
vir17does snapcraft create snappy apps for armhf architecture?00:02
elimisteveERROR: 'my-scope' is not a directory05:35
elimisteveI'm getting ^that^ error when running 'snap build .'05:35
elimisteveAny idea what that means? I have many things called 'my-scope' so it's hard to know where to look05:35
elimisteveExcuse me, 'click build .' is the command that gave me that error05:36
elimisteveThink I solved it. Asked here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/726536/error-building-click-package-with-click-build-is-not-a-directory05:46
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
elimisteveSolved it and posted the answer here: http://askubuntu.com/a/726543/12559606:38
fgimenezgood morning08:04
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Thursday, and happy Data Privacy Day! 😃10:00
vir17with snapcraft can I create snappy apps for armhf devices/10:02
mvoJamesTait: good morning! how it the snap.yaml stuff going .) ?10:22
JamesTaitmvo, good morning! Almost there, I think, although it looks like the solution won't be quite as clean as I'd like (just due to the way the current code is structured).10:36
JamesTaitI'm just writing up a quick follow-up to my earlier mail and will add a couple of details to the Trello card for completeness and transparency.10:37
JamesTaitI'll propose a first cut to unblock you guys, and then see about cleaning it up.10:39
vir17hi all, I need some help to create a snappy app for raspberry pi 210:42
mvoJamesTait: \o/10:42
vir17i have a simple app written in python and when i use snapcraft it creates this output: test_0.1_amd64.snap10:43
vir17how instead of an amd64 I can produce a armhf10:44
JamesTaitmvo, actually, I just realised - when you said "we need to support snappy 1.0 until 15.04 EOL", did you mean 15.10?  Because 15.04 EOL is next week.10:46
mvoJamesTait: snappy has a bit more EOL10:46
mvoJamesTait: until snappy 16.04 is there10:47
JamesTaitAh, OK.  That makes more sense. ☺10:47
* JamesTait tries to keep up.10:47
mvovir17: if its pure python you can set the the yaml to: architectures: [all]10:50
vir17thank you mvo  i will try it10:51
Sweet5harkHi guys, sorry had to run yesterday. Installed the all-snaps image in the meantime, but cant find any starce in there too. Any hints?10:59
mvoSweet5hark: the best I can offer right now is to scp it in, we want htis to be part of the snappy-debug snap but its not quite there yet11:09
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Sweet5harkmvo: k11:11
Sweet5harkmvo: thx11:11
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diwichow can I use "snappy try"? I'm on 16.04 so there's nothing in the snappy-dev/tools ppa11:21
diwicand "snappy try" just responds "did you mean activate?"11:22
mvodiwic: snappy try is not implemented yet, as a workaround you can just install it11:32
diwicmvo, sorry if this is a newbie question, but how do I install a snap that's not in the store yet?11:34
diwic(I just made the snap myself, and it's not ready for the store yet)11:35
vir17and another newbie/stupid question from me, how do I run an application that I have install11:42
mvodiwic: if you build it with snapcraft you should have a snap file, just scp it to the snappy system (or use snappy-remote) and then you can install it via "sudo snappy install ./path/to/snap.snap"11:43
mvovir17: it will generate a command with "snapname.binaryname", check /snaps/bin to see if its there. note that the metadata in meta/package.yaml must be there, i.e. you need to declare what binaries the snap has (or services)11:44
* mvo is away for some minutes11:44
diwicmvo, snappy-remote seems not available for xenial, so I'm going to try the scp approach. thanks11:50
asacmvo: lool: ok, so do we need a chat to decide what we do on kernel snap now?12:17
ogra_asac, ah, that reminds me ... regarding the snapcraft.yaml you showed me yesterday ... how do you make sure the minimal requirements if the kernel config are fulfilled (apparmor, various cgroups and namespace settings etc)12:18
ogra_do you have some config checker script ?12:19
asacogra_: no, but we have default configs later thaht you have to explicitely disable...for now its raw DIY :) ...12:22
ogra_well, then you need at least a fat README that lists the required options ;)12:23
asacthink we would need default config options that are hard to disable + some patch checker or something to ensure all the right apparmor patches are in12:23
asacyeah for sure12:23
ogra_the kernel pacfkage has all this already12:23
asacthink thats polishing12:23
ogra_i wonder if you could just steal it from there12:23
ogra_creating a unusable kernel isnt fun12:23
asacif you have pointers for the patch checking that would be cool12:24
ogra_(missing apparmor patches and such cause snaps to become non-executable)12:24
asacdo you have the list handy? otherwise i am sure i will hit this convenience problem when we get to point where we want to boot it :)12:27
ogra_asac, well, i only know the config file used for the config enforcer, probably ppisati can point to the right person to talk about the code12:27
asacwhere is the config enforcer? is that a snappy specific one?12:27
ogra_it usually lives in linux-source-$ver/debian.$subarch/config/annotations12:27
ogra_(in the source package ... not sure where in git)12:28
asacthe linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0$ find debian/ | grep annotat12:28
asacdoesnt have that12:28
asacwill check a xenial one i guess12:28
ogra_might be arm specific, not sure12:29
ogra_its a loooong time i have built an x86 kernel :P12:29
ogra_asac, i think in x86 kernels it is in debian.master/config/annotations12:31
vir17when I run in a raspberry pi with ubuntu snappy "sudo snappy install" I have this error:  Signature verification failed: No signatures, or no origin signature. (exit code 10)12:32
kyrofaGood morning12:32
vir17anyone has a clue why this is happening?12:33
ogra_vir17, are you properly on the network ?12:37
kyrofavir17, are you sideloading an app, or installing from the store?12:38
vir17and i try both ssh and using a keyboard in the raspberry pi itself12:39
vir17and I have the same error12:39
vir17i can only install it with snappy remote12:40
vir17but then there is nothing in the bin file12:40
vir17to run the app12:40
kyrofavir17, are you using --allow-unauthenticated?12:40
vir17kyrofa: so it is: sudo snappy install [snappy app] --allow-unauthenticated  ?12:41
* ogra_ always puts it after "install" 12:42
kyrofavir17, indeed12:43
ogra_no idea if adding at the end works too :)12:43
kyrofaogra_, heh, it does12:43
ogra_clever go parser ;)12:43
diwichi, is rpath encouraged/discouraged in snap executables?12:43
kyrofadiwic, indeed12:43
diwicwhich one of them?12:43
kyrofadiwic, since depending on the type it takes precedence over LD_LIBRARY_PATH12:43
kyrofadiwic, dt12:44
diwicI currently have a binary in /snap/pulseaudio.sideload/weirdcombinationofcharacters/bin and some libraries in /snap/pulseaudio.sideload/weirdcombinationofcharacters/lib12:44
diwichow is the binary supposed to find its needed libraries?12:45
kyrofavir17, so here's the issue you ran into. Snappy checks the signature of all packages it installs to ensure it comes from a valid source. When you upload a package to the store it gets signed by the store, so Snappy verifies that signature. If however you're sideloading it, then it hasn't been signed at all. Make sense?12:45
kyrofadiwic, when your snap is actually generated, the binary gets a wrapper generated for it12:45
kyrofadiwic, within that wrapper, many lib directories are added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you're using a non-standard one you may need to write a wrapper script for your binary12:46
vir17kyrofa: yes it makes sense thank you12:46
kyrofadiwic, trace through the process starting at the /apps/bin/<package name>.<binary name> script that was generated. You'll see what I'm talking about12:47
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kyrofadiwic, er... /snaps/bin on your version, sorry12:47
vir17kyrofa:  another question, i cannot find it in apps/bin12:49
diwickyrofa, /snaps/bin is empty12:49
vir17i suppose something is wrong with my yaml file isnt it12:49
kyrofadiwic, did you declare your binary in the YAML?12:49
kyrofaHa, vir17 to you as well12:50
diwickyrofa, thanks, probably not, will check that next12:50
kyrofasergiusens, got some network issues there?12:52
sergiusenskyrofa, no, I just connected to a VPN for a sec12:56
kyrofasergiusens, oh12:56
sergiusenskyrofa, another draw back when using irc :-P12:56
vir17kyrofa: no i am not 100% sure how I do this, i will try and come back12:56
sergiusenskyrofa, can you review #270?12:57
kyrofavir17, check out some of the examples in snapcraft: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/tree/1.x/examples12:57
vir17thank you :)12:57
kyrofasergiusens, yeah, just catching up on emails real quick12:58
kyrofavir17, any time!12:58
kyrofadiwic, by the way, regarding the rpath, I meant DT_RPATH12:59
kyrofadiwic, DT_RUNPATH would probably be fine13:00
kyrofadiwic, and you can use DT_RPATH, just remember that it will override anything snappy tries to do for you, so you'd better get it right :P (this comes from experience)13:01
diwicI found an RPATH entry inside the executable, will try to remove it13:01
kyrofadiwic, what build system?13:01
