
k1l_please show the exact lines00:00
ross_k1l_: http://pastebin.com/wJ1xar1Y00:02
ikoniasomeone else had this problem a week or so ago00:03
ikoniaand it was because their local cache was not getting updated00:03
k1l_ross_: seems more like it cant reach
ross_I can try the drastic one00:03
ikonianah is there and up, the Packages file isn't there00:03
k1l_i know this is a dns issue sometimes00:04
ross_it can reach it fine00:04
ross_curl shows me a nice 40400:04
aiconnectHi all. new to this channel00:04
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k1l_ross_: you are not behind a proxy or vpn?00:06
Bashing-omaiconnect: Welcome, Hang loose, learn a lot, this is ubuntu support .00:07
ross_k1l_ this is in ec2 no proxies/vpns00:08
aiconnectthanks :)00:08
aiconnectJoining to lean more about Linux00:08
ross_I can reproduce the 404 from home, and other clients. are you not seeing it?00:08
ross_thought ikonia saw a 404 as well00:08
YvesLevieraiconnect: Great - Start with a question?00:09
aiconnectNo specific question yet, I am a CompSci student (IT Sec focus, and was always more Windows than Linux. But now I am learning more about Linux, so I thought this would be a good place to learn more.00:10
k1l_ross_: just running a vivid on here, but vivid-security is not set on security.ubuntu.com but on the same archive.ubuntu.com in sources.list00:10
ross_alright will try a archive00:11
YvesLevieraiconnect: Do you have a Linux installed yet?00:11
aiconnectOh yeah, I have Ubuntu on a desktop and I have Kali on a VM on my windows Laptop00:11
Bashing-omaiconnect: Great store house of knowledge: http://ubuntuforums.org/ .00:11
k1l_ross_: the line is exactly: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-security main restricted"00:12
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ross_404 as well00:13
q_aiconnect, you comfortable with the command line ?00:15
aiconnectHmm..... 6/1000:15
ross_intersting the non-determinism00:15
q_aiconnect, I think thats really the big thing to learn, really it's just a collection of tools you kind of have to memorize, I wouldn't worry about sed/awk or text manipulation just yet, but get a firm handle on the commands you'll need for security, there are some good security based distros out there as well that can help00:17
aiconnectI know command line basics, I know shell scripting, and I would say I am a little more than average with my command line knowledge but I want to learn a lot more.00:17
backboxcomment pirater un compte facebook00:17
q_aiconnect, etherape is also a fun little tool, although I always read it as "ethe rape" :/00:18
k1l_ross_: well, i dont know a solution right now.00:19
aiconnectI know a bunch of tools to: Wireshark, John the Ripper, Snort, Nmap blah blah blah but I am far far far from great with Linux so the more I can learn here, the happier I will be :)00:20
q_aiconnect, also get your alias's setup asap, it makes using the command line 100% easier, if bash it's in ~/.bashrc00:20
q_aiconnect, oh cool youre on your way then :)00:20
aiconnectYeah I am getting there, maybe one day I will be awesome with Linux, or at least non cringe worthy to the experts haha00:21
q_aiconnect, hehe cool, well good luck, it takes a while but it's mostly fun - it definitely has a ceiling though, once your get solid with it, it's there for life00:22
q_aiconnect, it doesn't change a lot :)00:23
q_hi crosse00:23
aiconnectHi Crosse00:23
crossehaw are you00:23
=== JeDa is now known as C00lStudent
YvesLevierLinux people always feel fine.  How can we help you today?00:24
ross_ikonia: why are you such a dick?00:27
pbxcrosse, if you have a question just dive in and ask!00:27
crosseok ihave00:28
crossehow to install00:28
crossehow to install pcxsé in ubuntu 14.1000:28
kostkon!info pcsx00:30
ubottuPackage pcsx does not exist in utopic00:30
crosseoh ...no00:31
kostkon!info pcsxr00:31
ubottupcsxr (source: pcsxr): Sony PlayStation emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.92-4 (utopic), package size 817 kB, installed size 2285 kB00:31
crossethnxxxxxxx for all00:34
kostkoncrosse, np00:34
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crossekostkon ????? where are you00:38
kostkoncrosse, I'm here00:38
crossehelp me00:38
crosseto install pcsxr00:39
kostkoncrosse, either use the software centre or in the terminal, do:  sudo apt-get install pcsxr00:39
GeoHi - my 12.04 ubuntu install is fully up to date (via apt), but when I type openssl version, the date shown is from 2012. Does this mean it is not patched against heartbleed? Or am I looking at the wrong version?00:42
ikoniaGeo: no it doesn't00:43
GeoOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201200:43
crossekostkon  thnx00:43
GeoWhere should I instead be looking?00:43
ikoniayou're looking in the right place00:43
kostkoncrosse, happy to have helped00:43
crossefrom where you00:44
Geoikonia, ok, i give up, how do I tell then? :)00:44
ikoniaGeo: tell what ?00:44
Ben64Geo: apt-cache policy openssl00:44
kostkoncrosse, this is an support only channel, we can't chit-chat here unfortunately00:44
GeoIf I'm patched to the current version- that version says its from 2012, pre-heartbleed, but you said that doesnt mean it is not patched00:44
ikoniaGeo: look at the ubuntu package version00:45
ikoniathe fixes are back ported,00:45
crosseok sorry00:45
Geo1.0.1-4ubuntu5.25 - I'm used to seeing 1.0.1g , etc. How do I correlate that?00:45
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k1l_Geo: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_1.0.1-4ubuntu5.25/changelog00:46
ikonia"used to seeing" ?00:46
ikoniayou will see the version it is00:46
ikonianothing more00:46
Ben64Geo: you can look at the changelogs, but that package is from March 19th, 2015 so its good00:46
GeoBen64: just found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/00:47
Geoso yes, thank you!00:47
Guest77129is there a way to make a command use all the processors. Like "makeopts -j5" in gentoo00:47
ikoniaGuest77129: no00:47
ikoniathey are build options, not run time00:47
Guest77129ok, fair enough00:47
ikoniaprocesses will use multiple processes if they are smp aware00:47
Ben64depends on the command really, there are ways to parallelize certain things00:48
Geois there a way to relate these ubuntu packages to the openssl stable releases? ie 1.0.1g, etc00:48
ikoniaGeo: no00:48
kostkonGeo, openssl version -a   check the build date00:48
ikoniaGeo: they are not related to different versios00:48
ikoniathey are related to the version they say they are in the packages/version00:48
k1l_Geo: you are trying to go the wrong path. you are frightened of CVEs? so look at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ if the CVE is patched for your ubuntu version.00:49
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Geok1l_, nope- just trying to figure out what version I have00:49
Geoanyway, think i'm there now. thank you00:50
ikoniaGeo: you have the version in the package list00:50
ikoniaGeo: and in the openssl version option00:50
vixterraChanges I make in nvidia-settings dont persist across reboots, even when running nvidia-settings as root through gksudo. Is there some other issue with nvidia-settings in 14.10?00:50
Geoikonia: as I said twice, openssl version shows a date from 201200:50
ikoniaGeo: correct00:50
Geoso that doesn't seem to be accurate00:50
ikoniaGeo: and that is correct00:50
ikoniait is accurate00:50
k1l_Geo: itsa accurate. it just get patched00:50
Ben64OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014     \n     built on: Thu Mar 19 15:12:02 UTC 201500:51
k1l_Geo: ubuntu doesnt increase the version number but patch.00:51
Ben64because it has security fixes but its the same version00:51
k1l_Ben64: that is a 14.04?00:51
k1l_he is using the 12.0400:52
Ben64i know, but you can see two differing dates on mine too00:52
kostkonon 12.04:   OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 built on: Thu Mar 19 15:18:31 UTC 201500:52
k1l_yes of course :)00:52
TrfsrfrHaving issues burning 14.04 iso image to disc00:55
Geoahhh.... ok, so maybe this is making more sense now on some other issues I'm having. Is there any reason some code might fail with 'ssl wrong version number' as a result of this 'old patched' version being used?00:55
Geoor is *all* the stuff backported?00:55
Ben64only security stuff00:55
Georight- some python scripts using SSL/TLS (not sure which) fail00:56
Trfsrfrused brasero to write image to disk but it didn't become a boot disk.00:56
GeoWould upgrading <something> on the client machine help?00:56
Ben64Geo: upgrading to 14.04 maybe00:57
Guest77129I think get you ikonia, I was trying to wipe a drive with dd, and figured it could go faster with multiple threads, but prob would have bottlenecked at the USB anyway00:57
phixok, I am still having issues with unity, some windows open but I cannot get them to the foreground00:58
GeoBen64: so no suggested path while keeping it on 12.04?00:58
Bashing-om!md5sum | Trfsrfr (???)00:58
ubottuTrfsrfr (???): To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:58
Ben64Geo: depends what the script actually needs00:58
TrfsrfrI tried to use md5sum but its not working00:59
geniidefine "not working"01:00
TrfsrfrI would go to the terminal to use it, but the terminal says things are in my directory that are not there when I open the window01:01
TrfsrfrI just did a restart01:01
bindihow can i figure out which ubuntu version i have on my usb stick? (installation usb)01:01
Geopoking at a few things, it looks like sslv3 isnt working/being offered. This may be starting to wander off topic, but I'll leave you alone if anyone can confirm or deny that there are issues or not with sslv3 on 12.04?01:01
OerHeksbindi, date of files say something01:01
bindi21.8.2014 but still nfi :P01:02
TrfsrfrAnd I would try to change directory's but it would say directory not found01:02
bindifound "info" file. 14.0401:02
TrfsrfrI tried copying and pasting the command from the ubuntu how page, but it would say no such file, or something to that effect01:04
Trfsrfrthats why I restarted01:04
Geoor maybe python was compiled against an old openssl version?01:04
Ben64Trfsrfr: sounds like you're typing things wrong01:04
TrfsrfrBen64, I have the iso file in my download folder. what do I type to run md5sum?01:06
Ben64md5sum path/to/the.iso01:06
OerHeksTrfsrfr, it is all there, "First open a terminal and go to the correct directory to check a downloaded iso file: ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$ cd Downloads" etc01:07
Trfsrfrits there in my download folder01:08
ryanbekhencan i ask?01:09
Trfsrfrryanbekhan just ask01:09
ubuntuboyhi all01:09
ryanbekhenhow to chat from IP01:10
Ben64ryanbekhen: what do you mean? this is an ubuntu support channel, for other questions, you should find an appropriate place01:11
OerHeksryanbekhen, do as you do now.01:12
ubuntuboyI have a quick question, does anyone know why I cant stream Time Warner live tv in Ubuntu 14.10?? First it want me to install silver light, but I ended up installing pipelight, as well as Wine,, now I get the message to update flash.. but I seems like im running the latest flash...01:12
TrfsrfrI ran md5sum and got this; 1b305d585b1918f297164add46784116  ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso01:12
ZeloZelosanybody have a dell dimension 3000...how's it running?01:13
ZeloZeloswith ubuntu L)01:14
OerHeksubuntuboy, silverlight/moonlight is trouble, try chome browser instead, also for netflix with that same DRM01:14
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ubuntuboyThanks Oerheks01:14
TrfsrfrSo it's all good I see. How do I burn the image to dvd?01:14
ZeloZelosis edubuntu still being done?01:15
Trfsrfrben64, So it's all good I see. How do I burn the image to dvd?01:16
Ben64Trfsrfr: use a burning software to write it as an image to a dvd01:17
ZeloZelosguess i will have to go through all the flavors to find out ;)01:17
Bashing-omZeloZelos: Yup : http://www.edubuntu.org/download .01:17
ZeloZelosoh..thanks Bashing-om01:17
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ZeloZelosi see that the current release may run slow...can i still switch to a different window, like xfce or gnome?01:18
ZeloZelosit may be useful; i have a dell dimension 3000, and it had xp, i will be letting a friends daughter have it, but it needs to be secured, since xp is out of whatchacallit, i think ubuntu is a good choice, but i dont want to give her a paper weight...suggestions?01:20
OerHekscurrent release may run slow? don't see that on the edubuntu page01:20
Bashing-omZeloZelos: Well, one can .. but why not : http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ : or install ,imimal and install the desktop environment you choose ?01:21
ZeloZelosno on other searches01:21
Bashing-omZeloZelos: Low spec hardware try : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu .01:23
ZeloZelosoh yea, i totally forgot about lubuntu01:23
mybox1776does anyone know the command to simply make a USB drive bootable from a .ISO I downloaded?01:23
MadLambxclip is not working for me, i still have the same content after running it. Is there a way to fix or is there any other way to copy a command output?01:23
ZeloZeloskk grabbing edubuntu and lubuntu, one of those will work im sure01:24
Bashing-ommybox1776: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot .01:24
ZeloZelosthanks for the help Bashing-om ;)01:24
Bashing-omZeloZelos: :) , glad to be of some slight assist.01:25
ZeloZelosmaybe i should grab kubuntu too, kde may be a good one ;)01:26
Bashing-omMadLamb: Redirect the output to a file :; as in -> ls -al /boot > boot-file <- . Maybe work for ya .01:27
Trfsrfrben64, i tried that once using brasero, it didn't become bootable.01:27
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Ben64Trfsrfr: you can't burn it as a file though01:28
spikebonsoir  :)01:28
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Trfsrfrben64, how do I erase whats was burned onto the dvd in terminal?01:32
Ben64Trfsrfr: is it a dvdrw or dvdr01:32
phixso why is Unity so buggy for?01:33
TrfsrfrBen64, dvd+r01:33
phixand compiz, that guy is unstable01:33
Ben64Trfsrfr: then you can't erase it...01:33
TrfsrfrOkey dokey01:33
TrfsrfrBen64, I just put in a new dvd+r and a dialogue box comes up saying  Unable to mount, location is already mounted. It said this last time too.01:35
TrfsrfrI hit okay, now use cd/dvd creator? I tried this last time...01:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069964 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount Blank CD-R disc. Location is already mounted." [Low,Confirmed]01:40
OerHeksstill valid in vidid too01:40
OerHeksjust ignore that warning01:40
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VergilPrimeHey guys. I'm trying to set up keyfile authentication on my server. I have keys generated but there's no authorized_keys file or directory. I'm not sure how to generate or manually create the required file or directory.01:57
TrfsrfrOkay, I have just tried to burn an iso image to disk twice with brasero and now I have two disks that are not bootable. What am I doing wrong?01:58
VergilPrimeAre the discs super old?01:58
Trfsrfrnot really01:58
VergilPrimeThat was a problem for me. All my discs had gone crappy.01:59
ianorlin!md5sum | Trfsrfr01:59
ubottuTrfsrfr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:59
ianorlinmight be bad download01:59
Trfsrfrdownload is good, I checked with md5sum, and its good01:59
VergilPrimeIs there somewhere better to ask about SSH stuff?02:00
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ryan_46 Trfsrfr Are you using windows to do it?02:03
Bashing-omTrfsrfr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto .02:03
Trfsrfrryan_46, no im using ubuntu02:03
ryan_46Trfsrfr OK02:04
OerHeksTrfsrfr, what happens if you try?02:04
TrfsrfrOerHeks, try what?02:05
OerHeksTrfsrfr, how about "try to boot the burned dvd" ? really ...02:06
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ryan_46Trfsrfr What burning software? Are you sure you are not just copying the file instead of burning image?02:06
OerHeksryan_46, he is been told severel times howto...02:06
TrfsrfrI used brasero and I burned an image02:06
ryan_46OerHeks ok02:07
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guest223944hey guys im trying to install wine 1.7  and i keep getting package conflicts with libstarpu-1.1-7 : Conflicts: libstarpu-contrib-1.1-7 but 1.1.3+dfsg-3build3 is to be installed02:17
OerHeksguest223944, how do you try to install wine?02:19
guest223944apt-get install wine 1.702:20
guest223944using the wine ppa02:23
OerHekswine 1.7 isn't in the repos, even next vivid gives 1.6.202:23
OerHeksoh, contact the ppa owner02:23
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:23
jmfurlottAnybody here using a bluetooth mouse? Any recommendations? One that works exceptionally well with ubuntu?02:26
gr33n7007hguest223944: have you got a space between wine and 1.7 or is that typo?02:26
guest223944thats the package name02:26
Ben64the package name is not "wine 1.7"02:27
gr33n7007hso you've tried: sudo apt-get install wine1.7 ?02:27
guest223944yes it is02:27
Ben64it's really not02:27
AloeVeratry apt search wine02:27
bazhang!info wine02:27
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6 (utopic), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:27
AloeVerafind wine 1.702:27
guest223944wine1.7 has no installation canidate02:28
bazhangthe name is wine alone02:28
guest223944that will install 1.602:28
gr33n7007hguest223944: have you installed the ppa?02:28
gr33n7007hhave you updated with: sudo apt-get update ?02:28
OerHekshe got an error installing, so the name should be correct02:29
Ben64guest223944: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install wine1.7"02:29
AloeVerahe said it has no installation candidate. I personally suggest he use "apt search" to find the package he is looking for02:29
bazhangAloeVera, it's apt-cache search package02:30
AloeVeranot what I mean02:30
AloeVeraliterally just apt search02:30
AloeVerathey do different thigs as i understand02:31
gr33n7007hAloeVera: apt search?02:31
bazhangperhaps you are thinking of aptitude search02:31
AloeVeraapt search02:31
AloeVeratry it02:31
ryclikapt-cache search02:32
guest223944ive tried doing clean and autoclean already02:32
Ben64guest223944: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install wine1.7"02:32
guest223944i just did02:32
Ben64you didn't ping me, didn't see it02:32
Ben64and thats not what i said02:32
OerHeksguest223944, no, again that space in sine 1.702:32
Ben64guest223944: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install wine1.7"02:33
gr33n7007hguest you're putting a space in the package name should be wine1.702:33
guest223944look at my link02:33
OerHekshttp://sprunge.us/JJKj  ??02:33
Ben64read what i said to pastebin02:33
AloeVeraI am guessing you added a repository to get wine1.7, being it isnt in the normal ppas. did you remember to update?02:33
Ben64then look at what you actually typed02:33
OerHeksblame ubuntu :-P02:34
Ben64"wine1.7" "wine 1.7"02:34
Ben64are you really not seeing a difference02:34
guest223944dude seriously02:34
AloeVerawhy bother using wine, why not use mono02:34
Ben64yes, seriously02:34
guest223944its sudo apt-get install wine 1.702:34
Ben64it is not!02:34
guest223944holy eri[ofje9rjt02:34
Ben64just do it02:34
AloeVeraI think we are being trolled02:35
guest223944i did already02:35
Ben64you did not02:35
ryclikAloeVera: yes02:35
OerHeksguest223944, please go to softwarecenter, and select wine there02:35
Ben64you keep doing a space, do it without the space02:35
AloeVerarm -rf02:35
AloeVerarm -rf /02:35
Ben64AloeVera: not helpful02:35
guest223944wine1.7 has no installation candidate02:35
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:35
OerHeksAloeVera, you could get banned for that.02:35
Ben64guest223944: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install wine1.7"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~02:35
rycliklol @ubotty02:35
CountryfiedLinuxCan somneone give me a list of desktops that don't have the screen tearing issue?02:35
bazhangAloeVera, dont do that ever02:35
guest223944Ben64, I HAVE DONE THAT ALREADY02:36
OerHeksCountryfiedLinux, sounds like a hardware issue, not distro issue02:36
Ben64guest223944: you really haven't02:36
Ben64that has a space02:36
AloeVeraCountryfiedLinux: try kwin. sounds like a WM issue02:36
CountryfiedLinuxIt can't be a hardware issue because it doesn't happen in Windows.02:36
Ben64guest223944: pastebin it02:37
AloeVeraCountryfiedLinux: change your compositing settings02:37
guest223944E: Package 'wine1.7' has no installation candidate02:37
Ben64guest223944: pastebin it02:37
[n0mad]wouldn't that mean no repository added?02:37
[n0mad]why can't you just use the web site? https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu02:37
Ben64[n0mad]: possibly, yes02:37
Ben64[n0mad]: because that just says to add the ppa and install wine1.702:38
[n0mad]it has pretty great instructions with pictures even02:38
[n0mad]it has the command line too02:38
[n0mad]it says just what you're telling him02:38
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Ben64[n0mad]: trying to get past this first step still...02:39
guest223944im using the ppa from wine02:39
Ben64guest223944: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install wine1.7"02:39
AloeVeradid you update after adding the ppa?02:39
AloeVerayou need to sudo apt-get update02:39
guest223944ben64 your seriously not helping02:39
Ben64guest223944: help me help you02:39
petrvshelp me02:39
petrvshelp you02:39
guest223944i have gave you the output 5 different times now02:40
Ben64you gotta do things that will help, otherwise it won't help02:40
OerHeksguest223944, you are giving the same url over and over again, with the space in the name.02:40
Ben64guest223944: wine1.702:40
Ben64no space02:40
OerHeksguest223944, Ben64 is trying to help, and wants the correct output.02:40
SirMooFirefox updated... and is now broken. :( Won't launch. Might someone be able to give me an idea of what to do? Few bug reports look similar... but don't really give me a solution. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10778815/02:40
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AloeVeraBen64 his issue doesnt seem to be the space, as his package manager understands what he is looking for, his issue is that the package has no installation candidate02:41
Ben64AloeVera: i need the full command and error in a pastebin though02:41
guest223944why do i need to waste time pastebining that when it just says wine1.7 has no installation candidate02:42
Ben64because without following this first basic step, you'll never get anything done02:42
Ben64you're spending way too much time fighting02:42
SirMooPaste's are the key to happiness...02:42
OerHeksguest223944, if you did it correct, then there is a PPA problem we cant solve, contact the maintainer02:43
=== erwin is now known as PHPLearner
AloeVeraguest223944 try to install wine1.7-dev it should pull in the normal wine1.7 as a dependancy02:44
[n0mad]SirMoo, i'm pretty much new but i think you can try firefox -safemode and it will give an option to enter safe mode or reset based on some mozilla forum, could maybe try that02:44
AloeVeraif not that then try to install either wine1.7-amd64 or wine1.7-i386 depending on 64 bit or 32 bit02:44
OerHeksor just go to softwarecenter > wine02:45
[n0mad]if you don't want to reset your firefox, you may want smarter help than i can give :)02:45
gr33n7007hguest223944: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.7 #02:45
SirMoo[n0mad]: Seems to be the same result. :(02:45
Ben64SirMoo: make sure firefox is not running, then rename ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla-foo or something, then start firefox again02:46
TrfsrfrI give up. I'm going to my windows machine to put 14.04 on a disk.02:48
AloeVeraI recently modified my XFCE install to use KWIN as the window manager. this is awesome :)02:48
AloeVeraTrfsrfr what is the issue?02:48
SirMooBen64: No change.02:49
Ben64SirMoo: :(02:50
TrfsrfrAloeVera, I've tried twice now to burn the 14.04 iso image to a disk with brasero, both times it did not become a bootable disk02:50
Christian_Deathwhere am i?02:50
Ben64Christian_Death: #ubuntu, the Ubuntu support channel02:50
