
=== fuzzy__ is now known as Poyo
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mattywmorning all03:15
anastasiamacmattyw: o/03:44
mattywanastasiamac, \o03:46
anastasiamacmattyw: ur morning is my afternoon :D but morning to u nonetheless!03:49
mattywanastasiamac, http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html03:50
mattywanastasiamac, it's a good point - you're still active in the channel on a sunday afternoon03:51
anastasiamacmattyw: monday afternoon :D03:52
anastasiamacmattyw: m k with ugt but03:52
anastasiamacmattyw: u didn't ugt03:52
mattywanastasiamac, I thought you were south america?03:54
anastasiamacmattyw: ug is shorter :D for both start (*universal greeting*) and finish (*universal goodbye*)03:54
mattywanastasiamac, I'm now starting to think that was wrong03:54
anastasiamacmattyw: m in Australia03:55
mattywanastasiamac, monday afternoon makes much more sense to be now :)03:55
mattywanastasiamac, I'm in Malayia at the moment - but only for the next month - then I'm back in the UK03:55
anastasiamacmattyw: nice place to spend coldest month of the year :D03:56
mattywanastasiamac, it's tough working from home ;)03:58
axwmattyw: jealous of all the tasty food you're likely eating :(05:43
mattywaxw, The best part is I've still managed to loose weight - it's win win!05:44
axwmattyw: hah, winner :)05:44
axwanastasiamac: would you mind if we rename the "storage" API to "storagemanager"? there will be a "storageworker" (possibly "storageprovisioner") API, and the names are likely going to get muddled05:50
anastasiamacaxw: +1 to rename but r u sure about "manager'?05:50
axwanastasiamac: I'm not fussed on the name, just picked that to go with "usermanager", "environmentmanager", "imagemanager", etc.05:51
axwanastasiamac: there's also metricsmanager which doesn't fit the same pattern, and "diskmanager" which should be renamed anyway05:52
axwdiskmanager's job is now just to publish info on block devices05:52
anastasiamacaxw: what would "manager" be primarily responsible for? crud ops?05:54
axwanastasiamac: yep, I think so05:54
axwanastasiamac: the user's view into that subsystem05:54
anastasiamacaxw: k. lets rename it to "storagemanager" to align with majority of managers :D05:55
axwokey dokey05:55
anastasiamacaxw: hopefully, all the "managers" that do not do crud will be renamed :D05:55
axwanastasiamac: that's difficult, since they exist in released code05:56
axwwell, the metrics one05:56
axwthe disk one is easy05:56
anastasiamacaxw: my "hopefully" is not prescriptive :)05:56
jamdimitern: if you see william around, poke him for me. I'll try to keep an eye out.09:32
jamfwereade: apparently invoking your name was enough to wake you up (I just tried to ping your 30s ago :)09:33
dimiternjam, sure09:33
fwereadejam, haha, jolly good09:33
fwereadejam, sorry, my sleep got a bit confused over the flights home09:33
fwereadejam, I *think* I slept more than usual in24h but it's a bit hard to follow09:33
fwereadejam, ah yes and my calendar is still on za time, so I thought we were strting at 1109:34
dimiternvoidspace, hey old chap ;)09:35
jamfwereade: I was just about to grab a coffee and a snack, but I'll be back on the hangout in a couple mins09:35
fwereadejam, cool, will be there in a mo09:35
voidspacedimitern: morning09:36
dimiternvoidspace, morning!09:36
dimiternvoidspace, even though I'm officially off today, I'll be joining the standup to sync up09:36
voidspacedimitern: welcome back to Europe09:37
voidspacedimitern: ah, ok09:37
voidspacedimitern: cool09:37
voidspacedimitern: I'm grabbing coffee, brb09:37
dimiternvoidspace, ok09:37
dimiternhow's the expert on juju metadata generate-tools?09:39
fwereadedimitern, wallyworld09:39
dimiternfwereade, yeah, so since he's off today I guess I need the next guy who knows his way around there09:42
fwereadedimitern, is this the "it generates index not index2" thing or something else?09:42
fwereadedimitern, I might suggest someone from curtis' team, because they're the ones who have to do most of the generating in anger09:43
dimiternfwereade, Muntaner here has issues bootstrapping a private openstack cloud due to not finding the juju tools - he had issues before with images, but that's resolved now and bootstrap launches an instance, but can't find the tools09:43
Muntanerlogs -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10139639/09:44
dimiternfwereade, ok, so just to summarize it for you - generate-tools did create what's needed in the dir, but the tarballs themselves are missing - how should you get them for a stable release?09:44
dimiternguys, I need a review on these PRs - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/890/ (main one for 1.21), http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/891/ (foreport for 1.22 of the same fix), http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/892/ (foreport for 1.23)09:46
dimiternthese fix bug 141843309:46
mupBug #1418433: unit ports not populated by API megawatcher <api> <regression> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-core 1.21:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1418433>09:46
fwereadedimitern, hmm, I had expected that for a stable release you'd just want to mirror streams.c.c?09:47
fwereadeMuntaner, ^^09:47
Muntanerhi fwereade :)09:47
fwereadeMuntaner, o/09:47
dimiternfwereade, that sgtm - so basically download all of it in a local dir and run validate-tools against it?09:47
Muntanerfwereade: going a bit crazy with juju + private openstack cloud09:48
fwereadeMuntaner, dimitern: it seemed like the lowest-friction thing to do was just to say "mirror streams.canonical.com somewhere your private cloud can see it"09:48
fwereadeMuntaner, dimitern: there will surely be cases where that's not good enough, eg if you're testing hotfixes or proposed releases or whatever09:49
dimiternMuntaner, or just put juju-1.21.*.tgz files from http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/892/09:49
dimiternMuntaner, or just put juju-1.21.*.tgz files from http://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/ in your local metadata dir at the same path09:50
dimiternsorry, ignore the first url :)09:50
Muntanerdimitern: it's fine :)09:50
MuntanerI'll try and give feedback now09:50
dimiternMuntaner, cheers09:50
fwereadeMuntaner, dimitern: but for the "I just want stable tools" case it's meant to work -- and all the signatures should still match etc so you can still have some confidence in what you're running even though it's not directly from the official source09:50
fwereadeMuntaner, dimitern: it would be best of all to use a tools-metadata-url pointing to a local server, rather than keeping it in a local dir, I think09:51
Muntanerfwereade: should I do this in environments.yawl?09:52
Muntanerwhat line should I add?09:52
dimiternfwereade, Muntaner, that's if you are willing to do a full mirror of the /juju/tools/ dir from streams.c.c and run a local webserver for them; alternatively you can just generate the tools metadata and copy the tools tarballs in there09:52
dimiternMuntaner, or, maybe even simpler09:53
fwereadeMuntaner, have you seen https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/howto-privatecloud.html#deploying-private-clouds ?09:54
fwereadeMuntaner, "For tools, it is often easiest to just mirror https://streams.canonical.com/tools."09:54
