=== Zren_ is now known as Zren | ||
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Hey back! Now working on why my laptop will not process any "HOME" page index.* (.html, .php, etc). | 02:01 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Any clues on that? | 02:01 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Wonder if I should post that out on the Apache room, could be a config issue there. Originally I installed Chrome browser and was not having the issues there, but now both FireFox and Chrome have the same issue. | 02:05 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: Not sure what you mean by not process. Your browser won't display local files? | 02:10 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Exactly | 02:10 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: We web developers configure to be web servers, where localhost is our local web server, so we can test code, and cannot since this and phpmyadmin will not work! | 02:12 |
DarinMiller | Does FF work? Chrome usually requires a file reference: file:///home/user/nameofFile.html | 02:12 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Works if "index" or "home" is not in the filename! | 02:12 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: strange, let me try here.... have not played w/ html in a while.... | 02:13 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: https://pastebin.ca/3708525 works as does not have "index" or "home" in the name | 02:13 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Since www.google.com is an "index.*" page, I can not go there, nor to https://localhost/phpmyadmin/ | 02:15 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: I can directly view files in chrome such as file:///home/darin/index.html. I currently do not have a LAMP setup to test a local server enviro.... | 02:25 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Getting help on #httpd | 02:35 |
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TBotNik | DarinMiller: guy on #httpd, says I must grep all .conf files for "listen"! I only use grep to filter, so no idea how to do what he's asking! | 02:42 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: He thinks listen 443 (for SSL) is overridding the listen 80 (default). | 02:44 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: He might be right, since the http:// is always changing to https:// | 02:45 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: my grep skills are mediocre at best. I alway have to the man pages (or google) if I am trying anything complicated. | 02:45 |
gilvan | helo | 05:17 |
scottbomb | greetings | 05:37 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:33 |
towncarter48 | How do I download my pics in Kubuntu from a cd ( windows downloaded) ? | 10:35 |
towncarter48 | I want to download my pics on a cd to the harddrive in Kubuntu how do I do it? | 10:39 |
viewer|80162 | Hello. Anyone know how to easily/quickly disable or hide the "Recently saved" and "Search for" entries in the left panel of Dolphin file manager? | 10:47 |
=== adam_ is now known as pele | ||
user|81512 | Hi. I don't add or modify network connection, button 'OK' not active. | 12:25 |
user|81512 | help please | 12:26 |
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stasiic | Hi I just ran the kubuntu installer but it didn't seem to create a UEFI bootloader automatically. Are there any good resources where I can read about how to install kubuntu on a uefi system? | 15:54 |
stasiic | Sorry.. I just mounted the EFI partition and checked it out, and it seems that the kubuntu installer actually does create those uefi entries | 16:00 |
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john_s | utilizing a new usb stick with truecrypt; incredible data corruption, has anyone ever experienced anything like that? big number of files differs from the origin. | 16:57 |
john_s | diffing the trees and copying over the failing files and I don't know what caused it really. | 17:08 |
=== lextron is now known as rapte | ||
BluesKaj_ | Hi folks | 17:39 |
john_s | hey | 17:41 |
DaDaCinnamon | Hiya guys ! | 18:50 |
anabain | Hi, I'm having a hard time with kubuntu 16.04 (latest update). Dolphin hangs about 5 seconds after launching, and kwrite/kate open .txt files wrongly: no characters appear inside the window... Is there any way to solve this? Reinstalling/Reconfiguring all KDE stuff, removing dirs, whatever? | 18:52 |
=== aektzis is now known as jimarvan | ||
TBotNik | All: Added a new Toshiba 3T HD to my server, but not seeing it. What is good HOWTO to 1.) See, 2.) Mount, 3.) Format this drive to put it into action? | 20:46 |
TBotNik | All: All HOWTOs I'm looking at do not deal with the "See" part, assuming already seen! | 20:47 |
TBotNik | All: even: "fdisk -l" only shows the 3 sda partitions and nothing from the new drive! | 20:50 |
TBotNik | Hello? | 20:52 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: You there? | 20:52 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: I am now.... | 20:55 |
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman | ||