kyrofadiwic, I _think_ --disable-rpath is standard there13:03
diwickyrofa, if I'm supposed to set a correct rpath, I need to know the correct path, right? I e, how would I figure out the final installation directory ( /snaps/pulseaudio.sideload/weirdcombinationofcharacters ) ?13:04
kyrofadiwic, exactly13:04
kyrofadiwic, you'd have to use $ORIGIN I suppose13:05
kyrofadiwic, i.e. relative paths13:05
kyrofadiwic, but try using --disable-rpath first and add the binary to the YAML. See if that fixes things13:10
diwickyrofa, ok, so now I got a wrapper (or actually two wrappers). Now to figure out why --disable-rpath actually didn't disable any rpath. Thanks so far!13:17
sergiusenskyrofa, diwic during SCaLE with didrocks we found out that setting --prefix= (to nothing) libtool or some other tool enables RPATH13:17
sergiusensdiwic, try setting --prefix to something (reasonable)13:17
kyrofadiwic, ah, too bad13:18
diwicsergiusens, aha, interesting, what is something reasonable?13:18
sergiusensdiwic, --prefix=/ or --prefix=/usr13:18
kyrofadiwic, just remember that the prefix will actually affect the placement within the .snap13:19
sergiusensthis can fail depending on the m4 macro's smarts though (from what I recall mterry mentioning)13:19
kyrofasergiusens, question for you regarding that. For instance, when building apache it takes its prefix and actually writes it all over the place-- shell scripts, config files, you name it. What I ended up doing is choosing a prefix of essentially REPLACEME and then as part of the build replaced all that stuff with the snappy environment variables13:21
kyrofasergiusens, that's nasty. How would you have tackled that?13:21
kyrofasergiusens, rather, I did the search/replace after install13:22
kyrofamvo, just got your email to the list. Is that stuff in rolling, or all snaps? I'm starting to get confused with our options here :P13:25
mvokyrofa: its on all snaps with the next update, just literally landed ~5min ago13:25
mvokyrofa: I'm preparing updates as we speak13:26
kyrofamvo, alright. Rolling has, uh, stopped rolling, has it not? I'm assuming all-snaps will be rolling eventually, correct?13:26
ogra_diwic, the current install dir is always a link from /snaps/pulseaudio.sideload/current to /snaps/pulseaudio.sideload/weirdcombinationofcharacters ... and in a store snap (not sideloaded) it will actually be: /snaps/pulseaudio.$maintainer/$snap-version (with the "current" link pointing to it)13:28
ogra_also there is an envv variable pointing to it at runtime13:28
mvokyrofa: yes it has, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2016-January/001381.html13:28
mvokyrofa: the all-snap images are getting all the love now :)13:29
kyrofamvo, ah, right, I remember seeing that. So if I want to release a package for all snaps, do I target rolling in the store then?13:30
mvokyrofa: yes, rollling is fine13:31
mvokyrofa: the store does not parse snap.yaml yet but for snapcraft thats fine because it will generate compat package.yaml files13:31
kyrofamvo, okay. Will all snaps eventually become rolling, or are we moving away from that structure completely?13:33
mvokyrofa: all-snaps is rolling, the previous rolling just is not there anymore (sorry, I think that sounds confusing)13:33
sergiusenskyrofa, once 16.04 is released I'm sure beuno will add the option (not sure everything in rolling will be auto moved/tagged for 16.04 as well)13:33
beunoyeah, I think we'll add 16.04 soon13:34
ogra_mvo, hmm, snappy lets me install old snaps on rolling ... but fails to actually install them13:34
ogra_beuno, ^^13:34
ogra_shouldnt they be hidden ?13:35
beunoogra_, they should, yes, we're sorting all of that out13:35
ogra_ah, k13:35
mvoogra_: yes, its a known issue, I meant to write to all the developers but didn't yet because its actually two changes that are needed: the rebuild with squashfs and the convertion to snap.yaml13:35
mvoogra_: the best option (for now) is to unpublish on rolling13:36
ogra_well, after all i need to snapcraftify all my snaps anyway13:36
ogra_(again :P )13:36
kyrofamvo, okay so u-d-f can still use "rolling" and it'll be all-snaps? On xenial only, it sounds like?13:37
sergiusensmvo, one question I forgot to ask; are all rolling apps all of the sudden broken due to the use of skills (migration-skill) instead of the known caps, security-<override,policy,template>?13:38
asacmvo: lool: no answer :)?13:39
jdstrandmvo: related question, has migration-skill landed on the image?13:46
sergiusensjdstrand, from the latest email, it seems it has13:51
sergiusensmvo, do we support the unversioned data path already? (ref email on list)13:52
* jdstrand is not caught up on email today13:53
noizerHi guys i packaged an example snap from the github snapcraft. the py2-project is the project but how does i start it?13:54
noizeror run the snap13:54
kyrofanoizer, it has a binary in there, right?13:55
kyrofaThat binary causes a script to be placed in /apps/bin (or /snaps/bin if you're on rolling)13:55
kyrofanoizer, which is in your PATH13:55
kyrofanoizer, so try running spongeshaker.sha3sum <some file>13:56
noizerspongeshaker.sha3sum is not a command :s13:59
kyrofanoizer, take a look in /apps/bin. What is there?13:59
kyrofasergiusens, how far off is clean build, you think?13:59
kyrofasergiusens, and what does it actually entail? (i.e. how would it work)14:00
noizerkyrofa some helloworld things from the helloworld application14:00
noizerbut nothing from spongeshaker14:00
kyrofanoizer, ah, have you installed it yet? I may have jumped the gun14:00
noizersudo snappy install --allow-unauthenticated /home/ubuntu/spongeshaker_0_armhf.snap14:01
noizerthat did i14:01
noizerto install it14:01
kyrofanoizer, hmm... what folders are contained within /apps?14:03
kyrofa(and did the install actually succeed?)14:03
kyrofanoizer, do you see it if you run `snappy list`?14:03
LefterisJPhey guys, today my Raspberry PI has 5 times already rebooted due to snappy autopilot14:05
LefterisJPis that normal?14:05
LefterisJPBroadcast message from root@localhost.localdomain (Thu 2016-01-28 14:00:35 UTC):14:05
LefterisJP 14:05
LefterisJPsnappy autopilot triggered a reboot to boot into an up to date system -- temprorarily disable the reboot by running 'sudo shutdown -c'14:05
LefterisJP 14:05
noizerhere you can see the output of snappy list14:05
noizerkyrofa and hi exists in the dir /apps14:05
sergiusenskyrofa, we just need to do it; maybe a week or two away14:06
sergiusenskyrofa, I'm still too slow this week; juggling with all the changes that happened while away14:06
sergiusenskyrofa, cleanbuild is basically lxd14:06
kyrofasergiusens, hey, you're fine man! I'm just asking if maybe we should just drop my go PR if that's close14:07
kyrofasergiusens, because that changes a lot of things14:07
sergiusenskyrofa, the thing is, your PR will work for the simple case, but imagine building some lib; then have your go project build after that one14:07
kyrofasergiusens, yeah... I feel like the REAL FIX is cleanbuild14:08
kyrofasergiusens, drop it?14:08
sergiusenskyrofa, I would argue that we sometimes do want to export vars ourselves from the system14:08
sergiusenskyrofa, if not, we should clean all vars for everything before snapcraft runs at all14:09
kyrofasergiusens, fair point. Though isn't that what cleanbuild will essentially do?14:09
ogra_LefterisJP, 5 times ? i'm sure there werent 5 images built. do you perhaps mean it warned you 5 times like above ? (it should start that 10min before it reboots every 2 mins so you have a chance to stop it with the command it tells you if you feel like)14:09
kyrofasergiusens, obviously it will do more as well. But no environment leakage, I mean14:10
kyrofanoizer, something is weird there. Try uninstalling/reinstalling the spongeshaker package14:10
noizerkyrofa does not work :s14:11
kyrofanoizer, pastebin the logs14:11
noizerkyrofa while installing?14:12
kyrofanoizer, yeah, pastebin the result of installing14:12
LefterisJPogra_: so whenever there is a new image this message goes out as long as you have auto pilot config on?14:13
LefterisJPogra_: perhaps not 5, but 3 times definitely, and no I meant the actual restarting and installing a new version.14:14
noizerkyrofa http://pastebin.com/Xaf3XGbe14:14
kyrofaLefterisJP, did you verify that it was a new version each time? Or is it failing for some reason?14:17
kyrofanoizer, wait... I thought you said it didn't work14:17
noizerno no it worked the installation14:17
noizerkyrofa but how can i start correctly the snap14:17
kyrofanoizer, pastebin the result of `ls /apps` and `ls /apps/bin/`14:18
noizerkyrofa http://pastebin.com/s80aA5Nj14:19
awe_kyrofa, sergiusens, where there any changes to the ability to override plugins in snapcraft 2.0?  I used this to add a patching step to the autotools plugin, but snapcraft doesn't seem to be detecting and/or running my local plugin anymore14:19
LefterisJPkyrofa: no I did not actually. Good point.14:20
ogra_LefterisJP, weird ... and yes, autopilot runs every ten mins and checks for a new image ... if there is one, it notifies you for 10 mins a few times and then reboots if you dont intercept14:20
kyrofaLefterisJP, I mean... still a problem... but yeah :P14:20
kyrofaawe_ no I believe that should still be working14:20
awe_kyrofa, ok... I'll poke at it some more and see if I can figure out what's going wrong14:21