dimiternMuntaner, try first of all to specify tools-metadata-url: https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools in envs.yaml and then bootstrap with --metadata-source <that dir you used earlier>09:54
Muntaneryes fwereade, but I was following the troubleshooting suggestions by dimitern :)09:54
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dimiternMuntaner, the doc is the correct source, but it *might* be a bit out of date, if it doesn't work for you as described there we need to file a docs bug to fix it09:55
fwereadeMuntaner, so just to be clear: assuming you don't have outside internet access the first thing to try is to mirror streams.c.c on some accessible webserver, and set a suitable value for tools-metadata-url in environments.yaml09:57
fwereadeMuntaner, is that failing for you?09:57
Muntanerso, my environments.yawl now is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10139920/09:58
Muntanergonna run juju bootstrap --metadata-source /home/mike/juju-tools --debug09:58
dimiternMuntaner, ok, give it a try09:59
fwereadeMuntaner, I'm not sure you want both of those?09:59
jamwhere oh where has my fwereade gone, where, oh where can he be... :)09:59
dimiternfwereade, he needs the metadata for the images - it's a local openstack09:59
Muntanerjuju created the vm on my openstack...09:59
Muntanerit is running apt-stuff on it09:59
Muntaner(communicating via floating-ip)10:00
Muntanerinstalling packages...10:00
Muntanererror QQ10:00
Muntanerdimitern: fwereade -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10139949/10:01
dimiternMuntaner, ok, try tools-metadata-url: https://streams.canonical.com/juju and re-bootstrap10:04
Muntaneras far as I can understand... he gets the tools, but fails something else later10:04
dimiternMuntaner, ah, no wait10:05
Muntanerdimitern: already got that in environments.yawl :)10:05
dimiternMuntaner, it actually seems to fail finding images10:05
dimiterngtg for now, will come back to you later Muntaner10:06
Muntanermaybe should set some other urls in environments.yawl? I remember some tutorial suggesting to do that...10:06
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Muntanerfwereade: in fact, the file http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.json exists, why can't juju read it?10:15
Muntanerfwereade: he also is searching for http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/mirrors.json, which does not exist10:19
=== ashipika|food is now known as ashipika
dimiternvoidspace, btw when you have some time, please have a look at these -  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/890/ (main one for 1.21), http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/891/ (foreport for 1.22 of the same fix), http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/892/ (foreport for 1.23)10:46
voidspacedimitern: ok10:48
fwereadeMuntaner, sorry, I'm in a meeting and failing to distribute my attention properly10:48
Muntanerfwereade: no problems :)10:49
dimiterndooferlad, hey hey :)11:22
dooferladdimitern: hi :-)11:23
dimiternvoidspace, meet the new and improved dooferlad !11:23
dimiterndooferlad, thanks for doing this! :)11:23
dimiternmgz, hey! o/11:24
mgzdimitern: hey!11:24
dimiternmgz, how do you like go-goose? :)11:25
mgzit's a cute name :)11:25
mgzdimitern: do you need help migrating the code?11:26
dimiternmgz, yeah :) it became cuter as a side-effect :)11:26
dimiternmgz, I could use some tips to do it faster I guess11:27
mgzdimitern: if you want, I can do the import and give you the git branch11:27
mgzif we just want the existing history as per juju-core migration11:27
dimiternmgz, do you like the icon I came up with ? (it took 15m during lunch, but hey - better have one than a blocky generic GH icon)11:27
mgzyeah, the icon was one of my fav bits :)11:28
dimiternmgz, :D11:28
dimiternmgz, I'd like to keep the history, but we need to migrate the code into a "v1" branch and make that the default, while leaving master alone and putting a "error.go" file that panics in case someone tries to use it (like mgo has)11:29
mgzdimitern: see lp:~gz/+junk/juju_git_import for instance11:30
mgzI can do an imports rewrite and then we fiddle with the error.go bit after?11:30
dimiternmgz, awesome, sgtm11:31
mgzokay, I'11:31
dimiternmgz, do you think we can set up gated merges with the bot relatively easy as well?11:31
mgzll adapt that, do the import, then share the branch with you and we can work out what else we needed11:31
dimiternmgz, +1 ta!11:31
mgzdimitern: that's a little more work, but I have some of the setup for it already11:31
mgzyou'll want to add the juju-bot to the team11:32
dimiternmgz, great, I'll do that then11:32
dimiternmgz, and ask all the hackers to make themselves public for the bot to see them11:32
dimiternmgz, the bot setup can be done in the upcoming days, it's fine - no need to rush it11:33
voidspacedimitern: hehe, nice11:35
voidspacedooferlad: welcome :-)11:35
dooferladvoidspace: hi!11:35
dimiternmgz, jujubot is invited in it's own Bots team with write access, like for juju/juju11:36
mgzdimitern: do, out github path is going to be github.com/go-goose/goose but the imports should be gopkg.in/goose.v1 ?11:36
mgzdimitern: ta11:37
dimiternmgz, yes, exactly11:37
dimiternmgz, for an easy way to update all imports I used the awesome govers tool rogpeppe1 did11:41
rogpeppe1mgz, dimitern: govers is now at github.com/rogpeppe/govers FWIW11:43
dimiternrogpeppe1, ah, nice - thanks!11:44
mgzdimitern: github.com/bz2/goose is a first pass import, script for that at lp:~gz/+junk/goose_git_import11:45
mgzwe want to see if there's anything obviously wrong with that, then make any further changes in a new rev and push to the go-goose project - or redo if needed11:47
dimiternmgz, sgtm, looking at those now11:47
rogpeppe1mgz: govers -m github.com/goose gopkg.in/goose.v111:48
mgzhm, seems I didn't get the import renaming somehow11:48
rogpeppe1mgz: also has the advantage that it makes sure that all dependencies are using the same import too11:48
mgzI'll use rog's thing11:48
rogpeppe1govers -m launchpad.net/goose gopkg.in/goose.v111:49
dimiternmgz, I've created v1 branch from master for go-goose/goose11:50
dimiternrogpeppe1, ta!11:50
dimiternmgz, I think we need it in place before trying to change imports11:51
mgzwell, it's a bit chicken and egg11:53
mgzjust sedding the import paths like I did should make it possible to test locally first11:53
mgzI'm just confused by the history atm, my commit was wrong...11:53
mgzmissed the -a on commit, rerunning11:54
dimiternmgz, ah, ok11:54
mgzokay, pushed up new revisions, try again11:55
mgzthat's beetter11:55
dimiternmgz, incidentally, do you have permissions to add dooferlad to juju hackers team?11:55
dimiternmgz, ta!11:55
perrito667wiiii sosie saco al gaspar11:55
perrito667sorri wrong channel11:55
dimiternperrito667, was that you password ? :D11:56
mgzdimitern: he's already a member11:56
dimiternmgz, well it doesn't show on his lp page and he can't triage bugs, so I guess something else is wrong11:57
mgzah, not github11:57
dimiternmgz, yep, LP11:57
mgzyou mean adding to the ~juju team11:57
dimiternmgz, yes, sorry I should've been more clear :)11:58
dimiternand also I should be an admin there as well hmmm11:58
mgzI'm not an admin on that one. can bug curtis later or one of the other leads.11:58
dimiternjam, ping11:58
mgzdimitern: you should now11:58
dimiternmgz, yeah, I'll ask john to add me, thanks11:59
