
Kilosmorning all of ya and inetpro  05:34
magespawngood morning05:57
Kiloshi magespawn  05:57
PadroniMorning all05:59
Kiloshi Padroni  wb05:59
Padronihow are you doing?06:00
Kilosapart from cold, good ty06:00
Kilosyour side?06:00
Padronibit of a flu06:00
Padroniotherwise fine06:01
Padroniwhen last was DarkSurferZA here?06:01
Kiloslong time ago06:01
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:03
magespawnhi Padroni ThatGraemeGuy 06:07
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
Padronihi magespawn06:07
magespawnMaaz seen DarkSurferZA06:07
Maazmagespawn: DarkSurferZA was last seen 1 month, 22 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes and 37 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-03-27 04:19:47 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-03-27 06:06:25 PDT06:07
Padronithere's a guy wanting to sell a Alienware MX14 for 25k cash06:07
Padronion a facebook page06:07
Kiloshi MaNI  06:08
PadroniI love alienware but that much for a 14" screen....  not on my watch06:08
ThatGraemeGuyi wouldn't want a 14" screen on my watch either06:13
ThatGraemeGuyseems impractical06:13
magespawnyou can get a brand new one for only a little more06:15
magespawnThatGraemeGuy: too big or too small?06:16
Kilossurely small06:17
ThatGraemeGuyyeah too small06:17
ThatGraemeGuyi expect my watch to have a 60" 4K display at the very least06:17
ThatGraemeGuyand 7.2 audio06:17
magespawnThatGraemeGuy: how would that fit on your wrist?06:25
Kiloswith difficulty06:26
Padronilol - I meant I wouldn't buy a laptop with such a small screen06:41
Padronieven if it is alienware06:41
Kiloshi pieter2627  hows things07:02
pieter2627hi Kilos 07:05
pieter2627great ty, and self?07:05
Kilosgood ty, just cold07:06
barrydkMore almal07:15
magespawnhi barrydk pieter2627 07:16
Kiloshi barrydk  07:16
pieter2627morning magespawn07:17
pieter2627and barrydk 07:17
* Kilos looking at http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/126462-uncapped-mobile-data-for-r169-per-month.html07:18
magespawnKilos: they block youtube, which is a problem for me, a lot of the instructional/educational videos i watch are on there07:21
Kilosi see that. i dont do tube anyway07:22
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:22
TinuvaMachi Kilos07:22
Kilosi could do every release with that kind of data though07:23
Kiloseish. why do i see clinton and obama tweets by me?07:29
magespawnwhich tweets are those Kilos?07:30
Kiloshmm.. between them07:33
inetprogood mornings07:37
Kilosmy pro has arrived07:38
pieter2627morning inetpro 07:38
inetprooh hi pieter262707:38
Kilosty inetpro  07:38
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:38
Kilosread your mail07:38
magespawnwho must read their mail Kilos?07:39
* magespawn waves to inetpro 07:39
mazalMorning everyone07:41
inetproKilos: hmm...07:41
Kiloshi mazal  07:41
inetproso Kilos makes a few waves on the new membership board and gets what he wants?07:42
inetprowell done Kilos07:42
Kilosty inetpro  07:42
magespawnfull story please Kilos?08:15
* pieter2627 is also wondering about the full story08:35
Kiloslong story08:37
Kiloslong story short, looks like we will be able to apply for membership soon at our 10pm08:40
Kiloshi eebrah_  09:02
eebrah_Kilos: hey09:04
eebrah_moving to #ubuntu-africa09:06
Kiloshi stickyboy  09:44
stickyboyKilos: Hey hey09:50
stickyboyKilos: You're on Twitter?09:59
stickyboyAh... I thought this might be you: http://twitter.com/rikergoogling10:00
Kiloshey stickyboy  you got sites10:00
Kilosim trying to get google to find the ubuntu africa site quicker when peeps type in ubuntu africa10:01
stickyboyKilos: Ah.10:02
stickyboyYeah... you need what the industry calls Search Engine Optimization (SEO).10:02
Kiloscan you add this in somewhere 10:03
Kilos<a href="http://ubuntu-africa.info/" title="Ubuntu Africa">Ubuntu Africa</a>10:03
Kilosthat SEO thing is too much for me to do, so adding that will help from other sides i think10:04
stickyboyYeah, SEO gets a bit much. I hate the term "SEO" like I hate the term "Cloud".10:06
stickyboyBut never the less, you need to add your site to Google Webmaster Tools, that helps a lot.10:06
