
DarkmasterTi need help with a Broadcom BCM4401, computer can see it but no matter what i've tried it is still unclaimed00:02
DarkmasterTi've tried several solutions from the forum for that same ethernet but none worked00:02
bluesnowHi, how can I execute a program from the terminal with just "executable_name" instead of having to type "./executable_name"?00:02
reisiobluesnow: put it into /usr/local/bin/00:02
reisiobluesnow: or make a shell alias (help alias)00:03
bluesnowok, thanks00:03
reisioor ${million_other_things}00:03
Dyrconapersisto: My guess is that's not a current feature of the lock screen and it would require some code to be written.00:03
TTNdarkmasterT, I'd google the heck out of it. its pretty specific, with too many details for me to look into atm..00:03
DarkmasterTi googled it so much my internet history is full of ubuntu forums and other sites, all say the same thing00:04
persistoThanks for your help guys00:06
DarkmasterTpurge the bcmwl, install some linux-firmware, modprobe this and that, and then the thread is marked SOLVED, but some reason solution that worked for others isnt working for me00:06
DarkmasterTit was a fresh install before that and since i did so many things i reinstalled to get rid of all the changes00:08
huiwhen two socket communicate,then one shut down,the other socket will be always readable and get 0 bytes,,is that correct?.00:12
reisiohui: #friendly-coders00:13
huilinux c00:14
huiI am learning and reading the advanced programming in the unix environment00:15
reisiohui: then #friendly-coders is a more appropriate spot for you :)00:16
huiwhat is friendly-coders00:16
TTNlol i thought you had in mind "eh lets do a hashtag"00:16
reisioa channel00:16
reisiofor coders00:16
reisiowho are friendly00:16
TTNhui, he means join the channel00:16
reisioas opposed to ##C, where you will learn to regret having been born00:17
huiok i know..00:17
fsweI've been following this guide to get postfix installed and right up until it says to verify using telnet, i'm not seeing the line that says AUTH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix00:18
fsweI've repeated the guide several times but I can't see where I'm going wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction please?00:19
hichris123Hmm, anyone have any idea why running https://gist.github.com/hichris1234/ab6221e299e2daf8fb7c as root works, but as my user spits out errors like "Sigaction failed at number 65 (Operation not permitted)"?00:19
HelloMellodave__: hello yegenim00:26
HelloMellodave__: eskiden buralar acayip memeli kaynardi simdi kimse yok00:26
Ranieri_Okay. Why do files save twice, one with a ~ and one without?? PLEASE HELP00:26
Ranieri_Ubuntu 14.0400:26
HelloMelloRanieri_: what in problem bebiskom00:27
mbeierlhichris123: um...  there is no sig handle for 65?  I see it going up to 64 as max:  kill -l00:27
Ranieri_HelloMello: ?00:27
HelloMellois la is in ne00:27
mbeierlRanieri_: files such as gedit will save a backup (the prior version to the current) as file~00:28
HelloMelloRanieri_: problem ?00:28
mbeierlI mean programs such as gedit.00:29
FreeaqingmeHi folks; I'd like to do some policy based routing on Debian (two NICs, each with their own route table). Is there any config file to specify that in, or should I just use rc.local?.00:29
mbeierlFreeaqingme: in Ubuntu there is /etc/ufw for that.  Maybe check in #debian for Debian specifics?00:30
Ranieri_mbeierl: Ahh, that makes a lot of sense.00:30
Freeaqingmembeierl, oh, oops. I actually am on Ubuntu. Will look into that ufw thingie. tnx00:31
mbeierlRanieri_: so if you do a "diff file file~" you should see the result of your last edit/save cycle00:31
mbeierlFreeaqingme: ah.  /etc/ufw is a directory00:31
Ranieri_Freeaqingme: Too complicated for me, please explain: policy based routing, route table, and rc.local00:31
Ranieri_mbeierl: I'll check that out right now.00:32
mbeierlFreeaqingme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW for some starters on setting up things00:32
mbeierlFreeaqingme: but basically, you can put your iptables commands there - if that is what you were going for...00:33
Freeaqingmembeierl, I'm actually looking for the first time at ufw. Is it possible to use ufw while using hte plain old iptables-persistent stuff?00:33
mbeierlFreeaqingme: Take a look at /etc/ufw/before.rules. IIRC, I think that takes a format of iptables-save style syntax00:35
Freeaqingmehmz, dont look like it. well, I'll figure something out. tnx00:35
mbeierlFreeaqingme: what sort of iptables syntax were you using?00:37
mbeierlI mean you can do iptables-restore < file in rc.local...00:37
Freeaqingmembeierl, absolutely. I'll just have to play with some things for a bit00:38
FreeaqingmeI may also opt to use NFT00:39
Ranieri_I have a bug I want to report with Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.00:41
FreeaqingmeRanieri_, I'd suggest you do that in the bug tracker00:42
Freeaqingmembeierl, http://netfilter.org/projects/nftables/00:42
Ranieri_Freeaqingme: Give me the URL to the bug tracker please.00:42
Freeaqingmeit's in the kernel as of 3.13 iirc00:42
FreeaqingmeRanieri_, https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=ubuntu+bug+tracker00:42
Freeaqingmefirst result00:42
Ranieri_Freeaqingme: Thanks :D00:43
reisio'lo L8-015100:44
L8-0151i have the latest ubuntu iso, how do i burn a bootabale disc? i currently have backtrack 5 installed.00:44
gdi2k_any libvirt wizards here? I need to clone a guest, but it has a partition attached to it, and I don't want to clone that. I want to clone the desk but ignore the attached partition. Can I do that?00:44
gdi2k_*desk = guest00:45
mbeierlah netfilter.  gotcha00:45
VBguylooking for the proper place to ask about grub issue after upgrade from 14.04.1 to 14.04.400:45
Freeaqingmembeierl, iptables is also netfilter, sot hat doesnt mean much. But they gave everything a huge revamp, also on kernel level. If you use the iptables command on >=3.13 it's merely a legacy interface that bridges to nft00:46
Bashing-omL8-0151: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto .00:47
mbeierlgdi2k_: is the partition "attached" as in a separate disk file, or you mean you want to copy the contents of (say) partition 1 from a disk file, but not partition 2 in the same file?00:47
gdi2k_mbeierl, it is actually literally a partition on the host system, which is separate from the root disk file of the guest. the attached partition is actually /home on the guest system00:49
mbeierlgdi2k_: so how is that referenced in the guest?  If you remove the reference (/etc/fstab, etc) and just clone the base disk, does that work?00:49
gdi2k_mbeierl, it is referenced in the xml file of the guest, and also in fstab of course. I am thinking I could remove the reference from the xml file, clone the disk, then add it back. Would that work>?00:50
hichris123Hmm, looks like you need certain privileges in order to use sigaction?00:50
hichris123It works as root but not as my own user.00:51
mbeierlgdi2k_: yes it should.  You can also (iirc) copy the disk and then create a new vm descriptor (xml file) for just that new disk.00:53
mbeierlif for some reason removing the disk ref from the xml doesn't work (which I can't imagine that it would not)00:53
* mbeierl has been using OpenStack over top of KVM/libvirt for a little too long to remember the basics00:54
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gdi2k_mbeierl, thanks, will give it a shot00:55
ubuntunoobneedheGreetings. I am struggling to run ubuntu from a bootable usb on a mac. Is this a good place to ask for help?00:57
reisioubuntunoobneedhe: yup00:57
VBguysorry lost connection.00:57
VBguyi am looking for help on fixing my grub since i updated from ubuntu 14.04.1 lts to 14.04.4 lts00:58
reisioVBguy: yes?00:58
FreeaqingmeVBguy, just ask. perhaps someone can help you ;)00:58
mbeierlgdi2k_: np.  enjoy :)00:58
ubuntunoobneedheThanks, so where should I start? I've follow this step by step guide from ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx). When I restart in in boot, and click the usb (it reads Windows), a black screen pops up that reads "No Bootable Device Found - Insert Boot disc and press any key".00:59
VBguyreisio: I upgraded and I lost my grub and cannot get boot repair to fix the issue and it is above my knowledge level00:59
reisiowhat makes you think you lost grub01:00
samthewildonewhat's the best compression archive for media files ?01:00
reisiosamthewildone: moving target01:00
VBguyreisio I attempted to use boot repair, but that did not work01:00
samthewildoneI've got about 2GBs of media.01:00
reisiosamthewildone: how small do you need it?01:01
mbeierlsamthewildone: define best?  How much quality are you willing to lose?01:01
samthewildonesmall enough to store on a cloud.01:01
SchrodingersScatsamthewildone: https://code.google.com/p/zopfli/ 5% better they say01:01
reisiosamthewildone: there's no size requirement for that01:01
ubuntunoobneedheIn configuring my USB in Disk Utility, should I partition it as a "GUID Partition Table" or "Master Boot Record". As well, what format should the USB be in? "MS-DOS(FAT)" , "Mac OS Extended" , "ExFAT"?01:01
samthewildonereisio, I have a limit of cloud storage.01:01
samthewildonereisio, trying to maximize every input I get.01:01
mbeierlsamthewildone: you do realize that media files (video and audio) are already compressed, correct?01:02
samthewildonembeierl, I'm willing to lose err about 15 - 25% video quality,01:02
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samthewildonembeierl, I want to put these files into a archive.01:02
reisiosamthewildone: is it all video?01:02
VBguyreisio here is the url that boot repair created http://paste.ubuntu.com/8391792/01:02
samthewildonereisio, a collection of videos.01:03
reisioVBguy: what makes you think you lost grub?01:03
mbeierlsamthewildone: then you need to determine what video compression was used and re-encode in either the same one with a lower framerate or quality, or find a better compression for the type of video in the file01:03
samthewildonereisio, some ranging from 15mb - 150mb.01:03
reisiosamthewildone: I wouldn't bother, transcoding can take forever01:03
reisioif you need more hosting space, google drive starts at 15GB IIRC01:03
mbeierlsamthewildone: see, gzip and the like cannot compress video as it is already in its most dense form.01:03
samthewildonereisio, Im using G01:04
VBguyreisio: I don't thik I lost it, I think that it did not install correctly during the upgrade.  I have all the boot files on sdb01:04
reisiosamthewildone: G?01:04
samthewildoneGoogle = G01:04
mbeierlreisio: I agree, but without transcoding there is no way to shrink the file size below its current, no?01:04
reisioVBguy: I can tell you think that, but I want to know _why_ you think that01:04
reisiombeierl: sure there is01:05
reisiobut you probably lose quality01:05
reisiooh without01:05
reisionot of any significance, indeed, no01:05
mbeierlreisio: ok, then we are saying the same thing: either waste time transcoding, or get more storage...01:05
reisiombeierl: sounds like we are indeed01:06
VBguyreisio I only think that because I am not the most knowledgeable in Ubuntu.  Every time I try to start the computer I get grub rescue prompt.01:06
BluesKajor use vlc and play anything01:06
reisioif that's what you said :p01:06
reisioVBguy: okay, it might be easiest to fix it from a live OS01:07
VBguyreisio, i am currently using the boot repair live disk as we speak01:08
BluesKajBoot repair usually works01:09
VBguyboot repair tries to put it on sda and not sdb01:09
reisioI'm not sure why boot repair would work if the other software the devs had run also failed :p01:10
reisios/also //01:10
linelevelHi, where can I find the script that runs when I run `sudo service <service_name> restart`? I'd like to read it to see exactly what's happening.01:12
linelevelThe docs for the service in question mention sending arguments with the TERM signal, and I need to know what those arguments are when I issue a `service ... restart`.01:13
VBguySo my question then is how do i properly fix my grub or boot?01:17
bubbasauresVBguy, I would download supergrub a tiny booter boot to ubuntu and run commands from there. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/  couple other ways a chroot is one.01:20
=== Usafbioman is now known as VBguy_mobile
VBguyi will try that.  i have set up my mobile irc to be in here so i can continue with you guys if i have trouble.01:23
=== brian is now known as Guest71719
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: We can try and boot sdb3 from the grub prompt ... what have you got installed onto sdb1 ?01:32
VBguy_mobileI set up sdb the way that Ubuntu install files suggested01:33
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: But, what is installed ontp sdb1 ?? as 14.04 is installed on sdb3 .01:34
ramsudharsanIs this Ubuntu Development Forum?01:35
ramsudharsanI need some answers01:35
Bashing-omramsudharsan: Try #ubuntu+1 .01:35
reisio/msg alis list *ubunt*dev*01:36
VBguy_mobileAnd i upgraded to  14.04.4 and got the grub issue01:36
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: IF we can boot sdb3 we can fix grub ,, but .. what is installed onto sdb1, so we know what we are working with and toward ??01:37
VBguy_mobileLet me get back over there, went to working computer to get the other file suggested01:38
ramsudharsanNo one responds there01:39
VBguy_mobileBooting up Ubuntu live cd01:39
coffeeguy2dual boot with ubuntu and windows 8.1 a good idea?01:40
cfhowlettcoffeeguy2, no reason no to01:40
reisiocoffeeguy2: it's an idea01:40
coffeeguy2i'd like to use linux straight and only, but my usb and ip security cameras are an issue01:41
reisiothey are?01:41
coffeeguy2i thought so01:41
coffeeguy2that and the grub error i get when i dual boot01:41
reisioI'd think not01:41
reisiogrub errors are usually easy to fix01:41
coffeeguy2i've got an install i really don't wanna lose, it's windows but it's all i've got for everything01:42
reisiono particular reason you'd lose it01:42
coffeeguy2hmm, i could use windows backup and do a bit more reading and give it a try01:44
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i have the live cd booted up. Going to Chech sdb files01:44
* OerHeks wonders how you upgrade from 14.04.1 to 14.04.401:45
VBguy_mobileI thought that was my jump01:46
FreeaqingmeIs there any way to disable the check and 60 second delay if networking  has been set up correctly?01:48
cfhowlettOerHeks, one doesn't just upgrade to 14.04.4 as the current point release is 14.04.101:48
Freeaqingmethe delay that's performed on boot01:48
Freeaqingmenvm. /etc/init/failsafe.conf it is01:50
samthewildoneFor some reason I'm not able to format my USB. Its in msdos filesystem.01:52
samthewildoneI try to use GParted.01:52
reisiosamthewildone: how'd you like it to be?01:53
VBguy_mobileI am looking at my  1GB grub file system that i assume is sdb301:53
samthewildoneNice and tight...01:53
VBguy_mobileI mean  sdb101:53
samthewildoneerr I mean, able to FAT3201:53
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Now I am confused... lemme go back and relook at you boot-repair report.01:54
=== tuxarn2 is now known as Bobby_Tables
VBguy_mobileIn the mean time i will Reget boot repair01:55
samthewildonereisio, when I try to make a startup disk out of it, I get this error > http://pastebin.com/ZLaQeXUz01:55
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Nope "3      5120MB  20.5GB  15.4GB  primary  ext4            boot" I expext that 14.04 complete is installed to 'sdb3' .01:56
VBguy_mobileI currently opened  the grub.cfg file to look at it01:57
VBguy_mobileClosed it as i did not notice anything.  So how can i get it to go to sdb3?01:59
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Seeing as how you are booted to the liveDVD, let's see if we can (RE-)install grub. -> sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt , sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb , sudo umount /mnt . Reboot at this time and see if you now boot into the install with bios set to boot the 2nd hard drive.02:02
estudiantealguna nena02:03
cfhowlett!es | estudiante02:03
ubottuestudiante: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:03
ramsudharsanThere is no active development group in IRC :/02:04
postmoderni installed steam on ubuntu 14.04 and attempted to run "steam" but it segfaults almost immediately02:05
cfhowlettramsudharsan, there are more communication methods than irc02:05
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ramsudharsan@cfhowlett I agree02:06
VBguy_mobileGnu grub version  1.99-21 appears02:06
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Not at all as expected,, what is the version of the liveDVD you have ??02:07
VBguy_mobile12.3 i think02:08
Gnomethrowerickserv identify a3therb0x102:08
Gnomethroweroh crap02:08
reisioGnomethrower: I see you want to be reported to #freenode02:08
Gnomethrowerreisio: ???02:08
reisioso I'll accommodate you02:08
Gnomethrowerreisio: what do you mean?02:09
cfhowlettGnomethrower, the format is /msg nickserv identify password02:09
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Well, should be close 'nuff to work .. OK, when you booted the install, do you boot to the desktop, or still to a grub rescue prompt ?02:09
Gnomethrowercfhowlett: yeah, it was a joke02:09
ramsudharsanEveryone know his pass :P02:10
Gnomethrowerone that reisio is apparently taking very seriously02:10
cfhowlettGnomethrower, perhaps less humor/comedy and more ubuntu support - you know?   the channel topic ...02:10
reisiospam is not a joke02:10
Gnomethroweras I said, calling it spam is a little excessive.02:11
PiciLets get back to support then.02:12
ramsudharsanAnyone know about kernel development here? If yes, perhaps I will discuss about my weird question ere02:12
VBguy_mobileIt boots to  grub command line02:12
Gnomethrowerramsudharsan: don't ask to ask, just ask :)02:13
Gnomethrower^ and that's also a good resource, yup.02:14
ramsudharsanK I will try to see whether I get some support there02:15
ramsudharsanOrelse I will ask my question here02:15
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Yuk; At that grub command line: linux (hd1,msdos3)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb3 ro , initrd (hd1,msdos3)/initrd.img , boot .02:15
=== BQ_ is now known as BQ
cfhowlett!kernel | ramsudharsan,02:17
ubotturamsudharsan,: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)02:17
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i get  hd1 cake hey  C/H/S values02:19
VBguy_mobileI type ls and i do not see  hd102:20
VBguy_mobileI did disable sda in the bios02:20
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: What is set for botting device in your bios ?02:20
gndlphey anyone here good with hardware? I need some advice on my linux workstations.02:21
Picitry ##hardware02:21
gndlpPici: thanks buddy02:22
VBguy_mobileI reenabled sda and i get the grub rescue  command line02:23
DaiZyuJinis this a good way to ask a girl out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5LFD9VDq8802:24
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: We are not working to boot sda, we are trying to boot the operating system that is installed onto the 2nd hard drive 'sdb'. Set in bios to boot that 2nd hard drive, so bios can hand off to the boot code that is located in the MBR of that 2nd hard drive, so it can boot the operating system. Clear as mud ?02:26
VBguy_mobileBashing-om. That i totally do understand what you are saying.   Just trying to get the bios to cooperate02:27
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VBguy_mobileBashing-om for some reason my bios will  not let me choose Bettendorf my two  SATA drives02:30
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: I do not know what I can say .. I have no idea how to tell you, as EVERY bios is different. But for sure, you must find a way to tell bios you want to boot up that 2nd hard drive,02:31
VBguy_mobileI am trying to figure that part out, but if i disable  sda maybe we can get it to boot02:33
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: In my Phoenix bios, I must 1st enable the means to switch hard drives ( I have 3 ) . Off the top of my head I do not recall the specifics.02:34
VBguy_mobileBashing-om trying to go back into live cd to see if there is a boot tag on sda02:39
VBguy_mobileBut every thing had been working fine until the upgrade  :(02:40
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: What is on the liveDVD has absolutely nothing to do with bios. In bios you set where bios is to look for the boot code. In our case that is the 0th sector (MBR)- because that is where and is proper we installed that boot code -  of the 2nd hard drive (sdb). There is a means in your bios to unlock the choosing of the booting hard drive.02:44
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Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: All I can surnmise is in the upgrade process grub did not get installed to 'sdb' maybe defaulted to 'sda'. I do not know as I was not there. All we can do now is try and fix it.02:47
triplchi all02:48
triplchow to get rid of 15 seconds of "scanning btrfs filesystem..." at boot of 14.04? when i was using 12.04 --i also had btrfs as root-- but there was not that 15 second scanning02:49
triplci google but cannot find the answer02:49
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i an an moron.  I kept  enter setup not bios02:50
triplci believe that losing 15 second of boot time is very not neccessary02:51
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: It is all a process of learning. I too have a long way to go.02:51
triplcespecially when i am using laptop in 14.04 install on SSD02:51
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i thought set up looked odd as it was only giving me basic options.  Now to figure out how to get the system  bios02:52
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Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: When you boot, at the bios splash screen should be an advisory of which key to deperess to enter the bios utility.02:58
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i guess dell calls the bios  system setup.02:59
VBguy_mobileBashing-om now trying to figure out how to select specific hard drive instead of the order it wants03:00
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: I could buy that. that is reasonale to "assume" .03:00
samthewildoneI noticed there is a tmp protected file in my users' folder.03:02
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samthewildoneI don't know how it got there but, whats the deal with it ? Its a root folder03:03
samthewildone> http://pastebin.com/YXrK7mKg03:04
samthewildonenevermind I know what it was.03:05
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Guest78158Hey I need some help03:05
Guest78158Well I guess I cant change my nick for some reason03:06
Guest78158anyway here is my issue03:06
Guest78158I am running Ubuntu ultimate edition gamers 2.6 which is built on ubuntu 10.04 right? So I am trying to install skype 4.3, however for some reason apt-get only installs 4.0 & the software center only installs 4.203:08
triplcGuest78158: 10.04 is too old i think03:09
Guest78158now I have tried the other package installers, but they keep insisting that I have the wrong architecture i386, so I tried running sudo dpkg --add architecture i386 & got bubkis03:09
Bashing-omGuest78158: Release 10.04 is End-Of_Life for the destop in ubuntu, and had no support.03:10
Guest78158well for some reason the damn terminal doesn't even understand the command to add the freaking architecture03:10
Guest78158Ok, but I think if I could get the system to process i386 architecture, MAYBE i can get it to work, so any idea how to do that?03:11
Bashing-omGuest78158: Yep, the software repository no longer exists as you may have known it. Upgrade to a current release.03:11
OerHeksonly server 10.04 is supported, don't wast your time on that old gamers edition03:12
Guest78158Im reluctant to upgrade this one because in all honesty, it's been one of the very few distros that have NOT been problematic for me03:12
OerHeksit is problematic now03:13
Guest78158That sucks because standard ubuntu always seems to get problematic on me. Then again, I probably need a new desktop anyway03:15
Guest78158I guess it's back to mint 14 for me03:15
Guest78158ok thanks03:15
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i attempted using your grub command line with  sata0 dissabled and changed the number based on using ls, however i get  file not found03:17
VBguy_mobileBashing-om is the a space before and after both  ,03:18
samthewildonequick---, where is my icons directory ?03:18
samthewildoneerrr... I mean quick, in general terms03:18
owen1i have an app with this line in it's config file: connect = host=/var/run/postgresql. i assume it's the binary of postgresql. is this the path to the binary: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres ?03:19
dave__locate *.desktop03:21
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: The ',' is but a seperator jere between commands. So yes, there is no space at all . 3 seperate commands.03:21
VBguy_mobile Doh03:22
VBguy_mobileBashing-om so the command line fails on the first one then for myself.   File not found03:24
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: IF you take a look at your boot-repair report, you will see that the system wants to boot sdb1, another install of 14.04, but I see little to support booting sdb1. It appears that booting is from sdb3 and the boot code did not update to reflect sdb3. When you get bios to boot that 2nd hard drive we can invesigate further.03:25
Steve_Jobshow do i config eth0 to use dhcp03:25
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: OK, file not found. do command 'set' what returns in the line "root=" and "prefix=" ??03:26
VBguy_mobileI just set it to  hd0,msdos303:27
VBguy_mobileI set root that is03:27
VBguy_mobilePrefix is note  (hdo,msdos3)/grub03:28
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Good if you used the proper syntax to do so. relate to me the command you used to set root .03:28
cmannsare there any tools to get GCC prior then 4.4 on ubuntu with apt-get?03:29
VBguy_mobileBashing-om  i used  set root=(hdo,msdos3)03:29
OerHekshdo or hd0 ?03:30
VBguy_mobileSorry for confusion.03:30
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Good let's see if you can boot ! 3 commands -> linux (hd1,msdos3)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb3 ro , initrd (hd1,msdos3)/initrd.img , boot . Let's see what happens .03:32
banchakthank you03:34
ubottuPlease type /join  #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.03:34
VBguy_mobileI still get file not found  :(03:35
VBguy_mobileVmlinuz cannot be found for some reason03:37
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: well !, what returns in that grub prompt -> ls -al (hd0,msdos3)/boot/grub ?03:41
VBguy_mobileFile not found03:42
VBguy_mobileI go up one  directory  and get  two DIR ./ and. ./03:42
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i an going to go in the shower  be back around in 20 or so03:44
VBguy_mobileSorry the  DIR are  20140423224003 and  2014092102045303:46
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: I do not know that grub is that sophicticated. do in that grub prompt -> set ptrfix=(hd1,msdos3)/boot/grub , set root=(hd1,msdos3) , insmod normal , and the other three commands to boot from the 2nd haed drive, hd1. NOT the 1st hard drive ,hd0 . OK ?03:47
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i have one sata dissabled in the bios so i don't think the grub  sees it03:49
VBguy_mobileBut will do as you typed03:50
joey_conradI'm looking to do a minimal install on a machine with no CD drive (usb or sd card are options). I have a Lubuntu USB stick ready, and the mini ISO downloaded. Is there a way to easily do a minimal install with that, if not do the mini.iso on USB instructions for 13.03 given work with e.g. 14.04?03:51
joey_conradI tried dding it to the USB stick before, but the results seem unbootable03:52
VBguy_mobileBashing-om at the  linux (hd1 command line i get  hd1 cannot get  C/h/s values03:52