kyrofaawe_ we need to cover that in integration tests. I'll check it out right now as well14:21
sergiusensawe_, no, there has been no changes; I just used it last week mself14:21
awe_kyrofa, I know you mentioned that the --help was caused by a lack of LOCALE14:21
sergiusenskyrofa, it is covered14:21
awe_maybe that impacts plugins too?14:22
kyrofasergiusens, oh. Well then, ignore me!14:22
mvo_sergiusens: unfortunately not yet14:22
awe_anyways, I'll dig into it some more after our net/telephony mtg14:22
awe_I hit this late last night, and took it as a sign to end my day14:22
sergiusenskyrofa, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/integration_tests/test_local_plugin.py14:22
sergiusensmvo_, err, not yet to what? :-)14:22
kyrofasergiusens, thanks for the reference :)14:23
sergiusensawe_, give me a `find . | pastebinit` and a `cat snapcraft.yaml | pastebinit` and I'll take a look14:23
mvo_sergiusens: the data dir is not there yet14:24
mvo_sergiusens: the fixed one14:24
sergiusensmvo_, ah, k, thanks!14:24
awe_sergiusens, ack... I have to dive into a patch quickly before my next meeting, so I'll get this for you a bit later14:24
LefterisJPkyrofa: how can I verify that I am at the latest version? snappy info shows release: ubuntu-core/15.04/stable and snappy list shows: ubuntu-core  2016-01-20 614:25
mvo_sergiusens: it is on the todo though14:25
awe_sergiusens, I want to make sure it's not my mistake first14:25
sergiusensmvo_, as everything :-)14:25
kyrofaawe_, yeah ping us if you need us to take a look14:25
awe_!$#%%! haven't done that in a while!  lol14:25
ubottuawe_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:25
kyrofaAwww, awe_ be nice to ubottu14:26
sergiusensawe_, heh, well the first thing to check is make sure your <plugin> ref is a file named parts/plugins/x_<plugin>.py (notice the underscore)14:26
kyrofasergiusens, is the x actually required?14:26
noizerkyrofa how does i solve it?14:27
awe_hmmmm; looks like my parts plugin dir got clobbered at some point14:27
sergiusenskyrofa, to override, yes14:27
kyrofanoizer, what version of snapcraft are you using?14:27
sergiusenskyrofa, well, I think it is always required; just to note it is an extension and not an official one14:28
noizerrelease: ubuntu-core/15.04/stable kyrofa14:28
kyrofasergiusens, what if its named something totally different, though?14:28
awe_pretty sure I didn't do an rm -rf; but I'll take the blame for now, unless I can prove otherwise...14:28
kyrofasergiusens, ahh, okay14:28
ogra_noizer, and you try to run a snapcraft 2.0 created snap on int ?14:28
sergiusenskyrofa, oh, you can override or name it whatever you want14:28
kyrofaawe_ there are times when I must scold my fingers for typing rm -rf instead of cp14:28
awe_haha, yea...14:29
ogra_kyrofa, you could just set an alias from rm -rf to cp ... that would solve it :P14:29
kyrofaogra_, hahaha14:29
noizerogra kyrofa my  snapcraft where i build it is snapcraft 1.014:29
sergiusensdholbach, bah, that thunderbird conversation view wiped my reply as didrocks's email came in :-P14:29
kyrofasergiusens, I'm wondering now-- does snapcraft clean make sure no custom plugins are in parts before it blows it away?14:30
ogra_noizer, ah, that should still work then14:30
vir17I have a similar case like noizer I think , this pastebin (http://pastebin.com/gf2qF1g8)  included all my steps, I think I have something wrong with my .yaml files14:30
sergiusenskyrofa, yup; it doesn't blow away the plugins dir, it only cleans up from defined parts and you can't name a part 'plugins'14:30
sergiusenskyrofa, way ahead of you ;-)14:30
noizerogra_ kyrofa so i tought it too but what does go wrong?14:30
ogra_vir17, you need to include python in your snap14:31
kyrofanoizer, where are you getting the example you're snapping?14:31
ogra_check the snapcraft-examples and take a look at the python2 example14:31
noizerhttps://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/tree/master/examples ogra_ kyrofa14:31
didrockssergiusens: oh, you are using that plugin? How come did my answer wiped yours? :p14:31
kyrofasergiusens, ah, I believed in you. Just curious :)14:31
ogra_noizer, these are most likely 2.0 examples ... a lot changed between 1.0 and 2.014:32
kyrofanoizer, exactly, what ogra said14:32
kyrofanoizer, use the examples by doing this: `sudo apt-get install snapcraft-examples`14:32
noizerogra_ kyrofa ok where can i get the snappy then for snapcraft 2.014:32
ogra_(but 2.0 snaps wont run on 15.04 ... so try to grab the 1.0 examples package instead )14:33
sergiusensdidrocks, I was typing a reply within the same view and your email arrival updated the view and my reply went bye bye14:33
kyrofasergiusens, ahh thunderbird14:33
ogra_(or switch your target device install to 16.04 )14:33
sergiusensogra_, and now, no snaps will run on 16.04 ;-)14:33
ogra_sergiusens, oh ?14:33
sergiusensogra_, look at snappy-devel@14:34
didrockssergiusens: urgh, I know why I'm not using that plugin then! (I remembered to have tried it some years ago, but was unconvinced :p)14:34
sergiusenskyrofa, hey14:34
sergiusensstandup time14:34
* ogra_ wishes his mailserver wouldnt be so stuck :P14:34
kyrofasergiusens, oh oops14:34
ogra_be agile !14:35
vir17ogra_: in order to include python all I have to do is to include "plugin: python2" in the .yaml file?14:38
ogra_check the example for the exact syntax14:38
ogra_there is a snapcraft.yaml in it14:38
noizerkyrofa what is de difference between snapcraft 1.0 and 2.014:45
ogra_new features ... new yaml syntax ... and most important 2.0 uses squashfs files14:45
ogra_all these bits are only supported in rolling (16.04)14:46
noizerok i think i will switch to it but what are squeashfs files? ogra_14:48
ogra_it is a compressed readonly filesystem14:49
ogra_saves a lot of diskspace and download time14:49
ogra_(and you cant just mount it rw, so it adds extra security)14:50
alellacan  packages running on ubuntu 14  be compiled to run on snappy14:51
ogra_alella, theoretically you could even run packages from last century inside a snap (snaps need to include their dependency chain)14:53
noizerogra_ so but is it possible to mount because for me i need to do that for installing main things14:55
ogra_noizer, in 16.04 everything is a snap and snaps all ship suqashfs inside, so no, you wont be able to modify any of the writable bits anymore14:56
ogra_16.04 ships the classic dimension though, that gives you a rw container on top of the readonly fs for development etc14:57
noizerso when i mount it on a other ubuntu system i cant do changes?14:58
didrocksogra_: the container is just for developping, right? It's not started at reboot (and so you can't have services running in it), or am I wrong?14:58
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sergiusensdidrocks, it is the intended purpose14:59
alellaso if you a packaga designed for ubuntu 14 you cant  use snappy commands to compile for snappy14:59
ogra_didrocks, right15:00
didrocksok, got it right then :)15:00
ogra_it is good enough to run snapcraft in it :)15:00
ogra_what else would anyone want anyway ;)15:00
ogra_alella, snaps only contain binaries, you can put whatever you want into it15:01
ogra_i bet you could even put some redhat 4.x binaries into one and make it run as long as you ship all linkedf libs inside :)15:01
* genii shivers in disgust15:02
ogra_yeah, scary example, i admit that15:03
ogra_but technically it might work15:03
elopioogra_ could you tell me about pxe in uboot? will we be able to use it on rpi?15:11
ogra_i cant tell you about PXE but we can surely support some kind of network boot (bootp or so)15:12
jdstrandogra_: it buys some security, perhaps. if you have the ability to remount, you have the ability to bind mount, so...15:12
ogra_i think i didnt remove the netboot setup defaults from the uboot env15:13
jdstrand(in fact, that is exactly how I am testing certain things on all snaps)15:13
ogra_just intercept the boot in uboot and check with printenv15:13
jdstrandactually, I think I used an overlay not a bind mount. still15:13
ogra_jdstrand, well, it prevents me from hacking on my shell script wrappers directly on the running system15:14
jdstrandoverlayfs /snaps/bin15:14
jdstrandhack away15:14
ogra_sure i could do some overlay magic etc ... but ui cant modify the actual squashfs15:14
jdstrandthat is true15:14
jdstrandand that is definitely an important quality for integrity15:14
ogra_well, i can ... but only trhrough repacking15:14
ogra_it is annoying in the develo0pment process though ...15:15
jdstrandI realize I'm being pedantic15:15
jdstrandit is15:15
ogra_jdstrand, oh, btw ... does your ufw package do anything with bridging ?15:16
* ogra_ recently had someone asking if there was bridge support in snappy 15:16
jdstrandI've wondered if we shouldn't just straight up have a tool to create a cow overlayfs on /snaps/foo, etc for this sort of thing15:16
ogra_i assume ufw sits a layer above ?15:16
jdstrandogra_: not natively, no15:16
ogra_yeah, thats what i suspected15:17
jdstrandogra_: there are hooks scripts that you can put whatever you want in them for bridges, qos, etc, but it is all on the admin15:17
ogra_and packaging bridge tools might be a pain wrt securing it15:17
kyrofajdstrand, wait... can you use overlayfs to hack on the mounted squashfs snap? Or are you guys saying that's exactly what's NOT possible?15:17