perrito667anybody could http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/889/ ?11:59
voidspacedimitern: couldn't we detect older clients and report port ranges as individual ports?11:59
voidspacedimitern: rather than dropping the ranges11:59
dimiternperrito667, LGTM12:00
=== perrito667 is now known as perrito666
dimiternvoidspace, we do report ranges that look like single ports into the Ports slice12:00
dimiternvoidspace, and that imo is backward-compatible with older clients12:00
Muntanerdimitern: still fighting with images metadata12:01
Muntanercan you give me some advices?12:01
dimiternMuntaner, have you tried following that section about generating images metadata for private clouds in that docs page?12:04
dimiternfwereade, ping12:05
Muntaneryes, totally12:05
dimiternMuntaner, so how far did you manage to go down that path?12:05
Muntanerdimitern: brb in 2 hours12:07
dimiternMuntaner, sure12:07
Muntanerbye :)12:07
jamdimitern: pong12:09
dimiternjam, hey, I've noticed I'm not an admin on LP ~juju so I can't add james to it, can you make me an admin please?12:09
jamdimitern: just did both of those things12:10
jamfwereade: I'm back around12:11
dimiternjam, thanks!12:12
jamdimitern: you may want to independently confirm it :)12:12
dimiternjam, just did12:13
dimiternfwereade, all sorted, please ignore last ping12:20
dimiternvoidspace, ah, sorry - now I got what you're asking12:20
dimiternvoidspace, and that seems fair, rather than dropping ports add them individually, however that potentially means blowing up the response size with large ranges for the sake of older clients, which will have a few individual ports opened anyway12:22
voidspacedimitern: ah, ok - so you don't need to "detect older clients" as that's what compatiblePorts is for anyway12:49
voidspacedimitern: but if the older client wants to know open ports then shouldn't we tell them?12:49
dimiternvoidspace, yes, the older clients will expect Ports to be populated12:49
voidspacemy chat window isn't scrolling dammit12:49
voidspacethat's why I missed your replies12:50
dimiternvoidspace, ah, sorry :)12:50
voidspacedimitern: not your fault...12:50
voidspacedimitern: but if we have a port range open then we won't tell an older client about it12:50
voidspacedimitern: is it alright to just not tell them?12:50
voidspacerest of the PR looks fine including tests12:50
dimiternvoidspace, older clients won't use ranges, so if they did open 50, 51, and 52.. hmm I have to check this12:51
jamvoidspace: you're thinking to map the range into each entry for compat ?12:51
voidspacejam: if 50:52 is open report 50, 51, 5212:51
voidspacejam: i.e. tell the truth...12:51
jamdimitern: I don't know that we need to collapse individual requests into a range, but we should probably return the individual items if a new client opened a range12:51
jamvoidspace: right12:51
dimiternI think the current behavior is to collapse consecutive ports into a range, so that'll become 50-5212:51
dimiternjam, yeah, ranges are always there12:52
jamvoidspace: dimitern: I don't particularly care if we collapse or not, it depends heavily on the close behavior12:52
jamIIRC there was a discussion as to whether you have to exact match in a  close request12:52
dimiternjam, however, if a newer client opens 5000-6000/tcp and if we list each port individually for the sake of older clients - guess how big the response will be :)12:52
jamso if a client does Open(50), Open(51), Open(52), then Close(50) must also work12:52
jamwhether we represent that as 3 open ports or a range of 50-5212:52
jamdimitern: no bigger than it is today12:53
dimiternjam, but it's much easier to open a huge range with one command today12:54
voidspacehow many bytes is a serialised port struct?12:54
jamdimitern: again, this is about compatibility12:54
jamwe deal with it12:54
voidspacea few bytes from the look of it12:54
jamnew clients won't call the old method12:54
dimiternvoidspace, {{Number: 123, Protocol: "tcp"}} x number of ports12:54
voidspaceso a thousand is a few kilobytes12:54
jamdimitern: voidspace: so yeah, unless there is a really strong problem, I'd just go with "expand port ranges for the compatibility code"12:57
jam*especially* if we are auto upgrading12:57
jamif you did12:57
jamOpen(50), Open(51)12:57
jamthen you better get 50, 51 from "list-open-ports"12:58
voidspacedimitern: I'm failing to trigger the error conditions to test the charmrevisionupdater change12:58
voidspacedimitern: I think we're using a mock api (haven't confirmed that) so setting the env variables fails to cause an error12:58
dimiternvoidspace, I'd just mock the updateVersions call to trigger a failure in the test and check the worker exits12:58
voidspacedimitern: ok will do, thanks12:59
jamvoidspace: dimitern: does my last point make sense? I could sort-of be convinced that if you did a request for a Open 50:52, then maybe the compatible list-ports wouldn't return it (maybe), but *definitely* if we are automatically turning a request for 2 ports to be opened into a range, then we *must* turn a range back into individual items on a list response13:00
jamfwereade: are you around yet?13:00
dimiternjam, voidspace, ok, I'll do that instead - return all individual ports in ranges13:00
voidspacegoing on lunch13:00
fwereadejam, heyhey, yes I am13:00
jamfwereade: I should really go help my son for a sec, but I realized I've been sitting in the room for 30 min and missed the earlier ping. I still want to go over the diff with you, how about in 10 min?13:01
fwereadejam, sgtm13:01
dimiternjam, if you do open(50), open(51), open(52), then close(51), you'll see 50 and 51 as ports in both slices, but if you do open(50-52) you can't close(51)13:01
jamdimitern: then why represent it as 50-52 if you can't close it? Is it just a display thing that aggregates the range?13:02
dimiternat least I think you can't - must check the code13:02
jamdimitern: I'd really rather not have list return things that you can't then use for close13:02
dimiternjam, because we're representing it as a range, not individual ports13:02
jambecause I have the feeling that given what you've said13:02
jamif you do Open(50), 51, 52. and then you do list and get 50-52, but you can't close(50:52) that's bad13:03
dimiternjam, opened-ports hook tool will return ranges as specified in open-port13:03
jamdimitern: do you understand my concern?13:03
jamopen + opened + close should all work nicely together13:03
dimiternjam, however, if you called open-port 3 times with consecutive numbers, opened-ports will return a collapsed 50-52 range13:03
jamchanging under the hood is fine, as long as close can still interoperate13:03
jamopen 50, open 51, open 52, => you must be able to close 5113:04
jamI think we agree on that13:04
jamopened => 50:52, you must be able to close 50:5213:04
jamdoes that also sound sane ?13:04
dimiternjam, yes, and that's how it works for both cases you mention13:04
jamdimitern: but open 50, open 51, open 52, then opened returns 50:52, but you can't close 50:5213:05
jambecause it doesn't match an open() request13:05
dimiternjam, however the mix of the two - open-port 50-52/tcp then close-port 51/tcp won't work, but opened-ports I believe will return collapsed ranges for the first case (open 50,51,52 individually)13:05
dimiternjam, I have to double-check that case13:06
jamdimitern: if I do open(50), open(51), open(52) can I close(50-52) /13:06
