lordcirth | olliequeen, 2 minutes is hardly a long time to wait | 00:00 |
lordcirth | Also, I think that might be more of a Windows question. | 00:01 |
olliequeen | sorry i wasnt sure if the channel was dead | 00:01 |
olliequeen | alright cool i might ask them | 00:01 |
lordcirth | Seeing as there are 1862 people here, it is unlikely to be completely dead | 00:01 |
olliequeen | haha alright well thanks anyways | 00:01 |
olliequeen | ill see if windws can help | 00:01 |
cuddylier | Does anyone know a guide that tells me how to create software raid 1 for 2 additonal HDDs I have on my server? | 00:02 |
cuddylier | The OS is on a drive and I want to raid 1 two other drives. | 00:02 |
=== Liz is now known as Guest96728 | ||
logical | Hi ppl i am using hex chat, I acidently used /clear, to clear the chat, but now I wanted to remember something and can't scrool up xD. Is there a way to retrieve the text? | 00:03 |
lordcirth | logical, There are logs of this channel | 00:03 |
logical | lordcirth how can I access it, noob here | 00:04 |
mjz19910 | Look at man for mdadm | 00:04 |
lordcirth | logical, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | 00:04 |
logical | lordcirth thank you | 00:04 |
mjz19910 | Like this mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 (drive1 device) (drive2 device) | 00:05 |
Mathis | reading an article about Linus Torvalds | 00:05 |
Mathis | he said that he didnt root his smartphone | 00:05 |
Mathis | the inventor of the operating system on his smartphone has no root access to his own product | 00:05 |
Mathis | lolz | 00:05 |
lordcirth | Mathis, he has no need to, presumably. You don't need root on android unless for something specific. | 00:07 |
Hydr0p0nX | yea, there's not many things that actually *require* it | 00:07 |
mjz19910 | You have to save the raid to a config after, mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | 00:07 |
Mathis | the point was not on requirement | 00:08 |
Hydr0p0nX | Mathis - root is a vulnerability if you have it and don't need it | 00:08 |
Mathis | its like you build a house but you are not allowed to enter it | 00:09 |
OerHeks | smart inventor .. | 00:09 |
Fione | Morning... | 00:10 |
Fione | So, I have android emulator running on my PC. Is it possible to send notifications from there to my PC? | 00:12 |
=== kty_ is now known as Kty | ||
lordcirth | Fione, KDEConnect? | 00:13 |
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Fione | Clarification, lordcirth. Is it KDEconnect that I have to search? | 00:14 |
lordcirth | Fione, it's a mobile app & desktop package that can send notifications to your desktop. | 00:15 |
parsnip | hmm, i /buffer close | 00:25 |
chestnutpie | anything i need to/should do after a fresh install of ubuntu? anything to secure or lock down? firewall can stay off? why? why not? | 00:39 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, Ubuntu desktop? Best thing for security is probably to install an ad-blocker. | 00:41 |
kevtcg | JOIn | 00:41 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: system wise | 00:42 |
chestnutpie | before adding crap. | 00:42 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, not really. If there was something obvious to do for security, it'd probably be done already. | 00:43 |
chestnutpie | yeah, i guess so. | 00:44 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DoINeedAFirewall | 00:46 |
transhuman | I have had to resort to swapping in an old video card in Ubuntu 16.04 is there a new detection routine for video cards in place? | 00:46 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: mind giving me a tldr for that? do i need it or not? still unclear | 00:46 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, If you're behind a NAT, like most people, then nothing from the internet can connect inbound unless you port-forward. | 00:47 |
nikonok | hi | 00:47 |
lordcirth | All a firewall is good for, then, is to stop a malicious/exploited app from phoning home | 00:47 |
lordcirth | nikonok, hi | 00:47 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, So it's up to you whether it's worth the inconvenience. | 00:48 |
nikonok | rus? | 00:48 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: what inconvenience? isn't it just a short terminal command to turn it on? :p | 00:48 |
OerHeks | !ru | 00:49 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 00:49 |
transhuman | noone? | 00:49 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, the inconveience of all the programs you install that use their own ports needing their own firewall exception. | 00:49 |
lordcirth | transhuman, you upgraded to 16.04 and your card stopped working? What card? Weren't you here earlier? | 00:50 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: oh boy. | 00:50 |
chestnutpie | i see. | 00:50 |
OerHeks | transhuman, did you reverse to the open driver first, before switching the GPU ? | 00:50 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: if i find a guide for something that is meant for xubuntu, could i just follow that for ubuntu? and vice versa? | 00:51 |
lordcirth | chestnutpie, if it's not specific to xfce, sure | 00:51 |
chestnutpie | lordcirth: awesome | 00:51 |
transhuman | yes its an internal R5 ...nvidia doesnt work period interal to cpu not supported so i installed an old hunk of crap for now | 00:51 |
transhuman | not detected either but It does more | 00:51 |
transhuman | at least monitor turns blue on the LED | 00:52 |
transhuman | so i have hope | 00:52 |
transhuman | OerHeks, no i didnt figured I would try the upgrade a second time since I really really need it | 00:52 |
transhuman | didnt work as expected | 00:52 |
transhuman | sudo ubuntu-drivers devices and sudo apt-get install nvidia* should work right? | 00:53 |
transhuman | or does 16.04 have something new in place? | 00:53 |
bazhang | transhuman, when did that command ever work | 00:54 |
OerHeks | sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall # this loads other drivers too | 00:54 |
transhuman | ok thanks | 00:54 |
bazhang | whats the make and model of the unsupported card transhuman | 00:55 |
transhuman | hold on finding out now | 00:57 |
transhuman | thinking it might have been flashed with apple firmware a long time ago...crap | 00:57 |
Fione | Hello? | 00:59 |
transhuman | its an HD RADEON 5000/6000/7350/8350 series doesnt specify which | 01:00 |
OerHeks | oh, that one is supported by the openradeon driver | 01:01 |
OerHeks | lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 01:02 |
OerHeks | or: lspci -k | egrep -i 'vga|in use' | grep -i vga -A 1 | 01:03 |
transhuman | radeon driver in use | 01:04 |
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transhuman | doesnt go into xwindows though does show ubuntu splash screen briefly | 01:04 |
OerHeks | as there is no FGLRX anymore, the newer GPUs will be supported by the open AMDgpu driver | 01:04 |
transhuman | this is by no means new and the newer one onboard is an nvida R5 not supported by anything | 01:05 |
OerHeks | hmm try switching tty <> ctrl alt F2 and back ctrl alt F7 | 01:05 |
transhuman | ok | 01:05 |
navi_ | hello? | 01:06 |
navi_ | anybody here¿ | 01:06 |
transhuman | says something about sda being clean instead of xwindows | 01:06 |
navi_ | what? | 01:06 |
bazhang | navi_, ubuntu support issue? | 01:07 |
lordcirth | navi_, hello | 01:07 |
navi_ | helo | 01:07 |
navi_ | no | 01:07 |
transhuman | I think navi_ is a bot | 01:07 |
DC85 | Greetings everyone i'm having a trouble with using the device-mapper to create hdd devices snapshots. I'm using the Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS. syslog is reporting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23114226. Can someone help please? | 01:07 |
bazhang | try a chat channel navi_ like #ubuntu-offtopic then | 01:07 |
navi_ | hahaha | 01:08 |
navi_ | i am not a bot | 01:08 |
navi_ | i just installed ubuntu mate on my computer | 01:08 |
navi_ | i tested | 01:08 |
navi_ | ubuntu mate 16 32bits on 64 bits processor lol | 01:08 |
bazhang | navi_, please keep the chat to the chat channel | 01:08 |
navi_ | well | 01:09 |
navi_ | i dont want to enter on other channel | 01:09 |
bazhang | navi_, this is not chat, just ubuntu support | 01:10 |
navi_ | ah | 01:10 |
navi_ | ok | 01:10 |
navi_ | i have a question about xamp server and permissions | 01:11 |
navi_ | i can make permission on folder to enter from another side from ip | 01:11 |
OerHeks | Xampp is bad, we support ubuntu LAMP server | 01:12 |
OerHeks | !xampp | 01:12 |
ubottu | We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information. | 01:12 |
navi_ | lamp... ok i will test that | 01:12 |
navi_ | thanks | 01:12 |
OerHeks | there is also #ubuntu-server :-) | 01:12 |
transhuman | ok so i am going to try installing the amdgpu-pro driver looks like it might work | 01:13 |
bazhang | transhuman, the openradeon is the one you want | 01:14 |
OerHeks | DC85, something wrong in your /etc/multipath.conf ? | 01:14 |
transhuman | sudo apt-get install openradeon? | 01:14 |
OerHeks | transhuman, no, you won't. you'll see that the correct driver is automatic loaded | 01:14 |
transhuman | ok so what do you su | 01:15 |
transhuman | gg | 01:15 |
transhuman | suggest OerHeks ? | 01:15 |
OerHeks | ? | 01:15 |
OerHeks | have fun with it? | 01:15 |
DC85 | OerHeks Hello i don't even have a multipath.conf file. im trying to create some snapshots of some raid devices. | 01:15 |
transhuman | gee I screwed that up ...what do you suggest? | 01:15 |
transhuman | it dont work as it stands now | 01:15 |
OerHeks | youtube should work fine etc | 01:15 |
keviv | Is there anywhere that the boot log is stored in a live usb installation? I'm trying to install 16.04 on my Yoga 710, but the live usb won't boot | 01:16 |
OerHeks | you have tried sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall, so all should be fine? | 01:17 |
transhuman | yes i did it installed some firmware but not on the video card | 01:17 |
OerHeks | oh right, radeon is loaded | 01:17 |
OerHeks | how did you see that if you have no screen ? | 01:18 |
transhuman | command line lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 01:19 |
transhuman | firmware install i watched at commmand line instal | 01:19 |
transhuman | instal/install | 01:19 |
OerHeks | if a reboot does not solve, maybe reset the monitor itself with its own buttons to factory default? | 01:20 |
transhuman | ok i will try that | 01:21 |
transhuman | is there a problem i dont know about using the amd pro drivers | 01:21 |
OerHeks | AMDgpu is for R9 and up | 01:22 |
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo | ||
transhuman | OerHeks, am i reading this page correctly that its not supported? ...see table https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 01:36 |
transhuman | on that note Im off...if let me know what you think OerHeks thanks in advance | 01:41 |
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nikitamog | I'm trying to get basic console output in ubuntu with c++ but it's complaining at me. | 01:55 |
nikitamog | http://cryptb.in/8TyCze#915a1af9c37dc1831745b5e8e4901148 | 01:55 |
nikitamog | Am I using the wrong library? | 01:55 |
Rarrikins | nikitamog: Complaining how? | 01:57 |
nikitamog | it says it has undefined reference errors. | 01:57 |
Rarrikins | nikitamog: Are you using gcc or g++? | 01:58 |
nikitamog | gcc | 01:58 |
Rarrikins | nikitamog: That's for C. Use g++ for C++. | 01:58 |
nikitamog | Rarrikins, Thank you. | 02:05 |
Rarrikins | nikitamog: No problem. | 02:05 |
=== ilya is now known as Guest27567 | ||
Kurowa | hello. | 02:11 |
Kurowa | So, I want to ask. does dpkg-query --list listed every package ever installed? | 02:11 |
Kurowa | nevermind. | 02:13 |
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Einarr | o/ | 02:24 |
andres_ | algun mexicano | 02:30 |
Rarrikins | !es | andres_ | 02:32 |
ubottu | andres_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:32 |
baldo66 | , | 02:39 |
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=== james is now known as Guest23362 | ||
glowing_apple | Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu server (16.04), but it keeps hanging up at installing the system, configuring initramfs-tools-core, 79%. I've tried with and without an internet connection. Hangs up at the same spot each time... | 02:44 |
dayron | Helle everyone | 02:45 |
dayron | I have a problem with my VLC....When I open a movie in the subtitle accented characters puts bad | 02:48 |
glowing_apple | Figured out why it's hanging at 79%... Looks like the installation medium is corrupted. I used unetbootin to make a bootable USB drive. There's a warning about that during the install, but I"m not sure how to make a bootable USB drive without it. Anyone have instructions or a link to a guide online?? | 02:51 |
liuxg | When I click a hyperlink in my pdf document, it does not invoke my chrome browser. what could be the reason for it? thanks | 02:53 |
Bashing-om | glowing_apple: What Operating System are you using to make up the install USB ? | 02:54 |
glowing_apple | Bashing-om: I'm running OS X on my laptop | 02:54 |
Bashing-om | glowing_apple: Sorry, others will have to advise . no knowledge of OS X tools . | 02:56 |
glowing_apple | Might have found something: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick There's a manual option listed. I'll try that and see if that works | 02:58 |
Bray90820 | So 16.04 doesn't seem to boot if I have quit splash in my grub menu | 02:59 |
Rarrikins | Bray90820: Do you have `quiet` or `quit`? | 03:01 |
Bray90820 | Rarrikins: Sorry I meant quiet | 03:08 |
Bray90820 | If I remove "quiet splash" the system boots | 03:09 |
Rarrikins | Bray90820: Try removing one at a time. | 03:10 |
Rarrikins | Bray90820: See which one it is. | 03:10 |
Bray90820 | What do you mean? | 03:10 |
Bray90820 | All i removed were the words 'Quiet Splash" | 03:10 |
Rarrikins | Bray90820: Remove only quiet, leaving splash. See if it has trouble. | 03:11 |
node9 | Hi. I have a big list of .rar files that i'd like to unrar in batch. Most of them have a parent directory in the archive so they'll unrar the directory and all the files enclosed in it, however, some of the archives don't have a parent directory within them. Is there a way to set a rule that if there's no parent directory to create one based on the name of the archive? | 03:36 |
peterrooney | node9: [[ -d "$desired_name" ]] || mkdir "$desired_name" | 03:39 |
peterrooney | node9: but you'll have to inspect the archive to see if it has a toplevel directory or not, and the toplevel directory of the archive may be unrelated to the name of the archive. | 03:40 |
node9 | peterrooney, yeah I understand. I'm not sure if your solution would work - maybe i was a bit confusing. I have about 1500 files. About 2/3 of them have DIRNAME/file1, file2, file3. About 1/3 of them is just file1,file2,file3. The rar files themselves are just randomstring. What I'm looking for is IF there is a top level dir, don't do anything and just exctract as is leaving the original dirname from the archive, | 03:43 |
node9 | however if there is no top level dir and is just bunch of files, create one when exctracting and put the files there so I can inspect and rename the dir itself | 03:43 |
fahad | Hi | 03:49 |
Kurowa | hi | 03:49 |
fahad | Do you know python ? | 03:49 |
fahad | I need a little bit help. | 03:49 |
Kurowa | just ask. | 03:50 |
Kurowa | if anyone knows, they will help. | 03:50 |
fahad | :( | 03:50 |
fahad | Ok.. | 03:51 |
chovy_ | i just installed 16.04. there is no more /etc/resolvconf/ folder | 03:53 |
chovy_ | ? | 03:54 |
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo | ||
Rarrikins | chovy_: There is on mine. | 03:55 |
xianghui | hello | 03:55 |
xianghui | I have one question | 03:55 |
DeakonFrost | Hi to all | 03:55 |
xianghui | sometimes when I build a ppa, | 03:55 |
chovy_ | Rarrikins: not for me | 03:55 |
xianghui | I can't see where is the error if it is failure | 03:55 |
chovy_ | must be OVH template | 03:55 |
DeakonFrost | Who want to teach me some ubuntu | 03:56 |
zykotick9 | chovy_: just want to note, /etc/resolvconf/ is NOT a "normal" folder IMO.... /etc/resolv.conf is a legacy setup file in #ubuntu world... | 03:57 |
DeakonFrost | I just got my server up and running I want to do some cool stuff with it | 03:57 |
crazyhorse18 | is it possible to use sudo with two-factor? | 03:58 |
Bashing-om | chovy_: " ls -al /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/resolv.conf >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 May 16 2015 /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf " Hope this helps . | 03:59 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: interesting path... ubuntu has certainly changed a lot /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf is NOT something i'm familiar with... | 04:01 |
chovy_ | Bashing-om: /etc/resolvconf/ not /etc/resolve.conf | 04:01 |
DeakonFrost | exit | 04:02 |
Rarrikins | chovy_: Here are the packages that put files there on my system: http://pastebin.com/74KHREmA | 04:04 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: Think that is a Dnsmasq thing, introduced in 12.04 ?? | 04:08 |
zykotick9 | Rarrikins: wow, that's the first time in a long time i've used pastebin.com <- but i was interested in your paste. seems a lot of ubuntu uses this /etc/resolvconf/ directory. interesting... | 04:09 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: sorry i DON'T KNOW at all. first time i've heard of this path before... ubuntu specific. | 04:10 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: Back then the change threw everyone for a loop . re-did networking ! | 04:12 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: i was familiar with the resolv.conf -> interfaces change... this /etc/resolvconf/ directory is new to me... | 04:14 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: TBH, I have spent considerable time trying to understand resolvconf . Most of it remains as magic to me . | 04:23 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: so long as that magic keep working in your favour, it's all good ;) | 04:28 |
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Bashing-om | zykotick9: It's them little things - I hate getting stumped by my own wall of ignorance . Makes me realize how little I really do know . Ouch ! | 04:33 |
=== automatischa is now known as Automatischa | ||
Automatischa | say cheeese! :-) | 04:38 |
Bray90820 | Rarrikins: Sorry for the late reply but I messed a few things up but I ended up finding some boot top tons that work | 04:38 |
Automatischa | Now! | 04:40 |
* Bray90820 says cheese | 04:40 | |
adroit_machine | I have installed BitMeter OS as per intructions; after installation, when I visit http://localhost:2605, Firefox/Chrome do not see the appln or webpage running. I see a page not found :( Any suggestions? | 04:41 |
Automatischa | Thanks! | 04:41 |
* Bray90820 :-) | 04:42 | |
Automatischa | VvvvV | 04:46 |
Idlehands | a | 04:57 |
MNichie | Anybody know a creative way to reboot an ubuntu box without using the reboot command? I'm SSH'd into a system that has gone into read-only mode and need to power cycle it | 05:05 |
MNichie | The sudo command is also not working due to this | 05:05 |
* StrayDillo is surprised at all the people who insist on using the command line when Unity gets you a Mac-like interface | 05:06 | |
StrayDillo | Ubuntu make file sharing easy out of the box (which Mac has been doing since before OS X, I should mention) I'll be happy :) | 05:07 |
StrayDillo | If you'd like me to beta your file sharing utility for 16.10, I have a test box and would be happy to oblige | 05:09 |
StrayDillo | = TXRoadkill | 05:09 |
=== shazzr_ is now known as shazzr | ||
Automatischa | /leave | 05:12 |
TheNH813 | Why does Firefox open archive files with gedit. What is wrong with it? | 05:19 |
StrayDillo | might be a preference you can change? | 05:21 |
StrayDillo | file association? | 05:22 |
StrayDillo | can doubtless open it in LibreOffice if you like | 05:22 |
StrayDillo | or anything in between | 05:23 |
nokl | I've been trying to figure out how to use a different window manager on 16.04 but both the .xinit and the custom xsession method don't appear to work | 05:23 |
nokl | If I create a custom xsession, then LightDM won't let me choose a session when logging in | 05:24 |
elliot-59 | hey guys quick question... im running ubuntu 16.04 and i paired my phone as an audio source, i can see the audio come in on pulse audio recording/input tab but on the output tab theres no audio coming out of my phones loopback | 05:30 |
elliot-59 | anyone know what i can try ? | 05:30 |
StrayDillo | are you using JACK? | 05:30 |
elliot-59 | bluetooth | 05:30 |
StrayDillo | just getting into such territory myself | 05:31 |
StrayDillo | yeah, but JACK is the audio router for Linux, right? | 05:31 |
elliot-59 | i have no clue | 05:31 |
StrayDillo | as opposed to Apple Core Audio | 05:31 |
StrayDillo | sorry, me either | 05:31 |
elliot-59 | nvm got it to work | 05:32 |
hateball | StrayDillo: Normally you use PulseAudio, JACK is used for realtime stuff like professional recording etc | 05:33 |
elliot-59 | i just did pulseaudio -k and paired the phone again and it started working | 05:33 |
StrayDillo | k | 05:33 |
rocketmagnet | hi all, i have troubles installing libgew-dev (i get a few unresolved objects and i have no clue how to solve these issues) | 05:35 |
goldfax | libglew?, you should google the package, download and install with gdebi or something? | 05:37 |
hateball | They should use the package manager rather | 05:38 |
OerHeks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glew/1.13.0-2 | 05:39 |
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer | ||
OerHeks | c/ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/libglew-dev/1.13.0-2 | 05:40 |
OerHeks | any dependencie error should be fixable with apt install -f | 05:40 |
Illumitardi | anyone know or have links to valid docsis 3.0 cable modem acceptable signal and power levels? | 05:42 |
adroit_machine | I have installed BitMeter OS as per intructions; after installation, when I visit http://localhost:2605, Firefox/Chrome do not see the appln or webpage running. I see a page not found :( Any suggestions? | 05:43 |
SwedeMike | Illumitardi: 5 seconds on google yielded http://www.speedguide.net/faq/what-cable-modem-signal-levels-are-considered-good-78 | 05:43 |
SwedeMike | Illumitardi: and http://www.dslreports.com/faq/3412 | 05:44 |
Illumitardi | SwedeMike those are ones I already found via google. The problem is that they are very old, and are docsis 2.0 parameters | 05:46 |
SwedeMike | Illumitardi: http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1069658-power-levels-and-snr-value-for-100mb-connection-cable-modem/ then? | 05:48 |
SwedeMike | Illumitardi: "Downstream optimal:- -3 to +7 dBvm. Upstream optimal:- 31 dBvm to 54 dBvm Stable" | 05:49 |
SwedeMike | Illumitardi: mine is for instance between 2 and 4 dBmV Down, 38 dBvm up and works well, so that seems to be plausible. | 05:50 |
mrabel | 有中国人吗? | 05:54 |
=== devil is now known as Guest54871 | ||
mrabel | Oh... | 05:55 |
Guest54871 | hi how to browse .img files in ubuntu 15.10 | 05:55 |
mrabel | is anyone here? | 05:56 |
Guest54871 | yes | 05:56 |
mrabel | 。。。 | 05:57 |
mrabel | why did no one speak? | 05:59 |
hateball | mrabel: This channel is for support questions, not general chat | 06:00 |
mrabel | oh... | 06:00 |
mrabel | i see | 06:00 |
hateball | Guest54871: I'd think the default archive manager would handle that | 06:01 |
dmto | can i use ubuntu if im not gay? | 06:02 |
Abe_ | dmto: no | 06:07 |
ponyrider | no | 06:07 |
dmto | FreeBSD 4 lyfe | 06:08 |
Nemo_ | Hello ~ | 06:16 |
ImQ009 | Hello, I seem to have a little problem with ssh. I can't use it (or anything that uses it remotely, like git) as non-root | 06:20 |
neurre | huh | 06:20 |
neurre | font viewer doesnt work in 16.04.1 | 06:20 |
ImQ009 | I only get a "No user found with uid xxxx" | 06:21 |
neurre | http://askubuntu.com/questions/804639/font-viewer-not-running-in-ubuntu-16-04 | 06:21 |
ImQ009 | error* | 06:21 |
neurre | why these bugs dont get fixed? | 06:21 |
ImQ009 | This is really bothersome, because I'm forced to do all git stuff as root | 06:22 |
ImQ009 | Is there any way to fix it? | 06:22 |
OerHeks | neurre, fix released .. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-font-viewer/+bug/1607937 | 06:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1607937 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu Xenial) "Font Viewer fails to start from dash: Unknown option --gapplication-service" [High,Fix committed] | 06:23 |
neurre | OerHeks, does it mean i should get the fix with apt-get update upgrade or something? | 06:24 |
alkisg | ImQ009: what's the output of: getent passwd $(id -u) | 06:25 |
ImQ009 | alkisg: S.Blauciak:*:13020:10000:Slawomir Blauciak:/home/S.Blauciak:/bin/bash | 06:25 |
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ImQ009 | 13020 being the uid it complains about | 06:26 |
OerHeks | neurre, seems like it is patched upstream, so yes, updates should give or soon give an update | 06:26 |
alkisg | ImQ009: can you try creating another user, with no special characters like the . (e.g. user "test"), and ssh'ing from there, so that you narrow the issue? | 06:26 |
neurre | OerHeks, I have 16.04 LTS, does that also get the fix? | 06:27 |
neurre | or maybe i should just dist upgrade? | 06:27 |
ImQ009 | alkisg: lemme try | 06:28 |
TheNH813 | Yaes! I got Wine to use PulseAudio. Turns out older versions of Wine don't support pulse. It was all a matter of recursively truing newer versions of Wine till I found one the application still worked on AND had the new sound system. Wine 1.8 (Strange League of Legends + DX double buffer hack patched version) made GTA and Ableton Live 9 quite happy | 06:28 |
TheNH813 | . | 06:28 |
