
nevellihi, I'm looking for some help with a particular issue related to nvidia drivers, but I don't know exactly where to direct my questions to00:03
nevelli(I think) I have located the section of the logs which provides the errors, but again, I don't know how to go about addressing the issue00:05
blackbird1Hi, I need help with ses and regex00:06
nacc!ask | blackbird1, although you might get a faster response in a more appropriate channel, e.g. ##linux00:09
ubottublackbird1, although you might get a faster response in a more appropriate channel, e.g. ##linux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:09
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:10
doolboothello 0erHeks i am back00:12
doolbooti would like to ask you guys, which partition scheme should i use for my windows10 installation alongside ubuntu?00:13
doolbootMBR for BIOS or UEF-CSM, MBR for UEFI, or GPT for UEFI00:13
doolbooti am installing windows 10 on a separate drive from ubuntu, but which partition scheme do i chose?00:14
PikiaUsually, you would want to install windows 10 first00:14
Pikiathen ubuntu00:14
doolbooti know but i do not want to reinstall ubuntu :(00:15
PikiaThen you'll have to deal with Windows 10 deleting GRUB00:15
doolbooti have a separate hard drive just for windows though, and a separate one for ubuntu00:15
Pikiaand then you won't even be able to boot into your Ubuntu00:15
PikiaOh, I'm sorry. I didn't see that00:15
doolbooteven if it is on separate hard drives will it delete GRUB?00:15
PikiaIn that case, I would assume UEFI00:15
PikiaJust disconnect the drive with ubuntu on it when installing windows 1000:16
doolbootokay, and would i use MBR or GPT partition scheme? for UEFI00:16
doolbooti have 2 options here when burning the windows ISO to a uSB00:16
PikiaJust download RUFUS00:17
PikiaGoogle it and use it to burn the ISO to a USB00:17
PikiaIts much more streamlined and easier00:17
doolbootyes i have rufus, its just that it gives me different options for the partition scheme and im not sure if i should do MBR or GPT00:18
doolbooti think i will stick with GPT since its newer00:18
=== Guest77375 is now known as minsky
PikiaI just left mine on defualt.00:18
PikiaMBR iirc00:19
doolbootalright yea00:19
nairwolfHi, I've discovered the command 'tabs' but I don't understand what it does. Is it possible that this command does nothing with some terminal ?00:20
doolbootand does it matter whether i configure the ISO to FAT32 or NTFS? will it install as NTFS anyways once i boot from USB?00:20
lurkashflakewhere is my external cd/dvd reader/burner being detected at?00:21
Pikiadoolboot: youre going to want NTFS for windows00:22
lurkashflakebrasero doesn't detect my external cd/dvd burner00:23
lurkashflakeI am on a live Ubuntu 14 cd00:23
Pikiadoes ubuntu detect it lurkashflake ?00:25
lurkashflakeI don't think so00:25
lurkashflakelsblk doesn't show it00:25
PikiaStupid question, but is it connected?00:26
razeal113having an issue with partitions after an install and need advice, posted my question here http://askubuntu.com/questions/815581/help-understanding-partitions-on-ubuntu00:26
PikiaMy drive sometimes turns off by itself :/00:26
lurkashflakeYes it is00:26
Pikiarazeal113: I'm having a hard time understanding your question00:27
PikiaDo you want to know what all the parttions means?00:27
Pikialurkashflake: I'm probably not the best person to ask about this XD But could it be a driver issue??00:28
PikiaIt seems really unlikely though.00:28
lurkashflakeI'll plug in another drive instead :)00:28
Pikiarazeal113: sda3 is your swap partition, think of it as extra ram in case you run out of ram.00:28
PikiaA lot of people argue about wheater or not you should have more or less, but in the end its up to you and how you use your machine00:29
razeal113Pikia: I appear to be using only the sda3 memory though and don't seem to have access to sda2 memory00:29
PikiaYou don't have access to it?00:29
Pikiarazeal113: I might be wrong on this, but it might be beacause your sda2 is formatted in the wrong partition type00:31
doolbootthanks for help guys, i think i will use win10 iso with GPT UEFI and NTFS formatting. i will come back here if i come into trouble installing tomorrow00:32
razeal113Pikia:  what partition type should it be in?  And if it is wrong, can i change it ?00:32
PikiaI liked, ext4 is okay.00:34
PikiaI'm not sure why youre not able to acess it though, I'm sorry00:35
PikiaThis is a good link to read up on patition types00:35
nevellihi, I'm looking for some help with a particular issue related to nvidia drivers, (I think) I have located the section of the logs which provides the errors, but I don't know how to go about addressing the issue or where to post the log exerpts for more help00:36
Pikianevelli: Try here :D But it seems a lot of people aren't really active atm./00:37
PikiaI can try to help... but my knowledge in linux is pretty limited00:37
nevelliok, so basically, i have graphics issues where the system locks up, the mouse is still moving, sound is working, networking functions, but otherwise the system is unresponsive00:38
nevellialso most notably... the system doesn't come back from sleep00:39
PikiaFor the sleep issue, did you set up a swap partition?00:39
Pikiaand how big is it?00:39
nevelliswap partition is 64gb i believe00:39
nevellione sec00:39
nevelliexcuse me00:40
nevellii have 64gb of ram though00:40
PikiaThat should be more than enough, considering you have 64gb of ram.00:40
PikiaI've run into problems with sleep before because my HDD actually shut down due to bios stuffies fucking with it00:40
PikiaThat MAY be an issue00:41
nevelliso here is the syslog00:41
nevelliAug 22 17:04:26 U16-5820K kernel: [40230.909058] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: PBDMA0: 00200000 [METHOD] ch 5 [023f971000 compiz[5454]] subc 0 mthd 00fc data 0000000a00:41
nevellii get a spam of these00:41
nevellifollowed by...00:41
nevelliAug 22 17:04:26 U16-5820K kernel: [40230.909072] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: DATA_ERROR 0000000c [INVALID_BITFIELD] ch 5 [023f971000 compiz[5454]] subc 0 class a097 mthd 0104 data 8000000600:42
nevelliAug 22 17:04:26 U16-5820K kernel: [40230.909117] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: gr engine fault on channel 5, recovering...00:42
dancingd3monI've a general question, I want to install windows using vmware workstation00:42
nevelliAug 22 17:04:26 U16-5820K kernel: [40230.909128] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: ILLEGAL_MTHD ch 5 [023f971000 compiz[5454]] subc 0 class a097 mthd 0128 data 0000000200:42
dancingd3monit says a message that i need 2 gb swap memory, may i know what is that?00:43
nevelliit means you need to allocate 2GB to a partition for the system to use00:43
dancingd3monbut it already took 60 gb00:43
dancingd3monand i have 5 tb left00:43
nevellifor swap?00:44
dancingd3monI gave it 4 gb of ram00:44
dancingd3monidk what swap is tbh00:44
dancingd3monwhat is it needed for ?00:44
nevellithe system uses it in case you run out of ram00:44
PikiaThink of it as RAM00:44
Pikianevelli: im not sure whats going on tbh. Im sorry00:45
Tin_manslow ram00:45
nevelliit is a seperate partition on the hdd exclusively reserved for the system to swap data to and from like ram...00:45
dancingd3monokay, so how to check my swap memory ? I guess I can't add more data to swap without formatting my whole server, correct?00:45
nevelliPikia: where sohuld I go to for help with this?00:46
nevelliyes you can00:46
razeal113Pikia: when running a VM i get the error that I only have 3.6Gig of ram available.  This is what led me to think that its an issue with the partitions.  Its as if it only sees the swap memory.00:46
dancingd3monmay i know how nevelli ?00:46
nevelliyou can use gparted... and craeat a spap partition at the end of the volume00:46
nevellicreate a swap **00:46
PikiaIs windows the host or the guest os?00:47
Pikianevelli: tbh... I'm not sure. You can try ##linux and see if theyre willing to help00:47
dancingd3monguest os00:47
dancingd3monIdk how to do this nevelli :( but thanks anyway00:47
dancingd3monany guide to follow?00:47
Pikiadancingd3mon: Try google.00:47
Pikiadancingd3mon: I'm not sure why its asking for swap memory for windows tbh. I didin't think windows suported swap but I might be wrong00:48
nevellidancingd3mon: google -> gparted create swap partition at the end of the volume00:48
Tin_manyes windows does have a swap, not called swap though.00:49
Tin_manPagefile in windows00:49
dancingd3monokay so all i did was install vmware workstation on ubuntu and then I edit the configuration to use 4 gb of ram and left the rest, I chose the iso and then that message showed up. the ram was 1 gb and I raised it to 400:49
dancingd3monmaybe thats why the swap message showed up?00:50
Tin_manyes, i believe so, but it's been a long time since i've run a VM00:50
Tin_manhow much total ram do you have?00:50
dancingd3mon16 gb00:50
nevellidancingd3mon: i didn't realize you were talking about a VM00:50
dancingd3monyup it's a VM :) all good00:51
Tin_man4 should be fine, just continue, see what happens00:51
dancingd3monthanks, It has been showing this finalizing your settings since forever00:51
dancingd3monwaiting for it to finish and see what will happen00:52
Tin_mani run normal windows 10 with 2gb physical memory..00:52
dancingd3monokay so i have lxde-core installed, will I need always to vnc to my server and view my VM that way ? it's like a window inside a window.00:52
Tin_mandon't know, like I said, been over 2 years since I've played around with a VM00:53
dancingd3monall good Tin_man00:53
dancingd3monmany thanks guys00:53
SweepyofaceWhats wrong with my apt?00:54
Sweepyofacewhen I apt update it gets stuck at 0% [Working]00:54
FinalXSweepyoface: can you resolve hostnames? i had it a few times and it was that my /etc/resolv.conf was messed up00:55
Sweepyofaceas a matter of fact I cant..00:55
SweepyofaceFinalX, how did you fix it?00:55
FinalXby setting a nameserver in /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/base and restarting resolvconf00:57
FinalXeh, /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base00:57
FinalXbut i have to go now :) sorry00:57
Sweepyofaceah, nevermind00:57
Sweepyofacesecurity group issue00:57
NSGFKWho here has OpenVZ experience with Ubuntu00:59
NSGFKand selling Ubuntu OpenVZ instances00:59
huuygt77hi blackbird01:00
huuygt77check out my free shell at http://djangoshell.net23.net  free shell accounts easy signup01:01
huuygt77 check out my free shell at http://djangoshell.net23.net  free shell accounts easy signup01:03
jserhi, has anybody using kali linux ?01:03
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:04
daxhuuygt77: no spam in #ubuntu-* channels, thanks01:05
jserthans . haha01:05
tripelbwhere do I ask this question? Is it posaible to get into another computer when you are both attqched to the same wifi network?01:05
lordcirthtripelb, you mean remote login?01:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:06
Kev__I downloaded gnome ppp and saved to a USB, how do I get ubuntu ro install it from the flash drive ?01:06
PikiaKev__: set your bios to boot to usb01:07
lordcirthKev__, a .deb package?01:07
lordcirthtripelb, Use SSH or VNC01:07
Kev__I set my windows 7 laptop to boot ubuntu from a dvd01:07
Kev__I am trying it out01:07
philspainhi, I have a problem with permissions to var/www folder. when I try to access with cd var/www I get "file/dir not exists" but I can create files in there with nano. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 on vps and ls -al /var/www states drwxrwsr-x  2 ghost www-data 4096 Aug 23 00:51 html01:08
Kev__want to be able to configure my usb720 modem to connect to verizon wireless01:08
lordcirthphilspain, perhaps you are forgetting the leading slash?  /var/www01:08
lordcirthKev__, and you have the ppp package on a USB?01:08
Kev__ubuntu shows it and its folder contents01:09
tripelblordcirth: re use ssh or vnc. i want to share my neighbors wifi but he is afraid.01:09
lordcirthtripelb, what are you trying to do exactly?01:09
Kev__but I can't get it to install in my system01:09
lordcirthKev__, you should be able to rightclick on the package, I think, and install?01:09
Kev__tried that, no go01:10
lordcirthKev__, define no go.  What error?01:10
Kev__could it be because I have not installed ubuntu onto my harddrive ?01:10
lordcirthKev__, I forget if you can install packages in the LiveCD or not01:10
Kev__this is a whole new world to me, I can tell ubuntu is going to kill brain cells01:11
lordcirthKev__, ah, apparently you can't.01:11
tripelblordcirth: VNC is a graphical desk sharing system. How does that apply to me?01:11
Kev__but I am getting sick of windows crap01:11
lordcirthtripelb, well, seeing as you haven't been very clear about what you want, I'm guessing here01:12
elliot-59just install linux on ur pc01:12
lordcirthKev__, Do you have 4GB+ RAM?  You should consider trying Ubuntu in Virtualbox instead, and/or dual booting.01:12
elliot-59or dualboot if youre not ready for a full transition01:12
Kev__I have 4 GB of RAM01:13
Kev__wanted to see how I would like it before committing to install01:13
Kev__300 GB harddrive01:13
Kev__so I have lots of space and memory01:13
lordcirthKev__, so you can try Ubuntu in a virtual machine inside Windows then.  You will be able to install packages, it'll just be a bit slow01:13
elliot-59lubuntu should run a bit faster too01:14
tripelblordcirth: i want to find a way to make my neighbor safe from the "perhaps" of me spying on his computer. i thought the defense would be in the firewall on his router. i was planning on buying a wifi extender.01:14
Kev__I was hoping to try it online but can't get my modem working with it01:14
lordcirthtripelb, oh, you want to set up wifi such that you can use it without access to his network?01:15
tripelblordcirth: he gets wifi. i dont want to pay for it separately when we could have it together.01:15
lordcirthWell, that would imply he trusts you to set up his network, since whoever sets that up controls it01:16
Kev__I was hoping to get comfortable with the language and features before installing01:16
tripelblordcirth: that is correct.01:16
lordcirthKev__, Virtualbox sounds like the best route to me.,01:16
galaxiaxalgum br ai?01:16
lordcirthKev__, https://www.virtualbox.org/  Just install it on Windows, make a VM, and give it the Ubuntu ISO.01:17
Kev__Thanks, I'm thinking along the same line01:17
PikiaKev__: What exavtly are you tired of with windows?01:17
galaxiaxalguem do brasil?01:17
Kev__I'm tired of things that just quit working for no reason01:17
lordcirthtripelb, I don't think there's a way for you to make his network secure against you unless he trusts you to begin with01:17
lordcirthtripelb, unless perhaps you suggest solutions to him and he implements them.01:18
Kev__I tried to get 4 small updates, 24.2 MB for a week, refused to download them01:18
elliot-59i want to program a script that mutes my system when is shutting down and unmutes it after it boots, how would i go about doing that?01:18
tripelblordcirth: i didnt know that. i am disappointed.01:18
tripelband thanks.01:18
Kev__I ended up having to manually download and install them01:18
lordcirthelliot-59, do you perhaps just want to disable the shutdown and bootup sounds?01:18
budderhey guys, looking to install ubuntu for the first time. the installation guide recommends 1gb of memory and 10gb of hard drive. I understand the hard disk part, but why the RAM? Does this mean 1gb of RAM will ONLY be working while running ubuntu and now I will only have 7 for when using windows?01:19
elliot-59yeah, plus this annoying beep my laptop makes after its plugges/unplugged, cant seem to find a way to get rid of it01:19
budder(if i had a 8gb of RAM of course)01:20
Pikiabudder: Are you trying to dual boot or do a fresh install of ubuntu?01:20
lordcirthbudder, whatever OS is running always owns all the RAM.01:20
lordcirthRAM is short-term memory, the stuff in it is wiped when you reboot01:20
budderPikia: i want to dual boot, but i have never installed ubuntu before so idk if that counts as a fresh install?01:20
tripelbquestion: I have 14.04 with /home in a separate partition. i want to install 16.04 in its own partition and I want to use the same /home. Is there any way I can make the mistake or erasing the current-existing /home partition?01:20
elliot-59budder: what you read only means that ubuntu needs 1g of ram minimum to run correctly01:20
budderlordcirth: then why allocate memory? this is confusing me01:20
lordcirthbudder, you don't need to "allocate" RAM.  Your computer just has to have at least 1GB or it won't work.01:21
PikiaIt seems to be youre trying to install ubuntu inside a VM01:21
galaxiaxalguem do brasil?01:21
lordcirthelliot-59, as for the beep, you could try blacklisting pcspkr module01:21
budderlordcirth: okay i see. but you do need to allocate hard disk space right? i believe my confusion was coming from thinking that you also need to allocate RAM the way you do hard disk space. does this seem correct to you?01:22
budderPikia: what is a VM?01:22
budderPikia: i want to install alongside windows01:22
lordcirthHe's not using a VM, ignore that01:22
PikiaYou run two OS at the same time.01:22
Kev__I will try the VM thing and dual boot, thank you for the help, I'm sure I will be back with more questions01:23
PikiaAh, okay. Yeah im stupod./01:23
lordcirthbudder, Hard disk space is persistent, you do need to allocate that, yes.01:23
kyles_Hello. On my laptop, my mouse does not move after some boots. Does anybody know what could cause this?01:24
budderlordcirth: then what exactly is a swap? I thought that that was RAM you had to set aside for ubuntu? i'm quite confused...01:24
elliot-59vm is a virtual machine, kind of like an emulator that runs inside windows and can load linux or other os's, dual booting means you install both os's on your hard drive and log in to the one you want every time you boot up01:24
elliot-59if youre just trying it out is easier to run it on a vm01:24
lordcirthbudder, swap is space on the hard drive which Linux can use if you run out of RAM.01:24
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:24
lordcirthIt's much slower but it's better than crashing01:24
milf check out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:25
budderlordcirth: so is that something you need to manually set? and if my PC has 8gbs of RAM, that is not something I need to worry about, correct?01:25
elliot-59swap is for older computer with small ram so that linux can use hard drive space as ram, nowadays i dont think you need swap though with like 8 gb of ram01:25
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:25
lordcirthbudder, swap is optional with 8GB of RAM.01:25
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:25
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:25
lordcirth!spam | milf01:26
ubottumilf: Please don't spam01:26
budderlordcirth: thanks for your help01:26
milf!spam | tsia01:26
ubottutsia: Please don't spam01:26
lordcirthbudder, swap is another partition on your hard drive, normally, beside the Linux partition ( and Windows if you have it)01:26
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:27
milfcheck out my new free shell: http://djangoshell.net23.net01:27
budderlordcirth: so i should not worry about swap, right?01:27
elliot-59dude stop spamming01:27
buddersince i have 8gb already01:27
elliot-59budder: youre fine01:27
lordcirthbudder, up to you.  If you have lots of hard drive space, you can.01:27
budderelliot-59: okay thanks. so would  you suggest allocating 10gb of hard disk space? or +/-?01:28
lordcirthbudder, 20 to 40GB01:28
elliot-59^^ what he said01:28
lordcirth10 is only fine if you don't intend on actually installing anything :P01:29
budderlordcirth: possible to adjust later?01:29
lininoisbudder: ?01:29
budderlininois: yes?01:29
lordcirthbudder, it's a little difficult.  Best to give it extra01:30
buddersry. got a pm from a child01:30
ruu7!spam | budder01:30
ubottubudder: Please don't spam01:30
lordcirthOh, him again01:30
ruu7There is no data for this report.There is no data for this report.01:30
ruu7There is no data for this report.01:30
ruu7There is no data for this report.01:30
ruu7There is no data for this report.01:30
ruu7There is no data for this report.01:30
lininoisbudder: its you01:31
evaldeWhat would you guys say is the best way to learn linux/ubuntu (shell, file systems, etc.)?01:33
milffree shell01:33
milfcheck mine out at http://djangoshell.net23.net01:33
lordcirthevalde, there are some online tutorials, one sec01:33
lordcirthevalde, ignore him, he's spamming01:34
milffree ssh access to a server01:34
milfim just trying to get someone else to see my free shell01:34
lordcirthmilf, that is completely offtopic here, even if you weren't spamming it01:34
elliot-59evalde: everything you mentioned, try to learn how to do everything you would normally do with the terminal, shell scripting, just mess around, break stuff, fix stuff..... at leas thats how i am learning01:35
budderlordcirth: elliot-59 is it possible to adjust the partition later?01:35
lordcirthevalde, http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/  Bandit is a fun terminal - based game01:35
lordcirthbudder, it is but it's a bit of a hassle so I'd suggest just giving it lots01:35
elliot-59budder: on a vm?01:35
milfevalde look at http://djangoshell.net23.net01:35
budderelliot-59: no i want to dual boot alongside windows01:35
elliot-59you have low space? just give it like 40 or something just in case, i mean you can readjust partition sizes but like lordcirth mentioned, its a bit of a hassle01:36
tgm4883milf: nobody wants your free shell, it's off topic. Please stop01:36
milfwhat other active channel is ther01:38
=== Liz is now known as Guest28273
Kev__I went to download virtualbox, the only one highlighted to download is for lixus hosts, will that work on my windows system ?01:39
=== precise|worksnek is now known as precise|snek
lordcirthKev__, you want the one for Windows hosts01:42
lordcirthKev__, click on the "amd64" bit to the right of it01:42
Kev__thanks, I finally noticed the amd 64 highlighted01:42
Kev__I am on my other laptop, so will save it to USB then transfer it to the one I want to put ubuntu on01:43
Kev__so many moving parts to keep track of !!!!01:43
AllahuHi guys02:02
lordcirthAllahu, hi02:03
Allahuwell i make custom iso of ubuntu using uck, but vmlinuz.efi no go. error /lib/modules/3.5.0-23-generic/module.dep: No such file or directory..02:03
Allahumy current kernel is 3.5.0-54-generic02:04
Allahuvmlinuz works but vmlinuz.efi wont go02:04
Allahustop initramfs busybox02:05
=== twwwater is now known as tww
Allahui can extract vmlinuz.efi?02:07
Kev__installed virtualbox on the other laptop, and named it ubuntu, what do I do next to install the ubuntu DVD there ?02:08
lordcirthAllahu, sorry there aren't as many people here who are familiar with spinning isos02:08
lordcirthKev__, hit Start, and it will prompt for a CD or ISO02:08
bob_ hi all. I've just updated my main work desktop from 14.10 to 16.something LTS. After the update process, the computer rebooted.02:08
bob_Not that it's rebooted, the monitors are blank02:08
bob_There seems to be no signal to them02:09
Allahubob_: clean install?02:09
bob_However, the machine must be working. I'm able to ssh in02:09
lordcirthHe said "the update process"02:09
bob_Allahu: no. not clean install02:09
lordcirthbob_, what graphics card and driver are you using?02:09
Kev__I really appreciate all the help, it's tough on this 61 year old brain02:09
Allahudpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg-lts-xenial02:10
th0rKev__, it02:10
th0rKev__, OOPS...it's easier at 69 <smile.02:10
darkmessiah511Hello. Tell me a good text editor to you with Pyton on Ubuntu 16.0402:10
bob_lordcirth: I'm not sure how to tell... but now that I'm shelled in I can run commands as root. How can I discover which video card I'm using from the cli ?02:11
bob_Allahu: what would that command do?02:11
lordcirthbob_, lspci | grep VGA02:11
bad/whois $me02:11
Allahubob_: maybe you reconfigure X works02:11
th0rdarkmessiah511, is nedit still available?02:12
bob_lordcirth:VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] (rev a1)02:12
lordcirthbob_, very nice.  How'd you get a 860 without noticing? :P02:12
Allahuwell i make custom iso of ubuntu using uck, but vmlinuz.efi no go. error /lib/modules/3.5.0-23-generic/module.dep: No such file or directory... so... my current kernel is 3.5.0-54-generic... vmlinuz work vmlinuz.efi dont02:13
bob_I don't know anything about that card. I'm only an expert on video cards for the two or three hours before I buy one.02:13
bob_I just needed a card that could run two monitors and lots of browser tabs.02:13
lordcirthbob_, " glxinfo | grep -i vendor " Do you get "NVIDIA Corporation"?02:14
darkmessiah511<thor> i think is no more supported for 16.0402:15
bob_grep: warning: GREP_OPTIONS is deprecated; please use an alias or script02:15
bob_does grep work differently these days?02:16
bob_I did 'unalias grep', ran that command again, and got the same result02:16
lordcirthbob_, are you using a shell other than bash?02:16
th0rdarkmessiah511, that's a shame, but doesn't surprise me. that is why I switched to debian, and now use raspbian for everything. just checked, it is in the repos for raspbian02:16
bob_lordcirth: oh yes! I'm using zsh02:17
lordcirthbob_, anyways, the command still works, right?02:17
lordcirthbob_, that's it then.02:17
Allahucan extract vmlinuz.efi?02:17
lordcirthbob_, fix for zsh/grep: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31156517/how-to-get-rid-of-grep-warning-grep-options-is-deprecated-please-use-an-alia02:17
darkmessiah511Ok, I`ll try it out. Thanks alot. I'm trying to start working with python.02:17
darkmessiah511One more thing. How do I reply to a person, like you did with me? (I`m new to HexChat, Irc and even Linux)02:18
LordLaraveldarkmessiah511, start to type their name and press tab02:18
darkmessiah511LordLaravel, I see, thanks.02:19
lordcirthdarkmessiah511, Just make sure to check the autocomplete before hitting enter or maybe you highlight the wrong person :P02:19
* akison slaps lordcirth around a bit with a large trout02:19
darkmessiah511lordcirth, Key, thank you very much.02:19
* akison slaps lordcirth around a bit with a large trout02:20
* lordcirth noticed the first time02:20
bob_drat. that fix doesnt work. I logged out and then shelled back in again. But with the new shell i still can't grep02:22
Kev__This kernel requires an x86-64 cpu but only detected an i686 cpu. What gives? I am running windows 7 64 bit !!02:22
