
bobdobbsI just realized something: if I do "apt-get purge mysql-server": will that delete all of my existing databases ?00:01
Euviusdid your php/msql get broken after upgrading too00:01
tgm4883megaman: if you find a way, let me know00:01
wyoungEuvius: php and mysql are already broken00:01
Euviusit worked before the upgrade though00:01
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zen-guybobdobbs, it will remove everything of mysql to include dependancies and configuration files00:02
Euviusis there a way to fix it00:02
megamantgm4883: How is it possible that this basic function is impossible?00:02
megamansometimes i just get urge to go back to windows because of these problems00:02
zen-guybobdobbs, i'd back up the actual data00:03
kepler-tnew ubuntu tablet seems pretty cool00:03
tgm4883megaman: well it is possible. I just think there are some conflicts between the proprietary nvidia drivers and the ubuntu display config00:03
Euviusbobdobbs did your mysql get broken with the upgrade00:04
megamantgm4883: I'm using opensource amd drivers00:04
bobdobbsEuvius: I don't think so. I wasn't able to upgrade anything because of the error from initctl00:05
ElAlephCan someone help me with my printer installation?00:05
ElAlephprinter drivers00:05
wyoungEuvius: not all printers are supported, cups has a good list of supported ones00:05
BenderRodriguezElAleph, what seems to be the problem?00:05
wyoungEuvius: cups may even auto detect it00:06
tgm4883megaman: you could try messing with xrandr. It has options for setting monitors to the "rightof" and "leftof" which to me says that it can put the main monitor on the right00:06
zykotick9BenderRodriguez: re:ElAleph "19:56 < ElAleph> error: Depends: lsb (>=3.2) but it is not installable"00:06
ToeSnacksCan anyone tell me what is failing here? This my syslog output when trying to log in. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/25VqHJQH/Login+Crash.jpg00:06
wyoungEuvius: https://www.cups.org/00:07
wyoungEuvius: It should be installed already (by default).00:07
ElAlephmy printer worked nicely with Ubuntu 15.10, but now isn't with Xenial00:07
Jordan_Umegaman: I don't have a multi monitor setup at the moment, but I seem to recall that being in the display preferences in gnome-control-center.00:07
ElAlephI added http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/op/stable/debian/ lsb3.2 main to sources list00:07
ElAlephand try to install the driver: epson-inkjet-printer-201207w00:08
ElAlepherror: Depends: lsb (>=3.2) but it is not installable00:08
megamanJordan_U: You can set launcher, but according to google Ubuntu chooses left monitor as main, and that's what's happening to me, seems really stupid00:08
wyoungEuvius: ouch00:08
zykotick9ToeSnacks: thus your "fail whale" question.  i have zero ideas...  i'm sorry - but that is kinda a funny error message <- sorry you have it htough...  good luck.00:08
dbz2kdoes anyone know how to go lower my laptop brightness lower the lowest isn't compared to windows 8?00:09
ElAlephI tried to download at Epson's web page, but same error00:10
ToeSnackszykotick9: yeah that's why I asked about the whale00:10
Euviuswyoung oh sorry. ty00:11
ElAlephthe printer's model is Epson L35500:11
jiffeso I just upgraded everything in my machine except my graphics cards and hard drives and when I boot I'm getting a your system is in low graphics mode error00:11
Jordan_UToeSnacks: http://askubuntu.com/questions/662678/critical-we-failed-but-the-fail-whale-is-dead-sorry00:13
MeXTuXI can run many applications like emulators while playing music on the background (MPlayer, YouTube) without a problem but there is a specific emulator Osmose that complains if other application is playing sounds (cannot open audio device: plughw:0,0 Device or resource busy). Is there a way to fix this issue?00:14
ToeSnacksJordan_U: thank you, do you have any ideas about the screenshot I posted?00:14
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pcarrierno 16.04 for AWS users yet? :( https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/00:15
jiffenot really seeing anything too bad in dmesg, nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel but then I see NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  352.79  Wed Jan 13 16:17:53 PST 201600:16
BenderRodriguezHow do I check the version of the package in apt-get00:16
SpaceAcehey guys. after an apt-get upgrade my samba shares have suddenly stopped working00:16
Jordan_UToeSnacks: No, sorry.00:17
n1md4hi.  what version of ubuntu should i install to get a minimal console only install00:17
ToeSnacksn1md4: server prpbably00:18
jiffe[   16.749282] bbswitch: failed to evaluate \_SB_.PCI0.BR3A.H000._DSM {0xA0,0xA0,0x95,0x9D,0x60,0x00,0x48,0x4D,0xB3,0x4D,0x7E,0x5F,0xEA,0x12,0x9F,0xD4} 0x102 0x0 {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}: AE_NOT_FOUND00:19
jiffeany idea what that is?  bbswitch seems to be associated with bumblebee00:19
ToeSnacksIs "/etc/modprobe.d is not a file" a problem or just regular log spam?00:21
reisioToeSnacks: things that aren't problems aren't problems00:22
reisioamong things that aren't problems: text00:22
megamanI have posted this question on askubuntu.com, any help is welcome: https://askubuntu.com/questions/760942/set-primary-monitor-on-16-0400:22
reisiomegaman: what's the question?00:22
ToeSnacksThat may be the most worthless thing anyone has ever said. Thanks for that.00:22
megamanreisio: About beeing unable to set the right monitor as primary00:22
reisiomegaman: the right or the correct?00:23
megamanreisio: What do you mean by the correct?00:23
megamanreisio: It is at right for real too, not just on display settings00:23
reisiomegaman: what graphics driver are you using?00:24
zykotick9n1md4: _personally_ i'd get the mini.iso install, and uncheck _almost_ everything in the Tasksel screen... but server also works...00:24
megamanreisio: Open source amd, I haven't installed anything by my self00:24
zykotick9n1md4: <sidenote> ubuntu's mini.iso is like debian's netinst, if you are familiar with that...00:26
reisiobe nice if they'd stop renaming it00:27
Bashing-omBenderRodriguez: ' apt-cache show <package> ' .00:27
BenderRodriguezBashing-om: that does not show version numbers00:27
zykotick9BenderRodriguez: "apt-cache policy FOO" show more closely what you want, but show does work...00:28
ToeSnacksBenderRodriguez: aptitude versions PACKAGENAME works00:29
Bashing-omBenderRodriguez: 'apt list ' is quicker and the more concise .00:29
zykotick9Bashing-om: +200 points!00:29
zykotick9apt ftw!00:29
BenderRodriguezBashing-om: apt list works00:29
Bashing-omzykotick9: L) linux .. many paths to an end .00:30
megamanreisio: Any idea?00:30
ToeSnacksDoes org.gtk.vfs.daemon have anything to do with login?00:31
reisiomegaman: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nouveau#Dual_Head00:31
ToeSnacksI see "a connection to the bus can't be made" in journalctl00:32
reisioToeSnacks: so what?00:32
ToeSnacksreisio: so could that have anything to do with my login issues00:34
n1md4zykotick9: yeah, i tried the mini first, but there was no tasksel00:35
n1md4what the difference between the mini and server approach?00:35
zykotick9n1md4: when you run mini, and it lists what packages/tasks you want to install <- that is tasksel ?!?!00:35
n1md4zykotick9: yeah, i know, it didn't do that.00:36
megamanreisio: ehh, doesn't make sense to me00:36
reisioToeSnacks: what login issues?00:36
n1md4zykotick9: intrigued though, i'll try again00:36
reisiomegaman: which bit?00:37
ToeSnacksreisio: read up in the chat00:37
n1md4zykotick9: ah, is it with expert mode?00:37
megamanreisio: I don't know what to do with that information tbh00:37
zykotick9n1md4: expert modes "shouldn't" be required... that's even MORE in depth (i almost _never_ use expert)... but ubuntu _might_ be different?00:38
megamanreisio: It says you can use the gnome control center too, and it doesn't help00:38
n1md4zykotick9: yeah, i've installed various debians for years now, and on the netinst there is the tasksel, i'm pretty sure it did'nt offer that with the ubuntu install.  i'm trying expert, as i've already got the iso dd'd00:39
n1md4hmm expert is actually too much, can't be bothered with that.00:40
reisioToeSnacks: ?00:43
ToeSnacksreisio: what?00:43
reisiomegaman: you can put it into /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/00:44
reisioToeSnacks: read up for what?00:44
megamanreisio: So I change the res on that code? And it say Nvidia while I have amd00:45
reisiomegaman: oh haha sorry00:46
ToeSnacksMy login issues. I can not log into my system. I get kicked back to the login prompt every time I try.00:46
ToeSnacksAnd I have been trying to dissect logs to figure out what the problem is00:46
SynfulAcksudo add-apt-repository , is this the correct way to do it or is there a diff way since now they suggest using just apt for Xenial?00:47
ToeSnacksWhen is when you chimed in about things that aren't problems not being problems00:47
reisiomegaman: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multihead#Example:_dualhead_configuration_using_relative_coordinates00:47
megamanreisio: I can name identifier what ever I want?00:48
Dylan____Hey guys just got ubuntu 1604 fresh off the net burned it etc and i cant install my driver for wireless on my mac cause of the change of the software center00:49
Dylan____I was able to install my wireless through the normal ubuntu software but instead i cant now with gnome software center00:49
reisiomegaman: read up just a couple lines: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multihead#Configuration_using_xorg.conf00:49
BroboI have added a new name based vhost config in /etc/apache2/sites-available and set up a soft link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled using a2ensite. I restarted the service, but it still only brings up the original vhost. What may I be overlooking?00:50
megamanreisio: Ah okey, but I have no xorg.conf.d folder at X1100:50
reisiomegaman: mkdir it00:51
alu16.04 broke my ethernet drivers or something00:52
reisioalu: what makes you think that00:52
alui upgraded from 15.10 to 16.0400:53
aluand the its wired but no connection anymore00:54
alutried doing dhclient00:54
aluit was not a good upgrade but people recommended 15.10 to 16.0400:54
xenialdenialhey all, in the middle of upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 and x kinda died (ish). I still have this firefox window, but all else is gone, including launch bar. alt-tab does nothing, super does nothing. How can i tell if upgrade is done? on session 1 using top I see 'xenial' is still using 3-5 cpu, but that might be constant in it'd "done" state.00:56
xenialdenialor maybe someway I can breathe life back into x. I'm just afraid to force a shutdown before it's ready.00:57
nedstarkalu, this page may help. it lists a process that you could follow.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222220400:57
Rhorsexenialdenial: can you switch to a console alt ctrl F1, and run top?00:57
nedstarkfrom when someone broke their 13.10 system upgrading to 14.04 (deja vu)00:57
Rhorsethen you can see what's running...00:58
xenialdenialRhorse: yes, the only significat usage is xenial, firefox, and indicator-multi - xenial has been steady at 3-4 cpu for about 30 min00:59
nedstarki only upgrade from odd number version to other odd number versions, and from LTS to LTS.00:59
SladeJordan_U, i think i'll let it sit for now. but i'll prepare my next upgrade to include time to figure this out ;)00:59
nedstarkon the rare occasion that i need to change a box to LTS, i do a clean installation01:00
SpaceAceautomatic ssh tunnels on boot, that reconnect if they lose connectivity?01:01
SpaceAceHow can I create those?01:01
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Rhorsexenialdenial: how long has it been upgrading?01:01
Dylan____Installing 16.04 on my hp pavillion replacing it with windows do i boot from efi or normal?01:01
SynfulAcknedstark: is that common practice, like will the upgrade be more successful following versions like that?01:01
Dylan____Whats better 15.10 or 16.04?01:02
xenialdenialRhorse: maybe an hour at this point, it was almost finished downloading when it zonked out, then I waited a bit, it's been about 30 min since that01:02
nedstarkSynfulAck, there seems to be more issues upgrading between regular and LTS or vice versa in my experience01:02
nedstarkalso upgrading before a new version hits .101:02
Rhorsexenialdenial: I would wait another hour just to be sure, then reboot. It shouldn't take more than 2 hours...01:03
nedstarki would wait until 16.04.0101:03
megamanreisio: didn't work01:03
reisiomegaman: what didn't?01:03
megamanreisio: My identifiers were like DVI-1 and HDMI-001:03
xenialdenialRhorse: ok thanks, any commands like "explorer" in the windows world that might bring back the gui shell01:03
mcphailxenialdenial: I might be able to help you, as I had the same problem earlier01:03
nedstarkalso do a clean install from the beta or rc to final01:03
reisiomegaman: so?01:03
megamanreisio: I tried to save a image from google and it saved on the non primary01:04
xenialdenialmcphail: hi, cool, what did you do?01:04
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mcphailxenialdenial: can you use "ctrl-alt-f4" and log in?01:04
reisiomegaman: you restart X first?01:04
xenialdenialmcphail: yeah01:04
Rhorsexenialdenial: that's prolly due to your config files in your home dir being overwritten. They _should_ regenerate for the new DTE when you log in next time. Keep your fingers crossed...01:05
megamanreisio: How do i do that?01:05
mcphailxenialdenial: "ps aux | grep upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999" please01:05
reisiomegaman: sudo service lightdm restart01:05
Rhorsexenialdenial: if you have a problem you can try to create another user and then login fresh with the new user. Sometimes that works...01:06
xtr33Hi guys, installed xubuntu 16.04.  The mouse pointer dissapears after resuming from sleep.  What would be the best way to resolve this issue.  08 macbook.01:06
megaman_reisio: Still same problem01:07
xenialdenialmcphail: http://www.termbin.com/5seu01:08
xenialdenialRhorse: got it, will try that if my user doesn't work01:08
reisiomegaman_: sure you got the config right?01:09
nedstarkxtr33, maybe try a different desktop like gnome 3 to see if the same thing happens.01:09
mcphailxenialdenial: looks OK. You're install hasn't stuck in the same place as mine, and should be carrying on nicely in the background. Just be patient01:10
xtr33nedstark:  Thanks, just googled and it has been reported as a bug in xubuntu01:10
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xenialdenialmcphail: cool, thanks for that grep01:11
mcphailxenialdenial: the window manager crash is a definite problem though. I had it (and couldn't cancel an important dialog) and there have been a few reports on the interweb. If you're like me, you'll have to reset compiz when you log on to 16.0401:11
megaman_reisio: https://imgur.com/a/wKUIG01:12
xenialdenialmcphail: can you tell me how to do that?01:13
krytarikxtr33: As well as mentioned in the release notes, ftm.01:14
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bobdobbsHi all. I was having trouble running 'apt-get dist-upgrade' before, because of errors related to the mysql server. I now no longer get those errors. I can run 'apt-get' operations just fine.01:22
bobdobbsBut now I can't get mysql to run01:22
bobdobbsIf I do 'service mysql server start', the command prompt returns without a message. But the server isn't running01:22
bobdobbsIf I do01:22
aerthif it aint one thing its the other!01:22
deadmundbobdobbs: Why do you say, "it isn't running" ?01:23
bobdobbsIf I do '/etc/init.d/mysqld start', I get the same01:23
aerthno output?01:23
bobdobbsdeadmund: cos if I do a 'ps auxw | grep mysql', I can't see an entry01:23
bobdobbsaerth: yeah, no output01:25
megaman_reisio: So, any more ideas?01:25
deadmundbobdobbs: Anything in syslog ?01:26
deadmundmegaman_: What's the problem?  can you catch me up?01:26
bobdobbsdeadmund: I'm not conversant with syslog. Where should I look?01:26
bobdobbsdeadmund: oh. I can see I have a dir: /var/log/mysql ... I'll look in there01:26
megaman_deadmund: Trying to set primary monitor, have tried this without luck: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multihead#Configuration_using_xorg.conf01:27
deadmundbobdobbs: that's even better.  REad the log.  I'm sure it says stuff :)01:27
aerthmegaman_: try arandr !!!! it rocks01:28
aerthoh nm01:28
deadmundmegaman_: Have you tried just using the GUI / desktop environment?  Is this unity (stock ubuntu) ?01:28
bobdobbsdeadmund: looking into it now01:28
megaman_deadmund: Yea and that doesn't help, according to google it just sets left monitor as primary and that's my problem01:29
megaman_aerth: How?01:29
Bashing-ombobdobbs: upstart/systemd .. 14.04/16.04 " .. systemd is different command structure .01:29
deadmundmegaman_: Seems like a limitation of unity.  In KDE for example you can arbitrarily set any monitor to be the primary one.01:30
deadmundmegaman_: Have you looked at ~/.config/monitors.xml ??01:31
bobdobbsBashing-om, deadmund well, guess what... I backed up and emptied the log file so I could generate new errors on startup. Then I started mysql with /etc/init.d/mysql. I got a message (which I'll pastebin in a moment). But now the server seems like it's running fine.01:31
megaman_deadmund: Haven't yet01:31
aerthsudo apt-get install arandr is the noob way01:31
aerth(how i do it)01:31
bobdobbsI can tell it's running cos I can load my localdev wordpress sites just fine.01:31
megaman_aerth: arandr seems so limited, how do i set primary?01:31
megaman_aerth: It says that the right monitor is primary, but that isn't true01:32
megaman_aerth: I think it just means where to place launcher with primary nothing else01:32
Dylan____Hey can you change the position of unity launcher to bottom now?01:32
bobdobbsdeadmund: actually, I do get some errors. After the restart the error.log has abuot 500 new lines. The log has all these blocks that look like this :  https://pastee.org/77w2m01:33
megaman_deadmund: How do I go to that folder, where is it exactly?01:34
bobdobbsThats a little worrying. but I guess I can only solve it on a db-by-db basis01:34
aerthno its the left one01:34
aerthi was surprised to see amazon icon in 16.0401:35
magicka_wasnt it in the prior build?01:35
aerthyeah i kind of was hoping it would be removed from default install01:36
megaman_no one in here uses dual monitors??01:36
aerthbye thank u all01:37
irinixDoes anyone have a workaround for system-config-printer freezing up in 15.10?01:41
irinixduring searching for driver01:41
reisioirinix: run it from a terminal and find an error message01:45
irinixreisio, apparently it decided to run for me this time.  =/01:46
irinixI've been trying for a week to add my network printer and each time it would freeze up on searching for drivers.01:46
deadmundAre there any programs / file explorers that allow me to tag files and search over the tags?01:48
reisiodeadmund: yeah...01:48
reisiolook into FUSE-based "tagged" FSes01:48
reisio"taggedfs", etc.01:48
reisiohttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/tag-based-filesystem etc.01:50
reisiohttps://github.com/mwatts15/TagFS etc. etc. etc.01:51
reisiotagsistant, fsgateway, and tagfs (in no particular order) seem to have the most traction01:53
ToeSnacksso after some digging it appears my login issues are not related to lightdm but the issue is actually unity crashing. I installed i3 and can log in without issue.01:54
ToeSnacksdoes anyone have any ideas about tracking down a unity crash?01:55
reisioToeSnacks: what graphics device & driver?01:55
ToeSnacksIntel/Nvidia discreet system01:56
ToeSnacksso Intel at the moment I believe01:56
ToeSnacks00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)01:57
ToeSnacks01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208M [GeForce GT 730M] (rev a1)01:57
reisiovery occasionally compiz will be unsupported out of the box by intel01:58
reisioToeSnacks: install openbox, run that instead of unity/compiz, then try running compiz --replace from openbox01:58
ToeSnacksis there any logging that would indicate compiz is the culprit before I do that?01:59
Dylan____Hey my laptop has a intel core i3-4030u cpu is that good if so how many cores does it have cause it shows up as x4 on ubuntu01:59
Dylan____And are intel haswell mobile graphics good?01:59
duckgooseno intel based graphics are good02:00
reisioToeSnacks: grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log02:00
ToeSnacksalso why do I need openbox if I am in i3 right now?02:00
Dylan____Says here i have haswell mobile graphics02:00
reisioDylan____: 4030u?02:00
Dylan____Thats what the processor is02:00
reisio2 cores02:01
reisiodoubled fake cores02:01
Dylan____Hmm ok02:01
Dylan____It shows 4 cores on ubuntu02:01
Dylan____Idk why though02:01
reisioyou should see four duplicates in /proc/cpuinfo02:01
reisioit pretends to have an extra core per real core02:01
Dylan____Is that like normal though02:01
reisioyes it is02:01
duckgooseMalaysia Airlines Flight 37002:01
reisiothat's "hyperthreading", you've probably heard the term02:01
Dylan____Oh ok see i thought it was bad02:01
reisioon the site I linked it's # of Cores vs # of Threads02:01
Dylan____:) ubuntu seems fluid on this laptop02:02
reisiothere is some debate as to whether hyperthreading is actually helpful02:03
ToeSnacksreisio: does compiz --replace need to be run specifically from openbox?02:03
reisiobut it won't hurt02:03
ToeSnacksor can it be run from i302:03
reisioToeSnacks: oh yeah of course from i3 is fine, too02:03
reisiohad forgotten that already :p02:03
ToeSnacksok cool just making sure there wasn't a config or package that comes with openbox that the process would be dependent upon02:04
reisiono the idea is just to observe the output, from a running X02:04
VonologicDoes cinnamon run as well on Ubuntu as it does on Linux Mint? I'm trying to decide on something other than Unity02:05
reisioIME compiz produces a lovely neat error if it's just a matter of your intel device being known to have issues02:05
reisiousually you can un-blacklist it as well and accept your fate02:05
reisioVonologic: Linux Mint is Ubuntu (and both are Debian)02:05
reisioshould run roughly the same on any of the three02:05
reisioVonologic: what don't you like about Unity, maybe you can get some suggestions02:06
ToeSnacksI saw no errors02:06
VonologicI'm originally a Windows guy so Unity's launch bar setup isn't so appealing to me02:06
ToeSnacksactually I take that  back there's  compiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display02:07
VonologicHonestly, I just want something that looks like Cinnamon but isn't as heavyweight02:07
reisioVonologic: sounds like you want Xfce, then02:08
ToeSnacksVonologic: or mate02:08
reisiomate is heavier than xfce02:08
reisioand one might argue not well maintained02:08
ToeSnacksyeah but lighter than cinnamon02:08
ToeSnacksxfce is best though02:08
ToeSnacksreisio: is the error in that paste anything of concern?02:09
reisioyou can do something like dpkg -r --force-all ubuntu-desktop; apt-get install xubuntu-desktop; apt-get autoremove to generally switch from ubuntu-desktop to xubuntu-desktop02:09
reisioand then it'll be minimal reconfiguration of Xfce to make it look more like "Windows"02:09
reisioToeSnacks: that's from i3?02:09
ToeSnacksreisio: yes02:09
reisioToeSnacks: and just in an ordinary fresh terminal, not within screen/tmux, right?02:10
ToeSnacksthat is with tmux02:10
d4rkfr06it's odd. Windows is trying to become Ubuntu and we sometimes customize Ubuntu to be like Windows.02:10
ToeSnacksI will rerun sans tmux02:10
reisioToeSnacks: yes do that :)02:10
reisiod4rkfr06: people are odd :p02:10
ToeSnacksthe error is replaced with this compiz (core) - Error: Another window manager is already running on screen: 002:10
ToeSnacksall other lines are the same02:10
reisioToeSnacks: from 'compiz --replace'?02:11
reisioToeSnacks: try killall i3; compiz02:11
reisioyou'll lose the ability to manage windows02:11
reisiobut your term should remain open02:11
reisioyou can run 'i3' to get it back if compiz fails02:11
reisioor i3 --replace, something like that02:11
ToeSnacksreisio: kicked me back to the login screen and unity still crashes02:13
reisioToeSnacks: okay, try it again, but do 'compiz 2>&1 | tee ~/datlogfilehotness' this time02:13
reisioToeSnacks: altenatively you can do it from tmux02:13
reisioToeSnacks: and prepend DISPLAY=:0 (so DISPLAY=:0 compiz)02:14
reisioor whatever ps aux | grep X says the # is, if not 0 (but it's probably 0)02:14
ToeSnacksCan this be done from tty1 or does it need to be done in an x session?02:14
reisioToeSnacks: from anywhere if you export DISPLAY as explained02:15
reisioToeSnacks: as long as X is actually running02:16
reisioso: 1) start i3 2) run with DISPLAY=:0 from anyplace you like 3) observe error output at leisure02:16
reisioToeSnacks: alternatively, you can stop X entirely and try running compiz alone02:16
reisiothat's how most window manager's work, but I can't say I've ever tried it with compiz02:17
reisiostop X/lightdm/gdm/etc.02:17
ToeSnacksso "DISPLAY=:0 compiz 2>&1 | tee ~/datlogfilehotness" in the terminal?02:17
crypticgatorif im under a user with no admin privalage how can i run apt get commands? I tried ssh my adminuser@local and connection was refused02:19
mladouxcrypticgator, can you sudo?02:19
reisioToeSnacks: if it's in a term that won't disappear, you can just do DISPLAY=:0 compiz02:20
reisioDISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace02:20
mladouxif not, can you su into a user that can?02:20
reisioor, if X is not running, just 'compiz' (presumably)02:20
ToeSnacksStill could not open display 002:20
reisioToeSnacks: right, looking for an error or three02:22
ToeSnacksInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keycompiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display :002:23
ToeSnacksThat's the only error02:24
alui have a fresh install of 16.0402:24
aluis there a better way to install nvidia drivers now02:25
alutitan x in my system02:25
reisioalu: nope02:25
=== baytes is now known as eighs
FatBoyXPCI'm running kernel 4.5.1 on Ubuntu 14.04. I am on a thinkpad x1 carbon 3rd gen. I wanted a higher kernel in order to get the acpi changes in kernel 3.19+. The only problem is, 3.19+ seems to make my laptop freeze. I've tried combing through /var/log/syslog and nothing jumps out. How can I troubleshoot these freezes?02:27
VonologicCan someone link me a guide/tell me how to install the latest XFCE via the terminal02:27
JaxJaxHi! I wanted to set an animated .gif as my wallpaper. I'm running Lubuntu.02:27
JaxJaxI tried looking up stuff but the ways mentioned through search engine knowledge don't seem to work02:28
JaxJaxSo I thought I'd ask here.02:28
reisioJaxJax: remind me, if you right click on your desktop in LXDE, what happens?02:28
JaxJaxA lil menu pops up, with Desktop Preferences02:28
reisioJaxJax: not an openbox menu?02:28
JaxJaxYes, Desktop Prefs are one of the options.02:29
JaxJaxIt's very similar to what Ubuntu pulls up, would you like a pic?02:29
JaxJaxAnd on second glance, no it's similar to what Ubuntu pulls up02:30
reisioJaxJax: no that's enough info02:31
tjbenatorAnyone having a problem with Ubuntu Server 16.04 booting to a blank screen? I can manually switch to tty[1-6], but it would be nice if it would boot to one of them02:31
JaxJaxreisio: how would I make it work? I've tried xwinwrap already.02:32
reisioJaxJax: xwinwrap will probably work, but first you'd have to tell your file manager to stop controlling the root window02:33
reisioJaxJax: that's why you get that desktop prefs menu02:33
JaxJaxHow do I do that?02:34
reisioJaxJax: apparently in that desktop prefs menu02:36
squintytjbenator,  there was a participant about a week ago (iirc) that was experiencing the same situation.  No idea if the problem was solved or not though.  might want ask in #ubuntu-server too02:37
JaxJaxOkay, I did what you said, and I'm trying xwinwrap again02:37
reisioJaxJax: try this: egrep -ir 'pcman.*?desktop' ~/.config02:38
tjbenatorAh okay, thanks squinty :)02:38
reisioJaxJax: if you see pcmanfm --desktop, you can replace it with --desktop-off, then restart X02:38
JaxJaxI don't see it02:40
reisioJaxJax: could also try just egrep -ir pcmanfm ~/.config02:41
reisioJaxJax: or see if you can find it directly within ~/.config/autostart02:42
JaxJaxReplaced it with the off. Restarting X now.02:43
JaxJaxOkay trying xwinwrap now, still a blank response02:44
jiffeisn't the grub menu supposed to show if I hold shift at boot?02:45
JaxJaxLike the terminal doesn't react, it acts as if it's working on it or something but never does02:45
reisioJaxJax: what's the command you're running, and are you running it from X02:46
reisioJaxJax: your desktop should just be black/blank beforehand02:46
vfwJaxJax: Yes02:47
JaxJax"sudo ./gifbg.sh /home/terminalzero/Pictures/Wallpapers/gifbng.gif"02:47
reisioJaxJax: not with sudo02:47
JaxJaxNot working, still. BG is black but gif not appearing02:48
reisioJaxJax: where'd you get your gifbg.sh?02:50
JaxJaxFrom one of the tuts i found on google?02:51
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reisioJaxJax: if it's the one I'm looking at, I doubt it'd work :p02:52
reisiotry xwinwrap itself first02:52
JaxJaxhow would I do that?02:53
reisioJaxJax: put your gifbg.sh on dpaste.com for me02:53
JaxJaxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15994700/ Paste02:55
reisioJaxJax: you got all those executables?02:56
JaxJaxyes, I had to download and unpack them02:57
reisioJaxJax: might want to change it to /bin/bash as well, that script probably predates Ubuntu's dash adoption02:57
reisioor call it ash bash gifbg.sh foo02:57
reisioit as*02:58
JaxJaxWell, this is really complicated. Sure wish there was a simple tar.gz that once I sudo make'd it, would work for this :/02:58
JaxJaxOr a deb.02:58
wyrehi guys! ubuntu doesn't hibernate when I issue "sudo pm-hibernate" in terminal02:59
wyreanyone has ideas?02:59
x-8sudo airmon-ng02:59
reisioJaxJax: try xwinwrap directly first just to make sure it works on its own02:59
JaxJaxHow do I try xwinwrap directly?03:00
JaxJaxI changed the .sh like you said and it's still just blank03:01
reisioxwinwrap --help will probably say03:01
reisioor -h, etc.03:01
JaxJaxreisio: Output http://paste.ubuntu.com/15994770/03:02
kai__579hi. i am trying to use python3-dbg but it seems like not all packages have dbg symbols. for example i cant find python3-leveldb-dbg03:02
kai__579any idea what i could do. do i have to build it myself?03:03
zykotick9wyre: have you tried: "sudo systemctl hibernate"?03:03
wyrezykotick9, doesn't work either03:03
zykotick9wyre: ??? <- good luck then.03:03
wyreI think ubuntu doesn't manage power with systemctl03:03
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bmoloneyI am seeing a kernel oops on 16.04 which seems to be from issues with the nvme driver. The server has two PCIe NVME drives (Intel P3600).  I have been running 14.04 successfully on this hardware.03:11
bmoloneyHow do I file a bug if apport is not an option?  The launchpad website seems to hide this functionality.03:13
nito_help i can install .deb on my ubuntu 16.04!!!!!!!!03:20
Wulfnito_: delete dpkg to fix this03:21
reisiodo eeet03:21
reisioneo_: ohai03:21
JaxJaxGave up on the gif thing :/03:22
JaxJaxThanks anyways03:22
reisionever give up (never surrender)03:22
JaxJaxWhy not?03:22
reisiogalaxyquest :)03:22
wyoungJaxJax: that's what tim allen's character says03:23
JaxJaxWell Linux isn't galaxy quest.03:23
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reisioisn't it?03:23
wyoungJaxJax: why not?03:23
JaxJaxI don't understand why there isn't a simple .tar.gz for this, or an application03:23
JaxJaxIt's annoying.03:23
wyoungThere are some parallels03:23
wyoungJaxJax: what are you trying to do again?03:24
JaxJaxTrying to make a .gif run on my desktop03:24
JaxJaxan animated one03:24
wyoungJaxJax: ok, http://ask.brothersoft.com/how-to-convert-an-animated-gif-to-an-ffmpeg-video-file-46111.html03:25
reisiothere's mroe than one03:25
wyoungJaxJax: one way (as pasted above) is to convert it to a movie format :)03:25
JaxJaxso once it's a video, what do I do?03:26
wyoungJaxJax: another is to view it in a web browser03:26
wyoungJaxJax: play it03:26
wyoungVLC <303:26
JaxJaxI mean as my wallpaper03:26
wyoungyou didn't mention that03:26
JaxJaxNot as in viewing it03:26
JaxJaxI'm sorry, Mr. Young.03:26
wyoung"run on my desktop" I thought you were being a windows user then :)03:26
JaxJaxMaybe I could try using WINE to make a windows program do it?03:27
n5fxxNew to Ubuntu. Yesterday installed 14.04 and had problems with the wifi connection. Today I upgraded to 16.04 and wifi is working fine :)03:27
wyoungJaxJax: I have no idea if that is even supported by unity.  There are other desktop environments that support that, I know enlightnment did back in the day03:27
reisioJaxJax: no need03:27
wyoungJaxJax: if you want to but will be a waste of time03:28
JaxJaxWell seeing as nothing else is working, might as well03:28
wyoungJaxJax: yeah but I dont see that working at all03:28
wyoungJaxJax: your issue is unity03:28
JaxJaxI have XFCE03:29
JaxJaxNot Unity03:29
wyoungJaxJax: ok, you didn't mention that either before :)03:29
wyoungJaxJax: anything else?03:29
wyoungJaxJax: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/05/animated-wallpaper-adds-live-backgrounds-to-linux-distros03:30
JaxJaxOkay, restating what I want. I am running Lubuntu 14.04 LTS. I want to run a .gif as my wallpaper with it being animated.03:30
JaxJaxThose are preset03:30
wyoungJaxJax: that isn't XCFE though, that is unity03:30
JaxJaxLubuntu is Unity? Since when?03:30
reisioyou're not looking at this correctly03:31
reisioxwinwrap is your tool03:31
wyoungJaxJax: I was refering to the link I pasted03:31
wyounghi hi sadex03:32
wyoungbye bye sadex03:32
reisiohi hi sadex03:32
reisiobye bye sadex03:32
reisiowyoung: I miss sadex03:32
wyoungreisio: i know right03:32
JaxJaxOh, okay.03:32
JaxJaxWINE doesn't work with it. Oh well.03:34
reisioyou wouldn't want to use Wine for this, anyway03:34
wyoungreisio: that's what I said03:34
JaxJaxWell I pasted xwinwrap input to you and asked what should I do03:34
JaxJaxand you didn't say anything03:34
reisioyou should use xwinwrap03:34
alumy stupid ethernet isnt working with 16.0403:34
reisioalu: fix it :)03:35
JaxJaxYes, but what do I enter? xwinwrap what?03:35
reisioJaxJax: xwinwrap --help03:35
JaxJaxI pasted the output of that to you because it wasn't making sense to me03:35
wyoungalu: ;(03:35
wyoungalu: I am using 15.10 atm, everything works03:35
reisioJaxJax: link03:35
BenderRodriguezalu, Killer NIC?03:35
JaxJaxreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15994770/03:36
aluI wish I never upgraded to 16.0403:36
alueverything on 15.10 worked03:36
alunow my production is delayed03:37
alumy fault entirely03:37
reisioJaxJax: try this one, with /bin/bash: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meh/.config/master/bin/gifbg.sh03:37
JaxJax14.04 LTS is supported till 2019, why the rush alu?03:38
JaxJaxreisio: Nothing happened03:40
reisioJaxJax: does 'xsetroot -gray' do anything?03:41
JaxJaxIt makes it gray?03:42
reisiois that a question?03:42
JaxJaxNo it's a statement03:42
JaxJaxMaybe it's cause the file manager still hasn't stopped controlling the desktop or w/e ?03:43
JaxJaxI just thought of that03:43
Geo_Good day everyone!03:43
JaxJaxHi Geo.03:43
Geo_New here, just wanted to say hi03:43
Geo_Greetings jaxjax :D03:43
JaxJaxGreetings c:03:44
JaxJaxreisio: how do I make it stop controlling the desktop again? (File Manager) I turned off Use Desktop as a folder in preferences03:45
Geo_Eh anyone know how to make wine work correctly in Xenial?03:45
reisioJaxJax: so the answer to "does 'xsetroot -gray' do anything?" is "no"?03:46
reisioGeo_: define work correctly03:46
JaxJaxIt makes part of the screen gray reisio03:46
Geo_Sorry i should of been more specific, its not capturing .exe and running them as the default package manager.03:46
JaxJaxLike there's a widget thing that shows PC specs in the right corner, around that area it went gray03:47
reisioJaxJax: and if you run 'killall pcmanfm'?03:47
JaxJaxwhole thing gets gray03:47
