sakib | hello | 03:22 |
RemonShai | sakib ভাই, সালাম লন। | 03:31 |
RemonShai | anybody here....? | 04:05 |
RemonShai | Rezwan ভাই কি আছেন? | 04:13 |
Kilos | morning all | 06:02 |
Kilos | hi pavlushka | 06:07 |
pavlushka | Hello Kilos ! | 06:08 |
pavlushka | Sorry, I was unavailable for power outage :( | 06:08 |
Kilos | np | 06:08 |
pavlushka | spend the wholes night under backup lights | 06:09 |
pavlushka | *whole | 06:09 |
Kilos | ai! | 06:09 |
pavlushka | Kilos: yesterday, tareq was saying to have problems with his nick | 06:10 |
Kilos | yes | 06:10 |
pavlushka | yes, he just have to "/nick nick" and then identify | 06:10 |
pavlushka | but if he can be able to set these on the irc client settings which is possible | 06:11 |
Kilos | he came right | 06:11 |
pavlushka | yep, noticed | 06:11 |
pavlushka | then he dont need to do it manually | 06:12 |
pavlushka | he can set these on quassel settings. | 06:12 |
Kilos | i dont know ifhehas sorted it in his client | 06:12 |
Kilos | spacebar struggling here | 06:13 |
pavlushka | :) | 06:13 |
Kilos | andi cleaned it | 06:13 |
Kilos | still messes around | 06:13 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I was using a lappy on loan for last 3 day's by sharing sessions with my sis | 06:14 |
Kilos | ah ok | 06:14 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I was using a lappy on loan for last 3 day's by sharing sessions with my sis | 06:28 |
pavlushka | but did not need to fight with nicks, :) | 06:28 |
pavlushka | now I fixed mine, yeah, So I am into my elements now,:p | 06:28 |
pavlushka | Kilos: but need to sell my Android, coz that died too at the same time and will not help anymore, so | 06:28 |
pavlushka | Kilos: So I am not invincible anymore, :p | 06:28 |
pavlushka | Kilos: already sold the Android, now I in Kilos's mode, :p | 06:28 |
Kilos | ohmy | 06:28 |
Kilos | lol | 06:29 |
Kilos | who buys a dead android device | 06:32 |
pavlushka | Kilos: The one who fixes dead Android, :p | 06:33 |
Kilos | lol | 06:33 |
pavlushka | Kilos: he needs parts! | 06:33 |
pavlushka | Hello z4ki ! | 06:53 |
pavlushka | Salam | 06:53 |
pavlushka | z4ki: in the office? | 06:54 |
pavlushka | z4ki: otherwise you are supposed to be on the way to Mosque, :p | 06:55 |
pavlushka | and me too | 06:55 |
pavlushka | bbl | 06:55 |
z4ki | im in office. | 06:55 |
z4ki | what about you? | 06:55 |
pavlushka | z4ki: good, :p | 06:55 |
pavlushka | I am at home, but preparing for Mosque! | 06:56 |
z4ki | oky. | 06:56 |
pavlushka | I am back, :) | 07:57 |
pavlushka | z4ki: ping | 08:10 |
pavlushka | z4ki: check it out | 08:11 |
pavlushka | Hello RemonShai ! | 08:23 |
pavlushka | wlcome | 08:23 |
RemonShai | hello.... | 08:23 |
pavlushka | কেমন দাম পাইলেন বাজারে? | 08:24 |
pavlushka | আমি একবার বেঁচছিলাম, মটর শাক! | 08:24 |
RemonShai | একদম জলের দাম.... 😞 | 08:24 |
RemonShai | আমি মাঝেমধ্যে বিক্রি করি। | 08:25 |
pavlushka | মটর শাক? | 08:25 |
RemonShai | না, | 08:25 |
pavlushka | ও | 08:25 |
pavlushka | ভাই, কিনতে যাবেন, সব আগুন দাম। | 08:26 |
RemonShai | হ্যাঁ, একদম সত্যি | 08:27 |
RemonShai | কি আর করার..! পঁচিয়ে নষ্ট করার চেয়ে, যা আসে তাই আলহামদুলিল্লাহ্ | 08:28 |
pavlushka | তবে যারা আপনার কাছ থেকে কিনসে, তারা এই কথা বলবে না মনে হয়, :পি | 08:28 |
RemonShai | বলবে। কারন, ব্যাপারীর কাছে বিক্রি করেছি। | 08:29 |
pavlushka | লুল | 08:29 |
RemonShai | লুল২ | 08:29 |
pavlushka | Kilos: for today, happy Friday to you! | 08:30 |
RemonShai | কই উনি...? | 08:30 |
pavlushka | আসে, সময় পাইলে উত্তর দিবে... | 08:31 |
RemonShai | hi Kilos, my grand friend...? | 08:31 |
RemonShai | গতকাল তো ওনার সাথে বেশ রসিকতা করলাম। | 08:32 |
pavlushka | হুমম, লক্ষ করসি, :p | 08:33 |
RemonShai | আমি কিন্তু এই চ্যাট রুমের আদি-মধ্য-অন্ত কিছুই খুজে পাচ্ছি না। | 08:34 |
pavlushka | মানে? | 08:35 |
Kilos | higuys | 08:35 |
pavlushka | Kilos: looks like you are running low on spaces, :p | 08:35 |
RemonShai | hi.... Kilos, my *** friend | 08:36 |
pavlushka | Kilos: see I have a lot of spaces : p | 08:36 |
Kilos | yes i dont know whats wrong this space bar | 08:36 |
RemonShai | kill space bars. ....hahahhahah | 08:37 |
Kilos | iremoved the key and cleaned but nowi have to tap it dead centre forit to work | 08:37 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আপনি এই চ্যাটরুম থেকে কি আশা করছেন? আমি চেষ্টা করব আপনাকে যথা সাধ্য সাহায্য করতে, বলুন | 08:38 |
pavlushka | Kilos: may be the spring balance is displaced beneath this wide key. | 08:39 |
RemonShai | pavlushka আমি আপাদত পুরনো বার্তা দেখার উপায় খুঁজতেছি। | 08:39 |
Kilos | i will look butdont understand these things yet | 08:40 |
Kilos | wbb | 08:41 |
RemonShai | oops... my big bro | 08:41 |
Kilos | lol | 08:41 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: বলতে হবে তো তা, না বললে বুঝব কি করে? browser এ paste করেন | 08:41 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: তারপরে খুঁজে বের করুন #ubuntu-bd.txt | 08:43 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: এবার দেখেন এখানে | 08:45 |
RemonShai | আর কেউ যদি আমাকে কিছু লেখে আমি পাবো কিভাবে...? Nb; যখন আমি অফলাইনে থাকবো | 08:45 |
pavlushka | যদি এই চ্যানেলে লিখে, তাহলে offline থাকলেও irc logs এ তা পাবেন | 08:46 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: আগের লিঙ্ক টা কিছু ভুল ছিল, এটা try করেন | 08:47 |
RemonShai | wow..... to learning new thing I fell peaceful..... | 08:48 |
pavlushka | :) | 08:50 |
RemonShai | :) | 08:50 |
pavlushka | আপনি আমার দেওয়া লিঙ্ক গুলোতে 24 number টা লক্ষ করেন, তার মানে সেটা সেই তারিখের, মানে আজকের | 08:51 |