Kilosadd that command from a couple of your sites for us stickyboy  lets see what happens10:09
stickyboyIt's already on my blog and Nairobi LUG blog. :P10:13
Kilosnot enough10:13
magespawnit also helps if people can link from their blog/lug sites to the ubuntu-africa site10:14
magespawnalthough how much that helps i am not sure10:15
Kiloswell if we all do it , things can only get better10:15
magespawnwhat is the code name for the latest version of ubuntu?10:46
mazalVivid Vervet10:48
magespawnhmm something close to home then10:49
mazalI had to google now to see what a vervet is :P10:55
mazalI wonder what they gonna do when the alphabet reach the end10:55
mazalStart at a again ?10:56
ThatGraemeGuystart from A again10:56
magespawnstart again?10:56
mazalI bet z will be Zebra hehehehe10:56
ThatGraemeGuyzany zebra10:56
mazalyeah , that sounds kewl !10:56
magespawnZigging Zebra10:58
magespawnZapped Zebra10:58
Kiloszealous zebra10:58
magespawnthat sounds more inline with the other names11:00
Kilosi go eat now11:07
pieter2627i would like something like zealous zorro11:28
Kiloszorro isnt an animal11:28
pieter2627maaz google zorro animal11:33
Maazpieter2627: "Vulpini - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre" http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulpini :: "Características de los zorros | ZORROPEDIA" http://www.zorropedia.com/caracteristicas-zorros/ :: "zorro - significado de zorro diccionario" http://es.thefreedictionary.com/zorro :: "Small-eared Zorro Printout- EnchantedLearning.com"11:34
Maazhttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/fox/Smallearedzorro.shtml :: "Cute Animal Patagonian Fox / Zorro Patagonic…11:34
Kilosah its a kinda fox11:34
Kilospieter2627  do you have time to run an ubuntu hour sometime11:35
pieter2627spanish for fox or something11:35
pieter2627doubt it, what is an ubuntu hour btw?11:37
Kilosone goes to a coffee shop or something and demonstrates ubuntu to peeps11:37
Kilosthere is a mail from the fly this morning saying what that chick in the usa does11:38
Kilosthere used to be one every month in the cape and a few in jozi 11:38
pieter2627oh, my daily digest has not arrived yet.11:39
* pieter2627 didn't mean to say something funny11:39
Kilosya man its just the idea of a whole days mail at once11:40
pieter2627you did mean a mail on the mailing list :)11:40
Kilosi wouldnt keep up11:40
pieter2627oow, i see11:40
Kilosour list11:40
Kilosits hard to find peeps that can do it monthly11:46
pieter2627maybe one should rather try to get peeps to fill in monthly?11:51
Kilosi think most of the guys would but work keeps them busy11:52
* pieter2627 thinks so too11:52
Kilosonly times us za peeps might manage is weekends i think11:53
Kilosthen its hard for family guys11:53
Kiloswould be cool if we could get some high school kids on our side11:54
Kilosthey love hanging out in malls11:54
pieter2627yea it would, but i would feel sorry for them11:54
pieter2627cause they will learn to much and might find IT at school boring if they have it as a subject - it is how i felt11:56
pieter2627boring to the point of frustrating11:56
Kilosthere surely must be some anyway because all kids today have laptops and tablets11:56
Kilosthey cant all be drag and drop peeps like me11:57
pieter2627haha, they are seek and drop :p11:58
Kilosread how much this girl does http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2015/04/08/interview-with-elizabeth-k-joseph-of-the-ubuntu-community-council/11:58
Kiloswe lag far behind11:58
Kilosok to me she is a girl still11:59
pieter2627ah i almost felt really young12:00
pieter2627the topic about the ubuntu hour in the mail list is interesting - what is the experience of the guys that used to attend one in the past?12:34
pieter2627meaning sa guys12:34
Kilosthere are a few that have done them12:43
KilosMaia used to be the kingpin12:43
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening12:43
Kilosthere were pretty cakes and everything for release parties and so on12:44
Kilosi wonder where all those pictures are12:44
Kilospro can find stuffs when he isnt just lurking12:45
Kilosand they used to sit and chat to us here while things were happening12:48
