ax562 | why doesn't ubuntu come with mtpfs installed? | 00:00 |
nacc | ax562: why in the world would it? | 00:00 |
nacc | ax562: that's for accessing, aiui, mtp devices | 00:01 |
ryan441 | its working now and hasn't disconnected yet | 00:02 |
ryan441 | thank you for the help!! | 00:02 |
arooni | anyone here use autossh? i'm trying to figure out why a simple 'autossh -f arooni@' doesnt seem to do anything else than print out a usage message | 00:02 |
matt__ | hey, new here, is there a channel i need to jointo geth help | 00:02 |
ax562 | doesn't all android mount internal sd cards as mtp? | 00:02 |
ax562 | stock configuration? | 00:02 |
drose379 | When a mouse click takes place, what immediately happens? | 00:02 |
drose379 | Or trackpad click, any click event | 00:03 |
lwizardl | hello | 00:03 |
Bassem | nacc, i get this error when i try to creat new empty project Error while trying to load the project '/home/bs/Desktop/Test/Test/Test.vbproj': Project does not support framework '.NETFra | 00:03 |
nacc | Bassem: i have no idea, sorry, i don't use any IDEs | 00:03 |
percus | hi | 00:04 |
matt__ | anyone using ubuntu sdk | 00:04 |
ryan441 | never mind it just did it | 00:04 |
ryan441 | its still doing it | 00:04 |
ryan441 | I will try to disable apache and see what it does | 00:04 |
lenovo_lover | this is one of the better keyboards | 00:05 |
Amm0n | drose379, xev could tell you | 00:06 |
drose379 | Whats xev Amm0n | 00:06 |
Amm0n | prints X events | 00:07 |
drose379 | Interesting | 00:07 |
matt__ | anyone using ubuntu sdk ide? | 00:07 |
drose379 | Amoz: looks like ButtonPressEvent and ButtonReleaseEvent, thanks | 00:08 |
matt__ | having a problem with ubuntu-html5-app-launcher executable | 00:09 |
=== placeholder is now known as chiefer | ||
chiefer | chiefer | 00:09 |
=== runway is now known as infantrymen | ||
infantrymen | infantrymen | 00:09 |
=== shrived is now known as drake | ||
drake | drake | 00:09 |
drose379 | Amm0n: my last message was meant for you sorry | 00:09 |
=== proprietress is now known as silently | ||
silently | silently | 00:09 |
arooni | how come when i try man ssh_config ;; no manual entry; how do i get them (ubuntu 14.04) | 00:09 |
=== uncivil is now known as rollerskating | ||
rollerskating | rollerskating | 00:10 |
=== landscape is now known as fatuousness | ||
fatuousness | fatuousness | 00:10 |
=== sawed is now known as mentally | ||
mentally | mentally | 00:10 |
Pici | arooni: it should be in the openssh-client package, do you have that installed? | 00:10 |
=== truants is now known as unanimity | ||
unanimity | unanimity | 00:11 |
=== indeterminate is now known as foremasts | ||
foremasts | foremasts | 00:11 |
csplugins | I have an EFI Bios and I am trying to install Lubuntu 16.04. Does anyone know how I should format my HDD? | 00:11 |
csplugins | I keep getting to a screen that says Reboot and select a proper boot device | 00:11 |
=== flusters is now known as embarrasses | ||
embarrasses | embarrasses | 00:11 |
arooni | Pici a ha! thank you | 00:12 |
ryan441 | hasn't did it yet.. Disabled apache and its been a while now, still haven't did anything.. | 00:13 |
=== klutzes is now known as autopsied | ||
autopsied | autopsied | 00:14 |
lwizardl | the system I am going to use for my mythbox has 2 internal hauppauge tuners, and an usb hdpvr 1212. But when I do lsusb the hdpvr does not seem to be listed | 00:14 |
=== kaboom is now known as divvying | ||
divvying | divvying | 00:14 |
=== trounces is now known as Belarus | ||
Belarus | Belarus | 00:14 |
lwizardl | any ideas ? I know the hdpvr works since it was capturing video on win7 a month ago | 00:14 |
=== aware is now known as unhurried | ||
unhurried | unhurried | 00:15 |
Amm0n | !ops | 00:15 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 00:15 |
=== tactically is now known as shy | ||
shy | shy | 00:15 |
=== Left is now known as Lenny | ||
Lenny | Lenny | 00:15 |
Pici | Amm0n: We're aware, but since they're all coming in from different hosts, there not much we can do | 00:15 |
=== malefactor is now known as hilariously | ||
hilariously | hilariously | 00:15 |
Amm0n | Change mode to registered only | 00:16 |
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=== bitbyter is now known as mhoney | ||
crafty1__ | Is anyone else getting forwarded to unreged-ubuntu? My nick is registered. Not sure if its a problem on my end. | 00:25 |
k1l | you only get forwarded if you are not logged into your account. we needed to set entry for logged in users due to spambot abuse. | 00:26 |
crafty1__ | Oh OK - I figured something was going on. Thanks. | 00:27 |
ryan441 | I disabled apache and it was still doing it so I uninstalled and I'm waiting again | 00:33 |
ryan441 | why does it keep saying that stuff? ^^ | 00:37 |
percus | hi | 00:37 |
k1l | ryan441: what do you mean? | 00:37 |
ryan441 | it keeps saying people disconnected and reconnected on the chat | 00:38 |
ryan441 | and it spams it | 00:38 |
k1l | !quietirc | ryan441 | 00:38 |
ubottu | ryan441: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see | 00:38 |
ryan441 | Oh okay | 00:38 |
ryan441 | ty | 00:38 |
ryan441 | anyways, is anyone here that can help me with my issue?? | 00:39 |
dancingd3mon | anyone can tell me why I see this when trying to run deluge thin client on windows? | 00:39 |
dancingd3mon | | 00:39 |
k1l | what issue ryan441? | 00:40 |
dancingd3mon | everytime i press refresh, This error shows in my ssh. I'm trying to do remote access from my home to my dedicated server running deluged | 00:40 |
ryan441 | about apache and my wireless adapter disconnecting | 00:40 |
elky | ryan441: you might want to explain the whole problem again (on just one or two lines) so we don't have to go fish it out of the backscroll | 00:40 |
ryan441 | okay | 00:40 |
k1l | dancingd3mon: ask the ##windows guys about windows issues | 00:41 |
dancingd3mon | but that issue shows in ssh conneted to my ubuntu 14.04 | 00:41 |
dancingd3mon | so I'm trying to connect using the client on windows to it | 00:41 |
ryan441 | I fresh installed ubuntu desktop, (this also happened to me before which is why I haven't used ubuntu) and installed apache, after a few minutes my internet no longer works and I have to disconnected and reconnect my wifi from the router for it to work again, I think its apache because it never did this until I installed it. I just now removed it and so far it hasn't done this yet.. Is there a reason why?? | 00:42 |
ryan441 | I have to disconnect and reconnect after every 5-10 minutes for it to work again | 00:42 |
ryan441 | and after 5-10 minutes it does it again | 00:43 |
OerHeks | dancingd3mon, deluge got a module for access trough web ui over port :8112 | 00:45 |
dancingd3mon | yeah that works for me fine | 00:45 |
dancingd3mon | but i need the thin cient | 00:45 |
ryan441 | anyone?? | 00:45 |
dancingd3mon | everytime i try to run it, I keep getting an error message showing in my ssh | 00:45 |
ryan441 | never mind its not apache | 00:46 |
k1l | dancingd3mon: sounds like they did a python programming error there. maybe you want to ask the deluge guys if that is a program bug. | 00:46 |
ryan441 | it just didit | 00:46 |
ryan441 | wtc | 00:46 |
ryan441 | what is causing this? | 00:46 |
k1l | ryan441: that sounds like a wifi driver issue. | 00:46 |
crafty1__ | either that or you're too far from the access point etc. | 00:47 |
ryan441 | I have more wifi adapters, do you think if I switch it that it might fix it? | 00:47 |
k1l | dancingd3mon: #deluge is their channel | 00:47 |
ryan441 | it says I have good signal | 00:47 |
ryan441 | the internet works until 5-10 minutes and then doesn't anymore | 00:47 |
ryan441 | it always works right away when I disconnect and reconnect | 00:47 |
ryan441 | also I am right next to the router | 00:47 |
k1l | ryan441: what exact hardware is it? a quick search will show if that is known to make issues. you even can look into the syslogs | 00:47 |
k1l | (instead of blindly uninstalling or changing hardware) | 00:48 |
crafty1__ | Also why not plug it into the back of the router. More dependable connection. | 00:48 |
dancingd3mon | thanks k1l | 00:49 |
ryan441 | because its in the other side of the wall when the computer is in my room | 00:49 |
dancingd3mon | I'm asking there | 00:49 |
ryan441 | what do you mean hardware? | 00:49 |
k1l | ryan441: your wifi hardware. the chip used in the wifi device. that needs some drivers and some manufacturers just ship rubbish drivers which need some tweaking | 00:50 |
bruck | agreed | 00:50 |
=== dancingd3mon is now known as dancingdemon | ||
ryan441 | It's a belkin model #: F7D2102 | 00:51 |
k1l | ryan441: run "lspci" and show the output in | 00:51 |
k1l | or run "lsusb" if its a usb device | 00:52 |
crafty1__ | My personal experience with some of the Micro USB wifi connectors is that a larger percentage have hardware issues. I bought 4 and only 50% work. Could be related. | 00:52 |
crafty1__ | That model is a Micro USB | 00:52 |
ryan441 | okay | 00:52 |
crafty1__ | Its a Belkin N300 Micro Wireles USB | 00:52 |
ryan441 | | 00:53 |
csplugins | How do I install ubuntu on an EFI bois? | 00:55 |
ryan441 | do you think this may fix it?? he has the same problem I believe | 00:55 |
k1l | ryan441: what output brings "lsb_release -d"? | 00:57 |
minimec | ryan441: I would go into a different direction. I guess you device goes in 'powersave mode' after 5 minutes... So we create a file 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf' and add the following line: 'options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0' (without '') --> save, reboot. Might help...,8618,8938#msg-8938 | 00:58 |
ryan441 | okay I'll try it | 00:59 |
ahrc333ff | There is no trick to it. Just pop in the live USB and install. Note, if you're dual booting with a newer version of windows which is also EFI then you will run into trouble. at least one would in the past | 00:59 |
k1l | ryan441: what ubuntu is it? and what kernel? "uname -a" | 00:59 |
ahrc333ff | csplugins: above was for you. | 00:59 |
ryan441 | It's the latest ubuntu | 01:00 |
ryan441 | what do you mean kernel? | 01:01 |
k1l | ryan441: ubuntu uses the linux kernel. "uname -a" will show what version of the kernel you are using | 01:01 |
gshmu | hello, there month yet, but do-release-upgrade return "No new release found" | 01:02 |
k1l | gshmu: can you rephrase that and give more details what you mean exactly? | 01:03 |
ryan441 | it says Linux ryan-MS-7623 4.4.0-31-generic | 01:03 |
k1l | ryan441: ok. | 01:03 |
gshmu | k1l: I run `do-release-upgrade` at Ubuntu 14.04, but no new release | 01:04 |
ccube | #perl6 | 01:04 |
alexone | we pirla | 01:04 |
alexone | era giusto un test non era per nessuno | 01:04 |
k1l | gshmu: is the release prompt directed to "lts only"? | 01:04 |
k1l | !it | alexone | 01:04 |
ubottu | alexone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 01:04 |
alexone | ops | 01:05 |
alexone | pardon | 01:05 |
gshmu | yes, lts only | 01:05 |
alexone | italiani che parlano inglese , un po come pizzaioli che fanno gli hot dog | 01:06 |
alexone | uhauha ciao | 01:06 |
minimec | ryan441: Don't wan't to impose myself on you, but I guess you should give my last post a try... That 'options' line will disable powermanagment for your device. | 01:06 |
ryan441 | I did | 01:06 |
ryan441 | minimec: I did that and this showed | 01:07 |
minimec | ryan441: Oh... I see now. You did not ise the 'magic word' (minimec). So I did not get the 'ping' ;) | 01:07 |
gshmu | k1l: may be Ubuntu 16.04.1 not release yet | 01:07 |
crafty1__ | ryan441: Personally I would recommend trying different hardware at some point. Last year I bought several of those and they really were crappy. | 01:08 |
k1l | gshmu: it is. but it could be that either your mirror is not updated yet or there is an issue with the upgradepath | 01:08 |
crafty1__ | Since its not like its a PCI card you could just try something else easily | 01:08 |
ryan441 | well I have another one | 01:08 |
ryan441 | but I think it did it to that too | 01:08 |
ryan441 | its not a belkin | 01:08 |
csplugins | I insert the USB and I can install it successfully. Although afterwards, I remove the usb and try booting from the HDD and keep getting Reboot and Select proper boot device | 01:09 |
gshmu | k1l: Can I check my mirror is update? | 01:09 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: Do you have HDD enabled in boot priority in BIOS/EFI? | 01:09 |
Hydr0p0nX | ryan441 - Realtek's (the chipset) are a pain to deal with some times, that particular model doesn't have source to compile for 4.x kernels provides instructions on fixing it though if you want to try it | 01:09 |
csplugins | Yeah, #1 | 01:09 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: Do you have Secure Boot enabled? | 01:09 |
minimec | ryan441: Ok. So do it in a terminal. 'sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf' and paste the options line with <ctrl><shift>v, then <ctrl>x to save. -->reboot | 01:10 |
csplugins | Turned it off based off of my research | 01:10 |
crafty1__ | OK | 01:10 |
ryan441 | I'll try that hydr0 | 01:10 |
ryan441 | and let you all know if that works or not | 01:10 |
ryan441 | if not I will try minimec's | 01:10 |
csplugins | And I don't care for windows, just want linux on it | 01:11 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: You selected use entire disk, formatted the correct drive? Do you have multiple hard drives? | 01:12 |
crafty1__ | The error means its not seeing GRUB | 01:12 |
csplugins | Nope, just the one. I choose "Wipe disk and install Lubuntu" usually | 01:13 |
percus | hi | 01:13 |
csplugins | But I tried manually partitioning but IDK if I am messing anything up | 01:13 |
csplugins | I'm gonna try regular Ubuntu to see if that works | 01:14 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: Were you using a different flavor? | 01:14 |
minimec | ryan441: I don't think you need to recompile the driver with that git version. Your driver is working, at least for 5 minutes, then it goes into powersave mode *imho* ;) | 01:14 |
csplugins | I have lubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso | 01:15 |
csplugins | No I'm gonna try ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso | 01:15 |
csplugins | Now* | 01:16 |
csplugins | I am also using UNetbootin to make a bootable usb. But since the usb works perfectly fine, I don't presume this to be the problem | 01:17 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: It could be actually. It might not be installing the bootloader right or something | 01:19 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: SInce you're already using linux just use dd=<path to img> of=<path to usb> BS=4M | 01:19 |
zykotick9 | csplugins: i'd avoid using unetbootin with hybrid iso images... | 01:19 |
crafty1__ | Agreed | 01:19 |
csplugins | I am making the bootable usb from windows haha | 01:19 |
crafty1__ | Just give DD a shot. | 01:20 |
csplugins | I guess I could throw Linux on one of my netbooks | 01:20 |
crafty1__ | I mean do you have a spare USB Drive | 01:20 |
crafty1__ | boot off the existing USB and use DD to write the new img | 01:20 |
csplugins | Yeah. | 01:20 |
crafty1__ | The Live CD is a fully functioing OS | 01:20 |
csplugins | So one USB is the bootable installer, the other has the ISO? | 01:21 |
ryan441 | minimec: I've tried your version, it saved the first time but then showed that error | 01:21 |
crafty1__ | csplugins:to zykotick9 point UNETBOOTIN gets funky sometimes. All Im suggesting is using GNU/Linux to write the image to the usb. Its simpler | 01:22 |
csplugins | Hmm, interesting. Does regular ubuntu 16.04 work for you ryan? | 01:22 |
minimec | ryan441: That error is related to you graphical environment that's all. Nothing to do with your device. | 01:22 |
ryan441 | so does that mean it saved and should work? | 01:22 |
csplugins | Thanks crafty. I will try the linux method after I attempt std Ubuntu | 01:24 |
minimec | ryan441: try 'cat /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf'. If it spits out the menitoned options line, you can reboot and see. Otherwise do it iva terminal as I explained later. | 01:24 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: OK - I would just keep an eye on the installer to see if it fails installing GRUB at the end. | 01:24 |
minimec | ryan441: So yeah.. It might already been saved. | 01:25 |
ryan441 | okay | 01:25 |
ryan441 | yeah it shows it, I will reboot after I uninstall lamp and reinstall it | 01:25 |
csplugins | ryan: what computer are you using? | 01:27 |
ryan441 | what do you mean? | 01:27 |
csplugins | Computer specs | 01:27 |
ryan441 | Oh.. hold on let me get it | 01:29 |
ryan441 | 785GM-p45 AMD | 01:29 |
csplugins | Okay, I was just curious | 01:30 |
ryan441 | Okay | 01:30 |
ryan441 | I rebooted, hopefully it got fixed.. | 01:30 |
ryan441 | wtc | 01:30 |
ryan441 | failed to start session?? | 01:31 |
ryan441 | it wont let me login now | 01:31 |
csplugins | crafty: "Installing Grub2 bootloader" is what I saw | 01:31 |
crafty1__ | OK - Hopefully everything went OK. | 01:32 |
Tiegla | Hi, is it possible to detach a dedicated graphics card during runtime and switch to the integrated? I only read about pci stub when bootup, but can it be done at runtime? | 01:32 |
=== alternat0r_ is now known as alternat0r | ||
ryan441 | it wont let me login now | 01:35 |
csplugins | Same error... | 01:35 |
Hydr0p0nX | ryan - can you login to a console? ctrl+shift+F1 | 01:35 |
minimec | ryan441: What exactly happens? You try to login and immidiatly are sent back to the login screen? | 01:36 |
ryan441 | it made my numbers all weird.. I think I figured it out though. I had to reboot | 01:36 |
ryan441 | no it says it failed | 01:36 |
csplugins | I thought it was CTRL + ALT + F1 | 01:36 |
ryan441 | the session | 01:36 |
Bashing-om | csplugins: 'sudo parted -l ' show the usb drive as 'sda' and the installer is trying to install grub to 'sda' rather than the hard drive ?? | 01:36 |
ryan441 | but I think I know why now | 01:36 |
ryan441 | the numbers on the right of the keyboard are messing up idk | 01:36 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: Try going into your BIOS and reset to optimal defaults | 01:36 |
ryan441 | I'll try the ones on top | 01:36 |
csplugins | Yes, I assumed sda was my HDD since it's the only one plugged in? | 01:36 |
crafty1__ | Bashing-om: I doubt the USB drive is installing GRUB to itself | 01:37 |
crafty1__ | Worth checking I guess | 01:37 |
ryan441 | nope still says it wont but I got into the terminal | 01:37 |
csplugins | Im going to DD first | 01:37 |
=== hypnotoad is now known as Guest52123 | ||
ryan441 | it says session failed | 01:37 |
Bashing-om | crafty1__: In the wizard mode . the installer defaults to installing grub to 'sda' .. seen that a few times . | 01:38 |
csplugins | Well I have sda and sdb. sdb is the usb | 01:38 |
Hydr0p0nX | ryan441: if you can get to a terminal, try logging in | 01:38 |
ryan441 | I did login to the terminal | 01:39 |
ryan441 | now what?? | 01:39 |
ryan441 | It worked in the terminal | 01:39 |
ryan441 | but not in the desktop | 01:39 |
Hydr0p0nX | start with the easy one, df -h | 01:39 |
Hydr0p0nX | make sure you have some free disk space | 01:39 |
ryan441 | I do | 01:40 |
Hydr0p0nX | run dmesg and see if there are any errors reported | 01:40 |
csplugins | crafty, should I DD with lubuntu or ubuntu? | 01:40 |
ryan441 | nope no errors | 01:40 |
ryan441 | ? | 01:41 |
Hydr0p0nX | run cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:41 |
netameta | what is the equivalent of source .some.env.file - file that export env variables for mac os ? | 01:42 |
ryan441 | it shows a lot of stuff | 01:42 |
ryan441 | what am I looking for? | 01:42 |
Hydr0p0nX | errors towards the end | 01:43 |
ryan441 | there is suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch | 01:43 |
Hydr0p0nX | can you pastebin the last bit of the log ? | 01:44 |
=== Evair is now known as du84fun | ||
=== du84fun is now known as evair | ||
minimec | ryan441: Try this 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc 9999' and paste the link you get here. we can test your wifi device at the same time... ;) | 01:46 |
ryan441 | ok | 01:46 |
edwinksl | is anyone facing problems with upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04.1? | 01:47 |
Hydr0p0nX | edwinksl: it's on my "todo" list for this weekend or next | 01:47 |
ryan441 | it says temp failure | 01:47 |
ryan441 | in name resolution | 01:47 |
minimec | edwinksl: let's say we have not been flooded by problems on the channel. | 01:48 |
minimec | ryan441: Looks like wifi doesn't work. Can you 'ping'? | 01:49 |
ryan441 | I just rebooted so it would work | 01:49 |
edwinksl | hmm okay a couple of people in Ask Ubuntu were not able to upgrade to 16.04.1 using sudo do-release-upgrade, so i was wondering if others have had the same issues | 01:51 |
ryan441 | says host not found | 01:52 |
ryan441 | for | 01:52 |
ryan441 | -.- | 01:53 |
minimec | ryan441: Wifi doesnt work. Well I don't konow if you autoconnect to wifi. | 01:53 |
ryan441 | what is the code to re-enable the network thing? | 01:54 |
Myrtti_ | edwinksl: were their reports from before Thursday? | 01:54 |
minimec | ryan441: Do a clean shutdon once 'sudo shutdown -h now' Power on the machine again. Sometimes it's 'magic' ;) | 01:55 |
ryan441 | okay | 01:55 |
ryan441 | okay it shut down | 01:56 |
ryan441 | turning on again | 01:56 |
ryan441 | should I try to relogin or? | 01:56 |
Hydr0p0nX | can't hurt | 01:56 |
minimec | ryan441: Yeah. Try to login. | 01:56 |
ryan441 | okay | 01:56 |
ryan441 | nope still shows it | 01:57 |
ryan441 | how do I re-enable network manager so I can reconnect to wifi? | 01:57 |
minimec | ryan441: Are you still on 'wicd' or did you reenable NetworkManager? | 01:58 |
ryan441 | I'm still on wicd | 01:58 |
edwinksl | Myrtti_: nope, they tried on thursday | 01:58 |
minimec | ryan441: Ok. Login on a console and do 'sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service', then 'sudo reboot'... | 01:59 |
ryan441 | okay | 01:59 |
ryan441 | rebooting | 01:59 |
ryan441 | what was that code again for the 'cat'? | 02:00 |
crafty1 | csplugins: I had stepped away. Both are the same. | 02:00 |
minimec | ryan441: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc 9999 | 02:00 |
csplugins | ok. dd=<path to img> of=<path to usb> BS=4M | 02:00 |
csplugins | what do i put for path of usb? | 02:01 |
crafty1 | Yeah. So use sudo fdisk -l to find the device name | 02:01 |
crafty1 | That will "spit out" all of the drives connected. They will have the format /dev/sd[x] if they are SATA or USB | 02:01 |
minimec | csplugins: Plug your USB device, open a terminal and do 'dmesg'. YOu should get the information you want. | 02:01 |
minimec | csplugins: Something like /dev/sdb or similar | 02:02 |
ryan441 | have to reboot again hold on | 02:02 |
csplugins | Okay, one sec. the netbook is a bit slow haha | 02:02 |
crafty1 | Then you can go sudo dd bs=4M if=<img file> of=/dev/sd[x] | 02:02 |
crafty1 | That process will take upwards of ten minutes depending on your system so you will need to wait. | 02:02 |
csplugins | what's the bs? | 02:02 |
crafty1 | bs=BYTES | 02:03 |
crafty1 | read and write up to BYTES bytes at a time | 02:03 |
csplugins | Why would you want to cap it? | 02:03 |
crafty1 | It speeds up the process. | 02:03 |
csplugins | Okay | 02:03 |
ryan441 | it says use netcat | 02:04 |
ryan441 | do I use that? | 02:04 |
ryan441 | im just going to reinstall ubuntu | 02:05 |
minimec | ryan441: can you 'ping | 02:05 |
ryan441 | pinging google works fine | 02:06 |
ryan441 | I'm just reinstalling it again | 02:06 |
ryan441 | because this is annoying lol | 02:06 |
ryan441 | thanks for the help though | 02:06 |
minimec | ok. You have internet ;). Now 'ls .Xauthority' Do you get a result? | 02:07 |
OneM_Industries | Hey, so I am trying to print out a bunch of small photos. | 02:07 |
csplugins | do i ignore the /dev/ram? | 02:07 |
OneM_Industries | I don't want to print them out one at a time, as that is a waste of pricey photo paper, so is there a way to have multiple images automatically on one page? | 02:08 |
csplugins | the usb is dev/sdb. So my command would be dd bs=4M if=myFile.iso of/dev/sdb | 02:08 |
csplugins | ? | 02:08 |
OneM_Industries | I've found a few tutorials on how to do it with shotwell, but they appear to be outdated. | 02:09 |
minimec | csplugins: I don't know if BS is mandatory, but I would put it. I normally even use BS=1M ... | 02:10 |
minimec | ryan441: ok. You have internet ;). Now 'ls .Xauthority' Do you get a result? | 02:10 |
csplugins | Will I get any console information as dd write to the disk? | 02:11 |
minimec | csplugins: No. Just a blinking cursor when finished | 02:12 |
dersd | hola, alguien sabe como instalar drivers de windows? | 02:12 |
minimec | csplugins: I would then type 'sync'. | 02:12 |
csplugins | 880803840 bytes (881 MB, 840 Mib) copied, 119.672 s, 7.4 MB/s | 02:12 |
csplugins | Does this mean I have a bootable usb drive now? | 02:13 |
minimec | csplugins: Ok. Do 'sync' and 'sudo umount /dev/sdb' | 02:13 |
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csplugins | what does that do? | 02:14 |
csplugins | Wouldn't I want to "mount" sdb? | 02:14 |
minimec | csplugins: 'sync' to be sure that all data is written on the stick. 'umount /dev/sdb' to unmount the stick .No need for sudo there probably.. | 02:15 |
csplugins | unmount command not found | 02:16 |
minimec | csplugins: umount ;) | 02:16 |
csplugins | not mounted | 02:16 |
minimec | csplugins: ok. So you are good. | 02:17 |
csplugins | ok let me give this a spin | 02:17 |
csplugins | side note: 'sudo apt install emacs' tells me unable to locate package emacs | 02:19 |
csplugins | Wait, as I wrote that, I realized I didn't connect to wifi yet haha | 02:20 |
crafty1 | csplugins: sudo apt-get install emacs24 | 02:25 |
crafty1 | or emacs24-nox | 02:25 |
csplugins | got it. thanks | 02:26 |
crafty1 | csplugins: dd does not require you to specify bs. Did it write properly? Remember you dont want the filesystem mounted | 02:26 |
Karrde | I also am not receving 16.04.1 | 02:26 |
csplugins | Just about done installing lubuntu again. This time from the ubuntu usb maker using DD | 02:26 |
csplugins | Yes, I believe so. | 02:26 |
csplugins | when I ran sync, nothing happened, just got to the next prompt | 02:27 |
Karrde | 16.04.1 isn't listed in so my next question is anyone getting it when doing do-release-upgrade on 14.04.? | 02:27 |
ryan144 | what was that command to view info about my usb wifi adapter?? | 02:27 |
csplugins | reboot and select proper boot device :( | 02:28 |
ryan144 | never mind | 02:28 |
minimec | ryan144: wb. Have you done a freshh installation? | 02:28 |
ryan144 | yeah | 02:28 |
ryan144 | and I also switched the wifi adapter | 02:28 |
=== alexandr1 is now known as alexandros_c | ||
