
hardbootwill whisker become the default menu?02:08
perohow can i get chromium to pass magnet links to transmission?03:58
holsteinpero: you cant just download and click on them?03:58
peroholstein: nah, i get an 'external protocol request' popup03:59
perobut before it couldnt find an app - now it's set to 'xdg-open' since ive tried a few guides but failed03:59
holsteinpero: can you right click and force them to open? can you open them from transmoission?04:00
perothat's a workaround - i want to fix the problem04:00
peroim pretty tired of copying url and pasting it in transmission04:00
holsteinpero: im asking if its possible04:00
holsteinpero: are the links you are downloading working from transmission?04:01
peroholstein: yes04:01
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/44849/how-to-configure-chrome-to-open-magnet-urls-with-deluge looks promising04:02
fibz_yeah i've been putting this off forever. i want to get firefox to understand magent links04:04
holsteinwonder what im doing.. i just click on them04:05
perohaha yeah04:06
perothis is absurd04:06
fibz_.torrent works fine04:06
peroi've finally lost my shit04:06
peroholstein: i tried that gvfs-mime approach, but chromium is still referring xdg-open04:07
bazhangmap the magnet to transmission-gtk04:07
perobazhang: ok so i type 'map the magnet to transmission-gtk' in the terminal or what?04:07
bazhangright click open with, scrolls to transmission-gtk , choose it04:08
fibz_thats not how magnet links work04:08
peroright click what?04:08
fibz_they work loike FTP:// or https://04:08
fibz_its an address type04:09
bazhangthe small magnet icon04:09
peroin chromium?04:09
bazhangthat is how I got it going, and it works perfectly, 100% of the time04:09
perowell, there's no option for open with in chromium right-click menu04:09
fibz_in this open with box, what is needed?04:10
fibz_pero, save link as04:10
peroopen link in new tab, new window, incognite window04:10
perothat's all i have04:10
fibz_no download?04:11
holsteinpero: link what you are looking at04:11
perowell, its there but its greyed out04:11
holsteinpero: have you tried clicking it anyway?04:11
peroam i on gags or something?04:12
holsteinpero: what are you looking at? share the link,a nd let me see first hand what its doing04:12
holsteinpero: otherwise, confirm that eh "greyed out" is not just something with the theme, by trying to click it anyway04:12
peroclicking the greyed out link does not work, no04:12
fibz_what we are doing can be configured in the firefox prefrences menu. im cure chrome has the ability to associate magnet: links04:12
holsteinpero: i have seen many greyed out options in filemanagers that i could click on over the years..04:13
fibz_but i only run firefox/opera/midori04:13
blubaustinhello having a problem running doom3 in xubuntu 64bit04:14
fibz_so techincally, this is a chrome issue, not an ubuntu issue04:14
blubaustindoom.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:14
peroi dont understand what you want me to share...a screenshot, holstein04:14
holsteinpero: i would like to look at what you are looking at.. the link to whatever you are trying to use04:15
fibz_blubaustin, i'd recommend asking in #wine04:15
peroholstein: any and all magnet URIs04:15
blubaustinwhy wine, its native linux04:15
peroholstein: https://thepiratebay.se/tag/Ubuntu04:15
blubaustinhence why the error is missing a libx11 and not exes etc04:15
fibz_links that use magret: as the url type (as apposed to regular .torrent http download that is a http: link04:16
holsteinblubaustin: do you have all the requirements installed? have you asked the game developers for support?04:16
blubaustinall the pkgs are copied from the cd04:16
blubaustinit seems to be a problem with 64 bit ubuntu and varients04:16
blubaustinsince they removed lib32 libs04:16
blubaustinI guess I'll try linux help since nobody seems to know that doom3 was even linux native04:17
colewas it actually?04:18
coleWell, you learn something everyday, it seems.04:19
fibz_Id products are ported to windows04:19
holsteinpero: how about https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/torrent-to-transmission/fjfeeonbeiocojnpfboldpckcgcfknll?hl=en ?04:19
pero<pero> that's a workaround - i want to fix the problem04:19
fibz_but not every Doom3 game had the linux requirements04:20
perokeep another process constantly running just to have the ability to open magnet uris04:20
holsteinpero: nah... doesnt work04:20
