typing on a phone21:38
MACscrgry: mount -rw -o remount / got me where where i needed to be21:39
bekksMACscr: You should fix the reason for having it mounted read-only first.21:39
AxonetBEI wanted to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 but upgrade failed, now I want to go from 10.04 to 11.04 but I can't get starting the install.21:40
AxonetBEhere are the problems: https://gist.github.com/DriesS/496884821:40
AxonetBEwhat do I have to do?21:40
k1lAxonetBE: there is no 10.04 to 11.0421:41
AxonetBEk1l: 11.10 I mean21:41
linusclick on the speaker in the top bar then select sound setting21:42
bekksAxonetBE: There is no 10.04 to 11.10 either.21:42
k1lAxonetBE: thats a no go, too21:42
bekksAxonetBE: There is either 10.04 to 12.04 or 10.04 to 10.10 - thats all.21:42
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linusnow select hardware, then select your headphone dongle, then test speakers21:42
k1lAxonetBE: you can only do a 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade or you make a upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10.21:43
AxonetBEbekks: Ok tried from 10.04 to 12.04 but was not working.21:43
bekksAxonetBE: "was not working" - which error messages did you get?21:44
angshow can I see my arp table?21:45
c4nuckhi guys i'm having a problem setting up tightvnc. It starts up fine and kde starts loading and just before it finishes it completely crashes with no output in the .log at all21:45
c4nuckhas anybody else here setup tightvnc before ?21:46
go8765linus: thank you! when I turn off my microphone in second headphons - i get sound!21:47
go8765pavucontrol help)21:47
nydeli'm having probably-fatal problems caused perhaps by an interrupted upgrade. i can't seem to install successfully the latest ubuntu "linux" package.. i get stuck somewhere between apt-get, dpkg, & update-initramfs.. i need help, please.21:47
AxonetBEbekks: it is in dutch but error messages will be the same https://gist.github.com/DriesS/496888221:48
AxonetBEbekks: there is mentioned that there was critical error and that the update was finished but not succesful21:49
bekksAxonetBE: Whats the output of "lsb_release -a" now?21:49
bekksAxonetBE: Put it in a pastebin please.21:49
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c4nuckFont directory '/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/' not found - ignoring21:49
c4nuckFont directory '/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/' not found - ignoring21:49
c4nuckthose are the only two errors at all in the .log21:49
AxonetBEbekks: http://pastebin.com/HgLQMMTT21:50
k1lAxonetBE: did you install some ruby (or other stuff) that comes not from the official repos?21:52
AxonetBEk1l: yes this is possible, it is already year ago that I did something on this server.21:52
k1lAxonetBE: your ruby packages seem to be a mess.21:53
AxonetBEk1l: and how can I solve this?21:53
k1lthe ri1.8 package wants a newer package than its in the official repos21:53
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AxonetBEcan I easily remove this and will solve it the problem?21:54
AxonetBEk1l: because when I want to remove this packages I got this http://pastebin.com/kwjidcKA21:56
BluesKajc4nuck, are you installing the tightvncclient or the server ?21:56
k1lAxonetBE: im not sure if removing that package will break some other things of your setup. but that is what i would try. make sure the system got a backup21:57
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AxonetBEk1l: but it is not possible, see the pastebin21:57
k1lAxonetBE: try a apt-get -f install21:58
vifanqHow to check from which package is /usr/bin/somefile ?21:59
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KirejiI'm looking to buy a top of the line laptop (someone else is paying) that runs 12.10 - what manufacturers have the best support and functionality with ubuntu?22:01
Kirejithe Dell xps13 developer laptop looks great, but it's a 13in screen, and a not-so-functional video card22:02
BluesKajKireji, system 7622:02
Guest67044i would build my own22:02
KirejiGuest67044: a laptop?22:02
KirejiBluesKaj: googling22:03
k1l!rootirc | Guest6704422:03
ubottuGuest67044: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.22:03
Guest67044buy a laptop case to be able to host a mitx card and a i3 or i5 quadcore22:04
KirejiBluesKaj: have you used a system 76 laptop?  what's your experince?22:04
OerHeksvifanq, dpkg -S /usr/bin/somefile22:04
Guest67044gl hf ;)22:04
luminoushow do you get more info out of upstart when a job fails to start?22:05
chisledoes system 76 optain the chasis from a OEM and if so who?22:05
BluesKajKireji, no i haven't , but I've seen good reports ...they aren't  available everywhere afaik22:05
AxonetBEk1l: that fails also http://pastebin.com/At47KTge22:05
BluesKajchisle, Kireji https://www.system76.com/laptops22:06
k1lAxonetBE: erm, what command caused that? and yould you pastbinit your "/etc/apt/sources.list"?22:07
passionI want to put ubuntu on my mac can I?22:07
c4nucknobody here is able to help me with my tightvnc problem ?22:08
ThinkT510!mac | passion22:08
ubottupassion: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:08
WeThePeoplepassion, yes22:08
chisleBluesKaj:  I am considering a System 76 purchase within a month and have browsed their site.  However I was jsut wondering if they simply confugured and rebadged another manufacturers machine.22:08
WeThePeoplepassion, osx is modeled after linux22:09
bekksWeThePeople: Thats nonsense.22:09
WeThePeoplebekks, iirc22:09
bekksWeThePeople: OSX is a UNIX derivate, while Linux isnt.22:09
AxonetBEk1l: http://pastebin.com/fmiUfT8V and the command that was causing this was apt-get -f install22:09
bekksWeThePeople: You remember something pretty wrong.22:09
WeThePeoplebekks, ok, you done correcting me??22:09
k1lAxonetBE: thats the problem. you got debian repos in your sources.list22:10
bekksWeThePeople: We'll see. :)22:10
unheeding*are you done correcting me22:10
