
ikoniaYon: just put files in a directory they can both access00:00
ikoniathat simple00:00
Yonikonia: been trying to create such a directory sorry ..new00:00
ikoniaYon: how have you been trying to do this ?00:01
Yonikonia:  right click on folder..tried 'local network share' altered permissions etc but ...00:03
ikoniaYon: thats a network share00:03
ikoniaYon: nothing to do with shareing files between users00:03
ikoniaYon: hence the words "local NETWORK share"00:03
ikoniaYon: just create a directorys on the file system, you'll find the default permissions will probably allow both users to at least read it, add the write permissions mode to it, and you're done00:04
Yonikonia: ok but thought presumably it would be accessible   ..that simple huh..thanks00:06
batsazzI heard suse was buying ubuntu00:06
ikoniabatsazz: you heard wrong00:06
zebba_deAfter upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 earlier today I am not able to connect to IRC, FTP or SSH servers. I get connection refused (and similar messages)00:06
ikoniaYon: it really is that simple,00:06
ikoniaYon: if you're new https://help.ubuntu.com have a read00:06
TunnelBlickHi there :-)00:09
HaCkErZu guys know some costomization like screenlets00:12
TunnelBlickhi :-)00:12
TunnelBlickscreenlets ?00:12
HaCkErZyea bro00:13
vltHello. I'm running the latest Ubuntu 14.10 but my mplayer doesn't know any -udp-* options. How to fix this?00:13
ikoniadoesn't know any udp options ?00:13
ikoniawhat do you mean ?00:13
vltikonia: Running "mplayer -udp-master" for example I get "Unknown option on the command line: --udp-master"00:14
k1lHaCkErZ: take a look at conky00:14
ikoniavlt: you have two different options there one with - and one with -- are either of them valid options ?00:15
vltikonia: I get the same error both with --udp... and -udp...00:17
ikoniavlt: right, are they valid option s?00:17
ikoniaI don't see anything in the documentation to suggest they are valid00:17
vltikonia: http://mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/networksync.html00:19
bevhow do I get to options in Firefox00:19
k1lbev: click on the 3 stapled lines icon on the right side.00:20
ikoniavlt: is that valid in the version you're using ?00:20
vltikonia: That's my question. Or, if not, why not?00:21
ikoniavlt: maybe worth asking the maplayer guys what versions thats applicable to, and also checking if thats a compile option that has to be enabled00:22
k1lcheck the needed compile flags and if that is a standard flag used by ubuntu.00:23
SchrodingersScatvlt: syncplay is an option, if you're trying to sync playback.  I've found it more reliable than the built-in of other tools00:24
krokkkthanks EriC^^, downlaoded mediainfo and i'm checking with a script now :)00:24
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krokkksadly, i have 193 videos in a folder..00:24
vltikonia: Thank you. I found out from the sources that the -udp-* options were added in r32066 2010-09-08.00:25
ikoniavlt: is your version older than that ?00:25
zebba_deI upgraded to 14.04 from 12.04 earlier today. While I can browse the web or connect to ICQ I am not able to establish a FTP connection from FileZilla, ssh connections to a remote server nor can I connect Pidgin to Freenode (and probably other networks too): I'm not sure how I can fix this. Ideas?00:25
k1l!info mplayer00:26
ikoniazebba_de: where are you trying to make an ftp connection to00:26
ubottuPackage mplayer does not exist in utopic00:26
zebba_deikonia: An FTP-server where I'm pretty sure it's up and running00:26
zebba_deBut it's on the net00:26
SchrodingersScat!info mplayer200:26
ubottumplayer2 (source: mplayer2): next generation movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0-728-g2c378c7-2ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 1016 kB, installed size 2679 kB00:26
zebba_deufw returns status: inactive00:27
vltSchrodingersScat: That'S exactly my version on my system.00:28
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vltSchrodingersScat: Don't know if this is older than the version from 2010.00:28
SchrodingersScatvlt: same here.  what's your end goal?00:29
vltSchrodingersScat: Control (several) mplayer from a jack transport.00:30
SchrodingersScatvlt: what's a jack transport?00:33
k1lvlt: buildlog at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184059826/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.mplayer2_2.0-728-g2c378c7-2ubuntu3_UPLOADING.txt.gz says it was compiled with "./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --enable-translation --enable-debug=3  --enable-runtime-cpudetection"00:37
HaCkErZKool K1k00:37
YonHmm..still struggling with setting up a share folder between admin and standard users...sorry new...can anyone spell this out for me?00:38
SchrodingersScatYon: depends on how you want it to work.00:38
HaCkErZu guys know how to make ubuntu faster00:38
SchrodingersScatUse it on a train?00:38
HaCkErZanswer my question00:39
YonI've created a group and have relaxed permissions on a folder but then not sure how to access it from standard user account00:39
YonSchrodingersScat: what other ways are there?00:40
HaCkErZany one on facebook00:40
vltSchrodingersScat: http://jackaudio.org/files/docs/html/transport-design.html00:40
YonSchrodingersScat: I've created a group and have relaxed permissions on a folder but then not sure how to access it from standard user account00:41
HaCkErZhalla guys anyone on fb00:41
ikoniaHaCkErZ: whats the issue ?00:42
SchrodingersScatYon: cd to the directory?  you could also symlink with ln -s to somewhere in their /home/ to make it easier to find.00:42
HaCkErZwant some kool apps00:42
HaCkErZfor like coustomize00:42
ikoniaHaCkErZ: for what purpose ?00:43
ikoniaHaCkErZ: what is it you actually need/want00:43
owen1nopf: i solved the xdg-open issue - :%s/firefox.desktop/chromium-browser.desktop/g  in .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list00:43
HaCkErZapps to enhance the look on my pc00:43
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ikoniaHaCkErZ: have a search and find some you like,00:44
HaCkErZhere it has tons of ppl tell me some plz00:45
ikoniadepends what you need/want00:45
YonSchrodingersScat: Still gotta learn how bash works exactly..is there a gnome method for now ?00:45
SchrodingersScatYon: not sure00:46
athene_noctuahi, I'm on ubuntu 14.04. I am curious about why I don't see my wlan0 int in /etc/network/interfaces but it is active. any help or pointing in the right direction to figure that out?00:46
ikoniaathene_noctua: the network should not be configured through the interfaces file, it's controlled by network manager00:46
athene_noctuaikonia: makes sense, is the loopback int still handled by interfaces file?00:47
athene_noctuaikonia: I see it as the only line in there, why I'm asking.00:47
ikoniaathene_noctua: yes as it's not a real interface file00:47
ikoniaathene_noctua: sorry, not a real interface00:47
YonSchrodingersScat: ok so what would a complete commend line look like?...sorry00:47
athene_noctuaright, a pseudo interface00:47
athene_noctuaikonia: so, I could view my active interfaces within the Network Managers configuration files? in /etc or some such?00:48
ikoniaathene_noctua: it's not a file - it's in the network managers interface00:48
SchrodingersScatYon: ln -s /foo/bar /home/user/bar00:48
andrej_I have two servers that were iniitally installed from LTS 12.04.1 server ... they always get patched at the same time00:49
athene_noctuaikonia: ok, thanks much for the info.00:49
andrej_One deciuded to start showing You have packages from the Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) installed that00:49
andrej_are going out of support on 2014-08-07.00:49
andrej_which package would be causing that?00:49
k1landrej_: which kernel in use?00:50
YonSchrodingersScat:  so foo and bar are substitutions aswell as user?00:50
SchrodingersScatYon: correct.00:50
skweekhey yon, do you know how to configure a usb to ethernet adaptor that displays as being connected in lsusb but doesn't show up as eth0 after ifconfig?00:51
SchrodingersScatYon: location of the real directory followed by where you want the new link.00:51
EriC^^skweek: ifconfig eth0 down , maybe?00:51
skweekEriC^^, Iduno, would you think there wouldn't be automatic detection?00:52
YonSchrodingersScat: foo=real bar=new link location?00:52
EriC^^skweek: if you ifconfig down it, it won't show up in ifconfig -a, i think00:53
EriC^^skweek: i'm not so sure about this stuff, that's all i know00:53
SchrodingersScatYon: not sure what you're asking, give it a try though.00:54
EriC^^skweek: nevermind, it still shows00:54
EriC^^skweek: it shows in ifconfig -a, but not in ifconfig00:54
k1landrej_: on botj?00:54
andrej_Sorry for delayed response, got sidetracked00:54
andrej_k11 yes00:55
EriC^^skweek: what are you trying to achieve?00:55
anti-unixwitch is better mate xfce?00:55
andrej_ 3.2.0-70-generic #105-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 24 19:49:16 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ... both machines00:55
k1lanti-unix: try both and decide yourselv. other people have oher opinions what is needed00:55
rypervencheanti-unix: There is no "better". Each has its pros and cons.00:56
skweekload ethernet adaptor by usb00:56
YonSchrodingersScat: just confirming that 'foo' was the substitution for the real directory to be shared and that 'bar' was the substitution for the new link location where a standard user has access?00:56
anti-unixk1l, what is the difference between mate and xfce?00:56
EriC^^skweek: oh ok00:57
EriC^^skweek: try ifconfig -a00:57
k1lanti-unix: they are different desktop enviroments with differen bases00:57
EriC^^is it there?00:57
anti-unixk1l, fine00:57
SchrodingersScatYon: bar was also real, you can change what the link is called, but I made it the same to show that you can link between two locations.00:57
SchrodingersScatYon: then there would be the real /foo/bar/ and a /home/user/bar/00:57
skweekifconfig -a only lists lo and wlan0, I see the device information from lsusb00:58
EriC^^skweek: maybe it needs a driver?00:58
k1landrej_: please show a "dpkg -l | grep lts | grep ii"01:00
YonSchrodingersScat: ok..now confused sorry.. so I have an existing folder i want to share..is that folder  foo or bar?01:00
EriC^^skweek: check dmesg maybe01:01
SchrodingersScatYon: bar01:01
skweekif it does I think that I'll need to make one, I just couldn't locate one online01:02
YonSchrodingersScat: and then foo is ..?01:03
SchrodingersScatYon: a parent directory01:03
andrej_ii  libcommon-sense-perl               3.4-1                                                  module that implements some sane defaults for Perl programs01:05
andrej_ii  libsigsegv2                        2.9-4ubuntu2                                           Library for handling page faults in a portable way01:05
andrej_Just those two lines01:05
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zebba_deAny idea why I can browse the web and connect to ICQ using Pidgin but why I would be unable to connect to IRC servers (like freenode), SSH servers or FTP servers? I upgraded to 14.04 from 12.04 earlier today and just realized that I can't connect. I ran ufw status (inactive) and iptables (6 lines, nothing that would suggest it could cause a problem). I'd be glad if somebody had another idea on what to look for.01:07
rypervenchezebba_de: And it was working before on that machine?01:08
zebba_deYes rypervenche01:08
cryptodanwhat servers?01:08
rypervenchezebba_de: What client are you using, what server, and what error/s are you getting?01:08
zebba_deI'm trying to connect to my VPS and get connection refused. That is roughly the same message I recieve from FileZilla and Pidgin too01:09
k1landrej_: see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/1204_HWE_EOL01:09
cryptodanzebba_de: was a full wipe or did you save stuff from /home?01:09
k1landrej_: my guess was some non lts kernel but that is fine. see if hwe-support-status shows some more.01:10
rypervenchezebba_de: Try to telnet the IP and port of your IRC client from that machine and see if that works.01:10
zebba_derypervenche: Tried that, didn't work01:10
zebba_decryptodan: The upgrade did not wipe out the hdd01:10
cryptodanzebba_de: could be a corrupted upgrade01:11
rypervenchezebba_de: Sounds like a problem with your VPS then. You need to make sure nothing changed on it or you're not being blocked by either the VPS or your provider.01:11
cryptodanzebba_de: all I can say is use a livecd and see if you can ssh to those servers01:11
YonSchrodingersScat: home is a parent directory?01:12
SchrodingersScatYon: yep01:12
YonSchrodingersScat: yet the home folder is different for each user....hmm01:13
zebba_derypervenche: I can rule that out since I can connect from the laptop just fine01:14
SchrodingersScatYon: right, /home/ contains the homes for all the users01:14
skweekso I'm wondering if anyone can point me towards troubleshooting ethernet and usb to ethernet01:16
hakimdoes anyone know why i dont have the option to zoom in the file manager that opens when attaching pictures to an email using Gmail in a browser (no ctrl + or ctrl scroll doesnt work there)01:17
wilhCan anyone help me quick with aptitude? Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it is a bug - http://askubuntu.com/questions/568934/aptitude-is-unmarking-packages-as-auto-is-this-a-bug-or-feature01:17
bubbasauresskweek, Describe the issue for help including hardware.01:18
hakimdoes anyone know why i dont have the option to zoom in the file manager that opens when attaching pictures to an email using Gmail in a browser (no ctrl + or ctrl scroll doesnt work there)01:20
andrej_thanks k1101:21
skweekusb 2.0 10/100m ethernet adaptor idvendor=0fe6 idproduct=9702 gigaware ethernet adaptor Kontron (Industrial Computer Source / ICS Advent), I just want to plug it in and see it listed as eth0 ifconfig or ifconfig -a on my lenovo miix 2 11 which doesn't have an ethernet port01:21
skweekis that enough information? lsusub lists it present dmesg shows its connection details, I couldn't locate a linux driver...01:23
bubbasaureswilh, Packages have dependencies and they are attached, as you address them you link them.01:23
obXiDeJSFQQuick question guys:- Where do I find WiFi-related logs on Ubuntu?01:23
wilhbubbasaures: Thanks, but, I get that - what I don't get is that the ones marked as automatic are automatically getting unmarked... so, autoremove doesn't work and I have a bunch of things installed I don't need...01:24
bubbasauresskweek, So it does not plug and work in ubuntu, does it in another OS?01:24
bubbasaureswilh, You canceled pending this unhitches the package links, had you run a remove than autoremove would work, better yet run purge to remove most of it.01:26
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: dmesg01:26
bubbasauresskweek, You are imagining what might happen it seems to me not an actual event.01:27
owen1what is a good screencast app? (i am ok with no audio. i'll record the audio separately)01:27
skweekI have to assume it will since it's off the shelf and lights up as all is well brand new and such... I suppose testing it out on someone elses computer is an option.... but it seams like it would be superfluous01:27
bubbasauresskweek, superfluous, really, let me see you have a not working usb unit and you don't know enough to get just working and come here.01:28
YonSchrodingersScat: ok, so getting the idea...maybe..so that would give anyone who has access to the parent directory (say /home/) access to that file ..correct?01:29
skweekso would you like me to reconnect it again and check the devices on each end of the ethernet cable for connectivity?01:29
SchrodingersScatYon: no, it doesn't change the permissions of the directory, you're just creating a link for a directory.01:30
skweekI can do it again but it does seam superfluous01:30
daftykinsskweek: pastebin "dmesg | tail" after plugging it in.01:31
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skweekwould the 'dmesg | tail' plugged into an access point on one end and a computer on the other be better than just 'dmesg | tail' with it connected only usb ethernet adaptor to computer?01:34
skweekwould adding the NIC's MAC to /ect/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules using nano and rebooted?01:41
squeegily_I have an Acer Aspire One 751h.. Trying to play MP3s with VLC, MPlayer, or Parole on Ubuntu doesn't work (it's extremely scratchy and laggy), but the same MP3 plays without a hiccup on the included Windows XP installation01:42
bubbasauressqueegily_, Have you tried any lighter desktops?01:50
squeegily_bubbasaures: I tried it from the VT without a DE running and still got the same results01:51
jef_hello everyone01:52
skweekhey yon, would you happen to know a way around detecting ethernet from a usb device?01:52
bubbasauressqueegily_, I have one of those, even with 2 gigs ram it is a slow little beast, not sure on the audio, might be related not sure.01:53
daftykinssqueegily_: there's no way a Linux installation would be THAT bad, are you running a live session to test this? netbooks really should just be buried at this point. they were terrible on release, now it's 2015.01:53
bubbasauressqueegily_, I put a ssd in and it was still slow, heh01:53
squeegily_daftykins: I can't even play xvid-encoded video on the framebuffer with mplayer01:54
daftykinsbubbasaures: probably multiplied its' value by 10 ;)01:54
squeegily_I am suspecting serious problems01:54
bubbasauresdaftykins, True, it's a backup, "gotta support the team"01:54
daftykinssqueegily_: err, that's a lot different than just mp3. so will you answer whether it's live or not? also, which flavour OS?01:54
YonSchrodingersScat: Ok so did ln -s /home/Share Folder /home/ethan/Share Folder  and got ln: target ‘Folder’ is not a directory ....target being the original file location?01:55
retroisprestoare ubuntu alpha's and beta's officially supported, because i know ubuntu daily images aren't supported officially01:55
squeegily_daftykins: Oh, forgot to mention. It's a real installation of Xubuntu01:55
Ben64retroispresto: only released releases are supported here01:55
squeegily_It's a dual-boot01:55
retroisprestoBen64: i mean by ubuntu01:55
daftykinssqueegily_: 14.04? does a live session do the same? wonder if the NAND is going funny, if it has an old SSD01:56
retroisprestoon canchoial is supporting daily images. ubuntu doesn't01:56
k1lretroispresto: what do you mean exactly?01:56
Ben64retroispresto: i don't think ubuntu supports anything unless you pay01:56
squeegily_daftykins: The thing has an HDD (non-SSD) and I had the same results on 14.04 and 14.1001:57
retroisprestomakes sense, thanks01:57
daftykinssqueegily_: right and what's there now?01:57
squeegily_daftykins: Right now there's a dual-boot Xubuntu 14.04 LTS and Windows XP01:57
PistonHondoI'm using Clonezilla on Parted Magic to back up a /home partition...but I keep getting the error "Illegal block number passed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmap #3553371641 for multiply claimed block map" over and over.  I think Clonezilla might be in an infinite loop.  What do I do?01:58
daftykinssqueegily_: i think i've read of a few regressions in the kernel with reference to the nasty chipset in those netbooks, so it might just be a sign of the times. 12.04.5 is still good for a couple more years, though01:58
BigBawbhello friends :P my linux wifi adapter has finally arrived!01:58
PistonHondo(Oh, that /home partition is for Ubuntu)01:58
daftykinsBigBawb: nice, come back when you have a question01:58
skweeke3does anyone know how to load an ethernet device01:59
bazhangsudo ifup eth0 skweeke301:59
skweeke3no ethernet found01:59
squeegily_daftykins: Is there any way to put the 12.04 kernel on 14.04?02:00
bazhangwhat does ifconfig show skweeke302:00
daftykinssqueegily_: pretty sure bad stuff would happen02:00
squeegily_What's the expiration date on 12.04?02:02
skweeke3lo and wlan02:02
k1lsqueegily_: 5 years02:02
YonHi everyone, trying set up a share folder between admin and standard users and on the advice of  SchrodingersScat -who seems to have left the building- I did ln -s /home/Share Folder /home/ethan/Share Folder  and got ln: target ‘Folder’ is not a directory ...I'm new to this so leaning on Gnome at this stage and the folder is under home in gnome...so ..can anyone give me a steer?02:02
daftykinsYon: pretty bad place to put it, read "man ln" for what you're doing wrong with that symlink attempt.02:03
daftykinsYon: also, never use capitals or spaces in Linux paths, it's simply a terrible idea02:03
daftykinsyou're not in Windows anymore, Dorothy :)02:04
squeegily_Yay 12.04 lasts till 201702:04
squeegily_I'll try that then02:04
squeegily_Thanks for the suggestion02:04
Stanley00Yon: you for got the quote (") there, it should be ln -s "/home/Share Folder" "...."02:04
* zykotick9 hands daftykins some "double quotes" or\ another\ alternative\ ;)02:04
Yondaftykins: right..clearly have a lot to learn..cheers02:05
Lilith23 High Quality photos and videos http://bitly.com/1nx3K4c02:05
YonStanley00: thanks02:05
Shellbeeya i dont use godaddy, ridiculous fees and my pages load slow. I use these guys, lots of free bonuses and I never once had any issues for the past 3 yrs. My host is http://www.arvixe.com/9429.html02:06
obXiDeJSFQOkay, so, I just installed Ubuntu, but now it's throwing GPG errors whenever I try to install VIM. I googled the errors and people's solutions are basically "Oh, just run this command as root which will download a GPG key and trust it"... no. Is there any reason why the official Ubuntu installer didn't install "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing key"?02:07
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: pastebin of the scenario or we can't do anything02:08
zacariasHi. I want to burn subtitles (using ffmpeg) onto a mpeg file, which has a birate of around 2200 kbps. But if I just use the default options (ffmpeg -i video.avi -vf subtitles=subtitle.srt out.avi) I get a low-quality video with a bitrate of around 900 kbps. How should I do this?02:08
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: >W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>02:08
obXiDeJSFQfrom `apt-get update`02:08
daftykinsyou realise dapper is...02:08
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:08
daftykins6 years dead? :)02:09
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: give us a "cat /etc/issue"02:09
Quoexlmy mailserver is still dapper02:09
obXiDeJSFQYeah, my mistake, I pulled that off a '08 post because the actual computer I'm running doesn't have perfect networking yet (See:- WiFi issues)02:09
Quoexlit still works02:09
obXiDeJSFQIt's trusty.02:09
obXiDeJSFQGive me a minute and I'll physically pull it off the machine via USB02:09
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: i see, so you deliberately misled me. nice :)02:09
daftykinsQuoexl: i'm not even going to start on how idiotic that is02:10
ki7rwanything like this available for linux? http://www.usatoday.com/videos/tech/2015/01/04/21268479/02:10
Quoexlits got 3 addresses on it, so wat?02:10
k1lQuoexl: dont advise to run EOL version. that is malicious02:10
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/2af89d4602:10
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daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: so you're saying you refuse to follow the advice in say; http://askubuntu.com/questions/1877/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-resolve-apt-get-badsig-gpg-errors ?02:12
cryptodanki7rw: http://mattterrabyte.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/log-in-using-your-webcam-linux/02:14
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: First off, that would do nothing because that'd be pulling 0x54422A4B98AB5139, not 0x40976EAF437D05B5, which is what I'm having issues with, two, I'm a little skeptical of why my brand new Ubuntu installation has already, in less than a few minutes, lost track of one of Cononical's master signing keys.02:16
cryptodanyou copy and replace the example with your bad key obXiDeJSFQ02:17
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: maybe give it another read02:17
obXiDeJSFQSide note:- Found a blog that recommended I wipe out my /var/lib/apt/lists directory, then it worked fine, my assumption is that apt will still be verifying those package's signatures.02:19
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: I just did, nothing about _why_, only _what_ to do.02:19
blackangelprcryptodan, the same thing happened to me i solved with YPPA Manager02:20
obXiDeJSFQUnless I'm blind, which, may be a possibility, in which case, I'm legitimately sorry.02:20
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: oh, is a solution not sufficient?02:20
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: When the solution is importing GPG keys to be ultimately trusted by my computer, not really. If it was adjusting the volume, yes.02:21
daftykinsah ok, well i don't know enough about the topic to explain i'm afraid - i just would feel fine with getting updated keys from a keyserver under the control of Canonical.02:22
obXiDeJSFQBut you know, I want to make sure what I'm doing isn't malicious, so, what the hell, I'm the asshole here. Just run all the commands as root!02:22
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: The keyserver is public, literally anyone can upload a key to that server.02:22
daftykinsright but you're picking a specific one...02:22
WillWHey all! Like an idiot, I installed gnome-desktop over ubuntu-desktop a few months ago, and while i fixed most of the problems, not everything is resolved. When I click shutdown, it doesn't bring up the shutdown menu. When i open the laptop lid, and log in, i get logged out once and have to log in again.02:23
WillWAny advice on how to fix these?02:23
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: maybe your install went funny because you weren't properly online when you put it on? can't say i've ever had an issue of that kind02:23
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: Possibly that.02:23
daftykinsso you could just re-do it, if it's clean? up to you really02:24
HaCkErZTBH Which Is The Best Linux Distro And Is Linux Mint Far Better Than Ubuntu02:25
