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mwhudsonwhat do i have to do to be able to edit the wiki?03:15
tsimonq2mwhudson: Ubuntu Wiki?03:16
mwhudsoni have to join some team or other iirc?03:16
tsimonq2are you an Ubuntu Member?03:16
* tsimonq2 thought Canonical and Ubuntu Members had access03:16
mwhudsonmaybe i just need to log in again...03:16
tsimonq2oh that's right, you're Canonical too, right? :)03:17
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mwhudsonit's asking me about ubuntumembers when i re-log in so that's a good start03:17
tsimonq2that should be it03:17
* tsimonq2 assumed ~canonical was a private Launchpad team03:18
mwhudsonif the login ever completes, taht is03:19
tsimonq2yes, the wiki is really slow :/03:21
pittiGood morning05:30
cpaelzergood morning05:41
dholbach@pilot in06:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04.1) Released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
seb128dholbach, enjoy the piloting ;-)07:07
dholbachthanks seb12807:09
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dholbachcan the release team take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/underscore/+bug/1618904?07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1618904 in underscore (Ubuntu) "[Ffe] Sync underscore 1.8.3~dfsg-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]07:13
seb128dholbach, they are their channel you might to ask there?07:15
seb128though I guess they are here as well for most part07:15
seb128but there is sometime more going on and backlog get lost07:15
jamespagedoko_, annoyingly I can't get the cryptography py3 failure to fail on an actual armhf machine07:24
doko_jamespage: yeah, but porter-arm64 should work?07:25
jamespagedoko_, testing that now07:25
Saviqpitti, morning, I've got good news about unity8 suite, with the upcoming landing we've halved the time it takes to run the tests on our CI, britney should get much better in that regard, too07:30
Saviqpitti, got a question, though, in CI we've been getting quite a bit of timeouts after the run's finished (scroll to the bottom of https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/test-0-autopkgtest/1553/label=amd64,release=yakkety,testname=qmluitests.sh/console) - any idea what could cause that?07:30
Saviqhow we could debug?07:31
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pittiSaviq: hmm, schroot --end-session timed out (30 s); does  that happen often?07:41
Saviqpitti, I'd say 10-20% of the runs, started a few weeks ago07:41
pittiSaviq: maybe slow disks? I don't mind bumping the 30s timeout to 300s, maybe you can locally change it to try if that helps?07:41
Saviqpitti, ack, will do07:42
pittiSaviq: and nice work on halving the time!07:42
Saviqpitti, that would be --timeout-???07:43
Saviqman doesn't mention it, maybe I just --timeout-factor?07:43
pittiSaviq: not configurable, I'm afraid; change it in virt/autopkgtest-virt-schroot, in hook_downtmp()07:44
pittisorry, hook_cleanup()07:44
pitti       if VirtSubproc.execute_timeout(07:44
pitti                None, 30, ['schroot', '--quiet', '--end-session', '--chroot', sessid])[0] == 0:07:44
Saviqpitti, ack07:44
pittichange the 30 into a 30007:44
pittiSaviq: I'll do it in trunk now if you run from git07:44
SaviqI don't, relying on pkgs07:45
jamespagedoko_, bus error comes from siphash24 in a armhf schroot on arm64 host07:45
pittiSaviq: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git/commit/?id=1cdc9df07:45
Saviqack, thanks07:45
Saviqpitti, hmm good call, it looks like the slave on which that happens is having trouble, things take multiple times more on that one than others07:50
* Saviq talks to IS07:51
* pitti wonders on how many secret service watchlists we are by constantly saying "talk to IS" and even /join #is :)07:52
jamespagedoko_, I think crypto is the symptom - you can reproduce this with "print(hash(datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 1, 1)))"08:59
LocutusOfBorgis go* broken on yakkety/powerpc?10:21
LocutusOfBorg sbuild-build-depends-heartbleeder-dummy : Depends: golang (>= 1.2) but it is not going to be installed10:21
LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, ^^ :)10:22
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cariboupitti: slangasek: I have updated LP: #1535898 with a proper SRU template & did my best to document. Please let me know if this is sufficient for the SRU to be accepted10:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1535898 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Precise) "Trusty & Vivid multipath-tools (multipathd) seg-fault core dump" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153589810:57