WeThePeopleyou forgot the period22:10
k1lAxonetBE: remove them. make the precise to lucid and try the "apt-get update &&apt-get dist-upgrade" after that do the "do-release-upgrade"22:11
AxonetBEk1l: I put them because in the previous error they said to add the lenny repos22:11
passionSo is there even an advantage of having a ubuntu on OSX (both being unix derivitave)22:12
passionsince Mac OS X is the more pretty and polished system?22:12
bekkspassion: Linux is NOT an UNIX derivate.22:12
nydelis anyone savvy around? i need some real help over an interrupted upgrade's aftermath. look at my pastebin please, anybody, i have no idea what to do from here...  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1666244/22:12
bekkspassion: It never was, it never will be.22:12
passionYou can put a lot of the same linux program on mac though unlike Windows22:13
k1lpassion: its your choice which OS you want to use on your hardware. if you want ubuntu try to install it22:13
nydelbekks: it's somewhat silly to say that to someone who knows it's true, but so very necessary a distinction to point out to those who see the two as the same ;)22:13
nydelpassion: do you ever write your own programs?22:13
bekksnydel: I said it to someone who didnt know it.22:14
passionI guess that would be the downside is that OSX is more costly.. but you can install most Linux apps (i think through macports)???22:14
passionI am planning untu22:14
k1lpassion: and for macOS support see their support :)22:14
passionMy whole goal is to write my own programs22:14
nydelbekks: i know, i meant to be agreeable & playful..i meant 'you are right & i know just what you mean' but tried to say it in a funny way. not very on today, apologies22:15
passionI did notice that linux out of the box seemed to be better for app development22:15
Kirejidoes anyone have personal experience with system76 laptops?22:15
gueriLLaPunKwhere do i save this cron script and what do i name it? ubuntu 12.0422:16
nydelpassion: do you simply enjoy writing, or do you have an end in mind, a program you want to make then stop, that is22:16
Kirejireliability, construciton quality, ubuntu feature support, hardware compatibility?22:16
passionI just don't see me running it virtualized... it will squeeze up all my memory.  I would use linux prob the main CPU if I could somehow run it aside my Mac/Win setup22:16
passionI want to learn more html 5 / css and then maybe python.  I want to create web and mobile apps.  I want ot build my own niche social network.22:17
nydelpassion: for what do you require an operating system other than ubuntu? if anything/s in particular?22:17
bekkspassion: Install vbox and just dont use all your memory by simply not assigning ALL RAM to the vm.22:17
chisleKireji:  I'm interested in System 76 also, more specifically thoer battery life22:17
passionI mean finish learning html5/CSS then master javascript and add a serverside lanauage.22:17
nydelpassion: throw out javascript and learn Perl first22:18
passionI have VMware fusion would that be better?  I was under the impression virtualbox was dated22:18
k1lpassion: i dont see a technical ubuntu issue in your programming career :)22:18
nydelbekks: could you look at my pastebin & see if you have any ideas for me? i am desperate & i bet you know a lot more than i.22:18
passionperl for web / mobile apps?22:18
passionI don't know much about perl22:18
BluesKajchisle, Kireji , here's a review , and it appears these pcs and laptops are built by an OEM to system 76 specs , not dell oe some such with ubuntu installed by a techie.22:19
bekksnydel: Line 12 of your paste :)22:19
mynick13anybody running an ubuntu guest in virtualbox under win8?22:20
BluesKajchisle, , Kireji http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/the-system76-gazelle-professional-just-how-good-is-it-review22:20
bekks!anyone > mynick1322:20
ubottumynick13, please see my private message22:20
PuFFsIs there a way to setup a location on a second drive for a user if it not home for like FTP?22:20
passionI want to create my own community with groups and what not - sort of like a social network like FB but on a micro scale - I don't know where to start really except with the basics.  I might hire my own programmers but I don't have more than $800 to spend.22:20
chisleBluesKaj:  thanks for the link22:20
k1l!ot | passion22:20
ubottupassion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:20
passionAnd I want it to be built from all open source22:20
passionso I own and control where the proj is headed.22:21
nydelbekks: i see that's where it goes downhill.. but i don't know exactly what to do with it, could you get me started?22:21
passionI don't know if I should learn to code in Linux or stay with Mac22:21
chisleBluesKaj:  that looks like a Sony chasis22:21
Joel__God damn it ubuntu, why you no work for me22:21
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mynick13my question would be, why does my ubuntu install crash at the very end?22:22
bekksnydel: Did you try sudo apt-get -f install ?22:22
bekksmynick13: Whats the error message you get?22:23
passionIm confused too as all the opensource editors for Linux are for Mac too- But I kind of want to force myself to learn linux because if I get a job doing computer that one more marketable skills I think?22:23
mynick13just virtualbox has crashed22:23
BluesKajchisle, no idea , never owned a sony ...did some research but couldn't find much the actual manufacturer22:23
Joel__When I start ubuntu all I get  is a black or purple screen, any ideas? It worked just fine until I restarted it after instalation22:23
dniwhey how do i install ubuntu on a macbook pro4,1 when i don't have a dvd drive? i have an external dvd drive, i also have a flash drive, i downloaded the mini.iso but when i plug it in refit kicks back an error about EFI something and that macs don't usually support booting from flash drives22:23