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Trying to mount new Toshiba 3T drive, but not being seen by the system. Any ideas? | 20:57 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: This is on my server! | 20:57 |
TBotNik | Dell T3400 | 20:57 |
TBotNik | fdisk -l, parted -l and KDE partition manager all show nothing for it. Looking in the /dev only see sda* and sg, nothing else! | 20:59 |
TBotNik | sg1 and sr0 are mapped to the CD drive. | 21:00 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: New drive, never formatted still should show up under /dev. Boot to BIOS and ensure the port is active and the BIOS can see it. | 21:00 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Found it under /dev/disk/by-id | 21:02 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: No sorry that's the DVD drive | 21:03 |
DarinMiller | Once the BIOS can see the drive, then the OS should see it. Then you can use fsdick or partition manager to create an mbr/parition table | 21:05 |
DarinMiller | fdisk.... | 21:05 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: OS installed/mounted on 80G sda, showing partitions sda1, sda2, sda5 | 21:05 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Oh maybe I have to reboot, run through "SETUP" for the BIOS, then it will be seen? | 21:06 |
DarinMiller | Also, a very handy disk ustility is gnome-disk-utility (only requires a few gnome packages so works well under KDE... | 21:07 |
DarinMiller | Yes, please reboot and check the bios. | 21:07 |
TBotNik | OK rebooting, so switching chat to DT box! | 21:07 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Hey I have sdb now! | 21:18 |
DarinMiller | :) | 21:20 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: ^^ | 21:20 |
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman | ||
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Now need to format it, looking for HOWTOs now. Hardly ever do this, so can't remember! LOL | 21:24 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: ext4? I just use partion manager or gnome-disk. fdisk works also, just hit h and follow the menu optons. | 21:26 |
IrcsomeBot | <ChalkPE> /dev@IrcsomeBot | 21:42 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Tried using the KDE Partition Manager, it constantly errors and will not format the drive. Trying gparted next, but update going on so will be a while! | 21:44 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: It's at Get 542, of ?? so who know when! | 21:45 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: Not sure what get 542 means.... | 21:47 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: The update downloads count | 21:47 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: That has me on hold for a while as gparted is still not installed! | 21:48 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: OK extracting and processing, will attempt gparted download now! | 21:49 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Nope dpkg still busy! | 21:50 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Did you document your install using the separate root and home partitions? | 21:51 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Would like to read about that! | 21:52 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: dpkg is unpacking and processing 700 updates! Lucky me! | 21:53 |
FortNhyver | goodevening eveyone :) | 21:54 |
TBotNik | FortNhyver: Hi, not evening here yet, but close! | 21:54 |
FortNhyver | i dont' have know | 21:55 |
FortNhyver | :) | 21:55 |
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=== nickgeoca is now known as linman | ||
DarinMiller | TBotNik: https://sites.google.com/site/bcelinux/classroom-news/linuxinstallation | 22:09 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: some old notes I have for installing. | 22:10 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Thnx! | 22:15 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Well the "update" is in the "Setting up" phase so getting close to the end of that! | 22:16 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: The updates have been giving multiple errors of: This likely means that your installation is broken. Any ideas about that? | 22:21 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: from a terminal run: sudo apt update | 22:22 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: then sudo apt full-upgrade | 22:23 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: System is calling for reboot already and process not completed! | 22:23 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: at least wait for the install to complete. Is this Kubutnu 14.04? | 22:24 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: Yes | 22:24 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: OK, gparted install, disk formatted, now mounting! | 22:54 |
DarinMiller | TBotNik: Very good! Are you planning to add it to your /etc/fstab file? | 22:55 |
TBotNik | DarinMiller: All done! Thanks again buddy! | 23:01 |
TBotNik | Signing off! | 23:01 |
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