elopiopitti: is it possible to allow some autopkgtests to access the internet? or are there no exceptions, is it strictly blocked for everybody?15:17
ogra_kyrofa, you can ... but you wont hack on the squashfs15:17
pittielopio: they can all access the internet, as long as they respect the $*_proxy env vars15:18
ogra_only on the writable overlay15:18
pittielopio: and a lot of them actually do15:18
kyrofaogra_, right, so it doesn't actually save upon reboot. But it allows you to tinker anyway?15:18
jdstrandkyrofa: let me give a concrete example. I have root on the device. I want to test the new ubuntu-core-security package before uploading it. I create a cow overlayfs so I can unpack my ubuntu-core-security deb in it and have the system see the update15:18
kyrofakgunn, ^^ you might like that15:18
jdstrandkyrofa: the same thing could be done for an app snap (the above was for the os snap)15:19
kyrofajdstrand, interesting, I need to do some overlayfs research15:20
ogra_note that we do not have it on all kernels (i thinnk)15:20
jdstrandogra_: that is probably true and if it isn't now, it will be for sure15:21
jdstrandbut, for working with vms or the bbb and rpi2, it should be fine15:22
ogra_at least in xenial15:22
* jdstrand is assuming since bbb uses generic and rp2 a modern kernel, it is there15:22
jdstrandI've only done it on amd6415:22
kgunnyeah interesting15:22
jdstrandone could do it with just a bind mount, but then you have to copy everything in15:23
vir17ogra_: still no success, this is my new .yaml file http://pastebin.com/RfPVJn0f based on this one: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/1.x/examples/py2-project/snapcraft.yaml   and these are the outputs of "ls /apps" and "ls/apps/bin" http://pastebin.com/XMJK272q15:24
jdstrandkgunn: from my notes (I'm not a huge overlayfs user, but this worked for me)15:24
jdstrandSay I want to update the templated policy on the device:15:24
jdstrand$ mkdir /tmp/overlay /tmp/work15:24
jdstrand$ sudo mount -t overlayfs -o lowerdir=/usr/share,upperdir=/tmp/overlay,workdir=/tmp/work overlayfs /usr/share15:24
jdstrand$ sudo dpkg-deb -x ./tmp/ubuntu-core-security-seccomp_16.04.10_all.deb /15:24
jdstrand$ sudo dpkg-deb -x ./tmp/ubuntu-core-security-apparmor_16.04.10_all.deb /15:24
jdstrandthat is how I tested an ubuntu-core-security update on all snaps15:25
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kyrofajdstrand, excellent notes, thank you!15:31
elopiopitti: I see. Our tests are timing out doing a git clone, so I could fix them with something like15:34
elopiogit config --global http.proxy $...15:34
pittielopio: no, the env vars should already be set in /etc/environment15:35
jdstrandkyrofa: you're welcome :)15:35
pittielopio: didrocks' ubuntu-make tests use git clone as well and that works15:35
elopiogreat, I'll check there.15:36
didrockselopio: confirming, I don't need to export any env variable (only for docker config, but that's different)15:36
elopiodidrocks: and do you clone git http: or with git: ?15:36
didrockselopio: the https:// scheme15:37
didrocksthe git one (ssh) isn't opened15:37
elopioI can change the tests to use https instead of ssh, as sergiusens suggested.15:38
mvo_ogra_: could you please remind me how the kernel (device) tarball is created on cdimage nowdays?15:38
elopioI wanted to keep at least a test using the git protocol, but that's alright.15:38
sergiusensogra_, jdstrand so that is one of the things snappy try is supposed to bring to the table; from you dev area you could `snappy try DIR` and it would just put it in the right place, activate and you can play easily from your classic env15:43
ogra_neat !15:43
mvo_sergiusens: yeah, I think we will use something like jdstrand is doing with overlayfs for that15:44
jdstrandI think that is where we may get into the issues of overlayfs and apparmor though15:45
jdstrandsnappy try could easily use a bind mount though15:45
sergiusensmvo_, well if it is a first time snap, overlayfs won't exactly work, will it?15:45
jdstrandthat's another reason for a bind mount15:46
sergiusensjdstrand, I think bind mounts are going to be straight forward as well15:46
jdstrandjust copy stuff in there15:46
mvo_sergiusens: sorry, I was too terse, I was thinking that we use the overlay for /snaps/bin and bind mount the actual app dir15:46
mvo_sergiusens: and services probably also as overlay15:46
sergiusensmvo_, makes sense15:46
mvo_sergiusens: to avoid leaving stale files around15:46
jdstrandthat should work fine15:47
noizerkyrofa is snapcraft 2.0 and ubuntu LTS 16.04 already available for raspberry pi?15:47
kyrofanoizer, yes, but it's still in development15:48
kyrofanoizer, both, rather15:48
noizerok its not a stable version15:48
kyrofanoizer, indeed15:48
noizerkyrofa ok and what is the expected release date?15:48
kyrofanoizer, 16.04 is actually a date15:48
kyrofanoizer, April, 201615:48
kyrofanoizer, the previous version is wily, 15.10, released in October 2015. Make sense?15:49
vir17Can anyone help me please, this is my .yaml file http://pastebin.com/RfPVJn0f based on this one: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/1.x/examples/py2-project/snapcraft.yaml   and these are the outputs of "ls /apps" and "ls/apps/bin" http://pastebin.com/XMJK272q15:50
noizerkyrofa but snapcraft 2.0 is much better i think?15:51
diwica few dependencies added and some files moved later - now pulseaudio does not complain about missing libraries any more, but it exits immediately with "Bad system call" instead.15:51
kyrofanoizer, well, it's newer anyway. What feature are you looking for?15:51
diwicany idea how to troubleshoot? gdb and/or strace does not seem available15:51
kyrofadiwic, seccomp15:51
noizerkyrofa none but i need to choose for my development15:52
kyrofadiwic, are you familiar with snappy-debug?15:52
diwickyrofa, nope, but I tried to install it and installation failed15:52
kyrofanoizer, 15.04 is stable right now, but it reaches end-of-life soon. rolling (what will become 16.04) is still in development, so it can break sometimes15:52
kyrofadiwic, you're on rolling?15:53
noizerok and will snapcraft 1.0 apps work on snapcraft 2.015:53
kyrofanoizer, no, but the YAML changes aren't too bad15:53
diwickyrofa, the 16.04 image from ~two weeks ago15:53
noizerkyrofa ok i will make my application then in snapcraft 2.015:54
kyrofadiwic, ah, yeah a new version on rolling was released that breaks things. Some packages need to be rebuilt15:54
loologra_: hey15:55
kyrofadiwic, so check /var/log/syslog for seccomp denials15:55
loolI have this dragonboard u-boot tree from github, I've built u-boot there; can I just throw it on the SD card, or do I need to run the image tool first?15:56
kyrofadiwic, are you familiar with seccomp filters? It's one of the confinement technologies used by snappy15:56
lool[264059.140132] mmcblk1: error -110 sending status command, retrying15:56
loolnot happy  :-(15:57
ogra_lool, i followed the docs in the tree ... one sec15:57
diwickyrofa, there is one, but I'm not sure how to interpret the numbers. syscall=135, which is "sys_personality" judging from a quick googling15:57
loologra_: the last step is:15:57
lool5) run img.sh to wrap u-boot into fastboot compatible img15:57
loolbut wasn't sure if we need this15:58
looloh hey diwic!15:58
kyrofadiwic, do you have scmp_sys_resolver on there?15:58
ogra_lool, i think we do, i just followed the step by step guide15:58
kyrofadiwic, you should be able to run `scmp_sys_resolver 135`15:59
diwickyrofa, it says "personality"15:59
noizerkyrofa where can i download the development version of it?15:59
kyrofadiwic, huh. No idea what that does :P15:59
diwichi lool15:59
kyrofadiwic, but it's not in your seccomp profile16:00
kyrofajdstrand, is the personality syscall a security issue?16:01
kyrofaI'm guessing yes16:01
jdstrandkyrofa: I'd want to exercise caution with that one. tyhicks may have an opionion16:03
jdstrandI need to step away for a little bit16:03
kyrofajdstrand, yeah the manpage is a little tough to understand, but it sounds iffy16:03
jdstrandI'm mostly worried about exposing that part of the kernel to apps. eg, these different personalities that aren't used much might have future vulnerabilities16:04
jdstrandbut this is really to enable truly legacy binaries16:05
tyhicksI don't know much personality(2) off the top of my head16:05
tyhicksI'll have to look into it16:06
jdstrandmaybe there are other use cases...16:06
kyrofadiwic, do you know why it's being used?16:07
LefterisJPkyrofa: There it goes again, my system is going down for reboot16:08
LefterisJP(for update)16:08
LefterisJPhow can I confirm it worked?16:08
kyrofaLefterisJP, okay when it comes back up compare the version to what you saw last time16:08
LefterisJPand version is?16:08
diwickyrofa, not yet, I'm trying to figure out how to change seccomp profile (if possible?) since there is no info about that in the snapcraft.yaml reference16:09
LefterisJPsnappy info?16:09
jdstrandtyhicks: we don't have an explicit use case for it. it seems dodgy overall (not keen on how it would add to the attack surface). it does seem to only be for the process itself (the only thing going for it)16:09
tyhicksthe PER_SVR4 and PER_UW7 personalities look nasty since they allow page 0 to be memory mapped16:09
LefterisJPor snappy list -v ?16:09