pieter2627ah ok12:56
ThatGraemeGuyoh joy load shedding at 18:00-20:3012:56
ThatGraemeGuyworst damn slot12:57
Kilosno sende laan12:57
ThatGraemeGuykids enjoy bathing by candlelight at least they think its hilarious12:57
kulelu88I just can't find a tablet with an IR blaster :(13:25
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
Kiloswb magespawn  14:01
magespawnKilos: i only saw your pm now14:01
* Padroni greets the room14:57
Padronigood bye people14:58
Padronisee you tomorrow14:58
PadroniKilos check your pvt14:59
Kiloshi Cantide  15:05
Cantidehello '-';;;15:05
Cantidei'll be afk for a bit..15:05
Cantidemaybe 30 minutes .-.15:06
magespawngood evening16:29
Kiloshi magespawn  16:30
magespawnKilos have you ever tried any other linux distro? like CentOS or suse?16:31
Kilosyes centos sucks for me16:32
Kilosi also tried tinycore which was nice but more learning16:32
Kilosi did centos for the lpi course we were going to do16:32
elachecheSuse sucks.. CentOS, Fedora, Arch, Slackware, Gentoo & Debian are cool.. But I use only Ubuntu ;D16:33
magespawnmost of the certifications seem to be based on red hat or other rpm based distros like centos16:33
Kilosbut i struggle remembering all the different commands16:33
Kilosand centos could even see my modem16:34
elachechemagespawn, CentOS & Fedora are RHEL :D Redhat usually uses them to try new features before integrated them to RHEL :)16:35
magespawngoing to be doing a dual boot maybe, or i might just remove xubuntu for a bit16:35
Kiloselacheche  now you just need to upgrade to kubuntu16:36
* Kilos ducks16:37
elachecheL00L Kilos :D I have KDE :D I have fancy GUI :D I like minimal things :D I crated my OWN Mate Ubuntu before they make it a distro :D → Backto 2012 I installed Ubuntu like it was a server (only cli) then I installed Mate on it.. And I'm in my way to a more minimalist OS, I use AWESOME WM in my laptop for more then year now..16:39
elachecheI HATE fancy GUI 16:39
magespawnKilos: it is always a good to learn new things16:39
Kilosyes magespawn  for peeps that can remember stuff16:40
Kilosfor what i do , kde rocks16:40
magespawnthat is what a pen and paper is for16:40
magespawnkde is very nice16:40
elachecheFor what I do, KDE is a waste of hardware resources :D 16:40
Kiloselacheche  nothing wears out16:41
magespawni am tending to find that too16:41
Kiloskde is heavy yes but once you used it for a few months other systems just dont offer as much16:41
Kilosonly 2 things i need, a good ups and an ssd then im happy16:42
magespawndinner time16:47
magespawnthat was good16:57
inetprogood evening16:57
Kiloshi inetpro  16:57
inetpromagespawn: what did you have for dinner?16:57
magespawngreek salad and 2 baked potatoes16:58
inetprohmm... he's a vegetarian?16:58
Kilosno meat?16:58
magespawnnot tonight, helps control the cholestorol16:59
magespawnan eish and an ai, what now/17:01
* inetpro won't survive on that17:02
Kilosfix the cholestorol17:02
inetproit sounds healthy though 17:02
magespawngenetically inhereited Kilos 17:02
Kilosill rather eat a peanut butter sarmy17:02
Kilossorry magespawn  17:03
magespawnnothing too it really, just means i have to watch what i eat, not a bad thing really17:03
inetproMaaz: Kilos ++ [rather eat a peanut butter sarmy than just eating a salad]17:05
magespawnnot good to eat big heavy things before going to bed, not that a peanut sarmy qualifies as that17:06
Kilosi think lotsa UV's help lower cholesterol17:06
Kilosand raw onions and lentils17:06
magespawnyes there are a lot of things that help17:06
magespawnfish too17:06
Kilosi love fish but its become rather pricey17:07
inetproan egg a day is good for you17:07
Kilosi go eat17:07
magespawnhey gremble 17:15
grembleHow are you magespawn?17:17
magespawngood and you?17:17
grembleI am well thank you17:17
Kiloshi there gremble  17:25
grembleHey Kilos. For a moment thought you were sleeping17:25
Kiloslol i was eating, and not salad17:26
grembleSalad is healthy though17:26
Kilosyes we have often but with a meal17:27
Kiloslekker at a braai as well17:27
grembleBraaiing a salad is not nice though17:27
Kilosthat isnt a good mathematic deduction17:28
grembleNope. It's part of the "duh" knowledge system17:28