ryan144 | Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter | 02:28 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: my session just crashed. Its not working still? | 02:28 |
minimec | ryan144: Ok. So you want that 'option' line again to diable powersave? | 02:29 |
csplugins | reboot and select proper boot device.. | 02:29 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: Did you try resetting the BIOS/EFI to optimal defaults? | 02:29 |
ryan144 | I'm going to try this one first and see what it does.. | 02:29 |
csplugins | I can do that, should I disable secure boot after that is done? | 02:29 |
crafty1__ | csplugins: I would recommend that. Is it currenty enabled? | 02:30 |
minimec | ryan441: I would go into a different direction. I guess you device goes in 'powersave mode' after 5 minutes... So we create a file 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf' and add the following line: 'options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0' (without '') --> save, reboot. Might help...,8618,8938#msg-8938 | 02:30 |
csplugins | Shouldn't be | 02:30 |
=== crafty1__ is now known as crafty1 | ||
ryan144 | okay | 02:31 |
ryan144 | done | 02:32 |
ryan144 | do I reboot? | 02:32 |
minimec | ryan144: yes | 02:32 |
ryan144 | okay brb | 02:32 |
csplugins | Reset BIOS to defaults but secure boot was already off to begin with | 02:34 |
ryan144_ | okay done | 02:35 |
ryan144_ | and back | 02:35 |
ryan144_ | hopefully it works | 02:36 |
minimec | ryan144: install the 'pastebinit' package. It will help in the future, if you have problems, because you can share terminal outputs the easy way with us. 'sudo apt install pastebinit' | 02:37 |
crafty1 | csplugins: OK try to boot now | 02:37 |
csplugins | Reinstalling it | 02:37 |
crafty1 | csplugins: You're only booting Ubuntu right? | 02:38 |
csplugins | Lubuntu, does it matter? | 02:39 |
crafty1 | I meant like no dual boot with windoze | 02:39 |
csplugins | But yeah, HDD is wiped. I just want to get this working haha | 02:39 |
crafty1 | and when you go into the BIOS it "sees" the hard drive right? | 02:40 |
csplugins | Well this bios just asks for priority. I dont think it recognizes individual ones. Like 1. HDD/SSD 2. USB 3. CD | 02:41 |
crafty1 | What I mean is that the BIOS should report that it sees e.g. WD Hard drive and the serial number under the SATA controller | 02:42 |
csplugins | I can look again but I don't think it provides that information to me being an EFI bios | 02:42 |
csplugins | Just got to let this reinstallation finish | 02:42 |
ryan144_ | still havent did it | 02:44 |
crafty1 | csplugins: For instance if you hit F12 or similar it should bring up boot options for connected devices (HDD: 4M-ST3500320AS) or something | 02:44 |
crafty1 | (at bios splash) | 02:44 |
crafty1 | csplugins: Is there any way you can post a screenshot of the installer at the disk partitioning | 02:45 |
csplugins | Let me see if this laptop can select boot options | 02:45 |
crafty1 | csplugins: Either GRUB isnt being written correctly or the BIOS doesnt see the HDD. Those are the only possibilities really. | 02:46 |
crafty1 | Do you have any other devices connected? A second Hard Drive or external? | 02:46 |
YankDownUnder | What is the make/model of that laptop? | 02:47 |
crafty1 | Yeah if anyone else has any insight into his boot issue Im kinda spent | 02:47 |
csplugins | Toshiba Satellite C55D-B5102 | 02:48 |
csplugins | Okay F12 does show my devices | 02:49 |
csplugins | I see HDD/SSD : Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB | 02:49 |
YankDownUnder | crafty1: Right...Toshiba...when you repower the machine, if you just keep hitting "Esc" repeatedly, you should get a POST screen telling you how to get into BIOS - along with some other options - such as boot device order... | 02:50 |
csplugins | Once I click on the SSD, it says reboot and select proper boot device | 02:50 |
crafty1 | DOes that laptop have a mechanical HDD too? Like a 1TB | 02:51 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: What are trying to install from - a CD/DVD or a USB? | 02:51 |
csplugins | So the BIOS is definitely recognizing the HDD. I had windows on it yesterday until i decided i wanted to wipe it for full linux | 02:51 |
csplugins | USB | 02:51 |
csplugins | i tried unetbootin and also DD | 02:52 |
crafty1 | When he reboots it doesnt load the new OS. | 02:52 |
csplugins | lubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso both tried | 02:52 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Unetbootin should be just fine - it sounds like something to do with "secure boot" and/or EFI...hmm... | 02:52 |
csplugins | I disabled it | 02:52 |
crafty1 | Is legacy boot enabled? | 02:53 |
YankDownUnder | *Bingo* on crafty1 | 02:53 |
csplugins | Wait. I can change boot mode off of UEFI now | 02:53 |
csplugins | It was locked as only uefi with Windows | 02:53 |
lenovo_lover | Any Ubuntu-MATE users here? | 02:54 |
YankDownUnder | | 02:54 |
csplugins | Legacy boot. I don't see any options for it | 02:54 |
csplugins | Should I try CSM boot mode? | 02:55 |
crafty1 | thats it | 02:55 |
csplugins | You think so? | 02:55 |
crafty1 | CSM provides legacy BIOS compatibility. | 02:55 |
YankDownUnder | Hit the F12 when you're turning on the machine. | 02:55 |
csplugins | Okay so BIOS are factory defaults except secure boot disabled and CSM instead of UEFI? | 02:55 |
crafty1 | Try it | 02:56 |
csplugins | Changing the boot mode doesn't require reinstallation? | 02:56 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: | 02:56 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: No. | 02:56 |
csplugins | Well, i dont have the please insert proper boot device anymore... cursor just blinking | 02:56 |
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crafty1 | good. that means progress...i hope | 02:57 |
csplugins | Should I try one last reinstall? | 02:57 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Yes. | 02:58 |
YankDownUnder | lenovo_lover: Is no one in the #ubuntu-mate channel? | 02:58 |
crafty1 | csplugins: Its worth noting I found a similar thread on this. Im hopeful that will work | 03:00 |
csplugins | Wow, this installation screen looks totally different. I think it will work this time | 03:00 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Has it come to the graphic that allows you to send pizza delivery to those that assist you? Should be somewhere in there... ;) | 03:01 |
csplugins | I have't seen it yet. But crafty1, I did have the lingering shutdown problem, I clicked the left arrorw key to actually finish shutdown | 03:02 |
csplugins | Thats what I was installing | 03:02 |
csplugins | when* | 03:02 |
wateringcan | hi all, does ubuntu have a keychain for ssh like mac os x ? for example, ssh to a host where there's no stored passphrase and it will pop up a dialog to enter it? | 03:02 |
csplugins | So it might do it for me post-installation which will suck, but Lubuntu should be wokring! | 03:03 |
YankDownUnder | wateringcan: several different instances. | 03:03 |
crafty1 | csplugins: I find that sometimes at the end of the Ubuntu installer it doenst end proper. 95% of the time you get please remove install media and hit enter. Sometimes it just doesnt end right. Should be OK | 03:05 |
crafty1 | Let us know what happens | 03:05 |
csplugins | Will do | 03:05 |
YankDownUnder | When it's "hanging" after an installation - if you wait for like, ya know, five minutes or so - and it's still just hanging there, it's fairly safe to reboot the machine.... | 03:06 |
csplugins | The screen says: "Give this pizza code valid at any Pizza Hut to anyone who helped you setup your box: PIZ_DEAL_LINUX" | 03:06 |
crafty1 | It worked? | 03:06 |
csplugins | Still installing | 03:07 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Pizza Hut doesn't do "proper" vegetarian pizza...yech...ah well...NEXT... | 03:07 |
csplugins | I really shouldn't install updates along with it if I am just checking the integrity of it. | 03:07 |
csplugins | Hey, it's the only code I got unfortunetly | 03:07 |
csplugins | Just about finished | 03:09 |
csplugins | I'm gonna wait 5 mins to see if it will properly shutdown or not | 03:10 |
csplugins | But as soon as I press a key, it will automatically shutdown | 03:11 |
crafty1 | If the installer is done you can safely reboot | 03:11 |
irinix | crafty1 it's never safe to reboot | 03:12 |
csplugins | And.. installation screen! yay! | 03:12 |
csplugins | i mean, login screen* | 03:12 |
csplugins | Aka: it worked finally | 03:12 |
* crafty1 Jumps for joy! | 03:13 | |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Good on ya. Well done. Happy Friday. | 03:13 |
csplugins | thanks, you too | 03:13 |
crafty1 | I have no idea why the UEFI boot was causing him problems its going to drive me nuts | 03:13 |
YankDownUnder | crafty1: Solar flares. | 03:14 |
csplugins | Can always rely in IRC | 03:14 |
csplugins | Thanks again for the help | 03:14 |
crafty1 | Glad to help | 03:14 |
YankDownUnder | csplugins: Cheers. | 03:14 |
csplugins | What I hate is that I couldn't change UEFI for some reasone. Maybe resetting the default BIOS settings unlocked it ffor me allowing CSM | 03:15 |
wateringcan | YankDownUnder, any tips on how i get that going? | 03:17 |
YankDownUnder | wateringcan: Sorry bro, get what going? | 03:17 |
wateringcan | YankDownUnder, popup when sshing to a host which you have no key in keychain for | 03:17 |
crafty1 | wateringcan: What OS are you connecting from? Sounds almost like OS X | 03:19 |
YankDownUnder | wateringcan: That's going to be dependent on the "desktop" you're using - Gnome/KDE/Mate/Cinnamon/Unity all do things their own way - so it would behoove you to dig through the Ubuntu forums as per for ME, I do all my "ssh" via the terminal - which allows me to control what is really going on - and I can see exactly what is happening...does that make sense? Gnome stores things in the "Gnome Keyring", ditto with KDE, ditto | 03:19 |
YankDownUnder | with Mate...etc etc etc... | 03:19 |
wateringcan | crafty1, running a xenial desktop, but i want mac os x experience :) | 03:19 |
wateringcan | YankDownUnder, ok cool, believe i'm using gnome | 03:20 |
codekarllo | best IDE to develop python? | 03:20 |
crafty1 | wateringcan: Are you using ssh from command propmp right | 03:20 |
wateringcan | crafty1, correct | 03:20 |
crafty1 | ssh <userid>@<hostip>? whats the exact error? | 03:20 |
YankDownUnder | wateringcan: Pretty much the closest you'll get to an OSX experience - with some "tweaks" and whatnot - is going to be KDE...but that's merely my opinion...some might think otherwise...and on that note, I run OSX on my "primary" machine (and have done so for years) | 03:21 |
crafty1 | XFCE w/ docky | 03:21 |
crafty1 | But if you're using ssh at the command line Im not sure why youre getting any UI messages. What Desktop Interface are you using? | 03:22 |
YankDownUnder | crafty1: Not in "looks" - in operation...KDE is the closest in the actual operation of OSX...looks is a different story...hmm... | 03:22 |
crafty1 | codekarllo: Thats a subjective question. | 03:23 |
crafty1 | and emacs is always correct | 03:23 |
codekarllo | @crafty1 I see | 03:25 |
crafty1 | wateringcan: What is the DE you're currently using | 03:25 |
codekarllo | crafty1 I`ll test pycharm | 03:25 |
codekarllo | crafty1: I`ll test pycharm | 03:25 |
codekarllo | I`m used with eclipse | 03:26 |
crafty1 | Thats my personal favorite | 03:26 |
wateringcan | crafty1: using gnome i believe, whatever is the default on xenial :P error i get is 'permission denied (publickey).' | 03:28 |
wateringcan | crafty1: i was hoping it'd just prompt for the passphrase as it does on os x | 03:28 |
crafty1 | wateringcan OK - That means that the server is expecting you to authenticate with an RSA key | 03:28 |
crafty1 | Is the computer you're connecting to owned by you? | 03:29 |
wateringcan | crafty1: yeah, i can ssh-add the key and get in, none of that is a problem :) i was just hoping for a better user experience coming from mac os x | 03:30 |
crafty1 | wateringcan: Im talking to you from OSX and I have that same prompt. | 03:31 |
vince_ | I have a file that plays file in mplayer but has pixelation and greenscreen in VLC, can someone help troubleshoot? | 03:41 |
crafty1 | vince_: probably someone in #videolan could help better | 03:42 |
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ohlolz | is the 16.06 ready to update my ubuntu to 16.06? they said today 21 is the day | 03:54 |
ohlolz | excuse the redundance | 03:54 |
neldogz | Is it possible to upgrade from 16.04 to 16.04.1? | 03:54 |
ohlolz | who has updated to-day to 16.06 | 03:54 |
ohlolz | who has updated to-day to 16.06 | 03:56 |
neldogz | ohlolz, 16.06 doesn't exist | 03:57 |
ohlolz | 16.04 he | 03:57 |
ohlolz | who did the update today :) | 03:57 |
crafty1__ | 16.04 was released in April. | 03:57 |
ohlolz | neldogz: do you like my nickname? :) | 03:57 |
ohlolz | crafty1__: i had 14.04 and it said wait till today | 03:58 |
neldogz | I am on 16.04 and wondering if it's possible to upgrade to 16.04.1 | 03:58 |
ohlolz | who has watched the movie rocky balboa? | 03:58 |
ohlolz | i'll turn on my pc to see if 16.04 is available :) | 03:59 |
ohlolz | do you guys like my personality? do i sound assertive? | 04:00 |
neldogz | never mind, apparently i already have the update | 04:00 |
neldogz | Description:Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS | 04:00 |
neldogz | guess it installed via an update | 04:00 |
ohlolz | neldogz: good job! | 04:00 |
ohlolz | ive been waiting this update for so long | 04:01 |
ohlolz | winter sux big time. i'm super sensitive to cold temp | 04:01 |
plop_its_ellie | ohlolz, give it another month or 2 if 14.04 is working ok for you | 04:02 |
_unreal_ | the page I'm following says to use bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-cubox-latest.tar.gz -C /arch but the little computer I'm using doesnt have bsdtar | 04:03 |
_unreal_ | what would be equal to it? | 04:03 |
_unreal_ | it does have tar | 04:03 |
_unreal_ | and gzip | 04:03 |
ohlolz | plop_its_ellie: why the wait? isn't 16.04 working well for everyone? | 04:05 |
plop_its_ellie | ohlolz, yea ive still seen some bugs in it | 04:05 |
crafty1__ | _unreal_: I would think tar would be fine. bsdtar is just a different implementation | 04:05 |
ohlolz | i've lost track a bit with ubuntu lately. can o upgrade through wifi or should i connect ethernet? | 04:05 |
plop_its_ellie | the most galrring one ive seen is when you put it in suspend and wake it up, the network disappears | 04:05 |
plop_its_ellie | ive seen it happen on some laptops | 04:06 |
plop_its_ellie | ohlolz, ethernet is usually more reliable and faster | 04:06 |
crafty1__ | GNU tar should support other variants | 04:06 |
_unreal_ | ok bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-cubox-latest.tar.gz -C /arch typing that gives me an error of tar: invalid tar magic | 04:06 |
ohlolz | plop_its_ellie: oh yeah i forgot that ubuntu 14.04 has like 1/2 of my wifi capacity | 04:06 |
SchrodingersScat | ohlolz: so long as your wifi connection is stable enough to handle the downloads then it shouldn't be a problem. but also what plop_its_ellie said | 04:06 |
_unreal_ | err typing: tar -xpf Arch....... -C /arch/ | 04:07 |
ohlolz | SchrodingersScat: thank you | 04:07 |
_unreal_ | I dont know if its the -xpf or the -C that are causing the issue | 04:08 |
SchrodingersScat | tar xzpf? | 04:08 |
ohlolz | one last Q is 4gb ram ok for 16.04? | 04:08 |
plop_its_ellie | 4gb os ram is fine | 04:09 |
ohlolz | ty plop_its_ellie | 04:09 |
plop_its_ellie | heck ive been installing it on machines with 1 and 2gb | 04:09 |
_unreal_ | what is the diference between xzpf and xpf -C | 04:09 |
plop_its_ellie | runs fine | 04:09 |
SchrodingersScat | _unreal_: the z is fr the gzip/gunzip | 04:09 |
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SchrodingersScat | _unreal_: not sure if that'll make a difference | 04:09 |
SchrodingersScat | !man | _unreal_ you can also always check the manual to double check | 04:10 |
ubottu | _unreal_ you can also always check the manual to double check: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | Manpages online: | 04:10 |
_unreal_ | huh... I did that xzpf and it just acted like I typed tar alone | 04:10 |
_unreal_ | showled a list of tar switches and options | 04:11 |
_unreal_ | cap. -C is for change directory so I know thats right? | 04:11 |
_unreal_ | I wonder if its the tar.gz thats futzing with it | 04:11 |
_unreal_ | ahh z is not in the list | 04:12 |
_unreal_ | though I do have gzip | 04:12 |
SchrodingersScat | xtract zee files is how i learned it | 04:12 |
_unreal_ | ? | 04:12 |
_unreal_ | could I pipe? gzip into tar or vica versa? | 04:12 |
dm_comp | is lib32ncurses5 equivalent to libncurses5:i386? | 04:13 |
_unreal_ | arg... I dont even know if its doing anything, I'm trying: gzip -dc file.tar.gz | tar xpf - -C /arch/ | 04:18 |
SchrodingersScat | could have added v, for verbose | 04:20 |
_unreal_ | that would be to easy | 04:21 |
_unreal_ | I thinkit worked | 04:24 |
s34n | I have a brand new laptop that resists all efforts to boot from livedvd | 04:30 |
s34n | I cannot boot the clonezilla livedvd based off xenial | 04:31 |
s34n | or various others | 04:31 |
s34n | it brings up grub ok, but won't let me past that | 04:31 |
s34n | (secureboot is disabled) | 04:31 |
s34n | any ideas? | 04:32 |
ajg4M3l5 | Evening all. I had some questions about Ubuntu Mate and Chromebooks if someone has some time. I could use some pointers in the right direction. | 04:55 |
Bashing-om | ajg4M3l5: I can not say how many that are presently looking run mate on a chromebook, but you can ask and see what responses you get . | 05:01 |
ajg4M3l5 | Thanks Bashing.... | 05:01 |
workisfun | Hi guys, my ubuntu 14.04 suddenly can't find it's networking devices (after 3 months of working). I've posted more information on | 05:01 |
workisfun | hoping someone can help | 05:01 |
ajg4M3l5 | So here's the scoop; I bought an Acer C720 a year ago and I put Ubuntu Mate on it. I LOVE IT... but it's dying. I need to upgrade and clearly I've learned that I can have all of my development tools on something significantly less than a Mac. | 05:02 |
ajg4M3l5 | So what do you guys suggest? | 05:02 |
ajg4M3l5 | I need at least 4GB of RAM, a 64 bit processor and if not at least a 128gb HD, a chassis that I can upgrade myself. | 05:03 |
ajg4M3l5 | I was looking at the Lenovo Yoga but I didn't see much decent support for it. | 05:03 |
ajg4M3l5 | I like the 11" size and the portability of the Chromebooks, which is why I tend to move towards them. | 05:04 |
ajg4M3l5 | The Acer works OK. I think it just wasn't meant for the amount of abuse I gave it. | 05:05 |
Bashing-om | ajg4M3l5: That is not direct support .. your query better in #ubuntu-offtopic . | 05:05 |
ajg4M3l5 | Ah, ok. | 05:06 |
ajg4M3l5 | My appologies. | 05:06 |
ajg4M3l5 | I'll post there instead. | 05:06 |
JustAnotherIdiot | hello ubuntu | 05:07 |
JustAnotherIdiot | is there an archive that supports encryption on ubuntu 16.04 server-side without installing anything | 05:08 |
rajiv_ | Hi @channel | 05:09 |
rajiv_ | I am using Ubuntu under Linode. Recently I got READ_TO_DECRYPT when I issues command 'ls' | 05:09 |
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crafty1__ | rajiv_: SOunds like Cryptowall | 05:10 |
rajiv_ | I can`t able to run the background services. Any help? | 05:10 |
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rajiv_ | @craft Thks, What can I do now? Is there any solution? | 05:11 |
JustAnotherIdiot | I dunno I'll just install unzip | 05:11 |
rajiv_ | How Cryptowall can be prevented? | 05:14 |
asad0x | Sup | 05:28 |
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antonio2 | I can't find out how to get my wifi working? | 05:36 |
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antonio2 | Any terminal command I can use to check why my wifi si | 05:41 |
antonio2 | Isn't working? | 05:41 |
antonio2 | My wifi won't connect. Is there a terminal command to check what's going on? | 05:43 |
wuseman | antonio2: try iwconfig | 05:45 |
antonio2 | Wuseman what am I looking for? | 05:47 |
wuseman | Do you see wlan0, wlp3s0 or something? | 05:47 |
antonio2 | Wlan0 | 05:48 |
antonio2 | Wlan0 ieee 802.11bg essid:off/any | 05:49 |
apinsv | ubuntu 11.04 is not detecting my lenovo s820 android phone, acn anyone help me | 05:50 |
apinsv | ubuntu 14.04 | 05:50 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, the libglfw3 package and libglfw3-dev package has an outdated version of glfw | 05:50 |
Guy1524 | I need the newer version | 05:50 |
apinsv | i need a working usb driver for lenovo s820 android phone | 05:51 |
apinsv | lsusb doesnt show my phone listes | 05:51 |
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apinsv | iam using ubuntu 14.04 | 05:52 |
Guy1524 | nvm fixed it | 05:55 |
apinsv | any androubuntu geniouses here? | 05:55 |
apinsv | nvm? | 05:56 |
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nzw1 | Hi there is anyway I can create different acount level | 06:01 |
YankDownUnder | Different account level? | 06:02 |
apinsv | none of the solutions from google search helped | 06:02 |
EriC^^ | nonsudo? | 06:02 |
MrNumber3IsMe | Hello room | 06:02 |
nzw1 | EriC^^: just like different access levels i.e sudo levels | 06:03 |
apinsv | go to users and groups and create | 06:03 |
EriC^^ | nzw1: there's basically sudo and adm for logs and other groups | 06:03 |
YankDownUnder | nzw1: The *nix system allows for heaps of different "variety" within creating permissions/rights for'll have to be slightly more specific... | 06:03 |
YankDownUnder | nzw1: | 06:04 |
antonio2 | Argh | 06:05 |
antonio2 | Cant get wifi to work...airplane mode is stuck on. | 06:06 |
nzw1 | YankDownUnder: that is what I after | 06:06 |
YankDownUnder | nzw1: Coolbeans. | 06:07 |
nzw1 | thank you :) | 06:07 |
GuidovanPossum | hi I was hoping to time a backup before upgrading from 14.04 -> 16.04 I'm still not seeing it I was told to wait until my mirror was updated earlier | 06:11 |
GuidovanPossum | I've check the box to look for new LTS and am doing: sudo do-release-upgrade | 06:12 |
GuidovanPossum | this is the correct way? | 06:12 |
GuidovanPossum | first time | 06:12 |
YankDownUnder | GuidovanPossum: | 06:13 |
GuidovanPossum | Did that and still not seeing anything yet | 06:17 |
GuidovanPossum | just says The software on this computer is up to date. | 06:18 |
YankDownUnder | GuidovanPossum: I'm not quite sure I understand exactly what you're stating...please be extremely clear if possible. | 06:18 |
GuidovanPossum | trying to upgrade from 14.04 to16.04 which I was told would be released to the servers sometime today | 06:19 |
GuidovanPossum | but I'm not seeing anything so I'm asking if they released or not and if anyone here has had success | 06:20 |
YankDownUnder | GuidovanPossum: If you've follows - EXACTLY everything that was described in the URL I sent you, and you've been through the upgrade and rebooted, then, by all means, you should be running 16.04.1 LTS...and you're saying that that is NOT the case, correct? | 06:21 |
GuidovanPossum | it's not seeing any upgrade on my end yet | 06:21 |
GuidovanPossum | I check and get "The software on this computer is up to date." | 06:21 |
YankDownUnder | GuidovanPossum: So you've followed EXACTLY the directions on that page...? | 06:22 |
GuidovanPossum | yes under the Upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop system part | 06:22 |
GuidovanPossum | that's why I'm asking | 06:22 |
Flannel | YankDownUnder: You can force it if you run `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` | 06:23 |
Flannel | er, | 06:23 |
Flannel | GuidovanPossum: You can force it with `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` | 06:23 |
YankDownUnder | GuidovanPossum: I do believe you may have missed some bits...hmm? And as Flannel just stated, you can "force" an per what he just wrote. | 06:23 |
GuidovanPossum | there it found it thanks so much Flannel! | 06:24 |
YankDownUnder | Beauty. All good. | 06:24 |
apinsv | Android phone not showing up in lsusb in ubuntu 14.04, can anyone help | 06:24 |
GuidovanPossum | don't know why not before thanks! | 06:24 |
reisio | apinsv: you need um | 06:25 |
reisio | apinsv: mtp nonsense for nautilus/files | 06:25 |
reisio | android decided plain usb mass storage was too convenient | 06:25 |
Kartagis | hello | 06:26 |
apinsv | reisio: i installed gvfs-mtp | 06:27 |
apinsv | didnt help | 06:27 |
Kartagis | my proftpd kept dying for no obvious reason so I started it with debugging, and I got back a usable (?) log. where do I seek help regarding this? | 06:28 |
apinsv | added the vid in adbusb.ini | 06:28 |
apinsv | created /etc/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules | 06:29 |
apinsv | reisio:both are based on linux, still they made it incompatible | 06:30 |
reisio | apinsv: the vid? | 06:30 |
reisio | apinsv: well Linux is just a kernel, it does almost nothing on its own | 06:30 |
apinsv | reisio:vendor id | 06:31 |
reisio | the userland part, GNU, and what runs on it is vastly more important/relevant | 06:31 |
reisio | apinsv: you shouldn't need anything but mtp support and a file manager | 06:31 |
reisio | apinsv: alternatively, just use sftp over wireless; it is a wireless device, after all | 06:31 |
apinsv | reisio:if you have any helpful links please share | 06:31 |
Kartagis | my proftpd kept dying for no obvious reason so I started it with debugging, and I got back a usable (?) log. where do I seek help regarding this? #proftpd looks dead | 06:32 |
apinsv | reisio: sftp works, i need the phone detected in vitualbox | 06:33 |
reisio | apinsv: sftp will work for that, too | 06:33 |
apinsv | reisio: i need to use a forensic tool | 06:33 |
reisio | apinsv: what're you doing in general? | 06:33 |
reisio | mmm, sure you do | 06:33 |
apinsv | reisio:from windows, else i will have to load windows on another machine | 06:34 |
reisio | not entirely aware of a forensic tool on Windows that doesn't have a real analogue on Unix | 06:35 |
apinsv | reisio: it basically needs to be detected as a usb, so that it can be passed through virtualbox to the windows host | 06:36 |
reisio | apinsv: to do what | 06:37 |
bahram | fuck | 06:37 |
apinsv | reisio: to retrieve deleted data from phone memory | 06:37 |
antonio2 | For some reason ny wi | 06:37 |
bahram | fuckkkkkkkkkk | 06:37 |
reisio | apinsv: from the onboard storage? | 06:37 |
bahram | fuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk | 06:37 |
reisio | bahram: mmmhmmm | 06:38 |
apinsv | reisio:yes | 06:38 |
reisio | some versions of android/phones have an advanced option to switch from mtp to usb | 06:38 |
antonio2 | For some reason my wifi isnt connecting. No connections are showing up. Heres a video of whats going on. | 06:38 |