nydelbekks: yessir i did. that's about the time i get a hang on the update-initramfs command22:24
k1lJoel__: install the driver for your video card?22:24
mynick13ubuntu is there, it will work, but you have to change the boot sequence in the vm22:24
Joel__k1l: I think I did that. I am not entirely sure. Tried some lines to install fglxr or something like that. No luck.22:24
nydelpassion: as you learn to program, you will appreciate open source more and more, and if you get good, you will find closed-source to be a ridiculous concept. at that point you will either stay with linux or switch to linux.22:24
mynick13if it boots with cd/dvd it will start like a live disk22:25
gueriLLaPunKwhere do i save this cron script and what do i name it? ubuntu 12.0422:25
mynick13if it boots from the 'hard drive' it will boot into the installation22:25
Joel__k1l: I dont even know the command to install the drivers. :(22:26
nydelgueriLLaPunK: we prefer you to post to our pastebin at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com22:26
nydelgueriLLaPunK: i doubt anyone will click your link as it looks sketchy.22:26
gueriLLaPunKthe rutorrent forums is sketcky? LOL22:26
bekksgueriLLaPunK: Thats not a cron script.22:26
mynick13so i'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this22:26
gueriLLaPunKif i was posting a bit.ly or something22:26
gueriLLaPunKbekks, what is it?22:27
gueriLLaPunKi just want to start rtorrent when my box boots up22:27
bekksgueriLLaPunK: Read the first line of the first post of the link you pasted :)22:27
k1lJoel__: "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and "sudo apt-get install fglrx"22:27
gueriLLaPunKoh an init script22:27
gueriLLaPunKok, so... ummm where do i put it?22:27
gueriLLaPunKand what do i save it as?22:27
Joel__k1l: I'll write those down and give them a go.22:28
nydelbekks: no ideas for how i can proceed?22:30
bekksnydel: You could try to remove that file found at /var/...22:31
chisleBluesKaj:  I am running 12.04 on a Sony now, works just baout flawless.  BUt, my power connecter is getting tempermental after 3 yrs.  I only need windows for a couple time a year Blackberry update.22:31
gueriLLaPunKif i use the dtach -n command i want to view the program i detached, how do i go about thjat?22:31
nydelbekks: good idea i'll try22:31
TatuusOut of curiosity, how can this be? Ubuntu nor Windows does NOT recognize DVD's in DVD-RW drive... CD's.. Yes. Also on boot, no DVD discs are even "checked", but CD's are...22:33
TatuusI have settled with a thought, that there is something wrong with hardware... but how can this be22:35
ldiamondnVidia drivers 304.XX + causes my main monitor to flicker like crazy22:35
roothorickI need 3.7 kernel because of a critical fix in nouveau... what's the best way to do that on quantal?22:35
ldiamondalmost unable to read any text22:35
ldiamondAnyone have an idea how to fix? (obviously reverting to 295.XX, but I need 304.22+)22:35
k1lldiamond: try the 310 nvidia driver from the repos?22:36
ldiamondk1 nvidia-experimental?22:36
ldiamondit has the same issue I'm afraid :(22:36
roothorickwhat GPU?22:36
roothorickif it's nv4* (GeForce 6xxx, 7xxx) or earlier you REALLY REALLY should be using nouveau22:36
xkernelI followed this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SnortIDS to but Snort is not capturing any port scans22:38
Tatuusdoes Linux world still have as bad problems with Nvidia hardware, as it did at the time Torvalds gave a finger to them?22:39
roothorickTatuus: graphics drivers have always been a slow motion trainwreck, regardless of your hardware22:39
nydelbekks: that seems to have worked, but, next i get stuck here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1666464/22:39
nydelit just hangs there overnight22:39
roothorickTatuus: nouveau has improved a lot, it's faster than the blob on older GPUs (nv4*)22:39
escottTatuus, that was only 6 months ago22:40
k1lTatuus: depends on your video card. im fine with my nvidia card and the drivers22:40
Tatuusi gotta check you this nouveau thingy22:40
ldiamondroothorick, it's a GTS 25022:40
ldiamondroothorick, I can't use nouveau cause I need 3D acceleration22:40
bekksnydel: I dont see an error there.22:40
ldiamondand I think overriding the refresh rate fixed it22:40
ldiamondI'll update the driver again22:40
Tatuusi had Nvidia beforem now ATI... i think this works lot better22:40
nydelbekks: the last line sticks forever22:40
roothorickldiamond: nouveau has experimental 3D support that works quite well for old stuff but yeah, that's a bit too new22:41
bekksnydel: How long did you wait?22:41
ldiamondand I want to play counter-strike, on steam, which requires 304.2222:41
ldiamondor newer22:41
nydelbekks: 48 hours22:41
ldiamondcause COUNTER-STRIKE IS NOW ON LINUX!!! :)22:41
pushpopwhats the best software out atm to image a linux computer?22:41
escott!best | pushpop22:41
ubottupushpop: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:41
k1lpushpop: dd22:41
ldiamondpushpop, "image"?22:41
raystonheya all, whats the easiest way to figure out if my DVD Burner is capable of burning dual layer DVD's?22:41
jiridoI cant find any channel for networkmanager on freenode so i just wana ask if someone know where they reside22:42
nydelbekks: i've been told that command can take a while but i struggle to think it needs 48 hours to do anything probably, yeah?22:42
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pushpopyes I need to make an exact replica of a HD with ubnuntu installed22:42
bekksnydel: It may take some minutes.22:42
ldiamondpushpop, use dd22:42
Tatuus"The Cave" is what i'm awaiting... Will be for Linux22:42
pushpopgoogling dd22:42
TatuusRon Gilbert game22:42
ldiamondpushpop, if the drive has failed / is failing, use ddrescue22:42
ldiamondthe GNU version22:42
escottpushpop, cat is faster than dd22:42
ldiamondescott, cat != dd22:43
nydelbekks: any idea what could be causing it to stick there, assuming i'm not just impatient?22:43
