
=== HiddenDjinn is now known as Guest77348
juan_buenas noches00:13
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prettyjaneOutstanding video by Scott Roberts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLDV5G7VJc00:31
polarbearscott roberts seems like a madman to me00:34
prettyjanepolarbear, The level of awareness exhibited in that one video alone is simply astounding.00:35
prettyjaneThe content I shared with you is a goldmine of knowledge.00:35
polarbearrather think not00:35
prettyjanepolarbear, It's only 32 minutes so make some tea and try to hear him out in full.00:36
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prettyjaneHe's a legendary figure for good reason.00:36
polarbearheard it all before,00:36
prettyjaneI don't have a crush on him or anything like that. I just really appreciate the level of awareness he commands.00:37
polarbearoh wow, into propaganda?00:37
prettyjanepolarbear, If you want to take it any further go to one of the chat channels.00:38
polarbearnah rather quit00:39
prettyjanepolarbear, I received already 3 separate private messages thanking me for the share.00:39
reisioyeah that's not something I'm going to watch :p00:41
reisiocould've saved me some time by saying it was just a youtube rant video00:41
prettyjaneIt's not a rant video, reisio.00:41
reisiocourse it is00:41
prettyjaneBut it's not for everyone.00:41
reisionaturally :)00:41
prettyjanereisio, When I first discovered SR I too didn't get it. He has a rough appearance and looks like your everyday Joe ranting about not particularly interesting topics.00:42
prettyjaneTurns out he's one of the most important minds of the 21st century.00:43
prettyjaneOutstanding video by Scott Roberts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLDV5G7VJc - an outstanding level of awareness is here exhibited.00:43
reisioappearance isn't the issue00:43
OerHeksprettyjane, not really related to ubuntu support, is it?00:44
johnharris85prettyjane, is that dude a neo-nazi?00:44
OerHekslets move back ontopic, thanks00:45
prettyjaneYeah, let's. If you want to talk, take it to one of the chat channels.00:45
prettyjaneBut I just want to say that "neo-Nazi" is a control word. It's supposed to get you to close down to the thoughts and ideas of anyone who can be caged inside that level. It's a way of shutting down otherwise stimulating discourse.00:46
johnharris85OK pal.00:46
prettyjanelevel=label. #ubuntu-offtopic is typically where I prefer to take the banter and chat.00:46
prettyjanejohnharris85, I PM'd you with an introductory interview. It explains it.00:47
prettyjane"These are all control words to keep you from thinking clearly."00:48
polarbearanyone got any optimisation tip for ubuntu on a normal dektop environment?00:48
OerHeks!info unity-tweak-tool00:48
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.7ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 367 kB, installed size 2797 kB00:49
prettyjanejohnharris85, You whole idea of WWII history is likely totally wrong.00:49
OerHeksprettyjane, stop it00:50
polarbeardo u relise your in an ubuntu channel prettyjane?00:50
LimeadeAre there any guides for encrypted swap partition for Xenial? Or will guides for 14.04 still work?01:36
Bashing-omLimeade: Slow presently, await here for a response, patience .01:49
LimeadeHaha, already am, thanks Bashing.01:50
RemindLoving Ubuntu so far, thanks again for your help earlier Bashing-om01:52
Bashing-omRemind: Hey quite welcome, pleased we worked it out .01:53
RemindAny recommendations on ways to harden my system being on the internet? Firewall/anti-virus, disabling services?01:53
Bashing-omRemind: Desktop, nope. nothing to do , you are good as is . linux is a closed system .01:54
RemindPerfect :) Thank you so much01:55
siva_machinajust use common sense01:55
Bashing-om!virus | Remind01:56
ubottuRemind: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:56
RemindToo easy! We're learning RedHat/CentOS in school and have been talking security in a network setting (disabling root access login, ssh, telnet, ftp, things of that nature)01:57
RemindBeing new to linux, wasn't sure if there's other things to do now that we have internet access01:57
RemindReally do appreciate how helpful everyone is in here, absolutely love this community so far01:57
KowRemind: Linux is not 100% secure as some may be falsely leading you to believe. Having said that, use common sense and you should be fine.01:58
KowNo OS is 100% secure when there is a user. :)01:59
siva_machinaKow agreed01:59
siva_machinauser error is a  problem for any OS01:59
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Cypher-PunkMy friend isn't that great with computers, but wants to revive his old desktop computer. How well would Ubuntu work with a 3.0ghz single core processor?02:05
_unreal_how would I stop a service from starting on bootup? I need to stop bluetooth, its hanging for some reason and I cant servicecrl stop it02:06
_unreal_because it hangs before I get to it02:06
johnc4510_unreal_: what desktop are you using02:08
siva_machina_unreal_ generally you can type start into your applications menu and the UI to change startup programs will appear02:08
_unreal_I cant. its hanging before it finishes booting02:09
_unreal_I have a cubox that is failing on bluetooth02:09
_unreal_during the early boot process. I need to stop the service from starting. with any luck that will at least get me to a prompt02:09
Bashing-omCypher-Punk: Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware .02:10
Cypher-PunkBashing-om - I'll look into that. Thank you.02:10
Bashing-omCypher-Punk: NP . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu .02:11
* siva_machina prefers kde02:12
* johnc4510 likes MATE02:13
siva_machinaI like Mate also02:13
elliot-59hey guys im trying to get AOE3 working on ubuntu but i need a windows codec called l3codecx.ax, can't seem to find it anywhere online, can anyone help me out02:14
johnc4510if he could boot in rescue mode he could: killall blueman-applet02:14
_unreal_johnc4510, I cant get past boot. there for I need to mod the scripts that start bluetooth during boot02:15
vic_i need a little advise please.  I have installed ubuntu 14.04 on my brother's old pc yesterday, and it don't run smooth; i think it is because he only has on meg of ram.  will I have better luck if I install  xubuntu (version 16.04 desktop amd64)?02:15
siva_machinavic_ one meg?02:16
siva_machinayou mean gig?02:16
elliot-59idk about xubuntu but im currently running lubuntu and it brought this old laptop back to life02:16
vic_excuse me,  one gig02:16
BL4DEWhich file on gnome-shell should I edit to make htop from the applicaitons menu open in a different manner. I want to edit htop  exec launch parameters to          guake --show -n NEW_TAB -e htop02:16
vic_yes a little less than one gig of ram02:16
siva_machinavic_ You might. But I dought it.02:17
vic_is there some thing I could do to get better performance with his ubuntu 14.04 ?02:18
siva_machinaI personally would only use standalone windowmanager like i3, awesome or Openbox on it02:18
siva_machinabut the first two require messing around with config files02:19
elliot-59^ if you like tilling wm this is the way to go02:19
siva_machinaWelcome back vic_02:21
vic_sorry Siva, but my connection was broken02:22
vic_when you spoke of standalone windows manange,  like i3, awesome  or open box,  are those linux operating system,   somewhat siminar to ubuntu ?02:23
_unreal_what would be better on a netbook, xubuntu or lubuntu?02:24
_unreal_2gb ram02:24
_unreal_single core atom02:24
siva_machinaWindow managers are generaly what you see as the decorations on your windows(where you close and minimize buttons resides.02:24
siva_machinaIn linux there are things called desktop environments. Preety much the user interface that lies on top of the OS02:25
siva_machinaThe one that comes with Ubuntu is called Unity02:26
siva_machinaand certain window managers can be use similarly to Desktop environments02:26
siva_machina_unreal_ I say try both02:27
siva_machinawhich every runs the best for you. use it02:27
siva_machinaI have not personally gotten much into lxde myself02:27
siva_machinaand I have lost interest in xfce02:27
siva_machinaUbuntu mate might also work for you02:27
_unreal_dubuntu mate? never heard of02:28
OerHekssingle core atom .. sounds like it has a gma 450 too, poulsbo ..02:28
BL4DEnevermind I figured it out02:30
vic_okee thanks siva, i will chec https://ubuntu-mate.ort/    i got another question, if I  may.  my brother has a 64-bits computer.   Is it ok to install xubuntu i386 for 32 pits on his pc?02:31
siva_machinaYou can. But it will not take advantage of his cpu02:32
siva_machinaBut I suggest getting the 64 bit image02:32
siva_machinaand install that02:32
abstractmonkeyhey guys02:33
abstractmonkeyI can't seem to get Flash player running on Chromium in my 64-bit ubuntu distro02:34
vic_okee Siva, thanks for your help02:34
abstractmonkeyhave you guys run into this problem before? Is so, do you have any suggestions?02:34
siva_machina!38g is 32bit. A form for 32 bit but it is 32 bit none the less02:34
siva_machinaabsractmonkey no. have you grabed pepper flash from the repo?02:35
siva_machinaI  just use Google Chrome. and I disable flash on there. I personally have no use for flash02:36
abstractmonkeyI have a directory named flash-plugin in /usr/lib02:36
siva_machinaexcept for the few rare cases02:36
abstractmonkeyI like Kongregate02:37
OerHeksnot all flash content will work02:37
abstractmonkeywith libpepflashplayer.so02:37
abstractmonkeyah, why is that?02:37
siva_machinaYou have the package named pepperflashplugin-nonfree installed/02:38
OerHeksflash should die. or it is already dead, not banned completely yet02:38
siva_machinaabsractmonkey, was the question for me?02:38
* siva_machina agrees with OerHeks02:39
OerHeksabstractmonkey, you run in DRM flash, chrome handles that well, only 64 bit02:39
abstractmonkeyI didn't have that package installed02:39
abstractmonkeybut I just did02:39
abstractmonkeylet's see if that did the trick guys02:39
abstractmonkeyawesome, that did it02:40
abstractmonkeythanks guys!02:40
siva_machinayou're welcome02:40
pathfinderwhat is the benifit of this channel02:43
vic_Siva... I am downloading the ubuntu-mate 16.04 desktop-amd64_iso02:44
OerHeksUbuntu support, see topic02:44
vic_from a torrent02:44
siva_machinavic_ ok02:46
siva_machinaabstractmonkey, may I ask? Why not just use Chrome?02:47
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Peebee_is this ch moving to a discord server02:57
User9sup homies03:03
cfhowlettubuntu support here User903:03
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capum321could one tell if irssi stops system from suspend?03:24
Donohuecapum321, no03:25
DonohueAs in it doesn't - usually.03:25
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capum321Donohue: some other might then, but i should left only it open then03:26
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Donohuecapum321 it's why I run it in screen and detach it before I leave, so I don't end up disconnecting03:27
capum321i am not aknowledge to that? how....?03:28
capum321thanks, but "Screen is a wonderful program that creates a “session” in which several “windows” exist." - inside a bash?03:34
capum321ok shell prompt03:35
capum321but what would be a session, like another desktop?03:35
Donohuecapum321, it allows you to detach and keep a session (or processes running in a terminal) running, without keeping the terminal session running03:36
DonohueSo for example - you can detach, and then if you're on another computer, ssh in and reattach and continue your work03:37
capum321Donohue: do you once forget to logout or detach? what happens to suspend?03:38
Donohuedetaching from a screen session is completely separate from logging out - but yes, if you log out your local session it'll kill your screen sessions too...03:38
capum321i want to check again if it goes sleep. then I will try with screen and detach03:40
capum321thanks for the heads up03:40
capum321have a great time03:40
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siva_machinaI think tmux does something simillar03:41
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Donohuesiva_machina, yeah tmux is the primary alternative to screen03:42
johnc4510screen is your friend :-}03:42
Evidlotmux is more sane than screen03:43
DonohueI'm in love with tmate - basically a direct connected ssh version of tmux03:43
DonohueHandy for remote assistance03:43
johnc4510Donohue: i will look at that later...long time screen user hates new things till he tries them03:45
Donohueits not used in the same way as tmux / screen - but a handy tool forked from tmux03:46
johnc4510Donohue: i dont need the terminal sharing, but since it connects to their server, it would seem to add another security layer to ssl...?03:50
DonohueNah - it just accepts a connection directly03:51
Donohuevia ssl03:51
johnc4510ah...k thx03:51
johnc4510seems tmux is included in the install of MATE03:53
DonohueYeah - wasn't installed by default in Ubuntu - might be included in the MATE version though03:54
johnc4510seems to be03:54
johnc4510hmm, you seem to be able to split the screen horz. and vert. in tmux03:57
DonohueYar - and the modifiers are a lot more sane.03:58
johnc4510hmm...worth a look see then...thx03:59
imthenachomanhi guys. what tool do i use to map a multimedia key on my keyboard to a key combination like CTRL+F2?04:00
Donohuehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys-or-devices imthenachoman04:02
pinknpurplBrand new Scott Roberts and it's one of the best yet (IMO).04:03
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johnc4510imthenachoman: in MATE using clementine you go into the preference and set your own key bingings04:05
johnc4510so try your prefered player and look in preferences04:06
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cfhowlettjajoz, ask your ubuntu question04:09
jajoz._. i am running cbang04:09
cfhowlettno idea what that is and google is likewise ignorant04:09
johnc4510cbang ^^04:11
cfhowlettthank you johnc451004:11
johnc4510cfhowlett: np04:13
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imthenachomanDonohue: thanks04:19
Smnhey guys i need some help. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 64 bits04:35
SmnI want to know if there's a way to set both a gtk them and a qt theme. when I open a qt application it tries to adapt to my gtk theme, but it doesn't do a good job at it04:36
Smnit is specially bad with dark themes because I end up with ilegible text, so is there any way to manually set a theme for qt applications so it doesn't try to mimick my gtk theme?04:36
DonohueSmn - unfortunately that's a tale as old as time. GTK based WMs don't play nice with QT apps. You CAN use the gtk style theme with QT though to get *better* looking integration, but it's often not perfect04:37
kotaroanyone use geeknote ?04:38
Smnit just seems weird I can make qt load it looks from somewhere. so, anyway, how can I make it integrate better, Donohue?04:38
kotarohow to create new doc on geeknote? i use vim edotor btw04:39
DonohueSmn - this may help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10600675/ugly-qt-app-look-under-ubuntu04:39
sorin-mihai_what solution would be easy/quick to implement for connecting multiple sites over encrypted vpn as if they where in a single lan?04:39
Donohueqtconfig can help you tweak it04:40
Donohuesorin-mihai_, websites, or local env apps?04:40
Donohuekotaro, https://github.com/neilagabriel/vim-geeknote04:40
kotarothx Donohue04:40
Smnthank you, i will check it04:41
sorin-mihai_Donohue: local sites. 3 offices at the moment, each has 2 different lans, each has has wan. the main reason to connect them in a single vlan is to have a single shared storage, but it should be extendable to other servives, not just nfs and smb04:42
Smnwould this work for qt5 applications?, Donohue04:43
DonohueSmn - you'll need to use updated equivs if anything04:43
kotaroi have an error while install plugin vim=geeknote04:44
kotarolike this : Error detected while processing /home/faris/.vim/bundle/vim-geeknote/plugin/vim_geeknote04:44
kotaroline    1:04:44
kotaroE319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: python import sys04:45
kotaroline    2:04:45
SmnDonohue, I can't run it. 'qtconfig: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qtconfig': No such file or directory'. which is true, there's no qtconfig in that directory04:45
DonohueDid you install it first?04:45
DonohueYeah, I guess you're right Smn - it was deprecated04:46
kotaroyes i have install already04:46
DonohueKotaro - sorry wasn't answering you.04:46
kotarobut still missing that python or a version04:46
kotarook donhue04:46
DonohueOkay - so you probably need to update or install python04:47
DonohueYour error message isn't verbose enough, but the readme there should let you know what the deps are.04:47
kotaroinstal with pip or apt-get install ?04:47
Donohue /shrug no idea - I've never done it before. I just googled it for you.04:47
kotaroi have some strict install about python-oauth2 before04:48
DonohueThis isn't a Ubuntu question, strictly so you might have to do some research.04:48
kotarowhen i login on geeknote that work fine04:48
kotaroi use xubuntu 16.04 LTS btw04:49
kotaroanyone have same problem about python install and tools ?04:49
DonohueIs there anything else contained in the error message?04:49
DonohueDoes it specify any deps you might be missing?04:49
DonohueHave you searched for your error message on Google?04:50
DonohueHave you checked your perms for your python env?04:50
kotarowait gime a minnut04:50
blackballis there any way to use validity fingerprint scanners?05:00
Donohueblackball, http://askubuntu.com/questions/442838/driver-for-validity-sensors-fingerprint-scanner05:06
blackballDonohue: what scanner is that?05:07
DonohueNo clue - you didn't specify a model.05:08
blackballDonohue: vs70 iirc05:08
DonohueCan you run lsusb and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com05:09
blackballHP Fingerprint Sensor with chip DigitalPersona VFS47105:09
blackballDonohue: on windows 8.1 right now05:09
DonohueWelp - go further in that thread, and see if your output matches any of the IDs there05:09
blackballI got no output to look at...05:09
blackball; [ ;05:09
blackballAlso you know anything about talking to the TPM?05:10
DonohueThere's a supported readers list.05:10
DonohueI can't help you any more until we have the ID :P05:10
DonohueAnd no idea about TPM - sorry.05:10
blackballLooks like I'm supported!05:11
blackballAt least it looks like it based on a bit of Googling05:11
DonohueGood luck!05:12
blackballTime to install LXDE on Ubuntu05:12
blackballLUbuntu is hideous05:12
bruce_devHey guys, i'm setting up my server at linode.com and have a question. I am confused on what updating the etc/hosts actually does..I tried googling it but I must be dumb or need an even more simplified answer.05:56
bruce_devIf anyone has any free time to help me understand just ping me, i'll try not to answer too many questions. Time is value05:56
polarbearcant be dumb if u got that far, but im severless outa luck never worked on one and wouldnt kno where to start05:56
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Are you supposed to "update" the /etc/hosts as per something to do with the configuration of your server ON linode, or something else?06:00
bruce_devhttps://www.linode.com/docs/getting-started#setting-the-hostname YankDownUnder06:01
bruce_devThe reason I am confused is06:01
bruce_devwhy am I setting the public ip address they give me onto itself06:01
bruce_devin its own host file06:01
bruce_devand won't this be useless once I link the public ip to a registered domain name?06:01
bruce_devI am new to ubuntu in general, let alone web servers. But I really didn't want to use a shared host.06:02
Ben64the hostname is what your server will refer to itself as06:02
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Without knowing exactly how "Linode" does things, I can only state that following through with the video is probably the absolute best thing to go with...they've obviously stuck it there for a reason...06:02
bruce_devi'm using ubuntu 16.4 or whatever btw06:02
Ben64like when you log in it'll be user@hostname:~$06:02
