
jwilxwhy am I getting this error?03:44
jwilxis ANYONE around?05:02
jwilxailed to start Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking).05:02
jwilxthis is on arch05:26
=== sterfield_ is now known as sterfield
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
smoserjwilx, well, you're probalby missing python3 package for pkg_resources13:22
jwilxsmoser: very helpful... I already corrected that error, only to get this one http://pastebin.com/raw/nS6KXz0w15:11
jwilxit was working fine on arch15:12
jwilxI did a clean install, and did nothing but pacman -Syu15:12
jwilxand it screwed up so I had to install a bunch of python packages15:12
jwilxI think it's cloud-init bugging out15:12
jwilxsomebody should fix it15:12
jwilxcome on surely somebody can help...15:15
smoserjwilx, are you on the system ?15:15
smosercould you try:15:15
jwilxi'm on it15:15
smoser python3 -c 'from cloudinit import util; import sys; print(util.load_file(sys.argv[1]))' /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier15:15
smoseri think harlowja was seeing that also15:16
jwilxit's using python315:16
jwilx2 *15:16
jwilxnot 315:16
jwilx[arch@arch ~]$ sudo python2 -c 'from cloudinit import util; import sys; print(util.load_file(sys.argv[1]))' /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier15:16
jwilxfyi i'm using systemd networking here15:18
smoserthat should not cause this error, but cloud-init does not have support at this time for rendering systemd-networkd networking configuration.15:20
smosercan you run15:20
smosersudo python2 -c 'from cloudinit.net import generate_fallback_config; print(generate_fallback_config())'15:21
jwilx{'version': 1, 'config': [{'subnets': [{'type': 'dhcp'}], 'type': 'physical', 'name': 'eth0', 'mac_address': u'fa:16:3e:37:ae:97'}]}15:21
smoserwell that is odd.15:23
smoserthats where it stacktraced.15:23
magicalChickensmoser: I remember this from when I was trying to get fallback_net_config working I think15:23
magicalChickenDepending on the state that the net interface is in, reading from the sys info is an IOError with errno 2215:24
magicalChickenBut later if that net dev is in a clean state it can read15:24
magicalChickenI think the issue is in python2 IOError does not inherit from OSError15:25
smosermagicalChicken, yeah, i just checked that it doesnt in py3 either.15:25
magicalChickenbut the catch works in py315:25
smoseri suspect it raises IOError and we're just never catching it15:25
smoserbut even if we did catch it, i'm not sure what to do15:25
magicalChickenthe code handles that already15:26
smoseri dont think its py3 v py215:26
magicalChickenhang on 1 sec15:26
magicalChickenalso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23207515/15:28
smoseryeah, you're right15:29
smoser$ python -c 'print(isinstance(IOError(), OSError))'15:29
smoser$ python3 -c 'print(isinstance(IOError(), OSError))'15:29
magicalChickenI just remember that cause it caused curtin but #156200315:30
magicalChickenwhich started the clear_holders refactor15:30
smoserjwilx, are you able to try this:15:35
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/23207571/15:36
smoserbug 156200315:36
jwilxdoes the minus mean to remove?15:52
magicalChickenjwilx: you can just use patch with that16:01
magicalChickenso clone cloud-init, paste that into a file and do 'patch -p0 < $filename'16:02
smoserjwilx, yes. '-' means remove16:03
smoserand + add16:03
smoseror probably something like:16:03
smoser ( cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ && patch --dry-run -p0 ) < that-content16:04
jwilxI get this16:09
smosershoot.s orry, jwilx16:16
smoserjwilx, kill the final ')' off that line i think is all you need.16:16
jwilxmsg = "%s: load file failed with %s" % (fname, e)16:17
jwilxthis one?16:17
jwilxi did and it is giving same error16:18
jwilxas above16:18
jwilxhttp://termbin/zoeb this smoser16:23
smoserhm.. jwilx pastebin /var/lib/cloud-init.log ?16:25
jwilxnothing there16:26
jwilxsmoser:  http://termbin.com/93eq16:30
jwilxthat's output log16:30
smoserjwilx, someone was here working on arch support recently...16:32
