
=== boomer is now known as bitch
Bashing-ompingwindyktator: What driver did autoinstall choose ?00:01
pingwindyktatorBashing-om: nvidia-370.28 but I changed it to nvidia-367.44 since 370 is beta one00:02
Bashing-ompingwindyktator: K; autoinstall did good . Do not know what to advise in respect to the 2nd monitor .00:03
andr01drip my bad00:03
lwizardlWhat would be the most accurate application for doing cover art scans ? I have xsane installed but feel like there may be a better one to use? Any with de-screening feature00:05
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CHBMBAnyone else having trouble logging into Ubuntu One in the software centre?  Works fine in my web browser...00:22
Gallomimiawhat's the difference between the packages unrar and unrar-free ?00:25
Gallomimia!info unrar unrar-free00:25
ubottu'unrar-free' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed00:25
Gallomimia!info unrar00:25
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.3.2-1 (xenial), package size 128 kB, installed size 325 kB00:25
Gallomimia!info unrar-free00:25
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20140707-1 (xenial), package size 21 kB, installed size 98 kB00:25
k1l_one is the closed source prop. software, one is the free open source equivalent00:26
bazhangjust get unp for them all00:27
bazhang!info unp00:27
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB00:27
rexwin__I followed this yet I can see the entire file system of my vps why? https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu00:29
k1l_rexwin__: just a guess: did you restart the ftp server?00:29
rexwin__i am using sftp and did restart sshd00:29
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Surendilnight everyone!00:46
Surendil 00:48
Gallomimiarexwin__: are you using the account so modded by this procedure to view the filesystem? obviously you wouldn't want to change any admin accounts to have this restriction00:48
ChetManlyhow do I force a filesystem check upon reboot00:50
Bashing-omChetManly: What release ? upstart/systemd differs .00:52
KiritoUbuntu is not properly pairing my Sennheiser bluetooth headsets. It pairs with the device without issue, but the device is not listed anywhere in the sound settings. I'm giving this 10 minutes before I submit a return claim so any advice is appreciated before then00:52
k1l_ChetManly: on your root partition?00:53
th0rChetManly, try this....sudo touch /forcefsck. It works in debian00:53
ChetManlyall drives k1l_00:53
Bashing-omChetManly: Terminal commands ' sudo touch /forcefsck ; sudo shutdown -r now ' .00:53
k1l_ChetManly: see the commands above. put a forcefsck named file in the / of every ext4 partition you want to be checked00:54
CipherZerocannot connect to X server is appeared, then how can i do?00:55
k1l_CipherZero: what ubuntu? what command?00:56
CipherZeroit is not ubuntu :(00:57
CipherZeroit is just linux00:57
CipherZerok1l_: ;)00:57
k1l_CipherZero: then ask in ##linux :)00:57
bazhangCipherZero, whats the distro00:57
CipherZerobazhang: kali00:58
SurendilCipherZero, or is it just server?00:58
bazhang#kali-linux CipherZero00:58
CipherZeroyeah but All are sleep00:58
bazhangCipherZero, be patient, its not supported here at all00:59
CipherZerook thanks bazhang ;)00:59
rexwin__how to list all users inside ftpaccess group?01:00
Ben64grep ftpaccess /etc/group01:01
rexwin__list all users01:02
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kartyhow do i delete user account on ubuntu in terminal?01:18
kartywhere can i find the code...or what to type01:19
k1l_there is "deluser"01:19
wafflejockHave a strange problem not sure where to start with troubleshooting what's wrong, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.1, since I upgraded from 14.04 I've had some problem with the HDMI output, hard to describe but appears like it's horizontally interlaced when at 1920x1080, and colors are off01:19
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wafflejockonly resolution that doesn't end up looking this way is at 1600x1200 but that isn't the "auto resolution" and isn't sharp01:20
biotechy2kany peeps from the Unix/Linux group Humbug on here01:24
k1l_biotechy2k: better ask in a location based channel01:24
k1l_!alis | biotechy2k01:25
ubottubiotechy2k: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http01:25
biotechy2kdoing a search now but unity keeps hanging01:25
wafflejockhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/photo/108173165070170894192/6329992220494460850?icm=false <-- picture of the monitors, it's Intel HD4000 with the i915 driver loaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/23176092/ <-- system info01:26
glitchdbiotechy2k, ditch unity..01:27
biotechy2kHey glitchd I'm a newbie and a stubborn old woman will try and learn a work around01:27
glitchdbiotechy2k, thats ok=) it was just my personal opinion01:28
glitchdbiotechy2k, i think xfce/xubuntu is much better01:29
k1l_biotechy2k: if you tell what the exact issue is someone might help01:29
wafflejocklet me know if there's something I can try or provide that would help pin down what's going wrong (tried playing with various refresh rates listed in xrandr output but nothing so far)01:29
biotechy2kmy daughter is doing game design at college and she has the same problems LOL  guess I like to find solutions always up for a challenge01:29
glitchdbiotechy2k, rightright01:30
glitchdbiotechy2k, i would tell her the same thing lol01:30
k1l_wafflejock: cable is fine? any adapters involved?01:31
biotechy2kI am thinking it may have to do with firefox I could reinstall the firefox or try a different browser but this is an old machine nearly 10 yrs old works well with Linux sucks with win os01:31
wafflejockk1l_, no adapters, let me try the cable on another machine but was good for a while before the upgrade01:31
glitchdbiotechy2k, sounds about right01:32
k1l_wafflejock: is the gpu capable of that dual minitor resolutions?01:32
Bashing-omwafflejock: Is the Intel of the skylake variety ?01:32
glitchdbiotechy2k, as far as browsers go, i stil to chromium/chrome01:32
glitchdbiotechy2k, firefox has gotten to bloated for my taste..01:32
k1l_biotechy2k: you could try a clean firefox profile and see if that is better then01:33
biotechy2kLOL I've not tried the chromium does it offer the same privacy you can get with firefox01:33
biotechy2kTaking notes here guys thnx for all the input really appreciate it01:33
glitchdi basically offers the same thing as chrome, its just open source01:33
wafflejockk1l_, was working with the same setup on 14.04 after the upgrade the second monitor wouldn't show up, I've always had to disable the laptop built in screen or else would get a CRTC error, basically can have 2 enabled (1VGA, 1HDMI is how the externals are connected)01:33
wafflejockBashing-om, not sure really Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz is what lcpu says01:34
wafflejockk1l_, tried the cable on another machine and the resolution looks fine, so monitor and cable are okay still01:34
glitchd*it basically offers01:35
k1lwafflejock: might be worth to take a look into the xorg log in /var/log/01:35
wafflejockk1l not sure what to look for here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23176118/01:38
Bashing-omwafflejock: Still with skylake in mind . what returns ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' ?01:38
wafflejockBashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23176120/01:38
DopreHey guys I just upgraded to 16.04.  I use my PC as a home theater PC.  Everything worked fine last night however after the upgrade any movie I try to play has a static sound in the speakers.  Any ideas?01:39
Bashing-omwafflejock: Nope, no skylake .. never mind my thought .01:40
wafflejockBashing-om, okay thanks for playing anyhow :) if nothing works I'm going to try from a live USB to see if that works and possibly just do a clean install after backing things up if it works in the live session01:40
k1lwafflejock: nothing obvious to me01:42
wafflejockk1l, okay thanks for looking too let me know if you all think of anything else to try will let you know how the live USB attempt goes once I try (probably in a few hours), will just work with the 1 monitor for now01:43
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DopreHey guys I just upgraded to 16.04.  I use my PC as a home theater PC.  Everything worked fine last night however after the upgrade any movie I try to play has a static sound in the speakers.  Any ideas?01:47
vfwDopre: Mythtv?01:47
glitchdcheck which sound card is active01:48
k1lis the sound working from other movies or nmusic?01:52
DopreSound comes through however it's all muffled/static01:52
k1lso its a codec issue?01:53
vfwDopre: You say you are using your computer as a home theater PC. So what software is involved in using your computer as a "home theater PC"?01:53
rexwin_how can I Update to latest security patches on my ubuntu machine?01:53
vfwDopre: Or if it is just a media player?  Which one?01:53
k1lrexwin_: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade01:53
metroinsHi, is there an easy way to see how much space I have left on my main harddrive?01:53
rexwin_I ran the first one. what does sudo apt full-upgrade do?01:54
Doprevfw: using kodi however also tested a movie just in vlc01:54
k1lmetroins: "df -h"01:54
vfwmetroins: df01:54
metroinsk1l: Thank you vfw: thank you01:54
rexwin_I have a public facing website running01:54
k1lrexwin_: it installes all packages that the apt update found. it will not bring your ubuntu to a new ubuntu release01:54
olscumpyI backed up some dconf settings to a text file. reverting to them is something like "cat ~/backup.txt | dconf something"?01:55
vfwDopre: Are you sure that your audio cables are in good working order and plugged in securely etc..01:55
Doprevfw: yes.  worked fine for 2 movies last night and didn't touch anything.  just upgraded to 16.0401:56
vfwDopre: ... or is it going throughh hdmi?01:56
energizerI'm gonna ask somebody to whitelist my ip so they don't ratelimit me. Is that the inet addr or the Bcast IP?01:56
energizerin ifconfig01:56
vfwDopre: Unplug and plug securely, (eliminate hardware issues first.)01:57
k1lenergizer: bcast is the broadcast ip from the router. your adress is the inet addr. but that is only the local ip from your LAN01:58
Doprejust fixed it... disabled audio track in vlc and re-enabled it... everything working now.  Weird.01:58
energizerk1l: so i want to ask them to whitelist bcast, yes?01:58
k1lenergizer: no01:58
vfwenergizer: google myip01:58
k1lenergizer: if you are behind a router you dont see the public ip in ifconfig01:59
energizerk1l: its a server so cant google01:59
k1lenergizer: so then its inet addr02:00
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k1lenergizer: (if its not behind a lan)02:00
vfwenergizer: Or02:01
vfwenergizer: www.ipchicken.com02:01
k1lenergizer: "wget http://ipinfo.io/ip -qO -" will show your public ip02:01
spotterrunning yakkety and pepper flash doesn't seem to work with chromium. any page that tries to load flash just shows "Couldn't load plugin" in the box where the flash animation/video would be, but chrome shows it in plugin liste02:03
k1lspotter: report in #ubuntu+1 and file a bug02:03
energizerk1l: ok thanks02:03
spotterok, reported it there02:04
metroinsHi again, what are the two update commands? sudo apt-get update and what was the other one?02:04
nicomachusmetroins: sudo apt-get upgrade02:05
nicomachusand sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:05
k1lmetroins:  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade02:05
metroinsnicomachus:  thank you02:05
nicomachusk1l's way is better02:05
k1lapt is the new apt-get :)02:05
metroinsk1l: thank you02:05
k1lit has a progress bar02:05
nicomachusk1l: you can pry my -get from my cold dead .bash_alias file02:05
glitchdspotter, youre trying to get flash working?02:06
freefallin a few months i wouldnt worry much of flash anymore but flash works in chrome still for me an in firefox..02:06
spotterglitchd, yes, chrome says the plugin is loaded in plugins list, but always renders a "Couldn't load plugin" error on any webpage that tries to load it02:07
spotterand have no idea how to debug it02:07
freefalljust look in your package manager for flash it be the commerial based one not free02:07
glitchdspotter, i take it youre on ubuntu 16.04?02:07
xangua! Ubuntu+1 | spotter02:07
ubottuspotter: Yakkety Yak is the codename for Ubuntu 16.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:07
spotterno, 16.1002:07
spotteryes, I was directed there02:07
spotterand I noted yakkety02:07
glitchdspotter, hmm..im on ubuntu 16.04.1 with xubuntu-desktop and the only flash that would work was Adobe Flash plugin from the software center02:08
spotterI'm pretty sure I had it working in 16.04 too, this is an x1 carbon 4g, so was easier to go directly to 16.10 due to kernel issues02:09
freefallyou need flash from canonical the free bie ones in the other source is a hit an miss..02:09
k1lglitchd: the indevelopment 16.10 got different versions there. best is to report the issues as bugs02:09
spotterI'll try to pull it from 16.04 and see if it helps02:09
johnpaulhow to get ubuntu mate in ubunto ??02:10
glitchdk1l, rightright, i was just trying to help him to get the one that works for me.02:10
k1ljohnpaul: install ubuntu-mate-desktop02:10
xanguajohnpaul: you can download and install the Ubuntu mate ISO or install Ubuntu-mate-desktop02:10
freefallbut true report bugs so the beta team can fix it02:10
johnpaulsir what os is your using >>>??02:11
johnpaultnx sir02:11
spotterglitchd, thanks, didn't realize I didnt have that enabled02:15
metroinsI plan to install World of Warcraft on Ubuntu.  I am googling the proper procedure, does anybody have experience with it?  I get confused with PlayonLinux vs. Wine02:15
k1lmetroins: playonlinux is a frontend to wine.02:15
glitchdspotter, so its working now?02:15
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode02:15
metroinsk1l: Oh, so installing via playonlinux is the same thing as wine?02:15
olscumpywhat's the bot bang for recovering deleted files?02:16
spotterwondering what the point of the -installer package is if it doesn't provide a working flash env?02:16
k1lmetroins: playonlinux uses wine. but it sets configs and versions for every game02:16
spotterdoes it work in firefox?02:16
nicomachusmetroins: yep02:16
metroinsThank you for your responses, that cleared it up a bit for me.02:16
k1lolscumpy: look at extundelete and photorec if you need to recover removed files02:16
olscumpywhich one would you recommend for a situation where I know the name of the file I want, and I have the ecryptfs mounted, from where it was deleted?02:18
glitchdspotter, ??02:18
ubuntu948helo all02:19
k1lolscumpy: i dont know if they work with encryption at all.02:19
ubuntu948im using gparted what is a good drive format that allows files over 4gb?02:19
nicomachusk1l: if it's mounted with ecryptfs then it's not encrypted at the mount point02:20
ubuntu948ext4 doesnt i dont think02:20
k1lubuntu948: ext4 does02:20
ubuntu948im sure i used it before and it didnt allow02:20
ubuntu948but i will check again now02:20
k1lubuntu948: that is not true. are you sure it was ext4?02:20
ubuntu948any other recomended?02:20
Ben64ext4 supports files up to 16TB02:21
ubuntu948wow maybe it was another that i clicked ill format the drive and give it a go :)02:21
k1lubuntu948: is it a data drive? or a os partition?02:21
ubuntu948ext4 is my best bet or should i do another02:22
ubuntu948k1l: data exteral drive not os02:22
k1lubuntu948: depends on what the disk/partition is for.02:22
glitchdubuntu948, ext4 is the best for ubuntu02:22
ubuntu948k1l: audio and video files02:23
k1lbecause if its a external drive or a dualboot then you will have issue using that on windows.02:23
Elliot_Do you guys know how encrypt our conversation in here ? I heard we can02:23
k1lbut if its only used by linux then ext4 is fine02:23
nicomachusElliot_: do you mean with SSL? this channel is publicly logged so it doesn't matter here.02:23
k1lElliot_: we cant in this public channel. and that doesnt make sense since everyone could join in this channel and read everything.02:23
ubuntu948k1l: and if i wanted to share with a mac?02:23
Elliot_No off course , i meant like on a private room with friends or so02:24
ubuntu948k1l: my friend has a mac this question is for s smaller drive i have02:24
nicomachusElliot_: what irc client are you using?02:24
Elliot_i'm using irssi02:24
nicomachusElliot_: check with the folks in #irssi then about setting up SSL02:24
Elliot_Oh ok didn't know there was a #irssi channel , thanks02:25
k1lubuntu948: if it comes to sharing with other os ntfs is still the best match02:25
k1lubuntu948: i dont know how osx supports ext4. its a unix so it should but i dont know if apple lets the users use ext402:26
ubuntu948k1l: ntfs is windows posion02:26
yqii'm trying to unzip a .tgz file (tar -xvzf filename.tgz) and am getting an error > gzip: stdin: not in gzip format      tar: Child returned status 1      tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now02:27
yqii tried without the -z parameter in case it was not a gzip file as the filename says but the same error was returned02:27
Ben64yqi: then it isn't a gzip. see the output of "file filename.tgz"02:27
ubuntu948k1l: i appreciate the help thanks this is the most helpful of the linux chat02:28
yqiBen64: hmmm the output of "file filename.tgz" is "HTML document, ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF, LF line terminators", what the heck? it's a theme02:29
k1lyqi: are you sure that download worked properly?02:29
yqik1l: yeah i'm thinking it's corrupt, i'll try dl it again02:30
ubuntu948i have a question regarding writing images to SD can someone find or know the computer information that 'wrote' the data to the drive02:31
k1lubuntu948: no02:32
ubuntu948i guess what im asking is there any info present on the SD stating where it was writen and came from?02:32
ubuntu948k1l: i know my questions are the same but is the anser the same for the second way i typed it02:33
ubuntu948thanks k1l02:34
ubuntu948have a good nite everyone :)02:34
yqik1l: is gnome-look.org trustworthy to dl themes?02:39
glitchd   yqi yes02:40
glitchdyqi, yes02:40
yqiglitchd: thx02:40
k1lbut that still depends on what the user did load up to that site.02:40
glitchdk1l, im guess he wants a different theme since he said is it safe to download themes from there.02:41
k1lyes. but its still a website where people can upload anything. so you dont know if that is a theme or some malware code in the end.02:42
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glitchdk1l, true enough, point taken02:43
yqiglitchd, k1l: to dl you have to click an external dropbox link to get the tar.gz, i don't think i have the balls to blindly trust some random theme creater02:43
dbromanyone here have a problem with vhosts on ubuntu server02:47
temhaaI am living same problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/816982/missing-mouse-touchpad-options-ubuntu-16-04/81735802:47
temhaaBut I couldnt resolve it02:48
temhaaMy touchpad scrolling is not working on ubuntu 16.0402:48
dbromanyone using vhosts02:54
k1ldbrom: you will have more responses if you describe your issue and name ubuntu version and errormessages02:54
dbromim using 16.04 im trying to use the one server to host multiple sites using vhosts02:56
dbromadded the content that I thoght to the 000-default.conf02:57
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HeroYoojinDo people KNOW about BYOBU?03:28
k1lsome people do know, yes03:28
HeroYoojinExcuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, terminal multiplexing?03:29
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Bray90820Does anyone know how to see what files on your live disk has errors after running check disk for errors03:35