Ben64and you want /etc/hosts to match or else sudo won't work properly06:03
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: As per what Ben64 is saying, the machine kinda has to know who IT is...can't have a server with an identity crisis! ;)06:03
bruce_devits hostname06:03
bruce_devis different than localhost06:03
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Si, oui, da, ja06:03
bruce_devalright, well I have alot to learn so I won't question it. I've only done virtual hosting on my windows 706:04
bruce_devI think I was getting this confused with setting up a domain06:04
Ben64it could be called tomatojuice or whatever you like really06:04
YankDownUnderCall it SUSHI! yay!06:04
bruce_devlowercase sushi it is06:04
bruce_devas I really don't care06:05
Abe_rm: cannot remove blabla.mp4 Input/output error06:05
bruce_devThanks Ben6406:06
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Some folks (system operators) tend to follow a theme for their servers/boxes - for me, from the beginning, I use Ancient Egyptian gods...other folks will use cartoon names, or whatever - in some production environments, the server name follows form with the function of the machine...so, be creative. AND logical.06:06
siva_machinaor krap06:06
bruce_devhow can your hostname be named after an egyptian god yet still be logical?06:07
Abe_cannot check my external hdd with smart how can i figure out if my external hdd is still good? it's in ntfs file format too though06:07
Ben64anubis - god of the underworld - server in basement06:07
bruce_devthe function of this machine will be to host websites06:07
siva_machinafinally the sspamming of people joing/leaving has slowed down06:08
bruce_devUbuntu is too large ;)06:08
siva_machinait's....so ...BIG06:08
bruce_devI work at burger king06:09
bruce_devand they use some form of ubuntu I believe06:09
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: whopperwithcheese06:09
bruce_devwhen they boot up the systems, I see the ubuntu penguin load up on the screens atleast06:09
Abe_is there no way to remove a file with input output error. i cannot format the hdd cuz all my files are on it. sometimes it tells me I cannot rename the file even though I want to delete it06:09
YankDownUnderAbe_: If the file is corrupt, you might have an issue. If the file system is "read only" you might have issues as well...06:10
bruce_devYankDownUnder, i was gonna just go with sushi, but after you mentioned the logical bit06:10
bruce_devwhat would be a good logical name for a web server06:10
Bashing-omAbe_: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step is one way .06:10
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Burger King => Some type of "meat" - "sushi" or "sashimi" might not be a good thing... :)06:10
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: What about "ringofonions"06:11
bruce_devhell no we are not doing a burger king here06:11
bruce_devI want to be able to quit soon :)06:11
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bruce_devstressful when the girls bitch all the time lol06:11
bruce_devalright, i'm going to choose a weather element06:12
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: That's normal..."women = bitching/moaning/whinging/complaining" - fact of life.06:12
bruce_devthey can be super friendly06:12
bruce_devbut once they get stressed out they will take it out on everyone but the higher ups06:12
Abe_:( my nice hdd is going bad i think. sometimes i'm able to copy files on it sometimes it gives me weird error messages like errornr5. but yes i am still able to read from it. so I need to buy a new one unfortunately.06:13
aurialLoopgotta stop going after crazy bitches..there are lovely chilled out females around06:13
bruce_devTrying to think of what those elements would even be called, water, air, lightning, fire, earth, stuff like that.06:14
bruce_devReminds me of avatar06:14
bruce_devaurialLoop, not going after them, simply co workers06:14
YankDownUnderMy next wife is going to be a Buddhist.06:14
bruce_devI thought the one was hot at first though, but after being around her for almost a year06:14
bruce_devthe attractiveness has worn off a bit06:14
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: In many instances, once they open their mouths the attractiveness vanishes...06:15
bruce_devI need to get the social confidence before i'd ever ask a woman out though, I'm simply not dating matarial financially, socially, personality, and emotionally. But I am getting off topic now lol06:15
bruce_devYankDownUnder, yea agreed06:15
YankDownUnderI've been married a few times...(still haven't learned my lesson)06:16
Abe_YankDownUnder: xD06:16
bruce_devYankDownUnder, how old?06:17
siva_machinaluckily my options aren't restricted to gender06:17
bruce_devthat goes for anyone, but..boobs06:17
YankDownUndersiva_machina: You are lucky on that...06:17
bruce_devis it worth06:18
bruce_devthe hassle06:18
biegleralguien habla español06:18
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: 53.06:19
bruce_devI hope I will be like you one day06:19
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bruce_devworking with things like this06:20
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: Broken, worn down and living in Australia?06:20
bruce_devI meant06:20
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: I've been an independent consultant since 1986 - sprinkled with times doing other strange things - but always coming back to the same thingo...breaking and fixing computers/servers...and networks...06:21
Abe_i disconnect the hdd now and will get me a new one. copy all files to it. not using the hdd is probably the best option before it gets worse. until i can copy the files to a different device06:22
bruce_devJust meant working with something I like doing which is technology for me, not sure yet if it'll be servers like ubuntu, web development, or software engineering06:22
aurialLoopI've been with my lady for 7 years now, still not married. Probably going to keep it that way06:22
bruce_devthe fact your messing with ubuntu at 53 is neat06:22
YankDownUnderbruce_dev: The fact that I was messing with linux in 1992 and 93 was "more neat"...06:22
Ben64#ubuntu-offtopic is for chatting06:22
bruce_devmeh I joined the channel06:23
vijuHi, I am not able to install lib32bz2-1.006:31
vijuActually, I am trying to install latest android-studio. It needs some libraries of which this is not in the repository. I am running ubuntu 16 64-bit06:32
YankDownUnderviju: http://www.ubuntumaniac.com/2016/04/install-android-studio-20-on-ubuntu.html06:39
vijuYankDownUnder, thanks.06:43
YankDownUnderviju: If you've installed all the extra PPA repo's, everything should be "functioning properly"06:44
vijuIs that ppa safe?06:49
YankDownUnderviju: It's safe to assume that if the article was written with Ubuntu's authorisation, it's safe.06:50
auronandaceyou could ask that of any ppa06:50
viju HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-34-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2328M CPU @ 2.20GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 828MHz ** RAM: Physical: 5.7GiB, 52.1% free ** Disk: Total: 163.4GiB, 17.9% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express06:53
vijuFast/Gigabit Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 1h 11m 54s **06:53
vijuYankDownUnder, does that mean if I download from the ppa it'd download all the libraries it need, that won't be there otherwise?06:59
vijuLike I am doing right now, downloading directly from the website and they ask me download extra libraries to run it on 64 bit/07:00
YankDownUnderviju: Should do07:03
filsufhallo ... anybodyy has issue with installer cannot read the partition table and thinks it is empty?07:25
Phryqwhat's the easiest way to set up PGP in Ubuntu?07:36
Phryqlike a simple App that deals with PGP messages?07:36
HypothesisFroghaving real problems playing videos made on my phone using ubuntu 16.04. NVideo Quatra NVS 290, NVIDIA binary driver version 340.96. Videos keep stalling and spluttering.07:47
HypothesisFrogI made the videos on my phone, trying to use them on ubuntu 16.0407:47
alkisgWhat's the output of: file /path/to/video07:48
HypothesisFrogTried using parole and vlc07:48
HypothesisFrogalkisg the the video file?07:49
HypothesisFrogalkisg VID_20160814_002235.mp4: ISO Media, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]07:49
alkisgISO media?... anyway, when you're trying to play the file, check the cpu usage. Does it occupy a full core?07:50
HypothesisFrogalkisg yep. 186% of cpu.07:52
HypothesisFrogthat's if I (try) to run it with totem.07:53
alkisgHypothesisFrog: what's the output of this? grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo07:53
HypothesisFrogmodel name: Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E6500  @ 2.93GHz07:54
HypothesisFrogmodel name: Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E6500  @ 2.93GHz07:54
alkisgHmmm not too bad... https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Pentium+E6500+%40+2.93GHz&id=110407:55
alkisgHypothesisFrog: can you do any one of this methods and upload the video info to pastebin? http://askubuntu.com/questions/303454/get-information-about-a-video-from-command-line-tool07:56
HypothesisFrogalkisg how's this? http://pastebin.com/czsXEg1907:59
alkisgHypothesisFrog: wow, 3840x2160, yeah that's too much for your cpu07:59
alkisgHypothesisFrog: either lower the video resolution, or search for gpu accelerated decoding, like vdpau08:00
crazyhorse18hi.. i'm trying to boot up my machine and i'm getting ata3: COMREST failed (errno=-16)08:00
alkisg...if you want other casual users to be able to watch it, do lower the video resolution08:00
HypothesisFrogalkisg works fine on my phone.08:00
alkisgHypothesisFrog: yes your phone does have gpu accelerated decoding, i.e. it's using special hardware for that08:01
alkisgHypothesisFrog: nvidia also has special hardware for decoding, you can google for vdpau on how to enable it08:01
crazyhorse18i'm also getting ata2: link is slow to respond.. what should i try?08:01
alkisgcrazyhorse18: for starters, try to boot from a live usb stick or cd?08:02
crazyhorse18yeah i can get it to boot in recovery mode08:02
crazyhorse18but i'm still unable to see the hdd it was complaining about... is there anything i can do to recover it?08:03
alkisgis that a separate hdd that has eg. /home or media there?08:03
crazyhorse18i'ts a separate hdd.. but it has no /home etc in it08:04
alkisgif it's not in /etc/fstab, it shouldn't prevent the machine from booting...08:04
alkisgAnyway first thing to check is hardware, cables, weird sounds from the disk, or putting it to an external enclosure or some other pc etc08:05
crazyhorse18yeah it is in /etc/fstab08:05
alkisgIf the disk is dead, there's little you can do08:05
alkisgRemove it from fstab to be able to boot08:05
crazyhorse18ok.. i've tried it on another ata08:05
deadpool_is there any tool like empathy for ubuntu 1608:05
crazyhorse18just delete the towl lines?08:06
alkisgcrazyhorse18: or put a # in front of it to comment it out08:06
crazyhorse18yeah ok08:06
crazyhorse18i'll try stick it in an external enclosure08:06
crazyhorse18can hdd repair places possibly repair it?08:07
crazyhorse18i.e. take the platters out and stick them in a new drive?08:07
alkisgdoes it create a device node? like /dev/sdb?08:07
alkisgplatters out, no, too difficult, they'll charge you a lot per gb for that08:08
crazyhorse18it's hard to tell.. there's 4 of them here08:08
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crazyhorse18alkisg: sda sda1 sda2 sda308:08
alkisgls -l /dev/sd?08:09
alkisgIf that's only sda, then no, it's not easy to repair it08:09
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
miracetisalve a tutti08:17
Wanderer-I open up compiz but this plugin is not installed  -> http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Put  , how can i map shortcut keys to move something between monitors? Currently i have only 2 monitors.08:23
existenzeHey there.08:34
existenzeI installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but still can't play a thing with vlc.08:35
existenzeWhat am I missing?08:35
fklinguistaCan anybody help me out over in #ubuntu-server ?08:39
fklinguistaI think I have a unique port-forwarding issue08:40
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords08:41
alkisgIf I have just joined an #ubuntu-* channel, how can I ask ubuntulog to show me the last lines of the chat? Normally it's "!last --no-limit #channel", but ubuntulog doesn't seem to answer...08:52
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/08:53
bazhangalkisg, ^08:53
alkisgThe channel logs are updated too infrequently to be helpful for my use case08:54
alkisg(i.e.. trying to catch up when joining a room)08:54
bazhanghourly alkisg08:54
alkisgYup, too infrequently... :-/08:54
alkisgE.g. we update irclogs.ltsp.org every few minutes08:54
alkisgI wonder though why !last doesn't work; all supybot clones should have that, shouldn't they?08:55
ikoniabecause that plugin is disabled08:56
bazhangalkisg, if you mean lastlog, thats your irc client08:56
alkisgbazhang: !last is a command to the bot, it tells it to PM the user with the last lines of the chat08:57
ikoniaalkisg: it's disabled08:57
alkisgikonia: thanks, can I try to file a bug report somewhere for that to be enabled? Or is there a reason for that?08:57
ikoniait's disabled becuase we don't want it enabled08:57
ikoniait's not a bug08:57
alkisgUse case: (11:40:00 πμ) fklinguista: Can anybody help me out over in #ubuntu-server ?08:58
alkisg==> no way for me to help him without him re-pasting everything08:58
ikoniarepasting everything ?08:58
ikoniajust talk to him in #ubuntu-server08:58
alkisgI see what he asks. Then I join #ubuntu-server. But of course I don't see what he already asked there.08:58
alkisgSo I would join the channel, and ask him to re-paste his questions etc08:58
miracetihello to all08:59
alkisgAnd if it's just a couple of lines, sure it's doable, but if it's 100 lines of chatting, it's not08:59
ikoniaalkisg: thats your last log08:59
ikoniatype /last in yout client08:59
alkisgikonia: "unknown command" in my pidgin08:59
ikonianot really an irc client08:59
alkisgAlso, the client doesn't know what was said in #ubuntu-server *before* I joined08:59
alkisgSo what you're asking of my irc client is impossible09:00
ikoniajust need to depend on the user to clearly explain his problem then09:00
bazhangthus the hourly updates of ubuntulogs alkisg09:00
ikoniaiit's an edge case situation09:00
alkisgbazhang: I doubt the user wants to wait there for 1 hour for me to reply09:00
alkisgbazhang, ikonia, I haven't heard any reason why !last is disabled though, is there any?09:01
anelitoanyone here09:01
ikoniaalkisg: yes, we don't want people using the bot to track people/conversation, it's just an infobot, nothing more09:01
alkisgikonia: I don't get it; for channels that are already logged publicly, what harm can it do?!09:01
ikoniaalkisg: the bot has to parse and spit out lougs09:02
bazhangalkisg, the ubuntulog covers that, it's disable so as not make the channel unusable09:02
ikoniait's not there for that,09:02
anelitoI am using an ubuntu VM to run a VPN and I would like to know if its possible to delete user browser data when forwarding the requests09:02
anelitothank you09:02
alkisgikonia, !last is implemented in RAM afaik, not parsing logs, doesn't it?09:02
ikoniaalkisg: even worse then, it would have to keep multiple channels chat in ram09:02
alkisgikonia, I believe it already does, you just disable allowing the user to see them09:03
ikoniaalkisg: it doesn't it keeps a very small buffer for ban logging, nothing else09:03
alkisgikonia, bazhang, anyway, I think I made my case and I wasn't able to convince you; I'll just be a bit less helpful, no big issue there09:03
ikoniaalkisg: sounds good09:03
alkisgThank you09:03
anelitocan anyone help me with my question? Thanks :)09:04
blackbird1Hi all09:05
ikoniaanelito: not quite sure what the vpn has to do with removing user browser data ?09:05
nikrehow can i fix wrong time from command line? ntpdate fails.sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com\n28 Aug 04:38:15 ntpdate[3325]: no servers can be used, exiting09:05
ikonianikre: you need to use a server it can talk to - or fix your network connectivity why it can't talk out09:06
blackbird1How to use options in regex e.g. if [[ $text =~ /^.*(formation).*$/i ]]  ?09:06
anelitoikon I would like to know if there's a software that can run on the VM and delete browser data09:06
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anelitoor at least replace them with standard (act like a proxy)09:07
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=== Light_Ray1 is now known as Light_Ray
ikoniaanelito: the browser is held on the client09:07
ikonianot the vpn09:07
nikreikonia, oh you are right. somehow oragepi has no internet connectivity. thanks.09:07
Guest79699hello anyone there09:08
nikrehow can i remove the docker installation remains on the ifconfig output "lxcbr0"09:08
anelitoikonia I know, but most VPN paid services clear users' browser data to increase anonymity09:08
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer
ikoniaanelito: no they don't09:08
ikoniaanelito: I've never heard of a vpn clearing a users browser data09:09
Guest79699i need to know how to program in C++ i nubuntu mate09:09
Guest79699in ubuntu mate09:09
anelitoikonia: are you sure? They claim to do. Maybe because they use Tor09:09
ikoniaanelito: what vpn claims to do this ?09:09
=== Light_Ray is now known as fdsa
Guest79699mmmm deep web09:10
Guest79699tor is related to deep web ikonia09:11
crazyhorse18so if the hdd won't mount in either ubuntu or under osx.. or even appear in /dev/sd?  ... is the only option to get hdd pro's to try and fix the drive?09:11
ikoniator is nothing to do with "deep web"09:11
ikoniait's just an anonymouse proxy service thats not really that anonymou09:11
bazhangGuest79699, do you have an ubuntu support issue09:11
Guest79699it is09:11
Guest79699i just used it09:11
Guest79699i have09:12
bazhangGuest79699, please take the chit chat elsewhere09:12
Guest79699i have09:12
Guest79699how to program in C++ in Ubuntu09:13
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic please Guest7969909:13
anelitoikonia: hidemyass support said it09:13
ikoniaanelito: so you're actually talking about the http browser headers09:13
ikonianot the actual user data that's held on the machine ?09:13
thinkyi am running on ubuntu 16.04 64bit and screen is flickering oftenly09:14
thinky  Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS             Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-34-generic       Architecture: x86-6409:14
thinkyi made google search and it is possible about kernel version?09:14
thinkycan somebody help me to fix this issue please?09:14
thinkyscreen flickers for a moment like blinking just in a second09:15
anelitoikonia: yes, about browser type etc09:18
thinkyhow can i upgrade kernel?09:22
z3r0x_sudo apt-get upgrade i think09:22
anelitoikonia: I guess using squid may be a viable solution09:23
z3r0x_you now how to get the setoolkit on ubuntu09:23
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Kabe0|2Does anyone know if KVM Filesystem passthrough works with FreeBSD Guests?09:26
z3r0x_Nope sry :(09:26
thinkyno it doesnt find update09:27
thinky Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-34-generic09:27
thinkythey say 4.6 is released09:27
thinkyif so i want to upgrad09:27
thinkyanybody please?09:29
z3r0x_"sudo apt-get upgrade"09:32
blackbird1How to use options in regex e.g. if [[ $text =~ /^.*(formation).*$/i ]]  ?09:38
ubottuI have no seen command09:38
jarnosunattended-upgrades is running on my installation disk (USB), persistent live, which I created by mkusb. I wonder, if it is intentional. Kernel updates on Flash drive are very slow...09:43
jarnosAns I guess the filesystem may run out of inodes.09:44
BellatorGuys, what tasks should I take up to become more efficient with linux?09:45
MonkeyDust!manual| Bellator start here09:46
ubottuBellator start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:46
BellatorCheers, will check it out MonkeyDust09:46
polarbearfor me bellator i found googling optimisation, and following a few tips helpful, also try removing the iso disk image from your usb drive, found that helpful on fdisk etc n such09:46
