
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
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popeyon 16.04, my laptop tells me the snappy command doesn't exist anymore, and if i try to run it i get told to install snappy or ubuntu-snappy-cli - ubuntu-snappy-cli is the latest version (
popeyhas the snappy command completely gone now?09:38
davidcallepopey: yep09:40
davidcallepopey, snappy -> snap09:41
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popeyah! I see the issue09:45
popeysnap install foo.snap (for sideloading) goes looking in the store.09:46
popeyyou have to snap install ./foo.snap09:46
davidcallepopey: indeed, on it's way to being fixed09:46
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Gunther_Hi everyone! May I ask the question, how to build a kernel snap if the ubuntu app store is not available and therefore the download step in the snapcraft plugins fails.09:57
ogra_Gunther_, heh, good question, i guess you would have to hack up the kernel plugin to use a local initrd.img file that you grab before building the snap10:01
ogra_sounds like a good wishlist bug :)10:01
Gunther_ogra_, I thought so ...10:01
ogra_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily-preinstalled/current/ has the os snaps for all arches10:02
ogra_you can either loop mount it or use unsquashfs to pull the initrd out of /boot from there10:02
Gunther_Cool. I will try to extend the kernel.py plugin with an according option10:03
ogra_you might hit bug 1569337 btw10:04
ubottubug 1569337 in Snapcraft "snapcraft kernel plugin needs to check compression method of the initrd before trying to unpack it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156933710:04
ogra_(recent initrds use lzma, the plugin hardcodes gzip)10:04
Gunther_I already patched this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1569337/comments/210:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569337 in Snapcraft "snapcraft kernel plugin needs to check compression method of the initrd before trying to unpack it" [Undecided,New]10:06
Gunther_but since the download fails, I cannot test iut10:06
ogra_yeah :/10:08
popeyis there some magic to getting X apps to run inside a snap?10:18
zygapopey: use the 'x11' plug10:18
popeyit's like it can't see the xserver, do we need to do the old export DISPLAY?10:18
popeyoh, got an example zyga ?10:18
zygapopey: you shoudn't have to10:18
zygapopey: just stick this into your snapcraft.yaml10:18
zygaplugs:\n  x11:10:18
zygaand reinstall it10:19
popeyokay, will try, thanks10:19
popeyit doesn't like that10:20
popeyargument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable10:20
zygapopey: maybe update snapcraft10:21
zygapopey: that's the right syntax10:21
zyga(this should be reported to sergio)10:21
popeyi have 2.710:21
Gunther_ogra_: thanks for your help, my prototype kernel.py with local os.snap seems to work10:36
popeyzyga: odd, I can find no reference to x11 in the snapcraft source I just pulled from github10:39
zygapopey: it's a bug, it seems that the validator tries to iterate over None10:39
zygapopey: foo: (with the colon at the end) is an empty collection but it sesems it gets parsed to None10:40
zygapopey: you can try plugs:\n x11:\  interface x1110:40
zygasergiusens: ^^10:40
zygapopey: mind the spaces (precisely)10:40
popeyIssues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The 'x11' property does not match the required schema: 'interface x11' is not valid under any of the given schemas10:42
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15807938/ is my yaml10:42
sergiusenszyga, popey I haven't released the latest snapcraft yet; I am still waiting for a good snapd binary that works with https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/910 for our examples tests to pass10:44
zygasergiusens: I see10:44
sergiusensthis branch isn't merged yet https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/44110:44
sergiusensI tried to manually test locally and it still doesn't work (given snapd in the archive doesn't work either)10:45
zygasergiusens: what were the failures?10:51
sergiusenszyga, the one you fixed last night10:56
sergiusenszyga, I also don't have replacement logic for `snappy services`10:57
zygasergiusens: that's rm -rf'd now10:57
zygasergiusens: it's coming back after a redesign after release10:57
zygasergiusens: how does snapcraft uses it?10:57
sergiusenszyga, so I don't know how to see the failures if services started or not10:57
sergiusenszyga, to see if our services started10:57
sergiusenszyga, how can I see this from the desktop for a service running inside snappy?10:58
sergiusenssystemctl doesn't cut it10:58
zygasergiusens: you'd have to use systemd yourself :/10:58
sergiusensor please upload a new ubuntu core to the store10:58
