
Bashing-omBray90820_: If you can not get a terminal . is way above my skill set to try and help .00:01
Bray90820_I was able to boot into recover mode and fix it so nomodeset does work now00:02
Bashing-omBray90820_: K; and what does the package manager say about the status of the driver ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel ' ?00:04
Bray90820_Bashing-om: www.termbin.com/okf300:08
k1li dont like that thing, but you could try the intel driver installer thingy and see if that helps00:10
Bray90820_k1l: what internet driver?00:10
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-video-intel00:14
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.99.917+git20160325-1ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 744 kB, installed size 3285 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; x32)00:14
BonteDoes anyone happen to know what in Ubuntu is responding to HID events that cause the volume to be lowered when the volume down button is pressed on an external USB soundcard?00:15
BonteI've created a udev rule to tell pulseaudio to ignore the USB device, but whenever the volume down event occurs it still causes Ubuntu to drop the volume.00:16
ubottuuhybj: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:17
Bashing-omBray90820_: Well, near as I can tell that is the correct driver and the package manager says it is fully installed . Might though go ahead and try ' sudo apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel ' . See what the package manager says about the re-install . ( from recovery will have to remount the file sytem r/w ) .00:18
k1lBray90820_: Bashing-om might be worth to look at what is going wrong when nomodeset is not used.00:19
k1llook into syslog and xorg log after a boot without nomodeset00:19
Bashing-omk1l: Most assuredly ! .. as nomodeset is a killer .00:20
BonteHmm, is it this ibus-daemon?00:20
BonteWhen I rapidly send the GPIO signal, I see it taking up additional CPU00:21
Bray90820_k1l: Bashing-om When nomodeset isn't used TPM fails00:21
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OerHeksthis is still that nextbook flexx 11 ?00:26
Bray90820_Bashing-om: reinstall didn't work00:26
Bray90820_Still not booting00:27
Bray90820_OerHeks: yes till the nextbook00:27
Bashing-omBray90820_: More to the point is " Failed to own the pwm chip " Not at all sure how to prosecute this .00:28
MrBlueh6w every6ne d65ng00:28
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Not really sure what that even means00:28
MrBluehow every one doing i mean lol00:29
Inteehey guys, why would pip still be an unknown command even after apt-get install python3-pip worked without error?00:29
Bashing-omBray90820_: When all else fails,  read the instructions, Mayb we cab get a hint from the /var/log/Xorg.0.log log file ?00:30
OerHeksIntee, use 'pip3 '00:30
InteeOerHeks: same thing. Command not found :(00:31
Bray90820_Bashing-om: www.termbin.com.com/tjux00:32
Bashing-omBray90820_: reading .00:32
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Take your time00:33
InteeRestart seems to have fixed pip install..00:33
OerHekswrong url .com.com00:34
Bashing-omBray90820_: Still reading .. but with nomodeset we have " (**) FBDEV(1): claimed PCI slot 0@0:2:0 " so the Intel driver os not even being used .00:36
Bray90820_Do you have code for when nomodeset isn't used?00:40
Bashing-omk1l: Bray90820_ Thoughts ? " 11.944] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable " in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log log file .00:41
Bray90820_Not really sure what that means00:42
OerHeks32bit refi tablets with a 64bit CPU ..00:42
Bashing-omBray90820_: Might try and boot with ' i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 ' ?00:43
Bray90820_use that code instead of nomodeset?00:45
Bray90820_Bashing-om: What about intel_pstates=disabled would that do anything?00:48
Bray90820_Bashing-om: i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 didn't seem to do anything00:50
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naccBashing-om: Bray90820_: are you sure it's no i915.enable_rc6=1 ?00:53
naccjust looking at the kernel source00:53
Bray90820_You put it as i915.i915_enable_rc6=100:54
Bray90820_I'll try it as a single i91500:54
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naccBray90820_: i realize you did that, but I don't think it's correct (at least in my experience)00:54
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Bray90820_Hey Hey Hey that worked I will test it out a few times tho just to make sure it isn't one of the 10% that randomly works00:56
Bray90820_:/ it looks like it doesn't work00:59
Bray90820_But right now I gotta go00:59
Bray90820_Dinner time00:59
fishcookerwhy ubuntu can't provide the resource https://bpaste.net/show/f6ce052dd20e01:02
Bashing-omnacc: Appears that " i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 " is a power saving option . Not much value here .01:03
OerHeksfishcooker, what resource exactly?01:04
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jimTile not found?01:21
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jimantiCRIMINALS, hi01:22
=== Guest92691 is now known as ____Tor
Pitchhey people.01:23
Pitchhow are you?01:24
root_____i'm good and you01:24
Pitchpretty good.  kinda sick, bleh, but i'll do better soon.01:24
____Torwhat time?01:25
____Torin there..?01:25
root_____its 3am for me in french01:25
Pitchwhat time is it?01:25
antiCRIMINALSPsychiatry is a fraud, crime against humanity !!!!!!!!! The terrorist state Israel want put me in psychiatric yard!   These antichrist, these criminals want destroy my life01:25
____TorHere is 10am..01:26
Pitchit's 09:25pm here on the eastern north american coast01:26
____TorHere's Korea and I'm not good at english..01:26
Pitchyou're doing great.01:26
Pitchhow old are you?01:27
jimyou're doing good so far01:27
root_____Not really hard to learn , i'm french and i was so so bad in english at school , but it comes naturally don't worry01:27
antiCRIMINALSStop mossad and Cia!!!!!! They are criminals!!!!01:27
Pitchyou've got a lot of time to learn, ____Tor so just take it easy, haha.01:27
jimantiCRIMINALS, book: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html, video lects: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/video-lectures/01:28
Pitchno problem.01:28
deweydb_i am running the trimmage package via xvfb-run (headless server), sometimes this trimmage package stalls out, and xcfb-run hangs infinitely.  I would like a way to kill xvfb-run if it runs for more than 10 minutes. any suggestions?01:28
antiCRIMINALSFuck all secret service agents !!!!!!!!01:29
deweydb_i mean, i'm sure i could whip something up in python that routintely looks at pids and kills them when they hang too long, but i figured this would be a common problem that perhaps there is a more "ubuntu" solution to?01:29
root_____What do you guys are doing ?01:30
____TorEating chicken..01:30
Pitchjust chatting with you guys at the moment.01:31
Pitchenjoy your chicken!01:31
antiCRIMINALSStop mossad and Cia!!!!!! They are criminals!!!!01:31
jimdid you know elephants who paint their toes red green and purple are cia-trained?01:31
antiCRIMINALSFuck al MOSSAD!!!!01:32
____Tormany people here..01:34
Pitchnot enough chicken!01:35
____TorWhat time in America?01:35
Pitch9:35pm here01:36
____TorI need more chicken I'm hungry..01:36
____Toroh here's 10:36a.m01:36
Pitchwould you eat the person next to you01:36
____TorI don't think he will delicious..01:36
Pitchyeah, probably not.01:36
Pitchmore chicken is required.01:37
Pitchwhat kind were you eating?01:37
____Torwhat language is that?01:37
Pitchthat sounds really good01:37
Pitchi didn't eat anything today...01:38
____Toroh..it sounds hungry01:38
PitchI'm sick, so I don't want to eat.01:38
jimyou may want to drink water01:39
LionD8_yes chinese01:39
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____TorI'm drinking carbonated water..01:40
Pitchoh, you like it too?01:40
PitchI like the black-colored water.  it has a very good mineral taste.01:41
____TorI think so01:41
____TorWhat can op do? kick and ban?01:42
RarrikinsHow do I get an Ubuntu installer to stop trying to, right after booting, fix the Windows partition that I'm going to overwrite? It never gets to the menu.01:44
lordcirthRarrikins, fix how?01:45
kyle__Are there known issues with ubuntu 16.04 & minecraft?  I'm trying to figure out what's to blame, but the mouse goes un-reponsive if the meta key is hit and unity pops up while the game is going.  or if the machine locks due to inactivity and gets unlocked.  The only way to get the mouse back so far is reboot. Which is awful IMO.01:45
lordcirthkyle__, killing minecraft doesn't free the mouse?01:45
Rarrikinslordcirth: It says "The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing." This is before the first menu comes up.01:45
lordcirthRarrikins, too early to switch to a tty/01:46
Rarrikinslordcirth: Yes.01:46
kyle__lordcirth: Nope.  It doesn't bring the mouse back.  Nor does forcing a logout.  If there was a way to disable unity from popping up on the windows-key while the game was running, it woulnd't fix it, but at least it would keep it from occuring (as much)01:46
lordcirthRarrikins, it hangs on that message?01:47
Bashing-omRarrikins: Fast boot enabled in Windows ? Then is marked as in use , and ubuntu will not touch it .01:48
keepguessingHi, I am currently using ubuntu 16.04 in a vm. I uninstalled an app called "slack" using apt-get and found that the graphics of my ubuntu went dull. I rebooted and found that my ubuntu is booting into recover mode.01:48
keepguessingAny suggestions?01:48
RarrikinsBashing-om: Ubuntu is touching it. Note the message.01:48
Smnguys, I'm having some weird problem with mpv. when opening a full screen video computer won't take input from mouse or keyboard, ill be stuck at mpv01:48
Rarrikinslordcirth: Every 120 seconds, it says that task kworker/u4:6:113 blocked for more than 120 seconds.01:48
SmnI still can access console mode and kill session from there, though01:49
lordcirthkeepguessing, that's strange.  What driver are you supposed to be using?  See if it's still installed.01:49
keepguessinglordcirth: how do I check that?01:49
lordcirthkeepguessing, actually, just read /var/log/apt/history.log to see what apt-get uninstalled that it shouldn't have.01:50
keepguessinglordcirth: it seemed to have removed "a ton of things"01:52
kyle__Am I correct in assuming if it was an actual mouse connect & disconnect that it would show in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?01:52
keepguessingi see python 3.5 and python 2.6 minimal01:52
lordcirthkeepguessing, well, reinstall the important bits01:52
lordcirthProbably just everything except slack01:53
lordcirthkyle__, it should for sure show up in dmesh01:53
kyle__lordcirth: OK.  So then it's not an actual mouse-disconnecting & reconnecting, so easy answer gone.01:54
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kyle__Hrum.  OK.  The behavior is slightly different than I reported.  The mouse pointer stays, but can't click anything in unity, or in minecraft after I get back.  I can see it, it can't click01:55
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kyle__killing minecraft leaves the display of it up, and I can switch to and from it as if the application were still running, however the process is gone.01:58
lordcirthkyle__, are you running minecraft fullscreen?  Try windowed01:58
kyle__lordcirth: yeah, it's running fullscreen.01:59
kyle__Trying again windowed.01:59
MrBlueanyone been into the darkweb01:59
lordcirthMrBlue, I don't think that's on topic here.02:00
kyle__I thought java applications basically made a screen-sized window for fullscreen graphics?  Or is my knowledge really really old?02:00
lordcirthkyle__, I have no idea about java specifically.  But I know many fullscreen programs do special things that grab more control than a full-size window02:00
kyle__MrBlue: You realize that means anything that can't be indexed by a public search-engine, right?02:00
lordcirthkyle__, that's deep web02:02
kyle__lordcirth: Hum.  There appears to be something to that theory.  Same actions in windowed do not lock out the mouse.02:02
lordcirthalthough the terms are often conflated02:02
kyle__Ahh, deep dark.  For some reason I just conflagurate those two things.02:02
kyle__dark-web == private networks?02:02
MrBlueit a network that it not govern by google or or anything02:03
lordcirthkyle__, dark web is, eg, Tor02:03
MrBluei dont think much people go in there02:03
lordcirthHowever, it's not on topic here, I think, unless you're having Ubuntu-specific problems with it?02:03
MrBluehow u guy likeing ubuntu02:04
MrBluevs the other02:04
lordcirthMrBlue, well, we must like it, or we wouldn't be here02:04
kyle__Ah.  I've browsed a few security forums on tor, (from an ubuntu box if it helps for on-topic).  It was pretty much the same sort of folks who post to security & exploit forums on the rest of the internet, but with more tin-foil.02:04
MrBluetrue true02:05
kyle__OK.  Thanks lordcirth.  Looks like this is either a minecraft issue, or a java-8 issue.  I might have to *spit* try Oracle's JRE to see if it helps.02:06
kyle__night all.02:06
lordcirthgood night02:06
kyle__Stay off the the NSA's radar MrBlue, keep that tinfoil attached...02:06
asdewwhere are you frome ?02:10
asdewi am from argentina02:11
asdewalguno habla en espanol02:11
Bashing-om!es | asdpew02:17
ubottuasdpew: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:17
lordcirthBashing-om, he left already02:18
ldospHi guys, in Ubuntu, when i close my laptop lid and open it, it asks to loin, how do I change the background of the login page? When I change the login image it only appears to be showing at startup but when I close the lid and when it asks to login, my image does not show, instead the default ubuntu image shows02:26
lordcirthldosp, try looking under screen locker settings02:27
ldospSo "Screen locker"? I just type that in search?02:28
lordcirthldosp, probably.  Not on a Unity system right now.02:30
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ldospScreen locking setting does not have any option to change the image, it just shows shows the setting to change the time02:33
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jooleWhen I Boot Ubuntu 16.04 the network card can't fetch the MAC address, Who can help tell me why??02:41
jooleThe MAC Address always 00:00:00:00:00:00 , I must use cmd to set the mac address everytime02:42
lordcirthjoole, does this card work in other distros?  Is it a fairly new card?02:43
jooleIt's not new card02:43
jooleother distros, the same02:44
lordcirthjoole, have you tried it with anything other than Linux?02:46
joolewin10 is ok02:47
lordcirthjucks, welcome02:48
lordcirthjoole, ok.  You've tried googling the card model?02:48
Connawho is 32 bits user in here?02:59
keepguessinglordcirth: I was able to restore the UI by installing all the packages.03:00
keepguessingHowever I still get the following error when I do apt-get upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/23171953/03:00
keepguessinglordcirth: ^^^^^03:00
lordcirthkeepguessing, that's not good.  Try installing awscli like it wants.  I'm not sure how Slack could mess up your system this bad.03:04
alxluis there a reputable PPA for pidgin 2.11?03:05
keepguessinglordcirth: I am not too.03:05
Rarrikinslordcirth: Apparently, it fixed what was needed but couldn't figure out it was done. Rebooting it didn't bring the problem up again.03:06
Connanext, ubuntu 18.04  use gnome 8?03:07
olscumpycan I output things from terminal to append to a file? for instance, I did aptitude search '~i!~M'> list.txt, now I want to add to that file with a similar command03:07
lordcirtholscumpy, >> to append03:08
Bashing-omkeepguessing: Aternately for awscli ' apt show awscli ' is optional, do you want it ? ( note the dependency on python3 ).03:11
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keepguessingLorcatar: Bashing-om if you look at the logs ibus-table is also failing.03:14
keepguessingwould it mean all python3 apps are effected?03:14
keepguessingwont I be able to use python3 apps now.03:14
keepguessingbtw the problem is not with installing it. Problem is that "apt-get upgrade" is failing.03:17
Rockwolfuse and -f arguement at the end to force it03:18
Rockwolfapt-get upgrade -f03:18
keepguessingRockwolf: same errors03:19
Rockwolfthere is a hung dependency03:19
keepguessingI removed [purged] and "upgrade" errors are gone03:20
Bashing-omkeepguessing: ^ that amongst several others .. in the end the foucus is to  python3 (important) and gconf2 (optional) installed .03:20
keepguessingBashing-om: ok things are fine now. I rm'd /usr/share/python3/runtime.d director03:23
wabbitsI have a cron job running every minute but I can't see it with crontab -l03:23
wabbitsWhat is going on?03:24
Bashing-omkeepguessing: Ny concern then is this whotewashing ? covering up a problem ? .. what happens if ya do ' sudo apt install --reinstall python3 ' ?03:28
wabbitswabbits time to go watch netflix03:30
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jennieI am unable to mount windows 10 HDD in this ubuntu, please help03:45
EriC^^jennie: try disabling the fast shutdown in windows03:46
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EriC^^disable it03:47
Bray90820_k1l_: Bashing-omIf you're around i'm bck03:50
Bashing-omBray90820_: Yeah .. I be here for just a bit longer .03:52
mrkirby153I have thoroughly screwed up apt when running dist-upgrade03:54
Bray90820_Anymore things for me to try03:54
mrkirby153Every time I run anything with apt-get I get "apt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.5.0: symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4_, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference"03:54
mrkirby153I really need this fixed03:54
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Everything I have tried comes up not booting03:56
Bashing-omBray90820_: Sorry to say ,, I have no new thoughts . As said, I have little experience with Intel . // What release is this again ?03:56
Bray90820_What ubuntu release?03:57
Bray90820_It's ubuntu 16.04.1 x6403:57
Bashing-omBray90820_: Yeah .. systemd or upstart ? I got in mind to boot to terminal from grub, start yhr GUI rom terminal . At the terminal the kernel driver is loaded , IF nomodeset is required , there is a seriuos problem at the system level .03:59
Bray90820_Bashing-om: You mean the thing that starts "grub>"04:01
Bashing-omBray90820_: Try " systemd.unit=multi-user.target " instead of nomodeset as the boot parameter . can you boot now to TTY1 ?04:01
EriC^^Bray90820_: what's the problem?04:02
Bray90820_EriC^^: on my sister I can boot with nomodeset 100% of the time and without nomodeset like 10% of the time04:02
cfhowlettsister computer ... I hope.04:03
Bray90820_Sorry I meant system04:03
EriC^^Bray90820_: what happens when you can't boot? can you reach a tty1 if you press ctrl+alt+f1 ?04:04
Bray90820_Bashing-om: That produces same result04:04
Bray90820_EriC^^:  Where would I press ctrl+alt+F104:04
EriC^^Bray90820_: after it stalls or gives a black screen04:05
Bray90820_EriC^^: You know how it boots to a black screen when you need to use nomodeset?04:05
EriC^^if you press esc do you see anything?04:05
mrkirby153So, I must've broke apt when I ran a release-upgrade to 16.04 because every time I run apt-get, it crashes with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172090/04:06
Bray90820_EriC^^:  nothing for ctrl+alt+f1 or escape04:06
Bray90820_I can pass grub tho04:07
EriC^^Bray90820_: according to google, it might be a bad graphics card04:07
EriC^^(since it's intermittent)04:07
EriC^^is this a custom setup?04:08
Bashing-omBray90820_: "linux    /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff " removeing all after ro and inserting " systemd.unit=multi-user.target " with out the quotes ??04:08
Bray90820_Well windows works fine and it's not intermittent with remixOS04:08
EriC^^Bray90820_: nevermind what i said above about the graphics card04:08
Bray90820_EriC^^: Good because I don't want a bad graphic card04:09
mrkirby153So, I must've broke apt when I ran a release-upgrade to 16.04 because every time I run apt-get, it crashes with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172090/04:09
cfhowlett!patience | mrkirby153,04:10
ubottumrkirby153,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:10
mrkirby153I'm just kinda mad because I've googled around a bunch (tried most of the first page) and most of the solutions either don't work, or require apt, which is currently broken04:11
Bray90820_Bashing-om: That produces a Kernel panic04:13
EriC^^Bray90820_: which graphics card do you have?04:13
Bray90820_Bashing-om: You can prob tell him quicker than I can04:13
EriC^^mrkirby153: which ubuntu do you have?04:14
mrkirby153I just did a release upgrade to 16.04.104:14
Bashing-omBray90820_: Eric .. all I recall is an atom processor with Intel Graphics .04:15
mrkirby153Huh, reinstalled c++ and it's working now04:15
EriC^^mrkirby153: try apt-cache policy libstdc++604:15
maker_mangeneral question here - many people use autoremove when freeing up space on their installs - however - autoremove removes packages / libs that may not be used by other apps - but if you are developing - it gets removed because nothing is really registered as a dependancy.. therefore - is there a way to skip or have thes election interactive when doing an autoremove?04:16
olscumpya line I'm trying to compare my mint and ubuntu Apt history. do you understand why this command doesn't work? http://paste.debian.net/820377/04:16
Bashing-om!info libstdc++.so.6 trusty04:16
ubottuPackage libstdc++.so.6 does not exist in trusty04:16
Bashing-om!find libstdc++.so.604:16
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc%2B%2B.so.6&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all04:16
Bray90820_EriC^^: Intel Corporation Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display04:16
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Output of Kernel panic04:17
EriC^^Bray90820_: nomodeset doesn't really affect stuff much, just console resolution and fast switching between console and Xorg04:18
malkauns_does anyone else find that switching windows on Ubuntu gets laggy over time? (nvidia driver on Unity)04:18
Bray90820_I would prefer to get it working without tho if I can because it does boot without it sometimes04:19
Bashing-omBray90820_: Ouch that say there is a possibility of a hard drive issue . Can not find the root file system to start the system .. is this a standard ext4 install ?04:20
Bray90820_Bashing-om: that actually points to something that I'm thinking04:21
EriC^^maker_man: you can pin packages04:21
Bray90820_Bashing-om: I have been telling everyone all day that I wanna try this but they keep telling me there is no way in hell it could be the issue04:22
maker_maneric^^ - how?04:22
EriC^^maker_man: apt-mark hold <package> , i believe04:22
maker_manperfect... didnt think of that04:22
maker_manwill man it up and see what i can see04:22
Bray90820_Bashing-om: my grub is a bit different so i don't really know what I am doing with it04:23
EriC^^maker_man: no problem04:23
Bashing-omBray90820_: Want to run a quick file system check .. ??04:23
Bray90820_to see if the HDD is good?04:23
Bray90820_hat do you think is quicker trying the pastebin to the hard drive check04:23
Bray90820_Do you think the pqstebin is quicker or checking the hard drive is quicker04:24
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Because I really think everything I have found points to the pastebin being the answer04:25
apaulHi all.04:26
Bashing-omBray90820_: At this point I want that EriC^^ checks the GPT boot files . He is the guru of booting . Then we see if a file system check is still warrented .04:26
Bray90820_So first eric will do the pastebin or we will check the hard drive?04:27
apaulHow can I automate the installation process from iso image of ubuntu. I mean without user input?04:27
apaulPlease help.04:27
docgiWhat's the best way of moving the home directory in 16.04? I want the home directory in my second hdd (in ntfs, is also used as the home directory in my W10)04:28
Bashing-omBray90820_: 1st up is to sweet talk EriC^^ into checking the boot files .04:28
Bray90820_I think we should do the past bin honestly04:28
Bray90820_Why no one wants to is a mystery to me04:28
energizerI just installed kde plasma. Would it be normal to install compiz in plasma, or is that redundant?04:29
EriC^^Bray90820_: do you have a live usb?04:30
Bray90820_EriC^^: I do04:30
EriC^^try booting it up and we can check the filesystem and other stuff, maybe see the logs too and the pastebin you put above04:31
Bray90820_eric I can boot to the hard drive if that would be better04:32
EriC^^ok sure04:32
maker_mananyone have issues with dell laptops when they go to sleep - then wake up - the video is all effed up? ive tried changing drivers and everything still same thing - using nvidia right now04:32
EriC^^Bray90820_: actually no04:32
Bray90820_boot the USB?04:32
maker_manprior to this - had archlinux on this machine without this issue... but on a few dell laptops i own - all different they all have the same issues... all nvidia cards04:32
EriC^^Bray90820_: we need it to be mounted read-only for the filesystem check04:32
Bray90820_I won't have internet if that's OK?04:33
EriC^^we'll do that quickly then do the rest from the actual install04:33
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Bray90820_EriC^^: If it matters this is one of those 23bit UEFI system with a 64bit processors04:34
cfhowlettapaul, I believe what you are looking for is the OEM install04:34
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok04:35
Bashing-omEriC^^: Bray90820_ From that last paste, grub hands off to the kernel .. and the kernel says nuts to grub .04:35
Guy1524_hey guys, how do I quickly flip my screen across the y axis04:39
EriC^^Bray90820_: any particular reason you're running 4.8 kernel?04:39
Bray90820_EriC^^: Audio issues which prevent me from using an older kernel04:39
olscumpyis the Startup Disk Creator only for usbs, or can it do a dvd somehow too?04:39
Bray90820_EriC^^: https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/blob/master/README.md04:40
cfhowlett!oem | apaul04:40
ubottuapaul: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:40