daftykinsgah, deletions left right and centre02:25
daftykinsthere is no such thing as best, there's only what works for you - try something out, see if you like it02:25
k1lHaCkErZ: its ubuntu (since you ask in #ubuntu)02:25
bazhangHaCkErZ, ubuntu is supported here MINT Is not02:25
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: I doubt it'll stay online again, having issues with my wireless card ('14e4:4727') which apparently isn't supported under Linux.02:26
cryptodanobXiDeJSFQ: try using wired when performing a fresh install02:26
daftykinsgot a chipset rather than a device ID? :)02:26
HaCkErZkool draftykins and bazang thank for the reply so far my fave is ubuntu but now downloading mint 17.102:27
obXiDeJSFQcryptodan: I would, but I see no obvious signs of corruption, if you _really_ think it'd help, I would, but, eh...02:27
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: BCM4313, but there are two cards with apparently the same name.02:27
WillWI just got here, but has the guy with wifi card problems turned off power saver mode in some text file somewhere?02:27
WillWcause thats a thing in ubuntu02:27
HaCkErZis it alright to use indecent laungage here02:28
obXiDeJSFQWillW: Only configuration file I touched was to re-enable hibernation, but, I was having issues with the WiFi card during the installation again (Mass logging of 'invalid MAC').02:28
WillWHaCkErZ: Not really, sparingly at best02:29
HaCkErZany good docks02:29
WillWobXiDeJSFQ: OK, that's not the wifi issue i'm more familiar with, can't help02:29
squeegily_Wow it was a lot harder than I expected, finding a 12.04.1 ISO02:31
tewardsqueegily_: have you considered just checking on the cd images mirror02:32
squeegily_It turns out that versions higher than 12.04.1 automatically come with the newer kernel02:32
squeegily_teward: I ended up finding http://hex1a4.net/mirror/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/02:32
WillWsqueegily_: that doesnt seem legit02:32
squeegily_The outdated images aren't on the cdimage.ubuntu.com02:32
WillWsqueegily_: wait no nvm02:32
daftykinsonly 12.04.5 would come with POSSIBLY the trusty kernel 3.13 as default, seems suspicious02:32
squeegily_WillW: I couldn't find any more legitimate looking mirrors02:33
squeegily_daftykins: From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack "anyone installing and wishing to remain on the original 12.04 stack to please install from the 12.04.0 or 12.04.1 media"02:33
daftykinsfair enough, not seen that before02:34
squeegily_The newer stack is included by default in the installer from 12.04.2+02:34
squeegily_I just really hope this fixes it02:34
rwwsqueegily_: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/02:34
daftykinssqueegily_: if not, friends don't let friends netbook ;)02:35
squeegily_That's funny because I got this from a friend for free02:35
daftykinshe/she wanted rid :(02:35
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squeegily_daftykins: Tis the case02:36
daftykinssqueegily_: oh before you go to that effort though, it'd be handy to just check the SMART info - "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smarctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"02:36
squeegily_When I'm booting it it gives a warning about unknown BIOS version and tells me to report it02:36
squeegily_daftykins: Wait so pastebinit is actually a real command??02:37
squeegily_I thought it was just a funny way to tell people to pastebin the output02:37
k1l!pastebinit | squeegily_02:37
ubottusqueegily_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:37
squeegily_What should I check the hard drive for?02:37
daftykinssqueegily_: hehe02:38
squeegily_What I mean to say is why am I checking the hard drive?02:38
daftykinssqueegily_: running what i shared will do what i want to see02:38
daftykinssqueegily_: well, it's just a total guess - but i have a habit of sniffing out failed ones. Doesn't hurt for how easy the above commands are, to check02:38
daftykinsi'm sure it's fine but at least it'd save you going to too much more effort if it were a waste of time02:39
WillWAside from my earlier problem I have a new challenge: I want to synchronize select folders on my laptop and desktop, whenever both are connected to the network and the folders are accessible. One of the folders is also a porn folder and I don't want that publically accessible on the network. What sync programs does #ubuntu recommend?02:41
squeegily_WillW: I'd say probably Dropbox02:41
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync02:41
squeegily_Dropbox + eCryptFS if you're really worried02:41
WillWty dafty02:41
squeegily_Symlinks are your friend in this case02:41
WillWsqueeg, dropbox isnt p2p, i'm really just looking for local syncing02:42
squeegily_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/967451302:42
squeegily_daftykins: Whoops http://paste.ubuntu.com/967451702:42
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daftykinssqueegily_: ok nope, that disk looks fine. was worth a look though :)02:45
squeegily_Where can I find Xubuntu old releases?02:50
daftykinssqueegily_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/ ?02:51
daftykinshmm only .4 by the looks02:52
squeegily_daftykins: They don't have 12.04.102:52
daftykinswell, thing is it really isn't that hard to revert02:52
squeegily_I'm probably safe with a Torrent but I'm still a tiny bit suspicious of hex1a4.net02:52
andy__I just tried icewm02:53
andy__It does not work so well02:53
squeegily_Only 2 people are seeding it though.. I'm not sure if it's because it's a fake release or just old02:53
daftykinsi would certainly get off of old releases02:53
squeegily_I found an official md5sum at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.metalink so I'll probably just check the torrented ISO02:54
squeegily_I will die if this doesn't fix it02:54
squeegily_Because then my 2 options will be: 1) no media on the laptop on all or 2) use Windows02:55
squeegily_Both of which are relatively horrifying02:55
andy__You can use Windows if you want.02:56
andy__It will not kill you.02:56
daftykinsnot XP no, it's dead.02:56
daftykinsnothing newer works on netbooks that old02:57
squeegily_XP is best Windows though02:57
daftykinss/that old//02:57
daftykinsno it's really not, lets not talk off topic too, please :)02:57
squeegily_What search terms should I start with to look up information on this regression?02:58
andy__which regression?02:58
daftykinsit's not official by any means, just a hunch i had when a lot of peeps were coming in with poulsbo issues02:58
daftykinsmostly graphical02:59
squeegily_andy__: The video and audio not working on Linux02:59
andy__It works fine for me in Xubuntu.02:59
daftykinswell you gotta caveat a statement like that squeegily_ ;) on a crappy acer netbook, is what is meant there.02:59
daftykinsandy__: you're kinda coming in late on this one y'see :)02:59
squeegily_The most powerful computer I've ever owned was a Pentium 402:59
squeegily_So I'm just happy to get what I can03:00
daftykinsthat's... horrible03:00
andy__I am testing icewm, and only a few programs work under it without a lot of configuration.03:00
squeegily_If I can ever make it work03:00
andy__xeyes and this chat program work, so far.03:01
andy__This is my first time on this chat network.03:01
andy__So, sorry for coming in late.03:01
daftykinsandy__: probably a good time i mention that this is a support only channel then, for questions - #ubuntu-offtopic for the chat aspect03:02
Yonanyone know what the executable for supertux in  /usr/bin/ is called?03:02
curiousxandy__: Welcome to this chat network, i'll be your guide03:02
daftykinsYon: "find /usr/bin/ -name super"  ?03:03
squeegily_LOL http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook now redirects to http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop03:04
squeegily_I guess their claims of the newer versions being "faster than ever" can't fix the bloat03:05
Yondaftykins: yeah..i have it installed but the executable must have a different name....find /usr/bin/ -name super: No such file or directory....?03:05
daftykinshmm, not sure on how to check what files are in a package03:06
daftykinssqueegily_: well, bloat factored in... you're still polishing a turd - if you'll excuse my language ;)03:06
Stanley00Yon: try "dpkg -L supertux | grep bin" or supertux03:07
squeegily_daftykins: Wait are you saying that improvements on Ubuntu are polishing a turd or that trying to get this thing running is the turd polishing?03:07
andy__I just found this chatroom by clicking on a menu on icewm.03:08
daftykinssqueegily_: the latter :D03:08
daftykins!ot | andy__ ok, but as warned please bear in mind...03:08
ubottuandy__ ok, but as warned please bear in mind...: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:08
WebflashingHi! Is it possible to disable the menu that appears on Ubuntu Gnome when you take the mouse to the bottom? That kind of message tray or something (Im new here )03:09
WebflashingI just want to disable the hotspot but still be able to access it by pressing Win + M03:09
YonStanley00: dpkg -L supertux | grep bin: command not found03:10
daychildeHalp. I'm running xubuntu... was advised to try xmonad, which I did. Not for me, so I uninstalled. Now I have.... no window manager? everything opens at top left of desktop and I can't move them - no window bar at the top. :(03:11
daftykinsdaychilde: log out and pick the xfce session from the login screen?03:11
daychildeI backed up ~/.config and restored03:11
andy__But I do have a question.03:11
daychildeLemme do it again to make sure I have, but I think I have daftykins03:11
Stanley00Yon: you should try run supertux first. If it not work, try run "dpkg -L supertux | grep bin" without the quote (") :303:12
squeegily_If the 12.04.1 kernel doesn't work.. would you guys have any recommendations?03:13
YonStanley00: yeah, sorry dude...it does run it but supertux doesn't seem to be in bin?03:14
daychildedaftykins: I think I may have borked it from being new at Linux. Logging into either session causes problem, so I might not have properly saved a good one..... :::::::::::::::/03:14
daychilde;oops, sorry, bluetooth keyboard and hit enter instead of backspace03:14
daftykinsdaychilde: try making a new user03:15
daychildek, thanks03:15
daftykinsor test the guest session03:15
Stanley00Yon: your find command earlier actually wrong. it should be "find /usr/bin -name 'super*'", but if you can run supertux, run command "which supertux" would be faster03:15
daychildedaftykins: guest works - can I copy that config somehow without losing all my user stuff?03:16
daftykinsStanley00: good call, silly me didn't remember the *03:16
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daftykinsdaychilde: it'd be more about removing your own, one sec03:16
daychildeI'm patient, thanks :)03:17
daftykinsdaychilde: the "nuke it from orbit" approach would be to "mv ~/.config ~/.configold" and then log out and in, but if you can google where xfce keeps its' config, it might be easier to just move that folder03:18
daychildedaftykins: thanks, that gives me a direction in which to head :)03:18
YonStanley00: find /usr/bin -name 'supertux*': No such file or directory03:18
daftykinsdaychilde: no problemo, i'd do more but i've just fired up a TV episode \o/03:19
Stanley00Yon: how about "which supertux" ?03:19
oerianyone here gifted in opcode/assembly that could help me out with debugging a binary?03:19
YonStanley00: which supertux: command not found03:19
Stanley00Yon: without the quote please :303:20
squeegily_.join #lxle03:20
YonStanley00: Thank You! found it.03:21
Stanley00oeri: is that relate to ubuntu? I think no :3 there's ##asm here :303:21
oerinice! thx03:21
Stanley00Yon: np :303:21
daychildedaftykins: nuking from orbit worked. heh. Thanks. Not that it matters, but is at ~/.config/xfce4, logically enough. :)03:22
Bashing-omdaychilde: The directory where Xfce stores the configurations of the panel is " /home/user/.config/xfce4/panel/ " Just erasing it and loging out and in will restore the defaults configurations that your distro ships in.03:22
daychildeAh, shit, correction, it reset xfce, but still no window controls03:22
daychildeMaybe... maybe I should try unisntallng and reinstalling xfce? Part of my problem is I don't understand very well the various levels of the OS. heh03:24
daychildeOr maybe nuke my user?03:25
daychildemeh. Sucks either way, but obviously have to fix the problem...03:25
bubbasauresdaychilde, You could install say lubuntu while you figure it out than remove it, save the install list.03:25
daychildebubbasaures: thanks, will give it a go.03:26
bubbasauresdaychilde, Most of it is already there just a few more apps will load03:26
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Bashing-omdaychilde: Try: xfce4-panel --quit , pkill xfconfd , rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/panel , rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml , run xfce4-panel . This clears it for the running session, regenerates the files, and sets up the default for future sessions.03:29
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guest-XfHIxtI did something to my Ubuntu setup.03:31
tewardguest-XfHIxt: no details or information means we can't help - we aren't psychic.  what exactly are you seeing, what are you expecting to happen, etc.03:34
guest-XfHIxtI typed in service lightdm stop.03:34
guest-XfHIxtThen I typed startx icewm03:34
ksmutthuhey all03:37
ksmutthuInvalid Mutex directory in argument file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR}03:37
daychildeBashing-om: just saw, thanks will try03:37
ksmutthuAny clue on that03:38
FSK405Cso it turns out installing 14.x on a macbook pro 2010  without a working dvd  is about one week’s worth of work easier than I thought it was =p03:38
ksmutthusudo find /run/lock03:38
ksmutthuI see the folder is there and is owned by www-data03:39
daychildeWTF. All I did was create two new users and my original broken one just started working after I istalled xfswitch-panel which quick-switches users.... doh03:39
guest-XfHIxtThat allowed me to test icewm.03:39
guest-XfHIxtOnce I was done I typed sudo /usr/sbin/lightdm stop, and xubuntu came up again.03:39
guest-XfHIxtI tried the same thing a second time, and messed up my settings.03:39
FSK405Cbrittle, imo03:40
ksmutthuhave anyone faced this and can give a hand?03:40
guest-XfHIxtFSK405C, were you answering my question, or commenting on something else?03:42
FSK405Cguest-XfHIxt: A little bit of both, actually.03:42
guest-XfHIxtFSK405C, (Is this a PM in this chat program?)03:42
FSK405Cno sir03:43
FSK405Cstill a public comment03:43
guest-XfHIxtFSK405C, (Oh well.)03:45
FSK405Ctry something along the lines of /msg username message for a private message, if needs be. its the generic irc syntax, but most clients support it :)03:46
FSK405Cwell most I’ve used anyways03:46
xS1mpleHi all, I'm still having trouble with getting a shell script to run with cron under root crontab -e, syntax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9674736/, the job is running according to /var/log/syslog but it does not write any files like the script is supposed to. Script has been tested and working if called manually under root user.03:51
guest-XfHIxtIs this chatroom for technical questions, or is it for general questions about Ubuntu?03:53
daychildeLooks like my user isn'lt launching xfwm4 by default, so I guess I need to add that to startup...03:53
NegativeFlareguest-XfHIxt: Depends on the question.03:53
FSK405CI’ve seen both03:53
NegativeFlareJust ask, and find out ;)03:54
michael_j_pAnyone use Snes9x emulator on 14.04 ?  I can only get it to work on 12.04,x03:54
FSK405Cre: questions of a general and technical nature, mostly technical but - what one man’s idea of technical is, etc03:54
xS1mpleanyone have any thoughts on my crontab question?03:54
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: no, but ZSNES works like a breeze03:54
somsipxS1mple: probably environmentl variables not being picked up by cron. Can you paste the backup.sh script?03:55
guest-XfHIxtxS1mple, sorry it seems to advanced for me right now.03:55
michael_j_pNegativeFlare - have they ironed out the problem with ZSNES where it freezes around 35 minutes03:55
xS1mplesomsip: yep, sec03:55
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: you shouldn't have had that problem to begin with. I've worked on the code for ZSNES, and I've never seen that problem.03:56
FSK405Cemulator programmers03:56
xS1mplesomsip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9674758/ (removed sensitive info)03:57
michael_j_pThanks NegativeFlare.  I will give it another try.  I wonder why SNES doesn't have the download option in the software center for a few weeks now03:57
guest-XfHIxtIs there a log file I should check, to see what happened with my settings?03:57
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: try using apt-get ;)03:58
NegativeFlareSome people, (like myself) don't like using GUI's all the time03:58
michael_j_poh I can do apt-get.  I just thought it odd that SNES can no longer be fetched from the S. Center03:58
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: sudo apt-get install zsnes:i38603:59
NegativeFlareit'll work just fine ;)03:59
NegativeFlare!info zsnes03:59
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510+bz2-8 (utopic), package size 651 kB, installed size 4024 kB (Only available for any-i386)03:59
somsipxS1mple: add a full path to mysqldump maybe?03:59
michael_j_pNegativeFlare - I am surprised you haven't heard of the freeze problem with it after 30 mins - it's a common complaint in the emulation section of ubuntuforums03:59
xS1mplesomeone: I could, but how about tar? That should still write files right?04:00
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: I don't check the forums that much anymore. Honestly, I've recently gotten back into helping people as a Ubuntu Support person :p04:00
somsipxS1mple: maybe best to use absolute path for them all except the builtins.04:01
xS1mplesomsip: builtins being cd, rm?04:02
somsipxS1mple: yep04:02
xS1mplemk, will give that a shot04:02
michael_j_pNegativeFlare - thanks for your work as an Ubuntu Support person.  But if you get time, chec out the emulation section and you'll see what I'm talking about04:02
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: Will do man.04:02
guest-XfHIxtI will try rebooting again, to try to get my window manager to work.  He is taking a break right now.04:05
xS1mplesomsip: nope, not working04:06
michael_j_pNegativeFlare - thanks.04:07
NegativeFlaremichael_j_p: no problem.04:07
obXiDeJSFQYeah, I give up, I need help. I was running Arch on this laptop before Ubuntu, and I switched over to Ubuntu because I couldn't solve the issue on Arch, but on Ubuntu it's _a lot_ worse. It's 100% what this guy is having:-04:08
obXiDeJSFQtl;dr wifi cuts out every minute, when it does work, it has like 200MS+ latency to the access point.04:09
vasanthMy ubuntu drop to shell mode but it is working good if i choose previous linux versions04:09
obXiDeJSFQOn Arch, it'd work fine for a good ten or twenty minutes, I have no idea what driver Arch was using and I'm honestly about to reinstall Arch to check04:09
vasanthwhy it is not booting with default image automatically rather it is expecting me to choose the image from linux previuos versions??04:10
vasanthcan anyone help me on this??04:10
icloudhow do i run xbmc on a separate tty so i can switch between it and my main desktop?04:11
obXiDeJSFQicloud: Rerun X on a new TTY?04:11
icloudi tried xinit /usr/bin/xbmc:-1  on tty0 and it didn't work04:12
obXiDeJSFQicloud: Switch to that TTY, login to the user you want to run as, launch X, run xbmc.04:12
obXiDeJSFQicloud: What do you mean 'didn\'t work'?04:12
daftykinsicloud: i bet your query is answered on the Kodi forums04:12
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: It's really not.04:12
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: This has nothing to do with XMBC, this is to do with TTYs and X.04:13
obXiDeJSFQAlso, I don't believe you can just add the command you want to run after the xinit, icloud, make a dedicated user for XBMC then in their ~/.xinitrc add the command you want to run.04:13
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: right but given i am in the kodi channels and people ask of this often and find threads on how to do it, why is it a problem for me to direct someone somewhere helpful?04:13
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: You think this is a common request? I was just thinking about how abnormal it is.04:13
daftykinswe get some really quirky users ;)04:14
daftykinsso please don't denounce my comments in future04:14
vasanthcan anyone help me out??04:16
daftykinsvasanth: GRUB sits on the menu when the last booted kernel fails04:17
daftykinsmaybe you had an issue *shrug*04:17
vasanthwhat should i do now??04:17
daftykinsso you say it works with an older kernel?04:17
vasanthyes but i need to choose the image when system boots by pressing shift key04:18
daftykinsoh, modifying the boot line? maybe you need to run an update-grub04:18
vasanthi have experience this problem before but i were reinstall that time..But this time i want to know what is the problem and why it happens?04:18
vasanthyes i have run that also04:19
vasanthi will show my error pls wait04:19
icloudobXiDeJSFQ, ok thanks for the help04:19
icloudobXiDeJSFQ, i got it to work i need to run xbmc-standalone so its xinit /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone -- :104:20
vasanthGave up waiting for root device.common problems-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) -Check root delay =(did the system wait long enough?) -check root=(did the system wait for right device?) -missing modules (cat /proc/module;ls /dev) ALERT! /dev/mapper/LTSP--vg-root does not exist.Dropping to shell !04:21
vasanthBusy box v1.18.5(ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1 ubuntu 2.1)built in shell /ash) Enter help for a list of commands (initramfs)04:22
vasanththe above error am getting when the system boots defaults04:22
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daftykinsvasanth: boot and check the UUIDs in /etc/fstab against the real ones with "blkid" (might need sudo, but i forget)04:27
anti-unixwhen does firefoxhello address invalided?04:28
vasanthboot with the previous linux version and check right??04:28
obXiDeJSFQvasanth: Any version of Linux will do.04:28
guest-XIt says that the file .Xauthority in my home directory is locked, even though that file is empty?04:28
daftykinsguest-X: probably owned by root, delete it04:29
guest-XThat is why I can't log back into my account in xubuntu?04:29
obXiDeJSFQguest-X: What says it's locked?04:29
daftykinsanti-unix: can you try again in English?04:29
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: He asked when the "FireFox Hello" URL provided to him by Firefox is invalidated. Not an Ubuntu question.04:30
daftykinsobXiDeJSFQ: i'd greatly appreciate if you wouldn't involve yourself in my queries, being in here is not my first rodeo...04:31
guest-XobXiDeJSFQ, sorry for the delay04:31
obXiDeJSFQdaftykins: Excuse me for replying to something you couldn't understand in clearer language.04:32
guest-XobXiDeJSFQ, The terminal says that it is locked when I try to do startx04:32
obXiDeJSFQguest-X: Apparently I'm not allowed to help you because daftykins is helping you.04:32
daftykinsactually my request for clarification is a device to highlight one being off topic or not04:32
daftykinsand you can jump in just fine, just don't act like a go-between.04:33
guest-XobXiDeJSFQ, Thanks anyways.04:34
guest-XobXiDeJSFQ, Don't worry about all of the fuss.04:35
daftykinsguest-X: "ls -l ~/" to see if it's owned by root, if it is - remove it or change ownership. simple.04:35
anti-unixhelp me please :(04:35
guest-Xdaftykins, I have deleted a couple of the .Xauthority files.  I think that is where the probem is.04:35
daftykinscouple? i was only aware of one in the user's /home04:36
guest-XThere are some that are not visible unless I am using the terminal without the window manager, because I am logged in as a guest.04:38
guest-XThey seem to be backup files.04:38
anti-unixwhen the "FireFox Hello" URL provided to me by Firefox is invalidated?04:38
daftykinsguest-X: just switch user, (in a terminal) or use the TTY to log in (ctrl+alt+F1)04:39
guest-XThat is what I just did.04:40
guest-XBut I could not cut and paste the names of the files that I saw into this window.04:40
Finetundrawhy would the command ifconfig not display the correct broadcast ip?04:40
guest-XThanks I will reboot now.04:40
daftykinsFinetundra: how-so incorrect?04:41
daftykinsalso how about "ip a" ?04:41
Finetundradaftykins, i mean that, if the ip is it will display
daftykinsyeah but what are you seeing?04:43
Finetundraip a does the same thing. what do you mean?04:43
daftykinsthat's a correct broadcast IP if that's a /2404:43
tewardFinetundra: i think what daftykins is asking is the full output of what's being seen...04:43
daftykinsto illustrate the example04:44
tewardFinetundra: if the IP is but the netmask is (or /24 in CIDR), then that's the accurate broadcast IP04:44
Finetundrateward, i got that; daftykins, do you want a pastebin?04:44
tewardFinetundra: yes, we want a pastebin04:44
tewardboth of us do04:44
* teward is now curious what you're seeing04:44
daftykinsconsider it a late Christmas present04:44
tewarddaftykins: i'll take $25 instead :P04:44
andy__daftykins, Thanks.  This is guest-x04:46
daftykinsandy__: worked?04:46
tewardFinetundra: well, guess what - that's the correct broadcast IP for that CIDR and mask04:46
TrfsrfrI have a seagate hd that my system sees as an error. its not mine, and a friend just wants it formatted, but my pc doesnt see it. any help here?04:47
tewardFinetundra: evidenced by the Mask and CIDR:       inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:     and     inet brd
daftykinsFinetundra: yep looks fine. check out www.jodies.de/ipcalc to confirm04:47
andy__daftykins, yes.  Now, I just have to see whether I have to remove the requirement to enter the password everytime I log on to my local machine.04:47
