Researcher | morning | 04:31 |
pavlushka | Morning every one :) | 05:33 |
Kilos | morning bd peeps | 05:48 |
Researcher | morning Kilos | 05:48 |
Kilos | Researcher where you went | 05:56 |
Kilos | hows pavlushka today | 05:56 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I am better, ty | 06:01 |
pavlushka | Kilos: and how about you? | 06:01 |
Kilos | ok also ty | 06:01 |
pavlushka | Kilos: like to ask, which coffee tastes batter? Maaz's or QA's? :p | 06:11 |
Kilos | they both make good perculator coffee | 06:12 |
Kilos | hehe | 06:12 |
pavlushka | brb | 06:15 |
zaki | hello Kilos pavlushka and others. :) | 06:21 |
Kilos | hi zk | 06:21 |
Kilos | zaki | 06:21 |
zaki | grrr | 06:22 |
Kilos | what | 06:22 |
zaki | nothing. what are you doing? | 06:22 |
Researcher | zaki zaki | 06:33 |
Researcher | :D | 06:33 |
Researcher | how are ya zaki \ | 06:33 |
Kilos | hehe zaki im getting ready to go start doing chores | 06:34 |
zaki | Researcher: Researcher :p | 06:34 |
Kilos | hehe | 06:34 |
zaki | Researcher: i'm fine, ty and you? | 06:38 |
Researcher | i am all good | 06:45 |
Researcher | and lil busy in the office | 06:45 |
zaki | (Y) | 07:01 |
zaki | hello kamrul | 08:13 |
kamrul | hi zaki | 08:14 |
Kilos | hi kamrul | 08:14 |
kamrul | hi Kilos | 08:14 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as Guest46752 | ||
=== Guest46752 is now known as eprbata | ||
hsitint | Irc te keu thake na khali dakadaki | 08:59 |
Kilos | hi hsitint | 08:59 |
hsitint | Ke??? Apni | 09:00 |
Researcher | hsitint : bhai kaisay ho | 09:01 |
Researcher | hsitint : hindi may baat kero | 09:01 |
Researcher | :) | 09:01 |
hsitint | Hume accha hindi nehi ati. Humka bhojpuri ati hain | 09:02 |
pavlushka | hsitint: স্বাগতম ! | 09:02 |
hsitint | Ei irc te koto mash dhore koto bar esechi thik nai. Ajj ki6u lok pelam | 09:03 |
pavlushka | :) | 09:03 |
pavlushka | hsitint: আমি এখানে ৫ মাস ধরে regular. | 09:04 |
hsitint | আমি ৫ মাসে অনেকবার এসেছি কাউকে পাই নি। যাক আজ কাউকে পেলাম। | 09:05 |
hsitint | আজকের আলোচনার টপিক কি? | 09:05 |
pavlushka | hsitint: এবং আপনি আজকের পরেও ইনশা-আল্লাহ live & helpful user দের পাবেন, :) | 09:05 |
pavlushka | এই চ্যানেলে | 09:05 |
pavlushka | hsitint: really, that should show up in the irc logs, :) | 09:06 |
pavlushka | *showed up | 09:06 |
hsitint | বাহ খুব ভাল। ধন্যনাদ | 09:06 |
pavlushka | hsitint: except for monthly meeting, we have no specific topic of the day, :) | 09:09 |
pavlushka | and we haven't officially started any monthly meeting, we are still in a re-building phase. | 09:10 |
pavlushka | yet | 09:10 |
pavlushka | hsitint: "hsitint> Irc te keu thake na khali dakadaki" why dont you lead with an example, so that no one can say these type of lines , :) | 09:14 |
pavlushka | hsitint: please check this link | 09:15 |
pavlushka | Researcher: thanks for engaging hsitint in convo, :) | 09:25 |
Researcher | thanks bro | 09:25 |
Researcher | :) | 09:25 |
Kilos | thats the way, work together as a world wide community | 09:26 |
Researcher | true | 09:27 |
Researcher | :) | 09:27 |
pavlushka | Researcher: Kilos , you can check back the logs, I found only 2-3 nicks who were here around 2011-2014, Tuhin is one of them and Rezwan. | 09:28 |
pavlushka | and may be on some specific day of months, some more nick joins but was not consistent. | 09:30 |
pavlushka | and only hsitint knows what was his actual nick but no other nick was traceable much other than 2-3. | 09:32 |
Kilos | pavlushka no worries | 09:32 |
Kilos | if old ones dont want to come back it is their loss | 09:32 |
pavlushka | or it is their choice. | 09:33 |
Kilos | on fb they cant get anywhere | 09:33 |