holsteinpero: you will need to be open to a work around.. something from inside the browser you want to use that does the jon04:21
blubaustindual fx-74's, 8800 gts 640mb, 4gb ram04:21
blubaustinpretty sure I meet the requirements04:21
peroumm...there has to be a way04:21
fibz_his is native. i never played it, but it should be a straghtforward question04:21
fibz_does the file exist? does Doom3 have permission to access it?04:22
peroit's currently referring xdg-open from an earlier failed attempt to fix04:23
blubaustinlike I said from what I read its because ubuntu team removed 32 bit compat package04:23
holsteinblubaustin: change it back, and test..04:23
fibz_ie install 32bit compat package04:24
holsteinblubaustin: i wouldnt expect ubuntu to change to make support available to that game, if that is the case.. looks to me like you just need something that the application is looking for04:24
perothis is the command that i ran that got me to xdg-open handling magnets: xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet04:25
holsteinpero: wow.. how about just dragging them over?04:26
holsteinpero: that works for me.. just dragging from the page to the transmission window04:26
fibz_we want it to open when we click the link if it is not running, and pop up in focus if running04:26
ReaganomicsLamboQuick question guys. There are times when I have a USB device attached to my laptop and if I move around, the disk will ejct and remount by itself. However, the disk will remount as null. If I was browsing a folder before the disk remounted, the directory on the disk becomes completely null until the next reboot or login. How do I fix this?04:27
holsteinso, click and drag is a no go.. just a click then fibz_ ?04:27
peroholstein: i can also copy the url, paste it into the gmail, email it to myself, open it on my phone and download it there04:27
fibz_holstein, yes. and firefox will let me. whats the location i need for this open with box (for transmission)04:27
perobut i want to just click the link and have it open like it happens on every other os04:27
perothanks for the help regardless04:28
holsteinpero: well, it *is* capable on the OS.. we just have to find how to do it in chrome/chromium04:28
fibz_i have an "open with" box. where do i go from here?04:29
blubaustinfound it04:30
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/311537/torrent-magnet-links-open-new-window-but-not-transmission seems like where i would go.. trying the patch referenced04:30
blubaustinsudo apt-get install package-name:i38604:30
blubaustinthat installs x86 pacakges04:30
perothis preferred application thing seems like a massive headache here...chromium also won't stick as hte default browser04:35
holsteinpero: i made that stick by using sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser04:37
peroholstein: yeah, doesn't work...heh04:40
fibz_in those pictures, where do i go for transmission?04:41
peroi don't know if this is the right answer but transmission is here: /usr/bin/transmission-gtk04:44
fibz_that worked. thank you holstein and pero04:47
return0Anyone know how to remove a window's side borders?04:56
deltso besides the lowlatency kernel and extra software pre-installed, what are the differences between xubuntu and ubuntu-studio?06:17
fibz_default settings06:24
fibz_it's specialized for high fidelity recording06:25
deltotherwise, pretty simiar?06:25
fibz_i prefur studio over ubuntu just because its less stuff to install after i install the OS (i use a lot of the stuff that comes with studio)06:26
delti installed the lowlatency kernel on this machine, and configured it the way i like06:26
delt...and installed pretty much all i need06:26
fibz_thats the beauty of linux06:26
fibz_modular design06:27
fibz_make it how you need it06:27
deltbut does studio use pulseaudio by default?06:27
deltiirc ubuntu is based on debian, right?06:29
deltso i'd have no advantage whatsoever in installing ubuntu studio instead of my current xubuntu i guess....?06:30
fibz_better application menu06:34
deltin what way better?06:35
fibz_if you have most of the stuff studio has, your launcher menu is a mess06:35
fibz_you likely dont06:37
fibz_if you can navigate your multimedia sub-menu, your fine06:38
deltnah ....... btw, i like in slackware's xfce setup, i have a settings that contains all the settings items, instead of just the settings item (windows control panel - like)06:38