sergiusenszyga, yeah, systemctl from desktop does not list things in ubuntu-core10:59
zygasergiusens: why is systemctl not sufficient? AFAIR that's what we used internally10:59
sergiusensso tell me how to call it10:59
* zyga doesn't understand something10:59
zygaare we talking about cross-host testing?10:59
sergiusenszyga, no11:02
sergiusensif you try what i say you will see11:02
* sergiusens starts babysitting hour11:03
Gunther_Hmmm is it possible to build a kernel.snap from a binary linux-image-xxx.deb package?11:07
ogra_yes, it is, but you need to do it maunually11:08
Gunther_I understand11:09
kyrofa_Good morning11:10
ogra_Gunther_, line 370-595 ... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/auto/build (that does tarballs alongside though)11:11
ogra_you can do it withour a chroot by simply using "dpkg -x" to unpack the deb and manually create a snap.yaml and meta dir11:11
MikaelaWhen and how will I be able to install snaps on normal Xenial? https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/13/snaps-for-classic-ubuntu forgets to mention it.11:49
kyrofa_Mikaela, by the time it's released, I'd say11:50
MikaelaI see, thanks11:51
ogra_shouldnt that work already ?11:51
* ogra_ thought all bits are in place with mvo's latest landings11:51
ogra_sergiusens, your latest G+ post is private11:53
mvoMikaela, ogra_ it is possible today :) we just don't have a lot in the store yet12:04
Mikaelanice, does it come by itself or should I install some package?12:05
zygaMikaela: just wait a few days or apt-get install snapd12:06
zygaMikaela: we're still making improvements12:06
ogra_zyga, ubuntu-snappy-cli rather ;)12:09
sergiusensogra_, yeah, not sure why that is the default now12:10
ogra_(that is what also was seeded recently)12:10
zygaogra_: no? it was renamed to snapd12:10
sergiusensogra_, mvo jdstrand btw, don't we want to rename the ubuntu-core-launcher package to snap-launcher?12:11
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu.xenial$ grep snappy desktop12:12
ogra_ * (ubuntu-snappy-cli)12:12
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu.xenial$ grep snappy server12:12
ogra_ * (ubuntu-snappy-cli)12:12
ogra_zyga, ^^^12:12
ogra_(it depends on snapd though)12:12
ogra_sergiusens, you have 8 days :P12:12
zygahmm, I wonder what's the point of both packages12:13
zygaone still ships some directories12:13
ogra_well, if we want top rename we need to do it now ... there is no way to change the seeds after release12:14
ogra_(except by hacking meta packages directly and getting them out of sync with the world)12:14
ogra_mvo, infinioty uploaded a new livecd-rootfs ... do you need any of the changes from the PPA version ? (they will be overridden for the next image build)12:16
dpmso dholbach, popey, davidcalle, just read the omgubuntu article, captures snaps on the desktop pretty accurately and nicely :)12:16
popeyyeah, i sent him a tweet. he was worried it was all over the place and untidy, i reassured him that he'd "got" it12:19
popeyalso, sa bdfl shared it, so it must be fine ㋛12:20
dpmpopey, indeed, I think it's really good12:21
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, so as I said on the e-mail the /desktop page is published, but I've held off to publishing the subpages until the examples work12:22
dholbachdpm, sounds good12:24
dholbachdpm, yeah, it's a nice article12:24
dpmdholbach, just going through your e-mails now12:24
niemeyerzyga, jdstrand: Can we merge https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/802?12:26
niemeyerThe idea is getting interfaces in very quickly when necessary, or rejecting them.. we cannot leave these reviews hanging around12:27
* sergiusens migrates to coffee shop to re supply12:27
Gunther_Another silly question (just because looking at kernel builds is sooo boring). Is it possible to extend an existing kernel.snap with a custom kernel module? In this case a device driver for a pci measument board.12:28
Gunther_The sources for the driver are available but they are not part of the linux kernel12:28
dpmdholbach, what's the new LP team you created again?12:29
jdstrandniemeyer: I had not been looking at that very closely since my first review because interfaces code wasn't working yet and I didn't quite know how things were changing12:32
jdstrandbut I can take another look12:33
jdstrand(ie, there was no way to test it)12:33
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jdstrandzyga: are interfaces supposed to be autoconnecting with snapd that is in xenial now?12:36
jdstrandzyga: cause focuswriter from the desktop examples is not getting unity7 autoconnected. dholbach's doc on desktop examples also seems to have things that are not autoconnecting12:38
dholbachdpm, ~snappers12:38
dpmcool, thanks12:38
zygajdstrand: I haven't tried packaged snapd today.12:38