pavlushka | আপনি শুধু সেই number টা বদলে যে number দিবেন, সেটা তত তারিখের log হবে, :) | 08:52 |
RemonShai | ও আচ্ছা | 08:54 |
RemonShai | 6বাহ দারুন তো...! | 08:54 |
RemonShai | বাহ দারুন তো...! | 08:55 |
Kilos | well, seems to be working fine again | 08:57 |
pavlushka | :) | 08:57 |
Kilos | battle to see what clips in where | 08:57 |
RemonShai | :) | 08:57 |
Kilos | im so happy thats fixed | 08:59 |
pavlushka | me too. | 08:59 |
RemonShai | Congregation..... me toooooooo | 09:00 |
Kilos | laptops are horrible things | 09:00 |
Kilos | just easier than sitting at a desktop all day | 09:01 |
RemonShai | hahahaahahahaa | 09:01 |
RemonShai | I like desktop though I use laptop | 09:02 |
Kilos | yes | 09:02 |
Kilos | much better | 09:03 |
RemonShai | yeh ;) | 09:03 |
pavlushka | W AudaciousTUX ! | 09:12 |
RemonShai | কি নাম রে ভাও :D | 09:12 |
AudaciousTUX | hellu | 09:14 |
AudaciousTUX | :v | 09:14 |
pavlushka | তানজিম | 09:14 |
RemonShai | চিনেছি,পরিচয় পর্ব ইতিমধ্যে সুসম্পন্ন হয়েছে | 09:15 |
RemonShai | 2এই নামের মাহাত্ম্য কি??? | 09:16 |
pavlushka | হেতি আসলে নাম নিসিল TUX, linux muscot | 09:17 |
pavlushka | পরে ফসলায়ে গেসে | 09:18 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: Linux penguin টার নাম হচ্ছে tux | 09:18 |
RemonShai | ও মোর আল্লাহ.... এই কাহিনী... লুল লুল লুল | 09:20 |
RemonShai | আমার নাম short করবো ভাবতেছি, শুধু shai লিখবো ;) | 09:22 |
RemonShai | 6আমরা করো, নাম পরিবর্তনের গন্ধ পেলাম। ঘটনা কি সত্যি...? | 09:27 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
RemonShai | hahahahahahaha | 09:28 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: line was disconnected, that's why. | 09:29 |
pavlushka | but thanks for pointing, otherwise I didn't noticed that. | 09:29 |
RemonShai | ও.... | 09:30 |
RemonShai | এই চ্যাট রুমে কয়েকজনের নাম রঙ্গিন, কারন টা কি...? | 09:31 |
AudaciousTUX | #rainbow effect | 09:32 |
RemonShai | আমি কিন্তু chatting list এর কথা বলতেছি | 09:33 |
AudaciousTUX | jani :v | 09:33 |
AudaciousTUX | amar colorful dekhay na... side e icon dekhay alada alada | 09:33 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: this might help you | 09:33 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: কারন তারা active | 09:34 |
RemonShai | AudaciousTUX আর + চিহ্নের কারন কি..? | 09:34 |
pavlushka | and nick colors selected randomly to help recognize particularly | 09:36 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: কোথায় + দেখাচ্ছে? | 09:37 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: RemonShai Hexchat use করে | 09:38 |
RemonShai | online list এ... দু'জনের নাম | 09:38 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: Kilos and Rezwan? | 09:38 |
RemonShai | হ্যাঁ | 09:39 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: that means they are privileged user, not sure about if they have kick/ban authority | 09:39 |
RemonShai | আরে গুঁতাগুঁতি করতে করতেই বুঝে ফেলবো ইনশাআল্লাহ। | 09:41 |
pavlushka | no, they dont have kick/ban authority | 09:41 |
AudaciousTUX | nope... amar authority nai | 09:41 |
pavlushka | + দের কথা বলসি | 09:42 |
AudaciousTUX | uh.. | 09:42 |
pavlushka | তানজিম, তুমি কেন দুই রুপে? | 09:42 |
AudaciousTUX | amar namer pashe naki + dekhche? | 09:42 |
pavlushka | না | 09:42 |
RemonShai | না | 09:42 |
AudaciousTUX | jate amaree ami ban korte pari :v | 09:42 |
pavlushka | লুল | 09:42 |
pavlushka | তানজিম, তুমি কেন দুই রুপে? | 09:43 |
pavlushka | আবার web interface থেকে কেন, kiwi use করে? | 09:43 |
AudaciousTUX | humm | 09:43 |
pavlushka | হুমম | 09:44 |
RemonShai | ওয়েব থেকে চালানো ইকটু ঝামেলা...? | 09:44 |
RemonShai | আমার মনে হইছিল গতকাল | 09:44 |
AudaciousTUX | nah | 09:45 |
RemonShai | আপনারা কি বলেন...? | 09:45 |
pavlushka | আমারো একি কথা মনে হইসে, unstable, বার বার reconnect করে | 09:46 |
AudaciousTUX | oh ha... ei kahini kore | 09:46 |
pavlushka | শুধু আমি না, অন্যরাও যারা web থেকে Login করসিল, তারাও বার বার reconnect করছিল | 09:47 |
pavlushka | a bit disturbing but good to start easy, :) | 09:47 |
RemonShai | আরে AudaciousTUX ভাই, আমি যতবার ঢুকছি আপনারে লিংকের সাহায্যে ঢুকছি। আর সেকেন্ডে সেকেন্ডে net connection ছেড়ে দেয়। | 09:47 |
AudaciousTUX | hmm... connect disconnect massage off koira rakhlei kahini khotom :D | 09:48 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: কিন্তু idea টা দারুন, অনেক নতুন লোক টানসে | 09:48 |
RemonShai | নতুন হিসেবে আমি তো ভ্যাবাচ্যাকার মধ্যে পড়ে যাচ্ছিলাম। | 09:48 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: who connects through the web all are new, and that notification is important to know whether someone is here or left. | 09:50 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: flaw corrected, :) | 09:57 |
RemonShai | সব মাথার উপর দিয়া গেল! কিছুই বুঝলাম না। সকালে pidgin 2.11.0 install দিলাম মাগার install হইছিল ২.১০.২ ভার্সন। যদিও চলছিল না মানে net connect. নেয় নাই। এখন আবার open করে দেখি latest version..... | 10:00 |
z4ki | hey pavlushka | 10:16 |
pavlushka | z4ki: checked the given link? | 10:16 |
z4ki | yap. reading | 10:17 |
pavlushka | z4ki: do like wget -O /home/pavlushka/Documents/ubuntu-bd-23.txt and open it with gedit or something, you can read the Bengali even. | 10:19 |
z4ki | hmm. | 10:20 |
RemonShai | IRC -র পূর্ণরূপ কি যেন...? | 10:21 |
z4ki | internet relay chat | 10:21 |
RemonShai | :) | 10:22 |
pavlushka | z4ki: or you can just select the html format to watch it online, the unicode and complex scripts are visible there | 10:22 |