antonio2 | | 06:38 |
reisio | a video, how comprehensive | 06:38 |
Triffid_Hunter | reisio: umm MTP is a usb protocol, if it's not showing up as a usb device, mtp isn't gonna work either.. | 06:38 |
apinsv | reisio: this one doesn't have that option | 06:39 |
reisio | Triffid_Hunter: are those two statements related? | 06:39 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: what does your dmesg say after plugging the phone in | 06:39 |
reisio | Triffid_Hunter: he didn't say it wasn't working, he said he wanted virtualbox windows blah blah blah | 06:39 |
Triffid_Hunter | reisio: you're saying he should switch from mtp to usb, but mtp runs on top of usb... he says it's not appearing as a usb device | 06:39 |
reisio | Triffid_Hunter: wait wait, what am I saying again? :p | 06:40 |
reisio | tell me more | 06:40 |
thekrynn_ | hey all, does anyone know of a way to utilize SSD to speed up the listing/metadata processes of an ext4 volume? | 06:41 |
thekrynn_ | or if it's even possible | 06:41 |
reisio | thekrynn_: wha? | 06:41 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: you could put the journal on the ssd | 06:41 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: how would i go about doing that... done through fstab or something of the sort? | 06:42 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: that's only gonna speed up ops that involve the journal though, reading big chunks of the disk is still unavoidably limited by disk speed | 06:42 |
reisio | antonio2: no hardware wifi switch? (fn+key? on the side? etc.) | 06:42 |
thekrynn_ | thats fine.. biggest issue i have is things like doing du | 06:42 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter:dmesg doesn't show my usb device, but the phone starts charging | 06:42 |
thekrynn_ | there's so many files that it just takes forever | 06:42 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: umm have a play with tune2fs and friends, might be able to do it as a mount option, ask google for further details | 06:42 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: sounds like you're using a charge cable with no data wires, or the phone doesn't want to talk usb | 06:43 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: if the usb data lines were present but the phone is having a bad day, kernel should at least say 'usb device blah is refusing address -71' or similar | 06:43 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter:It is the original data cable that came along | 06:43 |
reisio | antonio2: if you login as another user? | 06:43 |
antonio2 | Reisio I just logged vack | 06:44 |
antonio2 | I | 06:44 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: can't do much about that.. however note that most of it gets cached in memory the first time, so subsequent runs will be faster | 06:44 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: *shrug* try another usb port.. until/unless something shows up in dmesg, as far as your computer is concerned, there's nothing plugged in there | 06:44 |
antonio2 | Reisio i just logged back in. Did rfkill list all in term...says no on soft and no on hard...but still no wifi. | 06:45 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: unfortunately, never seems to cache properly, but i may just have that much data and that many files that RAM doesnt seem to have an effect | 06:45 |
reisio | antonio2: what about as a different user? | 06:45 |
whologin | hi all | 06:45 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: the phone is powered on, right? the charge-only bootloader typically doesn't like speaking usb. bring it up in fastboot or recovery if you want the internal storage to stay readonly | 06:45 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: i tried all the ports, dmesg shows some new usb device, but they show even if the phone is disconnected | 06:45 |
whologin | whats the channel where I can ask non OS related questions? | 06:45 |
thekrynn_ | ive basically resorted to writing scripts to preemtively scan and check for directory/file changes | 06:45 |
thekrynn_ | and write my own md system | 06:46 |
reisio | whologin: about what? | 06:46 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter:Phone is powered on an running | 06:46 |
whologin | im trying to ug my laptops wifi | 06:46 |
reisio | ug? | 06:46 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: wait, XY problem? there's an entire kernel subsystem for monitoring and notifying about file changes | 06:46 |
whologin | upgrade | 06:46 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: no need to scan for that | 06:46 |
reisio | whologin: the hardware? | 06:46 |
whologin | ya | 06:46 |
reisio | whologin: #hardware or #electronics | 06:46 |
whologin | my laptop only has only antenna cable | 06:47 |
whologin | ok ty | 06:47 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: what i meant was, i use stat to see what's changed, directory wise, and then traverse each directory to see what files change and update the size/checksums of each file | 06:47 |
thekrynn_ | since im talking on the orders of 10s of millions of files per main directory | 06:47 |
reisio | thekrynn_: files containing what? | 06:48 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: checksums of each file? lol so you're basically reading the whole disk, and want that to be faster? use a faster disk.. | 06:48 |
YankDownUnder | thekrynn_: Have you thought to ask this question in #ubuntu-server, perchance? | 06:48 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: why are you doing this? sounds like a job for rsync or rdiff-backup | 06:48 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: again, XY problem :P | 06:48 |
reisio | sounds like a job for not-an-FS | 06:48 |
thekrynn_ | YankDownUnder, yeah moving there shortly :-) | 06:48 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: yeah, i started with rsync... and our custom built scripts are outprforming it expotentially | 06:49 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: see | 06:49 |
thekrynn_ | reading | 06:49 |
AtuM | one quick question - "do-release-upgrade" still does not work on 14.04. Is that delayed to 16.04.2 ? | 06:50 |
thekrynn_ | oh, ok.. rephrased: how do i keep track of changes of a few hundred files every minute on a repository of over 100m files | 06:50 |
antonio2 | Fricking its working. | 06:50 |
reisio | thekrynn_: can you describe the data in some way more elaborate than 'files'? | 06:50 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: a daemon that uses inotify to receive file change notifications from the kernel | 06:50 |
reisio | antonio2: see lots of access points? | 06:51 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: scanning will *always* be slow, and it's totally unnecessary because the kernel already knows every time a file is changed | 06:51 |
thekrynn_ | reislo: files that are space delimited rows of integers | 06:51 |
thekrynn_ | about 100T worth | 06:51 |
reisio | ... | 06:51 |
thekrynn_ | data science analysis of the worldwide population | 06:51 |
thekrynn_ | time series | 06:52 |
antonio2 | Reisio yep. Ive had this happen like once or twice before. | 06:52 |
reisio | space delimited | 06:52 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: actually it sounds like you'd be better off with some sort of nosql db, this workload sounds like it's really abusing the filesystem for something it's not really designed to do well | 06:52 |
reisio | so it sounds like you're trying to use an FS as a DB | 06:52 |
reisio | antonio2: got bluetooth? | 06:52 |
thekrynn_ | we've exhausted mongo and redis... been trying to get into aerospike, but its a nightmare to use | 06:52 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: all good DBs have replication stuff built in, so changes can be efficiently mirrored to other nodes | 06:53 |
reisio | why would you want to get into something that's a nightmare to use :D | 06:53 |
thekrynn_ | we resorted to a sort of nosql/raw disk custom md solution which works very well, but the upkeep is brutal | 06:53 |
thekrynn_ | so was seeing if there's anything inherently useful from a OS perspective that we may have overlooked | 06:53 |
antonio2 | Reisio nope | 06:53 |
thekrynn_ | someone told us to try ZFS.. that was a brutal mistake | 06:53 |
reisio | lot of brutality at your co | 06:54 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter:usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32 | 06:54 |
reisio | antonio2: take it back? | 06:54 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: with that sort of dataset, I think there's no way you could possibly avoid a highly customised solution.. nosql is probably closer than abusing the FS but will still need a lot of tuning | 06:54 |
antonio2 | Reisio what? | 06:54 |
reisio | the laptop | 06:54 |
=== JeremyOstine is now known as AaronWild | ||
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: ah there you go, sounds like a bad cable | 06:54 |
reisio | it's very hard to imagine flat files are superior to other things in this case | 06:55 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter:usb 2-1-port1: unable to enumerate USB device | 06:55 |
antonio2 | Haha. Its from 2009 | 06:55 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: excellent, thats for the feedback. Figured it would be good to make sure that we're not reinventing the wheel | 06:55 |
reisio | antonio2: what'd you do to make it stop working reliably? | 06:55 |
antonio2 | No idea | 06:55 |
thekrynn_ | ive found that doing very intricate directory trees with max files per depth worked very well with keeping custom metadata breakdowns and using stat, but its so easy to have new bugs | 06:56 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: Then i will get a new cable and check | 06:56 |
reisio | antonio2: know when it started? | 06:56 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: keep us posted on what you end up doing, and watch out for XY problems in the future ;) | 06:56 |
thekrynn_ | will do, thanks :-) | 06:56 |
thekrynn_ | we've been at this for about 2 years now... its just that the data scales faster than the resources | 06:57 |
reisio | thekrynn_: just out of curiosity, do you know what he means by 'xy problem'? | 06:57 |
thekrynn_ | so its all about coming up with radical new ways of dealing with it | 06:57 |
antonio2 | Reisio trying something | 06:57 |
reisio | get slower data, then :p | 06:57 |
thekrynn_ | heh heh, the company relies on the data, and it comes at it's own pace :-) | 06:57 |
thekrynn_ | i deal with xy problems all the time.. i guess the issue is is that the tech dept's goals are dictated by the business side | 06:58 |
thekrynn_ | yet the business side never provides the resources to do it, and they dont understand why that's an issue | 06:58 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: if the company relies on the data, then the company relies on having enough resources to wrangle the data too | 06:58 |
thekrynn_ | yeah.. the business department is overzealous and overexpecting | 06:59 |
thekrynn_ | i would acutally say its more of an operational failure than anything else | 06:59 |
ahmed | Good morning every one | 07:00 |
reisio | mornin' | 07:00 |
ahmed | i am ahmed from egypt | 07:00 |
reisio | thekrynn_: so you already knew that name, 'xy problem'? | 07:00 |
thekrynn_ | i know the concept of it, just didnt know the actual term | 07:01 |
reisio | thekrynn_: nobody does | 07:01 |
thekrynn_ | im one of those extremely one sided brain types that does advanced calculus in my head but i cant memorize vocab to save my life :-) | 07:01 |
reisio | it's quite a stupid name for it | 07:01 |
reisio | in this case, it isn't you | 07:01 |
reisio | it's every person who says 'xy problem' as if it means something :p | 07:02 |
paranoidabhi | hi guys! | 07:02 |
reisio | hi para | 07:02 |
counterfeit | problem enforcing ubuntu gnome dns servers when running a check on any thoughts? using vpn software | 07:02 |
thekrynn_ | i mean it is a rather obscure issue, but it realy just is something that is that far out of the box so i usually come on these boards not expecting an answer | 07:02 |
paranoidabhi | I am using kubuntu 16.04 with windows 10 on dual boot. Issue: ethernet not detected in ubuntu. | 07:02 |
thekrynn_ | sometimes i get lucky though :-) | 07:02 |
paranoidabhi | information: | 07:03 |
paranoidabhi | any ideas? | 07:03 |
reisio | thekrynn_: might get farther if you put some example data/filesystem hierarchy up somewhere, and ask only for a faster way | 07:03 |
reisio | in #linux or someplace | 07:03 |
paranoidabhi | I haven't changed any configuration, it suddenly stopped working, not sure why. | 07:04 |
yogesh | how many here doing computer engineering? | 07:04 |
reisio | yogesh: >0 | 07:04 |
thekrynn_ | reislo: good idea, i might try that, thanks | 07:04 |
yogesh | reislo : u? | 07:04 |
reisio | paranoidabhi: it's working in windows 10 right now? | 07:04 |
reisio | yogesh: nope | 07:04 |
paranoidabhi | reisio, yes | 07:05 |
Flannel | yogesh: You're probably looking for #ubuntu-offtopic (a social channel), this is #ubuntu (a technical support channel) | 07:05 |
yogesh | flannel: wt channel i should choose the? | 07:05 |
yogesh | then?* | 07:05 |
reisio | paranoidabhi: doesn't show up from sudo lspci | grep -i net? | 07:05 |
yogesh | can u suggest me | 07:05 |
Flannel | yogesh: #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:06 |
apinsv | <paranoidabhi>: rfkill list all | 07:06 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: fwiw, asking us how to speed up FS tree-walking when your problem is managing a ludicrously large scientific dataset is a perfect example of XY problem :P | 07:06 |
yogesh | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:06 |
paranoidabhi | reisio, does show up there | 07:06 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter: thing is.. ive asked that and the overwhelming answer to that is migrate to an object store style FS | 07:07 |
thekrynn_ | but that isnt compatible with 90% of our workflow | 07:07 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: well yeah, those are specifically designed to handle exactly the sort of data you have | 07:07 |
yogesh | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:07 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, | 07:07 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: suggest making shims to go between your workflow and the object store then :P | 07:07 |
yogesh | #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:08 |
paranoidabhi | The wifi works though but Ethernet doesn't. | 07:08 |
yogesh | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:08 |
paranoidabhi | yogesh, it's /JOIN <Channel-Name> | 07:08 |
apinsv | <paranoidabhi>nm-tool | 07:08 |
paranoidabhi | sry \ | 07:08 |
yogesh | \JOIN #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:08 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, abhishek ~ $ nm-tool No command 'nm-tool' found, did you mean: | 07:09 |
yogesh | \join #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:09 |
yogesh | no it not working | 07:09 |
paranoidabhi | yogesh, /JOIN | 07:09 |
yogesh | not working still | 07:10 |
yogesh | u try? | 07:10 |
AtuM | :) | 07:10 |
AtuM | nice one yogesh | 07:10 |
paranoidabhi | yogesh, works for me | 07:10 |
yogesh | :) | 07:10 |
AtuM | yogesh, use small letters | 07:10 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, sry, not sure which you are referring to. | 07:11 |
AtuM | it's not working for me either ;-) | 07:11 |
paranoidabhi | any ideas guys? | 07:11 |
yogesh | still there :) | 07:11 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi: check the output of nmcli device show <interface> | 07:11 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi:Whats your ubuntu version? | 07:12 |
yogesh | \join #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:12 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, 16.04 | 07:12 |
AtuM | yogesh, are you serious, or just trying to get everyone in there :) | 07:13 |
yogesh | :D | 07:13 |
yogesh | No im serious | 07:13 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, what info in nmcli device show? Can you specify a grep, it has ip addresses and all. | 07:13 |
AtuM | yogesh, same command but use / | 07:14 |
yogesh | NO working | 07:14 |
yogesh | its not shwing anything | 07:14 |
yogesh | maybe i should try after restarting this appo | 07:15 |
AtuM | yogesh, are you using web client? | 07:15 |
dkam | Anyone know when update-manager will see 16.04.1 ? | 07:15 |
yogesh | no application | 07:15 |
yogesh | Xhat application | 07:15 |
yogesh | Xchat sry | 07:16 |
paranoidabhi | any ideas folks? :) | 07:16 |
AtuM | yogesh, no idea what the problem is then.. i use xchat aswell | 07:17 |
YankDownUnder | paranoidabhi: Go into your BIOS, turn off serial COM ports, reboot, check to see if it works. It might be an issue with shared IRQ's that is keeping the NIC from working properly under linux. | 07:17 |
thekrynn_ | Triffid_Hunter, heh ok... let me see if i can rephrase in a more Y sort of way :-) I have a volume on my mac with millions of files and spotlight lets me search for changed/matching files very quickly. Is there something similar on ubuntu | 07:17 |
yogesh | Bc not working | 07:18 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi:check this | 07:18 |
YankDownUnder | thekrynn_: slocate | 07:18 |
YankDownUnder | thekrynn_: "man locate" | 07:18 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi: | 07:19 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: changed? use an inotify daemon.. apparently there's one called dnotify, "Execute a command when the contents of a directory change" | 07:19 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: as for matching, that's harder.. deduplication is being discussed as an inclusion to linux filesystems I believe, not sure where exactly it's at | 07:20 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, what does setting the IPv6 settings "Method" section to "ignore" mean? | 07:20 |
thekrynn_ | to clarify, matching based on filename only.. no reading of any files | 07:20 |
Triffid_Hunter | thekrynn_: OSX probably keeps a quick index for the whole tree at the FS level, not sure if linux does that.. I wonder if btrfs or similar would be quicker or slower than ext4 for this workload | 07:20 |
thekrynn_ | brtfs, xfs and zfs were all nightmares.. they all had their issues | 07:21 |
YankDownUnder | OSX uses the same basic ideology as "locate". | 07:21 |
thekrynn_ | YankDownUnder: reading through locate... i think we were playing with updatedb at some point but never got into it, but i think i didnt know how detailed it could possibly get | 07:21 |
paranoidabhi | apinsv, Sry I am unaware where the setting is. | 07:22 |
YankDownUnder | thekrynn_: It works. It's more powerful than "desktop users" think...ergo, it's rarely mentioned in "desktop" forums. Hmm. | 07:22 |
thekrynn_ | any different between locate and mlocate? | 07:22 |
thekrynn_ | symlink | 07:23 |
thekrynn_ | nevermind | 07:23 |
reisio | mlocate is an implementation of the locate paradigm | 07:23 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi: there is a screenshot | 07:23 |
reisio | locate is the command | 07:23 |
reisio | it just makes a db with find | 07:24 |
reisio | so find is better for new things, and locate is convenient, if it's been running, for enduring things | 07:24 |
apinsv | paranoidabhi: Under Network manager | 07:24 |
* Kartagis shakes fist at #proftpd | 07:25 | |
Hexagon__ | Hi | 07:25 |
reisio | hi hex | 07:25 |
Hexagon__ | I'm trying to install gr-gsm | 07:26 |
reisio | Kartagis: ssh, done | 07:26 |
reisio | Hexagon__: try harder | 07:26 |
Hexagon__ | but every time middle of building Ubuntu got freezes,if you don't mind would please help me about it? | 07:26 |
Kartagis | my proftpd kept dying for no obvious reason so I started it with debugging, and I got back a usable (?) log. where do I seek help regarding this? #proftpd looks dead | 07:26 |
reisio | Hexagon__: k | 07:26 |
reisio | Kartagis: ftp is dead | 07:27 |
reisio | try ssh | 07:27 |
Kartagis | oh, you meant that | 07:27 |
Kartagis | I can't, my designer has to be able to ftp | 07:27 |
Hexagon__ | reisio, What do you suggesting to me? | 07:27 |
YankDownUnder | ftp is not dead, and won't die for a very long time. | 07:28 |
reisio | Hexagon__: | 07:28 |
lotlizard | who said ftp was dead | 07:28 |
reisio | nobody | 07:28 |
reisio | I said it /is/, though | 07:28 |
* Kartagis points at reisio | 07:28 | |
* Kartagis coughs out "passive voice" | 07:29 | |
reisio | you miss the point | 07:29 |
reisio | it is dead whether I said it is in the past or not :p | 07:29 |
Kartagis | I can't ditch it, someone else has to ftp in | 07:30 |
Kartagis | they use windows, so no sftp | 07:30 |
Kartagis | or ssh | 07:30 |
reisio | or relevance to this channel? | 07:30 |
reisio | there is no client of note that supports ftp and not sftp | 07:31 |
reisio | there is no particular difference in usage, except that one isn't massively insecure | 07:31 |
reisio | and on the server end, sftp is actually massively, hugely simpler to setup | 07:31 |
Kartagis | I figured you could help me with proftpd dying with no obvious reason | 07:31 |
reisio | I'm afraid there hasn't been a reason to use proftp in so long that that is not the case | 07:32 |
Arian_ | Hello! | 07:32 |
YankDownUnder | ProFTP does not "die" for "no apparent reason. Logfiles will tell what the issue is. | 07:32 |
Kartagis | reisio: also, that someone else uses notepad++ to connect remotely | 07:32 |
reisio | Arian_: 'lo | 07:32 |
Arian_ | Bug: Lightdm no run OpenBox | 07:32 |
=== Arian_ is now known as Guest34800 | ||
reisio | Kartagis: actually not so terrible, as awful win32 apps go | 07:33 |
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reisio | Guest34800: /nick ariann | 07:33 |
Kartagis | YankDownUnder: there are references to .c files in the log file | 07:33 |
reisio | lightdm runs whatever you tell it to | 07:33 |
Kartagis | I'm guessing a bug | 07:33 |
Guest34800 | Can nodm run few displays? | 07:33 |
YankDownUnder | Kartagis: There *is* a #proftp channel...hmm... | 07:34 |
AtuM | Kartagis, if you think it's a bug, then try vsftpd.. | 07:34 |
Kartagis | dead | 07:34 |
reisio | Guest34800: you can start as many X servers as you like, regardless of using a DM or not | 07:34 |
AtuM | Kartagis, it something else is wrong with your configuration, then you should get the same result | 07:35 |
Kartagis | AtuM: idk why, but vsftpd doesn't play well with notepad++ remote ftp in this case | 07:35 |
reisio | | 07:36 |
reisio | samba, etc. | 07:36 |
AtuM | Kartagis, so you better get to know why.. it's a really simple protocol. | 07:36 |
zetheroo | what is the equivalent of these commands for Ubuntu: systemctl stop getty\@tty1 | 07:36 |
zetheroo | systemctl disbale getty\@tty1 | 07:36 |
Guest34800 | Can nodm run few displays? | 07:38 |
l9 | ifconfig? | 07:38 |
reisio | Guest34800: already said | 07:39 |
Guest34800 | Can nodm run few displays? | 07:40 |
Guest34800 | hey | 07:40 |
=== Guest34800 is now known as Auron | ||
Auron | ok | 07:41 |
* l9 goes of into a deepstate meditation | 07:41 | |
Auron | Can nodm run few displays? | 07:41 |
Auron | Any here? | 07:41 |
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reisio | ... | 07:41 |
Auron | Nested Xserver its how? | 07:42 |
reisio | Auron: wha? | 07:43 |
l9 | could one actually nest x servers? | 07:45 |
Auron | Can nodm run few displays? | 07:46 |
vahvero | Hello. How i can add shortcut to Xubuntu desktop? its now /usr/share/applications/ and i can see it at whisker menu. I want it to desktop! xD Thank you | 07:47 |
YankDownUnder | Auron: | 07:47 |
l9 | Auron: Auron not really sure never used nodm | 07:48 |
b00gle | ? | 07:48 |
vahvero | desktop-file-validate gives me no any errors and shortcut is showing at whisker-menu. So maybe im missing something... | 07:48 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: I got it to work | 07:49 |
ducasse | vahvero: put it in ~/Desktop, maybe? if not, ask in #xubuntu. | 07:49 |
Auron | YankDownUnder, and? | 07:49 |
Triffid_Hunter | apinsv: was a bad cable? | 07:49 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: No | 07:50 |
YankDownUnder | Auron: Did that not answer the question? | 07:50 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: I connected it in windows 10, the phone then shows up the usb connection options, i changed it to mtp and then checked in ubuntu. it worked | 07:50 |
vahvero | ducasse, ok i will go to xubuntu.... | 07:51 |
Auron | YankDownUnder, I readed man | 07:51 |
apinsv | Triffid_Hunter: i can see both internal and external storage | 07:51 |
YankDownUnder | Auron: If the page did not answer the question, the developer's email address is right there in front of you - it wouldn't be horribly hard to send an email to the developer to ask if you cannot find the answer you seek anywhere else. | 07:52 |
Auron | I no will write emails | 07:55 |
YankDownUnder | Auron: If no one here knows the answer, then what exactly are you expecting? | 07:56 |
androirc66 | So i switched to ubuntu bc win10 was annoying me and so far its been pretty easy to learn and efficient to use | 08:01 |
STD | Hello. How is the best way to clean /boot partition when 100% of space is full and you cannot run apt-get autoremove ? | 08:07 |
YankDownUnder | STD: "sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean" should be the primary "clean up tools"... | 08:08 |
STD | ok, but when disk is 100% full i receive an error | 08:12 |
YankDownUnder | STD: have you run BOTH of those above mentioned commands? | 08:12 |
STD | nop, i will try this. thanks | 08:12 |
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ducasse | STD: you can 'dpkg -P' the oldest kernel packages | 08:12 |
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ehkx | Can anyone help me fix my booting problem? I was running Arch Linux, booting using GRUB, when I installed Windows 7 on a separate HDD. Now my boot partition is gone and I get an "error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found." I've been tried to Google solutions for awhile, but it appears that I am actually an idiot and seemingly can't fix it on my own. | 08:13 |
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androirc66 | I have to manually boot my pc idk if its related to your issue | 08:14 |
mcphail | ehkx: seriously? Please read the /topic | 08:14 |
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kikko037 | Hello! | 08:28 |
kikko037 | Developer C? | 08:28 |
kikko037 | Hi | 08:29 |
user__ | testmessage | 08:34 |
zetheroo | what is the equivalent of these commands for Ubuntu 16.04: systemctl stop getty\@tty1 | 08:36 |
zetheroo | systemctl disbale getty\@tty1 | 08:36 |