dimiternanyway, I *really* need to go now to catch the bank before it closes13:06
jamI *must* be able to close what I open13:06
dimiternjam, I'll verify this as well13:06
jamand I *must* be able to close what opened returns13:06
jamas long as those two hold true, I don't have a huge care for collapsing vs not13:06
dimiternjam, I agree, and will double check all these cases, then get back to you (tomorrow perhaps)13:08
mgzdimitern: is there anything else we want to do on the goose repo, before moving it to go-goose? the tests pass locally, I didn't try using it as a replacement with juju-core though13:08
dimiternmgz, well, there will be a few bits we can add post-migration, like CONTRIBUTING.md, README.md, stuff like that13:08
* dimitern goes out, bbl fwiw13:09
jamfwereade: so now I have to do dinner, etc. Are you going to be around later? If you're EOD, then maybe we can just pick up tomorrow?13:52
fwereadejam, I expect I'll be around later, but likely to be off and on slightly at random once laura's home (not so long from now...)13:59
=== fuzzy__ is now known as Ponyo
Muntanerhi devs14:41
Muntanerhi dimitern, fwereade14:41
fwereadeMuntaner, heyhey14:50
fwereadeMuntaner, I should be able to concentrate for a little bit14:51
fwereadeMuntaner, what's the latest?14:51
Muntanerfwereade: I have fresh logs for you14:51
MuntanerI "downgraded" the iso of cloud server to try a workaround14:51
Muntanerand get these logs14:51
Muntanerenvs.yawl -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143360/14:53
Muntanerfwereade: the VM is successfully created on the openstack14:54
Muntanerand does all the apt-get stuff14:54
Muntaneras far as I can see in the logs, it's able to run MongoDB14:54
Muntanerbut then... that odd error14:54
Muntanerneed more background, fwereade ?14:55
Muntanerfwereade: hard to fix, right? :)14:59
fwereadeMuntaner, yeah, I'm scratching my head and hunting through code15:06
Muntanerfwereade: is this a mistake in my environment or it's actually juju failing?15:06
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fwereadeMuntaner, I can't quite figure that out yet, still digging15:09
fwereadeMuntaner, I'm a little suspicious about your image-metadata-url (and tools-), though -- I thought you were in an isolated environment?15:10
Muntanerfwereade: the thing I can't figure is: how do openstack now which image should instance in the VM if actually fetching of metadata fails?15:10
Muntanerwell fwereade - I'm with my laptop, connected to the openstack server via Lan (
Muntanerboth the machines can naturally go on the internet (the VM created by juju can actually use apt-get stuff)15:11
MuntanerI can access VMs via floating IPs, I can ping, ssh them15:11
Muntanerand naturally, also the server is contactable15:11
fwereadeMuntaner, yeah, that's what's weird -- I can't figure out what you would have started (ie how you got far enough to fail that way)15:15
fwereadeMuntaner, ah, ok, I think I see some of it15:16
fwereadeMuntaner, with the --metadata-source param you shouldn't need those urls in environments.yaml15:17
fwereadeMuntaner, what happens if you just remove them?15:18
Muntaneryou mean - them in envs.yawl?15:19
fwereadeMuntaner, yes15:20
Muntanerfwereade: trying it15:20
fwereadeMuntaner, I *think* that we're automatically uploading what you need to the right place, but it's not even looking there because it trusts the fields in environments.yaml15:20
dimiternsinzui, ping15:22
fwereadeMuntaner, if that works, thank you for finding a bug -- we should at least fail earlier and more clearly if there's no way to sanely handle both those settings15:22
sinzuihi dimitern15:22
Muntanerfwereade: not working :(15:22
Muntanerseems quite the same log15:22
dimiternsinzui, hey, so re bug 141692815:22
mupBug #1416928: juju agent using lxcbr0 address as apiaddress instead of juju-br0 breaks agents <api> <lxc> <network> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1416928>15:22
Muntanerfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143716/15:22
Muntanerfwereade: envs.yawl -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143723/15:23
dimiternsinzui, thanks for providing more info15:23
dimiternsinzui, however, I think we shouldn't block 1.21.2 for this bug, I had a chat with xwwt and alexisb in cape town that we can possibly do a subsequent point release with this15:24
alexisbsinzui, that is correct15:24
dimiternsinzui, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts as well15:25
xwwtdimitern, sinzui:  We should not block 1.21.2 on this one.  We can point release later.15:25
fwereadeMuntaner, hmm, I need to dig a bit further, but glad to see you can still launch an instance withoutthose fields15:25
Muntaneryep fwereade, but I had to add upload-tools, since I got another error without it15:25
MuntanerI'm somewhat confused15:25
sinzuidimitern, I am concerned about multiple releases. But I know stakeholders will appreciate your fix for bug 141613415:25
mupBug #1416134: Unable to override network-bridge if container type is kvm (local provider) <cloud-installer> <config> <lxc> <network> <regression> <cloud-installer:Fix Committed by adam-stokes> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dimitern> <juju-core 1.21:Fix Committed by dimitern> <juju-core 1.22:Fix15:25
mupReleased by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1416134>15:25
sinzuidooferlad, is your fix for bug 1417617 queued for 1.21?15:26
mupBug #1417617: apt-proxy can be incorrectly set when the fallback from http-proxy is used <apt> <network> <proxy> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dooferlad> <juju-core 1.21:In Progress by dooferlad> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by dooferlad> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417617>15:26
dimiternsinzui, yes, that fix among a few other as well - it's still worth releasing 1.21.215:27
dooferladsinzui: Hopefully an hour15:27
dimiterndooferlad, sweet!15:27
sinzuidimitern, I will give dooferlad an opportunity get his fix merged and tested while I prepare for a 1.21.2 release to proposed15:28
dimiternthank you sinzui!15:28
fwereadeMuntaner, ah, yes, makes sense15:29
fwereadeMuntaner, can I see the directory structure for your metadata source please?15:29
dimiternwhich reminds me to finish the fix for bug 141843315:29
fwereadeMuntaner, I think I see what's failing15:29
mupBug #1418433: unit ports not populated by API megawatcher <api> <regression> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-core 1.21:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by dimitern> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1418433>15:29
Muntanerfwereade: how want me to show you that?15:29
Muntanerwell fwereade, I have just one folder generated15:30
Muntanerwhich is /home/mike/juju-tools/images/streams/v1/15:30
Muntanerinto, I have two files15:30
fwereadeMuntaner, for future reference: `tree -d /home/mike/juju-tools/`15:30
fwereadeMuntaner, can I see them both please?15:31
Muntanerfwereade: sorry for my noobness :)15:31
fwereadeMuntaner, no worries :)15:31
Muntaneryes fwereade, paste incoming15:31
Muntanerfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143826/15:32
fwereadeMuntaner, looks like tree is not necessarily installed, but it's very handy15:32
Muntanerinstalling :)15:32
Muntanerfwereade: tree is -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143835/15:32
