
robert_ancelldesrt, around?00:17
desrtrobert_ancell: hey00:30
desrtrobert_ancell: can you let me know what you want to do?00:30
robert_ancelldesrt, hi. I was wondering if you knew if there was a way to mark dbus arguments as optional00:30
robert_ancell(in the XML)00:31
desrtdbus doesn't work that way00:31
desrtit's best to think of methods as having static signatures00:32
robert_ancellSo I should make two method? i.e. Login (username, password,) and LoginWithOTP (username, password, otp)00:32
robert_ancelldesrt, ta00:33
desrtyou could also do the usual crap and add an a{sv} everywhere00:33
robert_ancellNOOOOOOO :)00:33
desrtso you can pass {'opt': <'whatever'>}00:33
desrtrobert_ancell: since you're here... wanna chat about GDateTime00:33
robert_ancellThe other option I was thinking was allowing otp to be "".00:34
robert_ancelldesrt, yes please.00:34
desrtso what are you trying to do there?00:34
desrtare you in a situation where you may need to parse an unknown subset of ISO8601?00:35
robert_ancelldesrt, I have snapd returning ISO date time strings, so I had to write my own parser (have done this before too)00:35
desrti agree that it would be useful to have a way to turn those into GDateTime directly00:35
desrtbut why all the need for parsing dates without times, or times without dates, etc?00:35
robert_ancelldesrt, when I converted it to an upstream patch, I figured if it was going to say ISO8601 it should be compliant.00:35
robert_ancellSo I implemented the spec as is.00:35
robert_ancellI think it's unlikely that the more obscure formats will be actively used.00:36
robert_ancellBut I could imagine downloading a CSV that I wanted to parse that only had times in it.00:37
desrtwhich could make sense, if you had a date00:37
desrtbut using GDateTime to store only time is really weird00:38
desrtand using it to store only dates is not a lot better00:38
robert_ancellYeah, which you would either know from context or some other date00:38
desrt i can understand if the microseconds field is missing, we take it to be 000:38
desrtbut other than that, ...00:38
robert_ancelldesrt, it won't store just times - g_date_time_new returns NULL in that case.00:38
desrtIt not considered a programmer error for the values to this function to be out of range, but in the case that they are, the function will return NULL.00:39
desrti doubt i would do that again today =)00:39
desrtso basically, i'd take a really simplified version that breaks out fully-specified ISO8601 strings00:40
desrtand returns GDateTime00:40
robert_ancelldesrt, why not the current code?00:40
desrtbecause it's complicated, and the flags field is ugly00:40
robert_ancelldesrt, if I move the flags to a g_date_time_new_full wouldn't that bypass that issue?00:41
robert_ancellWithout the flags you cannot tell the accuracy of the strings, which could be very important.00:41
desrtthat's my point: if the string is not fully-specified, fail00:42
desrti'd make exactly two exceptions:00:42
desrt - missing microseconds field00:42
desrt - missing timezone00:42
desrtin the case of the timezone, i'd allow it to be fed in from outside to be used in case it is missing in the string00:43
robert_ancelldesrt, define "full-specified"00:43
desrtyyyy-mm-dd(T)hh:mm:ss(.mmmmmm)( +-TZ)00:43
desrtie: a precise time, in a specific day00:43
robert_ancellwhat if you get yymmdd?00:44
desrtit's not enough to construct GDateTime, since it misses the time00:44
robert_ancellI mean yyymmddThhmmss.mmmmm00:44
desrtis that valid ISO8601?00:45
robert_ancellThat's why the parser is like it is...00:45
desrtso let's change the name of the function00:45
desrti'm really not super interested in supporting weird and not-commonly-used features of a spec just for the sake of it00:45
desrtparticularly if it makes the API suck more00:46
desrt(aside: one weird feature that may actually be worth supporting is ISO week dates... like 2016-W34-7)00:46
robert_ancellBut it won't make the API any differntly...00:46
desrtwikipedia says "ISO 8601 prescribes, as a minimum, a four-digit year [YYYY] to avoid the year 2000 problem."00:46
desrtit will allow dropping the flags enum...00:46
desrtsince either you will have a GDateTime with all of the things set, or you will get a failure00:47