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TheMadDrizzleWondering if anyone can help me with an Asus T100TA - I've got 16.04 installed and I've got super low speed via wifi.  It averages 20k/s and it can take hour to just update this tablet.03:43
devkinAnyone else having trouble watching youtubes in VMs since updating?03:46
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beantaxiReading about ext2/3/4 and xfs for the very first time. EC2 docs all seem to want me to use ext4 without really thinking about it. Should I even consider ext2 if I'm not journaling, or xfs? Or just go with ext4 and move on.04:03
daxjust use ext404:26
ProximaBhi guys, i have installed debian beside ubuntu on my system, now the ubuntu showing "failed to activate swap" i tried editing /etc/fstab by checking in blkid, even though the uuid of swap partition is correct, but still the same error. can you tell me how to fix it?04:29
neilduganwhat is the chat channel?04:32
parecxneildugan, ##chat04:33
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AmazeCPKI can't seem to change themes on brackets. (ubuntu 16.04, brackets 1.7) anyone know of a fix?04:45
AmazeCPKIs there a reason some windows are on top no matter what? http://prntscr.com/chs13h04:57
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kevivSo I installed kubuntu-desktop on 16.04 and now I can't login. The getty terminal shows up, but it doesn't seem to be capturing my keyboard. Really not quite sure where to go here05:05
bqi am running a little python GUI script. when i am resizing the GUI window, sometimes the GUI including the whole VM freezes, any possible reason?05:38
bqthe script is running inside a VM05:38
kevivIt was gdm I guess? Switching back to lightdm fixed it05:39
kevivbq: curious, have you tried running it outside of a vm?05:40
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bqkeviv: not tried. i am openning a lot of windows outside. i don't want to restart them all.05:42
RarrikinsIs there some way of moving windows that are disabled because they opened another window on top of them?05:44
SonikkuAmericaRarrikins: In what app?05:48
RarrikinsSonikkuAmerica: Gnome Disks.05:48
SonikkuAmericaRarrikins: In GNOME Disk Utility, you'll just move the window it spawned05:48
SonikkuAmericaand the window will auto-move05:48
RarrikinsIt's not moving.05:49
SonikkuAmericaIs GNOME Disk Utility maximised?05:49
SonikkuAmericaOdd. Can you close the window it spawned?05:50
RarrikinsI'm evaluating Unity, so not really.05:50
RarrikinsI did find one intuitive method of moving the original window, though.05:50
RarrikinsYou simply resize the upper left corner to where you want it to be, then resize the lower right corner to where you want it to be. Voila, moved.05:51
RarrikinsOh, and a nice side effect is that the listing of drives on the left gets squashed into unreadability.05:51
fasdfdI'd like to install a nonfree wifi realtek driver on Clonezilla based on Ubuntu. I obtained a bin file from debian package realtek-firmware. How do I add it to clonezilla liveusb?06:04
Genbuhello. i've this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1575467 a guy has solved upgrading kernel with this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds . which kernel i've to choose http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D ?06:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575467 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "[Dell Inspiron 3451] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1297 at /build/linux-lts-utopic-vy2yyy/linux-lts-utopic-3.16.0/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:1743 vlv_wait_port_ready+0x126/0x170 [i915]()" [High,In progress]06:05
jimit's not packaged?06:05
fasdfdI don't know if it's packaged and what's the package name, but ubuntu 16.04 offers the driver in additional drivers (how would I check what's the package name).06:06
ShogootHi all. I got a multiscreen setup but Plasms option config dont let med chose any "portrait" mode, just rotation. Is there a way around this?06:23
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Guest32357yibeda yibeda....06:24
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meet_praveenGreetings to all!06:27
meet_praveenwhere can we get source code of installed applications in ubuntu?06:27
orlockmeet_praveen: apt-get source <packagename> should do it06:28
Guest16948meet_praveen: Activate sources-repository and download sources.06:32
linuxcncinst123hello everyone, I need to create a working usb boot stick. I have an iso that I know works and I have tried and used it on a stick of mine with the dd command. Didn't work. please advise.06:37
SonikkuAmericalinuxcncinst123: Try with GNOME Disks.06:37
hateballlinuxcncinst123: or paste the command you used06:40
hateball!paste | linuxcncinst12306:40
ubottulinuxcncinst123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:40
linuxcncinst123hateball: I used dd , like "dd if=myiso.iso of=/dev/sdc1"06:41
hateballlinuxcncinst123: you dont want to dd to a partition most likely06:42
hateballlinuxcncinst123: as you want the bootloader as well06:42
hateballlinuxcncinst123: so you'd dd straight to the device, /dev/sdc in this case06:42
linuxcncinst123oh ok. That makes sense... I'll try that then...06:42
hateballIt's a common mistake, I have made it more times than I'd like to admit06:43
linuxcncinst123(the only sure way to create a live stick I've found is the windows pendrive tool)06:44
linuxcncinst123I always mess up the other methods somehow or they don't work...06:44
hateballlinuxcncinst123: note you can also run dd as "sudo dd status=progress bs=8M" to show progress and make it faster06:44
hateballadd if/of after that06:44
hateballlinuxcncinst123: aaaaaaaaaaand it doesnt hurt to run "sync" after dd reports being done, to make sure stuff is actually flushed to disk06:46
linuxcncinst123is "sync" the whole command I need?06:46
linuxcncinst123yes ok...06:47
linuxcncinst123man pages!06:47
Genbuhello. i've this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1575467 a guy has solved upgrading kernel with this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds . which kernel i've to choose http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D ?06:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575467 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "[Dell Inspiron 3451] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 1297 at /build/linux-lts-utopic-vy2yyy/linux-lts-utopic-3.16.0/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:1743 vlv_wait_port_ready+0x126/0x170 [i915]()" [High,In progress]06:47
hateballlinuxcncinst123: yep06:48
hateballGenbu: are you on utopic? 14.1006:51
hateballnm, cant read properly06:52
hateballGenbu: just pick the latest one, usually06:52
Genbuno xenial06:53
Genbuubuntu mate xenial06:53
hateballGenbu: I'd personally use http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc6/06:54
hateballGenbu: grab the headers and image for amd6406:54
Genbuok, thank you06:55
Luna_Moonfangwelp, i don't think i'm supposed to get a kernel panic when i log out, lol06:58
carlinprettyOh yeah. We're in for a real treat here. It's the infamous Scott Roberts with his latest sermon. Check it out.07:00
linuxcncinst123hateball: that was it, thanks a lot for your help07:08
carlinprettyI heard a man today say that in two generations we'd all be a nice "caramel" color.07:13
carlinprettyWhere did people get the idea that mixing all the races and cultures into ONE race and ONE culture is a desirable thing?07:14
hateball!ops | carlinpretty07:14
ubottucarlinpretty: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:14
carlinprettyhateball, What's the prob?07:14
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jellyMyrtti: they've also hit #debian, probably elsewhere07:18
neilduganon kernel.org here http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt?id=HEAD line 1570 it says that if /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/use_tempaddr == 2 then then ipv6 should use a temporary address.  So why does the ipv6 address have the MAC number encoded in it?07:19
carlinprettyjelly, Fact is the masses are being manipulated by Jewish supremacists.07:21
jellyfact is you have to convince yourself by spamming tech channels07:21
DalekSeccarlinpretty: Please don't do that here, thanks.07:22
carlinprettyjelly, Take your BS elsewhere. This is a support chan for Ubuntu.07:22
parecxcarlinpretty, go to ##chat, they'll eat you alive07:23
DubliCiao fiei07:23
jellyDalekSec: FWIW, I've already banned carlinpretty off #debian for being a racist bigot07:23
carlinprettyjelly, Take the BS elsewhere. Those are psyche warfare words. We're NOT interested.07:24
DubliHello fieri07:30
sonu_nkhi my FTP giving "Response:fzSftp started, protocol_version=6 Command:open "root@" 22 Error:Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error:Could not connect to server" lot of time with my system but working perfect on another stystem .. on my server Ubuntu installed..07:34
parakovsky__We are trying to install windows on top if ubuntu, we formated the hard drive but we still have grub rescue pops instead of windows installer, how can we solve that?07:36
Luna_Moonfangparakovsky__: maybe the mbr still points to grub? https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/07:38
parakovsky__Luna_Moonfang: thank you very much for your help, it works.07:46
sonu_nkhi my FTP giving "Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=6 Command: open "user@myip" 22 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server" lot of time with my system but working perfect on another stystem .. on my server Ubuntu installed..07:46
CottonCandyi need help07:51
CottonCandyi run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:51
CottonCandy1 min i'm posting error07:52
CottonCandyhow to fix it?07:52
CottonCandydrone can you help me?07:53
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CottonCandyDrone` can you help me?07:53
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SeveasCottonCandy: !patience07:55
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:55
CottonCandyi don't know keyword :(07:56
SeveasCottonCandy: that looks like you just need to do an apt-get update07:56
Mathisenor try a diffrent mirror07:56
CottonCandyi visit mention url it does show 40407:56
CottonCandyi don't know how to change mirror07:56
shawn196|R40anyone know Anyone know how to get IrDa working with a ubuntu flavor lubuntu07:57
MathisenCottonCandy, can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list07:58
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MathisenCottonCandy, pastebin it07:58
ducasseinsieu: take your nazi crap elsewhere, please08:00
SeveasCottonCandy: do an apt-get update, then try again. No need to change mirrors.08:00
insieuducasse, Professor Revilo P Oliver was at the University of Chicago. If he was some kind oF "Nazi" do you think the University of Chicago would employ him?08:02
ducasseinsieu: it's offtopic here in any case08:02
insieuducasse, "Late Professor of Classics at the University of Illinois at Urbana"08:02
CottonCandyit seems working08:03
insieuducasse, In his own words, the great professor wrote this: "Whatever the explanation, the Jews’ determination to exterminate the Aryans is not unreasonable."08:03
CottonCandythanks Seveas08:03
ducasse!ops | insieu08:03
ubottuinsieu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu08:03
insieuducasse, Stop your whining and read what has been written by Dr. Oliver.08:03
CottonCandythat u.archive give me bad speed :(08:04
CottonCandythanks for help :)08:05
xubuntu24d_help-please * Xubuntu-16.04.1 :i386.iso * grep -i "half-" /var/log/dpkg.log * packages marked "half-installed" and "half-configured" * https://paste.ubuntu.com/23176907/08:05
Seveasxubuntu24d_: sudo dpkg --configure -a08:06
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Seveasxubuntu24d_: every package goes through the half-installed phase, so that's normal to show up in the log. dpkg -l gives you the current state. dpkg --configure -a will try to finish configuring all packages that are actually still half-installed08:07
=== Caplain is now known as FierceDeityLink
kristian_on_linuwhat about that "Security updates for your current hardware stack (...)" message?08:10
xubuntu24d_i've isued the sudo dpkg --configure -a command again, tried it nast-night and have rebooted 3 x temes since no change08:10
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parecxsuperbrainsphex, /join #channel :-P08:14
parecxkristian_on_linu, are you on trusty?08:14
parecxkristian_on_linu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/1404_HWE_EOL08:14
kristian_on_linuI saw that ... I don't want 16.0408:16
superbrainsphexcan someone help me with xconfig please! would like to add coolbits 12 option but there is no xconfig file no more and last time i used nvidia-xconfig a new file was greated but my system was was broken please help have thermo issus when online gaming need to controll fan speeds over coolbits08:16
kristian_on_linuI specifically chose an LTS as to not upgrade for a long time08:16
parecxkristian_on_linu, you won't be upgrading ubuntu, it's the kernel08:17
kristian_on_linuI am on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS with a 4.5.2 kernel08:17
xubuntu24d_https://paste.ubuntu.com/23177043/ output of dpkg -l08:17
kristian_on_linuparecx, huh?08:17
ducassekristian_on_linu: then just install the latest hwe stack or the original trusty kernel08:17
kristian_on_linuthat wiki says I should get 16.04?08:17
kristian_on_linuin the popup, what does the "Install" button do?08:18
ducassekristian_on_linu: no idea, probably installs a supported kernel.08:18
kristian_on_linuit's the "probably" part of that sentence I dislike08:19
ducassekristian_on_linu: i said "no idea" also :)08:19
kristian_on_linuyeah, those two parts then :)08:19
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ducassekristian_on_linu: the kernel you're on now isn't supported in any case, afaik.08:20
kristian_on_linuinstalling another kernel in a traditional fashion is probably the best I can do08:20
freeforanyone here ?08:20
kristian_on_linufunny story, ducasse ... I have that kernel because my wifi card died and I thought it was a software issue08:20
ducassekristian_on_linu: the hwe stack is pretty stable, if that is what you're worried about08:21
kristian_on_linunobody here but us pillows, freefor08:21
linuxcncinst123pidgin has started to launch itself on boot, I don't want that, how do i stop it?08:21
freeforanyone here ?08:21
freeforcan someone hear me ?08:21
ducassefreefor: stop that, we can see you08:21
linuxcncinst123freefor: no we can't hear you this is a text chat ;P08:21
hateballkristian_on_linu: you can use !hwe to upgrade kernel on 14.0408:23
hateballkristian_on_linu: rather than compiling your own08:23
kristian_on_linuhateball, how do I do that?08:23
hateball!hwe | kristian_on_linu08:23
ubottukristian_on_linu: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:23
parecxkristian_on_linu, i'm on 14.04 and installed the new hardware stack about a month ago, previous =, current =
kristian_on_linuevery time I get a fresh install, I promise myself to stick with repos ...08:24
freeforI run irssi-0.8.15 and can't join more than one channel08:24
powerofyouNice to see the Nazi K-Lined. Keep this network Nazi Free.08:25
fishcookeris it possible to create xfs partition using parted?08:25
hateballparecx, kristian_on_linu yes hwe is based on xenial now (if you pick that) and that has kernel 4.4. yakkety will be out in a month+ and that'll bring newer hwe stuff08:25
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kristian_on_linuhateball, I went with the first command from that wiki08:26
kristian_on_linuwhat nazi, powerofyou08:26
freeforpowerofyou: "Nazi K-Lined", was that for me ?08:26
powerofyouI saw a Nazi K-Lined by the network admins.08:27
powerofyouForget what the name was.08:27
powerofyouThey were in here pushing Nazi material.08:27
kristian_on_linuwhat's K-line?08:27
hateballYes that's great, but it's also !ot08:27
tomreynfishcooker: parted is primarily a partitoning tool. XFS is a file system. you can use gparted to create a partition, then use mkfs.xfs to create a file system on this partition.08:27
powerofyoukristian_on_linu, Means banished from the network.08:27
parecxkristian_on_linu, click "Install" when software updater tells you that "new important security and hardware support update available"08:27
kristian_on_linuparecx, too late08:28
parecxpowerofyou, it was you, moron, same ip08:28
kristian_on_linupowerofyou, don't you think it's just an edgelord?08:28
kristian_on_linu(question appears answered)08:28
powerofyouparecx, What?08:28
freeforwhy can't proudd send into thiis channel ?08:28
powerofyouparecx, They were K-LINED.08:29
freeforI mean can any op explain it ?08:29
parecxkristian_on_linu, too late meaning you clicked cancel on the pop-up?08:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu08:30
freeforbazhang: you here ?08:30
kristian_on_linuparecx, I used the kernel install command that hateball recommended08:30
parecxkristian_on_linu, ok nice08:31
kristian_on_linuI hope so :)08:31
freeforany ops around ?08:31
parecxwhat's the output of uname -a08:31
parecxkristian_on_linu, what's the output of uname -a08:31
freeforis it called a live chat ? where is "live" here ?08:32
kristian_on_linuparecx, Linux viper 4.5.2 #1 SMP Mon Apr 25 23:46:02 CEST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:32
kristian_on_linufreefor, that stop being funny about 10 minutes ago08:32
hateballkristian_on_linu: xenial hwe puts you on 4.4. I'm not even sure what issue you are trying to solve here08:33
tomreyni don't think 4.5.2 ever was a supported kernel on trusty08:34
hateballconsidering xenial is on 4.4... no08:35
kristian_on_linuhateball, the popup got me worried08:36
kristian_on_linuI don't need anything from the current kernel ...08:36
kristian_on_linutomreyn, you are right I think08:36
kristian_on_linu(current kernel = kernel I currently use)08:36
tomreynkristian_on_linu: i do understand you are currently in the process to downgrade to a supported kernel. so that's fine.08:37
Ange7hello all08:39
Ange7i have a problem with incron08:39
Ange7someone can help me ?08:39
hateballAnge7: ask the real question08:39
Ange7hateball: I have incron to execute rsync on file when the file is modified.08:41
Ange7But when i update my file, incron don't start my command (rsync)08:41
Ange7(nothing in syslog)08:41
tomreynAnge7: what does your incrontab say?08:42
meepmeepOn my new ubuntu install, my network interface have "strange" name (enp0s31f6 and enp1s0), and when i try to ifdown/up, I get this message : Unknown interface enp1s008:44
Ange7tomreyn: /usr/share/path/to/my/file.save IN_MODIFY rsync -pg -e "ssh -p 2224" $@ user@X.X.X.X:$@08:45
tomreynmeepmeep: this explains the semantics of the new interface names: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/08:46
LuMinthi guys, can anybody share their en-US locale file, which is located in /usr/share/i18n/locales ?08:46
LuMintI tweaked my locale on Lubuntu and now the kernel won't install08:47
LuMintsays "no support for locale en-US"08:47
LuMintso basically I have to substitute it with someone else's file...08:47
tomreynmeepmeep: the error message you see, "Unknown interface enp1s0", is unrelated to the change of interface names, though. whats the exact command you run to "ifdown/up", triggering this error?08:48
Guest51828LuMint:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23177094/08:48
=== Guest51828 is now known as Fudge
vltLuMint: You could also try `dpkg-reconfigure locales` or `locale-gen`.08:49
meepmeeptomreyn: ifdown enp1s008:49
LuMintGuest51828: thanks!08:49
tomreynmeepmeep: and it does exist before you run this command? does "ip link show" list it?08:49
Ange7nobody know about incron ?08:49
