
diploMorning all07:08
knightwisehey diplo07:14
knightwisehow are you today07:14
diploNot to bad thanks, yourself ?07:15
dwatkinsali1234: there's always youtube downloader on userscripts, of course07:17
ali1234i've seen it before anyway07:20
ali1234are steam or skype available on raring yet?07:20
ali1234ah steam is up now. cool07:21
ali1234oh wait, no it isn't07:21
ali1234h it looks like the problem is there is no longer a 64 bit package07:25
dwatkinsI was using Steam a couple days ago on 64-bit Raring.07:25
dwatkinsI think it mostly uses 32-bit packages, unless I'm missing the existence of a "force 64-bit" option somewhere.07:26
ali1234it won't show in software center unless you add the partner repo by hand07:26
ali1234same for skype07:26
dwatkinsah ok, that'll be why I saw 'i386' in the diag output.07:27
ali1234if you had steam installed thru software center on 12.10 you will see "steam (64 bit)" in "software previously purchased" but you won't be able to install it because it is now just "steam"07:27
dwatkinsali1234: that video appears to be 11:57 long on my browser07:27
ali1234which is a different package which won't show up until after you maually add the partner repo07:27
ali1234"Steam needs to install these additional packages:07:28
ali1234libgl1-mesa-dri:i386, libgl1-mesa-glx:i386, libc6:i386"07:28
ali1234ok, why couldn't the package manager do it?07:28
dwatkinsI wonder that, perhaps they wanted complete control of the packages installed.07:29
ali1234it installs them from the package manager anyway07:30
ali1234along with a load of other i386 stuff07:30
ali1234i think more likely they are just incompetent07:30
dwatkinsit always worries me when people reinvent the wheel07:31
ali1234"to install skype these packages must be removed: libjack0 libjack-dev"07:31
dwatkinsat least it uses package manager, though07:31
AlanBellit will probably move to click packages at some point07:31
AlanBellwhich will break it again I imagine07:32
AlanBellit is a shame that the stuff in the partner repo has always been dodgy to use, it should be flagship software really07:33
ali1234well, it's not like the stuff that is installed by default is any better07:34
ali1234why does steam make a "bing bong" noise when you minimize it?07:35
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AlanBellstuff in the repos tends to stay there from release to release and not put you in a world of pain when it goes away07:35
ali1234cos things never go away from ubuntu right?07:36
AlanBelloh, things do go away, sure,07:36
AlanBellbut they don't go away by default every release07:36
ali1234cool i has portal07:36
AlanBellpartner repo is normally empty at the start of each release, no testing pre-release07:37
AlanBellyou only find out if software is coming back when it comes back, if it does07:37
ali1234and by the end of the release it has... identical deb files to what it had in the previous release07:37
ali1234what is "chivalry: medieval warfare 2 d" and why is it on my steam account?07:38
MartijnVdSali1234: 2d = 2 days07:39
ali1234oh it is a free weekend thing07:39
MartijnVdSali1234: it's a "free weekend"07:39
ali1234i thought it was a 3d game07:39
ali1234steam is too confusing07:39
AlanBellskype is in saucy parter repo already which is good07:39
ali1234nobody will ever use this it is much too hard07:39
ali1234oh it's the "turtle mode" game07:41
ali1234i thought i recognized the name07:41
ali1234it crashed. nice07:45
ali1234this is rubbish, it crashes constantly07:51
ali1234/home/al/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 704: 14621 Illegal instruction     (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$PLATFORM/$STEAMEXE" "$@"07:56
MartijnVdSsteam crashes? wow07:56
MartijnVdSNever had that.07:57
AlanBellreally should have done that do-release-upgrade in byobu or something08:02
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ali1234MartijnVdS: known issue too08:03
MartijnVdSAlanBell: doesn't it start its own screen anymore?08:03
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it used to start at least its own sshd.. and I think even its own screen08:03