bob_'unset GREP _OPTIONS'02:23
bob_that worked02:23
lordcirthbob_, excellent02:23
lordcirthKev__, perhaps you made the VM 32-bit02:23
Kev__that was my only choice that I saw02:23
lordcirthKev__, select the VM from the list and go to Settings02:23
lordcirthKev__, do you have HyperV installed?02:24
bob_lordcirth: that command you gave me before returns: Error: unable to open display02:24
Kev__don't know what that is02:24
lordcirthKev__, Microsoft virtualization.  Can only have 1 64bit virtualization system active.02:24
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bob_please don't tell me that I have to reconfigure X. This takes me back to the bad old days02:25
lininoisbob_: cry02:25
Kev__in the list, it only shows 32 bit for win 702:25
* bob_ cries02:25
lordcirthlininois, go away, you're evading a ban02:25
lordcirthbob_, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:26
Kev__this may be a dumb question, but if I power down the laptop and restart with the ubuntu dvd, and click install, will it give me the option to install to the VM and everything work right ?02:29
lordcirthKev__, no, VMs only exist when the host is running02:29
Kev__so it looks like I am screwed02:30
lordcirthbob_, I don't see anything wrong.02:30
lordcirthKev__, search for HyperV in your start menu02:30
lordcirthbob_, most likely it's not getting that far so that's the old log02:31
Kev__shows no items named hyper v02:31
lordcirthbob_, try booting with "nomodeset" parameter02:31
bob_lordcirth: how do I do that?02:31
lordcirthKev__, Oh, look in BIOS settings to enable virtualization.  Many leave it off by default (no idea why)02:32
lordcirthbob_, boot to grub, hold shift to stop the timer.  It will tell you to press 'e', I think, to edit the boot entry.  Find the Linux kernel line and tack "nomodeset" on the end after "quiet splash"02:33
Smnhello, guys, I have a problem, I'm on ubuntu 16.04 and I installed a wifi pci card, however, I have to enable it manually enable it after each boot using modprobe02:33
bob_lordcirth: I'm not getting that far in the boot process. There's no signal to the monitors at all02:33
Smnit isn't loading at boot time for some reason02:33
th0rSmn, did you try entering the modules in /etc/modules02:34
lordcirthbob_, do you see BIOS?02:34
bob_lordcirth: sorry, one sec. I'm just booting again to see what I get02:35
Kev__Shows Intel Virtualization Technology is DISABLED02:35
Kev__is that is ?02:35
Smnnow it is there02:35
ksftI was here a few days ago because I was having trouble with my dual graphics card thing.02:35
ksftI upgraded to 16.04. Which drivers should I try first?02:36
SmnKev__, intel has a lot of different virtualization technologies, have you checked if your cpu supports what you are specifically looking at?02:36
lordcirthKev__, yeah, enable that if you can02:36
Smnksft, well, I couldn't help you with gpus, but you should at least say what brand they are02:36
Kev__I would think it does if I can run a 64 bit win 7 on it02:36
bob_lordcirth: I've rebooted again. Same thing: I can shell in, but there's no signal to the monitor02:37
lordcirthbob_, do you see BIOS when booting?02:37
ksftSmn: oh, of course02:37
ksftThe intergrated one is Intel, and the dedicated one is Nvidia.02:38
Kev__it will not let me enable it02:38
bob_lordcirth: I'm not sure. I was looking away. I'll try again and keep my eyes on the screen this time02:38
ksftShould I install nvidia-current? Should I install bumblebee or nvidia-prime?02:38
Azy8BsKXVkoHello. Is it safe to click "Install" when I get the HWE_EOL popup? I was kind of frightened when the packages being downloaded had "xenial" in the name, because I'd rather not have an error that requires me to reinstall *again*.02:38
lordcirthAzy8BsKXVko, what popup exactly?02:39
Smnksft,  I really haven't kept up, and I don't own an nvidia card, but I think bumblebee is deprecated, let me do some checking02:39
Azy8BsKXVkolordcirth: the Software Updater popup.02:39
bob_lordcirth: yes, I saw the bios02:39
bob_now I'm seeing something that looks like an fsck02:39
Smnksft,  I'd advise you use the integrated tool that checks if any of your hardware requires privative drivers02:39
lordcirthbob_, that's good02:40
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lordcirthAzy8BsKXVko, what version of ubuntu are you on?02:40
Smnand use those, generally speaking nvidia's closed source drivers are considerably better than the open source alternative02:40
ksftSmn: Which tool is that?02:40
SmnI don't know how it is called in english, but it should be something like "aditional drivers"02:40
ksftthe "Additional Drivers" thing in Unity's settings thing?02:41
ksftoh, yeah, oaky02:41
bob_lordcirth: I saw a couple of lines that looked like the beginning of the boot process: notifications of processes starting... then the blank screen02:41
lordcirthbob_, ok02:41
Azy8BsKXVkolordcirth: 14.04, and this is the popup: http://imgur.com/a/MMBO102:41
lordcirthbob_, this is with or without nomodeset?02:41
ksftThen how do I run programs on the dedicated graphics card?02:41
bob_like, that's just after I did 'reboot' as root from the shell02:41
lordcirthAzy8BsKXVko, go ahead.  It's just warning you that some things you have installed no longer get security updates because you're behind02:42
lordcirthbob_, ok, try with02:42
Azy8BsKXVkolordcirth: thanks.02:42
Azy8BsKXVkoIf my laptop blows up it's on you. (kidding) :P02:42
lordcirthAzy8BsKXVko, no, you have backups, right? :)02:44
bob_lordcirth: ?02:46
Azy8BsKXVkolordcirth: I don't have anything to back up. ;_;02:46
Azy8BsKXVkoIt's just annoying to reinstall.02:46
ksftI just rebooted, and I'm getting a login loop again.02:56
ksftI'm on 16.04 now.02:57
cfhowlettno shortage of solutions on google ...03:00
ksftfor me?03:01
lordcirthcfhowlett, we've been few some of them already over the last few days03:04
ksftI fixed it by removing all the nvidia packages, but then I couldn't use the graphics card. I wanted to upgrade to 16.04 before spending a lot of time trying to fix it, because I was worried it might come back when I did upgrade.03:05
ksftI backed up important stuff and upgraded. It went mostly smoothly.03:05
ksftGoogled it03:06
ksft`apt-get update`, `apt-get upgrade`, `apt-get dist-upgrade`, then restarting X didn't help03:06
bob_lordcirth: I think I'm getting somewhere03:07
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bob_I followed an online guide. I purged the nvidia drivers. Then reinstalled them...03:08
bob_lordcirth: I'm rebooting now. I've got the ubuntu startup screen03:08
bob_lordcirth: I'm seeing the logo with the dots under it03:08
ksftI have nvidia-361, nvidia-opencl-icd-361, and nvidia-prime installed03:08
lordcirthbob_, good03:08
ksftI think it would work if I reoved them, but I want to be able to use my dedicated graphics card.03:09
bob_lordcirth: uhm, I'm still on that screen. it isn't going anywhere.03:10
bob_lordcirth: I'm still able to shell in though03:10
lordcirthbob_, hit ESC or Tab to see text03:10
bob_lordcirth: nothing. I can't see any mouse movement either.03:11
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anon_NICK an0n03:24
bob_lordcirth: ok, now I've got blank monitors with a mouse. No window management. No gdm03:25
lordcirthbob_, get a tty and read Xorg.0.log03:26
=== Guest69563 is now known as icedwater
krobzaurHas anyone had any luck getting the native google drive integration to work in ubuntu 16.04? I can add my google account but nothing shows up in nautilus ...03:30
bob_lordcirth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23080260/03:33
bob_lordcirth: sorry about the delay in pasting that. I'm moving between two computers and I haven't really gotten the hang of my mac yet03:34
lordcirthbob_, I don't see anything wrong at a glance.  Try dmesg or syslog03:34
lordcirthbob_, I actually said read it, not paste it, as I will be leaving soon03:34
=== ksft_ is now known as ksft
ksftI have an integrated Intel graphics card and a dedicated Nvidia one. When I have Nvidia drivers installed, I get a login loop. When I uninstall them, I can log in, but I can't use the Nvidia graphics card.03:56
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sonicxI'm trying to install Linux on a old  hp pavilion 6500  and having video pms  I would like to have a up to date os of Ubuntu  or something04:10
brisbaneubuntuhey there is anyone near redlands bay that could please put desktop iso onto a usb for me?04:16
=== Afrotoast is now known as afro1
Bashing-omsonicx: Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware.04:18
sonicxok cool is there any others that I can look at just in case04:19
Bashing-om!flavors | sonicx04:20
ubottusonicx: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE04:20
=== cheapie_ is now known as cheapie
sonicxI for got about Ubuntu MATE ok tks I maybe  back04:21
CommingHome_as of now i dont have logs for this04:22
CommingHome_but surely raise a bug04:22
evaldeIs ubuntu MATE the best flavor for an older laptop?04:24
Bashing-omsonicx: :) ,, Old hardware, just try and see what works and what you like .04:24
OerHeksthere is no single best.04:24
EriC^^evalde: lubuntu is more old-hardware oriented04:24
=== twwwater is now known as tww
EriC^^and lower specs04:25
sonicxI was hoping for xubuntu to work but in not :( sad lol04:25
sonicxit did not *04:25
evaldeHmm. I'm just having some random glitches with ubuntu MATE. Like currently it says I have no wifi connection yet I am chatting here. There are also occasional graphical glitches and slow downs. Any ideas with what this could be? This laptop isnt that old. Dual core Centrino 204:26
evaldeMost of the graphical issues are happening with Chromium specifically, especially after the laptop goes to sleep and I start it back up again after a few hours. The window will start to glitch out.04:27
evaldeThe slowdowns happen when opening files or programs.04:27
evaldeBut they are not consistent\04:27
Bashing-omevalde: 'free -m' say you have enough ram .. and not pounding swap ( you do have a swap partition ?) ?04:29
md_5-k md_504:30
evaldeAll of that language is a bit above my head. I'm very new to linux shell and linux itself, although I'm more than familiar with the windows equivalent04:30
evaldeAs far as ram goes, the machine has 2 GB04:31
evaldeidk what free m or a pounding swap is though04:31
evaldeI do not have a swap partition setup, I haven't partitioned the drive off at all yet beyond what was done in setup04:31
CommingHome_@evalde why dont you try other distro to check whether its a hardware issue or ubuntu04:32
Bashing-omevalde: Much like Windows' page file / linux uses a swap partition to move stuff out of ram. if it can not or is too small ,, sytem slows down to a crawl .04:33
evaldeThe only reason I don't want to try another distro immediately is because I just spent a few days getting this setup up to speed04:33
CommingHome_just give a live cd demo and check04:34
evaldeI could setup a bootable USB, I'm currently on vacation so It's gonna be tough for me to get a lot of stuff done hardware wise04:35
Bashing-omevalde: The installer in wizard install mode would have made up an appropriate swap partitioin . Terminal command ' sudo fisk -lu ' to see the partitioning .04:35
cfhowlett>>> fdisk <<<04:35
evaldeis ctrl alt f1 not terminal?04:35
Ben64usually brings up a console, but you'll probably just want to open something like gnome-terminal04:36
Bashing-omfdisk * / thanks Ben6404:36
evaldeMATE terminal it is04:36
evaldethe command isn't working04:37
evaldesudo fisk commmand not found04:37
Ben64it's fdisk04:37
evaldelol alright04:38
evaldeshit alright let me read through all of this04:38
evaldethere's a lot of info here, what am i looking for?04:39
Bashing-om!paste | evalde04:39
ubottuevalde: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:39
daemon55has anybody here have flickering problems with their battery?04:39
evaldei'm just gonna paste it in a pm if that's ok04:40
Ben64use a pastebin04:40
evaldenot sure what that is04:40
Ben64like ubottu said to you, http://paste.ubuntu.com04:40
cfhowlettdaemon55, please do not waste bandwidth with "anybody"?  questions.04:40
cfhowlettdaemon55, state YOUR specs and details04:40
daemon55cfhowlett: you mean with the commands?04:41
cfhowlett!details | daemon55,04:41
ubottudaemon55,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:41
daemon55i am having issues with my battery when i am on it it flickers04:42
evaldei can't paste the link here because my chromium url bar is glitching out and is flickering black04:42
cfhowlettdaemon55, ?  your BATTERY flickers?  what?04:43
evaldeGOT IT04:43
daemon55cfhowlett sorry screen my fault!04:43
evaldemaybe chromium is just too much for my laptop...but that would be shocking because it could run chrome just fine in windows.04:44
evaldethe slowdowns also weren't happening in windows04:44
panpanHello! I can't ping in or out on my ubuntu 14.04LTS server. My ip tables are fine (apparently) and i use a network firewall04:44
cfhowlettdaemon55, got it.  If this happens on battery only, I would suggest you start in investigation there.04:44
Bashing-omevalde: Your paste says swap is not a  issue . it is there and is 2 Gigs in size .04:45
daemon55cfhowlett i tried google but so far nothing has come up!04:46
evaldehmm...what else could be causing all of these issues do you think?04:46
cfhowlettdaemon55, http://askubuntu.com/questions/69556/how-to-check-battery-status-using-terminal#10286304:47
evaldeMaybe I should mention that issues will be fixed upon restart. maybe "refreshed" is better than "fixed" because they are all bound to happen again.04:47
BarnabasDKevalde, so try firefox. if that solves the issue the problem lies in chromium .. if not. you are that much wiser04:50
evaldeAlright, I'll give that a try. The other issues are still up in the air though.04:50
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdcould someone tell me how to get free bitcoin?04:54
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdmy friends told me the ubuntu chat was full of hackers04:54
cfhowlettdfdghdfghgfhdfhd, wrong channel.  ask elsewhere.  this is ubuntu support04:54
cfhowlettdfdghdfghgfhdfhd, your friends have misinformed you.04:54
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdbut they said you ccould hack04:54
cfhowlettdfdghdfghgfhdfhd, go away04:54
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdand give me free bitcoin on from ubuntu04:54
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdthey said something about mining04:55
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdso are you guys true hackers04:55
ksftDo you understand what "hackers" means?04:56
cfhowlettksft, please do not feed the trolls04:57
Ben64this is the ubuntu support channel, not hacking, not bitcoin, not anything else besides ubuntu support04:57
ksftor what Ubuntu is04:57
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdit means free money04:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu04:57
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdits free software to give me money04:57
ksft(ops: is this enough of an "emergency"?)04:58
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdmy frineds said you'll make me live the high life for free04:58
Flanneldfdghdfghgfhdfhd: This is a channel for Ubuntu technical support.  Please take offtopic conversations elsewhere, thanks.04:58
anon__ksft: y04:58
ksftanon__: what?04:58
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdbut you guys can give me free money04:58
ksftcfhowlett: wasn't entirely sure they were trolling yet04:58
ksftcfhowlett: now I am, of course04:58
Flanneldfdghdfghgfhdfhd: Neither bitcoin nor free money is Ubuntu technical support.04:58
dfdghdfghgfhdfhd#ubuntu emergency!04:58
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdwhy'd the connection drop04:59
evaldejesus christ thanks for getting rid of that lol04:59
aroonihey folks; running ubuntu 16.04 on my lenovo t420; question:: just today under sound settings, i noticed that the option for headphone only output is gone.  how can i get it back?  thanks!04:59
dfdghdfghgfhdfhdi just want free money04:59
ksftFlannel: can you just ban them?05:00
cfhowlettviableend, greetings.  ask ubuntu questions05:01
khklhkljklkjlhlkSo could someone just donate the money05:02
khklhkljklkjlhlkin bitcoin05:02
ksftFlannel: ^05:02
Flannelksft: I'm aware.  Thanks.05:02
ksftjust in case you weren't paying attention05:02
evaldeFlannel is on top of the game05:02
cfhowlettops are *always* watching.05:03
aroonin fact i dont see any other output options other than speakers... why not?05:03
freemoneyi am feeling excluded from the free software community05:03
freemoneyi just want free bitcoin05:03
ksftrepeating my question from a little while ago:05:03
ksftI have an integrated Intel graphics card and a dedicated Nvidia one. When I have Nvidia drivers installed, I get a login loop. When I uninstall them, I can log in, but I can't use the05:03
ksft                 Nvidia graphics card.05:03
viableendI hope this is at least slightly on topic, but in your opinion whats the best way to get used to the bash and the command line05:04
ksftwhoops, copied my client's line wrap as a newline05:04
cfhowlettviableend, use them often.  example: avoid the gui commands for update. use the command line: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade05:04
Flannelviableend: What do you mean by "get used to bash and the command line"?  Can you elaborate?05:04
ijustreallylikelhow can i help ubuntu's work05:05
ksftijustreallylikel: you can donate05:05
cfhowlett!contribute | ijustreallylikel05:05
ubottuijustreallylikel: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:05
ijustreallylikelbut you haven't given me my free bitcoin yet05:05
viableendWell scripting for one, I use C++ on a very elementry basis but wrapping my head around real applications on my desktop is just different05:05
viableendI understand it could make life easier but im not quite to the point of it making my life easier if that makes more sense05:06
Ben64ip address is always from a dedicated server ip, must be a bunch of exploited servers, or open proxies05:06
ksftFlannel: Should or have network ops be notified about the spammer?05:06
cfhowlettviableend, it does not05:06
ksftthat sentence was not constructed well05:06
daemon55cfhowlett: the battery seems okay.05:06
ksftShould network ops be or have they been notified*05:07
cfhowlettviableend, never the less; gui is merely the pretty picture.  behind the scenes is a command line equivalent.  find it and use it and you will quickly learn.05:07
Flannelksft: No and no.05:07
cfhowlettksft, let #ops handle it.05:07
Ben64they're exploited servers, if anyone wants to send a bunch of abuse emails05:07
cfhowlettdaemon55, got a replacement battery you can substitute?05:08
viableendOkay thank you very much, sorry for being incoherent, it's late here and I just wanted to use irssi05:08
Flannelviableend: viableend http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi/ is what you're looking for.05:08
viableendI mean I am using it to chat right now05:09
viableendNew to IRC05:09
cfhowlettviableend, do you have any other ubuntu questions?05:09
ksftviableend: Are you asking for help with bash or with Irssi?05:09
daemon55cfhowlett: i cant its internal.05:09
cfhowlettdaemon55, dual booting?05:10
daemon55cfhowlett:i dont get why it does this on ubuntu it has worked fine on windows05:11
SudolsnanoDo you have any suggestions for a vpn supporting 1000/100 bandwith05:12
jjyynnxxWhy isn't my graphics card working05:12
lotuspsychjeSudolsnano: perhaps a question for ##networking?05:12
Sudolsnanojjyynnxx: what card are you using05:12
jjyynnxxA friend of mine said it's good for bitcoin mining05:13
lotuspsychjejjyynnxx: wich ubuntu version are you on?05:14
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, he's trolling05:14
Sudolsnanolotuspsychje: his a troll05:14
jjyynnxxim not sure05:14
jjyynnxxi am not a troll05:14
jjyynnxxi just need help05:14
jjyynnxxwith my graphics card05:14
Ben64confirmed troll05:14
cfhowlettkill it with fire05:14
jjyynnxx@Ben64 why so?05:14
ksftFlannel: come on, this is taking so long05:14
Ben64because you're the same troll who thinks they're good at trolling05:15
ksftBen64: don't feed trolls05:15
jjyynnxxi literally just joined this chat05:15
jjyynnxxHow am I a troll?05:15
jjyynnxxYou can even check the IPs05:15
jjyynnxxThis is the first time I've logged in05:15
jjyynnxxIs anyone going to help me05:16
jjyynnxxwith my graphics card?05:16
lotuspsychje!patience | jjyynnxx05:16
ubottujjyynnxx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:16
jjyynnxxhow would you feel if I switched to fedora?05:17
jjyynnxxWould you be mad?05:17
jjyynnxxThat i used their distro over yours?05:17
Ben64i'd be very happy05:17
cfhowlettwouldn't care.05:18
lotuspsychjejjyynnxx: please dont use other chat then support in this channel05:18
Sudolsnanoid celebrate05:18
ksft"You can even check the IPs"05:18
jjyynnxxwhat about xubuntu?05:18
ksftjjyynnxx: come on, you should be better than that05:18
jjyynnxxis xubuntu better05:18
cfhowlettksft, please.  stop.05:18
netvixtrajjyynnxx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:18
tripelbuse /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:18
ksftIf you had just joined, you wouldn't have known that trolls with different IP addresses had been here.05:18
jjyynnxxI can figured out that there had been a problem05:19
jjyynnxxafter you called me a troll05:19
jjyynnxxi know about networking and stuff05:19
jjyynnxxSo i said to check the ip logs05:19
jjyynnxxSo you could confirm i haven't been on before05:19
lotuspsychje!ot | jjyynnxx05:19
ubottujjyynnxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:19
tripelb!wifi jjyynnxx05:19
Sudolsnanoto see the same ipv4 freenodes?05:19
Ben64everyone stop, it's a troll. stop letting the troll waste your time.05:19
tripelb!wifi | jjyynnxx05:19
ubottujjyynnxx: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:19
jjyynnxxi am not a troll05:19
jjyynnxxI just need help05:19
jjyynnxxwith my graphics card05:20
cfhowlettHexchat users: right click on the nick and then "ignore".  you will not see *anything* from him after that.05:20
Sudolsnanowhich was 1070 because you tought it was good for mining BTC? why are you @ubuntu05:21
ksftother IRC clients: "/ignore jjyynnxx"05:21
jjyynnxx@cfhowlett why are you so mean to me?05:21
tripelbQuestion: i want to install 16.04 on a separate partition and use the already existing /home partition AND NOT ERASE IT. Please advise.05:22
FlannelOk guys, when you're "ignoring a troll", you need to actually stop responding completely.  Even if it's to agree with them that they should go away.05:22
lotuspsychjetripelb: the liveusb can choose to save your existing /home05:22
ksftI tried to do that, but come on05:23
guest4345235234 Is it possible to watch Netflix on Ubuntu?05:23
ksftthat was such an obvious mistake05:23
cfhowlettguest4345235234, possible.  not easy.05:23
lotuspsychje!netflix | guest434523523405:23
ubottuguest4345235234: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop05:23
guest4345235234how would i get started?05:23
ksftor possibly more trolling05:23
ksftI think I got it to work on Chrome05:23
guest4345235234my wife needs to borrow my laptop05:23
lotuspsychjeguest4345235234: omgubuntu has a recent article about netflix and ubuntu also05:24
guest4345235234she says she needs to watch erotic films05:24
Ben64same troll again05:24
tripelblotuspsychje: please tell me how. i installed once and got a home in the same partition.05:24
ksftguest4345235234: just tested it05:24
ksftseems to work fine on Chrome05:24
guest4345235234So she can watch her films05:24
guest4345235234I don't want my wife to be mad05:24
guest4345235234she doesn't know much about linux05:25
Flannelguest4345235234: yes.05:25
lotuspsychje!partioning | tripelb05:25
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap05:25
guest4345235234@ksft Did you help my friend @freemoney??05:25
ksftwow that was fast05:25
FlannelBen64, Sudolsnano: please stop announcing things like that.  No one in here is stupid.  But you cause problems by egging them on.05:26
FlannelIf people are trying to get reactions, the worst thing you can do is react.05:26
tripelbok lotuspsychje i have partitioned just fine. i have windows, windows backup, 14.04, /home, and 16.0405:27
cfhowlettas difficult as it is: ignore always works if you actually ignore.05:27
fedoraisbetterI think fedora is a better and nicer community05:27
fedoraisbettertell me im wrong05:27
tripelbI want to make certain I do not erase the present existing /home lotuspsychje05:27
bazhangfedoraisbetter, lets take this chat out of the support channel please05:28
lotuspsychjetripelb: if you choose to save your /home on the liveusb, it wont be erased05:28
Sudolsnanotripelb: live installation has an option to save an existing /home directory aswell as encrypt it, is your /home on the same partition or how is it setup?05:29
bazhangfedoraisbetter, this is support only, not chit chat, #ubuntu-offtopic for that05:30
tripelblotuspsychje: when I partition there isnt a "save home" choice. i can designate the partition that has home on it as /home.  i am asking here becaise I want KNOWING assurance that it wont be reformatted.05:31
tripelbfedoraisbetter: #ubuntu-offtopic is useful.05:32
lotuspsychjetripelb: usually the liveusb setup will leave you few choices, when you read closely it will tell you wich option will save your /home05:32
panpanDoes ping/icmp need a port open for a network firewall?05:32
tripelbok thank you lotuspsychje05:33
evaldeI am getting a strange glitch where my wifi is not showing up as being connected yet i still clearly am.05:34
lotuspsychjetripelb: another wise option, is to make a backup before you proceed05:34
lotuspsychjeevalde: ubuntu version?05:36
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evaldeubuntu MATE05:36
hateballpanpan: It needs to allow ICMP, period. There is also #networking05:36
lotuspsychjeevalde: wich mate version?05:37
Sudolsnanoevalde: try sudo stop network-manager05:37
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evaldewill that end my wifi connection? just curious05:37
Sudolsnanoevalde: or remove the nm entirely and reinstall05:38
redenginanyone know how to get pysvn to install under python3?05:38
panpanhateball, I use OVH, and I dont recall being able to allow certain protocols. Let me check once more05:38
Sudolsnanoevalde: yes05:38
evaldei wouldn't know how to go about removing the nm05:38