zygajdstrand: autoconnection is merged but I'm not sure when the release was cut12:39
zygajdstrand: we're aiming for one more release today12:39
zygajdstrand: with full control over connect/disconnect12:39
jdstrandit says '19 hours' ago12:39
* zyga tries focuswriter12:40
dholbachmvo said he'd do an upload soon12:41
jdstrandI see12:41
dpmJamesTait, on bug 1555569, is this now supposed to be fixed on the store side?12:42
ubottubug 1555569 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[snaps] Show human-readable names for store apps" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155556912:42
jdstrandzyga: if I do: 'snap interfaces', all I see is 'slot plug'. how do I connect things? (even if that is in the pending upload)12:42
zygajdstrand: snap connect12:42
zygajdstrand: snap disconnect12:42
zygajdstrand: and snap interfaces12:42
zygajdstrand: that's broken today (it has little effect)12:42
zygajdstrand: it doesn't setup security of anything yet12:43
jdstrandzyga: so I (will) need to specify both the plug and the slot for each connection?12:44
zygajdstrand: see --help12:44
zygathere are some shortcuts12:44
zygajdstrand: some may not fully work but some do12:44
jdstrandah, --help12:44
zygajdstrand: I'll polish that and get it to spec with the first SRU release12:44
jdstrandI tried 'help' and '-h'12:44
JamesTaitdpm, I don't actually know what the current state of that is - the summary field from the manifest will be surfaced directly in the API, so it won't be used as title.12:44
JamesTaitdpm, nessita would probably be your best bet.12:45
dpmthanks JamesTait12:45
jdstrandzyga: is 'snap interfaces' supposed to list available interfaces or just connected interfaces?12:45
zygajdstrand: available and connected12:46
zygajdstrand: what do you see?12:46
zygajdstrand: you have to snap install ubuntu-core12:46
jdstrandI literally see 'slot plug'12:46
zygajdstrand: (it is not auto installed yet)12:46
jdstrandthat is it12:46
zygajdstrand: UX could be improved there :-)12:46
jdstrand$ sudo snap interfaces12:46
jdstrandslot plug12:46
jdstrandzyga: I have ubuntu-core installed12:47
jdstrand$ snap list12:47
jdstrandName         Version    Developer12:47
jdstrandfocuswriter  0.1        sideload12:47
jdstrandubuntu-core  16.04.0-24 canonicalubuntu-core  16.04.0-24 canonical12:47
zygajdstrand: can you restart snapd?12:47
jdstrandwhoops, that pasted twice12:47
jdstrandsudo systemctl restart snapd?12:48
zygajdstrand: anyway; that part still needs love12:48
zygajdstrand: yep12:48
jdstrand$ sudo snap interfaces12:48
jdstrandslot plug12:48
mvozyga: there is a git tag for 1.9.1 if you want to double check what went in and what did not12:48
zygamvo: thanks, good idea12:48
mvodholbach: there will be one today, maybe even two, I ask in the standup12:48
zygajdstrand: ok, the version you have doesn't have the REST API wired to anything12:49
jdstrandthat would explain that12:49
zygajdstrand: interfaces/connect/disconnec all operate on a separate repo12:49
* zyga focuses on finishing this last essential bit12:49
jdstrandzyga: is that repo going to be in mvo's upload?12:50
zygajdstrand: yes, that has landed since12:50
zygajdstrand: but connect/disconnect working hasn't12:50
zyga(I'm still hacking on it)12:50
* jdstrand notes that he is being asked about this stuff a lot (not sure why they aren't asking here, but, there you go...)12:50
zygajdstrand: no worries :-)12:50
dholbachmvo, go go go!12:51
jdstrandzyga: what repo should I be looking at? I need to fix confinement for a few things12:51
nessitadpm, hi!12:51
jdstrandand testing the desktop snap examples, etc, etc12:51
nessitadpm, about the title and summary, there is a thread that summaries all the details, let me get you the details12:52
dpmnessita, I'm on that thread12:52
dpmnessita, but I was wondering if the bug report needs updating12:52
dpmas by the status of it it seems no one is working on it, which from the mailing list thread, you guys are12:52
nessitadpm, have the link handy?12:54
dpmnessita, sure -> https://launchpad.net/bugs/155556912:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1555569 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[snaps] Show human-readable names for store apps" [Medium,Triaged]12:54
olyhi, i have just been trying out snappy for apps everything went well until i uploaded a snap12:55
olypackage contains external symlinks: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmvec.so lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks12:55
nessitadpm, basically summary is that we have completed the work on summary/description, and for title we are now using the snap name "moon-buggy", until snapcraft and snap grow capabilities for defining a Title section12:55