ldiamondI wouldn't trust cat replicating my hdd22:43
pushpophere is the catch we are a windows house.  We have researchers who use ubuntu and they are up to no good.  Our security dept needs to see what is in the hd of the ubuntu box.  So we'll have no account on the box but need to see the data22:44
bekksnydel: You would have to check the logs.22:44
TatuusSteam or other gaming issues, i think will be much bettered on Ubuntu 13.04... (?)22:44
techkid6I'm in a bit of a prediciment, my Windows PC crashed, and I booted into Ubuntu via a flash drive in an attempt to back up some of the data on my HDD, problem is, it won't mount my HDD for me to open it.... any way to mount it?22:44
escotttechkid6, you need a windows rescue disk22:44
ldiamondpushpop, do take a look at the SMART data of the drives first. If the source drive has issues, bad sectors, etc, use ddrescue22:44
ldiamondtechkid6, any error message?22:45
ldiamondMaybe you just need to install the ntfs package22:45
roothorickldiamond: live environment...22:45
Tatuustechkid... try Very Small Linux to save your data via usb ?22:46
techkid6Adding read ACL for UID 999 to 'media/ubuntu' failed: Operation not supported22:46
roothoricktechkid6: I would take the HDD out and plug it into a working system. Even if it's linux, because then you can install ntfs-3g22:46
pushpopldiamond - did I mention I dont have a account on the box I need to create a copy of?22:46
nydelthanks for all the help bekks, i appreciate it.22:46
ldiamondpushpop, what do you mean?22:46
escottpushpop, doesn't make a difference as you can't image an active disk22:47
ldiamondpushpop, dd can take your drive and make a perfect bit copy of it22:47
techkid6Could I put it in another laptop? I am terrible with Hard Ware22:47
roothorickpushpop: you could boot from a live USB and mount the partitions there, but if they're trying to hide something and they're smart they'll be using encrypted /home... in which case you'll have to compel them to give up their passwords22:47
ldiamondand as escott said, the drive should not be mounted22:47
ldiamondor at least in READ ONLY22:47
pushpoproothorick they aren't that smart22:47
ldiamondotherwise you'll have data that doesn't make sense22:47
roothorickpushpop: boot ubuntu from live USB, mount the HDD, poke around22:48
ironbuttI got a message saying "cannot send to channel: #ubuntu"22:48
ldiamondpushpop, what is your goal anyways?22:48
ironbutthow did you receive that message?22:48
escottpushpop, not you could, but you MUST boot from a live USB and NOT mount the partitions to make a low level copy22:48
pushpopldiamond  I just need the data on the drives22:48
pushpopthe people using this machine are up to no good22:49
pushpopsecurity dept needs the data on the hd22:49
ldiamondthe data is on the hdd.22:49
ldiamondwhat's the problem.22:49
pushpopyep haha22:49
roothorickpushpop: fyi encrypted /home is VERY easy on ubuntu... just check a box during user account creation... so there's a decent chance they're using it22:49
techkid6I /am/ booting from a live USB, I merely tried copying my workspace, downloads, and .minecraft folders to a flashdrive from my HDD22:49
ldiamondgive them the hard drive.22:49
ironbuttanyway, I've got an issue with ubuntu and I am now going to proceed to describe the problem. First up, some background: I'm still a novice with linux and ubuntu, I m no longer a complete beginner but I'm still awkward with a command line and I generally don't get the linux way.22:49
pushpoproothorick I don't think they're using a recent version22:50
pushpopof ubuntu22:50
ironbuttso here's the problem: I installed Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit desktop yesterday, and the primary reason is so that I can try out the steam for linux. One problem, I can't figure out how to get my graphics card working correctly.\22:50
ironbuttmy problem is: The driver from amd results in unity failing to load, and I do not want that to happen.22:50
ironbuttMore information: My graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7970. The solutions I have seen are either for the hd 4000 and older (legacy) or max out at the 6000 series.22:50
ironbuttSo that's it, any thoughts?22:50
roothorickpushpop: well you're not gonna get anywhere trying to break into the running system. Boot from a live USB or take the hard drive out and stuff it in an enclosure.22:50
ttyXYou'll need to install proprietary driver22:52
jakey1hi is there the equivalent of xampp on ubuntu?22:52
roothorickttyX: AMD has disowned the proprietary driver and are planning on dropping it if they haven't already...22:52
ironbuttI forgot to mention the problem?: I installed the proprietary driver, and unity fails to load22:52
k1l!xampp | jakey122:52
ubottujakey1: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.22:52
ironbuttroothorick: AMD does not plan on dropping the proprietary driver.22:53
roothorickironbutt: they've said it before, they want to focus on providing documentation to the DRI project in the hopes they can eventually put an end to fglrx22:53
jakey1k1l, Do they have the same qulities22:53
ttyXThat'd be good but it'll take time22:54
roothorickironbutt: they're a long way off from that goal though22:54
ironbuttroothorick: I agree, but I can't find any information stating that the open source driver is even compatible with my graphics card.22:54
k1ljakey1: yes22:54
ironbuttwhen I open up my system details, I get Driver Unknown Exerpeicen Standard22:54
ironbuttand that was terrible typo22:55
roothorickironbutt: they have a partially working driver for S.Islands but it's very incomplete22:55
roothorickironbutt: looks like it'll work just fine as long as you don't do anything 3D22:56
Chetahi. how should i do to chat in a chat in irc22:56
ironbuttwell that kinda defeats the purpose, as I plan on using ubuntu for games (on steam) and blender22:56
roothorickironbutt: if you want 3D well... fglrx. Don't remember the package name offhand.22:56
