
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
luca___rick_h_: are you there?11:18
rick_h_luca___: party12:26
luca___rick_h_: your at a party?12:26
rick_h_luca___: I'm here aren't I? :)12:27
luca___rick_h_: :P12:27
luca___rick_h_: do you know if the demo is connected to a state server at the moment?12:27
rick_h_luca___: comingsoon?12:28
luca___rick_h_: yes12:28
rick_h_luca___: no, it's in pure sandbox 'fake' mode12:28
luca___rick_h_: all in the browser?12:28
rick_h_luca___: to do a live demo connected to an environment you'd have to deploy to an environment using quickstart or manually12:29
rick_h_luca___: yes, all in the browser12:29
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
* bac does ux contuing education by reading about teslas. umm, teslas. thanks luca. http://uxmag.com/articles/tesla’s-groundbreaking-ux-an-interview-with-user-interface-manager-brennan-boblett13:27
rick_h_nice :)13:34
rick_h_the ec2 server that runs my irssi/remote irc session is up for retirement so need to shut it down and bring it back up. Will be back in a bit. /me crosses fingers.13:56
gary_posterhey rick_h_ if you are around, shooting you a mail13:58
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr13:58
gary_posterrick_h_, also, Huw is on vacation for next two weeks, so as team we need to try and move his branch forward13:59
rick_h_gary_poster: yep, I was going to ask about that. Most of the stuff I'd be happy to tweak. I am curious ont he landscape link but sure I could figure it out13:59
rick_h_gary_poster: k, see the email and looking into it. We do run the relation validations, but that's part of the code we're reusing from the deployer as well. 14:13
gary_posterthank you rick_h_ .  I'm also checking with Maarten if he can proceed without ganglia, which reduce the need to worry about this today.14:18
gary_posterwhich would14:18
rick_h_gary_poster: ok, will take a bit to get my local instance to ingest enough to try it out. Working through that to replicate proof processing locally. 14:19
gary_postercool thanks14:20
rick_h_gary_poster: ah, ganglia is still at 0 because 1 failed proof errors. That charm is in a borked state because it's hanging between versions I bet14:21
gary_posterah! ok14:22
rick_h_http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/proof-errors see cs:precise/ganglia-114:22
rick_h_oh, that's ganglia-1, not ganglia-node 14:22
* rick_h_ keeps looking while ingest runs14:22
gary_posterah, indeed14:22
rick_h_but ganglia-4 is in his bundle as well. 14:23
rick_h_must be an old error I guess then since the store has -4 and that looks good14:25
gary_posterprobably unintended side-effect og ingesting older charms14:36
* bac reboots. bbiab14:37
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, I can duplicate the ganglia-node locally. It's name isn't matching the regex in place to check if a charm has a version or not so looking into why14:37
rick_h_gary_poster: so that looks like a legit bug and working on it14:38
gary_postercool thanks rick_h_ .  Don't stress about it.  Maarten says I can remove it for next week if we have to14:38
gary_posterBut something we should fix14:39
rick_h_gary_poster: yep, and the second one is definitely a blind spot. Had no idea about juju-info relations so will have to add support for that as an option14:39
rick_h_pulled up the docs that mention it to see if there's any rules to be aware of on that14:39
gary_postercool.  yeah, dunno.14:40
rick_h_gary_poster: ah! if int('0'): False doh!14:41
* rick_h_ changes all if revision to if revision is not None14:43
hatchoh the standup isn't earlier today14:59
rick_h_jujugui small charmworld review please. https://codereview.appspot.com/23600043/15:00
gary_posterjujugui, has anyone ever seen x-y annotations honored by the real-world deployer?15:00
bacnope, same bat time every day15:00
bacrick_h_: ok15:00
gary_posterluca___, alejandraobregon do you have a hangout?  if not we can use https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.t3m5giuddiv9epub48d9skdaso15:00
rick_h_gary_poster: I did not, but I thought benji in qa said it didn't stack them for him15:00
Makyojujugui emergency appointment at 8:30 (in ~30), may be a little late to call. It's by phone, so I can join as soon as it's over, shouldn't take that long.15:00
gary_posterMakyo, ack15:01
hatchgary_poster: no I've never seen them working on a real env15:01
