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bl3uhas anyone successfully run juju within docker?02:44
bl3udocker doesn't work well with upstart, and it's causing juju bootstrap some pain =/02:45
waiganithumper: ping02:45
waiganiAre we still having our weekly team meeting?02:48
thumperwaigani: not sure02:49
thumperwaigani: I'm guessing no... a few too many people, unless I hear otherwise02:50
waiganithumper: cool, I pmed you too02:50
thumperbl3u: you won't really be able to run juju within docker02:51
thumperbl3u: not unless you are running a full os docker image as the base02:51
thumperbl3u: also, nested lxc type containers don't really work02:52
thumperbl3u: I'm assuming you were wanting to run the local provider inside a docker image02:52
bl3uthumper: that is correct02:52
bl3ui am running the ubuntu 14.04 base docker image02:52
bl3ui'm trying to play with it in a safe way; i'll just stand up a VM i suppose02:55
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kryptosi have  a problem juju configuration08:00
kryptoscan u assist me on the same08:00
kryptosError details: cannot parse "/root/.juju/environments.yaml": YAML error: line 326: could not find expected ':'08:02
s3an2_what is online 326 of the yaml file?08:39
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_benoit_I am patching goamz to support a new provider11:56
_benoit_Should the goamz external API be kept intact at all cost ?11:56
_benoit_I would need to modify the S3 constructors to return *S2, ok for example11:58
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mhall119weird, irssi disconnected me from here and re-connected me to oftc/#juju13:32
mhall119anyway, is `juju upgrade-charm` supposed to update the files in /var/lib/juju/agents/ on my instances?13:32
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lazyPowermhall119: indeed, for the charm specified after the upgrade-charm14:23
lazyPowereg: juju upgrade-charm mysql, will upgrade mysql if there is a new revision in teh store. otherwise it will return an error that you're already running the latest revision.14:24
mhall119lazyPower: I think my problem was git and LXC14:26
lazyPowerah, you're still running 1.18.x right?14:27
lazyPowerOnce the 1.19 branch lands as 1.20, your git merge conflicts will go away. Its a brilliant thing.14:27
mhall119hmmm, I think I broke LXC14:30
mhall119marcoceppi: does anything look wrong here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7416306/ ?14:32
mhall119that's my all-machines.log14:33
mhall119juju bootstrap returned without error, and I've issued several juju deploy commands that are all listed as pending, but nothing is happening14:34
mhall119http://paste.ubuntu.com/7416337/ is `juju status`14:34
mhall119$ sudo initctl list |grep juju14:34
mhall119juju-db-mhall-local start/running, process 45614:34
mhall119juju-agent-mhall-local start/running, process 48514:34
lazyPowermhall119: he's out today and tomorrow on swap14:34
mhall119ah, jcastro then ^^14:35
mhall119help me jcastro, you're my only hope14:35
avoinemhall119: it's like your don't have cpu-checker installed14:35
mhall119it was working fine an hour ago14:36
mhall119I haven't rebooted or anything14:36
avoinemhall119: t14:38
avoinemhall119: what is the result of that command: kvm-ok14:38
mhall119INFO: /dev/kvm does not exist14:39
mhall119HINT:   sudo modprobe kvm_intel14:39
mhall119INFO: For more detailed results, you should run this as root14:39
mhall119HINT:   sudo /usr/sbin/kvm-ok14:39
avoinemhall119: it looks like you tried to setup a kvm local environment but you don't have kvm support14:40
avoinedo you have something like: container: kvm in your environment?14:41
mhall119and like I said, it was working an hour ago14:43
mhall119container: lxc is in my ~/.juju/environments/local.jenv14:43
avoinemhall119: I had a problem like that when I tried to use lxc-clone: true14:46
avoineand with an old version of lxc14:46
mhall119well, I have lxc-clone: true14:48
mhall119but, I'm on Trusty with the juju PPA, it shouldn't be that old14:48