Fudgenp LuMint08:50
meepmeeptomreyn: http://pastebin.com/5UTDMTmB08:50
meepmeepifconfig shows it08:50
tomreynAnge7: you should provide the full path to the rsync binary. use 'which rsync' to find out.08:50
meepmeeptomreyn: but enp1s0 is not in my interface file (i think that the sourece of the problem)08:51
LuMintvlt: i'll do this after changing the en_US back08:51
tomreynAnge7: i, too, had expected it to log to syslog if it was unable to run the incrontab, though. maybe there is an additional issue.08:52
Ange7i try tomreyn08:52
tomreynmeepmeep: yes that is the source of the problem08:53
meepmeeptomreyn: ok thank yoiu08:54
tomreynwelcome :)08:54
tomreynmeepmeep: you can use "ip link delete" to bring down an interface not defined in /etc/network/interfaces08:56
meepmeeptomreyn: thank you08:58
meepmeeptomreyn: ip link delete enp1s0 => RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported09:00
tomreynmeepmeep: you may need to deconfigure it / bring the link down first. but i'm not really into this myself.09:02
VinceVonhi all, good morning09:02
VinceVonI'm having an issue between ubuntu 16.04, xrandr and nvidia x server09:03
meepmeeptomreyn: i'll look into it, thank you for the tip09:03
VinceVonI'm on a laptop, and when I insert another screen (using whatever connector, makes no difference) nvidia x server detects both as a single screen09:04
VinceVonI've got the laptop screen which is 1920x1080, and an external at 2560x144009:04
VinceVonthe thing is, xrandr detects both as separate09:05
meepmeeptomreyn: (ip link set dev enp1s0 down ;))09:06
VinceVonso there's a lot of weird behaviour, monitors.xml seem to override xorg.conf, I cannot login consistently, I get randomly logged out after some minutes, and I cannot rearrange my screens without being logged out as well09:06
VinceVonany ideas?09:07
=== _aki is now known as aki
danpawlik Hello guys,  can you please tell me if there will be packages for Openstack Newton for Ubuntu Trusty release available in cloud archive?09:10
riqjhello everyone, is it possible to create encrypted partition with gparted?09:20
riqjI couldn't find the option, but it used to be possible, I remember09:20
ducasseriqj: are you sure you didn't use gnome disks?09:21
riqjducasse, yes, I think so. it was maybe about 5 years ago, but yes09:22
ducasseriqj: afaicr, gnome disks can create encrypted partitions at least, never tried in gparted09:23
zenifiedriqj: depends, are you wanting to use LUKS or cryptsetup09:24
riqjducasse, hmm, search results dont say anything about it, either..09:24
tomreynriqj: there is no such thing as encrypted partitions. but you can have a dm-crypt crypto layer on top of a partition.09:24
riqjzenified, tomreyn, if you mean the command line operations, I'd rather stay away messing with disks on terminal, as I am not too advanced09:24
tomreynbut that's not something you can add if you already have data stored on that partition09:24
bytefirehi, if i add appropriate lines in /etc/apt/sources.list file, is that enough to add new repository?09:25
tomreynriqj: he simple answer to this is: no, you need to reinstall if you want the proper full edisk encryption.09:25
riqjtomreyn, it is not an OS partition, there is no OS to install09:26
ducassebytefire: you also need the key, but add repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d in separate .list files09:26
Bray90820EriC^^: You around?09:26
tomreynbytefire: you also need to run 'sudo apt-get update'; also, it's better to add those extra repositories to new files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:27
ducassedanpawlik: ask in #ubuntu-server, many of the openstack devs hang there09:27
joeliotomreyn: ecryptfs is, which is how the home dir is encrypted (not full system via dm-crypt) fwiw09:27
tomreynriqj: oh right, you need the GPG repository signing key as well09:27
danpawlikducasse: thanks09:27
tomreynbytefire: oh right, you need the GPG repository signing key as well09:28
tomreynriqj: sorry that last messag ewasn't meant for you09:28
riqjtomreyn, ah, ok, no problem :)09:28
bytefireright, so what do we do with that key?09:28
bytefirewhere does it go?09:28
joeliotomreyn: and there is encrpyted ext4 too but it's emryonic and last time I checked, broken09:28
ducassebytefire: add it with apt-key09:29
tomreynjoelio / riqj: right, you can add ecryptfs file system encryption on top of an existing compatible file system.09:29
Bray90820EriC^^: I was finally able to see the output when the system fails to boot by running acpi=off09:32
Bray90820Check root= (did the system wait for the right device)09:32
Bray90820For whenever you get this09:32
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest30800
ppf_when i connect a beamer to my ubuntu laptop through a DP-to-VGA adapter, the connected beamer is not detected09:37
ppf_i.e., xrandr does not show another display except the buildin one09:38
ppf_the same laptop and adapter have no problem being connected to one of my monitors, though, and the beamer works fine with another laptop and the  same adapter on another laptop (both times running windows)09:39
ppf_is there a way to actually get some more debug information out of xrandr or something?09:40
ppf_can i somehow enforce output on a display, even though it is not discovered?09:40
=== Guest30800 is now known as EriC^^
EriC^^Bray90820, sorry i missed your msgs, can you paste them?09:42
riqjtomreyn, ducasse, zenified, thank you for your help! I will keep the partition as it is now09:44
tomreynppf_: maybe http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/114359/how-to-get-edid-for-a-single-monitor would help you09:44
ppf_tomreyn: xrandr doesn't even detect that there's a monitor connected09:46
glitchdhaving and audio issue over here..09:47
glitchdi set hdmi to to be audio source, start playing something, but if i pause it or open andother with/switch windows from whatever is playing, the audio device switches back to he speakers. how in the heck can i stop this from happening?09:48
Bray90820EriC^^: I am just about to go to bed but...09:48
Bray90820I was finally able to see the output when the system fails to boot by running acpi=off09:48
Bray90820Check root= (did the system wait for the right device)09:48
EriC^^ Bray90820 oh09:49
EriC^^Bray90820, try adding rootdelay=40 to grub and see if it always boots09:50
EriC^^then make it lesser and lesser til it won't work anymore09:50
meet_praveenorlock: sorry for late but apt-get source <packagename> fetches source from repository not from local system09:51
Bray90820EriC^^:  that that's 40 seconds right?09:51
meet_praveenorlock, Guest16948: i want the source from my local system where it is after installation of any package/application09:52
EriC^^Bray90820, yeah09:52
tomreynppf_: does it work with any other linux system?09:53
ppf_the beamer yes, the adapter i couldn't test so far, because i only have a single system with DP right now09:53
tomreynppf_: maybe the adapter is windows only, i.e. windows requires a driver which translates signals in software, and this driver is not available for linux. but this is just a hypothesis.09:54
ppf_the adapter works fine on a monitor09:55
ppf_(for my linux laptop09:55
Bray90820EriC^^: No dice09:56
Bray90820And on that note I am going to bed09:56
MibkaCan I just order a M.2 NVMe SSD and a PCI-e adapter to install it in my desktop computer and then install ubuntu on it? I will probably need an usb stick for booting since the bios won't recognize the disks? So I assume the boot sector can be on the USB stick and then when booting it can detect the NVMe and continue booting from it?09:56
Luna_Moonfangi'm getting the following error in dmesg: drm:intel_set_cpu_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]  - should i update the kernel? i'm currently on 16.04 with kernel 4.4.0-36-generic09:58
pabedhello guys , how to open bin file  as readable text not like  (od -c ) ?09:59
Luna_Moonfangand amdgpu is also causing kernel panics when logging out10:00
DotBonjour !10:00
DotHi !*10:00
DotCan I get some help installing madwifi-ng ? :)10:01
Dot(hope i'm doing this right)10:01
t0mb0_if I run ntpq -c host will that sync the system time?10:01
t0mb0_or does it just do a grateous request and throw away the result10:01
glitchdwhy wont audio stay on hdmi if i pause the video or music? it just switches back to the laptop speakers..10:05
glitchdthis is so aggravating..10:06
ducasseMibka: you can boot from pcie devices, think raid/sata controllers.10:08
ppf_Any more ideas?10:09
ppf_how does detecing connected monitors work?10:09
ppf_can i enforce output to a monitor that's not detected?10:09
glitchdppf_, if its not detected, then how can u tell it where to send data/sound?10:11
ppf_my question is "can I"10:12
ppf_because it is connected, it's just the system doesn't realize that10:12
ppf_(I don't actually how  the handshake between monitor and machine work, so i'm throwing around guesses here)10:13
ducasseppf_: you can try 'xrandr --output whatever --mode 1920x1080' or similar10:14
glitchdppf_, i just asked almost the same thing the other day, i use my 50" as a monitor and have the audio go thru the hdmi as well, when i kill the screen(which i do instead of using a screen saver) it refuses to play audio through the tv anymore. some explained it as, if it cant be detected then how can the information be sent to it.10:14
ppf_glitchd: but that's hdmi, that's a digital signal with a complex protocol10:15
glitchdppf_, im just sharing the info that was shared with me previously10:15
ppf_(granted, in my case the first hop is DP)10:15
glitchdppf_, i think its the same principal tho...but i may be wrong10:15
Luna_Moonfangwelp, i updated the kernel. no amdgpu errors or intel fifo underrun errors so far10:16
Luna_Moonfangwhich seems like progress :P10:16
glitchdppf_, i should add that i dont physically turn off the tv when i kill the screen i just use dkms to kill the picture.10:16
sk1cant anyone help me to configire server?10:18
Mathisensk1, maybe better if you explain what you want/trying to do10:19
sk1ok, i have vds
sk1but i can't connect to it trough internet10:20
sk1i doabled firewall ufw10:20
sk1i setup apache2 and configure it as forward proxy10:20
sk1but i can't user it because 403 error occurs10:21
sk1i tried to up OpenVPN10:21
sk1it seems it desn't work too10:22
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sk1nmap says that ports 80 22 443 1723 are opened10:23
sk1but i can connect only through SSH10:24
mate|10689hey guys, im having issues syncing my google bookmarks on chrome and also can't sign in on skype?10:26
mate|10689anyone having issues?10:26
elichai2trying to change the swappiness but for a weird reason in sysctl.conf it's set on 510:26
elichai2but when I run `cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness` I get 6010:27
mate|10689is it worth deleting skype preferences folder in etc or wherever it is?10:27
ducasseelichai2: did you reboot or apply the change?10:27
elichai2I didn't change anything yet10:27
elichai2thats the weird thing10:27
glitchdelichai2, sounds like you changed swappiness but then didnt unload/load swap again10:27
elichai2glitchd, I haven't changed a thing10:27
elichai2wanted to change but saw it's already set on 510:28
sk1guys, i need help with VDS ubuntu server. i can't see it from internet.10:30
glitchdelichai2, so change it to what u want then sudo swapoff /dev/sd? sudo swapon /dev/sd?10:30
ubuntunewbplzhelneed installation help.... I checked sig, 256 sum etc and made iso on usb.... installed on new computer replacing win10. Installation complete and keyboard, mouse work fine. but after restart neither keyboard and mouse work10:30
elichai2glitchd, but i'm trying to figure out why it has been changed10:30
glitchdelichai2, the swapoff swapon command is to test the change to swappiness without logout/reboot10:30
glitchdelichai2, welp, i cant help u there bud, sry10:31
eskpHi all, seeing from the client "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer", from the server "fatal: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer [preauth]"10:32
ubuntunewbplzhel" installation is coimplete you need to restart the computer in order to use the new installation" do I remove usb before or after the restart?10:32
ubuntunewbplzhel./join #monero10:32
elichai2glitchd, ok, i'll try, although swapoff takes some time and CPU10:32
eskpWhen trying to SSH. Happens to one client only! Have checked file persmissions and tried re-generating the keys.10:32
ubuntunewbplzheljoin #bitcoin10:32
ubuntunewbplzhel./ join #bitcoin10:33
ubuntunewbplzheljoin #bitcoin10:33
glitchdelichai2, hope it helps10:33
eskpClient ssh command output - https://gist.github.com/eskp/f5175b24d9ba0af0d80fc08808e566a310:34
mate|10689anyone else having issues signing in on skype?10:34
mate|10689how do i reset the prefs10:34
elichai2glitchd, found the problem10:36
elichai2sysctl said `swappinees` instead of `swappiness`10:36
glitchdelichai2, lol10:38
glitchdwhos good with scripts in here?10:38
elichai2thanks anyway10:38
glitchdelichai2, np10:39
glitchdi have a script for switching sound to hdmi, but when i run it i get a fi error10:40
tomreynsk1: what is a "VDS ubuntu server"?10:42
sk1tomreyn, Virtual Dedicated Server10:43
tomreynoh, a marketing term10:43
glitchdanyone willing to take alook at this script and perhaps tell me why im getting line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' when i try to run it?10:43
tomreynsk1: is the server able to connect to the internet?10:44
tomreynglitchd: have you posted it, yet? (maybe #bash is a better place, but i could take a wuick look)10:45
glitchdtomreyn, ill just pm it to you10:45
tomreynglitchd: unless it's sensitive information, put it on a pastebin and post the link here10:45
tomreyn!pastebin | glitchd10:45
ubottuglitchd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:45
blinkybhi guys10:46
blinkybI am on my desktop now, last night I had a problem with Lightdm+ not starting (on my laptop), tried to fix it now the laptop boots into ttfy! cannot fix it!10:47
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sk1tomreyn, sure i can ping any internet server, and i can lynx any internet web server10:48
glitchdtomreyn, http://pastebin.com/00HmpnBX10:48
glitchdtomreyn, gives this error http://pastebin.com/JmAec4SF10:49
tomreynglitchd: line 11 contains a command "done-server", does this exist?10:50
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tomreynsk1: and it has a public ip address assigned?10:50
glitchdtomreyn, i believe it relates to the pulseaudio server? otherwise im have no idea10:51
glitchdtomreyn, i didnt write the script10:51
k1lsk1: is the server running? is the ip correct? how are you trying to connect to it? what is the error?10:51
glitchdtomreyn, just trying to fix an hdmi sound problem with info from the forums and that script is suppose to fix the problem im having10:52
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tomreynglitchd: whats the source of this script? it looks as if two lines were joined or some copy and paste mistake10:52
glitchdtomreyn, http://askubuntu.com/questions/71863/how-to-change-pulseaudio-sink-with-pacmd-set-default-sink-during-playback10:53
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blinkybon the web someone suggested to do 'startx' now i have a completely different desktop!10:53
k1lblinkyb: dont do startx on ubuntu10:54
sk1tomreyn, sure Public ip is
glitchdtomreyn, maybe the script isnt right for this situation...10:54
tomreynglitchd: the script you put on a pastebin is not available at this location10:54
glitchdblinkyb, yep you started xfce it sounds like10:54
glitchdtomreyn, uh...im not sure how to respond to that..10:55
tomreynglitchd: i cannpt help you diagnose and fix the hdmi issue, i'm afraid.10:55
glitchdtomreyn, thank you anyways10:55
k1lsk1: what is the output when you do "sudo service lightdm start"10:56
pranaykumari am new to this can anyoe help meout10:56
tomreynsk1: i can reach this ip fine using ping (from the internet). what is not working then?10:56
sk1k1l the error from my side is 403 forbidden10:56
k1lsk1: on the browser?10:57
tomreynk1l: i think your last but one question was supposed to go to bl1nkyb10:57
sk1on the proxytunnel program10:57
blinkybk1l & glitchd: i did 'sudo service lightdm restart' now I am fully booted, but how can i fix the problem now?10:57
k1lblinkyb: what is the output when you do "sudo service lightdm start"10:57
deks_deI had this ERROR today: no DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in environment10:57
k1ltomreyn: thanks10:57
k1lsk1: so your proxy doesnt work.10:58
blinkybk1l: it just went straight to login, typed in password and thats it10:58
k1lblinkyb: the question is: what was the issue before and what did you change. it seems like the desktop is loading fine10:58
blinkybk1l: lightdm was not Starting Up from the Menu because I was trying to edit some stuff. Purged and Installed and still the same, the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file is completely empty10:59
sk1k1l, what can i do to up my apache2 forward proxy?11:00
sk1k1l, i want to make SSH tunnel over HTTP11:00
sk1kil, that's my ider11:00
tomreynsk1: to add to what kil just said: your virtual server works fine in terms of networking ("I cant see it from the Internet" suggested otherwise), but the proxy application / service you have running there is not working as yuo intend.11:01
sk1tomreyn maybe you can help me with advice on how can I setup HTTP forward proxy?11:02
tomreynsk1: ssh tunnel over http is a rather strange concept. what are you trying to do? evade censorship or a restrictive network? (i don't mind you doing this, i'm just asking to be able to recommend a better approach.)11:02
LuMintHi! I'm having a trouble installing new kernel. I'm trying to update from 3.13 to 3.16 on my lubuntu 14 0411:06
LuMintit did install but when I tried to boot it it didn't load nouveau driver using fbdev instead11:07
LuMintmore importantly, the new kernel (3.16 that is) didn't work with my usb keyboard and mouse... I had to plug in ps2 keyboard to log in11:08
k1lLuMint: you cant use 3.16 now. that is not supported anymore. only kernel choice you have is 3.13 or 4.411:08
LuMintand it then turned out I was unable to use my usb mouse11:08
LuMintk1l: even though I'm on 14 04?11:08
bithonhello. i have just installed ubuntu server in my vbox, and was wondering is it recommend way to do my admin tasks with systemd ?11:08
k1lLuMint: yes.11:08
LuMintk1l: sorry for this silly question, but does 3.13 receive security patches?11:09
k1lLuMint: yes it does11:09
k1lLuMint: look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2FSupport.A14.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support11:09
LuMintso basically i've no reason to update the kernel, right?11:09
k1lLuMint: you dont need to change the kernel base.11:10
LuMintk1l: strange thing is, i've installed a 4.3.0 kernel before using wget and dpkg. And it works like charm (apart from it not supporting nvidia 173 which I need)11:10
LuMintso it really puzzles me as to why my current attempts fail11:10
k1lLuMint: i dont understand why you try to make a mess there instead of using what ubuntu ships already :)11:10
LuMintk1l: I understand it's not supported, but it's still in the repos11:10
Ben64how does a kernel not support nvidia?? and using wget instead of apt = not in the repos11:11
LuMintBen64: yeah but 3.16 i was trying to install today is in the repos11:11
LuMintk1l: what could be the reason for it not working properly with my usb keyboard and mouse, while still listing the usb controllers in lspci output?11:11
LuMintmore specifically, what's the reason for it not loading nouveau, using fbdev11:12
k1lLuMint: i just told you what is supported and what not. 3.13 or 4.4. the trusty kernel or the xenial.11:12
brunch875Could someone explain this to me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23177568/11:12