andy__daftykins, I think having multiple window managers might make it more compllicated when logging in.04:49
Finetundrateward,but that doesn't make sense. would the broadcast ip not be the same as the one used to access the router?04:50
tewardFinetundra: no, that'd be the gateway address.04:50
tewardFinetundra: broadcast is usually .255 on a /2404:50
daftykinsa broadcast IP is network layer04:50
teward^ that04:50
daftykinsteward: sorry to parrot you on this one :)04:50
tewardFinetundra: I would look at the IPCalc link from daftykins to confirm this information :)04:51
tewarddaftykins: no problem :)04:51
tewarddaftykins: just means the information is accurate because 2 sources :)04:51
daftykinsgo, team volunteer04:51
tewardFinetundra: http://www.jodies.de/ipcalc?host= is definitely informative here04:51
daftykinswhat's scary is i had that URL memorised 0o04:52
tewardFinetundra: the gateway can have any of the IPs in the HostMin-HostMax range - broadcast is a network layer ip and in a /24 it's always the last IP04:52
teward(which in this case is
tewardFinetundra: Typically, though, the gateway gets .1 in most autoconfig setups of routers and such04:52
rypervencheThere's a program "ipcalc" that you can install that shows the same information :)04:52
Finetundrawell this has been informative. thanks all04:53
daftykinsFinetundra: just for info, my local telco likes to put out routers by Thomson/Technicolor that operate as - whereas of course consumer netgears like - it's all a bit funny04:54
daftykins10.x.x.x addresses tend to only be used in a /16 setup so that you can go from 10.0.0.x to 10.0.255.x without routing - i think that's correct04:55
tewarddaftykins: i use 10.x.x.x on my network - granted I have about 15 VLANs and 4 wireless networks (also VLAN'd), but I have a mix of 10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172.16-32.x.x on my net xD04:57
* teward was bored :P04:57
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tewardFinetundra: if in doubt in the future, I strongly suggest using an ip calculator like the one me and daftykins linked to, or use the ipcalc program05:00
tewarddaftykins: ipcalc is what that site uses xD05:03
* teward just realized :)05:03
toytoyHi guys, any idea how would I stop the cloud-init during system boot? It’s very frustrating I cannot find a way to stop this05:05
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
wafflejocktoytoy, is this for a VPS on AWS?05:09
wafflejock!details | toytoy05:10
ubottutoytoy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:10
toytoywafflejock: sorry, i’m checking this out -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/405442/how-can-i-disable-cloud-init05:10
toytoywafflejock: it’s supposedly to be an openstack setup but i just installed the cloud  at first then didn’t continue05:11
toytoywafflejock: what i don’t like is that during boot up time, it takes a while coz it tries to locate instances based on a URL which doesn’t exist so my boot up time takes a while. i want to disable this05:11
toytoyit’s ubuntu utopic05:12
wafflejocktoytoy, hmm yea not sure really docs here may be helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit could also dpkg -L cloud-init to see all the files the package installs and see if you can just modify the config, haven't tried myself though05:14
toytoywafflejock: thank you on that05:18
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vasanth# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass> proc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       0 /dev/mapper/LTSP--vg-root /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1 # /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation UUID=8ee1f390-d1c8-4e83-a2bd-7f853693738c /boot           ext2    defaults        0       2 /dev/mapper/LTSP--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       0  /05:29
vasanthThis is my fstab conf05:29
vasanthi dont find any UUID for /root05:30
vasanthis that a problem??05:30
vasanthfor my ubuntu dropping to shell??05:30
daftykins!paste | vasanth05:31
ubottuvasanth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:31
daftykinsvasanth: 'root device' = /05:31
daftykinsah i think i might know what's up05:32
daftykinsvasanth: are you booted into this system right now?05:32
daftykinsvasanth: can you run "uname -r" and "ls /boot" ? first can be pasted here, second in a pastebin please05:33
toytoywafflejock: nah i just chmod -x for /usr/bin/cloud-init* files and it works fine05:34
AndChat228864Hi I want to install Ubuntu without using flash drive inside windows.can I do that?05:34
daftykinsAndChat228864: yep you can burn a DVD instead05:34
daftykinsno other option i'm afraid05:35
AndChat228864Without DVD also05:35
daftykinsthen nope05:35
AndChat228864I have ubuntu 14.04 but wubi is not working05:35
daftykinsAndChat228864: WUBI is both a terrible idea and not supported. run like the plague it is, trust me05:36
rypervencheAndChat228864: Wubi is not a real installation.05:36
daftykinsAndChat228864: you can always install virtualbox if you want to just play with ubuntu05:36
vasanthroot@LTSP:/home/administrator# ls /boot abi-3.13.0-32-generic         lost+found abi-3.13.0-40-generic         memtest86+.bin abi-3.13.0-43-generic         memtest86+_multiboot.bin config-3.13.0-32-generic      pxelinux.0 config-3.13.0-40-generic      pxelinux.cfg config-3.13.0-43-generic      System.map-3.13.0-32-generic gpxelinux.0                   System.map-3.13.0-40-generic grub                          System.map-3.13.0-43-ge05:36
daftykinsvasanth: what did i tell you about not pasting into here?05:36
vasanthsorry sorry wrongly pasted05:36
daftykinsvasanth: ok and "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "mount | pastebinit"05:37
AndChat228864No no man my system infected with virus I can't copy Iso all files copied to flash drive are changed as shortcuts so I can't install via usb05:37
wafflejockAndChat228864, just download on another computer, get a friend to do it, or you can buy a preinstalled media05:38
AndChat|228864So I need a alternative please suggest me any other is which can be installed inside windows05:38
vasanthdaftykins:i have done that05:38
daftykinsAndChat228864: you know you don't copy an ISO onto a flash drive, you have to make it up properly using something like Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com ?05:39
AndChat|228864So I need a alternative so please suggest me any other os that can be installed inside windows05:39
daftykinsno, that's not an option05:39
daftykinscan't be done.05:39
vasanthyes but it posted on pastebin05:40
daftykinsvasanth: yeah so share the link here05:40
AndChat|228864No no man I am just saying all files copied to USB are turned to shortcuts05:40
p0ssAndChat|228864  If you're that infected, your computer is screwed,  nuke it from orbit, format the entire drive and install a new OS05:40
wafflejockAndChat228864, you have a rooted phone?05:41
daftykinsp0ss: that's some bad advice05:41
AndChat|228864Ya I have05:41
vasanthdaftykins:you got that??05:41
wafflejockAndChat|228864, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.softwarebakery.drivedroid&hl=en <-- never used it but figured this must exist and it does05:41
daftykinsvasanth: yes, thinking it over right now, standby.05:42
andy__daftykins, I think my setup is back to normal again.  I still want to try out other window managers, though.05:43
daftykinsvasanth: "sudo umount /dev/sda1" then "ls /boot | pastebinit"05:43
vasanthif i unmount that any changes will happen??Because this is the server for LTSP am using05:43
AndChat|228864Thanks @wafflejock05:43
wafflejockAndChat|228864, np if it works out come back and let me know I'm curious how that goes05:44
p0ssdaftykins:  if  their computer is infected enough that they can't copy files from one place to another, they've got serious problems and a deep infection, if one virus got that far in, there are likely to be others.  Its not bad advice, just drastic.05:44
daftykinsvasanth: all safe05:44
vasanthclients are connected to this computer through ssh05:44
vasanthok then05:44
daftykinsp0ss: i disagree, but windows help is off topic regardless :>05:44
daftykinsvasanth: i see it must be an install that's been upgraded a lot over the years05:45
vasanthYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.05:45
andy__how do I switch channels?05:45
vasanthno i am updating and upgrading daily05:45
vasanthThis ubuntu version is ubuntu 12.04 alternate05:46
daftykinsvasanth: alright, wasn't what i thought it was. i don't use LVM so i won't be able to help any further unfortunately05:46
daftykinsandy__: what client are you using? join another with "/join #channelname" and then it'll be another tab or so05:47
vasanthIs this problem is because of LVM??05:47
daftykinsno i just don't know how to deal with LVM :)05:47
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vasanthi need to mount /boot ??05:47
vasanthbecause i unmounted right??05:47
p0ssdaftykins, given their purpose for installing ubuntu within windows is to remove windows viruses, I'd say they're in for a pretty complex operation and will end up asking *someone* for a blend of windows and ubuntu support.  Given how hard it can be to pull the roots of a virus out of windows from a ubuntu installation within windows, and given they can't even copy files, nuking just seems like a shortcut.  I'm happy to let someone els05:48
daftykinsvasanth: you can if you like, won't matter much until reboot :)05:48
vasanthhow to mount??05:49
daftykins"sudo mount -a"05:50
vasanththen can you please say to whom i have to ask this doubt??05:50
andy__daftykins, I am using xchat.  The command that you gave me works pretty well, but it does not generate tabs.05:51
daftykinsvasanth: what?05:51
daftykinsandy__: does it not have a .kst05:51
vasanthFor this problem i want solution daftkins??05:51
daftykinsoops, sorry my cat was in my face :D05:51
daftykinsandy__: normally xchat has channels to the left in a separate view, i don't know what else to say05:52
daftykinsvasanth: nobody else seems to be around, so it's game over i think. but you're dealing with a 'live' system so experimenting can't be great either05:52
vasanthNo other go daftykins i need to reinstall or using by previous linux version right??05:53
daftykinswell the LVM setup and the presence of an ext2 /boot is pretty old school05:54
daftykins(LVM isn't, but the latter bit is old style)05:54
andy__daftykins, I don't know about any .kst.  I can see the channels that I logged into on the left.  What chat program do you recommend that uses the tabs that you are talking about.05:54
daftykinsvasanth: nevermind05:55
andy__(sorry, I had a typo.  meant to end that last comment as a question.05:55
daftykinsandy__: oh yeah i do just mean the channel list on the left, tabs are just another way to represent that05:56
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andy__daftykins, That's okay. I will keep on using xchat then.  It seems like a great program.05:58
daftykinsi think hexchat is a lot newer if you can get it05:59
andy__daftykins, Thanks.  hexchat seems to work okay.06:08
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andy__salam ALI06:11
jamie_hey, im looking for a certain package of libenet2a and cant seem to find it anywhere06:15
p0ssjamie_ any additional details?06:21
jamie_p0ss: im looking for libenet2a 1.3.7 +ds06:23
daftykins!find libenet06:24
ubottuFound: libenet-dev, libenet-doc, libenet7, libenet7-dbg06:24
daftykins!info libenet-dev06:25
ubottulibenet-dev (source: enet): thin network communication layer on top of UDP - headers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.12+ds-2 (utopic), package size 10 kB, installed size 85 kB06:25
daftykinssound good?06:25
jamie_im looking for a specific one from trusty06:25
daftykins!find libenet trusty06:25
ubottuFound: libenet-dev, libenet-doc, libenet2a, libenet2a-dbg06:26
jamie_Depends: libenet2a (>= 1.3.7+ds) is what I am running into, and have installed the most recent one from utopic unicorn06:27
daftykinsoh so you're mixing distro release, good luck with that :)06:27
jamie_if i can find it i can take care of the rest, i just need to find it first06:28
p0ssjamie_ here is the homepage with a more recent version.  http://enet.bespin.org/Downloads.html06:29
jamie_ill see if this one works, i hope it does06:29
jamie_okay... crap... i really suck at compileing06:31
CamChi I tried to read a .svo file and now my console seems to be stuck in ascii or something, the font is all wrong, can someone help please06:32
CamCis there a simple way of resetting the font on the console please? ubuntu 14.10 remote06:34
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dfcnvtHow do I use hotkey to automatically move a window to another monitor? (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LeftArrow/RightArrow) & (Crtl+Alt+NumPad) ain't the one.06:57
BigBawbHi there, Im dual booting a windows / ubuntu device. On ubuntu my internet speeds drop a lot07:04
BigBawbIs there a common reason for this?07:05
Stanley00BigBawb: does it drop when you update ubuntu packages, or all the time?07:06
p0ssBigBawb, there shouldn't be a difference. However sometimes there are driver issues. What is your network adapter?07:07
batsazzIt's needs to start during boot07:09
slimpixelHello, I was hoping that someone could assist me. I do not seem to be having this issue in RedHat but am def having this issue in ubuntu only.07:09
slimpixeltelnet -b gmail-smtp-in.1.google.com 2507:10
slimpixeltelnet: could not resolve gmail-smtp-in.1.google.com/25: Name or service not known07:10
slimpixeltelnet -b gmail-smtp-in.1.google.com 2507:10
slimpixeltelnet: could not resolve gmail-smtp-in.1.google.com/25: Name or service not known07:10
slimpixelWhen using telnet as telnet host.tld 25 it works07:10
slimpixelhowever when telling telnet to use another port it seems not to work07:10
CMDGYanybody could see my words?07:10
batsazzCMDGY: Hey07:10
CMDGYoh god thanks07:10
slimpixelCMDGY: Hi07:10
BigBawbStanley00: All the time07:10
BigBawbIt swings pretty wildly actually07:11
BigBawbp0ss: I got an Edimax Wireless 802.11b/g/n07:11
BigBawbusb adapter07:11
Stanley00BigBawb: then I don't know, maybe it's a driver problem as p0ss said.07:11
jamie_I need some help ASAP!!07:12
BigBawbIts meant for linux07:12
BigBawbI didnt have to install any drivers for it07:12
slimpixelIf I telnet to a remote host using the default interface it seems to work without an issue but when using a specif interface i cannot lookup any host07:12
batsazzjamie_: Hey07:12
slimpixelit seems like the resolver is not working07:12
jamie_i went to restart unity via terminal and it somehow failed!! I am currently in cinnamon desktop07:12
BigBawbThe only difference is the boot Im doing. Not changing the usb slot or anything. I get 7 down 1 up on windows. 1 down .1 up on Ubuntu.07:13
CMDGYim a new user of linux , and have problems typing07:13
jamie_I would try again but dont want to screw it up even worse,07:13
CMDGYfor instance .. the symbol between i and m07:14
tarkanI like ubuntu07:14
daftykinsjamie_: works in a guest session?07:14
BigBawb23:07] <batsazz> does it drop he asked. You bastard. [23:09] <batsazz> Faggot.07:14
BigBawbwhat was that for batsazz ?07:14
jamie_I have removed guest from lightem dm07:14
rypervencheCMDGY: Are you using a Chinese IME to type or the normal keyboard layout?07:14
jamie_i am in the cinnamon desktop on 14.1007:15
cfhowlettigBawb, batsazz LANGUAGE!  verbal abuse will get you banned07:15
CMDGYi have no idea ,but i install the system in english07:15
daftykinsugh, ruined your diagnosis method07:15
daftykinsjamie_: tried temporarily renaming ~/.config to ~/.configold ?07:15
batsazzBigBawb: You vulgar mouth07:16
rypervencheCMDGY: What symbol are you talking about? Between the i and m keys are the j and k keys. What symbol are you trying to type? What does the symbol mean?07:16
p0ssBigBawb, there are a couple of things that could be causing this.  could you run through these steps? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37010807:16
jamie_no, and not sure how to do that or what it will do07:16
jamie_i have way to much work on the line right now07:17
CMDGYI AM  -> I(symble)m07:17
cfhowlettCMDGY, post a picture07:17
daftykinsjamie_: it's easily undone, just run "mv ~/.config ~/.configold"07:17
tarkanMy guess is that he means "I'm"07:18
rypervencheCMDGY: And what happens when you press the ' key?07:18
jamie_in the terminal07:18
CMDGYill show you07:18
CMDGYlike this ̍07:18
cfhowlettCMDGY, do you have these symbols on your physical keyboard??07:18
daftykinsjamie_: correct, then logout + in to try a unity session again07:18
CMDGYyes, it works on windows07:18
cfhowlettCMDGY, right, your system may be in english but your keyboard is not07:19
CMDGYwhat can i do to fix it?07:19
rypervencheCMDGY: That may be the International English keyboard. You will want to change your keyboard layout.07:19
CMDGYthanks , i will try07:19
jamie_I dont if there is a certain way to enter text on the cinnamon terminal or things are screwed up really bad07:21
bubbasauresjamie_, You enter desktops from the login area.07:21
daftykinsjamie_: hit ctrl+alt+F1 and do it there, alt+F7 to come back07:22
jamie_i know, the cinnamon terminal when trying to enter what you said there is nothing showing up07:22
daftykinsso don't use it, or run another terminal 0o07:22
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BigBawbp0ss: Didnt seem to make a difference07:26
jamie_sorry can you repeat that07:27
BigBawbmy upload speed is actually beating my download speed in some cases07:27
daftykinsjamie_: it's easily undone, just run "mv ~/.config ~/.configold"07:27
peter100xbmc crashes on ubuntu 12.10?07:28
cfhowlett!12.10 | peter100,07:28
peter100what to do?07:28
ubottupeter100,: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal07:28
cfhowlettpeter100, upgrade to a supported version.  12.10 isn't supported here.07:28
peter100cfhowlett i am sorry, typing mistake, its 12.0407:29
peter100mine is 12.0407:29
peter100lts one07:29
cfhowlettpeter100, better.  xmbc has IRC and forums ... best you ask the experts07:30
peter100nobody replies there?07:30
peter100that;s why i am asking here07:30
daftykins#kodi is XBMC's channel, pretty quiet at this time though07:31
peter100have already tried that07:31
peter100no replies07:32
daftykinsthat channel isn't current anymore07:32
cfhowlettpeter100, no instant answers.  maybe MAYBE someone here has enough experience to advise.  otherwise, use the forums07:32
peter100i see07:32
daftykinsit's #kodi-linux07:32
peter100ok thanks daftykins07:32
peter100i will check07:32
jamie_I ran it and it responded that it wasnt empty so it couldnt07:35
daftykinsare you sure you typed "mv ~/.config ~/.configold" ?07:36
daftykinsas your user07:36
jamie_mv: cannot move ‘/home/jamie/.config’ to ‘/home/jamie/.configold/.config’: Directory not empty07:37
jamie_copied and pasted07:37
zerjoin Java07:39
daftykinsjamie_: no, that's not correct as that's trying to move it to beneath configold07:39
cfhowlettjamie_, cd ~         mv .config .configOLD07:39
jamie_okay it returned nothing so im going to try to restart now07:40
cfhowlettjamie_, ls -a    should show .configOLD07:42
jamie_the bottom of the list?07:43
linuxatorupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd6407:51
linuxatorW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-2.fw for module r8169 ,how to fix this?07:51
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scotty^Is there anyone here who can assist with a kernel SRU for a sound issue?07:56
greveshow can i set up ubuntu running in vmware to be a server for my home network?07:57
scotty^I'll expand that slightly - is there anyone here who can assist with a kernel SRU for Trusty for a sound issue?07:57
scotty^A fix exists upstream for Ubuntu bug 140258807:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1402588 in Ubuntu "Laptop Asus Z99He internal speaker not working until I enable EAPD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140258807:59
jamie_okay, sorry tried again... and my firefox closed, what was that last command you said to use to check08:02
daftykinsjust test unity already08:03
GeekMan1222Im trying to setup apcupsd and im having some problems. So far i tried alot of things this is where im at so far. The UPS uses simple cabling aka ethernet --> usb, When i run apctest i get an error about linux-usb.c line 608. I have managed to find out i need to have the kernal compiled with hiddev also read possibly usbnet any help is appreciated about doing these things, Thanks08:06
jamie_i just ran it though x terminal, after tring through startx cinnamon and it didnt work so i used xterminal to try again08:06
jamie_i have... twice and it didnt work08:07
daftykinsyou shouldn't use startx, could well be part of why you have issues08:07
daftykinsGeekMan1222: last 12.04 box i setup with apcupsd worked out of the box, no kernel issues.08:07
GeekMan1222sources http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/199586-apcupsd-ubuntu-13-0-fatal-error-linux-usb-c-line-609-a.html08:07
jamie_I tried with standard and the ctrl alt f1 and didnt work either so i just tried xterminal08:07
jamie_i went down the list08:08
GeekMan1222this is an old ups if you dont mind helping me set it up maybe im missing something08:08
Alissa23 Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! http://tny.de/patJ208:08
daftykinsGeekMan1222: just see what you get from "dmesg | tail" when you plug it in08:08
GeekMan1222it recognizes the usb when i tail kernal.log08:08
GeekMan1222and run lsusb08:09
GeekMan1222do i need to specify something08:09
GeekMan1222ill try what you said though daftykins08:09
daftykinsis that 14.10 you're using a UPS with?08:10
GeekMan1222yes sir 14.10LTS server edition08:10
daftykinsonly 14.04 is LTS08:10
daftykinsi gotta sleep though i'm afraid, so can't hang around08:10
GeekMan1222and tailing dmesg gives hid-genric ...... apc model08:10
GeekMan1222can you point me in the right direction daftykins you seem to be familiar with this08:11
GeekMan1222since you have to leave08:11
daftykinswell i have only set it up where it was working perfectly, so i don't really know what to say08:12
GeekMan1222i have upscable simple and upstype usb device blank08:13
GeekMan1222im thinking maybe the last two are wrong08:13
GeekMan1222i tried typing my cable model to it said it was bogus08:13
daftykinshrmm i've got no SSH access to the box i have this on, so i can't check08:14
GeekMan1222alright daftykins thanks for the help though :/08:20
jamie_By the way, who ever was helping me, when i ran it through xterminal it worked thanks for the help and sorry i was kinds scared to death that i was gonna loose a lot of work08:22
GeekMan1222daftykins, im dumb08:22
GeekMan1222i didnt run the test as sudo08:23
GeekMan1222also i changed it from simple to smart .. not sure if mines really smart though08:23
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angsI have a x86 laptop that does not have a hard driver. Can I set up Ubuntu on an external Hard disk and use it as inbuilt hard disk?08:38
White_Catangs theoratically yes08:38
White_Catprovided the motherboard can boot from an external drive08:39
White_Catsome older laptops detected external drives only post-boot from the OS08:39
White_CatAnd assuming your external drive has drivers in odoo - it would surprise me if it doesnt.08:40
White_Catangs why not use an internal drive, they arent exctly expensive08:40
angsWhite_Cat: it is not a too old laptop, I have a usb stick that has ubuntu, it works fine on the boot08:40
White_Catthen it should work fine with a usb drive - if that is what you are asking08:41
angsDo you know if the performance will be too bad?08:41
angsor would be okay08:41
angsit has usb 2 port08:41
White_CatI wouldnt expect the performance to be too degraded but you have the age of probem of accidentally unplugging the usb drive08:41
White_Cata more practical problem08:42
dionysus69angs why dont u install haha08:42
White_Catangs I too would suggest just trying08:42
angsI will try it now thank you.08:43
=== siraj is now known as sirajperson
dionysus69angs i assume you want hard drive in your laptop so if you have external hard drive I would recommend taking out hard drive out of that one with the help of tutorial and inserting it into laptop hehe08:45
=== Malamute is now known as Guest50456
angsI will check if the size will fit, thank you gor the suggestion08:46
light94Hello everyone, I have installed gnome alongside unity in my system and wanted to tweak gnome settings and found gnome-extensions great for that purpose. I wanted to know if installing gnome extensions would affect unity adversely08:52
light94gnome=shell I mean08:52
svetlanatry them, nobody knows08:52
svetlanaread reviews for them08:53
svetlanaafaik no-one reviews them and they're all at your own risk, but I expect them to be reasonably sensible when it comes to uninstalling08:53
cachedis the default ubuntu still unity?08:53
svetlanaI don't really care; it's been years since i last saw unity08:54
svetlanai didn't look at it after its first release08:54
DJonescached: Yes it is08:54
Guest50456Hello, i've installed hp laserjet 1000 in my ubuntu using hplip and i can print normally from localhost, but when i print from windows (samba/ipp), the print job is completed but the printer is not printing anything. what is the problem?08:54
DJonescached: Although you can change to KDE/XFCE/LXDE etc08:54
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cachedalright. now i know what not to install for my mother.08:55
light94is it unsafe to use different desktop environments together?08:56
light94i mean, kde gnome and unity?08:56
homrawtf ??08:58
dionysus69light94: i dont think you can or why would you want to?08:59
light94dionysus69: actually I wanted to try them out and find the best that suits me since many people praise them alike09:00
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bcvery1I'm running Gnome-ubuntu 14.04, I get the error message "could not set the configuration for CRTC 148" when trying to activate my third screen (this was working fine for weeks before Christmas)09:10
iptablebcvery1: so what did you change?09:12
bcvery1Nothing, the machine has been off since I've been away09:12
bcvery1^^ iptable09:13