AloeVeraTrfsrfr what heppens when you try to boot it02:50
Bashing-omTrfsrfr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto ; http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-windows .02:50
Christian_Deathi dont use ubuntu02:50
Christian_Deathi am a microsoft heretic02:51
TrfsrfrAloeVera, it boots into my 13. 04 Os02:51
Ben64Trfsrfr: are you sure you're not burning the file to the disc?02:51
TrfsrfrBen64, yes, I've done it twice now.02:51
TrfsrfrWait up, let me try something...02:51
AloeVeraTrfsrfr try redownloading the iso, or try a different burner like xfburn or k3b02:51
TrfsrfrAloeVera, I tried installing k3b, and other programs, but since my 13.04 is EOL, I cannot install them. Gimme a sec, I'm gonna pop one of the 2 disks ive burned into my windows machine and see what happens02:53
SirMooOh. Minor success telling synaptic to reinstall...02:53
Ben64SirMoo: minor?02:53
SirMooWell, it started... Printing out similar errors.02:53
Ben64SirMoo: synaptic printed errors or the newly installed firefox02:54
SirMooBen64: Newly installed. Starting from the terminal came up with similar errors to my paste, just not seg fault.02:54
Ben64SirMoo: thats really strange, have you rebooted since02:55
TrfsrfrAloeVera, Ben64, when I put the burned disk into my windows machine the autoplay install ubuntu or open to view files dialog box comes up. Been awhile since I used that machine02:56
Ben64Trfsrfr: sounds like it burned properly then02:57
SirMooBen64: Yes. Just telling synaptic to 'reinstall' seems to have solved it. I'm going to chaulk it up to the update installing wrong. It's giving  me the (process:6688): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' faile error... But that's better than segfault since it's running. :P02:57
TrfsrfrBen64, right. But why when I put it in my 13.04 machine it doesn't boot?02:57
OerHeksTrfsrfr, sure your current 13.04 machine is 64 bit capable ?02:57
TrfsrfrOerHerks, I think so...pretty sure. Been running 64 bit for over a year now...02:58
gr33n7007hTrfsrfr: have you made cdrom boot first from bios?02:58
TrfsrfrNow that is a good question...02:59
gr33n7007hTrfsrfr: wouldn't harm to check just to make sure03:00
TrfsrfrI'm gonna restart. I'll be back in a few03:00
dima666whats up my niggaz03:03
dima666whats cracking03:03
dima666just remember that number03:03
petrvswill do03:03
[n0mad]what's the number again?03:04
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OerHeks!language | dima666 such insults are not welkcome,03:04
ubottudima666 such insults are not welkcome,: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList03:04
petrvs[n0mad]: 42?03:05
dima66642 strategies of war03:05
shafoxWhile my windows laptop is getting better (better is 3 bars )wifi signal my ubuntu 14.04 is getting very less (less is 1 signal) signal. accessing the same wifi connection from same place (distance to the router is same)03:15
elkydima666: please go elsewhere with that nonsense03:15
shafoxWhat would i do to make the ubuntu get more signal so that the internet is fast03:15
OerHeksshafox, led lights do not say how good your connection is, test it with speedtest.03:17
OerHeksand compare with windows03:17
elkyshafox: are they actually different? have you checked with speedtest.net or similar?03:17
shafoxOerHeks: Not talking about led lights but rather the wifi icon that shows up while connected to the wifi.03:17
shafoxelky: I have not tested with speedtest.net but it feels fast in windows. the response is instant in windows but in ubuntu it takes several seconds03:18
petrvsshafox: connect it to a wire?03:18
jason__I actually experienced something similar.03:19
shafoxpetrvs: that is the last solution. in the mean time i would like to try any other options that might have.03:19
jason__I switched from windows to Ubuntu and my wireless was behaving really poorly, then I moved my router closer and everything was solved.03:19
shafoxjason__: that i am considering. and yes if i move close to router or vice cersa the signal strength increses and the browsing is fast03:20
OerHeksmoving the antenna position can do some good to03:20
elkyshafox: is it dual boot or is it a different network card?03:20
shafoxelky: different machine.03:20
OerHeksstill want to see speedtest comparison03:20
petrvsbetter router03:20
petrvsdifferent channel03:21
OerHeksoh, different machine ..03:21
elkyshafox: that's probably why. for all i know one might be a and one might be n03:21
shafoxOerHeks: will run it in a sec03:21
shafoxubuntu has this Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Ralink RT3290LE 802.11bgn 1x1 Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 Combo Adapter03:22
shafoxwindows machine is off now.03:22
random313495Does Ubuntu have a mechanism to go back one distribution like the upposite of apt-get dist-pugrade?03:29
petrvsrandom313495: I believe not, but I'm sure you could do it if you reaaalllllyyyy wanted03:29
petrvsalthough just having a backup/snapshot would make it dead simple03:29
petrvsin the end it's just data, you copy it around, and land somewhere03:30
petrvsthat somewhere can be an older version if you put forth enough effort/planning03:30
petrvsdowngrading in general, though, is a silly thing03:30
OerHeksrandom313495, no, there is no downgrade03:30
petrvs"keep moving forward" and all that03:30
random313495okay, fresh install it is then03:31
[n0mad]shafox https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/104946603:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049466 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support of Ralink RT3290 wifi support" [Medium,Confirmed]03:31
petrvsrandom313495: why's that?03:31
random313495Near as I can tell, 14.10 isn't compatible with my graphics card.03:32
Ben64random313495: which card03:33
random313495It's an msi card with an nvidia 750ti.  It works fine with 14.04, but but 14.10.03:33
calcmandantesting owncloud on ubuntu server 14.10 on a vm. Installed stock apache2 and moved the owncloud folder to /var/www. followed installation instructions on owncloud's site. I get the login screen and begin creating the admin account, but it says it can't write to /var/www/data. looked at a few forum posts but they seem to have to do with data dirs being placed on other drives/mounts.03:34
shafox[n0mad]: what should i do ?03:34
Ben64random313495: should work on 14.10, just need the xorg-edgers ppa or something03:34
shafox[n0mad]: and i am on 14.04 btw.03:38
random313495ben64:  I dount it.  I've tried every driver I can find and this card just plain won't work under 14010.  It's a quirky one.03:39
kWO901I want to crack the handshake but can't afford to keep my pc woring at 100% cpu capacity for days. any suggestion?03:39
kWO901does anyknow now where i could get a free VPS or something where i could run a bruteforce? as my pc is too weak03:39
[n0mad]shafox, many in that thread are on 14.04. if you mouse over the listing for ubuntu at the top it shows just uploaded upstream like 2 weeks ago03:39
Ben64random313495: you have to add the ppa03:39
[n0mad]i'm still trying to see what the patch is everyone is referring to on there. i've never read launchpad before03:40
explodesHey everyone! I'm setting up Samba right now and it's working great, I have the standard "share" directory w/ authentication. I also want to share a folder on a different drive. it is owned by evan:evan at /media/media/Music and when I view it from a Mac, the folder appears empty. I assume it's permissions?03:40
OerHekskWO901, wrong channel, this is ubuntu support only..03:42
calcmandannevermind figured it out.03:43
random313495ben64, it isn't just a driver issue.  I cant even get a recovery console working under 14.10.  8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 10.04, 12.04, 12.10, and 14.04  all work well enough to get an X desktop.  14.10 doesn't work installed on HDD of from a LiveUSB.  It isn't a bad download.  14.10 is just plainbroken.03:44
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[n0mad]shafox, posts #177 and 178 appear to be the patch people are talking about for 14.0403:44
Ben64random313495: well i'd suggest sticking with 14.04 until 16.04 anyway03:45
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kris_ok hey i just upload this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyqt9Fqn_6M to show u how my computer atcs on its own, its hard to explain and making a vid was the only kind of thing i could come up with03:45
random313495Ben64: I agree completely, just for different reasons.03:46
random313495Anyway, off to do a reinstall.  Good night.03:46
cfhowlettkris_, please stop cross posting in different channels.03:46
explodesyea kris_ what gives03:47
DatCholbyi just rm'd my hard drive03:47
DatCholbyhelp what do03:47
kris_i use xubuntu but i posted the same one here UBUNTU, cause its basaclisly the same not?03:47
DatCholbyits gone03:47
petrvsDatCholby: what'd you do exactly?03:47
phillips1012did anyone just get visual artifacts lasting 3 seconds with firefox03:48
phillips10123 people I know just got it03:48
petrvsDatCholby: what'd you run?03:48
petrvsphillips1012: wasn't using firefox just then03:48
DatCholbyrm / -rf03:48
petrvsDatCholby: no you didn't03:48
petrvsDatCholby: go joke elsewhere03:48
phillips1012it's as if the timestamp just bugged out and firefox noticed03:48
cfhowlettDatCholby, posting malicious command will get you swatted ... bbye03:49
petrvsforgot what cholby meant for a moment03:49
petrvsphillips1012: the wha?03:49
petrvsit's so easy to upgrade that joke, and yet they don't03:50
petrvsjmaradin: I know how you feel, man03:55
jmaradinso I have a weird situation, but what it boils down to is that I am trying to login a ubuntu server installation that I have installed what I believe to be gnome-desktop-environment on. When I try to launch the default gnome instance from lightdm, I am returned a blackscreen.04:04
jmaradinthe Mate and fallback gnome interfaces will however work.04:05
petrvsjmaradin: grep EE $(/var/log/Xorg*log | tail -1) | pastebinit04:07
jmaradinpetrvs: looks like I am getting a permission denied on that commmand04:10
gr33n7007hjmaradin: grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log | tail -1 | pastebinit04:11
petrvsdoes dash not do $()?04:11
petrvsjmaradin: oh, ha04:12
petrvsjmaradin: should've been $(ls /var/...04:12
jmaradinok that worked.04:13
petrvscute prompt04:14
petrvsor is that pastebinit magic? Don't know it =)04:14
kris_vid just added https://youtu.be/apQkQcDpMkM04:15
petrvsjmaradin: you have gnome-session? (which gnome-session)?04:15
jmaradinOh its my prompt.04:15
petrvskris_: neato04:15
jmaradinpart of zsh04:15
jmaradin3.14 looks like.04:16
petrvsjmaradin: I think I'd, um04:16
petrvsjmaradin: make a new user to rule out some kind of home dir cache/config nonsense04:16
jmaradinI can try that.04:16
gr33n7007hkris_: maybe ask in #debian04:17
jmaradinit really is something weird for sure.04:17
petrvsthat seems to come up a lot in here, IME04:17
petrvsends up being ~/.cache or ~/.local04:17
jmaradinAlso, I am not really running that session on that machinel..04:17
petrvsbut you can just try with a spanking new user to find out quick if that'll be the issue04:17
jmaradinI am loading it over xdmcp to a windows box running Xming.04:17
petrvshrmmm, oh04:17
petrvsyeah, hard to say04:18
petrvsit wouldn't surprise me if GNOME 3's accelerated window manager and other things04:18
petrvsif enabled04:18
petrvswould choke on that04:18
jmaradinIts very very possible.04:18
petrvsif you have another wm, you could tell it to use that (with gnome) and rule that out04:18
jmaradinOh Mate worked..04:19
petrvsor possibly just figure out how to disable accelerated/effects, if possible, I don't use GNOME =)04:19
jmaradinNo Hidpi settings.04:19
petrvsI doubt you need a GUI for hidpi settings, how often would you change that, once?04:19
jmaradinwell mate worked, but everything was too small04:20
jmaradinI have 3 4k monitors in portrait resolution04:20
jmaradingnome's hidpi stuff works, but only if I am using it.04:20
jmaradinI have ran linux directly on this machine before and it works quite well. I just normally am booted into windows on this machine as it also has some of my school software I need in windows on it.04:21
petrvsgebus, you rich devil :p04:21
jmaradinI have a linux "server", really just a laptop that I don't use right now.04:22
petrvsI'm sure you can get the dpi stuff working fine regardless, but I've no experience with that04:22
jmaradinHonestly, not so much. They were 475 on sale each.04:22
* petrvs tries to remember the last time he had a spare $475 :p04:22
jmaradinfor nice 27 inch ips lcd's04:22
jmaradinyah I know what you mean petrvs. My software dev internships paid well though :)04:23
jmaradinyah and same thing happened with another user.04:23
trfsrfrTo Ben64, AloeVera, and all the others especially the person with the long number name, thank you for all your help tonight. It took me changing the boot order in BIOS to get things going. I am now running 14.04, and so far all is good. Thank you all, and I love Ubuntu!04:24
jmaradinmeh, Ill just do what I normally do. Putty plus sshfs ;)04:24
petrvsmmm, sshfs04:25
petrvswhat's putty for?04:25
petrvsin your use case04:25
jmaradinmostly so I can use vim04:26
jmaradinand compile, run stuff on the linux machine where I do all my dev work on.04:26
petrvsoh, stuck in insane OS land? :)04:26
trfsrfrWhoops, major typo. Thanks to Ben64, AloeVera, and person with the long number name, all good now!04:26
jmaradinyeah unfortunately with my desktop I am.,04:26
jmaradinmy work laptop is running ubuntu fully now.04:27
petrvsknow how you feel, sometimes04:27
jmaradinwhich makes me really happy.04:27
jmaradinI actually like keeping a windows machine around for gaming, as not all of my games are linux compatible yet anyhow.04:27
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petrvsI don't game, I'm old and mean :)04:28
petrvsI play life04:28
jmaradinplus my keyboard does not like linux for some reason04:28
petrvssure it does04:28
jmaradinits a corsair k70 rgb04:28
[n0mad]my wallpaper says "life is a game"04:29
jmaradinLife is definitely a game.04:29
petrvslooks colorful04:29
petrvs[n0mad]: link?04:29
petrvslooks like an ordinary 108 key otherwise04:29
jmaradinwall paper on my laptop == http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=8248404:30
petrvsI find wallpapers distracting, but04:31
jmaradinI like minimalist wallpapers for the most part04:31
petrvsI do want to make a script that loads a different wikipedia commons picture of the year candidate every day04:31
petrvs'cause some of those are amazing, and not too distracting usually04:31
[n0mad]it's this one http://wallpaperforcomputer.net/60583-life-is-a-game-wallpaper.html04:31
petrvsparticularly the nature ones04:31
trfsrfrHow do I bring all of my saved internet favorites into 14.04?04:31
petrvstrfsrfr: from IE?04:32
trfsrfrpetrvs, no from 13.0404:32
petrvstrfsrfr: you do a clean install or what?04:32
trfsrfrpetrvs, no I upgraded04:33
petrvstrfsrfr: they're not there already?04:33
petrvstrfsrfr: what browser?04:33
petrvstrfsrfr: du -hs ~/.mozilla/firefox/* | sort -h04:34
petrvsif you have two profile dirs, the larger is likely your older one04:34
trfsrfrCool, gimme a min or two04:34
petrvsthe short way is to close firefox, then mv -n newprofile elsewhere; mv -n oldprofile newprofile04:35
petrvsbut you can also run firefox -ProfileManager04:35
petrvsand point and click for ages04:36
trfsrfrpetrvs, I am not so savvy. before I upgraded I saved them to an external HD.04:36
trfsrfrits a json file04:37
petrvstrfsrfr: that's pretty savvy04:37
trfsrfrpetrvs, lol, thanks but I really dont know what im doing04:37
petrvsI usually open firefox and open bookmarks, and export to an html file if I thought of it ahead of time04:38
petrvsotherwise I just copy over the profile dir04:38
[n0mad]i'm not a firefox user really but they don't have like chrome where all your bookmarks stay with your firefox user?04:38
trfsrfrand that is the savvy that I am not04:38
petrvs[n0mad]: yup, in the profile dir04:38
petrvsunless you mean some chrome awfulness where all your personal data is on google servers :p04:39
petrvsf that04:39
petrvstrfsrfr: you only have .json files and not the whole profile, then?04:39
trfsrfrIts just a json file on an external HD that I dont know how to get into my new firefox04:39
petrvstrfsrfr: named what?04:40
[n0mad]haha, yeah, like that...i figured firefox had that same ability so you can sync firefox between systems/mobile/etc04:40
petrvsoh, yeah04:40
trfsrfrinternet bookmarks-201504-08.json04:40
petrvsfirefox sync04:40
six_How do i connect to WPA with Ubuntu on a DLink DWL-520+04:40
petrvsit's opt-in04:40
petrvsless awful things are opt-in04:40
petrvstrfsrfr: eh, did you rename that?04:40
petrvstrfsrfr: what's 'file' say it is?04:41
trfsrfrpetrvs, you mean "file" in the unity bar?04:42
petrvstrfsrfr: no, from a terminal, 'file path/to/foo.json'04:42
trfsrfryou lost me04:42
petrvstrfsrfr: know how to open a terminal?04:43
petrvstrfsrfr: nevermind, we'll just assume it's the right thing04:43
trfsrfrpetrvs, okay, lol04:43
trfsrfrnow what?04:43
petrvstrfsrfr: open firefox, CTRL+SHIFT+o, Import and Backup, Restore04:44
jmaradinOk, so it appears that the issue for me is that when I tried installing the gnome-desktop stuff on the ubuntu-server 14.04 install. I configured my actual work laptop to accept xdmcp connections and my normal stuff shows up on the desktop. Quite nicely too.04:44
jmaradinbut when I copy those config files over to the "server" it does not work. Very weird.04:45
petrvstrfsrfr: next time I'd backup the whole profile dir, it's not that much data04:45
petrvsin fact the cost of storage these days, just backup all of /home/04:45
trfsrfrpetrvs, you friggin rock! Thank you!04:45
jmaradinOh well, I'm sure ill be reinstalling that server at some point. Ill make sure to install my DE at load time.04:45
petrvstrfsrfr: =)04:45
trfsrfrI wish I was as super cool as most of the peeps here. I already backed up everything prior to the upgrade, just needed the bookmarks.04:47
petrvsah, gj04:47
petrvssuper cool = thousands of lifetimes wasted04:47
trfsrfrLOl, yes indeed. Well said.04:47
linociscoi want to setup ubuntu webserver on virtualbox using dynamic dns. what do I do?04:56
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aeon-ltda lot of routing04:57
petrvswell, some routing04:57
petrvsset it up, then talk to #vbox04:58
petrvsit's not that bad, really04:58
histolinocisco: install it then install ddclient04:58
linociscohisto, that part is done04:58
histolinocisco: okay then install webserver of your choice. apache nginx whatever04:59
linociscohisto, then how to publish web and how can public access my webserver on vbbox Guest?05:00
six_Why would a DLink DWL-520+ be crashing ubuntu (when connecting to router - no security on router)?05:03
petrvslinocisco: the dyndns client will take care of that05:03
petrvssix_: crashing?05:03
six_sends it "terminal" or whatever, cant use keyboard.05:04
six_with a bunch of error messages05:04
six_tried with Ubuntu 11.04 and 14.04 Live05:04
histolinocisco: you need to setup your network conneciton in vbox settings to get it's own ip from your router. Then you need to tell your router to forward all incoming web traffic (port 80) to the ip of the vbox guest05:09
dcrouchLooking to mimic a backup that was done through another service.  I'm finding the following missing from tar --one-file-system --numeric-owner  I see them both mentioned here.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR   Is there something additional I can add to tar to allow more support?05:13
linociscohisto, i have only local ip, but on router or firewall or proxy or whatever device at office , i dont have access. I would like to make sure if something on the path is clear or reachable in out or not before I proceed everything. which tools on ubuntu might be best to test?05:14
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dima666hey anybody sitting in #css channel?05:24
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basichashIs there a cli network utility that shows download speed / ping?05:41
trfsrfrwow! just upgraded from 13.04 to 14.04, went online to a youtube video and it locked up. Mouse still worked, but nothing else. Had to do a hard shutdown. This was the initial test run of the new OS. Any thoughts?05:42
digitsmI have added xorg-edgers PPA to support my new nvidia GTX 750ti graphic card05:45
digitsmBut I guess that there are more than just "nvidia-346" packages out there05:45
digitsmI fear that those new (unstable) packages break my whole pc05:46
digitsmIs there any way to only install nvidia driver (and related packages) from xorg-edgers PPA and not something else?05:46
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:52
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sjmbasichash, bwm-ng?05:58
cayphedHey, anyone here?06:04
lotuspsychjecayphed: 1700 users are06:05
basichashsjm: does it have a good UI?06:05
cayphedThanks lotuspsychje, was wondering if I got in ok.06:05
basichashwhat's the best browser for ubuntu? Chrome's great, but its memory use is out of control06:08
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | basichash06:09
ubottubasichash: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 41.0.2272.76-0ubuntu0. (utopic), package size 49530 kB, installed size 181383 kB06:09
basichashlotuspsychje: is that chromium-bsu (package)?06:09
lotuspsychjebasichash: bsu?06:10
basichashlotuspsychje: apt-get says no 'chromium' is available, but is referred to by 'chromium-bsu' and 'chromium-bsu:i386'06:10
lotuspsychjebasichash: did you read the packagename i just triggered to you?06:11
basichashlotuspsychje: thanks06:12
lotuspsychjebasichash: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser06:12
basichashlotuspsychje: got it06:12
lotuspsychjebasichash: if you want a really more lightweight browsing, you can try links2 also (from terminal)06:13
basichashlotuspsychje: terminal-based like lynx?06:13
lotuspsychjebasichash: yes06:13
kris_<kris_> What has went wrong with my install??? 3-4 times the same things happen, ben installing for over an week now!!... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54txAN1v5-o06:13
lotuspsychje!info links2 | basichash06:13
ubottubasichash: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (utopic), package size 1834 kB, installed size 3007 kB06:13
basichashlotuspsychje: ah i need it for dev, has to be a proper GUI06:14
Ben64kris_: ask #debian ... this channel is for Ubuntu only06:14
lotuspsychjebasichash: ok06:14
lotuspsychje!info preload | basichash try this one also for smoother program loading06:18
ubottubasichash try this one also for smoother program loading: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (utopic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB06:18
basichashlotuspsychje: what does it do exactly?06:21
lotuspsychjebasichash: it preloads your programs, for smoother use of it06:22
basichashlotuspsychje: ah sweet, cheers06:25
lotuspsychjebasichash: np, it needs a reboot to make the deamon run06:26
gunndawgI'm kind of new to linux and wondering what the linux-headers and  linux-generic updates are that just came thru? Just generic system updates  or what?06:30
lotuspsychjegunndawg: those are kernel updates mate06:30
gunndawgah ok06:31
lotuspsychjegunndawg: thats normal, and will need a reboot after06:31
gunndawgvery well. thank you lotuspsychje06:31
lotuspsychjegunndawg: if you need anything on ubuntu just ask here :p06:31
gunndawglotuspsychje: will do, thanks again bud.06:32
lotuspsychjeno sweat06:32
=== skip is now known as S|{ip
gunndawglotuspsychje: actually one more question. Does it matter if I use the Update Center or apt-get upgrade? both found 'em06:32
lotuspsychjegunndawg: you can do both ways: update icon, or sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal06:33
gunndawglotuspsychje: so same results, gotcha. thank you06:33
lotuspsychjegunndawg: but automatic updates via the icon are handy, to know when new updates are available06:34
lotuspsychjegunndawg: the fastest way would be manually daily updates tru terminal, sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade06:35
