
flocculantsakrecoer: I've triggered a rebuild of your iso - apparently gnupg1 isn't showing, if that doesn't show signs of movement in an hour or so you'll need to find someone to sort out the tracker for you in -release06:52
sakrecoerthank you flocculant ! \o/07:50
sakrecoerit failed again..08:51
sakrecoerkactivitymanagerd : Breaks: kactivities (< 5.20~) but 5.18.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed08:51
sakrecoerplasma framework and calligra (scribus?) seem to require it if under stand the germinate thing right.08:55
zequencesakrecoer: plasma-framework is pulled in because of kactivities, while kactivitymanagerd is pulled in by plasma-framework10:24
zequencesakrecoer: Check with the Kubuntu team. Perhaps they will know more10:24
zequenceThey do the packaging of those packages, most probably.10:25
zequenceLogic (if mine is sound) dictates that they should be having a problem as well10:26
sakrecoer< Laney> sakrecoer: libkactivities6 has a Recommends  on kactivities, which is a package that  kactivities-kf5 has dropped10:41
sakrecoerzequence: that is what i was told in -release.. also just got suggested to reach out to kubuntu-dev10:42
zequenceardour is already in the archive10:57
zequenceSo, updating seeds and our meta10:57
sakrecoerlooks like its night time in kubuntu...11:18
sakrecoeroh.. could be lunch too...11:18
zequenceShould be lots of Europeans in there. Think KDE was most popular in Germany, at least in the past11:20
sakrecoerjust got a response :) apparaently yofel need to look into it, and he will back this evening... 11:26
flocculantI'll let simon guide you then - works for me :)15:59
flocculantI can just smoketest if needed15:59
flocculantwhich is useful as gnome asked for help from me via someone else ... 16:02
sakrecoerthank you flocculant :) you are a peamond!16:06
sakrecoeri ment diamond16:06
sakrecoerweird... my irssi shell get banans as soon as i type a non standard character...16:07
sakrecoeräwanted to put it in swedish first, we say "you are a perl"16:08
flocculantperl or pearl :p16:08
sakrecoerhmm.... good quesiton :D16:08
sakrecoerthe shiny ones that grow from sand in sea shells16:08
flocculantsoftware or oyster irritation :D16:08
sakrecoerobviously not in irssi shels :D16:08
flocculantI love being an irritation :p16:09
sakrecoeri never thought of ti like that :D16:09
flocculanttrust me to ;)16:09
sakrecoerso it seems Krita is the responsible for pulling in kactivitymanagerd17:13
sakrecoera memeber of Kubuntu-devel said krita and caligra needed to be updated..17:13
sakrecoerasked if we had a MOTU member, or "someone who can upload stuff"... i reckon that would be you zequence ? how to update it, i don't know..17:14
sakrecoerthe log isn't up to date as of now... but it starts here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/08/23/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t16:1217:16
zequencesakrecoer: I can't upload anything beyond our own packages17:17
zequenceBy our own, I mean packages starting with "ubuntustudio"17:17
zequenceOur own original source, that is17:17
sakrecoerit seems krita didn't make it into yakkety...17:18
zequenceKubuntu used to have plenty of uploaders in the past, but I guess they have suffered a bit since their last project lead was forced down17:18
zequenceWhat do you mean, didn't make it?17:18
sakrecoerwell.. the latest krita isn't there... needs to be uploaded, if i understand clivejo correctly...17:19
zequenceSince they are in charge of those packages (the Kubuntu package set), it is their job to make sure those are working and functional17:20
zequenceHmm, Krita is not in there it seems17:21
zequenceIt's a KDE app, but I guess since they don't include it by default17:21
zequenceWhat exactly is needed then? Is the package updated in Debian (in that case one can do a request-sync)?17:21
zequenceOur package set is not updated. But, none of us has upload rights to that yet, so17:22
sakrecoeri don't know what exactly is needed i'm affraid...17:23
zequenceWell, which version of Krita and Caligra are needed?17:23
sakrecoerclivejo suggested we do https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess17:23
zequenceAnd, to check which versions are in Debian, you can use rmadison, like so: rmadison -u debian caligra17:23
sakrecoersupposidly version 317:23
sakrecoerhmm... "rmadison -u debian caligra" returned nothing 17:24
zequenceWell, yes, you always need to create a bug when you need someone to sponsor your upload17:24
zequencesakrecoer: That's cause there's no package named caligra. Which is the right name?17:25
sakrecoercaligra is the old name i think...17:25
zequenceFor what?17:25
zequenceTry the command with krita, anyway17:25
zequencermadison -u debian krita17:25
zequenceSeems the version in unstable is 2.8.517:26
sakrecoerold name for krita17:26
zequenceNo, sorry. There's nothing in unstable. Weird17:26
