[00:58] http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/11502721506/ [00:58] there are folks there I don't know! [00:58] Riddell: do you know all the names? [05:49] hello [05:50] greets [05:52] valorie: how goes the house? [05:52] the workers show up again tomorrow [05:52] under the house to check out the beams under the floor [05:52] I hope it's ok [05:52] same [05:52] how are you? [05:53] great just going to download some games for my vita [05:54] nice [05:55] yep you can download them on the ps3 and then move it to the vita [05:56] * valorie has neither [05:56] kde games are enough to satisfy my inner gamer [05:58] oh I love my vita just need more AAA games [06:03] I need to get a better mount for my monitor arm [06:08] I really want to go to a CON [06:08] which one? [06:09] http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/11502721506/ lots of dudes [06:09] yes, we don't have enough women [06:09] whole untapped market out there [06:10] really odd why there are not more [06:16] 4.12 is nice valorie [06:20] not so odd -- women are not welcomed in FOSS [06:20] yes, I turned that one a week or two ago [06:21] I don't think we do a better job at welcoming women than anybody else [06:22] yea [06:23] we do have ubuntu-women [06:23] but we get trolls at least weekly [06:23] it's discouraging [06:24] yea really odd [06:24] tomorrow is my bday! [06:25] happy birthday! [06:25] like I said, not odd [06:25] thanks [06:25] weirdness with the timezone [06:26] yea but not good [06:26] for certain [06:26] it is getting better, but very slowly [06:26] when MEN start making the changes, it will happen much more quickly [06:26] and they are doing that [06:27] lots of men in #ubuntu-women, in linuxchix, etc. [06:28] * ahoneybun joins #ubuntu-women [06:28] \o/ [06:29] :) [06:29] o/ \o [06:29] lol [06:29] lol [06:29] it's a very good project to help people find their way in the ubuntu community [06:29] I miss video [06:30] and audio [06:30] our hangouts [06:31] * ahoneybun should bring up these things at the Ubuntu US Fl LoCo meeting on 1/6/14 [06:32] things should ease up for me soon (I hope) [06:32] yea hopefully [06:33] I wonder if I should make another message to the list about reviewers for the docs [06:35] I'd wait a few days [06:35] people are out of town for the holidays [06:35] yea true [06:35] some have lost power etc. [06:35] about your comment on my other message [06:36] maybe you are right leave the contribute pages as they are [06:36] let's see what others say [06:36] those were just my opinion [06:37] I do like everything to be as simple and easy to maintain as possible [06:37] but the wiki is just working docs [06:37] at least right now [06:39] I don't see a option to output them as docbook or anything [06:40] that isn't how it's done [06:40] it's a script [06:40] oh [06:40] and it has to be worked on, even then [06:40] but it gets better each time they run it [06:41] they'll help us [06:42] ok [06:42] hey pa [06:42] palasso: [06:42] hey ahoneybun [06:45] palasso: how goes your day? [06:46] Well I just woke up [06:47] ih [06:47] ohb [06:47] * ahoneybun wonders how saying suck that in the korn song "Y'all want a single" is clean [06:55] valorie: http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/AaronHoneycutt/docwebsite_zps15f77528.png [06:57] what am I looking at? [06:58] is this the webslice? [06:58] site design for the docs website [06:58] cool [06:58] mostly from w3schol but changes font and got the blues from the kubuntu logo [07:00] looks great [07:00] thanks but needs a lot [07:00] I'm trying to the text to the left and needs a background [07:01] going to for simple [07:01] *going for simple [07:02] I approve of simple [07:02] one of the reasons I love kubuntu and kde - simple, clean [07:21] good morning [07:42] hey valorie [07:42] I found a real nice template [07:43] http://www.solucija.com/faq uses a good license [07:43] nice [07:43] let me show you it [07:43] I have changed it so far [07:45] what do you think of the license [07:45] http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/AaronHoneycutt/docwebsite1_zps44eacd05.png [07:46] hmmm, I sort of like your first image better [07:46] that big black bar is menacing [07:48] thinking of making it white and the text white [07:48] black [07:51] idk I like it and it is kinda easy to edit [07:52] cool [07:52] it can't hurt to make a design, and ask folks how they like it [07:53] I found a different one that I like as well that you may like too [07:54] http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/AaronHoneycutt/docwebsite2_zps08b35772.png [07:54] that is nice as well [07:55] be sure those templates are responsive [07:56] ? [07:56] valorie: more welcoming no? [07:57] I agree [07:57] soee: what exactly do you mean by responsive? [07:58] valorie, responsive templates have a bit different look on various devices (screen size) [07:58] oh right [07:58] using css media queries [07:58] so they are still usable on phone/tablet as well as desktop [07:58] good point [07:59] thats the point [08:04] this one is hard to edit [08:04] the logo I mean [08:04] trying to put the Kubuntu logo [08:05] what is hard exactly ? :) [08:07] http://www.solucija.com/template/whats-your-solution [08:07] different [08:07] soee: well they use a little gif file and repeat it and right text on top of that [08:07] and use nice positioning I;m just used to align:left and so on [08:08] ahoneybun_, if you need some help ask :D im a web developer [08:09] tbh i could create a template for you from scratch [08:11] soee: thanks :) I just was doing this to try out html and css again and I did not want to bother anyone to do that incase we never use it [08:12] :) [08:12] http://www.solucija.com/template/distinctive can you try to show me how to add the kubuntu logo where the box with distinctive on it is? [08:17] darn image keeps repeating [08:18] * valorie goes offline [08:18] niters all [08:18] ahoneybun_, quick change [08:18] valorie: good night [08:19] I remove repeat-x [08:19] ahoneybun_, inisde put: [08:19] instead of this H1 tag and link [08:19] what about the css? [08:19] in css where you have #logo { ... } [08:20] put only: #logo { float: left; padding: 100px 25px 15px; margin: -56px 0 30px; } [08:20] but my suggestion is to use template that uses some CSS framework like Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation [08:21] amazing [08:21] ? [08:21] what ? [08:21] http://getbootstrap.com/ [08:21] http://foundation.zurb.com/ [08:22] they are CSS frameworks that provides grids, have styles for various elements and work crossbrowser [08:22] wayyyy beyond me [08:23] :D [08:23] for examle ready to use and styled elements: http://getbootstrap.com/components/ [08:24] not sure if I should go on it [08:24] all in [08:25] all in ? [08:25] the options for docs.kubuntu.org [08:26] are 1. directly mirror userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu as in design and all 2. design a new page like I am trying and take the raw html from usebase.kde.org/Kubuntu and insert it in the template [08:27] ah i dont know how it works there, Riddell once told me but it was a long ago [08:28] soee: I script is coping the page over every 5 mins [08:28] from wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs to docs.kubuntu.org [08:29] hmm [08:31] anyway I should try to sleep it is 3:30 am [08:32] thanks a lot though soee [08:32] have a good dreams :D [08:32] thanks :) same === vinay is now known as Guest69696 === Tonio2 is now known as Tonio_ [09:15] Good morning. [11:49] Hiyas all === xnox_ is now known as xnox === palasso_ is now known as palasso [13:57] exit [16:46] Riddell: https://trello.com/c/jpa4Ob0g/70-wiki-kubuntu-org-forward-to-wiki-kubuntu-org-kubuntu done :) === eagles0513875 is now known as eagles051387 [22:20] ahoneybun_: ooh nicely done === eagles051387 is now known as eagles0513875