TheNH813 | I asked on here earlier and been trying to solve this all day. Nothing like the satisfaction of gettign somethign set up right. :D | 06:29 |
TheNH813 | Oh yeah, PlayOnLinux made things a lot easier to switch versions. Well, anyone on here who helped me earlier if you're still here, thanks. | 06:31 |
TheNH813 | Have a good night everyone. | 06:31 |
ImQ009 | alkisg: before I do that however, I'm sure the dot is not a problem, since there are no issues on other stations with different usernames in similar format | 06:32 |
ImQ009 | Similar. I mean the same exact format | 06:32 |
ImQ009 | The problem seems to occur on my station | 06:32 |
alkisg | ImQ009: it's not only the dot. It might be user issues, machine issues etc, but it's a quick way to narrow down the possible causes | 06:33 |
tasslehoff | I have a program that struggles with elision hardware lock issues on 16.04, and found this: http://patrakov.blogspot.no/2016/05/is-tsx-busted-on-skylake-too-no-its.html | 06:34 |
tasslehoff | Anyone with knowledge in the area around? Wonder if there is something I can do to work around it. | 06:35 |
ImQ009 | alkisg: yeah, it doesn't seem like I can do this without going deep into the entire network stuff | 06:36 |
ImQ009 | I guess I'll have to settle it with the IT departament here :P | 06:36 |
alkisg | ImQ009: it's just an "adduser test; su - test; ssh localhost" | 06:36 |
ImQ009 | alkisg: it's not, we're running some kind of custom account thing | 06:37 |
ImQ009 | I'm not too familiar with it | 06:37 |
alkisg | And that may be the issue, that's one of the reasons I was asking for another user :) | 06:37 |
alkisg | OK | 06:37 |
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ImQ009 | Thanks for your time though | 06:37 |
alkisg | np | 06:37 |
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Bray90820 | Does anyone know how I could get Intel SST Audio working in 16.04 | 06:39 |
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Exodious | guys is there some solution for using touchpad gestures? i want to be able to switch apps with horizontal scrolling instead using alt + tab | 06:40 |
Bray90820 | Or maybe know where I could put ucm files? | 06:41 |
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Riply | mikrotik | 07:14 |
dylan | guys how can i burn a windows 10 iso using ubuntu? | 07:14 |
Riply | Hi guys. Is there anyone here who has experiance in setting up a system where admins of mikritiks can authenticate against a MS Active Directory? I have tried and tried, but even through freeradius - the fact that the Mikrotik only passes CHAP (and not MSCHAP) makes this seemingly impossible :( | 07:16 |
Riply | when I say authenticate, I mean when they login, to manage the unit. Not when an end user/client wants to connect to a PPPoE session or hotspot, etc | 07:16 |
ducasse | Riply: how is this an ubuntu question? | 07:19 |
Riply | I am running the freeradius box (which authenticates against the AD) on 16.04 - doesn't that count @ducasse | 07:20 |
Netek | I am using vsftpd and I installed ufw. Does anybody know why vsftpd is trying to use passive ports when this is not enabled in the conf? | 07:20 |
Netek | ok I set pasv_enable=No and it no longer attempts passive mode. I never had to do this before unless enabling passive mode | 07:21 |
pagios | mount: mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/removable/sd failed: File exists <--- any idea how to solve this? | 07:26 |
pagios | there is nothing in this dir | 07:26 |
Triffid_Hunter | pagios: maybe it's already mounted? | 07:32 |
pagios | Triffid_Hunter: no it is not but mount -l shows /run/crouton/media/removable/SD Card/chroots/kali-rolling | 07:32 |
pagios | how can i kill that? | 07:32 |
Triffid_Hunter | pagios: I've no idea what that is | 07:32 |
OerHeks | chromebook protected against mounting kali ? | 07:36 |
OerHeks | :-D | 07:36 |
v7 | Hey all | 07:50 |
ljc | are there any docs on how to get i3 running? i've done `sudo apt install i3`, then `i3` returns "cannot open display" | 07:51 |
energizer | I just got a new computer, preinstalled with ubuntu 16.04, and i can't boot | 07:53 |
energizer | It's exactly the same problem as here http://askubuntu.com/questions/783363/ubuntu-server-16-04-wont-boot-after-installation-fail-to-start-lxd | 07:54 |
v7 | energizer, error ? | 07:54 |
energizer | except that that asker seems to have terminal access, whereas if i press ctrl-alt-F2 or whatever, it just says 'A start job is running for Raise network interfaces' | 07:55 |
energizer | I can't get terminal access at all | 07:56 |
guite | Hi everyone, I tried to install keypassx on my ubuntu xenial but couldn’t find any ppa that works, does anybody here installed it and could tell me the corresponding ppas ? thanks :) | 07:57 |
guite | I tried many ppa found on the internet, I could only install keypass2 from the .deb in launchpad | 07:57 |
guite | moreover, I said “keypassx” but I think now it is better to use keypass2 | 07:58 |
alkisg | guite: you don't need a ppa, just use the one provided by the official ubuntu repositories | 08:00 |
alkisg | packages.ubuntu.com/keepass | 08:01 |
ljc | apparently i3 needs xorg to run | 08:02 |
ljc | but `sudo apt install i3` doesn't install it | 08:02 |
ducasse | ljc: 'apt install xorg' | 08:03 |
ljc | i was under the impression when you did `sudo apt install xyz` it also installed dependencies | 08:04 |
ducasse | ljc: you will probably want lightdm or another dm as well. | 08:05 |
ljc | ducasse: oh right | 08:05 |
ducasse | ljc: in theory, there could be other x servers than xorg. many years back there were at least two commercial x servers for linux, acellerated-x and metro-x. | 08:06 |
energizer | I can't boot, here's a picture of my problem. "A start job is running for Raise network interfaces" http://i.stack.imgur.com/dGijA.jpg | 08:07 |
ljc | ducasse: i see | 08:08 |
alkisg | energizer: and what happens if you wait those 42 seconds for the start job to finish? | 08:08 |
alkisg | 42s/upper limit? | 08:08 |
energizer | alkisg: apparently.... i get terminal access | 08:10 |
energizer | on to new problems | 08:10 |
energizer | a whole new world | 08:10 |
alkisg | energizer: it's possible that you have some stanza like "auto enp3s0" in /etc/network/interfaces, without that interface actually existing | 08:10 |
ljc | ducasse: so i've installed i3, xorg, and lightdm and when i run `i3` i still get "cannot open display" | 08:11 |
energizer | alkisg: i do have that line there | 08:12 |
ducasse | ljc: start lightdm, select i3 from the menu of sessions and log in. | 08:12 |
ducasse | ljc: x needs to run before i3 will start. | 08:12 |
ljc | ducasse: is the only way to run the x server is to do it via lightdm? | 08:13 |
ducasse | ljc: no, but it is strongly recommended to do so these days, so that your session gets properly configured. a lot of underlying plumbing needs to work. | 08:15 |
V7 | Hey ... I have some question | 08:15 |
splashing | hi | 08:15 |
energizer | alkisg: how did you know that | 08:16 |
splashing | ? | 08:16 |
energizer | hi | 08:16 |
splashing | i know what you don't know | 08:17 |
ljc | ducasse: thanks :) | 08:18 |
alkisg | energizer: I've seen that issue before.. :) | 08:18 |
ducasse | ljc: no problem. enjoy i3, i use it myself :) | 08:18 |
energizer | alkisg: heh. any tips on first steps? | 08:19 |
alkisg | energizer: well, remove that line so that network/interfaces only has lo | 08:20 |
guite | alkisg: I don’t understand :) | 08:20 |
guite | alkisg: my sources.list is OK… are you talking about the sources.list ? | 08:20 |
alkisg | guite: apt policy keepassx, will tell you the available versions and where they come from (stock ubuntu, or PPAs). Then you can just run apt install keepassx. | 08:22 |
NicoRookie | good moring ! everyone:-D | 08:22 |
guite | hmmmm… | 08:22 |
guite | I couldn’t find it | 08:22 |
ljc | ducasse: anyway to kill i3 and return to the console? | 08:23 |
guite | I tried apt-get install keypassx… didn’t work at all | 08:23 |
TheLawyer | guys, I'm using xenial and the issue is that I cann't see the currently opened file names in the caption bar in all text editors. | 08:24 |
TheLawyer | is there any work around this? | 08:24 |
alkisg | guite: well, paste the output of the commands so that we know what's wrong with your installation: apt policy keepassx; apt install keepassx | 08:24 |
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ljc | ducasse: nm ;) | 08:25 |
guite | alkisg: unfortunately I’m not currently using my ubuntu right now, I’ll try later. Thanks :) | 08:25 |
alkisg | ok | 08:26 |
energizer | alkisg: ok i commented the line, rebooted, now i just have l0 | 08:27 |
energizer | lo | 08:27 |
alkisg | energizer: and are you still getting the issue with "waiting for raise network interfaces" ? | 08:27 |
energizer | alkisg: nope thats fixed, tho i don't have network access | 08:28 |
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energizer | alkisg: is there a subsequent solution to that issue? | 08:36 |
alkisg | energizer: what is your interface name? `ip a` shows it. And, do you get internet if you run `sudo dhclient eth0`, where eth0 your interface name? | 08:37 |
alkisg | energizer: also, I didn't get the full story, how did you internet connection break in the first place? | 08:37 |
energizer | alkisg: its a new computer, first boot | 08:38 |
energizer | alkisg: without commenting out enp... there are 4 things in ip a: | 08:39 |
energizer | lo, enp3s0, enp0s31f6, wlp4s0 | 08:39 |
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alkisg | $ cat /etc/network/interfaces | 08:40 |
alkisg | # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) | 08:40 |
alkisg | auto lo | 08:40 |
alkisg | iface lo inet loopback | 08:40 |
alkisg | These are the normal contents | 08:40 |
alkisg | And the interfaces are managed by network-manager | 08:40 |
alkisg | Why is your setup different? How did you install? Why do you have lxd, if that is your screenshot? | 08:40 |
tjbiddle | Hi all. Trying to figure this out. I have 10 servers setup on a cloud host. 1 of these has a public IP. All have private IPs. Currently I SSH into the public, and can then get into the others. However, the other 9 do not have access to the internet. From what I understand, I need to setup NAT on the one with an external IP address - correct? | 08:41 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: yes, and specify it as the gateway to the others | 08:41 |
energizer | alkisg: that isnt my screenshot, its from stackoverflow, but its exactly the same as mine. i got this new from a company that builds linux boxes | 08:42 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Great. So I’ve reading through https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1715735 and it’s stating to install dnsmasq. Is this necessary as the other servers already have private IPs? | 08:42 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1; sudo iptables -s -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE; <== put the internal subnet there | 08:43 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: that's all that's needed, no dnsmasq | 08:43 |
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tjbiddle | alkisg: Thank you! Sorry, may have to bug you a few more times here - Networking noob and reading as I go :) Manpages all make sense for that. I’m unsure on my subnet. My private IPs are all provided by my host - with the last three octets changing. ifconfig has `Bcast: Mask:` - Anyway we can figure out the subnet from that? | 08:57 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: http://jodies.de/ipcalc?host= | 08:59 |
zetheroo | does zfs make sense on the PC? And is it better than LVM? | 08:59 |
velco | what libstdc++ packages do I need to install in order to compile/link with "g++ -m32" ? | 09:00 |
brunch875 | Is there a ctrl-alt-t for current folder? | 09:00 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Actually checked that page first! Wasn’t quite sure what to put in for the last two boxes as that’s what I’m trying to find | 09:01 |
tjbiddle | And didn’t quite understand what it meant by ‘move to' | 09:01 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: the /29 gives you the subnet that you said, while the third one is optional, don't fill it | 09:02 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Aha! Thank you :) | 09:02 |
alkisg | Network: | 09:03 |
tjbiddle | Where is coming from? | 09:04 |
itsabear | hi | 09:05 |
itsabear | sensors does not detect fan, how to fix? | 09:05 |
Netek | I am looking at htop and I noticed that google chrome states statuses that I never seen before. This is running 16.04 | 09:06 |
Netek | - /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --enable-features=*PreconnectMore<PreconnectMore,*TranslateUI2016Q2<TranslateUI2016Q2,UsePasswordSeparatedSigninFlow<PasswordSe+ | 09:06 |
Netek | what is PreconnectMore???? | 09:06 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: "My private IPs are all provided by my host -" ==> the 118.8 is shown if you put the IP you mentioned, to that site. | 09:07 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Duh. Sorry - grabbed an IP from one machine and then started referencing another of the 9 machines. So will I need to add an entry for each of these machines - or will this cover all of them? | 09:08 |
itsabear | Netek, can you: ps aux | grep "chrome"? | 09:08 |
Netek | itsabear I need to paste to pastebin, a lot of information came up -_- | 09:08 |
itsabear | yea, sure | 09:09 |
Netek | itsabear - http://pastebin.com/JsqMijP5 | 09:09 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: the network id covers all the machines, yes | 09:09 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Perfect :) Okay - Final two things I believe! Thank you so much for your help! 1) Is this reflected immediately - or do I need to restart a service? 2) On one of the client machines I’ve done `route add default gw eth0` where `` is the private IP of the machine I’ve done the previous work on. I’m getting an `SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable` - Have I entered something incorrectly? | 09:11 |
Netek | itsabear google chrome enables users to login with google onto the browser. I may be 100% wrong but I think that this possibly refers to that as I am signed in? | 09:11 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: (1) immediately, (2) if it says network unreachable, then yes you entered something wrong. Why 10.169 instead of 10.170, and what was the default gateway before you changed it? Maybe it already was the correct one? `ip r` shows the gateway. | 09:13 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Mentioned previously (Probably phrased improperly) - Private IP addresses are in the range of 10.*.*.* it seems - 10.170 happened to be one of the non-public servers I was working with. A couple are 10.43.*.* - The one with the public IP has a private IP of | 09:16 |
tjbiddle | `ip r` output: https://gist.github.com/thomasbiddle/f55523f43ddc1b980888e0c1081ec57c | 09:16 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: I don't see anything 10.169 in that paste, so I don't know why you would set an ip or gateway of 10.169 | 09:18 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: 10.169 is the IP of the machine I was working on originally. You said I should set the gateway on the client machines to point at this one, yes? | 09:18 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: if you work on one machine, and put to pastebin the results of another machine, I can't communicate with you... | 09:20 |
tdiesel | hello | 09:20 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: if the machines are on a different subnet, then NATting won't work | 09:20 |
tdiesel | what | 09:20 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Shouldn’t these be running on multiple machines? I setup the NAT on the one that has internet access, and then on the ones without internet access I set it’s gateway as the one I just setup NAT on | 09:20 |
tjbiddle | They’re on the same subnet | 09:21 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: subnet means the "10.169" vs "10.170", not the cables | 09:21 |
tdiesel | Hi | 09:21 |
carnet | Hi, I ssh'd into another computer, ran vim on that computer to edit a file, then quit the terminal without closing vim or the ssh session. When I connect to the computer via ssh again, vim is still running. Is it possible to open that vim program and continue editing the file that is open in it? | 09:21 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: pastebin the output of `ip a` from the "server" and from one "client" | 09:22 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Wouldn’t put them all in the same subnet? | 09:22 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: yes, but I'm not sure that your network administrator would agree with that :) | 09:23 |
akik | carnet: no but check if there's a .swp file in the same directory. it should be kind of a backup file you were editing | 09:23 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Heh - how do you mean? | 09:23 |
akik | carnet: it starts with a dot | 09:23 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: who assigns those IPs? | 09:23 |
tjbiddle | The public IPs are all auto-assigned by Aliyun (Chinese equivalent of AWS - Pain in the ass to work with by the way - Keep having to run Google Translate on their web console) | 09:23 |
tjbiddle | private IPs ** | 09:23 |
zetheroo | Are there plans to have ZFS in the Ubuntu installer? | 09:24 |
carnet | akik: thanks I'll kill the existing vim and edit from the .swp file :) | 09:24 |
akik | carnet: make a copy | 09:24 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: but we're talking about the private ones now, aren't we? | 09:24 |
itsabear | Natek: Firstly, I'm not using Chrome/Chromium, so I don't know what the feature supposed to do. However, do you have any other application that is chromium based, running such as Atom? Gitter? | 09:24 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: Yes - that’s why I just corrected my last message haha. I meant private | 09:24 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: when they assign the IPs, they also assign the subnet, you can't change that | 09:26 |
akik | carnet: some programs save their unsaved buffers when you send them a kill signal | 09:26 |
ducasse | zetheroo: try asking in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-devel, maybe. i don't think there are any immediate plans, though. | 09:26 |
zetheroo | ok | 09:26 |
carnet | akik: ah ok thanks | 09:26 |
tjbiddle | alkisg: So does it seem that I’m working with multiple subnets that are auto-assigned? | 09:27 |
alkisg | tjbiddle: I don't know, you didn't put the result of the commands that I've asked, to pastebin... | 09:28 |
Netek | how does one clear the dns cache on ubuntu 16.04? I have attempted /etc/init.d/dns-cean no errors show but its still showing incorrect IP when I use dig. other checks (mxtoolbox, and other dns tools) show the new ip | 09:28 |
tjbiddle | Ah, sec. | 09:28 |
alkisg | anyway, time to go... /me waves | 09:28 |
Netek | hrrmmm I think maybe it is the router not the laptop? | 09:28 |
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V7 | I have trouble in Ubuntu 16.04 ... after enabling Bluetooth on machine ... it's whows up that Bluetooth is turned off, while I'd reenable it. In Ubuntu 14.04 that wasn't ... | 09:33 |
gustav_ | hje | 09:34 |
gustav_ | hej | 09:34 |
valter | hej | 09:34 |
gnudoge | V7: did you check /var/log/syslog ? | 09:35 |
gnudoge | V7: dmesg might help too | 09:38 |
nd_ | help ! ctrl key not working ..(sometime it works sometime not)[ubuntu 16.04 lts] | 09:40 |
nd_ | both ctrl keys | 09:40 |
aiRness | Hello. Is it better to run a dist-upgrade rather then do-release-upgrade or it's the same? | 09:40 |
gnudoge | dist-upgrade isnt 100%. recently i had to use aptitude safe-upgrade | 09:43 |
itsabear | man apt-get is useful to know about it. | 09:44 |
aiRness | I have some boxes 14.04 | 09:44 |
aiRness | I have lots of xp with debian I'm just asking about the do-release at ubuntu to make sure | 09:44 |
Anthaas_ | Is there a channel for BASH questions, or is it acceptable here? | 09:44 |
ducasse | aiRness: those are two very different things, do-release-upgrade is for upgrading to a new release, dist-upgrade upgrades the same release on ubuntu as opposed to on debian. | 09:45 |
k1l | just use the new "apt " command: "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade" | 09:45 |
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gnudoge | k1l: nice | 09:45 |
k1l | to upgrade to a new relaease use "do-release-upgrade" on ubuntu on cli | 09:45 |
k1l | aiRness: ubuntu doesnt use apt to upgrade to a new release since ages. | 09:46 |
aiRness | ducasse: right | 09:47 |
aiRness | king1337-2: ok thank you | 09:47 |
aiRness | k1l: thank you | 09:47 |
k1l | Anthaas_: try #bash | 09:47 |
V7 | gnudoge: After disabling all: http://pastebin.com/WnP0NGwS | 09:49 |
V7 | gnudoge: After enabling: http://pastebin.com/NWwV143B | 09:50 |
V7 | gnudoge: I see that Led ( WiFi and Bluetooth is enabled ), but ... in Ubuntu it shows that Bluetooth is disabled. After reenable Bluetooth in Ubuntu - it's shows it like it should. | 09:52 |
V7 | Is that a Bug ? | 09:54 |
chilversc | is there a keyboard shortcut to switch to the next window of the current application? | 09:55 |
chilversc | at the moment I keep having to go, alt+tab, shift+alt+tab, wait, alt+tab | 09:56 |
V7 | gnudoge: This one http://i.imgur.com/O6MjPOo.png | 09:56 |
mond | Hello! I have weird question, what starts iptables in Ubuntu by default? :S google says its ufw, but "ufw status" says its inactive, I do not have scripts in /etc/network | 10:04 |
al__ | Good morning everyone, anyone willing to lend me a hand with my dual GPU in SLI and dual monitor support? Currently on the most recent update of MATE. | 10:06 |
hateball | al__: just ask your real question | 10:10 |
hateball | mond: iptables is part of the kernel | 10:11 |
mond | hateball, aye, but rules are not | 10:11 |
Rumbles | I have 2 nvm devices in a server which are in a raid0 mdadm array. The server was rebooted earlier, and the server got stuck on boot as the device wasn't ready. I skipped that step and checked in /dev/devices/by-uuid and found the UUID of the mdadm array had changed. I tried updatng the entry in fstab and when I try to mount the device now I get "mount: Stale file handle" can anyone suggest how to fix the array? | 10:11 |
al__ | Just curious if anyone is able/willing to assist in getting an SLI dual GPU to work properly. | 10:11 |
hateball | mond: ufw is just a frontend that lets you save rules | 10:12 |
Netek | is there anyway I can bypass the router dns and use google dns on ubuntu? | 10:12 |
hateball | mond: you can just as well write your own and load on system startup | 10:12 |
mond | hateball, I disabled it as service | 10:12 |
mond | hateball, but something wrote it already! | 10:12 |
trijntje_ | I often work with big data files. I'm looking for a program to manage collections and different groupings of these files. For example, "dataset 1" contains FILE1-10, "dataset 2" contains FILE10-20, etc. Does anybody know of such a program? | 10:13 |
hateball | mond: so you are saying you disabled ufw, restarted your system, and you now have rules according to iptables -L ? | 10:13 |
mond | yes! | 10:13 |
mond | hateball, i think it c ould be part of lxcfs | 10:14 |
V7 | mond: Shareware ? | 10:14 |
mond | V7, shorewall? | 10:17 |
V7 | mond: Yeah | 10:18 |
V7 | Wow | 10:21 |
trijntje_ | I'm looking for a program to manage big data files on disk. Does anyone know of such a program for ubuntu? My google-fu is letting me down | 10:22 |
joelio | trijntje_: could you be more specific? What are you trying to achieve? | 10:22 |
V7 | trijntje_: Which type of file and how manage ? Copy/Move/Cut or what ?! | 10:22 |
xendon | trijntje_: what do you mean with manage ? | 10:22 |
trijntje_ | I want to make different combinations of data files for scientific analysis. I'm looking for a program where I can define data sets (as in, set1 contais files a-z), and put those files in a certain folder for analysis | 10:24 |
mond | V7, nah, no firewall interfaces I know run in systemctl. I assume that its part of lxd, since it created virtual bridge and assings forwarding rules for it | 10:29 |
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mond | ipv6 invasion? | 10:30 |
mond | hateball, it was part of ubuntu-virt-server u_u | 10:38 |
hateball | mond: at least you found it | 10:38 |
mond | ^^ | 10:39 |
boriseto | Hello. For some reason Ubuntu 16.04.1 live usb won't start on my new Desktop. Is it possible that some component isn't compatible with Linux yet? Cause I've just tried W10 and it booted with no problems. All settings in the bios are set to Legacy. The MB is Gigabyte h110m-s2 | 10:44 |
xendon | boriseto what is your graficcard ? May you just have an blackscreen :) | 10:46 |
hateball | boriseto: Does it have an nvidia gpu? | 10:47 |
boriseto | xendon: it's the integrated one from Intel i5 6400 (forgot the GPU exact model). | 10:47 |
hateball | hmm | 10:47 |
boriseto | hateball: nope, Intel | 10:47 |
hateball | boriseto: at any rate you can try booting with nomodeset | 10:48 |
hateball | !nomodeset | boriseto | 10:48 |
ubottu | boriseto: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 10:48 |
boriseto | hateball: it starts booting up (showing the splash screen) but hangs. When pressed escape on the next restart it gave me a "kernel panic not syncing" error. | 10:48 |
hateball | oh. that's different | 10:49 |
v4rp1ng | boriseto: boot from usb or cd/dvd? | 10:50 |
v4rp1ng | ah, "live usb" | 10:51 |
boriseto | v4rp1ng: yeap. | 10:51 |
v4rp1ng | is the usb device working on a other pc/laptop? | 10:51 |
boriseto | Yes. | 10:51 |