evaldeor restarting the mn once i use that command code05:38
Ben64panpan: ovh doesn't block anything05:38
panpanOk dokey05:39
lotuspsychjeevalde: does the wifi icon show?05:39
evaldeit shows an empty outline of a "pizza" shape where the wifi bars would be05:39
evaldethen when i click on it, no noticed wifi connections are listed, nothing is listed really05:39
lotuspsychjeevalde: what kind of wifi chipset?05:40
lotuspsychjeevalde: are you up to date to 16.04.1?05:40
evaldei do not know, it has shown the bars before though. this problem only occurs when i open the laptop back up again after it has gone into sleep mode05:40
evaldei just setup the OS two days ago so I should be05:41
lotuspsychjeevalde: yeah always keep your system up to date05:41
evaldedefinitely, unless it has been updated since then we are good05:41
lotuspsychjeevalde: can you make sure with lsb_release -a05:42
lotuspsychjeevalde: there were networking issues when 16.04 came out with wifi icon/network manager05:43
evaldeit says 16.04.1 under description but 16.04 under release05:43
lotuspsychjeevalde: try a network-manager restart like Sudolsnano suggested05:43
evaldehow do i restart after ending it05:43
lotuspsychjeevalde: reboot05:44
evaldei can't do sudo start network-manager?05:44
lotuspsychjeevalde: sure05:44
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lotuspsychjeevalde: what kind of wifi chipset are you on?05:45
evaldei do not know05:45
lotuspsychjeevalde: lshw -C network05:46
evaldestopping network manager brb05:46
evaldesudo stop command not found?05:46
lotuspsychjeevalde: systemctl05:46
evaldei also ran -C network, what info are you interested in?05:47
lotuspsychjeevalde: the wchipset of your wifi05:48
lotuspsychjeevalde: broadcom? intel? atheros?05:48
Sudolsnanoevalde: try sudo apt-get upgrade network-manager05:48
Sudolsnanoevalde: are you running gnome or kde ?05:49
evalderan that05:49
evaldenothing done05:49
lotuspsychjeevalde: systemctl restart network-manager05:49
evaldeidk about gnome or kde, whatever runs out OOTB with ubuntu MATE05:49
evaldei believe it is a gnome relative though05:50
lotuspsychje!info network-manager05:50
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (xenial), package size 2069 kB, installed size 10760 kB (Only available for linux-any)05:50
lotuspsychjeevalde: is this the network-manager version you having?05:50
evaldeok so i just restarted my network manager05:50
evaldeand now the network indicator is not in the upper right at all05:51
Sudolsnanostart it05:51
lotuspsychjeevalde: try a reboot perhaps05:51
evaldei started it, nothing05:51
evaldethe problem will be fixed upon reboot but it always starts happening again :/05:52
evaldebut in the scheme of things, it isn't that horrible of a problem05:52
Sudolsnanoevalde: reboot system if it doesnt appear, i suggest clean reinstall if if doesnt go away, theres something with 16.04, UEFI installation and nm05:52
lotuspsychjeevalde: apt-cache policy network-manager to compare versions?05:52
ImNotQ009Hello, I seem to have a problem with the SSH agent on 14.04, when I try to add a key with 'ssh-add' I get the following error: 'Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. ' This is the output I get on 'ssh-agent': http://paste.ubuntu.com/23080529/ Any assistance, please?05:52
evaldei am having another big problem though. My chromium url bar is totally glitched out. it will be fixed upon reboot also but right now it is glitching out and flashing black. no other problems with accessing web pages or anything though, just a very annoying glitch making chromium unusable05:54
evalde@lotuspsychje just checked and the version is up to date05:55
lotuspsychjeevalde: so your wifi issue only reproducable after lid closed?05:55
evaldeyes. after the lid is closed and i have to login again, the wifi issue and the chrome issue happen simultaneously05:56
lotuspsychjeevalde: chromium acting weird from the first time you installed?05:58
evaldeshould i reinstall?05:59
lotuspsychjeevalde: if its glitching from your first setup, something else is a problem06:00
lotuspsychjeevalde: perhaps try to check your additional drivers?06:00
evaldei just reinstalled it06:00
evaldealright let me check the drivers06:01
evaldei set everything to auto update though06:01
lotuspsychjeevalde: and leave a tail -f /var/log/syslog open when you tuning stuff06:01
evaldei don't really understand06:01
lotuspsychjeevalde: perhaps some usefull errors will arise06:01
sanfusuwhois sanfusu06:01
ImNotQ009Figured it out, appears I forgot to do eval $(ssh-agent)06:02
evaldecurrently searching for additional drivers06:02
evaldethe only additional driver listed is06:02
tripelblotuspsychje: i asked in offtopic and they all warned me not to do it.06:02
evaldeUnknown: Unknown06:02
lotuspsychjetripelb: to do what exactly?06:03
evaldeusing processor microcode firmware for intel CPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary)06:04
evaldeshould i use that or no? ^06:04
evaldethe other option is "do not use the device"06:04
lotuspsychjeevalde: is it active or not?06:04
tripelblotuspsychje: to use the same /home for two installations.06:04
lotuspsychjetripelb: you came here with the question to save your /home06:05
Sudolsnanotripelb: then backup and install clean, i suggest to partition your drive in 3 sections and have home in own partition06:06
lotuspsychjetripelb: everyone uses another aproach for data..personally i save everything on external storage nothing in /home06:07
tripelblotuspsychje: thanks again. i have to get up early so nitenite06:10
orangesparkmy toshiba external hard disk fell down and now it freezes the lap when i am trying to copy files from it06:11
cfhowlettorangespark, you dropped it?06:11
cfhowlettnothing ubuntu can do to fix a physical hardware issue.  if you need that data, strongly suggest you consult a data recovery service.06:12
panpanHello, So i authorised ICMP on the network firewall, but I still can't ping in or out.. anything else i should try?06:12
relykshas anyone had a problems with wacom drivers in 16.0406:12
Ben64panpan: how did you do that06:12
relyksor does anyone know of any issues? I've been having problems ::(06:13
orangespark@cfhowlett yes06:13
orangesparkdropped it06:13
cfhowlettrelyks, don't waste time with "... anyone ...".  state YOUR details and specs06:13
relykscfhowlett: alright, that's a good point :D thanks06:13
relyksI'll gather them up06:14
panpanBen64 - it was a configuration in the firewall option... tbh I never had a refuse on it either way06:14
cfhowletthappy2help! relyks06:14
Ben64orangespark: might be able to recover some stuff, drive might be dead forever06:14
orangesparkdrive is working but06:14
Ben64panpan: what firewall option where06:14
orangesparkits detecting06:14
orangesparki think some files have got corrupted06:14
cfhowlettorangespark, until you get a for sure from your data recovery, unplug it and leave it unplugged.  if it's heading to failure, your attempts could accelerate the process.06:15
relykscfhowlett: do you know what ubuntu uses for the wacom drivers? I think it'd be a better bet to just revert to a previous version of the drivers06:15
cfhowlettrelyks, best to use the wacom site.  wait 106:15
panpanBen64 I can change / rufuse/ allow ports/protocols through the GUI provided to me by the host06:15
orangesparkso what should i do06:15
Ben64orangespark: use ddrescue, rsync, data recovery service, or just use your backups06:16
trijntjeorangespark: first unplug the device, then ask again ;)06:16
Ben64panpan: talk to them then06:16
cfhowlettorangespark, unplug i9t.  call data recovery.  see what they say.  they *should* say "we'll plug it and mirror it and see what's recoverable."06:16
relykscfhowlett: like official wacom site? I was just about to take a look at linuxwacom06:16
cfhowlettor that ...06:16
orangesparkso is there a data recovery center for toshiba06:16
orangesparki dont know what to do06:17
trijntjeorangespark: unplug it06:17
panpanBen64 - oh ok.. but is there other options I can try before doing  so?06:17
Ben64i'd try it myself first, data recovery is EXPENSIVE06:17
orangesparkin the box its given 3 years limited warranty06:17
orangesparki have unplugged it06:17
orangesparkin fact its at home06:17
cfhowlettorangespark, ah! so contact Toshiba.  "forget" to mention the drop though.06:17
Ben64panpan: well "GUI provided to me by the host" doesn't sound like anything involving ubuntu06:17
orangesparkya cfhwolett06:18
Ben64warranty almost never covers data06:18
orangesparkthats okay06:18
Ben64they'll just send you a blank new drive06:18
orangesparkstill i want a hard disk06:18
orangesparkits 2 TB06:18
orangesparki cant just loode it06:18
orangesparkleave it like that06:18
panpanBen64 - well I was only seeing if allowing icmp through the firewall would make a difference - Im aware if there are no rules set it is allows it by default06:19
trijntjeorangespark: if you don't care about the data there's nothing we can do.06:19
Ben64panpan: anything in "sudo iptables -L -n" ?06:19
trijntjebut I doubt dropping it is covered under your warranty06:19
panpanOk hold ups06:19
orangesparki do06:19
orangesparkits just that if the data is irrrecoverable06:20
orangesparkthen the second choice is of course and definitively to get a new hard disk06:20
Ben64it's probably at least partially recoverable, do that first06:20
orangesparkthe prob is i am unable to find a toshiba service center nearby06:23
orangesparki bought it through snapdeal06:23
orangesparkso should i call snapdeal06:23
orangesparkor the dealer who sold me or06:23
Ben64this is getting way offtopic06:23
Ben64toshiba.com has the answers06:23
orangesparkis there an irc channel for toshiba06:24
cfhowlettbut .. there IS a toshiba website.  shocking, I know ...06:24
elkycfhowlett: the snark is unnecessary, thanks.06:27
soxahey somebody can help me I have a lenovo B50 notebook and ubuntu 16.04 on it, when I want to shutdown it it's just get stuck and won't turn off06:28
lotuspsychjesoxa: sudo halt -p turns it off?06:29
soxagoing to check it out one sec06:31
lotuspsychjesoxa: F1 during studown can also reveal errors06:31
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orangesparkdude i tried it its useles06:33
orangesparktoshiba site06:33
orangesparkthats y i am asking  where i am possible to get a help06:34
Ben64really. toshiba.com06:34
EriC^^orangespark: tried what?06:34
orangesparktoshiba website to apply for data recovery on any other way to repair my hard disk06:35
orangesparki dropped it and now i cant copy files06:35
orangesparkcopying freezes in between06:36
soxahey I'm back sudo halt -p did not helped06:36
EriC^^orangespark: did you try manually mounting it?06:36
orangesparkit mounts06:36
EriC^^orangespark: did you try running gddrescue a couple times to copy it to another hdd?06:38
orangesparkand i can see the files also06:40
orangesparkactually the prob is its a 2tb hard disk06:40
orangesparkthats the only hard disk i have06:41
orangesparkeven i have to do gddrescue i will need another hdd06:41
EriC^^if it's failing though the more you use it the more likely your data will be lost06:41
EriC^^you should try to ddrescue it asap06:42
orangesparkso i was thinking of giving that hard disk to toshiba then06:42
Ben64if you give it to them, you lose all your data06:42
orangesparktold me that there is a data recovery center06:42
Ben64please read more carefully06:43
orangesparkthey recover whatever is recoverable06:43
EriC^^orangespark: try ddrescue first, data recovery costs a lot of $$06:43
Rebelnetso, i have a chromebook, i can't install any distro on via USB flash drive on boot up.06:45
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defacemindAnyone here¿?06:46
Ben641860 people06:46
defacemindbut online ?06:47
defacemindexcelent my friends!06:47
* Obadiah1 eats pie06:47
defacemindi dont speak much english06:47
defacemindanyone speak spanish ?06:47
EriC^^!sp | defacemind06:47
Obadiah1thats okay we still love you06:47
EriC^^!es | defacemind06:47
ubottudefacemind: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:47
Rebelneti need help. my brain hurts06:48
defacemindexcelent, very thanks bro's!!06:48
kexyI used to have a boyfriend06:48
kexynamed "Ubuntu" once06:48
kexy...he would "play the bongos" on my ass.\06:48
kexyI used to have a boyfriend06:48
kexynamed "Ubuntu" once06:48
kexy...he would "play the bongos" on my ass.06:48
Obadiah1video proof required06:48
kexyI used to have a boyfriend06:49
Ben64haven't seen that one for a while06:49
EriC^^yes, it's a classic06:49
defacemindwhy ?06:49
Rebelnetwow someone is an op here06:49
defacemindhow ?06:49
EriC^^good ol' bongo spam06:49
defacemindand this happens why?06:50
defacemindany script in the sistem?06:51
RebelnetMr. Robot06:51
defacemindbut in ubuntu06:51
Ben64defacemind: people are bored, don't worry about it. if you want to chat to people, use #ubuntu-offtopic , this channel is for support only06:51
RebelnetCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services06:52
EriC^^!register | Rebelnet06:53
ubottuRebelnet: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:53
defacemindok i need help, how show the initrd.img in my sistem, is comprimed not ? how descomprimed this?06:53
EriC^^defacemind: comprimed?06:53
Rebelnetdoes freenode use nickserv?06:54
EriC^^you want to see what's inside it?06:54
EriC^^Rebelnet: yes06:54
Rebelnetoh ic06:54
Rebelneti'm installing ubuntu right now06:55
Rebelneton my chromebook06:55
=== twwwater is now known as tww
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defacemindsorry my english is bad, the archive is in extention  img, how can i see the archive img?06:56
stopRNMHello all online users ! How are u today?06:58
defacemindfine stopRNM06:59
cfhowlettstopRNM, aks your ubuntu question06:59
defacemind#ubuntu-es is dead06:59
stopRNMDo u understand my nickname?06:59
defacemindnothing there06:59
cfhowlettstopRNM, do you have an UBUNTU question??07:00
stopRNMAnother question. How can we stop RNM(remote neural monitoring)????07:01
Renonthe pseudo is the question07:01
Renonhow deep07:01
cfhowlettstopRNM,  nothing to do with ubuntu.  suggestion you try somewhere else07:01
stopRNMThey read my mind. These bastards from Israel.07:01
ducassestopRNM: you've been told before to take that crap elsewhere07:01
EriC^^ducasse: you have to send him it via sshn07:02
stopRNMUbuntu users have forums..and can speak about this subject.07:02
cfhowlettstopRNM,  the topic here is UBUNTU.  stay on topic.07:02
stopRNMOk. Exist ubuntu for smartphone??07:03
cfhowlett!touch | stopRNM07:03
ubottustopRNM: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:03
stopRNMI use android but i think is no good...07:04
=== twwwater is now known as tww
stopRNMThank you for help! Maybe ..in future...u can answer how can We stop this bastards who use REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING against us07:06
Ben64nope, stop bringing that crap in here07:06
soxahey somebody can help me I have a lenovo B50 notebook with ubuntu 16.04 and when I try to shut it down it just hangs07:08
Tin_mansoxa, does it shutdown in Terminal with the command sudo shutdown now?07:16
stan_man_canHi all. Installing Ubuntu for the first time. I have 2 SSD’s, one is 120GB and one is 240GB. I was thinking I would us the 120GB as my boot drive and my 240GB for my home directory.07:17
stan_man_canHowever, not sure how to set this up in the installer07:17
cfhowlettstan_man_can, during the partition stage, you can manually select targets.  set /home on your 240 and / on your 12007:18
EriC^^stan_man_can: in the Something else menu, make a ext4 with mountpoint "/" on the first ssd, and in the second ssd make a ext4 partition with mountpoint /home07:18
stan_man_cancfhowlett: are those the only mount points I need? / and home?07:18
EriC^^stan_man_can: are you using uefi?07:18
stan_man_canpreviously with fedora I think it was creating a /swap and /boot as well07:19
stan_man_canEriC^^:  not sure… how can I find out?07:19
cfhowlettstan_man_can, you might consider adding /swap.  /boot might be triggered if you are on uefi.  your partitioner will tell you is so.07:19
EriC^^stan_man_can: are you in the live session right now?07:19
stan_man_canEriC^^: I can be one sec07:19
EriC^^stan_man_can: you only typically need swap if you want hibernation07:20
EriC^^anything like 4g or something of ram is enough for ubuntu07:20
researcher123I tried to format my pen drive but its failing repeatedly. Here is the error message https://imagebin.ca/v/2sX1QIBy9J1e . Please help07:20
stan_man_canEriC^^: “something of ram”, do you mean equal to my ram?07:20
Tin_mansoxa, don't know..07:20
stan_man_canEriC^^:  aright in a live session now07:20
cfhowlettresearcher123, try a different stick07:20
EriC^^stan_man_can: ok open a terminal and type ls /sys/firmware/efi07:21
researcher123cfhowlett: but I want to use it07:21
stan_man_canEriC^^: there’s stuff in there07:21
EriC^^stan_man_can: ok that means your booted in uefi mode, so you need a fat32 efi partition too07:22
EriC^^300mb in size07:22
EriC^^in the first ssd that has "/"07:22
cfhowlettEriC^^, thought the recommended size was 500mb?07:22
stan_man_canif i have a nvidia video card should I be checking off “Install third-party sfotware for graphics and wifi ...."07:23
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cfhowlettstan_man_can, couldn't hurt07:23
EriC^^cfhowlett: i guess so, it really only uses like 40mb or something07:23
stan_man_cancfhowlett: thanks07:23
cfhowletthappy2help! stan_man_can07:23
researcher123I tried to format my pen drive but its failing repeatedly. Here is the error message https://imagebin.ca/v/2sX1QIBy9J1e . Please help07:24
soxahey somebody can help me I have a lenovo B50 notebook with ubuntu 16.04 and when I try to shut it down it just hangs07:24
stan_man_canHaving a hard time deciding if I should be using my 120GB for boot and 240 for home, or the other way around07:24
stan_man_cansteam stores games in your home directory yeah?07:24
soxabut you can chose tho'07:25
stan_man_canEriC^^:  Weird, this time arround I got a bit of a funky error07:25
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EriC^^stan_man_can: 120gb for boot definitely07:26
stan_man_canTHis machiens firmware has started the installer in UEFI mode but it looks like there may be existing operating systems already installed using “BIOS compatibility mode”. If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, it might be difficult to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode operating systems later. If you wish to install in UEFI ode and don’t care a bout keeping the abilit to boot one of the xisting systems, you have the option to forc07:26
stan_man_canthat here. If you wish to keep the option to boot an existing operating system, you should choose NOT to force UEFI installation here.07:26
stan_man_canoptions are “Go Back” or “Continue in UEFI mode"07:27
stan_man_canmy guess is continue in uefi mode, but just wanted to verify07:27
EriC^^stan_man_can: yeah07:27
EriC^^it probably detected the msdos partition table on the other ssd or something07:27
stan_man_canAlrighty so installation type, erase disk and install ubuntu, or soemthing else?07:28
cfhowlettstan_man_can, something else07:28
stan_man_cancfhowlett: and then I just remove all the existing partitions and create my new ones?07:29
=== twwwater is now known as tww
cfhowlettstan_man_can, indeed07:29
stan_man_canuefi doesn’t look like a mount point?07:29
cfhowlettuefi is not a mount point07:29
EriC^^you just choose efi partition as type i think07:30
stan_man_cansorry yeah you’re right07:30
stan_man_canso that’s the first one, 500MB primary beginning of this space EFI System partition07:30
stan_man_canhow big should /boot be ?07:31
EriC^^no need for it07:31
stan_man_canoh ok07:31
stan_man_canEriC^^: /swap isn’t even an option07:32
EriC^^swap is a type too07:32
EriC^^i think as the filesystem format07:33
stan_man_cani’m on fire today07:33
stan_man_canand that should be primary or logical?07:33
EriC^^logical is ok07:33
stan_man_canand then / will be logical, ext4, and take up the rest of the space07:35
stan_man_canand my home directory will be the full size of sdb, primary, ext4 ?07:35
EriC^^120gb is huge though07:36
EriC^^i guess you could still fill it up with your data somehow07:36
stan_man_cani guess so but i already have 240GB for my home directory and I have a 2TB mechanical drive ill be plugging in for storage07:36
EriC^^the system itself with a bunch of programs installed wouldn't reach 20gb i guess07:36
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stan_man_candang really?07:37
EriC^^it's 8-9gb default07:37
stan_man_canoh well i guess07:37
stan_man_canit keeps it nice and separated for me07:37
stan_man_cani tried using LVM in fedora and it ran for a while but i really had no mental understanding of what was going on with my drives which i didn’t like07:38
stan_man_canat least this way i know if a drive dies i know exactly whats going with it07:38
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EriC^^you can always make a dir somewhere like /data or something and make a symlink in your home dir to it and put stuff in it07:38
EriC^^or backup your /home to it07:39
EriC^^that way if one ssd fails you're still good07:39
stan_man_canalready so i got dev/sda1 efi 499MB (set it to 500, nto sure why it did 499”, i have /dev/sda5 sqap 8192 mb, /dev/sda6 ext4 / 111339mb07:39
stan_man_canthen /dev/sdb1 et4 /home07:39
stan_man_candevice for boot loader installation: /dev/sda07:39
stan_man_canthanks man that’s a ton of help07:40
EriC^^no problem07:40
Guest3728hi just installed Ubuntu mate on a hp pavilion dv6700 but I got no sound07:40
stan_man_can“Encrypt my home folder”, any point? does it slow anything down much?07:41
EriC^^doesn't really slow anything down, it's up to you07:41
stan_man_cannevermind pretend i didn’t ask, i know that’s a super personal question07:41
stan_man_canpersonal as in, up to the individual07:41
EriC^^it does make stuff more complicated though, just a tad07:41
Sudolsnanostan_man_can: i suggest doing so if your plannin on storing files in /home07:41
stan_man_cani opted to encrypt07:44
Pamhi all07:45
BitKidHello, can someone help me with installing ubuntu? It has been around 2 weeks now and every proposed attempt has failed so far07:45
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lion5507are you installing on laptop07:46
lion5507or like usb07:46
BitKidIt is not the os, even fedora is not working07:46
BitKiddesktop have both options07:46
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BitKidI did however find something not sure how to fix it ill past it07:47
sonicxhi just installed Ubuntu mate on a hp pavilion dv6700 but I got no sound07:47
BitKidso the drivers for the GPU are not found,07:48
BitKidbut lsusb wont show anything no matter how long I wait.07:48
BitKidIs there a way to find out why the installation keeps crashing? raw data kind of thing?07:49
Pam_hi hwang07:49
EriC^^hi Pam_07:49
Pam_ hi tsia07:49
Pam_asl plz07:49
Pam_15 f here07:49
cfhowlettPam_, what is your ubuntu question??07:50
venkat_330I want to Access a USB device under Non - Privileged user with FTDI2XX Driver . Under root working as expected but under normal user not able to access the device.  Need guidance07:50
_l_k_z_mvenkat_330, can you change permissions with chmod on the device?07:51
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BitKidcan anyone pelase give me a hand with my issue?07:52
venkat_330_l_k_z_m: I ma not able to find the exact path for the device ,,, I remove existing usbserial driver using rmmod and using ftdi library call to access device.  If you could tell me how to find that might might check and update07:53
cfhowlettBitKid, reboot the USB.  choose "try ubuntu".  then launch the installer.  after the crash, logs will be viewable.07:53
fireball```BitKid, can you boot livedvd or crashing live too07:53
_l_k_z_mvenkat_330, is it in /dev?07:54
BitKidcrashing on both fireball ,so i can run the gui instaltion now since after install fail I come to a desktop trial enviorment07:54
_l_k_z_mgoogle the filesystem description... i would but my computer is too slow07:55
BitKidor will the result be diffrent cfhowlett?07:55
BitKidif i do the trial version then install vs current condtion07:55
venkat_330_l_k_z_m: No generally when I plug in it will pop as ttyUSBO.Since i use FTDI i forcefully remove it,,07:55
cfhowlettBitKid, you need to see the logs for anything other than wild guesses. booting the livecd > try ubuntu > installer crash ===> logs07:56
_l_k_z_mvenkat_330, odd I have no clue what that is... tty doesn't stand for telitype?07:56
BitKidok cfhowlett I will come back in the IRC after I reach that point07:57
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venkat_330_l_k_z_m: It is serial port device.07:57
fireball```BitKid, do you know which video card you have?07:58
ImNotQ009Well... I kinda accidentally did chmod -R 777 / instead of ./08:02
ImNotQ009Now I broke a few things, like sudo08:02
ImNotQ009What's the best way to fix this without having to do a full reinstall?08:03
AndreasCosmoSorry for interupting. Hopefully simple question: Is there a way to find the max and min values in a Projection Plot? I'm not a fan of colorbars with only one tick mark so I want to set the range manually.08:03
soxahey somebody can help me I have a lenovo B50 notebook with ubuntu 16.04 and when I try to shut it down it just hangs08:04
AndreasCosmough.. wrong channel.. sorry guys08:04
cfhowlettImNotQ009, reinstall.08:05
soxadone still not work08:06
cfhowlettsoxa, this is a busy channel. refresh our memory08:09
stan_man_canso I have an nvidia gtx-960, how can i see if the drivers are installed properly?08:09
stan_man_canjust opened up mincraft and got 12FPS so  I think somethings off08:09
cfhowlettstan_man_can, system > additional drivers should show it I think08:10
soxacfhowlett: hey somebody can help me I have a lenovo B50 notebook with ubuntu 16.04 and when I try to shut it down it just hangs08:10
stan_man_cancfhowlett: ah, it says it was using x.org x server08:11
stan_man_cani assume i should select using nvidia binary driver ?08:11
cfhowlettstan_man_can, actually you should have an app to switch.  see if the dash brings up "nvidia" stuff.08:12
stan_man_cannothing when is search08:12
cfhowlettstan_man_can, could be you did not install then.08:12
stan_man_canprobably not; i didnt’ do anything really08:13
stan_man_canjust installed ubuntu and updated it; prior to install i selected that “downlaod third party drivers” box but that’s it08:14
cfhowlettstan_man_can, try additional drivers app again08:14