ironbuttI have the 13.2 beta driver currently downloaded22:56
ironbuttbut the package I think is called fglrx or fglrx-updates depending on what I want22:57
roothorickironbutt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI22:57
ironbuttThe proble is it's not compatible with something and when I install it, unity breaks, so I get no interface.22:57
ironbuttI have to go control, alt, f1, log into that command prompt and uninstall fglrx and reboot22:57
roothorickironbutt: I got rid of my 4850 back when I was still a gentoohead so I'm not gonna be a whole lot of use, all my systems are GeForce something-or-other now22:57
thomas001Hello, i try to build a kernel package on a 64bit x86 ubuntu for a 32bit ubuntu x86. the kernel build system allows this by simply adding ARCH=i386 as make option. but how to tell debian/rules to cross-compile?22:58
ttyXWho needs GUI CLI ftw22:58
ironbuttI'm NOT going to go onto a rant about the graphics card situation, that could take days, or weeks.22:58
roothorickttyX: GUI tends to blow up. You use CLI to fix it.22:58
roothorickttyX: also CLI is a LOT faster in experienced hands when doing things that can be batched or otherwise automated22:59
ironbuttanyway, I've given up with ubuntu in the past, but this time I'm going to stick with it for at least a month and try and get something out of it. Which means I'm going to be a pain to you guys in the irc22:59
RiXtErroothorick, linux has a GUI?22:59
bekksRiXtEr: Sure. Various.23:00
roothorickRiXtEr: Linux itself no. Ubuntu certainly does. Multiple, even. Unity, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, XFCE... take your pick.23:00
RiXtErbekks, I was joking ;)23:00
ironbuttthis conversation is pointless23:00
RiXtErI like my GNOME23:00
roothorickI'm a born-again GNOME loyalist personally23:00
roothorickgnome-shell blew my socks off and I haven't looked back since23:00
CanihoJR+1 gnome +1 ubuntu gnome remix xD23:00
roothorickbut I'm still on ubuntu because fedora is really shaky on desktop hardware23:00
troyreadyDoes anyone know if there's a command line equivalent to the Software Sources driver selection for nvidia proprietary drivers in 12.10? I know the traditional thing to do is just to install the nvidia-current package, but it seems like the Software Sources driver selection does something a little different too to get the driver selected without editing xorg.conf?23:01
CanihoJRtroyready, ubuntu 12.10?23:01
ironbuttI'll come back in 10 minutes and repeat my problem.23:01
roothorickironbutt: no seriously, did you look at that guide I linked?23:01
troyreadyCanihoJR: yeah (now xubuntu specifically, but i think it's the same in this case)23:01
ironbuttroothorick: I've followed that guide, it doesn't mention how to fix the problem of unity blowing up23:02
ironbuttspent a good 6 or 7 hours yesterday23:02
CanihoJRtroyready, now software driver seleccion as on config system-> software source-> hardware addittional23:02
roothorickironbutt: did you boot into gnome classic and run glxinfo, to see if there's a driver issue?23:02
roothorickironbutt: or unity2d or whatever23:02
troyreadyCanihoJR: thanks -- do you know if there's a command line way of doing that? I'm trying to script it up in Chef23:03
roothorickironbutt: IIRC the driver will still run if there's a module issue but functionality is seriously gimped i.e. no 3D23:03
ironbuttI can run glxinfo in unity3d or whatever23:03
CanihoJRtroyready, i try some days but i cant make same as this :/ soz :(23:03
CanihoJRonly with gui23:03
ironbuttroothorick: I need 3D otherwise I may as well go back to windows23:04
troyreadyCanihoJR: appreciate your time; I haven't been able to find anything either, but was hoping there was something obvious I missed23:05
Styler2goWhere i have to go to get help in setting up a SSL Certificate for my Apache2 on Ubuntu?23:05
love Problem with recent update to libqtmultimedia5-dev in Raring.  I tried to update it and get a broken dependancy problem.  dpkg returns an error code.  so I have to use dpkg to remove ubuntu-sdk and the library package.  anyone else have this happen?23:06
roothorickironbutt: if regular unity is booting fine there isn't a 3D problem. what exactly is it doing?23:06
ironbuttbefore I answer that question, how can I find out if the open source driver is installed and working?23:06
k1l!+1 | love23:07
Styler2goany idea?23:07
k1l!raring | love23:07
ubottulove: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:07
roothorickironbutt: glxinfo will say something about Mesa/Gallium23:07
loveI asked there... just thought I'd ask here too since no one has said anything... thanks23:07
roothorickironbutt: if the fglrx driver is active glxinfo will show AMD/ATI as the vendor23:08
datsmoidais there a common maximum/ceiling on your bandwidth on a network that is reached momentarily when a program sends a request or something ?23:08
lovek1l: i also tried the ubuntu-phone one I'll just wait23:08
k1llove: since its still in developing status stick to the +1 channel please.23:08
lovek1l: you got it!23:08
roothorickdatsmoida: not necessarily but the physical layer has a lot of leeway to do that kind of thing23:08
roothorickdatsmoida: residential broadband modems tend to do exactly that as part of bandwidth allocation enforcement23:09
ironbuttroothorick: here's a pastebin of my glxinfo: http://pastebin.com/2VqDwXjf I'll try to make sense of it but if I could, I wouldn't be here :P23:09
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roothorickironbutt: you're running in a VM!23:10
ironbuttNo, I am not23:10
roothorickironbutt: then why is llvmpipe loaded?23:10
ironbuttI have no idea23:10
ironbuttthis time I can say that and really mean it23:11
Styler2gocan someone help me setting up ssl on my ubuntu apache2?23:12
jukebox-zeroroothorick: I've been trying to troubleshoot a fglrx issue for a few hours now and my glxinfo also shows llvmpipe loading although I am not running a vm.23:13