Bashing-omVBguy_mobile: Sheeeshhh,, ok, boot the liveDVD and ->sudo fdisk-lu | pastebinit <- let's see ehat we are working with. I am to the point that I am tired and not thinking to clearly, we may have to continue this at a later time.03:52
xar-any vim ninjas in here, trying to add a color scheme, doesn't work03:54
xar-i've loaded the colorscheme into .vimrc; also created a corresponding entry in /home/user/.vim/colors/ ; doesn't seem to work.03:54
rurkowcexar-: what did you put in vimrc?03:56
rurkowcewhat!=where :v03:56
xar-ah, sorry, I put a single line: colorscheme theme03:57
rurkowceeither that setting is wrong, or your vim thinks it doesn't support 256 colors, it's one of those themes03:57
rurkowcexar-: set colorscheme theme03:57
rurkowceno, i'm wrong ,_,03:58
xar-yea I have no idea, back to almighty google03:59
ogloghello everyone03:59
ogloganyone used remastersys before?03:59
cfhowlettoglog, remastersys has been abandon ware for almost a year now04:00
oglogis there any alternative?04:00
cfhowlett!info remastersys04:00
ubottuPackage remastersys does not exist in trusty04:00
ogloganyone knows any alternatives to that, or something like suse studio04:02
cfhowlettoglog, wikipedia suggests "reconstructor"04:03
Dan_in_SDhello all04:03
Dan_in_SDanyone use amarok here04:04
OerHeks!info live-magic04:04
ubottuPackage live-magic does not exist in trusty04:04
BTJusticeI have a friend who is trying to install Ubuntu 14.10 on a laptop which has Windows 8.  It uses UEFI.  The Ubuntu Install goes fine until it hits installing grub2 which it fails at and the installer crashes.  Is there a way around this?04:05
grobe0baBTJustice: need more specifics04:05
grobe0baerror messages04:05
BTJusticeHold on.04:05
BTJusticeInstaller crashed is the title of the window04:06
BTJusticeIt wants to do a bug report.04:06
cfhowlettBTJustice, you're helping your friend install a BETA ubuntu on his windows 8?  ... think on that ...04:06
BTJusticeNo specifics.04:06
joey_conradso, no dice wrt my questions?04:07
grobe0baBTJustice: the bug report should give you an option to see specifics04:07
BTJusticeUEFI support should be the same if not better in 14.10.  It's actually Ubuntu MATE.04:07
cfhowlett!mini | joey_conrad04:07
ubottujoey_conrad: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:07
Dan_in_SDi have a problem where if you adjust EQ settings it makes amarok crash.  it posted the --debug here   http://pastebin.com/JEkSji3w04:08
Snake2kHey guys, I have a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro with Windows 8. I booted up my Ubuntu 14.04LTS USB Stick, but it does not connect to any WiFi... How do I fix that?04:08
cfhowlettSnake2k, you haven't installed it, right?04:09
joey_conradcfhowlett: sure, w/e04:10
BTJusticeAfter bug report, he says it didn;t show any specific messages as to why grub2 failed.04:11
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grobe0bayou should be able to tell it to send the bug report04:13
grobe0bathen view the bug report before sending04:13
Snake2kcfhowlett: Nope I haven't yet04:13
grobe0bawhich will show you the specifics04:13
cfhowlettSnake2k, if wifi is not supported while on usb, it MIGHT be possible to enable it with command line.  if not, do a post-installation configuration04:14
sasaemBTJustice, have you considered recommending to your friend that he use a VM solution such as VirtualBox?04:21
sasaemIt is at least as easy to install VirtualBox and then install Ubuntu on a virtual machine managed via VirtualBox, than it is to figure out how to get Ubuntu and Windows 8 to play nice together on the same physical machine.04:21
sasaemI am running Ubuntu on a virtual machine right now.  I use VirtualBox on Windows 8, and it's never given me any trouble with Ubuntu.04:22
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horriblecodersVMs are great unless you need access to a real GPU.04:24
oglogI am the one who asked 5 min ago about alternative for remastersys, who suggested me something to check on wiki?04:28
VBguy_mobileBashing-om pastebin.com/jUAEbFV504:31
cfhowlettoglog, wikipedia suggested the program "reconstructor"04:32
oglogthank you a lot04:32
VBguy_mobileBashing-om i am all for trying tomorrow.  It is after midnight here.04:32
cfhowlettoglog, happy2help04:32
VBguy_mobileBashing-om and i do sincerely appreciate the help04:35
BTJustice'grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no NIOS Boot Partition: embedding won't be possible.'04:41
BTJusticeThis is hte only error specific I can get from him easily.04:41
BTJustice*BIOS not NIOS04:41
apokhi people i downloaded one program, i want to isntall it, it was in a Zip, when i unpacked it it have usr,etc folder and a file called INSTALL but i dont know how to install this software can anyone help?04:48
loadedanvilshow to set boot settings?04:49
loadedanvilsI just installed another ssd in my laptop04:50
loadedanvilswhen ubuntu boots, how do I choose which drive to boot from?04:50
chaos_magic█░░░█ █░░█ █░░█   █▀▀█ █▀▄▀█   ░▀░   █▀▀ █▀▀█   █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀█ █░░04:50
chaos_magic█▄█▄█ █▀▀█ █▄▄█   █▄▄█ █░▀░█   ▀█▀   ▀▀█ █░░█   █░░ █░░█ █░░█ █░░04:50
chaos_magic░▀░▀░ ▀░░▀ ▄▄▄█   ▀░░▀ ▀░░░▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀   ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀04:50
loadedanvilsquestion about grub04:52
loadedanvilswill it alter only ssd running ubuntu04:52
tortibDoes anyone know of a good site builder that's written in PHP?04:54
asakapab0iWordpress nb4 offtopic.04:54
loadedanvilshey everybody, I have a question about dual booting from separate ssds04:56
loadedanvilshow do I boot from another ssd while ubuntu is booting04:57
rurkowceloadedanvils: what.04:57
loadedanvilsmy other ssd doesn't seem to be accessible04:57
loadedanvilsrurkowce: I have 2 ssd's in my laptop, but it's only booting one with ubuntu04:57
loadedanvilshow do I choose which one boots when ubuntu is loading04:57
loadedanvilsI think it involves installing grub but I'm nervous about overwriting file system04:58
rurkowceloadedanvils: does that other ssd already have a bootloader? :v04:58
loadedanvilsit's windows, so no04:58
rurkowceloadedanvils: bootloader is a generic term for anything that resides in your master boot record, so yes, it does04:59
loadedanvilsrurkowce: my mistake04:59
loadedanvilsit is late and my nerves are frayed04:59
loadedanvils(reason is, I almost fucked up my laptop installing the ubuntu ssd)05:00
loadedanvilsbefore, I booted from usb05:00
rurkowcei'd just hit f12 during laptop startup, or however your bios let's you choose which disk to boot from05:00
loadedanvilsI think it's overwriting it05:00
loadedanvilsbut ok05:00
loadedanvilsI'll give it another shot05:00
rurkowcewhat do you mean by overwriting? :v05:00
loadedanvilsI tell it not to boot to ubuntu but it does anyway05:01
loadedanvilsI want ubuntu to be default boot05:01
loadedanvilsbut windows also available if I select it05:01
loadedanvilswill grub overwrite?05:02
loadedanvilswindows boot partition?05:02
rurkowceyou most likely have grub already, since you have ubuntu :v05:03
loadedanvils14.04 grub not installed05:04
rurkowcebut it shouldn't overwrite anything unless you tell it to, since windows is on a separate drive05:04
rurkowceloadedanvils: then maybe grub2 is? :305:04
loadedanvilsrurkowce: grub2 command isn't recognized05:05
sasaemloadedanvils, you might check whether there is a "grub" directory in /boot05:05
loadedanvilssasaem: well, I installed it05:05
loadedanvilsso now there is05:06
rurkowceloadedanvils: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 this might make it a bit more clear05:06
sasaemloadedanvils, what is your goal again?05:06
loadedanvilsubuntu boots by default, but I want to choose which ssd to boot from05:06
rurkowceand what are you trying to achieve is called chainloading05:06
loadedanvilsif I press some button05:06
rurkowcebut it'd be easier to just set it in bios, and then select the non default one with that fastboot selection thingie most bioses have05:07
rurkowceloadedanvils: what laptop is it? :v05:07
loadedanvilsrurkowce: it's a samsung05:07
loadedanvilsand the bios only allows me to set boot order05:08
sasaemrurkowce, isn't "chain loading" the process of booting up from some partition on the same drive, not a different drive?05:08
loadedanvilsSamsung NP700Z5B-S01UB05:08
loadedanvilsto be specific05:08
rurkowcesasaem: as far as i know it just means passing to another bootloader05:09
rurkowcewhether it's another partition, disk or iso file :v05:09
oswaldohello spanis05:09
sasaemloadedanvils, do you have windows installed a separate hard drive?05:09
sasaemif so, perhaps this will help you: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html#DOS_002fWindows05:09
rurkowceloadedanvils: isn't boot order enough? :v05:09
loadedanvilssasaem: yes05:10
sasaemyou could also try simply altering the boot order, like rurkowce suggests05:10
loadedanvilsrurkowce: it looks like it's ignoring the windows ssd05:10
rurkowceloadedanvils: it makes me wonder if it's actually bootable then :v05:10
loadedanvilsplus, it would be easier to chainboot05:10
sasaemyou would need to enter the BIOS configuration menu, the exact process for which depends on your hardware.  Usually you hold down some f-key during initial boot - the BIOS often tells you which one when you're booting up.05:11
loadedanvilssasaem: I have05:11
sasaemAre you able to specify an alternate boot order?05:11
loadedanvilssasaem: yes, but it overwrites05:11
loadedanvilsI can't really choose which one to boot05:11
sasaemCan you elaborate on what you mean by that?05:11
sasaem"it overwrites"05:12
loadedanvilsIf I choose a boot order it will save05:12
loadedanvilsand boot05:12
loadedanvilsbut then it will always boot that way05:12
loadedanvilsit's a bit of a hassle05:12
sasaemYes, that sounds about right.05:12
loadedanvilsI'm going to boot ubuntu almost always05:12
sasaemBut it works, yes?05:12
sasaemYou can booth both OSes without problem?05:12
loadedanvilsI think so, let me check05:12
loadedanvilsyes I can05:15
loadedanvilsI can boot into both, the only problem is that it's a hassle to go in to the bios and unselect one boot05:15
lubuntu-Hi do i need gvfs?05:15
loadedanvilsthen go back and reselct it05:16
Dr_Dananyone use amarok player.  i can consistently get it to crash when adjusting the EQ controls05:17
Dr_Dani posted the --debug on pastebin05:17
sasaemloadedanvils, OK, that's good.  It means you have one way of switching OSes.05:17
loadedanvilsI'd rather just choose whenever I need to05:18
sasaemloadedanvils, it seems to me that you might benefit from reading the following:05:18
loadedanvilscan grub help with that?05:18
sasaemand also: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html#DOS_002fWindows05:18
sasaemTry modifying your grub configuration (make a backup of course) to do that.05:18
rurkowcesasaem: i'm not sure if it isn't for grub, not grub205:18
fedora_newbBeen awhile since I have hopped on my ubuntu partition but seems to have the resolution/video resolution jacked up. How can I reset the video ?05:19
rurkowceif so, then he would hardly benefit from it :v05:19
sasaemthat is version 205:19
sasaemso it should be ok05:19
fedora_newbUsing irssi through command line right now05:19
sasaemfull manual is here: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/index.html05:20
loadedanvilssasaem: I'm nervous about this, I don't have a spare disk to back up to05:20
rurkowceloadedanvils: it's just a text file, so in the worst case you could boot from an usb to fix it05:20
sasaemloadedanvils, the only alternative I can think of is: perhaps your BIOS has an option which you can select which only temporarily changes your BIOS settings?05:20
loadedanvilssasaem: I think I'll try it with grub05:21
lubuntu-Hi do i need gvfs?05:21
loadedanvilsthe way to choose to boot other one works, it's just tedious05:21
sasaemand yes, if your system fails to boot, it is possible, if you know what you're doing, to boot up a live OS from a USB stick or DVD or something, and then go in, mount the file system, and modify the grub configuration to restore its original state.05:21
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rurkowcelubuntu-: it depends? :v05:22
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lubuntu-rurkowce, what's the point of it?05:23
fedora_newbAnyone know of a command line web browser?05:23
sasaemfedora_newb, lynx for example.05:23
borisQuestion: does any one know how to make shortcuts on on ubuntu 14.0405:23
rurkowcelubuntu-: it's an abstraction layer for "network filesystems", such as smb, ftp, ssh05:23
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rurkowceand i think it also handles pluggable storage, but i might be wrong :v05:24
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fedora_newbAnyone know of a command to run to reset resolution05:25
cmannsAnybody know simple way to get older gcc's to build older software that doesnt like past 4.3 to build on newer ubuntu?05:26
borisI have used gedit to make the file.desktop  and i have a icon in the unity menu but will not execute05:26
rurkowcefedora_newb: xrandr -s 1024x768, or some other fancy resolution, if you're in graphical mode :v05:26
nusrhi i have unbuntu installed alongside xp (i needed it for some programs). i'm running out of space because of virtual machines on my linux partition. how can i reduce the size of the windows partition to make more room for ubuntu05:27
fedora_newbrurkowce, can I run that from the command line though05:27
borisCan anyone make shortcuts on ubuntu desktop that will work05:27
cmannsisnt that a topic for #windows nusr05:27
cmannsThere is a utility in administrative tools that will let you shrink your windows partition imho05:27
cmannsin windows05:27
nusrcmanns: gparted? or the ubuntu05:28
cmannsid shrink via windows pretty sure xp has that capability built in05:28
borisi am not using windows05:28
rurkowcefedora_newb: if you mean tty, not really :v05:28
nusrit's not a windows operation. what i read was gparted in livecd to change the partition05:28
nusri want to extend the ubuntu size05:28
cmannsyou have more space to do so?05:28
Dr_Danboris, do you mean a launcher icon for something ie a program05:28
borisyes dr_dan05:29
rurkowcefedora_newb: but most of the desktop environments provide something to input commands under alt+f2 ;305:29
Dr_Dantry, internet search for..  exo-desktop-icon-edit05:29
borisi  have the icon or shortcut in the unity menu  but will not execute05:29
fedora_newbrurkowce alt+f2 didnt do nothing for me05:30
nusri'm going to move the files from the windows partition to external hdd so that should free up the whole thing, but i'd like to keep that part so i can install windows 7 on it later. right now, does the ubuntu installation disk preserve my data on the existing linux partition when i install? each time i have reinstalled ubuntu it has deleted the existing data, but i have not tried manually partitioning05:30
Dr_Dancorrection...  exo-desktop-item-edit05:30
fedora_newbrurkowce actually looks like resolution might be fine but the login dialog isn't showing05:31
fedora_newbthink this partition has crapped out on me, ubuntu that is05:31
rurkowcefedora_newb: does anything show? :v05:31
fedora_newbrurkowce like the background does for the login screen but not the dialog05:31
fedora_newbrurkowce would be nice to get this running again though...really not digging windows 805:32
fedora_newbNot really sure how to get to google on the lynx so I am kinda out of luck here05:33
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rurkowcefedora_newb: g and it will ask you for an url :v05:34
rurkowcefedora_newb: try running startx in a terminal05:34
fedora_newbrurkowce black screen05:35
fedora_newbrurkowce modprobe error could not insert nvidia 34005:36
rurkowcethat's a progress :v05:36
fedora_newbrurkowce now what? :)05:37
rurkowcefedora_newb: dmesg might have more information05:37
rurkowcefedora_newb: i'd suspect that you have installed nvidia drivers in some unofficial way, and now it doesn't really work with your kernel :v05:38
fedora_newbanyway to install the right driver from the command line?05:38
fedora_newbrurkowce ^05:38
rurkowcefedora_newb: do you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? :v05:38
rurkowceprobably yes, but i don't use ubuntu :V05:38
fedora_newbrurkowce I see xorg.cong.failsafe05:40
fedora_newbNot xorg.conf05:40
no1_how to uninstall utorrent server?05:40
rurkowcefedora_newb: you could rename/copy it to xorg.conf05:42
fedora_newbrurkowce how do I rename?05:42
fedora_newbor copy too even05:42
rurkowcefedora_newb: cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf05:42
rurkowceand try startx05:44
fedora_newbrurkowce ok, what do I need to do now05:44
fedora_newbah kk05:44
fedora_newbstaying on loading extension glx for a bit here05:46
fedora_newbmaybe I should try to restart?05:46
rurkowcefedora_newb: the only valid reason to restart is kernel update :v05:48
fedora_newbI can see the login dialog for ubuntu. However, once I click on the login, the login dialog disappears?05:52
fedora_newbThe password field that is05:52
fedora_newbrurkowce, resolution looks fine, however, once I click on the password field of the login dialog, the login dialog appears to just disappear05:53
rurkowcei understood that, but it's strange05:55
fedora_newbrurkowce makes me sad :/05:55
rurkowcemaybe that failsafe isn't that failsafe05:56
fedora_newbmaybe not05:56
Seramonhi all05:57
Seramoni'm getting invalid command when i tried to run a program in my terminal. what does it mean?05:57
Seramonsorry invalid operation05:58
rurkowceSeramon: maybe it's for a different architecture? :V05:58
Seramoni've installed the debian based05:58
OerHeksSeramon, answer: invalid operation, why don't you give us the exact comand and error?05:59
Seramonsudo apt-get maltego_tungsten_ce05:59
OerHeks!spam | ziptte05:59
ubottuziptte: Please don't spam05:59
rurkowcethen it's just an invalid operation :v05:59
rurkowceas in you probably meant apt-get install06:00
Seramonoh? what should i input to run?06:00
OerHeksSeramon, drop 'apt-get'06:00
Seramoni can't find the app to run so i have to run it from terminal06:01
OerHekswhy do you want that to run as root?06:01
loadedanvilswello, it seems that grub is not booting06:01
loadedanvilson ubuntu 14.04 which didn't have grub installed06:01
loadedanvilshow do I repair grub06:01
loadedanvils(current grub install is bad)06:01
Seramoni thought i have to run it on root06:02
jon__Seramon, sudo apt-get install maltego_tungsten_ce06:03
Seramonmmm i tried running it after dropping apt-get06:04
Seramoni'm getting the following message06:04
SeramonJava HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: ignoring optiong MaxPermSize=128mb; support was removed in 8.006:05
fedora_newbcan't seem to get ubuntu to start up at all. Is there an error log or something I can check out to try to find the root cause?06:05
fedora_newbGet to the login prompt but never logs in06:06
rurkowcefedora_newb: dmesg06:06
rurkowceand stuff in /var/log06:06
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OerHeksSeramon,  maltego is part of backtrack/kali linux as an hacking application, not supported here in #ubuntu06:07
vArgashey thereim noob to ubuntu so heres a aquestion can i get malware or viruses like windows?06:07
rurkowcevArgas: theoretically06:07
vArgasdamn :S06:08
fedora_newbdmesg isn't showing anything that I can use...what specifically in the logs should I look at?06:08
OerHeksvArgas no06:08
Seramonso i can't use it in ubuntu?06:08
rurkowcefedora_newb: i have no idea where disappearing login box fits in06:08
rurkowcedmesg is kernel stuff06:09
rurkowcefedora_newb: /var/log/syslog maybe06:09
rurkowcesince it's stuff from the daemons06:09
rurkowcefedora_newb: what version is this btw? :v06:09
fedora_newbblah linux06:12
fedora_newbrurkowce is there a way to copy dmesg to like a pastebin or something so you can see?06:13
rurkowcethere's probably a simple explanation for all this :V06:13
rurkowcefedora_newb: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:14
cmannsIs there a lubuntu hardy06:15
fedora_newbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8393375 rurkowce06:15
OerHekscmanns, i thought lubuntu started with Karmic 9.0406:16
cmannsno idea06:17
cmannsGoing to see what hardy forks there is now06:17
cmannsthat works for me06:17
OerHekshave fun06:18
kuda`does ubuntu use bash scripts as part of the boot process?06:18
sasaemkuda, i believe ubuntu recently switched to using dash06:18
cmannsor should I use LXDE early version?06:18
fedora_newbrurkowce notice anything?06:18
kuda`ziptte is a spam bot06:19
cmannsomg I got spammed by ziptte06:19
cmannsdidnt check what room, how do I report?06:19
rurkowcefedora_newb: i don't like that vesafb line since it implies that the module isn't signed, and all that stuff lightdm tried, that apparmor denied06:20
rurkowcebut i don't know, maybe it's how ubuntu rolls06:20
kuda`sasaem: does ubuntu use dash during the boot process?06:20
rurkowcethis would be the moment when i'd try to fix it by updating :v06:21
fedora_newbsudo apt-get update?06:22
rurkowceand apt-get upgrade06:22
OerHeks!ops | ziptte spam06:22
ubottuziptte spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:22
rurkowcefedora_newb: you could pastebin that xorg.conf thing if you haven't deleted it yet06:22
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fedora_newbrurkowce not there anymore06:24
lotuspsychjeDJones: hello mate06:24
fedora_newbrurkowce how do I get to like an address bar on lynx?06:25
rurkowcefedora_newb: g06:26
rurkowcefedora_newb: links is a bit better though :V06:26
lotuspsychje!info links2 | fedora_newb06:26
ubottufedora_newb: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1989 kB, installed size 3007 kB06:26
fedora_newbblah, about to say screw this and stick with windows06:27
rurkowceunderstandable :v06:28
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: plz mind your language06:28
fedora_newblotus, sorry, I am just not able to figure this out at all...06:28
fedora_newbHad issues with the partition before, actually about 3 months ago? And its been sitting since.06:29
lotuspsychjedoes someone know if its legal to sell computers and install ubuntu on it, how the copyrights work?06:29
tapesh(tapesh) (tapesh) hi i am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS while i am building gedit  source i get gcc cannot create executables..i don't know how  to fix this06:29
rurkowcetapesh: why are you doing that?06:30
tapeshbecause i want to implement a feature request for gedit06:31
rurkowceok, makes sense06:31
fedora_newbis there any way to like install the nvidia driver to get the latest update or the right one?06:34
fedora_newblike something like 'sudo apt-get install nvidia*'06:34
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-current | fedora_newb06:34
ubottufedora_newb: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.117-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 35 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)06:34
tapeshi filed a bug asking the same but they say its a distro issue06:35
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: or check your additional drivers section06:35
fedora_newblotuspsycheje, I am stuck on command line :/06:36
fedora_newbMy gui isn't wanting to login and work correctly06:36
fedora_newbNot sure whats up06:36
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: then load ubuntu in recoverymode, hold shift during boot06:36
* Snake2k hugs ubottu 06:36
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: and start failsafeX or fix broken packages06:37
fedora_newbI did load in recovery mode early, was one of the options on grub. Then went to the gui failsafe or whatever and it just kept allowing me to choose default something06:37
fedora_newbAnyways, didn't get me no where06:37
fedora_newbI saw the broken packages option but didn't choose that one06:37
fedora_newbMaybe I will try that next06:38
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: yes try fix broken apckages06:38
fedora_newbkk, thanks guys, much appreciated with the help06:38
lotuspsychjefedora_newb: did you install ubuntu with internet connection on?06:38
fedora_newbYep, I actually have used this for awhile but stopped about 2 months ago or so06:38
fedora_newbSeems that long anyways06:38
fedora_newbgoing to restart :)06:39
lotuspsychjegood luck06:39
fedora_newbWell, none of that worked :/06:48
IITcan anyone give some recommendation on what topic i can do thesis in linux ? ( something which also relates to mathematics )06:49
fedora_newbOk, so my issue is, I boot up Ubuntu 14.04 which is dual booted beside windows 8.1. The login shows, when I go to click the login, it just randomly disappears and left with the ubuntu background and no login dialog.06:49
fedora_newbAny help would be appreciated.06:50
OerHeksfedora_newb, disable fastboot in windows806:50
OerHekselse check the uefi manual or search for your hardware specific06:50
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:51
fedora_newbOerKeks, this used to work06:51
fedora_newbI did an update and messed with this awhile back and jacked it up06:51
fedora_newbDon't think it is a Windows 8.1 issue06:51
fedora_newbPlus, I have another machine with the same setup, and it works fine with windows 8.106:52
fedora_newbOk, so my issue is, I boot up Ubuntu 14.04 which is dual booted beside windows 8.1. The login shows, when I go to click the login, it just randomly disappears and left with the ubuntu background and no login dialog.06:53
OerHeksfedora_newb, laptop?06:53
fedora_newbYep, Asus G75 ROG06:53
OerHeksfedora_newb, maybe you pressed the FN internal/external screen button06:54
fedora_newbOerHeks, I do have an internal and external06:54
fedora_newbIts weird, cause once I click like the login, it just straigt disappears and I am not sure wht log I should check for any hints06:55
fedora_newbBut the resolution remains the same, so its not like it jumped down or anything06:55
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OerHeksDoes this happen with the external screen disconnected?06:56
fedora_newbYep OerHeks06:57
OERIASAnyway to make the icons on the System Setting a bit smaller?07:04
venohello, how to make shortcut to opened terminal? Instead of ALT+TAB I would like to have F1 for switching07:06
utfans05_workveno install guake.07:06
utfans05_workIt gives you a drop down terminal on F1207:06
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venoutfans05_work hmm normally I use Tilda for that07:11
venobut in Freya transparency doesnt work07:11
venook gonna check this guake07:12
utfans05_workveno: you can change the button for it in guake.07:12
venoguake totally doesnt' work in freya ;d07:13
utfans05_work:-/ Well I know it works in ubuntu which is the channel you are in :P07:13
x_roothello, i have a problem with unity07:21
x_rooti tried to login with it (from a lightdm session, lol)07:21
x_rootand it bugged.. didn't showed any window decoration, ctrl+alt+t not worked for call the terminal07:22
x_rootwhat should i do? (i'm at gnome-shell now)07:22
x_roothuigegood, "what" what? o.O07:26
x_roothuigegood_, my problem is.. windows decoration is not showing, shortcuts is not working07:30
x_rootbut just on unity07:30
x_rootstart happened after i tried to set a hot spots for "expose"07:30
litropyPerhaps this isn't the best chan for this, and if so, please redirect me. But how would I ssh into my server, which supplies my router with Internet, from a device connected to the router? Essentially, device has; server is SSH from device to server.07:34
CarlFKlitropy: ssh
CarlFKthis assumes a bit, like same user name, the router isn't filtering, etc.  but if you can, that's how.07:38
litropyCarlFK, hm ... last time i tried that, it didn't work. Perhaps I need to  port forward.07:38
huigegood_:),i'm a bird egg07:38
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litropyI'm an egged bird.07:38
CarlFKlitropy: "didn't work" is vague.    supply error messages07:39
litropyCarlFK, nevermind - I got it. Just had to allow it in the router.07:40
litropyCarlFK, thanks for your input.07:40
th3_mol3I downloaded some pr0n and now it's showing up in the search button thing07:42
th3_mol3any idea how to remove it?07:42
litropyth3_mol3, system settings > Privacy ... something. Hang on.07:42
th3_mol3clear usage data?07:43
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litropyth3_mol3, you can actually block certain things instead07:43