RemonShai | @ChanServ এর গল্পটা কি...? | 10:35 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: Chanserv is a major part of the network services and maintains channel registrations and use. This service generally restricts channel management through a hierarchy system of access: the channel registrar (otherwise known as founder) retains the highest level of power. | 10:40 |
RemonShai | :) | 10:46 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: এই চ্যানেলের channel registrar is Ekushey | 10:47 |
pavlushka | bbl | 10:49 |
RemonShai | ☺o✔ o✔ o✔ o✔ o✔☺ | 10:49 |
pavlushka | back again, :) | 11:32 |
tareq | hello guys | 11:43 |
pavlushka | Hello tareq | 11:51 |
pavlushka | How are you? | 11:54 |
pavlushka | got you quassel problem solved? | 11:54 |
tareq | yes | 11:58 |
pavlushka | tareq:, why dont we report against it, well I am reporting. | 12:04 |
tareq | what is this ??? | 12:10 |
tareq | pavlushka: they are using ubuntu for their own purposes, lol | 12:13 |
tareq | reported | 12:14 |
tareq | Kilos: | 12:14 |
pavlushka | tareq: thanks | 12:14 |
tareq | Kilos: look at that, how mean they are | 12:14 |
pavlushka | tareq: Kilos dont use much FB, I am not sure about him, :p | 12:14 |
Kilos | haha pavlushka you worried about the ubuntu logo in an eye | 12:19 |
Kilos | hi tareq | 12:19 |
pavlushka | Kilos: okay, you did, thanks! | 12:20 |
Kilos | i went to look yes | 12:20 |
Kilos | dont often but i thoughtd committed a serious crime someone ha | 12:21 |
Kilos | wow how can my words be put in wrong places like that | 12:21 |
pavlushka | lol | 12:22 |
Kilos | i dont often go to facebook. but i thought someone had committed a serious crime | 12:22 |
pavlushka | Kilos: oh-kay | 12:22 |
Kilos | this laptop drives me nuts | 12:22 |
Kilos | sometime while typing last half of sentence goes to another channel | 12:23 |
Kilos | i dont know what i touch to cause that | 12:23 |
Kilos | hi tareq | 12:23 |
pavlushka | Kilos: man, your reputation will go down this way, :p | 12:23 |
Kilos | lol | 12:24 |
tareq | hi kilos | 12:26 |
tareq | slip of finger | 12:26 |
Kilos | lol | 12:27 |
tareq | looking for a kubuntu topic to write | 12:28 |
tareq | kilos, can you give idea | 12:28 |
Kilos | tareq go to #ubuntu-za ill ask there | 12:31 |
Kilos | do you want to write a help article | 12:32 |
tareq | yes, to help noobs | 12:32 |
Kilos | go to za ill ask the kde users | 12:32 |
tareq | ok | 12:34 |
Kilos | do you ever check man pages | 12:36 |
tareq | nope i think | 12:38 |
Kilos | you can type in konsole man topic | 12:39 |
Kilos | most packages have man pages to explain how to use them | 12:39 |
tareq | yea | 12:42 |
tareq | sometimes i used it | 12:43 |
tareq | not always | 12:43 |
tareq | somehow i managed to survive :) | 12:43 |
Kilos | i find it too difficult to understand | 12:44 |
Kilos | hehe | 12:44 |
Kilos | all the switches and stuff | 12:44 |
tareq | i feel bored looking at those :P | 12:45 |
Kilos | lol | 12:45 |
tareq | brb | 12:49 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I am going with tareq again, :p | 12:52 |
Kilos | ok | 12:52 |
tareq | hello all | 13:37 |
Kilos | tareq you here? | 14:56 |
tareq | yea | 15:08 |
Kilos | you know windows hey | 15:08 |
Kilos | i asked for advice on za channel | 15:08 |
Kilos | i hate windows but i want to help a friends mother | 15:09 |
tareq | ohh, tell me; what i can do for you | 15:09 |
Kilos | can you see my request on the za channel | 15:10 |
Kilos | i have a crashed xp pc | 15:10 |
Kilos | i want to know what i must save to be able to restore xp like it was | 15:10 |
pavlushka | I am back :) | 16:36 |
ashabadi | ekushey there? | 16:43 |
z4ki | উনি এইদিকে আসেন না। | 16:43 |
Kilos | hi z4ki | 16:44 |
pavlushka | Hello ashabadi ! | 16:44 |
pavlushka | and Hello z4ki Kilos ! | 16:44 |
Kilos | ohi ashabadi as well | 16:44 |
pavlushka | where you were hiding all?\ | 16:44 |
z4ki | hi Kilos , pavlushka | 16:44 |
ashabadi | hello pavlushka Kilos | 16:44 |
z4ki | রোযায় ধরছিল | 16:44 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: you must know z4ki | 16:45 |
ashabadi | I am at office right now... just checked in to see who is here | 16:45 |
* pavlushka greens | 16:45 | |
ashabadi | I think we have talked but cant remember right now | 16:45 |
z4ki | talked once with ashabadi . :) | 16:45 |
ashabadi | humm | 16:46 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: z4ki is from CTG | 16:47 |
pavlushka | an sys admin | 16:47 |
pavlushka | *a sys | 16:47 |
z4ki | pavlushka, not admin. :D | 16:47 |
z4ki | just ended my internship, and they offerd me to join there. :) | 16:48 |
ashabadi | humm system observer then | 16:48 |
pavlushka | lol, ok z4ki , then introduce yourself | 16:48 |
pavlushka | formally | 16:48 |
z4ki | ha ha. | 16:48 |
raihanr | কেও আছুইন? | 16:49 |
pavlushka | Welcome raihanr | 16:49 |
z4ki | welcome raihanr | 16:49 |
raihanr | how are you all? is there any one non bengali? | 16:49 |
ashabadi | I have forgotten to bring charger I am draining fast :( | 16:50 |
ashabadi | Kilos | 16:50 |
Kilos | yessir | 16:50 |
ashabadi | rhct | 16:50 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: no powerbank? | 16:50 |
ashabadi | researcher | 16:50 |
ashabadi | no | 16:50 |
ashabadi | poor man | 16:50 |
pavlushka | :( | 16:50 |
ashabadi | dont have money to buy one | 16:50 |
pavlushka | raihanr: কি বলেন? | 16:50 |
raihanr | where is shahriar tareq vai? | 16:51 |