ironbuttanyway as far as I can tell, the opensource driver is pretty crummy for anyone running HD 7000 series of graphics card, that includes me. So my only real option is for the proprietary driver, only problem: it doesn't work with a simple install... the whole unity blowing up thing...23:14
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redblacktreeI have had a chef recipe working for some time, but it is not receiving a 404 for this URL: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/postgresql-9.1/postgresql-9.1_9.1.5-0ubuntu12.04_amd64.deb23:15
roothorickironbutt: there's something fussed with the driver... it may not even be running.23:15
roothorickironbutt: does lsmod | grep fglrx show anything?23:15
ironbuttfglrx is not installed by the way23:15
redblacktreedoes anyone have a clue why that might be happening?  I'm a super-novice sysadmin, but this *used* to work23:15
ironbuttI had to uninstall it to get unity up and running again23:16
redblacktreenow receiving*23:16
roothorickironbutt: well that's your fisrt problem :P23:16
roothorickironbutt: reinstall fglrx, go into unity2D to troubleshoot23:16
ironbuttMy problem is, I can't install the fglrx driver, as it kills my interface, or my interface kills itself23:16
k1lredblacktree: sudo apt-get update23:16
roothorickironbutt: do you get to the login screen?23:17
ironbuttI've since changed it, but to answer your question: yes. the login screen renders correctly with fglrx installed.23:17
ironbuttafter logging in, all I get is a mouse cursor and a background.23:17
roothorickironbutt: then login using unity2d instead of unity.23:17
ironbuttI have it set now to auto log in23:18
ironbuttas I completely broke my install yesterday trying to fix this so yeah...23:18
ironbutt(I broke my main partition which had encryption on it so I couldn't use gparted to check it and... bad stuff happened)23:18
MadKawironbutt: what card do you have/23:18
jakey1my terminal is not wraping anymore23:18
ironbuttAMD HD 7000 series, do you need to know the specific model?23:18
jakey1How do you make the terminal wrap text23:19
ironbuttoh and roothorick: while I won't say this much, I do appreciate your help.23:19
MadKawI'm working on the same issue - with an HD7640.23:20
ironbuttyeah, I think the problem is that the open source driver doesn't support anything abovethe HD 6000 series23:20
roothorickafter you install fglrx, if you can't get into unity, use the menu to boot into unity2d instead23:20
roothorickand do troubleshooting there23:20
MadKawHave you tried the beta fglrx? I have gotten that closer to working than anything else.23:20
ironbuttand the fglrx driver from amd doesn't like the current thing with ubuntu23:20
roothorickironbutt: you haven't even verified you had it installed correctly!23:21
ironbuttI have, I got a big "FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY" watermark down the bottom, but that was the only change from the non beta23:21
Toggi3Hello everyone.  Would anyone with experience in openvswitch be willing to help me troubleshoot why after following a guide, this guide http://blog.scottlowe.org/2012/08/17/installing-kvm-and-open-vswitch-on-ubuntu/ that I might not have network connectivity the instant I created the bridge?23:21
roothorickironbutt: let me know when you're sitting in unity2d with fglrx installed23:21
ironbuttfine, I'll be abck in an hour. How do I get into unity2D when I don't have a log in screen?23:22
roothorickironbutt: disable autologin?23:22
ironbuttsimple asnwer is I can set up to get a log in screen but arawgawgagwag... oh, here's a question23:22
ironbutthow do i check if unity2d is available before I do that23:22
roothorickironbutt: it should already be installed23:22
roothorickironbutt: worst case you can VT-switch and install it from CLI23:22
sampson623Hi guys, I need a little help here...23:23
ironbuttalright I'23:23
ironbuttll be back23:23
zimbra_userhow to use23:23
zimbra_userlsof -i23:23
sampson623So I'm using windows 8 and I tried to install ubuntu on it. I got to the boot screen and it asked if I wanted to use windows 8 or ubuntu23:24
sampson623Of course I picked ubuntu and then it says I'm missing wubildr.mbr23:24
sampson623How can I fix this?23:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:24
larsti want to ask if it is good to use gnome shell with ubuntu 12.1023:25
ironbutt_alright I'm back: first problem: there was zero option anywhere to change which interface I was using... my guess is unity2d isn't installed.23:25
ironbutt_what's the command I need to install that?23:25
logavanclarst, I use it.  Works good for me.23:25
k1llarst: how should that be good or not good?23:25
roothorickironbutt: I haven't used standard ubuntu since 12.04 was first released but I distinctly remember a gear to click on while entering password23:26
larstk1l,  I mean because of conflits with Unity23:26
k1lsampson623: wubi is hard to support. i would recommmend to to a real install instead of wubi (and dont know how to fix wubi)23:26
ironbutt_a gear you say23:26
ironbutt_be right back23:26
larstlogavanc, will you continue to do it wikth 13.04?23:26
k1llarst: the gnome-shell from the ubuntu repos doesnt have conflicts23:26
sampson623k1l: can you supply me with a link to a real install?23:26
k1l!install | sampson62323:26
ubottusampson623: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:26
roothoricklarst: if you're installing a fresh system I recommend using the GNOME remix version23:27
larstk1l,  I use this PPA https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome323:27
KeyboardNotFoundHow to check which java version i have installed?23:27
k1llarst: then ask the PPA maintainers for support23:27
ironbutt__back again, nope, no gear.23:27
logavanclarst, Kinda... I grab the Ubuntu Gnome Remix distro.23:27
k1lthat is not officially from ubuntu23:27
=== ironbutt__ is now known as ironbutt