iptablebcvery1: cnofig changes / unplug-replug monitors maniacly / cable changes, no? If not, then most likely it's your monitor09:13
iptablebcvery1: no upgrades between working/non-working ?09:13
bcvery1iptable, unless it ran updates by being turned off - the monitor has been tested (just now) with a different machine, working fine09:14
iptablebcvery1: create a new user on the machine and login as that user. do only BASIC graphics configuration to get 3 monitors working. report back.09:14
* iptable testing if user configuration is at fault09:14
bcvery1iptable, will do09:15
maksimkahello does the ubuntu package libzmq3-dev provide ZMQ version 4? looking at package describtion (libzmq3-dev:amd64 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)) I get confused with the 3 in fist part and 4 in second part..09:17
bcvery1iptable, newly created user is experiencing the same problem.  When changed in 'Screen Display' (settings) there is a rather long "GDBus.Error....", would it be helpful?09:20
iptablemaksimka: it's libzmq3 compatibility version 4.0.4 whatever that means09:25
iptablelibzmq4 is apparently compatiblity version 5. I think that's a question for the devs more than anything. confusing.09:27
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feurdHi. I've created a special pair of ssh-key to connect my desktop to my laptop. I gave it a custom name, and added the public key to my authorized_keys file on my laptop. But when I try to connect, the key is not used, it asks for the sesion password instead. What am I missing?09:42
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kevindfIs the latest ubuntu kernel,09:52
k1lkevindf: no09:52
k1lkevindf: what ubuntu are you on?09:53
kevindfubuntu 12.0409:53
k1lkevindf: you can use the hardware enablement stack to get the backports kernel from 14.0409:53
kevindfWhat is the latest kernel in 14.04,09:54
k1lkevindf: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:54
kevindfthank you, will take a look at that09:54
kevindfk1l :I currently have 3.13.0-43-generic, but our teacher is telling us that is the newest one09:55
k1l!info linux-image-generic precise09:56
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB09:56
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k1lkevindf: usually the ubuntu stays at the kernel it was shipped with. but the LTS releases can use the hardware enablement stack and get a new one09:57
kevindfWill enable that now, thank you :)09:57
ztaneanyone have firefox crashing with gstreamer? 100 % of time when I navigate to some pages my firefox crashes if there are videos on autoplay09:57
ararobztane:no, my firefox is pretty stable.09:58
ararobztane: do you have flash installed? because i only use html5 video09:58
impeldownyou might update your firefox09:58
ztaneararob: this is html5 only video09:59
ztanecrash does not occur if gstreamer is disabled10:00
ztaneflash is the stable one10:00
k1lztane: start firefox from terminal and keep that open. then load the video and see what errors you get in the terminal10:00
ztaneI got some hint somewhere that it might be because of intel10:00
ztane(firefox:4822): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_structure_new_empty: assertion 'gst_structure_validate_name (name)' failed10:01
ztane[4906] ###!!! ABORT: Aborting on channel error.: file /build/buildd/firefox-34.0+build2/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp, line 161810:01
ztanethey do not give any hint to what is the real reason however10:01
k1lcan you start with a clean profile?10:01
eman_hello friends... would anyone know why the owner of my non-root user .Xauthority file be changed to root:root seemingly at random? I'm running 14.0110:02
k1leman_: it mus belong to user:user.10:02
eman_i know this10:02
ztanethe only thing that does avoid the crash is disabling gstreamer, which is a nodo :D since I want to work with html5 video :D10:02
k1leman_: that comes when use of sudo is with gui programs (for example)10:02
ztanehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1363430 hmm this one10:03
eman_k1l: ok thank you10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363430 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "ABORT: Aborting on channel error.: file /build/buildd/firefox-31.0+build1/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:03
ararobztane: which distro? and which versions of firefox and gstreamer? I run the latest stable of everything, seems to work.10:03
ztaneararob: hmm seems i am still using trusty, maybe I should upgrade10:04
ararobztane: although, i did get random crashes with chrome/chromium and every single browser i tested except firefox in trusty :)10:06
pl1xI'm trying to install ubuntu server10:06
sursHello, I'm trying to connect to a proxmox vm using remmina vnc, I am getting this error "Unknown authentication scheme from VNC server: 19". Any pointers?10:06
cfhowlett!server | pl1x10:06
ubottupl1x: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:06
pl1xIt shows me a weird command line after keyboard config10:07
Bambi23 High Quality photos and videos http://j.mp/Rh9YfS10:07
sursgoogle searches suggest it could be a libvnc issue. How can I confirm that?10:07
cfhowlettpl1x, install pastebinit and paste your commands/feedback10:08
ztaneararob: it has not crashed always, only recently... it gets very annoying if one cannot read newspapers anymore bc they have embedded html5 vids :D10:08
ztanejust navigate by accident to any page with html5 video and lose your work :D10:08
pl1xcfhowlett: there is no command10:09
pl1xjust a line where i can enter commands10:09
cfhowlettpl1x, install pastebinit10:09
pl1xcfhowlett: ok10:10
feurdI'm still struggling connecting my desktop to my laptop, but I know why. My desktop is still trying to use the old key, not the new one. So the laptop refuses the connection. How can I ask my desktop to use the new one?10:10
ararobztane: also, i have 3.16 kernel with intel GPU. I'd try upgrading...10:14
ztaneararob: hmhm :D10:18
ztaneararob: you on utopic?10:19
ararobztane: yes, lubuntu.10:19
nekyianhow do I add nginx to services that automatically start on boot in ubuntu 14.x?10:22
Thumpxr_Okay, thats a far shot. But anyone here running a AMD 7970 (CPU: Intel i5 4670k, 16GB Ram)and playing CS:GO? I cant get over 190fps with the latest beta driver from the amd page. for comparison, same settings, same machine but windows 10 technical preview gives me 280-350fps on the same maps10:23
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Matriks404hello is there a way to open other user desktop on my desktop? For example i am user1 and i want to open firefox as user2 but to show it on my display as virtual desktop or something10:40
jpdsMatriks404: No.10:40
jpdsMatriks404: You could let them VNC into your desktop.10:40
phre4kcan I just copy the CUPS config from one PC to another and have the same printers set up?10:41
cfhowlettphre4k, sounds doable10:42
Matriks404jpds: how do i do this?10:42
jpds!vnc | Matriks40410:42
ubottuMatriks404: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:42
hehehbazhang is a dog and son of dog, a bitch s son10:47
Thumpxr_i kinda feel dumb, i have a mouse without hardware mouse acceleration and still have acceleration in 14.04, even when i change the acceleration in the systemsettings so "slow" which should be equivalent to off, or not ?10:47
cfhowlett!ops | heheh, abuse10:47
ubottuheheh, abuse: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:47
hehehwhy so quick10:48
cfhowlettikonia, thank you ^ 210:49
ikoniasorry about that, typo10:49
SvenTheReindeerCan anyone help me with a minor issue regarding Outguess 0.2?10:50
thom__hello gayss10:51
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alekpdwrtsI fell that the browser usually crashes in ubuntu when there's flash on a page, do you guys feel the same? any fix for the problem?11:15
cfhowlettalekpdwrts, "feel"?  no one cares what you feel.  what have you actually observed?11:15
alekpdwrtscfhowlett: well it freezes the browser or crashes, the same problem in both firefox and chromium11:17
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cfhowlettalekpdwrts, start your browser from the terminal. record error messages on failure ...11:17
anonymous_i have anontmous os11:18
anonymous_where are you from?11:18
cfhowlettanonymous_, this is ubuntu support.  ask your ubuntu questions.11:18
Ben64anonymous_: this channel only is for ubuntu support11:18
unopasteanonymous_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:18
fjgwhat is a program i can use to view and edit pdf annotations?11:20
iptablefjg: adobe acrobat?11:20
thom_756this chat irc is for support?11:20
cfhowlettfjg, view?  evince11:20
cfhowlettthom_756, ubuntu support11:20
iptablethom_756: it's for "free support by a community of dedicated and eager users"11:20
bazhang!info pdftk | fjg11:21
ubottufjg: pdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-1 (utopic), package size 677 kB, installed size 2895 kB11:21
iptablealekpdwrts: flash on ubuntu. now, what websites? news websites filled with flash adverts on the sides and everywhere or just youtube?11:21
kiran_i want to know latest changes in linux ubunutu11:21
cfhowlettkiran_, go the page and read release notes11:21
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes11:22
kiran_i mean i want to customize like tiny core any ideas11:22
thom_756understand. i have one question. Whit ubuntu, i can open file .exe? or just some?11:22
cfhowlettthom_756, .exe files are for windows, not linux.  *some* programs *might* work to *some* extent with wine11:23
cfhowlett!wine | thom_75611:23
ubottuthom_756: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:23
kiran_thom_756 use wine you can open .exe files11:23
iptablethom_756: .exe are WINDOWS executables. Wine is a linux software which provides a compatibility layer trying to deal with that to enable you to run windows apps on linux. doesn't always work.11:23
xie_hello ubuntu11:23
alekpdwrtsiptable: a site with flash adverts on the sides and everywhere!11:23
phre4kare all the cups configs in /etc/cups?11:24
kiran_anybody work on tiny core11:24
iptablealekpdwrts: the issue is 2-fold. 1. the site is written badly (and so are the flash adverts), causing flash overload, 2. flash was always buggy and bad on linux (courtesy of adobe, not linux fault, it's closed source really)11:24
alekpdwrtsiptables: don't have any problems running clips on youtube11:24
cfhowlettkiran_, it's not ubuntu, not supported here.  go the the TC page for help11:25
blackyboyphre4k: vim /etc/cups/cupsd.conf11:25
iptablealekpdwrts: I know the issue. for those sites you need either a beefy graphics card on linux or disable flash11:25
MindSparkDoes anyone know how to install cscope on raring?11:25
kiran_cfhowlett, kk11:25
cfhowlett!raring | MindSpark11:25
ubottuMindSpark: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring11:25
bazhangits eol MindSpark11:26
kiran_cfhowlett, you use tiny core??11:26
alekpdwrtsiptables: I'm running linux on a laptop so I'll try with adb-blocker or something...11:26
cfhowlettkiran_, no11:26
alekpdwrtsiptales: thanks for the information...11:26
blackyboyMindSpark: still using raring ? Even support ended.11:26
kiran_cfhowlett, kk11:26
bazhang!alis | kiran_ use this to search for tinycore11:27
ubottukiran_ use this to search for tinycore: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:27
MindSparkthat's why I am asking here ;). This is not paid support, is it?11:27
iptablealekpdwrts: no problem. known issue with adobe flash and badly written sites...11:27
thom_756thanks you.. ^^11:27
cfhowlettMindSpark, end of life means "no longer supported" here or elsewhere.  upgrade to a supported version and return for assistance11:27
MindSparkcfhowlett, when support ends, do repositories die?11:28
cfhowlettMindSpark, not immediately11:28
iptableeven paid support doesn't support end of life versions in pretty much any company unless you pay them millions to keep a dedicated team for you11:28
MindSparkbecause my problem is currently that the server is not reachable for aptitude11:28
bazhang!eolupgrades | MindSpark11:28
ubottuMindSpark: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:28
iptableserver not reachable is another issue. please provide pastebin with error message MindSpark11:29
iptableMindSpark: and your country of origin11:29
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MindSparkok, thanks. Guess I'll have to tell the team that I'll be doing that upgrade which might introduce breaking changes during the process...11:30
smiles4hello world!11:30
cfhowlettMindSpark, suggest you install LTS version 14.04.111:30
Ben64MindSpark: having a system without updates for a year is worse than anything else11:30
iptableMindSpark: should have thought of that before it ran out of support TBH. Install 14.04, which is LTS and supported for many years. Don't go for 14.10 short term support cutting edge one11:30
MindSparkiptable, http://pastebin.com/HzrSRzkF , Germany11:31
iptableMindSpark: 404 not found != server not found11:32
iptableMindSpark: the files are no longer in the repositories. file not found. that's that. upgrade11:32
MindSparkalright, thanks11:32
thom_756my version of ubuntu isn't final generatios? or exist other versione..?11:32
iptablethom_756: what?11:33
cfhowlettthom_756, what version of ubuntu do you have?11:33
iptablethom_756: what version are you and what exactly do you want to know?11:33
k1lMindSpark: if you run a server and you know you dont want to upgrade for a longer time period go for the LTS in the first place. they got 5 years support.11:33
=== saschpe is now known as zz_saschpe
thom_756i have this version. Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, 14.10 . exist new version or this is final (latest) version?11:34
k1lthom_756: "lsb_release -d" gives you what?11:35
iptablethom_756: as per ubuntu downloads website page, 14.10 is latest11:35
iptablethom_756: 10.04 is no longer supported. 12.04 is LTS and still supported. 14.04 came out in 14.04 (April 2014) and is supported for 5 years from that point.11:35
iptablethom_756: 14.10 is NOT LTS and is short term support. do not use for server11:35
k1liptable: 10.04 got still server support11:35
iptableah, sorry, yes, my bad11:36
iptable10.04 was the weird one that had separate lifespan for server and desktop11:36
iptablethom_756: for more information see here. http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life11:36
iptablethom_756: note that since it's not april 2015 yet, 15.04 and further are not out yet. 14.10 is latest11:37
thom_756thank you very much iptable and k1l11:38
SiilwynIt's not april 2015 yet. ;011:39
iptablereally, it isn't :D11:40
smiles3Hello World, I'm smiles311:40
Siilwyn*This is world, your captain speaking.* How can I help you smiles3?11:41
* iptable performs reality check11:41
iptableyup, still there11:42
da_didii am trying to use byobu (something like screen) to open some ssh connections when i start byobu... it uses tmux but i have no clue how to write the tmux.conf - anyone uses byobu or tmux?11:49
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pierobuongiorno a tutti11:58
lotuspsychje!it | piero11:58
ubottupiero: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:58
rzekaI've got 2 partitions. /dev/sda3 for /home and /dev/sda2 for /. Can I hold /var and /home on same partition?12:03
cfhowlettrzeka, you can12:03
cfhowlett!home | rzeka do the reverse of this12:03
ubotturzeka do the reverse of this: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving12:03
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:16
Bahaarwhat is the latest version of ubuntu?12:16
rzeka14.10? ; )12:16
BluesKaj_yes 14.1012:17
Bahaarwhat is difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?12:18
cfhowlett!ubuntu | Bahaar,12:19
ubottuBahaar,: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:19
cfhowlett!kubuntu | Bahaar12:19
ubottuBahaar: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde12:19
cfhowlett!flavors | Bahaar12:19
ubottuBahaar: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.12:19
ztaneah solved gstreamer issues in firefox by upgrading to utopic12:19
BluesKaj_gesktop encironment mostly , ubuntu use the Unity and kubuntu uses  KDE12:20
BluesKaj_desktop that is :)12:20
Bahaarcfhowlett thanks for help12:20
cfhowlettBahaar, happy2help!12:20
* BluesKaj_ has another coffee to wake up and finds his glasses12:22
opengyanhi ! i am running ubuntu 14.04. LTS on a dual core machine. its hp m/c little old but has 2 GB RAM. Problem is that after issuing the command it takes a while to see some processing12:24
cfhowlett!lubuntu | opengyan, lubuntu loves old machines.  test it for yourself: sudo apt-get lxde           logout, choose lubuntu session, login12:25
ubottuopengyan, lubuntu loves old machines.  test it for yourself: sudo apt-get lxde           logout, choose lubuntu session, login: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:25
blackangelpropengyan, normally when people have 2g or ram they use Lubuntu since its more light weight allows the system to have more space left on memory :p12:25
cfhowlett!xubuntu opengyan, is also an option, though it' not optimized for legacy hardware as lubuntu is12:26
bazhang |12:26
opengyangreat ! thanks cfhowlett blackangelpr & ubottu .. I will give it a try.12:26
cfhowlettopengyan, happy2help!12:26
BluesKaj_opengyan, tha't the same as this old desktop, buy some RAM, it's amazing what a difference that can make12:27
cfhowlettbazhang, ah, so *that's* what | does!  thanks.12:27
opengyanBluesKaj_, ok whats optimum RAM recomanded ?12:28
cfhowlettopengyan, as much as you can squeeze in.12:28
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opengyancfhowlett, ok will try to get the peak of what my old motherboard can work with..12:29
BluesKaj_whatever your pc can handle , mine is capable of supporting 8G , altho 6 G seems to make enough difference to satisfy me12:29
blackangelpri have 8 and never get it full even with irc . steam game runing . web and other stuff12:30
gheraint_is_gayhi i had a quick question12:31
BluesKaj_opengyan, but I'm not a gamer so.....12:31
gheraint_is_gaywhich is better, linix or windows?12:31
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cfhowlettgheraint_is_gay, to test linux, download ubuntu, make a bootable usb, boot computer with USB and make up your own mind.  MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND>12:32
BluesKaj_ghostcube_, what do you think that answer will be in this room12:32
opengyanBluesKaj_, yea even my usage is of dev,compiling some big code base..12:32
BluesKaj_opengyan, then more Ram will definitely help12:33
cfhowlettopengyan, more ram will also enable you to run virtualbox for testing.  fun!12:33
opengyanBluesKaj_, cfhowlett sure thanks12:34
BluesKaj_opengyan, there's nothing like more RAM to rescue an aging pc IMO12:34
JuJuBeeI cannot get my network manger to start.  "sudo service networking start" -> Job failed to start.  It does not start on boot for some reason or fails to start.12:39
JuJuBeeifconfig only shows L0 not eth0 or wlan012:41
=== Vikram1 is now known as opengyan
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blackangelprcfhowlett, might a dual core support virtualization? i find more usefull 8gig and a ssd since the are becoming cheaper :P what do you think?12:43
opengyanone question though, if i am testing some graphics library,will ubuntu vs lubuntu make any difference ?12:44
cfhowlettblackangelpr, my 2009 dual pentium can run vbox ... never tested vmware or other V tools12:45
blackangelprcfhowlett, thanks for the reply12:46
cfhowlettblackangelpr, happy2help!12:47
utsavcfhowlett, Just wanted to tell you that after restarting PC, my problem of Geany got resolved. Thanks for a great help. Now development can be without any problem....12:47
cfhowlettutsav, sweet!   happy2help!12:48
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, try ip add in the terminal12:49
blackangelprjust in case anyone is interested today LinuxFoundationX: LFS101x.2 Introduction to Linux started ad edx.org12:49
utsavblackangelpr, I am interested...12:51
blackangelprutsav, https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-212:51
blackangelprits free12:51
utsavseems gr8, thanx12:52
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: doesn't that require eth0 to be recognized?12:54
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, if an NIC with eth0 is oon the mobo , yes12:55
JuJuBeeSO the NIC is working.  I tested with boot from USB and works fine.  ifconfig does not list eth012:58
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: dmesg returns network interface eth0 pre-start process terminated wtih status 112:58
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BluesKaj_JuJuBee, lspci | grep -i net13:03
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: displays the RealTek wired and Qualcom wifi adapters13:04
jarr0dszhello everyone i have an ipsec config from CentOS that I would like to port to Ubuntu, its based on ipsec and ubuntu has ipsec-tools13:06
jarr0dszare those compatible in terms of config?13:06
jarr0dszor should i completely redo the config in ubuntu ip-sec style or "port them over13:07
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, sudo dhclient eth013:08
Hijackalhow does nemo decide which folders to show in "My Computer" and "Devices"? I'd like btrfs subvolume to show up there13:09
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: Why does that work if eth0 was not in ifconfig list?13:09
ikoniaifconfig -a13:09
JuJuBeeikonia: thanks, did not know that switch13:10
JuJuBeeSo my NetorkManager tray icon indicates No connection (X over the icon) but I do have connectivity13:10
ikoniaJuJuBee: where are you configuring your network card ?13:11
ikoniaas in how have you tried to configure it13:11
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, ifconfiig is depracated , the command for 14.10 and up is "ip add"13:11
JuJuBeeikonia: I was using NetworkManger ... Using dhcp at work13:11
ikoniaJuJuBee: if you configure it using network manager it should show connection in the network manager icon, if you configure it outside of it, it will not show it in network manager13:12
JuJuBeeikonia: eth0 not in the pull-down list for "Restrict to device" under NetworkManager->Add Connection13:13
ikoniaRestrict to device ?13:13
ikoniaJuJuBee: why are you adding ?13:14
ikoniaJuJuBee: it should already exist13:14
JuJuBeeikonia: if I launch networkmanager configuration GUI and add a connection (Wired)  under the wired tab I should be able to select the NIC?13:15
ikoniaJuJuBee: you shouldn't need to add it13:15
JuJuBeeikonia: I have NO connections in NetworkManager at the moment13:15
ikoniaJuJuBee: what version of ubuntu is this ?13:15
JuJuBeeikonia: 14.04.113:16
ikoniaJuJuBee: standard ubuntu install, eg: desktop desktop from CD install13:16
JuJuBeeAll was working fine on 12/22 when I shutdown my computer for the christmas break from school.  Arrived this morning and no network connections.13:17
JuJuBeeikonia: standard desktop install from USB13:17
ikoniaJuJuBee: I'd look at what updates where applied when you shut it down,13:18
ikoniaJuJuBee: network connections do not just dissapear from network manager13:18
JuJuBeehow do I find that info?13:18
ikoniaJuJuBee: dpkg log and the syslog should give you an idea of the state of your machine when you shut it down13:19
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JuJuBeeikonia: last entries from 12/18  but computer working fine on 12/2213:22
Knight80Does anybody know anything about 51-android.rules?13:23
cfhowlettKnight80, a tiny bit.  what are you trying to do13:25
Knight80cfhowlett I'm trying Ubuntu to recognise my Kurio 7s tablet in order to set the default installation location as SD External Card13:26
cfhowlettKnight80, your goal is to use the kurio as a device to boot ubuntu?13:27
ikoniaJuJuBee: network connections do not just vanish, so something must have changed13:27
Knight80cfhowlett No, actually what I'm trying to do is setting the default installation directory as External Sd Card so every App I install, goes to the SD Card.13:28
cfhowlettKnight80, apps installed to the device, right?13:28
cfhowlettKnight80, over my head.  ##android would know more13:29
Knight80cfhowlett That's right13:29
Knight80cfhowlett Thank you13:29
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dannymichelwhat does he mean by "and comment closing it "fi" at line 67"   here http://askubuntu.com/questions/268744/grub-hidden-menu-not-working13:39
dannymichelthat doesn't make sense13:39
dannymicheladd 'fi' on line 67?13:39
yourbeauI have a touchscreen laptop13:41
yourbeaudoes Ubuntu have multi-touch options ?13:41
cfhowlettyourbeau, yes13:42
cfhowlettyourbeau, from 14.04.1 on ... not sure about 12.0413:42
yourbeauI am using 14.04.113:42
cfhowlett!patience | dannymichel,13:43
yourbeaucfhowlett, but where is configuratiosn ?13:43
ubottudannymichel,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:43
cfhowlettyourbeau, settings > mouse and touchpad IIRC13:43
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unopastewlmiami you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted13:44
cfhowlett!ops | wlmiami ban please13:44
ubottuwlmiami ban please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:44
cfhowlettdanke k1l_13:45
k1l_np :)13:45
jattdannymichel: it means comment both lines13:47
dannymicheltried that and get errors when i try to update grub13:47
dannymichelnothing seems to work. i have a black screen.13:48
jattpastebin the modified file and the errors13:49
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JuJuBeeikonia: sorry, had to step out.13:50
JuJuBeeikonia: I agree something must have changed, but I do not change it.13:51
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JuJuBeeikonia: to top it off, there are connections under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections13:52
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JuJuBeeikonia: looks like the probelm is network manager is not starting?13:53
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BluesKaj_JuJuBee, I'll ask the obvious , have you run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?13:59
nonamaewhat is that webpage what has lot of repositories? (for firefox gtk3)14:02