smoserprometheanfire, ^16:33
smosermaybe summoning him will make magic occur16:33
jwilxprometheanfire:  any idea?16:59
ThiagoCMCHey guys!17:03
ThiagoCMCListen, I launching Ubuntu 16.04 on OpenStack, wired to 3 different subnets: subnet 1 is the default, have dhcp=True, subnet 2 is secondary (no dhcp), subnet 3 is the third (no dhcp). However  if I disable the DHCP for a specific subnet (like I just said), Cloud Init still configured the IP as static!!! But I do not want any setup for the secondarie networks. As a workaroung, I'm doing this on cloud init script: "ifdown ens4 ; ifdown ens5" (while en17:05
ThiagoCMCs3 is fine, first one).17:05
ThiagoCMCso, how to avoid this workaround and tell cloud-init to configure only the 1 subnet (ens3 vNIC)?17:05
prometheanfiresmoser: I was working on gentoo18:05
prometheanfireI need to get back on working with it, but with the openstack release coming up...18:06
smoserprometheanfire, aren't those the same thing18:07
* smoser ducks18:07
smosersorry for the bad ping.18:07
prometheanfireall the ricers left gentoo for arch ages ago18:08
prometheanfiregentoo is much better off now :P18:08
jwilxsmoser: so any idea?18:16
smoserjwilx, well, the general 'None' bug is probably just not considering no dns information.18:17
smoserthats probalby fairly easily fixable.18:17
smosercan you file a bug against cloud-init ?18:17
jwilxno idea how18:17
smoserand state where we've been and where you are now ?18:17
smoserjsut recap what is here. you can even reference here18:18
smoser https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/09/20/%23cloud-init.html18:18
harlowjasmoser jwilx i've def seen the invalid argument one :-P18:43
harlowjaweird that it is18:43
smoserharlowja, magicalChicken suggests that that happens before nic is really initialized or brought up. and that we're just missing a exception18:44
harlowja@smoser talking with nrezinorn and we were thinking about how we could get image building for cent7 into some public image publicing/testing pipeline18:45
harlowjacause there be some weirdness with networking starting with DataSourceNoCloud18:45
harlowjathat may just be some kind of cent7 issue, but is still weird (same with the argparse crap)18:45
smoserharlowja, i have to run ... lke right now.18:46
smoserbut i have been thinking about cloud-init integration test18:46
smoseri'll try to put something together on my thoughts and send to list tomorrow.18:47
smoserwe'lls ee.18:47
harlowjaa chicken?18:59
harlowjai caught the IOError18:59
harlowjais this for the /sys/ question18:59
harlowjawhere u running18:59
harlowjacome back18:59
cwaany suggestions for setting a http proxy with cloud-init?  I've been trying to do so by exporting the http_proxy env variable via a runcmd:  but it doesn't seem to take (i run a yum update several commands later and it fails because the proxy isn't set)19:02
smosercwa, well, you could probabl do a bootcmd to write /etc/environment . cloud-init does not have any way to affect its environment.19:27
jwilxsmoser know how long it usually takes?19:28
jwilxto get a response19:28
smoserhere is something i do: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/sstack-proxy/view/head:/sstack-proxy19:28
smoserjwilx, to get a response to the bug ?19:28
cwathanks all, i'll take a look at that19:28
smoserwell a while.19:29
smosercwa, generally speaking http_proxy globally is a pita19:29
jwilxmeh guess I can try installing gentoo19:29
jwilxwhile waiting19:29
smoseras http_proxy=http://your.proxy/ wget http://localhost:9999/19:29
smoserand have that fail19:29
jwilxreally wanted to use arch but w/e19:30
smoserjwilx, what is the provider you ran on ?19:30
smoserlinode ??19:30
smoserah. k19:30
jwilxsmoser why do you need to know19:33
smoserjwilx, did you just pick from the template ?19:39
jwilxit worked fine. until I did an update19:39
smoserok. i'll maybe take a look tomorrow.19:39
smoserjust signed up there, gave them $1019:39
ThiagoCMCHey guys, can someone help me?20:28
harlowjado u require emergency assistance, if so please dial 91120:42