cfhowlettsee if it offers alternatives08:14
tomreynwhenever i power up my computer (running xubuntu 16.04), audio goes to the headphones (whether or not they are plugged in). but i need it to go to line out by default. where can i configure this?08:15
sonicxhp dv6700 sound card not working08:16
stan_man_cancfhowlett: within System Settings => Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers08:19
cfhowlettI think so stan_man_can08:19
stan_man_canUnder my GPU I had two options, “Using X.Org X Server - Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (open source)” was selected08:20
cfhowlettstan_man_can, or the shortcut: dpkg -l | grep nvidia*08:20
stan_man_canI changed it to “Uusing NVIDIA Binary driver - version 361.42 from nvidia-361 (proprietary, tested)” and it worked08:20
stan_man_canit installed some stuff first, i rebooted, and now the FPS is fixed08:20
stan_man_canthanks :)08:20
cfhowlettcongrats!  you are now officially an ubuntu guru!  spread the word.08:21
stan_man_canand that kids, is how ubuntu got a bad rep08:21
Bomber4ChatsNvidia xorg.conf issue - no screens found08:23
Bomber4ChatsI can't simply delete xorg.conf and hope it resets itself, right?08:23
hateballBomber4Chats: you dotn need a xorg.conf unless you make specific tweaks08:24
Bomber4ChatsSo may I delete it?08:24
Bomber4ChatsAnd Nvidia or what not wont cry?08:25
hateballBomber4Chats: Nope, it shouldnt08:25
Bomber4ChatsK, I need to see if reboot works, because restarting mdm after removing xorg.conf didn't help08:26
stan_man_cancfhowlett: do you run plex by any chance?08:27
cfhowlettnot that I know of ...08:27
Bomber4Chatshateball, still no screens found error08:28
hateballBomber4Chats: What has changed between your system working as intended and now?08:29
Bomber4ChatsI installed Nvidia driver 37508:29
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hateballBomber4Chats: Manually? Or using PPA?08:30
Bomber4ChatsI'm unaware of a ppa for installing 36508:30
hateballBomber4Chats: Purge the manual install, use this instead https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:30
Bomber4ChatsPlease remind me the command to add ppa?08:31
hateballI had some weird issues with 367 (blank sddm screen) that are gone in 37008:31
hateballBomber4Chats: Read the information on the page08:31
Bomber4ChatsThere's probably a reason why I can't see the 370 driver08:35
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gooMy opendkim replaces the subject with [myorigin] Original Subject - how can I stop it from doing that?08:44
gooNever mind. Postfix does it with header_checks08:46
huesaurusI'm trying to daisy chain 2 monitors, how do I enable DP 1.2 for them in ubuntu ?08:47
huesaurusor am i going about it the wrong way ?08:49
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electrowhich is the best app to share local files in ubuntu ???08:50
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huesauruselectro, nautilus-share ?08:53
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huesaurusAnyone knows how I can daisy chain 2 monitors on ubuntu? :)09:07
huesaurusdon't have much experience with xrandr etc09:08
ducassehuesaurus: won't the monitors and the adapter handle that automatically?09:13
huesaurusducasse: what do you mean09:17
huesaurusbasically, its a lenovo yoga laptop, and 2 dell monitors09:17
huesaurusdoesn't seep to be finding the third monitor09:18
Ben64how are they connected09:18
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ducassehuesaurus: can you pastebin the output of xrandr?09:18
huesauruslenovo is connected to monitor #1 with a micro HDMI cable, and they are chained with a display port cable09:18
Ben64thats not how anything works09:19
huesaurusBen64: lol09:19
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huesaurusuh, what am I missing Ben64 :/09:21
ducassehuesaurus: you would need a dp output09:21
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Guest63456can someone help me09:24
cfhowlett!ask | Guest6345609:24
ubottuGuest63456: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:25
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Guest63456i just installed Ubuntu mate and I fixed every thing els but I cant get the  sound to work09:27
MacroMan_awayI'm putting a package on hold in dpkg because I'm rolling my own version, which prevents apt from updating it. Problem is, each time I install a new version it resets the hold selection back to install. Is there a better way to handle this?09:27
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bazhangMacroMan, with pinning?09:28
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spartan2276How can I get Apache2 SSL server to accept non ssl. As of now I'm getting a 400 Bad Request error. So all I want is for apache to let me use http and https at the same time.09:30
Shadow_aoki'm having an issue with my ubuntu 14.04.4 lxc container and libc-bin which end broken each time i ran dpkg-reconfigure -a : http://pastebin.com/gQg5VV1S09:31
Shadow_aokfixing and reinstall it, it's fine, then dpkg-reconfigure -a and it ends with it being broken09:31
MacroManbazhang, Thanks. I've been reading into that, but I can only seem to find info on holding to a specific version, which gives the same problem when I install a new version.09:31
bazhangMacroMan, why install a new version if you want only the older one09:32
MacroManI want to install a version that I've repackaged. If I don't hold it, apt will overwrite my installation from the repo09:33
bazhangMacroMan, so you want something akin to a PPA09:33
MacroManbazhang, Yes, but that seems overkill for one package09:34
bazhangwhats the package MacroMan09:34
MacroManI'm adding the pagespeed module from Google which requires rebuilding it.09:34
bazhangthats for you to decide MacroMan on what degree of trouble etc09:35
kdjrandwha is the name of the gpg package on ubuntu?? i want to remove it??09:35
bazhangkdjrand, is there an issue disk space09:36
MacroMankdjrand, gpgv09:37
OerHeksno gpg, no updates ..09:37
OerHeksno packages ..09:37
MacroMankdjrand, Tip, use the tab key to try autocompleting package names. If you press tab twice you'll get a full list of matching packages.09:38
mcphailMacroMan: any reason you are packaging it? If you simply build and install under the /usr/local prefix, your custom binaries and libraries will be used in preference to the package manager's binaries, as /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin in the default $PATH09:38
MacroManmcphail, This is a new concept to me. Atm I'm using `dpkg --install nginx*.deb` to install it. How can I specify to use /usr/local/bin?09:39
mcphailMacroMan: any reason you are building to a .deb file?09:40
MacroManmcphail, It's the only route I really know tbh. I learnt by following tutorials.09:41
MacroManPlus it's very easy. Just calling `dpkg-buildpackage -b` builds new .deb files09:42
mcphailMacroMan: easiest way is to keep any package management out of the equation. Most build systems such as autotools or cmake have options to set the prefix at teh configuration stage09:42
mcphailMacroMan: what method is used to build your package?09:42
MacroMandpkg-buildpackage -b09:42
kLOscan anyone tell me why with 16.04 service apache2 restart doesn't deliver any notifications anymore on commandline?09:43
kLOson 14.04 i got an [OK}09:43
mcphailMacroMan: aah - so you're using a debian/ubuntu source tree and tweaking the built components?09:43
kLOsnow its nothing even when it fails to reastart09:44
MacroManSo my install goes like so: `apt-get source nginx`, add `--add-module=etc` to debian/rules and then dpkg-buildpackage -b09:44
nackas123hi ther09:44
MacroManmcphail, So I'm not building entirely from source09:44
MacroManI've read stuff about adding my own version number, but I'm not really sure where to start09:45
mcphailMacroMan: the key would be to edit the configuration in debian/rules, I think, to change the prefix (and, if you wanted, the package name) so it wouldn't clash with the ubuntu package. But that seems horribly arcane and fragile09:47
MacroManReading this answer seems to indicate I can change the version number with dpkg-dev-el: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/138188/easily-unpack-deb-edit-postinst-and-repack-deb/13819009:48
julie__ok maybe this will help how to install NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio driver in Ubuntu09:49
pandaadbHi - I am still trying to get screen tearing when scrolling/video under control on my precission 5510. I feel like I have tried everything else and I am now thinking of upgrading the kernel from 4.4 - 4.6. Is that save to do? Could that solve the issue?09:50
mcphailMacroMan: if you are going to go down the pdkg route, your initial plan to use apt holding would b a better idea09:51
mcphailMacroMan: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction_to_Holding_Packages ?09:52
MacroManmcphail, Yes. tbh it kind of went over my head.09:53
MacroManI'm just looking at the deb-reversion program which looks interesting: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/deb-reversion.1.html09:53
mcphailMacroMan: that is still and attempt to defeat the package manager, rather than working with it...#09:56
MacroManmcphail, Plus it looks like it'll re-package it again, which seems very wasteful of resources. Thanks for your advice. Think I'll stick with holding the package for now.09:57
mcphailMacroMan: yes - if you work with deb packages you have to prepare to do things the way dpkg or apt want you to work09:58
mcphailMacroMan: good luck09:58
MacroManmcphail, Thanks.09:58
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blackbird1I have a bizarre problem in Bash09:59
neurotblackbird1 just ask10:06
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JediMasterhi guys, I've got a CIFS mount on a server that seems to get disconnected in some way (it's Azure, ugh!) in such a way that if you try and access it in any way (e.g. ls, or even bash autocomplete) that it feezes the terminal, can't ctrl-c etc.10:09
JediMasterIs there any way to check if the connection has frozen without freezing up the command to check it?10:09
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JediMasterI can recover it by "umount -l" then remounting it, and I want to automate this, but doing a simple test to see if a known file exists freezes10:10
JediMasterI guess I could run the file check in the background, get the PID, check after a few seconds if it's still running, and remount it if it is10:12
JediMasterbut it's not a very elegant solution =)10:12
mcphailJediMaster: can you use the same "~." trick one uses with dropped/frozen ssh connections to free the terminal?10:13
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JediMastermcphail, I'm not aware of that one, what ~. trick is that?10:21
bstarekJediMaster, can you give us a better explanation of your issue please10:22
mcphailJediMaster: If you are on an ssh connection which drops, pressing "<Enter>~." can unfreeze the terminal. Does that work when you are accessing your CIFS mount and the connection drops? Don't know if the magic is purely with ssh10:22
JediMasterbstarek, CIFS share gets disconnected in some way, causing any access of the share to freeze, e.g. "ls", I want to be able to test if the share has frozen so I can automate a remount10:23
mcphailJediMaster: having done a bit of googling in the meantime, I suspect there isn't a good workaround for your problem: even the ubuntu documentation comments on the CIFS "black hole"10:23
JediMastermcphail, that does sound like an ssh trick rather than terminal related10:24
JediMastermcphail, heh, that doesn't surprise me, I think I may just have to try the backgrounded process idea to check if a file exists, if the process doesn't finish in a timely fashion, kill it off and remount10:25
mandlahi, i long asked for help regarding this error To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 11.5.0 or greater is installed.10:25
mcphailJediMaster: yes - even the arch users seem to struggle with this one, and they can generally coax _antything_ into submission ;)10:25
mandlahow do i get adobe flash player installed on Ubuntu 16.0410:25
bstarekJediMaster, a workaround would be re-mouting it using "crontab" every X time for example, but that wouldnt "solve" your problem10:26
hateballmandla: use chromium/chrome with the pepperflash10:26
JediMastermandla, have you tried: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-install-flash.html10:26
hateballmandla: Adobe has dropped Linux support for Flash so the latest npapi (Firefox) version is 11.210:26
bstarekJediMaster, Why CIFS? have you tried NFS?10:26
OerHeksmandla, there is no newer
JediMasterbstarek, there are lots of processes that are dependant on it, so forcibly remounting it every X minutes is going to cause even more problems =/10:28
cuaoxhi, anyone can help with this -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/812244/games-freezing-after-some-time-on-steam-audio-works-can-move-coursor-around10:28
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mandlaThanks gentleman10:29
bstarekJediMaster, remounting it only take a second, your processes wont die10:29
Ben64JediMaster: you really need to fix the problem instead of trying to hack around it10:29
mandlaThanks gentlemen10:30
JediMasterBen64, the problem is Microsoft Azure, that's not within my fixing abilities =)10:30
Ben64you don't know that10:31
bstarekBen64, TRUE10:31
JediMasterBen64, technically I could, by moving away from them, but it's not my choice I'm afraid10:31
Ben64you don't know that the problem is with azure specifically10:31
Ben64it could be your end10:31
JediMasterBen64, it is, it's a known networking problem10:32
bstarekJediMaster, So let me try to understand the situation, you are ssh-ing into a linux vm, which is CIFS connected to azure share?10:32
bstarekJediMaster, try to link your azzure share to another VM please10:33
JediMasterBen64, Microsoft's networking stack, it's caused a lot of other problems, some to do with the hypervisors10:33
cuaoxso, anyone can help?10:33
cuaoxwith this?10:33
Ben64JediMaster: sounds like you're making stuff up10:33
JediMasterbstarek, we've got about 30 VMs with them, on different hypervisors, in different DCs, with different OSs, all of them experience the problem and various times10:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:34
JediMasterbstarek, yes10:34
bstarekcuaox, try this https://steamcommunity.com/app/440/discussions/0/46476691351873631/10:34
JediMasterbstarek, remote VM, on Azure, connecting to Azure CIFS share10:35
Ben64sounds like you need to contact azure support then10:35
JediMastermultiple machines, some on Ubuntu, come on (ugh) Centos, different kernel versions, some will work for days without a problem then freeze up until the CIFS share is remounted10:35
JediMasterBen64, have done, weeks ago10:36
JediMasterthey haven't come up with a solution yet, so I need a workaround10:36
bstarekJediMaster, try this http://serverfault.com/questions/622238/linux-cifs-samba-mount-hangs-for-several-minutes10:36
Ben64stop using them10:36
JediMasternot my choice10:36
JediMasterclient has prepaid for a year10:36
JediMasteryeah, I know10:36
blackbird1neurot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081134/  --> $msg become empty just before if [[ $msg =~ ^.*windows.*$ ]]10:38
JediMasterbstarek, that's an interesting find, a sort of keepalive trick10:38
bstarekJediMaster, it looks like your azure share disconnects randomly10:39
JediMasteryeah, it could well be inactivity, but there are certainly machines that aren't actively using it that don't get disconnected after long periods, so not 100% convinced it will work10:40
JediMasterThe fact is we're only getting 5-10Mbps of bandwidth to the share, so it really sucks anyhow10:40
bstarekthats very low10:41
JediMasteryeah, especially from an Azure VM to Azure share10:41
JediMasterI have a feeling it's not even in the same country10:41
JediMastereither that or it's seriously over-subscribed10:42
JediMasteror both10:42
bstareknot being in the same country does not bother10:42
JediMasterAzure feels like a beta test to me10:42
JediMasterbstarek, well it reduces the likelyhood of it having multiple 10Gbps pipes to the hypervisors10:42
bstarekpersonnaly i don't know anyone (except you) on Azure cloud10:43
JediMasterwhich our own SAN has (4x 10GBps)10:43
JediMasterbstarek, there's a good reason for that =)10:43
JediMastertrouble is, people hear "Microsoft" and go "Oh I've heard of them, lets spend lots there, I'm sure it'll work"10:44
bstarekJediMaster, I feel like they rushed it :)10:44
JediMasterthey did10:44
Ben64well, none of this is Ubuntu support, there is ##azure with 11 people in there if you want to talk about Azure10:44
bstarekJediMaster, I know that Amazon is doing well with its AWS10:44
bstarekJediMaster, I know people happy with their services/uptime10:45
JediMasterBen64, no, but my original question was, in Ubuntu, how do you check to see if a file mount is responsive without freezing up the check10:45
bstarekJediMaster, look, try to connect your CIFS share to a VM outside Azure10:45
Ben64JediMaster: and the answer is to fix the problem, not find a hack10:45
JediMasterBen64, I think we've established there's no easy way to do that, so hack is the only option at the moment10:46
bstarekBen64, we are all trying to help and investigate my fiend.10:46
Ben64JediMaster: no, you've already given up10:46
JediMasterBen64, it's lack of time, it needs a fix now, not a several month investgiation (which will likely happen after so that is is properly fixed)10:46
Ben64fix now = stop using azure10:47
bstarekJediMaster, as i told you earlier, connect your share to another vm outisde azure10:47
JediMasterBen64, the project has taken 6 months to set up (not by myself, we've been given it to support), it goes live this week, so hence quick fix required. It's not actually critical to stop things going live, it's just causing minor problems, but don't have the time to move the entire project to another platform (which I have already suggested)10:48
JediMasterbstarek, we may well do, but again, it's pre-paid for a year =/10:48
Ben64i think bstarek suggested that as a test10:49
bstarekJediMaster, it is just for test10:49
bstarekBen64, thanks10:49
JediMasterAh ok, that's a good idea, at least we can show that it's not the OS doing it10:49
bstarekJediMaster, maybe your VM is the problem, not the share10:49
JediMasterbstarek, we've not completely eliminated that, but given multiple VMs, OSs & Hypervisors and the same problem it's likely that it isn't that10:50
bstarekJediMaster, give logs and report it to azure support10:51
JediMasteryeah, still doesn't get the problem resolved this week though heh10:51
bstarekmaybe it will10:51
bstarekwhat choices do you have?10:52
Ben64maybe continuing to do nothing will fix it then10:52
JediMasterwrite a script that will reconnect once every 2-3 days that is falls over10:52
JediMasterthat seems like a pretty quick fix10:52
JediMasterBen64, I'm not, I've reported the problem and I am actively writing a script to auto reconnect as a temporary workaround, hence the question in the first place =)10:53
JediMasterbstarek, I'll try the keepalive idea and connecting to an external CIFS mount as a test in the meanwhile10:54
blackbird1Guys I need your help for this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081160/10:54
JediMasterSo, on a completely unrelated note, how do you test if a mount is responding without freezing the test/script up? =)10:55
blackbird1This my problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081162/10:56
geirhablackbird1: msg probably contains some whitespace, possibly CRs10:56
geirhablackbird1: run the script with -x to see what it is actually comparing10:57
bstarekJediMaster, Just "touch file" and rm file for example10:57
geirhablackbird1: e.g.  bash -x yourscript   or  put  ''set -x'' on a line before the part you want to debug10:57
MacroManIs there an environment variable I can use in a bash script to get the current user?10:57
bstarekMacroMan, w10:57
bstarekyes, w10:57
JediMasterbstarek, trouble is that "touch" will freeze up10:57
MacroManJust w? That's easy10:58
bstarekhit "w" in terminal10:58
bstarekMacroMan, yes easy :)10:58
MacroManha. Didn't know that one10:58
bstarekMacroMan, welcome10:58
JediMasteralso gives you uptime and load too10:58
JediMasterw is great =)10:58
geirhaMacroMan: the USER environment variable also holds your username. printf '%s\n' "$USER"10:59
bstarekgeirha, yes would more useful in a script11:00
bstarekgeirha, thanks11:00
blackbird1geirha, for "xyz" the $msg is equal to + msg=$'xyz\r'11:02
blackbird1I need to remove \r11:02
geirhablackbird1: Right, a CR, so did you read it from a text file generated on windows, perhaps?11:03
geirhablackbird1: anyway,  msg=${msg%$'\r'}11:03
geirharemoves a trailing CR if there is one11:03
blackbird1It from irc server response when someone write in the channel11:03
JediMasterThanks for the help bstarek11:04
blackbird1geirha, this is the regex: if [[ $holeMatch =~ ^:(.*)!~.*PRIVMSG.*:(.*)$ ]]11:04
bstarekJediMaster, welcome anytime11:04
geirhablackbird1: ok, and you parse that with a while read loop? then putting CR in IFS should do as well11:04
geirhablackbird1: while IFS=$'\r' read -r line; do ...; done11:04
MacroMangeirha, Thanks. That's more helpful in my situation.11:05
djugashvilihey, under ubuntu /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq says my max frequency is 2,5GHz, however i know the cpu can do 3,2Ghz11:09
hateballdjugashvili: What's the output of "lscpu" ?11:10
k1ldjugashvili: do you mean the "turbo" frequency?11:10
djugashvilik1l: yes hateball one sec11:10
djugashvilihateball: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081194/11:11
k1ldjugashvili: 2,5 is the base frequency. the 3,2ghz is only used by the turbo if the temperatures are not too high etc.11:13
djugashvilik1l:  i know but when i run stress it does not go up at all11:14
mementomoriwhat's the way to open a folder window from the gnoe terminal?11:15
mementomoriI usually do 'start .' from cmd when in windows11:15
hateballmementomori: "xdg-open ."11:17
k1lmementomori: nautilus /path/to/folder11:17
hateballwould be one way11:17
k1lbetter use alt+f2 for that11:17
mementomorihateball, thanks!11:18
venkat_330How blackist a specific usbserial device for loading driver ( 0403:6014)11:19
hateballmementomori: xdg-open is neat, because it will open with your standard app, regardless if you point to a folder or a file or whatever11:20
hateballmementomori: like xdg-open some.pdf11:20
blackbird1geirha, Is it possible with sed ? --> echo $holeMatch | sed 's/[\r|\n]+$//g'11:23
blackbird1the "\r" or "\n" or "\r\n" is always in the end.11:23
geirhablackbird1: that would be rather overkill. I've shown you two ways to do it with bash; why complicate things with sed?11:23
geirhaholeMatch=${holeMatch%$'\r'}  though I'd recommned stripping the CRs as you read it in instead11:25
blackbird1Thanks geirha it works, for my knowledge, how to do it with sed ? :)11:28
djugashviliok i got back to using the intel pstate andi  get the desired frequency range11:29
djugashvilihowever i can't change the governor to perforamnce11:29
djugashvilithere are two governors available with pstate: powersave and perfdormance11:29
djugashviliand i can't set performance11:30
akshaystoreiam just looking to upgrade ubuntu11:33
Ben64akshaystore: from what to what11:33
akshaystore15.04 to 16.0411:34
Ben64!eolupgrade | akshaystore11:34
ubottuakshaystore: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:34
Ben64you got two of those to go through11:34
k1lakshaystore: make the EOL upgrade to 15.10. then the regular upgrade to 16.04 should work.11:35
k1lin future stay on LTS releases if you dont like to upgrade every 6 months.11:35
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venkat_330_l_k_z_m: How to blackist a specific usbserial device for loading driver ( 0403:6014)11:41
enzociao a tutti11:44
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discoveredAfter editing sudoers i can't run any application as sudo. I have added %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/script . Now i don't have any other users too11:45
Guest91273qualche bella coppia?11:45
hateball!it | Guest9127311:46
ubottuGuest91273: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:46
Guest91273ma in italiano niente?11:48
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:49
joelioafternoon :)11:49
spartan2276how can I enable the use of .htaccess in apache2?11:51
Ben64it's already enabled11:51
geirhablackbird1: see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/05211:51
geirhaBluesKaj: oh nevermind, I seem to remember it also showing a way with sed. Anyway:  sed $'s/\r$//'11:52
scottc1spartan2276: Controlled by the AllowOverride directive11:52
spartan2276I already created the .htaccess files within the web app root, however I was reading the apache docs and it says that I have to set AllowOveride which is set to none to allow but it is not working11:52
scottc1spartan2276: none disables .htaccess files11:53
Ben64spartan2276: any errors in the apache log?11:53
spartan2276scottcl right but when I set it to allow apache freaks out11:53
scottc1spartan2276: use either All or one of the directive types11:54
scottc1spartan2276: Freaks out how?11:54
Ben64because you didn't look up what AllowOverride options are11:54
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zetherooI am trying to resize an encrypted disk partition in 16.04 - has any one had experience/success with this?11:56
lordcirthzetheroo, have backups first, please11:56
zetheroolordcirth: I am testing this out on a VM that's just here for this purpose alone ;)11:57
lordcirthzetheroo, I assume by resize you mean expand?11:57
zetheroolordcirth: either way, but yes, in practice it would be mostly for expanding11:57
lordcirthzetheroo, first you expand the partition, then the LUKS, then the filesystem - basically lower layer first, going up11:57
lordcirthshrinking is the reverse11:58
deanomangoing to have someone help me with my 16.04 vm and am trying to work out a way to be able to see what was modified durning the time they are on the server. Google came back with numerous find articles but they all seem to be lacking. Im after what was added/modified in all directories in a within a certain time frame is that possible?11:58
spartan2276scottcl so if you go to this site http://beta.accureports.com you'll get a 400 Bad request error. I'm trying to fix that11:58
zetheroolordcirth: ok11:58