gunndawglotuspsychje: that's what I tend to do, several times a day actually just incase something comes thru06:36
gunndawgis the update center just a GUI front end for apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?06:36
lotuspsychjegunndawg: well on ubuntu you are pretty safe default, more then daily updates are not requiered06:36
S|{ipHi Guys, I'm after some help in configuring OpenSSHServer to run applications through to a SSH client (Putty on Windows). Enabled X11Forwarding yes in SSHD_config but receiveing Can't open display: localhost:10.006:37
lotuspsychjegunndawg: yes06:37
lotuspsychje!ssh | S|{ip06:37
ubottuS|{ip: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:37
gunndawglotuspsychje: very well.06:37
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)06:38
gunndawgWell that kernel update did something GREAT, though unexpected and cant make sense of it06:41
lotuspsychjegunndawg: what happened06:41
gunndawglotuspsychje: I've never had GRUB come up and ask me if I want to boot to Windows 7(on a completely separate HDD), or Ubuntu. I've always had to go into BIOS and change the default boot drive. This makes it easier. But why would a kernel update suddenly present me with a GRUB loader?06:42
lotuspsychjegunndawg: you change dualboot Os loading with bios?06:43
lotuspsychjegunndawg: this is just why they invented grub to make things easier switch the Os you want to boot06:44
gunndawglotuspsychje: I've changed nothing. If I ever needed Windows I'd just go into bios and change boot option #1 to my Windows 7 HDD, It's always just booted to my first Boot Device #1. Now GRUB loader actually asks me06:44
gunndawglotuspsychje: I understand what its purpose is. What I'm trying to figure out is why all of a sudden its showing up?06:45
gunndawgI've been using this install of Ubuntu for about 3 weeks now and never once saw a GRUB loader until I re booted after that kernel update06:45
lotuspsychjegunndawg: did you try more then 1 reboot, sometimes it shows up an dissapears06:45
gunndawgno I only did the 1 reboot after the updates installed.06:45
lotuspsychjegunndawg: try another one first plz06:46
gunndawgwill do, brb06:46
OerHeksmaybe you pressed shift during boot, that would show the grubmenu06:46
gunndawgsure enough it came up again, I ddint press anything. I'm glad it does though, just not sure why ALL OF A SUDDEN, heh06:48
lotuspsychjegunndawg: then you might wanna edit grub then and sudo update-grub after and reboot06:48
gunndawglotuspsychje: why?06:49
lotuspsychjegunndawg: to edit the grub timeout06:49
lotuspsychjeso it doesnt show anymore06:49
gunndawgI told you that I want it to. I think its GREAT06:49
gunndawgI've wanted it to come up06:49
gunndawgbut never had it06:49
gunndawgWhat I am trying to figure out is why it started to come up after that kernel update? I've always wanted it to come up, but it never has. Now after I update kernel it comes up06:50
lotuspsychjegunndawg: wait, you want a grub every boot?06:50
gunndawglotuspsychje: It doesnt bother me. In the event I need to boot into another OS, it could be handy, unless you have a more efficient way?06:51
gunndawgI guess every reboot might be a bit much, what are the other options?06:51
lotuspsychjegunndawg: you make it all harder on yourself mate, with that bios trick06:52
gunndawglotuspsychje: I agree, that's why I'm happy that GRUB comes up. I think we're not understanding each other06:52
lotuspsychjegunndawg: the way i would do this, is edit grub to 2sec and edit grub to load your Os you want06:52
lotuspsychjegunndawg: if you still want, the other Os you still got 2sec06:52
gunndawgalright, how would I go about editing grub?06:53
lotuspsychje!grub | gunndawg06:54
ubottugunndawg: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:54
gunndawgso sudo into etc/default/grub06:54
gunndawgI"ll look around06:54
lotuspsychjegunndawg: and sudo update-grub after you edit06:55
gunndawglotuspsychje: so it's the Hidden_timeout I want to set, right?06:56
gunndawgits currently at 006:56
lotuspsychjegunndawg: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148095/how-do-i-set-the-grub-timeout-and-the-grub-default-boot-entry06:57
gunndawgalright thanks06:58
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
gunndawglotuspsychje: Now if I can only get the Plymouth animation and login box/screen to appear on my primary monitor once booted I'll be set (until the next issues), heh06:59
digitsmI have to PCs having nvidia gtx 750 ti07:01
digitsmI installed nvidia-346 on both07:02
digitsmOn my xubuntu everything went ok, but when I want to update, it wants to update ~80MBs07:02
digitsmI am sure that most those updates are from xorg-edgers PPA07:03
digitsmI want to know whether those updates may be dangerous and unstable?07:03
digitsmAnd what could I do to not update anything else from xorg-edgers PPA except nvidia drivers?07:04
S|{ipAny reconmendations of a file manager application to run on X over SSH ?07:04
gunndawgremove the PPA?07:04
digitsmgunndawg, Hmmm. yeah, simple idea07:04
digitsmgunndawg, If I remove the PPA  and ubuntu update its kernel, is it possible to I encouter problem?07:05
OerHeksdigitsm, why would updates be bad?07:05
digitsmHello OerHeks. Nice to chat you!07:05
OerHeksand currently there are a lot of updates, firefox, kernel, and more07:06
digitsmOerHeks, Because xorg-edgers is on the edges. So it's not stable any more07:06
digitsmOerHeks, I installed 14.04.1 LTS to become stable07:07
digitsmI am an android developer, and doesn't have time to correct problems made by updates in the future07:07
MadLambdoes any knows why this doesnt work for me? http://askubuntu.com/questions/53119/how-do-i-kill-a-locked-ssh-session07:07
[Saint]LTS != "stable"07:07
[Saint]People need to learn that.07:07
OerHekscurrent is 14.04.2 so you might get more updates.07:07
digitsm[Saint], But debian stable (wheezy) has very old packages. I can't use that for development07:08
Ben64digitsm: what is your actual issue07:08
digitsmBen64, Hello ben07:09
[Saint]in a word.07:09
OerHeksMadLamb, did you try "~. [enter] " too ?07:09
linociscohisto, ?07:09
histolinocisco: ?07:09
MadLambOerHeks, yes, i hit enter and nothing happens. the terminal is completely frozen07:09
basichashWhat's a good tool for diagnosing my connection? I've currently downloading tweets from twitters api, but everytime after several thousand have been downloaded my node app just stops. How can i troubleshoot this?07:09
linociscohisto,I am now installing ubuntu server and now at the stage of tasksel07:10
basichash(other websites are still accessible, despite the the download stream stopping)07:10
histolinocisco: if you don't have access to the router to forward web traffic to the vm or whatever machine you choose. You are going no where.07:10
linociscohisto, i selected only openssh server, and LAMP. is it enough to install webserver?07:10
[Saint]basichash: that doesn't sound like your issue - that sounds like rate limiting.07:10
MadLambOerHeks, oh it just unfrozen now. I'm not sure it was because of me issuing commands or something else. ill try again next time. thx anyway.07:10
histolinocisco: yes but see my previous comments about forwarding the traffic via the router.07:10
histolinocisco: how is the outside world going to get to this box?07:11
linociscohisto, myname.ddns.net is working07:12
linociscohisto, using local ip07:12
digitsmBen64, I have many issues: 1. I want to become stable, I fear future updates (not related to nvidia) may break my ubuntu in the future. 2. I have to connect to internet through VPN, and by using that VPN connecting to PPA get very slow. Last night I partially updated my second ubuntu (unity) after installing nvidia driver on it, and boom, it doesn't boot any more 3. I nuked my second ubuntu (unity). I have btrfs snapshot of a correct state, but I can't eve07:12
digitsmn boot to linux to roll back to it07:12
histolinocisco: right which hits the router but not the box behind it right07:12
digitsmBen64, By future updates I mean those from xorg-edgers07:12
histolinocisco: you need to tell the router to forward web traffic to the internal ip of server07:13
linociscohisto, no. it hits until my Host machine that host my Virtual Ubutu server guest07:13
histolinocisco: setup virtualbox to pull another ip on the guest.  Bridged connection under networking07:13
basichash[Saint]: ah got you07:13
linociscohisto, yes. i did already07:13
Ben64digitsm: 1. updates are good 2. then don't use the vpn? 3.  btrfs is not really the best choice07:14
histolinocisco: then why would the web traffic be hitting your host?07:14
basichash[Saint]: the thing is though, that if i restart the application then it continues downloaded without any issues07:14
histolinocisco: you need to port forward 80 to your guest's ip07:14
linociscohisto, installation of ubuntu webserver is still not finished. now installing grub07:15
[Saint]basichash: it would get a new response code then, and be a "new" session, no?07:15
[Saint]basichash: IIRC I hit a rate limiting snafu with Twitter a while back, but I can't recall offhand if there's easily googleable limits definied.07:16
basichash[Saint]: if that's the case, is there a way to automate the restarting of my app when it hits that limit?07:16
[Saint]From memory rate limits get evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so I may be marking up the wrong tree.07:16
[Saint]*barking, even.07:17
[Saint]lets see what Twitter has to say.07:17
digitsmBen64, 1. Once I updated to kernel 3.16 and I couldn't install nvidia driver on it anymore. For a developer updates are not necessarily good 2. I don't have any other choice than VPN now! 3. I know ext4 adn xfs are more stable than btrfs, but because I am a developer, sometime I install so much packages and many configs. I feel safe by snapshot feature of btrfs07:17
[Saint]Hmmm, rather bland and nondescript.07:17
Ben64digitsm: no, updates are definitely always good. as a developer, you should be concerned with security, updates bring security07:18
histolinocisco: you can install whatever you want. but if you don't have access to the router good luck.07:18
[Saint]digitsm: pro tip - also as a developer:07:19
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest43238
[Saint]Do NOT, EVER store ANYTHING you care about on BTRFS>07:19
[Saint]like, ...ever.07:20
[Saint]If you give a crap about your data, and don't want to keep countless offsite backups, BTRFS is not your friend.07:20
=== Guest43238 is now known as deadmau5
[Saint]In time, this will hopefully change. However, we're not there yet.07:21
[Saint]We're not even close.07:21
basichash[Saint]: so are there no rate limits for the streaming api: "without having to worry about polling or REST API rate limits" -> tps://dev.twitter.com/streaming/public07:21
deadmau5i like linux chat better07:23
[Saint]Oh ohhh, edgy techno name guy thinks we're boring.07:23
linociscohi all , i have configured static network address under /etc/network/interface but it is not updated using /etc/init.d/networking restart and ip addr07:24
linociscowhat do I do?07:24
FayliteComes to a support chat, says it's boring *facepalm*07:24
Harishello all07:26
Harishow to upgade individual packages ?07:26
HarisI tried aptitude upgrade package-name, apt-get -u <package-name>. it doesn't work07:26
FlannelHaris: `sudo apt-get install foo` will update the package `foo` to the latest version07:26
Harisah ok07:27
[Saint]"apt-get install --only-upgrade $package_name_here"07:27
basichashanyone here involved with big data?07:28
* [Saint] points out Flannel isn't wrong either, and neither is he, it's just two different "right"s.07:28
histobasichash: big data?07:28
[Saint]Haris: I'll point out the difference, though, as there is one.07:28
histolinocisco: is this on a desktop?07:28
basichashhisto: analysing large datasets07:29
linociscohisto, no server07:29
[Saint]My version will *only* upgrade that package.07:29
histobasichash: whats your question07:29
[Saint]Flannel's version will install new packages as well.07:29
[Saint]like new recommends, etc. not necessarily required.07:29
histolinocisco: do you have dhcp-client installed?07:30
BBLLCCwhat 3 keys do I have to press to change the application I am using?07:30
BBLLCCor the active window07:30
BBLLCCctrl alt caps?07:31
linociscohisto, how can I check?07:31
[Saint]this one, that one, and the other one.07:31
Ben64BBLLCC: alt+tab ? or am i reading your question wrong07:31
linociscohisto, i m getting auto dhcp ip07:31
histolinocisco: dpkg -l | grep dhcp07:31
linociscohisto, but I have changed in inteface file manually07:31
BBLLCCthanks Ben6407:31
linociscohisto, yes. i have07:32
histolinocisco: pastebin your interfaces file07:32
basichashhisto: i want to get into big data / machine learning / dat analysis. I've been downloading tweets from twitters stream for the last day, wondering how i can get into this field using this data07:32
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
histobasichash: this is not the right place. try #ubuntu-offtopic07:34
histolinocisco: your interfaces files is most likely messed up07:35
linociscohisto, why?07:35
digitsm[Saint], What if I break my root?07:37
digitsmIsn't btrfs better for having snapshots?07:37
digitsm[Saint], On my broken btrfs ubuntu installation my btrfs file system and snapshots are completely healthy. The only problem is that grub can't find the btrfs root07:40
linociscohisto, i rebooted. now ok07:42
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
Harishow can one see a list of packages on a repo ?07:45
HarisI need to see a list of packages from datastax repo to check which version of apache cassandra is available for install07:45
TheNumbHaris: apt-cache policy <packagename>07:46
htqpdigitsm: what happens? grub prompt?07:46
Hariswildcards work ?07:46
htqpapt-cache policy pkg* searches for package names containing 'pkg' (imho it's counterintuitive since it looks as a trailing wildcard, but...)07:48
Harishow can I tell apt-get/aptitude which version of the package to install ?07:48
HarisI need cassandra 2.0.14, dsc20 for this install07:48
Harisversion table has a lot of stuff in it07:49
Harisbut no package names that I can put in the command07:49
Harisah, packagename=version from man page07:50
Ben64i'm not seeing any package called cassandra07:50
franco__ciao tutto bene07:54
OerHeks!it | franco__07:54
ubottufranco__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:54
=== amin is now known as amflir
* twistedcheshire came in here to ask a question, got here, and now can't remember what the question was.08:14
phixtwistedcheshire: hehe08:15
phixmaybe it wasn;t that important08:16
twistedcheshireWell if I took the time to get on IRC, then it had to have been. Damnit! LOL08:16
ebonicsanyone know why jpeg files would be appearing as flat black images, but show up properly when displayed with imagemagick or after using convert on them?08:16
phixebonics: the decoder isnt installed?08:17
digitsmhtqp: Could you please help me recover my grub/kernel back?08:18
ebonicsphix, no that's not the problem :/08:25
ebonicsit seems that the image is corrupted somehow, even though it has never been modified on that box08:26
geirhawhat does identify say about it?08:27
jzp113hi  someone know RFID08:36
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
inerkickHi I got Ricoh, printer. But when I connect that with my ubuntu 14.04 installed laptop and give any print, it just keeps showing processing. But not works. Anyone could help me here . please?08:38
Harisguys, need help -> http://pastebin.ca/296974708:40
Harisits not selinux but something is stopped from ntp being installed or worked up08:45
Harisselinux is disabled on this box. I should not be getting this error msg08:48
survietaminehello, because we have a lot of machines, we want to pin versions of some packages, but after "apt-get update", older pinned version may become unavailable.08:56
survietamineI can see that firefox 36.0.4 is still available on launchpad : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/firefox08:56
survietaminehow can I add this into Apt sources.list ?08:57
OerHekssurvietamine, bad idea to pinning a browser09:02
shivanyone thr09:05
shivcan anyone let me know that snmp tree browser using a mib file09:05
ANJ7anyone would like to join me at ##Godhelps ?09:12
cfhowlettANJ7, no09:14
ANJ7ok, ignore if no09:14
cfhowlettANJ7, channel topic is ubuntu support, please09:14
OerHeksANJ7, please keep this channel free for ubuntu support, thanks.09:14
ANJ7oh, ok09:15
TheNumbANJ7: for offtopic join #ubuntu-offtopic09:16
survietamineOerHeks: yes, it is bad, but some dev asked us to pin it09:17
Giwrgarasvirtual box does not have a graphics card ? can i play games in it?09:18
survietamineOerHeks: so, if older releases are downloadable from launchpad.net, can I add some lines in sources.list ?09:18
ANJ7 09:18
survietamineOerHeks: I don't feel comfortable with launchpad and ppa09:18
OerHekssurvietamine, not that i know of, usually we download tru apt-get. and apt-get does not give FF 3609:20
k1lGiwrgaras: virtualbox only simulates hardware to the guest OS inside the vbox. that is the idea behind all that. install the guest additions. but performance will never be like the native performance09:20
OerHekssurvietamine, you can try to pinn firefox in softwarecenter, but that would give security issues, you don't want that.09:21
metaphysicianHow can I play vp9 videos in 14.04?09:21
survietamineOerHeks: yeah, I know that. To update our thousands of computers, we have a apt proxy. But after "apt-get update", the pinned old version is not available anymore09:21
faustsurvietamine: you really shouldn't use FF36 or any older firefox version09:21
survietaminefaust: I don't want to use it, but developers that we use apps from don't allow use to update our browsers versions09:21
survietaminefaust: so, I need some releases in all our park09:22
shivcan anyone let me know that snmp tree browser using a mib file09:22
faustsurvietamine:  o.o change your developers09:22
geirhasurvietamine: sounds like you'll want to create your own repository then, which you include in sources.list in addition to the official ones09:22
survietaminegeirha: ah ok, thank you. My question was if I can see that this old version is available on this page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/firefox/36.0.4+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 I can add sources.list line09:23
survietaminegeirha: but it seems that it is only for manual downloads09:24
survietaminedo you guys know how landscape works about packages management?09:24
survietaminewe did write our own package management for our park, but with this mess that older versions are not available after "apt-get update", it is broken09:25
=== goo_ is now known as goo
hugopereirai have a pproblem with my ubuntu: "waiting for network connection", on cryptsetup09:31
hugopereiraanybody can help?09:31
v4lyes i can09:31
v4lhow are you09:32
hugopereirafine and u?09:32
=== hugopereira is now known as Mp3InThehouse
Mp3InThehousei have the problem waiting for net conn09:32
Mp3InThehousei have chang network conf interface and all09:32
codeichi all09:34
AnfGuten Tag kurze frage, wo kann ich nachschauen, auf welche partition ich Ubuntu installiert habe, und wie groß die ist?09:36
k1lAnf: #ubuntu-de ist der deutsche kanal09:37
OerHeksAnf, sudo fdisk -l09:37
=== Faylite_ is now known as faylite
Anfkleine frage noch, wen ich Ubuntu installiere, mach ich ja eine Swap Partition, eine /Home Partition und eine System Partition, jetzt hab ich mir einen NAS zugelegt und möchte alle Daten auf den NAS haben, somit brauch ich die /Home Partition nicht mehr, wen ich jetzt Ubuntu Neue Installiere, ohne der /Home Partition, wo werden die Daten im Home Ordnern gespeichert?09:41
k1lAnf: dieses ist der englische kanal, der deutsche ist #ubuntu-de09:43
AnfUpps, Sorry.09:45
Lemongrab-hi. using nvidia-settings, i set the preferred res, save to xorg.conf, verify that the config file has been written, reboot, and the changes do not take effect. so to clarify, any customised settings revert to defaults on restart, even though the new xorg.conf is intact. anyone know anything that might help?09:53
metaphysicianIn trusty, which media player can play VP9 video format?09:54
Harisguys, need help -> http://pastebin.ca/2969747 . its not selinux but something is stopped from ntp being installed or worked up. selinux is disabled on this box. I should not be getting this error msg09:54
Harispasting again -> http://pastebin.ca/296976309:56
Lemongrab-here's the xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/iupYhprU - does it look ok to you? all i want is to set res to 1360x76809:56
OerHeksmetaphysician, VLC 2.1.2 supports VP9 by default09:59
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
MonkeyDustHaris  first: cassandra is debian, diabel that repo and see if the error still occurs09:59
Haristhat didn't make sense10:00
Hariscassandra 2.0.14 is installed. This didn't stop cassandra10:00
HarisIs this needed for making ntp get handled successfully ?10:01
metaphysicianOerHeks: in a webm container? I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10781342/10:01
HarisI .. don't know how to disable a repo10:01
k1lHaris: that is not from the official ubuntu repos. so please ask the cassandra guys what is wrong there10:01
cfhowlettOerHeks, vp8 is listed ... don't see vp9 listed https://wiki.videolan.org/Codec/10:02
Haristhe problem is not with Cassandra. the problem is with ntp10:02
Hariscassandra is done .. installed .. working. all good10:02
Harisntp is not getting installed, having problem, because of a library that it can't access10:03
k1lHaris: you obviously install 3rd party stuff that is breaking your ubuntu system.10:03
Harisand selinux is disabled on this box10:03
Haris*sigh*, what does third party repo stuff have to do with ntp, which comes from ubuntu not being able to access a library, which is also not related10:03
Lemongrab-hi. using nvidia-settings, i set the preferred res, save to xorg.conf, verify that the config file has been written, reboot, and the changes do not take effect. so to clarify, any customised settings revert to defaults on restart, even though the new xorg.conf is intact. here's the xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/iupYhprU - does it look ok to you? all i want is to set res to 1360x76810:04
OerHeksHaris cassandra_2.0.14 is over a year old ..10:04
Harisinstalling cassandra from datastax debian repo does not break ubuntu10:04
ZAKhancan anyone help me out wih KVM issues?10:04
HarisOerHeks: Yes, its old. but ubuntu is LTS10:04
Harisand is not broken10:04
OerHeksHaris, seems to break the install, no ?10:04
Harishow ?10:04
Harisntp can't access a library on this box. its a permissions issue as the log msg says10:05
Harissomething related to selinux or the like10:05
Harisnothing from base is in conflict10:05
k1lHaris: apt-cache policy ntp10:06
TheNumbOerHeks: cassandra 2.0.14 is *the stable* release.10:06
TheNumbAnd it's recommended for use in production environments.10:06
darius93i have a small problem. i am trying to assign a qemu vm with a static ip. So far, I was able to assign one to it, but there is no connection. I cant ping any ip. Any clue why?10:06
HarisI have a crash log in /var/crash. Should I post it ? its size is: 10016810:07
Harispost = paste10:08
Haris [2594959.501712] type=1400 audit(1428568662.589:16): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" parent=28021 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="/tmp/upgrade-rw-LGvRYH/usr/lib/libopts.so.25.10.0" pid=28036 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="m" denied_mask="m" fsuid=0 ouid=010:08
Haristhis is one line at the end of ntp crash report10:08
Harisgetenforce was not installed, so I installed selinux-utils and checked. selinux is Disabled10:09
Harisso cant say why ntp won't be able to access a library that is clearly present on this box10:10
k1lHaris: what box is it?10:10
k1lwhat special setup?10:10
Harishow can I allow ntp file_mmap operation on this box ?10:11
Haristhat's the Q10:11
k1lno the question is what did you change to your setup to get that issue?10:11
HarisI just installed cassandra 2.0.14 and dsc20 (datastax community version)10:12
Hariseven if I uninstall them, I suspect this won't change a thing10:12