hateball | boriseto: but yes, if it is very very new hardware it might not yet be properly supported by the 16.04.1 kernel. Suppose you could try a nightly 16.10, just to see if it boots | 10:51 |
boriseto | hateball: was thinking of that (even went for other Ubuntu based distros if they had some changes there)... | 10:52 |
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otyugh | is it important to have a strong password in the linux system if it's "only accessible by me anyway", that sudo is not set, and no ssh server/telnet ? | 10:55 |
ducasse | otyugh: you know your own circumstances best, only you can say how important various security measures are in your setting. | 11:04 |
otyugh | ducasse, I never did played at cracking computers, I have just a general knwoledge about networks and security, still for local login like that, that ought to be local only, I don't have the experience. Guess a software flow could permit to sombody try to login in the system and then having a strong password could be of use. Maybe. I don't know. | 11:06 |
otyugh | Maybe it would be too late anyway and the password not adding much at all | 11:07 |
bumblefuzz | ok, I want to swipe two fingers sideways across my trackpad and have my machine go forward/backward 1 page in my browser... what's the easiest way to do that | 11:08 |
bumblefuzz | ? | 11:08 |
hateball | otyugh: Unless you use encryption, physical access is root access anyway. And it still pretty much is | 11:08 |
bumblefuzz | ok, so I have to use encryption... what else? | 11:08 |
otyugh | hateball, this is a good point. I was more talking about not physical access thought | 11:09 |
otyugh | -talking +thinking | 11:09 |
lucas_ai | When I connect 3 USB cameras at 320x240x30fps, I don't have a big enough bus. I only have one usb3 host and need to plug in 6 cameras. How could I do this? | 11:14 |
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Eryk_ | Hi there! I have recently installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my Lenovo G70, instead of working on Windows8, and I have problem with my WIFI, it's not working, i can only connect to network by wire, I tried to fix this problem by myself, reading and looking for solution on askubuntu or stackoverflow, but none of this solutions really worked, can you help me? | 11:18 |
phannee | hi Eryk_, is your wireless card recognized by Ubuntu ? What does the lspci command give ? | 11:20 |
pukahey | hi | 11:21 |
pukahey | #amdsucks | 11:21 |
pukahey | is linux mint based on ubuntu right? | 11:21 |
Eryk_ | phanne how to check it? | 11:21 |
phannee | You can open a terminal and write lspci command | 11:22 |
PCdude | pukahey: here is a nice link with the whole line-up :) | 11:23 |
PCdude | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg | 11:23 |
Eryk_from_correc | http://pastebin.com/KgiV520A here is output of lspcii | 11:24 |
napsy | Hello. Is there a way to change the default numbering when spawning the X server so it won't start at :0 but using an arbitrary starting number? | 11:25 |
Eryk_from_correc | phanne and what you think? | 11:26 |
Eryk_ | Phanne are you there? | 11:27 |
phannee | Sure | 11:28 |
boriseto | Eryk_: try to enable the wifi when booting (had the same problem on Lenovo e50). For me it's the "Airplane mode" button that enabled/disabled the WiFi. | 11:29 |
boriseto | Eryk_: to be clear, when you see the Lenovo logo. | 11:29 |
Eryk_ | Yes it's Lenovo, and when enable wifi ? it's fn + f7? | 11:31 |
Dro | hello, any app to show my current ip in the top bar? | 11:33 |
popey | Dro: this one does http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/ubuntu-appindicator-that-displays-bash.html | 11:34 |
boriseto | Eryk_: depends try with Fn-F7 and without (don't know your bios settings) | 11:35 |
Dro | popey, thanks, but does it work in ubuntu 16.04? | 11:35 |
popey | Dro: not tested recently | 11:35 |
boriseto | Eryk_: (just F7 for me for example) | 11:35 |
Dro | popey, ok i'll test it anyway :D | 11:36 |
lotuspsychje | good afternoon to all | 11:37 |
Eryk_ | BORISETO, i tried, nothing showed, in any combination | 11:38 |
boriseto | Eryk_: nothing should have showed. Just the networking indicator should have showed the WiFi option toggle now. | 11:38 |
trijntje_ | I want to make different combinations of data files for scientific analysis. I'm looking for a program where I can define data sets (as in, set1 contais files a-z), and put those files in a certain folder for analysis | 11:38 |
lotuspsychje | trijntje_: apt-cache search analysis showing tons, not sure for your specific needs | 11:41 |
Eryk_ | BORISETO, i checked in settings/network/ if airplane mode is on, and it's off. It has be something with my network card | 11:43 |
trijntje_ | lotuspsychje: I already know which analysis I need to run, I'm just looking for something to help set up the right files in the right folder for each 'experiment'. We don't have a dedicated cluster so all analysis are run on 5 different PC's, and its becomming a hassle to coordinate the data sets on all PC's | 11:44 |
trijntje_ | I'll probably have to write something myself | 11:45 |
lotuspsychje | trijntje_: im sure there's a handy app somewhere out there, but the hard part is to define keywords what you really need it to do | 11:46 |
trijntje_ | lotuspsychje: you're probably right, I won't be the first person to run into this problem. | 11:51 |
coasty | can anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/1EfSc7tJ | 11:51 |
PCdude | coasty: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1642173 | 11:52 |
lotuspsychje | trijntje_: can this help? or not totaly what you need? http://askubuntu.com/questions/12473/file-and-directory-comparison-tool | 11:53 |
coasty | PCdude: so... | 11:55 |
sp_ | привет | 11:55 |
lotuspsychje | !ru | sp_ | 11:55 |
ubottu | sp_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 11:55 |
coasty | PCdude: now I removed the package that was causing trouble but | 11:55 |
coasty | PCdude: I wanted to actually use that package | 11:55 |
coasty | android studio. | 11:56 |
trijntje_ | lotuspsychje: thats not what I need. They way I do things now, I have the raw data somewhere on disk (all 5 pc's have all data). If I want to run an analysis on a subset of the data, I manually put it in the right folder (usually using ln -s), and start the analysis pipeline | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | coasty: did you add external ppa's? | 11:56 |
coasty | lotuspsychje: yes. | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | coasty: we dont support them, best to remove them | 11:56 |
PCdude | coasty: sure, u can use it, the problem is that somewhere along the way the package got corrupted or something and needed to be removed. Now u can reinstall it and try again | 11:56 |
coasty | lotuspsychje: ...what | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | !ppa | coasty | 11:56 |
ubottu | coasty: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 11:56 |
coasty | lotuspsychje: I know what they are. | 11:57 |
coasty | lotuspsychje: but the "best remove them" bit was dubious | 11:57 |
PCdude | coasty: can u issue the same command from the pastebin again now? | 11:57 |
coasty | there's a bunch of very useful software not included in official PPAs | 11:57 |
lotuspsychje | coasty: and we dont support external ppa's here, if you have issue with it | 11:57 |
trijntje_ | this gets confusing fast, and its very easy to make mistakes. What I would like is a program where I can define a dataset as containing these specific files, and then tell the program: put dataset X in folder Y. That way, the exact data I use for each experiment is reliable and reproducible | 11:58 |
coasty | PCdude: yeah, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 44 not upgraded. | 11:58 |
PCdude | coasty: agreed, but lotuspsychje has a point. Plus when a problem is caused its best to rule out any weird package | 11:58 |
PCdude | coasty: good, now try to reinstall it | 11:58 |
PCdude | coasty: if it does not work then u know where the problem is | 11:59 |
Ben64 | trijntje: sounds like a job for bash script | 11:59 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:59 |
coasty | PCdude: while trying to install it I get an error that is about something else entirely... | 12:00 |
coasty | PCdude: W: https://content.runescape.com/downloads/ubuntu/dists/trusty/InRelease: Signature by key AAC9264309E4D717441DB9527373B12CE03BEB4B uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1) | 12:00 |
coasty | PCdude: how do I get rid of this? | 12:00 |
Ben64 | tell them to use better algorithm | 12:00 |
PCdude | coasty: u can allow more weak algorithm, but are u sure u wanna do that? What kind of package are we talking about anyway | 12:02 |
PCdude | coasty: its highly discouraged to do that kind of stuff | 12:02 |
coasty | PCdude: a video game. RuneScape. Tried to install it a while ago, got this error, gave up | 12:02 |
coasty | PCdude: I'm not interested in it anymore | 12:02 |
coasty | PCdude: what do I do? | 12:02 |
PCdude | coasty: so u are not interested in it anymore, but u still wanna install it, even with the weak key? is that correct? | 12:04 |
coasty | PCdude: I don't want to install it. | 12:04 |
coasty | what do I do to stop trying to install it | 12:04 |
PCdude | coasty: So u install another package and this error comes up? | 12:05 |
coasty | PCdude: yes | 12:05 |
coasty | PCdude: clicking the "Install" button on any of the links on this page: https://mfonville.github.io/android-studio/ brings up synaptic, and it gives me this error when I try to install Android Studio | 12:07 |
PCdude | coasty: no clue... | 12:08 |
lotuspsychje | coasty: ask the maintainer of the site | 12:09 |
nbusrone | Does anyone know how to split output a sound differently ? Browser/music player using default build in sound card from motherboard while VLC media player set to HDMI output sound for video audio ? | 12:09 |
coasty | PCdude: is there a way to stop trying to install the faulty package? | 12:10 |
Dev_ | Hi, I submitted a question in Launchpad but I get no answer. Is there any way to ensure someone investigate it, or that it's treated like a bug? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/313603 | 12:10 |
PCdude | coasty: I dont know, like lotuspsychje said go to the maintainer of the site | 12:10 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: is your system up to date to latest? | 12:11 |
coasty | PCdude: I don't think the maintainer of this site has anything to do with it... like, I just want to do something on my computer, namely stop trying to install a package | 12:11 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje yes | 12:11 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: 16.04.1? | 12:11 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje yes | 12:12 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: did you try a higher kernel as a test? | 12:12 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje and the same hardware worked great in 14.04. No, I didn't try a higher kernel | 12:12 |
PCdude | look coasty I dont know sorry | 12:13 |
coasty | k | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: i would advise to test a higher kernel like 4.8 and update your bug yourself, to keep activity going | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: you might get lucky and get more attention to the bug | 12:13 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje ok, what's the safer way to do it? This is my production machine so I don't want data loss | 12:14 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: always keep data backups as first | 12:14 |
lotuspsychje | !mainline | Dev_ | 12:14 |
ubottu | Dev_: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 12:14 |
PCdude | Dev_: did u try stackexchange too? U could send ur bug there too and link to the bug report, it could give u some more attention to it from outside | 12:14 |
Dev_ | Pcdude no, I didn't tried it | 12:15 |
PCdude | Dev_: http://askubuntu.com/ , make an account and ask there too | 12:15 |
Dev_ | Pcdude yea I did it and put the link in the launchpad question | 12:16 |
PCdude | Dev_: Can I see the link? I will upvote for u | 12:16 |
Dev_ | sure | 12:16 |
Dev_ | thanks! :) http://askubuntu.com/questions/792813/ubuntu-16-04-sound-menu-unable-to-select-2-0-output-in-asus-xonar-ds | 12:16 |
Dev_ | The weird thing is it always worked great, and now this problem appears in 16.04 :( | 12:17 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: perhaps also add syslog to your existing bug, it might contain usefull errors on sound/alsa | 12:18 |
PCdude | Dev_: I gave u an upvote, u could try in the chat to request a bounty. They sometimes do that, no guarantees of course, u could ask nicely | 12:18 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje ok, how can I do that? | 12:19 |
Dev_ | pcdude ok I will do, thank you! :) | 12:19 |
lotuspsychje | Dev_: attach your /var/log/syslog as a .txt to your bug | 12:19 |
munsking | Hello, i'm trying to set up an ubuntu web server, but i need php 5.x, is that still in the official repos? | 12:19 |
Dev_ | lotuspsychje ok! :) | 12:20 |
PCdude | munsking: why do u need an old version of PHP? | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | munsking: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys can help you better | 12:20 |
boriseto | (12:44:20) boriseto: Hello. For some reason Ubuntu 16.04.1 live usb won't start on my new Desktop. Is it possible that some component isn't compatible with Linux yet? Cause I've just tried W10 and it booted with no problems. All settings in the bios are set to Legacy. The MB is Gigabyte h110m-s2 | 12:21 |
munsking | PCdude: cause our webapplication requires ioncube and the php7 version of that is still in beta | 12:21 |
munsking | lotuspsychje: thanks | 12:21 |
boriseto | Tried it with newer distro (16.10 daily) | 12:21 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: want dualboot or singleboot ubuntu? | 12:21 |
boriseto | But still get the message kernel panic - not syncing | 12:21 |
k1l | !nomodeset | boriseto try this one time | 12:21 |
ubottu | boriseto try this one time: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 12:21 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: life UB | 12:22 |
k1l | boriseto: oh, kernel panic sounds like a different issue | 12:22 |
boriseto | k1l: exact same conversation from before :) | 12:22 |
boriseto | k1l: told me to check with newer kernel just in case. didn't work. | 12:22 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: did you make a 16.04 or 16.04.1 liveusb? | 12:23 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: .04.1 and a .10 after | 12:23 |
boriseto | They both hang on the same place. | 12:23 |
boriseto | I've taken a pic of the error, but not sure if it is going to help | 12:24 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: did you try another usb stick yet? | 12:25 |
boriseto | Just in case (sorry for pinging you but I'm desperate) lotuspsychje and k1l https://goo.gl/photos/ACAvD9RPF7Lnpu1d6 | 12:25 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: yeap | 12:25 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: tried with different ports as well | 12:25 |
boriseto | Thinkng of trying wubi now... | 12:27 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: fastboot and secureboot disabled? | 12:28 |
NetworkingPro | hey everyone | 12:28 |
k1l | wubi is deprecated. look if there is a update for the bios. sometimes they have issues and get fixes with updates | 12:28 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: yeap. | 12:28 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: 14.04 liveusb working? | 12:28 |
boriseto | k1l: okay will try | 12:28 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: haven't tried yet | 12:29 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: will download it now | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: just to make sure its not a kernel thing | 12:29 |
ioria | boriseto, is that 16.10 ? | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | ioria: xenial also | 12:29 |
NetworkingPro | If I do sudo lsof | grep -c 'hostname:6001' | 12:29 |
ioria | lotuspsychje, i see | 12:30 |
boriseto | ioria: it happens on 16.04 too | 12:30 |
NetworkingPro | I get this: ruby 14313 14372 myuser 1642u IPv4 900148 0t0 TCP hostname:4001-> (ESTABLISHED) | 12:30 |
NetworkingPro | so I assume that repressents an outbound socket? | 12:30 |
NetworkingPro | sourcing from my local machine to a destination host/port? | 12:30 |
pukahey | hi guys | 12:33 |
pukahey | how i can check on linux mint 17.3 if the amd gpu drivers was been installed? i did a fresh install | 12:34 |
k1l | !mint | pukahey ask the mint guys :) | 12:34 |
ubottu | pukahey ask the mint guys :): Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 12:34 |
lauk | hi | 12:34 |
pukahey | tnx | 12:34 |
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avid_fan | NetworkingPro: Well, fist "sudo lsof | grep -c 'hostname:6001'" should only produce a count of lines matching the search string "hostname:6001". But I believe you'd be correct, in that the output you posted would indicate an outbound network connection from your box to the external address. | 12:38 |
daynaskully | {Q} How can i turn off the GUI on 14.04 so i can turn it on when needed? (and have it not load on restart) | 12:38 |
lotuspsychje | daynaskully: use ubuntu server perhaps? and load a WM when you need it? | 12:39 |
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SerialDev | go into the init scripts and change the run level or something so that it doesn't boot all the way into an X environment? | 12:40 |
SerialDev | oh, that's right, it's systemd now, so it may something different now :P | 12:41 |
daynaskully | lotuspsychje, ok so if i install ubuntu server my question would be the opposite. How do i install the gui and have it not start automatically | 12:41 |
ioria | daynaskully, you can boot in text mode , and sudo service lightdm restart if you need a gui | 12:42 |
daynaskully | lightdm thx | 12:42 |
NetworkingPro | avid_fan: thanks, and I suppose those could be rather volatile, meaning that they're "real time" as the file is being read? So that count could be ever changing? | 12:42 |
NetworkingPro | (thanks for the discussion, by the way) | 12:43 |
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avid_fan | NetworkingPro: Yes, I believe any output from 'lsof' would be real-time results and display dynamic data depending on the apps running. When I execute it, I see several different connections from things like Firefox, Chrome, ssh, etc. | 12:44 |
avid_fan | NetworkingPro: I could be wrong, but I believe that the | 12:45 |
avid_fan | doh | 12:45 |
avid_fan | output of "ESTABLISHED" connections would, of course, only include TCP connections, and not UDP (as UDP doesn't care). | 12:46 |
supsup | the other day my hard drive failed and i had to run a repair on it for some missing inodes, that seems to have fixed the problem but now when i try to do an dist-upgrade it has errors about: Preconfiguring packages ...dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'brltty-x11' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed -- I've tried to reinstall the packages but it just says the same thing | 12:48 |
supsup | should i reinstall the OS, or should I replace the hard drive? | 12:48 |
_Alien_Leganes | hi | 12:48 |
BookSearch | @search the violinists thumb | 12:50 |
Adam^Work | Okay, so I want to run a command automatically every time my server reboots after all services have loaded, how would I do that? | 12:51 |
Adam^Work | Also how can I check which services are started at boot time? | 12:51 |
avid_fan | Adam^Work: cron job? Not sure if it would be better to set it up under /etc/crontab /etc/cron.d or a user crontab | 12:54 |
akik | anyone know how i can enable backing-store in kubuntu 14.04 xorg? xdpyinfo reports "when mapped" | 12:55 |
avid_fan | Adam^Work: You can use the special string "@reboot" to have the command run at boot time. | 12:55 |
Adam^Work | ahh I see that now | 12:56 |
Adam^Work | :) | 12:56 |
NetworkingPro | Adam^Work: is it a one time run (like a script) or a service? | 12:56 |
Adam^Work | I think what I have happening as well is a service is not starting at bootup... | 12:56 |
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NetworkingPro | use upstart if service | 12:57 |
NutsNBolts | is there any solution to get java tray icons working in ubuntu 16.04? | 12:57 |
NetworkingPro | otherwise init.d. | 12:57 |
NetworkingPro | Adam^Work: what service? | 12:58 |
Adam^Work | Fail2Ban | 12:58 |
boriseto | k1l: updated bios, still doen't boot the liveusb | 12:58 |
Adam^Work | it basically watches the system logs and if it sees people failing to login it bans their ip's | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: how about a bios set to defaults? | 12:59 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: tried it before updating. will try again now | 12:59 |
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artur25 | artur:1001pxaeepc:Artur/home/artur | 13:01 |
coasty | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-9-jdk_9~b114-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h', which is also in package openjdk-9-jdk-headless:amd64 9~b114-0ubuntu1 | 13:01 |
coasty | help? | 13:01 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: any luck? | 13:09 |
kiran_ | Anyone else having slow boot up time on 16.04.1? | 13:10 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: not with 16.04. Will try 14.04 and 16.10 now | 13:10 |
deronnax | why ubuntu stick to an eclipse so old ? | 13:10 |
lotuspsychje | kiran_: can you press F1 at boot time to see what bottlenecks? | 13:10 |
lotuspsychje | !latest | deronnax | 13:11 |
ubottu | deronnax: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 13:11 |
ducasse | kiran_: or try 'systemd-analyze blame' | 13:11 |
deronnax | arf OK | 13:11 |
supsup | anyone know how to resolve this? tp://pastebin.com/C0v5s4J5 i've googled it, and tried a lot of different stuff. Just want to know if I should just buy a new hard drive or reinstall the OS | 13:11 |
boriseto | deronnax: use the version from umake maybe? | 13:12 |
lotuspsychje | !details | supsup ubuntu version? | 13:12 |
ubottu | supsup ubuntu version?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 13:12 |
vic_ | good morning. I recently install ubuntu-mate. I previously had dropBox installed. In the new installation of ubuntu-mate, is it okee if i run the command in the terminal:- sudo apt nautilus-dropbox ? | 13:12 |
artur25 | droits party/stamina | 13:13 |
lotuspsychje | artur25: can we help you? | 13:13 |
kiran_ | supsup A lot of core things have seem to not be installed, you should, make a new bootable USB with a newly downloaded iso file | 13:13 |
supsup | alright | 13:14 |
ducasse | supsup: try reinstalling, and watch the smart data on your disk. | 13:14 |
kiran_ | Is it possible to install the Ubuntu mate desktop on the terminal? | 13:15 |
artur25 | lotuspsychje:from couple days I looks for c line and qt tips | 13:16 |
Ben64 | kiran_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop | 13:16 |
daynaskully | {Q} How can i have my ubuntu desktop "scroll" if its too large for screen? (as i currently have a 800x600 or 640x480 display that im unable to see any "ok" or "cancel" buttons when installing stuff) XTI Z7/Z9 (XG20 core) | 13:19 |
lotuspsychje | daynaskully: perhaps try maximize and use TAB button to jump to the next button | 13:20 |
daynaskully | oh yea that does not work at all. there are hard limits to how small things get | 13:21 |
daynaskully | the smallest i can make a window is about 30% larger then my screen | 13:21 |
manne | hi sir | 13:21 |
manne | good evening | 13:21 |
lotuspsychje | daynaskully: some screens have 'auto adjust' button also to make life easy | 13:21 |
daynaskully | yep | 13:21 |
daynaskully | but nope | 13:22 |
daynaskully | its driver/ubuntu issue | 13:22 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: no luck with 14.04 for now. And for the last check with 16.10 | 13:22 |
lotuspsychje | daynaskully: install the driver in additional drivers? | 13:22 |
daynaskully | doesnt exist | 13:22 |
lotuspsychje | daynaskully: ubuntu version? card chipset? | 13:22 |
deronnax | boriseto, umake ? | 13:22 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: i know it might be forbidden to ask but do you know of a distro (ubuntu/debian based) with latest everything? | 13:23 |
daynaskully | XTI Z7/Z9 (XG20 core) | 13:23 |
daynaskully | XTI Z7/Z9 (XG20 core) | 13:23 |
daynaskully | XTI z7/z9 Xg20 | 13:23 |
daynaskully | oops | 13:23 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: always same kernel error? | 13:23 |
daynaskully | didnt see that paste | 13:23 |
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boriseto | deronnax: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make | 13:23 |
deronnax | boriseto, looks good. Will it use java from ubuntu > | 13:24 |
deronnax | ? | 13:24 |
manne | i installed openssh server in linuxmint | 13:24 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: for it wasn't for 14.04. It just stopped loading (but was still responsive - meaning can newline) | 13:24 |
steven_ | have to display all the text files in the directory and along with that line counts for each of the text file using bash scripts in linux. can anyone help? | 13:24 |
popey | !mint | manne | 13:24 |
ubottu | manne: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 13:24 |
boriseto | deronnax: yes, but you can configure it not to. | 13:24 |
deronnax | I want it to | 13:24 |
deronnax | ok awesome, thank you | 13:24 |
manne | okay sir | 13:24 |
deronnax | I think ubuntu's java is slightly faster than the one bundled with eclise | 13:25 |
deronnax | eclipse | 13:25 |
