
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | Current podcast (122): http://tx0.org/68x Speex Version (122): http://tx0.org/68y | Meeting report and then some: http://tx0.org/69z
jrgifford_sorry i missed the meeting. :(02:08
skellatjrgifford_: No problemo02:08
Unit193jrgifford_: You get pinged enough anyway?02:08
jrgifford_Unit193, did I?02:08
jrgifford_i've kinda been gone for the past 6 days.02:09
Unit193Hmmm, maybe only twice. :(02:09
jrgifford_like, nothing.02:09
skellatjrgifford_: See: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/07/18/%23ubuntu-us-oh.html#t23:3202:09
jenni[ /srv/irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/07/18/#ubuntu-us-oh.txt ] - https://j.mp/1aABcD702:09
jrgifford_nope, only once.02:09
skellatIt is summer time02:11
skellatIt is a hard time to get much done02:11
skellatI missed the Xubuntu meeting that morning02:12
skellatThe updated list of Ubuntu Members this morning as Cheri updated herself on Launchpad and Jacob said he's in Seattle nowadays: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5895939/02:12
jenni[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://j.mp/1aABwBH02:12
skellatI would like to get a majority of Ubuntu Members from Ubuntu Ohio present at OLF which means that I need to be there as well as both of you, Unit193 and jrgifford_02:21
* Unit193 unsubscribes from Ubuntumembers.02:21
Unit193skellat: Really, dial it back a notch...02:22
skellatI shall02:22
jrgifford_skellat, i'll see what i can do.02:22
jrgifford_would <3 to make it to OLF02:22
Unit193Say, wasn't there an Ubuntu Ohio google calendar?02:23
skellatIf there was, I never knew about it02:24
skellatThere is a G+02:25
skellatMeh: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/calendar02:26
jenni[ Calendar | Ubuntu Ohio ] - https://j.mp/eGml2U02:26
jrgifford_They don't have any details on cost for this year :(02:26
skellatI dunno02:28
skellatCall For Proposals ended on July 8th yet the link and submit form for that is still wide open too02:29
skellatjrgifford_: How is the weather looking in the outer 'burbs of Cleveland?02:35
skellatBeauty: http://youtu.be/sDeZDXZvCuY02:39
jenni[ JJC Kyodo News Agency (Japan/Singapore) - News in english and japanese - 16971 kHz (FAX 60/576) - YouTube ] - https://j.mp/1aADKB002:39
canthus13Well doesn't this suck: http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-forums-hacked-1-82m-logins-email-addresses-stolen-7000018336/13:07
jenni[ Ubuntu forums hacked; 1.82M logins, email addresses stolen | ZDNet ] - https://j.mp/12V9fUV13:07
skellatcanthus13: And here's what I said in the matter last night: http://erielookingproductions.info/ubuntu/2013/07/41-late-july-notes-from-ohio-leader/13:35
jenni[ Late July Notes From Ohio Leader ] - https://j.mp/12VfesI13:35
=== msy is now known as yano

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