mhall119might try rebooting14:50
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roadmrhey folks, I tried following https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-LXC.html but juju bootstrap got stuck trying to connect to mongodb (which wasn't installed). I had to manually install mongodb-server. Should juju-mongodb take care of this dependency for me?15:08
lazyPowerroadmr: did you install juju-local?15:20
lazyPowerthat should pull down all the dependencies you need for lxc deployment15:20
roadmrlazyPower: I did15:20
roadmrlazyPower: it did pull everything *except* for mongodb-server :D15:21
lazyPowerdid you have mongodb installed prior to installing juju-local?15:21
roadmrlazyPower: no, it's a fresh install (utopic if it helps, but at this point it's almost identical to trusty)15:21
lazyPowerah, i have no idea whats going on in utopic... but i just booted a fresh vm with trusty (thanks maas master) and installed juju + juju-local and i was able to bootstrap15:22
lazyPowerso, it installs juju-mongodb15:22
lazyPowerif you're missing that package, give it a go and ping me with the results.15:22
roadmrlazyPower: yes, mine installed juju-mongodb too15:22
roadmrlazyPower: ok, I'll try redoing the whole thing from scratch, maybe I messed up somewhere :)15:23
marcoceppimhall119: did you get it sorted?15:24
mhall119marcoceppi: not yet15:27
marcoceppimhall119: what does sudo lxc-ls --fancy show?15:28
mhall119$ sudo lxc-ls --fancy15:29
mhall119Swipe your right index finger across the fingerprint reader15:29
mhall119NAME                   STATE    IPV4  IPV6  AUTOSTART15:29
mhall119juju-trusty-template   STOPPED  -     -     NO15:29
mhall119mhall-local-machine-1  STOPPED  -     -     NO15:29
mhall119I destroyed my old env, bootstrapped a new one and deployed just a single charm (postgresql) this time15:30
marcoceppiwell, mhall-local-machine-1 stopped isn't nice15:30
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: https://github.com/marcoceppi/amulet/pull/3115:34
* tvansteenburgh drops the mic and walks off stage15:35
mbruzekmhall119, Have you resolved your problem?15:45
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mhall119mbruzek: not yet, haven't tried rebooting yet though16:12
themonkmarcoceppi: how do i restart a pending unit?16:12
marcoceppimhall119: destroy environment with the --force flag, run sudo lxc-ls --fancy again see if machine-1 goes away16:13
marcoceppithemonk: what provider?16:13
mbruzekmhall119, what marco-vacation said.16:13
themonkmarcoceppi: lxc local16:14
marcoceppithemonk: then the machine probably never came up, themonk what does sudo lxc-ls --fancy say for you? (and what does juju status show)16:14
mbruzekmhall119, Please paste results of ls /var/lib/juju/locks/16:15
mhall119marcoceppi: machine-1 does not go away16:16
* marcoceppi laments about an updated local provider troubleshooting guide16:16
marcoceppimhall119: lxc-destroy -n blahblah-machine-116:17
mhall119mbruzek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7416886/16:17
mhall119marcoceppi: $ lxc-destroy --n mhall-local-machine-116:18
mhall119Container is not defined16:18
marcoceppimhall119: single -n16:18
mhall119ok, now it's gone16:18
marcoceppimhall119: okay, bootstrap and deploy again16:18
mbruzekmhall119, Is the juju-trusty-tempate directory out of the locks directory now as well?16:20
mhall119mbruzek: nope16:21
marcoceppimhall119: it shouldn't disappear between destroys16:21
marcoceppimbruzek: ^16:21
marcoceppiit only needs be removed if it exists and the trusty-template vm does not (or is not stopped)16:22
mbruzekOK.  Was just checking my history, for what Thumper helped me with last week.16:22
marcoceppimbruzek: yeah a lot of people had template creation problems, cory and tim not the least16:23
mhall119marcoceppi: still doesn't appear to be deploying anything16:25
mhall119machine-0: 2014-05-08 16:19:27 WARNING juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:277 determining kvm support: exit status 116:25