boriseto | deronnax: is Eclipse Luna (4.4) the latest? :) | 13:25 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: tried more lightweight ubuntu versions? lubuntu/xubuntu just as a test? | 13:25 |
deronnax | not sure | 13:25 |
Pici | steven_: look at wc -l | 13:25 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: not yet. Will download xubuntu now. | 13:25 |
deronnax | boriseto I think it's Neon, 4.6 | 13:25 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: not sure if its related to your error, but perhaps compare: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1573231 | 13:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1573231 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Kernel Panic on EC2 After Upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 via do-release-upgrade -d" [Critical,Fix released] | 13:26 |
steven_ | @pici yaaai knw tht command , but i have to display text file and its individual count lines too | 13:26 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: different exit message | 13:26 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: okay | 13:26 |
boriseto | Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! vs kernel panic - not syncing fatal exception in interrupt | 13:27 |
daynaskully | i might have to downgrade to 12.04 in order to get the video working properly | 13:27 |
steven_ | have to display all the text files in the directory and along with that line counts for each of the text file using bash scripts in linux. any help guys? | 13:28 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: just curious what grahpics card you having? | 13:28 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: onboard intel | 13:28 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: no hybrid with nvidia right? | 13:29 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: nope (and AMD supporter here) | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | daynaskully, how so? What makes you think 12.04 will be any better? | 13:29 |
daynaskully | because the video driver was compiled properly for that version | 13:30 |
BluesKaj | daynaskully, which video driver are you using? | 13:30 |
daynaskully | xserver-xorg-video-sis | 13:30 |
daynaskully | well not using | 13:30 |
daynaskully | but needed | 13:30 |
wedjats | hi guys | 13:30 |
wedjats | did anyone have a problem with NetworkManager not adding routes pushed by OpenVPN ? | 13:31 |
boriseto | lotuspsychje: no luck with 16.10 either... Is it possible to be a problem because of dual channel ram? | 13:31 |
BluesKaj | which graphics card daynaskully? | 13:31 |
daynaskully | XTI Z7/Z9 (XG20 core) | 13:32 |
ronaldsmazitis | hello, since kdenlive upgraded from 14.04 ubuntu version to 16.04, it doesn't have pan and zoom effect working | 13:32 |
ronaldsmazitis | anybody can correct me> | 13:32 |
ronaldsmazitis | ? | 13:32 |
lotuspsychje | boriseto: could be | 13:34 |
ronaldsmazitis | how can I zoom out from video to use pan and zoom | 13:38 |
gorgolath | hi,i would like to know which is the best amd drivers for my apu a8 7600.i got ubuntustudio 14.04.i use to have all my system ok .but i got serious problems with 16.04 updates .now i know that amd are making new drivers that are not yet compatible with my apu.so i have to stick with 14.04 | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | daynaskully, is this a usb gpu? | 13:41 |
katerina_ | I am trying to iinstall a newer version of lxc package on ubuntu 14.04. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23116089/ . Any idea what's wrong? ty | 13:41 |
Punkt | guys is it possible to install ubuntu on tegra4? | 13:44 |
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BluesKaj | Punkt, check the nvidia site for linux driver support | 13:50 |
acovrig | So, I’ve spent >1mo trying to get a cluster between 4 machines to work, ~1mo on Hyper-V and 1-2 weeks on various distros w/OpenStack; can I configure libvirt itself (virt-manager) to do failover? | 13:50 |
kiran_ | How to get Sopos for ubuntu? | 13:50 |
Punkt | at the tegra site i only see x1 k1 | 13:50 |
Punkt | but no idea what is the tegra4 | 13:50 |
daynaskully | BluesKaj, no its onboard | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | pu it's your graphics processor | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | Punkt,^ | 13:51 |
Punkt | ok is a15 | 13:52 |
Punkt | so far i found out on wiki | 13:52 |
Kevin` | is there a way to prevent udisks2 from polling smart data on drives continuously? there's a bug that's preventing it's smart implementation (but not smartctl) from working through a sas controller and it's causing log spam | 13:53 |
boriseto | Is a hard lockup on cpu recoverable? | 13:53 |
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BluesKaj | Punkt, tell us about your pc , make and model please | 13:55 |
Punkt | i found last week my old madcatz mojo android based console | 13:56 |
Punkt | tegra4 2gb ram 16gb flash | 13:56 |
Punkt | android is shit so i wondering if it possible to get some alternative os on it | 13:56 |
cscf | Punkt, I'm sure it's possible but I don't think we can help you here | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | if it's some kind of game console then it's doubtful that ubuntu would run on it | 13:59 |
BluesKaj | Punkt, ^ | 14:00 |
ronaldsmazitis | anybody knows why position and zoom plugin makes clip black? using kdenlive | 14:00 |
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ducasse | ronaldsmazitis: have you tried #kdenlive? | 14:02 |
ronaldsmazitis | ducasse: dead channel | 14:03 |
ronaldsmazitis | kdenlive is kinda crucial software | 14:03 |
aleb | why? | 14:03 |
cscf | ronaldsmazitis, run from command line, and/or look for logs | 14:03 |
cscf | aleb, it's video editing software | 14:04 |
aleb | sure but there are others | 14:04 |
osbuilder | shuiho | 14:04 |
cscf | Tell that to someone who's used kdenlive for years and has a deadline tomorrow | 14:04 |
ronaldsmazitis | kinda fixed that black clip problem, althought, I can't zoom out of project monitor to make it more zoomed in | 14:05 |
aleb | why don't you let him answer.. | 14:05 |
aleb | ronaldsmazitis: You could file a bug if you see other problems, they will surely reply sooner or later. | 14:06 |
ducasse | ronaldsmazitis: you could also try #ubuntu-studio, or wait for an answer in #kdenlive. both channels are more likely to be able to help you. | 14:09 |
ubi_jalar | ubuntu | 14:10 |
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irgendwer4711 | hi, I try to build kernel 4.4 and got this error.: ERROR: "drm_release" [ubuntu/vbox/vboxvideo/vboxvideo.ko]. whats wrong?? | 14:14 |
inerkick | Hi.. I got ubuntu 14.04 and kind of weird issue. Whenever I try to download any pdf it's directing to this spam url http://guide.domain-error.com/noresult.php kindly help | 14:14 |
craptalk | join php | 14:15 |
inerkick | what craptalk | 14:16 |
inerkick | that's not a developer query isn't? | 14:16 |
Pici | inerkick: I'm not sure what you're on about now, but it sounds like you have some browser extension that is forwarding you there. | 14:17 |
inerkick | right Pici .. Wondering which extension is giving me that.. | 14:17 |
inerkick | never had that issue though, Pici | 14:18 |
scaceres | I need to install java 8 manually on an ubuntu vm. I have to install graylog2 using apt-get afterwards, which installs java7 dependencies. How can I have apt-get ignore the java-related dependencies when installing graylog? | 14:18 |
PhishPhood | if you can't find anything about it on google inerkick I'd start by disabling them all, then turning them on and seeing when it fails | 14:18 |
inerkick | ok | 14:19 |
inerkick | will try that | 14:19 |
PhishPhood | if it still does it when all extensions are off sounds like a larger issue | 14:19 |
elhoir_ | scaceres, -----> #ubuntu ;) | 14:20 |
scaceres | elhoir_: well, it is an ubuntu dependencies problem, therefore ubuntu related | 14:21 |
scaceres | right? | 14:22 |
Pici | scaceres: you could try using the --no-install-recommends flag for apt-get, but I don't see a graylog2 package in the repos, so I'm not sure if that will help. | 14:22 |
ducasse | scaceres: try installing it with dpkg -i --force-deps instead of apt-get | 14:23 |
sarkis | hey all - im trying to run this command when ubuntu starts: setxkbmap -option 'caps:ctrl_modifier' && xcape -e 'Caps_Lock=Escape' & | 14:24 |
sarkis | i've tried adding to ~/.xprofile and even putting it as a Startup Application - no luck :( any does ~/.xprofile not get loaded any longer on Ubuntu 16.04+? | 14:25 |
scaceres | Pici: it is not on the recommended packages, it is on the required ones I think, here's the output when I try to install it: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/418252/14726534/ | 14:25 |
scaceres | ducasse: can't find --no-deps on dpkg man :( | 14:25 |
ducasse | scaceres: that's not what i wrote either. | 14:26 |
transhuman | Anyone else note the problem that in the recovery mode where you select network enabling that it does not create the /etc/resolv.conf? | 14:26 |
transhuman | had to manually create it then networking works! | 14:26 |
transhuman | couple other issues with recovery mode booting I have found but I have forgotten what they were something to do with init levels not being ready for proprietary driver installs | 14:27 |
scaceres | ducasse: I meant --force-deps on the dpkg manpage | 14:28 |
ducasse | scaceres: look under --force | 14:28 |
ducasse | scaceres: it's --force-depends, actually | 14:29 |
transhuman | also its very hard to get the shift key timing right on many bios'es so its easily missed on boot need a 2 second delay put in there or at least 1 second | 14:29 |
transhuman | I know i can manually set this up but it should be easily pressed if needed | 14:30 |
Yiota | does ubuntu come with python3 preinstalled? | 14:30 |
popey | Yiota: yes | 14:30 |
Yiota | is it dangerous to upgrade the system python manually? | 14:31 |
Yiota | as in, not updating LTS? | 14:31 |
popey | what release of ubuntu are you on? | 14:31 |
Yiota | not sure, have to investigate, just started a new job and I can't be developing in python2 | 14:32 |
popey | Yiota: "lsb_release -a" | 14:33 |
popey | Yiota: that will tell you | 14:33 |
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BluesKaj | afaik python 2.7 is default on ubuntu | 14:33 |
popey | Yiota: but we have shipped python3 for a while, and it's fine to "sudo apt install python3" if for some reason your system doesn't have it installed | 14:33 |
Pici | Yiota: Don't upgrade python2, just install the python3 package (and it might already be installed anyway). Python2 and Python3 coexist nicely. | 14:33 |
* joelio uses pyenv - works well | 14:38 | |
yacc | Just wondered, what's the state of art for graphical remote login onto an Ubuntu 16.04 box? | 14:40 |
ducasse | yacc: not excellent, but probably vnc | 14:41 |
yacc | So the idea is to login, run x11vnc and that's it? | 14:41 |
ducasse | yacc: you can set lightdm up to run a vnc server so you can log in over the network | 14:42 |
sarkis | anyone here know why .xprofile is not being respected in 16.04? | 14:45 |
sarkis | i put this command specifcially : setxkbmap -option 'caps:ctrl_modifier' && xcape -e 'Caps_Lock=Escape' & | 14:46 |
sarkis | not being picked up | 14:46 |
ducasse | sarkis: i think it was obsoleted and replaced by .xsessionrc | 14:46 |
Yiota | question: I have python2 installed in /usr/bin/python but I installed python3 via the graphical installer and it put it in /usr/local/bin/python3, can I just mv the python3 file to /usr/bin ? | 14:48 |
popey | Yiota: you shouldn't have needed to do that | 14:49 |
ducasse | Yiota: why would you need to? | 14:49 |
szb | Yiota: You could sort of do that, but it's not advisable! Please see here: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-copy-a-file-onto-my-Linux-usr-bin-folder | 14:49 |
popey | Yiota: "sudo apt-get install python3" which will install it correctly for you, no moving of files needed | 14:49 |
popey | Yiota: you're way more likely to break the system moving things around like that | 14:49 |
Yiota | okie | 14:49 |
Yiota | thanks | 14:50 |
ducasse | Yiota: the official python3 packages installs python3 to /usr/bin/python3, what did you install from? | 14:51 |
Yiota | i should have specified, i'm on osx | 14:52 |
popey | Yiota: so not Ubuntu? | 14:52 |
Yiota | ...yes | 14:52 |
ducasse | Yiota: then why are you asking us? | 14:52 |
Yiota | sorry | 14:52 |
* tgm4883 facepalm | 14:52 | |
Yiota | anyways, doesn't the same concept apply? moving files to usr/bin ? | 14:53 |
Yiota | thanks, now I know I shouldn't do that | 14:53 |
Pici | Yiota: #python can help with this. and no. | 14:53 |
Yiota | to be honest, you guys are the best #python and #osx rarely respond and tend to give very condescending answers, anyways thanks again | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | punks | 14:55 |
beantaxi | Yiota: If you think #python is bad don't go to #bash :) | 14:55 |
Pici | imo #python is great | 14:55 |
Yiota | Pici for a select few members, like Chris Warrick and nedbat etc | 14:55 |
beantaxi | Yiota: Treat habnabit as essentially a troll | 14:56 |
BluesKaj | the worst I've seen is one of the arch support chats...can't recall which one atm | 14:56 |
Yiota | beantaxi have you googled who habnabit is? | 14:56 |
beantaxi | Yiota: Nah | 14:56 |
Pici | Lets move on.. | 14:57 |
Yiota | beantaxi http://www.elftown.com/member.html?membernr=113539 | 14:57 |
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artur25 | Im looking for platform mailing on qt is that good way in assist? | 14:59 |
ducasse | artur25: can you elaborate? i didn't understand that. | 15:03 |
owg1 | With systemd can I create sub-directories in /lib/systemd/system/ to group services? | 15:04 |
beantaxi | So on the one hand, my 14.04 instance alerts me that 16.04 LTS is available every time I login, suggesting upgrading is the thing to do. On the other hand, EC2 doesn't offer a public image on anything more recent than 14.04, suggesting they're not on board with 16.04. | 15:05 |
beantaxi | Which tea leaves should I pay more attention to? | 15:05 |
joelio | beantaxi: do you need to upgrade for a reason? 14.04 in support for a good while yet | 15:06 |
ducasse | owg1: don't think so, but you shouldn't mess with /lib at all, put them under /etc/systemd/system | 15:06 |
joelio | otherwise it's just chunrn.. you can get xenial on AWS btw | 15:07 |
joelio | beantaxi: ^^ | 15:07 |
joelio | beantaxi: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ | 15:07 |
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gorgolath | i have moved from 14.04 to 16.04 and i regret it a lot.my amd drivers are not working anymore .bye bye 3d gaming | 15:09 |
christian_ | Hello when playing wine on fullscreen, mouse works but no keyboard... when trying to control player(W,A,S,D) a search bar pops-up.. cant control the game when pressing control buttons on keyboard.. what to do? | 15:09 |
rypervenche | beantaxi: Just disable the alerts for now. Change Prompt to "never" in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 15:10 |
beantaxi | joelio: I'm not sure how comfortable to feel, with a supported OS, to which I have to add a number of PPAs to get latest/greatest Python, Nginx, etc | 15:10 |
beantaxi | rypervenche: Thanks ... I didn't know about that | 15:10 |
joelio | beantaxi: if you're on AWS, assume you have some config management to handle it.. is so, do it in a sandbox :) | 15:11 |
joelio | easy to test and see | 15:11 |
joelio | tbh though, even on xenial you'll end up adding nginx sources | 15:11 |
christian_ | anyone help pleae? | 15:12 |
artur25 | ducasse: i thig its very hard to paint nice email for egzample only for ph in my unic form | 15:12 |
k1l | !wine | christian_ | 15:12 |
ubottu | christian_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 15:12 |
k1l | christian_: look at the wine ap database if that is a known issue for that game | 15:13 |
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christian_ | k1l_: seems like its a general issue... I run Age of Empires 3 and no input coming from directional buttons, GTA San Andreas, no input form WASD or anything | 15:14 |
ducasse | artur25: that makes no sense. | 15:15 |
mcphail | christian_: do you run steam? Does your keyboard show up (wrongly) as a controller in big picture mode? | 15:16 |
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Guest45947 | hello gies | 15:16 |
owg1 | ducasse: Hm, /lib/systemd looks like where all teh individual services get put, where as /etc/systemd just looks like targets | 15:16 |
ducasse | owg1: /lib is where packaged services are, you put local ones under /etc. | 15:17 |
christian_ | mcphail_: no I run them games by just double clicking the .exe file.. game runs but no keyboard input.. but when running on windowed mode, keyboard works the way it should | 15:17 |
mcphail | christian_: the reason I'm asking is there's a longstanding kernel or udev bug where some keyboards get detected as controllers by mistake, which breaks input. Don' think that is the case for you, though, if it works some of the time | 15:19 |
moat_joe | If I admin a server and I'm tired of getting mostly harmless "*** security information for hostname ***" messages can I replace sudo for my "users" with a no-op version? | 15:19 |
Vad3r | hi, what is the command to quick format with DD? | 15:19 |
christian_ | mcphail_: now how to fix this? How to play games in full screen with keyboard input? | 15:21 |
k1l | christian_: did you look into the app database if that is a known issue and if there is a solution? | 15:22 |
mcphail | christian_: have a look at the code from https://github.com/denilsonsa/udev-joystick-blacklist and see if your keyboard is on the list. If so, you might want to apply the udev rule as per the README to see if it helps | 15:23 |
deronnax | hey | 15:23 |
deronnax | I would like to alias grep to grep -e, but I can see ubuntu is already alias grep to grep --color | 15:23 |
christian_ | k1l_; I have.. it only says there to "Disable all controllers before running the game to avoid this issue. " | 15:23 |
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christian_ | k1l_: but I only have the keyboard | 15:24 |
deronnax | 1. how could I "add" the "-e" option, without having to redo the whole alias ? | 15:24 |
christian_ | mcphail_: I'll try | 15:24 |
deronnax | 2. why is not Ubuntu using GREP_COLOR ? | 15:24 |
k1l | deronnax: ubuntu gro egrep as alias for grep -e | 15:24 |
deronnax | gro | 15:24 |
k1l | deronnax: because eyecandy is nice :) | 15:24 |
deronnax | ? | 15:24 |
deronnax | yes but why not use GREP_COLOR instead of aliases | 15:25 |
mcphail | christian_: you'll see that most of the problematic ones are Microsoft keyboards | 15:25 |
deronnax | yeah but I don't want to type that extra e :) | 15:25 |
k1l | then make a new alias. | 15:25 |
christian_ | mcphail_; Im using a Dell keyboard.. the one with a volume control, some buttons to control media (pause, stop, play etc) | 15:26 |
deronnax | but it will override ubuntu's ones | 15:26 |
k1l | deronnax> but it will override ubuntu's ones << that is what you just told us you want a s a result | 15:26 |
merpnderp | I'm looking for some cheap ubuntu machines for 4-6 year olds. Anyone know of just ridiculously cheap laptops that work great with Ubuntu? | 15:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | deronnax - and why should you care, given what you've said already? | 15:27 |
christian_ | mcphail_: Will my keyboard be blacklisted if I install the blacklist thing link you sent me? | 15:27 |
sarkis | man this is really confusing.. i'm adding a file to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ but it doesn't get sourced | 15:27 |
sarkis | i checked perms - they look like the others in that dir so can't be that | 15:27 |
deronnax | k1l, no, I don't really want to override the existing aliases, precisely | 15:27 |
xangua | merpnderp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed | 15:27 |
mcphail | christian_: no - it will only be blacklisted from being detected as a joystick. It will work fine as a keyboard. But I don't see any Dell keyboards on that list so it might not help | 15:27 |
k1l | deronnax: "i want to override the ubuntu standard because i dont like it" vs "i dont want to override it". choose one :) | 15:28 |
deronnax | I didn't say I want to override ubuntu standard | 15:28 |
sarkis | how the hell do you modify caps lock to be ctrl! why is this so hard lol | 15:28 |
deronnax | nevermind | 15:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | sarkis - Settings > Keyboard | 15:29 |
christian_ | mcphail_: so if I install this, I know its not guaranteed, but, will it work? I mean wil I now have the keyboard controls back in wine working the way they should be? | 15:29 |
CowboyPride | Morning all. I'm attempting to setup multipath with iscsi devices on ubuntu but I can't get the configuration to load. | 15:29 |
CowboyPride | This is a migration from centos to ubuntu. | 15:30 |
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sarkis | SonikkuAmerica: i don't think so - i've looked everywhere in the Keyboard settings panel | 15:30 |
sarkis | i only see Typing and Shorcuts | 15:30 |
ducasse | sarkis: did you try .xsessionrc? | 15:30 |
CowboyPride | I've made sure the /etc/mulitpath.conf is there and then I've restarted multipathd and multipath-tools as well ass rebooted system to see if I can multipath to display devices | 15:30 |
mcphail | christian_: if it works, it will work ;) | 15:30 |
CowboyPride | When I doo a mulithpath -ll there returns no result | 15:30 |
mcphail | christian_: I had similar problems, and it worked for me | 15:31 |
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zykotick9 | sarkis: you might want to check if /etc/kbd/remap has the caps->control remap ready for you to uncomment (on ubuntu). good luck. | 15:31 |
christian_ | mcphail_: Ok I'll try | 15:31 |
sarkis | ducasse: i sure did... .xsessionrc, .xsession, .xprofile, adding to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* | 15:31 |
sarkis | nothing. | 15:31 |
SonikkuAmerica | sarkis , zykotick9 - it's a GSettings schema | 15:32 |
sarkis | zykotick9: is the winner | 15:32 |
SonikkuAmerica | sarkis , zykotick9 - [ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options 'ctrl:nocaps' ] | 15:33 |
CowboyPride | when I excute echo "show config" | mulitpathd -k it shows the config I applied to mulitpath.conf | 15:33 |
ducasse | sarkis: check that allow-user-resources is set in /etc/X11/Xsession.options | 15:33 |
sarkis | it is.. | 15:33 |
energizer | On a community page, it says "Whilst we don't recommend running a GUI on a server for security and performance reasons, yes you can. " | 15:34 |
mcphail | christian_: you can check the product and vendor USB ids of your keyboard to see if it is on the list before you install | 15:34 |
energizer | What reasons are they referring to? | 15:34 |
SonikkuAmerica | sarkis - try running the command I mentioned above in a terminal | 15:34 |
mcphail | christian_: but installing shouldn't actually break anything | 15:34 |
ducasse | sarkis: curiouser and curiouser... i use ~/.xsessionrc with lightdm and i3, works just fine. | 15:34 |
christian_ | mcphail_: yes I input in the terminal lsusb | 15:35 |
genii | energizer: X takes resources. Servers need resources. Also the X server itself introduces new entry points into the system which is a security issue | 15:35 |
ducasse | sarkis: what are the perms on .xsessionrc? | 15:35 |
energizer | genii: sure. do you have a sense of the magnitude of these resource and security effects? | 15:37 |
christian_ | mcphail_: how do you install the stuff you sent me? | 15:38 |
=== benix6 is now known as __benix6__ | ||
genii | energizer: You could get a sense yourself of resource use by running top on a system running X and seeing what's using the most resources. | 15:39 |
mcphail | christian_: just copy one of the .rules files into /etc/udev/rules.d/ then reboot or restart udev | 15:39 |
genii | energizer: That would not be an issue on a server where it's not installed. | 15:39 |
mcphail | christian_: if it doesn't help, just remove it | 15:39 |
CodFection | hello. | 15:40 |
genii | energizer: There is a longer and better dissection of this issue at http://askubuntu.com/questions/101829/why-is-x11-a-security-risk-in-servers as well | 15:40 |
CodFection | I have been watching Mr.Richard Stallman videos and he said canonical is spyware. is that true? | 15:40 |
ducasse | CodFection: take this elsewhere, please. | 15:41 |
christian_ | mcphail_: ok ok I just copied it... Il reboot now... | 15:41 |
owg1 | ducasse: And can I make a sub-folder to group them in /etc? | 15:41 |
energizer | genii: ok ill read, thanks | 15:41 |
ducasse | owg1: not sure, but i don't think so. | 15:41 |
bluet | does Ubuntu 16.04 support bluetooth? | 15:42 |
bluet | Ubuntu 14.04 -> Ubuntu 16.04 .... 1. Xorg does not start, 2. bluetooth does not work anymore... I wonder what's next | 15:44 |
__benix6__ | hey i tried to make linux mint like hotcorner to quickly change different program(windows) first i installed bright and on one corner choose run custom command hotcorner.sh where hotcorner is "xdotool keydown alt && xdotool key Tab && sleep 3 && xdotool keyup alt " but alt still is pressed so i have to press alt but i doest not work when i hover on that corner for second time until i manualy run xdotool keyup alt in terminal | 15:44 |
__benix6__ | http://imgur.com/a/XgJTD | 15:44 |
__benix6__ | someone is trying understand my problem right? | 15:46 |
CodFection | bluet, why are you complaining? its a free OS. be thankful | 15:46 |
CodFection | ubuntu works fine here. had to do some tweaking | 15:47 |
__benix6__ | sorry man don't mean to offend ....i am thankful | 15:47 |
xangua | __benix6__: is that you Dexter Morgan? | 15:48 |