magespawnwe could use some more of that in this country17:29
Kilosmore duh knowlege?17:29
Kilosdge too17:30
grembleI second that notion17:31
grembleAnd less selfishness17:31
Kilosohi superfly  17:32
magespawnload shedding, good night all18:01
KilosMaaz  announce 7 Days to our next monthly meeting guys and gals18:07
MaazHear ye, hear ye! 7 Days to our next monthly meeting guys and gals18:07
grembleMaaz announce tea is far superiour to coffee18:10
MaazHear ye, hear ye! tea is far superiour to coffee18:10
KilosMaaz  coffee on18:11
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:11
* Kilos sniggers18:11
kulelu88This is Africa18:15
kulelu88Until now. Lights are back18:15
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:15
inetproai tog! 18:15
inetproshedding the load here now 18:16
Kiloswat nou inetpro  18:16
kulelu88This was more like "we're testing out what total blackout feels like"18:16
kulelu88the yolk of an egg is bad for the heart18:18
grembleSo is the powder of cocaine18:18
Kilosand rat poison18:18
kulelu88gremble: can you charge your electronics at the big generators on hatfield campus?18:18
grembleWell, not at the generators, but at the plugs attached to them, sure18:19
grembleThere is even wifi on campus18:19
kulelu88free pron?18:19
gremblewhen loadshedding hits, tuks don't feel it18:19
grembleI guess18:19
kulelu88is it free free or do you need to register your device?18:20
gremblefree if your device is eduroam registered18:20
grembleBut for that you have to be affiliated with an eduroam institution18:20
gremblelike uP18:20
grembleso I guess not18:20
kulelu88do you still get those people hanging a rope between 2 trees and walking on it?18:21
grembleHaven't seen them in a very long time18:21
grembleThey were everywhere in first year18:22
kulelu88hopefully they graduated18:22
grembleI think they either graduated or failed out :P18:22
grembleIt's called slack-lining18:22
kulelu88they reckon 50% of first years drop out of varsity18:22
grembleIt is quite difficult. I have fallen on my balls a few times doing that18:22
kulelu88did it at least tickle your sack?18:23
Kiloshi pieter2627  18:23
grembletickling is not the word that I would use18:23
kulelu88the good old days of no worries, women wearing hardly any clothes and drugs and booze all over18:24
grembleSounds like you had a good time :P18:25
kulelu88No, twasnt me. I'm on IRC ftw. The most dangerous things we did was use the varsity PCs as a LAN for CS18:25
grembleHaha xD Which ones? Informatorium?18:26
kulelu88those were the least dirty18:26
grembleYa, because only the privileged few are allowed to use those18:27
kulelu88you are 1 of them18:27
grembleI need to go find out where I can beg for a linux account there18:27
kulelu88Carry Kaali on a flash and you're good18:27
grembleYes, but only windows machines18:27
pieter2627hi Kilos 18:27
grembleI have WST so I get to code in SAS18:27
kulelu88Just make sure you avoid the rooms with cameras18:27
kulelu88Did Basson take you first year?18:28
grembleDr Basson? Numerical Analysis?18:29
kulelu88it was an old woman with short hair18:30
grembleNo idea who that is, so I guess not :P18:30
kulelu88Which COS did you do?18:30
gremble132, 151, 110, 121 I think18:31
kulelu88110 and 121 were the rape modules18:32
kulelu88I heard of guys doing 110 in 2010 and still doing it in 2012 :D18:32
grembleI did not do the 110 project so they failed me, even though I got 92 and 98 for the two semester tests18:32
kulelu88so you're a C++ legend18:33
kulelu88I think I'd still fail varsity CS18:33
gremble121 was alright when I stopped being lazy and actually spent some time learning why there are certain archetypes18:33
kulelu88I'm not wired like a programmer :(18:33
gremble121 was the most valuable subject for me out of all of those18:33
grembleTaught be to think about what I am trying to do18:34
gremblesometimes I also think I am not either, and other times it just works18:34
kulelu88it only works in Python for me18:34
grembleIt sucks because I feel extremely flaky18:34
kulelu88They'll be 1 of the last varsities to teach programming in Python18:35
kulelu88anti-OS cunts18:35
grembleIf the algorithms course wasn't in Java, I would still be doing CS18:36