mhall119machine-0: no kvm containers possible16:25
marcoceppithat's illy16:26
marcoceppimhall119: what does your environments.yaml look like?16:28
marcoceppifor the local provider16:28
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: mind if i take a crack at https://bugs.launchpad.net/amulet/+bug/1293878 ?16:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: not in the slightest16:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: I was essentially going to rsync the contents of the charm to a temp location, run a bzr init, then a commit, then use that as the branch location in the deployer file16:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: if you can think of a more clever path, by all means16:32
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: cool, thanks - i'll start there16:32
themonkmarcoceppi: themonk-local-machine-1  RUNNING  -     YES16:35
themonkmarcoceppi: this is the out put16:35
qhartmanI have a juju environment running, and I accidentally re-issued a bootstrap command for it (the default env). It looks like it nuked the environment, I can no longer get status from it.16:35
qhartmanIs that expected?16:35
marcoceppiqhartman: uh, no. What version of juju are you running?16:36
qhartman0.18.2  I think, latest in Trusty16:36
mhall119marcoceppi: https://pastebin.canonical.com/109888/16:36
mhall119marcoceppi: but it was working for me this morning, so I don't think it's a config thing, I think I just broke the runtime somehow16:37
marcoceppiqhartman: yeah, that should never happen, you should get a warning about it already being bootstrapped16:37
marcoceppimhall119: interesting16:37
qhartmanmarcoceppi, yeah, I did see that warning, but the file that I expect to exist in .juju/environments to track it is definitely gone16:38
marcoceppiqhartman: was this local provider?16:38
qhartmanmarcoceppi, nope, maas16:38
marcoceppioh bother.16:39
marcoceppiqhartman: do you have the output from the boostrap command still?16:39
qhartmanI interrupted it, but I can get it16:39
marcoceppiqhartman: ah, interesting, that might be the expected behavior16:40
marcoceppian interruptted bootstrap will attempt to "clean itself up"16:40
qhartmanwell, that's quitet he landmine16:40
marcoceppiif you run a bootstrap against a bootstrap it will eventually error out about already being bootstrapped16:40
marcoceppibut I'm curious the output regardless16:40
qhartmanyeah, I'll go grab it16:40
qhartmanone sec.16:40
cjohnstonHow is the order of relation hooks being run determined?16:42
cjohnstonI'm using a deployer file, so is it just the order of the relations in the deployer file?16:42
themonkmarcoceppi: do you have the solution?16:45
qhartman_toomarcoceppi, http://pastebin.com/qsbnMnPD <- ctrl-c double-bootstrap landmine16:45
marcoceppithemonk: can you paste the output of juju status?16:45
marcoceppiqhartman: qhartman_too interesting, it looks like it error properly16:46
themonkenvironment: local16:47
themonk  "0":16:47
qhartman_tooI find it interesting that is talks about cleanup before the error about being already bootstrapped. Makes me wonder if there's something happening out of order?16:47
themonk    agent-state: started16:47
themonk    agent-version:
themonk    dns-name: localhost16:47
themonk    instance-id: localhost16:47
themonk    series: precise16:47
themonk  "1":16:47
themonk    agent-state: started16:47
themonk    agent-version:
themonk    dns-name:
themonk    instance-id: themonk-local-machine-116:47
themonk    series: precise16:47
themonk    hardware: arch=amd6416:47
themonk  opendj:16:47
themonk    charm: local:precise/opendj-016:47
themonk    exposed: false16:47
themonk    units:16:47
themonk      opendj/0:16:47
themonk        agent-state: pending16:47
themonk        agent-version:
themonk        machine: "1"16:48
themonk        public-address:
themonkmarcoceppi: sorry for bad paste16:48
marcoceppithemonk: paste.ubuntu.com would be helpful next time :)16:48
marcoceppithemonk: so, the machine is up, what is likely happening is the install hook is stuck16:48