ducasse | bluet: you can get help with those problems here, just post your details and wait for a response. | 15:48 |
SchrodingersScat | __benix6__: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool.xhtml can you maybe do alt+Tab ? or some variation? maybe it's just a problem with alt? there's also xautomation for similar tasks | 15:48 |
__benix6__ | loved that series :) | 15:48 |
__benix6__ | i read the man page but i am noobe SchrodingersScat | 15:50 |
CodFection | __benix6__, thats why you read man page. | 15:51 |
=== HolyKnight_ is now known as HolyKnight | ||
th0r | I've been using linux for about 30 years and I still read the man pages | 15:52 |
CodFection | th0r, you seem to have patience :) | 15:53 |
th0r | CodFection, don't know about patience...might just be a glutton for punishment | 15:54 |
CodFection | lol | 15:54 |
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo | ||
lapion | I am having troubles loggin in | 15:55 |
lapion | logging | 15:55 |
lapion | whenever I login I get a blank screen when I go to a console and look I find a newly created empty .Xauthority file | 15:56 |
__benix6__ | alt+Tab wont work for what i want it will just blinks windows if i did just xdotool key alt+Tab and if i did xdotool keydown alt+Tab it will like blink blink blink you cannot select one window with mouse .......what i want is keeep pressing alt and press tab for one time so user can select desired window | 15:56 |
__benix6__ | alternative to xdotool? | 15:57 |
th0r | lapion, when you are at the login screen, can you choose a desktop environment? (is there at least one available?) | 15:58 |
lapion | th0r, aug 31 17:54:36 MaxLap sddm[8924]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1 | 15:59 |
SchrodingersScat | __benix6__: xautomation is one. Ok, so you want alt to stay open, I missed your intent. I was thinking it may be something quirky with the tool, can you specify which alt your pressing and lifting? just throwing ideas out there | 16:00 |
lapion | th0r, no difference, it's a sddm/sddm-helper pam problem | 16:01 |
th0r | lapion, what desktop is it trying to load? | 16:02 |
lapion | th0r, tried with plasma, gnome-classic, gnome | 16:02 |
GEEMac | Hello folks. Apparently after three weeks there is no resolve for my issue to save the screen resolution for 16.04. Even after posting this issue as a bug (no answer ther yet) How do I go about making a desktop icon to click that would call " xrandr -s 1920x1080 " | 16:03 |
th0r | lapion, is /home/<user> defined? | 16:03 |
lapion | th0r, nvm probably a drive full issue | 16:03 |
bluet | CodFection: well that does not mean that bluetooth should not work | 16:04 |
mintux | my apache index directory by default on my server ubutnu 16.0.4 64bit how can i disable it? without edit all virtualhost | 16:04 |
__benix6__ | haha i did sudo apt install xautomation it installed something probably xautomation but when i type xautomation in terminal no command found | 16:04 |
GEEMac | This is the Bug URL https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1615864 | 16:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1615864 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Screen resolution not saved after reboot or logout and back in" [Undecided,New] | 16:04 |
bluet | bluetooth worked so well with Ubuntu... now it's dead | 16:05 |
mintux | sudo a2dismod autoindex ? | 16:05 |
sarkis | SonikkuAmerica: thanks for the help - fixed | 16:08 |
sarkis | ducasse: not sure wtf - i bet it was perms though, do you know what .xsessionrc needs as perms? my user:group +x? | 16:08 |
jsphillips86 | How can I change shortcuts in my launcher to add "optirun" before them? | 16:09 |
thor_ | thinkpad t540p. external viewsonic. get a flickering screen on laptop, and it hangs. looks like screen res for external is too high. gnome 16.04. tried both VGA and minidisplayport->dvi-d. no luck. anyone seen this issue before? | 16:09 |
GEEMac | thor, I'mhaving issues here with myy screen resolution here too. Seems that somthing in 16.04 is borked wen saving settings. | 16:11 |
thor_ | GEEMac: okay. thats almost a comfort to hear. any way to fix it booting from a live usb maybe? | 16:12 |
SchrodingersScat | __benix6__: one of the tools is xte, try 'man xte' | 16:12 |
mistralol | how can I permently rename a network interface rename in ubuntu? | 16:13 |
ducasse | sarkis: i have 755, which works. i also have a shebang at the top, but i don't know if it's required. | 16:14 |
GEEMac | thor, not sure. I am on a desktop system here that worked fine on 14.04. I think I made a mistake going to 16.04. I so far filed 4 bug reports. Only one was a known issue and that was related to distorted audio | 16:14 |
thor_ | GEEMac: it worked before on 16.04, so It seems like an update messed things up. tried booting the earlier kernel, but had no luck. | 16:14 |
lapion | th0r, still the same problem | 16:14 |
thor_ | GEEMac: okay. i also had no luck finding an answer to the problem. Will try to install lightdm, and see if that solves anything. will report back. | 16:16 |
GEEMac | thor_, Yep went that rout here too and had to boot into command prompt to remove the line that I added in Lightdm. | 16:17 |
thor_ | GEEMac: so you are saying it didnt work out? So the display manager is not the issue? | 16:18 |
GEEMac | thor_, Nope, Well at least in my issue. you can see what issue I am having via https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1615864 | 16:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1615864 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Screen resolution not saved after reboot or logout and back in" [Undecided,New] | 16:19 |
GEEMac | I even tried to add the command as a autostart and that is also broken in 16.04. You can't save anything in Startup Applications. 16.04 will not save anything you add there. | 16:21 |
GEEMac | another bug I posted. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1617129 | 16:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1617129 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) ""Startup Applications" not saving after reboot. Also program added does not run at reboot." [Undecided,New] | 16:21 |
energizer | In `top`, which memory field should I pay attention to for each process? | 16:22 |
GEEMac | I'm still considering going back to 14.04 and wait about another 6 months to revisit 16.04 | 16:22 |
energizer | VIRT, SWAP, RES, %MEM | 16:22 |
xiaochun-pi | wwww.baidu.com | 16:24 |
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thor_ | GEEMac: okay. thanks for the link. well.. I have an older machine running latest xubuntu, and that works fine. but I will paste the xrandr commands in the ternimal to get the 1600x1200 res on the monitor (old desktop). from what you write, It seems the issues is not the dm. so... maybe the bitter solution is to go back to 14.04LTS, which means hours lost to tuning a new install :( thanks for the sparring. | 16:27 |
sadadxccxz | Hi all! | 16:30 |
GEEMac | thor_, Yes, But I haven't tweaked this 16.04 release enough yet to miss anything. I learned my lesson well when they released Ubuntu's version of Windows ME, version 10.x . Ever since that nightmare I never go into installing all my Favs into a new release until I sort out Audio and Video. | 16:30 |
sadadxccxz | Has anyone seen a situation where the main grub2 boot entry causes a dracut error but recovery mode boots the system fully? | 16:32 |
GEEMac | thor_, This system is my HTPC which is used with KODI. I just install the standard Ubuntu so if not watching TV or movies I can browse or mess around with other thigs on the TV here. | 16:32 |
thor_ | GEEMac: Im installing XFCE now, just to see if there is any luck. I agree with on new releases. I love updating, but when stuff breaks it sort of takes the fun out of It :D | 16:32 |
sadadxccxz | blkids are correct and all of the entries in grub2 appear to be the same except for the initramfs and kernel files | 16:32 |
=== ssaturos is now known as saturos | ||
GEEMac | thor_, yep Sad but true. I am quite surprised that none of the bug reports got a responce yet. I used to see a comment within hours of posting. It's been a week now. They are pobably prettbussy shaking out all the other issues, but Video issues is pretty big. | 16:34 |
existenze | Hey there | 16:35 |
existenze | any cool free games for ubuntu to play on a laptop? | 16:35 |
GEEMac | OK Translation... prettbussy = Pretty buy. Gesh don't know where that came from. lol | 16:36 |
existenze | small racers, platformers, bomberman, whatever | 16:36 |
GEEMac | ahahaha Its the keyboard again... Wireless. | 16:36 |
GEEMac | lol even the correction was a mess. | 16:37 |
robertlezele | Hi everynody | 16:38 |
robertlezele | Body | 16:38 |
sankar | hi all | 16:40 |
robertlezele | #quit | 16:40 |
robertlezele | Hi | 16:40 |
sankar | can any one help me with boot loader issue | 16:43 |
sankar | please | 16:43 |
GEEMac | sankar, I can try. I'm not an expert with the bootloader, but I have worked with it before. | 16:45 |
sankar | Thanks GEEMac | 16:45 |
craptalk | can lubuntu DE be customized in theme? | 16:46 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | sankar it's easier to put your full question out to the audience and see if anyone paying attention knows the answer | 16:46 |
ubottu | sankar it's easier to put your full question out to the audience and see if anyone paying attention knows the answer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:46 |
GEEMac | sankar, what is the issue there? | 16:47 |
sankar | Well i am trying to understand but confused a lot. I am trying to get good at Debian based OS.. So i installed 5 OS, Windows,Mac-OS,Linux-mint,back-track,Ubuntu on hard disk itself. And i have istalled refind boot loader from mac os EFI, | 16:48 |
GEEMac | sankar, This multi OS is installed on a Mac? | 16:49 |
sankar | Everything boots properly, the weird thing is Grub boot loads first. Sometimes, ubuntu grub or linux sarah- grub or back track-grub, if i exit any of this grub, then i will be prompted with refind boot menu. | 16:49 |
sankar | Yes GEEMac | 16:50 |
=== giro is now known as Guest28778 | ||
Trel | Weird question, I have a bash script, and I'm trying to make it that once I execute the script as a user, the script changes its on exeution to execute all contained commands as a different group (the user is a part of this group) | 16:50 |
GEEMac | sankar, lety me do a bit of digging here since this is on a Mac. I have multi OS on my other PC. Let me see if I can find you an answer for Mac and efi | 16:51 |
sankar | Thanks | 16:52 |
GEEMac | sankar, Take a look at this... http://www.rodsbooks.com/ubuntu-efi/ | 16:54 |
sankar | I have worked on that | 16:54 |
ashi_ | hi | 16:55 |
sankar | He had given clear description, the solution he meant is all about refind | 16:55 |
energizer | Are there any reasons not to encrypt my installation? | 16:55 |
GEEMac | sankar, Also this... http://superuser.com/questions/334963/how-to-fix-efi-boot-on-my-macbook-pro-after-ubuntu-install | 16:55 |
k1l | energizer: it adds a new layer. so if things go wrong its harder to get your data back | 16:56 |
SonikkuAmerica | !mate | 16:56 |
ubottu | Ubuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/ | 16:56 |
GEEMac | sankar, Not sure if those are related, but they may give you some ideas. | 16:56 |
sankar | My concern is all about GRUB boot loader.How GRUB works exactly, when multiple grub are present. | 16:57 |
ashi_ | hmmm | 16:57 |
ashi_ | test | 16:57 |
ashi_ | sankar, | 16:58 |
sankar | Sounds weird. But thanks for help. I tried to understand GRUB by doing some research. which didnt help much | 16:58 |
ashi_ | hmmm | 16:58 |
ducasse | ashi_: if you want to test your irc client, do so in ##test | 16:58 |
ashi_ | ok! | 16:58 |
sankar | Hi ashi_ | 16:58 |
ashi_ | hi | 16:58 |
GEEMac | Anyone out there that can help me with creating a usable desktop shortcut to xrandr -s 1920x1080 ? | 16:58 |
energizer | k1l: if i have backups, no real problem? | 16:58 |
k1l | energizer: and it costs a bit performance. | 16:59 |
MonkeyDust | GEEMac try arandr | 16:59 |
=== ssaturos is now known as saturos | ||
transhuman | I deleted .xauthority to try and solve this problem ...same issue cant log into desktop from lightdm not sure which log to look through but Xorg shows nothing | 17:00 |
k1l | energizer: you need backups anyway. since hardware can be unreadable from one day to another. but "i deleted my partition" or "my sysmte doesnt boot anymore" is a bit harder to fix if you have encryption. so working backups is a bit more important. | 17:00 |
GEEMac | MonkeyDust, been there done that. After I save the changes 16.04 does not read them. I tried all sorts of suggestions for almost a month now. 16.04 does not read anything in the auto start. I have a bug report on that now. | 17:01 |
k1l | transhuman: look at .xsession-errors in the users home. | 17:01 |
k1l | transhuman: does guest account or another account work? | 17:01 |
transhuman | no same issue k1l | 17:01 |
GEEMac | MonkeyDust, I have to result to a desktop icon to click to call xrandr. I made the script for the icon but no go either | 17:02 |
matosla | quien habla español | 17:02 |
k1l | transhuman: so that looks more like a video driver issue. what ubuntu is that exactly? and what did you do before that happend (and no, "i did nothing" is not the correct answer ;p ) | 17:02 |
GEEMac | [Desktop Entry] | 17:02 |
GEEMac | Version=1.0 | 17:02 |
GEEMac | Name=xrandr-1080P | 17:02 |
GEEMac | Comment=Xrandr Desktop Shortcut | 17:02 |
GEEMac | Exec=xrandr -s 1920x1080 | 17:02 |
GEEMac | Terminal=true | 17:02 |
lapion | th0r, problem solved | 17:02 |
k1l | !es | matosla | 17:02 |
ubottu | matosla: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:02 |
ducasse | !paste | GEEMac | 17:02 |
ubottu | GEEMac: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:02 |
GEEMac | !paste | 17:04 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:04 |
transhuman | k1l upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 video card is supposedly supported by openradeon but even light dm wouldnt work so Installed xorg againriver | 17:04 |
transhuman | s/river// | 17:04 |
k1l | transhuman: ok, did the upgrade work fully? what is your kernel in use? "uname -a" | 17:05 |
GEEMac | MonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23116852/ That is what I used for the shortcut. | 17:06 |
transhuman | k1l 4.4.0-36-generic and no the desktop has never loaded since upgrade (swapped in a supported video card) lightdm works getting closer but no desktop yet | 17:08 |
energizer | I'm doing a fresh install. What partitions should I have? | 17:09 |
transhuman | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23116844/ | 17:09 |
transhuman | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/at-spi2-core/+bug/1285444 <<---wierdly not sure how it looks like it might be a permissions issue (see bottom) | 17:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1285444 in at-spi2-core (Ubuntu) "Login Successful, Desktop Never Loads" [Critical,Triaged] | 17:09 |
k1l | transhuman: as long as the guest account doesnt work it looks like a driver issue. make sure to remove all fglrx stuff since that doesnt work anymore. "sudo apt purge fglrx" | 17:10 |
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k1l | transhuman: try to rename .config/dconf to .config/dconf_backup and see if it works from lightdm | 17:12 |
transhuman | ok | 17:12 |
transhuman | thanks | 17:12 |
tony59 | ciao | 17:13 |
tony59 | !list | 17:13 |
ubottu | tony59: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 17:13 |
coasty | You Just Lost The Game. | 17:15 |
=== alokj is now known as Guest79430 | ||
energizer | Should I put /home on my small SSD or my big HDD? | 17:16 |
transhuman | k1l still no dice | 17:16 |
k1l | transhuman: if you "ls -al" in that users home. what is owned by root:root? | 17:18 |
transhuman | its owned by user | 17:18 |
transhuman | same for second user | 17:18 |
k1l | transhuman: did you purge fgrlx? | 17:19 |
k1l | *fglrx | 17:19 |
transhuman | yes same issue | 17:19 |
k1l | then look at dmesg and xorg.log what is happening driverwise | 17:20 |
transhuman | ok | 17:20 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest46550 | ||
=== Guest46550 is now known as EriC^ | ||
transhuman | k1l upstart: Failed to spawn plymouth-upstart-bridge main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory | 17:26 |
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ | ||
energizer | When I'm allocating space for / and /home separately, does the space I allocate for / include the space for /home? | 17:29 |
EriC^^ | energizer, no | 17:29 |
energizer | ok | 17:29 |
transhuman | k1l looks like that a systemd error which it shouldnt be using perhaps that log was from a previous boot? | 17:30 |
transhuman | k1l looks like its missing some fonts too...could that cause it to not load? | 17:32 |
Exterminador | hello guys.. i'm using a dual boot Windows/Xubuntu.. i've downloaded the Intel tool to chec if my cpu supports virtualization and seems it doesnt.. :/ so, i cant install VirtualBox on Xubuntu right? | 17:34 |
Exterminador | *check | 17:34 |
ducasse | Exterminador: you can, but it will be *slow*. have you looked for an option to enable virt in bios? | 17:35 |
vic_ | I have two questions. With Ubuntu-MATE, is it okee to select any photos of my choice, do a right-click, and ask to set it as my wallpaper? | 17:35 |
Exterminador | ducasse: here's the GUI of the Intel tool i've downloaded.. http://picpaste.com/Captura_de_Ecr____9_-cqLlNlVu.png and i haven't seen the option also on the bios.. :/ | 17:36 |
energizer | I checked the "Encrypt filesystem" box. Is there any reason to check "Encrypt my home folder" also? | 17:36 |
Exterminador | i mean, the output that intel tool gaved to me | 17:37 |
Exterminador | i guess i' stuck now | 17:37 |
Exterminador | :X | 17:37 |
ducasse | Exterminador: that cpu does not support hw virt, so you can only use sw virt. which is very slow. | 17:38 |
Exterminador | damn it then | 17:38 |
Exterminador | :x | 17:38 |
=== bradjones is now known as Guest30374 | ||
Exterminador | btw.. how do uninstall a package on Xubuntu and all related folders, depedencies, etc~? | 17:39 |
disputin | dpkg —purge packagename | 17:39 |
Exterminador | apt-get remove <package>? | 17:40 |
Exterminador | disputin: tks | 17:40 |
ducasse | Exterminador: apt-get purge package, then apt-get autoremove | 17:40 |
Exterminador | ducasse: if the ccpu doesnt support virtualization, Wine wont work properly, right?? | 17:41 |
Exterminador | damn typos | 17:42 |
ducasse | Exterminador: wine does not use virt. | 17:42 |
Exterminador | so, it will work fine? | 17:42 |
ducasse | Exterminador: it should. | 17:42 |
Exterminador | well, i'm gonna boot into Xubuntu | 17:42 |
Exterminador | i'll be back in a few minutes | 17:42 |
Exterminador | i got some errors with Wine when trying to use Adiirc on it | 17:43 |
Exterminador | brb | 17:43 |
=== iyra_ is now known as iyra | ||
Vad3r | what's the best way to remove an app and it's files? " sudo apt-get *package* --purge && sudo apt-get autoclean ? | 17:49 |
Exterminador | and i'm back | 17:49 |
Exterminador | lemme try one thing.. i'll show all errors that wine give to me | 17:49 |
xangua | Vad3r: if by purge you mean config files in your home, you'll need to remove those manually | 17:49 |
ducasse | Vad3r: it's 'apt-get purge package' and 'apt-get autoremove' | 17:50 |
Vad3r | xangua, "sudo rm -r -f *left over package* ? | 17:50 |
xangua | What | 17:50 |
Vad3r | to delete the home left over files.. | 17:51 |
Vad3r | ducasse, I see, thank you. | 17:51 |
transhuman | k1l this is what I had to do to get lightdm to show up sudo apt-get remove --purge libxfont1 sudo apt-get install libxfont1 xorg sudo rm ~/.Xauthority reboot | 17:51 |
vic_ | I have two questions. With Ubuntu-MATE, is it okee to select any photos of my choice, do a right-click, and ask to set it as my wallpaper? And my second question concerns the installation of nautilus-dropbox | 17:51 |
Exterminador | i'm reinstalling Wine now.. that will be kinda slow | 17:52 |
Exterminador | my net dont go over than 70kB/s | 17:52 |
Exterminador | :X | 17:52 |
Exterminador | lol | 17:52 |
Vad3r | Exterminador, wine is old, no? | 17:52 |
Exterminador | really ont know how old it is | 17:52 |
xangua | Exterminador: why are you reinstalling wine? | 17:53 |
Exterminador | but is waht i need to rub Adiirc on Xubuntu | 17:53 |
Vad3r | can't you use another? | 17:53 |
ducasse | Exterminador: why not use a native irc client? | 17:53 |
Vad3r | irssi, hexchat, weechat etc. | 17:53 |
Exterminador | ducasse: i'm trying HexCHat | 17:54 |
Exterminador | dont like the GUI | 17:54 |
Grandolf | i like it | 17:54 |
grimel | Hi, all. How can I detect the console command for app, which I ran from Dash menu? | 17:54 |
Exterminador | and to be honest, i hate CLI irc clients | 17:54 |
Exterminador | :x | 17:54 |
transhuman | anyone know what command to issue to get ubuntu to reinstall all of ubuntu deskstop environment in 16.04 | 17:55 |
grimel | I mean, I'd like to start the app from console but I can't get the command, by which it's started | 17:55 |
vic_ | is it okee to install nautilus-dropbox in ubuntu-MATE, with the following terminal command_ sudo apt install nautilus-dropbox _ ? | 17:55 |
xangua | transhuman: sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop , what's wrong? | 17:55 |
ducasse | Exterminador: you don't use wine to run things you can get native programs for, you use it for things that have no linux alternatives. | 17:56 |
transhuman | wont load past lightdm wont log in been at it for a while nothing in logs to speak of | 17:56 |
Grandolf | or if you dont want to buy a game 2x | 17:56 |
xangua | vic_: mate doesn't use Nautilus as far as I know | 17:56 |
xangua | It uses a fork of Nautilus, true, but not sure if Dropbox is compatible with it | 17:57 |
=== coy is now known as Guest37370 | ||
Exterminador | well, i must try some more irc clients | 17:57 |
vic_ | ok xangua,,, but previously I had the nautilus-dropbox and I liked it because it gave me additional space. Now, with ubuntu-mate, what dropbox should I install? | 17:57 |
Exterminador | but, i'm used to adiirc, to the way i create aliases, etc | 17:57 |
Exterminador | the others are inda complicated | 17:58 |
Grandolf | exterminator, try kvirc, hexchat, kiwiirc and wsirc | 17:58 |
Grandolf | kiwi is online (no download) and very simple | 17:58 |
xangua | vic_: additional space? Don't know, I don't use mate desktop or file browser | 17:58 |
vic_ | okee thanks xangua | 17:58 |
xangua | It's file browser" | 17:58 |
Exterminador | wsirc? never heard of | 17:59 |
vic_ | Thank you, have a good day | 17:59 |
Grandolf | Exterminator: wsirc recently went down, but hers the website: http://wsirc.com/ | 18:00 |
Grandolf | Exterminator: people use it to spam annomonesly | 18:00 |
Exterminador | hum.. KVirc seems nice | 18:02 |
Exterminador | HexChat is not bad | 18:02 |
Exterminador | but the aliases still bugs me a bit | 18:03 |
Grandolf | Exterminador: KVirc lets you choose your "real name" "age" and "the way you look"(advatar) | 18:04 |
Grandolf | and i think you can make yourself more annomones with the settings | 18:04 |
Exterminador | i'll try it later | 18:04 |
Grandolf | 18:04 | |
energizer | I've done a fresh install, there are no networks in my network list. How can I get them to appear? | 18:04 |
MonkeyDust | energizer both ethernet and wifi are absent in the list? | 18:06 |
energizer | MonkeyDust: right | 18:07 |
Grandolf | energizer: are you useing ethernet or wifi? | 18:07 |
energizer | wifi | 18:07 |
Grandolf | energizer: did it use to work before the install? (wifi) | 18:07 |
energizer | new computer | 18:07 |
energizer | in nmcli dev, there are 4 devices, and the wifi one says disconnected | 18:07 |
MonkeyDust | so it's a wifi issue, not a network issue | 18:08 |
Grandolf | are any other devices able to connect to your wi-fi? | 18:09 |
Grandolf | *wifi | 18:09 |
energizer | yes i am on my wifi on another computer | 18:09 |
UNIcodeX | during the install process, i'm asked if i want to encrypt my home directory, to which i replied 'yes'. but then i have the option to use encrypted LVM. could anyone advise me on how to proceed? | 18:10 |
energizer | wlp4s0 wifi disconnected; enp0s41f6 ethernet unavailable; enp4s0 ethernet unavailable; lo loopback unmanaged | 18:10 |
energizer | is the output of nmcli dev | 18:10 |
=== jatt is now known as Guest11103 | ||
momken | Hello | 18:11 |
momken | I listen to music in old-school style | 18:12 |
momken | meaning that all music I listen to is stored in my HDD | 18:12 |
MonkeyDust | momken i listen to music on vinyl, that's old skool | 18:12 |
Grandolf | energizer did you try restarting your computer? | 18:12 |
momken | Now I have ~50GB of music which is growing and my "Music" folder has become really messy | 18:13 |
Grandolf | momken my whole PC use to have stuff eveywhere | 18:13 |
momken | What is the best practice in organizing and listening to offline music? | 18:13 |
mindcrimes | hello | 18:13 |
mindcrimes | im tyring to install libstdc++6:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 | 18:13 |
mindcrimes | for my sven coop server | 18:13 |
mindcrimes | any idea how i can find these packages | 18:13 |
energizer | Grandolf: yes, restarted, same state | 18:14 |
ducasse | momken: for a gui, try easytag. for cli, try beets. | 18:14 |
Grandolf | and its a new computer? | 18:14 |
energizer | How can I change my wifi state from disconnected to connected? | 18:14 |
energizer | Grandolf: yes | 18:14 |
Grandolf | are you useing a unity desktop? | 18:14 |
momken | Grandolf, that is very bad practice. If your OS encounter a problem you may lose all your stuff | 18:15 |
mindcrimes | E: Unable to locate package libssl1.0.0 | 18:15 |
Grandolf | hehe momken, thats why my poc is so clean now | 18:15 |