robert_ancelldesrt, if the flags is the issue, then why not change to g_date_time_new_from_iso8601 (text) and g_date_time_new_from_iso8601_full (text, year, month, day, flags)00:47
desrtbecause then we may end up parsing something that is not a date/time, without knowing it00:48
desrtwhat would you do?  just assume midnight?00:48
robert_ancelldesrt, and the current patch gives you a GDateTime with all of the things set or a failure.00:48
robert_ancelldesrt, yes, you'd assume midnight00:49
desrtthat's precisely what i don't want00:49
desrtconsider as well, that midnight is a particularly awful time to choose00:49
robert_ancelldesrt, ok, then g_date_time_new_from_iso8601_full  (text, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, flags)00:49
desrtsince it's very likely to be a different day in a neighbouring timezone, or even with the application of daylight savings time or not00:49
robert_ancelland the simpler case rejects anything without all the fields set00:50
desrtcan we just skip the _full?00:50
desrtseriously... what is your usecase here?00:50
robert_ancellI can imagine getting data without seconds or hours set and I wouldn't want to have to write an entire parser in these cases.00:51
desrtother than some imagined file that you want to parse that contains a bunch of ISO8601 tests for edge cases...00:51
robert_ancelle.g. "2016-08-29T12:51"00:51
robert_ancellor timestamps like "12:51:32.1234567" in a log, that I know all occurred today00:52
desrttake a look at rfc3339 for example00:53
desrtit defines a profile of ISO8601 that is pretty close to what i think we'd actually want to support00:53
robert_ancelldesrt, ok, so you want g_date_time_new_from_rfc333900:54
desrtthat would be a lot more reasonable, imho00:54
desrtof course, we can't even really properly support it00:57
desrtsince it has support for leap seconds, and we don't00:57
robert_ancelldesrt, and would you support 2016-W34? It is in the RFC00:58
desrti don't consider supporting it to be important00:58
desrtbut it would be a cool feature that could be understood unambiguously, and would not complicated the API00:59
robert_ancellI mean that form is only accurate to 7 days00:59
robert_ancellas opposted to 2016-W34-700:59
desrtoh.  no.  of course not.00:59
desrtand indeed, it should only be accepted if a time is given, as well00:59
desrtit may also be fun to support rfc822 date/time... which, reading the spec, is hilariously US-centric...01:00
robert_ancelldesrt, ok to push "GTimeZone: Support the Unicode minus character"?01:01
desrtbasically, i think it may be interesting to do something more like g_date_time_parse() which is guaranteed to accept rfc3339 and other formats as we see fit01:02
desrtbug link again, sorry?01:02
ubot5Gnome bug 753459 in general "GDateTime: Add conversion functions from/to ISO 8601 strings" [Enhancement,New]01:02
desrtwhy is this needed?01:03
desrtdoes anyone use it for anything?01:03
robert_ancelldesrt, because ISO8601 strings are allowed to use that character01:03
* desrt sighs01:03
* desrt slowly comes to realise that ISO8601 is completely unreasonable, and wants nothing to do with it01:04
robert_ancelldesrt, I guess if you just want RFC 3339 then it's not required01:05
robert_ancellIt seems to specify "-" as the minus character01:05
desrtRFC 3339 explicitly requires the hyphen (-) symbol to represent negative offsets and does not allow for use of the minus (−) symbol01:05
robert_ancellok, I'll make a simplified parser and document the caveats01:05
desrtmake sure you support " " instead of T01:06
desrtthe rfc3339 mentions that it ought to be supported, but doesn't do a good job of drawing attention to this fact with the examples, nor the grammar01:07
robert_ancelland lowercase too it seems01:07
robert_ancellthe wording is super vague01:07
robert_ancellApplications using this syntax may choose, for the sake of01:07
robert_ancell      readability, to specify a full-date and full-time separated by01:07
robert_ancell      (say) a space character.01:07
robert_ancellor (say) any other character :)01:07
robert_ancelldesrt, thanks for the review01:08
desrtcool.  irccloud is having a very bad day, it seems.01:13
desrtlast thing i saw was me mentioning to make sure you support spaces instead of 'T's01:13