brunch875Should I be concerned?11:12
LuMintBen64: well, nvidia 173 is old11:12
k1lLuMint: i dont care what it makes it not work. same for the ubuntu kernel devs. 3.16 is dead. no one will waist any effort on that to fix things. use 3.13 or 4.4.11:13
dandelsbithon, using systemd as opposed to what, cron jobs?11:13
bithoni don't know, dandels. that is why i'm asking. i do everything via systemd on Arch linux so I was wondering if it's the recommended route in Ubuntu as well11:13
dimon00!pizda Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger 08] - Court Wizard (epub).epub11:13
ubottudimon00: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:13
LuMintBen64: when i tried installing it on 4.3 it didn't work. nvidia 173 installed successfully, but the system wouldn't use it. Even when i blacklisted nouveau the only thing I achieved was the system using fbdev11:13
k1lLuMint: the kernel might miss th ubuntu patches for the ubuntu nvidia setup11:14
LuMintk1l: shouldn't be the case with 4.4. right?11:15
LuMintk1l: should I try linux-image-extra-4.4.0-36-generic  ?11:16
k1lLuMint: no11:16
dandelsbithon, pretty sure it's best practices.11:16
k1lyou should use the full hwe stack. since you want to have the security updates11:16
k1l!hwe | LuMint11:16
ubottuLuMint: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:16
LuMintk1l: I see... So xenial doesn't receive security updates and doesn't have this full hwe stack (whatever it may be) ?11:18
k1lLuMint: no11:19
k1lLuMint: the 4.4 kernel is the kernel from 16.04 which gets backported to 14.04 with the xenial lts hardware enablement stack. and if you only install that 4.4 kernel package and not the lts meta package you dont get any updates.11:20
k1lLuMint: i dont understand why you try to make it harder than it is. please read the website i linked to you. it explains it names the proper meta packages to use11:20
LuMintk1l: but if I install the lts meta package, I should be fine with 4.4?11:21
LuMintk1l: ok11:21
blinkybk1l: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop' did not solve the problem11:23
blinkybeven after restarting lightdm and dpkg-reconfigure lightdm11:24
blinkybgreat, the login issue now solved with reinstalling and restarting lightdm. now the app itself wont start11:25
zzarrohh, no, Ubuntu 12.04 is a Transformers movie http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/09/ubuntu-torrent-removed-google-infringing-transformers-movie11:26
LuMintis there a way to find out what software I installed from ppas?11:29
LuMinta libffmpeg(or something along those lines) library is misbehaving, but I can't find from which ppa I  installed it11:30
seven_is there anyone?11:30
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sevenyasinis there anyone?11:31
Ben64there are 1798 people here. if you have an ubuntu support question, just ask it.11:31
LuMintI just want to find the ppa responsible for that package (I don't remember the name anymore) and delete it11:31
LuMintbut there's too many to do binary search deleting and reenabling all of them...11:32
Ben64LuMint: you can use synaptic to see where packages are from11:32
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LuMintBen64: yes, but I need to go from the other end. I don't remember the exact name of the package.11:33
sevenyasinhow to use it?11:33
Ben64LuMint: ok, so use synaptic and do what i said :|11:33
LuMintBen64: "package, installed version, latest version, description" that's all columns11:35
LuMintBen64: where do I look?11:37
k1lblinkyb: what app?11:38
LuMintBen64: i found it, the origin tab11:39
blinkybk1l: sorry 'LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings'11:39
blinkybthats the one not starting11:39
k1lblinkyb: so you are customizing your lightdm and broke it that way?11:40
blinkybin the terminal 'root' i get this: (Failed to use bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager, do you have appropriate permissions?11:40
blinkybk1l: I was trying to get the LightDM to start then broke it because I was installing and removing packages, now my system boots fine but still the LightDM wont start to enable me customization11:41
glitchdin ubuntu 16.04/xubuntu-desktop, how can i default the sound to hdmi-stereo and set the fall back to analog-stereo?11:42
karthikeayani have 2 systems, 1 is local, another one is office server11:44
jac0bz1Hi! I'm trying to access port 9222 on my ubuntu laptop from my desktop, it's on the same network. I can access port 80, but not 9222.. I added it through ufw11:45
karthikeayandesktop is windows?11:46
k1ljac0bz1: access how? ssh, web?11:47
k1ljac0bz1: just internally in the lan? or from an outside?11:47
sevenyasinis there defender?11:47
karthikeayan@jac0bz1: check no firewall in desktop11:48
k1ljac0bz1: ah ok, is the webserver running? did you forward the port to 80? did you restart the fw afterwards?11:48
jac0bz1server is running, All I did was sudo ufw allow 922211:49
k1ljac0bz1: sudo ufw status11:50
BigPerMhey all11:51
jac0bz1k1l: 9222                       ALLOW       Anywhere11:52
jac0bz19222 (v6)                  ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)11:52
k1lblinkyb: sorry, i dont know that program11:52
dimon00!pizda Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger 08] - Court Wizard (epub).epub11:52
ubottudimon00: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:52
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k1l!warez  | dimon0011:52
ubottudimon00: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:52
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blinkybk1l: no worries appreciate the immense help you've been giving, i will try to remove the program from the Ubuntu Software Center and try again11:53
karthikeayani have 2 vms, one is my local ubuntu, another one is office server, in both i have same sources.list, when doing apt-get update, in local am getting Get:1, Get:2, Get:3(i386), but in server am getting only Get:1 & Get:211:53
karthikeayanbecause of this, packages are coming to apt-cache11:54
k1lkarthikeayan: can you show the both outputs on paste.ubuntu.com and link them here so we can have a look?11:54
karthikeayan@k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23177688/11:57
k1lkarthikeayan: ok, and what is the issue now?11:59
k1lkarthikeayan: seems like you enabled the 32bit arch on your desktop. maybe for steam or wine., so its loading the 32bit packages list, too12:00
kidcoreheloo all12:01
karthike1991@k1l: i got disconnected and joined back, hope i didn't lost anything12:01
k1l<k1l> karthikeayan: ok, and what is the issue now?12:02
k1l<k1l> karthikeayan: seems like you enabled the 32bit arch on your desktop. maybe for steam or wine., so its loading the 32bit packages list, too12:02
karthike1991my local is ubuntu server vm, doesn't have gui12:04
karthike1991@k1l: how to enable 32bit arch in server?12:04
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k1lkarthike1991: you dont need the 32bit arch. ubuntu is multiarch12:06
karthike1991@k1l: yes, i triend "apt-get install <package_name>:i386"12:06
k1lkarthike1991: its just that steam and wine need that messy setup. to me that server looks ok. what is the issue with it?12:06
karthike1991@k1l: doesn't help12:06
Guest7163fuck you12:06
karthike1991@k1l: after doing, apt-get update, i did apt-cache search <package_name>12:07
karthike1991@k1l: am not finding my packages12:07
v7_oh thats really bad12:07
k1lkarthike1991: are they 32bit only?12:08
k1l!guidelines > v7_12:08
ubottuv7_, please see my private message12:08
v7_yes, ubuntu is shit12:08
karthike1991@k1l: nope, they are ending with amd64.deb12:08
k1lkarthike1991: what package is it?12:09
shawn196|R40that was rather rude o.O12:09
shawn196|R40ubuntu isn't bad12:09
karthike1991@k1l: it is project specific package, built inside organization12:09
shawn196|R40I'm not finding much on ibm thinkpad's and linux compatibility for irda :/12:10
shawn196|R40nsc ircc shows up in dmesg, though it quits itself12:11
k1lkarthike1991: usually you add a :i386 to tha packagename and apt will install it12:13
karthike1991@k1l: that didn't work12:14
k1lkarthike1991: have a look here:https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO12:14
jac0bz1k1l: I tried this command, netstat -ltn | grep 9222 that outputs: tcp        0      0*               LISTEN12:14
root___trying to change display manager for custom login methods on 14.0412:15
jac0bz1but still cant access :9222 over lan12:15
FinalXwell, no, because it listens on, not
k1lkarthike1991: maybe you need to add 32bit as extra architecture. but i think that your companies repo is not setup properly if its shipping 64bit packages12:15
karthike1991@k1l: hmm, okk12:16
rexwin_how to remove a ftp user from the system?12:16
jac0bz1FinalX: How should I go about to get access to it over lan then ?12:16
k1lrexwin_: deluser12:17
dimon00!Mysfyt Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger] - The Road to Sevendor (epub).rar12:18
ubottudimon00: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:18
dimon00!Xon Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger] - The Road to Sevendor (epub).rar12:18
ubottudimon00: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:18
FinalXjac0bz1: I don't know what application you're trying to access, but that application needs to be told to listen on a different address.12:18
glitchdpacmd set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo12:19
SeveasWhen upgrading ubuntu to a new release, it always (happened on the 15.10->16.04 and now on 16.04->16.10) disappears from the EFI boot menu of my machine. The first boot after the upgrade always results in "no boot device found" because of this. Have to go in the bios/efi setup and re-add Ubuntu, then it boots just fine. How can I make my computer less forgetful?12:19
FinalXjac0bz1: and that listening on is a security feature, so you might want to double-check other parameters for security first12:19
glitchdive been look for tha command for a bit now12:19
glitchdfinally figured it out12:19
elspruhey, if I made a cool new app. is there a simple way I can submit it to ubuntu to include in repos?12:20
elspruI mean simple, as in not having to become a MOTU12:21
bazhangcreate a PPA for it elspru12:21
elsprubazhang: ah okay, thanks :-)12:21
BigPerMany have a few minutes to assist with a screen flickering issue on Ubuntu 16.04?12:23
BigPerMany 112:23
shawn196|R40has everyone dropped irda tech?12:23
adityaduggalcan any one help me with ralink rt3290 bluetooth and wifi both12:24
jac0bz1FinalX: Is there a simple way for me to open port 9222 to be access on LAN through browser?12:27
sevenyasinchange the web port 80 to 922212:28
FinalXyou did open the port.12:28
FinalXthe application is just not listening on it.12:28
FinalXfix your application, not the firewall.12:28
FinalX(we don't even know what you're letting listen on 9222, so we can't help you)12:29
FinalX(or maybe i missed it?)12:29
jac0bz1Google dev tools12:30
adityaduggalcan any one help me with ralink rt3290 bluetooth and wifi drivers in ubuntu 16.0412:31
karthike1991@k1l: i have found it, under "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" i have valet.pref, when i remove it is working now12:36
adityaduggalcan any one help me with ralink rt3290 bluetooth and wifi drivers in ubuntu 16.0412:36
glitchdadityaduggal, whats the problem?12:37
=== UG is now known as UtkarshGpta
rexwin_sftp chroot jail works in Ubuntu 15.10 but not in Ubuntu 14.04.2. http://mindref.blogspot.in/2011/09/chroot-sftp.html12:38
adityaduggalglitchd: Well I have just installed elementary OS loki which is based on ubuntu 16.04 and there I am unable to enable my bluetooth12:38
rexwin_any reasons it is displaying the whole filesystem in 14.04?12:38
UtkarshGpta./join #python12:39
adityaduggalglitchd: it turns out that the ralink rt3290 bluetooth does not have a driver in linux12:39
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adityaduggalalso though the wifi does have a driver the wifi connection is too bad with the signal and keeps on disconnecting all the time12:40
ducasse!elementary | adityaduggal12:40
ubottuadityaduggal: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.12:40
glitchdadityaduggal, it might not be worth the work possibly required to get it to work12:40
adityaduggalubottu: I know I am also there in that channel but since I thought its a derivative of ubuntu 16.04 then maybe some1 from here could help12:41
ubottuadityaduggal: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:41
rexwin_ubottu is bot LOL12:42
ubotturexwin_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:42
adityaduggalglitchd: so you mean to say that I cannot install linux on those machines which have that ralink wifi and bluetooth12:42
glitchdadityaduggal, well im sure you can, just might no be as pleasant as other machines12:43
adityaduggalrexwin_: hehe....he got me....12:43
glitchdadityaduggal, ifconfig what is your wireless device named?12:43
glitchdadityaduggal, sudo ifconfig "device name" up && sudo service network-manager restart12:45
OerHeksadityaduggal, elementary has its own issues12:46
sk1guys i need help to setup Apache HTTP forward proxy in my ubuntu server12:47
sk1Can anybody help me12:47
kristian_on_linuokay, I installed an old kernel ... now I need to remove the new one, but apt-get can't see it ... what do I do?12:47
glitchdadityaduggal, http://onthim.blogspot.be/2015/06/install-ralink-rt3290-wi-fi-driver-on.html12:48
ducassekristian_on_linu: dpkg -r12:48
ducassekristian_on_linu: or -P to purge12:48
kristian_on_linuducasse, dpkg can't see it either12:49
glitchdadityaduggal, still there?12:50
adityaduggalglitchd: yes12:50
ducassekristian_on_linu: if it is installed outside package management, you need to do it manually12:50
glitchdadityaduggal, i sent several messages, you never responded..12:50
adityaduggalmy system where the problem is happening is installing the OS and its about to complete12:50
kristian_on_linuducasse, I think I built it myself, yes ...12:50
glitchdadityaduggal, lol12:51
adityaduggalsorry I have been reading that blogpost and it seems to work for wifi but not for bluetooth12:51
ptyttywhats the default display manager login on ubuntu 14.04 LTS12:51
xanguaptytty: light dm12:51
glitchdadityaduggal, well im sure we can tackle that after we get wifi working12:52
adityaduggalglitchd: sure....I will keep you posted once I am logged into that system12:52
glitchdadityaduggal, ok12:52
OerHeksgot a problem with the latest flashplugin update http://paste.ubuntu.com/23177812/, removed & reinstalled, no access to that binairy blob12:53
ptyttyxangua: im trying to replace it with a custom login method12:53
ducassekristian_on_linu: then you need to manually remove it and update grub12:53
kristian_on_linuducasse, so it seems12:54
ducasseOerHeks: known bug iirc12:55
thamanOerHeks: didn't adobe mention that the DRM stuff might not work with the PPAPI plugin?12:55
OerHeksthaman, it is the new beta adobe-flashplugin_20160913.1.orig.tar.gz, not that old stuff12:56
kristian_on_linuapart from some files in /boot/, what should I delete?12:56
kristian_on_linuOerHeks, all flash is old ... too old12:56
OerHekskristian_on_linu, please keep it with your elementary issue12:57
ducassekristian_on_linu: modules, headers etc12:58
ioriaOerHeks, had the same message, but without the 'E: Download Failed' and it works on lubuntu 16.04 firefox12:59
OerHeksioria, it falls back to the older plugin, i see12:59
ioriaOerHeks, apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer13:02
glitchdadityaduggal, not trying to be harsh, but im ready for bed. didnt think it was going to take this long..13:06
kristian_on_linuokay, I rm'd a lot of stuff like it was 199913:07
adityaduggalglitchd: no issues, even I did not think it would take so long anyways many thanks for that blog post13:07
glitchdadityaduggal, i hope it helps you! good nite=)13:08
adityaduggalglitchd: but can you let me know should I try this option or not http://askubuntu.com/questions/453605/ralink-rt-3290-bluetooth-problem-on-ubuntu-14-0413:08
blinkblinkhi guys. LightDM+ Greeter now starting! i nearly tried every solution out there13:08
adityaduggalglitchd: Good night...13:08
glitchdadityaduggal,  id say to give it a try.13:10
adityaduggalThanks...I would13:10
MacroManI assume IP addresses like so '' represent a range of addresses. What range does it actually represent and how do I know?13:16
pisaNeed help with running chromium on 16.04. Can someone help?13:16
hateballpisa: what help is needed?13:17
hateballpisa: sudo apt install chromium-browser13:17
hateballpisa: and then you should be able to launch it13:17
pisahateball: Nah installation is fine. Thing is there's screen tearing when I disable HW acceleration, and screen flickering when I don't13:18
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mijkis there anyway to use rotation and a touchscreen easily? I've tried following tutorials only and writing scripts and it's all been for nought13:18
pisaI have to choose between two shitty options. I'm using i7 6700HQ and Nvidia GTX 960M13:19
hateballpisa: is it hybrid gpu or a muxless/dedicated nvidia?13:20
pisa....I don't know the difference. Skill level: newbie-ish13:20
pisaWhen it comes to GPUs, I mean13:20
hateballpisa: what driver are you using? "lspci -k"13:20
hateballpisa: for VGA, that  is13:21
hateballpisa: also if it's a 960M, you most likely are using the nvidia blob, so you will have nvidia-settings13:21
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rexwin_where to get help for sftp?13:22
pisaGimme a min, my touchpad just froze for no reason13:22
pisafrose as soon as I ran lspci -k13:22
Dyehuthyeanybody here13:23
hateballpisa: anyhow, if you are using the proprietary nvidia blob, try running the following command to fix tearing13:24
hateballpisa: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="$(xrandr | sed -nr '/(\S+) connected (primary )?[0-9]+x[0-9]+(\+\S+).*/{ s//\1: nvidia-auto-select \3 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }, /; H }; ${ g; s/\n//g; s/, $//; p }')"13:24
Dyehuthyealguien por aqui?13:24
hateball!help | Dyehuthye13:24
ubottuDyehuthye: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:24
pisahateball: be right back, I need to restart to fix this touchpad13:25
Dyehuthyeanyone who speak spanish?13:25
hateball!es | Dyehuthye13:25
ubottuDyehuthye: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:25
Dyehuthyethnks I already join in a spanish irc13:27
rexwin_how to find OpenSSH version installed in my ubuntu?13:28
moklnick mokl13:29
Surendilrexwin_, dpkg -l | grep -i ssh13:29
pisahateball: I'm back, could you repeat what you said please?13:29
hateballpisa: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="$(xrandr | sed -nr '/(\S+) connected (primary )?[0-9]+x[0-9]+(\+\S+).*/{ s//\1: nvidia-auto-select \3 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }, /; H }; ${ g; s/\n//g; s/, $//; p }')"13:29
pisaIs there a criteria that should be satisfied before I run this?13:30
hateballpisa: yes, check that you actually have nvidia-settings and thus the nvidia blob. run "nvidia-settings"13:30
pisaI do. A little gui popped up13:30
pisaAlright, what exactly does this do?13:31
hateballpisa: it enables an option called ForceFullCompositionPipeline, basically a systemwide low level v-sync13:31
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hateballpisa: you may notice a slight flicker when running the command, that's all13:32
pisaI should probably google this, but what is vsync?13:32
hateballa way to work around tearing13:32
pisaERROR: Error resolving target specification '' (No targets match target specification), specified in assignment 'CurrentMetaMode=eDP1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }'.13:33
hateballpisa: are you using an external monitor?13:33
pisaNo I'm not13:34