ansarihello everyone09:47
BellatorPolarcraft, good tip thank you!09:48
antipsychiatryHello ubuntu channel!    What u do for the secret service not using MIND READING against us ?????????????????????????????? How can we protect against their mind reading technology??????09:49
MonkeyDustpolarbear  she's a troll, don't feed trolls09:49
polarbearoh ok dont go sudo sh delete?09:50
ansariis it possible to use wifi direct in ubuntu? Windows 10 support wifi direct but i think that Linux doesn't support it.09:50
antipsychiatryMonkey? Tell me after u read stopeg.com09:50
dooniehey all, getting this after upgraded to 16.04, not sure what to try to reinstall http://paste.ubuntu.com/23101741/09:50
Ben64antipsychiatry: stop coming here and saying this dumb stuff. nobody cares. it's not on topic. go away09:51
polarbearwifi as in the one from the isp ansari?09:51
polarbearor wifi in home public systems routers?09:51
ansariwifi direct which is also knows as miracast is used to connect to wifi devices directly without any modem or router.09:52
polarbearoh ok09:52
vijuHey, which is lighter on memory and still faster - classic gnome or xfce?09:53
vijuunity is taking away a lot of memory I need09:53
ansariyou can share media files for example you can cast your video from your pc to TV with WiFi direct. unfortunately it is not supported in Linux09:53
szbBen64: Did you manually install some Python related packages? (meaning something not from the repos?)09:54
Ben64szb: wrong person09:54
doonieszb: no idea, I did have massive problem upgrading to 16.04 cause of python. The error is insane looing at it, it mixes pyyhon 2,7 3 and 3,5?09:55
szbviju: You can try Mate or XFCE (the second supposedly being a bit lighter on RAM). I wouldn't go for the Gnome Classic, in my experience it's not different standard Gnome3.09:55
ansariso Polarbear and tomreyn how can we use wifi direct in linux?09:55
polarbearim currently running  4gbram and a ssd in normal desktop environment, would u recommend me adjusting swappiness to a lower figure and apply write cache settings to disk?09:56
thinkyhow can i upgrade kernel??09:56
polarbearnot sure never really used direct wifi ansari new concept to me09:56
Ben64thinky: comes with regular updates if you use the update manager, or you can do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:57
thinkyBen64: current version -->   Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS             Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-34-generic09:58
thinkybut i want to upgrade to kernel 4.609:58
tomreynansari: same here, i never needed it so far. but apparently you can recompile wpa_supplicant with modified oiptions and it will support it.09:58
Ben64thinky: that isn't supported (yet)09:59
szbthinky: here's a short how-to video, but be advised that those kernels are not supported and you will have to take care of any updates yourself once you've swapped the regular kernel for a newer one!09:59
szbthinky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIJUZ_AvXOg09:59
thinkyi am having screen flickering issue, it happens sometimes in a second like blinking09:59
vijuszb, Thanks.09:59
thinkyi read somewhere that kernel upgrade is fixing that10:00
tomreynansari: http://askubuntu.com/questions/258027/how-to-get-wifi-direct-wifi-p2p-on-my-hp-dm1-laptop/304352#30435210:00
thinkydid anyone face with screen flickering issue like me ?10:01
ansaritomreyn i think that poeple who want to use linux as a desktop operating system, they expect this protocol (wifidirect) to work10:01
polarbearnope, what monitor u using?10:01
Ben64thinky: you can use a kernel from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but they are not supported at all10:01
tomreynpolarbear: i don't recommend increasing swap to > 2 or maybe 3 GB there. you never want to swap to disk. get more ram if needed.10:01
MonkeyDustansari  if they are aware that it exists at all10:02
thinkyif it is not supported i dont want to take the risk :S10:02
vijuszb, now I got 2 options here, xfce or xubuntu-desktop, which one? I have used xfce but not xubuntu-desktop10:02
thinkybut this flicker annoys me10:02
szbdoonie: I have actually no idea what exactly is going on here... So my only guess would be to maybe try purging and reinstalling 'apt-xapian-index' and after that all instances of 'python*' ... but again, no clue how smart an idea that is! :310:02
polarbearyer thanks10:02
szbviju: are you installing from the mini.iso?10:02
szbviju: or simply installing xfce on top of 16.04 with Unity?10:03
doonieszb:  was a problem with PATH, got help in the python chan :) thanks for helping though10:03
antipsychiatryStop the gang stalking of Mossad bastards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These bastards must be jailed !!!!!!!! Www.stopeg.com10:03
tomreynthinky: which graphics card or gpu do you have there, which ubuntu version?10:03
thinkytomreyn: ubuntu 16.04.1  graphics intel integrated graphics10:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu10:04
vijuszb, it's a 1604 with Unity, installing a lightweight desktop environment as I need those chunks of memory for development work.10:04
ansariis there any personal Assistant like Apple's Siri or Micorosoft's cortana available for linux10:05
vijuSorry but Siri and Cortana both need to be improved, just a humble opinion.10:05
polarbearwell im impressed10:07
thinkydepressed maybe? :p10:07
polarbeargot pms from ansari, rather stupid really10:07
tomreynansari: it's my experience that most linux users prefer not to upload their voice profile to the cloud and (potentially) have it analyzed there.10:08
szbviju: Ah, I see! Ok, two things then: You might want to consider going with vanilla Xubuntu since XFCE is quite nicely configured there already. On a second note: Installing XFCE (or the customized xubuntu-desktop) might pull in some additional libraries and dependencies that you might not need but that will want some of your resources.10:08
ansaritomreyn ok. it is good for privacy.10:08
thinkyguys please how can i fix this screen flicker problem?10:09
thinkyit mostly happens when i move my mouse10:09
szbviju: If you prefer minimal resource usage and don't care about looks too much you might even want to consider Lubuntu (with frugal LXDE)!10:09
thinkyi did all necessary updates but it didnt fix10:09
thinkyi dont know what s wrong10:09
polarbeartry diff resolution?10:09
thinkywhy polarbear ?10:10
polarbeardunno have no idea10:10
thinkyresolution is fine10:11
thinkynative res.10:11
vijuszb, I see 85mb of download for xfce and 200+ for xubuntu desktop, seems like it's the latter one has more things that I might not need it10:11
vijuTell me if it's wrong10:11
tomreynansari: these services operate cloud based, since it takes a lot of computing resources to do proper voice recognition and to ptovide useful responses. I'm not aware of another operating system which runs a good personal assistant on a single desktop computer.10:12
doonieis python3 the standard version in 16.04?10:12
tomreynansari: there is lucida, though, if you plan to setup something similar using linux, though10:12
polarbearwow getting heaps of random pms ever since been here im 100% reptillian dna10:12
szbviju: you're right! xfce will pull just the desktop, while xubuntu-desktop will probably want to install some additional applications as well!10:13
MonkeyDustpolarbear  resistance was futile, you have been assimilated10:13
polarbearoh nvm, lets push on, anyone got any helpful tips on optimising ubuntu?10:14
vijuI think I'll go with xfce unless it does something wrong10:14
szbthinky: https://askubuntu.com/a/752808 Some possible ways to go here, I guess!10:14
tomreynthinky: "graphics intel integrated graphics" is very generic. can you provide the output of this command: lspci -knnv | fgrep VGA10:15
codfectionhow to add files to unity launcher?10:15
szbviju: Sure thing! XFCE is quite reliable (though I can't bring myself to get around its clunkiness here and there)! :)10:16
codfectionor even file shortcut10:16
doonie2,7 thx :910:16
MonkeyDustcodfection  navigate to    /usr/share/applications/ .... drag icon to launcher10:16
thinkytomreyn: $ lspci -knnv | fgrep VGA 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0046] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])10:16
codfectionMonkeyDust, what if the icon is not there10:17
szbcodfection: If there is no .desktop file for the application you want to add to the launcher, you can create one yourself. Take a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles10:18
MonkeyDustpolarbear  some tips .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23101950/10:18
codfectionthanks szb10:18
tomreynthinky: that's a chipset from 2010, right?10:19
MonkeyDustcodfection  if the easy way doesnt work, try yhe hard way.. scroll down .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/125842/how-to-add-folder-or-file-to-launcher10:19
thinkyyes tomreyn10:19
_makhow can this df -h be possible:10:19
_makFilesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:19
_mak/dev/mapper/vostro--vg-root  913G  886G     0 100% /10:19
thinkyon i5 560m cpu10:19
tomreynthinky: intel gpu's weren't too good back then. you should replace it by some other hardware, or add a dedicated graphics card10:20
thinkytomreyn: it is a laptop i cant replace10:20
tomreynthinky: sure you can replace a latop by a new one ;)10:20
thinkyi wish laptop gpus were replacable :S10:20
thinkylol tomreyn but i love this one it is a classic ThinkPad !10:21
tomreynthinky: you could try to either enable or disable vblank / vsync - *might* help10:22
thinkywhat s that ?10:22
thinkymaybe new updates fix that issue10:22
thinkyi better wait10:23
tomreynthinky: it's a graphics driver option which limits output to 60 fps (or does not limit it)10:23
polarbearim also using integrated graphics from intel i have no probs10:23
thinkyif i ask you Debian vs Ubuntu, how would u answer?10:23
tomreynthinky: you could try the newer graphics drivers provided by the x edgers ppa10:23
thinkyi had no issue like this10:24
thinkylately it happened i dont know why10:24
tomreynthinky: ...jkust toi have tried something else. they ar enot officially supported, though.10:24
thinkyprobably new updates10:24
tomreyn*just to10:24
thinkytomreyn: i will keep this way10:24
thinkyi dont want to install not supported things10:24
tomreynpolarbear: there are gazillions of different models.10:24
polarbearyer prolly10:25
thinkytomreyn: it flickered again10:25
thinkyas i said it happens when i move my mouse10:25
thinkyi think it touches somewhere in dashboard10:25
codfectionwhy is my items not showing on top right corner (like chrome etc. in mac)10:26
tomreynthinky:  if you're using this as a desktop replacement, buy a desktop computer instead next timte. they are a lot more durable, stable than mobile devices such as laptops, and their parts can be replaceable, or added to.10:28
szbRemoving icons from the tray was a design choice by Canonical that started around 14.04 (i read that somewhere). There are workarounds for this, however. Take a look here: http://www.webupd8.org/2015/05/on-demand-system-tray-for-ubuntu.html10:28
thinkytomreyn: yes i know but laptops are portable10:28
thinkyi can buy desktop but i consider if it is necessary to have 2 pcs10:29
szbcodfection: Sorry, I'll post the link again, in case you missed it: http://www.webupd8.org/2015/05/on-demand-system-tray-for-ubuntu.html10:29
thinkyi am using my laptop as desktop by the way, on dock station plugged to external 22" monitor10:29
vijuXFCE does save a little RAM though. Not a huge amount but workable enough.10:29
BL4DEAnyone want 7inch x86, tablet that could run full blown GNU distro?10:30
thinkydoes ubuntu consider to build own phone with own ubuntu mobile os ?10:30
popeythinky: no, we're not a hardware company10:32
thinkywhat about ubuntu phone edge ?10:32
thinkyit didnt get that attention but it was really cool10:32
BL4DE8GB RAM, 256GB SSD options, 3G network, GPS option. its like a phablet10:33
thinkyis there any native ubuntu phone at the market ? i would like to buy10:33
thinkynot android app i mean native ubuntu mobile10:33
MonkeyDust!phone | thinky10:34
ubottuthinky: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:34
BL4DEMaybe KDE will be sucessful. But ARM devices are so locked down that I doubt we will ever see opensource phone runing linux distro https://dot.kde.org/2015/07/25/plasma-mobile-free-mobile-platform10:35
MonkeyDustBL4DE  you mdean like android?10:36
BL4DElol android . has different kernel precompiled for every device cause of proprietary drivers and shit. after a while manufacturers drop support10:37
ikoniaBL4DE: please don't swear10:38
popeythinky: no, there are currently no ubuntu phones on sale10:41
thinkywhat about Bq Aquaris E5 ?10:42
popeyis that still available?10:42
popeythe tablets are available https://store.bq.com/gl/ubuntu-edition10:42
thinkyno idea i am watching reviews on utube10:43
TXRoadkill<popey> thinky: no, there are currently no ubuntu phones on sale << not true10:43
popeyTXRoadkill: which one is currently for sale?10:43
thinkyi dont think it is native ubuntu mobile os10:43
thinkyit looks like android patch10:43
popeyTXRoadkill: that's not a marketplace, which phone is actually possible to buy?10:44
popeyThere may be some reconditioned stock at BQ of the E4.5 or E5, but they're in limited numbers.10:45
popeythinky: I handed her that phone :)10:46
popeyYes :)10:47
thinkyshe is pretty :p10:47
thinkyah not really lol10:47
popeymoving on...10:47
thinkywell do they consider to release ubuntu phones in short run?10:48
thinkymaybe with wider brands10:48
thinkysamsung, lenovo .. etc10:48
popeyNot currently.10:48
jarnosI made a boot/installation media of Mythbuntu 16.04 by mkusb. I run a persistent live session. unattended-upgrades started to operate and install e.g. new kernel on the USB flash drive. The consequence was that system ran out of inodes here: /dev/loop0 mounted ar /rofs How to recover?10:48
thinkyi wrote in lenovo forum and blog about a phone called ThinkPhone10:48
thinkylike ThinkPads10:49
thinkyrunning ubuntu10:49
thinkyit would be really cool idea10:49
thinkypopey: why not ?10:49
thinkybeleive me ubuntu can beat android10:49
thinkyandroid is garbage full of virus10:49
popeyI think we should take this discussion elsewhere, #ubuntu is for tech support.10:49
ikonianice market and tech research there thinky10:49
popeyeither #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic10:49
thinkythey are sleeping10:50
soulfireI'm trying to use sed to grab all the text between the first and third colon in a line.. Is there a good way to do this?10:50
popeysoulfire: I'd use awk.... | awk -F ':' '{ print $1,$2,$3 }'10:51
popeysoulfire: or similar :)10:51
soulfirethanks popey how can I keep a colon to seperate values of $1 $2 $310:57
blackflowsoulfire: { print $1 ":" $2 ":" $3 }11:00
nexusguy59Good morning everyone11:16
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MonkeyDustgood afternoon11:22
codfectionchrome videos flickering on ubuntu11:26
codfectionany fixes?11:26
BluesKajHiyas all11:31
EmptyCupAnyone know how to connect to a wireless connection when installing using the mini.iso image?11:34
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blackflowEmptyCup: does it not ask for network configuration options during installation?11:42
EmptyCupblackflow: It does try to automatically identify network settings.11:43
EmptyCupblackflow: but it does not ask for WPA keys or anything like that11:43
EmptyCupblackflow: I can see that iwlwifi is loaded and "ip link" shows that wlp3s0 is up11:47
blackflowEmptyCup: well, if it doesn't offer through installation menus -- and iirc it should -- you could try switching to an alt tty and use wpa_supplicant directly on wlp3s011:49
blackflowEmptyCup: some minimal wpa_supplicant config could be   network { ssid "Your SSID"; psk "Your WPA2-PSK passphrase"}   and if your ssid is hidden, add scan_ssid=1;   then run something like wpa_supplicant -c /path/to/that/config11:51
blackflowI don't remember if you can supply those options on the command line to wpa_supplicant directly, or you need a config file like that11:51
blackflowoh yeah, also option -i wlp3s011:52
olmariI installed ubuntu into ZFS, all is otherwise good, but network-manager shows much of the interfaces as "not managed" and I can't use them.. only the wlan is usable (that was used with installation time if that matters)...11:53
EmptyCupblackflow: So I should be able to use only the wpa-supplicant to connect?11:53
olmarinothing suspicious in /etc/config/network nor in NM files11:53
jmssHi, did linux-firmwre-nonfree disappeared from 16.04.1?11:53
MonkeyDust!find linux-firmware11:54
ubottuFound: linux-firmware, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-firmware&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all11:54
MonkeyDust!find linux-firmware rusty11:54
ubotturusty is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed11:54
olmariso... I'm at loss how to resolve this :)11:54
MonkeyDustjmss  you're right, it was there in trusty11:55
jmssMonkeyDust: was it included in linux-firmware?11:55
MonkeyDustfind linux-firmware trusty | jmss11:56
MonkeyDust!find linux-firmware trusty | jmss11:56
ubottujmss: Found: linux-firmware, linux-firmware-grouper, linux-firmware-nexus7, linux-firmware-nonfree11:56
jmssMonkeyDust: maybe they don't separate between free and non-free anymore11:57
MonkeyDustjmss  that must be it11:57
smongI'm running ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I have a dockerfile for ubuntu 14.04, can I just run the commands in that (and change some) to accomplish whatever the docker file does? :p11:57
tomreynolmari: if i recall correctly, network manager will log (to syslog) if it decides not to manage a NIC for some reason.11:57
olmaritomreyn: hmm11:58
olmarilets see11:58
blackflowEmptyCup: the wpa_supplicant way is the only way I know to connect via wifi and it always worked like that. I don't know if wlan options can be forced through ifconfig/ip/iwconfig instead.12:03
jmssMonkeyDust: thanks12:04
EmptyCupblackflow: Ok. I'll try that. Thank you very much.12:06
olmaritomreyn: hmm... so far I haven't found anything related to failing or NM not wanting to manage...12:09
olmariAug 25 00:36:41 w520 NetworkManager[4405]: <info>  [1472074601.5139] devices added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/enp0s25, iface: enp0s25)12:09
olmariAug 25 00:36:41 w520 NetworkManager[4405]: <info>  [1472074601.5139] device added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/enp0s25, iface: enp0s25): no ifupdown configuration found.12:09
olmarimost close thing found so far12:09
olmarihmm.. apparmor errors I do see12:10
tomreynolmari: what does this report (paste output to a pastebin, please)? NetworkManager --print-config12:10
olmarinot relating to specific device, but more general12:10
olmaritomreyn: huge, while grepped "only" NetworkManager and nm- http://paste.ubuntu.com/23102220/12:14
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olmariah man.. sorry... I'm blind... lets see the real command too :)12:14
olmaritomreyn: first paste is all NM relating from syslog, latter is the command you asked :)12:16
tomreynolmari: does /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf say anything specific to the wireless NIC or your other NICs?12:17
olmaritomreyn: file doesn't exist12:18
tomreynfind /etc -name 10-globally-managed-devices.conf12:21
crazyhorse18so i'm getting SATA failed to IDENTIFY (init_dev_params failed) when i'm booting up my computer12:21
crazyhorse18when i stuck the hdd into a usb slot12:21
olmaritomreyn: 012:21
crazyhorse18it showed up as a 2.2tb hdd, when it's 4tb and wouldn't mount12:21
Ben64crazyhorse18: whats the output of 'sudo parted -l'12:22
MonkeyDustcrazyhorse18  run this command, then un/plug again, see what happens ... tail -f /var/log/syslog12:23
crazyhorse18is there a way i can get access to the terminal..12:23
crazyhorse18ah got terminal wait up12:23
MonkeyDustcrazyhorse18  ctrl alt t12:23
tomreynolmari: and /etc/network/interfaces does not exist?12:23
crazyhorse18Ben64: ok in parted it only listed 3 disks.. but they look like swap and my ssd.. the ata drive is not in there12:24