themonkmarcoceppi: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e23b27a7b301b86e775916:48
marcoceppithemonk: pastebin `cat ~/.juju/local/log/unit-opendj-0.log` for me?16:49
marcoceppiqhartman qhartman_too yes thatis a clear issue of order of operations16:49
marcoceppiqhartman qhartman_too can you open a bug with that and I'll flag it as king of a big issue16:50
qhartman_toomarcoceppi, sure thing.16:51
qhartman_tooI'll drop a link in here once it's up.16:51
marcoceppiqhartman_too: excellent16:51
qhartmanmarcoceppi, juju-core on launchpad?16:52
marcoceppiqhartman: yes16:53
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qhartmanmarcoceppi, any recommended steps to clean this up? Is this a case of nuke-and-pave and start over?16:56
marcoceppiqhartman: so, all you need to do is regenerate the jenv file16:59
marcoceppiqhartman: I don't know how to do that out of band16:59
qhartmanmarcoceppi, yeah, I figured. I have some old "juju status" output lying around. Might that have the needed info?17:01
qhartmanmarcoceppi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/131759617:01
marcoceppiqhartman: not really, the jenv file is created that's basically everything in the environments.yaml def with some others17:02
qhartmanmarcoceppi, I figured17:02
marcoceppinatefinch: hey, are you around?17:02
qhartmanmarcoceppi, oh well. Luckily this was not yet a production deployment17:02
natefinchmarcoceppi: I was just about to ping you.  What's up?17:02
marcoceppinatefinch: is there anyway to generate a jenv file other than bootstrap?17:02
marcoceppiqhartman: has a bug where in 1.18.2 if you bootstrap an already bootstrapped environment, it errors out but does a "cleanup" after erroring resulting in his jenv missing17:03
marcoceppibug # 121759617:03
marcoceppibug #121759617:03
marcoceppilazy mup.17:03
natefinchyeah, I think it's broken17:03
marcoceppiWHY MUP WHYYYYYYY17:04
natefinchno, there's no other way to make a jenv17:04
marcoceppiqhartman: so, starting over looks like the only choice17:04
natefinchrebootstrapping definitely should not blow away your jenv though17:04
marcoceppinatefinch: oh, yeah, that's clearly a bug17:04
qhartmanI hit ctrl-c when I realized I had accidentally done it again, so that might have played a role17:05
marcoceppiqhartman natefinch I think the log is the most interesting17:05
marcoceppiBootstrap failed, destroying environment17:05
marcoceppiERROR environment is already bootstrapped17:05
natefinchahh.... control-c in the middle of a second bootstrap.... that could do it17:05
qhartmanyeah, I'm guessing it traps the ctrl-c and goes to cleanup before realizing it already exists17:06
marcoceppinatefinch: I think the Ctrl-C is a red herring17:06
qhartmancould be that too for sure17:06
marcoceppiit looks like On error clean up is performed, but if already bootstrapped is an error, we enter a weird state17:06
natefinchmarcoceppi: I'm not so sure.  double bootstrapping is something I do all the time by accident17:06
* marcoceppi goes to verify with a non Ctrl-C17:06
qhartmanany rate, thanks for the help guys, I'm going to go fire up my orbital laser platform and start over.17:08
qhartman*womp womp*17:08
natefinchevilnickveitch: if there's a minor edit to the docs, should I do it right in the github editor, or is there a better process?17:08
mbruzekI know charmhelpers best was discussed recently, are we supposed to put the charm helpers inside the hook directory or inside the charm directory in $CHARM_DIR/lib/charmhelpers  ?17:09
themonkmarcoceppi: it continuously logging this, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/31e426b5314ef51cfb4717:11
marcoceppimbruzek: I'd prefer they be put in lib, but that requires some muxing around for inheritence17:11
marcoceppimbruzek: most people put them in the hooks directory17:11
mbruzekmarcoceppi, I am doing one from scratch what is the best practise we discussed last week?17:12
marcoceppimbruzek: outside the hooks directory is always considered a best practice17:12