Banditoz | I recently installed ubuntu 16 server on a spare computer I have, whenever I reboot it, it requires a password on cryptswap1, is there anyway to disable this? | 08:38 |
Banditoz | the system will not continue without the correct password being entered, I know the password, it's just an annoyance having to enter it each restart | 08:38 |
MonkeyDust | Banditoz the password is for security and a server isnt meant to be rebooted often | 08:40 |
Banditoz | alright, thanks for the help | 08:40 |
ducasse | Banditoz: encrypted swap usually uses a random key to avoid the password prompt | 08:41 |
slingamn | i'm on Trusty and i'm still getting "No new release found" from `do-release-upgrade` | 08:52 |
slingamn | ah i guess that's expected: "Users of Ubuntu 14.04 will soon be offered an automatic upgrade to 16.04.1 via Update Manager." | 08:54 |
ducasse | slingamn: your mirror might not have it yet. | 08:58 |
geirha | 16.04.1 was scheduled for yesterday | 08:58 |
slingamn | i also just realized that i'm also having an ipv6 outage, which is complicating matters | 08:58 |
slingamn | afk a sec :-) | 08:58 |
solarisfire | Hey guys, I know 16.04.1 dropped, how come do-release-upgrade still shows there are no new versions on my 14.04 servers?? | 08:59 |
lucido-cwl | k1l_, Hi I lost my panels after a reboot in 16.04 do you remember the solution for this issue? | 09:01 |
ducasse | solarisfire: your mirror needs to get it | 09:02 |
k1l_ | lucido-cwl: does the guest account work? | 09:03 |
k1l_ | lucido-cwl: and what did you do after you could log in again? | 09:03 |
solarisfire | ducasse, ahhh okay, guess I'll just have to wait some more. How long does it usually take for all the mirrors to update? | 09:03 |
ducasse | solarisfire: most are updated every 24 hours | 09:03 |
k1l_ | i am not sure if needs to say its 16.04.1 for the LTS release to be possible | 09:05 |
DJones | k1l_: I suspect that should be a yes, thats what was forgotten when 16.04 was originally released | 09:06 |
solarisfire | Who's responsible for updating that meta-release page? | 09:07 |
k1l_ | its not listed in yet. i asked the admins about it | 09:09 |
phiona | gedit does not wrap text. im still on 14.04.4. | 09:12 |
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lucido-cwl | k1l_, yes, the guest account did work, but I lost your instructions after logging out | 09:13 |
k1l_ | lucido-cwl: | 09:14 |
MonkeyDust | phiona Edit > Preferences > View | 09:14 |
MonkeyDust | phiona that's in 16.04 | 09:15 |
Photon | Guys would you please check this out | 09:21 |
Photon | my Ubuntu has been frozen | 09:21 |
[[thufir]] | isn't there a way to add a user to sudo with "sudo add" or something? I've already created the user. | 09:21 |
Photon | I have 8 GB ram | 09:22 |
k1l_ | Photon: frozen? or just massive load so its very slow? | 09:22 |
EriC^^ | [[thufir]]: sudo adduser sudo <user> | 09:22 |
k1l_ | [[thufir]]: no, put him into the sudo group. | 09:22 |
[[thufir]] | which? | 09:23 |
Photon | Even my mouse not moving | 09:23 |
EriC^^ | that adds him to the sudo group [[thufir]] | 09:23 |
k1l_ | Photon: and you dont have 8gb ram. | 09:23 |
thekrynn_ | is it possible to have updatedb keep track of what is a file or what is a directory (i notice they dont include trailing slashes) | 09:23 |
Photon | I have 8GB | 09:24 |
Ice_Strike | Does Ubuntu Server 16 come with php 7? | 09:24 |
k1l_ | Photon: not in the top output you showed | 09:24 |
Photon | Why didn't directed whole ram? | 09:25 |
k1l_ | Photon: there it is 4gb ram. | 09:25 |
Photon | directed * | 09:25 |
Photon | sorry for typo | 09:25 |
mcphail | Ice_Strike: yes | 09:25 |
Ice_Strike | Great | 09:25 |
k1l_ | Photon: and again. you have a very high load (since you compile stuff). | 09:25 |
Ice_Strike | How do I upgrade from Ubuntu 14 to 16? | 09:26 |
k1l_ | Ice_Strike: it still needs like a week to rule out all LTS upgrade bugs. if you cant wait you can use the developer upgrade with -d | 09:26 |
Photon | k1l_ You thinking why didn't detected my whole memory's? | 09:26 |
Ice_Strike | k1l_ I should be fine, it is development server not for production | 09:27 |
k1l_ | Photon: i dont know. look into the bios if that is detecting 8gb | 09:27 |
Ice_Strike | So I am ok | 09:27 |
Photon | ok tnx | 09:27 |
phiona | MonkeyDust: yes. i have already enabled text wrapping long time ago. its just today ive noticed that it doesnt wrap. | 09:28 |
MonkeyDust | phiona you're right, it doesnt... | 09:29 |
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MonkeyDust | phiona i take that back, it does wrap here | 09:31 |
datcrap | hi, can you guys pls assist me with network manager and openvpn | 09:32 |
datcrap | i am running ubuntu 16.04 mate | 09:32 |
datcrap | i have installed apt-get install network-manager-openvpn | 09:33 |
datcrap | but i cant see the openvpn in add connection in network manager | 09:33 |
phiona | MonkeyDust: what did you do? | 09:37 |
loganlee | hello | 09:39 |
loganlee | nearly 2000 ppl here ;o | 09:40 |
loganlee | but so quiet | 09:40 |
k1l_ | loganlee: its a support channel. for social chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 09:41 |
lucido-cwl | k1l_, thanks, it worked! | 09:43 |
MonkeyDust | phiona i typed a long line of 1 letter, 'aaaa', then added a space somewhere in the middle and it wrapped, made 2 lines | 09:45 |
Mika_ | Hot to install apparmor and I want white list. | 09:50 |
Mika_ | How to install apparmor and I want the white list? | 09:51 |
phiona | MonkeyDust: could you try it on a lorem ipsum generator?? | 09:52 |
Photon | k1l_ You was totally right | 09:53 |
Photon | That was ram problems | 09:53 |
ducasse | Mika_: apparmor should be installed by default | 09:54 |
=== Mikerhinos_ is now known as Mikerhinos | ||
Mika_ | ducasse, I want wite list | 09:54 |
Mika_ | ducasse, I want white list | 09:54 |
k1l_ | Mika_: and what is the issue now? | 09:55 |
ducasse | Mika_: what white list? | 09:56 |
Mika_ | ducasse, firewall per app | 09:56 |
k1l_ | Mika_: what is the issue? set default deny and make whitelist rules | 09:56 |
Mika_ | k1l_, how?? | 09:57 |
ducasse | Mika_: read the manual | 09:57 |
Mika_ | ducasse, its hard | 09:57 |
MonkeyDust | phiona done, nulla quaestio, no problem, it wraps | 09:57 |
ducasse | Mika_: so you want someone else to do it for you? | 09:57 |
Mika_ | ducasse, yes^^ | 09:58 |
k1l_ | Mika_: start here: | 09:58 |
ducasse | Mika_: that's not how things work. read the manual. | 09:58 |
Mika_ | ducasse, and why apparmor and not selinux Ubuntu use? | 09:59 |
Mika_ | ducasse, because NSA? | 09:59 |
k1l_ | no, that is FUD | 09:59 |
Mika_ | FUD? | 10:00 |
lego37 | hi | 10:00 |
aqui1a_ | Hello | 10:01 |
aqui1a_ | Seemingly since the update, whenever I try to play a video in VLC media player, it's all... distorted and glitchy. It's hard to explain really. Could someone tell me how to fix this? | 10:02 |
lego37 | can I post a link for test ? | 10:02 |
MonkeyDust | lego37 this is a support channel, not a test channel | 10:03 |
Mika_ | k1l_, what you mean? | 10:03 |
k1l_ | fud = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. | 10:04 |
ducasse | Mika_: there is nothing wrong with selinux. at least not in the sense you think. | 10:04 |
lego37 | | 10:05 |
Mika_ | k1l_, I know | 10:05 |
aqui1a_ | wtf lego? | 10:05 |
Mika_ | so NSA ok | 10:05 |
aqui1a_ | I bloody clicked on that link for some reason, how stupid of me. | 10:06 |
aqui1a_ | I think it's some dodgy site to get your Steam details or something. | 10:06 |
Mika_ | Apparmor installed by default but how enable white list? | 10:06 |
k1l_ | Mika_: no, its not because NSA | 10:06 |
Kartagis | k1l_: in this case, test == ad | 10:06 |
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Mika_ | k1l_, white list? | 10:06 |
ducasse | Mika_: you need to write rules. | 10:06 |
k1l_ | Mika_: please read into the technics before you just say something that is not true | 10:06 |
ducasse | Mika_: and you need to do it yourself. | 10:07 |
_sdx_ | hi everyone, does anyone know how to solve suspend freeze on 16.04 ? | 10:07 |
Mika_ | there no about white list | 10:07 |
k1l_ | Mika_: an i linked a startingpoint for apparmor. please read into the program. you need to know what to do because you need to make rules for every program on your own afterwards | 10:07 |
Mika_ | Man fron apparmor said white list by default | 10:07 |
Mika_ | If Ill install apparmor | 10:08 |
MonkeyDust | Mika_ start here | 10:08 |
aqui1a_ | Seemingly since the update, whenever I try to play a video in VLC media player, it's all... distorted and glitchy. It's hard to explain really. I've reinstalled it and searched the internet but couldn't find a solution there. Could someone tell me how to fix this? | 10:08 |
Mika_ | I need ban all programs | 10:08 |
Mika_ | What rule? | 10:08 |
Mika_ | but few programs allow | 10:08 |
ducasse | Mika_: you need to read the manual and write rules, we've told you many times now. | 10:09 |
Mika_ | [10:01] <poodleman> Mika_: apparmor takes whitelisting-approach by default (if profile is in enforce mode: things not explicity allowed are denied) | 10:09 |
Mika_ | And ubuntu crashed default config | 10:10 |
Mika_ | reconfigured | 10:10 |
counterfeit | how is ufw when you set it up? does it by default just block all ports that ubuntu isn't currently using when you enable? | 10:11 |
Mika_ | k1l_, Ubuntu 9? 7 years old | 10:11 |
k1l_ | counterfeit: in general ports are only used if there is a program listening on that specific port. so if there is no program listening on port 3000 its not open anyway | 10:12 |
phiona | MonkeyDust: ok i found it. it seems someone resized the window bigger than the screen. LOL. thanks. | 10:12 |
counterfeit | ah ha | 10:12 |
jophish | Hi all | 10:17 |
jophish | I need to downgrade from 16.04 to 15.10 | 10:17 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:17 |
jophish | Usually this wouldn't be a problem. I'd delete everything aside from /home and run the installer again | 10:18 |
k1l_ | jophish: downgrade is not possible | 10:18 |
jophish | the problem is that I have full disk encryption on. I don't know how that will interact | 10:18 |
jophish | k1l_: Usually this wouldn't be a problem. I'd delete everything aside from /home and run the installer again | 10:18 |
counterfeit | yeah I've ran an intensive nmap on localhost and looked good. | 10:19 |
k1l_ | yeah. reinstall is the only solution | 10:19 |
MonkeyDust | jophish 15.10 will be dead this month, you'd have to change release again (14.04 or 16.04) | 10:19 |
BluesKaj | jophish, tell us why you think you need to revert | 10:19 |
loganlee | how to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04? | 10:19 |
jophish | Xilinx's Vivado software doesn't run on 16.04 | 10:20 |
BluesKaj | loganlee, check the update manager | 10:20 |
loganlee | BluesKaj, will it break the system? | 10:20 |
akik | jophish: it's probably supported on red hat/centos | 10:21 |
BluesKaj | no it will upgrade your system from LTS to LTS if you have the option enabled, loganlee | 10:21 |
k1l_ | loganlee: the LTS upgrade will be opened next week after the last bug testing. you can use the developer upgrade with -d if you need it now | 10:22 |
jophish | akik: everyone here has experience with debian or ubuntu, we've not used centos for a long time | 10:22 |
jophish | so we'd prefer to stick to ubuntu | 10:22 |
jophish | going back to my original question. Is it possible to install 15.10 on a disk which is already encrypted? | 10:23 |
k1l_ | jophish: did you ask them to make a version for 16.04? | 10:23 |
ubuntu14-04 | Hi, I am using Ubuntu 14.04, will "do-release-upgrade" work for me or have to apply "do-release-upgrade -d"?q | 10:23 |
jophish | k1l_: hahah, no. I don't think they're interested | 10:23 |
k1l_ | ubuntu14-04: the LTS upgrade will be opened next week after the last bug testing. you can use the developer upgrade with -d if you need it now | 10:23 |
ubuntu14-04 | k1l_: thanks a lot, :) | 10:24 |
ubuntu14-04 | k1l_: will do that after next week then, :) | 10:24 |
k1l_ | jophish: i dont know why they should not be interested. did you ask them? | 10:24 |
akik | jophish: actually the install document mentions ubuntu 14.04 | 10:25 |
akik | jophish: | 10:25 |
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MonkeyDust | FYI: | 10:26 |
jophish | It's working on 15.10 too | 10:26 |
BluesKaj | k1 i was informed the official point release for 16.04 was yesterday | 10:26 |
damolima | How do I flush DNS cache in 16.04? | 10:26 |
ducasse | BluesKaj: yes, but the upgrade path isn't open until they are sure there aren't any major bugs. | 10:28 |
ducasse | (aiui) | 10:28 |
BluesKaj | they shouldn't advertize the wrong date then ducasse | 10:29 |
jophish | going back to my original question. Is it possible to install 15.10 on a disk which is already encrypted? | 10:30 |
jophish | (keeping directories such as /home) | 10:30 |
jophish | reinstalling and keeping /home works very well for disks without encryption, but I can't find any info suggesting that it's possible on an encrypted disk | 10:31 |
ducasse | BluesKaj: i think it was more a miscommunication, where it wasn't properly understood that .1 would not open the upgrade path by itself. | 10:34 |
ducasse | jophish: you should be able to just reformat the mapper device, yes. | 10:34 |
_sdx_ | does anyone know how to solve suspend freeze on 16.04 ? | 10:34 |
akik | jophish: maybe this guide can help? | 10:35 |
Mika_ | Apparmor have only one config? /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump | 10:35 |
jophish | thanks akik | 10:35 |
k1l_ | BluesKaj: we asked the release team and they said they need one more week for testing | 10:35 |
jophish | thanks akik | 10:36 |
jophish | ducasse: sorry, I didn't quite understand that | 10:36 |
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ducasse | jophish: in short, 'yes, you should be able to' ;) | 10:37 |
k1l_ | _sdx_: depends on the exact errors you get in the logs. most times its due to hardware drivers/modules not beeing started in the proper manner (like the driver is loaded but the hardware is not ready) | 10:37 |
kikko037 | hello | 10:37 |
kikko037 | developer c++? | 10:38 |
MonkeyDust | kikko037 type /j ##c++ | 10:38 |
kikko037 | MonkeyDust: thanks :) | 10:38 |
_sdx_ | k1l_: should i check /var/log/syslog ? | 10:47 |
k1l_ | _sdx_: yes | 10:47 |
baako | hi i ran this command usermod -g customer -d /home/custimer/headfirst lee i want to undo it | 10:55 |
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ikonia | userdel -r lee | 10:59 |
ikonia | oh wait | 10:59 |
ikonia | sorry - you're modifying not adding a user | 11:00 |
ikonia | just usermod back to how it was | 11:00 |
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samy__ | Hi, everyone I installed Ubuntu 15.04 in my laptop with AMD graphic card. When it goes on standby then I get a black screen. The screen resumes with a click but when I use my touchpad the black screen returns | 11:01 |
samy__ | Is it a bug? | 11:01 |
ikonia | 15.04 is EOL | 11:01 |
ikonia | and not supported | 11:01 |
samy__ | I know but I had 15.04 that moment so I installed it. Why is this issue due to? | 11:02 |
ikonia | it's not supported, meaning we don't support it | 11:03 |
ikonia | use a supported release | 11:03 |
ducasse | samy__: upgrade or reinstall. | 11:03 |
MonkeyDust | samy__ use 14.04 or 16. | 11:04 |
MonkeyDust | samy__ use 14.04 or 16.04, then ask again | 11:04 |
samy__ | so only LTS support is provided? | 11:05 |
ducasse | samy__: 15.10 goes eol in a week. | 11:05 |
akira42 | hello; I'm using 14.04 LTS, shouldn't I be able to upgrade to 16.04.1 now, as the release of 16.04.1 was yesterday? | 11:05 |
MonkeyDust | samy__ they are both supported, yes | 11:05 |
ikonia | no, non-LTS is fine, as long as the release is still in support/not EOL | 11:05 |
ikonia | akira42: the upgrade process will be made available in a week or two | 11:06 |
MonkeyDust | akira42 one more week | 11:06 |
ikonia | akira42: additional testing is happening | 11:06 |
samy__ | Also I was building a project apk in Qt but I am getting this error /Android/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++: Command not found | 11:06 |
samy__ | what do I need to install? | 11:06 |
akira42 | ikonia: eh okay, thanks for the answer | 11:06 |
ikonia | samy__: yes, on a non-supported distro | 11:06 |
ikonia | samy__: we do not support your release | 11:06 |
k1l_ | samy__: no. but 14.10 and 15.04 are dead. 15.10 is dead in near future. installing one of thos is just pointless now. | 11:06 |
samy__ | yep I am going for 16.04. Can you tell me the above error soulution? Its in Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 | 11:07 |
ikonia | no | 11:07 |
ikonia | we do not support your release | 11:07 |
ikonia | please stop asking for support on it | 11:07 |
samy__ | I have 16.04 with this error /Android/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++: Command not found | 11:07 |
ikonia | samy__: please don't lie | 11:07 |
ikonia | samy__: that will get you removed from the channel | 11:07 |
samy__ | I am serious :( That was a friend's laptop who is new to Linux | 11:08 |
ikonia | I don't believe you | 11:08 |
samy__ | what I can do to prove you then :P | 11:08 |
samy__ | ikonia: Here you go :P | 11:11 |
samy__ | I was not lying | 11:11 |
ikonia | ok - so the answer is you get that package from whatever provides it - which is not an ubuntu package | 11:12 |
samy__ | I did sudo apt-get install arm-linux-androideabi-g++ but thats not a package | 11:12 |
ikonia | as I've just said | 11:12 |
ducasse | samy__: we don't really support android development either, this error does not come from anything in the ubuntu repos afaict | 11:14 |
samy__ | ducasse: I thought I am missing a package that I could get from the repo. | 11:15 |
ducasse | samy__: not that i can find. | 11:16 |
samy__ | I thought its a g++ compiler for android or something like that | 11:17 |
ducasse | samy__: if you downloaded an android sdk it would most likely be part of that. | 11:17 |
trepidacious | I can never remember where bash profile is (to add to path) on 16.04? I just remember it keeps moving, and a googlesearch will probably tell you the wrong place :) | 11:17 |
InnerCode | Hi, Is there a way to convert LXC 1.* containers to LXC 2.0? | 11:18 |
ducasse | trepidacious: ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile | 11:18 |
abhinav | hi | 11:18 |
abhinav | how to completely remove evolution calendar and everything evolution? | 11:18 |
trepidacious | ducasse: Is either one preferred? I think .profile rings a bell? | 11:19 |
ducasse | trepidacious: .bashrc is just for bash, any shell should source .profile iirc. | 11:20 |
abhinav | it says evolution is not installed. but we can see calender and other evolution stuff in system monitor | 11:20 |
trepidacious | ducasse: Thanks, I'll use that. | 11:20 |
ducasse | InnerCode: i don't think so, but ask in #ubuntu-server | 11:21 |
InnerCode | ducasse: thanks | 11:21 |
ducasse | abhinav: i think there are some other components that require the evolution data server, that might be what you're seeing. | 11:22 |
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pictionary | hi all - I've got laptop with 16.04 and btrfs root disk. Quite frequently now it panics during boot. To fix I simply mount and unmount the root disk after booting from alternate media. I've got a screenshot of the backtrace - where should I go from here? | 11:24 |
pictionary | Backtrace says the issue is not being able to mount root fs | 11:24 |
ducasse | pictionary: i would either file a bug or ask in #btrfs | 11:25 |
pictionary | ducasse: ok - cheers | 11:25 |
moe2486 | hi guys, issue with installing ubuntu after replacing internal hard drive | 11:32 |
moe2486 | please help | 11:33 |
cerion | what issue ? | 11:33 |
percus | hi | 11:33 |
percus | SUP | 11:34 |
percus | i need some help | 11:34 |
ducasse | !ask | percus | 11:34 |
ubottu | percus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:34 |
moe2486 | i recently replaced my internal hard drive with a new one i brought off the internet, first question is there anything i should do before physically replacing it | 11:34 |
moe2486 | the old one no longer works | 11:35 |
abhinav | how to completely remove evolution calender, addressbook, source ?? | 11:35 |
ducasse | abhinav: did you read what i wrote above? | 11:35 |
abhinav | ducasse: no. it was not highlighted. | 11:36 |
abhinav | ducasse: ok it was. i missed that. | 11:36 |
percus | I have win10 and I need to install ubuntu | 11:36 |
abhinav | ducasse: how to find out which are those other components? | 11:36 |
moe2486 | i get the com32 error and after i get through it, i get a screen full of errors trying to boot from usb | 11:36 |
ducasse | abhinav: evolution-data-server-common might be one of them, look for installed packages relating to evolution. | 11:37 |
abhinav | ducasse: in my terminal nothing autocompletes evolution | 11:37 |
ducasse | abhinav: dpkg -l | grep evolution | 11:38 |
moe2486 | is it possible that the new hard drive i bought is not compatible with my computer? | 11:38 |
ducasse | moe2486: did you reinstall? | 11:38 |
ducasse | percus: just write the ubuntu image to a usb and follow the instructions on | 11:39 |
k1l_ | percus: | 11:40 |
moe2486 | i'm not sure what you mean ? i'm trying to install after loading image of 16.04 onto my usb | 11:40 |
ducasse | moe2486: ok. are you sure cables are properly attached? | 11:41 |
moe2486 | yes pretty sure, it was pretty easy removing the old one and putting the new one in. | 11:42 |
blackmoon2016 | c est quoi àa | 11:43 |
moe2486 | no cables anyway, it was for a laptop | 11:43 |
blackmoon2016 | hello | 11:43 |
minimec | blackmoon2016: Hi | 11:43 |
ducasse | moe2486: what kind of laptop? | 11:43 |
blackmoon2016 | i need help | 11:43 |
moe2486 | acer aspire 5740 | 11:44 |
minimec | blackmoon2016: Just ask the question. Someone here mightknow the answer | 11:44 |
moe2486 | i previously had 14.04 installed with basically no issues other than the hard drive dying lol | 11:44 |
ducasse | moe2486: and you are trying to install 16.04 now? | 11:45 |
moe2486 | yes | 11:45 |
ducasse | moe2486: can you try 14.04 to see if that still works? | 11:45 |
ducasse | moe2486: that could help in narrowing down the problem. | 11:46 |
=== Bent0_ is now known as Bent0 | ||
Tin_man | i thought he just installed a new drive, how would he have 14.04 on it? | 11:48 |
moe2486 | i cant get through the bios though, after i get through the com32 error by typing help enter enter it just hangs with errors. | 11:48 |
moe2486 | before replacing the hard drive this worked | 11:48 |
Tin_man | can you load a live version of Ubuntu from your dvd? | 11:49 |
ducasse | moe2486: if you get errors from the bios then you have hardware or firmware problems. | 11:49 |
moe2486 | its not from the bios itself, i can get through that but straight after it just hangs with errors. | 11:50 |
moe2486 | also the num lock light flashes | 11:50 |
ducasse | moe2486: sounds like the drive is faulty or not connected properly. | 11:51 |
moe2486 | i thought the issue might be because the new hard drive is not compatible | 11:51 |
Tin_man | i'd say your new drive is not install properly or not configured right | 11:52 |
Tin_man | is it a SSD? | 11:52 |
moe2486 | is there anything i should have done to the new hard drive before installing it ? | 11:52 |
ducasse | moe2486: if it's a sata drive it's compatible. it might still be broken or not connected properly. | 11:53 |
moe2486 | not ssd replaced a 640 gb with a 750 gb same price lol | 11:53 |
Tin_man | did your bios see the drive? | 11:53 |
ducasse | moe2486: try asking in ##hardware, you might need to register first. | 11:54 |
blackmoon2016 | my vmawre can t be run help | 11:54 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: we don't support vmware, vmware does. | 11:54 |
minimec | blackmoon2016: Ok. Do you get an error message? Like missing kernel module? | 11:54 |
moe2486 | yes my bios did see the drive, i remember toshiba coming up old one was wd | 11:54 |
moe2486 | what do you mean register | 11:55 |
moe2486 | ? | 11:55 |
Tin_man | with the channel | 11:55 |
blackmoon2016 | yes | 11:55 |
blackmoon2016 | somthing like this | 11:55 |
ducasse | !register | moe2486 | 11:55 |
ubottu | moe2486: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 11:55 |
blackmoon2016 | it a mess here | 11:56 |
bazhang | #vmware blackmoon2016 | 11:57 |
percus | how do you install ubuntu without destroying current partition? | 12:00 |
ducasse | percus: resize it from windows to create free space for ubuntu. | 12:00 |
abhinav | percus: just dont touch current partition? | 12:00 |
percus | how? | 12:01 |
abhinav | just install it in free space? without touch the partion you worry about? | 12:01 |
nrdb | The alternative ISO used to have a LTSP option. What happened to these ISO images? Can I download them from somewhere? | 12:07 |
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly | ||
ducasse | nrdb: the only images now are desktop, server and minimal afaik | 12:11 |
=== nameless1 is now known as nameless | ||
ioria | lubuntu has still alternate ... | 12:13 |
megamanx1978 | I am having issues getting some Steam games running my system specs are AMD FX 8core 4.0 Ghz, 32GB Ram, and Radeon RX480 with AMDGPU-PRO driver. | 12:14 |
ducasse | megamanx1978: try #ubuntu-steam | 12:15 |
percus | ok | 12:17 |
percus | how do you install ubuntu without destroying current partition? | 12:19 |
ducasse | percus: weren't you just told? | 12:19 |
megamanx1978 | ducasse there are not very many people in ubuntu-steam to help | 12:19 |
percus | was not clear instruction | 12:20 |
ducasse | percus: "just install in free space" is pretty clear. | 12:20 |
ducasse | megamanx1978: then wait for someone to help, they are also just volunteers. | 12:20 |
megamanx1978 | percus Try the something else partition option to do manual partitioning | 12:21 |
megamanx1978 | That room is almost dead only 23 people and no response vs 1910 people in this room | 12:22 |
megamanx1978 | I might as well be talking to the wall | 12:23 |
ducasse | megamanx1978: nobody responded here either, and #ubuntu-steam is the right place for your question | 12:23 |
percus | true, so many people cant help | 12:24 |
gvvg | Hi - I just installed 16.04 server on a lenovo tiny desktop - I have no audio - any suggestions? | 12:25 |
ducasse | gvvg: the first thing to check is that your sound device is not muted. | 12:26 |
megamanx1978 | When I can help someone I do no matter what room I am in. People not willing to help is one big reason many people are not on Linux | 12:27 |
teward | I assume the 14.04 -> 16.04 upgrade path is still not enabled? | 12:27 |
gvvg | ducasse I'm using fluxbox - is there any command from the command line to verify if the sound device is detected? | 12:27 |
ducasse | gvvg: you can try alsamixer or pavucontrol | 12:27 |