fotanusHi... I'm trying to compile empathy from source without succcess. What I did: apt-get source empathy; apt-get buld-deps empathy; cd <empathy-dir>; ./configure; make23:28
fotanusI got Makefile:206: *** target pattern contains no `%'.  Stop.23:28
larstk1l, it's better to install gnome-shell on the original ubuntu than to use the remix yes?23:28
fotanusinside po dir23:28
agu10^there is a bug when running chrome under ubuntu 12.04. It asks for my password every time i run it!23:28
k1llarst: depends on what you want.23:28
fotanusis this the right channel for my issue? I couldn't find empathy channel23:29
k1llarst: if you use a PPA or a unsupported spinoff we cant support it here since we dont know what they changed23:30
datsmoidaroothorick - yeah for example i noticed that in iftop running the same program on my pc connected to broadband vs on a vps my pc seems to spike up to over 2.5Mb but my VPS never does23:30
fotanusthe Makefile in case anyone is wondering... http://pastebin.com/7mxSdQGD23:30
datsmoidait only spikes up to like 1.3MB23:30
agu10^there is a bug when running chrome under ubuntu 12.04. It asks for my password every time i run it!23:30
agu10^"Unlock login keyring"23:31
k1lagu10^: you have autologin to the desktop?23:31
ironbuttOk, I am back, there is zero gear icon on login.23:32
agu10^k1l, yes23:32
k1lagu10^: that is the cause.23:32
KeyboardNotFoundHow to check which java version i have installed?23:32
agu10^how do i disable it then?23:32
fotanusKeyboardNotFound: java -version23:33
k1lchrome wants to login to google (or smth else) and needs the passwords from the keyring from that (which doesnt get opend when its autologin)23:33
ironbuttI would have thought it would have been java --version23:33
fotanusit is one dash, not two23:33
KeyboardNotFoundfotanus: Thank you23:33
fotanusjava don't like standards, except by its own23:33
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* ironbutt brains himself23:33
fotanusanyone can point me out the right place to ask about empathy development?23:34
RalliasIs there a program like netcat I can use to accept a TCP stream from multiple servers and dump it all into one file?23:34
roothorickironbutt: I have no idea, I guess they changed it AGAIN. Go back there and click on things until you get a session menu.23:34
ironbuttThere is nothing else to click on, I have clicked on everything visible.23:34
k1l!alis | fotanus23:35
ubottufotanus: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:35
ironbuttI guess I'm just gonna sit here for a few minutes while I decide what to try next23:35
roothorickironbutt: if you were running gnome remix I'd know exactly what to do and when, but unity is utterly toxic to me23:35
ironbuttif I install remix, would that install a tonne of new stuff or just the gnome interface?23:36
jakey1I have installed the lamp, how do I get the php working with my lamp23:36
jakey1I have a php file but how do I get it to run from my browser23:36
ironbuttp stands for php I think23:36
roothorickironbutt: I don't think you can convert a standard install to gnome remix... I think you have to start fresh23:36
ironbuttI know I can do something like sudo apt-get install ubuntu-studio and it then installs ubuntu studio23:37
ironbuttbut unless I know the exact command, I can't exactly(geddit?) type it in.23:37
trismroothorick: sure you can: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.10#Upgrade23:38
roothorickironbutt: yeah but gnome remix has a different desktop setup, a different DM, changes a lot of stuff23:38
ironbuttwhat's a DM23:38
ironbuttdungeon master?23:38
k1lwhy change to gnome-remix ?23:38
roothorickironbutt: desktop manager. Basically login system.23:38
roothorickk1l: because unity is garbage next to gnome-shell23:38
k1lroothorick: :/23:39
ironbuttI don't think you can say that objectively23:39
ironbuttanyway, I'm pretty sure I'm getting VESA drivers bein used but well, actually I'm not sure23:40
ironbuttI think though23:40
roothorickironbutt: true. but in my subjective experience gnome-shell is better in every way23:40
ironbuttare you using gnome 2 or gnome 3?23:40
roothorickironbutt: it's gnome 3. if you want to try it see trism's link23:41
ironbuttI've already tried it23:41
ironbuttwith fedora23:41
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roothorickI tried fedora for a few days. The underlying OS just couldn't figure out my hardware.23:41
ironbuttdidn't really like it all that much. But hey, if we all liked the same interface THERE WOULD BE ONLY ONE23:41
roothorickbut you like *unity*?23:42
ironbuttwell I'm not completely sure, at the moment it seems like it does what I want it to do23:42
ironbuttand it's fairly intuitive23:42
ironbuttbut I can't be sure considering the fact that I haven't got any decent drivers for my graphics card23:42
roothorickokay, maybe it's improved since 12.04, but that kinda blows my mind23:42
MiningMarshironbutt: just do sudo lspci -k and see if your video card is using a vesa driver.23:43
ironbuttand everything is laaaggyyy23:43
ironbuttMiningMarsh: will do23:43
roothorickoh yeah forgot about lspci23:43
MiningMarshironbutt: its a root tool, forgot to put sudo ><23:43
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roothorickMiningMarsh: lspci doesn't need root23:43
MiningMarshroothorick: on my machine its in sbin.23:43
roothorickMiningMarsh: that's not standard 12.10...23:44
roothorickironbutt: under "VGA Controller" you should see "Kernel driver in use: fglrx" if you don't you've got problems23:44
k1lno need to be root23:44
MiningMarshroothorick: I happen to be running gentoo, and just hopped on this cahnnel to see if I could randomly help someone. I am bored.23:44
k1land no need for sudo with lspci23:44
ironbuttKernel driver in use: radeon23:44
ironbuttI would guess that it's using open source driver then... or at least23:45
roothorickironbutt: the opensource driver is still loaded23:45
ironbuttor at elast trying to23:45
roothorickironbutt: 12.10, correct?23:46