rick_h_Makyo: rgr, thanks15:01
benjigary_poster: I don't know if it was from the annotations or just the "natural" placement, but yesterday I deployed a bundle to ec2 and the (two) services had an arrangement (i.e., they weren't stacked on top of each other)15:01
hatchok stepping out for an hour until the meeting15:01
gary_posterrick_h_, hatch, benji, ok thanks15:01
benjirick_h_: I'll take a look at your branch15:01
gary_posterinteresting: https://micknelson.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/juju-ansible-simpler-charms/15:02
rick_h_benji: cool, bac has it but more the merrier. Rick had a dumb boolean moment :)15:02
bacbenji: i'm already looking15:02
benjibac: ah, ok15:02
* benji averts his eyes15:02
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, not checked out ansible so not sure how much bootstrap is there but cool15:02
bacgary_poster: i deployed a bundle to ec2 doing frankban's qa yesterday and the two services were on top of one another.  annotations were in the bundle.15:02
gary_posterbac ack thanks15:03
luca___gary_poster: I'm trying to rally the troops :)15:03
gary_posterluca___, heh ok cool15:03
rick_h_lol, use the force luca___ !15:03
rick_h_"this is the meeting you're looking for"15:03
luca___rick_h_: rofl15:04
rick_h_thanks bac 15:12
rick_h_jujugui bug-fix-o-rama part two please https://codereview.appspot.com/23660043/15:40
* bac defers to benji if he wants15:41
benjibac: sure, I'll take it15:41
bacyou seemed so disappointed last time15:41
rick_h_lol, you guys work together so well15:42
rick_h_"after you sir, no after you, no I insist" 15:42
hatchjujugui call in 915:52
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
gary_posteror 115:58
gary_posterbenji Makyo yo16:00
benjigary_poster: hmm16:00
gary_poster(Makyo on call will show up when he can)16:01
hatchvery bad net connection right now so I'm on my cell hangouts16:08
bacfrankban: how did you decide to do your laptop?  metal vs vm?16:09
frankbanbac: fusion for now, it seems to work very well16:10
bacjujugui, sorry my network has dropped out and i can't get back into the hangout16:46
gary_posterbac rick_h_ was I supposed to stay around and talk to you?16:56
Makyofading, layinf diwn fir a bit16:57
rick_h_gary_poster: well, we're trying to figure out friday deploy of charmworld16:57
rick_h_gary_poster: if the deploy happened monday would that hurt the planned stuff?16:57
gary_posterrick_h_, ack.  it might.  don't do it.  ask bac to do it Monday morning.  I'll warn Maarten and he can choose what escape hatch he wants16:57
rick_h_gary_poster: ok, sounds good then. I'll check staging and proof against it to verify the bundle here 16:58
gary_postercool thanks rick_h_ 16:58
hatch_that call used up 33% of my battery on my phone lol16:58
hatch_apparently decoding 7 video streams is battery intensive work16:58
rick_h_gary_poster: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1072/16:59
rick_h_gary_poster: so looks good on staging16:59
rick_h_bac: can you do a deploy on monday then please?16:59
gary_posterrick_h_, awesome :-) thanks16:59
hatch_gary_poster: If I don't end up driving I can also take a look at huw's branch pending I have decent LTE/3G on the highway16:59
rick_h_hatch_: cool, if not I'll update it on tues 17:00
hatch_no I will!17:00
gary_posterhatch, you are a madman :-) thanks17:00
hatch_well if I'm not driving it's either code or read a bood17:00
bacrick_h_, gary_poster: ok, monday deploy17:00
rick_h_bac: thanks, I'll be around if you need anything. 17:00
gary_posterawesome thanks17:00
gary_posterI won't :-P text me if you need me17:01
rick_h_gary_poster: so did you want me to reply to the email or are you?17:01
gary_posterrick_h_, you mean one about maarten?  I can, unless you want to fastest ever17:02
gary_posterwhy don't you go work undertime :-)17:02
rick_h_gary_poster: umm, not sure what the fastest ever is. 17:02
rick_h_gary_poster: ok, thanks. 17:02
hatch_ok have a good weekend everyone17:15
hatch_talk to you tuesday17:15
gary_posterbye hatch_ have fun17:20
MakyoBack, sorry about that.17:27
MakyoWow, bad typing :P17:27
jcastrohey rick_h_17:47
jcastroremember when you said "we don't support constraints" with quickstart17:48
jcastrois that still the case?17:48
gary_posterrick_h_ is not here jcastro.  we do, but they need to spelled like go constraints17:48
gary_postermaking example...17:49