kulelu88they still teach Java?????????18:36
grembleEverything after first year C++ is Java18:36
kulelu88that's an epic fail18:36
grembleit is fucking weird18:36
grembleThey don't even touch on functional programming18:36
grembleOh. I shouldn't swear18:37
MaNIsounds more like a corporate java programmer sweatshop than a university18:37
kulelu88you can consider them as a feeder-varsity for soulless bank jobs18:37
kulelu88on the dot, MaNI 18:37
gremblePretty much18:37
kulelu88I wonder if they will fail you for coding the software in a project in your own language18:38
grembleType theory, Proof theory, Category theory... they touch on none of that18:38
MaNImakes me feel less bad about my unisa experience18:38
grembleformal systems like lambda calculus? forget it18:39
kulelu88MaNI: Doesn't UNISA do C#?18:39
MaNII thought unisa sucked, but sounds better than this18:39
MaNIkulelu88, not while I was there don't know about now18:39
kulelu88I think this is why UCT is winner in CS. they do Python and are more open to programming18:39
MaNIlanguages I did at unisa in various courses pascal/delphi/c/c++/asm/prolog18:39
kulelu88*is the18:39
MaNIbut times may have changed :)18:40
grembleI worked myself into a stuper while doing CS first year. My girlfriend at the time would get so exhasperated with me, because I would be up doing projects until 4-5am haha18:40
MaNIoh and java was in there somewhere as well18:40
kulelu88On that note, Delphi is now the only language they teach in high school18:40
grembleNo more Java?18:40
grembleBorland must be excited. I can't think who else would buy licences :P18:40
kulelu88yeah, there was some cockup where the company behind the dying Delphi made a plan with the department18:41
MaNIembarcardo you mean18:41
MaNIdelphi has switched hands about 20 times since borland :p18:41
grembleOh shit18:41
grembleI used it in 2008 last and then we used Borland delphi18:41
MaNIhehe, borland were quite an entity at a stage18:41
MaNIthey had the best c compiler as well18:41
kulelu88borland C? I've heard of that18:42
kulelu88I now hang around fringe languages. Weird shit that varsities will never touch18:42
grembleWhat languages do you like kulelu88 ? :P18:43
kulelu88Check this one: #crystal-language18:43
kulelu88gremble: I'm also starting my own language :D18:43
grembleWith blackjack and hookers?18:44
kulelu881 language to rule them all muhahahaha18:44
kulelu88it's not compiled, it's not interpreted18:44
grembleits evolved into a special purpose CPU?18:45
kulelu88it runs in ternary state18:45
kulelu88built for quantum computing18:45
kulelu88you don't write code, you use your brain impulses18:46
grembleI know jack shit about quantum computing, and as far as I can gather even the quantum computing experts share that much18:46
=== kulelu88 is now known as kulelu88_awaaaay
MaNIisn't quantam computing just an elaborate hoax to get lots of research money? :p18:47
grembleWho knows :P18:47
grembleI like the fact that haskell is both compiled and interpreted18:52
grembleit is pretty cool18:52
=== kulelu88_awaaaay is now known as kulelu88
gremblewelcome back19:28
kulelu88danke 19:31
grembleIt is probably about time I did a reinstall on this machine haha19:32
kulelu88time to install systemd heh!19:32
grembleWhen I reboot systemd howls at me because of all kinds of misconfigurations that it did19:32
kulelu88I always knew it was a PoS software19:33
grembleI'm thinking about moving to voidlinux, but I don't know if I want to sit with the effort of manual compilation of my packages19:33
kulelu88backtrack to 14.0419:33
grembleI use Arch19:33
kulelu88you mean shitLinux19:33
grembleNope. So far it has treated me better than Ubuntu or debian 19:34
grembleIt's my preferred distro19:34
kulelu88Xubuntu has never failed me 19:34
grembleEven that is too big for this system19:35
grembleI run on the bare minimum19:35
kulelu88how much ram?19:35
gremble1.8 I think19:35
kulelu88that's more than enough for xubuntu19:35
grembleAnd nothing else19:35
kulelu88else? like?19:36
grembleI make joke. Chrome wants 2GB all to its lonesome almost :P19:36
grembleI'm quite happy to just run my terminals 19:37