desrtrobert_ancell: in any case, i'm gonna go make some food.  got busy working and forgot to eat dinner tonight :)01:18
desrtrobert_ancell: sorry for rejecting pretty much everything :(01:18
robert_ancelldesrt, I just pointed out how vague the spec was01:19
desrtrobert_ancell: k.01:23
desrthappy monday, then :)01:23
pittiGood morning04:36
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
pittihey Sweet5hark107:59
Sweet5hark1bonjour pitti!08:02
seb128good morning deskopers08:08
pittibonjour seb128 ! as-tu eu un bon w.e.?08:08
seb128salut pitti, oui, mais trop chaud ! et toi ?08:08
pittiseb128: je vais bien aussi, merci ! Annett et moi avons aidé un collègue à déménager08:09
pittidonc on a des muscles dolores :)08:09
seb128ah ok, assis devant l'ordinateur pour du repos aujourd'hui alors ;-)08:10
pittiseb128: héhé -- alors que j'ai couru ce matin08:11
seb128quelle energie !08:11
pittiit was actually good for relaxing muscles08:12
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you? had a good w.e?08:20
TrevinhoHey seb128...08:21
TrevinhoYeah full of things...08:21
TrevinhoPool on Saturday then some "sagre" (kind of popular fairs where food is made by locals and you eat in big tents)08:22
TrevinhoWine tasting.... And Fireworks!08:22
TrevinhoYou, seb128?08:23
seb128Trevinho, nice!08:24
seb128Trevinho, here it was less fancy, walked a bit around, bbq on saturday evening otherwise mostly relaxed/didn't do much, it was like 37°C so played some video games inside and read a bit08:25
TrevinhoAh.... Really hot...08:25
TrevinhoHere it has been hot too, but I drove to some hills to get some cool air for free :-)08:26
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dufluTrevinho: Do we have bugs open for the new visual glitches in Unity7 yet? (grey bars at top and right edges, and transparent panel)08:41
Trevinhoduflu: Yes and a fix is there, but waiting for approval08:58
TrevinhoOr... Different fix08:58
dufluTrevinho: Cool thanks. I didn't want to be another one who just assumes a fix is coming when it isn't :)08:58
desrtmorning, peeps09:23
desrtit's so early that europe hasn't even woken up yet...09:28
* desrt finds herself wondering how timezones work again09:28
pittihey desrt!09:30
desrtguten Morgen09:31
pittiTrevinho: oh dear -- it's i*n*dentation styles09:42
pittisoftware engineers have also been known to have OCD :)09:42
desrtthis sign is pretty accurate09:43
desrtsomewhat shamefully, i have to admit that my dinner choices for last night included ordering a pizza, or consuming a full bag of chips as a meal... both would likely have included caffeinated beverages.09:44
desrti didn't actually do either of them... but only because pizzapizza's website wasn't working, and i was too lazy to go out and buy the chips.09:45
dufluTrevinho: Excuse me... or else I risk my current coffee being dinner10:32
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mitya57jbicha, please review http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox/ubuntu/revision/275 — is that what you really intended to add?11:25
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* desrt sees that robert_ancell uploaded another version of the patch and couldn't help himself11:35
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
desrtISO week numbering... my goodness.13:07
seb128desrt, ?13:08
desrtrobert_ancell's patch to add ISO8601 support to glib... i suggested that he trim it down to only rfc3339, but he couldn't help himself, and some 8601 features snuck back in13:09
desrt...like week numbering13:09
desrtwhich introduces a whole bunch of edgecases13:10
seb128is there different way to number weeks?13:10
desrtno.  there is only one way13:11
desrtbut it's complicated and confusing and sometimes produces strange results13:11
desrtlike week 1 of 2015 is partially in 201413:11
desrtand week 53 is partially in 201613:11
desrtso you have dates that are correctly (and canonically) written as 2015-W01-1 and 2015-W53-7 which are actually not in 2015 at all...13:12
desrtand of course, this is where bugs start coming13:12
qenghoOh, that's the one with the Thursday rule?13:24
qengho...yep, it is. That is a fun one.13:26
seb128hey qengho13:28