olmaritomreyn: does, has much of nothing but direcgtive to /e/n/interfaces.d/ which in turn is empty12:24
Ben64crazyhorse18: well what shows it as 2.2TB?12:25
crazyhorse18ah sorry i've got it plugged in again12:25
crazyhorse18through the sata port12:25
crazyhorse18if i do sudo fdisk -l it doesn't show up in there either12:26
tomreynolmari: i'm puzzled, everything i read suggests all your NICs shozuld be manageable by NM. maybe post a screenshot of the GUI where you cannot manage a device.12:27
thinkyscreen still flickering :S12:27
crazyhorse18i'll try moving the driver to another computer12:30
tomreyncrazyhorse18: also try a different usb cable and usb connector / port if available12:31
MonkeyDustVacuum_  you can activate the repos you want or need12:32
Vacuum_MonkeyDust:  Can't I do it automatically?12:32
MonkeyDustVacuum_  i'm not in ubuntu right now, it's an item in the system settings, Software sources or so12:33
Vacuum_its vps12:33
Vacuum_no gui12:33
theoshow do i find out which file is located on a particular block?12:33
casttheos: that's a very peculiar question, what's the motivation? disk corruption?12:35
theoscast yes. i have bad blocks :S12:36
olmaritomreyn: lol.. apparently not that good.. there is slight delay between pressing PrtSc and the actualk shot, and in beween menu is almost faded out :D12:36
casttheos: what FS?12:36
theoscast ext412:36
tomreynolmari: you can install the NM CLI and post thre output of "nmcli d" instead12:37
olmaritomreyn: anyhow, nm-applet shows there is device, and greyed out "device not managed" under it12:37
tomreynolmari: ...and then try to configure the other NICs using the CLI and show its output as it fails12:37
thinkywhen i create a file in usr/share/..12:38
thinkywhat should i do to reflect?12:38
thinkyor to refresh?12:38
thinkydoes system automatically get the file?12:38
olmaritomreyn: doesn't fail, says basically same things as GUI... wlp3s0 wifi connected, enp0s25 ethernet unmanaged, and so on for everythign else than the wifi12:39
tomreynthinky: if you are creating this file to change the behavior of some service, this service may need ot be restarted. you'r enot providing enough information to provide a specifc reply.12:40
casttheos: looks like debugfs lets you find out what blocks a file has, so if we can't work out the reverse of that, one could just check each file until you find the blocks in question12:40
olmaritomreyn: hmm need to read how make conn with nmcli12:40
thinkytomreyn: i did this for screen flicker issue : http://askubuntu.com/questions/752743/ubuntu-16-04-skylake-6th-generation-screen-flickering12:41
tomreynolmari: wont work if unmanaged. read up on how to make it managed instead12:41
casttheos: as a side note, btrfs||zfs sure would be handy here ;)12:42
olmaritomreyn: the thing is... like you said even... there is nothing that suggest it sh0ouldn't work...12:42
Vacuum_why am I still seeing 'inrelease'12:42
olmarireason being unmanaged is still unknown12:42
MonkeyDustVacuum_  you should give a short description of the issue, in the same line  when you pastebin something12:44
Vacuum_why am I still seeing 'inrelease'  https://pastebin.mozilla.org/890556912:44
MonkeyDustVacuum_  and menstion the vps12:44
tomreynVacuum_: that's not an issue.12:44
Vacuum_tomreyn:  what is it theN?12:45
tomreyna textual informative output12:45
Vacuum_tomreyn:  on my desktop I get a lot of udpate repos12:45
Vacuum_tomreyn:  than why so less on vps and saying 'in rlease'12:45
tomreynthinky: this is a much newer cpu generation than yours, but it might still help. or not.12:46
thinkyi created the file by gksu gedit ...12:46
thinkyhow to refresh it12:46
thinkyit still flickers12:46
tomreynolmari: maybe try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/71159/network-manager-says-device-not-managed#answer12:47
netvixtraoh the lenovo horrors12:47
netvixtrathinky: had the same shit on my X1 Carbon12:49
thinkynetvixtra: i have x20112:50
netvixtrafunny, I have a x201 and a x220 too12:50
netvixtraBut never had flickering issues12:50
olmaritomreyn: tried most of those already, nope :P12:50
thinkyis it because of ram maybe? i newly installed a ram12:51
thinkyit happens in ubuntu only12:51
netvixtrathinky: tried to purge intel driver?12:51
thinkyhow to do that?12:52
netvixtrasudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel12:52
netvixtraand reboot12:52
thinkylet me try12:52
thinkybrb to reboot12:53
tomreynolmari: sorry, i can't help then. maybe post a bug report using ubuntu-bug network-manager12:55
olmaritomreyn: maybe... I'm baffled too, hence coming here :P12:56
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tomreynthis command also gathers all the relevant output, reviewing it might hint on what's wrong.12:56
thinkywho was the one who has x1 carbon?12:59
thinkylooks like no screen flicker now but lets test some more12:59
* netvixtra slaps thinky around a bit with a x20113:00
thinkylol netvixtra13:00
thinkyu like x201?13:00
netvixtraIts ok for traveling13:00
thinkyit is the latest original design :/13:00
thinkyi love it but specs got old :S13:00
netvixtrausing mobile internet13:00
thinky1st gen cpu and others..13:01
thinkyi wish it would be possible to upgrade cpu and screen13:01
netvixtrayeah, some 1080p would be nice13:02
thinkynetvixtra: it flickers still :S13:03
Richarduseind linux on windows 1013:22
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Guest37278useing linux on window 1013:24
AndrijaSup people?13:25
mdlpehello, /dir/dir1/dir2/foo : I want 'find' stop the search @ dir1. I tried --maxdepth 1 (no result) where I'm wrong please ?13:30
theosthanks cast13:31
BL4DEHey did anyone manage to set up Empathy with SIP protocol?13:39
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* Pinkamena_D ?13:53
Kali-Torwaechterhallo zusammen13:54
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dj_beirutHi. i am having an issue with a server keeps going out of memory and cpu. and i think i know which program that is eating it up. but i am not sure how to go forward to debug what is going wrong. any help would be appriciated.14:11
bekksdj_beirut: So tell us about the details then.14:12
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dj_beirutbekks what do you want to know? what info can i provide?14:13
MonkeyDustdj_beirut  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue14:15
dj_beirutMonkeyDust it's empyt.14:15
MonkeyDustdj_beirut  ok, the output of   lsb_release -d14:16
dj_beirutMonkeyDust Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS14:16
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dj_beirutMonkeyDust bekks here is the last crash output from syslog: http://pastebin.com/GeAfJm2914:21
SamSagaZhey guys.. if i run ubuntu just from CLI, how can i know if my HDs are running or in sleep mode? im building and small machine and want to save as much power as i can because the computer will be on 24hs/day14:22
kittykittydoes anyone know what is going on with the ubuntu 16.04 amd drivers?14:26
BluesKajSamSagaZ, if your pc goes into sleep mode the power indicator lighjt changes colour ...the colour depends on your pc make of course14:27
thecrazyskullerv identify karbila1214:27
SamSagaZmm can i configure power settings trough cli, right?14:27
Shibewhat is apt-daily and why is it slowing down my boot?14:27
kittykittyShibe, it installs critical updates once a day if i remember correctly14:28
ksftI have an integrated Intel graphics card and a dedicated Nvidia one.14:28
ksftI can't use the Nvidia one.14:28
Shibekittykitty: what kind of critical updates?14:28
BluesKajSamSagaZ, yes, but I don't much about using the cli power settings14:28
Shibeits also slowing down my boot by 14s14:28
ksftIf I try to install proprietary drivers for it, I can't log in the next time I start X.14:28
kittykittyShibe, https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/sect.regular-upgrades.html i'll try find the other link for what i read about it14:30
BluesKajSamSagaZ, sudo pm-suspend is about all I use anyway :-)14:30
kittykittyShibe, yeah here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates too14:30
aungmyokyawhow to use hud in ubuntu mate14:30
ponAhey, i have a problem concerning my raid5, recently a disc broke and i shut the system down, ordered a new disk and now i am trying to add it to the raid again14:30
kittykittyany news on the AMDGPU driver?14:32
ponAi partitioned the disk using parted and tried to add it to the volume using mdadm --add /dev/md127 /dev/sdc but that did give me the error "cannot get array info for /dev/md12714:32
SamSagaZok :)14:32
ponAso how do i fix that without losing my data :)14:32
ioria!info hdparm | SamSagaZ14:33
ubottuSamSagaZ: hdparm (source: hdparm): tune hard disk parameters for high performance. In component main, is standard. Version 9.48+ds-1 (xenial), package size 93 kB, installed size 237 kB14:33
SamSagaZioria, thanks!14:34
ioriaSamSagaZ, np,  https://linuxconfig.org/change-hard-drive-s-sleep-standby-mode-timer-to-reduce-power-consumption14:34
SamSagaZyou are the best14:34
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alanjoelhow can I give each monitor it's own wallpaper?14:37
alanjoelimaleah: better to just ask your question you'll get a response sooner14:38
alanjoelimaheah: better to just ask your question you'll get a response sooner14:40
bekksdj_beirut: your flussonic application is being killed. You need to reconfigure your OOM killer for killing the application that eats up your memory, not some random application (which is the default).14:40
alanjoelhow can I give each monitor it's own wallpaper?14:40
dj_beirutbekks i believe it is flussonic that is eating up the memory.14:41
bekksdj_beirut: And I told you why you cant be sure.14:41
ioriaalanjoel,  check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/531519/different-wallpapers-on-multiple-monitors14:42
dj_beirutbekks i know it is flussonic because i can see how much flussonic is actually using of the ressources at all time.14:43
alanjoelioria:the tweak tool has change since then. This should not be so complicated14:45
bekksdj_beirut: So you already know whats causing those OOM killer invocations.14:45
dj_beirutbekks i know it's flussonic. i just don't know why or how to go about debugging it.14:46
bekksdj_beirut: is that an application from the ubuntu repos?14:46
ioriaalanjoel,  unity-tweak-tool, you mean ? or what tool ?14:47
dj_beirutbekks how can reconfigure OOM killer to kill the application eating up the memory? just to make sure?14:47
dj_beirutbekks no it is not.14:48
dj_beirutit's from www.flussonic.com14:48
alanjoelioria: gnome tweak too different. Went through items on page. installed gnome tweak and mate tweak I hate unity14:48
bekksdj_beirut: then you need to ask the support ciommunity of flussonic for further help.14:48
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ioria!info nitrogen | alanjoel14:50
ubottualanjoel: nitrogen (source: nitrogen): wallpaper browser and changing utility for X. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.2-2build1 (xenial), package size 131 kB, installed size 369 kB14:50
ioriaalanjoel,  but i'd try first the fix in the link posted14:52
DonohueAnyone with any experience dual booting Ubuntu and OS X? Currently, if I hold option and select Macintosh HD, I can get into my OS X install, just not certain if it's best to update GRUB entries, or to use something like reFIND15:10
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alanjoelioria: Thanks had to get up for a few.. I'll try it15:35
johnharris85Anyone got any suggestions for this issue? http://askubuntu.com/questions/815558/upstart-logs-dont-exist15:35
ioriaalanjoel,  good luck15:35
ikoniajohnharris85: what's the summary of the problem15:41
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johnharris85ikonia, it's a pretty short post :p But I'm using upstart, and no logs are created. /var/log/upstart doesn't exist15:48
meliogood earthly time to all, i have a problem with showing wifi ssid names in my network menu with wifi being my primary network connection, the issue arose when i designated a static ip for my laptops network mac address - after i that wifi ssid's dissapeared. but it still connects (i'm online right?) - 16.04.115:48
ikoniajohnharris85: what version of ubuntu ?15:48
ikoniajohnharris85: are you sure it's meant to be there in 14.0415:50
ikoniajohnharris85: reading the docs only stdout is logged there15:50
johnharris85so for instance Docker (which is what I'm having an issue with)15:51
johnharris85daemon (which is started with upstart) is meant to log to /var/log/upstart/docker.log15:51
CaNnnhı ther e15:51
ikoniajohnharris85: how do you know it's meant to log there15:51
ikonia(or why do you think it's meant to log there)15:51
ikoniajohnharris85: so the first thing to do is to create that directory15:53
ikoniajohnharris85: the second thing to do is check your config with "initctl log-priority" and "initctl emit@15:54
ikoniasorry "initctl emit"15:54
johnharris85`message` for log-priority15:56
V7Hey all15:56
ikoniajohnharris85: ok, so it's only going to log "message" level priority or greater,15:56
ikoniaanything bellow message wont' get logged15:57
V7How can I make a trick to show a notification when song in Rhythmbox changing ?15:57
johnharris85thanks ikonia, so how do I know what 'level' an application is logging at? (obviously they have internal language specific levels, but how does that translate to upstart?)15:59
V7And ... which one SFTP client I should you beside Krusader and Filezilla ...15:59
V7'cause I don't like them15:59
V7Is there anything like Total Commander or smth. else ?15:59
ikoniajohnharris85: messages are normally information or higher16:00
ikoniaeg; what you'd expect to see on screen if you where doing it manually16:00
V7I'm using terminal version, so ... is there smth. pretty like Total Commander /16:00
alkisgv7, midnight commander16:00
johnharris85in fact, if I do an initctl show-config, docker doesn't appear...16:00
V7alkisg: Yeah ... I have this one thx :)16:00
ikoniajohnharris85: how did you install docker ?16:01
V7I mean GUI16:01
johnharris85via apt16:01
johnharris85and I can start through `service xxx start` etc..16:01
ikoniajohnharris85: where did it pull the repo though16:01
johnharris85didn't do any manual init.d setup16:01
johnharris85direct from docker I believe, manually added the repo16:01
ikoniajohnharris85: ok - so the package is not an ubuntu package16:02
ikoniait's a package provided by the docker repos16:02
johnharris85believe so16:02
ikoniajohnharris85: so you need to take this up with the docker package maintainers/support16:02
V7alkisg: Which one do you using ?16:03
johnharris85OK thanks, will look into it. I do however have loads of other jobs running under upstart (according to initctl show-config). How come the /var/log/upstart dir didn't exist and those weren't logging anything?16:03
alkisgV7, filezilla or nautilus or sshfs or scp16:03
ikoniajohnharris85: maybe it gets created on demand, or maybe you deted it somehow16:03
ikoniaI'd have to look into it16:03
ikoniaif I'm honest I'm not expcting anything to log to /var/log/upstart16:03
ikoniahence the surprise at docker16:04
johnharris85ah OK16:04
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johnharris85going to reinstall from ubuntu sources ikonia and see if that's any different, have been using for a while and possible was still using old repos16:07
johnharris85(despite being on a newer version, may have updated binaries myself)16:07
V7I've installed Gnome Commander and after 10 secs it's just crashed ...16:09
V7Before I wanted to add a "New Connection"16:09
V7sudo apt-get purge gnome-commander16:09
V7Installing Krusader need 92.9 MB to download16:10
siva_machinasudo apt purge works also. at least on 16.0416:11
alkisgKrusader probably needs a lot of KDE dependencies...16:12
johnharris85OK ikonia so now I installed again, again from Docker repos (official instructions), again it doesn't show up in `initctl show-config`, but now it _does_ log to /var/log/upstart/docker.log16:12
siva_machinaApperantly Krusader was update last 7 years ago16:13
codfectionI love ubuntu. other than minor bugs its a good OS16:14
siva_machinacodfection that would be with any OS16:14
=== Richard is now known as Guest63100
codfectionsiva_machina, even with macOS?16:15
Guest63100useing windows 10 with xchat16:15
Guest63100did u guy no windows 10 running ubuntu side by side16:17
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:17
Guest63100not dual booting16:17
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
siva_machinaI stop duaelbooting at the begninning of the year16:18
ubuntu0645question. I 'm installing ubuntu 32bit 16.04 on an old computer, and after the user creation step, the computer keeps reading the ubuntu dvd and the system is not responding well16:18
siva_machinaUbuntu with Unity?16:19
alkisgubuntu0645: try a usb stick?16:19
ubuntu0645I 'm not sure that I can boot a usb16:19
alkisgYou can start from a cd and continue with the usb stick16:19
alkisgcasper will still locate the image16:19
siva_machinaoh xubuntu so it is xfce then16:19
ubuntu0645like a hirens boot cd ?16:19
ubuntu0645yes it xfce16:20
alkisgNo, start from the cd you're starting now, and then remove it and plug the usb stick right after kernel+initrd loads16:20
siva_machinaif you can't get that to work there is also lubuntu and Ubuntu-mate16:20
ponycorn17what's the preferred way of getting a newer kernel and linux-firmware? is it really to acquire a .deb and dpkg it?16:21
alkisgor click on the "test cd contents" menu to ensure your drive reads all the cd correctly16:21
ubuntu0645alkisg I have to assume that the kernel has already loaded when it says that is generating locales ?16:22
alkisgubuntu0645: yes, what I'm saying is that your cd disk or drive somehow doesn't manage to be properly read at the stage you're mentioning16:22
codfectionsiva_machina, but I doubt that a free product can be as good as paid. sorry its not the channel to discuss.16:22
alkisgubuntu0645: so, by using a usb stick the way I've said, you will ensure that everything is read properly16:22
ubuntu0645alkisg I'm suspecting the same thing, is there any way to prove this assumption other than the continious medium read ?16:24
siva_machinacodfection I have been lurking in #ubuntu-offtopic for some time16:24
alkisgubuntu0645: not really, you can either md5sum it or use a usb stick16:24
ioriaubuntu0645, in the main menu, you can check the disk integrity16:25
alkisgubuntu0645: you can also very easily netboot /netinstall it if you have another pc there16:25
ioriaubuntu0645, 'Check disc for defects'16:25
ubuntu0645alkisg md5sum the dvd ?16:25
alkisg(even without ubuntu)16:25
alkisgYes, either the menu that me and ioria said, or plain md5sum /dev/sr016:25
squintyubuntu0645, fwiw, you can use the plop boot manager on older systems to boot from usb.  make the plop boot cd and then select your usb stick from the plop menu.  see https://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html for further details16:25
SchrodingersScatcan confirm plop is great for quicky things that can't usb boot16:26
ubuntu0645alkisg the md5sum of the sr0 should be the same with the one of the iso ?16:26
alkisgHe can also boot from the cd and continue from usb\16:26
alkisgubuntu0645: yes16:26
ubuntu0645thanks squinty16:26
ubuntu0645thank you all16:26
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alkisgBtw, plop doesn't work in all ancient hardware, for me it worked in like 5 out of 10 cases16:27
alkisgSo we're mostly using netbooting here for installations16:27
V7So ... developer fixed this 12309 error ?16:36
V7Ubuntu developers *16:36
V7Issue *16:36
OerHeksuser error cannot be fixed, afaik16:38
alkisgV7, we've no idea which application issue you're referring to16:43
alkisgHello pjc16:43
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V7alkisg: 12309: I/O operations on large files tend to produce extremely high iowait times and poor system I/O performance (degraded interactivity).16:45
V7Just remembered ... Happy birthday IRC !16:46
alkisgV7, that's an upstream kernel bug, not an ubuntu bug... ubuntu bugs are filed on launchpad16:46
Guest21079is it really?16:46
Guest21079lucky me16:46
FManTropyxI am burning my USB with 16.04 and Rufus says "This ISO uses symbolic links, which will not be replicated due to file system limitations. Because of this, some features from this image may not work..."16:50