pisaI'm on a laptop. Dell i755913:34
pisagraphics problems are driving me crazy, and this is supposed to be a new laptop13:34
hateballpisa: Afraid I don't really know then. I only use Intel GPU on laptops13:35
hateballBut someone else might know if you hang around!13:35
pisaHopefully, yeah. You've been very engaging, thank you13:36
hateballpisa: There may be an option in Unity to unredirect fullscreen windows as well13:37
hateballbut... I use KDE Plasma, so I do not know13:37
pisaWhen I shutdown, it says NMI Watchdog, soft lockup, CPU #2 stuck for 22s13:38
pisaHonestly, I don't want to work on Unity. I want to go for Gnome 3, but that results in a black screen after login13:38
pisaAnd then the shutdown hangs and I have to press and hold power13:38
hateballpisa: the lockup is probably a driver issue, I had it with older nvidia drivers13:39
pisaAll this because of te goddamned nvidia driver problems13:39
hateballpisa: if you run nvidia-settings, what driver version does it report ?13:39
pisaWhere does it show this?13:40
pisaIt's not there in the gui or the stdout13:40
rexwin_I have Ubuntu 14.04, how do I do a managed upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10?13:42
pisaWait, it's 370.2813:42
=== andi__ is now known as eltigre
Surendilrexwin_, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:43
hateballpisa: did you install it from nvidia ppa?13:43
rexwin_do i supply the version or does it upgrade to 16.something13:43
DArqueBishoprexwin_: 15.10 is no longer supported. You'll want to upgrade to 16.04.13:43
hateballrexwin_: 15.10 is EOL13:43
hateballrexwin_: do-release-upgrade should upgrade you do 16.0413:44
OerHeksanyone successfully installed the update today, adobe-flashplugin_20160913.1.orig.tar.gz ???13:44
hateball!upgrade | Surendil13:44
ubottuSurendil: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:44
pisaI installed nvidia-364 from the ppa13:44
hateballhmmm, thats wrong13:44
hateballSurendil: dist-upgrade != do-release-upgrade13:44
Surendilhateball, thanks for the correction13:44
hateballpisa: ah yes. and then nvidia-settings updates itself but the driver does not. you can try installing a newer driver with "sudo apt install nvidia-370"13:45
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ducasseOerHeks: it worked fine here, but i'm on proposed.13:46
jost_Hi! I want to install XUbuntu via LAN. I've setup bootp and TFTP and it works, but where do I get a net-bootable image for XUbuntu?13:47
OerHeksit stalls on downloading, removal, purge and start over does not work, it falls back on that binairy blob from last century13:47
pisahateball: Installed, restarting, be right back13:48
pisaDo I have to set it as default somewhere?13:48
Ntemisi want to start a local tftp server with custom ip address to serve one binary so i can recover my router, any help?13:49
Ntemisip adress must be this
wabbitsThats not an ip address its a subnet.13:51
wabbitssorry thinking without coffe13:51
wabbitsits an ipaddress. :)13:51
Lap64hello there13:52
Ntemishello there13:52
Lap64rsyslog doesnt come with ubuntu minimal ?13:52
OerHeksmini iso has no live environment, so that might be the reason?13:54
Lap64OerHeks, i have installed it i am just asking13:55
Lap64OerHeks, it seems like it does comes with rsyslog13:56
Lap64but in /var/log its not messages but the filename is syslog ?13:56
Lap64is it so ?13:57
wabbitsNtemis your network interface card gets the ip address, why does it have to be
OerHeksrsyslog is for remote sylog support, you want the normal syslog?13:58
Ntemiswabbits: redboot bootloader wants the ip to be that13:59
Dyehuthyehey I got problem when i try to conect to my bluetooth device13:59
Dyehuthyeit releases an error: Connection Failed: blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Protocol not available13:59
wabbitswhat is your current ip address?14:01
wabbitsNtemis ^14:02
Ntemisinet addr:
Lap64OerHeks, i want messages14:02
whonixesta usando linux ?14:03
wabbitsNtemis add an alias ip to your network interface card. What distro are you running?14:03
Lap64OerHeks, for programs and services14:03
Lap64OerHeks, like in CentOS14:03
whonixi linux mate14:03
whonixubuntu mate and you i'm from brasil14:03
wabbitsNtemis http://askubuntu.com/questions/585468/how-do-i-add-an-additional-ip-address-to-an-interface-in-ubuntu-1414:04
whonixi instaling minecraft in atlauncher here14:05
whonixi love linux is great14:05
Ntemisty wabbits14:06
wabbitsyour welcome14:06
Zeropediancan not install ubuntu on dell inspiron 755914:06
whonixtho boot is bloquead14:06
gummibearshi room14:06
whonixthe boot is bloquead14:07
gummibearshow can i use the ubuntu unity lockscreen from the command line?14:07
k1lgummibears: what do you mean exactly?14:08
Lap64OerHeks, ?14:08
gummibearsi'm trying to use it with xmonad. i want to map keys to bring up the lockscreen14:09
ducassegummibears: 'dm-tool lock' will lock your session if you are using lightdm14:09
gummibearsducasse: thanks. but it makes the ubuntu 'drum beat' sound everytime i lock it14:10
gummibearsis there any way to run it silently?14:11
ducassegummibears: are you running unity-settings-daemon or something? doesn't do that here with i3.14:11
joelioassume that's relevant14:12
gummibearsI'm sorry I don't know what's unity-settings-daemon. I added this line to my xmonad config to bring up the lockscreen --> ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_z), spawn "dm-tool lock")14:13
gummibearsjoelio: I'd like the drum beat when I boot up for the first time and i'm presented with lightdm. but not everytime i lock the laptop14:14
gummibearsYou know, the way unity normally behaves. it doesn't make the drumbeat everytime i lock the laptop14:14
de-factogummibears mabye you can script it: gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter play-ready-sound false14:18
de-factoso when you logged in you disable it, and when you shutdown you enable it14:18
gummibearsde-facto: thanks for your suggestion. I will try it out14:19
rexwin_i am trying to create sftp chroot jail but it doesn't seem to work. how to troubleshoot it?14:19
ioriagummibears, this /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready.ogg  ?14:21
max3does anyone know what this means: curl: (56) GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function.14:26
hateballmax3: a wild guess is certificate error. I'd read the curl documentation14:28
romseguyhello, I wanna install latest stable kernel 4.7.3 but I get this error on startup: http://i.imgur.com/T4NCUuk.jpg what should I do?14:31
EdwardMorbiusromseguy how did you install it? I have 4.7.3 installed from debs without any issues on 16.0414:32
k1lromseguy: what ubuntu is that exactly?14:33
romseguydownload the 3 debs for amd64 over kernel.org... it's mint 17.314:33
EdwardMorbiusmint 17 is based on 14.0414:34
EdwardMorbiusI dont think 4.7 works on it14:34
k1lromseguy: so better ask the mint guys since they change stuff there that we cant know14:34
k1l!mint | romseguy14:34
ubotturomseguy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:34
romseguyoh right, thanks!14:34
asthenicI have an error anytime I try to update or upgrade Ubuntu 14.04. the error: "Unknown Error: ' <class 'SystemError'>' E: The package linux-headers-3.13.0-92 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." This doesn't allow me to install any new packages, let me know if any of you have any advice. Thanks14:51
wish^asthenic, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)14:53
asthenicwish^ same error14:55
wish^asthenic, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic14:56
vfwasthenic: sudo apt-get -f install14:57
asthenicwish^ anytime that I have used the apt-get command it spits back that error. I think the missing header has to do with apt-get14:58
vfwasthenic: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:58
vfwsudo apt-get update14:58
vfwasthenic: Probably need to use dpkg14:59
vfwasthenic: What exactly is the error?14:59
asthenicvfw E: The package linux-headers-3.13.0-92 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.14:59
asthenicE: The package linux-headers-3.13.0-92 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.14:59
asthenicvfw E: The package linux-headers-3.13.0-92 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.14:59
vfwOh, never mind....14:59
asthenicsorry for the triple post, I didn't realized that it already posted15:00
vfwsudo apt-get autoremove15:01
asthenicvfw same error15:01
vfwasthenic: I dont think linux-headers is essential, you could remove it.15:03
asthenicvfw how?15:03
Surendilvfw, not essential?? isn't linux-headers-3.13.0-92 = kernel headers?15:05
vfwSurendil: Yes, and they are essential for compiling from source.15:05
vfwasthenic: sudo apt-get install build-essential  #To install... so you might just try this first.15:06
vfwasthenic: But that will probably fail, so just replace install with remove.15:07
naccasthenic: i assume 14.04? fwiw, linux-headers is up to at this point15:07
nivahello how can I find out the max card size that the BCM57765 can read ?15:08
vfwasthenic: What were you doing when you first encountered this error? (Or what did you do just before...?)15:08
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nivaI have an 128gb that gives me errors15:08
vfwniva: I guess just try 6415:09
naccvfw: iirc, Bashing-om and I helped someone with this exact issue a few days ago, it was a bungled apt sources.list15:09
naccvfw: including two different archives that were out of sync, iirc15:09
nivaI was hoping to format it15:09
marbanew to lubuntu15:10
vfwnacc: How did you fix suurces.list?15:10
asthenicvfw nacc anytime I use apt-get or try to open the software updater the error pops up. I hadn't used my ubuntu system in 3 months. It told me to updgrae to 16.04, I said yes and then something got messed up in the process.15:10
Bit-2hello , i want to know how to install a ppa from launchpad..15:10
Bit-2i visit its overview page , and its seems i cant fine the ppa user and name15:10
marbaso far a nice experience15:10
OerHeksBit-2, what ppa? url?15:11
naccvfw: the person at the time provided it (well, imgur screen grabs and they showed a really screwed up setup :)15:11
asthenicnacc that sounds like it might be the issue, how would i fix the apt sources.list?15:11
naccasthenic: can you pastebin `apt-get update` output?15:11
naccasthenic: my trivial guess is possible your trusty wasn't fully uptodate when you updated, and that led to issues, but not 100%15:11
nivadmesg output http://pastebin.com/RE4xD50R15:11
Bit-2.OerHeks https://launchpad.net/inetutil15:11
naccasthenic: we can get you fixed up, might just take a few steps :)15:12
vfwasthenic: lsb_release -a15:12
asthenicnacc how do I pastebin?15:13
asthenicnacc Thanks!15:13
nacc!paste | asthenic15:13
ubottuasthenic: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:13
vfwasthenic: lsb_release -r  #What does that say?15:14
OerHeksBit-2, that is no ppa, just a package page, there are a lot of inetutils packages.15:14
asthenicnacc http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178282/15:14
asthenicvfw http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178282/15:14
Bit-2OerHeks] , so how i can know the ppa ?15:14
OerHeks!find inetutils15:14
ubottuFound: inetutils-ftp, inetutils-ftpd, inetutils-inetd, inetutils-ping, inetutils-syslogd, inetutils-talk, inetutils-talkd, inetutils-telnet, inetutils-telnetd, inetutils-tools (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=inetutils&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all15:14
Bit-2OerHeks] traceroute15:15
vfwasthenic: Looks like you have another instance of apt running.15:15
OerHekssudo apt-get install inetutils-traceroute15:15
naccasthenic: err, with sudo :)15:15
OerHeks!info inetutils-traceroute15:15
ubottuinetutils-traceroute (source: inetutils): trace the IPv4 route to another host. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.9.4-1build1 (xenial), package size 38 kB, installed size 251 kB15:15
vfwasthenic: Oh, no.  You just forgot sudo15:15
Bit-2OerHeks] its says E: no canidates15:15
Bit-2OerHeks] thats why i want to know how to add-apt15:16
OerHeksBit-2, and on what ubuntu version ?15:16
Manoshello guys!15:16
Bit-2OerHeks] 1615:16
asthenicvfw Release: 14.0415:16
asthenicnacc vfw http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178289/15:16
OerHeksBit-2, it is in universe, check if you have that enabled15:16
ManosCan you help me?15:17
naccasthenic: yeah, so both trusty and xenial are currently enabled, it seems)15:17
naccvfw: --^15:17
Bit-2OerHeks] how to i do that ?15:17
naccasthenic: also, if that is what lsb_release -a says, then you're not on 16.04 yet, which is odd15:17
nacc!ask | Manos15:17
ubottuManos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:17
Bit-2OerHeks] i want to know more , how to add-apt , there is no good source make me understand it15:17
vfwasthenic: Yea, your versioon upgrade to 16.04 did not complete.  nacc is correct, you more-than-likely need to fix sources.list15:18
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:18
nacc!components | Bit-215:18
ubottuBit-2: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:18
naccfor universe, specifically, Bit-2 the above is good reasing15:18
OerHeksBit-2, not sure why you change your question, but you need to look in softwarecenter > sources15:18
naccasthenic: however, you might need to fix the current issue before most of those tools will proceed -- so what does `uname -r` report?15:19
asthenicnacc 3.19.0-65-generic15:19
ManosI cant connect to Windows Network with my ubuntu 16.04. How to fix it?15:19
vfwasthenic: Maybe the easiest thing to do at this point is to just backup personal files and re-install.15:19
Bit-2OerHeks] am trying to help some people , in askubuntu , but alot have some problems witch are rare , to me i can install traceroute , but to them they can, i provide them with the deb link, but not sure how to tell them how to add-apt ppa name15:20
naccasthenic: have you rebooted since the upgrade finished (if it did?)15:20
Silveringhi everyone! I'm trying to install gunicorn and nginx for a django deployment. Everything is configured but I receive this issue : "/etc/nginx/proxy_params" failed (2: No such file or directory) in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/digitalblend_test:11 Any idea?15:21
vfwtraceroute should be in the repository15:21
OerHeksBit-2, well, ask the same questions, on what ubuntu version, is it supported? and is universe enabled?15:21
asthenicnacc yes I have, but the upgrade never finished it got stuck halfway with the internal error about the linux-headers15:21
naccasthenic: yeah, i think because you were possibly so out of date already :/15:21
Bit-2OerHeks] thanks15:21
naccBit-2: providing .deb links to the archives in response to askubuntu questions is never the correct response15:22
vfwnacc: asthenic It will be difficult to tell what really needs to be done at this point.  You might look at the date/time of the sources.list file first and see if it is new or not.15:22
naccvfw: ack, it's a bit of a mess15:22
bipulHello I have tried to resize my logical volume. And it seems like i am failed to do so http://paste.ubuntu.net/23178304/15:22
asthenicnacc yeah, ok. where would I find this file?15:22
vfHow to hack uiversity network ?15:23
Silveringhere is my sites-available file : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6c4668a79f731a8f7c336858e8d9fa2715:23
Crovax31_Hi, can we upgrade an ubuntu server after his EOL?15:23
ManosHello guys i have a problem with my ubuntu 16.04..I cant connect to Windows Network .. what happen? You have the same issue?15:23
nacc!eol | Crovax31_15:23
ubottuCrovax31_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:23
vfwnacc: Yea, I just fixed one for a friend, I just copied his personal files to another drive, reinstalled 14.04 and replaced his files.15:23
naccvfw: yep, that might be simplest15:23
naccasthenic: so in this case, i think the reboot may have made things 'worse' (in that the upgrade failed so now you're in an indeterminate state)15:24
naccasthenic: do you have anything you must save on that system?15:24
nacc!crosspost | bipul15:24
ubottubipul: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.15:24
vfwnacc: He had a power outage during the version upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04.  So I told him to wait for nice calm weather and maybe even use a UPS power backup, *(berore attempting version upgrade again).15:25
bipulnacc, ok. :)15:25
vfwBut I told him that there is no rush to go to 16.04, IMO.15:25
naccvfw: ack, it's very much up to the user :)15:26
asthenicnacc yes, I have a lot of stuff that needs to be saved on here. What's the easiest way to back up my files if my Ubuntu OS is a virtualBox on a Windows Host15:26
naccvfw: --^ do you have good recommendations?15:26
nacc!backup | asthenic15:26
ubottuasthenic: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:26
naccasthenic: although, in the broken state, might be trickier :/15:26
vfwnacc: I know, but sometimes the user does not even know why he is upgrading... just because it is offered, not because he needs anything new...15:26
naccbipul: well, you got a message saying 'lvreduce'  may destroy your fs15:27
naccbipul: so why is it surprising that it did?15:27
naccbipul: although it's not obvious to me if your fstab is correct, in any case15:27
bipulnacc, My fstab input for LV is correct.15:27
bipulnacc, Let me show you. hold on15:28
naccbipul: it's fine, if you say sso15:28
naccbipul: i don't see any 'failure' though15:28
Manosnacc: Can you help me with my issue? I cant connect to Windows Network :/15:28
naccManos: no idea, sorry -- how are you trying to connect? what do you mean Windows Network? Active Directory?15:29
bipul./dev/mapper/vg--bipul-lv--bipul /storage ext4 defaults 1 215:29
vfwManos: Explain what you mean by "Windows Network".15:29
naccbipul: do you actually have '.' at the beginning of the line?15:31
Manosnacc: yes when i try to open the Windows Network at Network i receive "Unable to access location: Failed to retrieve share list from server: No such file or directory"15:31
bipulno, i do not have, i used it so that my hexchat client do not take it as command.15:31
vfwManos: What exactly are you trying to do?15:32
naccbipul: ok15:32
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naccbipul: again, no error from what i can tell, you truncated a fs and expect it to work15:33
naccbipul: you should, of course, probably resize the fs *first* then resize the lv15:33
bipulnacc, Yes, you are right.15:33
vfwManos: We are not sure that you really have a question about Ubuntu.  But it may be that you just need to give more details.15:33
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naccManos: i know very little about the terminology you are referring to. Can you be more specific, as vfw is saying15:34
vfwManos: You may need to figure out more generic terms to describe the issue.15:35
Manosnacc: I have a Windows network named "HOMEGROUP" but i cant connect. I have change my Windows Network name from "workgroup" to "HOMEGROUP" at my ubuntu 16.04 at my network conf but i have the same issue... :/15:37
vfwManos: A network is neither "Windows" or "Linux", a network is just a network.15:37
naccI think this is AD/samba stuff?15:37
vfwManos: So you are trying to access a network share?15:37
naccManos: sorry, i have no idea :/15:38
Manosnacc: exactly15:38
vfwManos: So you are trying to connect to shared files on a MS Windows machine from a Ubuntu computer.  Right?15:39
Manosnacc: i love ubuntu and i would like to fix it...15:39
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Manosnacc: yes15:39
vfwManos: You may need to use the exact IP address for one thing.15:39
vfwManos: So you are using Nautilus?15:40
