=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet | ||
mapps | hey daftykins not bad..you? | 01:48 |
mapps | struggling wth strongswan mind | 01:48 |
diddledan_ | morning | 01:58 |
diddledan_ | I just watched a terrible tv-movie | 01:58 |
diddledan_ | called cybergeddon | 01:58 |
diddledan_ | apparently there's a tv series as well | 01:59 |
mapps | hm | 02:04 |
mapps | what did it get/10 | 02:04 |
SuperMatt | morning | 07:14 |
Myrtti | uh, anyone have a moment to help with my ALSA DKMS issue? | 08:03 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Monday and happy Shark Awareness Day! :-D | 08:03 |
MartijnVdS | JamesTait: is that a prequel to shark week? | 08:04 |
JamesTait | MartijnVdS, oh, maybe - when's shark week? | 08:04 |
MartijnVdS | JamesTait: I think that depends on the woman? | 08:04 |
* JamesTait facepalms. | 08:05 | |
=== Moon is now known as Guest3323 | ||
Myrtti | meh | 08:28 |
Myrtti | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS is confusing | 08:28 |
Myrtti | I don't know which version I should install | 08:29 |
Myrtti | oooherrr! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/supermechanical/range-oven-intelligence-a-brain-for-your-oven-or-g?ref=category | 08:33 |
bashrc | morning | 08:53 |
=== Moon is now known as Guest3963 | ||
shadowfax | who's a microserver owner? | 09:23 |
shadowfax | i think i could be persuaded to buy one instead of synology | 09:23 |
popey | i am | 09:24 |
shadowfax | do you know your uidling power usage pls? | 09:25 |
diplo | And me :) | 09:25 |
popey | no | 09:25 |
popey | and measuring mine wouldn't help as it has 5 disks in it | 09:25 |
popey | and isn't the one you can buy these days | 09:25 |
shadowfax | not sure whether to get synology ds213j or a micro with 2 disks | 09:26 |
shadowfax | no cashback on teh hp though :( | 09:26 |
shadowfax | its £129 atm | 09:26 |
shadowfax | n54l | 09:26 |
popey | I am tempted to get a newer one to replace the one I have | 09:26 |
diplo | That's close to what I paid with cash back I think | 09:27 |
shadowfax | http://www.ebuyer.com/616877-hp-proliant-microserver-g7-n54l-1p-4gb-u-non-hot-plug-sata-150w-ps-744900-421 | 09:27 |
popey | guessing I could just pull the disks out of my current one and slap them in it | 09:27 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:27 |
shadowfax | what RAM does it come with? | 09:27 |
popey | thats the old model isnt it? | 09:27 |
popey | http://www.ebuyer.com/517761-hp-proliant-gen8-g2020t-microserver-712318-421 | 09:28 |
shadowfax | what's the new one? | 09:28 |
popey | thats the current one | 09:28 |
shadowfax | yeah big bucks though | 09:28 |
popey | fewer USB ports too | 09:28 |
shadowfax | noticed that people use qpenology which is a synology rebuild | 09:29 |
popey | ooh, red arrows | 09:30 |
ali1234 | i too have a microwave | 09:30 |
ali1234 | i don't put harddrives in it usually | 09:30 |
ali1234 | popey: if you see david cameron today could you throw an egg at him for me pls? | 09:31 |
popey | hah | 09:31 |
shauno_ | oh gosh, the new raspberry pi appears to add so much sanity. finally! | 09:40 |
Gargoyle | What files does "locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8" create? Trying to find some way to add it to an ansible script for my AWS instances. | 10:20 |
mgdm | if you're on debian or similar you can do 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' | 10:21 |
mgdm | I think they end up in /usr/share/i18n/ or somewhere like that | 10:21 |
Gargoyle | mgdm: I only want it running once from ansible. | 10:22 |
mgdm | are you using an off the shelf AMI? I'd build it in if not? | 10:23 |
Gargoyle | Yeah. The default Ubuntu 14.04 one | 10:24 |
mgdm | we've got a fairly custom one in an attempt to cut down the boot time | 10:27 |
Gargoyle | I'll probably settle down and create an AMI a bit later, but at the moment things are changing around a bit, so I like the process of firing up a default instance and then pointing ansible at it. | 10:30 |
mgdm | Sure, makes sense | 10:31 |
mgdm | I can recommend Packer for when you get to that point | 10:31 |
Gargoyle | Nice. Thanks for the tip. :-) | 10:34 |