jdstrandtyhicks: I suggest not getting distracted by it. we can investigate/add it at a later date if people need it16:10
jdstrand(and people can use security-override today to workaround it)16:10
kyrofajdstrand, tyhicks thanks for the quick look guys-- sounds like we should avoid it if we can16:10
tyhicksjdstrand: ok - my vote is 'no' until it becomes more of an issue down the road16:10
ogra_lool, so i just checked ... i ran run.sh and then dd'ed it to the SD cards boot partition16:11
jdstrandtyhicks: sounds fine. thanks for the quick glance16:11
kyrofadiwic, check out some of the snapcraft examples-- the gopaste one has an override for a syscall16:11
mvo_ogra_: could you please remind me how the kernel (device) tarball is created on cdimage nowdays?16:11
kyrofaLefterisJP, I think it was 6 according to you last paste? Which actually doesn't sound right16:11
kyrofaLefterisJP, are you running 15.04?16:11
kyrofaLefterisJP, or rolling?16:12
ogra_mvo_, in a fresh chroot from live-build/auto/build after the rootfs was done16:12
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mvo_ogra_: thanks!16:12
* ogra_ digs up the line number16:12
ogra_mvo_, 344 to 48716:13
mvo_ogra_: heh, thanks :)16:13
mvo_ogra_: the right file would have been enough but I'm of course thankful for every piece of info16:14
ogra_for that one we can just run mksquashfs16:14
ogra_the rootfs will be a little trickier16:14
diwickyrofa, jdstrand, I believe I found the place in the PA code, it says "Maybe we're autospawned, try to clean up our environment as much as possible". I think I can comment it out since we won't autospawn on snappy16:15
mvo_ogra_: yeah, I am looking at creating some manifest data for jdstrand right now16:15
ogra_thanks to the fact that "-preinstalled" hardcodes tarball or ext216:15
diwicI think it's trying to do restrict itself, i e increase security somehow16:15
kyrofadiwic, I've had to do similar things to other codebases16:15
ogra_mvo_, there is already a find call that dumps it to the log16:15
mvo_ogra_: sweet16:15
* ogra_ tries to find the find16:16
mvo_ogra_: all good16:16
mvo_ogra_: no worries16:16
ogra_471         # dump the content list into the log16:16
ogra_472         echo "I: device tarball contents for $PREFIX.$tarname:"16:16
ogra_473         find . -type f16:16
ogra_just redirect it to a .manifest file in parallel16:16
diwicok, need to EOD. Thanks kyrofa and others for all your help so far16:17
kyrofadiwic, any time :)16:17
ogra_diwic, thanks for pulse work !!!16:17
* ogra_ is fiddling with a mycroft snap ... urgently waiting for some audio love :)16:18
diwicogra_, heh, haven't got that far yet16:18
LefterisJPkyrofa: 15.0416:21
kyrofaLefterisJP, and you said an rpi2, right?16:21
LefterisJPyeah still says 616:21
LefterisJPyes it's an rpi216:21
kyrofaLefterisJP, hmm... I'm on version 20 here16:22
kyrofaLefterisJP, you've just left my realm of experience. I'll need to refer you to sergiusens or mvo_16:23
kyrofaLefterisJP, I'm not sure how to debug the failed update16:23
sergiusenskyrofa, LefterisJP that is an mvo_ or ogra_ topic, sorry16:23
LefterisJPall right I am all ears if anyone can help. Good to know at least that the update is failing. That's progress already :)16:24
sergiusensLefterisJP, maybe elopio or fgimenez can help as well16:24
LefterisJPbtw is any of you going to be in London next week?16:24
sergiusensLefterisJP, is there anything interesting happening there?16:25
elopioLefterisJP: are you in rpi2 snappy stable #6 and trying to update to #7?16:26
LefterisJPelopio: I am in version #6 from what snappy list seems to tell me.16:26
LefterisJPAnd the auto update kicks in16:26
mvo_LefterisJP: sorry, I think I miss some context. so you have a 15.04 stable rpi2 and it fails to update?16:27
LefterisJPand when it restarts I am still at the same version16:27
mvo_LefterisJP: could you pastebin the exact error output?16:27
LefterisJPofc, but can you help me find it? Where should I look for the error output?16:27
elopioLefterisJP: do you have a serial cable for that rpi2?16:27
LefterisJPelopio: not on the ready but I can find one16:28
LefterisJPcan't I see something on the logs?16:28
camakoIs it possible to specify a particular version of a package in 'stage packages' section? Will something like "-libmypackage-dev (= version)" work?16:29
sergiusenscamako, no; we only support the latest in the archives16:29
elopioLefterisJP: I'm flashing stable #6 to give it a try here.16:32
elopioThis is how I monitor the boot and reboot: http://elopio.net/blog/connecting-to-snappy-through-the-serial-console/16:32
elopioand dmesg should have all the boot logs. But I think it doesn't keep the ones from the previous boot failure.16:32
LefterisJPsergiusens: As for London, I am gonna be there in the canonical offices next week and heard some snappy core devs will be there so was wondering if I could meet some of you16:33
ogra_looks like 6 was released on the 20th and 7 was released today ?16:33
LefterisJPelopio: thanks. Nice link. Will also try to do that when I get the serial cable.16:33
ogra_since when do we do weekly releases ?16:33
sergiusensLefterisJP, wasn't aware of that, from whom may I ask?16:34
LefterisJPsergiusens: Thibaut Rouffineau16:36
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I think his team is sprinting there16:37
sergiusensLefterisJP, you might be able to go and  meet didrocks then16:39
LefterisJPyeah it's some kind of sprint and I am gonna be there since it's a nice chance to meet some snappy people and get help with the framework snap we are working on16:39
didrockswill be happy to chat with you LefterisJP :)16:40
LefterisJPdidrocks: sergiusens: nice :D, would be nice to put some faces on some nicks. Lurking in IRC and the developer lists is nice but has its limits16:40
sergiusensLefterisJP, I have not been invited to that sprint; sort of glad since I would like to be grounded for a bit :-)16:43
sergiusensmvo_, does the migration-skill support security-template and security-policy?16:45
mvo_sergiusens: yes, all of the security stuff is supported 1:1, just a different place now16:45
sergiusensmvo_, k, so files from -policy are used in the same way, good to know. I recall it in the code now16:46
mvo_sergiusens: yw16:46
LefterisJPsergiusens: I know what you mean :)16:47
LefterisJPelopio: Here is my dmesg output in case it can mean anything to you. I just noticed there are quite a few errors with the SD card. Could very well be related.16:48
elopioLefterisJP: update from 6 to 7 worked here.16:51
elopiowe'll need that serial log to understand what's failing during your reboot.16:51
LefterisJPyeah I see. Then I guess I will need to order that cable. I don't have it after all. For the time being if I simply download and flash a newer raspberry pi image all should be good though I suppose.17:00
LefterisJPelopio: ^17:01
kyrofasergiusens, if I want to test out the upload stuff on the staging server rather than actually doing an upload, do you know the URL off the top of your head?17:02
kyrofaLefterisJP, yeah that'll work17:02
elopioLefterisJP: yes, if you don't care about losing your work on that one.17:02
kyrofapindonga, actually my question might be better directed to you17:03
kyrofapindonga, if I want to test out the upload stuff, I figure I'd best do it on the staging server17:04
ogra_mvo_, so i finally got around to try that all snaps dragonboard image ... hangs at the lk for me ....17:04
* ogra_ re-flashes the SD to make sure its not a flashing issue17:04
LefterisJPelopio: yeah no worries about that, it's my testing Pi. Should get that cable though. I had communicated with Samsung's Artik via serial USB and assumed I could do the same with the Pi but it seems that I need the cable you mentioned.17:04
ogra_lool, didnt you say mvo_'s all-snap image booted for you ?17:07
loologra_: which one?17:08
loologra_: I didn't try the dragonboard one, no17:08
loolI'm tring the efi v2 patchset on top of dragonboard u-boot right now17:08
looljust trying to figure the right grub2 binary to load17:08
ogra_well, perhaps we should first ahve a working image before modifying it :P17:09
ogra_[260] ERROR: Could not do normal boot. Reverting to fastboot mode.17:15
ogra_[270] Invalid partition index17:15
ogra_[270] Invalid partition index17:15
ogra_i wonder if mvo_'s changes to my u-d-f patch caused that17:16
loologra_: I had some SD errors on an SD here, and then it wouldn't boot on it anymore17:18
loolI wrote a fresh image to a new SD and then it worked17:18
loolmight not be related but thought I'd mention it17:18
ogra_yeah, unklikely to be related17:18
ogra_the partition table looks fine17:19
ogra_sadly it doesnt print much more than the above .... no actual reason mentioned .... grmbl17:20
pindongakyrofa, hi there17:20
pindongakyrofa, run it like this UBUNTU_STORE_API_ROOT_URL='https://myapps.developer.staging.ubuntu.com/dev/api' UBUNTU_STORE_UPLOAD_ROOT_URL='https://upload.apps.staging.ubuntu.com/' UBUNTU_SSO_API_ROOT_URL='https://login.staging.ubuntu.com/api/v2/' snapcraft upload17:22
kyrofapindonga, excellent, thank you!17:22
pindongalet me know how it goes17:23
pindongasorry, the first one make sure it ends with / (ie, ../dev/api/)17:23
mvo_ogra_: hm, I thought I did not really modify anything except for resolving conflcits. sad that it fails to boot now17:30
kyrofapindonga, how do I get a token for this? I'm getting "No valid creds"17:32