CondaNightmarehey, I have an issue where /usr/bin/python is linked to the Anaconda Python interpreter. I cannot find my original python interpreter. I could remove Anaconda but I'm afraid to do so as I can't find any Python interpreter which isn't Anaconda. Does anyone have any idea how come anaconda got itself on /usr/bin/ and how to fix that mess?15:41
Manosvfw: i am the only one with this ip address but i will try to change it.15:41
naccCondaNightmare: isn't anaconda a rh/fedora thing?15:41
CondaNightmareI don't believe so nacc . Currently using Ubuntu and have been for years :)15:42
ducasseManos: he means the ip of the _server_15:42
vfwManos: No, don't change it.15:42
naccvfw: it's not quite what you're describing, Manos is (i think) joining a windows domain15:42
CondaNightmarenacc: Anaconda is a Python platform specialised in scientific computations. I used it mainly for its IDE Spyder which I like.15:43
naccManos: have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-ad-integration.html15:43
naccCondaNightmare: oh i see, naming conflict :)15:44
naccCondaNightmare: where did you get anaconda from?15:44
CondaNightmarenacc: I can't recall but I probably downloaded it from continuum and followed the installation steps from there. I didn't get it from the package manager. I believe the issue is a path / env one whereby the anaconda interpreter should have never found itself on /usr/bin/ but I might be wrong. /usr/bin/ should have the system-provided python interpreter, which is now, nowhere to be found15:45
naccCondaNightmare: yeah, mucking with python in that way is ... bad :)15:46
naccCondaNightmare: um, let's see, can you pastebin `echo $PATH` and `ls -ahl which python` ?15:46
naccerr, the latter should be 'ls -ahl `which python`'15:46
vfwManos: For more details, you might also read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaClientGuide15:46
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CondaNightmarenacc: "funnily" enough, echo doesn't return any reference to anaconda. ls -ahl (what does that do) has a reference to it in its first line. which python points to /usr/bon/python which itself is an anaconda interpreter15:48
Crovax31_@nacc <3 thx for the tip, sorry I didn't find this page in the manual15:48
Manosvfw: ok thank you!15:49
Manosvfw: you are nacc right?15:49
vfwManos: No.  We are two different people.  Sorry for the confusion.15:50
naccCrovax31_: np15:50
adityaduggalhey can any one help me with wifi driver, I am unable to run the scripts in this driver http://onthim.blogspot.in/2015/06/install-ralink-rt3290-wi-fi-driver-on.html15:50
naccCondaNightmare: can you pastebin the outputs?15:50
naccCondaNightmare: -a -h -l are parameters to ls15:50
vfwadityaduggal: What version of Ubuntu are you on?15:51
vfwadityaduggal: lspci |grep ifi  #Tell us what that says.15:51
OerHeksadityaduggal, don't follow that guide, unreliable with that mediafire download15:51
CondaNightmarewhere would you have me execute the ls command? I suppose you're not that interested in the content of my /home are you?15:51
naccCondaNightmare: it shouldn't matter where you execute ls. you're getting the file listing of the python interpreter: ls -ahl `which python`15:52
adityaduggalvfw: no output15:52
vfwadityaduggal: Correction:  lspci |grep ireless15:52
Manosnacc: btw i have try everything that i thing helpful but this issue continue ...15:53
CondaNightmareright, sorry I misunderstood. Here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/Pd9ShYDF15:54
vfwadityaduggal: So just pastebinit the output of lspci15:54
vfwadityaduggal: lspci |pastebinit15:55
naccCondaNightmare: ok, pastebin `ls -ahl /usr/bin/python2.7` ?15:55
Manosnacc: Do you know how is possible to make my ubuntu with the default settings?15:56
naccManos: i don't understand that question, sorry15:56
vfwadityaduggal: Send resulting URL15:56
naccManos: do you mean something like restore ubuntu to the default settings?15:56
naccManos: where default = installer defaults15:56
CondaNightmarenacc: this returns: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.9K Jul  2 23:45 /usr/bin/python2.715:56
pbxrecently on my 16.04 box, wifi SSIDs stopped appearing in the networking menu bar list.  wifi still works, and this has persisted through many days and reboots. it's problematic when i want to select a new router!15:57
Manosnacc: i dont want do format for this reason..15:57
vfwManos: Go to the MS Wndows maching and find out the IP address.15:57
naccCondaNightmare: ok, and and running /usr/bin/python2.7 ends up running a anaconda-specific interpreter (please verify)15:57
Manosnacc: yeah exactly15:57
adityaduggalvfw: http://pastebin.com/E8DhjDCP15:58
naccManos: i don't believe there is any easy way other than reinstall, but someone else might know15:58
adityaduggalSo I have issues with both Wifi and Bluetooth and I have read that bluetooth does not have drivers on linux15:58
CondaNightmarenacc: yes15:59
adityaduggalvfw: wifi though is working but intermittently with very low wifi strength even though I am sitting inches away from router15:59
Manosvfw: my ip address is and now?15:59
CondaNightmarenacc: running that launches an interpreter "Python 2.7.12 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.|" which is anaconda15:59
naccCondaNightmare: that seems scary, whatever you did overwrote the system python16:00
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CondaNightmarenacc: my fear, exactly...16:00
naccCondaNightmare: i would suggest a reinstallation, not sure how to fix it cleanly (i guess you could try reinstalling python itself via apt, but not sure if that will succeed)16:00
vfwadityaduggal: Are you fully updated?16:01
vfwadityaduggal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:01
vfwadityaduggal: You may need wired connection (temporarily)16:02
vfwadityaduggal: ifconfig |pastebinit  #Send resulting URL16:02
adityaduggalvfw: yeah thats why I am sitting so close to the router....btw I just ran those command16:03
CondaNightmarenacc: funny I could have done that without realising. I don't know how that happened :/16:03
vfwadityaduggal: Ok, let us know if it installs additional updates.16:03
vfwadityaduggal: (Sometimes the dist-upgrade will fix issues like this.)16:04
gaveupwaitingrooHello! I have just install ubuntu 16.04 fresh install but it fails with "Gave up waiting for root device"16:04
adityaduggalvfw: http://pastebin.com/F95N3YFR16:04
gaveupwaitingrooI already read load of forums but after hours I still can get it to boot. Could someone help me?16:04
naccCondaNightmare: when you d/l anaconda from continuum did you ever issue a command with sudo or as root?16:05
naccCondaNightmare: if so, then you let whatever you run do *whatever* it wants16:05
CondaNightmarenacc: I may have found a solution though I'm not sure. I have a virtual environment with its own version of Python which is the system one. If I could somehow "copy" the interpreter from that virtual environement... to the /usr/bin one (but cleanly) it would be solved16:06
CondaNightmarenacc: would have been as sudo, I barely use root16:06
naccCondaNightmare: unless anaconda also changed some of the modules16:06
Manosvfw: Can i ask you something? Deepin is linux right?16:06
naccCondaNightmare: sudo is effectively root :)16:07
vfwManos: Yes16:07
naccCondaNightmare: unless you know exactly what is going to happen, don't run something with sudo, as it's often difficult to undo16:07
naccCondaNightmare: i would suggest a reinstall at this point, sorry16:07
vfwadityaduggal: ifconfig -a |pastebinit16:08
CondaNightmarenacc: meh ;(16:08
naccCondaNightmare: what you suggested may work, but i can't really be sure16:08
vfwadityaduggal: Send resulting URL16:08
Manosvfw: is the same with ubuntu. I mean commands and application16:08
vfwManos: What?16:08
vfwManos: Same as __________?16:09
Manosvfw: ubuntu16:09
vfwManos: Other linux distributions  Or same as what?16:09
adityaduggalVikingHoarder: http://pastebin.com/p2zVDX2016:09
vfwManos: You mean same as MS Windows?16:09
adityaduggalsorry vfw: http://pastebin.com/p2zVDX2016:09
Manosvfw: Deepin have the same commands at terminal?16:10
vfwadityaduggal: Is this a Laptop we are working on?16:10
Manosvfw: i can use the same applications with ubuntu?16:10
gaveupwaitingrooHello! I have just installed ubuntu 16.04 fresh install but it fails with "Gave up waiting for root device"16:10
gaveupwaitingroo I already read load of forums but after hours I still can get it to boot. Could someone help me?16:10
Tims_Techany other things then wine to run old games?16:10
adityaduggalvfw: yes16:10
adityaduggalvfw: its Asus X200AC model notebook16:11
vfwadityaduggal: Did the commands do some more updates?16:11
Manosvfw: same as ubuntu16:11
vfwManos: What is your native language?16:11
Manosvfw: greek16:11
adityaduggalvfw: which command? you are talking about update && upgrade && dist-upgrade16:12
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rexwin_how to restart ssh in Ubuntu 14.04.2 ?16:12
neilduganon kernel.org here http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt?id=HEAD line 1570 it says that if /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/use_tempaddr == 2 then then ipv6 should use a temporary address.  So why does the ipv6 address have the MAC number encoded in it?16:12
rexwin_the /etc/init.d/ssh restart is not giving anything in syslog16:12
naccrexwin_: 14.04.2 is eol, you should be on 14.04.5 by now16:13
naccrexwin_: just fyi16:13
vfw!greek > Manos16:13
ubottuManos, please see my private message16:13
mbffHello! I am looking at getting a ODROID-C2 (ARMv8), can I install the normal Ubuntu server 16.04 arm64 iso? If so, why does Odroid the company provide their own ISO?16:13
Guest19497hi whenever i switch on the computer it shows usb port over curent condition how to solve it16:13
vfw!greek | Manos16:13
ubottuManos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:13
adityaduggalrexwin_: sudo service sshd restart16:13
naccmbff: might ask in #ubuntu-server16:13
Guest19497whenever i switch on the computer it shows usb port over curent condition how to solve it16:13
vfwadityaduggal: Yes.16:13
benccwhat font is used instead of SimSun on ubuntu?16:14
rexwin_sshd: unrecognized service16:14
benccIt's working ok form me on desktop but missing on server so I'm trying to find what font is missing16:14
Guest19497usb port over curent condition16:14
adityaduggalvfw: as I said that I am already updated....no new updates were installed. Also the wifi is working but is very unstable16:14
adityaduggaland bluetooth is not working at all16:15
vfwadityaduggal: Ok, just a sec...16:15
naccGuest19497: iirc, that sounds like a hw issue16:15
Guest19497hardware ?16:15
Manosvfw: where are you from?16:15
naccGuest19497: yes, that's my guess16:15
davido_It's not Ubuntu pushing your USB port over current threshold. Ubuntu is simply detecting the fault.16:16
Guest19497i disconected the front panel port then why it is showing port 3, 4 though it is not conected16:16
vfwadityaduggal: uname -a #Tell us what that says.16:16
vfwManos: Texas16:16
Guest19497how it may be fixed?16:16
davido_Maybe not the front panel?  Maybe the motherboard itself has a fault that Ubuntu has been kind enough to bring to your attention, Guest19497.16:16
vfwManos: I still did not understand your last question, (about what is the same as ubuntu).16:17
Guest19497thank you16:17
davido_Like the oil light on a car.  ...you could remove the light's bulb, or you could investigate whether the oil pump has failed.16:17
naccvfw: i think Manos is asking if deepin linux is the same as ubuntu, in terms of the terminal or applications16:17
naccManos: that is a question to ask deepin, not ubuntu :)16:17
vfwnacc: Oh, deepin linux, (sorry never heard of it, will look it up).16:18
naccvfw: me neither :)16:18
adityaduggalLinux rahul 4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:01:55 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:18
Manosvfw: at deepin i can do exactly the same thing like ubuntu?16:18
naccManos: that is, again, a question to ask deepin, not the ubuntu support channel16:18
Guest19497thank you bye16:18
adityaduggalvfw: Linux rahul 4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:01:55 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:18
Manosnacc: yeah right16:20
vfwManos: Deepin is similar, (Debian based just like Ubuntu).  Similar but not the same. Some things will be different.  I know very little about Deepin, so not sure.16:20
OerHeksManos, deepin is not even based on ubuntu anymore16:20
vfwadityaduggal: You might try reverting to kernel 4.4.0-3316:21
vfwadityaduggal: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760838/how-do-i-get-an-rt3290-wireless-card-to-work16:21
ManosOerHeks: Thank you guys. But i would like to fix my issue ... :/16:22
naccManos: are you on deepin linux?16:22
Manosi prefer ubuntu than others16:22
OerHeksgit clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/dwmw2/linux-firmware.git && sudo cp linux-firmware/rt3290.bin /lib/firmware # and now reboot16:22
Manosnacc: no i am using ubuntu 16.0416:22
Guest79342i just want to know, has ubuntu 16.04 removed the amazon seach?16:23
jhutchinsGuest23033: Your system sees the circuitry on the motherboard, not the cable that connects it to the port on the case.16:23
jhutchinsGuest23033: Unless the USB hub circuitry is on a removable card, all you did was shorten the connection path.16:23
adityaduggalvfw: wow....how do I revert a kernel....16:23
adityaduggalvfw: what you are trying to say here is that there is NO LINUX distro which can support this card natively....that is without disruptions during update16:24
adityaduggalvfw: anything?16:26
davido_Guest79342 It is disabled by default in 16.04 (and possibly 15.04/15.10). You can enable it in All Settings|Security&Privacy|Search16:27
OerHeksadityaduggal, other posts give this as a solution, git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/dwmw2/linux-firmware.git && sudo cp linux-firmware/rt3290.bin /lib/firmware # and now reboot16:27
adityaduggalOerHeks: if something goes wrong with this command then how do I revert back, meaning if this removes my wifi all together then how could I revert back.16:29
adityaduggalOerHeks: I am asking this because last time I did run a command from forums and it totally made my wifi useless and then I had to reinstall the OS from scratch16:29
OerHeksremove /lib/firmware/rt3290.bin # and reboot again16:29
hunt-sonhey all, this is my first time hopping on an irc. I was hoping someone can help me with some problems I have on Ubuntu since I just switched over and I'm having trouble setting up multiple monitors.16:30
Amm0nadityaduggal, shit happens.. backup!16:30
adityaduggalOerHeks: fingers are crossed...  Amm0n: I hope not everytime16:31
=== John is now known as Guest77446
adityaduggalOerHeks: I have just ran this command hope this should be fine git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/dwmw2/linux-firmware.git && sudo cp linux-firmware/rt3290.bin16:32
hunt-sonanybody have advice? My computer has only one rgb port, so I bought a couple rgb to usb connections and I can only establish a connection with one monitor16:32
AditIs there a package to add support for .lnk (Windows shortcut) files?16:33
jhutchinsAdit: No.16:33
Aditjhutchins: So, what would be the best way to handle them?16:34
jhutchinsAdit: Are you accessing a Windows disk from Linux?  What are you actually trying to do?16:34
hunt-son@everyone, is this the wrong channel to ask this sort of advice? If it is, then can you direct me to another channel?16:34
frarocoHi everyone, I wonder if winetricks or wine itself has a irc room?16:35
nacc!wine | fraroco16:35
ubottufraroco: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:35
Amm0nhunt-son, no it isn't. Try ##hardware16:35
jhutchinshunt-son: You can use tools like lsusb to determine how the system sees the adapters.  If you can determine the chipset, you might be able to find out what drivers they require from x.org16:35
frarocoI am having some troubles installing a software16:35
frarocoThanks! nacc16:35
hunt-sonthanks Amm0n16:35
adityaduggalOerHeks: how do I check if this worked16:36
Aditjhutchins: I am doing exactly that. There are a huge number of shortcuts in the Windows disk and I don't want to write a script to change them all16:36
nacchunt-son: you meant usb to rgb, i assume? that is graphical usb adapters16:36
hunt-sonyes @nacc16:36
hunt-son@jhutchins I'm checking now16:36
jhutchinshunt-son: Using the @ before a name prevents most clients from highlighting it for the user.16:37
adityaduggalOerHeks: I don't think it worked since I am getting -34 signal strength on this notebook and the one with problem is giving -51 dBM and also the Bluetooth is still disabled16:38
hunt-sonjhutchins: noted16:39
hunt-sonjhutchins: I'll use this method in the future16:39
jhutchinshunt-son: Most clients will also attempt to complete a name if you type the first part and hit tab.16:40
adityaduggalOerHeks: I need both wifi and bluetooth to work since its my dad's notebook and he uses a bluetooth mouse and uses wifi to connect to internet and hence both become imperative16:40
hunt-sonnacc: correct, for instance one of the devices I bought is called j5create JUA21016:41
hunt-sonjhutchins: I appreciate the advice thanks for the help16:42
Guest77446Hello, I am installing an application that require libglew1.6-dev and I am not able to install it because on my ubuntu 16.04 is installed the 1.13 version. If I don't have that package the application don't run. Any suggestion please?16:42
nacchunt-son: ok16:42
pbxif wifi networks are no longer visible in the menu bar network list, but my machine still auto-connects to known ones... what might be the cause?  16.04, been doing this for a few weeks16:42
OerHeksadityaduggal, if it did not work after reboot, no clue16:42
ash_workzto tar a bunch of directories together, do I have to tar the parent and exclude everything I don't want included?16:42
OerHeksadityaduggal, some hardware are bad supported ( by the vendor) so please write them16:42
akikash_workz: you can also select the directories you want on the tar cmd line16:43
akikash_workz: tar -cvf tarfile.tar dir1 dir2 dir316:43
Guest77446help please16:48
Surendil!ask | Guest7744616:48
ubottuGuest77446: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:48
cscf!ask | Guest7744616:48
cscfGood thing ubottu is smart :)16:49
bothHi. PROBLEM: new Nvidia card, no tty, login loop, + limited internet. How to get tty or terminal access, plz?16:50
vfwcscf: Yea, someone tweaked ubotto sometime ago and it no longer accepts multiple requests for same info.  Very nice...16:50
OerHeksGuest77446, libglew 1.6 is old, precise 12.04 .. i don't think you can down\grade libglew1.13, if you *need* it, install 12.0416:51
ash_workzhow do you remove a file that starts with -- ?16:51
vfwboth: Ctrl-Alt-F616:51
akikash_workz: rm -- --file16:52
bothvfw: Ctrl-Alt-F6 = black screen16:52
Guest77446OerHeks thank you so much!!16:52
OerHeksash_workz, "--filename"  perhaps ?16:53
ash_workzOerHeks: that didn't work for me16:53
vfwash_workz: or  rm \-\-filename16:53
ash_workzbut akik worked :)16:53
ash_workzvfw: I was having problems with that too (no file by that name)16:53
pavlosash_workz, rm -- --file16:54
Seveasvfw: I fixed that a decade ago in ubottu :)16:56
Seveaswell, probably 7 or 8 years ago16:56
vfwash_workz: pavlos Very good.  I learned something.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178736/16:57
bumblefuzzhow do I find out what video driver I'm using?16:57
vfwSeveas: Didn't know it was that long ago.  Good Job!16:58
vfwbumblefuzz: What display adapter do you have?16:59
sulfasal how do i stop this annoying pop up window something is locked, whenever I wake my PC from its dozing, and I have to enter my password? I need to hit "Cancel" twice to get it to leave.16:59
akikbumblefuzz: sudo lshw -c video has a line driver=16:59