shadowfax | the n54l comes with 4gb RAM, quite decent | 10:35 |
shadowfax | does anyone run plex on their microserver? | 10:35 |
shadowfax | want to utilise the nas and chromecast. | 10:36 |
Myrtti | we run virtual machines of which one runs plex | 10:36 |
Myrtti | apparently UPnPlay knows how to do Chromecast, nowadays, too | 10:37 |
Myrtti | too bad it's ugly | 10:37 |
Myrtti | (so if you're not disturbed by how ugly UPnPlay is, you don't necessarily need Plex to use Chromecast for your homeserver content) | 10:38 |
shadowfax | so upnplay direct to microserver running ubuntu? | 10:39 |
Myrtti | well, the server would run mediatomb or whatever | 10:40 |
shadowfax | noted | 10:40 |
shadowfax | ta | 10:40 |
Myrtti | UPnPlay is an Android app | 10:40 |
shadowfax | does look ugly | 10:40 |
Myrtti | my issue with Plex is that to use it with your mobile phone you need to buy the plex app. Which isn't a problem for me, I've paid for it and use it, but my sister refuses to put any payment methods on Google Play. | 10:41 |
Myrtti | although, now you can buy stuff from Google Play using Paypal, which is an improvement | 10:41 |
Myrtti | also, mediatomb is open source and arguably easier to install than plex media server, which hasn't had functioning Ubuntu repos for a good while now | 10:43 |
Myrtti | and yes, UPnPlay is UGGGLLLEEH | 10:45 |
brunogirin | Myrtti: plex has a .deb for their media server for Ubuntu that works out of the box on 14.04 (or at least it did when I installed it a few weeks ago) | 10:51 |
Myrtti | brunogirin: yes, but the repository that package might set in place in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plexmediaserver.list won't work and hasn't worked for a good while. | 10:52 |
Myrtti | brunogirin: so if you want to upgrade it, you have to rinse and repeat that downloading the deb every time. | 10:52 |
Myrtti | in comparison to just apt-get install mediatomb and upgrading it just happens. | 10:53 |
Myrtti | also, "arguably easier to install" --> yay discussion | 10:53 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 11:00 |
shadowfax | anyone booting from usb on their microserver? | 11:09 |
shadowfax | (ubuntu server) | 11:09 |
shadowfax | new rasppberry pi announced | 11:46 |
shadowfax | well, the b+ | 11:46 |
foobarry | i wonder how many people got a shock last night after searching for world cup scorer goatse on the internet | 13:15 |
foobarry | new raspbery pi free from ice cream stall on wesmtinster bridge allegedly | 14:10 |
foobarry | can anyone verify? | 14:10 |
foobarry | https://twitter.com/hashtag/ExtraRaspberry?src=hash | 14:10 |
mgdm | I've seen ac ouple of folk who got them | 14:11 |
awilkins | Alas, they closed the stall at 1330 | 14:38 |
foobarry | and moved to twoer bridge | 14:38 |
* awilkins isn't in London | 14:38 | |
foobarry | i am | 14:38 |
awilkins | Pah, Londoners, centre of the universe :P | 14:38 |
foobarry | its a big place though | 14:39 |
foobarry | not sure what is actually happening, you buy a raspi and get free ice cream? | 14:39 |
foobarry | or vice versa | 14:39 |
awilkins | You need to know the codeword | 14:40 |
awilkins | Which is "Extra Raspberry" | 14:40 |
diddledan_ | extra raspberry | 14:40 |
foobarry | thats it? | 14:40 |
foobarry | i'm off | 14:40 |
foobarry | *may not be off | 14:41 |
diddledan_ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qEEd7J3DBo | 14:46 |
diddledan_ | honest trailer for minecraft | 14:46 |
foobarry | haha | 14:48 |
ali1234 | if it was honest it would mention how buggy the game is | 14:53 |
foobarry | i've still never played it | 14:54 |
diddledan_ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67bepA5xlY | 14:56 |
diddledan_ | don't you hate when an error message says "contact your system administrator"? | 15:04 |
diddledan_ | how is the "system administrator" even if he's not me going to work out what's wrong with that error message?! | 15:05 |
daftykins | :D | 15:06 |
diddledan_ | specifically this error message from osx reads "Check the server name or IP address, and then try again. If you continue to have problems, contact your system administrator." | 15:08 |