ogra_yeah, i cant really get it past the little kernel, something is wrong with the partition ids ... i guess due to calling sgdisk differently after your change17:32
* ogra_ checks the tree17:32
mvo_jdstrand: I'm making some progress on the manifest stuff, hopefulyl by tonight you have what you need17:33
kyrofaOh, login17:33
pindongakyrofa, right, snapcraft login17:34
pindongamsg should be clearer about this possibly17:34
kyrofapindonga, indeed17:34
pindongakyrofa, unless you have 2fa enabled on your account when it asks you about OTP just press enter17:35
kyrofadholbach, hey what's the status of the auto document sync?17:35
dholbachkyrofa: we're just deploying it on staging right now17:35
kyrofadholbach, woo hoo!17:35
dholbachran into some issues with juju and mojospec17:35
dholbachso I hope it'll be done beginning of the week17:35
ogra_mvo_, which dragonboard snap did you use ?17:35
ogra_(bootloader etc)17:36
mvo_ogra_: when I compare https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/goget-ubuntu-touch/dragonboard/+merge/280320 with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/goget-ubuntu-touch/all-snaps/revision/251 it looks like I call sgfisk the same way17:36
ogra_mvo_, oh, i was referring to https://code.launchpad.net/+branch/~mvo/goget-ubuntu-touch/dragonboard17:37
mvo_ogra_: I used what I got from linux-image4.2.0-2004 kernel snap and your gadget snap17:37
JamesTaitjdstrand, are you around?17:37
ogra_i thought you landed that alongside17:37
ogra_mvo_, that kernel wont work17:37
mvo_ogra_: I don't think I merged that17:37
mvo_ogra_: aha, thats good to know17:37
ogra_yeah, i see that now17:37
loologra_: so I have an updated u-boot for dragonboard, I've ran img.sh on it, it looks similar to the one I found in mmcblk1p7, but it seems boot goes straight to emmc, any idea what could be missing?17:38
ogra_you need ppisatis kernel17:38
mvo_ogra_: I need to leave for dinner now, if you could point me to the right kernel I can update the snap later17:38
ogra_lool, you need the right UIDS on the partitions17:38
ogra_it is very fragile :/17:38
ogra_mvo_, right, the boot stalls on the bootloader with a partition error though17:38
ogra_before u-boot17:39
ogra_so there is something else17:39
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:39
ogra_lool, see my scripts at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/dragonboard/files/5 ... the IDs are in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/dragonboard/view/head:/parts.txt (used as input for the partitioner script)17:40
loologra_: I didn't touch the part table though17:40
ogra_of the SD ?17:40
loolI just overwrote u-boot payload17:41
loolcan I stop the boot somehow?17:41
ogra_so the "boot" partition ? (not "aboot")17:41
loolS - QC_IMAGE_VERSION_STRING=BOOT.BF.3.0-0026117:41
loolAndroid Bootloader - UART_DM Initialized!!!17:42
lool[0] [0] welcome to lk17:42
ogra_actually ... on mvo_'s all-snaps image there isnt any boot partition ... hah17:42
lool[90] [90] boot_verifier: Device is in ORANGE boot state.17:42
lool[100] [100] Device is unlocked! Skipping verification...17:42
lool[100] [100] Loading boot image (16521216): start17:42
jdstrandmvo_: awesome, thanks!17:42
jdstrandJamesTait: I am17:42
loolbut then it's [    0.000000] Linux version 3.10.49-g0b014e2-00001-gebe2063 (buildslave@aosp-x86-64-08) (gcc version 4.9.x-google 20140827 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #9 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 2 10:33:57 UTC 201517:42
ogra_lool, ok so that finds uboot and loads it it seems17:42
loologra_: [740] [740] Updating device tree: done17:43
lool[740] [740] booting linux @ 0x80080000, ramdisk @ 0x82000000 (795398), tags/device tree @ 0x81e0000017:43
lool[750] [750] Jumping to kernel via monitor17:43
ogra_lool, did you set the dip switch to SD on the bottom of the board ?17:43
loologra_: I was booting from SD, updated hte contents and ran "reboot"17:43
JamesTaitjdstrand, I might have figured out the problem, actually: does click-reviewers-tools currently handle squashfs snaps with just meta/snap.yaml?17:43
ogra_lool, try re-powering ... might be it needs re-init17:44
jdstrandogra_: speaking of dragonboards-- I got one in the mail. I don't know what to do with it though (ie, to get it running). I don't need to today or next week even-- I assume instructions will come out sometime (or maybe I missed them already)?17:44
ogra_for the Sd controller17:44
loolI did try power cycling already  :-(17:44
ogra_jdstrand, there are instructions already ... and an early image17:44
jdstrandJamesTait: the review tools know about squashfs to some extent. they don't know about snap.yaml yet. those two things are what I will be focusing on17:45
ogra_jdstrand, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/dragonboard/README17:45
jdstrandthat doesn't surprise me at all17:45
jdstrandthanks! :)17:45
ogra_lool, got a full log ?17:45
loologra_: not really17:45
JamesTaitjdstrand, will that also encompass this error: "1 Warning: Unknown field 'daemon' snappy-systemd_package_yaml_unknown_key (server); 1 Fail: (NEEDS REVIEW) squashfs pkg lint_is_squashfs"?17:46
JamesTait* These errors.17:46
loologra_: ah I might miss your u-boot patch17:46
jdstrandJamesTait: yes. the new snap.yaml is not supported yet17:46
jdstrandbut I'll get all working17:46
ogra_lool, well, it should still go to uboot instead of the kernel17:46
JamesTaitmvo_, ^^17:47
JamesTaitThanks, jdstrand.17:47
JamesTaitnessita, beuno too ^^17:47
* lool drops for dinner and will check again later17:47
jdstrandI had a card on it-- and upped the priority when I saw it landed17:47
JamesTaitjdstrand, similar story here. ☺17:48
kyrofapindonga, I can't seem to be able to login to staging17:48
beunoJamesTait, ack17:48
kyrofapindonga, no 2fa there17:48
pindongakyrofa, be aware that staging sso is a separate db from prod17:48
pindongaso your account may not exist there, or have a diff passwd?17:48
kyrofapindonga, yeah-- I can login online17:48
jdstrandmvo_, sergiusens: iirc, snappy build is going away and everything is going to use snapcraft, correct?17:49
pindongadoes it give you any error msg?17:49
kyrofapindonga, just "login failed"17:49
kyrofapindonga, I use the same environment variables you gave me before with `snapcraft login`17:50
kyrofapindonga, is that the right way to authenticate for staging?17:50
pindongayes, should be17:50
pindongalet me try it as well17:50
sergiusensjdstrand, correct17:51
nessitaJamesTait, thanks. So we can land our work waiting for the new click-reviewer-tools and then do the cleanup17:51
jdstrandsergiusens: ok, so two things: 1) I'm likely going to need to submit a patch to snapcraft to make sure it uses a particular set of options for mksquashfs (I'll submit that) so the store and snapcraft agree and 2) does snapcraft have a way to simply mksquashfs a directory?17:53
jdstrandsergiusens: I'm not sure yet what those options are otherwise I'd give them to you17:53
JamesTaitnessita, indeed, it looks that way.  I just mangled the snap mvo_ gave me to also include a package.yaml, and the reviewers tools now handle it, but fails with the squashfs manual review and lack of a readme.md17:53
JamesTaitnessita, the click-reviewers-tools work will address both of those and the handling of snap.yaml17:54
kyrofajdstrand, yessir!17:54
jdstrandsergiusens: the second question might be a nice thing to have so that everyone always uses the right options17:54
jdstrandkyrofa: was that an answer to '2'?17:54
nessitaJamesTait, perfect. So you are a bit blocked now?17:54
pindongakyrofa, just logged in and uploaded a file successfully... checking your sso account now17:54
kyrofajdstrand, it was17:54
kyrofajdstrand, only 2.0 though17:55
kyrofajdstrand, well, obviously17:55
* jdstrand nods :)17:55
kyrofajdstrand, yeah, just `snapcraft snap <directory>`17:55
JamesTaitnessita, my branch is ready for review, but might not make much sense without that update.17:55
nessitaJamesTait, if we land *and* deploy that we will block all squashfs uploads, correct?17:56
kyrofajdstrand, for your reference: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/commands/snap.py#L8017:56
jdstrandkyrofa: thanks! :)17:56
kyrofajdstrand, obviously feel free to make a PR, but if you make a bug for it we can take of it too :)17:57
JamesTaitnessita, new squashfs uploads (without package.yaml) are blocked already.17:57
pindongakyrofa, ok, bug17:59
pindongaam on it17:59
kyrofapindonga, ah, thank you! :)17:59
ogra_mvo_, dd'ing my u-boot.img in place gets me gurther17:59
pindongait's passing the otp even when empty18:00
pindongawhich causes sso to fail auth18:00
ogra_so something is wrong with that u-boot binary18:00
nessitaJamesTait, ok, so we could move forward landing and eventually deploying that, correct?18:00
JamesTaitnessita, I think we're also depending on beowulf's icon_url piece, which I think is waiting until Monday?18:00
kyrofapindonga, ah, excellent18:00
JamesTaitIf that's the case, maybe we should land this on Monday as well?18:01
nessitaJamesTait, not for this, no18:02
nessitaJamesTait, is independent, I think18:02
JamesTaitnessita, currently I'm unable to publish the package I just uploaded because it needs an icon.18:03
nessitaJamesTait, yeah, that is fine18:03
nessitameaning is independant of your change18:03