docgiWhat's the best way of moving the home directory in 16.04? I want the home directory in my second hdd (in ntfs, is also used as the home directory in my W10)04:40
cfhowlettdocgi, bad idea04:41
Guy1524_figured it out04:41
cfhowlettwindows is quite likely to frack the ubuntu files docgi04:41
Bray90820_EriC^^: It turns out the USB does the same thing as the install04:41
docgiwhat if i just use symlinks on documents, downloads, music etc pointing to docs,downloads, music etc on my W10?04:43
docgiwill that work fine04:43
EriC^^Bray90820_: aha04:43
Bray90820_EriC^^: Aha What :P04:44
Bashing-omBray90820_: EriC^^ we look'n at 32 bit on a UEFI machine ? Hard row to hoe if so !04:44
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Yes04:44
mourgrub resure in VirtulBox , how to slove it?04:45
Bashing-omBray90820_: think cfhowlett has the skinny on that situation .04:45
cfhowletteh whot m8?04:45
EriC^^Bray90820_: well lots of stuff :P04:46
cfhowlettdocgi, preferable to actually mixing the /home04:46
EriC^^Bray90820_: did you add that pstates kernel parameter to your /etc/default/grub file?04:46
docgicfhowlett, will the hdd be automatically mounted?04:46
cfhowlettdocgi, you can set it up.  beyond my skills but someone else will know.04:46
Bray90820_EriC^^: I did not04:47
docgialright thanks04:47
cfhowletthappy2help! docgi04:47
Bashing-omcfhowlett: Booting ubuntu .. in a 32 bit CPU (atom) . for Bray90820_04:47
EriC^^Bray90820_: i think you're supposed to do that unless i misunderstoof04:47
cfhowlettohhhhhhhhhhh ... last I check it is doable.04:47
Bray90820_EriC^^: So what should I do from this point?04:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: in the part that says Bootloader (grub) .... "And edit the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT exactly as we did before"04:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: try to boot the usb with nomodeset04:48
EriC^^then first run the filesystem check and stuff since the kernel couldn't mount stuff earlier, maybe run a smart check to see the hdd health too04:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: did you add that workaround for "CPU C-states issue with the internal eMMC" ?04:50
EriC^^it says .."This issue causes instability during mmc data operations, leading possibly to data loss and file system corruption"04:50
Bray90820_I did not04:51
Bray90820_I don't really even know why that means04:51
Bray90820_But first things first04:51
Bray90820_Hard drive check04:51
Bray90820_What should I do after boot04:52
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Bray90820_EriC^^:  What should I do after boot to usb04:54
ubuntu-mate_You should install Ubuntu04:55
EriC^^i got disconnected04:56
Bray90820_It's ok04:56
Bray90820_So what should i do after I boot to usb04:56
jeffrey3234Im running Ubuntu server 14.04, I had about 100days uptime, the server reset itself for some reason, now when I try to run 'zpool status' I get the following: http://codepad.org/yoLGvTJU04:57
cfhowlettjeffrey3234, consider asking the experts #ubuntu-server04:57
EriC^^try sudo parted -l to get the list of partitions04:57
jeffrey3234zfs kernel modules are not loaded04:58
thetaanybody currently using this IRC in EMACS04:58
jeffrey3234cfhowlett thanks04:58
cfhowlettbestofluck jeffrey323404:58
Bray90820_EriC^^: Error: /dev/mmcblk0rpmb: unrecognized disk label04:59
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EriC^^Bray90820_: other than that anything?05:01
Bray90820_I just entered ignored and it lists my partitions05:02
Bray90820_EriC^^: So what next05:04
EriC^^Bray90820_: how many ext partitions do you see?05:09
Bray90820_EriC^^: 105:09
Bray90820_EriC^^: Should the ext partition have a boot flag?05:10
EriC^^Bray90820_: no05:10
Bray90820_Ok don't listen to me then05:11
EriC^^Bray90820_: get the name of it and do sudo fsck /dev/mmc...<number here>05:11
Bray90820_That was really really fast05:12
Bray90820_It says clean05:12
cfhowlettBray90820_, sudo fsck /dev/mmc...<number here> | nc termbin.com 9999    for the paste05:13
Bray90820_No internet can't05:13
cfhowlettdoh.  sorry.05:13
mint_I accidently deleted /home/ through the command line, how do I restore all of the files that were in it? Yes, this is serious.05:16
cfhowlett!recover | mint_,05:16
ubottumint_,: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery05:16
Bray90820_cfhowlett: EriC^^ http://pastebin.com/raw/8ipJRGBb05:17
cfhowlettmint_, pro-tip ... get off the damaged system now.  every write/read to that storage medium will overwrite whatever recoverable data might still reside05:17
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok try booting the actual install now05:17
Hoffmanmint_: one thing not mentioned at that link is very valuable05:18
mint_cfhowlett: I am doing this from a live CD05:18
mint_I am speaking from a liveCD05:18
Hoffmanmint_: deleted files being used by a process can be recovered05:18
Hoffmanmint_: but it sounds like you already turned off the system?05:18
Hoffmanafter deleting the files05:18
mint_Hoffman: I had to turn it off to read, for fonts would not show up & my browsers stopped working05:19
Hoffmanmint_: ah sorry, in that case my way would not work, but another way might05:19
mint_I basically deleted /05:19
Hoffmanmint_: for what it's worth, next time, you can run lsof | grep filename05:20
olscumpydid you do something to /sda that you meant to do to /sdb?05:20
Hoffmanto get the file descriptor  of a deleted file being used by a process05:21
Hoffmanthen using the file descriptor and the pid, you can recover the file05:21
mint_Hoffman: it would have been impossible to remember the names of thousands of files05:21
mint_olscumpy: Basically05:21
Bray90820_EriC^^: Booted with nomodeset now05:22
Hoffmanmint_: maybe not to remember the important ones05:22
EriC^^Bray90820_: try sudo nano /etc/default/grub05:22
Hoffmanmint_: is this a laptop?05:22
mint_Desktop & all of the files were important05:22
Bray90820_EriC^^:  I prefer edit but same difference05:22
Hoffmanmint_: sorry for your loss, good luck recovering05:23
EriC^^Bray90820_: all good05:23
Bray90820_SO what should I do tot he file05:23
thetacheck your lost+found dir for backups05:24
cfhowlettmint_, *perhaps an idiotic question at this juncture but ...*  you DID back up before you started nuking partitions?  right?05:24
EriC^^Bray90820_: in the line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT add intel_pstates=disabled05:24
maker_mangeneral question - are there any telnet bbs software titles out there for linux? something like renegade, oblivion, wildcat or whatever05:24
EriC^^Bray90820_: also intel_idle.max_cstate=0 intel_pstates=disabled05:24
mint_cfhowlett: That wasn't what I was actually trying to do, I was trying to install packettracer for school, & told it to install it into my home partition, I did not realize it would delete all of the files in my home partition.05:25
EriC^^so just the lower one05:25
thetacheck your lost+found Dir for backups05:25
Bray90820_EriC^^: Should I remove splash quiet05:25
EriC^^Bray90820_: nah05:25
cfhowlettmint_, o ... m ... g ....05:25
Hoffmantheta: in crowded channels, it helps to say the persons name first.  that way their client usually beeps and highlights that message so they dont miss it05:25
mint_theta: all of the advise tells me to not even mount the partition.05:26
Bray90820_EriC^^:  can you pastebin what it should be?05:26
mint_cfhowlett: So...thoughts?05:26
EriC^^Bray90820_: "quiet splash intel_idle.max_cstate=0 intel_pstates=disabled"05:27
thetamint: you could always use fdisk to partition the drive so you CAN create a backup for the files you DO have.05:27
mint_theta: I have none, it deleted all of them!05:27
cfhowlettmint_, write a scathing letter to packettracer.  remove your hdd.  take it to your local forensic recovery service.  pay big $$$.05:27
thetamint: was there anything in your lost+found Dir?05:28
mint_theta you & Hoffman are not helping. Theta, I told you, I will not be mounting that partition, so I cannot look.05:28
thetamint: you're sol05:29
cfhowlettmint_, that is a most unfriendly install scenario.  packettracer should have flashed red lights and played the annoying star trek collision alert klaxon before undertaking the action.05:29
Hoffmanmint_: I asked followup questions to see if I could help, told you I could not, and said good luck05:29
mint_Hoffman: Yes you did, & I am thankful for your kindness, I am just letting theta know to stop trying to help.05:30
Hoffmanmint_: I am sorry that you are having trouble, but it is impolite to tell someone "you are not helping" when you are asking people to donate their time and expertise to you05:30
Bray90820_EriC^^: Done05:30
Hoffmanmint_: the recovery page on the ubuntu wiki looks legit though05:31
mint_Hoffman: I told theta that what they were suggesting (look in lost & found) would not work, & they suggested it a second time.05:31
Hoffmanmint_: o05:31
cfhowlettmint_, calm down.  we know you're upset.  let's move on.05:31
EriC^^Bray90820_: save then type sudo update-grub05:31
Hoffmanin my experience, telling someone to calm down usually has exactly the opposite effect :P05:32
mint_Hoffman: I am reading the wiki page <305:32
EriC^^mint_: photorec can recover stuff, but it won't have filenames or dir structures05:32
mint_EriC^^: Indeed, I need all of that stuff back if possible. I mean isn't ext4 a journalling system?05:33
EriC^^mint_: did it actually delete the files, or delete the partition? or a new filesystem there? wasn't following before05:33
mint_It deleted the files, not the partition05:33
EriC^^journalling just means it keeps a record of something like "copy from here to here" then it later does it and marks it as done05:33
cfhowlettEriC^^, a cisco app, packettracer, deleted his /home before installing itself.  apparently without warning.05:34
mint_cfhowlett: indeed05:34
EriC^^try photorec first, also be sure not to mount the partition obviously05:34
mint_Won't I need to mount it to try photorec?05:34
EriC^^it will sweep stuff on a low level looking for file headers and copy the files it finds on the disk05:35
Bray90820_EriC^^: Done05:35
Bray90820_What next05:35
mint_EriC^^:  I only have one computer, this one, the one with the deleted home directory.05:35
EriC^^so you'll end up with a bunch of files with random names but they're everything on the disk05:35
EriC^^(you can tell if to look for specific file headers)05:35
mint_EriC^^: I am communicating through a liveCD05:36
EriC^^mint_: well use photorec to recover the important files you need, like all movies or all pictures or .. as a start i'd say05:36
mint_EriC^^: How about text documents, odt?05:36
EriC^^Bray90820_: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade for good measure05:36
EriC^^mint_: yeah it should be able to get those05:37
EriC^^sudo apt-get install testdisk then run sudo photorec05:37
mint_EriC^^: So is photorec included on the ubuntu liveCD?05:37
mint_mint_: Install it on the liveCD?05:37
EriC^^mint_: it doesn't look like it has odt by default, but you can feed it the file headers as a custom one05:38
Bray90820_EriC^^: Done what next05:38
EriC^^mint_: yeah it's in the universe repository05:38
EriC^^Bray90820_: upload a pastebin of /var/log/syslog and kern.log05:38
glitchdtrying to format a 40 gb hd using a usb to ide/pata adapter and failing miserably..05:39
mint_EriC^^: Do you think I should image it & work from the image?05:40
mint_I mean work with the image05:40
EriC^^mint_: yeah that'd be better05:40
mint_EriC^^: Can I do that from the standard liveCD?05:40
AmazeCPKI am having a hard time trying to get seamless mode to work with ubuntu05:40
EriC^^mint_: yeah05:41
glitchdcfhowlett, yes..?05:41
AmazeCPKI have three monitors running, and the guest systerm (ubuntu) keeps flashing, and logging me out when I try going to system settings05:41
EriC^^mint_: using dd, sudo dd if=/dev/sdxY of=/path/to/image05:41
mint_EriC^^: Is there any way I can get it to restore with the files names & directory structure?05:41
EriC^^mint_: using dd, sudo dd if=/dev/sdxY of=/path/to/image bs=4M conv=notrunc05:42
BigPerMhey all05:42
Bray90820_EriC^^: syslog: www.termbin.com/o6s405:42
Bray90820_kern.log: www.termbin.com/bw2i05:42
EriC^^mint_: that's a little difficult i think, testdisk will show you the file structure and directories, the files might not be recoverable from there though05:42
BigPerMJust installed 16.04 and have a notification showing Ethernet network disconnected. I am on WiFi and do not have a cable connected. I did install VmWare Work Station 12.1.105:43
BigPerMhow can I check why this msg is popping up? dmesg?05:44
EriC^^mint_: there are some tools for ext like scalpel and others that might work05:44
glitchdcfhowlett, ?05:44
sjd_zeusvmwaretools installed?05:45
cfhowlettglitchd, error messages on the fial??05:45
EriC^^i suppose if testdisk still shows the filesizes, somebody could write a program that checks the filesizes photorec gives and arrange the files in a somewhat similar way to how the structure is in testdisk dunno why it's not done though05:45
EriC^^i guess if there are a lot of files of the same size it's not so practical05:45
AmazeCPKI am having a hard time trying to get seamless mode to work with ubuntu. I have multiple monitors running, and the guest systerm (ubuntu) keeps flashing, and logging me out when I try going to system settings Always see an erros such as "Could not set configuration for CRTC 6x"05:45
glitchdcfhowlett, let me see what it says05:45
BigPerMvmware tools is installed on the virtual machines. The network error message comes up when VmWare Workstation is shutdown05:45
glitchdcfhowlett, basically just keeps freezing up05:46
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok please upload /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:46
glitchdcfhowlett, gparted freezes too05:46
EriC^^Bray90820_: it looks like it's booting the 4.4.0-36 kernel05:46
glitchdcfhowlett, used gparted to format it, and now its saying the the partition table is gone and that i need to make a new one but when i attempt to make a new partition table, gparted freezes05:47
Bray90820_EriC^^: www.termbin.com/3qw805:47
glitchdcfhowlett, havent used the hd for a lil more than a year, just left it in a unused pc i have.05:48
glitchdbut now im trying to use it and its not working so out so well05:48
glitchdim thinking the hd is trash now but dont want to toss it if i can recover and use it05:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok, a quick "grep DEFAULT /etc/default/grub" gives what?05:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 ?05:49
glitchdcfhowlett, i just check dmesg, there are a shit load of error messages about the drive. dang.05:50
mint_EriC^^: Okay I have read up on scalpel, cfhowlett Do you recommend it too? & can I really do it from the liveCD? Where does scalpel get installed when I install it onto a liveCD?05:50
glitchdcfhowlett, i think its gone the way of the flip phone..05:50
Bray90820_EriC^^: www.termbin.com/lzpe05:51
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok, try lastly sudo update-initramfs -u -k all05:52
EriC^^mint_: it stays in memory until the next reboot05:53
liuxgdoes anyone know how to turn on bluetooth using command line on ubuntu? thanks05:54
EriC^^Bray90820_: try dpkg -l | grep grub05:54
freeroutehey guys, did you hear? Ubuntu 12.04 is on the age of extinction! :D05:55
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glitchdliuxg, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158255105:56
orlockfreeroute: i remember many years ago either CentOS or Ubuntu (i forget which) ISO's would get flagged as being "credit card data"05:56
cfhowlettfreeroute, take it over to #ubuntu-offtopic   please. this is the support channel.05:56
Bray90820_EriC^^: www.termbin.com/jbar05:56
orlockfreeroute: by the card-holder-data tools we were forced to use as part of being PCI compliant05:56
freeroutecfhowlett: k didn't know of that channel05:57
glitchdfreeroute, bye.05:57
freeroutewell I'm still here but I joined there too05:57
liuxgglitchd, thanks! I will have a try.05:57
glitchdfreeroute, if your not here for help, or to help, leave.05:57
orlockDoes that include people who are only here to tell people they are off-topic? They are not helping, or asking for help.05:58
glitchdfreeroute, and the phrase is "on the EDGE of extinction".05:58
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok try sudo grub-install --target i386-efi05:58
freerouteglitchd: wat. You can perfectly be here and idle instead of helping / get help.05:58
freerouteyeah but that wouldn't be funny since that's not what the movie is called05:59
orlockOr it's like when my 5 year old "helps" me with the car, but is really putting the socket i was just using in the garden05:59
Bray90820_EriC^^: Finished with no errors05:59
glitchdfreeroute, but you shouldnt be here posting silly links to ficticious and false sites. nobody wants to read or hear that.05:59
liuxgglitchd, the command sudo service bluetooth start does not seem to work. it cannot turn on the bluetooth device.05:59
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok try rebooting06:00
glitchdliuxg, do you know what the name of the device that controls bluetooth is?06:00
orlockglitchd: It's a thing that happened involging ubuntu? It's not silly or ficitious?06:00
mint_EriC^^: scalpel's list doesn't include odt files, mkv files, or webm files, how do I recover those?06:00
freerouteglitchd: yeah duly noted but saying you can only be here if you want help or get help is very much not the case.06:00
Bray90820_EriC^^: Should it boot normally now?06:00
EriC^^no idea :D06:01
liuxgglitchd, sorry, I do not quite get you.06:01
EriC^^Bray90820_: ^06:01
Bray90820_EriC^^: Is that what we're testing?06:01
glitchdfreeroute, i suppose, but still, in the midst of people trying to get support and or give support, your posting links to silly material.06:01
EriC^^mint_: try photorec 's custom headers06:01
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah06:01
Bray90820_Well boot 1 passed06:01
freerouteglitchd: yep that's why I'm in #ubuntu-offtopic now06:01
EriC^^mint_: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Add_your_own_extension_to_PhotoRec06:02
mint_EriC^^: & how do I make a custom header/how do I fill in the data needed to have it find something?06:02
glitchdfreeroute, ok then06:02
Bray90820_I will boot a few more times to see if it's the random boot issue or not06:02
EriC^^mint_: link above ^06:02
Prashantc13how can i tell which drive is which?06:03
liuxgglitchd, I followed this article, but it does not help either http://quehow.com/how-to-enable-and-configure-bluetooth-in-ubuntu/3851.html06:04
Prashantc13fdisk shows drives as sda1, sda2.. etc but does not tells the name of the drive06:04
cfhowlettPrashantc13, what?  in ubuntu, that IS the name of the drive?  or are you looking for guid?06:04
Bashing-omPrashantc13: ' sudo lshw -C Disk -short ' work for ya ?06:05
olscumpywhere are terminal profiles saved? I got my terminal all pretty and I want to copy it to another computer06:05
EriC^^mint_: fidentify something.odt seems to recognize it06:05
Bray90820_EriC^^: Well shit it doesn't boot06:05
liuxgI have to use the GUI in the Ubuntu "settings" to turn on the Bluetooth. what is the right command to turn on the bluetooth using command line? thanks06:05
glitchdliuxg, give me a second to figure that out06:06
EriC^^Bray90820_: damn06:06
liuxgglitchd, many thanks06:07
EriC^^mint_: ah, it's the very last one in the File opts06:07
Bray90820_ec: Hold the phone06:07
EriC^^"zip archive including OpenOffice and MSOffice 2007"06:07
Bray90820_Can you paste the code again that as suppose to go in the grub file?06:08
EriC^^mint_: so press "s" to disable all extensions then select the ones you want, then "b" to save06:08
EriC^^Bray90820_: "quiet splash intel_idle.max_cstate=0 intel_pstates=disabled"06:08
glitchdliuxg, has bluetooth ever worked on you system?06:09
Bray90820_EriC^^:  Does a slash represent a word wrap in grub?06:09
StumpDumbCan someone tell me is there a command or some way to tell if your PC is 32bit or 64bit independent of the OS installed?06:10
EriC^^Bray90820_: i think so yeah06:10
Bray90820_Then yeah it doesn't boot06:10
EriC^^Bray90820_: why though?06:10
Bray90820_I was thinking there was a typo but it turned out to be a word wrap06:11
EriC^^StumpDumb: lscpu06:11
BigPerMJust installed 16.04 and have a notification showing Ethernet network disconnected. I am on WiFi and do not have a cable connected. I did install VmWare Work Station 12.1.106:12
BigPerMhow can I check why this msg is popping up? dmesg?06:12
ANTI-tortureTorturing a living human being may be even more cruel and even more evil. By either definition, psychiatry qualifies as evil.06:12
cfhowlettANTI-torture, take it elsewhere.  completely off topic and spammy06:12
glitchdliuxg, this works for me from command line "sudo service bluetooth start"06:12
StumpDumbExcellent! Thanks....Bye Bye06:12
orlockANTI-torture/: Are you OT3?06:13
Bray90820_EriC^^: So what next06:13
ANTI-tortureHello there06:13
EriC^^Bray90820_: try without "splash"06:13
liuxgglitchd, I just found that bluetoothctrl command, which should work.06:13
cfhowlett!topic > ANTI-torture06:13
ubottuANTI-torture, please see my private message06:13
ANTI-tortureI must to write this.06:13
orlockANTI-torture: What OT level are you?06:13
cfhowlettANTI-torture, not here.06:13
Bray90820_So remove only the word splash?06:13
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah in grub press e to edit it then ctrl+x to boot06:13
Bray90820_Or should I remove quiet splash06:14
ANTI-tortureBecause many are in dangers from this satanic government in love with psychiatry.06:14
liuxgglitchd, I have turned off the bluetooth from the "Bluetooth" in the settings. your command seems not working for me in my place..06:14
cfhowlett!ops | ANTI-torture06:14
ubottuANTI-torture: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:14
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah that'd be better06:14
Bray90820_So should I just remove anything related to quiet splash?06:14
glitchdliuxg, bluetoothctrl works for you?06:14
orlockANTI-torture == espanol Scientologist06:14
cfhowlettorlock, offtopic discussion.  take it private or to a different channel06:15
Bray90820_EriC^^: Do you just want to see the verbose boot?06:15
liuxgglitchd, it has a power on command to do that.06:15
EriC^^no it's ok06:15
liuxgglitchd, https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+git/artik_doc/tree/artik-guilde.txt06:15
EriC^^Bray90820_: did it fail?06:15
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glitchdliuxg, thx for the link, ill check it out06:16
liuxgglitchd, I am still figuring it out :)06:17
Bray90820_EriC^^: No boot06:18
mib_mibhi all - i'm trying to use the 'spacy' package on ubuntu 14.04, and it requires downloading the model files, i.e. running python -m spacy.en.download . however, i'm getting the urrlib error: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error . I've installed all packages according to this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18578439/using-requests-with-tls-doesnt-give-sni-support/18579484#18579484 but 06:19
mib_mibi tried updating openssl as well no luck06:19
rhineheart_mhello.. how to delete all folders and their contents every 30 days?06:19
cfhowlett!cron | rhineheart_m06:19
ubotturhineheart_m: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto06:19
glitchdliuxg, so its something similiar to a raspberry pi then06:20
glitchdliuxg, i thought u were working on an actual computer lol06:21
liuxgglitchd, for raspberry pi, how is it turned on?06:21
rhineheart_mcan any1 help me on this? /usr/bin/find /var/log/radacct -mtime 7d -delete like modifying it in a way that all folders and their contents will be deleted06:21
liuxgglitchd, I think it is the samething. I want to use the same method the turn on the bluetooth on my board..06:21
cfhowlettrhineheart_m, set up a cron job06:21
glitchdliuxg, im going to pm you06:22
liuxgglitchd, OK. many thanks06:22
rhineheart_mcfhowlett, yes. will put that one in /etc/crontab dir06:22
Bray90820_EriC^^: So what now?06:22
rhineheart_mthis one /usr/bin/find /var/log/radacct -mtime 30d -delete won't do it.06:22
EriC^^Bray90820_: does it say any errors or something? or just black screen?06:23
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ANTI-tortureTell me... A good OS for mobile. Who is against government surveillance.06:24
cfhowlettANTI-torture, ask in #linux06:25
Bray90820_echoe: Just a black screen06:25
Bray90820_Wrong ping06:25
ANTI-tortureUbuntu is not so good????06:25
Bray90820_EriC^^: Just a black screen06:25
MattiasAny status on when ubuntu/oracle will patch the new critical mysql security hole?06:25
cfhowlettANTI-torture, use ubuntu or don't.  your choice.06:25
Bray90820_EriC^^: when I remove quiet splash it does g through verbose boot06:26
Bray90820_Then a black screen06:26
rhineheart_mgot it. Thanks :)06:27
MattiasCVE-2016-6662 to be more specific06:27
ANTI-tortureWhen u want:    http://9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.co.il/?m=106:27
cfhowlettANTI-torture, you are being rude.  stay on topic or go to a different channel06:28
orlockMattias: Honestly, anything thats actually vulnerable in the first place is doing it wrong anyway06:28
guzzlefrySo whenever I ssh into an Ubuntu install and get "System Restart Required", is there any way to find out the reason for that? i.e. kernel upgrade, drivers, etc06:29
Mattiasorlock: Yeah, but mysql, mariadb, percona are used by a lot of people. Only Percona has released a patch so far.06:29
cfhowlettguzzlefry, should appear in your logs or dmesg06:30
Mattiasorlock: The problem is a lot of widely used applications has issues, even openssh had that terrible security hole a while back. I bet there are a lot of unknown security holes in the linux kernel as well, we just haven't found them yet :)06:31
Bray90820_EriC^^: I do however get a message when it does boot correctly if you wanna see that one?06:32
guzzlefrycfhowlett: any hints on what I should look for?06:32
sappelGood Morning! Yesterday I already asked about how to track down a performance issue on my ubuntu webserver. iostat, top, free -m etc. all show good values....when I analyze my website, chromium shows me a long "TTFB" time - might this be a problem of the vserver host?06:32
orlockMattias: yes, it's all crap, and if you care you will install and configured your system according to one of the baseline hardening guides which will reduce or eliminate the risk of many of these issues06:32