ali1234MartijnVdS: to fix it you have to manually download 32 bit flash from adobe and uncompress it into a directory that doesn't exist until you create it08:03
MartijnVdSali1234: ah.. I just get "Flash not available" in steam08:04
ali1234yeah they have "fixed" that now08:04
ali1234now it tries to use HTML508:04
ali1234and that causes it to instacrash08:04
ali1234i must say that the whole steam UI is shockingly bad08:05
ali1234just goes to show that good UI design counts for nothing in the end08:05
ali1234but neither does stable working software08:05
MartijnVdSdoes anyone have experience with this? http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-Cooling-Heatsink-Radiator/dp/B009SJR3GS08:07
MartijnVdS(or similar)08:07
ali1234i'm kind of tempted to get X3: terran conflict08:11
ali1234bit pricey though08:11
ali1234yeah that one08:12
MartijnVdSdon't know it.. I have the latests XCom though 8-)08:12
ali1234yeah ... no08:12
ali1234i wish they would accept bitcoins08:13
ali1234i would buy this game right now if they did08:13
MartijnVdSyou can have Azelphur buy & gift it for you ;)08:14
ali1234that is a fantastic idea08:14
ali1234X3 looks like a single player version of EVE. which is a multiplayer version of elite.08:15
ali1234i could never get it to work though08:15
ali1234in wine08:15
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday and happy Tiara Day!  :-D (No I am not wearing a tiara)08:19
MartijnVdSJamesTait: you should, really08:20
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, I've told you before, only on Saturday nights.08:20
MartijnVdSJamesTait: Pleaaaaase?08:20
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, no, Jasmine only comes out at weekends.08:21
MartijnVdSJamesTait: Friday night doesn't count as the weekend/08:21
AlanBellMartijnVdS: yeah, it does set up another sshd, not sure about the screen session08:21
AlanBellI just didn't fancy unplugging at the grub stage of the process08:21
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, it's only Friday morning!  I have a whole day of exciting, scary stuff to do before the weekend! ;)08:23
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bpistihi, if anyone is here, i would like to get some help with ubuntu 12.0409:23
bpistii cannot access any files after reinstall09:24
czajkowskibpisti: what errors are you seeing what have you done ?09:26
bpistiwell, lightdm cannot log in, it push me back to login screen09:26
bpistimy home is in separate partition, it downgraded from 13.04 because the laptop is old09:27
AlanBelldoes a guest login work?09:27
bpistii'm currently root, using gdm to log in, and yes, guest worked09:27
MartijnVdSanything in your ~/.xsession-errors?09:28
MartijnVdSand/or /var/log/lightdm/*09:28
knightwiseok , silly question but .. if I put the latest build of Ubuntu Touch on my nexus 4 ... whats gonna work so far ?09:30
bpistiwell, no xerrors, but lightdm log has something with SIGTERM09:30
knightwiseGmail ? Internet access ? twitter ? Facebook ?09:30
czajkowskiknightwise: you following rick spencers posts09:32
czajkowskithey're blogging what is currently working09:32
knightwiseah , i'll google him09:32
knightwiseor do you mean on Google+ ?09:33
knightwisethanx czajkowski !09:35
MooDoohelolo all09:37
MartijnVdSMooDoo: trolololo to you too, MooDoo ;)09:37
czajkowskiknightwise: np09:38
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:50
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon09:50
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS09:51
MartijnVdShey, cool new feature in Chrome09:52
bpistigreetings! i have the home in a separate partition and i'm about to reinstall 12.04, but how will it recognize it?09:52
MartijnVdS3rd party iframes loaded over https:// get an URL bar inside the page09:53
MartijnVdSbpisti: you can select it in the installer, if you choose manual partitioning09:53
MartijnVdSbpisti: make sure you don't set it to 'format partition', just 'use partition'!09:53
AlanBellMartijnVdS: why is that a cool feature?09:53
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Some web shops use an external payment processor in an iframe09:54