diddledan_ | how useful is that?! | 15:08 |
daftykins | err, well surely it is in context? :) | 15:09 |
diddledan_ | no, because the server name or ip address is correct | 15:09 |
Myrtti | yeah I got an error message about alsa-hda-dkms being broken for months, then google returns absolutely nothing on how to fix it other than uninstalling it (which you can do) and reinstalling it (which you can't) | 15:09 |
awilkins | I almost pine for the days when Soundblaster was the standard sound hardware | 15:11 |
awilkins | THe drivers for Linux were easier than the Windows ones | 15:11 |
Myrtti | I'm yet to reboot to see if I've lost sound by uninstalling the package | 15:11 |
Myrtti | I can't figure out how to install an equivalent | 15:12 |
diddledan_ | creative actually opensourced some drivers for the x-fi | 15:12 |
diddledan_ | then promptly ignored it thereafter | 15:12 |
diddledan_ | I don't believe they ever touched it since | 15:12 |
Myrtti | I'll buy the person who figures out which package I need to install to a laptop running 3.13.0-32-generic #56~precise1-Ubuntu using this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS as instructions | 15:14 |
Myrtti | a beer | 15:14 |
Myrtti | I accidentally a word | 15:14 |
Myrtti | beer or a beverage of choice | 15:14 |
awilkins | Windows : You can't download the drivers because Creative are trying to hide the face that their different card models are mostly differentiated by firmware | 15:14 |
awilkins | Linux : HELLO, you have a soundblaster, I will scroll some kernel logs with pretty colours and it will work | 15:15 |
awilkins | The ubuntu wiki annoys me a bit | 15:16 |
awilkins | Should be instanced per-release | 15:16 |
awilkins | And pages should only be copied to the new release if they are actually still relevant | 15:16 |
diddledan_ | the ubuntu wiki has some way outdated stuff, I agree | 15:16 |
awilkins | Like that page which is talking about packages that don't exist any more! | 15:18 |
diddledan_ | Myrtti: do you actually need the updated driver from the oem-audio-hda-daily pakages? | 15:18 |
awilkins | (which don't exist anymore) | 15:18 |
awilkins | (or are in a PPA if they do) | 15:18 |
Myrtti | diddledan_: I don't know, because I haven't dared to reboot yet | 15:18 |
Myrtti | as of now the sound works | 15:18 |
awilkins | Myrtti, The package you uninstalled doesn't exist anymore :-) | 15:19 |
Myrtti | I know it doesn't | 15:19 |
awilkins | Which I presume is why you can't reinstall it | 15:19 |
awilkins | What does lsmod say about hda ? | 15:20 |
awilkins | You probably have snd_hda_intel loaded | 15:20 |
Myrtti | yeah I do | 15:20 |
awilkins | I think they're all standard kernel modules.. | 15:21 |
awilkins | Not sure where the files are | 15:21 |
awilkins | Mine are in /lib/modules/3.13.0-30-generic/kernel/sound/pci ... I reckon if you still have things like snd-intel8x0m.ko you're golden | 15:23 |
awilkins | Ah, and snd-hda-intel.ko | 15:24 |
awilkins | The DKMS stuff is just for separate module packages that version independently of the kernel | 15:24 |
awilkins | AFAIK all the out-of-the-box modules are included with each kernel | 15:25 |
awilkins | DKMS for things like proprietary nvidia and VirtualBox device drivers | 15:25 |
diddledan_ | why can't I login to my samba shares on a newly installed 14.04?! | 15:30 |
diddledan_ | the shares are listed when browsing | 15:30 |
mapps | gah | 15:30 |
mapps | fell asleep twice during gang related | 15:30 |
diddledan_ | but logging in fails | 15:30 |
diddledan_ | (I'm looping back to eliminate ip addressing issues) | 15:31 |
diddledan_ | the only log message I can find is "pam_unix(samba:session): session closed for user nobody" | 15:34 |
daftykins | confirmed with smbclient? | 15:35 |
diddledan_ | yes | 15:38 |
diddledan_ | it says NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED | 15:39 |
diddledan_ | my password is correct | 15:39 |
daftykins | standard \\IP\share ? | 15:40 |
diddledan_ | err, I guess? | 15:40 |
daftykins | http://superuser.com/questions/776820/hdparm-does-not-report-a-security-section | 15:41 |
daftykins | gah same issue i have | 15:41 |