Mattiasorlock: the problem is apparmor or selinux etc has no effect on this mysql security hole06:33
ubuntu-mateHello world!06:33
cfhowlettguzzlefry, sorry, but try dmesg tail to get the most recent 100 messages06:33
orlockMattias: No.. If you are vulnerable and your system is in a state where it can effect you, your system was badly configured to start off with06:33
guzzlefryI don't see anything useful.06:33
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok, maybe it has something about a warning or something06:34
EriC^^Bray90820_: it should be in /var/log/boot.log06:34
EriC^^the ones that don't boot might be in a similar log that ends with .0 or something else06:35
Mattiasorlock: Sure a badly configured server doesn't even need a security hole to be hacked. Anyways, I guess I'll just wait for the patch to be released. Hopefully it's out fast.06:35
orlockMattias: If security is enough of a concern that you have guidelines in place mandating time-till-patch or similar, then you should also be following some of the basic security guidelines/principes anyway06:35
Bray90820_it basically says that tpm failed06:35
Bashing-omEriC^^: Bray90820_ ' journalctl -b -0 ' for boot messages of last boot .06:36
Bray90820_That will take a while but ok06:37
orlockMattias: if you allow malicious actors access to directly run queries on your SQL server, you are in a dangerous space anyway06:37
Bray90820_Was quicker then I expected06:38
Mattiasorlock: I assume you have read about this CVE. I have not gone into details about it yet. I try to keep the servers as secure as possible. Was just wondering when a patch will be out.06:39
mint_EriC^^: Thanks, I am recovering right now, too early to tell if everything is okay, of course.06:42
Bray90820_EriC^^: www.termbin.com/6wgb06:42
EriC^^mint_: ok06:43
EriC^^mint_: np06:43
ANTI_tortureWhy psychiatry and Israel government are evil.    http://wayneramsay.com/evil.htm06:44
mint_EriC^^: It found the deleted files (all 1TB of them) marked in red, & I have asked it to copy them onto an external drive which is 2TB in size. Thus far it has copied the name of my home directory, but nothing else. The long wait begins.06:44
cfhowlett!ops | ANTI_torture  this time please ban06:44
ubottuANTI_torture  this time please ban: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:44
mint_cfhowlett: I am using testdisk to recover, it found my 1TB of deleted files & I just told it to copy them to a 2TB external drive.06:45
cfhowlettmint_, congrats!06:45
cfhowlettmint_, fully recovered with file structure??06:46
mint_cfhowlett: Too early for congrats, all it has done thus far is created a holder with the name of my home directory, nothing else.06:46
mint_cfhowlett: We are in the long wait period.06:46
cfhowlettmint_, :)   it's a start though.  clearly I need to read up on testdisk. send a cookie to whomever originally suggested that.06:47
mint_cfhowlett: EriC^^ did, as I think so did you.06:47
cfhowlett!cookie | EriC^^06:47
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:47
mint_EriC^^ & cfhowlett My true screenname is holyguyver, I am just called mint because I am in a LiveCD, which sadly tells you I am not on Ubuntu...sorry :'( ...But my 7 year old daughter is on Ubuntu at her mother's house :D .06:49
cfhowlettmint_, in any case, happy2help!  (also: make backups!)06:49
yao_ziyuanhelp! windows 10 seems to have killed my ubuntu boot settings...06:49
yao_ziyuani have a dell xps 8900, with windows 10 pre-installed on a SSD, and ubuntu 15.10 later installed on an HDD. the computer would first load the HDD's bootloader (i.e. Ubuntu's), and there i could choose whether to boot to ubuntu or chainload the Windows bootloader on the SSD.06:51
mint_cfhowlett & EriC^^ , it is now rebuilding my .config directory :D06:51
mint_*does a happy dance*06:51
yao_ziyuanjust now i retarted my computer and decided to take a look at my seldomly used windows 10...06:51
yao_ziyuanand after looking at windows 10 and restarting the computer again, the computer can only boot into windows...06:52
cfhowlettmint_, one last issue: consider that message to cisco about the unfriendly installation06:52
mint_Realizes this thing will be copying files for a week* :'( <306:52
yao_ziyuani also ran some system update in windows 10... so it must be windows 10 that have changed my boot settings06:52
mint_cfhowlett: I will, it is not the first time they have caused one for me, a few years ago they also did something odd when I tried to install packet tracer back then.06:53
Bray90820_EriC^^: Any info for me?06:53
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, you *might* be able to sudo grub-update to get it back.  you'll need to first boot your ubuntu usb, chroot to your installed system then run the command06:53
cfhowlett!grub | yao_ziyuan details06:53
ubottuyao_ziyuan details: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:53
Bashing-omBray90820_: " Sep 13 01:38:17 aaron-NXW116QC264 gpu-manager[2184]: update-alternatives: error: " I know Intel is a GPU .. is this however a hybrid graphics system ?06:53
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: yes, now i'm in a ubuntu 15.10 live cd06:54
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: can you give me the detailed commands to chroot and grub-update?06:54
Bray90820_Bashing-om: What do you mean by hybrid?06:54
cfhowlett!grub | yao_ziyuan06:55
ubottuyao_ziyuan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:55
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, restore grub link as shown above06:55
mint_cfhowlett: At least when I say "I was attempting to install packettracer for my ccna class" you know that I am not completely computer illiterate :p06:56
cfhowlettmint_, actually, when I saw your OS ... :)06:56
SQLorlock: eh?06:56
AmazeCPKCan anyone recommend a window manager for ubuntu VM? (Will be using the VM for WebDev06:56
mint_cfhowlett: I started using Debian GNU+Linux in 2003 <306:57
orlockSQL: Eh?06:58
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: trying06:58
SQLorlock: you pinged?06:58
mint_I must say though, this is the first time I have basically rmed root06:58
RarrikinsAmazeCPK: Xubuntu and Lubuntu are desktops that are fairly lightweight, which is nice for VMs.06:58
orlockSQL: No, somebody was asking about any ETA for a patch for the recent mysql exploit06:59
Bray90820_Bashing-om: What do you mean by hybrid?06:59
AmazeCPKthanks Rarrikins07:00
Bashing-omBray90820_: Was still reading . I mean more than just the Intel for graphics .. maybe nVida or AMD also ?07:03
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: yes, it's back!07:04
yao_ziyuanmicrosoft is evel07:05
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, nicely done!07:05
Bray90820_Bashing-om: I don't think so07:05
mint_yao_ziyuan: Love spelled backwords is Evol ;)07:05
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, you are now considered an ubuntu l33t.  pass the word and have a beer.  also help out here to balance your karma07:05
yao_ziyuani only occasionally boot into windows 10 to get a feel, and this time it killed my ubuntu loader.07:05
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cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, to be fair the update killed it.  not unusual msoft behavior but, as you will agree, easily repaired.07:06
mint_yao_ziyuan: I recommend only installing Windows in virtualbox :p07:06
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: my karma is balanced on other causes...07:06
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yao_ziyuancfhowlett: the update is some 1510 major upgrade07:06
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, 15.10 is end of life.  time to update to 16.0407:07
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: Restore Grub asked me to disable Secure Boot, and i ignored and continued, and it seems working.07:07
yao_ziyuancfhowlett: only 15.10 is compatible with my GTX 96007:07
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, ohhhhhhh, well be careful online. you no longer get security updates, you know.07:08
mint_cfhowlett: Which Ubuntu release is the one who's codename starts with an X?07:08
orlockyao_ziyuan: That doesnt seem right?07:08
yao_ziyuanorlock: i tried 16.04 several times, to no avail.07:08
Bashing-omBray90820_: Out of curiosity - does this log file exist : /var/log/gpu-manager.log ?07:08
yao_ziyuanok, i got the trick: careful when i boot into windows 10 and do updates...07:09
cfhowlettyao_ziyuan, yea, the WINDOWS update is what scrambled things.  I seem to recall a complaint about that behavior07:10
mint_Maybe if I ask Ubottu !16.407:10
mint_Maybe if I ask Ubottu !16.0407:10
cfhowlett!16.04 > mintt07:10
cfhowlett!16.04 > mint07:10
cfhowlett!16.04 > mint_07:11
ubottumint_, please see my private message07:11
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Looks like it does have nvidia?07:11
Bray90820_Has amd? no Has intel? yes Has nvidia? no07:12
mint_!Thank you07:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:12
Bray90820_Bashing-om: How many cards? 107:12
Bashing-omBray90820_: Good nuff ,, only Intel here .07:13
Bray90820_Well we got that cleared up07:13
Bray90820_So now what07:14
Bashing-omBray90820_: I do not want to bail on ya .. but it is 4 hours past my end time ,, and I got to get some sleep . I do not know what to advise . I will be interested in how this works out !07:15
Bray90820_Bashing-om: No worries I am almost done for the night anyways07:16
Bashing-omBray90820_: I will chack back tomorrow eve .07:16
Bray90820_See you later07:17
Bray90820_EriC^^: What should I do now?07:17
glitchdliuxg, Bray90820_ out of curiosity, what are you trying to accomplish?07:17
glitchdBray90820_, i have no read all the scroll-back07:18
Bray90820_To properly boot my system07:18
Bray90820_100% of the time it boots with nomodeset 10% of the time it boots without nomodeset07:18
glitchdBray90820_, how isnt it booting properly?07:18
liuxgglitchd, I am now trying to do a demo using ubuntu core. it collects the data sensortag via bluetooth.07:19
glitchdliuxg, hope it works!07:19
Bray90820_glitchd: Not to be rude but do you mind just letting EriC tale this since he knows way more about the situation07:19
EriC^^Bray90820_: try kernel debugging07:19
glitchdBray90820_, and which are you trying to achieve?07:19
glitchdBray90820_, np=)07:19
Bray90820_EriC^^: How07:20
EriC^^Bray90820_: not really, i don't know much about graphics problems07:20
mint_EriC^^ & cfhowlett Very sad day, it just finished & only copies the primary folders, but no files & no subsaquint folders, so I then had testdisk look into the fodlers which were marked red, & it said they were empty :'( .07:20
Bray90820_EriC^^: Who would know more?07:20
liuxgglitchd, it works on the desktop. I am still trying to get it working on the boards07:20
EriC^^Bray90820_: i don't know who knows a lot about graphics issues here07:20
mint_EriC^^: What do I do now?07:21
EriC^^the guys in ##linux might know, try asking there as well07:21
EriC^^mint_: try photorec07:21
glitchdliuxg, when we first started talking, the commands i was giving you were actually for the board07:21
cfhowlettmint_, eh?  wonder if that could be a command issue, i.e. "recover -recursive" instead of just first level.  but see if #photorec or ##linux can help07:21
EriC^^mint_: photorec can retrieve them usually07:21
mint_EriC^^: Can photorec find files that testdisk says do not exist?07:21
EriC^^mint_: yeah07:22
zetherooafter installing the latest Inet gfx driver I get this message when at the login screen and after logging in: could not set the configuration for CRTC 6307:22
zetherooanyhow know how to fix this or get rid of the message?07:22
EriC^^mint_: testdisk can show the dir structure, but it can't find the files, photorec doesn't care about anything, it just sweeps the disk for file headers and gets the files07:22
Bray90820_EriC^^: Have we tried everything you can think of?07:22
EriC^^Bray90820_: arch has a very good boot debugging wiki, i can't seem to find it suddenly07:22
mint_cfhowlett: No, I am not just talking about recovering, I am saying testdisk cannot detect the files, only the main folders which used to house them, it cannot even detect the subfolders below the ones that were inside /home07:23
EriC^^i think that might help cause it's intermittent and it might show what's actually happening each time it can't boot07:23
mint_EriC^^: testdisk only showed the most top level of the dir structure, but not the sub folders or files07:23
glitchdliuxg, https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+git/artik_doc/tree/artik-guilde.txt07:23
EriC^^Bray90820_: the wiki was really extensive, there was a "insane mode debugging level" as i recall07:23
Bray90820_Which I know nothing about07:24
glitchdliuxg, then press crtl+F and type bluetooth and it will take you to the section about starting bluetooth07:24
EriC^^"bott debugging arch" used to bring it up in google07:24
liuxgglitchd, yes, I noticed that. bluetootctrl command only works when power is on.07:24
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glitchdliuxg, lol makes sense07:25
mint_Eric, okay, I will need to look up the command line things to use photorec07:25
EriC^^Bray90820_: all i can find is this now https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/General_troubleshooting#Boot_problems07:25
mint_EriC^^: okay, I will need to look up the command line things to use photorec07:25
EriC^keep getting dc07:26
Bray90820_EriC^^: What about the pastebin I sent you at the beginning of our chat?07:26
Stray_DilloCononical, if you're out there, thanks for Unity, for us poor Mac users who don't know from a command line and don't want to :)07:26
EriC^Bray90820_: the wiki was really extensive, there was a "insane mode debugging level" as i recall, "boot debugging arch" used to bring it up in google, all i can find is this now https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/General_troubleshooting#Boot_problems07:26
EriC^Bray90820_: it looks pretty normal07:26
Bray90820_EriC^^: Could we try the stuff from the pastebin07:27
EriC^^mint_: photorec has a nice terminal gui07:28
EriC^^mint_: all you need is sudo photorec > choose the disk > file opts, press s to remove selections, go down to the last entry for zip archive and openoffice, select that, press "b" to save then search07:29
mint_EriC^^: Indeed, I am using it right now07:29
mint_EriC^^: Thank you07:29
EriC^^Bray90820_: try adding these to grub debug ignore_loglevel log_buf_len=16M07:30
Bray90820_And leave what is already there?07:30
Bray90820_Sorry i missed that haha07:31
EriC^^replace quiet splash with those07:31
mint_EriC^^: I started the photorec recovery before you gave the fileopts for the odts, do you think it might still recover them or that I will have to do a second pass?07:31
Bray90820_Where is grub?07:32
EriC^^mint_: yeah by default it's selected07:34
EriC^^mint_: might as well stop it early on07:34
Bray90820_EriC^^: Found it but should I remove everything after quiet splash?07:34
EriC^^and check what's selected by default (or maybe just let it select everything) and run it07:35
EriC^^Bray90820_: no just quiet splash07:35
Bray90820_I assume you want me to edit the grub file right?07:35
EriC^^Bray90820_: no do it from the grub menu after the pc boots (press e)07:36
Bray90820_Got it07:36
Bray90820_EriC^^: Just out of curiosity Why don't you wanna try the pastebin?07:39
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ducasseBray90820_: was the pastebin you posted from a successful or failed boot?07:41
Bray90820_ducasse: neither07:41
ducasseBray90820_: what does that mean?07:41
Bray90820_ducasse: http://pastebin.com/raw/WpiRc4zc07:42
Bray90820_Eric why don't you wanna try it?07:42
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glitchdliuxg, get it working?07:46
liuxgglitchd, still trying, sorry. I am now packaging it to a snap07:47
glitchdliuxg, ok, no problem, i was just wondering07:47
liuxgglitchd, I will let you know. I need to compile for arm boards as well07:47
EriC^^Bray90820_: the pastebin doesn't really help07:49
EriC^^that's just to boot it when you don't have a working grub config yet, before you installed grub-efi for 32bit07:49
Bray90820_EriC^^: Thank you for pointing that out because when I suggest I try it everyone just ignores me like they don't even wanna give me a response to it07:50
Bray90820_EriC^^: but this might help07:51
Bray90820_Granted it's for the 10 inch version of my tablet but worth a shot right?07:52
EriC^^Bray90820_: checking..07:55
EriC^^Bray90820_: i think you're supposed to copy over the modified efi file07:56
EriC^^let me see that part where it was mentioned before, 1 sec07:56
EriC^^Bray90820_: download https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/tree/master/grub/efi/EFI07:57
EriC^^1 sec, brb07:57
Bray90820_and copy that to "/grub/efi/EFI" ?07:57
EriC^^copy it over /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi07:58
Bray90820_Thanks Will try07:58
EriC^^Bray90820_: hold on, first try ls /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu07:58
EriC^^and sudo efibootmgr -v07:58
Bray90820_Once i get my system booted I will07:58
Bray90820_EriC^^: grubx64.efi doe not exist08:04
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah, i figured08:08
EriC^^try ls /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu and also sudo efibootmgr -v to see what it's using for sure08:09
EriC^^Bray90820_: have a look here, it looks like he has other grub parameters? https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/blob/master/grub/default/grub08:11
Bray90820_EriC^^: efibootmgr: www.termbin.com/6bjv ls: www.termbin.com/sh0y08:11
EriC^^video=intelfb fbcon=rotate:108:11
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok copy the downloaded grubia32.efi over /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubia32.efi08:12
EriC^^also try sudo nano /etc/default/grub and put the new stuff like he has them08:13
Bray90820_EriC^^:  actually the directory is /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/08:13
EriC^^Bray90820_: what's the native resolution of the tablet?08:13
EriC^^he also has a gfxmode line there GRUB_GFXMODE=800x128008:13
Bray90820_1366 x 76808:14
EriC^^Bray90820_: that's right, i get lazy cause it's fat32 and it's not case-sensitive08:14
EriC^^aha try maybe putting the GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x76808:14
Bray90820_Copied the refi file over08:15
Bray90820_There we go08:15
ducasseEriC^^: if that is rotated, shouldn't it be 768x1366?08:15
EriC^^that video=intelfb looks kind of promising08:15
EriC^^ducasse: that's a good point08:16
EriC^^Bray90820_: ^08:16
Bray90820_It's in landscape mode08:16
EriC^^i'd put it as the guy has it08:17
EriC^^the fbrotate thing might have to do with something related to ... no idea about these stuff but put it :D08:17
Bray90820_So what should I do?08:18
EriC^^make it GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="video=intelfb fbcon=rotate:1"08:18
EriC^^and GRUB_GFXMODE=768x136608:18
ilmaisinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux "The Ubuntu-specific "selinux" and "selinux-policy-ubuntu" packages documented here have not received much attention since Karmic, and appear to be effectively broken in Precise."08:23
ilmaisinif they have been "effectively broken" so long why are they not removed?08:23
ducasseilmaisin: so they can be used as building blocks by those who want/need to use it, i'd guess.08:24
Bray90820_EriC^^: I think I am gonna be done for the night08:26
Bray90820_Things aren't working correctly because f something stupid I did and I don't wanna restart and yeah08:27
EriC^^what is that you did?08:27
Bray90820_I fucked up edit08:27
Bray90820_I just need to reboot but I don't wanna take the time to do that08:28
EriC^^what do you mean?08:28
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EriC^^sudo edit?08:28
Bray90820_Sorry I meant gedit08:28
EriC^^np use nano08:29
EriC^^sudo nano /etc/default/grub08:29
EriC^^then ctrl+x to exit and save08:29
Bray90820_what is the file I should be editing?08:30
Bray90820_What should I edit to what08:31
Bray90820_As you can tell I am getting tired08:31
Bray90820_I keep asking you questions you already answered08:32
EriC^^make GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="video=intelfb fbcon=rotate:1"08:32
EriC^^and GRUB_GFXMODE=768x136608:32
Bray90820_Will that rotate my screen?08:34
Stray_Dilloonce again, I thank you Unity lol08:34
Stray_Dilloexcept for the file sharing nonsense, heck of a job :)08:35
EriC^^Bray90820_: i think it'll leave it08:35
Bray90820_Where do I put GRUB_GFXMODE=768x136608:36
Bray90820_Found it nevermind08:36
Bray90820_Sorry no I didn't08:36
EriC^^it should be towards the bottom08:37
Bray90820_There is a line that says GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 but it's commented out08:37
EriC^^that's it08:37
EriC^^uncomment it and change it08:37
Bray90820_Then save exit and what?08:38
Phryqis it better to sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo aptitude upgrade?08:40
EriC^^and sudo update-grub08:40
EriC^^Bray90820_: ^08:40
Bray90820_Then reboot?08:40
Phryqupdate grub? was that in response to me or someone else?08:40
Bray90820_Phryq: Update grub was for me08:40
Phryqok, thanks08:41
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah try rebooting08:41
lyzeHey guys, I have a php scrippt directory under my apache2 setup (/php) in there scripts will be stored which will be included in other files (via "require_once" or whatever, outside of the "/php" folder). Now how can I set proper permissions to those files so that php can read them but nobody can access them via a simple url like localhost/php/script.php ?08:42
Phryqmy usb device isn't appearing; what can I do to troubleshoot?08:42
Bray90820_EriC^^: That did a lot of bad stuff now all I get is grub resource mode08:43
PhryqOk, I'll just try rebooting. brb08:43
mathlover97Hi. I know that the chances of an infected linux machine are slim, especially since I don't install 3rd-party software. However, I am planning to do a fresh-install and I was wondering what could be a safe way to copy my files from an encrypted home folder without risking infecting my USB drive. Thanks in advance!08:44
Bray90820_EriC^^: Could I boot to a live USB and revert the changes?08:46
EriC^^Bray90820_: that must be the switching of the grubia32 it didn't like08:46
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah, can you actually choose which uefi entry to boot in your tablet?08:47
Bray90820_what would you recommend I do at this point08:47
nairwolfhi, what is the package of the 'umount' command, please ?08:48
nairwolfwhere is from ?08:48
EriC^^Bray90820_: try to boot the live usb08:48
Bray90820_No need I think08:48
EriC^^from grub rescue> try "ls"08:49
Bray90820_EriC^^: No need08:50
Bray90820_All that happened was the boot order changed in my UEFI so were all good08:50
Luna_Moonfangnairwolf: i think 'util-linux' but i could be wrong08:50
EriC^^Bray90820_: oh ok, great08:51
nairwolfLuna_Moonfang: thank you08:52
nairwolfIn fact, I have a problem with auto-completion08:52
nairwolfand it seems to happen only with umount08:52
nairwolfAlso, I don't know what is responsible for auto-completion...08:53
nairwolfAs I would like to report a bug08:53
Luna_Moonfangnairwolf: it's also possible that it comes with 'mount'08:53
Luna_Moonfangas it seems like util-linux is a collection of other packages08:54
nairwolfLuna_Moonfang: yeah, I've seen with dpkg that I have a 'mount' package08:54
nairwolfI will send a mail to some mailing-list (I'm from xubuntu), and I will ask more information08:55
EriC^^Bray90820_: any luck with the black screen?08:56
Bray90820_Still doesn't boot tho and It also rotated the screen like I thought08:56
Bray90820_And you were right about it not liking the grubia3208:57
Bray90820_EriC^^: Actually it only rotated the verbose boot08:58
EriC^^Bray90820_: aha08:58
docgiMy laptop is suspending even I set it not to when it is plugged in. It seems that it isn't following the "When plugged in" rules. Running ubuntu 16.0408:58
EriC^^it still won't boot without nomodeset?08:58
Bray90820_It boots with nomodeset08:58
Bray90820_But that pretty much it08:59
EriC^^Bray90820_: seems like a weird bug or something08:59
Bray90820_Honestly I have no idea09:00
Bray90820_But I am gonna remove the grubia6409:00
Bray90820_If that''s ok09:00
EriC^^Bray90820_: yeah rm it and run sudo grub-install --target=i386-efi09:01
Bray90820_And should I also remove the rotate from grub?09:02
EriC^^let me see what that video=intelfb does09:02
ubottupier: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:03
Bray90820_EriC^^: I think after I revert the changes I will be done for the night09:03
AmazeCPKMy monitors keep swapping positions. After a certain time, or action, the monitors revert to these positions: http://prntscr.com/chftu409:10
Bit-2hello , my other laptop , has a partition problem , so i made a free size , with an unlocated partion of 50GB , my problem is in gparted live or any windows partition tool , i can merge it with ex4 , but i can with ntfs , any help ?09:14
Bray90820_EriC^^: I am done for the night but it seems like changing the resolution was what rotated it09:14
EriC^^Bit-2: can you show a screenshot of gparted?09:15
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok09:16
Bray90820_But all the changes have been reverted and I will hit you up tomorrow09:16
EriC^^Bray90820_: ok, have a good one09:16
EriC^^you too09:17
Bit-2Eric , i cant sadly , because it doesnot give me errors , and i have to be in gparted-live , but ex4 is on the left side , and the unlocated gb is in middle , and windows partition is on the right09:17
EriC^^Bit-2: oh, you have to move the entire windows partition to the middle i think09:18
Bit-2eric , it was in the midlle , i need the unlocatted partion to be merged with ubuntu drive.09:19
Bit-2its seems i cant with any partition tools , only can be merged with windows09:19
EriC^^Bit-2: i'm confused, you said you can merge it with ext4 but not ntfs09:20
EriC^^oh, both were a "can" typo i guess :)09:20
Bit-2eric , sorry , i cant with ext4 , but i can with ntfs09:21
EriC^^does it say anything about why it can't merge it?09:21
Bit-2eric, no , it doesnt because it cant do the operation. no option for ext4 , only for ntfs09:21