V7alkisg: So ... Ubuntu doesn't have this one ?16:50
V7Or ... snth like this ?16:50
V7I cant undertand now16:50
=== Romi is now known as RomiMendes
alkisgV7, in general, Ubuntu has most of the bugs that upstream software has. It does have a few local solutions. But the bug you're referring to has been solved years ago, so no distro has it.16:51
FManTropyxnow it wants me to select ISO or DD more and it recommends the other one than I would have chosen16:52
FManTropyx"Error while partitioning drive"16:53
alkisgFManTropyx: in general, dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdb, is the easiest way to write a usb stick that boots in both bios and uefi16:54
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alkisgMake sure that the usb is not mounted anywhere16:54
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FManTropyxit is not, log shows nothing16:55
FManTropyxit is a new stick and Windows says "File system: RAW"16:56
FManTropyxI removed the drive letter Windows gave it, but it came back16:57
FManTropyxah, now I see in log "Could not delete drive layout: [0x0000001F] A device attached to the system is not functioning."16:58
c_nick. https://indrajit.typeform.com/to/fd9sMj on this site vote for your favourite team name :)16:59
c_nick i cant decide so created a form :) let me know once done .. there is a dropdown too!17:00
c_nickand click enter at the bottom17:00
FManTropyxwelp, I had to format it and now it appears to be functioning17:00
FManTropyxprobably would have worked staright away in DD mode17:00
FManTropyxthanks for help!17:00
dwxselamun aleykum bro'lar17:02
JasonSomehi to all!! can you please help me here? I am striving to get mining working on my Ubuntu 16.04 but I am facing a serious problem with OpenCL: I cannot get Ubuntu detect my GPU with OpenCL... OpenCL sees only my CPU. Can you please help me?17:21
SchrodingersScat!details | JasonSome17:23
ubottuJasonSome: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:23
=== errrasmus is now known as erasmus
FAM_Anyone here?17:28
JasonSome@SchrodingersScat: Ubuntu 16.04.1 64-bit17:37
JasonSomeso no GPU displayed17:38
JasonSomemy GPU: AMD Radeon HD 483017:38
JasonSomeSchrodingersScat: any other info you need?17:39
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danny_is there a reason that rclone is not in the official repos?17:42
lvminstHi, I am trying to install Kubuntu 16.04 over an old Ubuntu 14.04 installation. Ubuntu 14.04 is on an encrypted partition with LVM volumes. After mounting the encrypted drive on the live/usb version I could select the volumes in the installer and the installation worked fine. But now when I try to boot the system it waits for a while and then dumps me into busybox without any error message. dmesg also did not show an error. I have17:43
lvminsta separate /boot and EFI partition. I think it is just that the boot system does not find my encrypted partition and fails to load it and mount /17:43
lvminstHow can I get this working?17:44
mustmodifySo I'm looking for three dashes on a line and I want to replace them with three backticks. I tried lots of variations of this but with no success. Can anyone help?  ag "^\-\-\-$" | xargs sed -i "s/^\-\-\-$/\`\`\`/g"17:45
mustmodifythe current error is "sed: can't read index.html:1:---"17:45
lvminstDo I have to change the initramfs?)17:45
mistralolhi I just did an do-release-upgrade from 14.04 -> 16.04 now when I run apt-get update I get the following error. Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) any suggestions?17:45
mistralolapt-key seems to run perfectly fine fromt he command line17:46
Kabe0|2you updated17:46
Kabe0|2so your config for packages are probably pointing to the wrong version17:46
mistralolKabe0|2: its pulled xenial17:46
mistralolas in here is the full error log http://pastebin.com/3UCdmvvV17:47
Kabe0|2how about the other sources17:47
mistraloloh there is a single invalid source17:48
Kabe0|2worse case you might have to build each missing key (if that's whats happening)17:49
mistralolkeys seem to exist and match another system17:49
Kabe0|2maybe try mv the current source file17:52
Kabe0|2and building a new one17:52
mistralolKabe0|2: just did that17:52
mistralolKabe0|2: something really odd happeneing now. Its a virtual server on a host. I am sure they are up to something :/17:52
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Kabe0|2ah yea im not sure what could be happening then...17:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:54
mistralolhtough it is now only failing for the security repo's17:54
danny_What should I use for automating dropbox backups and syncing?  Rclone seems promising17:54
winsenhi all17:56
winsendoes anyone know alternative graphically to extundelete? thanks17:56
Mathisenhello i been strugling with grub for several hours now.. it wont show my windows @ boot.. this is my /etc/grub.d/40_custom " http://paste.ubuntu.com/23103720/ " that entry dont even show when i boot upp.. os-prober does find my windows but still nothing..17:56
Mathisenanyone that can help me17:56
=== zelozelos is now known as ZeloZelos
ZeloZelosdid you make sure thats where your windows bootmanager is?17:59
ZeloZelosin the correct active or inactive status (iforgot which way active i think)18:00
ZeloZelos*sometimes called bootable18:01
heyyoweehello Ive been trying to install wine but it gives ne this error...  The following packages have unmet dependencies:18:02
heyyowee wine1.8 : Depends: wine1.8-i386 (= 1:1.8.0-0ubuntu1)18:02
heyyoweeE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:02
heyyoweeanyone help me please?18:02
ZeloZelosMathisen, which windows version?18:02
MathisenZeloZelos, 10 with bitlocker on if that has anything with this to do18:03
Mathisenalso legacy.. not using efi18:03
ZeloZelostry this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:03
MrAristoAnyone have experience installing a NeatScanner on Ubuntu?18:04
siva_machinaheyyowee: I just ran sudo apt install wine playonlinux when I installed wine. It worked fine for me.18:04
siva_machinaI am on 16.0418:04
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heyyoweesiva_machina_: how my friend?18:04
siva_machinait just installed18:04
siva_machinathat is how18:04
heyyoweesiva_machina_: Im on 14.0418:04
siva_machinait worked for me on 14.0418:05
siva_machinaalso. how do you have wine 1.8 on 14.04?18:05
heyyoweesiva_machina_: It says it has unmet dependencies18:05
OerHeks!info wine trusty18:05
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)18:05
ZeloZelosMathisen, yes, it seems bitlocker may be the key18:05
siva_machinaif Irememeber 1.6 is the stable in trusty.18:06
MathisenZeloZelos, so there is no way to get grub to boot then ?18:06
OerHeksheyyowee, what guide are you following? playonlinux gives an option for newer wine, but that is on your own risc18:06
MathisenZeloZelos, i can still repair the win bootloader and put grub on a diffrent hd but that seems like a bad solusion to me.. then i need to choose hd @ boot evertime i want to switch os18:07
heyyoweeOerHeks_: Im having unmet dependencies18:07
OerHeksheyyowee, yes, we read that.18:07
ZeloZelosMathisen, looks like easybcd may be equipted to handle it, this is what i am reading http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/9528.how-to-multiboot-with-bitlocker-tpm-and-a-non-windows-os.aspx18:07
heyyoweeOerHeks_: How to fix it? I entered in the terminal sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 still having dependency errors18:08
bipulWhy we need to partition hard disk ?18:09
MathisenZeloZelos, ohboy this is gonna be long night..18:09
OerHeksheyyowee, again:  what guide are you following?18:09
ikoniabipul: so the OS knows how much space and the boundries of that space18:09
ZeloZelosMathisen, also, perhaps secureboot is a factor, try disable/enable it18:09
reisiobipul: it's a convention, for the convenience of specializing by FS18:09
zykotick9bipul: you don't always need too...  you can format drives directly with ext if you want.18:10
bipulzykotick9, Means i can use entire disk,by just assigning a file system type to it. ?18:10
heyyoweeOerHeks_: I must have deleted my browser history I cant find the links in askubuntu the guides I was following earlier18:11
ikoniabipul: you'll find a partition table, even if it's just one partition will make your life simple18:11
reisiobecause it's such a widespread convention, most things will assume you'll have done it that way18:11
zykotick9bipul: ya.  you mound using sdb as an example, no partition number for obvious reasons.18:11
ZeloZelosMathisen, overall, i suggest you get windows bootable and turn off bitlocker18:12
reisiobitlocker doesn't have a great track record of doing what it's meant to do properly, anyway18:12
heyyoweeOerHeks_: I'vve freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04.1 version18:12
bipulYes, after assigning we mount it, to store the data on it.18:12
OerHeksheyyowee, that dependency error does not come from simply install wine, so you must have done some steps18:12
apb1963_siva_machina: You can attempt apt-get install wine1.8 or even wine1.8-amd64 and see what happens18:12
Exterminadorjust a thing that always have bugged me.. when we install Ubuntu, we got two options: install it along side with windows or create a partition.. what's the difference? any place i can read about it?18:12
OerHeks14.04.1 ... we are at 14.04.5 now.. update18:13
bipulikonia, reisio and zykotick9  Thank you all. :)18:13
heyyoweeOerHeks_: Sorry.. ok ill update18:13
OerHeksheyyowee, but even not updated does not give that error18:13
apb1963_siva_machina: myself, I'm having problems with it... but I don't know if it's caused by other issues I have.  Still trying to resolve it.18:13
reisioI wonder if performance differs at all18:14
heyyoweeOerHeks_: are the i386 dependency packages for wine still available in the 14.04.x repos?18:14
OerHeksheyyowee, for the standard wine, yes18:15
reisioI do like the convenience of a disposable swap partition, though...18:15
heyyoweeOerHeks_: Been trying in synaptic, but still nothing...18:15
OerHeksheyyowee, update properly, then come back18:15
heyyoweeOerHeks_: When I input just sudo apt-get install wine still gives me dependency errors18:16
heyyoweeOerHeks_: Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have18:16
heyyoweerequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable18:16
heyyoweedistribution that some required packages have not yet been created18:16
heyyoweeor been moved out of Incoming.18:16
heyyoweeThe following information may help to resolve the situation:18:16
heyyoweeThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:16
* apb1963_ checks for a pulse in #ubuntu18:19
apb1963_She's dead Jim18:20
mistralolafter upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 I seem to get this http://pastebin.com/3UCdmvvV when running apt-get update anyone any suggestions. I have tried a number of things so far...18:22
siva_machinaI'm not a doctor I am a proctologist....18:22
ikoniasiva_machina: don't need that sort of sillyness here please18:23
OerHeksmistralol, seems like you run into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/157792618:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577926 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-key works fine, yet apt fails with "Could not execute 'apt-key'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:25
JasonSomeany help with my GPU issue?18:26
mistralolOerHeks: yeah but how to fix is the problem18:26
OerHeksmistralol, i am reading on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1583102 see #3, and http://askubuntu.com/questions/759071/cant-update-upgrade-du-to-could-not-execute-apt-key-to-verify-signature18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1583102 in apt (Ubuntu) "Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:26
OerHeksboot in recovery and perform ' Sudo dpkg --configure -a ' perhaps?18:27
mistralolOerHeks: cant its a remote vm18:28
OerHeks.. upgrading a VM, great.18:28
OerHeksmistralol, is this a rental VPS or something? then your provider should offer you a 16.04 image, they tend to tweak heavily, or you are not using their manual to upgrade..18:30
mistralolOerHeks: they dont have a 16.04 image yet18:30
OerHeksThen there is a little we can do, restore your backup.18:31
blackflowmistralol: remote VM without rescue mode? it's not hosted by a hosting company?18:32
mistralolblackflow: yeah there is an external rescue mode but how is that going to resolve the issue?18:32
blackflowmistralol: well, OerHeks' advice to boot in recover and dpkg ... ?18:33
blackflowbtw, do we report here to ops when a user is spamming via msg?18:33
mistralolblackflow: blackflow and what does that do exactly?18:33
OerHeksblackflow, join #ubuntu-ops please18:34
blackflowOerHeks: k, thanks.18:34
blackflowmistralol: I must admit I read only part of hte conversation, the part about not being able to reboot into rescue mode because it's a remote vm18:35
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mistralolblackflow: yeah but recue what is my point I can acess the machine perfectly fine ;)18:35
JasonSomeplease, why won't anyone help me?18:35
mistralolblackflow: I just cannot update it18:35
JasonSome(my GPU problem)18:36
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blackflowmistralol: (is gnupg installed?)18:36
Honkiiwhats the GPU problem ?18:36
mistralolblackflow: yup :) actually strace gets this execve("/usr/bin/apt-key", ["/usr/bin/apt-key", "--quiet", "--readonly", "verify", "--status-fd", "3", "/tmp/apt.sig.exrbhV", "/tmp/apt.data.ChaxVl"], [/* 23 vars */]) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)18:36
mistralolblackflow: that exe has perms of 0755 ;)18:37
blackflowmistralol: and /tmp?18:37
OerHeksyour vm does not like the workaround with those keys upgrading. good protection, it is.18:37
mistralolblackflow: 177718:37
antipsychiatryDr.Jeffrey Schaler: Psychiatry is a Fraud and Is All About Control18:37
blackflowmistralol: any apparmor rules in effect?18:39
mistralolblackflow: not that I know of. Its not something I am familure with18:40
blackflowmistralol: tmp mounted noexec?18:40
mistralolblackflow: tmp isn't its own filesystem18:41
blackflowmistralol: does running `apt-key update` fix anything?18:46
mistralolblackflow: tried18:47
mistralolblackflow: its a bug in apt18:47
mistralolblackflow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/157792618:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577926 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-key works fine, yet apt fails with "Could not execute 'apt-key'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:47
mistralolis there a simple way to disable all of apparmour stuff for a short period ot test it?18:49
OerHeksNo, not a bug, you are fighting your VM defense system18:49
OerHeksbut please, continue ..18:49
mistralolvm defense system?18:49
mistralolOerHeks: the thing is they havn't actually modified much on the system other than to add a support access account18:50
blackflowmistralol: you can put all the profiles into complain mode, `aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/*`18:51
WishYouHi! anyopne having problems with NFS read speeds with 16.04 accessing a remote share?18:51
apb1963_The following packages have unmet dependencies: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23103957/18:51
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: ubuntu version? other ppa's enabled?18:53
apb1963_lotuspsychje: 14.04.518:54
apb1963_lotuspsychje: one or two.. I forget how to display it18:54
reisioWishYou: everyone? nfs is awful, try sshfs18:54
lotuspsychje!sources | apb1963_18:55
ubottuapb1963_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:55
WishYou@reisio: Thing is, I have a 14.04 server im trying to upgrade to 16.04 and with 16.06 I get horribel reasd speeds  over 14.04 all else equal...18:55
salamanderrakehow do I use qtchooser to select the qt version I want to use, atm its set to qt4, but I want qt518:56
reisioWishYou: dunno what to say, never had any positive experience with nfs18:56
reisioit's horrific18:56
reisiohorrific to configure, horrific to use18:56
hustledailyhey all, im havign an issue with linux mint the mint desktop manager MDM, and lightdm as well. I installed lightdm and used proper commands to set lightdm as defualt DM, and even manually checked the config file /etc/X11/default-display-manager (or similar sorry. upon logout / reboot MDM still is called up instead of MDM. the reason for tryig to use lightdm is because isntalling xfce4 or lxde does not18:57
hustledailycreate the session options entries18:57
lotuspsychje!mint | hustledaily18:57
ubottuhustledaily: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:57
WishYou@reisio: This is a set of ZFS-backed NFS shares from a Solaris/OmniOS server, and its been flawless with 14.0418:57
hustledailyi understand but ive had no help thus far even in their #linuxmint channel so if anyone could help me it would be great18:57
WishYouSo SMB / NFS is sort of my options...18:57
hustledailyi could have ommitted linux mint from my question or topic i guess.. but i will keep that in mind in the future18:58
lotuspsychjehustledaily: perhaps you could try an ubuntu liveusb, and compare the differences?19:00
bruce_devHey, any recommended programs to connect to a virtual servers files via sublime text or something similar?19:00
bruce_devI tried googling but am having issues following19:00
debidino i can't help you, and not in the least because i know not of the subject matter, and i don't particularly feel the need to sound right since it happens to be an unsupported derivative of what we all supposed to talk about19:01
hustledailylotuspsychje: when X starts what config file does it read to detemrine the DM19:01
apb1963_lotuspsychje: The seemingly relevant ones are: ppa:wine/wine-builds ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa19:02
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: ah, did you try to install wine from regular ubuntu repos?19:03
apb1963_lotuspsychje: meaning I should remove those ppa's...19:03
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: yeah try to ppapurge non-official repos and try wine install from ubuntu repos19:04
zteamI'm considering building a new computer, will I able to play many games from Steam with the integrated graphics card (intel HD Graphics 530) in a Intel core i7-6700K19:04
apb1963_lotuspsychje: thx... looking for details of ppapurge now19:04
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | apb1963_19:04
ubottuapb1963_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:04
zteamor is it way to weak?19:04
ikoniazteam: so games on linux are not good in general, using the intergrated graphics for 3d based games will also be a problem19:04
reisiogames are better on gnu/linux, they're more performant19:05
reisiolike most things19:05
blackflowreisio: actually no19:05
ikoniano, they suck on linux19:05
salamanderrakeikonia: you have an amd card?19:05
blackflowon average at least. even phoronix has some hard numbers19:05
ikoniathey are not designed for linux so the whole concept is a hack19:06
ikoniasalamanderrake: no19:06
blackflowin my case, I've noticed same machine, same (steam) game, works okay on Windows, unplayable framerate at lowest settings on Linux, with my old gfx card. Got a new, powerful nvidia, all is well :)19:06
salamanderrakeactually its that they are not desigen for opengl.19:06
reisioblackflow: you're confusing steam with games, apparently19:06
reisiosteam is just one terribly made app19:06
zteamI know most games perform worse under Linux than under Windows, but that's not what I', asking19:06
reisiowhat ikonia said, yes19:07
blackflowreisio: steam is just delivery platform. I'm talking about games.19:07
reisiozteam: you don't though, because they don't19:07
reisiounless you mean most steam games, which is possible, because steam is kinda not good19:07
reisioblackflow: no it's more than that19:07
reisiobut, not important :D19:07
bruce_devsteam is awesome19:07
lotuspsychjeperhaps you guys should move this to #gamingonlinux19:07
reisiobruce_dev: you're confusing what you like about what steam provides with the quality of steam's programming :p19:07