olyany ideas what i can do with that error ? this is a very basic python app with one dependancy on python-gi12:56
zygajdstrand: hmm repo?12:56
jdstrandzyga: I used your word12:56
zygajdstrand: you can just build snapd locally yourself12:56
jdstrand07:49 < zyga> jdstrand: interfaces/connect/disconnec all operate on a separate repo12:56
zygajdstrand: (interfaces.Repository is an internal code construct)12:56
olyalso can i try and run snaps locally in a VM12:56
zygajdstrand: use snapd from master from now12:56
zygajdstrand: that will show you what's connected12:56
jdstrandzyga: ok, that's fine12:56
zygajdstrand: won't let you conenct yet12:56
zygajdstrand: you can always look at /var/lib/snapd/{apparmor,seccomp}/profiles to see what's "live"12:57
jdstrandzyga: ah, master is what I was looking for. I thought you meant some other fork/branch12:57
jdstrandzyga: well, I can manually edit /var/lib/snapd/{apparmor,seccomp}/profiles if I have to. I was trying to get a picture of how stuff works for myself, devs, etc12:58
jdstrandI guess that will have to wait a bit longer12:58
vancesQ: What is the proper method to enable IP forwarding?  I did 'sudo mount -o remount,rw /' and edited '/etc/sysctl.conf' to set 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1'.13:03
zygavances: hmm interesting question, you can have a snap that just toggles the /proc filesystem directly13:04
zygavances: it would have to use one of the interfaces that allow that13:04
vancesAlthough the above method gets the kernel parameter set after a reboot it still doesn't seem to forward IP between interfaces.13:06
vancesRouting table looks fine.13:06
vancesiptables is all ACCEPT13:07
vancesIs there some additional security I need to deal with?13:07
Mikaelaminor bug: /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh comment talks about /snaps/bin when in reality it uses /snap/bin and /snaps doesn't even exist. Should I report this or see if it's already reported or is mentioning here enough?13:10
zygaMikaela: yes, please report it13:10
Mikaelaok, doesn't seem to be reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd13:11
zygavances: I'm sorry I cannot help you today13:11
davidcalledpm: thanks for updating the /desktop page, I've pushed the new /snappy one out as well today13:11
davidcalledpm: with great difficulty if you've seen my email13:11
ysionneausergiusens hi! Any idea about my udf issue? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2016-March/001668.html13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569892 in snapd (Ubuntu) "/etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh comment talks about /snaps/bin (which doesn't exist) when in reality it uses /snap/bin" [Undecided,New]13:15
dpmdavidcalle, I've seen it, good work!13:18
jdstranddholbach: hi! B5 in your known issues should not be green as of this second.13:19
jdstranddholbach: that is what I was just discussing with zyga13:19
dpmdavidcalle, the db issue seems to be a bit of a concern. We might as well talk to upstream about it13:19
Mikaelaalso nmap complained about `can not find a snappy os` until I installed `ubuntu-core`, not sure how I should report it, but I assume that is known issue?13:19
dholbachjdstrand, is this a fix which landed somewhere?13:19
jdstranddholbach: they said autoconect landed in master13:20
jdstranddholbach: but it isn't in the archive yet13:20
dholbachI'll note that down then13:20
dholbachzyga, which PR was this?13:20
zygadholbach: fix for what?13:20
ogra_Mikaela, hmm, that is supposed to happen autonmatically13:20
ogra_mvo, isnt it ? ^^^13:20
Mikaelait seems it didn't for me for some reason13:20
dholbachzyga, autoconnect13:20
zygadholbach: I don't really remember but it was merged in 1.9.113:21
dholbachjdstrand, just said that it's in master but not in the archive yet13:21
dholbachor was it a fix for autoconnect?13:21
zygadholbach: no, that's not the same13:21
zygadholbach: that's connection visibility13:21
ogra_Mikaela, well, "supposed" ... i'm not sure it is there yet13:21
zygaogra_: its not13:21
davidcalledpm: we have a few ideas of things to try before going upstream, I'd also like Robin's advice13:21
jdstrandoh, sorry I misunderstood13:21
ogra_technically your first "snap install" should install ubuntu-core ahead of anything else13:22
dholbachzyga, jdstrand: can we add a line for this then, so we can track it separately?13:22
jdstranddholbach, zyga: I can say 100% certain autoconnect is not in 1.9.113:22
dholbachI'm losing track :)13:22
zygajdstrand: hmmmmmm13:22
zygajdstrand: and master?13:22
jdstrandzyga: unity7 is suppoosed to autoconnect?13:22
* zyga cares less about 1.9113:22
jdstrandlet me uninstall and install13:22
zygajdstrand: yes13:23
dholbachcan we file a bug for what exactly is not working right now and track it there?13:23
zygadholbach: many things are not working13:23
