
ubottucloak called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()04:17
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (ANTI-torture)06:14
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (ANTI_torture  this time please ban)06:44
ouroumovHello, I'm a PHD student doing research into abusive behavior and I'm trying to get raw logs for the #ubuntu channel. I asked one of the regulars but he wasn't logging the activity and suggested I ask here. The logs published on-line don't have join/part messages and bans, only text and nick changes.11:27
ouroumov(My own logs cover only 8 month, since February)11:29
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/11:47
ikoniasorry for the slow response ouroumov11:47
ikoniait only logs the text, sorry11:47
ouroumovikonia, no problem, I'm in no hurry11:48
ouroumovikonia, that's why I was asking, hoping someone here would have logging turned on.11:48
ikoniaI won't be sharing my personal logs, and to be honest I doubt others will (although I could be wrong)11:48
ouroumovOkay, is it a problem if I wait a while here?11:49
MyrttiI don't log any channels, but maybe if you'd have bit more information about you and your research? you could perhaps send that to the Ubuntu IRC mailing list11:49
Myrttithat would probably be helpful in both ways11:49
ouroumovSure thing.11:50
ouroumovhm, I've received my password in cleartext in the confirmation email, and apparently there's a button one can click in the login form to have the email sent again, before the user is authenticated. Is it not somewhat insecure?12:20
SonikkuAmericaThere's no factoid for caps lock abuse?18:29
Picithere was18:30
geniiI suspect it probably got deleted around when Caps Lock Day became a thing18:34
Unit193genii: Likely in the great factoid purge, actually.18:37
geniiAh, seems more likely18:38
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest54953
daxcaps got deleted in the factoid purge19:58
FlannelThe Great Factoid Purge of 201020:51
Unit193And sadness abounded ever since that day.20:51
Unit193Guest54953, Guest41344: Should identify.20:52
Unit193hggdh: Surprised you don't have enforce. :320:52
b6s3dhi ubuntu-ops, i have recently discovered a paste.ubuntu.com/link that looks suspicious. whom can i pm it to21:04
k1l_why suspicious?21:04
b6s3dit was posted on 8chan21:04
b6s3dand the links inside it, which i don't want to open look suspicious21:05
k1l_generally everyone can paste stuff to that bin. if its copyright related or otherwise illegal the admins can take that down.21:05
k1l_can you show the link here?21:05
b6s3dwhats in it21:06
k1l_oh. yes i will try to reach the admins to take that down. thanks for report.21:10
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest56430
k1l_b6s3d: the admins removed that paste. thanks for reporting.21:36
=== Guest41344 is now known as chu
k1l_b6s3d: if there is no other issue please part this channel according to the /topic :)23:30

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