zteamreisio, que?19:07
blackflowreisio: steam is just delivery platform19:08
ikoniablackflow: it acts as a launcher/wrapper for the games it downloads19:08
ikoniawhich basically just launches wine for most of the games - hence the "suck"19:08
blackflowikonia: a.k.a delivery platform :)19:08
lotuspsychjezteam: perhaps you should also ask yourself first wich kind of games you wanna be playing from ubuntu?19:08
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reisioaka s/just//19:08
blackflowikonia: and yeah, that. Bioshock Infinite, correcct?19:08
ikoniawant to play windows games, use windows19:09
ikoniait's that simple19:09
lotuspsychjezteam: every game has its own  hardware requierments19:09
reisioif you can find a non-steam version of the win32 game, it might honestly work better if you avoid the steam aspects19:09
reisiosome steam games will have poor performance even on windows, though19:09
GourlayI am trying to get this Zyxel NWD2705 working on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine and wonder if anyone can tell me how to get this going, or if i can't.19:10
reisioit has the same problem, it tries to emulate things so developers don't have to work as hard19:10
zteamikonia, I'm not gonna switch to Windows for playing games, that's absolutely out of the question19:10
reisiozteam: very sane :)19:10
lotuspsychjezteam: try #gamingonlinux , very much happy linux gamers there19:10
ikoniazteam: then more fool you19:11
lotuspsychjezteam: would also recommend a better graphics card then the integrated intel one19:11
ikoniawant to play windows games - boot windows19:11
TheNH813Is there a way to determine instructions per cycle of my CPU?19:11
ikoniait's not a hardship and you'll get the best support/compatibility19:11
blackflowbottom line, I fixed my problem by getting a stronger nvidia card. now all the games I play on Ubuntu Steam work flawlessly at highest quality.19:12
ikoniarather than a constant fight running through an abastraction level that can't really offer you direct hardware access to the kit it needs19:12
ikoniayour choice19:12
TheNH813I know some modern processors can get 3 and sometimes more instructions per cycle. How would I benchmark that?19:12
lotuspsychjeTheNH813: perhaps bonnie++ has a benchmark you need?19:12
blackflowTheNH813: it's probably part of the CPU instruction set specification19:13
lotuspsychje!info bonnie++ | TheNH81319:13
ubottuTheNH813: bonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1.97.1 (xenial), package size 64 kB, installed size 188 kB19:13
blackflowTheNH813: ie., find the opcode documentation19:13
TheNH813Hm... I'l look up both of those.19:13
zteamikonia, I'm talking about native Linux games, not Windows games (as native as it can be at least)19:13
ikonia"as native as it can be" ???19:13
blackflowbonnie++ is disk benchmark, nothing to do with opcodes19:14
ikoniawhat does that even mean19:14
ikoniait's either native linux, or not19:14
blackflowDoom3 had native linux client. worked perfect. Enemy Territory Quake Wars too.19:14
blackflowSadly, they don't make those any more.19:14
zteamikonia, well it would be, without all these damn DX too OpenGL wrappers19:14
ikoniawhat ?19:15
ikoniathe game is either native for linux, or not19:15
lotuspsychjeTheNH813: or phoronix test suite perhaps19:16
zteamikonia, you don't understand what I'm saying do you? :-) most Linux games make use of a DirectX to OpenGL wrapper) (that's why I wrote "as native as it can be)19:17
TheNH813I'l look that up.19:18
jeffrey_feth0 renamed.  how to stop that from happening........dmesg shows eth0 being renamed.19:19
reisiowell, no, not most linux games19:19
jeffrey_fUbuntu Mate19:19
reisioperhaps most windows games that _you_ use on gnu/linux19:19
ikoniajeffrey_f: why is it a problem that it's using the new names19:19
TheNH813jeffery_F What's it getting renamed to?19:19
reisioa subtle but important distinction19:19
TheNH813Ah, good question, ikonia. Are you using a staic config for a specific card?19:20
blackflowjeffrey_f: it's udev, and iirc it can be configured not to do that.19:20
jeffrey_fTheNH813: enxb027eb6ef2ac (part of that is the MAC)19:20
ikoniathat seems a wrong name, even with the new naming sandards19:21
jeffrey_fikonia: I have a script expecting eth019:21
TheNH813In the network manager or a command line tool?19:21
TheNH813Ah, script19:21
blackflowTheNH813: neither, device name19:21
zteamjeffrey_f, I remember having the same issue, you have to change some settings in grub to prevent it19:22
ikoniajeffrey_f: this is ubuntu 16.0419:22
blackflowjeffrey_f: perhaps this will help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/590029/argh-udev-wont-stop-renaming-my-interfaces/63265719:22
blackflowthe part about GRUB_CMDLINE...19:23
jeffrey_fblackflow: I tried that.  I get a 10.0 IP addy instead of my 192.....19:23
blackflowjeffrey_f: is this a vm?19:24
jeffrey_fblackflow: nope, it's a pi19:24
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blackflowanyway when the device is renamed, you'll probably have to reconfigure network for new device name19:24
jeffrey_fmy laptop does it too, not a prob on this for now19:24
zteamjeffrey_f, that workaround worked for me at least19:25
ioriajeffrey_f, can you paste   ' ip a  ' ?19:25
blackflowjeffrey_f: either via network manager, or if you have static config in /etc/network/interfaces19:25
zteamIs there any sane reason why Ubuntu changes the name of eth0 nowadays btw?19:26
zteamit just seems to be causing problems if you ask me (scripts / programss stopping working etc)19:26
ioriazteam, https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/19:27
blackflowzteam: systemd's udev does that19:27
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blackflow"predictable" :)19:27
bipulIs there any difference between primary partition, and extended{Logical partition} in terms of hierarchy or Priority and nature of disk?19:27
jeffrey_fblackflow: how do I remove that rename?19:27
blackflowjeffrey_f: look into that askubuntu page I linked19:27
bipulnature of partition*19:27
blackflowbipul: not really, logical partitions are an artifact of bios limitation to see only 4 physical partitions, and it's part of MBR. with GPT that doesn't exist.19:28
blackflowand frankly, I have no idea why anyone would be using MBR nowadays. does Ubuntu installer still default to MBR?19:29
bipulblackflow, Yes, GTP supports UEFI19:29
bipulAnd we can give upto 128 partitions through it.19:29
bipulWhile with MBR legacy (DOS) 4 primary and 15 Logical partition, inside Extended right ?19:30
blackflowI don't know what's the limit on logical partitions, but yeah 4 primary only19:31
bipulBut my question was in terms of nature of this two partitions19:31
reisioit's also an artefact of crappy OSes19:31
reisioGNU/Linux doesn't even care what type your partition is19:31
jeffrey_fblackflow: update-grub isn't installed on my pi19:31
reisioreadable data is readable data19:31
bipulYes, fedora claims only 15 Logical partitions19:32
Exterminadorso, there's no way to cheat system to create more primary partitions?19:32
reisioExterminador: does it matter? There's no _need_19:32
blackflowjust use GPT :)19:32
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reisiothere's no need even without gpt19:32
zteamioria, okey, thanks for the link interesting reading19:32
Exterminadorwell, it matters to me..19:32
reisioExterminador: in what way?19:32
Exterminadori need to have 4 OSes19:32
ioriazteam, yrwlc19:32
reisiono, you don't19:32
Exterminadorat least19:32
* bipul wants to do experiment19:32
reisiobut even if you did, there's still likely no need for >4 primary partitions19:33
reisioExterminador: what four OSes?19:33
ExterminadorWin 8.1, 10, Xubuntu, Debian19:33
reisiothat sounds like you need two primary partitions only19:33
Exterminadorall for tests purposes19:33
zteamioria, :-)19:33
Exterminadorreisio: only two?19:36
Exterminadorhow? :x19:36
russelsteapotanyone know where vim and its related config files stored in 14.04?19:36
reisiowindow usually only need a single primary partition19:36
reisiorusselsteapot: /etc/, ~/.vim*19:36
reisiosame as ever, almost certainly19:36
russelsteapotcool, thx19:36
blackflowExterminador: just use GPT partitioning :)19:37
Exterminadorhum.. i always have partitioned the disk, one partition for each OS19:37
reisioExterminador: well, that's only four...19:37
reisioand two of the OSes don't care what type19:38
EriC^^Exterminador: linux doesn't have a problem with being on a logical partition19:38
reisioso either way you're fine19:38
Exterminadorblackflow: old bios.. not even with virtualization support, i guess..19:38
reisioguessing is for people who don't know :p19:38
blackflowExterminador: how old?19:38
Exterminadorblackflow: dont know really. wasnt mine the laptop19:39
JasonSomeDoes someone here have GPU on Ubuntu knowledge? I have a serious problem...19:39
Exterminadorall i know is an Acer Aspire 5378ZG19:39
ComputerPassionHow is everyone today?19:40
blackflowExterminador: and you tried GPT, didn't work?19:40
Exterminadorblackflow: i'm a newbie on that19:40
ComputerPassionAnyone able to help me out with an issue on Ubuntu 16.04?19:40
Exterminadorany tuto abt that?19:40
lotuspsychje!ask | ComputerPassion19:41
ubottuComputerPassion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:41
blackflowExterminador: probably, on google :)19:41
meliosorry i missed help earlyer, but i will repeat it after several hours. my wife required assistance and had to go shopping19:41
meliogood earthly time to all, i have a problem with showing wifi ssid names in my network menu with wifi being my primary network connection, the issue arose when i designated a static ip for my laptops network mac address - after i that wifi ssid's dissapeared. but it still connects (i'm online right?) - 16.04.119:41
Exterminadorblackflow: lol.. i'll check it out.. i've used Rufus to create the Xubuntu live usb19:41
ComputerPassionI made a post on askubuntu.com (https://askubuntu.com/questions/817876/ubuntu-16-04-1-lts-kernel-boot-over-90-seconds#) where the kernal is taking 90 seconds to load. Does anyone have ideas?19:41
apb1963_lotuspsychje: OK, removed both wine ppas... here's a transcript.  You may want to skip to the bottom.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23104125/19:42
meliowhen i use this at the console : sudo iwlist wlp3s0 scan19:42
melioit shows me several ssid's and scan data it recovers when scanning19:42
melioso it's not an issue of not being witin range19:42
melioshuld i simply reboot to reinitalize everything19:43
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:43
jeffrey_fWhere in Mate can I change the script where eth0 is renamed?  none of the solutions work for MATE on pi19:43
melioI will try a reboot - be back later19:43
reisiojeffrey_f: with udev?19:43
Exterminadorwhat means the LVM stuff when we install Ubuntu for first time?19:43
jeffrey_fI don't know, honestly19:43
lotuspsychje!lvm | Exterminador19:43
ubottuExterminador: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:43
reisioExterminador: it's a very complex solution to many problems most people will never have :)19:44
Exterminadorlol reisio19:44
reisioit's for abstracting hardware & partitions from one another, more than anything else19:44
reisioyou don't need it, unless you do, which is not likely19:45
lotuspsychjeComputerPassion: did you try F1 at shutdown process to see usefull errors/freezes?19:45
reisioit arguably simplifies some of the optional install time options is all, from the installer's POV19:45
ComputerPassionI haven't really taken the time to diagnose the shutdown issue. That is not as important as the startup one19:45
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: try apt-get clean19:46
bipulIn LVM .PE i.e Physical extended  is nothing but where our data resides?19:46
jeffrey_freisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2310416119:46
blackflowExterminador: the only "advantage" of it, is when you use encryption and thus also need to encrypt swap as well, so you have to unlock only the pv on which the encrypted partitions are, once.19:46
melioclosed: rebooting ubuntu refreshed the driver/list and recovered the wifi ssid listing - all is well19:47
ghostnik11hi i want to do a fresh install and want to know if i should erase the linux partion first then install the fresh new install in its place without erasing my windows partition19:47
reisioit has a number of arguable advantages, but there are other ways to accomplish them all19:47
reisioit's kind of like the emacs of partitioning19:47
melioI regret having to reboot to have to do things, i would sometimes like to toggle things to get things to work without a reboot as an expert would, but i will learn slowly19:47
lotuspsychjeComputerPassion: try both on startup & shutdown boot text with F1 to see whats going on19:47
reisiolvm is to partitioning as emacs is to "text editing"19:47
Exterminadorerm.. i've installed Xubuntu without a swap partition.. is that partition really important?19:47
* melio leaves - thank you if you were reading and had options but didnt mention19:47
reisioExterminador: it's quite useful19:47
reisioExterminador: if you only just installed it, the simplest solution would be to reinstall with it19:48
russelsteapotim reading a tutorial that assumes that I have a ~/.vimrc file, which i dont, the closest thing I have found is /etc/vimrc, are they the same? or is there a file that i am missing?19:48
ComputerPassionDo I just press F1 while its booting?19:48
reisioComputerPassion: ?19:48
blackflowrusselsteapot: you can put your local vim configs into ~/.vimrc19:48
reisiorusselsteapot: ~/ is for your personal configurations19:48
reisiorusselsteapot: they override things in /etc/, which are system-wide19:48
blackflowrusselsteapot: if you don't have it, the system default one applies first19:48
ComputerPassionlotuspsychje, do I just press F1 while booting?19:48
apb1963_lotuspsychje: still no joy.  Unmet dependencies.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23104169/19:48
reisiorusselsteapot: you can copy /etc/vimrc entirely to ~/.vimrc, or just add overrides to ~/.vimrc19:48
lotuspsychjeComputerPassion: if something lags, sure its worth a try19:49
Exterminadori've updated it also.. but, simplified, what does the swap partition?19:49
reisiothe former is better if you ever change distro, or if the distro every changes defaults19:49
blackflowrusselsteapot: you don't have to copy /etc/vimrc, your local overrides should suffice19:49
ComputerPassionlotuspsychje, thanks i'll try it and be back in a bit19:49
ComputerPassioni'll be back19:49
reisioExterminador: it's used for virtual memory, essentially, if & when you run out of memory, and also for suspend/hibernate19:49
reisioExterminador: and if it's a partition & not a file, it is also useful as expendable partition space, in a pinch19:49
russelsteapotblackflow, what does adding an override look like?19:49
blackflowrusselsteapot: it's the same format19:50
reisiorusselsteapot: you'll know when you've reason to :)19:50
apb1963_Exterminador: The processor "swaps" out processes to the swap partition to make room for o ther processes it needs to run.19:50
blackflowrusselsteapot: eg. I add things like   expandtab, shiftwidth, tabstop, smartindent19:50
Exterminadorwell, maybe i'll reinstall it19:51
OerHeksapb1963_, contact that ppa maintainer, you still have unsupported wine lists/and or wine packages19:51
apb1963_OerHeks: thank you.. to what are you referring specifically?19:51
russelsteapotblackflow, reisio, well, i guess ill go with the option of just adding overrides, but ive never done so and im not sure how to do so, would you happen to know of an example somewhere that I could look at to model my own after?19:51
OerHeksapb1963_, to your last 2 pastes.19:51
Exterminadornow, where can i find a usefull link about disk partition with swap and all that stuff19:52
apb1963_OerHeks: yes... but I was hoping you could be more specfic as to what ppa yo're referencing.19:52
reisioExterminador: I'd just go to wikipedia19:52
OerHekswine-staging from ppa:wine/wine-builds19:52
lotuspsychje!partitioning | Exterminador19:52
ubottuExterminador: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap19:52
reisiorusselsteapot: I'll suggest that's the wrong way to go about it19:52
blackflowrusselsteapot: if you need to ask that, that means you probably don' thave to add any overrides. but, if you, say, one day wish your default spacing was not tabs, you could then set that through your local .vimrc19:52
reisiorusselsteapot: if/when you find something in vim that you want to be different, that is the time to learn how to add something to ~/.vimrc to achieve that something19:52
OerHeksor other ppa .. ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:52
apb1963_OerHeks: That was prior lotuspsyche pointed them out.  I have since removed them.19:52
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: something still is wrong, packages are scrambled19:53
OerHeksapb1963_, you might have remove lists, but not reversed packages, uninstall any wine completely19:53
apb1963_lotuspsychje: OerHeks: My current ppa list.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23104192/19:54
russelsteapotreisio, blackflow atm im trying to add vim-go, and its asking me to edit my ~/.vimrc file, which doesnt exist on my machine, so now seems like the time to learn how to add/override something19:54
OerHeksoh, i stop.19:54
apb1963_OerHeks: I uninstalled wine prior to removing the ppas mentioned.19:54
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: remove ALL unofficial ppa's from system19:54
lotuspsychje!ppa | apb1963_19:54
ubottuapb1963_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:54
reisiorusselsteapot: when things don't exist, that usually just means you can make them19:55
Exterminadoris there a way to check "estimated disk lifetime"?19:55
reisiorusselsteapot: either save to that point from a text editor, or touch ~/.vimrc and open that empty file19:55
blackflowrusselsteapot: then probably what vim-go is asking you to add to that file, you should add that. Do you have specific settings?19:55
reisioExterminador: not usefully, no19:55
reisioExterminador: there's also no useful reason to19:55
reisioif your disk is about to fail, you: need a new disk19:55
reisioif your disk is not about to fail, you: need a new disk19:56
reisioyou always need another new disk, always19:56
ghostnik11so if my linux partition is on sda7 should i erase that, along with its swap partition then install choose install along side windows?19:56
blackflowExterminador: it's called MTBF :)   and it's totally useless number because of M in it19:56
reisiothere's no point in checking if you do19:56
Exterminadorwell, and a way to check if the disk is working properly or if it's dying?19:56
reisioExterminador: using your system will suffice19:56
reisioif it's a server of some sort, you can keep track of how the things you're always running perform19:56
blackflowExterminador: smartctl (part of smartmontools) can give you hints19:56
reisiothat's much more useful than wasting time on disk checks19:56
lotuspsychjereisio: +119:57
Exterminadori prefer do some disk checks reisio19:57
blackflowExterminador: but, disks can fail with no hints from smartctl, and any hints by smartctl do not mean immediate failure, bit might. Note the extreme uncertainty in all of it.19:57
reisioghostnik11: what's your end goal?19:57
reisioExterminador: yeah, but you're new :)19:57
reisiothey're a waste of time19:57
lotuspsychjeExterminador: as long as your hd works, use it, if it fails remove it19:57
blackflowExterminador: disk checks are good, they're just a signal. More signals = better.19:58
reisioyou need backups and new disks at regular intervals regardless, so checking is a waste of time19:58
sypherExterminador: The general advice being given is correct. Of the drive failures I've experienced over the years, only perhaps two were properly predicted by smartd.19:58
russelsteapotblackflow, I just have the how-to guide for installing vim-go https://unknwon.io/setup-vim-for-go-development/19:58
reisioroughly 137% of people running smartmon things only do so after they have already noticed their drive being ultra slow or making terrible sounds19:58
Exterminadorlast time my HDD was behaving weird, EriC^^ told me some cmds. and he said my hdd was dying.. it died one week later19:58