awilkins | diddledan_, I always have problems with auth on samba | 15:45 |
awilkins | Did you create the shares to be accessed by existing users? | 15:45 |
diddledan_ | I right clicked a folder and selected the network share option | 15:46 |
diddledan_ | if that is "create the shares to be accessed by existing users" then yes, I did | 15:47 |
awilkins | diddledan_, I'm not sure if this is right, but my mental model of it is that the Samba password database isn't the same as the system one and isn't synced until the user changes their password | 15:47 |
awilkins | But it always annoys the hell out of me until some kind of random scrabbling fixes it then I forget about it until next time it annoys me | 15:48 |
diddledan_ | that's how it used to be, yes, but the ui doesn't indicate anything along those lines | 15:48 |
awilkins | That's why it's annoying | 15:49 |
diddledan_ | I click the share option and it creates a share - it doesn't tell me that I can't access it | 15:49 |
diddledan_ | it used to prompt you for your password the first time you set it up, I thought | 15:49 |
awilkins | This kind of thing hurt Linux adoption in the enterprise I'm sure... | 15:50 |
diddledan_ | indeed | 15:50 |
daftykins | i always use "sudo smbpaswd -u user" to specify one manully | 15:51 |
daftykins | ugh, please excuse my broken keyboard, dropping letters all over the shop =| | 15:51 |
diddledan_ | I know why the passwords are different - they require different encryption hashes - but that doesn't explain why when you install ubuntu it doesn't create both considering that it installed samba by default | 15:51 |
diddledan_ | and even if it didn't create both at user-add/install time then it should tell you when you set up a share for the first time what you need to do for each user | 15:52 |
awilkins | Hah, probably because libpam-smbpass isn't installed by default | 15:52 |
* awilkins reads about that to see if it's the special magic | 15:53 | |
daftykins | diddledan_: before i was under the impression you were connecting to a remote share | 15:54 |
awilkins | " Samba user accounts are separate from system accounts, but the libpam-smbpass package will sync system users and passwords with the Samba user database. " | 15:54 |
diddledan_ | daftykins: I was, I changed to connecting to a local share to prove that it's not a networking issue | 15:54 |
daftykins | that's not very clever ;) | 15:54 |
daftykins | if said package isn't on as defult | 15:54 |
diddledan_ | it seems completely "stupid" to me to install something by default and provide a ui which then won't ever work without jumping through hidden hoops | 15:55 |
awilkins | Well, likewise | 15:55 |
daftykins | to the bug machine! | 15:56 |
diddledan_ | why not just don't install samba at all - it would save space on the download and would require people to read the instructions which can tell about how to get a password set | 15:56 |
diddledan_ | OR set the bloo*ing password when the user(s) is/are created | 15:57 |
diddledan_ | I'm sure if I filed a bug it would be marked as wont_fix | 15:58 |
diddledan_ | or invalid | 15:58 |
awilkins | System devs should probably be forced to work in a Windows network three months of a year | 15:59 |
awilkins | Behind an ISA server proxy | 15:59 |
awilkins | With NTLM auth on | 15:59 |
daftykins | >_< | 15:59 |
awilkins | The `/usr/share/doc/libpam-smbpass/examples/password-migration` from the libpam-smbpass package is illuminating | 16:00 |
daftykins | i was at a place briefly where they ran ISA i think, i asked the immediate kinda boss if there was a way to bypass it temporarily, being in IT - he didn't know. | 16:00 |
awilkins | I loathe it | 16:00 |
awilkins | But now they are changing to Websense which is even worse | 16:00 |
awilkins | It futzes with all the SSL certs | 16:01 |
awilkins | So doing things like cloning from https:// at github makes Git throw a wobbly (rightly) because they are assentially man-in-the-middle attacking us | 16:01 |
daftykins | ugh | 16:02 |
diddledan_ | wtf?! | 16:02 |
awilkins | Have resorted with much grumbling to adding their silly internal self-signed x509 cert to the trusted list | 16:02 |