dholbach@pilot out10:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04.1) Released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
semiosisOdd_Bloke: slangasek: either of your around?  i made progress on bug 1621393 last night and want to discuss a solution.11:34
ubottubug 1621393 in cloud-images "xenial64 image (20160907.1.0) has a broken (empty) /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162139311:34
Odd_Blokesemiosis: o/11:35
semiosisthe resolv.conf file gets modified by mount_partition, then the original gets replaced in umount_partition, so I need to call umount_disk_image (which calls umount_partition) in the middle of my script, before I build the VMDK file11:36
semiosisthat's how I originally had my script working, but in review slangasek had me move umount_disk_image into the trap.11:36
semiosisif umount_disk_image is in trap then the resolv.conf file is still modified when i build the VMDK, which is the cause of this bug11:37
semiosisso... i want to put my script back to the way I had it before... with just rm -rf <temp files> in trap, and umount_disk_image called in the middle of the script, after the apt-get and before building the vmdk11:38
semiosislooks to me like 4 other hook scripts do this, without their umount_* calls in trap.  so if it's OK for those, I think it should be OK for mine too :)11:39
semiosisyou can see slangasek's feedback if you go to the merge request (https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/livecd-rootfs/fix-for-1565985/+merge/298305) and switch the diff viewer to show "r1419 into r1415 on 2016-07-07".  his comment is "If you're going to be mounting a disk image in a script that uses set -e, you also need the unmount to be part of the trap handling."11:42
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brendandpitti, we keep hitting this issue in our ci - http://paste.ubuntu.com/23154341/. we're running autopkgtest from the git repo. is that something you've seen, or do you think upgrading might help?12:26
Saviqseb128, hey, looking at gsettings-qt, according to LP and rmadison it's in main already https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsettings-qt with the exception of one binary - do we need a MIR for that, too?12:34
seb128Saviq, no, it's fine, sorry it seems the script had a small bugs and some source-in-main-but-binary-not cases showed on our updated list12:35
Saviqack tx12:37
pittibrendand: that's an ancient bug already (bug 1384706); no known workaround so far :(12:37
ubottubug 1384706 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "tar: Unexpected EOF in archive in copyup()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138470612:37
Odd_Blokesemiosis: That seems reasonable to me, but I'd really want slangasek to weigh in. :)12:38
semiosisOdd_Bloke: thanks!  i'm open to other solutions as well, but that one seems the most reasonable to me12:38
brendandpitti, oh damn12:45
ddstreethi all, i have a q...i need to patch the vlan pkg in ubuntu (version 1.9-3.2ubuntu1) and debian (version 1.9-3.2), is the best thing to do to get debian updated first (to version 1.9-3.3), and then update ubuntu to the full new version (to version 1.9-3.3ubuntu1), or to update ubuntu at the same time, e.g. to version 1.9-3.2ubuntu1.1 for xenial and 1.9-3.2ubuntu2 for yakkety?12:45
brendandpitti, interesting that my team reported it originally!12:45
brendandpitti, maybe it's our fault :P12:45
pittibrendand: a lot of people report it, but it's ridiculously hard to reproduce and investigate12:46
pittiI spent hours on that, with sleeps left and right, strace, etc.12:46
brendandi wonder can it be mitigated by copying less stuff12:48
xnoxddstreet, before you can upload SRU bug must be fixed in yakkety first.12:54
xnoxddstreet, a fix in yakkety will most likely land as 1.9-3.2ubuntu212:54
xnoxddstreet, your xenial version number will be 1.9-3.2ubuntu1.1 (with the functional equivalent diff of what ....ubuntu3 fixes)12:54
ddstreetxnox cool thnx!12:55
xnoxddstreet, you shall not fix bugs in xenial-sru ahead of devel series, because versions don't work, and things regress on upgrade.12:55
ddstreetright definitely not, devel fix first12:55
xnoxddstreet, note you cannot upload 1.9-3.3 to ubuntu =) that's a debian NMU version number, such a fix needs to be sponsored into debian.12:55
xnoxddstreet, what's the bug, and what's the fix? I can sponsor things for you into debian, yakkety, xenial as needed.12:55
ddstreetbug 122400712:56