EriC^^Bit-2: it's very easy to do it manually without gparted, but a backup is recommended as always with messing around with partitions and stuff09:21
Bit-2and i dont want to delete the raid drivces, because i need my packages.09:22
EriC^^Bit-2: aha, i dont know about raid and if it can be affected or something..09:22
Bit-2on the other hand, i need a personal trainer :p , for repo building for online usage , from the server side , will pay for it handsomely :P09:22
Bit-2tried askubuntu but its seems the english wise is my problem ;)09:23
Bit-2training on dpkg-dev , online directories and authintications and sync09:24
EriC^^no idea about that, #ubuntu-app-devel  might know about that09:25
EriC^^Bit-2: ^09:26
Bit-2any help ?09:26
EriC^^Bit-2: would the raid be affected if you made the ext4 larger?09:28
Bit-2i think i were disconnected, what was the last thing i wrote ?09:30
EriC^^any help?09:30
EriC^^Bit-2: would the raid be affected if you made the ext4 larger?09:30
Bit-2eric no , it will not , but the main issue i cant make it larger..09:32
Bit-2my meriging the unlocatted partition09:32
EriC^^Bit-2: do you have a backup of it?09:33
Bit-2no , but i can make one , and distroy all of the HD lol09:33
Bit-2i have a very big issue , with ubuntu , every time , it updates , some time my isp provider blocks some packages , so my ubuntu desktop get fuzzy and crashes , and i dont use LTS so i get stuck09:34
ikoniathat sounds like a user problem09:35
Bit-2so any personal trainer for repo's ?09:35
ikonianot an ubuntu problem09:35
ikoniapersonal trainer for repo ?09:35
ikoniaa.) use LTS b.) look at what's blocking packages and why c.) that will not make ubuntu go "fuzzy" so describe the problem properly09:35
Bit-2i just cant wait for some replies from stack , and wait for someone to answer me in irc , and may give me wrong command-lines that make things worse , i need a personal trainer lol09:36
ikoniareplies from stack ?09:36
ikoniawhat are you talking about09:36
* Bit-2 out for smoking.09:36
biotechy2kI've just dual boot Ubuntu with win 8.1 on an old HP lappy and as a newbie was happy to have it work09:37
EriC^^!yay | biotechy2k09:37
ubottubiotechy2k: Glad you made it! :-)09:37
biotechy2kbut could certainly do with some help as I'm just teaching myself the CLI in Linux09:37
ikoniabiotechy2k: if you need help, just ask09:37
EriC^^always fulfilling :D09:37
biotechy2kI'm and old chook still trying to work out this IRC thing guys LOL09:38
EriC^^!manual | biotechy2k have a look here09:38
ubottubiotechy2k have a look here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:38
EriC^^!terminal | biotechy2k here too09:38
ubottubiotechy2k here too: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:38
biotechy2kAny of you guru's loaded Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 7 tablet09:38
biotechy2kThe last time I played around with commands we had a windows machine running 3.1 LOL09:39
EriC^^biotechy2k: the guys in #ubuntu-touch might know more about that, try joining and asking there as well09:39
biotechy2kgood I'm taking notes here LOL09:40
biotechy2kThanks EriC have got lots of post its on my desk atm09:41
biotechy2kWill do EriC thanks for that mate09:41
biotechy2kso anyone else here from Aus09:41
EriC^^biotechy2k: yeah it's definitely a good idea and helps in the future too09:41
biotechy2kDownloaded a huge PDF of the Complete Linux command from A - Z09:42
biotechy2kI have been using Linux for the past 6 weeks so am self taught we did program in Highschool but with mark sensor cards and HB pencils a PDP11 but that was 198009:44
Bit-2am back09:45
Bit-2so , any trainers ?09:47
Bit-2i smelled something burning , so i disconnected every power source to my laptop , then i discovered it was the cafe oven09:55
biotechy2kHope dinner is not ruined09:55
Bit-2bio , its afternon here lol09:55
biotechy2kevening here in BrisVegas just finished dinner having beer09:56
biotechy2kwhile I'm a noob at Linux I'm a professional in the Commercial Cooking field mate so if you need a hand ask away09:57
biotechy2kunfortunately you can't use <sudo apt-get roast dinner> LOL09:58
Bit-2well , thats the real mode. beer + linux09:58
biotechy2kseriously I've been a qualified chef for over 30 years LOL09:58
Bit-2wow , your old :P09:58
biotechy2kI think too much beer could result in rm -rf healthy code LOL09:59
Bit-2am qualified of distroying real high-quality pcs and laptops09:59
_diegohi,  my laptop keyboard does not work correctly if I turn numlock on anymore ... it maps the arrows to numbers (2, 4, 6, 8), it maps home to 7 and so on (the ones outside the numpad) ... and it also repeats the keystrokes when numlock is on ... a usb keyboard would just work but some update broke the mappings for laptop keyboards recently , anyone can help ?10:00
biotechy2kyes yes I am even used mark sensor cards and pencils to program in Basic in high school10:00
Bit-2__diegoo: did you try detecting your keyboard in ubuntu control panel ?10:00
biotechy2kdiego are you using a desktop or a laptop and if a laptop are you using a wireless keyboard10:01
biotechy2kyou may need to reconfigure your devices10:01
Ubuntivityhello. I'm trying to automount ext4 partition with fstab, but after mounting only root can modify files! How to allow all users to modify files?10:01
_diegoits a laptop10:01
_diegoand the keyboard comes with the laptop10:01
bipulWhat is the meaning of "segments" ? when we do lvdisplay.10:02
_diegoand it has a numpad (its a full keyboard , big laptop :))10:02
Bit-2_diego. then use a defualt us keyboard settings10:02
_diegoBit-2: not sure if I understand what you mean, I didn't change any settings10:02
_diegoits supposed to be using a pc105 keyboard10:03
biotechy2kgo up to system settings and check I use a wireless keyboard as I like a full size keyboard10:03
biotechy2kin system settings you should see keyboard10:04
_diegoin settings it says pc105 keyboard ... the same if I do dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration10:04
Bit-2__diegoo: when you install ubuntu , it has the feature of detecting a keyboard , by asking you to inter some keys , you can reset it , and make the defualt us-keyboard10:04
zetheroohow can I see if a USB stick is mounted as USB 1, 2 or 3?10:04
_diegoBit-2: im already in linux (dont want to reinstall of course) ... how can I reset it ?10:05
_diegoI tried to reconfigure keyboard-configuration and it didn't help10:05
biotechy2kdiego what OS are you using10:06
Bit-2__diegoo: usaully its in system settings -> key entry -> keyboard botton10:06
Bit-2what version of ubuntu ??10:06
biotechy2kI had no issues with 16.04 LTS just a bit of hanging on video and movie playback but unity hangs sometimes10:07
ChetManlyis ubuntu going to continue after "Z"10:08
Bit-2__diegoo: usaully its in system settings -> text entry -> +ADD language, use defualt-english US10:08
k1l_ChetManly: we will see when its time for the new name10:08
ChetManlymight not make it then even  I guess10:09
biotechy2kChetManly they may just go around the block again and start back with A maybe Apt-get anteater LOL10:09
ChetManlyexcept make it better this time?10:10
biotechy2kdiego if you are using an earlier version of Ubuntu you could open terminal and sudo apt-get install console-common for Ubuntu 1210:12
=== dominus is now known as Guest8724
biotechy2kthen sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data10:12
biotechy2kthen perhaps run sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration10:13
czwolfHello again still solving this situation - 3 scripts. I may not be able to do it without a simple example, please look:10:13
czwolfA) terminal.sh starts a xfce4-terminal window. I want to start the execution of10:13
czwolfB) myscript.sh in that terminal window any later. (Can be simple or complicated, e. g. just: echo test in it. It will end or crash.)10:13
czwolfC) starter.sh is my 3rd script which triggers the execution of myscript.sh10:13
czwolfWhat I need: 1. terminal window will NOT close & 2. terminal will keeps accepting inputs from starter.sh. Possible, how?10:13
ChetManlyHey I yarded the nvidia card  out of my box and two things: 1. grub font got all tiny, how can I increase it and 2. why is the so little horizontal tearing now on my tv (monitor and tv are different resolutions as well)10:13
biotechy2kczwolf have you tried force quit10:13
ChetManlyit onboard ati now afaik10:14
czwolfbiotechy2k ty for response. How?10:14
biotechy2klet me check my manual mate and I'll be back czwolf10:14
czwolfbiotechy2k for sure ty very much :)10:15
biotechy2kHey czwolf what version are you using mate10:16
BigLionAnyone know where i can see the cpu temp in the command line?10:17
biotechy2kcz wolf Press Alt+F2, type gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub press Enter and enter your password.10:17
biotechy2kYou will see the following contents:10:17
biotechy2kGRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`10:17
BigLioni want to do a c++ program to log my CPU temp and load, the load is done, but on the temp i cant get the file with the cpu temp10:17
czwolfbiotechy2k xfce4-terminal 0.6.3 - I can do what you wrote10:20
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biotechy2kgive it ago mate  then reboot good luck, time for apt-get beer from fridge10:20
BigLioni want to do a c++ program to log my CPU temp and load, the load is done, but on the temp i cant get the file with the cpu temp, anyone??10:21
=== Biokee is now known as Guest21891
czwolfbiotechy2k I did not get what and why I should do in grub and how it could help, or reboot in this case. Yes, the content you described is there.10:27
root-alihello I want to deploy a linux destro for our organization whats your opinion to start that? if you know book or Article to help please sent me the link10:28
bazhang!manual | root-ali10:28
ubotturoot-ali: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:28
bazhang!rute | and this root-ali10:29
ubottuand this root-ali: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf10:29
bazhangthis is ubuntu support only root-ali , for more suggestions, try ##linux10:29
AnticomHi all. At work I've got a new machine which i'm currently setting up. However on my old drive there's some stuff i'd like to put over to the new machine. Is there any simple way of mounting the HDD from my old PC in the new pc? (HDD is unencrpyted, it's the primary HDD which is bootable)10:36
docgiAnticom, it should be plug and play10:37
Anticomdocgi: with SATA? although there's also a /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5 partition on there?10:37
k1l_yeah. as long as the cables fit that should work10:38
AnticomLinux just got even more awesome10:38
k1l_Anticom: the sdXY is machine specific. so on the new machine where there is already a disk your old disk will be named sdb10:38
Anticomk1l_: and i also don't have to take away the boot flag using gparted etc?10:38
k1l_bootflags dont matter on linux. that is a windows thing10:39
Anticomoh okay10:39
nico__join #qt-documentation10:41
Ubuntivityhello. I'm using Libreoffice 3 on Ubuntu 12.04. After an update the Arabic letters are not displayed in Libreoffice! What could cause this? and if the update is the cause how to revert it?10:42
cfhowlettUbuntivity, what updated?10:42
AnticomWhat's the recommended tweaking utility for ubuntu? Iirc there are a couple of different ones out there. (I'm on Xenial)10:44
k1l_Anticom: there is "unity-tweak-tool" officially from ubuntu10:44
Ubuntivitycfhowlett: simple apt-get upgrade10:48
cfhowlettUbuntivity, any error msg's?10:48
k1l_maybe the l10n package doesnt match now?10:49
Ubuntivitycfhowlett: None. I've figured this problem by chance when I went to use Libreoffice10:49
Ubuntivityk1l_: what is that package?10:49
k1l_localisation, i guess that is where the support for arabic letters is in.10:49
cfhowlettUbuntivity, and LO is the only app that fails with your fonts?10:49
k1l_!info libreoffice-l10n-ar10:50
ubottulibreoffice-l10n-ar (source: libreoffice-l10n): office productivity suite -- Arabic language package. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1.4-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 371 kB, installed size 2670 kB10:50
Jhsi'm trying to install ubuntu on a brand new Asus R541U, but the UEFI boot option thing doesn't allow me to boot from USB. I click "Add new boot option", add the appropriate .efi file from the USB, but on reboot that boot option is gone. can someone help?10:50
Ubuntivitycfhowlett: Yes, only Libreoffice10:50
Ubuntivityk1l_: is there a way to revert to the previous version?10:51
cfhowlettUbuntivity, I suspect k1l_ has it right.  reinstal the libreoffice package he linked10:51
k1l_Ubuntivity: no. and since the update of the libreoffice package was in july, i guess the issue might be somewhere else10:51
MathisenJhs, try set a admin pass in the bios10:51
Ubuntivitycfhowlett: how to install the previous version of the package and not the latest one?10:52
Ubuntivityk1l_: it is a fresh install done yesterday. Libreoffice was working normally before performing apt-get upgrade10:52
cfhowlettUbuntivity, download, save then sudo dpkg -i foo.deb10:52
Ubuntivitycfhowlett: Thanks, I'll try to do that and see..10:52
JhsMathisen, ok, thx, trying10:52
k1l_Ubuntivity: does "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" bring any more updates?10:53
cfhowletthappy2help Ubuntivity10:53
Ubuntivityk1l_: It does bring the firmware update and some related packages that I didn't update10:54
JhsMathisen, same thing. when i reboot the boot option i added is gone. i disabled booting to windows, so it goes directly to bios10:54
Ubuntivityk1l_: because I know they will corrupt my wireless driver10:54
MathisenJhs, dissable secure boot then10:55
JhsMathisen, done, no difference10:56
MathisenJhs, hmm dont know then..10:57
MathisenJhs, but im sure there is a setting in there somewhere10:57
MathisenJhs, kinda hard to guess here without sitting in front of it10:57
JhsMathisen, instead of just Save & Exit I chose "boot override" to my Ubuntu USB stick, it seems to be working now10:58
BluesKaj-piHiyas all10:59
JhsMathisen, installing now. thank you very much for the help :)11:02
=== marcos is now known as Guest89545
CipherZerohow much storage size is good for installing ubuntu?11:11
Guest89545i relly dont no i have 256gb and works fine11:12
cfhowlettCipherZero, base install can fit in 10gb but no data storage ...11:12
k1l_CipherZero: around 15GB for the / partition and the rest of the disk for /home partition where all your data will go in.11:13
CipherZero100G is too big?11:13
k1l_CipherZero: there is no too big :)11:13
cfhowlettCipherZero, note the size of /dev/sda2       http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173208/11:14
CipherZero64G will be shorten?11:14
k1l_CipherZero: 64Gb for what?11:14
CipherZeroinstalling ubuntu11:15
k1l_CipherZero: because if you dont seperate / and /home then you need as much as you can have for the / since all your data will be stored in /11:15
Guest89545i need go back to windows. i will make a usb just to use ubuntu11:15
CipherZerook thanks k1l_11:16
k1l_CipherZero: we cant know what all data (fotos, files, music, videos...) you will store on your system. we can only tell you that the OS needs at least 10-15GB, the rest is what you add to it.11:16
Guest8954564gb depends of wath do you like to do with ubuntu11:16
CipherZerobut windows is short about 64G11:17
k1l_CipherZero: the base OS of windows does take way more disk space already.11:17
RandomBananazzfresh install is of Windows 10 is about 30-40 G11:18
CipherZero30~40G lol11:18
RandomBananazzaccording to microsoft, a 32 bit installations is 20 g11:19
CipherZero20G :(11:20
SwedeMikethe ISO is 4 GB11:20
sgo11hi, is that possible for android to access files in my ubuntu desktop through cable? I know how to access android files from ubuntu. but what I want is to access ubuntu files from android. thanks.11:20
sgo11I mean usb cable. thanks.11:21
Guest89545wath files:11:22
hateballsgo11: with a regular setup, no11:23
hateballsgo11: any reason you cannot use wifi?11:23
sgo11hateball, slow speed. I am trying to watch a 8 GB blueray video in my android phone. I don't have enough spare storage in the phone.11:24
sgo11I guess otg cable with a usb drive can do the job. but currently, I don't have an otg cable.11:25
Guest89545your phone have space for ssd card:11:26
sgo11I can also scale the video to smaller size with ffmpeg, but that took a verrry long time.11:26
sgo11Guest89545, what does that mean? ssd harddrive?11:27
Guest89545no a ssd card like sandinsk or kingston card11:27
Guest89545wath is the model of your phone:11:27
sgo11Guest89545, I don't get what you mean. do you mean tf card or micro sd card? My phone does not support external tf card.11:28
Guest89545sgo11: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010Q588D4/ref=s9_top_hd_bw_b3I4RsJ_g147_i1/159-1863190-2760340?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-4&pf_rd_r=F9XN5B8Z34F3YAGVSY4W&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=4deb6fed-1027-542e-9972-8f77337666ef&pf_rd_i=301543301111:29
Guest89545this card11:29
sgo11that is a tf card (micro sd card). I never know that is called ssd card too...11:29
sgo11my phone does not support tf card. :) sad..11:30
Guest89545you can order this11:30
Guest89545sorry man i live in brazil is meny ways to name many stuff11:31
sgo11I have ordered an otg product. but it's under shipment. I am trying to use some workarounds now. :)11:31
Guest89545do you relly relly need a blueray video on your phone:11:32
Guest89545the lcd is very small you can put the same video in other quality11:33
musahi, m new to open source community just replaced windows 10 spyware with ubuntu mate feeling great!!11:33
sgo11Guest89545, not really. scale the video is another option. it just took very long time. never stop.. maybe I should try ffmpeg again...11:33
cfhowlettsgo11, ffmpeg?  on the phone?11:34
sgo11cfhowlett, ffmpeg on my ubuntu.11:34
Guest89545i have other alternative but you need a good internet conection11:34
cfhowlettsgo11, depending on your ram and gpu, "hours" is normal ...11:34
Guest89545you can put on youtube or dropbox onedrive11:35
sgo11cfhowlett, yeah, that's why I don't want to try that option. it's burning my laptop cpu too.11:35
sgo11Guest89545, I don't think that will work. I have samba server in my lan. I tried that. too slow... I don't think internet will do anything better than my lan.11:36
cfhowlettsgo11, workaround: make an ubuntu USB.  take USB to the local Apple store (preferably in quiet corner.  boot USB, install ffmpeg and transcode the video.11:36
cfhowlettalso works at the Dell store11:37
Guest89545sgo11: good luck man i need go to work heave a nice day11:38
sgo11cfhowlett, ok.. it's easier if my android can simply access my ubuntu files via usb cable...11:38
sgo11Guest89545, thanks a lot. have a nice day.11:39
Capum321hello, this command `at now + 6 minutes rtcwake -s 300 -m standby` at terminal returns: at: invalid option -- 's'12:00
k1l_there is no -s?12:01
ikoniaCapum321: I suspect it's trying to use -s as an 'at' argument12:01
Capum321that's right12:01
ikoniaI don't see a -s option for at12:02
Capum321rtcwake and onwards are a different command12:02
BigPerMhey all12:02
k1l_so set the rtcw command in " "12:02
EriC^try using quotes12:02
Capum321"" ?12:02
BigPerMneed some help with occassional screen flicker on Ubuntu 16.04.12:04
Capum321quoted second command returns syntax error. last token seen: r   /   Garbled time12:04
BigPerMlspci | grep VGA12:04
BigPerM00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics (rev 07)12:04
BigPerM03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Opal XT [Radeon R7 M265] (rev ff)12:04
BigPerM!ping me12:05
sgo11Guest89545, hateball, cfhowlett, FYI. I really found a way. even if nobody mentions this on the internet. I first enabled USB tethering in my android phone. and then I enable samba server in my ubuntu. use ifconfig to find out what ip address of usb0 got. and connect this samba share in android with some file explorer such as ES. that's all. works very well. the video plays very smoothly.12:10
=== Denzel is now known as Guest64736
hateballsgo11: heh :)12:10
cfhowlettsgo11, what?  sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei ... man, get pics and post that on a tutorial someplace!12:10
sgo11hateball, :) am very happy now.12:10
sgo11cfhowlett, ^_^12:11
BigPerMsgo11: I browse to a web server on my pc to transfer / stream movies to my phone.12:11
sgo11BigPerM, ok. I am watching 8GB blueray. thus my problem was I have to use the cable connection and how android access ubuntu files through cable. then I found out the solution.12:13
BigPerM8GB Blue ray on a mobile phone? does your phone have a 4K display?12:14
hateballsgo11: so you do have wifi access tho?12:14
BigPerMVLC / webserver or plex works fine for large movies12:14
hateballsgo11: you could run something that transcodes the video instead, to a size suitable for the phone12:14
sgo11hateball, yeah, I tried ffmpeg. but it took too long and burn my laptop cpu.12:15
BigPerMsgo11: what phone do u have?12:16
sgo11BigPerM, I don't think you never heard that. nubia z9. I tried wifi lan way. doesn't work well. lags, slow etc..12:17
hateballsgo11: well now you have a solution that works, so all is well12:18
sgo11anyway, I am happy with my current solution.12:18
sgo11hateball, yeah. :)12:18
BigPerMInteresting phone... Looks like good specs12:19
knobWhich phone?  Can you re-post link?12:21
BigPerMany got time to help with a screen flickering problem in Ubuntu 16.04?12:22
BigPerMany 112:22
sgo11that is already an old phone.12:22
BigPerMso is the nexus 6p12:22
BigPerMand the galaxy note 712:22
sgo11anyway, I am going offline.12:23
BigPerMEnjoy real life12:23
sgo11BigPerM, ok. thanks. you too.12:24
studio-d1g1t4Lnrhey anyone know where i can find the various distribution stats for ubuntu?12:25
elzbietacan anyone please help me ? iv got problem with wifi12:26
OerHeksstudio-d1g1t4Lnr, there are no verifyable stats , about downloads, users, upgraders and such12:26
elzbietai migratedto Xfce and wifi was for about 10 min  now is gone forever :)12:26
knobThanks BigPerM12:26
studio-d1g1t4Lnrelizbieta what do you mean it is gone forever?12:28
studio-d1g1t4Lnrthanks OerHeks12:28
studio-d1g1t4LnrAny general stats you might know of.12:29
elzbietait does not see any network and  the light hardware is gone too12:29
elzbietastudio-d1g1t4Lnr, ^^12:29
noobuntuHii guys, can I reinstall something I have installed already (it's crashing) without internet connectivity? Googling only gives results about ubuntu (OS) reinstall.12:30
BigPerMnoobuntu: what application?12:31
EriC^noobuntu: yeah if you haven't run apt-get clean12:31
noobuntuopera bowser12:31
EriC^noobuntu: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>12:31
noobuntuHow EriC^?12:31
elzbietastudio-d1g1t4Lnr, http://beta.pastee.com/r3vrv12:33
elzbietacan anyone  advise me how to fix wifi ? please ?http://beta.pastee.com/r3vrv12:34
TKoLI can't find any way to apt install webstorm, I can't find a ppa for it12:36
TKoLwhich is odd because there is one for pycharm12:36
TKoLanybody know if there's a way to do that?12:36
OerHekselzbieta, Atheros is a troublemaker, it has encryption enabled standard, did you add ' nohwcrypt=1 ' to the config? tons of post about this, see https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2160177&s=d0b2a9d6a3bf98ed31425ceec6dd1711&p=12719757#post1271975712:37
Valchik_workHi all12:38
k1l_TKoL: well, its payware, so there is no way that is going into the repos. see their website how to install that12:38
elzbietaOerHeks, i didn't dont even know what you mean :)12:38
OerHeksTKoL, PhpStorm and WebStorm are not FREE, so this is a 30-day trial .. no ppa likely, download it from their site?12:38
OerHekselzbieta, that post gives terminal commands, open terminal with ctrl alt T , and good luck12:39
OerHekselzbieta, Atheros  is a troublemaker, if this does not work, i am out of ideas12:40
elzbietaOerHeks, done12:40
OerHeksafter that, disable wireless from networkmanager, and enable again12:41
elzbietaOerHeks, whet command shoul i execute?12:41
OerHeksall 3 lines seperatly12:41
TKoLOerHeks yes, I have key12:42
OerHeksIt will patch, unload, and load again12:42
TKoLI'm student12:42
TKoLthe problem is that when I download it from their site, it doesn't install the same way a normal application does12:42
OerHeksTKoL, so install from their site, they do give instructions, no?12:42
TKoLit leaves the install files wherever you unpack the .gar.gz12:42
OerHeksTKoL, yeah, no, my support stops here.12:43
TKoLthanks pal12:43
TKoLanybody else know?12:43
wish^Unfortunately my newest endavour with ubuntu has been the most unstable operating system i have ever used. :(12:47
wish^And to think all of my servers run Ubuntu and they never encounter any problems. For the desktop though, there is clearly serious issues with screen drivers, more specifically related to compiz12:48
wish^Only alternative is mac and it costs 3000$ for the same machine :(12:49
adamicronhi, I installed libcgraph6 on 16.04 since I needed it as dependency, the script I'm using (correctly) tries to use pkg-config to acces the library but there's no .pc in libcgraph6 package, nor I do see a -dev package12:50
mcphailadamicron: does the graphviz-dev package have it?12:53
adamicronmcphail: libgraphviz-dev does12:54
adamicronhow did you guess it?12:54
mcphailadamicron: just followed the dependency chain backwards ;)12:55
adamicronI now see I could have just searched for libcgraph.pc in PUC12:55
acresearchpeople, how can i find a printer to print using its IP address?12:59
alamoAnyone familiar with daemontools here?12:59
wish^Can someone tell me which is the most stable version of compiz?13:03
dminuosofree is reported 1.4gb used memory after buffers/cache - but I cannot find a single process that has pretty much any RSS.13:05
dminuosoCan someone give me a pointer what might be going on?13:05
dminuosoIt's like the memory is gone, with no indicator at why or who is using it.13:11
dminuosoThe only suspect I had was tmpfs, but /tmp is practically empty.13:11
matias_hello, I have this problem with vagrant vbox trusty62(guest) running on ubuntu16... that I just can't bridge the wlan0 interface on my thinkpad x220..... anyone wan into similar thing?13:12
user|4215hello there and good morning13:15
user|4215i have a laptop. COMPAQ cq7 / celeron 1.5 mhz / ram 4GB / hdd 320gb <--- what version of ubuntu could do real good with such spec? thank you!13:16