reisioat which point it's already obvious the drive is boned19:58
ghostnik11reisio: to install a fresh install along side my windows 10 partition but without having to erase the whole hard drive19:59
blackflowrusselsteapot: btw, do you know how to use vim? you don't sound like you do and vim is NOT simple to use....19:59
ghostnik11reisio: https://imagebin.ca/v/2t9moj2cwV0719:59
reisiomoreover: when you see a measurable reduction in _performance_, you want a new disk even if the disk is not yet dead19:59
sypherreisio: "roughly 137% of people" love it.19:59
reisiosypher: :D19:59
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: perhaps a clean reinstall of ubuntu would save you alot of work?19:59
Exterminadori prefer nano instead vim19:59
russelsteapotblackflow, yeah but im going to have to learn, cuz its seems to be the most popular solution19:59
apb1963_lotuspsychje: that's not an option19:59
reisioExterminador: use it with -uw options, then19:59
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: well we cant support external ppa's here sorry mate20:00
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: and you scrambled system with tons of ppa's20:00
apb1963_lotuspsychje: I removed everything under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  and ran apt-get update20:00
reisioghostnik11: you can delete the partition/s related to your current gnu/linux install if you want, sure, the installer won't miss them20:00
ghostnik11reisio: that is a layout of my hard drive and i want to know if i should just wipe sda6 = biosgrub, then sda7 = ext4 and sda8 = swap20:00
sypherapb1963_: That doesn't undo the possible damage done by a poorly-constructed ppa.20:00
apb1963_Now I get E: Package 'wine' has no installation candidate20:00
reisioghostnik11: sounds fine to me20:00
blackflowrusselsteapot: I don't know, it's a pretty old school editor, with a very steep learning curve. Just sayin'g, in case you didn't know what you're getting into :)  it's worth the trouble, tho'. Many months later when your fingers start automatically flying through all those command combinations.20:01
rubens_boa tarde, como faço para instalar o grub20:01
reisioghostnik11: the installer is probably also smart enough to install over them, too (I do rather favor your approach, however [although I don't favor reinstalling GNU/Linux except in dire cirumstances])20:01
ghostnik11reisio: then after can i tell the installer to just install along side windows and it will then use back the free space after deletion20:01
OerHeksapb1963_, add those ppa's again and remove them properly with ppa-purge. else do a reinstall.20:01
lotuspsychje!es | rubens_20:01
ubotturubens_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:01
OerHeksi love this lesson :-D20:01
reisioghostnik11: should do, yes20:01
reisioghostnik11: as long as you don't tell it to delete your windows, you should be fine20:01
russelsteapotblackflow, yeah, i know its going to take a bit, but thats fine, ill figure it out as i go. I guess ill just go with solution of pasting /etc/vimrc to ~/.vimrc then20:02
ghostnik11reisio: okay and the sda6 to sda8 is all linux20:02
reisiorusselsteapot: that's probably overkill20:02
rubens_grato, lotuspsychje20:02
reisioghostnik11: looks like it is, you should know :)20:02
reisioghostnik11: your /etc/fstab should say20:02
blackflowrusselsteapot: you don't have to do that20:02
ghostnik11reisio: sda6 = biosgrub is basicallly my grub menu20:02
blackflowrusselsteapot: just add the commands listed under #2 in that link you pasted20:02
blackflowrusselsteapot: to ~/.vimrc20:03
tugedMy network connection drops out on Both of my Acer netboots every 10-20 min, even when connected via cable. Anyone know of a fix?20:03
Exterminadornow, about tmux.. it's similar to screen? or it differs much?20:03
lotuspsychjetuged: ubuntu version? network adapter chipset?20:04
russelsteapotreisio, blackflow ok ill try that20:04
tugedThe drop out happens regardless of network so it hasta be my network (hardware?)20:04
reisioExterminador: similar20:04
tugedUbuntu 16.04 on both20:04
reisiomost people accept it as more modern/developed, but20:04
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reisiomost people also only ever use about 0.01% of screen's features20:04
rubens_to install a boot manager20:04
danny_ok this is a result from df "/home/danny/.Private 145565272 74775108  63372772  55% /home/danny" why is .Private mounted at /danny? and why is it so big?20:04
reisioso whether tmux has more features is kind of not the point20:04
lotuspsychjetuged: updated to latest 16.04.1?20:04
reisioyou can use either, both, none, etc.20:04
lotuspsychje!grub | rubens_20:04
ubotturubens_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:04
blackflowExterminador: btw, running smartd is not a waste of time. it's one of the signals you get, and you won't get, eg, proliferating bad sectors from deteriorated performance. replaced two disks now based on increase in "reallocated count" and smart data was the only info about it.20:05
rubens_thank you20:05
tugedI update almost daily20:05
dailyyeah same20:05
lotuspsychjetuged: any usefull syslog errors @ drop out time?20:05
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Exterminadori'll bug you all later when my sons leave me use the pc again20:06
tugedIt seems like it just hangs, how can I see these syslog errors?20:06
Exterminadornow they're seeing some animated movies20:06
lotuspsychjetuged: tail -f /var/log/syslog for realtime20:07
lotuspsychjetuged: or manual browse /var/log/..20:07
Exterminadorand if i touch the pc, they'll prolly kill me.. i'll need some with wine also, i guess. btw, did anyone ever used qweechat? is that GUI or CLI?20:08
lotuspsychje!discuss | Exterminador20:08
ubottuExterminador: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!20:08
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: ty! :)20:08
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ghostnik11reisio: okay so i deleted sda6 to 8 and it freed up 300GB20:11
tugedThe syslog is quite large, can I post it somewhere (pastebin)?20:12
ikoniayou don't need the full syslog20:13
lotuspsychjetuged: i would recommend to start looking syslog at the time it goes wrong with your network20:13
ikoniajust the bits that are important20:13
ghostnik11reisio: i did it usiing disk will go back in and select install along side windows. thanks bro for the help20:13
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tugedThere are two lines I think are helpful: [1472415758.2299] device (wlan0): state change: activated -> failed (reason 'ip-config-expired') [100 120 6]20:25
tugedand    NetworkManager[601]: <warn>  [1472415758.3181] device (wlan0): Activation: failed for connection 'MOTOROLA-16FD6'20:26
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varaindemianwhy the screen doesn't go off after locking?20:28
lotuspsychjetuged: wlan is your wifi adapter, didnt you see it was your ethernetcard?20:28
tugedI'm not sure what your asking...the issue happens on WiFi and ethernet, right now I'm on ethernet.20:30
varaindemianwhy the screen doesn't go off after locking?20:31
lotuspsychjetuged: did you have this problem on other ubuntu versions?20:33
varaindemianI am on 16.04.120:33
tugedI believe so, (14.04) but it seems more pronounced now, or maybe I'm just noticing it20:34
sakrecoerhi! i'm following these instructions http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html when i get to do "make" i get this error message: "error: Package `Gio-2.0' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories"20:35
lotuspsychjetuged: so you had those network drops all the time?20:35
sakrecoeri find a few instructions regarding that but everything is very old and i am very novice to this.20:36
tugedYes...Every 10-15 min, random times. Tow differnt computers both Acers20:36
lotuspsychjetuged: perhaps try higher kernels as a test? or ubuntu 16.10 just to see if you can bypass those drops?20:37
varaindemiananyone? I am seeking for an answear for a week..20:38
reisiovaraindemian: what's the question?20:39
tugedis 16.10 LTS?20:39
\9_tuged: no20:39
reisiotuged: know what LTS means?20:39
\9_tuged: 16.10 will not even be released for another two months20:39
\9_tuged: 16.04 is LTS20:40
tugedI went thru hell on an upgrade from 14.04 LTS to 15.??, am very reluctant to relive that20:41
syphertuged: Then don't try to force an LTS release to upgrade to a non-LTS release.20:41
tugedLong term support20:41
lotuspsychjetuged: test a liveusb20:41
reisiotuged: no, that's what it stands for :p20:41
Exterminadori cant access irc (using public hotspot) without a vpn. on windows i have installed hotspotshield vpn.. any similar GUI app to linux? i'd like something like: Install, Click and Go20:43
lotuspsychjeExterminador: i tested mullvad on ubuntu once20:43
tugedI can try that. Freakin comedy hour in here20:44
lotuspsychjetuged: did you test any Os where your network didnt drop?20:44
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: GUI based? or CLI?20:45
tugedI dont recall drops before 1420:45
lotuspsychjeExterminador: check the mullvad website, GUI20:45
lotuspsychjetuged: so it should be a 16.04.1 bug then, perhaps file a new bug (if it doesnt exist yet)?20:46
lotuspsychje!bug | tuged20:46
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: ty... i'll check that20:46
ubottutuged: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:46
lotuspsychjetuged: did you already mention adapter chipset?20:47
tugedI did not....I think this is a very similar issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/812838/wifi-connection-issues-on-ubuntu-16-0420:48
tugedRTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller20:48
bruce_devugh wtf did I do. I editted my nginx sites-available/default20:49
bruce_devand now whenever I access my server ip address20:49
bruce_devit downloads a file called "download"20:49
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: with that, of connection drops, will it reconnect by itself?20:49
lotuspsychjetuged: another thing you could test, is installing other driver/firmware for your card chipset20:49
Exterminadorif connection*20:49
bruce_devhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23104405/ here is /etc/nginx/sites-available/default20:49
lotuspsychjeExterminador: you mean the vpn?20:50
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: yep, the vpn20:50
blackflowbruce_dev: try_files \$uri   that \ is redundant20:50
bruce_devcompletely new to ubuntu here..please explain20:51
lotuspsychjeExterminador: it should20:51
blackflowbruce_dev: and that location too20:51
ceibal 20:51
bruce_devi was following this20:51
blackflowbruce_dev: nothing to do with ubuntu, looks like you're escaping $ which is not per nginx config format20:52
bruce_devubuntu and nginx20:52
lotuspsychjetuged: lsb_release -a ?20:52
bruce_devYeah i have alot of learning to do20:52
Exterminadori need to try it.. any connection, even http will go trought the vpn, right?20:52
tugedNo LSB modules are available.20:53
lotuspsychjetuged: descripttion?20:54
tugedDescription:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS20:54
lotuspsychjetuged: you said you had 16.04.1 earlier?20:54
tugedNo 16.0420:55
lotuspsychjetuged: update to latest first please20:55
lotuspsychjetuged: alot of network-manager bugs out there20:55
tugedI do updates daily....how do I update to 16.04.1?20:56
max3can someone tell why i can't see this http://pk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/selenium-firefoxdriver/ when i do apt-cache search on ubuntu 16?20:56
JC1hi guys20:56
reisiomax3: got multiverse enabled?20:58
max3reisio, yup in my sources.list i have deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial multiverse uncommented20:58
JC1can someone suggest me a good rss reader?20:59
reisioapt-get update'd?20:59
qwertycatHello, I have a problem with my fonts, does anyone know what packages you need to install in order to display japanese fonts? my music player looks like this: http://imgur.com/a/VzLlR. this is debian 8 jessie running20:59
max3reisio, nope21:00
max3reisio, ie still doesn't show21:00
blackflowbruce_dev: did that fix it?21:00
tgm4883max3: it's only in 16.1021:00
tgm4883!info firefoxdriver yakkety21:00
ubottufirefoxdriver (source: selenium-firefoxdriver): Firefox WebDriver support. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.53.2-1 (yakkety), package size 478 kB, installed size 773 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:00
bruce_devyeah, now im just trying to get rid of the http 500 error21:00
tgm4883!info firefoxdriver xenial21:00
ubottuPackage firefoxdriver does not exist in xenial21:00
max3tgm4883, thanks21:01
JC1can someone suggest me a good rss reader?21:02
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bruce_devblackflow, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23104459/ do you see anything major in there?21:06
bruce_devi did sudo nginx -t and it gave no errors, but I have an error 50021:06
Guest23677hi i messed up my whole system ad want to access my old encrypted files now. but there are certain questions while doing this. ecryptfs and cryptsetup are installed. i've added a user with same nick as the old one.21:06
mistralolanyone any suggestions on how to work around this issue? http://askubuntu.com/questions/759071/cant-update-upgrade-du-to-could-not-execute-apt-key-to-verify-signature21:07
Guest23677can't access by clicking, nor via terminal when i do "sudo ecryptfs-mount-private" or "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private"21:07
blackflowbruce_dev: check the nginx error log for the reason21:08
Guest23677here is a pastebin link of my commands and results http://pastebin.com/PXHw2pNk21:09
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mistralolblackflow: any idea how to get apt to ignore the pgp key for a single update apparently downgrading apt works ;)21:09
blackflowmistralol: sorry I don't21:11
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varaindemianreisio, why the screen doesn't turn off after locking?21:13
ubuntubastardIn Ubuntu unity 16.04, is something supposed to happen when I click on a blank space on the taskbar?21:14
ubuntubastardif anyone's on a ubuntu unity machine right now I would appreciate if you could try for me21:14
ubuntubastardi mean the application bar that has all the icons on it21:15
ubuntubastardwhatever it's called21:15
precise|CoolSnekNothing happens on my machine ubuntubastard. Am running Xenial + Unity21:16
ubuntubastardthank you21:16
ubuntubastardI was just wondering because I installed CairoDock, and didnt' like it, uninstalled it + purged, but was afraid some settings on my unity were still off21:17
ubuntubastardnevertheless, I think imma grab a copy of ubuntu gnome, instead of unity21:17
ubuntubastardI'm tired of unity21:17
MonkeyDust!notunity | ubuntubastard21:17
ubottuubuntubastard: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.21:17
ubuntubastardoh wow thanks21:18
ubuntubastardI was just going to grab a copy of the install that has gnome default, but if I can do this I will21:18
ubuntubastardif I wanted to go back to unity could I21:18
mistralolblackflow: ahh resolved. You can add [trusted=yes] int he sources.list file ;)21:18
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  logout, switch, login21:19
ubuntubastardwow ok21:19
ubuntubastardwould this work guys? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/install-gnome-3-20-ubuntu-16-04-lts21:20
ubuntubastardto install gnome21:20
ubuntubastardwell I think I'm going to just use the distro21:21
ubuntubastardubuntu gnome21:21
ubuntubastardseems easier to me, and I don't want both21:21
bruce_devblackflow, thanks, i got it figured out, permission was denied for a certain folder21:21
blackflowmistralol: I see, but make that a temporary measure :)21:21
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  type    sudo apt install gnome-shell21:21
blackflowbruce_dev: great! :)21:21
ubuntubastardMonkeyDust will that erase unity21:22
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  no21:22
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.21:22
mistralolblackflow: well its make it trusted then do the update then downgrade app then remove the temp messur and hold apt back with "apt-mark apt" to stop it from being upgraded21:22
ubuntubastardok I did the first command, now I just need gnome-tweak-tool right21:22
ubuntubastardso sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool ?21:22
mistralolblackflow: but why this happens on this machine I still have no idea its like an execve is failing because the permissions are funny on the fd21:22
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  first try gnome, then start tweaking, after you got used to it21:23
ubuntubastardthe first command is asking which display manager, gdm3 or lightdm21:23
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  choose lightdm21:23
ubuntubastardafter the first command is done I just log out21:24
ubuntubastardand then log in via gnome, right?21:24
MonkeyDustubuntubastard  yes, then switch and login21:24
ubuntubastardhah! thanks monkeydust21:24
blackflowmistralol: I'm guessing something unexpected happen with the upgrade. with this you can make sure you're updated and upgraded to latest available and then it might fix itself.21:24
mistralolblackflow: yeah thats what i looked for but its already the latest which is most broken... I guess i watch the bug to see if it gets resolved21:27
blackflowmistralol: 16.04.1?21:28
mistralolblackflow: yup21:28
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blackflowI'm running that and it's not broken, so I'm guessing somethng with the upgrade messed with the keys21:28
blackflowmistralol: never done it myself but perhaps theres a way to rebuild those keys?21:28
OerHeksI doubt that VM issue with keys get solved.21:29
mistralolblackflow: if you run the apt-ket by its self it works fine. It just won't permit apt-get to execute it for some reason21:29
OerHekswrong approach, your vendor should provide a image, or the manual howto upgrade.21:29
mistralolblackflow: its something broken inside apt21:29
mistralolOerHeks: thats nice hen that choice is avilable ;)21:29
tugedJust ran 'updater' stays sytsem is up to date so How do you/I upgrade to 16.04.1?21:30
bipulWhen i am doing partitioning on MBR, it start from 2048 and end at (1-TotalSector)  While GPT it starts from 1 and end at same (1-TotalSector), when i take 1 sector = 512 Byte I found 2048 is equivalent to 10 MB, so in between this 10MB space MBR i.e 512 Resides?21:30
k1l_tuged: what ubuntu version are you using?21:30
OerHeksDo contact them, they don't read these bugreports21:30
mistralolOerHeks: but actually it looks like the vm host in this case doesn't actually mess with ubuntu at all21:30
bipul512 Byte of MBR resides ?21:30
k1l_tuged: if you run the updates you already have 16.04.121:30
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k1l_tuged: think of it as the servicepacks from windows.21:31
mistralolOerHeks: i diff'ed the package list between their install and mine21:31
Rarrikinstuged: Make sure to do both `sudo apt update` and `sudo apt dist-upgrade`.21:31
Rarrikinstuged: Update gets the changes. Upgrade applies them.21:31
mistralolOerHeks: and other people who have gone though that upgrade path have also seen it break in the same way21:31
Rarrikinstuged: If it says you're up to date after that, you're on 16.04.121:32
tugedwen I run lsb_release -a it states: Description:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS21:32
Bashing-ombipul: TJ-: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader  explains :)21:32
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k1l_tuged: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd" ?21:33
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blackflowOerHeks: why vendor, tho? Is there a repo mirror involved with broken keys, or is it not all Ubuntu?21:33
Rarrikinstuged: I'm not sure about that. The description should say
bipulBashing-om, Thank you, I was trying to plot this one graph table, to visualize how things work?21:34
OerHeksblackflow, he is on a VM in a datacenter, those images are heavily tweaked.21:34