bpistii understand this part, but the last install i put the same machine name, username, and i didn't have access to my files09:54
AlanBellah, so you can see where it is coming from, I get it now09:54
MartijnVdSAlanBell: which should be secure, but before, you could never check (because you couldn't see the iframe URL and/or access its certificate info easily)09:54
AlanBellbpisti: were you using encrypted home?09:55
AlanBellor is it that the UID has changed?09:55
bpistii'm not sure, but i would say no09:55
bpistii don't think09:55
AlanBellso if you do ls -lh /homepartition/bpisti does it show the owner or 1003 or something09:56
bpistii have saves, and as root i can copy stuff, but then the advantege is lost09:56
bpistiyes, yes09:56
MartijnVdSbpisti: Does it show the owner's username, or "1003"?09:56
MartijnVdSbpisti: "yes" is not a useful answer here ;)09:57
bpistisorry, it's showing "1000" for owner username09:57
MartijnVdSbpisti: is this from the installer, or from the installed system?09:58
bpistii had to go on liveCD, because i couldn't log in, even as root... but it was the same situation as now09:58
bpistiso if i have to reinstall again, i would like to do it good, because i'm already behind schedule :D09:59
davmor2Morning all10:03
brobostigonmorning davmor210:03
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
mungbeanbpisti: do ls -l /home10:08
mungbeanand paste the output10:09
bpistii'm on a live cd, so the installed /home looks like this: drwxrwxrwx 7 1000 1000     4096 May 23 10:56 Desktop10:11
bpistibut if i were on the installed ubuntu, it would look just like this10:11
MartijnVdS777? that's not good.10:12
MartijnVdSHave you run "chmod" on it?10:12
mungbeandidi you run the command exactly?10:13
MartijnVdSmungbean: on the live CD, /home isn't the installed /home10:14
MartijnVdSbut the "live-cd /home"10:14
mungbeanok so the partition may not even be mounted10:15
bpistiyes, i tried to access the files, but there are still problems (like firefox, nautilus, etc.)10:17
MartijnVdSbpisti: what _exactly_ did you do to access the files?10:18
MartijnVdSWhich commands did you type, or which graphical programs did you use (and how)10:18
bpistii logged in as root10:18
bpistiand chown pisti:pisti *10:18
MartijnVdSOn the live CD? On the installed system? How?10:19
MartijnVdSyou can't log in as root, there is no root password on Ubuntu systems10:19
MartijnVdSwell you can if you set one, but you should never do that because it's unsafe10:19
bpistion the installed, and i set it.. otherwise i couldn't use it10:19
bpistiit's a home laptop, no sharing10:20
MartijnVdSroot password = no-no10:20
bpistii understand it, but i couldn't do anything, even if i managed to log in10:20
bpistilet's say i reinstall, because it's relative fast. will i run into the same problem, or i can use the partition for good?10:24
SuperMattI'm still waiting for the day that my boss decides that we don't need root access. All we all need is sudo and our keys10:25
SuperMattbut all the while debian requests a root password when you set it up, I don't think he'll see it that way10:26
AlanBellbpisti: chown doesn't do recursive by default10:26
bpistieven with the -R?10:27
AlanBellwith the -R it does :)10:27
AlanBell11:18 < bpisti> and chown pisti:pisti *10:27
AlanBell^ that won't though10:27
bpistiyes, google helped me find out that10:27
AlanBellalso grep pisti /etc/passwd10:27
AlanBellthat will show you your UID10:28
AlanBellprobably 100010:28
bpistiit is10:29
ali1234or echo $UID10:42
ali1234when ls -l shows number instead of username it means there is no user with that uid10:44
bpistiif i click in the installer on Erase ubi 12.04, that will delete the files on the separated home, or just on the / ?10:47
bpistianyway i went to manual, unchecked formatting, maybe it will work... thanks for the help, have a good day everyone!11:03
bpistii'm working on a game, here you can see some dev videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/bialkoistvan11:04
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samuel__hello ubuntu-uk long time no speak!13:11
samuel__hi supermatt13:13
samuel__whats your excuse for being here at 2 in the afternoon? :D13:13