fibz_it was like that in previous versions06:38
fibz_thats a new "feature"06:38
fibz_good for beginners / windows converts06:39
fibz_you can edit your menu by right clicking on the launcher icon -> Properties -> edit menu06:39
deltthere's just "new menu" and "new item" ... do i have to add them all by hand?06:41
deltor is there some kind of "special" settings-menu?06:41
fibz_unfortunately. but you can save it and use it for future installs / rollouts06:41
deltgahhh i accidentally deleted the settings thing :/06:42
fibz_hit the restore system configuration button06:43
deltadd new command, xfce4-settings-manager ...right?06:43
deltyeah that button doesn't do anything :/06:43
fibz_yeah thats what it is06:44
deltuh wtf i add it and it doesn't appear06:44
delti think i'll just create a dummy user account and copy over its menu file06:45
deltsomewhere in .config i presume?06:45
deltoh wait, in the launcher properties there's this "use system menu" vs. "use custom menu..."06:46
deltok, now the "restore system configuration" button restores to the state without the settings entry :/06:57
delt[pts/4][root@laptop]:/home/dummy/.config/xfce4# find . | grep -i menu06:58
deltgives me nothing.06:58
delt*duh* it put them all under "other'07:03
deltnow there's no way to move one of them back to the top level.....07:03
delti'm stuck with a defunct xfce menu now :(07:18
deltwhat file is it???07:18
holden87hi guys, anyone here using compton compositing, would just like a simple question:)07:23
elfyholden87: I'm not - but it'd be better for you to just ask the question - then if someone does - they can just read it ;)07:31
deltthe menu editor really needs work :/07:32
elfywell we'll not be working with it - we'll be moving to something else hopefully07:34
elfynot that that's particulary helpful to you07:35
deltie. something else than xfce?07:35
deltor just for the main menu?07:35
deltthat looks good...07:37
holden87elfy: thanks for the heads up. Well, i have a computer capable of running unity otherwise, but really like the cleanliness of xubuntu. What i don't like is screen tearing in flash, firefox and VLC. and i found a tutorial on installing compton for tear free compositing and some easy fading in menus, but i don't know how stable it is, as i'm otherwise not too comfortable running stuff not available through the official software channels. S07:37
holden87o, does anyone think i can encounter problems if i replace the compositing?07:37
holden87+ elfy: is this solution okay for the volume icon: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.com/2013/12/solved-xubuntu-1310-sound-indicator.html07:39
elfyholden87: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/01/06/%23xubuntu.html#t07:1707:39
elfynot saying it's stable mind - just showing what others have said recently07:40
elfyholden87: as far as the vol icon/ind issue - update - the fix is released07:40
holden87great. so in worst case scenario, i can fix the VLC by itself.07:41
deltelfy: what would be the consequence(s) of installing menulibre on this xubuntu system?07:41
holden87Oh, so after system updates it should work?07:41
deltie. with apt-get (add ppa then install the package)07:42
elfydelt: not sure tbh - I think I looked at it when 13.10 was in dev - didn't cause me any problems that I can remember, but it is a ppa - AND the guy is working on menulibre2 now which fixes some things I believe07:42
holden87elfy: oh, it was published two days ago?07:42
holden87the sound update i mean :)07:42
elfyholden87: apparently - saw it go through - but I'm using trusty now with gtk3 indicators to test07:43
holden87Great. Thanks elfy.07:43
elfyholden87: go to - settings manager - updates tab - you need to have updates enabled I think - that was where it was released to07:44
holden87the best. thanks for your time!07:44
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xubuntu254hey. one q. what will be the advantage of gtk3 indicators in 14.04? Do they look better?08:12
Unit193GTK3 ones are actually progressing, gtk2 ones are just a fork of what was there before gtk3.  Also, supporting GTK3 ones means that more indicators will work.08:13
xubuntu254thanks Unit193!08:27
xubuntu254oh forgotn something, i see that whisker menu is in proposal. since i don't like it all that much, will i be able to revert to the old menu?08:30
xubuntu254once whisker is implemented?08:30
baizonxubuntu254: yes you can always use the old menu08:31
xubuntu254thanks :) i'm out.08:32