OerHeksso ignore the advise to ask them for proper images or the manual howto update, we cannot do anything.21:35
Bashing-ombipul: Best of my meager memory .. TJ- has done that plotting in the link for us .21:35
OerHeksplease continue, i love this lesson21:35
bipulBashing-om, Yes, thats what i am looking for21:35
Bashing-ombipul: Uh Huh .. my thoughts too at that time .. from my notes " <-Wow, great tutorials ! " .21:37
bipulYes, it is really great tutorial. I must thanks to author for sharing a wonderful knowledge.21:38
bipulWe must thanks*21:38
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Bashing-ombipul: He ^ is presently occupied building a new house . When he has the time you will find him on the #ubuntu-discuss channel .21:39
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danny_Why is my .Private folder so big?21:41
danny_it is apparently 72 Gb big21:42
tripoutOkay, i'll repeat my case since i have a bad feeling about. I did a second Ubuntu installation on the same disk, so Ubuntu rearranged partitions. Now i'm unable to access my old encrypted home folder and have no idea what to to with ecryptfs because i always get error messages. I've read a few how to's where people telling me to make a tar file out of my encrypted files, but the old home folder containing just a readme a small21:43
tripoutdesktop-access your data files.21:43
tripoutcan anybody help me to restore my old files?21:43
OerHeksrearranged partitions .. encrypted home .. i guess it is lost.21:44
Rarrikinstripout: Try using `gnome-disks` to unlock the partition.21:45
reisiodanny_: why wouldn't it be that big21:45
OerHeksif the partition exist, yes21:45
tripoutRarrikins, you mean package gnome-disk utility?21:46
Rarrikinstripout: Yeah, the GUI partition manager.21:46
danny_reisio, what? I only have a 150Gb hard drive21:46
danny_reisio, what is that folder for?21:47
reisiodanny_: it's probably the encrypted contents of your home21:49
reisioso probably the bulk of your personal data21:49
k1l_danny_: its the actual encrypted files that are placed in Private folder21:49
reisiowhich is probably the bulk of your data period21:49
reisioit's not duplicated, though, so there's that21:49
danny_k1l_, I don't have a Private folder21:51
k1l_danny_: but you have encryption, right?21:51
tgm4883home folder encryption that is21:52
danny_k1l_, I might have selected that at install, I forget.  So .Private is a duplicate of my home that is encripted?21:52
reisiodanny_: a virtual duplication21:52
reisioit's not actually taking up twice as much space21:52
reisiobut if you look the "wrong" way, it may appear to be21:53
danny_reisio, so what is it functionally doing then?21:53
reisioit's encrypted data, that when you're using it (after authenticating) is virtually decrypted21:53
tripoutDerHeks Ubuntu Install just resized the first partition to make some space for another installation21:53
k1l_its the actual encrypted partition. your user home isdecrypted on login from that. but its not using twice the space, as already told21:53
reisioit lives in ~/.Private, encrypted, but the system gives you transparent access to it, once authenticated21:54
reisiothat you haven't noticed it till now is a testament to how well it works, really21:54
jeffrey_fis there a premade ubuntu PXE server via livecd/usb21:54
reisioalthough I do prefer the simplicity of encfs21:54
danny_reisio, so my home is in reallity the contents of .Private decripted at runtime then encripted and the decripted contents removed?21:55
pubuntI upgraded from 15.10 to 16.04 but uname -r still outputs previous kernel21:55
pubuntI always have this issue and I always forget the fix.... :)21:55
reisiodanny_: sounds right21:56
pubuntanyone recognize what's wrong?21:56
k1l_pubunt: make sure "linux-generic" is installed21:56
reisiodanny_: if you're curious, you can log out entirely as your user, switch to root (or any other user), and look around in your original user's /home/21:56
pubuntk1l_, it's installed21:57
k1l_pubunt: "lsb_release -sd" givey you what output?21:57
pubuntUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS21:58
k1l_pubunt: and "uname -a"?21:58
pubuntI think everything is installed but uname -r shows the previous21:58
pubunt4.2.0-27-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 04:49:08 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:58
k1l_pubunt: and "linux-generic" is installed? "dpkg -l | grep linux-generic"21:59
pubuntii  linux-generic amd64   Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers22:00
k1l_pubunt: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade22:01
k1l_does this pull in new updates?22:01
tripoutcase solved22:01
tripoutdata restored22:01
tripoutthere is a god ^^22:01
z3r0x_Anyone of you now how i get the setoolkit on ubuntu ?22:01
OerHekstripout, so the partition didn't vanished?22:02
tripoutOerHeks, nope, just resized22:02
pubuntno difference22:02
k1l_pubunt: can you run "ls -al /boot | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url?22:02
pubuntit said one package could be removed.... only change22:03
tripoutwill do a double backup now first22:03
tripoutpaniced a lot22:03
pubuntI wondering if I have to reconfigure grub or something22:03
pubuntapt-get update grub didn't change anything though22:03
pubuntwhat does that do?22:03
k1l_pubunt: no. apt update doesnt work that way.22:03
k1l_pubunt: run "sudo update-grub"22:04
pubuntk1l_, I did22:05
k1l_can you pastebin the output? and show the link22:05
pubuntI did that before starting the irc program :)22:05
pubuntI have Ubuntu gnome on another partition and this one is xcfe de22:08
k1l_pubunt: if finds the 4.4 kernel, just make sure to run update-grub on the OS that handles the installed grub on that machine22:08
pubuntk1l_,  yeah, that's it22:08
k1l_pubunt: you can have several desktops on the same ubuntu. no need to install several os22:09
pubuntk1l_, I know... one OS is my experimental :)22:09
pubuntI have an nvidia card so I upgrade versions more on this os22:10
pubuntbrb... I'll try updating grub on the other22:10
maxalt_how can u switch to 14.4.5 when u are on 1622:11
MonkeyDustmaxalt_  backup and reinstall 14.0422:11
maxalt_and how do you do that22:11
maxalt_i have the ISO22:11
adrenaline_R there a iranian developer?22:12
MonkeyDustmaxalt_  boot the iso, run gparted, deleted ubuntu partition, create new, install22:12
maxalt_do you got skype?22:12
MonkeyDustmaxalt_  skype has nothing to do with gparted22:13
maxalt_ik but u can show me how to22:13
MonkeyDustmaxalt_  i'm telling yu how22:13
k1l_maxalt_: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-ubuntu-desktop22:13
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adrenaline_how i can crypt files with pgp?22:14
MonkeyDust!pgp | adrenaline_22:14
ubottuadrenaline_: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/11/10/002-HowToCreatePGP.ogv22:15
vega_my first time on irc in about 15 years22:16
MonkeyDustwe missed you, vega_22:17
vega_I started watching Mr Robot. If Mr Robot uses IRC in 2016, then I guess it's required of me22:18
pubuntk1l_, thanks22:18
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pubuntdo you think I shouldn't install multiple versions of OS, Ж)22:19
MonkeyDustvega_  this is ubuntu support, better join #ubuntu-offtopic for nice social chat22:19
k1l_pubunt: its your decision. it just did sound like you did this for changing desktops.22:19
pubuntyes, somewhat...but, I also thought I'd have one more up-to-date22:20
pubuntinstall a later version of graphics driver etc.22:20
tripoutvega_, irc is still the best22:20
pubuntmultiple desktops - just takes up space, right?22:21
tripoutyeah and it's a bit messie22:21
tripoutbecause every de has it's worn fm's and other stuff with it22:21
k1l_pubunt: yes. you can install several desktops at once on one ubuntu install. and switch them on the login screen22:22
pubuntyou have to login to switch, right?  that's what I'm used to22:23
pubuntI mean - reboot - log in other or log out and re-log in?22:23
apb1963_What's the official way to tell what ppa's are installed?22:23
adrenaline_guys pls tell me about ubuntu desktop wedget packages and how i can install it22:23
k1l_no reboot needed. just choose on the login screen.22:23
k1l_apb1963_: official? look into the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder22:24
MonkeyDustadrenaline_  you mean widgets on the desktop? there's gdesklets22:25
apb1963_k1l_: OK... and how would you remove files in that folder?  i.e. purge the ppa22:25
k1l_!ppa-purge | apb1963_22:26
ubottuapb1963_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:26
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apb1963_k1l_: ok... but how do you determine the arguments to that command by looking at the dir?22:26
k1l_apb1963_: look at what ppa you use.22:27
apb1963_k1l_: that's my question22:27
apb1963_k1l_: how do I determine what ppa's I'm using?  Your answer was to look in that folder.22:27
OerHekslotuspsychje: OerHeks: My current ppa list.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23104192/ .. few hours back22:27
OerHeksls  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:27
k1l_apb1963_: that folder is where the ppas are put in. look into the files in that folder, they contain the ppa.22:27
apb1963_yes... but how do I know what to feed ppa-purge?22:27
k1l_apb1963_: i dont understand where the problem is now :/22:28
OerHeksloot at the ppa page?22:28
k1l_apb1963_: sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>22:28
apb1963_Here's an example.22:28
blackflowwhat was that channel for next veersion of ubuntu?22:28
apb1963_cat ubuntu-wine-ppa-trusty.list22:28
apb1963_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu trusty main22:28
apb1963_# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu trusty main22:29
k1l_repo name and subdirectory are named in the ppa22:29
apb1963_that's the file... so what do I feed ppa-purge specifically?22:29
k1l_apb1963_: ^22:29
apb1963_k1l_: ^^22:30
k1l_apb1963_: the ppa name (url) already contains the info22:30
OerHekseasy to find at the ppa page https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ubuntu/ppa22:30
pubuntk1l_, thanks22:30
ShinyShoesis there a way to see the sudo password in plaintext while entering?22:30
k1l_ShinyShoes: no22:30
ShinyShoeslike we have an option of show password in modern web UI22:30
OerHeksreally, you can find this as you added it before22:30
apb1963_k1l_: so the ppa name is ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu  ?22:30
k1l_apb1963_: no22:30
apb1963_k1l_:  ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu  ?22:31
k1l_<k1l_> apb1963_: sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>22:31
apb1963_How does one determine the repo-name from that file?22:32
apb1963_it's the host/domain no?22:32
k1l_ubuntu-wine is the repo name22:32
apb1963_and so the sub dir is ppa/ubuntu?22:32
OerHeksby reading the answers given already .. look at the ppa page ... ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa22:33
k1l_apb1963_: ppa is the directory name.22:33
apb1963_OerHeks: thank you but I'm trying to determine it from the file22:33
k1l_the ppa creator names the directory22:34
apb1963_k1l_: how do you know the final "ubuntu" in the path is not part of the ppa sub dir?22:35
apb1963_k1l_: Is that just a standard naming practice?22:36
apb1963_cool.  thank you22:36
* apb1963_ goes back to binging and purging22:36
jeffrey_fdoes anyone know of a prebuilt pxe server distro22:38
hheeguys, does photoshop cc (2015) works in ubuntu-wine?22:39
hheex64 or x3222:39
k1l_hhee: better see the app database from wine or ask in #wininehq22:39
k1l_!wine | hhee22:39
ubottuhhee: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:39
OerHekshhee, check the wineHQ database, or playonlinux22:39
hheek1l_, OerHeks thx guys22:40
ComputerPassionwhat is the major change between 14.04 to 16.04 that makes my computer hang at clocksource: Switched to clocksource tsc for 90 seconds?22:42
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kamild1996Hello. Ever since I "converted" my setup to use EFI, my xubuntu takes much longer to start. How can I find out what's causing it to happen?22:55
OerHekskamild1996, ' systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg  ' gives a nice graph about your boot, or journalctl -b -0  # for current boot, journalctl -b -1 # for last boot.22:57
OerHekssystemd-analyze blame # can give some clues22:58
kamild1996Thanks OerHeks. The .svg file is hard to look at because it lags like hell to me, but I tried "systemd-analyze blame #". What am I looking for here?23:00
OerHekssystemd-analyze blame without #23:01
OerHeksthe top entries are the ones that takes most time23:02
kamild1996Seems to be "apt-daily.service" (11s). Hmm23:03
antiTORTUREwhere u from23:05
alesanI am trying to let a user execute a program with sudo, WITHOUT being asked for a password (this will have to run in a scripts)23:05
olemariusNorway and u?23:05
alesanalesan host = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nvram-wakeup       <- this is what I put in visudo23:05
alesanis this correct or what? it is still asking for a password if I do sudo nvram-wakeup23:05
antiTORTURERead please: www.antipsychiatry.org and www.stopeg.com23:06
daemon55can anybody tell me if nemo is better than nautilus23:08
YankDownUnderdaemon55: Nautilus is an older more mature file manager - Nemo is still "early" and tends to crash more often (look through the wiki's about it and also look through all the "Mate" related stuff...23:10
daemon55yankdownunder what should i do to get the status bart back then23:10
YankDownUnderdaemon55: That option should be available in the preferences for Nautilus...have you looked/checked?23:11
daemon55yankdownunder i checked its not there im not in ubuntu 12.0423:12
tricksterhello all23:12
YankDownUnderdaemon55: I can't help you with how 12.04 works, mate - most everyone is on 16.04 - and things are slightly different now...23:12
daemon55i knoq im in 16.0423:13
tricksteranyone already try the online account application for google drive on ubuntu ?23:13
daemon55isnt there a plugin to enable the status bar?23:13
YankDownUnderdaemon55: Ah...so you're ON 16.04...and no, it's not a plug-in...23:14
YankDownUnderdaemon55: Hang on a tick - checking something about the prefs for Nautilus, bro...23:14
kamild1996Alright, fixed the long boot, just had to update fstab...23:19
OerHeksgood find, double entry for swap ??23:19
YankDownUnderdaemon55: in looking through the "registry" (using dconf-editor) -> there now appears to be NO such preference any longer...23:20
kamild1996It was swap, yes. Just an outdated UUID, since I recently transferred everything to a new drive, and also switched from MBR to GPT in the meantime. Should have thought about it earlier :)23:21
daemon55yankdownunder: yup23:21
daemon55yankdownunder: do you know when gnome will reimplement that feature again?23:22
kamild1996One more thing though, a rather minor one. The icon labels on desktop are weirdly offset. Happened some time ago after an apt-get upgrade. http://i.imgur.com/hRKpyoT.png23:22
YankDownUnderdaemon55: As a matter of fact, in looking through the repos and such, Nautilus, regardless of how it's "touted" - appears to have lost quite a bit of "customisation"....23:22
OerHeksYankDownUnder, org > gnome > nautilus > preferences and check always-use-location-entry ?23:22
th0rYankDownUnder, also, check the View menu23:23
YankDownUnderOerHeks: Nah...23:23
SupaYoshican someone test my highlight notification say supayoshi23:24
Bashing-omSupaYoshi: This is not the channel for testing . :)23:25
tricksteranyone already try the online account application for google drive on ubuntu ?23:26
YankDownUndertrickster: "Grive2" works quite well...23:26
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tricksteroki thx YankDownUnder23:27
tricksteri asked that because i try the account online application that is given in ubuntu 16.04 and i ahve a few pb and and can't connect23:28
YankDownUnderdaemon55: It appears as though "Gnome" (I used to refer to "Gnome" as "Gee! No Me!" long ago) has decided to "keep it simple" - so, even though you can update "Gnome" on your 16.04 system, things will most likely NOT be the way you wish them to be...have you looked at using "SpaceFM" yet? It's quite powerful and gives you all the status bars you so desire... :)23:28
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daemon55yankdownunder are you sure that isnt gonna crash often23:31
YankDownUnderdaemon55: And for giggles and grins, as we speak, I'm "going down the unofficial path" and upgrading my "Gnome" bits (I use XFce, Englightenment, WindowMaker and KDE/Plasma, so it's not a monster thing for me)23:31
daemon55yankdownunder so what do i do?23:32
YankDownUnderdaemon55: I've tested out SpaceFM quite extensively - as I do NOT like my file manglers crashing AT ALL...so, I scratched Nautilus, scratched Nevo, scratched Dolphin, scratched Thunar - and was left with Rox-Filer and SpaceFM (NO crashes whatsoever)23:32
YankDownUnderdaemon55: Well, you can either try out a different file mangler or, well, suffer with what ya gots (Nautilus and Nemo) - or "dare to be different" - your choice...23:33
daemon55i really need it23:33
YankDownUnderdaemon55: If you wait a few minutes I'll tell you if Nautilus from the "Unoffical Gnome PPA's" works...it's installing now...23:34
daemon55yankdownunder: sure23:34
kamild1996Quick question. If my PC wakes up from suspension, how do I check what caused it to wake up?23:37
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Guest71809is anyone there23:45
bipul!info RAID23:47
ubottuPackage RAID does not exist in xenial23:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:47
Ben64bipul: what are you trying to do?23:50
Anonalyhi I am trying to get my andoid device(s) to be able to work on my computer (Xubuntu 16.04). I googled this problem and came up with some pages on how to edit a 51-android.rules file, and then adding myself to the plugdev group, etc,   but it is still not working23:51
Netwolftrying to see if this channel has a bot?23:51
Anonalythose are the two pages I am using the try and get this to work. I know the one is for Ubuntu 14.04, and I have 16.04,23:52
bipulBen64, Nothing ") just trying to understand the meaning of this oxfd23:52
Ben64bipul: well... that's what google is for23:52
bipulYes. I thought it is might be some package .23:53
Ben64Anonaly: what do you mean by getting the android device to "work on my computer" ; what device is it?23:53
SupaYoshiHey. I am thinking / considering to raise my 755 directory permission for directories, to 775. (group have write and read permissions) instead of just user having write permission.23:54
Anonalymy wifes Samsung galaxy s6 and s3 galaxy23:54
AnonalyBen64, my wifes Samsung galaxy s6 and s3 galaxy23:54
SupaYoshiCan someone tell me if this is a big NONO, or if this is okay, considering i am the only user in the group www-data.23:54
EldonMcGuinnesAnyone have experience setting up controllers/joypads in Ubuntu?23:54
Anonaly* and -my- s323:54
YankDownUnderdaemon55: Well...that was an adventure in NOTHING...the "new" Nautilus has no status bar, bro.23:54
EldonMcGuinnesSupaYoshi: As long as you want the group to have that kind of access your fine.23:55
EldonMcGuinneserr you're23:55
Anonalyis do lsusb and I can see my galaxy in the list, but nautilus/thunar do not recognize it23:55
Ben64SupaYoshi: why23:55
daemon55yandownunder: what were you trying to do??23:56
YankDownUnderdaemon55: The attempt was to see if the "new" Nautilus had a status bar - which "NO" is the resounding answer...ergo, it's now turned into nothing more than a "handler for painting the desktop" and moving things around...IMHO...so, I'll still with SpaceFM...it works...23:57
daemon55try this23:57
AnonalyI guess mtp on ubuntu 16.04 just does not work :(23:59
SupaYoshiBen64  why I want to know? Or why i'd like to do this?23:59
Ben64SupaYoshi: why do that23:59
reisioAnonaly: works as well as it does anywhere23:59
SupaYoshiI'm logging into my server over SSH to transfer files into my /www directory. with my local account.23:59
reisiomobile phones are only designed to be reliably used as wireless devices, though23:59
reisiowhy not just use them that way23:59
SupaYoshiThat account is not the account under which apache /nginx is running23:59

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