SuperMattI'm at work13:14
samuel__ah, i remember when i used to come here at work13:14
samuel__do you use ubuntu at work?13:15
samuel__or someotherlinux?13:15
SuperMattI use ubuntu at work, yes13:16
samuel__ahhh lucky you, my new work has too much microsoft centric stuff for me to switch over yet13:16
samuel__i've only been there 5 months :D13:17
samuel__dont feel like its a good time to dick around with my workstation yet13:17
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MyrttiI clearly need more tea to parse what people write on Google+ at the moment14:37
AndreaAI'm experiencing some problems while trying to upgrade to Ubuntu Precise Pangolin14:38
AndreaAcan anyone please help me?14:38
SuperMattwhat issues are you experiencing?14:39
AndreaAhey SuperMatt, thank you for answering :). So, I tried to upgrade yesterday and my laptop lost its power in the middle of it. Now I'm getting the "recovery mode" window, and when I go to "Resume Normal boot" it says that version "GLIBC_2.14" is not found14:41
SuperMattouch S:14:41
MooDoowould a sudo apt-get -f install complete the upgrade?14:42
SuperMattok, try this:14:42
AndreaAit also says that "CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and reboot the system"14:42
SuperMattgo to recovery mode and select the option that drops you to root shell14:42
SuperMattfrom there, run mount and read what device is on /14:42
SuperMattskip that step actually14:43
SuperMattrun mount -o remount,rw /14:43
SuperMattand then run apt-get -f install14:43
SuperMattthat *might* work14:43
SuperMattbut it was a little silly of you to upgrade without pluggin in!14:43
brobostigonisnt there a warning somewhere, for that?14:45
AndreaAI will try, thank you SuperMatt and MooDoo. Right now, I downloaded the ISO file on an another computer (the same version, ofc) and attached the USB file, and now it says that "Asking for cache data failed" and "Attached SCSI removable disc". what does that mean?14:46
SuperMattI have no idea14:46
brobostigonfirst thing. check you dd'd the iso to the usb drive properly.14:47
AndreaAI did. I downloaded it from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/14:47
AndreaAI tried to type in "sudo apt-get -f install" in terminal and it says this:14:49
AndreaA"Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock"14:49
AlanBellgulp, that sounds like a messy situation AndreaA14:50
brobostigonthat imples dpkg/apt/aptitude etc is already running and is taking up that file.14:50
AlanBelldo you want to fix what you have, or would it be simpler to do a reinstall without overwriting your home directory?14:50
AndreaAAlanBell, whatever is possible. I would just like to upgrade to 12.4, and that's it. Now I typed "sudo dpkg --configure -a" like it suggested and it says that it's unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system14:52
AlanBellso do you have stuff in your home directory you want to keep? Now would be a good time to get a backup if you do14:53
brobostigoni would remount rw, as SuperMatt suggested, and try again.14:53
* SuperMatt nods14:54
SuperMattI was gonna say that14:54
SuperMattmount -o rw,remount /14:54
brobostigonbut yes, backup asap.14:54
AndreaAI have some stuff I would like to keep :((. and I don't know how to do a backup... I'm a new user, and never did it with terminal14:55
AlanBellgot a USB memory stick with enough room on it for your stuff?14:56
SuperMattwhat would you back up to?14:56
AndreaAAlan, yes, it does!14:56
AlanBelleasy way is probably to boot from the USB in live mode14:59
AndreaAI have some backups that were created before, SuperMatt14:59
AlanBelland then drag stuff to the USB stick14:59
SuperMatt^ this14:59
AndreaAand how to do that?14:59
MooDooAndreaA: do you have an ubuntu live cd?15:02
AndreaANo, I have Ubuntu on USB15:04
MooDoobut that's a live usb boot right?15:04
AndreaAyes, I think it is15:05
MooDoobeacuase what you could do is boot into a live cd/usb environment and drag and drop all the files you want from your laptop in live mode to the USB stick, then once you're happy you have your files, do a complete re-intall and you'll have your files in the usb15:05