reisioJaxJax: okay, now try gifbg.sh again03:48
JaxJaxStill gray03:48
aluim going back to 14.04 i think03:48
JaxJaxIt has no output it just stays gray03:48
JaxJaxAlu, what's up?03:49
reisioJaxJax: okay, find yourself a video, make sure mplayer is installed, and try this: xwinwrap -ni -o 0.6 -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet path/to/video03:49
alui cant even do anything, ethernet driver is messed up03:49
Geo_yeah so far, i think i want to go back to 14.04 as well haha03:49
aluim on skylake build w/ asrock z170 fatal1ty mobo03:49
Geo_But, im determined to get everything working again03:49
aluyeah but this is broken outta the box03:49
alui just reinstalled clean03:50
aluand upgraded03:50
alunow when i restart ethernet doesnt connect03:50
JaxJaxTry resetting the network adapter alu?03:50
Geo_is the network card being detected alu?03:50
alulemme just turn the card off and on03:51
Geo_so its being detected?03:51
JaxJaxreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15995059/03:53
JaxJaxTL:DR Mplayer says it died03:53
reisioJaxJax: no change to your gray root window?03:54
JaxJaxNothing happened.03:54
JaxJaxAt all.03:54
reisioand the earliear 'xsetroot -gray' command gave you your prompt back, right?03:54
JaxJaxIt turned the bg gray03:55
reisioand gave you your prompt back?03:55
JaxJaxDidn't understand what you meant by giving my prompt back at first but yeah it let me access it again03:55
Geo_im so stupid03:56
JaxJaxNo you're not.03:56
Geo_Lol, fixed it by right clicking the exe and setting wine as the default03:56
JaxJaxGeo, you just derped.03:57
JaxJaxWe all derp.03:57
JaxJaxEinstein derped.03:57
JaxJaxDon't feel too bad about it.03:57
Geo_ahaha yeah it happens.03:57
Art220argh!  15.10 to 16.04 killed my desktop. when I now log into unity, I see the icons on my desktop but nothing else. "windows" key doesnt work, no launcher. any ideas other than a fresh install and restore from backup. that seems like cheating. :)03:58
WulfArt220: login with a newly created user03:58
JaxJaxreisio: Why isn't that working and why did mplayer "die"?03:59
Art220thanks Wulf. that is an idea but I'd lose all in my home dir. Wondering if theres a way to reinstall (maybe reset???) the desktop environnment for that user?03:59
reisioJaxJax: sure mplayer didn't just play the video and finish?04:00
Geo_i think you can move your old Home dir to the new profile... if im not mistaken04:00
WulfArt220: you don't lose anything04:00
WulfArt220: create a new user, login. If it works, it must be something with your other user's files. If it does not work, it's the system.04:01
JaxJaxapparently sudo made it work04:01
JaxJaxholy :o04:01
JaxJaxWe did it :D04:01
Art220gotcha. thanks04:01
Geo_LOL its working now jax?04:01
JaxJaxNow to make it loop04:01
JaxJaxand it's beautiful <304:01
JaxJaxHow do I make it loop reisio?04:02
reisio-loop 004:02
Geo_hmm, So im trying to use the Package manager to install Slack - But i get a weird package installer screen and when i click install...it doesnt do anything...04:02
JaxJaxat the end of the command?04:02
reisionow you should figure out how to make gifsicle work instead of mplayer04:02
reisioJaxJax: yes04:02
JaxJaxNah, Mplayer's fine04:03
alubtw guys it didnt work04:03
reisioI s'pose it can play a gif, at that04:03
aluim going back to 14.0404:03
Geo_Alu - which driver are you using?04:04
aluwhat driver? i just did a fresh install04:04
alui restarted and now ethernet wont work04:04
Geo_What ethernet driver04:04
Wulfalu: ethernet not working? That's unlikely.04:05
alui have an asrock z170 fatal1ty mini itx mobo04:05
Wulfalu: what does "lspci | grep -i ether" say?04:05
aluIt shows ethernet controler: intel corporation ethernet connection (2) I219-V (rev 31)04:06
JaxJaxreisio also how do i make sure pcmanfm doesn't try taking control of bg again at boot?04:06
JaxJaxcause killall worked now but it might not when I reboot04:06
Wulfalu: and "ip link show"? any kernel messages?04:06
JaxJaxik how to make the command work at boot04:07
reisioJaxJax: you need to find where it's autoloaded04:07
reisioJaxJax: it's possible there's something in LXDE's menu for handling sessions04:07
reisioJaxJax: otherwise use egrep -ilr pcmanfm ~/.config/ as I said04:07
JaxJaxyeah there's default apps for lxsession04:07
reisioJaxJax: actually first do this test: killall pcmanfm; pcmanfm --desktop-off04:08
bipulWhat is schroots? And how one can used it in ubuntu?04:08
reisioand make sure the desktop is off still04:08
Geo_Alright good night guys :D04:08
reisiobipul: chroots?04:08
reisiobipul: man chroot; can be used for a variety of purposes04:08
Wulfreisio: the "s" was no typo04:08
reisioWulf: indeed, that's how I spell purposes04:08
bipulno it's schroots04:09
aluDMESG is a cluster fuck04:09
aluI cant even read it04:09
reisioalu: sounds like you're using systemd04:09
aluACPI errir'Namespace lookup failure04:09
bipulreisio, Yes, but some part are confusing.04:09
reisiobipul: what part04:09
aluACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed04:09
aluits non stop04:10
bipulCreate ~/.sbuildrc: <-- What does it mean?04:10
Wulfalu: start with the "ip link show"04:10
reisiobipul: ~/ is a path04:10
Wulfalu: what interfaces are there besides "lo"?04:10
reisiobipul: a special one, meaning essentially /home/youruser/04:10
reisiobipul: .sbuildrc is just a file, though the leading '.' means it is "hidden" (to things that opt to hide hidden files)04:10
bipulreisio, Yes,it's home directory, i know but what does it mean create? here?04:11
reisiobipul: rc files in general are for specifying preferences or commands to applications that will parse them; in this case a config file, no doubt04:11
JaxJaxreisio: It's saying no process found04:11
reisiobipul: it means create the file '.sbuildrc' at ~/04:11
reisiosprial02: hi04:11
sprial02where is this?04:11
reisioJaxJax: that's fine04:11
Wulfalu: good. That's your ethernet card04:11
reisioJaxJax: is it holding on to your prompt?04:11
bipuloh i see, to create a hidden file in home directory.04:11
Wulfalu: so what's not working? ;-)04:11
aluwifi doesnt show anymore, and yeah its not getting an ip04:12
reisioJaxJax: 'killall pcmanfm; pcmanfm --desktop-off' returns your prompt?04:12
Wulfalu: dhclient enp0s31f604:12
Wulfalu: or: ip link set dev enp0s31f6 up04:12
JaxJaxIt does Reisio04:12
sprial02I used ubunt mate in Raspberry pi04:12
reisioJaxJax: what does 'pgrep -l pcmanfm' say?04:12
alui tried that first one04:12
Wulfalu: and then "ip link show" again, see if it got a LOWER_UP04:12
JaxJaxreturns prompt reisio04:12
sprial02but I raly04:13
bipulreisio, Thank you :)04:13
aluyeah but it wont connect04:13
JaxJaxreisio: It returns prompt04:13
pcnQuick question: After upgrading from beta w/ gnome to release, I installed unity8.  For whatever reason, I don't have a terminal, or almost anything.  What should I be installing for that?04:14
JaxJaxin the list of autostart apps it doesn't come up reisio04:14
reisioJaxJax: and you said egrep -ir pcmanfm ~/.config/ returns nothing?04:14
Rhorsepcn you mean like xterm or xfce-terminal?04:15
JaxJaxIt returns a huge amount of text04:15
reisioJaxJax: how about egrep -ir pcmanfm ~/.config/ | grep -i auto04:16
reisioI'm not really familiar with pcmanfm, it might have stored it as a pref already04:16
reisiorestart X to see04:16
JaxJaxit's full of text04:16
JaxJaxokay do you want me to logout and come back?04:17
JaxJaxsee if it's still gray?04:17
reisioJaxJax: it won't be gray04:19
reisioJaxJax: but you can run xsetroot -gray again and see if it is04:19
pcnRhorse: for example, yes04:19
JaxJaxHi. Wallpaper returned reisio04:20
JaxJaxBut the loop still works :D04:21
JaxJaxso I just have to autoset it to run at start and we're good04:21
reisioJaxJax: okay here's what you want to do04:24
reisioJaxJax: do you have the file ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart ?04:27
JaxJaxreisio: I don't think we have to do that, I can blank the wallpaper and have it run as is, the current thing I'm trying to do is get rid of a certain widget that's in the way.04:27
pcnSo Rhorse maybe my question is: I'm sure I have a terminal installed, but there doesn't appear to be a method to launch an application via e.g. a search04:28
JaxJaxSo yeah I think we're good here04:28
* reisio shrugs04:28
JaxJaxThanks :D04:28
JaxJaxI would tip you, but I don't see a tip box so x304:28
JaxJaxAnd please, no Paypal, thing's just ick.04:29
JaxJaxI just need a way of turning a resource number using xkill into a name of the program I am trying to remove04:29
JaxJaxCause I used xkill and it goes, leaving a resource number04:30
JaxJaxThe widget I'm trying to get off04:30
reisiowhat widget?04:30
JaxJaxIt displays vitals of the PC04:30
JaxJaxLike in a box04:30
GlamaliciousI have a working persistent live Kubuntu 16.04 usb. I want to prevent the default live user from auto logging in so I can log in with the new account that I created. This has be done by others on Lubuntu and Zorin apparently. I want to do it with Kubuntu.04:40
pcnSo, is there a way to get my unity session to where i can launch a terminal?04:50
g4143pcn: What do you by get my unity session to where I can launch a terminal? Don't you just Alt+f2 terminal?04:51
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g4143pcn: Or you can use the short-cut Ctrl-Atl + T04:53
pcng4143: neither works in my case04:59
pcnHaving a touch screen may complicate this?05:00
g4143pcn: Well you should be able to open Dash...Right? I'm not familiar with Ubuntu and touchscreens.05:02
pcnIt's a laptop with a touchscreen... I wonder if it thinks I'm supposed to be in some kind of kiosk mode05:04
pcnSwitching the option to "desktop mode" just means I get the "Scopes" window, and I can't right-click, I can't ctrl-alt-T, it's pretty infuriation05:06
pcnTrying to start the "browser" just has it appear in a little window, then disappear.05:06
pcnTime to go back to gnome, I guess?05:07
azizLIGHTwhere do i learn how to become a package maintaner05:11
azizLIGHTi have source file, and i want ot make a ppa for everyone05:12
lotuspsychje!contribute | azizLIGHT05:12
ubottuazizLIGHT: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:13
azizLIGHTcool thanks :)05:13
lotuspsychjeazizLIGHT: another interest channel could be #ubuntu-release05:13
f91wI have an external Seagate Backup+ 5TB USB3 HDD that I'm trying to access from Xubuntu 16.04. I'm unable to access/see/mount/format and have the same issue on 14.04 (Just upgraded). xhci was choking entirely until I disabled the uas module, and now I simply get this in dmesg with no binding to a device I can mount: http://paste.linux.chat/view/724f0aee What should I do so I can use my drive?05:14
azizLIGHThow does a project on gitlab can become part of ubuntu releases?05:14
f91wDrive in question: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822178501&cm_re=seagate_backup%2b_5tb-_-22-178-501-_-Product05:14
f91wMy USB controller is intel/c220. I've tried multiple USB ports.05:15
lotuspsychjeazizLIGHT: you need to suggest new packages to be added to ubuntu repo, not sure where05:15
azizLIGHTi see05:15
azizLIGHTis this page about debs? i imagine its easier with snaps now05:16
azizLIGHT(the wiki)05:16
drama@azizLIGHT you might offer it on your own ppa first http://askubuntu.com/questions/71510/how-do-i-create-a-ppa05:20
azizLIGHTdrama: this is what im thinking05:20
azizLIGHTim investigating it now05:20
* drama loves ppa05:20
azizLIGHTwill ppa be obsolete in 16.04?05:21
dramawill debs be obsolte?05:21
Wulfwill I be absolute?05:21
bocephus...waiting on this response....05:22
lotuspsychjestick to ubuntu issues guys05:22
azizLIGHTsnaps sound interesting since they can include older/newer libraries and not interfere with  your own systems libraries, am i understanding that correct?05:23
bocephusI just did a huge wagon wheel on ubuntu....Ubuntu rules. Hands down!05:23
bocephusthe best.05:23
lotuspsychje!info snapcraft | azizLIGHT05:24
ubottuazizLIGHT: snapcraft (source: snapcraft): easily craft snaps. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.8.4 (xenial), package size 59 kB, installed size 346 kB05:24
bocephuscorrection: did a huge wagon wheel on Linux[everything] came back to Ubuntu...hahaha.  And all i did was want to get away from ubuntu05:24
bocephusto find its the only thing that works for me.05:24
bocephusAfter all that BS I order a shirt.05:25
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pcnLooks like I'm running into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1541057 so, yeah, back to gnome it is.05:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541057 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash crashed with SIGSEGV in QOpenGLContext::shareGroup()" [Medium,Confirmed]05:27
Mickey2001Hello World!05:40
XaliMickey2001: #python05:42
Massi1986Hi all05:49
brianxhi there05:50
Massi1986I have a problem with wifi connection :( Can you help me?05:50
bocephuswhats your problem05:50
alushould i05:50
Massi1986ID 0846:9001 NetGear, Inc. WN111(v2) RangeMax Next Wireless [Atheros AR9170+AR9101]05:50
aludd bs=4m if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX05:50
alubs=4M unnecessary?05:50
Vonologic"An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was: Error: BrokenCount > 0'. This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies."05:50
VonologicSoftware Centre on 16.04 seems to be completely broken for me05:51
bocephusi hope there is more to that05:51
Massi1986This adapter make me crazy :/ Unstable and low speed connection05:51
bocephusdid you check what type of wireless card it has?  b/n/g?05:52
aluubuntu live usb is going to initramfs05:52
bocephuswhats your through put?05:52
Massi1986Yes, it's N adapter05:52
bocephusN?  and still slow? hum?05:52
bocephuswhat do you think the problem is?05:53
Massi1986Slow and unstable... Every 5 minutes it's lost and reconnect... Download is impossible05:53
Massi1986In Windows working perfectly05:54
bocephusahhh.  inbeaded card?05:54
Massi1986USB adapter05:54
bocephusahhhh shucks that might be your problem.05:55
bocephuswhat type of adapter.  guess your on a desktop then?05:55
Massi1986Yes it's on a desktop PC05:56
bocephushold on one sec....05:56
Massi19860846:9001 NetGear, Inc. WN111(v2) RangeMax Next Wireless [Atheros AR9170+AR9101]05:56
Massi1986wlx0026f2f0c536  IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"Vodafone-Max"05:57
Massi1986          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 64:59:F8:26:0B:0805:57
Massi1986          Bit Rate=39 Mb/s   Tx-Power=30 dBm05:57
Massi1986          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off05:57
Massi1986          Power Management:off05:57
Massi1986          Link Quality=59/70  Signal level=-51 dBm05:57
bocephusI have an age all cure...you will have to pay for another adapter but it works! all Linux!05:57
auronandace!paste | Massi198605:57
ubottuMassi1986: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:57
bocephusgot it06:01
bocephusone sec06:01
KeithWeissharwhy is the ubuntu live session freezing with a flashing icon on gtx 980?06:01
bocephusAlfa Atheros AR927106:01
wafflejockdoes do-release-upgrade not work for Ubuntu Gnome yet?06:02
bocephusModel AWUS036NHA06:02
KeithWeisshari have a skylake cpu and gtx 980 video card06:02
wafflejockgetting No new release found.06:02
cfhowlettdo-release-upgrade unavailable until 16.04.1 as I understand it.06:02
KeithWeissharwhen i boot to live session i get an empty background with flashing desktop icons, why?06:03
bocephushope that helps. Sorry i`m not much help past that as far a downloading drives and what not.  But feel free to friend me and let me know.06:04
bocephustelling you though.  No problems! with this adapter.06:04
KeithWeissharis there known issues with gtx 980 on ubuntu 16.04?06:07
bocephus...did you install macchanger? by chance06:07
KeithWeisshari need help booting ubuntu 16.04 live session but i'm unable to get to the desktop06:08
cfhowlett!patience | KeithWeisshar06:08
ubottuKeithWeisshar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:08
wafflejockPhoneThanks cfhowlett upgrading now06:14
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wafflejockPhoneIs waiting till June for the .1 release normal or is that new?06:15
cfhowlettwafflejock, it's been that way for at least 2 LTS releases.06:15
wafflejockPhoneHmm k just don't remember that last time around but I may have just upgraded later06:16
snadgei want to update my work pc to 16.04 via command line.. is there a recommended way to do this?06:16
cfhowlettsnadge, are on you 14.04?  if so, might want to wait until 16.04.106:17
snadgeupdate-manager assumes you want to use gui06:17
snadgeno.. its 15.1006:17
snadgethere are a few old school ways to do this.. eg.. edit your sources.list manually.. then apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade .. but im just wondering if there's a better way to do it remotely06:18
iSlayWyvernsUbuntu 16.04 - gufw won't launch? http://pastebin.com/9MFTvZ1Y06:18
snadgefound it here.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades  .. thanks guys ;)06:19
snadgesudo do-release-upgrade -d06:19
baizoniSlayWyverns: sudo apt-get install python-gobject06:19
iSlayWyvernsbaizon, it worked, thanks. How did u understand this package was missing?06:21
cfhowlettsnadge, try it but I think that only works during pre-release development stage. as 16.04 has been released ...06:21
snadgei just dropped the -d .. as it says thats for development, and it appears to be upgrading to xenial.. of course it says.. not recommended via ssh etc06:22
snadgebut we'll see wont we ;)06:22
baizoniSlayWyverns: import gi, which means it needs python-gi, which is a part of ptyhon-gobject06:22
snadgei figure its better to upgrade my work pc remotely.. over a long weekend.. and come into it being broken on tuesday.. than it is to start it on tuesday and break it06:22
snadgei'll at least have a head start :p06:22
cfhowlettsnadge, just tested it06:23
cfhowlettdo-release-upgrade -d06:23
XarkHello.  Hmm, wifi worked fine in Ubuntu 16.04 installer, but not after it installed (lists Intel wifi adapter as "disabled").  Is this a known issue?06:25
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zekkanybody know when/if it will possible to install amd proprietary fglrx driver for 16.04?06:29
baizonzekk: well i got more fps and stable system with amdgpu06:30
zekkbaizon, not first time i've heard that, but i saw some benchmark it was not pretty compared to 15.10 with fglrx06:31
baizonzekk: which benchmarks?06:33
tjbenatorWas aptitude removed from 16.04?06:34
zekkbaizon, i think it was a opengl benchmark.06:36
baizontjbenator: yes it was06:39
=== flavio is now known as Guest1725
Jordan_Utjbenator: baizon: No, it wasn't. Why do you think it was?06:44
=== zekk is now known as zek
tjbenatorI don't have it on either of my systems :P06:44
Jordan_Utjbenator: You need to install it. It hasn't been part of the default install for many releases.06:45
alfatauhello all. I'm running ubuntu server 14.04 LTS. I would like to update only a couple of packages that have been recently released in the latest 16.04 LTS. Is it possible? What's the best practice06:46
baizonalfatau: use a ppa06:46
Guest1725hi all mi wifi device disconnects after about 20 minutes of using, and i need to restart to use it again06:46
alfataubaizon: why not update from the official channel?06:46
tjbenatorJordan_U: Ah, It was in 14.04. Haven't used anything in between really. Thanks :)06:46
Jordan_Utjbenator: You're welcome :)06:47
Jordan_Ualfatau: No, that is not supported and is a terrible idea. What packages are you trying to get newer versions of and why?06:48
baizonalfatau: because it can break dependencies06:48
tjbenatorNow to figure out how to have Ansible install aptitude so that it's apt module will work >,<06:48
sebsebsebalfatau: which packages?06:49
sebsebsebalfatau: baizon also ppa's could potentially make the system unstable or a bit06:49
Blue1has anyone had any success with gnome ubuntu?  It booted up into a weird video mode.  I tried xubuntu and that worked fine.06:52
sebsebsebBlue1: which version of Ubuntu, and what kind of graphics card you got?06:53
Blue1sebsebseb: 16.04 (lts) I have an amd Radeon HD 465006:53
sebsebsebBlue1: oh AMD Radeon hmm06:53
sebsebsebBlue1: I read something about how with certain AMD hardware if using the propritary video driver with 16.04 there would be issues06:54
sebsebsebBlue1: GNOME probably needs something from your graphics card really for some of it's effects, hence the mode you mentioend I would have assumed, where as Xubuntu/XFCE is more old style so no I guess not06:54
Blue1sebsebseb: this is whatever driver comes packaged on the install disc -- I did a try ubuntu off the live cd first -- that failed.06:54
Blue1sebsebseb: yes xubuntu 16.04 lts worked fine off the livecd06:55
sebsebsebBlue1: it may not be your issue, since you said the default diver or whatever anyway, but even so, I guess you should know about this one anyway: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-0406:56
Blue1sebsebseb: All of my systems are pretty old.06:56
sebsebsebBlue1: seems the open source driver can have some issues though as well going by that link mm06:57
Dylan____Anyone need help atm?06:57
sebsebsebBlue1: your on the link?06:58
alfatausebsebseb, Jordan_U, baizon: thanks. The packages are device-mapper, lvm2 and thin-provisioning-tools. The reason is that the software version is a 2012 release and I'm worried it's still in "experimental" state for thin-provisioning.06:59
KeithWeissharwhen I try Ubuntu 16.04 live on gtx 980 i get a flashing error message "sorry ubuntu 16.04 has encountered an internal error" in package compwiz06:59
Blue1sebsebseb: good article -- I think I will stick with 14.04 awhile longer.06:59
sebsebsebalfatau: if you wait a month or so,  you can do a supported LTS to LTS release06:59
sebsebsebalfatau: 14.04 to 16.04.107:00
sebsebsebalfatau: they enable LTS to LTS releaess once the first point release is out, but not before that07:00
sebsebsebI mean LTS to LTS upgrades07:00
Blue1sebsebseb: thanks for your time.07:00
sebsebsebalfatau: better then trying to update a few packages yourself in a not quite supported way really07:00
sebsebsebBlue1: may be better off on 15.10 depending on your graphics card, but I am not quite sure of that, or well for certain things07:01
sebsebsebBlue1: are you up for installing some other de's?07:01
alfatausebsebseb: ok, so you mean to upgrade the whole system, or get single updated packages?07:01
sebsebsebBlue1: if so you could try Cinnamon, that's based on GNOME 3, but will use quite a few things on there, could be interesting to see what happens with that one,  just a thought07:01
Dylan____Does anyone need help or you good?07:01
stylesHey guys, I was here last night trying to figure out why my upgrade fom 15.04 to 16.10 isn't allowing me to have multiple monitors enabled. I'm using an AMD 7970. I was able to figure out w/ the live cd that both screens are working but my current install doesn't. I had the proprietary drivers installed until I did the upgrade. Right before, I removed them, installed the open source ones and upgraded.07:01
Jordan_Ualfatau: The most important part of getting stable LVM is the kernel, and that has been updated since 14.04 was released.07:01
sebsebsebBlue1: quite a few things from there GNOME 307:01
seamus_linuxanyone familiar with compiling stuff at all?07:02
Blue1sebsebseb: I am using kubuntu 14.04 for my desktop now - I am pretty happy with it -- I will look at cinnamon .07:02
Blue1seamus_linux: yes07:02
Dylan____Styles it should pick it up automactically couldnt it07:02
sebsebsebalfatau: no I mean to just wait untill the point release, unless there is a proper rush to get updated packages07:02
Dylan____Blue1 kubuntu uses alot of resources07:02
stylesDylan____, what?07:02
Dylan____I remember in ubuntu you can have monitor setups07:03
seamus_linuxI keep getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsigc07:03
Dylan____Let me google so,ethign quick07:03
stylesDylan____, right.. the issue is it Displays isnt' detecting any other monitors07:03
KeithWeissharwhat causes internal error with crash in compwiz07:03
sebsebsebBlue1: that's ashame about GNOME,  but yeah I don't like Cinnamon myself much, but for testing your graphics card a bit could be interesting to see how that goes. personally my prefered one after GNOME 3 is Mate the old GNOME  2 fork yeah :)07:03
Jordan_Useamus_linux: What are you trying to install?07:03
KeithWeisshari have an asus z170 pro gaming motherboard and a gtx 980 video card07:03
sebsebsebBlue1: Mate should work well on your computer07:04
seamus_linuxsome old code for a supposed atomic bomberman clone on linux07:04
Jordan_Useamus_linux: Named?07:04
Dylan____I looked up something says something about mir desktop07:04
seamus_linuxsource is here:  I'm working off the testinb branch: https://github.com/HerbFargus/Atomic-Bomberman07:04
Dylan____With muti monitors with hdpi07:04
Blue1sebsebseb: I say -- gnome 2 yesterday.  gnome 2 today.  gnome 2 tomorrow.  I use mate on my raspberry pi -- works very well.07:04
alfatauJordan_U: Yes, I know. However I can't update the kernel because the dell omsa utilities are (actually) supported only for the 14.04 kernel. Otherwise I would have upgraded the kernel and implemented thin provisioning using btrfs filesystem instead of using lvm thin support...07:05
sebsebsebBlue1: Mate is what I would also persoanlly put on a computer that is having enough issues with GNOME 3 to not really want to run GNOME3 on it07:05
Dylan____Oh thats right whoever asked about monitors use amd catalyst center07:06
Dylan____You should find some settig. There07:06
Dylan____About monitors07:06
Jordan_Ualfatau: Upgrading the utilities won't get you much, and using utilities that aren't part of the tested release will more likely decrease your reliability.07:06
Dylan____Gnome3s really heavy07:06
sebsebsebDylan____: you sure it's so simple? seems there are some AMD driver issues with 16.04.   and Blue1 being effected07:06
alfatausebsebseb: thank you07:06
sebsebsebalfatau: wrong person?07:07
Dylan____Well i dont have a amd graphics card nor nvidia so im just trying to offer some help07:07
Dylan____Plus amd arnt supporting one driver for 16.0407:07
alfatausebsebseb: "no I mean to just wait untill the point release...."07:07
sebsebsebalfatau: oh yeah I was heling two at once you were the other07:07
Dylan____Well im just offering help:)07:08
sebsebsebalfatau: yep it will only be a month or so, and enough bugs fixed before hand to, and a point release yep, and then LTS to LTS upgrades are offically supported and on07:08
sebsebsebthere will be some undiscovred bugs or more when it's first out of course, hence this point release stuff07:08
sebsebsebfor LTS users07:08
majnooni has interesting apache problem07:09
Dylan____You will have to wait 3 months for lts to lts upgrade07:09
sebsebsebalfatau: it might be three months, but I don't think it's that long07:09
Dylan____Says three months on the release notes07:10
majnoonmajnoon.ga gets default page but majnoon.ga/majnoon.ga gets the site i set up :)07:10
sebsebsebalfatau: the good news is that 16.04 offers snaps07:10
sebsebsebalfatau: so for the kind of thing you want to do in the future should be easier07:10
majnoonbut it got rid of php 5 :(07:11
alfatausebsebseb: yes, 3 months are not that long07:11
sebsebsebalfatau: since you should be able to seclectively easilly install some updated pacakges without effecting the rest of the system07:11
Dylan____They say snaps arnt secure07:11
Dylan____If you read news07:11
sebsebsebwell it's a sandbox07:11
sebsebsebthere was some article  that I didn't go on yet that said a something about security07:11
Dylan____But like still it can steal private thongs07:12
Dylan____Cause of x1107:12
sebsebsebDylan____: yeah possibly, but they will sort that out I think07:12
sebsebsebor more so07:12
Dylan____MJnoon what browser you usimg07:12
sebsebsebyeah 16.04 will keep X11 but I think as of 16.10 things may even go to Mir by default and Unity 807:12
fooctrlwhen could we expect Snappy support for Raspberry Pi 3?07:12
majnoonchrome on my windows laptop07:12
Dylan____Majnoon this is a ubuntu fourm not windows fourm07:13
alfatausebsebseb: yes, I would like to upgrade the whole system but I'm stucked with the upgrades of http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/ubuntu/ . I tried to upgrade the kernel to get latest btrfs support and omsa stopped working.07:13
majnooni THINK it a configuration error on apache THAT on ubuntu 16.05407:13
sebsebsebalfatau: oh you got an actsaul Ubuntu Dell lap top?07:13
sebsebsebalfatau: pre installed by Dell one of those?07:13
Dylan____Yeah 16.10 will go to unity 8 plus add support for mir mutiple monitors hpdi07:13
* Blue1 will wait for the .1 release07:14
majnoonDylan____: i think the trouble with apache07:14
Dylan____Sorry i dont know apache web servers07:14
majnoonmy server is ubuntu 16.0407:14
sebsebsebDylan____: yes and around that time most other distros will go to Wayland as well or start going that way, will be interesting :) times :).  Plus the Wayland support in GNOME and I guess KDE to, is nearly there as well :)07:14
majnoonis there an #apache ??07:15
Dylan____So everyone happy with 16.04!07:15
Dylan____You could check07:15
Dylan____I installed 16.04 fresh on my hp07:15
sebsebsebDylan____: Fedora 24 will be one of the first to go Wayland it seems, then plenty of other distros will follow after that.  Mir will be for Ubuntu and some distros based on it I guess.  but some of those may even try some how and avoide Mir depends07:15
Dylan____No errors so far07:15
Dylan____Mir will be on snappy personal packages07:16
alfatausebsebseb: I've ubuntu on Dell Poweredge T320 server with hw raid controller H710. I need some snapshot feature because I have to expose through windows network a data volume in r/w mode and data are so big I can't make historical backups. So the idea is to keep a number (e.g. 30) of daily snapshot and restore from snapshot if data deleted/corrupte07:16
Dylan____Did they let us have unity 7 or 8 or is that next release07:17
sebsebsebalfatau: hmm I don't know much about snapshots, but yeah BTFS could have been useful for that I guess, but thats not supported by 14.04,  and only experiemtnal or not fully supported in 16.04 even I guess. Ext4 still default07:17
sebsebsebalfatau: you would have to re install the whole system anyway to change file system07:17
=== Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta
alfatausebsebseb: so I need dell omsa utilities to be warned (email) in case of disk failures.07:18
sebsebsebalfatau: BTFS hmm about the only distro actsually doing that by default with the excepttion of SalifishOS on the Jolla Phone, seems to be OpenSuse for some reason hmm07:18
Dylan____What type od server you running alfatau?07:19
sebsebsebalfatau: I  don't really know about general snapshot type programs for Linux, but I get the impression from things I have read over the years, that it's not really a  paritucarly great area when itcomes to things availalbe and such07:19
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server07:19
alfatausebsebseb: yes, in fact the idea is to use LVM thin provisioning, which seem to be supported in RHEL starting from RHEL707:19
sebsebsebalfatau: someone might be able to help you more in there if  around actsaully07:20
stylesDylan____, the prop amd drivers dont work Jordan_U was helping me last night.07:20
stylesI think we figured out it had something to do with DMI not supported or something07:20
alfatauDylan____: dell poweredge t320 with perc h710 raid controller07:20
Dylan____Have gou tried rsnapshot?07:20
sebsebsebstyles: AMD  don't supporte the prop driver for 16.04 it seems going by this for example: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-0407:21
stylessebsebseb, yeah07:21
Dylan____Yeah 16.04 did they drop the fglx driver or something07:21
stylesYeah I know this, the open source driver is running but it's not detecting multiple monitors07:21
stylesUnder "displays" it's only showing one monitor locked07:21
Dylan____Have you tried asking on the forums07:22
sebsebsebstyles: I have a feeling that the AMD open source driver actsaullly is pretty rubbish unlike say the Intel one07:22
stylesNo, I don't even know what to ask07:22
sebsebsebstyles: Intel actsauly support that htem selves07:22
stylesJordan_U, was helping me last night and we couldn't figure it out :(07:22
Dylan____Styles try and ask on the forums07:22
stylesWell he couldn't, I'm not much help07:22
majnoonhere my virtualhost http://pastebin.com/AsmwiZNN07:22
sebsebsebstyles: what I mean is I have a feelig you would probably get some issues with multiple monitors as you say when you said that07:22
Dylan____Someone should find you a answer07:22
sebsebsebstyles: with AMD open driver07:22
stylessebsebseb, it works fine w/ the Live CD07:22
Dylan____I have a hp laptop with intel core i3 dont know what the little intel microcode thingnis on the driver07:22
stylesIt's just my current install (that was upgraded from 15)07:22
sebsebsebstyles: sometimes  the Live CD's ofa  distro something like that owrks, but then an install goes differnet07:23
sebsebsebstyles: clean install from a 16.04  install media?07:23
stylesSince xorg isn't in the picture I'm not sure how to reset all the setting07:23
stylessebsebseb, I just did that recently... I'm really avoiding this07:23
Dylan____Do i need to install drivers for intel or not?07:23
majnoonis there a way i can get php 5 back ?07:23
sebsebsebstyles: I don't think you can do much with the AMD issue, once you upgraded etc07:23
Dylan____Ok thxs07:23
cyborqdont need to install drivers07:23
sebsebsebstyles: going by my earlier link as well07:23
Dylan____Can i ask are haswell graphics bad07:24
sebsebsebstyles: I think your best bet is to try a clean install of 16.04, or even downgrade back to 15.10 for the time being07:24
Dylan____Cause thats what i have07:24
sebsebsebstyles: configuration can not quite upgrade how it should have. on distro version upgrades to,07:24
Dylan____And i have a intel core i3 that shows in ubuntu that its hyperthreading07:24
sebsebsebstyles: in general07:24
sebsebsebstyles: sometimes07:24
Dylan____Styles what ubuntu did you have 14.04.3?07:25
Dylan____Oh ok07:25
cyborqubuntu 15.10 is discontinued07:25
Dylan____No it isnt07:25
sebsebsebstyles: not yet07:25
Dylan____Next month isnt ot07:25
sebsebsebcyborq: it should go end of life at the end of July07:25
sebsebsebDylan____: no07:25
Dylan____My bad07:25
alfatauDylan____: well, when possible I'm doing incremental daily backups using rsync onto an external storage. However I've an huge volume containing huge files so I can't use the same backup method. The choice is to keep 2 copies, daily synchronized. HW supporting the huge space needed is too expensive for my company. Also I've to keep that data exposed07:25
alfatau through samba in r/w. The only option I found to safely expose it is to keep some few block-based snapshots in order to being able to recover from one of them, even if during daily synchronization with the other copy replicates the eventually corrupted data.07:25
sebsebsebDylan____: 9 months support, so end of July07:25
Dylan____Yeah 9months of support07:26
cyborqDylan_: I read in omgubuntu07:26
Dylan____Lts gets 5 years of support with security etc07:26
Dylan____So 16.04 will be supported till 202107:26
sebsebsebthat's only Ubuntu07:26
Dylan____Then 16.10 is another nine months07:26
sebsebsebsince Lubuntu Kubuntu and all taht07:26
sebsebsebonly seem to do three years07:26
Dylan____The other varients only last 3 months07:27
Dylan____I mean 3 years07:27
sebsebsebor three yearas of full support even for the LTS07:27
Dylan____Lts are for like servers arnt they07:27
cyborqHave anyone familiar with ubuntu mate?07:27
Dylan____Kind of why?07:27
Dylan____Im used it before but not much07:27
sebsebsebDylan____: LTS is for people who don't want to upgrade every 9 moths or so07:27
Dylan____Oh year07:27
sebsebsebDylan____: LTS used to be more  for servers and businesses etc07:27
Dylan____Yeah thsts what i thought07:28
cfhowlettcyborg, avoid "anyone else ..." question structure.  ask YOUR questions with YOUR details.07:28
sebsebsebDylan____: LTS is now more aimed at anyone in general07:28