Grandolf | *pc | 18:15 |
Grandolf | only 2 days ago | 18:15 |
energizer | state: disconnected, connectivity: none, wifi-hw: enabled, wifi: enabled, wwan-hw: enabled, wwan: enabled | 18:15 |
Grandolf | still got the stuff though | 18:15 |
momken | ducasse, I don't want to use tagging at this level. Because I copy musics to many different devices, some so simple that are unable to read tags | 18:16 |
Grandolf | is your wifi out of range? | 18:16 |
ducasse | momken: the idea is that you tag everything properly, and then use software to sort stuff according to the tags. | 18:17 |
momken | I want to use this folder structure "artist_name/album_name", but there are many many artists here | 18:17 |
mahdi_ja | hi all | 18:17 |
energizer | Grandolf: no the broken computer is sitting next to me here where i'm using wifi | 18:17 |
momken | ducasse, no problem for tags, but how should I sort the folders finally? | 18:17 |
MonkeyDust | momken there's gaupos, puddletag, easytag ... | 18:18 |
mahdi_ja | after i install ubuntu 16.04 lts i can not run free gate app with wine and i get this error | 18:18 |
mahdi_ja | fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsA RAS support is not implemented! Configure program to use LAN connection/winsock instead! | 18:18 |
MonkeyDust | gaupol* | 18:18 |
ducasse | momken: i told you, easytag or beets. | 18:18 |
Grandolf | energizer try useing an ethernet cable and see if the computer connects | 18:18 |
energizer | Grandolf: ok brb | 18:19 |
momken | ducasse, Are the final sorted folders easy to navigate without those folders? | 18:19 |
momken | I don't think so | 18:19 |
ducasse | momken: i have nearly 400gb of music, all neatly sorted. very easy to navigate/search. | 18:20 |
momken | ducasse, I know. I can sort according to "artist/album" structure myself. But it is still not helping a lot. | 18:21 |
momken | e.g. I have a folder for "Dolores O'Riordan", but I don't know her much | 18:21 |
Grandolf | momken, did you try doing it by type? or alphabetically? | 18:22 |
momken | Grandolf, Alphabetically | 18:22 |
momken | Grandolf, sorting by type/genre is confusing | 18:22 |
Grandolf | you can also try seperating by favorites | 18:22 |
Grandolf | or put them all online | 18:23 |
Grandolf | in one big playlist | 18:23 |
momken | no online please :) | 18:23 |
* Exterminador brb | 18:23 | |
Grandolf | ok :) | 18:23 |
momken | Grandolf, I like the "favorites" idea | 18:23 |
Grandolf | ok | 18:24 |
momken | The only problem is that my favorites change during time | 18:24 |
Grandolf | well, some audio players will let you rate music | 18:24 |
momken | e.g. I liked Yanni for 10 years. Now I have heard his music so much that I get bored by hearing it | 18:24 |
bfig | hello, how can I install php mysql for php 7 in ubuntu? | 18:25 |
bfig | the libapache2-mod-mysql doesn't exist, as it does for pgsql for example | 18:25 |
Grandolf | you can put all your music nto one folder, and have the audio player show you the list by favorite, so you dont have to switch folders all the time | 18:25 |
momken | Grandolf, I used it before. But the problem is that mostly the rating don't store in file's metadata | 18:25 |
Grandolf | di you do it by artist? | 18:26 |
momken | Grandolf, Hmmm. So it last you offer me the plain architecture? :)) | 18:26 |
Grandolf | :) | 18:26 |
momken | Grandolf, Yeah, for now it's by "Artist/Album" structure. | 18:26 |
momken | Grandolf, It is a semi-flat architecture. | 18:27 |
momken | Not bad, but still confusing due to lots of artists | 18:27 |
Grandolf | are the artist aphabetically sorted? | 18:28 |
momken | Grandolf, yes | 18:28 |
Grandolf | you can put all artist starting with "A" into a folder named "A" | 18:28 |
momken | Grandolf, hmmm. Interesting | 18:29 |
ruteruver | Did you buy your music momken | 18:29 |
momken | ruteruver, Are you learned to be polite? | 18:30 |
ruteruver | Grandolf: I pay for my way | 18:30 |
Grandolf | did ruteruver insult you too? | 18:30 |
ducasse | ruteruver: why assume others don't? | 18:30 |
MonkeyDust | that's no discussion for this channel | 18:31 |
Exterminador | how do i put whiskers menu on bottom instead top? | 18:35 |
xangua | Exterminador: only the menu or the whole xfce panel? | 18:36 |
Exterminador | the whole xfce panel | 18:36 |
MonkeyDust | Grandolf you can /ignore people that disturb you | 18:36 |
kristenbb | hello, I've upgraded from 1404 to 1604 and now I can't login anymore, it is stuck at a black screen with a flashing underscore after reboot. I suspect it could be due to some graphic driver. Can you please help ? | 18:36 |
MonkeyDust | !nomodeset | kristenbb | 18:37 |
ubottu | kristenbb: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 18:37 |
ducasse | Exterminador: right-click and select properties, i think. there should be a setting for placement. | 18:37 |
ruteruver | Exterminador: what | 18:37 |
xangua | Exterminador: right click the panel, panel properties/settings, there should be a check box to unlock it and you should be able to move it to the bottom with your mouse/pad | 18:37 |
energizer | Grandolf: solved | 18:40 |
Exterminador | xangua: tks | 18:40 |
Exterminador | that's it | 18:40 |
Exterminador | :D | 18:40 |
ruteruver | To many wankers here lately | 18:40 |
Grandolf | :D | 18:40 |
MonkeyDust | ruteruver stop | 18:40 |
energizer | Grandolf: the intel 8260 driver wasn't present in the clean install of 16.04, so i plugged into ethernet, apt update, reboot, and it worked | 18:41 |
Exterminador | there are some stupid people also.. even go to pm to insult.. what a bunch of losers.. :x | 18:41 |
Grandolf | gud :D | 18:42 |
momken | Grandolf, At last I decided to separate Artists into two folders: "favorites" and "others", each with the "Artist/Album" structure. | 18:42 |
Grandolf | exterminator, on a channel with almosr 2000 people, you will find bad ppl | 18:42 |
Grandolf | good :D | 18:42 |
transhuman | hi I need libopenjpeg2.so on ubuntu 16.04 anyone know what repo to get it in? | 18:43 |
momken | It is true that I mostly listen to a portion of my music and others are listened to less than 10% times | 18:43 |
ducasse | transhuman: libvxl1.17v5, it seems | 18:43 |
energizer | is json considered a flat file? | 18:44 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: how can i access grub? it doesn't show by default (no dual boot) and holding down left shift key doesn't work | 18:44 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb try holding ctrl or esc | 18:44 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: can i hold all of them? | 18:45 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb try which one works for you | 18:46 |
momken | Grandolf, The advantage of this structuring is that I can copy them to small-size mediums like CD, Flash, MP3-player and Cellphone very fast without the need to use a 3rd party music management software. | 18:46 |
ducasse | kristenbb: if holding down doesn't work, try spamming it | 18:46 |
kristenbb | ducasse: which one | 18:46 |
ducasse | kristenbb: either left shift or esc. | 18:47 |
Neomex | do mono applications run well on linux? | 18:47 |
kristenbb | ducasse: okay it worked, thanks | 18:47 |
Neomex | im wanting to write multiplatform one and narrowed it down to C#/mono or Java | 18:47 |
momken | Grandolf, Still I will "move" folders between "favorites" and "others" folder during time, but it is not important because moving in a file system is fast | 18:47 |
momken | Grandolf, Thanks for guidance | 18:47 |
thor_ | GEEMac: works with boot from live 16.04. so there has to be a way. Did you try a live USB? | 18:48 |
Bray90820 | so I am having an alfa issue when I enter the command "alsactl restore" it says "load_state:1735 No soundcards found..." | 18:48 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: okay so i'm in grub, but i didn't really understand the link you gave me, where am I supposed to put this option? | 18:48 |
Grandolf | np momken :D | 18:48 |
mokl | is anybody here using a different window manager than the default gnome desktop environment on 16.04? | 18:48 |
gsmcwhirter | in 16.04, is there a way to install a package (in particular vim-nox-py2) without changing the default "vim" alias? | 18:48 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb find the line with 'splash' in it ... then add 'nomodeset' after 'splash' | 18:50 |
thor_ | question. extern monitor set with res that is too high. when disconnected I obviously have no access to It. When connected the bootup hangs, and the screen flickers when trying to run dispaly manager. any way out of that situation? ubuntu 16.04 on Thinkpad t540p. external monotor works fine with live boot from USB. but I would like to avoid a re-install. | 18:50 |
ducasse | mokl: yes, a lot of us are, i would think | 18:50 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: i don't have that, all i have is these 4 options:ubuntu, advanced options for ubuntu, mem test (twice) | 18:51 |
mokl | ducasse: I'd like to use stumpwm but for some reason both the .xinitrc and the custom x session method don't seem to work | 18:51 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb go to ubuntu and hit e for edit | 18:52 |
mokl | ducasse: on previous versions of ubuntu it worked right away, so I was wondering if something changed in this regard | 18:52 |
ducasse | mokl: are you using the ubuntu package? | 18:52 |
mokl | ducasse: yes | 18:52 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: ok, i'm in the edit mode, i dont see splash though | 18:53 |
ducasse | mokl: i'm using i3, with absolutely no problems. which dm do you use? | 18:53 |
mokl | ducasse: lightdm, it's a fresh installation of 16.04 | 18:54 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb find GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT | 18:54 |
mokl | ducasse: I didn't change anything | 18:54 |
ducasse | mokl: what happens when you select stumpwm and try to log in? | 18:54 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: i dont have that either | 18:54 |
mokl | ducasse: for some reason I can't select stumpwm even though there is a separate xsession file | 18:54 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb then i don't know, maybe someone else can help | 18:55 |
LuminaFan | All the ubuntu phones on the ubuntu website have been soldout for months. Willl there ever be more of the already available ones? Is there a new one coming in soon? | 18:55 |
ducasse | mokl: have you tried restarting lightdm? | 18:55 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb sure it's ubuntu? | 18:55 |
mokl | ducasse: millions of times | 18:55 |
mokl | also toyed around with update-alternatives... | 18:55 |
mokl | to no avail | 18:55 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: the script starts with --> setparams 'Ubuntu' and then there's a blank line, and recordfail, load_video insmod gzio and other stuff, each of those on its own line | 18:56 |
megaJohn | Hello! Just come back to linux after 5 years away. Wondering if anyone could point me towards some good documentation about ensuring how to keep ubuntu secure? | 18:56 |
mokl | ducasse: maybe I should compile it myself | 18:56 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: can I put the word nomodeset on its own line as well ? | 18:56 |
MonkeyDust | kristenbb no, you need GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT | 18:56 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: this word is definitely not there, the script is not that long (about 15 lines) | 18:58 |
akik | MonkeyDust: the grub boot menu doesn't have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, it's just the linux line | 18:58 |
ducasse | mokl: odd. can you try installing another wm, just to see if it appears? | 18:58 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: oh ok my bad i see the splash word hidden inside a line that starts with linux indeed | 18:59 |
mokl | ducasse: that's a good idea, I'll do that | 18:59 |
kristenbb | akik: thx | 18:59 |
transhuman | hi I need libopenjpeg2.so on ubuntu 16.04 looks like its not available I tried a package someone suggested but it didnt install perhaps a link somewhere might do..but looks like no longer available in 16.04...anyone? thanks | 19:01 |
kristenbb | MonkeyDust: ok i tried the nomodeset in the linux line, after the splash word, then saved with ctrl+X. it booted into ubuntu. the result is the same, it doesnt get to the login screen, it's stuck at a black screen with a flashing underscore | 19:01 |
Fah | kristenbb: you comfortable on the commandline? Because if X wont start you could always boot into single user mode and fix stuff that way | 19:02 |
kristenbb | Fah: sure i guess, if you tell me what to do, it's not something i do on a regular basis but i'd do anything to fix it, right now my comp is broken, doesnt start | 19:03 |
ducasse | transhuman: you might also need libvxl1-dev | 19:04 |
kristenbb | Fah: is there something specific that u want me to try from the command line ? and if so, how to get there? | 19:05 |
Fah | i'm not really here. :) You can boot into single user mode by typing the word single right after the word nomodeset and hitting ctrl+x | 19:05 |
kare9m | i am a new user | 19:05 |
Fah | well, from there you can look at logs to see if anything was logged last time x failed to start | 19:05 |
Fah | as a blind guess it feels like you are missing a video driver that x wants | 19:05 |
transhuman | ok thanks | 19:05 |
kare9m | can any one help me how to install android apps to ubuntu | 19:05 |
Fah | but I'm about to walk out of here | 19:06 |
transhuman | how did you guys figure out what package contained the file ...so i know for the future | 19:06 |
ducasse | transhuman: apt-file | 19:06 |
mokl | ducasse: duh... I installed ratpoison and it worked right away, so apparently there's something wrong with the stumpwm package | 19:06 |
transhuman | thanks | 19:06 |
mokl | ducasse: thanks for your help! | 19:06 |
ducasse | mokl: could be. have you looked at the xsession file? can you post it? | 19:06 |
GEEMac | th0r, Not sure you are still there. Sorry for the late responce. Dealing with some bad weather issues here in Florida. I tried from the live and there is no issue but if it is installed the display will not old the proper resolution. | 19:07 |
kristenbb | akik: wait, i tried going back to the grub edit, and the word i had put there (nomodeset) is not there. i saved with ctrl+X, is there another shortcut to save? | 19:07 |
=== fego_ is now known as fego | ||
akik | kristenbb: yes it's not saved there | 19:08 |
th0r | GEEMac, don't understand...when where you talking to me and what about? | 19:08 |
=== fego is now known as Guest69436 | ||
akik | kristenbb: you need to boot into ubuntu and edit /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub | 19:08 |
mokl | ducasse: if create an .xinitrc and run startx then does xinit ever look at the sessions files? | 19:08 |
mokl | ducasse: if I* | 19:08 |
kristenbb | akik: okay, but i dont need to save it, since it didnt work, i just wanted to make sure that this option was indeed tried | 19:09 |
mokl | ducasse: the fact that both methods don't work seems to suggest that it's the stumpwm package itself | 19:09 |
akik | kristenbb: you can remove quiet splash from there to see the last boot messages | 19:10 |
GEEMac | lol Yep it's been over an hour or so. 16.04 will not save the screen resolution of 192x1080. I have to use " xrandr -s 1920x1080 at every boot. | 19:10 |
GEEMac | th0r, ^ | 19:10 |
kristenbb | akik: i followed fah 's advice, i have access to the cli system, what logs should i look at, and what to look for? | 19:11 |
th0r | GEEMac, wasn't me....I am not at all a video guru <smile> | 19:11 |
porkstore | anyone know how to not show desktop icons in gnome classic | 19:11 |
akik | kristenbb: i was just thinking you could see the last boot messages to see where it stops booting up | 19:12 |
th0r | GEEMac, although someone may have been using my nick. It is registered, so if I log on it will kick any other 'th0r' offline | 19:12 |
kristenbb | akik: and where to look that in, from the system cli ? | 19:12 |
akik | kristenbb: you can see the boot logs with "journalctl -xe" | 19:12 |
GEEMac | <thor_> GEEMac: works with boot from live 16.04. so there has to be a way. Did you try a live USB? | 19:12 |
akik | kristenbb: then scroll up | 19:13 |
th0r | GEEMac, yep...notice the underscore at the end of that nick. | 19:13 |
akik | kristenbb: the last boot messages will be at the end | 19:13 |
akik | bottom | 19:13 |
th0r | GEEMac, and notice that I use a zero....'th0r' | 19:13 |
GEEMac | That's what I thought you were commenting to me about. NP It's been almost a month now and Still no video gurus... | 19:14 |
th0r | GEEMac, although I am flattered now <smile> | 19:14 |
=== Guest69436 is now known as fego | ||
GEEMac | th0r, haven't even received a look at the bug repor posted yet. | 19:15 |
th0r | GEEMac, I have been very lucky in that regard. Been toying with linux for about 30 years, but use old hardware so the video drivers are usually working. | 19:15 |
kristenbb | akik: i dont see anything in journalctl -xe that looks suspicious, but my eye may not be that of an expert. would you like me to post it somewhere for you to look, and if so, how? | 19:16 |
ducasse | GEEMac: can't you add an xorg.conf snippet with a mode for 1920x1080? that should activate it on every boot. | 19:16 |
GEEMac | th0r, Yep... Old system here too. I should have just left 14.4 on the computer. It was running with no issues. I got that upgrde pop-up and I foolishly clicked yess | 19:17 |
GEEMac | 'That's where the snowball started rolling down hill. Even with a fresh ninstall from a disk. Video issues. | 19:18 |
Exterminador | my laptop seems not being updating the hour correctly | 19:18 |
ezraholm50 | Hey guys | 19:19 |
ezraholm50 | im setting up raid in a running server | 19:19 |
ezraholm50 | now when changing /etc/fstab to use md as swap and root | 19:19 |
akik | kristenbb: can you boot the box once with "quiet splash" removed ? | 19:19 |
ezraholm50 | i need to also change /etc/mtab | 19:19 |
th0r | GEEMac, I use raspberry pi's for everything these days...run raspbian (debian). As to your problem...I am looking at notes regarding the vga parameter. Apparently grub2 breaks them, but I haven't yet found the replacement/workaround | 19:20 |
akik | kristenbb: it'll probably show some error message where it's hanging | 19:20 |
ezraholm50 | But as soon as i change mtab and reboot it uses the old settings | 19:20 |
ezraholm50 | anyone any idea? | 19:20 |
ducasse | GEEMac: take a look at the bottom answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/138408/how-to-add-display-resolution-fo-an-lcd-in-ubuntu-12-04-xrandr-problem | 19:20 |
kristenbb | akik: it shows a bunch of lines, which i didn't have the time to read. some of those lines started with the word 'failed' in red. but then it went to that famous black screen with a blanking underscore | 19:22 |
akik | kristenbb: oh well. single user mode then and reading journalctl -xe | 19:23 |
akik | kristenbb: you should find the same failed lines there | 19:23 |
kristenbb | akik: how can i send it to you from cli ? | 19:23 |
GEEMac | th0r, Thanks, That's interesting. I have a Pi 3 here but until Kodi can work with paid streaming content, I'll use my Pi for my Amateur Radio communications. | 19:25 |
akik | kristenbb: it's tricky. is reinstall out of the question? | 19:25 |
th0r | GEEMac, haven't got my hf hooked up yet. Run three pi servers and a pi3 desktop. Will have an extra pi soon and might look into hooking it to the Icom. | 19:26 |
dylo | where the hell ubuntu hides its xorg settings? where i can put my { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }, so that i can kill screen tearing? | 19:27 |
kristenbb | akik: well yeah i'd rather not get to that, it wasnt an install from scratch but a upgrade, i dont want to risk losing data, and what grants me that the reinstall wont do the same... | 19:27 |
k1l_ | dylo: this mentiones it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/677128/ubuntu-15-04-unsolvable-graphic-tearing but i never heard of that before | 19:29 |
GEEMac | th0r, de NBRG hre. 'm workig on a SDR prject along wth the Pi asa full HF transceiver with filters and active stges . | 19:29 |
GEEMac | This wireless keyboard is getting bad here. | 19:30 |
GEEMac | de N2BRG | 19:30 |
akik | kristenbb: try still once adding text to the kernel boot parameters? | 19:30 |
akik | kristenbb: it should boot up and not start the gui | 19:31 |
=== john is now known as Guest17433 | ||
th0r | GEEMac, /join #ubuntu-oifftopic | 19:31 |
dylo | if i make it with nvidia-xconfig, i cannot start X, so where the settings lays now? | 19:31 |
kristenbb | akik: and do what from there? i'm having huge difficulties (+10 times failed) accessing the grub menu, sometimes it seems the keyboard is not yet active when grub starts | 19:32 |
GEEMac | th0r, says unavaible | 19:34 |
GEEMac | tried #ubuntuofftopic | 19:34 |
th0r | GEEMac, yeah...misspelled it, but am there now | 19:34 |
akik | kristenbb: that way you can access your normal operating system | 19:35 |
GEEMac | th0r, is there a space between ubuntu and offtopic? | 19:35 |
skykooler | no | 19:35 |
akik | kristenbb: how you configured your network interface with network-manager? | 19:35 |
th0r | GEEMac, a dash.....ubuntu-offtopic | 19:35 |
Pici | GEEMac: its #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:35 |
GEEMac | AH ois | 19:35 |
energizer | Is there a way to go back to the previous page in a curses menu? | 19:35 |
GEEMac | okis | 19:36 |
akik | kristenbb: i don't know how to connect the network interface from cli only but you can use an ethernet cable to your router | 19:36 |
GEEMac | ubuntu-offtopic :No such channel | 19:37 |
akik | kristenbb: i meant a wireless network interface | 19:37 |
th0r | GEEMac, /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:38 |
kristenbb | akik i have an ethernet cable. however ifconfig shows no interface, just 'lo'. | 19:39 |
akik | kristenbb: you can run sudo dhclient eth0 or whatever your interface is "ifconfig -a" lists them | 19:39 |
akik | kristenbb: it's probably something like enp2s0 or similar | 19:40 |
jfcaron | So a machine of mine can no longer resolve DNS names. I can ping/ssh to it, and I can ping/ssh FROM it using literal IP addresses, but I can't use DNS names. =p | 19:41 |
kristenbb | akik: ok i have internet access. what now ? (however, i quickly looked in the journalctl in the meantime, the word fail is not there) | 19:42 |
akik | kristenbb: did the upgrade finish successfully? | 19:42 |
ducasse | jfcaron: is there a nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf? | 19:42 |
kristenbb | akik: yes | 19:42 |
kristenbb | akik: well, as far as i know. it went all the way to the last step, which was rebooting | 19:43 |
akik | kristenbb: you can install pastebinit package. with it you can send log files and other output to pastebin.com | 19:43 |
GEEMac | th0r, can you paste channel here for some odd reason I keep getting dumped when connecting | 19:43 |
ivo_ | HEy guys do you have any Idea why ther eis no option to use zfs in the installer of ubuntu? | 19:44 |
th0r | GEEMac, should be able to just paste that command into your irc client. /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:44 |
kristenbb | akik: how to install ? i tried apt-get install pastebinit, it displays an error starting with 'relocation error' (do you want me to copy the whole error ? about 1 line) | 19:44 |
ivo_ | it will be super awesome to have the opportunity to install ubuntu directly on zfs root | 19:44 |
akik | kristenbb: interesting, please paste | 19:45 |
akik | kristenbb: you can use pastebin.com for pastes | 19:45 |
ducasse | ivo_: zfs is only supported for storage, i've not heard of plans to change that. | 19:46 |
jfcaron | ducasse: No, it just has two commented-out #lines that say DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. | 19:46 |
ivo_ | is it a licensing thing? | 19:46 |
ivo_ | you can use it as root | 19:46 |
kristenbb | akik: apt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libaptèpkg.so.5.0: symbol _ZNKST7__CXX1112_basic_stringIcSt11char_traitIceSaIcee7compareERKS4_, version GLI BCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference | 19:46 |
ivo_ | but it is not a standart thing to do | 19:47 |
ducasse | jfcaron: should you be getting dns servers from dhcp or static assignment? | 19:47 |
jfcaron | ducasse: static assignment. | 19:47 |
jfcaron | ducasse: the actual IP address I get from ifconfig is correct. | 19:47 |
ducasse | ivo_: not a licensing thing i think, but it would complicate the installer. | 19:47 |
ivo_ | if apt brakes something or something else misbehaves it will be really awesome to just revert | 19:47 |
Fah | ivo_: you can do it now. https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS | 19:48 |
ivo_ | can't agree with you | 19:48 |
ducasse | jfcaron: are you using /etc/network/interfaces or network manager? | 19:48 |
ivo_ | the Suse installer works fine and easy with btrfs as standart | 19:48 |
ivo_ | Fah, yes you can do it, but is very non standart | 19:48 |
akik | kristenbb: askubuntu.com thread says this could be a result from having ubuntu-toolchain-r enabled | 19:48 |
ducasse | ivo_: ubuntu can also install on btrfs | 19:48 |
ivo_ | just wondering why it is not done for the installer from the begining | 19:49 |
Fah | who cares if it's standard? | 19:49 |
jfcaron | ducasse: I'm doing it via the terminal, so /etc/network/interfaces I guess? | 19:49 |
ivo_ | zfs will become the killer feature for ubuntu if done correctly | 19:49 |
kristenbb | akik: okay... so what to do ? maybe check if ubuntu toolchain r is enabled ? how? | 19:49 |
ducasse | jfcaron: then just add your nameserver(s) there. | 19:49 |
akik | kristenbb: did you have it? | 19:49 |