pavlushka | we have to move with whoever responds to our call, :) | 09:33 |
Kilos | if fb is all they are capable of then its their business | 09:33 |
Kilos | you grow the channel with guys that want to get ahead in the community | 09:34 |
Kilos | you now know how large the ubuntu community is | 09:34 |
pavlushka | hmm | 09:35 |
Kilos | hi Tuhin | 09:35 |
pavlushka | Welcome Tuhin | 09:35 |
Kilos | the ubuntu community isnt tied to any borders | 09:36 |
pavlushka | hmm | 09:36 |
pavlushka | brb | 09:36 |
NaSb | Hello Kilos, pavlushka | 09:52 |
Kilos | hi NaSb | 09:52 |
pavlushka | WB NaSb :) | 09:54 |
pavlushka | NaSb: can I help you with QA's coffee? :p or with anything else? | 09:55 |
NaSb | :p I know QA is a bot | 09:56 |
NaSb | QA can you make me happy? | 09:57 |
Kilos | lol | 09:57 |
Kilos | why arent you happy lad? | 09:57 |
Kilos | QA coffee on | 09:57 |
* QA starts grinding coffee | 09:57 | |
Kilos | have some cyber coffee | 09:58 |
pavlushka | NaSb: are you feeling sad for some reason? then may be me and Kilos are better than QA, :p | 09:58 |
NaSb | Yesterday i'm facing big issue for installing Ubuntu 16.04.1 | 09:59 |
NaSb | Currently i'm using two linux distros | 09:59 |
NaSb | elementary OS and Deepin along with Windows 8 | 10:00 |
pavlushka | NaSb: make another partition and install Ubuntu on that, its that simple, install the bootloader on "/dev/sda", and there you go. | 10:01 |
QA | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 10:01 |
pavlushka | QA ty | 10:02 |
QA | Only a pleasure pavlushka | 10:02 |
pavlushka | Kilos: :p | 10:02 |
pavlushka | brb, going to eat, :) | 10:02 |
pavlushka | NaSb: after the operation, you will have 3 linus distros with win8,:) | 10:03 |
NaSb | pavlushka [problem] হচ্ছে উবুন্টু ইন্সটলেশন পার্টিশন ম্যানেজারে আমার কোনো পাট্রিশন করা ড্রাইভই দেখায় না। | 10:03 |
Kilos | lol | 10:03 |
NaSb | nope pavlushka | 10:04 |
NaSb | My selected distro is Ubuntu and eOS | 10:04 |
NaSb | জানালা আমি dreamsparks থেকে সংগ্রহ করেছি | 10:05 |
NaSb | আমি যা বুঝলাম আমার হার্ডডিস্ক ফরম্যাট দিয়ে নতুন করে Ubuntu ও eOS ইন্সটল করতে হবে। | 10:07 |
pavlushka | NaSb: boot into win8 and shutdown from cmd by typing "shutdown /p" | 10:13 |
pavlushka | and then retry to install ubuntu | 10:14 |
pavlushka | NaSb: but if you have erros on disks or your partition boundaries are overlapped due to some corruption, you will face partition formatting issue. | 10:16 |
pavlushka | NaSb: and if those are NTFS logical partitions, then you have to correct the disk errors by running in win env in cmd "chkdsk /f /r /x C:/D:/E:/.." | 10:17 |
pavlushka | but individually one drive at a time | 10:18 |
pavlushka | NaSb: like "chkdsk /f /r /x D:" | 10:19 |
pavlushka | NaSb: /f for force flag, /r for recovering from bad cluster and fixing, /x for dismounting the drive during the operation. | 10:21 |
pavlushka | NaSb: what did you missed? | 10:27 |
pavlushka | *miss | 10:29 |
pavlushka | NaSb: ping | 10:43 |
NaSb | Wifi disconnected | 10:51 |
pavlushka | QA tell NaSb to check | 10:53 |
QA | pavlushka: Got it, I'll tell NaSb on freenode | 10:53 |
=== shishir is now known as Guest99486 | ||
=== Guest99486 is now known as shishir | ||
zaki | hello everyone. | 16:13 |
zaki | Kilos: pavlushka | 16:13 |
Kilos | hi zaki pavlushka | 16:15 |
Kilos | check pk please and help the new guy | 16:15 |
zaki | Kilos: ahamed? | 16:15 |
Kilos | yeah | 16:16 |
pavlushka | Sorry, I was afk, just completed the daily routine with some extra cheese (work) :P | 16:21 |
zaki | he he. | 16:21 |
pavlushka | is ahmed still there | 16:21 |
zaki | yes | 16:21 |
Kilos | np | 16:22 |
=== pavlushka is now known as ahmed_bilal | ||
