
Tara Cremora minora 01:04
Tara Kilos arrived safely01:04
TaraAnd he sends his best wishes to everybody01:04
TaraMaaz: Watch them01:05
Maazoh Tara I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon!01:05
TaraToods everyone. Kilos will be here when we find a plug for his laptop.01:06
paddatrapperMorning everyone 04:45
dlPhreakGood morning06:28
andrewlsdMorning paddatrapper superfly dlPhreak06:52
dlPhreakhi there andrewlsd 06:55
dlPhreakJust a random question but does the lsd in your nick refer to lucy in the sky with diamonds?06:56
andrewlsdyes dlPhreak06:56
andrewlsdbut indirectly06:56
andrewlsdit is related to www.lsd.co.za06:57
dlPhreakI've never taken lsd before but if it's anything like moonflower then I don't want it. That stuff scared me shitless..06:58
andrewlsdneither have I06:59
andrewlsdthe idea of it scares me too.07:00
dlPhreakThe only place I'm fine with seeing dragons is on my computer screen playing skyrim.07:01
andrewlsdHi Na3iL, zipper07:19
zipperYou guys need to stop group mentioning me.07:19
zipperMake me feel special goddamnit07:19
zipperYou ZA people must be very unromantic :P07:20
zipperandrewlsd: ^07:20
andrewlsdlol zipper \o07:26
zippersuperfly: Not a word? :)07:34
zipperIt is according to google.07:35
superflyzipper: no, you just sound like my wife :-P07:35
zipperI was just saying because you people love to group mention nicks.07:35
zippersuperfly: Because she's right hahaha07:35
superflyzipper: not you too now! :-P07:36
Na3iLHello andrewlsd and zipper haha 07:47
Na3iLo/ superfly 07:47
superflysup Na3iL07:49
Na3iLnothing much, work work work as usual x) 07:50
Na3iLwhat about you07:50
andrewlsdzipper: you make "group mention" sound so dirty07:50
superflywatching a script run -_-07:50
andrewlsdmaybe that's because "luv_panda"07:50
Na3iLhahahaha I know that feel 07:50
andrewlsdsuperfly: run script, run07:51
Na3iLwhere kilos btw07:51
andrewlsdkilos in oz07:51
superflyNa3iL: he's in Australia with his family there07:51
zipperhahahaha :D07:51
zipperWell pandas are cute and I wish to touch one one day.07:51
andrewlsdHis family was online this morning at around 3am our time, to let us know07:51
Na3iLah, yep I forget. 07:51
andrewlsdthat Kilos arrived safely07:52
Na3iLaw, ty andrewlsd for the great news :D 07:52
andrewlsdsuperfly: yours post was better. I'll try to remember the pastebin option in future.  <nettiquet>07:53
andrewlsdMaaz: tell Kilos welcome to OZ, we miss you already.07:54
Maazandrewlsd: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode07:54
MaazKilos: Kilos: By the way, you have a pile of memos waiting for you, too many to read out in public. PM me08:05
Kilosandrewlsd well im here but what a schlep08:07
Kiloshave ended up taking the power cable off a busteded toaster and just joining the wires to the lappy charger08:08
MaNIat least they run the same voltage, could be worse :)08:09
Kiloslol yeah08:10
Kiloshope all good back there08:11
Kilosflying for so long was murder08:11
Kilossleeping sitting straight up is for birds i think08:11
Na3iLKilos, \o/ 08:17
KilosNa3iL hows things up there08:17
Na3iLas usual ty :D what about you 08:17
Kilosok ty , happy to be with my girls, 08:18
Na3iL:D aww happy for you 08:19
Kilosneed to still work out the timezone difs in reverse08:19
Na3iLyep good luck on that08:19
thatgraemeguyHi Kilos08:27
thatgraemeguyget off the internet and go enjoy the real world.... :-p08:27
Kiloshaha its dark already here, and these peeps watching som stupid thing on the idiot box08:30
Kilossome crazy game show08:30
superflyhi Kilos09:17
Kilosall ok there superfly ?09:19
Kilosim gonna go off early and change lappy drive to ssd then spend i dunno how long ctaching up on 3 days emails09:20
Kilosand eating jalapeno pizza09:20
Kilosso will check you all tomorrow morning again. too cold here to be outa bed imo09:21
thatgraemeguyyour morning or our morning? 09:23
Kilosthis morning09:23
Kilos8 hours ahead of you09:23
thatgraemeguyso morning for you09:24
superflyKilos: all fine here Kilos09:24
thatgraemeguyyeah.... you won't see me then ;-P09:24
andrewlsdMaaz seen theblazehen09:30
Maazandrewlsd: theblazehen was last seen 1 day, 21 hours, 12 minutes and 54 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-08-30 05:17:45 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-08-30 21:17:02 PDT09:30
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest42214
Kiloswbb hopefully, changing drives09:35
KilosMaaz watch them09:36
Maazoh Kilos I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon!09:36
Kiloshi Guest42214 09:36
Kilosoh pavel, ill try be back tonight09:37
=== Guest42214 is now known as pavlushka
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest59036
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=== Guest56533 is now known as pavlushka
magespawnHappy Spring day all10:25
superflyhi magespawn11:13
nlsthznall good superfly?12:58
superflynlsthzn: just trying not to fall asleep13:00
superflylate night last night13:00
nlsthzngetting old eh?13:00
pavlushkaGuys, I will face Ubuntu Membership board tonight at UTC 2000 hours, please be there for me, its at 2200 hours in your time :)13:31
nlsthzngood luck pavlushka_13:39
nlsthznMaaz: tell kilos we need to make a noise for pavlushka_ 's membership meeting, let all the ZA peeps be made aware to pitch up13:40
Maaznlsthzn: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode13:40
pavlushka_thanks nlsthzn :)13:40
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
nlsthzn:/ we need a cheerleader but uncle kilos is now down under13:40
* nlsthzn will be full of whiskey soon so better he stays afk :p13:41
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=== Guest89318 is now known as pavlushka
magespawnthat was wierd, the network just went down and came back up again17:47
magespawnhome time for me, chat later all18:42
sakhiHello ubuntu-za19:15
sakhiDoes anyone know of an open source student management system? 19:16
MaNIthere was that thing unisa use19:19
sakhiThanks, I forgot about sakai integration can be done on it.19:26
sakhiUCT calls theirs Vula19:26
Kiloshi roabish are the guys making you feel at home here?19:44
paddatrapperKilos: hey! 19:53
paddatrappersakhi: most of the varsities use it. Pretty nice software. There's also Staffroom, but I don't know if it's open source. It's more focused on the administration side of things - Student details, classes, grades, etc 19:54
Kiloshi paddatrapper and other za peeps20:03
paddatrapperHow was the flight? 20:04
Kilosgreat ty just long and cramped20:11
Kiloswe inna meeting on #ubuntu-meeting20:11
pavlushkayea.. me and Kilos did it :)20:32
Kiloswell done pavlushka 20:32
pavlushkathanks Kilos 20:33
pavlushkaKilos: what next?20:34
Kilosyou go sleep lad20:34
pavlushkadying to, now I can eat and breath being relax, I was very nervous20:35

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