litropyth3_mol3, like anything that has vlc associated with it07:44
th3_mol3ah right that's pretty neat07:44
nydelrecently i've messed with my libc6/glibc libraries, a mess i effectively got out of by extracting 2.19 from the .deb i got off the ubuntu package site. but if i try something like an apt-get update && apt-get install, something goes wrong & everything i call gives me "segmentation fault" ... if i reboot into a fresh ubuntu & extract libc6/glibc again then chroot to my mounted filesystem all is well again. but07:44
litropyth3_mol3, system settings > privacy > applications tab07:44
nydeli'm not able to do daily upgrades! any advice?07:44
th3_mol3ty litropy07:44
litropyth3_mol3, np07:44
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geirhanydel: sounds like libc wasn't the only thing you messed up, then07:57
geirhanydel: apt-get relies on many libs:   ldd "$(type -P apt-get)"07:58
nydelgeirha: let me see what that gets me, thanks for your consideration here bud08:07
nydel( geirha this is one of those where nobody wants to touch it & you feel completely alone heh )08:07
nydelgeirha: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8394011/08:09
geirhanydel: right, so have you messed with any of those? :)08:11
nydelwell libc.so.6 is in the list ... i tried to upgrade libc6/glibc from 17 and then ended up somehow running 15 and 19 at the same time08:12
nydelthe others i haven't touched (to my knowledge)08:12
nydeland (listen up all) it was stupid of me to use debian tools on an ubuntu install. even if this was a small insignificant package, it's always stupid.08:13
geirhathe debian package depended on a newer libc version?08:14
OnkelTemHi all08:14
OnkelTemI'm on Ubuntu 12.04 still, and would like to upgrade apache from 2.2 to 2.4. Can you recommend good ppa for that?08:15
nydela game called "Rust" that doesn't quite have a perfect dedicated server for linux, geirha, that's what i was trying to get going. it wanted libc latest and i wasn't thinking08:15
nydelwhat i meant is that i used a .deb package and dpkg -i to install the newest libc6/glibc -- that was wrong to do on an ubuntu08:16
geirhanydel: It is fixable, but the hard part is figuring out where the problem is08:18
geirhaIt will likely be less work to do a reinstall08:18
geirhanydel: does ''apt-get update'' alone cause segfault?08:19
geirhaOnkelTem: Upgrade to 14.04. It has apache 2.408:20
geirha!info apache208:20
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 462 kB08:20
OnkelTemgeirha: not an option, as Ubuntu 14.04 has broken locale switching08:21
geirhaOnkelTem: broken locale switching?08:21
OnkelTemgeirha: yes. Gnome issues. They had broken some locales stuff and don't seem to fix this eagerly enough.08:23
OnkelTemgeirha: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=678001 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73581308:25
ubottuGnome bug 678001 in general "Keybindings are keyboard-layout-dependent" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:25
ubottuGnome bug 735813 in general "Can't configure layout switch to Caps / Shift+Caps" [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:25
OnkelTemThe former is like a disaster, don't know if this affects Unity or not, but I don't use Unity08:25
OnkelTemNow they fixed it, but in 3.1208:26
OnkelTemit took more then year (!) for they to fix it. I call this "gnome is dying". But this is just my opinion08:26
geirhaOuch, yes, sounds like something that should have a higher priority08:28
OnkelTemgeirha: true :( Well, I wait unti 3.12 be in 14.04. How do you think, is it possible?08:29
OnkelTemor... switch finally to KDE. But I love Gnome/Unity UI much more..08:30
geirhaI can pretty much guarantee that you will not see 3.12 in 14.04, but it is likely that ubuntu backports the fix08:30
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OnkelTemit would be cool08:32
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chaotix1hello is there any dell canonical official ppa for ubuntu 14.04 for the dell laptops?08:35
Avnishhi, i m just testing08:40
Avnishirc packets08:40
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wiehanI have such a strange networking problem which I can't explain/solve. When I boot my ubuntu up. Wired network shows connected, but network.internet doesn't work. Also Orange light on network card lights up (solid, not flashing). I take out the cable and test it with a cable tester (all 8 wires light up green = meaning all is good with the cable at least, and that it makes contact with the switch), then I have to do this about twice08:41
wiehan, plug it back in and Internet and everything works like a charm. I have a Linksys ADSL router which serves as a DHCP server and that in turn is connected to a 16 port gigabit switch, everything connects off here. I have never had this issue before. Everything else on the network works very well. Any ideas?08:41
BlackDalekhow do I force a gimp filter to quit without quitting gimp and losing my work?08:42
Avnishhow to read dump file in wireshark??08:42
Avnishany ideas08:42
usr13wiehan: What nameserver are you using?08:43
usr13wiehan: You say that "network.internet doesn't work". What exactly doesn't work?08:44
cfhowlettBlackDalek, undo08:44
usr13wiehan: route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; ifconfig08:44
wiehanusr13, well nothing on the network works...08:44
usr13wiehan: host av.com08:44
wiehanusr13, How do I check which name server I use08:44
hui I got a problem writing a program to delete a non-empty directory using C in linux,who can help me08:45
geirhaBlackDalek: That question sounds highly specific to gimp. I recommend you try asking in #gimp instead08:45
usr13wiehan: cat /etc/resolv.conf08:45
wiehanusr13, do you wan't a pastebin of that?08:45
usr13wiehan: grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf08:45
cfhowletthui, #c channel08:45
BlackDalekcfhowlett, it is sharpen by synthesis filter... there is no undo. cancel is greyed out. the filter is still running. it has been running for 15 minutes. looks like it has another hour to go before it finishes.08:45
wiehanusr13 nameserver
cfhowlettBlackDalek, ask #gimp08:46
usr13wiehan: route -n  #Do you see your router's IP?08:46
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wiehanusr13, that's what is shows, the output of route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; ifconfig is obviously more verbose, do you need a pastebin of that?08:46
wiehanusr13 with route -n I see my routers IP08:47
wiehanusr13, it's listed under gateway08:47
usr13wiehan: host av.com  or ping av.com  *(Can you resolve a domain name or ping it?08:48
wiehanusr13, yes Now host av.com resolves immediately, the problem is now "fixed" but this happens at every single boot up cycle - and I need to take out the cable in and out a few times08:49
usr13wiehan: ping
JohnTalenthey guys. I'm getting two dialog error messages starting at desktop. I didn't notice any /var/log/messages. is that normal?08:49
wiehanusr13, ping seems successful08:50
JohnTalenti mean to say the file 'messages' isn't even there!08:50
wiehanusr13, 30 packets transmitted, 30 received, 0% packet loss, time 29038ms08:50
geirhaJohnTalent: the default rsyslog configuration does not write to a /var/log/messages file08:51
usr13wiehan: We can not fix something that is not broke, but I've just showed you how to troubleshoot, (accept for the nameserver, I use /etc/resolve.conf on 12.04  you will have to do a little something different to find your nameserver)08:51
geirhaSo yes, it is normal for that file to not exist08:51
usr13Someone tell me how to find the nameserver IP on a modern Ubuntu system.08:52
JohnTalentgeirha: great! thanks.08:52
wiehanusr13, but any idea why this happens on every boot up cycle? I've checked that the cable works, and other hardware works on network. Is it more a software > hardware issue? Is it an issue with this machine trying to connect to the switch? I appreciate the tips, thanks08:52
JohnTalentgeirha: now how do I check for these dialog error boxes at startup of desktop?08:52
usr13wiehan:  cat /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf08:52
usr13wiehan: Is it a switch or a router?08:53
JohnTalentgeirha: is that new? i had always thought i could see a /var/log/messages.08:53
usr13wiehan: (Does it have a separate WAN port, or not?)08:53
geirhaJohnTalent: Depends what they are and why they appear. Your xsession logs all stdout and stderr to a file named ~/.xsession-errors  you might find some cluse there.08:53
usr13wiehan:  grep nameserver /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf08:53
usr13wiehan: Is it a switch or a router: (Does it have a separate WAN port, or not?)08:54
wiehanusr13, I have a linksys ADSL router that connects to the Switch (16 port gigabit), everything else connects from the switch and works fine08:54
eeeeJohnTalent: do you mean the apport errors? The little dialog box that says Cancel or Report?08:54
JohnTalenteeee: it keeps asking me for a password to report it to ubuntu.08:54
geirhaJohnTalent: /var/log/messages has been a convention of sorts, but not in any way a standard. You'll find most log messages in /var/log/syslog though08:55
JohnTalenteeee: yes i i think thats it! apport.08:55
JohnTalentgeirha: thanks!08:55
wiehanusr13, I I'm not sure about a WAN port, but here in South Africa we use plane RJ11? Telephone cables for our measly broadband.08:55
usr13wiehan: If it is truly a switch, then the difference is that it does not have a DHCP server, (in which case, your PC will not "try to connect to it".)08:55
wiehanusr13, but all other devices connects fine in this fashion, it's just my machine that takes effort to connect08:56
JohnTalentgeirha: ok08:56
eeeeJohnTalent: Those are for testing, you can disable them with no ill effects.08:57
usr13wiehan: Let's go back to the nameserver issue:  grep nameserver /run/resolv.conf/resolv.conf08:57
usr13wiehan: Let's go back to the nameserver issue:  grep nameserver /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf08:57
chaotix1hello is there any dell canonical official ppa for ubuntu 14.04 for the dell laptops?08:58
JohnTalenteeee: ah ok.08:58
cfhowlettchaotix1, only from dell.   not from canonical08:58
eeeeJohnTalent: To disable them you'd have to edit /etc/default/apport , and set enabled=008:58
usr13wiehan: try /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base08:59
chaotix1cfhowlett, thank you. i m upgrading my laptop from the factory iso (12.04) and I want to replace it to the 14.04 where I can find it?08:59
JohnTalenteeee: ok, how about debugging their logs?08:59
cfhowlettchaotix1, ah, different question.  upgrade the ubuntu image then add the dell ppas08:59
usr13wiehan: Here is the deal:  You need 3 things.  1) IP (one that is in the range of your router, the same subnet)  2) A nameserver (one that works, one that actually resolves domain names) (usually it will be your router, because most all modern router's have a caching nameserver) 3) Default route, (usually your router's IP again).09:01
chaotix1cfhowlett, thanks, yeap i asked because the update program disables the external ppas09:01
eeeeJohnTalent: If you click on details to the left, you can check the report. Also, you can find error messages about startup in /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:02
chaotix1cfhowlett, so I will find the ppas on the dell community right?09:02
cfhowlettchaotix1, indeed.  normal distro uprade process is kick up the distro first then add PPA's.   (I'm still awaiting a Dell's official adoption of 14.04.1)  So ... xpd 1309:02
cfhowlettxps 13?09:02
usr13wiehan: More-than-likely, you will get one of those three things wrong, when you find out which it is, you will know what is wrong.  Right now, we can't do anything, because we do not know what is wrong.09:02
chaotix1cfhowlett, no inspiron 554709:03
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chaotix1cfhowlett, i made a clean install of 14.04.1 and I got fan and high temperature issues as many other people :/ and I am now upgrading from the factory09:03
cfhowlettchaotix1, graphics/touchpad/wifi/ all supported?09:03
Avnishwhen will ubuntu support nvidia09:03
Avnishany work arounds??09:03
chaotix1cfhowlett, all great but I had high temperature on cpu and the laptop was very hot!!!09:04
chaotix1cfhowlett, i think that the issue was because I didnt installed any dell ppa09:04
cfhowlettchaotix1, common problem ... hope 14.04.1 works better!09:04
usr13Avnish: What kind of question is that?  (Did you state it wrong?)09:04
cfhowlett!nvidia | Avnish,09:05
ubottuAvnish,: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:05
chaotix1cfhowlett, thanks, one last thing I  still cant find the URL of the ppas do you know the page that dell puts them?09:05
wiehanusr13 ty09:05
cfhowlettAvnish, if you want native nvidia drivers, scream at nvidia.09:05
cfhowlettchaotix1, wait 109:05
chaotix1cfhowlett, sure! thanks09:05
Avnishyeah ... i heard torvalds saying "nvidia is a painin ***"09:06
JohnTalenteeee: thank you.09:06
cfhowlettchaotix1, see ISO and drivers on this page  http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/w/wiki/3687.sw-and-getting-sputnik-up-and-running09:06
usr13Avnish: Basically, (as cfhowlett points out), if you want Nvidia drivers, you have to get them from Nvidia.09:06
brontosaurusrexAvnish: nvidia is actually pretty cool for an end user09:06
chaotix1cfhowlett, thank you.09:06
cfhowlettchaotix1, happy2help09:07
Avnishoh sorry if i m nt up to date09:07
chaotix1cfhowlett, :) so i need to install this tool from github09:07
cfhowlettchaotix1, note:  XPS13 only but see the PPA  http://odm.ubuntu.com/uds-q/dellxps/09:07
Avnishhas nvidia released any graphics driver for linux?09:07
usr13Avnish: But, if  you install Nvidia driver's manually, you will loose them with subsequent Kernel upgrade(s).  You can, however, get Nvidia drivers from the package management system, (usually).09:08
usr13Avnish: Yes09:08
Avnishthanks @usr1309:08
usr13Avnish: look at nvidia.com and see09:08
chaotix1cfhowlett, nice i got it :)09:08
Avnishlet me check it out09:08
Avnishthanks all09:08
__marcoHello. Can I build a package for ubuntu from a debian machine?09:11
cfhowlett!hcl | __marco,09:11
ubottu__marco,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:11
usr13__marco: That is not exactly how it works.  But why would you?09:12
usr13__marco: Do you not have internet access for your Ubuntu machine?09:12
wiehanusr13 I've recreated the problem and have those terminal output for you09:12
__marcousr13: because qemu in 14.04 is compiled without vde support and I have only debian machines09:13
usr13wiehan Ok, let's see what is wrong09:13
__marcousr13: but I don't know if launchpad offers a build system09:14
__marcoit would be great09:14
bashebawhat is the gnome network monitor gui called please?09:22
geirha__marco: It does. Create a PPA at launchpad, upload your source deb package, then launchpad will build it for the supported archs09:22
__marcogeirha: super, thanks09:22
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
nispr0can I use both inetd and xinetd?09:24
nispr0or will they conflict09:24
Gnomethrowernispr0: AFAIK, yes.09:24
geirhacurious. Why would you want both?09:24
cappehow do I enable Swedish characters in console?`09:25
cappei'm running irssi in console and can't write swedish characters09:26
nispr0cappe: try screen with -U09:26
bashebalocals cappe09:26
cappewhat's the charset code for swedish characters in irssi settings /set charset ????09:27
nispr0geirha: installaing nrpe and the guide are using xinetd09:27
nispr0geirha: dont think I want both09:27
nispr0just wanted to know if it will work09:27
geirhanispr0: which inetd do you have installed currently then?09:32
MonkeyDust!se | cappe ask here09:32
ubottucappe ask here: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!09:33
geirhanispr0: apt-cache policy 'inetd$'   # or if you have aptitude installed:  aptitude search '~i inetd'09:33
nispr0geirha: inetd 4.4309:34
geirhanispr0: you mean update-inetd 4.43?  that's not an actual inetd daemon.09:35
geirhaThere is no inetd implementations installed by default in ubuntu09:37
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nispr0geirha: hmm, I see09:38
cappeI need Swedish characters in the console mode... I have tried numerous of "workarounds"... can you please help me?09:41
cappeI'm running Ubuntu trusty09:41
cappeI'm currently in irssi09:41
cappeI have configured term_charset to ISO-8859-1... still doesn't work09:42
geirhacappe: you get : ' and [ instead of the swedish characters?09:43
geirhacappe: ugh, do not use iso-8859-1. Use UTF-809:44
cappethis is my swedish characters åäö !!!!!!! :/09:44
geirhacappe: and what do you get instead?09:45
cappeåäö instead09:45
cappethose arn't swedish special chars09:45
quantum_bitcurrently trying to install ubuntu on a laptop, but after the install i can't select the drive i installed it on in the boot menu (uefi)09:45
nispr0cappe: screen -rU09:45
nispr0cappe: för fan09:45
cappeI'm not running screen...09:45
geirhacappe: they show up correctly for me. Are you using screen or tmux?09:46
nickbobeewhen using the search bar to start a sftp session with a machine on my LAN i forget the trick.. we open the search bar and type <sftp://???> what is the trick for accessing a mahcine on my LAN with openSSH installed using the search bar and sftp trick?09:46
cappeI'm running plain from CONSOLE irssi09:46
geirhacappe: what does  locale  output?09:46
cappeIt outputs only american chars09:46
cappeguess there's the problem09:47
cappehow do I reconfigure09:47
geirhacappe: what does it output for LC_CTYPE ?09:47
jberg_hey, i install the newest kubuntu and chose automated partition of the whole disk with LVM and encryption, but for some reason the swap partition thats in /etc/fstab doesn't exist, is there an easy fix?09:47
nispr0jberg_: do you have a swap partition?09:48
geirhacappe: Ok, the important part is UTF-8. That it is english doesn't matter for this particular problem.09:48
cappeok shouldn't I generate sv_SE charset??09:48
geirhacappe: next you'll want to make sure the console also uses utf8. To do that, run   sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup09:49
jberg_nispr0: nope, but in /etc/fstab (i think) it names one with uuid, so i don't know how it disappeared after the installation..09:49
pagiospre-up wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i INTERFACE -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf <-- will be called everytime the interface goes up? or only on boot?09:49
nickbobeewhen using the search bar to start a sftp session with a machine on my LAN i forget the trick.. we open the search bar and type <sftp://???> I remeber it being something like <sftp://> somthing like that? what was it again anyone know? what is the trick for accessing a mahcine on my LAN with openSSH installed using the search bar and sftp:// command?09:49
geirhacappe: Yes, you'll probably want to have swedish locale as well, to get the right sorting order and similar, but it will not affect the ability to type your swedish letters09:50
MonkeyDust_guys, if I run Stellarium on this 12.04 laptop with Intel graphic card, it says: "This system does not support openGL" and freezes completely ... I already install freeglut3 ... hints & tips?09:51
geirhacappe: locale -a   will tell you the ones that are currently installed09:51
jberg_is the swap partition thing a common bug in the newest kubuntu?09:51
jberg_can i fix it with a gui partition manager or do i have to read how LVM works?09:52
geirhacappe: If you already have sv_SE.UTF-8 in there, edit /etc/default/locale and change LANG to that. It takes effect when you log in09:52
quantum_bitalready tried boot-repair (didn't help)09:52
nickbobeedo i have to gksu nautilus first before i can use the search bar to access sftp on my openssh machines on my lan? i forgot damn.09:58
nickbobeewhen using the search bar to start a sftp session with a machine on my LAN i forget the trick.. we open the search bar and type <sftp://???> I remeber it being something like <sftp://> somthing like that? what was it again anyone know? what is the trick for accessing a mahcine on my LAN with openSSH installed using the search bar and sftp:// command? anyone?09:58
BluesKajHowdy folks09:59
ubottupie870: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:59
MagicSpudplease somebody help me upgrading ubuntu 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts09:59
geirhanickbobee: do not use gksu. It's ssh://
MonkeyDust_MagicSpud  start by telling us what goes wrong when you try10:00
=== MonkeyDust_ is now known as MonkeyDust
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  what's in that wall of text?10:01
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ same output that thread and when I try to upgrade without lightdm I get something more...it tells me to report the fatal error and to post my var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and apt.log10:02
nickbobeegeirha: no it starts with or has <sftp> in the command i just forgot it10:02
=== kevin is now known as UnixBird
geirhanickbobee: Open a nautilus window (not with gksu), hit Ctrl+L -> ssh://user@hostname/home/user10:03
nickbobeegeirha: no there is a way to connect to a iPhone with open ssh on it using the sftp:// ???????? from the search bar i just forgot it10:04
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ please check it out: http://www.pasteall.org/54106 main log here10:04
geirhanickbobee: ah ok, ssh:// and sftp:// are the same. Use whichever you prefer; but they both use sftp10:04
geirhanickbobee: Not from the searchbar, no. Location bar10:05
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  please, describe what goes wrong instead of posting walls of text10:05
geirhanickbobee: Or choose the  "Connect to server" instead10:05
nickbobeeits not working just the sftp:// geirha i thinks i had to type http or https i forget10:05
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ towards the end are the lines that appeared when running do-dist-release upgrade without lightdm10:05
geirhanickbobee: what's the error message?10:05
nickbobeeno error it just doesnt find the device ..ge10:06
geirhanickbobee: then make sure the ip and port is correct10:06
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ the problem is it says an unresolvable problem occurred10:06
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ and I had no more outputs so I ve been waiting to see whether that thread I first post would have solution but today I tried to run the do release upgrade without the desktop and something more appeared...more info10:07
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ I only wrote down the log files and now I am back in desktop10:08
MagicSpudMonkeyDust_ but it said some fatal error occured and that I need to report it10:08
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  describe what you did and tried, in one line, and address the channel please10:10
MagicSpudMonkeyDust thanks for the help I ll try to be more clear...how would I take a snapshot without the desktop?10:10
MagicSpudI would like to post the fatal error10:11
nickbobeegeirha: there is a trick and i forgot it damn... i used to be able to do it.. its like you go to the search bar and type sftp:// and then https:// and then the ip or something i forget but damn... i used to be able to do it.. now im getting nothing just using the sftp://
nickbobeegeirha: usually it will ask for login and password at that screen immediatley10:11
geirhanickbobee: so your problem is that it is unable to connect to port 22 ... make sure the device is using that ip and has an ssh daemon listening on port 2210:12
nickbobeegeirha: it does.10:13
geirhanickbobee: how do you know?10:13
BluesKajMagicSpud, make sure you update and upgrade before doing the do-release-upgrade, otherwise you could have problems10:13
nickbobeei know because my iPhone under steeing clearly displays its ip geirha10:13
geirhanickbobee: and you are sure it has an ssh daemon listening on port 22 ?10:14
nickbobeeeven if it didnt i should say .. this device has no open ssh ...10:15
nickbobeeif oyu have any iPhone on your LAN you can attempt to login to it10:15
nickbobeeif it has no openssh installed it will jsut say this device does not support sftp etc?10:15
nickbobeelook its simple nevemind the iPhone bit. when attempting to connect to a machine on your LAN using only its ip address you can do do by going to your search bar in nautilus and typing in a command ... i forgot it but i know its <sftp://???????????????10:18
nickbobeegeirha: ok so what do i type into as the server address using connect to server option ?10:20
joshoowahi all can you help me with unetbootin -- its installed on xubuntu -- but when I select create from my image10:20
minimecnickbobee: Can you connect via terminal to that computer, like 'ssh user@ip-of-the-machine'. The filemanager sometimes 'hangs' when it comes to sftp...10:21
nickbobeegeirha: if i have a device on my LAN with ip address and i want to connec tto it using that ip only then what is the address using "connect to server"10:21
nickbobeeminimec: who is "user"10:21
minimecnickbobee: the 'user' you want to login with, like 'ssh minimec@myhomeserver'10:22
scarleonickbobee, that depends on what services you have running on your server, the ssh daemon must be configured and running to connect via SSH / SFTP10:22
nickbobeeminimec: there is a damn trick for only knowing the devices ip address10:22
nickbobeescarleo: it is10:23
scarleoif your username is the same on both machines you do not need to specify it10:23
scarleojust open a terminal and typ ssh
joshoowahi all can you help me with unetbootin -- its installed on xubuntu -- at /usr/bin/unetbootin, sometimes when I open it from there it says, already installed do you want to remove it? other times it opens the program. Firstly how do I get it to always open the program and not ask me if I want to uninstall it. Secondly im trying to install an image I10:24
joshoowa got from Evolution Arch (a gui arch installer) but whenever I reboot it doesn't come up with the boot from Unetbootin at root / -- how do I get it to work with this image?10:24
minimecnickbobee: 'sudo apt-get install arp' then 'arp -a'10:25
ActionParsnipIsn't arp in a default install?10:25
MagicSpudafter using alt+ctrl+f2 what happens?10:25
minimecActionParsnip: Possible...10:25
ActionParsnipminimec: covers the bases I guess :-)10:26
joshoowacan anyone help me with unetbootin?10:26
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: ask and see10:26
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: unetbootin is a simple creature10:26
minimecnickbobee: that one is even faster 'sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 --localnet' ;)10:26
joshoowai all can you help me with unetbootin -- its installed on xubuntu -- at /usr/bin/unetbootin, sometimes when I open it from there it says, already installed do you want to remove it? other times it opens the program. Firstly how do I get it to always open the program and not ask me if I want to uninstall it. Secondly im trying to install an image I10:27
joshoowagot from Evolution Arch (a gui arch installer) but whenever I reboot it doesn't come up with the boot from Unetbootin at root / -- how do I get it to work with this image?10:27
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: is this unetbootin installed in Arch?10:27
joshoowano its in xubuntu10:27
joshoowai typed which unetbootin in terminal to find it.10:28
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: then launch it from the Xubuntu menu10:28
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: it won't offer to uninstall itself. Never seen that10:28
joshoowait asks me if I want to remove it when I do that. Sometimes it opens the program, asometimes it asks if I want to uninstallit10:28
ActionParsnip!test | oz6oh10:28
ubottuoz6oh: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )10:28
joshoowaActionParsnip: well it offers me.10:28
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: can you give a screenshot, use imageshack or similar10:29
joshoowaill try -- connectivity issues at the moment both wireless and wire having issues.10:29