ubottubug 1224007 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "mtu not always set properly on bond/vlan interface" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122400712:56
ddstreeti put a patch in comments there but i've changed it, i'll attach a patch and debdiff for yakkety12:56
ddstreetxnox should i open a debian bug for ^?  I assume so yeah?13:13
ddstreetthere was a debian bug open, 722496, but it was closed as config error, which it isn't13:13
xnoxddstreet, debian bug is against ifupdown package; ubuntu bug is aginst ifupdown & vlan package; if you have a patch against vlan package, opening a new bug in debian against vlan package makes sense13:16
xnoxexplain the problem and probably reference old ifupdown bug # too13:16
xnoxor e.g. reopen 722496, and reassign 722496 to vlan package, and explain things13:16
ddstreetxnox ah ok, i'll repoen the old one thnx13:17
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk
LocutusOfBorgpitti, hi, seems that a test disappeared13:37
LocutusOfBorgastrometry.net/0.67+dfsg-1build2 against libpng1.613:37
LocutusOfBorgtest in progress since some hours (i386)13:37
LocutusOfBorgbut not in the queue, nor running13:37
pittiLocutusOfBorg: bumped14:16
LocutusOfBorgpitti, was it a bug?14:22
=== Wellark_ is now known as Wellark
slangasekcaribou: thanks, setting #1535898 back to v-done16:37
naccsmoser: have a moment?16:49
naccsmoser: thinking about this apt bug -- i got further in the import by adding a parent override for 0.7.19ubuntu1 that just manually tells the importer what the parent relationships are. However, also hits it. I'm guessing any published version with 0.7.14ubuntu1 in the changelog will hit it. But without manually going through each time and figuring out what versions are affected, I am16:50
naccstruggling to think of a generic solution to a malformed changelog16:50
smoseri'm guessing you can't upload a malformed changelog any more16:54
smoserright ?16:54
smoseri'm surprised that it ever got into archive16:54
naccyeah, i'm guessing it isn't possible anymore too16:54
naccthere are more checks now than historically, it seems like :)16:54
smosermaybe its acceptable then to take the last good entry ?16:55
smoserbut you probalby dont have an easy way to know what the last one was16:55
smoseras you're relying on parsechangelog to figure that out for you16:55
naccoh it's not about that, really16:56
naccwell, i mean, it's not about 'last' in this case16:56
naccbut i basically grab "all" entries at one point from the changelog16:56
naccin order to figure out common ancestor16:56
naccsmoser: it might take another workaround file like the parent override to just say if you see this version in the changelog for a given package, we can't parse it, emit an error and ask for an override17:06
tjaaltonjbicha: hi, is there no bug for the other change in ubuntu-gnome-wallpapers?17:08
jbichatjaalton: no, I guess no one noticed or thought it important enough to file the bug; I found it while verifying there weren't any other typos breaking the slideshows17:10
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smosernacc, i was just suggesting that you could just ignore invalid entries.17:29
smoserwould that help things ? anything that isnt valid is just dropped17:30
smoseryou could / maybe should require a flag to behave like that17:30
naccsmoser: well, i mean, there's not a way for me to detect that17:31
naccsmoser: i mean, i could assume dpkg-parsechangelog failing is that, but it's not always true17:31
smoserright. other than basically parsing more loosely.17:32
jbichatjaalton: in case you didn't see, there's a trusty upload for u-g-wallpapers too17:32
naccsmoser: yep, i wonder if i need to write another parser to do that, though -- more work :)17:33
jbichathank you17:33
Pharaoh_Atemis there an API for retrieving the URLs of the source packages?17:41
Pharaoh_Atemlike the URLs on http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl ?17:41
smoserPharaoh_Atem, pull-lp-source will let you pull them.17:41
smoserlikely you can do what you want, but i'm not sure excactly.17:42
naccPharaoh_Atem: you mean the VCS urls?17:42
ogra_Pharaoh_Atem, if you like it more raw ... https://help.launchpad.net/API/ and https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html ...17:43
Pharaoh_Atemnacc: no, I want the tarball and dsc file urls17:45
Pharaoh_AtemI want to be able to pull them from say universe and be able to download them17:45
naccPharaoh_Atem: oh, `pull-lp-source` is what you want17:46
Pharaoh_Atemor at least grab the URLs17:46
naccPharaoh_Atem: and `pull-debian-source` if you need it17:46