zequenceIt may have been removed from unstable because of a critical bug that was never fixed17:27
sakrecoeryeah... tsimonq2 stepped in and said he was in the mood for "bribing a sponsor"...17:27
zequencecalligra is the old name, not caligra17:28
zequenceOr, it is a suite (Calligra)17:28
zequencecalligra only exists as source in unstable.17:29
zequenceWell, this would be a good time to learn more about where packages are, and why they aren't where they should be17:29
zequenceQuestion is where to find the cause, and how to solve the problem17:29
sakrecoerperhaps you should join in the #kubuntu-devel discussion, zequence ?17:31
sakrecoerzequence: now that we are back at US, maybe we should let kubuntu be..? but perhaps, lets stay in there if they get back to us?17:50
sakrecoerthanks for stepping in though :)17:51
sakrecoer...there is only so much i can forward blindfolded...17:52
zequenceThere's plenty for me left to learn as well. Like, finding out why a package was dropped from Debian, and why it is not maintained17:52
zequenceAlways possible for someone to step in and do some packaging work17:52
zequenceRoss may be interested in doing that17:52
zequenceI think he is kind of eager to get more hands on experience with that, though he may not have all the time in the world17:53
zequenceRosco2: Hi18:09
zequenceJust answered your post on the mail list18:09
Rosco2ok - just reading18:10
sakrecoerhi Rosco2 o/18:10
zequenceThe build problems we have this cycle must beat some kind of a record18:11
zequenceAt least for us18:11
sakrecoer:D kindof reliefed to read that though...18:12
sakrecoerbut until we have it packaged, should we drop it?18:13
zequenceIf krita is not fixed, it may even need to be removed from the archive (along with the whole calligra suite) - since it is in fact not being maintained currently, as it seems18:13
zequenceYes, we should drop it from our seeds, and update the meta, so we can get our ISO built and tested18:14
sakrecoeri'm for that, at least for now...18:14
sakrecoerwe still have mypaint which is pretty good in fact...18:14
Rosco2I will drop it from the seeds now, and trigger a build to confirm18:15
zequenceRosco2: Let me update the meta before you rebuild18:15
sakrecoeryou can't really compare krita and mypaint, but... if we don't make it till final, we can hide between the argument that it is to encourage the use of snap, and if someone pull the "nvidia not working with snap" card, we can blame it on nvidia not being open :p18:17
zequenceRosco2: Would you be interested in updating the calligra source? I get the feeling you would like to do that kind of work, though it is a bit of a challenge taking on something like that.18:17
zequenceI haven't done that kind of thing myself yet. Think the debian wiki is fairly informative about the git procedures18:18
zequenceI might be able to do it. Just got sick (for the first time in 1 1/2 years). So, will be at home at least for one more day.18:18
zequenceThere's always the chance that there are a lot of details one needs to understand and deal with, before finishing the update. Then, of course, one needs a sponsor to get it pushed18:19
zequenceBut, perhaps the pkg-kde team could use some help, and are eager to get more people involved. So, could be simple enoughto get rights18:19
zequence..also, the upload after dealing with the source. Lot's of stops and turns.18:20
Rosco2Just pushed the seed update18:23
Rosco2Will do what it takes to help out. But I don't like to take on something with bugs if there is no support upstream.18:24
zequenceRosco2: Ok, will take some time to update the meta. Actually, might not be built and published in the archive for a bit of time18:25
zequenceMight be best to wait until morning with a rebuild, come to think of it18:25
zequenceRosco2: upstream is ok. Krita, at least. Not sure what Calligra actually means18:25
flocculantzequence: won't be a rebuild unless someone physically does so from the tracker18:26
zequenceKrita is past version 3, but last published version in Debian was 2.8 (the git repo is at 2.9, but never uploaded)18:26
zequenceflocculant: Yes, but we need to update some stuff before we do one18:27
flocculantzequence: yes - was just making sure people knew :)18:28
Rosco2Never worked out if the Live CD takes the metapackage state, or the germinate output directly18:28
zequenceRosco2: Not sure exactly either, but one would think that things may go wrong during installation at least, if the meta is not up to date18:30
Rosco2Makes sense18:30
Rosco2Might trigger a build anyway as a test once germinate is up to date. We can do another once the meta is done to be sure18:31
zequenceRosco2: Sure18:31
Rosco2Would check it more scientifically - but I am multitasking here :-)18:32
zequenceRosco2: How about applying for upload rights? Not sure how much packaging you have done, but I'm fairly sure you have done more than me. Either you apply for the specific packages (which is a list of our own packages), or for our package set (which needs to be updated before you apply)18:33