henry___hi I am getting a black screen before I get the login screen on 13.1009:28
henry___I can however startx via the tty109:29
henry___however sound and font anti-aliasing are off09:29
henry___probably some other things too but that is what I just noticed (because ti was easy)09:29
henry___could anyone offer some pointers? :)09:30
ochosihenry___: those settings are off because you don't get into the xubuntu session i assume, but into the xfce session09:46
ochosi(i assume)09:46
henry___so... what now? :)09:47
henry___in the last 15 minutes I have been to hell and back o ngoogle09:49
henry___and askubuntu.com, but most people just seem to get it to work via some simple, stricly lightdm-related, measures09:50
ochosihenry___: you could try to check your lightdm logs in /var/log/lightdm10:46
ochosiyou should try to find out why lightdm doesn't launch10:46
ochosiwhen fixing that, all other problems will most likely go away10:46
henry___I fixed it in the meantime, via #ubuntu10:46
henry___thank you though, also, you were right, I edited the lightdm.conf yesterda ywhich produced the crash10:47
ochosiokeydokey, good to hear!10:47
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xubuntu450higuys, just wondering, do all of the ppa's work on xubuntu also? specifically the rhythmbox one..11:51
knomeeverything that works on ubuntu should work on xubuntu; but please be aware that you use all PPA's at your own risk.11:54
xubuntu450and how's stepping out of xfce defaults and isntalling gnomish software knome: ?11:57
xubuntu450can i expect any known problems there?11:57
knomeshouldn't be any 'combatibility' problems, though you should expect some more resource usage11:58
xubuntu450That shouldn't be a problem, dual-core pentium and 4gigs of ram here :) Oh, and while i'm here, could you point me in the right direction for getting the shadow and thinner text on desktop icons like in xubuntu 12.04? anyway that can be done knome: ? thanks!11:59
knomeochosi, ^12:00
xubuntu354back knome:12:08
xubuntu354has anyone considered posting a blog similar to OMGUbu? If not, is the only problem manpower?12:10
knomeomgubuntu does cover xubuntu issues as well12:11
knomeand http://xubuntu.org/ does have some "ligther" articles as well12:12
xubuntu354oh, i see. i was just thinking about having a constant presence. Maybe connecting with the guy running xubuntu-geek blog might be worth a thought?12:13
Myrttiin what sense?12:13
xubuntu354in posting valuable tips& tricks and project news. the omgubuntu site seems to be scarce (though they could have a separate column, like they had for visiting debian writers)12:15
xubuntu354just in making the community a bit12:15
xubuntu354vibrant :) or vivrant :) i don't know what's the correct expression :)12:16
knomethe xubuntu website covers project news already12:19
knometips and tricks... well, we post such articles now and then as well12:19
xubuntu354oh, you are doing a hell of a job, don't misunderstand me :D12:20
knomeif you're interested in helping, join us at #xubuntu-devel12:20
knomewe do accept guest writer posts in xubuntu.org12:20
xubuntu354great, i'll drop by to see what's up. Now i have to cook lunch :) thanks for your responses guys, and keep up the good work!12:21
knomebon appetit12:22
xubuntu354thankyou :)12:22
elpradosalve a tutti12:53
elpradosto installando per la seconda volta xubuntu12:53
elpradoin un net book samsung nc-1012:53
elpradonon riesco a risolvere un problema con la scheda wireless della atheros12:53
elpradofunziona tutto se collegato in lan12:54
elpradoma sulla wireless no12:54
elpradomi fa vedere le reti disponibili12:54
elpradoinserisco la password della rete12:54
elpradoaspetto un minuto circa12:54
elpradoe mi richiede la password12:54
elpradoho provato anche a disattivare la password sul router ma senza successo comunque12:55
ubottuelprado,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:55
cfhowlettxubuntu683, greetings13:27
xubuntu683greetings from Libeznice,CZ13:28
xubuntu941wath is non-pae kernel?14:11
knomea kernel that supports CPU's with no pae support14:12
xubuntu941Brief description of your14:15
xubuntu941Brief description of your14:15
xubuntu941Brief description of your about cpu's with no pae support14:17
knomeit's usually older CPU's that do not have the pae support14:17
xubuntu941what is pae?14:18
knomeif you are trying to find out if your CPU supports PAE or not, why don't you rather tell us what your CPU is14:19