gary_posterjcastro, see these constraint names: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6383339/17:50
jcastrogot it17:50
gary_posterhey bac, do you have log access to see why lp:~gary/charms/bundles/demo/bundle is not ingesting on staging?  Rick thought it was on its way after bug fixes, but I don't see it in staging search results17:52
jcastrogary_poster, the constraints I am trying to map are mem=7G cpu-cores=2 arch=amd6417:52
jcastrocan I do those three or do I need to worry about this cpu-power one?17:52
gary_posterjcastro, those three are fine17:53
jcastroawesome, just waint for the CF charm to finish17:53
gary_posterjcastro, IIRC go does not understand "7G" though17:53
jcastroand then all I have to do is shift-D that bad boy17:53
jcastroright, I'll have to do 7048 or whatever the real number is17:53
rick_h_gary_poster: staging is still at the 11 original bundles pulled in. Notice manage is up to 13. I bet that the charm needs updating on staging for the charm fixes we did to production18:05
rick_h_gary_poster: bac I'm not sure how the charm is managed on staging to know how to update that18:05
gary_posterrick_h_, ack, thank you18:06
bacrick_h_: i'll look at it18:09
gary_posterthanks bac18:10
bacrick_h_: just make sure the new charm is running?  never done that.18:10
benjibac (or someone else): here is my add-metrics-api charmworld branch: https://codereview.appspot.com/2374004318:39
bacbenji: ok, i'll get to it in a bit18:39
bacbenji: thanks for the note about the merge failure.  i was just thinking it all looked familiar18:54
benjibac: I wish I knew how that happend.  I'm thinking rv-submit doesn't push before merging18:56
jcastrogary_poster, aha! a pleasant surprise, the gui exported the constraints properly anyway18:58
jcastroso basically I didn't even need to care about that18:59
gary_posterjcastro, oh right, sorry, I thought you were talking about translating old ones.  Yeah, as far as we know, that bit is stomped for the future.18:59
jcastrogary_poster, man, this is awesome19:01
jcastrogary_poster, ok, so we want to give this bundle to CF/altoros immediately, I have pushed it to lp19:02
jcastroso basically, the instructions from scratch are:19:02
jcastroinstall the quickstart ppa19:02
jcastrothen `juju quickstart X` 19:02
jcastroX being the url to the bundle right?19:02
gary_posterright, that's in code now, or bundle:XXX  in the future19:03
bacbenji: done19:03
benjibac: thanks!19:03
benjibac: how in the world does that not-tuple code work!?19:04
benjiI've got to investigate that.19:05
bac's' in 's' is True19:06
bacthanks gary_poster.  i was adding reviewer notes when i saw you were done!19:08
benjiright, but when did "str1 in str2" start meaning str2 contains str119:08
bacignore them19:08
benjithat is something I didn't know Python did -- it surprises me that there is anything left like that :)19:08
bacbut in your cast str1 and str2 are the same, yes?19:09
benjibac: yep19:09
jcastrojuju quickstart lp:~jorge/charms/bundles/cloudfoundry/bundle19:10
jcastroit's looking for the charm to be local on disk19:10
benjibut it means that any substring of "deployments" would have worked19:10
benjibac: what does the comment "del" mean at the top of https://codereview.appspot.com/23740043/diff/1/charmworld/views/tests/test_metrics_api.py?column_width=80 ?19:10
jcastrogary_poster, am I missing something wrt to the URL?19:11
bacoh, you have a blank line for no reason19:12
bacgary_poster: QA instructions sent19:12
bacbenji: ^^19:12
benjibac: oh!19:13
baci could've been less cryptic19:13
jcastrohey bac, can you help me figure out how to deploy a bundle from a remote URL?19:15
jcastrowe need to give the cloudfoundry guys this bundle asap19:15
jcastroand I've got it all pushed19:16
bacjcastro: from cli?19:16
bacjcastro: lp url?19:16
bacjcastro: sorry, what is the LP url for the branch?19:16
jcastrolp:~jorge/charms/bundles/cloudfoundry/bundle <-- I tried that too19:17
benjibac: how do I install rv-submit?  (my bzr config broke badly recently)19:19
bacbzr branch lp:rvsubmit ~/.bazaar/plugins/rvsubmit19:20
benjiah, I was missing "plugins"19:20
benjia README in that branch would be good19:20
bacjcastro: sorry, i'm having to fetch the deployer19:23
jcastroI am wondering if I am just missing the right syntax for the url?19:24
jcastrogary_poster, any ideas?19:35
gary_postersorry on call will pay attention soon19:35
bacjcastro: your bundle is not on manage.jujucharms.com or staging, right?19:36