acresearchpeople, how can i find a printer to print using its IP address?13:17
user|4215i have a laptop: COMPAQ cq57 / celeron 1.5 mhz / ram 4GB / hdd 320gb <--- what version of ubuntu could do real good with such spec? thank you!13:19
_0xbadc0dehi guys13:20
retrazilHi, I am on Ubuntu Mate 14.04 LTS. I have installed iBus and fcitx installed for Japanese keyboard input. But both of them don't work. I can switch japanese input but japanese characters don't appear. It's just english characters13:20
retrazilCan anyone help ?13:20
_0xbadc0delisten how can I make /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward persistent = 113:20
_0xbadc0debecause after patching to 1 after reboot its zero again13:21
matias__0xbadc0de /etc/sysctl.conf13:22
snuffthi guys13:29
snuffti've got a 16.04 install that has decided not to boot a gui any more13:29
lafumafinso, what pc and so on13:29
snufftthe only thing i've done that is even slightly "dodgy" (lol) is open gparted. don't recall changing anything in it even, was just trying to see what drives were available. restarted the machine shortly after and now no gui :(13:30
lafumafinWhat machine you use ?13:30
snufftI've tried a couple of google suggestions like editing the grub entry to read "nomodeset" instead of "quiet splash", but other than that everything asks me to dive deep into grub and I've got a feeling that I'm barking up the wrong tree :)13:31
OerHekssnufft, mission accomplished, no?13:31
snufftOerHeks: haha, well I'd rather boot to a gui instead of a terminal, so no, not quite :P13:32
guest-2JigdChi friends13:33
OerHekssnufft, did you update grub after that edit?13:33
snufftOerHeks: I don't "think" so? The guide told me to change the line then press control + x to reboot. There's nothing on the page to say how to save the edit even, so I assumed it's saved when rebooting?13:34
OerHekssnufft, what guide exactly? is this a one-time edit to the grubmenu, or from within ubuntu?13:35
snufftOerHeks: one time edit. It was a forum post rather than a guide, let me scan my history :)13:35
OerHeksthis is the correct manual >13:35
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:35
snufftOerHeks: in that case, I'm probably way off the mark :P13:36
wish^Everytime i leave my computer for a phone call for 5 mins it auto locks which is normal, but when i come back to try and unlock it it restarts itself and i lose the session13:36
wish^What can i do?13:36
_0xbadc0deso I edited the line that says :13:37
praetin mathomatic, when i press up, it prints ^[[A instead of moviong to previous entry. Any way to fix that?13:37
praetseems to use libreadline613:37
_0xbadc0deNet.ipv4.ip_forward=1 under sysctl.conf on etc/13:37
_0xbadc0denow after rebooting13:38
_0xbadc0deis this normal?13:38
=== igor_opaniuk_ is now known as igor_opaniuk
_0xbadc0de./proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_foraward is zero13:38
joelio_0xbadc0de: does it have the capital in N in Net?13:39
_0xbadc0deI mean is my kernel doing forwarding ?13:39
joeliothat's wrong if so13:39
joelioalso, by default forwarding is not enabled fwiw13:39
_0xbadc0deyes but I WANT FORWARDING13:39
_0xbadc0deas soon as it reboots13:40
joeliono need to shout13:40
joeliojust set it to one then, using the correct lowercase13:40
_0xbadc0dethere is no other forwarding option13:40
_0xbadc0deother than Net.ipv4.ip_forawarding=113:41
_0xbadc0deothers are related to syncookies and such13:41
joelioyea, well you can use that or use the lowercase.. the onte that works :)13:41
_0xbadc0deso I just change it to lowercase then?13:41
joelionet.ipv4.ip_forward = 113:42
joelioit's not ip_forwarding btw13:42
alamoAnyone got experience using daemontools here for services??13:42
_0xbadc0deah yes13:43
_0xbadc0dewell if that works13:43
joelioalamo: you heard of supervisord?13:43
joelioor you set on daemontools>13:43
_0xbadc0dewhy isn't this option commented out then?13:43
alamoi have yeah, ive sort of been instructed to use daemontools13:43
_0xbadc0deso that I know it exists13:43
alamoI have daemontools working, but I'm having trouble with the logging functionality of it13:43
alamoso the service is all rosy, but the automatic logging isn't functioning13:44
joeliocat /etc/sysctl.conf  | grep forward13:44
joelio# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv413:44
joelio_0xbadc0de: ^ it is13:44
_0xbadc0dein my pc its uppercase13:44
joelioif you have something else, you'll have added or opened in vi and it's gone uppercase with the wrong keypress... or something. Default it's not there, I can assure you :)13:45
joelioplus it's not forwarding, so there's that to...13:45
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_0xbadc0deit worked13:48
_0xbadc0debut I still hate this fucking shit13:48
_0xbadc0deand linux in general13:49
wish^I amg etting a  Hash Sum mismatch on alot of ppa's13:49
wish^Anyone know what can cause this13:49
OerHekswish^, show us the output in paste.ubuntu.com ?13:50
OerHeksit could well be that the mirror is out of sync, try again in a few minutes.13:50
A-RebirthI have a problem...13:51
wish^http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173653/ OerHeks13:51
OerHekswish^, oh not ppa's, just the repos..13:51
OerHekstry switching to 'main' and see if that cires it13:52
k1l__0xbadc0de: there wont be a new warning on your language. you know that already.13:52
snufftdoes anyone have any suggestions for my non gui boot problem?13:52
_0xbadc0deoh excuse me13:52
_0xbadc0deI am not allowed to say a bad word?13:52
k1l_!guidelines | _0xbadc0de13:53
ubottu_0xbadc0de: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:53
OerHekswish^, blix and uni/Oslo is behind .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:53
_0xbadc0dewhy ? is it because the world is very bad and nobody says bad things?13:53
_0xbadc0destarting by the guy that actually designed this very kernel?13:53
OerHeks_0xbadc0de, keep this channel family friendly.13:53
_0xbadc0dethought so...13:53
OerHeks_0xbadc0de, don't expect help with that attitude, just saying.13:54
A-RebirthI've signed up for a VPN service... But I'm using Ubuntu server with LAMP in a a Hyper-V virtual machine. When I activate the VPN in my router. The websites are getting down... Can I somehow help with this?13:54
wish^OerHeks, My computer is completely messed up. I have not had this many problems with an os since i tried windows me for about 5 hours in 199913:54
k1l_wish^: maybe the mirrors you use is just in the process of syncing the latest updates. i would just give it some time13:54
OerHekswish^, try changing mirror, we cannot do something to fix that.13:55
wish^OerHeks, that works now. So thanks for that. But that is not going to solve the daily ubuntu crashes13:55
wish^Everytime my lock screen comes on and i come back to computer the computer automatically restarts to login screen when i type my password and i lose all my changes on my vm13:56
wish^Is there some easy way I can uninstall unity and compiz and try something else?13:56
OerHekswish^, oh, a vm that crashed. don let your computer fall in sleep then13:56
k1l_wish^: you can install other desktops on ubuntu and just switch on the login screen13:57
wish^OerHeks, It does not fall asleep it brings up the lock screen13:57
wish^OerHeks, And i need a lock screen when i am away from my desk13:57
k1l_wish^: you can shut down the lockscreen. just look at the systemsettings13:57
cscfwish^, are you running out of RAM?13:57
wish^cscf, I am using insane amounts of ram on this system13:58
k1l_wish^: ah ok. but is it in a vm? or is ubuntu the host os?13:58
wish^6.5 gig ram in idle mode, just restarted computer, with chrome and xchat up13:58
cscfwish^, and when you type in your password, does it resume your session, or is it a new login?13:58
wish^it gives me a new login13:58
cscfwish^, ok but how much RAM do you have?13:58
wish^This error started happening earlier today13:58
k1l_wish^: that includes cache, right?13:58
wish^If i use my computer for  a day i use about 14 gb13:59
A-RebirthCan anybody help? The websites are getting offline when I activate VPN in my router... Is it possible to solve somehow? I don't want to spam the channel... But I need an answer. I tried Google already.13:59
wish^The error i had before this was that my screen would freeze and i could not click on anything, but i could move my mouse13:59
cfhowlett!patience | A-Rebirth14:00
ubottuA-Rebirth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:00
wish^I updated my kernel to the newest lts version and that seemed to have fixed the problem14:00
wish^Now a new issue14:00
A-RebirthOK... thanks. Sorry. I'll be waiting.14:00
OerHeksA-Rebirth, so you want AND vpn, AND normal internet traffic to websites?14:01
wish^It seems there is constant issues with this desktop, and this is at work. I cant be spending my time solving computer problems instead of being productive14:01
A-RebirthOerHeks. No... I'm using the Ubuntu Server with LAMP in Hyper-V in Windows 10. If it is possible to exclude the virtual machine it would be good. But I still need the rest of network attatched to the VPN.14:02
A-RebirthI've a Asus AC-68U Router14:02
wish^Going to switch to cinnamon and see if it is with Unity the problem lies14:03
A-RebirthThe VPN is a paid anonymity service... Not that kind of VPN like VPN as a remote desktop.14:04
digitalfizhey guys I have ubuntu running on my macbook I seem to be having weird keyboard issues. when i click into different applications or input boxese first few keystrokes just dont happen14:04
digitalfizhas anyone seen this before?14:04
bestyohmanim using gnome-terminal --execute python runserver.py a document and setting to run when opened... everthing works perfect for that but i was trying to change the name of the terminal that it opens also. All i get is there was an error creating the child proccess for this terminal.14:04
digitalfizits a normal usb keyboard so im not sure what i would be having this issue14:06
lne_Hello all, looking for suggestions about 16.04.01 LTS upgrade, seems like there is one package that can't be authenticated and so process gets terminated. Any thoughts? Thank you ..14:08
A-RebirthOerHerks, Still there?14:10
OerHeksA-Rebirth, yes, i think it is a hyperV issue, routing vpn and normal traffic14:11
OerHeksmaybe you want to reask in ubuntu-server too14:11
ducasseA-Rebirth: the vpn is running on the host, or in the guest?14:11
A-RebirthOK I will try there too. Thanks.14:11
bestyohmananyone know how to open new terminal from file and have it rename terminal then run command?14:11
A-RebirthThe VPN is running in the router.14:12
k1l_to me it sounds like its an host network issue.14:12
inoktavA-Rebirth have you tried creating a NAT on hyper-V to your vm? It seems your ip address has changed due to the default route of the VPN gateway14:12
ducasseA-Rebirth: then this is a routing issue, you would need to separate routing to/from that guest. try ##networking14:12
k1l_A-Rebirth: so you setup the router that all traffic goes through the vpn? then its a router issue14:12
A-Rebirthkll_ yeah... it is. But I'm not sure how to do that... Maybe I should to reach Asus support also.14:13
Tims_TechAfter this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.14:13
A-RebirthOK good to know. It's not anything about the LAMP or Ubuntu config?14:14
Anticom_Hi all. I'm having a weird problem with my PROMT_COMMAND for PS1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173746/ I'd like to have my sections enclosed in colored brackets. This seems to work so far, but if my breadcrumb get's too long my cursor acts all weird14:14
ducasseAnticom_: no.14:14
Anticom_ducasse: ?14:14
A-RebirthYeah... You're right. It's not good to use the VPN over the network traffic. I should not do that...14:14
ducasseAnticom_: sorry, that was for A-Rebirth14:14
snufftone other thing I've noticed is that if i login to terminal, I can't startx because it "Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tx0-lock"14:15
Anticom_I also noticed that this problem exists w/o the angle brackets14:15
Anticom_ducasse: haha np, just thought it was some sort of auto-responder14:15
k1l_snufft: dont use startx.14:15
snufftsudo startx gives me the same message14:15
k1l_snufft: start the lightdm14:15
Anticom_Could someone take a look at my PS1 and tell me what's wrong with it?14:15
Anticom_(besides not using \w, that's on purpose)14:15
snufftk1l_: is that just sudo start lightdm?14:16
k1l_snufft: sudo service lightdm start14:16
k1l_or restart14:16
Soul_Samplehey, is there a way to fix wallpaper/unity looking corrupted after a screen lock or a suspend? I've tried multiple desktops, they all manifest the same issue. Using nvidia proprietary driver. If I do "unity --replace", it fixes itself. Maybe I could somehow run that command each time I login/switch user/suspend?14:17
snufftk1l_: restarting boots me to a terminal :( that's why I'm here :( once the service has started, is there a way that I can get back to the desktop from the terminal without restarting?14:17
k1l_snufft: i meant at the end of the command14:18
snufftk1l_: ohhhhhh, sorry. I see what you mean now :)14:18
k1l_snufft: ctrl+alt+f7 will bring you back to xserver14:18
Anticom_Oh, by cursor acting weird i mean that it breaks to a new line (sort of) but stays in the same line but then when i type a very long command it finally breaks. and if i do ^u, the line is completly empty and the cursor is hanging in mid-air14:19
snufftk1l_: unfortunately control + alt + f7 doesn't appear to do anything for me :(14:19
Anticom_snufft: ps aux | grep xserver14:20
Anticom_are you even running an xserver?14:20
ducasseAnticom_: a (maybe) easier way to customize your prompt might be powerline, have you ever looked at it?14:20
snufftAnticom_: probably not :S I have no idea. Ubuntu 16.04 vanilla14:20
Anticom_ducasse: hm, i wrote myself a modular script where i can hook in different sections14:21
k1l_snufft: can you say what the setup and issue is at all?14:21
snufftI've just got an error on re-login then that i'm in a read only file system, lol.14:21
Anticom_ducasse: i've heard of powerline, never used it tho14:21
ducasseAnticom_: that's basically what powerline does :)14:21
snufftk1l_: It's 16.04, issue is that I rebooted and now I can't get into the GUI. Boots me to terminal every time. Now it's telling me when I log in to the terminal that I've got a read-only file system14:22
k1l_snufft: so the hardware got issues? or are you using recovery?14:22
Anticom_ducasse: maybe i'll give it a try. still annoys me, that my script isn't working :p14:22
OerHekssudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target >> systemd points to tty14:23
OerHekssudo systemctl set-default graphical.target   >> reset back to lightdm14:23
snufftk1l_: I'm not using recovery, this is just booting the straight "Ubuntu" entry from Grub. No hardware issues that I'm aware of?14:23
pawshow i i install php curl on 16.04 with php7.0 ? I tried apt-get install php-curl, php7-curl, php7.0-curl none of them worked14:26
snufftis there a way that I cna find out why my main drive would be mounted as read only? or a way that I can just change it so that it's mounted as writable?14:27
k1l_!info php-curl | paws14:27
OerHeksphp7.0-curl is correct14:27
ubottupaws: php-curl (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6)): CURL module for PHP [default]. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB14:27
k1l_snufft: look at "dmesg"14:27
k1l_paws: what is the error on installing php-curl?14:28
pawsk1l_ E: Unable to locate package php-curl14:28
EriC^snufft: check /etc/fstab14:28
EriC^snufft: usually it's mounted read only if there's filesystem errors14:29
EriC^so try to run a fsck from a live usb or try "sudo touch /forcefsck"14:29
EriC^and reboot14:29
k1l_paws: please run "sudo apt update ; apt-cache policy php-curl | nc termbin.com 9999"14:29
pawsthanx k1l_14:32
k1l_paws: can you show the output url in here?14:33
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kgirthoferhttp://imgur.com/a/tEOGN how do I move the unallocated to /dev/sda114:33
Guest63281Hello I've Lenovo G560 I don't have sound in my speakers (using ubuntu xenial) tried to change alsa-base.conf to (ideapad, thinkpad, lenovo, auto) and non worked14:34
k1l_kgirthofer: move the sda2 to the end of disk14:34
kgirthoferwhen I click move http://imgur.com/a/0QVBL14:35
k1l_kgirthofer: not sd514:35
ostekakeHello! I got access to an openstack server, and I want to upload an ubuntu 16.04 image to run. but  Idon't know which one, can you guys help? :) http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/20160907.1/14:35
snufftEriC^: cannot touch "/forcefsck": Read-only file system, hahaha14:35
k1l_kgirthofer: and since its only the swap partition you could just delete it and create a new one afterwards.14:36
kgirthoferhttp://imgur.com/a/aRh8Y ok that's sda2 if I try to drag14:36
kgirthoferoh rele?14:36
EriC^snufft: right, doh O.o14:36
k1l_kgirthofer: look at the last picture. that is where you set the sliders to move it14:37
k1l_kgirthofer: "move" is actually resize boths ends.14:37
kgirthoferright i can either take over teh rest of disk, but cannot move the left arrow14:37
kgirthoferthat's what I thought, but if I click the left arrow, it won't move it.14:38
k1l_kgirthofer: seems its easier to delete it and create a 1GB swap afterwards.14:38
OerHeksostekake, If your deployment uses QEMU or KVM, we recommend using the images in qcow2 format.14:38
kgirthoferlol http://imgur.com/a/afZ8J14:38
kgirthofergreyed out14:38
EriC^snufft: got a live usb at hand?14:38
snufftEriC^: when you say try to run fsck from a live usb, what commands should I be running?14:39
EriC^snufft: come to think of it, i think the grub recovery mode has a fsck option at the top14:39
mouseStuckAfter I wake from sleep my mouse is stuck? Gubuntu 16.04 ??14:39
snufftEriC^: just found a cd with Puppy on it.... pray that the gods of plastic have preserved the disc this day......14:39
ostekakeOerHeks, I have no idea, I just got access14:39
EriC^snufft: just fsck -f /dev/sdxY14:39
ostekakejust starting to learn this14:39
joelioEriC^: aye, qcow2, unless running ceph as cinder storage, there's no qcow2 support, needs raw (appreciate that's an edge case of course)14:39
EriC^snufft: maybe check the hdd's health while you're at it ( sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdx )14:39
jak2000not know why, always always need type: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 for start work with network card? any advice? thanks14:39
snufftEriC^: sweet, no worries. I'm half way through the puppy boot now, i'll try things from there firt :)14:40
EriC^joelio: ? :D14:40
kgirthoferoo0o had to delete all the partitions within14:40
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joelioEriC^: aye, we run ceph as openstack backend storage for images and object store, fountain of useless knowledge :)14:42
jak2000EriC^ any advice?14:43
Ohcraphi folks, just killed both dpkg and apt, any idea how i can recover them? I did it by nuking pcre libs which now I cannot re-install.14:44
snufftEriC^: puppy failed :( tried fsck from recovery and it gives me "mount point /mnt/blahblah does not exist" :D14:45
EriC^joelio: :)14:45
EriC^(no idea what you said though:D)14:45
EriC^jak2000: regarding what?14:45
joelioEriC^: http://ceph.com/14:45
EriC^snufft: odd, do you have a live usb at hand?14:46
kgirthoferthanks guys! Got it :)14:46
snufftEriC^: i don't, unfortunately. I can get my download on now and grab one. might take a few hrs on australian internet though, haha14:46
snufftEriC^: any particular distro?14:47
NOVAtechisnufft: what are you looking to do?14:47
EriC^snufft: in that case try to mount as read-write with mount -o remount,rw / then touch /forcefsck14:47
EriC^snufft: in that case try to mount as read-write with mount -o remount,rw / then touch /forcefsck14:48
Ohcrapanyone? any way to undo: "sudo dpkg --force-all -P libpcre3"14:49
mouseStuckMy cursor is stuck after waking from sleep? Gubuntu 16.04.114:49
EriC^Ohcrap: i guess you could compile manually those needed libs and stuff?14:49
catphishdoes ubuntu 16.04 support downgrading to linux 3.x?14:50
jak2000EriC^ notebox know why, always always need type: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 for start work with network card? any advice? thanks14:50
EriC^Ohcrap: or download the package and unzip it and manually copy the files over?14:50
Ohcrapthanks for suggestions, firstly @EriC^... I have gcc but doubt I have the rest of the libs required to build them (so would be PITA to build here). In terms of downloading the package, I have an rpm with it in but no tool to extract.... Any default tool on ubuntu to unpack rpms?14:51
jak2000EriC^ its a vm in Virtual Box14:51
EriC^catphish: you could install the hwe package for trusty that uses 3.13 i dont know how that would go though14:51
snufftEriC^: as in, edit fstab from recovery?14:51
EriC^snufft: no just type the command there "mount -o remount,rw /"14:52
EriC^jak2000: no idea sorry14:52
EriC^Ohcrap: get the package from archive.ubuntu.com then use the archive unzipper in the filemanager to get the files14:53
snufftEriC^: all I can do from there is press enter to continue14:53
Ohcrapthanks @EriC^, will give it a bash14:53
EriC^snufft: oh, try to drop to root shell14:53
EriC^Ohcrap: np14:53
Ohcrap@EriC^ Just realised, since I'm on Elementary the file manager is probably different. That seems to be the last of my worries though, as the one I have won't start lol14:54
OhcrapI assume for the same reason that dpkg, sudo, cd, and everything else won't work14:54
Ohcrapthings I can do: nano, vim, use chrome which is open, use the terminals i have got open already14:54
EriC^Ohcrap: you can still extract the files using dpkg i think14:54
EriC^dpkg -x bla.deb14:55
Ohcraprunning dpkg gives me the error14:55
snufftEriC^: no output from either "mount -o remount, rw /" or "touch /forcefsck" :(14:55
Ohcrapdpkg: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:55
catphishEriC^: it seems that "linux-hwe-generic-trusty" doesn't really do anything at all on xenial :(14:55
EriC^snufft: ok good14:55
EriC^snufft: it means they worked, try ls14:55
cursorStuckMy cursor is stuck after waking from sleep? Gubuntu 16.04.114:55
EriC^snufft: try ls / to see if the forcefsck got created14:55
snufftEriC^: yeah buddy! ls / gives me folders!14:56
k1l_catphish: there is no 3.x kernel in 16.0414:56
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EriC^Ohcrap: try in the terminal xdg-open bla.deb14:57
catphishk1l_: i feared there may not be :(14:58
ontsledderI am trying to transfer music to an SD card and play it in my card with ubuntu.  I can not seem to get it to work.  Anyone help???14:58
Mavisstart by saying what is not working14:58
ontsledderMavis you talking to me?14:59
ssarahhei, you know that after you start ubuntu for the first time, if you go to language support it says that language support is not installed completely?14:59
ssarahhow do you install language support completely using command line?15:00
Ohcrap@EriC^: closer. I can open it with that, offers me to install (error since dpkg borked), save (works, i just get seemingly another .deb?), or quit15:00
ontsledderI have all the mp3 music loaded on to an SDHC card and when I plug into my truck it says Card not supported.15:02
k1l_ontsledder: what filesystem is on that sdcard?15:02
k1l_and that truck worked with that exact card before?15:03
EriC^Ohcrap: try ar x bla.deb15:03
ontsledderYes.  I had windows before and did it no prob. But switched to ubuntu and now I can not get it working15:03
EriC^Ohcrap: then tar xzf data.tar.gz apparently15:03
k1l_ontsledder: was it unmounted correctly?15:04
ontsledderprobally not15:04
k1l_ontsledder: what happens on "dmesg" if you put that into the ubuntu?15:04
ron__vous avez vu //www.spamhaus.org/query/domain/outlook.fr   chez outlook :x15:04
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Ohcrap@EriC^ extracted, but tar depends on it too :D15:05
Ohcrap@EriC^ that is to say it depends on libpcre15:05
ontsledderNew to ubuntu?  dmesg in terminal?15:06
OhcrapI'm tempted just to refo, I get the impression I've taken this a step too far lol15:06
k1l_ontsledder: yes15:06
ontsleddergives me a ton of info15:06
k1l_ontsledder: "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" in terminal and show the output url here please15:07
ontsledderdoes say it is not unmounted15:08
ontsledderFAT-fs (sdc1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.15:09
k1l_ontsledder: so there you go15:09
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:09
k1l_ontsledder: http://askubuntu.com/questions/147228/how-to-repair-a-corrupted-fat32-file-system/14723715:10
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ash_workzis the general idea with backing up a linux system to rsync remotely?15:17
Ohcrap@EriC^ Thanks for your help, I was struck with the brilliant idea to boot from USB using the same image I installed with, and from there to locate all files named pcre, mount the existing drive at ~/tmp, then cp the file to the same location within the ~/tmp folder as it is on the bootable ISO image... Worked a treat. Time to install the package pr15:22
Ohcrapoperly anyway. Thanks :)15:22
EriC^Ohcrap: great idea15:23
EriC^Ohcrap: no problem!15:23
wish^Hi, I am back on Cinnamon and it seems to have fixed most of my problems. Is it safe to remove unity from my system at this point?15:27
Ohcrap@EriC^ one more problem to resolve... because I cp'd the files, it looks to have copied files where it should've created hardlinks (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3  is not a symbolic link + one other for /usr/lib). If I delete those two files now, and hardlink them appropriately, what do you suppose the chances of doom might be? Any guesses?15:28
OerHekswish^, adding a desktop is no problem, removing one can be a pain.15:29
ontsledderkill_ i unmounted it and did not work.  I will have to play with it more.15:29
OhcrapOK, it broke. Time to go fix it properly LOL15:29
k1l_ontsledder: you need to fsck the sdcard15:30
ontsledderi did that15:30
ontsledderdoing it again15:31
ontsledderit hangs on checking for bad clusters?  Do i just leave it there until finished?15:32
k1l_ontsledder: ofcourse you dont abbort the fsck.15:32
ontsledderok i will let it sit there15:33
wish^OerHeks, ok, so i can just keep the other desktop and it shouldn't cause any problems?15:41