mcphail | teward: apparently not for a while yet, until bugs are squashed | 12:28 |
ioria | teward, nope | 12:28 |
ducasse | megamanx1978: if nobody responds, is because nobody has any suggestions. we're volunteers, remember. | 12:28 |
gvvg | ducasse: sudo apt-get install alsamixer "E: Unable to locate package alsamixer" not sure what to install | 12:29 |
gvvg | if I do a dmesg - what do I grep for to identify the sound card? device | 12:29 |
ducasse | gvvg: should be installed, it's in alsa-utils | 12:30 |
ducasse | gvvg: you can do 'lspci -k' | 12:30 |
gvvg | alsamixer loads - how to I have it play a sound? | 12:32 |
gvvg | it says Card: HDA Intel HDMI Item S/PDIF | 12:32 |
ducasse | gvvg: press f6, you should get a menu of your devices. | 12:33 |
gvvg | yes it shows HDA Intrel HDMI and INTEL PCH | 12:33 |
megamanx1978 | gvvg I am assuming your computer is connected via HDMI? | 12:33 |
ducasse | gvvg: select intel pch | 12:34 |
gvvg | yes now how to test playback? | 12:34 |
ducasse | gvvg: do you get volume bars, or do they say 'MM' at the bottom? | 12:34 |
gvvg | master volume was zero I've maxed it | 12:34 |
ducasse | gvvg: ok, now try to play sound from an application. | 12:35 |
megamanx1978 | gvvg Try playing some music or something to test the sound | 12:35 |
mhoney | can an iscsi lun be setup on top of an lvm logival volume? | 12:38 |
ducasse | mhoney: you'd better try #ubuntu-server, they are much more likely to know. | 12:40 |
mhoney | thanks ducasse | 12:41 |
Ntemis | hey guys | 12:43 |
sly01_ | hi | 12:43 |
sly01_ | I have question ? | 12:43 |
sly01_ | anyone online here ? | 12:44 |
Ntemis | i want to ask a question: if i install kodi on Xenial server 16.04.1 will i have support for my HD8330 gpu on kodi? | 12:44 |
Ntemis | currently i am login with ssh | 12:44 |
OerHeks | Ntemis, sure, with the open driver | 12:45 |
ducasse | Ntemis: are you going to use it as a media server? | 12:45 |
yungBLUD | Hello, can anyone help me with installing ubuntu alongside windows 10? I need to manually do the partitions as it doesn't come up with an option to install alongside windows 10. I have shrunk the windows partition but I if i create the root it won't let me create anymore after that (home & swap). Something to do with only 4 main partitions? | 12:45 |
Ntemis | ducasse: kinda | 12:45 |
Ntemis | ducasse: am planning to install retroarch+lutri+kodi | 12:46 |
OerHeks | yungBLUD, let ubuntu make the partitions in the free space | 12:46 |
Ntemis | for the living room | 12:46 |
yungBLUD | oerheks, Sorry if it's a dumb question, but how? | 12:46 |
Ntemis | i have a spare of xbox360 controllers and the microsoft xbox360 ir remote | 12:47 |
OerHeks | yungBLUD, start the insall, and the menu will give that option | 12:47 |
Ntemis | i hope it works on ubuntu without much fiddle around | 12:47 |
yungBLUD | oerheks, All auto installation options use the entire disk and get rid of windows. My other option is manual. | 12:47 |
yungBLUD | oerheks, Guided - use entire disk, Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM, Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM | 12:48 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: if this disk uses mbr partitions, you can only have four primary partitions. you need to create a logical partition and extended partitions inside that. | 12:50 |
OerHeks | if the installer does not see the windows install, there must be something going on with UEFI | 12:50 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, is this something i need to do outside of the installation? with gparted in windows possibly? | 12:50 |
yungBLUD | oerheks, i believe windows is installed just bios not uefi so i have to do the same with this installation it said | 12:51 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: you should be able to inside the installer, just make sure to change one partition from primary. | 12:51 |
Ntemis | lovely my upgrade to 16.04.1 is smooth | 12:51 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: (a new partition, that is) | 12:52 |
percus | new partition? | 12:52 |
Ntemis | am on manual MATE 1.8.2 on 14.04.4 will i have mate desktop when i reboot after upgrade is finished? | 12:53 |
BluesKaj | Ntemis, yes | 12:53 |
Ntemis | oh great | 12:53 |
Ntemis | no unity , you sure? | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | upgrade over the 'net Ntemis , correct? | 12:54 |
Ntemis | yeap | 12:54 |
Ntemis | upgrade -d | 12:54 |
Ntemis | had to push it | 12:54 |
Ntemis | i dont want unishit | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | then you'll be fine Ntemis, it upgrades your existing packages , whch includes the desktop | 12:55 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, i'm a bit lost. Do i need to create a primary partition that can then be split to include root, swap & home? | 12:55 |
Ntemis | great thanks | 12:55 |
boj_ | I am looking for a help to configure proxy in ubuntu server..Can someone advise? | 12:55 |
Ntemis | hrm hmm this will take a while as it seems | 12:56 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: you can have only four primary partitions, but one of them can be a logical partition that can be split up in extended partitions. | 12:56 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, ahhhh i think i am following you. I have just found this youtube video which i think shows what you are telling me | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | Ntemis, yes, depending your internet speed and the load on the's probly quite high today | 12:57 |
bluesfreak72 | Hi there - I'm running 16.04 and the Google Chrome browser. I booted up yesterday and the font size went huge only on Chrome. I've looked in settings and advanced settings. There is nothing to adjust the font size. I've tried closing and opening the browser as well as rebooting. Please help. | 12:57 |
ducasse | bluesfreak72: ctrl+mouse wheel, maybe? | 12:58 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, he seems to not make a home directory and he makes both the root and swap logical. Does this seem normal? | 12:59 |
bluesfreak72 | ducasse: This is a laptop. I only have the touchpad. | 12:59 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: it doesn't really matter which partitions are logical. a separate partition for home can be a good idea, imo. | 12:59 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, I have 500~gb what would you recommend splitting the partitions? I have 8gb ram so I have read its a good idea to have double that for the swap. Thanks for your help btw I really appreciate it | 13:00 |
ky | How do I enable autologin on 16.04? Bypass all password requirements | 13:00 |
ky | Nevermind, got it. Thanks | 13:01 |
yungBLUD | ducasse, also shall i make all 3 (root, swap, home) logical? | 13:01 |
bluesfreak72 | ducasse: I tried that using the 2-finger mouse. The font went big on the tabs and on the bookmarks bar. It doesn't adjust that. | 13:01 |
ducasse | yungBLUD: you can, it should make no difference. | 13:02 |
ducasse | bluesfreak72: ok, it was just a guess. sorry, i don't use chrome. | 13:02 |
bluesfreak72 | ducasse: Thanks for the suggestion. Anybody else have a suggestion? | 13:03 |
Guest7710 | hey guys | 13:05 |
Guest7710 | does anyone have any experience with using logitech g300s with ubuntu? | 13:05 |
thermoman | fresh install of 16.04 - there is no software update icon in notification bar but instead a popup that does nothing when being clicked on - how to fix that? | 13:08 |
boriseto | In Ubuntu, are snaps being updated by the gnome-software (ubuntu) store? | 13:11 |
edsoncanto | =] | 13:18 |
Guest7710 | nobody using a logitech mouse here? :( | 13:22 |
=== asielgil is now known as Heisen | ||
=== Heisen is now known as Heisen88 | ||
minimec | Guest7710: I don't see any problem with your mouse. You might have to configure the buttons with the 'xbindkeys' software. that's all. I never had problems with any Logitech mouse at all under linux, although now I have Krone XTD | 13:25 |
Guest7710 | thanks i will check that :) | 13:25 |
ddoobb | Hi. Can a live USB of Ubuntu 16.04 be used to upgrade a 14.04 installation? I can't use the update manager because internet isn't available on this machine. | 13:26 |
ducasse | Guest7710: is this one of those mice that sends keyboard presses instead of button events? | 13:26 |
Guest7710 | not sure, mouse moves the pointer and scrolls up/down. buttons do nothing though | 13:27 |
ducasse | Guest7710: type 'xev' in a terminal, move the pointer into the window that appears, and press the buttons, does the output say keypress or buttonpress? | 13:29 |
=== Karunamon|2 is now known as Karunamon | ||
majnoon | Has interesting problem | 13:29 |
Guest7710 | only motionnottify | 13:30 |
Guest7710 | doesn't even care that i click | 13:30 |
majnoon | updated chrome can't run it on main account but using xhost can use it as another user | 13:31 |
ducasse | Guest7710: nothing at all? then that is odd, i've never seen that before. if linux doesn't see any keypress/button events you basically need a driver for that mouse. | 13:32 |
majnoon | running it in xterm get 'Aborted (core dumped) and that all | 13:32 |
minimec | Guest7710: | 13:32 |
Haris | hello all | 13:34 |
Haris | what's the server pkg for dovecot on 14.4 LTS ? | 13:34 |
minimec | Guest7710: When using xev, you have to move the mouse cursor into the window that opens. Just use 'xev', move the mouse into the window and pres the buttons. You should get some info in the terminal window then. | 13:36 |
Guest7710 | i do get some info | 13:36 |
minimec | Haris: | 13:36 |
ducasse | Guest7710: but only motion events? | 13:36 |
Haris | it doesn't install the init script ? | 13:37 |
Guest7710 | but only for moving the mouse. i also get all the info about what i am doing when i use my touchpad. with the mouse only motion events though | 13:37 |
ddoobb | Also my installation starts doing weird shit like this after a while. Will updating help? | 13:37 |
ducasse | Guest7710: did you click inside the small white window? | 13:38 |
Guest7710 | yes i clicked inside the window. when i click with the mousepad, it's okay. when i click with the mouse, nothing | 13:39 |
ducasse | Guest7710: then it is as i said, that mouse does something weird, and probably requires a driver on windows too. | 13:39 |
Guest7710 | hmm. i found this website | 13:41 |
Guest7710 | you think it is reliable? | 13:41 |
OerHeks | no | 13:41 |
ducasse | Guest7710: that looks suspicious. | 13:42 |
ducasse | Guest7710: _very_ suspicious. | 13:42 |
Guest7710 | yeah i thought so. this is frustrating :p .. mostly because fixes for g300 doesnt seem to work for g300s | 13:43 |
=== nameless1 is now known as nameless | ||
minimec | Guest7710: Have a look here | 13:44 |
ducasse | Guest7710: if the mouse doesn't generate any button events there is nothing to remap. all you can do is really to hope for a driver being reverse-engineered. | 13:44 |
Guest7710 | i tried lomoco, it sees the mouse but says Unsupported Logitech device: Unknown | 13:45 |
minimec | Guest7710: I would also test this | 13:45 |
Guest7710 | afraid to say, i also did that :( | 13:46 |
blackmoon2016 | hello | 13:49 |
blackmoon2016 | i am hacker | 13:50 |
ducasse | Guest7710: then there isn't a lot you can do, i'm afraid. | 13:50 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: i am root. tremble! | 13:50 |
* DArqueBishop trembles. | 13:50 | |
Guest7710 | can you hack my mouse | 13:50 |
blackmoon2016 | whats ur pb | 13:50 |
Guest7710 | its being a dickhead | 13:51 |
blackmoon2016 | ducasse:.......?? | 13:51 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: j/k | 13:51 |
minimec | Guest7710: Oh boy. If there is one myth that existed for me until today, then it was Logitech and Linux compatibility! I have about a dozen Logitech devices here... Speakers, wireless keyboard/headphones/mouse, webcams, even USB hubs... Yours is the first device that is not Linux compatible. | 13:52 |
Guest7710 | i tend to be extremely unlucky when it comes to having unique and stupid errors :p | 13:53 |
ducasse | minimec: i have another logitech mouse that sends keyboard presses instead of button events. | 13:54 |
blackmoon2016 | whats | 13:54 |
blackmoon2016 | wrong | 13:54 |
blackmoon2016 | with | 13:54 |
blackmoon2016 | u | 13:54 |
OerHeks | !info axe | 13:54 |
ubottu | axe (source: axe): Text editor for X. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.1.2-16.2 (xenial), package size 133 kB, installed size 383 kB | 13:54 |
minimec | ducasse: That is not a problem. My Kone XTD does that too if I remember well. | 13:55 |
ducasse | minimec: not a problem, just inconvenient :) | 13:56 |
ducasse | !pm | blackmoon2016 | 13:56 |
ubottu | blackmoon2016: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 13:56 |
blackmoon2016 | so who can i had pb with maltego to find people on fb | 13:58 |
ikonia | what ?? | 14:01 |
blackmoon2016 | i have pb with maltego | 14:01 |
blackmoon2016 | help | 14:01 |
ikonia | pb pb ? | 14:01 |
ikonia | what is pb | 14:01 |
blackmoon2016 | problème | 14:01 |
ikonia | just clearly state your problem - don't use words like "pb" | 14:02 |
blackmoon2016 | i can t find more info about people on maltego like memer of facbook | 14:03 |
blackmoon2016 | ikonia have u an answer for me | 14:03 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: that is not an ubuntu problem. | 14:03 |
blackmoon2016 | i am frcophone sorry for my bad english | 14:03 |
ikonia | I have no idea what maltego is | 14:03 |
blackmoon2016 | why just ubuntu | 14:03 |
ducasse | ikonia: data-mining thingamajig | 14:03 |
Pici | blackmoon2016: because this is #ubuntu | 14:04 |
blackmoon2016 | i am using backbox | 14:04 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: Not Our Problem™ | 14:04 |
ikonia | ok - so %101 nothing to do with ubuntu | 14:04 |
Pici | !backbox | blackmoon2016 | 14:04 |
ubottu | blackmoon2016: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on or for help with it. | 14:04 |
blackmoon2016 | so why back box is usfull by ubuntu and debian | 14:06 |
ikonia | it's nothing to do with ubuntu | 14:06 |
blackmoon2016 | no that not true | 14:06 |
ducasse | it is, though. | 14:07 |
blackmoon2016 | so why i go alwaus on ubuntu documention a find the same command and the same solutions | 14:07 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: why not just use ubuntu, then? | 14:08 |
pvi | hi all, does anybody know, when this patch will arive at ubuntu 14.04 repos? | 14:09 |
ubottu | bug 11948 in DCE-RPCs and pipes "Total dcerpc response payload more than 0x400000" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 14:09 |
blackmoon2016 | ubuntu is so bad he does not have a tools for hacking | 14:10 |
blackmoon2016 | pardon it doesnt | 14:10 |
blackmoon2016 | had tool s | 14:10 |
blackmoon2016 | for hacking | 14:10 |
ducasse | bazhang: so, it's different. see? | 14:10 |
ducasse | blackmoon2016: ^ | 14:11 |
blackmoon2016 | yah | 14:11 |
ducasse | bazhang: sorry. | 14:11 |
=== Alabama is now known as alberti | ||
Driver_ | Hello, quick question, why isn't 16.04.1 on ? | 14:13 |
blackmoon2016 | alabama is state in usa | 14:13 |
Driver_ | this is causing do-release-upgrade not finding 16.04.1 | 14:13 |
ducasse | Driver_: the release team needs a week more for testing. | 14:14 |
Driver_ | erm... isn't 16.04.1 supposed to be 16.04 fully tested ? | 14:14 |
ikonia | the upgrade process, not the OS | 14:14 |
Driver_ | right | 14:15 |
Pici | and yes, we were expecting it today too... oh well, another week isn't a big deal. | 14:15 |
Driver_ | so it will only be available on July 28th, right ? | 14:15 |
ikonia | thats the target | 14:15 |
ikonia | next week | 14:15 |
pauljw_vm | when it's ready | 14:15 |
ikonia | if they find problems, who knows | 14:15 |
Driver_ | ok | 14:15 |
teward | ikonia: pici: target for the 14.04 -> 16.04.1 upgrade path is next week (EOL date of Wily)? | 14:16 |
akik | how about clean install of 16.04.1? that's ready? | 14:17 |
Driver_ | Please start including those dates in the Roadmap | 14:17 |
ikonia | akik: totally | 14:18 |
pauljw_vm | Driver_, we're just end users like you | 14:18 |
Driver_ | ok ok | 14:18 |
Driver_ | didn't notice | 14:18 |
Guest7710 | !pm minimec i think i have an idea | 14:18 |
ubottu | Guest7710: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:18 |
Driver_ | where do i request that ? | 14:18 |
ikonia | Guest7710: ? | 14:19 |
ikonia | Driver_: log a bug | 14:19 |
Driver_ | ok | 14:19 |
Driver_ | tks | 14:19 |
ikonia | it's a fair request | 14:19 |
Driver_ | :) | 14:19 |
Driver_ | you've been very helpful | 14:19 |
akik | Guest7710: a private message is sent with /msg nick | 14:19 |
Guest7710 | i will configure the mouse in a windows pc, then use it on ubuntu. maybe the reason it doesnt send any button events is there is a problem with the mouse configurations | 14:20 |
ducasse | Guest7710: worth a shot if it's programmable. | 14:20 |
Guest7710 | i remember it was.. i will post the result :) | 14:21 |
ducasse | Guest7710: good luck :) | 14:21 |
minimec | Guest7710: That is worth a try in case that the configuration prfiles are stored on the mouse. Maybe that works. My Kone XTD has such profiles stored on the mouse, but I never configured them. | 14:21 |
dgarstang | Can I get minimal ubuntu AMI's from somewhere? | 14:23 |
ikonia | amazon market place | 14:23 |
dgarstang | ikonia: Can't seem to find minimal ones | 14:25 |
ikonia | minimal ? | 14:25 |
dgarstang | ikonia: Something like the debian minimal ones | 14:25 |
matrix_ | hi guys, could you suggest me a channel where to ask support for php/html? thanks | 14:27 |
ducasse | !alis | matrix_ | 14:27 |
ubottu | matrix_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 14:27 |
ikonia | ##ph ? | 14:28 |
ikonia | ##php | 14:28 |
blackmoon2016 | byy les amis | 14:28 |
matrix_ | ikonia, sorry that channel is "invite only" | 14:29 |
matrix_ | anybody else could suggest something? | 14:30 |
ducasse | matrix_: try what ubottu wrote. | 14:30 |
matrix_ | ducasse, tried, nothing comes out | 14:31 |
matrix_ | rather than #php which is invite only | 14:31 |
ducasse | try '/msg alis list #php*' for example | 14:31 |
OerHeks | 'invite only' .. i think you need to register with freenode ?? | 14:32 |
matrix_ | ducasse, tried, nothing comes out | 14:32 |
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ducasse | matrix_: are you registered? | 14:33 |
matrix_ | ducasse, I don't think so, I dunno how to do that | 14:33 |
ducasse | !register | 14:34 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 14:34 |
Guest7710 | OMG it works :'(( . After almost 3 hours of google searches. it kinda feels nice :D | 14:35 |
minimec | Guest7710: Nice! | 14:36 |
lol768 | Hi there, any idea when will become available in xorg-server for ubuntu 16.04? | 14:38 |
lol768 | Who's the xorg-server package maintainer? | 14:38 |
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OerHeks | lol768, easy to find | 14:39 |
Superdawg | Hello. I am running into an apt repository problem that I was hoping someone can help with. Allow me to explain | 14:41 |
Superdawg | I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and I have an internal apt repository which has historically worked on all debian based distros I've used. | 14:41 |
Superdawg | The latest confirmed version to work is ubuntu 15.04 (vivid). I haven't tested it on 15.10 (wily). | 14:41 |
Superdawg | When I add the repository as such: echo "deb [trusted=yes] http://hostname/ref_mirrors/deb-vivid stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debmirror.list | 14:42 |
Superdawg | a subsequest apt-get update returns the following error from apt-show-versions: "Error: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?)" | 14:42 |
Superdawg | Did the expectations change for a debian repo with 16.04? I'm not able to find much that is helpful on the web. | 14:42 |
Superdawg | I see some differences between my mirror and an official ubuntu mirror. | 14:43 |
Superdawg | My internal mirror houses custom built debs that I have built, so don't confuse it with a 'mirrored' official repository | 14:44 |
Superdawg | I don't have a Contents-$arch.gz in my mirror at 'dists/deb-vivid'. I also don't have the Packages.xz or the by-hash subdir inside the dists/deb-vivid/main/binary-$arch dir | 14:46 |
Superdawg | I've tried adding/changing the option 'Acquire::GzipIndexes "false";' (which didn't exist in the apt.conf.d anywhere, as many sites mentioned with it being available in 02compress-indexes) | 14:50 |
aryell | hello everybody | 14:52 |
link0802 | Hello. My touchpad perfectly work in gnome shell, but in Unity DE double click and click by tap don't work. Also in Unity no settings for touchpad. Can anybody help me? I burn out my brain with this problem :( | 14:53 |
ducasse | Superdawg: you could try #ubuntu-server if nobody can help you here | 14:54 |
Superdawg | ducasse: Sounds like a good idea. Thanks. | 14:54 |
negev | hi, after upgrading to 16.04.1 i've done: sudo systemctl enable rc-local.service but rc.local is still not executed on boot | 14:55 |
ducasse | negev: it should be enabled by default. | 14:56 |
ducasse | negev: double-check whatever you put in it to make sure there are no errors there. | 14:57 |
negev | if i execute it manually there are no errors | 14:58 |
negev | it just doesn't start on boot | 14:58 |
minimec | negev: Check the 'status' after boot 'sudo systemctl status rc-local.service' | 14:58 |
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BuJitsuBrown | ubuntu 14 lts and lg e980 i want to root can you help me please? | 15:07 |
ducasse | BuJitsuBrown: root the phone? | 15:07 |
k1l_ | BuJitsuBrown: ask #android how to root android devices. | 15:07 |
hipitihop | On 16.04 is the docker install appears complete but is there anything else needed to fetch and run remote images ? | 15:08 |
negev | hi, i've just upgraded to 16.04.1 and tor won't start using systemctl. it says it starts, systemctl status says it started, but also that it "exited": Active: active (exited) | 15:08 |
BuJitsuBrown | yes i would like to root the phone | 15:08 |
laura_ | hi i need help with upgrading xubuntu | 15:08 |
ducasse | BuJitsuBrown: ask in an android channel. | 15:08 |
k1l_ | BuJitsuBrown: that is not ubuntu specific, that is phone specific. so please ask the android guys (or whatever OS is running on that device) | 15:09 |
akik | negev: look into /var/log/tor/log for error messages | 15:09 |
laura_ | i have xubuntu 15.4 and want to upgrade it, but i want a fresh install | 15:09 |
BuJitsuBrown | on would they know from ubuntu? | 15:09 |
laura_ | so i burned a live CD for xubuntu 16.4 | 15:09 |
laura_ | rebooted the computer | 15:09 |
negev | akik: i did, nothing | 15:09 |
laura_ | and see a grub screen saying "Try Xubuntu without instaling, install Xubuntu etc" and when I pick the first option, it just takes me to a blank screen | 15:10 |
BuJitsuBrown | Would they know how to work from ubuntu? | 15:10 |
laura_ | exactly the same thing with ubuntu live cd 16.4, except grub screen says "install Ubuntu" | 15:10 |
ducasse | BuJitsuBrown: no idea, ask them. | 15:10 |
BuJitsuBrown | ok thnaks | 15:11 |
k1l_ | BuJitsuBrown: there are most times howtos for linux, yes. but the procedure is device specific | 15:11 |
hipitihop | laura_ did you mdb5sum your iso beforeburning it to cd ? | 15:11 |
akik | negev: try "/usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0 --verify-config" from shell as the tor user | 15:12 |
workisfun | can anyone help me with "No network devices available" issue? I've pasted the output of various commands here | 15:13 |
laura_ | hipitihop: i'll admit i didnt, because i didnt know how to | 15:13 |
laura_ | on this computer | 15:13 |
minimec | laura_: Try to press the <tab> key when you ere in the menu and 'nomodeset' at the end of the kernel options line. Try to boot like that once. | 15:13 |
laura_ | minimec: thanks i'll try :) | 15:13 |
negev | akik: checks out | 15:13 |
akik | negev: it starts and keeps running? | 15:14 |
akik | negev: you can see systemd errors with "journalctl -xe" | 15:14 |
hipitihop | laura_ Ok it may not be rellated but first make sure your download/iso is ok: Bottom of this page match the iso you downloaded | 15:16 |
workisfun | I've also asked the question here | 15:17 |
hipitihop | laura_ I'd only worry if minimec suggestion fails | 15:17 |
negev | akik: looks like apparmour is stopping it | 15:18 |
akik | negev: sorry don't know anything about apparmor | 15:19 |
negev | tor@default.service: Failed at step APPARMOR spawning /usr/bin/tor: No such file or directory | 15:20 |
akik | negev: did you install it from ubuntu repos or from tor project repos? | 15:20 |
virtuosoj | Has anyone here experimented with the new lowgfx profile on Unity in 16.04.1? | 15:20 |
virtuosoj | I'm wondering if enabling lowgfx unity will improve performance on my computers. Both are Intel integrated gfx, a 3000 and a 4000 | 15:21 |
negev | akik: can't remember, it was before i upgraded | 15:22 |
akik | negev: sudo apt-cache policy tor | 15:22 |
Hulio | anyone know how to start pl/sql deverloper in linux command? | 15:23 |
negev | akik: i purged and reinstalled with apt, working now :) | 15:23 |
HappySomethingSo | Hi! I have a problem with transmission, I can't seed | 15:27 |
HappySomethingSo | I don't know why | 15:27 |
HappySomethingSo | I tried Deluge before and had the same problem | 15:28 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: are you on a residential internet behind a router? Did you enable the firewall on your computer directly? | 15:29 |
HappySomethingSo | teward: yes to both | 15:29 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: first issue: Router needs to port-forward the port you set in Deluge or Transmission to your computer, and you may have to go to the router admin page and do that by hand. | 15:30 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: if you don't control the router, ask the admins. | 15:30 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: second issue: you have to allow that port on the firewall on your computer itself | 15:30 |
HappySomethingSo | teward: I've already forwarded the port, Transmission says it's open | 15:30 |
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Hulio | neermind, i got it. | 15:31 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: and I assume the third issue of "A tracker has to be set that you can send to saying 'I'm seeding'" has already been addressed in your torrent file. | 15:31 |
teward | HappySomethingSo: make sure you set the firewall on your computer to accept connections on that port though | 15:31 |
akik | never mind | 15:31 |
soee | can someone confirm that minitube does not load any content from youtube? | 15:31 |
teward | (i.e. `ufw allow `, etc. | 15:32 |