JamesTaitOK, great! 😃18:04
ogra_mvo_, the next issue is that for some weird reason you added the uboot partition to the end of the disk ... the partition to load uboot.env from is hardcoded at build time in the dragonboard u-boot (and currently points to mmc 1:8 ... while the boot partition on your image is 1:9 ...)18:05
JamesTaitIn which case I'll await a review of my branch and land it when we get approval, and I'm ready for something new.18:05
pindongakyrofa, sergiusens now that upload is part of snapcraft we might also need to update the examples; this is because the store will only accept a package icon if it's 256x256 px in size18:06
pindongathe upload will get accepted, but the icon will not18:06
JamesTaitI should probably catch up on e-mails till my EOD in ~40 mins though. 😉18:06
pindongaie, if you upload eg gopaste you'll see it there eventually but without the right icon18:06
kyrofapindonga, I'm writing an example doc for uploading right now18:07
kyrofapindonga, that's only for .pngs I assume?18:07
pindongayes, probably.. tbh don't know for sure if the store currently supports other icon formats18:08
kyrofapindonga, svgs18:08
kyrofapindonga, by the way I'm happy to fix that 2fa bug if you can point me in the right direction18:09
pindongaalmost there18:10
pindongaI'll let you review it :)18:10
pindonga+ I introduced the bug so I feel responsible for fixing it18:10
sergiusenspindonga, kyrofa our solution could be to just remove all the icons ;-)18:11
kyrofasergiusens, I'm on board with that18:11
kyrofapindonga, haha, okay sounds good18:11
sergiusenskyrofa, but they are examples, so we probably need an example with how to do it18:11
kyrofasergiusens, did forking turn into a boolean in package.yaml somewhere along the line?18:13
sergiusenskyrofa, yeah18:16
sergiusenskyrofa, package.yaml is going away in my skill migrationbranch though18:16
kyrofasergiusens, alrighty18:17
sergiusenskyrofa, when you fix the upload stuff messages, can you silence the unit tests as well?18:17
kyrofasergiusens, yup18:17
sergiusenskyrofa, thanks!18:18
pindongakyrofa, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/27418:18
kyrofapindonga, can you add a # to the bug ref in the commit? It _might_ work with git-dch, but all the man examples have the #18:20
pindongado I need to commit --amend or just update it in github ui?18:21
pindongaupdated in ui18:21
kyrofapindonga, you need to amend I'm afraid-- we need it in a commit18:22
pindongaack, doing so then18:22
kyrofapindonga, thanks :)18:22
nessitasergiusens, hello! quick question, how can I build a snap without an icon? I'm using snapcraft from ppa:snappy-dev/tools and when running it complains: Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: 'icon' is a required property18:23
kyrofanessita, you need snapcraft 218:23
nessitakyrofa, thanks for helping! any instructions where to get it from?18:24
kyrofapindonga, I don't see any changes...18:24
kyrofanessita, that's the xenial release18:25
pindongabad push18:25
nessitakyrofa, is there any way of getting it in willy?18:25
nessitaupgrading to xenial for this feels a bit overkill :-)18:25
kyrofanessita, not unless you feel like running from source-- pre-xenial is all Snapcraft 1.x18:25
nessitakyrofa, I see, thanks18:26
kyrofanessita, what are you targeting?18:26
nessitakyrofa, I'm working on the store and needed to debug issues when uploading a snap without icon18:27
nessitakyrofa, so basically I need an iconless valid snap18:27
nessitaJamesTait, do you happen to have that? ^18:27
kyrofanessita, I'm not sure .snaps without icons are valid in 15.0418:27
JamesTaitnessita, I have a couple you could use.18:28
nessitakyrofa, they are not, but I don't really need to target any specific snappy, my focus is the store18:28
nessitaJamesTait, highly appreciated!18:28
kyrofanessita, ah, I see. Yeah sorry about that. Running from source is pretty easy for what it's worth18:28
nessitakyrofa, it is? anywhere I can read about how to?18:29
LefterisJPhttps://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft is the github repo18:30
kyrofanessita, yeah just don't use the upload stuff, it's prereqs aren't available pre-xenial. The rest should work though. Here's the general hacking guide: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/HACKING.md18:30
kyrofanessita, but really, just clone is and run the bin/snapcraft script18:31
nessitakyrofa, amazing! thank you18:31
kyrofanessita, check debian/control for all its deps. If you're running 1.0 you probably have most of them18:31
kyrofanessita, the master branch is 2.x, but not always released. I suggest `git checkout 2.0.1` to get the most recent release-worthy stuff18:32
nessitakyrofa, super helpful, thank you (still cloning)18:33
kyrofanessita, note that 2.x generates .snaps that will only run on xenial. Not sure if that matters for the store stuff you're doing18:33
sergiusenskyrofa, still need to update the integration tests and examples https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/27518:33
sergiusensbut it is a start18:33
sergiusensneed to run for a bit18:33
kyrofanessita, any time :) . Let me know if you need help with that18:33
kyrofasergiusens, sounds good!18:33
nessitakyrofa, it does not matter, thanks, I'm just using them to upload to my local store18:33
kyrofanessita, whatever you do, don't install it using the setup.py18:36
kyrofaJust use it straight out of the src18:36
nessitayes, yes18:36
nessitaor install in a venv18:36
kyrofanessita, pssh, you know more about this stuff than I do. You'll be fine :P18:37
nessitahunting for docopt now18:37
* nessita apt-get installs it18:37
* kyrofa goes to plug in the external monitor. If he drops that's why18:38
kyrofaHey! Still here18:39
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
pindongakyrofa, hey... looks like travis choke on that PR18:42
pindongawhat do we do about that?18:42
nessitakyrofa, so! I ran snapcraft build with this output https://pastebin.canonical.com/148649/ but I don't have a .snap at sight18:42
kyrofapindonga, nah it's still going18:42
pindongado I need to re-push? is it possible to manually trigger a new job?18:42
kyrofapindonga, have faith18:42
pindongaI mean, the static test suite failed18:42
pindongabut bc of some lxc related issue18:42
kyrofapindonga, oh. So it did18:42
pindongaah, looks like it's restarting the job by itsel18:43
* pindonga is new to these things18:43
kyrofapindonga, I poked it18:43
elopiopindonga: is not automatic, there's a button.18:43
kyrofanessita, yeah things changed a bit18:44
kyrofanessita, run `snapcraft snap`18:44
nessita[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mksquashfs'18:44
kyrofanessita, squashfs tools18:44
nessitaSnapped foobar_1.1_amd64.snap18:45
kyrofaHey hey, there you go!18:45
nessitaand now the store chokes with it "The upload does not appear to be a valid click package" so this may be the fix we await from reviewer-tools18:46
nessitakyrofa, thanks a lot for your help18:46
kyrofanessita, no problem, it's why I'm here :)18:46
=== marcoceppi is now known as marcoceppi|airpl
kyrofaelopio, git-dch does not seem to be in git-buildpackage in xenial. Do you know where it went?18:51
kyrofaelopio, ahh, things were renamed to gbp it seems18:53
elopiokyrofa: yes, same package, new name.18:54
pindongakyrofa, ok, looks like it's all green now18:55
kyrofapindonga, excellent, thanks for that :)18:57
=== marcoceppi|airpl is now known as marcoc|airplane
mvo_ogra_: oh, interessting - so there is a off-by-one error in the partition setup?19:28
mvo_ogra_: one too many?19:28
mvo_jdstrand: snappy build is goind away yes, we need to have something internal though for our build-in tests, so its going away and also not quite going away19:31
mvo_jdstrand: looks like I missed all the action around the new snap.yaml :/ so click-reviewers-tools need an update too? will it just warn or outright reject the snap?19:32
vir17is there a ready version of snappy for raspberry pi that uses snapcraft 2?19:35
kyrofavir17, yes indeed19:36
kyrofavir17, look here: http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/19:36
kyrofavir17, note that snappy and snapcraft are different though. You need to enable the classic dimension before you can use snapcraft on snappy19:37
kyrofavir17, do you know what I'm talking about?19:37
vir17I think you talk about running snapcraft from snappy?19:38
vir17or i am wrong?19:38
kyrofavir17, indeed. Were you wanting something else?19:39
vir17I use another machine to create the apps19:39
vir17apps that packed with snapcraft2 could not run in the older version of snappy19:40
kyrofavir17, correct. Yeah, you want that app-snaps image then19:41
kyrofavir17, do note that a snappy update today breaks .snaps created with snapcraft though. A fix will be out soon19:41
vir17ok so it is safer to stay with the older version19:41
vir17and with snapcraft 119:42
kyrofavir17, for right now yes, but we're trying to stabilize soon19:42
vir17I found it easier to follow the example in the new snapcraft19:43
vir17this is the reason I asked19:43
kyrofavir17, which example?19:43
vir17I had installed in my system the new snapcraft19:45
vir17and the examples i tried to re-create didnt work for me19:45
vir17so I thought I could try the new snappy19:46
kyrofaAh, okay19:46
vir17I have to understand now what is wrong with my .yaml file19:47