mbruzekDone.  Thanks marcoceppi17:12
marcoceppithemonk: that's annoying, and will be fixed in 1.19, but this means that the container didn't get setup properly17:13
marcoceppiso the agent is running, everything is working as expected, but for some reason cloud init failed17:13
marcoceppithemonk: this likly means that the container doesn't not have outside networking access and can't reach the archives17:13
marcoceppithemonk: you should be able to `juju ssh 1` and run sudo apt-get update to verify17:14
themonkmarcoceppi: ok17:14
marcoceppinatefinch: the README outlines the process, but you can totally do it from the editor17:14
themonkmarcoceppi: it has network access17:15
themonkmarcoceppi: apt-get is updating17:15
marcoceppithemonk: can you sudo apt-get install git ?17:15
themonkmarcoceppi: inside machine 117:16
marcoceppithemonk: yes17:16
themonkmarcoceppi: ok17:16
themonkmarcoceppi: git is installing17:16
natefinchmarcoceppi: sweet.  moving to github and markdown just reduced the barrier for me fixing that docs bug to nearly zero.... which is about where it needs to be for me to actually get off my lazy butt to do it :)17:17
marcoceppiI'm adding that to the quotes page ;)17:18
marcoceppijcastro: ^^ o/ \o17:18
qhartman_tooSo, in using maas and juju together, can I specify which node I want juju to boostrap onto if I have multiple available in maas?17:20
qhartman_toohaven't found anything in the docsabout that17:20
natefinchqhartman_too: you can give constraints to bootstrap, which can sorta help, but you can't precisely say "go onto the machine named foo" .... though I think we have stuff in the works for that17:21
natefinchqhartman_too: juju help contraints will show you how to use the constraints.  You can set a tag on the node and then use that to get bootstrap to go where you want it to17:23
qhartman_toonatefinch, ok, will do. Being able to specify by name would be nice too, so I hope that is in the works.17:23
natefinchqhartman_too: code for it was merged into trunk a couple weeks ago, so it'll be available in 1.2017:25
natefinch(I just checked)17:25
cjohnstonmarcoceppi: any idea why amulet appears to be running tests before the deployment is complete?17:25
qhartman_tooawesome. So, by set a tag, you mean a maas tag, correct natefinch?17:25
marcoceppicjohnston: it shouldn't, do you have the output from the run?17:25
natefinchqhartman_too: yep, then you can do --constraints tags=foo17:26
qhartman_toonatefinch, cool17:26
natefinchmarcoceppi: I have a problem with debug hooks on local... for some reason it seems like it not setting up the environment correctly17:28
natefinchmarcoceppi: I get a prompt like this: root@nate-local-machine-2:~#17:28
cjohnstonmarcoceppi: L77 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7417300/ I guess it shows complete, then 2 seconds later is starts another deployment... L78 shows the output of a command that is being run by the test, where we are trying to get the IP address and the open ports.. the open ports dont exist yet for some reason.. L84 is that same command, and they exist there17:28
natefinchmarcoceppi: any ideas? I haven't used debug hooks much17:28
marcoceppinatefinch: are you in a tmux session?17:29
natefinchmarcoceppi: yeah, it's a tmux session, it just doesn't have the right prompt, according to the docs, and seems to be in the wrong directory, etc17:29
marcoceppinatefinch: you're in window 017:30
marcoceppinatefinch: you need to trigger a hook to get it to bring up a hook context17:30
marcoceppinatefinch: so either run a config changed, or if it's in error run resolved --retry17:30
natefinchmarcoceppi: what I hear is: the docs need to be clarified ;)17:30
cjohnstonwhen I run debug-hooks, I get the normal prompt for a bit until the hooks start running, then the hook prompt comes up17:31
natefinchmarcoceppi: the docs say "When the first hook event is queued for a hook that is in the list of those to be debugged"  .... but it doesn't say how that happens.  Do I have to do something for that to happen?17:32