HappySomethingSo | teward: yeah I also allowed the port on ufw | 15:32 |
OerHeks | and there must be leechers to your seeds | 15:32 |
HappySomethingSo | I have a personal torrent to which I am sure there are leechers and I've also tried ubuntu torrrents | 15:33 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: you really can't seed to anyone? you mentioned ufw, but you also forwarded the ranges needed in your router? | 15:35 |
laura_ | I need help | 15:35 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | laura_ | 15:35 |
ubottu | laura_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:35 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: yes, I've forwarded the port I've set in transmission | 15:35 |
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver | ||
laura_ | In my "uefi boot services" it still lists opensuse-secureboot as an option | 15:36 |
ahrc333ff | Teward: use nmap to interrogate the port on your router. If you've enabled the correct port on UFW you should be fine as well. This is interesting though as when you 'serve' a torrent the connection is outgoing as far as I know. I've not had to do any of this in the past to allow leechers to get to a torrent on my machine in any OS. | 15:36 |
laura_ | Eventhough i uninstalled opensuse ages ago | 15:36 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: and is it a range of ports? | 15:36 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: It's just one | 15:36 |
HappySomethingSo | the start and end port is the same one | 15:36 |
laura_ | I need some help :) | 15:37 |
SchrodingersScat | ahrc333ff: the leechers still need to let the seeds know that they need the download, etc. | 15:37 |
laura_ | I think i screwed something up with the boot | 15:37 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: hmm, maybe see if there's a port range beyond the connecting port that needs to be forwarded. | 15:37 |
SchrodingersScat | laura_: might just need to remove it from the grub menu | 15:37 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: how would I know? | 15:37 |
laura_ | SchrodingersScat nope its listed under my BIOS boot stuff | 15:38 |
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laura_ | I dunno about grub havent seen it | 15:39 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: | 15:39 |
ducasse | laura_: that is probably their certificate, be careful if you attempt to remove that. | 15:39 |
SchrodingersScat | laura_: oh, oops, i haven't any experience there | 15:39 |
teward | ahrc333ff: E:Mishighlight, HappySomethingSo needs the help | 15:39 |
laura_ | ducasse: i tried installing opensuse, it failed so i installed xububtu, it worked but opensuse secureboot is still there ubder UEFI boot options | 15:40 |
laura_ | Computer came with Windows 8 | 15:40 |
ducasse | laura_: it could also be their uefi bootloader. look under /boot/efi. | 15:41 |
laura_ | ducasse: sorry i dont understand what u mean :( do u mean xubuntus bootloader? | 15:42 |
The_Wolf | I've mac powermac g5 a1047, It's running ubuntu mate... Do anybody know if there is virtual ??? | 15:42 |
laura_ | Cos i have xubuntu 15.10 on computer | 15:42 |
laura_ | Wanna do a fresh install of 16.4 but i cant load up LiveCD | 15:42 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: the port is correctly forwarded as per the instructions in the webpage you linked me to, I checked with CanYouSeeMe | 15:42 |
ducasse | laura_: no, opensuse's. that's what you were trying to get rid of, right? | 15:43 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, know if there is virtual? not sure what that means | 15:43 |
The_Wolf | [compdoc] with virtualbox | 15:43 |
laura_ | ducasse: i got rid of opensuse by doing a fresh install of xubuntu | 15:43 |
The_Wolf | sorry my english is obsolete | 15:43 |
laura_ | But it still lists OpenSuse secureboot as an option in Bios | 15:43 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, what about virtualbox? | 15:44 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: hmm, k, I've seen people behind consumer routers have trouble before, then someone on a vps hooks into it and suddenly the torrent completes. you may be doing the best you can do, but I would check something like iftop to see if it's trying to connect via other ports. | 15:44 |
laura_ | So i think its an "empty" entry in BIOS if that makes sense | 15:44 |
ducasse | laura_: yes, but the bootloader and efi variable pointing to it are still there. you can just ignore them, though. | 15:45 |
avc | Hi! | 15:45 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: what does iftop do? | 15:45 |
avc | #ubuntustudio | 15:45 |
The_Wolf | [compdoc] install different operating systems on ubuntu | 15:45 |
negev | after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04.1, starting services with systemd gives a spew of errors: | 15:45 |
nacc | The_Wolf: are you trying to ask if virtualbox is available? | 15:46 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, well, virtualbox or kvm are fine packages for that | 15:46 |
negev | which seem to be suggesting that i have to upgrade the init scripts myself | 15:46 |
negev | why wasn't that handled during the upgrade? | 15:46 |
nacc | negev: have you rebooted since you upgraded? | 15:46 |
negev | i'm guessing the answer is "lennart must die" but would like this confirmed | 15:46 |
negev | nacc: uh yeah lol | 15:46 |
The_Wolf | [nacc] no en ubuntu mate | 15:46 |
nacc | negev: just checking :) | 15:46 |
nacc | The_Wolf: what? | 15:46 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: shows you network activity, I normally run sudo iftop -PBN ; read the manual for those flags, basically non-permiscuous, Bytes not bits, and don't resolve ports. | 15:46 |
The_Wolf | [nacc] no in ubuntu mate | 15:46 |
The_Wolf | [nacc] es un mac runnit ubuntu mate | 15:46 |
laura_ | ducasse: oh ok | 15:47 |
The_Wolf | is one mac running ubuntu mate nacc | 15:47 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, virtualbox is available | 15:47 |
laura_ | I thought for a second it might affect something else | 15:47 |
MonkeyDust | The_Wolf type nac and then hit tab to autocomplete | 15:47 |
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The_Wolf | [compdoc] en powerpc? i don't see its | 15:47 |
nacc | The_Wolf: none of those sentences make sense to me. | 15:47 |
ducasse | laura_: no, it won't, but you can mess things up pretty badly if you try to remove it and do it wrong :) | 15:48 |
nacc | The_Wolf: virtualbox is intel-compatible only | 15:48 |
negev | what does this mean? initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused | 15:48 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: ok, this is what it shows | 15:48 |
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sdexter | I am attempting to install Ubuntu 14.04.4 and am setting up software RAID using this HOWTO ( | 15:48 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, you run the mac OS and ubuntu is a virtual machine on the mac? | 15:48 |
nacc | negev: something is trying to talk to upstart, which won't be running in 16.04 | 15:48 |
OerHeks | he wants to run virtualbox on old PowerPC | 15:48 |
The_Wolf | soory my english is very outdated | 15:48 |
negev | nacc: systemctl | 15:48 |
The_Wolf | sorry* | 15:48 |
sdexter | My only problem is when I creat the partitions on each of the two drives it never gives me the option for a partition type | 15:48 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: my port for transmission is 57558 | 15:48 |
sdexter | Primary vs Logical | 15:49 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: ok, see that one at the very bottom, that should be torrent, "Blocking Bittorrent is challenging, and can't really be done effectively with port blocks. The standard ports are 6881-6889" | 15:49 |
nacc | negev: let me try and reproduce it, one sec | 15:49 |
The_Wolf | [compdoc] no. It's running ubuntu mate, and trye to run a virtual system to put a mac osx | 15:49 |
nacc | The_Wolf: virtualbox isn't built for powerpc (afaict) | 15:50 |
laura_ | ducasse: ok i wont try removing that then :p | 15:50 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: the line with '' is likely one too, although unsure | 15:50 |
OerHeks | The_Wolf, the osx UELA does not allow that, only virtual on OSX itself, iirc | 15:50 |
compdoc | The_Wolf, I think Apple prevents you from running its operating system on anything but real apple hardware. its very stupid of them | 15:50 |
laura_ | The thing is though xubuntu 15.10 runs perfectly on my computer | 15:51 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: I think it's that one because that's the port I use for transmission 57558 | 15:51 |
laura_ | I dont wanna upgrade | 15:51 |
nacc | larrymi: 15.10 goes eol in < a week | 15:51 |
negev | so is the onus on the user to convert all their upstart init scripts to systemd? | 15:51 |
negev | that's nuts | 15:51 |
nacc | err, laura_ --^ sorry | 15:51 |
nacc | negev: no | 15:51 |
The_Wolf | so i try find out whether any other program for that | 15:51 |
nacc | negev: as i just said, let me try and reproduce, please be patient | 15:51 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: what should I do? What does this tell me? | 15:51 |
nacc | laura_: 15.10 goes eol in < a week | 15:52 |
laura_ | How bad is it not upgrading for a while | 15:52 |
The_Wolf | This mac is obsolete just want to tinker with it to see wich party can get | 15:52 |
nacc | laura_: you cease to get security updates | 15:52 |
laura_ | While i work something out | 15:52 |
nacc | laura_: it's very not advised. | 15:52 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: try forwarding that range, 6881-6889, and others. but that's just a suggestion. | 15:52 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: thing is that transmission does detect peers, but can't connect to them, if I go to torrent properties->trackerrs, I get a list of two peers | 15:52 |
The_Wolf | [OerHeks] :( | 15:52 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: Ok I'll try that | 15:52 |
OerHeks | The_Wolf, just use it for linux and have fun with it | 15:53 |
laura_ | Can i just upgrade directly from updates manager | 15:54 |
laura_ | But im scared its gonna mess it up even more | 15:54 |
The_Wolf | [OerHeks] i just want to get more out | 15:54 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: should I set udp or tcp? | 15:54 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: I believe it's tcp | 15:55 |
HappySomethingSo | ok | 15:55 |
The_Wolf | [OerHeks] i can't install a flash player to firefox | 15:56 |
ducasse | The_Wolf: doen't exist for ppc, i think. | 15:57 |
The_Wolf | [ducasse] i think the same | 15:57 |
OerHeks | no more flash indeed, and lots of browsers will not work | 15:58 |
OerHeks | | 15:58 |
The_Wolf | I read its | 15:59 |
The_Wolf | although i read something there | 16:00 |
hipitihop | anyone familiar with LXD setup on 16.04 ? not sure what otions to take for zfs | 16:02 |
Akuli | I found a bug in ubuntu and i fixed it. where should i report the bug? | 16:02 |
Trel | Is there any way to setup an SMTP relay (Postfix or SSMTP) where it requires credentials and forwards them rather than using a single defined set? | 16:03 |
nacc | !bug | Akuli | 16:03 |
ubottu | Akuli: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 16:03 |
Akuli | maybe i should first check if its in 16.04 also | 16:03 |
nacc | Akuli: in 16.10 first | 16:03 |
nacc | Akuli: it must always be fixed in the current development release; then you backport via SRU to appropriate older releases ( | 16:04 |
Ice_Strike | I am using Form Request Validation (php artisan make:request) - How do I pass on custom varible if validation failed? | 16:04 |
nacc | negev: upgrading right now in a lxd container, should be done shortly | 16:04 |
nacc | Ice_Strike: wrong channel? | 16:04 |
Ice_Strike | Ooops | 16:05 |
Akuli | its still in 16.10 | 16:06 |
nacc | Akuli: ok | 16:07 |
Akuli | or let me check | 16:07 |
Akuli | there's this main file that imports another file, and i don't see a fix in the main file which is where i'd put it if i was fixing it | 16:07 |
Akuli | lets check the other file | 16:07 |
negev | nacc: it seems like i still have upstart scripts in /etc/init.d/.. maybe there is just some stuff that doesn't have a systemd equivalent yet? | 16:08 |
nacc | negev: the presence of /etc/init.d files doesn't tell you if you're running upstart or systemd | 16:08 |
nacc | negev: init-scripts are still functional in systemd, they just get magically converted to systemd at runtime | 16:08 |
nacc | s/functional/valid/ | 16:09 |
nacc | negev: i just upgraded a lxd from 14.04 -> 16.04.1 with tor installed, it upgraded fine and I don't see the issue you're having with systemctl :( | 16:09 |
Akuli | yes, still there | 16:09 |
Akuli | the bug is that if i enter a reeeeally long command to the terminal my system crashes | 16:09 |
HappySomethingSo | SchrodingersScat: it didn't work | 16:09 |
Akuli | because the command-not-found package doesn't check the length of the command in any way | 16:10 |
nacc | Akuli: ok, please report the bug as ubottu told you earlier | 16:10 |
SchrodingersScat | HappySomethingSo: welp, not sure if it's recommended, but you could become the DMZ to make sure it's not a router port issue | 16:10 |
HappySomethingSo | the DMZ? | 16:12 |
negev | nacc: | 16:13 |
negev | nacc: i don't think tor is the issue there though | 16:13 |
negev | nacc: it seems to have issues with plexmediaserver and "screen-cleanup" | 16:13 |
HappySomethingSo | I've got to go now, but I'll look into DMZ | 16:14 |
HappySomethingSo | thanks a bye | 16:14 |
HappySomethingSo | and* | 16:14 |
negev | nacc: /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver -> /lib/init/upstart-job - that's probably why :|\ | 16:14 |
nacc | negev: i don't think plexmediaserver is an ubuntu package (at least not in 16.04)? | 16:15 |
jophish | Hi all. I updated the kernel on my box, and things don't boot :) | 16:15 |
jophish | the previoud kernel works well | 16:15 |
jophish | previous* | 16:15 |
negev | nacc: nah it's distributed as a .deb | 16:16 |
nacc | negev: right, so can't help you there :) | 16:16 |
ducasse | jophish: a regular ubuntu kernel? | 16:16 |
jophish | I'm using full disk encryption, and it doesn't even get to the password prompt | 16:16 |
nacc | negev: ask whoever distributes it to fix their non-16.04 compatible code | 16:16 |
jophish | ducasse: yes | 16:16 |
jophish | this is a clean installation of 15.10 | 16:16 |
ducasse | jophish: upgrade to 16.04. | 16:16 |
jophish | The first boot was ok. I switched to the nvidia drivers and ran apt-get update/upgrade | 16:16 |
negev | nacc: fixed it by reinstalling it | 16:16 |
negev | nacc: thanks for your help anyway :) | 16:17 |
tgm4883 | why did you do a clean install of 15.10... | 16:17 |
nacc | negev: :) | 16:17 |
jophish | ducasse: I'm not able to do that. I have some software which requires 15.10 | 16:17 |
jophish | tgm4883: ^ | 16:17 |
tgm4883 | jophish: out of curiosity, what software | 16:17 |
jophish | tgm4883: the Vivado suite from Xilinx | 16:17 |
jophish | it doesn't work on 16.04 | 16:17 |
tgm4883 | jophish: sounds like you should be running 14.04 then | 16:18 |
jophish | tgm4883: it seems to work fine on 15.10 | 16:19 |
ducasse | jophish: i doubt anybody is going to care about a possible problem in 15.10 at this time... | 16:19 |
tgm4883 | jophish: except for when you update the kernel ;) | 16:19 |
ioria | jophish, the kernel boot with nouveau ? | 16:19 |
Akuli | the bug reporting system seems broken | 16:20 |
jophish | ioria: you think that this could be caused by the installation order of the nvidia driver and the kernel update | 16:20 |
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ioria | jophish, you said it booted at first ... but after installing nvidia .... | 16:20 |
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Akuli | nacc | 16:21 |
jophish | ioria: yeah, the initial boot after installation was fine. Then I installed the nvidia driver and updated the kernel | 16:22 |
ioria | jophish, which is the new kernel ? ? | 16:22 |
jophish | ioria: | 16:22 |
jophish | I think I should try reinstalling it | 16:23 |
jophish | to regenerate initramfs perhaps | 16:23 |
ioria | jophish, right ... sudo update-initramfs -u | 16:23 |
nacc | Akuli: sometimes that can happen if launchpad is loaded, i'd try again | 16:24 |
ioria | jophish, mentioned here id irc | 16:24 |
Akuli | refreshing the page brings me back to the same thing | 16:24 |
Akuli | i wish everything was on github | 16:24 |
nacc | Akuli: well, don't refresh, as you'd just be POST'ing the same page again, no? | 16:24 |
Akuli | i just created an ubuntu one account | 16:25 |
nacc | Akuli: just use the cli tool, alternatively | 16:25 |
jophish | ioria: I'll give it a try, thanks | 16:25 |
Akuli | i used it | 16:25 |
Akuli | and then i got the bug reporting url to go to | 16:25 |
ioria | jophish, good luck | 16:25 |
nacc | Akuli: what's the url? | 16:25 |
Akuli | | 16:25 |
Akuli | there's a button that says yes log me in | 16:25 |
nacc | Akuli: oh i see, that's not the bug url that's the login url | 16:26 |
Akuli | when i click that i get the error page | 16:26 |
nacc | Akuli: gtg, sorry, someoene else should be able to help you report hte bug | 16:26 |
Akuli | this url redirects me to the login page | 16:26 |
Akuli | oops | 16:26 |
Akuli | this one | 16:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 3 in Launchpad itself "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released] | 16:26 |
Akuli | whaat? | 16:27 |
whoever_ | hi all | 16:28 |
whoever_ | on my notebook, i have a thumbdrive plugged in, and it does not show up under mount, can somone assist | 16:29 |
Akuli | whoever_, its not going to show in mount if you dont mount it. does it show in lsblk? | 16:29 |
whoever_ | Akuli: yes | 16:30 |
Akuli | then you should be able to mount it, but i dont know why its not mounting automatically | 16:30 |
ducasse | whoever_: what format is it? you might need to install exfat-fuse. | 16:30 |
Bashing-om | whoever_: ^^ and .. do you see it kisted in " /media/<user_name>/ " ?? | 16:31 |
whoever_ | Akuli: i thaught ubuntu auto mounted thumbrives | 16:31 |
whoever_ | ducasse: fat32 | 16:31 |
whoever_ | Bashing-om: no | 16:32 |
Akuli | does someone else's ubuntu one account work for launchpad logins? | 16:32 |
universe | hello | 16:32 |
universe | I need some help | 16:33 |
ducasse | !ask | universe | 16:33 |
ubottu | universe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:33 |
ioria | whoever_, sudo parted -l | 16:33 |
Akuli | whoever_, you can always mount it yourself if you need to | 16:33 |
universe | !ask | 16:33 |
universe | !ask | universe | 16:33 |
ubottu | universe, please see my private message | 16:33 |
ioria | whoever_, and dmesg | tail | 16:34 |
Bashing-om | whoever_: Hummm .. plug in the device .. and is there anything in the tail end of 'dmesg' ? | 16:34 |
tacomaster | If i have a intel core2duo at 2.0GHz 1.5GB of ram and an 80GB ata drive would ubuntu still run pretty smoothly on this computer or am i at the point that i should be looking for lighter alternatives? | 16:35 |
Akuli | i'll be back in 15 to 30 minutes | 16:35 |
Bashing-om | tacomaster: For a "Good experience" is recommended at least 2 Gigs of ram . | 16:36 |
universe | so I install xpdf on my lubuntu but i can't uninstall it, any help? | 16:36 |
CaffeineAddict | hi, i just installed an ubuntu 16 template on proxmox ... it is just ubuntu core and I am trying to get it functional | 16:37 |
CaffeineAddict | simple things like `shutdown -r` are returning errors | 16:37 |
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CaffeineAddict | what do I need to apt-get to get basic functinality | 16:37 |
Akuli | sudo poweroff ? | 16:38 |
minimec | CaffeineAddict: 'shutdown -r now' ;) | 16:38 |
CaffeineAddict | no when I do `shutdown -r now` it returns 'Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory' | 16:38 |
gavril | q | 16:38 |
cjohnson | I updated my 14.04 instance all of a sudden curl is complaining about * SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate | 16:39 |
cjohnson | I tried pulling the latest cacert.pem and specifying --cacert just to be sure, same error | 16:39 |
cjohnson | curl --cacert ./cacert.pem -v | 16:39 |
whoever_ | in dconf-editor automount is set to true | 16:40 |
whoever_ | but automount doesnt happen | 16:40 |
minimec | CaffeineAddict: Ok. have no experience with 'ubuntu core', but 'sudo halt' and 'sudo reboot' should work too | 16:41 |
rattking | CaffeineAddict: thats a odd error to get from a fresh install | 16:41 |
CaffeineAddict | its not just reboot i can go into proxmox and reboot the VM my problem is it seem like something is missing from the ubuntu 16 install ... i just dont know what | 16:42 |
CaffeineAddict | its not a fresh install from a CD its like just ubunut 16 kernal w/ minimalistic setup | 16:42 |
workisfun | Hi guys, I'm looking for a backport for ubuntu 14.04 for my wireless that suddenly stopped working after a ninja kernel update (I think?) ? | 16:42 |
workisfun | 16:42 | |
CaffeineAddict | im wondering what else i need to apt get to bring it up to a normal release build | 16:42 |
minimec | CaffeineAddict: try to 'sudo apt install ubuntu-server' or 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-server'. | 16:43 |
workisfun | linux-backports-modules-wireless-cw package for ubuntu 14.04, kernel 3.19 | 16:43 |
CaffeineAddict | minimec: ty i like that idea | 16:43 |
whoever_ | Bashing-om: no errors in dmesg |tail ,the device just doesnt auto mount | 16:44 |
jokke | hey | 16:47 |
CaffeineAddict | minimec: ty that fixed it | 16:48 |
minimec | CaffeineAddict: Nice! ;) | 16:48 |
prastut | Hey does anybody know about docker here? Or can direct me to a docker channel? Can't seem to connect to #docker | 16:48 |
jokke | i need to install imagemagick 6.9.5 on a 16.04 LTS server | 16:49 |
jokke | how can this be achieved? | 16:49 |
ducasse | !register | prastut | 16:49 |
ubottu | prastut: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 16:49 |
jokke | preferably without having to compile from source | 16:49 |
nofrai | hello | 16:50 |
Bashing-om | whoever_: IF the device were recognized by the system, them there would be such a notification in 'dmesg '. Now we want to know if the partition editor sees the device . ' sudo fdisk -lu ' in a pastebin site, please . | 16:51 |
prastut | ducasse: Did that. | 16:51 |
ducasse | jokke: if you can't find a ppa, building from source is basically your only choice | 16:51 |
SchrodingersScat | jokke: there's this ppa, but it's unsupported here of course, | 16:51 |
jokke | nice | 16:52 |
steeve | hello | 16:52 |
ducasse | !alis | prastut | 16:52 |
ubottu | prastut: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 16:52 |
prastut | !alis | 16:52 |
SchrodingersScat | jokke: weird, idk what's going on with those, the ones for xenial seem lower than for precise... lol, ppas | 16:52 |
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jokke | yeah right now i've got 6.8.9 installed on the server | 16:54 |
jokke | but there seems to be a bug fix made after that | 16:54 |
jokke | and i desperately need that | 16:54 |
prastut | ducasse: Nothing comes after I do alis. I am doing /msg alis list #docker | 16:54 |
ducasse | prastut: try wildcards, or ask for help in #freenode | 16:55 |
Flannel | prastut: #docker definitely exists. | 16:55 |
prastut | Flannel: I tried this /join #docker. Nothing happens, whereas I can join other channels. | 16:56 |
prastut | ducasse: Thanks for the help. | 16:57 |
Flannel | prastut: You need to have a registered account. Your current account isn't registered (or at least, you're not logged in) | 16:57 |
Bashing-om | prastut: Try as ' /msg alis list docker ' . | 16:57 |
OerHeks | prastut, anyone sees this error when not logged in> = #docker Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services | 16:59 |
workisfun | hoping for some guidance here | 17:00 |
Akuli | my launchpad account is still not working | 17:04 |
tgm4883 | Akuli: you might tell them in #launchpad | 17:05 |
Akuli | reporting a bug has to be such a problem | 17:12 |
Akuli | all i want to do is to submit a 3-line fix, and i'm not getting anywhere | 17:12 |
indie__ | hello | 17:20 |
xyla56 | Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à résoudre un Pb de paquets cassés (linux-headers-gener et linux-image-generic)? | 17:28 |
minimec | !fr > xyla56 | 17:29 |
ubottu | xyla56, please see my private message | 17:29 |
dbrom | anyone here | 17:30 |
minimec | !ask > dbrom | 17:32 |
ubottu | dbrom, please see my private message | 17:32 |
dbrom | I have a collection of movies that I want to to make into mkv files before I send them to storrage and ideas of program to use | 17:34 |
jason^ | how would one provide answers to a package that usually pops up with "package configuration" curses dialogs? | 17:35 |
tgm4883 | dbrom: depends on what format the movies are in to begin with | 17:35 |
ducasse | dbrom: handbrake, maybe? | 17:35 |
tgm4883 | jason^: what do you mean? You would answer it in the dialog | 17:35 |
jason^ | as in not to require the package config dialog and provide them via another method | 17:35 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 17:36 |
dbrom | ive tries handbrake love | 17:36 |
tgm4883 | dbrom: what does that mean | 17:36 |
jason^ | dbrom: avconv -i filme.mp4 -c copy filme.mkv | 17:37 |
tgm4883 | jason^: and if it's not an mp4 file? | 17:38 |
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jason^ | what is it? | 17:39 |
tgm4883 | jason^: IDK, but I think it's bad to just assume the codecs used without finding out some more info | 17:39 |
tgm4883 | at this point, for all we know it could be a physical disc | 17:40 |
minimec | There is the command line way ... | 17:40 |
minimec | dbrom: ^ | 17:40 |
et09 | i did sudo systemctl enable --force, to stop lightdm from booting - now a single user can't startx. anyone know how to repair? | 17:41 |
dbrom | i have tries different disks with same result | 17:43 |
minimec | et09: 'sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service'? | 17:46 |
tgm4883 | dbrom: unless you tell us what you've tried, and exactly what you're doing, we can't really help | 17:47 |
tgm4883 | !details | 17:47 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 17:47 |
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dbrom | I am using handbrake to rip the DVD to mkv . When I do so I get a error can not open encrypted DVD | 17:54 |
Shravan | I want to have a small bootable linux os without any gui on my USB drive partition1 while I have 2nd partition FAT32 for normal USB it possible | 17:58 |
akik | Shravan: yes you can install ubuntu on a usb stick | 17:59 |
ducasse | dbrom: you need libdvdcss, which might be illegal to use where you live. | 18:00 |