qenghoseb128: hey! Now's the time to regret not adopting French metric weeks, n'est pas?13:29
seb128lol, maybe not ;-)13:29
seb128those sound weird13:30
seb128but I guess it's like everything, if they were in use we would know them and they would sound normal13:30
jbichamitya57: yes, that looks better13:37
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
jbichaseb128: could you try restarting https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html I broke it this weekend :(13:50
* Sweet5hark got the color of the toolbar background right with libreoffice and gtk 3.20, it seems.13:58
Sweet5harknext up: the buttons themselves (what worked on xenial, doesnt work here).13:58
Sweet5harkHm, if you do a change in a C++ source file and expect different behaviour w/o doing recompilation how do you call that? asking for a friend.14:11
pittiSweet5hark: how do you mean? I'd call it "use a scripting language, dude"14:22
jbichaximion: is there a reason yakkety shouldn't have https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/software-properties.git/tree/debian/patches/0004-Implement-PackageKit-support.patch14:22
Sweet5harkpitti: I hear you volunteer to do a high performance rewrite of LibreOffice in Python? exciting!14:23
pittiSweet5hark: I still don't understand your question, if it was meant seriously14:24
pittisomeone who expects a runtime change after changing a C++ source file without recompilation just needs to be taught how compiled languages work..14:24
jbichais signon-plugin-password used for anything important? because it's no longer on the yakkety install disk: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/3.21.90-0ubuntu314:25
ximionjbicha: only that the driver-install stuff has never been tested, and that you ran't yet abort a refresh operation (which the previous code could)14:25
Sweet5harkpitti: sorry, i was just being sarcastic, I just forgot the recompile ;)14:25
ximionjbicha: but aside from missing testing on Ubuntu and a bit of polish, no, there is no reason why Ubuntu shouldn't have it :)14:26
pittiSweet5hark: also, calling vim and pandoc from python is *really* performant :)14:26
Sweet5harktrying to fix gtk3 theming for libreoffice is a bit like playing battleships. E3! nope. D5! nope ....14:27
Sweet5harkpitti: ha!14:27
qenghoHow long between plays for you?14:27
pittiSweet5hark: did you find a Pikachu yet?14:27
jbichaI don't think aborting refresh of apt sources matters14:28
Sweet5harkpitti: I got the one right at the start. But I also found one in the wild later.14:28
Sweet5harkpitti: I was kinda annoyed that I wasted a few Dratini at the start. They were so abundant at the park nearby in the first weeks I thought Ill soon have enough of them. But alas, they nerfed the parc (it still has a lot of eevees though).14:31
* Sweet5hark is back to cga colors on gtk-3.2014:53
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
ximionLaney: I will do an AppStream release probably tomorow or on Wednesday - then, the time of API breaks will be over15:10
ximionhmm, is snowball in main?15:11
ximionit isn't, hmm...15:11
Trevinhotedg: hey, what should I do with the libindicator / unity systemd request?16:19
seb128jbicha, would have been nice to wonder if signon-plugin-password was useful before removing the recommends...17:08
seb128jbicha, check with mardy he probably knows but I think it's needed yes17:08
seb128jbicha, I'm going to have a look to the versions update issue17:09
jbichaseb128: well I think the recommends is wrong for ubuntu-gnome, but maybe it needs to be added now to ubuntu-desktop if it's useful?17:09
seb128jbicha, yeah, maybe, that should have been a question to ask before doing the change, it's a bit rude to bug other flavors and then ask if maybe they should be fixed17:10
jbichaI tested that the Ubuntu SSO integration still works with gnome-software without that17:11
seb128I doubt gnome-software uses evolution17:11
seb128that's probably something that should be tested by adding a google account to uoa and see if evolution can access the mail/calednar17:11
seb128jbicha, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/12/03/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t13:30 suggests that adding google accounts doesn't work without it, it was added on purpose to fix those issues, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/3.18.2-0ubuntu217:20