ironbuttthat's because unity doesn't load when fglrx is installed23:46
ironbuttyeah, 12.1023:46
ironbuttalthough I heard they introduced the same issue into 12.0423:46
roothorickironbutt: do you have the AMD driver installed right now?23:46
roothorickironbutt: as in did the apt-get stuff?23:47
ironbuttno, do you want me to install it? It's a bit of a waste of time.23:47
ironbuttI've installed it via creating packages from the downlaoded linux driver23:47
roothorickironbutt: the only way you're getting 3D is with the proprietary driver. If you're THAT averse to it, have fun with your paradox.23:47
ironbuttI've installed it via apt-get install fglrx23:47
ironbuttand I've tried apt-get install fglrx-updates23:47
jakey1how do you uninstal a program in command line23:47
ironbuttmy interface just doesn't load when it's installed, so I need to know how to muck around with my interface or the backend to get it working.23:48
roothorickironbutt: so modprobe -l | grep fglrx shows the module?23:48
labcoattechhi all, could someone please help me install Radeon drivers for HD 6770, I have installed Ubuntu 12.10 x64, plus Steam and can not not get CS Source to launch23:48
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MiningMarshjakey1: sudo apt-get remove <package> (or sudo apt-get purge <package> if you want to remove its configuration files as well).23:48
ironbuttno, because fglrx is not currently uninstalled, I had to uninstall it to get an interface23:48
jakey1MiningMarsh, Ta23:49
roothorickironbutt: ffs install it again23:49
ironbuttby interface I mean graphical user interface23:49
roothorickironbutt: do you have a second system?23:49
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ironbuttI do have a second system, you want me to irc in from that?23:49
roothorickironbutt: you probably should23:49
ironbuttalright. Lemme get fuglyx installed23:49
labcoattechI've tried selecting proprietary from Software sources / Additional Drivers but it didn't work23:49
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roothoricklabcoattech: didn't work how?23:51
ironbuttlabcoattech: if i figure out my problems I'll try to help you with yours.23:51
alexi_My problem is similar to ironbutt's. Had fglrx installed previously. Most recent update appears to have broken it. Hangs on boot and seems to exit with an error from dmesg. Have to remove fglrx to boot generic driver in order to have a gui to trouble shoot. dmesg pastebin: http://pastebin.com/zHEr3KxU23:51
ironbuttI'm guessing he got the "it didn't work" problem, where it doesnt work23:51
roothorickwait a second23:51
labcoattechCS Source tries to launch but then crashes with out any error messages23:51
k1lironbutt: headers installed?23:52
roothorickalexi_: post your Xorg.0.log from when X crashes23:52
ironbuttwhat headers?23:52
labcoattechironbutt: thanks23:52
k1land have you got a log from the flgrx install attempts?23:52
k1lironbutt: kernel headers23:52
roothorickalexi_: and you don't need a GUI to troubleshoot. Ctrl+Alt+F1...623:53
ironbuttI don't know23:53
k1li m sure  they are needed for isntalling the drivers23:53
ironbuttI'm just going to waste a bit of time attempting to install the drivers again23:53
ironbuttkll, hold that thought, I'll be back in a little bit23:53
roothorickk1l: wouldn't apt pull them in?23:53
k1lroothorick: i think there was an issue/bug with it. so i would look out for that23:54
Styler2goGuys, can you please help me fast?23:54
Styler2goi want to convert a video using this command: ffmpeg -i "-PBWkNz-W6Y.mp4" -f mp3 -ab 192000 -vn "-PBWkNz-W6Y.mp3"23:54
Styler2gobut it thinks, the last "-PBWkNz-W6Y.mp3" is another property23:54
Styler2gohow can i stop him from thinking that?23:55
roothorickStyler2go: put a -- before it?23:55
Styler2gobut it will save the file with a -- then, or?23:55
alexi_roothorick yes, I am able to make a lot of use out of the ttys, but my knowledge isn't extensive enough to accomplish a whole lot of usefulness. the gui is useful for being able to google for similar issues. Although i do have elinks installed for tty use. I'll fetch a Xorg.0.log23:55
roothorickStyler2go: -- is the standard "no more arguments past here" flag23:55
Styler2go-- is not working either23:55
Styler2gocd /var/www/apps/convert/ && ffmpeg -i "-PBWkNz-W6Y.mp4" -f mp3 -ab 192000 -vn "--PBWkNz-W6Y.mp3"23:56
Styler2goyou meqan this was?23:56
roothorickStyler2go: no. -- "-PBWkNz-W6Y.mp3"23:56
jakey1how do I get to my public hmtl in my lamp server23:56
demoniohow can i connect with terminal to my wireless network?23:56
roothorickalexi_: remember, the log needs to be from when it actually stuffed up23:56
Styler2gostill not working..23:56
roothorickStyler2go: dunno. Never used ffmpeg. You do know mp3 isn't a container, right?23:57
jakey1how do I get to my public hmtl in my lamp server, anyone?23:57
Ice_StrikeDoes Ubuntu work well on Intel Atom N270 CPU?23:57
Styler2gothe conversion is working fine23:57
Styler2gojust the new "-" is making trouble23:57
Ice_StrikeProcessor speed 1.66GHz.  Intel Atom N270 CPU23:57
Ice_StrikeOnly 1GB DDR2 RAM23:58
ironbutt_I'm back, about to run fglrxinfo in the terminal inside of the broken interface23:58
roothorickIce_Strike: CPUs are very very standard, they're never the problem23:58
ironbutt_X Error of failed request: BadRequest(invalid request code of no such operation)23:58
Styler2gono idea for me?23:58
Styler2goplease :-/23:58
roothorickironbutt_: what does lspci -k show?23:58
Ice_StrikeMight install Ubuntu on Netbook (Intel Atom N270 CPU, 1GB DDR2 RAM)23:58
k1lIce_Strike: you can try ubuntu, i have it on my netbook, too. or xou go with lubuntu which is sort of lighter23:59
k1lironbutt_: you have the log from the installation of the fglrx?23:59
roothorickIce_Strike: boot from a live USB and check it out, make sure everything's working, graphics, wireless etc23:59
ironbutt_driver modules: gone... it's not there anymore23:59

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