dholbachzyga, one example we look at together :)13:23
zygadholbach: filing abug before i'm done is not useful yet13:23
zygadholbach: wait until today evening13:23
dholbachok... it's just that jdstrand asked for the list of known issues to be updated and I couldn't quite figure out what exactly had changed13:24
jdstranddholbach: I think it is sufficient to say it is not fixed in
jdstrandI don't want to distract zyga13:24
jdstrandI just want the spreadsheet to reflect reality :)13:25
dholbachwfm! :)13:25
jdstrandcd meh13:25
jdstrandthat kinda summarizes how I feel (cd meh :)13:25
* dholbach hugs jdstrand 13:25
* jdstrand steps away for a moment13:25
* jdstrand hugs dholbach :)13:26
Mikaelawhere can I find the bug reports for specific snaps? /snap/bin/tmux returns "Bad system call" and /snap/bin/nmap is unable to resolve localhost or ping "Socket creation in sendConnectScanProbe: Permission denied (13)". I think they are known, but I would like to follow their statuses and cannot wait for snappy to become production ready (nmap and tmux there already report being newer versions than13:46
Mikaelathe Xenial repo ones)13:46
ogra_Mikaela, yxou can contact the author https://uappexplorer.com/app/nmap.joetalbott (see the "support" tab)13:49
ogra_(same goes for https://uappexplorer.com/app/tmux.shawn111 )13:50
beuno_josepht, you have a fan!13:50
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beunoshawnwang, so do you13:50
ogra_it is up to the snap creator to provide a bug url in the store data13:50
jdstranddholbach: fyi, apparmor 2.10.95-0ubuntu2 is out of proposed and should fix policy loads on reboot13:50
ogra_if they didnt, direct mail is the best bet13:50
MikaelaI see13:50
ogra_https://uappexplorer.com/apps?sort=relevance&type=snappy is pretty helpful until the store has a proper web ui on its own13:51
MikaelaI think it's probably enough that the authors were pinged on IRC :)13:52
josephtMikaela: I'll take a look at nmap.13:52
josephtMikaela: is that the armhf or amd64 version?13:52
shawnwangMikaela, thanks, let me check it13:52
* ogra_ assumes the security system simply changed underneath them ...13:53
josephtMikaela: can you give me a paste of 'snappy list -v' please?13:56
ogra_josepht, no more "snappy"13:56
ogra_it is "snap" now13:56
Mikaelajosepht: snap says "error: unknown flag `v'"13:56
ogra_(everything changed within the last week)13:57
Mikaelaah, so that is why everyone talks about snappy :)13:57
ogra_yeah :)13:57
josephtogra_: did that change not come as an update?13:57
ogra_it did13:57
shawnwangMikaela, SNAP=/snaps/tmux.sideload/current /snaps/tmux.sideload/current/command-tmux.wrapper13:58
dholbachjdstrand, excelltn13:58
dholbachjdstrand, hum... not on archive.u.c yet?13:59
shawnwangMikaela, you can try this to avoid the launcher issue13:59
Mikaelashawnwang: zsh: tiedostoa tai hakemistoa ei ole: /snaps/tmux.sideload/current/command-tmux.wrapper14:00
Mikaela(file or directory does not exist)14:00
shawnwangMikaela, SNAP=/snaps/tmux.shawn111/current /snaps/tmux.shawn111/current/command-tmux.wrapper14:02
shawnwangMikaela, sorry, wrong path14:02
Mikaela shawnwang same error even when I correct /snaps to /snap14:03
jdstranddholbach: it is getting there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/2.10.95-0ubuntu214:03
jdstrandprobably just need a publisher run14:03
sborovkovHello. I am on snappy on RPI 3. With latest kernel and os snap. Previously I could install snap with this command snappy install screenly-....snap to install from file. Now that does not work. can someone tell me how I can install snap from local file now?14:03
dholbachjdstrand, cool14:04
Mikaelashawnwang: I am on Ubuntu Classic (MATE) 16.04 amd64, in case that wasn't clear and you are giving me instructions for some other platform14:04
shawnwangMikaela, yes... I run it on Ubuntu Classic 16.04 amd6414:04
Mikaelashawnwang: is it possible that you could be missing some updates?14:05
shawnwangMikaela, you still got "Bad system call"?14:06
ogra_sborovkov, use "snap install"14:06
ogra_the "snappy" command is gone14:06
sborovkovogra_: I did. When I pass filename, it says snap not found14:06
sborovkovWhen I gave it full path it returned this error14:06
Mikaelashawnwang: with your commands I get "no such file or directory", if I run /snap/bin/tmux directly I get the bad system call14:06
sborovkoverror: unable to find task with id "52c91e31-7113-26bb-1804-5980e7d74de114:07
Mikaelashawnwang: I don't have /snaps and in /snap I see directories: bin  nmap  tmux  ubuntu-core14:07
shawnwangMikaela, apt-cache policy ubuntu-snappy, maybe we use different version of ubuntu-snappy14:09
mvoMikaela: if you freshly installed snapd then the $PATH is not quite correct, needs a one time login. the bad systemscall is probably because the tmux does not quite have the right security profile yet14:09