ashabadi | I thought he died? | 16:51 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: only 400 BDT a single cell powerbank | 16:51 |
pavlushka | lol, me too | 16:51 |
z4ki | এত কম দাম। | 16:51 |
ashabadi | do gift me one | 16:51 |
ashabadi | pavlushka brand z4ki | 16:52 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: sure, b4 EID, just wait | 16:52 |
ashabadi | :p | 16:52 |
pavlushka | Symphony | 16:52 |
ashabadi | raihan sorry I am Shahriar Tariq | 16:52 |
ashabadi | raiganr | 16:52 |
ashabadi | raihanr | 16:52 |
ashabadi | damn :$ | 16:52 |
raihanr | etto asha? | 16:53 |
raihanr | -_- | 16:53 |
pavlushka | raihanr: কিসের আশা? | 16:53 |
ashabadi | asha - bad - i | 16:53 |
z4ki | :D | 16:53 |
pavlushka | :D | 16:53 |
raihanr | amar ek friend er nam asha chilo, je amake ek bochor age block mareche :p | 16:54 |
ashabadi | good raihan | 16:54 |
z4ki | pavlushka, do you know raihanr ? | 16:54 |
ashabadi | atleast you are free of hassle now :p | 16:55 |
raihanr | z4ki and pavlushka both are unknown to me :( | 16:55 |
pavlushka | raihanr: right click on my nick | 16:55 |
ashabadi | anyway raihanr wanted to discuss what we want to do with loco | 16:56 |
z4ki | hmmm | 16:56 |
pavlushka | sure, I am all ears. | 16:56 |
raihanr | naila nayem er friend russell vai koi -_- ? | 16:57 |
ashabadi | in order to make it active again we were thinking giving it a face | 16:57 |
raihanr | যাহোক, কথা শুরু করা যায়। রোজার দিন, বেশিখন জাগতে পারি না। | 16:57 |
z4ki | :3 | 16:57 |
ashabadi | a dedicated website with dedicated knowledgebase | 16:57 |
pavlushka | raihanr: হিন্দি বাংলা যা পারেন বলেন, কিচ্ছু বুঝবনা, :P | 16:58 |
raihanr | বুঝবেন না মানে? | 16:58 |
z4ki | lol | 16:58 |
pavlushka | মাইরালামু, ছিড়ালামু, এক্কেরে | 16:59 |
ashabadi | and then employing volunteers for content building and getting expert of problem solution | 16:59 |
z4ki | sounds cool | 16:59 |
ashabadi | facebook group is working nice in providing solution but it isnt searchable | 16:59 |
ashabadi | nor easily referrable to resolve recurrent issue | 17:00 |
* pavlushka the most strong point | 17:00 | |
* pavlushka things it as | 17:00 | |
ashabadi | for that we need volunteers in helping us building database | 17:01 |
ashabadi | our fb group has 12k members we want to use it to raise volunteers | 17:01 |
raihanr | একবার ভলেন্টিয়ারের জন্য সার্চ করেছিলাম। দশজনের মত ফরম পুরন করেছিল। পরে তার ভিতরের একজনকেও পাইনি। | 17:02 |
pavlushka | raihanr: এইবার পাবেন | 17:03 |
z4ki | আমি আছি। | 17:03 |
pavlushka | raihanr: আমি আপনাকে আমি বাদে একজনকে দিতে পারব | 17:04 |
pavlushka | :p | 17:04 |
raihanr | আমি আর তানজিম অনেকবার উদ্যোগ নিয়েছি, কখনও রাসএল ভাইয়ের রিসপন্সের অভাবে আর কখনও ভলেন্টিয়ারের অভাবে সফল হতে পারিনি। আমি আসলে কমিউনিট গড়া নিয়ে যা স্বপ্ন দেখতাম, সব শে | 17:04 |
pavlushka | wow, nice art! | 17:05 |
z4ki | এগুলো কি? | 17:05 |
pavlushka | লগ কপি করসে | 17:05 |
pavlushka | কিস্তু | 17:06 |
z4ki | বলেন | 17:06 |
ashabadi | sorry call came | 17:06 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: cant you lend the charger from your boss? | 17:07 |
ashabadi | he does not have it too... | 17:07 |
ashabadi | anyway. raihanr I know how it is to raise volunteers | 17:07 |
ashabadi | many will give like and comment and less will contact to work | 17:08 |
pavlushka | what about matin? thy pythonist. | 17:08 |
raihanr | দিন শেষে সবাই বিজনেসম্যান। | 17:09 |
raihanr | এর চেয়ে বেশি কিছু বলব না। | 17:09 |
raihanr | সবাইকে কম বেশি চেনা আছে | 17:09 |
pavlushka | <raihanr> z4ki and pavlushka both are unknown to me :( | 17:09 |
Rezwan | ashabadi, how powerful a single cell power bank is? | 17:10 |
ashabadi | but atleast it will give vibe that we are trying to revive the loco | 17:10 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: enough to charge a phone battery for once | 17:10 |
ashabadi | rezwan should not be much will take 8-12 hours to recharge | 17:11 |
pavlushka | ashabadi: that's what I am talking | 17:11 |
ashabadi | raihanr then what do you suggest? we let it die? | 17:12 |
ashabadi | nor we are trying to revive nor we are helping other to revive | 17:12 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: its sleek in size, | 17:13 |
ashabadi | atleast Pavlushka Tanjim Tareq Hasan is showing interest. | 17:13 |
Rezwan | pavlushka, with warranty? | 17:14 |
raihanr | শাহরিয়ার ভাই, একটা প্রশ্ন করি। মনে নিয়েন না প্লিজ। আপনি লাস্ট কতদিন আগে কোন কমিউনিটিতে একটিভ ছিলেন? | 17:14 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: not sure, my knowledge about that ends here. | 17:14 |
ashabadi | raihanr I was last active in 2011 I guess | 17:15 |
ashabadi | nothing to be annoyed about it... | 17:15 |
ashabadi | to be frank when I started out in 2007 loco was dead just like now... | 17:16 |
ashabadi | ekushey was also pissed because of bdosn | 17:16 |
raihanr | আমি ২০১৬ তে কমিউনিটি তে একটিভ আছি। আমার বাস্তব অভিজ্ঞতা বলে, কমিউনিটিতে ভলেন্টিয়ারি বলে কিছু নাই। হয় ফেইম সিকিং, নায়হ ধান্দাবাজি, নাহয় টাকা কামানর কোন গুপ্ত উপায়। ক | 17:16 |
ashabadi | still we started working created momentum | 17:17 |
pavlushka | so far, not a penny :( | 17:18 |
ashabadi | raihanr there will be people who seeks fame/popularity we should not have problem if our goalss are met | 17:18 |
Rezwan | raihanr, ashabadi was very active in its prime, as far I remember | 17:19 |
ashabadi | raihanr that remarks there are no volunteer is not true | 17:19 |