=== ahmed_bilal is now known as pavlushka2 | ||
=== pavlushka2 is now known as pavlushka | ||
zaki | wb AudaciousTUX | 17:17 |
AudaciousTUX | hellou | 17:18 |
Kilos | hi AudaciousTUX | 17:18 |
AudaciousTUX | hi Kilos | 17:18 |
pavlushka | so guys, mission accomplished :p | 17:22 |
pavlushka | hellu AudaciousTUX | 17:22 |
Kilos | well done pavlushka | 17:22 |
pavlushka | Kilos: thanks | 17:23 |
pavlushka | :) | 17:23 |
zaki | which mission? | 17:23 |
Kilos | the guy will need guiding | 17:23 |
pavlushka | Kilos: he is a debian 8 user, just new on irc, :) | 17:24 |
zaki | mission ahamed_billal oh | 17:24 |
pavlushka | zaki: tubelight :p | 17:25 |
Kilos | debian and ubuntu are family | 17:25 |
Kilos | so we wellcome then | 17:25 |
zaki | tubelight waht? | 17:26 |
Kilos | them | 17:26 |
pavlushka | Kilos: yep, i just pointed that he might be an expert on system already :p | 17:26 |
Kilos | oh ok | 17:26 |
pavlushka | zaki: had your dinner? | 17:27 |
zaki | nope! you? | 17:27 |
AudaciousTUX | hei... powershell will take over the world of terminal... :'( | 17:28 |
Kilos | you guys must eat or you will get weak | 17:28 |
AudaciousTUX | #sarcasm :p | 17:28 |
pavlushka | Kilos: but yes, he need guidance on community work :), no doubt on that. | 17:28 |
pavlushka | Kilos: i am on it, :p | 17:29 |
Kilos | :D | 17:29 |
pavlushka | Kilos: i meant i am having my dinner now :p | 17:30 |
Kilos | good | 17:32 |
pavlushka | Kilos: oh, one more thing, normal people dont use debian :p | 17:34 |
Kilos | haha | 17:34 |
pavlushka | Kilos: superfly is not normal :p | 17:34 |
Kilos | the fly does now | 17:34 |
Kilos | hahaha | 17:34 |
Kilos | you beat me | 17:35 |
pavlushka | yea.... | 17:35 |
Kilos | haha | 17:35 |
pavlushka | zaki: listening to David Gilmour's "take it back" | 17:42 |
AudaciousTUX | meh listening :3 | 17:43 |
zaki | pavlushka: Pink Floyd ? | 17:49 |
zaki | ah | 17:49 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: you are listening or watching? :p | 17:50 |
zaki | take it back awesome | 17:51 |
pavlushka | did anyone notice that gmail was down for a moment? | 17:51 |
pavlushka | after evening in our local time. | 17:51 |
AudaciousTUX | listening... and chatting | 17:52 |
zaki | pavlushka: gmail oky here. | 17:52 |
pavlushka | zaki: for some moment, not for long. | 17:52 |
zaki | oh, don't know | 17:53 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: have you heard "My own prison"? | 17:53 |
zaki | pavlushka: did you watched another brick in the wall music video? | 17:54 |
AudaciousTUX | maybe | 17:54 |
pavlushka | zaki: yep, the complete album | 17:55 |
zaki | \m/ | 17:55 |
pavlushka | :) | 17:55 |
zaki | pavlushka: you like DIO? | 17:57 |
pavlushka | yep | 17:58 |
zaki | and what about Metallica? <3 | 17:58 |
pavlushka | that too :) | 17:58 |
zaki | pavlushka: :) | 17:58 |
zaki | oh my | 17:58 |
AudaciousTUX | জহ্ন দেনভের?? :D | 17:59 |
AudaciousTUX | john denver | 17:59 |
pavlushka | but now my song is dixie chicks - cowboy | 17:59 |
zaki | Dire Straits? Credence Clearwater Revival?? | 18:00 |
AudaciousTUX | annie's song joss ^_^ | 18:00 |
=== codeur is now known as Rezwan | ||
Kilos | hi Rezwan | 18:00 |
zaki | pavlushka: ^ | 18:00 |
AudaciousTUX | hei rezwan vai | 18:00 |
Rezwan | hi Kilos | 18:00 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: yep joss, song of a life time :) | 18:00 |
Rezwan | কী খবর তানজিম | 18:00 |
pavlushka | Hello Rezwan | 18:01 |
Rezwan | hello pavlushka , zaki | 18:01 |
AudaciousTUX | vala.... :) | 18:01 |
zaki | hi Rezwan vai. :) | 18:01 |