Harisit has nothing to do with ntp not being able to access a library and be able to do its work10:12
Harisis there a way to check consistency of package db10:13
Harisor something, to make sure it is in consistent state10:13
colby_Hey folks, Linux noob here. I was wondering if someone could help me upgrade GnuPG to version 2 in Ubunto for Enigamail?10:13
Harisperhaps a reinstall of ntp might give more clue ?10:14
OerHeks!info gnupg210:14
ubottugnupg2 (source: gnupg2): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (new v2.x). In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.24-1ubuntu2.2 (utopic), package size 707 kB, installed size 2340 kB10:14
Hariswhat package does libopts.so.25 come with ?10:14
OerHeks!find libopts10:15
ubottuFound: libopts25, libopts25-dev10:15
metaphysicianOerHeks: Looks like VLC 2.1.6 supports VP9 only on Windows.10:16
BluesKaj'Morning all10:16
k1lHaris: what is the permissons on /usr/lib and that lib in particular?10:17
Harisupdating paste10:19
OerHeksmetaphysician, oh, i see, 2.2.0 surely does VP9 https://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/2.2.0.html = current utopic version10:22
Hariswhere does audit log go ?10:24
HarisI don't have /var/log/audit or /var/log/audit/audit.log10:24
DazPettydoes anyone have any tips on how I might destroy my system so that I can have some fun fixing it again, like some sort of malicious software? (I'm using a Virtual Machine and this is for practice)10:25
TheNumbDazPetty: no.10:26
DazPettyI'm thinking I might just run "rm -r *" and see what happends10:26
Harisanother troll *sigh*10:26
DazPettyor maybe I'll just try to pull some kernal modules10:26
DazPettyHaris I'm not a troll10:26
DazPettyI'm running in a Virtual Machine10:26
TheNumbDazPetty: removing the kernel modules won't hurt you as long as you don't reboot.10:27
cfhowlettDazPetty, as you obviously know how to break your system, you didn't need to ask the question.  anything else?10:27
DazPettyand I need to practice some situations where the system has been broken somehow10:27
IceBot3000DazPetty: Leave SSH open as a public webserver, then wait approximately 10 minutes for the Chinese/Russian visitors10:27
DazPettylol IceBot3000, unfortunatly I'm not on a virtual internet connection10:27
TheNumbDazPetty: also, /j #ubuntu-offtopic10:27
DazPettysomeone in xubuntu suggested I make snapshots so I can just go set it up and destroy it without having to re-set it up10:28
DazPettybut ok I'll go to the OT room if you want TheNumb10:28
k1lHaris: sorry, dont know what is going wrong on your system. maybe you can try to install --reinstall ntp10:29
Haristried and failed with it =(10:29
metaphysicianOerHeks: I have latest ffmpeg (which supports VP9) installed from source. Can vlc/mplayer2/mpv use it?10:30
HarisI'm getting these msgs in /var/log/syslog, but selinux is not enabled. what can be making these deny actions ?10:30
HarisApr  9 15:21:12 trac kernel: [2601155.170984] type=1400 audit(1428574872.169:36): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" parent=29811 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="/tmp/upgrade-rw-LGvRYH/usr/lib/libopts.so.25.10.0" pid=29826 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="m" denied_mask="m" fsuid=0 ouid=010:30
OerHeksmetaphysician, vlc uses its own codecs AFAIK10:30
OerHeksmetaphysician, try mplayer2 then, why ask me?10:31
OerHeksYou have it set up, just a mouseclick away10:31
Harislet me see if uninstalling selinux/libs will help10:34
TheNumbHaris: why did you install selinux?10:34
HarisI didn't install it. I installed selinux-utils only, to check if selinux was enabled/disabled10:35
TheNumbHaris: by default there's no selinux in Ubuntu. Only AppArmor.10:35
TheNumbHaris: also, /tmp/upgrade-rw-LGvRYH/usr/lib/libopts.so.25.10.0 looks suspicious10:35
HarisI can *speculate* that this box was upgraded in the past10:36
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TheNumbHaris: is there a /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd file?10:40
HarisI have /usr/lib and I have /tmp/upgrade-rw-LGvRYH/usr/lib10:40
Harisyep, I have it10:40
Hariswhat can I do with it ?10:41
TheNumbHaris: try running apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd10:41
TheNumband restart ntpd10:41
Harisit has no statements for libopt... though10:42
Harissame error10:42
Harisis there a way to change path for libopt for/in ntpd ?10:42
Harisno output for apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd10:42
Hariscommand finished instantly10:42
TheNumbThe thing is, it shouldn't look in /tmp10:42
TheNumbHaris: it's ubuntu 14.04 right?10:43
HarisPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu precise (12.04.4 LTS)"10:44
TheNumbHaris: can you run md5sum `which ntpd`?10:44
HarisVERSION="12.04.4 LTS, Precise Pangolin"10:44
TheNumbHaris: also which version of ntpd?10:44
TheNumbdpkg -l ntp10:44
Harishttp://pastebin.ca/2969783   ,   http://pastebin.ca/296978210:45
HarisiF  ntp                         1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.3  Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs10:46
Lemongrab-hi. using nvidia-settings, i set the preferred res, save to xorg.conf, verify that the config file has been written, reboot, and the res is set to max available instead of my choice. xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/QmzxRBT9 Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/dWD6YTcJ - can anyone help?10:46
Harisjust tried to remove it some minutes back10:46
TheNumbHaris: can you paste the output of md5sum $(which ntpd)10:47
Harisah yes10:47
Harise3e0c3394a1b5b2fc6d6436c27995de2  /usr/sbin/ntpd10:47
TheNumbhmm, correct10:47
TheNumbHaris: can you also paste the output of apparmor_status?10:51
Harisperhaps I can cahnge path from /usr/lib to /tmp/upgrade-something/usr/lib and see what happens ?10:54
Harisin the apparmor profile file10:54
Harisbut dont know how to10:54
TheNumbHaris: have you tried upgrading the system?10:55
Harisnot eyt10:55
Harisnot yet10:55
Harisdo-dist-upgrade ?10:55
TheNumbthe /tmp/upgrade-* folder is created when upgrading the distribution10:55
HarisI can try now10:55
Harisperhaps it'll help10:55
Harisafter upgrade, the /tmp/upgrade-* should be sorted on its own ?10:56
TheNumbHaris: did you run do-release-upgrade?10:56
Harisnot yet10:56
TheNumbSomebody did.10:56
HarisI'm going to though10:56
Harisrunning it now10:57
Harisshould I press yes on continue ?10:58
HarisI hate forgetting screen at times10:59
Harisafter upgrade the /tmp/upgrade-* paths should be gone or not referenced anymore ?11:03
Haristill this point, I believe, a clean upgrade is possible11:04
chotaz`wHey guys, I'm having a little problem with my 'network interfaces' in ubuntu 14.10? anyone with previous experience in this?11:04
MonkeyDustchotaz`w  let's hear it11:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:05
chotaz`wwhenever I turn the laptop on, crypt setup tries connecting to "networks interfaces" and just hangs there for a bit, after logging in the tray button says it isnt conencted to the network manager, but I clearly have internet access I just cant manage my interfaces/conenctions11:06
chotaz`wI have no clue what's causing this or how to further debug this, but Im mostly sure it isn't intended behaviour(?)11:06
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TheNumbHaris: after a successful upgrade the temporary files should be removed, yes.11:07
dasjoechotaz`w: you probably have a network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces. Any interfaces configured there are not configurable via Network Manager11:07
Harisdo-release-upgrade working in screen session. downloading files..11:08
Harisupgrading to 14.x LTS11:08
chotaz`wdasjoe, well, these are preconfigured dell laptops from our workplace, and none of my colleagues seem to be having the same issue, how can I figured out "what's changed" for me?11:08
MonkeyDustchotaz`w  my idea too: conflicting fix IP address with network manager11:08
MonkeyDustchotaz`w  omat the preconfiguration11:08
dasjoechotaz`w: check /etc/network/interfaces, that file should not contain interface definitions11:09
chotaz`wI've copied this file from a colleague which setup runs smoothly and restarted my machine, no bueno.11:10
chotaz`wor rather it's contents*11:10
chotaz`wactually, this was my previous configuration: http://pastebin.com/hrpHjjjJ but even after commenting the "new configurations" which I dont really know if could cause the issue or not, and leaving just the default lines, it's still happening11:16
giuseppe_cpao italiani11:16
chotaz`weveryboot I hang for a bit at "waiting for network configurations"11:16
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OerHeks!it | Guest9913611:16
ubottuGuest99136: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:16
HarisI have 2 screen sessions. both are attached. and I can't attach to them. What can I do to get them back ? lol11:18
mcphailHaris: screen -r -D11:19
MonkeyDustHaris  screen -list, then: screen -dr [session name]11:19
Harisok, I got one back. Now I can't detach it. lol11:20
HarisCtrl+A D doesn't work11:20
Harisin the screen session running do-release-upgrade11:20
MonkeyDusti wonder how one can struggle with 'screen'11:20
HarisI agree11:20
Haris787 packages downloaded and counting11:20
thexenithHello, I'm having an issue installing a game from CD. UT2K4 has a "linux-installer.sh" file on the disk, I can't set it to allow execution, and sudo ./linux-installer.sh gives a command not found error.11:21
Harisnope, detaching screen session doesn't work when do-release-upgrade is running11:21
BluesKajthe use sudo sh pathtofile11:21
mcphailthexenith: try "sh ./yourscript.sh"11:22
kris_polcan anyone can help me with direct x 9.0 ?11:22
thexenithJust ran it and it appears to be running. Epic games has a sense of humor, haha11:22
mcphailkris_pol: unlikely as this is an Ubuntu support channel11:23
BluesKajask in #windows11:23
Hariskris_pol: there are channels for windows stuff. go there11:23
OerHekskris_pol, if it is a wine issue, join #winehq11:25
kris_polhow they can help me on windows channel if I installed this on ubuntu using wine?11:25
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:25
Harisah ok11:25
Harismore than 900 packages11:26
thexenithokay, how can I force a CD to mount?11:27
kris_polafter installation system showed me couple of errors, most propably easy to solve for advanced linux users11:27
Harisdo-release-upgrade will conserve previous config files for all pacakges ?11:27
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TheNumbHaris: should11:28
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TheNumbHaris: but always make backups11:28
OerHeksthexenith, same for you, join #winehq for applicationhelp with ut2k411:28
mcphailHaris: I think you get offered the option to keep/edit/replace11:28
Haristhis is a development box11:29
Harisno backups at present11:29
OerHeksno backup = no worry11:29
Harisdumb Q: does one have to rebuild the kernel to extend number of FDs from 1024 to something like 400000 or more11:29
faustHaris: you may want to look at /etc/security/limits.conf11:30
TheNumblimits.conf is your friend11:30
Harisin the past I'v had boxes running apache with more than 1000 domains, and it would complain about open files11:30
Harisdid get a msg about install being broken at one point, but its still moving on11:35
Harisits screen, so copying putty session didn't help11:35
Harisshould have started screen with -h 1000011:35
Harisit was just with one package, that I got that msg. upgrade is proceeding11:36
Harisdoes do-release-upgrade make a log ?11:36
HarisIts common sense11:36
Hariswhere would be the right Q11:37
TheNumbprobably in /var/log11:37
TheNumbLike all the other logs11:37
MonkeyDustHaris  out of curiosity, what is your linux background?11:37
Haris14 years of work experience11:37
Harisby hand11:37
Harisand some little reading11:37
HarisI just ask too many dumb Qs11:38
Harisbecause of little reading11:39
davevanloothere are no dumb questions Haris :)11:39
TheNumbThe question itself is not dumb.11:40
TheNumbThe person asking it might be.11:40
Harisntp is the only thing that failed, in the Setting up... \nInstalling new version... stage11:40
Harisall the rest seems to have gone well11:41
EightynineHi. I'm using Chrome on Ubuntu Gnome, I minimized Chrome window and got white strip on desktop. Then I restored Chrome window and now it freezed. When I'm clicking right mouse button it's not responding, I can't neither close nor create new tab in Chrome.11:43
TheNumbEightynine: killing the gnome process might help.11:43
Harisfor keeping /etc/sudoers in upgrade, what's the difference between N and O ?11:43
davevanlooEightynine, open the tasksmanager of your distro and kill the process11:43
TheNumbHaris: did you modify the file?11:43
EightynineIt's Gnome's issue?11:43
Harisits been modified11:44
TheNumbEightynine: could be gnome, gpu drivers, and chrome at the same time.11:44
davevanlooit might be hanging for a large ammount of reasons.. if it happens again it might be an issue.. otherwise.. your ok.. :)11:44
HarisI'v kept the local version. can install the package maintainer's version anytime11:44
TheNumbHaris: then you don't want to replace it.11:44
thexenithI have a Wacom tablet, and my computer Kernel Panics when I plug it in, complete with the caps light blinking11:44
Harisdoes ubuntu prefer -run over -sysvinit ?11:45
TheNumbHaris: what?11:45
EightynineA few minutes ago Chrome said that tab with forum page is not responding and asked to close it. I declined it.11:45
Harisrun scripts, /service in comparison to sysvinit ( /etc/init.d/... files)11:46
MonkeyDustthexenith  i had kernel panic after manually upgrading kernel 3.13 to 1.16 on ubuntu 14.04... tell us what you did prior to the kernel panic11:46
TheNumbEightynine: need to kill all the processes.11:46
TheNumbHaris: the upstart services are preferred.11:46
TheNumbThough sysvinit should work too.11:46
davevanlooEightynine.. kill the chrome processes and launch gnome again.. then see if the problem returns..11:46
MonkeyDustto 3.16*11:46
Hariswhat's upstart11:46
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:46
Harisah ok11:47
EightynineSometimes Chrome freezes when working with social networking pages or begins to lag.11:47
mcphailHaris: systemd is taking over11:47
TheNumbBut only for ubuntu 15.04+11:47
Eightyninesystemd is total crap. Why not use Upstart?11:47
Haristhe upgrade, at the end says .. grub failed to install to /dev/sda. Can I make it work or do I have to let it go, at this point ?11:47
TheNumbEightynine: systemd works here. No complaints so far.11:48
Harisnot having read into systemd, I'm ok right now11:48
cfhowlettthe decision has been made.  systemd is the future.  deal with it.11:48
EightynineSometimes it has problems with starting/killing services.11:48
TheNumbNot here.11:48
TheNumbWorks flawlessly.11:48
Hariswriting grub to boot device failed, continue ?11:48
Harisyes/no ?11:48
TheNumb(Haven't tested ubuntu)11:49
TheNumbHaris: you can continue and install it manually if you know how to do that.11:49
EightynineI'm using LTS version, why it comes with kernel 3.16 which is deprecated and not LTS kernel like 3.14 or 3.18?11:49
Harisactually, I don't :P11:49
Harisis there an article/doc on it ?11:49
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:49
TheNumbnot what I expected to see11:50
PCatineanHey guys11:50
PCatineanI installed the ubuntu-restricted-extra thing and it installed fonts on my system that are smaller and hurt my eye, how can I revert this?11:50
PCatineanI'm in pain :(11:50
EightynineWhat about my question abount kernels?11:50
TheNumbEightynine: 3.16 is still supported and patched in ubuntu.11:50
TheNumbThe fixes are being backported from newer kernels.11:51
Harisamazed at how many threads for discussing after => "do-release-upgrade manually install grub"11:51
Harison google11:52
Haristhreads = search resutls11:52
OerHeksEightynine, what?  kernel 3.16 deprecated ?11:52
TheNumbPCatinean: did it change your font? where?11:52
EightynineI like Gnome's Activities menu but I hate that after updating all software to 3.10 or 3.12 maximize and mimimize buttons disappeared in stock Gnome software(I mean Gedit etc). What can I use? KDE is crap, others are ancient.11:52
OerHeksEightynine, what makes you think that?11:52
EightynineCheck kernel.org site.11:53
PCatineanTheNumb, no I did not "install" anything except the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-resricted-extras and then I saw it install new fonts11:53
TheNumbEightynine: it doesn't work that way in ubuntu.11:53
PCatineanand now I got small and painfull fonts everywhere11:53
PCatineanWeb browser etc...11:53
OerHeksEightynine, well, go for kernel 4.0 then ...11:53
TheNumbPCatinean: try removing ttf-mscorefonts-installer11:53
chotaz`wAnyone has any input on why ubuntu tells me "Network Manager is not running" ?11:53
PCatineanTheNumb, are you SURE?!11:54
TheNumbchotaz`w: is it running?11:54
EightynineLogically in LTS distro must be LTS kernel. Am I right?11:54
TheNumbEightynine: no.11:54
chotaz`wTheNumb, shouldn't it be? Since I'm here?11:54
TheNumbchotaz`w: not necessarily.11:54
TheNumbdhcpcd/dhclient might be running11:54
EightynineI killed Chrome and that strip disappeared but now my desktop began to lag.11:55
PCatineanTheNumb, so?11:55
TheNumbPCatinean: doooeeeeet11:55
chotaz`wTheNumb, also when I go to Startup Applications, both "Network Manager" and "Network Manager(MATE)" are there.11:55
PCatineanconcerned about the linux header images thing11:55
TheNumbchotaz`w: which version of ubuntu mate are you running?11:55
PCatineanok, now what?11:55
TheNumbchotaz`w: guys over at #ubuntu-mate might be more helpful in that case.11:56
EightynineAfter updating to 3.12 package manager asked me to remove packages that not needed anymore(3.10 packages). I did it and Software update manager disappeared. How to fix this?11:56
TheNumbPCatinean: relog11:56
TheNumbEightynine: did you install gnome from the testing ppa?11:57
OerHeksPCatinean, restricted extra's installs some ms ttf fonts, i don't think it changes your whole system.11:57
EightynineI have Gnome stable and staging repos.11:57
TheNumbOerHeks: web browser will prefer the actual microsoft fonts for some reason.11:57
TheNumbEightynine: don't do that.11:57
TheNumbEightynine: packages in those ppas are broken.11:57
EightynineRemove them and downgrade?11:57
TheNumbPCatinean: how did it go?11:58
PCatineanI...THINK it's back to normal, should have made a damn screenshot!11:58
EightynineAlso my fonts are not so good as I expected from Ubuntu.11:58
TheNumbEightynine: what did you expect?11:58
MonkeyDustwhat's the bash command to change the keyboard layout, again?11:59
janudhi please can someone help me with driver for touchpad on Acer P256-M?11:59
PCatineanI think it's okay, what was that crap TheNumb ? :O11:59
EightynineSeems like aliasing is not working good.11:59
TheNumbPCatinean: most likely.11:59
EightynineI can see pixels.11:59
TheNumbEightynine: to make sure run gnome-tweak-tool11:59
TheNumband check the fonts tab12:00
chotaz`wthanks TheNumb , i've directed my problem there :)12:00
TheNumbchotaz`w: yw :_12:00
EightynineGnome took 759 MB RAM and CPU loading is up to 15%. Is this Gnome's problem?12:00
TheNumbSimilar results here.12:01
TheNumbThough it's gotten better in gnome 3.1612:01
TheNumbIt's snappier etc etc12:01
IceBot3000Gnome really jumped the shark12:02
uhw29hello all on channel, I found this : http://pastebin.com/TLmNfseW  so should I presume that I can be hacked any moment?12:02
EightynineI don't remember what distro I used but after updating from 3.10 to 3.12 it began to work much better.12:02
Haristhis box is in a local DC which is 15 mins drive away12:02
Harisgrub install failed12:02
cambazzhello, I am on ubuntu 12.10 desktop, and I need the latest postgresql. how can i do that without a dist upgrade12:03
Harisafter rebooting it, can I manually get it work ?12:03
HarisI mean does ubuntu have a repair mode I can boot it into12:03
Harisvia a usb12:03
Haristo re-config grub12:03
bazhangcambazz, upgrade, thats not supported here12:03
janudi have installed ubuntu on my laptop but touchpad is detected only as left button => no right button or multi finger support i have tryed reinstaling synaptic drivers and everyting but its not working :( please can someone help me?12:03
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bazhang!eolupgrade | cambazz12:04
ubottucambazz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:04
davevanlooyou could load a live envirement and edit grub using utilities that way Haris12:04
TheNumbuhw29: if you run this script with root privileges then probably. I've only skimmed through.12:04
TheNumbuhw29: looks like the url no longer works though12:04
HarisI just hope, I can make this box to boot. I think this is a vmware VM. its hdd is not something I could access physically if it wasn't booting12:05
JackMayol_hey hey12:05
uhw29TheNumb, but it is about hacking the root privilege itself, isn't it?12:05
Hariseverything ok thus far, accept for ntp and grub failure12:05
davevanlooaka install a distro-live on a pendrive, boot from it select "try" or something similar ( distro Dependant ) and use some preffered grub tool ( or manually if you feel up to it) ( you can always load a vhd as a second drive in vmware.. )12:05
TheNumbuhw29: if your kernel is up to date you've got nothing to worry about.12:06
JackMayolI have a question, I have a folder with around 40000 files and I would want to know how many of those files contain a special string, how do I do that?12:07
EightynineSo, if Gnome "jumped the shark" as you said, what can I do?12:07
uhw29TheNumb, I run updates as they come. if that does it, fine.12:07
Harisaccept = except12:07
TheNumbuhw29: also, looks like the script is not complete.12:07
dewdropHi, I accidentally deleted /usr/share/locale. what is the best way to put files back in?12:07
mcphailJackMayol: use grep, ack or ag12:07
bazhangEightynine, thats not a support question12:07
JackMayolmcphail ya I was thinking to do it with grep but how exactly?12:08
TheNumbEightynine: either wait for 15.10 to come or check out other distributions.12:08
uhw29TheNumb, thank you for informing me on this.12:08
EightynineWhy Ubuntu developers wrote tools on Python? Those tools working slow and consume too much resources.12:08
JackMayolI mean I can do a grep - string *.profile but that will list all the results instead of a number of how many files have this string12:08
SchrodingersScatJackMayol: grep -c is count12:09
EightynineWhat works better? open-source driver or fglrx?12:09
JackMayolSchrodingersScat ah ok12:09
TheNumbEightynine: /j #ubuntu-offtopic12:09
TheNumbEightynine: this is a support channel12:09
HarisOK!. Upgraded to VERSION="14.04.2 LTS, Trusty Tahr"12:09
EightynineAnd what about tools?12:09
TheNumbEightynine: not general questions channel.12:09
TheNumbEightynine: that applies to both of your questions.12:10
Harisbut with errors. do-release-upgrade doesn't run anymore12:10
mcphailSchrodingersScat: I think that will count a file multiple times if there are multiple matches12:10
Harisnow to reboot :P12:10
TheNumbHaris: try running apt-get install -f first12:10
TheNumbsee if there's any output12:10
danbower^worki tend to do updates with `apt-get update; apt-get upgrade`. when i last done this, mailman brought up a little window in my CLI to pick a language. however it just wouldn't progress past the first window so i hit ctrl-c. however `apt-get upgrade` now hangs after "Looking for enabled languages (this may take some time) ... done."12:11
danbower^workany ideas how i can fix this?12:11
TheNumbdanbower^work: are you sure it was mailman?12:12
danbower^workpretty sure (this is a dev box)12:12
mcphailJackMayol: better to use grep -r to recursively search files under a directory than include "*" globs which break if the filenames contain spaces12:12
SchrodingersScatmcphail JackMayol : it lists the file name that matches and the number of matches, so you could pipe it into | wc -l and get the number of files.12:12
TheNumbdanbower^work: in that case you could try running dpkg-reconfigure mailman12:12
mcphailSchrodingersScat: you should use grep -l | wc -l12:12