cyborqcfhowlett: ok07:28
=== flavio is now known as Guest40958
Dylan____How you doing cfhowlett?07:28
sebsebsebDylan____: but if you want to keep on  moving along with new stuff,  you either run non LTS versions,   and even possibly development veriosns sometimes07:28
sebsebsebDylan____: every relase builds up and up a bit, untill the next LTS really07:28
sebsebsebDylan____: now that 16.04 is out, they can move on to the next big thing, which will probably indeed be dropping Xorg and Unity 7 by default and probably from the repos and everything as well, and going to Mir and Unity 8 yep07:29
Dylan____For sure07:29
sebsebseb16.10 should bei interesting07:29
sebsebsebwell it better be in  a way, after things I hve read onlien for months now!07:29
Dylan____They will go for mir and shuttleworth will allow us either unity 7 or 807:30
cyborqI use fedora and installed ubuntu this morning(India). It shows that the kernel version is 4.4.0 whereas fedora has 4.4.707:30
cyborqHow to install kernel 4.4.7 in ubuntu07:30
sebsebsebDylan____: to be honest I think they should just drop Unity 7 and Xorg compelty from 16.10 as long as ready enough to replace Xorg and Unity 7 by then07:30
sebsebsebDylan____: people who want the old stuff  still can run 16.0407:30
Dylan____For sure i agree07:30
Dylan____Cyborg maybe fedora have a kernel like earlier then ubuntu?07:31
Dylan____Or that just because ubuntu havnt got around to updating kernels idk for sure07:31
Dylan____I know 14.04.3 last kernel was 3.1907:32
cyborqDoes ubuntu upgrades its kernel in every possible update?07:32
Dylan____No i think you can upgrade kernel manually07:32
Dylan____Through synaptic07:32
sebsebsebcyborq: nope only usually security updates07:32
sebsebsebcyborq: and they stick to a version07:32
cyborqWhy ubuntu is not doing like fedora..07:33
sebsebsebcyborq: Fedora doesn't just give you a later kernel either07:33
sebsebsebcyborq: in some new series07:33
Dylan____Im sure u can update the kernel if you want through synaptic07:33
cfhowlettcyborg if you want fedora, use fedora.  ubuntu is not fedora and there is no good reason why ubuntu should follow fedora.  nor the reverse.07:33
Blue1sebsebseb: I tried gnome-ubuntu on my server box - which has an nvidia ge force 210 in it -- and it just booted up to a terminal prompt -- I don't know what the default userid/password was.07:33
Dylan____Fedora is more used for businesses right?07:33
alfatauDylan____: do you think there's a better way to solve the problem than lvm thin snapshots?07:34
Dylan____Not sure07:34
sebsebsebBlue1: was that from Ubuntu server ISO?07:34
sebsebsebBlue1: that computer07:34
Dylan____Anyone need some assistance?07:35
rahul_my optimus nvidia card doens't support ubuntu . Need help07:35
Dylan____They dropped bumblebee07:35
Blue1sebsebseb: yes, that was the iso from https://ubuntugnome.org/07:35
sebsebsebBlue1: oh07:35
Dylan____Rahul whats the card?07:35
rahul_nvidia gt 740m07:35
sebsebsebBlue1: did antyhing graphical work on there?07:36
Guest40958hi all. my wifi disconnects after 20 min. i need restart computer to connect again07:36
rahul_with integerated graphics from intel 4400 hd07:36
sebsebsebBlue1: may need to install propriatry nvida driver some how or try to even07:36
Blue1sebsebseb: i don't know it booted to a terminal prompt:  gnome-ubuntu:  but I don't know the default userid/password07:36
Dylan____Look here07:36
Dylan____http://askubuntu.com/questions/691446/ubuntu-couldnt-detect-nvidia-gt-740m ranul07:36
sebsebsebBlue1: are you in as root?07:37
Blue1sebsebseb: what is the default userid/password for the livecd?07:37
sebsebsebor not I gues not07:37
rahul_done all those . once broke my display @sebsebseb07:37
sebsebsebBlue1: you can probably get in to a root prompt from the grub recovery mode anyway07:37
sebsebsebBlue1: then passwd username and re set the password07:37
rahul_i successfully installed bumblebee but doesn't work for me . Please help07:38
sebsebsebBlue1: or sudo passwd username I guess since Ubuntu07:38
Blue1sebsebseb: well this is off the livecd/try ubuntu -- so I don't know how to go any farther if I don't know what they use for a default.07:38
rahul_I have done all of that Dylan_07:38
Dylan____Hmm rahul thats why i hate nvidia drivers07:38
sebsebsebBlue1: try live and live I guess as username and password07:38
Dylan____They give you black screens etc07:38
Dylan____Im had that trouble on my nvidia 320m and found to fix it i had to install nvidia 3-4007:38
rahul_could you help any solution ?07:39
Dylan____I can try giving you links07:39
sebsebsebBlue1: or ubuntu and ubuntu07:39
rahul_Yeah . I tried all of them of ask ubuntu ?07:39
Blue1sebsebseb: I think the default userid is ubuntu and the password is blank.  I don't know what they use for a display manager for gnome - but I will give it a try.07:39
sebsebsebBlue1: GDM Gnome Display  Manger or if not LightDM07:39
rahul_can you debug forme07:39
rahul_dmesg ?07:40
Dylan____Rahul have tou asked on ubuntu forums07:40
rahul_yes .07:40
rahul_i had my thread too.07:40
Dylan____Have you started thread07:40
rahul_but no one is able to solve this07:40
Dylan____If so whats it under07:40
Dylan____Lightdm xd07:41
Blue1okay lightdm makes sense -- I am rebooting off the livecd now on my other box07:41
Dylan____Rahul no no no07:42
Dylan____I mean go on to actual ubuntu fourms07:42
Dylan____Make an account make a thread07:43
Dylan____Under the correct subheading07:43
kopiasim using ubuntu-mate (15.10 upgraded to 16.04) and maybe someone have a link or know where to look: when i hit brighness up (laptop lenovo u550) in text editor i see this character inputed "±"07:43
Dylan____And you should get some answers07:43
rahul_isn't askubuntu official one ?07:43
sebsebsebalfatau: yeah07:43
sebsebsebalfatau: wrong one07:43
sebsebsebrahul_: yeah or community07:43
Dylan____Not really people would ask for answers on ubuntufourms07:43
sebsebsebrahul_: that's like help pages, but actsaul forum can be better07:44
Dylan____I find answers more easy on the ubuntu fourms07:44
Dylan____Cause people might have same problem as you07:44
rahul_OK Thanks sebsebseb and Dylan__07:44
rahul_Nice talking to you07:44
Dylan____Post the fourm under hardware i suppose07:44
Dylan____If its a graphic card rigjt sebsebseb07:44
Dylan____Or general help?07:45
sebsebsebI don't use the forum07:45
Dylan____Ohh pl07:45
Dylan____I use the fourms07:45
Dylan____Just post it under hardware07:45
Dylan____Should find someone tomorrow or in a day whow ill respond07:45
sebsebsebrahul_: yep should get quite a quick response and the more detail  you put the better usually07:45
kopiashttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal-info/+bug/327707 - i have this but for lenovo u58007:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327707 in hal-info (Ubuntu) "Fix Fn+Arrow "Brightness Up" key on Acer laptops" [Medium,Fix released]07:46
Dylan____Probs got somthign do with graphics card kopias07:47
Dylan____If the keys wint work07:47
wafflejockoooo new Gnome upgrade went pretty smooth so far it looks like, got an error about mysql not upgrading properly apparently I'm still on 5.7 instead of 7.x it was trying to upgrade to but that was the only error I saw07:47
kopiasDylan____, there is a solution in this bug raport will try that07:47
Blue1sebsebseb: the default userid/pass for gnome-ubuntu is NOT ubuntu then a return - do you know what it might be?07:48
Dylan____Quick notice kopias that bug report07:49
sebsebsebBlue1: no but may say on there site some where07:49
Dylan____Thats for jaunty07:49
sebsebsebBlue1: and I suggeted live and live earlier, and ubuntu and ubuntu07:49
Dylan____Not for current versions of ubuntu07:49
sebsebsebBlue1: maybe gnoe and gnme07:49
Dylan____Jaunty is outdated07:49
Dylan____way outdated07:49
sebsebsebBlue1: I don't think there should be a password really etc07:49
Dylan____Can i ask why java doesnt show up in new software center07:50
sebsebsebJaunty was an ok release07:50
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.07:50
Blue1sebsebseb: usually it's ubuntu and return but that didn't work07:50
Dylan____So blie07:51
Dylan____Whats wrong blue1?07:51
majnooni think did something wrong setting up virtualhosts07:51
majnoonmajnoon.ga no work BUT majnoon.ga/majnoon.ga DOES07:51
majnoonhere my virtualhost http://pastebin.com/AsmwiZNN07:51
Dylan____Majnoon.ga displays something about ubuntu07:52
Dylan____Brb shower07:53
cage_raphelHello.. i recently upgraded to Ubu 16.04 and since then there has been no sound when i play video / music.. pls help07:53
sebsebsebcage_raphel: and you looked inteh sound setting?07:54
kopiasbtw. i had the best experience upgrading to 16 :]07:55
marowhat project in launchpad is the normal ubuntu desktop installer?07:58
tosateHi there, my virtual server running Ubuntu shows some /usr/bin/php5-cgi processes which consume a lot of cpu.07:58
sebsebsebmaro: what d o you mean? Launchpad is a web thing07:58
tosateI have no idea what's going on. netstat shows a lot of connection from a Russian and a Chinese IP address.07:59
tosateAny suggestions?07:59
sebsebsebtosate: yep the spy agencies are after you :d, joking :)08:00
maro@sebsebseb i mean in which project in launchpad to i report or look for bugs in the installer :)08:00
wuchenghuijoin #linuxba08:00
baizontosate: thats normal, people are scanning for vulnerabilities08:00
sebsebseb!bugs maro08:01
baizontosate: if you use old software, they can be abused, so you get hacked08:01
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:01
Blue1sebsebseb: a cold boot off the gnome-ubuntu livecd worked on my server box with the nvidia card.08:02
sebsebsebBlue1: a cold boot as in?08:02
tosatebaizon: how can I tell that I am being hacked?08:02
sebsebsebBlue1: if it works in the Live session08:04
tosateI can only see http connections in netstat. If they would use the server for sending SPAM, there should be SMTP connections, right?08:04
sebsebsebBlue1: from Live Media08:04
sebsebsebBlue1: if you install from that clean  install, should work  on a install as wel08:04
baizontosate: check logs08:04
baizontosate: check your logs for suspicious activities08:04
sebsebsebfrom baizon :d08:05
tosatebaizon: what would you consider as a suspicious activity?08:07
baizontosate: someone logging in, programs doing some weired stuff08:07
lotuspsychjetosate: what ubuntu version is this, and what services are you running?08:08
tosatebaizon: someone logging in would be visible in /var/log/auth.log08:08
wafflejocktosate: using fail2ban can help to block unwanted requests against the server by default pretty sure it just watches auth log for bad login attempts and uses the iptables to filter certain IPs for a set time (all set through config)08:08
wafflejocktosate: you can configure it to parse other log files though with your own parsing rules it's not terribly complicated if you want something better tuned to monitor and block undesireables08:09
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wafflejocktosate: would probably check the web server access logs too to see which file is being hit08:10
wafflejocktosate: you also may consider profiling on the server to get some cachegrind files that show what it's spending CPU time on in the PHP process08:11
tosateUbuntu 12.04.5 LTS running plesk with apache2, courir, qmail, ssh08:11
wafflejocktosate: would use xdebug for that08:11
lotuspsychjetosate: you keep your system up to date asap also?08:11
tosatelotuspsychje: I do08:11
lotuspsychje!info fail2ban | tosate suggested by wafflejock08:12
ubottutosate suggested by wafflejock: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (xenial), package size 221 kB, installed size 1152 kB08:12
tosateok, thank you! I will try fail2ban08:13
lotuspsychjetosate: a deeper scan with rkhunter, clamav and snort as intrusion detector might be good idea also perhaps08:13
lotuspsychje!security | tosate08:13
ubottutosate: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn08:13
ubuntunoobhello world! I've tried to enable pam_tty_audit in 16.04, but # aureport --tty tells me 'no events' (tried reboot too). I've tried to add 'session   required     pam_tty_audit.so enable=*' to /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.conf . What am I doing wrong?08:13
cage_raphelHello.. i recently upgraded to Ubu 16.04 and since then there has been no sound via HDMI output.08:15
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: wich graphics card and driver are you on?08:16
cage_raphellotuspsychje, how do i check that ?08:16
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: sudo lshw -C video08:16
cage_raphellotuspsychje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15996995/08:17
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: ok did you try a pulseaudio restart?08:18
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  i did not08:18
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: can you try a sudo service pulseaudio restart08:19
cage_raphellotuspsychje, done08:19
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: check your sound now?08:20
=== Guest29853 is now known as ivo_
delikt_hi guys :) sometimes if i start a game (sometimes randomly) my mouse (razer naga epic) stucks - if i typing xsetpointer -l | grep Pointer in the terminal my mouse isnt there anymore... had anyone a idea why my mouse randomly get unplugged?08:21
cage_raphellotuspsychje, when i try to play a video on youtube there is no sound, however when i test sound via settings.. i get a front left and a front right thro the tv speaker output08:21
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: can you play sound on vlc?08:22
cage_raphellotuspsychje, let me check08:22
iSlayWyvernssudo sed -i 's/UTC=yes/UTC=no/' /etc/default/rcS - This would usually fix my time problem with Ubuntu/Windows (at least on 14.04) but now it doesn't... 'cause the file doesn't contain a UTC attribute08:23
cage_raphellotuspsychje, i dont have a vlc. i have rythm box and videos.. and i am not getting any sound if i play music via rythmbox08:24
lotuspsychje!sound | cage_raphel try all these steps08:24
ubottucage_raphel try all these steps: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:24
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: check also your dmesg and syslog for any sound related issues08:24
cage_raphellotuspsychje, how do i check dmesu and syslog?08:25
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: with the logviewer icon, or manual browse to /var/log/..08:26
cage_raphellotuspsychje, ok thank you08:27
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: you can share the pastebin, ill have a look if you want08:27
deraffenarschIS IT OUT????????????08:27
lotuspsychjederaffenarsch: yes08:27
deraffenarschIT IS OUT!!!!!!! YES!08:27
lotuspsychjederaffenarsch: ubuntu.com08:27
deraffenarschSomebody tested?08:28
lotuspsychjederaffenarsch: we all did08:28
Ben64nope, nobody tried it yet08:28
deraffenarschOr should I still use 14.04?08:28
lotuspsychjederaffenarsch: your choice08:28
akhilHi guys and gals. I am having a problem with 16.04. Black screen on suspend. Anyone else facing the same trouble?08:28
cfhowlettderaffenarsch, your machine your choice08:28
delikt_deraffenarsch, hast du ne amd graka?08:28
Ben64if you're on 14.04, you should stick with it until 16.04.1, as that is when the upgrade will show08:28
deraffenarschhow long is 14.04 SUPORTED!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????08:28
iSlayWyvernsHow do I check what Java packages I've got install?08:28
deraffenarschdelikt_: nein no08:28
lotuspsychje!english | delikt_08:28
ubottudelikt_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:28
Ben64deraffenarsch: stop yelling...08:28
cfhowlettderaffenarsch, drop the !!! please08:28
deraffenarschi try my best lovers08:29
iSlayWyvernsnevermind, got synaptic08:29
cage_raphellotuspsychje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15997176/08:29
=== ayan_ is now known as ayan
delikt_deraffenarsch, dann hast du zumindest kein problem mit den neuen amdgpu treiber08:29
deraffenarschmachen die neue  probleme?08:30
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: no, pastebin /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg08:30
delikt_ohh sorry08:30
delikt_i will write english with my german dude ^08:30
cfhowlettdo so in a private channel please, delikt_08:30
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  so in the terminal do i type cd /var/log/syslog ??08:30
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: syslog is a file08:31
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: you can cd to /var/log08:31
delikt_hi guys :) sometimes if i start a game (sometimes randomly) my mouse (razer naga epic) stucks - if i typing xsetpointer -l | grep Pointer in the terminal my mouse isnt there anymore... had anyone a idea why my mouse randomly get unplugged?08:31
deraffenarschnous peuvons parler francais aussi.-08:31
lotuspsychje!fr | deraffenarsch08:31
ubottuderaffenarsch: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:31
akhilHi all. I am having a problem with the suspend on 16.04. Screen immediately blanks out. Does not even go into suspend and does not respond.08:31
deraffenarschi can speak all lanmguages lotuspsychje08:31
cfhowlettderaffenarsch, english only in this channel.  please respect the rules or play elsewhere08:32
deraffenarschyes :)08:32
deraffenarschcan my nickname STAY german?08:32
lotuspsychjederaffenarsch: please dont use this channel for non-support chitchat08:32
cage_raphellotuspsychje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15997214/08:32
hari_hall sir.  i am getting while updating my system via synaptic package manager.  the error is : W: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)08:32
deraffenarschgreat i should better not translate my nick, it would be something like "themonkeyass"08:33
akhilcfhowlett: Any idea on the suspend black screen problem?08:33
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: lol no, pastebin syslog now08:33
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: you need to open syslog or dmesg with an editor08:33
cfhowlettnone, akhil.  that's why I did not comment on it    :)08:33
majnooni think did something wrong setting up virtualhosts08:34
majnoonmajnoon.ga no work BUT majnoon.ga/majnoon.ga DOES08:34
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  i am so sorry.. i am totallyt new to this.. how do i open syslong or dmesg thro a editior?08:34
majnoonhere my virtualhost http://pastebin.com/AsmwiZNN08:34
delikt_nobody who had a similar problem or a idea how to fix it?08:34
lotuspsychje!guidelines | deraffenarsch perhaps you should start here08:34
ubottuderaffenarsch perhaps you should start here: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:34
akhilcfhowlett: Oh! :)08:34
SupaYoshiI have a VPS with Ubuntu Server, and am running a few websites on it. The host says I exceed theyre CPU load policy / CPU abuse, according to them the values are as following: We allow a CPU load average of no more than 0.9 constant and bursts up to 2. You regularly exceed this.08:34
akhilI was wondering if it was to do with the amd GPU08:34
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: nano syslog or vi08:34
hari_any one there to answer to my question with regard to synaptic manager showing error as i have shown above08:35
SupaYoshiShould I load less websites on this VPS? or do you think I should look for another VPS host?08:35
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: if you have GUI, you can browse to the file with nautilus also08:35
cage_raphellotuspsychje, when i type nano syslog , i get a blank terminal screen with a few controls at the bottom08:36
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: browse to the file manually with nautilus08:37
ayush__sad life08:37
lotuspsychjeSupaYoshi: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys can assist you better?08:37
lotuspsychjeayush__: can we help you?08:38
ayush__was just testing08:38
cage_raphellotus .. so what is the path to access the syslog thro nautilus08:38
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  .. so what is the path to access the syslog thro nautilus08:38
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: just told you...scroll above08:38
ayush__So ......08:39
ayush__am new to this08:39
lotuspsychje!support | ayush__08:39
ubottuayush__: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com08:39
rahul_Not able to get help ! All have same issues Dylan__08:39
lotuspsychjeayush__: you can ask ubuntu questions here to get them solved08:39
cfhowlett!ask | ayush__,08:39
ubottuayush__,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:39
ayush__ohh nice08:39
cage_raphellotuspsychje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15997345/08:40
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: see you can! give me a min :p08:40
rahul_anybody installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu 14.04 lts08:40
ayush__can i update ubuntu 15.04 to 15.10 through usb08:41
Ben64rahul_: ask your actual question08:41
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  thank u .. well.. i am trying .. and i am not gonna quit!! lol !! :)08:41
cfhowlettayush__, you can08:41
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: uname -a please?08:41
rahul_Not able to run nvidia gt 740m drivers on ubuntu 14.0408:41
rahul_I mean they are installed08:42
rahul_not able to access my card !08:42
cage_raphellotuspsychje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15997380/08:42
rahul_My card has optimus technology  which works awesome with windows sadly not with ubuntu !08:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:42
CloudblowHi, anyone have blackscreen/or solution with nvidia drivers and ubuntu 16.04?08:43
rahul_Same goes for me Cloudblow08:43
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: ok cant see anything unusual, can you test a liveusb 16.04 and test sound there?08:44
lotuspsychjerahul_: wich drivers did you test?08:44
Cloudblowrahul_:  have you find any solution?08:44
Ben64Cloudblow: what video card(s) do you have08:44
cage_raphellotuspsychje, live usb? i was using 15.10.. i just got an upgrade to 16.04.. and thats when all these issues began08:44
rahul_No @Cloudblow All I had to do is to :( purge my drivers08:44
CloudblowBen64: nvidia geforce 750m08:44
cage_raphellotuspsychje, do u think its a good idea to downgrade?? if yes, how can we do it ?08:44
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lotuspsychjecage_raphel: test a 16.04 liveusb, and test sound there08:45
Ben64well good luck, i don't do optimus08:45
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: you cant downgrade08:45
rahul_nvidia-352 @lotus08:45
lotuspsychjerahul_: tested the -updates also?08:45
CloudblowI try yet few version of drivers, 361,364,352,340..08:45
lotuspsychjerahul_: got nvidia-prime installed?08:46
rahul_yes  ! that too gave me black screen08:46
lotuspsychjerahul_: nouveau working?08:46
rahul_yes !08:46
cage_raphellotuspsychje, test spund is working fine.. how do i test a live usb ?08:46
lotuspsychje!usb | cage_raphel08:47
ubottucage_raphel: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:47
Cloudblownoeveau for me don't work (maybe I don't know how to user it)08:47
cage_raphellotuspsychje,  thanks mate08:47
rahul_Cloudblow you are using now !08:47
flux24216.04 still has python2.7 dependency because of samba. Shame08:48
lotuspsychjerahul_: tested 16.04 on your card?08:48
rahul_no not yet !08:48
rahul_Cloudblow did08:48
lotuspsychjerahul_: did it work before on 14.04?08:48
rahul_no never worked for me !08:48
serveradminhey any one hear is a game dev08:48
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lotuspsychjerahul_: if you tested all nvidia drivers, perhaps file a bug or try 16.04?08:49
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rahul_OK :) Thanks !08:49
CloudblowI read few people saying this bug is fixed with a sync pack to kernel linux 4.5, it is true?08:52
Ben64probably not08:52
ikoniasync pack to kernel ?08:53
grvrulzidentify PIKACHU08:53
cfhowlettgrvrulz, in the freenode tab not here please08:53
grvrulzSorry, Polari is behaving a bit starange.08:54
sitsAre the xenial release notes still being updated?08:54
quaker_hi everyone08:58
mcphailOn 16.04 desktop, can snaps only be installed locally (using "snap install blah") rather than from the store (using "snappy install blah")? I'd rather do the latter, for updates etc08:58
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delikt_hi guys :) sometimes if i start a game (sometimes randomly) my mouse (razer naga epic) stucks - if i typing xsetpointer -l | grep Pointer in the terminal my mouse isnt there anymore... had anyone a idea why my mouse randomly get unplugged?09:02
nomicdelikt_  post message on ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/09:03
nomicthis place isn't always that busy09:03
lukas1321hello guys :) does ubuntu 16.04 support retina macbook pros?09:08
Desulukas1321: to some extent, yes09:09
lotuspsychjelukas1321: you could try a liveusb09:09
Desumacbooks tend to be a giant pain though09:10
lotuspsychjemcphail: can snapcraft and snapcraft-examples help you?09:11
Desudelikt_: laptop?09:15
delikt_Desu, nope desktop with an amd card - i started LoL a minute ago and it stuck again09:16
delikt_Linux delikt-M5810 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:33:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:17
mcphaillotuspsychje: I'm more interested in installing snaps than making them. I'd really like to have an owncloud snap which was kept up to date from the store09:17
lotuspsychjemcphail: ah ok, not really sure yet how it all works :p09:18
delikt_Desu, i had the problem also in 14.04 - i switched to Linux Mint 17.x and there i dont had the problem09:18
mcphaillotuspsychje: it'll be nice when it does work or is documented :)09:20
delikt_haha... pressed the start button now in LoL again stuck09:20
delikt_unplug the mouse and plugin fix this but not always :P09:22
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thinkyhi there09:24
thinkyi installed ubuntu 16.04 but gnome classic fallback seems not working good09:25
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thinkyit doesnt show icons when i drag to desktop. how can i fix that?09:25
lotuspsychjemcphail: did you check man snap?09:25
mcphaillotuspsychje: yes - the man page is a real mess, and only seems to cover local installs. Snappy core uses "snappy" instead of "snap" to install from the store. The "snappy" package on Ubuntu Desktop seems to be a media player09:26
thinkyand i cannot install google chrome. it says this software may contain non free components09:26
firsmhi, where can find the minimal CD with the alternate installer for 16.04?09:26
cfhowlettthinky, your choice09:27
thinkywhat s my choice?09:27
lotuspsychjemcphail: and the installed snap packages work on both unity7 and 8?09:27
DJonesfirsm: Thats not existed for a few years, I think the only way is to use the minimal iso and then add the packages you want09:27
cfhowlettinstall chrome or not, thinky09:27
mcphaillotuspsychje: they should do, but you have the security issues of X under Unity709:27
thinkycfhowlett: it doesnt install. i wanna install but 16.06 software center doesnt install it09:27
lotuspsychjemcphail: yeah readed that this morning09:28
firsmDJones: okay, thanks09:28
hep7i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15998240/09:29
lotuspsychjemcphail: so whats the advantage of installing a package the snap way instead of unity8's app store?09:29
ikoniahep7: you're launching nautlus as root - but you have a userspace mount09:29
hep7ikonia: not sure what that means09:29
ikoniahep7: the whole point of a userspace mount is it's for your user only, so launching it as root wont be able to "interact" with that mount09:30
hep7ikonia: hidden files don't "hide"09:30
thinkywhy doesnt it show terminal icon on desktop when i drag to desktop?09:30
ikoniahep7: that error has nothing to do with that09:30
hep7ikonia: yesterday someone suggested that i should run it from command line and see what errors i would get09:31
mcphaillotuspsychje: well, I'm not running unity8...09:31
ikoniahep7: I guess the first question is "why are you running it with sudo"09:31
hep7ikonia: well i didn't get any errors runing wihout sudo09:31
lotuspsychjemcphail: ok09:32
EriC^^hep7: gksu is for sudo + gui apps09:32
ikoniahep7: sudo changes a lot of things - why are you running it with sudo ?09:32
EriC^^gksu nautilus09:32
SP33DHello my Frinds big ALERT!! I upgraded 2 boxes 1 without fails and the secund is in accessable via ssh but i got a console that works09:32
ikoniaEriC^^: thats all changed now with policy kit, still not a good solution though09:32
hep7ikonia: just answered you09:32
ice9I upgraded from 15.10 to 16.04, sometimes audio devices disappear from the sound settings, I have reinstalled alsamixer alsautils and unity-desktop but it is still happening;  is there anything I should do?09:32
SP33Dso the main problem is even with ssh -vvvvv i dont know why i have no access any more and that with key and public auth09:32
ikoniahep7: no, you didn't you said you don't get any errors without sudo - that doesn't explain why you are running with sudio09:33
hep7ikonia: no one knows here what is the problem09:33
ikoniahep7: you have no idea if people know or not, you've just posted a random error message that is mostly caused by the use of sudo09:33
hep7ikonia: i don't know running with sudo gave the errors09:33
SP33Di checked via console the .ssh/authoirized_keys file and all and all looks ok did reset password via console but still no ssh access09:33
ikoniahep7: WHY are you running it with sudo09:33
hep7ikonia: i have been asking this question more or less 5 times now09:34
ikoniahep7: and yet you're still not telling me why you are running it with sudo09:34
ikoniaSP33D: what does the security log on the server show09:34
hep7ikonia: is that important ?09:34
ikoniahep7: yes, very09:34
hep7ikonia: i just did, that is it09:34
ikoniahep7: actually - I'm not interested any more, it shouldn't be this much effort to help someone09:34
cfhowletthep7, Ms Cleo isn't here anymore.  you don't answer questions to diagnose problems, you don't get answers to problems09:35
hep7cfhowlett: who is cleo?09:35
hep7tgm4883: you are here?09:36
hep7who is the boss here?09:37
cfhowlettthinky, not there prevents you from installing.  it's just advisory09:37
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hep7or manager09:37
thinkycant install google chrome09:37
thinkycfhowlett: i click on install but it doesnt install09:37
ikoniahep7: I'm an operator09:37
quenchhmmm, what the frig? > www.zdnet.com/article/linux-expert-matthew-garrett-ubuntu-16-04s-new-snap-format-is-a-security-risk09:37
ikoniahep7: you can join #ubuntu-ops if you want to talk to the team09:37
cfhowlettthinky, OK.  try the command line option so we can capture the error: shutdown the software center.  then:     sudo apt install google-chrome-stable.09:38
voozeTrying to run screenfetch from 16.04 i get the follow error: (process:31528): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/home/vooze/.cache/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly. -- What could cause this?09:38
hep7ikonia: ok, people are more "qualified" there?09:38
ikoniahep7: in what respected qualified ?09:38
ikoniahep7: #ubuntu-ops is for the team who run the channel09:38
hep7ikonia: i just want my problem solved09:38
ikoniahep7: your attitude is what's stopping that,09:38
hep7ikonia: i disagree09:39
hep7ikonia: i don't think you read what i said above09:39
ikoniahep7: well, I was going to help you, then I stopped, so it's pretty hard to disagree09:39
thinkycfhowlett: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable09:39
ikoniavooze: look at the permissions on that directory09:39
hep7ikonia: yes am aware there are lots of primadonnas here09:39
cfhowlettthinky do this: apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable | nc termbin.com 999909:40
ikoniahep7: and this is the attitude I'm talking about09:40
cfhowlettthat will return a url. paste the url here09:40
thinkyUse netcat.09:40
hep7ikonia: don't you see the irony?!09:41
SP33Dnot allowed because not listed in AllowUsers09:41
hep7ikonia: ok back to the problem09:41
thinkycfhowlett: it returned with ` Use netcat`09:41
ikoniahep7: nope, if you want help, ask a clear question and work with people to work through the problem,09:41
SP33Dthats the fail @ikonia09:41
ikoniahep7: you may get a better response that way09:41
ikoniaSP33D: what is ?09:41
hep7ikonia: my hidden files show up every time i relaunch nautilus09:41
SP33Dhow can that be the auth.log tells me on the upgraded box that root is now "not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers"09:42
ikoniahep7: I'm not interested in your problem09:42
voozeikonia: drwx------ 51 vooze vooze   4096 Apr 22 18:40 .cache/ - should it be something else?09:42
SP33Dbefor it worked09:42
ikoniaSP33D: what is the EXACT command you are using to ssh09:42
cfhowlettthinky, OK, this then:   more /etc/apt/sources.list | grep partner.09:42
ikoniaSP33D: and please, the exact command09:42
hep7ikonia: then you should not have responded in the first place09:42
SP33Dssh root@host09:42
ikoniahep7: I was interested at that time and willing to help09:42
ikoniaSP33D: root is not enabled on ubuntu09:42
ikoniazjh: stop that please09:42
SP33Dusing key in config09:42
lotuspsychjezjh: stop that please09:42
thinkycfhowlett: ## 'partner' repository. # deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial partner # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial partner09:42
SP33Dit was enabled on ubuntu server install09:43
ikoniaSP33D: a.) root is disabled as a user b.) root login for ssh is disabled by default09:43
zjhsorry, my son is typing09:43
cfhowlettthinky, OK you do have the partner repos enabled09:43
hep7ikonia: i don't think you would know the answer anyway, but thanks.09:43
cfhowlettzjh, false.  you  have done this before.  knock it off.09:43
ikoniaSP33D: ok - so what is the auth log currently showing09:43
thinkyagain sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable ?09:43
cfhowlettthinky, wait09:43
ikoniahep7: I didn't know the answer, thats why I wanted to know the info I was asking for to work it through to solution09:43
SP33Dthat user root is noit in allowedusers09:43
ikoniaSP33D: ok - so what does your ssh server config show ?09:43
ikoniais root in the allowed list ?09:44
SP33Di will fix that with editing the ssh config but the do release upgrade dont told me it changed that09:44
ikoniaSP33D: it's not going to list every change it makes09:44
SP33Dthats the amazing many people will get locked out09:44
hep7anyone else could answer my question?09:44
cfhowlettthinky, try that yes and note errors09:44
ikoniaSP33D: no they won't, as you shouldn't be ssh'ing as root09:44
thinkycfhowlett: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable09:44
SP33DMany providers install ubuntu with user root09:44
cfhowlettthinky, lsb_release -d09:45
SP33Dand even my private users with sodo rights are not allowed by same error not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers09:45
ikoniaSP33D: right - and they will support it for you, or you should create non-privileged users09:45
=== root is now known as Guest40583
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SP33Di cant log in even with the none previliged user anymore09:45
thinkycfhowlett: Description:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS09:45
ikoniaSP33D: what, so non-privileged users can't login either09:45
SP33Dbut thx i found the fail09:45
ikoniaSP33D: what is the exact issue amd what have you found09:45
SP33Di need to fix the sshd config after upgrade09:46
ikoniaSP33D: that won't stop non-privileged users09:46
ikoniaSP33D: that is something different,09:46
xtr33Hi guys, does anyone have experience with connecting ps4 controller to gnome 10.04 over bluetooth?09:46
SP33DUpgrade destroys user permissions09:46
ikoniaSP33D: no it doesn't09:46
ikoniaSP33D: what user permissions has it destroyed09:46
SP33Dit did belive me09:46
ikoniaSP33D: what user permissions has it destroyed09:46
Ben64xtr33: 10.04 is dead09:46