sakrecoerflocculant: where on the tracker does the rebuld triggering happens?18:33
zequencesakrecoer: You need to login as a member of the -release team, in order to be able to do it18:34
sakrecoerRosco2: from the discussion with jbicha yesterday, i think i understood that it takes sometime for the germinate process to pick up changes in seed... but yeah... you want to double check that information, comming from me..18:34
Rosco2We could try PPU rights for us-* packages with your support18:34
zequenceRosco2: I would prefer that. So, you have my support.18:35
Rosco2I tried to become a Contributor, but was turned down18:35
zequenceOk. Why?18:35
Rosco2ANd that was wothout upload rights :-)18:35
Rosco2NO support from sponsors was the reason18:35
Rosco2Holidays is my excuse18:36
zequenceYes, in that regard, I am of some help, but not as much as I would like to be.18:36
Rosco2Didn't chase up18:36
zequenceI mean, I'm not exactly a veteran at packaging. More of a do-it-when-it-needs-to-be-done18:36
Rosco2sakrecoer, You need to log in to tracker as member of us-release team18:37
Rosco2Then you will find the option at the bopttom of the screen18:37
sakrecoerzequence, Rosco2: ok, i am a memer of us-release, so you guys can discharge on me if needed.. i wouldn't dare press any buttons there without consulting you first anyways.18:38
Rosco2Whoops I am repeating18:38
sakrecoer:) better than risking things left unsaid, Rosco2 18:38
zequencesakrecoer: The buttons are for you to press. If you need a rebuild, and one is not already happening, just press the buttons.18:39
Rosco2Yeah its best that one person does it - incase we confuse the build machine18:39
zequenceThe tracker lets you know if a rebuild is on the way18:39
zequenceSometimes the rebuilds may choke. It's not a perfect18:39
Rosco2You can always ask for someone in the release team to log in a fix it - if we ever ¤%& up18:40
zequenceAt least we know we can depend on Rosco2 to make sure the releases are happning18:40
zequenceI mean, he is taking responsibility of the release procedure, very much. But, we who have rights can always chip in as well, if we feel we need to, is what I mean18:41
Rosco2Yeah - all seemed to go OK when I was on hols18:43
sakrecoerthanks guys, good to know all this18:44
Rosco2Bug #161617518:51
ubottubug 1616175 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Studio Live CD build failing due to dependency loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161617518:51
sakrecoerthanks Rosco2 ! :)18:54
zequenceis krita installable at all, right now?18:59
sakrecoerzequence: in yakkety, i don't know. i erased the partition for 14.04.5 since then everytime i've tried install has failed.19:00
sakrecoerin xenial, yes.19:00
zequenceThe krita problem should only have happened quite recently, as some other packages were updated but not krita (or, the calligra source)19:02
Rosco2VM still installing. Will try installing krita when done19:03
Rosco2Just ammusing myself looking at the 3 release critical bugs for krita in Debian19:03
zequenceNot sure what is going on with the Kubuntu deal. Someone is packaging krita, and trying to get it into Debian, but has no interest in Debian.19:04
Rosco2It apears there are non-free files in the package19:04
* sakrecoer slaps the copyright realm with a large bass19:04
zequenceRosco2: I was trying to find bugs like that myself, earlier.19:04
zequenceAm I missing something?19:06
Rosco2Try https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=calligra&archive=no&pend-exc=pending-fixed&pend-exc=fixed&pend-exc=done&sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious&repeatmerged=yes19:08
zequenceRight, of course. Calligra, not Krita19:08
zequenceIt's a mess19:09
Rosco2All looks fixable. But will take time to work with upstream, and get latest into Debian first19:09
zequenceA lesson for the future: keep track of packages that were removed from Debian ustable :)19:10
Rosco2Yes - I want to write some little scripts to do that. Can check for required merges as well.19:11
zequenceMy apt source checkup tool could probably do that, but it's unfinished and a little bit buggy. 19:13
zequenceWell, that's about all I can handle tonight. Will be back tomorrow. Meta just got done, and will upload now.19:15
sakrecoerthank you zequence !19:20
OvenWerksBoth lrita and calligra show release activity this year. No upstream? Unmaintained? sounds odd.20:26
Rosco2Ovenwerks: The problems seem to be QT4/5 conversion, library dependency changes & non-free files in Debian21:11
Rosco2Upstream have Qt5 version but call it unstable.21:11
Rosco2We have not stnced from Debian for a long time-. But we are not keeping it up to date either.21:12
* Rosco2 finishes for the day21:14
OvenWerkswe do have qt5, but licence changes would be a killer.21:23

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