MonkeyDustguys, if I run Stellarium on this 12.04 laptop with Intel graphic card, it says: "This system does not support openGL" and freezes completely ... I already installed freeglut3 ... this didn't happen days ago ... hints & tips?10:29
joshoowawhen I run unetbootin in terminal it says "unetootin is currently installed. remove the existing version with a Y N prompt"10:30
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: what is the output of: apt-cache policy stellarium10:31
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ActionParsnipjoshoowa: why mot use the icon in the menu, like normal.10:31
joshoowaActionParsnip: in start menu gives me the same issue.10:32
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8394831/10:32
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: if you are wanting to put an Ubuntu ISO on USB, you can use dd and copy the ISO that way10:33
=== rigo is now known as Guest23167
Guest23167hi. why is an internal cardreader not always working? i.e. now it doesnt recognise the sd card, but if i reboot it will maybe.. i need to reboot a few times to get it work. not too ..... good. and no clue why.10:33
joshoowaive used dd to copy various iso to usb but im having huge trouble getting this hp eliteboot 6930p to boot from usb.10:34
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust:  could try https://launchpad.net/~stellarium/+archive/ubuntu/stellarium-releases10:34
joshoowaso when unetbootin worked (after I managed to install it on a broken windows) I was happy. But wireless and wired internet is playing up so I thought try another distro.10:35
joshoowaI was going to boot arch with the evolution installer.10:35
=== Warrior-kk is now known as Warrior-kkk
ActionParsnipGuest23167: before you remove the sd card, do you use the safe removal feature in the OS before removing it physically?10:36
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: I would uninstall unetbootin completely then reinstall it after running: sudo apt-get clean10:36
Guest23167ActionParsnip: u mean like yesterday when i last time used the card in the system? so if i removed with umount last time i used it? i used the card in a windows 7 system last time. (very last time in a digital camera)10:37
joshoowaActionParsnip: I will try that thanks.10:37
joshoowais there a terminal command to uninstall it, I only know sudo apt-get install SomeProgram.10:37
ActionParsnipGuest23167: did you use the safe removal in Windows7 before you removed it physically?10:38
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: sudo apt-get --purge remove unetbootin10:38
Guest23167ActionParsnip: i think i dont always use the safe way. but last time i simply let the card in, and shut down the system.10:38
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean10:38
ActionParsnipGuest23167: I'd boot to Windows an10:39
ActionParsnipGuest23167: and inset the card, chkdsk the storage then use the safe removal in the system tray and pull it out when instructed10:39
ActionParsnipGuest23167: you'll probably find it works in Ubuntu10:40
Guest23167god... :) and what is causing this?10:40
ActionParsnipGuest23167: misuse of storage by owner.....very common10:40
ActionParsnipGuest23167: its NTFS right?10:41
Guest23167fine. i got that. but technically..10:41
Guest23167its a 16gb sdcard for a canon camera. so i guess yes.10:41
ActionParsnipGuest23167: if the storage is not ejected correctly then it will be marked as "dirty"10:41
Guest23167i c10:41
ActionParsnipGuest23167: then Linux wont want to touch it, if you use your storage correctly then you dont get issues10:42
ActionParsnipGuest23167: if you use the safe removal then the caches are synced and he storage released properly10:42
MagicSpudokay I read a bit about ttys and what I would need is to see/read what I typed and the output I got from a tty while I am back to desktop...how would I do this?10:42
ActionParsnipGuest23167: why do you think its the first thing I ask?10:42
Guest23167ActionParsnip: sad  is that it cant be fixed but only with a windows pc.. :) ok ms doesnt gives a ... about security. but still. there should be a way to override this.10:43
ActionParsnipMagicSpud: you could pipe the output to a file, then read the file in the desktop?10:43
ActionParsnipGuest23167: you are using a proprietary file system!10:43
Guest23167like maybe a question as "the card is marked as dirty, do you still want to mount it etc etc etc" so the usual warning.10:44
ActionParsnipGuest23167: proprietary to Microsoft who make Windows, so YES you need Windows to fix their filesytem10:44
MagicSpudoh cool thanks ActionParsnip could you post an example command please?10:44
Guest23167i reboot then and "enjoy" my ms os.10:45
ActionParsnipGuest23167: if Windows devs would put the ability to access more than 3 file systems in their OS, you could use a journalised file system which would be fine10:45
Guest23167thats right. it would be a great "foundation"10:46
Guest23167thanks bb10:46
ActionParsnipMagicSpud: find $HOME | grep -i mp3 > ~/Desktop/result.txt10:46
ActionParsnipGuest23167: funny how a publicly readable file system is not in Windows10:46
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  thanks for the ppa link, but methinks opengl is the problem, supertux2 also won't run10:47
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: strange, does compiz run ok?10:48
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: have you tried the Intel driver installer (OmgUbuntu has links)10:48
joshoowaActionParsnip: unetbotin installed again so I will try and install arch from evolution installer gui. wish me luck thanks for the help everyone.10:49
=== parduse is now known as Guest80558
OERIASwhy did they discontinue Wubi?10:52
ActionParsnipOERIAS: irs garbage and prone to breakages10:53
cfhowlettOERIAS, because it never worked right and because fixing it for 14.04 was WAY more trouble than it was worth.10:53
ActionParsnipOERIAS: if you want a try before you buy install, use virtualbox or similar10:54
OERIASTrue. But how about the whole "Try Ubuntu in a more native environment approach"10:54
xanguaRight native, if Windows fails ubuntu fails10:55
cfhowlettxangua, not if but when ... ftfy10:56
gdi2k_wondering if someone can help me with using an rsync backup script: https://github.com/thebestsolution/backup-script/blob/master/backup.sh - I would like to exclude the "nbd-swap" directory in the root folder of the backup. I have placed a "mybackup.exclude" file in the directory above the directory that I am backing up containing "nbd-swap". But the directory still gets backed up. Maybe I'm placing the exclude file in the wrong directory? EXCLUDE="$DIR/$BAC10:56
joshoowaActionParsnip: I rebooted when it said but I got no Unetbootin option. Is there something I need to tick, or a bios boot order?10:56
ActionParsnipOERIAS: if the OS suits then use it. You can test ubuntu native using a persistent usb as well10:57
OERIASTrue. Might as well.10:57
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: you will need to check your manual to set USB boot10:57
ActionParsnipOERIAS: basicaly, its awful10:58
joshoowaok but if I set to usb boot a unetbootin option should show up right, no special option in the program itself.10:58
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: yes, you need to tell the BIOS to boot USB first10:58
OERIASWell I ran Ubuntu on my sister's desktop because I refused to use her OS. It did serve me well since I made a weekly copy of the .img10:59
joshoowaActionParsnip: but i've been setting unetbootin to install to HDD / (root) not usb, should I do otherwise?11:00
joshoowashould i try install to usb.11:00
joshoowafirst instead of hdd11:00
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: thats how Ubuntu gets installed a lot of times. You need to boot USB first if you are installing or even just testimg11:00
ActionParsnipOERIAS: it did work, its just very fragile11:01
joshoowaActionParsnip: so choosing hdd or usb shouldn't matter so long as I choose the appropriate boot option (either HDD or usb) and set it to first in BIOS boot order right).11:01
OERIASIt was.... Just a force reboot and it corrupted the install11:02
OERIASand there was usually a possibility of ruining the MBR.11:02
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: yes, some BIOSes have buttons to change the boot device for one shot11:02
ActionParsnipOERIAS: exactly, imagine the data loss by users and the target audience of ubuntu. It's rubbish. I'm glad it died11:03
ActionParsnipOERIAS: especially when so many people don't backup data (for their own reasons)11:03
minimecOERIAS: joshoowa: I have a SanDisk 64GB Extreme USB 3.0 and run two 'full installs' on it: Ubuntu 14.04 and Fedora 20 (encrypted). I use it with zram swap and mount /tmp in RAM to avoid writing cycles on the stick. I can really recommend such an install.11:04
OERIASWhich is why i still debian.11:06
OERIAS*still use debian.11:06
joshoowaminimec: I have a sandisk cruzer blade 8GB maye it my usb??11:06
ActionParsnipOERIAS: that doesn't make any sesne11:06
OERIASActionParsnip, RAM and diskspace efficiency11:07
ActionParsnipOERIAS: my ubuntu instal is 4Gb and uses about 200Mb RAM11:07
joshoowais there a command to check if my laptops dvd drive is working? connected?11:08
ActionParsnipOERIAS: ubuntu minimal plus openbox.....11:08
OERIASWell I was able to use Ubuntu on my 3.5 ghz i7 with 6 GB of RAM11:08
joshoowaActionParsnip: which ubuntu you use for that small install lubuntu?11:08
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: sudo lshw -C disk11:08
minimecjoshoowa: You can use it, but the 'new' san disk drives use a better chip starting from 64GB.11:08
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr
ActionParsnipjoshoowa: I use minimal and build up11:09
ActionParsnipOERIAS: so how is ubuntu not great for disk and ram usage?11:09
michele_salve devo modificare l'ordine del grub11:09
michele_come faccio?11:09
joshoowaminimec: so I can use my usb I should just keep messing with bios settings until it boots from usb or cd?11:09
OERIASActionParsnip, flash drives. not HDs11:10
ActionParsnipMichaelC: do you want Windows to be first in Grub?11:10
ActionParsnipOERIAS: its the same difference,  the kernel just sees a file system11:10
ActionParsnipmichele_: give me a sec....11:10
minimecjoshoowa: I don't even change the BIOS. I can choose alternate boot devices with 'F12' on boot...11:10
michele_it's in 5 position starting from 1 (1 is ubuntu 14.04 lts)11:11
michele_starting from the top11:11
OERIASplus the packaging is superior, but I do use Ubuntu on some PCs. like the media server.11:11
joshoowaok ill keep trying normally i 2 can do that not this lappy11:11
minimecjoshoowa: I install grub on the MBA of the drive...11:12
ActionParsnipmichele_: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/ 30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober11:12
phillip2hi, I have got a AVM FRITZ!Card PCMCIA and I would like to get it to work with ubuntu 14.04, after search in the internet I have not found a solution, has any one a tip for me?11:12
ActionParsnipmichele_: then run: sudo update-grub11:13
joshoowaminimec: that sounds usefull I only just learned to use dd to copy a iso to usb. that's what I do, maybe thats why it doesnt work?11:13
ActionParsnipOERIAS: ubuntu is based on Debian, so its the same packaging11:13
michele_mv: l'obiettivo "/etc/grub.d/09_os-prober" non è una directory11:13
ActionParsnipmichele_: copy and paste the command I gave as ONE command.11:14
OERIASActionParsnip, they still haven't ported Unity over to Debian.11:14
ActionParsnipmichele_: the mv command renames the file11:14
ActionParsnipOERIAS: so?11:14
eeeeActionParsnip: there's an added space there11:15
ActionParsnipmichele_: so you need both filenames in the command11:15
ActionParsnipeeee: ahh thanks11:15
michele_michele@michele-K53SC:~$ sudo mv /etc/grub.d/ 30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober11:15
michele_mv: l'obiettivo "/etc/grub.d/09_os-prober" non è una directory11:15
ActionParsnipmichele_: remove he space I added, sorry11:15
michele_what space?11:16
minimecjoshoowa: I guess... Probably. It cannot read MBR? Can you boot an alternate install on a harddisk and do an update-grub? If dd worked, you should have a additioinal boot option for the card in grub...11:16
ActionParsnipOERIAS: so what if Unity isnt available in Debian.....there is nothig at all stopping the Debian guys (or anyone) fompiling the code in debian11:16
michele_pls rewrite correctly11:16
ActionParsnipmichele_: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober11:17
ActionParsnipOERIAS: so, what is your point exaftly?11:17
OERIASActionParsnip, I am just chatting.11:17
michele_mv: impossibile eseguire stat di "/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober": File o directory non esistente11:17
ActionParsnipOERIAS: this is support only, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
OERIASAlthough I will have to take it to offtopic.11:18
ActionParsnipmichele_: what is the output of: ls /etc/grub.d/*11:18
michele_/etc/grub.d/00_header        /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+11:18
michele_/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme  /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware11:18
michele_/etc/grub.d/09_os-prober     /etc/grub.d/40_custom11:18
michele_/etc/grub.d/10_linux         /etc/grub.d/41_custom11:18
michele_/etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen     /etc/grub.d/README11:18
unopastemichele_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:18
ActionParsnipmichele_: looks fine, run: sudo update-grub11:19
ActionParsnipmichele_: do you see Windows in the output?11:19
michele_thanks now it's in the first position :D good bye11:21
ActionParsnipNp easy days11:22
joshoowaminimec: so I dont need to do anything additional from dd if=Some.img of=SomeDRive in order to make a usb bootable and install an os?11:22
Roland-I have   U     0      0        0 eth1, is there any way to specify the gateway ?11:22
mishravikashi all can anyone please help me find solution for slow boot up I have a line in dmesg where it goes to 74 seconds from 19 seconds can anyone please explain that?11:23
ActionParsnipRoland-: you will need to delete the route then add it with a gateway specified11:23
ActionParsnipmishravikas: can you pastebin the dmesg output?11:23
minimecjoshoowa: no. You copy a working image on the usb drive. afterwards you have two possibilities. You can boot the 'default' Ubuntu install on the harddrive and do 1) 'sudo update-grub' to make it visible in grub of the harddrive... 2) chroot to the USB INstallation and do a manual grub install on the MBA of the USB drive.11:24
minimecjohnca: MBR not MBA ;)11:25
Roland-ActionParsnip if I try to do that it will say network unreachable.11:25
ActionParsnipRoland-: is there a gateway set on eth1?11:25
Roland-it is in network/interfaces11:26
evil_dan2wikWhere is the default apache location?11:26
mishravikasActionParsnip: Here it is https://pastebin.mozilla.org/657154811:27
ActionParsnipevil_dan2wik: apache what, binary? Data?11:27
evil_dan2wikfor web data.11:27
Roland-ip route add dev eth1 will still do it wrong11:28
ActionParsnipmishravikas: use the web to see what " plymouth-upstart-bridge respawning too fast" means11:28
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ActionParsnipevil_dan2wik: /var/www-data11:28
Roland-it should be .111:28
evil_dan2wikActionParsnip, it isn't that.11:29
=== ruben is now known as Guest35419
evil_dan2wikI put things in there and the server says the directory is empty11:29
Roland-SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable after deleting11:30
evil_dan2wikthere is an index.php file in the root of it11:30
evil_dan2wikbut it isn't showing that.11:30
ActionParsnipevil_dan2wik: tried restarting the service?11:31
evil_dan2wikActionParsnip, not yet.11:31
evil_dan2wikI can do that now11:31
ActionParsnipRoland-: route add -net netmask gw
ActionParsnipRoland-: obviously change the gateway IP11:32
bsterMorning. I want sendmail-bin to work on a box that doesn't have a public DNS entry. It seems that sendmail wants `hostname` to be an FQDN. I can add an FQDN to /etc/hosts, but is it okay just to make one up?11:33
ActionParsnipevil_dan2wik: you could ask in #apache11:33
ActionParsnipbster: if you like. Can't see why not11:40
bsterActionParsnip: thanks, I can't either. Just feels wrong. It's a global solution to what seems like a local problem.11:42
bsterI just noticed #sendmail, I'll ask the same there.11:43
MagicSpudMonkeyDust when I get into a virtual terminal and run sudo do-release-upgrade I get this: http://www.pasteall.org/5410711:52
gr33n7007hIs there a simple gui tool for cropping a piece song out of an mp3 ?11:53
MagicSpudMonkeyDust but there are some lines I only see in the TTY they say something like 'unicodeencodeerror and ascii problems'11:53
gr33n7007hI could use ffmpeg or aconv but just wondering if there is gui alternative?11:55
=== boy_wanders is now known as Jake
guest-qW6C1ygr33n7007h, audacity11:57
gr33n7007hguest-qW6C1y, lemme take a look11:58
gr33n7007hguest-qW6C1y, awesome exactly what I was looking for +112:00
ActionParsnipHi Alex22109012:05
ritwik./join ubuntu12:30
ShariffHi there12:34
ShariffI think i removed myself from the group of sudoers after I issued a command usermod -G dialout kevin... kevin is the only user on the system.. how do I gain the ability to use sudo again?12:35
=== lars_ is now known as larsmw
smacktalkis there a command to give disk space and memory12:36
Humbedoohsmacktalk: df -h12:36
Humbedoohand free -m12:36
Humbedoohthat gives humanly readable output12:37
HumbedoohShariff: single user mode?12:37
ShariffI just never made more users12:38
HumbedoohI mean, start in single user mode12:38
Shariffoh :D12:38
Humbedoohfrom the boot menu, pick the recovery item12:38
facepalmShariff, maybe ...   sudo adduser (user) sudo12:38
Humbedoohand drop to root shell12:38
Sharifffacepalm:  I cannot.. I'm not authorized to use sudo anymore12:39
facepalmOh duh, my bad, sorry.12:39
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
ShariffHumbedooh: and then run another usermod command to add me back go the group?12:39
Ben64Shariff: you'll probably have to add a bunch of groups12:40
ShariffFor some reason I thought usermod -G adds me to another group but not remove me from another :D12:40
Ben64usermod -a -G <group> <user>12:40
ShariffBen64, probabaly.. just have to figure out which ones again.. as long as I can sudo that won't be a problem :)12:40
Ben64to add12:40
bsterShariff: you might need to remount your filesystem r/w before you can use usermod (ref http://askubuntu.com/questions/79933)12:40
Ben64my groups = ben64 adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare mythtv12:40
Ben64you probably won't have mythtv :)12:41
ShariffThanks a lot for all the help!12:41
=== Guest71722 is now known as dave
ash123Hello! I am wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I'm having with Ubuntu12:42
ShariffKinda stupid of me to loose my proverbial keys :D12:42
=== dave is now known as Guest97373
ash123Ubuntu (latest version) is consistently disconnecting from the internet, it will only stay on for about 5 seconds and then takes quite a while to reconnect. I don't have this problem on Windows 7.12:43
MonkeyDustash123  wifi?12:43
ash123I think it is something to do with 802.11bgn showing up when I type iwconfig into the Terminal, but I have no idea how to disable 802.11n12:43
ash123yes, wireless12:43
ash123I use a TP-link USB dongle12:43
smacktalkHumbedooh Thanks!12:43
Humbedoohsmacktalk: np, happy to help12:44
halinayou'll probably have to add a bunch of groups happy to help12:44
MonkeyDustso it's wifi, it's not internet... try connecting with a normal cable, see if the connection problem persists12:44
MonkeyDustash123  ^^^12:44
ash123The router is in another room, it is inconvenient for me to move it to my computer12:44
bsterlong cable12:45
ash123Is there a way to disable 802.11n? I think that may be the problem12:45
minimecash123: Try to find additional info abut your device and driver with th 'ID' for your device inn the output of lsusb. do a iinternet search with something like this '046d:0994 ubuntu driver' ...12:48
ash123the modle number for my USB dongle is TL-WN821N12:50
ash123but I can't find much about it when it comes to disconnection problems and ubuntu12:50
shiblyWhat is special about Ubuntu ?12:51
ash123sorry I am a bit of a noob, I only installed Ubuntu because it is recommended I use a linux distro for learning C12:51
ash123and Ubuntu is supposed to be the 'easy' linux distro12:51
shiblyhello ?12:52
gr33n7007hash123, you could try sudo iwconfig wlan* modulation 11g12:53
shiblyIsn't there any other distros better than ubuntu ?12:53
ash123i what does the modulation parameter do?12:53
gr33n7007hshibly, yep, arch12:53
shiblywhat is it ? arch ?12:54
minimecash123: try 'lsmod | grep ath9k_htc' in a terminal. is it loaded (do you get an output)?12:54
gr33n7007hsets it to a specific band n, g, b12:54
ash123im on windows 7 at the moment so i cant type it in right now12:54
gr33n7007hah, ok12:54
ash123i wouldnt be able to speak in here on ubuntu cus of this problem12:54
ash123all i know so far: 802.11bgn is enabled12:54
ash123I am thinking only one of them should be enabled12:55
ash123but don't know how to go about doing this12:55
gr33n7007hthat shouldn't really matter if they are all enabled but worth a try I suppose12:55
shiblyI've tried ubuntu but It doesn't seem to be good12:55
shiblyit alwayes slow12:55
gr33n7007hshibly, what do you want from it?12:55
ash123gr33n7007h: what does the 'modulation' parameter do in what you mentioned?12:56
shiblySimply a distro that works without crashing12:56
logyanyone knows an alternative to remastersys?12:56
gr33n7007hchanges to either 802.11n, 802.11g etc12:56
ash123ah ok, so in your example it changed to 11g?12:56
logyash123 you have wifi problem?12:57
minimecash123: Ok. In a germen post someone recommends to disable a hardware encryption feature of the driver. see the post and commands of the user 'praseodym' in the thread. http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/wie-usb-stick-tp-link-tl-wn821n-installieren-u/12:57
logyis your wifi card broadcom ?12:57
ash123logy: I do yes, with Ubuntu, it immediately disconnects from the internet after successfully connecting12:57
ash123well not immediately, after about 5 seconds12:57
ash123minimec: ill check that out now12:57
minimecash123: So I would boot ubuntu and check if your stick uses that mentioned 'ath9k_htc' driver, and then maybe try the mentioned commands to configure the driver.12:58
gr33n7007hash123, although it is chipset specific12:58
logythe drivers installed are not good, i had that problem but with a broadcom wifi card12:58
gr33n7007hash123, is your NIC usb and an atheros chipset?12:59
ash123i dont fully understand what you have asked13:00
ash123cus im a bit of a noob13:00
ash123it is a TP-link USB dongle13:00
gr33n7007hash123, so it's usb, do you know if it's an atheros chipset?13:01
ash123i dont know if it is an Atheros chipset or not13:01
ash123i will try what you guys mentioned though13:02
_ynkhi I have a problem, I can't get an old laptop to boot via USB. it has no CD drive... any suggestions?13:02
logyash123 when you type in terminal    ---->  lspci   what is the last line you have?13:02
ash123sudo iwconfig wlan0 modulation 11g (or maybe n, since the model number of this dongle is TL-WN821N)13:02
logy_ynk did you try to change it in Boot setup?13:02
ash123logy I can't type into the terminal because I am on windows 713:02
_ynklogy: of course. I did change to it and disabled to the hard drive to be sure13:02
logyah yea13:03
gr33n7007hash123, make sure you put your interface down first with ifconfig wlan* down13:03
ash123gr33n7007h, what do you mean by putting the interface down?13:03
logythen  ash123 at the desktop right click on my computer -->manage  then on the left side  ----> device manager and at NETWORK ADAPTERS you should see what wifi card you have13:03
logy_ynk you probably changed it to the Hdd (hard disk of your computer) not to the usb disk13:04
logy_ynk also when the computer is booting it is showing like  press f9 for boot options (f9 is at my pc), also what did you use to put the linux on usb13:05
ash123logy it only says that it is a 300Mbps wireless usb adapter13:05
logyso you are using a usb adapter for internet....13:06
_ynklogy: no. just to clarify I am not a newbie and I know what I'm doing, however for some reason it won't be recognized and that's what I want to figure out13:06
ash123well i did get a wireless PCI card when i built the computer but it never worked13:06
_ynklogy: and no boot options on this pc. It's an old one :-/13:06
ash123so i gave in to a usb adapter13:06
_ynklogy: however you gave me an idea, I'll try another burner maybe :-o13:07
logy_ynk ok, in boot setup you should have another option, can be but must not be in the boot menu, which allows you to buut via usb network controller, eneable it, I had to do that on my old pentium 413:07
_ynklogy: cus I recall usign some crappy software haha13:07
logyok can you tell me the info about that usb adapter13:08
logy_ynk on what system are you now windows or ubuntu13:08
_ynklogy: ubuntu13:08
logyjust use unetbootin, should be enough13:09
ash123logy what do you want to know? model number is TL-WN821N13:09
ash123manufacturer is TP-link13:09
logyash123 ok that is what i wanted to know, when you log into ubuntu do you have internet via Lan cable?13:09
ash123i dont, router is too far away for a cable that long13:10
ash123no worries though, I can try what was recommended thought (sudo iwconfig wlan0 modulation 11g)13:11
Thomas86hi all13:11
Thomas86i have a problem perhaps somebody can help or give a tip13:12
Thomas86i have two virtual linux vms13:12
Thomas86i want to know if th path /opt/filex of vm1 have the same content13:12
Thomas86(files and folders) like vm213:12
Thomas86what opportunities are there to compare the content of the vms?13:12
logyash123 when you go to ubuntu, put the lan cable so you have internet and open terminal and type " sudo use aptitude update && aptitude install firmware-atheros"13:12
nomicthey're separate disks unless they are networked13:13
nomictotally seperate filing systems13:13
ash123my usb adapter needs new atheros firmware? does it definitely use it?13:13
ash123my OS i mean13:13
Thomas86any ideas?13:14
logyyes i just check it, that wifi card had problem with linux since  ubuntu 1013:14
nomicvms are separate machines with separate filing systems13:14
ash123ah ok13:15
logyanyone know a remastersys alternative?13:15
Thomas86nomic: i know13:16
MonkeyDustnomic  if you don't get an answer here, type /j #vbox13:16
Thomas86but i want compare the content of a special folder on two different machines13:16
ash123logy I am just wondering, how did you check that a specific usb adapter is compatible with Atheros?13:17
nomicyou need a network13:17
nomicyou use cmp to compare files13:17
nomiccmp file 1 file213:17
MonkeyDustThomas86   if you don't get an answer here, type /j #vbox13:17
Thomas86monkeydust: thanks for the info13:17
logyash123 http://www.linux-hardware-guide.com/2012-10-20-tp-link-tl-wn821n-wlan-usb-300-mbit13:18
Thomas86but i think this problem is not about vbox ;-)13:18
logyseems like many people had problems with it like you13:18
sennnwhat is juniperberry.canonical.com for?13:19
calvinbcan i load things that require kernel modules on a persistent usb disk?13:20
asikhey guys i have a question, does adding repositories make your pc slow? like in windows installing software?13:21
sennnwhat is juniperberry.canonical.com for?13:21
Thomas86ok got the problem solved whit diff13:22
asakapab0iNope it only execute when you use it.13:22
spearheadasik, adding repositories does not slow down your computer, all that does is add a line to a file and add another file. installing programs on the other hand might. With any computer the more programs that are running the slower it will be.13:23
asikthx :D13:24
asakapab0iTry typing top in cli and check what process are running.13:24
asikalso guys when i press the unity button, the button at the top left corner and start typing something (example libre office) it starts the search on internet too, how can i turn that internet search off?13:25