marcoceppinatefinch: you have to have a hook queued for execution then have it execute17:32
marcoceppinatefinch: feel free to word smith that line better :)17:32
natefinchmarcoceppi: I did juju debug-hooks wordpress/0 install17:32
marcoceppinatefinch: yeah, that doesn't work (yet)17:33
natefinchmarcoceppi: that brought me to this prompt.  I don't know what to do now17:33
marcoceppijuju debug-hooks wordpress/0 is what got executed17:33
marcoceppinatefinch: this is why I break the install hook when I write charms, so I can get to that hook context17:33
natefinchmarcoceppi: that's fine.  What do I do now?17:33
marcoceppinatefinch: trigger a hook17:33
marcoceppinatefinch: ie, run juju set against the unit and change a config value17:33
natefinchmarcoceppi: well, install is the one that failed17:34
cjohnstonyou need to run debug-hooks sooner17:34
marcoceppinatefinch: okay, run juju resolved --retry17:34
marcoceppithat will re-trigger the hook17:34
marcoceppiand put you in a hook context in debug-hooks17:34
marcoceppithat's documented /somewhere/ in the docs17:35
natefinchmarcoceppi: ahh, yeah, that is under "debugging early hooks"17:35
natefinchman, juju resolved and juju debug-hooks seriously need better command line docs17:37
natefinchpurpose: marks unit errors resolved17:37
cjohnstonany thoughts on the amulet issue marcoceppi ?17:39
marcoceppicjohnston: I'd nee to see your tests to be able to determine further what's oging on17:40
cjohnstonmarcoceppi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-ci-engineering/uci-engine/trunk/view/head:/tests/test_ppa_assigner.py17:41
avoinecjohnston: btw your graphite-txstatsd charm looks pretty cool17:41
cjohnstonavoine: thanks17:41
cjohnstonstill trying to get postgres happy17:41
natefinchhmm... this sounds familiar: failed to fstat previous diversions file: No such file or directory17:42
joselazyPower: ping, have a minute?17:42
lazyPowerjose: kind of, whats up?17:42
joselazyPower: tests are running 'good' but failing because of the (expected) 'invalid' SSL certs, as they're self-signed17:43
lazyPowerit using pythong requests right?17:43
joselemme double check17:43
lazyPowerwow banana hands... whit you're contageous.17:44
lazyPowerits got a loading phase of 3 days though17:44
joselol, what?17:45
jose(they're using requests.post17:45
lazyPowerthe massive typos in a single sentence. Whit coined the phrase bananahands... i refuse to let that one go. its too fitting for whats happening.17:45
lazyPowerjose: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10667960/python-requests-throwing-up-sslerror17:45
lazyPowerso, load the service with a CAFile, and point it at that.17:46
lazyPoweryep. i think i just found my new canonical directory photo17:46
lazyPowerjose: the other alternative would be to set verify=false (which you're not really verifying the ssl cert at that point) but if the url remains https:// and you get the respective content, its 'basically' doing the job we've requested. soo....17:51
lazyPoweruse your judgement on which approach you want to use. I'd accept either17:51
joseI prefer to do the latter, as I'm not sure how to generate the other17:51
joseas long as I get it to pass it'll be awesome17:51
josethen we can move on to upgrading it to 6.1.3 (I think)17:51
cory_fuWhat's the point of doing ssl if you don't verify the cert?17:51
lazyPowercory_fu: The fact its stills erved over https would validate its being sent over a secure chanel, you're not validating the key exchange. Whats a good way to perform that using python.requests cory_fu?17:52
lazyPowerwith a snakeoil cert17:52
cory_fuOr are you saying that the service you're downloading from doesn't have a valid cert?17:52
lazyPowerits a snakeoil cert, not invalid, but not issued from a CA17:53
josewhich makes it look 'invalid'17:53
cory_fuHrm.  If you don't validate the cert at all, then it's not secure since it's open to MITM and spoofing17:53
lazyPoweragain, suggestions?17:53
