
fully_humanSorry, I keep forgetting (and keep forgetting to bookmark) the page with the ubuntu dev releases. What is it? Thanks.01:00
Unit193https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ ?01:04
fully_humanUnit193, Ah, thanks!01:05
fully_humanAlthough, https:// seems to be down. :-\01:05
Unit193Bah. :/  I just typed https out of habit.01:06
fully_humanUnit193, Good habit. :-)01:07
ESphynxHey guys, is anyone maintaining GDB here? I got some non-sense going on15:08
ESphynxLooks like GDB gets stuck in startup_inferior()->target_wait ()->sigsuspend() ?15:09
jtaylormeh, tried to finally install trusty on my machine18:26
jtaylorand guess what, it again deadlocks on detecting partitions :(18:26
tewardjtaylor, and?  (purely curious)18:26
jtaylorits getting annoying that this reappears every cycle18:26
jtaylorits not helping that the detection is so slow, you have to let it sit for 10 minutes to make sure its deadlocked and not just slow :/18:28
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
fully_humanHello, trying to submit my first bug patch...So far I'm two days in trying to submit a two-second patch. :-\ I've finally gotten to submittodebian. I had to cancel and fix something, and now submittodebian won't work. It says "dpkg-source: error: cannot read foo/debian/patches/bar: No such file or directory" (where foo is package name and bar is my `bzr branch` name). I didn't get this error before when I was going thro21:09
fully_humanugh all the steps. Is there any way to "undo" submittodebian steps?  Thanks.21:09
Noskcajfully_human, I normally just make the bug in debian via email and attach the patch, fairly simple21:13
tewardsame here21:13
fully_humanMake the bug?21:14
fully_humanOh, reproduce?21:14
tewardi think Noskcaj means file a new bug in Debian via email, if one doesn't already exist21:15
tewardor, email bugnumber@bugs.debian.org with a message and attach the patch as an attachment, if the bug DOES exist.21:16
fully_humanNo, one exists. I'm just fixing it. I'm following this guide: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug-example.html21:16
tewardfully_human, do you have the Debian bug number?21:16
fully_humanI have the launchpad bug number. :-\21:16
tewardi'm confused then21:16
tewardyou're trying to attach the patch to the LP bug?21:16
tewardfully_human, do you have the patch on the system you're opening the bug in?21:17
teward(i.e. the same system you're opening launchpad.net on)21:17
tewardif you do, then you can just open the bug, hit "Add attachment or patch" at the bottom of the bug21:18
tewardput some description in, and a title for it, and attach the file21:18
fully_humanteward, Ah, thanks.21:18
tewardfully_human, you're welcome.21:18
fully_humanWhat file extension would the patch be? (this is my first bug fix, so sorry for all the newbie questions)21:18
tewardfully_human, i usually use .diff or .patch or .debdiff, depending on the patch.21:19
tewardnormally, when I patch things with JUST a patch, I also generate a debdiff, as a power user / SRUer, so mine're usually .debdiff (and the file is created in the debdiff for the patch)21:19
tewardbut for JUST a patch or a diff, you can probably use .patch or .diff21:20
tewardNoskcaj might have more guidance than me on that, though.21:20
teward(I also ahve to fix my debian repo system >.>)21:20
fully_humanI don't see any of those...I must be missing a step...Should I do `debdiff > packagename.patch`?21:20
tewardfully_human, how'd you create the patch?21:20
teward... oh THAT'S why my repositories are broke >.>21:21
* teward kicks the system around angrily21:21
fully_humanActually, I might not have. Sorry for the confusion. I did `bzr branch name-of-bug`, and then `dch -i` Do have to manually create the patch file with bzr diff?21:22
tewardNoskcaj, ^21:22
* teward doesn't use bzr so can't really help there21:22
* fully_human considers teward blessed.21:22
tewardnah, i just prefer making my life harder xD21:22
fully_humanBut do I have to manually do a `bzr diff foo >> foo.patch?`21:25
tewardfully_human, i'll be honest, though, my job's harder, a lot of times I"m doing the opposite of what you're doing, I"m usually taking upstream diffs and applying them to the older versions in ubuntu for SRUs or security updates xD21:26
tewardbut i'm sorry i can't give you guidance on this issue :/21:26
* teward disappears to reset his debian repository server21:26
fully_humanteward, No problem. :-)21:26
tewardcan someone help me out with getting this bug ready for SRU by approving the nomination for Saucy?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/126467421:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1264674 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx segfault when adding add_header in configuration" [Undecided,Fix released]21:51
teward(it's already fixed in Trusty, hence fix released, but it needs fixing in Saucy)21:51
rbasakteward: done. Thanks!22:19
Noskcajfully_human, What was the issue you had? I was afk23:03
ESphynxhey guys I'm suspecting a kernel bug preventing me to debug my apps at all on latest Saucy kernel... Is there an easy to test installing a newer kernel on Saucy? I tried adding this PPA but now I can't figure out how to install it...23:05
ESphynx(Said PPA https://launchpad.net/~anton50489/+archive/test2/+build/ )23:05
ESphynxOr is this http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.12-saucy/ what I should use23:10

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