AndreaAI understand you, but I don't have a clue how to do that. The previous version of Ubuntu I installed from the same USB went fine and nothing like this happened before15:07
AlanBellif you put the USB in and click the Try Ubuntu button rather than the install ubuntu button it should take you to a desktop15:11
MooDoobeat me to that15:11
AlanBellfrom there you can use the normal file manager to browse to your home directory on the hard drive, and copy, and browse to the USB stick and paste15:11
mungbeani hate SCOM with a passion. worst software i've used in years15:11
AlanBellthen you can go through the install ubuntu process, and instead of telling it to wipe the disk tell it to do "something else" and give it your existing partitions to install on15:12
AlanBellif you tell it not to reformat the partitions it should preserve your home directory15:13
AlanBellhowever this is a mildly risky area and if you press the wrong button you could end up formatting the disk and wiping your stuff, so  a backup first would be a good thing15:13
AndreaAAlanBell: well, the trouble is that it doesn't say anything when I put in the USB device... nor "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu"... nothing. you know what? I will take a photo of my screen and send it to you, it will be easier.15:17
AndreaAwhen I start my laptop (with USB in), I first get this screen: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/404/ublx.png/15:22
MooDooAndreaA: that's a normal boot15:22
MooDoowhen you start the laptop as it's doing the bios checks is there an option for a boot menu, probably f1 or f12 or del or something like that.15:23
MooDooif you get that grub menu you've gone to far15:23
AndreaAno, that's the first thing I get when I start it15:23
AndreaAso I go to recovery mode. Should I do something differently?15:24
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diddledan_microsoft are going to license a halo: the tv series?!16:06
diddledan_I'm assuming spielburg isn't director or exec prod, but in fact the lead character16:07
diddledan_now that I'd watch16:07
diddledan_I prefer tv to games anyway.. I haven't died once while watching tv but when playing games I'm guaranteed to die at least every 20 minutes16:08
SuperMattyes, games are a weird thing16:09
SuperMattthey're the only medium that stops you pregressing when you can't work out what's going on16:09
diddledan_I like to be told what's going on - saves everyone the hassle of assuming I'm actually intelligent16:20
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first-time-herehow i can solve this error?19:20
dwatkinsfirst-time-here: To see the supported input formats, use "ffmpeg -formats", according to the manpage.19:23
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first-time-heredwatkins: i get loooong list - what i need to looking for?19:30
AlanBellfirst-time-here: v4l2 isn't a video format as such19:31
AlanBellso, you are trying to restream a camera or something?19:31
maktevening all19:46
daftykinsooh my mate is ok with ignoring the GTX 780 from nvidia in favour of sticking to a 680 for his new PC22:05
daftykinsso i may well have a nice PC build soon :D:D22:05
n1md4_hi.  what does the 'd' and 'c' characters mean in diff?22:17
n1md4_e.g. 2d1 or 11c1022:17
n1md4_..and is there a way to only print the c differences?22:18
daftykins'man diff' ?22:20
n1md4_daftykins: I couldn't find anything useful22:22
daftykinsyou're right, doesn't even seem to tell you what the letters mean22:24
daftykinsthat's very unimpressive22:24
daftykinsthat's also a bit non-descript22:26
n1md4_daftykins: there are 3 characters i can tell, from trial and error, a d and c.  i guess these to be added deleted and common (meaning it starts the same but finishes with a difference)22:29
daftykinssounds fair22:29
daftykinsyou could create two test files to confirm that i guess22:30
n1md4_my new question then, how to only print added or deleted lines.22:30
n1md4_.. or how to not print common lines22:30
n1md4_hmmm http://serverfault.com/questions/470210/how-can-i-get-diff-to-show-only-added-and-deleted-lines-if-diff-cant-do-it22:31