cory_fuYou should probably add that specific cert to the list of trusted, temporarily17:53
lazyPowerso suggestion 1 - you gen it locally and provide it to the charm right?17:54
cory_fuUm, there's a way to give requests a cert that you consider valid.  Lemme look17:54
lazyPowerjose: i think i'm inclined to agree with cory_fu, he's got a valid point.17:54
lazyPowerwe can't test if the cert is genned on the machine, but there are options to provide a certificate, and its reasonable to assume it doesn't matter if that cert is genned on your workstation or the server. thats just a nicety the charm provides.17:55
lazyPowerits the same symptom and will yield the same result.17:55
josewill it work in a test?17:56
joseif it can then I can just generate the cert and parse it17:57
lazyPowerjose: I would gen a certificate once and package it as part of the test17:58
lazyPowermake a non-expiring self-signed SSL certificate and bundle it.17:58
josehmm, good idea too17:58
cory_fuActually, I may be missing some context here.  Is this cert for something the charm is downloading from an external (but self-signed) resource, or for testing a service that self-signs itself?18:00
cory_fu("Self-signs itself?"  From the department of redundancy department.)18:00
joseit generates a self-signed cert in order to enable SSL18:00
cory_fuAnd you just want to test that it's up and running?18:01
josenot verifying any downloads or anything18:01
joseit's just a unit test18:01
cory_fuI thought you were talking about downloading a resource from a self-signed location18:01
joseoh, nope18:01
cory_fuI think just tacking on verify=False is fine for a test18:01
joseok then18:01
joseI'm running the test now so let's see how it does18:02
cory_fuSorry to complicate the discussion by jumping in without looking.  :p18:02
lazyPowercory_fu: hah :)18:02
lazyPowerall we really need to verify, is that a) its open on port 443, and b) it responds with context we define.18:02
lazyPowerteh SSL cert validation is a good idea though, and providing your own cert validates that it is indeed working with a certificate instead of faking it out by serving HTTP over HTTPS18:02
cory_fuYeah.  It would be better, but I'm not sure it's worth the extra headache18:03
cory_fuMaybe if charm-helpers had some sugar for it18:03
joseif this passes I'll push and then look into it, think it's worth it18:04
cory_fujose: Not to heap too much on you, but I was wondering if you saw my comments on the tracks charm?18:04
josecory_fu: yep, I did!18:04
joseI'm working on them now :)18:05
josesorry I missed the website-relation-joined, I thought I added it18:05
joseabout the rake db:migrate being called multiple times... I'm not sure if it breaks anything18:05
josemaybe lazyPower knows? /me is no ruby expert18:05
lazyPowerjose: nope18:06
lazyPowerit wont break anything18:06
joseawesome then18:06
lazyPowerit no-ops if there are no new migrations18:06
lazyPowersee: gitlab-ci charm for more examples18:06
josewhat the... timed out18:07
josecory_fu: changes pushed to the branch18:27
cory_fuThanks.  I'll take a look in a minute18:27
cory_fujose: There's still an issue with the port config setting.  Try changing it after deploying with the default port.  Because the .portnotsupported file doesn't exist, neither branch executes and the port doesn't change18:30
josecory_fu: that's why the if [ -f .port ] && [ `cat .port` != "${PORT}" ]; then is in place18:33
cjohnstonmarcoceppi: anything stand out from those tests?18:34
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
cory_fujose: Oh, I see, yeah.  But there's still the issue of once the port is set to > 1024, the .portsnotsupported file is removed and so neither of the checks is ever made again, so you could set it to 3000 and then change it to 8018:49
josecory_fu: fixed and pushed18:52
cory_fuThanks!  :)18:54
josenp :)18:55
josenow, time for me to go and do some university stuff, be back later!18:55
cory_fuCould we just remove that first block which references .portnotsupported entirely now?18:55
josecory_fu: what?18:56