zykotick9danbower^work: sidenote - personally, i'd suggest "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" as your general upgrade steps (to update everything, including kernel) but YMMV12:12
danbower^workok thanks TheNumb.12:13
mcphailSchrodingersScat: that way you only count wach file once12:13
danbower^worki'll keep that in mind zykotick9, thank you12:13
SchrodingersScatmcphail: same result as -c12:14
JackMayolmcphail SchrodingersScat : at the end I just need a number output, not all the files listed12:14
JackMayollike 1000 (which would be the number of the *.profile files including the string I am looking for)12:14
SchrodingersScatJackMayol: so grep -l or grep -c pattern list | wc -l12:14
danbower^workTheNumb, that command returns "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mailman is broken or not fully installed." :/12:15
Hariswhere is grub.conf or grub.cfg on 14.x LTS ?12:15
zykotick9Haris: try /boot/grub/12:15
* Haris smacks forehead .. ofcourse12:16
zykotick9Haris: note, you _might_ actually be looking for /etc/default/grub however!12:16
Haristhat too12:16
JackMayolSchrodingersScat I get grep: list: No such file or directory12:17
TheNumbdanbower^work: dpkg configure -a12:17
JackMayolwhen doing grep -c pattern list | wc -l12:17
JackMayolsorry I am not the most advanced linux user :)12:17
TheNumbdanbower^work: err --configure12:17
olleHey, is this backbox's real channel?12:18
swizgard_for upgrading from trusty to utopic "apt-get dist-upgrade" or "aptitude full-upgrade"?12:18
TheNumbolle: what?12:18
zykotick9swizgard_: neither!12:18
TheNumbswizgard_: desktop? server?12:18
swizgard_TheNumb: desktop12:18
swizgard_i see12:18
TheNumbneed to pass -d for upgrade to utopic12:18
TheNumbno waut12:18
zykotick9swizgard_: fyi, dist-upgrade and full-upgrade are actually the same.  and neither will take you to a new release.12:18
TheNumbdon't add -d12:19
bazhangTheNumb, thats not correct12:19
Harisnothing of consequence in /etc/default/grub12:19
TheNumbbazhang: yeah, I realized that.12:19
TheNumbToo much time off ubuntu space :(12:19
swizgard_zykotick9: if i change the sources.list's first, they will12:19
swizgard_but i will try update-manager12:19
zykotick9swizgard_: oh, well, that _is_ different.  but NOT the recommended ubuntu-way...12:20
TheNumbswizgard_: an upgrade is more complicated that just changing the sources.list12:20
swizgard_but only "update-mime" is installed12:20
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:20
danbower^workthanks TheNumb. it's actually hanging after "Looking for enabled languages (this may take some time) ... done." with that command too. i have left it for an hour or so, it doesn't progress :/12:20
Hariswhat's grub-pc ?12:20
TheNumbdanbower^work: have you tried regenerating the locales?12:21
HarisState: partially configured12:21
danbower^workTheNumb, no i haven't. not too sure how to do that12:21
Harisa box can boot without grub-pc or with it having been in partially configured state, right ?12:22
Harisafter a do-release-upgrade12:22
swizgard_(ah, kubuntu does use muon update manager...)12:22
TheNumbdanbower^work: did you remove  /usr/share/locale ?12:22
TheNumbor  /usr/share/locales12:22
Harisah well ... rebooting12:22
Harisdo I need to reboot ?12:22
TheNumbHaris: you do.12:23
TheNumbYou should reboot after an upgrade.12:23
danbower^workTheNumb, nope. i only killed the install once i got stuck in that mailman window12:23
swizgard_Haris: re: reboot and grub. i would check /boot/grub/grub.cfg and the kernels/ramdisks which are linked there12:24
TheNumbswizgard_: he said it's a vmware vm.12:25
TheNumbdanbower^work: does it actually finish looking?12:26
Haristhe kernel, initrd files exist12:26
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HarisI'm jut worrying if grub will work12:27
danbower^workTheNumb, nah i've left it for ages mate12:27
Harisa previous version of kernel, initrd also exist. I shoudl not worry12:27
swizgard_TheNumb: sorry, didn't read12:28
danbower^worki'm actually using virtualmin on this dev box. perhaps it'd be better if i ask in the relevant channel for that12:29
TheNumbdanbower^work: try running apt-get install -f12:29
davevanloodont forget to sudo! :)12:29
TheNumbreal men work on root accounts ;p12:30
davevanlootrue lol12:30
daftykinsTheNumb: stupid statement12:30
danbower^workTheNumb, unfortunately that still results in the "Looking for enabled languages (this may take some time) ... done." then hanging12:30
danbower^workamusing though12:30
daftykinsstupid and sexist12:30
davevanlooTheNumb. how would i make my account root by default?12:30
danbower^worksudo su12:30
daftykinsno, don't ever run that12:31
TheNumbdaftykins: just joking ;p12:31
daftykinsit's sudo -i or -s12:31
davevanloodaftykins i do not think it is sexist12:31
TheNumbdanbower^work: I'm out of ideas, sorry :(12:31
danbower^workno worries, really appreciate the help anyway :) thanks12:31
MrElendigdavevanloo: why do you want to do that?12:31
daftykinsdavevanloo: good for you :)12:31
Hariseven after do-release-upgade, when I login as root on console, it says 492 packages can be updated12:32
davevanlooi would preffer not to have to sudo.., mainly as a usefull thing.. being in root by default.. is usefull.. understanding the security risks it might bring daftykins12:32
daftykinsdavevanloo: you 100% missed the point12:32
davevanloodaftykins: ooh.. then please explain :)12:33
daftykinsnah we're beyond that now. back to support thanks12:33
zambahow do i change the keyboard layout in the latest version of ubuntu?12:33
zambai don't have the icon in the systray12:33
zambaand system settings only has "language support" and nothing there about changing keyboard layout12:34
davevanloowell my support question was"how can i set my user account to be root by default, aka no more sudo-ing needed"12:34
EightynineThere are dumbfucks and trolls on that channel. What about my problem with Gnome?12:34
zambathe only thing i see is "keyboard input method system"12:34
daftykins!language Eightynine pretty sure we've warned you about using language in here before :)12:34
ubottudaftykins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:34
danbower^workin all seriousness davevanloo, lurking as root isn't wise12:34
daftykinsbah typo12:34
daftykins!language | Eightynine pretty sure we've warned you about using language in here before :)12:34
ubottuEightynine pretty sure we've warned you about using language in here before :): The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:34
geirhadavevanloo: We don't support that.12:34
davevanlooEightynine: we gave you an answere on what to do.., kill all chrome process and watch to see if you can reproduce.. and how it comes to that12:34
daftykinsdavevanloo: yeah you need to just get used to using 'sudo -i' or similar.12:35
nbusronemay I know , what's the different between clone and backup on ubuntu ? example tar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz vs dd if=/  of=/ ?12:35
daftykinsnbusrone: one is archiving, one is disk imaging12:35
davevanloodanbower^work and geirha " ok then, thank you.., i am used to using sudo.., and i understand the security risks. so also why it would be stupid to do so.. :)"12:35
daftykinsvastly different actions12:35
EightynineI killed it and launched again. I have no Software update manager.It's not handy to update using terminal12:36
danbower^workdavevanloo, well if you mistype an rm -rf command you'll feel the pain12:36
geirhaor if you run steam ...12:36
davevanloodanbower^work "ooh hell yes! :P"12:36
davevanloowait.. run steam?12:36
davevanloowhy would i be in pain for running steam.. as sudo?12:36
davevanlooEightynine:  you can install an software update manager to your liking.. and yes.. using a terminal just that one time.. o.O12:37
daftykinsbecause they had a bug a bit ago which wipes your system12:37
geirhadaftykins: steam for linux had a bug ... a shell script relied on "$0", and used an rm -rf later on ... which ended up as rm -rf /12:37
nbusronedaftykins : but would it be the same ? sorry new to ubuntu .12:37
daftykinsgeirha: tab complete fail.12:37
geirhain some circumstances12:37
davevanloodang.. :P12:37
geirhasince $0 is unreliable12:37
danbower^workoh wow12:38
daftykinsnbusrone: same as what? both are bad ways of backup12:38
EightynineHow to install it?12:38
MonkeyDustEightynine  install what?12:39
EightynineUpdate manager.12:39
davevanloo"a" software update manager correct?12:39
MonkeyDustEightynine  it should be there by default, unless you deleted it12:40
EightynineOf course. English is not my native but even I know that there was a mistake.12:40
davevanlooi think sudo apt-get install update-manager and yes.. it should only be needed if you deleted it before yourself.. as nearly all distro's come with one..12:40
EightyninePackage manager deleted one of them during update.12:40
davevanloothen try sudo apt-get install update-manager it should tell you if its already there.. or install it..12:41
MonkeyDustEightynine  that doesnt make sense12:41
EightynineMaybe there's upgrade manager too? It says I already have update-manager.12:42
davevanloothen it did not get installed.. and it should still be avaible.. if you cannot find it in your shell.. simply run update-manager in a terminal12:43
Harishow to check if a service will auto start on next boot or not ?12:43
Haristhere's no chkconfig I believe12:44
* davevanloo hides in a corner12:44
davevanloosorry hehe, it just popped in my mind :), in a serious note.. http://www.linuxtopia.org/HowToGuides/services.html might help you.. :)12:45
EightynineI think there were two managers: an update manager which updates libs and docs, etc and upgrade manager which updates system and software, I lost second one.12:45
MonkeyDustHaris  this makes all startup services visible, you can then easily enable/disable them   sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop12:47
EightynineSo what?12:47
davevanlooEightynine: well repeat the same process as you did with update manager, i do not know for certain if they are different though.. did you even try what i suggested?12:48
EightynineYes, it didn't help. I'm using russian version and don't know how that manager called in english.12:49
EightynineI'll try to translate, one was Update applications and the second was Update software or Software update.12:50
davevanlooperhaps the channel #ubuntu-ru could give you more specific information then? i am uncertain though if program/package names change with language though12:50
davevanloorunning software from the terminal is done using package names, and not using "translated" names like you might find in the general config pannel of your shell12:51
davevanlooso triggering apt-get install upgrade-manager ( if it exists and is not part of update-manager ) should have been sufficient..12:52
EightynineCan you please check if you have those programms installed?12:52
davevanloowill do12:52
davevanloonegative, upgrade-manager does not exist on my install12:53
davevanlooupdate-manager does..12:53
EightynineUsually I couldn't get answers on russian channels.12:53
davevanlooin a terminal type update-manager it should bring up the update manager and allow you to update ( you could say that is "upgrade" )12:54
EightynineIt launches  Update applications12:55
davevanlooEightynine: yes.. so you have all the software needed to "upgrade"12:55
davevanlooif any one else would like to jump in and help Eightynine out further.. i need to go afk for a little while12:56
EightynineGood luck12:56
EightynineEntered russian channel and asked.13:01
nbusronedaftykins : which method is the best for  backup ?13:02
RoryAm I missing something painfully obvious when creating a symbolic link to a directory? ln -s /source/directory/foo /target/directory/13:02
Rorycd target/directory/foo "no such file or directory"13:02
Roryfile target/directory/foo - broken symbolic link to source/directory/foo13:02
Roryfile source/directory/foo: directory13:02
nbusronedaftykins : actually , my intention wasn't just backup.I wanted to move my Ubuntu 14.04 installed on sda4 extended partition to my sda2 primary partition.13:03
ubuntu754hello, i need your help guys13:03
Roryfoo I would not want to be you in this channel13:03
daftykinsnbusrone: no that sounds like a very messy attempt13:03
EightynineNobody is responding there.13:04
zykotick9Rory: i'd suggest "cd /target/directory && ln -s /source/directory/foo"13:04
daftykinsEightynine: not our concern.13:04
RoryOK zykotick9 I will try that13:05
nbusronedaftykins : :( , guess only clean install my final option13:05
ubuntu754i have lubuntu on my netbook, i just loaded and the screen shows a very small desktop13:05
zykotick9Rory: that trailing / on /target/directory/ may be causing issue...  i think it expect an entire name so /target/directory/foo13:05
ubuntu754is not the resolution, but the watchable area13:05
RoryThanks zykotick9 that worked - I think it's to do with relative path names13:05
ubuntu754how i can reset the screen area?13:06
ubuntu754how i can reset the screen area? thank you13:07
daftykinsnbusrone: not until you explain the full situation right from the beginning :) and to the channel, as i'm going to enjoy the sunshine13:07
ubuntu754how i can reset the screen area? thank you13:08
Roryubuntu754: What do you mean by "reset the screen area" ?13:09
MonkeyDustubuntu754  idd, not sure what you mean... try arandr13:09
ubuntu754@rory i mean that the resolution is ok but the watchable area is like 800x60013:09
Roryubuntu754: MonkeyDust's suggestion of arandr is a good one, then. use the command "sudo apt-get -y install arandr" to install it, and then run it with "arandr" - you will see a graphical interfact to drag and arrange monitors13:10
MonkeyDustubuntu754  is that a laptop or a desktop? if it's a desktop, try the buttons on your monitor13:10
Haristhe VM is booting. I was wrong to worry about anything13:13
baxxI need to chown a directory - I'm just wondering if this is the right command given the user vco : sudo chown -R vco:vco/home/vco/Android13:13
EightynineWhy aptitude is not available in Ubuntu,13:14
k1lEightynine: apt-get is the standard cli tool13:14
michagogoHas there been a grub-related update in the past 48 hours?13:14
MonkeyDustHaris  vmware ot vbox?13:14
MonkeyDustHaris  vmware or vbox?13:15
k1lbaxx: do a space between vco and /home13:15
baxxk1l: cool cheers :)13:15
MonkeyDustHaris  in case you use virtual machines alot, take a look at Vagrant https://docs.vagrantup.com/13:17
ubuntu064Hi there, anyone has experience with sendmail?13:17
nalumhello all, does anyone know if python 2.7.9 will every be made available to ubuntu 14.04?13:18
Harisdoes touch /forcefsck work on ubuntu ?13:18
baxxk1l: how can I test that has worked for a file within the given directory?13:18
Harisfor forcing fsck on next reboot13:19
k1lbaxx: see ls -al /path/to/file13:19
Harisguys ?13:19
k1lHaris: "it just works"13:19
k1lHaris: what do you want to know exactly?13:20
Harishow to force fsck on next reboot13:20
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k1lyou already named the technic13:20
baxxk1l: all the names are listed as the user 'vco' but things still aren't working for vco as they do for sudo, I'll post a link to info 2 secs13:21
k1ltouch /forcefsck works for ext3/4 partitions13:21
Roryubuntu754: hello, yes?13:22
RoryYou can set a more friendly nickname with the "/nick" command - for example to change my name to Rory I typed "/nick Rory" (without the quotes)13:22
Harishow to check if a service will auto start on next reboot or not ?13:23
Harison 12.x LTS13:24
MonkeyDustHaris  this makes all startup services visible, you can then easily enable/disable them   sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop13:24
Harispostfix is not in it13:25
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baxxk1l: Heres a pasteit with the Info, wasn't sure of the best way to show this info : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10782669/13:25
EriC^^Haris: not sure how you could check if it will start next time or not, you could just update-rc.d enable it to be sure13:27
EriC^^!upstart | Haris or check here13:27
ubottuHaris or check here: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:27
Harisreading =)13:27
EriC^^cool :)13:27
Hariswhen I run update-rc.d postfix enable, it gives me the help menu13:28
Harison usage13:29
Roryubuntu754: hello, yes?13:29
Harisdamn, its going to download 930+ packages all over again13:29
Harisminus the damn part13:30
EriC^^Haris: update-rc.d postfix enable13:30
EriC^^ah nevermind13:30
EriC^^Haris: odd, it works here13:31
k1lbaxx: you are using a proxy?13:31
HarisI'm running it on another .. more older box13:31
Hariswhat is NN, SS KK part in the update-rc.d command13:32
k1lbaxx: please do a "ls -al" in the vco users home and see what folder and files are owned by root:root13:32
meast /disconnect13:32
Hariswhat's a two digit sequence number13:32
HarisI mean I have to say 03 or 05 for 3 and 5 runlevel respectively ?13:33
MonkeyDustHaris  what was your initial, wheat brought you here?13:33
MonkeyDustHaris  what was your initial question, what brought you here?13:33
Harisenable parameter was not present in the old version of the OS13:34
HarisMonkeyDust ntp failing because of a shared library not able to do file_mmap operation13:34
Harisat a time when selinux was disabled13:34
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Harisand still is btw13:34
MonkeyDustHaris  nothing seems to work on your system, i wonder how that's possible13:35
Hariswell, its working for the most part13:35
Harisonly ntp is not working13:35
Haristhe /tmp/upgrade-* references are now gone13:35
Harisre-running do-release-upgrade13:35
HarisI'm talking about two separate boxes here13:36
Harison one, I'm running do-release-upgrade. its the box where ntp is not starting13:36
Harison another box, I'm just trying to make sure postfix starts on next bootup (which I'v completed btw)13:36
baxxk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10782739/13:37
Harisworking on one box to make it available for cassandra13:38
HarisI just talk too much13:40
baxxk1l: I'm not using a proxy, I'm currently having to sudo ./android in order to start the sdk manager though13:40
chotaz`wIs is possible to compare the currently installed packages vs the ones that come installed by default?13:40
jpdsHaris: Ubuntu doesn't even come with SELinux.13:40
baxxchotaz`w: dpkg might let you do that.... maybe if you ran it on a fresh VM you could get the original packages?13:40
k1lbaxx: stop using sudo for that stuff13:41
Hariswell, this is 12.x LTS13:41
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Harisprecise has it in its repo13:41
baxxk1l: it doesn't work without it though :/13:41
k1lbaxx: your are just ruining your permissions like that.13:41
jpdsHaris: Ubuntu has never ever shipped with support for SELinux.13:41
k1lbaxx: sudo chown vco:vco /home/vco/.android13:41
chotaz`wbaxx, I'm just desperate trying to figure out why "Network manager is not running..." and the service failts to initialize on startup and whenever I manually run it, I just lose connection13:41
HarisI'm not sure if selinux is causing the denial in audit log. but something is13:42
k1lbaxx: sudo chown -R vco:vco /home/vco/.android13:42
Harisas I said, selinux is disabled before I touched this box13:42
baxxchotaz`w: I'm no expert and can't help you with anything tricky, but what I posted might enable you to view the originally installed packages if noone else posts anything, I think I have a script somewhere for it13:42
HarisI installed selinux-utils to have the getenforce utility to confirm if it was enabled/disabled13:43
Harisonly libselinux was installed before that, I believe13:43
baxxchotaz`w: see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10782778/13:43
baxxchotaz`w: obviously read it and understand it first, I've not fully got it myself but I think that will back the packages up13:43
HarisI ran do-release-ugprade before, but it was aborted at the last stages while I was selecting options for grub. I'm running it again13:44
baxxk1l: thanks for that, I ran it on the others, I'll run it on that now13:44
Harisdo-release-upgrade goes well, except for ntp error. it remains the same13:44
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: wich package are you trying to compare13:45
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, I'll repeat my previous line13:45
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, I'm just desperate trying to figure out why "Network manager is not running..." and the service failts to initialize on startup and whenever I manually run it, I just lose connection13:45
baxxk1l: are things that I have installed using the previous method going to cause me issues? Should I delete everything and start again? thanks :)13:46
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: ubuntu version?13:46
k1lbaxx: ?13:46
k1lbaxx: if you install 3rd party stuff its your responibility to look after it13:46
baxxk1l: I've installed some of the packages running the SDK manager as sudo, I was just wondering if that was something that should be re-done with the chown settings13:47
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, UbuntuMATE 14.10, I've tried #ubuntu-mate but we're clueless there, for now.13:47
k1lthat should be sorted with the chown command now13:47
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: did you try 14.04.2 if you have same issue?13:48
baxxk1l: ok cool, I would have been happy to just wipe everything and start again if I'd buggered it as I haven't done that much. thanks though13:48
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, thing is there are work-deployd ubuntu-mate bundled laptops, everybody on the company runs the same, and this is just happening on a specific computer, which has a manually configured interface to connect to a VM, could that cause said issues? here's /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/sZ0vJqAD13:50
chotaz`wthese are*13:50
Harisrebooting after successful do-release-upgrade13:50
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: not sure mate, i dont play with VM's much13:51
HarisWelcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-49-generic x86_64)13:51
davevanlooallright.. im back Eightynine, did you get your problem resolved or question(s) answered?13:51
lotuspsychjeHaris: plz use this channel only for support questions13:52
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, the VM is just what I'm connecting to, I think it shoulnt have anything to do with said network interface and manager. I might be wrong.13:52
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: did you try F1 at boot to see whats happening to network-manager exactly? check your syslog? dmesg?13:53
Harison 14.x LTS is systemd working or sysvinit ?13:53
k1lHaris: upstart13:54
Harisah ok13:54
ubuntu754hello i need your help guys, i have a netbook I just boot the system, the resolution of the screen is correct (1024x600), but the watchable area it looks like 800x600 except for the bottom bar, how i can reset the screen?13:55
Harisntp was removed during upgrade process. installing it13:55
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I disable my keyboard and assign a shortcut to it to re-enable it later?13:55
Harisntp started perfectly fine now. no errors13:55
mojtabaI know how to do this for trackpad. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10782838/13:56
Harisis that apt-get upgrade -f after do-release-upgrade ?13:56
mojtaba(I need this feature because of my 1 yr son.)13:56
lotuspsychje!xrandr | ubuntu75413:56
ubottuubuntu754: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1213:56
Harishave a consistent box after upgrade13:57
Haristo trusty13:57
ubuntu754Xrandr is auto13:58
MonkeyDustmojtaba  after you disbaled your keyboard, you cannot use it for a keyboard shortcut13:58
lotuspsychjeubuntu754: did you try xrandr --auto ?13:59
Harisnow I can install cassandra, datastax community and call it a day13:59
mojtabaMonkeyDust: may be with mouse13:59
ubuntu754lotuspsychje: yes and is set as auto13:59
HarisI have to stop doing that14:00
lotuspsychjeubuntu754: can this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/62483/some-windows-dont-fit-on-1024x600-what-can-i-do14:01