x58Are there any active users of cloud-init on FreeBSD? Anyone know if there is active development for FreeBSD?20:55
harlowjaharmw might know that x5820:57
harlowjai think he did a bunch of the cloud-init stuff for freebsd20:57
harlowjathough idk if it actually works :-P20:58
x58Yeah, I have been talking with him.20:58
x58He is no longer doing OpenStack20:58
x58So he is no longer able or interested in maintaining cloud-init on FreeBSD.20:58
x58harlowja: ^20:58
harlowjau can be the replacement :-P20:59
x58Yeah, he suggested that too ;-) I was updating the FreeBSD port to 0.7.8 but it's broken due to linuxisms that are not an easy fix.20:59
x58it tries to read from /sys/class/net which doesn't exist on FreeBSD.20:59
harlowjaya, that21:00
x58I just filed that bug.21:00
x58There has been a patch for another issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/140474521:00
harlowjaya, perhaps we should bundle this into https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/sys-io-errors21:01
harlowjawhich was also simialr21:01
x58that has been languishing in review... and tools/freebsd-build* hasn't been updated with appropriate depdendencies either.21:01
harlowjaya, never enough people21:01
harlowjanrezinorn and i have been working through some cent7 issues21:01
harlowjasome weirdness there21:01
x58I had a patch for CentOS 7 issues, but don't want to go through hassle of signing CLA...21:01
x58So I've got a fork running locally.21:02
x58(I'm Bert on launchpad)21:02
harlowjaidk how much of a hassle it is21:03
harlowjahard to accept patches afaik without that :-/21:03
x58I'd have to get corp legal involved...21:03
nrezinornim pretty hassled harlowja  :P21:03
x58Only because of Canonical's policy of not accepting stuff under the GPLv3...21:03
harlowjanrezinorn u should be able to contribute to cloud-init without problem21:04
x58and wanting what is basically the right to relicense any and all contributions under whatever license.21:04
harlowjano hassle for u21:04
x58smoser and I had a discussion on the matter already.21:04
harlowjaya, IANAL21:04
harlowjato me the whole license blah blah, is more or/less blah blah21:04
x58Hire me, then it won't be a problem ;-)21:04
harlowjawhere are your cent7 patches? ;021:05
x58harlowja: https://code.launchpad.net/~bregeer-ctl/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30505821:05
harlowjaya, nrezinorn was seeing something else21:06
nrezinornmy "something else" is related to starting a VM locally in libvirt and feeding it a cdrom config drive with some data :P  - pre-cloud QA tests if you will21:07
harlowjaprecloud cloud21:07
x58nrezinorn: I've been testing by uploading to glance and starting the image ;-)21:07
x58Thankfully my cloud is local, and 1 Gbit/sec uploads into glance, so it doesn't take a long time to do testing.21:07
harlowjaya, what nrezinorn say in 0.7.7 is that networking seems to not start initially (when using DataSourceNoCloud) but after reboot it does21:07
harlowjawhich then made me wonder about some thing not recgonizing networking was changed (until after reboot)21:08
* harlowja not sure if /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules does that21:08
harlowjaor could cause that21:08
harlowjaor something else21:08
x58Ah, that was another issue... I had to set cloud-init-local to start Before=NetworkManager.service21:09
harlowjaall the systemd dependencies (cloud-init-local before networking) seem ok21:09
harlowjawell damn21:09
harlowjathat would probably be it21:09
x58cloud-init-local and NetworkManager would start together... and race each other.21:09
x58It was glorious (not, I wanted to shoot someone)21:09
harlowjaya, sounds about right21:09
harlowjanrezinorn may be about to shoot someone21:09
harlowjanot really sure21:10
x58My issue was related to /etc/resolv.conf but it also causes issues with ifcg-* files21:10
x58and whatnot21:10
harlowjai thought cloud-init-local had before=network-pre21:10
harlowjaguess that doesn't do it21:10
harlowjaassuming thats not enough21:11
x58not enough.21:11
x58well, NetworkManager doens't have any require=network-pre in it...21:12