Rezwan | me myself learned about linux for the first time from 'amader projokti' forum. ashabadi was an active moderator there | 17:20 |
raihanr | ভাই আপনারা অনেক আগেকার। আমি নতুন। আমি নতুন অভিজ্ঞতা শেয়ারকরছি। উবুন্টু বিডি ফেসবুক গ্রুপ চালাচ্ছি ৩ বছর থেকে। মানুষের মন একটু হলেও বুঝেছি। সেই মানুষ আর নাই। আপনার | 17:22 |
Rezwan | what are these gibberishes? | 17:23 |
ashabadi | of it were you would not have come over at 11pm on friday | 17:23 |
ashabadi | on ramadan | 17:23 |
raihanr | এক পোলা, অনেক লাফাব হ্যান লেখব ত্যান লেখব। দুইটা কি একবার আইআরসিতে আসে ফুটুশ। সে এখন মজিলার এক্টিভ ভলেন্টিয়ার। কমিউনিটি যদি চিজ বার্গার খাওয়াতে পারে, পিকনিক করাতে | 17:26 |
ashabadi | so we will arrange burger pizza if necessary :p | 17:28 |
ashabadi | I dont have mich charge left have to leave | 17:28 |
ashabadi | pavlushka rezwan talk with raihanr | 17:29 |
ashabadi | sorry guys | 17:29 |
tareq | what happened | 17:29 |
raihanr | রমজানের সময়, বেশিখন থাকতে পারছি না আমিও। আবার নেক্সট কোন দিনে দেখা হবে। আপনারা আমার বলা বিষয় গুলা চিন্তা করেন। | 17:30 |
tareq | Rezwan bhai, how are you | 17:30 |
tareq | Amader Projukti was the pioneer forum for us, but I have learned linux in 2003 | 17:32 |
Rezwan | tareq, I'm fine alhamdulillah. how are you doing? | 17:40 |
tareq | Alhamdulillah, you are active in IRC | 17:42 |
Rezwan | Yes 'amader projukti' was the main place to talk about linux. me myself got an internet connection for the first time in the september of 2009. fortunately the forum was active that time. | 17:43 |
tareq | but now all gone | 17:43 |
Rezwan | and a lot of boss linux enthusiasts were around | 17:43 |
tareq | where are they now | 17:43 |
Rezwan | yes, the forum is literally dead now | 17:44 |
tareq | alokito, biprotip | 17:44 |
tareq | unmatal tarunno | 17:44 |
Rezwan | shopnochari (Nasimul Haqe bhai). I even personally met with him. | 17:44 |
Rezwan | He was a big help and inspiration | 17:44 |
Rezwan | there were many more, can't even remember those nicks anymore | 17:46 |
Rezwan | karigor | 17:46 |
tareq | yea | 17:46 |
tareq | he was modu | 17:46 |
tareq | I met Ovronil several times | 17:46 |
tareq | Russel bhai couple of time | 17:47 |
tareq | Ringda also helpful | 17:47 |
Rezwan | shopnochari was a modu. he was literally a linux boss. when I talked with him last time in 2010, he was doing a professional job on linux in UK | 17:47 |
Rezwan | I was in a linux program last year with Russell and Adnan bhai | 17:50 |
tareq | He came back to Bangladesh, but don't know present status | 17:50 |
Rezwan | ashabadi was supposed to attend too, but he couldn't make | 17:50 |
tareq | ULAB program ? | 17:50 |
Rezwan | yeah | 17:50 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX was there too! lol | 17:51 |
tareq | that is not enough | 17:52 |
tareq | FOSS doing program more regularly | 17:52 |
AudaciousTUX | where?? | 17:53 |
Rezwan | FOSS runs by Ring? | 17:53 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, the ULAM program | 17:53 |
Rezwan | ULAB* | 17:53 |
AudaciousTUX | ami bdosn er so called party te gechilum | 17:53 |
AudaciousTUX | foss er tay jainai | 17:53 |
tareq | Rezwan: yes | 17:54 |
tareq | only active group is FOSS | 17:54 |
tareq | ubuntu-bd not doing so great | 17:54 |
Rezwan | I've been in Sylhet for several months, couldn't attend in any program | 17:54 |
Rezwan | what great things FOSS is doing? | 17:55 |
tareq | that is why I've asked ashabadi to do something | 17:55 |
tareq | Rezwan: at least they are doing penguine mela regularly | 17:55 |
AudaciousTUX | we don't even doing a release party regularly .... not even a meetup.... grrr :3 | 17:56 |
pavlushka | H AudaciousTUX ! | 17:56 |
tareq | I wanted to attend AIUB program, talked with RJ too | 17:57 |
tareq | but, bad luck | 17:57 |
AudaciousTUX | hi pav | 17:57 |
tareq | no one asked me to join, though I'm with community since 2008 :( | 17:57 |
tareq | AudaciousTUX: let's meet soon, after the eid | 17:58 |
AudaciousTUX | okay ^_^ | 17:59 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: you can complete nick by hitting tab but you cant complete words, so half nicks are not allowed, :p | 17:59 |
AudaciousTUX | oh... didn't knew that :v | 18:00 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka: | 18:00 |
AudaciousTUX | joss :D | 18:00 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: really? I mean r-e-a-l-l-y? | 18:00 |
tareq | it is not compulsary that all have to attend | 18:01 |
pavlushka | :D | 18:01 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: come on its ok, মজা নিলাম | 18:01 |
AudaciousTUX | yah... r-e-a-l-l-y.... i always wondered why the earth anyone types the full name including capital letters :3 | 18:02 |
pavlushka | দগদ | 18:02 |
pavlushka | lol | 18:02 |
AudaciousTUX | lol :v | 18:02 |
AudaciousTUX | is it provat layout?? | 18:02 |
pavlushka | you should guess it as National , disappointed AudaciousTUX , you didn't tried to map it | 18:03 |
AudaciousTUX | my keyboard has this layout.... :p | 18:04 |
AudaciousTUX | never even tried to memorize these layouts :3 | 18:04 |
pavlushka | but still you failed to map it দ-l, গ-o, দ-l | 18:04 |
pavlushka | দ-l | 18:05 |
pavlushka | l | 18:05 |
tareq | probhat is the best | 18:05 |
AudaciousTUX | i know.... দগদ :v | 18:06 |
Rezwan | I'm think, I'm think I'm one of few who are still with community and exclusively on linux for more than 6 years | 18:06 |
Rezwan | many left | 18:06 |