frostschutzzetheroo, LUKS only needs 'cryptsetup resize' if you manage to resize while LUKS is open. if you reboot in between LUKS just uses whatever the size of the blockdevice is11:59
Ben64deanoman: kind of. the data isn't 100% reliable though11:59
reddsik>1940 total11:59
lordcirthdeanoman, tripwire or similar security tools can watch for malware or tampering, inotify can show you what files were accessed11:59
reddsikso many n00bs11:59
zetheroolordcirth: does this look like it would work with 16.04? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions11:59
spartan2276scottcl so I created a .htaccess file in the root of the web application so that if you don't use https it redirects you to it12:00
frostschutzzetheroo, so when growing LUKS you can just make the partition larger, then resize2fs once you're booted into the system. when shrinking you have to keep in mind that LUKS eats 2MiB for its header, so if you shrink the filesystem to 100G, the partition needs to be 100G+2MiB in size12:00
spartan2276scottcl however that is an epic fail as it is not working12:00
lordcirthfrostschutz, the guide has LUKS resize commands too, it's not automatic12:01
hateballspartan2276: why not use http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RedirectSSL ?12:02
Ben64spartan2276: pastebin the htaccess12:02
zetheroofrostschutz: and growing LUKS is done from a LiveCD session?12:02
scottc1spartan2276: Just out of curiosity - I take it you have access to the Apache config if you are able to change AllowOverride etc. Why are you using .htaccess?12:02
scottc1spartan2276: However as others have said, could we see your .htaccess please12:02
deanomanlordcirth thanks12:03
frostschutzzetheroo, usually changing partitions is done from a livecd in case you have to move stuff around. if you know what you're doing - you can do it from within the system itself12:03
frostschutzzetheroo, if you can paste some info about your specific situation maybe we can give more specific advice. show your 'sudo parted /dev/disk unit mib print free' / 'sudo lsblk' and tell what you want to resize how12:04
spartan2276Ben64 http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081366/12:04
zetheroofrostschutz: and what about the LVM part of the disk setup? I ask because it seems with 16.04 that you cannot encrypt your disk without LVm being selected as well12:04
spartan2276scottcl http://paste.ubuntu.com/23081366/12:05
spartan2276as you guys can see is very straight forward as all I'm looking to do is an overall site redirect12:06
frostschutzzetheroo, then it depends if it's LUKS on LVM, or LVM on LUKS. With LUKS on LVM, that's where cryptsetup resize comes in, if you grow the LV that LUKS is on, and don't want to reboot/reopen the LUKS, use cryptsetup resize to make LUKS realize the LV changed size12:08
spartan2276scottcl I do have access to the config but I'm not just running apache/php. It is an apache/coldfusion setup so it is a pain in the A12:08
frostschutzzetheroo, with LVM on LUKS, you just ... reboot and pvresize and then lvresize, resize2fs12:08
fishCodespartan2276, what does the https off bit do12:09
zetheroofrostschutz: I don't know which way it's done ... its whatever way Ubuntu does it by default I suppose12:09
spartan2276scottcl so I rather not mess with it and go the safe route12:09
Ben64would be easier to do it in the conf like someone linked to earlier12:11
spartan2276fishCode it checks to see if the user is coming from non https, meaning if the user types http:// it will redirect them to https://12:11
frostschutzzetheroo, I suppose it's LVM on LUKS. lsblk will show you clearly12:11
Ben64spartan2276: fairly sure you have a few syntax problems in there12:12
Ben64your apache log should tell you12:12
spartan2276Ben64 oh I don't doubt that but I can't even get that file to be called12:13
Ben64what does the apache log say12:13
spartan2276Ben64 mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported12:15
Ben64thats a conf problem, you haven't even gotten to the htaccess yet12:15
spartan2276Ben64 that is the last entry on my log, which is why I'm saying that I can't even get the .htaccess file going12:16
Ben64so fix your conf12:16
spartan2276Ben64 I tried setting the AllowOverride to all within the site virtual host12:17
spartan2276but no Dice12:18
Ben64cool. but that doesn't fix the error you pasted12:18
spartan2276Ben64 yes I know, if I knew how to fix it I would not be asking for help. sometimes the documentation for apache is not very straight forward and the ubuntu docs are very simple just enough to get you started12:22
Ben64you're too focused on the https thing when you don't even have it working at all12:22
Ben64what is this apache to be used for?12:23
spartan2276Ben64 thanks anayways, been up all night trying to fix this issue. For now the site is up only working on https so at least is secure(somewhat).12:24
Netekif during an installation of an app via ssh and disconnection occurs, does the system carry on installing the app?12:24
spartan2276Ben64 I also just realized that I'm running Apache 2.2 which is said to have bugs with this non-ssl thing12:25
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cuaoxhi guys its me again12:34
cuaoxcan you help me a bi12:34
cuaoxI have the problem of freezing X when i run 3d games12:35
cuaoxbut- i cant check the error log because i have to restart my pc when this freeze occurs12:35
cuaoxis there any way logs of crash/freeze are saved so i can view them later?12:35
nexusguy59Good morning guys12:36
nexusguy59and ladies lol12:36
Ben64cuaox: check in /var/log12:38
cuaoxBen64: which log should i check and for what should i look for?12:38
Ben64cuaox: also, see what happens if you have an ssh session going on when the crash happens, you might still be able to do stuff12:38
Ben64all the logs, anything around the time of the problem12:38
cuaoxI have no other pc i could log in to this one from12:39
Ben64could be a phone12:39
cuaoxokay lets say it freezes and i have ssh connection with a phone, what should i do? (im total newb with those things sorry for such questions)12:40
Ben64well if you can still do things on the terminal, then it's not actually crashed12:41
JohnynasndfnasAnyone using Blocks IDE on ubuntu? mine keeps crashing all the time on 16.04 for some reason12:44
AzraelEnkicuaox, if you're local then you can use the 'keyboard test' press the numlock, if the led changes, it didn't crash the kernel.12:44
tomreynwhenever i power up my computer (running xubuntu 16.04), audio goes to the headphones (whether or not they are plugged in). but i need it to go to line out by default. where can i configure this?12:45
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zetheroolately when I plug a USB disk into my PC and try to copy a file to it I am told 'Permission Denied' - even though my user owns the disk and I can create folders on it12:46
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Jagst3r15hey if I am on php5 on ubuntu 15.10 server and i upgrade to 16.04 will php5 be removed??12:52
ikoniathere isn't a PHP5 package is there ? it's the php meta package which points at 712:53
ikoniathere is a PHP5 package for 16.04 but I think it comes from a lower priority repo, or maybe even a 3rd party ppa - but I think it's multiverse or something like that12:53
Jagst3r15ikonia i just hit the upgrade button and it says welcome to ubuntu 16.0412:54
Jagst3r15and php -v says PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.4 (cli)12:54
Jagst3r15so i guess it leaves that package!?12:54
ikoniado apt-cache policy php12:54
Jagst3r15hmm it says   Installed: (none)   Candidate: 1:7.0+35ubuntu612:55
ikoniaJagst3r15: have you rebooted after the upgrade ?12:55
Jagst3r15_sorry lost connection12:56
Jagst3r15_ikonia yea i rebooted12:57
Jagst3r15_still says 5.6 when i do php -v12:57
ereHello CDuv12:57
ikoniaJagst3r15_: pastebin dpkg -l | grep php please12:57
CDuvUpgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04.1 and I have issue with EncFs volumes: cannot double-click to open files :-/12:57
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Guest0809who Lego13:06
MacroManI'm trying to create and publish a gpg key, but my passwords gui doesn't seem to work. Can I create a publish it via terminal?13:08
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts13:08
MacroMancfhowlett, Thanks13:09
Jagst3r15_ikonia http://pastebin.com/VdTkt1sa13:14
fishCodeanyone have experience with installing and uninstalling python3 modules?13:14
fishCodei installed a python module using python3 setup.py install13:15
cfhowlettfishCode, don't waste bandwidth with "anyone?" questions.  state YOUR issues and specs13:15
fishCodeit created what looks like reference/library folders13:15
fishCodeinside of my project folder in my home directory13:16
fishCodei did not want those in my home directory so i deleted the folders and put the module in a better location. i tried to install the module again to re-write the paths etc... but it is looking for a file in my home directory that isnt there13:17
fishCodefrom the traceback: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/fishcode/.python_hue'13:17
fishCodewhy is it looking for the module in my home directory?13:17
Jagst3r15_ikonia did u get that?13:18
fishCodenot even the directory that i installed the module from either time13:18
discoveredHi, I am trying make deb package from Oracle JDK using make-jpkg. But it is giving me error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23081609/ . I need help!13:18
discoveredThe simple command i used "make-jpkg jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz" ...13:19
discoveredAm i doing anything wrong?13:20
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring13:20
Jagst3r15_well..does anyone else know why php5 is still on my server after upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04? is that normal13:21
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AzraelEnkiLive boot cd: I've downloaded the iso for the server but how can I boot the live cd without it asking to install it? or do I need to use the desktop iso?13:23
cfhowlettAzraelEnki, server doesn't have a "try ubuntu" option, but desktop does13:24
filsufhallo hallo ... Im gonna dual boot win 10 and linux ... WHICH ONE should we install first?13:26
filsufru also dual booting cfhowlett13:26
filsufdo you know if we can install win 10 WITHOUT EFI or UEFI partition?13:27
cfhowlettpretty sure win10 will demand efi13:28
filsufis there a way NOT TO ALLOCATE a partition for that?13:28
cfhowlett!efi | filsuf13:29
ubottufilsuf: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:29
AzraelEnkicfhowlett, thanks I´ll download the desktop version. It´s for a network (pxe/bootp/tftp) boot.13:29
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, easy enough to add the server utilities if you need13:30
filsufdo we need that "healthy recovery" partition?13:31
multifractal_I'm trying to get a L2TP/IPSec VPN client working in 14.04 following this: https://github.com/nm-l2tp/network-manager-l2tp13:31
multifractal_Can't find 'libnma' with apt-get13:31
cfhowlettfilsuf, I nuked my windows partition, so can not reset to factory fresh settings.13:32
cfhowlettand you DO have your windows 10 restore USB right?  RIGHT?13:32
filsufI dont see any reason I will ever restore this to factory default13:33
filsufwhy would you if you could clean install it?13:33
huesaurusmicro$oft is eval13:34
huesauruslunix is the future of desktops13:34
multifractal_How can I get this libnm and libnma things???13:37
tekisuithanks for suggesting to put nice on -2013:39
tekisuihoped it be effective way to clean the pc :D13:39
tekisuiat least know it works !13:39
filsufI can just dd those "recovery" partition I guess13:40
filsufbut I still dont really see the point13:41
gr33nbitsheias, just got back from 4.4.0-42 to 4.4.0-34 with the last update, what happened?13:42
multifractal_How can I get this "libnm" and "libnma" dependency? apt-get doesn't find them.13:42
gr33nbitsi mean lts 14.0413:42
geirhagr33nbits: of what?13:43
gr33nbitsmy kernel got back on the last ubuntu 14.04 lts update that i just got13:44
cfhowlettthat's not how it works, gr33nbits.  if you are seeing an old kernel instead of the new kernel either you don't have the new kernel or you manually selected the old kernel.  reboot, choose advanced options at grub, and select13:45
gr33nbitswas a weird popup to start with and had but legit, "Install" or "Accept"13:45
AzraelEnkimultifractal_, I´m guessing here: NetworkManager Applet. I *think* it supposed to install libnma.so, if I googled it correctly.13:45
gr33nbitscfhowlett 4.4.0-42 well it's not there anymore13:46
cfhowlettgr33nbits, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:46
k1lgr33nbits: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?13:46
mihael_k33hlWhen opening Google Chrome or Firefox, ubuntu seems to be having a very high CPU usage. I'm running Ubuntu 16.0413:46
gr33nbitswill that bring me to 16.0413:46
cfhowlettof course not.13:47
sveinseI'm setting up nfs4 (for the the first time in 15 years) on 16.04. I get the share up and running, but it is not squashing how I expect it to (it does not squash at all). What could I be doing wrong?13:47
multifractal_AzraelEnki So what do I do?13:47
gr33nbitsokis doing it, thanks a bunch13:47
gr33nbitsk1l 14.04.5 LTS13:48
helloNLam trying to set up an ubuntu 16.04 server for self use and I want to set up test.domain.com and domain.com, On test.domain.com I want my PHPstorm to auto upload to it and domain.com to pull from a git repo13:50
k1lgr33nbits: make sure "linux-generic-lts-xenial" is installed13:50
helloNLHow would I do this?13:50
cfhowletthelloNL, sounds like a question best asked in #ubuntu-server13:50
TriesteHi, I'm having issues with graphics on my Acer Aspire One. The netbook has a broken LCD screen, but a working VGA output - however, I can't seem to set the correct resolution. xrandr only sees "default" as the only output, and when I add a mode and set it to the device, I get "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed". Any ideas?13:50
gr33nbitsk1l okis i will thanks, not a big deal just weird tho13:51
k1lgr33nbits: and there never was a 4.4.0-42 kernel in the xenial lts stack. so either you mix some numbers or you got some 3rd party kernels running13:51
helloNLOh thanks cfhowlett thought it was a one place to go to channel :P13:51
cfhowlett!server | helloNL13:52
ubottuhelloNL: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server13:52
evaldeI've been having quite a few problems with my Ubuntu MATE machine ever since I installed the OS two days ago. Could I run some questions by you guys?13:52
multifractal_I don't kow what to do, this Network Manager thing needs libnm and libnma to install, but apt-get can't find them13:53
AzraelEnkimultifractal_, I´m also new, can you explain what you did to need it? (You installed/used something and it needed those libraries.) Anyways, there is a program that is missing those libraries. How did that program get there? Did you compile it, etc... ?13:54
multifractal_AzraelEnki this is at the stage of configuring. Not installed yet.13:54
gr33nbitsk1l yeah just checked the repo's and i do have one that might had done that13:54
multifractal_This, I guess. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnm-dev How do I install it?13:55
multifractal_apt-get install doesn't find anything called libnm-dev or libnma-dev13:55
AzraelEnkiCould you give the name of the program? I´ll try to install it locally and see what happens13:55
k1lmultifractal_: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?13:55
evalde1. When I shut my laptop and let it go to sleep then log back in, my wifi stays connected but the logo in the top right goes to empty and nothing is listed when i click the logo. 2. When I shut my laptop to let it sleep then login again, the URL bar of chromium will totally glitch out flashing black making it unusable. 3. It is taking a long time to open up programs and even files like my "home" after double clicking13:56
evaldeon them. a few seconds at least.      Both problems 1 and 2 are reset/fixed on startup, 3 is constant.13:56
k1lmultifractal_: there is no -dev package for 14.04. that is why.13:56
mihael_k33hlmy laptop doesn't automatically lock when the lid is closed13:56
k1lmultifractal_: what are you trying to install at all?13:56
multifractal_k11 http://blog.z-proj.com/enabling-l2tp-over-ipsec-on-ubuntu-16-04/13:57
k1lmultifractal_: that is for 16.04. that cant work on 14.0413:57
evaldeI have also tried reinstalling chromium, there was no change.13:57
multifractal_k11 So what can I do to get this L2TP/IPsec VPN option? This seems like the hardest thing ever to do on 14.04 for some reason.13:58
multifractal_Goddamn. I need to update to 16.04 now?13:58
k1lmultifractal_: well, install l2tp-ipsec-vpn?13:59
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sveinseHow can I ensure nfs4 squash the uid into a single uid? My 16.04 nfs server is unresponsive to the all_squash and root_squash option14:04
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AzraelEnkisveinse, I got the same question. I know there´s idmapd...14:07
sveinseI thought that the 'all_squash' would ensure that files with UID 0 were not presented as 0 to the clients, but they are!14:08
multifractal_k1l: OK I installed that, then I go to network settings, try to create a new VPN and it only gives me the option PPTP.14:08
regeditis there a super easy for noobs no-config install-and-use VPN application? I remember using something like that on Windows to browse from other IPs/countries14:12
scottc1regedit: What type of VPN? SSL? IPsec? PPTP *shudders*14:14
regeditscottc1: just to perform ssh operations (connect to some remote host via ssh) but not directly from my own workstation14:15
regeditfor odd reasons my ISP is still looking into, i cant seem to connect directly to that host14:16
regeditssh: Could not resolve hostname codeserver.dev.<REDACTED>.drush.in: Name or service not known14:16
TriesteHi, I'm having issues with graphics on my Acer Aspire One. The netbook has a broken LCD screen, but a working VGA output - however, I can't seem to set the correct resolution. xrandr only sees "default" as the only output, and when I add a mode and set it to the device, I get "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed". Any ideas?14:18
AzraelEnkiregedit, do you know the ip address of that server?14:19
regeditAzraelEnki: i had it on my other laptop... lemme see if i can find it...14:22
sarekIm trying to figure out a way to select a random image from a directory and give it the same name every time in the new directory. '#!/bin/sh cd /home/me/public_html/dev/img/banners ls |sort -R |tail -$N |while read file; do cp -rf /home/me/public_html/dev/img/banners/new/banner.png done' gives me 'cp: missing destination file operand after14:23
adrian_1908hello. I installed the `libwxgtk3.0-dev` package to work with wxWidgets. However I can't seem to find the header files on my system (the header package has been installed automatically as a dependency). Any idea?14:25
AzraelEnkiregedit, don´t type the ip address here, but try to ping it. (assuming the server isn´t paranoid and drops icmp packets) did you get a response?\14:26
joeliosarek: the error message is correct, you've not passed a destination path ... cp {source} {target}. If you want it in current working dir, just put a .14:32
regeditAzraelEnki: yes i can ping the IP, just the domain name doesnt resolve from my internet connection (it does just fine from others, still investigating with ISP)14:33
adrian_1908problem solved, was in /usr/include/wx-3.0/wx/...14:33
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scottc1regedit: The error says that it can't resolve the hostname...are you using your ISPs DNS servers? Have you tested using another DNS provider?14:33
sarekI but I want it to copy the randomly selected file from the first command14:33
regeditscottc1: how do i do that?14:33
scottc1regedit: Override it in your hosts file maybe?14:34
regeditoh so i just manually map the domain name to the IP in my hosts file?14:34
scottc1regedit: Not pleasant but it will work if the issue is down to DNS resolution14:34
regedithm i see ok lemme try that14:35
scottc1regedit: Either change it in the device that handles your DHCP or, which is probably preferable, you could change your network config to be DHCP addresses only and then put in a different DNS server...say OpenDNS or Google DNS....as a test. However you may want to look into them to address any privacy concerns you may have before doing so.14:37
Deltanici'm not sure if this is an issue exclusive to vagrant, but maybe someone here knows whats happening: when running ubuntu/xenial64 on vagrant, im getting some kind log file named `ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg-console.log` - anyone any idea why that happens?14:37
sveinseWith systemd/journalctl where does nfs-kernel-server debug output end up? journalctl -f -u nfs-kernel-server is empty :(14:39
sveinse<rant>*sigh* I can't find anything related to services anymore when systemd has been introduced. I have to learn it all over.</rant>14:42
ruby32hi, just installed ubuntu on my macbook pro... trying to use the system settings to change "Move window to workspace 2" ...14:46
ruby32when I press super+shift+2 it binds it as super+shift+@14:47
scottc1Deltanic: I presume it just logs the console output so you can see what's happened when booting with it being 'headless'14:47
ruby32unsurprisingly, it doesn't work14:47
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ruby32where can i find the keybindings so i can edit them manually?14:48
ruby32typing them in doesn't seem to work. also, i can't bind anything with the <Alt> key either using the GUI14:48
ruby32it simply doesn't register the key combo14:48
dancingdemon__hey guys, when trying to run some application .exe in VM windows 8, I keep on getting MSVCP140.dll is missing, I searched and it said that I need to download vc++ visual and i did but it still shows there error..14:49
dancingdemon__I have windows 8 x64 running in VMplayer, also when i did  run regsvr32 msvcp140.14:50
dancingdemon__it says :  the module msvcp140.dll was loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer14:51
dancingdemon__any idea ?14:51
dancingdemon__it says :  the module msvcp140.dll was loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found **14:51
ballisonhi - does anyone know if there's a way to connect to a L2TP VPN using Ubuntu but configure it from the gui (read: Configure VPN connections gui) ?14:51
ballisoni'm trying to set up someone who's remote and having them VI 10+ files it too much.  especially when there's a gui for configuring VPN connections.14:52
ballisonbut I can't find a L2TP option in the VPN connection gui14:52
ballisoni have no l2tp tab under Editing VPN connection14:56
ballisonE: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/werner-jaeger/ppa-werner-vpn/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found14:58
goju050207Hi..I need help..15:00
DJonesballison: Looking at that ppa, there isn't a version for xenial which is why it gives not found errors15:02
scottc1goju050207: Hi, just ask :)15:02
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DJonesballison: Doesn't look like its been updated since Raring15:03
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geniiballison: The last update on that PPA was 170 weeks ago. Which is a long time.15:03
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goju050207I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but unable to visit my bank website to do transactions can anybody help. I am using Mozilla Firefox for ununtu 48.015:03
joelioballison: there's l2tp support for network manager somwerhe, but not sure it's that well supported. If it's just for one user, why not use ngrok and openvpn (simpler!) or something as an interim to get them setup15:03
scottc1ballison: It relies on openswan, which was deprecated in favour of Strongswan15:04
goju050207I am unable to sit the login page15:04
ceed^What's the key combo to see all the virtual desktops so I do not have to use the mouse?15:05
ballisonjoelio: I prefer openvpn client.  That's what i use at home.   but I think his connection (to a different vpn server) requires L2TP.   I have it set up on my mac to the server he's connecting to, but have to use L2TP to connect to it.15:05
joelioWell, ssh reverse tunnels and openvpn are a thing ;)15:06
joeliobut yea, understood15:06
ballisoni found this for doing it command line (lot files to edit) --> http://www.jasonernst.com/2016/06/21/l2tp-ipsec-vpn-on-ubuntu-16-04/15:06
ballisonsadly the user is a) a windows user and b) in another country.... you know.. just to make it harder.  :(15:07
joelioeww, enough said :)15:07
joelioballison: there's a kpvnc client too, no idea how good it is, means KDE libs mind15:08
ballisonbut he installed ubuntu on his second computer and got kerberos set up... so he's trying.  but without l2tp vpn he's not going to be able to connect to the internal network to use them.15:08
goju050207Am i facing any popup blocker ?15:08
scottc1ballison: Have you tried installing network-manager-strongswan?15:08
ballisonjoelio: yeah, i saw KVpnc.  installing it now.15:08
ballisonjoelio: KVpnc is some sort of wallet app   :(15:10
joelioballison: website seems to thing last update was in May 2010 so YMMV!15:10
scottc1ballison: Nevermind, doesn't seem to work - https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/140615:10
goju050207scottc1: I am waiting15:12
scottc1goju050207: What login page are you referring to? What URL are you visiting?15:13
zolihello. i have a kaveri apu 7850k and video playback is not smooth, quite choppy. Can you help me how to fix it?15:13
zoliescpecially fullscreen15:14
zoliand even more with fullhd15:14
idzireitprobably need to be shot for asking again but need help joining a channel (i.e. registering I guess)15:14
idzireittrying to join ##c++15:15
skinuxWhat's the most recommended app for ripping music of CDs?15:15
DJonesskinux: I use soundjuicer15:16
tgm4883!register | idzireit15:17
ubottuidzireit: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:17
DJonesskinux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping15:17
idzireitTY guys ... only second time here on IRC15:18
DJonesskinux: Although not used it for quite a while, so not sure how well it  currently works15:18
ballisoni guess i'm going to have to see about setting up a second VPN and just make it openvpn for Linux users.   no l2tp support is a killer.  :(15:19
