nauticalnexus | I'm not sure if this guy was joking, but he said this in #ubuntu-offtopic 21:23 awesomess3 ║ I need an infinite hard drive to build a │ AndrewMC | 02:25 |
nauticalnexus | ║ bomb to blow up the universe. Sadly the │ awesomess3 | 02:25 |
nauticalnexus | ║ hard drive is going to be the universe. | 02:25 |
nauticalnexus | well that didn't go well, awesomess3 said he needs an infinite hard drive to build a bomb to blow up the universe. | 02:25 |
nauticalnexus | I'm not sure whether he was joking or not, but it made me feel severely unsafe, to the point where I had to leave IRC for a short while. | 02:26 |
elky | i've spoken to her and i think calmed her down. i don't think she'll be returning to -ot for a while though | 03:10 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
Joseph1212 | I got muted for a dumb reason and unnecessary can it be removed please | 18:55 |
Joseph1212 | #ubuntu | 18:56 |
dax | k1l_: ^ | 18:56 |
k1l_ | its not a dumb reason and not an unnecessary mute if it prevents you from further harrassing against supporters in #ubuntu | 18:56 |
Joseph1212 | he didnt want to post a link i called him a troll | 18:57 |
Joseph1212 | i guess you call that harrassement | 18:57 |
Joseph1212 | isnt the point of the help channel to help? | 18:57 |
k1l_ | you were aggressive against several supporters. we dont want that in #ubuntu | 18:57 |
Joseph1212 | after i called him a troll then i got three people posting links | 18:57 |
Joseph1212 | lol | 18:57 |
Joseph1212 | when i asked nicely no one wanted to post | 18:58 |
Joseph1212 | amazing how irc can be huh | 18:58 |
k1l_ | you were not helping. and with that attitude i dont think its good to unmute you | 18:58 |
Joseph1212 | well its easy to get around. its no big deal | 18:58 |
Joseph1212 | i was simply asking him to prove it | 18:59 |
Joseph1212 | others thought only home could be encrypted as well | 18:59 |
k1l_ | do you realize that your attitude you just show in this channel here is still not acceptable? | 18:59 |
k1l_ | if you dont want to stick with the Code of Conduct and the channel guidelines i cant remove the mute to prevent the other users. | 19:00 |
Joseph1212 | look i simply asked for a link | 19:00 |
Joseph1212 | thats it | 19:00 |
k1l_ | no. you didnt "simply" and you know it | 19:01 |
Joseph1212 | Joseph1212: oerheks show me screen shot | 19:01 |
Joseph1212 | (2:48:01 PM) Kyoku: i have to enter the encryption key before i can even get to login | 19:01 |
Joseph1212 | (2:48:15 PM) OerHeks: Joseph1212, i leave you to it. go look yourself. | 19:01 |
Joseph1212 | logs are great arent they | 19:01 |
dax | !1984 | 19:02 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at | 19:02 |
dax | indeed :) | 19:02 |
Joseph1212 | after his attitude is when the arguement started | 19:02 |
Joseph1212 | i have my own thanks though :P | 19:02 |
k1l_ | please read your logs from the part on you pasted here | 19:03 |
Joseph1212 | :03:13 PM) k1l_: please read your logs from the part on you pasted here | 19:03 |
Joseph1212 | can I get a english translation? | 19:03 |
Joseph1212 | i already have the logs | 19:04 |
hggdh | Joseph1212: as far as I can see, your behaviour is not in line with the CoC | 19:04 |
Joseph1212 | maybe you see wrong | 19:04 |
Joseph1212 | what you want me to say | 19:04 |
k1l_ | ok. your attitude is enough. please leave this channel. this mute will not be removed before 24 hours. then you can come back and try again asking for it to be removed | 19:05 |
Joseph1212 | lol | 19:05 |
Joseph1212 | your so cute | 19:05 |
Joseph1212 | lol | 19:05 |
hggdh | that's it, I guess. | 19:05 |
Joseph1212 | bye pumpkin boo | 19:05 |
hggdh | @comment 73349 refusing to seriously discuss issue, being sarcastic | 19:08 |
ubottu | Comment added. | 19:08 |
k1l_ | setting -r on #ubuntu | 19:45 |
=== Unit193 is now known as TheMaster | ||
=== TheMaster is now known as krytarik | ||
Joseph1212 | i dont think that advice in room was correct | 19:59 |
Joseph1212 | for the usb full encryption | 19:59 |
Joseph1212 | "Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security". is the option for installing ubuntu on a pc not for a usb | 20:01 |
Joseph1212 | something else is the option for the usb | 20:02 |
Joseph1212 | unless you can do both? | 20:02 |
Joseph1212 | now this is funny | 20:22 |
Joseph1212 | it looks like I was right | 20:22 |
Joseph1212 | lol | 20:22 |
hggdh | Joseph1212: this is not a support channel | 20:22 |
Joseph1212 | well remove the quiet | 20:22 |
Joseph1212 | :P | 20:22 |
hggdh | Joseph1212: anyway, nobody discussed if you were right or wrong. We discussed you *behaviour* | 20:23 |
hggdh | Joseph1212: now, please leave the channel, and return tomorrow evening | 20:23 |
Joseph1212 | well there are some people on that channel giving bad advice because I listened to someone on there one day and I corrupted information on my hard drive but fortunately i had a backup. I was asking about how to install on usb and this person told me wrong. | 20:24 |
hggdh | @comment 73357 returned, removed. | 20:25 |
ubottu | Comment added. | 20:25 |
=== krytarik is now known as Unit193 | ||
Joseph1212 | I tried to explain to that guy that I called a troll in room about there is a difference between installing usb and hard drive ...he thinks they are the same way. so I got a quiet on this nick on #ubuntu over that idiot thanks a lot. lol | 21:19 |
Joseph1212 | he hasnt even tried to install on usb i talked to him in pm | 21:19 |
Joseph1212 | lol | 21:19 |
k1l_ | @mark Joseph1212 rejoins again | 21:20 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 21:20 |
k1l_ | !guidelines | 21:28 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 21:28 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, solarbird said: ubottu: fair enough, but it is nonetheless running. | 22:46 |
genii | dax: I was pretty surprised that he actually shut up after that | 22:52 |
genii | Whups,... mostly | 22:53 |
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