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SP33Dthe unpriviliged sudo user cant login with password any more even if it is right because not allowed in sshd config not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers rule any more09:47
xtr33ben64: what do you mean by dead?09:47
MonkeyDustxtr33  upgrade first, then ask again09:47
ikoniaSP33D: what permissions has it changed09:47
Ben64xtr33: no longer supported. it has ceased to be09:47
cfhowlett!eol | Extreme09:47
ubottuExtreme: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:47
SP33Dnow need to readd unpriviliged user and root again to the sshd config09:47
SP33Dit has rewriten without asking sshd.conf09:47
ikoniathere is no such file as sshd.conf09:48
xtr33Sorry, 16.04 LTS 64-bit09:48
ikoniaSP33D: exactly what filel are you looking at (full path)09:48
SP33Dwait i get you the exact file but i know you know the conf file your self better09:48
thinkyis that for me cfhowlett ?09:48
xtr33I have that installed Ben6409:48
ikoniaSP33D: can you please pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:48
ikoniaSP33D: lets have a look at what is there now please09:48
cfhowlettthinky, no. google-chrome-stable is in the main repository and should work with no issue.  No idea why it is failing you.09:49
xtr33ben64:  I have 16.04 installed.  Would like to use p34 controller over bluetooth can you help?09:49
Ben64xtr33: pair it, done09:50
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mlvmhnhow do i install Lubuntu using terminal?09:50
ikoniamlvmhn: using terminal ?09:50
cfhowlettmlvmhn, sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop09:50
ikoniaahh the desktop09:50
SP33Dhmmm /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:51
ikoniaSP33D: please pastebin that file09:51
SP33Dis the file i think thats causing that09:51
ikonialets take a look at it09:51
mlvmhnyes, i am installing Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop09:51
ikoniamlvmhn: why not install lubuntu if you want the lubuntu desktop09:52
mlvmhnikonia: i want to test the performance on my laptop first09:52
thinkycfhowlett:  when i make sudo apt-get update see this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15998739/09:52
thinkyi think there are some errors09:53
thinkyfatal errors09:53
thinkybecause when i restarted pc it warned me to report due to some errors09:53
cfhowlettthinky  ... *** NOW *** you tell us this?!09:53
MonkeyDustthinky  i guess they are appArmor errors09:53
ikoniaSP33D: have you modified that file09:53
ikoniathinky: I warned you before about not sharing information09:54
ikoniathinky: this will be the final warning you get about wasting peoples time not giving the full information09:54
cfhowlettthinky, OK, you have some issues that have nothing to do with chrome.  fix the issues first09:54
SP33Di have not modifyed it but it is the standrt file09:54
thinkycfhowlett: sorry i didnt think it s related with google chrome09:54
SP33Dso nothing private is in09:54
ikoniaSP33D: interesting two PermitRoot entries09:54
ikoniaSP33D: there is nothing in that file that would stop non-privileged users from logging in09:54
thinkyikonia: look  i dont hide anything !09:54
xtr33ben64:  I have enabled bluetooth, set controller to pair mode, it picks up wireless controller but says not set up because it wants a pin which I can't find online09:54
ikoniaSP33D: and to be honest - it should allow root09:54
thinkystop this09:54
ikoniathinky: you did not tell people about the fatal errors09:55
SP33Dikonia i think i need to add explicit AllowUsers root now09:55
ikoniaSP33D: you really shouldn't09:55
thinkyikonia: look i dont keep that secret as state confidental09:55
thinkystop this warning to me09:55
Ben64xtr33: have you tried 000009:55
thinkyit just happened after restart09:55
cfhowlettthinky, calm down.09:55
SP33Dmaybe diffrent with new sshd version09:55
cfhowlettand move on, thinky09:55
ikoniathinky: you did not give the info about the fatal errors - you let someone just try to help you wihtout sharing09:55
SP33Di dont understand it myself09:55
thinkythx cfhowlett09:55
akikthinky: the 32-bit version of chrome was discontinued. do you have the 32-bit installation?09:55
ikoniathinky: I've asked you and warned you about this09:56
thinkyikonia: stop it !09:56
SP33Dbut the error is clear not in AllowUsers means not in AllowUsers and there is no AllowUsers09:56
thinkyi dont know what s related with the problems i am not ubuntu specialist09:56
xtr33Ben64, I have tried 0000 00000 1234 12345, it requires a pin won't accept no pin09:56
voozeTrying to run screenfetch from 16.04 i get the follow error: (process:31528): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/home/vooze/.cache/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly. -- What could cause this? - I checked my laptop where its working and it has all the same permissions.09:56
ikoniavooze: ok - so whats the permissions on that directory where it is trying to create09:56
Ben64xtr33: google says it's 000009:56
xtr33hmm, it has actually now connected09:57
voozeikonia: it is owned by root. Going into the the folder as root and looking at the user file it looks all the same.09:57
ikoniavooze: no file in your home directory should be owned by root - change it09:58
xtr33Ben64, thank you I shall try to use it in a game to see if its working, hopefully that's all I need to do09:58
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voozeikonia: I just tried that, and no more erors now, but the script screenfetch does not show all information, so something is still wrong :/ - But like I said, on my laptop also on 16.04 it works just fine with root10:00
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ikoniavooze: shoudn't be using root10:01
CharlatanHey there, guest.10:02
CharlatanNobody cares, thinky :)10:02
thinkycfhowlett: sorry i forgot to mention about the error i faced10:02
WulfCharlatan: exactly.10:02
thinkyCharlatan: i know :p10:02
CharlatanYou faced an error?10:02
lotuspsychje!behelpful | Charlatan10:03
ubottuCharlatan: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.10:03
thinkyafter restart it wanted me to report10:03
thinkyi dont know error details10:03
Charlatanlotus please get off my fucking back.10:03
CharlatanI appreciate it.10:03
lotuspsychjeCharlatan: please dont use that kind of language here10:04
cfhowlettCharlatan, no profanity needed or allowed in this channel.  consult the guidelines if you have questions10:04
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:04
CharlatanOkay, where should I use it?10:04
thinkyis there a way to refresh my ubuntu installation? and fix possible errors?10:04
CharlatanI dunno, thinky. Never used ubuntu. It's a bit ugly.10:04
CharlatanPlus you can't run any decent games on it. I'm what you might call a gamer 4 lyfe.10:05
MonkeyDustCharlatan  sure you want to be here?10:05
thinkylol Charlatan why do u think so?10:05
cfhowlettCharlatan, please entertain yourself by trolling in a different channel10:05
Charlatanthinky: perhaps you disagree?10:05
thinkyit is different and beautiful to me10:05
xtr33Plenty of good games for linux10:05
thinkyCharlatan: yes i understand that for some ppl it looks ugly10:05
WulfCharlatan: gamer for life? I work for a living, is that something similar?10:05
CharlatanMy laptop is like 9 years old.10:06
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!10:06
MonkeyDustCharlatan  you're not in the right channel for that kind of conversation10:06
CharlatanWulf: I guess that makes you a self-described worker for life.10:06
CharlatanMonkeyDust: can you elaborate?10:06
CharlatanIs this only for support?10:06
lotuspsychjeikonia: more work for you ^10:06
MonkeyDust!ot | Charlatan10:06
ubottuCharlatan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:06
cfhowlettCharlatan, as stated in the  channel topic, yes this is the support channel10:06
CharlatanAre the other channels also busyish?10:07
voozeikonia: weird, I just downloaded screenfetch from github, ran it with ./screenfetch-dev and after that, the orignal screenfetch worked again. Stange :)10:07
MonkeyDustCharlatan  this channel focusses on support, not on 'busy conversation'10:07
CharlatanBut I mean if I were to switch to ot, would it be dead? That'd be lame.10:08
XardOn 16.04 I have a usb3 drive which shuts down when "removed safely" but immediately after that powers on and remounts everything10:08
CharlatanI can see you are too stupid to understand.10:08
WulfCharlatan: /msg alis list * -min 100010:08
yogeshrthttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu on This page we should change name from "Startup Disk Creator" to "usb-creator-gtk"10:09
MonkeyDustCharlatan  go away10:09
lotuspsychje!ops | Charlatan trolling10:09
ubottuCharlatan trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:09
cfhowlettthinky, assuming 1. this is fixable without reinstalling and 2. the problem is in your source list  Method 1   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-the-ubuntu-gpg-error-badsig.html10:09
Xardand then I have another usb3 drive where the "safely remove" works just fine10:09
thinkycfhowlett: do u think it is because of gnome classic fallback?10:10
cfhowlettthinky no idea10:10
cfhowlettbut the DE doesn't matter to the sources and repos so ... I'd guess not10:10
Xardfor both drives i'm using the same usb3 port10:13
thinkycfhowlett: Fetched 35.6 MB in 1min 36s (367 kB/s)                                          AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors. Reading package lists... Done10:14
cfhowlettOK try to install chrome, thinky10:15
thinkyReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable10:15
thinkyno luck10:15
thinkysame error10:15
cfhowlettthinky, are you on 32 bit ubuntu?10:15
cfhowlettthinky, over my head then.  sorry.10:16
thinkyi think 16.04 is not stable yet10:16
thinkyshould i re-install ?10:17
cfhowletttry a different mirror first, thinky10:17
akikthe dependencies for chrome have changed in kubuntu 16.04. i had to install a couple of pango packages too10:19
CedaraIs there  a list where I can look up bugs in 16.04 yet? I mean, aside from launchpad?10:19
akiksudo apt install libappindicator1 libpango1.0-0 libpangox-1.0-0 libpangoxft-1.0-0 libindicator710:19
TJ-is it just me or does the 16.04 ubuntu-desktop installer leave 'casper' installed on the target ("dpkg -l casper" shows it installed) ?10:21
SP33D@ikonia found the exact fail :) Listen: do-release-upgrade dont modifyed the sshd_config on the server on the client the new ssh version uses if you do as normal user#! ssh root@host now look for keys in /root/.ssh on the client not like befor in /home/currentuser/.ssh10:21
ayushohh i am here10:26
xtr33Ben64:  gnome 16.04 appears to recognize the touch controller but not the actual joystick on the ps4 controller it is labelled "wireless controller" in the bluetooth options window and there is no other device availabel10:26
ayushany good way to bypass cyber roam on ubuntu?10:27
ayushany good way to bypass cyber roam on ubuntu?10:27
ayushany good way to bypass cyber roam on ubuntu?10:27
ayushany good way to bypass cyber roam on ubuntu?10:27
ratracewth is cyber roam10:28
xtr33Anyone have experience operating a ps4 controller with gnome who can help me get set up properly?10:28
MonkeyDustxtr33  looks like you're a gnome/ps4 pioneer10:31
cfhowlett... to  boldy go!10:31
Guest40583im using ubuntu 16.04 and weechat only run as root10:32
xtr33I know that when connecting to windows the controller has two devices, gnome only finds one10:32
lotuspsychjeGuest40583: dont run irc as root10:32
Guest40583lotuspsychje: this is what happens when i dont run as root10:33
xtr33theres always one thing I can't get to run properly using linux10:34
Guest40583lotuspsychje: Error: unable to create/append to log file (weechat.log)10:36
Guest40583If another WeeChat process is using this file, try to run WeeChat10:36
Guest40583with another home using the "--dir" command line option.10:36
xtr33Oh well thanks for the help at least I have managed to make it work wired, if anyone succeeds with getting the ps4 controller to function properly over bluetooth please let me know.10:38
Guest40583how do i install google chrome on ubuntu 16.04... mine cant install10:40
xtr33hi guest, I used chromium10:41
Guest40583xtr33: let me try10:41
xtr33chrome wouldn't install as it would in the previous version10:41
KnightRideri have all kinds of problems with installing .deb applications, try with gdebi10:42
KnightRiderchrome installed with gdebi on my 16.0410:42
Guest40583xtr33: chromium isnt on 16.0410:42
MonkeyDust!find chromium-browser10:42
ubottuFound: chromium-browser, chromium-browser-dbg, chromium-browser-l10n, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 14 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=chromium-browser&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all10:42
xtr33guest are you looking in the Ubuntu Software Center for chromium?10:43
Johnny_Linuxsoftware boutique10:44
sissylogremoving synaptic from the default was a mistake10:44
sissyloggnome-software center is a joke compared to it10:44
Guest40583xtr33: nope.. ubuntu software center is very bad10:45
xtr33well it worked for me no problem10:45
sissylogxtr33, half the packages aren't even listed10:45
xtr33that's no good worked out of the box for me10:46
sissylogit worked for you because you probably didn't run into something that's not listed10:46
xtr33like chromium?10:46
xtr33guest is trying to find chromium10:46
sissylogidk abt chromium but i am sure figlet isn't listed10:46
sissylogor cowsay or screenfetch10:47
xtr33ok, what is an alternative software centre?10:48
TJ-"apt-cache search -n <regular-expression>"10:48
sissylogthats ofc if you'r not scared of cli10:48
MonkeyDustxtr33  there's a new software center in gnome10:49
TJ-If you're scared of CLI then don't use the Dash :)10:49
TJ-it's all typing!10:49
xtr33might have to look at it if I cant find something in software centre at some stage10:49
Guest40583xtr33: software center isnt good at all10:51
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cfhowlettGuest40583, no need to repeat your opinion.10:51
cfhowlettxtr33, the command line looks in the same repos as the software center does.10:52
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TJ-gnome-software isn't showing me *any* applications when I try to browse the sections10:52
lotuspsychjeits ubuntu-software now :p10:52
TJ-well, 16.04 installed gnome-software and that's whats started from the launcher10:53
xtr33I managed to find everything I needed in software centre tonight, it's a shame other people aren't having luck with it.10:53
MonkeyDust!info ubuntu-software10:53
ubottuubuntu-software (source: gnome-software): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software. In component main, is optional. Version 3.20.1+git20160420.1.ca63436.ubuntu-xenial-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 11 kB, installed size 170 kB10:53
irgendwer4711hi, which is the difference between nvidia-graphics-drivers-352-updates vidia-graphics-drivers-352?10:54
TJ-sissylog: I just started gnome-software from a terminal; it throws out a few errors that look relevant10:55
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TJ-sissylog: interesting, and how it *is* showing applications10:56
xtr33Looking forward to trying the PPC version on my g4 ibook later on, shold make for a good amiga box seeing as morphos is $EU111 for activation key10:56
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: the driver working best, is best for your system10:57
akikTJ-: kubuntu's plasma-discover is also broken.. as a software center10:57
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: you got issues with your card currently?10:57
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: which one10:57
TJ-Let's just stick with "apt-cache search" - much more reliable :)10:57
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: yes, ibGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found10:57
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: wich ubuntu version?10:58
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: 15.1010:58
sissylogTJ-, i didn't say its broken, i said its far less capable than synpatic10:58
TJ-sissylog: still no 'cowsay' though; looks like it filters out non-GUI programs10:58
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: did it work before?10:58
sissylogTJ-, now you get it10:58
TJ-sissylog: same thing really - it's a regression over previous facilities :)10:58
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: 50/50, I had strange performance problems with steam.10:58
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: lag, but high fps, more than 2510:59
sissylogTJ-, nah broken implies there are bugs10:59
Guest40583chrome is now installed sudo dpkg -i --force-depends google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb10:59
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: wich graphics card chipset do you have?10:59
TJ-sissylog: Its a bug to not be able to discover a program in the archive using the primary software center tool10:59
sissylognope thats an idiot proof feature10:59
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: and I had downloaded the own nvidia driver 364 or something. geforce 55010:59
sissylogTJ-, otherwise there'd be people on here asking "oh i installed this 7zip thing but i see no icon for it"11:00
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: can you go check your additional drivers section, wich drivers list?11:00
agoogoohow to grep a command from commands.txt and input it with one line?11:00
TJ-sissylog: the thing is bug-riddled unfortunately. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=011:01
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: ah ok, this menu isnt locked anymore. its showing 352.63-updates active11:01
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: you could play around with different driver versions, until you find one that performs well?11:01
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: another option to test your card on 16.0411:02
MonkeyDustagoogoo  if you don't get an answer here, ask in #bash11:02
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: I could select the non-updates variant. I will update to 16.04 in future maybe11:02
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: ok good luck11:03
sissylogTJ-,meh i'd rather devs/maintainers never wasted time on a piece of shit like software center and focused on important things like wine and stuff that really needs progress for making Linux desktops more accessible11:03
lotuspsychje!language | sissylog11:03
ubottusissylog: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:03
agoogooMonkeyDust: thx11:04
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agoogooone more question, will there be a unified software search including ppas / all software11:06
Deniz946Hello, I dont know what happened but my Ubuntu stopped working, I've restarted it appeared me the Ubuntu logo and after few seconds a black screen with a just _ in the screen11:06
Deniz946Any help please?11:06
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: recent update?11:06
Deniz946Nop, at least I didn't updated it manually11:07
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: wich ubuntu version are you on?11:07
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: 14.04?11:08
lotuspsychje!ppa | agoogoo11:08
ubottuagoogoo: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:08
MonkeyDustagoogoo  ppa's are often created by individuals, not related to the official ubuntu devs11:09
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: can you try to load a previous kernel from grub?11:09
Deniz946How I can do that?11:09
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: hold shift at boot==> enter grub==> ubuntu (previous kernel)11:09
brymafternoon all. i've got a domain name forwarding with a mask, and i'd like to break out of the frameset the final site is wrapped in. can i use dom manipulation to do that while retaining the masked url?11:10
Deniz946Nothing happens with shift it says me E to edit commands before booting or c for command line11:10
brymaha, sorry guys, wrong chan lol11:11
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: so you see the grub list already with ubuntu versions?11:11
Deniz946I see the grub with Ubuntu Ubuntu advanced options memory test windows 711:12
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: ubuntu (previous versions) you seeing that?11:13
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Deniz946I thing it's in advanced options11:13
Deniz946Here I see Ubuntu with Linux 3.19.p-58 generic11:14
Deniz946Same but in recovery mode11:14
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: do you see other kernel numbers too?11:14
Deniz946And generic11:14
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: ok try to boot that one11:14
Deniz946Normal or recovery mode?11:14
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: normal first, to check if we get in11:15
Deniz946I'm in11:15
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: loaded ok to your desktop?11:16
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: this would be a good time to make a backup :p11:16
Deniz946:((( what that means11:16
Deniz946Why was the error?11:16
icebyte /SET term_force_colors ON11:16
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: meaning if you still need your data, save it somewhere external11:17
TJ-Deniz946: sounds to me like you had a kernel update, and during generation of the initial ramdisk it ran out of space in /boot/11:17
Deniz946How I can change that it uses the the kernel that works?11:18
Deniz946So I don't have to do all this all the time?11:18
TJ-Deniz946: start a terminal and do "df" and check if there's a separate entry for /boot, or if any of the mounts is listed at or near to 100% usage11:18
TJ-Deniz946: it would help if you can pastebin the output of 'df' for us to see11:18
rastos2Hi. I'm not that familiar with Ubuntu - is it possible to find out what options (for ./configure) are used when building Xorg server?11:20
deniz946_here u have the df11:20
deniz946_i don't understand what it says11:20
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: can we see your /var/log/syslog aswell?11:21
cstolananyone having trouble installing google-talk plugin in 16.04?11:21
lotuspsychjerastos2: start from the beginning, what are you trying to do?11:21
deniz946_lotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16000491/11:21
cstolananyone having trouble installing google-talk plugin in 16.04? i've been trying to install through software center but it doesn't work. solutions anyone?11:23
hariharaneverybody my hearty greetings on my first entry11:23
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: I still have a problem. now bigger11:23
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: was there other drivers on your list?11:24
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found. libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast. Cant play a game.11:24
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: this driver worked. days ago11:24
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: the 352-updates?11:25
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje:  both.11:25
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: are there other versions showing your list?11:25
irgendwer4711irgendwer4711: I downgraded from 364 to the ubuntu one, because control app was gone.11:26
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: try them all, one by one...11:26
AEL-H1Hey guys, I created this script : http://pastebin.com/V3AeGk0N to run the following dropbox daemon : https://www.dropbox.com/en_GB/install?os=lnx11:26
AEL-H1But it doesn't appear to be running on startup . . .11:26
AEL-H1When I run it manually it works fine, can someone tell me what's going on?11:26
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: the driver is not the problem, some settigns are wrong.11:26
deniz946_TJ-, Did you see the df ?11:27
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: settings of what?11:27
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: xserver, driver, whatever11:27
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: you can always try a sudo apt-get purge nvidia* to go back to nouveau11:27
TJ-deniz946_: looking now... been away11:27
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: then reinstall the 352 one11:28
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: yes, may I have to do that.11:28
lotuspsychjeirgendwer4711: perhaps something scrambled up..11:28
TJ-deniz946_: no problems with space... so lets check if the boot files are messed up: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ )"11:28
irgendwer4711lotuspsychje: sure: libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found11:28
deniz946_TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16000622/11:29
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: also usefull would be loading up your latest kernel and press F1 at ubuntu logo, to see where errors hang11:30
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: cant find anything weird in your syslog11:30
deniz946_and how i can make that my computer uses by default my working kernel?11:31
TJ-deniz946_: the sizes look OK, but I'm surprised by the modifications dates - the older kernel version (-25) was modified after the newer (-58_ version)11:31
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: before we do that, we best need to understand why its happening11:31
TJ-deniz946_: can you show me "pastebinit <( uname -a; sudo blkid /dev/sda*; cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg )"11:31
iSlayWyvernsHow can I lock screen without blacking-out?11:32
deniz946_TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16000689/11:32
deniz946_lotuspsychje, nothing happens, its like computer freezes at ubuntu logo11:33
MonkeyDustiSlayWyverns  i guess it's super+L or ctrl+L (i'm not in unity now)11:33
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: you cant F1?11:33
TJ-deniz946_: that pastebin doesn't appear to have the output of the 1st 2 commands11:33
iSlayWyvernsMonkeyDust, Super+L works. (Was wondering on Auto (after 1-5 minutes) but I'll search something) Thanks!11:34
deniz946_TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16000722/ now?11:34
deniz946_lotuspsychje, nop11:34
TJ-deniz946_: weird, the command seems to be missing the output of uname and blkid ... let me test that here11:35
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: how about you try 'e' for edit and remove the "quiet splash" to see text booting11:35
TJ-deniz946_: it works here, I get the uname and blkid output too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16000766/11:37
TJ-oh, too late!11:37
BluesKajHi folks11:38
Deniz946I'm here11:38
TJ-Deniz946: ahh :D11:38
Deniz946Lotus I've tried f1 again and now it says11:38
TJ-Deniz946: what does "uname -a" report ?11:38
Deniz946The system is running in low graphics. Mode11:39
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Deniz946Your screen graphics card and an input device settings could not be detected correctly you will need to configure  please yourself11:39
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: thats failsafeX your chosen?11:40
Deniz946Nop, I've choosed normal ubuntu11:40
Deniz946And after that the computers freeze11:40
Deniz946Ah no11:40
Deniz946I can use the mouse11:41
Deniz946I can choose run in low graphics just for one session reconfigure graphic troubleshoot this error or exit to console log11:42
lotuspsychjeDeniz946: thats the recoverymode you choose?11:42
TJ-Deniz946: lotuspsychje that sounds like the proprietary GPU driver may have failed to build via DKMS11:43
TJ-Deniz946: does the system have the nvidia driver, or AMD fglrx ?11:43
AEL-H1Hey guys, I created this script : http://pastebin.com/V3AeGk0N to run the following dropbox daemon : https://www.dropbox.com/en_GB/install?os=lnx11:44
AEL-H1But it doesn't appear to be running on startup . . .11:44
AEL-H1When I run it manually it works fine, can someone tell me what's going on?11:44
rastos2lotuspsychje: I'm trying to find out why ssh -X works in Ubuntu but does not work in my Slackware - it seems, that slackware builds X server without  --enable-xcsecurity and I want to know whether Ubuntu specifies the option or not. If it does, then it explains why ssh -X works in Ubuntu but not in Slackware.11:44
Deniz946I have 2 GPU one Intel and one nvidia11:44
TJ-AEL-H1: usually those issues are due to different shell's and environment variables at boot-time vs user session11:44
lotuspsychjerastos2: perhaps the #openssh guys might know that one?11:44
Deniz946And I think I Hace novoutel or something like that driver11:44
TJ-Deniz946: OK, so it required nvidia prime then ?11:44
rastos2lotuspsychje: It's not a matter of ssh -x. It is a mattter of whether X server contains the Security extension built in or not11:45
TJ-Deniz946: does "dpkg -l 'nvidia*' | grep ^ii" report anything installed?11:45
TJ-rastos2: you can see the configure command in the build logs on launchpad11:46
rastos2TJ-: okay, that sounds like the right direction - what is launchpad ? ;-) Link?11:46
|RIC|Having some trouble with11:47
|RIC|sudo pip install scipy11:47
Deniz946NVidia 304 nVidia current nVidia libopencl nVidia opencl-icd nVidia settings11:47
|RIC|warning using deprecated numpy api11:47
Deniz946I remember ive installed nVidia-settings yesterday11:48
dd82Got a strange issue trying to update git, not matter what I try i still get "git version" when I run git --version afterwards, even though the man page says 2.8.1 now. Tried apt-get remove & dpkg --remove, during apt-get install it even says that it is installing 2.8.1, but after I still get the same old git. Running 14.04 LTS (which was upgraded from previous LTS). Any ideas?11:48
TJ-rastos2: follow the 'Version' links, then the "Builds" architecture links, then the "buildlog" https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+publishinghistory11:48
qwerty1234516.02 lts is not lts, some packages are only supported for 9m or 3y, wtf is wrong with you? dont call it lts if it isnt lts with 5y support for ALL packages! i will go back to debian!11:49
pastavirtualbox doesnt work on 16.0411:49
TJ-rastos2: I see "--disable-xcsecurity" on the line starting "../configure \"11:49
SatyamevaCan anyone tell me why Ubuntu released a known insecure version of snaps in an LTS?11:49
rastos2TJ-: strange. my theory falls apart :-(11:50
TJ-rastos2: but you can compare the complete configure with your own in case there are other differences11:50
brainwashSatyameva: link to the bug report?11:50
|RIC|where can I get any help with installing python package on ubuntu?11:50
|RIC|SCIPY is the package11:51
|RIC|sudo pip install scipy11:51
lotuspsychjeqwerty12345: there is no 16.0211:51
qwerty12345http://1.f.ix.de/imgs/18/1/7/9/7/7/2/5/ubuntu-1604-feac0685387ad753.png very nice lts support guys11:51
stormankaIm in the process of reinstalling my home server without GUI, torrents, storage, media server and some playing around with apache and mysql (very basic stuff) reading here it seems like there are some issues with 16.04 should i wait?11:51
TJ-!info python3-scipy11:51
ubottupython3-scipy (source: python-scipy): scientific tools for Python 3. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.17.0-1 (xenial), package size 7661 kB, installed size 31813 kB11:51
brainwash|RIC|: do you get any error?11:52
|RIC|warning using deprecated numpy api11:52
lotuspsychjestormanka: wich version are you on now?11:52
Deniz946Lotus can you tell me how to put default kernel the working one please?11:53
Fikihello i can't make a bootable version of Ubuntu 16 no matter how hard i try, I have used cat and dd methods11:53
Satyamevabrainwash: I am not sure the is a bug report just yet, but it is very widely known that snaps is not secure when running with X.Org.Server and will allow snap packages to steal data from any other X11 Software11:53
stormankalotuspsychje: 14.04 desktop, but im planning on starting fresh with what ive learned since last time11:53
|RIC|brainwash do you know what it means11:53
x-fakthere is no easy way to mount ext4 partition under ubuntu v8 hardy ?11:53
brainwash|RIC|: not sure. if you want help with pip, you could ask in #pypa11:53
|RIC|thanks brainwash11:54
qwerty12345i hope canocical will die with their ubuntu!!!!!!!!11:54
lotuspsychjestormanka: depends what you want then, its safer to wait until 16.04.1, but you can clean install right now aswell11:54
crevillohello, just upgraded to xenial and now my wireless is not working11:54
crevillothis is my controller 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)11:54
lotuspsychjecrevillo: can you try a sudo service network-manager restart11:54
brainwashSatyameva: "very widely known" hmm11:54
stormankalotuspsychje: Okey! still playing around in virtualbox but good to know i wont run head first into a wall11:54
deniz946_lotuspsychje, can you help me put the working kernel as default please?11:54
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: not really recommended to keep running previous kernel versions11:55
lotuspsychjedeniz946_: backup data and reinstall fresh11:55
brainwashSatyameva: I suggest you head over to #snappy11:55
AEL-H1TJ-:  What should I try to do to rectify that?11:55
crevillolotuspsyche: done, but still same result11:55
crevillolotuspsychje i mean11:56
rastos2TJ-: sorry for being annoying, do I need to be logged in on launchpad to see the build logs? Because I don't see anything on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+publishinghistory and nearby pages. Let's say I want to see the build log for 64-bit 14.04 LTS .11:56
lotuspsychjecrevillo: did you check additional drivers for the STA broadcom driver?11:56
crevillonot yet...11:56
lotuspsychjecrevillo: check if its an option11:56
Satyamevabrainwash: to people that can read, yes I would say that it is. I just find it kind of funny that one of the largest Linux distros released a LTS that is going to be busted for the duration of its life span. That is all, continue on11:57
crevillolook there's something here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta/
brainwashSatyameva: snaps are not installed or used by default. also, bugs can and will be fixed.11:58
lotuspsychjecrevillo: check your additional drivers section first...11:59
rastos2TJ-: ah. something like this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/238254643/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.xorg-server_2%3A1.18.1-1ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz12:00
TJ-rastos2: yes12:01
rastos2okay, thanks.12:01
Satyamevabrainwash: I would disagree with that statement. The issue is with X.Org and as it is the default X11 provider, it will not be patched. That being said I am not here to start a fight, just wondering if anyone had a good reason as to why this was happening. It is clear that no one in the channel does so I will drop it.12:01
MyrttiSatyameva: well this is support channel, not the devs channel.12:02
Myrttisadly I'm not caffinated enough to pull the correct channel from the top of my head, either12:03
SatyamevaMyrtti: That is a good response "Not my problem"12:03
brainwashexactly. it's strange that "everyone" knows about it, but no one has managed to file a bug report yet..12:03
bulldog_58is anyone aware of the fix for the broadcom wireless issue after upgrade to 16.04?12:03
MyrttiSatyameva: it's not a 'not my problem' response, it's a 'I doubt anyone here would discuss it at length on this channel, even if they could' response12:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:04
Myrtti(I think most of the problem is that most of the inhabitants are here to either help people with their immediate Ubuntu issues, or getting that help)12:04
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: did you check additional drivers section for your broadcom?12:05
Myrttithe cross section of people who are responsible for snaps or dev work relating to that and x.org, AND are on this channel is small. So that's why you might not be getting the responses you'd like.12:06
MyrttiSatyameva: maybe try #ubuntu-devel?12:06
lotuspsychjeor #ubuntu-app-devel12:07