daftykinsuh-oh spaghetti-o's, it's getting dangerously close to regular expression talk22:32
daftykinsoh no wait it is22:32
n1md4_yeah .. this is going to be an awesome one-liner :P22:34
daftykinsn1md4_: hey you did it all ^_^22:36
leololanybody here to help me out?23:07
daftykinsask away23:07
leololok. i installed ubuntu on a ProLiant server (dual xenon 3,6ghz) and it all worked out fine, after loads of trial and error23:08
leololbut i still face one problem:23:08
daftykinsno coffee making function23:09
daftykinsi know, it gets us all :(23:09
daftykinssorry, do tell23:09
leololonce i boot i get a message from my monitor that says: "the current input timing is not supported by the monitor. Please change your input timing to 1920x1200@60hz or any other monitor timing as per the monitor specifcations"23:10
leololyeah, coffee :323:10
leololi tried a different monitor, same result23:10
leololand without a display it's pretty hard to set up a remote desktop..23:10
leololcause i don't even know if it is running23:11
leololoh and i tried ubuntu server, ubuntu (12.04)23:11
daftykinsyeah what are you intending on doing with the system? because a server distro on server hardware might be a good idea anyway23:12
daftykinsbut you should be able to fiddle with that in the display settings23:12
leololyeah i installed the server edition, but normal ubuntu (and any other linux i tried) has the same result23:12
leololit doesn't let me on my display it self23:12
leololis it possible that the pretty old server doesn't like 16:9?23:13
daftykinsservers do tend to have very basic graphics23:13
daftykinsno you'd change it inside ubuntu23:13
leololyeah.. but i can set my output on my pc to 1x1 and it would still be displayed by the display..23:14
leololmaybe i can try it without seeing anything23:14
leololover code.. but i'd need a step by step explanation23:14
daftykinsthose LCDs that cover the whole image telling you 'YOU'RE STUPID, YOU SHOULD BE IN RES A x B!' anger me23:14
daftykinswhat's installed on it right now?23:14
leololUbuntu Server 12.04 LTS23:15
leolol64 bit23:15
leololyeah but it says something about "timings" which i do not understand at all23:16
daftykinsdid you install it, then install the desktop package or something?23:16
daftykinswell, if you're connected with a VGA cable, it could be talking about pixel clock, refresh rate or more23:16
leololi didn't install a gui yet, but i can't even see the thingy where i enter the commands23:17
leolol*command line23:17
daftykinsdo you see the bootup scrolling messages?23:17
leololi see everything that comes from the bios23:17
daftykinshow about switching between TTYs? (press ctrl+alt+F1 through F6)23:17
leololand i saw everyhting while installing23:17
leololTTYs? let me try that23:18
leololwill take a few seconds to boot23:18
daftykinsthey're like, all the different login screens. the acronym is the old term 'Tele-TYpewriter'23:18
daftykinsno problemo23:19
leololwhat time does it usually take to boot?23:19
leololit's the first linux machine i have23:19
daftykinsif it's server and you didn't pick any extra packages during 'tasksel' aka Task Selection, typically after BIOS i'd say under 15 seconds23:21
daftykinsdepends on the disks in that server23:21
leololbut i have a solution lol23:21
daftykins? :D23:21
leololi just started the system23:21
leololand forgot to plug in the monitor23:21
leololcause i tried the other one23:21
leololplugged it in23:21
leololsaw a login screen lol23:21
daftykinswell if you're just starting out, is there anything else you want to start trying and ask about now that you're there?23:22
leololmaybe you can explain to me how i can set up a gui and remote desktop thingy?23:22
daftykinsto be honest installing a GUI on top of server kind of defeats the purpose of installing server to begin with23:22
daftykinsbut sure, it can be done23:22
daftykinsyou can login and type 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' first to get the latest updates23:23
leololhopefully i configured my network correctly23:23
daftykinsyou may seem some errors if not ^_^ but that's ok, we can fix that too23:24