magespawnback, load shedding done19:57
gremblewelcome back19:58
magespawnwas actually asleep, till the boss called about his adsl20:00
gremblethat bastard20:01
grembleThis weekend we have loadshedding between 8 and 10. :/20:02
grembleOn stage 3 we have from 04:00 - 06:30 and 06:00 - 08:30 on tuesday mornings. They fucked up their scheduling haha20:03
grembleIt also means that there is no way that I am going to varsity if I have to wake up at 05:00 and there is no electricty20:03
magespawngremble: are you studying or teaching?20:05
grembleStudying. I wouldn't mind teaching20:06
grembleBut I am probably not informed enough yet 20:06
magespawnnice, what may i ask/20:06
grembleI study mathematics20:07
grembleWith the intent to apply it to either the study of formal systems or some other field in theoretical computer science20:07
magespawnnice anticipation there20:08
grembleIf there is anything that life has taught me is that my anticipations are usually incorrect. Haha. I've made sure that I am know something about physics, programming, operating systems, even electrical engineering. 20:09
grembleIf all else fails, I can write for a newspaper haha20:10
magespawnor for a website, they seem to need writers20:11
magespawnmaybe start your own20:11
magespawndo comics for xkcd20:11
grembleWorking on that. The website thing. My mother is an out of work occupational therapist. So I want to see if I can publish her book on a website and see if we can generate some work for her20:12
magespawnwhat is that in lay terms?20:12
grembleIf you accidentally cut off your arm shaving, she is the person that you go to that teaches you how to do your job with the arm that you have left20:13
grembleHowever, she specialises in childhood development. School readiness, making sure that the kids develop proper visio-spacio awareness etc20:14
magespawni see20:16
magespawndoes she have the book written already?20:17
grembleCouldn't get it published because the publishers didn't feel that there is a market for it20:17
magespawnany of the traditional publishers... good anticipation there again20:18
grembleI sort of agree with them. It is more of a textbook for early childhood development than really a book that would sell in Exclusive Books20:19
magespawni see then it might be a good idea to market to that group of people who need that sort of book20:20
magespawnnursery school teachers, would be good to get it included as course material for a degree or other qualification20:21
grembleYes. At the moment I am trying to think up a sustainable business plan, while trying to get her to sit down and revise the text and add some new research, seeing as I have access to UP's library of journal databases20:22
magespawnget some other people to read it who would be able to review it as an athorative source20:23
magespawnspelling is bad there20:23
magespawnnot too sure20:23
grembleYup. Authorative is fine :P20:23
magespawnpeer review, sort of thing20:25
magespawna friend of mine is working at rhodes completing her master/docterate in education, i can put you touch with her if you would like20:28
grembleThat is probably not a bad idea. Let me talk with my mother tomorrow and see if I can make a fire under her and then I will shoot you a mail? If you don't mind sending me your email address20:31
magespawncheck the pm20:33
Kilosnight all, sleep tight20:34
grembleGood night kilose20:34
magespawngood night Kilos 20:35
grembleI should stay with tab complete20:35
Kiloskeep well guys20:35
Kilosbed time for ballies20:35
grembleThanks magespawn. I will send you mail. I need to get this ball rolling20:36
magespawncool beans, if there is another way i can help let me know20:36
grembleSame sentiment. If you ever need something integrated or need someone to explain Heideggers phenomenological ontology, I'm your man.20:39
magespawni will have to google that first to even have idea of what i am asking20:40
grembleIt is just large words because Heidegger was a twat that thought that everyday language could not be used to explain philosphical concepts. Ontology is the study of being, as in the verb. What it means to be what you are, whether it be a human or a chair. 20:41