chotaz`wlotuspsychje, i wouldnt know I could try such approaches, I'll do some reading on that, thanks for the tip14:01
ubuntu754lotuspsychje: let me try, i'll let you know14:02
lotuspsychjechotaz`w: if you find out whats the error on why network-manager doesnt start, someone might be able to help better14:02
Mp3IsIntheHousedoes networkmanager keeps logs of it??14:04
lotuspsychjeMp3IsIntheHouse: syslog14:05
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ubuntu754lotuspsychje: no it didn't work14:09
lotuspsychjeubuntu754: i read alot of issues on 1024x600 screens that doesnt fit, even a bug on it14:10
lotuspsychjeubuntu754: maybe add more modes to xrandr?14:11
acro458When I boot ubuntu from disk, it goes straight to ubuntu desktop. Doesnt ask if i want to install. How do I install it on the machine? There is a shortcut on the desktop for "Install Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS", but it does absolutely nothing (typical)14:12
acro458I am trying to install it on an esxi vsphere server14:13
ubuntu754lotuspsychje: but before update to 14.04 it used to be ok, and untile this morning until i closed the lid, tonight i reopened and the screen and it is messed up14:13
lotuspsychjeubuntu754: maybe try the grub recoverymode/ fix broken packages ?14:14
ubuntu754lotuspsychje: i'll try14:14
acro458When I boot ubuntu from disk, it goes straight to ubuntu desktop. Doesnt ask if i want to install. How do I install it on the machine? There is a shortcut on the desktop for "Install Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS", but it does absolutely nothing (typical)14:15
Harisbox upgraded. ntp issue resolved. cassandra installed. work completed14:16
MonkeyDustacro458  it's not typical... maybe try to install from the file manager14:16
Hariswith toom much talk and eating your brains14:17
Haristhanks all14:17
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
MonkeyDusta beer for Haris !14:17
MonkeyDustHaris  what caused the ntp issue?14:17
Harisno idea. it was resolved during do-release-upgrade14:18
Harisntp was removed. libs removed14:18
HarisI manually installed ntp later on14:18
acro458Ok...........so how do I "install from the file manager" ? Got a link?14:19
EriC^^acro458: what are you trying to do?14:20
MonkeyDustacro458  open file manager, go to the Desktop folder, click the install button14:20
acro458I just want to install ubuntu desktop on my esxi host.....14:20
k1lacro458: what ubuntu iso is that, did you test the md5sum?14:20
acro458md5sum correct14:21
k1lah, so its esxi14:21
acro458ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso downloaded from ubuntu website14:21
acro458yes, esxi14:21
exelsiushow I can fix broken ubuntu repositories to install sendmail  http://pastebin.com/qGu6QVYM14:21
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
bitcycleHey all.  I've got several ubuntu hosts with php version that seems like it was upgraded recently.  Where can I view the package upgrade history for Ubuntu?14:22
k1lexelsius: see whats the issue with sendmail-bin14:22
EriC^^bitcycle: /var/log/apt/history.log14:23
k1lexelsius: i am not familiar with esxi setups and what special treatment they need14:23
YvesLevierThx for me too Eric14:23
EriC^^no problem :)14:23
h00kacro458: go ahead and ask again, I think it has to do with your installation media and not your ESXi - that's an Ubuntu specific issue14:26
h00kacro458: http://askubuntu.com/questions/501505/ubuntu-14-04-errno-5-input-output-error-during-installation - I know you said you checked your ISO md5hash in #vmware, but it really sounds to be the issue14:29
Brivelthello, I do have an issue setting up a new ssh user. I created the user, and added my public key to the authorized_keys file of the new ubuntu user, the user is also in the sshusers group, which are allowed to connect via ssh. But I get permission denied (publickey) error.14:30
EriC^^Brivelt: shouldn't the authorized_keys file be in the ssh server?14:33
BriveltEriC^^: It is. I created a new user on Ubuntu. In /home/newuser/.ssh/authorized_keys I added my public key which is generated on my dev computer.14:35
BriveltThe newuser is also added to the group called sshusers, since my sshd_config only allow users to conenct from the sshusers group.14:36
EriC^^Brivelt: are you ssh'ing from the dev to the new user?14:36
KenbDoes anyone have knowledge about bluetooth USB Roper Class 1 driver?14:37
BriveltEriC^^: yes I am. $ ssh newuser@remoteserver.com14:37
KenbRather does anyone also know of the cheapest USB bluetooth that works perfect OOB with Ubuntu 14.04?14:38
k1lexelsius: sorry, mixed your nick with acro14:39
IceBot3000Kenb: In which Country do you reside?14:39
MonkeyDustKenb  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic14:39
k1lexelsius: try to install sendmail-bin and see what error comes up14:39
IceBot3000Sorry can't help then, I have free healthcare14:40
qbrixbut you're taxed into oblivion14:40
Haristhe rich should pay their share of taxes, and the common man all over the world will be ok14:41
Harisbut I digress14:41
somsipqbrix: it's a bot14:41
* Haris goes back to work14:41
somsip!ops | IceBot3000 (is a bot)14:41
ubottuIceBot3000 (is a bot): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang14:41
Harisah, another talker. lol14:42
IceBot3000Do I need to pass the Turing test?14:42
Harislol A bot running firefox on windows14:43
HarisA = @14:43
goddard_why is it i have no sound when watching netflix videos but i have sound on youtube and stuff14:43
Harisfinally .. time to go home14:47
Haristhank you all, for bearing me one more day14:47
Harishave a pleasant day. I'll rest the rest of the evening14:47
ulkeshanyone get the 3.13.0-49 kernel update and having issues with xorg-edgers nvidia-346 (and X/Unity not starting properly)?  I understand if xorg-edgers isn't supported here, just mainly curious (this kernel update released today or yesterday I believe and I have a friend whose nvidia driver isn't playing nice with it)14:50
goddard_why is it i have no sound when watching netflix videos but i have sound on youtube and stuff14:51
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
Nomikoshello, I have a hopefully reasonably simple question, there is a nameserver line in /etc/resolv.conf which I want to remove14:54
Nomikosit's not set in resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/*, I don't know where it /is/ set14:55
MonkeyDustNomikos  sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base14:55
NomikosMonkeyDust: what's that do?14:56
MonkeyDustNomikos  change/remove nameserver, then: sudo resolvconf -u14:56
Nomikosyeah, but the wrong nameserver isn't in that file, only the right one14:56
Nomikosthere are two nameservers listed, the one from base comes second14:56
geniiProbably pulls the nameserver in from dhcp server14:57
NomikosMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10783234/14:57
MonkeyDustNomikos  moment, virtual machine eats all the resources14:58
MonkeyDustNomikos  ok, use the trick I suggested above14:59
Nomikosgenii: this is from /etc/network/dhclient.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/10783253/15:00
NomikosMonkeyDust: it doesn't come from the resolvconf/base file15:00
NomikosMonkeyDust: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/10783234/ - the one I want to remove is but I can't tell where it's set15:01
=== Faylite_ is now known as Faylite
Nomikosgenii: do I take domain-name-servers and dhcp6.name-servers out of that second pastebin link?15:02
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MonkeyDustNomikos  idd, that's odd15:03
Nomikossuspect it's something local to that machine, the router settings only list as dns servers15:04
cnnxhow come a default install of ubuntu comes wiht advertsiement from amazon? is ubuntu getting paid for this?15:04
monojincnnx: yes. It's a grating and inefficient partnership but you can turn it off15:04
* Nomikos tries turning it off and on again15:05
Nomikoso_O that worked.15:05
Nomikosthanks all!15:05
monojin!amazon | cnnx15:06
cnnxalso when im in irssi and try to do alt-f2 for example to swithc windows it doesnt work15:06
cnnxso i installed xchat now15:06
geniiNomikos: Apologies, my work is too busy right now for me to properly address the issue. It does seem you are being assisted by another helper though.15:06
Nomikosgenii: no worries, thanks :-) it fixed itself somehow15:06
k1lcnnx: see systemsettings -> privacy settings15:07
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=== Granis` is now known as Granis
MonkeyDustcnnx  alt-f2 invokes the run-prompt in ubuntu15:12
MonkeyDustcnnx  alt left-arrow switches screens in irssi15:13
[976497]Awhat kind of change makes "\:" in 'sudo chown nobody\: file' command? is it some kind of mistake?15:15
cnnxMonkeyDust, ok its not the same as gentoo then15:15
cfhowlettcnnx, xchat is abandonware.  hexchat is the supported replacement15:16
k1l!info hexchat15:16
ubottuhexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.0-1build1 (utopic), package size 348 kB, installed size 1059 kB15:16
cnnxok that works, its alt-left arrow15:19
zertyuiis it possible to identify the swap occupation ?15:21
TheNumbhi powertop15:21
TheNumbzertyui: free -m15:21
zertyuibut i would like to identify the ressource occupation of swap disk?15:23
MonkeyDustzertyui  you mean what it's being used for?15:24
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Lopehow can I delete the old /var/cache/apt/archives files but keep the current ones?15:29
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geniiLope: See http://www.bedroomlan.org/coding/cleaning-debian-apt-archive-cache15:30
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jeffreylevesquewhat is the /etc/init directory?15:37
MonkeyDustjeffreylevesque  what do you mean by "what is?"15:39
jeffreylevesquethe directory contains files to be executed when the machine starts up?15:39
MonkeyDustjeffreylevesque  type ls /etc/init.d/15:39
jeffreylevesque"/etc/init contains configuration files used by Upstart"15:42
geniijeffreylevesque: Originally the /etc/init.d held all the startup scripts. They were started using the system V init or sysvinit method. /etc/init was added when Upstart came. Upstart scripts are done first, then all the old style ones are executed as another Upstart job. In the new one of systemd it will revert again to the /etc/init.d15:45
Kabyhello guys15:45
jeffreylevesqueI'm using ubuntu 14.0415:45
jeffreylevesqueso, i suppose upstart is more favorable then init.d15:46
Kabyi am facing a problem on ubuntu 14.10 with wifi , each 5 or 10 min my connection stops i have to reconnect to get my internet any suggestions ?15:46
geniijeffreylevesque: Upstart can load things in parallel while init.d linear15:46
jeffreylevesquegenii: will upstart replace init.d?15:48
k1ljeffreylevesque: upstart did replace sysvinit15:48
k1ljeffreylevesque: but form 15.04 upstart will be replaced by systemd15:49
jeffreylevesquek1l, is sysvinit is init.d?15:49
jeffreylevesqueis sysvinit the same as init.d15:50
pinumbernumberThe System Monitor tool tracks total network data received/sent. What timeframe is this? Calendar day? Last 24 hours? Since last boot?15:50
k1ljeffreylevesque: /etc/init.d is the folder where the start/stop scripts are stored15:50
k1land yes, its from sysvinit. upstart still can handle the old scripts15:51
jeffreylevesquesysvinit searches init.d15:51
jeffreylevesqueupstart searches init15:51
k1ljeffreylevesque: sysvinit is deprecated on ubuntu15:51
k1lubuntu switched to upstart some time ago and will switch to systemd form 15.04 on. sysvinit days are really far "back then"15:52
jeffreylevesquek1l: which version of ubuntu stopped used sysvinit, and 15.04 will replace upstart?15:53
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rosco_yHow do I mount a micro-sd ?15:53
k1ljeffreylevesque: like i told before: upstart still can use the old sysvinit scripts.15:53
k1ljeffreylevesque: and i told you 3 times not that form 15.04 on systemd will be the default.15:54
EriC^^rosco_y: type lsblk and see if it's there15:54
rosco_yEric --ty :)15:54
Fr3d3r1chello, after freeze, i had to do rebooting my pc but the logitech of ubuntu is broken15:54
k1lrosco_y: gvfs should do that automatically15:54
Fr3d3r1chow do i fix the probleme please15:54
EriC^^rosco_y: np :)15:55
MonkeyDustFr3d3r1c  what's the logitech? the mouse?15:55
rosco_yEric, I see sda and partitions, sdb and partition, and sr015:55
EriC^^rosco_y: what's the size of sdb?15:55
rosco_yOh, you're right--I think that's it--I thought it was my second hd15:56
Fr3d3r1cit's a ubuntu software to lead installation of the program15:56
rosco_yI'll see if I can mount that15:56
MonkeyDustFr3d3r1c  logitech is a company, if i'm not mistaken15:57
Fr3d3r1csoftware manager is broken on my ubuntu15:58
rosco_ymount is complaining: "wrong fs type".15:58
MonkeyDustFr3d3r1c  the software center? what happens when you try to use it?15:58
rosco_yI think I'll go and do it on my wife's Windows box, it dumbs it down enough for people like me :)15:59
rosco_yThanks Eric!15:59
chotaz`wdoes the hosts file support wildcards?16:00
keevitajahi, using unity and left dash is auto hidden. i also have docky. each time i launch something from the dock, the application icon slides littlebit out from the left dash. is it possible to disable this animation?16:02
MonkeyDustkeevitaja  unity-tweak-tool16:03
keevitajaMonkeyDust i have set all animations none there16:04
MonkeyDustkeevitaja  ccsm is more advanced16:05
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:06
keevitajaMonkeyDust and which setting to modify in compiz config? I have it installed...16:07
luminance_137hi, whenever I plugin my headphones i get this annoying popup https://i.imgur.com/zz1Lnjb.png?116:08
luminance_137how to avoid it16:08
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
luminance_137hi, whenever I plugin my headphones i get this annoying popup https://i.imgur.com/zz1Lnjb.png?116:12
luminance_137<luminance_137> how to avoid it16:12
=== luminance_137 is now known as JonSnow
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MonkeyDustkeevitaja  effects > animations .... be carefull with this16:12
=== JonSnow is now known as JonSnow__
JonSnow__anyone ?16:12
cfhowlett!ask | JonSnow__16:13
ubottuJonSnow__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:14
keevitajaMonkeyDust do you know which setting from there? I am really clueless. Sorry for bugging you!16:14
tewardJonSnow__: ask your real question in the channel all on one line, don't spam with the bot.16:15
moat_joeMy apache bailed and left a giant .crash file in /var/crash, what can I do with this?16:15
MonkeyDustkeevitaja  no, explore it a bit, but be careful, unity depends heavily on desktop effects16:15
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
keevitajaok tnx, but i will not explore it. i have messed up unity before by just clicking stuff i do now know.16:16
MonkeyDustkeevitaja  don't remember how i disabled them, guess i managed to do it with unity tweak tool16:17
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
=== TheNumb is now known as OpenRC
keevitajaok, does anybody know if it is possible to change the icon of the alarm-clock in top taskbar in unity? i would like it to be monochrome but the icon pack i am using does not have it. overwriting is not the option as i would have to this everytime the numix circle icons updates and it happens a lot!16:20
keevitajathere is a .config/alarm-clock but no option for the icon16:20
young__just try other things16:21
keevitajaalso modifying /usr/share/applications/alarm-clock* does not give any results... as it should not.16:21
YvesLevierkeevitaja: For Unity, im not sure.  But in Linux, you shall be able to use a bitmap as icon.  Is that understandable?16:21
YvesLevierSorry im french.  Never sure of my english.16:22
keevitajayes, but where can i configure it? i can make the icons, no problem with that. just does alarm-clock, i belive the gnomes, have the setting option16:22
JonSnow__Whenever I plug-in my headphones I get this annoying pop up https://i.imgur.com/zz1Lnjb.png?1 how to fix this16:22
JonSnow__teward, Ok I was just checking bots and I asked the question again16:23
acro458Probably a LONG stretch, but here is my question: I am using WINE on UBUNTU to run an exe file. This works just fine. However, the program needs to connect to a windows NT4 server using Windows credentials. Is this possible?16:23
YvesLevierkeevitaja: rightclick on icon -> properties.  Then to the left, you see the actual icon. Click on it then follow your instinct.16:24
daftykinsacro458: sounds like a Wine question, not an ubuntu one16:24
acro458is there a wine chatroom?16:25
tewardacro458: you can try #winehq16:25
wimpogis it possible to configure Ubuntu server for authentication against AD?16:27
tewardYvesLevier: Active Directory, I think16:27
wimpogYvesLevier: teward yes16:28
vishnuavenuhow to run ... local dns server on .. ubuntu16:28
tewardvishnuavenu: you mean an authoritative DNS server to hold zones, accessible only locally?16:29
vishnuavenu.... i want to block some site and want to use proxy16:31
YvesLevierWOW  listening16:31
tewardvishnuavenu: you may want to use other methods to block sites, but in theory you can just install a dns server on your computer as you would any software.16:32
vishnuavenu.. yaa16:32
tewardvishnuavenu: on a default Ubuntu Desktop setup you'll need to change the resolvconf templates, but meh.16:32
vishnuavenu.. i want to use twisted dns server16:32
MonkeyDustvishnuavenu  better ask in #ubuntu-server, i guess16:38
vishnuavenuok ....16:38
vishnuavenu i am try to develop  a system for personal use  ... use to work with proxy and dns and django16:39
vishnuavenuThanx MonkeyDust16:39
vishnuavenuand teward .... :)16:39
StanDarshMe right now: http://linuxfag.ytmnd.com/16:43
anonymous_We Are Anonymous16:43
anonymous_any one here16:43
EightynineI have just installed Unity 8 but I can't find in login manager. How to start Unity?16:44
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Anosssoperation eat chicken17:06
sinki_hi there17:07
sinki_im in need of some help17:08
Fr3d3r1cmy software manager is broken because a software has not been installed  correctly, the software manager is block, it crash too17:08
daftykinssinki_: ask a question with detail, on one line17:09
sinki_i have a gsm modem running under ubuntu 12 - it wasnt me who installed it - but since a few days i cant send sms, first i need to figure out which modem and smstool is installed17:10
zy3pDFr3d3r1c, run: sudo apt-get -f install17:10
TheBlindGhoulie3having issues installing rEFInd. I install it says completed successfully but doesnt give me the login showing its been installed, nor will it read my ubuntu bootable usb17:11
sinki_the packetlist or status file could not be read17:11
mehnfrom the command-line how do you keep your ubuntu system up-to-date/secure? Can i just 'sudo apt-get update' my LTS ubuntu or do i have to dist-upgrade?17:12
daftykinsmehn: update only updates local package lists, you must upgrade or dist-upgrade after this, yes.17:12
zy3pDmehn, be carefful with dist-upgrade! ... maybe its better to run only update and upgrade17:13
veritablejso 14.10 offers a simple sounding 'do you want an encrypted home partition?' option on install, but doesn't mention that will also encrypt your swap + prevent swap from working after a reboot.   I guess I should recreate the swap partition unencrypted?17:13
TheBlindGhoulie3well I was in the account i made admin17:13
daftykinszy3pD: why? nothing wrong with dist-upgrade...17:14
daftykinszy3pD: you're not falling into the common trap of thinking it means to upgrade version, are you? :)17:14
zy3pDdaftykins, that was dp-release-upgrade-gtk, right?17:14
daftykinsdo-release-upgrade is also a CLI util17:15
zy3pDbut i like gui ; )17:15
daftykinsgood for you17:15
zy3pDbut yea right17:15
virgilok back17:15
=== virgil is now known as TheBlindGhoulie3
TheBlindGhoulie3 ok-need help on a Dual Boot with OS X17:20
TheBlindGhoulie3cant get rEFInd to install properly17:21
zteamHi all!17:22
bruxCHow would I go about having transmission download to a folder on a diferent server? I tried putting the destination as follows: \\
epx998do i use apt-cache to get the patch version for an installed package?17:22
zteamI'm running Ubuntu 14.10 on a system with fulldisk encryption (encrypted LVM), I was wondering does Ubuntu has any way to protect me from a cold boot attack?17:23
=== Silenced|afk is now known as Silenced
daftykinsbruxC: torrenting to a network share is a bad move17:26
bruxCdaftykins i see. Im using jails in a freenas environment so its all relatively new to me.17:29
vegombreihow does one mount a ntfs external usb2 drive ubuntu says cant mount17:30
daftykinsFreeNAS = off topic17:30
zy3pDdoes anybody knows an application edit exif tags easily?17:30
daftykinsvegombrei: does it? "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"17:30
Paradisee_i just bought another monitor, but i cant make it works17:32
Paradisee_how do i solve it?17:32
Paradisee_i want to use double screen17:32
vegombreidaftykins: i think somethings wrong with the drive it boots and finds it but sometimes it doesnt17:32
daftykinsvegombrei: how long has it been plugged in for? can you run the above command?17:32
vegombreidaftykins: im trying to reconnect but it wont17:32
daftykins'reconnect' ?17:32
daftykinsas in physically plug it in or what?17:33
=== francisco is now known as Guest22164
vegombreidaftykins: http://pastebin.com/BYP0xHrS17:36
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daftykinsoh dear an IO error17:36
daftykinsvegombrei: pastebin of "dmesg | tail" ?17:37
acz32would a mid-range laptop from 2008 be able to handle unity, or should i look into another ubuntu-related distro?17:37
vegombreidaftykins: ?? didnt quite get that17:37
vegombreidaftykins: didnt understand17:37
daftykinsrun the command and share it via http://paste.ubuntu.com17:38
daftykinsacz32: share the actualy hardware specification17:38
acz32daftykins: i don't know them, i was hoping for an answer directed at the general mid-range laptop from that era17:41
vegombreidaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10784368/17:41
daftykinsacz32: too vague sorry.17:41
vegombreidaftykins: its a seagate freeagent external 1 tb usb2 drive17:42
EightynineI wrote sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade and now terminal stuck at Reading packages.. Ready. How to fix this? Or I have to wait?17:42
daftykinsEightynine: ctrl+C17:42
EightynineWill it lock sources.lst?17:43
daftykinslist. and one way to find out17:44
EightynineI'm installing ppa-purge to remove Gnome-staging repo.17:44
daftykinsvegombrei: your disk might be toast17:46
daftykinsbest check it elsewhere17:46
vegombreidaftykins: you think a recovery guy would be able to open it and recover the data ???17:47
RaMcHiPHello all!17:47
daftykinsvegombrei: maybe.17:48
vegombreidaftykins: thanks .. hey whats a good partition software i could get from sudo apt get?17:48
vegombreidaftykins: or mebbe a disk management software?17:49
daftykinserr, you're not going to attempt to use one on that disk i hope17:49
=== Jamie___ is now known as _jamie
ahiriTrying to install Ubuntu using the netboot image, having trouble at the mirror part of the install, here's the relevant part of /var/log/syslog, http://pastebin.com/a40WAwyK, any suggestions on what's causing this?18:14
Fr3d3r1cbon je n'ai pas pu redémarrer sous unity18:15
Fr3d3r1cje n'avais plus d'interface18:16
Fr3d3r1cheureusement que j'ai eu la bonne idée d'en avoir deux en réserve......18:16
=== sjmikem is now known as sjmikem1
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:16
Fr3d3r1cla prochaine fois je ferais attention à ne pas écouter tout ce qu'on me dit d'un pète18:16
daftykinsFr3d3r1c: stop18:16
Fr3d3r1ci made a mistake18:18
Fr3d3r1ci believe that i was on ubuntu-fr18:18
mohsen-rashidihi. is it possible to do full disk encryption during installing ubuntu?18:26
rockstar_my localhost is running, but it doesn't show contents of /var/www. Any suggestion?18:30
pbxmohsen-rashidi, there seems to be a lot of overlapping info on disk encryption. this page seems like a good index at least: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems18:30