Shravan | I am in India | 18:00 |
et09 | ok so my system boots to TTY and then i log in and do "startx". that fails, it basically locks the screen on the console until i issue a quit command to xmonad, which dumps it back to console. so xmonad is running but not capturing the display. BUT, if i do "sudo lightdm", open lightdm, open a terminal, do sudo killall lightdm, and THEN do startx, then it works as expected. | 18:00 |
ikonia | et09: et09 what are you talking about ? | 18:02 |
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pasticcio | yup hi guys | 18:02 |
ikonia | et09: what exactly are you trying to do | 18:02 |
et09 | im trying to have a normal console mode (tty) -> startx -> xmonad flow | 18:02 |
ikonia | why ? | 18:02 |
ikonia | ubuntu desktop starts X by default | 18:02 |
ikonia | what is the benifit of trying to do it manually | 18:03 |
et09 | ok well i like it to startx with certain commands and xmonad, and not lightdm and all this unity crap | 18:03 |
et09 | and it works 99% of the time, but update messed something up on update | 18:03 |
et09 | ubuntu messed something up on update* | 18:03 |
ikonia | startx with certain commands ??? | 18:03 |
ikonia | what | 18:03 |
et09 | .xinitrc | 18:04 |
et09 | you know | 18:04 |
ikonia | et09: what do you actually want to have running as a desktop | 18:04 |
et09 | xmonad | 18:04 |
pasticcio | you are disturbed if you it | 18:04 |
ikonia | et09: is there an ubuntu package for it (I think there is) | 18:04 |
et09 | ikonia: i think you don't understand, thanks for the help but ill wait for someone else | 18:04 |
pasticcio | ikonia, apt-cache search will do the trick | 18:05 |
ikonia | I'm pretty sure I do understand | 18:05 |
ikonia | pasticcio: I know how to search | 18:05 |
ikonia | et09: you can just change the greeeter to have the xmonad session | 18:05 |
pasticcio | so what do u need | 18:05 |
ikonia | pasticcio: I need nothing | 18:05 |
treatz | Can anyone help me install a .so library into audacity on Ubuntu? It seems that edit->preferences->libraries isn't there on Ubuntu! (please I need help) | 18:05 |
pasticcio | everyone need something :) | 18:05 |
ikonia | treatz: is the library on your system | 18:06 |
ikonia | what is the library | 18:06 |
ducasse | et09: i don't quite get why you don't just use a dm, i use lightdm to start i3 and run my startup files, works fine. | 18:06 |
treatz | ikonia I compiled the library for my system, it is called Talented Hack | 18:06 |
ikonia | ducasse: he's gone | 18:06 |
ikonia | treatz: and where is the library | 18:06 |
treatz | In its own directory inside my home directory | 18:06 |
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ikonia | treatz: so put it in a system path, and does audacity need to be linked against it, or can it be told to load dynamically | 18:07 |
treatz | ikonia Well we can try it and see. What directory sounds good to you? | 18:08 |
treatz | ikonia Audacity is supposed to have a edit-preferences-libraries window inside it where you can add .so files, but on ubuntu it isn't there. | 18:09 |
ikonia | I don't really want to be in a "try and see" situation | 18:09 |
ikonia | but if you put it in /usr/lib for example, most programs will check that | 18:09 |
treatz | I'll try that then | 18:09 |
ikonia | i suspect you won't be able to add it dynamically, but I'm not really an audicity user, so don't know | 18:09 |
ducasse | treatz: #ubuntu-studio might know... | 18:10 |
treatz | I moved the .so library to the directory /usr/lib | 18:11 |
treatz | How can I check if it worked? Restart? | 18:11 |
pasticcio | or use lsof | 18:11 |
pasticcio | but indeed dynamyc library load is not an apton | 18:11 |
pasticcio | so yes you need to restart the app | 18:11 |
pasticcio | and drink alcool in the meanwhile to support better the memory load | 18:12 |
ikonia | why would he use lsof ? | 18:12 |
pasticcio | ikonia, couse i like it :) then he can use trace to see the lib in the app loading | 18:13 |
treatz | Well nothing showed up in audacity | 18:13 |
ikonia | having an open file does not mean it's loaded | 18:13 |
ikonia | it will show nothing | 18:13 |
=== treatz is now known as Treatz | ||
=== Treatz is now known as StreetWitch | ||
StreetWitch | Can anyone help me get into ubuntu-studio? | 18:19 |
StreetWitch | It is invite only. | 18:19 |
ducasse | !register | StreetWitch | 18:19 |
ubottu | StreetWitch: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 18:19 |
ikonia | what's the problem ? | 18:19 |
ikonia | StreetWitch: nope, it's not | 18:19 |
StreetWitch | My nickk is registered | 18:19 |
StreetWitch | Cannot join #ubuntu-studio (Channel is invite only). | 18:20 |
ikonia | StreetWitch: /join #ubuntustudio | 18:20 |
DalekSec | +if #ubuntustudio and you're already in the latter. | 18:20 |
StreetWitch | #ubuntustudio is quiet, no one is talking at all | 18:21 |
ikonia | ok ? | 18:21 |
ikonia | wait for it to be active | 18:21 |
StreetWitch | So | 18:21 |
StreetWitch | #ubuntu-studio is the same channel? | 18:21 |
ikonia | yes | 18:21 |
StreetWitch | ok | 18:21 |
salvador_ | hola | 18:27 |
ducasse | !es | salvador_ | 18:28 |
ubottu | salvador_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:28 |
salvador_ | ok | 18:29 |
StreetWitch | Anyone know anything about audacity? | 18:53 |
pushpop | /join #guacamole | 18:54 |
minimec | StreetWitch: | 18:54 |
StreetWitch | minimec, I need a way to install a .so file as a library plugin | 18:56 |
minimec | StreetWitch: Optionally a "plug-ins" folder can be created in the home directory thus: ~/.audacity-files/plug-ins --> | 18:58 |
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Kuota | hi | 19:18 |
funilrys | hello :) | 19:19 |
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bittin | hi | 19:19 |
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=== TomRiddle is now known as AvadaKedavra | ||
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Kuota | I can't understand how to need to use AppArmor :( | 19:21 |
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ioria | Kuota, well, is about politics :þ | 19:23 |
Kuota | ioria, :) | 19:26 |
deanclkclk_ | I have a question | 19:30 |
deanclkclk_ | Im using npm....and I dont want to install grunt locally in my project | 19:31 |
deanclkclk_ | is it possible to create a symlink that when run.....grunt-cli will find grunt that's installed globally | 19:31 |
MonkeyDust | !find grunt | 19:33 |
ubottu | File grunt found in angband-audio, civicrm-common, codeblocks-common, cube2-data, fish-common, freedink-data, monsterz-data, openclipart2-libreoffice, openclipart2-png, openclipart2-svg (and 8 others) | 19:33 |
Hulio | anyone know what is standard oracle database server port? | 19:33 |
Hulio | or how to find out what oracle port number is using? | 19:34 |
tafb | Can anyone help me get ddrescue-gui working on ubuntu 16.04 LTS? | 19:34 |
tafb | after I run apt-get I can't find it anywhere on the system | 19:35 |
OerHeks | Hulio, oracle got docs about that | 19:35 |
ujsaus | having trouble getting openvpn setup with privatoria. following directions here: but get erros connecting to conf file and not the right status output | 19:35 |
akik | Hulio: 1521 and/or 1526 | 19:35 |
ujsaus | is there a gui to make this easier for noobs like me? | 19:35 |
Kuota | Friends? | 19:36 |
k1l_ | tafb: start it with alt+f2? | 19:36 |
akik | Hulio: if it's the database you mean | 19:36 |
Hulio | thanks | 19:36 |
tafb | k1l_: I type anything in there, rescue, ddrescue-gui, gui, nothing shows up. | 19:36 |
akik | Hulio: other opened ports you can see with "sudo netstat -tulpan | grep LISTEN" | 19:36 |
MonkeyDust | tafb the screenshot shows that it's succesfully installed, so what's the exact issue | 19:37 |
k1l_ | tafb: press super+a then type "ddrescue" | 19:37 |
tafb | super? | 19:38 |
k1l_ | windows key | 19:38 |
tafb | k. 1 sec | 19:38 |
tafb | "Sorry, there is nothing that matches your search" | 19:38 |
akik | tafb: it can be also gddrescue | 19:38 |
k1l_ | tafb: then ask the ppa maintainer about it | 19:38 |
tafb | gddrescue shows nothing too :( | 19:39 |
tafb | ddrescue works (from terminal), just not ddrescue-gui | 19:39 |
akik | tafb: dpkg -L ddrescue-gui will list the package contents | 19:40 |
akik | didn't know there's a gui for it | 19:40 |
tafb | the gui is freaking amazing | 19:40 |
akik | if you can find it :) | 19:40 |
MonkeyDust | akik cynic | 19:41 |
tafb | dpkg -L ddrescue-gui worked, want a screenshot of it? | 19:41 |
tafb | usr/share/applications/ddrescue-gui.desktop? | 19:42 |
akik | tafb: the binary is one of the paths. you can pastebin it | 19:42 |
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne | ||
tafb | | 19:43 |
akik | tafb: oh ok the command to start it will be in that .desktop file | 19:44 |
akik | Exec= something. although it should be visible somewhere | 19:45 |
akik | probably that | 19:45 |
tafb | that's the one. How do I make an icon on the desktop for it? | 19:45 |
MonkeyDust | tafb navigate to /usr/share/applications/ ... drag the ico to the desktop | 19:47 |
tafb | MonkeyDust: omg that worked!!! thank you so much :) | 19:48 |
blackbird1 | Hi, my system doesn't detect my flash disk. I'll | 19:51 |
blackbird1 | I'll post the results for some commands line | 19:52 |
blackbird1 | !paste | 19:53 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:53 |
Ntemis | so.. i have an issue | 19:54 |
Ntemis | :) | 19:54 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: maybe see what lusb detects? | 19:54 |
xerox123 | ask away | 19:54 |
Ntemis | i have kodi and retroarch on server 16.04.1 | 19:54 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: oops, lsusb | 19:54 |
Ntemis | i am able to start kodi and or retroarch within cmd | 19:55 |
Ntemis | but i want to select somehow where to boot with remote | 19:55 |
blackbird1 | tail -f /var/log/syslog -> | 19:55 |
SchrodingersScat | Ntemis: like ssh in, export DISPLAY=:0.0 ; then running the command? | 19:56 |
Ntemis | i tried lightdm but i dont know if i can make it ask where to boot with remote control input | 19:56 |
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Ntemis | SchrodingersScat: no machine is on living room | 19:56 |
Ntemis | i want it to go in a screen where i can select where to boot without the need of a keyboard | 19:56 |
tafb | question number 2: gparted says it needs hfsprogs to work with hfs+ partitions, but I've installed it, says the same thing. I'm trying to stretch the 464gb partition in this screenshot :( | 19:56 |
blackbird1 | lsusb detect the flash: | 19:57 |
SchrodingersScat | Ntemis: oh, you mean like an actual infrared remote control? | 19:57 |
Ntemis | aha | 19:57 |
Ntemis | or an xbox 360 controller | 19:57 |
Ntemis | or ps3 controller | 19:57 |
Ntemis | i have also xbox360 ir remote | 19:58 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: k, seems to recognize it as a 4gb flash drive, where does the trouble start? | 19:58 |
Ntemis | with usb mce transeiver | 19:58 |
OerHeks | tafb, do that from within osx, hfs+ progs need journaling disabled to write, and you really don't want that | 19:58 |
Ntemis | i need a display manager that is ir capable | 19:59 |
Kuota | I can't understand how to need to use AppArmor :( | 19:59 |
tafb | there was a problem with this hard drive, I ddrescued it to a new hard drive (what I'm working on right now). OSX won't stretch the partition because it says there's a problem with it that is unrepairable | 19:59 |
OerHeks | Kuota, seen our wiki and | 20:00 |
Ntemis | present to me two options in big boxes one icon kodi logo other icon retroarch logo | 20:00 |
SchrodingersScat | Ntemis: idk much about that, found this forum post about turning things on with ir, , and then I'm aware of lirc, | 20:00 |
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Ntemis | will have a look , thanks | 20:00 |
Ntemis | nah thats on/off | 20:01 |
OerHeks | tafb, oh good luck then :-( | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: do you mean launch after booted, are are you talking about selecting an option in grub | 20:01 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: maybe open up 'gparted' to check if the partitions are readable, or there's also a gnome-disks tool | 20:01 |
Ntemis | tgm4883: launch after booted as they both are programms | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: most IR remotes show up as keyboards at this point | 20:01 |
Ntemis | no way to have them point to something | 20:02 |
Ntemis | i have to use keyboard | 20:02 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: what do you mean? | 20:02 |
Ntemis | and type | 20:02 |
blackbird1 | SchrodingersScat, I did a live usb with usb live creator. In order to install ubuntu on an old pc. Since that time the flash doesn't show up | 20:02 |
tafb | OerHeks: how do I disable journaling, I just need to stretch the parition, will just be raw data, don't need to run any programs | 20:02 |
Ntemis | tgm4883: am in bash and i type kodi i run kodi type retroarch am in retroarch | 20:03 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: might just need to partition it then, possibly clear the mbr/gpt | 20:03 |
OerHeks | tafb, if osx sees problems, what makes you think linux can do it? | 20:03 |
Ntemis | i want to to able to selsect what to run | 20:03 |
Ntemis | select | 20:03 |
Ntemis | by ir or controller | 20:03 |
Ntemis | no credentials either | 20:04 |
Ntemis | how i remove them? | 20:04 |
tafb | OerHeks: lol :) | 20:04 |
Ntemis | i dont wanr my user to need a password | 20:04 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: why wouldn't you just specify 2 buttons on your IR remote. 1 that launches kodi, the other launching retroarch | 20:04 |
Ntemis | tgm4883: lovely | 20:04 |
Ntemis | nice :D | 20:04 |
Ntemis | how? | 20:04 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: no need to even have a menu | 20:04 |
Ntemis | great i dont want one then | 20:05 |
Ntemis | tell me how i do that? | 20:05 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: you'll have to look into LIRC and exec statements. It's been a long time since I've used LIRC, so you might also have to disable the built in kernel IR stuff | 20:05 |
Ntemis | first let me remove password and enable autologin for my user | 20:05 |
Ntemis | how i do that? | 20:05 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: no need to remove your password to enable auto-login | 20:05 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: how do you do what? | 20:05 |
jiggawattz | yo | 20:06 |
jiggawattz | so 16.04.1 is out | 20:06 |
Ntemis | remove password for user | 20:06 |
Ntemis | jiggawattz: yeap | 20:06 |
jiggawattz | why does do-release-upgrade not say any new version is available | 20:06 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: you don't need to | 20:06 |
bittin | jiggawattz: yeah since yesterday | 20:06 |
Ntemis | ok | 20:06 |
tgm4883 | jiggawattz: should be available next week | 20:06 |
blackbird1 | SchrodingersScat, The MBR, GPT on the flash ? | 20:06 |
Ntemis | tgm4883: can you help me autologin then | 20:06 |
jiggawattz | tgm4883 ▸ but it was released yesterday? | 20:06 |
tgm4883 | jiggawattz: yes, the upgrade path should be starting next week I read | 20:06 |
jiggawattz | ahhh | 20:07 |
jiggawattz | kay makes sense | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: are you using Unity? | 20:07 |
jiggawattz | thx | 20:07 |
OerHeks | tafb, >> sudo diskutil disableJournal volumeName | 20:07 |
Ntemis | no i dont have anything installed | 20:07 |
Ntemis | plain server edition | 20:07 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: yes, but check it out in one of those programs, see what it says. | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: ... | 20:07 |
Ntemis | ubuntu server vanilla no mate unity xfce etc | 20:08 |
tgm4883 | Ntemis: how do you plan on running kodi | 20:08 |
Ntemis | tgm4883: sudo apt-get install xorg dbus-x11 | 20:08 |
Ntemis | works | 20:08 |
Mitchell92 | Hello. I have a MSI GE Series GE62 Apache Pro-001 notebook. I was curious about linux compatibility, especially in regards to the GTX 970M graphics, using Optimus and all. | 20:11 |
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Ntemis | demetris | 20:11 |
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MonkeyDust | Mitchell92 you can try it with a live dvd/usb | 20:11 |
Mitchell92 | Good point MonkeyDust , in general does Optimus work decent in Linux / Ubuntu these days? Years ago on a Samsung notebook it was brutal | 20:12 |
Ntemis | demetridemetriss | 20:12 |
Ntemis | xxx | 20:12 |
SchrodingersScat | !patience | 20:12 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 20:12 |
Ntemis | demetris | 20:12 |
Ntemis | xxxxxqqqwerr | 20:13 |
SchrodingersScat | blackbird1: at this point you're just trying to get it back to a flash drive right? Does it boot as a liveusb? or is that gone too? | 20:13 |
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blackbird1 | Fixed: sudo parted /dev/sdb toggle 1 hidden (GreetZ to Marmotte) | 20:14 |
ptrz | Hi everyone. I have a strange issue on a Dell PowerEdge server that I'll explain over a few messages. | 20:15 |
bekks | MAybe you shorten it up and focus on the actual issue? :) | 20:16 |
ptrz | The root of the issue is that, after installing Ubuntu 16.04 on a hardware RAID disk (we tried RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10), the filesystem gets an IO error and goes read-only. | 20:16 |
ptrz | This persists through reboot and breaks the install. It happens within a few minutes to a few hours of first boot. | 20:16 |
bekks | filesytem I/O errors indicate severely damages FS or hardware errors. | 20:16 |
bekks | *damaged | 20:17 |
ptrz | And it happens using RAID arrays with different disks. It's unlikely that multiple disks are damaged in the same way, so I suspect it's the RAID controller. | 20:17 |
ptrz | Has anyone heard of an issue like this with Ubuntu before? I thought I should verify that it isn't the OS. | 20:17 |
bekks | Why is that unlikely that multiple disks are damaged? | 20:17 |
OerHeks | ptrz, maybe the IO code gives a clue | 20:17 |
bekks | Did you test each disk using smartctl or the hw raid controller tools? | 20:18 |
bekks | And do you have a valid support contract for that Dell server? | 20:18 |
ptrz | OerHeks: I don't recall getting anything specific, just "IO error", I think it was on a page flush or something. (But, this being budget PowerEdge, it only has write-through RAID caching - no write-back) | 20:19 |
ptrz | bekks: I doubt we have a support contract, sadly | 20:20 |
ptrz | old server, non-profit college club | 20:20 |
ptrz | bekks: I didn't know that that was an option | 20:20 |
ptrz | (testing with smartctl, etc.) | 20:20 |
ptrz | I'll check it out. Thanks. | 20:20 |
ptrz | bekks: it just seems unlikely that multiple disks would be damaged in a way that caused this exact issue. I suppose they were running unused for a long time, though, so maybe it's possible. | 20:21 |
fabiano | oi | 20:22 |
bekks | "I/O error" isnt just one specific error. You need to take a look at the very exact error message. | 20:22 |
fabiano | oi | 20:22 |
fabiano | oi | 20:24 |
fabiano | kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk | 20:24 |
DJones | fabiano: You need toask your ubuntu support question, rather than just typing "oi" | 20:24 |
ohlolz | sp my ubuntu 14.04 still doesnt show the upgrade to 16.06 - they told me here it was going to be on July 21st. what to do? | 20:25 |
ohlolz | so my ubuntu 14.04 still doesnt show the upgrade to 16.04 - they told me here it was going to be on July 21st. what to do? | 20:26 |
bekks | !repeat | ohlolz | 20:26 |
ubottu | ohlolz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 20:26 |
ptrz | bekks: where is this error being reported? | 20:26 |
ohlolz | bekks: i was fizing grammar | 20:26 |
bekks | ptrz: Where do you see it? | 20:26 |
ohlolz | oh lol | 20:26 |
goddard | anyone know if the razer core will work with a new dell xps 13 using ubuntu? | 20:26 |
DJones | ohlolz: Although 16.04.01 is released for new installs, it takes a few days to a week before the upgrade is approved after further testiung | 20:26 |
ohlolz | this nickname fits me very well | 20:26 |
riceandbeans | when hosting an ubuntu mirror, what's the traditional filepath to have the repo? | 20:26 |
skinux | What is the July release day for the latest version? | 20:27 |
ohlolz | oh i see DJones thank you friend | 20:27 |
skinux | I believe 16.06 or something was supposed to release to some of us this month. | 20:27 |
ohlolz | 16.06 i spread it like an infection | 20:27 |
blackmoon2016 | hello i have problem when i write in terminal apt-get inststall name off packet i recive this Vous devrez activer le composant appelé « universe » | 20:28 |
blackmoon2016 | root@kamal-LIFEBOOK-A530:~# apt-get install wireshark | 20:28 |
blackmoon2016 | Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait | 20:28 |
blackmoon2016 | Construction de l'arbre des dépendances | 20:28 |
blackmoon2016 | Lecture des informations d'état... Fait | 20:28 |
blackmoon2016 | Aucune version du paquet wireshark n'est disponible, mais il existe dans la base | 20:28 |
ohlolz | !lts | 20:28 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04) | 20:28 |
ohlolz | !lts16.04 | 20:28 |
ohlolz | what was the command? | 20:28 |
k1l_ | ohlolz: the LTS upgrade is postponed by one week due to last bug testing | 20:28 |
akik | !fr | blackmoon2016 | 20:28 |
ubottu | blackmoon2016: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 20:28 |
ohlolz | thank you k1l_ i was starting to worry | 20:29 |
k1l_ | blackmoon2016: what ubuntu is that exactly? why are you root? | 20:29 |
blackmoon2016 | 14.04 | 20:29 |
blackmoon2016 | and when i write apt-get upadte its happen normaly | 20:30 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: probably !ltsupgrade | 20:30 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: XD | 20:30 |
ohlolz | !ltsupgrade | 20:30 |
ubottu | Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 20:30 |
ohlolz | yeah! tgm4883 | 20:30 |
blackmoon2016 | but its will take a lot of time and mo | 20:30 |
tgm4883 | hmm, that is wrong/needs updated | 20:31 |
blackmoon2016 | so what s the solution | 20:31 |
blackmoon2016 | please | 20:31 |
blackmoon2016 | i updates all the tie | 20:31 |
blackmoon2016 | it still the same | 20:31 |
tafb | OerHeks: turns out the partition is encrypted, that's why I can't do anything with it : | 20:32 |
goddard | anyone know if the razer core will work with a new dell xps 13 using ubuntu? | 20:32 |
ohlolz | blackmoon2016: Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu | 20:34 |
pushpop | so an amd RX280 video card no good with 16.04? I can't get steam working for the life of me | 20:34 |
blackmoon2016 | the problem is in the apt file | 20:34 |
blackmoon2016 | not how | 20:34 |
blackmoon2016 | damn answer me | 20:35 |
SebastianRasor01 | Hey guys! I think I found out why my audio isn't working well but I need help fixing it. I noticed that if the USB power for my headphones doesnt have enough current it gets really quiet just like on my PC. I was wondering if there is a way I can set a certain USB port to put out more power | 20:35 |
ikonia | goddard: seeing as it doesn't exist yet and there are no details on things like chipset, how can people know | 20:36 |
ohlolz | french are so rude | 20:36 |
Zeelot3k | morning | 20:36 |
ikonia | ohlolz: nothing to do with this channel | 20:36 |
riceandbeans | blackmoon2016: you won't get much help here | 20:36 |
ohlolz | ikonia: i guess you agree with me | 20:36 |
ikonia | ohlolz: I didn't say that | 20:36 |
ikonia | I said it's nothing to do with this channel | 20:37 |
nacc | !components | blackmoon2016: if i understand right, just read: | 20:37 |
ubottu | blackmoon2016: if i understand right, just read:: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 20:37 |
nacc | blackmoon2016: and you need to enable universe | 20:37 |
ohlolz | ikonia: how old are you? in your 20's or 30's? i always imagine you younger than 20 | 20:37 |
skinux | So, when is the second release of 16.06? There was some reason for some users, it wouldn't be released until this month. | 20:37 |
tgm4883 | lets stay on topic | 20:37 |
ikonia | ohlolz: that also has nothing to do with this channel | 20:38 |
nacc | skinux: 16.06 isn't a thing | 20:38 |
bprompt | heheh | 20:38 |
skinux | Well..whatever...there was a release a few months ago, but some of us had to wait until this month. | 20:38 |
Zeelot3k | I'm having an odd issue that I'm not quite sure how to track down. On this laptop (xps 13 developer edition, running vanilla ubuntu 16.06), I will press ctrl+alt+arrow to change workspace but the ctrl will temporarily not register and I will simply end up pressing alt+arrow which usually causes my browser to go back or forward. The second time I pretty the | 20:38 |
Zeelot3k | arrow it will work so it feels like a delay. the behavior is the same with left or right ctrl/alt keys. anyone ever see this or know how I can debug it? | 20:38 |
k1l_ | skinux: 16.04 | 20:38 |
nacc | skinux: you mean 16.04 and 16.04.1 ? | 20:38 |
skinux | Probably | 20:38 |
k1l_ | skinux: and last days was the 16.04.1 milestone | 20:38 |
tgm4883 | skinux: nobody had to wait until this month, however upgrades aren't offered for 14.04 users until next week | 20:38 |
riceandbeans | I've learned over time, if you have an ubuntu question, don't ask here, ask in #debian and don't mention you're running ubuntu, 99% of the time they'll know and answer you and know what they're talking about | 20:39 |
skinux | Okay. Thank you | 20:39 |
blackmoon2016 | thank u guys | 20:39 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: where is that page to keep track of the real date for 16.04? | 20:39 |
blackmoon2016 | i will work alone on my own | 20:39 |
Ntemis | .ok guys | 20:39 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: there's no date set. Just "next week" | 20:39 |
k1l_ | blackmoon2016: i asked you some questions, you didnt answer | 20:39 |
Ntemis | i tried to install ubuntu extras | 20:39 |
Ntemis | this is what i got | 20:39 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: XD | 20:39 |
Ntemis | | 20:39 |
blackmoon2016 | witxh questions | 20:40 |
Ntemis | it wants to remove libavcodec-ffmpeg56 and install all the others | 20:40 |
Ntemis | does it worth it? | 20:40 |
nacc | ohlolz: ? | 20:40 |
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Ntemis | is that package so powerful? | 20:40 |
Ntemis | so it can replace all others | 20:41 |
Ntemis | weird | 20:41 |
k1l_ | blackmoon2016: why are you root? what system is that? | 20:41 |
tgm4883 | nacc: he's looking for the date that 14.04 users will receive the popup to upgrade to 16.04, which is irrelevant | 20:41 |
ohlolz | nacc: but i'm updating from 14.04 | 20:41 |