sennnwhat is juniperberry.canonical.com for?13:25
spearhead!patience | sennn13:25
ubottusennn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:25
asakapab0iUncheck some things in the filter.13:25
asakapab0iSearch bar also search for internet. To remove it find the filter and uncheck them.13:26
MonkeyDustsennn  searches only returned some windows7 VPN results, it's in no way ubuntu related13:26
fidrawangHi u all13:27
Seveassennn: it's one of canonical's servers. Why do you need to know what it's for?13:27
ActionParsnipasik: imstallimg software in Windows doesnt automatically make it slow13:27
ActionParsnipasik: remove the shopping lens13:28
sennn<Seveas> because my computer always send NTP to this server13:28
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ13:28
sennn<Seveas> is that normal?13:29
popeythat factoid is still wrong ☹13:29
ActionParsnippopey: you can suggest something else to the maintainer....13:30
popeyyeah, i thought i did13:30
sennn<MonkeyDust>  no ,it is a server13:31
unikgood morning usa....13:32
sennnwhat is NTP?13:32
ActionParsnipsennn: network time protocol13:33
sennnwhat ntp for?13:33
ActionParsnipsennn: make sure systems have the same time13:33
PROJAK_SXsyncing time13:33
ActionParsnipsennn: from a central source13:33
sennnthanks for your answer13:33
ActionParsnipsennn: not worked in IT I guess13:34
Seveassennn: yes, that is normal.13:34
rom1504unik: watching american dad ?13:37
unikrom1504: i'm just wake up13:38
MonkeyDustunik  rom1504 this is the support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic for nice social chat, please13:38
rom1504you should do a bot for this too, like the language forbidden bot thing13:39
rom1504(but fine)13:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:40
Avnishjust playing with with tcpdump13:41
Avnishanalyzing irc packets13:41
SeveasAvnish: rfc 1459/281213:42
daftykinsAvnish: that is completely irrelevant to this channel, please take it elsewhere until you come up with an ubuntu support question13:42
Avnishoh sorry... i will leave13:42
Avnishthanks Seveas13:42
brontosaurusrexsennn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol13:43
daftykinsif you have a question, ask it13:50
vitimitidaftykins, not right now, I'm fine13:52
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta
raven737hi, question, does ubuntu support intel rapid storage (RST) such that I can get some kind of management tool working?13:58
bajin-leehow to find my file received from bluetooth14:01
eziohow do i get gdb pretty printer14:01
bajin-leei can not find them14:01
daftykinsraven737: i think you refer to the wrong tech, perhaps you mean an alternative to the matrix storage manager14:01
vitimitibajin-lee, if you know the name of the file, you could find it with the command "find"14:03
raven737daftykins: yes14:03
raven737daftykins: so i should try the matrix storage manager?14:04
daftykinsraven737: intel's RAID tends to not work directly i think, so it tends to be mdadm or similar people use instead which means the kernel gives management directly14:04
daftykinsraven737: you're going about RAID under Linux the wrong way, ultimately14:04
raven737daftykins: I know, not trying to do raid in intel. My windows raid just failed and the bios tools don't help me as far as i see so i booted ubuntu in the hope i can fix it from there (force drived online, it failed after power outage, i am fairly sure the drives are ok)14:06
ezioanyone know the package for python libstdc++14:06
MithrildarIs there an easy way to copy files to /usr/local/ without messing up all owners and permissions for projects without make install?14:07
daftykinsraven737: does the Intel RAID manager BIOS show the volume as degraded?14:07
=== ohman is now known as anonyman
=== anonyman is now known as ohman
raven737daftykins: well, it shows all drives as "member drive offline"14:08
shashwatI followed instructions from here [ http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx ], I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on late 2011 Macbook pro.  When I boot the machine, it says "Operating system not found".14:09
raven737daftykins: not exactly failed i guess, sounds like i could somehow make them online again it it might work14:09
raven737daftykins: dmraid might work?14:09
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs
raven737daftykins: oh god i don't know my root password ><14:10
daftykinsraven737: i'm not 100% sure you can just fire up Linux and see the Windows based setup as it was14:11
MithrildarYou shouldn't know your root password, just use su or sudo to do stuff as root14:12
raven737daftykins: i guess, i will try to install on a new drive and try the intel management utilities14:12
raven737Mithrildar: yes, su asks for password, i set this up, it's my fault ><14:13
daftykinsraven737: apparently dmraid would be the one, but you're risking your data i'd say. so i'd have the two drives imaged up onto another disk as a backup before trying anything14:13
raven737daftykins: good idea, thank you14:13
daftykinsraven737: give clonezilla a go perhaps14:13
daftykinsnot sure if that's the right name now, hrmm14:14
raven737daftykins: ok, thank you. Hmm, the drives are fairly small, I would like to image them into files so that I can restore from those files if needed14:14
MithrildarRaven737 that's the password of your account, not of the root account afaik14:14
MithrildarHaven't used su in ages though, su is evil14:15
ax562anyone have any experience over clocking ubuntu systems?  12.04 LTS 64-Bit14:15
raven737Mithrildar: ah, thank you14:15
daftykinsax562: overclocking is OS independant14:16
raven737daftykins: yes, clonezilla seems to be the one14:16
pdo_fn14Mithrildar: You talking about su is endangering some security aspects?.14:16
ax562daftykins: I am unable to accomplish over clock in linux/ubuntu.  OC processor is independent but communication from user to cpu is os dependent.14:18
sivarjunhello guys how do i use my ubuntu laptop as a hotspot while its already connected to wifi, im not using ethernet14:18
raven737daftykins & Mithrildar  thanks for the help14:18
daftykinsax562: communication? you don't overclock with OS tools ;)14:18
daftykinsyou can, but nobody serious does14:18
daftykinsax562: anyway, this is more relevant conversation for #hardware / ##hardware - not here, as that's not ubuntu support14:19
ax562daftykins: you use specific linux based modules to accomplish writing to registers.14:19
daftykinsthat has nothing to do with overclocking14:19
sivarjun how do i use my ubuntu laptop as a hotspot while its already connected to wifi, im not using ethernet14:20
daftykinssivarjun: you likely can't unless your wireless adapter has multiple streams14:20
daftykinswhy would you share wireless to wireless? you'd just let the other device connect to wireless too? :)14:20
ax562I'm not trying to get into of what is/what isn't.  If #hardware is the place to go I would appreciate confirmation.  I'm surprised no one has oc in ubuntu.14:20
sivarjuncuz wireless is user login only and only one device can use it at a time14:21
sivarjunim able to do it windows via mhotspot14:21
daftykinsax562: i believe you don't understand how overclocking works at all, because it doesn't have any relevance to the OS at all. i don't recall if the channel is single or double #, i am not going to check for you14:21
daftykinssivarjun: i think i've heard of hostapd before for ubuntu / Linux14:22
ax562daftykins: OC is writing to certain registers and changing hex values to certain registers.14:22
ax562multiplier values.14:23
daftykinsonly if you're using OS tools to do it, which isn't the only way14:23
ax562thanks for that.14:23
ax562well I could mount my cpu to a specific communication dev tool but why on earth would I do that.14:24
knobGuys, using Nautilus, when I try to Connect to a Server ( sftp://ip.add.ress)       I get an error message saying "Oops! Something went wrong. Don't have permission to access the requested location"14:26
knobAny idea what could be going on?14:26
daftykinssftp://user:pass@address/ ?14:28
knobdaftykins, trying that now14:28
daftykinsi wouldn't do so graphically though14:28
daftykinsi'd scp14:28
knobBash: No such file or directory.14:29
knobI.. wow14:29
daftykinsknob: how did BASH come into it?14:30
knobI don't know man... I...14:30
knobsorry man14:30
knobI just ran with FileZilla and it worked... so I am going to go with that.14:31
knobThanks :)14:31
=== AlphaBeta is now known as PsiOmega
Basketballin kingsoft office how can i have it not boot to the online templates page14:43
brontosaurusrexdaftykins: its probably 'sftp user@host'14:45
daftykinsbrontosaurusrex: he was doing it via nautlius, not command line14:45
samthewildoneI'm having a problem putting a file on my usb. > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_rZKP9LDqUFOUZ4dmY4UjMxbDg/edit?usp=sharing14:45
samthewildoneIt's a 16GB USB and the file is about 4.5GB and the drive is empty.14:46
MonkeyDustBasketball  this would be a better place to ask, i guess http://www.wps.com/support/14:46
daftykinssamthewildone: the file system on your flash drive doesn't support greater than 4GB files14:46
samthewildonefat32 ?14:46
k1l_samthewildone: fat can only take 4GB files14:46
daftykinssamthewildone: you're going to need to format it with a file system that does, like exFAT14:46
daftykinsor NTFS14:46
samthewildonewhich is better ?14:47
daftykinsthere is no better, only what works14:47
daftykinsdepends what OS you're copying from and to14:47
samthewildoneLinux -> Linux | Linux -> Windows14:47
brontosaurusrexsamthewildone: i'd go with ntfs14:48
k1l_samthewildone: use ntfs14:48
k1l_not the fastest but it will work14:48
samthewildoneI'm trying to mount it via gparted but, get a error.14:48
daftykinssamthewildone: you don't mount it to format it14:48
samthewildonePartition 1 isn't aligned to cylinder boundaries.  This is still unsupported.14:48
daftykinssamthewildone: go format it on the windows PC as NTFS14:48
daftykinssimplest method14:48
samthewildoneerr I meant its mounted but, I cannot get into the settings14:48
samthewildonewhat if I don't have a windows computer ?14:49
ash123I am back14:49
ash123I am trying to use "sudo use aptitude update && aptitude install firmware-atheros" in the Terminal but it is saying that 'use' is not a valid command14:49
ash123Can anyone help?14:49
daftykinssamthewildone: then you're in for more work14:49
samthewildonelol I have a windows computer14:50
samthewildoneI'll brb'14:50
daftykinsash123: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install aptitude"14:50
k1l_ash123: remove the "use" in that command14:50
daftykinssamthewildone: i knew you did, i knew you were just being lazy :)14:50
ash123will it still install the atheros-firmware I need for my usb adapter?14:50
mn2010samthewildone: if you didnt have a windows computer, you would just format it in gparted.14:50
k1l_ash123: aptitude is not installed per default on ubuntu.14:51
daftykinsmn2010: that's what he was just trying before running into errors, you'd see that if you scrolled up one screen or two14:51
ash123oh ok, i am a bit confused between this 'aptitude' and 'atheros-firmware'14:51
ash123i know i need atheros-firmware for my particular usb adapter14:51
minimecash123: There is no firmware-atheros package in current ubuntu distributions anymore, even though that would give you a different error I guess... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=firmware-atheros&searchon=names14:51
ash123oh ok14:52
ash123so is this 'aptitude' used for USB adapters (wifi)?14:52
k1l_ash123: "aptitude" is a program you install packages from the ubuntu repos. the ubuntu standard is "apt-get" which is installed. so you can make "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firmware-atheros14:52
k1l_ash123: no.14:52
ash123oh ok14:52
mn2010kvirc has been being a pain lately14:52
k1l_aptitude is not related for your wifi stuff anyway14:52
minimecash123: alternative to apt-get to manage the package system14:52
ash123ah i see14:53
k1l_ash123: see my last command. use this14:53
mn2010i couldnt scroll, it was beyond my join message14:53
ash123right then, i will need to boot back into ubuntu (cant get a stable internet connection for more than 5 seconds at the moment) and try what you said14:53
MonkeyDustash123  apt-get ... apt-itude ... syn-apt-ic ... that's the pun ... apt = advanced package tool14:53
ash123i see14:54
manitejaHi my laptop losses wifi connection all the time lease help14:54
ash123i will be back shortly14:54
pinwhere are you come from14:55
pinim from indonesia14:55
pinwhat os do you use maniteja>14:56
manitejaSo any idea about my problem14:56
manitejaUbuntu 14.0414:56
pinok ok.. im use backbox linux14:56
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name_Hello! Does anybody know what the command for starting up the so-called Zorin menu in AWN is?14:57
unikI don't like u14.04 unity...14:57
spidersensesguys i got a problem, after installing steam, day of defeat source and counter strike source. The restarting my machine a login screen appears (no login screen appeared before). When i put my login name and pw the little login box turns white and nothing happens. if i hit the esc the login box resets. what's the problem?14:57
pinwhy you dont like14:57
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spidersensesi got ubuntu 13.1014:57
k1l_name_: well, i would suggest to ask the zorin guys14:57
pinwhat is zorin14:58
k1l_spidersenses: make first sure you update to 14.0414:58
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MonkeyDustspidersenses  13.10 is no longer supported, upgrade first, then ask again14:58
name_@kil_ I did, but the channel isnt very frequented.14:58
daftykinspin: a different distribution based on ubuntu14:58
manitejaI just love ubuntu but the wifi issue so bad14:58
k1l_pin: zorin is a not supported spin off from ubuntu. like the backbox you use14:58
pini love backbox linux :D14:58
manitejait looses wifi all the time14:58
spidersensesok thaks k1l14:59
daftykinspin: general chat is not appropriate here, please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat. support questions only in here14:59
pinwhy not supported kil_ ?14:59
MonkeyDust!eol | pin14:59
ubottupin: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:59
k1l_!derivates | pin15:00
MonkeyDustoops, wrong factoid15:00
daftykinsi was going to say.15:00
manitejaSome one please help i just moved from win8 to ubuntu it absolutley stunning and i love it it sound great looks great feels great no load on mem and cpu except for the wifi15:01
manitejait looses connection all the time15:01
k1l_maniteja: give more details: what ubuntu exactly? what wifi chip? etc etc15:01
manitejaUbuntu 14.0415:01
manitejachip is Ralink15:02
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manitejai guess15:02
k1l_"lspci" in terminal will tell you exactly15:02
manitejaNetwork controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe15:03
manitejaNetwork controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe15:05
manitejathis is chip15:06
daftykinsmaniteja: you need to prefix each response with the nickname of who was helping you so they can respond15:06
daftykinsk1l_: ^15:06
MrokiiHello, not directly Ubuntu-related, but can somebody tell me how I can stop Thunderbird and Firefox from creating crash reports?15:06
daftykinsMrokii: in the settings, turn off... crash reports15:07
k1l_maniteja: well, seems like this chip is a problem at all15:07
manitejak1l_: So it is the hardware that is faulty?15:07
k1l_maniteja: that is the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1049466  see command 177 and 178 which seem to be a solution15:08
topdownjimmyI can't seem to connect to IRC, either with Irssi or with WeeChat. I think it's a failure to connect to port 6667, though I can't imagine what's preventing this. Any ideas?15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049466 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support of Ralink RT3290 wifi support" [Medium,Confirmed]15:08
daftykinstopdownjimmy: please refer to #freenode15:09
manitejak1l_: thank you so much will try the fix and will let you know15:09
topdownjimmydaftykins: I also can't connect to efnet.15:09
Poppabeartopdownjimmy: why, you glined ?15:10
topdownjimmyPoppabear: I doubt it15:10
topdownjimmyI can connect via a MacBook on the same network and with the same username15:10
Mrokiidaftykins: I haven't found such a setting in Thunderbird at least.15:10
topdownjimmyIt's just timing out.15:11
k1l_topdownjimmy: make sure the router is setup properly and not blocking /forwarding ports to another lan client15:11
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daftykinstopdownjimmy: sounds like network connectivity issues. DNS and general online functionality with websites good, besides the IRC clients issues?15:12
daftykinstopdownjimmy: outdated server names used in the clients maybe?15:12
topdownjimmydaftykins: Yeah everything else seems fine.15:12
topdownjimmydaftykins: I've reset the settings in both WeeChat and Irssi and still timing out15:12
daftykinstopdownjimmy: right so what hostnames are they configured to hit for freenode?15:13
topdownjimmyI've tried dickson.freenode.net and just plain freenode.net15:14
manitejak1l_: i have already tried this solution it definetley reduced the problem a bit but its not gone completely i still loose connection may be i will buy a new powerfull router may that will fix the issue15:14
daftykinstopdownjimmy: some are down since the recent hacks and i don't know which, visit freenode's website and use their proper round-robin hostname, something like chat.freenode.net15:14
WrynessHi. I need a function or script to delete a dash from the beginning of a line in a text file but only if the dash is the first character in a line. Does anybody have an idea how to achiev that (perhaps with grep, awk or sed)?15:15
topdownjimmydaftykins: Ha, argh, :slaps forehead:, chat.freenode.net did it. Thanks!!15:15
daftykinstopdownjimmy: so #freenode would've assisted after all ;)15:16
daftykinsnevermind, enjoy15:16
topdownjimmy:shakes fist:15:16
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=== Owner is now known as Guest56081
MagicSpudhello trying to compile snapscreenshot it wont install anybody could tell how to fix it? http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=7746015:25
MagicSpudwell I just mkdir /usr/local/man/man1 and I think that worked15:28
rtdosnot sure where i should be asking this here or in a another channel, but i've got python 2x installed (as default) on both FEDORA as well as including UBUNTU and since 2x seems to still be the default in many distro's, how can i make python 3x the default (i.e. when i type python rather than python3)? hope i'm making sense here.15:29
name_@rtdos If you compile it from source ive read somewhere that by installing it with "make install" it automatically will be the default one.15:32
daftykinsname_: we don't advise compiling software over packages, here15:33
name_Also, you can put: alias python=python3   into .bashrc or .bash_aliases15:33
name_@daftykins: I see, sorry.15:34
bazhang!checkinstall | name_15:34
ubottuname_: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!15:34
geirhayeah, overriding alias or function is the safest. Scripts may brake if you change the version of /usr/bin/python15:35
geirhagah, *break15:35
geirhapython 3.x is not fully backward compatible with python 2.x15:37
name_BTW can somebody tell me why there are multiple instances of the same python binary file in /usr/bin?15:37
name_Its a total waste of space, just to have it under different names.15:37
geirhaname_: what?15:38
ax562no luck on the oc15:38
geirhaname_: symlinks doesn't take up much space ...15:38
name_If everyone follows this strategy i understand why OS-es are so damn chunky.15:38
name_Is it a symlink?15:39
rtdosthanks, name_15:39
name_They all show as binary files and the size is shown as the same, too.15:39
name_rtdos np, i just came across this thread today anyway.15:40
geirhaname_: odd, python and python2 are symlinks to python2.7 here15:41
fecwrewith iptables, how do i specify `if not <source ip>`?15:41
name_@geirha im using ZorinOS, maybe showing them ax binary files sized 3.3 MB each is some kind of bug.15:42
name_*showing them as...15:42
geirhaname_: Well this is #ubuntu ...  anyway, may be they're hard links in that OS. ls -i should tell you if they are15:43
name_Really? ok, ill try.15:44
geirhathey'll have the same inode number15:44
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name_Well, output is: *263491 python* for *ls -i python*, simply *python2* for *ls -i python2* but with different color and next *python2.7* again in a third, different color.15:47
geirhacolors doesn't tell me much.  try:   command ls -il /usr/bin/python{,2,2.7}15:50
geirhacommand in order to avoid any alias or function you may have for ls15:50
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zin3Hello, I'm having problems trying to change my dns number15:52
zin3I created a post on ubuntu forums, if someone could help I would be eternally grateful =)15:53
name_geirha, well, the numbers are different for them.15:54
name_the output is: 263491 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 zář 21 10:29 /usr/bin/python -> python2.715:55
name_263492 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 zář 21 10:29 /usr/bin/python2 -> python2.715:55
name_263493 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3349512 bře 23  2014 /usr/bin/python2.715:55
name_No kidding, even the funny accented characters are there!15:55
harley642hey, does anyone have any experience setting up zentyal in esxi?15:55
harley642Mainly related to networking issues15:55
geirhaname_: symlinks, just like in ubuntu15:56
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geirhathe L in lrwxrwxrwx15:56
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camtronIs there a way to make Chrome's window buttons be on the right in GNOME shell, without having to check "Use system title bar and border"? In other distros, Chrome's window buttons are on the right.15:58
name_I see, thanks. I'm relieved!15:58
geirhaname_: where the funny accented characters are, they should be a representation of the month name in your language. If they look odd, your terminal emulator and locale have mismatch of character encodings15:58
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name_Well, i never bother to give my real location when i install linux but i always set the language to be english,16:00
geirhaname_: does running ''locale'' agree with that?16:00
name_Probably not because the locale is set as Prague or something...16:01
name_Thus the slavish characters.16:01
geirhaWell, if zář is a correct month abbreviation in that language, then all is good16:02
owen1i have an app with this line in it's config file: connect = host=/var/run/postgresql. i assume it's the binary of postgresql. is this the path to the binary: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres ?16:04
geirhaowen1: no, it's a socket created by postgresql16:06
owen1geirha: oh. how do i find the binary?16:06
designbybeck_In Ubuntu 14.04 64bit My Wacom tablet can plug and play, I have to restart before it sees it again. This use to not be the case. Any ideas?16:06
funksterHow can i set my resolution to a fixed size on boot? xorg file and xrandr are a bit confusing. can anyone assist?16:09
geirhaowen1: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres is the executable, and /var/run/postgresql is a socket16:09
daftykinsowen1: "which <program>" ?16:09
geirhahm. Or maybe I'm mixing things16:09
geirhano, not "which", use "type", never "which"16:10
prashi .. my boot folder is almost full.. and i have tried deleting old kernals using synaptic & Ubuntu tweak. but there are other files which which is not getting listed in either application16:11
k1l_pras: please show a "ls -al /boot" in pastebin please16:11
prasi have ubuntu 14.04  32 bit system16:11
camtrongeirha: What's the difference? I've always used 'which'.16:12
daftykinsgeirha: to locate the binary? that's what which is for...16:12
geirhacamtron: which is a shell scripts that look through PATH for an executable. type tells you what actually gets run16:13
geirhacamtron: that is, type will tell you if it's a shell builtin, shell keyword, function or alias. which will not.16:13
daftykinsah interesting16:14
owen1geirha: type postgres => ash: type: postgres: not found16:16
camtronOh, I see, so type tells you that 'ls' is aliased to 'ls --color=auto'. 'which' just simply tells you the path of ls.16:16
owen1geirha: i think the binary is here - /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin like u said earlier16:17
geirhaanyway, just checked, /var/run/postgres is a directory, typically holding the pid file and a socket when postgres is running16:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:19
geirhaowen1: yes, but that should be irrelevant. Why do you need to know that?16:19
pras<k1l_>: http://pastebin.com/CPDkDJdj16:20
daftykinspras: oh my word you have hundreds of kernels16:20
geirha15 is hundreds now?16:21
prasi am not a well versed in linux ... so any help is great16:21
daftykinspras: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.5.0-17-generic linux-image-3.5.0-25-generic linux-image-3.5.0-26-generic linux-image-3.5.0-28-generic linux-image-3.5.0-29-generic16:21
daftykinsgeirha: don't be a pedant16:21
k1l_pras: ok that is a lot. please show a "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"16:22
geirhadaftykins: :)16:22
prasthat is what i get for apt-get remove16:23
daftykinspras: ah ok weird, my fault for barging in on someone elses ticket, feel free to do as k1l_ instructed :)16:24
daftykinsk1l_: apologies16:24
pras<k1l_> :http://pastebin.com/nu7dmHF616:25
puffGood afternoon.  Lately I've been having all sorts of problems with chrome.  At first it was that if I left chrome running with a couple dozen tabs open in different windows,I'd come back and chrome would be chewing up 99% cpu.  I tried creating a new user profile (which appears to be standard advice for chrome problems) and now literally every third or fourth page I get the "aw snap!" error page.  I restored the old user profile and16:25
puffit's still the same.  I removed/reinstalled chrome and it's still the same.16:25
puffDid my question get truncated?16:25
k1l_pras: that are the only ones?16:26
DJonespuff: No, not truncated as far as I can see16:26
prask1l_ : yes16:26
puffDJones: Thanks.,16:27
geirhapras: Do you perhaps have a /boot partition shared with other OSes?16:27
prasgeirha:i have a windows 7 ... but i have not been able to boot in to ever since i upgraded to 140416:28
owen1geirha: there is a config file with this line: connect = host=/var/run/postgresql user=postgresuser dbname=readeefdbname (https://github.com/urandom/readeef/blob/master/README.md) so i assume it's the binary. thoughts?16:28
geirhaowen1: /var/run/postgresql is NOT the binary, no. Why would you think that?16:30
owen1geirha: oh. so what is it?16:30
k1l_pras: does "sudo apt-get autoremove" remove some not used packages?16:31
geirhaowen1: When connecting to a remote postgresql server, you usually connect via a tcp socket16:32
prask1l_: how do i test it ??16:32
daftykinspras: just run that command16:32
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta
geirhaowen1: When connecting to a local postgresql server, you usually connect via a unix socket. It's saying that said unix socket can be found in the given dir16:32
k1l_pras: yep, just run it16:32
geirhaowen1: ls -la /var/run/postgresql16:33
prasReading package lists... Done16:33
prasBuilding dependency tree16:33
prasReading state information... Done16:33
pras0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.16:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
camtronHow can you add items to Ubuntu's "System Settings" (gnome-control-center)?16:33
camtronI want to be able to access unity-tweak-tool and ccsm through System Settings.16:34
k1l_pras: hmm. are you sure the "dpkg -l | linux-image" results are the only ones? there must be way more than this 4 lines16:34
owen1geirha: i see 9.3-main.pid and .s.PGSQL.5432 and .s.PGSQL.5432.lock  the pid is the unix socket?16:34
prasthose are the only ones16:35
geirhaowen1: no, the one with s in the first column is the socket. --> srwxrwxrwx  1 postgres ...16:35