brainwashor #snappy12:07
bulldog_58yes lotus - I have been through all the normal solutions...additional drivers show in use, but it seems this is an issue with multiple wireless cards since upgrade12:08
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: whats the issue exactly?12:08
SatyamevaMyrtti: I just stopped by to let the 1878 users in the channel know that Ubuntu or their devs dont really care about security as much as they say they do. It is sad, I have said for year Ubuntu is the "Windows of the Linux world" and this only proves my point. Have a great weekend12:08
bulldog_58I removed driver & did a clean install12:08
bulldog_58Have just completed the upgrade to 16.04 and have no wifi.12:10
bulldog_58In the networking tab of the settings menu the is no option to enable wifi.12:10
bulldog_58After some googling I saw a thread about lshw -C which gives me the following result12:10
bulldog_58-network UNCLAIMED12:10
bulldog_58description: Network controller12:10
bulldog_58product: BCM43142 802.11b/g/n12:10
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: additional drivers should show the STA broadcom, did you check that?12:10
n1md4hi.  i got the server version of ubuntu to run a gui only for a low spec laptop, but it does boot to a prompt12:13
n1md4... any ideas?12:13
cfhowlettdrop the gui.  It's a server.12:13
bulldog_58it currently is12:13
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: active or not?12:14
xNearHmm how AMD new driver compares to the fglrx? Is AMD going to release a new fglrx for Ubuntu?12:14
peetacakesHi can anyone offer help with deja back up? (My restore has failed due to 'unknown errors'12:15
lotuspsychjexNear: on 16.04 use driver radeon & amdgpu12:15
bulldog_58Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source from bcmwl-kernal-source (proprietary)12:15
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: yeah thats the one12:15
xNearI use preinstalled it work's pretty well I didn't tested any games and harder applications than browser with youtube though.12:15
bulldog_58this issue is all over google since the upgrade12:16
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: was it activated or not?12:16
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: i have same b43 and works like a charm here on xenial12:16
bulldog_58the bios shows yes, the report output noted above shows UNCLAIMED12:17
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: did you upgrade or clean install?12:17
Multbrelch16.04, 64Bit: only firefox has a menu, all other programs don't. What shall I do?12:17
bulldog_58it was an upgrade from 15.1012:17
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: right, might be interesting to try a liveusb12:17
rastos2TJ-: just for the record: The build commandline specifies _both_  --disable-xcsecurity and --enable-xcsecurity. Funny. Anway thanks for you help.12:17
peetacakesAnyone know anythin' about back ups?12:18
bulldog_58there seems to be a gnome issue12:18
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: your on ubuntu-gnome?12:18
lotuspsychje!backup | peetacakes12:18
ubottupeetacakes: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:18
effectnethi good morningses.  hmmm my samba stopped working after wake up.  i wonder what wake up does to it.12:19
peetacakesMy problem is restoring - I used the default to back up my system, clean installed 16.04 - but the restore failed12:19
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: did your sta driver was active or not on additional drivers?12:19
greymoonGood Mornig, the method of encryption encfs is vulnerable?12:19
fortean_dadafternoon all - anyone know how i can tell the (gnome) software centre to open up apt://appname urls in 16.04?12:19
MultbrelchThe menu in the desktop bar just disappeared ... after a heavy graphics failure with the nouveau driver for nvidia. How do I get the menues back?12:19
MonkeyDustgreymoon  what brings you here12:19
bulldog_58sta as active, I have tried the reset on it - also purged and rebuilt driver, no difference12:20
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: ok12:20
bulldog_58seems 16.04 was not quite ready for primetime12:21
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: you can only speak for yourself12:21
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: working like a charm here12:21
MultbrelchIt seems to be this story: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1539939 <= Any solution?12:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532226 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1539939 No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [Critical,Confirmed]12:22
sagghas anybody got virtualbox working on 16.0412:22
bulldog_58you are correct -I speak for myself, and the list of posts popping up on Google12:22
fortean_dadsagg: yep, no problems12:22
bulldog_58don't get me wrong - I love linux12:23
TJ-rastos2: re: both options... probably it uses the defaults and then suffixes the specific change via a makefile rule in debian/rules12:23
saggi get an error when compiling kernel module12:23
fortean_dadsagg: i got my version out of the software center and it appears to be fine12:24
bulldog_58this is my laptop, and without wifi, I am forced to use my cellphone on teather12:24
TJ-sagg: can you pastebin the build log that DKMS points to?12:24
saggi tried software center version, deb file and the test build. no luck12:24
TJ-bulldog_58: is the wifi driver usuall built at kernel install-time using DKMS? if so, there should be a build log which would point to why the module fails to build12:25
Multbrelchsagg, I just installed it via apt ... it works but not with an existing WinXP hd12:25
saggi have an existing winxp hd12:25
MonkeyDusthow is winxp related to this issue?12:26
letitgoIs it possible to manually extract a deja-dup back up?12:26
Multbrelchsagg, now the hd works, strange ...12:26
AEL-Hdoes anyone use dropbox on ubuntu? I am having problems12:27
DrunkenDwarfHi all. Im looking at getting a little <£200 netbook/11" laptop for business travel. .. From a little googling it doesnt seem that Ubuntu plays well with any of them properly. .. Is there any of the modern range that work well with Ubuntu that I should be looking at? Specifically 14.0412:27
megamananyone else having tob bar visible when fullscreen on VLC or other media player?12:27
megamantop bar*12:27
saggi get this error > "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Required key not available" when i try 'sudo modprobe vboxdrv'12:27
AEL-HDrunkenDwarf: Chromebooks work well with booting ubuntu12:27
cfhowlettAEL-H, waste no time asking "anyone else ..." questions.  State YOUR problems and specs12:28
bulldog_58I am going through logs to see if I can find any other issues12:28
AEL-HDrunkenDwarf: I boot ubuntu trusty off a Toshiba Chromebook 2, check it out12:28
DrunkenDwarfreally? I was avoiding those cause I thought theyd have the least chance, dunno why12:28
megamananyone else have problem on 16.04 that the top bar doesn't go away on VLC and other media players?12:28
MonkeyDustmegaman  in VLC, hit F for fullscreen12:29
MultbrelchDoes anybody have a problem with missing menus in top panelfor all programs despite firefox?12:29
letitgoubuntu 16.04 - deja-dup 'restore failed' - failed with an unknown error12:29
megamanMonkeyDust: Yes but on 16.04 the top bar doesn't go away, I mean the Ubuntu topbar12:29
AEL-HEssentially the problem I am having with dropbox is they provide a 'daemon' file that you should run to get it syncing with dropbox but I access my box by SSH'ing in. So if I disown the program so it is not sent the SIGHUP it appears to only sync one way, I have tried to rectify this by making an init script to launch the daemon on startup but this is not working12:29
saggMultbrelch, how did u get it to work?12:30
megamanMonkeyDust: Eh actually not getting the bar now, weird12:30
TJ-sagg: oh, that error! That's due to booting in UEFI Secure Boot mode and the module built locally cannot be signed, unless you add a user signing key to the system12:30
Multbrelchsagg, I just installed virtualbox12:30
MonkeyDustmegaman  that's how good this channel is12:30
megamanhaha :)12:31
saggwhen I try legacy boot it boots straight to windows12:31
effectnetoh i got my samba working, I had to do:   sudo smbpasswd -a user12:31
Multbrelchsagg, sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-dkms12:31
DrunkenDwarfAEL-H, is there a clean way to backup or reinstall the chromeos if you wanna go back?12:32
sagg<Multbrelch> trying it now12:32
AEL-HDrunkenDwarf: If you make the appropriate backups I believe so12:33
MultbrelchIS THERE really nobody who has had the problem with missing menus in top panel for all programs despite firefox?12:33
DrunkenDwarfAEL-H, hmmm, that may be my way forward then ..... I wonder if you can get chomebooks with some form of VGA-out12:34
de-factoHey guys are there some changes related to Xft fonts in Xenial? i get loads of warnings from conky: can't load Xft font 'Ubuntu:size=10,weight:normal'12:35
MonkeyDustMultbrelch  that's not a good way to ask for assistance ... hit the up arrow to repeat your question every 15 minutes or so, until someone can help12:35
fortean_dadMultbrelch: do you mean in the window's title bar?12:35
Wumbelupgrade was just fine. No problems here. However, got a popup in steam.12:36
DrunkenDwarfAEL-H, thanks for your help, im off to buy a laptop :)12:36
fortean_dadafternoon all - anyone know how i can tell the (gnome) software centre to open up apt://appname urls in 16.04?12:36
MultbrelchMonkeyDust, okay12:37
saggMultbrelch still the same error12:37
sagg"modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Required key not available"12:38
Multbrelchfortean_dad, independently on what u choose in appeareance ...12:38
CedaraWumbel : popup in steam about having a version that's too old?12:39
MultbrelchDrunkenDwarf, fortean_dad it seems to be this error here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/153993912:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532226 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1539939 No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [Critical,Confirmed]12:40
Wumbelcedara: yes and i reinstalled steam, but no change.12:40
MonkeyDustMultbrelch  start with adding your name to the list12:40
CedaraWumble: there's a bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/steam/+bug/156264512:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562645 in steam (Ubuntu) "Steam Package out of date error message" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:40
imthenachomanhello everyone. i am wondering if anyone here has any experience with Intel NUCs and 16.04 LTS? i am thinking of getting NUC6i5SYH or NUC5i5RYH (6th or 5th generation i5 dual disk option) and can't seem to find a lot of people saying if 16.04 LTS does or does not work OTB.12:41
Wumbelcedara: ah, ok.12:41
SergalSwaggerhey, if I install ubuntu to my 2nd HDD on a seperate partiton will it A) not mess up the other partitions and B) not stop windows 10 from booting on the other HDD12:41
MultbrelchMonkeyDust, hmmm, I will do ... thx12:41
MonkeyDustSergalSwagger  it's called !dualboot, it will not mess with other partitions12:42
Multbrelchsagg, sry saw just your note - well, I have no idea what to do ... . You compiled the whole thing? Well, in this case I would personally consider a clean install ... may be. :-) good luck12:42
SergalSwaggerMonkeyDust: yeah what about messing up the MBR so that only ubuntu boots, i've had that happen before12:43
MonkeyDustSergalSwagger  start from the beginnig, what brings you here, your experiences, efforts, errors etc12:43
saggMultbrelch ok I'll try that. thanks for the help12:44
SergalSwaggerMonkeyDust: wishing to dual boot but want advice so that i dont mess anything up12:44
de-factoanyone still using conky on xenial here?12:44
SergalSwaggeralready got windows 10 on here as an OEM and a spare partition on the D drive for ubuntu12:45
SergalSwaggerwell unalotated partiton but it will be ubuntu12:45
SergalSwaggerMonkeyDust: that's what brings me here12:47
SergalSwaggercos' I have data on the D drive and C drive I want to keep C drive has windows 10 OEM D drive is backup with spare unalocated space for ubuntu. my question is will it mess up anythign that'll stop windows 10 from working or make the D drive not work in windows12:49
cfhowlettSergalSwagger, mbr?  not on a windows10 capable computer.  you're looking at efi12:49
nedstarkwindows 10 runs on older mbr pc's12:49
SergalSwaggercfhowlett: right you are12:50
SergalSwaggerthis is indeed EFI I do believe12:50
cfhowlettSergalSwagger, efi is actually more multi-boot capable if set up properly12:50
juliusis there a ubuntu release that does support skylake with xv support where i can use mplayer and the xv output to play a mp4 fullscreen?12:51
MultbrelchRe all. Small not: those who loose their menus ... just type 'unity' into a terminal ... after some (strange) graphical issues all is back including the menus. I'm curious if this may remain like this ... Cheers.12:51
SergalSwaggercfhowlett: thats my point, how do i set it up without messing up anything12:51
jasonb_ubuntu 14.04 is getting updates from wily repository after a failed 15.10 update12:51
jasonb_can anyone help?12:51
cfhowlettjasonb_, sounds like you need to reset your sources file to point to wily.  proceed carefully.  in the present state you could break things easily12:52
juliusjasonb_, sure....with that much information you should see a teller12:52
cfhowlettbackup before you attempt any thing else, jason__12:52
SergalSwaggerlast thing i want is to mess up windows so that it doesn't boot or work by setting up dual boot wrong12:53
pauljwSergalSwagger, see if this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2320913&highlight=uefi+dual+boot12:53
jasonb_cfhowlett, thanks12:53
nedstarkedit /etc/apt/sources.list to say: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted universe  (or another mirror closer to you)12:53
cfhowlettjasonb_, happy2help!12:53
nedstarkthere is supposedly a security risk associated with using Snap apps in conjunction with x11.  Wayland doesn't have it. http://www.infoworld.com/article/3060246/security/ubuntu-snap-doesnt-have-the-security-issue-x11-does.html12:57
bulldog_58after going through logs, I still can not find any clue as to why the Broadcom STA driver is not working12:58
bulldog_58dkms status12:58
bulldog_58bcmwl,, 4.4.0-21-generic, x86_64: installed12:58
lotuspsychje!discuss | nedstark12:58
ubottunedstark: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:58
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lotuspsychjebulldog_58: could try this one: firmware-b43-installer13:01
IndustrialHas anyone used the package `gist` ?13:01
IndustrialI installed it and I get no binary on my path13:01
Industrialat least not anything called gist13:01
EriC^^!info gist13:02
ubottugist (source: gist): Upload gists to gist.github.com. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.0-2 (xenial), package size 14 kB, installed size 47 kB13:02
PanVHello! I was planning to install Ubuntu again (in an external hard drive) but I want to have the partition ready first. I want to partition using gparted, but it won't let me for some reason. http://prntscr.com/avth2813:02
EriC^^Industrial: try dpkg -L gist | grep /bin13:02
PanVOh hi EriC^^!13:02
PanVLong time no see13:02
EriC^^hi PanV13:02
IndustrialI have a very large file (14k lines) that I need to share on gist, but I can't seem to get it there..13:02
bulldog_58I will give it a try now lotus13:02
dv_I saw something strange when trying to setup a netboot installation13:02
EriC^^PanV: yeah13:02
dv_the tty's only show a blank cursor after setting up X13:02
Industrialoh it's called `gist-paste`. How convenient.13:03
IndustrialEriC^^: Thanks.13:03
EriC^^Industrial: no problem13:03
PanVIt has a .lock thing on it and it wont let me rezise/add/remove partitions etc.13:03
dv_err, well, a display manager (lightdm). I wanted to get xenial netboot + cinnamon + lightdm running.13:03
dv_also, systemd cifs automounting does not work13:03
voozeDoes anyone have an issue with wifi not working on 16.04 lockscreen? http://askubuntu.com/questions/760407/16-04-lightdmlockscreen-cant-connect-to-wifi-1-insufficient-privileges13:04
nedstarklotuspsychje, a correct referral would have been to #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-hardened13:04
lotuspsychjenedstark: im sure the hardened guys are already working on it13:08
nedstarkpeople shouldn't be using it until it's fixed13:08
PanVI really don't want to screw up with GParted, can anybody help me with using it? I want to make a partition with 150 GB in it. What should I do and what boxes should I check?13:09
lotuspsychjenedstark: perhaps, but doesnt need to be discussed here13:09
PanV(150 GB/465 GB)13:09
AnnoyedInAustralHey all, I was wondering if anyone has managed to get a working install of 16.04 with a nvidia card?13:11
=== llorephie1 is now known as llorephie
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: do you have an issue on it?13:13
AnnoyedInAustralI've had issues with every distro for a while now. I'm a bit inexperienced however. It just crashes the system after I login to my account13:14
AnnoyedInAustralI tried using TTY to install some Nvidia drivers, no luck there either13:14
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: what kind of graphics card do you have?13:14
AnnoyedInAustralGTX 95013:14
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: tried a clean install 16.04 + cable enabled + updates + 3rd party software?13:15
AnnoyedInAustralYeah, sure have13:16
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: did you try nomodeset to get in?13:16
AnnoyedInAustralNo, I haven't. Not too sure what that is honestly13:17
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | AnnoyedInAustral13:17
ubottuAnnoyedInAustral: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:17
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: perhaps you can bypass and get in, to install a driver13:17
AnnoyedInAustralAlright, thanks a bunch. I'll give that a shot as well13:18
lotuspsychjeAnnoyedInAustral: there is also the #gamingonlinux channel if you like, those guys pretty up to date of latest drivers13:19
AnnoyedInAustralThanks man, I'll give them a try as well13:20
ggwrI would like to download ubuntu 16.04 but i cant find any secure download link. Is it not possible to download ubuntu 16.04 from any secure source? https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso does not work13:20
AnnoyedInAustralHave you tried the torrent?13:21
ggwrAnnoyedInAustral: where is the https torrent download link?13:21
cfhowlettggwr torrents rarely fail and are generally faster. use them13:21
dv_ha, got it - it was an /etc/network/interfaces <-> networkmanager conflict, preventing systemd from launching the ttys13:21
ggwrcfhowlett:  where is the https torrent download link?13:21
=== llorephie1 is now known as llorephie
dontknowggwr, there is no https page13:21
ggwrdontknow: and how did i know what i get?!13:22
cfhowlettggwr, alternative downloads page13:22
AnnoyedInAustralIs that what you're after?13:22
dontknowggwr, there is signed shasums, you need to verify that after download13:22
ggwrAnnoyedInAustral: link didnt work: https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent13:22
AnnoyedInAustralHuh, weird13:23
cfhowlettggwr, try without https://13:23
ggwrdontknow: where can i get them?13:23
bulldog_58lotus - I reinstalled the b43-installer, I will reboot and see where it takes me. Thanks for the help13:23
lotuspsychjebulldog_58: good luck13:23
dontknowggwr, http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/13:23
ggwrcfhowlett: i am here because i am searching for a secured download link. if i wont care about https i wont be here. "try without security" is not the solution when i search for security13:24
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ggwrdontknow: link didnt work: https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/13:24
dontknowggwr, because there is no https page13:24
lotuspsychje!torrents | ggwr13:24
ubottuggwr: Xenial can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/desktop/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/server/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696913:24
dontknowggwr, why do you insist to download from https?13:25
ggwrlotuspsychje: the 3 links are all not https so useless for me. Is there ANY secure download place for ubuntu? I want to get the correct iso. not just "something" i dont know where i came from13:25
AnnoyedInAustralCan't you just check the hash?13:26
bodomHi there! Is there an easy way to get back php5 after upgrade?13:26
dontknowggwr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto13:26
ggwrdontknow: because thats the only secured download way i could find13:26
dontknowggwr, the real security comes with verifying. not https13:27
cfhowlettthis ^^^13:27
dontknowyou don't know what you are talking about13:27
ggwrdontknow: where can i get the SHA256SUMS  ?13:27
ggwrdontknow: and the SHA256SUMS.gpg13:27
dontknowggwr,  http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/13:27
AnnoyedInAustralIt's all there buddy13:28
ggwrdontknow: funny... i should download the verification from a unsecured connection. Thats not really what you mean, right?13:28
lotuspsychjebodom: its not recommended to downgrade packages13:28
dontknowggwr, they are signed. it doesn't matter wheter you donwloaded from https or not13:29
bodomlotuspsychje: i still need php5 noadways :)13:29
lotuspsychjebodom: then install the ubuntu version with php513:30
dontknowggwr, you could download those files from a malware server and it would still be trusted verification13:30
ggwrdontknow: but anyone can put his self signed .gpg files to a insecured connection. who is signing them?13:30
dontknowggwr, canonical13:30
ggwrdontknow: can i get the public key from canonical from a trusted connection?13:30
bodomlotuspsychje: ok. how do i downgrade back to 15.10?13:31
cfhowlettggwr, this is the official canonical ubuntu download page.    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes       not the lack of https://   informed users like you should have no issue with checking hashsums.13:31
dontknowggwr, please read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto13:31
dontknowggwr, it doesn't matter from where you take the public key13:32
ggwrcfhowlett: i have no problem to check a hacksum but i cant find any hashsum over https.13:32
lotuspsychjebodom: also not recommended13:32
lotuspsychje!pinning | bodom try this at own risk13:32
ubottubodom try this at own risk: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:32
k1lggwr: the hashsums are signed. so there is no chance in m-i-m attack since the signing would break.13:33
bodomlotuspsychje: i din't understand your advice then13:33
lotuspsychjebodom: basicly it means you cannot mix ubuntu package versions13:33
ggwrdontknow: should i prove you that i can setup a MITM attack with fake public key from canonical, fake sha256sum, fake sha256sum.gpg and fake iso file? I dont understand why i cant get any proved files.13:34
k1lggwr: while i agree, that in general https should be used. you are making a drama where no issue is at all.13:34
lotuspsychjebodom: so clean install 15.10, you cant downgrade13:34
bodomlotuspsychje: O_O clean install? ROTFL13:34
ggwrk1l: where can i get the public key from canonical from a secured connection to be able to prove it?13:34
dontknowggwr, you need canonical's private key for that13:34
bodomlotuspsychje: no way, but thank you anyway for advice13:34
AEL-Hcan anyone see an issue with this script? it is put in /etc/init.d http://pastebin.com/V3AeGk0N13:35
ggwrdontknow: no, i dont need the private key. i just name it canonical release or something else. the sha256sum.gpg file would be then signed with this fake signature. thats nothing special. try that at home if you like.13:35
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jiffeany idea why I can issue `service nvidia-digits-server stop` if I'm sshed into a machine, but from a local terminal I get Unknown job: nvidia-digits-server ?13:36
lotuspsychjebodom: try the pinning method then, if you dont wanna change ubuntu versions13:36
nedstarkbodom, here's info on how to downgrade https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto13:37
bodomnedstark: thank you13:37
nedstarkmethod 2 is pinning13:37
k1lggwr: please read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto13:38
lotuspsychjebodom: make a backup before you try that lol13:38
nedstarkmake sure you use the correct repos, not hoary13:38
EnissayHey guys, it would like to install ubuntu in dual boot with windows on a 90GB free ssd partition & 16GB ram system. I would go with "swap=8GB; /=10GB; /home=the rest", would it be fine ?13:38
dontknowk1l, i sent that page he doesn't listen13:38
ggwrk1l: i have read the page. There is "1 Download SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg, or MD5SUMS and MD5SUMS.gpg". And how can i get them from a secured connection?!13:39
k1lggwr: stop it. if you read that page that would have answered your non-issue question13:39
geirhaggwr: https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xD94AA3F0EFE2109213:40
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ggwrgeirha: 0xFBB75451 and 0xEFE21092 ?13:40
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geirhaggwr: the latter13:40
geirhaggwr: https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=Ubuntu+CD+Image+Automatic+Signing+Key&fingerprint=on13:41
ggwrgeirha: yes, 0xEFE21092. Thanks! That was the final solution! i can prove that with the https wiki page. now i can prove the insecured downloaded gpg files if they have this signature. finally i can build a provable chain of trust. I am surprised that nearly noone could understand my question here...13:41
lotuspsychjebodom: perhaps this would be more for you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/756879/cant-install-php5-on-ubuntu-16-0413:42
k1lggwr: stop blaming others.13:42
k1lggwr: the help page names exact those keys. but you were too busy ranting in here instead of reading that page.13:43
ggwrk1l: i dont know why anyone setup any http page any more in 2016...13:43
bodomlotuspsychje: the answer says "So, no, you can't install php5 on Ubuntu 16.04, but you can install PHP 7.0", seems useless :)13:43
ggwrk1l: i didnt knew that there is  https://keyserver.ubuntu.com13:43
lotuspsychjebodom: the point is, why cant you sue php7?13:43
k1lggwr: what? you are making such accusations and drama in here, no knowing about keyservers?13:44
ggwrk1l: i know about keyservers. i didnt knew of the own ubuntu keyserver13:44
voozeDoes anyone use wifi on ubuntu 16.04 and does your wifi work before logging in?13:44
k1lggwr: the help page linked you to several times names that exact keyserver13:45
meaninghi there13:45
meaningI need some help with rm command13:45
lotuspsychjevooze: wich wifi chipset would that be?13:45
meaningI copied a lot of stuff by error in a folder13:45
meaningand now I'd like to remove all that stuff, but need to add some folder to exclude13:45
voozelotuspsychje: both Intel and broadcom, tested on both desktop and laptop13:45
meaningis there a way to mention folders to exclude using rm ?13:45
bekksmeaning: No.13:45
k1lggwr: so you really really should step down from your "i dont need to read i know it all" horse. because that is exactly what the volunteers in here were telling you while you kept blaming them and ubuntu13:46
voozelotuspsychje: I have written about it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760407/16-04-lightdmlockscreen-cant-connect-to-wifi-1-insufficient-privileges13:46
meaningbekks any other method available ?13:46
bekksmeaning: Remove only foolders you want ro remove.13:46
bodomlotuspsychje: if you are asking, i suppose you do not know what PHP is. It is complicate, but I'll try to be concise. PHP is a scripting language, a toolset for creating software. Since I am a software developer, moving from PHP 5 to PHP 7 would require me to check every single software I have created in the last 10 years for compatibility.13:47
meaningyeah...Actually I did a rsync error...And I now have....2600 folders that I need to remove13:47
ggwrk1l: is there any reason not providint a https download page? i am probably ~1% of the users who check the signatures from all the prople who download the images.13:47
lotuspsychjevooze: can you try a sudo service network-manager restart ?13:47
meaningwould be easier to just add some files to the exlude list and not see these ones being deleted...13:47
bekksmeaning: Thats not implemented.13:47
voozelotuspsychje: from tty1 or something? This is before logging in.13:47
lotuspsychjebodom: one day, you will have to move to newer version anyway...13:47
k1lggwr: server load and the fact that its mirrored on _a lot_ of different servers.13:47
lotuspsychjevooze: yeah but try after a login, it might do something usefull13:48
voozelotuspsychje: I have a script on laptop to restart networkmanger.service after resume/suspend, but that does not affect lockscreen.13:48
k1lggwr: if you want the technical answer file a bug13:49
voozelotuspsychje: it works "fine" when I login, but not before.13:49
lotuspsychjevooze: ah ok, perhaps instead of the askubuntu, make it a real bug?13:49
bodomlotuspsychje: no, because most of these software are old and unmaintained. They will most probably just die in some years.13:49
meaningbekks, as I did run the rsync, and saw the mistake directly13:49
meaningrsync actually did create 2600 empty folders13:50
voozelotuspsychje: will try how to figure it out :) thanks13:50
meaningthen started copying13:50
bekksmeaning: So remove the folders you dont want.13:50
voozelotuspsychje: making a bug report that it.13:50
meaningso, is it already a good idea to run a rm -rfd ?13:50
meaningthe empty diretories will all be deleted then, right ?13:50
lotuspsychjevooze: great tnx, helps the community13:50
bekksmeaning: Do you know what -r, -f and -d do, in particular?13:50
AnnoyedHallo... A few days back, there was a patch to fix the badlock bug, that seems to have broken Samba; windows clients can't write to shares anymore.   Anyone know if they're working on a fix for that?13:50
meaningoops I mean rm -d13:50
bekksmeaning: Do you know what -d does, exactly?13:50
meaning  -d, --dir13:51
meaning              remove empty directories13:51
meaningshould check for empty dirs and delete them if empty13:51
lotuspsychjebodom: how about a virtualbox 15.10 with a lower php?13:51
meaningisn't it ?13:51
bekksmeaning: "should" :) Test your assumption before running it on your directoy structure. ;)13:51
lotuspsychje!badlock | Annoyed13:52
ubottuAnnoyed: The samba fixes for the badlock vulnerability are currently being tested. For more info see http://badlock.org and https://ubottu.com/y/badlock/13:52
voozelotuspsychje: should I file the bug against networkmananger or something else?13:52
AnnoyedSo, hopefully, a patch is forthcomimng to fix it so you can write to shares again?13:52
lotuspsychjevooze: i think so, as it affects your network icon before login right?13:52
voozelotuspsychje: yes, I get the error message as soon as I even press the icon.13:53
lotuspsychjevooze: go for it :p13:53
EriC^^meaning: it's not recursive13:53
EriC^^meaning: try find /path -type d -empty13:53
bodomlotuspsychje: it's impractical for my needs. I've always avoided to use Virtual Machines when possible because they kill productivity. Best solution for me is to just stick to PHP5, and re-evaluate the situation every year.13:54
meaningactually...I can just open it using a ftp client, and list all the folder created at that exact time13:54
meaninglooks like it will also do the trick13:54
Annoyedhmmmm I'm running 4.3.8, that seems to be what broke it13:54
meaningand I then have no risk to delete my config files recursively ;)13:54
meaningI prefer not to play the hero right now13:54
bekksmeaning: So backup your config files as well.13:55
ggwrk1l, geirha: thanks!13:55
lotuspsychjebodom: 15.10 will be eol in the near future, perhaps think to go back to 14.04 then?13:55
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lotuspsychjebodom: so you can use php5 for much longer then13:57
voozelotuspsychje: you think it should be network-manager or network-manager-applet?13:58
lotuspsychjevooze: network-manager13:58
bodomlotuspsychje: will see what happens. Maybe i will just keep 15.10 after EOL. It's not that i like it, but sounds fair. Also, I am confident I am not alone and somebody will probably think of a better solution/more suitable distro in the near future.13:58
voozelotuspsychje: okay :) thx13:58
lotuspsychjebodom: that would be a real bad idea to use eol version without updates13:59
ralpheeeeo/ hi guys....whats the best way to install android studio 2.114:00
ralpheeeei have installed 1.2 but it will not upg on 16.0414:00
bodomlotuspsychje: i agree. As much as bad as forcing php7-only into 16.04 :)14:00
lotuspsychjebodom: nobody forced you to 16.04....not ubuntu's fault14:01
Annoyed /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Annoyed qahlopmvyygk14:01
dotahey guys, what's the default username and password of ubuntu 16.04?14:02
Annoyeddota: previous versions has been empty pass; root account disabled, you must sudo [command] or sudo su14:03
bodomlotuspsychje: that's arguable, but arguing it would be OT, i suppose. Anyway, I'll see what happens. I am confident there is a good php5 distro out there, just need to find it :)14:03
lotuspsychjebodom: there sure is! ubuntu desktop 14.04 :p14:03
bekksAnnoyed: sudo su is quite nonsense, since there is sudo -i and sudo -s14:05
dotai'm trying "ubuntu 16.04 desktop" from a usb drive, the login screen asks me for username and password14:05
dotashould i reboot into single user mode and reset the pass...  :(14:08
lotuspsychjedota: there should not be a login screen on livemode? where did you get the iso?14:08
dotafrom ubuntu official site14:08
dotai verified the md5sum14:08
voozelotuspsychje: sorry for asking again, but do you think this is fine? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/157402014:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574020 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't use networkmanager from lightdm" [Undecided,New]14:08
lotuspsychjevooze: looks good, perhaps add you have a network-manager restart script also? and add a picture of the login screen without wifi?14:10
ApachezAnnoyed: you nailed it14:10
dotai'm recreating the startup disk on another usb stick14:15
bekksdota: Why?14:16
AEL-HFor some reason when dropbox is run through root, it syncs anything from dropbox to the box, but it will not sync any changes from the box to the dropbox server -- does anyone know why? When run as my normal user it syncs both ways14:16
bekksAEL-H: Do not run it as root.14:17
dotai don't know, just trying14:17
bekksdota: What for?14:17
dotathe first usb stick won't let me login14:17
AEL-Hbekks: but do you have any idea why that behaviour occurrs?14:18
irgendwer4711I have problems to execute 32 bit games: "screen 0 does not appear to be DRI2 capable"14:18
lotuspsychjevooze: add syslog and dmesg also perhaps?14:18
bekksAEL-H: I dont use dropbox as root.14:19
edgar__Bom dia a todos14:19
lotuspsychje!es | edgar__14:19
ubottuedgar__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:19
edgar__good mornig14:20
dotai'm in14:21
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AEL-Hbekks: do you run dropbox on a headless server?14:22
lotuspsychjedota: how did you fix?14:22
bekksAEL-H: Why is that relevant? :)14:23
jerome42hi guys14:23
dotausing a better usb stick :)14:23
jerome42I just update my ubntu gnome 15.10 to 16.04 , and my external screen is not working anymore. Didn't find anything on google nor in the logs . Any ideas?14:24
claudio__ciao a tutti14:25
lotuspsychje!it | claudio__14:25
ubottuclaudio__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:25
lotuspsychjejerome42: how many screens you have?14:26
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jerome42two : the laptop one and a hdmi one14:26