hanshenrik__wat? i guess github qualify14:03
jarr0dszhas anyone done an ipsec on ubuntu14:04
BluesKaj_jarr0dsz, I did a while back and it worked ok , but I switched to openvpn14:05
jarr0dszim trying to get ipsec auto --up <conn> name but it just "hangs"14:05
cristian_cI'd like to slow down a video. I've tried with mencoder and sleep parameter, but I can't understand how to correctly use it14:07
cristian_cAny ideas?14:07
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JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: yes14:09
cristian_c*speed parameter', sorry14:09
BluesKaj_jarr0dsz, L2TP/ipsec ?  this worked for me, https://launchpad.net/~seriy-pr/+archive/ubuntu/network-manager-l2tp14:12
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: when I ran the restart commnad is when I got the failed message14:13
jarr0dszthanks the   141  ipsec auto --up 'Name' does not output anything it does on centos though im new to ubuntu14:13
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BluesKaj_JuJuBee, got any other NICs lying around, the one you are using could be damaged somehow14:14
JuJuBeeikonia: I did a --reinstall for NetworkManager and rebooted and still when I hover over the NM icon it says is not running.14:14
dougquaidMy root fs is mounted with the option errors=remount-ro and the other day it did remount read only. How can I tell what caused it to remount?14:14
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: built in NIC for laptop14:14
JuJuBeeThe nic works if I boot int windows or USB14:14
k1l_dougquaid: see dmesg14:15
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, does the wifi chip work?14:15
k1l_dougquaid: it gets remounted as ro if there are some errors. so see the logs14:15
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, the you oibviously need the driver for the NIC , check the make and chip and look for the driver in the repos14:16
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JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: if I do dhclient eth0 I get a dhcp address and the system works fine.  Even though hovering over the NM icon says NetworkManger is not running.  Doesn't that mean I have the driver?14:18
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, looks like it works with a static IP, if that's the case then remove network manager if you're desperate :)14:19
ikoniaJuJuBee: no idea why you did a reinstall or what you thought that was going to do14:20
lotuspsychjeInteliBlentav: ask your question mate14:21
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JuJuBeeikonia: thought NM might be broken...14:21
InteliBlentavi'm trying to tunnel all my network through tor on ubuntu14:21
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: DHCP not static.14:21
InteliBlentavand when i setup in network14:21
InteliBlentavonly browser goes through it14:21
lotuspsychje!tor | InteliBlentav14:22
ubottuInteliBlentav: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl14:22
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, yes, but running static might solve your problem14:23
lotuspsychjeInteliBlentav: maybe this can help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/324685/how-to-route-all-internet-traffic-through-tor-the-onion-router14:24
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BluesKaj_JuJuBee, I used this for yrs before I needed NM to connect to vpn servers http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html14:25
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: temporarily, but when I take my laptop to another location what then?  also how can I manage my wifi adapter now?14:25
ikoniaI'd be more concerned what has happened to your system14:26
ikonianetwork manager does not just drop interface devices14:26
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, Iasked you before if you used the wifi, you didn't answer so assumed you used ethernet only14:26
nieehi folks :) any one to help me please? "Could not open location 'sftp://' --- ssh program unexpectedly exited" any ideas how to fix this error?14:27
JuJuBeeSorry, missed that question.14:27
JuJuBeeI use my wifi card for my VM on my laptop or when I am out like at a starbucks14:27
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, ikonia makes a good point14:28
BluesKaj_NM shouldn't be dropping you ethernet connection ...I still think the driver is mucked up or missing14:29
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: how so?  that network connections don't just vanish?14:29
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: I will try to locate the driver and resinstall it manually...14:30
BluesKaj_the driver is not working, that's for sure14:30
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BluesKaj_not working with NM that is , JuJuBee so the situation is more complicated than just installing a new driver14:32
RNevilleWow, my Ubuntu 14.04 boot time just seems to be getting longer - was quick, now slow!14:33
lotuspsychjeRNeville: updates recently?14:33
RNevillelotuspsychje: yes14:33
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lotuspsychjeRNeville: any new services you installed?14:33
RNevilledoes pastebinit, count14:34
lotuspsychjeRNeville: you could change your grub "quiet plash" to "" and sudo update-grub14:34
lotuspsychjeRNeville: see what happens at boot, or dmesg logs14:34
thom__italia for ever14:35
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: so I ran dhclient eth0 and got an ip address then ran service network-manager start and the NM icon shows a wired connection now but does not list any wifi conenctions available14:35
RNevillelotuspsychje: not sure how to dmesg my logs - I'm a newbie to linux14:35
lotuspsychjeRNeville: dmesg in terminal14:35
RNevillelotuspsychje: which logs, pls?14:36
lotuspsychje!dmesg | RNeville14:36
ubottuRNeville: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.14:36
BluesKaj_JuJuBee, well it won't show the wifi if the ethernet cable is connected afaik14:37
InteliBlentavi tried14:37
InteliBlentavthe from askubuntu14:38
InteliBlentavand now my browsers14:38
InteliBlentavwont connect at all14:38
RNevillelotuspsychje: here is the output for the dmesg command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9676880/14:39
lotuspsychjeRNeville: wow thats alot of radeon issues14:39
InteliBlentavguy pleas help14:40
RNevilleno idea, what to do about these issues lotuspsychje14:40
InteliBlentavi pink sites14:40
InteliBlentavand unknown host get,14:40
InteliBlentavbut i can install remove packeges14:40
InteliBlentavand use irc14:40
InteliBlentavcan you help me ?14:40
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JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: I have had both connections available before...14:41
lotuspsychjeRNeville: try to switch drivers14:41
RNevillethx lotuspsychje14:41
JuJuBeeone for my host (ubuntu) and one for the vm guest (windows)14:41
JuJuBeeBluesKaj_: might be time to upgrade or reinstall 14.04...  my wifi connections just randomly showed up14:42
InteliBlentavguys :(14:42
blackangelpr!patience, InteliBlentav14:43
mucushello!  for some reason the filesystem on my ubu is saying i have 0 bytes free, but i have about 2tera free at /var14:44
mucushow do i . . . make that do something?14:44
InteliBlentavfree ?14:44
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mucusnot being used14:44
InteliBlentavwhat exactly says u have 0 bytes left14:44
InteliBlentavyour home dir ?14:44
mucusif i go to the root there, the folder marked "file system"14:45
InteliBlentavmucus, not sure what your saying, can you pwd the dir14:46
mucusalirght /dev/root says it's completely full14:47
mucus100% storage in use14:47
somsipmucus: so you have another drive mounted on /var which is relatively empty, but the / or /home is full?14:47
mucusbut /dev/sda3 is nearly empty14:47
mucusand i'd like to use that space for /root14:47
InteliBlentavwait are those 2 hds or 1 ?14:47
mucusit's 1 hdd but partitioned14:48
InteliBlentavcan you enter root folder ?14:48
mucusyes i can14:48
mucusi am root user14:49
InteliBlentavand whats in it ?14:49
somsipmucus: so you need to move the partitions round a bit. Maybe split whichever is mounted as /var into a smaller /var and something else mounted somewhere it will help. Reads like you've set up partitioning badly though, and it may be a faffy solution whatever you do14:49
jmoironi've been reading about 802.11ac support for pcie cards and i've found that a few popular chipsets don't appear to have drivers;  does anyone have any suggestions for a supported card?14:49
BluesKaj_14.04 was always problematic for mer, LTS or not I couldn't wait to upgrade to 14.10...it's much more stable IME, JuJuBee14:51
VimFleedhey, I've installed gwibber, but I can't start it, when I run gwibber from the commandline I get bash: gwibber: command not found14:55
alexis__hello everyone14:59
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HamRadioHey Guys, I have a quick question, when Ubuntu 14.04.2 comes out, are they going to update the official graphics driver as well?15:02
lord4163Really? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SingleSignOn Can't you just sync /etc/passwd, /etc/groups and /etc/shadow? :P15:02
ikonialord4163: sync it with what ?15:02
lord4163ikonia: rsync15:03
HamRadioChannel seems kinda dead considering 1,731 people in it15:03
ikonialord4163: with what though ?15:03
ikonialord4163: rsync them against what ?15:03
lord4163ikonia: it's just so complicated to do such a simple thing?15:03
ikonialord4163: against what ?15:03
BluesKaj_HamRadio, what's your gpu?15:03
ikonialord4163: what are you trying to actually do ?15:03
toothfairy_Hmm, Im a little bit stuck ... trying to start a process using supervisor, sudo supervisorctl start app , it returns:  casinofeber: ERROR (abnormal termination), the supervisor app file basicly contains "[program:app] command = /webapps/app/bin/gunicorn_start;user=odin;"  if I run the command manually with same user it executes fine.. Any ideas?15:04
HamRadionVidia Geforce 755m15:04
lord4163ikonia: against a central server15:04
LarsNHamRadio: de Whiskey Nine Zulu Echo Bravo ;)15:04
ikonialord4163: thats not a good idea15:04
lord4163ikonia: I want to have a server with all users/passwords and have many clients connect, and have their nfs share connected on /home15:04
HamRadioBluesKaj_ nVidia Geforce 755m15:04
toothfairy_app: ERROR (abnormal termination), I meant it returns ....15:04
HamRadioEnglish LarsN15:04
ikonialord4163: then use  central auth such as ldap15:04
dannymichelpressing shift doesn't give me a grub menu and when i edit grub and do grub hidden timeout 10 i still don't get a grub menu15:04
LarsNHamRadio: that is English.15:04
lord4163ikonia: I don't understand that15:05
HamRadioOh, I see.....lol LarsN15:05
ikonialord4163: then you need to learn it15:05
ikonialord4163: it's important to have a central identitiy system15:05
BluesKaj_HamRadio, using the nvidia-331 driver?15:05
LarsNikonia, lord4163: I support the use of LDAP ;)15:05
HamRadioThe official nVidia driver for Ubuntu 14.04 is rather old, and and wondering if they are going to update that as well as the kernel in 14.04.215:06
lord4163LarsN: No kidding why people don't deploy Ubuntu and setup a windows active directory server instead.15:06
HamRadioBluesKaj_: I think it's the nvidia-304 driver15:06
ikonialord4163: you can use it against AD - AD is just ldap15:06
ikonialord4163: if you have an AD setup, you can intergrate ubuntu into that15:06
HamRadiowhichever one is the official on in ubuntu 14.0415:06
vifinoHamRadio: Try xorg edgers if you really need the latest drivers.15:07
vifinoBe warned: Might be unstable.15:07
LarsNlord4163: as ikonia said, Active Directory is just ldap.15:07
lord4163ikonia: Not really, I tried, but you have to specify the DOMAIN NAME\USERNAME instead just username.15:07
ikonialord4163: only for membership15:07
ikonialord4163: sounds like you need to be a bit more indeapth research15:08
HamRadioyeah, I have seen that stuff vifino.....that's why I haven't installed those....was hoping the official one will get updated when the kernel get's updates15:08
vifinoHamRadio: Can happen, may not.15:08
HamRadiovifino: yeah15:09
BluesKaj_HamRadio, check your additional drivers , a newer recommended driver may be available15:09
lord4163ikonia: I don't know I had it working with samba, could login and had everything working, but you have to specify the domain name in LIGHTDM15:09
lord4163ikonia: stupidity15:09
ikoniawhat is stupidity ?15:10
HamRadioBluesKaj, thanks....I will do that, I did that not to long ago and all that was offered was nvidia-304 driver which is rather old15:10
lord4163ikonia: that you can't just login using your username.15:10
ikonialord4163: you can15:11
ikonialord4163: you've just not set it up properly15:11
lord4163ikonia: Linux is such a flexible system, but noone has a real solution to this using native Linux technologies like NFS.15:11
BluesKaj_HamRadio, how does the driver perform?, a newer driver may not help15:11
ikonialord4163: what are you on about ?15:11
ikonialord4163: NFS has been available as a "real solution" for 20+ years on linux15:11
lord4163ikonia: I'm just pointing out, that if we want linux adoption, this is not the way.15:12
ikoniawhat is not the way ?15:12
ikoniawhat the devil are you talking about15:12
HamRadioBluesKaj, it seems to do alright.....I don't do a lot of big gaming so I don't push it to the max15:12
BluesKaj_HamRadio, right, I have a 346 nvidia capable gpu , but the 331 driver serves the purpose here just fine.15:13
tomodachiis it just me or is restricting commands over ssh not working?15:14
ikoniahow are you restricting them ?15:14
HamRadioBlueskaj_, hm, ok....well I guess I will just leave it be. Thanks. :) Ok, got to go do the animals....sun just came up :) be back later15:14
onemansubmarinehi is there a channel for problems in thunderbird?15:14
tomodachii use command="$HOME/notify15:14
tomodachithen key15:14
lord4163ikonia: The complexity of something simple.15:15
lord4163ikonia: and what did I do wrong btw?15:15
ikonialord4163: I suggest you learn/read it's pretty simple/straight forward15:15
ikoniaand I'm getting pretty tired of you making nonsense statements and calling everything stupid15:15
drealerhow can i runmy terminal as root ?15:15
ikoniadrealer: use sudo $command in the terminal15:15
ikoniaDeMiNe0: the terminal process should be run as your user, but the shell inside it can be elevated to root15:16
tomodachiikonia:  command="$HOME/notify",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding15:16
ikoniatomodachi: where are you doing that ?15:16
tsaki have a question? Does anybody here use Autohotkey in windows? And what would be the best alternative in Linux for it?15:16
onemansubmarineis there a way for thunderbird to show the information of downloading/sending progress, connection status, etc?15:16
lord4163ikonia: What should I read? That stupidly long paper that doesn't give exact instructions on how to set it up?15:16
ikonialord4163: whatever you want15:17
onemansubmarineI missed it since i migrated from claws mail where I had detailed information15:17
jpdsonemansubmarine: Tools → Activity Manager.15:17
tomodachiikonia:  in my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys     , i just get logged in directly15:17
lord4163ikonia: that's not exactly an answer15:17
ikonialord4163: my answer is, I'm not interested in your issues any more15:17
onemansubmarinejpds: thx, but there is no way to have it always displayed as a bar15:17
ikoniatomodachi: you don't put command in your authorized_keys15:18
jpdsonemansubmarine: I have some activity in the status bar, but it's so fast I barely see it.15:18
thom__ikonia you are a master of this chat?15:18
ikoniathom__: nope15:18
thom__qualcuno mi può aiutare? xD15:19
ikoniathom__: channel is for English language please.15:20
thom__ah okay, i'm sorry.15:20
BigBawb_Sorry I lost connection15:21
tomodachiikonia: where should i place it , this is my interpretation of how it works, the server in its authorized keys restricts the use of users connectin holding that key15:21
ikoniatomodachi: authorized keys restricts access15:22
ikoniatomodachi: it doesn't dictate what commands the users can run15:22
BigBawb_Did my question get sent before my internet dropped?15:23
=== BigBawb_ is now known as BigBawb
BluesKaj_BigBawb, don't think so15:23
BigBawbokay sorry.15:24
BigBawbIm dual booting Ubuntu/Windows. Windows my internet speed is just fine. Ubuntu the wireless drops about 5-6 times15:24
BigBawbLike my speed test scored about 750kb15:24
BigBawbWindows its 7.5mb15:24
tsakim searchiing same time alternative program for linux, but like ironAHK has had last update like 3 years ago?15:25
ubuntu601how to install pgadmin3 version 1.20 in ubuntu 14.04  Please help thanks15:27
ubuntu601how to install pgadmin3 version 1.20 in ubuntu 14.04  Please help thanks.15:28
xanguaubuntu601: if it's not in official ubuntu repositories means either search a PPA repository or compile it15:28
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ubuntu601<xangua> thanks not there in ppa15:30
ubuntu601thanks <xangua>15:30
KamalKaurI want to ask the use of changing a user group to www-data for users?15:30
somsipKamalKaur: normally you would add them to that group15:31
KamalKaurbut why?15:31
tomodachiikonia: so where do i add it , on the client side?! then it doesent make any sence really since any client can modify it or remove it15:32
KamalKaursomsip: Any particular reasons in your mind?15:32
somsipKamalKaur: give me chance to type15:32
KamalKaursomsip: Sorry, take your time :)15:32
tsakhmm i found xautomation...15:33
ikoniatomodachi: it's a server setting15:33
tsakmaybe that is the best what linux has to offer? :P15:33
* KamalKaur waiting for a response15:36
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BigBawbAnyone? Slow wireless connection on Ubuntu15:39
BigBawbIm dual booting and on windows its fine15:39
dannymichelpressing shift doesn't give me a grub menu and when i edit grub and do grub hidden timeout 10 i still don't get a grub menu. i get a blank screen when booting for the first time. I'm trying to access boot options so i can boot. is there any way to maybe install nvidia drivers from  the live cd15:40
KamalKaursomsip: Should I keep waiting?15:42
KamalKaurDoes anyone know the use of changing user group to www-data on servers?15:52
reisioKamalKaur: doing what?15:52
KamalKaurreisio: A user under group www-data15:53
KamalKaurWHen we create new user, a group of his own name is created, by default15:54
reisioKamalKaur: yes, and?15:56
KamalKaurAnd why would one change it to www-data? reisio15:57
reisioKamalKaur: I doubt "one" would _change it_ to www-data15:57
reisioone might add a user to that group15:57
reisioso that it shares some of the privileges of that group15:57
daftykinsin 14.04 the web document root is owned by root as default15:57
KamalKaurreisio: Yes, thats what I meant15:57
reisiowhich is used by other things by default, for web server things15:57
KamalKaurWhat is meant by for web server things?15:58
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KamalKaurSimply..  you can point me to a link where all this is defined15:58
* KamalKaur thinks is the question was really stupid -_-15:58
daftykinsKamalKaur: yes, the english isn't so great.15:58
scheurihi everyone.....I might have a stupid question: I have a (minecraftserver, java) process started in a terminal on xubuntu and then ssh'ed into the same machine...how can I "take over" the process on the new (ssh) terminal and then "give back" to the other terminal without interuption...is that possible?15:59
petepiano1960BigBawb: what wireless card are you using ?  (in particular, what chip set)15:59
daftykinsscheuri: run it with 'screen' in future15:59
reisioscheuri: ideally you'd start it via a 'screen' (or tmux) session in the first place15:59
reisioscheuri: but you could try reptyr for now15:59
popeyscheuri: http://serverfault.com/questions/55880/moving-an-already-running-process-to-screen maybe use reptyr?15:59
scheuriit is not problem to stop and then start with screen again...if that helps...so it would be "screen ./launch.sh"?16:00
reisioscheuri: nope :)16:00
reisioscheuri: but 'screen', _then_ './launch.sh' would suffice16:00
scheurireisio: thanks a lot....so it is "screen", enter, then "./launch.sh" to make it "movable" between terminals (for the lack of a better word :))16:01
scheuri(or at least easier to move)16:01
reisioscheuri: yeah16:01
reisioscheuri: screen -list, screen -d -r #16:01
reisioscheuri: or if you ran 'screen -S minecraft' in the first place, instead of just 'screen', you could use screen -d -r minecraft to re-attach16:02
scheurireisio: thanks, very much appriciated...now, when I log in, how would I move it from one terminal to the other? is it the screen command again (with a PID?)16:02
reisiosee previous16:02
scheurireisio: sorry, was too slow ;)16:02
scheurireisio: thanks a lot...will try it right away16:02
reisioincredibly handy app, screen16:03
scheurireisio: one more (stupid) question....once started with screen in one terminal...I can take it over with -d -r....how do I put it back into background (so I can grab it again with the other console)?16:04
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vifinoreisio: tmux all the way! :P16:04
scheuribecause taking it over and then closing the terminal I would say it will be terminated, right?16:04
BigBawbpetepiano1960: Im using a usb adapter16:05
Jaborunning gdb on my CFD application (OpenFOAM) I get this output:16:06
JaboProgram received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.16:06
Jabo0x00007fffefe5ca95 in __ieee754_pow_sse2 (x=-8.3971653326644913e-06, y=0.33333333333333331) at ../sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/e_pow.c:15716:06
Jabo157../sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/e_pow.c: No such file or directory.16:06
Jabodoes that mean it's crashing because I don't have e_pow.c ?16:06
scheurireisio: sorry, I think I start to get it....my bad...was thinking more....two dimensional ;)16:07
scheurireisio: thanks for your help16:07
theadminJabo: No, it means that there's an arithmetic exception. Like division by zero or some such. And it happens in e_pow.c.16:09
theadminOh, wait.16:09
theadminHm... Strange enough. The error is caused by that file, but it doesn't exist?16:09
Jaboyep, I can't find it with grep either16:10
daumhey guys - i'm trying to install an updated version of gnucash on trusty, however after following how to add the getdeb repo, i now get https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4d525159519cab241119 when i try to install it, any ideas how to fix those errors?16:11
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petepiano1960BigBawb: not enough info I'm afraid.  There are lots of those.  Slow wifi is frequently caused by driver issues (which are specific to the chipset in the USB adaptor) or can be fixed by appropriate module options.16:20
petepiano1960BigBawb: try running 'sudo lshw' and look for a likely wifi candidate in there16:20
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petepiano1960BigBawb: search for something like "wlan".   Somewhere around that you should see the product name, driver version, etc16:21
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jimmy51v_is it reasonable to open up a port for SSH to an ubuntu box over the internet?16:21
jimmy51v_or is that a big no-no16:22
BigBawbpetepiano1960: I know the product name I just meant it wasnt a built in card16:22
somsipjimmy51v_: what authorisation methods do you intend to allow?16:22
BigBawbheres the specific one16:22
nieehi folks :) any one to help me please? "Could not open location 'sftp://' --- ssh program unexpectedly exited" any ideas how to fix this error?16:23
jimmy51v_somsip: i guess i usually just log in.  say 'yes' to the trust warning and log in.16:23
jimmy51v_i've never had it opened up outside of my own network though16:23
somsipjimmy51v_: with a password or with a key?16:23
jimmy51v_somsip: password16:23
jimmy51v_somsip: in the past i've ran ssh ipaddress -l jimmy16:24
daftykinsjimmy51v_: i would use a non-standard port number, consider using fail2ban and also consider key auth as somsip is suggesting (sort of)16:24
jimmy51v_!info fail2ban16:24
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.13-1 (utopic), package size 131 kB, installed size 654 kB16:24
petepiano1960jimmy51v_: BigBawb what version of ubuntu are you on ?16:25
somsipjimmy51v_: I wouldn't personally allow password only access. Key-based is much more secure. Security by obfuscation (using, say 1022 instead of 22) can avoid some hits but will not really protect. And Fail2Ban is worthwhile as daftykins is saying16:25
petepiano1960BigBawb:  what version of ubuntu are you on ?16:25
jimmy51v_ok.  is key-based something i could remember if i were on a strange machine?16:25
jimmy51v_sorry... poor phrasing.  is the key something i could remember?16:26
reisioscheuri: you can "detach" explicitly with CTRL+a, then d16:26
reisioscheuri: but you can also just close whatever term is using it, or forget about it, etc.16:26
somsipjimmy51v_: you create a pair of keys - two files. You need one to login. You should use them very securely. You can password protect them too16:26
BigBawbUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS16:26
somsipjimmy51v_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys16:27
jimmy51v_so i would likely need my laptop or other trusted machine with me (and the keys on it) to be able to log in16:27
somsipjimmy51v_: that would be best. You *can* use password only, but I see how many probes I get on SSH ports and it's scarey enough to encourage me to use key-based only16:27
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jimmy51v_thanks guys16:28
jimmy51v_i'll try to set that up at home tonight and see if i can get it working16:28
jimmy51v_that'll be better than talking my wife through shell commands :)16:28
cachedwhy is every kde app without exception garbage?16:29
reisiocached: that's KDE's MO16:31
reisiokinda what happens when you embrace early on a proprietary C++ GUI toolkit16:31