jcastrobac, I pushed it about 15 minutes ago19:37
jcastrooh, so I can't have an arbritary URL?19:37
jcastroit also needs to be ingested?19:37
bacjcastro: what does your deployer -h say?  can you paste it?  i don't seem to have a working one atm19:38
rick_h_jcastro: no local charms support19:38
rick_h_jcastro: was in the email as a limitation righ tnow19:38
rick_h_right now19:38
jcastrorick_h_, I don't want a local charm I want from a remote URL19:39
jcastrobac,  URL has the -h 19:39
rick_h_jcastro: looking at the cloudfoundry one you linked at it has a charm: local:19:39
rick_h_jcastro: this a different one?19:39
jcastrocrap, I can fix that19:39
jcastrook so I their charm is here: https://github.com/Altoros/cloudfoundry_charm19:40
jcastroI don't suppose I can substitute that URL in the bundle can I?19:41
rick_h_jcastro: can you just juju deploy url?19:41
jcastrono, but we're supposed to19:41
rick_h_jcastro: it won't get ingested as it'll fail proof. It only supports charms loaded in the store19:41
jcastroso basically, there's no value for them to put this in a bundle19:41
rick_h_jcastro: if you're calling the deployer itself, I'm not 100% sure what it does19:41
bac rick_h_: i thought the juju-deploy had an option to take a URL19:41
jcastroit does19:41
rick_h_bac: that url is the yaml file in the store19:41
bacjcastro: what is the command line you tried/19:42
rick_h_so juju quickstart http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundles/~jcastro/......19:42
rick_h_bac: but that's juju quickstart and not the deployer19:42
rick_h_jcastro: no, you'd have to get that charm out of github and into bzr/store19:43
bacrick_h_: right.  we added it to the deployer a long time ago.19:43
rick_h_bac: ok cool. 19:43
jcastrook but using the manage.jujucharms.com would work as the url?19:43
bacrick_h_:  but now i don't see it19:43
rick_h_jcastro: so maybe bac knows of a cli command to make it work from the deployer itself19:43
bacrick_h_:  but now i don't see it19:43
jcastrowell it needs to work from quickstart19:43
jcastronot the deployer19:43
rick_h_jcastro: if you go to a bundle in the gui there's a 'deploy' tab that shows you how to deploy it via cli19:43
bacyes, use the new goodness19:44
rick_h_jcastro: http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/bundle/~jorge/wordpress/5/wordpress-simple/?text=wordpress#bws-deploy19:44
rick_h_jcastro: walks through deploying via quickstart and deployer19:44
gary_posterwe might need to update the PPA19:44
gary_posterfor quickstart19:44
gary_posterthat slipped through the cracks19:44
gary_posterjcastro, can this be ready Monday morning?  I can ask Francesco to update the PPA for you then.  I'm not set up for it and I have other things going on19:46
jcastrono I'm just going to tell them to do it manually19:46
jcastroit doesn't make sense for them to use quickstart if they have to migrate all their stuff over to bzr/lp anyway19:46
jcastrothat'll end up being the same length as just doing it by hand19:46
gary_posterjcastro, they don't19:46
gary_posterjcastro, quickstart can take any arbitrary url19:47
gary_posteras long as the other end of it is a deployer file19:47
jcastrowhat's the exact syntac?19:47
gary_poster*in trunk*19:47
rick_h_gary_poster: but his issue is finding a url to put into the deployer file to load a charm from github19:47
jcastrook so if my bundle is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~jorge/charms/bundles/cloudfoundry/bundle19:47
rick_h_gary_poster: is my understanding of the issue19:47
jcastrowhat's the syntax? because it's not taking that url19:48
gary_posterrick_h_, doesn't github have a "raw file" url?19:48
jcastrorick_h_, yeah but I can fix that by pushing the charm to lp in the meantime19:48
rick_h_gary_poster: for a whole charm?19:48
gary_posterwhat?  I thought jcastro was trying deploy a bundle19:48
rick_h_gary_poster: that references a charm in github19:49
rick_h_jcastro: try this url with quickstart http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jorge/charms/bundles/cloudfoundry/bundle/download/head:/bundles.yaml-20131108185817-d8vxvhytvqmrpw43-2/bundles.yaml19:49
* rick_h_ ducks from url fussings19:49
jcastrook so to solve that, I can push the charm to lp in the meantime19:49
jcastroman ...19:49
jcastro*slow clap*19:49
gary_posterthat won't work and we haven't scheduled work for it19:49