mvoMikaela: dmesg also often has some useful information14:09
Mikaelashawnwang: if you mean snapd
* Mikaela reboots to see if that changes anything14:10
ogra_shawnwang, ubuntu-snappy-cli ... you do not want ubuntu-snappy installed14:10
ogra_(it was a mistake that it was seeded initially, remove it if you have it)14:10
shawnwangogra_, Mikaela, let me upgrade my ubuntu-snappy-cli14:11
MikaelaAfter reboot /snap/bin/tmux and /snap/bin/nmap throw me `aa_change_onexec failed with -1. errmsg: No such file or directory`14:13
shawnwangMikaela, could you try SNAP=/snap/tmux/current /snap/tmux/current/command-tmux.wrapper14:15
Mikaelashawnwang: works, except that it has decided that my tmux.conf has unknown option utf8 twice14:16
shawnwangMikaela, nice14:17
Mikaelaset -g utf8 & set-window-option -g utf8 on ==> I guess that if new tmux says that these options don't exist, I am just going to remove them from my tmux.conf14:17
shawnwangMikaela, https://github.com/shawn111/tmux.snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml14:17
shawnwangMikaela, here is my snapcraft.yaml14:18
Mikaelashawnwang: I fear I don't understand that as I am not a developer14:18
niemeyerjdstrand: About the bluez interface, understood.. I'm just concerned about introducing a streamlined way to introduce new interfaces14:19
niemeyerjdstrand: This is a major blocker for anyone trying to use snappy, so we need to be agile handling such requests14:19
shawnwangMikaela, maybe I missing some config14:20
niemeyerjdstrand: It's better to introduce something basic and the polish it, than to block for an undetermined amount of time14:20
shawnwangogra_, is it a right way to call snap command? like SNAP=/snap/tmux/current /snap/tmux/current/command-tmux.wrapper14:24
shawnwangogra_, or, should I use /snap/bin/tmux directly?14:25
zygadholbach: what's that snap I should try to instal14:27
zygadholbach: I have a branch locally, I'd like to test any desktop snaps you can give me14:27
dholbachzyga, I don't know which problem you solved and which might be working now... jdstrand?14:28
ogra_shawnwang, no idea, i never run them directly since that breaks :)14:28
zygadholbach: anything you have14:28
ogra_you need the env the ubuntu-core-launcher sets up14:28
dholbachzyga, jstrand: focuswriter from lp:snappy-desktop-examples?14:28
shawnwangogra_, yep, like mvo mention I might miss security profile14:29
zygadholbach: k, I'll try14:29
zygaFYI: I fixed a few bugs that would be breaking stuff earlier14:30
jdstrandniemeyer: I totally agree and we'll get there14:31
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel
jdstrandzyga: fyi, someone mentioned you recommended modifying files to not use the launcher to work around lack of unconfined and/or developer mode. I suggest instead modifying the apparmor profile to be in complain mode and the seccomp profile.14:41
josephtI see the same issue as sborovkov when sideloading a snap or trying to install a snap from the store (ubuntu-core in this case)14:41
ogra_joyeah, seems sideloading is gone atm ...14:42
zygajdstrand: snappy will refresh those profiles14:42
ogra_josepht, ^^^14:42
zygajdstrand: won't refresh the wrappers14:42
zygaogra_: sideloading is not gone, should work okay14:42
ogra_josepht, there is supposed to be a --developer-mode option to the install command ...14:42
ogra_but thats not there yet14:42
ogra_zyga, how14:42
zygaogra_: yep, it's not there yet :/14:43
zyga(but just UX issue)14:43
zygaogra_: snap instal ./path/to/some/snap.snap14:43
josephtogra_: same happens with a store snap14:43
ogra_that sounds rather like a bug :)14:43
* zyga has a still-crazy branch that is relatively stable for controling interfaces15:09
zygadholbach: none of the snaps work though15:09
zygadholbach: only cap-test15:09
zygadholbach: I tried scummvm with home plug connected15:09
zygadholbach: focuswriter starts but nothing shows up15:10
zyga(it doesn't crash, just has no windows)15:10
zygakwi 13 17:10:42 zyga-thinkpad-w510 audit[11161]: SECCOMP auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=11161 comm="focuswriter" exe="/snap/focuswriter/0/usr/bin/focuswriter" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=55 compat=0 ip=0x7f0edad24e2a code=0x015:11
zygajdstrand: ^^ is that a seccomp denial?15:11
zygadholbach: ^^ fix that and maybe it will run15:12
zygathat looks like getsockopt15:12
zygamissing network plug?15:12
dholbachzyga, how?15:13
zygadholbach: identify why that syscall is not allowed, put it in an interface15:13
* zyga tries with network15:13
jdstrandzyga: yes15:17
jdstrandon amd64:15:17
jdstrand$ scmp_sys_resolver 5515:17
jdstrand(you need to run scmp_sys_resolver on the target arch so if not amd64, run it on the device)15:18