x58so NetworkManager will start even though network-pre is not yet "complete"21:12
x58It's a dependency ordering issue.21:12
x58Changing system shipped service files is not my thing though, so I forced cloud-init-local first by making it Before21:13
nrezinornlets just blame systemd?  thats the cool thing to do right?21:13
harlowjatorches ready21:13
harlowjagetting my pitch fork21:14
x58Pitchforks for sale here!21:14
nrezinornill locally make the changes for netmanager tho and see if that helps!21:14
x58nrezinorn: no promises ;-)21:14
nrezinorn"set cloud-init-local to start Before=NetworkManager.service"   <-- this21:14
harlowjaya, that should do it ^21:15
nrezinorni was handed down making golden images for the cloud.  i didnt want to push junk into the cloud if it was totally broken, so i import it into libvirt locally and QA a bunch of crap then it ships to cloud (staging)21:15
x58Yeah, I am currently trying to build an golden image for FreeBSD 10.3 but cloud-init is broken.21:15
x58Now I need to go see how much time I can spend on this, and patch it just enough to work.21:16
nrezinorni have been mucking with this centos7 jazz for ...3 days?  4 days?  i dont even know.21:16
x58My local git server now has a fork of cloud-init with a bunch of branches fixing random stuff.21:16
nrezinorni hope that this also fixes the hostname issue i am seeing lol21:16
x58nrezinorn: You'll want to look at the patches for /etc/resolv.conf as well (make it a symlink to something else so that NetworkManager leaves it alone)21:17
x58Otherwise NetworkManager will happily overwrite your changes to /etc/resolv.conf21:17
harlowjax58 can u please sign the CLA21:17
harlowjawith sugar on top21:17
harlowjadon't like out of tree fixes that someone has to go discover and recreate21:18
x58harlowja: Patches are under GPLv3. Feel free to pull em in. At least then I can be assured my code won't suddenly go closed source (happened with maas-image-builder... for which I had not signed a CLA!)21:19
harlowjaya, this is a weird gray area that idk about21:19
harlowjalike if i just submit your patches under my name21:19
x58Sorry, gonna be a stickler about it. I'll reach out to my boss to see if I can sign a CLA for stuff I did on work time.21:19
x58harlowja: You'd be infringing my copyright... you can't agree to have canonical relicense something you didn't write.21:20
x58Just saying.21:20
harlowjabut u just said ' Feel free to pull em in.'21:20
x58Yeah, GPLv3 allows you do that.21:20
x58Just means you can't claim you wrote it :P21:20
x58and give someone permission to relicense.21:20
x58That's what the CLA requires.21:21
harlowjabut canonical will if i submit them21:21
harlowjaso if i take them, make new pull request with them21:21
harlowjaand don't say that i wrote them21:21
harlowjasomeone else will have permission to relicense right21:21
x58If someone were to merge those into the tree, and Canonical ata later point in time were to relicense the entire codebase under an alternate license, that would be copyright infringement.21:22
x58Standard copyright still applies even with GPLv321:22
x58That being said. Let's just say I am Sergeant Schulz. I didn't see nothing. I didn't hear nothing. I don't know nothing.21:23
harlowjaso pulling them in i guess u are meaning, not into canonical cloud-init code-base21:23
x58harlowja: You can pull them in, that would just preclude Canonical from ever relicensing the code base without my explicit approval first.21:23
harlowjaya, to much blah blah21:24
harlowjacan i sell u some kool-aid21:26
x58harlowja: work with smoser and get cloud-init changed so that it doesn't require the CLA ;-)21:28
harlowjaya, i'm not at canonical though :-P21:30
harlowjaonly smoser holds those keys21:30
x58Ah, thought maybe you were.21:32
x58With the @ and all ;-)21:32
harlowjanah, i'm just super-cool21:33
harlowjaand been doing cloud-init for to long21:33
nrezinornsuper cool?  that's debatable lol21:33
nrezinornx58: your patch didnt fix the issue i was seeing, but maybe you know what i can look through21:53
nrezinornour gold images specifically delete the ifcfg-eth0 file21:53