rick_h_jcastro: because it's not in the store you're getting a direct LP url19:49
gary_poster"that won't work" == charm from github19:49
jcastrorick_h_, oh because I'm failing proof, so first step is to get that charm in lp19:50
jcastroand then fix the bundle19:50
jcastrowait 15 ...19:50
jcastroand then .... it should work?19:50
rick_h_jcastro: if the charm is in the store and you pass proof and your bundle is ingested: http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/liferay/liferay-simple/json19:50
jcastrorick_h_, I am writing down that URL though, that is awesome.19:50
bacjcastro: get it done in the next 9 minutes and you won't have to wait!  :)19:50
jcastrojuju quickstart http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/liferay/liferay-simple/json19:50
jcastrobut with the right url 19:51
rick_h_jcastro: and later on (not today) bundle:~jorge/liferay/3/liferay-simple  will work19:51
rick_h_jcastro: right19:51
jcastrowhy is there a 3 there?19:51
rick_h_jcastro: and once it's ingested the deploy tab will show up19:51
jcastrooh, nm, let me bust this out, then I can whine19:51
rick_h_jcastro: version 3 of the bundle19:51
rick_h_jcastro: well of the deployer file19:51
rick_h_jcastro: yes, first get charm in lp, update bundle with real charm: url, then go to gui, go to deploy tab, and copy/paste19:52
bacgary_poster: if quickstart will take an arbitrary URL why do our deploy instructions way to wget it locally?19:52
gary_posterjcastro, this is trunk's --help.  It will tell you what you can have as bundle: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6383960/19:52
gary_posterbac because it is not in the PPA19:52
bacoh, the update to use urls.  gotcha19:53
jcastrook, so tldr, we need to update the PPA soon19:53
jcastrothat would have solved my first issue19:53
jcastrothe 2nd is, we still can't deploy charms from other URLs19:53
gary_postercorrect, and we won't be able to because that work is not scheduled19:54
gary_posterbac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6383970/ is the PPA's --help fwiw19:54
gary_posterso, PPA: bundle                The path to the bundle file to deploy19:54
gary_postertrunk: bundle                The optional bundle to be deployed. The bundle can be19:54
gary_poster                        1) a path to a YAML/JSON file or 2) a path to a19:54
gary_poster                        directory containing a bundles.yaml file or 3) a URL19:54
gary_poster                        (starting with http:// or https://) to a YAML/JSON19:54
jcastro     charm: "cs:~jorge/charms/precise/cloudfoundry/trunk"19:55
jcastrodoes that line look right to you rick?19:55
jcastrogary_poster, afaict that's juju's fault not yours?19:55
rick_h_jcastro: yes, looks ok19:55
rick_h_jcastro: make sure that the charm is in the store first though or the bundle won't pull it in because it won't be able to find that charm yet19:55
jcastroI need to wait for the CS to ingest19:55
rick_h_jcastro: and yea, juju's fault. :) Sounds good to me :)19:55
jcastrowhich I think is 15 min19:56
rick_h_jcastro: yep19:56
rick_h_jcastro: they pull in every 15min starting at the top of the hour19:56
jcastro4 minutes and then both things should ingest19:56
bacgary_poster: are you going to do my QA?  I've done it myself so i'm ok to land without you doing it.  (it's friday)19:56
gary_posterjcastro, not really a fault: deployer is the thing that handles git charms, not juju.  we don't support it in gui because we would have to download charms to the GUI server, and that is a risky thing19:57
gary_posterbac, do it, I'm slammed19:57
bacthought so19:57
jcastrowait so what happened to all the github first class citizen stuff?19:58
gary_posterbac, https://codereview.appspot.com/23800044 please? pretty please?19:59
bacon it19:59
rick_h_jcastro: it got put in line19:59
gary_posterjcastro, oh, yeah, sorry, you are right that if juju core supported github for charms (and charmworld did too) then gui wouldn't care20:00
bacoh chunk mismatch my old friend20:00
jcastrook I just need to know who to whine to20:00
gary_postergui just wants to be able to talk to charmworld20:00
jcastroand I just need to understand that your support of git (or anywhere URLs) is just a symptom of core not supporting it20:00
gary_posterwhich itself wants to talk to charm store20:00
rick_h_jcastro: I'm not sure tbh20:01