kristenbb | akik: no idea what it is... | 19:49 |
ivo_ | Fah, what happens when you update | 19:50 |
jfcaron | ducasse: How do I find out my nameserver(s)? | 19:50 |
ivo_ | probably non standart stuff will brake | 19:50 |
akik | kristenbb: newer versions of development tools. check if it's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 19:50 |
kristenbb | akik: there's a file named toolchain r in sources.list.d, yes | 19:51 |
ducasse | jfcaron: i can't help you with that, it's your network :) if you don't know, try your router address. if that doesn't work you can use google's dns servers. | 19:51 |
Fah | ivo_: i expect if you deliberately set it up, upgrading will be fine as long as you pay attention. But supposing at each other is pointless. | 19:51 |
jfcaron | Ok thanks. | 19:51 |
akik | kristenbb: some other person has fixed that by downloading libstdc++6 package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libstdc++6 and installing it with dpkg -i package.deb | 19:51 |
akik | kristenbb: ok so it's probably that repository which has caused your problem | 19:52 |
ducasse | jfcaron: the syntax for /etc/network/interfaces is 'dns-nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx' | 19:52 |
akik | kristenbb: http://askubuntu.com/a/792471 | 19:52 |
kristenbb | akik: so how to download it? | 19:52 |
akik | kristenbb: you can use wget or curl. whichever you have installed | 19:52 |
kristenbb | akik i know of these tools, but whats the link? | 19:53 |
jfcaron | ducasse: And I'll probably have to do an up/down after changing that setting, right? | 19:53 |
akik | kristenbb: oh ok i'll get it for you | 19:53 |
ducasse | jfcaron: yes, you should do a | 19:53 |
raspado | hi all, can anyone help me understand why im losing about 47GB worth of disk space when I create 3 LVM's onto a single VG? | 19:53 |
ducasse | jfcaron: yes, you should do a 'sudo systemctl restart networking' | 19:53 |
akik | kristenbb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/libstdc++6/download | 19:54 |
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akik | kristenbb: sorry wrong url | 19:54 |
akik | kristenbb: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/libstdc++6_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2_amd64.deb | 19:54 |
kristenbb | akik: then dpkg -i *.deb, right? | 19:57 |
akik | kristenbb: yes | 19:57 |
kristenbb | akik: well dpkg fails too... | 19:57 |
jfcaron | ducasse: Sorry if I'm being a noob, but "just use the address of your router", that would be the first "Gateway" entry when I do "route -n"? | 19:57 |
akik | kristenbb: oh well | 19:58 |
kristenbb | akik: i think it says it should be 16.04.1 | 19:58 |
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akik | kristenbb: do you get the same error message? | 19:58 |
ducasse | jfcaron: yes, but it will only work if that router has a forwarding dns server. most home routers do. | 19:58 |
jfcaron | ducasse: Ok, this network setup is a bit weird. It was done by the tech support people, but they connected the router WAN port to an IP phone, and the phone into the wall. | 19:59 |
kristenbb | akik: no it's a way different error message, the other was about apt, this one if from dpkg. it mentions something about 16.04.1 vs 16.04.2, and indeed i think an upgrade from 14.04 would be towards 16.04.1 by default. do you have the link for 16.04.1? | 19:59 |
jfcaron | Maybe I will try the google DNS. | 19:59 |
ducasse | jfcaron: google's are and | 20:00 |
Fah | jfcaron: there's no firewall blocking port 53 tcp/udp is there? Sorry if you already covered this. | 20:00 |
Fah | you can test connectivity with netcat: nc -u -z 53 | 20:01 |
ducasse | Fah: he has no dns server configured :) | 20:01 |
jfcaron | Fah: Ah, I have no idea, but it was working before I rebooted. | 20:01 |
Fah | do it without the -u for tcp | 20:01 |
Fah | oh. well, connectivity is the nex thing that can be wrong ;) | 20:01 |
akik | kristenbb: the askubuntu page mentions http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/libstdc++6_5.3.1-14ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb but i'm not sure if that's the correct version | 20:02 |
transhuman | ok my bad...I need openjpeg.2.so not openjpeg2.so different file should I bastardize my 16.04 install and install this libary from a previous version ..not sure what else to do apt-file shows no source | 20:02 |
jfcaron | I wonder why "systemctl restart networking" doesn't kick me out of my ssh session... | 20:02 |
ivo_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547332 | 20:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1547332 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) " [Feature Request] Provide option to install root to a ZFS formatted disk" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 20:03 |
kristenbb | akik: is there not a version that's 6.1.1 instead of 5.4 or 5.3 ? | 20:03 |
jfcaron | ducasse, Fah: Thanks, the google DNS works. | 20:03 |
ivo_ | so it will be most probably done at some time | 20:03 |
ducasse | jfcaron: yay, then all should be good. you might want to find out if you have a local forwarder running at some point, or set up dnsmasq if you don't. | 20:04 |
jfcaron | First I'll have to figure out what that means. =) | 20:05 |
Olof_szary | Hello. I am helping my friend via chat. What is the default substitute for dpkg-reconfigure on ubuntu | 20:05 |
akik | kristenbb: another page references that same (latter) package | 20:05 |
akik | kristenbb: http://askubuntu.com/questions/805811/upgrade-ubuntu-16-04-1-from-14-04-no-desktop-appears | 20:05 |
Exterminador | guys, how do i set Xubuntu all in en_US? i've installed Xubuntu in portuguese | 20:06 |
silvian | Hi Olof_szary | 20:06 |
silvian | Not sure exactly what you mean by the default substitue | 20:06 |
silvian | do you mean the default package manager? | 20:07 |
Olof_szary | I am debian guy who uses dpkg + aptitude. My friend have some issues with her ubuntu and she need to restore default properties of the package | 20:07 |
Olof_szary | like purge + install or just to reconfigure | 20:08 |
silvian | ah yes then use apt-get | 20:08 |
silvian | apt-get purge package-name | 20:08 |
silvian | then apt-get install package-name etc :) | 20:08 |
Fah | Olof_szary: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure is there. All the dpkg stuff is largely untouched. You'll be doing it lower level than you need to, but it still works. | 20:08 |
silvian | don't forget to do an apt-get update first to bring all your package repos up to date | 20:09 |
silvian | yeah or you could still use dpkg-reconfigure like Fah said but apt-get should work nicely | 20:09 |
ducasse | Exterminador: should be under settings -> language | 20:09 |
Olof_szary | thanks a lot :) | 20:10 |
cyberfab007 | hello room | 20:11 |
silvian | youre welcome :) | 20:11 |
kristenbb | akik: i think there's an incompatibility between i386 and amd64 versions in my system, which is why it doesnt accept to install this .deb | 20:11 |
cyberfab007 | hey if I have a set of directories “/etc” “/var” | 20:11 |
cyberfab007 | How do I add this location to set the set of directories that are searched when executing a command? | 20:11 |
Olof_szary | cyberfab007: they need to be in PATH | 20:12 |
Olof_szary | echo $PATH | 20:12 |
cyberfab007 | thats what I thought , | 20:12 |
Pici | cyberfab007: also, it would be weird to have /etc and /var in your $PATH... | 20:12 |
cyberfab007 | it was just a example | 20:12 |
Fah | might as well throw in /opt and /tmp while you're at it :) | 20:13 |
Olof_szary | you can edit bash.rc or whatever sh you are using and add a line | 20:13 |
cyberfab007 | Fah: | 20:13 |
cyberfab007 | lol | 20:13 |
silvian | @cyberfab007 you shouldn't really have binaries executables inside /etc and /var but you can either use symbolic links to /usr/bin or add them to your environment path | 20:13 |
Olof_szary | export PATH=$PATH:/some/directory/that/is/usefull | 20:13 |
Fah | glad the humor came thru on that one :) | 20:13 |
cyberfab007 | silvian: yes I know it was just a example | 20:13 |
silvian | ah right :P | 20:14 |
cyberfab007 | ok so if I wanted new directories searched , whats the command to add those directors to patch , | 20:15 |
akik | kristenbb: ok here are both i386 and amd64 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/libstdc++6_5.3.1-14ubuntu2_amd64.deb and http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/libstdc++6_5.3.1-14ubuntu2_i386.deb | 20:15 |
Olof_szary | btw, recently I've read that the good practice is to use separate LVM volume for /tmp and /var and use noexec on them | 20:15 |
kristenbb | akik: and then what? install both at the same time ? how? | 20:15 |
Olof_szary | cyberfab007: edit the .bash.rc and add something like export PATH=$PATH:/some/directory/that/is/usefull | 20:16 |
tgm4883 | cyberfab007: you'd need to edit the variable in ~/.bash_profile (assuming you want to do it just for your user) | 20:16 |
akik | kristenbb: yes | 20:16 |
akik | kristenbb: dpkg -i libstdc*deb works | 20:16 |
tgm4883 | cyberfab007: actually what Olof_szary said was better, do it in ~/.bashrc | 20:16 |
tgm4883 | since that is where the other checking is done for PATH | 20:16 |
cyberfab007 | yes I am trying this | 20:17 |
silvian | cyberfab007: if however you want to do it for all users of your system | 20:17 |
silvian | then you'd want to edit the /etc/environment file | 20:17 |
silvian | as root | 20:17 |
cyberfab007 | I see | 20:17 |
cyberfab007 | you guys are awesome :) | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | cyberfab007: oh and in case you didn't know, it would be strange to have /etc and /var be in your path ;P | 20:17 |
silvian | there should be an example ther already | 20:17 |
silvian | on how path is set | 20:17 |
silvian | *there | 20:18 |
cyberfab007 | tgm4883: :) | 20:18 |
jk0079 | oi | 20:18 |
cyberfab007 | so I just add a line like this | 20:18 |
cyberfab007 | PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" | 20:19 |
cyberfab007 | or do I add the directors seprated by the colon | 20:19 |
jk0079 | oie | 20:19 |
jfcaron | What is it called if I want a daemon to run (& restart if the box is rebooted) even if no one is logged in? | 20:19 |
jfcaron | Google-fu fails me. | 20:19 |
Olof_szary | cyberfab007: why would you like to completely overwrite path? | 20:19 |
silvian | cyberfab007: the directory separated by : | 20:19 |
jk0079 | hello guys | 20:19 |
tgm4883 | cyberfab007: no, you'd do PATH="/new/path:$PATH" | 20:19 |
silvian | if you want to add to the system path | 20:19 |
cyberfab007 | thank you | 20:20 |
silvian | otherwise you might find that ls doesn't work anymore | 20:20 |
kristenbb | akik: now the error is not the same, it mentions dependency problems. the i386 depends on gcc-5-base (= 5.3.1-14ubuntu2); however version of gcc-5-base:i386 on system is 5.4.0-6ubuntu1-16.04.2 | 20:20 |
silvian | and you'd have to do /bin/ls | 20:20 |
silvian | to find it :P | 20:20 |
silvian | haha | 20:20 |
Exterminador | all set! tks ducasse | 20:20 |
Exterminador | :D | 20:20 |
ducasse | Exterminador: yw :) | 20:20 |
akik | kristenbb: the problem really seems to be that toolchain-r repository | 20:20 |
kristenbb | akik: just for info, lsb_release -a displays 16.04.1 | 20:21 |
akik | kristenbb: do you have ppa-purge installed? | 20:21 |
kristenbb | akik no | 20:21 |
ducasse | jfcaron: is this 16.04? | 20:21 |
jfcaron | ducasse: Yes. | 20:22 |
akik | kristenbb: can you remove gcc-5-base:i386 ? | 20:22 |
ducasse | jfcaron: then you want to set up a systemd service unit | 20:22 |
kristenbb | akik what good would it do ? i'd have to download it right back, no ? since it's a dependency... | 20:22 |
silvian | Hi jk0079 | 20:22 |
akik | kristenbb: is your apt-get working now? | 20:23 |
jfcaron | ducasse: Ok, I found some ubuntu instructions, thanks again. | 20:23 |
kristenbb | akik no, it wasnt before and since i didn't do anything to it, it's still not working | 20:23 |
* Olof_szary recalls writing his own systemd scripts... | 20:23 | |
ducasse | jfcaron: np. it can be a little confusing at first, but the systemd man pages are good. | 20:23 |
akik | kristenbb: your system (dpkg and apt-get) don't need gcc. that's why i thought removing it could work | 20:23 |
kristenbb | akik sure i can do it if you want, but if the path is to install that libstdc++6 library, it seems gcc is a dependency | 20:24 |
Ximi | Hello. my n-applet in xubuntu behaves strangely!!! If I disconnect or 'Disable networking' or 'wifi', it do not refresh detected wifi access point and the nm-applet icon looks grey (like it is disabled) even it reconnect autoatically | 20:25 |
kristenbb | akik do you want me to uninstall it? | 20:25 |
Olof_szary | jfcaron: I'd start with man systemd.unit or man systemd.service if you want to learn, not man systemd itself | 20:25 |
kristenbb | akik i think it wants the version 5.4.0 and not 5.3.1 afterall of that libstdc++6 dependency, but with i386 and x64 | 20:25 |
kristenbb | akik: do you have those links? | 20:26 |
jfcaron | I'm probably going to cargo-cult some instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers | 20:26 |
akik | kristenbb: ok i think you already have the amd64 version | 20:26 |
kristenbb | akik i do | 20:26 |
akik | kristenbb: here's the i386 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-5/libstdc++6_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2_i386.deb | 20:27 |
raspado | is there a way to allocate an LVM by percentage? So lets say, I have 100GB disk, I only want to allocate an LVM as 10% (10GB), is it possible to do that by doing a 10%FREE ? | 20:28 |
akik | kristenbb: i think the upgrade guide tells you to remove all ppa's before upgrade :) | 20:28 |
ducasse | jfcaron: there are also a couple of systemd tutorials on the digitalocean site that some say were helpful, depends on how new this is to you. | 20:28 |
cyberfab007 | What utility can I use to trace a command and see what files it is trying to open | 20:28 |
akik | kristenbb: i never upgrade so i never read the guides :) | 20:28 |
ducasse | cyberfab007: strace | 20:28 |
kristenbb | akik i upgraded by hitting the upgrade button, basically, so i didnt follow any guide, and no instructions where given on the upgrade GUI | 20:28 |
akik | kristenbb: oh well you learn something every day :P | 20:29 |
kristenbb | akik: ok i think the install of those 2 libraries worked, finally. what next? | 20:29 |
akik | kristenbb: try sudo apt-get update | 20:29 |
kristenbb | works too | 20:30 |
Olof_szary | \part thanks once more :) | 20:30 |
kristenbb | akik ^ | 20:30 |
akik | kristenbb: you could try booting again and removing the text kernel parameter and see if you get the gui | 20:30 |
elhoir_ | hmmm.... | 20:31 |
elhoir_ | ntp service is not working in my machine | 20:31 |
akik | kristenbb: you said that the upgrade finished successfully | 20:31 |
elhoir_ | can anyone help me? | 20:31 |
kristenbb | akik yes i thought it did, why? | 20:31 |
akik | kristenbb: i'm just thinking if you need to run sudo apt-get upgrade | 20:31 |
akik | kristenbb: maybe try booting now | 20:32 |
kristenbb | akik sure, i can reboot, but at this point i'd like to mention i have difficulties getting to the grub menu (the keyboard often fails to load quickly enough). would you like me to do anything before rebooting? | 20:32 |
akik | kristenbb: yes you can edit /etc/default/grub and set a longer timeout | 20:32 |
cyberfab007 | is there a way to do lsof for a specific program ? | 20:33 |
kristenbb | akik: i just rebooted anyway ^^. the grub menu appeared by itself, is that expected?! | 20:33 |
akik | kristenbb: what do you mean? | 20:34 |
akik | kristenbb: grub menu is hidden by default but you can set it to show | 20:34 |
kristenbb | akik: well i didnt hit the shift key, and i dont have dual boot, so usually it's hidden | 20:34 |
silvian | cyberfab007: ?? | 20:34 |
kristenbb | akik: i didnt do anything except what we did together (in particular i didnt change any grub options) | 20:34 |
akik | kristenbb: it's no problem. try booting up | 20:35 |
kristenbb | akik: yeah it seems to work now !! thanks ;) | 20:35 |
akik | kristenbb: congrats :) | 20:35 |
kristenbb | akik: so just to recap, we basically didnt do anything except install a library, did we ?! | 20:35 |
cyberfab007 | silvian: lsof -Pnl +M -i4 | 20:35 |
akik | kristenbb: yes libstdc++6 | 20:35 |
cyberfab007 | this give me a list of processes and the ports they are using | 20:36 |
kristenbb | akik: how could that fix the loading of the login page?! | 20:36 |
silvian | ah right | 20:36 |
silvian | yeah you can pipe through grep name of program | 20:36 |
cyberfab007 | instead of gett all of them , how do i do it for a specific package | 20:36 |
akik | kristenbb: toolchain-r repo probably installed a different version than your other packages expected | 20:36 |
silvian | lsof -Pnl +M -i4 | grep program | 20:36 |
evanvarvell | ... | 20:36 |
kristenbb | akik: and some packages require that very library to be loaded? | 20:36 |
silvian | cyberfab007: pipe through grep is always your very best of friends on any unix system :) | 20:37 |
kristenbb | akik: i mean, some packages related to the screen login are related to libstdc++6? | 20:37 |
silvian | same if you were looking for a specific running process in ps -ef | 20:37 |
akik | kristenbb: i think libstdc++ is used by quite many binaries | 20:37 |
silvian | ps -ef | grep apache | 20:37 |
silvian | for example | 20:37 |
=== Agent_05M1UM is now known as Poker1st | ||
kristenbb | akik: okay... and whats this toolchain r repo, i must have installed it myself and dont remember it, right? what could i have installed it for? | 20:38 |
elhoir_ | can anyone help mme with NTP? | 20:38 |
akik | kristenbb: well you should know if you activated that repo | 20:39 |
silvian | elhoir_: what's the specific problem with NTP you're having? | 20:39 |
akik | kristenbb: newer gcc versions for example | 20:39 |
kristenbb | akik: okay, could be | 20:39 |
kristenbb | akik: well thanks a lot for your help; my problem seems to be fixed | 20:39 |
cyberfab007 | silvian: lsof -Pnl +M -i4 | grep apache2 —— is not working | 20:39 |
akik | kristenbb: i wasn't at all sure whether we could fix it :) | 20:40 |
silvian | is apache2 running? | 20:40 |
cyberfab007 | yes | 20:40 |
silvian | ps -ef | grep apache | 20:40 |
silvian | ok | 20:40 |
elhoir_ | silvian, ntpq -p returns "No association ID's returned" | 20:40 |
cyberfab007 | that works but is not giving me the port numbers | 20:41 |
elhoir_ | cd /etc | 20:41 |
elhoir_ | ls nto.conf | 20:41 |
elhoir_ | oooops sorry | 20:41 |
ducasse | elhoir_: have you set any peers? | 20:41 |
silvian | oh you're looking for ports | 20:41 |
silvian | ok sorry | 20:41 |
silvian | cyberfab007: you need to try lsof -i -n -P | grep apache | 20:41 |
silvian | that should show you the port associated with the daemon | 20:42 |
cyberfab007 | thank you | 20:42 |
avid_fan | cyberfab007: And you can group those command line options , i.e. lsof -Pni | 20:42 |
silvian | cool :) | 20:42 |
cyberfab007 | awesomenes | 20:43 |
silvian | yeah its always one of those handy ones to know | 20:43 |
avid_fan | definitely | 20:43 |
cyberfab007 | I just got 16.04 installed , its running pretty smotth | 20:43 |
silvian | netstat is also useful | 20:43 |
silvian | you can see ports opened | 20:43 |
elhoir_ | silvian, any idea? | 20:43 |
silvian | and what's consuming them | 20:43 |
cyberfab007 | silvian: yes | 20:43 |
cyberfab007 | its perfect thank you | 20:43 |
silvian | elhoir_: is NTP out of sync? | 20:44 |
silvian | is your machine not getting the right time? | 20:44 |
ducasse | elhoir_: have you configured ntpd? | 20:44 |
elhoir_ | ducasse, how? | 20:44 |
silvian | you're welcome @cyberfab007 | 20:44 |
elhoir_ | silvian, nope, its +2h | 20:44 |
ducasse | elhoir_: iirc, it is either /etc/default/ntpd or ntpd.conf, just set the peers you want to use | 20:44 |
avid_fan | elhoir_: what output do you get when you type the following: grep -e -i servers\|pool | 20:45 |
silvian | ok run this first @elhoir_ timedatectl status | 20:45 |
ducasse | elhoir_: i use systemd-timesyncd now to avoid installing ntpd | 20:45 |
silvian | to see what your time and date is set to | 20:45 |
silvian | and the time zone | 20:45 |
avid_fan | Oops. Not servers just server | 20:45 |
silvian | then @elhoir_ you can set it to the correct time zone like so: sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC | 20:46 |
silvian | UTC as an example | 20:46 |
elhoir_ | silvian, http://pastebin.com/LRbbgHrc | 20:46 |
Village | Hello Guys, what are libtcl and tclx.x-dev is newest? | 20:46 |
avid_fan | elhoir_: so the corrected command: grep -e -i server\|pool\|peer /etc/ntp.conf | 20:46 |
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GEEMac | Th0 | 20:47 |
elhoir_ | avid_fan, you mean "cat /etc/ntp.conf | grep -e -i server\|pool\|peer" | 20:47 |
silvian | yeah you're on the madrid time elhoir_ | 20:47 |
silvian | Time zone: Europe/Madrid (CEST, +0200) | 20:47 |
avid_fan | elhoir_: that would work | 20:47 |
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elhoir_ | silvian, yes, well i promise my clock says its 00:49 now | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | and its not true xd | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | itd 22:49 now | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | its* | 20:48 |
RFleming | it's* | 20:48 |
silvian | you can set your zone to be utc if that's what you need | 20:48 |
silvian | sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC | 20:48 |
RFleming | :P | 20:48 |
silvian | 21:48 is UTC + 1 | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | silvian, ok done | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | now what?= | 20:48 |
elhoir_ | ahhh ok | 20:49 |
silvian | ok you need to restart the ntp service | 20:49 |
elhoir_ | its working now | 20:49 |
elhoir_ | no not needed | 20:49 |
silvian | or not :) | 20:49 |
silvian | ok | 20:49 |
elhoir_ | clock automatically corrected :) | 20:49 |
silvian | awesomes | 20:49 |
silvian | easy | 20:49 |
silvian | yeah | 20:49 |
silvian | ntp is not stupid | 20:49 |
elhoir_ | thank you! | 20:49 |
Village | sudo apt-get install libtcl8.6 tcl8.6-dev *** it's newest package or are newsest? | 20:49 |
elhoir_ | drone he/she was just helping, man | 20:51 |
elhoir_ | silvian, cecilia? hablas español? :) | 20:51 |
silvian | no | 20:52 |
thor_ | GEEMac: solved the problem here. first, installed xbuntu. Got monitor working, but still issue with boot. Then managed to get back in. Removed Plymouth, and purged Nvidia drivers, installed Nouveau. Now Gnome works, and external monitor works :) | 20:52 |
elhoir_ | ??? | 20:52 |
elhoir_ | O_O | 20:52 |
silvian | only english :) | 20:52 |
silvian | yeah what is wrong with the drone... not sure what i did wrong | 20:52 |
thor_ | Today I love Linux, because I hate Windows even more! | 20:52 |
ducasse | silvian: it was all the short lines so fast that triggered it | 20:53 |
silvian | ok so i need to type slower... and don't use the return key... my favourite :( | 20:53 |
GEEMac | thor_, Great. Glad you got that running. Still workig omy graphics mess here. only a few hours away from removing 16.04 and going back to 14.04 where this issue did not exist. | 20:55 |
RFleming | silvian: some people are really anal about flooding the channel. More than 3 lines in x seconds, and boom, you're quieted | 20:55 |
RFleming | silvian: don't take it the wrong way though :) | 20:56 |
GEEMac | No one has any answers why 16.04 will not save a user set graphics resolution. | 20:56 |
RFleming | GEEMac: did you upgrade or do a fresh install? | 20:56 |
silvian | ok i'll keep that in mind... Commandment 11: though shalt not use more than 3 lines :D | 20:56 |
ducasse | GEEMac: did you check the link i gave you earlier? | 20:57 |
silvian | cheers @RFleming | 20:57 |
GEEMac | Both first the upgrade. Sane issue and then some others. Then from the CD an just the graphics issu | 20:57 |
RFleming | silvian: it's more the hitting enter where you would normally use a comma :) | 20:57 |
RFleming | GEEMac: what exactly is your problem. What video card do you have. What video driver are you using? Proprietary or open-source | 20:57 |
RFleming | please provide details to your problem. | 20:58 |
elisa87 | how can I find how much memory my GPU has in Ubuntu terminal? | 20:58 |
GEEMac | Yep Tried it and no go. Somehing in 16.04 is not reading the scripts. I tried Arandr. saved the script followed the info. No go. Tried to call it from the Startup apps. but that has a bug since it won't save the aded startup ap. | 20:59 |
thor_ | GEEMac: did you attempt something similar? When I managed to get xubuntu-desktop working, i realized the problem had to be the driver. Kinda stupid I didnt try that first time around. but hey... that would make a dull life. | 20:59 |
RFleming | elisa87: run lspci and note the number next to VGA compatible controller | 20:59 |
RFleming | then lspci -v -s that number | 20:59 |
GEEMac | I have been at this for allmost a month now. Here is the URL to the bug reports | 21:00 |
RFleming | elisa87: example 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller | 21:00 |
RFleming | elisa87: lspci -v -s 00:02.0 | 21:00 |
GEEMac | Screen res: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1615864 | 21:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1615864 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Screen resolution not saved after reboot or logout and back in" [Undecided,New] | 21:00 |
GEEMac | Startup issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1617129 | 21:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1617129 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) ""Startup Applications" not saving after reboot. Also program added does not run at reboot." [Undecided,New] | 21:00 |