OerHekswish^, 2 desktops do not bite, indeed. if you want pure cinnamon, i suggest reinstall, with the mini iso as cinnamon has no official iso (yet)15:43
wish^Do you mean Mint?15:43
ontsledderk1l_does this take awhile?15:44
OerHeksNo, mini iso, small iso without live mode, which needs internet to install a desktop15:44
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:44
wish^OerHeks, thanks for your assistance though. What i really want is kde plasma with Ubuntu 16.04 so I will probably install that when I decide to do a reinstall15:44
snuffthmmm, so how do i go about adding my main drive back into fstab?15:45
snufftor rather, how can i go about recreating my /etc/fstab?15:46
wish^Is there someone here that jnows or knows a good article for disk partitioning for an ubuntu installation? What kind of sizes do we need for the different paths?15:47
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap15:48
OerHekslots of info, i would let ubuntu do the partitioning15:48
wish^Ok OerHeks15:50
wish^Do you know what normal ram usage is at for Ubuntu, i am currently at 8gb constantly15:50
snufftHALLELUJAH! I'M IN!!!15:51
naccwish^: it should use all your ram all the time, if there is any need for it15:51
OerHeksfew hundred mb, see htop what is eating your ram15:51
snufftThanks OerHeks and EriC^ for putting up with my stupid questions :D Thanks to you guys I can finally finish installing some windows rubbish and go to bed :D15:51
Neuiiwish^: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/15:51
naccwish^: it depends on workload, etc.,15:51
wish^My swap never gets touched though15:52
naccwish^: are you overcommitting?15:52
wish^nacc, what exactly do you mean?15:53
naccwish^: are you using more memory than you physically have by your workload? or more precisely, why do you expect swap to be used?15:55
naccwish^: that doesn't quite answer my second question15:56
_0xbadc0desudo apt-get install bind915:56
wish^Computer feels sluggish at times, and sometimes i get as much as 14 gb ram usage in the sytem monitor15:57
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Ohcrap@EriC^ still here? :)15:57
wish^It just seemed strange, but I did read your linuxateram thing so i guess it is normal15:57
anddamI have two 16.04 ubuntu hosts with gnome. One shows the full path in gnome-terminal window title, the other just the last path component, where's this configured?15:57
k1l_wish^: 1) ram is to be used. free ram is wasited money. 2) you need to seperate cache and actual ram usage.15:57
naccwish^: if you have 16G of RAM, then it doesn't matter if your spikes are 14G15:57
naccwish^: you want ram to be used before swap, generally15:58
ontsledderk1l_ when done that fsck.  I can pull it and try in my truck or do I have another step?15:58
wish^Ok, well I dunno what is up. But i do not like it when the fan speed of my computer is noticable because i open a new chrome tab15:58
k1l_ontsledder: make sure its properly unmounted before pulling it out15:58
wish^So something is definetly wrong with the system15:59
OhcrapI'm getting no such file or directory running ln with the first param being the file I'm creating as a link, and the second being the file it's linking to. Any suggestions on that? :)15:59
ontsledderok what is the best way?15:59
OhcrapThe first file doesn't exist, the second does. The no such file or directory is flagging on the first file - that shouldn't exist, so far as I'm aware15:59
OerHekswish^, good thing fanspeed is on. your complaint is invalid.15:59
naccwish^: that's unlikely to be related to not swapping (it would be more likely to occur if you *were* swapping). It's probable that you either are consuming all cpus, so cpu frequency is ramping up (which increases heat), or maybe the disk is spinning for one reason or another. It's hard to say why without knowing more of what is happening when you notice the fan increase.16:00
DrunkenDwarfHi all. The live USB for "Try Ubuntu" is formatted for testing the system, is there an easy way to get a standard install of Ubuntu (without installer and Grub "try" menu) onto a bootable usb?16:00
naccOhcrap: other way around16:00
wish^nacc, Yea I understand that. Thanks though.16:00
naccOhcrap: `man ln`: ln target link_name16:00
Ohcrapoh crap.16:01
naccOhcrap: indeed. np :)16:01
Ohcrapthe strange bit is that two other links worked backwardsly (if that makes sense16:01
boohHi.  I have 2 screen on 2 amd old graphics cards.  I see my desktop in xinerama.  Ubuntu 16.04 with OpenSource drivers. It's a dedicated box displaying always same app on each screen.  Before when I was on an old ubuntu with proprietary drivers, I had to start each app with the right DISPLAY=... each screen was independent.  Is it possible to have this mode again to be able to auto start my 2 apps full screen ?16:01
naccOhcrap: it doesn't, but no context, so unclear :)16:01
cscfDrunkenDwarf, yeah, just run the installer from a usb or dvd and point it at an USB.16:02
NeuiiIs there a way to let automount say why the mount failed? It just says "failed to mount /media/sdcard" when trying to access the folder16:02
naccNeuii: it's probably in dmesg16:02
Ohcrapnacc: Context is that I forcefully removed pcre using dpkg and everything broke, I'm trying to "restore" it using bootable usb and just forcing files / links back into place... It worked, but some links were replaced with files which confused apt later on, now trying to rectify that :P16:02
ontsledderk1l- i tried and got unmount: command not found16:02
pavlosontsledder, umount not uNmount16:03
naccOhcrap: seems like a mistake :) ... forcefully removing anything often leads to issues :)16:03
Surendilontsledder, umount without the N16:03
DrunkenDwarfcscf: will that put the bootloder etc on the usb and not the host machine primary partition? So I can effectively plug it in something else entirely16:03
k1l_ontsledder: umount is the command16:03
Ohcrapnacc: hence the name :)16:03
naccOhcrap: are you not able to chroot in from the bootable usb and just reinstall the .deb?16:03
u0m3_hi. does anyone know why nvidia-370 and nvidia-cuda-toolkit are incompatible? (I mean is it a real incompatibility or just some packaging quirk?)16:03
naccOhcrap: which you might need to manually d/l16:04
Ohcrapi have no idea how to do that16:04
OhcrapI just noticed this (from an earlier effort): lrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 19 Mar 25 04:12 /home/elementary/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre16.so.3.13.2 -> libpcre16.so.3.13.216:04
naccOhcrap: what package did you forcibly delete?16:04
Ohcrapis it just me, or is that file linked to itself?16:04
ontsledderok so in terminal i type unmount that is all?16:04
Ohcrapnacc: pcre1616:04
naccOhcrap: what release of ubuntu?16:04
Ohcrapdon't remember the package name, but it's the pearl something regex something16:04
Ohcrap16.04.1 (elementary latest)16:04
naccOhcrap: uh, the exact package is rather important16:05
Ohcraphang on16:05
OerHekselementary has its own issues.16:05
naccyou can probably find it in /var/log/dpkg.log16:05
Neuiinacc: I don't see any messages about mounting failed16:05
Ohcrapii  libpcre16-3:amd64                              2:8.38-3.1                                              amd64        Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 16 bit runtime files16:05
Ohcrapii  libpcre3:amd64                                 2:8.38-3.1                                              amd64        Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files16:05
OhcrapBased on my estimates, it will be those 2 that I deleted :P16:05
OhcrapI'll check the log also16:05
naccthey both say they are installed, though?16:05
Ohcrapfrom the bootable usb, yes16:06
Ohcrapthe OS which is broken won't even run dpkg16:06
pavlosontsledder, umount <mount_point> (you may need sudo) ... see man umount16:06
Ohcrapwell, not any more16:06
naccOhcrap: ah right16:06
OhcrapI think I'm in a state where the other OS will at least boot16:07
OerHeks!backbox | backbox16:08
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.16:08
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naccOhcrap: ok, i would suggest if you are, your first step should be to reinstall those pacakges you think you removed16:08
ontsledderI unmounted and still did not work.16:08
Ohcrapwill give it a bash now16:09
Ohcrapjust got heavily confused by that hardlink situation16:09
Ohcrapjust to confirm16:09
backboxhey dude16:09
Ohcraplinks as in those created by ln are written to disk, right? so they will persist over a reboot?16:09
naccbackbox: please stop16:09
naccOhcrap: yes, they are part of the filesystem16:09
Ohcrapbeautiful, thanks, see you in a few (Y)16:09
pavlosontsledder, if you type df -h, the mounted point should not be there16:09
backboxokay im sorry16:09
k1l_ontsledder: then again: what happens now in dmesg when you put the card into the ubuntu? please show on paste.ubuntu.com16:10
zetwalhello all. i'm running ubuntu mate 16.10 and can't find the printer installation interface (either in the administration sub-menu or by searching).16:10
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ducassezetwal: ask in #ubuntu+116:11
pavloszetwal, should be in System|administration|printers16:11
OerHekszetwal, for 16.10 join #ubuntu+1 for support16:11
OerHeksit is not released yet16:11
pavloszetwal, there is a ubuntu-mate channel16:11
boohUbuntu 16.04 the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf is missing.16:11
bencchow can I find packages that use a specific package?16:12
naccbooh: it's not present by default16:12
naccbooh: it's not needed generally16:12
k1l_booh: its not used by default16:12
OerHeksboot there is no default xorg.conf, make one if you need it.16:12
benccI'm trying to find what program can convert from emf to other formats16:12
naccbencc: `reverse-depends` or `apt-cache rdepends`16:12
benccnacc: trying16:13
Guest84795Greetings, is there someone who could help me with my WiFi problems?16:13
k1l_ontsledder: if you show it here others can have a look too and will see errors.16:13
k1l_ontsledder: is that a virtualmachine?16:13
Ohcrapnacc: booted... now being told that i have unmet dependencies (libpcre3), it tries to install but says dpkg error'd processing the archive, trying to overwrite shared /usr/share/man/man3/pcrepattern3.gz' which is different from other instances of package libpcre3:amd64 - suggestions?16:13
zetwal@pavlos - like i said in my initial message, its not in administration > printers. i was also informed in the ubuntu-mate IRC group that this is a common issue and I'd have better luck here finding users to help with this.16:13
OerHeksbencc, imagemagick> convert rose.emf rose.png16:14
ontsledderI have Virtual on it for windows16:14
naccOhcrap: you *might* need to force the install; did that occur using apt?16:14
zetwal@ducasse - I will check there, thank you. what does +1 mean?16:14
Ohcrapnacc: it did, how do i force the install... dpkg -i libpcre3:amd64 or so?16:14
Ohcrap--force *16:14
ducassezetwal: support for current dev release16:14
zetwal@ducasse - question answered, thank you!16:14
k1l_ontsledder: on the second last inserts it was not corrupt.16:15
naccOhcrap: i think that's correct, but you'll need the .deb16:15
pavloszetwal, is it in the System|control center?16:15
Ohcrapgot it :P16:15
ontsledderThis is the same and then I do the fsck finishes and then unmount and still does not work in my truck16:16
Guest84795I can use my phones WiFi hotspot, but as soon as I connect to the hotel WiFi, I can get no connection to the internet (WiFi is connected though). When I use my phone to use the Hotel WiFi it works. Any Ideas?16:16
praetis there an easy way to sync a local windows directory with a remote ubuntu server?16:16
Ohcrapnacc: done. working, thanks16:17
NeuiiIs there a way to let automount (autofs) say why the mount failed? It just says "failed to mount /media/sdcard" when trying to access the folder. dmesg -T says nothing at all about mounting.16:17
naccNeuii: you could try running `mount /media/sdcard` as your user from the terminal and see what happens16:17
Neuiinacc: Can't find in fstab; Should i put it into fstab?16:18
naccNeuii: not necessarily16:18
ducassezetwal: also try launching system-config-printer from a terminal16:18
naccNeuii: iirc, automount is supposed to figure it out normally16:18
naccNeuii: you could also check syslog to see if the actual error is rreported there16:19
abaldygleGuest84795:   Did you follow the hotels instructions for connecting and getting past their captive portal?16:21
benccOerHeks: doesn't imagemagick support emf only on windows?16:22
bipulI would be thankful if someone help me to understand the back end process of how temporary vg is creating and data is being migrated from /dev/sda1 PV to /dev/sda3 http://paste.ubuntu.net/23174271/16:22
benccOerHeks: "convert: no decode delegate for this image format `EMF'"16:22
OerHeksbencc, oh that is bad for that prop. format :-(16:24
Neuiinacc: There is nothing in /var/log/syslog about mounting failed16:24
OerHeksbencc, else libreoffice could .. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15063349/imagemagick-on-linux-to-convert-emf-to-png/28749719#2874971916:24
OerHeksor inkscape16:24
naccOerHeks: bencc: specifically not compiled into debian/ubuntu imagemagick16:25
benccOerHeks: inkscape can't. libreoffice has issue with my file. thanks16:25
naccas it's a windows-only format (per d/copyright)16:25
ontsledderany idea with that paste k1l_16:26
k1l_ontsledder: that paste looks ok not. i dont know what the issue with that truck is16:27
ontsledderJust says SD file system not supported16:28
ontsledderBut works if I use a windows system16:28
=== mortalius__ is now known as mortalius
OerHeksformat the card in your truck, and see what filesystem it gets on your ubuntu machine16:29
Neuiinacc: Any more ideas/info?16:32
naccNeuii: not off the top of my ehad, sorry16:34
OerHeksNeuii, did you try running `mount /media/<sdcard>` as your user from the terminal and see what happens16:34
naccOerHeks: yeah, it reported not in fstab16:34
naccOerHeks: as it's an automount/autofs thing, i think16:34
NeuiiOerHeks: [18:18:13] <Neuii> nacc: Can't find in fstab; Should i put it into fstab?16:34
Neuii(oh, too late)16:34
NeuiiI also an entry in fstab, the mount /media/sdcard works, automount still says failed16:36
naccthat seems odd16:37
de-factoWhat would i need to do to prevent this MySQL Exploit on Xenial? http://legalhackers.com/advisories/MySQL-Exploit-Remote-Root-Code-Execution-Privesc-CVE-2016-6662.html16:39
ycyclistWARNING:  I just had visual studio code take over my system and crash it.  This is the first crash I've had like that on Ubuntu for years.16:40
OerHeksde-facto, wait and pray?16:41
de-factoOerHeks hmm should i create some empty dummy my.cf owned by root and only writeable by root?16:43
OerHeksde-facto, or not writable at all> sudo chattr +i <file>16:45
YxhuvudDoes it currently exist any irc client for ubuntu with support for dcc transfers that doesn't have a terrible UI? (anything text based is automatically disqualified)16:52
OerHeksall irc/dcc clients have terrible UI16:54
Yxhuvudkonversation is pretty close, but dump core when a transfer is initialzed :/16:55
Yxhuvudwell, there are grades in hell.16:55
OerHekshexchat can, http://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#why-doesn-t-dcc-send-work-behind-a-router16:57
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
Yxhuvudah, that is some fork oslt of xchat that was removed in 16.04?17:00
OerHeksxchat is no longer under development, hexchat is its free successor yes17:01
OerHeksbut removed, where do you get that wrong info ?17:01
OerHekswait, i don't want to know :-D17:01
YxhuvudE: Package 'xchat' has no installation candidate17:01
OerHeks!find xchat17:02
ubottuFound: xchat-gnome, xchat-gnome-common, xchat-gnome-indicator, hexchat, hexchat-common17:02
nicomachusOerHeks: isn't xchat deprecated? hexchat is the new recommend17:02
baizon!find hexchat17:03
ubottuFound: hexchat, hexchat-common, hexchat-indicator, hexchat-perl, hexchat-plugins17:03
OerHeksthat is what i try to type, yes17:03
nicomachusOh I didn't scroll up at all. my bad17:03
OerHeksbut the removed part, i thought he was pointing to hexchat, but that xchat ( not gnome) is gone, which is a good thing17:04
YxhuvudI wish apt-get would have given a friendly pointer of where to look17:04
SurendilYxhuvud, you could also search with: apt-cache search17:05
Yxhuvudoh well, thanks anyhow.17:07
lucas0100 /join perl17:07
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nicomachusabdoul: what do you need?17:16
epistemehello all, anyone know how I can fix choppy playback on a minidlna setup...17:22
epistemeit appears only one device has choppy playback and not sure how I can fix it17:22
epistemeI must also note that it's not always choppy...it is random17:23
boraklavunhello everyone17:23
boraklavun I hade a problem for connecting  localhost to mysql17:24
boraklavuncan anyone helpe me about that17:24
OerHeksepisteme .. only on one device, not always, that is hard to determin what and why17:27
Genbuhello. i try some ubuntu distros and i haven't problem with xbox gampad. Now I'm on ubuntu-mate and the system don't recognized my gamepad https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/can-someone-help-me-figure-out-why-my-wired-xbox-360-controller-isnt-working/569917:29
Genbuhave i to enable proposed to fix this?17:30
OerHeksGenbu, proposed is not mentioned in the url you gave17:32
OerHeksi would say no.17:32
Genbuin the hope to fix...17:32
OerHeksBut we need more info, whjat ubuntu version?17:32
Genbui have ubuntu mate 16.0417:35
atralheavenguys, I think I screwed my apt, I exited it when it was installing something. how can I fix it?17:36
Genbu"unity" ubuntu 16.04 is all ok17:36
OerHeksGenbu, does "dmesg | grep xpad " returns some info ??17:36
epistemeOerHeks, yeah you are right. I have ultimately determined that it's just cause it's older hardware and just having issues rendering. But figured I would ask in case there is a setting somewhere i can change to help fix the issue.17:37
Bit-2hello , after i installed opensdk-9 , my java crashed , so now when i run an application , its says java not found , anyhelp ?17:39
Genbui use xboxdrv because xpad "sees" only the second gamepad17:39
Genbuxboxdrv has blacklisted xpad17:39
Genbuwith xboxdrv my gamapad blinks17:40
sab0hello, I have just installed ubuntu 14.04 on my machine, having dual boot with win7,  getting this message once i select ubuntu from boot menu --- INFO @WL_cfg80211_attach :  Registered CFG80211 phy -- any help will be appreciated17:41
akiksab0: that looks like a harmless INFO message17:41
OerHeksGenbu, so it is a mate issue like that page wrote, perhaps file a bugreport on this?17:42
sab0akik,  thank you, but i want to know what that message means and how can i avoid that ?17:42
cscfatralheaven, apt -f install17:42
Genbuok i try17:42
akiksab0: i don't know17:43
sab0akik, thank you, just waiting if some one else can comment on this17:43
atralheavencscf: http://hastebin.com/koyigogubi.sql17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1160322 in linux (Ubuntu) "[ 21.125934] INFO @wl_cfg80211_attach : Registered CFG80211 phy" [Medium,Confirmed]17:44
akiksab0: did you try searching the web with that message?17:46
zteamI having some troubles with using a ppt VPN-server with Ubuntu, as long as I have MPPE disabled it connects just fine, but as soon as I enable that it refuses to connect properly, yet the instructions is very clear on that MPPE should be enabled17:46
zteamany ideas?17:46
akiksab0: there's a solution here for that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1160322/comments/1417:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1160322 in linux (Ubuntu) "[ 21.125934] INFO @wl_cfg80211_attach : Registered CFG80211 phy" [Medium,Confirmed]17:46
sab0akik, yes i did, but wasn't much helpful so asking here...:-)17:47
akiksab0: that was literally the first search result17:48
sab0akik, well thank you for your help, but that wasnt helpful for me17:48
Archvilehi all17:48
akiksab0: the solution to your problem is in comment 1417:49
Archvilei just gave an old laptop a new life by installing Ubuntu17:49
sab0akik, ok, thank you!17:49
ArchvileAlready managed to install some SW and even made my wireless keyboard and mouse wokr \o/17:49
Archvileanyway, I have some questions as im very new to ubuntu and linux in general17:50
Archvilewhen I do apt-get install foo, where does it actually install the software?17:50
brunch875does anybody know if/when nouveau drivers for the gtx900 series will be available / working well?17:51
OerHeksArchvile, You can discover where a package puts its 'stuff' by running in terminal: dpkg -L 'packagename'17:51
brunch875I want to test the next unity but the propietary drivers can't handle it and the nouveau graphics don't work for me17:52
OerHeksArchvile, /bin/ /usr/bin/ /sbin/ /usr/sbin/ and sometimes your /home/ folder too17:53
ozzwhy unity running very2 slow in my dual core pc with 2g ram?17:53
johnpaulim new in ubuntu17:53
ArchvileOerHeks, i see..and how do I uninstall stuff installed with apt-get?17:54
johnpaulgoogle it17:54
SurendilArchvile, apt-get remove17:54
ozzapt-get remove --purge17:54
OerHeksArchvile, with the remove option, or use softwarecenter/synaptic17:55
SurendilArchvile, or dpkg -r package.deb17:55
Archvileok..there seems to be quite many ways to install apps in ubuntu. Does the Ubuntu Software also use apt-get behind the scenes?17:55
johnpaulwhat is that>>??17:55
OerHeks!google | johnpaul17:55
ubottujohnpaul: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:55
ozzya absolutely17:55
OerHeksArchvile, i suggerst to explore synaptic, a detailed softwarecenter :-)17:56
Archvilewhat is synaptic?17:56
Archvilealternative to Ubuntu Software?17:57
alphazuluwhat is the command for echo <package> ____ |dpkg --set-selections   to remove or uninstall?17:57
alphazului tried remove and uninstall and it says "dpkg: error: unknown wanted status at line 1"17:57
OerHeks!info synaptic17:57
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (xenial), package size 1333 kB, installed size 6929 kB17:57
paranoidabhihow can I get my bluetooth to work on kubuntu 16.04? In system settings it shows "No Bluetooth adapters have been found."17:58
paranoidabhisome info about device: https://bpaste.net/show/c114b2ea279617:58
Surendilparanoidabhi, is bluetooth service running?17:58
Archvilei see..so is synaptic like THE shit when it comes to graphical package management, not Ubuntu Software?17:58
OerHeksArchvile, softwarecenter gives metapackages, synaptic more detailed stuff.17:59
ozzis it anyway to get the tp-link wifi adaptor working as a hotspot?17:59
OerHeksanyway, seeing yourself is better than 1000 words17:59
Archvileok..and if I download a -deb file, how to I install that?17:59
paranoidabhiSurendil, hi, sry not suhttps://bpaste.net/show/05760010b771re how to check that?18:00
paranoidabhiSurendil, hi, sry not sure how to check that(https://bpaste.net/show/05760010b771)?18:00
Archvile(sorry for n00b questions, just confused about how you kinda need a degree to do something as trivial as installing an app..)18:00
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paranoidabhiArchvile, sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb18:00
OerHeksArchvile, don't just download deb packages from the web, unless you trust the maker. double click on it, softwarecenter will open18:00
Surendilparanoidabhi, i meant /etc/init.d/bluetooth status18:01
OerHeksif you don't know the commands, time to read some wiki  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:01
paranoidabhiSurendil, do you want to see the contents of the config file? Or run the cmd?18:02
pavlosArchvile, from a terminal, you can type gdebi-gtk <file> to install a .deb file18:02
Archvileok..yeah i had a feeling theres like 5 ways to do it =P18:03
paranoidabhican't believe I didn't knw abt zsh. It should be the default instead of bash!18:03
Surendilparanoidabhi, run the command, that will tell you if bluetooth service is running or not, if it's not running, there's your answer!18:03
paranoidabhiSurendil,  "/etc/init.d/bluetooth status" doesn't print anything.18:04
Surendilparanoidabhi, if your laptop has bluetooth, there should be a service installed18:06
paranoidabhiany ideas:?18:07
=== Reiko2 is now known as Reiko27
AliceGreencan someone help me please?I install vnc and I don't have the lanchuer (ubuntu server 16.04). here the log from xstartup :http://pastebin.com/sLYA4tqM18:08
atralheavenIm trying to install something from source, I get this error: error: Cannot find pcre library. Configure --with-pcre=DIR18:08
moonpuntersudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev18:09
moonpunteror one of them, anyway18:09
NeuiiThere is pcre3 already?18:09
AliceGreenhi, can someone help me please? :)18:10
nacc!build | atralheaven18:10
ubottuatralheaven: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:10
moonpunteri'm showing it here on debian, in any case if you put libpcre and then hit tab it will show the options18:10
Surendilparanoidabhi, not reall18:10
cscf!ask | AliceGreen18:11
ubottuAliceGreen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:11
Guy1524_hey guys, so I have been using a SOCKS proxy with ssh -D for about a year now.  But today is suddenly stopped working.  I am able to connect to my server w/ ssh -D 1234 (ip), but when I apply the proxy in my network manager.  Firefox says "The proxy server is refusing connections"18:12
Guy1524_what can I do to troubleshoot this problem?18:12
moonpunterhow can i install cuda 7.5 with gcc 4.918:12
SurendilGuy1524_, did you checked if IPTABLES isn't blocking the request?18:13
AliceGreenubottu: can someone help me please?I install vnc and I don't have the lanchuer (ubuntu server 16.04). here the log from xstartup :http://pastebin.com/sLYA4tqM18:13
Guy1524_no, how do I do that?18:13
ubottuAliceGreen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
SurendilGuy1524_, iptables -L will print iptables rules18:13
iggyZiggyhi, my production server is returning Segmentation fault (core dumped) on any command i input, app is still running and i'm afraid to restart the server, what can i do?18:14
Guy1524_ok, do I do this before or after the ssh connection is open and before or after I have enabled the proxy18:14
paranoidabhiI had a bluetooth question I asked. If check above if you can help.18:14
Guy1524_and do I do this on the host or client18:14