AudaciousTUX | Rezwan: material দেন :p | 18:01 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, আমি শিখে তোমাকে শিখাবো নে! :P | 18:01 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: zaki Suzan Vega? | 18:02 |
AudaciousTUX | Rezwan: হেঁহেঁ :p | 18:02 |
AudaciousTUX | btw... exam ki dichen?? | 18:02 |
Rezwan | কিসের এক্সাম? | 18:02 |
AudaciousTUX | 201 er | 18:03 |
Rezwan | 201 এর কী? | 18:03 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: zaki Suzan Vega's "Tom's Dinner" & "Queen & The Soldier" | 18:03 |
AudaciousTUX | lfs201 course kortechenna?? | 18:03 |
Rezwan | আরে নাহ! | 18:04 |
AudaciousTUX | taile?? | 18:04 |
Rezwan | এই কোর্স বাংলাদেশে করা যায় নাকি? :P | 18:04 |
zaki | pavlushka: nope :( | 18:04 |
AudaciousTUX | ken jayna??? online na??? indiar ekjon dilo... fail marche... retest o dite parenai.... material niya nichi... | 18:04 |
Rezwan | AudaciousTUX, IFS 201 কী জিনিস আগে এইটা বুঝাও | 18:05 |
pavlushka | zaki: yes Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet, | 18:05 |
AudaciousTUX | wait | 18:05 |
zaki | pavlushka: nice , nice. :) | 18:05 |
AudaciousTUX | Rezwan | 18:05 |
Rezwan | ohh! | 18:06 |
AudaciousTUX | apni konta kortechen??? | 18:06 |
Rezwan | এই পরীক্ষা বাংলাদেশ থেকে দেওয়া যায়? | 18:06 |
pavlushka | zaki: now AC/DC - back in black :P | 18:06 |
zaki | he he. :D | 18:06 |
AudaciousTUX | jaoar kothato... | 18:06 |
zaki | how about Pantera? pavlushka | 18:06 |
AudaciousTUX | pavlushka: vai na korte nichilen?? pore alshemir jonne korennai... | 18:07 |
pavlushka | zaki: Philip Anselmo and Diamond Darrel | 18:07 |
Kilos | pavlushka listen to my baby as well | 18:08 |
pavlushka | zaki: and I am broken | 18:08 |
Kilos | | 18:08 |
zaki | Cowboy's From Hell,Goddamn Electric | 18:08 |
zaki | Kilos: \m/ i listend that | 18:08 |
pavlushka | Kilos: sure, your one is cute as well, :) | 18:08 |
Kilos | of course | 18:09 |
zaki | Kilos: i subscried tara lynn's channel | 18:10 |
zaki | :D | 18:10 |
zaki | at you tube. | 18:10 |
Kilos | haha | 18:10 |
pavlushka | zaki: Louis Armstrong? | 18:10 |
Kilos | sachmo | 18:11 |
zaki | pavlushka: jadge? | 18:11 |
zaki | :D | 18:11 |
zaki | jazz* | 18:11 |
pavlushka | zaki: its Jazz | 18:11 |
pavlushka | yes | 18:11 |
zaki | hmm | 18:12 |
zaki | now listening Hotasa. he he. | 18:12 |
pavlushka | yes Kilos :) | 18:13 |
zaki | and NA | 18:13 |
pavlushka | zaki: কেন? হতাশা কেন? | 18:14 |
pavlushka | zaki: you didn't listened to Sunjoy? | 18:14 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: প্রেমে পরস নাকি? | 18:15 |
zaki | pavlushka: i find this video too much funny. suggesting you to take a look. | 18:15 |
zaki | | 18:15 |
zaki | last n8 i watched it | 18:15 |
pavlushka | AudaciousTUX: annie's song? | 18:15 |
zaki | pavlushka: sunjoy? | 18:16 |
pavlushka | zaki: then you are missing the core of Warfaze, :p | 18:17 |
zaki | hmm :( | 18:18 |
zaki | Jibondhara, Ashamajik and the departures of Sunjoy, Babna Karim and Russel Ali (1994–1998) | 18:20 |
pavlushka | zaki: Warfaze self titled, Obak Valobasha, Jibondhara, Oshamajik, and so on. | 18:22 |
zaki | hmm | 18:22 |
zaki | dinner time, bbl | 18:23 |
AudaciousTUX | ho.. duibar seka khaisi :3 pavlushka | 18:31 |
Kilos | have you guys ever tried youtube-dl | 18:33 |
Kilos | if you want the music only you do | 18:33 |
Kilos | youtube-dl -f 140 youtube link | 18:34 |
Kilos | hi shishir | 18:34 |
=== shishir is now known as Guest92477 | ||
AudaciousTUX | yah Kilos | 18:35 |
AudaciousTUX | jdownloader rocks .... Kilos | 18:35 |
Kilos | i like commandline for music | 18:35 |
Kilos | videos waste my data | 18:36 |
Kilos | night guys, sleep tight | 18:40 |
zaki | good night all. | 19:28 |
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