daftykinsthe first means - 'get the newest package lists' and the second means 'update every currently installed package to the newest version'23:24
leololcan we set up a remote desktop first or should i do the updates?23:24
daftykinswell you have no GUI to remote to :) installing the latest packages is best first, before there are more packages on23:25
daftykins(more packaged will obviously be added when installing a GUI)23:25
leololit asks [sudo] password for username:23:27
leololbut i can't type anything..23:27
daftykinsyour password won't be visible as you type it23:27
daftykinsit's a security 'mechanism' to stop people counting asterisks to know how long it is23:27
daftykinsif you feel like you make a mistake, just hold down backspace for a few seconds to clear it out23:27
daftykinsleolol: also, whilst doing things at the command line as you are now, don't be afraid if you glance away and the screen goes blank. the command line view has a sort of 'screensaver' which blanks the display after a set amount of time23:28
daftykinsthat one always gets new users :D myself included way back when ^_^23:29
leololis it possible that my sudo password isn't the same as my account password?23:29
daftykinsnah, it'll definitely be the one you entered for your user during setup23:29
leololcause i'm 99,9% shure that the one i typed was right23:29
leololdidn't have that yet :P23:29
daftykinshuh? have what?23:30
daftykinsoh i get you23:30
daftykinsjust pre-empting it ;)23:30
leololok worked23:32
leololbut it doesn't seem to have a working internet connection23:32
leololcause i didn't plug in the cable.23:32
daftykinsleolol: hehe, ok it won't auto get an IP address from just plugging it in now23:34
daftykinsunless you configured it with a static IP23:34
leololmy ip hasn't changed i think23:34
leololit is on 22% but it gets an error now i think23:34
leololonce i've set it up i'll be using no-ip i think..23:35
daftykinsso the update and upgrade is working?23:35
daftykinsi guess you must've given it a static IP during setup23:36
leololdono, sometimes it says "no adress assigned to hostname"23:36
leololbut it is on 23%23:36
leololseems to be stuck now23:36
daftykinswhat's the last line?23:36
leololwhile connecting23:36
leololconnecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com23:37
daftykinsctrl+c to stop that23:37
leololand then something with security23:37
daftykinsdo you know your router's internal IP? e.g.
daftykinsalso have you got some networking experience so i don't sound rude? :D23:38
leololi think if would have just workd lol it got a translationindex and another translationindex :P23:38
leololi know my way around pc's, i know what my IP is etc23:39
leololmy IP hasn't changed23:39
leololsince i configured my network23:39
daftykinsi don't mean your internet facing IP23:39
daftykinsoh i get you, your DHCP lease23:39
leololyou mean my routers IP?23:39
daftykinsfirst diagnosis step, ping your router's internal IP23:39
leololwindows or linux?23:40
daftykinsthat'll tell you if the server has anything configured23:40
daftykinswell the command is the same23:40
daftykins'ping x.x.x.x'23:40
leololx.x.x.x is my IP?23:40
daftykinswell i don't know what your router's IP is23:40
daftykinsso you need to substitute it in :D23:40
leololcan it be the one i have when i search for "my ip" on google? lol23:41
daftykinsnah that's your internet facing one23:41
leololit would be (maybe that's stupid to type in the internet.. idk)23:41
daftykinstell you what, are you typing from windows?23:41
daftykinsopen up a command prompt23:41
leololi am23:41
daftykinsand type "ipconfig /all"23:41
leololin windows?23:41
daftykinsin the command prompt program23:42
daftykinsin the mass of info it'll have a 'default gateway' beside say, your wired internet connection23:42
daftykinsin my case mine's a Marvell Yukon blah blah23:42
leololfor some reason my CMD opened up with my default storage space23:43
leololin front23:43
daftykinsC:\users\your username\ ?23:43
daftykinsthat's normal23:43
leololbut the ip thingy isn't working23:43
daftykinsdoes typing 'ipconfig /all' not do anything? without the quotes of course23:43
leololmust have had a spelling mistake23:44