paranoidabhiIt shows me this : sudo service bluetooth restart -> Failed to restart bluetooth.service: Unit bluetooth.service is masked.18:14
cscfiggyZiggy, can you get dmesg?18:14
cscfiggyZiggy, are you out of RAM, maybe?18:15
iggyZiggy$ dmesg Segmentation fault (core dumped)18:15
iggyZiggyany command returns this error18:15
SurendilGuy1524_, on the host with problems18:15
cscfiggyZiggy, sounds like a fork bomb or out of RAM.18:15
iggyZiggyi have tmux running and htop in one window, i'm on 4 out of 16gb of ram18:15
iggyZiggyfork bomb?18:16
Guy1524_I don't know whether the problem is with the host or client Ill try hsot18:16
cscfiggyZiggy, does htop show thousands of identical processes anywhere?18:16
Guy1524_huh, now it sudden;y works18:16
Guy1524_sorry for wasting your time18:16
mustmodifyI don't think I'm being hacked but I'm surprised by something so I thought I'd verify.18:16
Guy1524_its been really weird on and off today18:16
Surendilparanoidabhi, check this out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/144908018:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1449080 in QtSixA "Starting bluetooth service fails in 15.04" [Undecided,New]18:16
iggyZiggyjust regular processes which are always there18:17
iggyZiggythis happened after sudo apt-get install build-essential18:17
mustmodifybioref... is a user account that should be using SFTP to occasionally (maybe 5 times a day?) uploading things to our server. It's chrooted. Why do they have so many processes open? And what's up with the `root` processes?18:17
SurendilGuy1524_, hahaha, that's luck or i don't know hwat18:17
Guy1524_ya, this school network sure is weird sometimes, it may be that attempting to block it18:18
paranoidabhiSurendil, what is sixad?18:18
Kartagishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23174733/ <--- I've this. however, I get error: file '/boot' not found. why?18:26
Kartagis!caps | ro63r118:27
Kartagisro63r1: don't use all caps18:28
vfwro63r1: Same way you install anything else,  apt install <package-name>18:29
mustmodifyanyone have any thoughts about why SFTP has so many open processes? https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/f6ba1806af6ce024de63fd1119b37c8918:31
vfwro63r1: Yes... see my pm18:32
ro63r1vfw: what is a PM18:33
vfwpm is private message18:33
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ro63r1and how do I get one18:34
vfwNever mind...18:34
Kartagishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23174733/ <--- I've this. however, I get error: file '/boot' not found. why?18:35
vfwwget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb18:35
elias_aro63r1: So that someone sends you one. :)18:35
vfwsudo dpkg -i --force-depends google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb18:35
vfwsudo apt-get install -f18:35
vfw(for housekeeping)18:35
vfwro63r1: You are 64bit ... Right?18:36
naccKartagis: is there a /boot on the macos drive?18:36
ro63r1vfw: How do i install the pluggin18:36
vfwro63r1: What plugin?18:36
vfw*the* plugin?    What plugin?18:37
ro63r1for google chrome18:37
vfwgoogle-chrome is a web browser.18:38
vfwro63r1: Are you wanting to install google-chrome?18:38
vfwVia command line?18:38
vfwro63r1: That was your question.  Right?18:39
vfwro63r1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23174787/18:40
ro63r1I have installed chrome bu the icon does not show up18:41
vfwro63r1: Why do you need an icon?18:41
=== nubcake_ is now known as nubcake
ro63r1so that i can open it18:42
ro63r1to utilize it18:42
vfwro63r1: What DE are you using?18:43
vfwro63r1: Unity?18:43
vfwro63r1: If unity, just click top left icon, type google-chrome and you should see the icon appear.18:44
vfwro63r1: Then you can drag it down to the bar on the left side of the screen.18:44
Bray90820_OerHeks: You around?18:45
xangua! Ask | Bray90820_18:46
ubottuBray90820_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:46
vfwBray90820_: You asquare?18:46
vfwSorry, couldn't resist18:46
Bray90820_vfw: Nope i'm a hexagon18:47
ro63r1what is DE18:48
vfwI dono, you look more like a trapezoid to me...18:48
naccro63r1: desktop environment, usually18:48
vfwro63r1: Desktop Environment18:48
pecasalguien habla español??18:48
ro63r1i Think that it is unity18:49
vfwro63r1: Like Unity or Mate or Xfce  etc.18:49
Pici!es | pecas18:49
ubottupecas: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:49
vfwro63r1: Ok, good.18:49
synthmeatwhat to do if after upgrade your every command says Segmentation fault and rebooting welcomes you to just initramfs?18:50
vfwsynthmeat: You may need to reboot and run fsck18:50
synthmeatvfw: how to fun fsck?18:51
vfwsynthmeat: (Sounds like maybe file system errors.)18:51
vfwfsck - check and repair a Linux filesystem18:51
pecaswhat is a max time in repair BadBlocks???18:51
synthmeatvfw: says not found for fsck18:52
vfwLike:  fsck -y /dev/sda118:52
synthmeatno, command is not found, i'm in (initramfs) thing18:52
vfwsynthmeat: But you need to run it on un-mounted partitions only.18:52
vfwsynthmeat: You may need boot disk18:53
vfwsynthmeat: Like ubuntu install CD or USB18:53
synthmeatvfw: there's no fsck command. yeah. this is vps, not happening18:53
PickledEggsIs Bumblebee still the best option on Ubuntu for getting Optimusesque functionality from a laptop with both a discreet Nvidia graphics card and an on-board Intel graphics chip? I know I can use PRIME to switch manually and log out/in but something that handled it automagically would be handy18:53
synthmeatvfw: virtual private server18:54
PickledEggsI see that Bumblebee hasn't had any development in years.18:54
vfwsynthmeat: Well, I don't know exactly what the problem is, only speculating here...18:54
vfwsynthmeat: Not enough information, but *could* be file system error18:54
vfwsynthmeat: So other than that, I dono.  Maybe you have to re-install18:55
synthmeatvfw: yeah, exactly my thoughts. no data that needs to be preserved, it'll prolly be faster to just reinstall18:55
synthmeatvfw: thank you nonetheless. signing off18:56
xcyclistThis is the application which crashed my ubuntu today (with 8 gig memory I have on it too, not exactly small):  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code18:58
naccxcyclist: seems odd that an IDE would crash an OS, but who konws18:59
xcyclistI haven't had Ubuntu crash for years, until I brought up this app.19:00
naccxcyclist: i assume VSC is not in the repositories?19:00
riqjhello everyone, I created a linux-swap partition via gparted. but I don't know how to change the /etc/fstab file. if I just update the partition name and the UUID, there occurs a logical mistake. because the sentence is like 'the swap partition during install WAS /dev/sdXn with UUID: xxxx xxx..' or is it ok just to insert them?19:00
naccxcyclist: not that ubuntu should crash in any case, just checking19:00
xcyclistNo, I installed it from MS.19:00
xcyclistWell, I don't blame Ubuntu.  I blame the app.19:00
akikriqj: can you pastebin the fstab line?19:01
xcyclistAnd actually, the app just sponged up all the resources, would not let me access anything, and finally I rebooted.  So crash is the wrong word.  It locked me out.19:01
riqjakik, sure19:01
naccxcyclist: ah yes, that's probably an OOM or so19:01
naccxcyclist: in which case, get a better application :)19:01
riqjakik, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23174871/19:02
xcyclistI apologize for not describing the problem accurately.  At any rate, I need to learn VS to get work.  I live under MS hegemony, in Puget Sound.19:02
compdocriqj, when you create or format a partition, the UUID changes. you use sudo 'blkid' to find the new id to use in fstab19:02
pavlosriqj, http://askubuntu.com/questions/126018/adding-a-new-swap-file-how-to-edit-fstab-to-enable-swap-after-reboot19:03
akikriqj: oh a small detail "cryptswap1"19:03
compdocriqj, you have to remove the comment from in front of the line19:03
riqjcompdoc, the result of 'sudo mkswap /dev/sDxn' already shows the new UUID19:03
akikriqj: sorry i don't remember how the crypted swap should be defined. do you have a /etc/crypttab ?19:04
pclavoro__hello to everyone, some one can help me with the packege libopenal.so.1 I am not able to install it on ubuntu 16.04? thanks19:04
ioriaxcyclist, .deb or tar.gz ?19:04
riqjakik, yes i have19:04
SwedeMikepclavoro__: it seems to be part of the "libopenal1" package19:05
ro63r1ALL: are there any games compatible with ubuntu that is similar to "100 doors" on thr android devices19:06
riqjpavlos, this seems to be an exhaustive guide to creating swap. I'd only used the mkswap command as I wrote. maybe I should restart as described19:06
pclavoro__SwedeMike do you have an repository please?19:06
riqjpavlos, thank you very much!19:06
riqjakik, compdoc, thank you! I will restart creating swap as in the link pavlos posted.19:07
akikriqj: the guide you followed in encrypting it didn't mention fstab ?19:07
SwedeMikepclavoro__: seems to come from "universe219:07
SwedeMikepclavoro__: seems to come from "universe"19:07
riqjakik, I created the partition via gparted, if I understood your question correctly19:07
akikriqj: why is it called cryptswap1 ? is it encrypted?19:08
riqjakik, I don't know. I have done nothing to encrypt the swap partition19:08
xcyclistIt was a .deb install.19:09
riqjI am usually vary of dd commands. could you please help me know what this line refers to: 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/cache/swap/myswap bs=1M count=4096' ?19:10
naccriqj: it zeros out the first 4M of /var/cache/swap/myswap19:10
NetpyJun 19:10
rexwin_how to Update to latest security patches?19:10
riqjnacc, it doesnt do anything to HDD, right? :)19:10
riqjwary* by the way :)19:11
naccriqj: well, it depends on what is mounted/present at /var/cache/swap/myswap, i guess19:11
compdocriqj, I dont think you dont need dd to create a swap. its a dangerous command19:11
* nacc agrees, seems unnecessary19:11
ioriaxcyclist,  just unpack the .tar.gz , run code and see if it goes better19:11
pclavoro__<SwedeMike> thank you!!!19:12
vfwrexwin_: With ubuntu, you just update everything...19:12
xcyclistAre you kidding?  I don't want to touch that thing again for a month.  I lost way too much work.19:12
rexwin_apt-get update19:12
vfwapt-get upgrade19:12
vfwapt-get dist-upgrade19:12
rexwin_what is the difference?19:13
riqjthat's what I am wary of it. it gave this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23174902/  what is 4gb here? the folder on this path?19:13
ioriaxcyclist,  it does not need an install , its already compiled19:13
riqjI found it, the file 'myswap' is 4gb. it is a binary..what is it?19:13
naccriqj: sounds like a swapfile? maybe19:14
vfwrexwin_:  update is used to resynchronize the package index files from their sources19:14
riqjnice..before rebooting I will make a full backup19:14
vfwupgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in /etc/apt/sources.list.19:15
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baldpopeis I didn't have a 2nd nic defined/up when maas was installed, and maas web interface only shows 1 fabric (eth0, not eth1) how do I add the second fabric interface?19:25
baldpopealternatively, if I just want to restart from scratch with maas - how do I go about resetting/19:26
praetin mathomatic, when i press up, it prints ^[[A instead of moviong to previous entry. Any way to fix that?19:27
R063r1What is the best free VPN19:27
tanukiAny idea why Ubuntu wouldn't give the option to install alongside Windows 10?19:29
vfwtanuki: No free space?19:29
tanukivfw: It's a brand new machine19:30
tanukiapparently it's got 235GB free19:30
vfwtanuki: I don't care how new it is, if the entire hard drive is in use, you will not be able to install an additional OS19:30
nicomachusR063r1: "best" and "free" don't go together. but this isn't the right channel to ask that.19:31
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vfwtanuki: You have some partitions. Right?  Maybe 2 or 3 right now?19:31
tanukivfw: Apparently19:32
vfwtanuki: You will more-than-likely need to resize that largest one in order to leave "free space" on the hard drive for Ubuntu install.19:32
tanukivfw: Doesn't the installer normally give the option to do so?19:32
cscftanuki, normally, yes19:33
vfwtanuki: And it may be better for you to resize partition(s) or delete partitions before starting the Ubuntu install process.  Start with "free space"19:33
ioriatanuki, how did you install win10  , efi  (gpt) or msdos ?  and did you start the ubuntu usb according to that ?19:33
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tanukiioria: BIOS and we've tried the USB both ways.19:34
tanukiI'm not the one installing it19:34
ioriatanuki, so you installed win10 in bios mode ?19:34
tanukiioria: Appaently.19:35
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ioriatanuki,  does your pc support efi or fastboot (better disable it) ? or did you shutdown correctly win10 ?19:36
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tanukiioria: Dunno.19:37
tanukimy coworker claims he shut down W10 correctly19:37
Bashing-omBray90820: Hey, I am back .. did ya get ubuntu booting ?19:37
Bray90820I did not19:37
Bray90820Eric thinks it's some crazy bug19:38
Bashing-omBray90820: Yuk, so much for wishing you a good day . Got anything I "might" be able to help with ?19:38
ioriatanuki,  usually (not always) that behaviour is given by a gpt residue on the disk ...19:39
Bray90820Bashing-om: Not unless you have something else for me to try19:39
ioriatanuki,  maybe win10 was pre-installed efi mode and reinstalled in bios mode ?  you can try (Try ubuntu - open terminal) a sudo fixparts /dev/sda19:42
khalanhi all19:43
vfwhi some19:45
tanukils -lApparently running chkdsk in Windows fixed whatever was scrozzled.19:45
Bashing-omBray90820: Nope, Eric has gone well beyond my abilities .19:46
ioriatanuki,  that's good19:46
Bray90820And I think he has gone to his abilities as well19:46
vfwtanuki: Yea, I like to defrag and run chkdsk b4 doing a dual boot.19:46
vfwtanuki: But you said it was a "new computer" so... didn't think saying that was important.  (Was thinking it was *really* new.)19:47
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Bashing-omBray90820: As we have exhuasted our means , as bodhi.zazen - trusted - advised .. perhaps start a bug report, see what the big boys think ?19:48
Bray90820If Eric has in fact gone a far as he can I will file the report19:49
vfwtanuki: And one reason for doing defrag and chkdsk first is to avoid the possibility of rendering an OS inoperable due to file system corruption.  (Which can happen in some rare cases.)19:49
vfwBut... I like to just wipe the HD clean and do a Linux install without any other OS hanging around.  (Much simpler.)19:50
vfwIn the last few years, all of the dual boot installs I've done are for other people, and what I've seen is very little use of the other OS - they get used to Linux and don't revert to the other OS after a while and it just sits there....19:52
R063r1why can we notdiscuss vpn19:53
Bray90820Bashing-om: You gave me some code yesterday that got some detailed graphics information19:53
Bray90820The one that told use I only had one gpu19:53
vfwR063r1: Sorry, go on and ask your question(s).19:53
OerHeksR063r1, as choosing vpn provider is beyond the scope of this channel, try ##linux19:53
vfwBray90820: xrandr ?19:56
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:56
Bray90820vfw: Nope19:56
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OerHekseasy to find back, Bray9082019:57
vfwBray90820: So what is it you are wanting to do?19:57
Bashing-omBray90820: That was just to make sure that the advisory I saw in the boot log was not a red herring .19:57
Bray90820Bashing-om: What was that code again?19:57
OerHekshe wants to boot an 32 bit uefi tablet with an 64 bit processor19:57
Bray90820OerHeks: I actually have it booted with nomodeset as we speak it's a graphics issue that is preventing me from booting properly19:58
vfwBashing-om: /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?19:58
vfwBashing-om: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log  And search for key words?19:59
ash_workzhow do I find out how big a directory is?19:59
cscfash_workz, you mean total space used?  du -sh <dir>19:59
vfwBashing-om: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313219:59
Bashing-omBray90820: OH, that was ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' . Wuile we are waiting; becayse I see this as at the kernel level, did you verify the .iso and the copy to USB ( check disk for defects ) ?19:59
OerHeksBray90820, there are tons of forumposts that gives no solution. did it ever boot right?20:00
Bray90820Bashing-om: there it is Thanks20:01
Bray90820OerHeks: Remember yesterday when it said I had 1 card?20:01
Bray90820Wrong ping20:01
vfwash_workz: du -S20:02
Bray90820Bashing-om: It's now saying I have no cards20:02
Bashing-omBray90820: Verify the foundation ? good .iso ,, and verified the copy to USB ?20:02
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ash_workzthere should be a explainshell bot command in here20:02
vfwash_workz: du |sort -n   <will show directories sorted by size>20:02
ash_workzlike `.explain du -sh <dir>`20:03
ash_workzshould link: http://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=du+-sh+dir20:03
cscfash_workz, that would be handy, actually.20:03
vfw(largest ones last)20:03
ash_workzor .explain du -sh dir actually20:03
cscfash_workz, however, 'man du' tells you the same things.20:04
ash_workz(since <dir> is not valid, apparently)20:04
cscfash_workz, <thingy> is a standard way to say "insert your x here"20:04
zteamI having some troubles with using a ppt VPN-server with Ubuntu, as long as I have MPPE disabled it connects just fine, but as soon as I enable that it refuses to connect properly, yet the instructions is very clear on that MPPE should be enabled, any ideas?20:05
cscfash_workz, a useful command in future is20:05
cscfman -k usage20:05
ash_workzcscf (1) I just meant for in here... I feel like that's not an obscene redundancy considering things like !topic or !ask20:05
ash_workzcscf (2) the perk for explainshell is it constrains the options to just those provided20:05
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cscfash_workz, yes, that would be handy, as I said.20:05
ash_workzrather than going to have to hunt through the manpages20:05
atralheavenI've broken my apt-get, and apt-get install -f didn't work. I get this error: http://hastebin.com/raw/bezedivaxo20:06
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:06
ash_workzoh is « code » a convention?20:07
ash_workzI mean the practice of using [lr]aquos to denote code20:08
Surendilatralheaven, i think that means that another software is using apt or there is an apt instanse already running!20:08
cscfash_workz, that's just the french style of quotes, as far as I know.20:08
OerHeksi would end it with #20:08
blinkblinkHi. Lightdm wont open! when I do "gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu-mate.conf" the file is completely empty!20:09
atralheavenSurendil: so you mean another process is using it?20:09
naccblinkblink: those are contradictory statements20:09
naccblinkblink: is the file empty (you can probably see by its size in the terminal)20:09
OerHeksblinkblink, use 'sudo ' perhaps?20:10
Surendilatralheaven, yeap, try to: ps ax | grep apt20:10
vfwblinkblink: Are you actually using mate?20:10
zteamatralheaven, from your pastebin it looks like apt (or some tool using apt) has crashed20:10
blinkblinkvfw: yes20:10
vfwblinkblink: ls /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu-mate.conf20:10
vfwblinkblink: ls -l /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu-mate.conf20:11
vfwblinkblink: What does it say?20:11
atralheavenSurendil: there are some processes20:11
vfwblinkblink: And what date?20:11
blinkblinkDerHeks: used sudo and still the same..20:11
atralheavenSurendil: should I kill them? it shows only active processes?20:11
blinkblinkvfw: ls: cannot access '/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu-mate.conf': No such file or directory20:12
naccblinkblink: ok, so the file doesn't exist yet, of course it's empty?20:12
vfwMystery solved.20:12
Surendilatralheaven, it show active a dead processes, yeah, you could kill them and it should be working right up again20:12
pavlosblinkblink, it is 34 lines long, 1544 bytes20:12
blinkblinknacc: on the Menu and Control Panel the Lightdm+ icon is there!20:13
blinkblinkpavlos: i worked on the file before but now cannot at all20:13
naccblinkblink: what does the one have to do with the other?20:14
naccpavlos: what were you basing that on? is that hte size on your system?20:14
pavlosnacc, yes20:15
vfwblinkblink: sudo find / -name lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu-mate.conf -type f20:15
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Bray90820Bashing-om: So it turns out that if I disable api i can get a massage about what the system does when t failed to boot20:17
Bray90820Check root= (did the system wait for the right device)20:18
blinkblinkvfw: find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied20:18
MetricStratdoes Ubuntu have a problem with uhd display sizes?20:19
mistawrighthi guys i have an issue with apache2 on my ubuntu 12.04 server. I keep seeing that the my uri requests are too large and increasing the LineRequestLimit doesnt seem to be having an affect. can anyone help me resolve this error 414 issue?20:20
ubuntu-mateim gay20:20
Bashing-omBray90820: UH huh .. and back to a kernel issue , yes ? verify the source .20:20
Bray90820I don't know how20:21
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Bashing-omBray90820: What I suggest is to md5sum (verify) the downloaded .iso file . and then boot that liveUSB to the boot options screen and select " check disk for defects ". Let us make syre that the doundation is firm .20:24
Bashing-om!md5sum | Bray9082020:24
ubottuBray90820: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:24
Bray90820Bashing-om: the system is already installed20:24
Bashing-omBray90820: Yeah .. but we canot be absolutely sure that the install medium was not corrupt .. and now have an inconsistent install . The failure of the system is before the graphic's driver is loaded .20:27
Bray90820Bashing-om: Alright20:27
Bray90820Would that mean that it's not a graphics issue?20:28
Bashing-omBray90820: If the confirmation shows bad .. then yes .. for sure not a graphic's issue .20:29
Bray90820would the message I got a fe minutes ago suggest a non graphics issue?20:29
glitchdhello all=)20:31
Bashing-omBray90820: Not finding the root files .. is a initramfs ( init ram file system ) isssue that again may be related to the kernel .20:31
Bray90820Bashing-om: Well I did manually update the kernel after I installed ubuntu but I am receiving the same results on both kernels20:32
Bashing-omBray90820: However, Eric did have you re-build the initramfs image . and we got no complaints !20:33
Bray90820So what does that mean?20:33
Bashing-omBray90820: I do not know, I am just throwing checking the md5sum as something to do - and worth while - while we await wiser advisement of where the problem lies here .20:34
Bray90820So how would i check the live usb20:39
Doronehows everybody doing?20:39
Doronehexagon, Gort20:40
Doronehows it going?>20:40
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[Gort]bearably alright ;)20:41
DoroneI am new to this place.. how long have you been on here for?20:41
glitchdsince the beginning.20:41
Bashing-omBray90820: Boot up the liveUSB, as soon as the bios screen clears Language screen -> escape key to accept the default ->20:41
Bashing-omBooting options screen20:41
[Gort]I'm infrequent. First came here several years ago, but I'm not a regular. Pop in now and then.20:41
OerHekshi Dorone do you have an ubuntusupport question?20:41
Doronehi. thanks for asking.20:42
[Gort]ah, yeah... best keep on-topic ;)20:42
metricstrat_is there a history of uhd displays causing problems with Ubuntu?20:42
Doronejust wondering how might i get to view the 'list' of chatrooms20:42
Bashing-om!alis | Dorone20:43
ubottuDorone: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http20:43
jimDorone, There is a bot, alis, that can assist you in looking for channels on the Freenode irc net. To start, /msg alis help20:43
glitchdDorone, Server>View list of channels20:43
k1l_glitchd: that doesnt work on big networks since the list is too long20:43
Doronethanks glitchd20:43
glitchdDorone, Server>list of channels...20:43
glitchdk1l_, seems to work for me..20:44
jimDorone, do you have any interest in linux?20:44
Doronethanks ubottu20:44
glitchdDorone, ubottu is a bot, not an actual person.20:44
hambotMy HD is acting funny and I don't know why.  "The root filesystem on /dev/sda1 requires a manual fsck"20:45
glitchdDorone, just an fyi=)20:45
hambotWhat do I need to do?20:45
k1l_hambot: fsck that disk from a live system20:45
glitchdhambot, sounds like u need to check the disk with fsck20:45
jimhambot, is it mounted read only at the moment?20:46
glitchdhambot, yea what k1l_ said20:46
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Doroneyeah, im pretty new to linux20:46
hambotI don't have a live system to do that with.20:46
Doronecomplete newbie20:46
hambotCan I use a USB live install to do this?20:46
glitchdhambot, a live system is one that is booted from a live cd or live usb20:46
Doronelol i just thanked a bot haha20:46
jimthey're easy to download... but... is your / partition mounted read only?20:47
jimDorone, do you have linux installed?20:47
Doronei am trying ubuntu20:47
Bashing-omhambot: Follow the advise and do that manual fsck .., preferred from a live medium . ' sudo fsck /dev/sda1 ' . see what results . - might be good to ' sudo fdisk -lu ' to make sure that sda1 is in fact the root partition .20:48
jimok... what's the status of your installation? is ubuntu installed, are you in the middle of installing, which?20:48
Doronei am stalling the complete installation20:49
Doronejust getting a feel for it as we speak20:49
Doronerunning it off a usb stick20:49
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jimis it running now?20:49
jimoh ok20:49
jimso you're running a live image of it20:49
Bashing-omhambot: " Can I use a USB live install to do this " desktop install, then yes .. that medium is refered to as the liveUSB .20:50
jimwhat do you have in the way of disk storage?20:50
Doronelimited storage haha\20:50