nrezinornrunning the 0.7.7 i have to reboot after creating the vm with cloud-init   and then my networking works.21:54
harlowjax58 ^ any ideas?22:00
harlowjanrezinorn afaik the delete happens way before cloud-init (or even the operating system) starts22:00
harlowjain kickstart land22:00
harlowjaso from the image/operating system its like it never existed22:00
x58nrezinorn: does cloud-init mention it creating ifcfg-eth0?22:09
x58It should show some debug output for that.22:09
x58Can you pastebin your cloud-init output somewhere?22:09
x58journalctl -a | grep cloud-init22:09
x58cloud-init-local.service, does it have Before=networking.target or something similar?22:13
harlowjapretty sure nrezinorn added in the before=NetworkManager and think it has that also, will let nrezinorn respond22:14
x58Hmmm, that's cloud-init.service22:14
x58there is no "networking.service" in CentOS22:14
x58it's "network.service"22:14
x58so cloud-init.service depends on the wrong thing,22:14
x58Looking at my notes for building this CentOS image.22:15
harlowjaman this systemd stuff22:15
* harlowja gets my pitchfork 22:15
x58networking.service is a Ubuntuism.22:15
x58/etc/init.d/network is CentOS's22:16
x58also make sure that network is enabled, especially if NM_MANAGED is set to NO in /etc/ifcfg-eth022:16
x58systemctl enable network22:16
x58(It should be by default)22:16
x58otherwise a reboot wouldn't fix it.22:16
x58You have an ordering issue somewhere... cloud-init-local is not running early enough (before network.service)22:17
harlowjaso nrezinorn when u get back ^22:19
x58nrezinorn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23209143/ is a successful run.22:19
x58there are my .service files.22:21
x58This one is a better journalctl output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23209158/22:26
x58includes all the other processes that are started interspersed.22:26
x58nrezinorn: here's the systemd critical chain: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23209165/22:29
x58(ignore cleanup_defgw.service, it's a work-around for an issue with our private cloud, one I am hoping I can remove in the next month)22:29
x58nrezinorn: If NoCloud datasource works like the ConfigDrive datasource, then as long as cloud-init-local runs before NetworkManager and network.service any changes to ifcg-eth0 should be picked up on the first run.22:31
x58hostname should be getting changed too using the hostname service, you should see something about dbus activating the org.freedesktop.org.hostname1 unit22:32
nrezinornx58: yes in the intial boot cloud-init makes a new ifcfg-eth0 file22:33
nrezinornbut the issue is it requires a reboot for networking to functon - it works fine as-is on 0.7.5  so im trying to track what specifically may be causing the issue22:34
x58nrezinorn: I understand that, check the systemd critical-chain and make sure that network.service is running after cloud-init-local.service22:35
nrezinorncentos uses systemd too, fwiw, sonds like maybe the names of things need to get fixed up in the systemd service files - sorry i sorta stepped away from this 'fun" lol22:35
x58Look at the pastebin I posted above, it should look similar.22:35
x58I have only been talking about CentOS...22:36
x58nrezinorn: systemd-analyze critical-chain network.service22:36
x58does that show cloud-init-local.service as coming before it?22:36
nrezinornyeah, so when the file is NOT there (ifcfg-eth0)  the "network info+++"  stuff says eth0 False  until its rebooted22:36
nrezinorn1s let me get back to teh vm!22:37
x58network info +++ is printed by cloud-init22:37
x58that's after networking is completed22:37
x58that's too late for anything to still be done.22:37
nrezinornyesh im just saying that when it doesnt work, it lists as false for eth0 :)22:37
nrezinornill pastebin the stuff in a sec22:37
x58For what it's worth, I am running 0.7.7 on my CentOS images.22:39
nrezinornsystemd-analyze critical-chain network.service  <-- does not show anything cloud-init related in the chain22:40
x58That's bad.22:40
x58That means network.service is allowed to start before cloud-init-local.service has done it's thing.22:40