jbichaseb128: thanks, but it pulls the Qt stack in to Ubuntu GNOME17:24
jbichahow about having libaccount-plugin-1.0-0 depend on it?17:25
seb128jbicha, yeah, i understand you have an issue17:25
seb128I'm not saying we shouldn't change things17:25
seb128just that we should think about how to make it work for everyone17:26
seb128rather than cowboying a change for one flavor and screwing the other ones17:26
seb128especially that you traded some extra depends for non working features for others17:26
jbichaI think that's what I'm doing now17:26
seb128I'm unsure what's the right fix because I don't know for what desktops/flavors the signon bits are useful17:27
jbichareverse-depends libaccount-plugin-1.0-017:27
seb128like kde is also use libaccount iirc, so unsure if evolution would need it there17:28
seb128having libaccount-plugin depends on it feels wrong, it's a plugin architecture and eds is only one type of account17:29
seb128it might also create a depends cycle?17:29
jbichano, I don't see a dependency cycle there17:32
seb128I missread your reverse-depends libaccount-plugin-1.0-0 comment then17:36
seb128still it looks wrong for the other reason stated17:36
seb128the plugin support shouldn't force specific plugins17:36
seb128it's like if libpeas was depending on gedit-plugins17:37
jbichawe could have libaccount-plugin-google(etc.) depend on it instead if you like that better17:39
jbichaI can't tell which plugins need it though17:39
seb128yeah, me neither17:39
jbichaif I make all the libaccount-plugin-* depend on it, it ends up having the same affect17:39
tedgTrevinho: It is on my TODO list for today, I have to fix the policykit-unity8 test suite and then that's next. So I hope it'll be done when you wake up in the morning. Sorry to take so long on it.17:40
Trevinhotedg: no worries17:40
jbichaI can't get UOA to work in today's daily image, as soon as I click in the embedded webpage in unity's Online Accounts>Google (or Facebook), the page disappears17:41
jbichais that maybe an oxide-qt bug?17:42
seb128yeah, there is a bug with the current gcc/libc17:44
seb128it errors out17:44
jbichaI think having libaccount-plugin-1.0-0 depend on signon-plugin-password is the easiest solution; otherwise I have to touch the ~30 UOA plugins (except not the ones that already depend on mcp-account-manager-uoa)17:55
jbichaI wouldn't think things like the Google plugin which already depends on signon-plugin-oauth2 would need signon-plugin-password but given that it's impossible to test it today on yakkety18:02
seb128can you talk to mardy to see what he would suggest?18:06
jbichaoh, I didn't realize mardy wasn't in this channel18:06
Sweet5harkyes! libreoffice toolbar theming fixed for gtk-3.20.19:29
jbichaSweet5hark: just a nitpick but it seems a little odd that libreoffice-gnome depends on libreoffice-gtk2 (which has a few things not in -gtk3)19:35
Sweet5harkjbicha: bug 161667319:37
ubot5bug 1616673 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice-gtk2 pulled in by default and should not be" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161667319:37
jbichaare xid-fullscreen-on-all-monitors and liblosessioninstalllo.so gtk2 specific?19:38
Sweet5harkjbicha: dunno what xid-fullscreen... even is supposed to do. losessioninstall...: havent tested, but dont think so.19:41
jbichahmm, things seem to work without them19:44
Sweet5harkjbicha: meh, nah indeed. at least liblosessioninstall should move to -gtk3 or -gnome ...19:45
Sweet5harkjbicha: losessioninstall provides some hocks for packagekit/dbus "you should install $foo for this functionality" ...19:47
jbichaok, maybe move it to -gnome since I guess it should work with gtk2 and gtk319:50
jbicharobru: are you able to review https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntu-seeds/touch-yakkety-tinyxml2/+merge/30420719:53
robrujbicha: no, sorry20:12
jbichaoops, I guess you're not a core dev yet :(20:14
robrujbicha: nope, hopefully one day20:15
jbichamaybe I should ask nacc, since I sponsored stuff for him earlier now he can return the favor :)20:16

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