fwereadeMuntaner, and because I wasn't thinking, if you just skip the -d, it'll give you files too15:33
Muntanerfwereade: -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10143855/15:34
Muntanercommands used: juju metadata generate-image -a amd64 -i 662d6b37-2c1b-42c3-9bd7-6f1c3ab5af50 -r RegionOne -s trusty -d /home/mike/juju-tools -u -e OpenStack15:35
Muntanerjuju metadata validate-images -d /home/mike/juju-tools15:35
fwereadeMuntaner, yeah, that looks right, and it looks like we're not uploading it properly :-/15:38
Muntanerfwereade: may this be a network problem of my architecture?15:39
fwereadeMuntaner, can the cloud instances see your laptop? as a quick-and-dirty hack, you could serve that dir over http...15:39
Muntanerfwereade: yes, obviosly they can15:39
Muntanerthey can ssh, ping my laptop and - I think - all the devices in
fwereadeMuntaner, ok, you could try opening a new terminal and running `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` in your metadata source dir, and specifying that URL in your environments.yaml15:41
Muntanersocket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use15:42
bodie_fwereade, looking for confirmation whether `action do` CLI arg values should be parsed as yaml -- I'm thinking yes15:42
fwereadebodie_, hmmmmm I don;t think we should be parsing anything as yaml that's not explicitly marked as such15:43
bodie_juju action do mysql/0 sleep time=1000 "time is supposed to be a number"15:43
bodie_not the greatest ux15:43
dimiternvoidspace, still around?15:43
fwereadebodie_, agreed, but if we're not careful "y" will parse to `true` and so on15:44
bodie_hmm, yeah15:44
bodie_fwereade, in that case the validation would reject it with a message; then the user could pass signal="y", right?15:45
fwereadeMuntaner, `python -m SimpleHTTPServer <some-unused-port>`?15:46
fwereadebodie_, that is true15:46
dimiternfrankban, ping15:46
frankbanhi dimitern15:46
fwereadebodie_, ok, yes, I think you're right15:46
MuntanerServing HTTP on port 60000 ...15:46
fwereadeMuntaner, ok, cool15:47
dimiternfrankban, hey, thanks for the review on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/891/ - can you please also review and approve http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/890/ (the original fix for 1.21) and http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/892/ (foreport of the same fix for trunk, 1.23)15:47
Muntanerfwereade: nothing more is coming15:47
Muntaneris it hanging?15:47
bodie_fwereade, my reasoning is that with action-set it's more important for values to come back to the user exactly as they were set for the purpose of reporting accurately15:47
Muntanernever used this command15:47
bodie_thanks, I'll open a quick PR15:47
fwereadeMuntaner, you should be able to specify image-metadata-url as http://your-laptops-ip:60000/images15:47
Muntanerok fwereade15:48
fwereadeMuntaner, and go back to streams.c.c for tools-metadata-url (sorry, I'd thought you had tools metadata generated locally)15:48
fwereadeMuntaner, then cross your fingers and try again15:48
fwereadeMuntaner, (but with tools-m-u you shouldn't need --upload-tools)15:49
Muntanerfwereade: what do you mean with "go back to streams.c.c." ?15:49
fwereadeMuntaner, sorry, specify `tools-metadata-url: streams.canonical.com`15:49
frankbandimitern: sure15:49
dimiternfrankban, thank you!15:49
fwereadeMuntaner, you had that before and I erroneously told you to drop it15:49
Muntanerso fwereade15:50
Muntanerfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10144073/15:50
Muntanerdoes it look fine?15:50
fwereadeMuntaner, I think so, maybe an https:// on streams.c.c :)15:52
ericsnowrogpeppe1: do you think there would be any benefit to our direct HTTP request code in juju core from the httprequest repo code?15:52
Muntanerok did it15:52
voidspacedimitern: yes15:53
Muntanerfwereade: YOU'RE GREAT, WORKED! :D15:54
Muntaner2015-02-09 15:53:35 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:329 command finished15:54
fwereadeMuntaner, sweet!15:54
dimiternvoidspace, ah, it's ok just fyi - I changed the fix for the ports bug as you suggested15:54
fwereadeMuntaner, ok, so serving it from your laptop is not a production solution ;)15:54
fwereadeMuntaner, you'll want something a bit less temporary there15:55
voidspacedimitern: I'll take a look15:55
dimiternvoidspace, ta15:55
Muntanerfwereade: I'm just saying... have something to show to bosses :D15:55
fwereadeMuntaner, yeah, I know that feeling :)15:56
Muntanerfwereade: now I'm trying to deploy juju gui15:56
dimiternMuntaner, hey, can I ask you a favor :) summarize what eventually worked as a comment on the bug you had originally15:56
voidspacedimitern: all the tests are for single port ranges15:56
voidspacedimitern: oh no they're no15:57
dimiternvoidspace, except for one15:57
voidspacedimitern: yeah, I misread15:57
Muntanerdimitern: well, the only workaround that fixed the situation has been the Httpserver15:57
fwereadeMuntaner, you'll almost certainly want to `deploy --to 0` there fwiw15:57
Muntanerdimitern: should I open a launchpad bug?15:57
dimiternMuntaner, yes, I'd really appreciate if you do, and add comments about what you're trying to do and how you managed to resolve it15:58
dimiternMuntaner, others might find it useful, and we can do something about making this easier in the future15:59
Muntanerok dimitern will do it15:59
Muntanerthanks 1000015:59
rogpeppe1ericsnow: depends how many http request kinds you've got15:59
dimiternMuntaner, np, I'm glad we're able to help you and also thanks for all your patience! ;)15:59
ericsnowrogpeppe1: basically 3: tools, charms, and backups (upload/download)16:00
fwereadeMuntaner, I've asked ericsnow to follow up on this and figure out why it wasn't working with just metadata-source -- but I'm pretty sure you've found a real bug, for which, much thanks :)16:00
rogpeppe1ericsnow: in which case almost certainly not16:00
ericsnowrogpeppe1: k, thanks16:01
voidspacedimitern: LGTM16:01
voidspacedimitern: have you forward ported as well yet?16:02
dimiternvoidspace, awesome! yes, I already asked frankban to have a look, but it's good to have another set of eyes - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/891/ http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/892/16:02
voidspacedimitern: 892 isn't showing the inner loop yet16:03
dimiternvoidspace, nope, I'm about to propose it16:04
ericsnowMuntaner: FYI, your troubles appear to be related to bug #127174416:06
mupBug #1271744: bootstrap on maas with --metadata-source fails <bootstrap> <maas> <maas-provider> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1271744>16:06
ericsnowMuntaner: so I'll follow up there16:06
ericsnowMuntaner: would you mind verifying that that matches the situation you ran into?16:08
natefinchsinzui: you around?16:29
sinzuiI am16:29
natefinchsinzui: alexis wanted me to work with you on blocking bugs... what's our current list?  I'm a little out of the loop.16:30
sinzuinatefinch, https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.21.216:31
sinzuinatefinch, https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.22-beta3 has one extra bug that voidspace  is working on16:31
natefinchwwitzel3: you're working on this one, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/141787516:32