DanielPowerNL | I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.1. Trying to pin a repository so that I only get updates for one package from it. I've created a file at /etc/apt/preferences.d/keepassx-100 []. But after running 'apt update' and 'apt policy', I see that the PPA is still at Pin-Priority 500. | 20:41 |
Ntemis | but note that i can play 1080o HD content just fine as it is | 20:41 |
blackmoon2016 | yes i am root | 20:41 |
Ntemis | *1080p | 20:41 |
blackmoon2016 | and the system backbox | 20:42 |
nacc | ohlolz: ah ok, the ltsupgrade got delayed a week aiui | 20:42 |
ohlolz | not so irrelevant, otherwise i wouldn't be here | 20:42 |
k1l_ | blackmoon2016: i ask, because usually you are not root at ubuntu | 20:42 |
Ntemis | ok i aborted the install | 20:42 |
k1l_ | blackmoon2016: ok. so please ask the backbox guys. that is not an ubuntu | 20:42 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: yes irrelevant, just wait until it's offered next week :) | 20:42 |
k1l_ | !backbox | blackmoon2016 | 20:42 |
ubottu | blackmoon2016: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on or for help with it. | 20:42 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: u the irrelevant :P | 20:42 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: if you needed to run 16.04 so bad, you'd have already upgraded :) | 20:43 |
blackmoon2016 | okey | 20:43 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: good point, but i don't want to force anything | 20:43 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: then just wait until next week | 20:43 |
ohlolz | tgm4883: how old is ikonia? XD | 20:45 |
tgm4883 | ohlolz: Off topic. You might be looking for ##age-of-ikonia | 20:46 |
Joanillo | ? | 20:46 |
MonkeyDust | ! | 20:46 |
awesomess3 | why cant this channel cover Linux Mint 17.3/18? Linux Mint is like 98% Ubuntu 14.04/16.04....... | 20:47 |
Joanillo | Sure! | 20:47 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: because of that 2% | 20:47 |
MonkeyDust | awesomess3 mint is too different from ubuntu | 20:47 |
DanielPowerNL | Nevermind. I was appending the repo name with -ppa, which was not part of the name. | 20:47 |
k1l_ | awesomess3: we cant and we wont. use their channels on the other network if you need help with mint. | 20:48 |
awesomess3 | why does `apt update' download 64x64 icons on a fresh live xubuntu 16.04? | 20:49 |
Joanillo | YEs Yes YES YEs Yes YES YEs Yes YES | 20:50 |
OerHeks | awesomess3, seek answer in your mint channel? i don't understand why it is odd to download icons, must be a mint thing? | 20:52 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: logs whoing this? | 20:52 |
awesomess3 | OerHeks, no I'm not using mint right now I'm using xubuntu 16.04 | 20:52 |
awesomess3 | tgm4883, let me check | 20:52 |
Joanillo | So, here am I! | 20:55 |
k1l_ | Joanillo: this channel is for technical ubuntu support. | 20:56 |
awesomess3 | xubuntu 16.04 liveUSB `apt update' is downloading weird files :c | 21:30 |
awesomess3 | "Get:30 xenial/universe DEP-11 64x64 Icons [7,448 kB]" ....I mean, Seriously?! | 21:30 |
giorgio | posso installare zimbra in ubuntu? | 21:33 |
MonkeyDust | !it | 21:33 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 21:33 |
k1l_ | awesomess3: that happens when the icons were updated | 21:35 |
nacc | awesomess3: | 21:35 |
_matt_ | evening all | 21:36 |
_matt_ | trying to install 16.04 and the installer seems to be stuck at "Configuring linux-image-4.4.0-31-generic (amd64)" | 21:36 |
_matt_ | tried both the server iso and the mini.iso | 21:37 |
flicflac | @isalo | 21:37 |
_matt_ | anyone know if this is a known issue? | 21:37 |
awesomess3 | k1l_, nacc any way to avoid the downloading of the icons? | 21:38 |
awesomess3 | k1l_, nacc because my internet is kind of slow | 21:39 |
k1l_ | awesomess3: this are 64x64 icons. that is nearly nothing bytewise | 21:39 |
awesomess3 | k1l_, 7mb is too much :c | 21:40 |
k1l_ | awesomess3: the updates are not only icons. | 21:40 |
awesomess3 | k1l_, 7mb just for the icons | 21:41 |
goddard | anyone know if the razer core will work with a new dell xps 13 using ubuntu? | 21:41 |
rypervenche | awesomess3: Maybe the pretty desktop environment is not what you should be using if you care that much about your bandwidth. | 21:42 |
bprompt | awesomess3: 7mbs is peanuts, storage wise, and chances are, you need the icons, many folks do not see or do some icon customization to apps, but icons you see in apps, are often times "system" icons, namely, part of a theme the app is using for its UI, that is not included in the app installation package itself | 21:43 |
awesomess3 | goddard, I'm 92% sure it wouldn't work on linux because it requires special software for it to function. | 21:46 |
awesomess3 | bprompt, those icons that are used in apps should already be on the computer. | 21:47 |
bprompt | awesomess3: maybe is part of some updated app(s) | 21:48 |
awesomess3 | I'm 82% the icons are just bloatware. | 21:48 |
awesomess3 | *82% sure | 21:49 |
awesomess3 | and i have to deal with it! poor me! | 21:49 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: it's the metadata necessary for the software center | 21:50 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: | 21:50 |
=== Kyoku is now known as gh0zt | ||
k1l_ | awesomess3: so there are still people who think other stuff is bloatware. but in todays times 7mb for icons update is ok for 99.99% of the people. | 21:51 |
k1l_ | and we are talking about 7mb. you had still more mb for other stuff on the packages list to be updated. not to mention if there is a program who really needs an update.. so the 7mb are peanuts | 21:52 |
awesomess3 | you guys are like mormons: "If the bible says it that's the truth." and you guys are like: "well it's the SYSTEM baby! That must mean it's the TRUTH and LAW of ubuntu yeeee haaaahhhhh!" | 21:52 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: i've not tested this, but you could try removing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream (however i'd back it up in case something breaks) | 21:52 |
tgm4883 | lol | 21:52 |
k1l_ | oh, mormons and not morons. i will pm him | 21:53 |
bprompt | lol | 21:53 |
rdh | lol | 21:53 |
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tgm4883 | ls | 21:57 |
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=== Guest9051 is now known as nitx | ||
cami_ | this or smuxi? | 22:02 |
awesomess3 | thank you tgm4883 ! I'll try removing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream on next reboot. | 22:03 |
awesomess3 | and see if it apt update works better tgm4883 | 22:03 |
tgm4883 | awesomess3: let me know if it works | 22:03 |
awesomess3 | tgm4883, I feel so stupid for not figuring this out on my own. of course the problem would be somewhere in /etc/apt/* :/ | 22:04 |
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Pinkamena_D | Hey guys I have a bit of an issue. I have some work open I need to save. Programs are running and I just clicked on a program (google chrome) to open it into both windows (the little display that shows multiple windows that you can choose from) | 22:05 |
Pinkamena_D | It will not come back from this, choosing a window boes not being it back into focus | 22:06 |
Pinkamena_D | and not I can also not start any other programs in the foreground, they start in the background but I can not see them | 22:06 |
Pinkamena_D | now* | 22:06 |
Pinkamena_D | How can I get back the desktop so I can safely save my work? | 22:07 |
Pinkamena_D | any way to restart unity plugin from command line? | 22:07 |
Pinkamena_D | (NOT lightdm, which just kills everything) | 22:07 |
cami_ | check proccesse? | 22:08 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: You can try this: hit ALT+F2, type in "xkill" => hightlight the Chrome window and click. It will kill the Chrome window...see if that helps. | 22:08 |
cami_ | sry drunker then fuck over here :P | 22:08 |
tgm4883 | !ohmy | cami_ | 22:08 |
ubottu | cami_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 22:08 |
cami_ | no worrie i am still aliive | 22:09 |
cami_ | i think | 22:09 |
cami_ | figure out how to work out irc :p first time useing it ^^ | 22:09 |
cami_ | soooo what do you hate/wanna change most in the world ? | 22:10 |
OerHeks | cami_, good start: read the topic first | 22:11 |
hggdh | cami_: this is a support channel, not a social channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic, or ##chat for social | 22:11 |
YankDownUnder | cami_: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:11 |
cami_ | aight sry | 22:11 |
Pinkamena_D | xkill will not run or at least it spawns in the background too | 22:12 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: You can try ALT+F2 and "killall -9 chrome" | 22:12 |
Pinkamena_D | well, nevermind, after the last switch between tty and desktop, it just desided to kill all of the processes and restart lightdm without my conceny | 22:14 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: Not lovely. | 22:14 |
bprompt | conceny? | 22:14 |
Pinkamena_D | I feel like this has heppened once before quite long idea why | 22:14 |
tgm4883 | bprompt: one would gather that was suppose to be concent | 22:15 |
Pinkamena_D | nothing error wise in dmesg either | 22:15 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: Was it Chrome that caused it in the past? I shan't act surprised... | 22:15 |
tgm4883 | which should probably be consent | 22:15 |
Pinkamena_D | I must double click to switch chrome windows more than 30 times a day | 22:15 |
Pinkamena_D | this is quite rare I assure you | 22:16 |
bprompt | hehe, I see =) | 22:16 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: And is it safe to assume that when you're doing updates, you're updating Chrome as well...just for the knowledge...? | 22:16 |
Pinkamena_D | yeah | 22:16 |
Pinkamena_D | any other log besides dmesg that might hold the error messages I could submit somewhere? | 22:17 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: So you've installed Chrome via PPA...yes? | 22:17 |
inzzf | Hey | 22:17 |
YankDownUnder | Pinkamena_D: I'm in the same quandry...and I've actually decided to give up and relegate it's mystery to the Cosmos... | 22:17 |
inzzf | guys i have a problem in Kali luinx | 22:18 |
bekks | !kali | inzzf | 22:18 |
ubottu | inzzf: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 22:18 |
YankDownUnder | inzzf: Oddly enough, this is not the Kali Linux channel... | 22:18 |
inzzf | just i want help i am tired tryinh to solve this from 10 hours | 22:18 |
Pinkamena_D | lol backtrack | 22:18 |
inzzf | trying | 22:18 |
inzzf | sorry man | 22:18 |
Pinkamena_D | someone needs to update that bot | 22:19 |
Pici | You'd be surprised what people come in here and ask about.... | 22:20 |
YankDownUnder | ...someone needs to update my coffee...oh wait, that's my responsibility...right oh... | 22:20 |
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Bashing-om | YankDownUnder: ^ Were you not working to get 'buntu to update the coffee situation ? Not there yet . | 22:21 |
samtu92 | If I want to add another parameter to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= do I write it in the same set of "" or how does it work? | 22:24 |
samtu92 | do I just do: "parameter1 parameter2" ? | 22:24 |
psyguy2 | hello! anyone care to help me get my trackpad working on my ASUS F566UA laptop with ubuntu 16.04? im not a pro and have struggled to find a solution by myself. | 22:25 |
Pici | samtu92: That looks correct to me | 22:25 |
bprompt | samtu92: is a "cmdline", so, I"d say, yes, just space separate them, is a command LINE | 22:25 |
Truegarsonfort | hi all | 22:30 |
minimec | psyguy2: Is this the first time you use ubuntu on that computer or did the pad work with earlier versions of ubuntu? | 22:34 |
psyguy2 | hey minimec, the touchpad works great on windows 10 using asus driver... i installed ubuntu 16 for the first time and now it is only working as a simple mouse (no multi-touch detection, scrolling, gestures, etc) | 22:42 |
psyguy2 | i presume it is a missing driver | 22:42 |
Kramerboy | Hello, I chose to shut down PC and now all I see is just the desktop background. Also I cant do Ctrl Alt Fx to open tty. Is there a workaround? I am running 15.10 unity | 22:44 |
minimec | psyguy2: Can you check with the following command, if that package is installed. I use the "Ubuntu Gnome" version of Ubuntu and want to check something. 'dpkg -s libinput10 | grep installed' | 22:44 |
psyguy2 | ok yes it is installed | 22:45 |
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psyguy2 | ubuntu mouse settings is missing a section for trackpad and the name of the device is "FTE1001:00 0B05:0101" instead of an english language name. | 22:47 |
minimec | psyguy2: THX. That libinput thing is the 'new way' recognize pointer devices. Do you have any options in the >settings>mouse/touchpad GUI to choose from or is it 'kind of empty'? | 22:47 |
psyguy2 | kind of empty | 22:48 |
psyguy2 | just General and Mouse | 22:48 |
minimec | psyguy2: So it seems that you are not alone with that problem your device (0B05:0101) is used in several Asus Computers. A quick google search --> | 22:51 |
minimec | psyguy2: So its a driver problem... | 22:51 |
psyguy2 | hmm ye... i couldnt find any solution on google... so am i just stuck with this until a driver eventually gets made? | 22:51 |
minimec | psyguy2: There are several bug posts, so the maintainers should be awae of the problem. | 22:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1587913 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04 Two finger scrolling/multitouch not working" [High,Confirmed] | 22:52 |
minimec | psyguy2: But yes... Time might be your best chance to get it working right now... Sorry. | 22:53 |
psyguy2 | oh well, thanks for the info... and it wouldnt help me to try an older version of ubuntu? | 22:54 |
YankDownUnder | What about installing the "synaptics touchpad" driver to see if that does anything? Not like there's too much to loose if it's not working as it stands... | 22:54 |
psyguy2 | i have nothing to lose, whats the command to install that please? | 22:55 |
ryan500 | is the command to update softare on ubuntu is using apt-get update | 22:55 |
ryan500 | then apt-get upgrade? | 22:55 |
psyguy2 | oh i already ran that | 22:56 |
Fuchs | ryan500: dist-upgrade if apt-get, and on 16.04 and newer it's only apt, not apt-get | 22:56 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Just do a search in the software'll find: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 22:56 |
Fuchs | (also needs sudo) | 22:56 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Or you can just type in a terminal: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 22:56 |
ryan500 | apt update and then apt upgrade? | 22:56 |
ryan500 | fuchs | 22:57 |
minimec | psyguy2: Don't think so. If you want to try, use an 14.04 installation stick, because at that time 'libinput' was not used. instead 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' was often used. If the pad works (I don't think so), we could switch back to the 'synaptics' compatible driver. But again ... chances are minimal. | 22:57 |
Fuchs | ryan500: yes | 22:57 |
ryan500 | fuchs and for ubuntu security updates can you use sudo apt dist-upgrade ? | 22:58 |
Fuchs | dist-upgrade is not needed with apt, also security will be included if it is in your sources | 22:58 |
psyguy2 | ok i installed synaptics, nothing changed so must i reboot? | 22:59 |
ryan500 | so security maybe autoatically then with apt update ? | 22:59 |
ryan500 | fuchs | 22:59 |
Fuchs | yes | 22:59 |
minimec | psyguy2: reboot or logout/login a new session | 23:00 |
ryan500 | do i need to update sources are is that usually automatically | 23:00 |
ryan500 | fuchs | 23:00 |
psyguy2 | ill reboot | 23:00 |
psyguy2 | thanks guys, brb | 23:00 |
Fuchs | ryan500: wat? | 23:00 |
ryan500 | fuchs is sources already configured for that or do i need to change that to do that? | 23:00 |
Fuchs | ryan500: that sentence does not make any sense at all | 23:01 |
psyguy2 | nothing changed | 23:02 |
ryan500 | fuchs you said "also security will be included if it is in your sources" I said "fuchs is sources already configured for that or do i need to change that to do that?" | 23:02 |
ryan500 | fuchs make sense now? :P | 23:02 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: So in the control panel, nothing is showing up, eh? | 23:03 |
psyguy2 | nope | 23:03 |
Fuchs | ryan500: security updates should be in by default, but just open it in any text editor of your choice and check | 23:03 |
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Fuchs | ryan500: or, easier, grep security /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:03 |
ryan500 | fuchs so apt update should also update security then right | 23:03 |
Fuchs | you can't "update security" | 23:04 |
Fuchs | it will include package updates that come from the security repository, yes | 23:04 |
Fuchs | what is the actual question behind it? | 23:04 |
ryan500 | fuchs hmmm i guess your one of those that like complete long sentences :P | 23:04 |
werwe | | 23:05 |
Fuchs | if it is "how do I keep my system secure?": update your system on a regular base, don't install things from dubious sources, don't run any services on it that you don't understand or don't have under full control | 23:05 |
ryan500 | fuchs the context should tell you what i wanted | 23:05 |
Fuchs | ryan500: no, I like questions that make sense | 23:05 |
ryan500 | to update the security update in ubuntu | 23:05 |
ryan500 | like windows updates | 23:05 |
ryan500 | security updates | 23:05 |
ryan500 | i have said that already | 23:05 |
CharlesIC | hello | 23:05 |
CharlesIC | | 23:05 |
CharlesIC | where do you download this now? | 23:05 |
ryan500 | what you think i was talking about big macs and fries lol | 23:05 |
minimec | YankDownUnder: psyguy2: Does the synaptics driver have priority, when installed? I am not sure... I removed 'libinput' on one device, but that was on arch linux. | 23:05 |
Fuchs | you can't update security updates, | 23:05 |
Fuchs | anyway, despite you not making much sense, I think I now know what you want, and it is a regular sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade | 23:06 |
psyguy2 | im not sure how to check, minimec | 23:06 |
ryan500 | thanks | 23:06 |
ryan500 | well it made sense with the context just saying | 23:06 |
ryan500 | lol | 23:06 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: For clarity, security for Ubuntu is included in any/all updates. | 23:06 |
ryan500 | cool thanks that was my question | 23:06 |
ryan500 | thanks | 23:06 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: I just had a "strange thought" - does the touchpad show up in "lspci" or in "lsusb"? | 23:08 |
psyguy2 | pci i think | 23:08 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: "think" and "know" are two different things...hmm... | 23:08 |
minimec | psyguy2: Try this 'sudo lshw -C input'. Look for 'driver=..." | 23:09 |
psyguy2 | im trying to remember the comand | 23:09 |
psyguy2 | oh thanks | 23:09 |
OerHeks | CharlesIC, old info 2014, | 23:09 |
CharlesIC | i have google drive integration | 23:10 |
CharlesIC | im talking about onedrive | 23:10 |
OerHeks | ooops | 23:10 |
psyguy2 | sorry minimec but i dont understand how to type that command | 23:12 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: sudo lsusb + sudo lspci | 23:12 |
minimec | psyguy2: sudo lshw -C input | 23:12 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: AS minimec was trying to say... | 23:12 |
psyguy2 | ok then a bunch of things flash on the screen and disappear | 23:13 |
psyguy2 | too quickly | 23:13 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: ...what I'm "brainstorming" is that if the touchpad is recognised as a USB device, to test doing a "modprobe" with some of the input modules to see if that does anything... | 23:14 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Try: sudo lshw - C | grep input | less | 23:14 |
OerHeks | CharlesIC, same story , the client is updated 10 months ago, so i guess it will work | 23:15 |
minimec | psyguy2: 'sudo lshw -C input | nc 9999' It will give you a link and a result similar to this... | 23:15 |
psyguy2 | ok i dont recognize anything on lsusb or lspci to be the touch pad | 23:15 |
CharlesIC | OerHeks, im confused as to the -old thing | 23:15 |
CharlesIC | where is the new/current one? | 23:15 |
OerHeks | i guess there is no newer one. | 23:15 |
psyguy2 | YankDownUnder, empty | 23:16 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Just for a giggle and a grin, in the terminal, can you type: sudo lsmod | grep hid | 23:17 |
psyguy2 | minimec, says use netcat | 23:17 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: I want to see what HID devices are showing, please. | 23:17 |
psyguy2 | hid_generic 16384 0 | 23:18 |
psyguy2 | mac_hid 16384 0 | 23:18 |
psyguy2 | i2c_hid 20480 0 | 23:18 |
psyguy2 | hid 118784 2 i2c_hid,hid_generic | 23:18 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Far out...right oh...can you please type: sudo modprobe appletouch | 23:18 |
minimec | psyguy2: hmmm.. you can install 'pastebinit'. 'sudo apt install pastebinit', and then do 'sudo lshw -C input | pastebinit'. It will give you a link that you can share with us. | 23:18 |
OerHeks | nc should work,... | 23:19 |
minimec | OerHeks: Yeah it should... | 23:19 |
bprompt | unless the port 9999 is closed, for some daemon or ruleset | 23:20 |
psyguy2 | YankDownUnder, nothing printed to terminal | 23:20 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: No...not expecting anything printed in the terminal - does the touchpad do anything now? | 23:20 |
psyguy2 | minimec, You are trying to send an empty document, exiting. | 23:20 |
psyguy2 | is it fine that i used sudo su instead of sudo prefix each time? shouldnt affect the commands hey? | 23:22 |
ngomes | does anyone here uses laspass password manager with 2 factor authentication ? | 23:22 |
minimec | psyguy2: Well it should not be empty... It should show your keyboard and pad, like this | 23:22 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: After doing that "modprobe appletouch" - does the touchpad do anything? | 23:22 |
psyguy2 | hmm, i have nothing plugged into usb though (this is a laptop) | 23:23 |
psyguy2 | YankDownUnder, doesnt seem like anything changed | 23:23 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Try this: sudo modprobe synaptics_i2c | 23:24 |
psyguy2 | no output | 23:24 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Not expecting output, expecting something to happen to your touchpad...test the touchpad | 23:25 |
psyguy2 | still the same | 23:25 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: On that laptop, is there supposed to be a key-combo to enable/disable the touchpad? | 23:26 |
psyguy2 | yes | 23:26 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: And in using that key-combo, does anything happen...? | 23:26 |
psyguy2 | every time i press it ubuntu shows the touchpad icon with an X on it, the touch pad never gets disabled though | 23:27 |
psyguy2 | and it still functions exactly the same | 23:28 |
minimec | psyguy2: Ok I just booted that arch laptop. Indeed 'sudo lshw -C input' gives no result here too. ;) | 23:29 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Hmm...well, being that you're not the only human with this issue, SOMEONE is working on the driver might behoove you to locate the git/source and see what to do from there...but it's all dependent on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. I'm rather surprised at this ASUS laptop being such a twit...I have clients with ASUS and I generally like how their stuff works with linux... | 23:29 |
ryan500 | yankdownunder i did the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and i still see a message about OS upgrades | 23:32 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: What version of Ubuntu are you using right now? | 23:32 |
ryan500 | how do i pull that up | 23:32 |
ryan500 | lol | 23:32 |
minimec | ryan500: cat /etc/issue | 23:33 |
psyguy2 | hmm yea, it seems to work well otherwise... which source are you referring to? ubuntu source or asus driver source? | 23:33 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: In a terminal you can type: /cat/etc/issue => or cat /etc/lsb-release | 23:33 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: ANY source code. | 23:33 |
psyguy2 | oh well i probably cant do much with the source anyway | 23:33 |
ryan500 | ubuntu 16.04 lts i click about computer lol | 23:33 |
psyguy2 | maybe i should email asus and ask them to assist | 23:34 |
ryan500 | yankdownunder | 23:34 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: Open a terminal. Type the following: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean | 23:34 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Fair enough...worth a go, don't ya reckon. | 23:34 |
ryan500 | do i need to do that everytime? | 23:35 |
ryan500 | YankDownUnder | 23:35 |
Apachez | for those of you with intel nuc's | 23:35 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: No...updates are setup to automatically check every day - or every week - depending on how you setup the machine after the installation. | 23:35 |
psyguy2 | yea, i appreciate the help minimec and YankDownUnder | 23:35 |
ryan500 | yankdownunder will that command fix why the os updates didnt get installed? | 23:35 |
YankDownUnder | psyguy2: Coolbeans. | 23:35 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: Possibly. Just please do that so we can work step-by-step without issue, hmm? Thanks. | 23:36 |
ryan500 | yankdownunder i understand I was really asking the purpose of that like is that the command that is supposed to be used every time or was that supposed to be a fix...that is why i asked :P | 23:37 |
minimec | psyguy2: No problem. If you see no change I would remove the 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' package again by the way. | 23:37 |
YankDownUnder | ryan500: We're only going to use it NOW...otherwise, the system automagically checks on it's own...part of the structured process. | 23:38 |
psyguy2 | ok | 23:38 |
whoever_ | hi all, i installed intellij idea from software center , is there a reason that it is not the current version 16? | 23:39 |
whoever_ | or can i get the newest version though apt-get | 23:40 |
ryan500 | thanks yankdownunder i issued the command | 23:40 |
Bashing-om | !latest | whoever_ | 23:42 |
ubottu | whoever_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 23:42 |
whoever_ | ubottu: well 13 to 16 just seems like there should be a stable ver in there after 13 | 23:43 |
ubottu | whoever_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:44 |
* whoever_ pats ubottu | 23:44 | |
whoever_ | ah, bless its proc | 23:44 |
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