AEL-Hbekks: I was just wondering if you are in a situation like me, essentially I can only access it by SSH thus in order to keep the process running I need to disown it so it doesnt receive a SIGHUP. But when I do this it only syncs one way -- same behaviour as running it as root14:26
lotuspsychjejerome42: tried an xrandr --auto ?14:26
jerome42don't return anything14:27
lotuspsychjejerome42: wich graphics card do you have?14:27
bekksAEL-H: In whatever situation I'm in, I am not using dropbox as root.14:27
jerome42and a nvidia one tht is disable14:27
jerome42xrandr (alone) don't show the external one14:27
bekksAEL-H: And since you cannot disown it, run it in a screen or tmux session.14:28
deniz946_hello, i've just installed ubuntu 15 and i can't see the items in my desktop, something bugged it up14:28
deniz946_it's not working even restarting the cmputer14:28
bekksdeniz946_: which 15? 15.04 or 14.10?14:28
deniz946_any help please?14:28
EriC^^deniz946_: what items on your desktop?14:29
jerome42lotuspsychje :  http://pastebin.com/hCELs3dE14:29
deniz946_folders, some files14:29
jerome42I don't known where the second hdmi come from, only have on14:29
EriC^^deniz946_: it's not a fresh install?14:29
lotuspsychjejerome42: did you try the --auto option after?14:29
deniz946_EriC^^, yes it is14:29
jerome42lotuspsychje, yep, it don't return anything14:30
EriC^^deniz946_: there isn't anything on the desktop in unity, just a launcher on the left and a bar at the top14:30
deniz946_yes but i've downloaded some pdfs14:30
EriC^^deniz946_: they go in ~/Downloads14:30
deniz946_They'r in my desktop...14:30
jerome42lotuspsychje,  "xrandr --listmonitors" only return the internal monitors14:30
EriC^^deniz946_: ~/Desktop has them?14:30
deniz946_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16004705/14:31
deniz946_thats the ls Desktop input14:32
deniz946_i've installed dolphin and deleted nautilis, you think that should be from it? installed zsh too14:32
lotuspsychjejerome42: not sure, perhaps something in xorg scrambled, check your graphics drivers, or lightdm restart?14:32
deniz946_and node, npm, bower vlc, kodi14:32
noobiesHi all, need your help14:32
EriC^^deniz946_: i dont think so, try reinstalling nautilus though14:33
jerome42lotuspsychje, already check, it's uptodate, restarting gdm /rebooting don't change it14:33
noobiesPreviously, I used GParted to resize my System partition and try to add it into my Data partition.14:33
deniz946_it was nautilus e_e14:33
noobiesUnfortunately something bad happened and GParted no longer works.14:33
lotuspsychjejerome42: and it worked on your intel one on 15.10?14:33
EriC^^deniz946_: aha14:33
deniz946_I've my desktop back now, so nautilus manages the desktop, i can see14:34
jerome42lotuspsychje, it's work actually really great, out of the box14:34
Ranger_GUIGuys I found teaching link for Unix language better than the one provided from Ubuntu : http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/unix1.html14:34
noobiesWhen I open it again using GParted I found my Data partition marked as Unknown by GParted and can not be accessed.14:34
deniz946_Thanks you eric14:34
noobiesI already using TestDisk and it show that both boot sector and backup boot sector is bad14:34
noobiesanyone can help me?14:34
deniz946_gonna restart to check if all is ojk14:34
lotuspsychjejerome42: i would try enable nvidia + install nvidia-prime14:35
lotuspsychjejerome42: ill have to go, ioria will take over :p14:35
jerome42lotuspsychje, already using nvidia-prime to disable the nvidia card, enabling nvidia don't seems to work (I'm not the only one according to forum)14:35
jerome42ok, thax any way ;)14:35
lotuspsychjeioria: upgraded wily to xenial, no 2nd screen anymore over hdmi on intel/nvidia only intel enabled14:36
iorialotuspsychje, i see14:36
noobieslotuspsychje can you help me?14:37
noobieslotuspsychje: can you help me?14:37
jerome42ioria : any ideas ;) ?14:39
ioriajerome42, try to back-up /etc/X11/xorg.cong if you have one14:39
jerome42I'm updating to the last nvidia driver with ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa14:39
jerome42no xorg.conf14:40
jerome42it's probably a driver issue, either on intel or nvidia side14:40
ioriajerome42, can you paste sudo lshw -c Video  ?14:40
jerome42ioria : http://pastebin.com/q4c8raWR14:42
ioriajerome42, and with just the intel card , 2° monitor not working ?14:43
jerome42ioria, nvidia card is disable with nvidia-prime, so yep, not working with intel14:44
jerome42siwtching to nvidia card don't work, X don't start (known problem on ask ubuntu)14:44
ioriajerome42, xrandr or systemsettings > display  show the other screen ?14:45
claudio__usa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]14:45
claudio__Version 3.7.8614:45
claudio__By  U D A ' S o f t w a r e14:45
ioriajerome42, unplug replug cable ?14:45
jerome42xrandr show the HDMI port as disconnected (and show 2 ports while I Only have one), settings show only one screen14:45
jerome42already tried :)14:45
reveredgeI want the list of files accessed by a command. Is there any way?14:46
jerome42reveredge, lsof | grep "your command"14:46
dotadamn. my pc went dead again.14:46
dotai was trying to play a movie14:47
Cloudblowjerome42: me too, I have black screen with nvidia driver geforce 750m14:47
jerome42Cloudblow, I'm downloading the 364 driver now14:48
reveredgejerome42, the proccess has stopped.14:48
CloudblowI try it yet and don't work too14:48
jerome42Cloudblow, with this ppa ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa14:48
dotai have only intel i5 intergrated graphic14:48
ioriajerome42, it should work with intel although14:48
reveredgejerome42, is there any other application with which I can run a command, and it tracks which file it opens14:48
jerome42Cloudblow, did you disable the UEFI secure boot14:49
jerome42ioria, indeed14:49
dotai've tried ubuntu 14.04, 15.10, and now 16.0414:49
dotaeven tried recompile the kernel14:49
ReptiliaI fixed the issue with the Wi-Fi not connecting doing the following: Opened "Software and Updates" ---> Selected "Using Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary) instead of the pre-selected "Do not use the device".14:49
jerome42reveredge, try without the "14:49
ioriajerome42, in the worse case, boot a live xerus 16.04 and test14:50
jerome42ioria, good idea14:50
ioriajerome42, or boot in text mode14:50
noobiesjerome42: can you help me with bad boot sector?14:51
pijinnhello, I've been having issues opening games through Steam, as in a blank window flashes and then nothing, no error codes er anything, same thing with GameVox. I just installed 16.04 MATE. any suggestions?14:52
jerome42noobies, what's the problem ?14:52
ReptiliaWhat is the new package name for XChat?14:52
jerome42Reptilia :  I used xchat-gnome14:52
Reptiliajerome42:I am on Xubuntu14:52
dbz2kI'm on ubuntu 16.04 I have wifi suspended issues14:52
Cloudblowjerome42: I've try without efi, nomodeset in cmd line and few driver nvidia version from ppa14:52
jerome42Cloudblow, ok :(14:53
Cloudblowjerome42: have you find a solution?14:53
dontknowReptilia, hexchat14:53
Reptiliadbz2k:Could you describe the problem with more detail?14:53
jerome42so 16.04 is trylly a LTS, full of bugs :)14:53
noobiesjerome42: Previously I used GParted to resize the System partition and try to move it into Data partition (/home). Unfortunately GParted stop working and now my Data partition marked as Unknown and can not be accessed.14:53
Reptiliadontknow:Isn't that the Windows alternative to the Linux-exclusive XChat?14:54
noobiesjerome42: I already try to use TestDisk but still no clue. When I try to use List, there is no file found.14:54
dbz2kReptilia, I'm I have a broadcom bcm4321, and when I wake from sleep it thinks its on an Ethernet connection.14:54
dontknowReptilia, no. it is a cross platform client14:54
Cloudblowjerome42: this is only my problem, with Intel cpu I'm really satisfated for performance and stability14:54
Reptiliadontknow:So, XChat is not developed anymore, or?14:55
dbz2kReptilia, i'm using the firmware-b43-installer drivers14:55
dontknowReshesnik, yes xchat isn't being developed anymore14:55
ReptiliaAll right.14:55
jerome42noobies, really no idea, but that don't seems good14:56
jerome42Cloudblow, performance seems good too on intel, just this dual screen issue. I don't really need the nvidia driver14:56
noobiesjerome42: thanks. do you have any friend that specialize in data recovery?14:56
jerome42noobies, nope, sorry14:56
ihow can i search for apps14:57
=== i is now known as Guest81805
alive876hi i am trying to cd into a "dir" but  seems it isn't a dir because it wont let me, which i assume is some kind of  symbolic link, how do i cd into that area (where there are files I need))14:57
dcarmichI was able to get Ubuntu 16.04 running in a VMware VM, and am currently using it with a 2560x1200 HiDPI display. But, when I start the VM the login screen is in a very low resolution. Is there a way to make the login screen take the same resolution as the desktop?14:58
SchrodingersScat!packages | Guest81805: there's several ways, software center, apt-cache, probably apt, etc.14:58
ubottuGuest81805: there's several ways, software center, apt-cache, probably apt, etc.: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Muon, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!14:58
Guest81805in software center theres not the button of "SEARCH"14:58
dbz2kReptilia, any idea if the broadcom issues are from the kernel?14:59
SchrodingersScatGuest81805: I prefer apt-cache anyway, haven't opened software-center in ages ;_;14:59
Reptiliadbz2k:No idea, i had a problem with getting the Wi-Fi to work, and i fixed it with just telling the OS to actually USE the drivers, lol. It was set not to use them, by default.15:00
Guest81805is there the app that changes our vpn? since ubuntu is an open os, vpn should be free to, so i thought.15:00
pauljwGuest81805, there is a search area at the top of the screen in software center15:00
ssarahHei, guys, whats the procedure to get a package to be updated in the repository15:00
Guest81805pauljw no there is not15:00
ReptiliaGuest81805:I doubt that you should bring conclusions like that :D15:01
pauljwGuest81805, sorry, there is in mine15:01
ssarahi want to use the latest version of testdisk, i know i can just download a tar, but how can i make so it is updated int he repositories? latest version is from one year ago..15:01
Guest81805reptilia, what do you mean???15:01
dbz2kReptilia, whats the best way to create that restarts this service "systemctl restart network-manager.service" this is how I sorta of fix the problem?15:02
Guest81805oh why did she quit15:02
Guest81805is anyone there?15:03
zykotick9!latest | ssarah15:03
ubottussarah: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:03
ssarahHei, zykotick9 I know that. But who actually gets a package updated?15:06
ssarahDebian people?15:06
zykotick9ssarah: ubuntu pulls from debian's testing/unstable branches... so yes, new versions arrive in debian first.  are you _sure_ you need new version of X?15:07
ssarahJust trying to get an idea of how it works. I know most people either resorts to ppas or backport.15:07
YouriLigotmehi, i'm upgrading ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04 using "do-release-upgrade", downloading packages worked fine, but when installing, it is currently stuck on "Checking init scripts..." for 15 minutes now15:08
ssarahzykotick9, I read the release notes and found a bunch of keywords that could affect me. So the answer is maybe. But I'm doing this out of curiosity. testdisk is mostly just one bin that can run out of a bios bootstrap so i was wondering who updates this things.15:08
ldshHi, I was wondering, couldn't it be possible to ease the deployment (and reduce costs) of updates and upgrades by merging the good bandwidth of the depots servers and technologies like torrents?15:08
davido!ot |ldsh15:09
ubottuldsh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:09
zykotick9ssarah: it's ubuntu devs that choose what version(s) to use...  so ultimately it's ubuntu's devs decisions.15:09
ldshdavido, Oh, I did not considered that as being ot, wouldn't it be better suited in Ubuntu-dev then?15:10
colutovHi. I've a weird problem. I've delete libsane-common via dpkg --force-depends and tried to reinstall it via apt-get install -f. But it seems, the files in /etc are not written anymore.15:11
colutovalthough they are part of the package (dpkg -L lists them). wtf is happening? how can I get back those files?15:12
davidoWell it's not really a matter of support. Perhaps #ubuntu-discuss15:12
davidoor perhaps some prior research into who manages the download repositories and torrents.15:12
ssarahzykotick9, i see. So as a user, if I want to be expedient and make sure my favorite packages are updated/tested. How can i contribute to that effect?15:13
ssarahgo to #debian and push from there ? XP15:13
ldshdavido, yes, not really support, but more discussion about possible improvement, and informations on why it wouldn't be a good idea (if such)15:14
davidoSo as 'not really support', ot for "Official Ubuntu Support Channel"15:14
ldshdavido, thanks for your support redirecting me to the more suitable discuss (I did not knew, and I think it suits in deed better)15:16
bauerjis there any way to install 16.04 server on ZFS?15:17
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS15:17
zykotick9ssarah: i'd suspect, the best you could do, would be to file a wishlist bug with ubuntu.  i'd strongly suggest against, bothering the debian packages...  but debian's unstable branch is pretty bleeding-edge (as is ubuntu, in _my_ opinion).  note, if you do start manually installing things yourself, be sure to checkout checkinstall.15:17
zykotick9s/debian packages/debian packagers/15:17
bauerjMonkeyDust: that explains how to use ZFS with ubuntu but not if the root partition can be ZFS15:18
stormankaPartition scheme for ubuntu server need feedback: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16005880/15:18
bauerjmy problem currently is that the installer doesn't provide an option to use ZFS for the root FS15:19
ssarahzykotick9, like i said, im mostly trying to figure things out. I'm sure someone has this task already. I was wandering how I could help if I wished. I'm gona try asking in #debian first. Ty mate :X15:20
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jerome42ioria :  I solve the problem with booting on an older kernal, It work directly,w ith changing any config15:22
WoLfHello, I was trying to compile a .net app in ubuntu 15.10.. When I run xbuild I get an error about "Invalid -langversion option `6'".. I'm new to mono, anyone could help?15:24
braycepbut what can talk with?15:25
ldshbauerj, I did successfully circumvent this kind of issue for F2FS by installing first in ext4, than copying all the datas to the F2FS partition and updating all the required files. The boot partition was separated. I however hope you can have a more direct solution for ZFS.15:26
bauerjldsh: thanks, that should work I guess15:27
braycepso,how many people used QQ15:27
bauerjalthough it is a bit awkward if that's the only way15:27
MonkeyDustwhat's QQ15:28
ioriajerome42, great, good job15:28
jerome42ioria, I"m trying the 4.5 now, I will give a feedback here15:28
braycepeasy to talk with friends,in China15:28
ioriajerome42, thanx15:28
cfhowlettbraycep, more support over in #ubuntu-kylin15:29
braycepso,how can I talk with my friends here?15:30
cfhowlettbraycep, this is the tech support channel.  chitchat elsewhere or use a private channel15:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:31
braycepyes,I got it15:32
WoLfDid I ask in the wrong channel? or just bad luck with timing? =)15:34
braycepabout ubuntu,I cannot install the Ubuntu-tweak15:34
ldshbauerj, Yes, this is not the optimal solution, but at the time I did it, I think it was the only way for F2FS. Maybe this can help: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-16.04-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem15:34
alive876_hi, i have a directory where when i ls a number of listings come up, but wont let me cd into them "no such file or directory" however i can see there are files under them in the ide, how do i access them in the terminal? thanks15:35
MonkeyDustbraycep  in which ubuntu version?15:35
EnissayHi guys, I just installed ubuntu 16.04 allongside win8.1, though, when installation finished, my computer booted directly to windows, no grub at all :-/  (I tried to use boot-repair from the live-cd but I couldn't launch it, apparently not available yet for 16.04); could you please tell me what I'm missing ? I can re-install again if I missed some step :x15:35
braycep16.04 LTS15:36
pauljwWoLf, try ##mono15:36
WoLfThanks pauljw, I'll try there =)15:36
braycepEnissay,maybe you could creat a new disk area15:37
braycepwith FAT32 to install Ubuntu15:37
YouriLigotmei'm upgrading ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04 using "do-release-upgrade", downloading packages worked fine, but when installing, it is currently stuck on "Checking init scripts..." for 45 minutes now15:39
MonkeyDustbraycep  yes, you can read the error when ubuntu-tweak launches ... ubuntu-tweak requires gir1.2-vte-2.90, but xenial has vte-2.91 ... ubuntu-tweak is not ready yet for xenial15:39
YouriLigotmei think that doing ctrl+c is a bad idea, so i'd rather not do it15:39
YouriLigotmethe upgrade process uses only 3% CPU15:39
EnissayWhat do you mean ? I already installed it on the free 99GB partition I had (swap, root & /home)15:39
Enissaybraycep, ^15:40
braycep Thanks for your suguestions15:40
braycepEnissay,there is three System in my computer,Win10/Win10/Ubuntu15:41
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braycepanother question,how can I play the video on the Internet15:45
cfhowlettbraycep, go to the chinese language channel15:46
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:46
mrFakeHey guys, I have this strange problem on 14.04 when my desktop icons goes missing, everything works, but I don't see any of my desktop icons. I am not on a different workspace.15:47
mrFakeHow can I fix this?15:47
CedaramrFake: happened to me too once or twice or so, I usually reboot, then everything is back (there's probably a cooler way to solve it for good though)15:49
davidomrFake: Do they come back if you ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-f7?15:49
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DesuGuest45944: 1. don't irc as root 2. fix your nick15:52
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Guest68449\nick dan15:57
Guest68449ups, sorry15:57
alive876_hi, how can i tell the difference between a direcroty and a link? i have a number of listings i cant cd into15:58
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danthemanHi, in terms of GUI, the links, have a small arrow on the bottom right corner if i'm right15:58
danthemanand in terms of CLI15:58
danthemanlinks are marked with a different collor15:59
danthemanand if you do a ls15:59
danthemanyou will see a sl I think or something, usualy you deal with symbolic liks15:59
deadmundls -l and you will see little pointers15:59
alive876_yea, they are a different color, bt how do i follow them, beccause i need to copy files15:59
davidoalive876_ if they link to a directory cd-ing into them should be seamless.16:00
danthemanI think you can use the test command let me see16:00
deadmundalive876_: You don't need to do anything to "follow them" that's just what happens when you do stuff to them.  What are you trying to do specifically??16:00
frostschutzalive876_, stat -L thing16:00
alive876_well i need to run the files as programs16:00
deadmundalive876_: You need to run them?  Then just cd to the folder containing the link and do ./nameOfLink16:01
deadmundalive876_: If it points to a file that can be run, it will work16:01
* deadmund upgrades to 16.04 woot16:02
danthemanI want to finnaly move to ubuntu from windows but I still have some qestions some of which were answered. But I want to ask you guys. What do you think about compiz?16:02
alive876_here is what i get when i do stat -L http://pastebin.com/V2cmhVYX16:03
mrFakeCedara, davido: restart fixes it, alt-ctrl-f1 didn't fixed it16:03
deadmunddantheman: Pretty cool.  Kind of gawdy though :P16:03
deadmunddantheman: What do you think of it?16:03
mrFakeI really don't want to keep restarting machine every day or so, so I am looking for a terminal solution ;]16:03
danthemandeadmund: I mean, I like it but only Canonical takes care of the code, Mutter and Kwin look more, up to date16:03
alive876_sorry i mean i need to work on these files16:03
rud0lfalive876_: i think you need to add backslash "\" before any spac16:04
danthemandeadmund: And don't you find GTK3 apps like Gnome Disks to look horible wrapped like that16:04
danthemandeadmund: The menu bar is to huge!!16:04
deadmunddantheman: yeah, compiz is getting kind of crusty.  I don't follow that closley.  I have moved to kwin (functionally it's pretty similar)16:04
deadmunddantheman: "wrapped" ?  I think GTK3 apps look bad cause they waste so much space.  I use KDE16:04
davidodantheman : The window manager for Ubuntu is somewhat a matter of choice. Unlike Windows (the operating system) where the GUI is tightly coupled, with Linux, you can choose your kernel, and choose your gui.16:04
MonkeyDusti no longer use unity16:04
deadmunddantheman: Indeed, switch the DE if you don't like gnome / unity / compiz.16:05
danthemanYes but I'm a little stange so to say, I enjoy freedom but I think we are to fragmented in the linux world16:05
deadmundalive876_: Why do you have that /Logging at the end?16:05
danthemanSo I whould like the default  solution to be the best16:05
davidodantheman : fragmentation to one is prolific innovation to another. And features get stolen back and forth all the time.16:06
deadmunddantheman: The strength of Linux is not a very solid default, but rather an extremely customizable base.  If you don't want to tweak / tinker, Linux is the wrong OS for you.16:07
pauljwdantheman, so you just want what's best for you, freedom is messy, go with it...16:07
deadmunddantheman: In my opinion.16:07
YouriLigotmedebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable16:07
davidoThere is no best for everyone. If we tried to shoehorn everyone into a single paradigm we would have Windows.16:07
danthemanOk, grub, 16.04 LTS and still grub2 beta, I mean look at your grub version!16:07
YouriLigotmehow do I solve this? when using apt-get -f install16:07
davidoSo is this a support question, dantheman? When you use "your", it becomes a rant, right?16:07
davido#ubuntu-discuss might be more appropriate.16:08
deadmundYouriLigotme: you have some other program / process accessing that file.  You can a) figure out what process it is and end / kill it,  b) restart the machine (will probably not restart that process)16:08
alive876_i guess these are direcrories with  a lot of spaces in their names, but i dont know how to handle that in the terminal16:08
davidobackslash in front of spaces16:08
davidoor tab-complete16:08
deadmundalive876_: Either use backslace, or put the entire path in quotes16:09
deadmundalive876_: using tab-complete makes it a lot easier.16:09
YouriLigotmedeadmund: yeah but i'm having libc issues, a restart would be fatal16:09
deadmundYouriLigotme: Then figure out the process accessing that file and kill it.16:09
Bushmanhi guys16:09
Bushmanweird problem... USB HID joystick is missing axes, also at the same time it's superimposing the data from the missing axes onto the existing axes16:09
deadmundBushman: hello16:09
davidoYouriLigotme If a reboot would be fatal, it's time to do a backup, and now.16:09
danthemandavido: It's a general question, why is grub on a beta version, in 16.04. Same version as 14.04 I think.16:10
YouriLigotmeI found the process16:10
YouriLigotmeyeah but the apt-get -f install is doing the same "Checking init scripts" issue again16:10
YouriLigotmelibc complains that kernel version is not supported, then that check hangs16:10
YouriLigotme(OpenVZ kernel)16:10
davidoSo not a support question. A "why is it this way" question. #ubuntu-discuss16:10
YouriLigotmeI did ask my VPS host and they say there are no known problems with Ubuntu 16.0416:11
alive876_putting it in quotes doesnt work16:11
Bushmanevery program is reporting only 2 axes, the behaviour is consistent between softwares, so i asume it could be the driver problem... but since it's USB HID (ergo standard) device that works with other kernel versions / OSes it mist be something iwth the 4.2.0 kernel's driver for joysticks or something. Help?16:12
davidoIs there a $ in the filename, alive876_? Maybe tell us what is the filename.16:12
Condar|BusyI'm trying to get my terminal to beep correctly. I've looked in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and it says over pcspkr to use 'nice pulseaudio bing', any advice? I'm running 14.04, and this is the advice I found online16:12
davidoIs there a $ in the filename, alive876_? Maybe tell us what is the filename.16:13
YouriLigotmethis is the log of "dpkg --configure -a": http://paste.ubuntu.com/16007356/16:14
alive876_here is a file name /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js/- Introduction/16:14
davidoso that's a directory, right?16:14
davido(or a symlink to one)16:14
alive876_directory yes16:14
Apachezany of you who knows if there exists a fork of UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit)? Seems like it got discontinued at aug 2015 and is broken now16:15
davidols -l /home/ubuntuworkspace/Getting-Started-withhapi.js/-\ Introduction/16:15
davidosorry, i missed a / between ubuntu and workspace16:15
davidothe point is escape the whitespace with a backslash in front of it.16:16
davidoalive876_ Why do you keep saying hi?16:17
YouriLigotmethis seems to say that my VPS is basically bricked16:17
CedaraSorry, Bushman can't help you there.16:17
YouriLigotmenow to find a solution to do a full backup16:17
alive876_cannot access /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.j/ls:16:17
YouriLigotmeany quick and easy ones?16:17
alive876_it weird, when i paste something in here and return it doen't post, thats all16:18
alive876_here is what i get ls: cannot access /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js/-: No such file or directory16:19
davidocd /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-happi.js16:20
fortean_dadanyone know why my wireless nic doesn't appear as wlan0 in 16.04? it used to in 14.0416:20
davidosame problem?16:20
akikalive876_: your directory starts with a - escape it too16:20
deadmundfortean_dad: what does it show up as?16:21
Condar|Busyanyone have any advice for 'pulesaudio bing'?16:21
fortean_daddeadmund: wlp5s0 - it works fine just wondering why the naming convention has changed16:21
alive876_here is what i get :    /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js/- Introduction/                                                                                                      bash: cd: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js/-: No such file or directory16:21
deadmundfortean_dad: Oh!  I don't know why the name changed.  I guess that wlp5s0 just has a better ring to it :P16:22
davidoyes, because you failed to put a backslash in front of the space that preceeds Introcution16:22
fortean_daddeadmund: yeah it just rolls off the tongue :-)16:22
deadmundCondar|Busy: Have you tried to modprobe pcspkr ?16:22
DrunkenDwarfHi all. I'm currently about to install ubuntu 14.04 on an Asus chromebook. .. Am I right in thinking that crouton runs ubuntu alongside of chomeos rather than replacing it?16:22
deadmundDrunkenDwarf: You should not install 14.04 because it is going to EOL if about 6 mo and 16.04 was released two days ago16:23
DrunkenDwarfwhat? I though LTS meant Long term?16:23
alive876_here     $ cd /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js/-\ Introduction/     no such file ..16:23
pauljwdeadmund, it is not, 14.04 is supported till 201916:23
peetbog14.04 is lts16:24
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04)16:24
davidoThen there IS no such file.  how about cd /home/ubuntu/workspace/Getting-Started-with-hapi.js16:24
davidothen ls16:24
akikalive876_: your directory starts with a - escape it too16:24
deadmundpauljw: really?  Oh!  You're right! http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life  thanks16:24
ReptiliaWi-Fi functionality still not working. Allthough i've succeeded fixing it on Xubuntu, on Ubuntu it is still the same.16:24
alive876_well it shows p fine in the ide16:25
DrunkenDwarfbut regardless of ubuntu version (id prefer 14.04), the question still stands16:25
deadmundalive876_: You're just not getting the full path name correct.  I'm sure the file exists, you just don't know the path to it exactly.16:25
davidoakik: Can you demonstrate how that matters?16:25
alive876_but the ide doesnt let me move file16:25
mcphailDrunkenDwarf: crouton is a hack, rather than a method of installing Ubuntu which can be supported here. You would have to ask the crouton developers16:25
alive876_yes i know16:26
=== `WoLf is now known as WoLf
alive876_but quotes do not work in this case16:26
deadmundalive876_: Why don't you just move it with nautilus?16:26
mcphailDrunkenDwarf: as far as I am aware, it is more of a chroot than a replacement for chromeos16:26
DrunkenDwarfmcphail, well, what I'd prefer is to clear ChromOS and just have a flat Ubuntu install, but i dont know how well supported that is16:26
davidoif ......./-\ Introduction/ doesn't seem to exist, cd into its parent directory and ls. see what you see.  Perhaps that whitespace is some unicode character.16:27
=== luckybunny is now known as Godsfather
alive876_like a esult of ls  -xr-x  5 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Apr 21 00:31 Chapter 1 - Introduction/16:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409616:27
akikdavido: $ cd "- test"    bash: cd: - : invalid option16:27
alive876_i am in cloud916:27
davidoakik cd foo/-test16:27
mcphailDrunkenDwarf: I'm not sure you _can_ do that, unfortunately16:27
KubiusI just updated to wily and I'm having some issues with dell_smm_hwmon16:28
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Kubiusit keeps saying "unable to get SMM Dell Signature" every time I boot up16:28
ReptiliaLol, why is "Ubuntu Software" so poorly loaded with apps?16:28
euantheMay I ask here a tech-support question or is there another channel for that?16:28
newbeformnowHello, I have a pre encrypted disk , How i can install ubntu 16.04 in it ?16:28
KubiusI can still enter the OS, but I'm afraid the fans can't throttle up16:28
akikalive876_: you can also use -- in between the cd command and the path16:28
davidothis is unnecessary16:29
Kubiusanyone here experienced with i8k / dell_smm_hwmon?16:29
ssarahnewbeformnow, who is handling the encryption? the bios?16:29
newbeformnowssarah: it's a luksfs encrypted disk16:29
alive876_-- ?16:29
newbeformnowwith lvm16:29
alive876_like cd -- dir  ?16:30
pauljwReptilia, install synaptic package manager, it shows that there almost 54000 packages available.16:30
davidoyes, unnecessary. You're not trying to cd -foo, you are trying to cd some/path/-foo, which is just fine.16:30
akikalive876_: yes -- stops the shell from interpreting the -16:30
Awmusic12635I have a question regarding getting a dhcp client to work on ubuntu 16.04. Posted it here for better formatting: https://paste.ee/p/3TmNV16:30
fortean_daddeadmund: i've just seen that the naming was changed when systemd was stuffed into wily werewolf - apparently the new interface names are predictable and stable ..... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:30
euantheI have Ubuntu Server 14.04 "trusty" installed on my ARM type machine, its a fresh extraction of the ISO, and I am trying to run "apt-get update" but it shows 404 error for "http://ports.ubuntu.com"16:30
ssarahnewbeformnow, no idea then, probably some command line before installation to ask for the encryption key16:30
alive876_so substitute -- for -  ?16:31
MonkeyDusteuanthe  #ubuntu-arm16:31
davidono, disregard16:31
davidoit's a red herring16:31
akikdavido: i can't believe how obnoxius you are :)16:31
euantheMonkeyDust: Thanks.16:31
Reptiliapauljw:Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:32
ReptiliaThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:32
Reptiliais only available from another source16:32
davidoakik, bad advice is worse.  There is no reason in his case to confuse the matter by adding a -- when the hyphen is not a the beginning of the path.16:32
davidoand also not preceded by a space16:32
lechevalierbonjour à tous16:32
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:33
pauljwReptilia, use ubuntu software to install synaptic16:33
davidoYour advice just adds complexity to the issue. Give the poor guy a break.16:33
deadmundI just finished upgrading to 16.04 but I got some errors at the very end.  I think this might be a botched upgrade.  I've rebooted and many things are now a new version.  What can I do to check if this is botched?16:33
alive876_this is crazy16:33
lechevalierok thank you16:33
deadmundLooking in software sources, I seem ot have both the utopic and xenial (16.04) canonincal sources?16:33
alive876_i'll just cut and paste16:34
deadmundFor some bizzare reason, my splash screen is now edubuntu16:34
Reptiliapauljw:"No application found"16:34
mcphaildeadmund: if you have gone from utopic to xenial, you will have a broken system. That is not a supported upgrade path16:34
deadmundmcphail: I was previously on 15.1016:34
MonkeyDustdeadmund  i had that with xfce ... use synaptic to delete everything 'edubuntu'16:34
DrunkenDwarfis Xubuntu exactly ubuntu but replacing Unity with XFCE? or are there more differences?16:35
deadmundmcphail: Don't ask me why 14.04 repo source is in there.  Maybe from the original install?16:35
mcphaildeadmund: so where did your utopic sources come from?16:35
deadmundmcphail: Don't ask me!16:35
deadmundmcphail: Should they not be in there??16:36
deadmundseems like they should not16:36
ReptiliaDrunkenDwarf:One difference that i know is that you get smaller amount of pre-installed software16:36
deadmundMaybe I should just install from scratch.  I have a separate /home for just this occasion.16:36
mcphaildeadmund: if you added PPAs or 3rd party repos, they can't be upgraded by the upgrader. It is up to you to unpick those manually, or reinstall16:37
ReptiliaDrunkenDwarf:Different file manager16:37
mcphailDrunkenDwarf: there are various cosmetic tweaks (different splash screens etc). But you can happily install both, and pick your desktop environment at login16:38
deadmundmcphail: I don't see how that's relevant.  the canonical 14.04 repo is not 3rd party or a ppa.16:38
mcphaildeadmund: utopic is not 14.0416:38
ReptiliaHow to i make the [Close], [Minimize], [Expand] buttons always appear in the corner, while a certain app is running?16:38
DrunkenDwarfmcphail, Reptilia thaanks. I usually install ubuntu and then xfce on top, but i only have 16G drive with this16:39
deadmundmcphail: You're pedantic16:40
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mcphaildeadmund: enjoy sorting it out.16:42
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* Xark figured out his Intel WIFi adapter only works on laptop after cold boot (if I restart, it will be "disabled"). D'oh!16:42
deadmundmcphail: have a good one! :D16:43
ReptiliaHow come the most basic things that serve forward usage, are not functioning? Wi-Fi is not working, Ubuntu Software Center is not working...16:44
ReptiliaHow do you plan to attract the average user, if your basic stuff is malfunctioning / not functioning at all?16:45
braycepjoin #unbuntu-cn16:45
MonkeyDustReptilia  better ask how to solve the issues you're facing16:46
ReptiliaMonkeyDust:I did, all i get is ignore.16:46
duckchatjust installed ubuntu 16.04.  I have several machines.  I would like to configure terminal on one machine and copy all of the settings and profiles to all of the other machines.  how?16:47
XarkReptilia: I found WiFi works on my system (Intel Skylake i5), but only after a cold-boot. :-)16:48
MonkeyDustduckchat  ~/.bashrc contains the terminal settings16:48
pauljwReptilia, have you searched the forums for solutions?  http://ubuntuforums.org/forum.php16:49
EriC^^echo $?16:49