petepiano1960BigBawb: looks like there are known issues with that chipset (RTL8188CUS).16:31
petepiano1960BigBawb: You could try this  - https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-716:32
BluesKajcached, sweeping opinions like that mean nothing16:32
mutualhow do I check to see if my /home directory is on a separate partition?16:32
petepiano1960BigBawb: Also see this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/551522/netis-wf2120-wifi-adapter-drops-signal-within-seconds16:33
mutuali can't remember if I did it during setup16:33
cfhowlettmutual, sudo fdisk -l16:33
BigBawbpetepiano1960: I did my share of googling but didnt find this thank you I will surely read16:33
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petepiano1960BigBawb: np16:34
mutualcfhowlett, http://pastebin.com/SN7KjuGk16:34
mutualcfhowlett, i know how to find that information, but i can't tell which partition is which16:35
cfhowlettmutual, wait 116:35
BluesKajmutual, to make sure check with gparted16:35
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squeegily_It turns out that when playing videos it was the audio that it was choking on16:36
squeegily_When I forced my media player to use ALSA audio output everything worked like a charm16:36
mutualBluesKaj, right I already have it open i just don't know what i'm looking for here16:36
squeegily_PulseAudio was killing it16:36
mutualBluesKaj, is sda1 my home and sda2 / ?16:36
squeegily_I can't believe I almost installed 12.04.1 just to try to fix this16:36
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daftykinssqueegily_: hmm, could be there's insufficient beans to drive it i suppose16:38
BluesKajmutual, ext partition /home16:38
mutualBluesKaj, gparted says "ext4 mount point /" for the largest partition16:39
mutual"extended" for the smaller one16:39
BluesKajmutual, right click on the partitions/information to ID them by their status16:41
mutualBluesKaj, first one says "mounted on /" and the others say not mounted16:42
mucuswhat happens if i unmount /dev/root?16:42
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squeegily_daftykins: Beans being CPU power?16:42
bubbasauresmutual, I see no extra home 2 partitions sda1 ubuntu sda2 a extended containing sda5 a swap16:42
mutualbubbasaures, so no separate home? :(16:42
daftykinssqueegily_: and general spec yeah16:42
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cfhowlettmucus, you should not be unmounting anything from a live system16:42
BluesKajmutual, mount the others to see the info16:43
bubbasauresmutual, Sorry yes seperate16:43
mutualbubbasaures, it is separate?16:43
mutualBluesKaj ok16:43
bubbasauresmutual, However you can separate it now https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving  No seperate home that I can see.16:44
mucusokay so i've installed gparted onto my system, is there a way that during my machine's startup gparted can auto run a partition shrink and then expand a different partiton?16:44
bubbasauresmucus, on startup no.16:44
mucusi'd have to install gparted as a os(thing?) and boot into that?16:44
bubbasauresmucus, All that needs to be unmounted to change, a live disk/usb is the standard way.16:45
reisiomucus: a way, sure16:45
BluesKajmucus, gparted is best run from separate media like usb or cd, that gives you control over all the partitions16:45
mucusi don't have seperate media available to me16:45
mucusi just have the hdd,16:46
bubbasauresmucus, Best tol you can have and should have.16:46
daftykinsmucus: or just boot a live session16:46
cfhowlettmucus, buy a USB.  they're cheap.  keep it close.16:46
mucuscfhowlett: it's a remote server, i can't physically access it16:46
cfhowlettmucus, doh!  right.  different scenario.16:47
mucuselseif: live usb and done.16:47
ylzhanHi, does Xorg support WebGL?16:48
mucushm, i'm gonna have to ssh this . . . aren't i?16:48
squeegily_ylzhan: This is an interesting question16:48
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squeegily_Your browser supports WebGL. If X.org supports your browser then yes16:49
bubbasauresmucus, So this is an external install, is that not like really important initial info?16:49
squeegily_So if you're using Elinks it won't16:49
neopsycheHi all16:49
mucusbubbasaures: as in critical data?  nothing critical, but i would like to keep the os/filesystem intact and what not16:50
neopsycheQuick question.  Is it normal for all processors on core i5 to be running at between 1 to 10% on programs when they are "idle" ?16:50
ylzhanIt works with proprietary drivers but not with xorg even when I activate it in chrome://flags16:50
BluesKajmucus, not sure but you might be able to use parted in the terminal to edit your remote server partitions16:50
bubbasauresmucus, You misunderstand, where is the OS that you want to resize, in your house or external?16:50
bubbasauresmucus, First bit of info that should have been given is all, just info for you to get best help.16:51
mucusokay, thank you bubbasaures16:52
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bubbasauresmucus, No problem we just want you up and working. ;)16:52
mucusme too~16:53
neopsycheQuick question. Asking again  Is it normal for all processors on core i5 to be running at between 1 to 10% on programs when they are "idle" ?16:54
mucusso could i go ahead and unmount /dev/sda3 - create another partition from that.  on the new partition just install gparted.  that way when i go to resize /sda3 and/root i won't be interfering with anything?16:54
neopsycheIf someone could help me out with that Q I really appreciate it.16:54
mucusor since it's all the same physical disk it really doesn't matter?16:54
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squeegily_Hey guys. Suspend doesn't work on my Acer Aspire One AO751h. But it DOES work after I resume from hibernate. So there's something that normally happens during boot that breaks suspend that doesn't happend when resuming from hibernate. Any ideas on where to start looking?16:55
compdocneopsyche, that doesnt sound horrible. what does top say is using the cpu?16:55
tewardneopsyche: that's not abnormal, no, what's `top` say is using the CPU, and what's your load averages16:55
tewardneopsyche: (my system idles 1 - 10% on each CPU, but i have the occasional check-in pings from my service monitor at home which push that)16:56
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lucas_join #rails16:56
bubbasauresneopsyche, Your heart beats when you sleep, you computer when on is always processing something.16:57
BigBawbpetepiano1960: It sped it up noticeably16:57
squeegily_I want to completely purge PulseAudio from my system. How should I go about this?16:57
BigBawbits not as good as windows but its now to 2mbps16:57
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Seveassqueegily_: invent a timemachine and go back to 2008 :)16:58
dk0rI would like to install 14.10 on a usb stick so that I can have a sort of roaming installation which I can boot from on any PC. Would someone pls suggest a link w/ instructions?16:59
rico_looking for a good live distro16:59
squeegily_Seveas: That's the thing is I'm in 2008 but all the hackers here are from 2015 and so my system needs to be 2015-era secure on 2008 hardware16:59
rico_lol@ Seveas16:59
bubbasauresrico_, Why here on a specific OS channel.17:00
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mucusi still can't figure out how to repartition my remote server . . .17:00
compdocvery carefully17:01
mucuswhich is against my nature, so it's even more difficult17:01
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neopsychecompdoc: im not saying its horrible.. im just asking if its normal17:01
bubbasauressqueegily_, What release is this you were looking at eol's yesterday17:01
squeegily_compdoc: Oh man my friend and I had the same problem a couple months ago17:02
compdoc'isnt horrible' means it does happen17:02
squeegily_bubbasaures: I was considering downgrading to 12.04.1 since the problems might have been the kernel's fault17:02
squeegily_But I found out (in time, fortunately) that PulseAudio was to blame17:02
bubbasauressqueegily_,  How long you been using linux?17:03
dk0rI would like to install 14.10 on a usb stick so that I can have a sort of roaming installation which I can boot from on any PC. Would someone pls suggest a link w/ instructions?17:03
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neopsychecompdoc: i finally fixed (workaround) the acpi issue from hell.. causing kworker to cause cpu overload on samsung ultrabook.. the battery acpi feature takes longer to detect power supply now. But at least it sort of works.. (doesnt show power time to charge very efficiently) but hey.. at least its ubuntu.  Also wish I could optimize power like on windoze.. but cant win em all I guess.. at least .. not easily.. battery on ubuntu power 2 hours.. battery17:03
neopsycheon windows 4 hours + (when purchased)17:03
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squeegily_bubbasaures: Since 12.04 was coming out.. I remember thinking to myself "how lucky I am that right as I join the LTS release is new" at the time17:04
squeegily_So I started Linux mid-201217:04
squeegily_I've been to Arch and back since then17:05
bubbasauresdk0r, Most apps that load ISO's to a usb have a persistence option, which saves what you do. However this setup has it's limitations as even a full install on a usb would have.17:05
squeegily_Ironically I switched back to Ubuntu so things would just work..17:05
neopsychecompdoc: thx17:05
neopsychelater peepz17:05
mucuswhat i'm thinking of doing is unmounting /dev/sda3 from my live system, shrink it by about 5gb, remount /dev/sda3 create a new partition with the 5gb probably called /dev/sda4  install gparted at /sda4  edit grub so gparted can boot  reboot with some command so that on startup gparted is automatically selected.  ssh and run commands to shrink /dev/sda3  and add the new space to /dev/root17:06
dk0rbubbasaures, I don't really get the persistent usb thing. Why not just install directly to the usb stick?17:06
mucusam i thinking about this right?17:06
bubbasauressqueegily_, Keep in mind this is support and not chat is all please.17:06
bubbasauresdk0r, Go for it, really you need to do some research on this.17:06
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torrentecan i connect on freenode with shared ip?17:07
xubuntugeek000hello all17:09
bubbasaurestorrente, #freenode maybe, see no relation to ubuntu in this.17:09
xubuntugeek000Likely this's been asked recently, though I can't find the answer on the web.  Is it something in my local config(s), or have there been no updates for 14.04 since the end of the year?17:10
bubbasauresnone here17:11
bubbasauresdevelopers practice holiday celebrations to17:12
cfhowlettxubuntugeek000, current release is 14.04.117:12
xubuntugeek000I'm sure they do..and they're more than entitled :)  just thought to ask, as it's unusual.17:12
SonikkuAmericaxubuntugeek000: .2 is slated for February 517:13
bubbasauresxubuntugeek000, More than likely if there was an issue it would be all over the web.17:13
xubuntugeek000that makes good sense, SonikkuAmerica ... ty for the info.  and you as well, bubbasaures17:13
xubuntugeek000belated happy new year to all17:13
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daftykinsi'm beginning to think the Canonical devs need to release a "happy holidays" package to make everyone feel ok that it's still alive17:13
bubbasaureshave a good new year17:13
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* SonikkuAmerica has fallen back to GNOME17:13
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, my condolences17:15
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: Lol. KDE suits me, but GNOME is fitted for touch.17:16
Giwrgarasanyone with eclipse 4x version?17:16
daftykinsGiwrgaras: what makes that a support question? :)17:16
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: Oh wow, I realized I typed this in #u :P17:16
Giwrgarasnothing just asking17:17
SchrodingersScat!ot | SonikkuAmerica17:17
ubottuSonikkuAmerica: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:17
SonikkuAmericaSchrodingersScat: (Thank you. Lol.)17:17
gsb /quit17:17
BluesKajSchrodingersScat, was just waiting to invoke the bot ...must be along day for some :)17:18
daftykinsGiwrgaras: might be more relevant to ask in a java dev channel or some such17:18
moon__What is the best way to see infected sectors on a hard drive from linux?17:19
Knight80Could anybody tell me please what "major break" means?17:20
bubbasauresmoon__, infected secters?17:20
bubbasauresKnight80, Not a ubuntu issue, why ask here?17:20
bubbasauresso far anyway17:20
moon__Where can a virus hide if no hdds are installed after ram has been removed and reinserted?17:20
daftykinsmoon__: you mean bad sectors? "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"17:21
bubbasauresmoon__, This is ubuntu?17:21
daftykinsoh not that then.17:21
daftykinsmoon__: the BIOS - but the idea of 'virus' is more a 90s one.17:21
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daftykinswhat makes you think there's a 'virus' ?17:21
bubbasauresmoon__, virus issue would have to be a MS issue, granted any OS can be hacked.17:22
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pefapologies if this isn't the most appropriate forum: if I bought a Macbook Pro tomorrow, would the latest Ubuntu support it? The 'Mactel Support Matrix' at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages doesn't mention any hardware from 2014 or 2015.17:22
moon__Isn't there a paticular place on a laptop that houses DMI?17:22
bubbasauresmoon__, This is ubuntu support17:22
moon__Power configurations17:22
daftykinsmoon__: since there's no OS and no disk, ##hardware would be a better bet.17:22
moon__Yeah I was wondering if there was a space other than bios that holds hibernation features and allows reinfection17:23
moon__O.k maybe wording is off17:24
pefis there an IRC channel for ubuntu on macs?17:24
bubbasaurespef, We see a few apple users here on occasion, however in general that is a question that may not get a a quick answer, I would look on youtube....etc for someone running one with linux, the web may be faster us all.17:25
moon__Anyway to flash bios image from linux?17:25
BigBawbbleh internet problems are back >.>17:25
daftykinsmoon__: unlikely, now please take it to the channel directed.17:26
pefbubbasaures: I've been googling, but couldn't find anything more recent than 2013. I'll take a look at the forums. thanks for your advice.17:26
moon__channel directed?17:26
daftykinsmoon__: ##hardware, go17:26
moon__I am new to Chatx17:26
DJones!mac | pef I don't have a mac,so can't help with specifici issues, but maybe the bots response has something useful,17:26
ubottupef I don't have a mac,so can't help with specifici issues, but maybe the bots response has something useful,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:26
daftykinsmoon__: type "/join ##hardware" then17:27
pefDJones: yep, that's the wiki page that's out of date.17:27
bubbasaurespef, My guess is the only problem you would probably have would be in hardware and drivers, that is the general issue with new hardware setups...etc17:27
daftykinspef: ubuntu on macs is experimental at best, you should buy hardware that's meant to work with ubuntu - not hardware that *might*17:28
daftykinsunless you enjoy a challenge17:28
pefdaftykins: yes, you're right; I'm interested in this just working, not that keen on tinkering. I think I'll buy something else.17:28
moon__Any software out there that turns a physical machine into a thin or fat client?17:29
moon__Noone in there lol17:29
bubbasauresI have been running multi installs for years, I would not touch an apple computer to do it with though, however I would own one and use apple.17:29
daftykinspef: a dell XPS 13 might be more advisable :> if you're after a 13" laptop or so, they even sell ones with ubuntu17:29
bubbasauressystem76 cough17:30
daftykinsdepends where you are in the world :)17:30
moon__Is this the CIA channel?17:31
daftykinsmoon__: please take your antics elsewhere17:32
moon__Sure need a ticket though17:33
mucuswhenever i put a window to fullscreen, the top of it goes behind my top panel17:33
mucusat the same time my desktop icons also align in a way they sit under the top panel17:34
mucusand i have auto-hide turned off.17:34
mucushow can i prevent windows/icons from going too far up?17:34
the8thbit|workHow do I fix this: http://pastebin.com/3ucyUzLS17:40
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bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, When you run a update/upgrade do you have held packages?17:42
bubbasauresor broken17:42
the8thbit|workI think so, let me run update and check17:42
moon__How do detect hacking with wireshark?17:42
nickanderare you on 12.04 the8thbit|work17:43
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, You fix that first before anything else happens.17:43
moon__So much going on in the window packets17:43
the8thbit|workActually, I get no error when I update17:43
tewardmoon__: you don't - if you have a border firewall managing access to the network it shouldn't show at the endpoint clients in the network17:43
the8thbit|workIm on 12.04 yes17:43
tewardmoon__: there's a lot more to 'detecting hacking' than looking at just the packets17:44
* bubbasaures looks for the Ronco script kiddie kit link17:45
moon__Well I got alot of connections on private ports 49152 and above http and https system if I block out going on these ports I get no connection17:45
moon__Currports shows unknown process mimicing browser connections17:46
the8thbit|workbubbasaures: When I run upgrade I get: E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.17:48
the8thbit|workbut I get no error on update17:48
snypDoes Ubuntu _require_ apparmor?17:49
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snyplike some application that comes with ubuntu...17:49
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, pastebin that whole upgrade run17:49
mutualim still not entirely sure whether my home is on its own partition, but if it isnt then how to i move it safely?17:50
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bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, To be more clear pastebin the suo apt-get upgrade17:50
r_a_xI experience frequent freeze with ubuntu, What to do??17:50
the8thbit|workbubbasaures: http://pastebin.com/bCAEccAy17:50
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mutualand does it matter that it's encrypted?17:51
moon__I always get browser freezes saying a java script has stopped running17:51
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, I would need all the info from the command to the end.17:51
the8thbit|workbubbasaures: thats it17:51
=== Quadrature is now known as CHESSMASTER
the8thbit|workthe command was suod apt-get upgrade17:51
the8thbit|workthats everything after the command was issued17:52
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, Right, I was thinking the update and upgrade, you mentioned the update looked okay, I'm not sure as I don't recognize the packages with issues as part of any packages I use is all.17:53
Mandeep_Singhhello everyone.17:53
the8thbit|workI see. Well, thanks for your help bubbasaures17:53
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, No problem, does not look bad, not a wall of broken packages is a good thing. ;)17:54
the8thbit|workbubbasaures: Do you have any idea as to what my next course of action would be, or should I just take the question to #linux? :)17:55
bubbasauresthe8thbit|work, You are fine here I assume this is a canonical ubuntu.17:55
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the8thbit|workbubbasaures: indeed17:55
moon__Is is there a windows help channel on here?17:56
Mandeep_SinghI just want to ask about hard disk suspend option (stand by option in disk). How Ubuntu continue to work when we standby the hard disk?17:57
Picimoon__: ##windows17:57
cpt_othellomoon__, maybe try #windows17:57
chrzHi, I am trying to install mysqld on 14.04 server. It refuses to set a password. And to start. Where shall I look for the fail reason message?17:58
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chrzHi folks, somebody out there with an idea to drill down the reason for failure of installation of a package?18:04
trismchrz: pastebin the output when you try to: sudo apt-get install packagename;18:04
chrztrism: the only error is it refuses to set a password. And then it refuses to start. Errrormessage is what I am looking for. mysqld on 14.0418:05
daftykinsdpkg-reconfigure package ?18:06
egregiusi need help to use the linux mint18:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:06
daftykinsnot in here i'm afraid18:06
egregiusohh im sorry you guys are really serious about that ive seen18:06
egregiusthat makes you hardkore elite18:07
egregiuslike zerocool18:07
daftykinsno, Mint has its' own problems is all.18:07
daftykinsso they support it.18:07
egregiushow i use linux to see the scat pictures18:07
egregiuscus my mom she check the search history and see i look at the scat pics18:08
egregiusand now i cant  cus she put the aol block on the computer18:08
egregiusand i really need the scat to get off18:09
bubbasauresegregius, Than talk to your mother,.18:09
egregiusshe makes me do stuff sometimes18:09
h00kegregius: 1) go to the Mint channel for Mint support 2) Check browser documentation if you're having troubles using whatever browser you're using 3) Please keep it family friendly in here, if you have Ubuntu related support questions.18:09
egregiusdress up like a girl and sit on my uncle's lap18:10
egregiusand play ride the horsey18:10
bubbasaureslol morons18:10
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thoriehi, how do i select multiple items one at a time in a select box? i don't know the keyboard or mouse shortcut to do it, for example in this web form: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiplehttp://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiple18:20
theadminthorie: Hold Shift and click them.18:22
theadminthorie: Or, rather, hold Ctrl and click them.18:22
theadminShift to select a range.18:22
thorietheadmin: Ctrl is acting like shift, and it selects a range18:22
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thorietheadmin: is it because i am using a Mac keyboard?18:22
theadminthorie: Ah yes. Then use Cmd.18:23
theadminI think.18:23
thorieCmd isn't working either, it just acts like Shift as well18:23
theadminBah. The weird butterfly then?18:23
thorieIs there a way to do it without a mouse at all? Purely keyboard?18:23
daftykinsdepends on DE, i've noticed xfce and unity work very weirdly with mac keyboards18:23
daftykinsglad i don't use an OS on a mac that's for sure :>18:24
thorieI'm using IceWM18:24
theadminthorie: It should be Cmd+Click according to numerous Apple sites18:24
thorietheadmin: yeah that is not working at all... what do people do if they don't have a mouse? what's the keyboard shortcut to multiple select?18:25
theadminthorie: According to the page you linked as well -- but I can't be sure how it's done on Ubuntu...18:25
theadminthorie: I have no idea how to do it without a mouse.18:26
daftykinsthorie: they don't browse the internet, i would think18:26
thoriefor 99% of forms, i can just tab or hit space to select something, never having to need a mouse - i can hit tab to go to the links i want... the web works fine without a mouse or at least it's supposed to18:27
daftykinsthat's debatable18:27
thoriebut i'm totally stuck on this multiple select, even WITH a mouse... the only workaround i can think of is to open the developer toolbar and manually edit the HTML to be "selected=true" on each item that i want and then submit the form???18:28
thorieit's pretty much unusable18:28
daftykinsworking ok here, by holding control then cursoring up and down. i get the outline dotted line to show my position, then space to select18:29
thoriedaftykins: when i do that, IceWM switches me to different workspaces18:29
daftykinsthere you go then, it's a WM issue18:30
daftykinsconfirm with another session type?18:30
thoriehmm ok let me dig around the WM documentation18:30
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unopasteJarvis you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:44
unopasteJarvis you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:46
timvisheris it possible to make a rectangular selection in xfce4-terminal?18:50
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nginx77Can someone explain why conf.d isn't used going from Ubuntu 10 to 14? Trying to find any documentation as to why this was changed. :/19:00
ararobis there  3.18 kernel and Mesa 10.5 ubuntu packages one can test_19:02
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:03
desti_T2hi, which version of the tg3 kernel driver (broadcom network) does ubuntu 14 LTS has?19:04
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dannymicheli can't get grub menu to unhide no matter what i do in /etc/default/grub then do update-grub. i tried setting timeout to 10 and nothing works. can anyone help?19:08
Peace-dannymichel: try to reinstall grub then19:09
EriC^^comment out hidden_timeout19:10
jclhey all, i'm having a network interface bonding issue -- one of the slaves stopped sending and receiving packets over the holidays. i've tried ifdown and ifup on eth2 (eth0 still works) but that didn't work. then i tried "ifenslave -d bond0 eth2" and "ifenslave bond0 eth2" but it says enslave failed.19:11
jclsyslog says "bnx2x_nic_load: function start failed"19:11
jclany ideas?19:11
dannymicheli did that EriC^^19:12
kirk-ubuntuHi all, what are the release hosts used for chx/wax?19:13
dannymichelhttp://i.imgur/ZXTNCXy.png EriC^^19:14
Pinkamena_DJust resumed from suspend and launcher and top menu bar are not responding to clicks. They are not frozen because the graphics are still updateing19:14
Pinkamena_Dany way to restart this or fix without rebooting?19:14
EriC^^dannymichel: dead link19:15
dannymichelhttp://i.imgur.com/ZXTNCXy.png EriC^^19:15
jclI'm trying to reattach a slave interface to a bond after it had some trouble, may still have an issue, but when I do "ifenslave bond0 eth2" it says bond failed and syslog says "function load failed"19:16