elisa87 | RFleming: so I did that but it says I have 16M mem. however in NVidia website says Tesla k40c has 16G mem. I am confused http://pastebin.com/pKiqL67X | 21:01 |
elisa87 | Tesla K40 GPU AcceleratorBD-06902-001_v05 | 1OVERVIEWThe NVIDIA® Tesla® K40 graphics processing unit (GPU) is a PCI Express, dual-slot computing module in the Tesla (267 mm length) form factor comprised of a single GK110B GPU. The Tesla K40 is designed for servers and offers a total of 12 GB of GDDR5 on-board memory and supports PCI Express Gen3. The Tesla K40 uses a passive heat sink for cooling. | 21:01 |
thor_ | GEEMac: sudo apt-get install xbuntu-desktop. since you have tried everything else it seems. ooh.. I also reinstalled Gnome. Sometimes panic helps :D but a month? wow.. you must be pulling hairs by now. | 21:02 |
RFleming | elisa87: pastebin the entire output of lspci | 21:02 |
elisa87 | I wonder why the information in the manual is not the same as lspci | 21:02 |
RFleming | I'm willing to bet you have an Optimus setup | 21:02 |
elisa87 | RFleming: http://pastebin.com/i9ydHHrh | 21:03 |
elisa87 | RFleming: any thoughts? | 21:05 |
lookcrabs | I have a super weird issue and I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what it could be and submit a bug.. as I think this is a bug | 21:05 |
RFleming | elisa87: the Nvidia Telsa isn't a video card | 21:06 |
RFleming | (per se) | 21:06 |
RFleming | at least I don't believe them to be | 21:07 |
ToeSnacks | I know this is a stupid question and I can just mkdir a folder of the same name but is there a way to restore the original pictures folder with the custom icon in standard unity ubuntu if you have deleted it? | 21:08 |
GEEMac | These isues remindme of the Ubuntu 10.x release. I ended up not using Ubuntu until 12.x. I'll just go to 14.04 which worked here. I'll giv it to monday. | 21:08 |
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danny_ | Favorite/best/good Music player for linux? Rhythmbox is killing me | 21:13 |
RFleming | danny_: amarok, banshee, clementine. The world is your oyster. Google and conquer. | 21:15 |
utilisateur | hey | 21:16 |
utilisateur | I've got a problem with dolibarr since the upgrade to xenial | 21:16 |
utilisateur | It doesn't work anymore because it asks for php5 | 21:16 |
utilisateur | what can I do ? | 21:16 |
utilisateur | also, this is small invoncenience, thunderbird is in english not in french althought locale are in french and thunderbird-locale-fr is also installed | 21:17 |
RFleming | utilisateur: first. php5 is obsolete in 16.04, replaced with php7 | 21:18 |
utilisateur | What can I do ? | 21:18 |
silvian | you can install old ppa for php5 | 21:19 |
RFleming | utilisateur: Google told me this. It's from the dolibarr forum | 21:19 |
RFleming | https://www.dolibarr.org/forum/12-howto-help/25563-ubuntu-16-04-downgrade-php7-to-php5#27908 | 21:19 |
silvian | or build from source | 21:19 |
silvian | which is always fun :D | 21:19 |
utilisateur | strangely it didn't work for me | 21:20 |
RFleming | what didn't work? | 21:20 |
utilisateur | installing pgp5.6 isn't satisfyig the php5 dependcy asked | 21:20 |
utilisateur | *didn't | 21:20 |
utilisateur | -didn't | 21:20 |
utilisateur | nevermind é_è | 21:20 |
RFleming | utilisateur: You will have to broach this with your CRM provider. | 21:21 |
thor_ | Trying to see the logic. I buy a very expensive laptop that has a fairly good Nvidia graphics card. Nvidia dont bother to write a driver for the card I BOUGHT!!! hmm.. soo... who are the freeloaders? | 21:22 |
utilisateur | I don't know how it works but | 21:22 |
RFleming | thor_: what card? | 21:22 |
utilisateur | can't I just change the dependance requirement in the .deb ? | 21:22 |
RFleming | utilisateur: no. Some PHP5 functions that dolibarr uses may be depreciated in PHP7. | 21:23 |
thor_ | RFleming: GT730m | 21:23 |
utilisateur | RFleming, nah I mean, installing the ppa install php5.6 | 21:24 |
utilisateur | but is not recognized as php5 by the package | 21:24 |
Mining- | hey all, i have a quick question, really n00b =) logged as JohnDoe (administrator) | 21:24 |
Mining- | but I can't do nothing in the users account panel.. I don't see unlock/lock or whatsoever, nor i can play with account | 21:25 |
RFleming | thor_: your driver is supported in Linux | 21:25 |
Mining- | is there anything we need to do to enable those function? | 21:25 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
k1l_ | Mining-: in the upper right should be a "unlock" in the users settings in system settings. | 21:26 |
Mining- | yeah, i don't see it :( | 21:26 |
RFleming | thor_: nvidia 367.44 supports your card | 21:26 |
k1l_ | Mining-: what ubuntu is that exactly? | 21:26 |
Mining- | 16.04 | 21:27 |
Mining- | ill try changing screen resolution | 21:27 |
Mining- | i had issue when installing, (running on an esxi server) think screen reso is something 1152x766 or something weird eheh | 21:27 |
Mining- | ahhhhhhh great | 21:28 |
Mining- | that was it :) | 21:28 |
Bashing-om | thor_: See; Consider : https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa . | 21:28 |
RFleming | thor_: it's also supported in the latest in the repo... nvidia-361 | 21:28 |
Mining- | k1l_ is there a place to see groups? | 21:30 |
thor_ | RFleming: thats the driver in question. okay. I guess its my own fault. the driver is not finished. but its a new laptop. I had no issues EVER on my T61 (best laptop in the world), and now I had to reverse to Nouveau to get expernal monitor and screen rotation to work. but... since the Nvidia driver is not 100%, I guess I cant blame blame Nvidia. Still, in attempt to justify my rant, Ubuntu users pay no less than Windows users when | 21:31 |
thor_ | buying the hardware. So wheres the justice in that? | 21:31 |
k1l_ | "groups" :) | 21:31 |
RFleming | thor_: what laptop? | 21:32 |
RFleming | you probably also need to install nvidia-prime | 21:32 |
silvian | I remember Linus Trovalts saying something similar about Nvidia support for Linux :) | 21:33 |
thor_ | RFleming: Thinkpad T540p :) | 21:33 |
RFleming | thor_: yep, you need nvidia-prime | 21:33 |
thor_ | RFleming: Nvidia-prime? so I missed something? | 21:33 |
RFleming | Lenovo's have 2 graphics adapters... one for low power, and one for high demand | 21:34 |
Mining- | thanks k1 | 21:34 |
Mining- | just installed the gnome-tools | 21:34 |
Mining- | users and groups.. seems nice! :) | 21:34 |
Mining- | back to my linux learning curve.. lol :) | 21:34 |
RFleming | thor_: sudo aptitude install nvidia-prime nvidia-361 | 21:34 |
thor_ | RFleming: aha! So kind of you to tell me that :) will try it out. | 21:35 |
RFleming | 361 fully supports your video card. It's not that new :) | 21:35 |
thor_ | RFleming: I like to think its new. we cant all be trillionaires :D | 21:36 |
RFleming | thor_: it's recent... just not new. 2013-2014 timeframe | 21:37 |
RFleming | btw... T540p is a good reliable laptop | 21:37 |
craptalk | i get file.sh to upload image to imgur via command line, but i cant use it, should i put it in /bin/sh folder? | 21:38 |
craptalk | if so, why? | 21:38 |
k1l_ | craptalk: you can put it in ~/bin/ | 21:39 |
craptalk | k1l_: why should i put it there? why cant i run the file directly? | 21:39 |
craptalk | by doing ./file.sh ? | 21:40 |
k1l_ | craptalk: are you in the same directory? | 21:40 |
RFleming | craptalk: you may need to make the file executable. Try chmod +x file.sh | 21:40 |
RFleming | then try ./file.sh | 21:41 |
craptalk | RFleming: i get it all done | 21:41 |
RFleming | craptalk: good stuff | 21:41 |
craptalk | but still why, /bin? | 21:41 |
craptalk | cause the sh interpreter is in the bin folder? | 21:42 |
craptalk | k1l_: yes i am in the same folder | 21:42 |
thor_ | RFleming: It seems like a good machine. I admit its a step up from the T61 in some regards :D hmm... I didnt know about Nvidia-prime. Thanks for the tip :) only downside to new thinkpads has to be the keyboard layout. Must have been designed by a monkey on meth. | 21:42 |
k1l_ | craptalk: you said the script works. how where you running it then? | 21:43 |
craptalk | i dont understand about it. and if i add it to bin folder, should i refresh the folder for changes i made? | 21:43 |
craptalk | k1l_: works? | 21:43 |
RFleming | thor_: if the 361 drivers are inadequate... you'll have to install the proprietary gpu drivers ppa and get nvidia-367 (which is nvidia's LTS branch right now) | 21:43 |
craptalk | i mean, this is another suggestion from my friend | 21:44 |
craptalk | still no working now | 21:44 |
k1l_ | craptalk: no. dont put stuff in root folders. | 21:44 |
RFleming | thor_: for more reading: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 21:44 |
craptalk | k1l_: so make me understand this | 21:44 |
RFleming | craptalk: can you run your script. Yes or no | 21:44 |
craptalk | i thouhgt to make +x is gonna solve the problem itself | 21:44 |
k1l_ | craptalk: your initial question did sound like you asked for $PATH. which lead to my answer to put it into "~/bin". | 21:44 |
craptalk | RFleming: i can, but it does nothing, or is it the script that is error? but i got it from github and even i get no error output | 21:45 |
k1l_ | craptalk: but now the script doesnt work at all. so there must be another issue, since ./script.sh should work if you are in the same directory. | 21:45 |
RFleming | craptalk: do you have problem understanding what we say? Is there a language you would feel better to ask in? | 21:45 |
craptalk | k1l_: yes, i want to ask about it too. is it has to be put in ~/bin for any file such file.sh | 21:46 |
thor_ | RFleming: okay. Time for reading. After 10 more years on Ubuntu I might even become productive as well. Tak for hjælpen. | 21:46 |
energizer | I'm having some major wifi mysteries http://askubuntu.com/questions/819334/intel-8260-wireless-in-xenial | 21:46 |
RFleming | thor_: selv tak | 21:47 |
k1l_ | craptalk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#List_of_common_environment_variables | 21:48 |
k1l_ | craptalk: long version http://www.linfo.org/path_env_var.html | 21:48 |
lookcrabs | ? :: So I have a weird one. I have a 10Gib network card with an sfp+ cable and that is the only network connectivity to the server i'm in. I can curl www.google.com and it works fine but if I try to apt-get update or download any file larger than 1mib the ssh session basically freezes. If I try to download a 100mib file from my local mirror (works on the machine right next to it) it never completes. If i reboot the host it works | 21:49 |
lookcrabs | Anyone seen this before? | 21:49 |
RFleming | energizer: what's the problem? | 21:49 |
energizer | RFleming: no networks listed | 21:49 |
k1l_ | in short: PATH is the reason why you can type "firefox" instead of "/usr/sbin/firefox" to start firefox. but that is not the issue that you have | 21:49 |
gvvg | Hi - I installed an autossh service http://pasted.co/c9961138 yet when I start it I get errors http://pasted.co/706b9994 - any ideas? | 21:50 |
RFleming | energizer: is it disabled through a software switch? perhaps fn-f2? | 21:51 |
RFleming | or whatever your laptop uses to turn off and on radios | 21:51 |
energizer | RFleming: its a desktop | 21:51 |
RFleming | usb? | 21:52 |
energizer | RFleming: the usb wifi works, the internal one doesnt | 21:52 |
k1l_ | lookcrabs: is there a "/usr/bin/autossh" on that system? | 21:52 |
RFleming | ok | 21:52 |
RFleming | pastebin lspci; dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm' | 21:53 |
ilhami | hey. what is the best way to format my USB stick ? :P | 21:53 |
gvvg | k1l_: I think you meant me? yes there is | 21:53 |
k1l_ | gvvg: lookcrabs yes sorry, mixed the nicks | 21:54 |
RFleming | ilhami: http://www.wikihow.com/Format-a-USB-Flash-Drive-in-Ubuntu | 21:54 |
gvvg | k1l_: no problem - I have no idea what those errors mean :( | 21:54 |
* RFleming should start to use lmgtfy.com | 21:54 | |
ilhami | RFleming: :D | 21:54 |
ilhami | I could have found that myself :P | 21:55 |
ilhami | but thanks. | 21:55 |
RFleming | ilhami: yes, you could have. | 21:55 |
k1l_ | gvvg: is user radu allowed to start that service? | 21:57 |
gvvg | k1l_:damn I didn't see that user | 21:58 |
ilhami | does Ubuntu have a social channel? | 21:58 |
RFleming | ilhami: #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:58 |
energizer | RFleming: added output http://askubuntu.com/questions/819334/intel-8260-wireless-in-xenial | 21:59 |
gvvg | k1l_: that did it - thanks - sorry I just didn't search and replace properly | 21:59 |
RFleming | energizer: which one isn't working? 03:00.0 or 04:00.0 | 22:00 |
lookcrabs | k1l_: ah you got me excited! I think i'm going crazy | 22:00 |
raspado | when we are doing a 1-to-1 mapping on a physical device to a LVM, would you want to use 100%PVS or 100%FREE ? | 22:00 |
energizer | RFleming: 4 (wireless) | 22:00 |
RFleming | energizer: 16.04? | 22:00 |
energizer | RFleming: yes | 22:00 |
RFleming | energizer: sudo rfkill unblock wireless ... does it do anything? | 22:02 |
energizer | RFleming: bogus unblock argument wireless | 22:03 |
lookcrabs | RFleming: i think you need to do 4, right? like rfkill unblock 4? I thought it was by id? | 22:03 |
k1l_ | energizer: use all instead of wireless | 22:03 |
energizer | didn't print output, didn't solve problem | 22:04 |
RFleming | it looks like it is hardblocked | 22:04 |
RFleming | energizer: You may need to update the firmware | 22:05 |
RFleming | http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005511.html | 22:05 |
RFleming | top one is the 8260 firmware for linux | 22:05 |
lookcrabs | energizer: is the output of 'rfkill list' the same as in the thread? | 22:06 |
RFleming | OK, I've got to leave. | 22:06 |
RFleming | cheers! | 22:06 |
energizer | lookcrabs: ya | 22:06 |
lookcrabs | can you do 'lspci -s 04:00.0 -vvv' and paste the output to pastebin? | 22:09 |
k1l_ | energizer: is that a dell? | 22:10 |
energizer | k1l_: not a dell | 22:10 |
lookcrabs | energizer: can you do 'lspci -s 04:00.0 -vvv' and paste the output to pastebin? | 22:10 |
lookcrabs | energizer: sorry I forgot to tag you so just repasted | 22:11 |
energizer | lookcrabs: ok added to thread | 22:11 |
lookcrabs | the kernel should have the driver built in. So it should be working afaict based on what RFleming posted. | 22:11 |
k1l_ | energizer: i see some mention that turning secureboot off in bios did help them | 22:11 |
energizer | ok i downloaded that file from intel and put it in /lib, what's next | 22:12 |
energizer | /lib/firmware | 22:12 |
ilhami | sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=4k && sync <--- why does this command take so long? | 22:12 |
ilhami | I have waited more than 5 minutes so far. | 22:12 |
ilhami | it's only a 7.2 GB USB | 22:13 |
Solarlux | how to install tar.gz file | 22:13 |
k1l_ | because of the bs=4k. why are you zeroing your usb? | 22:13 |
ilhami | k1l_: I want to format it.. | 22:14 |
ilhami | is there an easier way? | 22:14 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: format it how? You can check the progress of dd with the -USR1 signal . May be worth doing that | 22:14 |
k1l_ | Solarlux: you dont. you need to read what is inside (the readme) and most times you need to compile the sourcecode. are you sure the program is not in the ubuntu repo? | 22:14 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: format it, you mean wipe it? | 22:14 |
k1l_ | ilhami: just create a new partition table. | 22:15 |
lookcrabs | energizer: can you try 'iwlist scan wlp4s0' ? | 22:15 |
ilhami | sudo fdisk /dev/sdc | 22:15 |
ilhami | ? | 22:15 |
ilhami | will this do it? | 22:15 |
k1l_ | ilhami: why not use gparted or gnome disks? | 22:15 |
energizer | lookcrabs: iwlist doesnt seem to be a command | 22:15 |
ilhami | k1l_: I tried to use KDE partition manager without luck | 22:16 |
ilhami | so I wanted to try via the konsole | 22:16 |
lookcrabs | energizer: sorry borked order. 'iwlist wlp4s0 scan' | 22:16 |
energizer | lookcrabs: no scan results | 22:16 |
lookcrabs | and it should be a command :-( try as root? | 22:16 |
lookcrabs | ah damn | 22:16 |
energizer | lookcrabs: i mean, it printed "No scan results" | 22:17 |
k1l_ | ilhami: what was the error with kde partition manager? | 22:17 |
ilhami | let me retry and see | 22:18 |
lookcrabs | energizer: what kind of laptop just curious? | 22:19 |
energizer | lookcrabs: desktop | 22:19 |
lookcrabs | energizer: what kind? | 22:20 |
energizer | zareason | 22:20 |
ilhami | KDE partitions manager doesn't even recognize my USB anymore. | 22:20 |
lookcrabs | energizer: did you check bios for anything that may enable/disable wifi/bluetooth? | 22:21 |
energizer | lookcrabs: good idea, ill do that | 22:21 |
lookcrabs | i mean rfkill sees a wireless card so i'm assuming it's enabled but just curious | 22:21 |
nailsom | boa noite | 22:25 |
nailsom | quando tento abrir uma pasta do cartão sd o mint mostra erro de entrada/saida | 22:26 |
nailsom | alguém pode me ajudar? | 22:26 |
lookcrabs | energizer: this is an old ask thread but you may want to try the stuff here :: http://askubuntu.com/questions/693109/intel-wireless-8260-unclaimed-network | 22:26 |
lookcrabs | as it looks like you have a rev3 as well and that may be your same issue | 22:27 |
ilhami | which partition table is recommended for a USB stick? | 22:27 |
ilhami | gpt? | 22:28 |
energizer | lookcrabs: is it backporting a version ahead of my version? | 22:28 |
ilhami | partition table type** | 22:28 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: I think msdos is what most use. | 22:28 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: for usb anyway. What are you trying to do in the end. What is your end goal for the usb? to re-install? To use as storage? | 22:29 |
ilhami | to use as storage for now | 22:29 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: I ask because if it's just storage. Throw gpt and just do mkfs.vfat /dev/blahlbah1 or whatever your partition is and it should work fine | 22:30 |
lookcrabs | so parted -a optimal -s /dev/${BLAH} mktable gpt; | 22:30 |
ilhami | I am using gparted. :P | 22:30 |
ilhami | FAT32 is fine as File system, right? | 22:31 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: so 'parted -a optimal -s /dev/${BLAH} mktable gpt; parted -a optimal -s /dev/${blah} mkpart USBSTORE 0% 100%"; mkfs.vfat /dev/${blah}1' | 22:31 |
lookcrabs | the above should do it for you but substitute blah for whatever your disk is | 22:32 |
ilhami | I am using the gparted GUI though.. anyway.. is FAT32 fine for my purpose? | 22:32 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: i don't know about gparted unfortunately but it should be roughly the same. I would advise against formatting a disk in parted and using mkfs or whatever system though | 22:32 |
lookcrabs | ilhami: fat32 should be fine but i believe vfat is built for usb storage:: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11928982/what-is-the-difference-between-vfat-and-fat32-file-systems | 22:33 |
elisa87 | hey can you tell what is wrong with this? now commands are not detected export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin/:$PATH | 22:34 |
elisa87 | export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 22:34 |
elisa87 | The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. | 22:35 |
ilhami | thanks. :D | 22:35 |
lookcrabs | nm nm i'm an idiot | 22:36 |
lookcrabs | mkfs.vfat and mkfs.fat are the same | 22:36 |
lookcrabs | elisa87: what does "echo ${PATH}" output for you | 22:37 |
elisa87 | $ echo ${PATH} | 22:37 |
elisa87 | /usr/bin:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin/:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin/::/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin | 22:37 |
elisa87 | lookcrabs: | 22:37 |
lookcrabs | elisa87: the error is correct. It looks like /bin is not in your path. Just add '/bin'. :: 'export PATH=${PATH}:/bin' should do it | 22:38 |
lookcrabs | elisa87: it looks like you exported /usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin a few times. | 22:39 |
lookcrabs | i would fix your path "" export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin" maybe? | 22:39 |
lookcrabs | or get rid of /usr/games as you probably don't need that ^_^ | 22:39 |
UTAN_dev | Hey all, I'm setting up VNC access to my Linux Mint 18/Cinnamon laptop. From my Windows PC, I can access the laptop (I see a default desktop) but, when I open Chrome for example, its window opens on the desktop displayed on the laptop's screen, not my VNC desktop. | 22:42 |
UTAN_dev | Noob enough that I don't necessarily have the vocabulary to successfully find a solution on Google. What's happening? | 22:42 |
Bashing-om | !mint | UTAN_dev | 22:44 |
ubottu | UTAN_dev: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 22:44 |
UTAN_dev | Will do. Thanks. | 22:45 |
Bashing-om | UTAN_dev: Well wishes :) | 22:46 |
elisa87 | please have a look at my issue https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn/issues/324 | 22:49 |
berz3rk | hey there guys, I got the Realtek ALC282 audio chip and the sound under windows is much better then under linux. I use the Realtek High Definition audio driver under windwos. any idea how I can get that running on linux? | 23:00 |
mirak | hi | 23:04 |
mirak | what is the best photo manager ? | 23:04 |
mirak | I am a bit fedup by shotwell | 23:04 |
bhj | hola | 23:06 |
bhj | ¿alguien habla español? | 23:06 |
genii | !es | bhj | 23:06 |
ubottu | bhj: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:06 |
berz3rk | mirak: there is this elementary fork did you check it out | 23:06 |
berz3rk | mirak: of shotwell | 23:06 |
berz3rk | mirak: or checkout gthumb | 23:07 |
mirak | berz3rk, i have seen about gthumb, and did knew there was a shotwell fork | 23:07 |
mirak | I understand why someone would fork it | 23:07 |
berz3rk | the fork looks exciting | 23:07 |
berz3rk | i heard that shotwell dveloping is continuing what is pure shame considering the elementary fork is much better and should be the offical one imho. | 23:08 |
mirak | I tried to export all my pictures, and it can't handle renaming of duplicate names | 23:08 |
mirak | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shotwell/+bug/648424 | 23:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 648424 in shotwell (Ubuntu) "Export doesn't deal with different files with same filename" [Low,Triaged] | 23:08 |
mirak | and there is a 6 years old bug report still not fixed, this is a joke | 23:08 |
berz3rk | shotwell is not by gnome | 23:09 |
berz3rk | thats the think | 23:09 |
berz3rk | its by yorba | 23:09 |
berz3rk | and yorba is basicly dead | 23:09 |
mirak | okay | 23:09 |
mirak | what is the exact name of elementary package ? | 23:10 |
mirak | application | 23:10 |
genii | mirak: elementary is an entirely different distribution, based off of Ubuntu, not a package within it | 23:11 |
mirak | is there a package for the fork ? | 23:11 |
mirak | because using another distrobution is another story | 23:11 |
bhj | does anyone know what happens with irc-hispano server? | 23:12 |
mirak | Ok the fork is called pantheon photo, and yorba stopped developpement of shotwell | 23:13 |
berz3rk | mirak: you could try to find a ppa with the package | 23:14 |
berz3rk | mirak: or yo could build it into your own ppa if you are not sure if it messes anything up | 23:15 |
berz3rk | make a recipe and let it build | 23:15 |
=== JeremyD is now known as SleePy | ||
berz3rk | then add the ppa to your os | 23:15 |
berz3rk | https://code.launchpad.net/~pantheon-photos/pantheon-photos/trunk | 23:15 |
berz3rk | https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+recipe/pantheon-photos-daily | 23:15 |
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer | ||
mirak | berz3rk, i will try other options | 23:19 |
mirak | what would matter is that I make shotwell write all the tags in the pictures | 23:19 |
mirak | or something like that | 23:19 |
dengsauve | I want to set up an internal webserver at my company, and there will be about 50 people viewing webpages and querying a MySQL database during the work day. I have the hardware to keep up, and I've set up something similar on Ubuntu Server 14.04. Should I set this one up on 14.04 as well, or is it worth it to go with 16.04? | 23:20 |
=== FidoNet_ is now known as FidoNet | ||
warbler | Hi, I have broken apt and dpkg binaries. I tried manually installing both but neither work, apt gives me library errors and dpkg gives me "/var/lib/dpkg/status" errors. Can this be repaired? | 23:35 |
Ben64 | warbler: what exactly did you do | 23:41 |
Bashing-om | warbler: I recall that ian-weisser on ubuntuforums.org gave instruction to re-install dpkg . Maybe able to find it ? | 23:42 |
hektabyte | Hey guys, anyone has experience with customizing gtk.css file? | 23:42 |
hektabyte | I would like to change "gap" between desktop icon and desktop icon text. Margin and padding doesn't work. | 23:43 |
warbler | Bashing-om: This one? http://askubuntu.com/questions/1712/why-would-the-aptitude-binary-be-missing-if-its-package-is-installed | 23:43 |
warbler | Ben64: I can use history to see some relevant commands, would it help to see or shall I describe them? | 23:43 |
Ben64 | warbler: use a pastebin, would be nice to know how you got into this situation | 23:44 |
Bashing-om | warbler: No, Ian did use the .deb files to rebuild . | 23:45 |
warbler | Bashing-om: deb won't work because dpkg is broken too :( | 23:46 |
warbler | Oh man. Guys I have to submit that I've made the most embarassing mistake, I wont bother justifying it: this is a CentOS machine. | 23:48 |
warbler | Forgive me. | 23:48 |
K350 | Any Minecraft on Linux expert here? | 23:52 |
elisa87 | how can I uninstall Cuda7.0 from Ubuntu completely? it doesn't have an installer file in its bin folder | 23:52 |
MalMen | hello, is there any good man on how to upgrade from 12.04 to 16.04 ? cant upgrade even to 14.04, it fail on some sources :x | 23:57 |
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