xubuntu941What is the abbreviation {pae}14:20
knomedid you read what i posted? as the wikipedia link says, pae means "Physical Address Extension"14:20
xubuntu941ok.tank  of you14:22
xubuntu941i reading that page14:22
xubuntu037Good day:...15:36
xubuntu037just need to know what the reason is, that there is no proprietary driver for my notebook (nvidia driver) in the additional drivers option in Xubuntu. But there is in Ubuntu..? If you can provide me with an answer I will apreciate...15:39
ochosixubuntu037: generally speaking they use the same tool, so the only thing i can think of is different software-channels enabled or not updated your repository information in a while (sudo apt-get update)15:42
xubuntu037what software-channels to use for the spacified driver?15:45
xubuntu037any answer?15:50
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SonikkuAmericaxubuntu037: Hello!15:56
SonikkuAmericaThere's no driver included in Xubuntu, but there's one in Ubuntu proper?15:56
xubuntu037Ubuntu proper is the source?15:56
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu proper is the one with Unity15:57
xubuntu037i was wondering why there is a driver for ubuntu but not for xubuntu.15:58
xubuntu037it is the same OS..15:58
SonikkuAmericaIf you've run [ sudo apt-get update ] and added the partner repo, all I can think of is that maybe you don't need it for Xubuntu because it uses its own compositor while Unity uses Compiz...15:59
xubuntu037its depending on compiz15:59
xubuntu037tryed the update already16:00
xubuntu037not working16:00
xubuntu037but will try the partner repo. wher can i find the detaild adress of the partner repo?16:02
SonikkuAmericaSoftware and Updates under the Settings Manager16:04
xubuntu037ok. can find it in the settings..16:05
xubuntu037so thanks a lot for answering. have a good day.16:06
arcadioHi, I have problem with my Xubuntu 12.04. I have laptop and monitor. And I need workspace 1 on laptop laptop display and workspace 2 on monitor. I tried instructions from http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-multiple-monitors-in-xubuntu.html . But it does not work as I would like. Possibility to extend your display to the external monitor (s) is not possible.16:29
arcadioCan you help me please?16:29
baizonarcadio: have you tried arandr?16:31
baizonit's a simple gui to configure multiple displays16:31
arcadioNo, I'm not even heard of. :) Uz about looking for something.16:32
Sysiarcadio: xfwm doesn't currently support separate workspaces on different monitors afaik16:33
Sysibut if you just want to not-mirror displays, aradr will do16:33
arcadioBaizon Thanks, I'll try to study and to run.16:35
arcadioSysi thanks for the information.16:38
arcadioAnd one more question. Periodically during the installation of the program, sometimes less, sometimes more, I jump on me for a few seconds debconf blank window. What can I do?16:42
arcadiobaizon>  I install, restart pc and run aradr. It is works, but I have shadows on display and monitor.16:48
austinchildersHello! I am having trouble getting good transfer speeds over my gigabit LAN. When copying files with either Samba or NFS the file transfer maxes out at 8.5 MB/s yet when i test the network with iperf i am getting speeds of 940 Mb/s and the hard drive is not the problem because i have internal transfer speeds of ~150 MB/s on my server. Any help is appreciated, I'm running out of ideas.18:28
TheSheepaustinchilders: did you try to just cat /dev/zero over netcat?18:30
austinchildersno i haven't18:31
austinchildersi tried coping and pasting the file over NFS and Samba shares18:32
TheSheepI would try that to rule out the protocol overhead18:32
austinchildersIt shouldn't be that slow though, it seems that people on average get at least 30MB/s transfers18:33
austinchilders8 is just terrible18:33
austinchildersok thank you18:34
TheSheepwell, if I wanted to know what slows it down, I would try to bypass different layers until I found which one is the slow one18:34
austinchildersread tha wrong18:34
TheSheepthen I could start to experiment with various things in that layer to see what is actually happening18:34
austinchildersi'll experiment and see what I come up with18:36
henry___hi is there a keyboard shortcut for the "open terminal here" command, the one I can reach after I right-click into a folder?18:44
TheSheephenry___: you can give it a key shortcut for when the menu is open already18:46