saleemhi, im looking for sysvinit package but its not there on tahr repositories , where can i find this package please?18:31
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
hkrrsxsaleem: Peak at this -- http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sysvinit&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all18:33
saleemhkrrsx, thank you18:33
hkrrsxsaleem: You're welcome18:33
saleemguess they have removed this package from servers18:34
hkrrsxsaleem: are you running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Ubuntu?18:35
pbxrockstar_, i recommend going to the channel for whatever httpd you are running18:35
saleemim on 64 bit trusty18:36
hkrrsxHere's the download page for 64-bit version of sysvinit-utils , choose the mirror closest to you and have a blast18:37
tewardsaleem: it's there - sysvinit-utils is the utilities18:38
tewardsaleem: i can confirm it's there18:38
tewardas i'm on trusty :P18:38
saleemyes i know but let me paste what i get in terminal18:38
tewardsaleem: well, upstart is the init system, and also the sysvinit-utils package replaces the sysvinit package (so does upstart)18:41
TurtleDanNOt sure this is the best, but I installed a 2TB HD in this computer and made 3 partitions.  1tb for Linux, 1tb for files, and 8gb for swap.  Problem is I cannot find where to access the second partition.18:44
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TurtleDanWhen I run Linux on external, I can access all partitions.18:45
mtrhI'm trying to get past the introduction in ubuntu next (vivid next) since the swiping won't work. Anyone tried and got past this?18:45
YvesLevierTurtleDan: Repository - get Gparted18:47
TurtleDanI have it installed18:47
TurtleDanIt shows it and says it id dev/sd3 but I cannot find it in the file manager.18:47
geniiTurtleDan: sda3 sdb3 sdc3 ?   Can't be just sd318:48
TurtleDanI apologize.  You're correct.  /dev/sda318:49
TurtleDanMount point /lab18:49
YvesLevierIm also mystified.18:49
geniiTurtleDan: What says result of:  sudo file -s /dev/sda318:49
salafihello my ubuntu 14.04 cannot shutdown it hang on acer e1-51018:51
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YvesLeviersalafi: What is acer on your computer?18:53
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salafiYvesLevier i mean my computer manufacturer name18:56
fffelixHi, I'm trying to install the v4l-dvb modules but am stuck with a problem with the linux headers. I installed them, even did a --reinstall, but theres no /lib/modules/3.8.0-42-generic/build folder, so I can't compile the v4l-dvb modules18:57
YvesLevieri see nothing out of bios settings.  i fear im not your man. Sry18:57
geniiTurtleDan: What is the result of command: mount18:58
YvesLevierHi nostro18:59
fffelixWhere does ubuntu 14.04 put the header files?18:59
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TurtleDancd /lab19:00
nostromenmy question is how to update driver for intel mobile express 94519:00
TurtleDanSeems to be workin now.  I unmounted it and re-mounted it in gparted.  Was that proper?19:01
geniiTurtleDan: Should work19:01
YvesLeviernostromen: Driver....?19:02
YvesLevierWhat release you using?19:02
YvesLevierTurtleDan: Supposed19:02
nostromenxubuntu 14.1019:02
hkrrsxfffelix: Linux headers are installed in the /usr/src/linux-header{$version}-{architecture} directory19:03
hkrrsxFor example: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.16.0-4-amd6419:03
Lorne_Hey all - so what does it mean when my computer boots into a black screen - with a hollow X for the mouse cursor.......??19:04
lsannini have problems whit my bluetooth19:05
lsanninthis is my chip19:05
hkrrsx!ask | lsannin19:05
ubottulsannin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:05
YvesLeviernostromen: You are running a beta19:05
geniiLorne_: It means you only have some rudimentary desktop environment running and not unity or kde or whatever19:05
YvesLevierdid you know that?19:05
fffelixhkrrsx: thanks. so I should ln that folder to /lib/modules?19:06
Lorne_genii - OK - so how do I get to a real cursor?  I can't seem to type anything....19:06
lsanninok I had problem whit my bluetooth I try this https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new/ works on the previous kernel after the update do not works anymore19:06
hkrrsxfffelix: What are you trying to accomplish ?19:07
nostromenif i running a beta what is xubuntu 15 too beta?19:07
geniiLorne_: ctrl-alt-f1     alt-f7 will get you back to the X19:07
fffelixhkrrsx: I'm trying to build the the v4l-dvb modules because my dvb-c stick doesn't work. when I'm trying to compile it make gives me: "File not found: /lib/modules/3.8.0-42-generic/build/.config at ./scripts/make_kconfig.pl line 33, <IN> line 4."19:08
YvesLeviernostromen: im v-e-r-y not a crack of xubuntu.  What i keep in mind is to only use LTS releases in Ubuntu.  Sry cant help more.19:09
hkrrsxfffelix: That's a development issue, beyond the scope of this support channel19:09
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fffelixhkrrsx: I understand, thanks. But i could link the path anyway, right?19:09
hkrrsxI wouldn't19:09
fffelixIn order to get that working19:09
fffelixhkrrsx: meh ):19:10
hkrrsxCheck in your /lib/modules/3.8.0-42-generic/build directory19:10
Lorne_genii : perfect... I got the cursor again - my problem is the last round of ubuntu updates kicked my Nvidia video card offline (2nd time its happened!!)19:10
hkrrsxSee if there is a .config file in there ...... and if so, check the permissions19:10
fffelixhkrrsx: there is no /lib/modules/3.8.0-42-generic/build directory19:11
hkrrsxThere's the problem19:11
EightynineI tried to remove Gnome in tty and install Unity, it installed partially and now I can't login. When loading desktop it freezes. Package manager says that I have held packages. How to fix this?19:11
Lorne_genii I know I need to exit from X  ... then re run the installation package in my download directory... can you pls help me do that?19:12
fffelixhkrrsx: ah ok. Thought it's created by the package linux headers19:12
YvesLeviernostromen: Here is an old trick.  May be not the best but it works.  Save your files in NTFS or FAT that does not know about the files owner.19:13
EightynineHelp me please.19:13
salafihelp i cant shutdown my system it hang with the 5 dot19:13
YvesLevierThen install a LTS release.  Hoping som1 can you help you better than I.19:13
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EightynineYvesLevier you told that to me?19:14
YvesLevierEightynine: Non19:14
colby_any1 know who to install gnupg version 2 for use with enigamail19:15
YvesLevierbut im looking to your problem Eighty19:15
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YvesLevierEightynine: in those kind of problems i use Synaptics.  Did you .... 1 sec19:16
Lorne_ok - simpler question - How do I "run as root"?19:17
EightynineMerci, Yves. Je serai reconnaissant de l'aide.19:17
geniiLorne_: If you can stand the lag of me reply time, work is taking me from the computer every couple minutes for a bit. Basically just use the ctrl-alt-f1 to gain tty, login with usual name/pass and then maybe stop the login manager with sudo service lightdm stop. Then you can issue whatever apt-get commands might be required to reinstall nvidia drivers (most likely culprit) and then start lightdm again, alt-f719:17
grio-workLorne_, put 'sudo' at the front of everything.19:17
fffelixSo, I'm trying to install "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)" but apt wouldn't let me (no candidate). What am I doing wrong?19:17
EightynineSynaptic wasn't installed in my system by default.19:18
Cipher45Stupid question, can I reset the root password using 'sudo passwd' if I don't know the current root password?19:18
colby_lol npe19:18
compdocyou can become root19:18
lsannincan anyono hel me whit my bluetooth cant find any device my chip is RTL8723BE19:18
Lorne_OK - awesome - seems to be working :)19:19
EightynineCan I remove completely Gnome and Unity in tty and reinstall Unity?19:19
YvesLevierEightynine: did you install flashback?19:19
YvesLevierDid you try with another dummy session.  i mean "invité"  sry dont know the world in english19:20
pgunnarsany1 had trouble using/linking blas libraries on ubuntu?19:20
Davor1Hi. How may I sort folders before files in "select file" dialog? Thank You!!19:21
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YvesLevierDavor1: 14.04?19:21
Davor1last LTS19:21
Lorne_sweet - thanks genii its up again... :)19:22
YvesLevierDavor1: Did you try Nemo?19:22
EightynineYves, maybe you mean System default?19:22
fffelixIs there a noob-proof guide on how to get the linux headers from the current kernel?19:23
geniiLorne_: Glad to assist19:23
hkrrsxfffelix: Try running uname-r first and then add the version to linux-headers-(version_here)19:24
Davor1I use xubuntu. File manager is pcmanfm. But when open file from bluefish "select file" is nautilus. I may configure nautilus but it have no efect in "select files" dialog19:24
Bashing-omCipher45: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo ; http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword .19:24
YvesLevierDavor1: Nemo isnt the best solution but i was able to fix that using nautilus19:24
YvesLevierDavor1: err :19:25
YvesLevierNautilus is actualy bugging me.19:25
fffelixhkrrsx: it's basically the same: no installation candidate19:25
YvesLevierUsing Nemo19:25
YvesLevierbtw im using U14.0419:26
hkrrsxfffelix: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-" (tab tab for tab completion)19:26
Davor1No err! but when I open files in "select files" is mixed folders and files by name. I wish first folder and below files19:26
hkrrsxfffelix: Actually, look at this first .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xwS57DKsLA19:27
Cipher45Bashing-om, Thanks for that! I've been using 'su -' sometimes. Is it better practice to use 'sudo -i' instead?19:27
YvesLevierDavor1: Sry Davor i did abandon nautilus.  But noticed that some Nemo options changed something in Nautilus.  Dont ask!!!!19:28
Davor1OK1 Please explain me how i may change "select file" application?19:29
milehighIf I install 14.04, what is the proper way to prevent receiving the 14.04.1 update?19:29
milehighand .219:30
YvesLevierDavor1: Tricky for me.  After i intalled Nemo, i need use a desktop folder in order to get to left and use it as if it was Nautilus.19:30
Bashing-omCipher45: Be aware; both have their particular applications, depending on the use-case. ' sudo -i ' is the more general - and safer but only when required . "sudo <command>" is the recommended means generally .19:31
YvesLevierBut my default, out of this, is still Nautilus.19:31
EightynineMaybe I should try this? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-settings19:31
YvesLevierEightynine: you really want to work using Unity?19:32
YvesLeviertrying to see...19:32
Davor1I mean. Run bluefish, file - open. I have mixed files and folders in "select files". I want first folder an files below. How?19:32
Davor1I have no "sort by type"19:32
Cipher45Okay cool. Thanks again Bashing-om !19:32
EightynineI don't know, never used it before. But I don't like Gnome. I wanted to replace it.19:33
Bashing-omCipher45: Welcome, we are here to help.19:33
geniimilehigh: The usual way would be to make sure the line in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades reads: Prompt=never19:33
YvesLevierDavor1: I dont know bluefish.  but Nautilus is hiding the menu.19:33
YvesLevieris that the problem?19:34
YvesLevierOtherwise, look at upper menu "Sort by"19:35
cabrelquel est la procedure pour mettre a jour son systeme19:36
YvesLeviercabrel: va à Ubuntu-fr ou Ubuntu-Qc selon le cas19:36
YvesLevierIm french19:37
milehighgenii: Will a normal apt-get update/upgrade put me on that release, or is a dist-upgrade necessary?19:37
geniimilehigh: dist-upgrade is the one which bumps versions19:37
colby_can anyone help me to install gnupg version 2 for use with enigamail19:38
cabrelI will try19:38
pzykoticupgrade only upgrades existing packages on your machine.  Dist-upgrade will do that, plus fetch packages that may not exist.19:38
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hkrrsxcolby_: Please see this URL entirely -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto19:39
acz32when installing via mini.iso, does it encrypt the disk, if you so choose, during the retrieval of the base system and additional software, or after the retrieval?19:39
YvesLeviercabrel: j'ai ouvert un canal privé.  On ne peut pas parler français longtemps ici.19:41
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YvesLevieri see no knowed bilingual here.  lemme seek.  Sorry for french friends19:43
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:44
YvesLevierubottu: thx - did you see cabrel?19:45
ubottuYvesLevier: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:45
YvesLevierubottu: dont worry ;)19:46
ubottuYvesLevier: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
YvesLevierIf cabrel comes back plz let me help him to join a french channel.  For the good :)19:48
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diegoviolaI want to install ubuntu to a btrfs subvolume19:49
diegoviolaanyone please?19:49
dnano91hi, is it possible to boot ubuntu from live usb with some kind of antivirus so that i can copy data from an ntfs partition to another (external) drive without the risk of copying a virus?19:50
YvesLevierdnano91: as far i know, you wont need antivirus as long you stay in Linux19:51
YvesLevierIs that right bros?19:51
pbx ntfs partition, i'm assuming it's windows19:52
YvesLevierEven your Win file is damaged by a virus.  Shall not be a problem in Linux.19:52
dnano91YvesLevier: i don't stay in linux. i just want to boot a live system to copy the data to an external drive (it's not my laptop either) so i was curious if there is such a live system19:53
pbxdnano91, are you asking for a way to use ubuntu to screen files you are copying from one volume to another for windows viruses? i don't know that there's a linux product that does that.19:53
CptRageToasterYou can do a bulk file transfer, but if files are infected... they are infected...19:54
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YvesLevierYou wont infect Linux19:54
YvesLevierbut your files back in Win19:55
CptRageToastercopying data does not execute it...19:55
CptRageToaster(in most cases)19:55
YvesLevierbut infection is just waiting you get back in Win19:56
pbx"without the risk of copying a virus" was what dnano91 asked for.19:56
YvesLevieri heard about an antivirus for win wrote in Linux19:56
YvesLevierfor no risk19:57
YvesLevieri donno more19:57
hanfmHello, i have a problem in ubuntu 10.04, /var/log/messages is full of entries like this:19:57
hanfmApr  9 21:55:01 <myserver> kernel: [1708785.301163] cron[17345] general protection ip:7f9b28621786 sp:7fff2d524b20 error:0 in libpthread-2.11.1.so[7f9b2861c000+18000]19:57
hanfmdoes anyone know, how to solve this  issue?19:58
dnano91but thanks anyway :)20:00
west536457640ubuntu 14.04 on samsung laptop - is there a program i can use to boost the bass of the audio? its too tinny :(20:02
hkrrsxhanfm: That error mentions "cron" in it .... check your cron jobs20:02
hkrrsxhanfm: Alternatively, /join #ubuntu-kernel and/or /join ##kernel20:03
hanfmhkrrsx, thanks, i'll try20:03
hkrrsxhanfm: Good job20:04
YvesLevierwest536457640: using vlc?20:07
west536457640YvesLevier, well vlc has a built in gfx equalizer20:09
YvesLeviernot at your taste?20:09
west536457640but i was hoping for something that would work for chrome, or system wide20:09
west536457640vlc is perfect, but it only works in vlc20:10
YvesLevierwest536457640: whats the goal.  i fear i didnt understand20:10
YvesLevieryou want record a best sound that provided in your base mp3 etc.20:11
west536457640YvesLevier, you know how vlc has a gfx equaliser to change the sound of the audio it is playing, more bass, more treble,  etc20:11
pupulkai need hi have a problem. i tried to insta puppy linux. is first time that i try to install linux. now, it did a reebot but ask me a password, wich i dont know wich is it.. i want to install again it but i cant, aways he ask me that passowrd (i see all is write in red)20:12
Jordan_Uwest536457640: pulseaudio has a built in system wide equalizer.20:12
west536457640i want a gfx equalizer to adjust *all* the sound output from my laptop20:12
west536457640Jordan_U, pulseaudio, i think ia have that, let me check20:13
YvesLevierwest536457640: .... if Jordan can help you.  There are conversions possible but not....20:13
HeroCCAnybody know if there is a PPA for IntelliJ available?20:14
YvesLevierWest i have something in mind but not avail....  see this later20:15
YvesLevierHeroCC: Would you reformulate plz?20:15
YvesLevierwest536457640: looking on my 2nd comp20:16
hkrrsxHeroCC: Found these couple of links, hope they're what you need -- http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/11/install-android-studio-ubuntu-14-04-ppa/  and   http://askubuntu.com/questions/272314/setup-and-install-intellij-with-jdk20:16
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west536457640hi YvesLevier and Jordan_U - yes i need to enable the equaliser on pulseaudio - tx for the feedback20:18
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YvesLevierwest536457640: im not sure we really fix your problem west.  If not satisfied, come back with this topic plz20:20
Jordan_Uwest536457640: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/system-wide-pulseaudio-equalizer.html looks like a reputable guide, though it does require a ppa and I have no personal experience with it.20:20
YvesLevierHaving a musician friend with never-happy ears.  Will ask :)20:21
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west536457640Jordan_U, thats the one i found also - giving it a go now20:22
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aladiahHow to update the Linux STA driver on console ?20:25
aladiahIam realising that broadcom manufacter dont have the linux driver to make my broadcom wifi + bluetooth 4.0 work with bluetooth20:26
west536457640YvesLevier, Jordan_U - it worked, no more tinny sound, thx20:29
YvesLevierMy pleasure20:30
YvesLevierthx Jordan20:30
aladiahHow can i download this driver 64 bits version https://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php  and update my actual driver using console ?20:30
kartxrandr question: so my laptop was able to push 2 display's pre 14.04 out of the box. one display from the laptop DP port and dock's DP port. now after the update to 14.04, the display from the laptop is just pushing out 1280x800 .. there is no other option ..i am able to xrandr --addmode and xrandr --newmode and get it to push the actual display. its a pain in the back to do this everytime i reboot my laptop.20:30
kartanyway i can make this better?20:30
geniikart: Put the xrandr commands in /etc/rc.local20:31
Ben64kart: configure the monitors using the Displays tool?20:31
MeanderingCodeanyone know if there's a bootable armv7 installer with a "secure boot" signed bootloader?20:31
kartgenii: to set the resolution yes i use the displays tool.20:32
kartwill try the rc.local route and see if that works20:32
davevanlookart: what video card are you running?20:32
kartintel HD440020:32
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Ben64MeanderingCode: #ubuntu-arm would probably be the best place to ask that20:33
aladiahSomeone could simple copy past the parts of this manual i should follow to install the ultimate broadcam STA driver on my lubuntu http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README_6.30.223.248.txt ?20:33
davevanloohave you looked for proprietary drivers? perhaps that would allow you to drive 2 monitors again aswel.., my setup without prop-drivers would not allow me to drive both monitors either.. nor did it detect resolutions properly..20:33
davevanloothen again, i run 2 nvidia cards.. :/20:34
rgb-oneif by two displays you mean tty1 and tty2 then it is an xorg thing20:35
kartdavevanloo: no proprietary drivers20:35
rgb-oneas of 1.17 it is no longer supported20:35
MeanderingCodeBen64: thx, did.  it's a bit quiet over there :)20:35
kartrgb-one: yeh thats what i read on the forums.20:35
aladiahhow i could know with console commands that iam actually using  a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide20:41
aladiaha clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is20:41
aladiahusually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)20:41
nighty^anyone knows how to fix the gnutls thing in 14.04.2 : using git https:// results in  server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none20:41
nighty^most likely due to the fact to gnutls version20:42
nighty^but I do not know how to fix it20:43
aladiahIf my wirelless is working thats meand iam already using  a previous version of wl?20:43
aladiahSome one help me upgrade to the ultimate wireless driver  to Lubuntu 14.10 64 bits ?  this one here work for me https://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php , i already tested with http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785698/20:46
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MonkeyDustaladiah  if it works, don't cjange it (or what's the proverb)20:47
aladiahMonkeyDust bluetooth not working20:47
Bashing-omnighty^: Maybe, try : sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates .20:47
nighty^tried that20:47
nighty^does not do anything it is not a cert problem20:48
aladiahMonkeyDust my broadcom is wireless and bluetooth , blutooth work fine , bluetooth dont work20:48
MonkeyDustaladiah  please rephrase " blutooth work fine , bluetooth dont work"20:48
nighty^MonkeyDust, he meant wifi works fine and bluetooth does not20:49
beloved2 of my entirely new PCI-e cards do not show with lspci. How can I make them visible?20:50
MonkeyDustaladiah  try blueman to make bluetooth work20:50
kartbeloved: have you tried turning off and then on ?20:50
kart<IT Crowd reference>20:51
belovedkart: Yes.20:51
aladiahnighty  thats it20:51
aladiahShould this be the right part of the manual INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785720/20:51
k1l_beloved: sudo update-pciiids20:52
aladiahMonkeyDust  blutooth dont work with blueman20:52
aladiahIam to newby i need someone telling me what to put in console to do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785720/20:52
k1l_beloved: what gives you "uname -a"?20:53
belovedk1l_: Thank you. And then?20:53
belovedk1l_: 3.2.0-79-generic20:54
k1l_beloved: well, that is an old kernel20:54
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k1l_beloved: so that is a 10.04?20:54
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nighty^aladiah, no it should not20:55
belovedk1l_: Why does it matter?20:55
k1l_beloved: that does matter a lot20:55
k1l_beloved: or is it not even ubuntu?20:55
nighty^aladiah, sudo apt-get install blueman20:56
belovedk1l_: It's based on it but I'll ask in that channel.20:56
aladiahnighty^ :20:56
aladiahnighty^ :  i already have blueman20:56
k1l_beloved: yep, good decision20:56
aladiahnighty^ :  or do you want a see the result for that command ?20:56
grio-workstupid SmartStart CDs...20:57
vltHello. What package do I need to install to get libx264 as encoder in avconv on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?20:57
bazhang!find x26420:57
ubottuFound: libx264-142, libx264-dev, x26420:57
bazhang!info mpv20:58
ubottumpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 764 kB, installed size 1951 kB20:58
vltbazhang: I got libx264-120 (on 12.04) installed already.20:59
Bashing-omaladiah: I will try and help; what returns from terminal command -> which wl <- ?20:59
bazhangso install x264 vlt20:59
vltbazhang: Ok, I’ll try that. Thanks.21:00
belovedk1l_: Just a final question. Will sudo update-pciids let me find the cards with lspci?21:01
vltbazhang: Done. That didn’t change the available codecs listed by avconv. :-/21:01
aladiahBashing-om : iam trying this solution form wxl in Lubuntu channel http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785753/21:02
bazhangvlt smplayer with mpv is another way to go21:02
vltbazhang: I didn’t understand that. What is mpv? And isn’t smplayer just an mplayer frontend?21:04
Bashing-omaladiah: OK, your " http://paste.ubuntu.com/10785720/ " refers, we are attempting to verify the location of 'wl' .21:05