mupBug #1417875: ERROR juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <canonical-bootstack> <logging> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417875>16:32
voidspacenatefinch: sinzui: so I believe that dimitern has already backported my fix to 1.2216:34
voidspacenatefinch: sinzui: let me double check and mark that as fix committed if it's done16:34
dooferladvoidspace: Could you review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/895/ please?16:35
voidspacedooferlad: will do16:36
voidspacenatefinch: sinzui: hmm... looks like there's a slight error in the backport16:36
wwitzel3natefinch: yep, sorry, replied in wrong channel16:36
Muntanerericsnow: dimitern fwereade sorry, was talking with my boss16:36
Muntanerjust in time, lol16:36
voidspacedimitern: ping16:37
ericsnowMuntaner: no worries :)16:37
dimiternvoidspace, hey16:37
voidspacedimitern: you backported my proxyupdater fix to 1.22, right?16:37
voidspacedimitern: because whoever did it unfortunately did it slightly wrong16:37
voidspacedimitern: I'll fix16:37
natefinchwwitzel3: cool, I just marked the 1.21 version of the bug as assigned to you too, so it'll be more obvious in the 1.21 list that it's actually being worked on.16:37
dimiternvoidspace, oh, my bad then - what happened?16:38
voidspacedimitern: also, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/156416:38
voidspacedimitern: handleProxyValues is called with a proxy.Settings object called proxySettings16:38
voidspacedimitern: this is new settings16:38
voidspacedimitern: in trunk we call SetEnvironmentVariables on that *before* setting it to s.proxy16:39
dimiternvoidspace, ah, ok - I must've overlooked that16:39
dimiternvoidspace, sorry :/16:39
voidspacedimitern: the code in 1.22 calls s.proxy.SetEnvrionmentVariables()16:39
voidspacedimitern: which is the *old settings*16:39
Muntanerericsnow: it doesn't seem to resemble my situation16:39
voidspacedimitern: np16:39
dimiternvoidspace, I can't recall doing it though..16:39
voidspacedimitern: someone did it16:39
Muntaneractually I don't have tools-related-issues, but more image metadata issues16:39
voidspacedimitern: maybe it was me :-)16:39
Muntanerwith HTTPServer workaround, it works16:39
dimiternvoidspace, btw that 1564 PR's diff seems very wrong to me16:40
dimitern"Showing with 6,842 additions and 2,087 deletions."16:40
voidspacedimitern: hah, it's targetting master16:40
voidspacethat's why...16:40
voidspacedon't merge it...16:40
dimiternok, I'll have a look later, but I gtg now16:41
voidspacedimitern: I hope you've enjoyed your day off! :-o16:41
dimitern:) I promise to try resting more tomorrow16:42
ericsnowMuntaner: well, the maas part of it won't apply, but the problem they describe with a local metadata index does, right?16:43
frankbandimitern: so you changed the branch so that all the ports are enumerated in unitInfo.Ports. this could lead to lots of bytes sent to the wire, but I agree this is technically correct. I think the GUI needs to swithc to useing PortRanges when possible, and recalculate real single ports on the client side.16:44
voidspacefrankban: a port is 7 or 8 bytes, so even for a thousand ports it's only 7-8kb.16:45
voidspacefrankban: so it depends what you mean by "lots of bytes"...16:46
frankbanvoidspace: agreed16:46
Muntanerericsnow: sorry if I'm slow - doing 1000 things right now16:48
ericsnowMuntaner: no worries, this isn't pressing (more of a follow-up to ensure we track the problem)16:48
Muntanerericsnow: yes, seems pretty similar16:49
Muntanerericsnow: actually, the workaround to make these metadata visible to the environment is to expose them via Http - since uploading isn't happening16:53
ericsnowMuntaner: okay, I'll go from there, thanks16:54
Muntanerericsnow: just saying, nobody had tested an environment like mine before? :)16:55
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
voidspacedooferlad: you don't add the trailing slash. Have you manually tested it?17:01
voidspacedooferlad: if it works without it then fine...17:01
dooferladvoidspace: yea, it works. This is just a backport.17:02
voidspaceah, cool17:02
voidspacedooferlad: LGTM17:02
voidspacenatefinch: care to take a look http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/898/17:04
voidspacenatefinch: this is for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1403225 for 1.2217:04
mupBug #1403225: charm download behind the enterprise proxy fails <cloud-installer> <deploy> <proxy> <sync-tools> <cloud-installer:Confirmed for adam-stokes> <juju-core:Fix Committed by mfoord> <juju-core 1.21:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403225>17:05
voidspacewwitzel3: as you're OCR, if you have time could you look at this one http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/896/17:05
dooferladwwitzel3: Also, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/895/ please17:06
voidspacedooferlad: I already gave that a ShipIt17:07
dooferladvoidspace: I thought I needed two reviews?17:08
voidspacedooferlad: no17:08
dooferladvoidspace: OK :-)17:08
dooferladwwitzel3: forget that then!17:08
Muntanerericsnow: fwereade : juju is amazing, I'm deploying stuff easily as nothing :)17:10
natefinchvoidspace: ship it17:10
ericsnowMuntaner: awesome! :)17:10
Muntanerericsnow: but bosses are asking strange stuff... argh, dunno if I can do it via juju17:11
natefinchMuntaner: you can do anything with Juju, just a matter of figuring out how ;)17:12
Muntanernatefinch: well, they're talking about an existing .net application which is using Windows Azure... maybe we should do a sort of porting, :S17:12
natefinchMuntaner: we do support deploying to windows, though it takes a little setup right now17:13
voidspacenatefinch: thanks17:14
natefinch(and I'm being generous with "a little")17:14
Muntanernatefinch: I don't have the whole plot clear right now17:14
natefinchsinzui: The comments on this bug seem to say it's been that way  for almost a year ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/141744917:15
mupBug #1417449: Log files now owned by syslog user, 1.21.1 <canonical-is> <logging> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417449>17:15
Muntanerseems like I should use a VM with Windows Server + Juju17:15
Muntanersooo... OpenStack + Windows Server + Juju17:15
=== dooferlad is now known as jamestunnicliffe
natefinchjw4: saw your comment on the above bug...17:15
sinzuinatefinch, it certainly has been for many many months. also...17:16
voidspacewho owns juju team calendar. jamestunnicliffe needs adding to it.17:16
voidspacenatefinch: ^^ any idea?17:16
sinzuinatefinch, If our policy is use juju debug-log to see the logs, then wont fix is a valid close17:16
=== jamestunnicliffe is now known as dooferlad
natefinchsinzui: in general I think the right answer is for local provider to behave like the rest of the providers.... which I sort of assume also have the logs owned by syslog17:17
sinzuinatefinch, +1, We mark it wont fix and we are done17:18
natefinchsinzui: seems fine to me.  I'll comment and do so17:18
Muntanernatefinch: actually, what is the relationship between juju and windows?17:21
natefinchMuntaner: not sure what you're asking.  Juju can deploy to Windows machines, though right now it takes some special setup.17:23
Muntanerok natefinch, that's an answer :) what do you mean with "special setup" ?17:25