elopioogra_: the job that takes the os snap from cdimage is ready, triggered when the snap changes. But there are a couple of problems. The upload fails a lot because of the store, so I have to retry it like 4 times. And once it's uploaded it needs a manual review to go into the edge channel.15:19
jdstrandzyga: mvo mentioned getsockopt is needed for nvidia systems. see the thread I just responded to15:19
zygaI have an nvidia GPU here15:19
jdstrandthere you go15:20
elopioeverything we could automate is already automated. So I'll be dealing daily with the manual parts for now.15:20
jdstrandyou may have some other issues15:20
jdstrand(again, see thread)15:20
ysionneauhmm zyga here I get Apr 13 15:21:21 localhost kernel: [ 6322.540900] audit: type=1326 audit(1460560881.937:63): auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=1 pid=2081 comm="ld-linux-armhf." exe="/snaps/libshdata.sideload/LWKbJCCgHVhJ/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3" sig=31 arch=40000028 syscall=289 compat=0 ip=0x76ef44d6 code=0x015:22
ysionneauis it seccomp denial?15:22
ysionneau(I'm on RPI2)15:23
ysionneauit's written audit...15:23
ysionneauand in the user space console logs I get 'bad syscall'15:23
ysionneau289 is "send"15:23
ysionneaualthough, I've put syscalls: [send] + network-client/network-listener/network-service caps15:23
zygaysionneau: that's not supported15:27
zygaysionneau: that's old-security15:27
zygaysionneau: you need plugs: [network]15:27
zygaysionneau: or plugs: [network, network-bind]15:27
ysionneauoh, old-security isn't supported anymore?15:32
ysionneauI can still see them in the snapcraft/examples15:32
pmphi, I'm using snappy on raspi215:41
pmpfollowing a snappy update yesterday it refused to boot on the newly installed kernel (4.4.0xxx vs 4.3.0)15:42
pmpthis was a nice way to see snappy working well, when a kernel update has failed15:43
pmpis this expected behaviour15:43
pmpI mean the new kernel not working well?15:43
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pmpIt stops right after "uncompressing kernel"15:44
ogra_pmp, is that a 16.04 image ?15:49
ogra_(it needs an updated gadget snap too, could be that your old snappy is not capable of updating that yet)15:50
ogra_so either roll back, or re-flash15:50
ssweenyzyga, hate to be a pest but is there an ETA for review of my bluez PR?15:50
ogra_snappy uis still changeing a lot ... especially the images15:50
zygassweeny: today15:50
ssweenyzyga, awesome :)15:50
zygassweeny: sorry, fighting one last fire15:51
pmpogra_: the roll-back is done automatically, but after each boot it tries to update15:51
ssweenyzyga, no worries. just getting queries from my team since we finish a sprint today15:51
pmpogra_: my original image dates from I'd say 4 weeks ago, is that too old?15:52
ogra_yeah, snappy was nearly completely re-done (once again) and the big changes only landed last week or are still in flux15:52
pmpogra_: iirc I grabbed the udf from ~mvo somewhere, is that still the right place to fetch the image for rpi2?15:53
ogra_i'd actually build my own, i dont think mvo  had the time to update them15:53
ogra_but yes, you need the latest u-d-f from his dir15:54
pmpogra_: yes that scary part: downloading a 11MB binary from somewhere and execute it15:54
* pmp is fearless15:54
pmpogra_: thx for the hint15:55
ogra_mvo is a totally trustworthy person though ... (you will notice he only takes so much from your bank account after you ran his binaries)15:55
zygazyga@zyga-thinkpad-w510:~/work/src/github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/cmd/snap$ focuswriter.run15:59
zygaQt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported15:59
zygadholbach: ^ focuswriter15:59
zygadholbach: closer but no idea what's next15:59
zygakwi 13 17:59:22 zyga-thinkpad-w510 kernel: audit: type=1326 audit(1460563162.514:194): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=25780 comm="focuswriter" exe="/snap/focuswriter/0/usr/bin/focuswriter" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=49 compat=0 ip=0x7f983a472d37 code=0x016:00
ogra_moar syscalls .... yay16:00
davidcallemvo: ogra_ zyga, is snappy-remote still a thing?16:03
zygadavidcalle: nope16:03
davidcalleThanks :)16:04
davidcallekyrofa_: do you know when we can expect an updated https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/docs/get-started.md ? At first glance, snappy-tools, snappy try and snappy-remote need to go.16:05
dholbachzyga, thanks for looking into this16:05
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dholbachI need to run now - have a good one everyone!16:05
kyrofadavidcalle, we have a bug for it-- we can crank it out pretty quickly, though aren't people using developer.ubuntu.com?16:06
davidcallekyrofa: we import the doc from you guys :) I've just removed them from there, though, with the announcement.16:07