pavlushka | tareq: dont wanna argue, what you know is easy for you, what I know is easy for me. | 18:06 |
Rezwan | I've not used any windows OS since 2011 | 18:06 |
Rezwan | I* think | 18:06 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: wow, hats off to you | 18:06 |
tareq | tareq: yea, that is true | 18:07 |
AudaciousTUX | anyone tried ankur?? | 18:07 |
AudaciousTUX | my first linux distro :D | 18:07 |
tareq | but you know, at 2002 I've learned bijoy | 18:07 |
pavlushka | bijoy and national are almost the same, helps me with offices which uses bijoy | 18:08 |
tareq | during the community prime time I learned probhat | 18:08 |
Rezwan | I've never learned bijoy fortunately. Learned avro, then learned probhat. now write Bangla on probhat for more than 5 years | 18:08 |
tareq | now working with that layout | 18:08 |
tareq | +1 for probhat | 18:09 |
pavlushka | I am not anti-national, :p | 18:09 |
Rezwan | writing Bangla on probhat is really a charm. solid keyboard layout. and easy to learn. | 18:09 |
AudaciousTUX | +1 for avro ... for lazy | 18:09 |
tareq | avro is good too | 18:09 |
tareq | better than bijoy | 18:09 |
AudaciousTUX | hei... none tried ankur?? :o | 18:09 |
tareq | bijoy is complex | 18:09 |
tareq | nope | 18:09 |
Rezwan | bijoy is nowhere near to avro | 18:10 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: National layout is also fixed and wanna race on typing? | 18:10 |
AudaciousTUX | :| bangali os | 18:10 |
Rezwan | pavlushka, sorry never tried that one :P | 18:10 |
AudaciousTUX | ankur kuasha | 18:10 |
AudaciousTUX | loved the startup screen... ^_^ | 18:11 |
Rezwan | all the old Bengali linuxians learned to type on probhat | 18:11 |
pavlushka | ok, you all win, party over, beat it. | 18:11 |
tareq | my first distro was red-hat or fedora as far as i remember | 18:11 |
Rezwan | my first distro was lubuntu, still it is my main distro :P | 18:11 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: I am using national layout in Ubuntu since 9.04 | 18:11 |
Rezwan | probably I like bare-bone distros | 18:11 |
pavlushka | started with 8.04 | 18:11 |
tareq | but ubuntu 8.04 was the first distro for me to used to linux | 18:12 |
Rezwan | pavlushka, wahh. nice | 18:12 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: me too. | 18:12 |
AudaciousTUX | i were able to run my desktop with my ankur cd for near 1 month after hdd crashed | 18:12 |
Rezwan | pavlushka, what soft do you use to type on national layout? and I guess it is not available on android... | 18:13 |
Rezwan | at least not included in Ridmik | 18:13 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: yes, it is, in Ridmik keynoard | 18:13 |
pavlushka | Keyboard | 18:13 |
Rezwan | hmmm | 18:13 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: wow, that's cool | 18:14 |
tareq | ridmik has all common layout | 18:15 |
AudaciousTUX | | 18:15 |
tareq | too old | 18:16 |
tareq | 13 years | 18:16 |
AudaciousTUX | i was too young | 18:16 |
AudaciousTUX | last release 2012 | 18:16 |
AudaciousTUX | maybe.... according to sourceforge | 18:17 |
tareq | I was in college that time, learnig linux through computer tomorrow | 18:17 |
tareq | It was debian/ubuntu based, right? | 18:19 |
AudaciousTUX | dunno... i was too young to realize what that cute penguin means :v | 18:19 |
tareq | ashabadi busy again, need to move forward | 18:21 |
pavlushka | tareq: may be his phone died as he was telling | 18:21 |
tareq | we have to fix a common irc meeting schedule | 18:22 |
pavlushka | tareq: agreed | 18:22 |
tareq | I will take steps in SHA ALLAH | 18:23 |
tareq | meetup is the next priority | 18:24 |
tareq | at least we need to know each other | 18:25 |
AudaciousTUX | biraler golay ghonta badhbe ke?? | 18:25 |
AudaciousTUX | keu post den na ken :'( | 18:25 |
tareq | i'm waiting for ashabadi | 18:25 |
tareq | he had to talk with RJ, AQ, Raihan | 18:25 |
tareq | I personally know RJ and AQ | 18:26 |
AudaciousTUX | who's aq | 18:26 |
AudaciousTUX | oh | 18:26 |
AudaciousTUX | sir | 18:26 |
tareq | Adnan Qaium aka Obhronil | 18:27 |
tareq | let's introduce us here | 18:27 |
tareq | myself Mohammad Tareq, Assistant Professor, EETE, DIU | 18:28 |
tareq | I used to write as Prokhor Rudra | 18:28 |
pavlushka | Hero of Jotayu in Feluda! | 18:29 |
tareq | I motivated by Ovronil nick :P | 18:30 |
AudaciousTUX | missing tanjil akik bro :'( | 18:31 |
pavlushka | I am S. M. Pavel Sayekat, a math graduate, lives in Panchagarh, my home town, in family business, Linux Enthusiast. | 18:31 |
tareq | great to meet you | 18:32 |
* Kilos happy to see action here | 18:33 | |
AudaciousTUX | hei kilos | 18:33 |
pavlushka | tareq: thanks! | 18:33 |
pavlushka | who's next? | 18:33 |
tareq | we know kilos here | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | i'm tanjim.... knows nothing... linux enthuisiast... class 12 student... :v | 18:33 |
tareq | AudaciousTUX: you? | 18:33 |
AudaciousTUX | btw.. real name tanjim :p | 18:34 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: lol, dont say it like that, you are discriminating yourself, An Ubuntu-F | 18:34 |
tareq | nice to have you with us tanjim | 18:34 |
tareq | Rezwan: what are you doing these days ? | 18:35 |
AudaciousTUX | :') | 18:35 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: Ubuntu-BD-FB admin you are, its a big deal I guess. | 18:35 |