Pharaoh_Atempull-lp-source pulls from archive.ubuntu.com?17:46
ogra_no, from launchpad17:46
Pharaoh_AtemI specifically want the ones from archive.ubuntu.com17:47
ogra_thats the same :)17:47
naccPharaoh_Atem: i think you're overanalyzing :)17:47
naccPharaoh_Atem: they are the same17:47
naccPharaoh_Atem: maybe just try it and see? :)17:47
Pharaoh_Atemwhere do I get pull-lp-source?17:48
naccPharaoh_Atem: in your case, `pull-lp-source -d libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl trusty`17:48
naccPharaoh_Atem: ubuntu-dev-tools17:48
Pharaoh_Atemnacc: I'm writing a script to pull selected components from universe into my private build environment17:51
Pharaoh_Atemso I just need the URLs to pass to the OBS system17:51
naccPharaoh_Atem:  i mean, do you really need the URL? just use `pull-lp-source -d`?17:52
naccPharaoh_Atem: i mean, it sounds like your script would end up just doing what `pull-lp-source -d` does with the same information17:53
Pharaoh_AtemI'm sending the URLs into the obs source service system17:53
naccPharaoh_Atem: i guess you could just make a copy of pull-lp-source and have it emit the URLs rather than d/l them?17:53
semiosisslangasek: if you're around, could you take a look at my chat about bug 1621393 from earlier today?17:55
ubottubug 1621393 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "xenial64 image (20160907.1.0) has a broken (empty) /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162139317:55
semiosissee chat log here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/09/09/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t11:3417:56
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slangaseksemiosis, Odd_Bloke: hi, so, my guidance wasn't "you can't call umount earlier", it was "you must include a call to umount in your trap"19:18
slangasekbecause if someone hits ^C at the terminal you don't want stray mount points left around19:18
slangasekbut if you need to call cleanup functions earlier than this as part of an image build, then you should certainly do so19:18
semiosisslangasek: unfortunately the umount functions don't like being called twice.  in this case, the function moves a file, so if you call it a second time, the mv fails because the src no longer exists :(21:01
semiosisso my options are... only call umount_disk_image once, in the middle of my script (not in trap) or manually create the resolv.conf symlink21:01
semiosisslangasek: whats your take on the other four hook scripts that do call umount_* functions in the script, and not in trap?  as the kid in me wants to say... if they can do it why can't I? ;)21:02
semiosisslangasek: they call `trap - EXIT` -- and I can't even figure out what the hyphen there does.  maybe thats my answer, somehow?21:03
slangaseksemiosis: the other option is to have the trap handling keep track of whether umount has previously been called or if it needs to be called again21:17
semiosisooh that's interesting.  maybe set a veriable after the umount_disk_image call, then test for that variable in the trap.  does that sound reasonable?21:18
slangasek'trap - EXIT' means 'clear the current EXIT trap'21:18
slangasekyes, it can be a variable check, or a check for a file or whatnot21:18
semiosishow about changing the trap... mount, set trap with umount, do stuff, call umount, remove umount from trap.  how's that sound to you?21:20
semiosisslangasek: thanks for the guidance.  i'm not too experienced with all this sophisticated BASH.  appreciate the help & knowledge.  i'll try out some solutions around what we talked about this weekend and hopefully open a merge request.21:34
slangaseksemiosis: the challenge is that a trap can only have a single value for any given signal; so if you have various cleanup tasks, some of which may be required and some not depending on where in the sequence you are when interrupted, you have to leave the trap set to a common function that includes all the smarts for cleaning up21:47
semiosisslangasek: ok that makes sense.21:50
slangaseksemiosis: strawman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23156408/21:50
semiosisthat's pretty simple21:52
slangaseksemiosis: if you can test that this does what you want, I'm happy to push it21:54
semiosisi'll try it now21:56
semiosisslangasek: worked great.  thank you!22:24
semiosisslangasek: want me to prepare this in a branch & a merge request?22:25
semiosisi'm going afk but will check in later.  thanks again22:29
slangaseksemiosis: I'll just push it now to yakkety+xenial22:53
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