kyrofadavidcalle, oh! I didn't know that import was up and running16:07
davidcallekyrofa: it's not, we run a manual thing :)16:08
kyrofadavidcalle, ah :) . Yeah we'll move that one closer to the top of the pile, thanks for the reminder16:08
davidcallekyrofa: no worries, we'll sync with you next time we manually import or land the actual importer.16:09
kyrofadavidcalle, please do, I'm looking forward to that16:10
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netphreakHi, guys!18:35
netphreakI'm having trouble getting a homebuilt snap package start after install.18:35
kyrofanetphreak, is this on the desktop?18:38
ogra_netphreak, snap install ubuntu-core18:38
ogra_(probably sudo ;))18:39
netphreakyes, i'm on desktop18:40
elopionoise][: any news about my 401? Should I report a bug somewhere maybe?18:45
netphreakthx solved the issue ;)18:46
netphreakOne step closer - i now get the following error:18:46
netphreakmy snap craft looks the following:18:47
michaelroseso question since snappy packages are limited as far as access to the filesystem how do they manage to open your files18:50
michaelroseex a pdf reader, suppose I could open a file via the terminal via xdg-open or via direct invocation of the program, by clicking on the pdf in my file manager, by selecting the book in calibre18:51
ogra_michaelrose: most likely similar to what happens on the phone today ... via a system service18:55
ogra_(called the content-hub on the phone)18:55
ogra_but thats not yet existing18:56
ogra_(for desktop)18:56
swami_need help on downloading kernel source from ubuntu.com and its kicking me out each time. I am behind the firewall; but has the set proxy correctly and able to download kernel.org's or some others without issue19:34
swami_anyone can help?19:35
swami_for eg: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/log/?h=snappy_v3.18, how to download this using git clone? any othe settings?19:36
zygaswami_: I don't think there are any; perhaps download it without the proxy in the way19:37
swami_dont think proxy is an issue. because I am able to download others from external website. Am I missing something?19:39
josephtswami_: git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git19:39
zygaswami_: works for me, try without a proxy19:40
swami_hmm, thanks zyga.19:40
swami_I tried this josepht19:40
swami_have tried git:// http:// and https://19:40
swami_is there any git/ssh settings that I should consider about?19:41
zygaswami_: it looks like your proxy is just broken19:41
zygaswami_: if it is any consent, I have never seen a corpo proxy that didn't break everything apart from websites19:42
zygas/consent/comfort/ (I guess)19:42
swami_when I tried the above command, it shows me this:19:42
swami_ git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git Cloning into 'ubuntu-vivid'... fatal: unable to connect to kernel.ubuntu.com: kernel.ubuntu.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out19:42
swami_got http, it shows: Cloning into 'ubuntu-vivid'... fatal: repository 'http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/' not found19:43
josephtswami_: only git:// and https:// work for me.  I imagine http:// isn't being served.19:44
swami_for git, connection timed out. for https, below. :(19:46
swami_Cloning into 'ubuntu-vivid'... fatal: unable to access 'https://kernel.ubuntu.com/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.19:46
jdstrandbeuno: hey, could someone sync review tools r627? this removes old-security, fixes a couple bugs and makes sdoc stuff work ok again19:47
JanCsounds like a broken proxy indeed...19:48
swami_thanks. how to verify that proxy is working? some other ways to check19:49
michaelroseso regarding the content hub, A) what does that mean for non ubuntu machines B) does that mean that the content hub replaces xdg-open et al C) does that mean all of the above ways to open the pdf still work seamlessly or do they have to be rewritten to take it into account19:55
beunojdstrand, sure20:03
michaelrosereading this https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/platform/guides/content-hub-guide/ sort of looks like I couldn't just open a file from the filesystem with an arbitrary app seems like I would have to open the owning app, say the gallery app for pictures20:04
michaelroseand pic an app to share it with kind of android style20:05
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michaelrosealthough the receiving app can use say the gallery app is a file picker20:06
michaelrosemostly what I'm wondering is how easy it will be to rip apart a snappy package and use it on a non ubuntu system that doesn't have content hub or any of that junk20:10
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