bazhangvlt mplayer/smplayer can do much more than play movies; using mpv with it further yet21:05
vltbazhang: Could you explain, please? What part of that could help me solve my problem?21:09
bazhangvlt I did not see what your exact problem was21:12
vltbazhang: Sorry. The problem is that libx264 is missing in the list of available codecs for avconv on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I don't know whoch package is missing.21:17
DarkforceAt last i resolved my problems with Ubuntu. Thanks for trying to help me, thanks to Google all all those guys making blogs and writing articles. Thanks to Canonical for Unity. Good luck.21:18
marianne_hi, anyone out there ever get VuduToGo to work on 14.04. If I can get this last app to work, I can ditch my Mac for good21:18
DarkforceWhat kind of software is this?21:22
k1l_seems like some movie streaming service21:24
DarkforceThanks, I haven't heard about it.21:25
kahuecan someone help me?21:25
kahuei need to remove the unity lens21:25
kahuevideo, files21:25
kahuehow do i do?21:25
k1l_kahue: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/107701/how-to-disable-lenses-in-the-in-the-dash-menu21:27
k1l_<k1l_> kahue: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/107701/how-to-disable-lenses-in-the-in-the-dash-menu21:29
kahue_ty brother21:30
gunndawgI have been running the Nvidia 331 drivers as the driver manager lists it as "recommended". I went to the Nvidia site and plugged in my GTX 760 and Linux 64-bit and it found the Linux X64 346 drivers. Are these not suggested to use?21:48
Fuchsgunndawg: ubuntu tends to not update drivers during a release cycle unless needed21:50
Fuchsgunndawg: it is _definitely_ not recommended to install the ones from the nvidia site manually, unless you love to end up with a black or low resolution screen after the next kernel update21:50
gunndawgFuchs: I'm trying to fix rubber banding issues in Counter-Strike (supported by valve) and thought maybe the updated 446 drivers might fix it.21:51
Fuchsgunndawg: just take the ones from the driver manager, unless your hardware isn't supported by them21:51
gunndawgFuchs: they work, jsut trying to fix an issue when gaming under steam21:51
kro2488So compared with Ubuntu, why do some people  like linux mint more?21:51
Fuchsgunndawg: there are ppas that offer these and at least set up dkms correctly, note that it's highly unlikely that people will like to give you support when you use PPAs. But for trying whether they fix it, that might be worth a try.21:51
EriC^they think it's more serious21:51
kro2488eric: serious how?21:51
Fuchskro2488: because people have personal preferences, same thing with food, cars and various other things. Happens.21:52
EriC^like the desktop doesn't have fancy stuff, it's more practical etc.21:52
k1l_kro2488: that is not a good idea to ask in a ubuntu channel21:52
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k1l_kro2488: better ask in ##linux for a more objective view21:52
krunkpirateor just go straight to a mint channel and ask those why they have that preference.21:53
Fuchsthat requires slightly more effort since these would be on spotchat, not freenode21:53
compdocwhy would ppl who use ubuntu know anything about mint? racist21:54
area51pilotwhats the best way to tether ubuntu laptop to Android for internet?21:54
kro2488im still new to it all so bear with me21:54
kro2488i don't really write programs and stuff so i rarely use the terminal but im interested in understanding how everything works, so im slowly reading up21:54
kro2488most of the ubuntu gui is fine, but sometimes for updates its quicker to just do a terminal command21:55
mcphailarea51pilot: just attach the cable and select "USB tethering"21:55
kro2488basically I could survive if i was forced to only use terminal which is a good thing21:55
kro2488whereas a few weeks ago not so much21:55
aladiahmy bluetooth dont work. i have a broadcom two in one wifi and bluetooth. bluetooth work wi fi dont21:55
Fuchskro2488: that sounds more like a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic, then.21:56
Fuchskro2488: the channel here should be kept clean and clear for support21:56
kro2488this i the onlyt hing i use irc for, but thats the channel name for just random chat?21:56
area51pilotmcphail, tried that ... VZ wants to charge you21:56
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:56
kro2488with other users21:56
lyndel4hey guys how to copy a folder to the boot folder? it seems it wont let me paste it21:57
mehnanyone know why when i try to sudo apt-get update, it fails with stuff like this Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 91..]21:57
OerHeksaladiah, what bcm chip exactly?21:57
Fuchskro2488: one of the social channels for random chat (within rule boundaries), yes.21:57
mcphailarea51pilot: that is a completely different matter. You asked how to tether: not how to avoid charges21:57
OerHekslyndel4, use sudo21:58
lyndel4why wont it let me paste?21:58
lyndel4u mean i must use command line?21:58
OerHekslyndel4, for a safety reason21:58
kro2488lyndel it has to do with authority21:58
EriC^lyndel4: what?21:58
lyndel4if i must use cli just to copy a folder to boot directy21:59
mcphaillyndel4: you can run "gksudo nautilus" to get a priveleged file manager but you can easily mess up your system if you do something wrong21:59
area51pilotmcphail, your right ... I'm way beyond the simple steps. I used to use FoxFi and ClockworkMod as a hotspot ... but my device isnt supported now22:00
lyndel4i undertsnad thanks22:00
live150Is it common for wine to lag while running a Windows program?22:00
lyndel4al use command line then how should the command look like?22:00
EriC^lyndel4: sudo cp <something> <somewhere>22:01
k1l_area51pilot: running cyanogenmod and ubuntu its totally easy.22:01
OerHekslive150, depends on: your system specs + the windows program22:01
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live150Ah ok :D22:01
Bashing-ommehn: quantal is End-Of-Life and no longer has support. The software repository no longer exists as you may have known it .22:01
area51pilotk1l_, I have a Droid Turbo .. dont think it can be rooted yet22:01
k1l_mehn: 12.10 is dead long time now.22:02
lyndel4lyndel@lyndel-Compaq-Presario-C700-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads$ cp El_Castillo /boot/burg/themes/22:03
lyndel4cp: omitting directory `El_Castillo'22:03
lyndel4what does that mean?22:03
EriC^lyndel4: it means theres a directory in what you're copying22:03
hkrrsxlyndel4: Means you didn't use the -r switch for recursive copying22:03
EriC^lyndel4: cp -r <something> <somewhere> copies the directories too22:04
k1l_area51pilot: see xda-developers for infos if and how you can run other roms or root or enable tethering22:04
lyndel4woot thanks alot guys22:04
lyndel4hahah it worked22:04
area51pilotk1l_, been there .. going to look into the Bluetooth DUN option I guess22:07
area51pilotit just seemed kinda slow when I used it on a tablet22:07
gunndawgSo I decided to try a wired connection and get rid of my wireless but when I plug in wired I have no connection. Any pointers22:11
in_deep_thoughtI need to install virtualbox. Is this big monster of a command what I need? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Installation22:17
wafflejockin_deep_thought, should just be sudo apt-get install virtualbox22:18
wafflejock!info virtualbox22:18
k1l_in_deep_thought: sudo apt-get install virtualbox22:18
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.18-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 15722 kB, installed size 59932 kB22:18
in_deep_thoughtreally? why that huge mess then?22:18
EriC^in_deep_thought: it's the oracle maintained repository version22:19
k1l_in_deep_thought: seems like that site is outdated22:19
in_deep_thoughtwell SOMEONE should have taken it off the internet then22:19
in_deep_thoughtpeople could get hurt22:19
k1l_in_deep_thought: they dont get hurt22:20
kostkonin_deep_thought, that command adds the virtualbox repo.22:20
in_deep_thoughtok so now that I installed the wrong one, how can I remove everything I just did? I would apt-get —purge remove22:20
wafflejockyeah just adding the repo and key for the repo from oracle, but the regular one in the ubuntu repo works fine for me22:20
k1l_in_deep_thought: calm down22:21
kostkonin_deep_thought, wrong one? which one?22:21
in_deep_thoughtI installed the oracle one by accident right?22:21
k1l_in_deep_thought: please do a "apt-cache policy virtualbox" and show it in a pastebin22:21
EriC^in_deep_thought: both are fine22:21
in_deep_thoughtor can I just apt-get install virtualbox now and it will use that correct one?22:21
k1l_in_deep_thought: vbox is made from oracle22:21
kostkonin_deep_thought, both are corrent. the one from the oracle repo is more up-to-date22:21
JUDA92hi how to upgrad ubuntu 13.10 to 1422:22
kostkonin_deep_thought, apt-cache policy virtualbox22:22
EriC^!eolupgrades | JUDA9222:22
ubottuJUDA92: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:22
k1l_JUDA92: did "update-manager" work?22:23
in_deep_thoughtin my vbox-install.log I have Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel.22:23
k1l_in_deep_thought: uname -a gives you what?22:24
in_deep_thoughtLinux mctsluice01 3.13.0-49-generic #81~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 25 16:32:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_6422:24
k1l_in_deep_thought: apt-cache policy linux-generic #in a pastebin please22:25
hkrrsxin_deep_thought: sudo apt-get -s install linux-headers-$(uname -r)22:25
hkrrsxPastebin that, in_deep_thought please22:26
hkrrsxRemove the -s after apt-get and go for it22:26
k1l_sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-trusty22:27
hkrrsxDoes apt-get die after that File: does not exist error ?22:29
in_deep_thoughtthis is the original error that I am trying to get around22:29
k1l_<k1l_> sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-trusty22:29
k1l_you just installed the lts backports kernel somehow and didnt install the headers.22:29
in_deep_thoughtk1l_: yeah I did that. it works fine. 0 upgraded 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded22:29
kostkonin_deep_thought, so you've install the version of virtualbox from the ubuntu repos not from oravle22:30
kostkonin_deep_thought, install that *_ose package22:30
in_deep_thoughtlinux-generic-lts-trusty is already the newest version.22:30
kostkonin_deep_thought, y22:30
in_deep_thoughtkostkon: ? , so sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose? y?22:31
kostkonin_deep_thought, y22:31
in_deep_thoughtI don’t understand22:31
kostkonin_deep_thought, (y)es22:32
in_deep_thoughtoh ok. yeah I did that.22:32
in_deep_thoughtstill getting this though: https://bpaste.net/show/fd8c9873bdaf22:32
kostkonin_deep_thought, you need to install the headers as well22:33
in_deep_thoughtI thought thats what hkrrsx ’s suggestion did?22:33
k1l_"sudo apt-get remove virtualbox*" then "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost" then install vbox again22:34
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hkrrsxin_deep_thought: My suggestion should have installed the headers for your specific kernel22:34
in_deep_thoughtsudo apt-get -s install linux-headers-$(uname -r)22:34
hkrrsxAlthough, the " -s " part is for Simulate, it's supposed to do a dry run and not actually install anything22:34
k1l_the issue is that a bug in vbox triggered now a bug in dkms.22:34
hkrrsxThat's why I said remove the " -s " and run the command again, to actually commit the installation22:34
JUDA92sudo apt-get -s install linux-headers-3.13.0-4922:34
k1l_so get rid of vbox, remove the bad dkms folder and install vbox again22:35
JUDA92and install dkms22:35
in_deep_thoughtah ha! k1l_ after trying what you said, VBoxManage —version works22:36
k1l_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dkms/+bug/830915 this is the bug, mark yourself as affected if you are already registered on launchpad22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830915 in dkms (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] Error during kernel upgrade: Could not locate dkms.conf file" [High,Confirmed]22:36
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AndyS90hey guys22:38
bombo_anyone has any idea if wicd is better then network manager? i am having isues (very slow conection) with my nm and want to switch to wicd.22:38
AndyS90anyone have any experience with networking and the isc-dhcp-server ?22:38
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StarwindCan someone help me get grub reconfigured?  Expanded my windows partition earlier which broke it.  Figured it come back when I reinstalled ubuntu, but no luck :/22:39
StarwindBoot and Windows partition are on /dev/sdc  while the ubuntu partion is on /dev/sdb22:40
StarwindRunning live cd of ubuntu on the machine at the moment22:40
laputahi, anyone familiar with comman 'find' ? i'm always confused that what's the different of using '-name' vs '-regex' ?  both options can be use to match file names22:40
MichaelTiebeslStarwind:did you install ubuntu after?22:41
StarwindYeah, installing ubuntu was the last thing I did.22:41
MichaelTiebeslis it uefi?22:41
Bashing-omStarwind: Show us what we are working with -> sudo parted -l | pastebinit <- .22:41
StarwindI think it installed grub to a different hard disk, so it's still booting from the previously broken grub22:41
colby_can anyone help me to install gnupg version 2 for use with enigamail22:44
StarwindI don't believe it's uefi MichaelTiebesl22:46
MichaelTiebesli was checking your pastebin but it is on several discs22:47
MichaelTiebesli dont saw your root from linux22:47
Starwind/dev/sdc is what I'd like to boot from.22:48
Starwind/dev/sda is just a storage drive.  Not sure why it has boot flag.  and /dev/sdb is the drive I install ubuntu onto22:49
StarwindThe other is the flash drive I'm using to run live cd22:49
Bashing-omStarwind: From the liveDVD -> sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt , sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdb . Reboot and set in bios as the 2nd hard dtive as the boot priority . once booted into ubuntu, run -> sudo update-grub <- to pick up and chainload Windows to the grub boot menu .22:49
StarwindWill give it a shot.  Thanks :)22:50
MichaelTiebeslBashing-om:that should work22:50
MichaelTiebesli was looking for the sdb1 to mount22:50
labeeb32hello. I cannot install ubuntu alongside windows 8.1. There is no such option but it shows full harddisk in one piece. I have MBR partition style.22:50
k1l_labeeb32: already have 4 primary partitions?22:51
davevanloomehn: it sounds/looks like the adress is simply not reachable.. it could be that the server is (temporarily) off-line22:51
davevanloonever mind that.., seems i had not scrolled down o.O22:51
Bashing-omStarwind: Corection !! -> sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdb >-// as /boot is not a separate partition . !!22:51
k1l_davevanloo: no, 12.10 is shut down since long time.22:51
davevanlooyea.., i was scrolled up it seems.. i noticed after posting made a little derp :P22:52
Bashing-ommichaelni: If I had not of made that error .. let's see how it flies .22:53
coffee-hit the 'del' or 'f12' key during bootup screen to boot to windows drive?22:53
wartdevHello team someone know if ubuntu work well in one Aspire E5-57122:54
coffee-or ubuntu22:54
labeeb321 primary, 2 logical, 1 recovery partition, 1 system boot22:54
k1l_labeeb32: so its already out of primaries. so get rid of one to make extended one and put the ubuntu partitions into that22:55
labeeb32if i do so, will the option "install alongside windows" be available?22:57
OerHekswartdev, url for specs ?22:57
chotazevening folks, anyone knows any good e-mail client for ubuntu? im looking for smth like airmail22:57
OerHekschotaz, standard thunderbird is good.22:57
chotazOerHeks, does its job, but I was looking for something more like gmail, that would organize email conversations like it does or smth like that22:59
chotazand for some reason my alt+tab and super+tab suddenly stopped working22:59
labeeb32if i do so, will the option "install alongside windows" be available?23:00
labeeb32if i do so, will the option "install alongside windows" be available?23:00
wartdevOerHeks http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K2O4PCI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=123:00
OerHekschotaz, thunderbird organizes email too, but you are free to try something else, i have no experience with other emailclients as thunderbird does it all.23:01
OerHekswartdev, ubuntu should run fine, maybe the intel GPU is not that powerfull for games23:01
wartdevOerHeks thank you23:03
chotazOerHeks, aaand I just found out thunderbird has add-ons silly me23:04
bombo_wartdev: i think that laptop will be just fine running ubuntu23:06
starwindI'm up and running.  Thanks again guys for you help. :D23:08
Bashing-omstarwind: Great !23:10
poorUserhi people, does anyone know how to get an X11 forwarding (ssh -Y user@host) without messing up the ubuntu's desktop?23:14
poorUserXming X server does it perfectly, but unfortunally is for windows :(23:15
orionHi. What's the best way to upload a deb in to a launchpad PPA?23:19
orionI have the final deb all ready to go.23:19
OerHeksorion, No, you cannot do that. Launchpad does not allow uploading of binary packages directly. It needs you to upload the dsc file along changes and original tarball. http://askubuntu.com/a/7121223:20
OerHekseven commercial packages need to be reviewed AFAIK23:21
mehncan i dist upgrade from quantual to whatever is current ubuntu?23:21
mehnhas to be command line since it's just a digitalocean droplet23:21
xanguamehn: fresh install would be faster23:21
OerHeksmehn, sure, 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > to supported 14.04 LTS23:21
OerHeksxangua +123:22
OerHeksmehn, better ask digital ocean for a fresh 14.0423:22
joe__hello people, i just made a DIY wifi antena and i'm looking for a program that scan all the WLANs23:25
joe__and give me the power of reception of all of them in real time23:25
OerHeksjoe__, wireshark maybe?23:25
OerHeks!info wireshark23:26
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12.1+g01b65bf-2~ubuntu14.10.3 (utopic), package size 780 kB, installed size 2644 kB23:26
joe__thx !23:26
joe__any alternative to wireshark just in case ?23:27
joe__something more lite than i could run on a rasberry PI23:27
poorUserhave fun with raspberry pi23:28
poorUsertry wifite23:28
poorUsermaybe are you looking for that ^^23:28
poorUserbut i must warn you23:29
joe__yes ?23:29
poorUserraspberry pi has serious issues with networks23:29
OerHeksjoe__, rasp pi 2 ?23:29
billy__Hi everyone, is the ubuntu bugsquad IRC still in use?23:29
poorUseryou aren't the problem, but an heavy bugged driver23:29
poorUserjust in case you'll have some freezes / disconnect23:30
joe__OerHeks, no rasp 123:30
OerHeksjoe__, then you are not running ubuntu, are you?23:30
joe__oh yeah for sur :/23:30
orionOerHeks: Grr... it's so much damn work to make a package.23:31
poorUserbut is a strange fork adaptet for a bcm chipset23:31
joe__but now i'm trying the antena on my laptop23:31
poorUseryou'll have less trouble with BeagleBone TI, and with olinuxino23:31
joe__yeah i heard of them they look pretty cool23:32
OerHeksbilly__, sure, join #ubuntu-bug23:32
OerHeksbilly__, sure, join #ubuntu-bugs  *****23:32
poorUseri've hammered my raspberry pi for too many headache ^^23:32
billy__thanks OerHeks, I'm actually on that channel, just haven't seen any activity23:33
OerHeksbilly__, bugs usually are handled on launchpad, development and bughunters are hard to catch on irc23:34
joe__poorUser, have you try olinuxino ? is it good ?23:34
poorUseryep a way better23:34
poorUserwith a normal debian distribution23:35
OerHeks!ot | joe__ poorUser23:35
ubottujoe__ poorUser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:35
Kanovhello, I have a really critical problem. I installed Python3.4 by source to /usr/local/bin and then "gi" through pip3 and now, everything is broken.23:44
billy__Thanks OerHeks, I'l check there23:44
KanovI have pyobject installed but im still getting ImportError: No module named repository23:44
Kanovbefore I installed Python3.4 and "gi" through pip3, eveyrthing was working fine.23:44
Kanovthe default python is 2.723:44
Kanovany fix, please?23:45
Kanovsince Ubuntu is highly reliant on Python, I am afraid that the next time I log in..my system will be broken23:45
Kanovso I need to fix this problem while I am still logged in, and I have only 10 minutes!23:45
OerHeksKanov, why did you do that, ubuntu comes with python 3.4.2-123:45
KanovOerHeks; please, how can I fix this?23:45
OerHeks!info python323:46
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.2-1 (utopic), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB23:46
joe__k i'm running wifite now, but its listening on mon0 (mon0 is my wlan0 i guess ). i have wlan0 who is my default laptop wifi card and wlan0 who is my home-made antena. how do i get wifit working with wlan1 ?23:46
KanovI have three versions of Python installed; 2.7, 3.2, 3.423:46
joe__and wlan1 whos is my home-made antena*23:46
KanovOerHeks; is there any solution or can I consider myself truly screwed?23:46
OerHeksKanov, even ubuntu 14.04 lts has python 3.4 ... i don't  know how to reverse your install, maybe someone knows?23:47
OerHeks* as i never used pip23:48
jmaradinKanov: You will need to use pip to remove what you installed. Ubuntu already has a python 2 and 3 subsystem. Remove either at your systems peril.23:49
Kanovim on 12.0423:50
Kanovany help please?23:50
OerHeksKanov, maybe this page is any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/173323/how-do-i-detect-and-remove-python-packages-installed-via-pip23:51
scrapcodeI just built a new PC and now have 2 harddrives. 1) SSD w/ Xubuntu 14.04, and 2) 1TB HD with my old Windows install on it. I just got Win 8.1 for free through school and want to install it on the HD, will it overwrite my grub bootloader?23:52
nightwalkerkgKanov, what do you need ?23:53
Kanovnightwalkerkg; help23:53
compdocscrapcode, which drive do you boot from?23:53
brass_gaugeHey, I've got a PPC iso of ubuntu 10.04 that I'm trying to get an old Powerbook G4 to boot off of from USB.23:53
nightwalkerkgxD What do you need help with ? Kanov23:53
scrapcodeCurrently I boot from the SSD23:53
brass_gaugeI can't find the usb drive to boot from23:53
brass_gaugeI've tried every variation of "boot usb0/disk@1:2,\\yaboot" I can think of23:54
brass_gaugewith no result.23:54
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Kanovnightwalkerkg; see above23:54
nightwalkerkgKanov, i just joined, copy/paste it.23:54
OerHeksbrass_gauge, check the mactel pages23:55
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:55
Kanovnightwalkerkg; I have several versions of Python installed and now my system is broken23:55
brass_gaugeOerHeks: I'm on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#How_do_I_boot_from_a_USB_drive.3F, which is full of information23:55
brass_gaugebut I can't get nuffin' to work23:56
ronhhello. what would be the best way to set up raid-1 that works under both windows and linux?23:56
OerHeksbrass_gauge, all i know is that page, maybe someone here knows more about ppc/powerbooks G423:56
brass_gaugeWell, if there are any ppc experts around, I'd love to hear from them23:57
hkrrsxbrass_gauge: 2 things .... 1.) Is the USB drive being detected at boot time by the BIOS and 2.) Is that USB drive set to boot before your current internal boot drive?23:57
hkrrsxbtw, I know nothing either23:57
brass_gaugehkrrsx: with PPC you're pretty much required to boot through Open Firmware23:57
brass_gaugei.e. holding CMD+opt+O+F at boot23:57
brass_gaugeand it's a command line23:57
brass_gaugethe above link outlines the steps23:58
hkrrsxYeah, applying PC logic to a Mac .... I'll show myself out23:58
brass_gaugeand I've tried running ls / dev and devalias but I can't find a distinct boot option, nor do I even know how to interpret the tree that it spits out.23:58
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hkrrsxbrass_gauge: sorry man, that was the only magic trick for my show23:59

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