TheSheephenry___: then it's two keystrokes -- open menu, select command18:46
TheSheephenry___: other than that, it doesn't seem to be working18:46
TheSheepwith the normal gtk accelerator editing18:46
henry___"menu is open already" = the context menu which I opened via rightclick?18:47
TheSheepyes, or with the 'menu' key on the keyboard18:48
TheSheepor any other key you can bind to that18:48
sergio-br2elfy, how can i reset the xorg files?18:49
henry___hm ok...18:49
henry___random question: how do you people manage htop in regards to the F10 key?18:50
TheSheephenry___: to do that, go to edit -> configure custom actions, and rename your action adding a _ character before the letter that you want to be the shortcut18:50
TheSheephenry___: it will be underlined in the menu then18:50
sergio-br2i installed nvidia 331, got problem, purge it, and now the system does not boot (it boot, but now xubuntu splash screen gets corrupted).18:51
henry___adding the "_newkey" after the options for the paths or before?18:52
henry___or do I need to close thunar (all folders) for thaT?18:52
elfysergio-br2: not the best channel for this - #ubuntu+1 perhaps or -devel at a push - but basically I had to rewrite /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf after purging it18:52
TheSheephenry___: I renamed it to "Open _Terminal Here"18:53
sergio-br2elfy, thanks18:53
henry___oh, *rename*18:53
henry___woops that was stupid18:53
henry___thank you!18:54
* henry___ is away: Ich bin beschäftigt18:55
elfysergio-br2: purging nvidia that is - not lightdm18:55
* henry___ is back (gone 00:17:50)19:13
knomehenry___, please do not use public away/unaway messages. thanks19:20
henry___knome, sure, will do!19:21
Orioai have a question...im getting this error (umount/mnt/multimedia/: command not found19:31
elfyOrioa: space between umount and /mnt19:33
Orioai will try it ty19:33
Orioatyvm that worked19:34
deltwhat was that line again, to fix the volume notify in the upper panel?20:30
deltor i think there was also a package you could install...20:31
delt(i'm on ubuntu-studio now)20:34
elfyit should be in saucy-updates - you might need to enable that repo20:37
deltoh..... it just auto updated :320:42
deltoh.... that stupid lid thing21:05
deltwhat was the file i needed to edit for that?21:05
brainwashdelt: bug 122202121:06
ubottubug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager does not inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122202121:06
deltwhat was the file i needed to edit to manually override that.... somewhere in /etc/lightdm/something..?21:10
deltAH /etc/systemd/logind.conf that's the file i was looking for21:17
deltif i change the HandleLidSwitch to ignore in /etc/systemd/logind.conf , on subsequent logins i get two "program error" boxes21:51
deltthis happens both on xubuntu and ubuntu-studio21:51
delttook a screenshot: http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/ubuntustudio-2errors.png21:57
deltoh, now after rebooting i just get one error box, not 222:09
brainwashdelt: posting a screenshot of these error dialogs does not help at all, did you actually press the "Report problem..." button?22:13
brainwashdelt: your initial issue can be solved by installing the patched xfce4-power-manager package from the PPA mentioned in the linked bug report22:15
deltbrainwash: thanks for the help22:17
deltAdding the PPA at https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/power-manager-systemd should fix this. It uses the patches from openSUSE. It's still a work in progress as the current patches break autoreconf22:19
deltthis one?22:19
deltok, added the ppa, ran "apt-get install xfce4-power-manager" ... that should do it?22:25
brainwash+ relog22:26
brainwashor manual restart of xfce4-power-manager22:26
deltoh.... apt-get update just before grabbing xfce4-power-manager22:26
deltkillall -HUP?22:27
brainwashright, you need to update the package lists before22:27
deltor just kill it22:28
brainwashjust kill and start it again22:28
deltthere's 2, i don't know if this comes from the install script: user      1439  0.0  0.4 362536  9508 ?        Ssl  17:07   0:00 xfce4-power-manager --restart --sm-client-id 2b0298fbd-66d1-4a30-b835-860ccb1bba3122:29
deltit restarted itself when i killed both22:29
brainwashor try xfce4-power-managar --restart22:29
deltuser      1493  0.0  0.1  20944  3292 ?        Ss   17:07   0:00 xfce4-power-manager22:29