vitimitiI'm trying to run the ScreenStudio program in Ubuntu 16.04, and I get the error "java command not found". I've checked and, indeed, the java command isn't there, but I've installed every single openjdk-8* package. How can I fix this?20:51
jimok... what are your plans around storage?20:51
Doroneonce i fall in love with linux i might eradicate windows for good20:51
glitchdDorone, you could always just install windows in a virtualbox inside linux20:51
jimyou may wish to hold off on eradicating until you've replaced all the functionality -and- are comfortable with it20:52
Doronewill research into the virtual box20:52
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Doronethanks for the advice jim and glitchd20:52
jimif you have limited storage, do you plan on getting more?20:52
Doroneby the way just for interests sake. I am currently in Qatar20:52
Doroneactually this is an older laptop. i dont mind using this solely for ubuntu20:53
Doroneonce windows is gone there should be enough space :D20:53
jimdo you have other machines?20:53
Doroneyeah buddy20:53
Bray90820OerHeks: I should do check disk for defects right?20:54
Bray90820Wrong ping again20:54
jimok, that would then take off the limits on eradication, especially if this isn't your main machine20:55
Doroneanybody looking forward to the next episode of Mr.robot coming out on wednesday?20:55
jimat least as it concerns the laptop you're running the live image on20:55
Bashing-omBray90820: I always always do prior to attempting to install - even after I have verified the .iso image . Can save a lot of trouble later .20:56
k1l_!ot | Dorone20:56
ubottuDorone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:56
Bray90820But that's what you were talking about earlier right?20:56
Dorone@jim: Yes sir/mam20:56
Dorone:D haha20:56
jimso, have fun20:57
jimbtw there are 1t and 2t laptop drives now... they may be sata20:58
Bray90820Bashing-om: found errors in 1 file20:59
Doronehmm 1tb, 2 tb sounds mighty good20:59
vitimitiNever mind, I fixed it, it was a corrupt openjdk-9 install20:59
Bashing-omBray90820: . .There ya go ! Guess what the next step is ?21:00
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Bray90820Bashing-om: What I would like to figure out is what file had the error21:00
Bashing-omBray90820: Way over my skill level  to figure out what the corrupted file might be .21:01
rexwin_how to find what files are installed with vsftpd?21:01
Bray90820Bashing-om: I was just wondering if there was some output of the check to something21:01
b6s3dhi where can i report a suspicious ubuntu paste bin link?21:02
Bashing-omBray90820: Not that I am aware of .21:02
k1l_rexwin_: dpkg -L package21:02
k1l_b6s3d: suspicious?21:02
b6s3dit dosn't look clean, and i don't want to open the files21:02
b6s3danyone who i can pm21:02
OerHeksb6s3d, maybe #ubuntu-ops can be any help21:03
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OerHeksb6s3d, you can trust k1l_ too, it is up to you.21:03
Bray90820Bashing-om: The reason i ask is because I am thinking it might not actually be an error I had to use a modified file to get the live usb booting and it might just throw out an error because of that21:03
Bashing-omrexwin_: <aube ' dpkg -L vsftpd " ?21:03
hambotOK I'm in a live boot now...and I need to fsck my HD in term.  What syntax do I need to use?21:04
Bashing-omBray90820: You mean that you modified the liveUSB to permit the install ? then yes, I can then accept that the file system check could fail .21:05
pulsar12hambot, check the manpage for fsck21:06
Bray90820If it is throwing back the error on that file I will conclude that it is a dummy error21:06
Bashing-omnameless: Ya want to know the target ,, with no doubt - run ' sudo fdisk -lu ' and indentify the target partition , 1st .21:06
Bashing-omhambot: Ya want to know the target ,, with no doubt - run ' sudo fdisk -lu ' and indentify the target partition , 1st .21:07
Bray90820Bashing-om: Would it throw back an error if it was missing a file?21:08
Bashing-omBray90820: I would think that in that event of a missing file the checker would say so rather than advising of a corrupt file .21:09
Bray90820Because what I actually did was I removed a file and replaced it with a file of a different name21:09
=== anonymous is now known as Guest3076
Guest3076come usare vadalli sull backbox21:11
Guest3076come usare vidallia sull backbox21:13
k1l_!backbox | Guest307621:14
ubottuGuest3076: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.21:14
freelancerbobneed help21:14
freelancerbobmy external disk seems corrupted21:14
freelancerbobi just run testdisk21:14
freelancerbobbut i do not know what to do next21:15
metricstratis there a recurring issue with Ubuntu and uhd screen resolutions?21:15
Bashing-omBray90820: Someone with the freater -again - experience is going to have to rescue us . I do not know .21:15
tomreynfreelancerbob: how did you determine that something is broken, how did you run testdisk (which commandline) and what is the output?21:16
tomreyn!pastebin | freelancerbob21:16
ubottufreelancerbob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:16
Bray90820Anyone else know how to get a verbose output of check disk for defects?21:17
tomreynBray90820: what is "check disk"?21:17
Guest3076how to use vidalia of backbox thanks21:17
tomreynGuest3076: not supported here, as you have been told.21:18
k1l_Guest3076: we cant support backbox in here. please ask their support21:18
Bray90820tomreyn: Check disk for defects in the live disk21:18
freelancerbobtomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175346/21:18
freelancerbobtomreyn: when i put it into windows PC it do not find it21:19
Bashing-omBray90820: While we wait, as this is a 32 bit processor (atom) right ? Why not try lubuntu ( force pae ) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2211590 and see if the liveUSB boots up with no mods ?? I have installed this a couple of times on 32 bit systems .21:19
tomreynBray90820: please descibe more closely what you did or what you are trying to do, why, and what the overall goal is in doing it.21:19
freelancerbobi tried it put into linux and run command testdisk21:19
Bray90820tomreyn: when I run check disk for errors it says errors on one file and I wanna know what file has the error21:20
Guest3076tom reyn oki as you use backbox I'm new on systema backbox21:21
tomreynfreelancerbob: did this disk ever work fine for you? if so, what happened which may have made it not work?21:21
OerHeksGuest3076, you are in the wrong channel, this is ubuntu support, you want #backbox or something21:22
metricstratwhy would ubuntu install hanging be solved by changing boot resolution?21:22
freelancerbobtomreyn yes it worked fine before, noting can't happened maybe, i was traveling21:22
tomreynBray90820: can we see the command yuo are running and the output it provides?21:22
earl0Anyone know how I can get my Asus PCE AC68 running on 16.04... google doesn't seem to be much help... only old articles21:22
Bray90820tomreyn: you seem to now know what check disk for defects is so I will wait for someone else21:22
metricstratwhats the problem @earl021:23
freelancerbobtomreyn: do you know some investigation commands ? i can try it and paste output here21:23
Bashing-omhambot: How ya doing .. looking good ?21:24
Guest3076<OerHeks>backbox and based on ubuntu21:24
hambotIt's going good bashing-om thanks21:24
Bashing-omhambot: :)21:25
DArqueBishopGuest3076: it doesn't matter. The Backbox people have changed it enough that the Ubuntu people cannot support it.21:25
tomreynfreelancerbob: your disk may have taken damage during transport. maybe try to investigate S.M.A.R.T. reports. you can install and use smartmontools for this purpose21:25
DArqueBishopIt may be BASED on Ubuntu, but it is NOT Ubunti.21:25
Grorcoanyone know of a graphical html designer for I can use on ubuntu?21:26
tomreynfreelancerbob: normally HDDs should alwys be expected to break at any time, which is why you should have complete, current, and recoverable backups.21:26
neyder_are there someone with multiseat knowledge?, I have a jetway motherboard with integrated raphics, and two video cards but only one GFX or IGP+GFX0 are enabled, how can i enable all three of them.21:28
Guest3076so I can not get help here xchat21:28
Guest3076so I can not get help here xchat21:28
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Bashing-om!hexchat | Guest307621:28
tomreynGrorco: maybe bluefish is for you21:29
zteamGuest3076, What's the problem?21:30
Grorcotomreyn, thanks I'll check it out :)21:31
bobbyj0I'm currently using the nouveau driver for my NVIDIA card... but moving windows etc seems to be a bit lagging. Is it worth using the propietary driver?21:31
tomreynfreelancerbob: normally HDDs should alwys be expected to break at any time, which is why you should have complete, current, and recoverable backups.21:31
Guest3076zteam  how to use vidalia of backbox21:32
freelancerbobtomreyn: i just run smart21:32
tomreyn!smart | freelancerbob21:32
ubottufreelancerbob: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools21:32
OerHeksGuest3076, again: you are in the wrong channel21:33
tomreynfreelancerbob: i'll bbl, feel free to repeat your question (or to turn to someone else)21:33
OerHeks!backbox > Guest307621:33
ubottuGuest3076, please see my private message21:33
freelancerbobtomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175388/21:34
blinkblinkhello again. I purged lightdm and installed it again, now the theme went back to default "changed" but still cannot start up the application21:34
freelancerbobsomeone can help me with my external HDD ?21:34
freelancerbobor what i should do to fix it ?21:37
zteamGuest3076, under a normal Ubuntu installation Vidalia is supposed to work right out of the box (once you install it), so I would assume it would be the same under backbox21:41
SupaYoshiHi, I'm trying to harden the security of my PHP7.0 FPM installation.21:44
SupaYoshicurrently I have set my server to use a TCP scoket, for PHP7 FPM, i have  listen =
SupaYoshiInstead of listen = /var/run/php7.0.sock e.g.21:44
SupaYoshiNow, I am reading a tutorial on how to setup a different user for each new site on the same server.21:45
SupaYoshiAnd It says, i should create a different sock for each new website.21:45
SupaYoshiHowever this website, contra dicts, that, https://serversforhackers.com/video/php-fpm-configuration-the-listen-directive21:45
SupaYoshiSo I'm kind of.. reading it all trying to learn more. But I'm just wanting to ask someone with more experience, can I keep it like this, with multiple websites running? Or is it better to go ahead with the socket thing?21:46
SupaYoshiBecause the TCP socket seems to be a much more easy solution.21:46
freelancerbobwho can assist to me with testdisk21:46
zteamfreelancerbob, what does disk utility says about hard drive?21:47
vlad___hey, any python experts here?21:49
vlad___I'm having some trouble with python3-dbg and numpy21:49
vlad___even after installing python3-numpy-dbg, I can't import numpy in python3-dbg21:49
zteamfreelancerbob, also if your hardrive has physical errors, TestDisk would probably bee the wrong tool21:49
freelancerbobzteam: disk utility says: model,size,serial number, etc..21:51
freelancerbobzteam: hdd worke  few days ago21:51
freelancerbobzteam: what i have to do then ?21:53
k1l_freelancerbob: can you tell us again what the general issue is?21:53
zteamfreelancerbob, then you view your disk i Disk Utility it will say something like "Status Disk is okey" or "Status Disk bad sectors"21:53
freelancerbobk1l_:  i can access my external hdd, it wokred ok few days ok, then it stopped worked on windows, then it stopped worked on linuxs21:54
k1l_freelancerbob: ok, can you run "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the output url?21:55
freelancerbobzteam: i do not have status field in disk utility21:55
zteamfreelancerbob, select the disk and click the the right button in disk utility and select smart status, then upload a picture of that please :-)21:56
freelancerbobzteam: i am using lubuntu and there disk utility does not have this option21:57
zteamfreelancerbob, it should have, do you see a button with lines on the right part of the window?21:58
freelancerbobk1l_: http://termbin.com/bqr321:58
freelancerbobzteam: ok that option is gray, you can choose it for that disk21:59
freelancerbobseems that disk do not support smart21:59
k1l_freelancerbob: and now "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"22:01
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freelancerbobk1l_:  i have data on my HDD, what parted -l will do ?22:03
k1l_freelancerbob: it will show the partition setup22:04
freelancerbobk1l_: http://termbin.com/mnzu22:05
freelancerbobk1l_:  WD Elements 10A8 that is my external hdd22:06
bushdiditanybody there ?22:08
zteamfreelancerbob, well since your harddrive does have a couple of bad sectors, have you tried running checkdisk on that drive?22:08
freelancerbobzteam: tell me how, i tried run checkdisk on windows but it did not start22:09
k1l_freelancerbob: did you try another usb port?22:09
zteamfreelancerbob, well the syntax for checkdisk is chkdsk D: /R22:10
zteamfreelancerbob, (assuming your external drive is mapped to D:) also checkdisk needs to be run as administrator22:11
k1l_freelancerbob: also try a clean reboot from that system. seems like you did a standby inbetween22:12
freelancerbobk1l_: you mean reboot my system or windows on another pc ?22:14
k1l_i mean the ubuntu system22:14
freelancerbobzteam: i just tried chkdsk and did not start22:14
freelancerbobk1l_: ok give me minute22:14
k1l_freelancerbob: for how to sort things on windows better ask in ##windows22:15
zteamfreelancerbob, no questions from checkdisk about the volume being opened or something?22:16
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freelancerbobk1l_: reboot did not help22:22
k1l_can you plug it into that ubuntu machine again and then run "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" afterwards?22:22
freelancerbobk1l_: http://termbin.com/8luv22:23
k1l_freelancerbob: so what happens when you want to mount /dev/sdb1 in terminal?22:24
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freelancerbobk1l_: you mean /dev/sdb no ?22:25
freelancerbobwhat is sdb122:25
k1l_sdb1 is the 1st partition on that disk. which is the ntfs one22:25
freelancerbobmount: /dev/sdb1: No such file or directory22:26
k1l_well, did you check the smart parameters of that disk?22:26
freelancerbobk1l_: smart param are greyed and can't be run in disk utility22:27
zteamfreelancerbob, you have to tell it where it should mount the file like disk: sudo mount/dev/sdb1  /media/usb22:27
k1l_freelancerbob: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb22:28
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zteamfreelancerbob, but before that you need to do sudo mkdir /media/usb22:28
freelancerbobk1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175669/22:29
freelancerbobzteam: i have to try your command sudo mount/dev/sdb1  /media/usb ?22:30
zteamfreelancerbob, yes, but you need to create the folder usb in media before with sudo mkdir /media/usb22:31
OerHekssudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 # not sure it needs to be mounted22:31
tomreynfreelancerbob: your Western Digital Elements / My Passport (USB) disk *does* support S.M.A.R.T., as is reported by the output you posted earlier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175388/22:33
tomreynand according to that it seems ot be physically fine.22:33
zteamOerHeks, I thought about that too, but from what I know, it just clears the dirty point and fix a few very basic things, I don't think it can handle things like bad sectors really well22:33
k1l_yeah, the smart parameters look ok to me. so i dont get what is wrong there.22:34
Smnanyone here that could help me load streams in the browser with mpv? I tried using this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Browser_plugins#MozPlugger (this procedure should be distro agnostic)but I didn't get any results22:35
freelancerbobzteam: sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/usb mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist22:35
tomreynfreelancerbob: there can be logical errors, though, meaning file system errors, or partitioning errors. Which kil has recently tried to help you diagnose.22:35
k1l_zteam: the hardware sector reallocation is 0. so hardware should be ok in that way.22:36
zteamk1l_, I may be wrong here but, are you supposed to read the raw value? the value is 200, from what I read22:38
OerHeksIf this ext hdd works under windows, then it is infected.22:39
freelancerbobOerHeks: no it is not works under windows at the moment22:40
temhaaI have this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/816982/missing-mouse-touchpad-options-ubuntu-16-0422:40
k1l_zteam: yes, the raw_value is the real count22:41
temhaaBut I dont know how can I solution22:41
tomreyndid we get to see freelancerbob's parted -l output, yet?22:41
zteamfreelancerbob, have u tried switching usb cable?22:41
tomreyndmesg does not list any partitions on that disk22:41
OerHekstomreyn, yes, some time ago, 1 500 gb ntfs partition22:41
tomreyntestdisk showed partitioon table inconsistencies22:41
k1l_tomreyn: freelancerbob> k1l_: http://termbin.com/mnzu22:42
OerHeksi suggested ntfsfix but not sure it needs to be mounted22:42
tomreynthanks k1l_22:43
zteamk1l, okey so what's the other value about then?22:43
tomreynfor reference this was the testdisk output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175346/22:43
freelancerbobzteam: yes i just switch USb cable, same situation22:43
tomreyn(i don't know which comomands were run there)22:43
k1l_tomreyn: well, now i see the sdb1 starting at 0B which means no partitiontable?22:43
OerHeksfreelancerbob, do you have a usb2 port? worth a try to avoid usb3 culprit322:44
tomreynk1l_: right, i just realized that, too22:44
tomreynso testdisk wouldn't be helpful anyways22:44
k1l_Partition Table: loop22:44
tomreynso it's just: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sd22:45
tomreynso it's just: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb22:45
tomreyn^ this22:45
freelancerbobOerHeks: i just switch it to USB2 port22:46
freelancerbobtomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23175713/22:47
zteamif a parttiontable is missing TestDisk would write a new one in no time at all22:47
k1l_ok, this looks like the ntfs partition is put raw on the bare metal of that disk (which seems common on usb pendrives and some usb disks)22:47
OerHeksoke, just a thought, missed that i guess.22:47
tomreynso i'm not familiar with ntfsfix, but this output doesn't seem to look very good.22:48
tomreynstill, you could try to mount it on windows again now22:49
freelancerbobtomreyn: Unable to determine volume version and state. CHKDSK aborted.22:50
tomreynpersonally, i can't think of other options right now22:51
tomreynit's possible that running testdisk on this disk (which does not have partiton table) made things worse.22:52
tomreynfreelancerbob: be sure to try it on a different computer before you reformat and restore your data.22:54
freelancerbobtomreyn: i tried it on 2 computers, win7 both22:54
tomreynfreelancerbob: and neither worked? then i'd just reformat and restore the backups22:55
freelancerbobi have some data there22:55
tomreynyou could still try your luck with pattern based file recovery tools such as photorec and foremost22:56
freelancerbobok do i have try photorec ?22:58
tomreynthat's not something i would do unless you don't have current backups (which you should have for any and all relevant data)22:59
freelancerbobtomreyn: i have many photose there, there is not any way hot to fix it without formating ?23:00
OerHeksphotorec or testdisk, you will need 500 gb free space on a drive23:01
OerHeksand filenames might be gone, hand search and rename23:01
zteamhas he tried running TestDisk to let it create a new partition table for parttion?23:02
tomreynfreelancerbob: if you lack backups, and you want to do disk forensics, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Imaging_a_damaged_device.2C_filesystem_or_drive , then read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Extract_individual_files_from_recovered_image23:02
tomreynzteam: we do not know23:02
freelancerbobzteam: no i dont try testdisk23:02
zteamthat's what TestDisk is made to do :-)23:02
k1l_zteam: testdisk doesnt help here. some external disks come with no partitiontable but the partition on bare metal.23:03
tomreynfreelancerbob: you did run testdisk, based on the output you posted initally?23:03
OerHekswait, are you victim of an encrypted hdd malware driveby??23:03
k1l_but hinestly: i would not touch that disk anymore before i would have done a dd_rescue backup image of it.23:03
freelancerbobtomreyn: yes that was just some analysis, then I ctrl+C23:03
tomreynfreelancerbob: i see, so it didn't make any changes.23:04
tomreynOerHeks: would those break the file system?23:04
zteamOerHeks, if he was he would probably know :-)23:04
freelancerbobOerHeks: no i am not victim23:05
OerHeksWell, as the drive is pretty new, no hw failure and magic does not work to restore ntfs.. just a thought23:05
freelancerbobi can run testdisk but seems you wrote it will not help23:06
k1l_freelancerbob: do you have 500GB diskspace somewhere else?23:07
tomreynmy understanding so far (i admit i have not folowed it closely lately) is that those encrypting malwares would encrypt only document files. one of them also locks up windows in the end, and only shows a message at boot. but they surely have a need to display a message and not break the file system entirely.23:07
freelancerbobk1l_: yes23:07
zteamnever heard of it before, but TestDisk is supposed to be able to work with broken partition tables, however one thing worth nothing, Ubuntu likes a restart after fiddling with partitions before they show up correctly23:07
k1l_freelancerbob: then i recommend you to make a image of that disk now, before you start changing things23:08
freelancerbobi can what is good soft for making image23:08
tomreyni'm with k1l there23:08
tomreynwhich is why i posted those two links above23:08
k1l_it makes a 1to1 image.23:09
zteamI would highly recommend Gnu ddrescue before dd_rescue (these are 2 different software packages)23:09
zteamwell, time to sleep, good night my friends :-)23:10
freelancerbobzteam:  me too, where you from ?23:10
Robin___what exacly does the &-sign do in terminal? for example: find /usr &23:11
zteamfreelancerbob, Sweden23:11
zteamfreelancerbob, u?23:11
jellyRobin___, one & and two && do different things23:11
tomreynRobin___: it puts the process into the background23:11
freelancerbobzteam, k1l_ , tomreyn , OerHeks : thanks you i am going continue tomorrow, time for sleep now23:12
freelancerbobzteam: slovakia23:12
tomreynRobin___: use 'fg' to bring it back23:12
tomreynfreelancerbob: welcome + good night23:12
zteamfreelancerbob, okey, :) you are welcome :-)23:12
Robin___but what exacly am I finding when I do: find /usr &23:12
tomreynRobin___: the same as you would without the trailing &23:13
tomreynRobin___: it is a control character which is interpreted by your shell, and not passed to the find command as an argument23:13
k1l_Robin___: the & at the end will make the process run in background and will bring you a new prompt.23:13
Robin___ok thanks :)23:14
Guest52289those encryption malware are easy to defeat if you get to it quickly and don't make changes to the disk and just do a volume shadow copy recovery. there are a few around many dont restore the dir structures just the documents etc23:14
tomreynGuest52289: so you're saying there are some which do destroy the directory structures? which ones would that be?23:16
Guest52289i cant recal the name of it but do a google search on recovering files from volume shadow copy and you should see dozens or more refferances but most dont restore file system structure they just pull out the files. just get what you want and put them back into ur docs folder when done23:17
Guest52289best to take drive out and put it in clean machine and just do the rtecovery dont copy stuff or access stuff on it23:18
tomreyni still don't think any of them would break the file system, it's against the attackers' interests.23:19
tomreynanyways, offtopic, i guess.23:20
Guest52289im talking about just getting the decrypted version of documents before the malware got to it. shadow copy means it writes to new place on disk and updates pointer to it and keeps a recored of the old data the shadow copy. helps to recover from corruption intentional or otherwise23:21
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Guest52289each write means the last write is the shadow copy and the old shadow copy is lost to the free list23:22
=== Guest41344 is now known as chu
rexwin__when I try to put a local file to remote server through sftp it gives remote open("/home/ftpuser/filename.txt"): Permission denied23:30
Ben64can you elaborate23:30
bekksSo you dont have permissions to create that file on the remote server.23:31
rexwin__i login using filezilla as sftp user username with the password and it displays all the folders in root file system. why is it so?23:33
rexwin__I want only the /home/username to be listed.23:33
Ben64you can browse to /home/username, depending on the client you can set it to start in /home/username23:34
Ben64or, you can chroot23:34
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rexwin__how to enable chroot in sftp, I know you can enable it in vsftpd?23:35
Ben64it's more trouble than it's worth, imo23:35
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rexwin__I followed this yet I can see the entire file system of my vps why? https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu23:49
pingwindyktatorHey! I;ve got problem with my gtx 1070 drivers. I just installed geforce drivers but now, screen connected right to MB is now visible23:52
bazhanginstalled how and from where pingwindyktator23:52
k1l_the 1000 nvidia cards do need the ubuntu video drivers team ppa, at least23:54
pingwindyktatorbazhang:    41  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa23:56
pingwindyktator   42  sudo apt update23:56
pingwindyktator   43  sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall23:56
pingwindyktatorsorry for that23:56
pingwindyktatordrivers works correctly I guess - screen connected to gpu is visible. but another one is not23:57

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