diddledan_ | why does anyone think that's a good idea | 16:02 |
awilkins | Because risk management | 16:02 |
awilkins | The result is I now refuse to sign into any personal account for anything from my work laptop | 16:02 |
diddledan_ | can you vpn at all? | 16:03 |
foobarry | boot from usb | 16:03 |
foobarry | VM | 16:03 |
awilkins | I may have some kind of arrangement | 16:03 |
awilkins | Hah, I boot my main work machine from an eSATA SSD with Trusty on it | 16:03 |
awilkins | All my productive work occurs on Linux | 16:03 |
diddledan_ | http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/dns-tunnelling/ | 16:05 |
awilkins | Heh, that's a bit overkill | 16:05 |
awilkins | I might have SSH access. I couldn't possibly comment what I use it for. | 16:05 |
diddledan_ | heh | 16:05 |
daftykins | hdparm isn't giving me the security section, seems it's very common to get this "Integrity word not set" error | 16:16 |
mapps | hm | 16:26 |
mapps | so this annoying vpn thingonly happens when usig 3g | 16:26 |
diddledan_ | hmm? | 16:28 |
mapps | sec | 16:28 |
mapps | https://forums.openvpn.net/topic16251.html | 16:29 |
mapps | see there ..i included a screenshot too | 16:29 |
mapps | not had any replies on there asked in #openvpn and #openvpn-as no replies | 16:29 |
diddledan_ | aah yeah, I remember now that you linked it a few days ago | 16:29 |
mapps | only seems to happen when using the vpn over 3g..but it just seems strange | 16:30 |
mapps | i read openvpn site docs..and it works fine except for 3g ..i cant be the ONLY person using an openvpn vpn over 3g | 16:30 |
mapps | but yet theres nothing anywhere about the issue i get | 16:30 |
diddledan_ | it suggests to me that it isn't tearing down the connection properly at "15:07:44 TUN teardown" | 16:35 |
diddledan_ | and because it's torn the tun down the device can't access any network because it is configured to send everything through the tunnel | 16:35 |
diddledan_ | which no longer exists | 16:36 |
diddledan_ | how to fix though I haven't the foggiest :-p | 16:36 |
mapps | :D | 16:36 |
mapps | ive looked everywhere | 16:36 |
mapps | cant find anything | 16:36 |
mapps | watching Sabotage atm...the arnie film:D | 16:38 |
daftykins | D: | 16:38 |
mapps | ive started setting up stongswan..hopefully wont have te same issue using a strngswan vpn over 3g | 16:39 |
mapps | cant see any way to fix the openvpn issue so easiest to switch | 16:39 |
daftykins | why do you even VPN 0o | 16:39 |
mapps | because i want to:D | 16:40 |
mapps | why not | 16:40 |
diddledan_ | because NSA | 16:40 |
diddledan_ | :-p | 16:40 |
diddledan_ | SWM 4 NSA fun | 16:41 |
daftykins | mapps: i wondered if it had an actual practical / work purpose | 16:41 |
mapps | ah no | 16:41 |
diddledan_ | my workplace has an ovpn network which I was going to sort out connection to via my ipwn | 16:41 |
jpds | mapps: strongSwan works like a charm over my 3G. | 16:42 |
mapps | nice | 16:42 |
mapps | i setup my strongswan but it didnt work:) | 16:42 |
diddledan_ | jpds: from your ipwn? | 16:42 |
jpds | diddledan_: android, yep. | 16:42 |
jpds | diddledan_: And laptop over a tether. | 16:42 |
diddledan_ | jpds: android != ipwn | 16:42 |
diddledan_ | :-p | 16:43 |
jpds | diddledan_: No idea what an ipwn is. | 16:43 |
mapps | jpds https://www.zeitgeist.se/2013/11/22/strongswan-howto-create-your-own-vpn/ have a look at that - does that cover everythng? i followed it and i still couldnt connect ( | 16:43 |
mapps | ;( | 16:43 |
diddledan_ | jpds: that thing wot apple made | 16:43 |
jpds | mapps: He's doing a lot of Wrong Things. | 16:44 |
daftykins | guides doing things wrong!? | 16:44 |
daftykins | ;D | 16:44 |
diddledan_ | lol | 16:44 |
mapps | damnit | 16:44 |
diddledan_ | was that a ™ | 16:45 |
mapps | i need a good guide :( any suggestions beyond read the dpcs | 16:45 |
diddledan_ | ? | 16:45 |
mapps | docs | 16:45 |
jpds | mapps: http://people.canonical.com/~jpds/ipsec/ | 16:45 |
mapps | thanks | 16:47 |
mapps | what did you write that for? but how useful for me :D | 16:48 |
jpds | mapps: To increase people's knowledge on IPsec. | 16:48 |