natefinchMuntaner: when you use juju to add a machine to your environment (whether through juju add-machine or as a part of juju-deploy), it figures out what image to use for the machine by looking for metadata in a simple-streams location.  For Linux images, this is available on all the clouds Juju supports.  However, for Windows, we don't yet have those metadata files available in the clouds.  You also need the images themselve17:29
natefinchs, which need to have a special init system installed on them (cloud-init by Cloudbase) so that we can bootstrap the images appropriately.17:29
natefinchMuntaner: setting this up in your own maas or openstack environment is not too hard, but if you want to deploy to a public cloud, it gets a lot trickier17:30
natefinchMuntaner: sorry, there's no simpler way to answer the question.  Basically... getting windows images to boot up is harder because they're not free and open source like linux17:30
Muntanernatefinch: why this difference in difficulty from private to public?17:31
Muntanernatefinch: lol, very clear :)17:31
natefinchMuntaner: you control everything in your private cloud, so it's easy to set up all the right urls, image locations, etc.  You don't control everything on Azure/AWS/etc, so it's harder.  I am actually not 100% sure if you can even do it on a public cloud right now.17:32
Muntanernatefinch: thanks for the patience :)17:33
Muntaneryou guys have been very gentle with me17:33
Muntanera lot of thanks, natefinch, ericsnow, fwereade17:34
Muntanermaybe I'll be back there for future problems :)17:34
natefinchMuntaner: if you'd like a full report on how to do enable windows support for juju from an expert, I can set that up.17:34
Muntanernatefinch: this will be a task of the next days :)17:34
Muntanerbye guys17:36
voidspacejuju branch18:12
voidspaceno that's wrong18:12
voidspacego branch18:12
voidspaceno that's wrong too18:12
voidspacegit branch18:12
voidspaceah yes, that's what I was doing...18:12
voidspaceone of those afternoons...18:12
natefinchvoidspace: yeah, I keep thinking I should make an uber-command that'll just delegate to the right one based on subcommand... there's only a couple overlaps18:14
perrito666I keep telling myself I need to alias got to git18:16
voidspacenatefinch: do it :-)18:17
perrito666I hate when shims keep growing18:19
wwitzel3perrito666: the guy who installed the door frames in my old house didn't have that same concern18:22
voidspacewwitzel3: how's the house?18:23
voidspacethe new one I mean...18:23
wwitzel3voidspace: great :) .. we spent this weekend taking the guest bathroom down to studs and subfloor18:23
wwitzel3voidspace: is your deal all final on your new house?18:24
voidspacewwitzel3: signed and returned all the paperwork. Hoping to get a completion date tomorrow and the keys Friday or Monday.18:25
voidspacewwitzel3: so not quite all final yet...18:25
voidspacewwitzel3: you got a lot of work to do on the house?18:25
perrito666wow that is FAST18:25
voidspaceperrito666: we made the offer about four weeks ago and have pushed really hard to get it done18:26
voidspaceperrito666: for the UK that is really fast18:26
wwitzel3voidspace: not a lot .. just the most expensive parts :) both bathrooms and the kitchen are getting completely redone.18:26
voidspacewwitzel3: yow, sounds expensive18:27
voidspacethankfully we don't *think* we need to do anything like that18:27
voidspacemostly buy a new kitchen table and some wardrobes18:27
wwitzel3voidspace: yeah, it wasn't a suprised at least, we knew going in which makes it easier18:28
perrito666we require a "research" made on the house for possible debts and all kinds of judiciary problems and that alone takes a month, then you have a... mm I dont think there are these people elsewere, they are guys that bear witness of a contract and record it in national records and sign making it valid, well one of those crafts new papers for the howse (usually including the previous papers) so basically a houses paper18:28
perrito666are like a git repo :p18:28
voidspacewwitzel3: you done any forward porting of bugs from 1.21/1.22 ?18:28
voidspaceI forget the procedure18:28
voidspacedo I merge just the specific revisions18:29
perrito666and after that your house is yours but you still need to wait for that to get updated in all the right places for like 6 months18:29
wwitzel3voidspace: it has been a while, I will have to do it with my current one, once it is fixed though. sinzui can you point us to a doc or steps for forwarding porting of fixes?18:30
voidspaceperrito666: we have a lot of searches to do too (environmental, land registry etc) but they can be done in a couple of weeks with good solicitors18:31
voidspaceperrito666: our land registry doesn't have "branches" though, just a mainline18:31
voidspaceso searches are easier18:31
perrito666voidspace: I think here is mostly due to the lack of digital information18:31
voidspaceand all charges (debts) are recorded with the land registry18:31
voidspaceperrito666: land registry is still all paper18:32
wwitzel3perrito666, voidspace: our process is as quick as the sellers and buyers want it to be really .. our house was 30-days, my parents just did a cash deal with a 72-hour closing.18:32
wwitzel3I would say the average is 45-60 days18:32
perrito666wwitzel3: I assume there is not much paperwork right?18:32
natefinchwwitzel3: buyers, sellers, and banks (where it's not cash, which is most of the time)18:32
sinzuiwwitzel3, I don't think core ever wrote a doc about git patch18:32
perrito666I am already in love on how you guys sell cars, I assume houses are pretty much the same18:33
natefinchperrito666: there's a ton of paperwork, but that's what lawyers are for.  I paid ~$500 for a lawyer to basically do all the annoying work for us when we bought our house.18:33
sinzuiwwitzel3, and I am just assuming git patch is the technique to extract and apply changes between divergent branches18:33
voidspacesinzui: so it's just a manual process to forward port18:33
sinzuivoidspace, 'fraid so18:33
perrito666natefinch: here we pay a percentage (quite high given the numbers at play) to the notary (that was the word I was missing)18:35
perrito666and then a fee for each research to be done18:35
perrito666then a couple of taxes for all these papers to be sealed by the right authorities18:35
perrito666same applies for cars18:35
perrito666between the day I paid my car in the dealership and the day I got it there where around 2 months18:36
voidspacesinzui: I've marked but 1403225 as fix committed for 1.2218:37
mupBug #1403225: charm download behind the enterprise proxy fails <cloud-installer> <deploy> <proxy> <sync-tools> <cloud-installer:Confirmed for adam-stokes> <juju-core:Fix Committed by mfoord> <juju-core 1.21:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Committed by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403225>18:37
sinzuithank you voidspace18:37
natefinchperrito666: we pay a percentage to the real estate agents (2-3% for the buyer's agent and same for seller's agent), which is a shame, because they don't actually do all that much in this age of looking for houses on the internet.18:39
hazmatnatefinch: +1 insanity..18:39
voidspacenatefinch: in the UK pretty much everyone uses one website, rightmove, to find houses18:39
perrito666well at least I dont have to blow snow :p18:40
voidspacenatefinch: but you have to be an estate agent to put houses up there, so they keep the cartel going18:40