AudaciousTUX | yah... even have a website hosted on a free domain + hosting for 1 year :v | 18:36 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: that's because you have a github student package, :p | 18:36 |
AudaciousTUX | yah :v | 18:36 |
AudaciousTUX | and a friend... hosting provider :v | 18:37 |
tareq | ok, now we know what we should do | 18:37 |
tareq | someone has to move | 18:37 |
pavlushka | Mr. Rezwan ? | 18:37 |
tareq | RJ+AQ+ST won't mind in that case i hope | 18:37 |
tareq | Rezwan ping | 18:38 |
pavlushka | Mr. Rezwan you are involved in film making I guess! | 18:38 |
tareq | film making ! | 18:39 |
tareq | Rezwan: we are waiting for your answer | 18:39 |
pavlushka | tareq: not sure, Let Mr. Rezwan confirm, may be he went to washroom or fall asleep, :p | 18:40 |
Kilos | guys question | 18:40 |
pavlushka | ^ | 18:41 |
pavlushka | ^^ | 18:41 |
Kilos | cant you fix the existing bangldesh site | 18:41 |
AudaciousTUX | in previous ceremony arranged on ulab AQ, RJ, me and ulab teacher (don't who he really is and rezwan vai was there maybe) planned to arrange a workshop on software development on ubuntu.... | 18:41 |
AudaciousTUX | all data lost.... | 18:41 |
pavlushka | Kilos: yes, that comes first after start | 18:42 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: that is never a problem, :p | 18:42 |
Kilos | | 18:42 |
Rezwan | oops, sorry guys what did happen? | 18:43 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: check the pings | 18:43 |
tareq | Rezwan: we are introducing ourselves | 18:43 |
Kilos | haha Rezwan did you fall asleep | 18:43 |
Kilos | its late there now | 18:43 |
AudaciousTUX | 12:43 | 18:44 |
Rezwan | tareq, I'm jobless I guess! though work half of a part time for pocket money | 18:44 |
tareq | Rezwan: making film? | 18:45 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: are you involved in film making remotely? | 18:45 |
Rezwan | not, but watching a lot! | 18:45 |
AudaciousTUX | i'm working too much slowly on wibesite work.... btw.... vote for forum of blog | 18:45 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: sorry, didn't get "vote for forum of blog" | 18:46 |
AudaciousTUX | russel vai strictly against of forum.... | 18:46 |
pavlushka | tareq: ok, wrong guess about Mr. Rezwan , :) | 18:46 |
tareq | no need of forum | 18:47 |
AudaciousTUX | okay | 18:47 |
tareq | only blog | 18:47 |
tareq | like webupd8, omgubuntu | 18:47 |
tareq | that would do the job i hope | 18:47 |
AudaciousTUX | yah | 18:49 |
Rezwan | sorry to disappoint you guys! | 18:49 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: its okay, we are not disappointed, still hoping that you make a film using Ubuntu, :P | 18:52 |
AudaciousTUX | :v | 18:52 |
Kilos | we will only be disappointed if you leave us Rezwan | 18:53 |
Kilos | i am also unemployed | 18:53 |
Rezwan | thanks, planned to make a film with Ekushey , but couldn't agree on choosing actress. different tastes! | 18:54 |
pavlushka | +1 to Kilos | 18:54 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: really? | 18:54 |
AudaciousTUX | RJ will always choose someone like nayla nayeem :v | 18:55 |
pavlushka | lol | 18:55 |
* pavlushka rolling on the ground laughing | 18:55 | |
AudaciousTUX | :v | 18:55 |
Rezwan | Kilos, let's do something about it! what should we do? learn linux sysadmin works? | 18:56 |
pavlushka | Ok then Mr. Rezwan , tell us what you were doing in Sylhet? | 18:57 |
Kilos | i tried learning LPI | 18:57 |
AudaciousTUX | anyone here linux certified linux susadmin?? | 18:57 |
Kilos | my memory doesnt work | 18:57 |
AudaciousTUX | sys* | 18:57 |
pavlushka | Rezwan, we can hire volunteers for that | 18:57 |
Rezwan | I've enrolled in a linux sysadmin course and paid some bucks on it, but couldn't get my lazy ass around to start and finish it! | 18:58 |
AudaciousTUX | trying to get course resources from a friend :D | 18:58 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: ok then, pay buck for me, :p | 18:58 |
Rezwan | Kilos, don't worry, you have done your fare share of works in the life. all you need rest now. | 18:58 |
Kilos | you can study online i think | 18:59 |
AudaciousTUX | brb | 18:59 |
AudaciousTUX | namaj | 18:59 |
Kilos | let me find the link | 18:59 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, :o namaj at this hour? | 18:59 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: এখন, যাও, better late than never | 18:59 |
Kilos | | 18:59 |
Kilos | maybe there is a later one out already | 19:00 |
Rezwan | Kilos, thanks. a huge book | 19:03 |
Kilos | yes and starts from the basics | 19:04 |
Kilos | i managed through all the hardware then got stuck | 19:04 |
Rezwan | I already know some basics | 19:04 |
Rezwan | all I need to invest some quality time and concentration on it | 19:05 |
Kilos | once you know it you can write the exam at a varsity or other learning institution | 19:05 |
Kilos | and the certificate is recognised world wide | 19:05 |
Rezwan | I'm not sure if that exam is available in my country | 19:05 |
Kilos | you just need a varsity or something to let you write there under their supervision | 19:06 |
Rezwan | LOL okay. I'm not sure if it works that way here. | 19:06 |
Kilos | once you pass that you can be a sysadmin anywhere | 19:06 |
Rezwan | It is possible to do RHCE exam here, but not sure how reliable the exams are or if there are any conspiracy | 19:08 |
pavlushka | Rezwan: dont think that much, just do it. | 19:08 |