magespawnokay then20:42
gremblePhenomenological is a really ugly neologism, word built up of other words, to mean phenomenon, as in things that you experience20:42
grembleSo it means the study of what it means to be in relation to everyday experiences20:43
magespawnthat is all a bit much, for this time of night20:44
grembleHaha sorry :P20:44
magespawnany way, let us continue this on another day, perhaps when the brain is in the right time zone20:46
grembleThanks for bouncing ideas my way earlier. Good to have a fresh prespective20:47
magespawnthat is the one thing i am relatively good at, bouncing20:48
magespawnhmm google returns only 360 000 pages for that search, and most of them scholarly articales20:49
grembleplato.standford.edu is a good website for those kinds of things. Anything tangenially philosophical. You can even read about set theory and lambda calculus there20:50
kulelu88you're inventing words now gremble 20:50
magespawngremble time of night, please, brain is pretty fried already20:51
grembleHaha 20:51
magespawnnot the time to get into philosophy20:51
gremblehttp://plato.stanford.edu/entries/heidegger/#BeiWor but don't read this now. or ever actually20:52
magespawnnot unless the answer is 4220:53
kulelu88magespawn: we're generation Y, this time of the night is midday ;)20:53
grembleIf my day could start at 16:00 and end at 06:00 I would be so happy20:54
magespawnnot for those of use who have to wrok tomorrow, i always thought i was gen x20:54
kulelu88ironically, that is how my day starts20:54
kulelu88but its kak cold in the early morning20:55
magespawnkulelu88: how is that? 20:55
magespawnthat depends on where you are, around here it is nicely cool, at this time of year20:56
kulelu88where's here? magespawn 20:56
kulelu88oh ja, you're the KZN guy?20:56
grembleAt 5am it is fine in pretoria. When it gets to 7:30 it is freezing20:56
magespawnnot the only one20:56
kulelu88you lucky dog. Go surf or something20:56
magespawnnow that is ironic, i hardly get to the sea20:57
magespawnand i am looking to move back up to gauteng 20:57
kulelu88hopefully to sleepytoria20:58
magespawnaccording to the official definition i am gen x20:59
magespawnhah obviously never been to hluhluwe20:59
magespawnpretoria is going to feel like new york after here20:59
kulelu88are you near the coast or inland KZN?20:59
magespawnhluhluwe is relatively close to the cost, directly, but to get there i have travel about 100km or so21:00
magespawnabout 3 hours north of durban21:01
kulelu88why did you settle there and not Ballito?21:01
magespawntowards mozambique21:01
magespawni was working as a field guide at the time i cam down21:01
DalekSecsuperfly: https://ubuntu-za.org > logo/big button next to 'Home' directs you to http:// when using https://21:02
superflyDalekSec: thanks21:02
magespawnhey superfly, you are supposed to asleep21:03
kulelu88big news for capetonians. woothemes got acquired by automattic21:03
gremblewoothemes? what?21:03
magespawnnever heard of either of them21:03
kulelu88you guys don't know ehh? 21:04
kulelu88multi-million dollar company in CPT. superfly should be aware21:04
superflyI know of WooThemes, wasn't entirely aware they were CPT, but makes sense.21:05
gremble"woothemes" wordpress theme and plugin provider?21:05
superflyI imagine so.21:05
magespawni did not think there was that much money in wordpress themes21:05
kulelu88how am I the only 1 who knows this :-/21:06
grembleTheir website is not reactive21:06
kulelu88they do commerce also. woocommerce21:06
grembleDoesn't say much about their themes :P21:06
magespawnkulelu88: no idea, there are deals happening all the time21:07
magespawnwhoops see now the bost has left in a huff21:08
kulelu88it's a big thing for acquisitions in our dry market21:09
kulelu88but they were never really a local company21:09
magespawnthat is my que too, good night all chat later21:10
grembleI think I am going to do the sleep thing to21:19
superflyme too21:19
superflykulelu88: I vaguely recall something of the sort, but I am not a WordPress fan, so I tend to steer clear of it21:19
kulelu88take care guys21:20

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