sjmunroe_w500 inet addr:
ballisoni just installed network-manager-strongswan    trying to figure out what that gave me exactly. :)15:21
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scottc1ballison: Doesn't seem to work with 16.0415:22
scottc1As in the network manager integration15:23
ballisonscottc1: yeah i couldn't find anything in the gui added from it.15:23
scottc1ballison: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-strongswan/+bug/157035215:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1570352 in network-manager-strongswan (Ubuntu) "strongswan vpn cannot be established via the network-manager" [High,Confirmed]15:24
goju050207scottc1: Did you check the URL ?15:25
scottc1goju050207: I did, it took a while before it loaded however I was unable to progress further. As a test have you tried another browser such as chromium ?15:27
ballisonthanks for your help guys!15:34
milfhi crayon15:45
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mr_louI upgrade Ubuntu to 16.04 (JEOS) just now, and experience the mysql issues I can see many others before me has done.....  managed to fix most of it. My last problem is that mysql ignores "UPDATE" sql-commands....   any advice?16:10
_0xbadc0dehi guys16:10
_0xbadc0delisten apparently ubuntu 14 allows me to dl and install php516:10
_0xbadc0decan I install any of the php5.xx versions16:10
nacc_0xbadc0de: hrm? php5 is a package16:11
nacc_0xbadc0de: do you mean php5 versus. php5.6?16:11
_0xbadc0dewhich contains a php version16:11
nacc_0xbadc0de: those are two different packages16:11
nacc!info php5 trusty16:11
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.19 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB16:11
nacc!info php5.6 trusty16:11
ubottuPackage php5.6 does not exist in trusty16:11
SchrodingersScatand when you upgrade to 16.04 it'll just be php716:13
naccSchrodingersScat: correct16:13
nacc_0xbadc0de: sorry, distracted, what's the other php5 you're seeing in the archive for 14.04?16:13
SmashcatAnyone know if it's possible to roll-back from 16.04 to 14.04 as the upgrade has screwed up my system?16:14
milfit is not16:15
naccSmashcat: downgrades aren't generally possible like that16:15
_0xbadc0dewhere can I download v14?16:15
nacc_0xbadc0de: what is v14?16:15
fishCodeSmashcat, http://askubuntu.com/questions/49869/how-to-roll-back-ubuntu-to-a-previous-version16:15
_0xbadc0deubuntu v14?16:15
_0xbadc0deubuntu Desktop v1416:15
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Smashcatnacc: <sigh> thought so - I should have known better than to do an upgrade :) They never work16:16
daily_0xbadc0de, you mean 14.04?16:16
_0xbadc0degot damn it, YES16:16
=== ToyMaker is now known as alakazann
dailyeven Googling "ubuntu v14" yielded that page.16:17
dailyinstead of getting mad, try putting in some effort16:17
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naccor http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop and search for "older versions"16:18
davidakhello. i want to set the io scheduler on a Ubuntu 16.04 server. has that changed with systemd or is it a bug?16:25
davidakcat /sys/block/xvda/queue/scheduler16:25
akikdavidak: try if you find it with this "find /sys -name scheduler". it obeys elevator= kernel boot parameter16:28
Rebelnetso, I can't get Ubuntu to work. Its giving me problems on my chromebook16:30
ksftRebelnet: I really doubt anyone can help you without more information.16:31
naccdavidak: seems odd, works fine for me on a real disk16:31
RebelnetI downloaded Crouton, and sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r xenial -t touch,xfce16:31
Rebelnetit might work now.... i'm installing it right now16:31
akiknacc: i'm missing that /sys/block/sda completely16:32
akiknacc: oh it's there16:32
naccakik: interesting!16:32
naccakik: ah ok, i was going to be a bit worried :)16:32
akiknacc: tired eyes :(16:32
davidakakik: i found /sys/devices/vbd-51712/block/xvda/queue/scheduler but it also outputs 'none'16:39
naccdavidak: almost certainly that's a symlink (/sys/block/xvda -> /sys/devices/vbd-51712/block/xvda)16:40
naccdavidak: iirc, 'none' == noop, which is correct for certain classes of devices16:41
naccdavidak: err, ~= noop16:42
naccdavidak: it's probably a nvme devices, is this in a cloud env?16:42
davidaknacc: it's a VM on a XenServer with storage over iSCSI16:43
davidaki want noop16:43
MonkeyDust!find noop16:43
ubottuFound: dvbsnoop, libphp-snoopy, midisnoop, snoopy, ttysnoop, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 22 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=noop&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all16:44
MonkeyDustwhat's noop16:44
naccit's an io scheduler n ame16:44
naccdavidak: i'm guessing (still digging) that one layer or another of that setup is bypassing the io scheduler layer in th ekernel16:44
davidaknacc: so could i ignore that?16:45
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davidakstill same output with elevator=noop boot option16:46
naccdavidak: it seems like at some point the kernel decided virtual devices don't have elevators/schedulers16:46
geniidavidak: Have you tried grub option of elevator=noop and updating grub?16:46
naccdavidak: which is probably correct, as the actual io scheduling is done in the ost16:46
genii...ah, nvm16:46
naccdavidak: e.g., LP: #1346687 comment 316:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1346687 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14 KVM Guest I/O Elevator Non-configurable" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134668716:46
davidaknacc: thanks!16:48
=== konrad is now known as Guest93799
ApteryxHi! Is there a way to diff my current grub config vs default Ubuntu 16.04 one? I'm having problems and would like to know if there are modified options I have forgotten I've changed in the past...16:50
naccdavidak: just checked the kernel source and elv_iosched_show emits 'none' for !q->elevator || !blk_queue_stackable(q), i'm still searching as to the commit that made virtual devices satisfy that16:52
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davidaknacc: it's enough for me to know that this is normal behavior and no problem on our servers16:54
creycrunning 16.04.1, why can't i set time on my machine? # timedatectl16:54
creycFailed to create bus connection: No such file or directory16:54
naccdavidak: yeah, it seems 'normal' and looks to be something all distirbutions would see eventually (as they update to > 3.13)16:55
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djugashviliwhy is my Xorg process taking up 100% cpu out of the sudden?16:58
yanchohi. i am trying to install a deb but its dependent on php5. I have php7. how can I force it to try to install?16:59
Smashcatyancho: You can install PHP5 alongside PHP717:00
ovrflw0xyancho mancho gancho17:02
yanchoSmashcat: would something like this get php5 working? http://lornajane.net/posts/2016/php-7-0-and-5-6-on-ubuntu17:03
Smashcatyancho: Yep, pretty much what I had to do to get a Silverstripe install working17:03
Smashcatyancho: You'll need to remember to install all the modules you need to use with php5 as well - when you install php5, it doesn't include many of the common modules.17:04
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ovrflw0xyo yo gaiz guyiz i've goot problem, i've goot bluetooth headphones but in gnome sound settings i am getting 2 sinks mono and high fidelity, how can i default it to high fidelity whenever i connect the bluetooth headphones?17:07
w0jrlApteryx: I'm not sure if this will help, but you can find the troubleshooting documentation for grub2 at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting17:07
=== Charlotte is now known as Guest13732
ovrflw0xyo yo gaiz guyiz i've goot problem, i've goot bluetooth headphones but in gnome sound settings i am getting 2 sinks mono and high fidelity, how can i default it to high fidelity whenever i connect the bluetooth headphones?17:08
abhinand_Is there a way I can resize the root partition if I dont have unallocated space before or after it in the partition table ?17:12
ovrflw0xabhinand_, i don't have clue man but try "Gparted" and resize your root partition, but mind it it might take looong time17:13
abhinand_but is it possible to increase the size of the partition, it won't be right ?17:14
ovrflw0xwtf r u typing abhinand_17:14
ovrflw0xyes it is possible17:15
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naphixabhinand_ If you do not have free space before or after the root partition, then you may have to resize/move other partitions on the drive. gparted would be good to use.17:16
akikabhinand_: if you don't have lvm, it'll take much work to move the partitions17:16
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akikabhinand_: one option is to mount a partition somewhere in the file system and move directories17:16
ovrflw0xabhinand_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/492054/how-to-extend-my-root-partition <- simple search you could have done it17:16
ovrflw0xyo yo gaiz guyiz i've goot problem, i've goot bluetooth headphones but in gnome sound settings i am getting 2 sinks mono and high fidelity, how can i default it to high fidelity whenever i connect the bluetooth headphones?17:17
djugashviliwhat is responsible in ubuntu for dynamic frequency scaling?17:18
djugashviliis there a userspace program for that or is it just kernel drivers17:19
djugashviliah there is thermald17:19
djugashviliso this is what generates lags for me17:20
abhinand_ovrflw0x: that would work only if there isn't a /home in between17:20
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
HendSolimani am new to ubuntu , anyone could recommend me a textbook ?17:20
ovrflw0xHendSoliman, dude INTERNET SEARCH GOOGLE and be done. period.17:21
tomreyn!fr | HMEC17:25
ubottuHMEC: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:25
ovrflw0xyo yo gaiz guyiz i've goot problem, i've goot bluetooth headphones but in gnome sound settings i am getting 2 sinks mono and high fidelity, how can i default it to high fidelity whenever i connect the bluetooth headphones?17:25
ovrflw0xyo yo gaiz guyiz i've goot problem, i've goot bluetooth headphones but in gnome sound settings i am getting 2 sinks mono and high fidelity, how can i default it to high fidelity whenever i connect the bluetooth headphones?17:28
tgm4883!patience | ovrflw0x17:28
ubottuovrflw0x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:28
Netekis it possible I can make a folder in /home/user/site  and give access to a user to this directory but duplicate this directory in /var/www?  I dont know the name I should look17:29
tgm4883Netek: symlink17:30
Netektgm4883 ok thank you17:30
HendSolimani want to use a virtual box for the first time , what is the easiest one ?17:32
mysticTotI'm trying to install MiracleCast and when I run ../configure --prefix=/usr/local  I got this error checking for DEPS... no17:32
mysticTotconfigure: error: Package requirements (libudev libsystemd > 219) were not met:17:32
mysticTotNo package 'libudev' found17:32
mysticTotNo package 'libsystemd' found17:32
mysticTotConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you17:32
poigeNetek, tgm4883 : mount --bind17:32
mysticTotinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.17:32
=== RalphBa is now known as RalphBa|away
HendSolimani want to use a virtual box for the first time , what is the easiest one ?17:36
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compdocI like kvm, but there is one named virtualbox, I think17:36
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baizon!info virtualbox | HendSoliman17:37
ubottuHendSoliman: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.24-dfsg-0ubuntu1.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 14198 kB, installed size 62487 kB17:37
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=== Guest51551 is now known as CaptainMichael
ForreI would need some technical help with 16.04 and e100 "cannot be loaded" problem. How to proceed ?17:38
rlyWhy are LTS releases not updated with the latest security patches?17:39
rlySpecifically patches which are over 6 months old?17:39
mysticTotI'm getting this error while building MiracleCast http://paste.ubuntu.com/23082541/17:39
rlyIn particular this means that at the time the latest LTS release was released, it was already insecure.17:40
rlyWhy would you ever do that?17:40
baizonmysticTot: youre missing libs17:40
Jordan_Urly: Please list the CVEs to which you are referring.17:40
baizonrly: source of that info?17:40
rlyJordan_U: https://rsync.samba.org/security.html#s3_1_217:41
mysticTotI'm running ubuntu 16.04 and using https://github.com/albfan/miraclecast as my refernce17:41
rlybaizon: I am the source.17:41
rlybaizon: evidence at above URL.17:42
daumieSoftware recommendation : Which mail client is best used in Ubuntu17:42
tgm4883!info samba17:42
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 928 kB, installed size 11303 kB17:42
rlydaumie: depends on the target audience.17:42
tgm4883!info rsync17:42
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.1-3ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 330 kB, installed size 733 kB17:42
rlydaumie: for low tech people Thunderbird?17:42
daumieP{ersonal usage rly17:42
daumieHahaa..and for nerds rly ?17:42
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rlydaumie: custom built solutions involving notmuch for example.17:43
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daumieI just uninstalled thunderbird, want something more exciting17:43
rlydaumie: funny, I want boring.17:43
rlyJordan_U: so?17:43
sonicxwould anyone like to help me with a sound pm17:44
daumiesonicx: shoot it up17:44
rlyJordan_U: already changing the topic to "hole in every LTS system on the planet"?17:44
tgm4883rly: are you sure it's not patched?17:44
daumierly: Thunderbird doesn;t work with my gmail account as it is considered insecure rly17:45
tgm4883rly: specifically, by this http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2879-1/17:45
rlytgm4883: ok, I am not sure, but the version number is older.17:45
Jordan_Urly: It's very common for security fixes to be backported.17:45
tgm4883rly: the version number means nothing in that case17:45
Jordan_Urly: In fact, there are probably very few core packages which don't contain backported security fixes.17:45
rlyJordan_U: ok, my bad.17:45
rlyJordan_U: sorry for the noise.17:46
tgm4883rly: if you are truely worried about security, you should be referencing CVE numbers17:46
rlyJordan_U: perhaps it would be useful to automatically reflect this stuff in the version string.17:46
rlytgm4883: there was no reference to the CVE number from the rsync page.17:46
tgm4883rly: why would that be useful?17:46
rlyJordan_U: I mean when you do --version.17:46
rlytgm4883: because then I wouldn't have been here.17:47
tgm4883rly: I would suggest you subscribe to http://www.ubuntu.com/usn17:47
tgm4883rly: how would referencing it in the version even work?17:47
yanchoSmashcat: the problem is that php5.06 is still not answering the dependency for php517:47
ronaldsmazitisffmpeg -i file.mp4 -vf scale=720x406,setdar=16:9 -strict -2 file_widen.mp4 why this doesn17:47
ronaldsmazitis't change my video to 16:17:47
sonicxNVIDIA Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio   it shows up in sound but I don't get sound17:48
Forrehi, after upgrading 16.04.1 my 2nd ethernet if does not work. It has e100 driver. Debug msg from syslog shows: "systemd-udevd[3200]: Process '/bin/readlink /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules' failed with exit code 1" What to do next ?17:48
rlytgm4883: you would add a newline to the unpatched version output and then follow that by some specified format.17:48
baizonsonicx: change the output device?17:48
rlytgm4883: for example, one URL line with fixed backported issues in this version.17:48
sonicxI tryed17:48
rlytgm4883: that way the question "am I patched" can be answered without contacting a remote server.17:49
rlytgm4883: so, that's a useful feature.17:49
Jordan_Urly: There are far too many patches to include in any reasonable version string.17:49
rlyJordan_U: it's in the output of the --version command.17:49
rlyJordan_U: not really the "version".17:50
rlyJordan_U: so, first line contains the "real" version.17:50
rlyJordan_U: below that some lines (or some XML, or whatever) with meta data.17:50
tgm4883rly: how about 'apt-get changelog <packagename>'17:50
rlytgm4883: that's also fine.17:51
rlytgm4883: thanks17:51
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rlytgm4883: that requires an internet connection.17:51
rlytgm4883: but perhaps you can configure it such that you can download everything?17:51
ksftI have an integrated Intel graphics card and a dedicated Nvidia one. If I install any proprietary nvidia driver packages, I can't log in.17:52
ksftI'm on 16.04.17:52
ksftI would like to be able to both use the dedicated graphics card and log in.17:52
Jordan_Urly: That's simply not scaleable to all of the commands containing --version options in the repositories. A lot of people have spent a lot of time and effort thinking about these things. So while there are definitely improvements to be made 1: I suggest that you spend at least a day researching how such things are currently handled, and why, before making a new proposal. 2: I suggest that if you do make17:53
Jordan_Ua proposal, you propose something concrete rather than "some specified format", and 3: You should not be making such proposals here, as this is the wrong forum for such discussion. A bug report / feature request would be a proper place (again, after following part 1 and formulating part 2).17:53
Smashcatksft: Sounds like you have the video connected to the wrong port17:53
ksftI can't disable the integrated one with the BIOS, and I don't think I can switch graphics cards with the open source drivers.17:54
compdocif my system doesnt have a soundcard, is there a way to provide one virtually?17:54
ksftSmashcat: I doubt it; it's a laptop.17:54
souravbadamiHow much data will be consumed to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04 ?17:54
Smashcatksft: Ah, ok17:54
souravbadamiAnd, Is it safe to directly upgrade from the prompt which appears on ubuntu 14.04 for updates ?17:55
Smashcatksft: Boot into text mode? Does that appear?17:55
ksftSmashcat: yes17:55
rlysouravbadami: it says that before you go through with the upgrade. The number is between 0.5GB and 10GB in almost all cases.17:55
ksftI'm currently using a GUI with no proprietary nvidia driver packages installed17:55
ksftI can use a tty when I do have them installed, but I can't log in with the GUI.17:55
rlysouravbadami: my system broke when I upgraded.17:56
rlysouravbadami: but then again that always happens on my systems and I can always fix it.17:56
Smashcatksft: But you can log in using text mode, then start the gui?17:56
rlysouravbadami: most people do a reinstall to avoid such issues.17:56
rlywell, some.17:56
ksftSmashcat: What do you mean by "log in using text mode"?17:56
ksftlike use a tty?17:56
ksftI can do that.17:57
ksft`service lightdm restart` doesn't help17:57
Smashcatksft: Yeah, boot into the command line (no gui) then launch the GUI after logging in17:57
souravbadamirly: Hmm17:57
rlysouravbadami: I have much more installed than most people.17:57
ksftSmashcat: There is a GUI. I just can't log in.17:57
rlysouravbadami: so, I hit all the issues, because they are also in universe.17:57
ksftIf I try to, the screen flashes, and it asks me to log in again.17:57
rlySo, they are "supported by the community", which means it is not at all supported in practice :)17:58
SmashcatWhen you get to the desktop, in video settings, does it think there are 2 displays attached?17:58
souravbadamirly: I'll give it a try.17:58
Smashcatksft: Ah, so you actually get the GUI login prompt?17:58
ksftSmashcat: you mean now without the drivers?17:58
ksftSmashcat: yes17:58
tgm4883souravbadami: FWIW, I upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 and didn't have any issues17:58
csmuleWhat's the order of precedence when setting ulimit?  Do the options set in /etc/security/limits.conf take precedence over running ulimit on the command line before starting your process? I also see an issue where a process is started as root and run as another user, ulimits get lost.17:59
ksftSmashcat: It currently says there's only one display, which is correct.17:59
souravbadamirly: What do you say ? Do I get anything out of box if I get to 16.04 or shall I stick with 14.0417:59
ksftnot sure if that question was for me17:59
rlysouravbadami: I don't know what you mean.17:59
Smashcatksft: So the drivers work - you'll need to check in the logs to see why it cannot launch the desktop properly after the login manager17:59
souravbadamirly: Anything specific in 16.04 which is not there in 14.0417:59
ksftSmashcat: /var/log/Xorg.0.log?17:59
rlysouravbadami: you have two options: (switch distro completely or upgrade ) before 2017.18:00
Smashcatksft: Yeah, it must be crashing for some reason, which would throw you back to the login18:00
ksftSmashcat: I don't know what I'm looking for in it, but I can install a driver, reboot, try to log in, and show you the logs if you want.18:00
rlysouravbadami: or reinstall Ubuntu 16.04.18:00
akikksft: check out ~/.xsession-errors too18:00
Smashcatksft: I can't really go through the logs, at work at the moment :)18:00
rlysouravbadami: if you don't have any technical skills, find someone who does if you try to upgrade.18:01
rlysouravbadami: a reinstallation requires less skills.18:01
ksftakik: It has these three lines: http://termbin.com/j6gw18:01
ksftI don't know what any of them mean.18:01
ronaldsmazitisffmpeg -i file.mp4 -vf scale=1920x1080,setdar=16:9 -strict -2 file_widen.mp418:01
peroso i'm trying to get a fresh ubuntu gnome 16.04 install going. i have a nvidia card and installed the latest drivers (370) from the ppa. but steam won't run and googling around tells me to select the nvidia driver from additional drivers which is way older18:01
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ronaldsmazitiswhy it does not change aspect ration to 16/918:02
Smashcatksft: Looks like the same issue as this guy had: http://askubuntu.com/questions/423725/ubuntu-12-04-32bit-cant-login18:02
perodo i uninstall the newest driver i installed and go with the older one? (370 vs 304)18:03
ksftSmashcat: oh, looks promising18:03
ksftWhich proprietary nvidia drivers should I use?18:03
Bashing-ompero: What card .. see what nVidia recommends for ya .18:03
Smashcatksft: good luck :) I need to get back to some coding :)18:04
ksftShould I install them with `apt-get`, or should I have Unity's settings thing do it for me?18:04
perogeforce 9600gt18:04
sonicxis there any thing I can do ? with the NVIDIA Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio  and sorry if I'm bugging you guys I been working on this for about 5h or so18:05
ballisonfound this (RE: L2TP support under Ubuntu) --> https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Configuring_Client_VPN_in_Linux18:05
Bashing-ompero: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html . says the 340 driver .18:06
ballisonnotice how it says, "Please note that newer versions of Ubuntu do not ship with a VPN client that supports L2TP/IP,"18:07
yanchohi. I want to install a deb which has a php5 dependency. I installed from Ondřej Surý php 5.06 but the problem is that php5.06 is still not answering the dependency for php5. any pointers to what I should do please?18:09
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nemecyi'm afraid to use ubuntu and look the message cant upgrade package broken18:09
homsarTrying to do something fucking crazy - I have two HDs RAIDed for my system disk with 14.04 on it (don't ask - it's someone else's computer). I want to un-RAID them and just boot off one, so I can install windows on the other (per request of the computer's owner). Is this possible? How can I do it safely (with backups every step of the way)?18:10
hheehey guys. i put new usb network card in desktop, how can i found out - is this works?18:10
nemecyuse fedora instead ubuntu18:11
hheeim new in ubuntu world18:12
hheeits true18:12
Bashing-omhomsar: Raid tools,  they are not installed on the standard desktop . ' sudo apt install dmraid ' and one can then remove the raid meta data .18:12
homsarBashing-om, thanks! Do I need to do it from a liveusb or can I just do it to the system drive while it's running?18:13
homsarBashing-om, also, its software RAID. Will dmraid still work?18:14
Bashing-omhomsar: I always went with the liveUSB .. never had a thought otherwise . so not tested if doable from the install .18:14
Bashing-omhomsar: Hang on a sec or so .. ny notes " dmraid is currently unmaintained and might break with new linux versions. Using mdadm is highly recommended. " checking .18:16
homsarBashing-om, huh thanks for the tip. I'll look into mdadm and removing metadata. But if I remove the metadata, will I be able to boot from the drive or will it wipe the drive?18:17
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michaelroserandom question: how well does unity hud, the feature wherein you can hit a button and search through application menus work, specifically does it work on all/most/some applications?18:18
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Bashing-omhomsar: Ya gonna loose the data . To boot up ubuntu then will require re-formatting and re-installing the operating system . Partition table will be different !18:20
Bashing-om!info mdadm trusty | homsar18:20
ubottuhomsar: mdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.3 (trusty), package size 354 kB, installed size 1194 kB18:20
tomreyn!ask | fsociety_40418:21
ubottufsociety_404: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:21
tomreynalso, welcome ;)18:21
antipsychiatryThe bastard israelites atack me every day with chemicals in the air in the home! This criminals informants used by Mossad- kiling machine!!!! I am pro-health and Antipsychiatry,anti GMO....antiVACCINE, anti-chipping people with nanochip or RFID chip! These bastards think they are a superior rase...18:28
baizonthank you18:28
tomreynyou could try talking to such people first instead of supporting their world view of 'everyone's against me'. but i admit it's tough.18:31
Seveastomreyn: neh, that one's a repeat troll. Pointless :)18:33
homsarBashing-om, This whole thing is much more dangerous than I imagined (the fear of data loss is ever present). I might just install windows on a separate drive. Thanks for all the help though!18:33