prask1l_:those are the only ones16:36
owen1geirha: oh. so 's' stand for socket.16:36
geirhas in the first column means (unix) socket, - means regular file, d means directory etc...16:36
MonkeyDustcamtron  is this useful (12.10) http://www.bestubuntu.com/add-custom-items-to-system-settings-window-in-ubuntu-12-10.html16:36
k1l_pras: than something more is broken on your system. i get 51 lines on my system16:36
owen1so when a program want to connect to the db it accesses the socket file?16:36
k1l_pras: please install "pastebinit" and run this command: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit" it will show a link that you can copy to here16:36
prask1l_: ok16:37
k1l_pras: daftykins i need to leave in the next 5 mins. so if you want to take over that support issue that would be great.16:38
daftykinsk1l_: will do, cya soon16:38
prask1l_: thank you16:39
daftykinspras: if you're absolutely certain you have no other OS installs besides ubuntu 14.04 and Windows, you might as well just delete some of these older kernels (or for safety, move the files to another path that does have space so they're not causing you a problem)16:39
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MonkeyDustcamtron  the howto I suggested works, just tried16:40
camtronThanks, MonkeyDust.16:41
prasdaftykins: yes i am sure i have only onle Ubuntu & a Windows partition . i have tried deleting and moving it using the file manager but unsucessfull16:42
MonkeyDustcamtron  next time, i'll try first, then suggest ;)16:43
daftykinspras: ok lets be devils, run this "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-3.5* "16:43
prasdaftykins: nothing happened16:44
daftykinspras: that's a good thing, it won't tell you :) that will have saved 60MB16:44
daftykinspras: ok now run this "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-3.8* "16:44
prasdaftykins: same nothing16:45
daftykinspras: like i just said it won't tell you anything for just deleting files, the command completes and it returns to the prompt16:46
daftykinspras: now run "df -h" and see how much space is free on /boot16:46
prasdaftykins: yes16:46
prasdaftykins: i have 54% left16:47
prasdaftykins: thats great16:47
camtronMonkeyDust: It works for me!16:47
daftykinspras: cool, that should be enough to be getting on with - though you can definitely delete the rest of the 3.5 and 3.8 files16:48
prasdaftykins: delete using file manager ??16:48
daftykinspras: to do it graphically you would have to run nautilus with gksudo, all you have to do is look at your pastebin - http://pastebin.com/CPDkDJdj - and delete the files you don't need16:49
faustSilly question time: in the LVM man it says that I can use several sub-fixes when specifying the "--size" option to "lvcreate". For example it says that "M" stands for "megabytes". Are they actual megabytes or mebibytes?16:49
daftykinsmibibytes i think you mean there16:50
daftykinspras: e.g. before we deleted the largest of them, the initrd.img's, but now you can delete the rest, e.g. start with the abi's16:50
daftykinspras: "sudo rm /boot/abi-3.5* " and "sudo rm /boot/abi-3.8* "16:50
faustdaftykins: I mean mebibyte16:50
sleipnirmorning all, I was wondering if it is possible to boot multiple PCs from a single USB stick. that is I want to have several machines that do NOT boot unless a USB stick is inserted. Is this possible? If so what keywords do I search for?16:51
daftykinsfaust: oh they're the same.16:51
faustMonkeyDust: Yes, I mean. Is it the "mega" intended as Nth power of 10 or Nth power of 2?16:51
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faustdaftykins: ok16:52
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daftykinsboth mean base 216:52
prasdaftykins: that got me a lot of space16:53
prasdaftykins: thank you very much16:53
daftykinspras: now repeat for config- System.map- and vmlinuz- ok?16:53
=== Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
prasdaftykins: yes i will16:54
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faustdaftykins: megabyte mean base 10 according to IEC16:56
daftykinsfaust: yes, yes i know. we were referring to mibibytes and mebibytes16:56
faustand SI16:57
faustdaftykins: ah ok16:57
fausthowever I'm interested in what does "megabytes" mean according to LVM team, nobody knows? :P16:58
daftykinsnope someone would've replied16:58
daftykinsfaust: #linux might be a better place to ask too16:58
faustok thanks16:58
faust#linux seems to be +i o.o16:59
Fuchsit is +if16:59
Fuchsso you get forwarded to ##linux16:59
Fuchsjoin that instead16:59
faustFuchs: thank you16:59
FuchsYou're welcome16:59
prasdaftykins: thank you very much17:01
daftykinsno problem17:01
prasdaftykins: have a great day ahead17:01
daftykinsty, you too :)17:02
prasdaftykins: thank you once again17:03
=== a is now known as Guest98372
nemoSo. I completely screwed up my SO's home setup for doing audio work after the upgrade from 13.10 (unsupported) to 14.04.17:17
nemoThe problem was gstreamer 0.1 playing of realmedia files17:17
kernixhey all17:17
nemoeven after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, I was still kinda stuck17:17
nemolooks like it plays fine in gstreamer 1.0 apps17:18
nemoif anyone has any ideas for what I should do to unbreaker it ☹17:18
nemoI'm kinda flailing17:18
alipoor90Hi , What are refresh,retry,expire,min TTL values for SOA record ? are they default values for entire zone or just for SOA record it self? and what is purpose of SOA record? do it is just to provide support email address or there is anything else?17:19
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nemohere's a sample fail http://m8y.org/tmp/gstwtf.txt17:20
daftykinsalipoor90: this is not a DNS / hosting support channel17:20
=== Guest42541 is now known as superbob97
nemogstreamer channel guys said missing codec, but... I'm unclear why the decoding would work in 1.0 but not 0.117:21
nemosurely they'd use the same codec17:21
nemoand the gst 0.1 plugin for realmedia is there.17:21
superbob97Hi guys, how do I download a .tar.bz2 file? I'm trying to install deadbeef17:26
nemosuperbob97: using anything you like? wget and curl are fairly popular17:29
nemoor your web browser, whatever17:29
nemosuperbob97: looks like you shouldn't be doing that anyway though17:30
superbob97nemo: but what command would I use in the terminal17:30
superbob97I'm a complete noob17:30
nemosuperbob97: the http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net/download.html page says to please use their ppa17:30
squintysuperbob97:  http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net/download.html17:30
nemosuperbob97: https://launchpad.net/~starws-box/+archive/ubuntu/deadbeef-player17:30
nemoset it up as w/ a usual ppa. instructions are on that page as with any ppa17:31
superbob97thanks guys17:32
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elichai2how do i set up an proxy that will work on all the programs runnings?17:38
=== gomaaz__ is now known as gomaaz
GatisHi i have application .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications but why i don't see them in Lubuntu menu?17:40
droxhello i have a problem with ubuntu 14.04 i can't  to active any program because my pc tell me it don't find17:40
ssarei tried installing vm extpack but17:41
ssaregave me VBoxExtPackRegister returned VERR_VERSION_MISMATCH, pReg=0000000000000000 ErrInfo='Helper version mismatch - expected 0x10002 got 0x10001'.17:41
ssareanyone can help?17:41
squintyssare:  there is a virtualbox channel   #vbox17:42
ssaresorry i'm nu to ubuntu... pls be more specific17:43
ssaresquinty: how do i get to that channel?17:44
squintyssare:  type   /join #vbox    or use your irc software to look up the server lists channels17:45
Gidzhello all17:45
Gidzthis is Gideon17:46
Gidzthis group is silent17:46
GatisHi i have application .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications but why i don't see them in Lubuntu menu?17:47
GatisAh they were hidden.17:49
Gidzdan this17:52
sleipnirhi, is it possible to copy a dicrectory to another location however only coping files with a certain extension?17:58
bash_rulzhello there, i'm having trouble opening up the packet manager gui although it works just fine in the command line, why is that?17:59
nemook. #gstreamer explained it is just bad packaging on the part of ubuntu17:59
nemoso. at least I know what's going on17:59
reisiocmanns__: heyo18:00
reisiosleipnir: yes, although the simplest way would be to copy all of it and then delete the files you don't want18:00
=== ed is now known as Guest13389
bekkssleipnir: cp -r yourdir/*.jpg ...18:01
bekksthats the mopst easy way.18:01
sleipnirreisio, do you have a link to a tutorial that shows how it could be automated18:01
camtronHow reliable is alien for converting .rpm packages to .deb packages for Ubuntu?18:01
xor-freenetwhen selecting the "ubuntu archive mirror country" during the textmode installer, which mirrors is the primary central server?18:01
sleipnirbekks, oh, I see, that doesn't look abd at all18:01
bekkscamtron: There is no guarantee for those packages to be working at all.18:02
reisiosleipnir: hang on18:02
michele_hi! How  to close a process loked?18:02
smart_developerWhat's the difference in the nature of what gets stored in /var/run/, versus what gets stored in /var/cache/ ??18:02
sleipnirbekks, it reutnrs an error: cannot stat Folder/*.txt' no such file or directory18:03
bekkssmart_developer: /var/run/ is the directory conataining run files, /var/cache contains caches.18:03
bekkssleipnir: So there are no "*.txt" files in that folder.18:03
michele_where is the task manager xD18:03
sleipnirbekks, there is in subfolders18:04
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bekkssleipnir: But not in "Folder/"18:04
sleipnirbekks, that is correct18:04
squintybekks:  look for System Monitor18:05
bekkssquinty: Why? :)18:05
smart_developerbekks : Then do you know what is the difference between the nature of "run files", and then nature of "caches" ?18:06
bekkssmart_developer: Yes.18:06
squintybekks:  sorry wrong nick  :P18:06
squintymichele_:  look for System Monitor18:06
michele_thanks :D18:06
smart_developerbekks : Would you mind summarizing the differences ?18:06
reisiosleipnir: do you have the time/space to copy it all and simply remove what you don't want? That is easier, as I said18:06
* squinty needs more coffee18:07
bekkssmart_developer: /var/run/ contains information about which processes are currently running on your system. /var/cache/ contains stuff applications want to cache.18:07
sleipnirreiso it is a time issue, network transfer. it is slow to copy all18:07
sleipnirfolder contains large ahrcives18:07
reisiosleipnir: k18:08
bekkssleipnir: find Folder/ -type f -name "*.txt" -exec cp ...18:08
Guest13389hi, is it possible to bridge one wifi connection with wpa2 encryption (i have the key) to create a new ap that is open? reason: i use a shared site connection but i need to fix a tablet that cant connect. im using a toughbook cf19 and taking internet from internal wifi card (intel) and want to use the pcmcia atheros wifi as the ap. the tablet is an old xplorer and both running xubuntu18:08
reisiosleipnir: what network protocol?18:08
sleipnirreiso samba18:08
sleipnirbekks, let me try that18:09
reisiothat won't preserve the dirs, either18:10
sleipnirha, it works :D18:10
reisiosleipnir: rsync -apv --include '*/' --include '*.foo' --exclude '*' bar baz -n (run without -n for real)18:11
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nemoapparently the problem is that the ubuntu 0.1 package doesn't actually work with system ffmpeg18:11
nemoso that needs removing18:11
reisiooh you didn't care about the dirs? :p18:12
reisionemo: I've yet to find a use for gstreamer :)18:12
nemoreisio: well, my SO's transcription software uses, that's the main issue18:14
sleipnirreisio, I like the rsync aproach, thanks18:14
reisionemo: which software?18:15
txdv_came here to rant about the slow installation process of ubuntu18:16
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MonkeyDusttxdv  that is not normal, better tell us what's wrong18:17
Guest13389 hi, is it possible to bridge one wifi connection with wpa2 encryption (i have the key) to create a new ap that is open? reason: i use a shared site connection but i need to fix a tablet that cant connect. im using a toughbook cf19 and taking internet from internal wifi card (intel) and want to use the pcmcia atheros wifi as the ap. the tablet is an old xplorer and both running xubuntu18:19
nemoreisio: Transcribe! by Seventh String18:20
nemoreisio: for that type of app is really top-notch18:20
nemoreisio: reasonable price and he actually supports linu18:20
ChaseTrainshow's it hanging nemo18:20
nemoChaseTrains: uh. hi?18:20
nemowe met?18:20
ChaseTrainsnemo: yeah.. like.. daily in this channel dude.18:21
ChaseTrainsfor like.. 3 months now18:21
nemoI hardly ever come by here18:21
ChaseTrainsyou've highlighted me exactly 42 times this week according to my client.18:22
bazhang!ot | ChaseTrains18:22
ChaseTrainsnemo omg18:22
ubottuChaseTrains: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:22
ChaseTrainsok got it bazhang18:24
michele__hi! there is a channel for italian support?18:25
SchrodingersScat!it | michele__18:25
ubottumichele__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:25
SchrodingersScatif that is speaking to you in italian, then yes18:25
michele__thanks a lot18:25
michele__no i'm not good18:26
michele__to speak in english18:26
michele__but i try however18:26
MagicSpudI need help upgrading ubuntu, here my problem: http://www.pasteall.org/5411318:29
michele__sorry in the italian channel there aren't people18:31
michele__can you help me?18:31
facepalmWhat's the problem michele_?18:32
michele__i want to make a "scrivania button" to return in the "scrivania" (DESKTOP) too fast without close or minimize the windows opened18:33
MagicSpudI need help upgrading ubuntu: http://www.pasteall.org/5411418:33
facepalmmichele_ take a look at this... I think this may be your answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126540/how-to-add-a-show-desktop-icon-to-the-launcher18:34
MagicSpudwould substituting the sources.list.upgrade file fix it?18:35
MagicSpudI mean using the sources.list.upgrade file instead of the one I am using right now....18:35
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michele__thanks a lot18:37
facepalmYou're welcome.18:37
michele__lol there isn't my unity in the software center18:39
facepalmWhat version of Ubuntu are you using michele_?18:40
facepalmUbuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu?18:40
vArgashi there ?    what distro linux can u recomend for my pc it has 3gb ram 250gb hdd 8400gs gfx card and a dual core prosesor18:40
facepalmvArgas, any of the Ubuntu flavors would work fine for that.18:41
MagicSpudvArgas i am running windows Xp 64 bits with ubuntu 14.04 dual boot on a similar machine18:41
vArgasi have something called ubuntu 1418:41
MagicSpudvArgas flawless18:41
facepalmvArgas Xubuntu would probably run well, Lubuntu also.18:42
vArgascool magicspud18:42
ImActuallyACathey guys, i'm having a problem with starting up ubuntu, i was wondering if i could get some help.18:42
facepalmmichele_ are you using Unity?18:42
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MagicSpudvArgas amd athlon II dual core with 8Gb ram...but It also worked fine with 2Gb18:43
vArgasthank :D18:44
MagicSpudvArgas I just added more RAM to play videogames18:44
vArgaslol can u play games on linux?18:44
vArgasi want minecraft but the pirated version18:44
MagicSpudI bought it18:44
MagicSpudand works fine standalone18:44
vArgasi only haveit on ps318:44
MagicSpudbut if you want to play on a local server you would probably need more CPU18:45
vArgas<MagicSpud     ok18:45
facepalmmichele_, System Settings -> Appearance, select Behavior tab and tick And show desktop icon to the launcher.18:45
ImActuallyACatwhen i try to start up ubuntu, i get "ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"18:46
vArgasMagicSpud   its funny but i really like o.s that are very simple as dsl  xD i find using the terminal being cool18:46
Timoty what version of Ubuntu are you using ?18:46
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ImActuallyACatme? 14.0418:47
facepalmvArgas, no piracy talk please.18:47
Timoty okay. Are you using a 64bits version?18:47
vArgasMagicSpud but i cant findto install any apt-get flash on it18:47
ImActuallyACatand i'll i'm able to do is use initramfs commands.18:48
ImActuallyACatis there a way to at least be able to reach my old files using a live USB, then reformat and install it again?18:48
vArgaslast question: what browser do u reccomend firefox or google chrome?18:49
vArgasjust to know tho18:49
vinit-ivarpersonal taste18:50
vinit-ivaruse the one whose plugins you prefer18:50
vinit-ivarotherwise, i'd stick to firefox for now, it's easier on resources18:50
ImActuallyACatany ideas? i'm really stuck here.18:52
facepalmImActuallyACat I'm pretty sure using a Live USB you can access your drive just fine if you need to reinstall.18:52
ImActuallyACati can't seem to find my files and documents through it.18:53
dp_is there a version of ubuntu that has dovecot 2.2.13?18:53
facepalmImActuallyACat did you encrypt your /home?18:53
ImActuallyACati'm not sure.18:53
ImActuallyACathow can i check if i have?18:53
facepalmImActuallyACat: http://askubuntu.com/questions/233684/luks-initramfs-boot-problem-dev-mapper-ubuntu-root-does-not-exist-how-can-i18:55
ImActuallyACati'm tried that, but it doesn't work. it says "no volume groups found".18:57
shibbolethImActuallyACat: is the VG/volume group on an ecrypted pertition?18:59
ImActuallyACathow can i check?18:59
shibbolethImActuallyACat: furst unlock you luks partition, then vgscan -a/vgchange -ay18:59
dharchi guys, is unity portable to freebsd?19:06
fl8sh123tried to install wordpress on ubuntu and removed it due to error.  Now my local ip just brings up a white blank page. It does not show my index.html. anyone know why19:06
Maheany indian girls?19:06
bazhangdharc, asked in #freebsd yet?19:06
shibbolethdharc: why unity19:06
bazhang!ot | Mahe19:06
ubottuMahe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:06
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dharcbazhang: no, there is no reason to ask there19:08
dharcshibboleth: because unity uses qt and qt is more portable19:08
shibbolethdharc: sure, but unity should be avoided by any good purist19:09
camtronEvery time my laptop boots, the splash screen gets interrupted with this message:19:11
camtron[   16.459359] [drm:i915_stolen_to_physical] *ERROR* conflict detected with stolen region: [0x3f800000 - 0x3ffc0000]19:11
camtronWhat does that mean?19:11
dharcwhat do you mean, shibboleth?19:12
Timoty shibboleth : what do you mean?19:13
shibbolethdharc: unity has sponsored seached, send userdata back to canonical19:13
dharcthat is a optional feature19:14
shibboleththere are a whole list of features that are leaky as hell19:14
michele_i want a good translator... in the software center what i download?19:14
shibbolethdharc: you will have to know about them all and know how to deactivate them all19:14
michele_because i try one of this but don't function correctly19:14
camtronI like Unity's interface, but it's almost as slow as KDE.19:14
dharcshibboleth: ok19:14
camtronI didn't get that error when I first installed Ubuntu 12.04, so it must be some update.19:19
dreamongood evening. what could be reason why dmeg -T shows outdated infos -> [Do Sep 18 03:54:31 2014] wlan6: associated (last line)19:19
GatisHi, tell me please leightweight text editor.19:20
SchrodingersScatGatis: nano19:20
GatisGUI one19:20
SchrodingersScatGatis: sed19:20
michele_language translator show me this error Language detection not available19:20
SchrodingersScatGatis: gedit, leafpad, mousepad, etc.19:21
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* camtron runs.19:21
Gatiswhat about notepad++ is it fast?19:21
camtronGatis: yes.19:21
camtronIt's Windows-only, but it runs flawlessly on Wine.19:22
Gatisaah no19:22
GatisI need linux supported19:22
* roachmmflhyr is now away - Reason : Auto-Away (Away from Keyboard for 30 minutes)19:22
SchrodingersScat!away | roachmmflhyr19:23
ubotturoachmmflhyr: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:23
camtronGatis: I've used notepad++ a lot on Linux without problems, but what are you planning to use it for? programming? jotting notes?19:24
GatisJust in case i need it19:24
Gatisill go for Leafpad19:25
GatisWhich is more leightweight Gedit or Leafpad?19:26
camtronBoth are pretty lightweight, though.19:27
ghtyHi. How can I get quicktime running under google chrome website? I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and didn't work. Under Firefox everything is ok...19:29
ghtyquicktime plugin under google chrome webbrowser ;)19:30
_Trullohow do I add shortcuts on the desktop in 14.04?19:32
michele_pls a  good translator ?19:34
MonkeyDust_Trullo  http://askubuntu.com/questions/450266/an-easy-way-to-create-a-desktop-shortcut19:34
camtronghty: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quicktime-plugin/mgeglimppeibnnkphlopcndopgcnngce19:35
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usr13_Trullo: Right click the file you want a link to in your file manager. Select "Create link" from the context menu. Move that link wherever you want it. (Desktop)19:46
usr13ooops, didn't see MonkeyDust's answer.19:47
GatisHi i installed Lubuntu minimal.. How to generate Home folders(Downloads, Picture, etc)?19:47
camtron_Trullo: Or you can just hold shift while dragging and dropping.19:48
eeeeGatis: useradd -m <username>19:48
_Trullousr13, I wanna add drives to the desktop19:48
Gatiseeee: i have added user19:48
leshikнарол помоги разобратся C Apache219:49
eeeeGatis: how did you add?19:49
GatisDuring installation i added user19:49
smart_developerWhat's the significance of "owner" and "group", in regards to file/directory chown ?19:49
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smart_developerThe words "owner" and "group" don't seem to be very descriptive in regards to what they can do, and what their roles are ...19:50
smart_developerI mean, "owner", seems somewhat more clear, but what exactly is "group" ?19:50
amranyone familiar with how to adjust fanspeeds? speedfan didnt detect any fans19:50
amrhp spectre 1319:50
smart_developerBut then again, my assumptions about what "owner" means might be wrong as well.19:50
smart_developerin regards to chown/permissions19:50
Bashing-omGatis: " How to generate Home folders(Downloads, Picture, etc)?" you mist install a Desktop Environment - say like xfce4 or some such.19:51
GatisBashing-om: i have Lubuntu19:51
eeeeGatis: if you run useradd -m <newuser>19:52
eeeeGatis: do you get a new user with the directories?19:52
bekkseeee: useradd never creates those directories.19:52
Gatiseeee: Im logged in a user19:52
eeeebekks: what does then?19:53
bekkseeee: The desktop environment upon first login.19:53
eeeebekks: i see19:53
Bashing-omGatis: Did you do "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" ??19:54
Gatismini.iso -> Lubuntu minimal installation19:54
Bashing-omGatis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall .19:54
GatisBashing-om: it's nothing there about home directories19:55
michele_there isn't a translator????19:55
Bashing-omGatis: "home directories" are part of the "desktop Environment" as installed by " apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ".19:56
GatisBashing-om: no i believe there is a way to generate home directories19:57
TJ-Gatis: The directories are created by "xdg-user-dirs-update" which is usually called as one of the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/  session scripts ("60xdg-user-dirs-update")19:57
Bashing-omGatis: Above my skill set then.19:57
TJ-Gatis: package is "xdg-user-dirs"19:58
GatisTJ-: ah alright..19:58
GatisTj- thank you. I see i don't have this package.19:59
eeee!find xdg-user-dirs-update20:00
ubottuFile xdg-user-dirs-update found in xdg-user-dirs20:00
Gatis!info xdg-user-dirs20:00
ubottuxdg-user-dirs (source: xdg-user-dirs): tool to manage well known user directories. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15-1ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 58 kB, installed size 1177 kB20:00
usr13_Trullo: Same process, (files directories same same)20:02
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GatisCan you tell me please leightweight network manager20:03
bazhangGatis, dhclient20:04
usr13Gatis: I don't think any of them are very heavy, but I prefer wicd, (don't know that it's any lighter but...)20:05
nmz787so for changing tabs in gnome-terminal I have mapped ctrl-q and ctrl-shift-q, but I want to try and use the Ubuntu System Settings keyboard shortcuts to bind ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab, and I think I need to use something like xvkbd to send the ctrl-q or ctrl-shift-q20:05
GatisNetwork Manager Gnome is pretty heavy20:05
nmz787but I'm not sure what arguments to use for xvkbd20:05
usr13Gatis: It is a command, not a package.20:05
GatisI have 1GB ram laptop20:05
usr13!dhcp | Gatis20:06
ubottuGatis: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP20:06
JazZItSsKnot registered20:06
Gatisusr13 it is a package20:06
Gatis!info network-manager-gnome20:06
ubottunetwork-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 301 kB, installed size 1984 kB20:06
JazZItSsKguys I know what it is20:06
Gatisusr13 are you talking about dhcp or gnome network manager/20:07
JazZItSsKcloud enablement by microsoft20:07
JazZItSsKnot very impressed20:07
GatisIm currently using dhcp :)20:07
usr13Gatis: Package dhclient does not exist in trusty20:07
GatisI thought it was GUI network manager20:08
vargasHELP!!!  i cannot update the sistem20:09
JazZItSsKso hip hip hurray one day we all be united and controlled20:09
usr13!info network-manager  | Gatis20:10
ubottuGatis: network-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 481 kB, installed size 1988 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:10
JazZItSsKshould be done in a less offensive way20:10
Gatisusr13:  is it Gnome one?20:10
vargascan someone help me i cannot update my sistem i wont let me it says check ur internet connection but my internet works fine20:11
nmz787ok so I was able to use xvkbd -text "\Cq" bound to Ctrl-Tab in the System Settings->Keyboard panel...but... the shorcut doesn't get fired if you continue holding ctrl and hit tab multiple times20:11
nmz787you have to lift up on ctrl and then hit ctrl-tab again20:12
newnickim installing compton, or trying to i have pulled it down but in the install guides it has shortened directorys20:12
newnickwhere is ~/.config/20:12
newnickor /etc/20:12
JazZItSsKso this a WW project to reconcile and clean up messy accesses right ?20:13
eeeeeenewnick: "/" is the root directory, like C:20:13
usr13vargas: host av.com  #Do you get response?20:13
vargasusr13 not20:13
usr13vargas: Not what?20:13
newnickso to get to /etc/ it should be on the root20:13
newnickbut i can't see it20:13
newnicki know it was there, because I have seen it though20:14
usr13vargas: (Please elaborate.)20:14
eeeeeenewnick: open a terminal, and type cd /etc20:14
newnicknope my stupidity, got it20:14
vargasusr13: ok look i want to update but is always fails20:14
usr13vargas: pastebinit20:14
vargasusr13: ok20:15
=== eeeeee is now known as eeee
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usr13vargas: sudo apt-get update | pastebinit20:16
newnickdo I just create .conf's in etc?20:16
vargasusr13: idk how to do that but it says not found packeges download ect20:16
eeeenewnick: what are you trying to achieve?20:16
usr13!paste | vargas20:17
ubottuvargas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:17
newnick"Once it’s installed, create a text file in ~/.config/ called compton.conf with the following contents:"20:17
newnickim trying to get to that stage20:17
eeeenewnick: yeah, do that20:17
newnickjust create compton.conf in /etc/20:17
Bashing-omvargas: Install the tool -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- then run usr13'a command.20:18
Fohlenanyone can give me a tipp about this issue: libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1619 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory20:18
FohlenError: could not get list of modules: No such file or directory20:18