deltah, the settings applet said it wasn't running and asked me if i want to run it22:30
deltyay, works :D22:31
brainwashgreat :)22:31
deltis there a way to get the default xfce menu with all the settings modules instead of just the windowz-ish control panel thing?22:36
David-Adelt: can you chose between "xfce session" and "xubuntu session" before login? in that case, try "xfce session". (disclaimer: it may not solve your problem)22:41
brainwashdelt: you can open the app menu properties (right-click on the panel item) and choose another menu file, try /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu22:43
deltah, thanks22:45
deltnow what was the file i needed to edit to enable X11 listening on tcp....?22:47
deltthere was /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc .....22:47
deltbut i had to add the option to another file somewhere....22:47
deltah got it22:49
deltDavid-A: not that i can see.... you mean at the login screen?22:49
brainwashyou meant lightdm.conf?22:50
deltyeah found it from my irc logs =)22:51
deltwhat's the package name(s) if i want to install all of kde?22:52
pRookieHello, sorry for interruption, but I'm looking for solution of hanging shut down in Xubuntu.22:52
deltsearching the repo just gives me each app individually22:52
brainwashdelt: try "kubuntu-desktop"22:53
deltah thanks22:54
brainwashthis meta-package will pull many KDE packages, but not all22:54
deltall those needed for a working kde desktop?22:55
brainwashkubuntu-desktop should fit your needs22:56
brainwashbut it also installs the kubuntu boot splash screen22:56
brainwashand maybe other "useless" stuff22:57
deltdoesn't interfere with my normal system?22:57
brainwashit shouldn't, it only bloats it a bit22:58
deltbloats in what way?22:58
brainwashit requires disk space22:59
deltah ok22:59
brainwashand adds new app menu entries22:59
deltabout 200mb download, 600mb disk space used22:59
deltnot so bad22:59
brainwashso setting up a virtual machine or testing KDE/Kubuntu in live mode might be the better option23:00
deltoh btw is there an e-mail indicator for the xfce panel?23:00
brainwashif you don't want to mess with your system23:00
brainwashthere is23:00
deltargh, the other install is blocking apt-get23:01
brainwashstarting with Xubuntu 14.04 the normal email/messaging indicator will return23:02
brainwashthe mailwatch-plugin is a panel plugin which you need to add manually to the panel23:02
deltoh btw, when it comes out, to update do i need to install/update from a dvd again, or updating packages will be enough?23:03
brainwashupgrading from 13.10 to 14.04 will be possible23:04
deltwithout having to run the install from a cd/dvd?23:04
deltwas just wondering23:04
delt75% downloading kde....23:05
delt<--- dsl23:05
kRushI think I never had a clean dist-upgrade23:05
kRushno idea whom that works for23:06
brainwashmy current system is running 13.10 right now, and I started with 11.0423:06
brainwashbut you are right, if you customize your system and tend to add many PPAs, then your are likely to encounter problems during the upgrade process23:07
kRushhow much fiddling was involved?23:07
kRushI don't even use ppas23:08
deltwhat's "many" ppa's?23:08
brainwashnot much actually, because I use a minimal setup and know how to deal with most errors23:08
brainwashdelt: well, even 1 PPA can cause trouble23:09
delti want to have kde because there's lots of kde apps that i use actually, and i didn't feel like chasing after all of them one by one23:09
deltah, then i should remove them after i dl'd whatever i want, right?23:10
brainwashso it's best if you restore all packages to the official ones before upgrading23:10
deltthere's cinelerra that wasn't in the official packages23:10
brainwashno, by removing the PPA you won't get any upgrades from that PPA23:11
brainwashso while using your system it really does not matter23:12
brainwashonly when consider upgrading to next release (13.10 -> 14.04)23:12
deltuh... why does the kde install update my boot loader?23:13
brainwashit's safer to revert the packages to the official state and re-enable the PPAs afterwards23:13
deltoh, kde install updated grub. twice.23:17
deltthat mail checker will honor /var/spool/mail right?23:19
brainwashI guess no23:19
deltis there another mail checker i can use then :323:19
brainwashyou can use the generic monitor panel plugin, it can run a script periodically and display the output23:20
brainwashsadly no icon support23:21