gary_posterjcastro, gui does not support deploying charms that are not in charm store/charmworld.  bundles in the GUI have the same constraint.  Therefore you can whine in two directions20:02
gary_poster(1) GUI doesn't support local charms! if they did it could maybe eventually support bundles pointing to arbitrary locations20:02
jcastroI just don't get why we can't do `juju quickstart http://jorgecastro.org/my-kickass-wordpress.json" or whatever20:02
gary_posterjcastro, we *can* for bundles20:03
gary_posterwe *can't* for charms\20:03
jcastroyeah I just don't see anyone saying "sweet, I'll put my bundles on github and my charms on launchpad"20:03
gary_posterhappy to explain briefly on hangout if would help20:03
rick_h_jcastro: right, the bundles.yaml can be anywhere. The charms defined in that bundle need to be in the store20:03
jcastrothey're going to say "I want everything in github"20:03
gary_posteryou never let me get to my #220:03
gary_poster(2) Core/Store/charmworld doesn't support github charms! if they did gui could immediately handle bundles with those charms20:04
gary_poster#2 and #1 are unrelated: you could have one without the other20:04
gary_posterdoes that make sense jcastro ?20:05
gary_poster#1 is not planned on our side, and would be a lot of work.  I have no idea about the planning for #2, but if core does their part of it, somebody (like us) will need to do it in charmworld20:06
bacgary_poster: with your branch, hatch's TestBundle deployed a-ok running against sandbox.  is that good QA?20:06
jcastrorick_h_, ok closer now20:06
jcastroE: cloudfoundry: Could not find charm: cf-release20:07
rick_h_jcastro: looking to see if it got ingested20:07
jcastroI've pushed the charm here: https://code.launchpad.net/~jorge/charms/precise/cloudfoundry/trunk20:07
jcastroit didn't it seems20:07
rick_h_jcastro: right, looking20:07
rick_h_jcastro: no, proof the charm?20:07
gary_posterbac, sent a set of 4.  maybe try one or two of them?20:07
jcastrorick_h_, that could not find charm error cf-release is what proof tells me locally20:09
rick_h_jcastro: right, but what about proofing the charm itself20:09
rick_h_jcastro: so the charm didn't get into the store, the bundle won't be able to find it/land either20:09
rick_h_jcastro: so now the focus is on why didn't the charm get into the store20:10
jcastrorick_h_, oh! the charm itself20:10
rick_h_jcastro: +120:10
jcastrooh yeah that's the issue20:11
rick_h_jcastro: yea, and you pushed the whole directory and such20:11
rick_h_jcastro: you needed to push just the charm, not the charms dir, ruby.md, etc20:11
rick_h_jcastro: and the charm in charms/precise/cf-release has proof errors20:11
bacgary_poster: all four deploy20:12
gary_posterbac cool, with good positioning?20:12
jcastrothis is insane, no one is going to want to go through this20:13
rick_h_jcastro: dude, what are we going to do. Search your whole directory tree to see if anything looks charm-like in here?20:13
baclovely positioning.  some of the best positioning i've seen in giant bundles.  pleasingly symmetric.20:13
rick_h_"You pushed a blob of stuff, down four directories this might be charm-like"20:13
jcastrono it's just the naming convention is totally non obvious20:14
rick_h_jcastro: isn't there  a charm "publish" thing to help with that?20:14
jcastroit's the same place github integration is20:14
gary_posterbac thank you!20:14
rick_h_jcastro: heh, well one day it'll not suck then I guess 20:15
jcastrohow's that?20:20
jcastroI have warnings and stuff, but it passes20:20
rick_h_jcastro: awesome, see you in 14min20:21
jcastro9 right?20:21
rick_h_right, but then it takes a few min to process the queue. Usually 4 or 5 min20:21
rick_h_when http://manage.jujucharms.com/heartbeat gets the queue filled and then empties again we can chat20:22
jcastroooh, that's a handy URL20:28
bacgary_poster: while i plan to work on monday i just remembered the coast guard brings in helicopters for veterans day.  may take some strategic breaks to go to the fort.  :)20:30
gary_posterbac, cool :-)20:30
bacgary_poster: it looks like i need to replace the charmworld service on staging to update to the new version of the charm.  i'd like to wait until the morning as i need to take the dog now and then have a full evening20:35
gary_posterbac, oh. um.  ok, will work around it.  thanks.20:36
rick_h_jcastro: looking20:37
bacgary_poster: if it is hurting us i can try to do it sooner.20:37
baci just assumed it was a minor inconvenience20:38