eeeenewnick: yeah20:18
Fohlenit apperars on my new ubuntu server installation.20:18
newnickwill do, cheers20:19
Fohlenseems somewhat problem with my kernel modules but I don't know how to resolve it.20:19
MonkeyDustFohlen  there's also #ubuntu-server20:19
eeeenewnick: i think you need to use sudo to create it20:19
vargasusr13: i cannot usepastebinit it says error some thingmissing idk20:19
FohlenMonkeyDust: thanks.20:19
usr13Fohlen: Is this an actual PC or....?20:19
MonkeyDustvargas  install pastebinit, first20:19
Fohlenusr13: it's dedicated hardware, yes.20:19
vargas Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:19
eeeenewnick: gksu gedit /etc/compton.conf20:19
usr13vargas: past.ubuntu.com20:20
vargasthats what it says20:20
newnickgksu gedit??20:20
newnickjust whack that in terminal20:20
eeeenewnick: yeah, that will open gedit with root privileges20:20
Bashing-omvargas: Please follow instructions, we need to see that output and in context. ->  sudo apt-get update | pastebinit <- .20:20
Jeffrey_fMy daughter may have done something with her gnome session.   Her bottom bar is missing.20:21
usr13Fohlen: cat /etc/issue20:21
vargasi know but look in terminal this pups up  Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?20:22
Fohlenusr13: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l20:22
usr13Fohlen: Show us the last 5 or 6 lines of  ls -tr /var/lib/dpkg/info/20:23
=== Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
usr13vargas: Yes20:23
usr13vargas: sudo apt-get install -f20:23
usr13!paste | Fohlen20:24
ubottuFohlen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:24
Fohlenusr13: http://sprunge.us/jSJH20:24
vargasusr13     ok what next20:24
Fohlenyes, sorry.20:24
usr13Fohlen: sudo apt-get install -f20:25
usr13vargas: sudo apt-get update20:25
vargasusr13 same thing same error about it wont download some files*20:26
=== AlphaBeta is now known as PsiOmega
usr13vargas: paste it at paste.ubuntu.com20:26
usr13vargas: About 10 or 20 lines  Okay?20:27
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf
usr13vargas: And send us the URL20:27
vargasusr13 i know but it very hard to unerstand u seeim new to this xD20:28
vargasi have no clue what to do20:28
usr13vargas: Does it say anything about autoremove?20:28
usr13vargas: Do you know how to copy and paste?20:28
vargasusr13   yes20:29
Fohlenusr13: says everything is alright.20:30
usr13vargas: Highlight the last 10 or 20 lines of the terminal's output, take firefox to paste.ubuntu.com and hit the middle mouse button in the Content area20:30
vargasusr13 ok give me minute please20:30
usr13vargas: ... click on Paste!20:30
usr13vargas: .... send us URL20:30
GatisHow's Smuxi IRC client?20:31
vargasusr13 i change the update thing to main server sow its doing something i have to wait20:31
usr13vargas: Okey Dokey20:31
MonkeyDustGatis  it can handle the most complex ubuntu questions20:32
Elimin8erI have been running ubuntu for a long time on a what I call and older system. its a Dell Inspiron-3521 AKA 15, and just today I rebooted and when it started back up, I got This error: " ubuntu has been blocked by the current security policy ", When I findly disabled secure boot it worked again.. and yes Im in EFI modes.. anyhow.. its never done this before.. any ideas ??? I have asked in the other channels with no reply avail ..20:32
GatisSmuxi has a lot of dependencies almost 60 MB20:33
RiddleywalkerHi all20:33
vargasusr13   hey dude i think i fixed it20:33
vargasusr13 i change the updater thing to MAIN SERVER and it works now :D20:33
TJ-Elimin8er: That sounds as if the "grub-efi-amd64" package was updated but that "grub-efi-amd64-signed" wasn't20:34
usr13vargas: Very good.20:34
vargasusr13 there is no error in ternimal now when i use the apt-get update :D20:34
Elimin8erTJ-, hmm.. so I just wait for an update or what can I do? Im still kinda new to this.20:34
Elimin8erI been using a computer since 1980 started with C64 then PC ..but the linux thing, im still learning. :)20:35
vargasusr13  thanks anyway its cool to have community thats there to help :D Bye20:35
RiddleywalkerThis is a test20:36
GatisAnyone suggest Smuxi IRC client?20:36
guntbert!test | Riddleywalker20:37
ubottuRiddleywalker: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )20:37
Riddleywalkerlol thank you20:37
MonkeyDustGatis  try a few clients and choose the one you like most20:37
Riddleywalkerhaven't been on IRC in like 10 years20:37
TJ-Elimin8er: For now if Secure Boot is disabled you should be OK. "grub-efi-amd64-signed" contains a GRUB boot-manager prebuilt and signed using Canonical's EFI key; "grub-efi-amd64" generates an unsigned boot-manager ("/boot/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi") on-the-fly20:37
usr13Gatis: I suggest irssi20:37
Riddleywalkerlast client i used was bitchX20:37
Gatisusr13 why20:37
Elimin8erTJ-, , thank for your support..20:38
Elimin8erTJ-, , This is the only channel I seemed to have received help with anything on.20:38
Gatisoh Smuxi has a lot of dependencies...20:38
usr13Gatis: http://irssi.org/documentation20:39
Elimin8erwhen it comes to irc clients, I use hexchat.. guess I like the gui's20:39
TJ-Elimin8er: Some updates may cause "grub-efi-amd64" to be reconfigured which causes it to generate a new "grubx64.efi" which may replace the existing signed version entry in the System's boot menu20:39
GatisElimin8er: yes i know hexchat i like it20:39
Gatisusr13: well not sure about cli irc client20:39
usr13Gatis: I am20:40
Elimin8erI use hexchat behind ZNC..20:40
Elimin8erTJ-, Might be a chance there is a backup someplace there maybe?20:40
Elimin8erI do keep system backups also.. but I just wanted to know what happend.20:41
Elimin8erits the first time that happen20:41
GatisNop don't like Smuxi20:41
TJ-Elimin8er: The signed file is installed at "/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed" - it is copied and renamed from there when "grub-install" runs20:42
MonkeyDustGatis  if you use irssi in combination with screen, you can close the terminal and even logout, without interrupting the irc session20:42
Elimin8erTJ-,  I run 2 systems with ubuntu one a dell and the other a HP. and they both have ubuntu 14.10. and only my dell did that crazy thing.20:43
GatisMonkeyDust: oh alright20:43
GatisWhat's screen?20:43
TJ-Elimin8er: 14.10?20:43
MonkeyDust!screen | Gatis20:43
ubottuGatis: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen20:43
Elimin8eryea 14.10 utopic20:43
Elimin8ergnome also20:43
TJ-Elimin8er: support for the development version of Ubuntu is in channel #ubuntu+1, but you should expect breakage from time to time20:43
docmurI just preformed a distupgrade to 14.04 and after the upgrade was done my mindlna install / configure was corrupt.  Now when I try to start the service I get:  parsing error file /etc/minidlna.conf line 54 : listening_ip=, without binding to an address, non of the devices on the network can see files in the media share.  Has anyone else seen this.  Everything worked before the upgrade20:44
GatisMonkeyDust: is it like tty?20:44
Elimin8erTJ-,  Thank you.. I will join that channel also.20:44
MonkeyDustGatis  yes20:44
eeeedocmur: you dist-upgraded to 14.04 ? I hope you mean do-release-upgrade ?20:44
usr13!nvidia | docmur20:45
ubottudocmur: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:45
Elimin8erTJ-,  I have just always been a guy that likes to test the latest of everything.. heck I even got a copy of windows 9 comming at the end of the month.20:45
GatisMonkeyDust: why can't just use tty? :)20:45
docmuryes sorry, i thought do-release upgrade just ran a dist-upgrade20:45
MonkeyDustGatis  for the reasons I just said20:45
usr13docmur: You may need to re-install the nvidia modules20:46
eeeeGatis: you can logout, and the session continues, you log back in, and then "attach" back to it20:46
Elimin8eranyhow I got 5 systems20:46
usr13docmur: Or just reconfigure20:46
docmurwhat? ro get minidlna working I have to reinstall a graphics card driver?20:46
usr13docmur: Oh, I missread20:47
GatisI don't log  out.. Either I suspend latpop or shutdown it.20:47
usr13!info minidlna | docmur20:47
ubottudocmur: Package minidlna does not exist in trusty20:47
TJ-docmur: "minidlna" isn't in Trusty, it got dropped, but it is in trusty-backports via Utopic.see http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-backports/minidlna20:48
eeeeGatis: it's useful over ssh20:48
Gatiseeee why do you use ssh?20:48
Moony22GoLinuxMint: lol20:48
MonkeyDustGatis  and with screen -x you can connect to a running TTY session20:49
Gatisill test it somedayh20:49
SchrodingersScatGatis: so I can access it from almost anything that understands internet speak20:50
GatisSchrodingersScat: you mean acces your pc from other pc?20:50
SchrodingersScatGatis: yes can ssh in to the irc program that stays running.20:50
GatisNot useful for me..20:50
eeeeGatis: let's say you have a long running process on a specific shell providing server, you run it in screen, you log out, log back in after a while and attach to it20:51
TrainChaseguys, im banned everywhere20:51
TrainChasei did drugs20:51
GatisBut i don't have problem quiting IRC>20:51
TrainChaseand they wont let me in to defocus20:51
TrainChaseim barely watching thsi20:51
GatisTrainChase: you're not only one20:52
TrainChasei wont remember and i dont nkow if its serioius20:52
k1l_TrainChase: please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support. thanks20:52
Gatisso don't despair20:52
TrainChasek1l_: im not clear20:52
Gatisi turn off my laptop every day20:52
TrainChasewhy wont you understand20:52
k1l_!ot | TrainChase20:52
ubottuTrainChase: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:52
TrainChasei cant think shit im confused and you're fucking my brain20:52
TrainChaseim not trying to do anything wrong20:53
Riddleywalkeranyone in here now CW?20:53
usr13Riddleywalker: yes20:53
Riddleywalkerusr13, awesome - what speed?20:53
ahklernerwhat is CW20:54
usr13Riddleywalker: This is #ubuntu20:54
Riddleywalkerusr13, very nice. I just started myself. 5wpm at the moment20:54
usr13continious wave20:54
Riddleywalkerusr13, yeah i know but i thought i'd ask anyhow20:54
Riddleywalkerusr13, so long...20:54
usr13Riddleywalker: Lots of fun! ....20:54
usr13Riddleywalker: Many years20:54
s5fsusr13: okay but what is continuous wave?20:55
usr13s5fs: It's for morse code20:55
Riddleywalkerlol what have i started!20:55
Riddleywalkertake care usr1320:55
s5fsusr13: ah, okay. couple options came up when i searched, just confirming.20:55
usr13Riddleywalker: U 2   7320:55
s5fsRiddleywalker: bah its slow in here anyways, a little ot is okay20:55
Riddleywalkeroh! before i leave, any good servers/channels to check out for ham stuff?20:55
ahklerneryes google does not tell me what continuous wave is cept for a boating site20:55
ahklernermorse code20:55
usr13Riddleywalker: There are several packages for cw20:56
Riddleywalkerusr13, i guess i could google this20:56
usr13Riddleywalker: ebook2cw is one20:56
Riddleywalkerusr13, oh no, i mean irc channels to chat about ham stuff20:57
Riddleywalkerusr13, i've got Gordon West's study discs20:57
halinaI think it's broken still20:58
Riddleywalkerusr13, thank you for the recommendation. 7320:58
plumi used dd to write an image file to an sd card, and now i can't see that sd card even from gparted20:58
plumi don't mind data loss, but i just want to be able to use the card again-- what can i do?20:59
usr13plum: You may need to unplug and plub it back in again, but make sure dd is finished20:59
s5fsplum: sdcards die like crazy too20:59
usr13*plug* not plub20:59
s5fsi've killed dozens in the last two years20:59
usr13plum: Oh, it is an sdcard?21:00
plumi've rebooted and tried plugging it back in, but it's not showing up still21:00
plumyeah, sd card-- micro sd card to be precise21:00
plumit's in an sd card adapter in a laptop though21:00
usr13plum: Better off to use a regular thumb drive21:00
eeeeplum: try sudo parted -l21:00
plumparted -l only shows my hard drive21:01
plumnot the sd card :/21:01
plumi was trying to write an OS to the sd card for a raspberry pi21:01
ash123hello all21:01
s5fsplum: try tailing /var/log/syslog when you stick the sdcard in, see if any errors show up21:02
ash123i had a problem earlier with my USB adapter, but the only solution seems to be to use a different USB adapter that has drivers which work properly21:02
plumCerberus kernel: [  167.160059] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card21:02
ash123i am wondering, as i am currently learning C at the moment, could i get to a point where i could one day write my own drivers?21:02
plums5fs: that's what it says in tailing /var/log/syslog21:03
ash123and im learning it on Ubuntu (linux is supposed to be a better environment for learning C)21:03
plumthat error shows up a few times, the error -110 for mmc021:03
FU`CK_LENNARTHate SystemD? Like Minimalism? Try Uselessd! Check it out at irc://irc.darknedgy.net/uselessd ! Visit the Website at http://uselessd.darknedgy.net/ ! Say FUCK YOU to Poettering the Cunt and try USELESSD today!21:03
FU`CK_LENNARTHate SystemD? Like Minimalism? Try Uselessd! Check it out at irc://irc.darknedgy.net/uselessd ! Visit the Website at http://uselessd.darknedgy.net/ ! Say FUCK YOU to Poettering the Cunt and try USELESSD today!21:03
k1l_ash123: some day you will be able if you keep learning. but it still will be easier to buy a working device.21:04
ash123it just so happens i have 2 different usb adapters21:04
ash123one works partially, the other works fully21:04
ash123the drivers for the 'partially' working one are not good enough for linux21:05
ash123so im using the old one that works fully21:05
k1l_ash123: in short: if the manufacturer is helpfull and ships drivers: the device works21:05
ash123i spent ages trying to fix it, and was lucky enough that my old USB adapter works21:05
Dillyodon't mean to interupt.  Can anyone point me in the right direction towards a community on irc focused on html/html5?21:06
ash123they have made linux drivers for it, but the thing kept disconnecting constantly21:06
k1l_Dillyo: try alis21:06
ash123this particular model is version 4 which uses realtek drivers, the previous versions used atheros which people have claimed work properly from reviews21:06
=== rotzbub__ is now known as rotzbub
k1l_!alis | Dillyo21:06
ubottuDillyo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:06
MonkeyDustDillyo  type /j #html521:07
Dillyonice thank you21:07
Dillyonice thank you21:07
plumwhat can i do for the mmc0 error -110 whilst initialising sd card?21:08
ash123i love this OS21:08
ash123i tried redhat fedora many years ago and gave up on linux21:09
ash123but this time i am sticking to it21:09
alexis_I'm new21:09
ash123with Ubuntu21:09
ash123cus it is supposed to be easy21:09
s5fsplum: i think it's dead yo21:10
plumme too :/ dang. that sucks, it's a 32gb one21:10
ImActuallyACathi guys, after many attempts, i've gotten no where in fixing my boot. i recently tried using boot-repair-disk, but it hasn't helped. i'm afraid i'm rather stuck in a hole with this. is there ANY way to extract my files and documents from the damaged Ubuntu drive?21:11
ImActuallyACatany help would be greatly appreciated.21:12
ash123ImActuallyACat: are you able to access those files from an OS on a USB drive?21:12
ash123or another OS on the same/different HDD?21:12
ImActuallyACatno i'm not.21:12
ash123i wouldnt know then, sounds pretty bad21:13
s5fsplum: add it to the 'dead' pile. maybe there is some magic i'm unaware of, but i just keep tossing them into a pile and buying new ones.21:13
ash123speaking of which, does anybody know a free alternative to DBAN that is getting regular updates? i dont like how darik sold out to Blancco21:13
plumsounds like that's what i'll have to do, unfortunately21:14
ImActuallyACati've got xubuntu on a live usb, and i have no idea if it's able to recognize the ubuntu install on the hard drive.21:14
ImActuallyACati'm okay with reformating, i just want to be able to obtain some of my older files.21:14
orbWhat caused the problem?21:15
ImActuallyACati honestly have no idea. i started up my computer after shutting it down, and then it told me i was missing the ubuntu root, and all i could do was use initramfs commands, and it's been going downhill ever since.21:16
=== vemacs is now known as vemacs|ded
ImActuallyACatit's on a laptop, by the way. is it possible to remove that laptop's hard drive, put in in my desktop and then maybe extract those files from windows?21:17
orbShould I assume you know the device name and tried to mount it?21:17
orbIt is possible to do and windows, but probably better to do it in Linux perhaps booting from a USB stick.21:18
orbsorry, I'm doing voice to text.21:18
daftykinsImActuallyACat: easier to boot a live session on the laptop and backup over the network21:18
ImActuallyACatokay, how would i do that?21:18
orbImActuallyACat: are you familiar with mount?21:20
ImActuallyACatno i'm not.21:20
orbi'm using an iPhone fryer see you at the moment. Typing all the commands would be a tad tedious.21:20
daftykinsImActuallyACat: got a USB or DVD of ubuntu?21:20
ImActuallyACati've got a usb of xubuntu.21:21
ImActuallyACatis that okay?21:21
daftykinsok boot that21:21
ImActuallyACatokay, done so.21:21
daftykinsare you in it right now?21:21
daftykinsopen a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit"21:21
daftykinsthen "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"21:22
orbdaftykins: I think he just wants to mount the original hard drive and copy files from it.21:23
ImActuallyACatokay, done that.21:23
daftykinsorb: yep, thus i'll find out what partitions are there21:23
orbOh okay21:23
daftykinsImActuallyACat: it should've given you a link to paste here21:23
daftykinserr, ok wow that's a bit odd21:24
daftykinshang on then before we make this any worse...21:24
daftykinsImActuallyACat: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"21:25
daftykinsorb: not sure if you could open that paste on your phone easily but that disk looks damaged21:25
ash123Would anyone recommend an alternative email provider to gmail? no advertisements, privacy, etc.21:26
orbI was noticing that.21:26
ash123or am I being paranoid? just wondering what is out there21:26
daftykinsash123: not on topic here21:26
ash123oh sorry21:27
ash123my bad21:27
=== Vicky is now known as Guest35380
ImActuallyACathttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8399018 forgot the 'e'.21:27
rob79Hey all, how's it going? Anyone here have any experience with fixing an NTFS partition? I'm in over my head :)21:27
ash123what is the name of that bot that recommends channels?21:27
ash123might be able to find one21:27
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:27
Krixvarsorry for the cross post from kubuntu, but this is more of a general question and I see a lot more people here.. after a routine apt-get upgrade yesterday my nvidia drivers are broken to the point that I don't have nvidia-xconfig even after reinstalling (and trying a xorg-edgers version).. anyone else affected by this?21:27
rob79Basically I resized an NTFS partition on my external HDD and now it won't mount. Gparted tells me to chkdsk /f on windows, but I don't have windows :)21:28
marvin-RPiwhat do you mean by fixing Rob79 ?21:28
daftykinsImActuallyACat: ok well the good news is there's no physical damage showing up, but as you saw there're only partitions showing for 64GB of the 750GB drive which is very bad21:28
rob79marvin-RPi: Well, after I resized the partition it just stopped mounting. I've tried ntfsfix with no success, and since I don't have access to Windows I'm not sure what other NTFS tools might be appropriate.21:28
ImActuallyACatis there anything i can do?21:29
daftykinsImActuallyACat: first off, try a "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit" just to confirm21:29
marvin-RPitry gparted mate21:29
rob79This is exactly the error gparted gives me: http://pastebin.com/3eBf6bEZ21:30
=== Spr0cket- is now known as Spr0cket
daftykinsImActuallyACat: ideally, i would image up this disk to another before attempting any data recovery on it - if you're really keen to get anything back21:31
orbI wonder if FDISK a showing that because he might have an EFI partition. I'm not versed in all of that.21:31
ImActuallyACathow do i go about doing that?21:32
daftykinsorb: that's why i asked for parted first, fdisk would've warned it doesn't support it, but it's an msdos partition table disk21:32
orbMaybe he needs to use gdisk?21:32
=== rurkowce is now known as Guest68225
orbOh Ok21:32
daftykinsImActuallyACat: well you need another HDD to copy it to :)21:32
ImActuallyACatwell damn...21:32
=== marc is now known as Guest2647
daftykinsyou can try some data recovery options now but you'll likely make things worse21:33
daftykinsit's very risky21:33
orbI got a run, good luck on that21:33
=== NaStYdoG is now known as Guest45080
ImActuallyACati'm afraid i don't have another hard drive with the room to copy it to. =/21:33
ImActuallyACatthank you orb.21:33
smart_developerWhen doing chown owner : group, what is the significance of "owner", and the significance of "group" ?21:34
smart_developerBasically, what do they denote ?21:34
=== codethou_ is now known as codethought
k1l_smart_developer: can you rephrase?21:35
=== gianluca is now known as Guest184
daftykinsImActuallyACat: does your desktop have >1TB of space?21:35
smart_developerk1l_ : Basically, what exactly does "group" mean in this context?21:35
smart_developerk1l_ : Why do you need to specify something other than just "owner" ?21:35
daftykinssmart_developer: they're entities, a group is a collection of users21:35
k1l_owner:group     in most cases its <your_nickname>:<group_name_like_sudoers_or_sambagroup>21:35
ImActuallyACatno, it's got about 50gb.21:36
smart_developerdaftykins k1l_ : I understand that "group" is a collection of users, but why would someone want to specify the "group" for a particular file/directory ?21:36
smart_developerBasically, what's the significance of it ?21:37
daftykinsso more than one user can access it...21:37
smart_developerAh, so basically "group" is just short for "access group" ?21:37
k1l_smart_developer: think of you got 5 users using your pc (or some network directory). so you put them into a "cool-group" and set the permissions of a folder to user:cool-group. now all that users can handle the folder and the files in it according to the mode set for the group21:37
daftykinsImActuallyACat: ok, so you can either try risky commands or buy another drive first to aid in recovering this one21:37
smart_developerdaftykins - Then what's a more descriptive way to describe "group" ?21:37
Slarthey, I've got an old Griffin Powermate (basically just a big volume control with a led light).. when I plug it in I see that it's recognized in dmesg output and apparently it shows up as an input device.. how can I catch events from this? anything I can use to run bash scripts or python scripts when I use it?21:37
daftykinssmart_developer: the only way the word 'group' needs more of an explanation is if your mother tongue isn't English21:38
ImActuallyACatlet's try the risky commands, it's the only choice i've got really.21:38
smart_developerk1l_ : What "modes" are there ?21:38
daftykinsImActuallyACat: hang on let me run this by a good sir21:38
ImActuallyACatokay thank you.21:38
k1l_smart_developer: that what you set with "chmod"21:38
daftykinsTJ-: heya, do you have much experience with data recovery when a user's drive has lost partitions?21:38
smart_developerk1l_ : Ah, I see.21:39
k1l_smart_developer: like 755, or 711 etc etc21:39
smart_developerThen owner is just owner ?21:39
smart_developerDoes owner mean that they have pretty much any permissions that they want?21:39
smart_developerAnd can "owner" be a collection of users, as well ?21:39
s5fssmart_developer: http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml21:40
smart_developers5fs : That's for chmod21:40
s5fsall these questions and more can be answered with a quick read21:40
TJ-daftykins: Yes :)21:40
smart_developers5fs : We're more on chown, here.21:40
k1l_smart_developer: no. owner is the first number and group the second number of the permissions numbers21:40
k1l_!permissions | smart_developer21:40
ubottusmart_developer: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:40
s5fssmart_developer: you are asking basic unix file permission questions, the utility used to modify these permissions does not matter.21:40
s5fssmart_developer: you need a better conceptual understanding of WHAT you are changing and WHY, not HOW21:41
daftykinsTJ-: care to take a look at this parted output from ImActuallyACat ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8398989/ i was about to maybe advise testdisk being run. user has no disk space for a backup image to be made first21:41
s5fschmod/chgrp/chown all that stuff is the HOW21:41
smart_developerk1l_ s5fs : Thanks.21:42
smart_developerBtw, s5fs what does your username stand for? something fs ?21:42
smart_developerfilesystem ?21:42
daftykinskeep it on topic, smart_developer21:43
s5fssmart_developer: system five filesystem21:43
s5fsso like, i may not be the wizards beard with unix file perms but i know enough ;)21:43
=== Guest45080 is now known as NaStYdoG
TJ-daftykins: ImActuallyACat OK, got that. I'll just run up a chat history so I can catch up. Have you checked the Live ISO's "/var/log/kern.log" for any indication of disk I/O errors from the Hitachi drive?21:44
smart_developerQuick question - so is "root" always going to be (either explicitly or just implicitly) considered both "owner" and a member of the "group" for every file/directory ?21:44
daftykinsTJ-: no sir, i too jumped in late21:45
smart_developerEven when "owner" and "group" don't explicitly say so ?21:45
smart_developerBecause "root" can do everything, right ?21:45
ImActuallyACati'm not sure what i'd be looking for.21:45
k1l_smart_developer: nope21:45
smart_developerk1l_ : But can "root" still do, everything ?21:45
smart_developerk1l_ : Even when not "owner" or in "group" ?21:45
thoonaihey, I'm having trouble with nfs21:45
k1l_smart_developer: well, somewhat: yes.21:46
smart_developerk1l_ : What do you mean by the "somewhat" ?21:46
TJ-ImActuallyACat: You'll see some very obvious "Disk I/O Error" messages, each of about 5 lines, detailing the raw command that failed21:46
k1l_smart_developer: but you should setup your stuff that way, that you dont need that superuser in daily use.21:46
ImActuallyACatnope, don't see any.21:47
thoonaiI can't mount a nfs share though on the nfs server a user with the same uid and name exists as my desktop user and the shared directory belongs to this user21:47
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Here's an example (the first photo shows them) http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/68147/i-o-errors-on-hard-disk-on-linux-boot21:47
ImActuallyACatnope, none.21:48
TJ-ImActuallyACat: If there aren't disk I/O errors there's a good chance the data can be recovered in-situ, if we can first be sure what partitions and file-systems were on the disk before it went bad21:48
smart_developerk1l_ : Even having read s5fs article, I'm still a bit confused as to what the significance of "owner" is, and why permissions need to be set seperately for the "owner", aside from the "group" ?21:48
smart_developerk1l_ : And it seems that if you're the owner, why should anyone be setting permissions against you ?21:49
smart_developerAfter all, you're the owner, right?21:49
smart_developerAnd can owner be a group of users (more than one user) ?21:49
k1l_smart_developer: if you set the permissions to 700, only the owner can do all and even the group can do nothing21:49
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Do you have "pastebinit" installed in the Live environment? If not, please install it - we're going to need it!21:49
daftykinsTJ- + ImActuallyACat - already present :)21:49
k1l_smart_developer: XYZ permissions stand for X=owner, Y=gropu, Z= all.21:50
TJ-daftykins: ImActuallyACat Great .... "pastebinit < <(sudo blkid)"21:50
ashley123hi, just a quick question21:50
k1l_owner 1 person, group= well a group, all = all21:50
TJ-ImActuallyACat: daftykins I'll be a couple of minutes; putting the coffee-pot on :)21:50
daftykinsashley123: waiting for it (:21:50
smart_developerk1l_ : So then it seems that "owner" can only be 1 user, correct ?21:51