OerHeksbumblefuzz, lspci -k | egrep -i 'vga|in use' | grep -i vga -A 116:59
ash_workzoh I didn't try ./17:00
blinkblinkLightDM+ not working at all17:00
ash_workzI kinda like -- anyway17:00
cscfsulfasal, you'll need to be more specific about this popup17:01
bumblefuzzso, why during an attempted update is my computer telling me I have possible missing firmware?17:01
bumblefuzzspecifically that driver...17:02
cscfash_workz, -- means "stop interpreting - as option" whereas \ in general prevents the next character from being interpreted as anything special.17:02
vfwbumblefuzz: Laptop?17:02
bumblefuzzthinkpad x260, yes17:02
sulfasalrectangular about 1" by 3" says something about key lock, forget precisely, asks me to enter pw to re or unlock, don't remember, I click the cancel button, it takes two times, pop up disappers, all is cool(ish)17:03
vfwbumblefuzz: 16.04?17:03
OerHeksbumblefuzz, missing firmware does not apply to your intel i guess. bpo = backported17:03
bumblefuzzvfw 16.04.117:03
bumblefuzzis there a way to check for other drivers?17:04
sulfasal16.04 xubuntu17:04
bumblefuzzeven proprietary?17:04
ash_workzcscf: yeah, I actually like that better than ./17:04
OerHeksbumblefuzz, intel gpu is supported in the kernel, no other grapic drivers available17:04
OerHeksagain: missing firmware does not apply to your intel17:05
bumblefuzzcause i'm trying to play kerbal space program and the menus aren't appearing17:05
bumblefuzzeverything is fully updated17:05
bumblefuzzand the only thing I can find related to this topic is the driver not working properly17:05
vfwbumblefuzz: lsmod |grep i915  #Tell us what that says.17:06
OerHeksoh .. a toic ..17:06
=== dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
bumblefuzzvfw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178772/17:07
OerHeksbumblefuzz, so you have skylake, and the intel driver is loaded correct, but 'kerbal space' is the culprit17:09
bumblefuzzI left a bug note for them almost 2 weeks ago and nobody's said anything17:09
bumblefuzzprevious versions of ubuntu have had a similar problem17:10
bumblefuzzbut the fixes they list are always related to the driver17:10
cscfbumbar_, KSP 1.1.3?17:10
bumblefuzzI guess I'll have to go bug them17:10
Welastevilhello everybody!17:10
cscfbumblefuzz, *17:10
bumblefuzzcscf, yes17:10
OerHeksbumblefuzz, you have hot fresh hardware that is not fully tested with linux, i read also that newer kernels solve things, but that would be testing17:10
OerHekswith skylake*17:11
cscfbumblefuzz, try the usual things, verify the game files, read KSP.log17:11
WelastevilIm having problems with may Os Software update17:11
bumblefuzzis there a way to revert from testing if I switch to that?17:12
OerHeksbumblefuzz, maybe you can reverse installing a higher kernel than 4.6 ..i would wait for ubuntu 16.10, next month17:14
OerHekshuge post about skylake and tips http://askubuntu.com/questions/752743/ubuntu-16-04-skylake-6th-generation-screen-flickering17:15
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neilduganon kernel.org here http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt?id=HEAD line 1570 it says that if /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth1/use_tempaddr == 2 then then ipv6 should use a temporary address.  So why does the ipv6 address have the MAC number encoded in it?17:16
blinkblinkLightDM+ still not working! I removed lighrdm from the Ubuntu Software Center now when I have it installed back and do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm && sudo apt-get update'17:17
blinkblinkafter rebooting the system goes into Unity not LightDM17:17
=== inno is now known as kernello
neilduganbumblefuzz, I don't know if you can reverse that, but you could do an install to a USB stick, boot of the USB stick, then wipe it when finished.17:18
kernello /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER kernello vxwxdjainvlf17:18
Picikernello: try again without the space in front.17:19
Pici(its not a password)17:19
kernelloPici, yes, just corrected :)17:19
neilduganOerHeks, ?17:19
OerHeksreally odd advise, wiping?17:19
OerHekshe can just boot in grub and load the previous kernel17:19
amauryhi guys!17:20
=== amaury is now known as Guest90474
Guest90474Im having this issue:17:20
Manoshi guys17:20
Guest90474E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.17:20
naccneildugan: that seems like a better question for ##linux?17:20
neildugannacc, ok17:20
pbxi've got two mutually symlinks that only reference each other, yet there is also a "real" file there. how might this be?  http://dpaste.com/046WTSA17:20
vfwGuest90474: Did you try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ?17:20
pbx(16.04 FWIW)17:21
vfwGuest90474: So did it do anything?17:21
Guest90474but I could not do anything with this...17:21
naccpbx: /etc/mysql/my.cnf -> /etc/alternatives/my.cnf -> /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf17:21
ManosSomeone that he know about ubuntu 16.04 network issues? I want to fix a problem17:21
vfwGuest90474: So what lead to this?  What caused it to give this output?17:21
Guest90474I dont know!17:22
Guest90474I realy wanted to know...17:22
vfwGuest90474: sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:23
pbxha right nacc !  reading problem :)  thanks17:23
Manosvfw: thats my problem https://postimg.org/image/6qmcgo7ml/ and https://postimg.org/image/ekmy22ffh/17:23
Guest90474 Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:24
vfwManos: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/nautilus-connect.html17:25
vfwManos: If you can discover the IP address of the MS Windows machine, it will help.  (Use the actual IP address, not the network name.)17:26
Guest90474for all of this17:26
Guest90474 Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:26
Guest90474I con not find out what is the metter....17:27
naccGuest90474: it's better to provide (via pastebin) the full output17:27
vfwManos: I should have said, use the IP address rather than the host name.17:27
vfwManos: And read the information from the link I sent.  Should help.17:28
pavlosMano ... are you running nmbd on your linux system?17:28
bumblefuzzso, how do I upgrade to 16.10 from 16.04?17:29
cscfbumblefuzz, do-release-upgrade, I think17:29
naccwith a -d, but realize that 16.10 is not released17:30
naccbumblefuzz: so you should have a good reason to do the upgrade early, and undersatnd it may be broken17:30
vfw!16.10 | bumblefuzz17:31
ubottubumblefuzz: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+117:31
pavlosbumblefuzz, go to the 3rd tab of software and updates and select any new version at the very bottom. sudo apt-get upgrade should fetch the new release17:31
OerHeksimpatient with skylake hardware, you will get notified when 16.10 is out17:31
vfwbumblefuzz: /join #ubuntu+117:31
vfwbumblefuzz: And ask there...17:31
Guest90474no idea about wtf is it!17:32
OerHeksGuest90474, line #517:32
OerHeksJob for i8kmon.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status i8kmon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.17:32
nacc!info i8kutils xenial17:32
ubottui8kutils (source: i8kutils): Fan control for Dell laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.41 (xenial), package size 25 kB, installed size 90 kB (Only available for i386; kfreebsd-i386; amd64; kfreebsd-amd64)17:32
OerHeksthose 2 command will give a lot of info17:33
Guest90474even worst to understand17:34
OerHeksGuest90474, are you on elementary?17:36
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
OerHeksElementary has its own issues, nothing to do with ubuntu.17:37
Guest90474it is an elementary issue?17:37
OerHekselementary/e17/enlightment i guess, try their channel #elementary here on #freenode17:38
vfwGuest90474: https://elementary.io/support17:39
pingwindyktatorHello. How can I find current RAM speed? Every command I found shows configured max available speed17:43
OerHeksdmidecode or lshw17:43
OerHekssudo dmidecode --type memory17:44
pingwindyktatorOerHeks: ypu, it shows 'Speed: 3289 MHz'17:44
pingwindyktatoris it even possible to have such speed all time?17:44
tsaavikIs anyone able to get public urls from the 'dropbox puburl ~/Dropbox/Public/myfile.txt' command? Just stoped working for me :(17:45
OerHekspingwindyktator, no clue howto watch ramspeed17:46
OerHeksis that really important?17:46
pingwindyktatorit is17:46
pingwindyktatorbut thanks, I'll google more17:47
OerHeksi assume it does not change.17:47
ubottupier: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:47
pingwindyktatorOerHeks: I dont understand. What does not change17:47
pingwindyktatorram speed?17:47
pavlospingwindyktator, sudo dmidecode --type memory \ grep Speed17:49
pavlosmake that pipe17:50
pingwindyktatorI'm 'watch'ing this all time17:50
pingwindyktatorwithout any change17:50
OerHekswhat makes you think it can change?17:50
pavlospingwindyktator, memory speed does NOT change17:50
pingwindyktatorOerHeks: I dont know. Should it? Depending of usage, load, I dont know17:51
pingwindyktatorokay, thanks a lot pavlos17:51
pavlospingwindyktator, cpu speed may change depending on load17:51
OerHeksas a long search does not give any tool to watch ramspeed live, i think it confirms my thought.17:51
pingwindyktatork, thanks!17:52
tsaavikOnly way to change ram speed is via tweaking cmos settings, which you CAN do live with some utilities, it will never happen automatically.17:52
OerHekstsaavik, doubt that statement.17:53
tsaavikwhich part, the live?17:53
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OerHekssounds more like a windows tool that suggests higher memoryspeed ( with free toolbar and nagware)17:55
tsaavikIts a windows tool that comes with MBs like Asus, Gigabyte and others. And it does not suggest the speeds, it actually changes them on the fly.17:56
hillaryI get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23178933/ when i run update in ubuntu 16.04 lts. What could be the issue17:57
nacchillary: why do you have a precise repository enabld on 16.04?17:57
nacchillary: it's never advised to mix releases like that17:57
hillarynacc: Guide me how to solve please17:58
nacchillary: i'm not sure how you go into that situation, and i've got some other stuff to work on right now, it's hard for me to help. hopefully someone else can18:00
bitlosthey... new to linux and having a few problems with the installation from live usb, anyone free to help? Thanks in advance18:01
Vad3rbitlost: sup18:01
Pici13:49:24 <Wooble> BlockCubed: is this your first programming language?18:01
Picier, mispaste... dunno how that happened.18:01
tsaavikhillary: grep precise /etc/apt/sources.list18:02
tsaavikhillary: if you see precise stuff in there that isn't commened out, edit the file and comment them out18:02
bitlostHey, the installation seems to run fine until it asks me to reboot, then it freezes on shutdown, only way to get it off is to hold the power button (it's not doing anything - I left it overnight last time) and when I turn it on, it goes straight to the MOK management screen18:03
bitlostI've tried a few different distros and it always does the same thing18:04
sarkishey all - we built a custom .deb for a newer ruby version and it installs the binary to /usr/bin/ruby vs doing the debian/ubuntu way of symlinking via update-alternatives... what would be the downside of this method?18:05
sarkisalso - i see 1.9.1 (on ubuntu 14.04) is installed by default - should we maybe have a Replaces setup on our custom ruby package to avoid fumbling between multiple rubies?18:06
tsaavikbitlost: Are you making sure to say yes when it asks to install Grub?18:06
curlyearsnickserv identify chilehead18:07
bitlosttsaavik i did, yeah18:07
bitlostI've also ran boot repair to try fixing it18:08
energizer1I want to set up an ubuntu box to be a proxy server. Is there a way to do this?18:11
tsaavikenergizer1: yes, install squid18:11
energizer1super, thanks18:12
tsaaviknp :)18:12
michael_Hi everybody18:13
tsaavikanyone here have dropbox installed on their ubuntu? Can you check if this command works for you "dropbox puburl ~/Public/some_file_that_exists" you should get a url back, you do NOT need to share the url18:13
michael_anyone who can help with wine?18:14
MonkeyDustmichael_  start with a question18:14
hpi dont make up tor browser18:14
michael_I get the following message : wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\program.exe" .... any idea how to solve?18:15
hpi have linux mint18:15
Pici!mint | hp18:15
ubottuhp: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:15
Surendil!ming | hp18:15
JonelethIrenicushow can i set the scaling factor for GTK apps?18:17
JonelethIrenicusmanually without the settings app18:17
MonkeyDustmichael_  it's a type ... the \\ must be \18:18
bothTerminal access problem (description): http://paste.ubuntu.com/23179000/ Help, plz.18:18
michael_MonkeyDust thx...how can I change? I'm really linux newbie18:21
MonkeyDustmichael_  better ask in #winehq18:24
michael_MonkeyDust thx18:25
renatofilizolaHello every one18:32
DammitJimdo you guys know why I can do a wbinfo -g, but wbinfo -u doesn't return anything?18:32
Bray90820Is there a log of this channel?18:39
Pici!1984 | Bray9082018:39
ubottuBray90820: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/18:39
asdasdasdaxzxtfw no gf18:39
afx_Hello ! Has anyone tried any open source client for evernote ?18:51
ANTItorture"I believe psychiatry epitomizes what's evil."18:52
ANTItorturePsychiatrist Peter R. Breggin,18:52
Jordan_UANTItorture: This channel is only for Ubuntu support discussion. Please take other comments elsewhere.18:53
ANTItortureSTOP PSYCHIATRY!          "I believe psychiatry epitomizes what's evil."18:53
ANTItorturePsychiatrist Peter R. Breggin,18:53
DinosaurioI've commited a mistake and wrote data in libreoffice calc in wrong order. Data starts in 2016 and ends in 2002. Thus, the graphic looks a bit weird. Do you know any way to fix it? At least the graphic, so it would start on 2002 and would end in 201618:54
gummibearsdoes anyone know if the volume applet in unity can be used with other window managers or panels?18:56
Jordan_UDinosaurio: https://www.maketecheasier.com/reverse-row-order-in-libreoffice-calc/18:57
OerHeksgummibears, it is desktop dependent. so no.18:58
DinosaurioJordan_U: Yeah but looks a bit messy since there're lots of graphics and rows. I was asking whether it was a easier way just change the graphic order http://i.imgur.com/OsC8EuY.png18:58
metricstratanyone here up to help a noob out?19:14
MonkeyDustmetricstrat  start with a question19:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:15
metricstratis there a know issue with ubuntu 16_04 and UHD screens?19:15
OerHeksmetricstrat, haven't you asked this before?19:16
metricstratyes i never recieved a response, and am still curious19:16
metricstrati worked around it, but still jsut wondering19:16
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Shawn186anyone know of a program I can use to fix overscan?19:24
Shawn186on a tv19:25
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wabbitsFirst thing to try is the settings on the tv19:25
wabbitsI just did this on Monday.19:25
Shawn186no settings on the tv for that19:25
wabbitsWhat kind of tv?19:25
Shawn186wabbits, if I did not check that first, I would not be here asking about this19:26
Shawn186the tv is an old sanyo19:26
wabbitsGood luck with that.19:26
Shawn186I know ubuntu at one time has had an overscan gui program19:27
rexwin_does ping listen to any tcp port19:27
Shawn186though I am using lubuntu19:27
OerHeksrexwin_, no, just port 8019:27
wabbitsrexwin_ ping doesn't listen it pings. and it uses icmp.19:27
Shawn186that should not change anything though19:27
rexwin_apache listen there19:27
OerHekserr port 1 ?19:28
wabbitsrexwin_ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol19:30
OerHeksif your ping times out, it is not failure of the recieving port. just the target.19:31
Jordan_UShawn186: Sometimes "Game Mode" or "Console Mode" on a TV disables overscan (and a lot of other silly "features").19:31
Shawn186Jordan_U, dont have any of those modern tvs19:31
Shawn186only an old flatscreen 720p tv19:32
Shawn186though I know that software controls a big portion of what it transmits to the tv via hdmi19:36
LemonJuiceSo what IRC client do you guys use?19:37
Shawn186whats telepathy?19:38
Shawn186ah, its a service19:39
OerHeksgirls use irssi, LemonJuice19:39
Shawn186men use hexchat19:39
Jordan_UShawn186: Are you using proprietary graphics drivers?19:39
Shawn186intel's open source drivers19:40
LemonJuicelol OerHeks appropriate, I am19:41
Jordan_UShawn186: http://askubuntu.com/questions/508358/overscanning-picture-problem-using-hdmi-with-intel-graphics19:42
Shawn186already looked at that page, and tried that19:43
rexwin_i can't ping my server through icmp19:44
Shawn186underscan option of xrandr only ends in a multitude of errors19:44
Shawn186been looking for a gui of xrandr that would support overscan, none exist19:44
arch-everywherehi guys, got two probs with ubuntu.. skype doesn't login and chrome doesn't sync my bookmarks? any suggestions?19:46
MalinuxI have a strange issue with a new ubuntu 16.04.1 install. The computer is a Lenovo G70-30. When I start an application from the launcher, some times nothing happens, and then of a sudden, it starts to work again. Same happens with exiting applications with the x button. alt + f4 works. And some times the global menus is not shown even when the mouse is hovering. I guess this might be some graphical issues? I19:47
Malinuxhave blacklisted nouveau, and the behavoir some way became better, but not complitely gone. I am not sure what log could be one with relevant info about this, but maybe the Xorg.log?19:47
vfwarch-everywhere: Use firefox instead of chrome.19:50
arch-everywheref sake19:50
vfwf sake?19:50
vfwarch-everywhere: And talk to MS about skype.19:51
vfwHate to be rude, but chrome and skype problems are not ubuntu issues.19:52
Chris4Hey room. Thanks for helping a noob. I've got FF and Chromium both installed on 16.04. Can I have 2 versions of Flashplayer installed to handle both browsers? FF is, of course, only supported to FP 11ish etc...19:52
vfwChris4: What is FP 11ish?19:52
bladeplatedoes ubuntu support gma500?19:53
Chris4Flashplayer 11.whatever19:53
Jordan_Uvfw: Please try to be helpful when helping. I am sure arch-everywhere was aware of Firefox as an alternative.19:53
vfwChris4: Ok.... Well Flahsplayer is kind of on it's way out.19:53
vfwJordan_U: I am being helpful.  And; How do you  know what he knows?19:54
Chris4vfw: thanks. Can I have 2 versions installed to handle both browsers?19:54
Jordan_UChris4: sudo apt install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash19:55
vfwJordan_U: Chrome is not really open sorce software.  Skype is not for sure, so what does it have to do with Ubuntu?19:55
Jordan_UChris4: That will allow you to use the latest flash in Firefox. But unless you know you need flash for something I would recommend seeing if you can just go without it (most people can).19:55
vfwChris4: Chrome has it's own player, and it is not flash player. The 11ish flashplayer is available for Firefox and works for most sites that still use flashplayer.  We can not do anything about fhashplayer, what you get from adobe is what you get....19:56
Bashing-ombladeplate: Maybe. old but maybe of some use: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1984236 <- support thread for the GMA500 ( bodhi.zazen )(developer:thopiekar) .19:56
Chris4Jordan_U: Thanks. What are other browser options besides flashplayer to see video content?19:57
Jordan_Uvfw: Suggesting that users find a different channel for support would be helpful. Suggesting that they switch browsers is not. I think that it's pretty clear that someone asking for support on the #ubuntu IRC channel is aware that Firefox is another web browser that they can use.19:57
vfwJordan_U: Our job is to exchange information.19:57