perrito666real estate agents are not a mandatory thing here,  just practical18:40
natefinchvoidspace: yep, basically the same here.... there's one official listing that several online sites use,  but you need to be in their cartel to put things up there.18:40
hazmatnatefinch: redfin is slightly disruptive to the industry with lower fees.. also re agent commissions, seller pays costs. there are many listings, only need a real estate agent for mls listing.18:41
* hazmat has been house shopping lately18:41
natefinchhazmat: yep, I bought my house through redfin.  Loved it, got a ~$5k check afterward IIRC18:41
natefinchhazmat: It's kinda lucky, because they don't cover everywhere, but the town I wanted to buy in is pretty expensive, so they cover it, but not many of the nearby towns.18:43
natefinchhazmat: at least as of 5 years ago when I purchased18:43
perrito666natefinch: so why exactly you get money for buying a house?18:43
perrito666usually is the other way around18:43
natefinchperrito666: the seller pays the buyer's real estate agent 2%, and the seller's real estate agent 2%.... redfin is the buyer's agent, and they turn around and give the buyer 1/2 to 2/3rds of their commission18:44
natefinch(sorry..... kids)18:45
perrito666sounds a bit like commercial .. dis?loyalty? I dont know the word for it in english18:47
perrito666although I believe middle men are just blod suckers so I have nothing against it18:47
natefinchperrito666: yep.  in theory you don't need a real estate agent, but if you can't get your house listed on The_List_Everyone_Looks_At then no one will see your house is for sale.18:48
perrito666we call that list "the paper classified adds" you get in there for a whole week for about 80C18:50
perrito666and for free in the paper internet site :p18:50
perrito666there is a bad part to it, you need to live in this country18:51
voidspaceg'night all19:01
bodie_godeps: cannot update "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/github-merge-juju/tmp.hkAIMyHVpG/RELEASE/src/golang.org/x/crypto"19:09
bodie_fatal: remote error: Git repository not found19:10
bodie_that doesn't seem right19:10
bodie_whatever it was, seems to have worked this time19:19
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
marcoceppiLooking for a juju architect to explain some things to me20:00
fwereademarcoceppi, heyhey20:00
natefinchman, it's like rubbing a genie's bottle20:01
marcoceppifwereade: my favorite architect (who happened to repsond to me first)20:01
* marcoceppi goes to PM20:01
bodie_was anyone working on a Docker Actions enabled charm?20:01
* perrito666 rubbs his cheap wather bottle and all he gets is a sale's rep20:01
perrito666natefinch: seems marco has more luck20:01
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=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
cheryljCould someone review a PR I have for juju/cmd?  https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/1321:21
katcowwitzel3: ^^21:21
cheryljthanks, katco21:21
katcocherylj: np, you know about the OCR schedule, right?21:22
lazyPowerbodie_: o/21:22
cheryljyes, but I swore today was Tuesday and I didn't see natefinch online21:23
cheryljGuess I'm still on NZ time21:23
lazyPowerbodie_: we've been looking into it with the docker infrastructure bundle we threw down, anything specific i can answer?21:23
katcocherylj: haha :)21:23
katcocherylj: i hope your trip went well21:23
lazyPowerkatco: if i want to track down someone that grokks the jujud on ppc64el who would i pester? :)21:23
cheryljkatco:  it was great!  I learned a lot and had a great time getting to know everyone21:23
katcolazyPower: i think davecheney is our resident ppc expert21:23
lazyPowerperfect, ta21:24
katcolazyPower: possible thumper?21:24
katcocherylj: good to hear :D21:24
katcolazyPower: they are both in AUS/NZ time, so they should be on later21:25
lazyPoweralready passed on the info. cheers katco :)21:25
katcolazyPower: o/21:25
bodie_lazyPower, just curious since I'm working with actions :)21:27
lazyPowerawesome, we're looking at supercharging the docker charms with action support, such as image cleanup, getting running containers, status output, health checks, etc.21:27
lazyPowerthere's quite a bit that's been tossed around but nothing yet, and I'm a pleb that doesn't run off tip yet - so actions haven't landed as of yet21:28
bodie_lazyPower, right on.  maybe I could contribute?  I guess your charm in LP is the latest?21:31
bodie_I just want something flashy to show off21:31
bodie_but I'm also really interested in working with Docker21:31
lazyPowerah, actually our dev focus is on github. let me fish up the bundle for you21:31
lazyPowerits in the revq atm pending eyeballs, but dev focus is there :)21:32
lazyPowerbodie_: if you have *any* issues with the docker bundle we have - feedback/prs/bugs accepted with open arms and a puppy.21:46
lazyPoweri'm using it in prod with success, but its still only 1/8 of the story that we want to tell with docker.21:47
wwitzel3cherylj: taking a look at that PR now21:47
cheryljwwitzel3, thanks!21:47
* perrito666 is back21:50
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
bodie_lazyPower, excellent :)21:54
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davecheneylazyPower: ping22:31
lazyPowerdavecheney: pong22:32
davecheneylazyPower: you rang ?22:33
lazyPowerdavecheney: besiner is looking for a ppc64el expert, there's a backlog of jujud issues he's uncovered orchestrating ppc from an amd64 host.22:34
davecheneythat's pretty messed up22:34
davecheneyhas /var/lib/juju/tools/machine-1-lxc-1/jujud22:35
davecheneybeen replaed with a shell script ?22:35
lazyPowerbeisner: ping22:35
davecheneylazyPower: protip: this is how I debug ppc64el issues22:35
davecheney1. were the tools found ?22:35
davecheney2. did they download properly22:35
beisnero/ lazyPower davecheney22:35
davecheney3. there is no three22:35
davecheneythat's it22:35
* perrito666 sees a paradox22:35
beisnerlazyPower, davecheney - getting repro scenario documented for review.22:36
beisnerhi davecheney, lazyPower - please see  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10149580/.  no bug filed yet.  i'm US central time, can touch base in a few hrs after dinner/family time.23:04
=== mwenning is now known as mwenning-rr5
davecheneybeisner: juju bootstrap --constraints arch=amd64 || true23:06
davecheney^ why are you skipping this error ?23:06
beisnerdavecheney, no error there.  i had that because i had already just bootstrapped.23:07
beisnerie. a cheap "bootstrap if not bootstrapped" line23:07
davecheneybeisner: can you paste the contents of the upstart control file for machine-1-lxc-323:08
beisnerdavecheney, please get more verbose, where is that?23:08
davecheneyi want to rule oout a typo or syntax error in the upstrart file23:09
davecheneythat errror loooks like it's coming from a shell23:09
beisnerpath i should look in?23:09
davecheney /etc/init23:09
davecheneybut i have no idea what that looks like when lxc is applied23:09
beisneroh ok that's where i'm looking23:10
davecheneyit might be called something like23:10
davecheneybut i'm not sure23:10
davecheney'cos lxc23:10
beisnerjujud-machine-1-lxc-3.conf ->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10149660/23:12
beisnergotta run, will return in a bit.23:12
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away

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