gary_posterbac, I just need to be able to give maarten a way to deploy a bundle of his on comingsoon on his Monday morning.  the one he needs is not ingesting.  m.j.c and s.j.c both have their own respective issues, it seems20:39
rick_h_gary_poster: I think a mjc deploy is the ligher weight work in that case20:39
gary_posterbac, my work around will be to remove the parts that don't work from the bundle, and hope that ingests20:39
gary_posterrick_h_, ok.  I think everyone needs to not do a deploy20:39
gary_posterso either the bundle edit will work20:40
gary_posterand maarten will be somewhat happy20:40
gary_posteror it won't20:40
gary_posterand he won't, but then don't give me a Friday to get something working on a Monday20:40
rick_h_jcastro: is http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/~jorge/precise/cloudfoundry-0/?text=cloudfoundry it?20:43
rick_h_jcastro: so then your url for your bundle needs to be  cs:~jorge/precise/cloudfoundry-020:43
rick_h_which will fail because of the bug I fixed today :/20:43
rick_h_put another version please. Change a readme, don't care. Just needs to not in -020:43
jcastroof the charm you mean20:44
rick_h_jcastro: right, -0 version charms are broken. Fix landed today will be deployed on monday20:44
rick_h_jcastro: aren't you so glad you wanted to do this now :)20:44
jcastroI'm posting to the internal list20:45
jcastrowe learned a bunch here today20:45
jcastrobut I have some questions about what core is up to, etc.20:45
jcastrorev pushed20:45
rick_h_jcastro: yea, the joys of a 1.0 (beta) feature getting users20:45
rick_h_jcastro: cool, next load is right now, not sure if it will have made it in or need to wait until top of the hour20:46
rick_h_jcastro: looks like the answer is no, you missed the window. 20:52
jcastroof course I did20:54
jcastroit's Friday20:54
rick_h_well the timestamps say you hit it in a 15s window :P20:54
jcastrothat's the kind of day I am having!20:56
rick_h_jcastro: going to grab the boy from day care, be back in a few. Will check back in20:56
jcastrorick_h_, I'll either be 100% working or half way through a bottle of rim20:56
jcastrorum even. :p20:56
rick_h_jcastro: :)20:57
jcastrorick_h_, ok go get drunk21:03
jcastrogary_poster, posted some feedback to the list, sorry I am coming across so whiny21:03
bacgary_poster: i'm updating the staging charm now21:14
bacgary_poster: done.  huh, that was easy.21:18
rick_h_jcastro: woot, bundle get in to?21:21
rick_h_jcastro: so the charm is cs:~jorge/precise/cloudfoundry-1, you've got cf-release in your bundle21:22
jcastro charm: "cs:~jorge/precise/cloudfoundry-1"21:23
jcastrowaiting for it to ingest too I guess?21:23
rick_h_jcastro: ah, cool see it now21:23
rick_h_jcastro: yes21:23
rick_h_jcastro: then it'll show in the gui and everything should be all cool21:23
jcastrowhat do you mean by show in the gui??21:24
jcastroI was just going to do a `juju quickstart` cli as the example21:24
rick_h_jcastro: yea, that's cool. It'll work and all then. 21:24
rick_h_jcastro: just saying once the bundle is ingetsed you'll see it in the gui and the deploy tab will walk through the cli steps21:25
rick_h_just like http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/mediawiki-simple/2/mediawiki-simple/21:25
jcastrodude that is way better21:29
jcastrogood idea21:29
rick_h_jcastro: yea, getting into the store stuff sucks, that's the pita up front work. Once done though we're trying to take care of ya :)21:30
jcastrooh ok21:30
jcastroso the Deploy "tab"21:30
jcastroit'll basically make one of those but with the right commands?21:30
rick_h_jcastro: right, the deploy tab is your copy/paste way to do this via cli21:30
rick_h_it loads the right urls, etc21:30
rick_h_so you don't have to think about it21:31
jcastrothat is badass dude21:31
* jcastro high fives21:31
rick_h_oh crap, comingsoon is using staging? 21:32
rick_h_gary_poster: did we setup comingsoon to staging for marteen's stuff? 21:33
rick_h_jcastro: ok, so you're fubar'd. The good news: http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry21:36
rick_h_there's your bundle yay21:36
rick_h_jcastro: now for the bad news, for something that maarten's demo'ing on monday it looks like we changed comingsoon to hit up staging.jujucharms.com which won't ingest your bundle right now because it's not up to date. 21:37
* rick_h_ sighs and runs away21:37
jcastrook so 21:37