vir17because my app doesn't appear in the /apps/bin after a successful installation19:47
kyrofaHey pindonga, if you have a minute, would you mind looking this over? https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/27719:47
kyrofavir17, you need to refer to the examples from the right release19:47
kyrofavir17, I suggest installing the snapcraft-examples package and using those19:48
vir17I just install it to a spare raspberry pi running ubuntu mate19:48
kyrofapindonga, just make sure I didn't lie in there anywhere :P19:48
vir17so I will try again19:48
mvo_ogra_: is my gadget snap maybe wrong? I think I just took yours but: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/view/head:/dragonboard/meta/package.yaml - i.e. might this explain the off-by-one issue?19:49
vir17kyrofa:  if I have both the new snapcraft and snapcraft-examples in my system, how I can choose which version of snapcraft to use to pack my app?19:52
vir17is it possible?19:52
kyrofavir17, I'm afraid having them both installed isn't possible19:52
vir17i will use the raspberry pi then to pack my app19:52
vir17thank you :019:52
kyrofavir17, sure :)19:52
pindongakyrofa, comments added20:01
pindongado you need to me +1 somewhere?20:01
kyrofapindonga, no, that's exactly what I needed, thank you!20:01
kyrofapindonga, actually why don't you give it a thumbs up just in an overall comment, if you don't mind20:02
kyrofaAlright now that I know that it's actually correct, elopio take a look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/277 when you have a minute20:04
elopiokyrofa: reviewed. pindonga: I left in that PR some comments about possible bugs. Could you please check if you agree?20:18
pindongaalready replied :)20:18
* pindonga checks again, just in case20:18
pindongayep, all replied to20:20
vir17kyrofa: are you still there20:21
kyrofavir17, I am20:24
kyrofaelopio, pindonga thanks guys :)20:25
elopiocool. thanks kyrofa for all the bugs.20:26
vir17do you have any clue about this error: FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/vir17/Desktop/serial-test4/parts/serialdev/build'20:26
vir17this is my .yaml20:26
kyrofavir17, well, your YAML looks fine for Snapcraft 1.020:27
kyrofavir17, try running `snapcraft clean` and then run `snapcraft` again20:27
awe_kyrofa, is there any documentation about how to build snaps on a device running snappy?  trying to figure out the best way to build my snap so it can be run on an ripi2?20:29
kyrofaawe_ not that I know of but I can walk you through it20:29
awe_i *just* got the latest rolling image up & running20:30
kyrofaawe_ as soon as all-snaps is a bit more stable I think we'll have docs on it20:30
kyrofaawe_ first question: which version of ubuntu core are you targeting?20:30
awe_the latest rolling20:30
kyrofaExcellent. Then all you need to do is enabled classic with `sudo snappy enable-classic`20:31
awe_i have a snap built using snapcraft 2.020:31
kyrofaawe_ that command will setup the "Classic Dimension," allowing you to use .debs20:31
kyrofaawe_ once that finishes, you'll be able to apt-get install snapcraft20:31
kyrofaawe_ the rest should be easy20:32
awe_and then what happens when i want to test?20:32
awe_does that still all work as expected?20:32
awe_eg. sudo snappy install20:32
awe_or do i need to disable classic mode once i've finished building?20:32
kyrofaawe_ good question, I haven't actually done it20:33
kyrofaawe_ I actually ran into a make bug when I tried this last time-- make was segfaulting20:33
awe_well, good thing i bought two new sd cards20:33
* awe_ crosses his fingers20:33
kyrofaawe_ so I ended up installing regular-old Ubuntu on there to build20:33
awe_ah, ok20:34
awe_well, let's try this out first20:34
awe_maybe i'll get lucky20:34
kyrofaawe_ keep that in mind-- if you hit some weird make segfaulting thing, other people have too20:34
kyrofaelopio, I can't remember-- did you report that somewhere?20:34
vir17kyrofa: the same thing happened again20:35
vir17the complete log: http://pastebin.com/dWhUT36X20:35
awe_so how involved is installing regular xenial on the ripi2?20:35
kyrofaawe_ I actually did trusty (I was targeting vivid so that worked for me)20:36
kyrofaawe_ there was a prebuilt image on the wiki I stole20:36
kyrofaawe_ not sure about xenial20:36
awe_we'll see how classic goes then20:36
vir17to give you more info, the app i try to build is just a simple python file http://pastebin.com/XphBGzUA20:36
elopiokyrofa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/make-dfsg/+bug/153672720:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1536727 in make-dfsg (Ubuntu) "make crashes in xenial lxc" [High,Confirmed]20:37
kyrofaelopio, oh yeah. I confirmed it :P20:37
kyrofavir17, you aren't running snapcraft twice, are you?20:38
kyrofavir17, just snapcraft clean followed by snapcraft?20:38
kyrofavir17, after snapcraft clean, can you verify that the parts directory has been removed?20:39
kyrofaelopio, is a OTP prompt of "One-time password (just press enter if you don't use 2FA):" too long?20:39
elopiokyrofa: it's long, but better than OTP20:41
elopiokyrofa: but now you introduced the word 2fa20:41
vir17kyrofa: http://pastebin.com/4hxArVaj20:41
kyrofaelopio, heh, I knew you'd pick on that20:41
elopiowhat about "if you don't use it" ? Still confusing?20:41
vir17i can snapcraft clean and restart the system to be sure20:41
kyrofaelopio, yeah that brings up "What's a one-time password? Well, maybe I don't use it" :P20:42
kyrofavir17, looks like it's indeed gone. Can you push your entire project somewhere so I can take a look?20:42
elopioI wouldn't mind making it even longer saying two-factor authentication. But then we might be making it more confusing.20:43
kyrofaelopio, hrmm... so it sounds like the only good solution is to somehow detect if it's not necessary20:43
kyrofaelopio, if you agree, I'll make that a separate bug20:43
vir17ok I will send you the link in 1min, thank you :)20:43
elopiokyrofa: well, that's the perfect solution. We can live with less than perfect for now.20:44
elopiothere should be a nice way to do it, because it's how it's done on the web. You hit log in, and if you have 2fa enabled the next page asks for it.20:45
elopiohere instead of clicking log in, we press enter after the password.20:45
kyrofaelopio, agreed. I figure if we can change the prompt to something better that would be a decent intermediate step20:45
sergiusensawe_, kyrofa in case it wasn't answered; you `sudo snappy enable-classic`; then you `snappy shell classic`; in there you apt all you want; you exit the shell or from a different login `snappy install *.snap`20:46
kyrofaelopio, it's the "decent" bit that's difficult20:47
kyrofasergiusens, ah, thank you!20:47
* elopio leaves for lunch20:47
vir17kyrofa: you can check here my entire project https://github.com/lmbn/serial/tree/master20:52
kyrofavir17, ah, run `snapcraft help python2`20:55
kyrofavir17, you're not using it quite right20:56
kyrofaNooooo ubuntu bring my mouse pointer back...20:57
vir17kyrofa:  make sense now, I need a lot more parts to use python20:59
vir17is this the only way?20:59
vir17or I can do something else to make a snappy app with just the files I already have20:59
vir17i mean if I run my code straight into the terminal21:00
vir17the code is working21:00
vir17can I create a snappy app out of it?21:00
kyrofavir17, it works on your terminal because you already _have_ all those dependencies21:00
kyrofavir17, but they need to be put into the .snap itself21:00
kyrofavir17, make sense?21:01
kyrofaAlright, reaching EOD around here21:02
vir17ok so in other words I need to include dependencies for all my imports (import serial, import time, import os)21:02
kyrofavir17, yes, but snapcraft will take care of that for you if you setup the part correctly. Reference the python2 example21:02
vir17i will try then :) thank you again kyrofa21:03
kyrofaSure thing :) . Have a nice evening everyone!21:03
vir17you too21:03
sergiusenskyrofa, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/27521:22
sergiusensalso wouldn't mind a review from jdstrand and mvo (not connected https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/275)21:22
kgunnsergiusens: hey, so reading mvo's mail about additional changes coming like icon having to be in meta/icon etc21:25
kgunnis that going to be pushed onto snapcraft2.0 ?21:25
jdstrandI'll add it to my todo-- I may not get to it today though21:25
kgunnor later....like a 3.021:25
sergiusenskgunn, it is already in snapcraft21:26
sergiusenskgunn, but that is internal formatting21:26
jdstrandI can also review after the fact. I quickly perused it and see you added the 4 directives under the migration-skill, which is good21:26
sergiusenskgunn, from a snapcraft perspective you still do icon: path-to-icon21:26
kgunnsergiusens: ah21:26
sergiusenskgunn, and snapcraft puts everything in the right place21:26
* kgunn likes it when things get put in the right place magically21:27
awe_thanks sergiusens!  it actually worked.  still need some tweaks to the snap to get things functional, but good progress!22:05
sergiusensawe_, nice!22:25
noizerHi guys just a question the doc on de developer.ubuntu website is that for snapcraft 2.0 kyrofa22:40
noizerkyrofa it is snapcraft 2.0 syntax on the dev site of ubuntu?23:06

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