tomreynoh ok18:33
Seveasearlier today the israelis apparently remotely monitored his brain :)18:34
Bashing-omhomsar: That ^ is what we do . Prior prudent planning and GOOD backups !18:34
tomreynso bashing-0m is an israeli who monitors peoples' brains and takes backups of them18:36
homsarBashing-om, is what I'm trying to do possible with a smart backup scheme? I know very little about backing up an entire ubuntu drive, especially one that is raided and in 3 partitions. Would it just be easier to install windows on a new drive?18:42
Bashing-omhomsar: The quickest is yes install Windows on it's own drive ./ Backing up data is a very personal thing . Remember that all system files are on the install, there is no need to back them up . I only backup my personal data and I keep a changelog of all changes I make to the system.18:45
Seveastomreyn: that's just one of his hobbies :)18:45
SeveasBashing-om: I tend to back up /home and /etc, that tends to do the trick18:46
Seveasunless I manually hack bugs out of files in /usr/lib/python* and forget I did so :)18:46
Bashing-omSeveas: Uh Huh .. that will work .. rsync to the rescue !18:47
SeveasBashing-om: indeed!18:48
homsarSeveas, Bashing-om is it impractical to just back up the whole disk? Store is no issue18:48
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homsarWe were also thinking of removing one disk from RAID rather than just remove RAID entirely, so we would have a degenerate RAID with one disk and we can install windows on the newly freed disk18:49
Seveashomsar: just back up only the real filesystems (rsync -avx per filesystem) and don't try to back up /sys, /proc, /dev and the like18:49
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Bashing-omhomsar: Well no .. not "impractical" most depends on the thought process . Even with a clone, there is still work to be done in many cases to make it bootable once more from restore . I can re-install and do my backups in about 20 minutes .18:50
hheeany free cloud for linux ubuntu except dropbox? (it's dont show me the gui :)18:51
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Seveashhee: google drive?18:52
hheeSeveas, thx, forgot about it18:52
MonkeyDusthhee  Box18:52
MonkeyDusthhee  box.com18:52
hheeMonkeyDust, cool thx18:53
hheeMonkeyDust, do you like it more then google drive or dropbox?18:53
MonkeyDusthhee  and onlyoffice.com18:53
MonkeyDusthhee  i don't use either18:54
Bashing-omhomsar: For your consideration . I once ran this bax as a file server - raided - . when I no longer had the need I repurposed to a home environment . removed raid as was more trouble than it was worth for a desktop PC . I have never regretted removing raid  for my use case .18:55
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lewltrowlHello, is it possible to add an iso file to /dev/sda3 for example then add a entry in grub for that partition?18:58
akiklewltrowl: yes you can mount iso files (-t iso9660 -o loop or -t udf -o loop)18:59
Bashing-omlewltrowl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot <-Ubuntu ISOs are designed to allow booting directly from the hard drive .18:59
Seveaslewltrowl: not really. You can mount it after boot, but you can't boot from it.18:59
Seveashmm, ok, I stand corrected. Obsolete knowledge :)18:59
akiklewltrowl: oh sorry skipped the grub thingy thing18:59
lewltrowlHehe ok18:59
lewltrowlBecause i need to resize my /root partition19:00
lewltrowlDont got any usb memory available19:00
lewltrowlSo i cant run live cd or usb19:00
lewltrowlGot any solutions?19:00
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Bashing-omlewltrowl: My experience is a real pain to figure out how to UNmount the root partition .19:01
MonkeyDustlewltrowl  yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot19:01
MonkeyDustoh Bashing-om was faster19:01
daumiere-installed thunderbird, I have given up on trying getting gmail working ...19:01
lewltrowlMonkeyDust: already tried that19:01
daumieTried all google stuff I could find19:02
lewltrowlBut i cant resize it because my iso is mounted from that particular partition19:02
Bashing-omMonkeyDust: Only this once . I generallly lag way behind you .19:02
m0ordzieK Hi yesterday everything was working fine, i didnt do anything and suddenly my sambaserver doesnt work anymore, it gives a Segmentation Fault if i try to start the daemon.19:09
ruptwelveHey guys! Is there anyone who can assist with initctl ?19:25
ruptwelveI am having issues with it, well, I am actually trying to figure something out19:25
tomreynruptwelve: i won't be able to help (got to run), but if you hope that anyone else will, you should explain what you are tryin got figure out, and trying to do, and what the issue seems to be19:26
ruptwelveThanks tomreyn19:27
ruptwelveI am just wondering if I can get exit codes from the script stanza ?19:27
ruptwelvefor example - my apache fails to start due to some issue with the httpd.conf  - but when running  it via initctl start httpd19:27
ruptwelveit shows it as "started"19:27
ruptwelvebut it actually is not19:27
ruptwelveis there a way I can get a $? out of the script stanza?19:28
michaelrosecan't you just start apache?19:30
ruptwelveWell I can, but the system we have is basically triggering initctl that starts apache19:30
ruptwelveNo systemd19:31
ruptwelveand no init19:31
ruptwelvean init script basically runs initctl19:31
michaelroseI meant to see what was wrong19:31
ruptwelveWell I perfectly know what is wrong - I made the mistake myself19:32
ruptwelvebut I want to be sure, that future users19:32
ruptwelvecan actually see if apache fails to start19:32
ruptwelveBecause just from the service httpd start (initctl start httpd) everything seems fine19:32
ruptwelveAnd for some reason even though apache fails, intictl has an exit code of 019:32
michaelroseare you running an old version of ubuntu?19:33
ruptwelveIts actually Amazon Linux under Elastic Beanstalk - but it is using initctl (which is an Ubuntu thing)19:34
akikinitctl is an upstart thing. still supported because it's in 14.0419:35
ruptwelveYeah - right19:35
ruptwelvebut upstart is not usually found on Centos Based distros19:35
ruptwelveSo I am just wondering19:35
ruptwelvehow can I get an exit status19:36
ruptwelvefrom the script part :)19:36
ruptwelveI tried numerous things - but nothing seems to work19:36
michaelroseare you using a centos based distro?19:36
ruptwelveAmazon Linux19:37
michaelroseis this brokenness where a service fails to start but doesn't report this normal behavior for amazon linux?19:38
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ruptwelveIt seems to be broken with Elastic Beanstalk (an AWS service)19:38
ruptwelvethat is, if you are using Elastic beanstalk with PHP (apache) it seems to use upstart to start apache19:39
ruptwelveinstead of just standard init.d19:39
ruptwelvewell - actually init.d starts an upstart script19:39
ruptwelveIts a bit complicated19:39
michaelroseI'm guessing you would look at the service file for apache19:39
michaelroseand unscrewup that first19:40
ruptwelveThat is actually the problem19:40
ruptwelvethe service file /etc/init/httpd.conf19:40
ruptwelveThere I have a problem in handling errors19:40
ruptwelvethat is, when upstart tries to start that service19:41
CrashTestDummyHello. I just got a new laptop. I cannot get the wifi card or bluetooth to be recognized. The soundcard is also not recognized. Can someone help me ?19:41
CrashTestDummyWhat is the usual p[rocedure for this ?19:41
ruptwelveeven if the service fails, upstart exits with a code of 019:41
akikruptwelve: /etc/init is for upstart configs19:41
ruptwelveeven if I state exit 119:41
ruptwelveit exits19:41
ruptwelveakik: correct19:41
ruptwelveand that is what I am trying to troubleshoot19:41
ruptwelveto get some better handling there19:42
ksftI'm on Ubuntu 16.06, and I have an integrated Intel graphics card and a dedicated Nvidia one. If I install proprietary Nvidia drivers, I get a login loop the next time X starts.19:42
akikruptwelve: you can create your own functionality in those scripts to do checks19:42
michaelroseisn't there a separation between the service file and configuration file for the service?19:42
ksftWithout them, I can log in normally, but I can't use the Nvidia graphics card.19:42
ruptwelveI can make a pre-start script that will check the configuration of apache19:42
ruptwelvewhich is fine19:42
ruptwelvebut that covers only onet hing19:42
michaelroseI would think the service file would be /etc/init.d/whatever19:42
ruptwelvemichaelrose: you are correct19:42
ruptwelveand the service file basically runs initctl httpd service19:43
ruptwelveinitctl start httpd19:43
ruptwelveand then responds based on the exit code19:43
akikruptwelve: there's also post-start19:43
ruptwelvebut the exit code is alway 0 no matter if the service starts or not19:43
ruptwelvebut - post-start works ONLY if the service starts19:44
michaelroseit should be possible to look at the status and determine whether the service started19:44
ruptwelveif there is an issue with the service start the script ends19:44
ruptwelveall upstart configs run as /bin/sh -e19:44
ruptwelvethat means as soon as there is an error the script ends19:44
ruptwelveso no further commands are performed19:44
akikruptwelve: how about modifying the "script" part to add the check after the binary is started19:45
michaelroseor just wrap the script in your own script19:45
ruptwelveakik: I was thinking of that but if you put something like:19:45
michaelroseany changes to an init script would be overwritten on update19:46
ruptwelvethis is part of the scrip /usr/sbin/httpd -someparameters19:46
michaelrosewhereas your own script that initiates the service then checks then does something not only will not be overwritten but will additionally be able to do something much smarter on failure19:46
ruptwelveand if that fails - the initclt just stops running additional commands and shows the job as running19:47
ruptwelvemichaelrose: That is a good idea19:47
ruptwelveI will try some script wrapper19:47
ruptwelvebut the problem is initctl cannot give any output19:47
ruptwelvemaybe I can grep fax | [h]ttpd19:47
ruptwelveand see if the process runs19:47
DirksonHey all. Trying to use the liveusb image - Is there an Ubuntu Way to remount the damn usb drive as read/write?19:49
michaelroseDirkson, its called the mount command19:50
michaelroseman mount19:50
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OerHeksit is a read-only file, so no.19:50
michaelroseI thought he meant the drive19:51
OerHeksthere is a way to make the left space persistent.19:51
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:52
Dirksonmichaelrose: Yeah, that doesn't appear to give me write access. Can't chown, even as root, and paste operations don't work.19:52
michaelroseDirkson, you can copy the files from the iso file then make changes then use mkisofs19:52
bigl0afqq: was the uncompressed Packages file on the Ubuntu Archive repo supposed to go missing lately? Example: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/19:53
OerHeksbad advise, the live iso is read only for a reason19:53
CrashTestDummyIs there a way to find type and version of a wifi card when it is not recognized in ubuntu?19:53
john_421hello i am super new to blender and i just wonder if anyone know a tutorial to accomplish something similar to http://www.carboun.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/3.jpg19:53
OerHeksDirkson, what is your goal??19:53
ksftjohn_421: try #blender19:54
DirksonOerHeks: I want to copy files from the host computer to the usb stick. I'm starting to think "Just install Debian to the stick, Dirkson" is the correct answer.19:54
john_421ksft: heck i thought i was in blender group :D sorry19:54
CrashTestDummyi can see "WiFi hardware radio set enabled"19:55
CrashTestDummybut cannot do anything with it19:55
OerHeksDirkson, prepair the liveiso with that persistant part19:55
OerHekselse use a 2nd usb19:55
DirksonThere we go. I can just copy things into the terminal - I can't figure out how to give my user write permissions, but root has them. Whatever, this'll work for as long as I need it to work.19:57
OerHekscopy in terminal with mouse, not ctrl v19:57
OerHeksor SHIFT crl v19:58
MozillaFirefox20shut up19:58
MozillaFirefox20hey guys19:58
MozillaFirefox20running ubuntu on windows 10 using vmware20:00
ksftjust letting us know20:00
tomreynCrashTestDummy: did you get any help, yet?20:02
tomreyni'm not here for long but while i am, i can try (may need to leave at once)20:03
mozillafirefox-2hey i am running ubuntu on a windows 10 using vmware20:03
mozillafirefox-2you noob20:03
WaVis the KDE framework available via the package manager? Trying to install Konversation from source and cant find it. I would install konversation via the package manager but it doesn't have the newest version.20:03
mozillafirefox-2we have windows!20:04
MonkeyDustmozillafirefox-2  your question being...20:04
CrashTestDummyno tomreyn20:04
mozillafirefox-2windows 98 is cheap and stupid i am mozillafirefox200320:04
MonkeyDustmozillafirefox-2  stop20:05
CrashTestDummyI am still looking for a solution20:05
mozillafirefox-2windows 98 is nooby cheap and stupid looking20:05
tomreynCrashTestDummy: which ubuntu version are you using?20:05
OerHeks!ot | mozillafirefox-220:05
ubottumozillafirefox-2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:05
CrashTestDummyi am using ubuntu gnome 16.0420:05
OerHeksdon't feed the trolls ..20:05
CrashTestDummyit is a baytrail with an NM1020:05
mozillafirefox-2thanks noob20:05
CrashTestDummyip a tells me there is no wifi card20:06
mozillafirefox-2hey steve_jobs do you work for apple20:06
karic@CrashTestDummy does ipconfig show a wireless interface?20:07
CrashTestDummykaric You mean ifconfig?20:07
bigl0afqq: was the uncompressed Packages file on the Ubuntu Archive repo supposed to go missing lately? Example: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/20:07
CrashTestDummykaric or you really mean ipconfig?20:08
karic(22:07:19) karic: ifconfig*20:08
CrashTestDummyifconfig and 'ip a' do not show any wireless interfaces karic and tomreyn20:08
morpheus7hello - can you configure l2tp/ipsec vpn on ubuntu 14.04 LTS as a client?20:08
CrashTestDummyI can see in 'kern.log' 'NetworkManager WiFi hardware radio set enabled"20:10
NetekI want to create a script so that on a local server I can use a web form for creating new remote nginx vhosts.  Would bash be ideal?20:11
karicwasn't here from beginning do you have drivers installed and od does lspci show your card?20:11
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Netekrunning from a local server means only myself and my partner can access the script20:11
riqjhello everyone, the wifi network symbol on my upper pane disappears very often when my display resumes from sleep. how can I fix this?20:12
tomreynCrashTestDummy: find out which wireless chipset it comes with. check outputs of lspci and lcusb commands20:12
tomreynCrashTestDummy: find out which wireless chipset it comes with. check outputs of lspci and lsusb commands20:12
tomreyn^ typo corrected20:13
tomreynif i got this right the intel NM10 chipset comes with a 3945ABG solved on20:13
riqjI often need to do 'service network-manager restart' and currently that even didnt bring back the wifi symbol (yet the device is connected to wifi)20:13
tomreyngotto go, sorry20:14
m0ordzieKWhen using Linux20:14
m0ordzieKMarihuana is your best friend20:14
m0ordzieKTo keep calm20:14
MonkeyDustm0ordzieK  wrong channel20:15
CrashTestDummytomreyn I n. This is the output. I cannot identify it >>> https://codeshare.io/r49LC20:16
CrashTestDummykaric Maybe you can help me ? This is the devices >>> https://codeshare.io/r49LC20:21
fuubaarDoes anyone know if there is a gparted dev chat somewhere ?20:23
OerHeksCrashTestDummy, what laptop is this?20:23
karicCrashTestDummy  it is a external or internal car20:23
karici see you are using external ethernet20:24
CrashTestDummy0erHeks A chiinese laptop i got for very cheap. It is the nameless20:24
CrashTestDummykaric it is internal20:24
fuubaarirc.gnome.org #gparted20:24
CrashTestDummyi am now connected with a network cable via usb20:25
karicI don't know then it should at least show it at lspci did it work on windows or some other os?20:25
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CrashTestDummykaric 0erHeks this is the laptop >>> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/14-inch-laptop-Free-Shipping-high-quality-ultrabook-4GB-RAM-64G-HDD-with-Windows-10/32701795143.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.59.EONaXE20:26
olivertheredI'm having some scheduling issues, mostly around fileio20:29
olivertheredare brain fuck implementations useful20:29
OerHeksCrashTestDummy, looking at that lspci, it is a side-brand model, official ID numbers missing .. maybe the output of ' lshw '  can give clarity20:29
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MonkeyDustoliverthered  mind your language ... scheduling, like cron?20:30
olivertheredperformance is very good on older single sore systems even when running over usb2 via dvd20:30
olivertheredThe Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS) is a process scheduler designed for the Linux kernel in August 2009 as an alternative to the Completely Fair Scheduler and the O(1) scheduler.[2] BFS was created by veteran kernel programmer Con Kolivas.[3]20:30
MonkeyDustoh dear20:30
CrashTestDummy0erHeks I am checking now20:31
tgm4883Yea, it's the actual name20:31
Guest28781I can't get my bluetooth speaker to work right with ubuntu.  I can get it to connect but only with awful quality. When I try to change the audio profile from (HSP/HFP) to a2dp_sink it throws "Failed to change profile to a2dp_sink"20:31
tgm4883oliverthered: however, you could use the abbrievated name, and stop posting it in this channel20:31
olivertheredit was initially implemented using shell scripts20:31
olivertheredBFS it is20:31
olivertherediohangs on copies seem to be a big issue20:32
olivertheredcoppies / moves20:32
olivertheredesp when multiple files are being moved via dolphin from SSD to USB3 drive20:33
olivertheredplasma is sitting at over 100% CPU20:33
olivertheredmost of 8 cores are running very high20:33
olivertheredxorg is also high20:33
olivertheredfile.io processes are also running high20:33
CrashTestDummy0erheks i updated the codeshare . If you want to help then all help is welcone20:33
olivertheredtried adjusting scheduling priories manually, had success (once) ... I think they resporn20:33
CrashTestDummyThank you so far for all your help20:34
olivertheredis there a fairly stock non vanilla kernal that works well with ubuntu20:35
yanchohi. we have 2 edge switches on which there are 8 vlans which we need to pass them to untangle which is a guest-vm on vmware. we have 8 fibre cables aggregated into 1 vSwitch as 1 port group and passed to untangle as 1 NIC. 1) what would be the best way to aggregate please? 2) no tagged traffic is reaching untangle. any ideas? thanks!20:35
olivertheredthanks, RTFM :-)20:36
Jordan_Uoliverthered: https://lwn.net/Articles/682582/20:36
Guest28781Nothing for Bluetooth?20:37
OerHeksCrashTestDummy, no, it does not help me further :-(20:39
CrashTestDummyThank you for all your help20:40
=== Afrotoast is now known as afro_work
Guest98141hello i have xubuntu and it freezes when I watch videos. the sound loops so you can hear that it froze. when I move the mouse quickly it sometimes comes back but if i don't I have to restart everything becomes unresponsive20:43
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MWMIm getting a complaint about a missing "shared library" and I cannot fine it :   libdb-4.8.so20:45
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k1lMWM: which ubuntu is it?20:46
MWMubuntu server 16.0420:46
k1lwhat software does need that? because that is only available in 12.0420:46
olivertheredI'm still getting a lot of CPU from Xorg... radion driver had some issues also in latest update... I've been using krita20:47
MWMI was afraid of that.  I am trying to use squidguard20:47
Guest28781Also, should I select audio sink, handsfree or headphone for my bluetooth speaker?20:47
MWMI have no idea what to do when libraries are obseleted like that... is there a solution?20:48
olivertheredah widget issue20:48
k1lMWM: that is a good sign, that the software you use is not really maintained and should not be used online at all20:48
skinuxCan Ubuntu's mobile software be installed onto a factory Android powered LG Power phone?20:48
MonkeyDust!phone | skinux20:49
ubottuskinux: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:49
skinuxjoin #ubuntu-touch20:49
rick6860After using awhile, MATE seems to hang or slow down. Is there something I can do about it?20:49
k1l!info squidgard20:49
ubottuPackage squidgard does not exist in xenial20:49
MWMthanks for confirming my suspicion kil.  Ill go see what I can find20:50
k1l!info squidguard20:50
ubottusquidguard (source: squidguard): filter and redirector plugin for Squid. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-5 (xenial), package size 106 kB, installed size 247 kB20:50
k1lthere, it is in the repo. did you use that?20:50
MWMif I can install it from the repos though?  "sudo apt-get squidguard" got it for me20:51
Guest98141it happens more frequently lately i have 14.0420:52
MWMahh  I seem missspelled the first time , squidgard.squidguard...thats why ubotto said it wasnt there20:52
MWMyes I installed from the repos.20:52
Hawrombaywhat would be the command syntax to remotely run a command on a server and display the output without actually connecting via ssh20:55
SeveasHawrombay: magic.20:56
HawrombaySeveas: you're so funny20:57
riqjhello everyone, the wifi network symbol on my upper pane disappears very often when my display resumes from sleep. how can I fix this?20:58
SeveasHawrombay: how else would you run a command remotel without connecting to that remote?20:58
jattconnect via telnet20:58
_adbHawrombay: do you really need to avoid an ssh connection or are you trying to run a single command without spawning an interactive shell? ssh can take a command argument: ssh myremoteserver 'hostname', for example, will run the hostname command on the remote machine and show the output to stdout20:58
Seveasjatt: the 90's called and want their insecure crap back :)20:58
lordcirthHawrombay, if you run ssh with a command as an argument, it does that20:58
Hawrombaythank you _adb20:59
Hawrombayand thank you lordcirth20:59
Seveasriqj: is nm-applet killed or does NetworkManager itself stop?20:59
Seveas_adb, lordcirth: both of those still connect via ssh...21:00
lordcirthSeveas, yes, they do, but that's what he wanted.  He just didn't want a shell21:00
_adbSeveas: hence the question i asked... seems a case where the problem isn't the ssh, it's running commands remotely without requiring an interactive shell to do it21:00
Seveaslordcirth: that's not what he asked, he asked how to avoid connecting via ssh...21:01
Hawrombayimproper phrasing, I apologize21:01
SeveasHawrombay: well, just be glad we have two people who could read your mind. Still magic to me :)21:01
_adbHawrombay: if you do pass commands as arguments to ssh, be careful with quoting and escaping characters. the string will be interpreted both locally and remotely21:01
Seveasand remotely it'll be passed to sh -c, so quoting can go even more wonky.21:02
=== SamuraiAlba is now known as L3gacy
riqjSeveas, when I open the lid of the laptop pc, and re-login, the wifi symbol and the network list is 1)sometimes disappears from the upper tray, as it is now 2) the wifi symbol is there, but only one strangely named network is shown21:04
riqjnot every time, but often enough this happens21:04
riqjand in the former case, not even network manager restart can sometimes help21:04
k1lriqj: that sounds like a "module is loaded but the hardware wasnt ready yet" issue on resume21:04
riqjk1l, and while nothing about wifi is shown as it is the case now, I am yet connected21:05
Seveask1l: neh, it's networkmanager going berserk21:05
k1luh, ok21:05
riqjbut sometimes, as in second case when a bizarre single network is displayed, I cant bring back the actual list of networks no matter what. so I need to restart the pc21:06
Seveasriqj: 3 solutions for 3 different situations. Not seeing your own network: sudo iwlist scan. icon gone but network works: nm-applet network all kinds of wonky: killall nm-applet, start nm-applet, restart network-manager21:06
_adbwhat would cause an ubuntu 14.04 machine (server install + packages to add a desktop environment) to join network (wired dhcp) no problem on boot, but then lose network connectivity 5-10 minutes later? consistently comes back (for a few minutes) after a reboot21:07
riqjSeveas, are each of these terminal commands as you wrote them?21:07
Seveasriqj: the applet and networkmanager itself can get out of sync in weird ways. I sometimes have to restart both after coming out of sleep. Got better with 16.04, but still happens.21:07
riqjSeveas, ironically, in my case, these began to occur with 16.04.21:08
Seveasriqj: the commands would be: sudo iwlist scan / killall nm-applet / nm-applet / sudo service network-manager restart21:08
riqjthank you very much Seveas, I will try these commands next time I have the problem21:09
riqjI was somehow disconnected..thank you very much Seveas, I will try these commands next time I have the problem21:11
Genitrustdoes anyone know of an easy way to only allow certain USB hard drives to mount under ubuntu?21:14
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_adbrgenito: do you want to disallow all hard drives except specific one(s) from mounting, or do you want to allow mounting any hard drive, but do it automatically for some list of them?21:16
hheehey! i have only suspend option in logout menu21:17
k1lrgenito: not a easy one.21:17
hheebut need a hibernate21:17
hheehow can i turn it on?21:17
hheeubuntu 16 lts21:17
rgenitodisallow ALL hard drives except "white listed" ones21:17
olivertheredhealthy body healthy mind, mend the gap21:19
Seveasrgenito: you can prevent them from being automounted, but you can't prevent them from being manually mounted21:19
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aroonilooks like my ubuntu 16.04 installation is messed up;  when i run host mydomain.com i'm getting  Host not found; 2 (SERVFAIL)21:20
rgenitoSeveas: ah ok21:21
rgenitoi wish i could just find and "hook into" the mounting functionality for hard drives.....21:21
rgenito...and the program my own rules >D21:21
rgenitowell, i could if i knew where to start looking to find that functionality21:21