jcastrojuju quickstart http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry21:38
jcastroshould work though?21:38
rick_h_jcastro: yes!~21:38
rick_h_jcastro: will get better/nicer next week21:38
rick_h_jcastro: I don't see your email? 21:38
jcastrointernal juju list21:38
rick_h_ jcastro oh, I must not be on that one.21:39
jcastrooh hey21:39
jcastrooh I know why21:39
jcastrothe bundle should work21:39
jcastrobut I need to be running trunk21:39
jcastroso when the PPA lands that should Just Work21:39
rick_h_running trunk of quickstart? oh right, I remember seeing that go by21:39
rick_h_oh dude it did load on staging. http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/bundle/~jorge/cloudfoundry/3/cloudfoundry/?text=cloudfoundry21:43
jcastroI am sharing it with kirkland on G+ now if you wanna hangout21:43
rick_h_why not, can answer any questions21:44
bacgary_poster: are the bundles you need here: http://staging.jujucharms.com/search?search_text=precise&op=22:13
bacrick_h_: staging looks to be happy now22:14
bacrick_h_: since i upgraded the charm it has added 4 new bundles22:14
gary_posterbac, yes, was just looking at that and writing to maarten.  did you do that?  If so, I'm sorry but thank you!22:14
gary_posterawesome thank you very much22:14
bacdon't be sorry22:14
bacit was easy.  much easier than i thought.22:14
bacjuju upgrade-charm charmworld22:15
gary_posteroh awesome22:15
gary_posterrick_h_, bac, thank you both very much for helping with getting maarten's stuff up.  looks good.  http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/bundle/~gary/demo/2/mixAndMatch/ and http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/bundle/~gary/demo/2/instantBigDataNoSQL/ fwiw22:19
gary_posterjcastro, you might like one or both of those22:19
* gary_poster running away22:21
gary_posterhave a great weekend everyone!22:21
marcoceppiHi GUI people, quick question about the "Import bundle" button22:22
marcoceppiIt expects a deployer yaml file, right? What if you have multiple deployments in it?22:22
gary_postermarcoceppi, yaml or json.  ATM it will be unhappy.  sorry.  in the future it might ask you what you want.  For now, divide up the file by hand22:23
marcoceppigary_poster: that's cool, playing devil's advocate while I try to word this bug-for-discussion22:23
gary_postercool :-)22:23
marcoceppigary_poster: o/ have a good one!22:24
marcoceppi0.12 looks awesome22:24
rick_h_bac: yep, thanks! I missed you had done that. 22:35
rick_h_thanks marcoceppi, appreciate the bundle/proof help to get it out the door22:36
marcoceppirick_h_: np, to address some of jcastro's gripe I plan to add a `juju bundle get` command to charm tools for the 1.2 release22:39
rick_h_marcoceppi: juju bundle get?22:40
rick_h_which gripe was that? 22:40
marcoceppiwget <some really long web address for quickstart deployments kind of sucks atm>22:40
jcastrothat's in trunk already22:41
jcastrojust not in the PPA22:41
rick_h_right, but with the quickstart taking urls you won't need that22:41
marcoceppiyesss, one less thing to do22:41
jcastrothat will just be `juju quickstart url`22:41
rick_h_yea, it's in trunk and we'll support bundle: urls next22:41
rick_h_so soon it'll be just juju quickstart bundle:~gary/demo/2/mixAndMatch22:41
marcoceppirick_h_: why not just cs:~gary/demo/2/mixAndMatch ?22:42
marcoceppitoo ambiguous with charm store charms?22:42
rick_h_marcoceppi: cs urls are tied to charms22:42
rick_h_so bundle: == cs: for bundles22:43
marcoceppiwhy not bs:22:43
rick_h_har har22:43
* marcoceppi giggles22:43
marcoceppiThey're still technically in the charmstore, I think it's a valid URL, but I can argue that later when I have time22:44
rick_h_technically they're not in the charm store :)22:44
marcoceppiwell, in what the user knows of hte charm store22:44
rick_h_they're in charmworld, will pulls data from the juju charm store22:44
marcoceppijujucharms.com, for all purposes to the user, is the "charm store"22:44
marcoceppianyways, those can all be updated later, I just love being able to juju quickstart <322:47
marcoceppiI actually wrote a plugin to do this a while ago, called juju-guistrap, since I tend to tear down and setup all the time, but this is way faster and servces so much more purpose in life22:48
marcoceppiit was just a three line bash script that ran the bootstrap then deploy --to22:48

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