ashley123I set my ubuntu partition to be about 15 GB big when i installed ubuntu earlier (alongside windows 7), but it only shows the partition as having a capacity of 6.2 GB on Ubuntu21:51
ImActuallyACatthank you so much guys, i really appreciate it!21:51
ashley123im wondering where the rest has gone?21:51
smart_developerk1l_ : And lastly, can the "chmod" command only be run by "root" ?21:51
daftykinsashley123: are you in ubuntu right now?21:51
k1l_ashley123: please pastebin "df -h"21:51
ashley123in ubuntu right now21:51
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daftykinsashley123: what k1l_ said :)21:51
ashley123um, never used paste bin before21:52
ashley123do i need to make an account21:52
ashley123or can we private message on irc?21:52
k1l_smart_developer: no, chmod is run by the owner. if you are not the owner you run as sudo.21:52
daftykinsno, paste.ubuntu.com21:52
k1l_smart_developer: be dont get tricked into running all as sudo. just use sudo where you really need to21:52
smart_developerk1l_ : "Run as sudo" = "Run as root" ?21:52
ashley123my SSD is 120 GB (advertised, actually smaller)21:53
k1l_smart_developer: on ubuntu there is no active root. you are running as user and if you need root-rights you use sudo21:53
smart_developerk1l_ : Okay, then "sudo" is the closest thing to the concept of "root", correct ?21:53
k1l_ashley123: please pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"   small L at the end21:54
k1l_smart_developer: yes. its used on ubuntu to not run as root all the time and do stuff accidently as root where it doesnt need root21:54
k1l_smart_developer: its like the admin user on windows, just that you dont run as admin all the time just preface a command with "sudo" to get that singe command the root rights21:55
TJ-ImActuallyACat daftykins  Can you show us "pastebinit < <(sudo blkid)"21:55
karab44we are the Champion of the World!21:56
k1l_ashley123: well, you only set 6GB to ubuntu. the other 8GB are used for swap21:56
smart_developerk1l_ : What's the difference between windows' admin user, and a superuser ?21:56
ashley123i set it to 15 GB when i was installing21:56
ashley123has the swap taken too much?21:56
thoonaihey, I'm experiencing a curious error: if I'm mounting a nfs share  I can't access the data and ls -la shows like user 1001 owns the folde I mounted the nfs share to21:57
k1l_smart_developer: in short: there is none21:57
k1l_smart_developer: see windows: they changed that old "you need to loginto admin account all the time" to that dialog boxes who ask for admin permissions, too. that is what sudo is like on ubuntu21:58
smart_developerk1l_ : All right, I see. I can take it further from here. Thank you for your help.21:59
thoonaiand if I try to sudo chown mysuser sudo can't access the directory21:59
TJ-ImActuallyACat: OK, so the tools that should be able to tell us what is in "/dev/sda2" can't see anything they recognise, which suggests the partition has been over-written by something else either totally or in-part, so we now need to look at that manually. Please show us "pastebinit < <(sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 bs=512 count=8 | hexdump -C)"21:59
k1l_smart_developer: just take some 15mintes to read the wiki pages linked by the bot21:59
ashley123k1l_:  I have 8GB of RAM, should I reduce the swap (because I'm guessing I don't need so much)?22:00
eeeeashley123: if you aren't going to use the hibernate feature, you can delete the swap partition.22:00
k1l_ashley123: well, if you want to hibernate you need some little more than you got ram22:00
thoonaianybody an idea whats going wrong?22:00
ashley123oh ok, thanks for the replies guys22:00
ashley123i usually leave my computer turned on because i have really slow internet22:00
k1l_ashley123: personally i dont have a swap at all (8Gb ram and ssd and no use of hibernation)22:01
ashley123but i do have hibernation disabled (by default i do believe)22:01
daftykinsashley123: your SSD is too small for even Windows alone i'd say, both on it is a bit of a masochistic move22:01
thoonaidaftykins: huh? Windows works fine with 30GB or so22:01
ashley123daftykins: i dont have gigs upon gigs of videos/music/etc files stored22:02
daftykinsthoonai: lol. off topic here but i fundamentally disagree22:02
k1l_ashley123: but honestly, 15GB is quite few space for a ubuntu. i got a 15GB / ( with 10GB used) and 70GB /home22:02
ashley123its fairly safe for me, i only have a bit of music and games, and mostly do programming now (learning anyway)22:02
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Not looking good - those first 8 sectors of the partition should have something other than all zeros in them; your output shows nothing at all. This looks like something has blanked the partition22:02
thoonaisure Windows is a stupid idea, but it works22:02
thoonaidon't separate /home to an extra partition22:02
ImActuallyACatso it's all gone?22:03
thoonaiit does not makeexactly much sense22:03
k1l_thoonai: it does22:03
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Install "testdisk" and use it; it may be able to find something and then we can decide if it is possible/safe to let testdisk make changse22:03
thoonaik1l_: tell me22:03
thoonaik1l_: I'm wonderign22:03
k1l_thoonai: doesnt flood / partition22:03
thoonaiand I could need some help with nfs though ...22:03
ashley123i did have a 1TB HDD I was running alonside the SSD, but I hardly ever used it and it showed signs of failing (BSOD a lot until I disconnected it)22:03
ImActuallyACatalright, it's installed and running.22:04
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Despite its name "testdisk" actually scans the raw data looking for the signatures of partitions and file-systems and gives options to recreate them so that an operating system can read them22:04
thoonaik1l_: ? what should flood a partition? user or root? I thought you have like 5% reserver for root on ext4?22:04
somedudezhello there! is it possible that installing 3 oses may slow down the hard disk rpm ?22:05
ashley123somedudez: you never run them all at once, so no22:05
TJ-somedudez: No22:05
thoonaisomedudez: sure, after 20 OSes the disks stops because its too heavy22:05
somedudezbut wouldnt the hard disk have. to "travel longer" to reach dofferent filesystems ?22:06
thoonaisomedudez: no nothing happens you just have les space22:06
TJ-somedudez: That might be the case for tape drives, but not spinning disks22:06
k1l_thoonai: yep, or if you want to reinstall and want to keep user data, etc etc etc22:06
somedudezi see, fair e ough thanks !22:06
thoonaik1l_: never did separate partitions, never had any problems22:07
k1l_thoonai: i dont ride my bike with a bike helmet, never had any problems :/22:07
ImActuallyACatwhat do i do next?22:08
thoonaik1l_: oh sure, yes I'm experiencing weekly trouble with an server because glorious master admin separated the partitions and they ever flood with /tmp waste22:08
thoonaik1l_: sure thats no legit argument, sorry ;)22:08
k1l_thoonai: i mean: if you experience issues (on a standard user desktop system) its already too late for our discussion.22:08
TJ-ImActuallyACat: If testdisk has positive results (claims to have found file-systems other that /dev/sda1), pastebin the report and let us consider it22:09
KrixvarHey all, anyone have an idea why an apt upgrade would result in my nvidia drivers breaking to the point that xrandr doesn't work and I don't have a nvidia-xconfig command anymore? I've tried completely reinstalling 3 different versions of the drivers to no avail22:09
thoonaik1l_: ? huh22:09
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ImActuallyACatokay, how do i do that?22:09
daftykinsKrixvar: if they were manually installed from an nvidia website download, yeah, that could break things22:09
k1l_thoonai: yeah, server systems do have other requirements and even a lot of spare partitions for different mount points do make sense.22:10
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo testdisk, No Log > No Log > select disk22:10
Krixvardaftykins -- straight from the repos, that's why I was so surprised22:10
somedudezabother questions: does Tor modify network config?22:10
eeeeImActuallyACat: what are you trying to recover?22:10
ImActuallyACati selected the disk.22:10
thoonaik1l_: if the root partition floods every week with >20GB waste in /tmp something goes somewhat very wrong22:10
eeeeImActuallyACat: ext4 ? ntfs ?22:11
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Has testdisk reported it can recover aanything?22:11
Krixvardaftykins: I just ran apt-get upgrade last night, didn't notice anything about nvidia, this morning its stuck at low resolutions and nvidia-settings doens't show any options22:11
ImActuallyACatdo i select the intel option, then analyze?22:11
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Can you pleae prefix your comments with my nickname; use tab-complete if needed to quickly select a nick-name22:11
q120Is there anybody who knows if there is an app for Ubuntu that will let me configure audio out formats such as bitrate, speaker settings (5.1, 7.1, etc)? I have one (Pulseaudio Volume Control) that definitely gives me many more options than is typical, but I'd like to be able to change some other parameters.22:11
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Yes22:11
q120I'm not averse to manually editing files, if there is no GUI available22:12
thoonaiand if I try to sudo chown mysuser sudo can't access the directory22:12
TJ-eeee: sda, 750GB msdos PT, 2 partitions, sda1 == /boot, sda2 primary.... zeroed for at least 1st 8 sectors. Using xbuntu live env, no disk I/O errors seen in logs22:13
eeeeTJ-: ok22:14
thoonaioh  I have still trouble with my nfs not being properly mounted and changing the user and group id22:15
Bashing-omImActuallyACat: TJ- :: as a new user, this may prove helpfull: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/ ;  written in a user-friendly way and introduces you to testdisk in a gentle way .22:15
thoonaiI'm getting stupid about this nfs stuff, it makes no sense at all22:16
TJ-ImActuallyACat: Thanks for the private message, but it'd be more helpful to keep all messages in the channel window so everyone can help you. You don't need to send me a message directly, just prefix any comments addressed to me with "TJ-" so my IRC client highlights them for me.22:17
TJ-ImActuallyACat: eeee daftykins OK, testdisk is reporting "* Linux and P Linux LVM"22:18
TJ-ImActuallyACat: You need to tell Testdisk to try to recover the "Linux LVM" which is what is in "/dev/sda2"22:18
ImActuallyACatTJ- ahh okay thanks.22:18
daftykinsTJ-: interesting, no LVM experience here but i'd have thought it would've been seen as encompassing the entire 750GB disk? :)22:19
eeeeImActuallyACat: you can view the files by pressing 'p' over the partition22:19
TJ-daftykins: No ... GRUB might not like booting from LVM LV, so in that case a separate /boot/ is created.... this is to allow the option to use full-disk  encryption on the LVM PV22:20
daftykinsTJ-: ah-haaa, so potentially nothing is wrong at all? :)22:21
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TJ-daftykins: Well, yes, because something has clobbered the LVM metadata from sda2 so it looks empty to the file-system tools22:21
daftykinsTJ-: oh ok, it's no voodoo tech then :)22:22
thoonainfs is voodoo and it fdrives me insane22:23
ImActuallyACatTJ-: daftykins: what do i do next?22:24
eeeeImActuallyACat: did you use the right arrow to make the partitions you want recovered green?22:25
ImActuallyACateeee: yes, both are green.22:25
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eeeeImActuallyACat: TJ- daftykins ok, then write to disk, i guess?22:26
TJ-ImActuallyACat: eeee can guide you well here; I need to go now, good luck with it22:26
daftykinseeee: i've no experience with that one myself :)22:26
daftykinsTJ-: thanks for the assist22:26
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ImActuallyACatTJ-: daftykins: thank you so much for the help!22:27
daftykinsno problemo22:27
ImActuallyACateeee: how do i write to disk? dk22:27
daftykinsglad my instincts to check with someone better panned out22:27
ImActuallyACateeee: do i set them both as primary? then just press enter to continue22:27
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eeeeImActuallyACat: daftykins yeah, i think so22:28
eeeedaftykins: ?22:28
eeeeI've no idea about LVM stuff22:28
nahtnamIm trying to install this: https://github.com/erming/shout-build But im not sure where to put the folder. I want it to have its own launcher icon.22:29
ImActuallyACateeee: so i restarted the laptop and it's giving me the error missing operating system.22:29
daftykinseeee: sorry i don't have any experience with the current process22:29
eeeeImActuallyACat: did you write to disk?22:30
eeeedid you try the backup BS thing?22:30
eeee( i think that checks the boot sector )22:30
ImActuallyACatno i did not.22:30
eeeeok, might be worth a shot22:31
ImActuallyACateeee: give me a little bit to try and do so.22:31
eeeeImActuallyACat: do you have a windows cd ?22:31
Bray9082_Is there anyways to lock the dashboard to the desktop so it's always open22:32
ImActuallyACateeee: no i do not.22:32
thoonaiok it works wit 755 permissions,but this is not exactly fine22:32
thoonaiI dislike nfs so much22:32
ImActuallyACateeee: so i just started up testdisk again, and now it's giving me quite a few drive options to select.22:33
ImActuallyACateeee: including /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root which startup said was missing when the problem occured.22:34
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ImActuallyACateeee: do i still select /dev/sda to backup the BS thing?22:35
eeeeImActuallyACat: i think so22:36
eeeeImActuallyACat: do you have another PC with windows on it?22:36
eeeeImActuallyACat: i think you need to write the MBR22:36
ImActuallyACateeee: yes i do, so i just write the TestDisk MBR code to the first sector?22:37
eeeeno, i don't exactly know what that does22:37
eeeei was thinking you could use that pc to make a recovery usb, boot to a command prompt and fix the mbr22:37
eeeeis this win8?22:38
ImActuallyACateeee: win7.22:38
eeeelet me see what that testdisk mbr option does22:38
eeeeImActuallyACat: ok, try the recovery BS thing22:40
ImActuallyACateeee: how do i do that?22:40
eeeeget the partitions the way you want them, and then after writing, press the backup BS option22:40
ImActuallyACateeee: did that, now write?22:41
eeeewhat options do you get?22:41
ImActuallyACat"write partition table, confirm ? [y/n]"22:42
ImActuallyACatnow reboot?22:42
eeeei mean after that what does it say?22:42
eeeeno, wait22:42
ImActuallyACatit just says you have to reboot for the change to take effect.22:42
eeeeit should say something to the right, like use backup bs22:42
eeeeor something like that22:43
eeeeImActuallyACat: nothing?22:44
eeeealright, i guess reboot22:44
eeeeand enter testdisk agai22:44
eeeeand try to write the testdisk MBR22:44
jhutchinsFor the root device you have to reboot for partition changes. Non root device doesn't require reboot.22:44
ImActuallyACatdo i reboot the laptop or the program?22:45
eeeeit tries to boot whatever bootsectors it finds in the partition's22:45
eeeeImActuallyACat: yeah try to reboot22:45
nahtnamIm trying to install this: https://github.com/erming/shout-build But im not sure where to put the folder. I want it to have its own launcher icon.22:46
ImActuallyACatstill get missing operating system error.22:46
ImActuallyACat"reboot and select proper boot device".22:46
eeeenahtnam: if you know the command to launch the program, launcher icons go in /usr/share/applications ( as .desktop files )22:46
eeeeImActuallyACat: ok, enter testdisk and try to write the testdisk MBR22:47
nahtnameeee There is no command22:47
nahtnamits a tarball file22:47
eeeenahtnam: follow the instructions of the author22:47
nahtnameeee Yes, he says run build.sh, but when you run it, it just generates executable in the same folder22:49
Dako300 /msg NickSert identify danomann22:49
ImActuallyACateeee: i wrote the testdisk mbr.22:50
Dako300 /msg NickServ identify danomann22:50
eeeenahtnam: so your command would be /path/to/executable i guess22:50
eeeenahtnam: try to run it in the terminal22:50
eeeeImActuallyACat: ok, restart i guess22:50
nahtnameeee Ohhhh ok. I see what you mean! Where would the best place to put the folder with the exec files?22:50
ImActuallyACatokay, so now all i get is "1234F:"22:51
eeeenahtnam: if you want you can put it in /usr/bin , (that would let all users have access to it) , or you could make a ~/bin directory in your home, and it would be added to your PATH22:51
Dako300I have a Dell Latitude D620 that I want to use Intel graphics for. I set the BIOS to onboard graphics but the nouveau driver keeps on loading. I tried to blacklist it but it does not load i915. Is there any way to fix this. I believe this laptop is too old for Optimus.22:51
nahtnameeee Thanks!22:52
eeeeImActuallyACat: ok press 122:52
eeeeit should try to boot from the first partition22:52
ImActuallyACatnothing happened.22:53
ImActuallyACattried, 3,4, and f, nothing.22:53
eeeeok, well i guess you can try to make a recovery usb using win722:53
ImActuallyACatis 2gb enough?22:54
eeeei'm too well versed in these stuff, i'm not sure it would work, worth a shot i guess22:54
eeeeImActuallyACat: yeah22:54
ImActuallyACatokay, so what do i do now?22:55
samuel_if i have a Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) how can i know mine chipset ??22:55
eeeeImActuallyACat: try to go to the control panel and search for recovery22:55
ImActuallyACatin win7?22:55
Krixvarsorry to ask again.. just totally lost as to why I no longer can run nvidia-xconfig - I asked a friend who recently updated as well and he is still able to22:56
eeeeImActuallyACat: yeah, i'm not sure about win7, win8 has it22:56
Dako300I have a Dell Latitude D620 that I want to use Intel graphics for. I set the BIOS to onboard graphics but the nouveau driver keeps on loading. I tried to blacklist it but it does not load i915. Is there any way to fix this. I believe this laptop is too old for Optimus.22:56
eeeeImActuallyACat: if it's not there, follow this guide to make one http://en.kioskea.net/faq/29462-windows-7-create-a-system-repair-usb-key22:57
nahtnameeee When I try running ~/bin/path/to/executable/shout I get this error: `[15957:0921/155715:INFO:gpu_info_collector_x11.cc(80)] NVCtrl extension does not exist.`22:57
eeeenahtnam: are you using the open source drivers?22:58
nahtnameeee My laptop drivers? They are System 76 drivers22:59
eeeenahtnam: not sure what the program does, but usually if you need gpu stuff you'd need the proprietary drivers22:59
CasWHey guys, I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and it can't discover any bluetooth devices, even though (from dmesg) bluetooth appears to be properly initialized22:59
nahtnameeee Oh lol22:59
nahtnamI think I figured it out22:59
mavenbluehey, I got a question about dual monitors: why does ubuntu insist that the monitor on the left is the primary monitor?23:01
eeeemavenblue: i think you can drag and rearrange them in settings > display23:02
mavenblueI've tried display settings, catalyst settins, xrandr settings, I can make my right monitor primary, but as soon as I tell ubuntu that it's on the right side my task bar etc jump to the left23:03
ImActuallyACateeee: okay, i followed and finished those steps, what next?23:05
eeeeImActuallyACat: ok, boot it in the pc23:06
mavenblueeeee: yeah, I can tell linux which monitor is on which side, but it refuses to allow the one shown as being on the right side to be the primary display23:06
CasWSorry, it crashed. Anyone have a solution for Ubuntu not being able to detect any devices even though dmesg says it's properly initialized? One thing that caught my attention is the fact that it seems that there are two bluetooth controllers23:06
ImActuallyACateeee: now i get "disk i/o error"23:07
mavenblueas soon as I click "right of" "crt2" everything jumps to the left display23:07
eeeemavenblue: try to turn off monitor you want as secondary, and press apply23:08
eeeemavenblue: then turn it back on23:08
mavenblueeeee: same dif23:09
eeeeImActuallyACat: booting the usb is giving that?23:10
ImActuallyACateeee: yes.23:10
ImActuallyACatshould i try a different usb drive?23:10
eeeeImActuallyACat: you could also try to boot it on the other pc23:11
ImActuallyACatokay, give me a little bit.23:11
eeeemavenblue: you did turn it off in settings > display right?23:12
eeeemavenblue: in settings, there should be launcher placement23:13
eeeeImActuallyACat: any luck?23:16
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eeeeImActuallyACat: if you have a win8 pc, you can make a recovery usb for win7 there23:20
ImActuallyACateeee: working on it now, i'm trying a different usb.23:20
ImActuallyACateeee: nope, no luck.23:21
eeeealso i/o error?23:22
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ImActuallyACatnow i get "remove disks or other media. press any key to restart"23:22
eeeeImActuallyACat: is the USB's priority first in the boot options?23:23
ImActuallyACatwhen i press a key, it brings me back to just "1234F:"23:24
eeeeImActuallyACat: what kind of usb is it?23:24
ImActuallyACata 1gb crucial gizmo! jr.23:25
eeeeImActuallyACat: does the usb boot in the other pc?23:27
ImActuallyACatgive me a second to try.23:27
daftykinsok, but only one!23:27
ImActuallyACatnope, same error on a different computer.23:30
daftykinswhat are you guys trying to get this second drive to boot?23:31
ImActuallyACatshould i format that usb, and make it a bootable usb with boot-repair-disk?23:31
eeeeImActuallyACat: yes, give it a shot23:33
eeeedaftykins: we're trying to use boot a win7 recovery usb to fix the mbr and bs23:34
daftykinsis that not something just reinstalling GRUB can sort?23:34
eeeedaftykins: i think he is running windows only23:34
eeeegood question though23:34
eeeeImActuallyACat: are you running windows only??23:35
ImActuallyACaton the drive that i'm trying to fix? no, ubuntu only.23:35
* daftykins wondered where the Windows boot factored in23:35
eeeewell, that's great!23:35
eeeeImActuallyACat: boot a live usb23:36
ImActuallyACatis xubuntu okay? that's the only one i have right now.23:37
ImActuallyACatokay cool.23:37
ImActuallyACatokay, in xubuntu.23:39
eeeeok is this efi ?23:39
eeeeif you do sudo parted -l , what partitions do you get23:39
daftykinseeee: nah msdos23:40
eeeedaftykins: ah, right.23:40
daftykinsworth us seeing an updated parted -l anyway though i'd say23:40
daftykinsgiven all that testdisk confusion23:40
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:40
daftykinsImActuallyACat: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"23:41
eeeethen sudo parted -l | pastebinit23:41
KrixvarSo I've cycled through 2 proprietary drivers from the ubuntu repos as well as one from xorg-edgers, and they're all behaving the same... so I feel like it was something else. How can I see what packages got updated yesterday when I ran apt-get upgrade?23:41
daftykinsKrixvar: dunno, but pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:42
daftykinsKrixvar: also "dpkg -l | grep nvidia"23:42
trismKrixvar: /var/log/apt/history.log will show you exactly what got upgraded23:42
Krixvarthanks one sec23:42
Krixvarxorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8399717/23:43
Krixvardpkg -l : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8399724/23:44
KrixvarI've also tried nvidia-304 from repos and 340 from edgers (removed edgers with ppa purge after it didn't work any different)23:45
X3fyrthis is probably asked a lot but is there anyway to move the launcher to the bottom of the screen?23:45
daftykinsKrixvar: what ubuntu version is this? "cat /etc/issue"23:46
daftykinsah nm i read the wrong line23:46
reisioX3fyr: yes23:46
bubbasauresX3fyr, No but there are docks23:46
reisioX3fyr: there's a bug on launchpad about it, and there are solutions in its comments23:46
Krixvardaftykins -- 14.04, Kubuntu but I think this is a general ubuntu/nvidia23:47
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daftykinsKrixvar: yeah your nvidia install is trashed, you have no built modules for the current kernel23:47
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo sh -ec "apt-get install lvm2; vgchange -ay"23:47
daftykinsKrixvar: "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* "23:47
Krixvardaftykins: I've done that between every reinstall but I'll try again, should I install any headers or dev files so it actually builds it?23:48
ImActuallyACateeee: just did that.23:48
daftykinsKrixvar: install nvidia-current and see that it actually generates it23:48
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt23:48
ImActuallyACatunknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'23:49
Krixvardaftykins: gotcha, I'll get back to you in a sec.. feeling like this is somehow related to the fact that I've had to manually modprobe nvidia_331 in a tty before logging in for the last few months... hadn't ever had time to fix it23:49
daftykinsKrixvar: lmao23:50
Krixvardaftykins: pretty much23:50
OERIAS?join #ISIL23:50
daftykinsKrixvar: and you only mention this NOW!? *faepalm*23:50
eeeeImActuallyACat: try sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt23:51
Krixvardaftykins: it technically worked fine :P plus getting a terminal on login kept people from logging in without me around 0.o23:51
Krixvarlooks like the install worked http://paste.ubuntu.com/8399749/23:51
ImActuallyACatokay did that.23:51
Bashing-omdaftykins: Krixvar Maybe ->above command will also remove the nvidia-common package and the nvidia-common package has as a dependency the ubuntu-desktop package (??).23:51
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot23:52
daftykinsKrixvar: i take it you've been modprobing it now and restarting X after to test?23:52
eeeeImActuallyACat: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done23:52
Krixvardaftykins: that or rebooting since this morning I tried modprobing and it did nothing but a reboot resulted in a low res login23:52
daftykinsKrixvar: so now "sudo service lightdm restart"23:52
Krixvardaftykins: no modprobe first?23:53
ImActuallyACatsorry, i don't quite understand that.23:53
daftykinsKrixvar: no, nor should it ever be necessary23:53
eeeeImActuallyACat: it's a command23:53
Krixvardaftykins: interesting okay, be right back23:53
ImActuallyACattype, "sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i"?23:54
daftykinsImActuallyACat: type his whole line "for...23:54
eeeeImActuallyACat: no run the whole command, "for ....done"23:54
ImActuallyACatahh okay.23:54
Krixvardaftykins: should have known better than to run it from the desktop.. ran it again from a tty and got a low res login page again23:55
Krixvardaftykins: dpm23:55
ImActuallyACatokay done.23:55
Krixvardaftykins: whoops, don't* have any higher resolutions available either23:55
eeeeImActuallyACat: chroot /mnt23:55
eeeeImActuallyACat: sorry, sudo chroot /mnt23:56
ImActuallyACatoperation not permitted.23:56
daftykinsKrixvar: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? delete it if so23:56
ImActuallyACatokay done.23:56
daftykinsKrixvar: rather, rename it to xorg.conf.old23:56
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda23:57
Krixvardaftykins: did that earlier I believe, there's nothing there now23:57
smart_developerHow do you (1) count how many processes are currently running, and (2) set the maximum number of processes running for a user ?23:57
eeeeImActuallyACat: might not need sudo there23:57
Krixvardaftykins: also strange is that the nvidia-xconfig command doesn't exist on my computer now23:57
ImActuallyACatinstallation finished, no error reported.23:57
eeeeImActuallyACat: update-grub23:58
daftykinsKrixvar: you definitely checked ?23:58
Krixvardaftykins: yeah, nano says new file23:58
eeeeImActuallyACat: type exit23:58
Krixvardaftykins: running xrandr gives "Failed to get size of gamma for output default23:58
Krixvar" so I feel like this is a larger issue than the graphics drivers :(23:58
daftykinsKrixvar: nano? lol man don't do things such a weird way. "ls -al /etc/X11/23:58
eeeeImActuallyACat: sudo reboot23:58
ImActuallyACatshould i remove the usb?23:59
eeeeImActuallyACat: yeah, let it boot without it23:59

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