harlowjaman who named these things all differently22:40
harlowjawtf people22:40
harlowjai thought systemd was suppoed to make everything common22:41
harlowjabut people name the freaking files differently22:41
nrezinornyou've seen the distro rosetta stone right harlowja ?  ;P22:41
x58nrezinorn: Make sure you have a Before=NetworkManager.service in cloud-init-local.service22:41
harlowjais that before or after the crack?22:41
x58network.service requires NetworkManager.service22:41
x58nrezinorn: IF you modify the file, make sure to call systemctl reload-daemon or whatever that command is.22:41
nrezinorni did put that in there22:41
x58Did you reload the daemon files?22:42
nrezinorni did hte netmanager fix up in my golden image and when i boot it -its still misbehaving22:42
x58nrezinorn: What's the critical chain for NetworkManager say?22:42
nrezinorni used guestmount for testing stuff :)22:42
x58does the critical chain for network.service show NetworkManager.service?22:42
nrezinornfor networkmanager crit - it lists zero cloud-init related services lol22:43
* nrezinorn blames ubuntu!22:43
harlowjano no systemd22:43
x58nrezinorn: grab my .service file here: https://gist.github.com/bertjwregeer/61fede0609fff681fb786bd181a19c8b22:43
x58What version of CentOS?22:44
nrezinornmodify both service files?  theres 222:44
nrezinorncentos 7.222:44
nrezinornits basically the latest centos 7 (from 9/14 lol)  because i dont wnat to wait 30 min for a new image every time22:44
x58cloud-init.service should be after network.service and requires=network.service22:44
x58instead of networking.service22:44
nrezinornok 1s let me see how its ordered in my image22:44
x58Mine is the same. Was wondering if maybe we had different patch levels :/22:44
nrezinorngotta shut it down to modify22:45
x58Modify it, systemctl daemon-reload and blow away /var/lib/cloud22:45
* nrezinorn activates his libvirt powers lol22:45
nrezinornlol k22:45
nrezinornthat seems easier to do22:45
x58It'll decrease your testing cycle ;-)22:45
x58Did you figure out your issue?22:49
nrezinornthe probelm seems to be that the cloud-init.service wants networking.service when its called network.service on centos 7 ;)22:51
x58Yes, I even linked to a bug report for that ;-)22:51
nrezinornhaha :)22:51
x58Wait, sorry22:51
nrezinorni nee dto remember the git comand that says when a file was modified ;)22:51
x58I didn't link to it, I mentioned it above^^22:51
x58Working now?22:52
nrezinornone "bug" resolved lol22:52
nrezinornmy route command errors22:52
nrezinornyour output shows it working22:52
nrezinornidk whats up with that22:52
x58What route command?22:52
nrezinorn++++++++++++++Route IPv4 info++++++++++++++22:53
nrezinornthat block it displayed22:53
nrezinornon mine is breaks22:53
nrezinornand just continues on22:53
x58check cloud.cfg and make sure it is correctly set to distro: rhel22:53
nrezinornit is set poeprly22:53
nrezinornto rhel22:53
x58hmm, I remember having that issue too :/22:53
nrezinornits next on the bug list LOL22:54
nrezinornalong with the hostname not showing proprly until a reboot22:54
x58hostname should show properly immediately.22:54
x58Mine is :P22:54
nrezinornmine is not haha22:54
nrezinornanywhos i gotta go for now22:55
nrezinornperhaps ill be back later, or tomorrow lol22:55
nrezinornthanks for the hot tips tho!22:55
x58I did file a bug for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/162167122:55
x58the network.service vs networking.service ;_)22:55
harlowjaevil rhel22:55
x58nrezinorn: I should just link to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bugs?search=Search&field.bug_reporter=bregeer-ctl22:56
x58Alright, time for me to jet. I'm hungry and tired. Enough fighting with cloud-init for today.22:59
harlowjaby fighting u mean tender loving right22:59
x58sure... whatever you want to call it ;-)23:01
satherhow do I have cloud-init userdata scripts output to console?23:26
satherI get an input/output error when I redirect the entire script to /dev/ttyS023:27

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