mapps | but i meant was it ome presentation or somethinf | 16:49 |
jpds | It's more of a mini-howto than a presentation. | 16:50 |
jpds | mapps: Should be useful, let me know if anything's unclear or wrong. | 16:58 |
mapps | hmm | 17:20 |
mapps | i cant transfer from my barclaycard to current account i dont get why | 17:28 |
mapps | it let me before | 17:28 |
mapps | but yet i can increase my credit online | 17:29 |
mapps | annoying | 17:29 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
diddledan_ | have the schools let out for the summer? | 18:21 |
diddledan_ | there's a group of yoofs outside doing their damndest to smash all teh glass | 18:22 |
mapps | hmm | 18:56 |
mapps | could be | 18:56 |
popey | some will have | 18:57 |
popey | ours finished last week | 18:57 |
mapps | wish i had all this free time | 18:57 |
mapps | working fulltime is a chore | 18:57 |
mapps | 0% interest on balance transfers till 2015 | 18:58 |
mapps | so i dont pay anything seems good | 18:58 |
MartijnVdS | \o/ new Weird Al song | 19:15 |
foobarry | what do you fellows use to backup androidy devices to your nas? | 19:20 |
foobarry | and ladies too are invited | 19:21 |
foobarry | owncloud? any other suggestions? | 19:22 |
MartijnVdS | None? | 19:24 |
foobarry | send to cloud instead? | 19:25 |
foobarry | how would you copy your titanium backup folder from your tablet or your downloads folder to local NAS? | 19:26 |
foobarry | or sync it | 19:26 |
diddledan_ | what's a titanium backup folder? | 19:28 |
foobarry | titanium is a way to backup apps+data, very useful | 19:28 |
foobarry | for restores etc | 19:28 |
diddledan_ | surely you only need to worry about the data | 19:29 |
diddledan_ | apps are all on the play-doh store | 19:29 |
foobarry | mostly yes | 19:29 |
foobarry | apps+data is useful to ensure data and app version are in sync | 19:29 |
foobarry | and also i've had apps disappear from the store e.g. snowman game | 19:30 |
dogmatic69_ | this seems like a good bit of code for backing up mysql http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/mysqlscript.htm | 22:17 |
Azelphur | dogmatic69_: I have something that does similar, stores your backups dated, bzipped, and on a per-table per-databases basis, https://github.com/Azelphur/backup_mysql/blob/master/backup_mysql.sh | 22:22 |
dogmatic69_ | Azelphur: this one does rotation | 22:22 |
Azelphur | ah, mine doesn't :) | 22:22 |
dogmatic69_ | ye, I had a 'home made' script, but got about 10000 backups :D | 22:23 |
dogmatic69_ | this one also does per table, gz with dates | 22:23 |
dogmatic69_ | and you can configure how many to keep per day, week, month, year | 22:24 |
Azelphur | nice | 22:24 |
dogmatic69_ | AlanBell: your chicken cam, is it all custom software you knocked together? | 22:27 |
ali1234 | i also have a similar script | 22:28 |
ali1234 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7795693/ | 22:29 |
dogmatic69_ | lol | 22:29 |
ali1234 | rotation is done by another script which is a one liner: find /home/al/backups -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.gz' -mtime +60 -delete | 22:30 |
ali1234 | each script is run by cron periodically | 22:30 |
dogmatic69_ | ali1234: what is -mtime | 22:31 |
ali1234 | modification time | 22:31 |
dogmatic69_ | nice | 22:31 |
ali1234 | basically that deletes gz files older than 60 days | 22:31 |
dogmatic69_ | you will have trouble when you need something from 65 days back :/ | 22:32 |
ali1234 | yes well you can easily extend this method by having multiple versions of each script with different time periods | 22:32 |
ali1234 | i don't bother though because this is mainly in case i accidentally rm -rf the whole website or something | 22:33 |
dogmatic69_ | well a couple weeks ago I lots my entire DB, innodb crashed | 22:34 |
dogmatic69_ | completely smashed :( | 22:34 |
ali1234 | yeah. i would notice in less than 60 days if that happened | 22:34 |
dogmatic69_ | ye | 22:34 |
maps|wrk_ | hi all | 23:03 |
maps|wrk_ | oops didnt know i had this under root | 23:22 |
daftykins | lawl | 23:30 |
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