brainwashor interaction via menu23:22
kRushyou run xubuntu with kde? oO23:22
delthaha, the boot entry for ubuntu studio got changed to kubuntu :D23:27
deltstill boots fine tho23:27
brainwashah, right23:27
deltjust out of curiosity,... how do i change it back -)23:27
brainwashcan be changed though23:27
deltin /boot/somewhere i guess..?23:28
brainwashI would need to google that23:28
brainwashI assume /etc/grub.d23:28
delt(i've been using slackware for over a decade so gimme a break :D :D )23:29
brainwashso why the "downgrade" to Ubuntu?23:30
brainwashisn't slackware awesome?23:30
deltyeah, i still run it on my other machine and on the server23:31
fibz_slak is too much work23:31
deltbut once it works, it works for good23:32
deltyeah got this new laptop and i thought i'd try some other linux distro's23:32
deltubuntu studio seems to be my #1 choice so far.23:33
brainwashdelt: it's /etc/default/grub.d/50_kubuntu.cfg23:34
fibz_studio is great. i love it. starting to want more compiz effects, but its a great XP replacement23:34
brainwashremove that file and run "sudo update-grub"23:34
deltchmod -x that file && update-grub, right?23:35
brainwashthis was also 1 reason why your grub config got updated during the installation of KDE/kubuntu23:36
brainwash-x might do it23:36
brainwashor rm/mv23:37
deltdefault/grub.d contains 2 files, one for ubu studio and one for kubu23:37
brainwashyes, so the kubuntu one apparently has higher priority23:37
fibz_you probably have more than one greeter as well (kvm and lightdm)23:37
deltbecause of alphabetical order i would guess23:37
deltit stays with lightdm23:38
fibz_kvm likely installed23:38
brainwashdid the boot splash change?23:38
deltno such command23:38
xubuntu930Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Linux, using 12.04. I'm struggling to run .sh scripts over ssh using chmod +x - nothing seems to happen when I type sudo chmod +x mine_litecoins.sh. Each line of the script works individually, but nothing seems to happen from the script (e.g. even directory doesn't change in terminal)23:40
deltxubuntu930: you usually run chmod +x once, to make it executable.23:41
deltthen you can just type ./script-name23:42
deltanother way without having to chmod the files is to specify "sh scriptname"23:42
xubuntu930oh, I see. that one changes the properties of the file via terminal. thankyou23:42
deltbut then make sure it's indeed a shell script23:42
xubuntu930file is .sh23:42
deltok, what's it supposed to do?23:43
xubuntu930is that enough?23:43
delttype "file mine_litecoins.sh" (hint: you can use TAB to auto-complete filenames)23:43
xubuntu930it is 5 or 6 lines to set up GPUs and start cgminer23:43
pRookieDoes the file starts with #! bash_something?23:44
deltthe "file" command will try to examine the file and tell you what kind of file it is, regardless of filename23:44
xubuntu930yep #!/bin/sh23:44
brainwashcrypto coin mining =S23:45
delt#!/some/command at the start of a script means it gets executed using /some/command23:45
deltin this case, /bin/sh which is the default unix shell23:46
delton most linux systems, it's just a symlink to bash23:46
deltwhich is a more powerful shell but fully backwards compat with the original sh23:47
pRookieHow can I see shutdown log and check which process is hanging my shutdown procedure?23:48
pRookie/var/log is OK, but no messages file.23:50
brainwashtry syslog instead23:50
xubuntu930ok ! I just tried it and that worked beautifully. Thanks23:51
pRookieI would make a good party if I know to read those logs. :)23:52
pRookieWhen I jit Escape during shutdown I see some messages ... but it does not said precisely what process is the problem.23:54
pRookieno jit ... hit23:54
xubuntu256I have an old inspiron 1200 with a dell 1350 wireless card how do I setup the internet with this?23:57
fibz_pRookie,  check out /var/log/syslog file /var/log/dmesg23:57
xubuntu256thank you23:57
fibz_xubuntu256,  we need to know what kind of wireless chipset you are using. go to app luancher ("start") -> terminal emulator -> type: lspci23:58
peroso, is there any way i can set chromium as my default browser and have it stick or what23:58
fibz_what do you see for networking?23:58
fibz_pero launcher -> settings -> settings manager -> default applications   should be the ticket. otherwise one of your browsers is set to check if it is default, and set itself as default if its not23:59

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