daftykinsi loved command line growing up23:44
leololok so what do you need to know from there?23:44
daftykinsdidn't give you what you wanted? you only have yourself to blame ^_^23:44
leololyeah :P23:44
daftykins'default gateway' and 'dhcp server' should be the same23:44
daftykinsthat'll be your router's IP address, probably for the most common23:45
leololwhere in the line is this?23:45
leololi see dhcp23:45
daftykinson mine it's beneath the network connection i'm using23:45
daftykins"Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:"23:46
leololbut i can't seem to find the fefault gateway23:46
leololIpv4 adress?23:46
daftykinsfew more lower...23:46
daftykinsalthough if you told me your IPv4 address i might be able to guess your router's IP23:46
leolol192.168.0.15 (prefered)23:47
leololoh i see it23:47
daftykinsyep sounds like is your router then23:47
leololfacepalm #223:47
daftykinsok so you can see the difference on windows and Ubuntu23:47
daftykins'ping' in your command prompt23:47
daftykinsand do the same on your ubuntu server system23:47
leololin ubuntu or windows23:47
daftykinswindows will do it 4 times23:47
daftykinsubuntu will carry on infitely, so you stop it with ctrl+c again23:48
daftykinsif it even works that is...23:48
leololyou need to know something about my network?23:48
leololi'm running over powerlan if that makes a difference23:48
daftykinsbetween router + both your server and windows PC?23:49
leolollinux says it's unreachable23:49
daftykinsyep, ok i expected as much23:49
daftykinsnah powerline should be fine23:49
leololwindows never made problems with it23:49
daftykinsso we need to tell the server to get a new IP since it was disconnected before23:49
leololmy laptop doesn't like it and windows had to activate something23:50
daftykinsyou can either restart it, or tell it to look for a new one23:50
leololto make it work23:50
daftykinswe'll try option 2: 'sudo dhclient eth0'23:50
leololhmm it know the IP i told it while setting up23:50
daftykinsah ok23:50
leololit knows*23:50
leololbut i told it my internet IP23:50
leololnot my routers23:50
daftykinsah that might be what went wrong!23:50
leololso we'll change that :D23:51
daftykinsindeed ^_^23:51
daftykinsdid the above command work though?23:51
leololi'm still so glad that i can finally see something23:51
leololthe "ping 192....."23:51
leololwithout a result23:51
leololthe other one23:51
daftykinsnah the next one :D23:51
leolollet me try23:51
daftykinser i learnt some in school years back but i just kinda mess around23:52
daftykinsi'm from Guernsey23:52
leololwhere ever that is :P23:52
leololi'm austrian :)23:52
daftykinslittle island between England and France23:52
daftykinsah ok ^_^23:52
leololooh the "no taxes" islands :P23:52
daftykinsin that case i best not attempt any of my terrible German23:52
daftykinshehe, how is it that everyone knows that now XD23:53
leololoh, austria's the same.. not with taxes but we got like ... mhmm23:53
daftykinsdoes your local news talk about how the English government is on the war path about us tax havens?23:53
leololwe got like privacy with banks23:53
daftykinsah yeah23:54
leololthey aren't allowed to give out information about who owns the conto etc (dono if conto's a word in english)23:54
leololok linux says23:54
leololnothing atm23:54
daftykinstry pinging again23:55
daftykinsyou can tap cursor up just like in Windows to repeat older commands23:55
daftykinsit's not english, but i guess you mean 'account'23:55
leololnow i'm just typing.. before that there was always like username@Server in front..23:56
leololyeah i meant account23:56
daftykinsah it's kinda stuck thinking23:57
daftykinsok, try ctrl+c to give up23:57
daftykinsthat should hopefully return you to the normal 'prompt'23:57
daftykinsback to normal?23:58
leololtry the dhclient again?23:58
daftykinsnext step, i think checking if you have some network configuration wrong is a good idea23:58
daftykinstype 'cat /etc/network/interfaces'23:58
daftykinsyou should see a few lines of text23:59
daftykinsincluding 'auto eth0' ?23:59
leololseems to get stuck on that23:59

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