cory_fuOh, I was just saying that the first if / else in config-changed seems redundant now.  Not a big deal18:56
cory_fuIt looks like it'll work fine18:56
joseooh, got it18:56
josecory_fu: changes pushed!18:57
cory_fuThanks again!18:57
josenp, let me know if there's anything else I could fix and I'll make sure to fix it once I'm back :)18:57
cory_fuYou're the best18:58
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
tvansteenburghhazmat, marcoceppi: either of you around?19:28
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: o/19:28
tvansteenburghhey so about this local charm amulet thing19:29
tvansteenburghit is actually deployer that can't handle a non-vcs charm19:29
tvansteenburghand i'm wondering if it must stay that way19:29
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: basically, and there's no reason that should change19:29
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: the "branch" key assumes a VCS19:29
tvansteenburghfair enough, i'll proceed with your original idea then, thanks19:30
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: we could use the "charm" key19:30
marcoceppiand set JUJU_REPOSITORY19:30
marcoceppiand build it that way instead19:30
marcoceppieither way requries you to build a directory19:30
tvansteenburghyeah ok19:30
tvansteenburghi thought it was curious that deployer required your charm dir to be in vcs19:31
tvansteenburghbut if it must be so, that's fine19:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: only using the branch options19:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: if you use 'charm' intead it doesn't have to be19:31
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natefinchmarcoceppi: where's the right place to report a bug for the wordpress charm?19:42
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marcoceppinatefinch: http://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/wordpress/20:12
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waiganifwereade: replace was a typo. I don't know how I managed to propose that, as I thought I'd reverted those changes. Sorry.20:53
fwereadewaigani, no worries, all too easy to do21:00
hazmat`tvansteenburgh, deployer absolutely supports non-vcs scharms..21:18
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
cory_fujose: You around?21:47
josecory_fu: just came back!21:47
joseperfect timing!21:47
cory_fuI was just testing the changes on tracks, and I got one more error21:48
josewhat's it?21:48
cory_fu2014-05-08 21:26:11 INFO config-changed /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-tracks-0/charm/hooks/config-changed: line 7: 1025: No such file or directory21:48
cory_fuI think we need to double up the brackets.  [[ "$PORT" < 1025 ]]21:48
joseoooh that's right21:49
josecory_fu: pushed21:57
cory_fujose: I'm still not able to change the port after deployment for some reason.  :(22:08
josecory_fu: let me deploy and debug what's going on22:08
cory_fuWere you able to change the port?  It seems like the .port file isn't in place for me22:09
joseit should be on place22:09
josebut let's check22:09
cory_fudb-relation-changed does a cd /home/tracks/tracks before it creates the .port file22:10
cory_fuBut the config-changed hook checks looks for it in the charm dir22:10
josegood catch22:11
joselet me deploy before pushing, I want to make sure it works22:12
cory_fujose: I have to head out for the evening.  I might be back on briefly a bit later, but most likely, I'll review what you push tomorrow morning.  Thanks again for being so on top of this!  :)22:35
joseno problem22:35
joseit's supposed to be changing ports now :)22:35
cory_fuExcellent  :)22:35
=== cory_fu is now known as cory_fu|away
qhartmananyone working on maas/juju/openstack deployments, feel free to drop into #majuos .22:43
Term1nalhttp://pastebin.com/fi86u6DK trying to deploy openstack-dashboard22:45
Term1nalhow would I go about seeing how many containers I'm running on a node?23:59

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