jclany way to fix this without rebooting or bringing down the bonded interface?19:16
EriC^^dannymichel: set hidden_timeout_quiet to true19:16
dannymichelany suggestions if that doesn't work EriC^^?19:17
moon__Anyone know how I can elevate intranet all together?19:17
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willwhmoon__: what?19:18
willwhthat question makes my brain hurt19:18
dannymichelshould i try this eric? http://askubuntu.com/questions/268744/grub-hidden-menu-not-working i would if i underrstood what he meant. does he mean comment line 33 and also comment line 67?19:18
dannymichelcause when i do that, i get a syntax error EriC^^19:18
moon__Where can I keep my connection from being locked into my intranet and get acces to the www19:19
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EriC^^dannymichel: yeah he means to comment the if [ ] ... and fi;19:21
petepiano1960BigBawb: what does 'lsmod | grep 8192' give you ?19:21
daftykinsmoon__: in the workplace? talk to your IT department19:22
moon__This is a home pc19:22
daftykinsmoon__: then what intranet? :P19:22
moon__Good question19:23
moon__How do I access the settings?19:23
moon__other than internet options19:23
daftykins"the settings" ? i'm gonna need a lot more than that to go on19:23
daftykinswhat makes you think you're looking at an intranet?19:24
dannymichelhttp://i.imgur.com/uyZfWXI.png http://i.imgur.com/HZirBub.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2rqOgN3.jpg EriC^^ sytax error19:24
moon__well it would explain the web pages with no http or https in front of the address19:25
daftykinswhat web pages?19:25
EriC^^dannymichel: did you try after commenting out grub_hidden_timeout?19:25
daftykinsmoon__: sorry but this really isn't making any sense without context19:25
dannymichelill try now19:25
moon__My ebay has it19:25
M|zTiKoOchingen asu madre todos19:25
DJonesmoon__: If its a home connection, who set up the restrictions?19:25
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bubbasauresM|zTiKoO, English?19:25
Picimoon__: The people in this channel aren't psychic, so if you're asking a question where context would be helpful, please provide it.19:26
moon__Again good question19:26
M|zTiKoO«•» [[bubbasaures]] «•» chinga tu puta madre tu pinche metiche:.+‡ 19:26
moon__Well i'm just asking is there a way to turn it off?19:26
EriC^^^^^ that cant be good19:26
daftykinsmoon__: so you go to http://www.ebay.co.uk and you're seeing some other kind of address? come on help us out here!19:26
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daftykinsi spent the channel's entire volunteer budget on christmas food19:26
DJonesM|zTiKoO: Are you a bot?19:26
daftykinsmoon__: no you're not making any sense.19:27
daftykinsupload a screenshot or something19:27
bubbasaures!ops | M|zTiKoO swearing in spanish19:27
ubottuM|zTiKoO swearing in spanish: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang19:27
moon__There is no indication of protocal on my ebay site address19:27
bubbasauresah gone what a moron19:27
moon__just a planet19:27
dannymichelstill hidden EriC^^19:28
moon__No encryption19:28
daftykinsmoon__: that means it's likely not https, try the login page. that's normal.19:28
Zelta.voc ubottu:.+‡ 19:28
Zelta ubottu Modera Tu Vocabulario O Seras Sancionado, Gracias:.+‡ 19:28
EriC^^dannymichel: ok, you did update-grub successfully after commenting it out, right?19:28
ZeltaBienvenidos a #ubuntu , Queda totalmente Prohibido hacer Spam [salas,emails,webs], Flood [repetir], Faltar el respeto, escribir en Mayúsculas, usar Colores fuertes de texto [dibujos, adornos], pedir Cam en la sala y Prohibido las temáticas de Sexo y Drogas. Deseamos que te diviertas.:.+‡ 19:28
dannymichelyou have to admit those comment instructions are weird. i get that syntax error because the instructions didn't make sense19:28
moon__just my.ebay etc.19:28
daftykinsmoon__: e.g. ebay, click sign in -> address changes to https://19:28
dannymicheli did the grub update yes EriC^^19:29
daftykinsso you're already logged in perhaps.19:29
daftykinsmoon__: is this firefox?19:29
dannymichelyes, it was successful, but thats not with the instructions that guy gave about 67 and 3319:29
dannymicheljust with your instructions EriC^^19:29
daftykinsok well you're already logged in so my example won't work19:29
daftykinsmoon__: what does www.google.com give you ?19:30
daftykins(https here)19:30
dannymicheli think the key is understanding that guys weird instructions. should i try booting even with the syntax error EriC^^?19:30
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EriC^^dannymichel: no19:30
EriC^^dannymichel: you're commenting out irrelevant stuff19:31
dannymicheli see. so since the other stuff doesn't work, what can i try next EriC^^19:31
EriC^^dannymichel: please upload your file to paste.ubuntu.com19:31
moon__I think I may be on a apache2 server19:31
daftykinsmoon__: what? it kinda sounds like you're making this stuff up :(19:32
EriC^^both /etc/default/grub and 30_os-prober , to separate pages19:32
EriC^^dannymichel: ^19:32
daftykinsmoon__: yeah, so nothing wrong then.19:32
moon__Doesn't that address disable ssl19:32
daftykinsmoon__: no19:32
daftykinsit's saying 'redirect search results with ssl'19:33
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dannymichelhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678319/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/967832819:35
iWeedubuntu 12.04.5 not booting from usb? any help19:36
daftykinshow did you make the drive?19:36
daftykinsusing what... on what OS...19:37
daftykinsdid you hash the downloaded ISO to be sure it's not corrupt?19:37
iWeedusing universal usb installer19:37
daftykinsok so from Windows19:37
iWeedon windows 719:37
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:37
iWeed64 bt19:37
bubbasauresiWeed, A lot of usb loaders check the sum and see which works for you. If this is a UEFI computer tell us.19:39
EriC^^dannymichel: if you want to try what they are suggesting comment out line 33 and 4019:39
dannymichelok EriC^^19:39
iWeedkali ,mint r working perfectly19:39
daftykinsiWeed: yeah so hash the download, maybe it was bad19:40
iWeedwhen i boot it shows a blank screen with cursor19:40
iWeedyeah! thanx @daftykins. checking19:40
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bubbasaurestwo linux installed and using windows...hmm19:41
dannymichelwow, i made those comments, updated grub successfully, and its still hidden EriC^^19:41
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daftykinsi think that meant distros tried on the flash drive :)19:42
bubbasauresdaftykins, Heh, no matter here kali alone gets a free ignore here. ;)19:42
EriC^^dannymichel: which ubuntu is this? ate you dual booting with other os? why are you using nomodeset in the cmdline btw?19:42
bubbasauresscript kiddie plugin yah know19:42
daftykinsbubbasaures: too true19:43
dannymicheli have a black screen EriC^^. this is the latest version of ubuntu19:43
dannymicheli can boot sith super grub boot disk EriC^^19:43
dannymichelubuntu is my only OS installed EriC^^19:44
martythemcflyguyI am having some problems with syndaemon / synclient, cant get disable touchpad while typing to work. I've been messing with it and at one point I got the touchpad to be disabled for 4 seconds after typing but I cant recreate that anymore. Any clues?19:44
EriC^^dannymichel: ok19:44
EriC^^dannymichel: revert the os_prober comments19:45
EriC^^( those are in case you have other os's btw )19:45
EriC^^dannymichel: if you press shift you don't get grub?19:45
dannymichelno, i don't EriC^^19:46
dannymichelthats the problem19:46
EriC^^dannymichel: is this in a vm?19:46
dannymicheli tried holding it and repeatedly tapping it EriC^^19:46
dannymichelnot a vm19:46
dannymichelI'm talking to you on a mac laptop now19:46
dannymicheland on the pc next to me19:47
daftykinsUSB keyboard trickery?19:47
bpromptmartythemcflyguy:    not sure if it's a solution, but I do not use syndaemon... but I use anoher app, touchpad-indicator, it automally disables the touchpad if it finds a mouse, and leaves it enabled if no mouse found19:47
EriC^^dannymichel: are you using a usb keyboard?19:48
dannymichelyes i am EriC^^19:48
EriC^^can you try a different port?19:48
dannymichelyes one sec19:49
EriC^^daftykins: any other suggestions?19:49
AkivaAvrahamwhat ubuntu phones have been confirmed by meizu and bq?19:49
daftykinsmmm, right shift as well as left - USB legacy options in the BIOS if present19:49
daftykins!touch | AkivaAvraham19:49
ubottuAkivaAvraham: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:49
EriC^^dannymichel: ^^19:49
binayak /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER binayak kcseutmgzxns19:49
xanguabinayak: nice password19:50
daftykinsbinayak: best to run such commands in the status window.19:50
AkivaAvrahamdaftykins, no answer there.19:50
daftykinsAkivaAvraham: doesn't make it appropriate here :)19:50
binayaksorry for that :P19:50
Jordan_UEriC^^: Guaranteed way to get the grub menu to show, bypassing the Ubuntu specific hidden menu stuff, is to add "timeout=10" to /boot/grub/custom.cfg, creating that file if it doesn't already exist. But before doing that, dannymichel should make sure that any changes to /etc/grub.d/ are completely reverted, possibly by just purging grub-common. Also before changing /boot/grub/custom.cfg you should have them add a comment to /e19:50
AkivaAvrahamdaftykins, how is asking what phones were released by Meizu and Bq which will have ubuntu, not appropriate here in #ubuntu?19:51
AkivaAvrahamdaftykins, sorry19:52
dannymichelI'm going to put what you said in a note Jordan_U19:52
martythemcflyguybrompt: i tried it, enabled disable touchpad while typing but it doesnt change anything19:52
mucusis ubuntu touch (the phone os from what i recall) the same as ubuntu?19:52
dannymichelone sec19:52
AkivaAvrahammucus, yes and no.19:52
martythemcflyguybprompt: i tried it, enabled disable touchpad while typing but it doesnt change anything19:52
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:52
EriC^^Jordan_U: ok, what do you mean by add a comment to / ?19:52
dannymichelbrb EriC^^ Jordan_U19:52
AkivaAvrahammucus, Yes, in that eventually the same os that you run on your phone will run your desktop, as your phone os will scale up to become a desktop or tv19:52
mucusi am looking forward to this19:53
bubbasauresAkivaAvraham, Note the touch link, this channel has nothing to do with it.19:53
Jordan_UEriC^^: I mean that I really need to re-add splitlong.pl to my irssi autostart :)19:53
AkivaAvrahambubbasaures, alright alright19:53
EriC^^Jordan_U: hehe i thought there was more to come :)19:53
bubbasauresexcellent, excellent19:53
bpromptAkivaAvraham:    not acquainted myself with either.... in short, the channel is meant for OS distribution support only, though I do see your question a bit relevant or related...  however some folks here take a bit of a dogmatic stand on that view, thus19:53
Jordan_UEriC^^: ... comment to /etc/default/grub explaining that GRUB_TIMTOUT is being overridden by /boot/grub/custom.cfg, and any changes to it made in /etc/default/grub will have no effect.19:54
EriC^^Jordan_U: ok19:54
AkivaAvrahambprompt, thanks; I like your explanation.19:54
bubbasauresbprompt, That is is not a dogmatic response, that question is not even answerable really, there have been no official partnerships released.19:55
moon__Anyone get those small mb allocated spaces infront and behind their partitions?19:56
bpromptbubbasaures:     well... in this specific, in your case, it may not apply, I care to differ on dogmatic stands on some though..... so the answer is simply, we dunno or there isn't enough available info yet, thus why I said I'm acquainted with either, though I could do some seaching19:56
Z3 Hi, I read first ubuntu phone from BQ appears next month. I would like to know if it will support "docking mode" (plugin to a tv, keyboard and mouse to have a regular pc)19:57
moon__I was thinking a tdss file system or encrypted19:57
daftykinsmoon__: pretty common. nothing to be worried about19:58
daftykinsZ3: #ubuntu-touch for that topic.19:58
dannymichelJordan_U add a comment to /e?19:58
dannymichelwhats that19:58
Z3daftykins ok, thank you19:58
moon__Why linux doesn't use partitioning like mac?19:58
daftykinsbecause unix != linux19:59
moon__I thought they were basically the same?19:59
theadminMacs are completely different from Linux. Sure, there are some tools that work in similar (not the same) ways.20:00
dannymichelok, grub still isn't showing after I've created that file and updated grub Jordan_U EriC^^20:00
theadminCommand-line ones, that is20:00
theadminBut other than that, nah.20:00
moon__BSD unix?20:02
dannymichelill just install windows and try to use their boot menu if they have one along side linux EriC^^ Jordan_U. i don't think anything is going to work20:02
Jordan_Udannymichel: Please pastebin your /boot/grub/custom.cfg .20:02
dannymichelall it says is timeout=10. there is nothing else in that file Jordan_U20:03
dannymicheli had to create it20:03
Jordan_Udannymichel: Does your monitor give a warning about signal being out of range during boot?20:03
dannymichelno Jordan_U20:03
Jordan_Udannymichel: Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine?20:05
dannymichelhow do i do that purge grub common then add that timeout=10 file Jordan_U20:05
dannymichelyes UEFI20:05
dannymichelgoogled the purge thing20:05
dannymicheldoing it now20:05
dannymichelok did the purge now adding that file then doing update grub Jordan_U20:09
Jordan_Udannymichel: As a test, to see if grub is trying to display the menu for 10 seconds and just failing to display, try changing "timeout=10" to "timeout=60". You will hopefully notice 60 seconds of added boot time, possibly with a black screen or possibly something else. Please pay attention to what the screen looks like during this 60 second pause, if it does in fact happen.20:09
dannymichelok Jordan_U20:10
dannymichelworked Jordan_U!20:11
Jordan_Udannymichel: You see and can interact with the grub menu now?20:12
dannymichelok so i only have to do nomodeset one time now and I'm good Jordan_U? yes, i see the grub menu20:13
Jordan_Udannymichel: Great :)20:13
dannymicheli already installed the nvidia drivers20:13
dannymichelso now that i was able to boot with nomodeset, put the timeout to 10 again and update grub then reboot?20:14
dannymichelor is there anything else i should do20:14
Jordan_Udannymichel: How did you install the nvidea drivers? nomodeset should generally be added automatically when installing proprietary graphics drivers.20:15
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dannymichelthrough the extra drivers thing20:15
=== mariorz_ is now known as mariorz
yarektHey guys. Could you help me with something please? I've got a new 4TB drive and it looks like it could be DOA20:18
yarektAre there any good ways of testing/proving that its dead?20:18
EriC^^poke it with a stick20:18
daftykinsdoes the kernel see it during boot up?20:18
daftykinsdoes "sudo parted -l" ?20:18
daftykinswhat's the SMART status? :)20:18
dannymichelgreat. everything is working great now. i have one more issue, Jordan_U. so basically, i can remove the timeout=10 thing now since I'm booting fine? next thing is, i want to nvc locally to the ubuntu install. i installed vmc server and am running vmc server and when i netstat, i see it running on *6001 and 590120:19
daftykinsyarekt: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools pastebinit" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit"20:19
daftykinsyarekt: (once you identify which letter drive it is)20:19
yarektLots of these: http://pastie.org/pastes/9814885/text?key=mw15nbucmv3omuwgfqywug20:19
Jordan_Udannymichel: That should have added nomodeset as a kernel parameter, or done something equivalent, but if it didn't then you can add nomodeset to the list of kernel parameters in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= in /etc/default/grub.20:19
dannymichelbut when i try to connect from my mac, it just hangs on localip:6001 and just refuses to connect on local:5901 Jordan_U20:19
daftykinsyarekt: is it directly motherboard attached via SATA?20:20
yarektNo, its plugged into a SATA3 PCIE card20:20
dannymichelso basically, i can remove the timeout=10 and just have nomodeset in there Jordan_U?20:20
Jordan_Udannymichel: If you don't need to see the grub menu at boot any more, then yes you can just delete /boot/grub/custom.cfg.20:20
daftykinsyarekt: bad SATA cable?20:20
daftykinsyarekt: that's a 137GB disk20:21
daftykinsah no it's just reading it badly, double check on the motherboard20:21
daftykinsit thinks it's 512 bytes logical and physical, that's majorly wrong :)20:22
yarektHmm, so it doesn't identify correctly, it might not be a dead disk then?20:22
Jordan_Udannymichel: What VNC server are you using in Ubuntu? What VNC client on the mac?20:22
daftykinsyarekt: i would guess your controller card can't handle it, what kind is it? firmware updateable?20:23
daftykinsyarekt: what does "sudo parted -l" see it as?20:23
yarektErm, startech something or other, looked pretty new when I bought it20:23
dannymichelthe default built in vmc viewer on mac Jordan_U. one sec. i have to see what kind of vmc server I'm running on ubuntu20:23
yarektis that similar to fdisk -l?20:23
daftykinsoh one of those cheap ass...20:23
dannymicheltightvnc Jordan_U20:24
daftykinsyarekt: yep, both would be great if you could. parted handles GPT is all20:24
dannymicheli did this Jordan_Uhttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-14-0420:24
yarektdaftykins: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005B0A6ZS20:24
yarektwell, when i do fdisk -l on it, it throws lots of those kernel ATA messages20:25
daftykinsyarekt: definitely power off, plug it into the motherboard ports if possible and come back and re-run the above commands to confirm, i reckon that cheap toy is the culprit20:25
daftykins(or the SATA cable)20:26
dannymichelhttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-14-04 Jordan_U20:26
dannymichellink was mest up20:26
yarektdaftykins: Thanks, i'll have a try. The card *did* work before, not sure if with this large capacity though20:26
yarektPlaying about with it is a bit tough, as all other ports are taken up by other disks in raid, not sure if I want to unplug them20:27
daftykinsyeah, detecting it as 512byte instead of 4K "advanced format" suggests it's a mickey mouse product :)20:27
daftykinsno other system?20:27
yarektErm, just a windows box, I guess that might do as well...20:28
yarektI'll have a go, thanks for advice daftykins. I'll be back after I tried a few things. Can't do anything now, the system is in use20:28
zabetton74buona sera a tutti !20:28
daftykinsyarekt: no problemo, good luck :)20:29
daftykinsyarekt: crystaldiskinfo is great on Windows for SMART info - (from sourceforge japan)20:29
Jordan_Udannymichel: Was there any output when you ran "ssh -L 5901: -N -f -l user server_ip_address" on the OSX machine?20:29
yarektThanks, i'll have a try20:30
dannymichelI'm going to try that now Jordan_U20:30
Jordan_Udannymichel: That was part of the instructions.20:31
dannymicheldo you mean user@server_ip_address instead of user server_ip_address Jordan_U20:31
iWeedgot a problem in http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows " , the second command is not working20:31
dannymichelright now its just hanging on the mac when ido that Jordan_U20:32
iWeedit says cd \path\to\cddir  whats that?20:33
daftykinsiWeed: where did you download to? for 7 it should be "cd C:\User\<username>\Downloads\"20:33
iWeedi cut the file to system3220:33
dannymichelssh -L 5901: -N -f -l danny ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out Jordan_U20:34
Jordan_Udannymichel: Do you have openssh-server installed on your Ubuntu machine?20:34
dannymichelwill do now20:34
daftykinsiWeed: yeah but you need to change into the folder of the downloaded ISO20:34
daftykinsiWeed: you can also browse to where your ISO is, hold down left shift then right click in the white space behind files and select "open command window here"20:35
iWeeddaftykins: ok20:35
BlueProtomanHelp!  My hard drive is failing, so I can't boot into Ubuntu and recover my home partition.  Right now I'm on a Live USB installation.  However, my home partition is encrypted with ecrypt.  How can I decrypt it from my USB installation?20:35
Jordan_UBlueProtoman: I assume you mean ecryptfs, correct?20:36
BlueProtomanJordan_U: Yes20:36
daftykinsBlueProtoman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory20:36
daftykinsmight be useful, dunno - Jordan_U will know otherwise ;)20:37
BlueProtomandaftykins: Will look, thanks!20:37
daftykinsBlueProtoman: you have any luck at Best Buy? :>20:37
jelangkunghi, why dns can´t resolve hostnames when using android usb tethered connection but i can connect using tor browser? could it be operator´s problem? cause if i use another sim card, it works just fine20:37
BlueProtomandaftykins: Yeah, found a SSHD for about $110 bucks.  Faster and larger than my current HDD.  Turns out I had a flash drive lying around somewhere, but it's not big enough to install Windows (I know that I need to do that before I install Linux if I want both).20:37
BlueProtomandaftykins: So my first priority is recovering the contents of /home20:38
iWeeddaktykins: yeah! now should i follow the third command?  md5sum -c filename.md520:38
bubbasauresBlueProtoman, You can install windows anytime, the key is having it first on the HD, so you could stick a ntfs on and install ubuntu after, just info.20:38
daftykinsiWeed: yep, though you probably don't have a .md5 file beside the ISO, so you might need to grab it first20:39
daftykinsBlueProtoman: cool, did you get something to be able to plug both drives in at once too?20:39
BlueProtomandaftykins: Yeah, got a USB-SATA adapter, though it was pricier than I expected20:39
BlueProtomanbubbasaures: Oh, so I can just split the hard drive 50/50, install Ubuntu on the second half and Windows on the first later?20:40
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bubbasauresBlueProtoman, you got it. ;)20:40
iWeeddaftykins: but there is a file name md5sum in my pendrive ( the bottable one)20:40
BlueProtomanbubbasaures: Sweet.20:40
Jordan_UBlueProtoman: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html , *but* for a failing drive you might want to use GNU ddrescue to create an image of your drive, then recover files from that image.20:40
bubbasauresBlueProtoman, You just have to reload grub than no biggie.20:40
daftykinsiWeed: mmm, you're hashing the download though, not the flash drive20:41
daftykinsJordan_U: nah it was just bad sectors in the boot area so far, /home should be fine for BlueProtoman20:41
iWeeddaktykins: ok20:41
dannymicheok installed and ran open ssh and the vmc server and ran that command you showed me and its just hanging then times out Jordan_U20:42
Jordan_Udannymiche: Ok. From your OSX machine as a test try simply "ssh username@ip-address-of-ubuntu-machine".20:43
dannymicheok one sec20:44
dannymichesame thing looks like Jordan_U. just hanging. i did all the port forwarding20:44
dannymicheand ufw stuff20:45
dannymichestill hanging. didn't timeout yet20:45
dannymicheok timed out20:45
Jordan_Udannymiche: You shouldn't have needed to do anything with port forwarding and UFW to get openssh-server to work on your local network, just installing the package "openssh-server" should have done it.20:45
BlueProtomanbubbasaures: And how would I do that, in a nutshell?20:46
timvisherdannymiche: you might want to pastebin ssh -vvv20:46
dannymicheyeah not working20:46
dannymicheok, but am i really sshing? I'm trying to vnc into the linux box20:46
dannymicheyou mean run ssh -vvv in the terminal timvisher20:47
timvisherdannymiche: can you `ssh -vvv username@ip-address-of-ubuntu-machine | pbpcopy` on your os x machine and then paste to your favorite public pasteboard?20:48
timvisherdannymiche: yes20:48
amn3ziais this important to compile a sunOS root script with sunOS or ca i use a ubuntu macchine20:48
dannymicheok one sec20:48
timvisherdannymiche: that'll get you maximum debug output, which could shed some light20:48
daftykinsamn3zia: Sun might be able to answer that20:48
Jordan_Udannymiche: Please pastebin the output of "sudo service ssh status".20:48
=== geeeeek is now known as Geek
dannymichessh start/running, process 361820:50
Jordan_Udannymiche: You are using ssh to secure the unencrypted VNC connection.20:50
dannymichehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678667/ Jordan_U20:51
Jordan_Udannymiche: ping
Jordan_Udannymiche: (From the OSX machine)20:52
dannymichecrap i just realized its . gonna try everything you said with the 820:52
timvisherdannymiche: that's pbcopy, not pb_p_copy20:52
dannymichewas 9 the other time i booted20:52
timvisheri just realized you're also going to need 2>&1 on the end of that ssh, `ssh -vvv u@ubuntu 2>&1 | pbcopy`20:53
dannymichenope still timeout one sec20:53
daftykinsnmap ^20:54
dannymichehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678695/ Jordan_U20:55
dannymichehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678701/ Jordan_U20:56
Jordan_Udannymiche: Please pastebin the output of "ifconfig" from your Ubuntu machine.20:56
daftykinsdannymiche: 'pbcopy'20:56
timvisherdannymiche: no. pbcopy :)20:57
timvisheror if you prefer, just leave that part off and copy it in manually20:57
timvisheri'm trying to save you a step :)20:57
dannymichehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678711/ Jordan_U20:58
iWeeddaftykins: i am following the steps given on http://www.etree.org/md5com.html .21:01
Jordan_Udannymiche: Try "ssh danny@localhost" from your Ubuntu machine as a test.21:01
daftykinsiWeed: drag and drop - http://www.winmd5.com/21:01
dannymichehttp://pastebin.com/FEMF2qPy ok ill try that21:02
iWeeddaftykins: even i created a folder in c drive and placed the iso file but it says no such file.. y?21:02
dannymicheeverything works Jordan_U success message21:02
dannymicheasked me to accept key21:03
dannymichetypes yes21:03
dannymicheon the ubuntu machine21:03
Jordan_Udannymiche: What did you do with UFW and port forwarding?21:03
dannymicheone sec21:03
dannymichesudo ufw allow 5901/tcp21:04
dannymichesudo ufw allow 6001/tcp21:04