Rezwan | I don't think man, I do brainstorm! | 19:12 |
pavlushka | lol | 19:12 |
pavlushka | wb AudaciousTUX | 19:13 |
tareq | ok guys | 19:13 |
AudaciousTUX | hei | 19:13 |
tareq | good night | 19:13 |
pavlushka | tareq: you leaving? | 19:13 |
tareq | yea | 19:14 |
tareq | need some sleep | 19:14 |
tareq | :P | 19:14 |
pavlushka | tareq: good night! | 19:14 |
Kilos | sleep well tareq | 19:14 |
tareq | bye bye | 19:14 |
AudaciousTUX | missed something?? | 19:14 |
AudaciousTUX | happy nightmares :v | 19:14 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: nope but you will miss tareq now | 19:14 |
AudaciousTUX | :'( | 19:14 |
AudaciousTUX | hei hei hei.... anyone have linux sysadmin course access??? | 19:16 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: like CBT nuggets? | 19:16 |
Kilos | | 19:16 |
Kilos | AudaciousTUX just check out the lpi peeps , they will know if its available there | 19:17 |
Kilos | there was even a place where you can register with them iirc | 19:18 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka: | 19:18 |
AudaciousTUX | pdf looks cool.... but couldn't understand 2nd massage | 19:19 |
Kilos | im trying to find where you can register with them | 19:20 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: thanks, looking into it. | 19:20 |
AudaciousTUX | uh.... wanna be sysadmin unofficially.... i don't want certificates.... just knowledge :') | 19:21 |
pavlushka | :) | 19:21 |
Kilos | somehwere in here | 19:21 |
Kilos | if you can learn that book then you will know enough to be a sysadmin | 19:22 |
Kilos | i need to sleep guys | 19:22 |
AudaciousTUX | that pdf?? | 19:22 |
Kilos | look after yourselves | 19:22 |
AudaciousTUX | okay... thanks ^_^ | 19:22 |
Kilos | yes that pdf | 19:22 |
pavlushka | Kilos: night, please, you should, :) | 19:23 |
Kilos | there is a LPI2 as well | 19:23 |
AudaciousTUX | uh.... btw... they're free officially?? | 19:23 |
AudaciousTUX | oh yah.... that pdf hosted on their site :v | 19:23 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: not free but cheap, the certifications | 19:24 |
AudaciousTUX | just resources | 19:24 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: resources are normally not free except a few. | 19:24 |
AudaciousTUX | oh | 19:25 |
AudaciousTUX | btw... this site has no .com version?? :o | 19:26 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: this falls to a category like,,, | 19:27 |
AudaciousTUX | umm | 19:27 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, don't worry I will pass my materials to you after I become a sysadmin myself! ;) | 19:32 |
AudaciousTUX | yeee ^_^ | 19:33 |
AudaciousTUX | keu achen?? | 19:40 |
AudaciousTUX | ping pavlushka Rezwan | 19:40 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: yes. | 19:41 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, এতো তারাতারি নামাজ শেষ? কী নামাজ পড়লা? | 19:42 |
* pavlushka grins | 19:49 | |
AudaciousTUX | kotokkhon age namajer kotha koisi :3 | 19:49 |
AudaciousTUX | btw... helping hand onek ache... but skilled loker ovab :'( | 19:50 |
AudaciousTUX | arekta kotha.... ekhon ei porjaye khub beshi skilled loker ki khub dorkar?? | 19:50 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: না হলেও কাজ শুরু করে দিতে হবে, আমার মনে হয় আটকাবে না, :) | 19:57 |
tanjim | wtf.... disconnect hoichilo ken :| | 20:00 |
tanjim | keu kichu bolchen majhkhane?? | 20:00 |
tanjim | humm... kisu shuru kora dorkar... meetup + site buildup + volunteer list | 20:00 |
tanjim | tarpor survey | 20:00 |
tanjim | noobslab up and running after long long day | 20:04 |
pavlushka | tanjim: না, আমরা এর মধ্যে কিছু বলিনি, আর দয়া করে wtf use করবেন না , please | 20:04 |
pavlushka | tanjim: you there? | 20:08 |
tanjim | yah | 20:10 |
tanjim | ok :) | 20:10 |
tanjim | pavlushka: | 20:10 |
pavlushka | tanjim: yes , so what you are up to now? | 20:11 |
tanjim | trying | 20:13 |
pavlushka | tanjim: I have it offline, :p | 20:23 |
tanjim | chrome app?? | 21:17 |
pavlushka | tanjim: nope, have pinta , gthumb and gimp | 21:34 |
pavlushka | Welcome RemonShai ! | 21:35 |
pavlushka | pinta and gthumbs are quicky | 21:35 |
pavlushka | Had my Sahri, and what about other's? | 21:35 |
tanjim | umm...used pinta... but never gthumb | 21:36 |
RemonShai | pavlushaka welcome22222 | 21:36 |
tanjim | brb | 21:37 |
RemonShai | খাইয়ালাইচি😜 | 21:37 |
pavlushka | লুল | 21:37 |
RemonShai | কিল্লাই..? | 21:38 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: for the Bengali accent :p | 21:39 |
RemonShai | LoL... a drop of LoL | 21:41 |
pavlushka | RemonShai: মজা পাইসি বলে লুল বলসি, ^^ | 21:41 |
pavlushka | lol | 21:41 |
RemonShai | lol lol lol | 21:41 |
RemonShai | ভাই আমি তো ফান্দে পইরা গেছি। | 21:42 |
=== RemonShai is now known as shai | ||
=== shai is now known as Guest69740 | ||
=== Guest69740 is now known as RemonShai | ||
raju | hi...... | 22:19 |
RemonShai | hi | 22:20 |
RemonShai | welcome to IRE | 22:20 |
RemonShai | *****IRC | 22:20 |
raju | thanks | 22:20 |
RemonShai | raju..... আমি কয়েকদিন যাবৎ এখানেই regular :D | 22:22 |
raju | hmm bojlam | 22:23 |
RemonShai | তো ..... কেমন চলে দিনকাল? | 22:24 |
raju | ai to valo | 22:24 |
RemonShai | raju, private text পাইছস? | 22:26 |
raju | hmm | 22:27 |
RemonShai | let's move...../ | 22:28 |
=== RemonShai is now known as shai | ||
=== shai is now known as Guest83585 | ||
=== Guest83585 is now known as RemonShai |
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