ReptiliaXark:I have succeeded making the Wi-Fi work on Xubuntu, but using the same "method" (it's not even a method, 2 clicks), won't help me on Ubuntu.16:49
ChaosMageXHow do you downgrade xfsprogs in order to mount an older XFS drive (circa 2007-2009) without getting a "V1 inodes unsupported" error?16:49
zykotick9MonkeyDust: <just a nit-pick> but .bashrc has the shell setting (assuming bash usage)... terminal setting as elsewhere ;)16:49
duckchatMonkeyDust: what?  gnome-terminal setting and profiles.  colors, etc.16:50
voozeHi people. I have a problem with 16.04. I cant connect to a wifi network on lightdm lockscreen before logging in. Do any of you have this issue? If so, could you say you are affect as well. I can't be the only one. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/157402016:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574020 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't use networkmanager from lightdm" [Undecided,New]16:50
ChaosMageXI need to be able to mount an XFS drive with a real-time partition, but I am unable to do so because I keep getting the error "V1 inodes unsupported. Please try an older xfsprogs."16:50
=== `WoLf is now known as WoLf
ChaosMageXAnd of course I'm using the latest Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS, on a live CD at the moment.16:51
Reptiliapauljw:As i can see, many people are having Wi-Fi issues. I will wait some time until basic stuff is functioning, and then install 16.04 :)16:52
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pauljwReptilia, probably a good idea.  i'm only running it in a vm here16:53
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borisetoA question. What does it mean for dual graphics users with Intel and AMD when going on 16.04? Can the opensource driver handle switching graphic cards?16:55
lucas-argso hexchat is like the old xchat?16:57
ivo_yeah whats with this stuff16:57
ivo_why no more xchat ..16:57
Hobbyboyxchat hasn't been updated in like 8 years16:58
dontknowlucas-arg, it is continuation of xchat16:58
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Hobbyboyanyway, is it known that there are wallpapers missing in the repo for some ubuntu versions?16:58
dontknowis ubuntu disables the discrete gpu on hybrid laptops by default?17:00
pederWhy can't i select LVM from maunal partitioning?17:08
num7Hi, wenn die weboberfläche von cups -> Administration einen Drucker hinzufügen möchte werde ich nach einen Usernamen und Kennwort gefragt. - Mit dem root + root-Kennwort komm ich nicht weiter. -  Muss ich vorher noch etwas konfigurieren?17:09
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:10
num7sorry wrong chat17:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Pozohi someone speak spanish for a ask a dude better?17:12
BluesKaj!es | Pozo17:12
ubottuPozo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:12
Awmusic12635I have a question regarding using dhcp on ubuntu 16.04 . Posted it here for better formatting: https://paste.ee/p/3TmNV17:13
Jordan_UAwmusic12635: Most vm software includes its own DHCP and NAT setting to make sure that guest can automatically connect to the host network. Have you confirmed that the two aren't conflicting?17:16
nos09mysql keeps restaring. even with update-rc disable msyql17:16
Jordan_Unos09: What version of Ubuntu are you using?17:16
phakoHi, any idea why fontconfig tries to open /usr/share/fonts/opentype/cantarell/Cantarell-Oblique.otf.dpkg-new for said font?17:16
Awmusic12635Jordan_U there should be no conflict17:17
nos09ubuntu 14.0417:17
phakolooks I have some more dpkg-* fonts in the cache17:17
Awmusic12635Just another piece of information. It actually fully works on the installer disk when it uses the apt repos17:17
Awmusic12635via dhcp17:17
Jordan_UAwmusic12635: server or desktop installer?17:18
Awmusic12635Jordan_U server17:18
nos09Jordan_U: its workstation17:18
nos09i use for several things ..17:18
nos09but now mythbackend17:18
Jordan_UAwmusic12635: What have you done to ensure that there is no conflict?17:19
nos09dont know why mysql keeps starting .. I need to change the bind addres.17:19
Awmusic12635Jordan_U it is proxmox17:19
Awmusic12635Jordan_U proxmox does not include dhcp as far as I am aware17:20
nos09cant even kill mysql with - pkill mysql .. it respawns17:21
Awmusic12635Jordan_U I am also manually editing the dhcp conf file myself for these tests17:21
Awmusic12635on the server end that is17:22
CyberDemshey all, I'm seeing an issue with startx as a normal user since upgrade from wily to xenial - "(EE) parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)". It does exist however -- if i chmod 777 /dev/tty0, then try startx again, I get: "(EE) xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (Permission denied)". Is the potential cause of this known ?? what can I look at. I already17:23
CyberDemshave anybody allowed for logon in xauthority17:23
Ben64CyberDems: don't use startx17:23
CyberDemsBen64: ty for fast response.. O_o why not though ? that's the standard method isn't it? Also, I get the same problem with xinit17:23
Ben64no it's not the standard method17:24
Ben64sudo service lightdm start17:24
CyberDemsI use openbox though17:24
Ben64well start whatever dm you have17:25
CyberDemsok thx. any idea why this behaviour has occured though ?17:25
CyberDemsi _could_ startx before as a normal user17:25
Ben64because startx isn't the right way to do it17:25
madebymarkcahello, I just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04. After upgrading I am having an issues with accessing my install over the lan by hostname.local (avahi) I was curious if anyone knows if something chagned that would cause this, thx17:25
dontknowis ubuntu disabled the discrete card by default?17:29
lucas-arghow many people is using unity panel in the bottom??17:32
madebymarkcaI hate the pannel at the bottom lol17:35
madebymarkcamaybe in a vertical monitor configuration I would put it on the bottom17:36
pelle_hi, what is the easiest way to use a custom resolution with nvidia driver... basically i just want to oc my monitor from 60 to 80hz17:36
LorneHey- what's the easiest way to share a folder on local network between two ubuntu (14 and 16 LTS) systems?  (tried built in smb - and am getting "unable to access locaton")17:37
Ben64Lorne: sshfs probably17:37
nicomachusLorne: I'd go with rsync17:37
Lorne"failed to mount windows share"...17:38
lucas-argLorne, i would use vfstd17:38
LorneBen64 : sorry buddy - I need plain english?  (assuming you mean permissions?)17:38
lucas-argLorne, then u cant browse it with just a webbrowser17:38
Ben64Lorne: "sshfs" is english, it combines ssh (secure shell) and fs (filesystem)17:39
Bashing-omLorne: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'buntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1) .17:39
lucas-argLorne, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd17:39
Lornethanks guys17:40
Ben64that's a terrible solution lucas-arg17:40
Myrttilucas-arg: I wouldn't recommend FTP to anyone.17:40
Myrttiit certainly isn't the easiest solution.17:40
Ben64ssh already exists, requires little to no setup, and is secure out of the box17:40
madebymarkcaI uses sshfs and avahi normally17:40
Term1nalAny decent alternatives to the Startup Media Creator that ships with 16.04?17:40
madebymarkcabut avahi being lame atm17:40
Term1nalCause that thing is broken.17:41
CyberDemsBen64: xserver-xorg-legacy package seemed to resolve the issue17:41
Ben64CyberDems: ew17:42
CyberDemsseems like a clumsy workaround though17:42
Ben64startx is clumsy17:42
Lorne...I'd just like to be able to open the remote folder locally... (like I did in windoz)17:42
Ben64Lorne: yep, sshfs17:42
CyberDemsany suggestions then, if I just want to start a bare openbox session as a normal user ?17:42
Lorne...then drag/drop files to and from it... both systems on same network...17:43
Ben64CyberDems: use a display manager, like lightdm17:43
CyberDemshmm ok, that's like 350 megs, but i'll give it a shot then i guess. Anything lighter u know of ?17:44
Ben64lightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 121 kB, installed size 684 kB17:45
ioriaLorne, there is also sftp (ssh) + nautilus (Connect to server)17:45
Ben64that says 684KB17:45
MyrttiCyberDems: xdm, wdm, sddm, nodm, lxdm17:45
CyberDemsyah but some hectic dependencies add up to 350mb17:45
Myrttipick one, do a bit of research on it, rejoice17:45
CyberDemsthanks Myrtti17:45
CyberDemsappreciate the help guys, lemme tinker and see what works best then17:46
CodySWhat's up18:05
pedertrying to install 16.04, but can't get it to put LVM anywhere when manually partitioning... any ideas?18:06
bingohi, um.. 15.10 upgrade from 14.04 on i5 skylake toasted my installed ubuntu.  so, i downloaded and burned a dvd with windows, and the disk put 14.04 back onto the pc.. not 14.04.18:07
bingoer, not 16.0418:08
CodySYeah I usually just do a fresh install each time i upgrade18:08
bingoso, i re-checked and re-burned the iso from my download again18:08
bingook, so how to determine what is really on the new dvd18:09
flakeparadigmWhy must Secure Boot be disabled in order to install [some] third party drivers? I can't seem to find any explanation behind this online.18:09
bingoit lable say 16.0418:09
bingoflakeparadigm - secure boot is like signed. right18:10
bingo3rd pty stuff might not be/yet be signed18:10
flakeparadigmbingo: I haven't seen this requirement in previous versions, though.18:11
bingouefi boot18:11
bingoor, legacy18:11
bingosome pc allow either and both18:12
bingobut tha 3 pty would need signed18:12
flakeparadigmIs there any online documentation you could recommend to read up on it?18:12
flakeparadigmLike I said, this hasn't been required previously18:12
bingolots, cas uefi install of ubuntu is documented18:12
bingoit's not so much MS as it is the chip maker/ and bios ppl that do the uefi, to create an approved, and assured good environment18:13
javamanHi, how can I install oracle java 8 in Ubuntu 16.04 ? I don't want to use PPAs18:14
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CodySsudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer18:15
CodySjavaman try that18:15
javamanCodyS thank you! :)))18:15
javamancodys Package oracle-java8-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source18:15
flakeparadigmjavaman: It's not included in the default ubuntu repos.18:16
bingoso, no one know what to see inside the ISO to tell if it is 16.04 ?18:16
flakeparadigmYou'll either need to build it from source from oracle's site, or use a PPA18:16
javamanflakeparadigm ok, thank you!18:17
flakeparadigmbingo: if you mount the ISO and look at the "md5sum.txt" file, you can search for "xenial"18:18
bingoI don't know if the disk put 14.04 back onto my pc, magically, or what.. but, it worked.  Now I can try 16.04 install18:18
bingoohhh, ok md518:18
flakeparadigmThe files you'll see that say "xenial" in their path are the package lists.18:19
flakeparadigmalso you could just look in the "dists" folder18:19
bingo>>> this is there in md5 on these disks >>  ./pool/main/s/shim-signed/shim-signed_1.6+0.4-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb18:21
CodySOh javaman, i forget to give you the ppa18:21
CodySsudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java18:21
CodySsudo apt-get update18:21
CodySThen the other command should work18:22
Bushmani unbinded the hid device and by using lsusb i read the report descriptor. it reports X and Y axis twice18:22
Bushmanis there any way i can manipulate the thing so it reports 4 different axes and not 2, double?18:22
flakeparadigmbingo: open up the ISO and go to the "dists" directory.18:23
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bingo>>>  ./dists/trusty/restricted/binary-amd64/18:24
bingoI downloaded from the ubuntu web site18:24
flakeparadigmbingo: so your iso is for Trusty. That's 14.0418:24
bingoI got 16.04 from a download18:25
bingoI pasted the ISO onto the disk18:25
bingoit said 16.0418:25
bingothe disk lable is 16.0418:26
bingobut, it put 14.04 onto my pc18:26
bingodo i need to print a screen?18:26
bingoi am glad cas 15.10 upgrade nerfed my ubuntu, and it is back, now18:27
huiocan i have a libre ubuntu installation?18:28
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zykotick9huio: trisquel or debian perhaps?18:29
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bingoI have two screenshot showing a 16.04 download has 14.04 in it18:31
EriC^^bingo: ?18:32
bingoin the dvd, amd64/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64 has... trusty18:33
bingoI did a download from ubuntu, where it says to get 16.0418:33
EriC^^bingo: did you checksum the iso18:33
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases18:33
EriC^^it's correct then probably18:34
EriC^^type cat /etc/issue18:34
CyberDemsMyrtti: nodm working perfectly, ty18:34
bingostable trusty and unstable, are three folders18:34
bingocat says 14.0418:35
bingofrom terminal18:36
EriC^^bingo: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999918:36
bingoi have the disk in the drive - not installed18:38
de-factoyou can also look via cat /etc/lsb-release18:38
bingoalso, the fresh download has stopped18:39
bingowhile we are chatting i downloaded another18:39
bingoit's hung now18:39
de-factoif you use torrents that would not matter at all, in fact you can resume with a torrent on a partial iso download18:40
danthemanQuestion, does Ubuntu fully support kikstart?18:41
bingoi dunno where the download is coming from, except to say that I am getting it from the orange icon saying to get ubuntu now on this url...18:41
de-factoso its probably coming from http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/18:43
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EriC^^are you sure it's booted right now?18:43
bingo14.04 is booted and i am using xchat now18:44
EnissayHi guys, I just installed ubuntu 16.04 allogside win8.1, but I see no grub, it logs directly into ubuntu (yes, windows still alive, if I activate fast boot in BIOS I log directly into it :x ).... I installed Boot repair, but I get this message:18:44
EnissayThe current session is in Legacy mode. Please reboot the computer, and use this software in an EFI session. This will enable this feature. For example, use a live-USB of Boot-Repair-Disk-64bit (www.sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd), after making sure your BIOS is set up to boot USB in EFI mode.18:44
EriC^^bingo: what does md5sum /path/to/iso return?18:44
EriC^^Enissay: is it an hp laptop?18:45
Enissay<EriC^^> No, a desktop xD18:46
bingofrom home terminal says no file18:46
EriC^^Enissay: can you boot a live usb?18:46
EriC^^ok, boot one and pastebin the output of sudo parted -l18:46
bingoi installed, took out the disk and rebooted. put the disk back in to look at it18:47
EriC^^bingo: do you also have a 14.04 installed on the pc?18:47
iSlayWyvernsHas anyone managed to run Latest-Skype(for windows) via Wine?18:47
bingono eric, i put the new in same place tho, formatted the part again18:47
Enissay<EriC^^> Oh, I've generated this earlier with boot-info: http://pastebin.com/1rgwm9Zh18:49
bingothe 14.04 running was installed from this disk, and the disk is not live.  I just went to see if I missed a disk.18:49
Enissayi'll be back later with what you asked18:49
brainwashiSlayWyverns: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3146118:49
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bingoDo you need to see screen shots?18:51
bingoor,can anyone read that iso from their server?18:51
kriskropdI'm using a bitnami provided ubuntu 14.04 vmdk on an ssd as a host os on an old Dell inspiron537s computer - it boot's to prompt just fine, however the keyboard is completely unresponsibe and the network interface is not grabbing an address form dhcp, evidently - can anyone help?18:52
iSlayWyvernsbrainwash, ah, I see18:53
ioriabingo, you can mount an iso simply with double-click, and check its content18:53
de-factobingo where is your iso located on your filesystem?18:53
modafinilanybody else having slowed/pitched down audio issues with pulseaudio on 16.04? had it on upgrade, did a clean install and it was fine until i rebooted18:53
bingoon the dvd, and on the hard drive /downloads18:54
iSlayWyvernsVideo calls don't work... :/18:54
brainwashiSlayWyverns: sadly, no luck with skype via wine. I guess you would need to setup a virtual machine instead.18:54
modafinilsome sort of sample rate issue, but messing with pulse config files has not been fruitful18:54
iSlayWyvernsThe only thing I'm missing is skype...18:54
iSlayWyvernsAnd it won't work on Browsers (Video/Call)18:54
bingode-facto : if i click the iso on my downloads directory, then what will it do?18:54
iSlayWyvernsOr I'm doing something wrong. (either microsoft won't make it availablle)18:54
de-factomodafinil you can try to fiddle with pavucontrol and alsamixer from terminal18:55
de-factobingo can you open a terminal and type "md5sum ~/Downloads/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso" and paste that result here?18:56
kd_Experiencing a bug on 16.04 LTS where machine won't wake up after a suspend. Anyone else run into this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232139918:56
modafinilde-factor: when i switch i.e. audacious to alsa output things are fine, haven't found anything relevant in pavucontrol18:57
bingoc94d54942a2954cf852884d656224186  /home/walter/Downloads/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso18:57
de-factobingo ok great that means its just fune18:58
bingobut 14.04 is showing in system, not 16.0418:58
modafinilwell, NOW when i switch to alsa output it's still way pitched down (that worked before the clean install)18:58
SparkySergalhey, whats the best audio dirvers for ubuntu, I have pulse as standard but some apps dont detect the microphone as a source18:59
de-factobingo yes you just downloaded the iso cd image successfully, now you have to install it18:59
bingode-facto --- I did that18:59
de-factobingo hmm ok what exactly did you doß19:00
bingode-facto, downloaded, burned dvd and installed 16.04.  whereby 14.04 was re-installed19:00
EnissayEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/2ayrk9LX19:01
de-factobingo so you installed 16.04 to another partition alongside your old 14.04 then?19:01
SparkySergalskype works with the microphone, scree capture only finds the system sound and its very loud on the input19:01
bingoi came here to find out why a 16.04 would install 14.0419:01
bingode-facto, no, i formatted the old part, while installing 16.0419:02
OerHeksbingo, it does not, likely you installed side-by-side, hold shift @ boot to choose the other (16.04) install19:02
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k1lbingo: there must have been something wrong. a 16.04 iso doesnt install a 14.0419:02
bingogrub would say if I had a new boot19:02
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k1lbingo: are you running a ubuntu now?19:03
bingothe 58 kernel?19:03
bingoyes running19:03
bingochatting with19:03
de-factobingo you can see the kernel version with "uname -a" from a terminal19:04
FixoSomeone know why they removed lsb 4.1 from Xenial ? Now I cannot instal my epson l355 printer! (is there any chance to install lsb packages from other release?)19:04
frojndHi there. I'm trying to use fastboot with samsung s5 mini but when a phone is in recovery mode and I try to get vendor id with lsusb nothing shows up... do I need to install some sort of drivers?19:04
bingo 3.19.0-58-generic #64~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:05:4319:04
de-factoso thats 14.04 i guess then19:04
k1lbingo: please run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"19:05
k1lbingo: then shot the url19:05
trijntjeI've been running 16.04 for months now, but after yesterdays update unity is gone. How can I fix this?19:05
nolsentrijntje: Are you using proposed repos?19:06
frojndplease help I kind of need to communicate with a device19:06
trijntjenolsen: no19:06
nolsentrijntje: You could try reinstalling unity19:09
nolsensudo apt-get reinstall unity I think19:09
nolsencan't test right now, running apt-get.19:09
trijntjenolsen: that didn't work19:10
bingonolsen --replace19:10
bingoto put back the unity tweaks.. compiz is to replace19:11
nolsentrijntje: sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity19:11
trijntjenolsen: I did that and then restarted unity, but no difference19:12
nolsentrijntje: Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?19:12
trijntjenolsen: yes19:12
modafinilde-facto: i figured it out -- uninstalling mpd + rebooting fixes it. mpd must ask for a certain sample rate, and pulseaudio being a flaming heap of garbage applies that to the whole system, etc.19:12
modafinilanother pulse success story ><19:12
modafinilthanks for suggestions :)19:12
de-factomodafinil yay congratz :)19:13
bingonolsen - using compiz, you have desktop settings and you can go back to the original seetings, metacity, gnome, or compiz..19:13
Apachezwhen you boot on ubuntu livecd you get a software asking for which language you which to use and if you want to "try ubuntu", what is this software named?19:13
nolsentrijntje: I am not sure then, perhaps you should try to backup what you need and reinstall the OS19:15
bingoI do note, that.. the live cd does not say WHAT it is installing19:15
trijntjenolsen: nah, thats silly19:15
bingowhy can't i have a partition outside the disk?19:16
trijntjebingo: due to physics ;)19:16
bingowhy's a read only file system on my hard drive?19:17
trijntjeunity broke after using 16.04 for months, what can I do to fix this?19:17
bingounity tweak tool?19:17
trijntjeI get no unity interface19:17
bingocompiz installed on mi 14.0419:18
ApachezOerHeks: is it possible to through kernel parameters preselect a language and go for "try ubuntu" without having ubiquity to halt and wait for user input?19:19
OerHeksApachez, only with a preseed file https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt19:20
child_hi all!19:21
child_i installed 16.04 but not have xorg.conf for remapping my mouse Mad Catz RAT3, the games and steam is ok! thanks.19:22
danawarHey ubuntu i have install 16.04 over a previous 15.10 and compiz seems to use very high CPU usage is there any way i can reset all compiz settings or replace it with something that doesn't slow the computer?19:22
bingosudo fixparts /dev/sda   --  fixparts then wants to know if it should Erase GPT data which I desperately did, and apparently repaired the partitions.19:23
bingoUbuntu was then able to find the windows partition19:23
trijntjedanawar: probably better to install the correct driver for your graphics card19:23
bingoI have not done this19:23
bingoI only found this as an answer19:23
danawartrijntje: will check it out! thanks19:23
bingobut i am not about to corrupt/change gpt19:23
trijntjeMy unity desktop environment doesn't appear on 16.04, who can help me fix it?19:24
inyourgrooveare there known issues with the phpmyadmin package on 16.04? after install apache serves up the raw php code...19:24
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ioriatrijntje, Guest Account ?19:25
danawartrijntje: i have installed a new one do i have to restart/relog or anything?19:25
mcphailinyourgroove: presumably you've enabled mod_php?19:25
trijntjedanawar: yeah, reboot to load the drivers19:26
trijntjeioria: I'll give it a try19:26
child_i installed 16.04 but not have xorg.conf for remapping my mouse Mad Catz RAT3, the games and steam is ok! thanks.19:26
inyourgroovemcclurmc, tasksel at install chose LAMP. That should have enabled that right?19:26
inyourgroovemcclurmc, yes the php7.0 module is enabled19:27
c704710freeze during upgrade.cant boot or log in (no virtual console), flickering screen only19:28
ApachezOerHeks: thanks, which param is equal to choosing "Swedish" in ubiquity gui (when booted on livecd) and "try ubuntu" to get swedish menus in libreoffice etc ?19:29
trijntjeioria: guest account is also broken19:29
ioriatrijntje,  ls -al ~/.Xauthority19:29
bingoredoing the partition table ??  (No, I did not re-do the part table)19:29
trijntjeioria: -rw------- 1 trijntje trijntje 49 Apr 23 21:28 .Xauthority19:30
ioriatrijntje,  sudo lshw -c Video19:30
trijntjeioria: http://pastebin.com/TAXdbVNr19:31
ioriatrijntje,  hot video card19:32
zerothis1back with new nick.failed upgrade19:32
trijntjeioria: thanks ;) Thats why I've been using 16.04 since january19:33
child_i installed 16.04 but not have xorg.conf for remapping my mouse Mad Catz RAT3, the games and steam is ok! thanks.19:33
trijntjechild_: you can create an xorg.conf file, ubuntu doesnt have one by default19:33
danawartrijntje: Thanks for your help sorting compiz it is working much better now - i want to increase the ammount of virtual desktops is it best to use ccsm or unity tweak tool?19:34
child_trijntje, no problems with graphics?19:34
ioriatrijntje,  did you try to install nvidia drivers ?19:34
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trijntjeioria: yeah, with nvidia drivers the screen goes black during boot19:34
trijntjedanawar: tweak tool is safer, ccsm can break your desktop interface if you're not carefull19:35
ioriatrijntje,  for now try to install another DE, at lest you can use it ...19:36
danawartrijntje: Thanks i have had alot of issues in the past modifying gnome unity want to do it right for once!!19:36
trijntjeioria: like I said, I've been using 16.04 with the open source driver for ages19:36
bingogpt fdisk?19:36
trijntjeioria: I can still start programs from the terminal, and move windows around with the alt-key, so its sort of usable19:36
SergalSwaggerhello, I've lost my sound using ALSA, I got rid of pluse cos I didn't want to use it and it stopped working19:37
ioriatrijntje,  oh... so what broken ... launcher , panel ?19:37
frojndHi there.19:37
trijntjeioria: top bar, window decorators, unity launcher, compiz keybindings, virtual desktops19:37
frojndI'm trying to use fastboot with Ubuntu 15.10 but I can't seem to recognite device with lsusb... I've tried for s5 mini and s advance... what do I have to do to recognize a device in recovery mode from Ubuntu 15.10?19:37
ioriatrijntje,  ok,... did you try to install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ?19:38
WizardGedfrojnd: you may need a udev rule19:38
OerHeksfrojnd, disable fastboot, that is the culprit with usb device issues19:38
SergalSwaggeranyone know how to get my sound back?19:39
bingogdisk is a deb package for gpt disk format19:39
WizardGedalso does 16.04 have a netinstall iso19:39
trijntjeioria: I dont think that works, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage19:39
bingowiz - yes19:39
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fortean_daddoes anyone know how to get the 16.04 software centre to open apt://appname urls off web pages?19:40
WizardGedbingo: can you tell me where to look as it's not on the releases page19:40
frojndOerHeks: what do u mean by disable fsatboot? I don't have fastboot running... it's in Android studio platform-tools directory?19:41
frojndWizardGed: what kind of udev rule?19:41
SergalSwaggeri've tried re-installing alsa but it hasn't healped19:41
merpyyyyHow big keys does openssh support, want to type of key should i make to be safe ? Thanks a lot in advance!19:42
trijntjewhy was the -a option removed form dpkg-reconfigure ?19:42
OerHeksfrojnd, oh, i read windows fastboot ( hybernate file)19:42
frojndwell.. what should I do?19:43
frojndI need to communicate with android devices and I don't know how to when they are in recovery mode19:43
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WizardGedfrojnd: do me a favour and type mtp-connect and take the output and put it in a pastebin where you can link us19:46
frojndWizardGed: what package has mtp-devices?19:47
frojndWizardGed: what package has mtp-connect?19:47
EriC^^!find mtp-connect19:48
ubottuFile mtp-connect found in mtp-tools19:49
frojndEriC^^: thanx19:49
EriC^^frojnd: ^19:49
trijntjehow can I install the gnome3 desktop environment, without all gnome-default packages?19:49
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.19:49
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OerHekstrijntje, with something like --no-install-recommends\19:50
WizardGedfrojnd: EriC^^is correct sorry for not responding so quickly19:50
trijntjeI'll give gnome3 a go, brb19:51
akikanybody know how to change text color in mate menus? they're now gray on gray19:52
MonkeyDust!themes | akik19:53
ubottuakik: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:53
frojndWizardGed: it just says libmtp version: 1.1.9 and No devices.19:53
HobbyboyWhat automatically mounts inserted cds/dvds in ubuntu?19:53
MonkeyDustakik  http://mate-desktop.com/themes/19:54
akikMonkeyDust: the theme is ok but just the text color in the menus is wrong19:54
frojndWizardGed: any other ideas?19:54
akikMonkeyDust: but i'll try those themes, thanks19:55
frojndWizardGed: Don't know if this is important or not.. I didn't enable Android debugging before that (My screen/lcd is totally broken and I'm just trying to factory reset device via fastboot)19:56
* WizardGed dies a little19:57
WizardGedfrojnd: you can do that by holding down power and volume - on reboot without it plugged in20:00
OerHeksfrojnd, so the device is broken, good luck with that20:01
frojndWizardGed: I tried multiple times but it's not working20:01
frojndOerHeks: no it's not broken :)20:01
frojndOerHeks: when it powers on I can call myself.. I can hear viber messages..20:02
frojndOerHeks: I need to factory reset it somehow.. for your info I can't use fastboot with any other device like s advance or motorola20:02
frojndso maybe the problem is not with phones20:02
tgm4883frojnd: "My screen/lcd is totally broken"20:04
WizardGedfrojnd: your other option is to enable developer mode in android connect via adb and reboot to fastboot via console20:06
frojndWizardGed: how can I do that if I didn't accept fingerprint?20:08
frojndWizardGed: or enable Android device before?20:08
WizardGedfrojnd: accept fingerprint?20:09
frojndWizardGed: don't see anything on android phone (screen is broken)20:10
idioticMEi just made one of those big dumb linux mistakes... i ran this command "chmod 770 /"20:10
kriskropdI'm using a bitnami provided ubuntu 14.04 vmdk on an ssd as a host os on an old Dell inspiron537s computer - it boot's to prompt just fine, however the keyboard is completely unresponsibe and the network interface is not grabbing an address form dhcp, evidently - can anyone help? I can live boot to usb and change things, I just don't know what to change20:10
EriC^^idioticME: you mean chmod -R 770 / ?20:10
idioticMEor perhaps "chmod -R 770 /", i can't tell..20:10
idioticMEi feel so sad right now20:11
EriC^^which ubuntu?20:11
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idioticMElates yes20:11
kriskropdidioticME: without the -R, it would be a simple fix, with -R - einstall time20:11
frojndwell what the hell... this shouldn't be so hard to get image from a phone that has broken screen?20:11
EriC^^idioticME: type stat -c %a /etc/passwd20:12
kriskropdidioticME: I think everyone's done it at least once before20:12
WizardGedif all you want to do is get an image get a microusb to usb and a mouse20:13
baer-devlfrojnd: if u cant connect through fastboot or adb(as root) it will be pretty hard20:13
idioticMEkriskropd thanks20:13
idioticMEwhen the computer is totally frozen, i can upload an image if you suggest20:13
idioticMEor should i operate from another system on the harddrive?20:13
WizardGedif the fingerprint scanner is broken too though you're hosed20:14
EriC^^is it still running?20:14
idioticMEi have a livecd20:14
EriC^^try that command20:14
idioticMEits froze20:14
drunkendwarfHi all. Im uding Ubuntu on an armhf system (chromebook) .. if some software I want to use is compiled to .deb for an amd64 system, im guessing there's not much I can do about it? (its closed source, so I can't compile myself)20:14
EriC^^idioticME: ok try booting a live session20:14
WizardGedidioticME: try ctrl-alt f320:15
idioticMEalright, brb im kinda in chock20:15
MonkeyDust!arm | drunkendwarf20:15
ubottudrunkendwarf: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.20:15
idioticMEWizardGed: i had tried that, it froze.20:16
idioticMEgive the livecd 2 sec20:16
luiztarde pessoal20:16
WizardGedidioticME: oh well worth a try :)20:16
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Apachezwhere can I find out what ubiquity does when you select a different language such as swedish?20:17
riverloopMenu-s for some applications are missing in 16.04. What may be the problem?20:18
ApachezI guess my question is close to the one in however this one didnt get any answer either https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-installer/2010-March/000622.html20:18
riverloopI'm using Hexchat now. It used to have menu-s in 14.04, but there's no menu in 16.0420:19
riverloopSublime Text 3 is another example.20:19
matthewkimChromium browser doesn't open in ubuntu 16.04 because of abort (core dumped), please help me.20:20
xxxdo you really want chromium?20:20
xxxuninstall and install chrome20:21
xxxgo to google and find chrome as .deb20:21
xxxis easy to install20:21
riverloopmatthewkim: I use the development version (ppa) and it works fine.20:21
matthewkimxxx, riverloop: thanks very much20:22
drunkendwarfxxx I wanted to do that, could only find the i386 or amd64 packages though20:22
\9xxx: and then you'll need to update it manually20:22
KnightRideryou guys don't have problems with installing .deb on 16.04?20:22
KnightRideri had to use gdebi to install chrome20:22
riverloop\9: No google adds it repository on first installation.20:22
\9well then20:23
riverloopmatthewkim: Try adding this ppa "ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-dev"20:23
matthewkimriverloop: thanks again. !!20:23
riverloopI have been using it for quite some months (even when I was using 14.04) and it worked remarkably well for me, without any crashes/errors.20:24
ltelmoi had to use gdebi too , software center would not work20:25
mcphaildrunkendwarf: if it is chrome you are looking for, I'm afraid Google don't provide a version for ARM linux. There is no way around that, beyond using qemu which is far too slow to be useful20:25
xxxmine ubuntu 16.04 installed fine, did you updated and dist-upgraded before?20:25
riverloopYeah, seems like the bugs in the new software center haven't been ironed out. Hopefully we will get updates in a few days.20:25
Hoso001I am having a weird issue. Every left click is registering as a double click? Any tips?20:26
riverloopBtw, does someone have missing menu-s?20:26
riverloopAt least HexChat and Sublime Text don't have menu-s. They mysteriously disappeared in the new 16.04.20:27
Hoso001Its the weirdest thing, I think its connected to my graphics drivers20:27
Hoso001I am using the AMD closed source drivers.20:27
idioticMEi am in the livecd and have open'd the root filesystem partition EriC^^ kriskropd20:27
Hoso001Btw I am on the latest ubuntu lts release20:27
Hoso001*LTS release20:28
riverloopStrange, LibreOffice doesn't have menu either!20:28
EriC^^idioticME: ok, type stat -c %a /path/to/root/etc/passwd20:28
riverloopDid a 'unity --replace' and menus are back. Sorry for the noise.20:30
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Hoso001I have tweaked the double click settings in the system settings thing.20:31
Hoso001Like its not a constant thing, is just about 1 out of every 4 clicks or so is a double click20:32
MonkeyDustHoso001  that are two 'things', it's becoming vague20:32
EriC^^idioticME: great looks like it wasn't changed20:33
Hoso001"things" What exactly do you mean?20:33
idioticMEEriC^^ does ubuntu fix this its own on boot?20:33
EriC^^idioticME: let's try the first few dirs cause it works alphabetically20:33
idioticMElet me try a reboot then?20:33
EriC^^hold on20:33
idioticMEbin 75520:33
idioticMEboot 75520:33
Hoso001oh! I moved the double click speed slider and i am on the tester on the system settings menu20:33
idioticMEetc 75520:34
EriC^^idioticME: try stat -c %a /path/to/root/bin/ls20:34
EriC^^are you sure you're doing it in the actual install and not the live session?20:34
EriC^^should be /media/something/.../bin/ls20:34
idioticMElive session / livecd20:34
EriC^^or /mnt/bin/ls if you mounted it under /mnt20:34