_adbrgenito: maybe this will be useful: https://github.com/dkopecek/usbguard "a software framework for implementing usb device authorization policies"21:22
rgenitoooo thanks :D21:22
Sven_vBi'm trying to find the license agreement for my locally installed version of gnome-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme-extras. any ideas? most other icon themes have a license file in /usr/share/icons/$theme/, but not gnome21:22
WellDone2094hi, i have a problem with rEFInd, i installed ubuntu on my macbook with EFI boot and everything was working, than i wanted to install refind and set it as first boot option but the mac get stuck on black screen at boot while if i set ubuntu or mac as first boot option everything work21:22
Sven_vBI can't find a license info in aptitude show gnome-icon-theme either21:23
rgenito_adb: sweet, this may help21:23
rgenitoanyone know how to disable the rj45 interface easily? ;D21:23
rgenitoso you need root access to even be able to do ANYTHING with it? (or rip out that networking functionality all-together!!)21:23
k1lrgenito: sounds like you want a kiosk system21:24
_adbrgenito: i found that linked to on this thread: http://superuser.com/questions/820371/on-linux-how-do-i-enforce-a-whitelist-of-usb-devices which may also contain some useful information21:24
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Seveas_adb: usbguard looks useful, thanks!21:25
rgenitoya ;D21:25
rgenitoi wonder if it runs into the same udev problems i ran into...21:25
rgenitoand a buddy of mine ran into..21:25
Seveasrgenito: epoxy resin will disable the rj45 port quite nicely.21:25
rgenitok1l: yup21:25
rgenitoSeveas: ok that sounds like a good idea!21:25
_adbSeveas: hahaha. yeah, but re-enabling it might be a problem21:26
Seveas_adb: depends on the use case. If this is a 'ship once and trash if broken' setup, then who cares :)21:27
MelioI have win10/ubuntu 14x i wanna upgrade ubjntu to 16x is there a proper way to do this without user data loss21:27
MelioUbuntu isnt a dictionary work on my phone, must correct that21:27
Ben64ubuntu 14 what21:27
_adbi can see it now though: "i disabled my ports with epoxy under ubuntu, and now they dont work on ANY os!" :-)21:28
MelioLts version21:28
Ben64sudo do-release-upgrade21:28
rgenitoubjntu lol21:28
Melio14.0.1 i think21:28
k1lMelio: "lsb_release -sd" will tell the version21:29
MelioWill do-relase-upgrade be ok? Im from a inplace upgrade failure culture of old fedora crashes21:29
MelioIm not on my computet21:29
MelioIm on a phone irc chat21:29
k1lMelio: yes. that is the way to upgrade ubuntu21:29
k1lMelio: well you can run that command and tell us what the numbe ris that is the output21:30
wskydid anyone notice abnormal cpu usage of Xorg under 16.04 and intel gpu?21:30
MelioIt won't mess with grub dual boot?21:30
MelioK1l i can.21:30
MelioGive me a moment, bootin linux21:31
k1lMelio: why should it mess with grub dual boot?21:31
wskyafter some time of playing a opengl game xorg starts taking up one core and makes everything slugish forcing me to restart21:31
rgenitousb guard looks sweeet21:31
MelioK1l, it has to insert its version onbthe menu?21:32
MelioI guess it wont, butnincan edit it21:32
k1lMelio: i dont understand the issue.21:32
MelioIts a non issue, just a prediction21:32
curlyearsheigh hough21:33
rgenitothis USB Guard looks sweet @.@21:33
k1lMelio: if you have ubuntu manage the grub now already (which it does on a dualboot with win), then it does write a new grub menue on every kernel update already.21:33
MelioWhy do I have to ask it as a prediction21:33
rgenitoespecially since you can have certain actions be run when a USB gets inserted :D21:33
k1lMelio: because what you think as prediction is happening once a week already. i dont understand how that should be an issue now :)21:34
WellDone2094hi, i have a problem with rEFInd, i installed linux on my macbook with EFI boot and everything was working, than i wanted to install refind and set it as first boot option but the mac get stuck on black screen at boot while if i set ubuntu or mac as first boot option everything work21:34
MelioIm doing a release upgrade now, failure isnt going to bother me just like advisement to make things not fail because i simply didnt ask21:35
Melio14.04 btw21:36
Meliopoint release .521:37
MelioI wonder if i can play Minecraft while this upgrades lol21:37
MelioKust kidding im walkong away now so it can do ita thing21:38
prometxI am trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04.1, but the do-release-upgrade complains about my apt version. I don't see a newer version in my repos, will I have to download a newer deb to achieve this?21:38
lordcirthprometx, you've done 'apt-get dist-upgrade' ?21:39
amnixIn gnome-disks, the assessment says "Disk is OK, one failing attribute is failing." What does this mean?21:39
k1lprometx: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first21:39
jattnope upgrade should work smoothly21:39
Ben64amnix: drive might be dying21:40
k1lprometx: and what was the exact message?21:40
lordcirthamnix, you should be able to click and get more info.  But it's a bad sign21:40
amnixlordcirth: how do I get more info?21:40
Ben64amnix: sudo smartctl -a <device>21:40
prometxlordcirth, no will try, k1l, ditto21:41
lordcirthamnix, I don't have gnome installed here.  There should be a button, option, or rightclick for more info21:41
amnixBen64: "184 End-to-End_Error        0x0032   097   097   099    Old_age   Always   FAILING_NOW 3"21:42
amnixBen64: Is this the failing attribute?21:42
Ben64looks like it21:42
lordcirthamnix, that is exactly what that says, yes21:42
amnixlordcirth: What is this though? This hdd isn't that old either. Just a year since I bought this laptop.21:43
lordcirthamnix, make sure you have good backups immediately21:43
lordcirthamnix, there is a list here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.  But mostly, it may fail soon21:44
lordcirthamnix, it's fine to keep using it, just make sure to make frequent, tested backups and keep an eye on it.  Or if it's still in warranty replace the drive.21:44
amnixlordcirth: on the wikipedia page, it says the end to end error is a critical attribute...21:46
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lordcirthamnix, yup.21:47
lordcirthThe drive is failing.  It's just a matter of when21:47
amnixlordcirth: no way to fix a failing drive right?21:47
lordcirthamnix, not practically, no21:47
k1lamnix: no. just make sure to backup important stuff and order a new disk21:48
amnixlordcirth: do drives have a tendency to start failing after just a year of purchase?21:48
Ben64drives die, they're actually pretty bad21:48
lordcirthamnix, if you do end up replacing it, consider an SSD :)21:48
Ben64thats why backups are important21:48
Hawrombayamnix: here21:48
Ben64a year you might still be covered under warranty21:49
Hawrombayive seen that drives tend to fail around 20k-30k power on hours21:49
Hawrombayive also seen drives fail at < 100021:50
lordcirthRebelnet, hi21:51
Rebelnetwhats up21:51
Rebelnetoh Ubuntu, your my favorite linux base operating system21:53
wskyso anyone seen that issue on intel gpus?21:53
MelioSing the song of our people21:53
bipulDo ubuntu comes with pre-install watchdog daemon? because i am unable to find it.21:53
amnixlordcirth: could this possibly be a software bug? how can I know for sure the hdd is faulty?21:53
wskyMelio: does it invole machine guns?21:53
tgm4883bipul: watchdog?21:53
bipultgm4883, Yes.21:53
lordcirthamnix, the results are reported by the drive's controller.21:53
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tgm4883bipul: like a clock app that has a background of a dog?21:54
bipultgm4883, I am sorry?21:54
lordcirthamnix, you could try looking up your drive's make and model + "smart" and see if there are bug reports about it misreporting21:54
tgm4883bipul: are you asking if the app that is named "watchdog" is installed by default?21:55
bipulIf you are talking about watchdog functionality then yes.21:55
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bipultgm4883, Yes.21:55
tgm4883!details | bipul21:55
ubottubipul: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.21:55
tgm4883!info watchdog21:55
ubottuwatchdog (source: watchdog): system health checker and software/hardware watchdog handler. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.14-3ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 71 kB, installed size 230 kB21:55
tgm4883bipul: the app named 'watchdog' is not installed by default21:56
bipultgm4883, Thank you.21:58
Term1nalIt's been about 4 months now, is there any chance that the issue with credentials to network locations in Nautilus/Files will actually save when prompted to save with the given option "Forever/Until Logut/etc" ?21:58
Term1nalIt's been terribly frustrating.21:58
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aroonidid ubuntu 16.04 update shotwell such that it no longer has star ratings?22:00
k1l!info shotwell22:01
arooniyeah my grouped events seem to be gone too :(22:02
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
k1larooni: did shotwell remove them from verison 0.18 to 0.22 that is shipped in 16.04 now?22:02
arooninevermind; they are they22:03
aroonithere ; i was looking under a list of events i hadnt sorted yet22:03
MonkeyDustarooni  glad i could help22:05
VadyHey, where can I find the smtp server configuration?22:07
lordcirthVady, for what?22:08
MonkeyDustVady  in thunderbird?22:08
Vadyughm, no idea?22:08
Vadyoh, ubuntu version, one sec22:08
MonkeyDustVady  in which email client?22:08
Vadyis there a command to find out the version22:09
Vadyemail client? the default one? I think22:09
MonkeyDustVady  help > about, what does it say? thunderbird?22:09
Vadyughm, I have a terminal only version22:10
Vadyor whatever you call that22:10
MelioStill in place upgrading22:10
=== SamuraiAlba is now known as L3gacy
k1lVady: you have a clue what you do there at all? do you want to setup a email account in a email client? or do you want to run a smtp server?22:11
MonkeyDustVady  'i think', 'whatever you call that', it's all a bit vague, start from the beginnen, what are you doing22:11
VadyI want to setup sendgrid22:11
MonkeyDust!info sendgrid22:11
ubottuPackage sendgrid does not exist in xenial22:11
Vadyit's a 3rd party mailing system22:12
VadyAnd I have to "Change your SMTP username and password to your SendGrid credentials"22:12
Vadynevermind, I'm gonna use a library, thanks though.22:13
Term1nalTry this Vady: http://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2013/03/19/setting-up-sendmail-with-sendgrid-on-ubuntu/22:14
VadyTerm1nal, thanks.22:14
Term1nalAnyone have an idea on just how I can rectify an issue with saved credentials in Nautilus/Files ?22:17
=== Obadiah is now known as Obadiah1
w0jrlTerm1nal: To help you, we need more information. What kind of credentials do you have saved? What is not working the way you expect?22:22
Term1nalw0jrl: thanks for the reply. The credentials are to a Windows network share. In 14.04, I was able to have my credentials stored "forever" given the option on log-in.22:24
VadyDoes anyone know how to do you make composer update everything?22:24
Term1nalIt's a frequently accessed data store, and having to login again every day is cumbersome. The option simply seems to be ignored.22:25
lordcirthVady, like what?22:25
Vadythe libraries?22:26
Term1nalSimilarly, I have a what I think is related issue with the application Konversation (my IRC client of choice) when connecting to networks that have self-signed certificates. I am unable to set a certificate exception for future sessions, The options "This Session Only" and "Forever" are effectively useless.22:26
Term1nalIt may be unrelated to the first issue, but both of these issues occured when switching from 14.04 to 16.04.22:26
Term1nalIt was a fresh installation as well, and not an upgrade.22:27
Term1nal( back in april )22:27
Vadyfound it22:27
prometxHi, did dist-upgrade, which completed successfully, but still get "The required denepdency 'apt (>=1.0.1ubuntu2.13)' is not installed22:28
prometxwhen trying do-release-upgrade22:29
lordcirthprometx, what apt version do you have?22:29
dansthow do I prevent i915_bpo from loading? Adding "blacklist i915_bpo" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf doesn't help22:30
w0jrlTerm1nal: I also have to log into my shares everytime I want to access them. However, I have guest access enabled, so it's a little easier for me. Let me try to use an authorized account and see what happens.22:30
lordcirthdanst, perhaps it is being loaded in initramfs22:30
danstlordcirth: I have updated initramfs22:31
danstlordcirth: maybe there's some initramfs-modules-special-place to put a blacklist string on22:31
Term1nalw0jrl, my credentials aren't changing daily, so I should be able to access my windows shares by rembembering the credentials in Nautilus. the option proves effectively useless between ubuntu login sessions.22:31
Term1nalThe "remmeber until logout" does seem to work when unmounting the share and remounting it again while in the same ubuntu login session.22:32
Term1nalBut "forever" does not function as expected.22:32
lordcirthdanst, if you do "lsmod | grep  i915_bpo", are there any modules depending on it?22:32
w0jrlTerm1nal: Checking...22:32
_adbexcept for security patches what are some good reasons to upgrade a working server (12.04 in this case) to a newer version of ubuntu? it works now, and there are fears that any changes will break it22:32
danstlordcirth: probably should disable intel_ips also, thanks for pointing that out22:33
Term1nal_adb: incremental kernel changes that improve performance, I'd imagine.22:33
lordcirthdanst, yes, if anything depends on it, you need to blacklist them too22:33
Term1nal_adb: I'd also say that the repos on 12.04 are -rather- stale at this point.22:33
Term1naland growing nearer and nearer to the 5year cutoff of security patches.22:34
Term1nalas for "changes that will break it" it depends on the services you're running.22:34
_adbTerm1nal: performance hasn't been an issue in the past, and workload isn't increasing. the fear of change is more human than technical in this case22:35
Term1nal4+ years is a long time for services, could be major breaking changes in configurations/etc.22:35
Term1nalas well, not sure if systemd was on 12.04, can't remember.22:36
Term1nalnot sure if that is a big deal or not.22:36
_adbsystemd wasn't introduced until 15; not in lts until 1622:36
Term1nalMy suggestion would be to migrate to a fresh 16.04 and re-configure your services to match.22:36
Term1nalWhat do you run on said server?22:37
w0jrlTerm1nal: Saved creds work for me. You might want to file a bug against Nautilus.22:37
Term1nalw0jrl: as far as I am aware there has been a bug already filed.22:37
Term1nalIt's been plaguing me since april.22:37
Term1nalI don't want to nuke it and start over for something so trivial.22:38
_adbTerm1nal: i agree. that's what i have in mind, but i need to bring more compelling arguments than "the newer version is shinier" to my supervisors before they'll sign off on the time. the server does dhcp, some web caching,... nothing too intense22:38
Term1nalmy hope is that it's a permission thing or something.22:38
w0jrlDo you have the bug report number?22:38
chalcedny_adb, the security being more up to date is usually enough. everything gets hacked these days and that IS expensive22:39
Term1nal_adb: that might be the good way to sell it "painless migration, since all we're doing is <x> <y>, and we're nearing the end of our lifespan on security backports, better to get on the ball early rather than be behind when the next heartbleed is found."22:39
w0jrlNVM, found it.22:39
Term1nalI ususally find that threatening "the next heartbleed" in terms of upgrades as a good way to get mangers to approve.22:41
_adbchalcedny: Term1nal: thanks for the input. i'll see if that works22:41
chalcednygood luck _adb :)22:42
Term1nal_adb: if they need further convincing, maybe show them the latest "mega vuln" with that TCP exploit that was recently discovered.22:45
Term1nal"oh, 12.04 is vulnerable, the newest kernel has it fixed already!"22:45
w0jrlTerm1nal: Is this the bug you were referring to? !LP: #131812422:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1318124 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "nautilus does not recall sftp password across user sessions" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131812422:51
Term1nalshould append to that Windows shares and not just SFTP :P22:52
AmedioYyoGood night22:59
Term1nalty w0jrl, time to take off, peace out22:59
AmedioYyoI have a problem with Blender. I can not see the cube in object mode but yes in edit mode. Could you help me?23:00
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AmedioYyoWhat driver is off?23:02
AmedioYyoCould you help me, please?23:02
AmedioYyoAny idea?23:03
_adbAmedioYyo: is hardware acceleration enabled? what video card are you using?23:04
AmedioYyoI do not know this. But Blender in first is operated. The problem come when I install other programs. What driver is broken?23:09
wskyAmedioYyo: contact the blender support23:11
AmedioYyoI try to solve this problem in blender chats but nobody gave my the solution23:12
AmedioYyoThanks a lot. Good night. bye23:14
lordcirthSinnerman, hi23:17
ksftI'm not sure if this is a good place to ask this, but I'm trying to learn how to use SSH. I have OpenSSH and a public key. How do I get it to use the key?23:17
SinnermanHow would I go about getting my current box to determine the IP of a second box that connects to my intranet via DHCP so I could use their hostname to ssh into them? Automatically...23:18
ksfteverything I can find about this seems to assume you already know such a basic thing23:18
_adbksft: put your ssh public key in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine and ensure that this file (and the containing directory) have appropriate permissions set23:19
th0rSinnerman, if I understand your question, you would add a line to the /etc/hosts file. That would permit you to enter 'ssh hostname' instead of 'ssh ip'23:19
wskyksft: use ssh-copy-id user@host to install the key on the server23:19
ksft_adb: what are the appropriate permissions?23:19
Sinnermanth0r: It works if it is a static IP. How do I do this with a dynamically allocated IP via DHCP?23:20
ksftwsky: How do I give ssh-copy-id the key?23:20
th0rSinnerman, only if the other node is handled through dns. If you are talking about local nodes, you would have to run your own dns23:20
wskyksft: well first you need to generate it with ssh-keygen23:20
dowwiehow do I go about raising an issue related to Ubuntu 16.0.4 with regards to the python3.5 that it comes packaged with?23:20
OerHekspretty good ssh guide23:20
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:20
wskyksft: then just ssh-copyid to the server23:21
_adbksft: on the remote machine ensure that only the owning user can write to the directory .ssh and to the file authorized_keys in that file. on your local machine, ensure that only you have read permissions of the private key. use ls -l to check what the permissions and ownership are currently, and chmod/chown if necessary to change them23:21
dowwie?help issue23:21
OerHeksdowwie, you can ask here, or file a bugreport?23:21
=== juniox is now known as Alt-Ox
ksftI'm trying to connect to my computer from my phone, just to learn about SSH.23:22
Sinnermanth0r: I know the machine broadcasts its hostname, because if I use fing on my android phone (some kinda network scanner), it correctly detects the hostname. I was wondering if we had a similar functionality on *NIX for this.23:22
SinnermanAnd to add this on the fly to /etc/hosts.23:22
ksftDoes the key include the "ssh-rsa" part at the beginning?23:22
ksftthe part I should put in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, that is23:22
th0rSinnerman, as far as I know...for ssh you need the ip. Additionally, I disable dns lookup on my ssh client as it slows things down while it tries to access dns.23:22
ksfter, authorised_keys23:23
_adbksft: yes, that is your public key. it should be named something like "id_rsa.pub"23:23
th0rSinnerman, all my nodes on my network run static ip for just that reason.23:23
dowwieOerHeks:  are you running 16.04?  you should be able to see this issue too23:23
ksftoh, I got it!23:23
ksftI spelled it with an S because I thought I read that somewhere23:24
Sinnermanth0r: I would too, except I have guests at mine, and my wife's devices. I could configure the router to assign static IPs to a couple of the boxes I guess.23:24
dowwiethe problem I found in 16.04, Python3.5 default library, can be replicated in one of two ways and is related to the cryptography library23:24
th0rSinnerman, if you are talking about guests on your local net, you would have to run your own dns to get it to work. Would pose quite an interesting project <smile>23:24
_adbksft: now i'm curious: is there localization set up so that it's going to look at your quaint spelling of authorized? did you save the key in .ssh/authorized_keys or .ssh/authorised_keys?23:24
dowwieif someone with 16.04 were to try to "pip install --upgrade cryptography" they would see an openssl exception raise23:25
Sinnermanth0r, and I bought a Mac Mini so I didn't have to worry about tinkering with this stuff.23:25
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dowwiethis is the installation page for the cryptrography library:  https://cryptography.io/en/latest/installation/23:25
th0rSinnerman, if you are limiting to one guest at a time, limit your wifi router to one dhcp address, then you will always know the guest is that address23:25
dowwiethe other way to replicate the exception is by creating a new python3.5 virtual environment and trying to pip install cryptography23:26
Sinnermanth0r: I'm looking at the router settings. I think I can assign static IPs based on MAC addresses.23:26
promettrying to update 14.04 to 16.04.1, seems like I need to be at 14.04.4 to do this successfully, but dist-upgrade cannot get me there, any thoughts?23:26
th0rSinnerman, that was going to be my next suggestion <smile>23:26
dowwieOerHeks:  thoughts?23:28
Guest9300Hey I have a quick question about apt and how it caches entries in /etc/apt/source.list.d. For example, say I installed golang by adding a golang.list and then did apt install golang. This works. Then I uninstall golang and remove the golang.list. In that scenario, I shouldn't be able to apt install golang anymore, right? Or would golang.list be cached somewhere?23:28
OerHeksdowwie, reading ...23:28
Keitarohey guys do you know if we can upgrade our ubuntu if we got a very old version23:29
OerHeksdowwie, i see a lot of simular problems, related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.5/+bug/157489223:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574892 in python3.5 (Ubuntu Xenial) "IDLE 3.5.1+ runtime error on Options -> Configure IDLE" [Undecided,Fix released]23:29
Keitaroi mean i would like to install ubuntu on my notebook and i have an old live cd23:29
Keitaroinstead of burn a new cd because i have no cd rom ^^23:29
_adbKeitaro: can you install from a usb disk instead of cd drive?23:30
bazhangwhat version Keitaro23:30
Keitaroold version i have the 10.1023:30
Keitarono i don't have usb :/23:31
bazhangKeitaro, thats long end of life support, so not really doable23:31
Keitaroif i install with 10.10 can i upgrade to the last version after ?23:31
Keitaroah oki23:31
bazhangget the latest 16.0423:31
OerHeks10.10 > 11.04>11.10>12.04 > 14.04 > 16.0423:32
Keitaroarf i see23:32
Keitaroah yeah23:32
_adbKeitaro: do you mean that you cannot burn new cds, but you happen to have an old 10.10 disk around, so you're hoping to install that and upgrade to latest?23:32
Keitaroi have 1giga bit usb drive is it enough ?23:32
Keitarojut found it23:32
Keitaro1 gb23:33
Keitaroyes _adb i thought about that23:33
bazhangget a two gb one Keitaro23:33
Keitarono it is only 1 gb23:33
Keitarodon't have more23:33
bazhangyes, purchse one that is larger23:34
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dowwieOerHeks:  it may be a related issue but.. I literally just net install the newest ubuntu version today and still got the issue.. and they closed that ticket23:35
Keitarobecause if i remember before we can burn a live cd on ubuntu with only a simple cd23:35
_adbKeitaro: the server install is <1gb. that'd fit on your usb stick, but wouldn't give you many things you may expect, like a graphical environment23:35
bazhangKeitaro, the cd sized ones are long gone23:35
OerHeksdowwie, maybe worth to file a new one?23:36
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:36
dowwieOerHeks:  reading through how to file one .. discouraged me from trying!23:36
_adbKeitaro: lubuntu may be a better option for you than ubuntu server... those isos are <1gb as well23:36
Keitaro_abd is it possible to install with my 1gb usb and after download all other package need from the net ?23:36
_adbKeitaro: yes23:37
bazhangKeitaro, get the mini iso for that23:37
Keitarooki thx23:37
bazhang!mini | Keitaro23:37
ubottuKeitaro: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:37
backboxi am a sexy cute little girl23:37
Keitarooki i will do that thx23:37
backboxshow me ur boobs23:37
Keitarobefore i did that with arch so with ubuntu it won't be so hard23:38
bazhangthats correct Keitaro23:38
LangleyHelp, sometimes when unplugging/plugging an external monitor to my laptop, the screen(s) goes crazy with rainbow snow or blinking, fan goes to 100% and I can only force shut down. Running Ubuntu MATE 16.0423:39
dowwieoh my god what a fucking horrible bug reporting process23:39
bazhangnocursing here dowwie23:39
LangleyGuess I should file a bug report too? What info do I need to add?23:44
OerHeksif you connect  an ext monitor properly, turned off, and FN key on your laptop set to internal monitor, then this should not happen23:47
OerHeksjust janking the plug, well .. i am glad it is not broken23:48
LangleyIt's HDMI, pretty sure it's hot pluggable23:48
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danstguys, can't blacklist i915_bpo23:55
danstplease help23:55
danstupdating initramfs doesn't help, xenial, grub in efi23:56
danstanything I do results in rebooting and seeing i915_bpo loaded in lsmod23:56
naccdanst: did you try modprobe.blacklist=i915_bpo passed to your kernel?23:57
dansthm sounds cool, will try23:57
OerHekssudo update-initramfs -u will help too23:58

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