dannymichesudo ufw allow 6000/tcp21:04
dannymichesudo ufw allow 5900/tcp21:04
dannymicheand a sudo ufw enable or something similar21:05
dannymicheport forwarding i added those ports to my airport extreme configguration with
dannymichegonna double check to make sure21:06
Jordan_Udannymiche: You might not want to enable any port forwarding, it has serious security considerations which you should think through.21:07
dannymichelwhoops, forgot id be disconnected, but yes, all is well with port forrding and ufw21:08
dannymichelthe ssh -L command shouldn't end in danny@ipaddress? its danny paddles?21:08
Jordan_Udannymiche: And the only actual ufw rule you need is "sudo ufw enable 22/tcp", because all of the traffic over your LAN will be going through ssh, on port 22.21:09
dannymicheldanny ipaddress*21:09
Jordan_Udannymiche: But you also didn't need to enable ufw in the fist place for this (though you may want it for other reasons).21:09
squeegily_Hey guys. What happened here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/gma500/+bug/71856721:11
squeegily_It looks like there was a patch submitted, but nothing's happened since 2011? What's going on21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 718567 in Ubuntu "Xv does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:11
dust_yhi, where should I get help to build a ubuntu mail server???21:12
daftykinssqueegily_: like i said, nobody cares about poulsbo anymore ;x21:12
dannymichelJordan_U . ok21:12
guntbertdust_y: #ubuntu-server is better suited21:13
dust_yok thanks #guntbert21:13
squeegily_daftykins: So.. it's just a low-priority bug? And so it probably won't get fixed unless it's brought to the attention of some both skilled and influential coders?21:13
squeegily_I'm almost considering trying to figure out how to apply that patch myself21:14
dannymichelI'm trying vmc viewer now (the app) on my mac and this thing has been hanging for 10 minutes21:14
daftykinsactually that bug is probably just on an outdated version21:14
squeegily_daftykins: It's still a valid bug though21:14
squeegily_But if the patch is for an old version it probably won't work now21:15
Jordan_Udannymichel: You won't be able to do anything with VNC until you get the ssh tunnel working.21:15
iWeeddaftykins: ah! checksum is ok21:15
dannymichelstill just timing out21:15
dannymichelhttp://i.imgur.com/4nTK2gK.png Jordan_U21:16
Jordan_Udannymichel: Please pastebin the output of "sudo ufw status" from the Ubuntu machine.21:17
dannymichelweird i don't see 2221:18
dannymichelbut i just added 22 a second ago21:18
iWeeddaftykins: anyother solution for that?21:19
dannymicheladded 22 and all is working21:20
dannymichelgonna try VNC now21:20
daftykinsiWeed: re-make your drive after a full format maybe21:20
Jordan_Udannymichel: Do *not* enable port forwarding for port 22! That has serious security implications, the moment you enable it bots *will* start hammering your machine with login attempts.21:20
wadSo I'm running 64-bit 14.04 on an i7 with 16GB RAM. And I need to choose the right version of Percona to download. It asking if I want "i686" or "x86_64". They both look right! Which do I choose?21:20
iWeeddaftykins: i've done it twice. lets check it one more time21:21
dannymichelssh is working from mac to ubuntu but vmc isn't Jordan_U21:21
squeegily_I'm considering trying to apply this patch: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/64440959/psb-xvideo4.patch21:22
squeegily_Where should I go for help?21:22
Jordan_Uwad: x86_64 is 64 bit, "i686" is 32 bit (and also specifies that it uses some instructions not available on really old 386's and 486's, but 32 bit none the less).21:22
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iWeeddaftykins: fat32 or any other format?21:22
wadAh, okay. Thanks!21:22
Jordan_Uwad: You're welcome.21:22
daftykinsiWeed: should be fine yep21:23
Jordan_Udannymichel: What was the output, if any, from "ssh -L 5901: -N -f -l danny"?21:23
dannymichelhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9678819/ Jordan_U21:23
iWeeddaftykins: ok21:23
Jordan_Udannymichel: OK, it looks like it worked successfully once.21:24
GeekMan1222_Hi if my bios supports wol from s5 state does that mean if linux issued a powerdown that when the machine recieves the magic packet it can turn on ?21:24
dannymichelbut not sure why i can't connect using a VNC viewer or the "screen sharing" app21:24
Jordan_UGeekMan1222_: Yes.21:25
GeekMan1222_thank you so much21:25
Jordan_UGeekMan1222_: You're welcome.21:25
Jordan_Udannymichel: Please post a screenshot of the configuration screen for OSX's VNC viewer, and any error message given when attempting to connect.21:26
dannymichelhttp://i.imgur.com/sYwTdjq.png Jordan_U21:29
=== LynchMe is now known as PleaseLynchMe
FF-HelpHi all.  Would anyone happen to know where FireFox's "use system proxy settings" network option points to in Ubuntu (14.04.1 LTS [Trusty])?  I am trying to troubleshoot why this setting works for reaching the internet, but using null proxy or my company proxy settings doesn't.21:30
zr0i can't get any output over my board's builtin serial ports, but I can get output over my USB to serial adapters.. is there a method to see if the serial devices/driver is actually seeing data/servicing the irqs, etc?21:31
Jordan_Udannymichel: What are the options for "encryption"?21:31
squeegily_FF-Help: usually Environment variables, $http_proxy, etc21:31
squeegily_Open a terminal and type 'env | grep -i proxy' (without quotes) and see what it says21:32
dannymichelalways maximum always on prefer on prefer off Jordan_U21:32
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  where would I check that?  It doesn't appear to be "etc/environment" or listed within "export".21:32
squeegily_FF-Help: Try env instead of export21:32
squeegily_And remember to add -i to grep21:32
squeegily_env | grep -i proxy21:33
dannymichelall settings lead to connection refused Jordan_U21:33
ubuntu_any advantages of using ubuntu? or should i just stick to mint 17 and arch?21:33
squeegily_ubuntu_: Wow Mint and Arch are like polar opposites21:33
=== PleaseLynchMe is now known as LyncMe
ubuntu_squeegily_, thats the point21:34
pbxubuntu_, that's way too fuzzy a question. what are your goals and criteria?21:34
=== LyncMe is now known as LynchMe
obXiDeJSFQ`/win 1221:34
ubuntu_pbx: learning, developing21:34
mucusubuntu with unity21:34
squeegily_ubuntu_: I'd say just stick with Mint and Arch. I personally use Xubuntu and recommend/recruit with Mint XFCE21:34
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  Thanks.  I grep'd on env - the output is the same as what I have listed for export.  And when I use the settings listed as manual inputs in FireFox it doesn't work...so it must be checking something else?21:34
ubuntu_squeegily_, xfce eh. fun?21:35
mucusi love xfce21:35
bubbasauresubuntu_, Off topic we are no here to convince you of anything, make your own decision.21:35
ubuntu_bubbasaures, suck a d. nobody asked you21:35
squeegily_ubuntu_: I love it. It's a great balance between fast and feature-filled. But I suppose this belongs on #ubuntu-offtopic ;)21:36
daftykins!language | ubuntu_21:36
ubottuubuntu_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:36
mucuswow this ubuntu_ guy is a bit snippy21:36
squeegily_I thought it was funny21:36
daftykinsit's inappropriate here and should not be encouraged.21:36
ubuntu_mucus: dont like it when people play the tattletale role. if the room was swarming with peoplee asking for help i wouldnt have asked my silly question21:37
squeegily_I mean what daftykins said it true21:37
ubuntu_daftykins, i know. my bad21:37
Jordan_Uubuntu_: Please keep comments respecfull in this channel.21:37
mucusubuntu_ doesn't mean it's cool to tell someone to "suck a d" we both know that's rude and impolite21:37
ubuntu_now whos off topic lol21:38
dannymichelguess this won't work Jordan_U?21:38
squeegily_FF-Help: Maybe run curl -v http://www.google.com and check what it does21:38
squeegily_If you really wanted to you could tcpdump that and compare it with a tcpdump of the first 30 seconds of Firefox running21:39
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Jordan_Udannymichel: I would recommend trying vino, which comes with Ubuntu by default, and I believe does the setup of the encryption and VNC connection in the same app (as opposed to this tutorial which does it in two steps). I think vino will also advertise via avahi (bonjour implementation for linux), allowing you to do away with ip addresses and just generally simplifying things.21:42
dannymichelok ill try that21:42
Jordan_Udannymichel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#vino21:43
PreSSioni am going to try install kubuntu in surface pro 3, pls, i need good luck!21:43
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  Harrum....this might take a little bit to parse through.  Will get back to you shortly.21:44
squeegily_FF-Help: Kudos for even taking that on21:47
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  Resolved!  Thanks for the suggestion to check that out.21:48
daftykinsFF-Help: what was the answer?21:49
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  It remains a mystery to me where it is finding the particular proxy (it adds a subdomain) though...will need to hunt around the system for this.  Any tips for a mass-system search (unless you can think of another particular file it checks)?21:49
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squeegily_FF-Help: Perhaps the thing that's connected to Gnome that seems like the Windows Registry21:50
FF-Helpdaftykins:  The exact proxy won't do you any good - halfway to the answer of where its pointing to, as now I know what to search for.21:50
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  ??21:50
www2hi i have some problem with java when i start a java with my monitor setup (L:1680x1050(16:10) R:1920x1080(16:9))21:53
squeegily_FF-Help: Look at the dconf editor and see if there's anything proxy-related21:54
www2whene i wand to start a java program/app the window is ferry short left to right) and long (top to botom)21:54
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FF-Helpsqueegily_:  There isn't.21:57
squeegily_Darn. It was worth a shot, though - that's the first place Chromium checks21:58
squeegily_for proxy settings21:58
=== LynchMe is now known as JZTech101
skweekI have a usb to ethernet adaptor that I can't find drivers for online21:59
FF-Helpsqueegily_:  It's actually been a couple years since I used Ubuntu, but I recall there being a default-provided app in Ubuntu for forensic searches.  Do you recall what that would be?  I'm thinking of grepping for the particular proxy line...obviously this search might run for a good lil' while.21:59
stangelandi do sudo ufw disable and it says: "Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup". Does that mean firewall is still enabled and will first be disabled upon next startup?22:00
petepiano1960skweek: you sure you need a driver ?22:01
daftykinsskweek: from what i recall you never shared the output of "dmesg | tail" after plugging the thing in22:01
skweekI did22:01
skweekit's still in my log22:01
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daftykinsskweek: anything on that virtual CD drive device?22:02
stangelandi do sudo ufw disable and it says: "Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup". Does that mean firewall is still enabled and will first be disabled upon next startup?22:02
skweekbut like 30 minutes later I ran out to drive up my friend somewhere22:02
skweekwindows and mac os x drivers22:02
delta9how do you use the shutdown command?22:03
skweekshutdown -e I think, look at shutdown -h or man shutdown delta22:03
skweekhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2148313 was what I was looking at when doing a run through22:04
daftykinsdelta9: "sudo shutdown -h 0" = off, "sudo shutdown -r 0" = reboot22:04
skweekbut well it's not a solved thread22:04
daftykinsyeah, i'm on that one now - i see talk of ndiswrapper22:04
Arianne23 High Quality photos and videos http://s0o.de/f4t4dss22:04
squeegily_FF-Help: You could do sudo grep -r -i proxy /22:04
FF-HelpDoes anyone know the native Ubuntu utility for searching (i.e. forensics) an entire drive for all instances of a particular phrase (e.g. search entire drive for references to "Mary Poppins")?22:05
squeegily_It's called locate22:05
squeegily_I think22:05
daftykinssudo updatedb && locate foo22:05
squeegily_locate -i proxy /22:06
PiciFF-Help: find or grep22:06
FF-Helpnah; not locate (I thought that was just for filenames though?).  Thinking of something else.  It can parse through a terrabyte in about 30min22:06
daftykinsskweek: i see talk of a dm9601 driver but someone on another distro not getting it working either. there's some kind of USB mode switching needed by the sounds of it, so i doubt you're going to get anywhere22:06
squeegily_strings /dev/sda | grep? :^)22:07
Jordan_UFF-Help: You don't have a drive that can read 1 TiB in 30 minutes.22:09
dannymichelvino is working flawlessly Jordan_U. thanks22:09
squeegily_Yeah the drive read speed is going to be the chokepoint22:09
squeegily_So you can use basically any utility you want22:09
stangelandi do sudo ufw disable and it says: "Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup". Does that mean firewall is still enabled and will first be disabled upon next startup?22:09
squeegily_Well, the drive read speed componded with the filesystem overhead22:10
daftykinsstangeland: check if the rules are still present.22:10
stangelanddaftykins, how22:10
FF-Helphmmm - you're right.  I'm probably thinking of working with images of drives - regardless, doesn't suit the circumstance.22:11
Jordan_UFF-Help: Also consider the fact that most file formats containing text are compressed.22:11
sidewalkwhich ubuntu 14.10 do i install if i want to run it on raid1, server?22:11
stangelanddaftykins, ahh sudo ufw status verbose returns inactive22:11
k1l_sidewalk: the server edition?22:11
sidewalkk1l_: and then just install the desktop package?22:11
Jordan_Udaftykins: You're welcome.22:12
k1l_sidewalk: but if you dont want to upgrade your ubuntu every 6months you will like to install the 14.04 lts22:12
FF-HelpJordan_U:  Yeah; possibility of missing it entirely certainly exists.  Would be better if someone just knew where Firefox grabbed it from.  I've trawled the Web and Ubuntu docs, but found zip.22:12
daftykinsJordan_U: i... i am? :)22:12
k1l_sidewalk: ah, you dont want to install a server?22:12
Jordan_Udannymichel: You're welcome.22:12
Jordan_Udaftykins: Sorry, mistab :)22:12
daftykinsnp :)22:12
Jordan_UFF-Help: What is your end goal?22:13
sidewalkk1l_: upgrade every 6 months is ok22:13
sidewalkk1l_: but ill install the server, tnx22:13
k1l_sidewalk: no. you can take the desktop id you want to run desktop anyway22:14
sidewalkk1l_: does it install on a partitioned raid?22:14
k1l_but you might need to install mdadm first in the live system before you can setup a raid22:14
sidewalkthe server is fine22:15
k1l_sidewalk: see if that helps: http://blog.tshirtman.fr/2014/5/4/install-ubuntu-desktop-on-software-raid22:15
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
sidewalktnx k1l_ :D22:16
stangelandHow do i check if ping has been disabled on a machine?22:19
=== eeee is now known as EriC^^
Jordan_Usidewalk: What do you mean by "does it install on a partitioned raid?"? Your RAID arrays should be made up of member partitions (rather than member drives), and generally LVM is used on top of that rather than a partition table as it allows more flexability.22:19
sidewalkJordan_U: sorry for asking wrong, they are setup properly, thanks22:21
FF-HelpJordan_U:  My end goal is to identify where FireFox's "use system proxy settings" network option points to in Ubuntu (14.04.1 LTS [Trusty]).  I am trying to troubleshoot why this setting works for reaching the internet, when null proxy and manually configured proxy doesn't work.22:22
FF-HelpJordan_U:  Using env/path its clear the proxy is set for my corporate proxy.  But when looking at sample connection (data transfer) from a firefox connection, it clearly uses a different proxy (similar to corporate, but with subdomains included).  Wondering what's going on here, basically.22:23
Jordan_UFF-Help: Have you checked the environment variable $http_proxy?22:23
FF-HelpJordan_U:  Yes.  env/export indicate corporate proxy (sans subdomains).  Captured traffic indicates corporate proxy (with subdomains).22:24
FF-HelpWhen manually configuring FF to use corporate proxy (sans subdomains) it fails.  When  manually configured to use corporate proxy (with subdomains) it succeeds.  Somewhere its acquiring this info and its unclear where.22:25
theadminFF-Help: The proxy setting in System Settings -> Network, perhaps?22:27
FF-Helptheadmin:  That's what I'm referring too.  Where does the "use system proxy settings" from that tab source proxy settings from.22:28
FF-Helptheadmin: oh, misunderstood22:28
=== corey84-- is now known as Corey84
Jordan_UFF-Help: gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http host22:29
FF-HelpJordan_U:  That indicates my corporate proxy (sans subdomains).22:31
Jordan_UFF-Help: Try asking in #firefox.22:33
=== rax-Y is now known as rax-
AdNauseaumjesus christ, just got home. i just got attacked by a wild pack of niggers. do you believe this shit!? like, get the fuck off me22:40
tgunrInstall UB14.04 onto a VM, no problem, apt-get upgrade, no problem, apt-get dist-upgrade, no problem, apt-get install mysql-server, problem: `mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.5; however:22:40
tgunr  Package mysql-server-5.5 is not configured yet.`22:40
BlueProtomanHow can I try several login passphrases for ecryptfs in rapid succession?  I don't exactly remember my passphrase, but I have a few ideas as to what it might be22:41
tgunrWhy is this so hard to do on Ubuntu?22:41
BlueProtomanAnd I don't want to have to run sudo ecryptfs-recover-private every time22:42
Jordan_Utgunr: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo apt-get install mysql-server".22:42
BlueProtomandaftykins: Still here?22:43
Jordan_Utgunr: Please pastebin the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a".22:45
Jordan_Utgunr: What type of VM are you using?22:45
tgunrpve-manager/3.1-21/93bf03d4 (running kernel: 2.6.32-26-pve)22:46
Jordan_Utgunr: Is this a container or a virtual machine?22:47
tgunrcontainer, UB14.04 x86_6422:47
Jordan_Utgunr: That, or corrupted install media, is likely contributing to this failure, as I would be very surprised if this happened on real hardware or a full virtual machine (like kvm).22:49
tgunrok, will try KVM22:49
BlueProtomanJordan_U: Can I try several passphrases in a row with ecryptfs-recover-private?  I don't remember exactly what mine is, but I have some candidates.  As it is, I can only try one at a time22:49
=== Etarius_ is now known as Etarius
EriC^^how many candidates do you have/22:52
Jordan_UBlueProtoman: I don't think so, but if you provide the path to the ecryptfs directory it should speed up ecryptfs-recover-private greatly, making entering it multiple times (or running it in a loop) more feasable.22:54
BlueProtomanJordan_U: I can do that?  How, ecryptfs-recover-private <the path>?22:54
Jordan_UBlueProtoman: Yes, and exactly like that.22:54
Jordan_UBlueProtoman: Does that make it fast enough for simply looping to be feasable?22:59
BlueProtomanJordan_U: More or less23:00
Aro2220Does anyone have an easy set of instructions to install a mail server on Ubuntu 12.04?23:04
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=== sam113101 is now known as mozzarella
danny_basically, since the destination hard drive is too small, what i want to do is rsync folders in my X drive from letters A-M, since M-Z is already on another drive. is this possible?23:14
danny_half that message got cut off23:14
EriC^^danny_: yes, it's possible23:15
danny_EriC^^, youve helped me enough tonight. i wonder if there is an example i can find on google? the rsync manual was a bit confusing, unless you dont mind showing me an example23:17
EriC^^danny_: rsync [A-M]* /path/to/destination23:17
EriC^^danny_: rsync -av [A-M]* /path/to/destination23:18
danny_wow, that's crazy. so it would literally only do top level folders a-m?23:18
EriC^^yes everything that starts with the letters a to m23:18
danny_rsync -av [A-M]* /local/path /path/to/destination23:19
EriC^^no you have to be in the dir23:19
tgunrand remeber destination is different thane destination/23:19
danny_oh ok23:19
EriC^^else use /local/path/[A-M]*23:19
EriC^^it's a bash expansion23:20
danny_thanks EriC^^23:20
EriC^^no problem23:20
danny_what if it  starts with numbers. #-M?23:20
EriC^^numbers are 0-923:21
EriC^^try /local/path/+([0-9]|[A-M])*23:22
danny_ok great23:23
EriC^^danny_: oh wait, you mean if it starts with numbers, but the rest is A-M23:23
danny_rsync -av  /local/path/+([0-9]|[A-M])* me@ipaddress:/media/some23:24
EriC^^remove the | in that case23:24
EriC^^| means or23:24
EriC^^try /local/path/+([0-9][A-M])*23:24
danny_rsync -av  /local/path/+([0-9][A-M])* me@ipaddress:/media/some23:24
danny_aweome. thanks again23:25
danrikhow can I cehck what took all of the space on my ubuntu-server?23:26
danny_oh wow, any way to combine so i dont have to wait for rsync to finish doing its thing on once drive then doing the other? like simultaniously instead of &&?23:26
danny_like copy a-m to dive 1 and also copy n-z to drive 223:27
danny_really would be n-special characters like chinese letters23:27
adamfreddyguys, can i use auto-scrolling on midori browser?23:28
adamfreddyis that possible?23:28
EriC^^maybe if you background it23:30
EriC^^danny_: not sure if rsync has built in features for that23:31
danny_but i can just open different 'screen' and run multiple rsyncs i guess23:32
bekksdanny_: Just start rsync in parallel; rsync cmd1 & rsync cmd2 &23:32
EriC^^you could run rsync -av ... & then run rsync -av ... &23:32
bekksAnd both rsync cmd1+cmd2 will run in parallel, in background23:32
danny_oh so & means at the same time and && means wait for 1 to finish then do 2 bekks ?23:33
EriC^^danny_: & means run in the background23:33
danny_oh ok23:33
bekksdanny_: & means "start in background" and cmd1 && cmd2 means "start cmd2 if cmd1 dinished successfully"23:33
danny_thanks a lot23:34
FF-HelpHi.  Can anyone tell me how to input "fi" (to end an "If" statement) when supplying bash commands via terminal one at a time (i.e. how to close an "If" statement outside of a regular pre-written bash script that you'd later execute)?23:38
FF-HelpIt seems you can't just write the "fi" in the "> " part.  And the only way I know how to exit that is with ctrl+C, which breaks it.23:39
ikoniaFF-Help: what are you doing ?23:40
EriC^^FF-Help: you can do if [ ]; then ....; fi23:40
CAM`hi guys... can someone point me to a guide on how to secure Ubuntu 14.04 server?23:40
ikoniaCAM`: there is no guide23:40
FF-Helpikonia:  I'm passing commands directly to terminal.23:41
ikoniaCAM`: it depends on a lot of things and your specific setup and requirements23:41
ikoniaFF-Help: right, why are you using an if statement on the command line23:41
ikoniait's normally used to evaluate options for non-interactice scripts23:41
FF-HelpI know.  Just doing some tests / exploring terminal functionality.23:41
FF-HelpEriC^^:  Is there a way to do it without supplying it all in a single line?23:42
ikoniaFF-Help: it's not a very real world test, it's certainly not common23:42
ikoniaFF-Help: ";" is a terminator23:42
EriC^^FF-Help: why would you not want to supply it on one line?23:42
ikoniayou'll find it very hard to use on a single command line23:42
ikoniahence why it's normally done in scripts23:42
CAM`basically i want to start with only Cacti/Nagios/FreeRadius/Syslog on the server....maybe in the future i might add more.... i just want to secure it from any hackers who could possibly use my server for sending out spam or anything else...23:42
EriC^^FF-Help: you can do if [ ]; then ....; \23:43
ikoniaCAM`: lock down the mail relay, lock down the user accounts, lock down the web interface23:43
EriC^^then type fi <enter>23:43
ikoniaCAM`: there is no guide23:43
CAM`can i post a link on here? i found a guide... just not sure if i should follow this or is there another better way...23:44
ikoniaCAM`: you shouldn't follow guides23:44
FF-HelpEriC^^:  hmm...doesn't seem to work.  the semicolon seems to break it.23:44
ikoniasecuring your system personal to you23:44
CAM`i understand your view... however i am still novice to Ubuntu...23:45
ikoniaFF-Help: perhaps take this to #bash23:45
ikoniaFF-Help: as your doing a pretty "odd" situation that is specific to bash23:45
filipemanuelTrying install OS on SSD but “Erro: no such device d7a2c…”, already tried this http://askubuntu.com/a/143668 but wasn't successful.23:48
ikoniafilipemanuel: where areyou getting that error ?23:48
filipemanuelikonia: when I'm trying to boot system23:49
ikoniafilipemanuel: did you install it from a USB stick ?23:49
ikoniaor a DVD23:49
filipemanuelyes ikonia23:49
ikoniafilipemanuel: how many hard disks are in your system ?23:50
filipemanuelikonia: 1 HD 1 SSD that I put on CD/DVD place23:50
filipemanuelikonia: which was installed in place of the CD-ROM drive*23:51
ikoniafilipemanuel: what point of the boot process do you get that error23:51
BlueProtomanI finially remembered my ecryptfs passphrase!  ...Except now when I run "sudo ecryptfs-mount-private" I get the error "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly".  Now what?23:51
filipemanuelikonia: I do not know if I understand well but when I turn on my computer23:52
ikoniafilipemanuel: take a photo of the error and share it on the web, that would be the quicked way to see where you are getting it23:52
filipemanuelikonia: On HD put the /home directory, while the SSD left the / and the swap area23:53
BlueProtomandaftykins, Jordan_U, please help, I'm so close23:54
ThePendulumSo my router had a bit of a cough, and thus an sshfs connection fractured, freezing up nautilus and gedit, and neither will start. Any idea how I can unmount the sshfs share in an attempt to run everything again?23:54
filipemanuelikonia: http://i.imgur.com/qPyRE39.jpg23:55

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