EriC^^you need to do that for the actual install20:35
idioticMEit is20:35
EriC^^/media/.../bin/ls ?20:35
idioticMEi am in the right path20:35
idioticMEyes :)20:35
EriC^^ok awesome20:35
EriC^^i'd check the history20:35
EriC^^just to see what command actually ran, since you're already there20:36
EriC^^did you use sudo with the command?20:36
idioticMEits encrypted, but let me do a reboot and be back20:36
EriC^^(ubuntu doesn't fix this by itself btw)20:36
EriC^^ok, give it a shot20:37
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idioticMElet see20:37
terminalrecluseurgent issue that is so puzzling - so before a reboot I had my titan x working with nvidia0 nvidiactl and nvidia-uvm all working, passing the titan x to a docker container20:39
terminalreclusebut then on reboot20:39
terminalreclusethe nvidia-uvm is gone20:39
terminalreclusestarting the docker container with the same parameters doesn't work20:39
terminalreclusei can't for the life of me how to fix it20:39
idioticME"usb 1-1.2: device descriptor read/64, error -110"20:41
idioticMEit gets to the "[ OK ] Started vboxweb-service.service. " and then it stops20:42
idioticMEalt+ctrl+f3 works tho20:43
EriC^^how'd you run the command before?20:44
bipulHello, I was trying to install pbuilder , and i am stuck at "I: Retrieving Packages "20:44
idioticMEfor a sec i shows some text and then gets back to "login: _"20:45
idioticMElog in and out20:45
bipulI have follow this document https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto and found that it has been written only for saucy.20:45
EriC^^idioticME: try logging into a different account20:46
bipulI am using trusty.20:46
wyrehi guys! how can I enable hibernation feature?20:46
idioticMEroot is disabled, can use the password20:46
idioticMElogin incorrect20:47
MonkeyDustwyre  sudo -e /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla20:47
brainwashwyre: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html20:47
EriC^^idioticME: boot the live session again20:47
EriC^^or try booting the kernel with init=/bin/bash20:48
wyreMonkeyDust, to ubuntu 16.04?20:48
wyreand then should works "pm-hibernate"?20:49
Hoso001_So, I have fixed the mouse issue.20:51
Hoso001_Turns out it was just a bad mouse.20:52
|RIC|any one know about python pandas?20:52
Hoso001_I am crying a little, that mouse is over 10 years old. We went through a lot together.20:52
xtr33Hi guys, is there anyone online that knows how to get the Ps4 controller working over BT in Ubuntu 16.04?20:58
grummyuh could someone help with with installing ubuntu? it's not wanting to work atm :(21:00
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EriC^^how so?21:00
Jordan_Ugrummy: Please give a detailed description of the problem you're having and if anyone thinks they can help they will.21:00
grummyI verified all the files and they are all ok but when I tell it to install it wont boot properly, it goes through the loading screen and then the screen just goes black with an occasional error window popping up in the corner and disappearing again21:01
grummyand sometimes the login screen flashes up but disappears again straight after21:02
Jordan_Ugrummy: What version of Ubuntu?21:02
grummy16.04 desktop x6421:03
grummytried making the usb with both rufus and unetbootin too but same problem21:04
idioticME[16:48] <EriC^^> or try booting the kernel with init=/bin/bash <- i don't really know how to do that, i assume that it has to be done from livecd, which i am in again now21:04
ultraghost3000hi all21:04
ultraghost3000i'm the best ubuntu user21:05
ultraghost3000because im use MATE desktop21:05
ultraghost3000unity suck21:05
idioticMEultraghost3000, there a no such thing21:05
Jordan_Uultraghost3000: This channel is for productive Ubuntu support discussion only. Please stop the offtopic postings.21:05
EriC^^idioticME: mount the root partition21:06
ultraghost3000im killed nvidia tearing with compton21:07
idioticMEEriC^^: done21:07
ultraghost3000im so cute21:07
Jordan_Uultraghost3000: This is your last warning before I remove you from the channel.21:07
idioticMEultraghost3000 please leave21:07
idioticMEwe are trying to solve problems, not start them ..21:08
brymevening all. ima longshot this one here, since the people in #android only seem to want to argue with each other instead of help;21:09
minas114Hi. My Wifi has stopped working since 16.04 (it's broadcom). I have seen other people having the same problem. Is there a solution to this?21:09
EriC^^idioticME: ok, how'd you run the command you ran before?21:10
brymmy xperia z5 has a cracked screen, i have an otg cable, but can't access the settings menu to enable detection of usb devices.21:10
Jordan_Uminas114: Which driver are you using? Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn -d 14e4:" .21:10
brymany solutions? i know it's a stretch asking here.21:10
minas114Jordan_U, Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)21:10
idioticMEthe home/user is encrypted21:11
idioticMEhow do i unlock it?21:11
Jordan_Uminas114: OK, that looks to be only supported with the proprietary WL driver. Do you have that installed via the "Additional Drivers" tool?21:11
minas114Jordan_U, Yes21:12
minas114Jordan_U, By the way, I was using the beta version of 16.04 and it working fine until about 5 days ago (some days before the official release).21:13
minas114SOme update broke it I belive...21:13
Cedaraoff to bed, night21:13
EriC^idioticME: got dc21:15
EriC^did you use sudo with the command you ran?21:16
talpiohi, guys!21:17
EriC^idioticME: ok, try less /mnt/var/log/auth.log21:17
EriC^it should be somewhere at the bottom21:17
idioticMEcan i grep it?21:18
talpioWhat do you prefer, fresh install or upgrade?21:19
EriC^press "G" it should scroll down21:19
SomethjhgdkjfgHeeehhhhhhh... where to start...21:19
SomethjhgdkjfgSo... I got a hard drive wrack...21:20
CloudblowAnyone tund solution for nVidia drivers bug on ubuntu 16.04?21:20
idioticMEEriC^ do you mind taking this in pm?21:20
EriC^idioticME: you could do grep -i "sudo.*command" /var/log/auth.log21:20
tennishey! anyone have luck running X in 16.04 server on virtualbox? I'm trying my best to debug it, here's what i have so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16015323/21:20
mynameisliviuanyone with mouse problems on 16.04?21:20
EriC^idioticME: ok21:20
SomethjhgdkjfgI decided to set it up so that I can use all 3 of my hard drives... instead of just two. I must have done something wrong... because when I booted into my server... it booted into emergency mode...21:20
mynameisliviuanyone with mouse problems on 16.04?21:21
Somethjhgdkjfgso I have to try and save my stuff...21:21
mynameisliviuanyone with mouse problems on 16.04?21:21
Somethjhgdkjfgbut I once again, fell victim to the "encrypt" thing...21:21
Somethjhgdkjfgso I followed the instructions...21:21
mynameisliviuanyone with mouse problems on 16.04?21:21
Somethjhgdkjfgroot@file-ssh-server:/home/aarrgg# ecryptfs-mount-private21:21
SomethjhgdkjfgERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly21:21
SomethjhgdkjfgIs there a reason I'm getting this error?21:21
SomethjhgdkjfgSomething I can do to fix it?21:22
talpioWhat do you prefer, fresh install or upgrade?21:22
SomethjhgdkjfgAnd ffs, what am I supposed to do in this "emergency mode"?21:22
SomethjhgdkjfgIt's never clear...21:22
c0nfusekiI am needing assistance with udev. I would like to know if listing a parent device's details (which is showing to be different for every port of a usb hub when i use "" udevadm info -a -n /dev/sdb "") is enough to make it a valid udev rule to identify a particular USB hub/port value...? can I run my udev rule without resetting my computer? (when the port numbers can possibly all be redefined on reboot)21:23
akhilGuys. Having trouble with suspend on 16.0421:23
akhilanyone else facing the saem trouble?21:23
k1l_better ask specific questions. to find another user with the exact same error on the exact same hardware/software might take a while21:24
Cloudblow nomodeset if is it used before or after quiet or splash or acpi= it change the effect?21:24
DagdaI'm having a KB issue with 16.04. I install, enable LUKS cryptsetup, set PW, and then after being prompted to reboot, my kb isn't loading correctly. Basically, key modifiers are unavailable, so "shift" isn't available. This is obviously a concern since I don't want to use a key without any caps or special chars. Has anyone else encountered this issue?21:24
SomethjhgdkjfgHow do I fix this:21:24
Somethjhgdkjfgroot@file-ssh-server:/home/aarrgg# ecryptfs-mount-private21:24
SomethjhgdkjfgERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly21:24
Somethjhgdkjfgso I can save my stuff and reinstall the server?21:24
pelle_hi! does anyone know where i can find a good guide on how to overclock my monitor?21:24
gnuyenI chose to have an encrypted home directory and it chose a strong passphrase for me, how can I change this without breaking everything?21:25
k1l_Cloudblow: put that anwhere where quiet and splash are written. if before or after that should not matter21:25
xtr33Hi guys, is there anyone online that knows how to get the Ps4 controller working over BT in Ubuntu 16.04?21:25
pauljwSomethjhgdkjfg, are you certain you're putting in the correct passphrase?  i get that error if i goof it up.21:26
SomethjhgdkjfgI don't even know how to enter my passphrase,.21:26
SomethjhgdkjfgI am told cryptsetup -y in the terminal... but then I get this....21:26
reisioxtr33: http://askubuntu.com/questions/546811/how-do-i-use-the-dualshock-4-with-ubuntu-14-1021:26
Somethjhgdkjfgcryptsetup: Argument <action> missing21:27
Somethjhgdkjfgpauljw ^^^^^^^21:27
pauljwdon't know Somethjhgdkjfg21:27
Cloudblowk1l_: thanks, because i had read who use nomodeset first quiet after ro in cmdline and he had fixed nvidia black screen21:27
SomethjhgdkjfgI hate encryption... I guess I'm done with that feature.21:28
Somethjhgdkjfgidc if it leaves me less secure.21:28
lee_G750jmis this  dealing with the wireless or the GPU CPU: 1 PID: 2869 at /build/linux-lts-wily-H6pWeh/linux-lts-wily-4.2.0/net/wireless/sme.c:98121:29
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daniele_Hi guys21:32
daniele_I want to contribute ubuntu21:32
daniele_where can I start?21:32
reisiodo it21:32
reisiodaniele_: https://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/21:32
reisiodaniele_: or just go to launchpad and fix bugs21:32
bohm4when trying to launch ubuntu 16.04 in virtualbox, it is halting with an "intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package"21:32
pauljwSkepticalParrot, there must be a solution, i just don't know it.  someone may come up with an answer.  i thought about the password/phrase because that's the error i get in linux mint where i have encrypted the drive.  thought it might be the same.  sorry.21:32
bohm4(error message)21:33
bohm4iirc, this happens with 14.04 vm, too21:34
c0nfusekiI am needing assistance with udev. I would like to know if listing a parent device's details (which is showing to be different for every port of a usb hub when i use "" udevadm info -a -n /dev/sdb "") is enough to make it a valid udev rule to identify a particular USB hub/port value...? can I run my udev rule without resetting my computer? (when the port numbers can possibly all be redefined on reboot)21:34
bohm4but it does not happen with linux mint, which is based on 14.04. why?21:35
daniele_reisio: is there any dev related channel?21:35
bohm4yes, daniele_21:35
bohm4it is ubuntu_devel21:35
daniele_bohm4: thanks21:35
reisiodaniele_: /msg alis list *ubunt*dev*21:36
bohm4sorry for the typo21:36
MonkeyDustdaniele_  #ubuntu-app-devel is one21:37
poliSo is there some alternative to the old coda filesystem for roadwarriors to keep files synced with a base computer these days? Maybe Ceph will have something similar?21:38
tony1I have a problem if I reboot an ubuntu VM I get the error, kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)21:42
tony1if I shutdown the VM and restart it it will boot fine. the error only happens if I reboot the VM using ssh. any ideas?21:42
geirhahow are you rebooting in each case?21:43
tony1if I reboot with ssh I get the error "reboot command. if I shutdown and restart with the VB gui it will restart fine21:45
reisiooh, that 'B' typo really threw me for a moment21:45
reisiotony1: what VM system?21:45
reisiosay Hyper-V, I dare you21:45
tony1sorry virtualbox21:46
geirhaexact command and exact error would help21:46
bohm4say what again21:47
c0nfusekiI am needing assistance with udev. I would like to know if listing a parent device's details (which is showing to be different for every port of a usb hub when i use "" udevadm info -a -n /dev/sdb "") is enough to make it a valid udev rule to identify a particular USB hub/port value...? can I run my udev rule without resetting my computer? (when the port numbers can possibly all be redefined on reboot)21:49
chilipalmerI have a fesh install of Ubuntu 16.04LTS. Everything seems to be working perfectly. I do see one small problem. When I open the new software store, I get the search panel, with three buttons above it: All, Installed, and Updates. The rest of the window is blank. Other than that, the application seems to work properly. Did I miss something or have I run into a bug of some sort?21:49
tony1the exact error is kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) if I use reboot or shutdown -r now from ssh21:50
tony1but if I shut down and restart the virtualbox vm from the gui or VBoxManage it will start fine21:52
ricardoI have this message on my syslog "[drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=73630 end=73631) time 648 us, min 763, max 767, scanline start 738, end 769", how can i solve this issue?21:52
xtr33reisio:  thanks I tried installing ds4drv but in terminal I get:  The directory '/home/xtr33/.cache/pip/http' or its parent is owner by the current user and the cache is disabled... then says something about an -H flag21:54
reisioxtr33: with bluetooth, I'm not sure you need any particular driver21:56
xtr33reisio, I have connected the controller, the headset of the controller wont connect which I'm not worried about but the controller just plain wont work21:57
xtr33works fine with cable tho21:57
reisioxtr33: which version of Ubuntu?21:59
reisioxtr33: what's your uname -a output?22:00
VonologicCan someone help me disable screenlock/screensaver in 16.0422:00
reisioVonologic: system prefs should have that option22:00
xtr33reisio:  username is xtr33, -a output?22:01
MultbrelchMenu in top panel is missing in 16.04 (64Bit). I can get it back by executing 'unity' in the terminal. How can I make it permanent upon boot?22:01
Picixtr33: the command is literally 'uname -a'22:02
xtr33thanks pici  it is Linux xtr33-Macbook 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:33:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:03
reisioxtr33: okay, update to linux-4.522:04
reisioshould fix it22:04
xtr33sounds good22:04
xtr33quick instruction on how to do that please?22:05
xtr33all g, think I found it online22:05
talgatHi guys22:06
reisioxtr33: looks like there are ppas: http://linuxdaddy.com/blog/install-kernel-4-5-on-ubuntu/22:06
reisiothat'd be simplest22:06
reisiotalgat: hi22:06
Guest96810Have you ever seen ubuntu on win 10? :) https://www.livecoding.tv/longlivechief/videos/YvNMG-ubuntu-on-windows-10-and-nodejs-stuff-11722:06
xtr33thanks reisio22:06
talgatI am new to ubuntu, I installed it on my laptop today22:06
reisiotalgat: cool22:07
nickismynickhi, i would modify files, but i'm always in read-only mode even if i chmod 755 the directory, what should i do ?22:07
reisioGuest96810: #ubuntu-on-windows22:07
talgathere ubuntu software works so slowly, it doesn't installs google chrome. why?22:07
reisiotalgat: you asked it to install chrome?22:07
reisionickismynick: what's the error you get?22:07
owen1_how do people managing thier .dotfiles? i use some symlinks i wrote myself but i am not an expert and they don't work perfectly22:08
reisiotalgat: and what'd it do?22:08
user197talgat use chromium22:08
talgatubuntu software works so slow22:08
Guest96810wat :D22:08
reisioGuest96810: hilarious22:09
nickismynicki dont get any error, i tried to modidy with geddit but i cant save22:10
reisionickismynick: you should use... gksu I think is today's preferred way, or pkexec22:11
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reisioor better yet use a terminal, and a terminal level text editor22:11
Sorikinvmware workstation 12, ubuntu 16.04, I have installed open-vm-tools and I have the VM setup to use enhanced keyboard, however open-vm-tools throws the error: "intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0" and I still cannot use backspace or shift. Has anyone seen this and resolved?22:11
nickismynicki know gksudo, i would know an other way to do22:12
c0nfusekiI am needing assistance with udev. I would like to know if listing a parent device's details (which is showing to be different for every port of a usb hub when i use "" udevadm info -a -n /dev/sdb "") is enough to make it a valid udev rule to identify a particular USB hub/port value...? can I run my udev rule without resetting my computer? (when the port numbers can possibly all be redefined on reboot)22:12
user197reisio: I am unable to play any video file in my system,only SMplays shows " Mplayer finished unexpectedly. Exit Code 1.  tell me what info you need to solve this issue22:12
reisiocesasr: shalom22:14
idiocitcMEhi can i recover ubuntu encrypted home dir without passphrase but with the password that i use to login? no right?22:18
idiocitcMEEriC^^ hi22:19
reisioidiocitcME: weren't they one in the same?22:19
idiocitcMEone in the same?22:19
AB49KI installed 16.04 yesterday and installed cinnamon  for my DE. When I put my computer to sleep, I get 2 password prompts to unlock my machine - and the cinnamon toolbar is gone, I can alt+F2 and type r to try and restart, but I *think* it immediately crashes again. Anyone had this before or got an insight?22:21
idiocitcMEis the encryption passphase the same as the password on the encrypted home dir?22:22
AB49KI'm not using encryption, from what I can see, there seems to be a unity unlock screen, and then a cinnamon unlock menu22:23
idiocitcMEi have lost my files system an i want to make a backup of the home folder22:24
reisioidiocitcME: I believe it's usually configured to be one in the same, yes22:25
idiocitcMEso i can use my login password then? (i must be sure not to misunderstand this)22:25
MultbrelchMenu in top panel is missing in 16.04 (64Bit). I can get it back by executing 'unity' in the terminal. How can I make it permanent upon boot?22:26
idiocitcMEthanks reisio :22:26
reisioidiocitcME: I doubt anything will happen if you try the wrong password22:27
pwertzwhats a good repository to add via terminal?22:27
Bashing-om!ppa | pwertz22:28
ubottupwertz: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:28
pwertzhey thanks Ubottu!22:29
pwertzcan add those repositories via terminal commands?22:29
user197I am unable to play video files in my system, mp3 works fine. I think its issue with mplayer... can anyone help ??22:30
xtr33reisio, thank you for the help the controller now works... however now when I quit the program fs uae the computer just black screens with a pointer22:31
pwertzwhat can I do after I add a repository?22:32
pwertzI am new to the Kubuntu/Linux world22:32
Multbrelchpwertz, you can install the soft which the ppa is offering22:32
=== badon_ is now known as badon
pwertzmultbrelch, what is the "soft"?22:33
Multbrelchsoft = software22:33
EriC^idiocitcME: decrypt the home dir first then copy the decrypted files to backup22:34
pwertzok. but i do not know what software is available to isntall22:34
pwertzI guess my problem is, I don't know I want to install22:34
EriC^pwertz: browse the software center22:34
bohm4Sorikin: I am getting the same error when attempting to boot into 16.04.22:34
pwertzhow do you get to the software center in Kubuntu?22:35
Multbrelchpwertz, normally you search for a specific soft ... then you find something that is not in the Ubuntu repositories. So then, you search the specific soft in a ppa, which someone is offering ...22:35
user197pwertz http://www.binarytides.com/better-kubuntu-14-04/22:35
bohm4Sorikin: and I using virtualbox, so that suggests that it isn't vmware workstation or virtualbox that is the problem22:35
bohm4hi subz3ro22:36
subz3r0anyone redirects his iptables logs to a seperate file?22:36
subz3r0it works with my debian boxes but not with ubuntu. i have no clue whats wrong here :(22:36
subz3r0iptables adds the prefix "IPTables-DROPPED: " to the logs22:37
subz3r0so i created a file under /etc/rsyslog.d/iptables.conf with the following content22:37
subz3r0:msg,contains,"IPTables-DROPPED: " /var/log/iptables.log22:38
subz3r0but it does log exactly nothing to that file22:38
SorikinAnd here I was trying to test opennms. maybe centos?22:38
pwertzhey thanks user197 and multbrelch22:38
pwertzthis is exactly why I came to a forum like this!22:39
Sebastien#ubuntu is not a forum22:39
wyrehi guys! ubuntu 16.04 does not detect my ati proprietary driver after update from 15.1022:39
Sebastienits a chatroom22:39
wyreanyone has an idea?22:39
Multbrelchpwertz, if you want to have always the newest 'Libreoffice', you use a ppa from somebody who is daily building Libreoffice from its actual developer status ...22:39
Gallomimiawell, i got my desktop to boot, with 14.04 installed. after like 3 weeks. but now it freezes at the login screen. any tips?22:39
subz3r0i got it22:39
subz3r0i created the file with root permissions. should be okay. but rsyslgo wanted to create its own file22:40
Multbrelchpwertz, same works for, e.g., blender, gwyddion, etc ... . One always finds a ppa ... almost22:40
reisioxtr: might want to change your graphics driver, too, then; hard to say :)22:40
pwertzwould I just do a sudo apt-get update/upgrade to stay up to date on that?22:40
Bashing-omwyre: See the releae notes .. there is no FGLRX driver in 16.04 .22:40
pwertzthis binarytides/better-kubuntu site is sexy22:41
xtr33reisio:  thanks, I will first try to uninstall and reinstall fs-uae22:41
Multbrelchpwertz, yes, but you need to 'include' a ppa ...22:41
reisiooh fs-uae, thought that was just a series of typoes :p22:41
pwertzwhats the command line again when installing a PPA?22:41
wyreBashing-om, but yet?22:41
wyreBashing-om, there will be anyday?22:41
pieroHi! A very important file was deleted in my encrypted home directory. After umounting ecryptfs I'm trying to recovery encrypted files in the ext4 home partition, but "forecast", the program im using, will never find individual files because the header of each file is encrypted there. Is there a way to just find individual files in ext4 fs, or better, can i find deleted files that meets 1.5Mb, for example?22:42
Multbrelchpwertz, look here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4983/what-are-ppas-and-how-do-i-use-them22:42
Bashing-omwyre: No, ATI is devoteing all efforts to support open source .22:42
pwertzoh nice22:42
Multbrelchpwertz, you receive lots of info via google ...22:42
pwertzI appreciate it Multbrelch22:42
Multbrelchwith respect to ubuntu22:43
pwertzyeah I've been using VirtualBox and watching videos on Youtube and searching Google22:43
wyreBashing-om, so... xorg driver should be fine driver?22:43
Multbrelchno problem - when I started with Linux I was like you ... so I have to pay back now ... :-)22:43
Multbrelchpwertz, ^22:43
Bashing-omwyre: Yeah ,,, If still problems .. one can only hope they work it out in the future . There is no other option .22:44
Multbrelchpwertz, ppa is lawyas a mean to get/update soft, which is not handled by ubuntu directly ....22:44
pwertzmultbrelch, well I hope I can do the same one day!22:44
pwertzyeah I am beginning to grasp the repository and PPA life22:45
wyreBashing-om, perfect :P22:45
Multbrelchpwertz, be patient but try out lots of things ... you will see, in 5 years, you have no desire for MSWindows, Apple, Android, etc anymore22:46
Bashing-omwyre: :) carry on .22:46
pwertzyeah I am already loving Linux life22:46
pwertzand the open-source world22:46
pwertzdoes Kubuntu have a software center?22:46
Multbrelchpwertz, yes, it rocks!22:46
Multbrelchpwertz, Kubuntu? yes, sure ... it's a bit different but quite similar22:47
pwertzI could only find articles related to Ubuntu's software center22:48
Gallomimiaalright. i can ssh into my box that seems to have its boot screen frozen22:49
Gallomimiawhat should i do? restart the boot screen? i need to configure the DNS client (it has bind9 installed) before i can run any updates22:49
Multbrelchpwertz, my last info ... you get all from the Internet, in particular from here and other channels ... cheers22:49
Gallomimiaubuntu 14.04 server22:50
Multbrelchand bye22:50
pwertzthanks homie22:50
bohm4Sorikin: problem replicates with ubuntu 14.04, but not linux mint 17 (downstream from ubuntu 14.04), so this seems to be an ubuntu-specific issue that the mint team fixed somehow22:51
Sorikinvery very odd22:53
citizen_where is a few places to get good articles on linux?22:53
pederif anyone can tell me how to get lvm+crypto working with manual partitioning (currently the 16.04 installer) i would be real happy22:54
citizen_it was a option for me peder22:54
clorisuanyone know why i cant cam on skype and in my web browser simultaneously?22:54
pedercitizen_: with manual partitioning?22:54
idiocitcMEhow happy can i get! i just found an 4 day old backup of my system EriC^22:54
pederi can create the crypto container, but not any lvm in it22:55
EriC^idiocitcME: nice22:55
idiocitcMEyeah its awesome! thank you so much for the help m822:55
idiocitcMEcheers! :D22:55
EriC^no problem :D22:56
fuimabirdHow do I connect to wifi in ubuntu server if I can't use nmcli?22:57
EriC^fuimabird: probably some wpa_supplicant magic22:57
citizen_anyone used the snaps yet?22:57
EriC^no idea22:57
demetrisbuild fails with configure: error: Building GCC requires GMP 4.2+, MPFR 2.4.0+ and MPC 0.8.0+22:57
demetrisgmp error went away with libgmp3-dev22:58
demetrisstill need MPFR 2.4.0+ and MPC 0.8.0+22:58
demetrisany help?22:58
=== kilty is now known as liftedkilt_
liftedkilt_I'm really struggling with networking on 16.04 desktop23:00
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liftedkilt_new install on baremetal23:00
liftedkilt_ubuntu recognizes my nics, and lspci -nnk shows that it has selected and loaded kernel modules for them23:01
liftedkilt_manually configured an ip address and trying to ping anything on my network fails 95% of the time - it will randomly work for a couple pings in a row here and there23:01
liftedkilt_tcpdump shows me the traffic on the network, so I don't think it's a hardware problem23:02
liftedkilt_arp -n shows the mac for my default gateway after pinging it, so it seems I have some level of l2 connectivity23:03
liftedkilt_anyone got any ideas?23:03
liftedkilt_hardware was working as of this morning when it was running windows23:03
liftedkilt_I wiped and reinstalled a second time and that didn't fix it23:04
Gallomimiai'm running ubuntu 14.04. how do i cause the login screen to restart from command line?23:04
FeelTheVibrationliftedkilt.  driver issue you think?23:04
Gallomimiamy gui seems to be frozen. no keyboard or mouse response. no change on display, monitor went to sleep. i can ssh in23:04
Lorne_Update of Q asked earlier... I'm trying to share a folder on my internal network... Was able to get 1st Computer (14.04) to share one working perfectly...but 2nd C (16.04) I get errors when I try to connect to it.  Looks like all permissions are turned on.23:05
FeelTheVibrationyou can use the "reboot" command but i believe it would have to be sudo with your password23:05
JalapanoI've got a noob question. I'm running gui-less so to speak, pure cli, but it's not using my entire screen, as though the resolution is off. How can I fix this?23:05
Gallomimiayeah rebooting won't help. it freezes at the login screen every time23:05
liftedkilt_FeelTheVibration: my onboard nic is using the realtek r8169 module, so I grabbed dkms-r8168 offline and installed it23:06
liftedkilt_didn't seem to help23:06
liftedkilt_my pci nics are intel server nics, running the e1000 module - should be pretty standard23:06
FeelTheVibrationive had times where i had to reinstall the proprietary shit several times23:06
FeelTheVibrationbefore it started working23:06
liftedkilt_is there a good way at grabbing everything I need driver wise offline and sneaker-netting it?23:07
FeelTheVibrationits more difficult than it should be23:07
Lorne_Feel... was that for me?23:07
liftedkilt_so I've experienced23:07
FeelTheVibrationnegative lorne23:08
SkepticalParrotEthernet and Wifi is up now...23:08
SkepticalParrotso how do I connect to the internet?23:08
SkepticalParrotIn ubuntu server?23:08
wafflej0ckAnyone know how I can adjust the grouped apps in the application menu in Gnome 3.1823:08
SkepticalParrotI've got a party in 1 hour, I'd really like to get this issue resolved before then... so help is appreciated.23:09
liftedkilt_SkepticalParrot: can you ping your default gateway>23:09
FeelTheVibrationi've been troubleshooting 50 hours this week at work. I need to leave this channel23:10
Gallomimiai wonder if it's the drivers causing problem. video card23:11
Gallomimiawell, can anyone help me with my loginscreen freeze?23:11
SkepticalParrotliftedkilt_ network unreachable.23:12
SkepticalParrotMaybe the developers of Ubuntu should ***really*** consider asking if the user wants to install nmcli, since some people who install server maybe want a base installation...23:13
SkepticalParrotThat way this makes the job a lOT easier.23:13
citizen_should i install all the new snaps?23:16
dbz2kwhen is a bug confirmed does that mean that the ubuntu team looked at the bug?23:17
dbz2kwhen a23:17
jayjoHey - I have an apple mouse and I can't get the speed down on the mouse speed... its at lowest level but its still to fast. can I adjust this further somehow?23:20
Gallomimiai've heard you can. but i forget how23:20
Gallomimiaits in a config file somewhere23:20
jayjoHow would i even go about it?23:21
jayjoOh I change a file?23:21
jayjojust for my user?23:21
brokenWhyFihowdy yall ubuntu16.04lts unity wifi icon in menubar keeps changing to up/down arrows23:26
RhorsebrokenWhyFi: just the icon is broke?23:28
brokenWhyFialso sudo service network-manager restart works but it eventually goes back again23:28
newbsieI'm on Ubuntu Server 14.04.04 LTS. is it a good idea to store the gunicorn socket file in /tmp? Apparently this /tmp is cleaned daily, but I assume it won't be if the file is in use?23:28
brokenWhyFiRhorse: its not the wifi symbol it switches to arrows but yes just the symbol is messed up not my actual connection23:29
Lorne_Update of Q asked earlier... I'm trying to share a folder on my internal network... Was able to get 1st Computer (14.04) to share one working perfectly...but 2nd C (16.04) I get errors when I try to connect to it.  Looks like all permissions are turned on.23:31
linuxgeckoi need to install a 32-bit version of java on my 64-bit 15.10 desktop. i have oracle-java8-installer, but i need it's 32-bit counterpart.  any help?23:31
RhorseHow is 16.04 otherwise? Everything else working, brokenWhyFi?23:31
brokenWhyFiRhorse: i can still click it and interact. the symbol is just messed and i am unsure where to start looking for a solution. all articles online apply only to connection issues23:31
liftedkilt_brokenWhyFi: do you also have a wired connection by chance?23:32
Lorne_...I've noticed that the Icon for the working share is a Folder on a Folder...but the one not working well only has he arrows on a folder...does that help?  (What does that difference mean?)23:32
brokenWhyFiRhorse: no its an ultrabook , only wifi and bluetooth no virtualbox or vmware is installed23:33
Yehaibazhang is faggot23:33
Yehaiw1lcl3f3g: bazhang is faggot23:34
Yehaibazhang is faggot23:34
squinty!ops  Yehai23:34
Yehai!ops squinty23:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:35
borisetoHi, how can I check which GPU is used when using open source drivers with Intel and AMD?23:35
Yehaisquinty: bazhang is faggot23:35
Yehaipiece of shit23:35
citizen_woah my first ubuntu troll out in the wild....this place is turning into a trailer park.23:36
akiknewbsie: you could use /var/tmp instead23:36
Yehainow everyone follow me23:36
Yehaibazhang is faggot23:36
newbsieakik: what is the difference of doing so and why would I do that? I'm genuinely do not know. :)23:36
brokenWhyFiliftedkilt_: nope thats the icon for it though _____ interface 802.11 Wifi (wlp2s0)23:37
akiknewbsie: you've noticed that /tmp is cleaned regularly. i'll check if /var/tmp survives a restart23:38
linuxgeckowhat is the oracle-java8-installer version in 16.04?23:38
newbsieakik: some research indicates that /var/tmp is clean less, but it might not appear in the beginning23:38
newbsieakik: also, /var/tmp is intended for larger files, but will perform slower as it sometimes are on hard drive....23:39
akiknewbsie: it survived the reboot. you can store any size files there23:40
newbsieakik: some more research indicate /tmp is actually cleaned on reboot, not daily as suggested elsewhere.23:40
brokenWhyFihow does unity menubar know icon to display for running program?23:41
akiknewbsie: a hard drive is fast. what do you mean?23:41
newbsieakik: is there any reason to keep a gunicorn sock file on reboot? it seems ramdisk should be a lot faster and may be more important for perofrmance23:41
linuxgeckois it normal to get this (seemingly low) level of help here? or am i not askign the right questions?23:41
newbsieakik: /tmp apparently is often stored in ramdisk, whereas /var/tmp is often stored on hard drive...23:41
akiknewbsie: i don't know what gunicorn is. but if it's just a sock file it's minimal usually23:41
newbsieakik: gunicorn is a python based wsgi server and I use the socket to communicate with nginx which is a proxy23:42
brokenWhyFilinuxgecko: have you checked the website to see if its available?23:43
linuxgeckobrokenWhyFi:  16.04?23:43
akiknewbsie: http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/deploy.html tells you to put it into /run/gunicorn23:44
brokenWhyFilinuxgecko: thats my ubuntu version so hopefully someone can help23:44
mekhamiwhat is the correct way to install nodejs and the node command line tool in ubuntu 15.1023:45
mekhamii've messed this up too many times and i want to get it right23:45
BakaProxyyall niggers need Jesus23:45
brokenWhyFilinuxgecko: i believe they offer 32 and 64 this link displays all https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp23:47
linuxgeckobrokenWhyFi: do you have oracle java?23:47
newbsieakik: in the same page, nginx is is listed as using /tmp/gunicorn.sock and there is no /run/gunicorn/ dir on my ubuntu system.23:47
brokenWhyFilinuxgecko: no i have open jdk8 installed by default not oracle23:48
ForgottenPlayerDo you think is a good idea to use 16.04 for a gaming/web server right away?23:48
juancahay humanos aca o todoss son bots23:49
brokenWhyFiForgottenPlayer: only one way to find out haha23:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:50
XarkForgottenPlayer: What could possibly go wrong? :)23:50
linuxgeckobrokenWhyFi:  i cna't find 8u77 in 32-bit..   only 8u91 or 8u92,   AFAIK, i need the one that matches my packaged one, which is 8u7723:51
ForgottenPlayerPrograms not being compatible? :C23:51
ForgottenPlayerJust wondering if I should expect trouble with common programs.23:51
newbsieakik: anyhow, I appreciate your help! :D, I will head over to #gunicorn or #python and check with them over there.23:52
brokenWhyFiForgottenPlayer: its a possibility its only been out for 2 days23:53
ForgottenPlayerSo, should I use it for a production server?23:54
squinty!es | juanca23:55
ubottujuanca: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:55
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ForgottenPlayersquinty, nice way to refer people to the spanish channel23:55
brokenWhyFilinuxgecko: oh i thought they were stand alone.. did you try it to see if it works anyway?23:55
citizen_any kubuntu users?23:57
Bashing-omForgottenPlayer: The big boys who do servers in the real world wait for the .1 release .. all the hoopala to settle out .23:57

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