Chris4vfw: 32 bit here :/ no chrome19:58
vfwChris4: You are correct.19:58
Jordan_UChris4: HTML5 has a video tag which allows the browser to play videos natively, without any third party plugins.19:58
Chris4ahhhhhh that's cool19:58
Chris4sudo apt-get purge adobe19:59
Chris4vfw, Jordan_U: Thanks, folks!19:59
vfwJordan_U: Suggesting that they use Open Source software is something we can all agree on.  Right?20:00
vfwChris4: NP20:00
vfwJordan_U: Or am I wrong?20:00
Bray90820Bashing-om: Turnes out the Live USB was good all along it through back the error because of the missing file20:00
subzero_vfw, eae20:00
bipulI just need a help with mounting http://paste.ubuntu.net/23179357/20:01
vfwSo I've been wrong all these years? Wow!  I actually thougth that Linux was all about Open Source Software.20:01
Bashing-omBray90820: Good you know . I can accept that the missong file would produce an error . Have you tried the lubuntu release with force-pae to see if it boots ?20:02
tgm4883vfw: while many users do use Linux because it's open source, and many of us our open source advocates, Linux and closed source are not mutually exclusive. None of this is on topic though20:03
Bray90820I have not done that yet20:04
Bray90820I am kinda busy right now tho20:04
Bashing-omBray90820: Real life does have a way of intruding .20:05
sfdebughi, if i have a .deb package installed with a version, and i have another .deb package with updated version, how can i update that?20:07
Chris4Jordan_U: I'm still interested to know how my 2 browsers would handle 1 version of flashplayer. Or can you have 2 versions installed?20:07
Chris4Anyone know? I've got Firefox and Chromium installed... wondering how their different supported versions of Flashplayer would work...20:09
=== haxorjim_ is now known as haxorjim
Shawn186ubuntu lacks good overscan and irda support20:13
nicomachusShawn186: that's untrue.20:13
Shawn186or easy rather20:13
=== haxorjim is now known as haxorjim__
nicomachusxrandr does a fine job. and most graphics cards have built-in tools that allow for overscan adjustment.20:13
=== haxorjim__ is now known as haxorjim
OerHeksShawn186, don blame your old tv :-D20:15
Shawn186I'm not, because I know software controls the majority of what it broadcasts20:15
bothHow to access terminal from login prompt? Short problem description: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23179397/20:16
nicomachusShawn186: Overscan can be adjusted on most TVs, but if it can't then xrandr will do the job just fine.20:16
Shawn186yea, but I need a graphical utility20:17
OerHeksboth,  ctrl alt F2, you get a TTY and login ( and back to gui with ctrl alt F7)20:17
nicomachusShawn186: what is your graphics setup?20:17
Shawn186HDMI, from an Intel GMA4500MHD20:18
Shawn186at 1280x72020:18
nicomachusShawn186: do you need HDMI? VGA will usually do a better job of scaling.20:18
bothOerHeks: ctrl alt F1, F2... F6 = black screen. F7 = back to login prompt.20:19
Shawn186I need hdmi, it looks so much better than VGA analog20:19
mlhessAnyone know how to skip rows in pam if authenticating via public_key20:19
OerHeksctrl alt f2 .. and wait maybe a second or 2, login should appear20:20
Bashing-omboth: At the grub boot menu => advanced options -> recovery kernel . what results when booting a recovery console ?20:20
bothBashing-om: no grub access. Short problem description: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23179397/20:21
wabbitsrexwin_ is your server behind a firewall?20:22
wabbitswell that is likely the problem?20:22
fatemehleave #ubuntu20:22
rexwin_i guess i ran scp after that the ping died20:22
wabbitsrexwin_ I not following you.20:23
bothOerHeks: Login always appears, tty doesn't appear even after several minutes (common problem, can't find solution).20:23
Bashing-omboth: If you can not get a grub menu, you have serious problems . more so that just graphics . for legacy system - reboot and as soon as the bios screen clears depress and hold a shit key -> grub boot menu . For EFI system spam the escape key .20:24
Bashing-omboth: Ouch make that the shift key . If you press that other key, we all have problems .20:32
Manos5723hello guys20:45
Manos5723i cant ping my rooter .. how to do this?20:47
MonkeyDustManos5723  cable or wifi?20:47
k1lManos5723: ping routerip20:48
Bray90820Bashing-om: I was thinking RemixOS boots fine so maybe I could look at the grub entries for that?20:48
NoPinkyanyone here tried Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10 yet?20:49
MonkeyDustNoPinky  that's for #ubuntu-offtopic or so20:51
k1l!ubuwin | NoPinky20:51
ubottuNoPinky: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.20:51
de-factonow ms released powershell under MIT for linux, there are even ubuntu packages :P20:52
daxcan i set my logon shell to it20:52
daxbecause if so i'm about to unleash the best prank on my coworkers ever20:52
de-factoi doubt it would be supported here though: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell20:54
daxyeah, i just found the .deb there and am trying it20:56
daxaww, chsh doesn't like it20:57
akikdax: add it to /etc/shells ?20:57
sledgehello folks21:03
daxakik: worked, thanks21:04
akikdax: heh that was just a guess. i'm feeling for you21:05
deserteagledoes anybody by chance know a way overclock an integrated gpu ( intel HD 5500 ) on gnome? or squeeze just a little more performance out of it in some way?21:09
nicomachusdeserteagle: you can use a lighter DE like MATE.21:10
elspruhow do I geta  script to run after networking starts?21:13
Jordan_Uelspru: What is your definition of "after networking starts"?21:13
elspruwell I need to ssh into a localhost, so after the ethernet connects I want it to try to do so21:14
elspruer ssh into a remote host *21:14
elspruthough ideally it would be once it knows it is connected tot he internet..21:14
MonkeyDustelspru  you have to add a line in .profile21:14
Jordan_Uelspru: Is the ethernet connection managed by network manager or ifupdown?21:14
elsprumanaged by /etc/init.d/networking I presume21:15
elspruMonkeyDust: what line?21:15
Jordan_Uelspru: Is it configured in /etc/network/interfaces ?21:15
elspruJordan_U: looks like it21:16
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: elspru: .profile would only make sense if you want it to run when a particular user logs in.21:16
elspruyea, I need it whenever the ethernet restarts, since this will be a remote machine.21:17
MonkeyDustelspru  i forget what it was, but i used to use it for the same reason as yours21:17
Jordan_Uelspru: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/91245/execute-custom-script-when-an-interface-gets-connected21:17
elspruJordan_U: awesome thanks :-D21:18
MonkeyDustJordan_U  +1 ... looks more elegant than what i suggested21:19
Jordan_Uelspru: You're welcome.21:19
wadI've got a Ubuntu Server (16.04) that I need to tweak the DNS settings on. It has no GUI. If I had a GUI, I know exactly how to set it up... but these new Ubuntu machines don't use resolv.conf anymore. What file do I edit?21:59
wadI need it to use DHCPfor IP address assignment, but not for DNS, I need to specify those manually.21:59
wadIf I had a GUI, I'd just right-click on the network icon, choose ipv4, and choose the right item from the dropdown menu.22:00
wadThen specify my custom DNS.22:01
tsaavikwad edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf22:02
tsaaviksupersede domain-name-servers
wadAh! Thanks22:03
tsaavikyw :)22:04
wadSo I've got one VM where I've done this via GUI, and I'm looking in that file. But my DNS changes aren't there.22:04
wadWhere might these be saved?22:04
wadNothing in /etc/default22:05
wadNothing in /etc/network22:05
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nubcakehi, my ubuntu 16.04 hangs at sudo dpkg --configure -a22:06
nubcakesnapd (2.14.2~16.04) wird eingerichtet ... (is being prepared/configured... or similar)  i left it running yesterday when i tried apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, hung for ~12 hours, came back home hit ctrl+c and did the dpkg --configure -a, keeps locking up..  any ideas/advice ?22:06
jimwad, no files in /etc/network? what are you using right now to irc here?22:07
wadThere are files there, just none of them have the information I put into the network settings via the GUI (the DNS IP addresses).22:08
wadAnd I'm not using that VM right now. :)22:08
wadI've got it open on a different machine, even.22:08
jimso you're networking from a different machine/vm22:08
jimwhat is it you want to know or do?22:09
glitchdhello everyone=)22:09
wadI've got two VMs, one of them has a GUI, and the networking is working properly. It uses DHCP to get an IP address, but overrides the DNS. The other one has no GUI, but I need to set up the network the same.22:09
wadI haven't been able to figure out what files to edit to set the DNS.22:10
wadI can noodle around on the first VM, and looks at all the files....22:10
wadI'm sure these settings are saved in a little config file somewhere on the disk. :)22:10
wadI just need to find it.22:10
jimwad, what is running the dhcp server? your isp? a router you have?22:10
wadThe DHCP server is out of my control, it's provided.22:11
wadI can just trust that it's there, handing me IP an IP address from the pool. I just need to supply my own DNS, though, I can't use the one provided via DHCP.22:12
jimok, so it's a fair chance (unless you made other arrangements with the provider) you can only get one IP from them...22:12
glitchdwad, maybe check the resolv.conf?22:12
jimfrom what pool?22:12
wadI can have all the IPs I need. :)22:12
wadThat's not a problem.22:12
jimand pull them from the same dhcp server as the one that is now working?22:13
jimwad, on the machine whose networking is not up yet, can you ping localhost?22:14
jimif no, can you ping
wadThe machine I'm setting up, the networking is defualt.22:15
wadIt just gets everything (including DNS) from DHCP.22:15
wadI just need to override the DNS bit. :)22:15
wadAnd it's working just fine.22:15
jimdoesn't mean much, I have no idea what your defaults are22:15
glitchdwad, does that machine have a gui?22:16
wadThe networking for the machine I'm setting up: DHCP client to get an IP address and DNS. It does not have a GUI.22:16
wad(If I had a GUI, I'd right-click the network thingy, and could set it up just fine.)22:16
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jimdoes ping localhost fail on either machine?22:16
wadPinging localhost is fine.22:17
wadWorks on both.22:17
glitchdwad, and setting a different dns is what your trying to accomplish?22:17
wadI need DHCP to give me just an IP, and I'll provide my own DNS, not use the ones from DNS.22:17
jimok, next test,  can you ping yahoo.com? does this fail on either machine?22:17
wadThis works on both.22:17
jimok, so then, your networking is up on both machines22:18
wadThat means that the custom DNS on is  in the hierarchy that includes yahoo. :)22:18
wadThe one without a GUI is using the wrong DNS, though. I need to use a custom one, that will redirect certain specific lookups to a custom set of IP addresses.22:18
jimif you want, you can install your own dns (sudo apt-get install bind0)22:18
jimerr bind922:19
glitchdwad, if you edit the resolv.conf you can set a custom dns server for the connection22:19
glitchdwad, i believe thats what u want22:19
wadSo the first machine (the one with the GUI), that I set up via the GUI, doesn't have the custom DNS saved in /etc/resolv.conf.22:19
wadIt's got to be somewhere else on the filesystem, right?22:19
jimby default it will start, and act as a caching-only dns, and can be reached at
wadWhen I make changes, via the GUI, to the ipv4 settings, where are they saved?22:20
wadI've looked in lots of places.22:20
wadThe Network Manager is doing some magic....22:20
wadMaybe it's gone the way of Windows, and uses a binary database to store config data?22:20
wadIt used to be that I could just edit little text files to configure my machines.22:21
wadNow I'm on a headless machine, and I'm stuck. :(22:21
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geirhaYou can use /etc/network/interfaces22:22
wadI FOUND IT!22:23
wad/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\ connection\ 122:23
glitchdwad, so where/what was it then?22:23
wadIt's here: etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\ connection\22:24
wadIt's here: etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\ connection\ 122:24
wadThere's a block in here that has : ignore-auto-dns=true22:24
wadAnd it has my custom DNS in it. :)22:24
wadI can use this.22:24
glitchdnice find22:25
sdexterQuick question, how do I block traffic TO an ip address with ufw22:26
sdexterIs it  ufw deny from any to <IP>22:27
TigerBloodHey. Is restricted ubuntu restricted extras the thing that is asks you if you want to install when you first run the Ubuntu Installer?22:35
TigerBloodSee. I didnt install it when I first installed Ubuntu, thinking about installing it now.22:36
TigerBloodto make things work22:36
SeaworthHeym ive just installed ubuntu on my desktop but bootloader gave error and i could't select another hdd to install it on so i had to reboot. how would i install grbu on usb with the installed ubuntu ?22:37
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glitchdTigerBlood, you can install restricted extras whenever you want22:41
daxTigerBlood: yes22:41
TigerBloodStrange it doesn't come up in Software Center now tho22:42
Bashing-omTigerBlood: ' ubuntu-restricted-extras '22:42
TigerBloodthanks om22:42
TigerBloodI suppose i wont need to install PPAs then..?22:43
glitchdTigerBlood, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:44
k1l!info ubuntu-restricted-extras22:44
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 65 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB22:44
glitchdTigerBlood, also in "Sofware&Updates, on the ubuntu software tab make sure that software restricted by copyright or legal issues(multiverse) is checked22:45
glitchdTigerBlood, after you check that box, run this command in terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:46
TigerBloodmaybe they removed it from Software Center for legal reasons22:46
k1lTigerBlood: "sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras"22:47
glitchdTigerBlood, you probably dont have that box check in software&updates22:47
glitchdTigerBlood, software center shows it when i search for it22:48
TigerBloodglitchd: Weird. btw i do have it checked.22:48
glitchdTigerBlood, so again, you probably dont have that specific box checked in softwar&updates22:48
glitchdTigerBlood, hmm..22:49
glitchdhave you run sudo apt-get update since checking that box?22:49
TigerBloodglitchd: ye. maybe because you have it installed?22:49
k1lTigerBlood: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd" in terminal?22:50
TigerBloodkil: 16.04.122:50
TigerBloodstill. ill install it with apt-get22:50
TigerBloodno problems really.22:50
glitchdTigerBlood, http://u51i.imgup.net/Untitled6bc4.jpg22:52
glitchdTigerBlood, it does show in software center22:53
glitchdTigerBlood, and it doesnt even show that i have it installed, even tho i do22:53
TigerBlooddo i need Canonical Partners selected in "Other software" - in Software and updates22:58
TigerBloodits not selected by default22:59
glitchdTigerBlood, not sure if it specifically needs to be checked, but no harm in checking it23:00
glitchdTigerBlood, do that then update then try to install restricted extras again23:00
TigerBloodbtw, im running Ubuntu Gnome, does that make a difference ?23:00
glitchdTigerBlood, nope23:02
TigerBloodif i install something via command line, can i remove it via software center?23:04
TigerBloodlike, click and remove23:04
catbadger@TigerBlood yes23:05
naccTigerBlood: sure23:05
GonnaRegretThisIn an apt config file, you can specify something like this -  "Acquire::https::proxy::repo.domain.tld DIRECT" to bypass a proxy. How can I do this for wildcards or subnets?23:06
naccGonnaRegretThis: do not believe that is supported23:07
foul_owlAnyone know how to tell column to keep the delimiters?23:17
foul_owlUsing | for my delimiter currently23:18
vltfoul_owl: What are you doing?23:20
GonnaRegretThisfoul_owl: You can specify the output delimiter, can't you?23:23
GonnaRegretThisfoul_owl: I lied and misread the man page, doesn't look like it's supported. I guess you could | sed 's/\t/|/'  :S23:25
hdon_hi all :) is fglrx in xenial?23:33
k1lhdon_: no. amd stopped making it. they now make "amd_gpu" for modern cards. for the rest there is radeon23:34
GonnaRegretThisholy crap it's been years since I've seen fglrx even mentioned23:34
hdon_k1l, oh :(23:34
hdon_what drivers do you guys recommend for R7?23:34
GonnaRegretThisI remember those drivers being an absolutely horrible nightmare to deal with23:34
k1lhdon_: well, ubuntu will load radeon driver as standard. and if the card is supported it will load amd_gpu, since both are in the kernel now.23:35
hdon_k1l, i just took my hdd out of one machine and put it into this one with the R7 card. lsmod|grep radeon#no output23:35
hdon_maybe i need to, idk, install it23:36
k1lhdon_: lspci --nnk23:36
k1lput that into a paste.ubuntu.com23:36
hdon_http://ix.io/1mYt k1l23:36
k1lthat is using a nvidia card23:37
hdon_maybe the R7 was in another machine23:37
hdon_no "nv" or "nvidia" module loaded either23:37
k1lKernel driver in use: nouveau23:37
hdon_ok well that's loaded23:38
k1lthat is the linux kernel open source driver.23:38
hdon_but my video performance is complete crap23:38
k1lif you want the nvidia driver look at systemsettings -> software and updates -> last tab23:38
hdon_thanks k1l i'm checking it out..23:39
hdon_any drivers i should avoid? is 361.42 alright?23:39
k1lworth a try23:40
hdon_any idea about this "Unknown: unknown" bit?23:41
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k1lits the cpu. you can install that microcode too.23:42
aroonianyone here use fzf?  can i get a ppa for it?23:42
aroonianyone here use fzf?  can i get a ppa for it?23:42
aroonioops; sorry for the repeat23:42
mrmysteryHow to activate ap on broadcom bcm4313?23:43
joker__how do i add ppa for metasploit23:43
k1l!ppa | joker__23:43
ubottujoker__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:43
Bashing-om!bcm | mrmystery23:44
ubottumrmystery: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:44
ReliantI'm in the middle of doing a do-release-upgrade when php5-fpm hung trying to close. I'm trying to do "apt-get install -f" to resume, but it always gets stuck trying to shut down php5-fpm before resuming23:46
mrmysteryubottu : Thanks23:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:46
hdon_thanks k1l. if i don't come back, the drivers didn't work :323:46
* k1l crosses fingers23:46
mrmysteryBashing-om : Thanks23:46
k1lReliant: can you show the full output in paste.ubuntu.com ?23:47
Reliantfull output of what?23:47
Reliantit just hangs silently23:47
k1lReliant: of the errors23:47
hdon_k1l, if i don't have a gui after reboot -- what exactly is this "Software & Updates" GUI doing? should i look in an apt log somewhere to see which packages it's installing?23:48
Reliantis there a way to do a "kill" on the process that will make dpkg think it finished correctly?23:49
k1lhdon_: its a front end for installing packages, yes.23:49
hdon_Reliant, you could attach gdb and exit(0)23:49
hdon_Reliant, :323:49
hdon_Reliant, have you tried just shutting down php5-fpm manually? is it running? if not, remove its pid file.23:50
k1lhdon_: amd64-microcode is that amd package and nvidia-??? where ??? is the version number is the nvidia driver23:50
hdon_thanks k1l23:50
ReliantI tried manually, that hangs too23:51
Reliantwhere's the pid file located for processes begun with service?23:51
hdon_Reliant, check the init script / systemd script23:52
Reliantremoving the pid file, it still hangs23:53
backboxis someone here ?23:55

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